Section A: Main
 Section A: Main: Opinion
 Section A: Main: Police Beat
 Section A: Main: Obituaries
 Section A: Main: Get Out
 Section A: Main: Calendar
 Section A: Main: Sports
 Section A: Main continued
 Section B: Weekend
 Section B: Weekend: Leisure
 Section B: Weekend: Arts and...
 Section B: Weekend: Screen and...
 Section B: Weekend: Music
 Section B: Weekend: Religion
 Section B: Weekend: Just for...
 Section B: Weekend: Holy Week...
 Section B: Weekend: Arts and...
 Section C: Classified

Group Title: Ponte Vedra leader.
Title: Ponte Vedra leader. April 14, 2006.
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076081/00030
 Material Information
Title: Ponte Vedra leader. April 14, 2006.
Uniform Title: Ponte Vedra leader
Physical Description: Newspaper
Publisher: Ponte Vedra leader
Publication Date: April 14, 2006
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Duval -- Ponte Vedra
Coordinates: 30.239722 x -81.385556 ( Place of Publication )
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00076081
Volume ID: VID00030
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

Table of Contents
    Section A: Main
        page A 1
        page A 2
        page A 3
    Section A: Main: Opinion
        page A 4
    Section A: Main: Police Beat
        page A 5
    Section A: Main: Obituaries
        page A 6
    Section A: Main: Get Out
        page A 7
    Section A: Main: Calendar
        page A 8
    Section A: Main: Sports
        page A 9
        page A 10
        page A 11
    Section A: Main continued
        page A 12
    Section B: Weekend
        page B 1
    Section B: Weekend: Leisure
        page B 2
    Section B: Weekend: Arts and Entertainment
        page B 3
    Section B: Weekend: Screen and Music
        page B 4
    Section B: Weekend: Music
        page B 5
    Section B: Weekend: Religion
        page B 6
        page B 7
    Section B: Weekend: Just for Fun
        page B 8
    Section B: Weekend: Holy Week Services
        page B 9
    Section B: Weekend: Arts and Entertainment
        page B 10
    Section C: Classified
        page C 1
        page C 2
        page C 3
        page C 4
        page C 5
        page C 6
        page C 7
        page C 8
Full Text

APRIL 14,2006

cyclist heads

See A-3


Vol. 43, No. 85

Holy week

See B-9



A first for

See B-10

An edition of The Beaches Leader



Pat the

Ursula Weinrech (left) and
Mina Barnes affectionately
thank the Easter Bunny for
handing out candy
Thursday at the Palm
Valley Senior Center on
Canal Boulevard. The spe-
cial delivery came after the
seniors played several
rounds in an egg roll com-
petition a race to roll a o
plastic egg across a finish .
line with a thin stick. A
groundbreaking for a senior
center on Landrum Lane is 1A
scheduled 10 a.m.

Teacher retiring

in May after 39

'very lucky' years


lJoce Bishopp achieved a dream at the start of her
teaching career nearly four decades ago: She dreamed of
teaching at the elementary school where she had been
Since then Bishopp, who retires in May after 39 years of
teaching the last 17 in Ponte Vedra schools -- has
helped countless children take their first steps toward
realizing their own dreams.
Bishopp started her career teaching at the elementary
school she attended,- Smalley-School in---.Ne"w Britain;
Conn., where she grew up and went to college.
During the 17 years she has taught in Ponte Vedra
Beach, the past 10 have been at Ocean Palms Elementary,
where she began teaching the year the school opened.
She taught in New Britain for 12 years and in Fairfax
County', Va., for 10.
S"I've been a very lucky person," she said recently. "I've
had a wonderful teaching career."
Bishopp said her grandparents thought it was a "terri-
ble waste of money" for her parents to send her to col-
"Why would you send a girl to college at all, because
she's just going to get married and have a family?" she
related. "She's never going to use her education.
"Forty years later, and 39 years of teaching later, I think
we all got our money's worth,' Bishopp said.
Bishopp's fellow kindergarten teacher and one of her
closest friends, Mary DeSanto, is setting up a tribute party
S with staff and faculty for her at Ocean Palms. The event
is tentatively set for Mlay 10.
"It will be a special celebration to say goodbye to her,"
said DeSanto.
A special videotapee will be presented to Bishopp at the
party. Joyce
"\Ve are doing a videotape of former and present stu- Eleme
dents, and they're all sending a special message, either
something special they remember about her, or a wish
they have for her, or any kind of message," said DeSanto. "Some
have shared poems, some have sung songs she taught them."
DeSanto and Mary' Sullivan, a technology literacy coach in the
St. Johns County School District office who is putting the tribute
film together, have been taping at Landrum and Ocean Palms.

The Ponte Vedra Athletic
Association i(PAAi is going to
bat to promote "Dieam on A1A"
its plans for Cornerstone Park
although the dream may not
be shared by the county.
Explaining the P'VAA's vision
of two gymnasiums, fitness
facilities, classrooms and a pool
on the 19-acre parcel being
bought by St. Johns County,
Pain Kessler, president of the
PVAA, said the organization's
plan would provide "the biggest
bang for our buck."
"\e want you to help make
our dream a reality," Kessler said
at Monday's meeting of the
Palm Valley Community
The association took no
action on her request for sup-
port, but some members raised
questions about costs and the
idea of putting county offices at
the site, as has been suggested
by County Commissioner Bruce
The parcel being bought by
the county belongs to New
Beginnings Baptist Church,
which has plans to build west of
the Intracoastal Waterway.
The county has long leased
part of the New Beginnings
property as Cornerstone Park,
whose baseball, soball and
-footbal L-Aisk-td en avy used
by PVAA teams.
When New Beginnings in
2004 announced plans to sell,
the PV.A rallied. ,pport for the
county'-s "ulrch'as of the parcel,
which was eyed by developers.
The site is just south of the
Plantation, not far from Ntickler
Road and the only beach access
with public parking in Ponte
Deborah Andrews, a member
of the Palm Valley Community
Association, asked why a county
annex isn't part of the plan,
Kessler said one of the two exist-
ing church buildings could be
used for the Sheriff's Office.
She said the plan is to shift

the Sheriff's Office from the
existing annex on County Road
210 just west of ALA to the
Cornerstone site, giving room
for other county office to
expand at the annex.
Although Maguire could not
be reached for comment
Thursday, he has said the
Cornerstone site could be used
for county offices, which are
crammed into 4,000 square feet
at the 210 annex.
When Kessler was asked at
Monday's meeting why the
PVAA's plan includes removal of
the two tennis courts at
Cornerstone, she said another
dream of the PVAA is to have a
tennis center at Dasis Park.
The center could have 12 to
14 courts and would draw
regional tournaments, she said.
The plan for Cornerstone Park
"libes with the 2005 master
plan" of the county to have a
community center with pool in
each of the county's four quad-
rants, Kessler said
"We have voiced to the
County Commissiorl very
strongly that we feel that a com-
munity center would best serve
that [Cornerstone] property,"
Kessler said in a telephone inter-
\iew Thursday.
Dan Weimer, director of
Recreation and Parks for the
county, said Thursday that his
department is "not promoting
what Pam Ke-ssler-is.promoting.'-'
"We're talking about a major
youth sports organization who
is promoting all this stuff, but
not necessarily in concert with
the Recreation Department," he
The master plan does call for a
community center with pool in
each quadrant, although only
one exists the Gallimore
Center in St. ALigustine and a
second, in West Augustine, has
been OK'd for funding, Weimer
"The idea of having a facility
that accommodates a variety ot

See PVAA, A-3

Bishopp reads to her kindergarten class at Ocean Palms
rntary. She retires in May after 39 years of teaching.

Next week, they'll be at Nease High to collect tributes. The range
of students offering tributes will be kindergarten through 12th

Mission impossible? Developers try

for 10 years to build on boulevard

The Ponte Vedra Zoning and
Adjustment Board voted
Monday to continue a request
for four variances needed to
build a 4,700-square-foot
home across from the ocean on
Ponte Vedra Boulevard.
Because of setbacks to. the
east and wetland buffers to the
West, developers of the half-
acre property have been work-
ing for nearly 10 years to build
a home on the lot at 692,
which experts say is practically.
impossible to develop in accor-
dance with county codes.
"It's basically a wetland site,"
Jan Brewer, Environmental
Planning Manager with St.
Johns County, told board
members Monday.
Brewer advised the board

that the house proposed
intrudes into a 10-foot buffer
zone required for the protec-
tion of wetlands to the west.
Brewer said approving a vari-
ance to allow such an intrusion
would be a direct violation of
the county's land development
The county requires a 25-
foot buffer between a develop-
ment and wetlands.
Developers are allowed to
average the 25-foot zone -
making some areas of the
buffer 30 feet wide if other
areas reach. only 20 feet, for
example as long as a mini-
mum of 10 feet is maintained.
But homes along Ponte
Vedra Boulevard' are also
required to be at least 40 feet
away from the edge of the

Subscribe and the Ponte Vedra Leader
*- will be delivered to you twice each week with all the news,
sports and advertising information for the Beaches.
1114 Beach Boulevard, Jacksonville Beach, Fla. 32250

These two setback lines cross
each other in some areas on
the property, leaving about
2,000 square feet of land on
which to build.
The lot, on the west side of
Ponte Vedra Boulevard,
stretches about 172 feet along
the road and has a width of
about 140 feet.
"We've got 10 years of effort
on this piece of property," said
Fred Schramm, chief financial
officer for Ocean Manor at
Ponte Vedra, a condominium
project that was originally
planned for the property.
Schramm said the developers
eventually' sold lots to the
north, south and three lots to
the east, leaving just the prop-
erty on the west side of the
"Now all we want to do is

build a nice home on there
that fits with the neighbor-
hood," Schramm said.
Meanwhile, the property's
value has gone from $89,000
in 1996 to $358,000 in 2005,
forcing property taxes up.
"They [the property apprais-
ers] believe we have a perfectly
buildable lot," Schramm said.
From east to west, the parcel
drops by 14 feet, just like lots
to the north and south.
Developers are seeking zon-
ing variances to allow a 14-
foot bulkhead and 9 feet of fill
According to Ponte Vedra
zoning codes approved in
2003, the county allows a max-
imum 4-foot bulkhead, 1 foot

Calendar................. A-8 Obituaries ............A-6
Classified............ C-I Police Beat .......... A-5
Religion ..............B-6 Sports..................A-9
Showtimes ..........B-1O Weather.....: ......... A-2
Copyright 2006 by The Beaches Leader, Inc.
Three sections, 32 pages

Judit Khoor of Ponte Vedra Beach hugs one of the pillows
made by Pillow Pals, an organization that meets at Neptune
Beach Senior Activity Center. She and others delivered pil-
lows Wednesday to a shelter for abused children. See story
in next Wednesday's edition.



NW- - .- .- --- ---X nE

Serving the communities of Ponte Vedra Beach, Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach and Mavport since 1963

PVAA promotes

'Dream on AlA'

at Cornerstone

The BeiadAe Ueidaffle~l Vedra Lladeri

Apkil 14, 2006

Published Wednesday and Friday.
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Holiday closings
Offices of the St. Johns
County' Commission will be
closed today in observance of
the Easter holiday. Normal
business hours will resume
All branches of the St. Johns
County Public Library System
will be' closed today and
Sunday. Libraries will be open
Saturday and will resume nor-
mal hours Monday.
Sidewalk poll planned
,The board of trustees for the
Ponte Vedia Municipal Service
D"' District' (SDl''ted"Montlarj
c ,to,-pp.A,,NSD residents or.
whether they would like side-
walk built along' San Juan
St. Johns County
Commissioner Bruce Maguire
told trustees that a sidewalk
built by a developer would
cost less than $20 per linear
foot, but one built by the
county could cost as much as
$50 per linear foot for reasons
of liability.
The sidewalk poll will
appear in the MSD's next
monthly newsletter.
Panel cancels promotion
St. Johns County commis-
sioners voted last week to can-
cel their promotion of Michael
Hunt from assistant county
attorney' to county attorney,
which they had approved in
At that time, commissioners
voted 3-2 to hire Hunt to
replace Daniel Bosanko, who is
retiring this year as St. Johns
County attorney.
Commissioners Cyndi
Stevenson and Bruce Maguire
voted to promote Assistant
County Attorney Isabelle
Last week, when commis-
sioners voted to consider the
issue again, Commissioner
Ben Rich joined Stevenson and
Maguire in their support for a
state wide search, changing his
previous vote to support Hunt.
Commissioners Jim Bryant
and Karen Stern cast the two
dissenting votes to keep Hunt
as the new county attorney.
Lopez and Hunt will still be
considered in the pool of can-
didates for' the position,
according to Maguire.

Calling would-be poets
Poems by persons ages 12 to


22 are being solicited for a Guana Environmer
poetry contest held by the St. Education Center south
Johns County Public Library Ponte Vedra Beach.
System. There will be arts and cra
Poems, in any form, such as environmental activities, si
limericks, haikus, concrete and enger hunts, displays, to
free verse, can be entered in tanks and children's stoi
the contest, organized to cele- Refreshments will be serve
brate National Poetry Month. The center is off State R
Each poet can enter up to A1A about 12 miles south
five poems, and winning Mickler Road. Admission is
poems will be professionally for adults, $1 for ages 10 to
bound together and added to and free for those younger.
'the library's poetry collection. information, call (904) 8
' All entries must include and 4500.
entry form, and poems must
be submitted at the main Nocatee partner to spea
library in St. Augustine'-fr' .-..RifdTard T.;Ray,.paittler v
later that Friday, Aprt-"'.'E ie Parc..Group, master' de
mail submissions" wl be oper of the l'5,6b-a
Each poem is limited to one
page, must be typed and
should include a title and '.
name of poet. Content must '
be suitable for a general audi-
ence, and poems will not be
All entrants are invited to
share their work in person at
an open mic event at 4:30 p.m. "
Friday, April 28, at the main
library. Free coffeehouse
refreshments will be served.
To get an entry form, visit
the ,main library or ask for the
young adult librarian at the .
Ponte Vedra Beach Branch s. e '
Submissions can be sent to
the main library, 1960 N.
Ponce de Leon. Blvd., St.
Augustine, 32084, or at msam-
po@ 'co.st-johns.fl.us. .' ... .. .. .. ,

House to be auctioned
A 5-bedroom, oceanfront
home south of Ponte Vedra
Beach will be sold to the high-
est bidder on May 5.
The house belongs to Chuck
Humm, retired from Merrill
Lynch Ciedit Corp., who plans
to buy a motor home and use
it to travel, according to a
press release.
The house is on State Road
A1A across the street from the
Guana Tolomato Matanzas
National Estuarine Research
For more information on
the auction, conducted by J.P.
King Auction Co. of Gadsden,
Ala., call '800i 558-5464 or
visit w 'ww.jpkjng.com.

Earth Day at Guana
Earth Day activities are
planned 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Saturday, April 22, at the

It H.Hnd Th Sinp A'r'wie'

h of
s $2
) 17

mixed-use development of
Nocatee west of Ponte Vedra
Beach, will be guest speaker at
the Ponte Vedra Chamber's
lunch April 25.
The event, which begins at
11:30 a.m., will be held at the
Sawgrass Marriott Resort.
The cost is $20 for chamber
members with a reservation by
noon April 25 or $25 for oth-
ers. For reservations, call 285-
Library hosts festival
A familyfest is scheduled 2
p.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, April
23 -the Pont V, ca ach
Branch Librarv
The event wit ll"?owcase a

sampling of activities organ-
ized during the year by the
Friends of the Library.
Refreshments will be served,
and there will be live music by
the band "Swing 456," demon-
strations by artists, storytelling
and face-painting for children,
arts and crafts and a raffle.
Art.festival next week
More than 150 artists are
expected to display their work
at Sawgrass Village April 22'
and 23 for the 12th annual"
Ponte Vedra' Beach Art Festival,'
a juried'event.
e, pUs-are l,0 a.mrito5 :p..:
each day, and admssion-s
6ree. .. '* '


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Teacher: Started with a dreams
Cont. from A-1 teacher at Smalley School, behind the
"Her whole' class this year is in the swinging doors, because those teachers
video," said DeSanto. "We're going to seemed to have the most fun."
videotape teachers also with messages, "Behind the swinging doors," which
and Joyce's parents." Bishopp called it as. a child,, was the
DeSanto and Bishopp became friends at Smalley annex that housed primary
Ponte Vedra-Palm Valley Elementary 13 grades.
years ago. Both were teaching first grade. "It was just as wonderful as I imagined
After a couple years they participated in a it would be," she said.
multiage class, with DeSanto moving to Bishopp moved to Florida with her hus-
kindergarten. They had adjoining class- band, Sid, after teaching in Burke and
rooms. Springfield, both in Fairfax County, Va.
DeSanto moved to Ocean Palms in its "We always knew we wanted to retire to
second year and taught third grade. Two Florida. So when Sid was offered the
years ago, she returned to kindergarten. Jacksonville office, we thought it would
"She is one of those people who every- be a good idea to take it. We were in our
one loves," DeSanto said of Bishopp. early 40s at that time."
"When you meet her, you immediately Sid Bishopp worked for Capital Credit, a
fall in love with her. She's very, very kind. collections agency. Joyce Bishopp was
She's an outstanding teacher. Both of my hired by Bob Allten, now principal at
children had her. Any child that has her Pedro Menendez, who was then principal
absolutely loves her. of Ponte Vedra-Palm Valley.
"She's a great reader, she's a great story- When Mike Parrish, who had become
teller. She's a great musician, she plays the principal of PV-PV, opened Ocean Palms,
keyboard and sings. She just has that spe- he asked Bishopp to move with him.
Oial way with her class. She's able to estab- "She's a phenomenal human being,
lish discipline, but the children know she she's a phenomenal teacher," Parrish said
loves them. She's firm, but she's fair. of Bishopp. "Always exciting, has never
i "She's like a sister to me. That's how lost the spirit of being a teacher after some
dose we are," said DeSanto. She's just a 30 years.
wonderful, generous person. She's irre- This lady still has the spirit you would
placeable." not find in most people who had taught
Bishopp lived at home when she went that long.
to college at what. is now Central "She's a friend, a colleague. She will be
Connecticut State University. At that sorely missed."
time, it was called Central Connecticut Bishopp is Ocean Palms' teacher of the
State College. year and was one of .three finalists for St.
; Bishopp started teaching at the-elemen- Johns County teacher of the year.
tarv school she attended as a child, and "I really have a great love of reading,"
which her mother and father attended, she said, noting that reading has always
, Smalley School, "which, of course, we been a big part of her teaching..
called 'Smelly' School," she said. "It's something that's part of me that
"When I went back, many of the teach- I've always enjoyed. I think, when you

ers that were there when I attended as a enjoy something, your ,enthusiasm
child were still there. So it was kind of a shows, so the children usually have the
unique experience. I always wanted to be same feeling about books."
a teacher, and I always wanted to be a

Selva Marina club to

sell land for facility

and course makeover I

tS.lva Marina Country Club
this year plans to begin con-
struction of a new clubhouse
arid 'golf course to attract new,
younger members, and is pro-
posing to sell up 35 acres of its
land' to fund the project,
according to the dub's.leaders.
Ekactlv what portion of the
cliU''s approximately 170 acres -
located in both Atlantic Beach
and Jacksonville will be sold
has not yet been determined.
But Club President A]-'an Ens
sa d a .thrs ay Lthat .its e
Atlantic Beach portion tfi'at
would likely command the
most dollars. However, Ennis
said that the club will not sell
ap of the Atlantic Beach land.'
"The club will remain in
Atlantic Beach," he said, adding
tAat the club also will maintain
its entrance off of Selva Marina
r The club, located at 1600
Selva Marina Drive, currently
has around 600 members.
,But Selva Marina General
Manager .David Main said
Thursday that he and other
club offcdals would like to see
that number increase especial-
ly amongst the young family
,"The new facilities will be a
very family friendly design.
V\e're trying to attract younger
families to become members,"
Main said.
;And the nearly 50-year-old
club needs a major overhaul to
do so, said Ennis, adding that
the club lacks amenities such as
a' large, modem fitness center
Which a younger membership
d"You have change taking
place in the community and
you have to change and
improve in order to keep up,"
said Ennis. "We needed to do
physical improvements to just
attract new members."
"\Ve want it to be the premier
country club in the Jacksonville
The club's plans include a
"total tear down" of the existing
20,000-square-foot clubhouse
and construction of a new cen-
tralized clubhouse expected to
be around 30,000 square feet,
Ennis said. The new building
will house the club's dining and
banquet facilities, a fitness cen-
ter with aerobics and golf and
tennis pro shops, he said. A
new, larger swimming pool or
two is also planned.
The club's golf course will be
completely redesigned and new
irrigation installed. And anoth-
er significant portion of the
project will be a "fairly exten-
sive golf practice facility," Ennis
"It will be so much more than
just a driving range," he said:
"Time these days is very
demanding for many younger
golfers who may not have time
to play 18 holes of golf but
would like to maintain their
"[With the planned practice"
facility] he still can get value
from that full golf member-,
Clubhip" Boadmember Mitch
Club Board member Mitch

Reeves added, "in a hour to an
hour and a half you can shoot
every shot you've ever wanted"
at the planned practice facility.
The golf course renovation
and. practice facility is being
designed by Ron Garl. The club-
house architect is Rolland,
Deville & Bradley.
Although design plans and
cost estimates aren't finalized,
Ennis said the entire project
could cost as much as $15 mil-
"We're only going to build
whaf we can afford to build
based on the sale of the land,"
h'e'sa, 'ALg&le'tiat it-,c_:;A
er to demolish' the exist'
structure rather than try to ren-
ovate it.
In January the club's share-
holders elected to allow the sale
of up to 35 acres of the proper-
.ty to fund the improvements,
Ennis said, adding that roughly
80 percent of the club's roughly
400 shareholders approved the
"An overwhelming' majority
voted to support sustaining this
club for the future," he said.
Currently a site master plan
for the project which 'includes
the sale of the land is being
completed. That initial site mas-
ter plan is expected to be com-
plete by May, at which time the
club will craft a Request for
Proposal (RFP) to be sent to all
parties thought to be interested
in the purchasing that land,
Ennis said.
"Then we'll see what the level
of interest [in purchasing the
land] is," he said'.



If Christianity is true,
how come some parts
of the Bible seem so


Why do Qhstim h.a e 0to be
,o hung up abein m;c'
W hy .yr.,juld II t.ric'v
Je.su: 'was God, jusi
bucaHu-6 He was it
qreat reh oious teacher?

What's the
message in

EMTs at work in Ponte Vedra
Emergency medical technicians from fire Station 10 in
Ponte Vedra Beach and a Trauma One helicopter crew
member rush a medical emergency patient (above) to
Trauma One waiting behind the fire station off State Road
A1 A Tuesday afternoon. The patient is put into the heli-
copter (upper right), which landed about 2:50 p .m. behind
the fire station near the Ponte Vedra Beach Branch
Library. The helicopter takes off (right) for Shands
Jacksonville hospital, which houses Trauma One.

Buffers: Four variances required for house

Cont. from A-1
of fill material to build a home and
4 feet of fill to build a driveway.
George McClure, the attorney
representing the developers, told
board members Monday that the
owners are victims of circumstance.
During the nine-year process of
getting permits to build from the
Army Corps of Engineers, the codes
were changed, McClure said.
Neighbors to the north and south
have 14-foot bulkheads, which

Pnolo by ROB DeANGELO.
Ellen Glasser of Atlantic
Beach trains for a 3,350-mile,
coast-to-coast bike trek she
plans to take to raise money
for the American Lung
Association. The "Big Ride
Across America" begins in
Seattle June 27 and end 48
days later in Washington, D.C.
Glasser's mother died of can-
cer in 1997.

developers intend to connect with square feet, as opposed to the near-
and extend across the 692 property, ly 5,000-square-foot home pro-
McClure said. posed by developers., -
A nonzoning variance tp allow Native wetland vegetation will
the house to intrude into the mini- also need to be planted within the
mum 10-foot wetland buffer was 10-foot zone, Brewer said.
also on the table Monday, until McClure and the developers
Brewer pointed out that such a agreed to take another look at the
request could not legally be grant- planeand bring a new proposal
ed. before the board next month.
McClure said in an interview
Thursday that the bulkhead would
prevent stormwater from running A
off into the wetlands A-
one of the primary con-
cerns in wetland protec-
tion. Cont. from A-I
But Brewer and Jack interests is a nice idea," said
Pope, the Ponte Vedra Andrews. "However, every compo-
planner for the county, nent has a price tag that comes
suggested that the square along with it, and there are a lot of
footage of the house be competing interests."
reduced so it would fit She said a community center
R between the setback line might be used for "other things
A from the road and the 10- besides sports."
foot buffer zone. "I don't think there's any way
Pope said most homes in we're going to have all of it, all at
that area of Ponte Vedra are once,"
between 3,000 and 4,000

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Letters to the editor: ,",'

iRemoving cap on -"Copyrighted Material

taxes will really .' SynditContent.

upset middle class Available from Commercial News Providers"

-rM -

To the editor:
In regards to the rich benefit-
ing from the save the beaches
act Well I'm not rich! I own
a home oriS. 1st street south.of
25th avenue which is zoned for
residential. It is a modest 3 bed-
room 2 1/2 bathroom home
built in the 1950's. My mort-
gage payment is over S700 a
month and I have to save over
$400 a month to pay my taxes
and insurance that are in place
now. Keep in mind my base
annual salary is below 40k per
year. I am already spending 1/2
of my annual pay just to keep
my home. If the 3% per year
increase was removed I would
have to pay almost 25K a year in
property taxes and insurance.
Do the math on that. I would
nft h av. -nn rrh mornev tro eat'

excuse to run me out of my
home? Is it my fault that the
rich developers are taking this
city over and ruining my way of
life? Also the additional tax rev-
enues that these people are pay-
ing is not based on anything
other than 'the law in buying
your home at fail market value.
Not to mention it should be
there responsibility to pay more
taxes since they are the ones
forcing road infrastructures to
be expanded as well as all forms
of utilities. Again I was in favor
of maintaining my quality of
life not sitting on Beach
Boulevard for 20-30 minutes to
go horn A1A to San Pablo road.
I am enraged to think some-
one has the right to take away
my quality of living because I
am middle class and can harelv

not ae enougmo neyLty oJtac. LfL
I am not alone in this situation. afford to keep my home now. If ash dray at theaundry and car
Many people who are middle the save the beaches act is wash day at the Dempsey
class living at the beach for over repealed they will run me and ,sCornplex. I take complete
the past 20-40 years own their thousands of other middle class responsibility for the cleanli-
--homes and have barely enough people out of the beach period. ness of ou-r cars, but I do' kin
income to pay these taxes. And Then the rich will move in and of insist on helping with the
it is not my fault my family was entirely take over. Is that justice clothes, towels-and inens- .
fortunate enough to buy their or just irony that they 'are the After all, wear them' dry off
home back in the 80's at a lower ones who created this environ-' with them and sleep on them.
price. ment in the first place? Should I'm a man with a domestic
On another note it is not our the less fortunate be punished conscience.
fault -that the rich decided to across the board because of this My wife, Dianne, gets the
build condo's and put 1I million -and is it fair that the haves con- laundry through the folded
dollar price tags on therm. I tinue to get ahead and the have part, and even though 1 have
have opposed this development nots fall farther behind? been slaving over a hot gar-
with the desire to maintain my Do not repeal the save the den hose, I pitch in and put
quality of life. The argument beaches act in any way shape or away my underwear, socks
that I am making people pay form or the middle class life at and T-shirts. also stack my
more taxes is absurd. I have no the beach is gone for every, car washing towels in the
control over this development From a very -perturbed, dis- garage and purt the cases on
or the price tags put on the turbed, freaked out and worried the pillows on while my wife
homes. If someone decides to JAX Beach Resident. makes the bed. I
move here in this current cli- Mike Bonafede As a matter of record, I was
mate and is making more Jacksonville Beach telling my better half about
money than me is that an how long it had taken ne to
treat her leather upholstery,,
which didn't compare to the
S. time it took getting the bug
a splats off_the grill. She smiled
Enforce eis
in1 A tl lntc B each tossed three pillows across the
Jn...1 .- *..l JJ,,,.eac'C bed for me to out the cases

on. I swung into action, doing
what any manly man would
UU d dIU antiIml thll hn Uf

To the editor:
Commissioner Fletcher is
correct that the city can tell us
what we can and can't do with
our property.
The city does it everyday
with building codes, signage
codes and tree conservation
codes. Whatbothers me is the
fact that we have murucipal
codes for property owners and
business owners that don't get
enforced. There are so many
areas around city that looks
like a third world country and
the city officials let it slide. Yet
when'an economically able cit-

Kathleen Feindt Bailey
Editor, The Beaches Leader

Thomas Wood
President and Publi.her

Chuck Adams
Robert DeAngelo
Rex Edmondson
Bob Fernee
Laura Fowler
Alice Gartland
John Hardebeck
Jennifer Knoechel
Jeffrey Minton
Liza Mitchell
Hal Newsome
Kathy Nicoletti
Wimpy Sutton
Ann Von Thron
-- Roger Wiilker
Johnny Woodhouse

Business Office
Char Coffman

izen wants to create something
new and beautiful to live in,
the commissioners stand up
and beat their chest crying
Note to all the elected offi-
cials: if y'ou want to keep the
charm of Atlantic Beach, you
don't need to change the resi-
dential development stan-
dards; you need to change and
enforce the municipal codes as
Dave Sellers
Atlantic Beach

Kathleen Hartman
Editor, Ponte 'edra Leader

Jennifer Wise
Iitce President

Anya Braun
Eric -Braun
Scott Cheeseman
Randy Dedman
Kenny Friedman
Jenna Highland
Karen. Holland
Jimmy Howle
Tobi Liss
Donny Milliken
John Newsome
Kevin Phinney
Gerald Tierney

Press Room
Paul Corey -
Scott Sanders
Daniel Fanning
Justin WRay

UUo anU Lcaug i ail tree oU

s always, 'twas a great
day for the Irish at the
Beaches. On St Patrick's
Day, there were festivities at
lots of spots, including
American Legion Post 129 in
Jax Beach. Along with'a stick-
to-the-ribs corn beef and cab-
bage dinner, there was a show
directed by Annie Anderson,
with Ginny Sword. as M.C. It
was as Irish as a shamrock and
just as green.
That's an interesting phe-
nomenon: On March 17,
many folks,'pretend to be a
native of, or at least a descen-'
dent of someone from, the
-Emerald Isle. That must be at
least partially because of the
nimble Irish sense of humor.
This quality was very evident
in the Post, 129 performance,
as members took time out
from charitable endeavors to
do some joyful jigging and
Along with the Hibernian-
style hoofing, there were (lit-
erally) spirited renditions of
standard tunes from the Auld
Sod such as "The Unicorn
Song" and "Who Threw The
Overalls In Mrs. Murphy's

After apologizing about the
broken alarm clock, picture
case and nightstand lanip, I
told her that once she tossed
the pillo;vs I was avowed by
the rules of the "Guy,Club" to
catch them. It's. true any
time a man sees anything in
the air, he has to catch it and
hopes he hears a couple of
"Good Eye Hoyle" cheers from
his,tea rn ates.,, .-, .. ..
If a,guv seesla cement block
coming, he's going to'try to
stop it in midair or at least
deflect it t5 a buddy! It's just
What God made us to do.
"Good Eye and Good Save
Hoyle; too bad about poor

Chowder?" The overalls that
came out of the pot at the end
of that number looked as if
they still needed.more laun-
dering. Anyone who slurped
that soup would have had to
be truly hungry.
Between ditties and ballads,
announcetress Ginny, in an
authentic-sounding brogue,
told Eire-brand rib-ticklers
like, for instance, this one:
Dolan was walking along
the canal bank and saw a man
struggling in the water. He
shouted at the latter, "What's
your name?" Answer: "It's
Tim Clancy. Help me! I'm

When a woman sees some-
thing being thrown at her or
anywhere near her, she gets
out of the way. Now on paper
I'll admit that looks smarter
that what we men do. But
remember, "Here's the story
about a girl named Marsha" -
yeah Marsha Brady who nei-
ther tried to catch nor got out
of the way of that football
that was thrown to her. "Hey
Marsha, Bad Eye and Worse
I'll bet when Eve gave Adam
the forbidden fruit, it was
lobbed to him and he caught
it. If he hadn't gotten the fair
catch, he would have felt so
much shame; he wouldn't
have felt like sinning. He was
a man, I'mn a man, and we
couldn't and can't help it. If
it's in the air we're going to'
catch it; animal, mineral, veg7
etable and some stuff you
need shots for.
Replacement for the alarm
clock, picture frame'and night
stand lamp, $1 10.00;'catchnig
three pillows in midair;
PRICELESS. It's part of being a
man. I think I do have a Good
Eye!. YES!
lust tell me I've got a Good

drowning!" Dolan yelled,
"Where you working?" -
Clancy: "At the cement facto-
ry!" Dashing to the factory,
Dolan asked the 'manager if he
had an ermnployee named Tim
Clancv. "Yes," the manager
replied. "Well," said Dolan,
"I've come fori the job. He just
drowned in the canal." -
Manager: "You're too late. The
fella who pushed him in got
the job."
With her bright-green T-
shirt (labeled 'Tis Herself")
and red hair, Ginny, at least
50 percent.Irish, was well cast
for the show. Considering her
convincing accent and deliv-
ery, I asked her if she had
kissed the famous Blainey
Stone in Ireland, thereby gain-
ing such eloquence.
"No," she answered, laugh-
ing, "but I think my father
did. Maybe I inherited it."
Sadly, I blew my only
chance to get persuasive. My
late wife, Lucy, looked at the
Stone, which had been kissed
by thousands of tourists, and
said, in a fake brogue, "I don't
think I want to be eloquent
that badly." I (urp) decided

Send letters to:

The Editor, The Leader, P.O. Box 50129, Jacksonville Beach, FL 32240,
or send e-mail to editor@beachesleader.com

Lengthy letters -may he edited as space requires. We will not consider
letters that do not bear a signature and address and we request a phone
number for verification.

If you have a question about news coverage call 249-9033 during busi-
ness hours, 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday-Friday.

Weddings, engagements, birth announcements and obituaries are pub-
lished free of charge for the community. Information about area resi-
dents and their achievements is also welcome.

Rest assured, having a
'good eye' is a guy thing

DUI? Not

me, just


L ast night was a first. In
over three decades of
driving, I'd never been
pulled over for suspicion of
driving under the influence.
Actually, I've only been
pulled over twice in my life;
once as a new driver when I
got rattled and turned east on
a one-way street that went
west. The other was as a 20-
year-old. I was driving my
father-in-law's hearse-like
Cadillac. The black bomb's
cruise control said I was going'
50. The highway patrol officer
ticketed me for going 70.
I tried to argue, but the fact
that I was in South Carolina
and my wallet.- driver's
license included was in
Georgia, didn't help. My hus-
band said I should be grateful
not to have been thrown in
Jail did cross my mind last-.
night. Not for me, but for the
driver of a car which began
tailgating me down a busy six-
lane road.
"Why" I thought to myself,
"doesn't that jerk turn his
bright lights off or go around
I slowed down a bit more.
The driver behind me blinked
his brights. I turned my rear
view mirror down to avoid the
glare and suddenly found
myself in a puddle of flashing,
blue and red. The blinker boy
following me wasn't a rene-
gade road-rager. He.was a
police officer.
Oops." '-'" .'"
Theonly' solace T obund was,
the fact that the cover of dark-
ness might keep anyone from '
recognizing my little gray
clunker as I pulled into the
first safe exit, which was, oh
joy, a church parking lot.
"Ma'am," the young officer
asked as he approached my
window, "have you been
"What? No." I tried not to
"Are you taking any kind of
"None," I replied.
"I'll need to see your
"Sure," I answered, "but I'll
have to get it out of the trunk:'
My door won't lock so I can't
leave my purse in here."
The officer watched me
carefully and shined his flash-
light into my trunk as I dove
in for the requested item. I
had to sort through a few 20-
pound bags of cat food to find
my wallet.
"Here," I said, wiping
crunchy kitty cuisine crumbs
off the leather.
"Just hand me the license
and get back in the car," he
The officer followed me and
peered in the window, getting
a glance at more bags of cat
food and jugs of water.
"Do you realize you were
driving more than 25 miles
under the speed limit?" he
queried. "Why were you driv-
ing so slowly?"
"Because I can't see at
night," I answered. "I was
going a little faster until your
headlights blinded me."
The young man asked if I
was supposed to be wearing
"Don't know," I said. "I've
not been to an eye doctor."
With that the officer spun
around and headed back to '
his cruiser with my license. 1
guess he called it In and found
that I wasn't a wanted woman;
just an old woman who want-
ed to get home.
"You can go now," the offi-
cer said as he handed my
license back. "But I have some
advice. Go home and don't
drive anymore until the sun
comes up. I don't think it's
safe for you to be on the road
at night in your condition."
My condition? OK, I guess
DUD driving under dark-
ness when one can't see
may not be the brightest thing
to do. I just never realized It
could shed such light on yet
another "fun" aspect of grow-
ing old.

'Jigging and joking,' Irish-

style, at American Legion



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A,,,,,ii 14 Innnr

April 14, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 5A

Police Beat
T'lTi Poit

Arrest follows
gun shot in NBP

A 34-year-old Neptune Beach
man was arrested Wednesday
after a man said he was shot at
by his former roommate during
a dispute in the 2000 block of
Florida Boulevard, according to
a police report.
Michael Shawn Geiger was
arrested and charged with
aggravated assault with an
intent to commit a felony, dis-
charging a firearm in public,
possession of a firearm by a
delinquent felon and two
counts of discharging a
destructive device, according to
the police report. All are felony
The victim, 37, of Atlantic
Beach, said around 8:35 p.m.
he went to the suspect's Florida
Boulevard residence to retrieve
a cell.phone charger. The vic-
tim said he had lived at that
residence but moved out last
Sunday over a dispute, accord-
ing to the report.
When he pulled into the
driveway and exited his vehi-
cle, the victim told police that
the suspect came out of the res-
idence and shot.a gun towards
him, according to the report.
When police arrived at the
thie scene they found the sus-
pect on the front porch. When
they patted him down they
found a pair of brass knuckles
in his pocket, according to the
Also, a 380 cal. semi-auto-
matic bullet was found on the
ground next to the front porch
and,a spent 380 cal. semi-auto-
matic shell casing was found
on the driveway, according to
the report.
A search of the suspect's resi-
dence and vehicle revealed a
black .holster and a box of 380
cal. pistol ammunition in the
suspect's bedroom, according
to .the report.
No gun was found.
,jThe suspect was transported
and booked into Duval County'

On April 6, a 17-year-old
male was charged with ol.-
tipfpRrg~haoion, possewsion-,of
marijuana, and possession of
drug paraphernalia at 10550
Ray Road.
S* *
A 45-year-old Ponte Vedra
resident was charged with sim-
ple battery, a misdemeanor, and
issued a trespass warning by St.
Johns County. Sheriff's Office
on April 7 following an-incident
at a' school in the 600 block of
AIA N. According to the police
report, the incident followed .a
verbal altercation between the
individual and school person-.
nel while discussing a discipli-
nary action against a student.
The individual, who was
escorted from the school by
deputies, also signed an affi-
davit charging a school employ-
ee with simple battery.
Kendal Ryan Manier, 19, was
charged on April 7 with strong
arm robbery and battery on a
person 65 years and older fol-
lowing an .incident at ,his resi- .
dence in the 100 block of'
Colombard' Ct. on April 5,
according to reports.
On April 7, a Ponte Vedra res-
ident reported discovering miss-
ing electronic equipment from
a home planned for purchase.
According to the police report,
the deputy found signs of possi-
ble forced entry to the resi-
dence. Attempts to reach' the
current owner were unsuccess-
ful and it was unknown if they
had removed the electronics.
A Ponte V\'edra resident

reported suspicious. circum-
stances on April-7. According to
the police report, the resident
was informed by her auto
insurance company that her-
policy was cancelled due to
false information about her
identity. She had also been
informed by a potential
employer that her application
contained similar false informa-
The theft of luggage and con-
tents valued at $2800 was
reported on April ". According
to the police report, the \ictimn
stated that the luggage had
been delivered to the front of a
residence in the 100 block of
Abaco Way by a airport delivery
service between 5:30 to 7:30
Vandalism at the Valley Golf
Course at the TPC was reported
on April .7. According to the
report, five golf carts were
removed from a temporary stor-
age facility and driven around
the course between April -4 and
5. Damage to the greens was
estimated to be $1300.
On April 7, Amos Roy Fulle,
Ponte Vedra, was charged with
aggravated assault following a
road rage confrontation with a
According to the police
report, the suspect was driving
on Corona Road and engaged
in a confrontation with a bicy-
clist. The confrontation contin-
ued onto LeMaster Road wheie
the suspect pointed a loaded
.357 magnum revolver, at- the
bicyclist The bicyclist contacted
the Sheriff's Office and identi-
fied the suspect.
An employee of a business in
the 600 block of A1A N report-
ed on April 8 the theft of $34.0.5-)
worth of gas. According to the
police report, on April 7 the sus-
pect attempted to pay for the
gas with a debit card which was
rejected. The suspect indicated
that he would return the next
day to pay and left a driver's
license'with die employee.
The owner of a business in
the 1000 block of A1A N report-
ed criminal mischief to his
building on April 8. According
to the police report, the owner
arrived at his business to find
tWpD -ige cnl?1med rsuI-
ing J.i!i110O0pi0n danimage.,He
reported observing a man in the
rear of the-property.
Upon arrival, a St. Johns
Country Sheriff:s Office deputy
observed an, individual match-
ing the description walking at
an adjacent business. The indi-

vidual was -carrying a bag of
boating-related items which he"
said he found.
SManagement 'of the second
business plans to check compa-
ny security tapes and contact
owners of boats stored there.
The deputy issued a trespass
warning to the individual.
On April 8 a Ponte Vedra res-
ident was charged with simple
battery, a misdemeanor, follow-
ing a verbal altercation in the
parking lot of a business in the
3700 block of Palm Valley Road.
According to the police report,
the altercation followed an inci-
dent between the suspect 'who
was dnving a vehicle on Palm
Valley Road and a bicyclist.
A wallet with credit cards and
a driver's license, found on
April 8 near Corridor Road and
Palm Valley Road, was turned
into St. Johns County Sheriff's
A resident of the 8200 block
of Seven' Mile Drive. reported
burglary to a vehicle on April 9.
According to the police report,
the vehicle had been parked
unclocked in an open garage on
April 8. The following morning
the owner discovered a six-pack
of beer was missing from a
refrigerator in the garage and a
satellite radio, a notebook, and
credit cards totaling 'S206 were
missing from the vehicle.
Benjamin Lee Washington,
23, of Atlantic Beach was arrest-
ed and charged with possession
of cocaine April 9 in the 2000
block of Mayport Road, accord-
ing to a police report.
Sharon Ann Lamb, 49, of
Atlantic Beach was arrested and
charged with uttering forged
bills April 11 in the 1200 block
of Mayport Road,.according to a
police report.
A 25-year-old Neptune Beach
woman reported Wednesday
that an unidentified man
exposed himself to her while
she was on the. beach near the
Magnolia Street access, accord-
ing to a police report.
The woman told police that
she sprayed the suspect's back
with pepper spray as he ran
away west, towards the. beaoh.
access! She.-sald she wa'.tron the
beach when' she noticed' the
suspect standing behind her
touching himself, according to
the report. The incident
occurred around 5 p.m., say
police. .

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An aggravated battery, was
reported April 12 after a 65-
year-old Jacksonville Beach
man was struck in the head
with a glass bottle in the 300
block of 3rd St. S. The victim
told police he was walking
home after getting his morning
coffee at about 8:15 a.m. when
an unknown male suspect
threw the bottle at his head
causing a small lump. Several
youths were in the area and one
of them approached the victim
and said he knew the name of
the suspect that hit him. The
bottle was recovered near the
scene but was run over by a car.
An armed robbery was report-
ed April 12 at 8 Tdl Late in the
1300 block of 3rd St. S. The
cashier on duty told police a
Hispanic male entered the store
about 6:40 p.m. and asked the
price of a keg of beer. The sus-
pect left the store and stood
outside by the pay phones until
the other customers paid for
their merchandise and left. The
man reentered the store and
lifted his shirt to display a silver
handgun, demanding money
from the register. The suspect
said he did not want to shoot
the clerk and held out a grocery
store bag which the clerk placed
$1,230 in cash. The suspect
described as 6'0", 170 lbs. in a
white polo shirt, khaki pants
and a baseball hat fled east on
14th St. S. toward the ocean.
Employee theft was reported
April 12 at a restaurant in the
300 block of Beach Blvd.
A burgundy motor scooter
valued at $1,800 was reported
stolen April 11 from the rear
yard of a scooter business in the
1100 block of 3rd St. N. An
unknown suspect kicked in the
fence to remove the scooter
which belonged to' a Ponte
Vedra Beach man and was
being sold by the business. A
man riding the scooter was later
pulled over by police in Atlantic
Beach but was released with the
scooter because officers were
unaware that it was stolen.
A .$2,600 digital camera was
reported stolen April 11 from a
restaurant .in the first block of
1st St. N. A Merritt Island
woman told police she had the






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camera in the waiting area but
did not remember bringing it to
the table. She realized she did
not have the camera but it
could not be located.
A blue 2003 Ford F250 valued
at $30,000 was reported stolen
April 12 from a hotel parking
lot in the first block of 1st St. N.
The victim told police she
parked her truck and went into
the hotel. She noticed it was
missing at 11 a.m. Video sur-
veillance captured a light col-
ored extended cab pickup truck
pull in across from the victim's
vehicle and an unknown sus-
pect approach the truck. Both
vehicles exited the lot.
Shane Gary Williams, 31, a
transient, was arrested April 13
and charged with burglary/con-
vevance in the 400 block of 4th
St. N. Twvo witnesses reported
seeing Williams looking into
the windows of homes and
police responding to the report
observed him rummaging
through a vehicle, according to
a police report.

Grave damage
is reported

Damage to a grave site was
reported last Friday in the H.
Warren Smith Cemetery in
Jacksonville Beach.
The grave was located along
the cemetery's first access road
running parallel to Beach
A white plastic bag contain-
ing a pig's head "that had been
dressed up for dinner" was
found at the south end of the
headstone, a police report said.
Ears of corn were placed
around the head and four red
roses were found beside it.
The victim died in 1986. His
wife is not deceased and her
name is also engraved on the
The incident is under investi-
gation as felony criminal rris-

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Susie Gearhard

April 14. 2006

John I. Woodhouse Sr.

Susie Gearhard, 47, native of Atlantic Beach,
died April 12, 2006. She was born in Norfolk,
VA, daughter of the late John Norbert Gearhard
aid Patricia Ann (McDonald) Gearhard who,
As a youngsteY she attended Atlantic Beach"
Elementary and graduated from Fletcher High,
School. She had cooked for Sun Dog Diner since
it opened in the early 90's. Spending time with
family members and at the beach were her
favorite pastimes, according to family, who said
Aunt Susie was loved dearly by her many nieces
and nephews.

Roy E. Taylor, 55, died April
12, 2006 after a courageous 6
year battle with cancer. He
worked for CSX Transportation
for 36 years, first in Atlanta,
then in Jacksonville, most
recently as a crew supervisor.
He was raised in Manchester,
GA then lived in the Atlanta
area prior to moving to
Atlantic Beach in 1989.
Family members include his
wife of 35 years, Barbara Baxter
Taylor; daughter, Raley Moore
and grandson, Legion Moore;
son, Kenneth (Meri) Taylor;
mother, Lucille Medders
Taylor, of LaGrange, GA; sis-
ters, Dorathy T. (Crawford)
Railey and 'Marie T. (Huey)
Thomas; brothers, Thomas

.She was preceded in death by-
Gearhard and a brother, Pat Gearha
Surviving, in addition to her mot
brothers, John (Jackle) Gearhard
Beach, Tom (Mary) Gearhard of Atla
(Peggy) Gearhard, Kenny Gearhard
Beach, a sister, Marie (Mark) Leavitt
nine nieces and nephews and otl
and friends.
A celebration of her life will
Hardage-Giddens Funeral Home,
Blvd., Jacksonville Beach on Saturda
2 p.m.

(Linda) Taylor and Steve (Gina)
Taylor; numerous nieces and
nephews and grand nieces and
nephews. He was very close to
his in-laws, mother-in-law,
Betty J. Baxter, of Warm
Springs, GA, brother-in-law, J.
Bruce (Bonnie) Baxter, niece
Jessica, sister-in-law, Belinda B.
Williamson and niece, Megan.
He was predeceased by father,
Eugene QB. Taylor.
A gathering of friends and
family will be from 6 p.m.,to 8
p.m., Tuesday, April 18 in
Quinn-Shalz, A Family Funeral
A memorial service will be
held in the Roosevelt Institute
Chapel, Warm Springs, GA, 2
p.m.,. Saturday, April 22, with,

the Reverend Craw
The family exp
tude to Dr. Micha
Dr. Suneel Ma
Bradford Joseph an
derful staff at
Hospice of NE Fl
dally Iris Sirois a
The family reque
flowers, memorial
tions be made to
Hospice of NE Fl
Sunbeam Rd, Jack
Services under t
and care of (
Funeral Home, 360
Jacksonville Beach

father, John 'John I. Woodhouse Sr., 78,
aid. of Hollywood, Fla., died
other, are four Tuesday, April 11, 2006, at
of Atlantic Memorial .Regional Hospital
inta, Richard in Hollywood.
1 of Atlantic He was boin May 18, 1927,
Sof Orlando, in Piqua, Ohio, the son of Dr.
her relatives George A. Woodhouse and
Dorothea Inez Woodhouse,
be held at R.N.
1701 Beach He graduated in 1945 from
ay April 15 at Newton High School in
Pleasant Hill, Ohio, and
served in the U.S. Army for 18
months, including 12 months
overseas. He was a corporal
with the 1st Infantry Division
and earned the Army of
Occupation Medal with
ford Railey, Germany clasp and the World
War II Victory Medal.
)resses grati- He attended Miami
el Haghighi, University of Ohio on the G.I.
hajan, Dr. Bill, graduating in 1951 with
nd the won- a bachelor of science degree
Community in business. In 1954, he
lorida, espe- received a manufacturers
ind Carolyn engineering degree from the
Ohio Mechanics Institute.
ests in lieu of He was a machine tools
al contribu- salesman for 35 years, retiring
Community in 1989 from Federal
lorida, 4266 Products, Corp. He was an
ksonville, FL avid golfer with three holes-
in-one and a 12 handicap. He
he direction also enjoyed politics, serving
Quinn-Shalz on the 1972 presidential cam-
00 3rd St. S., paign of U.S. Sen. Hubert
Humphrey (D-Minn.) and as
deputy campaign manager in

1976 for
U.S.. Sen.
V a n c e
Hartke (D-
Ind.) '.
He was a .
3 2 n d
He was
preceded in Woodhouse
death by his wife, Cheryl
Survivors include three
sons, Johnny (Anne)
Woodhouse of Jacksonville,
William R. Woodhouse of
Hollywood, and Dean B.
Woodhouse of Jupiter; a
daughter, Ann Woodhouse of
Phoenix, Ariz.; a brother,
George Woodhouse of
Cincinnati, Ohio; a sister,
Mary Jackson of DeLand, Fla.;
a grandson, Daniel E.
Woodhouse of Jacksonville;
six nieces, LynQ (Bill)
Woodhouse of Ponte Vedra
Beach; Nancy Woodhouse of
San Diego, Dr. Mary Ann
Woodhouse of Saranac Lake,
N.Y., Barbara Woodhouse,
R.N., of Port Edwards, Wisc.,
Elizabeth Woodhouse of
Durham, N.C., Jennifer
Woodhouse of New York,
N.Y.; three nephews, (ret.) Lt.
Col. Kenneth L. Jackson of
California, (ret.) Chief
Warrant Officer 4 Tom

Jackson of Virginia, and Gary
Jackson of Connecticut;
grand niece Lesley .Hesser of
Cincinnati, Ohio; and grand
nephews Kevin Jackson of
Stuttgart, Germany, Dean
Sage Woodhouse of Saranac
Lake, N.Y., and Pete Hesser of
Joseph, Ore.
Graveside services with mil-
itary honors provided by the
Beaches Honor Guard will be
held at 3 p.m. Saturday, April
15, at Warren Smith
Cemetery in Jacksonville
Beach. Services under the r
direction of Quinn-Shalz
Funeral Home and Cremation
Centre of Jacksonville Beach.

The Leader

A great community

For a great

r .L f ,

John H. Wilbur, Sr., 77 of
Ponte Vedra Beach, died April
12, 2006 at the Hadlow Center
of Community Hospice. He
was born Feb. 25, 1929 in
Memphis, TN and moved to
Jacksonville in 1963.
Wilbur graduated Magna
Cum Laude from Vanderbilt
University in 1951 '.where he
was a member of the Sigma Nu
fraternity. He also graduated
second in his class and Phi
Beta Kappa from the Law
School of, Vanderbilt
University in 1954. He was a
member of Order of the Coif,
President 6f Phi Delta Phi legal
fraternity, Editor of the.-Law
i tw.. -and. ..a.... Fullbright.
SFolar to England.
He served in the U.S. Army
JAAG and retired as a -Colonel
in the U.S. Army Reserves.
During his military career
Wilbur worked in Maryland at'
Ft. Holabird in the Intelligence
Department where he was in
charge of settling claims for
the Texas city disasters. He was
then transferred to the
Pentagon where prior to his
retirement he was awarded a
Distinguished Service Medal.
Wilbur practiced law at the
firm of Walter Armstrong in
Tennessee until he moved to
Jacksonville in 1963 where he
worked at the law firm of
Mahoney, Hadlow, Chambers
and Adams until he founded
the law firm of Wilbur and
Milam in 1974.' In 1984 he
founded the law firm of Wilbur
and Allen of which he served
until his death.
Wilbur practiced before the
U. S. Supreme Court and was

one of 50 attorneys to partici-
pate in the Cultural Exchange
in China. He was voted "Boss
of the Year" by the Legal
Society of Jacksonville, was
Past President and C.E.O. of
George Washington Insurance
Company and served on the
Board of Directors of
Association of Retarded
Family members include his
sons, John. H. (Laurie) Wilbur,
Jr. of Ponte Vedra Beach, and
Michael H. Wilbur of Coral
Gables; daughter, Julia R. (Scott
.Schimrfi'e) Wilbur of Long
Island 'City, N.Y.; grandchil-
dren, John H. Wilbur, Ill and
.Cole-B. .Vilbur,.bath..QL-Eonte
Vedra Beach, Luke B.
Schimmel and Acadia Rose
Schimmel, both of Long Island
City, N.Y.; brother, L. Perry
Wilbur of Ponte Vedra Beach;
sisters, Elizabeth W. Goodner
of Richmond, VA and Barbara
L. Wilbur of Williamsburg, VA
and many friends.
Visitation will be held from
6 to 8 p.m., Friday today, in
the Chapel of Quinn-Shalz, a
Family Funeral Home.
Graveside committal, services
will be conducted at 10 a.m.,
Saturday at Ponte Vedra Valley
cemetery with the Reverend
Carol DiGiusto of Palm,s
Presbyterian Church, officiat-
In lieu of flowers, memorial
contributions may be made to
the Community Hospice of
Northeast Florida, 4266
Sunbeam Road, Jacksonville,
FL 32257.
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.

Obituary notices are published
free of charge as a community-
service. All submissions are sub-
ject to editing. Paid advertising
space is available for more
detailed or personalized death
notices. Call 249-9033.

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What's more, new leading-edge
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accidental leakage," Dr. Thompson
explains. 'This minimally invasive
procedure can be done right in the
office and is very effective for
patients who do not require, or who
wish to avoid, surgical intervention.

"For women with overactive bladder
conditions who have failed to
improve with pharmacological
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a new treatment option called
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Jason R.Thompson, M.D.
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The Life You Deserve
With knowledge, treatment and com-
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Dr. Thompson is board-certified by
the American Board of Obstetrics &
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ship training in Urogynecology and
Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery at Johns
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For more information
orto schedule a private consultation,
please call 904-652-0373.

6885 Belfort Oaks Place, Suite 210
Jacksonville. FL 32216

Visit the Website at
for more detailed patient

Roy E Taylor

John H. Wilbur, Sr.





P.a fi AA

April 14, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page iA


Guana Fun

The Guana Reserve
Environmental Education
.,Center presents "Family Fun
Hour" with a Bug Hunt from 2
to 3 p.m. Saturday at 505
Guana River Rd in South Ponte
Vedra Beach.
Volunteers Jim and Laura
will use butterfly nets and col-
lection jars to help;visitors dig
up and observe different
species of insects and spiders
found at the Reserve.
Families will help identify
bugs while learning about the
important role insects and spi-
ders play in our ecosystem. A
student volunteer will lead an
indoor children's story time.,
Cbme early for the "bug movie
at 1 pm.
iAdmission is $2 for. adults
and $1 for children age 10 17
years and under age 10 are free.
For information call 823-
4500, -
Dive into the "Splash" event
td benefit Baptist Medical
'Cnter Beaches is held at 7
p.m. Friday,, April 28 on the,
o&ean at the Sawgrass Beach
Club Pavilion in Ponte Vedra
Beach. ,
The outdoor beach party will
feature fun food stations, an
open bar, auction featuring
packages from Amelia Island
Plantation for a golfing week-
end, the Marriott and Marriott
Day Spa, airlines tickets, a
weekend in Atlanta, numerous
gift baskets and gift certificates,
and.live music by the popular
Sunjammer Band.
.Proceeds from the auction
will.beriefit the renovation and
expansion of Baptist Beaches'
lobby area, Family Resource
Center, Healing Atrium, Gift
Shop and cafeteria.
Tickets are $125 per person.
Fcr information or tickets con-
tact Mary Ann Stone at 627-

Spring Into Art
The Florida Community
Colege South Campus features
a number of spring arts pro-
grarns including three free con-
ceIts 'ad 3'isaT'l"arts reception
to kick r-t-4Jhe;,seas6n at the
Nathan H. Wilson Center for
the Arts, South Campus, 11901
Beach Blvd.
The FCCJ Chorale with the
Mlen's and WVomen's Chamber
ClRoirs and guest soloist
Palette Votava Resch present
"I Wanna Be Ready," selections
ranging from classical to folk-
songs and spirituals, at 7:30
p.m. April 20 at the Wilson
Center Main Stage.
The annual Florida
Community College Jazz
Festival at 8 p.m. April 22 fea-
tuies performances by the Jazz
Ensemble and a variety of local
jazz bands.
The Symphonic Band will
offer a variety of selections
; from classical to marches in
their grand finale concert at
7:30 p.m. April 27 Wilson
Center Main Stage.
The Annual Student Art
Reception and Show is held at
6 p.m. April 27 at the Wilson
Center Art Gallery.
All events are free to the pub-
lic. Call 646-2300 for informa-

Day at the park
The Jacksonville Suns team
up for a day at the park with
the Leukemia & Lymphoma
SSociety at 3:05 p.m. Sunday,
April 23 at,-the Baseball
Grounds downtown Jacksonville to ben-
efit cancer research and educa-
S 0tion., .
A Kids Clinic .on the. field;
with Suns players and coaches
will be held from from 1:30 to
2:30 p.m. The first 1,500 kids
get a. free set of Suns wrist-
bands! Kids can also run the
bases after the game.

Law Office of


Francis, P.A.
Charlene Francis, 4ttorne" at Law
Kimberly A. Go.siett. Attorney. at Low

Other activities include a
silent auction, raffles and door
prizes with all proceeds to ben-
efit the Leukemia &
Lymphoma Society.
Call Erika at 37-5219 for tick-
et information.

as one of the best slide guitar
players in the world; and
nephew of Butch Trucks orig-
inal drummer for The Allman
Brothers. Tickets to the show
are $10. For information call

The Jacksonville
Museum of Modern Ait
(JMOMA) offers family
friendly. instruction ,
in a vaiiety of art ..
.media from 2 to 3
p.m. Saturday with' -':
Egg Tempera \- y .
Painting. Participants '' ,. ,''
will make paints using .
egg whites.
The program is free '
with museum admission. .:,. -
All ages are welcome. No :0'
registration required but space .
is limited so arrive early .. .
On Sunday, ArtFusion for' .''
Families is offered from 12-4 1' :
p.m.. with special guests, famr-'' f .'..
ily tours,"galleryltalks and self-'. '" .
guided activities. Sunday are
free for families (children and Lighthouse Fun
accompanying adults) courtesy
of' Bank of America's Family Bring the family for
Free Day. time learning about "A S
JMOMA is located at' 333 Life"' Friday or Satirday
North Laura .Street, Augustine.The Lighthous(
Jacksonville. Call 366.6911 for are devoting two days to
information. ly learning and enioving

Easter Art Fest
The 38th Annual Mandarin
Art Festival will be held from
10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and
11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday
Mandarin Community Club at
12447 Mandarin Road.
An Easter weekend tradition,
the festival features the works
of award winning artists dis-
playing original creations in
painting, pottery, sculpture,
photography, jewelry and
more in this juried show.
Live music, food, a bake sale,
a children's art show, educa-
tional booths with Jeannie
Blaylock and Buddy Check 12
and First are also featured.
An Easter Egg Hunt begins at
1:30 p.m. on Easter Sunday at
the Walter Jones Historical
Park on Mandarin Road,
cosponsored by the Mandarin
Museum' and Historical
_ociety:-iatiM.iKB are asked to
bring tffelAvh- -Easter baskhs.
Admission is $1 to benefit
the historic building fund
which maintains the 130 year
old Harriett Beecher Stowe
founded structure.
Free parking and shuttles are
available from Mandarin
Presbyterian Church on
Mandarin Road and Alberts
Field at Brady and Orange
Pickers Road. Call 268-1622 for

Blues time
The Atlantic Theatres will
present Wednesday at 8 p.m.
Duane is the younger brother
of Derek Trucks, widely known

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a fun
in St.
e staff
a day

at the Lighthouse. Families will
find many "stop spots" which
will allow them to either han-
dle actual artifacts or
encounter an educator who
will talk about maritime histo-
ry. Families will discover items
such as clothing, food, eating
utensils, tools, and musical
instruments that sailors used
aboard ships. Admission is
Adults $7.50, Seniors i55 and
older $6.50, and children $5.
For more information call 904-
829.0745 or visit www.stau-
g us t in light house cornn
house.com/> .

Bunny at Belz


area 'f

CATEGORIES: 8 & under

9- 12 yrs.
13- 16 yrs.,

Eat right

. right over to Belz A Macrobiotic, Support
y Outlet World in St. Group, will meet Mondays,
tine for a visit 'and pic- April 17, 24, 'and May 1 at 2
tures with the Easter p.m. at the Neptune Beach
Bunny. The Easter Senior Center. On April. 17,
Cathy Johnson, an ovarian,
-. cancer survivor will be guest
cook for the 2 hour
meeting. She will fea-.
,,.- .. -,. ture snacks' the
Macrobiotic way
7 instead of
/ processed foods.
iOn April 24th,
-:': arlene Pendley,
S. wife of a kidney
^ ii cancer survivor,
S' will be teaching
.. .. *y,'. ,*. and cooking desserts'
used in the macrobi-
,* .,.otic wa y of eating. The
':'last meeting of the
..--- support group will fea-
:.t &L --ure the SWeet
S- Vegetable drink and'
the Daikon Radish and;
S. carrot drink. Contact
S!.' Man Jeanne Phillips at
S"'" 242-2702 so planners
will be in the food court can have the correct amounts
Torn 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., to prepare, organizers said.

'handing out bunny ears and"'
candy to the kids. Belz Factory*
Outlet World is located at 5.00
Belz Outlet Blvd off SR 16 at I-
95. For more information call

Easter parade
On Sunday join the Oldest
City's parade of marching
bands, floats, drill teams,
clowns, Royal Family and the
city's carriage horses wearing
hats donated by nationally-rec-
ognized women. The parade
begins at 3 p.m. at the Mission
Nombre de Dios and winds
through downtown St.
Augustine. Trophies will be
presented in four categories.
For more call 904.824.7722.

Auditions tire being held for
Shakespeare in the Park on
April 15 at 1 p.m. and on April
17 at 7 p.m. at the Adele Grage
Building, 716 Ocean Blvd, in
Atlantic Beach. Artists will be
under the direction of James
Howell, drama teacher at
Orange Park, and the Atlantic
Beach Experimental Theatre
(ABET) under the 'direction of
Barbara Evans. Shakespeare in
the Park is hosted by the city's
Cultural Arts Committee and is
free to the public.
Performances will be on lune 3
at 7:30 p.m. and June 4 at 2
p.m. performed in the outdoor
Russell Park setting.

Music in the air

The Music in the Courtyard
series tonight, Friday, will fea-
ture Tropico Solo Steel Pan
with Barry Olsavsky on
Invader Lead Pan and Double
Seconds as a one-man band.
It's music centered on steel
drums and will be performed
"from 7 to 10 p.m. though
the end of October at 200 First
St. in Neptune Beach. Visit

Those who participate in an
Easter egg hunt and attend a
Christian music concert will
help the Boys and Girls Clubs
of Northeast Florida. The
events are part of the Spring
Fever Family Festival, sched-
uled for 9 a.m to 4 p.m. April
15 at Adventure Landing:
Each participant will pay $2
for entry into the egg hunt, a
raffle ticket, a hot dog and
small drink. The Easter Bunny
iill attend..
The concert is scheduled for
2p.n. to 4 'p.m. Call Andrea
Siracusa at (904) 388-2131.

Bgstselling author Sarah
Dessen will read fhornom and sign
copies of her new book, "Just
Listen," at 7 p.m. April 18 at
The Bookmark. Dessen tells
the story of Annabel, a teenag-
er dealing with the hardest
year of her life. Dessen is the
author of six previous novels;
five were chosen as ALA Best
Books for Young Adults, and
the most recent, "The Truth
About Forever," has been
selected as a Teen Top Ten

Jax Beach
Recreation Dept.
321 Penman Rd.
Jax Beach


Get your
Shakespeare ready Teens, listen up
Teens, listen up

Reis ratalion Now. Open

Registration is now open for the annual
Sandcastle Contest. The contest will be held
April 29 on the beach at Jacksonville Beach.

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The Beaches Leader

Jacksonville Beach

Recreation Dept.

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WHEN: 1:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m.
Saturday, April 29, 2006

WHERE: On the Beach at Jax Beach

Choose your space-- Register Early

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.t -f I ( if

April 14, 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader


Friday, April 14'
Good Friday.
St. Matthew Passion: The
University of North Florida
Concert Choir, conducted by


-.,:to'-.. '. ?a.
.. . .- -.'

; 2:-. '- -,'i.

, 4 -, .. ,-
4.. .. "7

Dr. Merrill J. Palmer of Neptune
Beach, will join forces with
members, of the Jacksonville
Symphony, the Jacksonville
Children's Chorus, and guest
soloists for a performance of the


Srp.r,.:.|o .y CHUCK ADAMIS
Frank Stephens hits a backhand during the Jacksonville Clay
Court Championship at the Selva Marina Country Club's Tennis

Jax Clay Court tennis

championship a success

St. Matthew Passion byJ.S. Bach
at UNF's Lazzara Hall. Part I will
be performed at 4 p.m. and Part
II will be performed at 7:30 p.m.
The concert is free and open to
the public.
Jewelry sale: BMCBeaches
Hospital Auxiliary will have a
jewelry sale from 7 a.m. to 4
p.m. in the main lobby of the
Beaches Hospital, 1530 13th
Ave. S. The public is welcome.
Stations of the Cross:' Christ,
the Redeemer Church, 190 S.
Roscoe Blvd., Ponte Vedra'
Beach, will have Stations of the.
Cross at 6 p.m., followed by a
showing of "The Passion of the
Christ" at 7 p.m. Everyone is
welcome., .
Fish fry; Christ United
lMethodist Church, 400
Penman Road, Neptune Beach,
will have a fish fisv from 6 to
7:30 p.m. The cost is $5.
Saturday, April 15
Film festival: As part of the
First Coast Emironmental Film
Festival, "Blue Vinyl" will be
shown at 10 a.m. at the Main
Library: Auditorium, 303 N.
Laura St., followed by a discus-
sion panel from 11:30 a.m. till
12:30 p.m. Organic coffee and
refreshments' will be served
from 9:30 to 10 a.m. Call 924-
1100, extension 234, for infor-
Easter egg hunt: The Annual
Community Easter Egg Hunt
will be held from 10 a.m. to 1
p.m. at larboe Park in Neptune
Beach. "Admission is free.-
Sponsored by Beach United
Methodist Church. .Visit

Plant sale: The Seaside
,Playgarden will have a flower
and plant sale from 10 a.m. till
noon. at 223 8th Ave. S.,
Jacksonville Beach..
Egg hunt: Christ United
Methodist Church, 400
Penman Road, Neptune Beach,
will host a community-wide
egg hunt from. 1 to 3 p.m. All
children 10 and younger are
Art class:.A family art class.
will be held from 2 to 3 p.m. at
the Jacksonville Museum of
Modem Art, 333 N. Laura St.,
Jacksonville. The class is free
with museum admission. For
,information, call Ashlie
Johnson at 366-6911, extension
207, or e-mail, ajohnson
Sunday, April 16
Easter service: Christ the
Redeemer Church, 190- S.
Roscoe Blvd., will have Easter
Sunday services at 9 a.m. and
10:30 a.m.
Monday, April 17
Holocaust exhibit:
Engrained Forever Holocaust
Exhibit will be held through
April 25 at the Cultural Center
at Ponte Vedra Beach, 50
* Executive Way, Ponte Vedra
Beach. Call 280-0614 for infor-
Woman's club: The Ponte
Vedra Woman's Club will meet
,at 10 a.mn. at'Sawgrass Country
Club in Ponte Vedra. ,Visitors
are welcome. Call 543-0993 for
Tuesday, April 18

Red Hats: The Red hat
Society will meet at 5:30 p.m. at
Outback, J. Turner Butler and
A1A. The book club will meet at
7 p.m. Call 543-9033 or e-mail
RedHatFoxes@aol.com for
Dolphin Cove: The Dolphin
Cove Community Association
meets at the Ponte Vedra
Library. A meet and greet will be
held from 6:30 to 7 .p.m., fol-
lowed by the 7 p.m. meeting.
Democratic club: The
Beaches Democratic Club meets
at 6:30 p.m. at the Neptune
Beach Days Inn, 1401 Atlantic
Blvd. Kevin Monahan, strategy.
chair for the Duval County
Democratic Party, is the feature
speaker. Call Peyton Hopkins at
249-9550 for information.
Book-signing: Sarah Dessen
will be at The Bookmark at 7
p.m.. to read from and sign
copies of her new book "Just
Listen." Call 241-9026 for infor-
Wednesday, April

Retired federal employees:
Chapter 1671 of :the National
Active and Retired Federal
Employees will meet at noon at

the Golden Corral Restaurant,
14035 Beach Blvd. Visitors are
welcome. Call 731-3968 or 221-
7644 for information.
Sports safety workshop:
Coastal Care Medical Center
and F.O.R.M.E. Rehabilitation
will present an educational
workshop' on sports safety at
noon at 10909-9 Atlantic Blvd., :
Jacksonville. Lunch will be pro-
vided. .Call 642-3304 for infor-
Son of Italy: Sons of Italy
Beaches Lodge #2821 will meet
at 6:30 p.m. 'at the Beaches
Branch Library's auditorium,
600 Third St., Neptune Beach. A:
social time at 5:30 p.m. pre-
cedes the meeting. Anyone
interested, whether of Italian
heritage or not, is welcome.
Call 242-4929 for information.
Thursday, April 20
Last Day of Passover.
Coffee on the Coast: The
Beaches: Division of, the
,Jacksonville Regional Chamber
of Commerce will have "Coffee
on the Coast" at 8 a.m. at'
Shelby's Coffee Shop/Raymondb
James, 200 First St., Neptune
Beach. The cost is $2. Call 249-
3868 for information.

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St. Paul's Catholic School

The first Jacksonville Clay
Court Championship, played"'
at the Selva Marina Country
Club's Tennis Center over the
weekend, was a success.
S"it was very well received,
very much welcomed by the
tennis-playing community,
everywhere from Savannah
down to Ft. Myers, Fla.," said
Reb Phillips, head tennis pro-
fessional at Selva Manna and
director of the clay court tour-
S "It's our. first annual event.
Jacksonville really doesn't have
any USTA tournament, adult
tournaments in the area. It's
just something Jacksonville
needed to do, and we pulled it
off with real good success,"
said Phillips. n, ...
"The tennis is going to grow
here," said.Mitch Reeves, a
member of Selva Marina's
board of directors. "It's grow-
ing every day. We're seeing a
need for more tennis."
The tournament's starting
field consisted of 100 players,'
mixed into different draws.
"\Ve had a very strong men's
open," said Phillips, "with a 32
Prize money in men's open
totaled a 'little more than
$1,000. The doubles winners
were Al Restrepo and Dan Siari
'of St. Augustine, who beat
\lade Stolia Mavropoulos of
Ponte Vedra Beachand Dashiel
Neimark, 3-6, 7-5, 7-5..
Mavropoulos, who plays No. 1
singles for Nease, w.on singles,
defeating Bolles' No. 1, Matt
Schimmel, 2-6, 6-2, 7-5.
The ladies C doubles final
featured two Ponte Vedra
women, Kell McPhail and Sue
Burke, who lost to Dana
Gonzalez and Kim Osborn of
Orange Park, 6-3, 3-6, 6-1.
Participants in the!' all-
' Atlantic Beach men's 55-and-

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older C doubles final were
Windsor Bissell and Frank
Stephens, plaSing against Jack
Love. and ruce, Lindeman.
Love and Lindeman won that '
match, 6-0, 6-2.
Two' Nesw York residents,
Jacksonville native Shawn
Farrokh and his good friend,
Thomas Rusling, flew down for
the tournament. -Farrokh
found the event on the inter-
net and was the first to sign up,
said Phillips.
Farrokh, who played tennis
at Selva Marina as a youngster,
visited his father while in
Jacksonville. The two, each an
ex-collegiate player, played in
the men's open singles, where
both lost. -

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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader April 14, 2006

*Page 9A

Reifsnider is the star

!1l, as Nease blanks Clay


Matt Reifsnider was a pitch-
SI ng, hitting and fielding star
STuesday as Nease won a 1-0
Snailbiter over Clay.
Reifsnider, 7-0 on the .season,
pitched a seven-inning shutout,
hit his sixth home run in tihe
Fifth, accounting for the game's
I only run, and made one of the
game's key defensive plays .'in
.the seventh.
In that frame, Reifsnide'r
broke off .the mound to field
Stephen Breuer's bunt with Blue
S Devils on first and second and
nailed lead runner Ben Carter as
Joe: Zwick held his position at
third. Zwick stretched to* take
Reifsnider's throw and force out
With runners still on first and
second and one out, shortstop
Blake Sanders, who started a
.-9 double play in the first inning.
fielded Marshall Stalvey's
SI grounder up the middle,
stepped on second and threw to
i first for the inning- and game-
S ,' ,~ ., ending DPR
*' i The win was important for
W q. Nease, heading toward.a Friday
..- rematch with Palatka.,
"I think 'they were a though
opponent," Nease coach Greg
Y h" ~"Boo" Muffllins said of Clay, "but
---Y '1 'were tough, too. We played
Pro'bv ROB DNELOour game great: Small ball.,
Panthers pitcher Matt Reifsnider, above, in action earlier this season, tossed a complete-game pigets tch, played defense. Reifsn.der
shutout victory over Clay High Tuesday night. gets the home run, and we n.

I mean that's a great team."
Reifsnider said Tuesday
night's ballgame was one of the
most demanding he has pitched
this season.
"They're a great team, they
know how to swing the bat and
they play baseball real well. It
was a real tough team, real
tough game," said Reifsnider,
who credited Mullins for the
game he called.


'"Coach Mullins did a great job
of keeping them off balance,
mixing in the fastball, in and out
to where they really didn't know
what -was coming," said the
Reifsnider hit not just a game-
winning homer but also extend-
ed his hitting streak to 15 games,
possibly a Nease record.
As to his fielding play,
Reifsnider said, "Coach Mullins

is very big on defense. Every
practice we go through every-
thing known to man about
defense, bunting the ball and
everything. We do that every
day, to where it's pretty much
second-nature, and I don't have
to think where I need to go with
the ball."
Daniel Jones and Matthew
Redding, both of whom suffered
leg injuries in Nease's 4-2 loss at
Palatka April 4, returned to action
against Clay after missing the
Panthers' win over' interlachen
Monday. Redding, Nease's regular
catcher, was the designated hitter
and Jones caught his longtime
friend, Reifsnider.
Redding, who suffered a knee
bone bruise running into a wall
in pursuit of a foul pop at
Palatka, was limping slightly but
singled to right in the second.
Jones handled the catcher's
role well until he came out the
dugout, limping, to lead off the
bottom of the sixth. He pushed a
bunt to the nght side and slid
into first in an effort to avoid first
baseman Roy Knowles' unassist-
ed putout.
Still limping slightly after the
game, Jones said he was looking
forward to taking the mound
Friday in the Panthers' home
rematch with Palatka. He lost the
decision at Palatka, where he was
hit in the ankle on the mound,
recovered the ball to record the
out, fell and was helped off the
field with a deep bruise.

Clubhouse demolition bittersweet for Beman

Major renovations to Stadium Course

seen as progress toward major status

By CHUCK ADAMS Dye, opened in 1980 and hosted its first Players
SPORTS It'RITER in 1982.
.... ... ,. .r... f Th s and.course-were, in effect;
on' f,-g became ti","''A for. 'o .'l ,".
mer PGA Tour commissioner Deane Beman and "Clearly you've got to have a' little'bit of
a' host of current and former tour officials. remorse," he said. "But life goes on, and the tour-
Demolition of the Tournament Players Club at nament has grown beyond what any.of ts could
Sawgrass clubhouse, signaling the start of things have expected. And the clubhouse really needs
to come, began shortly after 8 a.m. Beman and to reflect that. I'm comfortable with it."
Vernon Kelly, past president of PGA Tour Golf Kelly may have stepped down. from his posi-
Course Properties, took turns at the controls of a tion as president of Golf Course' Properties, but
bulldozer, ceremonially hammering at the' roof he isn't out of the picture.
of the portico, just off the front entrance to the "Over the next year I'm going to be involved
clubhouse, as the demolition began, as a consultant, and heavily invohled'in'the con-
Kell% was Beman's right hand man in the struction. So I'm excited about that,", said the
building of the TPC at Sawgrass Stadium Course. man who oversaw construction of the original
The now-famous Ponte Vedta Beach home of clubhouse and course.
The Players Championshipwas designed by Pete The TPC at Sawgrass began when the land was

purchased from' Arvida for $1, after which Kelly
and Dye went to work to create the Stadium
Course from swampland.. What's happening
now, to include an upgrading of the Stadium
Course, is, as Kelly said, "progress.
"It's just a little bit sad, obviously. But you
can't make an omelet without breaking some
eggs," he added.
,.Beman.p~ndmitted to havjng iLxed emotions.,
about the ieno-atioi fb.e gcf cowr-set aRdth1
rebuilding of its clubhouse, both bof which' were
cornerstones to the ever-growing Tournament
Players Club network that began during his 20-
year reign from 1974 to 1994.
"On one hand, clearly it's a day I didn't think
I'd see, tearing the clubhouse down," said
Beman. "With the design of the new clubhouse,
and I've seen all the plans, it's going to be better.
The golf course is going to be so much improved
for when we have adverse weather.
"You're going to have adverse weather when
.you play golf. So it's going to be better for the
fans and better for the.players.' And I'm all for
the that," said Beman..

"This is the birth of a new generation for
Sawgrass. This is building on 25 years of great
stories, great experiences, on excellence, setting
the stage for 25 years of the same thing: a time-
less clubhouse that will match what's already
become a timeless golf course," said David
Pillsbury, chief operating officer of Tour Gollf
Course Properties.
Pillsbury said it will take about 330 days to have
the cljbhtbuse area cleared- out,.afteri dhichioon_-
stiuction of the new clubhouse begins.
"This building, the structure as you see it
today, will be gone in two weeks," Pillsbury said
of the being-demolished clubhouse. "Then
they'll start site work for the new clubhouse."
The golf course "will be planted and basically
buttoned up by probably around June 15," he
said. "It'll grow in through the summer, and will
be open again, middle November, for play."
The revised course will be The Players Stadium
Course, said Pillsbury. The next time the PGA
Tour's showcase event is played, with Stephen
Ames as defending champion, it will be called
The Players and take place May 10-13, 2007.

Holland caps season with no-hitter


Marion Holland closed out
regular-season high school ca
in special fashion Wednes
and provided the struggi
Nease softball team a much-ni
ed boost' heading into next we
District 5-4A tournament at C
Holland, the team's only
ior, threw a no-hitter at \isil
beating the i
Saints 2-0 on ?
senior night j
while lifting her
record to 8-2.
Nease, which
reeled off eight ',
straight wins to
open the sea-
son, raced to an
11-1 mark at
mid-season but
has labored
since. PANTH
Beginning SAINTS
with a 7-6, 10-
inning loss at Clay March 21,
Panthers have gone 3-9 over
last 12 games, including a stre
of six consecutive losses.
"This has been a differ
year," said Nease coach
Coleman, who led the Panti
to a 19-4 regular season last )
"These kids are fighting. The
doing everything. I mean we
so close. Just something h
something there, and we cc
explode and there's nob
going to stop us."
Nease enters the playoffs si
ed third, based on its 6-4 disi
record. The Panthers o'
Monday with Pedro Menende
team they shut out twice dui
the regular season. Holland w
the first game and sophon
Molly Manning, who, finis
the year at ,6-8, the second.

"\Ve have to come out really
strong" in district play, said
Hollafind. "We need to do well in
her districts, since we're not seeded as
reer high as we have been in past
day years. We're going to have to play
ling that much harder to get to the
eed- championship."
ek's Holland said .didn't realize she
2lay was working on a no-hitter.
"I thought there were a couple
sen- of hits, but I guess not," she said
Ling after the game.
Amanda Cote
_ai ran hard to get
.,'" / under a fly ball
in the second,
L then muffed it
.'31 for an error.
/' Cote's redeem-
Snmg moment
/ came in the
/ third, however,
It when she threw
out Sandal-
wood's Kristy
ERS 2 Chapman at first
0 after Chapman
lined an apparent
the single to right. And Clare Wamsley
the ranged to her left to field a ground
etch ball hit hard by the Saints' Caitlyn
rent Other key plays were made by
Jim leftfielder Morgan Graley, who
hers ended the Sandalwood first by
'ear. snagging a line drive off the bat of
y're cleanup hitter Brittany Sharpe,
are and Holland, who caught a line
lere, drive back to the mound in the
9uld fourth.
ody Manning doubled in the first
to drive in Kayley King, who
eed-' opened the game with a single.
trict And Victoria Rosenblum added
pen an insurance run in the third, sin-
ez, a gling in King, who opened the
ring inning with a walk.
won "We came out strong today/'
aore said Holland. "We were just really
hed focused 'in the field and with bat-
ting, and it showed,"

Nease High pitcher 'Marion Holland prepares to fire to the plate during action earlier this season. Holland pitched a no-hitter
Wednesday night agalhnst Sandalwood High as the Panthers rolled to a 2-0 victory. "'T


Aerobics /
Aerobics by Beverly takes
place Mondays and
Wednesday from 5:30 p.m.
until 6:30 p.m. at the Neptune
leach Senior Activities Center.
Program features circuit train-
ing, cardio kickboxing, step
ind body sculpture.
For more information phone
,16-2218 or 270-1688.
Baseball School
The Sunshine Baseball
schooll will take place at
Wingate Park in Jacksonville
each on the following dates:
June 5-8; June 12-15; June
19-22 and June 26-29.
Instruction takes place
Monday to Thursday from 8:30
a.m. until 3:30 p.m.
The Sunshine Baseball
School features instruction
Tom Fletcher varsity coach
'.;evin Brown, and current
Senators assistant coaches Dr.
im Timmons and Boomer
Cost is $125 per session and
includess lunches, drinks and T-
shirt. For more information -
:ontact Dr. Jim Timmons at
!23-1664 or 521-2687.

Bud Beech Camps
The Bud Beech.Summer
-amps at Nease High School
oegin May 22.
Ten weekly sessions are avail-
able, most of which run from
A.londay through Thursday. The
cost of each session is $55 half
lay [9 a.m. to noon or noon to
3 p.m.] or $95 extended day [9
i.m. until 3 p.m.]
Campers may choose the
morningg camp that runs from 9
.i.m. to noon and select basket-
ball, soccer, flag football or
dance/gymnastics. The after-
noon camps run from noon to 3
S ).m. and offer basketball or
For more information or an
application form, call 904-686-
i075 or email beech jr-@com-
Football Camp
The 2006 Coach Craig
Howard Football Camp, -which
takes place May 22 through
\lay 25 from 9 a.m. until
loon, is for boys or girls enter-
ing grades 3 through 8.
The four-day, non-padded
routh camp is designed for
young, energetic players who
want to learn about football
and have fun. Cost is $85 and
includes a T-shirt.
., For more information send
h e-m ail 'tci ': -:-. .
with name and address to
receive a brochure.

Girls on the Run
Registration is now open
for Girls on the Run of N.E.
Florida, an after-school pro-
gram for 3rd to 6th grade
girls that combines running
and training for a 5K (3.1
miles) run/walk, along with
healthyy living education and
.ife lessons.
Spring programs take place
_t various locations through-
out Ponte Vedra Beach,
Atlantic Beach and Neptune
Beach. For more information
.phone (904) 321-4315 or
Golf Instruction
Free golf instruction being
offeredd at the Jacksonville
'leach Golf Course. The free
adult new player clinic takes
place the third Saturday of
S ach month beginning at 4
On the fourth Saturday of
:ach month will be a free
*lass for juniors (ages.6 to 17)
it 4 p.m.
Pie-registration is not neces-
are and equipment is avail-
able for those who' need it. All
"lasses are taught by academy
professionals Nick'r Martin,
,,Iar Lyons, Cooper Osborne
1nd Sandy Suckling.
For more information
phone 476-2603.
The Ponte Vedra Lacrosse
'lub's Senior Predators defeat-
,d Bolles 12-10 March 29. Jack
-elice scored five goals and
added two assists.
A schedule of upcoming
games for the Predators [times
are being finalized]:
April 5 Senior Predator 1

's. Creeks, 5 p.m.; Senior
Predator 2 vs. Creeks, 5 p.m.;
Junior Predators vs. Creeks, 6
: -.m., all Fruit Cove Middle
April 8 Junior Predators 1
.-s. Creeks, Junior Predators 2
.s. Creeks and Junior Predators
3 vs. Creeks, all .ulington
Creek ,
April 11 i- Junior/Senior 2
is. Bolles 2, home, 4:30 p.m.
April 19 Senior Predators
I vs. Creeks and Senior
Predators 2 vs. Creeks, both
home .
April 22 -Junior Predators
1 vs. Creeks, Junior Predators 2
vs. Creeks and Junior Predators
3 vs. Creeks, all home

April 22- Senior Predators
vs. Eagle Harbor, home
The Ponte Vedra Lacrosse
Club, coached by Dan
McAuliffe and Ray Carnicelli,
is working to set up a home
jamboree and also trying to
schedule additional home
games for the Junior and
Senior Predators. Patti
Lombardo is the club's com-
Home games for the boys
teams are played on the
Landrum lacrosse field. Girls
lacrosse is played at
Cornerstone Park.
The Ponte Vedra Lacrosse
Club's girls team played

Julington Creek April 1 in the
,Ojibwey Lacrosse Festiyal, held
at Bartram Trail High School.
Nease sport physical will take
place April 29 from 9 a.m.'until
11 a.m. in the high school gym.
Cost is $10. Athletes may log on
to FHSAA.org to get the physical
and liability form. For additional
information about the Nease
physical phone 819-8300 and
ask for Athletics.
Beaches Pilates classes take
place Tuesdays and
Thursday from 9 a.m. until

.10 a.m. at Hollie's Dance
Studio. Cost is $5. First
hour/first class free.
Phone 234-0038 or visit
beachespilates.com for more

North Florida United Soccer
Club is now forming true select
teams in this area. This is the only
true select dub in north Florida,
which mears participants cannot
pay to play orrthe team. All play-
ers are selected based on perform-
ance and attitude.
Teams are being formed in the
U-10 to U-17 age brackets. More
information is available at on the

web at nfusoccerdub.com or by
phoning (904) 367-8311.
The First Coast Soccer
Association's summer camp pro-
grams indude:
Camp 1 4v4 skills camp for
ages 9-12, June 5-7 from 6 p.m.
until 8 p.m.
Camp 2 Touch-up program
session for ages 5-10, June 12-14
from 9 a.m. until 11 a.m.
Camp 3 Touch-up program
session [1 for ages 5-10, July 31-
Aug. 2 from 9 a.m. until 11 a.m.
For more information visit
firstcoastsoccer.com or phone

The Ponte Vedra Socer Club is
conducting a Harley Davidson
raffle to raise funds for a train-
ing/educational facility at Davis
A total of 5,000 tickets, at a
cost of $20 per ticket or six for
$100, will be sold with the grand
prize of a 2006 black Harley
Davison fuel-injected Fat Boy
Drawing will take place May 13
at the PVSC's annual spring pic-
nic at Davis Park. Tickets are avail-
able online at PonteVedra-
SoccerClub.com or. at Bogey
Grille, Oceansrde Cleaners and
Play it Again Sports or through
PVSC members and their families.

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.AL-ril 14,12006,

SThe Beadies L~eader/Ponte Vedra L~eader

Panp 10A




The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 11A

Barry Goforth, of Atlantic Beach, competed in the Sunshine
Classic bodybuilding championships earlier this month.

Atlantic Beach's Goforth

wins bodybuilding title

Barry Goforth, co-owner, of
Club NRG in Atlantic Beach,
.won the Master's Over 40 divi-
sion in the Sunshine Classic
bodybuilding competition in
\Vest Palm Beach earlier this
month. The victory qualified
Goforth for the national cham-
Spionships in June.
Goforth, 47, has spent nearly
30 years as a fitness trainer spe-
cializing in customizing pro-
grams and nutritional plans for
S "I train year-round because
this is what I love to do," he
said. "But competing offers
another challenge for me. The
idea that, at 47, I can be in the
best shape of my life and quali-
fy for the nationals is a total
thrill- but not a surprise. I
believe we get better with age."
The Sunshine Classic fea-
tured competition for men,
women's fitness and body-
building, as well as the wheel-
chair nationals in which men
from a variety of countries and
the U.S. cqmpeted for titles.
Club NRG co-owner Greg
Consentino placed third in the
men's Open Class division.

With 25 years of bodybuild-
ing competition under his belt,
Goforth's victories include
2000 Mr. Georgia heavyweight
class, and the 2001 heavy-
weight class in Master's Over
"This is the best I've ever
felt," he said following his April
3 victory in West Palm Beach.
"I'm leaner, fitter, healthier and
happier. Repetition, training
and nutrition are so vitalhl
important. It pays off.
"We're meant to thrive, not
deteriorate, as we age. If you
look at athletes today they're
getting better with age and
staying in their careers longer
than ever before."
Goforth said his philosophy
at Club NRG is simple: He
thrives in watching clients
reach potential they never
thought possible.
"People want quick fixes," he
said. "A lot of clubs tie them up
in contracts and couldn't care
less if they ever come back. I
care and want them to be here
and give it an honest try.
"It's amazing to watch people
reach their goals; the joy and
excitement in their bodies

Some simple changes ,

lead to victory in the

Forever Fit Challenge

Iric Kubatzke, a 31-year-old
r physical therapist with
.LdAdance Rehabilitation has
won the Forever Fit Challenge
sponsored by the Amelia
Wellness Center in Femandina
Beach, and the $3,000 cash prize
that goes along with it.
The "Challenge" pits Wellness
Center members
against one
another in a com-
petition to see A
Swho can shed the
most weight and
body fat over a
three-month E
period. When
he begafi the
competition, the
6'3" Kubatzke
tipped the scales
at 254 pounds,
S and three
months later GRE
stepped off at, a SMITI
toned 217, losing 'O ITR
37 pounds, and CONTF
dropping 18.5 per-
cent body fat.
When I spoke with Enc, my
first question was how he did it.
"I started by actually increasing
my intake, eating more frequent
and smaller meals," hie said.
Kubatzke ate 5-6 high protein
meals a day, choosing between
egg whites, chicken, fish, tuna
and occasional red meat. He
avoided simple carbohydrates
like white breads and pasta, and
added complex carbohydrates
such as oatmeal, brown rice, and
wild rice. '
"It takes longer for the body to
break down the complex carbs,
so they are not converted to fat
as easily as the simple carbohy-
drates," said Kubatzke. He also
avoided fatty foods, searched for
low fat options and ate a lot Of
salads and broccoli.
While Kubatzke was adding.
things to his diet, there of course
was'the more difficult task of giv-
ing up his vices.
"I typically would eat ice
cream and drink a two-liter soda
every day," he said.
However, at the start of the
competition, he gave it all up,
foregoing all sweets. "Just giving
up the soda, saved me 1,000 calo-
ries a day," he added. Kubatzke
also increased his water intake to
supplant his soda habit, and



noted that he drank at least a gal-
lon of water per day.
Knowing that diet alone was
not enough, Kubatzke also
increased his exercise.
"1 went from doing nothing to
exercising four days a week, and
then twice daily foi the final two
weeks of the competition," he
Kubatzke start-
ed out with 30
Minutes of cardio
..- on the elliptical
trainer or tread-
mill, and by the
end of the com-
petition, was
doing cardio one
-o. to two hours a
day. Getting to
the gym at 5a.m.,
he also did
weight training
four days a week
GORY for approximately
SM.D. an hour.
H, M.D. Eric wvas serious
IBUTOR about the compe-
tition, and in fact
during the process he sustained a
significant tear of his pectoralis
muscle, which fortunately could
be managed without surgery.
"After my pectoralis tear, I had
to convert to a lifting program of
higher reps and lower weights to
continue my training, with fewer
rest periods, which allowed me
to cut my exercise time down
from an hour to about 30 min-
utes," Kubatzke said.
Kubatzke is a former college
wrestler at Illinois Statee and
Augustana College in Illinois,
where he typically competed in
weight classes from 190 to 225,
and he admitted that he had let
himself go over the last few
years. ,
"With an increased workload,
often I found that I just didn't
have the time for a good meal,
so I would grab fast food, and
would even skip meals and then
binge later; then when our baby,
was born, I stopped working out
all together," he said.
S ubatzke knew it was time to
throw himself into the Forever
Fit Challenge, for he felt that he
had hit rock bottom. "That was
the worse condition. that I had
ever been in, so I wanted to do it
for myself, but of course the
$3,000 was certainly a motivat-
ing factor as well, he added.

1423 Eighth Avenue North, Jacksonville Beach
Holy Week Services
Friday, April 14th 7:00 p.m.
Our Good Friday worship will feature a Tenebrae lit-
urgy and will include many meaningful hymns, power-
ful special music, and the reading of the entire Passion
Saturday, April 15th 5:30 p.m.
New to Bethlehem this year, our Easter Vigil service is
a special time for prayer and meditation. The service will
include meditative music, scripture readings, and the
special testimony of three members of our congregation.
Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to worship!
Sunday, April 16th 7:00. 9:00, & 11:00 a.m.
Our Easter Festival Worship Services will triumphantly
proclaim the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ
through majestic music, powerful preaching, and the
celebration of Holy Communion.
w n' Please also join us for Easter Breakfast serve from 8:00-9:00 a.m.
All children and young families are invite to join us for an Easter
Egg Hunt in the playground from 8:30 a.m.- 9:00 a.m.
*There will be no Sunday School or Adult Bible Study on Easter Sunday.
Enjoy worship and fellowship with your family.
Phone: 249-5418 www.blcjaxbeach.org

You re invited to join us for

Easter '
.... stravaganza

Saturday, April 15
,10:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m.
Chets Creek Elementary
S 13200 Chets Creek Blvd. Jacksonville, FL
15,000 eggs
fun & games
door prizes
face painting & crafts
inflatable attractions
For more information ,
please call 904.223.5954
or visit www.eastereggfun.com
Sponsored by

For children ages 11 and under
-.AIIchirdt. e cGorripa&de.d by an adLtitt allt-.tr.es

a f ,. Contemplate the meaning
-y. of Resurrecton
p and Abundant Life
5as you enjoy viewing
Sthe sun on its rise
4atSMUIS over the ocean...

Easter Sunday Sunrise Service

April 16, 2006

Being held at
Hanna Park-Dolphin Plaza
500 Wonderwood Drive

Presented by
Unity Church of Jacksonville
634 Lomax Street, Jacksonville, Fl. 32204

Betty R. Sikking, Minister
C. Thomas Sikking, Minister Emeritus

Worship Opportunities
'8:00 a.m. Traditional
^U : 9:30 a.m. Contemporary*
-" S11:15 a.m. Traditional*
1 ,*Kids Worship provided


United Methodist

Rev. Jeff Bennett, Pastor

35 Executive Way, PV B ,
Across A1A from Rawlings Scho \
Behind Prosperity Bank
280-5141 www.pv-umc.org--
"Connecting the Unconnected'/' ,/



Church at
Ponte Vedra

Welcomes you to


M. K. Rawlings E
610 A1
Ponte Vedra B

David Chandle
For more i
please visit c
www.tcpv.com C

10 AM

elementary School
AL North
each, Florida

r,. Interim Pastor
)ur website at
or call 318-2010
r ,

Christ Uriite ,'
"-I Metliodlist Church '

A Celebration of Easter .

April 14 6:00 p.m. Good Friday Fish Fry
7:30 p.m. "Christ's Passion" Drama

April 151:00 p.m.

Community Easter Egg Hunt
The Easter Bunny will be here!

April 16 6:30 a.m. Easter Sunrise Service at the
beach by the Sea Turtle Inn
8:00 a.m. Easter breakfast in Wilson Hall
Easter Bonnet parade
Children's Easter story time
10:15 a.m. Easter Worship Service in the
., anctuary

f ,

Everyone is invited to come join us for the
celebration of the Victory of Jesus Christ!
,. !. 400 Penman Road
Neptune Beach
;.. Call 24-5A70

The Good News Is... Jesus Is Alive
at First Christian Church of the Beaches
(Disciples of Christ)
2125 Ocean Front & Seagate, Neptune Beach
Pastor Mahlon Dixon. Senior Minister
Pastor James Collins, Associate Minister

. .. : / :

April 14 Good Friday
"In the Dark of the Sun", 7:00 p.m.

Come Experience

the Glory of Easter

on the Ocean Front at our

Sunrise Service at 6:45 a.m.
Praise singing, scripture, drama, and flower cross
Easter services at 9:00 and 10:45 a.m.
246.2010 / fccbdoc.com

Apni Is-r, Z-VV0


A n41i i 14 "n'ai


The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

April 14, 2006

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Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082

Committed to Excellence. Dedicated to Success. OPKwOiraTi

PaaP 12A

.L a0

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- t 4 At
4:'- ~

14 -c

: --I-



The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader


* Kings of Hell
* Reli.gon

* Discovering Toccoa


The central cross in front of Lord of Life Lutheran Church in Ponte Vedra
is draped in purple for Good Friday and the Lenten Season.

Coming up roses

Weekend rose show

features local blooms



is set

See service
listings, B-9
The 57th annual Easter
Sunrise Service will be
held at 6 a.m. on Sunday,
April 16 at the Sea Walk
Pavilion in Jacksonville
Beach. The Beaches
Ministerial Association is
organizing the service.
Pastor Patrick Bell will
preach at the service and
local Christian band, The
Grateful Bread, will pro-
vide the music.
Those in attendance are
encouraged to bring
chairs or blankets for seat-

Alligators gather at the watering hole.

At Alligator Farm

Gator guards create

nature's Odd Couple

Winning "Queen of Show" is
what Atlantic Beach residents Bi
and Peggy Tevepaugh hope to
achieve Saturday in the 52nd
annual Jackson-ille Rose Society
Rose Show at the Garden Club o
Jacksonville in Rilerside.
The couple prune their roses t
"open" the day of the show. Ani
they know what they're talking
about. They have won Queen of
Show so many times they've los
count. So what does it take to
claim the most prestigious award
"I call it luck," laughs Bill
Tevepaugh who estimates they'\
won 25-30 queen titles in five di
ferent states over the years.
"There is a queen award for
hybrid teas and for miniatures. I
you've ever won both you've rea
iy accomplished something."
The Tevepaughs have claimed
both queen awards five times in
four different states since they
first started growing roses in
1966. The hybrid teas are the
long-stemmed roses usually asso
ciated with Valentine's Day and
the miniature roses are similar b
have a smaller bloom. And they
come in just about every color
except blue.
"Our primary mission [the Ro.
Society] is to encourage others to
grow roses and to educate the
public," Tevepaugh said.
There are about 250 members
in the Jacksonville Rose Sodetvy

Bill and Peggy Tevepaugh are
flowers this weekend at the Ro





Flowers such as these roses from an Atlhntic each yard will be on
se display this weekend as the Rose Society p$oth annual show.

which meets the first Tuesday of come. -
each month at 7 p.m. at the ?ur members'are from all
Garden Club. Visitors are wel- wal.l'of life,' Tevepaugh said.
"There is always a segment on
wh.-"*Oq'do with some of the hor-
ticuilture involved. And we have
consulting rosarians who have
passed the school and test with
theg.ose Socie,' and they'll
answer questions and give
Advice. All of th.s information is
free at obr meetings."
-The lot-alt1pter is an affiliate
of the American Rose Society
I .[www.ars.otg] and part of the
Deep South District which
includes Florida, Georgia and
Alabama. Bill Tevepaugh has
served as president of the local
chapter and district director over
the years and is currently on the
board of the Jacksonville Rose
"Everyone who grows roses
With pride knows that rose gar-
dens are the best places to relax,
S to be in touch with nature, to
~l affirm again that the world holds
so much beauty for us all," said
avid rose growers and will show their ARS president Marilyn Wellan.
se Society show.,,
I .1. See ROSES, B-8

You've heard of foxes guarding the hen-
house, right? How about gators guarding the
rookery? If you take a drive south to. St.
Augustine and visit the Alligator Farm, you
will see just that.
The St. Augustine Alligator Farm is an old-
Flprida-style family attraction, whcq'a"ttiacp"s
not only human families but scores of breed-
ing herons, egrets and woodstorks too. It's
worth a drive there just to see the birds. I've
been to many zoos where wild wading birds.
are drawn to fish and other food fed to the
less fortunate captive birds held within the
bars. But here, the situation is far different.
The birds are here not for food, but for the
protection they are offered. Gators on guard
duty-how can you beat it?
The herons, egrets and woodstorks are now
in full breeding plumage and courting one
another in the early nest-building season.
'Many of these birds are just a few feet from
the human visitors walking along the board-
walk through the alligator swamp. While alli-
gators cruise below them in the water, the
birds are unperturbed.
No alligator is going to climb a tree to
reach them and any snake or raccoon foolish
enough to swim across the pond to the bird
islands is likely to become alligator food.
Various wading birds have been nesting year
after year in this protected realm, free from
predators upon their nest, and accustomed to

A bird stays safely in a tree.

the shrieks and laughter of children passing
dose by but far from reach on the safety of
the boardwalk.
The alligators in the swamp exhibit coexist
with schools of fish and various pond turtles,
which must sometime provide a diverting
snack from their usual fare of meat hunks,
and rat and nutria carcasses that keepers
shower on them at feeding time.

See GATORS, next page

Spring Fever Family Festival free Saturday
oitarts ns the Easter Bunn and an a s a $2 donation that will

Adventure Landing hosts its 2nd
Annual Spring Fever Family
Festival on Saturday, April 15 from
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Activities will include free
bounce houses, clowns, face paint-
ing, dance, cheer, karate demon-

,AfdU U I 1 LU.e1 DLJLIUL1 dIlU d1
afternoon of family concerts.
The all-day event kicks off with
two egg hunts, 9 am and 11 am,
broken down into three age
groups, Ages 3-5, 6-8, and 9-10.
Over 3,000 eggs per hunt will be
filled. Each egg hunt partidpant


given to the Boys & Girls Club.
Each child will get a hot dog and a
small drink. A free outdoor
Christian concert will feature
Shattered Silence .
!Doors open at 8 am.For infor-
mation call (904)246-4386.

Lord of the Dance will present one performance on Thursday, April 20, at 7:30 p.m.
at the Times-Union Center in the Moran Theatre. Michael Flatley's international Irish
dancing troupe performs worldwide. Tickets range from $27.50 to $57.70, plus serv-
ice charges. Presented by the FCCJ Artist Series. Call (904) 632-3373 or order
online at www.artistseries.fccj.org.

Anril 14 flnnf


Pane B-1


ti m -, -v v1.. a-


Weekend 2 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader April 14, 2006


Forthe Kids'

Cont. from previous page,
In between, there is always
the gradual addition of tossed
dog food to stave their hunger
from feeding dispensers fed
with quarters.
The birds above them have
no doubt paid attention to the
gators in the pond, and proba-
bly those that safely hatch out
of these nests are especially
aware of the dangers of gators.
It is only a very foolish bird
i that fails to note the many
gators in the waters below
them. To feed themselves,
these birds fly out into the
safer waters of the nearby
Intercoastal Waterway and
other less .gator-ridden waters.
In the wild, however, the
situation is different. Gators
and their cousins the croco-
diles of the world often do
prey on wading birds and
other shore-side creatures. The
main hunting technique of
these crocodilians is hide and
wait, then strike! Camouflage
is a gator's best friend and,
except for a mother with
young, you rarely see more
than one gator at a time, cer-
tainly not scores of them side
by side like you see at the
Alligator Farm. You have no
idea how many alligators you
have walked right on by when
you walk in the Egans
Greenway, or along the
Willow Pond trail in Fort
Clinch State Park. For the-
* most part, crocs and gators are
nearly invisible to the average
person or wading bird until it
is too late.
That's not to saythat alliga-
tors and crocodiles are always
the winner in confrontations
with other creatures. Alligator
eggs are sometimes consumed
by snakes. Small crocodilians
are often eaten by wading
birds, and otters, and large
snapping turtles. Larger croco-
dilians in most parts of the
world are also sometimes cap-
tured and eaten by humans,

and their hide is used for
There is a natural balance
between predators and prey,
and in the case of crocodil-
ians, this balance shifts as
they grow in size. What one
day is something to be feared
by a baby gator-a hungry
otter-is later to be looked on
with relish---an otter tidbit.
For a large alligator or croco-
dile in the wild, the only one
to fear is a human. To contin-
ue to live in a world that still
includes wild alligators, the
only safe strategy is to leave
them alone, and definitely not
feed them. Once alligators lose
their'fear of'humans; thev'ace
to be feared themsel.ves.., .r i
I wonder about that dynam-
ic at the St.Augustine Alligator
Farm-here the gators and
crocs are all fed by humans,
on a regular schedule, and the
rest of the time small humans
lean over the rail and feed
them purchased dog kibble.
The 'rookery birds are safe,
high above the water in the
trees. But, I sure wouldn't
want to be a human that falls
into the exhibit by mistake!
Pat Foster-Turley patand-
bucko@yahoo.com) is a Ph.D.
zoologist, world traveler and sto-
rvteller in north Forida. She will
be giving a free talk on "Gators
and Crocs: Amelia to Zambia"
at Sandiy Bottoms in Fernandina
Beach at noon Friday April 21.
Call (904) 277-0814 for reserva-

Yu-GI-OH DUELS are wildlife into their back yards.
staged at 2 p.m. Saturday at Tree Hill's butterfly house
Books-A-Million, 738 Marsh gives visitors a close encounter
Landing Parkway, Jacksonville with butterflies. Animal.
Beach. Call 273-8055 for infor- Encounters, in which visitors
nation. can learn about and touch sev-
HANDS-ON CHILDREN'S eral small animals, can be
MUSEUM offers hands-on arranged by calling Tree Hill at
activities, play and learning 724-4646 and asking for the
opportunities for kids from naturalist. Tree Hill is at 7152
9:30 a.m, to 5 p.m. Monday Lone Star Road and is open 8
through Saturday at 8580 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville. through Saturday. Admission is
Admission is $3.50 for children $1 for children up to 18 years
ages 1-3 and $5.50 for all oth- and $2 for adults.
ers. Call 642-2688 for informa- THE BEACHES BRANCH of
tion. the Jacksonville Public Library,
MY GYM Children's 600 Third St., Neptune Beach
Fitness offers games, gymnas- also has children's activities.
tics, relays, swings, rides, Call 241-1141 and press 4 for
songs, dances, and more for children's activities and 5 for
ages three months to 13 years. the children's reference desk.
First class is free. For informa- MOMMY & ME for ages 6
tion call 904-223-4966. months to 2-1/2 years features
JMOMA'S ARTEXPLORIUM songs, parachute games, finger
LOFT is a multi-generations play, rhythm band music and a
learning environment that way to meet other parents or
offers 16 hands-on stations for grandparents while having fun
children and adults to explore with your child. Offered begin-
the concepts in modern and ning in September at Nancy
contemporary art. Entry is free Dance Studio. For information,
with paid entrance to the call 241-8349 for information.
Jacksonville Museum of -JACKSONVILLE WALDORF
Modern Art. Children are INITIATIVE sponsors several
admitted free every Sunday for playgroups for toddlers.
Family Free Day at 333 Classes begin in the fall. For
Hemming Plaza in downtown information, call 247-1314.
Jacksonville. Hours of opera- *CARVER COMMUNITY
tion are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. CENTER, 738 Fourth Ave. S.,
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, Jacksonville Beach, has many
11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesday activities for kids, including
11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and karate, tutoring and games.
Noon to 5 p.m. Sunday. Call 247-6218.
366-6911 for information. *A MOMS AND TOTS group
HEARTSONG offers meets regularly at Isle of Faith
Kindermusik and playday United Methodist Church on
classes Tuesday to Saturday in San Pablo Road, next to
Jacksonville Beach and Ponte Alimacani Elementary School.
Vedra Beach for children from For information, call 221-1700.
birth to age 7. For MOTHERS OF PRE -
Kindermusik, a music and SCHOOLERS, support groups
movement program for all for moms of children ages 5 or
ages, children are divided by younger, meet as follows:
age group. One trial class is Christ the Redeemer
free. Call 249-3828 for infor- Church, 190 S. Roscoe Blvd.,
mation or visit www.heart- Ponte Vedra Beach, 7 p.m. to 9
song-km.com. p.m. the third Monday of the
ART CONNECTIONS at the month (285-8009)..
Cummer Museum of Art & East Pointe Baptist
Gardens in Jacksonville con- Church, 270 N. Kernan Blvd.,
ptain~hands-ou- htgb-teh ant-'TJacksonville, 9 a.m. to angon
i lowaTech intratwle;r exhibits -the second and fourth Tuesday
that encourage pih'ical~acthivi- of the month (220-2377).
ty and quiet contemplation. Mayport Naval Station
Walk through a painting, chapel, 9:30 a.m. the third
create patterns with dance, Monday of the month (270-
make a collage, listen to a 5212).
sculpture, or paint with a vir- Ponte Vedra Presbyterian
tual paintbrush. The museum hurch, 4510 Palm Valley Road,
is located on the north bank of Ponte Vedra Beach, 9:15 a.m.
the St. Johns River at 829 to 11:30 a.m. the second and
Riverside Ave., phone 356- fourth Monday of the month
6857. Hours are 10 a.m. to 9 (285-8225).
p.m. Tuesday and Thursday- 1Q MUSEUM OF SCIENCE
a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday, AND HISTORY offers crafts,
Friday and Saturday, and noon science experiments, planetari-
to 5 p.m. Sunday. urm shows and live demonstra-
TREE HILL NATURE CEN- tions throughout the year.
TER offers its popular program
for parents and children, FUNI
(Find Understanding in
Nature.), on the third Saturday
of each month at 10 a.m.
For a fee of $10 families dis-
cover easy ways to invite


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Discovery Montessod School in Jacksonville Beach celebrates
Easter with a class egg hunt. Kindergarten students Chance
Million, Eli Burgess, Hayden Hulihan and Samantha Gibson are
with their teacher Dotty Rashba.

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Count the hidden Easter Eggs in The Beaches Leader, Ponte
Vedra Leader and win. Look for the Easter. Eggs placed
throughout the newspaper today, April '14. Go online to the
Leader website to enter your count for each day and for both.
All you -have to do is count the eggs you find arid go online to
complete the entry form.

Act quickly!
All entries must be in by 3 p.m., April
17, 2006. In case of duplication, a
drawing will be held to determine the
winner. No age restrictions.


click: on the Easter Banner

* egg) Your community newspapers


Here's what the qu
Easter Eggs lool
(You can count this

The rookery is home to dozens of birds.

Gators: Farm has birds



Weekend 3

-The, Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

Anril 14 2006




Toccoa makes you feel welcome

It was cool and drizzling
Saturday morning when my
brother and I drove into
Toccoa, Ga., less than an
hour's drive from my brother's
home in Anderson, S.C.
"We had bypassed the fast
food places and chain restau-
rants that line U.S. 17, con-
vinced that a town such as
'Toccoa surely would offer more
,quaint eateries for visitors pass-
irig through.
, We were correct on the first
cbunt, but.we were wrong in
:assuming that we'd simply be
able to pass through.
Not with the likes of the
Rebel "Cafe and its U-shaped
counter, colorful' clientele and
banana walnut pancakes.
Nor with the -likes of Milton
Spratlin, who invited us to sit
on the stools next to him and,
From those seats, my broth-
er, John Yane, and I heard tales
of the Rebel, which had' one
owner from the time it opened
'in 1961 until six or seven years
. How the owner worked from'
.un to sun and was known to
plant the seeds of a discussion,
.t.ien step back and listen as the
Planting took on a life of its
:, We also learned that the ren-
ovations going on in the
!downtown area do not have
.universal support.


There are. those who. think
the road in front of the Rebel
should remain open to foot
traffic only arid those who
think businesses will benefit
when the road is reopened to
There 'are those who want
the awnings shading the store
fronts to stay up to encourage
congregation and 'those who
'think removing them will
bring a welcomed blast from
the past.'
What apparently does have
universal support, however,, is
the new museum just "around
the corner" from the Rebel that
showcases some of Toccoa's

,tate looking f(

t; is a business, a hobby, a '
profession, a skill, a source of
happiness, a source of rehabili-
!tation and many other things
to many people.
However, it is also important
'that the results of artistic talent
- artworks be shared and ,
ftinded. ...
This week Florida Art in State. '
Buildings Program announced a
new call to 'artists' containing ..'
descriptions of nine new public
art projects 'with submission
deadlin'e~-thisimonth, 'Ma3laIhndi i iA ii.iL. E .. ....
June, i The,,atbudget-rangesji, ARTLIAND' "'' I
from $5,310 to $100,000. ..ART SCENE'
Art selection committees are
searching for a wide variety of which opened March 28, is a
,art from interior,partwbrk to,, phbtbgraphy exhibit lby Ansel.
'large-scale pieces.. In'tetested ;Adams' and :EdwinLand, "Art,
artists can view the new call bv 'Science' and In. 'ention -
.going to www.Florida- Photdgraphs from. the Polaroid
'Arts.org/prog rams/state build- Collection." '. ,
ings. Adams is recognized for his
,. For more information contact images. of our natural environ-
Lee Modica, Art in State meant. On Wednesday, April 19,
Buildings Program, 500 S.' enjoy an "Especially for Senior
Bronough St., Tallahassee, Fla., Talk and Tea" at 1:30 p'.m., the
32301, or.call (850) 245-6476 or subject being The Cummer
,m dica@dos.state.fl.us. Gardens. Members and. non-
STh is an opportunity not members pay a fee of $5.
oonly to be paid for your art but. Reservations are suggested. Call
also to get recognition. Good 356:6857.
uick, aspiring artists, as well as A lettire, "What's.Affordable
"all you professionals. in.the American' Art Market" by
Eric Widing, head of., the'
In commemoration of .Americah 'art department at
National : Holocaust Christie's, Newv "York, will be
Remembrance Day, the Cultural held at 7 p.m. Thursday in the
Center at Ponte Vedra Beach 'Cummer"'s Jacobsen., Gallery,
williopen an exhibit of works by' 829 Riverside Ave., Jacksonville.
Mimi Schiff on April 25 with a Admission to the lecture is
reception from 6 p.m. to'8 p:m. included in the museum admis-
Mimi .will be present at 'the sioh fee: 'Friee for members
reception. The gallery will be and $8 for others. '
'open Monday to Thursday from The Cummer Mus&em will.be
f. a.m. to 6 p.m.' and Friday having a summe" camp f6r kids.
and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 Call 356-6857 for a schedule.
p.m. *'.-
From April 28 to June 2, the During May, "June 'and July,
center will be -exhibiting pho- the Museum of Modern Art will
toqgraphy, "Paper' and: Light," be having an art camp for kids
photographs by 'Jay Shoots, from grades one to 'six. For a
'Dbminick Martocelli and Paul schedule and information
Kaiabinis. about camp, contact the muse-
,The exhibit features. photo- urn at 366-691.1, ext. 207.'
graphs realized through a vari- Scholarships are available for
ety of techniques arid processes, families in need of assistance.
from montage and cameraless .' ..
photography to traditional his- The Beaches Fine Arts Series
torical and digital processes. will present "Beach Meets
The center is located at 50 West" at the FCCJ' Nathan H.
Executive Way, Ponte Vedra Wilson Center for the Arts on
Beach. Call 280-0614. Friday, April 21, at 7:30 p.m.
h Africa's premier dance company
The Cummer Museum of Art performs native ballets accom-
and Garden's newest exhibit, panied by African instruments.

Don't miss it, we were
advised. Particularly the mili-
tary mtisUtiri,'"a' testament to
the valor of World 'Wr 11 para-
troopers who trained at Camp
Toccoa, home of the original
"Band of Brothers." '
Milton Vas able to give John
and me the museum's operat-
ing schedule sbowe'ould make
a point.'of visiting later that
day, after we completed our
business in Demotestf Ga.
Returning' t6 Toccoa that
afternoon, John and I were
warmly welcomed t6'the newly
renovated, '-180s 'train depot.
that was dedicated just two
weeks earlier, 6orMarch 24.
From dutrguide, Bill Browne,
we heard about" the depot, the
trains, the' vintage items on
display and the lives of some of
Toccoa's' 'fd&orite' go'hs (and
daughters; 'idch as 'tfi& 91-year-.:
old who"'made 'the'whimsical
cloth dolls'dri display).
Bill tuWfied 'us 'over' to Reed
Pelfrey, Who" fo6d' riderr an
OD green parachute suspended
from the-ceiling'of the military
museum built on' the depot's
Reed talked 'about ihe 506th
- the "Band bf' Brothers"
made .famous by 'the HBO
miniseries -" and the other
three airborne regiments that
trained at Camp Toccoa 'the
501st; 511'fhrand 517(h.
He-showed us'some of his
t ; ,' ,, ,, ,.

own relics from his W.W.II
service in the 502nd, saved in
attic boxes until called to duty
in the military museum.
Many of the artifacts are dis-
played in an old horse stable
that takes up much of the mil-
itary museum's 6,000 square
The stable, which had
housed the 506th in
Aldbourne, England, during
the war, had been labeled,
taken apart, stored for about a
year, flown to America, stored
another 10 months then
reassembled last fall in its pres-
ent place,
It's a place John and I would
like to visit again, perhaps for
the "Currahee Military
Weekend" Oct. 12 to 15,
named for the mountain that
was a training site for para-
troopers at Camp Toccoa.
Toccoa, while you're cele-
- rating your "Band of
Brothers" that helped increase
tourism and donations from
veterans and their' families,
don't forget to tip your hat to
your modern-day band of
It was they who brought us
back to Toccoa when we could
just as easily have driven by.
It was they who made us feel
as though we were coming
back home to a place we had
never been.

)r artistic talent
', Ifi'

S Timeless is a,'painting by Michael Hough.
A reception .osted bp, Florida Neptune Beach. Call
Coinmuit'y Collge will follow *' '.
the program. For information 'First Street Galle
call 270-1771. "Beach and Beads"
o'o"* Do not miss this
The anrial FCCJ Student Art paintings and jeweir
Exhibit will open April 25 at the "ry. designer Denise
Nathan H. .Wilsoh centerr for. painter Kathy Frosio
the Arts. .A 'reception 'will be bein the gallery thr
held from 6 p.;m. to 8 p.m. 30'.'
'. ...... .First Street Gallery
Players By-The-Se Theater First St., Neptune Be
will open 'Step ing. Out" on 241-6928'.
Friday, -' r 1.' theater's. *
gallery wii' 0e1 e61 lifting the The Jacksonville
artworks' *. ernibe'l' of ',the Society, 'founded in
Neptune Gallery. membership open
A wine and cheese reception interested in waterrr
will be held 5:30 pnm. to 6:30 membership fee of
p.m. ope in'gda' ..N6te the dif- year includes eighl
ferent da'es,.ani times for the meetings, each wil
play and''arist rebeption from stations and lecture'
those reported in this column Most of the meetir
last week. ,, at 7 p.m. the fourth
Players By-the-Sea'theater is the morith from
located at 1066 xth ,.St. N., through May at. F
Jacksonril Bac all 249- C-ampus on Beach Bi
2022 foeervtni Visit the organizal
The Neptune Art Gallery is site (www.jacksonvi
.,located in Atlantic Custom' orsociety.org) or cal
Frames, 1511 Atlantic Blvd,, Tabor-Miolla at 273-0

ry opened
last week.
exhibit of
y by jewel-
Wood and
which will
oughh April
is at 216-B
each. 'Call

1982, has
to anyone
nedia. The
$35 per
t monthly
th demon-
s by artists.
igs are held
Tuesday of
CCJ South
tion's Web
1 Francesca


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Weekend 4 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader April 14, 2006


Environmental film free

to all on Saturday a.m.

"Copyrighted Material

Syndicated Content

Available from Commercial News Providers'"

The First Coast
Environmental Film Festival
(FCEFF) will screen rfiBlue
Vinyl on Saturday at the
downtown Main Library, 303
N. Laura St. in Jacksonville.
All movies are free and open
to the public. The film is one
of the 12 movies being shown
Sdluring April.
In the library auditorium'
. there will be coffee and
refreshments at 9:30 a.m. fol-
lowed by the movie at 10 a.m.
Blue Vinyl sets out in search
of the truth about polyvinyl'
chloride (PVC), America's most
. popular plastic. From. Long
Island to Louisiana to Italy, the
filmmakers unearth the facts
about PVC and its effects on
human health and, the envi-
ronment. Back at the starter
ranch, producer Judith
Helfand coaxes her terribly
patient parents into replacing
their vinyl siding on the condi-
tion that she can find a
healthy, affordable alternative'
(and it has to look good!).' A
detective story, an eco-activism

doc, and a rollicking comedy,
BLUE VINYL puts a human
face on the dangers posed by
PVC at every, stage of its life
cycle, from factory to incinera-
tor. Consumer consciousness
and the "precautionary princi-
ple" 'have never been this
much fun.
1 1:30am-
'12:30pm Discussion panel
with Q&A from. the audience
Dr., David
Lambert, Professor,
Construction and Engineering,
Mark Gelfo,
President, US Green Building
Council North Florida Chapter
This educational effort is
presented in collaboration
with the 'Green .Team Project,
Families for Natural Living,
Turtle .Island Natural Foods
and a child's place Montessori
Schools. Foi more information
about any of the films or the
Festival screening in April, visit
filmfestival.net or call 2-149-

41MD 11 4W 4 M *MEOW4 MAI 4 0 o ooo *o

This is one Beatles album

fans canL do without

P philosophers used to ask,
"If a tree falls in the for-
est and no one is around
to hear it, does it make a
sound?" I guess the question
for this week is, "If the sur-
viving Beatles approve of the
defacing of their work, does
that make it OK?" At least
one fan's answer is "No."
Capitol Records is proud to
release the sequel nobody
asked for "The Beatles: The
Capitol Albums, Vol. 2"
(Capitol/Apple). For the
uninitiated, here's a brief his-
The Beatles' CDs. that have
been out for nearly 20 years
on the Parlophone label
S"Please Please Me," "With the
Beatles," et al. are the Beatles
albums that were originally
released in Britain. That is to
say, they were the albums of
which The Beatles approved.
Each was about 40 minutes in
length, and The Fab Four dic-
tated the running order of the
songs, in order to give their
listeners "the complete pack-
In.America, it was a differ-
ent story. Before The Beatles
became household names,
Capitol Records wouldn't
even take on The Beatles until
forced to do so by EMI [the
parent company of both
Parlophone and Capitol). But

.-- ,, REVIEW ER >".,,,K! I
d'once"' The' Batles .became a
cash cow, Capitol wasted no
time in exploiting them.
Capitol siphoned off songs
from The Beatles' British LPs
and put out "Americanized"
Beatle albums that were bare-
ly half the length of their
British counterparts. Thus, in
the time it took for
Parlophone to release seven
Beatles albums, 'Capitol put
out nine of them. (Even the
landmark albums "Rubber
Soul" and "Revolver" were
truncated in their American
versions., i
When all four Beatles were
alive, they' were outraged by
this tampering with their
work. Now, not only does
Capitol celebrate their having
tampered with great music,,
but the remaining Beatles -

Paul and Ringo have con-
doned it. And both Capitol,
and Apple (The Beatles'
record company i are making
you pay through the nose for
the privilege of buying it.
Capitol's Vol. 1, consisting
of CDs of the first four
Americanized albums, was
released a year-and-a-half ago
to less-than-ecstatic acclaim.
Now comes "Vol. 2" with four
more CDs that, again, are half
`as long as the legit British LPs.
(It's even more infuriating
%N1aA you consi. e.r.tha .,CD.'.
carynrhp.Id ,twicjEas puc.U. music :
as even the British albums
could. i
To cite just one example,
the British LP of "Help!" con-
sisted of songs from the same-
named movie, plus seven
more Beatles tunes. The
American version included
in "Vol. 2") contains only the
movie's songs, along with
some incidental instrumen-
tals from the film.
The Beatle fans from the
'60s who want to pay $70 to
wallow in the memory of
their own exploitation are
free to do so. The rest of us
should descend upon the
Capitol building in Los
Angeles and loudly sing an
appropriate Beatles lyric: We
"told:you before, you can't do

"Fun with Dick and Jan
Jim Carrey and Tea Leoni a
rich couple downsized due
corporate scandal, so t
become robbers to main
their upper-class lifestyle.
heart bleeds for them.
"Mission: Impossible
Collector's Set" The first
movies, starring Tom Cruise
his pie-couch-jumping days
"The Laurel & Hardy i
Set-.: ,Three ,of. L.&H's, 2
Century-Fox features ftoqn,
1940's: "Great Guns" ian Ax
"The Big Noise."
"The Bob Newhait Sho
3rd Season" With comm
tary from Newhait and ot
cast members, and a "MakI
of" featurette.
"The Merv Griffin Show:
of the Most Interesting Peo
of Our Time" The title is n
ly as long as the DVD, wh
includes early career app
ances from Tom Hanks
Jerry Seinfeld.

re a.
e t0 :' 'It J
tain Celebrating our 6th year in Jacksonville Beach, we're committed
My to teaching kids more than just riding waves. Our goal is to give
our students the skills to take care of themselves in the ocean.
We've taught hundreds of boys and girls, with a perfect safety
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e in teaching environment.
One CPR certified instructor for every four student ratio.
Gift A twenty student limit per session ensures individualized altenlion.
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mY with 38 years d1 worldwide surfing e/.peerlece.
Land licensed. Insured. Experienced
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: The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
S A: : newpape.
.,.' agr,;,-lo M im;u. .

Family Fest Program

-Ponte Vedra Beach

Public Library
SApril 23rd, 2006

S2:00 4:00 pm

Event By Whom Time
Antique Assessments Charlotte Thorpe : 2-4 pm
Bring your antique jewelry, small china & sterling items
Artist Demonstrations L. Holmes, Oil; Niris, Silk; 2-4 pm
Joy Swindell, acrylics;
D. Winn, pen & ink

. Balloon Magic
Chocolate Fountain
Cooking Demonstration
Face Painting

Drawing at 4 pm for fabulous prizes


Mr. G

Peterbrooke Chocolatier.
"Swing 456" -
Chef Recupito, "Tra Vini"
Children 4-10 years ,
S. Ponte Vedra Turtle Patrol,
Karly Heal
Donations by local businesses

In the Tent

Mary Webster

2:30-4 pm
2-4 pm
3 pm
2-4 pm
2-4 pm
2-4 pm
2:30 & 3:30 pm

2-4 pm

2-4 pm

2:30 & 3:30 pm

Please join us for an afternoon of free activities
for all, children and adults, and learn more about
the services of your library!

_ r

Weekend 5

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

Note: Acts and performance
days or times are not always
available for all clubs at press
time. Performance information
is included in the Friday club
calendar. Send to
Call 249-9033 for information.

Aromas Cigar, Wine &
Martini Bar, 880 A1A N.,
Ponte Vedra Beach 280-
2525. Le Monde Quartet plays
Latin music at 9 p.m.
Tuesday and Saturdays. Wine
tasting from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
every Thursday followed by
the Jason Anderson Jazz Trio
at 9 p.m.

The Atlantic, 333 N. First
St., Jacksonville Beach *- 249-
3338. Martini Night is
Thursday with DJs spinning.
DJ Wes Reed spins hip hop
and retro Thursdays for Ladies
Night. DJ Jade spins old wave
and 80's retro at 9 p.m.
Friday. DJ KGB spins at 9
p.m. Saturday.

Atlantic Theatre Comedy
Club, 751 Atlantic Blvd.,
Atlantic Beach 249-7529.
Comedians Tim Pulnik with
Cowboy perform at .9 p.m.
today and Saturday.
Scheduled comedy acts also
perform. at 8 p.m. Thursday.
The 'Eric Steckel Band plays
the blues at 8 p.m.
Wednesday. Lil' Ed & the
Imperials perform at 11 p.m.
Friday, April 21.
Bo's Coral Reef, 201 Fifth
Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach *
246-9874. DJ Dale spins
Thursday through Saturdays.-
Too Many Shoes performs
Friday, Feb. 24.
Bogey Grille, 150 Valley
Circle, Ponte Vedra Beach *.
249-3338. Live music from 7-
11 p.m. today.

249-7787. Mary Ann Hawkins
plays piano from 7 p.m. to
close Thursdays. The Sam
Rodriguez Music Trio plays
pop, jazz and Latin music at 8
p.m. today. Jazz with Matt
Hall at 8 p.m. Saturday.

Lynch's Irish Pub, 514 N.
First St., Jacksonville Beach *
249-5181. Spade McQuade
plays traditional Irish and folk
music from 6:30 p.m. to 9
p.m. today and Saturday fol-
lowed by Bliss at 10 p.m.
Karaoke every Sunday.

Mackenzie's Steakhouse,
100 Sawgrass Village, Ponte
Vedra Beach 543-9143.
Gene Nordan plays piano
from 7 to 11 p.m. Tuesday
through Thursday. Don
Miniard is in Saturday.
Michael Howard is in from 7
to 11 p.m. Sunday. Will
Hurley performs today and

Max's Restaurant, 1312
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville
Beach 247-6820. John
Evans plays the piano from
6:30 to .10 p.m. today and

Monkey's Uncle Tavern,
1850 Third Street S.,
Jacksonville Beach 246-
1070. Karaoke every *Tues.,
Thurs., Sat. and Sun. Live
music at 9 p.m. today.
Ocean Club, 401 First Street
North, Jacksonville Beach *
242-8884. DJs Jeremy and
Kevin' Durgin spin today.
Stanton Warriors with with
Dave Berg are in Saturday.
Live reggae.with Pili Pili and
DJ Infader for Service Industry
Sunday. DJs Shanghai and
Lord Swift spins reggae, reg-
gaeton and hip hop on

., Ragtme tavern, .Seaiouu
-Brewster's, 11003 Beach & Grill, 207 Atlantic Blvd.,
Blvd., Jacksonville 223- Atlantic Beach 241,7877.
9850. The Company performs The Paul Lundgren Band
at(9 p.m. today. Drivin' South appears today and. saturday.
is'in at 9 p.m. .Saturday.rDPnaiiNrpmatowlIliti i0 Sund@y, I
Salmela plays acoustic mIusic, r... ... ..... e .
at" 9 p.m. Wednesday. Restaurant;iMedure, 818 N.
Karaoke is held every Tues. Florida A1A, Ponte Vedra
*** 'Beach 543-3797. Nightfall
Cap'n Odies, 2200 Mayport performs from 8 p.m. to close
Road, Atlantic Beach 241- today and Saturday.
8RR8R I ive- music from 9:30 -S

p.m. to 1:30 a.m. today and
Saturday. Country night every

Champs Lounge, Sawgrass
Marriott, 1000 PGA ,Tour
Blvd., Ponte Vedra Beach a
285-7777. Lisa and the Mad
Hatters perform at 8:30 p.m.

Cliff's at the Beach, 1401
Atlantic .Blvd., Neptune
Beach. After All performs at 9
p.m. today and Saturday.
Sunday is Service Industry.
Night with guest DJ. Karaoke
every Wednesday.
0* *
The Courtyard, 200'l 1st St.
N., Neptune Beach Tropico
Solo Steel Pan performs from
7 to 10 p.m. today.

Culhane's Irish Pub, 967
Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beach
* 249-9595. Don't Tell Anne is
in at 9 p.m. today and
Saturday. The Bobby Flynn
Band appears at 6 p.m.

Fionn MacCool's Irish Pub
& Restaurant, 333 1st St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach 242-
9499. Jimmy Solari is in every
Wednesday, Spade McQuade
plays traditional Irish music
every Thursday. Cloud Nine
appears at 9 p.m. today and
Saturday. Meridian plays tra-
ditional Irish music at 4 p.m.

Fly's Tie, 177 E. Sailfish Dr.,
Atlantic Beach 246-4293.
Songwriter's night with Seth
Ramsdill every Tuesday.
Reggae with Pili Pill every
Wednesday. The Wes Cobb
Band is in Thursdays.
Freebird Live, 200 N. First
St., Jacksonville Beach 246-
BIRD. Shadow Agency with
Bonfire Chorus and Harloe
Sonoma appear 9 p.m. today.
Livewire Tattoo 5th anniver-
sary party with the Kings of
Hell Saturday. Doors open at
8:30 p.m.

Giovanni's, 1161 Beach
Blvd., Jacksonville Beach *

The Beache

The Ritz, 139 Third Ave.,
Jay Beach, 246-2255. DJ-
Anonymous spins Sun-Wed.
DJ Marco spins every Thurs.

Shelby's Coffee Shoppe,
20Q 1st Street, Neptune Beach
* 249-2922. The John Thomas
Group with Debra Rider plays
cabaret jazz from 10 a.m. to 1
p.m. Sunday.

Spare Time Tavern and
Grille, 1728 3rd St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach 246-
8360. Smokin' Joe Kubec and
Bnbis 'King with JW Gilmore
are in Saturday. The Kings of
Hell with The Downshifters
play rockabilly April 21 and

Tavern at Sawgrass, 43
PGA Tour Blvd, Ponte \edra
Beach 285-3133'. Ralph "E"
performs top 40's, blues,
oldies and jazz every Friday,
and Saturday night from 9
p.m. to. 1 a.m.

Tra Vini Italian.
Restaurant, 216 Ponte Vedra
Park Drive, Ponte Vedra Beach
Beach 273-2442. Tony
Saladino performs jazz piano
and standards from 7 to 10
p.m. Thursday through

Tree Steakhouse, 725-6
Atlantic Blvd, Atlantic Beach *
241-5600. Mary Ann Hawkins
is in from 6:30 p.m. to 10:30
p.m. Wednesday. Mike
Shackelford performs an
acoustic set from 6:30 to 10
p.m. today. Kenhe is in from
6:30 to 10:30 p.m. Saturday.

Vinoe, 822 A1A N., Ponte
Vedra Beach 285-0991. The
DJ Wali spins acid jazz for
Metropolitan Night every

Your Place Bar-n-Grill,
13245 Atlantic Blvd.,
Jacksonville 221-9994. Live
music today and Saturday.
Chuck Nash appears every
Monday. Chris and Larry are
in WVednesdays. Dave Massey
performs Thursdays.

King of Hell band will perform Saturday at the Live Wire Tattoo's fifth anniversary party at
Freebird Live, 200 N. 1st. St. Tickets are $5 and doors open at 8:30 p.m. Call 246-BIRD for


The University of North
Florida Concert Choir and
Chamber Orchestras perform
at 7:30 'p.m.: today in the'
Lazzarra Performance. Hall at
UNF, 4567 St.Johns Bluff Road
S., Jacksonville. Admission is
free. Call 620-2140 for infor-

Hawaiian show band Society
of Seven with vocalist Lani
Misalucha perform at 7 p.m.
Saturday at The Florida
. Theatre, 128 E. Forsyth St.,
Jacksonville. Call 355-2787 for
ticket information.

Caribbean-inspired jazz
artist Jon Lucien appears at 8
p.m. Saturday at the Ritz
Theatre and LaVWa Museum,
829 Davis St. N., Jacksonville.
Tickets are $15. Call 632-5555
for information.

The University of North
Florida Concert band and
Chamber groups perform at
7:30 p.m..Monday in the Fine
Arts Recital Hall at UNF, 4567
St. Johns Bluff Road S.,
*Jacksonville. Admission is free.
Call 620-2140 for information.


The University of North
Florida Jazz Ensemble I per-
forms big band arrangements
by UNF students at 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday in the Lazzarra
Performance Hall at UNT, 4567
St. Johns Bluff Road S.,
Jacksonville. Admission is free.
Call 620-2140 for information.

The Kings of Hell perform at
10 p.m. Saturday in support of
Livewire Tattoo's 5th anniver-
sary at Freebird Live, 200 N. 1st
St., Jacksonville Beach. Doors
open at 8:30 p.m. Tickets are
$5. Call 246-BIRD for informa-


The U:N.'F. Concert 'Choir,
conddct6d by'Di.' Merrill 'J:
Palmer of Neptune Beach, will
join forces with members of
the Jacksonville -Symfiphony,
the Jacksonville Children's
Chorus, arid' guest soloists for a
performance of the St.

Matthew Passion bv J.S.'. Bach,
today, Gb6d'Fridays''at U'U..F:'s-'
Lazzara Hall.
Part I will be performed at 4
p.m. and Part 11 will be per-
formed at 7:30 p.m. The con-
cert is free and open to the


Opening April 19


. r .Music.


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Jax Beach
(corner of 3rd St. & 17th Ave. N.
in the Waves Shopping Center)


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Overnight services at
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starting May 1.

Large yards, friends
and lots of fun!
We at Waggin'Tails take
the "Bored" out of boarding.
270-8411 585 1st ve. South

(Good Friday)

Dr. Merrill J. Palmer, Conducting

UNF Fine Arts Center
Lazzara Performance Hall
Part I -4:00 p.m.
Part II 7:30 p.m.


Members of the


Soloists: David Adams, Krzysztof Biernacki,
Brittany Palmer, Jason Badger, Pablo Bustos, Marc Webster
(No admission charge for this event.)


Saturday, April 15
Smokin' Joe Kubec and
Bnois King
Also JW Gilmore.
$10 in advance/$13 at Door
''April. & 22 .
Kihgs of Hel + The D'wnshifters
April 28 & 29
S 'AnaPopovic
'.$8 in advance/$12 at Door

Live Music/Martini Night
$3 Sky Vodka Martinis
$4.50 Three Olive Martinis
$3 XL Jager Bombs

4 pm
With Allman Bros. own
Jim Essery 7-9 and 10-11
and Sopranos from 9-10
Prison Break + 24
45o wings
$3 Jack Drinks
$3 XL Jager Bombs
Live Music
Texas Holdem Play for
chance to win $2,000
$3 Captain Drinks
Richie Rich Karaoke 7:30-11:30
$2.50 Seagrams Gin
Great Food
Cheap Drink Specials
$1 PBR's & Busch Lite

Good Friday concert set

April lyf, LU ---- ---


A";l IA




; t .I

The RBeace sLeader/Ponte Vedra Leader

April 14, 2006


www.communirypcusa.org Ph. 285-5347 9:00 am Contemporary Worship Service 8:00 & 9:00 amastor Sunday 9 a.m.,11 a.m.
Schedule: Rev. Julie Frank,Pastor 10:30 am Traditional Service Celebr0ato raiseatr K. Nursery Available Sunday Morning
Sunday Morning Worship 8:30 & 11 a.m Sunday Contemporary Worship WEDNESDAY Saturday Mass 9 a.m. and 5:30 p.m RECONCILIATION
Church SndayMchool-All Ages 9:45 a.m. Sunday Con:30am 6:30pm The Gathering WEDNESDAY (SEPMAY) Sunday Mass 7:00,8:30,10:00, Saturday 10:00 a.m. or b appt.
Youth Fellowships 5p.m. Sunday Church School 9:45am Bible Studiesfor Eery Age& LfeSituation 6:30Choir,Bibl dy,Youth 11:30 a.m. & 7 p.m. RE GIOUS EDUCAON
Contepora Worship ednes5:59p Sunda LBW Worship 1100am 407 Third Street Mahon Dixon, Senior Pastor.246-2010 Saturday Confessions Wed. 6:00p.m. (-3) 7:15 p.m. (4-6 gr.)
Chancel Choir Wednesdays7p.m. Sunday LBW Worship 11:00am www.neptunebaptist.org Neptune Beach James Collins, Associate Pastor After 9 a.m. Mass & 4:30 -5:20 p.m. unay p.m
Weekday PreschoolfKindergarten (3, 4 & 5 yr olds) Nursery Provided Tom Bary, Pastor 904-249-2307 www.fccbdoc.com/emai:Iccbdo@ bellsouth.net 246-6014
i 0Palm Valley Baptist Church a.a bbi EhezerBen-Yehuds.PhD Spintual Leader OCEANSIDE ,
4890 Palm Valley Road Poome Vedra I I 1. ,.. .,lflT RA
4 285-2447 ---Mffl-- *'a. ;, = Stuar Wilhams. President CHURCH OF CHRIST
R.eWtSnrao%.....we2 1025 Snug Harbor Court40 'tI t1,IS
Rev. Jeff Witt, Senior Pastor Ch288 N. Roscoe Blvd, Ponte Vedra Beach. 904 273-9100 (fi) 273-5567 (off Mayport Rd. at W. 11th St and Orchid
dze~twu,,0 too,,, w ~qu, e'a eIsde Friday evening Family service 6:30 -7:00 & 8:00 9:00 p.m. St ) 324 N. 5th St., 249-2314
Join us on Sunday for: Service Times Shabbat & Torah Services 9:30 12:00 noon Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 BibleStudy 9:15 a.m.
Sunday School for all ages 9"15AMR Bible Study 9:15 a.m.
Worship Service 10'30 AM Saturday 5:00 pm Religious School Sundays 9:00 a.m & Wednesdays 4:30 p.m. 246-2709 Blended Worship 10:30 a.m.
Wednesday Evening opportunities: PM Sunday 8:00am,9:30am & ll:00am W have a full range of activities and services for the beaches Jewish Bibl erry Murrel, Evening Worship :30 .m.
Family Dinner 6:00 PM cornmmrlnity. Please contactour officem-f 8-5 forinformationaboutadult BibleClass Sunday, 10:00 a.m. Evening Worship 6:30 p.m.
Children and Youtn Bible Study 7:00 PM (904) 268-2500 education, Sisterhood activities and Youth activities. Worship 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Evening 6:15 p.m.
Aduit Worsnip Service v:00 PM www.MandarinChristian.com Evening Service 6:30 p.m. Weekday Ministry 246-2891
Child Care and ure045 Greenlproandded for ll cnear Philips wy. Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Service interpreted lor e hearing spared
'The rightro $.snii fl s lke thedaPalme tre "Pmlln W12 6045 Greenland Rd. near Phiylps Hy. 'Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Service interpreted for the hearing impaired

dr-- J c

weekend ----------.- ..


annual fund-raiser, the Lifestyle @ the Beaches, 5'21 State Road There will a silent and live auc- Christian Church of the Beaches Community Prayer,
Easter fest Saturday Realtors Beaches Fine Arts A1A N., Ponte Vedra. The cost is tion. Tickets are $30. Call the Beaches will take a guided tour Group meets every Thursday at
First Baptist Church of. Sprint Triathalon Series, to be $8 or free for members. Call academy at (904) 824-0431, ext. of Pablo Historical Park on at 9:30 a.m. in the conference
Atlantic Beach will host their held on May 13, June 10, and 285-1588 for information. 308, for information. 9:45 a.m. today followed by room of The Winston Family
annual Easter Festival for the July 8. Call 270-2074 for infor- lunch at a local restaurant. YMCA on Landrum Lane in
community from 11 a.m. to 2 mation. Spring classes start Habitat project Cost for the tour is $4. Call Ponte Vedra. For information
p.m. Saturday. There will be Calvary Anglican Church will Lutherans in Duval, St. Johns the church office at 246-2010 call 285-0267.
Easter egg hunts, games, prizes, Senior Connections offer the following topics for and Nassau counties have to make reservations. The
and refreshments. The church The Senior Connections spring Sunday school classes: formed an alliance called church is at 2125 Ocean Front Celebrate Recovery
address Is 1050 Mayport Road; group at Our Lady Star of the Truth and Love in Christ, "Thrivent Builds with Habitat in Neptune Beach. Celebrate Recovery, a biblical'
information is available at 246- Sea Catholic Church, Ponte Angels, and How to Read and for Humanity" to build a three- based program for persons fac-
4341. Vedra, will meet at 10 a.m. Interpret the Bible. bedroom home in McNair Park "Jesus Is" ing personal problems, meets
Friday, April 21, in the church Classes begin at 9 a.m. and for a family in need.. Bethel Galley at Ponte Vedra every Friday at 6:30 p.m. in the
Easter egg hunt Cultural Center at 545 State are held at the UNF University Lutherans living in any of the Presbyterian Church presents fellowship hall of Beach United
Christ United Methodist Road AIA. All are welcome to Center at 12000 Alumni Drive, above counties who want to an art show titled '"lesus Is." Methodist Church, Third Street
Church invites the community attend; call 543-1139 forinfor- Jacksonville. 'participate in the project by This Easter season show at Seventh Avenue North,
to an Easter egg hunt at 1 p.m. mation. There are classes for adults working on the construction of includes works that interpret Jacksonville Beach.
Saturday at the church, 400 and children. For information, the house or by making a finan- the names given to Jesus in Through worship and same-
Penman Road, Neptune Beach. How to fly solo call the church office at 241- cial contribution can, contact scripture. The church is at 4510 gender small groups, people
There will be refreshments, A new singles ministry at 9.400. John Burke at 879-0399. Palm Valley Road in Ponte can work on personal struggles
prizes, and Easter eggs. The Christ'Episcopal Church called Vedra. Call 285-8225 for infor- such as eating disorders, alco-
Easter Bunny will be on hand Solo Flight will have its first Practical Dharma Handbell concert mation. hol/drug abuse, and codepen-
for free photos with children meeting on Friday, April 28, at Guided meditation practice Riverside Pack United dency. The evenings begin with
ages 10 and under. For informa- 6:30 p.m. The event will 'and practical Dharma teaching Methodist Church will have a Grants offered dinner. Call 249-2343.
tion, call 249-5370. include food, music and infor- will be held on Sundays from spring handbell concert on The Catholic Campaign for
nation about the ministry and 10 a.m. to 11:30 at Cobalt -Sunday,. April -30, at 3 p.m. Human Development is accept- Retreats at Marywood
Easter party will be held in the courtyard of Moon Center, Neptune Beach. Handbell choirs from Riverside ing grant applications from Retreats and events are
Beach United Methodist the church, 400 San Juan Drive, Carol Lutker will.lead the ses- Park, First Coast Ringers and local nonprofit organizations planned at the Marywood
Church will have a community Ponte Vedra. Call 285-6127 for sion. Donation is $9. The guest community choir will for self-help projects to elimi- Center for Spirituality in the
Easter party at Jarboe Park in information.. address is 217 First St. Call 246- perform in the concert. nate poverty in the communi- Switzerland area of N-W St.
Neptune Beach from 10 a.m. to 4092 for information. Admission is free,"and childcare ty. Johns County.
I p.m. Saturday. There will be Concert at Beth El will be provided. The church Organizations must be incor- Marywood is located at 17415-
two Easter egg hunts, photos At 7 p.m. on Thursday, May Men fry fish address is 819 Park St. in porated and tax-exempt and 5 State Road 13. For informa-
with the Easter Bunny, refresh- 4, a choir concert will be held at The men's, group at Christ Jacksonville. Call 355-5491 for benefit a poverty group. Grant tion, call (904) 287-2525 or toll-
ments, activities, clowns, and Beth El the Beaches Synagogue United Methodist Church will information, applications are available from free (888)-287-2530 check
more. to honor Israel's Independence have a fish fry from 6 p.m. to Catholic Charities .Regional www.marywoodcenter.org.
For information call the Day and the second anniver- 7:30 p.m. today. The communi- Spring retreat Office at 134 E. Church St. in
church at 249-2343. sary of Beth El's building. ty is invited, and the cost for The Presbyterian Women at Jacksonville. The application Moms pray for kids
The St.. John -Episcopal dinner is $5. Palms Presbyterian Church will deadline is April 30. For infor- A group of mothers known as
Fine Arts Series Church choir will perform in Following the dinner there have a spring' retreat 'on April mation call 899-5500. Moms in Touch meets weekly
On Friday, April 21, at 7:30 Hebrew and in English. will be a dramatic presentation 28-29 at the Montgomery to pray for their children, other
p.m. the Beaches Fine Arts Tickets are $10 and are avail- of the "Passion of Christ." The Conference Center in Starke. Day of Prayer meet students and the schools, they
Series will present the annual able at the synagogue office, event will be at the church at -Morning and evening work- A planning meeting for the attend. The group meets on
Beach Meets West Concert. 288 N. Roscoe Blvd. in .Ponte 400 Penman Road in Neptune shops will be held and the Rev. National Day of Prayer will.be Tuesday afternoons at a church
Les Ballets Africans, a dance Vedra. For information call 273- Beach. For information call Carol DiGiusto will speak on an April 26 at the Beaches Library in Ponte Vedra Beach. For loca-
troupe from New Guinea in 9100. 249-5370. upcoming study, "Perspective in Neptune Beach. The tion and more information, call
West Africa, will perform. The '-- on Genesis." Registration fee National Day of Prayer will be Nancy at 273-8486.
event will be held at St. Paul's Jewish women meet Dinner and auction goes up after April 15. For infor- on Thursday, May 4. For infor-
by the Sea Episcopal Church, The.Beaches Jewish Women's The St. Joseph Academy mation, call the church office at mation contact Susan Alberti at
465 llth Ave. N.; Jacksonville Circle will meet on Sunday, annual dinner and auction will 246-6427. susanalberti@comcast.net or
Beach. April 30, at 3 p..m. to learn be held on Saturday, April 29, 285-0267.
Beaches Fine Arts Series- is relaxation techniques. The with dinner catered by Nifty Fifties trip
looking for volunteers for their meeting will be held at Chabad, Carrabbas Italian Restaurant. The Nifty Fifties Plus at First Prayer group meets See BRIEFS, next page

400 San Juan rie Pot VeAnglican C rc Your Family Presbyterian

Sunday 7:45,9:00, 11:00 AM, 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist Easter Service This | Church
Saturday 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist
Wednesday 6:00 PM Holy Eucharist 10:30 Al .. .Wee -, ... .. .1 Worship Services
with special continental Moiship .. S v ic
Evening Prayer in the Chapel breakfast at 10 a.m. 8:30 and 11:00 am.
6:00 PM Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. Meeting at the university enter at UNF 5:45 p.m.
Nursery Available for Saturday 12000 Alumni Dr. Nursery at all services
& Sunday Services (at Kemrnan Blvd. entrance to UNF) N alr
All are welcome 'Christ.piscopalChurch.org 241-9400 calvaryjaxorg Sunday School
COASTAL C1rIUSTIAN 4 ~7/ J. ._ ., Worship Opportunities SUNRISE all ages 9:40 a.m.
Wayne Dyer '-. 9:00 am. Contemporary* COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev Dr Thomas Walker
O" meets at The Power of Iention 11:15 a.m. Traditional* Rev. Dr. Thomas Walker
.3 iM" .Louise Hay, *Kids Worship provided An Evangelical Free Church Senior Pastor
o Can Heal Your Life Sunday SchoolRev. Carol DiGiusto
1422 S. TJi tret U DeepakChopra 10:00 a.m. r alleges Sunday School & A.B.F.'s 9:00 a.m. Senior Associate Pastor
i O PeaceIs The1141Rev Andrew Kukla
; 9 l61 PeWae ti onTohoe ou c Rev.-Jeff BennettPastor Worship Service 10:15 a.m. AsociAtde Pso
.Wethik ugoingtolovo huh! PONTE VEDRA Adam Myers,buth Aastor
SUII !a*1 Join'us on.Sundays at 10:30 a.m. .WoONTE-VEDRA Adam Myers,VouA acr
Best Weslern at "----- 35 Executive Way, PVB 298 Aquatic Drive 3410 Sount Third Street,
10:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m 1-95 & J.Turner Butler Blvd. United Methodist ArosAlAromRaingschool Atlantic Beach Jcsone Beach
1 Jacksonville Church of Religious Science Church 280-5141 *, www.pv-umc.org Phone: 249-3030 PA LS pa2Ischurcn.org
Www.coastadlcfiistian.org 398-4353 or www.jaxcrs.org "Connecting the Unconnected" 246642
F (A "rraditionalAnglican Church) "Where friends gather to worship" Wed. Evening 7:30 pm MISSOURI SYNOD
Holy Co241442 4510PalValley Road (CR 210) Ribault Garden Club 1423 N. 8th Ave., Jax Beach
Holy Comno www.pvpc .comG
every Sunday at 8:00 A.M. Sun. Worship 9:00 & 10:30 a.m. 1050 Highway A IA 285-4288 705 2nd. Ave. N., Jax Bch Rev. Dana A. Brones, Pastor
Holy Tinity meets in the Old Chapel Sunday Breakfast Traditional Worship 8:30am (Corner 2nd. Ave. N. and 7th St N.) Phone: 249-5418
at 610 Florida Blvd., Neptune Beach Nursery & Toddler Ministries. Bible Study 9:40am R n t i. a o
MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 50294 Middle, High-School, College Celebration Worship 10:30am 355-5100 8:30 .m. & 1':00 a.m. Service
JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FI 320.0294 Adult Ministries Associate Pastor Jeremy Gates Dial A Prayer 355-7044 Praise & Worship Saturday 5:30pm
www.holytrinityneptunebeach.org Mus__ ic & Art Ministries Associate Pastor Chris Partin ASunday School 9:45 a.m.
Rev. Robert C. Adams, Vicar Home of a Bethlehem isit .online Church of the Daily Word Adult Bible Classes 9:45 a.m.
LUTHERAN CHURCH (ELCA) ^THE-F[ELD .>a,,s Y Le ->-M : '=.-, A LSunday School for all ages 9:o0 a.m.
(BY THE SEA) ;EPtcoPL CRCHisco al Church >7 h'" 1*"d_ Worship Service 10:15 a,m.
Stephen Minis Conregation EP0SOP_ _.EpiscopalC O r Youth Fellowship 11:30 a.m.
180 Bec Bld REAL, ROOTED, RELEVANT Pato tee
Jacksonville Beach 249-4575 1 REAL F___TED. Nursery Provided -
:00ya 103 4 m8 e s2 Patrl tal -' Associate Pastor Howard McMinn UNITED METHODIST CHURCH
8:00 am & 10:30 am April 4 Good Frida 6:30pm welcome Families Children's Chapel At 10 am Sun. WORSHIP SERVICES nmanR
Sunday School The Way of the ross Welcoe families Nursery At 7:30 & 10 am Services Sun Sunday 8:30 & 10:15 AM oad (atAtla
Children 9:15 amn April 16Easter Sunday & Singles Christian Formation At 9:00 am Wednesday 7 PM NeptuneBeach 249.5370
Youth/Adult 9:15 amn 8:45am & 11:00am Holy Eucharist Corner of 5lh St. & 111h Ave. N. 'Jax Beach, FL www.stpaulsbythesea@spbts.nel TEL 241-4211 Rev.Patrice Spenser
Nursery Provided Nurse Provided 543-0112 904-249-4091 www.beacheschapel.com Share in the love of Christ
... 150.ShnyDeAacBahL EP 1 E of the Beaches (Disciples 6f Christ) AULSCATHOLIC CHURCH
S CHURCH iLUTHERAN CHURCH 2125 Oceanfront& Seagate, NeptuneBeach CATHOLIC 2400 Mayport Rd., Atlantic Beach
S1 GabeGdman Pastor (ELCA) Ba pti, st Chu Come worship th us 1st Avenue North at 5th Street Father Joseph Meehan
e s Churchffice249-8698 276 N. Roscoe Blvd., Ponte Vedra Bch SUNDAY Trad aso 1vces acrsonville 5h WEEKEND MASSES
Preschool/Kinderarlen Office 241-7335 .. ....... SUNAY Traditional Services Jacksonville Beach Saturday 5 p.m.

Anril 14. 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra leaderr

Weekend 7


Continued from page 6B
Midweek for kids
The following events are held
at Beaches area churches on
Wednesday for youngsters:
Palm Valley Baptist Church
at 4890 Palm Valley Road in
Ponte Vedra has Bible Study and
activities for children at 7 p.m.
Contact the church at 285-2447.
Sunrise Christian Church
youth group meets 7 p.m. to
8:30 p.m., beginning with group
praise and worship, followed by
small groups for fellowship,
Bible stud)' hnd prayer.
The church 'is at 298 Aquatic
Drive, Atlantic Beach. Call 249-
3030. '
Bethlehem Buddies is open
to all children 3 years old-
through second grade at
Bethlehem Lutheran Church,
1423 Eighth Ave. N.,
Jacksonville -Beach, from 7 p.m.
to 9 p.m. with Bible stories,
crafts and songs.
High school Bible study is 7
p.m. to 8:15 p.m. at Bethlehem
Youth in grades six through
12 and families meet at 6:30
p.m. at Christ Episcopal Church,
Ponte Vedra Beach, for dinner in
the parish hall.
SYouth JAM begins at 7 .p.m.
and includes guitar lessons,
singing, and rehearsal for the 11
a.m. Sunday contemporary wor-
ship service in parish hall geared
toward youth and families with
'Dinner and JAM are open to
the community. JAM is free, and
dinner is, $4 per person, $12 per
family maximum. The church is
at Solana Road and San Juan
,Youths in grades six through
8, meet at 6:30 p.m. in the
Outback, the modular building
'behind Palms Presbyterian
Church, ,3410 Third St. S.,
Jacksonville Beach. Contact the
leader, Murray .Beard, at 285-
5106. The Senior High Group
meets in the Outback on
Sunday immediately following
the Sunset Worship Service.
'Contact leaders Dale and
Ingram.Caswell at 285-0366.
Dynamic Disciples (grades K-
5) at First Christian Church of
the Beaches meets Wednesday
irom 6:30 to 7:45. Teens in
,lotion Youth Group meets
from 6:30, to 7:45 with special
|vents and trips held on other
ates. The church address is
125 Oceanfront, Neptune
Beach. Call 246-2010.
Building Blocks, a group fodr
hildrern. ages,'3 'to. 6;, 'anxrdiKris
Ilub fov youngsters, in..grades
qne through 6 meet at 7:15 p.m.
family Bible Church, 4760
.Palm "alley Road, Ponte Vedra
Beach. Bridge Builders for grades
| through 12 meets from 7 to
8:30 p.m.
X YouthAlive with Bible Study
knd worship for grades seven
trough 12, is held from 7 to
?,:45 p.m. at Keman Boulevard
Baptist Church, 4000 Keman
Blvd. S., south of Beach
Boulevard. Preschool and chil-
dren's choirs through 6th grade
meet from 7 to 7:45 p.m.
Youth from Beach United
lMethodist Church, Third Street
at Seventh Avenue North,
Jacksonville Beach, meet 6 p.m.
to 8 p.m. at various locations.
Directions to Wednesday meet-
ings are handed out at 247, the
church's Sunday night worship
service for youths, held 6 p.m.
to 8:45 p.m.
Church choir school is
offered for age 3 through sixth
grade at Christ Episcopal
Church after school at various
times, depending on the young-
Oter's age. Children develop
musical skill and Christian for-
mation. The school is free and is
given by Timothy McKee, music
director of the church. Call 285-
Kids K'Nextion for ages 3 to
fifth grade and activities for
middle and high school youth
are held 6:30.p.m. to 8 p.m. at
New Beginnings Baptist Church,
1050 State Road AlA, Ponte
Vedra Beach. For information,
51 285-4288.
SYouth meet 5:45 p.m. to.8:00
p.m. at Ponte Vedra United
Methodist Church, 35 Executive
Way, Ponte Vedra for various
activities. Registration is under-
way for Children and Youth
Creative Arts Ministries includ-
ng Little Cherubs, Children's
Choir, YCAM as well as, other
choirs. Information is available
at 280-5141.
1 Youths grades six through
velve are invited to Neptune
Baptist Church, 407 Third St.,

Neptune Beach, for games,
drama, music and topical mes-
sages. Sixth through eighth
graders meet from 6:30 to 7:30
p.m. and ninth through twelfth
graders meet from 7 to 8:30 p.m.
k- Community Presbyterian
Church has Cherub Choir at 4
p.m. and Junior Choir at 5 p.m.
Senior high school students
meet at 3:30 p.m. to discuss
issues at "Trash Talk." Call 249-
8698 for information.

Men's group meetings
i Hodges Blvd. Presbyterian
Church offers "Bible and Bagels",
a. men's Bible study group, at

6:30 to 7:30 a.m. on
Wednesday in the Fellowship
Hall. The church address is 4140
Hodges Blvd. For information
call 223-6922.
The men's group from
Calvary Anglican Church
meets at 6:15 a.m. Friday at
Perkins Restaurant, on Beach
Boulevard at San Pablo Road.
Pastor David Sandifer leads the
The men's group from Beach
United Methodist Church will
have the first meeting for 2006
on Monday, Feb. 6 at the
Golden Corral Restaurant at
14035 Beach Blvd. at 6:00 p.m.
A men's Bible study is held at
7 a.m. Monday at Ponte Vedra
United Methodist Church, 35
Executive Way, Ponte Vedra
Palms Presbyterian men's
Bible study is held at 7 a.m.
Wednesday at 'the Hampton
Community Presbyterian
Church at 150 Sherry Drive in
Atlantic Beach has Wednesday
morning, prayer breakfasts at 7
St. Paul's by the Sea
Episcopal Church has a Men's
Prayer Group and Bible Study
which meets on the first and
third Saturday of the month at 8
a.m. in Stormes Hall. The men's
group also participates in out-
reach efforts. All are welcome to
attend. The address is' 465
Eleventh Ave. N. in Jacksonville

Singles groups
The following are. church-
related singles groups in the
Beaches area. Church member-
ship is not required:
St. Andrew's Lutheran
Church has Young Adult Group
meetings. Contact Pastor Mike
at 249-4575 for information,
New Life Christian
Fellowship, 2701 Hodges Blvd.,
Jacksonville. has monthly Single
Adult Ministry meetings. The
upcoming schedule includes a
Picnic and Hiking Trip on April
29. Call Pastor David Wheeler at
223-6000 for. information.
Childcare is provided for most
Beach United Methodist
Church 'has Monday. Night
Alive for singles at .7 p.m.' on
Monday nights and Singles
Coffee House '10:45 a.m. on
Sundays.. For information' visit
wvw.beachumc.o6g or call 249-
2343. BUMC is located at 325
7th Avenue N.
I Beaches ChalIl Cvlurch, 610
Elorida Blvd. .i~pne Beach.,
Singles over age 33 meet the last
Saturday of the month at 7 p.m.
at the church. 241-4211.
A multigenerational singles
group is sponsored by Christ
Episcopal Church, 400 San Juan
Drive, for singles of all ages and
circumstances people single by
choice, single again, or wid-
owed. RSVP to the church office
at 285-6127.
Christ the Redeemer
Church, 190 S. Roscoe Blvd.,
.Ponte Vedra- Beach. Weekly
Bible study and monthly social
event such as square dancing for
ages 30 and up. 280-5813.
Ponte Vedra Presbyterian
Church, 4510 Palm Valley
Road, Ponte Vedra Beach. Bible
study group at 11 a.m. Sunday
and occasional other activities
for singles ages 30 and older.'
Neptune Baptist Church,
407 Third St., Neptune' Beach.
Single adult Sunday school
classes for all ages meet in the
annex every Sunday at 9 a.m.
and 10:30 a.m. 249-2307.

The Rev: Penny Pfab will be installed as rector of St. Paul's by
the sea Episcopal Church, Jacksonville Beach, during a 6 p.m.
service Thursday. She assumed the duties as rector March 1.

St. Paul's by the Sea

to install new rector

The Re%. Penny Pfab, the new
rector at St. Paul's by the Sea
Episcopal. Church, Jacksonville
Beach, will. be installed
Thursday during the 6 p.m.
service at the church.
Bishop John .Howard of the
Episcopal Diocese of Florida
will officially install., Pfab during
the service, which will be fol-
lowed by a reception in Stormes
Hall. ,
Pfab began her ministry as
rector ati the Jacksonville Beach
church on, Ash.'Wednesday.
"This was a great time to start,
at .the beginning of .the Lenten
Season as, we journey to
Resurrection land Pentecost,"
Pfab said in an interview.
Pfab was previously rector of
St. Luke's. Episcopal Church in
Minneapolis and, at,.St. Paul's
Episcopal Church in Owatonna,
Although Pfab said she felt a
calling to.ithe.ministry.even as a'
young adult;, her. on.. journey
to the priesthbod- came after
spending more than 10 years as
a registered nitrse. .
Pfab received her undergradu-
ate degree ,in nursing from
Mount MeNy, College in Cedar
.-e, .c-c 'ot.ioit Mercyi
*because, in- a:l orftQ having
"an outstaidin'g"-nursing pro-
gram," t-he ollege offered
courses infreligibus studies, she
Her studies in theology, scrip-
ture and pastoral care a.t Mount
Mercy provided. her-with a good
background for .nursing, she
"I could treat the'whole per-
son and minjiter to them spiri-
tually as well," she said.
While most of her nursing
career was spept in .hospital
care, Pfab served for three years
, .as coordinator for patient care
in a hospice program.
In this position Pfab was the
first person-on the hospice team
to-meet and '.work with. new
Patients come to hospice with
a sense of "unfinished busi-.
ness," she said.
"Everyone longs for spiritual
support .,tp give a sense of
hope," Pfab said.

The hands of a nurse bring
physical comfort, but in the
hospice setting, they can' also
bring spiritual comfort and
blessing, she said.
"The thought of becoming a
priest came to me over and over
again in the hospice setting,.. .
along with the push to -do
something about this," she said.
Pfab spent three years in
church ministry in Christian
.education before beginning ,to
study for the priesthood.
She received a certificate in
Anglican Studies at Seabury
Western Theological Seminary
and a Master of Divinity degree
from United Theological
Seminary. Pfab was ordained in
Her husband, the Rev. Martin
Pfab, also is an Episcopal priest.
He currently serves in ministry
at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester,
Minn., and will join his wife in
Jacksonlille Beach as soon as
possible, she said.
In her first few weeks at St.
Paul's, Pfab said, she has found
it to be "the most remarkable,
loving place."
"There is great potential here
for growth, spiritual and.
numerical," she said.
"Wonderful'things are going to
.I-nnijtion l&. :,.. rliw j
.V,.e ft X\' tw. i n a -, _-., Oi1'P


"STEPPING OUT" opens at 8 p.m. April 21 at Players By The
Sea, 106 6th St. N., Jacksonville Beach. The production will run at
8 p.m. every Friday and Saturday through May 6. Matinee per-
formances are held at 2 p.m. April 23 and 30. Tickets are $17. Call
249-2022 for reservations.

"HELLO DOLLY" is staged through April 16 at the Alhambra
Dinner Theatre, .12000 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville. Doors open at 6
p.m. for evening shows. Matinees are held at 11 a.m. on Saturday
and noon on Sunday. Admission ranges from $35 to $46 for din-
ner and show. Call 641-1212 for information.


auditions for a shortened version of Shakespeare's "Twelfth
Night" at 1 p.m. Saturday and 7 p.m. Monday at the Adele Grage
Cultural Center, 716 Ocean Blvd., Atlantic Beach. Call 249-7177
-for information.

THEATRE JAX i's holding auditions for the musical "Seussical"
at 6 p.m. April 23 at 2032 San Marco Blvd., Jacksonville.
Auditioners must prepare a one to two minute Broadway song
with sheet music. Call 396-4425 for information.

BALLET AUDITIONS for the Florida Ballet's Summer Intensive
program are held from 2-4 p.m. April 29 and May 7 at The Florida
Ballet Building, 300 E. State St., Jacksonville. Call 353-7518.

The Youth of the Beaches Art Guild (YBAG) will hold audi-
tions for "Little Shop of Horrors" on May 6. Auditions will be
held at Sandalwood High School's auditorium, 2750 John Prom
Blvd. in Jacksonville. Auditions will begin at noon and contin-
ue through 4 p.m. Callbacks will be held on May 7 from 1 p.m.
to 4 p.m. There is a $50 fee and the program is open to those
ages 9 to 19 with everyone guaranteed a part. For additional
information call Jennifer Hendry at 476-3151.

More than 40. vendors took part in the second annual Women's
Expo at Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church in Ponte
Vedra April 7. The event was hosted by the Home and School
Association of Palmer Catholic Academy, Ponte Vedra.
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ed aterial


rcial News Providers


ages jejllob doe
djam e@ we wag

Galleries & Museums '.

-~ ~'


A C-ARLES GAILERY, Hours-are'9 a.m. to 5 p.m., 241-6928. Works by local and
228 3rd Ave. N., Jacksonville Monday to Friday and 9 a.m. regional artists. Monday
Beach. 339-0029., Hours 1 to noon Sunday.. through Wednesday, 10 a.m.
p.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesday- *' CULTURAL CENTER AT to 6 'p.Tn.I Thursday and
Sunday. PONTE.VEDRA,. 50 Executive Friday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m;
BEACHES MUSEUM & Way, Porite, Vedra Beach Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.,
HISTORY CENTER, 380 Pablo 280-0614. and Sunday, noon to 5 p.m.
Ave., .hcksonville Beach ECLECTIC GALLERIES, Call 241-6928. -
241-5657. Exhibits: "Shore 880 A1A North, Suite:9, Ponte 'HAMPTON GALLERY
Stories ? Q, tli, Boardwalk'"' y;ed-ra.,: i24lj,4, 3rd St. S..,..Jacksonville
* "ThF:sio'F B'ach'es ."iAiVsio.it .t. 1.' Ieach. Tuesday through
History" "'''A View on the-Monday through Saturday, Friday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. 11
Past." Hours are 10 a.m. to .noon to 5 .pm.. Suiday.'-. a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday. 'Call
4:30 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday. .FAIRFAX GALLERY AT 247-1050.
12:30 p.m. to 4:30. p.m. .SAWGRASS,- ,1740 Sawgrass HIBERNIA GALLERY 108
Sunday. Admission $5 adults, Village'Dr., P6rite'Vedra, Beach 1st Street, Neptune Beach
$4 sehiors,,$3 children (6-17). *4384-7724. Hours 10-a.m. to 249-7321. Selling' handmade
BETHEL GALLERY, 4510 6 p.m. .Monday .through work from Ireland, England
Palm Valley Road, Ponte Friday,,' 10)'a.m.; to 5 p.m. and U.S. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.,
Vedia Beach .* 285-8225. Saturday. Monday-Saturday, noon to 5
Features themed original 'art *.FIRST .STREET GALLERY, p.'m..Sunday.
shows using mixed media. 216 First St., Neptun'e Beach .

Roses: 'We need
Continued from page BI ery and I had about a
all ready to go when'
"As people nurture and tend handed me a four-pa
their roses and their rose gar- phlet about.hoM to t
dens, they can believe, in spite the roses; spraying th
of all life's trials, that 'yes, we weekly and all this an
can create something beautiful thought,, 'there goes
for ourselves.'" game,"' Tevepaugh sa
But the Tevepaughs never "I still made rtif'Sa
knew much about flowers or foursome but pretty
gardening before they fell in n't care too much 'ab
love with roses. When they anymore. I haven't p
moved into a new home in about 15 years."
Columbia, S.C. in 1966 Peggy The Tevepaughs m
said "we need a flower bed; Atlantic Beach in 198
something we don't have to Bill's sales job transfer
transplant annually." here: They have three
They said they chose roses five grandchildren, m
because they bloom most of whom live outside of
the summer and they're beauti- 'Columbia, S.C.,
ful. "Roses grow well in
"I went up to the local nurs- Florida but'they requ


Easter Buffet
Sunday, April 16, 2006
11 am 4 pm

Adults $34 + tax
Children 6-12 $17 + tax
Children under 6 no charge
Availability is limited.
Reservations are required and R
can be made by calling

One Ocean Blvd.
Atlantic Beach


a flower
27 plants attention her
the guy in let's say Sc
ge pam-. because of ou
ake care of nature change
he roses said.
nd I "And if it f
my golf gles it's here
aid. requires mor
turday The Rose S
soon I did- public Saturd
out golf clubhouse fro
played in seminar begin
For more inf
oved to Janet Danfor
185 when "Even if yc
rred-him anything it d
e sons and Tevepaugh sa
nost of interested in
of age anyone ti
join us. It car
n North life."'
ire more

e than they would
outhem California
ir extreme temper-
s," Bill Tevepaugh
lies, crawls' or wig-
in Florida so that
e attention, too."
how is open to the
ay at. the Riverside
)m 1-5 p.m. with a
running at 3 p.m.
formation contact
d at 285-1399.
you've never grown
doesn't matter," Bill
id. "If you're
learning I encour-
o come out and
n change your.

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Lobster.Maohi Po4t.t
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; 'April 14., 2006,,'

The Beaches L~eader/lionte Vedra Leader

Weekend 8





Weekend 9

The RPBahes I.ader/RPnte Vedra Leader

A---- 1A lA .

S Calvary Anglican Church,
795 Mayport Road. (office),
April 14: Good Friday
Service at. 12. noon -at.
Redeeemer Anglican at 7500
Southside Blvd.- and at 12
noon and 7 p.m. at All Souls
Anglican at 10679 St.
Augustine Road.
April 16: Sunday School at 9
a.m., Continental Breakfast at
10 a.m., and Easter Service at
10:30 a.m. at UNF University
First Baptist Church of
Atlantic Beach, 1050 Mayport
Road, 246-4341
April 15: Easter Festival for
the community from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
April 16: Sunrise Easter
Service at 6:45 a.m., Easter
Worship Service at 10 a.m.
First Baptist Church of
Jacksonville Beach, 324 5th
Street North, 249-2314.
April 16: Easter Service at
10:30 a.m.
Kernan Blvd. Baptist
Church, 400 Kernan Blvd.,
April 15: "More than just a
Man" presented by the.
Music/Drama Ministry at 6
April 16: Sunrise Service at
7 a.m. Singles Breakfast at 8
a.m. "More than just a Man".
presented by the
Music/Drama Ministry at 6
Neptune Baptist Church,
407 Third Street in Neptune
Beach, 249-2307.
April 16: Easter Service at 8,
9:30, and 11 a.m.
New Beginnings Baptist
Church, 1050 State Road A1A
in Ponte Vedra, 285-4288.
April 16: Sunday School at
9:3Q a.m. and Easter Service
at 10:40 a.m.
Palm Valley Baptist Church,
4890 Palm Valley Road, .285-
April 15: Annual Easter Egg
Hunt at 10:30 a.m.
April 16: Easter Service with
the Lord's Supper at rAl030
Our Lady Star of the Sea,
545 A1A N in Ponte Vedra,
April 14: Liturgical Prayer
for Easter Triduum at 8:30
a.m. Good Friday Mass at 3
April 15: Liturgical Prayer
for Easter Triduum at 8:30
a.m. Easter Vigil Mass at 8:30
April 16: Easter Sunday
Mass at 7:30, 9, and 11 a.m.
St. John's Catholic Church,
2400 Mayport Road, 246-
April 14: Reading of the
Passion and Veneration of the
Cross at 7 p.m.
April 15: Easter Vigil Mass
at 8:30 p.m.
April 16: Easter Mass at 9
and 11 a.m.
St. Paul's Catholic Church,
1st Ave. and 5th St. N. in
Jacksonville Beach, 249-2660.
April 14: Sacrament of
Reconciliation from 11:30
a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Celebratio' of the Lord's
Passion and Holy
Communion at 5 p.m.
Stations of the Cross at 7:30
April 15: Sacrament of
Reconciliation from 11 a.m.
to noon and 4 to 5 p.m. Easter
Vigil at 7:45.
April 16: Mass at 7 a.m.,
8:30 a.m., 10a.m., 11:30 a.m.,
and 7 p.m.
Christ Episcopal Church,
400 San Juan Drive in Ponte
Vedra and at San Pablo at
2002 San Pablo Road, 285-
April 14: Good Friday

Liturgy and Stations of. the
Cross at 12 p.m. Good Friday
Liturgy at 12 p'.ml.at San,
Pablo. Children's Good
Friday Service at 5:30 p.m.
.Good Friday Liturgy at 7 p.m.
Prayer Vigil, from 6 p.m.
through 6 p.m. Saturday,
April 15.
April 15: Meditations and
Sacrament of Reconciliation
from 4:30 to 5 p.m. The Great
Vigil of Easter and Baptisms at
5:30 p.m.
April 16: Sunrise Service on
the beach at the Ponte Vedra
Inn and Club and Serenata
Club at 6:30 a.m. Easter
Service and Festival' Holy
Eucharist at 7:45, 9, 11 a.m.
and 5:30 p.m. Festival Holy
Eucharist at San Pablo at 9
St. Paul's by the Sea
Episcopal Church, 5th Street
and llth Ave. N. in
Jacksonville Beach, 249-4091.
April 14: Good" Friday
Liturgy at 12 p.m. and 7 p.m.
Stations of the Cross with
Outdoor .Procession at 5:30
April 15: Holy Saturday
Service and Easter Practice at
, 9 a.m.
April 16: Sunrise Service of'
the Great Vigil of Easter at 6
a.m. Festival Breakfast in-the
Parish Hall at 8 a.m. Easter
Egg Hunt at 9:30 a.m. Festival
Eucharist at 10 a.m.
Chapel by the Sea: Maypdit
Naval Station, 270-5212.
April 16: Sunrise Easter,
Service at 7 a.m behind the
Ocean Breeze Conference'
Christ the Redeemer
Church, 190 S.. Roscoe Blvd.
in Ponte Vedra, 285-8009.
April 14: Stati6ns.,;of the
Cross at 6 p.m. followed by
"The Passion of-the',Christ"'at
.7 p.m.
April 16: Easter Service at 9
a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
Community Easter Sunrise

April 16: Easter Sunrise
Service at 6 a.m at the Sea
Walk Pavilion in Jacksonville
Bethlehem Lutheran
Church, 1423 8th Ave. N. in
Jacksonville Beach, 249-5418.
April 15: Easter Vigil Service
at 5:30 p.m.
April 16: Easter Sunrise
Service at 7 a.m. Easter
Breakfast at 8 a.m. Easter Egg
Hunt at 8:30 a.m. Sunday
School and Bible Study at 9:45
a.m. Easter Worship Service at
11 a.gn.
Lord of Life Lutheran
Church, 276 N. Roscoe Blvd.
in Ponte Vedra, 285-5347.
April 14: Good Friday
Service at 6:30 p.m.
April 16: Easter Sunday
Sunrise Service at 6 a.m. on
the beach at the Lodge.
Continental Breakfast at the
church following Sunrise
Service.. Worship .Service at
the church at 11 a.m.
St. Andrew's by'. the. Sea
Lutheran Church, '1801 Beach
Blvd., 249-4575. '
April 14: Good Friday
Service at 7 p.m.
April 16: Easter Worship
Service at 8 a.m. and 10:30
.a.m. Breakfast at 9 a.m:,
Beach United Methodist
Church, 3rd St. and 7th Ave.
N. in Jacksonville Beach, 249-
April 14: Stations of the
Cross in the 'Family Life
Center from 11-1 'and 5-7.
April 15: Community
Easter Party at Jarboe Park
from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Contemporary Service at '6
April 16: Easter Service at 8,
9:30, and 11 a.m.
Christ United Methodist
Church, 400 Penman Road in
Neptune Beach, 249-5370.
April 14: Good Friday Fish
Fry and. at 6- p.m. "Christ's
Passion'" Drama' at 7:30 p.m.
April 1l: Community Easter

Egg Hunt at 1 p.m.
April 16: Easter Sun
Service at 6:30 a.m. by the
Turtle Inn. Easter Break
and Parade at 8 a.m. at Wi]
Hall. Easter Service at 1
Ponte Vedra Un
Methodist Church,
Executive Way, 280-5141.
April 14: Ecumenical G
Friday Service from 12 t
p.m. at Palms Presbyte.
April 16: Easter Service a
9;30, and 11:15 a.m.
Eastpoint Church: 270
Keman Blvd., 220-2377.
April 14: Easter Mus
Drama, "For Such a Mar
This", at 7 p.m.
April 16: Easter Mus
Drama, "For Such a Mar
This", at 9:30 and 11 a.m.
First Christian Church
the Beaches, 2125 O0
Front in Neptune' Beach, :
April 14: "In the Dark of
Tomb" by the Narrow
Players at 7 p.m.
April 16: Sunrise Servic
6:45 a.m. with a Re-en
ment of Jesus' Resurrect
Continental Break fa
Traditional Service at 9
and Celebration Service
10:45 a.m.
New Life Chris
Fellowship, 2701 Hoi
Blvd. in Jacksonville, :
April 16: Easter Service a
Oceanside Church
Christ: 1025 Snug Harbo
Atlantic Beach, 246-2709.
April 16: Easter Service
and 10 a.m.




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Weekend 10 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader April 14, 2006

Arts Entertainment


Regal 18
, Preaching to the Choir. Rated NR. Fri.-
Thurs., 12:55, 3:40, 7:50, 10:35.
. Scary Movie 4. Rated PG13. Fri.-Thurs.,
12:15, 12:45, 1:15, 1:45, 2:30, 3:00, 3:30,
4:00, 5:00,.6:35, 7:00, 7:30, 8:00, 9:00,
9:30, 10:00; 10:30.
The Wild. Rated G. Fri.-Thurs., 12:20,
3:00, 5:20, 7:40, 9:45.
The Benchwarmers. Rated PG13. Fri.-
Thurs., 12:10, 12:40, 2:40, 3:10, 5:10,
5:40, 7:25, 7:55, 9:40, 10:05.
Lucky Number Slevin. Rated R. Fri.-
Thurs., 12:05, 3:55, 7:15, 10:20.
-Take The Lead., Rated PG13. Fri.-
Thurs., 12:35, 3:20, 7:20, 10:15.
ATL. Rated NR. Fri.-Thurs., 1:10, 4:160

The first-ever commercial recording by the Jacksolinle Symphony
orchestra is now available. The JSO'O embarked or'tie recording
project this season, with its production of Carl OrlfsO,Crmina
=urana. Carmina Burana includes chorus, children's chorus and
ree vocal soloists. Joining in the production were the
IJacksonville Symphony Chorus, and the Jacksonville Children's
Chorus. Funding for the project has been provided by Blue Cross
pnd Blue Shield of Florida and Robert and Monica Jacbby, along
with Symphony support groups BRASS (Beaches Residents
Actively Supporting the Symphony) and ARIAS. To purchase the
iew CD, call the Jacksonville Symphony Box Office at (904) 354-
5547 or log on to jaxsymphony.org. The price is $20.

6:45, 10:05.
Ice Age 2: The Meltdown. Rated G. Fri.-
Thuri., Noon, 12:30, 1:00, 2:35, 3:05,
.4:05, 4:55, 6:30, 7:05, 7:35, 9:05, 9:35,
Inside Man. Rated R. Fri.-Thurs., 12:25,
3:50, 7:10, 10:25.
Stay Alive. -Rated PGG13. Fri.-Thurs.,
6:55, 9:50.
Thank You For Smoking. Rated R. Fri.-
Thurs., 1:20, 3:35, 7:45, 9:55.
V. For Vendetta. Rated R. Fri.-Thurs.,
'.Failuire to Launch. Rated PG13. Fri.-
Thurs., 1:05, 4:15, 6:50.
The Shaggy Dog. Rated P.G. Fri.-Thurs.,
12:50, 3:45.
S' Pablo 9

Benchwarmers. Rated PG13. Fri.-
Thurs., 1:50, 4:50, 7:20, 9:50.
Failure to Launch. Rated PG13. Fri.-
Thurs., 1:25, 4:25, 7:25, 9:35.
Ice Age 2: The Meltdown. Rated PG.
Fri.-Thurs., 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, 9:30.
Inside Man. Rated R. Fri.-Thurs., 1:35,
4:35, 7:35, 10:00.
Scar)' Movie 4. Rated PG13. Fri.-Thuts.,
1:30, 4:30, 7:55, 9:35, 10:00.
She's The Man. Rated PG13. Fri.-
Thurs., 1:45, 4:45, 7:45, 9:45.
Take The Lead. Rated PG13. Fri.-
Thurs., 1:25, 4:10, 7:10, 9:30.
V For Vendetta. Rated PG13. Fri.-
Thurs., 1:25, 4:00, 7:00, 9:40.
The Benchwarmers. Rated NR. Fri.-
Thurs., 1:05, 3:15, 5:15, 7:30, 9:20.

. ---.--- I--. -.

CaribbeanHome Producs, c
S-1 aO Trouhout pFlorida"

-- -
S $ 11 i m l / il~ S .' ; '-.
,n. t --' r ,~ ',t ,

Cont. from previous page
The Church at Ponte Vedra,
10 AlA N (Rawlings Elem. ),
I April 16: Easter Service at .10,
and 11:15 a.m.
Unity Church of Jacksonville,
634 Lomax Street.
I April 16: Easter Sunrise
Service at 5:45 a.m at Dolphin
Plaza in Hanna Park at' 500
YWonderwood Drive.

Community Presbyterian,
150 Sherry Drive in Atlantic
Beach, 249-8698.
April 16: Easter Service at 8:30
and 11 a.m. and 5:59 p.m.
Hodges Blvd. Presbyterian

Churc9,A 140.- odges Blvd.,
223-6921 /.;;,
April 1l,6;,i Drama at
Contem.orjiS. ce at 9 a.m.
TraditiUaJ'l Sei'.at 11. a.m.
with' Eat' Can'at'i' "
Palms,,;'Presbyterian Chtirch,
3410,'outlh Third Street in
Jacksonville Beach, 246-6427.
April 14: Good Friday
Ecuniehical Service from noon
to 2 p.n; .
April 0.16:, .Easter WVorship
Servicat- 8, 9:30, 1 a4.m: 'and
5:45 p.m. .
Ponte Vedra Presbyterian:
4510 Palm Valley Road,, 285-
.8225. ( I '
April. 16;. Easter -Sunrise
'Service at Micklet's' Beach at 7
a.m. Easter:'Service, at 9. and
10:30 a.m. ,

I -- i -"-- ---
Kish F.... ,..:-..,-
.,'.. ..., ," .. .


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ill not call back.

LARGE MTN. Land Bargains, high eleva-
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TN LAKESIDE Mountain acreage. Situat-
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beaultlul acres long-range views of moun-
tains Wooded flat ridge, Detween Murphy
and Andrews. Small double-wide
$275,000. 1800)632-2212 http-//valley-
LAND AUCTION Central Florida Acreage
10am. Saturday April 22, Hardee County,
FL. 320.-Acres in 14 parcels Higgenbo-
tham Auctioneers M E Higgenbotham CAI
FL Lic # AU305/AB158 www.higgenboo
tham corn 1800)257-4161.

ALL REAL Estate advertised nerein is
subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act,
which makes it illegal to advertise any
preference, limitation, or discrimination
ased on race, color, religion, sex.
handicap. tamilial status or national ori-
gin or the intention to make any such
preference, Imilation or discrimination
The Leader Group will not knowingly ac-
cept any aovenising for real eslale
which is in violation of the law All per-
sons are hereby informed that all dwell-
ings advertised are available on an
equal opportunity basis.
II you Delieve thai you may nave been
discriminated against in connection wint
trne sale, real or financing of housing,
call Ihe United States Depanment of
Housing and Urban Development -HUD-
1(800')669-9777, or for the hearing im-
pairea 1(800)927-9275
NC MOUNTAINS 3 acres on mountain lop
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Galed community with stunning mountain
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over 4 miles o0 riverfront. 1 to 8 acres Irom
tie $60s. Custom owners' lodge, riverwalk
& more' Call 1866)292-5762

99 ACRES, 2.4 lots, zoned RMD-A,
$395K, nonh of Dutton. on Brazaele,
backs up to Selva Manna GC. between
two 5 acre tracks, sold as is. Call MiKe
McGuire at (904)246-5162.
102 ACRE lot on ine S.W corner ot Hodg-
es and Crauny Rd. just north of Beach
Blvd 4 miles the beach. Water, septic.
and home plans included Possible com-
mercial lol $129.900 Call for more into.
90'X120' Ocean access/ picnic area
across ine street. Build your dream home
w*in potential ocean/ inlercoasial
waterway views $369.900. John

SOUTHSiDE OFF Beilon. Brick home.
3BR 2BA. 1895sl, ouilt 1987,many up-
grades $292.500. Independent Brokers

Watson Realty Corp. Realtors@
Call 904-476-5537
Careful Attention to Detail
From Condos to Country:'




A new mountain development

inrWestern North Carolina offering spectacular long
range mountain views! 1 to 7 acre parcels starting
@ $39.900 to $89,900. Two lane paved roads,
underground utilities and beautiful private wooded,
sites. New log cabin shells on 1-2 acre sites $89,900
to $132,900. Single story ranch or two story chalets
available. Call for free info: 828-247-0081
i ,f o d

Lance Cove Estates'- Hayesville, NC
Beautiful Mountain Views from Sweetwater's newest
subdivision, an outstanding location. One acre plus lots
available, tasy access only minutes from the town of "
Hayesville, NC, the Hiwassee River, Lake Chatuge, and
hospitals. Features include oversized paved roads,
underground utilities, covenantsand restrictions handicap iP ..
specification with main floor 2,000 minimum square foot homes makes this new development
unique. Build your home for'a life time. Lots range in price from $49,900 to $79,900.
For more information call 828,389,8843, 904-821-9573,
Nick's cell 904-254-9644, Vicki's cell 904-534-3530'

3BR/2BA, 2000sf., hardwood floors, over-
sized lot. 328 10th St. $699,000. Steve
JAX BEACH Duplex 415 8th-Ave. North,
$449,000. 247-5774, 770-979-2632.
Lakefrontl Well maintained. $264,900.
Murphy Realty Corp. 536-9100.
ATLANTIC BEACH, 805 Plaza, 9 blocks
to ocean, Cute, 3/2, bungalow, 975sf., tile/
cpt, new paint in/ out, Irg fenced-in back-
yrd, will co-op, $224,900. (904)613-6201
3BR/2BA MOBILE Home with land, on
San Pablo Rd. $145.000. 333-2749.
FSBO, 3569 Eunice Road, Isle of Palms
$282,000 1750sl, 3BR/2BA, completely
upgraded 2 car garage. (904)463-3793.

Beautiful "under construction" 'home in
.gated community. 4 bedrooms plus bonus
room. large lol. 3 car garage and much
more. Ottered ai $795,000.
3BR,2BA home In San Pablo Creek. Spa-.
cious floor plan, fenced backyard and
backing on to pond Offered at $258,900.
"IBR/1BA home, beautifully decorated and
with fireplace and screen room overlook-
ing the marsh. Offered at $159,500.
3BR/2BA beaulllully remodeled home In
popular Villages ol Pablo. New roof, new
tile and carpel, new stainless appliances
in kitchen, repainted inside and out
Fenced, private backyard. Offered at
2BR/2BA nome in Windsor Poinle. Up-
slairs unit, fireplace, oerber carpel, vault-
ed ceiling, large master bedroom. Offered
at $158.900.
4BR/3BA newly constructed Mercedes
built home. Huge bonus room tooll Land-
scaped yard and a great floor plan. Of-
fered at $395 000
3BR12.5BA home. Outstanding coral rock
fireplace. granite counters, tongue and
grooved wood paneled ceilings, private
rear yard, great neighborhood and much,
much more. Offered at $650.000.
4BR/2BA brick home in popular River
Brook Huge Master suite, large comer lot.
formal living and dinikng Offered ai
Upgraded home in San Pablo Circle,
3BR/2BA home w/spacious master suite.
Fenced back yard. large den, immaculate-
ly maintained. Ohered. at $335.000.
Help-U-Sell Coastal Realty
335 Jacksonville Drive
Call: 904-241-4447
Free Weekly List
2058si. Large cul-de-sac lot New carpel.
tile, and hardwood. Many .more upgrades
By appointment: No brokers. $339.000

New construction located at 6th Ave S. &
9th St. in Jax Bch 3BR/ 2.5BA. 1700sl,
tiled first floor, owners suite w/ luxury bath,
separate shower, private deck Custom
kitchen, designer fixtures throughout. Dual
A/C, sprinkler system, fenced yard, 2 car
garage. Move' in before summer Offered
at $349,000 Call for showing 249-6150
Will coop with reactors ..
15369f, pool, FP. lakefront, $899K,
607-1030. .
water access, 3BR/2.5BA, 1800sf, 2 car
garage, newly remodeled, 2 boat lifts
(1-covered), $589,000. 463-0505.
garage. i550st, open floor plan, 42" Hick-
ory cabinets, granite counter tops, new
barber carpel, hard wood floors,
$318,000, 463-0505.
Ocean. 3BR/2.5BA. sunroom, fireplace,
fenced yard, carport, $380,000.
OPEN HOUSE, Sat. 11am-4pm
Own Inis patio style home for the price of
a condo., 1.5 mi. to' beach, A-rated
schools. This 2BR/2BA -office features:
open floor plan, cathedral ceilings, mir-
rored lierplace, 1 car garage Deck backs
to preserve type area. All appliances stay.
$14.000 in recent renovations. Only
$248,000. 192 Vista Grande. Call Terry
Welch (904)838-7726.
N. JAX Beach, 3BR/2BA pool home,
fireplace, 2-car garage, $360.000.

NEAR MAYO Clinic, off San Pablo.
3BR/2BA. 2-car. remodeled $315,000. In-
dependent Brokers, 710-3111
PVB- 3BR/2BA, newer tile, consider lease
purchase,. $169,900 Owner/Agent
PONTE VEDRA Beach, The Islands.
2BR/2BA, attached garage, community
pool. tennis, $250.000. (904)703-8380.

Selva Linkslde
1935sl. Only $494.500. (904)472-4039.
NEPTUNE BCH- 4BR/3.5BA. 1/2 block Io
beach and Town Center, ocean view from
master BR and 1 of 3 screened porches.
2540sf. large lot east ol first street.
50'x123'. new roof 2005,. numerous up-
grades, $850,000 115 Orange St. For
sale by Owner/Broker '241-8604, 868-
"4154,887-8237 C .
PONTE VEDRA. Sawgrass Players Club,
Bermuda Court 2BRi2BA, unattached pa-
no home. $259,900 (904)655-5990.
NEWER. CUSTOM built, private, ocean-
front home witn hign dune views of the
ocean and Inlracoastal Waterway. Approx
4458+ sl.. 5BR/4.5BA, den/ office, file and
hardwood floors, formal living and dining,
pool and spa, screened lanar with hot tub,
lush landscaping and loaded. $2.750,000
Phyllis Staines. 904-476-SOLD RE/MAX
Coastal Real Estate www pstaines corn

PVB. 3BR,2BA Townnouse, $950.'mo
Consider lease option, short/long term.
ATLANTIC BEACH. 3 Blocks to Beach.
2BR/1BA on 60'x150' lot, 255 Sherry Dr.
$479,000. 349-2504
MUST SELLI Atlantic Beach, Golf, water
view. 3/2, pool. $415,500. 1555 Linkside
Dr. Pics @ ritp:/i'nlotube net/136118.,
1251)327-8394 .
lot, 4BR/2BA, 2400sf w/in-ground pool.
New CH&A, roof. $324,900. 246-2336,
4/8, 2485 Castaway Dr. off San Pablo Rd.
3BR/3BA., Enjoy unique Beach home.
Great Investment. 160 Magnolia Street.
$359,000. Help-U-Sell Marsh View R.E.

ATLANTIC BEACH, 4BR/3BA, large, pri-
vate lot, 6 blocks to Ocean. $340,000.
Studio Oceanfront Condo, very small,
great view. $300,000. 270-2333.
Saturday, 11am-2pm
476 and 486 AIA N. South on A1A, just.
before Solana, Rd. on the right, 2 brand
new stucco homes, 3BR/2.5BA w/tons
of upgrades Listed at $435,000 and
$440,000. Call Stephanie (904)333-8321.



End unit w/fenced yard. 3BR/2.5BA,
1660-7 Beach Ave. 2150sf, beach access
across street. Kitchen Isle w/ceramic tile.
Wood burning fireplace, screened porch
w/deck. Single garage. $712,000 by
Owner 477-0102.

Enchanted raised cottage on hidden la-
goon. Large lot, great interior, Jax Beach.
First $375,000 cash takes. FIRM.
249-1020 for appointment & escort to pri-
vate location.

PONTE VEDRA. 3BRj2BA beautiful re-
modeled townhome on lake End una
$185,000. (904)424-0660.
PONTE VEDRA TPC Sawgrass 1600.sf +
enlarged patio, 2-car, garage, newly re-
modeled, $379,000. 285-0659.
countertops, 1250st. Fireplace. 1-car ga-
rage. community pool Walk to Ocean.
$269,000 463-0505
$10,000/down, 6% APR 3BR/2BA home
with huge great room, fireplace, garage,
filed kitchen, baths Recently renovated,
$298.900. (850)230-6006.
FSBO 10TH Ave. Souln, Jax Beach.
3BR/1.5BA, fenced. carbon. Returbisned,
like new. $390k 398-0232.
$1,200,000. 246-8267
PVB. 3BR/2BA tden. gated community.
comm. pool. $389,900 or rent $1800imo.
JAX BEACH 3BR/2BA, 2-car garage,
$331,000. 1045 N 17th St. (904)241-6922
www jaxbeacnonllne corn

6BR/5.5BA 8000 SF. New kit w/ss
comm. grade appl. Granite &
marble counter. Amazing views,
plus guest home. $2,850,000 MLS
Beautiful one owner stucco home,
3BR/2BA, greal fir plan & many
details throughout. Convenient loc.
in popular S. Bch $395,000 MLS
4 blocks to ocean 3BR/2BA.
Recreational vehicle parking. Open
bright, laminate lIrs. Coquina. Walk
to beach. $399,900 MLS 281491
3BR/2BA wood firs. Eat-m-kitchen.
i $250,000 MLS 286486
3BR/2BA, private lot, vaulted
ceilings, sep. LR, FR & FL rm.
Summer kit, sauna & tiled firs. 2132
SF. $799,900 MLS 294652
2126 SF. 4BR/2BA. Great location
JTB/Hodges, formal LR, DR. Fenced
yard designed for pool. Many
upgrades, $314,900 MLS 281729
Steps to ocean metal roof, stucco
& vinyl shake. Wrap around porch.
Hard wood firs. granite counters.
A+. $975,000 MLS 277190
3BR/2BA open fir plan w/split
BDRMS. Lar. kil & formal dining rm.
Great rm w/frplc. $243,000 MLS
4BR/3.5BA w/2 master suites. New
kit w/granite, media rm & large den
overlooking pool. Close to bch.
$379,000 MLS 271624
Jax Bch beauty for fixer upper.
Needs TLC but loads of potential.
I Investors please look at this one.
3BR/2BA. $317,000 MLS 291051
3BR/3.5BA ocean view. Extensive
upgrades. Tile 1st & 2nd firs.
Granite & maple Kit & BA's, 2
balconies. $525,000 MLS 289795
3BR/1BA beaches area home.
Fenced yard and move in ready
Walk to bch, pubs & restaurants.
$325,000 MLS 294207
Lrg. 3BR/2BA'S. Big yard w/big
palms. Inground pool, garage w/
storage. Quiet area, 7 blocks to
ocean. $350,000 MLS 287103
2500 SQ. FT. HOME
Stucco home on cul-de-sac w/wood
r' firs. Irg deck, screened porch. 2 car
Garage & frplc. $479,000 MLS

"n a2 rp FEp U.
Atlantic Beach,
Watson Office
S (904) 249-3804
ef'-.i-- ~-aii.Mia~' f~'~s^



rage. $180,000. Call 655-6168.
FSBO, N. JAX BCH, 3BR/2BA, fenced
yard. New paint in/out. New carpet.
CH&A. $289,900. (904)509-2593.
FSBO. NEW Construction, 17th Ave.
South, Jax Beach. Unique location, next to
park with Oceanviews. 3BR/3.5BA, 3
floors, with decks on 2nd &'3rd floors. Too
many amenities to include. Buy now &
pick colors & flooring. Call (904)472-4753,
ask for David. $595,000. Completion in
July. Will co-op.
hardwood floors, 4 blocks to Beach. Lot,
70'x100'. 412 South Street. $399,000.
McGuire Mortgage, 246-9915.
1611 6TH Ave North, 3BR/2BA 1450sf,
concrete block, 1-car garage, pool, in-
ground sprinkler system, good roof, good
A/C and new pool heater, upgraded win-
dows, $279,000. 655-1534.
PVB FAIRFIELD. 1635sf. 3BR/2BA. Re-'
'modeled, lakeside townhome. Garage,
vaulted ceilings, fireplace, sunroom, gat-
ed, w.many ameniies. FSBO. $335,000.
273.0248, 703-5-73.
FSBO- ICW 3BR/ 2BA, great marshview
$344,500 or. lease option- $1700/mo.
14046 Pine Island Dr. 242-4040.
FORERClmoelatrfon home is


Intracoastal West-Pablo Bay,
4/3, 2688 sf, ss, appliances,
plantation shutters, built-in
computer area. $497,5001
World Golf/Murabella 4/4
3135 sf, brand new, xeady to move
in, huge comer lot. $479,900
Atlantic Beach Fairway Villas,
cute 2/2, back to Selva Marina
Golf Course. $199,900


Campfield-2/2, 1126 sf, new &
ready to move in.. $174,900.

- ;_ David Kuo
Office: 273-3939
Cell: 955-0776
515u11Palm Vlle Rd; Sc, 100
a^ ~ Pxnie \cdrj Bch, FL

S ast of 1 A in
Tonte Vedra!

This 5BR/3BA brick beauty has
approx. 4,400 Sf! 32'x15' pool,
90'x140' lot, 24'x22.5' garage
w/10'x8' workshop, gourmet kitchen
w/48" SS gas range, Subzero refrigerator, 1,000 SF
master suite w/6' whirlpool tub, many upgrades/
amenities! Energy efficient! Easy bike ride or walk to
beach! Owner/Agent $1,375,000
'Elkl 'Paolij Wrigt'
S Prudential Cell: 838-4562
SHa, Direct: 285-8449 ext 3073
,-,,r,..n.i. Email: ellenpoling@aol.com

True "Old Fashioned Triplex" .
Create your Dream!
Rare treasure. 1 blk to bch! Fmrnt home cone. 4 ,.
blk. 2/1 up. 2/1 down. hrdwd firs, needs
"muscle" but ideal rentals or super S.F.
conversion! Rear 2 car gar. w/l/1 plus deck! ,
Huge 60x120 lot for pool, gardens, creative '
touch! $699,000 Rosemar,
"lJe XWOWSt-diebeaches... ,11 eri
She SELLS the town!"
Cat 568-1523

x .) )-urn 11--AC-

(904) 249.=;82651

Ocean Views! Delightful 2-stry 3BR/3BA ronce.
blk stucco hm on cmer lot w.wrap around bal-
cony. Fab floor plan.$1,300,000 MLS 288420

East of A1A! Newt 1.5 blacks to ocean, over
3304+ sq ft, 5 bdnns, loaded, metal root bonus
rm, great detailsA must seal
$1,150,000 MLS 282158

<3500K to $l1)4>
-Great ground level condo on the ocean, 2
patios. Top ofthe line applnc, tile firs, custom
cabnts $739,899 MLS 283602.
Lot E of AlA Cormer homesite, walk to beach,
in new upsale S. Jax Bch, will build to suit or
use your own plansl$679,000 MLS 280125

Great 4BR/3BA pool home on 1/2 ac lot. Grt
kit w/granite & SS appinc. Must see!
$ 599,000 MLS 293336

St Johns River Oaks custom bIt pool bm w/
spa. 4BR/4BA, bonus, liv, din & grt s, scrmd
lanai, 2.5 gar + more. $575,112 MLS 280252

Oceanviwes/Sunsets 2-sty contmp, Ponte Vedra,
loaded, stainless kit, see ocean from most ms.
you'll love it sea today. $574,900 MLS 284035

Ocean Views! Incredible Thm 1/2 blk from bch.
3-stry,.2BR/1.5BA lots of decks + double garage.
$534,900 MLS 271471

Top shelf total renovation 2BR/2BA condo,
oceanfrt AtlBch, Great value + location.
$529,000 MLS 289638

Consider the possibilities Totally renovated
2BR/1BA, east of A1A, ready to live in or ex-
pand. $499,000 MLS 278852

World Golf Village. New hm 4BR/3BA+ bonus
room, S S applanc, on Irg lot. Must C!
$450,000 MLS 294356

Lot, east of A1A. Best location to build. Sought
after S Jax Bch. Near JTB, shops and restaurants.
Walk to the beach. $429,000 MLS 291534

Neptune Bch Charmer. 3BR/2BA, heated pool,
stone frplc, located on Cul-d-sac.
$382,000 MLS 294232

Bch Beauty! Ride yourbike to the beach!
Beautiful 3BR/2BA coquina hm in S Jax
Bch, close to shopping& schools
$$369,900 MLS 283708

Very nice 2-sty hm just minutes from Bch
& restaurants. Bkyd lrg enough for pool
$269,900 MIS 294251.

Brick ranch hm on Cl-D-Sac,
3BR/2BA, bkyd full fenced must ClP

S Jax Bch, 4 blks to ocean, short distance
to JTB, shops & restaurants. 8 lots to
choose from. $350,000 each MLS 293153

Walk to Atlantic Bcht Updated & up-
graded, new kit, lakefront, Dbl gar, Grt
features $349,900 MLS 293320

Just Like New Grtopn/flr/phin for this
3BR/2BA clean as a button home on
CuSac. upgrades galore & all apploc stay.
$249,850 MLS 283025

Walk to the beach! Fantastic 2BR/1.5BA
T'hm just 5blk to beach. All newapplinc,
tile flooring & fc0d yd.
$244,900 MLS 293205

PONTE VEDRA 'Seasidae Community
180 Crosscove Cir., 3BR/2BA, stucco
home, 1/2 mile to beach, 1716sf. +400sf.
screened porch. 71'x122' lot. Built in '93.
$384,900. No realtors. (904)233-8208.
POOL HOME Updated three bedroom.
Open floorplan. Large master. Great en-
tertainment areas- in and out. $319,900,

LIKE NEWt 3/2. Bamboo flooring. Fire-
place.Two car garage. Lots of Storage.
Private yard. A ten+. $332,900.

BRICK BEAUTY Totally and beautifully
redone three bedroom. Hardwood floors.
Screened porch. Large fenced yard.
blocks from water's edge. Almost 1/4 acre
lot. 1473 square foot house. Opportunity
to expand, replace, or rehab.$ 339,500.

Seller will contribute $3,500 towards
closing cost onall of the above.
VanguardGMAC Realty, Joanne Doher-
ty 207-1299

W 1326 SouthThird Stee Jacsonvile Beach (904) 24W 61




FORMER ICI model waterfront home is
move-in ready. immaculate 3BR/2.5BA,
has 2705sf. w/spacious .open family room
w/gas fireplace, formal dining, loft, and in-
si e laundry. Over $71.000 in upgrades,
were included when Ihis model was built
In 2000 Enierain on either of youth two
screened lanais, open deck, and balcony
overlooking your private dock overlooking
the navigable waterfront., $889,000.
Please contact. Phyllis Stalhnes with
RE/MAX Coastal Real Estate' at 904-476-
SOLD or visit www pstanes corn
119 37th AVE. SOUTH
Newly renovated..3BR/2BA, vaulted ceil-
ings, 50x123 lot. New roof, HVAC. Hard-
wood floors, new kitchen, all appliances.
2-car garage.
$795,000 536-8268
PONTE VEDRA. FSBO. Unbelievable pric
for east of AIA. Terrific floor plan.
3BR/2 5BA, 2093sl wioltice & loh Vaulted
ceilings in greal room. Fireplace in MBR/
living room. Rool 4yrs new New applian-
ces $489,000 610-3522
FSBO. ATLANTIC Beach 780 Jasmine
St $189.000 Call 318-2900. 742-6227

..... ? -:: ,f...

Clai'sified. 2

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

April 14, 2006

Live Large in
Highland Glen!!
This wonderful pool home has almost 4000 sq ft, theater
room, outdoor kitchen and shower. Upgrades galore,
4BR/3.5BA, 80 ft lot with lake view.
Great for entertaining. $950,000
MLS # 282852
Connie Grubbs

Newly Renovated 3 bdrm, 2 bath home built in 1993 with
pool on a' 120 x 125 lot in the middle of an upcoming
residential development, 2000sq ft, 2-Car Garage, beautiful
fruit trees plus a concrete block shed In
the back. $389,000. Fq -1

Call Margi Petitt Top Producer

Stiuming i fw e in Qiueewat' arhau'
awkakbj water t* gdfcjemm&
Beautiful 5BR/4BA open spacious floor plan is loaded w/
upgrades, custom kit w/solid wood cabinets, built in
bookcases in great room & a lovely
screened in pool w/evening :lanai.
4,200SF only $1,050,000
Call Top Producer
Lynn Saul

3/2 in 32082!

Going, going...
Will be gone soon! This updated 3BR/
BA home at 148 Vista Grande Ct boasts
a Ig open living area w/screened porch, garage and huge fenced
yard. St. Johns County schools. Moments to the beach! $234,900!

Call Amy Wilson at 955-0700 & visit www.acwhomes.com

View 100s of homes!
For photos and more information
including addresses visit
Fees slightly higher on Lhomes over $300,000. 395 transacnon fee

muOD s1Em lE1.ADws
Newly remodeled 2 story. 5 bedroom
home. Flexible open floor plan, over
3000 SF of living area. Beautiful
kitchen, stainless appliances, stone
and wood floors, 'fireplace in living
room, Possible in-law suite. 2 car
garage $789,000. MLS# 283187
You'll love entertaining family and'
friends in this 1 story. 4 bedroom beach
home. Spacious family room with
fireplace opens to kitchen and separate
breakfast area. Split bedrooms,
screened pool. security, located. In
highly sought after neighborhood.
$734,900. MLS# 278270
Luxury livingon the ocean in this 2
bedroom, 2 bath, 3rd floor condo
Spectacular views from inside as well
as outside balcony. Building offers
heated pool, exercise room, sauna and
extra storage in addition to garage
parking 'Priced to sell at $680,000.
MLS# 289653
Lovely move in ready 3rd floor condo.
Ouiefprivate location overlooking
natural area Great room with fireplace,
all appliances Included plus 2 deeded
parking spaces. $164.500. MLS#


Tnis incredibly beautiful home is 1'2
block from ocqan: Sunshine bright
open floor plan 4 BR plus office ana
art studio. Gourmet kitchen includes
custom cabinets, granite countertops,
gas cook top and wine cooler.
I ,675,000..MLS# 273214
First floor 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo,
split bedrooms, ldrge storage area, all
appliances included, shows like a
model. Conveniently located .for easy
commute. Pool. tennis, exercise
facilities, clubhouse and more.

Judy Nicholson presents....

~ Making Dreams a Realit, ~

S JAX BEACH Graceful Colier-bmit home is located on
Panoramic ocean views from one of the sprnng-fed lake wiih view s of the 13lh tee.'
last affordable 3 bedroom oceanfront Four bedrooms plus a bonus room (could
condos (South Shores Condominium). easily become 5th BRi, four baths,
Fifth floor unit has 2 baths and large 3.500+ sq ft fleble floor plan. plenty
iving/dmningroom w ith lots of window s. of storage space, screened pool/spa and
Living/dining room and master open to p ate backward ihate-to-golf
an oceanfront terrace ith fabulous e a-ogo
views! $669,000 views. $ 1,075,000
pElizabeth Hudgins
Prudential Network Realty's
'The Real Estate Pm fes.onral who sells the bet of the Fir.t Coast titeesri le
(904) 285-8449 ext. 3028 Cell 553-2032
Network Realty
Visit Elizabeth and all her properties on the internet at
www.beacheshomes.com or e-mail at elizhudgins@aol.com
Independently owned and operated i
1000 Saw rass VIllage Drive, Suits 101, Ponts Vedra Bsach, FL 32082

gehruaf a, ome ... M ce in

Beautiful redo--4/2.5 home in NWAtl bch near "A" schools. Hanna
Prk Bches, WVonderwood access to FEVERYWHERE! Totally
updated-tile, cpt, paint, ceils, appliances, mill work, .
full cedar-shake ext., landscaping, huge 2-car, super
value. $258,900
"She KNOWS the beaches...
l She SELLS the town! Rosemar
Call 568-1523 A Mler

Atlantic Beach
The Perfect Beach House!
This 4bdrm, 2.5 baths, 2700 sq ft home, with a 2 Car Garage, built
in 1995 is in move-in condition. It sits at the end of a cul-de-sac 2
doors from the ocean. This home has a new pool and spa with a
covered lanai in a very tranquil, private
|. [] setting. It includes a huge eat-in kitchen which
F"s W -: has been fully updated. Offered at $995,000,
this one truly will NOT last
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer

Completely Renovated
Contemporary-Awesome ,,
Intracoastal Views
This 1657SF Neptune Beach Home sits
on the marsh w/an 85' dock on a small L"
creek that leads to the Intracoastal.
Navigable for small skiff or Jet Ski at high tide. The views
are absolutely breathtaking! Just remodeled inside & out.
3bdrm/3ba, 2-Car Garage and Awesome Deck-Don't Miss
This One-Offered at $574,000
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer 571-9821

This opportunity includes 2 bldgs, the front concrete
block is a 2BR/1 BA up and the same down plus a 2n"
dwelling w/a 2BR/1 BAon a50.x 125
M],: lot 1.5 blocks to the Qcean. DON'T
Call Margi Petitt
Top Producer

Atlantic Beach-Just a few blocks
to the Ocean & Centrally located to
Town Center .
This is a MUST SEE!!! Absolutely charming 2000 SF, 3BR/2BA.
Completely restored with brand new 22x22 Family Room and
22x22 Master Suite. Low Maintenance
Hardiboard Exterior,,Metal Roof, Private .,I L ,..
Covered Porch, Full Fenced in Yard w/ ..
Room for Pool. Priced.to sell at $539,000 '',
,22 MasgLRetitDtL opPMcoducer

Absolutely Charming Beach Cottage
2 Houses from the Ocean
Beach lovers here's your opportunity to 'have an
absolutely adorable Beach Cottage 2 houses to the
Ocean in Old Atlantic Beach. 3 bdrm, 2 ba,
I with very private back yard. Don't
SlL]i miss this opportunity! $725,000
f Cafl Magi Petitt Top1 P oducer
571-9821 .

Almost New with Pool-- 2 Blocks to the' Ocean
Don't miss this Awesome Opportunity! 3000 sq. ft., and
additional 1000 sq. ft. of porch and 2-Car Garage. Very open
floor plan w/hard wood floor throughout, 9ft .eilirngs, 4 bdrms,
2 full ba, (2)1/2 ba. Outdoor shower, 1/2 .
bath beside pool, huge 2nd story deck with
outdoor fireplace. Very private setting.
Priced to Sell at $889,000.
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer

I Beautiful Cottages at
I~I' I. Atlantic Beach
If Exclusive Private Community
I _r- :Y This Maintenance Free 3 story w/
elevator, 2 Car Garage features 4
Bdrms/Sitting Rm/4Ba. Covered
Call Balconies & 3rd Fir Deck. Concrete
Margi Pert Exterior Construction-Open .Design-
Finished 9-10' Ceilings-Bosch Stainless
Top Producer Steel. Appl. -Granite, Custom Wood
571-9821 Cabinetry. Common Pool & Walkway to
Beach Ave. 875,000 ..

Beach Bungalow
East of AIA
Totally and tastefully rehabbed single story bungalow and only
two blocks to the ocean. Mein house is 2BR/1 BA with an additional
detached room and bathroom in back that can be used as office
or extra bedroom. Kitchen has granite counter tops and all new
appliances including stackable washer and i
dryer. Call on this one now. Truly priced to sell -
at $493,000
Call Kevin Folsom at

Ocean Front
Atlantic Beach Haven
This 2bdrm, 2 ba Ocean Front home with updated kitchen
and hardwood floors is absolutely charming. Featuring a huge
lawn and deck with an incredible ocean view. All living space
is down stairs with both bedrooms and a
porch overlooking the ocean on the 2fal
story. Offered at $995,000. Don't miss this i -
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer

Affordable Beach
Move in condition. This 3BR/1.5BA home has beer
renovated w/tile and granite and new kitchen, new
windows, new AC. Just blocks to the l110 | ,|
beach. Fenced back yard. Over 1300 if ]
sq ft. Must see to appreciate. ,J ": 1
$299,900 MLS # 284350
Connie Grubbs

Cute, Cozg, Causaf...
S ust oo in for Cove!"
Adorable bungalow-begs or C so she'll shine!
4 1 3BR/2BA. sunny tile GR soars up to versatile lofr.
IXHuge lot abutts Howell Prk..woodsie bkyard! 3 easy
baks to bch, few n ore to town hub. super schools!
Great value for home or land! $445,000
"She KNOWS the beaches...
Rosemary She SELLS the town!"
M 1Nier Call 568-1523

Exceptional Custom Home in
Seaside Gated Community
4bdrm/3.5ba.home could not be built today at this price with
this quality of finish levels. Every imaginable upgrade, 3900
SF in this exclusive 26 home gated
S.I community at Tiffany by The Sea with
,; its own beach access. Don't, miss this
incredible opportunity at $1,395,000:,

oucer 571-98''1

Awesome Water to Golf a. I
Views with Pool t ,|
Atlantic Beach
This is an absolute 10!- Enormous lot
(150 x 250; .86 acre), 4 blocks to the beach,
Screened 20x40 pool & spa, completely renovated with very
fine finish levels, 4 bdrm, 2.5 ba, 3.5-car garage, 2670 sq ft, 2
blocks to Selva Marina Country Club. Don't miss this opportunity!
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer

iewer nome in
Atlantic Beach
4BR/2BA Lovely well maintained home on
quiet street with fenced back yard. Vaulted
ceilings, new ceramic tile, newer carpet, newly
1112 tiled fireplace. Easy to show..

East of 3rd St. in Jax Beach
This home includes 2BR, 2BA plus 2-Car Garage.
Awesome Investment opportunity, less than 1 block to
the Ocean. Residential grandfatheredli t m:
in but zoned commercial, ,

Call Margi Petitt Top Producer

Beautiful Home under the
1Majestic Oaks of
Atlantic Beach...
14 houses from the Ocean & Golf course. This 2800
sq. ft., 3/2.5 has a Irg Master Suite w/2-walk-in closets,
Fireplace & Wetbar. The backyard is decked
with a jacuzzi tub. Great home for entertaining!
Newly Reduced, $699K Priced to Sell!
Casie Denman

This Open Floor Plan 3BR/2.5BA Home in Selva Marina 4
sits on a 90 x 98 lot with 2 car garage. All living space on
1st floor, Bdrms on 2nd floor. Very
Peaceful setting with Natural Front Yard.
Home is in move-in condition. Priced to
Sell $499,900
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer





Now .16-

~ H~~I~~~)*$~4~1111C4~~



April 14, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Classified 3

AFFORDABLE JAX Beach, second floor.
marshview condo Is perfect for anyone
who wants to live at Ihe beach but not pay
beach prices) Move-in ready w/relrlgera-
tor. microwave, washer, dryer and ceiling
fans. Freshly painted interior, secunty sys-
tem. screened lanal, and fireplace are lusI
some of the upgrades $157,900 Phyllis
SSltaines, 904-476-SOLD. RE/MAX Coastal
Real Eslate www.pstaines.com

PRIVATE BEACH Access. 2BR/2BA, fur-
. nished. 1st floor, fully renovated. Steps to
garage. $235,000 537-4083.
1/1 FURNISHED, 1 block from beach.
laundry tree, pool, pets ok. $950/mo.
JAX BEACH- Beach Terraces. Like new
Luxury 3/3 condo. Ocean vliwsl $799,900.
Murphy Realty Corp. 536-9100.

Like new traditional brick home
on serene lake. Completely re-
modeled. new root, new AC,
new kitchen, new baths, new
flooring, new landscaping &
more. 5BR/4 5BA -'- bonus rm
-4800sf. $1,549.000 Susan Fort
New 'community of Beach
House b/w PVB & St. Aug on
A1A offering comfort, luxury.
spectacular master, private ele-
vator, 3 Vfir cathedral ceilings &
great ocean views. $1,840,050
Michelle Floyd Jayne Hoffman
Beach House exclusive & new
community b/w PVB'&. St Aug
on A1A. Inspired by the ele-
gance of West Indies aOchitec-'
lure; beautiful interiors. lots of
windows & Balconies. $994,270
to $1,144,270 Jayne Hoffman
Rare opportunity to build on a
large treed lot In the heart of
Marsh Landing! Surrounded by
pristine marsh with awesome
views of the 8" fairway and 7
green! $899,000 Please' call
Michelle Floyd / Jayne Hoffman
Classically designed nome with
brilliant views! Dazzling setting
on 1-acre lot in Marsh Landingi
Boasts rare deep water dock.
oeautrful pool. wonderful Fir plan
w/elegant finlshesi $2,900,000
Michelle Floyd.& Jayne Hoffman
Contemporary style home on
outstanding, oversized lot with,
250' on lagoon with golf course
views! Exceptional quality, Irg
open floor plan, generous living
rm & dining rm, Irg FR. gourmet
kitchen $1,999,000 Susan Fort
Over 1 acre located in the
exclusive estate section of
beautiful Palencia. Experience
dramatic marsh vista offered
from this amazing horesite. A;
truly- great opportunity! 'Call
Michelle Floyd today $929,000

upgrades. 1200sf. 9ft ceilings w/lans,
walk-in closet, kitchen appliances,
washer/dryer, terrace, fireplace, garage.
Security system. FSBO. $228,000.
struclion in Jax Beach/ PVB Beach.
2BR/2BA, available lor closing in June
$382,900, 904-220-8676.
2BR/2BA, 3RD floor, Grand Reserve. Bay-
hill model, 1200sf., many upgrades.
$179.900. (904)472-9864.
JAX BEACH, Villas at Marsh Landing,
2BR/2BA w/garage, private entry, beauil-
tul views of goll course. Priced to sell
$209,605. Lighthouse Realty Asso., Mary
Kryzwick, Realtor. (904)347-4024.
Only 3 unils in building All of top (3rd)
floor 1-1/2 blocks north of Sea Turtle Inn.
$250,000. 881-9005.

=18111M jF~jINFIRO

4.4 acreg just south of
Baymeadows Road at Freedom
Crossing Trail, at traffic light -
wonderful location with easy
access! Zoning Is CGC PUD.
Greal opportunity Priced to sell
at $1,768,160 Call Susan Fort
across from ocean & close to
P.V Club! To see It is to fall In
love... updated, charming, bright
& neat as a pin. 3BR/3BA
w/2.360sf. Peep back yard
w/pool overlooking golf course.
$2,900,000 Call Joyce Reesh
New 1/1 third fir unit w/Murphy
bed unit- for-guests. Walk to
beach, shops & restaurants.
Gourmet 'kit' w/granite, ceramic
tile & garden tub. Overlooks
lake & lagoon fountain, Sleeps
four. $369,900 Kelly Blackburn
200' of fresh water frontage
w/70' dock minutes to ,the ICW.
This beautiful Queens Harbour
home has it all:' 4BR/4.5BA,
media rm, game rm, family rm,
gourmet kitchen, new roof, fresh
paint $1.699,000 Call Len Cook
This 4BR/3.5BA home features
hardwood floors, soaring
ceilings and open floor plan with
built-Ins. gourmet kitchen with
grande; stainless .appliances
and Indoor/outdoor -fireplace.
$974,900 Call Kim Martin-Fisher
Dock your boat at your-back
door! Incredible opportunity to
invest or build your dream home
on this waterfront lot in Marsh
Landing's .prestigious Harbour
Island. Includes a 50' boat slip.
Call Michelle Floyd $1,399,500
First lot on- left in Ponte Vedra
East. Bring your own builder.
Walk o1 the beach and Lodge.
Electronic gates.. Arthur
Rutenberg Homes on this street
from $1.2 to -$1.5- million!
$399,000 Pis call Patti Martin

MNLS# 288373 Ingrd pool. lrg 70 x 118 I'S#.98l7 UOnSprng-fedlk'.,/x.e' lo ith
comer lot Tropical l&ndscapig, tile tirs. gas t ibCond. Collier JBR/4BA .- nu.h n .r 5th BR,
3iki S11SF fle'bk fl.oxrplan.,masrterw& 2BRs
appliances, concrete blk with coquina ext. on tplacnof air-condjaoncd icrage.,creened&
Many possibihties. $4-5,000 241-417 heated p,:,vilsp. & pnjte backyard. 1l,075.i.)
SEPS 1TO THE SAND! 285-1800
MLS# 289380 Spacious'duplex lust a SA0,6HRCO PL CE
bhlk from beach.up/down style. 4/2. 21400 MIS# 290666 12tLh floor 2BR/2BA %w/eatem
e id xpe,.ure, d l i n t nmrmuze- ,ewxs of St Johns
q. ft.. ample padong, huge lot, exc rental Riecir, slrimeinumeachuniaie1& Stohrd,
history! $699,500 241-2417 pooL pa, nrinis.. tesi center, billiad & social
ISAD BARGAIN! P rocr, n auna & $13K in upgraded, owner/agenL
N.LS# 284311 All brick comer lot-dbl. ,495,0ix) 285-1800
Mature trees, quier ambiance,' updated LPONIEW# EDR44NM4- 4T4t#LOT
windows and roof. 10x7 shed-conVeys. ,omLSL#28 o01sadperfectadeteeobasayioumrdream
$211.500 241-2417 & in a neighborhood emnng, this ibeunful lot'is
MARSH LANDING ON Ill HARBOUR! approumately 75 FT 01 hulk-headed vateritonr
NUS# 274224 Deep water access, easy to What a oppomunir! $9.5 285.1800
ICW. MagnLficeni 8800 sf w/sep guest E3 R. F D1or 2r O rW oue.
house Ctd entrance /2 pools + acuz. MLS# 276233 Oceanfront 2.siona penthouse.
hoe Ct.d enaiBR'3B,- vwi exhdlaratng ocean % ie,. 4530j SF
Theater rm & so much more. By appt. of minor wpe & 1764 SFof eppani'e north &
$3.999,999 241-2417 uouthierrac see legendary sunries& brsditalang'
FERNANDINAA WT! nts. 3-car garage & condo amemie 1950,000x
NLS# 263295 Build your dream home 2 285-1800
backs toocean.Letvourcreanvejutcesflow. P. 1E D fR4 ..dDM0
Envision the possibiities. 50x 100 ft lot' _S# 277378 Like a p3BR2BAiforTindera
$2701K. nec HVAC, iii appuanes co ne,. neutral
natural slope up from street for elevated colors, arnenites include head pool. hot rub,
view s. What a buyv $262.5100 241-2417 clubhouie.ecere roa game rc WALK TO TIE BEACH! This is the hesi buyi n Ponte Vedral $269,90
MLS# 286095 Pool Home-Neptune 285-18 00
Beach. Immaculate 3/2. huge yd, open fir PO27602 Beaud eRed34R
plan. -very cute-close to schools, arid' lotm in park.like setting ,lt lake vievs&gorgeou- i
beach. $399.900 241-2417 water o.aks. Th its the lai r mauinig lot in planned
,IAMTJC BEACH! 1 .' commurlr ,nilh 23 homes Cho:.e ,our builder&
MLS# 291896 4/2 cul de sac. comer lot, buid ,,e M.Ac n,,me.5.- a(i2851800
hardwood iloor s ed porch. al to MLS# 264369 Remodeled 3BR/2BA home
the beach' $409,500 241-2417 'aoely lakefront .tring. all new carpet, ile, paint,
TAKE LIFE EASY! appliances, countenops, s-nkl m bathrooms &
MLS# 282931 Lakefront unit, 2/2 with kichenAC.neuiral color.moe-mn condition &
charming hying room and fireplace. Close a3sh, nwalk to Pone Vecra Gof & Racquet Club
to everything' $183.000 241-2417 VnfO5I
NILS# 247911 Absolutely beautiful 4/ MLS# 264375 Nea construction' Elegant
3.5 in Marsh Landing. Wood firs. 3BR/3 5B.A plu. study on tp floor. rd. 2fWi SF.
upgraded molding, granite counters & ele..van:.rrscreed porch, garage. all the an'rare'
'.u c:,'uld -kaf in a gated rrianru omrrunilt & a
more special Louches han you can ,.a slip 1ai-.m, aiilale ,929'.i)0 285-1800
imagine Lots of pnv'ac One ofa kind' P- R' WCH.tIB OFltEW
$1.650,000 241-2417 SUS# 268181 in Village Wall, Saugrass CC.
JAX BEACH POOL HOME! e-\pansie frontage on bultkheaded lake -,/rie., tof
MLS# 289706 Lovely 3/2 remodeled mulaple lfariay & cater 3BR/2 5BA. built for
home near beach and schools. $349.900 entertaining. LR vIFP & %er bar. huge FR
241-2417FP & bdiinm, 2-car garage & lakeside pool
241-2417 $729.000 285-1800
MLS# 260924 In the Heart of Neptune MIS# 269674 Liu\unou 7:3.0SF.Sabanei custom
Bch just; 2 blks to the ocean. Excl loc, home feature,- equisile luuhes UaOughouL high.
rental hislor. Each unit 2/1 1 up I down. echconcrte,.nw aactnnor. 6BRh6fulli & 2haltBAs.
sepaaw ^. pa pJir apairimenL heied pool & 50'dock
$649,000 241-2417 .on a deepvarer harbor on IC\ $3.599,000
2/2 FURNISHED CONDO! 28s-1800
MLS# 290477 RPight on Ja.x Beach. NEPIlNE BEACH HOME
Beautifully maintained & includes new "l' ARM IORK FOR SALEI
carpet, kichen firs, windows & bathroom ulS 286153 Nonderful 48R,2BA home. lit
upgrades!569.000241 tk o the ocean, brand ne. tchnen es'conar
upgrades! $569.000 241-2417 ,cr.,rters & ceram'rc ale lokrs. large mrla--puntoe
MLS# 278492 Completely renovated $395.00U 285-1800
TH in All Beach. This 3/2.5 TH has J. BE4A0 BEAMU in PiAMMfN OAKS
almost 2800 sq ft, a 2 car garage, wood MLS# 283805 4BR/2BA. formal LR & DR, FR
floors, plantain shuers, gr e ,FP. new H'AC, crpepain.granite counters &
oor. planalon shutters. granite rf. lag ceilngsopen r plan. icrnd& healed
countertops and private porches with pool, garage hs HMAC, noi in SF. beaunifulneed
ocean v ie s. $825,000 241-2417 corrmuanm & gat i-chools $529.500285-1800

mr riwiIL,9~'UM ItI12YIWUJ~ r

Maple cabinets. granite tops, hardwood
floors throughout, upgraded flxltures. slain-
less appliances. preserve view, 3rd floor
$209.900. Broker/owner. 614-7777
3BR/2BA ground floor. Fully furnished S
ready for your Summer at the Beach
Pool, patio. Still undiscovered "Seaplace"
is the oesI value at mte Beach. $398,500
Owner/agent. (904)247-1049, 608-4325
www.VRBO.com/24978 waw.cyberren-

TI ift)A (

902 N. 4th St. The corner of 8th
and 4th. High visibility. Live on
one floor and have an office on
another.. Zoned JRM-1. 62x100
lot. Great investment.
Call Donna (904) 305-3177

, M11


IBRilBA 550sf. liled inroughout, new ap-
pliances washeridryer, AC, galed ground
floor. Goll course view, 5139,900.
New construction, 2BR/2BA. Concierge.'
spa, pool San Marco style See ai
www.valenciacondos.com Asking
$404,900 (Discounted) 904-616-7975
PABLO WOODS, 3/2. 2 car gar wi Florida
room. Ig cul-de-sac lol. Move in ready'
Ponle Vedra 2/2 condo End unil- no one
above you. Frpic vaulled ceilings., totally
remodeled. $331,500.
Call Kirk Kiliebrew at 1904)463-1131
www.kllebrewrealry corn
JAX BEACH- Jardin, 3/2, 1500sf, garage
$253K. Owner/ Broker Call Renee L.
Baron. Inc (904)242-2821.
FSBO- PVB condo, 2BR 2BA w/ garage.
golfcourse views. $225,000.
(904)806 1202
PriVaft wac 1Acsl I Tennis l Voltbali
BeiMfuVlew.eLakl **, Cor s,:,- "
S '. -:& Fountain: Movie Theatre
Swimming Pool & Spa" Weless laternael
fittnss Center Summer Kitchen
21-211 Arbor Club Drive
Ocean Grove
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL
2 BR 2 BA Condo & Garage
Approximately 1,155 Sq. Ft.
JameS G.;Weber
3.-;'*oni : eltV:;Realt' ...*-.
^GEl 11dro'
Udn"g^A5'r ,:l

Enjoy spectacular views of the
ocean from this 3BR/3BA 2,350
SF condo w/custom features
and upgrades.
Call Grace Tausz:
612-1089 $1,199,000
Wonderful 3BR3/25BA 2-story
unit wall appliances and a 2-car
Call Richard Murphy:
254-6549 $208,900

1 Bedroom Beach Retreat
-,. ,:... TALK TO THE TWINS! -
Villas at Marsh:Landing condo. Sunny 1 br ground floor w/
huge lanai' overlooking tropical views. Cozy fireplace, tile,
ga ed comm club amenities, close.to beach/shopping. Ready
o occupy. VMLS #,280543 $159,900
Donna Sandiford 386-5800
Diane Barr,234-9997 '

TALK TO THE TWINS! Gr'floor unit. All.tile w/wood floors in
bedrooms. Huge screened lanai overlooking, marsh sunset
views. Fireplace, crown moulding, A+ ready to move in. Club
amenities. MLS# 295413 $218,000
.f Diane Barr 234-9997
Donna Sandiford 386-5800
I2.1 n n


,*'Relax in style Renovated 2BR/1BA condo on
k Intracoastal w/43 ft. bat'dock in St. Aug. near Conch
SI- 1ose, 1/4 mi. to ocean access. Marble floors, cherry
cab., granite ctr., Ig. Waterfront balcony, furnished.
Must see inside! Call Sherri Beno 904-651-1830

Sherri'Beno MIRn D
904- 651-1830 / CONNECTION

Under $500,000 in PVB
Stylish decor, versatile & bright 3BR/2BA home w/
spacious screened lanai overlooking newly landscaped
lawn adorned by the mature private.
O11preserve at Azalea Point. making in .
door & out door living a delight.
Kelly Whitaker-Pavne 233-1991
Wanda Petersen 537-4594

You can play any time on one of 4 courts, swim in one of 3
pools, or work out in the fitness center. All of this & more is
yours when you purchase this 2BR/2BA condo at Summer
House, east of A1 A in PVB. $361,900
Call Sherri Beno, 904-651-1830, today!

SriNDO, Sherri Beno
UIrCNNEL IDN 904- 651-1830


"I 3BR/2BA On Eastwind Dr.,
close to schools. $339,900
EAST COAST REALTY IBR/IBA, golf course views .
247-4724 PONTE VEDRA
OCEAN LINKS Summer House Condos
L 2BR/2BA, water to golf view, 2 IBR/IBA loft units, golf
screened wraparound porch, views! $173,000
S vaulted ceilings, FP 249,900
.. _-_....

1New South Jax Beach
Condo's East of AIA
September '06 completion, 6th floor
Southeast end unit & 8th floor unit available
W offering open views of the ocean.
3BR/3BA approx 2,100SF. Only 15 condos in
This community.

Call Top Producer
Lynn Saul

Stunner Condo-New Everything...
Live on Vacation Everyday!
Ti A magnificent 1/1 just off JTB for easy access to
bch, shops, workhubs. All new designer details. gmd
floor, garage nearby, impeccable pizazz! All
appliances, perfect starter home or weekend
getaway, tropical resort amenities. $190,000
'"She KNOWS the beaches...
Rosemary She SELLS the town!"
Nauhton Call 568-1523
MAl ler

You can swim, use the fitness center, or bike to the
beach and save the membership fee for dining at :
nearby restaurants or buying that new outfit when __ -
you buy this 1 BR condo w/garage and all appliances
near Marsh Landing. $170,000 Call Sherri Beno 904-651-1830

Sherri BenoN
REALTOR@ "'1 }
904- 651-1830 i CDNNECTIJN

SMagnificent Oceanfront Vistas on
"Midway's" Best Corner!
Classic: "old bch" in new skin duplex--I lot off
:bchfrnn! Hypnotic views, serene sunrises, salty
bibeezes! 2/2 up, new int. paint, cpt. f-place, huge
.ceandeck, adorable! 2/1.5 down. tile, beachy,
'S" private ctyard. Huge 2 car. Easy S.F. convert.
Rosemary $982,000
N eion "She.KNOWS the beaches... w]

A She SELLS the town!"

'New Wateriront Community
Watersedge Harbortown
Watersedge at Harbortown will include 20 high-
end 4 story-Mediterranean-style town homes with
,private courtyard and roof top terrace. The option
to purchase 50 ft boat slip in your
B. ]front yard. Only 3 left!!! Prices
9 | starting at $1,088,900
jCall Margi Petitt
S. Top Producer

3 Bedroom Beach Getaway
on the Marsh
Talk to the Twins! 3 bedroom ground floor end unit at The
Villas at Marsh Landing w/garage. 18" tile in wet area, huge
lanai overlooking marsh, fireplace, crown, gated, club
amenities a+ condo. MLS # 284889 $259,900
Diane Barr 234-9997
Donna Sandiford 386-5800

I i Save Thousands of
$$$ on this 3BR/2BA
Beaches Condo! -

New Price on this newer 1500sf 3BR/
2BA condo w/garage at 62 Jardin De Mer (off Beach Blvd &
15th St.) Seller to pay 1 year of condo fees. Only $252,500!
Won't last long!
Call Amy Wilson at 955-0700 & visit www.acwhomes.com

Roof Top OceanViews .1a-m I
1/2 B lock to O cean i.1 IS
Brand New Construction!
New Construction Town Home 4bdrm/
4.5bath, 3 story w/elevator, 2-carr i
garage paver driveway, Construction
complete in 6 months. High-End Finish Levels-Stainless
Steel Applianqes, Granite, Custom Cabinets, Roof Top
Terraces-Ocean Views and More. Offered at $995,000
Call Mari Petitt
Top Producer 571-9821

I i oi. O.i_, -s -- r ;

0 One Year! Adorable condo i gated community
'::. One Year next to beach access gate
Desirabe '/1'in ,Ponte Vedra with Private Beach Access! This next to beach access gate
ground flodr, 755: q has been completely renovated with 42"
.. ,.maple cabinets, black appliances and Majestic Oaks surround this adorable 2BR/2BA end unit.
much more. $164,900 MLS # 284335.' New Kitchen, Cathedral ceilings, FP & screened lanai
Call on private cul-de-sac.. ..'
Connie Grubbs 904-612-9911 or
Denise Arnold 904-704-9885 Call Top Producer
Lynn Saul

IPP& ------------ H~r( LE




" April 14, 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader



Spacious 2BR/2BA totally remodeled end'unit home,
w/screened lanai overlooking a preserve, SS Refrig., tile, FP,
crown molding, lots of storage & more!
$249,000. Dir: From JTB turn S on AA ]
to RTIurn onto Ponte Vedra Lakes Blvd
Belleza on the LT Bldg 505 unit 218
Kelly Whitaker-Payne 233-1991
Wanda Petersen 537-4594

Brand New Construction
1/2 block to the Ocean
South Jax Beach
Brand New Town Home! 3-story, 3bdrm/3.5ba, 2-car garage,
Absolutely Beautiful! Stucco, Stainless Steel Appliances-
Granite countertops, Open floor plan-crown molding and
.i.i. more...Oceanviews from master
l balcony. Lowest price in new
I construction East of 31' St. $574,000
Call Margi Petitt
Top Producer

Best Buy Today

on the Ocean!!
Southshore Condominium, 3bdrm/2ba, Excellent
Condition in South Jax Bch,
i-j Covered Parking. Priced to sell at

._-*' ICall Marg Petitt
To Producer

3 Bdrm Condo in Villas at
SMarsh Landing with
Marsh Views on 3 sides;
Tons of Upgrades plus Garage,
Priced to Sell at $259,000
Gated Community with many amenities including clubhouse,
pool and state-of-the-art fitness center. New paint, hardwood
floors, crown molding, updated baths and more. All
appliances included. 1-car garage, awesome Marsh Views!
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer 571-9821

Pay Off In Half The Time
Save Thousands In Interest
No Change To Spending

Join the Mortgage Revolution.
FREE Recorded Message
& FREE Report

HANNA PARK. LiKe new. 3BGP2BA sin
gle, 1215sf, w/carport, deck, all GE Kitch-
en, CH&A, washer/dryer, new caipel
Many upgrades. Financing available Re-
becca. 246-7684.

RENT VS. Ownil! What makes more
sense?? Brand new office condos, con.
create construction, al the beach, slaying
at $130,000. Let us snow you the differ-
ence You can own your own office. Call
Mark at The Dilwonrth Realty Group or
Vanguard GMAC 591-6976

ATLANTIC BEACH. 1BR just steps to
ocean Convenient area $1000mo. All
South Realty. 241-4141.
JAX BEACH, 3'blocks to beach, 1BR/1BA,
WDHU, carpel. ceramic, light & right.
Must Seel 325 15th Ave. N #3. No smok-
ing, no pets. $600/mo. Accent Properties,
ATLANTIC BEACH. Main St. Duplex,,
2BR/1BA. screened porch, fireplace,
WDHU, CH&A, S750/mo. (904)891-0606.
or (352)478-2161.

7 1 ITIM no; MT Ic

Condo. 5th-Iloor, wood tloois, beautiful
place and view. underground parking.
pool, storage, secure building, $1500imo
plus deposit. Subletting from May 1st Io
November 1s1. Call Jim (904)687-8204.
2BR/IBA APT. JAX BEACH newly reno-
valed w/washer/ dryer, quiet area, availa-
ble now. $8751mo + deposit. 201 N. 9th
SI. 246-9162 (3#)
MOBILE HOMES. $500 to $550, on pri.
vale lots. Near Maypon Naval Station, no
dogs. 333-5579.
renovated. New kitchen & balhs. 1739 Isl
SIreet Nortn. Jax Beach 2BR/35BA.
3 large Ooeanlront decks, 1-car garage.
$2500/lurnished; $2200/unfurnished.
NORTH JAX BEACH. 302 4th Ave. Nonh.
2BR/1BA, totally renovated, new carpet,
lile 1100sl. washer/dryer. Great location.
$975/.mo includes water & hot water
WOLF CREEK, ICW, brand new 3BR/
2.5BA, garage, 1700sf,. clubhouse, pool,
washer/ dryer Incl., $1450/mo. Realtor
owned 994-3608.
OCEAN VIEW Neptune Bch Upscale Ga-
rage Apt. 2BR/1.5BA,- furnished.
51575/mo. Call 891-0647 for details.
2BR/2BA apartment, 1200bt., WDHU,
CH&A. 1012 N 1st St., JB. $1300'mo.

UPSTAIRS 1BRF1BA. 1016.North 1st St.
Jax. Beach. $825/mo 280-7776
GORGEOUS 2BR/1BA beach collttage lo-
cated at 214 South St Neptune Bch
Beautifully renovated to include: all new
kitchen, oath, carpeting, laundry room,
CH&A, and much.'more. Fenced back
yard. storage garage, 1.5 block to beach.
$1395/mo., $1395 security deposit, Abso.
utely no smoking, nrio peasl: 246-8911.

Cattar Realty, Inc.
M& Home Is Where
ID The V Heart Is

Atl. Beach: 801 Jasmine St.
3BR/2BA, 1 car gar., screened
porch, fenced'yard $1050
PV Beach: Villa Del Mar, 2/1.5
Townhouse, 1 cargarage, CH/A,
W/D hookup $900
v 270-001.5 V

227 HOPKINS St., NB. Lg 2BR 28A, scr. ATLANTIC BEACH. Studro garage apt
porch, washer/ dryer ncl., $1100/mo. Pets near ocean! No pelsl $6751mo All Soulh
considered. 247-7550 or 612-8080. Realty, 241-4141.


2BR 1.5BA townhome, beaches area, par-
tially furnished., 800/mo plus sec. dep.
Call 241-8508
JAX BEACH Townhome 3BR/2 5BA,
2100sf, w/appliances. 832 91h Ave. South,
Available June 1sl. $1549/mo. 993-9601
NEPTUNE BEACH, 1-block from ocean.
Efficiency. $600/mo includes some utilit-
ies Realtor/Owner .514-4229 after 5pm
JAX BEACH 1 block to ocean, fabulous
remodeled 2BR CH/A. no dogs, $895/mo
LARGE 1BR. excellent location, 2 blocks
to Ocean. very clean. No pels $675/mo
642-1214. 241-1219.
JAX BEACH townnouse. 187 South 8th
Ave 2 blocks to Ocean, 2BR/2.5BA,
1500sl, 1-car garage, no pets. $51350/mo

11Rn ap.tl. w/ uardea ,tium-141 7,-, JAX BEACH EFFICIENCY 20 Steps to
Avail soon spacious 2BR 247-1417 Beach almost Oceanront Available im-
JAX BEACHFRONT 2BR condo, no lease, mediately 625/mo.. security, includes
pet negotiable. $1300/mo., 673-1550. 0waier/sewer. 241-5251

2BR 1BA, $785,'mo. (904)891-0606 or
ATLANTIC BCH large 1 BR apt. dish-
washer, pool, near stores and bus,
$575/mo + deposit, no pets, nice place
to live. 246-8537.
NEAR PONTE Vedra 1 block beach. Best
area, quite, sate residential neighborhood
2BRi1BA. lower auplex. new carpet, while &
paint. CH&A, washer,' dryer included, no
smoking, no perls. $980/mo.. lease depos-
it 993.1118.
NEW COZY 1BR, deck w/ocean view,
CH&A Waler. sewer, garbage included.
Credit check. No pels. $750/mo. 514-8530
JAX BEACH. East ol 3rd 3BR/1BA apart-
meni. 2 1/2 blocks Io ocean, washer/dryer.
CH&A $1140/mo 821-9751 or 8033099
JAX BEACH 2BR1lBA, CH&A, carpeted.
pa.nied. WDHU. no pets. 246-0576
3BR'2BA mobile home, private 3/4 acre
lot.. New everything, convenient to beach.
JTB. schools. shopping. much more.
$875/mo. +$700i/dep Tom 616-3580.
2BR 1 5BA two- 'sory TH. Main St. AB
,$800/mo. 249-3432.

Gorgeous, everything brand new, 1800
SF. 3BR/2BA, 2nd floor, large screened
porch overlooking preserve. $1975/mo
A special surprise.. Resort
amenities, newly remodeled units.
All new appliances. Low rent now.
2BR corner unit 2nd floor
townhome. Bright, spacious, cool!
1200/mo. ae
2BR/2BA 2nd floor, ni carpet,
new ile, appliances, high ceilings.
W/D, FP, garage. $1195/mo.
Janet Wells
Broker-GRI CAM
5 Beach 522
Ponte Vedra Beach Rea)t,' Inc.

Rc Ia-
L,. Parks-Lyon LO

Atlantic Beach
+ 3BR/2BA condo. Seaplace-furnished.
pool, walk to ocean $1200/mo
S'2BR/2BATH, Nfjyport Landing,
new\l\ remodeled unit, ern nice
+ 2BR/2BA. fMapon Landing.
close to base. $800/mo
+ 2BR/2BA. Ma port Landing,
close to base. $775/mo
* 2BR/2BA. The Courtyard. nice unit
commnumru pool. $825/mo
SJax Beach
+ 3BR/2BA condo,'South Shore on
ocean, pool, furnished unit
Starting May Ist, $1900/mo for
6 months
4 3BR/2 5BA condo. Newv-Three
stones, I car garage. W/D Walk
to Beach $1900/mo
+ 2BR/IBA. 6mt1 Ae N, cuiebotom
unit v./nev, carpet, back patio. nalk
to beach $8t00/mo
Neptune Beach
+ 2BR/2BA Apt. beach %ieu s, W/D
$ 100/mo ,
Ponte Vedra
" 2BR/2BA Condo, The Islands.
garage, screen porch, community
pool. $995/mo.
West Beaches
+ 4BR/2BA H-New Home oft Beach
Blvd 13826 Zion Gale Ct. 2 car
garage, $1700/mo.
Call us for
Professional Property Management
Call 249-2322.

&:eanfrcoat andaie-s..
oper, ilra.ri plan aniiPa Serich'
M Mic,

awadabte. end iunits 4 /piretty
rnamh .h eu i.p...:.I. pfl ate~
cabana.. theoirr.'concier~el
$2106,ir imind 12 15.000
1701 The 6riens RIa)
tinul 104~1 Reduced
-CAo J., yu,

AA 711at Thr Palmb a
Marsh Landing
S Ecl,,. ei t mara-Tied b.,-
K N&d&e. ,,mmw, PA, REAL.TOR.'
Cell. (9041477-6668
* Office (904; 241-7461 ext 231

p Prudential

F-m ri,-.w.le', cor,,Netrwck Realty cnm'wb
'/ air-Rd .] iri [oip)in hrik. Li~nug, sand Transactins for lie &-arhrm Office'in 2005!"

Desirable beach property.
Zoneel residential/commercial.
1626sf in 3 buildings business
plus 2 efficiency apartments. 2
blocks from ocean. Fully
occupied S799,000

1647 Sunnyside Ave.
Jacksonville, FL 32224.
Perfect opportunity to purchase
property near the Intracoastal
and within walking distance of
million $ condos. 3 lots with 2/2
750 SF house (house sold as
is). Great investment. $225,000

78 Jardin De Mer Place
3/2, 1500 SF, 2nd floor condo.
Fireplace, Condo has all the
upgrades I Move in condition.
Located in a quiet area under a
canopy of trees. This condo is a
MUST SEE! $263,000

Vista Del Mar Oceanfront
Condominium In South
Jacksonville Beach
1 BR/1 BA 3rd floor unit facing
a beautifully landscaped
courtyard. Fully furnished -
833 sq'. Pool and clubhouse
on property. A perfect get-a-
way and a great investment.
Priced at $298,000

FOR SALE Call Joe Floyd 219-7638
3/,2 1542 sq' home. Near Mayport Naval Station. Fenced
backyard. Lawn service included. Pets OK $1,250mth
e-mail: marvin-real-estate@marvln-group.com
web site: htltp/marvln-group.-com
Tel: 249-8599 Fax: 249-8598

9250 Baymeadows Road Suite 120
Jacksonville, Florida 32256

Pu- Pmha-a. Hor o IMo ttney Ouat of PociKe
Banri.muoic '/ 0K iCriapire 7 and Coepti m131
PICKv a Pa',meni erogreiT
FI~io, 4iari B.11t I APR 19-
I CIO z in',earment Loans
-Er~iji Cuan~olldaiiion

S. OO Cash-oul Reinzance
*Bad Creai Not aProblem
' *' No Closing Cost Home
EquilEy Loans
A' t 'oans Availabeis
S* Jumbo Loans
Home Improvement

Mention this ad and receive a FREE consultation
and the cost of your appraisal. (up to a $350 savings).
I i AK .. ttambe, or O BBB. tIJEFAR, Cnamoer ol Commerce ".l',',,,,,,. ',

., -

We have OCEAN FRONT (I-Condo Penthouse),
Homes in Bentwater, Selva Lakes,.The Palms,
Atlantic Beach, Wolf Creek, PV and more
..all with multiple photos.. Visit us at::

4-Beaches Realty,LLC., .


Property Management ,,

Property Subdivision
Coquina ( Waterfront)Isle of Palms
Deep River Riverbrook at Glen-Hodges
Eastwind Dr. Seabreeze Park
Fiddlers Hammock Lane East of Al A

Hy A 1A7l4 Fountains East of A IA
LaReserve Cir Fiddler's MarMh-
LaReserve Dr Fiddler's Miash-
Pebble Brook Dr. Riverbrook at G
Lake Stone Circle Saw Mill La,
Twenty Second St Jax Beach.
Willow Cove Cypress Co

$ 950

East of AIA $ 1,390
East of AIA $1,800
len-Hodges $1,395
kes $1,600
ve $ 850

3/2.0 :
3/2.0 ,

' -,PV

Ponte Vedra Beach Office 285-5409 or 1-866-242-5596
S For Management INFO
"if Call 285-5409
u.u.,\ Ht'e also have vacation and short term rentals!


l ManageamentINC.

It's th EASE we can do!!
1/1 Atlantic Beach C 1820 Sevilla Blvd #207 --$995
3/2.5 Atlantic Beach H 2565 E Americas Cup Cir $1100
4/3.5 Atlantic Beach H 2233 Laughing Gull Cir $1900
2/2 Jacksonville Bch C -1701 The Greens Way #1021 $1000
S 2/1 Jacksonville Bch FP- 101 161" Avenue S. #D $975
2/2 Jacksonville Bch C 210 11 Ave N #303- $1200
S* 312 Jacksonville Bch H 822 7" Avenue N $1425
| 3/2 Neptune Beach H 1810 1 r Street $1600
3/2 Ponte Vedra Beach H 4804 Otter Creek $1995
3/2 Ponte Vedra Beach H 125 Bluefish Avenue $1250
3/2 Ponte Vedra Beach H 614 Palmera Dr $1200
3/2 Ponte Vedra Beach C 500 Sandiron Cir #511 $1100
0 2/2 Ponte Vedra Beach C 100 Fairway Prk BI #2108.- $850
2/2.5 Wolf Creek TH 3524 Summerlin Ln N $1095
+ 3/2 Pablo Woods H 3193 Pablo Woods $1500
0 *3/2.5 Queens Harbour H 13664 Shipwatch Dr $2500
Call us to see why you should, have
[ a member of the National Association
of Residential Property Managers
S to manage your property!"
For more details please check out our website at
nm.r.antalnein.av ienm

Unfurnished Homes Beach Walk SPV 2BR/2BA, home has screened Sumnmerhouse PV
Ponte Vedra by the Sea- PV porch, wood deck on lagoon, bch access. Newly renovated, new carpet, baths, kitchen,
5BR/3.5BA, fabulous home, 3 car garage, $1500/mo. tile, fireplace, walk to shops, great amenities.
fenced backyard, screened porch. 1004 2nd Street NB 3BR/2BA home has IBR/IBA, 1st floor. $850/mo
$2950/mo. hardwod floors, garage. Jacuzzi, fenced yard, IBR/1IBA, Vlla. $875/mo
The Grove PV 4BR/3BA, home on pnvate fireplace. $1450/mo. 2BR/2BA, Ist floor. $1050/mo.
lot w/preserve views, hardwood floors, three Las Palmas PV 3BR/2BA w/new carpet, new 2-R/2A, 2nd fDoor. $195mo.
car garage. $2700/mo. kitchen, garage, fresh paint. $1300/mo. 2BR/2BA, furnished. $ 1495/mo.
Marsh View SPV 4BR/4BA, Oceanviews. Innlet Beach .- PV 2BR/2BA, home on lagoon, s reened orch, die floors
tile floors. $2000/mo. screened porch, fresh paint, new tile & carpet, 2 1BR/1BA, 2nd floor. Intracoastal views. '
S4BR/4BA. End unit w/elevator. 2800 sqft, car garage. S1295/mo. $900/mo in
beach access, attached garage. $2200/mo. Furnished Homes 2BR/2BA. 1st floor, lake views. $995/mo.
SSunmerfileld PV 3BR/2BA, spacious home The Colo'y PV 2BR/2BA ground floor, garage, 3BR/2BA. 1st floor, end unit. $1285/mo. 0
Sin walking distance to schools & beach. $2200/ fireplace, eastof A 1A. $1500/mo. Villas at Marsh Landing JB '
mo. Ocean Grande SPV 3BR/3BA. Cohdo, Fireplace, screened porch
114 18th Ave N JB 3BR/3.5BA, newest luxuriously furnished, screened porch, across from IBR/IBA, 2nd floor garage. $875/mo
1, townhouse w/balconies, one car garage, ocean. $3000/mo. 2BR/2BA, 1st floor, garage. $1100/mo.
q fireplace. $1975/mo. Intracoastal West Ocean Links PV
SVilano Walk SPV 4BR/3.5BA, newer two Avanti Kernan IBR/IBA, 2nd floor w/screened 2BR/2BA. ground floor. $1100/mo.
story. across from ocean, light & bright, garage. porch. $850/mo. 2BR/2BA, condo has garage, fireplace, porch,
q $1800/mo. 2BR/2BA, 2nd floor condo, all appliances, great golf course views. $1200/mo.
Z 38 17th Street AB 3BR/2.5BA, townhouse, amenities. $945/mo. Grand Cay Villas PV
1/2 block to ocean, quiet neighborhood, private The Seasons @ Kensington Kernan 2BRI 2BR/2BA, 2"n floor, fireplace, tile floors,.
patio, remodeled. $1800/mo. 1.5BA, two story, end unit, tiled screened porch, garage. $1100/mo.
'If Quail Point PV 3BR/3BA. Home has comm. pool. $995/mo. i
screened porch, decks, wood floors, golf course Montreux Tonchton 2BR/2BA, ground floor REIMAX COASTAL REAL ESTATE ,
o views. $1700/mo. condo, screened porch on lake, light and bright. Shannon Smith
SL'atrium PV 3BR/2BA SFH,- porch $1100/mo. .;' .:, (904) 285-5640 .
w/jacuzzi, lake view, fireplace, comm. pool, Unfurnished Condos www.rentthebeaches.com
garage. $1600/mo. .
,"-- ,"-- .^^

uassitieu t- ---- -I------~ -~~-


2BR/1BA, upper apartment,' 101 South
16th Ave. $975/mo. No dogs. Security de-
posit'$500. Broker/ Owner, 249-8766.
2/1 townhouse. W/D included. CH/A, ce-
ramic tile. approx 900si 404 131h Ave S.
Jax Bch No pets. $825/mo, $825/sec.
dep (904)343-9908
JAX BEACH. 4 Blocks to Ocean
1BR/1BA Apartmenl. $550/mo. 220 41h
Sireel So 1904)891-0606. (352)478-2161
JAX BEACH, 2BR/1BA, 2 Blocks to
OCEAN. CH8A. $850/mo 401 South 2nd
Streel. 616-2871.
Furnished 3BR/2 5BA. porch. Lease. No
pels 280-9018 .
1-1/2 BLOCKS to Ocean, 1st Ave. Soutn,
1BR/1BA $725/mo. 1904)891-0606.
IBR!IBA, ground floor unit w/new applian-
ces. 9 month minimum $900/mo. Call
Grace 612-1089
NEPTUNE BCH, near ocean Clean. nice
1RD an wl An nimim 9;750/m6.


NEP BCH, east of 3rd. Huge 2/2, ceramic,
tile, porch, fenced yard, parking for four,
WDHU, CH/A. $985/mo+ sec. 247-3191.
Townhouse $850/mo. 1 mile west ot Mayr
pon ferry 733-5225, 241-RENT
ATLANTIC BEACH. Ground floor 1BR
privale in-law suite in newer upscale
house. Kitchen, living room, lining area,
wasner/Oryer, deck. carport. central air,
ceiling fans, cable HBO alarm, central
vac.. no smoking, utilities Included, 300 ft.
To beach Small pet OK. $1050/mo
Townhouse, wood floors Quiet.l, secure
neighborhood, close to Beaches. shop-,
ping. JTB $1085/mo. Call 285-7162
condo End unit, in 5-siar complex Living-
room w/fireplace, dining room, fully equip-
ped kitchen. w/brana new appliances in-
cluding, washer/dryer 1st floor powder
room, 2BR/1BA on 2nd floor w/decK ofl
masler bedroom. Large closes. Small
pets permihed $995/mo Conlaci Ronnie
at Explore Realty: email,
explorel23@bellsoulh.nel or (904)722-

~ W~k~llrrM~m!




.. "- .' .. I I

April 14, 2006 The Beaches Leader/PonteVedra Leader Classified 5

Townhouse, steps to Town Center, all
new Inside 2BR. WDHU great parking.
$1050/mo. 280-2805

$ 750
$ 850

CH/A, WDHU. East. of 1st St. $795-
$1195/mo 4151 Tradewinds, 4 BR water
fronl $1500/mo 241-7368. 733-3730

801 Deerfield Lakes Mayport 2/2
816 BeUeza Pone Vedra 1/1
234 BeUeza Ponte Vedra 2/2
1702 Villas of Mrih Larnding Jax Beach 3/2
108 The Fountains Ponte Vedra 2/1 5
1027 Beeza Ponte Vedra 2/2.
403 Tournament Road Ponte Vedra/Fairfield 2/2
125 The Fountains Ponte Vedra 3/2
63 Tifton Cove North Ponte Vedra/Sawgrass CC 3/2
3832 Tropical Terrace Jax Beach 3/2
811 Ocean Lmink Ponte Vedra 3/2
67 Fisherman Cove Ponte Vedra/Sawgrass CC 2/2
1604 Ocean Pond Court Jax Beach 3/2.5
90 Cat Road Ponte Vedra/Sawgrass 3/2
337 Charlemagne Fiddler's Marsh/PV 3/2

$1700 4448 Pebblebrook Drive ,Ja/Riverbiro.. i Glen Kernan 3/2
$2000 33413Ligrghthouse Pomie Lane Jax Beach 3/3
$2000 2001 Wmdlammer Ln South Ponte Vedra 3/3 5 + ofc
$2200 637 Bonaare Circle Jax Beach/Ocean Cay 4/2 ,
$2200 529 Sunset Drive Ponie Vedra 3/2.5
$2200 534 Morrungside Drve Ponte Vedra 4/2.5
$2300 109 Gardenia Avenue Ponte Vedra/Fairfield 4/2
$2300 3565 Bay I.land Ctrcle Jax Beach/Ocean Cay 3/2.5+1oft
$2300 211 Mira Vista Jax/lntracqastal 3/2
$2600 9910 Preston Trail Pome Vedra/Sa'gra;ssCC 3/2.5
$2700 806 Metropohtan Jax.Beach 3/2
$2900 1316 Tu.rtle Dunes Ct. South Poonie Vedra 5/4
'$.;000 '-408 Berkman Plaza JaaLoftrow'i RiveflRe2/2mlot
'$3200 '. l'2907 ti uride- Manor Dr Ja.t'Gl& Countr CrIl' 57'

f 4I aLaJ I a,2 a



$1350 The Fountainn Pome Vedra 3/2 1700
$1400 Beach Club Villas Sawgrass Beach Club Eff. 600
$1500/wk NOiS PL,,k ilo-ErSPECLfAL PA S. Ponte Vedra 4/2.5 2100
$1800t/vk The Retreat Ponime Vedra/Oceanfront 2/2 1600
$2000 Vista Del Mar Ja.x Beach/Oceanside 3/2 1700
$2400 17" Ae. North w/pool Ja.\ Beach 3/1 5 1500
$2400 Beach.House Condo Ponie Vedra Blvd. 3/2 1700
$2400 444 La Reserve Circle Pmnie Vedra/L'Atrium 2/2+office 1600
$2500 117 Deer Cove Dnve. Marsh Landing 4/2.5 2000
$2500/v k72S Oceanfront Neprtune Beach/Oceanfront 3/2.5 w1irie ir 2600
$2600 534 Mormmtgside Drne Ponte Vedra 4/2.5 2400
$2700/uk 2824 Coastal Hw~ Vilano Beach/Oceanfront 6/4 4000
$2900 41i' C.,uI H.v iS'EIAL RAlfi Vdano Beach/Oceanfront 3/2 2000
$3000 562 Ponte Vedra Blvd. Ponte Vedra 3/1 5 1500
$3500 The Cloister Atlantic Beach 3/2 2000
$3600 191 12' Street i3rmo mri.) Atantio.Beach 4/3 2600
$3900/wk347 Ponte Vedra Blvd Oceanfront/Pool 3/3.5 2600
$-1000 408 Berkman Plaza Jav.Downtown Rjierfront 2/2+loft 2100
$5500 1931 Beach AIvelmu mm.) Atlantic Beach 3/3 2400
**"Other furnished properties also available
Daily, Weekly and Monthly.**

Call today to book your next vacation!!

228 Ponte Vedra Park Dr. Suite 500
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082

JAX BEACH 3BR 2.5BA. newly renovated NEPTUNE BEACH. 3BR/2BA, 1839 Lee-
Townhouse, fenced yard, $1250-mo. Di. ward Lane. $1250/mo Includes lawncare.
menslon One Mgt. 642-1759, 635-2488. 249-9387.

ATLANTIC BEACH, 2 blocks to ocean
and town center. 2BR'3BA townhome.
* New appliances, lile, hardwood and ,car-
pet, electric fireplace. 1800sf, perfect
condition, no peis $1750/mo deposit.
includes utilities and yard service. 312 2nd
Street Call 591-4349.

Bedrooms, 30ft to Ocean. Partially lur-
nished/or not, no dogs, $2300/mo. water
included. 1904;249-3419, (904)463-0222.
w/garage on quiet cul-de-sac. $1150/mo.
All South Realty. 241-4141.

NORTH JAX Beach. Charming 3BR'2BA, PONTE VEDRA- East of AA., 3/2. -+of.
nice neighborhood. $1250mo.+ deposit. lice, 2000sf.. 2 car garage. Courtyard
n41 -2952. pool, lawn/pool service included. Pets OK.
$ 1900/mo. Avail mid-May (904)703-0242.

EAST OF 1st St. 2BR/1BA. ottice. 2 car
garage. Ocean Views WDHU, DW. 111
Palm PI.. Nepi. Ben. 247-6724, 382-8259
in Villages of Pablo! Comm pool, tennis &
more $1200'mo All Souih Realty. 241-
SOUTH JAX Beach 3BR/ 1.5BA. Car-
port. lenced. Available 4115. New carpel,
tile, cabinets. balh, fixtures. CHIA. WDHU,
$1550'mo.- deposit. 398-0232

Boat lift dock, deck. pool. 4BR/3BA
w/home gym. pool table, wasner/dryer.
huge Florida room, mother-in-law suite
Beautiful landscape. $3000'mo including
pool & yard maintenance. 223-6850.
JAX BEACH. 1036 14th Ave. North
4BR/2BA, ceramic tile. WDHU $1350'mo.
ATLANTIC BEACH 330 First Sr. Newly
Remodeled 4BR/3BA. 2-bDocks to Ocean
& Town Center $1750/mo. 249.0767,
PVB SAWGRASS Country Club. iNorth.
gate) 2BR.2BA den & 2 car garage, wa-
ler tlogoll vew $1700'mo 19041514-7150.
ATLANTIC BEACH 1,2 mile to ocean-
3BR/2BA, all hardwood rifloors, large back
yard. $1400,'mo, no smoking, no pels
PONTE VEDRA 1 block to Ocean Ocean
breezes, 4BR/3BA 2-car. bonus,
$2500/mo 707-7000

WDHU, fenced yard, no pels. $1050/mo
plus dep Avail. May 1st. 249-4159 or
JAX BEACH, 3BR/1BA, close to ocean
$1095/mo. Alt South Realty, 241-4141.
SOUTH JAX Beach! 1 block to ocean.
cute. clean, 3BR/2BA. garage, screened
porch, 115 33rd Ave. Soulh. $1500/mo
NEPTUNE BCH 3BR!2BA home Newly
renovated, overlooking the marsh 2033
Marshpoint Rd $1450/mo. Call 891-0647.
3BR'2BA home with huge great room, fire-
place, tiled kitchen, baths, 2-car garage
ease w/oplion to purchase $1299/mo.
WEST BEACHES, 1276 Broad Wing
4BR/2BA, executive brick home
$1395/mo VIP Realty 962-6190
BEACHES. 4BR/3BA- bonus room t5BR).
Former model home with many upgrades,
in Pablo Bay, off San Pablo. Like new. Ab.
solutely gorgeous Over 3000sf. Hard-
wood floors, central vac intercom, closed
lane, club house, tennis, pools. Asking
$2200/mo. Available immediately. Don't
lose this opportunity. Call (904)403-1998.

THE SANCTUARY 3BR/2BA w/2 car in
gateda community. One owner nome in ex-
celieni condition. Perfect for reiocauting
professionals. Pool, tennis courts, nature
trail. Convenient to everything Call Chris
at 904-813-9566 Lic. RE Broker
S1095/MO. 241-1103 OR 514-5449.
HAMPTON SOUTH St. John's County
New nome, 4BR/2BA on lake and golf
course, all appliances, washeridryer,
blinds, granite counter tops. Community
amenities. 1165 Garrison Drive
$1600/mo, Realty Execulives 273-3939.
610-6460 "
1200si, VERY CLEAN. lovely yard
w/deck, TPC amenines, inci lawn sve.
$1100. (t04)220-7031
125 Bluefish. Dolphin Cove 3BR/2BA
1-car garage, fence, $1250/mo. Securnry
deposit equals 1/2 renl. Includes lawn
service Broker/Owner. 249 8766.

PVB- SUMMER House luxurious 2BR
2BA end unit. Brand new, 5-star amenit-
ties, Deachslde. 4th monin Iree. 318-9114.

w/52' balcony. $1900/mo 733-4095
854-0030~ 708B-0905. ,
OCEAN GROVE. 3BR/2BA. garage, all
amenities. ,,.. Reduced $1495'mo
PVB, SUMMER IOUSE condo, 2/2, all
new, beautifully ren6vated, lakeview, bam.
boo floors.,crown' moulding, 5 star ameni-
ties, W/D. fireplace. No pets, no smoking.
$1200/mo. long term (813)789-7075.
Ocean 14 Jax Beach, unit #502 Garage,
storage, no pets. $1500/mo., deposit.
PVB -UPSCALE designer lurnished.
2BR/2BA +loft in a gated community
w/siale of art amenities. $299 900.
PONTEVEDRA' Sumrper House. New
2BR/2BA. 5"stdr amenities. Great location!
Bottom flooi unit. $1100/mo. ,depos-t.
838-9400. ,..
PVB 2BR'2BA newly, remodeled. live
star, gblfcburse, replace, $1095,mo.
864-2440. r' ,.
JAX BEACH Awesomrie Oceanironi. 6th
floor, 3BR/2.BA All. appliances, lile, pool
No pels', 1-700/mo: .(727686-1708.
PVB 1BR iBAi'fplc., ,1-car gar., free cable.
comm pool, $950/mo. 545.3156.
SUNNY,-BRAND 'new 1BR/1BA condo rn
PV, includes..beach access, pool. tennis.
gym, overlopk s-tennis couns Must see!
$800/mo.' (904)571-5517.
THE VIILAS. 2BR/2BA. garage, porch.
ground ,floolo i! ppl, ,ec.. $ 050'mo.
233-3545,,,',,; ,.r- ..,-
PVB -M.SH.. COVE.. A perfect
2BR/25B'A TH. W/D, FPI amenities.

blocks 10 oeacnl $1550/mo Al South Re.
airy. 241.4141.
OLD ATLANTIC Beach 3BR;1BA walk to
beach, Town Center, renovated.
$1280,mo includes water 904-704-1828.
PONTE VEDRA Beach. Sawgrass,
TPC. 3BR/2BA, fence. replace.
wvasher'dryer, garage, pets OK.
$1350'mo 16781488-4595. (770)592-5343
JAX BEACH, 3BR/2BA, in quiel neighbor-
nood $1100.'mo All South Really,
JAX BEACH South 822 141h Ave Com-
pietely remodeled, 3BRi2BA, CH&A,
washer/dryer No pels $1300'mo.
2BR/3BA *olihce sunroom 2 5 blocks to
beach. 6 blocks to Iown center Furnsried/
unfurnished. $2300/mo 241-0493
PVB. EAST of A1A. 3/2 5. very clean, pr,-
vale backyard w/heated pool and spa.
$2150/mo 280-5707.

PONTE VEDRA Brand new 2BR.'2BA,
ena unit, ground iloor 5-slar ameni-
lies, fireplace, wasner dryer. $1100;mo
PVB- OCEAN Giroe Condo, 3BR'2BA
w'garage. 1st Iloor renovalea, new appli-
ances, pool. new fitness center Beach ac-
cess, No Pets. $1400'mo. 904.318-7500
PONTE VEDRA ocean grove completely
renovated IBR'IBA screened porch, lake
view. gated community. $850,mo. Availa-
Ole June 1 Susan 19041514-7150.
PONTE VEDRA Summer House, 1BR. all
new, w;.pool, hiness, spa, concierge, many
amenities $875,mo. Pets welcome
PALMS AT Marsh Landing- 2BR/2BA
available Beautihful upgraded unit, lake
view, replace vaulted ceiling, garage,
$1150.imo Call 904-613-7605 TMI Real
Estate Group. LLC.
PVB GRAND CAY Villas. 2/2. upper.
screened deck ohl LR, washer/ dryer, gal-
ed comm., comm. pool TDO Manage.
ment Svc. 246-1125.
PONTE VEDRA Beach Cottage beautiful
brand new 3BR/2BA in the much sought
aher Summer House. Beach access 5 star
amenities, opening soon, $1385/mo. Call
Lirioa, 904-662-6361
OCEANFRONT GREAT view. sludio,
$1800/mo, dep. 247-2333.

FLORIDA KEYS. 17 miles from Key West,
2BR,2BA canal nome w/privacy lence
wipool, spaw/watertall and lanai Fenced
in yara 419-872-1231.
homes Weeklyimonthly Visit us at
axbeachnrental corn or 535-3911 or

SrHEfIlV ;jR/BB, F oao--y pgrades, rrI" Ld"d .'I _'V.1' ekB. "A -026'j
near tennis & pool, private wetlands view. www reni acksonvilleDeach.com
s3-h2/er. $'75o Garage avarlabie. ATL BCH 3BR house, beautiully lurnsh.
S. ed, walk to ocean, $1650'mo. 993-3226.
PONTE EDRA,'.Oiean.Links, 2BR/2BA, OCEANFRONT, 1 or 2BR furnished con-
90t 4 r,728 amenies. $1100mo os. weekly or monthly 19041463-7343
j9041 72&_2000.i ..

PVB -SUMMERHOUSE. Early Move-in-
Free Renl- Belter Deal. 2BR/2BA corner
unit, 2nd Iloor TH, ,W/D, FP. amenities
'Avail now. $1225/mpo, Janel .635-6385.
2BR/2BA. OCEANLINKS, Ponte Vedra,
walking distance fronm EVERYTHING
$1150/mo 285-0416.
$133/mo"i'2br/2ba' $1050/mo 1BR/1BA.
Beauhlul~1fieWly'rehovated,' many ameni.
lies. Available po9w,: garage $100. Really
Execulives,27 3-.939 ,610-6460

great view,., new appliances, $1200/mo
Visit website www.geociiies.com/pvb05
(904)686-0068 ,
PVB -THE Colony. Walk tor each, owner
motivated, 2BR/2BA, 2nd floor, high ceil-
ings. new carpet. W/D -FP.. garage.
Avail immed. $1195/mo Janet 635-6375.
unit, golf view/ lake,, all arenities. Every-
thing new $1145'mo Janet 285-4444.

3BRi2BA, 1900sf, all amenities, all appli-
ances including washer/dryer. 219-2481
sort amenities. Walk to the beach Owner
I wil sell or renl, and finance.
(904)379-3495 call for details.

4 MILES Irom ocean. brand new. 312 con-
do, pool view $1200'mo., 1/2 mo. Iree
rent. Call 994-1329,
PVB- THE Belle)a, 1BR' 1BA, luxury
amenities, gym & tanning bed, $850/mo
Call 318-914 4 .
PVB. 2BR/2BA. w/lireplace, new applian-
ces, washer/dryer, many amenities
$950/mo. 472-0914 ,
1BR/1BA. Flreplaqc, pool, porter service
$800/mo,Call' (9l4)616-7975.
Condo, 5th-floor, wood floors, beaubllul
place and view, underground parking,
pool, storage, secure building, $1500/mo
plus deposit. Subletting from May 1st Io
November 1st Call'Jim (904)687-8204.
TPC SAWGRASS, 3BR/2.5BA condo,
1 car garage, gated community.
$1500/m6. 285-4618.
the Iniracoasfal Waterway. 3/4BR, 3.5BA,
approximately 2700sl. w/marina view. Re-
son style living,,live among millionaires'
$2500/mo, Includes 1-car garage, water,
sewer, cable, pool, spa,'clubhouse realthn
club, Marina Walk, gated community
w/water. Marsn and marina views. Availa-
ble April 40' boat slip also available Call
now 463-2845.
PVB Ocean Grove, Beach access. All
new 2BR/2BA, downstairs includes
garage.:On Lake. Must rent. $1100/mo.

hished homes & condos! From 5500 per
week! All South Realty, 241-4141.

4BR/4BA. weekly monhiy, yearly. Call
904 249.8269.

ATLANTIC BEACH 2nd floor, spacious
-masler bedroom suite in Aquatic Gardens
Townhome Private oath, 2 closets
one walk-In $610/mo includes all ulhltles/
cable and internet Available 5/1 Call
MAYPORT AREA toff ol Assisi), lurnish.
ead, deposit, real's. $115/wk 372-4265.
ine Inracoasial Walerway. 3/4BR. 3.5BA.
approximately 2700sf Resort style living,
live among millionaires Looking for 2
roommates 1 @ $800/mo & 1 @-
$1000!mo. with a master suite. includes
all ulities, cable, pool, spa. health club,
Manna Walk gated community w/water.
marsh and marina views Available now.
40' boal slip also available. Call now
3BR.'2BA house, washer/dryer $495/mo.
includes utilities,cable. 210-7372,
snare. Souln J B. Private BR/BA. Parking.
pool $800,mo+ 1/2 utilities All amenities.
247-8338, 994-9499
CH&A. W'D. newly renovated. 1.5 blocks
to beach Avail. May 20. $575/mo.
SHARE 4BR 28A house. $300 rent with
utilities, i100'dep No drugs 537-2057
N. ATLANTIC Beach/ Spectacular Ocean-
front, THE BLUFFS. SHARE huge 2500sf
luxurious In-level condo Furnished, 3
decks, privale garden & entries, garage
prkg Huge pool, wooded & secluded .
$1200'mo incl. lei., until. cable, wireless
networking 12 mos lease. Will consider
short term @incr. rent Avail. June 1 or
sooner 716-4232.
NICE 4/BR house w/pool and lenced back
yard $600'mo Includes utilities and satel-
lile TV 568-8700
FURNISHED BEDROOM, close to beach
$450/,mo.. larst and lasi includes all.
ADORABLE NEPT Bch. home roommate.
One block to10 ocean. Priv. 1/1 $600/mo.
incl. H20. elect. No pets' Call 904-568-
4323 Avail now!
$550/mo+ deposit, includes utilities

PRIVATE ROOM w/bath, all utilities, ca-
ble $500/mo. No smoking. 725-0540.

TWO LAWYERS' offices, new, upscale,
shared. space, Ig.conf. room, etc. incl.
Electricity, security, $1250/mo. or
$850/mo. e-mail:
sfortune@fortunelegal.com .
JAX BEACH Storefront. Less than
$1.00/sf. (900sf.) Great location.
246-0444, 280-9407.

SOUTH JAX Beach 500sl, new paint, upon wrmin
new carpet, $962/mo. utilities included,
384 B 15th Ave South 241.3293. In acclordae
Disabilities I
OWN YOUR own office space, boat/ accommoda
barge w,5 built in work stations on ICW at proceeding!
Palm Cove Manna Greal lax write off. Clerk's office
$65,000 OBO. Call Guy at 904-614-7740. 800Seminc
OFFICE/RETAIL, Jax Beach, 400sf or
800sf 3rd Street frontage. 246-0576 BL 4/19/06

* Conference Room
* East of A1IA/
walk to beach
* Close to shopping/

ATLANTIC BEACH. Free standing office/
commercial, retail building, shop commer-
cial lot & warehouse space Starting at
$500.mo. Free rent (904)514-1090.
NEPTUNE BEACH. 2113 Flonda Blvd.
Great office Building, plenty of parking, on
two lots 3450s1. 993-4011.
Tor special events, full kitchen and rest-
rooms. Greal for graduation parties, meet-
ings & family reunions. Call 285-5347.
3500SF COMMERCIAL Building. New
construction, avail soon. 514-1090
lease, 3629sf Otrice included. Large park-
ing lot. beachside of intracoastal.
1770)929-1721, (678)525-0854.

FREE TO good home- 9mos old blk lam
mix, lemale, great personality, need play-
male. 465-7179.
BIRDS WANTEDI!! Will give good home
to unwanted birds. 372-9338
FREE TO gooa home. Loving, red Dobie,
male,- neulered, housebroken All shols
FREE TO good home, Australian Shep-
herd/ Chow mix, mini:Beethoven, male,
about 55 lbs. needs yard 534-3336.
WHAT KIND of training are you looking
for? We are now oftenng Puppy 101 and
Basic obedience classes,' plus all levels of
Agility CGC classes are (Free) Near
Craig. Air Field Call ds @ Actions Dog
Training -Day & Nghl Center, 642-1782.
PET SITTING atLyour.hodme, walk and
bath. Sara 241.'3627

CAT NEEDS quiel home responsible com-
panion indoor cat only Vaccinations,
spayed, single cai nome, 1lyrs old Des-
parate circumslances needs sale home.
Call 285-1267

VAIRABLE 'AW'EnglIsh Bulldig" PIps
(Champion sirel. Ready 4/19/06.
BLACK Lab pup. male, $100. 534-3336.
AMERICAN PIT Bull Puppies, blue/ red
mixed.. Please call 904-247-6566 Ior in-
AMERICAN PIT bull, while female puppy
w/olacK eye $100. 534-3336.
pies, 8 wks. old. Call 655-1526. 707-0742.

HOMELESS PETS for adoption- Cats &
dogs. 246-3600.
LOST DOG; Shepherd/ Lab mix, Ian
w/black snout & spotted tongue. Lost in
Schooners Bay area 4/11. Name is Lars.
Please call 246-9742 or 514 0728.
FOUND. MALE Black Cal, on Allantic
Blvd /I1fracoaslal bridge. Very sweet,
can't keep him, please help 241-8730'.

HUNT ELK, Red Stag. Buffalo, Whitetail,
Boar. Our season. now August 25, 2006-
March 31, 2007. Boar 'all year. Guaran-
teed I)cense. $5.00, -we have a no-game/
no-pay policy Days (314)209.9800; eve-
nings (314)293-0610.

IF YOU are interested in advenising under
in's category please call 904-249-9033 or
email- classified@beachesleader.com
another 26 years

ALL PERSONAL injuries: Accident,
wrongful death, auto, motorcycle, truck.
Premise. Product slip & fall Pedestrian,
animal bites. A-A-A Attorney Referral
Service 1800)733-5342. 24 hrs. 100's of
lawyers statewide.
ARRESTED? ALL cnminal defense felon-
les, misdemeanors, state or federal charg-
es, parole, probation, DUI. Traffic tickets.
Bond reduction. Private attorneys state-
wide, 24 hours. A-A-A Attorney Referral
Service (800)733-5342..
DIVORCE $275-$350. Covers children,
etc Only one signature requiredal Excludes
govi fees! Call weekdays (800)462-2000
ext 600 (8am-7pm) Alta Divorce, LLC.
Established 1977

present'at the time and place listed above
and tney snail be heard. II any person de.
cides to appeal any decision at any meet-
ing or hearing, he will need a record of the
proceedings. and for such purpose he
may need to ensure that a verbatim record
of the proceedings is made, which record
shall include ine testimony and evidence

appeal is to ue based
nce wirn the Americans with
Act persons needing a special
lion to panicipate in. these
s should contact 'the City
e at 247 5809, or at City Hall,
ile Road.

lound Monday Apnl 10th 7am in Atlantic
Beach. Call Ellen to identity at 472 6262

EARN DEGREE online irom home Medi-
cal, Business, Paralegal, Computers,
Criminal Justice. Job placement Compul.
er provided. Financial aid it qualify
www oniineiidewalertech.com
your dnving career' Offering courses in
CDL A One tuition lee' Many payment op-
tions! No registration lee' (888)808 5947
PIANO LESSONS. All levels. styles &
ages Will come to your home Piano Tun-
ing also available. 241-4954, 655-3300
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified @beachesleader corn

HELP WANTED classifications in this
newspaper are imended to announce gen-
uine current job openings No fees may be
charged to Ine prospective employee Ads
lor self-employment or business opponu-
nities appear under the Business Opponu-
nities category. Ads which may require
payment of fees lor employment inlorma-
tion, guidance or Iraining may appear un.
aer Job Service. Should any Help Wanled
advertiser ask lor a lee or if the advertiser
is ohlering a product or service rather than
a job opening, please noitly The Beaches
Leader, 249-9033.

DELIVERY DRIVER, valid driver's license
Ability to operate standard transmission &
good driving record. Apply in person,
336 North 3rd Streel. Jax Beach, EOE.
Immediate opening for part-lime ortice
clerk w!small medical distributer in PVB
Requires excellent phone and organriza.
lional skills bookkeeping IPeachlree pre
erredd, records management, marketing
support. Resume to vara@eyequil corn or
lax 280-1888.

KENNEL ASSISTANT needed lor bus.,
elennary clini,, cqrnfeltnive w aes Prebi
o"',us keqn=rel ex'penriehpce" required. Apply 4r,
Personn' Beaches Animal Clinic 93T
Beach Blvd.. Jax Beach. 246-2045

WANTED: CLEANING Lady for small 3BR
home. once a week, $10/hr Relerences
required. Please call (904)242-2655
PART-TIME NANNY needed lot 4 yr old
twins, PVB area, expenence necessary
non-smoking. 2-3 days per week 859-
na Country Club. DFWP. Call 246-4827 or
apply in person.
ACTIVE NANNY/ Molner's Helper need-
ed.-N. Jax Bch area, approx 20-25 nrs
per week. Refs & reliable transportation
required. Please call 509-9710
PARTTIME POSITION available at Vicar's
Landing Please call 285-1055

Small residential housecleaning service
looking for energetic, responsible, hard-
workers. Flexible day hours. Phone a
must. 246-7152, Iv. msg.
ence in Botox & cosmetic procedures pre-
ferred, bui nol necessary (904)708-7106.
AIDE, P/T. Busy orthopedic clinic. Expen-
ence prelerred, our not required. Flexible
hours. Rate depends on experience Fax
resume lo: (904)285-4663.

Every weekend 7am to 7pm at a Premier
Retirement Community Health Center. Ex.
cellent work environment. Experience in
geriatric care. Applications available at
Fleet Landing Security Gate. One Fleei
Landing Blvd.,, Atlantic Beach, FL.
Fax to (904)246-9447, email to
jots@fleetlandlng.com EOE/ Dirug-Free
OFFICE ASSISTANT needed wdin friend-
ly, professional phone voice and attention
to detail. Flexible hours (work only 2-3 full
days or work part days) Knowledge of
ACT, Excel, and Word helpful. Located in
Ponte Vedra. Call 285-5855.
EXPERIENCED ONLY Must have reliabf-
transportation. 3 days/wk and some Salui
days. Call Debbie after 2pm 285-3400
ext 3352.
$210+ per week. Paid weekly. pesign
your own daytime hours. Work regular cli
enis near your home Must have own
transportation and phone. Experience a
plus. Beaches/ Intracoastal. 242-8235
Energetic, flexible, multi-task person Reli-
able transportation a must 6pm-10:30pm.
or later. Call Debbie after 2pm. 285-3400.
ext. 3352

wanted Job duties include assisting with
various in-house mailings and working re-
turned mail and email. Our office is locat-
ed in Ponte Vedra Beach and the hours
are Monday through Friday, 3 to 4 hours
each morning starting at 9.30 am Please
send resume to
DRIVER NEEDED for moving company
Class-D license, experience helpful,
COUNSELORS. 9 week camp for children
ages 5-12. May 30 thru July 28. Hours
8am-5pm or 9am-6pm Must be patient,
fun-loving and energetic. Group experi-
ence w/children preferred. EOE

'~:'- : 1



" '



April 14, 2006

Classified 6 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

HELPER FOR hardwood floor Installer
Must have own transportation. 223-3295.
ing Sous line cooks & Servers, 3rd Ave.
North, on the Ocean. 247-2644.
LAWN MAINTENANCE help, must-be
able to work for female. 343-7989..
ATLANTIC COAST Plumbing & Tile. Help-
ers needed. Learn.a trade. Health. bene-
fits, good" hours, advancement opportuni-
ties. Must have valid FL Drivers License.
Call 249-5381 for appt.
da Driver's License. Experience helpful
but will train. Good salary & benefits. Ap-
ply at Surfside Pools, 313 Beach Blvd.,
246-2666 or fax resume to: 249-8801,
e-mail: surfsidepools@aol.com
trict Employment Opportunity. Season-
al Inspectors/ Sprayers, F/T. 6 months
available starting June. $10/hr. No bene-
fits. Must be at least 18 years of age to
'apply. Florida driver license Work loca-
tions include St. Augustine, Ponle Vedra
and Northwest St Johns Internship op-
portunity. Ph-904-471-3107. fax-904-
471-3189 www.anastasiamcd.org

immediately lor impon business Previous
sales or designing experience a plus
Ouickbooks required Fax resume to 241-

TAXI DRIVERS Wanted Clean dnving re-
cord required Call April., 246-9999.
F/T. CUSTOMER Service/Insurance Bill-
ing Must be detailed oriented Apply ir,
person al Medequip. 905 North Third Si
Jax Beach
have own Iools & transportation. Nearness
& dependability a must. Phone Larry He-
ise Painting 247-3644
TEACHER NEEDED for 2yr. old class-
room Monaay-Fnaay. Please call Direc.
tor, 246-0433
DO you want to loin a winning team Don'l
gel len out Our driver's make $500-$700
per week Call 249-5151 ask for Brian or
493-5250 ask lor Tim Collins.
CNA. 3p-11p. F/T, P'T, PRN, must enjoy
working with Ine Elderly. Apply in person
at Ashlord Court Assisted Living, 1700
The Greens Way, Jax Bch, FL 32250.
Avante at Jacksonville Beach. a 165-bed
skilled nursing and rehab facility, currently
seeks morvated healthcare professionals
to provide direct care suppon under the di-
rection of licensing nursing personnel
Must have current CNA designation and a
positive attitude toward the elderly. Avante
offers excellent compensation & premium
benefits, including 401(ki Please fax re-
sume to. 1904)249-8208 EOE
;' www avaniegroup corn
BUSY WHOLESALE Sealood company
S seeks P.T Office AssI. F/T Warenouse
Personnel and Driers w/good records
Apply in person only. C&C Fisheries,
S-. 36 W. 61h St., Atlaniic Bch
FULL TIME Teaching Assistant. Child
S. Development Research Center University
Sol Norn Florida Minimum requrements-
High School Diploma or Equivalent. 40
Clock Hour Cenlicalion required by the
', Depanmeni of Children and Families and
a CDA Prelerred requirements: CDA, 40
Clock Hour Cerdilcation completed as well
as the appropriate first aid certifihcallions
and one year of recent teaching experl-
ence win children. inland through age live
Annual Salary $9 hourly wage, lull time
employment non-negoliable. UNF is an
Equal Opporluniry/ Equal Access' Afftima-
; live Action Inslituton Minorities. women.
veterans, and spouses ol1 veterans, and
disabled persons are encouraged to ap-
Spy ,Pjease cal. for flurfrie -informallor,
620-2372 ask for Pam Bell.

DRIVER- NOW hiring qualified drivers lor
Central Flonda local and national OTR po.
sirions. Food grade ranker, no hazmal, no
pumps Great benelfis, compelirive pay
and new equipment. Need 2 years experi-
ence Call Bynum Transpon for your op-
ponunity loday, i'8001741-7950

. IMMEDIATE OPENING lor Foreman and
helper lor lawn. landscape company ex-
cellent pay. must have own transporlalon
Foreman music nave clean DL. experience
S a plus Coniact Ron 334-3311.

Excellent opportunity available to expand
existing rn/ cleaning route Unlimited
earning poieniia. The Cleaners. 1519
Penman Road Call Chris. 629-2683.

Drivers pan-rime and lull-lime Be a mem-
S ear ol a great learn, join our Recrealion
Deparmenl al a premier retirement corn
munity Fun work envronmenl. Class, C
CDL: Passenger Endorsement License
Required Must be able to sel up and
break down lor special events. Compel'-
five wages and excellent benefits Applica-
tions available al Fleet Landing Security
Gale, One Fleet Landing Blvd., Atlaniic
Beach. FL 32233; Fax to 904-246-9447;
email to jobs@fleetlanding.com.
EOE Drug-free workplace.

in Miami-Daae and Broward counties Bi-
lingual a plus. Per diem & F/T. Bilinguals
Inc. Child & Parent Services, (866)696-
0099 x103 www.bilingualsinc.com.
POOL CLEANER w/valid Florida Driver's
License. Experience helpful but will train.
Good salary & benefits. Apply: Surfside
Pools, 313 Beach Blvd., 246-2666, or fax
resume: 249-8801, e-mail: surfsidepools
PONTE VEDRA Animal Hospital needs
F/T Kennel Attendant. No experience nec-
essary. Apply within, 28 Corona Rd.
285-7924; ,
Full Time Monday-Friday in the medical
billing office of a premier retirement com-
muniay nealih center. General clerical du-
ties with computer experience and Excel
spreadsheet skills required. Experience
wan outpatient therapy billing a plus. Ex-
cellenl work environment and benefits.
Applicaions al Fleet Landing Security
Gaie One Fleet Landing Blvd Allantrc
Beacn, FL; Fax to 904-246-9447. email to
jobs@fleetlanding.com. EOE/Drug-.ree
Steak House Apply aher 2pm, 1227
Souln 3rd 1S.
City ol Atlantic Beacrh Must have current
law enforcement cenificalion acceptable
to10 the Stale ol FI ana be eligible to com-
plele Florida training and certilication win-
in 6 months of hire $16.18/hr.; $647/wk
$33,654iyr -benelits. Applications music
be received by 04,'19,06 al 800 Seminole
Rd Altantic Beachn. FL 32233 Testing on
4/29,06 For more inlo visil www.coab.us
or call (9041247-5820 No smokers/ lobac-
co users Drug testing conducted EOE
JOB CRAFTERS. Inc Now HiringI First
Class shipyard Irades. Pipe Fitters. Stiuc-
lural Finrers. Structural .Welders, Work in
FL. AL Over time .per diem Up to
$23/hr Toll-free (800)371-7504. Phone-
1251;433-1270 Fax. (251)433-0018.
LAWN MAINTENANCE Foreman & help-
ers.. Apply 7am, TNT Landscape. 1074
i0th Ave Souln, Jax Beach. Bonus. 247-
HOME CLEANERS earn excellent pay
cleaning homes weekly & bi-weekly De-
pendable car required. Full or partn time
Call 223-5033

Starting pay $16.18thr Io $17.85/hr de.
pending on license. Valid FL drivers I.-
cense with a satisfactory driving record
Applications accepted until 4/26'06 al 800
Seminole Rd All. Beach- FL 32233 or visit
www.coab.us or call (9045)247-5820 No
smokers/ tobacco users' Drug testing
conducted. EOE
Slaning pay $12 -r8h.; H.S diploma or
equivalent Valid FL drivers license; Must
pass C-Wastewaier Course within 12
mos. of hire & obtain license within 2 yrs.
ol nire Applications accepted until 4/26/06
al 800 Seminole Rd Ail. Beach. FL
32233 or visil www.coab.us or call
1904)247-5820. No smokers' tobacco
users Drug testing conducted EOE.
DRIVERS. BE in demand Plenty of
ireigni many nome lime options. Low cost
CDL Training available, 100"o tuition reim
bursemenr 1800)231-5209
www SwihTruckingJobs com
ASHFORD COURT is accepting applica-
tions for experienced Dietary Servers, F/T
and P/T. Must be able to work weekends
Must enjoy working with the elderly in a
professional atmosphere We offer com-
pemiive salaries, benefits & bi-weekly bo-
nus plans Apply in person @ 1700 The
Greens Way in Marsh Landing Park

Surfside Pools seeking experienced
Warehouse Manager. Forklift and Saiety
Operation a plus. Good salary & benefds
Apply. Surdside Pools, 313 Beach Blvd..
246-2666, or lax resume. 249-8801. e--
mail: surisidepools@aol.com

We need helpers and creg
leaders. We are busy installing
hurricane systems on homes and
businesses around the First
Coast. Must have installation and
construction experience. Drivers
License and Transportation
required. Starring $12 and $18
per hour.


CUSTOMER service & sales w/ exc. com-
munication skills. Full .or part time. Base
plus bonus. Fax resume: (904)285-0010
or email: jim@mediakids.com
Valid driver's license & experience a must.
Call. Randy, 343-3899.
LIFEGUARDS. 'Marsh Landing Country
Club seeks candidates with Lifeguard/
CPR/ First Aid Certification. Previous ex-
perience required. Flexible hours. Position
available May 22- Sept. 4. Apply in per-
son, Tues- Sun. Ponte Vedra Beach;
285-19Q9. Drug Testing/ EOE.
Servers and Host/Hostes. Good money,
casual atmosphere, very busy, great peo-
ple o0 work wilh FT/PT. 285-0139.
25k to 40k first year, plus benefits. DFWP,
good driving record. No exp. required, will
train. Call 241-7874, Perschel & Meyer
Pest Management.
LEARN TO buy loreciosures. Iax liens
and rehabs ior pennies on ihe dollar Men.
lor walks you inrough each deal A-Z to en-
sure success. 18001693-3967
lendenl Ior esiablsrhed company Drug
free work place Benefiti. 241.2721
FIRST CHOICE Home Improvemenms.
Neeas skilled carpenteis & iree climbers
DRIVERS CDL-A Excelleni Home-T'me'
Great payboeneJits O. Os welcomeI 2yrs
OTR. good MVR Cenrurnan Auto Trans.
pon. 800-889-8139.
for Service Tacrs.' inslaliers Will r ip instal.
ling' servicing waler ireaiment equipment
for nomes .business & industry Nonneast
FL.. Prefer experience bul will train sharp
individuals. Must have good driving re-
cord. excellent customer service skills and
ilt 100 pounds DFWPWe aoier compeli-
live wages, excellent benefits. 401k. ad-
vancement Send resume to Ann Bryan,
2181 St Johns Bluff Ra. So Jax FI 32246,
or apply in person or lax 1904)645-6066
NEEDS FULL lime Servers, Exp Cooks &
Host' Hostess with open availability Apply
within 1018 Nonh 3rd SI Mc.n- Fr 2pm.

Lawn service seeks individual to perform
dependable quality work. Excellent pay &
overtime available. Crew Leaders warned
Perschel Brothers Services Inc 246.
Experienced only ior line dining at Vicar'5c
Landing in Ponte Vedra Competitive pay
and benertis. EOE,' DFWP Call 273-173.1
or fax 285-8109.
VETERINARY TECH needed for nigr, vol-
ume vel clinic. At least 2yrs. experience
required Competilive salary. excellent
benefits Fax resume to 246-3061 or call
246-8577 for more inlo Beaches Animal
Clinic. 937 Beach Blvd. Jax Beach
An established Ponte Veara preschool,
CDA a plus. Position available June sti
Call 285-2965
THE ATRIUM Reriremenr Community has
the loliowing positions available- Maine-
nance Technician, Breaklavu Luncn Chel.
LPN and Nursing Assislanril Bus Driver
w/CDL license Excellenl beneiis. Apply
in person at 9960 Alium Way call 724.
4726 ior directions or lax resume to 721-

$420. per week Pala weekly Design
your own daytime hours Work regular ch-
enis near your home Mustl ave own
transportation and phone Experience a
plus. Beaches! Intracoaslal 242-8235
.. e .' '

Room Attendants

Chief Engineer

Full and Part Time
Apply in Person:
1220 Marsh Landing Pkwy.
Jacksonville Beach, FL

LPN in our newly expanded Assisted Liv-
ing facility every weekend 7pm to 7am at
a Premier Retirement Community Health
Center. Excellent working environment.
Apply at Fleet Landing, One Fleet Landing
Blvd., Atlantic Beach, FL; Fax to (904)246-
9447; email to: jobs@fleetlandling.com
EOE/ Drug-Free Workplace.
FACIAL SPECIALIST with clientele want-
ed. Also, NAIL TECH w/clientele. No
acrylics. Day Spa, Jax Beach. Call Miki,
HAIR SALON looking for 3 hair designers
(rental stations). 1 Nail Technician (rental
private room). Call 237-4895.
BEACHES CAR Wash-.full time help
needed, Wages negotiable+ tips. Benefits
Avail. Apply in person, 1401 Beach Blvd.

Full time: in Nutritional Services Depart-
ment at a premier retirement community.
Experience in skilled nursing environment
required; Excellent benefits and manage-
ment team. Applications available at Fleet
Landing Security Gate, One Fleer Landing
Blvd., Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Fax io
904-246-9447;. -email to
jobs@fleetlanding.com EOE' Drug-.rree
MECHANICS. GREAT Pay & Ben.iis Pkg
E- Centurion Auto Transport FT evenings.
or 3rd snirt Exp Truck. Trailer & minor
welding. Apply: IM-F. 8a.4pl 5912 New
Kings Rd.. Jacksonville 800-889-8139
have transponallon. Some experience
nelpiul 226-6649
HAIR STYLIST needed @ Styles of
Ponle Vedra, located on cornei'r of Mickier
arid A1A Up to 600:. commission Conral
Dense at 280-0494.
Beaches area company. Fax resume 10
modeling Ocean Edge Condos, Jax
Beach. 693-3130.
Avanie at Jacksonville Beach a progress.
sive 165-oed skilled nursing and rernab
center is seeking prlessionai and caring
individuals who are Florida licensed and in
good standing to adad ic our growing and
exciting in-house therapy program Must
oe teamwork oriened and nave excellent
communication and orrianizational skills
Avanie oilers excelierni compensation.
premium tbenehis. including 4011 ki an.d
sign-on bonuses. Please lax resume 10o
(90412-11-.4082. anenrion Tara O'Steen or
appi in person at 1504 Seabreeze Ave,
Jacksonville Beach. FL 32250. EOE.
propane retailer is in immediate need 01 a
lull-lnme driver The ideal candidate will
have an excellent customer service de.
meanot, a CDL win Hazmai. larker, and
airbrake endorsements Candidaies must
pass pre-employmenim lesling drug
screen, DMV check and background in.
vesrigarinon We orier a competitive salary
and benefits package Apply in person at
98 S Penman Rd. Jax Bch or lax resume
io HR al 246 0715 EOE






Call /or Visit


226-1 Solana Road
Ponte Vedra Beach

SERVER. Flexible hours AM and PM
shifts Excellent tips; Apply in person, The
Tavern at Sawgrass. 285-3133.
and Beaches. Work in teams of three.
Must have own transportation, valid driv-
er's license. Approximately $175/wk to
start. Moday-Friday, no nights/weekends.
Home Cleaning Centers of America.
TRAVEL THE USA for pay! Deliver "new"
RVs, buses and trucks to all 48 states and
Canada. Get paid to see the country.

Are you Seeking PAY With Benefits?
American Landscape has a position for
you. Call 349-6257.

Club Atlantic Beach. Drug Free Work-
place. FT\benefits. Experience preferred.
Call Golf Course Maintenance 246-4711.
able. cleaning help. ResidentiaVCommer-
cial. Call 242-9358.
Haul loads FL to CA, CA to WA, WA to
.FC. Pull our Air-Ride Reefers. Hammell
Transport Ser,ice Inc. Ask for Paul Maga-
na 5-1ll 1571-3974
MANAGER in holistic, internal medical of-
fice. Full /part time secreiaria, clerical.
and support or M D a unique selling. Ex-
perience required in answering phones.
c',mpuers., cmmurnicailors and public-re-
laihons Must be enirus.asiic. dependable
consisle-n, and an excellent malch Fax
resume with references; no ,phone calls
please. Persephone Healing Arts Center,
FAX: (904)246-3778.
City ol Allantic Beach. $23 24'nr. o10
S35.24 nr i,J8.339.39 yr to $73,300'yr
D.O.E tbenelits Must be Florida cenilied
Building Code Adrminisiialor Penorms su.
pervisory and sipeciaiized ,i cnnical work
in Ine enlorcemenr of ihe Florda Building
Codes & related regulations Applications
3ccepled unlil positon lined ai 800
Seminole Rd Alr Beach. FL 32233 For'
more ,inio visit www.coab.us or call
(9041247-5820 No smokerS,' tobacco
users wdi be hired Drug les.ing conducr-
ed. EOE.
Join our team If you can excel at inside
sales & desire a lasi-paced work environ.
meni we may rave an excellent
opporluniry or you You wili join a Nai.on-
al company, & work in Prone Vedra Beach
Ideal canodiale will rave 1 years experi-
ence inside. saies cu,i'r'mer service or'
lelemarkeinng. & excellent communicalion
skills Ability To hrandile business accounts
Base pay plus comme.s.'ionrs 525K plus.
FT, no evenings or weekends. PT avail
Fax resume 19041285-0010 or email
jim :'mediakJds Com
Drivers CDL A Home Weekenas' Spea-
Ciar orenaic1ri c,rpay Tor .yrerienced dr.-
ers' Greal pay & neretis, Paid raining for
scnoof giads' Cypre-s Truck Lines, Inc.
wWW.cypressirucK.com 18881808-5846
Clearing company eAN panding PT FT Car
.& phone a musir o1 experience. Will rain
Good pay' Call between 93am-4pm M C S

Join the crew at The
Boathouse Grill.
Line Cooks
Wait Staff
Apply In Person M-F 9am 3pm
2321 Beach Blvd.
so J
'Gs ~ m

3 Pool Techs needed. Experience prefer-
red, but will train. Clean driving record.
401k, health benefits. Please call
seeking qualified candidates for Minister
of Children. This position is responsible for
coordinating and faciliting Children's min-
istries and discipleship in church through
grade 5. Qualified candidates will have
minimum two-year degree in religion, phi-
losophy or related area and two years ex-
perience working with children. Working
knowledge of purpose driven model of
ministry also required. Send resume, sal-
ary requirements to Mark Vollmer, Chair
Search Committee, Beach UMC,325 7th
Ave N, Jax Bch, FL 32250.
Cooks. Must be able'to w6rk weekends.
Top wages. Apply in person 10am-2pm,
Campeche Bay Cantina, 127 1st Ave.
North. 249-3322.
-Maintenance Personnel. Clean driving re-
cord a must. 246-2455.
preferred. ALSO: Receptionist, veterinari-
an experience required. Apply. in person,
1210 3rd Street North, Jax Beach.
LOOKING for a change? Established Sal-
opr has opening for one stylist. Excellent
working conditions, 60% Commission. All
inquiries confidential.. Contact- Bob or
Palmer at Susan Merrick Hair Designs.
(w)246-7272 or (h)246-1579.
WAIT STAFF, full time, days. Good pay.
Call Bruce 280-7677.
F/T AND P/T Positions opened. Apply at
Procror Ace Hardware and Garden Cen-
ter, 870 A1A N., Ponte.Vedra Beach.
Line Cook, Prep, Uiliry Good money. cas-
ual atmosphere very busy greal people
10 work with. FTPT 285-0139

Hard working sales person needed Apply
in person Sea Shells & Coral. 230 Nortn
Boardwalk. Jax Beach.

for service personnel. Applicants must,
possess a good driving record. Competi-
live salary, full benefits including retire-
meni plan bonuses, insurance, paid vaca-
nions and holidays. We nave a great work-
ing environrrien and nave been in busi-
ness for over 15 years. Fax resume to
904-273 0682 or fill out an application at
10066 Sawgrass Drive West, Ponte Vedra

DRIVERS- CDL. A. True lease to own pro-
gram Low payments/ short.-erm lease.
Avg i1.11nmiie plus luer surcharge. No
hazmai. No forced dispatch FFE Trans-
ponation 1888)864-0012



Join our team of
cleaning professionals

No Nights or Weekends
Paid Vacations
Paid Holidays

Competitive Wages
Company Vehicle
app4i in pe .son to:

2201 Flonrda Bld
Mon Fri 8 -4- 30
241-9520 I

Sangra.s Countr) Club. a prestigious pritale
member-owned county club has ihe following
opportunities available:
Server FT & PT Excellent Starting Pay
Bartender FTIPT Excellent Starting Pay.
Line Cook FT position
Equipment Operators Golf Course
Excellent Working Conditions and Benefit Package. Please fax
resume to (904) 273-3705 or
email resume to kfox@sawgrasscountryclub.com
Drug Free Employer
Equal Opportunity Employer

BUSY REAL Estate Office needs Property -N.
Manager Excellent computer skills a ...... .. .
music Send resume to PO Box 1631. V.'.--
Ponle Vedra Beach, FL 32004
COOK IFTiPTI Apply in person. Rile Spot We are currently accepting applications for energetic, custom.
Restaurant. 1534 Norh 3rd Streel Jax service oriented team members for the following positions:
B e Saute & Grill Cook
SWIMMING POOL Construction. Top Diningroom Attd.
pay & benefits. Palace Pools. 998-1811,
11655 Central Pkwy #313, Jax, FL Relief Night Auditor
32224. .
32224. Room Service Server

Office Manager Dishwasher
Detail oriented mul'i-lasker. Word, Excel Maintenance Technician
experience required Salary, bonus plusM .. a e. .-h c
benefits r Restaurant Manager
Bookkeeper Front Desk Reception
OutcKbooks. Excel. A R, A'P G.L. Payroll
experience require 20-30rrs per week. Gym Desk
Send resume: P.O. Box 51121, Jack-
sonville Bch. FL 32240-1121 or Turndown
fax 241-0752.
CARIBBEE KEY cooking lor experienced Server
Line Cooks & Prep Cooks Expenenced *
only need apply in person between 10am. seasonal opportunities
4pm M-F, 100 First.St. N.. Nep Bcn (March November)
OFFICE STAFF D Rost/Host ess
Baptist Primary Care currently has excit- Dining Room Attendants
ing opportunities in the Ponte Vedra Pe- : S r
diatric Clinic for Fronl Ohle Sla. Candi- .. ervers
dates must have HS'GED and pror medy
cal office experience. For lull details and Beach Rental
to aplly online, visit: Great opportunity to work in an oceanfront resort with
*aww e-bapllilheailn corn. careers r e .
Baptist Health r terrific earning potential. We offer an excellent benefits package
Baplist Health is an Equal Opportunity including medical/dentallife insurance, sick and vacation days
Employer and discounts at our retail outlets. golf course and spa.
* nMIPn0:-ion LiO5n- iiryiai.vvi-ih

T 1RnAINMERSo Udy .-rogjyra. vv iok winl
MR/DD adults. Monday-Friday, 8am-4pm.
Apply 8506th Ave. South, Suite 500 2419
8556. EOE/ DFWP.
LAWN CARE helper needed. Drivers li-
cense & transportation required..Pay
equal w/experience. $8-10/hr. 285-2952.
Twisted. Sisters Apply in person. M-F
3pm-5pm, 1266 Beach Blvd. Jax Beach.
241-6453. ,* .
tion needed, M-F, 8am-5pm, must pos-
sess excellent organizational skills, be a
S motivated and Independent worker.'Must
S have proficient computer skills and be ca-
pable of handling a variety of tasks.
Please fax resume to 807 9216.

Apply in person to:
607 Ponte Vedra Boulevard, Ponte Vedra Beach
Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm

For additional information call 280-6076"
See current openings at: Profiles.hospitalityonline,com/211464
Drug Free Workplace EOE

At Ponte Vedra Beach

Bjapttc HHealrh gies nurses more opportunities to
enjoy more options than' ever before. Cpme visit -
with us and find out more!

Looking for flexibility, variety and control?
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Classified 7

The RBaelaches eader/Ponte Vedra Leader

Positions Available U
Banniuet Supervisor Housaekeepnln Room Attd. .n

Bartender Administrative Assistant U
Line Cook Honor Bar Supervisor U
Preventative Maint. Engr. On-Call Massage Therapist U
Front Desk Supervisor Dining Room Attendant

i n '


S arnotff.

We offer ci

Please apply in p
1000 PGA TO

- S. S S S. S S IS

Clerical, PM Assistants
Our Wages and Benefits Packages are second to none!
401K & Profit Sharing

Fax or email resume to:
904-241-4427 rpcgc@rpcgc.com

The City of Jacksonville Beach is seeking to hire a Building
Codes Inspector. The appropriate, candidate will have a
HSD/,GED, Valid FL Drivers license and considerable
experience in construction and/or building inspection, along
with the following requirements:

Must be able to qualify for Provisional 1 & 2 Famili
-Dwelling, Building Inslector and Building Plans Examiner
Licenses from State of Florida upon hire. (Must be able to
demonstrate and document 5 years experience)
Obtain Provisional I & 2 Family Dwelling. Building Inspector
and Building Plans Examiner Licenses within 90 days
Obtain Standard I & 2 Family' Dwelling, Building Inspector
License within 6 months
Obtain Standard Building Inspector Building Inspector and
Building Plans Examiner License within I year. i
'- I .. '

We offer excellent benefits to all full-time regular employees. For
complete job description and an application visit us online at
www.JacksonvilleBeach.org, in person 11 North 3r" Street, 2na
floor, Jacksonville Beach, or call 247-6263.
i5a laiar i -

SSnacks: soda, juice water. All brands.
*.Great equipment & support Financing
' available with $7,500 down.' Call Tom:
S(877)843-8726. BO#2002-037"
;ALL CASH. candy route. Do you earn
'$800/day' 30 machines, free candy. All
Sfor $9995. (888)629-9968. B02000033.
"Call us: We will not be undersold!

FLEA MARKET w/ 4 booths, glass shelv-
ing & merchandise, oriental 'items, ligur-.
ines & etc. $15.000. (904)928-9432,

ACTIVE NANNY honest, dependable,
transponation & references. $9-$1.1/nr.,
any area. CPR & First Aid. F/T & P/T.
CHILD CARE in your home. 510,' hr. Call
Sara 241-3627.

STAY AT Home Mom seeking Clerical
Work, types 100wpm 221-8510
INTERSHIPS WANTED lor university stu-
.dents from .Northern Ireland, for 6 10 8
weeks Ihis summer. Medical. legal, bank-
ing, etc.. Call'993-3226.

, *,,it .

HOME HEALTH aid available for 24 hour
care in your home. Reliable Good refer-
ences. 536-8459, please leave message

years 01 experience Relerences avail-
able 1904)234-3915
Companion Service, Respite Care and
more. 904-317-0451. 1-888-511-1887.
-More than a service, more like a friend '
Transportation to doctor's. Shopping
forwith you Drive toifrom auto service.
postal services, more. 220-0129.

BED- FULL-SIZE cherry sleigh bed,
w/mattress & box spring. Must sell. $395.
Can deliver (9041858-9350.
7000 POUND dnve on lift for cars; $1800.
Call Steve. 407-291-7554.
HVAC: 3-TON air handler water to air
$200. OBO. FURNITURE: Mahogany
stained ruslic coftee & end table $200
OBO. RIMS: 20" custom rims, 6 lug w/lrres
$500 OBO. 686-4422.
BLEACHED HANGING Cabinet,35" $25.
New Honeywell -Thermostat programma-
ble, not or heal-pump $15; Dining Light
..w/5 milky gloves $20:' Hollow core Doors
$10' Doorknobs. $4. Hinges $1; 8-light
Chrome -Bath Light $10; Sliding Glass
Door Screen (3ft.) $15. 447-7736,

- 'viwAU AAIS- wrr

246-1933 619 Atlantic Blvd.U

LOTS OF Odds & Ends Friday, Saturday.
1611 5th Ave Norlh. :
MORE THAN a Garage Salel Books, re-
cords, lapes, pictures, old toys, collecti
bles Saturday only. 9am. 3326 Silver
Palm Rd .'Isle of Palms. No early birds.
SATURDAY, 7AM-NOON, 1873 Ocean
Pond Dr Baby items. Furniture. Clothes.
SATURDAY, 8AM-NOON No early birds.
Lois of household goodies Follow Seao-
reeze Ave towards Ine intercoaslal, turn
rignt on Evans Dr. 66 Evans Drive. ,
MOVING 'SALE Saturday 8am-12pm. 822
71h Ave. NQnh. Misc household, clothing.
toys, sofa, dresser, fuLll' size bed, night-
stand, desk, enlenrinment center. Will
presell furniture Everything must go.

wit -.0 0 :90-.M.VI
MOVING SALE gliding rocker. mirror, ma-
Iresses, truck lool box. golf gloves, fishing
equipment, aec Saiurday, 9am-5pm 1188
Maypon Landing Dr. 270-2238.
MOVE-IN' SALE Saturday & Sunday,
881m-3pm, 1026 Assisl Lane Lold OT iv-

OAK HARBOR Multi-lamily sale Saturday
April 151h 8am. Lols ol good,siuff includ-
ing computer -printers, Antique Noritake
china, brand new small dog clothes for
Yorkies etc. Brand new queen size mat-
Iress only mno box spring) and used queen
size mattress and box springs and much
more 1273 Nipigon Avenue South loft
Maypon Road,..ium left on,.A1A then turn
left after B and' lyl Bait 'and Tackle. Take
1st righl on Nanmucket-and follow it all
around until Nipigon (4th street on left)
corner house. Call 246-486_0 for direc-

GARAGE .SALE. LINENS, elo. Saturday
only, 8am 3014 Seanawk Drive
MOVING 8am-12pm. Saturday. Come
see Baby Swing, 'clothes, shoes; decor
items, everyining must go! 101-3 Villa Del
Mar. una G
household, baby 517 Ruiile Dr. AlA. left
on Solano.

HUGE YARD Salel Saturday, 8am-?.
1799 Forest Creek-Dr., lForest Creek
Subdivision)'oh Keman r

COMBINATION BUILT-IN ovenimlcro- 3905 Pelle Dr. W Inlercoaslal West in
wave, Whirlpool Gold. excellent condition isle ol Palms Furniture, inisc household
$250. 285-4618. items No baoy items Saturday, 9am.-?

BED- KING mattress set, $289. Can de.
liver. (904)391-0015
Dryer $100 Call 241-1880.
Futon/Bunk Bed, $250 OBO. 448-1362.
DINING ROOM Set- Pier 1, Sante Fe
Style, table. 6 chairs, side able, shelves
$500. 613-3541.
WHITE CREAM velour V-shaped section-
al sola. 3pc. $200 534-3336.'
good condition. $135. Call 1904)242-2771.

30 day warranty Deliver, $20. 318-8173,

2 CYPRESS Vill Esis. Srvc 12 Minion &
R Doulion Towie Old Lace sterl Ivory
carving Mason's ironstone. Org art: Bird.
say, M Briggs, oils, w.c., etc. Old clocks,
watches, jewelry coll. etc. Full turn. Arilqs,
Fr down sola. cnair, carved chess, Henre-
don, morel No's @ 8AM @ 228 4th Ave
So. Jax Bch After 8 15 AM go to 13662
Gordonla Ct Cypress VIII., oft JTB by
Mayo Clinic Th 9.4, Fri 9.3 CHINA CAT
241-0344 chlnacalanliques.com


MAYTAG WASHER and Dryer, 1 year old,
lop loader, white, sill have extended war.
lanry with both. Will not III in our laundry
room MusI sell. Paid over $1000 Asking
$750. Call 226-8700
CARGO FURNITURE complete bunKbed
set including desk. $1500 OBO. 221-2665.
VERY LARGE collection, selling all not by
the piece. For appi call 294.1121
SURFBOARD 7'3" excellent condillon. 3
tln $275 610-9771
BENCH WEIGHT Sel. youth size, excel-
lent condlllon $30. 502-6926.
SOLID OAK oval table with 4 chairs $325,
476 1134

GUITAR- ARIANA Acoustic. 6 sIring
w/case. Excellent cond. $100 652-4058.

Bridge 28x42'. Village Chnslmas 18x24 ,
Light of Freedom 12x16'. w/cerlifs Must
sell, reasonable offer considered 904-

BROAD RIVER Aroaik Fly-In and Auc.
lion Franklin County. Norln Georgia
Close to10 Lake Harrwell and 1.85 Sal April
22. 2006 al 11 00am Preview dates. Frin.
4/21 12-5pm. Sal 422 8-11am For Inlor-
malion- www.savageiealestaie.com or
call Kenneth i770i718-8297 Savage Real
Estate & Auction Co Inc 1800)983-0066
GAL.3124, 3125

IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classlfled@beachesieader.com

1661 & 1674 Park Terrace East. Friday,
Saturday, 9am-4pm Nice Mahogany furni-
ture; antiques, collectibles, Jewelry, de-
pression glass, Limoges & other china.
Original art, household, garages with tons'
of tools.502-0986.charlloyd.com;
treasures with an Asian twistl Ethan Allen
sofa & chair, wonderful dining table with 6
chairs, kitchen dining set, king size bed.
room sulle, Yamana stereo, book cases,
chest of drawers & patio furniture. Full
sets of Noritake & Pfaltzgralt, kitchenware,
linens, men's & women's clothing, books,
TVs, lamps. Lots of decorative & gift
Items. Super sale, all super clean Friday
& Saturday, 9am-3pm. 54 Franklin Ave.
nue, Ponte Vedra Take Solano to Golf
View. to Franklin Follow the pink signs

2000 BAYLINER 2452SE, 24', sleeps 4
Marine head, 220hp, Oulriggers. bail
lank, shower. $26,000. or pay-ofl if less.
SAILBOAT- 1 Design. Howmar 10', excel.
lent sail condition $450. 246-3555

boatl slip tor rent. d 40h $600. 50ft $700,
TRIC, DOCK LOCKER Cable and none
service available @ slip. Mobile fue serv.
ice & pump out also available. 463-2845.

I ~x ~9vr~ = Z m ;

Specializing In Commercial and Residen-
tial Cleaning. Lawn Care Auto Cleaning,
Window Cleaning, Janitorial Services, etc.
Call Hermon, 246-4238, 612-1755

call Instead of 20 Call 1-888-511-1887.

Specializing in all rypes of nome repairs
20 yrs. experience. No Job Too Smalil
Free Estimates Doug Tuttle. 446-0051
FIRST COAST Welding and Fabricatron.
Call 859-0224
The most natural golden bronze. In the
convenience of your nome 251-5769


from changing a lighibulb.
to changing the color of your house



PADGETT'S A/C '& Heating, Inc. Family
owned and. operated. When quality and
customer service are demanded call
Travis at 588-5222.
Free Estimates. License CAC1814887

DOVE SERVICES Carpei .Cleaning.
Whole house $69 3 rooms, hnal $45.
Upholstery cleaning. Pressure Washing
Call for Specials: 1904)247-8152. 1
SERVICES.. Dependable,, honest, thor-
ough. Local references. Licensed. Insur-
ed. 563-1690.
ABOVE & .Beyond Housekeeping De-
pendable; detailed cleaning. Relerences
available/' licensed. 591-5901 or 514-
1188. '-
13 years experience Reaspnable prices,
low minimum rates, weekend appoint-
ments available. (904)525-7419.
MATURE WOMAN w/experience looking
for private homes to clean -Ret's available.
Carl 642-2430
MAKE YOUR Home SpoilessI Experi-
enced, reliable. Free estimates. 210-7372.
A.PLUS CLEANING. honest. dependable,
experienced, excellent service, reasona-
ble prices, great references. Call Kay

WOOD Fence Specialist Install, replace.
35yrs Experience. References. Mick Out-
door Enterprises. 241-7276, 838-9599.

TAX TIMEI Local CPA delivers I work
around your schedule Tax preparation,
Quickbooks Set-up 'and Consultation.

Specializing in "Complete Flowerbed
Cleaning and Workover". Call Hermon.
246-4238, 612-1755
CLASSIC LAWN Care, 20yrs. experience.
Beaches & Arlington only. Free esTimate
Call Doug 485-0105.
Grading, Lawn Installations. Spread
Dirt. Gravel, Lime Rock, Mulch. Stone.
MUCH MOREI Bob, 334-6091.

Total Lawn Maintenance. Clean-ups Sod-
ding, Mulching, Re-planhing. Free est-
mates. 247-3344
WINSOR LAWN Service, Inc. Compelritve
rales. Call Alan 237-5301
fordable and reliable lawn service 591-
Lawn and landscape maintenance.
Owned/ operated by local police officer
Call 534-7651 or email:
bluelineouldoors-@yahoo.com ot oresti-

Tree Services Available

S -o


PRESSURE WASHERS for rent Or sale.
Tucker Equipment Rental 246-1330.
Sale root cleaning Deck & fence
restoration Pressure washing. Licensed &
Insured. Call Kevin 994-0045.
Cleaning Licensed & Insured. Free Esli
mates Houses, decks, walkways, drive-
ways, patios. 248-9672..

Spring Special 10%off wl ad. Mold mil-
dew specialist. Roots, sidewalks, drive-
ways, decks. ResideniiallCommercial
Licensed/insured Free Estimates.

free eslimales, work guaranleea. licensed

Property management rales lor qu:i
renialisale tum-arounds and custom pair.
also Call for FREE ESTIMATES -97
2553 or 724-6877. Licensed & Insured

ing. Most residential pools $25'week.
chemicals Licensed, Insured We make
your lile a little easier 285-0240

Custom made 6 seamless aluminum ,gul.
ters Large variety of colors 10to ch'se
irom. 241-5099.

Remodeling, decks, siding, interior Ir.m
iermile+ rot damage- more. Licensed
insured 247-2728.
Repairs, specializing in termile damage

,If a b ,r A Mi.U a i e rB i .......

'Complete remodeling services & ,renova
lions. Tile & Marble Specialist Nick,
Affordable & dependable. Call Tony
Painting carpentry, water rooting. prie
sure washing lile work. drywall
C&J HANDYMAN Services Carpentry
Drywall, Painting, Papernanging, Tiling.
etc. Licensed. Insured. 955-0593

We provide repairs or mosi maoir brands
with many pans, available for same da1'
service Washers. dryers, ice-mal;ers,
stoves You name ii, we can lix ii.
Licensed and insured 904-476-2497.
dependable lor quality repairs, service
calls, painting. improvements and miscel
laneous tobs. DAVE 246-6628

QUALITY WORK insla l, removal, &
painting Residenlial, Commercial. 25yrs
Experience References+ FREE ESTI
MATES. Sieve. 645-0381.


2003 "DERBF Scooter 49cc, European
version of a Vespa Low miles. $1500
465-7179. .

1997 CHEVY Venture LS. 97K miles.
good condition, trailer package, loaded
w/more. 5$3300 280-9407.
2002 FORD Windsiar Minivan LX
69,975mi., exc con very clean loads ol
extras. $9800 334 5775.

77 MERCEDES Convenible. My gorgeous
dream car ldr sale 68k actual, 2-lops,
$10.000 OBO. 247-5676.
2004 MUSTANG GT 401h anniversary edi-
lion, orange wicharcoal leaner interior,
new tires 21000 miles $20.500. 874-2755.
1995 FORD Taurus, A/C, leather, lair con-
dition. $800 OBO 607-4393
1996 4 door, blue Cadillac DeVille, 84K
miles $3800. 241-2552
2002 CHRYSLER Concord, loaded. 40k,
6cyl, 4dr, $9300 OBO 641-9448
1985 BMW. Good pars or project $750
OBO 241-4568

competitive wages, excellent benefits,
ortunities for advancement and
a caring management staff.
person Tuesday- Friday. 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. or by appt.
UR Boulevard; Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
site: www.sawgrassmarriott.com
Job Hotline: (904) 280-7070

APmrl I't,. LUU I V4%ACO VI

-1--------------- --


1997 BMW Z3 Convertible Roadster.
4-speed, 4,cyl Silver ,'real mileage
$14.900 247-1049.
1993 FORD Tnunderbird. low miles. aui,
A/C, CD $1400 OBO 716-2586
1992 TOYOTA Land Cruisei Sunro.I_
problems w/main.seal, no a'c, one electric
window not working, 290,000 miles;
$1.000 OBO 285-1443
1996 MERCEDES C-220 while Dbeige
greal condition $6900 (904)735-4466.
2000 NISSAN Ullima GXE immaculati
condition, low miles, 4 door, power win.
dows. locks, cruise, new tires 5840i
OBO. 887-9030

--- ------ --------- -

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Brake Service,

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A/C Performance

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Inspect vehicle's hose fittings and compressor,,
Perform system leak test
Run performance test
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Most vehicles Save off regular price Not valid witn doner
discounts or offers See slore for details Expires 05/31106

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BEACH 825 S. 3rd Street mv32382 .. .. .......... .(904) 249-3929

NEPTUNE BEACH 1100 11th St mv4289 .... i ... .... ... .... .(904) 241-5651

:PONTE VEDRA 220 Valley Circle mv37772 .. ., .... .. (904) 543-9922

WEST BEACHES 14329 Beach Blvd. mv078 .. .. (904) 992-4433

ST. AUGUSTINE 1600 U.S. 1 S. mv32380 i .1 .... ....... .(904) 824-0449




April 14, 2006

The Beaches LeaderT/Ponte Vdra Leaderr

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