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 Section A: Main: Viewpoints
 Section A: Main: Calendar
 Section A: Main: Obituaries
 Section A: Main: Beach Living
 Section A: Main: Beach Living:...
 Section A: Main: Beach Living...
 Section A: Main: Beach Living:...
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Group Title: Ponte Vedra leader.
Title: Ponte Vedra leader. March 29, 2006.
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076081/00025
 Material Information
Title: Ponte Vedra leader. March 29, 2006.
Uniform Title: Ponte Vedra leader
Physical Description: Newspaper
Publisher: Ponte Vedra leader
Publication Date: March 29, 2006
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Duval -- Ponte Vedra
Coordinates: 30.239722 x -81.385556 ( Place of Publication )
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00076081
Volume ID: VID00025
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

Table of Contents
    Section A: Main
        page A 1
        page A 2
        page A 3
    Section A: Main: Opinion
        page A 4
    Section A: Main: Viewpoints
        page A 5
    Section A: Main: Calendar
        page A 6
    Section A: Main: Obituaries
        page A 7
    Section A: Main: Beach Living
        page A 8
    Section A: Main: Beach Living: Summer Camps
        page A 9
    Section A: Main: Beach Living continued
        page A 10
        page A 11
    Section A: Main: Beach Living: Education
        page A 12
    Section B: Sports
        page B 1
        page B 2
        page B 3
        page B 4
    Section B: Sports: Classifieds
        page B 5
        page B 6
        page B 7
        page B 8
Full Text

MARCH 29,2006

Salute to the

See A-12


Beach weather

See A-2


One that
didn't get

See B-3


Vol. 43, No. 80

Serving the communities of Ponte Vedra Beach, Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach and Mayport since 1963

5 or 7?



on ballot

Twelve veais after St. Johns
County voters decided to go
from a-seven-member County
Commission to a five-member
board, they'll have a chance to
switch back to seven commis-
sioners this fall.
The St. Johns County
Commission voted unani-
mously last week to place a ref-
erendum on the November bal-
lot to let voters decide whether
to change county government
back to the way it was for 10
years, until 2000.
That was when the former
seven-member commission
was completely changed to a
five-member board, each elect-
ed by all county voters, which
was OK'd by voters in 1994..
If approved, this year's meas-
ure would return the structure
to the way it was in the 1990s:
instead being chosen county-
wide, five would be chosen by
district, and two would be
elected by all county voters.
"That's a decision that the
people can make,"
Commissioner Ben Rich, who
presented the referendum pro-
posal at the March 21 County
Commission meeting, said last
From 194-5 to 1990, the St.
Johns County Commission
consisted of five members,
each residing. in one of the five
See BOARD, A-3

DEP cites

PV utility

One month after purchasing
the Ponte Vedra utility St.
Johns Service Co., St. Johns
County has notified customers
that the utility has violated
state water monitoring rules.
Thousands of the county's
new water and sewer cus-
tomers in Ponte Vedra Beach
received letters in the past few
days explaining the violation ,
which "occurred prior to St.
Johns County's purchase of
this utility," according to the
The violation, a failure to
monitor for certain pollutants
in the fourth quarter of 2005,
"is not an immediate risk,"
according to the notice dated
March 20.
The required monitoring, for
disinfection byproducts con-
sisting of trihalomethanes and
haloacetic acids, took place
before and after the violation,
when the byproducts were
found to be "super low, said
Barry Stewart. with the county
utility department.
Drinking water with certain
levels of the "byproducts over
some years may experience
problems with their liver, kid-
neys or central nervous system
arid may have ari increased risk

PolI:c-. D, R'B ELeArJGEL(
Stephen Ames, a native of Trinidad now living in Canada, raises the Waterford crystal Sunday fol-
lowing his victory at The Players Championship at the TPC at Sawgrass Stadium Course. With
the victory, Ames earned $1.44 million, a five-year exemption to the tournament and a spot in two
weeks at The Masters in Augusta. Ga. See complete TPC coverage beginning on B-1.

of cancer, according to the
Steward said the violation
was due to "operator over-
sight" and did not come to
light until after the county
closed on the purchase in late
February, when the county
received a letter from the state
Department of Environmental
Before the closing, several
citizen groups as well as the
Ponte Vedia Beach Chamber of
Commerce told commissioners
that the $26.8 million price tag
for the utility was too high.
There also were concerns
about backup problems experi-
enced by some homeowners in
Marsh Landing and Dolphin
"The county utility depart-
ment should have caught these
violations when they were sur-
veying the company," Dan
MacDonald, a resident of
Marsh Landing, said this week.
"It's poor oversight on their
MacDonald said the viola-
tion also is indicative of the
company's "contempt for both
county and state regulations."
"And it's the same contempt
that they showed for the Marsh
Landing and Dolphin Cove
injured parties," he said.

Panel promotes

switch to charter

PV woman's fondness for trivia

parlayed to spot on Jeopardy!

When Ponte Vedra resident
Christine Hoffman watches
herself as a contestant on tele-
vision's "Jeopardy!" Friday, it'll
be like she's living the experi-
ence for the first time.
"It's just so fast," Hoffman,
28, said about her 15 minutes
of fame fielding answers from
Alex Trebek, host of the
answer-and-question game
show that premiered in 1984.
Hoffman said she plans to
watch the show, which airs at
7:30 p.m. on NBC, at Fionn
MacCool's Irish Pub &
Restaurant in Jacksonville
Beach, where she is a regular
for; Monday night trivia.
"I know a little bit about a
lot of things, and I'm a good
guesser," Hoffman said this
week in a telephone interview
from her office in Jacksonville
Beach, where she is Beaches
area unit executive director for
the American Cancer Society.
However, she added, "I did-
n't guess very well on the actu-
al show."
Contestants are required to
stay mum about their success
until after their show has aired.
The self-described "Navy
kid" said she has long been a
favorite of board games in gen-
eral and "Jeopardy!" in particu-
"I have always watched it.
Ever since I was a kid, my fam-
ily has always played Trivial

Pr,:.lo. surmIlt a
Ponte Vedra resident Christine Hoffman with "Jeopardy!" host Alex Trebek March 7 at NBC
Studios in Los Angeles. Her segment airs at 7:30 p.m. Friday on WTLV-12.

Pursuit for fun," said Hoffman,
who attended Neptune Beach
Elementary School and gradu-
ated from Fletcher High and
the University of Florida.
Hoffman said she filled out
an application to be a
"Jeopardy!" contestant in
"I just got a bug last year to
start doing those things I just
always wanted to do," she said.

When she went to St.
Petersburg, Fla., for an audi-
tion, she said, she did so with-
out telling friends and with no
"I reallU didn't want people
asking me a lot of questions. .
and I didn't want people mak-
ing me nervous.
"I had met people who had
auditioned for it before, so I
didn't have any expectations

of actually passing" the audi-
tion, she said.
At the audition, an audience
of about 100 seated applicants
gave written responses to
"Jeopardy!"-like answers
shown on a screen. She was
one of six applicants chosen
for a mock game, she said.


Frustrated by what they say
is lack of responsiveness by
county commissioners, a com-
mittee told members of the
Ponte Vedra Beaches Coalition
this week that a switch to char-
ter government could help.
Coalition member Tina
MNcGough and Jerry Cameron,
legislative aide to County
Commissioner Ben Rich.
explained a charter govern-
ment proposal at Monday's
Coalition meeting at the Ponte
Vedra Beach Branch Library.
One of the provisions of
charter government allows an
elected official to be recalled
from office by a vote of the
McGough and Cameron
stressed that over the next year,
the notion of charter govern-
ment could be presented to
other civic groups as propo-
nents refine the charter docu-
ment with input from resi-
They are aiming to have a
charter referendum on the
November 2008 ballot.
"We want to know if we're
on target or not," McGough
told fellow Coalition members
Under the proposed charter
government, elected county
officials would be limited to
two, four-year terms and the
current $500 limit on cam-
paign contributions would be
Also, campaign contribu-
tions would have to be filed
electronically, which would
allow the public to view the
contributions online and ana-
lyze them easily.,
The proposal also includes a
provision requiring candidates
to live in the district they are
running for before an election

- as opposed to moving into
the district no later than sLx
months after being elected, as
is currently required.
Among those giving feed-
back Monday was George
Taylor, a veteran and a member
of a committee that looked at
moving to a charter govern-
ment in the early' 1990s.
The charter proposal didn't
pass when it went before voters
in November 1994, but Taylor
said he thinks the new charter
initiative may have better luck.
Taylor said he think the
group behind the current char-
ter proposal has learned from
the shortcomings of the earlier
He said one of the mistakes
his committee made was not
informing the public early in
the process of drafting the
charter, which generated a lot
of skepticism.
Taylor also said he thinks the
county is more ready for
change than it was 12 years
Another problem with the
previous charter proposal was a
lack of support from the coun-
ty's constitutional officers -
the sheriff, the clerk of the
court, the tax collector, the
property appraiser and the
supervisor of elections.
The previous charter propos-
al took away some of the finan-
cial powers from the clerk of
the court and changed other
responsibilities of the officers.
But Cameron said the new
proposal leaves the constitu-
tional offices "exactly as they
"1I can't see how it [the char-
ter] would do anything but
improve their situation,"
Cameron said.
He said the officers 'merely
want to see the draft of the


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1114 Beach Boulevard, Jacksonville Beach, Fla. 32250

Calendar ................. .......A-6
Classified ..... .. .............B-4
Fishing .........................B-2

Opinion ..........................A-4
Police Beat ..................A-2
Sports ............. ..............B-1
Weather ........................ A-2

CopsTght 2006 by The Beaches Leader, Inc.
Two sections, 20 pages



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Send address changes to:
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To request a correction,
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In. the event of errors in
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arrested March 24 and charged
JACKSONVILLE BEACH with possession and sale of a
A 19-year-old Jacksonville controlled substance in the
man was arrested March 24 400 block of 17th Ave. N..
and charged with 28 outstand- police reported. A police
ing misdemeanor warrants for S.V.A.T. team served a search
obtaining property with warrant on the property. The
worthless checks following a report said that Owings and a
traffic stop in the 500 block of codefendant were smoking
1st St. N. The defendant was a marijuana and packaging a
passenger in a vehicle stopped total of 31.8 grams of the drug
for a faulty equipment. viola- when the warrant was served,
tion. according to a police report.
*' O *
Nicholas Arocho, 19, of A residential burglary was
Jacksonville was arrested reported March 24 in the 100
March 24 and charged with block of 1st Ave. S.. The victim
grand theft in the 700 block of awoke at 5 a.m. to get a drink
Marsh Landing Parkway, and observed an -unkio\'n
according to a police report.. ..Talesuspect-bent. ovei-irn-h.be
*.** batrroom'"lo6oking at pho"o-
A bicycle valued at $100 was graphs in her bathtub. When
reported stolen March 24 in the victim asked the suspect
the unit block of 1st St. N. who he was, the man respond-.
ed that he was looking for
Austin Patrick Owings, 19, of another woman. The victimm
Jacksonville Beach was arrested, also asked of the whereabouts
March 24 and charged with of her dog to which the man
possession and sale of a con- replied there was no dog. The
trolled substance in the 400 suspect ran out the back door.
block of 17th Ave. N., police The victim told police the man
reported. A police S.W.A.T. appeared to be intoxicated or
team served a search warrant under the influence of drugs.
on the property. According to *
police reports, Owings and a A gas drive off for $50 was
codefendant were smoking reported March 25 at a gas sta-
marijuana and packaging a tion in the 1000 block of Beach
total of 31.8 grams of the drug Blvd. The unknown man left
when the warrant was served, the scene in a large green pick-
according to a police report. up truck.

Matthew Herbert Roberts,
21, of Jacksonville Beach was


An auto burglary was report-
ed March 25 in the 14th Ave. S.

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Police Beat
end zone. The victim told
police he observed two males
on skateboards who appeared
to be watching him intently as
he parked his vehicle and
headed toward the beach. The
suspects removed the victim's
keys from beneath the gas
cover and drove the vehicle a
block away to 15th Ave. S.
A fight Was reported at the
Sea Turtle Inn, One Ocean
Boulevard, March 20.
A wallet was reported stolen
from a business March 21 in
thfe'"'O0 block of MNayport-
Road. .. r 2,
A vehicle'was reported bur-
glarized March 21 in the 300
block of 7th Street.
*. *
A residence was reported
burglarized March '22 in the
800 block of Cavalla Road.
George Johnson, 24, of
Atlantic Beach vwas arrested on
a warrant and charged with
aggravated assault with a dead-
ly weapon March 25 in the
2400 block of NMayport Road,
according, to,a police report.

S.4 Im.

40 S




Jacksonville was arrested and
charged with felony' DUI, three
violations within 10 years, and
driving with a suspended
license as a habitual traffic
offender March 26 in the 100
block of West 9th Street,
according to a police report.
Michael Anthony Favorito,
50, of Neptune Beach was
arrested and charged with pos-
session of cocaine and fleeing a
law enforcement officer March
26 in the 500 block of Pine
Street, according to a police
., ,:, L J .
Gary De\Variye 'Sanders.' 33,
of Jacksonville was arrested
and charged with possession of
crack cocaine March 26 in the
1000 block of Atlantic
Boulevard, according to a
police report.
A simple battery was report-
ed March 24 in the 1100 block
of Seagate Avenue. An arrest
was made in the incident.
A vehicle was reported
stolen March 25 in 1000 block
of Marvone Lane.
A burglary to a business was

Tracey R. ,Norrissey, 36, of reported March 26 in the 1200

The Beaches
are online at:


V Players'
schedule, Will
Call info and

V "convenient-
ly download
forms to submit
information on
births, engage-
ments, weddings
and more;.

V look at
photo galleries of
people and
events from
throughout the

v get your
started; and

4, contact
members of our

block of Atlantic Boulevard.
A check fraud was reported
from a business March 26 in
the 1200 block of Atlantic
On March 24. Al Larouge
Jones, 33, of St. Johns County
was charged with attempted
murder, possession of a
firearm by a convicted felon,
and possession of a concealed
firearm following an incident
at a construction site in
Palencia, according to the
Th 'theft of-arn air- condi-
tior er vafued 1at '10,l91 Gs'as'
reported on March 24. The
incident occurred between
March 22 and 23 at a residence
in the 400 block of A A N.
A Sea Trout Lane resident
reported on March 25. the
theft of a vehicle which had
been parked in the driveway of
t'he residence on March 24.
The theft of a golf cart which
was parked on March 25 near
the 17th tee of the Sawgrass
Golf Course was reported by a
Ponte Vedra man.


March 29, 2006

The Be~aches Leaderfflohte Vedra. Leader

Pay, A


MsIrch 2Q 06TeBahe edrPneVdr edrPg A

Jeopardy! Airing Friday at 7:30 p.m.

Continued from A-1
Then in early January came a
telephone call inviting'
Hoffman to Los Angeles for a
taping scheduled March 7.
One week's worth of shows is
taped in one day, she said.
"It runs like clockwork. I was
Although her recollection is
blurred about much of her on-
air experience, her roommate
- who went with her to L.A.
- was impressed that she sup-
plied the answer "The
Medicis," Hoffman said.
She knows that the Medici
Family was a force in 12th- and

13th-century Florence, Italy,
she said, adding, "That's pretty
much all I know" about the
In the category "allitera-
tion," Hoffman pulled from
her father's lessons about the
The answer was "Pleiades,"
and the question was "What is
the Seven Sisters."
"I had to take a couple wild
guesses," she said. "What else
are you going to do? Stand
there? And I wasn't going to do
Hoffman said she had a "fan-
tastic" experience as a

"Jeopardy!" contestant.
"I'm very glad that I went,"
she said. "I'm glad I can check
it off of my list of life's things
to do."
She just wishes her instruc-
tions on the pronunciation of
"Ponte Vedra" had been heed-
ed, she said.
"My roommate tells me they
said 'Ponte Vedra' wrong, and I
went over and over it with
To see a short clip of
Hoffman on "Jeopardy!" visit
the show's Web site

St. Johns OK's 'pink' river bridge

The St. Johns Board of
County Commissioners adopt-
ed a resolution Tuesday to sup-
port a southerly location near
the Shands Bridge for the new,
St. Johns River bridge.
Of four proposed routes for
the'bridge named the pur-
ple, black, brown and pink cor-
ridors the pink route falls
most in line with the commis-
sioners' resolution..
From Clay County, the route

would start at the intersection
of Branan Field-Chaffee Road
and Blanding Boulevard and
would head in a southeasterly
direction toward State Road 16
and the Shands Bridge.
The route would join 16 at
the west end of the Shands
Bridge and would follow the
existing alignment of the
bridge until entering St. Johns
Then the route would take a
northeastern, turn and finally
intersect with 1-95 about 3.5

miles south of the County
Road 210 interchange.
, Last week, the Clay County
Commission voted to support
the pink route.
* At Tuesday's commission
meeting, several St. Johns
County and Clay County resi-
dents -- many wearing pink
shirts to make a statement -
spoke in favor of the pink cor-

Board: Rich says voters asked for it

Teachers Jill Sheen (left) and Joyce Bishopp enjoy breakfast supplied to Ocean Palms teachers
Monday at the school. The buffet is one of several teacher appreciation activities scheduled at the
school this week.

Continued from A-1

commission districts and each
elected by all voters in the
In 1988, the voters agreed to
change to a seven-member
board,. effective in 1990. Five
were elected by only voters
within a district, and two at-
large commissioners were cho-
sen countrywide.
The switch: back. to five
members, but with each elect-
ed by all county voters, was
OK'd by voters in 1994 and
phased in beginning in 1996,
Rich said while he was cam-
paigning for his current posi-
tion, several residents asked if
he would support placing a ref-
erendum for a seven-member
board on the ballot, and he
said he would.
Rich said last week that he
was keeping that promise by
proposing the ballot measure.
If, the., efexendumr, passes,
Rich said he believes cam-
paigning will become less cost-
ly because candidates will tar-
get only voters in their district
rather than countywide.
He said contributions from
issue groups such as developers

wouldn't be needed as much.
"Those [district] seats can
basically be taken the Way I
took this one: going door to
door. You can do it on shoe.
leather," Rich said.
"The developers would have
a difficult time controlling
those five district seats."
Commissioner Cyndi
Stevenson said she agrees that
the people should decide how
many representatives they
want on the commission.
She said she is concerned,
however, about making such a
change before the next census,
in 2010.
Stevenson said if the referen-
dum passes, the "heavily popu-
lated and rapidly growing
areas," such as Ponte Vedra and
northwestern St. Johns
County, may be underrepre-
Adding two commission
seats, she said, may increase
the difficulty of finding good
candidates to run.,
"A lot of really great people
aren't willing to do it [run for
-office] because'of the intense.
scrutiny and frankly the mud-
slinging that happens,"
Stevenson said.
Commissioner Karen Stern

agreed and said the criticism
that sometimes comes with the
job can deter future candi-
On the other hand, Stem
and Stevenson said, potential
candidates may be attracted to
districtwide, rather than coun-
tywide, campaigning.
Commissioner Bruce
MNaguire of Ponte Vedra who,
lost in his district, District 4, in
the Sept. 10, 2002, Republican
primary but won countrywide
- said Monday that he cam-
paigned four years ago to bring
back the seven-member board.
Although there may be
advantages, and disadvantages
in having seven members,
Maguire said, he thinks "the
pro's slightly outweigh the
cons." ,
"It could create a longer
commission meeting schedule,
but at the same time it might
create a healthier debate, too,"
said Maguire, who is running
forreelection this year.
Both Stern and Stevenson
said they would not encourage
voters to vote for or against the
referendum. They said they are
merely going to encourage
people to vote.
Stem's District 2 seat on the

On March 24, a complaint
affidavit for possession of a
hoax weapon and disruption
of a school function were
signed against a 12-year-old
Ponte Vedra juvenile.
According to the police
report, students at Ocean Palm
Elementary School observed
what appeared to be a hand
grenade in a desk and notified
school officials.
School officials removed the
grenade from the building and
notified St. Jhns County
Sheriff's Office. A total of 110
students and 10 staff members
in the after school program
were evacuated to Landrum
Middle School.
St. Johns County deputies,
bomb-sniffing K-9. units, and
the bomb team _responded
and determined that the device
was a novel,t' hand reng
,,a~ s : .a n o ~ l ia n d ,,

with the explosive device
removed. The student, who
admitted bringing the item to
school to show a friend, was
suspended for ten days and
released to a guardian.

St. Johns County Sheriff's
Office deputy met .with an
employee of Dredge Enterprise
LLC on March 26 in regards to
a report of criminal mischief.
According to the police report,
subjects at a residence in the
100 block of S. Roscoe Blvd. hit
golf balls at dredge equipment
in the Intracoastal between
March 24 'and 26 resulting in
damage to windows, and
screens and also hitting an
employee of the dredge com-
On March 25, a SJSO deputy
issue. a herbal ,warning to.,tl.

subjects. No further contact
was made with the subjects at
the time of the report.

The Beaches Museum and
History Center will kick off its
elementary education series
"Shore Stories: Step by Step"
at 10 a.m. Friday at 380 Pablo
Avenue in Jacksonville Beach.
Teachers interested in
scheduling a class for a field
trip are encouraged to contact
program specialist Lisa
Paulger, at 241-5657 ext.104.

An article in the March 24
edition gavie the wrong name
for the president of the Seaside
Homeowners Association. The
president is Joanne Divito.

Charter: Failed in earlier attempt

Continued from A-1

charter before they agree to
support it.
McGough and Cameron said
the charter referendum can be
placed on the ballot in one of
three ways.
The Board of County
Commissioners can appoint a
charter commission to research
the subject and propose a draft.
The citizens can petition the
commissioners for a charter
Or the state legislature can
approve putting the measure
to a vote in St. Johns County.
Cameron said his. group is
going straight to the top to ask
the legislature to OK the ballot
item for St. Johns County.
He4 said the charter group
will ask county commissioners
for their support, but he said
there's no need to organize a
charter commission since the
research and drafting has
already been done by the cur-
rent committee.
McGough said the process of
,refining the draft of the charter
through feedback could take

anywhere from six months to a
She said while all comments
are welcome, the group is not
open to making major changes
to the charter only small

She said the group fears that
any major changes td the char-
ter draft would compromise its
integrity in making govern-
ment officials more account-
able for their actions.

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Letters to the editor:

Wal-Mart is not needed in NB

To. the editor:
A new Wal-Mart at the
Beaches is a bad idea and
here's why:
1. Traffic. The traffic is bad
enough now but wait till all
the new condos fill up and and
a new Wal-Mart is permitted to
come in!
2. The other stores. A new
Wal-Mart would probably put
out of business the entire K-
Mart Plaza (which only recent-
ly has come back to life),

Winn-Dixie and possibly even
Publix. This would give
Beaches residents fewer choic-
es in where they could shop
and would probably. leave
another plaza empty. Where is
the gain?
My choice would be to
encourage a diversity of small-
er shops to fill up the vacant
Kathryn Ciesla
Neptune Beach

"Copyrighted Material

Syndicated Content *

Available from Commercial News Providers"

A UI& "

Actions speak volumes

To the editor:
Recently you may have seen
my name in the media as an
advocate for soccer fields at the
beach. Just last weekend the
group of girls known as
Cyclone Soccer entered and
played in the State cup tourna-
ment in Sanford, Florida.
No, they didn't win, howev-
er this group of 19 girls ages 12
thru 16 played 3 games in 23
hours and were very competi-
tive. Despite going to the tour-
nament minus 3 starters and
lack of quality practice fields
they persevered.
Soccer is one of the top
sports, at the Beach yet quality
fields are only given lip service.
To those parents, coaches and
sponsors, thank you for your
support and belief in the
Principles of Cyclone Soccer.

To the girls, you are truly a
class group. Opposing coaches
could not believe that we
weren't a club team. The refer-
ees commented to the coaches
that we were the best represen-
'tatives to come out of north
Florida in a long time.
To those ,who for whatever
reason chose to say one thing
and door not do anything to,
assist with quality fields; I ask
only that you remember that
our youth listened, and saw
what was said and what was
If they become cynical and
do not respond to statements
from' our adult leadership wee
must remember that our words
and actions are the tools they
used to format their actions.
Bruce Rehmer
Director Cyclone Soccer

Keep the fun in the beach

To the editor:
I am so sick of the beach
mentality regarding outdoor
dining in Jacksonville Beach,
Neptune Beach and Atlantic
Beach. This is Florida people
like to dine outside to relax,
people watch and listen to
good music. Every "hip" beach
o (Cmmunity I have ever visited
S.welcomes the outdoor experi-
ence. It's what draws people
together socially. First Street
Grille had it all but that's his-
tory, unfortunately.
Now Neptune Beach is going

to make a big deal about let-
ting Wal-Mart in and being too
close to Atlantic Boulevard.
Has Mayor Brown driven down
Atlantic Boulevard lately? I can
think of about five businesses
that are only 50 feet from the
What are these good 'ol boys
Brown' and Sharp thinking?
Life- is-a beach. Too bad these
people are trying to take the
fun out of it.
M. Christiansen
Atlantic Beach

What happened to height limits?

To the editor
I thought we voted for a 35
foot height limit for all new
buildings in Jacksonville Beach
that had not been permitted
prior to the vote? ,
On 1st Street between 9th
Avenue and 10th Avenue, there
is a new duplex being built.
Today the building is covered
with particle board exterior,
which comes in 4 foot by 8 foot,
sheets.. I can easily see 32 ft on
top of an 8 ft 'garage!. This adds.
up to 40 feet last time I checked.
The parcel sold last summer so

there was no predispositioned
court case and there is 10no legal,
reasoning the city council
and/or the board of adjustments
could make this legal.
It isn't the most popular thing
to cry foul, but FOUL!
Who ever allowed this should
be fired, retired, tarred and
feathered and asked to leave
town! ,
Bobby Riggins
Jacksonville Beach

Send letters to:
The Editor, The Leader, P.O. Box 50129, Jacksonville Beach,
Fla. 32240, or send e-mail to: editor@beachesleader.com
Avoid personal attacks and type or write your .comments leg-
ibly. Lengthy letters may be edited as space requires.



Kathleen Feindt Bailey Linda Borgstede

Editor, The Beaches Leader

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nn 2007 The Players
Championship is moving
to early May. This time,
next year we won't be talking
about who just won, but who
is going to win. Actually,
with the exception of the TPC
planning committee, most of
us will be be speculating on
who'll take the Masters! Let's
admit it!
Moving TPC's date i bril-
liant. It will sure cut down on
comments by the play by play
announcers like "Sure Tiger is
faltering here, maybe his focus
is on Augusta and not Ponte'
Vedra." "
Hey Mr. NBC announcer,
your focus is probably on get-
ting beaten in the ratings by
the CBS announcer calling
NCAA Basketball. Neither one
of us are in Cassadaga. You
quit reading' Tiger's mind and
['11l quit reading' yours.
Early May offers better
weather and something called
Day Light Savings time. No
more post Sunday finishes.
"Monday Night Football" has
traditionally been a,.ratipgs.go
getter, but how .about
"Monday Afternoon Golf?"
Let's put it this way. A lot

ing, to May that is
ject of one sport I know little
about, to another I know less
about. A week ago when I
started seeing the headlines of'
the Upset Kings of College
Basketball, I thought this
,,,.. -George Mason was some
-" "coach. Surely he must be the
S'head guy for UConn, the
Tarheels, Kentucky or Heaven
-i forbid Ball State, but "he's" a
Dad Gum school
At least TPC had ended byv
the time the Gators also
--=" entered the Final Four in the
HOYLE DEMPSEY late game with Villanova. May
COLUMNIST Day for TPC and I do mean
.. May Day!
S Matter of fact, the sooner
more calls to the switchboard TPC moves to May the better.
at the network were asking This is long overdue. Plus the
what happened to Days of our later in the spring and the
Lives, than how Mickelson was warmer the weather, the less
doing in the final round. chance we'll have of another
Not only will TPC not be in Canadian winning. You know
the backwards shadow of the I'm kidding! Congratulations
run for the Green jacket next to Stephen Ames, from North
year, it also won't be compet- of the Border, the last pre
ing with College Basketball. In Masters TPC Champ.
the past, being beaten in the Oh by the way Stephen,
ratings by Duke, or one of those fights in the NHL are
those other North Carolina fake. Put that in your Molson
iScioqls, was worth takingit on aclq,, d ink it! When does
the,chin. But,this year it was College Football start anyway?
George Mason! Say what? And congrats from this old
Allow me to get off the sub- Seminole to (gulp) you Gators!

In response to Mayor
Wolfson's recent letter, it is
not surprising that he and
certain members of the Atlantic
Beach city commission are try-
ing to minimize the political
fallout on what has so far been
proposed and/or discussed
regarding changes to the city's
building code. However, what
remains at the center of this
controversy are the commis-
sion's actions to date.
In spite of what side one
might take in this' ongoing
"McMansion" debate, the com-
mission arbitrarily denied a
property owner's request to sub-
divide a lot, even though the
city's attorney and the planning
and zoning director both said
they had no basis for this
action. It took a 'lawsuit
brought by the property owner
to get the city to grant the
owner what they were legally
entitled to in the first place,
after the city spent over $20,000
in taxpayer dollars to hire an
outside attorney who also
advised them they were wrong,
and would lose in court. In
response, the commission has
now put a moratorium on any
lot divisions for an unspecified
period of time.
The city has recently drafted
legislation proposing the forma-
tion of a Large Lot, Single
Family district in Atlantic Beach
that, if passed, would virtually
preclude any subdivision of lots
going forward. It is yet to be
determined; but this proposed'
legislation could cost certain
Atlantic Beach property owners
$10 million to $15 million in
lost property value.
The city has drafted proposed
legislation (Ordinance 90-06,
amending Section 24-172 of the
city code) which, as Mayor
Wolfson recently wrote, has yet
to be adopted. However, this
legislation establishes a more
stringent level of restrictions for
new home construction and
remodeling. Ironically the first
two pages of .the ordinance
would lead the reader to believe
that its purpose is to promote
health, peace and safety in our
community and that it is not
meant to infringe on property
rights or "restrain individual
preferences in residential archi-
tecture." But the next 12 pages


do exactly that. In my opinion
the way this is being presented,
saving one thing and doing the
opposite, is a little disingenu-
The current commission now
commonly defends its actions
by proclaiming that nothing
has been decided regarding
these new regulations, and that
all this is just a continuation of'
a "community character study,"
started several years ago by the
previous commission. In addi-
tion to the $58,000 paid in
2005, the current commission,
recently authorized another
$53,000 of taxpayer dollars to
be paid to the Colorado land
planning frm to further study.
and formulate these guidelines
and regulations. On the front
page of the study it says these
guidelines are "to serve as a
guide to assist property owners,
builders, designers and archi-
tects in interpreting the new
requirements" which are clearly
aimed at Limiting the size of
houses, limiting the, buildable
area jon each lot, 'limiting cer-
tain architectural styles, etc. But
if the commission is saying they
don't intend to adopt many of
these recommended changes to
the building code, why keep
spending considerable tax payer
dollars to have, the land planner
come back and explain them to
Most important in this
process, the city commission
has had discussions as .to
whether any Atlantic Beach res-
ident could rebuild a house just
as it was, if the house were
unfortunately destroyed (hurri-
cane, fire, etc.). Conversely,
would our homes have to be re-

built in compliance with any
newly-passed, more stringent
building guidelines, if and when
'these proposed guidelines are
adopted? This is a pretty sim
ple, straightforward yes or no
question. Can we build our
homes back, just like they are, if
destroyed for whatever reason?
The commission needs to
answer this question sooner
rather than later, irregardless of
what it does with all the other
proposed building code
changes. If we can't build our
homes back just like they were,
wouldn't this in fact dramatical-
ly change the character of
Atlantic Beach going forward?
Finally, at the most recent
meeting, the commission
passed a first reading of an ordi-
nance to designate swimming
pools as a 40 percent impervi-
ous surface, instead of the for-
mer 100 percent pervious desig-
nation. The St. Johns River
Water Mgt. District considers.
pools as 100 percent pervious
surface. The result is fewer
and/or smaller pools or a small-
er house on your lot. The hard-
est hit will be those homeown-.
ers with smaller lots.
The magnitude of all these
new legislative proposals has
recently caught the attention of
a large number of Atlantic
Beach property owners, particu-
larly as they learn more and
more about what is being dis-
cussed, and, how it could impact
them. Through grass roots pub-.
lic awareness, a group of citizens
has now come forward ques-
tioning the wisdom of these
proposed building code revi-
sions. And some homeowners
are getting a little nervous as to
where this is all heading.
Yes the citizens have been
allowed to provide some level of.
input at public meetings, but it
is still unclear whether anyone
is really. listening. However,
now that citizen awareness and'
interest has grown exponential-
ly, there will be more scrutiny
from the Atlantic Beach citizens.
going forward. In support of'
Mayor Wolfson's recent com-
ments, -I too would encourage
everyone to get involved.
Rosenbloom is an Atlantic
Beach resident and a former city


A home



.even after.

b Person dies

Commission making AB nervous

Karen Stepp
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X h. 10 2inn0


0 TA W'%W m 0 %Ono %w %w

- -' ~I : ''

S he's been gone nearly 10
years, but she was all
over the house. She Was
in every drawer we cleaned
out; she was remembered in
every pot and pan and plate
pulled out and placed on
tables; she was in every cup-
board, every closet, every cor-
Fannie Lee Miller, the per-
son, left her house; and this
Earth on Nov. 29,.1996, but
she failed to take her person-
ality and personal effects with
her. She left plenty of both.
If my mother-in-law ever
threw away a get-well card
over her years of various ail-
ments all of which she beat
except the last one.- it was a
mistake. You could date her
illnesses by the bundles of
cards. One of them was
marked the summer of 1995.
Its twine held 68 cards I
counted them sent to her
after she broke her hip in a
fall inside the Wright Brothers
Museum in Kitty Hawk, N.C.,
and underwent surgery in
Elizabeth City.
Another bundle .c3ntai.ned a
brief lettF from: a former gov.-
ernor, sending his regrets after
hearing that Henry Miller,
Fannie's husband, had suf-
fered a heart attack. But it was
she who had the heart attack.
Oh, well, she may have
thought, wrong name but a
nice letter. I'll keep it.
Mrs. Miller kept clippings of
columns and stories of mine
that I barely 'remember writ-
ing and others that I tried to
forget. When Jimmy Carter
was inaugurated president,
she kept the whole paper; she
kept clippings announcing
expansions and grand open-
ings; she kept clippings about
friends who had done good
things. Getting engaged,' to
her, was a good thing. I'd
been looking for weeks for a
special edition remembering
the 1936 tornado that leveled
Gainesville, Ga. I could have
saved time by checking Mrs.
Miller's chest of drawers.
My mother-in-law moved
and talked so fast, you some-
times thought she wasn't pay-.
ing attention. But she noticed
everything, and she made
Our older daughter found a
1928 book of devotionals that
belonged to Mrs. Miller's
mother, Ethel Small. Next to
the devotional for Nov. 14,
Mrs. Miller had written
"1967" and this reminder:
"The last time Mama read in
her Bible." Her mother died at
Thanksgiving in 1967.
My father-in-law and his
sister, Mable, along with a
caregiver, kept the Miller
house going until last sum-
mer. They died a month apart,
he in June at 94, she in July at
98. So here we were, eight
months later, cleaning out the
home, making room for a
young couple who want to
rent the place while their
house is being built.
This was the second house-
clearing for my wife and me.
The first came after my moth-
'r, needing around-the-clock
care, moved to a nursing
Now all" of our parents are
.gone, ,but not completely. We
have tangible memories from
each of them. Their personali-
ties remain.
It's too bad somebody in
the family didn't keep those
get-well cards Mrs. Miller
saved. Maybe it's not too bad.
Somebody behind us would
have to go through them one
more time.

Msrch 2Q'.2T B e eo e L r e


More letters to the editor:

Lack of


can be a


thing to all

To the editor:
The Wal-Mart setback issue is
just one more example of town
government lack of, foresight
when. implementing zoning
and 'land use; changes to
"enhance character" or other
politically correct trends of the
times. Now, Wal-mart, must-
comply with a new. require-
ment in the city's Land
Development Regulations, and
now must seek a variance to
put the building toward the
rear of the property, where past
regulation allowed. This non-
sense 'is occurring due to the
transient nature of city govern-
ment, with various commis-
sioners and mayors, coming
and going, and in the process
implementing their own politi-
cally correct agendas without
regard to long and short term
effects on the community. This
issue must now be debated,
argued, analyzed and paralyzed
by commissioners, on top of
their already busy schedules.
The very same changes are
about to occur in Atlantic Beach,
with the "Community
Character Stud>y" conducted by
the Winter & Company, import-
ing and duplicating planning
studies from other towns such as
Durango, Aspen, Sacramento,
Carmel, and others, and by
manipulating community
involvement workshops to stir
up fear that the "Community
Character" is being replaced by
"McMansions" and other
"undesirable development". The
Community Character Study
addresses Atlantic Beach as a
resort area and does not address
the fact that Atlantic Beach has
evolved into a very popular and
highly desirable upscale suburb
of lacksonsille, based on its
eclectic individualism 'andl'ari-
ety ofa ttRilct. iYal diffrences.-
By implementing restrictive
concepts such as Floor Area
Ratio (primarily a commercial
concept), reducing building cov-
erage to 40 percent of lot size,
forcing garage doors to be less
than 30 percent of the front
facade, creating virtual (imagi-`
nariy floor area deficits, and
severely limiting wall plate'
height and wall lengths, all
described in the "Report on
Potential Changes to the
Residential Development
Standards" dated October 2005
which was removed from the
City of Atlantic Beach website at.
coab.us and now- just reported
under Community Character i,
the amended code will stifle cre-
ative design and individuality
by enforcing a "cookie cutter"
doctrine that will repeatedly be
appealed on a case by case sce-,
nario., requiring a large amount
of time and resources from the
City's administrative employees.
The study uses a premise of a 50
X 130 lot average, but a Duval
County Property Appraisers
Office report indicates that 33
percent of Atlantic Beath's lots
are less than .12 acres, or
approximately 5000O sq ft. This
means that future houses Uill be
significantly smaller than what,
are allowed under the current
code, and the "encouragement"
by the amended code putting
garages in the backward will
eliminate safe playspaces for
children of generations to come.
I suppose we can send them out
into the streets to play.
Before knee-jerk tampering
and rush-job implementation of
amended "copy-cat code" iruin
100 years of local code evolution
in Atlantic Beach, our cit' lead-
ers need to step back and realize
that this started out as a
"Community 'Character
STUDY"'. So let's study it. As a
community, we can gradually
reduce less desirable develop-
ment without a code overhaul
and without trampling on pri-
vate property rights. We can
respectfully allow our. perma-
nent administrative employees,
to do the jobs they were hired to
do, ahd not try to fire them or
micromanage them. Let the
Mayors and Commissioners
serve their temporary terms, and .
allow the unique and eclectic

town of Atlantic Beach to con-
tinue to evolve and remain one
of north Florida's most desirable
.places to live. Save Atlantic
Beach, It's Your Property, Stop
the Amendment.
R. D. de Carle
Atlantic Beach

Bis busi
is pavin
over Be

To the edit

I have 1l
Neptune Beac
I have seen
town get n
more traffic,
hotter in the
because of bi
ing down a
paving every
running offal
The taxes
from Wal-Ma
replace the taW
all the othi
would have I
do not let thi
our Beach !



on private

To the editor
The recent
Walmart occ

es 'Reasonabl
iness _eas
g is essential

;aches To the' editor: '
As property owners in
or: Atlantic Beach we are careful-
ived here in 1y monitoring city develop-
h 41 plus years. ments over the Winter Group
our. nice little recommendations for new
aore crowded, building codes. While this ini-
more crime,and tiative was launched by the
summer,...... All former mayor and city com-
g business tear- mission, current representa-
ill the trees... tives wiill need to answer ques-
flat surface, and tions and illuminate numer-
1 the small busi- ous points in the draft going
forward. This letter is to
we would get encourage the citizens of
art would just Atlantic Beach to participate
xes we lose from in this process with commu-
er stores that nity mindedness, cool heads
to close. Please and, if you will, warm hearts.
s giant come to A newly formed coalition
a deserves credit for bringing
Mary Sapp greater attention to, and rais-
Neptune Beach ing the level of debate over
this important issue.
Concurrent with their efforts,
however, it seems that the
volume of the "conversation"
too far, is magnifying, rumors are fly-
ing, lines iare being drawn 'in
e lahnds the sand and, the higher emo-
tions run, the more the
process of reasonable dialogue
is being undermined.
,r: It's not a stretch to imagine
discussion on that all of us want to save
upying vacant Atlantic Beach. Practicing rea-

retail space on.
Boulevard is just th
example of the City of
Beach overstepping it
private property right
have many examples
City's attempt to exert
on private property.
Examples range fro
mercial sign ordinance
were judged unconsti
to vegetation control.
plant that hedge in yi
it is not on the City's
plant list AND it is ov
tall! It is not the rol
government to single
retailer based on opir
attempt to block the
establishing a location
ignated retail district.
I L- ..l11U Nept-

Doing just fir
without Wal-
at the Beach

To the editor:
I live in Atlantic Bea
get to a \Val-Mart, a K-
Ace Hardware very ea
not need a Wal-Mfart
out my variety of shi
can get all I need exc
her. And, it will attra
traffic .for Wal-Mart
local businesses.



ie latest
s role in
its. .We
s of the
3m com-
es, which

Do not To the editor:
our yard,. Weldon Yes... \ValMart No!
approved In response to NMs. Sehler's
ver 4 feet editorial of 3-24 railing on our
e of city NB councilman John Weldon
e out a for opposing WalMart pro-
nion and posed assault on Neptune
em from Beach I am compelled to offer
in a des- the following... I have known
John Weldon for almost 30
'n Carter years and he is a man of char-
4, Beach ac'er,-"good' judgement ahn'd
.'- Ya'te' '-- something WValMiatt
will never offer us!
If you seriously asked the
ie residents of the Beaches if
they wanted this lowest com-
IVlarl mon denominator retailer at
the beach, do you really think
es be jumping .with joy? Why
did they get shot down on
l Mayport Road... why did they
just get shot down over the
bridge? 'Cause there are
ch. I can already enough big (and ugly)
Mart and boxes in Jacksonville and peo-
sily. I do pie are finally fed up. And
to take those who love WalMart so
popping. I much, can drive just over the
ept lum- bridge on Beach or Atlantic,
act more there's 2, take your pick, no
, not our waiting.
You can quote me on this, if
Pillmore WValMart moves in so close, K-
ic Beach Mart will be forced to close.
So here we are moving the
S.. "empty shopping center syn-
O TO drome" closer to the ocean
I and town center, that would
be just ducky. K-Mart actually
still sells some American
made products, more than
33 WalMart and at virtually the

Mat Roland Seafood

FineAt Shrimp in Mayport!

We sell only wild caught Mayport
ocean shrimp at the lowest prices.

Super Jumbo 16/20o per pound
Frozen in 5 lb boxes at $7.50 per pound

-"*. 246-9443 :^.,

45IO Ocean Street Mayport

'r,,3,n trifi,l.,r~vI

e dialogue Decide what is good for future

Sin AB

sonable dialogue will best
determine what that means
for our city our entire city.
Our position is that, yes,
property values are very
important, butso are property,
rights -- such as the right of
one homeowner not losing
sunshine and breezes due to
another owner's new home
looming over theirs.
We recall that this whole
process was based, first and
foremost, on maintaining the
character of our community -.
not maximizing land values at
all cost. On that note, we,
share that our daughter was in
a serious skateboarding acci-
dent last weekend on an
Atlantic Beach street. \\'Within
seconds, neighbors were at
her side, called for emergency
medical attention, and locat-
ed our home phone number
off of her cell phone.
We can't help but wonder if
residents walled off behind
oversized homes with little
street-focused frontage could
have reacted similarly? Or
whether property "investors."
could have at all?
Woody IVinfree
Russell Sidelsky
Atlantic' Beach

To the editor
As a resident of Atlantic
Beach, and a business/commer-
cial property owner of Neptune
Beach, I am very .concerned
with large issues that face the
two communities. In Atlantic
Beach, we have a heated debate
over concerns for how, if at all,
to control development of resi-
dential properties. In Neptune
Beach, the modern-day jugger-
naut Wal-Mart is eying a long
dormant commercial property
for its own development. These
issues seem unrelated but both
evoke a similar, and self-serving,
response from many of our citi-
When. 'important matters
such as these are measured by
how they directly impact our
individual pocket books, we are
failing in our jobs as citizens,
neighbors, parents and public
officials \'hen we look only to
the immediate and short term
gain we believe we will enjoy
from unlimited personal proper-
ry rights iSave Atlantic Beach's
position, or from an increased
tax base \V'al-Marti, we are
ignoring the long term needs of
'our cities and the quality of life
that attracted us here in the first
place. We didn't move here to
maximize our property values,
or because there was a substan-
tial tax base. We chose our love-
ly beach communities for the
quality of life each affords us.
.-Arguing for unlimited tax rev-
enue in Neptune Beach, is irre-

sponsible. I applaud
Councilman Weldon's strong
opposition to the prospect of a
development by Wal-Mart.
Make no mistake: Neptune
Beach and Atlantic Blvd will
never be the same once this
, giant moves into town. We
don't need more tax base nearly
as much as we need to retain the
character and ambience of
Neptune Beach.
Arguing for unlimited proper-
ty rights in Atlantic Beach is
similarly short-sighted and just
plain greedy. Our current code
clearly, needs some work so the
rights of neighbors are also a
consideration in residential
design and development. A
claim that some restiictions on
the allowable scale of construc-
tion will reduce resale values of
our properties points to the
wrong goal. Are we really living
in Atlantic Beach and building
our houses to further increase
the already inflated resale values
of our properties? Are we here
just so we can. cash out our
homes for personal gain? We
should be more interested in
protecting the character of our
overall community. In some
cases community rights must
'trump individual property
I encourage each of us to con-
sider the long terms needs and
goals of our communities.
Tom Goelz
Atlantic Beach

Custom Furniture Maker

Nt. .., .
.'.. 3
If ,~ ~~~ii l H', ,i. .. i 1 : .

same price. WalNlart has suc-
cessfully conducted a "smoke
and mirrors" campaign over
the years making their follow-
ers believe in their "Always
Low Prices" creed. And some-
times my fellow beach resi-
dents, there is slightly more at
stake than just price. Let's
keep the underdog K-Mart
and try to do something BET-
TER'..tthat 'lGtetion.no:,in, .:
-otole sYgif- fia_6c thaT R'Fr.
Weldon was a party to... they
(the NB city officials were
reacting to vague signage lan-
guage statutes, as well as
doing what they thought was
the right thing to do in
restricting visual pollution in
our city. Sometimes you win -
sometimes you lose. But I
believe the effort was in the
better public interest. \Ve
don't need WValMart but we do
need John Weldon.
Tom Nuijens
Neptune Beach

NB needs John Weldon and

does not need Wal-Mart

S.Keep iu

St^'. *** .;^ i,-- ''i
with your community!

sc11 ooL i L ,j '. + ^, i4

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your mailbox twice each week


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The Beaches Leader/onte'Vedra Leader Page 5A

March -29'. 2006


March 29, 2006

TheBP ephes T prapr/Pnnte Verira Leader

rage bi



The 14th Annual Springing the Blues
Festival will -be held from 5 to 10 p.m.
Friday, March 31, noon to 10 p.m. April 1,
and noon to 8 p.m. April 2 at the Sea Walk
Pavilion in Jacksonville Beach. In addition
to music, there will be barbecue and
seafood, kids' activities, and an arts and
crafts show. Call 249-3972 or visit
www.springingtheblues.com for information.

Wednesday, March

Automotive recycling work-
shop: The Florida Department
of Environmental Protection
will sponsor a workshop on
automotive recycling. Visit
m'ot~iveRecyclers.htmn for infor-

Artist exhibition:
"Everything Old is New Again,"
showcasing 39 artists, will be
held through April 13 at the
Cultural Center at Ponte Vedra
Beach, .50 Executive Way, Ponte
Vedra Beach. Call 280-0614 for

A View to the Past: "A View
to the Past," photography by
Fletcher High School students,
will be on display through May
14 at the Beaches Museum &
History Center, 280 Pablo Ave.,
Jacksonville Beach. "The ABCs
of 'Beaches History," a collec-
tion of photos, reflecting each
letter of the alphabet, is on dis-
play through June 18. Call 241-
5657 for information.

Thursday, March

Women's partnership: The
Beaches Women's Partnership
will meet from 3 to 4 p.m. at
.6000-A Sawgrass Village Drive
across from Publix in Ponte
Vedra Beach. Call Gail Bacon at
273-4795 or e-mail info@wom-
enspartnership.org for informa-

Townhall meeting: A town-
hall meeting titled "Democracy
and Security: Are They In
Conflict?" will be held from 7
to 9 p.m. at the Florida Times
Union Auditorium, One
Riverside Blvd., Jacksonville.
Admission is free. Call 904-591-
7634 for information.

Spring concert: The
Foundation Academy's annual
spring concert, "Sounds of
Spring," will be held at 7 p.m. at
Neptune Baptist Church. The
event is free. Call 241-3515 for

Online auction: Bids, for
Montessori Tides Children's
Foundation, Inc., online auc-
tion will be accepted until
today. Call 545-5006 for infor-

Writers' festival; The 20th
Annual First Coast Writers'
Festival will be held through
April 2 at the Radisson
Riverwalk Hotel. Visit
www.fccj.edu/wf for informa-

Friday, March 31
Rummage sale: The
Jacksonville Beaches Woman's
Club will have a rummage sale
today and April 1 at 1315 2nd

Riverside Ave. Tickets are $3 for
adults, and free for children
under 16. Call 355-4224 for
Sunday, April 2,
Savings Time

Tour for.
Life: The
Sixth Annual
Tour For Life
will be held
i from 11 am.
i i to 4 p.m. at
the Regency
Super .Wal-mart, 9890
Hutchinson Park Drive. The
tour's goal is to spotlight animal
shelters as the best place to
adopt. Call 725-8766, extension
205, for information.

ArtFusion: "ArtFusion for
"ri., Families" is held from noon to
4 p.m. at the Jacksonville
Museum of Modern Art, 333 N.
Laura St., Jacksonville. Call
Ashlie Johnson at 366-6911,
extension 207, for information.

Monday, April 3
S Cultural Center: Classes and
workshops for adults and chil-
:dren in fine art, performing
art, drama, creative move-
ment and more will be held
, i through May 13 at the Cultural
Center at Ponte Vedra Beach, 50
Executive Way, Ponte Vedra

Beach. Call 280-0614 for fees
and class descriptions.

Being God's Song:
"Christianity of Christian
Science: Being God's Song," a
free talk," will be presented
from 7'to 8 p.m. at the Ponte
Vedra Public Library, 101
Library Blvd. 1-866-800-7086.

STuesday, April 4
Senior workshop: An
Edward Jones Investment repre-
sentative will offer a free senior
workshop on iiivesting at 10
a.m. at 13171 Atlantic Blvd.,
Suite 300. Reservations are
required. Call 221-8501..

DAR: The Ponte Vedra DAR'
will meet *at 10:45 a.m. at
Sawgrass Country Club, 10034
Golf Club Drive, Ponte Vedra
Beach. State Regent Rebecca
Lockhart is the speaker.

"Fluid Divisions": "Fluid
Divisions," featuring the works
of KarenaJayne Ness, will be on
display through May 31 inside
Pepper Rama Gourmet & Hot
Shoppe at the Riverside Village
Shopping Center, 4555 Shirley
St., Jacksonville. An opening
party will be held from 6 to 9
p.m. Friday, April 14. 384-9635.

Chamber of Commerce: The
Jacksonville Regional Chamber
of Commerce will have a work-
shop titled "Presenting Your
Business Successfully" at 4:45
p.m., followed by the monthly
mixer from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., at
the Beaches Area Historical
Society, 380 Pablo Ave.,
Jacksonville Beach. There is no
charge. Call 249-3868 for infor-

Community health educa-
tion: Baptist Medical Center
Beaches is offering a communi-
ty health education class titled
"Lifesaving Issues for Women"
from 7 to 8 p.m. in Conference
Center Rooms A and B, 1350
13th Ave. S., Jacksonville Beach.
Call 376-4902 or 627-2910 for

Wednesday, April 5
Adventures in, Art:
Adventures in Art will be held
at 2 p.m. at the Ponte Vedra
Beach Branch Library. This is an
after-school program allowing a
virtual visit to an art museum,
for school-age children. Call
Carolee Bertisch at 273-6578 for

Thursday, April 6
Chamber of Commerce: The
Jacksonville Regional Chamber
of Commerce will present
"Small Business Expert at the
Beach" from 1 to 5 p.m. at 325
Jacksonville Drive, Jacksonville
Beach. There is no charge.
Appointments are necessary. E-
mail elaine.miller@myjaxcham-
ber.com or call 249-3868.
. Relay For Life dinner: The
American Cancer Society Relay
For Life will have a dinner at 6
p.m. at the Jacksonville Beaches
Women's Club for cancer sur-
vivors. Call 249-0022 for infor-
mation or to R.S.V.P.

Day of Decision:
Community Hospice of
Northeast Florida and Baptist
Health present a community
workshop titled "Day of
Decision Put XYour Wishes in
Writing" from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at

Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach. Call
246-2737 or 249-0786 for infor-

Saturday, April 1
April Fools' Day.

Pistol course: A certified
basic pistol and. advanced.
defensive tactics courses willrbe i
held from 7:45 a.m. to 5 p.m. at
Fraternal Order of Police Lodge
65 in Nassau County. Call Gary
Belson at 904-491-8358 for

Film festival: As part, of the
'First Coast Environmental Film
Festival, "The Water's Journey:
The River Returns" will be
shown at 10 a.m. at the' Main
Library Auditorium, 303 N.
,Laura St., followed by a discus-
sion panel from 11 a.m. till
noon. Organic coffee and
refreshments will be served
from 9:30 to 10 a.m. Call 924-'
1100, extension '234, for infor-
Fashion show: The Steinway
Society will present a, sophisti-
cated afternoon fashion 'show
from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the
Casa Marina Hotel in
Jacksonville Beach. Tickets are
$100 each. Call Piano Expo at
904-545-2117 for information.

Goldenfest: "Goldenfest," a
reunion and fun day for golden
retrievers and their owners, will
be held from 1 to 3 p.m. at
Dogwood Park, 7407 Salisbury
Road, Jacksonville. Admission is
,$10 per family and $5 per addi-
tional golden retriever. Call
904-703-8348 for information.
SArt class: A family art class
will be held from 2 to 3 p.m. at
the Jacksonville Museum of
Modem Art, 333 N; Laura St.,
Jacksonville. The class, is free
with museum admission. For
information, call Ashlie
Johnson at 366-6911, extension
207, or e-mail ajohnson

Queen Chi Chi: The Red Hat
* Foxes will go to Savannah for a
show and gourmet dining at
the Paula Dean restaurant. The
r cost is $69. E-mail
RedHatGrits@comcast.net for

Sons and daughters of vet-
erans: The Association of Sons
and Daughters of WWII
Veterans will lead a group to
England and France this month
to commemorate the 62nd
anniversary of the D-Day land-
t ings, the Battle for Normandy
and the drive through France to
the Rhine. Call Sy Canton at
561-865-8495 for information.

* Garden Club: The Garden
s Club of Jacksonville will have
"Blooms Galore and More"
I today and April 2 at 1005

the Jessie Ball duPont
Auditorium at Baptist Medical
Center Downtown. Topics
include living wills, health care
surrogates, do-not-resuscitate
orders and more. The program
is free and open to the public.
Call 904-407-6790 by April 4 to

Film festival: As part of the
First Coast Environmental Film
Festival, "The Future of Food"
will be shown at 7:30 p.m. at
Atlantic Theatres, 751 Atlantic
Blvd., followed by a discussion
from 9 to 9:30 p.m. A cash bar
will be open from 7 to 7:30 p.m.

Friday, April 7
Exhibition: The Members of ,
the Society of Collage Artists
will have their fourth annual
exhibition, "Collage: A
Language All Its Own," through
May 17 at the Vandroff Art
Gallery, Jewish Community
Alliance, 8505, San Jose Blvd.,

Uniform sale: BMCBeaches
Hospital Auxiliary will have a
scrub hub uniform sale from 7
a.m. to 4 p.m. in conference
rooms A and B. The sale is open
to the public.

Cultural Center: Stephanie
Sipp, interior design professor
at the Florida Community
College at Jacksonville, will
speak from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m at
the Cultural Center at Ponte
Vedra Beach, 50 Executive Way,
Ponte Vedra Beach. Free and
open to the public. Call 280-
0614 for information.

Book signing: Florida "mys-
tery writer Tim Dorsey will be at
The Bookmark at 7 p.m. to read
from and sign copies of his new
book, "The Big Bamboo." Call
241-9026 for information.

Saturday, April 8
Film festival: As part of the.
First Coast Environmental Film
Festival, "The Future of Food"
will be shown at 10 a.m. at the
Main Library Auditorium, 303
N. Laura St., followed by a dis-
cussion panel from 11:30 a.m.
till 12:30 p.m. Organic coffee
and refreshments will be served
from 9:30 to 10 a.m.

Egg hunt: BMC Beaches will
sponsor an Easter egg hunt at,
10 a.m. for children and grand-
children of all employees, doc-
tors and volunteers at the hos-
pital. Children should bring
their own basket, and should
sign up at the Conference
Room area entrance.

Easter egg hunt: The 23rd
Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be
held at li..a.m. at Tall Pines
Park, North Ninth Avenue,
Jacksonville Beach (west of
North penman Road).
Registration for Jacksonville
Beach residents will be held
through March 17; open regis-
tration if spaces are available
will be held March 20 through
March 31. Call 247-6236 :for

Koi auction: A koi fish auc-
tion will be held from 11 a.m.
to 3 'p.m. at Reeds and Rocks,
13401 Beach Blvd.,
Jacksonville. Preview starts at
11 a.m., with the actual auction
starting at 1 p.m. There is no
admission. 268-3582.

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Michael J. Beane

Gregory Scott Gard

Dennis C. Jacques

Lt. Commander Michael J.
Beane, (USN, ret.) died
Thursday, March 23, 2006, as a
result of a plane crash in
Melbourne, Fl. He was born May
29, 1965 in Charlotte, NC but
spent most of his formative
years in Hickory, NC. He gradu-
ated with a Bachelors Degree in
Business Administration from
The Citadel and spent 22 years
serving in the US Navy. His pas-
sion for flying and this great
country was superseded only by
the love for his family, accord-
ing to his.family.
He enlisted in the Navy in
1984 and was trained as a
Nuclear Machinist Mate for
.Submarines. He served his first 8
years aboard both nuclear ballis-
tic and fast attack submarines
and participated in 13 subma-
rine deterrent patrols. He was
selected for the prestigious
Enlisted Commissioning
Program and earned his com-
mission upon graduation from
the Citadel in 1995.
Beane adopted Jacksonville
Beach as his, home when he
arrived at Mayport for his first
officer assignment aboard USS
VICKSBURG (CG 69) where he'
served for 3 years before joining
the staff of DESRON 24. During
these-tours he completed two
extended deployments to the
Mediterranean and one to the
Persian Gulf. He was then trans-
ferred' to Afloat.Training Group
Mayport where he served as a
Training Liaison officer and the
Surface/Strike Department
Head. Beane then joined USS'
DOYLE (FFG 39) as Combat
Systems Officer and Operations

JackIrvin Clyatt, Sr., 72 of
Maayport, died March 23, 2006.
at Memorial Hospital. He was:
born April 9, 1933 in Tampa and
moved to the Jacksonville area
39 years ago.
,He retired from Moran
Towing and 'St, John's River
Ferry Service as a Chief
Engineer. He held a license as a
Marine Engineer from the
United States Coast Guard and
an Unlimited Diesel license. He
was a member of the Master,
Mates and Pilots, the Masoruc
Lodge and served in the U.S.
Army. .
Family members include his
son, Jack Clyatt, Jr.; daughter,

P- Officer, this
1 time deploy-
ing to a
NATO Forces
.-.- 'Atlantic
Ba t t 1 e
Group. His
final tour in
the Navy
was as
Beane Squadron
Officer in DESRON 14, also out
of Mayport.
He retired from the US Navy,
in December, 2005 and chose to
continue pursuing his love' for
aviation in his nextcareer when
he joined Craig Air Center as the
Assistant General Manager.
His family includes his wife,
Diana; two daughters, Madison
and Samantha; parents Jerry.,
and Judy Beane; brothers,
Steven Beane and Mark Beane
and grandfather, R. J. Beane, Sr.
Funeral services for Beane,
will be held at 11 a.m., today,
Wednesday, in the Christ
Episcopal Church, 400 San Juan
Drive, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL
32082, followed .by Military
Honors. Friends and family are
invited to a reception in, the
,church courtyard following the
In lieu of flowers, contribu-,
tions in his memory may be
made to the Madison and
Samantha Beane. Education
Fund, WVachovia Bank, Siesta
Key Branch, 5810 Midnight Pass
Road, Sarasota, FL. 342,42.
Services under the direction of
Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.

Jiilie (Alex) Samaras; grand-
daughter, Amanda Lauren
'Canipe, all of Tampa; brother,
George Clyatt of North Carolina
and many good friends, includ-
ing, Ronnie McCalister, Melvin
'Culbreath and Charles
Visitation will be held from 6
to 8 p.m., Friday, March 31 in
the Chapel of Quinn-Shalz, a
Family,. Funeral Home.
Graveside Masonic services will
be conducted at 10 a.m.,
Saturday, April 1 in the Tillotson
Services under the direction of
Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home..

Gregory Scott Gard, 40 of
Ponte Vedra Beach, passed away
unexpectedly March 23, 2006 at
Baptist Medical Center-Beaches.
He was born May 13, 1965 in
Ormond Beach, FL and was
raised in the Beaches area.
He was previously employed
by Physician Sales, and Service;
and, Abbott ,Labs Hospital
Division. He was a member of
Palm's Presbyterian Church, The
American Red Cross Volunteer
Life Saving Corps from the win-
ter 1982-1988 and' an Eagle
Scout. He was a graduate of
.Flagler College in St. Augustine.
He was an avid Gator Fan. He
was the most losing and com-
passionate father, husband and
brother, and a remarkable
human being.
Family' members' include, his
wife of 19 years, Candi; son,
Caleb. Gard of Ponte Vedra
Beach; mother,'Janis Gard of
Ponte Vedra Beach; sister, Missy
(Andy) Wotruba of Jacksonville;
sister-in-laws, CJ. Zain of
Ormond Beach and Pam Patch
of Jacksonville; :-in-laws, Doris
'and Glenn Renfroe; nieces,
Muriel Zain and Nvla Wotruba

,,' and several
i1* other nieces
a n d
nephews. He
was prede-
S ceased by his
Robert and
Fred Zain
and' Bobby
Gard, A visita-
S tion was
held Monday 'March ;27 in
Quinn-Shalz, A Family Funeral
Home. Funeral Services were
held Tuesday in the Palm's
Presbyterian Church with the
Reverend Dr. Thomas Walker,
the Reverend Carol DiGuisto
and the Reverend Andrew Kukla
officiating. Inurnment will be
'held in, the Columbarium of
Palm's Presbyterian Church.
In lieu of flowers memorial
contributions may be made to,
the American Heart Associatiorn
5851 St. 'Augustine Road,
Jacksonville, FL 32207
Services under the direction of:
Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.

Charles Edward Graham

Charles Edward Graham, 89,
long time resident of Neptune
Beach, died March 24, 2006, he
was preceded in death by his
wife of 63 years, Helen Virginia
Graham in November 2005.
He was born January 29,

1917 in Quitman, GA.
Graveside services were held
Monday in the:. Greenwood
Cemetery of Cairo, GA.
Services under the care of
Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home .

. teele Gudal

W. Steele Gudal, 42 ,of
Jacksonville Beach, died on
March.23, 2006 as the result of
an airplane, accident in
Melbourne, FL. He was born
Aug. 18, 1963 in Lakeland,
raised in Leesburg, and moved
to lacksonville Beach, FL in
2003 from Carmel, Indiana.
He' served in the 82nd
Airbome of the U.S. Army and
was a 1990 graduate of Oral
Robert's University. He was the
franchisee for six J.D. Byrider'
locations in Florida and the
Southeast. :,
He was ar ufidauinted"eritte-'
preneur and out, of the bqx
thinker, according to his family'
who said he enjoyed the chal-
lenge of start up businesses, par-
ticularly during the construc-

James "Jim" DeVoe, Sr.

James "Jim" DeVoe, Sr. died.
Thursday, March 23, 2006 when
his private plane crashed near
Melbourne, Fl. He was born
March 14, 1943 in Carmel,
California. He returned to
Indiana as a toddler and lived in
Muncie until he moved to
Marion, Indiana in 1962. He
graduated from Indiana
University.with honors in 1966
with his B.S. in business finance
and management. He graduated
with his MBA degree in August
He married "Andy" two days
after graduation, August 19,
1968. ,
He began his career in busi-
ness at the Continental Bank in
Chicago in their NfBA program.
He returned to Marion, Indiana
to work with his father, Paul
DeVoe who owned DeVoe
Chevs-Cadillac dealership. He
eventually bought the dealer-
ship and founded J.D. Byrider, a
nationwide franchise. The busi-
ness began franchising in 1989
and has 123 locations nation-
He was involved in his alum-

Frank A. Rubino,
Frank A.
Rubino, M.D.,
73, of Ponte
Vedra Beach,
died March 19
He is sur-
viv ed by his
Rubino Haley and
Patricia (Don)
DeKilder; grandchildren, Melina
and Michaela DeKilder and Luke
Haley; siblings Marie (the late
Vito) Accetura, Donald (Barbara)
Rubino, Carol (Tom) Vail, and
the late Estelle (the late Jack)
Visitation was held at the
Glueckert Funeral Home, Ltd. in
Arlington Hts, IL. Funeral serv-
ices were Monday at the.funeral
home. A Memorial service will
be held at noon on Friday,
March 31 at Mayo Clinic
Jacksonville. In lieu of flowers,
memorials may be given to the
Frank A. Rubino, M.D.
Education Fund, c/o Mayo
Development, Davis 160W,
4500 San Pablo Rd., Jacksonville,
FIL 32224.

Sni fraternity
Sigma Nu of
Which he had
been a mem-
ber at I.U. He
'" also had been
commander of
his fraternity.
lim was
of the Year in
DeVoe Indianapolis
in 2000. He was on the board of
directors of Little Star School
and was on the board of direc-
tors of the Alzheimer's
Foundation of Indianapolis. He
was a member of Central
Christian Church in Carmel,
His greatest attribute was. his
perseverance, according to fami-
ly. No matter what trial he ever
faced, he would never, never
quit. He lived by Christian prin-
ciples and was always striving to
improve. He carried a. yellow
.notepad with him at all times,
writing out his ideas and his "to
do" list, and his 'list was never
ending, according to. family

Family members include his
wife, Andy and children Jim Jr.,
Amy Gudal, Ryan DeVoe, Marcy
Miller, Mindy DeVoe, and Angie
DeVoe. His father Paul DeVoe
preceded hmun in death. Other
family members include his,
mother, Helen and his sister
Judy. DeVoe had 11 grandchil-,
dren: Gabrielle Gudal, Gentry
Gudal, Haleigh DeVoe, Lukas
DeVoe, Tatum DeVoe, Mia'
'Miller, Hannah DeVoe, Crew
.DeVoe, Barrett DeVoe, ,Tenly,
DeVoe, and Elle DeVoe.
.Visitation will be Thursday,,
March 30, from 3 to,5 p.m. at
the Central Christian :Churich,
1242 W.s 136th St., Carmel,
Indiana, 46032, 1.317), 846-1230.
A private memorial service will
be held on Friday.'
In lieu; of flowers,, the family
requests that memorial gifts be
sent to Little Star Center, 12726
Hamiltdnr Crossing Blvd. or the
J.D. Byrider foundation at
12802 Hamilton Crossing Blvh'd.,
Carmel, Indiana 46032.
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.

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tion phase.
As a member
G' uof the board
of directors
of DePaul
B School for
i chi d r e n
wiqth learn-
ing difficul-
ties, he was
key to estab-
Gudal fishing the
Beaches Campus for the school,
which is attended by his daugh-
ter Gabrielle. He and his wife
also rounded he LitJle ,Star,
MCrite 'eor o iatisic cladi iiTh"
Indianapolis, inspired by the
needs of their other daughter
Family mnibers include his
wife of 13 yea s, Amy Leigh
DeVoe Gudal; daughters,.
Gabrielle slli and Gentry 191;
father,. Carter Guda-l of'
S mmerset, KY; brother, 'Lars
Gudal of Jacksonville and sister,
Marla Leger of Lakeland; step-
sister, Angela DeGraw of
Leesburg. His mother, Maxine
Gillette Gudal predeceased him.
He lived by Chnristian princi-
ples and his faith helped him
accept circumstances that he
could not change, his family
A service Celebrating his Life
was held Sunday in the San
Pablo Baptist Church, 3044 San
Pablo Road South, Jacksonville,
with the Reverend Scott, Tally',.
officiating- .
Services under the direction of
Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.

Subscribe Today!
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Dennis C. Jacques, 62, died
at his residence on March 26,
2006. He was born January 4,
1944 in Detroit, Michigan to
Charles and Doris Jacques. He
was an active parishioner in St.
Paul's Catholic Church.
While battling cancer for
three years, he loved to ride his
motorcycle that he called' his
scooter everyday to Publix and
the bank, according to family.,
Family members include his,
wife of 41 years, Marian;
daughters, Denise (Nicholas)
Dolan and Michelle (Gene)
McHale; son, Christopher Scott
Jacques; grandchildren, Brady
Dolan and Logan McHale; and
his parents, Charles and Doris

George WI

George Wilbur 'Proctor, 87,
'died March 25., 2006 in the
Baptist' Medical Center
Beaches, He was born July 28,,
1918 in Raymond, South
Dakota and moved to
Jacksonville' in 1997 from
Lincoln, IL. He was' a school
teacher and a member of the,
Ponte Vedra United .Methodist
Church. He served in the United
States Army Air Corps during
WWII, ..
SFamily members include his

Sandra L

Sandra Lee Shore, 64, died at
home on March 23, 2006. She
was bom in Washington, D.C.,
daughter of the late George T.
and Lettie Hall (Usherwood). In
1958 she married Edward F.
Shore. and they settled in
Jacksonmille Beach.
She was preceded in death by
daughter Deborah Lee Shore.
Surviving are her husband'
Edward ot 49 vears, three sons,
Thomas L. Shore iHollv), Lewis
Fay Shore iLaunei and Edward.
James Shore iShannon), all of

Inez Hembree Smith, 80 of
Jacksonville Beach, died on
Mondav:..March, 27.' She was
borrilon ulvy 1-3, 1925'in Walketr
County, AL the daughter of the
late Phillip Isaiah and Fanny Lee
Darnell Hembree.
Smith was employed for
many years with Borden Foods"
in Atlanta. She moved to
Jacksonville Beach in 1999. She
was an avid bridge player.
She is survived by a son
Michael Bayard Smith and.
daughter-in-law Dr. Carmen
Mairtnez of Jacksonville, broth-
er, Billy ,. Hembree 'of
Birmingham, AL, sisters, Dot
'Beall of Osceola, AR, Betty Potts

Atlantic Beac
991 Atlantic Blvd.
(next to DollarTree & Publ

Roxy Center
14185 Beach Blvd.
(Beach & San Pablo)

h Uni

Mass of
Burial will
-. be celebrat-
ed at 11
a.m. on
.: March 30,
in St. Paul's
Church of
Jacques Jacksonville
Beach with
the Reverend William Kelly as
In lieu of flowers, donations
may be made to the American
Cancer Society, 4030 Blvd.
Center Dr., Jax., FL 32207.
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.

ibur Proctor

wife, Marilyn Proctor, of
Jacksonville; son, Gary (luliei
Proctor, of Ponte Vedra Beach;
daughter; Karen Proctor, of
Westminister, CO; brother,
Howard Proctor, of Sacramento,
CA, and four grandchildren.
A graveside service will be
held 2 p.m. today, Wednesday,
in the' Zion Cemetery of
Lincoln. IL
.Services under the-direction of
Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.

.ee Shore

Jacksonville Beach, a sister, Liia,
also of Jacksonville Beach, a
niece, Lisa (Kenny) Eoper and
nephew, Terry (Amyi Long,
grandchildren, Kayleigh, Juliet,
Carly', Alyssa, Jadah, Chance,.
Dalton and Tristan and other
relatives and friends.
Memorials in her name may
be directed to Hospice of NE
Florida, 4266 Sunbeam Road,
Jacksonville, FL 32257.
Arrangements by Hardage-
Giddens Funeral Home, 1701
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville Beach.

of McDonough, GA and Sally
KimbreU of Jasper, AL, grand-
children-,_ MNaricarmen -Smith,.
Martinez of, 1iustamante, Costai
'Rica and Michael Henry
Smith-Martinez of Ponte Vedra
She was preceded in death by
her husband Henry Bayard
Smith in 1982.
Friends may call from 5 p.m.
until 7 p.m. today, Wednesday,
at the Hardage-Giddens Funeral
Home, 1701 Beach Blvd.
Jacksonville Beach.
Memorial contributions may
be made to the American Heart
Association and/or the
American Cancer Society.

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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra. Leader 0 Page 7A

k March29- 200


.... i .


Miss Nease 20p5, senior
new Miss Nease Saturda'
pageant that begins at 7 i
Performing rts Center. E
named Florida Junior Mis
the title of National Junior
late June.

Grace Courte

Brittany Hartli

E Wedding
Ponte Vedra Leader (right)
... See A-9
A Education
ST... A-12


qvijss ase 2,0 0 6

Weeks of anticipation and preparation for the Miss Nease pageant cul-
minate at Nease High School Saturday at 7 p.m., when 22 junior women
compete to wear the Miss Nease crown next school year. To compete, a
junior girl must have a 3.0 or higher grade-point-average, iust be active-
ly involved in at least two school organization or teams, and must have
no major disciplinary problems. The'contestants were chosen by a talent
audition. All contestants are interviewed before the pageant; and all will
take part in an opening number on stage. Each will display her chosen
talent and model in a formal dress, and each of the five finalists will
answer a question on stage. Her answer, added to her existing score,
helps determine her placement in the top five. Three, scholarships are
given the top three winners: $2,000 for Miss Nease, $1,000 for first run-
Laura Beard, will crown the ner-up and $500 for second runner-up. The pageant is held, in the
y Kin the culmination of the
p.m. in the Nease High school's performing arts center. Tickets are $10 each and are on sale this
Early this month Beard was w din l pro.
s, and she will compete for week during lunch periods.

r Christina Crawford Kellie Crowthers Colleen Fitzpatrick

ey Kate Humbarger Saunmmntha Lee Megan Lineberry
r : ....\*. Chitn r o '. KeSi Crowthers -\ C Fitzpatrick

ey Kate; Humbarger Ssmmntha e Mga inbe

Kylie Morris Meghan Newton

Michelle Newton

Kim Augenstein
.**** .. *

Mollie Brogan

Jan Gambardella

Julianne McCarthy

Sam-nth- Wallenstein Hali Worthington
WWW* **

Candace Northern Jordan Saul
***, ****'

'Laura Scott

Sarah Sheppard CeseSek

J.J.uTm.La..Je o A.. TaerVvv


Kelly and Alex Broner


pr0olo suDm.nea
Members of the Beaches Educational Foundation, from left, Zann Williams, Claire Brennan, president Greg Franks and Nancy
Broner with new board members Reid Wingate and Josh Corey. The Beaches Educational Foundation has raised funds and award-
ed scholarships to deserving Fletcher High grads since 1985. Scholarship applications for 2006 are available in the Fletcher guid-
ance office. The deadline is April 17. Recipients will be announced at the May 4 awards night. For more details, call*Oreg Franks,'at


Kelly Pancake of Melbourne
and Alex Broner of Jacksonville
Beach were married Friday,
March 10, in Melbourne.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Pancake of
Melbourne. She is a 2005 grad-
uate of Florida Atlantic
University in Boca Raton with
a bachelor's degree in fine arts.
The groom is the son of Dr.
Tom and Nancy Broner of
Jacksoriville Beach. He is a
2000 graduate of Fletcher High

School and a 2005 graduate of
Florida Atlantic University,
where he received a bachelor's
degree in marine biology.
Trinity Pancake Graham was
the matron of honor. Travis
Graham was the best man.
The couple, who met while
participating oh the FAU swim
team, were honored on March
17 at a reception -at the
Jacksonville ZOO & Gardens.
They will reside in Nepturie

If your group or organization
is offering a uiumter camp and
the information is not included
below, send the information by'
e-mail to editor@beach-
esleader.com for inclusion in
future publications.

Below is a selection of sum-
mer camps and activities to
help keep even the most
demanding children from
declaring boredom while
school is out. Fees are not list-
ed for many of the camps.

Beaches area camps:
Beaches Episcopal
School,1150 5th St. N.
lacksonville Beach. Phone:
S. (904) 246-2466. Will be held
'June 19 2rJune 26 30;
July 10 14; July 17 21.
During the morning camp
program 9 a.m. to noon, chil-
dren will be able to pick two
different activities for the
week that will last 1 1/4 hours
each. Scrapbooking, Zoo
Discovery, American Girl,
Computers, Cooking,
Sports/Movement, Drama and
Music, Reading Enrichment,
Math Enrichment, Pottery,
Crafts, Percussion, and Guitar
will be offered. Free lunch at
noon for students who regis-
ter for both morning and
afternoon activities. For after-
noon activities from 12:30
p.m. to 3 p.m. children will
be involved in a variety of
board games and indoor
active games/or arts and
crafts. Extended care offered
until 5 p.m. Camp open to
students entering 1st through
6th grades. Enrollment limit
varies by course/activity.
Non-refundable deposit
The Fletcher Middle
School cheerleaders will
hold their annual Summer
Cheerleading Camps, starting
with session I June 5-9 and
Session 11 July 25-29. The
camps will run from 9 a.m. -
2 p.m. inr the gym at Fletcher
Middle School. Students
from Kindergarten to grade 7,

People & Places

Armyy Pvt. Amanda P.
Hollis has graduated from
basic combat training at Fort
Jackson, Columbia, S.C.
Hollis is the daughter of
Gregory. Hollis of Palm Bay,
Fla., and Sue Hollis of Ponte
Vedra Beach. She is; a 2004
graduate of Bayside High

Navy Chief Petty Officer
Blake M. Nelson, whose wife,
Wendy, is the daughter of,
Barbara Perkins of Melrose, Fla.
and James Perkins of Atlantic
Beach, recently was promoted
to his current rank while serv-
ing with Sea Control Squadron
22, Naval Air Station Cecil
Field, Jacksonville.
Nelson was promoted based
on sustained superior job per-
formance and proficiency in
his designated specialty.

Timon-Eddy Nicholas of
Atlantic Beach has been select-
ed as a recipient of a Weber
University 'academic scholar-
ship for 2006-07 school year.

are invited to attend this
camp and cheer experience is
not required.
Students will learn cheers,
chants, stunts and dances,
and are grouped by age and
grade level. Cost of each clin-
ic is $100. Students attending
this camp should wear com-
fortable clothes, including
sneakers with socks. They
should also bring a bag lunch
and non-carbonated drinks
for water breaks for each day
of the camp. Students will
receive a free T-shirt at each
Registration will be held in
the main office beginning on
April 24 for Session 1, and
June 12 for Session II. Parents
can register between 8:30 and
3 p.m., Mondays through
Thursday at Fletcher Middle
School. Phone registrations
are not accepted. If you have
any questions, contact Robbie
Knieberg, cheer coach, at 247-
5929, ext. 322
Beaches Chapel Summer
Camp begins Tuesday, May
30, and ends Friday, July 28.
The hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Activities are planned, inclbd-
ing field trips, sports, movies,
swimming; arts and crafts,
chapels and more. All stu-
dents from 1st to 5th grades
are eligible to attend. Cost is
$140 per week for eight weeks
or more of camp and $145 per
week for less than eight weeks
of camp. Beaches Chapel
Summer Camp is located at
610 Florida Blvd. Contact
Jane Wilcox at 241-4211
extension 711.
Coastal Therapy &
Learning Center will offer
several camps for children of
all ages and for those with
special needs. Mind, Body &
Expression for ages 5-10,
providing instruction in yoga,
music & movement, arts &
crafts, and language & litera-
cy; 8:30 -12:30 each day with
certified yoga instructors,
occupational & physical ther-
apist and speech-language
pathologist, June 5 30.
"Let's Play School" for

ages 4 & 5 (not yet in kinder-
garten); providing a "school-
like" environment for learn-
ing language, socialization
skills, fine-motor skills,
music, arts & crafts within a
small group a great "warm-
up" for going to preschool
and kindergarten taught by
certified speech-language
pathologists and educators.
Language, Learning &
Laughing with Fast ForWord -
for ages 4-14; using Fast
ForWord, a therapy program
designed by scientists to train
the brain using adaptive com-
puter games in the areas of
language and reading; fast-
paced and fun; 5 days a week,
beginning June 1st for 6 8
weeks, 100 minutes per day.
Readers &" Writers
Workshop for rising K, 1st
and 2nd graders using stan-
dards-based instructional
approach to reading and writ-
ing taught by certified and
standards-trained teachers -
intensive and fun to increase
reading levels, both in accura-
cy and comprehension lots
of hands-on activities, too -
major goal is to help your
child acquire a love for read-
ing and writing; 8:30 11:30 ,
Monday Friday, June 5 30

Contact the Center at 280-
0081 for more information
concerning location and
costs. Spaces are limited.
Boys & Girls Clubs of
Northeast Florida (BGCNF)
has summer camps at 11
Clubs around the Jacksonville
area. Date, hours, fees and
contacts for the camps are
listed in the informational
page below. All Clubs are
open 9 a.m.-6 p.m., Monday
through Friday during the
summer, with the exception
of July 4. Early bird drop-off is
available from 7-9 a.m., for a
fee of $10 per week, per child.
The annual membership fee
to join BGCNF is $10, and
non-members can join at any
neighborhood Club. Boys &
Girls Club scholarships may
be available. For additional

information, contact the spe-
cific Club beginning the week
of April 10. Camp activities
include a summer reading
program, computer classes,
arts and crafts, sports and
games and swimming. Field
trips are available for an addi-
tional fee. Core programs at
BGCNF focus on character
leadership development, edu-
cation and career develop-
ment, health and life skills,
the arts, and sports, fitness
and recreation. For additional
information contact the
BGCNF administrative office
at (904) 396-4435. The
Beaches Boys & Girls Club is
located at 820 20th Ave.N. in
Jacksonville Beach. Call 904-
249-3588 Tforn inform, _V .:- ,
Director jslike Austin. caf ip .
begins May 30 and runs
through Aug. 4. Cost is $250 a
The Beaches School
Summer Programs will be
held at The Beaches School
this summer. The camp is
open to kids in grades first to
sixth. For information call
H e a r t s o n g
Kindermusick is holding
adventures camps for young
children. A camp for babies
ages birth to 17 months and
parents called "Busy Days"
will be held. Another camp
for children ages 18 months
to 3 1/2-years-old and parents
called "Creatures in my
Backyard" will be held. A
camp for 3 1/2-year-olds to 5-
year-olds without parents
called "On the Road" will be
held. The "Adventures
Around the World" program is
for 5-year-olds to 7-year-olds.
Also, a "Sign and Sing" pro-
gram for children from birth
to 3-years-old will be offered
for the hearing child and par-
ent to learn sign language.
And the "Family Time" pro-
gram will be offered for fami-
lies with multiple-age chil-
dren form ages birth to 7
years. For information call
249-3828 or www.heartsong-

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The Beaches Leader/P~onte Vedra Leader 0 Page 9A

March 9- 200


f .


Recipes: Neptune Beach Clam Chowder .

Cont. from A-8 ,
with the broth from cooking
the leftover chicken carcass.
The flavor of all the small
pieces of chicken that cook
off the bones and the left-
over sliced chicken, along
with fresh green beans,
mushrooms, and tomatoes
make a bowl of this soup
Robertson said his soups
and chowders freeze well so
there's no problem making a
large pot even for a small
The following are some of
Steve Robertson's recipes.

Neptune Beach
Clam Chowder

3 cans (14 oz). cans clams.
in juice

1 can (14 oz.) sliced mush-

4 cloves of garlic,

1 bunch of chives,

'.1 can (14 oz.) chicken
:1 can (14 oz.) diced toma-

1 tomato chopped

1 yellow bnion, chopped

salt ariid pepper
.3 bottles of clam juice

3 stalks,of celery, chopped

.5 slices of bacon, chopped
1 tsp..dried thyme

Place the bacon in a large
pot over medium heat and
saute while stirring occasion-
ally until the fat is released
and bacon is slightly
browned. Pour about one-
half cup cold water in to de-
glaze the pot. Add the
onion, chopped tomato, cel-:
ery, thyme, and garlic and
cook 8 to 10 minutes until
the vegetables are softened.

Pour in the chicken broth,
clam juice,, and diced toma-
( es. Salt and pepper the
c owder.' Bring to a slow boil
and immediately reduce the
heat to simmer for 10 more ,
minutes. Stir often. Pour in
the clams and juice, chives,
and mushrooms. Cook for
two more minutes and serve.
Makes 6 to 8 servings.

Yahoo Wahoo Fish


5 cans (14 oz.) chicken'

6 cans (6.5 oz.) minced
clams with juice

3 cans (15 oz.) peas

2 cans (14.5 oz.) diced

1 can (15 oz.) tomato

.8 oz. sliced mushrooms

8 oz. sliced baby bella
(other types can be
2 cups water

1 T sea salt

freshly ground black pep-
per (about a tsp.)

2 bottles (8 oz.) clam juice

B: '

one bunch of celery

3 pieces of bacon

olive oil

Pinot Grigio
5 lb. or more of fish

cayenne pepper
2 bunches of green chives

one whole garlic bulb

the mixture in the pot is just
below boiling, turn it off
and add the chives on top.
Let it sit for 15 minutes.
Then pour in the fish. Serve.
Makes 2 to 3 gallons of
chowder; ideal for freezing
for later meals.
Roasted Fall-Off-the-
Bone Chicken or

coariander 1 large whole chicken or
chopped garlic
white pepper
ground oregano
soy sauce
hickory chips
7 yellow onions
-1 can chicken broth
Worcestershire sauce
1 stick of butter
Garlic powder
sea salt
1 large lemon
Pour the ingredients'listed =
in group A in a large pot T Pinot Grigio
(three or more gallon size) ','.
and start the heat on low. powdered garlic'
Stir occasionally.
'black pepper
In a large skillet cook the
bacon. When done, remove ,thyme.-
the bacon and chop up
small. Add to the pot. lerimpn or lire juice
Pour 2 T olive oil and a rock salt (for turkey)
half stick of butter in with
the bacon drippings. Add soy sauce
the following: 7 onions,
chopped small; bunch of cel- rubbed sage
ery, sliced thin. Saute until
they start to brown. Add the basil
sauteed mixture to the pot.
Use a little Pinot Grigio to rosemary
deglaze.the skillet; add to
the pot;. cardamom

Melt one stick of butter in McCormick's Cajun sea-
the skillet and add more .:, soning
olive oil.
Line the bottom of a cook-
Have 5 lbs.. or.more of ie sheet type pan that has
wahoo or other fish (filleted high sides with aluminum
and skinned) chopped up foil. Then pull off another
into bite-size pieces that are sheet of foil large enough to
about 1 or 2 inch cubes in completely surround the
size. Any type of salt water chicken arid center it in the
fish can be used. bottom of the pan..
Put the fish into a large Wash a large whole chick-
baking pan and squeeze the en and place in the pan with
fresh lemon juice all over it. the legs up. Melt 1 stick of
Sprinkle Worcestershire butter and add the same
sauce over it and finish with amount of fresh squeezed
soy sauce. Sprinkle cayenne lemon or lime juice. Stir in
pepper over top of all the two heaping T of Cajun sea-
fish. Sprinkle coriaride 'angf..-' ,sohi)ig.'dUsing. an injector,
cardamom over the fish. T inject the butter mixture,
Sprinkle salt, garlic powder, into the meat of the chick-.
and freshly ground pepper en.
over it.
Sprinkle the whole chicken
Over medium heat, add with Pinot Grigio and pour
the fish to the skillet. When one-half cup in the bottom
the fish has started to turn of the large sheet of foil
white, juice will build up in under the bird. Sprinkle one-
the bottom of the pan, pour fourth cup soy sauce' over
this into the pot. Add one the bird. Pour the chicken
whole garlic bulb chopped broth into the pan.
small into the pan with the
fish. Turn the fish often. Do Sprinkle sea salt liberally
not stir as this will break up on both sides of the bird.
the fish. When the fish Spoon on top of the bird,
appears to be. cooked .(do not bottled chopped garlic and
overcook) lift it back and put spread it very thickly over
it on a clean baking sheet. the chicken. Use a table-
Pour the liquid out of the spoon and fork to paste it.
skillet into the pot. Place the on. Dust powdered garlic
skillet back on the heat and over the top of the bird.
when all the moisture is Sprinkle the top of the bird
gone, de-glaze with a little with black pepper, to taste
more of the wine and pour but rather heavy, and follow
into the pot. Remember to up with a liberal sprinkling
keep stirring the pot. of ground oregano, thyme,
rosemary, cardamom, corian-
Slice two bunches of der, ground basil, and
chives in thin circles. When 'ground sage.

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Fold the foil over the top
and gather the two ends; but
leave two sides open so the
grill gasses can pass through.
The liquid in the bottom of
the pan will boil and the
"marinade steam" will con-
dense inside the top of the.
foil and drip back over the
bird, self-basting it.

Add wet hickory or sage
chips to the fire. Use either a
flat metal can that tuna
comes in and set it on the
lava rocks under the grill; or
use commercially available
iron containers which are set
on the grid next to the lava
rocks. Big chunks of hickory
work best.

Start the grill and when it
heats up, place the pan on
one side of the grill. Cook
over a hot fire. For two
burner grills, place the pan..
on one side and turn the
pan end for end after 25
minutes. Turn the burner
under the bird to low after 1
hour. Make sure that the
sides of the foil are open.

Allow the chicken to cook
two to two and a half hours,
depending on the size of. the'
bird. Make sure at least a
quarter inch of liquid is in
the bottom of the foil inside
the pan. Add water if it gets
dry. When the chicken is
done (test with a thermome-
ter or insert a knife which
should slide in almost by
itself) take the bird off the.
fire. Cover and let sit for 15

Use a very sharp knife to'
carve the bird into large,
thin slices. Spoon the juice
from the bottom of the pan'
and pour over each slice on
the platter. The juice may
also be used for flavoring for
gravy as rice and gravy are:
almost a must with this
meal. Serve immediately. '

To make turkey: soak it
in brine made with 4 lb. of
rock salt, water, and 1 bottle
of honey. Soak for three
hours; remove and rinse.
Apply spices, etc. as above.

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pn.bo [v CHUCK ADA.MS
The "Four Musketeers" of Nease girls soccer, from left, Lauren
Crossan, Nikki Lombardo, Jamie Silverberg and Erin Hoover.

Girls sign soccer letters
Crossan, Nikki ~~~lopbro ameSebegadEIn Hover

Four. Nease High seniors
who helped the Panthers to a'
pair of state titles in girls soc-
cer are heading.in different
directions. .
.Lauren 'Crossan,. Erin
Hoover, Nikki Lombardo and
Jamie Silverberg, all four-year
Nease starters, signed letters
of intent March 21 to attend
Division I colleges.
'Crossan will be heading to'
Georgia Southern; Hoover to
Stetson University;
Lombardo to' Western
Carolina University, and
Silverberg to, Western
Kentucky" University,
...,When y6u see one, you
see four, and when you see
four, you see one,' said Dave
Silverberg, Nease soccer.
coach and Jamie Silverberg's
"They've been playing. on
and off together;for so long.
It's fitting the start to their
new chapter begins [togeth-
er] today."
Jamle' Silverberg will be'
reunited with her' sister
Jenna, who will be a senior
next year ''at Western
Kentucky, where she captains
the women's soccer team.
"The people there are just
so nice," -said the youngest
Silverberg. "The coach [Jason
Neidell] is awesome."
Hoover, a member of the


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Nease International
Baccalaureate program who
carries a 4.58 weighted grade
point average, chose Stetson
because it "is a very academi-
cally strong school. I wanted
to stay in Florida for the
Bright Futures scholarships."
Crossan, who scored both
goals in Nease's 2-0 state
semifinal win overPensacqla
Washington Feb. i0, chose
Georgia Southern.: -
"They really wanted me,
and I was looking for a place
where I'd be a really' big part
of the team, somewhere
where I'd come in,really early
and start," she said.
Lombardo said she fell in
love with Western.'Carolina
when she went up for her -
official visit.
"I really think the schools i
one of the most beautiful I've'
ever seen. Their soccer pro-'
gram is very stroAg, as well as
their academics," she added.,
Lombardo, and Crossa '
aren't done .seeing, each,
another, though., Theit
respective colleges are. in the
.Southern Conference.
"That will -be '.pretty hifn,".
said Lombardo of the.
prospect of seeing her former
teammate on the other side
of the field.
"[It will be a] different
experience than I'm normally'
used to, but itfs going to be a
friendly competition.".

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OnYou Fashion Consignments

Boutique with Stylish Savings

The second you step in to
OnYou Fashion Consignments,
you may think you've entered
the wrong store.
You find yourself in an
upscale-looking boutique and
figure there's no way this is a
consignment shop, especially
when you see attractive dis- &P... -
plays of stylish clothing, shoes, A 'M
jewelry and accessories and :
experience top shelf customer
service. ... 1'..
Yes, ladies, this is, a place
were 'ou can actually coordi-
nate an entire OUTFIT! And we
all know what a find that is for
our busy schedules! j
Celebrating its. one-year i/
anniversary in April, OnYou
Fashion Consignments offers a
wide array of unique and clas-
sic fashions for every woman's.
needs., Here, ,you can. shop .. ..
casual, career, after. 5, materni- --
ty (and., everything, else to go,
with it)' and enjoy expert con-
sultation to build a wardrobe
that fits your style.
OnYou is owned and operat- With their motto "if it looks
ed by a mother-and-daughter- Donna Odum (left) and Jean
in-daw teamwho for nearly 20'
'ears has shared, a passion for rience at their consignment s
good clothes and classic styles.
It was, only a'matter of time before the two brought their
idea to life. ,
"We've always wanted to open a shop to sell quality,
affordable clothes that stand among seasons of passing
trends and fads," said Donna Odum, the mother part of the
in-law team.
"We thought, 'wouldn't it be great to operate. ladies',
consignment shop that looks and feels like a retail boutique.,,
with personal service, designer fixtures and quality' items?'I
added daughter-in-law, Jeanelle Odum. "And OnYou was,
born." c u ,
Taking a cue from their talent in turning second-hand
and handmade items into first-class uses, the entire family
pitched in to create this unique consignment concept.
"Everything from the fixtures designed and construct-
ed by my husband Darren to the painted antique gun
display-turned-jewelry case restored by, my dad, Joe
Brychta comes together to create an inviting place to
shop," said Jeanelle.
And inviting is the key. OnYou Fashion Consignments
features classic, fun and stylish clothes and accessories to"
outfit there's that magic word again every one of your.
fashion roles, at a fraction of full retail cost. "But we're
more than just racks of apparel!" says Jeanelle. "We're here
to help you find your personal style by choosing clothes
ia Af cce'ssories that-it vyourtlbdy, y ttielaraloyounbiagno
"While you're here, we want you to feel comfortable,"
she added. "So come browse while the kids play in the
video and toy room and grab a cup of coffee or glass of wine
and enjoy a relaxing shopping experience." :
Jeanelle and Donna also want you to feel special. That's'
why they dffer periodic make-up parties, wine-tastings,
fashion shows and other special events at OnYou Fashion
Consignments. '
The shop caters to all shapes and sizes. "You don't have
to be a super model to wear your clothes well," said
Jeanelle. "Women gloriously come in every shape and size,
and that's why at OnYou Fashion Consignments we're dili-
gent about stocking our inventory from size 2 to 22."

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s good, it's OnYou!"- OnYou Fashion Consignments owners
elle Odum are ready to make your shopping and selling 'expe-
shop a fun, welcoming and personalized experience.
OnYou is equally diligent about choosing items you can
, wear to enhance or minimize your unique -features, she
At' OnYou Fashion Consignments, you can build your
wardrobe choosing from a large selection of name brands,'
sizes and trends from stores not necessarily 'found in
Jacksonville, since many consignors come from and shop in
other parts of the country. The shop offers all the .cnven-
ience of off-the-rack shoppi ng in a personal, friendly atmos-
ph ere. :. -' ... . "
SUnfamiliar with consignment shopping? Jeanelle and
Donna will set yiouat ease. "Shopping consignment is 'fun!'
said Tfeanelle. It's a fabulous way to build your wardrobe or
try a trend on for size without breaking the bank."
Generally marked one-third off retail, consignment shop-
pers at OnYou peruse up-to-date, used fashion items (and
timeless classics that are clean and in good repair. For.
example, you could find a Coach handbag for less than $75,
a brand name suit for less than $60, shoes and jeans for as
little as $10 and fashion jewelry for $4-and less.
For both novice and experienced shoppers,' Jeanelle and
Donna offer useful shopping tips. "Come looking for some-
'thing specific, but be prepared to leave with unexpected
deals," says Jeanelle. "Also, shop your normal size, the size
below and the size above because different designers have
diffe as19bo^,iz :,stggadards." .
Donna suggests you seek advice.r She says, "Don't be bash-
ful ask for help! That's why we're here." Thanks to rec-
onunendations from Jeanelle and Donna, youmay learn
new fashion pointers and try on styles you haven't consid-
ered before.
OnYou Fashion Consignments is located at 14333-40
Beach Blvd., just across the Intracoastal Waterway behind.
Starbucks at Beach Boulevard and San Pablo Road. Hours
are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday and 11 a.m.
to. 4 p.m. Sunday. .The shop is closed Monday. All major
credit cards, checks and cash are accepted. For more infor-
mation, call OnYou Fashion Consignments at 223-SHOP
1223-7467), e-mail info'shoponyou.com or visit their Web
site at wwsv.shoponyou.com.


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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 1 IA

h 29 2006



To 11 U i M F.- III:

*Page 12A The Beaches Leader.Ponte Vedra Leader March 29, 2006



The annual Nease Golden
Panther Booster Club fundrais-
er, which will include live and
silent auctions, will be held 6
p.m. to 9 p.m. April 3 at the
Plantation. The live auction
starts at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are
A golf tournament starts at
noon on the Plantation course.
Entry fees are $125 per person
and $450 for a foursome.
A ladies round robin doubles
tennis tournament will be held
1 p.m. to 3 p.m. The fee is $30.
The booster club, headed by
Greg Brooks, can be reached at
neaseboosters@aol.com. Brooks
[904-382-6367] and Ellie
Mitrakos, [904-819-83241 are
the event's contacts.

Landrum. eighth grader
Chase Hamilton was the third-
place winner for eighth grade
in the St. Johns County
Geography Bee, held March 16
at Sebastian Middle School in
St. Augustine.
Students were grouped by
age level, from sLxth through
eighth grades, and competed
against each other through five
subject rounds. The top three
in each grade level competed to
be the overall winner.
Seth Campbell, a Gamble
Rogers seventh grader, was
named overall winner.
A tryout clinic for next year's
Nease Pantherettes dance team
continues today and Thursday
in the high school's gyrnnasi-
um, with the final tryout at
3:15 p.m. Thursday. Nease
cheerleading tryouts will be
held April 3-6.
Nease junior and senior girls
Nease juror and senior girls

have until Friday to sign up for
Powder Puff football.
Registration forms are available
in the high school's media cen-
The Powder Puff game will
be played April 26 in Panther
The Miss Nease pageant will
be held at 7 p.m. Saturday" in
the high school's Performing
Arts Center.
Ocean Palms holds its annu-
al gardening day Sunday from
1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Volunteer
assistance will be appreciated.
Nease volunteers will be
feted noon to 2 p.m. April 5 at
a luncheon hosted by the high
school's administration, faculty
and staff.
Landrum Middle School vol-
unteers are invited to a tea
luncheon from 11:30 a.m. to 1
p.m. April 21 at the middle
school. Volunteers are asked to
RSVP to Charron Unlauf at
umlaufc@stjohns.kl2.fl,us or at
Rawlings will collect dona-
tions for Goodwill April 20-21.
Each student who brings in a
donation receives a certificate
for a free kids meal at Firehouse
Subs. Schools with the most
donations receive a Radio
Disney party.

Ocean Palms' spring family
Kin night will be held April 21
at the Landrum Lane elemen-
tary school. Dinner for the
event will be catered by
Outback Steakhouse.

Parents of fifth graders who
will attend Landrum next year
are invited to attend parent
night April 25 and April 27 at
the middle school. The two get-
acquainted sessions will run
from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m
The election of officers and
student council members for
the Nease class of 2006-2007 is
under way. Criteria to run for
office includes good leadership
and teamwork skills, as well as
a 2.5 weighted grade point
Elections will be held during
first-period homeroom May 4.
The last class day for seniors
at Nease High School is May 5.
The occasion will be observed
with a breakfast, videos and a
picnic. Senior exam week is
May 8-12.
The baccalaureate service
will be start at 6:30 p.m. Maly
16 at Christ Episcopal Church
in Ponte Vedra Beach. Senior
awards night w-ill be held 6
p.m. May 18 in the Nease
Performing Arts Center.
Graduation is at 6:30 p.m.
May 19 at the University of
North Florida arena, with each
senior receiving 10 tickets.
Sixty new courses have been
added to the St. Johns County
School District's high school
course catalog. Among the new
courses are two-dimensional
art, computer technology,
exceptional student education
classes, business English,
debate, commercial foods and
culinary arts. and dual enroll-
ment engineering.

photos by TAMI GATES
Doreen Halvorsen's kindergartners, the cast of "The Great Kapok Tree" (below), pose on stage at
Ponte Vedra-Palm Valley Elementary School Tuesday, when they performed for the other kinder-
garten classes. The story about the Amazon rainforest starred many costumed critters, such as
Amanda Paige the bee (above). The cast will perform at 7 p.m. Thursday at the school for friends
and family.

SPets lost or found? Look in

Sthe classified of

SThe Leader they may be there!

The Beaches Leader, Ponte Vedra Leader Inside

SI* Fishing Leader B-2
Rex Edmondson B-3
S r* Players Championship B-4
March 29, 2006

Ames tames Sawgrass for Players win

Golf's big guns fade

down stretch Sunday

Pr.'c- r., ROB1 E.-riGELO
Players champion Stephen Ames celebrates his victory after clinching the title on the 18th green Sunday. Ames, a native of Trinidad
now living in Canada, shot a 5-under par 67 in the final round to claim ite 2006 title by six shots over runner-up letief Goosen.

Ponte Vedrans cannot keep

crystal trophy from leaving

Golf's big guns mostly hied
blanks in the final round of The
Players Championship Sunday,
but unheralded Stephen Ames
breezed through the Stadium
Course firing a 5-under par 67
to secure the crystal trophy.
The 41-year-old Trinidad
native, who now lives in
Canada, turned his one-stroke
Saturday night lead into a si.--
shot victory as any and all chal-
lengers melt-
ed away. Some
of the sport's
biggest names
succumbed to This is b
the tricky characterizE
setup at
Sawgrass on fifth major.
Sunday. \ iay
Singh and top players
Sergio Garcia,
both a stroke
behind Ames
as the final --- S"p
round began, .92O ,t
combined to
shoot 11 -over par and tumbled
from contention early. Ernie Els
mounted a charge with four
birdies on the front nine to
climb to within two shots of the
lead but bogeys on 14 and 15,
plus a double bogey on 1" left
the big South African frustrated
with his finish.
Retief Goosen made a late
suige but bogeys on 13 and 15
left hini too far behind
For Ames, however, the pin
placements and slippery greens
that bedeviled marquee players
throughout the tournament
presented few problems. On
Sunday, Ames found trouble
only once a plugged lie in a
greenside bunker at the 10th
hole that led to a double bogey
and allowed Els to get to within
tw o *..-- -- '
Ames rebounded nicely with
birdies on two of the next three
holes and again built his lead to
five shots.
"Just a typical practice round
right here," Ames joked of
shooting a final round 67. "This
is big. This is characterized as
the fifth major. I beat the top
players in the world."
Runner-up Retief Goosen,
playing three groups ahead of
the leader, was pleased with



birdies at 16 and IS but said he
knew it was too little too late.
"[Ames]] played unbelievably
It w'as pretty close at one stage
but lie played awesome."
Goosen said. "He ran away with
it at the end."
The newly-crownted Players
champion briefly stunned
reporters by indicating he
might skip next month's
Masters to honor a vacation
commitment with his family. "I
have no plans to play at
Augusta," said Ames, whose
wife Jodi was
with cancer in
May of 2005
g. This is and had half a
Ad as the lung removed
d as last July. "I'd
I beat the rather go on
vacation to be
n the world. truthful. It's a
chance for us
to spend some
quality time
en Ames together. My
- ;hCn.i~ior, priorities have
always been
my family."
But by Monday Ames
reversed field and told a
Toronto radio station he will
indeed play in the Masters.
"It was something I had to
talk to my family about before I
made that decision," hlie said.
While the Tournament
Players Club flummoxed many\
of golf's veterans throughout
the weekend, at least one rookie
rose to the occasion. Flashy for-
mer University of Florida star
Camilo Villegas shot a final
round 71 to land in a tie for
third with Pat Perez, lim Furyk,
and Henrik Stenson. \illegas,
who began the week listed as
first alternate for the Players,
gained entry into the tourna-
ment when former Gator Chris
DeN Marco withdrew because of a
rib injury suffered while skiing.
The third place showing was
somewhat bittersweet for the
Columbian, however, because it
moved him up to No. 11 on the
money list, one slot shy of earn-
ing a spot in the Masters.
"I gave it my best and it looks
like it's not going to happen,"
said Villegas, masking his disap-
pointment. "Hopetully, there
will be plenty of Masters for me
in the future."

For a while it seemed the Waterford
Crystal might stay in Ponte Vedra Beach.
Area residents Vijay Singh, Jim Furyk
and 2005 champion Fred Funk were all in
the hunt as play began Sunday in the final
round of The Players Championship.
Singh, at 8-under, was just one shot
behind third round leader Stephen Ames.

Furyk, who led The Players after the first
and second rounds, had a bogey-plagued
75 on Saturday but was still just four
strokes off the lead. And Funk, at 3-under,
was still lurking on the leaderboard as play
began Sunday.
A disastrous front nine knocked Singh
from contention quickly. Three bogeys on
his fist five holes and double bogey on the
9th dropped the Fijian to 1-under. A pair
of birdies on the back nine was offset by
two bogeys and Singh finished 5-over for

Ponte Vedra Beach's Jim Furyk chips
toward the 18th green during the
opening round of The Players
Championship last Thursday. Furyk led
the event for the first two rounds but
finished in a four-way tie for third.


the day.
Furvk, meanwhile, rebounded to shoot
an even par 72 in the final round to finish
in a four-way tie for third. The 35-year-old
was pleased with his round and happy
things didn't spiral completely out of con-
trol Saturday, as they did in the second
round for playing partner Davis Love Ill.
Love and Furyk both had terrific open-
ing rounds Thursday amidst dreary, wet
conditions. Playing in the same group,
each carded a "-under 65 to share the lead.
On Friday, however, while Furyk main-
tained his steady pace and even stretched
his lead by a stroke to 8-under, Love was a
truly dreadful 17 shots worse than the pre-
-ious day. Love's round of 83 dropped him
99 places in the standings and the Georgia
native missed the cut.
A similar fate befell 2004 Players cham-
pion Adam Scott. The 25-year-old
Australian, who had climbed to within
one stroke of the lead at 7-under on Friday,
shot a woeful 82 in the third round to
plummet down the leaderboard..
On Saturday, it was Furvk who found
trouble all over the Stadium Course but
managed to avoid a Love-like implosion
with some nifty par saves and a stellar
short game.
"This golf course can be severe," the
Ponte Vedra resident said. "The greens
were playing as difficult as I've ever seen
them and the weather wasn't even that
bad. I think there were times in my round
Saturday that I could really have put up a
big number, but I didn't and managed to
keep it together even though I wasn't play-
ing well."
Like many before him Sunday, Funk
found the Stadium Course exceptionally
difficult to navigate. Five bogeys led to a 2-
over par 74 and a tie for 16th place. Still,
given the distractions, commitments and
media attention that goes with being the
defending Players champion, Funk's four
days weren't all that bad.
After handing the crystal trophy to this
year's champion Stephen Ames during a
greenside ceremony at the 18th, Funk said
the course took its toll on most of the
"It just shows how tough it can be out
here. If you're even a little bit off, it's real-
ly difficult to score," he said. "The golf
course 'played extremely hard over the

Tiger Woods reacts with frustration after missing a birdie oppor-
tunity at the seventh hole Sunday. Woods shot a final round 75
to finish in a tie for 22nd at 1-over par.

Page 2B The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader March 29, 2006


Cold wind slows down the big catches

A cold wind roughed up
/_ both the ocean and the
JLriver last week slowing all
fishing considerably.
On Thursday the muddy
water surrounding the Jax,
Beach Pier cleared up and poles
began to bend. Whiting,
sheepshead, redbass, drum and.
pompano came over the rail in
a hurry.
Veteran angler Mike Young-
blood caught 67 whiting and a
14-inch pompano. Michael
Mullins cleaned a 6.5-pound
sheepshead. Tom Williams had
an 11-pound drum and a four-
pound pompano in his cooler.
Jason Ogden, Jordan Harris,
Hank Hugnenin and John
Humphrey were others who
had significant catches of whit-
ing, sheepshead and pompano.
Jetty guide Fred Morrow
entertained Tom Forbess and
his son Major last Tuesday
morning. They caught 24
sheepshead up to eight pounds.
On Thursday Capt. Fred and
friends Mike Prentice and Nick
Giesham fished the rocks for 34
Getting offshore last week'
was tough but Capt. George
Strate had anxious and ready to


go anglers on Tuesday aboard
the "Mayport Princess." They
fished in 69 degree water 30
miles offshore returning with
10 snapper to 12 pounds and.
coolers filled with beeliners.
On Wednesday canal guide
John Dyrssen and. Dwight
Hibbard used finger mullet and
live shrimp under a cork and
caught eight redbass to seven
pounds and seven trout to 16
James Gergley and his friend
John' out of B&M 'Bait and
Tackle last Monday used jigs
and live 'shrimp back in the
canal and Caught 18 redbass to
30 inches, eight flounder, a

sheepshead and a trout.
On Wednesday James and
Gary James teamed up aboard
the "Head Hunter" for 17 red-
bass to eight pounds, four
flounder and several trout.
Capt. George Bull and his
friend Steve Danzig fished sever-
al secret spots near Nassau
Sound last Friday and caught 10
redbass, two trout and a floun-
der. All were caught on jigs and
live shrimp.
Capt. Dave Sipler, with Jim
Finn and their friend Bob, put
their jigs and live shrimp along
the river ,bank and netted 25
trout to three pounds and four
sheepshead to six pounds.
Capt Kirk 'Waltz with his
guests, on the "Enterprise" over
the weekend caught 12 redbass,
12 trout and two flounder. All
caught on jigs and live shrimp.
On another trip Capt. Kirk
fished with Leerie Jenkins in the
canal using jigs and live shrimp
and caught 13 redbass, six
flounder, 11 trout and a sheeps-
head. '
On Sunday Capt. Kirk and Jim
Cunningham fished the big jet-
ties and caught 14 sheepshead,
seven redbass, two ringtails and
a four-pound speckled trout.
Good Fishing.

Pnoto suomined
Ann Lafort caught these two big snapper on a recent trip offshore aboard the "Sea Dancer" with
Captain Dennis Young. One snapper weighed 17 pounds and the. other 23 pounds.

Ty Purgason, left, and
Roy Cox with Ty's first
wahoo this year. The
fish was caught on a
trip March 12.

S Photo submitted
Young Jordan Harris with his four and a half pound sheepshead caught last week from the
Jacksonville Beach Pier.

PhIr.ic su.mlrlrn

This week's his-
tory picture fea-
tures 10-year-
old Chris
MacCulley, 14-
year-old Mike
Weaver and 12-
year-old David
Weaver on the
B.E. with 35-
year-old John
Campbell. They
caught 16 kings
chumming off
the Gate Station
in 1973. They
got their chum
from Captain
Gerald Pack on
his shrimp boat,
"Miss Becky."

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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

Page 3B


h' he last of the "old-time"
Players Championships
"finally went out with a
M bang Sunday after a rather
ho-hum three days.
Until Canadian Stephen
Ames finished the last round
Swith a bang-bang 67 that
: '" ." buried his closest chasers to
win by six shots, the closest
thing to a big story was the
Titanic collapse of Davis Love
III, the first round co-leader
who went on to miss the cut.
Hours before Ames claimed
the 2006 Players title, in a
-conersation with Brian.
Goin, who is the executive
director of The Players
Championship (not executive
director of the,"TPC"), it was
agreed that Love had fur-
nished the media and fans
with the biggest story and he
wasn't even on the course
any longer.
Love's collapse and the
Photo by ROB DeANGELO return of Tiger Woods from a
2006 Players champion Stephen Ames gets ready to tap in his 'family visitto California were
final par putt-on the 18th green Sunday. the prime topics of discussion

i .-


early. It wasn't considered a :
big story that defending ,,
champion and Ponte Vedra
favorite son Fred Funk slipped
in his quest to repeat all the
way to a tie for seventh place
with two self-destructing.
.rounds of 74. That was no big
news. The curse of the TPC
Stadium Course had just
claimed another defending
SNor was thefailed effort of
another local fase, V'ijay

Singh, who killed his chances
Sunday with a 77 or yet
another local, Jim Furyk, who
might have had a chance to
derail Ames but for a jolting
75 on Saturday, considered
big news.
No, until Ames made his
amazing Sunday finish, the
big stories were Love's abrupt
departure from the scene and
the failed try by Tiger Woods,
who dropped down to a tie
for 22nd place. The strain of
his trip and an ill father
could account for Woods'
mental break, but other
favorites just had a time deal-
ing with the tough Stadium
Course even on a brilliant
day. .
"We can't complain about
the weather today," Goin said
Sunday. "This is' the kind of
day and conditions we hope
for when we go to May next
year. An. after last Thursday's
messy rain and last year's
weather,- today is just all we
could hope for."
'Ames deserved his victory.

In utter frustration he had
chased winner Craig Perks all
the way to the end four years
ago only to come up empty.
Since then. the Trinidad
native had found frustration
in almost every meet, having
only a seventh-place finish in
the Honda to show for his
year's work.
This time Ames and his "lit-
tle' brother, 33-year-old
,Robert, who does his caddy-
ing and usually second-guess-
ing, pushed the right buttons
and left the field with egg on
their foes' red faces. Stephen
rightfully gave his younger
(by eight years) sibling a bear
hug, not to mention a
healthy check, for his four
days work.
The old saying, "Whom the
gods favor they first seem to
'destroy," or words to that
effect, never fit any Players
champion as much as they
did the Ames brothers on
Sunday the last time this
tournament will be contested
in March. A fitting finish.

Nease girls lacsse still learning

Southern hospitality was the
order of the evening Friday at
Panther, Stadium, where the
Nease girls lacrosse team gained
experience while losing to a
strong northern side, Cushing
of Massachusetts, 11-5.
The Nease girls are learning
by playing better competition.
And the Cushing girls benefit-
ted, too, hom an on-field period
of instruction given by Nease
coach Mindy McCord after the
game. :
NMcCord has served as a selec-
tor for the U.S. national lacrosse
team and its elite developmen-
tal squads. A national clinician
who coached at two colleges,
she directs and instructs camps
and clinics throughout the
Cushing was the second in a
series of three northern schools
McCord has scheduled. The
Panthers played St. Andrews of

Delaware even March 14 before
losing in double overtime 11-10.
Still to come is Shipley of Penn-
sylvania March 29.
The loss to Cushing dropped"
the Nease girls' record to 2-5. The
wins were against Lyman of
Orlando, 11-3 in the season
opener Feb. 17, and 8-7 at Flagler
Palm Coast March 9.
The Panthers held their own
against Cushing in the second
half. After leading 7-2 at half-'
time, Cushing increased its lead
to 10-2 at 14:04 of the second

Bud Beech Camps:
The Bud Beech Sumimer
Camps at Nease High School
begin NMay 22.
Ten weekly sessions are
available, most of which run
from Monday through ,
Thursday. The cost of each ses-
sion is $55 half day [9 a.m. to
noon or noon to 3 p.m.] or $95
extended day [9 a.m. until 3
Campers may choose the
morning camp that runs from
9 a.m. to noon and select'bas-
ketball, soccer, flag football or
dance/gymnnastics. The after-
noon camps run from noon to
3 p.m. and offer basketball or
cheerleading. .
For more information or an
application form, call 904-686-
4075 or email beechjr-@com-
Football Camp
The 2006 Coach Craig
Howard Football Camp, which
takes place May 22 through
May 25 from 9 a.m. until
noon, is for boys or girls
entering grades 3 through 8.
The four-day, non-padded
youth camp is designed for
young, energetic players .who
want to learn about football
and have fun. Cost is $85 and
includes a T-shirt.
For more information send
an e-mail to
with name and address to
receive a brochure.
Golf Instruction
Free golf instruction being
offered at the Jacksonville
Beach Golf Course. The free
adult new player clinic takes
place the third Saturday of
each month beginning at 4
On the fourth Saturday of

half. But Nease scored three of,
the game's final four goals and
stayed on the attack right to the
end. Two of its tallies came in
the last 2:15. "

, "Thev were trying to hold us,
but wve definitely got it down
and scored a few goals in the last
few minutes," said Casey
Francis, who led Nease with two
goals and one assist. "They have
a really strong defense. They use
a lot of body contact, which is
hard for the refs to call, but it's
still effective."
Jamie Shugrue and Alex
NMoroch were the primary
Cushing threats. Moroch led the
visitorss with five goals, four in
the first half, while Shugue
scored three.
Katels-nn n Racz, Jaryn
Thorndyke and Jess Gimbel
each scored once for the
Panthers, Racz on Francis' assist.
and Thorndyke assisted by Allie'
With Lancashire's sister and

each month will be a fiee.
class. for juniors (ages 6 to 17)
at 4 p.m.
Pre-registration is not nec-,
essary and equipment is
available for those who need
it. All classes are taught by
academy professionals Nicky
Martin, Mary Lyons. Cooper
Osborne and Sandy Suckling.
For more information'
phone 476-2603.

Junior Olympics
Skills Competition
Local youngsters between
the ages of 8 and 13 have the
opportunity to participate in
the U.S. Junior Olympic skills
competition presented by
Kellogg's Frosted Flakes.
This flee program allows
boys and girls, competing sep-
arately, to showcase abilities
in basketball, soccer, tennis
and track and field. The ten-
nis: and basketball portion of
the skills 'competition will be
hosted by Jacksonville Beach
Tennis on April 8 beginning
at 9 a.m.
For more information visit
usolympicteam.com or con-
tact Jim Watford at 247-6221.
North Florida United Soccer
Club is now forming true select
teams in this area. This is the
only true select club in north
Florida, which means partici-
pants cannot pay to play on the
team. All players are selected
based on performance and atti-
Teams are being formed in
the U-10 to U-17 age brackets.
More information is available at
on the web at
nfusoccerclub.com or by phon-
ing (904) 367-8311.
The First Coast Soccer

Nease's starting- goalkeeper
Chelsea out for the rest of the sea-
son with a fractured collarbone,
the Newton twins, Meghan and-
Michelle, shared the goal.'
Meghan played in net the first
half, Michelle the second. This is
the first year of lacrosse for both.
"It's actually the most fun I've
had in a long time," Meghan
Newton said of lacrosse, even
after allowing seven goals in her
"We definitely picked it up'
towards the end of the game,"
Michelle Newton said of her.
half, when Cushing scored four
times to Nease's three. "They
shot a lot of one-and-ones, and
those are nearly impossible to
save. But I made some."
"They're a good: team,"
Francis said of Cushing. "I
think, the first half, we had
lacked intensity. In the second
half we picked it. tip, we got
together. We were communicat-
ing well. We had rookie goalies,
but they dii an awesome job."
Katie Barry was the Cushing
'keeper. *
"She had a different tech-
nique than we're used to,"
Francis said of Barry. "She came
out pretty far. I think we weren't
used to that."
'Madi Febling, also in her first
year of playing lacrosse, has
learned the game well enough
to be one of six Panthers who.
will try out for: a high school
national team April 1 .at
Sebastian' River. 'Along, with
Fehling, those who will try out
are Francis, Kate O'Linn, Allie

Association's summer camp pro-
grams include: '
Camp 1 4v4 skills camp for
ages 9-12, June 5-7 from 6 p.m.
until 8 p.m.
Camp 2- Touch-up program
session for ages 5-10, June 12-14
from 9 a.m. until 11 a.m. ,' '
Camp 3--Touch-up program
session II for ages 5-10, July 31-
Aug. 2 from 9 a.m. until 11 a.m.
For more information visit
firstcoastsoccer.com or phone,
'Strollerfit exercise with
your baby. Outdoor classes
where mothers turn their
strollers into portable exercise
machines are taking place in
Atlantic Beach Thursdays and
Saturday, and Fort Caroline,
Mondays, Wednesdays and
Frida\s from 9:30 a.m. until
10:30 a.m. /
For more information phone
Siobhan Reigle at 997-8364 or
visit strollerfit.com/arlington.
.The Grom Surfing Associa-
tion [OSA] is now called JaxPier
Surf Camp and is still located at
2nd North. The contact num-
ber is 651-2843.
Application forms and dates
can be found on jaxpier.com.
JaxPier Surf Camp is the only
surf camp in the nation with a '
'live streaming camp, cam of the
children and young adults.
For information on the Groin
Surfing Series [GSS], call Charley
Hajek at 247-5538.
The Florida Surfing Association
offers advanced, professional and
intermediate amateur competi-
tions as well as surfing camps and
clinics. For more information,
visit the websitee at www.florida-
surfing.org or call (904) 626-9090.

Lancashire, Nicole Nadeau and
,Emily Howard.
No Nease girl hfas ever quali-
fied fbr 'the national team,
which will play in a tournament
to be held at Lehigh University.
"I like it a lot," Fehhng said of
lacrosse. "It's like a new experi-
Fehling defended against
Cushing's Shugrue and Moroch.
"They were really good, they
were really quick," she said of
the two attackers. "The way
they moved the ball, and theiL
stick skills, were really good.
And the way they passed. It was
really hard to keep up with
them and stay goalside and
watch the ball with them."
Fehling continued to see the
difference between northern
lacrosse and Florida lacrosse.
"You can definitely tell they
were raised playing lacrosse, like
with a stick in their hand," said
the Nease sophomore. "YouWan
,see the difference in the way
They play and the way they
move the ball. And that they've
been playing a lot longer than
we have down here."

Registration Opens April 1

Registration will open Apri
the annual Sandcastle Con
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Love's collapse and Ames' win

. were the best Players stories


March 29, 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

Scenes from The Players li


The worlds No.
1 ranked player,
Tiger Woods,
draws a crowd
wherever he
goes. Here
Woods tees off
on the 10th
hole Friday in
front of a huge
gallery that
would travel
with him
throughout the,

..........Photos by Rob Ano

Photos by Rob DeAngelo


Paraguay's Carlos
Franco reacts after
missing a short putt
at the 15th hole
Saturday during the
third round of The
Franco shot a four-
round total of 294 to.
finish in a tie for 45th

The Leader

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TRI-PLEX EAST ot Third SI Neptune
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Murphy Realty Corp. 536-9100.
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ICW, HOLIDAY Harbor, FSBO. Large lot,
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yard, all appliances stay. Tenent, occu-
pied. www.renljacKsonvlilebeach com
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End unit w/fenced yard. 3BR/2.5BA,
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Wood burning fireplace, screened porch
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Owner 477-0102.
FSBO S. Jax Bch,.. 2 houses, 3055sf
each, 5/4 & 4/3- 1.5, energy efficient, all
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vate lot, 6 blocks to Ocean. $340,000.
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FSBO, OPEN HOUSE, Sunday, 1pm-
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JAX BEACH 3BR/2BA, 2-car garage,
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SAWMILL LAKES, Brick beauty on lake &
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room, dining room. Fireplace. $649,900.
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South Africa's Retief Goosen follows his drive on the 18th hole
during Sunday's final round. Goosen, at 8-under par, finished as
runner-up to Players Championship winner Stephen Ames.

Spain's Sergio Garcia started the final round just one shot off
the lead but carded a 6-over 78 Sunday to fall into a tie for 14th

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2 car garage, new dock & bulkhead.
Rooms in both houses have great views of water!
$975,000 for each!
Call (904)403-3409

Paoe 4B




iMarhh 70 79006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

Beautiful "under construction" home in
gated community. 4 bedrooms plus bonus
room, large lot, 3 car garage and much
more. Offered at $795,000.
3BR/2BA home in San Pablo Creek. Spa-
cious floor plan, fenced backyard and
backing on to pond. Offered at $258,900.
1 BR/1 BA home, beautifully decorated and
with fireplace and screen room overlook-
ing the marsh. Offered at $159,500.
3BR/2BA beautifully remodeled home In
popular Villages of Pablo. New roof, new
tile and carpet, new stainless appliances
in kitchen, repainted inside and out.
Fenced, private backyard. Offered at
2BR/2BA home in Windsor Pointe. Up-
stairs unit, fireplace, berber carpet, vault-
ed ceiling, large master bedroom. Offered
at $158,900.
4BR/3BA newly constructed Mercedes
built home. Huge bonus room tooll Land-
scaped yard and a great floor plan. Of-
fered at $395.000.
3BR/2.5BA home. Outstanding coral rock
fireplace, granite counters, tongue and
grooved wood paneled ceilings, private
rear yard, great neighborhood and much,
Much more. Offered at $650.000.
Help-U-Sell Coastal Realty
335 Jacksonville Drive
Call: 904-241-4447
Free Weekly List

BEACH HOME. Located at 1404 Declara-,
tion Dr. This 3BR/2.5BA has too much to
list. Asking $349.000. Call (904)563-1516.
DUPLEX, 1ST St. Neptune Beach. 500FT
TO BEACH, (2) modern 2BR, 1BA w/
porch, Ig lot. $629,000. Will co-op. By
appt. 246-9331 or (cell) 607-4766.
NORTH JAX Beach. 3BR/2BA'w/pool, 10
blocks ocean, poolhouse, 76'x176' lot.
$369,900. Jay (904)219-0778.
3BR FORECLOSURE, ohly $28,0001 Must'
sell. For listings. 800-749-8124 ext. 1490.
FSBO. 10TH Ave. South,, Jax Beach.
3BR/1.5BA, fenced, carport. Refurbished,
like new. $390k. 398-0232.
1536sf, pool, FP, lakefront, $399K,
607-1030. .
FSBO AS Is House & 80'x115' lot, 5
blocks to beach, 1126.5th Street North.
$299k, 553-7203.

SOUTH JAX Beach 2BR,2BA Town-
house Lovely neighborhood 416 36th
Ave. $279 900 1904|1613-9896 www.own-
ers.com. IDTMW9867
countertops, 1250sf. Fireplace, 1-car ga-
rage community pbool. Walk to Ocean.
5.269.000. 463-0505
nouse & 75x138 loi 501 Oceanwood Dr.
$259900 19041887-7669
ATLANTIC BEACH. 1861 Beacnside
Coun. 1 block Io Ocean 3BR'2BA on cul.
de .ac lovely neighborhood. 5649,000.
19041249-2268, 1904)651-9081
Si 3BR'2BA. New CH&A. hardwood
loor,s. 12'x24' enclosed porch. Large loi.
$194 000 318.2900, 742-6227.
Beach.Townhomes: less than 6 blocks
to the beach- 1602 square feet.
3BR/2.5BA garage $394,000 Call John
Wolfel. Licensed R/E Broker 699 8887.
South Jax Beach. Beautiful Townhome
less than 8 blocks to the beach-
1884st. 3BR/2.5BA. 2 car garage.
$359,000 Call John Wolfel, Licensed
R/E ;Broker- o. (904)69988878.
www.elitehomesfl..pm w o..-' ''
HEWER CUSTOM buill private, ocean-
Sironi nome wilh. high dune 'views o l tre
ocean and iniracoasial Waierway. Approx
4453. sl 5BR'4 5BA. den,' once. ille and
hardwoo'3 Iloors formal living and dining.
pooi and spa. screened lanai with hol uj,.
luIsh land.'ap'in' and loaded $2 750,000.
Phnyilr Siair.'s, 904-476-SOLO RE.MAX
Coastal Real Estate. www:pstaines.com
SUNDAY, 12noon-4pm. 620 Paradise
Court, Atlantic Beach. 3BR/2BA.
$284,500. 803-3260.
hardwood floors, 4 blocks to Beach. Lot,
70'x100' 412 South Street $399.000.
McGuire Mongage, 246-9915
NEAR MAYO CInc.c, off San PaDio
3BR,'2BA 2-car remodeled $315.000 In-
dapenderni Brokers 710-3111
SAN MARCO Charmer Remodeled 2BR
+den. New: Kitchen, bath, CH&A & win-
dows. Large corner loi w/double garage..
Will co-op. $219K Owner/- Broker..
PVB, 3BR/2BA +den, gated community,
comm. pool. $389,900 or rent $1800/mo.
(904)273-9549. .
119 37th AVE. SOUTH
Newly renovated. 3BR/2BA; vaulted ceil-
ings, 50x123 lot. New roof, HVAC. Hard-
wood floors, new kitchen, all appliances.
2-car garage.
$795,000 536-8268

FSBO, 1011 23rd St. N., JB, 3BR/2BA,
2 story, pool, fenced yard. 783-4600.
FSBO. NEW Construction, 17th Ave.
South, Jax Beach. Unique location, next to
park with Oceanuiews. 3BR/3.5BA, 3
floors, with decks on 2nd & 3rd floors. Too
many amenities to include. Buy. now &
pick colors & flooring. Call (904)472-4753,
ask for David. $595,000. Completion in
July. Will co-op.
EAST OF 3rd Duplex. 215 8th Ave. North.
$625,000. 241-8269. Zoned C-1.
FSBO. 2BR/2BA, Key West style cottage.
1340sf. Lot, 65'x102'. 391 Main St. A.B.
241-8967. Reduced $219,000, as is. by
appt only.
1935sf. Only $494,500. (904)472-4039.
course and. water view, pool, $428,900.
Pictures @ http://infotube.net/136118.
views! Beautifully remodeled entertaining
home. $1.095.000 Murphy Realty Corp.
SOUTHSIDE OFF Bellon Brick home
3BR 2BA. 1895sI. Duill 1987.many up-
grades $292.500. Independent Brokers

Saturday & Sunday. FSBO. Ocean Palms
2000si & year 3BR.2BA. Premium lake.:
tront. New carpet, ile appliances par'ti
Must see $468k (3521283-3690.
'Homes condos, townhouses duplexes
$150,000 and up All areas Lel me
negotiate lower prices by being your buy-'
ers agent. Many years of experience.
Kay. Hewings, Magnolia" Propenies
Go to: jaxbesltomes corn for details, or
call 247-4442 '
3BR/2BA 2151sr 2 car garage. gated
'comm. HW & tiled floors, open floor plan
SS appliances, Ig laundry -oom Many up.
grades. Won't last long! Call
(904)859 5754 1463 Blue Heron Ln E
$454.900 I

vaite seller $299.900 A1A Realty Serv-
ices, inc. (904;249-8855
PVB $219K. galed. 2'2 condo. lanal
firepl. lop IIr. premo pool and lake view
bcn access, 5 Star ameniles. Unit 107
nexi to clubhse AA close to TPC & JTB
FSBO (904 1338.4137.
PONTE VEDRA Beach Renovaled In'oul
Up-scale beach access Amenities Open
House Saturday. Sunday, 2.4pm Call
New consliuction 2BRt2BA Concierge
spa, pool. San Marco style See at
www.valencoacondos.com. Asking
$404,900 fDiscounteat 904-616-7975
JAX BEACH- Beacn Terraces. Ocean
views! Like new luxury condo. $849.000
Murpry Realty Corp 536-9.100.
Lakeview. Fireplace. Newi Save $14k ihis
week! No condo lees 1 year ino pics..
727-458-4230, $218K FSBO Must Seel
2BR 1.5BA lownnome. Just steps Irom rnre.
river across from the pool. Newly remod-
eled., WDHU, CH.A, alarm sysi Close to
downtown. $132.000 possiDie lease op-
lion. 571-1112

JAX BEACH Ihe only available 2nd Floor
condo lacing toward ocean on 2nd Street,
553sl. nice, $175 000 19041608-4725
PONTE VEDRA Ocean Links Isl Floor.
1BR.1BA screened porch. lagoontgoil
view, clubhouse. pool, exercise room
FSBO $180,000. 285-6440
upgrades 1200sf. 911 ceilings w'fans.
walk-in closely. kitchen appliances.
wasner'dryer. terrace. hIreplace. garage
Security system FSBO $225.500
Beach & Historic downtown & Fernadina
Beach'. Two furnished models 2 & 3BR.
Prices start at $185,900. Call lor more in-
Help U Sell Coastal Really
OCEANFRONT- S Jax Beach Never
lived-in, 3rd floor unit in the Watermark.
3BR,3BA 2310s. $1.1t 75.000 Wemer Re-
airy Corp 1904)249-8443 x106 ,
PONTE VEDRA Bch, 1-mile from ocean.
Grand Cay Villas, beautiful 2BR/1 BA,
hardwood and ceramic floors, screened
patio, all Ihe extras, $194.000.
1843)338.3482. .
JAX BEACH. Jardin. 3.2, 1500sf garage
$263K. Owner' Broker Call Renee L.
Baron Inc 19041242-2821
1BR/1BA. 546s1. I-led throughout, new ap-
pliances, AC. gated ground floor. Golf'
course view $138.900. 1904)608-1730.
3BR/3BA, fully furnished or unfurnished.
3rd floor, overlooks marina & intracoastal.
"The Cortez", 2050sf. $625,000.
60' boat slip $145,000.
Phase I, 3BR, den, 2420sf. $775,000.
50' Deal b lip $215,000 ,
1176sf., large 2BR/2BA, fully furnished or
unlurnmshed isi floor,, walk out to the
beach $575 000
2BR/2BA tulyv lurnosned, great deck, ga-
rage parking. Beautilui unit $605,000.
2BR, Den, 1892sl $980,000
www.rentlacksonvillebeach corn
CALL 241-0267 OWNER

Maple cabinets, granite, tops, hardwood
floors throughout, upgraded fixtures, stain-
less appliances, preserve view, 3rd floor.
$209,900. Broker/owner. 614-7777.
PRIVATE BEACH Access. 2BR/2BA, fur-
nished, 1st floor, fully renovated. Steps to
garage. $242,000. 537-4083.

RENT. VS. Ownll What makes more
sense?? Brand new office condos, con-
crete construction, at the beach, starting
at $130,000. Let us show you the differ-
ence. You can own your own office. Call
Mark at The Dilworth Realty Group of
Vanguard GMAC. 591-6976.

2BR/1.5BA. Freshly painted, New carpet
upstairs, ceramic tile downstairs, WDHU,
CH&A. $745/mo+ $500 deposit. 718 Cav-
alla Rd. Call 655-1534.
NORTH JAX Beach. Efficiency, $495/mo.
1BR, $595/mo. 2BR, $695/mo. 1 block to
Ocean. Pool. No pets, 249-5368.
2BR/1BA JAX BEACH newly renovated
w/washer/ dryer, quiet area, available
now. $875/mo + deposit. 201 N. 9th St.
246-9162 (3#) -,
2BR/1.5BA,-TILE floors, CH&A, fenced
backyard. StoSve, fridge, dishwasher.
Credit :neC:k $800 mc. 688-259-0783.
EAST OF 1st Streel. Ocean Views!
2BR.1BA, 2 car garage WDHU. il Palm
3i,, rlepiune Bch 1500 mo 2-17.672-
382-8259. .
.,'AX BEACH. 1 block to ocean,
.3BR 1 5BA. CH&A. WDHU patio & balco-
n/ $3.350 mo -$900deap 520 S. 2nd St.
(904i280.2728 msg

JAX BEACH, 4 Blocks to Ocean.
IBR'IBA Apariment $550'mo 220 4th
Shteet So 19041891.0606. i352|4.'8-2161
2BR.'2BA. CH&A WDHU $775.mo $700
deposit i1157 Songoird Lane. 280.2728
leave message
JAX BEACH, 1.5 blocks beach, 216 7th
Ave. S. 2BR/1 BA+ office, sunroom. w/d,
dishwasher, Pets OK. Fenced ;yard.
$1200/mo. 434-4626.

condo w/comm. pool & morel $900mo. Al-
so, 2BR/2BA w/garage. Convenient to
UNF. $1100/mo.. All. South Realty,
NEAR PONTE Vedra 1 block beach. Best
area, quite, safe residential neighborhood.
2BR/1 BA, lower duplex, new carpet, tile &
paint. .CH&A, washer/ dryer included, no
smoking, no pets. $980/m6., lease depos-
it. Available April 1st. 993-1118.
ATLANTIC BEACH. Main St. Duplex,
2BR/1BA,' screened porch, fireplace,
WDHU, CH&A, $750/mo. (904)891-0606,
or (352)478-2161. -
ATLANTIC BCH, 1700 Main St. 2/1, new
carpet, A/C,. washer hook-up, $495/mo
plus dep. No pets. 246-4098.
MOBILE HOMES. $500 to $550, on pri-
vate lots. Near Mayport Naval Station, no
dogs, 333-5579.
LARGE 1BR exceileni location. 2 plocKi.
to Ocean, very clean No pels $650'mo
642-1214 241-1219
IBR'iBA upper aparimeni. 211 North 81h
Street CH&A. no dogs 5625,'mo securiry
deposit 5350 Broker, Owner 249 8766
DUPLEX 2BR Upper unit near Ailani.c
Blvd & Han Brinde. No pels $650 mo
307-2841. 223-5211
2BR/1BA, 1200SF, washer'dryer. CH&A,
sunroom. large work room 1 block to
ocean $995 mo 904-1525-16-6
2BR 1 5BA lownnome beaches area par-
tially furnished, $800'mo plus sec daep
Call 241-8508
JAX BEACH Villas al Marsh Landng
Large 1BRilBA. lirepiace Pergo.
$900 mo 379-4288




We're almost

-'. Come See


1, 2 & 3 Bedroom

starting at $685

Walk to the Ocean,

Schools, & Shopping

* Clubhouse, 3 Pools, Balconies

(Corner of Penman & Seagate)


2/1 townhouse, W/D included, CH/A, ce-
ramic tile, approx. 900sf. 404 13th Ave S.,
Jax Bch. No pets. $825/mo, $825/sec.
dep. (904)343-9908

JAX BEACH. Premium Oceanview.
Renovated. Hardwood floors, Dish-
washer, CH&A. Studios, $650/mo.
1BR/1BA, $750/mo, $850/mo, $1000/mo.
(904)859-1301, 553-1354.

, Stockton...ATradition Since 1884

$ 750
$ 795
$ 900
$ Ini)
$2 60i)

801 Deerfield Lakes Mayport 2/2
1275 Bayshore Dr N Mayport 2/2
816 BeUlleza Ponte Vedra 1/1
116 Cranes Lake Ponte Vedra 2/2.5
1702 Villas of Marsh Landing Jax Beach 3/2
108 The Fountains Ponte Vedra 2/1.5
1027 Belleza Ponte Vedra 2/2
403 Tournament Road Ponte Vedta/Fairfield 2/2
125 The Fountains Ponte Vedra 3/2
810 Tournament Road Ponte Vedra/Fairfield 3/2
63 Trion Cove North Ponte Vedra/Sawgrass CC 3/2
3174 Merrill Blvd. Jax Beach 3/2
67 Fisherman Cove Ponte Vedra/Sawgrass CC 2/2
1604 Ocean Pond Court Jax Beach 3/2.5
90 Cat Road Ponte Vedra/Sawgrass 3/2
337 Charlemagne Fiddler's Marsh/PV 3/2 ',
4-448 Pebblebrook Dnoe lajRii.rbi.:,1. @ Glen Kcman 3/2
1971cGlenield Cr.-,.ing C St Jqhns Golf & CC 4/2.5.
33'-1 Lighihoue Pointe Lane Ja.\ Beach 3/3
2001 Windammrner Ln South Ponte Vedra 3/3.5 +ofc
637 Bonaire Circle la\ Beach/Ocean Ca% 4/2
529 Sunset Drive Ponte Vedra 3/2.5
534 -1Morningside Drive Ponte Vedra 4/2.5
109 Gardenia Aenue Ponie Vedra/Fairfield 4/2
3565 Ba\ Island Circle Ja.\ Beach/Ocean Ca\ 3/2 5+loft
211 Mira Vista JaV/Intracoastal 3/2
1 I"DeerCove Dr Marshlanding 4/2 5
910I Pre'ton Trail Ponie ,dra/Sa%,gras CC 3/2 5
606 Metropolitan Ja\ Beach 3/2
1316 Tunrtle Dunes Ct. South Ponte Vedra 5/4
4o S Berkmnan Plaza la\/Do', nilo-n Rierifront 2/2+loft
I 2'i0' Hunile. Manor Dr Ja\ Golf & Couno-r Club 5/4
Leftel9 i aI"10


$1350 The Founiains Ponte Vedra 3/2 17(111
$1-100 Beach Club Villas Sa% grass Beach Club Etf 600
$15i:.:i-' k "FiiS f,..a Vtr.,ISi'ECiALR P. E S Ponie Vedra 4/2.5 2100
iI SOi."' k The Retreat Ponte Vedra/Oceanfront 2/2 1600
$3600 191 12" Street i rmo nun i Adantic Beach 4/3 2600
$2000 Vista Del Mar Ja.\ Beach/Oceanside 3/2 1700
12400 17" .-e North \pool Ja.\ Beach 3/1.5 5i00
52400 4--1 4 La Reserve Circle Ponte Vedra/L'Atnum 2/2+office 1600
$2500/i k 562 Ponie Vedra Blvd Ponte Vedra 3/1.5 1700
$2500 22 Carnage Lane "/pool Satgrass/Countrn Club 2/2 ISOii
*i250(i',. 1. 72S Oceanfront Nept. Bch/Oceanfront 3/2 5 t.iai, rr, 2600
S2600 534 Mormrungside Dnve Ponte Vedra 4/2 5 2400
S2ii,'.-.. 2824 Coastal H\u Vilano Beach/Oceanrront 6/4 4000
" HI 114 BaiR H-ll Court Ponte Vedra/Fairtield 3/2 5 1 SOi
1291 i00 Jlnri,.,.yili HN iSf'IEiL RAT lVilano Beach/Oceanfront 3/2 2000
$3500 163 Sea Hammock Old Po iic Vfdia/Oce3afront 2/2+den 1800
$3500 The Cloister Adantic Beach 3/2 2001I
$390(0/ak 347 Ponte Vedra Blhd Oceanfront/Pool 3/35 260i0i
$40100 40 Berknman Plaza ja_.'Downito n Rjertronr 2/2i-loft 21100
$5500 19I31 Beach Aie 3momin i Adantic Beach 3/3 2400
."Other furnished properties also available
Daily, Weekly and Monthly."
Call today to book your next vacation!!
228 Ponte Vedra Park Dr. Suite 500
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
(904) 285-2882

MUST SALE 3BR/1BA,. close to schools,
navy base, beach, in nice, quiet park.
$17,000 owner finance w/$5000 down or
best cash offer., 249-9347.
HANNA PARK. Like new, 3BR/2BA sin-
gle, 1215sf, w/carport, deck, all GE kitch-
en, CH&A, washer/dryer, new carpet.
Many upgrades. Financing available. Re-
becca, 246-7684.
2BR/1BA, CLEAN solid condition M.H. lo-
cated in Portside, 5 minutes to beach,
CH&A, equipped kitchen moving tomorrow
-$8000 firm. 904 819-1760.

A 0 0 1 *I

EXCELLENT LOCATION, storefront, ap-
proximately 900sf. 415 3rd St. South.
$499,000. (904)537-0503.
DOWNTOWN JAX, prime location,
5460sf., 2 story, 12 parking spaces. Ideal
for office, studio, gallery. Owner financing
available. $625,000. Must see! For ap-
pointment 608-6133.

Page 5B

Unfurnished Homes L'atrium PV 3BR/2BA SFH. porch IBR/IBA, 1st floor. end unit. $850/moi:-r
Ponte Vedra by tlhe Sea-PV w/jacuzzi. lake view. fireplace, comm. pool. IBR/IBA. Villa. $875/mo
S5BR/3.5BA. fabulous home, 3 car garage. garage. $1600/mo. 2BR/2BA, 1st floor. $1050/mo.
fenced backward. screened porch. 1004 2nd Street NB 3BR/2BA home has Palms at Marsh Landing JB
$2950/mo. hardwod floors, garage, Jacuzzi. fenced yard. Screened porch, tile floors ,-
SThe (rove- PV 4BR/3BA, home on private fireplace. $1450/mo. IBR/IBA, 2nd floor, Intracoastal views.
lot w/preser..e views, hardwood floors. three Ianlet Beach PV 2BR/2BA. home on lagoon, $900/mo .
car garage. $2700/mo. screened porch, fresh paint, new tile & carpet, 2 BR/2BA. st flor, lake views. $100i/mo.
sarsh View SPV 4BR/4BA, Ocean views car garage. $1295/mo. BR2BA. Ist floor, end unit. $1295/mo.
ile foors. $2000/mo. c s3BR/2BA. 1 st floor, end unit. $1295/mo.
ile floors. $2000/mo. Furnished Homes Ldin B
S4BR/4BA. End unit w/elevator. 2800 sqft. Ocean Grande SPV 3BR/3BA. Condo, Villas at Marsh Landing- .
beach access. attached garage. $2200/mo. lu.xunouslv furnished, screened porch, across Fireplace, screened porch
Summerfield PV 3BR/2BA. spacious from ocean. $IBR/IBA.2nd floor garage. $875/mo
home in walking distance to schools & Intracoastal West 2BR/2BA, 1st floor, garage. $1100/mo.
beach. $2000/mo. Avanti Kernan IBR/IBA. 2nd floor w/ Ocean inks-PV -
114 l18th Ave N JB 3BR/3.5BA. newer screened orch. 50/mo 2BR/2BA, ground floor$1100/mo.
townhouse w/balconies, one car garag, screened porch. $850/mo
Sftireplace. $ 1975/mo.' 2BR/2BA, 2nd floor condo. all appliances, great 2BR/2BA, condo has garage, fireplace,
replace. k- / newe amenities. $945/mo. porch, golf course views. $1200/mo.
S|illano Walk SPV 4BR/3.5BA, newer twoam l
A story, across from ocean, light & bright, The Seasons ? Kensington Keman 2BR/ Grand Cay Villas PV
garage. $1800/mo. 1.5BA. twostory, end unit. tiled screened porch. 2BR/2BA. 2nd floor w/garage. $1100/mo.
;38 17th Street AB 3BR/2.5BA, comm. pool. $995/mo. -. 3BR/2BA, 3rd floor, vaulted ceilings, tile
t townhouse, 1/2 block to oceai, quiet Montreux-Touchton 2BR/2BA,groundfloor floors, upgrades thru-out. $1195/mo. %
neighborhood, private patio, remodeled. condo, screened porch.on lake. light and bright.
$1800/mtio.. ,$1100/mo.
,$1800/mo.: $ 0/mo., *nREM ALX COASIALL REAL [STAFE S'
SQuail Point PV 3BR/3BA. Home has Unfurnished Condos slAX nnoL Smith A
, screened porch, decks, wood floors, golf Summerhouse PV (904) 285-5640
course views. $1750/mo. Newly renovated, new carpet. baths, kitchen, tle, www.retthebeaches.com
fireplace, walk to shops. great amenities.
] .. 'S ,.

miat-1 f. zvv

ML"lQZ ---%. 0

Is I'T $



Page 6B The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader iviarcn z, 2uuo


1-1/2 BLOCKS to Ocean, Ist Ave. South, NEPTUNE BEACH. 3BR/2BA, 1839 Lee-
1BR/1BA. $725/mo. (904)891-0606, ward Lane. $1250/mo. Includes lawncare.
(352)478-2161. 249-9387.

JAX BEACH townhouse. 187 South 8th
Ave. 2 blocks to .Ocean, 2BR/2:5BA,
1500sf, 1-car garage, no pets. $1350/mo.
JAX BEACHFRONT 2BR condo, no lease,
pet negotiable, $1300/mo., 673-1550.
JAX BEACH'2BR/1BA, CH&A, carpeted,
painted, WDHU, no pets, 246-0576.
ATLANTIC BEACH. 1BR just steps to
oceanI Convenient area $1000/mo.. All
South Realty, 241-4141. ,
NEPTUNE BtH, near ocean, Clean, nice
1BR apt. w/ garden atrium. $750/mo.
Avail, soon spacious 2BR. 247-1417.

PONTE VEDRA, L'Atrium, 2BR/2BA, fire-
place, 2 car garage, lawn service. Fenced
yard. Now available. $1190/mo. 642-3517./
In Villages of Pablol Comm. pool, tennis &
more. $1200/mo. All South Realty, 241-
NEPTUNE BEACH. 3 Blocks to Ocean.
3BR/1BA, washer/dryer plus lawn service.
$1450/mo.+ deposit. 270-0499.'
2BA, completely remodeled, 1500sf, 4
blocks to beach. No pets. Credit check &
refs.1 509 7th Ave. N. $1500/mo. 993-

NORTH JAX Beach. Spacious 3BR/2BA,
JAX BEACH Townhome, 2BR/1.5BA, nice neighborhood. $1395/mo.+ deposit.
newly renovated. $1100/mo. (904)237-, 241-2952.

LARGE EFFICIENCY apartment, excel-
lent location, 2 blocks from ocean, very
clean. No pets. $550/mo. 642-1214 or,
241-1219.. .
JAX BEACH. East of 3rd..3BR/1BA apart-
ment. 2 1/2 blocks to ocean, washer/dryer,
CH&A. $1140/mo. 821-9751 or 803-3099.
NEP BCH. 2BR 1 5BA clean, W/D, near
ICW fenced yard. $825'mo 631-8607

SHADY & Ouier IIke new. 1BR.1BA
CH&A, kitchen equipped, close lo Base
All .utilities included. Small pet. OK.
$650/mo. 247-4221.

2BR/2BA, 1540sf, 2-car garage, large
screened porch, club house, pool, tennis,
beach access, $1475/mo: Owner/ Agent.
823-1333, 537-7777 (cell)

PONTE VEDRA Brand new 2BR,2BA,
end un, ground lloor, 5-slar amenities.
fireplace, WDHU $11001mo. 887-1959


amenities, gym & tanning bed, $900/mo valeBRIBA Parking, pool $8001mo. 1.2
Call 318-9114. LEASE. Includes cable, al amenities.NO

PVB. SUMMERHOUSE condo. 2,2, all
new beauitlully renovated, lakeview. bam-
boo floors crown moulding. 5 star ameni-
ties. W/D, fireplace No pels no smoking.
$1200'mo. long term .1813)789-7075.

FURNISHED HOUSE, AB, 3BR/2BA, 2, .- 2A shed
blocks to Ocean. Avail 4/15.$1950,mo OCEANFRONT, 2BR/2BA, furnished,
(904)246-5376; (315)521-5000. 04p-6ol. $1850/mo.+. Short or long term.
--- -----(904)463-7343-

ATLANTIC BEACH, 2BR townhouse,
CH&A, WDHU, no pets,. $850/mo,
*$400/dep. 246-3130.
ATLANTIC BEACH. Ground floor 1BR-
rivale in-law suite in newer upscale
house Kcnhen, living room, dining area,
wasner/dryer. deck, carport, central air,
ceiling lans cable+ HBO, alarm, central
vac.. no smoking. utilities included. 300 h
to beach Small pet OK. $1050/mo
(904)607-1177 ,
JACKSONVILLE BEACH. 1 blk to ocean.
2BR iBA. $785.mo. 1904)891-0606 or
!3524 78-2'161
Townhouse, wood floors Quiet. secure
neighborhood. close Io Beaches, shop-
ping, JTB $1085/mo Call 285-7162.
UPSTAIRS 1BR/1BA. .1016 North ist, St
Jax. Beach. $825/mo 280-7776.
ATLANTIC BCH ocean Ironic 3BR/2BA
large condo, all amenities, 219-2481
Townhou-. $850.mo I mile wesi of May-
pon lorry. 733-5225 241-RENT.

2BR.'1BA iree waier, eat-in kitchen, lile.
larqe bedrooms closes galore. In-ground
pool, WDHU. deck. parking. $950/'mo+.
241 6068.
ATLANTIC BEACH Assisi Lane. pool,
3BR.1,5BA, end undi. 2 stories. 1075st.
rirepiace. WDHU new carpel. no smoking.
no pels $850/mo trdep Don, 382-1023.
renovated New kitchen & baths. 1739 1st
SIreel Nonn. Jax Beach 2BR;3.5BA
3 large Oceanironl decks, 1-car garage.
$2500luimisned, $2200iunfurnished.
1904)614 1639.
PVB. NEW 2BR 2BA Condo with ameni-
ties. Near Beach $970/mo 710-5200

LUXURIOUS Pelican Point 2BR/2BA.
available now. $1700.$2600,mo. 3 montn
minimum.[ enal (9041241-7206
JAK,BEACH. BBRIRBA -2- Blocks rto
OCEAN, CH&A. $850.mo 405 South 2nd
Sireel. 616-2871

Bedrooms. 30n to Ocean Partially fur-
rsr.ed-or no.t, no dogs $2300fmo waler
included, 19041249-3419, (9041463-0222.
39 FAIRWAY Ln, 3BR 2 5BA, pool. golf-
course, aviil. 4/10. Will pro-rate 1sr
month. pool maint. incl.. $1700/mo Call

EAST OF 3RD STREET. 217 Hopkins St
2BRi2BA Palio. carpon $1175'mo
125 Bluelisn. Dolphin cove 3.2 1-car ga-
rage lence $1250.mo. all security deposits
equals 1'2 renl. includes lawn service
Broker.Owner, 249-8766. .

S. JAX Ben ion Jacksonville Dr.), 2500sf,
frplc., stainless appliances, wooda carpet.
great.neighborhood. cul-de-sac. $1800'mo
www rernilacksonvilleDeacr comrn
JAX BEACH South 822 141n Ave. Com.
pleiel, remodeled 3BR,2BA, CH&A.
wasnerdryer No peis. $1300,'mo.
JAX BEACH, 3BR1BA. close to ocean.
St095rr.o All Soulr Realry 241-4141
ICW. CANAL, furnished, 4BR/3BA, boat
lift, dock, pool, home gym, pool table, 2-
car garage $3400'hmo + dep: 223.6850.
3BR'3BA home w'bonus room on lake in
Marshn Sound Comm pool $1975'mo.
All Souln Realty 241-4141
w'garage on quiel cul-de-sac $1150;mo
All South Realty. 241-4141

RIVER CONDO 2BR 1.5BA, near.down-
town $950'mo possible lease option
IBRilBA Fireplace, pool. portner service
$800!mo. Call 1904)616-7975.
JAX BCH, 2BR 2BA, 1 block to ocean
$12001mo. 390-2885 or 994-8141.
PVB- SUMMER House luxurious 2BR
2BA end unit In cul-de-sac. Brand new, 5-
star amenities. beachside. $1299/mo
3BR 3BA, gorgeous oceantront luxury
condo. Built in 2005, 6th floor, 1953sf
over-sized' kitchen,' granite countertops:
Gaied garage space, healed pool. jacuz-
zi $3300/mo 1.2 monih oai call lor details
PVB 1BR 1BA, Iplc., 1-car gar, free cable.
comm pool. $950.'mo. 545-3156.

JARDIN DE Mer, Jax Beach. Brand new.
Beautilul 2BR,2BA fireplace. washer-dry-
er. 1-car garage, boom tloor $1100!mo.
Owner/reallor 994-3608.
PVB GRAND CAY Villas. 2/2. upper.
screened deck off LR. washer/ dryer. gai-
ed comm., comm. pool. TDO Manage-
ment Svc 246-1125.
JAX BEACH, 2BR/1 5BA, new tile, carpet
8 paint, washer/ dryer, fenced
pano 2 blocks to beach. $1225/mo
(2 units available. (7601445-4789

ROOMMATE TO snare 3BR.2BA in N. Jax
Bcn $600/mo. +dep., includes utilities
the Inmracoastal Waterway. 34BR 3.5BA,
approximately 2700si Resort style living.,
live among milllonanesl Looking for 2
roommales. 1 $800,'mo & 1 @
$1000/mo wiln a master sulle Includes
all utilities, cable, pool, spa, nealtn club,
: Marina Walk, galed community water,
marsh and marina views Avallable now
40 boal slip also available Call now.
463-2845 ..
FURNISHED BEDROOM, close to beach
$450'mo., first and last, includes all

FURNISHED ROOM lor rent Jax Beach
2-slory house, 10 blocks Irom beach
No smoking. No pals, privacy $675;mo
electric included April 1st Sept 30

3 BLOCKS TO BEACH. Neptune Beach.
OPPORTUNITY. Room with a view Car-
ing individual wanted 1o help with main-
taining estale: people plants & property
Enjoy pool and outdoor jacuzz, Caregiv-
ing qualities a good plus, $50/week. ulilit-
les include. 246-2203. ask lor Robin

OWN YOUR own office space, boat.
barge w/5 built in work salons on ICW at
Palm Cove Marina. Great tax write olt.
$65,000 OBO. Call Guy at 904-614-7740
JAX BEACH. 1000sf, excellent location.
ott Beach Blvd $917/mo. 246-0444.

OCEAN FRONT iOcean 141 beautifully OFFICE/RETAIL. Jax Beacr 400sl or
renovated. lurnisned. 3BR/2BA w/siorage 800sf. 3rd SIreel frontage 246-0576
unit $2495/mo 1904)571-3877

son amerntnes. Walk to the beach Owner
will sell or rent, and finance.
(904)379-3495 call for details.
JAX BEACH, awesome, ocean front, 6th
floor, 3BR/2BA. all appliances. Ile. pool,
no pels, $1700/mo. 17271686-1708
GREAT 3BR/2BA condo in PVB pool,
spa. fitness room, $1350/mo 280-5170 or.

Peninouse with Marsh/ ICW views 3/3 w/
may upgrades. all appliances. scr lanai w/
Summer kitchen Single car garage.
$22501mo. Serenata Membership avail
Call Marina Riggio, Olde Carriage Realty
501-1917: 824-0040 office. .. .', -
the Intracoaslal Waterway. 3/4BR 3.5BA.
approximately 2700sl. wimanna view Re-
son style living, live 3mong millionaires!
$2500/mo. Includes l-car garage, waler,
sewer, cable, pool, spa, clubhouse, health
club. Marina Walk. gated community
w/waler Marsh and marina views. Availa-
ble April 40' boat slip also available Call
now 463-2845.
THE PALMS IBRI1BA, many upgrades.
near tennis & pool, pnvate wetlands view.
washer/dryer. $875/mo. Garage available
PV BEACH Ocean Grove, 2/2 all new;,'
Beach access, down-stairs on lake,
$11 00'mo. 904-251-5370
greal view, new appliances., $1200,mo.
Visil website www geocilies.com,'pvD05
PVB. 2BR'2BA. wifireplace, new applian-
ces, washer'dryer. many amenities.
$950'mo 472-0914
PONTE VEDRA, Summer House. 1BR all
new. w/poo.l witness, spa. concierge, many
amenities. $875/mo. Pels welcome.
1300st. 2-story Town Home w/beach ac-
cess. $1300r'mo., lull concierge service, all
new appliances completely renovated.
PVB- BELLEZA. 2BR.2BA. 2 avail
$1175'mo and $1275'mo incl garage
Resort Style Living, (904)502-6160
fireplace, good condition. 1 'mile to beach.
Avail 4,1 $975-mo +$500/dep. Will con-
sider small pel 1904)465-7186
4 MILES from ocean, brand new, 3!2 con-
dov,pool view. $t200;mo. 1/2 mo tree
rent. Call '994-1329;

for special events, lull kilcnen and rest.
rooms Greal for graduation pansies, meet-
ings & family reunions Call 285-5347.
lease, 3629sl Office included. Large park-
ing lot, beachside of inlracoasial
i7701929-1721. 1678)525-0854
ATLANTIC BEACH Free standing office.'
commercial/ retail building, shop. commer.
cal 10109 warehouse space. Siaring at
$500/mro. Free rent (9041514 .1090.

BOUNCER NEEDED at the beach,
Thurs., Fri.,.Sat. nights. Call 514-2507.

MAYPORT' AREA (off of Assisi), fumish-
ed, deposit, ref's. $450/mo, 372-4265.
N. ATLANTIC Beach/ Spectacular Ocean-
front, THE BLUFFS. SHARE huge 2500sf
luxurious tri-level condo. Furnished, 3
decks, private garden & entries, garage
prkg. Huge pool, wooded & secluded .
$1200/mo incl. tel., until cable, wireless
networking. 12 mos lease. Will consider
short term @incr. rent. Avail. June 1 or
sooner. 716-4232.
PVB HOME. Nice neighborhood, bay win-
dow, washer/dryer. Furnished/unfurnish-
ed. $400/mo. includes utilities. Laura,
3BR/2BA house,;washer/dryer. $495/mo.
including utilities/cable. 210-7372,
someone to share 2BR/2BA apt. at Atl.
Beach Walking adstance to beach & res-
laurants. $500.mo +1/2 utilities. Call after
5pm (904)476-8114.
ROOM IN large home swimming pool,
pool able. exercise equip 874.0130
master bedroom w.privale balh. overlook-
ing lake French doors open to screened
porch. $675imo includes all utilities & ca-
ble. Regency area 998-8470

Notice is hereby given the City Commis-
sion of Atlantic Beach, Florida will hold a
Public Hearing in City Hall, 800 Seminole
Road, at 7:15 p.m. on Monday, April 10,
2006 for the purpose of hearing and con-
sidering the views of the public concerning
,the following proposed ordinance:

ORDINANCE NO. 90-06-190
ORDINANCE NO. 95-06-90
ORDINANCE NO. 95-06-91

BOA 06-100062 City of Jacksonville
Beach Land Development Code Sec-
tion: 34-336'(e)(1) e, for 40% lot coverage
in lieu of 35% maximum to allow for a
swimming pool addition to a single-family
dwelling, for property located at 1008
North 7th Street, more specifically, Lot
25, Block 8, Beach Homesites, Unit 1.
BOA 06-100068 City of Jacksonville
Beach Land Development Code Sec-
tion: 34-336 (e)(1) e, for 48% lot coverage
in lieu of 35% maximum to allow for a
swimming pool addition to a single-family
dwelling, for property located at 51
Tallwood Road, more specifically, Lot 8,
Block 25, Ocean Forest Unit 11.
BOA 06-100072 City of Jacksonville
Beach Land Development Code Sec-
tion: 34-336 (e)(1) e,-for 38% lot coverage
in lieu of 35% maximum and 34-373 ti),
for'an engineered paving system in lieu of.
asphalt or concrete ao allow for a new sin.
gle-family dwelling, for property located
at 534 Nonh 17th Avenue more specifi-
cally, Lol 15. Block 6, Surt Park, Unit 1
BOA 06-100073 City of Jacksonville
Beabh Land Development Code Sec-
tion: 34 336 ie)( i c 2, tor an easterly side
yard ol 7.5 in lieu of 10 leet required to al-
low for improvements to:a single-family.
dwelling, for property located at'1102
North 18th Avenue, more specifically,
Lots 12, Block 3, San Pablo Terrace..

BOA 06-100075 City of Jacksonville
Beach. Land Development Code-Sec-
tion 34340 (e)(3) c.3, for a rear yard of
20 feel in lieu of 30 leet required to allow
lor a new mulil-family development for
property located at 116, 126 8 130
South 2nd Avenue & 215 South 2nd
Street, more specifically, Lois 2 & 3. 4.
except the Northwest 1.4 of Lot 4, Block
22, Pablo Beach South.
A copy ol Ihe above referenced applica-
tion(s) is available lor review in the office
ol the Planning and Development Depart-
menl, 11 North 3rd Street. during normal
business hours M-F. 8a-5pi

Board of Adiustment
Ciry ol Jacksonville Beach


If a person decides to appeal any decision
by the Board of Aaijustment with respect to
any maner considered at any meeting.
such person may need a record ol the
proceedings, and, lor such purpose, such
person may need to ensure that a verba-
tim record of the proceedings is made.
which record includes the testimony and
evidence upon which the appeal is to tbe
The public is encouraged to speak on is-
sues on tInis Agenda that concern them.
Anyone wno wishes to speak should sub-
mil the request to the recording secretary
prior to me beginning of rhe meeting.
n accordance with the Americans wiin
Disabilities Act and Section 286 26. Flor- -
da Stalutes, persons with disabi;lies
needing special accommodation to panici-
pale in this meeting should contact the
Planning and Development Depanment
no later Iran 5:Q0 p.m. on the day preced-
ing the meeting.
BL 3,29/06

Nolice is hereby given that pursuant to the
'Selt-Storage Facility Act' Florida Statutes
Section 1 Part IV ol Chapter 83, Laws of
Florida 1982. The personal property
consisting ol clothes, person~h items and
household goods of.

JAX BEACH building for lease wofbice Kraren Beumer ,
Mulli-purpose use. Near public boat ramp. Unit 604
i800sl $1500/mo For details. 249-3214.. r
4 03.].1, s.,- 19.. .;. Will-De-.sold or olnerwise dlsposed ol at
11.00 a.m. Saturday. Apnl 1. 2006, to sat-
3500SF COMMERCIAL Building New asty lenis) lor past due rentis). Disposition
conslrucrion, avail. soon 514-1090 will take place at THE STORAGE BIN,
1001 131n Ave. S.. Jacksonville Beach. FL
::-- : ;- --- ;. 32250 THE STORAGE BIN reserves the
right to reject any and all bids.
PET SITTING in your home Dog walking e : ,
Responsible mature Call Kitty. 874-6062. BL 3124, 3/29/06

SWEET DOG to loving home, small black
Lab mix. shots current. spayed.
FREE TO loving home, beautiful 'and
sweel, all wnile. neutered male .ca w.'gold
eyes, shois up to date 270-0742
FRIENDLY MALE cal Iree o10 good home
Fixed I/ ea Iree. Lv msg. 247-6057.

LOVING, RED Dobie male. Byrs neu.
lered. housebroken Moving. $200.
RED NOSE Brindle, American Pit Bull
Pups $150'ea 534-3336
3 MOS old Chihuahua, fawn. $350, food &
snols 534-0252.

HOMELESS PETS lor adoption. Cats &
dogs 246-3600.
FOUND DOMESTIC bird, beaches area.
Call to identify 246-3070.

------- -- -- -- --- -- --
HUNT ELK. Red Stag. Whitetail. Buffalo.
Wild Boar. Our season- now 3.31006
Guaranteed license, $5 trophy in two
days No-Game? No-Pay policy Days
(314)209-9800: evenings (314)293-0610.

OCEANFRONT GREAT view, studio,
$1800/mo, + dep, 247-2333.
PVB, GRAND CAY, 1BR/1BA, 2nd floor,
gated, clubhouse, pool, W/D. No' pets.
Avail 5/1. $875/mo. (904)273-1606.,

IIIIIIIi. l lil:ifull

The Planning Commission for me City. of
Jacksonvlle Beach Florida will meet and
hold a public hearing on Monday. April
10, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council
Chambers. located at 11 North 3rd Sireet,.
Jacksonville Beach to consider the loliow-
ing Conditional Use zoning application
PC#14-06 Conditional Use approval
of a proposed multi-family residential use
in a Commercial General: C-1 zoning dis-
iricl. pursuant to Section 34-342(1d115) ol
tne Jacksonville Beach Land Development
Code. The applicant proposes to redevel-
op the subject property containing 16
apartment unils in two buildings inib a sin-
gle building. eight to nine unit multi-family
use. decreasing existing density. The
property is located at 720 & 728 North 2nd
.Street; more specifically described as LOIS
1 and 2. Block 73 Pablo Beach Nortnh
The above referenced application is avail-
able for review in the office ol the Planning
and Development Department. City HalL.
11 North 3rd Street, during normal busi-
ness hours (M-F, 8-5).
Planning Commission
City of Jacksonville Beach

If a person decides to appeal any decision
by the Planning Commission with respect'
to any marIer considered al any meeting,
such person may need a record of the
proceedings, and, for such: purpose, such
person may need to ensure that a verba-
tim record of the proceedings is made.
which record includes the testimony 'and
evidence upor which the appeal is to be
The public is encouraged to speak on is-
sues on this Agenda Inal concern tInem.
Anyone who wishes to speak should sub-
mil the request 10 the recording secretary
prior o the beginning of the meeting.
In accordance with the Americans with
Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Flori-
da Statutes, persons with disabilities
needing special accommodation to partici-
pate in this meeting should contact the
Planning and Development Department
no later than 5:00 p.m. on the day preced-
ing the meeting.

MATH TUTOFf. Ceriied experienced'
Main Teqcher will tuior K-12 evenings.

your driving career! Offering courses ;n
CDL A & B One luilion lee1 Many pay-
ment options' No registrallon lee'
(8881808-5947 info @americasdrivingaca-

needed. Part-time, Full lime Please call
Line Cook Prep'Uniliry. Good money cas-
ual atmosphere. very busy great people
to work with. FT.PT. 285-0139. .
home, P/T or F/T. Preferrably 1 full day
' ana 2 halt days/wk. Laundry arid ironing
required Relerences a must & back-
ground checks performed. Call 543-8629.

Voice? Fun on Ihe pnone No experience.
no selling, paid training Stian today
642-9950. .

KENNEL ASSISTANT needed for busy
veterinary clinic, competitive wages Previ.
ous kennel experience required Apply in
peR rson: Beacr-es Animal Clinic 937
each Blvd Jax Beach 246-2045.
MODELS WANTED ior hign quality le-
male fashion photography Good pay per
session. Experience not required.

HELP WANTED classifications in this
newspaper are intended to announce gen-
uine current job openings. No fees may be
charged to the prospective employee. Ads
for self-employment or business opportu-
nities appear under the Business Opportu-
nities category. Ads which may require
payment of fees for employment informa-
tion, guidance or training may appear un-
der Job Service. Should any Help Wanted
advertiser ask for a fee or if the advertiser
is offering a product or service rather than
.a job opening, please notify The Beaches
Leader, 249-9033.
ABOVE AND Beyond Housekeeping,
seeking responsible individuals, reliable
transportation and phone required.
591-5901, 514-1188.
SERVERS NEEDED. Must be able to
work weekends & handle high volume.
Apply in person, Campeche Bay, 127 1st
Ave. North. 249-3322."
FESTIVAL WORKERS, needed for food
service, good pay, F/T or P/T 904-249-
8269, 904-591-5175 Iv. msg. if no answer.
SERVERS AND Host/ Hostess needed.
Please apply in person at Giovannis,
1161 Beach Blvd., Jax Bch. M-F., 11am-
2pm. 249-7787.
in person, Giovanni's, 1161 Beach Blvd.,
Jax Beach. 249-7787.
10-20 hours per week, $10-$15 per hour
with flexible schedule. Ideal applicant
would be very organized and can meticu-
lously clean cars, 3500sf house with dogs,
laundry and prefer some yard and patio.
Please call 346-0024 or 249-0522.

LAWN MAINTENANCE Foreman & help-
ers.. Apply 7am, TNT Landscape. 1074
10th Ave. South, Jax Beach. Bonus. 247-
DRIVERS- CDL, A. True lease to own pro-
gram. Low payments/ short-term lease.
Avg $1 11imile plus fuel surcharge. No
hazmai No forced dispaicn FFE Trans-
porlanon 18881864-0012
COMFORT INN is now hiring Reslaurant
Supervisor, Housekeepers. Breakfast
Host/ Hostess & PT Maintenance. Apply in
person, 1515 North 1st St., Jax Bch.
Club Atlantic Beach. Drug Free Work-
place. FT\benefits. Experience preferred.
Call Golf Course Maintenance 246-4711.

FULL-TIME at Health Center in Premier
Retirement Community Applicalions avail-
able at Fleet Landing Security Gate, One
Fleet Landing Blvd., Atlantic Beach, FL
32233. Fax ic 904-246-9447. e-mail 1to
jobs@fleetlanding.com. EOE Drug-Free

Lawn service seeks -individual to perform
dependable ,Qualiry work. Excelleri pay &
overnme avaiiaole. Crew Leaders wanted.
Perschel Brothers Services, Inc. 246-
modeling Ocean Edge Condos. Jax
Beach. 693-3130.
HAIR SALON Iooking tlo 3 hair designers
trenlal slaisonsI 1 Nail Technician rentall
private room) Call 237-4895.
start "M-F, Ilexible hrs Great orhce env..
ronmeni.. NearUNF. (904 )646-1962 .
CUSTOMER SERVICE Reps, immediate
openings at our Daily's localions Please
call.Our 1O9line al 596-3~46
'BEACHES CAR Wash- lull time relp
needed, Wages negolablel rips Benelis
Avail Apply in person. 1401 Beach Blvd.
PONTE VEDRA Animal Hospital needs
F/T Kennel Artenoani No experience riec-
essary. Apply within 28 Corona Rd

front-otlice, medical records. Billers. Tran-
scripilonists. Family Practice. OBGYN,
and Dermatology experience preferred.
Fax resume 636-0066.
DENTAL ASSISTANT. Immediate open-
ing. due to illness. Beaches general prac-
lice, 9am-5pm; Monday-Thursday. Dr.
Dukes, 241-5342. Fax: 241-5966.
CUSTOMER SERVICE/ inside sales. Our
growing intemet company in Atlantic
Beach has an excellent opportunity for a
fulltime energetic team member. Ideal
candidate will have 1 plus years experi-
ence inside sales or customer service,
and excellent communication, computer
and internet.skills.Base pay + bonus/ com-
mission, $25-30K plus. No evenings, no
weekends. Email resume: kclausen@ln-
Beaches area company Fax resume-to:
Hardware & Garden Center. 580 Atlantic
Blvd., Neptune Beach. Apply in person.
growing printing Co. needs office person-
nel, graphic artist, pressman, and bindery.
Fax resume to 241-7349.
Program. I Must love to work with kids,
ages 5-11. Energetic, like to be outside,
have strong leadership skills. Heather
Mulkey or Kristen Bardees, 543-9622.

NO NIGHTS, No Sundays. Front Counter
help for First Coast Laundry & Cleaners,
610 North 3rd Street, Jax Beach.

NEW RESTAURANT, Jax Beach. Manag-
ers & All Positions. FT/PT. 205 1st Street
North. 338-5067.
CARPET CLEANERS needed. 3-5 jobs
per day, 5 days, $600-$1000 per week.
Need reliable truck, van, or SUV. Experi-
enced or will train. 642-9950.

blocks to beach $1550/mo.. All South Re-
alty, 241-4141.
SMALL. BUT sweet 3BR IBA, ,Ig
screened- in porch w/ tropical backyard,
-new carpet," nice kitchen. Jax Bch.
$1380/mo. 612-4166;
SELVA LINKSIDE- 3BR/2BA, all hard-
wood floors,' laige back yard, $1500/mo.,
no smoking, no pels 372-0742.

S. JAX Bch. 2BR, fully furnished, ocean-
front condo. Monthly/ Weekly. 241-0267.
OCEANFRONT 2BR 1BA, weekly- mohth-
y. fully furnished. 241-1384. '
^^ AM---- CI IMK -..- 0 9 ..

Tne lull Text of the above ordinance is
available for public inspection in the office
of the City Clrk. .
All persons inleresled are nolried To be
present ai the lime and place listed above
and they snall be heard. II any person de-
cides o1 appeal any decision at any meet.
ing or hearing, rie will need a record ofl ne
proceedings, and for such purpose he-
may need to ensure Inal a verbatim record
ol me proceedings is made wrich record
shall include the leslimony and evidence
upon which appeal is to be based
In accordance wdin IIne Americans wilh
Disabilities Act. persons needing a special
accommodation to parhicipale in these
proceedings should comaci the City
Clerk's office at 247-5809. or ai Ciry Hall.
800 Seminole Road.
BL 3/29/06





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11 .

March 29. 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

FT/PT positions in over 30 Lusy salons.
Hair Cuttery, (904)269-3403. EOE.
LAWN CARE helper needed.. Drivers li-
cense & transportation required. Pay
equal w/experience. $8-10/hr. 285-2952.
Valid driver's license & experience a must.
Call Randy, 343-3899.
SWIMMING POOL Construction. Top
pay & benefits. Palace Pools. 998-1811,
11655 Central PkWy #313, Jax, FL
tendent for established company. Drug
free work place, benefits. 241-2721.
TAXI DRIVERS Wanted. Clean driving re-
cord required. Call April, 246-9999.

Jax Beach growing company needs
organized, marketing focused
Executive Assistant with ability to
multi-task. Must test at 60 wpm and
have excellent verbal and written
communication skills. Experience
in Excel and PowerPoint is a must.
Competitive salary and great
benefit packet. M-F 8am-5:30pm.
Email resume to
or fax to 241-7333

Join the crew at The
Boathouse Grill.
Line Cooks
Wait Staff
Apply In Person M-F 9am 3pm
2321 Beach Blvd.



Full Time Monday- Friday, 7am to 3pm
and Spm to 11pm at a Premier Retirement
Community Health Center. Excellent work
environment. Experience in geriatric care
desired. Applications at Fleet Landing Se-
curity Gate, One Fleet Landing Blvd., At-
lantic Beach, FL; Fax to (904)246-9447;
e-mail to: Jobs@fleetlandlng.com EOE/
Drug-Free Workplace.



Join our team of
cleaning professionals

No Nights or Weekends
Paid Vacations
Paid Holidays
Competitive Wages
Company Vehicle
ppb in peus to:

2201 Florida Blvd. ,
Mon- Fri 8-4:30
S 241-9520

Positions Available :
Front Desk Supervisor Banquet Supervisor m
Recreation Supervisor Line Cook
H. R. Assistant Recreation Attendant ,
Cafe Italiano Server Maintenance Engineer i
Bartender Honor Bar Supervisor *

,: We offer competitive wages, excellent benefits,
* opportunities for advancement and
a caring management staff.
* Please apply in person Tuesday- Friday. 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. or by appt. *
* 1000 PGA TOUR Boulevard; Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
: -,Website: www.sawgrassmarriott.com '
a Job Hotline: (904) 280-7070

General Contractors, Int:
Atlantic Beach, FL 32233
Since 1987
Looking for Qualified & Experienced individuals
Project Managers
Clerical, PM Assistants
Our Wages and Benefits Packages are second to none!
401K & Profit Sharing

Fax or e-mail resume to:
'904-241-4427 rpcgc@rpcgc.com

is looking to fill the following
^9 a VPositions:

Counter Help

Line/Prep Cooks

We offer health, dental, vision insurance, paid
vacation, 401k and competitive salary.
Candidates must be able to work a flexible
schedule including nights and weekends.

Please apply in person at
4378 Ocean Street Mayport, Florida

Attention Drivers
Tuition PAID CDL Training
No Money, No Credit, No Problem!

Join CTL & Enjoy
Weekly Pay ~
~ $1200 Performance bonus ~
~ Loaded/Unloaded Mileage Pay ~
~ Excellent Benefits Coverage ~
Guaranteed Job upon completion of school!
Classes start every Monday. Exp'd drivers and recent
school grads are also very welcomed!
For information, stop by the terminal at:
5310 New. Kings Rd.
Jacksonville, FL

W--, -

Industries Company

CASHIER OR short order cook. Experi-
enped only. Call 390-1125.
tion needed M-F, 8-5, must possess excel-
lent organizational skills, be a motivated
and independent worker. Must have profi-
cient computer skills and be capable of
handling a variety of tasks. Please fax re-
sume to 285-3363.,



for the summer!
Ponte Vedra Inn & Club and
The Lodge & Club
are now hiring for these
" seasonal positions:
Diningroom Attendants
S'Beach Rentals
Swim Instructors
Slide -Monitors
Line Cooks
Pool Porters
SCamp Counselors

r Apply ,
Saturday, April 1

10a.m. 2p.m.

The Lodge & Club

607 Ponte Vedra Boulevard,
Ponte Vedra Beach
(904) 280-60-76
mail: ipawlick@pvresorrs.com
Drug Flr: e ';..,rkpla.c: EOE

Nights, Apply in person Campeche Bay
Cantina, 127 1st Ave. North, Jax Beach.
Top Wages. 249-3322.
LAWN TECH needed for beach pest con-
trol company. Good pay Monday-Friday,.
benefits, gcod driving record required,
DFWP, Cal 241-7874.



1& 0


,' "" Mil....dW -- '" ; -. .
..AVf sV&Va^->- Expect Nothing Less
Than "Five Diamonds"
Do something special for yourself today! Work %% ith one of the
premier luxury resorts in the %%orld by joining the elite staff at
Ponte Vedra Inn & Club. Our exceptional work environment is
one of the most sought after for career satisfaction.
We have the following full & pan-time positions available:
Security Officer b .,: r1 -008
.... ^ oo+ib Lifeguard Lieutenrarit .erer-t
'.; Irrigation Technician
Laundry Truck Driver
Pool Technicians :
Line Cook
Pastry Cook
: Nursery/Recreation Attendants
Banquet Set-Up Attendants
Golf Course Maintenance
The Spa Various Positions
Housekeeping Inspector/Inspectress .
Rr .Bell Stand
Laundry Attendant
Servers / Diningroom Attendants
: Gourmet Shop Attendant
Gym & Beach Reception
Seasonal Opportunities
S, Camp Counselors
Slide Monitor & Swim Instructors
Beach Rentals & Pool Porters
S Patio Servers
We offer an excellent benefits package including medical/dental, life
insurance, sick and \ acadion days, and discounts at our retail outlets, golf
course and spa. For immediate consideration appl\ in person to
Human Resources between 9amn- 4pm or form ard resume to:
Ponte Vedra Inn & Club
200..Ponte Vedira Blvd.
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL. 32082
Job Line: 904-280-3607 Fax: 904-273-7753 '
See current openings at: Profiles.hospitalityonline.com/211464

Oceanfront Excellence





* .

---- ----

ADMIN. ASSISTANT- Cheenul, piolessio-
nal appearing person for office in Jax Bch
Full or part-lime Some weekends re-
quired. S9,nr Apply in person or bring re-
sume to All South Realry, 3090 South 3rd
St, Jax Ben
City of Atlantic Beach. $16 18,/r.
($33.654.'vr) to $2023;'nr. ($42.0781yr.)
DOO +benefits. Penorms repair' main on
Windows and other software systems &
servers. Min 3 Vrs. hands-on MS desktop
server & network suppon Applications ac-
ceptec until 45,'06 al 800 Seminole Ra.,
All. Beach, FL 32233. For more inlo visit
www.coab.us or call (9041247-5820 No
smokers, tobacco users. Drug & poly-
grapn testing conducted, EOE
PAINTERS WANTED lor cuslom home
painting Transponanion & experience
Leed carpenter Working 'Superintend-
ent needed by growing nhigh-end builder
located in the Beacnes area Require at-
lenlion to details tools. ability to read
plans, and knowledge of all phases ot res-
ideniial building process Best consiruc.
lion |lo at the Beacnh 273-2207
nave own tools & transpontanon Nearness
& dependability a must Phone Larry He-
ise Paining 247.3644.

JANITOR NEEDED Corporate office
building Able to life 30-pounds pass
background check. Apply at 7880 Gate
Parkway Suite 300, Jax. Fi 32256 or tax to
904-899-4654. E.O.E., DFWP.
CNA. 11P-7A. 3p-lIp. FiT PIT. PRN.
must enjoy working wiln tme Elderly. Apply
in person at Ashford Coun Assisled LiV-
ing. 1700 The Greens Way, Jax Bch. FL
32250. EOE, DFWP.
TEACHER/ FLOATER. Associate in early
childhood &/or experience, prelerrec. Po-
sition provides opportunity to work with
children, ages 2.5 Monday-Friday 9am-
6pm EOE 247-0983.
LAWN MAINTENANCE help, music be
able to work lor lemale 343-7989
PONTE Veara opportunity for aniculate.
poised individual who is able to multi-task.
Compensation to 32K wilh excellent bene-
fits. EOE. Resumes to Imorr.iscnlre.com
Full-Time with greal benehis and work en-
vironment at a premier reiiremeni com-
munity Experience preferred Applica-
lions available at FlerI Landing Security
Gate, One Fleet Landing Blvd Atlantic
Beach, FL 32233; Fax to 904-246-9447;
mail to jobs@fleetlanding.com. EOE/
Drug-Iree Workplace
DRIVERS CDL A. Special Orientation
Pay for Experienced Driversl Home Week-
enosl Gieat Pay & Benelilsl Paio Training
for School Gradsl Cypress Truck Lines.
Inc www cypiessiruck corn 1888)808-


2m0 CD

1 .4

' *,-..~

OFFICE MANAGER for last paced grow-
ing company, printing pr copy experience
preferred, fax resume to 241-7349.
FULL-TIME at a Premier Retirement Com-
munity. Experience required. Excellent
Denefits Applications at Fleet Landing Se-
curity Gale, One Fleet Landing Blvd., At-
lamnic Beach, FL, Fax to 904-246-9447,
email to jobs@fleetlending.com. EOE'
Drug-Free Workplace.
FIRST CHOICE Home improvements
Needs skilled carpenters & iree climbers.
Bushong Insurance, one of Ponte Vedra's
largest Property/ Casualty Insurance Brok-
ers. desies a candidate to assist wiln it's
administrative needs. Join in to this excel-
lent work environment wit opponunities
for advancement. -as -well as a superior
Denefils package. Applicants must oede-
fail onented and possess excellent com-
puler skills, for consideration,. fax resume
to 285-5161.
LABORERS, HELPERS, Skilled personnel
Small Types). Call 249-8147, or apply: 203
south 3rd Street, Jax Beach. Good pay &
HELPER FOR Vinyl Floonng. Must have
valid driver's license. 403-5115
OPTOMETRY OFFICE front desk and all
office aspects. Candident should have an
outgoing tnendly personality w/ability to
multi-task. Bookkeeping PC, organizalion-
al and customer service skills a must
Medical office experience and Spanish a
plus For consideration fax resume to
son at Sea Shells & Coral. 230 North
Boardwalk. Jax Bch.
Door Person. Must be able to work days,
nights, weekends, and holidays Must
pass drug test and background check
Call Robert @ 465-0149.
w/strong PC skills, beaches office, FT/PT.
Fax resume 246-8615.
DO you want to join a winning team. Don't
get left out. Our dryer's make S500-$700
per week. Call 249-5151 ask for Brian or
493-5250 ask for Tim Collins.

City of Atlantic Beach. Must have current
law enforcement certification acceptable
to the Staie of Fl. and be eligible to com-
plele Florida training and cemtication with-
in 6 months of hire $16.18/hr.. $647/wk.;
$33,654iyr .benefits Applications must
be received by 04/19/06 at 800 Seminole
Rd.. Atlantic Beach. FL 32233. Testing on
4/29/06. For more tInfo visit: www.coab.us
or call (904)247-5820. NO smokers/ tobac-
co users. Drug testing conducted. EOE.
real estate office Full time, good pay. Call
0/0 Drver FFE, The F/S is higher here!
$1 11 Avg. $2,000 sign-on $2,600 referral
bonus Base plate provided. No truck no
problem. Low payment with short lease.

Marsn Landing Country Club seeks a lull-
time Individualto coordinate weekly youth
activities, summer camp events as well as
develop new programs. Experience with
children and event planning required.
CPR. AED and First Aid certificallon man-
datory. Apply in person, Tuesday Satur-
day. Ponte Vedra Beach, 285-1909. Drug
testmng/E.0 E
A Reader's Digest Co. seeks professio-
nal. independent sales reps to sell Books
to businesses & corporations in the Jax
area. Guaranteed commission of
S2800/mo. for the first 3 mthsl Invento-
ry, training & support provided! Computer,
SUV/Traller & storage needed. For details
& to apply:
Fax: 888-656-4795
Call: 800-966-8301 x2698
Voice? Fun on the phone. No experience.
no selling, paid training. Start today.
BARTENDER NEEDED, 4 days only,
11 am-7pm. Apply at 2206 Maypon Rd.
ATLANTIC COAST Pools is looking lor lull
time Service Personnel. Good driving re-
cord required. 246-7431.
Pressmen, Bindery, Graphic Design, and
Pre-press. 514-1090.
LOOKING for a change? Established Sal-
on has opening lor stylist w/clenrel Excel-
lent working conditions, 60. Commission
Health & Dental Insurance. Retrement
plan. All inquiries cQnlidentigl. Contact
Bob or Susan at Susan Merrick Hair De-
signs. (w)246.7272 or (h)246-1579

Page B7

I *oi th tam that m ake s crn or pope u

The City of Jacksonville Beach is seeking to hire a Building
,Maintenance Mechanic; the appropriate candidate will have
experience in maintenance, repair and/or construction and will be able
to perform general building maintenance activities to include:;
maintain & repair buildings, perform carpentry, electrical, plumbing
& mechanical maintenance tasks, also perform custodial tasks as
required. A high school diploma or GED along with a valid FL
driver's license is required.

We offer excellent benefits to all full-time regular employees, in a Drug Free workplace.
For consideration submit a completed City of Jacksonville Beach application. For
complete job description and an application visit us online at
www.JacksonvilleBeach.org, in person 11 North 3rd Street, 2nd floor, Jacksonville
Beach, or call 247-6263

(888) JOIN-CTL

.. .,... i

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

Detail orientated. Benefits. Fax: 694-1108.
Email: resume@pompleteclalm.com
GARDEN CENTER Merchandizer. Assist
customers, water & stock displays.
FACIAL SPECIALIST with clientele. want-
ed. Also, N~iLC TECH w/clientele. No
acrylics. Ddy S'pa, Jax Beach. Call Miki,
242-8008. ;,.
VETERINARY TECH needed for high vol-
ume vet.clinic. At least two years experl-
ence required Competitive salary and ex-
cellerl be .'-Fax resume to 246-3061
or call 24r i J7 lor more inio. Beaches
Animal CliN 'V97 Beacn Blvd. Jax Beach
HAIR STY Kr needed at Pepl's in Jax
Beach *.Up'4o'600 commission. Call Tina
249-2254 ,
PAINTERS HELPER wanted. driver's
license a ml.' Call 307-8012
CARPENTaY HELP.'Laborers. Beaches
area. WiC .Oxempi Transportation a plus.
Call Rocky .p9-0500.
able cleaning help Resideninal/Commer-
c.ai Call 24'2-9358
ADM ASSISTANT- Beaches linanciai
planning' insurance practice needs an ex.
perienced and reliable eam-player to0 oin
our congenial. professional ohice. Use
your communicasion client service and or.
- garnizalional sKilis rc nelp us serve our
wonderful clients. Requires strong Micro-
soft Office skills,,superb attn. to detail and
independreni, follow*-irough abilities.
E-mail ,'our resume and salary require-
ments to NEBBAB@aol.com. EOE
AMERICAN HOME Companions seeks
experienced live-in caregivers for the eld-
erly. Work 2.3 4 or 5 days per week Up
Io $110/day 631-5354.
experienced Teachers, Cooks/housekeep-
er. F/T & P/T available We offer a con-
periiive salary & benefits package Call
273-6960 or tax resume to 280-5742.

Beaches Mobile Skin Care by KImberly. I
come to you offering facial services and
mlcrodermbrasion. Call for an appt.

Freedom' Cleaning & Home Services
'Need a helping r.ana? Senior citizens &
reallors welcome (904)363-1806
(904)476-1445. .
IF YOU are inieresied in advenising under
[his category please cai sP04.24,9.9033 or
email classiliede, eaciesle ader com
PRIVATE CAREGIVERi.experienced in all
phases o1 caregiving. Compassionate, rel-
erences 379-4717
CNA' MED Tecn available To care tor your
loved one. Over 20yrs exp Good rels.
Call Mrs Thomas 434-4573.

$ $ :$,
,Bg Sale- 75% off selected fashions. JJ's
Clothes Closet, 695 Atlantic Blvd.. Aiiantic
NEW G.E Top loading while washer.
Super capacity $250. 910-7628
ADULT GO KART. 121-P, shocks. disc
brakes. $300 OBO 553.7203
FLORAL COUCH, 90", like new. Paid
$1000 Asking $400. 285-8600
WHITE VELOUR Sectional Pil Sofa. Paid
$1200. Asking $400 Like new 534-3336
SCUBA GEAR. Reg.' computer, BC vesI
weisuits, many extras, $300 242-4040

DIAMOND 1 25CT ladies engagement
ring, $1395 241-5666

BED- KING manress sel. $289. Can de-
BARTENDER NEEDED, Dayllme Apply liver 1904)391.0015.
al284 Maypon Rd BED- -BRAND name queen set,
PERSON EXPERIENCED wilh culling & new, wwarranty $129 Can deliver.
polishing graniie, Jax Beach 246-1172. (9041858-9350.
CARPET CLEANER Helper, 30i-hours. 200 SQUARD Yards of Mohawk beige
days, some weekends Nice appearance. short pile carpeting, crand new $975
22:1-9550. 424-6809.

PAYDAY CHECK Casrhers accepting ap-
plications Apply in person 2156-2 May-
port Rd.
Line Cook Prep'Utilily. Good money. cas-
uai almospneie, very busy, great people
S o work wirn FT'PT 285-0139

Needed ic.r immediate F,/T & PT posi-
lions Requirements. Class D security li-
cense. HS Diploma or GED, clean Dack-
ground and drug tree Excellent pay and
Benells Quarlied candidates may tax Te-
* sume 0o i904 i281-0084 or apply al First
Coast Security Services ', 6817 South-
point Pkwy. #1001, Jacksonville, FI
32216. 1904 281-0070.

WHITE, QUEEN Size Bedroom Set
7-piece formica finish $300. Queen size
bedroom set, 5-piece. Maple finish. $25)
SERGER SEWING Machine "Janoma'
used very tile $100OBO 821-4455
HORSE LINIMENT eases anhrmis pain
Now available ior humans Arin-Rx has.
been helping anhriis pain suhterers lor
over 10 years. Convenient roll-on"
(800)634-2348, w*vw anh-rx.com
LAWN EQUIPMENT package: 16' trailer
and commercial mower, edger. irmmer.
blower $3000. 285-2952
PVC PATIO Sel- dining sel. 2 lounge
cnairs, chair w/onoman cohee lable
$250 233-9022.

DOUBLE STROLLER side by side, good
condition $50, Bassett crib,(pink/painta-
ble). $50 Sun-etched glass top dining
room table w/cloth chairs, new $1200 ask-
Ing $300. 821-1070 or 613-4920.
THOMAS KINKADE Paintings, Cobble-
stone Bridge 28"x42". Village Christmas
18"x24". Light of Freedom 12"x16", w/cer-
tifs. Must sell,cover med exps, 20% below
value. 904-860-4124.
wave, Whirlpool Gold, exc. cond. $350.
AT&T PARTNER ihnpre svsiem 5 phones
installed for $899. 249-8877
DOUBLE GARAGE door, sand colored,
2yrs.. old, very good condition w/garage
opener, keypad and 2 remotes, all
hardware included. $500. 2'x4' stained
glass inser for door, clear & red $150.
Fulon, queen-size, *exc. cond. $150.

HEART PINE lorngue & groove l,.o.r,rg
cut Ir.rrm anihque Pne limbers ria.la i,:irr,
stair material. FLORIDA HEARTWOOCD

ABSOLUTE AUCTION, 96 acres moun-
tain property within Cherokee National
Forest Proclamation Boundary. Saturday,
April 1, 10:30a.m. Call 1-800-4FURROW
or visit www.furrow.cpm. TN Lic #62.

IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classiled@beachesleader corn

327 10TH AVE. NORTH. 241-5666.

RUJMMAGE SALE. Friday. Saturday. 8am
2pm Indoors Spaces i renl ..uiside
Jacksonville Beacnes Womnars Clut.
1315 2nd Ave Nonr. 246-273"

PING GOLF CLUBS. Corner or Penmanr
& Florida. Friday Saiurday Furr,,iure, ar,
liques. Tommy Hillinger w lags $Sea E,.'
ning wear, business. casual. Bose speak.
ers, computers, acrylic r.obbi y b'oxe, C.:.r.
an bathroom sink.

516 Penman Rd Frida',.. Salurda. 8amr-
.. ...... : ,. -: .. -. ..... '

HUGH THREE. Family sale 528 RO'iAL
PALMS DR Salurday 8am.unrii. Aelar
weight sei lining. boxing Iols mer,
slurl, housencid. Baby ilerri.,. :cloneI and
lots of stuff.

YARD COMPANY Seeks dependable
help neal appearance Good pay. will COUCH PULL-OUT bed. Blue & while 346 4TH St. Saturday, 7am-2pm V;ir.
train. 247.-3856 denim sitrpe $50. 285-4912 tage, Schwinn bike'.. sola, lo',eseat ,.ard
i,,.r,, i ,,' p o n ....n... ,. COUCH CHAIR Ortoman $100 lakes i tools. c.lhes, lots 01 ms.:

and Beacnes. Work in learns ol Inree.
Music have own transponaiion valid driv-
er's license Approximately $175/wk 10
sian Moday-Friday. no nighls/weekends
Hornm Cleaning Centers ol America.
1904 1642.8885.

ADVERTISERS IN this category are not
onering jobs Trey are oleting lob-related
services and may charge fees Readeis
are advised to exercise cauilon Delore giv-
ing credit card inlormalion over the phone
wrinul knowing what specific product or
service Irey will receive.

LOCAL VENDING route Snack' soda,
luice waler Great equiplmenl & support.
All Brand. Financing available wI $7500
down 877-843-8"'26 #B02002-037

WARNING- WHILE this newspaper does
nor krnowinglv accept business opportunity
ads wnicn require you 10 pay a tee 10 gel
inlc.rmaion or That refer you to 976 or 900
phone numbers wnich will result in sub-
sianiial narges o0 veur phone bill. the
newspaper cannot guarantee nthe validity
oi olHenngs in his classilicalion. ii any ad-
v'.eriser requires you 10 incur phone serv-
ice charges or pay a lee to learn Ihe na-
lure or theopporuniry. please repon 1 o10
The Beaches Leader. 249-9033
ALL CASH candy route. Do you earn
i800.'d.:ay' 30 machines, Iree candy All
ior $9'95 1i888i'.29-9968 B02000033.
Call us- Wi will not be undersoldI

all OBO). Tom, 514-2336
EXCELERATOR HAND cycle w.' cushion.
5yis old, garage kepl new $1500 will sell
for $600 OBO. 2 Toning lables- 1 sil-up 1
alernating leg. Call lor price. 221-5939
METAL ROOFING. Save $. Buy direct
from manufacturer. 20 colors in stock witn
all accessories. Quick lurn around Deliv-
ery available. Toll free (888)393-0335.
GE COUNTER-TOP Siove & deluxe hood
like new $250 249-2085.
MOVING SALE! Alt items 1 yr Old L'
shaped beige micro suede sola. matching
otoman, 2 glass-iop tables. lamp, 4 ac-
cent pillows $1400 Dining sei. 4 place
glass-lop w!beige seals. 2 matching bar
siools $375 MBR king bed. boxspiingsi
mates hdboaid.' board Iriple dreseir
wimirror, chesl 2 nignmsands, 2 lamps
$1800 Office. L-shaped desk. 2 drawer
lateral while, ig bookcase, leather chair,
cnairmal $450. Misc area rug. 'rv sand
ig wine rack, pictures dishes accesso-
ries. 19041504-8176 tor directions.
cona., neavy duty, super capacity $375
Will deliver & guarantee. 874 1747
$ 75.'si 30% thicker. slil in box. musl sell
BED- FULL-SIZE cherry sTeign bed.
w/manress & box spring. Must sell. $395
Can deliver 19041858-9350.
,FOR SALE Call John 273-3784.
$500. Small, blue.' while sola $250. Both
good condition Call 241-2525. 651-5394

2000 BAYLINER 2452SE, 24', sleeps 4.
Marine head, 220hp, Outriggers, bait
tank, shower. $26,000, or pay-off if less.
JOHN ALMAND 23' Fly Bridge Magic-tilt
trailer; will trade for three 3-passenger Jet
Skis, OBO. Fiberglass canoe/transom
$350 OBO. 307-2841.
1998 SCARAB, 30' w/trailer, twin 250's,
low hours. $53,000 firm. (229)359-0730.
BOSTON WHALER, 20' Dauntless, 99
Suzuki. 225.' Great for family and fishing.
Boat, motor and trailer well maintained,
many extras. $18k. 318-1880 or 607-

1988 GMC SIERRA 2500 flat bed, 4x4.
$1400 OBO, 210-9271.
2000 FORD Windstar LX. Clean, 4dr,
7 passenger, AC, only 52,000mi. $7900.
1994 DODGE Caravan SE. 173,000
miles, oil changed every 3000 miles. Runs
great. Minor cosmetic damage. $1200
BO. Call 992-3881.
2002 FORD Windstar Minivan LX,
69,975mi., exc. cond., very clean, loads of
extras. $9800. 334-5775.
2001 CHEVY S-10 LS, immac. cond., AT,
stepside bed, A/C, AM/FM/CD, $6900
OBO. 887-9030.

ADVENTURE CRAFT,. 28' Houseboat. -- -
100hp 4S Yamaha. AC/Heat, generator. 98 OLDS Achieva, 4DR, Auto, looks &
Excellent condition. 2230224. drives great, $2500 OBO. 716-2586.

2000 HD, Dyna Wide-Glide, wheels,
,.pips; t ag-, e.lra5 13000 8i." .764.2

1999 COACHMAN 5th Wheel, sleeps 5-6,
CHO'A. rn;i.:rva.e stove, etc. 2 new bat-
s.9ire:. l. -i,.J- ., with awning, queen-
size bed, much more:. $14,500 OBO. Call
(904)246-8475 for more details:

2000 TOYOTA Solara, immaculate condi-
tion, low miles, 4cyl, AT, PW/PL, cruise,
CD, new tires, $9300 OBO. 887-9030.
1992 "CHURCH Lady" Buick Century.
Reliable. Well maintained. No longer able
to drive. $1200. 246-9205.
1995 BMW .525i, AT, PS, PW, PL, very
good condition, extra clean, AM/FM, cas-
sette, 6 CD changer, 158,000 miles.
$7250. 249-7265. '
2000 BMW 528i, blue, 84K miles, all op-
tions. $15K. 923-0595.

1996 27FT CLASS-C motor home. Low 2001 BMW3251: 17k miles! Garaged, A++;
mileage, fully equipped, $10,900 OBO. automatic, silver, leather, prem pkg.
246-8510. $23,500. (904)273-1359

ig a3 a,. ail a our 24 'me 49 an.4 Tun. Comrmercnal Resienil .Lawn mainte-
nance, sprinkler systems, clean-up,
-sod, mulch. Landscape lighting.
(904)382-0007, (904)43Q0007. Licensed,
PLEASE CALL Lynne's Cleaning Service insured. Free estimates. info@preferred-
^n -. ....... -i .- -. .,; -.. iawn.com %,

cleaningh ntw'avaialble. 3-114018

PALM TREES, Hdage-s Trimmed, Yi'ard
SERIOUS HOMEOWNERS,- I'll 'Make Clean-ups, ,uljicr.rg j odd.ng, whilever ut
Your Home, Spotless! Experienced. Rea- takes, etc. Dave 249-4724.
sonable rates. 210-7372. i ........

SERVICES. Dep-nrdab,.e, roriesi. lrhr.
Ough L.'cal teirirces Licensed insur-
EXPERIErJ"CED PERSOrt .il clear, your
ricrme Reliable Relerer.,:es Reasonacle

ole Reasonatile rates, Iree miirrnlaies Call
Roxarnne 94J477 5398

Estimates. No job ico smaii. Call
(94)8033914. .

SPRING CLEANING Garage Sale, 333
4an St. Saturday, 8am 1pm.

SATURDAY, APRIL 15l, 8arm-no.n Souirr
on A1A right on Solano, right on Solano
Woods Drive to #209

COMMUNITY GARAGE Sale, Saturday, WE B,UY Mortgages. Are you collecting
April 1st, 8-12pm The Woodlands, off payments on a rriortage-Why waii ears
A1A&210. ,.'r payment'; Ca i80i'-;2.1251

.DOLPHIr COVE Communiry-Wide Sale-
Saturday,' 8:30am-? Rain date 04/08.
Please join us for a fun day of bargain
hunting! Items vary from clothing, furni-
ture, baby-items decorail.e &. h:ou.eriold
items, tool, lawn mowers & ar.i.quies
DOWNSIZE MOVE In sale, furniture, lin-
en. k-ichen, office, antiques, 513 .Robles
Lane. Sandy Oaks. Saturday, 10am-2pm.

CASH OUT Cc.nsolidae credit card debrl
inl. one li*w pay'mireni 1 p er year w,5yr
guararnie.ed payment (1 24% APR). All
c.,,rrower mul qualityfv credi.e-.mplcy-
rnic rni-apprai.sai 1800 1.229-'19-" Global
M.,.ngaqe 1r.lB.'85 iii WiVVtlern Rr-.w Rd
Ma.on" Or.., i513, 24.5-1. i51l?)479c.
12 : Equal Hojr.g Ler..,er

MULTI-FAMILY, FREE hot dcg;, chips, g ,' ,
drinKs S .urda'. 8arn.2pm, E' ,' E \' S _.Dol--.. A,:.... ^
phin Blvd .Doipnin Cove BEACH BOYS iear.Round Dei.ver).
$65. truck load, Ranger Special. 759-1612

BOOK SALE, Saiurday. Apr;I 1.i 10am-
4pm Cpress Village on San P.biio Re-
cords CD s vve.:-s maps, old maga-.
zines. Sileni auchion and free book ap-
praisals. 223-6100 .
ATLANTIC & Hodges, 100+ homes,'
Woods Commurity Yard Sale. Books,
tools, 4uTniure cliorring io.s. appiiarices
music, computers & crarts Saiurday
PABLO BAY Annual Spring Yard Sale,
Saturday, April 1st, 8-1pm ,,
PABLO POINT area, off San Pablo Rd.
North, 205 Cockatiel Drive. Saturday, April
Ist, 8am-until. Multi-family sale, lots of'
household items, large variety of clothing,
(men & women), some furniture.
OSPREY POINTE Cmrmurnii., Yard Sale!
San Pablo Ro Saturdav J 1 9arrm-lpm.
Rain dale 4 8

.appli.:ari:.rni c Ou; Calls Irairn.n repairs.
upgrade s. 'SeDOle-. grapri Free pr.onie
tech. i904-249-3034 or email:

6 ;,;,- .11 ai'At *.1.,. My i ,
BUDG'ET LAWI Care 'service M.owing,
trimming, edging, cleanup. Free esti-
:mates, call Mike, 616-4381.

Grading, Lawn Installations. Spread
Dirt, Gravel. Lime Rock. Mulch. Stone.
MUCH MORE! Bob. 334-6091.

BEDS and Hedges. Free Esluimaies
Call Clay (352)504-6307.

1992 LINCOLN Towncar Cartier. 112,000
miles, good condition. $2900. 223-4110.
AT, cold AC,. Pwr, new tires, well-main-
tained, very clean. Exc. running & driving
car. Private owner. $3750 OBO. Call for
more details. 476-7321, 982-1809.
1990 MERCEDES SE300, exc. condition,
205,000 miles. $4100 OBO. 813-1200.
1993 FORD Thunderbird, new engine, au-
to A/C, CD $1900 OBO. 716-2586.
Sparkling new red paint with 17" rims
looks great on this 1993, 4-door Honda
Civic. Manual, new clutch, very well main-
tained, 200,000 miles. Economical, good
looking transportation. $2000. 249-3143,

SAVE NOW Interior & Exterior painting.
Pressure washing 19yrs. at Beaches.
Free Estimates. 881.4223"
free estimates, work guaranteed, licensed.

Painting. interior, exterior, home repair,
pressure washing. 992-2027, 514-8844.

IMPROVEMENTS. Inierior/ExTerior Paint-
ing, Faux Finishes. Ronten Wood Replace-
ment, Pressure Washing 19041894-4257

NEW POOL 14'X28' $19.900 Buy loday
swim in May. 568-5785

SPLM QUEEN PALMS MosI residenial pools $25/week+ chemi-
RAN 1 I L i caIs. Licensed, Insured! Pool clean-ups
ftKrNy I *L ND,, our specialty We make your life a little
SNURSERY & esie-e 850240

S IF YOU are inieresred in advertising under
In's caIegorv please call 904-249-9033 or
An~ ,iPril. classisied'12beachesleader com

S* ALLIANCE BUILDER Group, Inc. General
SConrracior CGC 1505263. All rypes ol
consirucihon New nomes room addolions
elc Free esi.maies. 904i234-1179

SRremodeling. Renovailons, Addlions. Cer-

1000s to www.cbcjaxbeach.com

C F Repairs specializing in rermite damage.

2 We deliver 246

and install
S10023 Beach Blvd. gsoessa ,i
Specializing in Remodeling,
34-840 Additions, Decks, Repairs,
S0 Roof Repairs & Re-Roofing
. PALMS* SAGO PALMS* WASHINGTONIAL for the home or office.

(904) 247-3777
10% discounts for
PRESSURE WASHERS for rent or sale. Seniors & Military!
Tucker Equipment Rental 246-1330, : lA Credilt Cards Accepted

Sale ro:.lI cleaning Deck rence
reioraii.-.n Pressure washing Licensed &
Insured Call Kevin. 994-0045.

PAINT IT RIGHT! Interior, exterior. Free
estimates. Call Mike Williams, 285-2651.
25yrs. experience.

CHILD CARE in your home or mine Flexi-
ble,. l.i ol arenhion & good relerences
'9- 4717. .. .

RELAX, THERAPEUTIC, herb, detox,
lears;ng. emoironai neaiing, weight-loss.
Celesie 463-4217 .
ADAGIO MASSAGE in Jax Beach. Come
see us at our new location or we'll come to
youl Call Bea at 246-2122. (MA39440)

"--- ... .- ----. "-
1981 CATALINA Sailboat, 22'. New trailer,
1 new -motor, 1 used motor, dinghy,.
$7100 OBO. (904)434-6645.

10FT CARIBE, 1994, inflatable, Hypalon
hull, trailer, $1000. 993-1979.


NATIVE PAINTER- exceptional residen-
tial/'commercial pressure washing, paint-
ing, drywall crack repair, wall covering. Li-
censed, insured, references. 403-7389.
FAST INTERIOR painting, drywall, tex-
ture. Specialize in smaller jobs. Will work
evenings & weekends. Licensed, insured,
references. 403-7389.

rates. Call Alan. 27 i_-D5j30I. ... .

-- - - - -

dependable for quality repairs, service
calls painting. improvements and miscel-
laneous jobs DAVE 246-6628.
C&J HANDYMAN .Services. Carpentry,.
Drywall, Painting, Paperhanging, Tiling,
etc. Licensed, Insured. 955-0593,

IF YOU.are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
e-mail: classified@beachesleader.com
ROOFING. IN-TOWN prices @ the
Each. 25yrs. experience. 880-9908.

Frank Reid, 285-6943 or 762-8498.


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