Section A: Main
 Section A: Main: Opinion
 Section A: Main: Essay Contest...
 Section A: Main: Calendar
 Section A: Main: Obituaries
 Section A: Main: Beach Living
 Section A: Main: Beach Living:...
 Section B: Sports
 Section B: Sports: Classifieds
 Section B: Sports continued

Group Title: Ponte Vedra leader.
Title: Ponte Vedra leader. March 15, 2006.
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076081/00021
 Material Information
Title: Ponte Vedra leader. March 15, 2006.
Uniform Title: Ponte Vedra leader
Physical Description: Newspaper
Publisher: Ponte Vedra leader
Publication Date: March 15, 2006
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Duval -- Ponte Vedra
Coordinates: 30.239722 x -81.385556 ( Place of Publication )
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00076081
Volume ID: VID00021
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

Table of Contents
    Section A: Main
        page A 1
        page A 2
        page A 3
    Section A: Main: Opinion
        page A 4
    Section A: Main: Essay Contest Winners
        page A 5
    Section A: Main: Calendar
        page A 6
    Section A: Main: Obituaries
        page A 7
    Section A: Main: Beach Living
        page A 8
        page A 9
    Section A: Main: Beach Living: Education
        page A 10
    Section B: Sports
        page B 1
        page B 2
        page B 3
    Section B: Sports: Classifieds
        page B 4
        page B 5
        page B 6
        page B 7
    Section B: Sports continued
        page B 8
Full Text

MARCH 15, ?96

Crowning glory
Miss Nease gets
state crown

See B-1


Panthers attack
Lacross team goes 6-1

See B-1


Putting tips
Senior pro golfer
offers advice at

See A-8


Vol. 43, No. 76

Serving the communities of Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach. Mayport and Ponte Vedra Beach since 1963

Parking ban

gets tweaking

A revised version of a parking ban on Ponte
Vedra Boulevard would allow nonresidents an
exception to the ban, raising the possibility that
the provision could be used for beach parking.
The parking ban, which effectively limits access
to the beach to those who live nearby, is under
review because its existing exceptions are not spe-
A circuit judge is also expected to address the
ban, which is being challenged by the Surfrider
The Ponte Vedia Zoning and Adjustment Board
(PVZAB) voted Monday to allow exceptions for
law enforcement officers and government service
vehicles such as mail trucks and utility vehicles.
Another exception, which will be voted on
next month, deals with parking for special events
and would allow anyone who hires traffic control
officers from the Sheriff's Office to park along the
boulevard even residents from other counties.
Members of the PVZAB were generally support-
ive of the exception but voted to postpone their
decision in order to work out some minor details,
such as capping the number of cars that would be
allowed to park.
"If we're going to be restrictive, I don't think
we can have 600 or 700 feet of right of way lined
with cars," said board member Robert
Robert Crenshaw also pointed out that the
exception requires a traffic control officer even if
just one car is parked on the road for a special
The exception states, "One traffic control offi-
cer shall be required for 10 or fewer vehicles; two
traffic control officers shall be required for greater
than 10 vehicles, up to the maximum of 25 vehi-
Assistant County Attorney Patrick McCormack
said the language of the exception, particularly
that dealing with the number of vehicles per offi-
cer, will probably be revised.
In Monday's meeting, board members voted to
delay their vote until Sheriff David Shoar could
provide input on how many cars would be man-
ageable along the road, which is separated from
the beach by oceanfront homes.
Board members are also looking to Shoar for an
explanation of the process for hiring officers for
special events.
McCormack said the process will most likely
involve an application that will be handed in to
the Sheriff's Office.
Also to be considered at next month's PVZAB
meeting is an exception for construction vehicles
that deal with heavy lifting, such as cranes and
The board agreed to consider next month
another possible exception lawn-care vehicles
- at the suggestion of Ponte Vedra Boulevard res-
idents Doug Crane and Tim Ellis, who argued that
it would be dangerous for such "cumbersome"
vehicles to back out of driveways.
"Service vehicles are too cumbersome to nego-
tiate a driveway," Crane said.


Lines are drawn

in land swap tiff

Yellow fliers from the Ponte Vedra High School Coalition lie
on a ticket table at Friday's "Battle of the Big Cats" at ,
Landrum Middle School. The fliers on school property gen-
erated a complaint to the schools superintendent.

Lines are being drawn in the sand as
members of the Ponte Vedra High
School Coalition continue to seek sup-
port for a high school in the Guana
The St. Johns County Civic
Association Roundtable voted
Monday morning to oppose Herb
Peyton's offer to exchange 50 acres of
his Outpost property at the end of
Neck Road for 50 acres in the Guana
for the school.
Later on that day, the Board of
Trustees for the Ponte Vedra
Municipal Service District (MSD)
voted to support the swap.
"It's a wonderful benefit to the com-
munity," said Mack McCuller, an NMSD
trustee and an environmental lawyer
at Smith, Hulsey & Busey,
MSD trustees voted unanimously to
support the swap at the request of
Cayce Rumsey, a member of the high
school coalition who said the Marsh
Landing Homeowners Association also
voted to support the exchange.
Ponte Vedra Beaches Coalition
President Clara Cowan, on the other
hand, is opposed to the deal, though
she said she doesn't know where the
rest of the coalition stands.
"I think conservation land is such a


The award-winning Landrum Spirit Squad wraps up a series of cheers provided as entertain-
ment prior to Friday's "Battle of the Big Cats" fund-raiser at the school. A team comprised of
current and former Jacksonville Jaguars won the basketball game, 100-86, over faculty and
staff members from St. Johns County schools.

precious commodity; There's no sense
in messing with it," Cowan said
More importantly, Cowan said, she
refuses to consider the deal until she
has seen proof that it exists such as
a document outlining the offer with
Peyton's signature.
The only proof offered by the high
school coalition is a March 22, 2005,
memo to the Florida Department of
Environmental Protection IDEP) from
Ken Wilson, vice president for Gate
Petroleum Co.
The memo explains Peyton's offer
and asks the department to consider
Sarah Williams, deputy press secre-
tary for the DEP, confirmed the receipt
of the memo but said Tuesday that
Peyton's offer is not official until he
files an application with the DEP to
exchange the land.
Williams said Peyton was told about
the application process in April 2005
during a meeting between him and
DEP officials.
Rumsey said his group is trying to
schedule a meeting with the DEP no
later than next week in order to con-
vince the department of the value of
Peyton's offer.

See GUANA, A-3

Pliers spur


fliers declaring "Help Keep Ponte Vedra
gh School in Ponte Vedra" have been
ided out at community events in recent
eks, but one such activity brought a com-
int this week,
A resident saw the fliers, put out by the
nte Vedra High School Coalition, being
tribute outside Landrum Middle School
day before the school's "Battle of the Big
ts" fund-raising basketball game.
[he resident also observed the fliers on a
ket sales table inside the school, generat-
a complaint to St. Johns County schools
>erintendent Joseph Joyner.
Though the fliers ask the reader to sign
online petition in support of a land swap
allow a high school in the Guana reserve,
: volunteer who handed them out at
drum said no politics were intended.


Map courtesy of The Pae Group
Pilings that will support Nocatee parkway (above) have gone up on the south side of County Road 210 west of the Intracoastal
Waterway, where clearing has taken place for construction of the limited-access road. These pilings, located near 20 Mile Road, will sup-
port the eastern of the two overpass/interchanges indicated on the above map. The parkway will run from the Palm Valley bridge to west
of U.S. 1 and is expected to be complete in summer 2007.

JB cops to use

video cameras

Highly advanced security cameras will soon be installed
to keep a closer eye on high crime areas in Jacksonville
City Manager George Forbes Thursday said surveillance
cameras with high resolution visibility will be mounted in
spots such as the pier parking lot, oceanfront park,'portions
of the seawalk and other locations that attract a large vol-
umes of traffic. ,
"The pier lot is always a hot spot," he said. "We know we
can control that lot, we are half way home in patrolling the
downtown area."
The idea was broached about two years ago as the down-
town business district became more of a destination point,
drawing thousands of visitors to the area every year in addi-
tion to the city's rapidly growing population.
Jacksonville Beach police Sgt. Tom Bingham said Tuesday
that the project will be funded using approximately
$100,000 in county grant monies.


Subscribe and The Beaches Leader
will be delivered to you twice each week with all the news,
sports and advertising information for the Beaches.
= 1114 Beach Boulevard, Jacksonville Beach, Fla. 32250

Calendar .....................A-6
Classified ...................B-4
Fishing ........................ B-3
Obituaries................. A-7
Copyright 2006 b)
Two sec

Police Beat ..................A-2
Sports ......................... B-I
Weather .........................A-2
, The Beaches Leader, Inc.
*tions, 18 pages

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March 15, 2006

The Rpahhes Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

Fage L.A

Published Wednesday and Friday.
1114 Beach' Boulevard
(P.O.'Box 50129 for correspondence)
Jacksonville, Florida 32240
(USPS 586-180) (ISSN1059647X)
Periodicals Postage Paid at Jackson-
ville Beach, Florida and additional mail-
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Subscriptions: $25 per year in Duval.
and St. Johns counties. Out of county,
$44. Two-year subscriptions are $40
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Send address changes to:
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The Leader encourages
readers to submit items of
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Weddings, engagements,
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A 5x7" print is $10 and an
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The newspaper is delivered
to homes on Wednesdays and
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per year in Duval and St.
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To start 'our subscription
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The Leader strives to pro-
duce error-free news report-
ing.. When mistakes occur, it
is our policy to correct them
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To request a correction,
contact the editor at 249-

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In the event of errors in
advertisements, the Leader
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The Leader maintains
copies of back issues for sale
up to one year. To research or
review articles published
more than one year ago,
bound copies of the newspa-
per are available at the office.
Microfilm copies of the news-
paper are available at the
Beaches Branch Library fnd
Ponte Vedra Beach branch

I ~e*m~MO I

Police reported that $40 cash
was burglarized from a business
March 3 in the 700 block of
Atlantic Boulevard.
Tammy Newbem Miller, 40,
of Ponte Vedra Beach was arrest-
ed and charged with possession
of a controlled substance March
6 in the 50 block of Seminole
Road, according to a police

A delivery driver reported
March 8 that he was bitten on
the arm by a dog while deliver-
ing a package to a residence in
the 1800 block of Live Oak
i^Lahe. The .n nifirffaitibr
laceratiqbg'S andas,11'*41. y
Jacksonville Fire and Rescue.

SyWlia Virginia Orear, 44, of
Jacksonville was arrested and
charged with driving with a sus-
pended license, as a habitual
traffic offender March 8 m the
600 block of Dutton Island
Road, according to a police
A debit card fraud was report-
ed March 9 in the 900 block of
Hibiscus Street.
A vehicle was reported bur-
glarized March 13 in the 100
block of Lora Street.
A residence was reported bur-
glarized March 13 in the 1900
block of Third Street.

A vehicle was reported stolen
March 11 in the 1100 block of
Seagate Avenue.

A residence was burglarized
March 12 in the 500 block of
Magnolia Street.
A domestic battery was
reported March 12 in the 1800
block of Pelican Point.

Burglary was reported to sev-
eral drink vending machines at
Nease High School last week. A
report by St. Johns County
deputies :.said five .Pepsi
machines were damaged and
broken into by an unknown
male subject in the early morn-
ing hours of March 8. An unde-
termined amount of money was
stolen and damage was estimat-
ed at $1,000.

On March 8 and 9, a St. Johns
County Sheriff's deputy
responded to calls from a Ponte
Vedra school regarding a bruise
and bum on a student. :.
According to a police report,
the counselor and the principal
of the school stated that the stu-
dent was evasive when asked

about the cause of the injuries.
The student told the deputy
that the injury occurred while
playing with other children.
The student's brother con-
firmed the account. The deputy
contacted the DCF case worker
working on the case.
A resident of Timberwalk
Court in the Ponte Vedra Lakes
area reported the theft of a
watch valued at $1,350 from
the residence on March 6.
According to a police report, the
resident left the watch on a
counter while at home with a
roommate and two friends.
,rA4 residentoL.-Charlamagne -
.Cirdc, in Fiddler's Marsh report- .
ed criminal mischief to his
property on March 11. He also
reported receiving harassing let-
ters in the mail and two previ-
ous incidents of damage to the

A burglary was reported to a
vehicle while it was parked at a
residence on Charlamagne
Circle in Fiddler's March
between Sunday afternoon and
Monday morning. A report said
the 2006 Mercedes was entered
through an unlocked door and
a Sony game system, and Apple'
[pod, an Accutron silver watch
and a Nintendo DS handheld
game were missing. Total value
is $1,570.

On March 11, a St. Johns
deputy was contacted by securi-
ty personnel at a business in the
200 block of Ponte Vedra
Boulevard regarding two miss-
ing purses. According to a police
report, each purse and its con-
tents was valued at $130, and
both were reported. missing by
the owners after leaving them
on tables at a wedding recep-

A Ponte Vedra resident was
charged with criminal mischief
after a window was broken at a
residence on North Roscoe

Battery' was reported March
11 in the 100 block of 5th St. N.
The victim, a 40-year-old home-
less woman, was involved in an
altercation with at least one
unknown male suspect and sus-
tained a head. injury which
opened an existing wound.
The woman was observed
with bloody matted hair on the
left side of her head and gave
police conflicting accounts of
the incident. She was treated
and left the scene on foot.

A red 1994 Ford Ranger val-
ued at. $2,000 was reported
stolen March 12 in the 2100

block of 2nd St. S. north through the front yard
and disappeared. The victim
Burglary to a residence was grabbed a baseball bat and ran
reported March 13 in the 1400 after the victim but was unable
block of 9th St. N. The victim to locate him.
was asleep in his bedroom in *
the northwest comer of the A purse containing $25 cash
house when he heard a knock at and credit cards was reported
the door at about 3 a.m. He got stolen March 13 from a vehicle
out of bed and looked outside in the 1300 block of 13th Ave. S.
but saw nothing. A few minutes The credit cards were used at
later he heard the sound of a several locations in the Regency
window opening in the kitchen, area.
The victim observed a thin male *
suspect in his early to mid 20's Criminal mischief was report-
with a shaved head wearing a ed March 11 at a used car deal-
white t-shirt poking his head ership in the 1100 block of
inside the window. The suspect Beach Blvd. The windshield of a
quickly backed out of the win- white 1995 Ford Thunderbird
dow-when -the-_ictim-_as.ked was smashed by-anrunknown--
what he was doing- and fled- --object. -- -

The Beaches
are online at:



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.Burglary was reported March
11 in the 900 block ofl 6th Ave.
N. The victim told police she
left for work at 8:15 a.m. and
returned at 6 p.m. to find some-
one had walked through her
flower bed and removed a
screen from a rear window. Two
cameras with a total value of
$300 and $1 in quarters were

A silver 2001 Toyota 4Runner
valued at $15,000 was reported
stolen March 12 in the 200
block of 3rd Ave. N. The victim
parked the car at 3 p.m. and
returned at 11 a.m. to find the
.truck was missing.

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Band director

turns self in

Gerald C. DeJoseph, 54,
band director at Switzerland
Point Middle School in
Northwest St. Johns County,
was arrested Monday and
charged with video voyeurism
involving several of his stu-
Dejoseph, a Jacksonville resi-
dent, turned himself in at the
St. Johns County jail' after
deputies with the St. Johns
County Sheriff's Office
obtained an arrest warrant.
Dejoseph is accused of tak-
ing inappropriate pictures of
students. More than 100 pic-
tures of students were turned
over to detectives by school
officials, who had done an
internal administrative inquiry
in the matter, deputies said.

The Sheriffs Office investiga-
tion revealed that students had
been asked to individually
play their instrument for the
director in his private office.
The victims were told that'
Dejoseph wished to take pic-
tures of them as they. played
their instruments to help
improve their posture, deputies
During this time, digital
images were secretly taken.
underneath girls' skirts, or
dresses without their consent
or knowledge, deputies said.
Dejoseph was initially,
charged, with five- counts of
video voyeurism, but deputies
were investigating whether
other students were victimized.


Cont. from A-i
"The bottom line is a series of
cameras will be mounted
throughout the city in public
areas with high volumes of peo-
ple," Forbes said. "We are work-
ing on it right now."
Locations were selected based
both on the crowd concentra-
tion and the criminal activity
'generated in a particular area.
"They are both interrelated,"
Forbes said.
The system is not a preventa-
tive measure that is guaranteed
to stop crime but Forbes said
the project will help police.
detectives identify and appre-
hend perpetrators caught on
"It may not stop the crime
from happening but if some-
thing does go wrong it creates
an archive that police can
monitor," he said. "Simply, it
provides more security and bet-'
ter prevents problems."
Warmer weather always
draws more people, including
transients, oat to the Beaches.
Foibes said the program is not
necessarily geared to monitor
the city's homeless population
but it will serve to aid the
downtown CAPE patrol and
the Community Response
Team who regularly -conduct
sweeps throughout the down-
town area, where transients are

a common sight.
"It is not just transients that.
create problems," he said.
Forbes said the CAPE patrol.
recently identified seven new
transients that just arrived in
the area and were cited for vio-
lating the city's no camping
ordinance that prohibits sleep-
ing on the beach or in a vehicle
from 16th Avenue South anid
20th Avenue North between
the hours of 11 p.m. and 6 a.m.
Jacksonville Beach police,
relies on paper trails to moni-
tor transient violations and
contact cards are issued to help
the department keep track.
"It creates a unique problem
for us, especially for our police
department,". Forbes said. "The
cameras will help us keep on
top of this, and help us do a
much better job in keeping
people safe."
Forbes said specially trained
police officers Mill monitor the
locations from the station on
Penman Road. Officers will
also be able to access the spe- "
cific locations in specially-
equipped squad cars.
., Police officers will undergo
extensive training to learn how
to operate' the system which is
expected to be up and running
in the next few months, he

Ronald Renuart Sr. of Ponte Vedra Beach (right) receives the 2006 Physician of the Year
Award from the Florida Osteopathic Medical Association's outgoing president, Joseph A.
Giaimo. The award was given Feb. 25 at the association's annual convention in Fort
Lauderdale. Renuart, a colonel in the 53rd Infantry Brigade and chief medical officer the the
Florida Army National Guard, returned in January from his second tour of duty, in Afghanistan.'
In September, he completed a term' as chief of'staff at Baptist Medical Center-B3eaches.

BAHS plans party

The Beaches Museum and History Center
will host a birthday celebration Saturday,',
March 251, from 10 a.m. to. 4 p.m. to com-
inemorate its recent grand opening. '
The party will feature musical acts, arts, and
crafts, storytelling, and folk art demonstra-
tions that represent the coastal heritage of
Northeast Flotida's six beach communities
from Mavport to Ponte Vedra Beach.
Folk artists will demonstrate historic quilt-
ing, weaving. and cotton spinning' tech-
niques, and show onlookers how to make,
pine needle baskets and Minorcan fishnets.'
Local cowboys will share stories about the old
days of running cattle, and Bubba Stratton,
the alligator trapper, will show off hides and-
heads, and share personal tales from. his
Adventures as a trapper.
Outdoor events, including, live. music by .
*. : ,.

While County Planner Jack
Pope pointed out that many of
the driveways along Ponte
Vedra Boulevard are circular
drives, PVZAB newcomer
Barbara Maple countered that
many are not.
,Board members agreed that,
county staff should write an,'
exception for larger vehicles as
long as hazard cones are used,
on the road to direct traffic..

Florida folk musicians The Mackley Family
and acoustic bluegrass artist Ron. Davis, will
'be free and open the public. Members of the
museum and guests paying admission can
continue the celebration inside- while they
view the historic exhibits, displays, artifacts
and photographs now on display at the muse-
um. Admission fees are $5 for adults, $4 for
seniors (65+), $3 for children ages 6-17, and
free for children 5 and under.,
The museum is operated by the Beaches
Area Historical Society (BAHS), an organiza-.
tiorn formed in 1978 by a group of longtime
Beaches residents to help preserve the history
and heritage of our beach communities.
For more information on the museum and
events, visit :www.bm-hc.comr
or call (904) 241-
5657. -

Next week the ordinance in
its original form, which was
approved in 2003, will go
before. Circuit Judge Michael
Traynor in a hearing to consid-
er its validity.
The hearing isthe final chap-
ter of Surfrider Foundation's
beach access lawsuit against St..
Johns County.
On March 3, Traynor
ordered the county to clear any
obstructions from beach access
points,'in -Ponte Vedra, Beach -
and said the countvy'did not
have to replace parking spaces
that were removed in front of
Ponte Vedra Inn and Club.
Surfrider's claim that the
parking ordinance is "constitu-
tionally vague" and "arbitrary"
because it allows unfair excep-
tions will be considered in a
special hearing by Traynor on
March 23 at 8:15 a.m.

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S. "Pr,,i'o PA'JL GFRaFTOI
Trying to beatthe tides, these.men work to extricate a jeep from the'surf Sunday afternoon.
The vehicle was in the water just north of the new pier at approximately 3:30 p.m. No police
report was available to provide additional details.

Guana: Decision on site soon

Cont. from A-1
The DEP refused to support
Peyton's original offer, which
was to exchange the develop-
ment rights for 100 acres of his
Outpost property for 100 acres
'in the Guana for a school.
The DEP has' also indicated
that it would not recommend
Peyton's new offer to deed the
land, according to 'School
Board Chair Bill Fehling of
Ponte Vedra Beach, who has
indicated his support for the
Guana site.
The Ponte Vedra High,
School Coalition, working
against a deadline .pf April or
May, has been actively solicit-
ing support from the commu-
At community events, vol-
unteers have been handing out
fliers titled, "Help keep Ponte
Vedra High School in Ponte
Vedra" and directing people to
an online petition.
The Tallahhassee-based lob-
bying firm Fiorentino and
Associates has agreed to lobby
the DEP for the exchange with-
out being compensated for
their work, according to
And another anonymous

supporter has paid for 20,000
mailers to be sent out today to
Ponte Vedra homes, Rumsey
The group's online petition
has grown in length,: reaching
more than 2,500 signatures,
according to Marc Bugbey with
the high school coalition.
St. Johns County schools
superintendent Joseph Joyner
has said the School Board will
vote on the site for a Ponte
Vedra high school in April or
' The only two sites being con-
sidered, Joyner has said, are a
30-acre parcel behind Talbots
off State Road AlA and a 75-
acre site offered, as a donation
east of Davis Park, about one
mile west of the Intracoastal
Although high school coali-
tion members have said
Peyton's offer is motivated
only by his desire' to help Ponte
Vedra, one St. Johns County
commissioner has a different
Commissioner Ben Rich said
he believes the offer is part of a
bigger quest for. private inter-
ests to attain the 4-mile stretch
of beach just south of Ponte

Vedra that is part of the Guana
Tolomato Matanzas National
Estuarine Reseaich Reserve.
"I smell the rat in this deal,"
Rich said in a telephone inter-
view Tuesday. "It is all about'
money." .
* Rich said allowing the land
exchange. could force the
National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration to
cut its funding for the GTM
', If that happens, Rich said,
developers might offer- their
help to the state to make up.for
the loss of federal dollars, and
he said he believes they would
ask 'to purchase the beachfront
"I think ultimately the
beachfront is the prize," Rich
No meeting with. the DEP
had been scheduled as of
Tuesday, according to Bugbey..
Rumsey said Monday that if
the high school coalition is
unable to convince the DEP to
recommend the deal, then the
group will attempt to meet
with Gov. Jeb Push and his



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Cont. from A-1
"We had no petitions there.
We only had fliers," said
Virginia Simpson, who said she
handed fliers to drivers as they
entered Landrum's parking lot.
"People were free to take the
fliers or not."
Simpson said that she placed
her clipboard with the fliers on
a ticket table when she went to
work at the concession stand at
the game.
The high school coalition is
pushing for the swap, in which
Herb Peyton is offering 50 acres
of land at the end of Neck Road
for 50 acres within the Guana
reserve for a high school.
"We're doing it just to get the
word out," Simpson said,
adding that she also handed
out fliers at the March 4 carni-
val at Rawlings Elementary
"I didn't even know that that
was something I shouldn't
have done anyway."
Joyner said Tuesday that
handing out flyers violates the
School District's policy on
political activity on school
"This is not something that
is consistent with our proce-
dures," Joyner said.'
Joyner said he spoke with
Landrum Principal Beverly
Gordon and the incident has
been "handled."
A similar incident took place
two years ago when the Ponte
Vedra High School Coalition
sent fliers home with students
outlining Peyton's original
offer of swapping development
rights for land in the Guana.
Marc Bugbey with the high
school coalition said he was
the one who handed out'the
fliers back then but did not
know about the recent. inci-

Page 3A*

The Beaches Letader/Ponte Vedra Leader

M ca,- I- 1 % ") 1 nn;





March 15.2006'

rage O S g te B s se 193 TE B S LE VA
w'w.mbeachesleader.com ..Locally Owned and Operated Serving the Beaches since 1963 THE BEACHEs LEADER/PONTE VEDRA LEADER

' The Leader's Opinion

Cameras aim

to deter crime

After numerous reports of fights, car vandalism and
other problems in the parking lot that adjoins the.
Jacksonville Beach pier, city officials are investing in sur-
veillance cameras.
The cameras will be placed at the pier parking lot, the
oceanfront park at 6th Avenue South and other areas
where criminals have preyed on citizens.
The cameras, which will be monitored by police, are
being installed to curb crime in the areas.
Other communities have considered installing similar
-cameras in public areas where crime is a problem and the
invasion of privacy has, in the past, seemed too high a
price to pay.
Unfortunately, the Incidence of crime has made the
cameras a tool that the police need to deploy to keep cit-
izens safe.
We all want our parks to be safe havens tor children
and others seeking a little recreation. It is a sad commen-
tary that such monitoring is necessary.
We would encourage those doing the monitoring to do
so specifically to stop criminal activity and not embrace
the limitless possibilities that such Big Brother technolo-
gv affords to violate individual privacy.

Letters to the editor:

"Copyrighted Material

e* .Syndicated Content

Available from Commercial News Providers"


More letters to the editor:

Join neighbors and help

support land-swap proposal


Why not consider a

Wal-mart for all

our green spaces?

To the editor: independent stores go out of
I am so relieved to see that at business, \Val-Mart will again
--long last a viable business is step up to the plate and take
proposing to take over the over. Won't it be great to have
space -that is the former a Super Wal-Mart on every
Scotty's,/Big Lots/Food Lion block? I envision a future
plaza in Neptune Beach. where you can step outside
How fortunate for Beaches your front door, throw a rock,
residents that Wal-Mart has and hit a WVal-Mart. Maybe we
come to the rescue! Finally, we can even change our zoning to
now can dcive only 5 minutes allow WVal-Mart to build on
(instead of 15; to take advan- some of those pesky ocean-
-_tage of low, low prices on all front green spaces! Wouldn't
the cheap i unk we can't live that be-great?!.? .
i-n '% t r e ', rt," ".all `+ -,' T

Must all work to

protect affordable

housing at Beach

To the editor:
Have you seen the effects of
the "Beaches Tsunami?" It
first swept away most of the
affordable motels and many
of the rental -units along
Jacksonville Beach. It contin-
ued to the -Mlavport area and
swept away affordable apart-
ments and mobile-home
parks there.
Our tsunami was caused by
developers and is similar to
the one caused in Indonesia
by an earthquake that gener-
ated a monster wave of water.
It is also similar to one in
Zimbabwe, which is land-
locked. The dissidents there
, metaphorically call it "Robert
Mugabe's Tsunami" as it was
caused by President Mugabe's

government cleari
affordable housing t
was unattractive.
placed people there.
ly totaled 700,000.
,till Inokino for hnous

ng o0
hat to
The di
Most a


A coalition was formed in
the Beaches to address imme-
diate housing for our dis-
placed persons, the building
of affordable housing, and
how to stem the tide of con-
versions from rentals to con-
The support of government
and citizens is needed in
helping maintain the critical
part of our culture played by
the people being displaced.

Richard A. Conway
Jacksonville Beach



Kathleen Feindt Bailey Linda Borgstede

Editor, The Beache; Leader

Thomas Wood
President and Publisher

Chuck Adams
Robert DeAngelo
Rex Edmondson
Bob Fernee
Laura Fowler
Alice Gartland
John Hardebeck
Josh Holliday
Jennifer Knoechel
Jeffrey Minton
Liza Mitchell
Kathy Nicoletti
Hal Newsome
Wimpy Sutton
Ann Von Thron
Roger Walker

Amy Bolin,
Pat Dube
Bernice Harris
Ted Lamb

Dire.ror of Sale,

Karen Stepp
I~ree Prsidenr

Display Ad Sales
Cathi James
Joanne Jund
Joseph Martin
Kathy Moore
Stacey Perkins

.Sieve Fouraker

Business Office
Char Coffman

Advertising &
Marie Adams
Gloria Davis
Cherry Jones
Jane McElhiney

Kathleen Hartman
Editor, Ponte I 'dra Leader,

Jennifer Wise
I ice PIe.denr

Anya Braun
Eric Braun
Scon Cheeseman
Randy Dedman
Kenny Friedman
Jenna Highland
Karen Holland
Jimmy Howle
Tobi Liss
Donny Milliken
John Newsome
Kevin Phinney.
Gerald Tierney

Press Room,
Paul Corey'
Scott Sanders
Daniel Fanning
Justin WRay

To the editor:
The Ponte Vedra High
School Coalition was founded
in 200.3. Its sole purpose was
and still is to help secure a
high school for Ponte Vedra
children within our communi-
ty. The recent land offer by
local benefactor Herb Peyton,
founder of Gate Petroleum, has
re-energized our efforts and
given us real hope for success.
As principal members of the
Coalition, we feel it important
to clear up any confusion there
may be regarding Mr. Peyton's
offer and give Ponte Vedrans
an update on our efforts.
Mr. Pe\ton's offer is simple:
He wants to donate deed) 50
acres of his valuable and envi-
ronmentally sensitive Outpost
property to the state for con-
servation purposes. For those
not familiar with the exact
location of this pristine proper-
t., it is located at the south end
of Neck Road on the shoTes of
Lake Ponte Vedra. In return,
all he is asking is for the state
to donate 50 state owned acres
to our county so that our
sch .ol poard can build a Ponte
Vedra high school a half-mile
away on these 50 acres of
planted pine on Nlickler Road.
His motivation is also simple;
he loves this community and
thinks a high school for Ponte
Vedra kids should be located in
Ponte Vedra.
After learning of Mr.
Peyton's new offer, our group
felt it important to educate as
many other Ponte Vedrans as
quickly as possible. With
Superintendent Joyner com-
mitted to opening a high
school by 2008, we knew our
timeline was short. So, what
began as a presentation to a
targeted group of parents and

neighbors on February 22,
turned into two presentations
in front of almost 200 people.
Both evenings were heavily
covered by the media, and the
reaction to our presentations
was extremely encouraging.
Several environmentalists,
including at least one promi-
nent member of the Sierra
Club, asked questions at the
presentations and offered sup-
port and encouragement. The
reaction at .those first presenta-
tions, and at every presenta-
tion since, has been over-
whelmingly positive. We are
absolutely convinced that
once our citizens have a clear
understanding of this propos-
al, the overwhelming majority
will embrace it.
Since our initial presentation
February 22nd, we have been
humbled by the outpouring of
support offered by business
owners, local benefactors, par-
ents, grandparents and neigh-
bors from throughout our
community. Many of Ponte
Vedra's most active and
involved citizens have pledged
to helping any ,way they can.
We have handed out flyers at
soccer games, ball fields and
school carnivals. The response
we have received has been at
least 20:1 in support of the
proposal. In less than two
weeks, we have had over 2,000
of our citizens sign our online
petition at PVHSC.com. Our
efforts also attracted the atten-
tion of a prominent local lob-
bying firm that is now assist-
ing us pro bono. Several local
benefactors have offered finan-
cial assistance because they,
too, believe in our mission.
Countless other citizens have
joined the effort to contribute
their time, expertise and

Don't let bullies have

To the editor:
I am writing in regards to the
Ponte Vedra High School
IPVHiSCi efforts to have the
Nlickler Road site reconsidered
for out much needed, Ponte
Vedra High School in Ponte
Vedra rinot at Davis Park in
Nocatee. By now, you have
heard all of the arguments for
this proposal so I won't bore
you with information that you
have heard ad nauseam.
What concerns me is that
there is a unique opportunity
that is going to be missed
because of the objections of a
vocal and intransigent minori-
t ,, y . *.
All of us understand the
need to protect our open
spaces. I believe that is why
this proposal has not been
vocally opposed in the papers'
by the larger environmental
groups that come to mind,.
such as the Audubon Society
and the Sierra Club.
My plea to the school board
is. that we don't miss this
unique opportunity to locally
embrace the efforts of our very

own residents that include par-
ents, children, environmental-
ists, and philanthropists
among others. As our local
elected school officials, you
should be proactively support-
ing the efforts of this local
coalition to have Tallahassee
revisit this site for the greater
good of our community. So
far, your comment has been
"let us know what they' say"
instead of standing behind the
effort with some form of for-
mal written support.
The beauty of this new pro-,
posal is that the vast majority
of these different groups are
willing to compromise in an
effort to achieve many differ-
desired benefits that will
enhance the lives of many in
this community. Mr.Peyton
gives up land and potentially
even development rights to his
land so that a High School can.
be built -for the -community
that he loves. Pragmatic envi-
ronmentalists, the State and its
residents gain highly coveted
land in exchange for less envi-
ronmentally sensitive land.,




in time

money. fr Bill Carter were looKing
We are optimistic that, with for a job, imagine his
the widespread support we are resume:
receiving, we will finally be
able to positively present Mr. Secret Service agent: Served
Pevton's offer to the DEP and under Presidents Kennedy and
ultimately to Governor Bush. Johnson; stood sentry at
\Ve believe Jeb Bush to be a for- Kennedy's grave.
ward thinking and reasonable Investigator: Served on the
Governor. Like thousands of Warren Commission following
Ponte Vedrans have over the the assassination of President
last two weeks, we are hopeful Kennedy; interviewed Lee
that he too will embrace this Harv.ey Oswald's widow,
proposal. Marina, and Oswald's killer,
We also understand how Jack Ruby.
important the support of our Cnminal lawyer: Defended
local official base is to our some pretty rough dudes.
effort's success. Our Entertainment lawNer:
Superintendent, Dr. Joyner and Negotiated a deal with the U.S.
our School Board representa- government to allow the
ties must stand behind our Rolling Stones to entertain in
effort when we present this to the United States in 1975;
the Governor. Dr. Joyner and hired by former Teamsters boss
our very own Ponte Vedra dis- Jimmy Hoffa; managed such
trict Board representative / stars as Tanya Tucker, Rodney
School Board Chairman Bill Crowell and Reba McEntire;
Fehling, have both endorsed produces TV show for
our efforts. We are actively try- Christian music greats BilU and
ing to get before as many'local Gloria Gather.
groups and organizations as Persuader: Bullied a Mexcan
possible over the next five undertaker into releasing the
weeks. We encourage any body of actor Steve McQueen,
group that is teredin who died in Mexico of a heart
-group that is interested .-i a,,,- 1-... .
presentation to conact,.one of-,, atta' blowing rgery.
us via the pvhsc.com website Theseare Just a few of Billy
or by phone at 716-3684. In Neal Carter's job experiences.
the meantime, anyone with He has documented them all
interest in learning the details in his' new book, "Get Carter:
of the proposal may do so at Backstage in Historv from JFK's
www.pvhsc.com. And after Assassination to The Rolling
you understand it, please join Stones" (Fine's Creek
the 2000 plus neighbors of Publishing, $29.95. But when
yours who have already signed I asked him in a telephone
our petition in support of the conversation what he wants to
land swap proposal. be remembered for, he didn't
Marc J. Bugbey mention his tough negotia-
Davis Johnson, Jr. tions or his work with famous
C. Cayce Rumsey, in and infamous people. He
Ponte Vedra High School wants to be remembered as the
Coalition executive producer of the Billy
Graham documentary he just
"I think that documentary
will certainly outlive me and
their way probably my children and
grandchildren," Carter, 70,
said. "He (Graham) is going to
Best yet, it's all done at no cost! go down as one of the great
Yes, there will always be spiritual leaders of all time."
those that say no; they' will say He indicated that the very
it the loudest, and they will say people who yelled "Get Carter"
it in the most threatening to come and help probably
manner. As elected school couldn't get Carter today. He's
board members, you are a changed man. "The person I
charged with the task of coun- am now," he said in his book,
tearing the threat that bullies "could never have negotiated
pose to children in our the Steve McQueen deal or par-
schools. All I ask is that you ticipated in some of the other
not only take note of all those showdowns I was involved in
who are in support of this over the years."
transaction, but that you also But that's not the Bill Carter
take note of those whfo aren't whom Judi Turner knows.
saying no. Signal your support' Turner, co-author of "Get
of this community's efforts.in Carter," said in an e-mail mes-
writing to the State to give this sage: "He does :not believe in
proposal the fair hearing that the word 'can't' and I learned
it deserves. My fear is that early- in, the game NEVER,
without a signal from you, this EVER to argue with him
unique experience in cross because he is a master manipu-
cooperation will be lost forev- lator, and he just wants some-
er. There is a group that wants one to argue so he can clean
to derail this process and their plate.".
extinguish any debate before it Turner, a veteran Nashville
begins. This opportunity now publicist, was speaking affec-
lies squarely in your hands. tionately, of course. She and
. Please don't let the :bullies Carter are buddies. She has got-
have their way! ten publicity jobs' because' of
Paul Azzaro him. And it was she who
Ponte Vedra Beach encouraged Carter to continue
writing his book, which he set
out to do only for his two
S, This' book has been a lot of
VIA' 1 work, Carter said from his
home near Nashville. Six years
nte' Vedra of work. And the Billy Graham
n t "r documentary, his favorite proj-
ect, took almost that long. (The
documentary, produced by the
Davis Park. Well, Davis Park is Gaither company, is scheduled
a public area, and will not nec- to air on PBS during' Easter
essarily be dedicated to the week and later on The',
new PVHS.. We need to keep Biography Channel.) '
the Guana site on the table Carter's assistant said she
and convince the school board wished he could start each day
and the Governor that it is best watching a Billy Graham
for students and wildlife. We video. It puts him in a good
need the county commission- mood.
ers to help in this matter. You'll need to read the book.
Jack Quinn to find out what Carter was
Ponte Vedra Beach like in other moods.

To the editor:
A proper high school site is
,very important, now, and for
the future of Ponte Vedra.
Many of us are not experts on
all matters, so often we use our
own research plus the views of
those with whom we have
great confidence. Admiral Bill
Smedberg, a member of the
original HS site selection
group, is a man whom I respect

and in whom I have great con-
fidence on this matter. I agree
with him that Guana ;is the
best site, and, with Herb.
Peyton's generous offer to
exchange his better wildlife
site for a wildlife site restricted
by Mickler Road, Neck Road,
and the Publih shopping cen-
ter, it is the most feasible.
One of the arguments for the
site west of the Intercoastal is

R '

- A A

School site importam

and for future of Po



The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page *5A

Essay Contest Winners

Essay Contest Winners

As part of Newspapers in Education week, The Leader invited area students
to write essays on a variety of topics. Students could write about what a story
in the newspaper might say about them or choose to write about what part of
the paper is a favorite. Adventure Landing co-sponsored the contest and pro-
vided prizes to the Winners.

1st Place

Elementary School

Jason Spandow

M.K. Rawlings

Elementary School

Spandow has
won the 11th
Annual "Brother
of the Year
Award"! This award is given out all over the
United States. A 9 year old boy named Jason
Spandow from Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida has'
been awarded a 4 feet tall, glorious gold trophy,
along with a bronze medal.
Jason was born in Stamford, Connecticut on
June 10, 1996. The lucky parents of this early
adolescent are Kristin and Oliver Spandow. His
wonderful siblings are Gavin Rieflln Spandow,
age 3, and Payton Rye Spandow, age 6. Payton
cherishes her dolls and makeup. Gavin adores
anything to do with trucks or dinosaurs.
Soldiers, baseball, football, basketball, and
hockey are just some of the things Jason enjoys
playing the most. He likes skim boarding, boo-
gie boarding, swimming, golf, Karate, and ten-
nis. His favorite food is plain ATs pizza. His
favorite restaurant is Moe's. He craves tunes like
"3 \/2 Minutes" and "Lunch Lady Land" on his
Ipod Shuffle.
When Payton heard about the "Brother of the

Year Award', she instantly wrote a letter saying,
"I think' that Jason Hajo Spandow should be
elected for this award because ofhis outstanding
performance as a big brother. I choose Jason
over my younger brother, Gavin, because-Gavin
has too much physicality and dependence.on
diapers. Jason is caring and patient. He antici-'
pates the needs of others and acts when needed.,
He plays with me when I have no one else to
play with. He shares his Game Cube and Game
Boy with me. He looks out for me so I don't fall
into the lagoon. He teaches me to play electron-
ic games, baseball, soccer, football, and basket-
ball skills. He's the best brother ever!"
Jason's parents agree with Payton. 'Jason is the
best son anyone could wish for. We also think
that, he should be elected 'Brother of the Year'
because he takes the time to teach his siblings
right from wrong and makes them feel special.
He has always been loving and kind toward oth-
ers and we are proud of him everyday."
Jason has many goals in life. They include
becoming an athlete and a businessman like his
father. He also wants to become an actor. So far
Jason is on top of everything, even his home-
work. Overall, Jason is a great kid.

1st Place

Secondary School

-'- Bret Hunter

Middle School

An article about me. him on the ground, she didn't even hesitate to
What would it be? see why. She Just ran inside and called 911.
Oh I know!...,
Brett just sat there gaspirig for air, imagining
"LOCAL BOY JUMPS IN FRONT OF what would have happened to his beautiful dog
BULLET FOR DOG" Largo if she got shot. He sat there anxiously for
the Paramedics and' the police. When they got
Brett Hunter, 12, of Ponta Vedra Beach, Florida, there Brett was about to be taken to the strutter
'saved a dogs life by bravely jumping in front of a when Largo came up to him, laid down beside
bullet shot at it. The dog was shot at by a neigh- him and licked his face about 4 times. Largo new
bor that the dog bit because he was antagonizing he had to go to the hospital, so she got up and let
it them put him on the stretcher. After the got to
S. the Hospital they found out their neighbor was
Brett went outside to play with his dog iLargol arrested.
and saw his neighbor pointing a gun at him. Brert
got scared and Jumped out in front of his dog. Brett was in the emergency room for 4 hours,
BAN1G! His dog yelped, but wasn't the one that But finally they finished and Brett was doing
got shot. okay.
The dog ran inside to get Bretts mom, ( Cheri, It is about 1 week later and Brett and Largo are
'32 i while Brett was laying on the ground wound- doing Great.
:ed and hurt. When his mom came out and saw


M.K. Rawlings Elementary School '


Bill of rights endorsed The event is free and open to the public.
A countywide civic group has asked St. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.
Johns County commissioners to support
drafting a Neighborhood Bill of Rights ordi- Author speaks,of success
nance for the county. T.A. Ridgell, author of "Operation: Stiletto",
By unanimous resolution, the St. Johns and "When Opportunity Knocks," will pres-
County Civic Association Roundtable ent a workshop at 10 a.m. Saturday, March.
Monday voted to ask for the ordinance, 25, at the Ponte Vedra Beach Branch Library.
which would give resident associations a say Ridgell's presentation, "If you Can Drive
in development proposed near their property. Yourself to Success, Why Am I Still Walking?"
Members,of ..the ,,PQnt., ,'edra Beacheds' will 'b* 'given .at a' meeting of the 'Flotida
Coalition irJanuary asked .pmmissiHer's6'r"' Write'r's Association. '
a bill of rights, but the issue was dropped Her third book "Fractured Souls" is sched-
after two commissioners questioned the need uled to be released nationwide in June.
for the law. President of First Coast Romance Writers in
"Properly composed, this ordinance would Jacksonville and other writer organization,
empower our neighborhoods and their citi- Ridgell speaks nationally and leads profes-
zens, at no cost to the county, by permitting sional workshops on topics relevant to con-
affected parties an early voice with legal temporary literature.
standing in matters consequential to them,"
says a letter to commissioners from Walter C. Protecting your ID
Rohrer, chair of the roundtable. Glenn Ullmann, president, of Ullmann
The Palm Vallev Community Association Financial Group based in Ponte Vedra, will
OK'd a similar resolution at that group's present a free seminar on identity theft and
meeting Monday at the Palm Valley how to prevent it at 10 a.m. Thursday, April 6
Community Center on Canal Boulevard. in Ponte Vedra.
The one-hour seminar will be held at the
Documentary is shown Ponte Vedra Beach Branch Library. The public
A documentary about the Civil Rights is invited.
movement in St. Augustine and Martin Ullmann recently published a guide,
Luther King Jr.'s role in the movement will be "Safeguarding Your Identity In-Flight
shown at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 23, at Nease Manual."
High School. For information on the seminar," call the
Jeremy Dean, maker of the film, "Dare Npt library at 273-0495.
Walk Alone," will attend the viewing to
answer questions. Hypnosis class offered
The film was shown in St. Augustine and in A free class on the use of hypnosis as ther-
Jacksonville last month to sold-out houses. apy will be presented at 6:30 p.m. Monday
and 10 a.m. Tuesday at the Winston Family
Y. MCA in Ponte Vedra.
State champs perform The class will be given by hypnotherapist
A ladies Barbershop quartet, Escapade, will James Ryan, who will offer self-hypnosis
perform at 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 28 at the training at the end of the program.
Ponte Vedra Beach Branch Library. The YMCA branch is on Landrum Lane,
The quartet, Florida state champions in next to Landrum Middle School. For informa-
2004, consists of career women whose pas- tion, call 280-4130.
sion is their music. .,
The women will perform music from the .
'40s to '60s, show tunes, gospel, inspirational ,
and patriotic pieces. -

lMy summer plans for this
year are to go to my county,
Albania. I love my country
because it is where I was born
and where my relatives happily
await me.
In my country, the first thing
i'll do is visit my relatives, my
grandparents, and my aunts and
Then, Ill visit Albania's
ancient, and valuable ruins. One
priceless and 'destroyed' ancient
ruin that I will visit 'is the
Rozafat Castle, which was origi-
nally built by the historic
Illrians. flllrians have been the
first Albanian people. I'll also
visit the historic Skenderbeg
museum. Skenderbeg is a true
and courageous hero to all
Albanians. The Skenderbeg
museum has historic ruins and a
collection of extensive, old mas-
sive cannons.
In the summer, Albania's
mountains are bone-chilling
cold, and Albania's sandy beach-
es are blazing sunny. So, first I'll
go at the beach. Albania's beach
has two shores, one where the
beach begins and you'll will find
the other one, iftou swim a lit-
tle bit from the first shore. So,
the beach is a really fun place to
swim in, because you can go
from shore to the other. You can
also ride the big foamy waves of
the beach in surfing, with no
fear of sharks, since there are.no
sharks in Albania's wonderful
beaches. I always have a tremen-
dous time swimming and surf-
ing at the beach.
The freezing and bone-chill-
ing Albanian mountains are a
good place for skiing, and
snow-boarding. I'm going to
ski down the mountains
gigantic, and rigid bumps. I'm
also, going to snow-board

down the mountains' ramps,
and half-pipes that are made
of snow.

After visiting my country, my
family and I will head back
home to the United States.

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rat ---------


Monday, March 20
Spring begins.

The Players Championship

be held from Woman's club:' The Ponte
7:45 a.m. to Vedra Woman's Club meets at
5 p.m. at 10 a.m. at Sawgrass Country
Fraternal Club, Ponte Vedra. Sherri
O order Hogan, director of development
for the Jacksonville Museum of
Contemporary Art, will talk
'i. about the museum. Visitors are
Welcome. Call 543-0993 for'
The Great Atlantic Seafood Festival :
will be held Saturday, March 18, at Cancer Society: The
the Sea Walk Pavilion in American Cancer Society will
Jacksonville Beach. There will be lc L hold a comamnee Sat y wom
seafood, music, arts and crafts, oPolice Lodge 65 in 5:30 to 7 p.m. at Mundo Grill in
rides, and games. Call 249-3972 for Nassau County. Call Gary Jacksonville Beach. The rally is
information. Belson at 904-491-8358 for open to anyone interested in

WeAdnesy, March

Retired federal employees:
Chapter 1671 of the National
Active and Retired Federal
Employees will have a noon
luncheon meeting at the
Golden Corral Restaurant,
14035 Beach Blvd. Visitors are
welcome. 731-39b8.

Sons of Italy:; he Sons of
Italy Beaches Lodge 2821 .will
meet at 6:30 p.m. at the
Beaches Branch Library's audi-
torium, 600 Third St., Neptune
Beach. A social time starts at
5:30 p.m. Anyone, Italian her-
itage or not, is welcome. Call
242-2949 for information.

Divorce care class: A support
group for separated and
divorced will offer divorce care
classes at 6:30 p.m. at Palm
Valley Baptist Church, 4890
Palm Valley Road. 285-2447.

Thursday March

Coffee on the Coast: The
Beaches Division of the
Jacksonville Regional Chamber
of Commerce will have "Coffee
on the Coast" at 8 a.m. at
2Nique's, 544 Atlantic Blvd.,
Neptune Beach, in the K-Mart
plaza. The cost is $2. 249-3868.

Women's association: The
Sawgrass Players Club Women's
!Asspciation will .meet at 10
a.m., followed by a program at
10:30 a.m., 'at the Cultural
Center at Ponte Vedra, 50
Executive Way, Ponte Vedra
Beach. The public is invited.

Adventures in Art:
Adventures in Art will be held
at 1 p.m. at the Ponte Vedra
Beach Branch Library. Jam
Bialka will demonstration using
pastels to paint. Call Carolee
Bertisch at 273-6578 for infor-

Caregiver support: A care-
giver support meeting for those
caring for someone with
Alzheimer's memory loss or
'other illnesses, will be held at
1:30 p.m. at the Council on
Aging Coastal Community
Center, 180 Marine St., St.
Augustine. Call 904-823-4815
for information.

Open house:' Persephone
Healing Arts Center, 485 6th
Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach, will
have an open house from 5:30
to 7 p.m. Call 246-3583 for

Republican Club: The River
City Republican Club will meet
at 7 p.mi. at the Piccadilly
Restaurant at 200 Monument
Road. David Allen of "The
David Allen Show' will speak
about eminent domain. Call
jack Webb at 904-886-2872

Course on coastal ecology:
Guana Tolomato Matanzas
National Estuarine Research
Reserve will host a course on
coastal ecology through March
30. Space is limited and registra-
tion closes March 5. To view the
class agenda or register, visit
du.com. GTMfNERR is located at
505 Guana River Road, Ponte
Vedra Beach. 904-823-4500.

Friday, March 17
St. Patrick's Day.

Red Hat Foxes: The Red Hal
Foxes will celebrate St. Patrick's
Day at 11:30 a.m. at Culhane's,
967 Atlantic Blvd. (in the Publix
shopping center), Atlantic
Beach. Call 285-3505 to R.S.V.P

Irish stew: Fleet Reserve
Association Branch 290 will]
serve Irish stew from 5 to 8 p.m.
at 390 Mayport Road, Atlantic
Beach. The cost is $5. Call 246-
6855 for information.

Saturday March

Pistol course: A certified


Hazardous waste collection:
Household hazardous waste can
be brought to a collection area,
in front of City Hall in Atlantic
Beach from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Household hazardous products
include paint, paint thinner
and. stripper, pool chemicals,:
gasoline, antifreeze, pesticides'
and herbicides. Electronics,
such as computer monitors, tel-
evisions, batteries, etc., may
also be dropped off. Call 270-
1651 for information.

Gardening: A master garden-
er will be at Proctor Ace
Hardware, 580 Atlantic Blvd.
(in the Kmart shopping center),
Neptune Beach, from 9 a.m. till
noon to answer gardening
questions. Call 249-5622 for

Open house: The Seaside
Playgarden, 223 8th Ave. S.,
Jacksonville Beach, will hold an
open house from 10 a.m. till
noon. Call 247-1314 to R.S.V.P.

Parliamentarians: The First
Coast Parliamentarians will
'meet at 10:15 a.m. at the Ponte
Vedra Beach Branch Library,
101 Library Blvd., Ponte Vedra
Beach. Visitors are welcome.
Call 744-9074 or 223-1314 for

working on me planning com-
mittee for the Oct. 14 "Making
Strides Against Breast Cancer"
at the Sea Walk Pavilion. Call.
249-0022 for information.

Femmes 892: Le Petit Salon
des Huit Chapeaux et Quarante
Fenmmes 892 will meet at 7:30
p.m. at Ocean Beaches
American Legion Post 129,
1151 S. 4th St., Jacksonville"
Beach. A formal initiation will
be conducted. Call 242-0042 for

Tuesday, March 21
Senior workshop: Edward
Jones Investment representa-
tive offers free senior workshops
at 10 a.m. at 13171 Atlantic
Blvd., Suite 300. Reservations
are required. Call 221-8501.

NFACCA: The North Florida
Air Conditioning Contractors
Association will meet from
11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Ramada
Inn Mandarin, 3130 Hartley
Road. The cost is $15 with
R.S.V.P., and $20 without. Call
783-3155 or e-mail nfacca@bell-
south.net for information or to

Democratic club: The'
Beaches Democratic Club will
meet at 6:30 p.m. at the
Neptune Beach Days Inn, 1401
Atlantic Blvd. (across from

Publix). Rod Smith, one of two
SCBWI: The Society of top Democratic candidates for
Children's Book Writers & governor and current Florida
Illustrators will meet from I to state senator,,i. the -featured.
3 p.m. 'at the Southeast speaker. Call Peyton Hopkins at
Regional Library in Deerwood. 249-9550 for information.
E-mail Janet Walter at igwal-

ter@tomcast.net tor intorma-

Art class: A family art class
will be held from 2 to 3 p.m. at
the Jacksonville Museum of
Modem Art, 333 N. Laura St.,
Jacksonville. The class is free
with museum admission. For
information, call Ashlie
Johnson at 366-6911, extension
207, or e-mail ajohnson
- @jmoma.org.

St. Patrick's dinner: A St.
r Patrick's dinner and show will
be held at American Legion
Auxiliary 316, 1127 Atlantic
Blvd., Atlantic Beach. Dinner is
at 5 p.m., and the show starts at
8 p.m. Call 249-0202 for infor-

Seafood festival: The Great
Atlantic Seafood Festival will be
held at the Sea Walk Pavilion in
I Jacksonville Beach. There will
r be seafood, music, arts and
crafts, rides, and games. Call
249-3972 for information. ,

Sunday, March 19
7 Church homecoming: Palm
t alley Baptist Church will hold
its homecoming at 9:30 a.m. at
4890 Palm Valley Road, Ponte
SVedra Beach. A fellowship meal
will follow, and everyone is wel-
come. Call 285-2447 for infor-

Meditation and dharma:
Carol Lutker will give a talk on
meditation and dharma from'
10 to 11:30 a.m. at Cobalt
Moon Center's Sky Studio, 217
t First St., Neptune Beach. Call
386-246-4092 for information.

ArtFusion: "ArtFusion for,
Families" is held from noon to
4 p.m. at the Jacksonville
Museum. of Modem Art, 333 N.
.Laura St., Jacksonville. Call
Ashlie Johnson at 366-6911,
t extension 207, for information.

Major Author Program: As
part of the Major Author
SProgram of the Friends of the
Library-Ponte Vedra Beach,
Khaled Hosseini, author of "The
Kite Runner," will speak at 7:30
I p.m. at the University of North
Florida's Fine Arts Center
c Lazzara Theatre. A backstage
reception for the author will be
held at 6 p.m., and there will be
a book-signing immediately fpl-
lowing the presentation. Call
904-242-0440 for tickets or
I information-.

Book signing: Florida mys-
tery' writer Randy Wayne White
will be at The Bookmark at 7
p.m. to read from and sign
copies of his new book "Dark
Light." Call 241-9026 for infor-

Wedlnesday, March

Diabetes workshop: Coastal
Care Medical Center &
F.O.R.M.E. Rehabilitation will
present an educational work-
shop about diabetes at 10909-9
Atlantic Blvd., Jacksonville.
Lunch will be provided. Call
642-3304 to register or for more

DAR: The United Daughters
of the Confederacy will meet at
11 a.m. at the Selva Marina
Country Club. Hugh Palmer of
the Mandarin Museum is the
speaker. Visitors are welcome.
Call 223-3025 for information.

Thursday, March

Garden club: The Ribault
Garden Club, 705 2nd Ave. N.,
Jacksonville Beach, will offer a
program on roses. The public is
invited. Call 246-4641 for infor-

Friday, March 24
Fish fry: Fleet Reserve
Association Branch 290 will
have a fish fry from 5 to 8 p.m.
at 390 Mayport Road, Atlantic
Beach. The cost is $8. Call 246-
6855 for information or to
place' a take-out order.

Red Hat Foxes: The Red Hat
Foxes will meet at 5:30 p.m. at
Outback Steakhouse, J. Turner
Butler and AlA, Jacksonville
Beach. Call 285-3505 to R.S.V.P.

Book club: The. Red Hat
Foxes Book Club will meet at 7
p.m. at Books-A-Million.

Parrot Heads Parrot Heads in
Natural Settings (PHINS) of
Jacksonville' will have a
"Gumbo Weekend" today and
March 25. The event starts with
a check in/meet and greet at 7
p.m. at Hooter's at Jacksonville
Landing. There will be a gumbo
cooking contest March 25 from
11 a.m. to 2 p.m., with tasting
from 2 to 3 p.m. and awards at
3 p.m. A weekend package is
$35 per person. For informa-
tion, call Mark Renfroe at 771-
6890 or Barbara Shartran at

Saturday March

Smokin' Red Hats: The
Smokin' Red IHat Ladies of VFW
3270 will have a luncheon at 2
p.m. at Lynch's Irish Pub, 514
N. 1st St., Jacksonville Beach.
Call 241-8008 or 242-0042 for

Sunday, March 26
Daughters of the
Confederacy: The Mattie T.
Wright Chapter of the United
Daughters of the Confederacy
will meet at 11 a.m. at Selva
Marina Country Club. Hugh;
Palmer from the Mandarin
Museum is the speaker. Visitors
are welcome. Call 223-3025 for

ArtFusion: "ArtFusion for
Families" is held from noon to
4 p.m. at the Jacksonville
Museum of.Modem Art, 333 N.
Laura St., Jacksonville. Call
Ashlie Johnson at 366-6911,
extension 207, for information.

Tuesday, March 28
Lecture: Paul Rusesabagina,
the hero of the Rwandan geno-
cide portrayed in "Hotel
Rwanda," will speak at 7 p.m. at
Jacksohville University's
Swisher Gymnasium. Tickets
are $5 per person. Call 256-
7520 for information.

Full Circle: Full Circle, a sup-
port group for those caring for
their elderly parents, will meet
at 7 p.m. at the Council on
Aging Coastal Community
Center, 180 Marine St., St.
Augustine. Call Diane Longo at
904-823-4815 for information.
Wednesday,, March

Automotive recycling work-
shop: The Florida Department
of Environmental Protection
will sponsor a workshop on
automotive recycling. Visit
gories/haza rdous/pages/Auto-
motiveRecyclers.htm for infor-

Thursday March

Women's partnership: The
Beaches Women's Partnership
will meet from 3 to 4 p.m. at,
. 6000-A Sawgrass,.illage,.Drive
across from Pi'blix in Ponte
Vedra Beach. 273-4795.

Townhall meeting: A town-
hall meeting titled "Democracy
and Security: Are They In
Conflict?" will be held from 7
to 9 p.m. at the Florida Times
Union Auditorium, One
Riverside Blvd., Jacksonville.
Admission is free. 904-591-

Friday, March 31
Springing ithe Blues: The .
14th Annual Springing the
Blues Festival will be held from
5 to 10 p.m. today, noon to 10
p.m. April 1, and noon to 8
p.m. April 2 at the Sea Walk
Pavilion in Jacksonville Beach.
In addition to music, there will
be barbecue and seafood, kids'
activities, and an arts and crafts
show. 249-3972.

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March 15, 2006

Ae Beaches Le.ader/Ponte Vedra Leader

'1a i, A A



The BPeahesP T edr/Pnnte Vedra Leader Page 7A'

March 15, 2006 -n -----.r -- "---


Nora Mae Brooks

Nora Mae. Brooks, 80, died of Jacksonville Beach; grand-
March 9, 2006 at her residence daughter, Sandra (Ahmad)
in Atlantic Beach. She was born Rivera of St. Augustine; 4 great-
and raised in Clintwood, Va grandsons; 8 great-great-grand-
and moved to Atlantic Beach children; 10 brothers and sis-
in 1970. She was a member of ters.
Freewill Baptist Church in Private services were held.
Clintwood, VA.,' Services under the direction
Family members include her of Quinn-shalz Funeral Home.
daughter, Dorothy (Pete) Ray

Jerry Campion

Jerry Campion, 93, of
Jacksonville Beachdied March,
11, 2006. .
Family members include his
wife, Stella; daughter and son-
in-law, Dorothy and Kirk
Alcorn; grandsons, Jamie
Alcorn and Miah and his wife
Alii Alcorn and three great-.
grandchildren, Jhade, Jacob,
Owen and baby number four
on the way.

A short visitation and Mass'
will be held 11 a.m., Thursday,
in Quinn-Shalz, A Family
Funeral Home, with the
Reverend William Kelly, offici-
ating. Interment will follow in
the Garden of Honor, in the
Beaches Memorial Park of
Atlantic Beach.
Services under the direc-
tionof Quinn-Shalz Funeral

Stephen R. Capps

Stephen R. Capps, 57, of
Jacksonville, and formerly of
Brunswick died Sunday, March
12 following.a long battle with,
cancer. He was born Oct. 22,
1948 in Connelly's Springs,
NC. He was a 1966 graduate of
Glynn Academy. He was an
avid golfer, loved to go fishing
and ride his Harley.
He was preceded in death by
his mother, Helen Capps Soper.
Family members include
longtime friend, Laura
- Robinson; father, Chan Capps;
stepmother, Winifred Capps;
two children, Jason Smith of
St. Simons Island, and Marie
Yancey (Allen) of Pelham, GA;
brother, David Capps (Carolyn)
of Fernandina Beach; two sis-
ters, Pam Capps Allred (im) of
Ponte Vedra Beach, and
Chandra Capps Cason (Joey) of
St. Simons Island; two step-sis-

ters, Andrea Kennison (David)
of Naples, Fl, and Anita Jones
of Brunswick; three grandchil-
dren, Avery Smith, Tyler
Yancey, and Elana Yancey; two
nephews, Paul Manning
(Nikki) and Brian Thompson;
niece, Amber Fiveash (ason)
and a grand-nephew, Jase
A memorial service was held
Tuesday in the Chapel of
Quinn-Shalz, A Family Funeral
In lieu of flowers, the family
requests memorial contribu-
tions to the Community
Hospice at the Earl B. Hadlow
Center, 4266 Sunbeam Road,
Jacksonville, FIl 32257.
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz.

Lota Louise Hutson Floyd

Lota Louise Hutson Floyd, Jacksonville; nephew, Ted
87, died March 7, 2006. She (Mary) Richardson, of Ft.
was born to William D. Hutson Myers; niece, Vivian (George)
and Katie B. Pitts on.Jy. ard of Vint P
191r4n, Alma. .GA.-, .r '.,.
She was preceded in'death by M ontgomery, TX, a'c other
her husband, Theodore nieces and nephews; sister-in-
' "Teedie" R. Floyd, daughter, law, Pat Hutson, of Green Cove
Katherine Floyd Baker and Springs; a friend Edna Fletcher
granddaughter, Tanya Floyd. Ross, of Jacksonville; 22 grand-
She and Captain Teddie children and 34 great-grand-
Floyd lived in Old East children and 8 great-great
Mayport where they were in grandchildren, each and every-
the commercial fish and one being very special to her.
shrimp business. After raising Visitation was held Tuesday
her family she went to work for in Quinn-Shalz, A Family
the city of Jacksonville, where Funeral Home. Funeral Services
she worked until the age of 74. will be held 11 a.m. today,
She always enjoyed many good Wednesday, in the St. John's
friends over the years and will the Baptist Catholic Church, of
be remembered by all for wel- Atlantic Beach, with Reverend
coming everyone to her home, Joseph Meehan officiating.
and being a truly good friend, Interment will follow in the
according to family. Beaches Memorial Park of
Family members include her Atlantic Beach.
daughters, Sandra (Ned) Tuttle, In lieu of flowers the family
of Mayport, and Marcella requests donations be made to
(Cecil) Butler, of St. Augustine; St. John's the Baptist 'Catholic
Sons, Sidney (Ruth) Floyd, of Church, 2400 Mayport' Rd.,
Melrose and Samuel (Sandra) Atlantic Beach, FL 32233.
Floyd, of Jacksonville; brother, Services under the direction
Joseph G. (Evelyn) Hutson, of of Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home..

'James Randall Jackson

James Randall Jackson, 48,
died suddenly at his home the
evening of March 11, 2006. He
was a resident of Neptune
Beach and a native of Atlanta.
He was a veteran of the United
States Navy, and loved his fam-
ily, his friends, his work, music,
fishing and the sea, according
to family.
Family members include his
wife Cindy;' son, Jeremy;
daughters, Amanda and
Rebecca all of Neptune Beach;
siblings, Carolyn Ogburn,
Dianne Steele, Anita Furman,,

Wayne Jackson, Sherri Jackson
and Melanie Fleeman and a
large extended family in the
metro Atlanta area. .
A memorial service will be
held 1 p.m., Friday, March 17
in the F6rtified Hills Baptist
Church, 4705 East Paulding
Drive Dallas, Georgia 30157.
A memorial service in the
Beaches area will be held at a
later date. The family requests
that you hug someone you
love in memory.
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.

Prudence L. Mitchell, 54,
died March 6, 2006. She was a
native of Mayport. Born Dec.
22, 1951, she graduated from
Douglas Anderson Sr. High
School in1971. She retired
from the Mayport Ferry in
1989 after many years of serv-
ice. She loved the holiday sea-
sons, decorating her home for
all the neighbors to enjoy. She
served on the St. Paul's AMitE
Church trustees board for
many years.
Family members include her
husband, Raymond J. Mitchell;
daughters, Josephine "Denise"
Clark and Vickie Alvisha
Griffin; son, Raymond Joseph
. Mitchell, Jr.; grandsons, Eric

Walter Joseph Nealing, Jr., 75
of Jacksonville Beach, died fol-
lowing a brief illness on March
9, 2006 in the Baptist Medical
Center-Beaches. He was born
Jan. 1, 1931 in Bronx, New
York and moved to Jacksonville
in 1953 from Erie, PA.
He served in the U.S. Army
as part of the Airborne Special
Operations Forces and was a
retired electrical engineer.
Family members include his
wife, Doris K. Nealing; sons,
Walter C. (Debbie) Nealing and
Gene (Diane) King; daughters,
Patty (Mitch) Nixon and Sue

Louis R. Wyrick "Wolfie", 55,
of Jacksonville, died Saturday,
March 4, 2006 at Kindred
Hospital in Green Cove Springs.
Family members include his
wife of 35 years, Martha, and
their daughter, Katherine
(Katie), and his brother Ronald
G. Wyrick Jr. and wife Karen,
Corbin, KY.
Other family members
include Pauline. and Nick
Barela, Bill and Leslie Salinski,
Jim Salinski, Bobby Salinski,

(Willie) Delcher; b
Peter Nealing and
Nealing; sisters,
Kirkpatrick and Judy
and 7 grandchildren.
Funeral services we
Saturday in the Ch
Quinn-Shalz, A Family
Home with the R
William Kelly, officiati
In lieu of flowers, n
donations may be mac
American Cancer Socie
Services under the c
of Quinn-Shalz Funera

Phyllis Jobe, and a host of other
family members.
He is preceded in death by his
parents, Ronald and Maxine
Wyrick, and his mother-in-law
Myrtle Salinski.
Services were held March 7
with Reverend Murphy of First
Baptist Church officiating.
Interment will be in ,the
Springfield Cemetery Annex of
Springfield, GA.
Arrangements by Quinn-
Shalz Funeral Home.

Sarah Ann Whitlock

Mitchell, Freddie Griffin,
Raymond Mitchell, Jr. Ill and
Armani Mitchell; granddaugh-
ter, Staniqua D. Clark; special
child Alex Brooks, Jr.; 5 broth-
ers; 3 sisters; mother-in-law,'
Mary Mitchell and a host of
nieces, nephews, cousins and
many friends.
Visitation was held from 6 to
8 p.m., Friday, March 10 in
Quinn-Shalz, A Family Funeral
Home. Funeral Services were
held Saturday in the St. Paul's
AME Church of May-port.
In p.r I-m t jI fI llt r-*l i R ach

iJLLJntermentl I01eU L 1o n
Memorial Park, of
Services under the d
of Quinn-Shalz Funera

Sarah Ann Whitlock

Atlantic Sarah Ann Whitlock, 23,
.died March 11, 2006 inP
direction Jacksonville as the result of a
I Home. violent crime. She was born
May 1, 1982 in Miami and'
moved to Ponte Vedra Beach in
1992 from Franklin, TN.
She enjoyed painting, draw-
ing, surfing, yoga and playing
othersr, the guitar. She was a 2000 grad-
I Mike uate of the Providence School
Jane and was currently pursuing her
Powell nursing degree at F.C.C.J. She.
was employed as a nursing
ere held assistant at Solantic and
lapel of planned to enter the medical
SFuneral mission field in Costa Rica fol-
leverend lowing graduation. She was
ng. also. a member of St. Paul's

de to the
I Home.


Catholic Church of Riverside.
Family members include her
parents; Gary and Paula
Whitlock of Ponte Vedra
Beach; brother, Craig. Whitlock
of Ponte Vedra Beach an,
grandparents, William and
Ruby Ramsour of Okeechobee,
Wilma Whitlock of
J a.c kso nv i ll e, Audre y
Baltuskonis of Ft.
Lauderdale,and J.P. Johnson 6f
Greenville, MS.
Visitation will be held from 6
to 8 p.m., Saturday, March 18in
the Chapel of Quinn-Shalz; A
Family Funeral Home. A serv-
ice celebrating her life will ea e
conducted at 2 p.m., Sunday.
March 19 on the Pavilion of
the Sawgrass Beach Club with
the Reverend Glen Reece and
the Reverend Spike Hogan,
In' honor of arid as a final
tribute to. *her, everyone is
requested to wear flip-flops to
the service.
In lieu of flowers, memorial
contributions may be made to'
the City Rescue Mission, 426 S.
McDuff Avenue, Jacksonville,
FL 32254.
'Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.

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iriuifty 'notide. Are' lblisKh4dfrb 'bf hnrgO, ak a community service. AIWu4mlasiI
are subject to editing. Paid advertising space is available for more detailed or personal-
ized death notices. Call 249-9033.

V '

JB registers

children for

annual egg

hunt at park

The City of Jacksonville
Beach will host its 23RD annual
Easter egg hunt at 11 a.m. on
April 8 at Tall Pines Park, located
at North 9th Ave.
The hunt is open to toddlers-
2 & under, 3 & 4 year olds, 5 &
6 year olds, 7 & 8 year olds
The egg hunt will be limited
to 110 children. Registration is
required. Registration for
Jacksonville Beach residents
continues through Friday,
March 17. If spaces are still avail-
able others may register March
20 through Friday, March 31.
The Egg Hunt is free to all par-
ticipants. Bring a bag or basket
to carry eggs in.
Prizes will be awarded in each.
category for prize eggs.
Parents are asked to accompa-
ny small children or toddlers,
otherwise parents
are to remain on the sidelines
while children collect eggs.


Upcoming programs for sen-
iors at the Palm Valley
Community Center will focus
on senior fitness and the coun-
ty's recycling program.
On Tuesday, March 21, Rafe
Hewett with the St. Johns
County Health Department
will discuss the benefits of
being fit while emphasizing fit-
ness needs of those 60 and
Chris Benjamin' with St.
Johns. County will talk about
recycling on Thursday, March
Each program is scheduled
11 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the
center, 148 Canal Blvd., Ponte
Vedra. Admission is free' and
the public is invited.
For information or to make a
reservation for lunch at noon

call 280-3233.
Also at the center, a live auc-
tion open to the public is
scheduled noon to 2 p.m.
Thursday, April 6, with pro-
ceeds helping fund an arts and
crafts program for elders.
To donate a new or slightly
used item to be auctioned off,
call 280-3233 or bring the item
to 148 Canal Blvd. between 10
a.m. and 2 p.m. Tuesday and
The initial meeting to learn
more about the life-style
change using the Macrobiotic
Way to Health will be held at
the Neptune Beach Senior
Activity Center on Monday,
March. 13 at 2 p.m.
Call Mary Jeanne at 242
2702 or Tom at 249 3138 if you
cannot attend this meeting but

would like to have input or
suggest an alternate meeting
time/date, The Center is
located at 2004 Forest Avenue
in Neptune Beach.
The Neptune Beach Senior
Activity Center in cooperation
with AARP Tax-Aide is offering
free tax preparation and elec-
tronic tax filing for middle-
and low-income tax payers
with special attention to those
ages 60 and older. This assis-
tance is being offered every
Friday through April 14 from
noon to 4 p.m.
The center is located at 2004
Forest Avenue, or call 270-1688
to register in advance.
Attend Opening Day with
the Jacksonville Suns Baseball
Team on Thursday, April 6 for
$30 per person. Reservations
are a must. Call 270-1688.


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Ponte Vedra Leader


wwwub hP-arhP-PbedeP om

* Anniversary (right)
... See A-9
* Education
...A-1O 0 .,
* Recipes


'Papa' celebrates 100th birthday

There are certain disadvantages to growing
Hearing loss is one.
High-blood pressure is ,
But Blas "Papa"'
Baraoidan isn't knock-
The venerable
Atlantic Beach resi-
dent turned 100 years
old on Feb. 1.
"Papa is in great
health. He is still able
to read without glasses
and communicates
very clearly," said his
oldest, grandson, Mike
Dancel. ,
"He has seen a lot of
changes in his time." Bias "Papa" Baraoidan cr
*P native f the dren, Skylar (left) and Ma
Baraoidan worked in a
salmon cannery in Alaska in the 1920s, survived
the Japanese occupation of his country during
World War II, and earned a master's degree in
forestry from the University of Washington.
Baraoidan came to Atlantic Beach in 1972 to
live with his daughter, Grace Dancel, and her
Navy husband, Phil.
A retired forester for the International
Hardwood and Veneer Co. of the Philippines,
Baraoidan had a new job description when he
came to the states: baby-sitter.
"Michael was only a week old when he got
-here,". recalled Grace Dancel, who also grew up
in' the Philippines and spent 22 years as a civil-

ian accountant at Mayport Naval Station.
"My husband and I both worked at the base,
so Papa took care of the kids during the day. He
had dinner cooked when we got home."
The Dancels have four grown children, three
boys and a girl, and
""... Baraoidan watched
them all grow up as a
stay-at-home grand-
Two of those
.. grandkids had babies
of their own last
year, making
Baraoidan a great-
"His oldest brother
lived to be 94, so he
has longevity in his
family," said. Grace,
who also credits her
father's Catholic
faith for his cente-
photo submitted n i .
adles his great-grandchil- He saysthe rosary
tthew, earlier this year. every day. When he
was stronger, he
would say the rosary on his knees. He is always
praising the Lord."
Baraoidan is a fixture at 11 a.m. Sunday mass
at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in
Atlantic Beach, where he is still a member of the
Knights of'Columbus.
He was a frequent sight on the sidewalks of
his Royal Palms neighborhood until his mid-
"We stopped letting him walk alone when he
turned 95," said Grace, whose mother died in
the Philippines.
"He used to say, 'Can't I at least walk down to3
the barber shop.'"

pr.oro suDnmile
Nease High senior Laura Beard (right), who will relinquish her title as Miss Nease at the school
pageant April 1, was crowned Florida Junior Miss on March 4 in Perry, Fla. With her is Mari
Wilensky, Miss Florida, who was master of ceremonies for the pageant. As 'the state winner,
Beard was' awarded $1,500 plus $250 each in a scholarship and as winner of an essay and pres-
entation. She will compete for the title of National Junior Miss in Mobile, Ala., in late June,-which
awards $50,000 to the winner.

Peete gives golf tips

Rawlings Elementary students
enjoy "putting tips from a pro
as Calvin Peete, winner of the '
1985 The Players
Championship in Ponte Vedra,
helps at a fund-raiser outside'.
the school Friday. Peete helps .. "
Andi Walt, 10, (left) get a grip
on her grip, and watches
(right) asThomas Snyder
takes his turn. Thomas got
three holes-in-one, which enti-
tied him to a certain prize.
Teacher Stephanie Carroll
said every student got a prize
and every class at Rawlings
took a turn on the grounds,
where five putting greens were
set up. Robyn Harden, physi-
cal education teacher at
Rawlings, said the event was
used to raise money for theY.
child-service agency dahiel, ,
"and at the same time ....
help teach students lessons -
about probability, measure- --
ment and math skills." With -
youngsters paying 25 cents
per putt, the event, organized
by the two teachers and the
Groovy Givers club at
Rawlings, raised $810 for
daniel. Students in the Groovy
Givers club have raised thou-
sands of' dollars for a medical
clinic in Bolivia, Katrina victims
and other causes. .

Pastor says food facilitates fellowship
1^3 .tor'l sAy3 o.,(-r4Lllll(-lCJ/ I1-''~ H^

ellowship and sharing
meals go hand in hand
at many churches.
Palm Valley Baptist Church
in Ponte Vedra is one of sev-
eral local churches that
schedules dinner for the con-
gregation with other .church
activities every Wednesday
Once a month, the
Wednesday dinners there are
covered dish suppers and a
regular contributor to the
dinners is Rev. Jeff Witt, the
church's pastor.
Witt said one of his prede-
cessors began having church
dinners on a regular basis as
way to unite the congrega-
tion. It's a practice he has
also encouraged in the year
and a half he has been at the
"People who are connected
lift each other up and share
their Christian walk togeth-
er," said Witt.
Food is one of the things

that make this possible. Just
having people come together
in a room does not always
make it easy for them to talk
and become connected in
fellowship. The act of sitting
down together to eat is a
good way to facilitate fellow-
ship within a congregation,
he said.
Along with contributing to
church dinners, Witt also
cooks frequently at home for
his wife, Abigail, and their
two daughters, 8-year old
Betty and 6 year-old Macy.
Like many people, Witt
said that he learned to cook
out of necessity. In his early
20s, he and a friend shares
an apartment in San Marco.
Neither of the two young
men knew how to even

begin to cook, but they did
like to eat.
Witt was a true novice in
the kitchen who had never
paid attention to how his
mother prepared family
meals when he was growing'
up in Arlington.
Even cookbooks and
recipes weren't of much help
to him since he was not
familiar with the names of
kitchen equipment or the
techniques used in basic
"The apartment had a gas
stove which didn't work very
well. It's a miracle we didn't
burn the place down," he
Through trial and error,
Witt gradually began to have
some success at preparing
food that turned out pretty
well. He soon found that
several friends, who were
always hungry, were ready to
stop by the apartment on a
regular basis to try whatever
came out of the kitchen.
Cooking almost became
entertainment for the group,

he said, as he tried to dupli-
cate food they had liked
when they were eating out
around town.
A Christrias gift of a crock
pot from his mother opened
a new area to explore. Soups,
stews, chili, and hearty dish-
es such as Polish sausage and
sauerkraut and Italian meat-
balls were just some-of the
possibilities using the crock
pot. An added bonus, he
said, was that he and his
roommate realized that they
were saving on their food
Witt, who worked in com-
mercial art before becoming
a minister, has found in
more recent years that cook-
ing is a relaxing change of
pace from his daily responsi-
bilities. Cookings in a way
similar to his work in com-
mercial art, he said, in that
both are tasks with specific
steps resulting in a visible
finished product.


Rev. Jeff Witt, Pastor of Palm Valley Baptist Church, enjoys
cooking for his family and for the covered dish suppers at the


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pholo "ubmirled
U.S. Navy Cmdr. Deirdre McLay, Capt. Charles King and Jacksonville Mayor John Peyton at the Mayport Council of the Navy
League meeting Thursday, Feb. 17, at Mayport Naval Station. Peyton was on hand to meet McLay, captain of the USS Farragut, a
new destroyer tp be commissioned June 10 at Mayport Naval Station. King is Mayport's commanding officer.

For the Kids

staged at 2 p.m. Saturday at
Books-A-Million, 738 Marsh
Landing Parkway, Jacksonville
Beach. Call 273-8055 for infor-
MUSEUM offers hands-on
activities, play and learning
opportunities for kids from
9:30 a.m, to 5 p.m. Monday
through Saturday at 8580
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville.
Admission is $3.50 for chil-
dren ages 1-3 and $5.50 for all
others. Call 642-2688 for
UM LOFT is a multi-genera-
tions learning environment
that offers 16 hands-on sta-
tions for children and adults
to explore the concepts in
modern and contemporary
' art. Entry is free with paid
entrance to the Jacksonville
Museum of Modern Art.
Children are admitted free
every Sunday for family Free
Day at 333 Hemming Plaza in
do%-wntown Jacksonville. Hours
of operation are 11 a.m. to 5
p.m. Tuesday, Thursday and
Friday, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Wednesday 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Saturday and Noon to 5 p.m.
Sunday. Call 366-6911 for
Kindermusik and playday
classes Tuesday to Saturday in
Jacksonville Beach and Ponte
Vedra Beach for children from
birth to age 7. For
Kindermusik, a music and
movement program for all
ages, children are divided by
age group. Playday is for walk-
ers to 26 months old and
includes parachute play,
climbing and musical activi-
ties. Preschool children and
up attend without parents.
One trial class free. Call
249-3828 for information or
visit wwv.heartsong-km.com.
the Cummer Museum of Art &
Gardens in Jacksonville con-
tains hands-on, high-tech and
low-tech interactive exhibits
that encourage physical activi-
ty and quiet contemplation.
Walk through a painting, cre-

Botball event

on Saturday

The Florida Regional Botball
Tournament will be held
Saturday at the University of
North Florida.
Ten teams will be competing
on campus from 10 a.m. to 3
p.m. at the Andrew A.
Robinson Jr. Student Life
Center, building 14, in rooms.
Local teams participating
include Bishop Kenny,
Episcopal, Fletcher, Mandarin,
Robert E. Lee and Terry Parker
high schools, The Bolles School.
and: Landrum and Mavport
middle schools.
The tournament is the con-
cluding event for a seven-week
educational robotics program
featured in 13 different regions
across the country, providing
students and teachers alike
with the opportunity to work
with state-of-the-art robotics
equipment not normally avail-
able to pre-college students.,
The competition challenges
students to design and build
autonomous robots whose per-
formance and survival capabil-
ities are demonstrated in a
unique Botball game.

ate patterns with dance, make
a collage, listen to a sculpture,
or paint with a virtual paint-
brush. The museum is located
on the north bank of the St.
Johns River at 829 Riverside
Ave., phone 356-6857. Hours
are 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesday
and Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5
p.m. Wednesday, Friday and
Saturday, and noon to 5 p.m.
CENTER offers its popular
program for parents and chil-
dren, FUN! (Find
Understanding in Nature), on
the third Saturday of each
month at 10 AM. For a fee of
$10 families discover easy
ways to invite wildlife into
their back yards.
Tree Hill's butterfly house
gives visitors a close encounter
with butterflies. Animal
Encounters, in which visitors
can learn about and touch
several small animals can be
arraged g ggHeiti
724-4646 and asking for the
naturalist. Tree Hill is at 7152
Lone Star Road and is open 8
a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday
through Saturday. Admission
is $1 for children up to 18
years and $2 for adults.
of the Jacksonville Public
Library, 600 Third St.,
Neptune Beach also has chil-
dren's activities. Call 241-1141
and press 4 for children's
activities and 5 for the chil-
dren's reference desk.
MOMOMY & ME for ages 6
months to 2-1/2 years features
songs, parachute games, finger
play, rhythm band music and
a way to meet other parents or
grandparents while having fun
with your child. Offered
beginning in September at
Nancy Dance Studio. For
information, call 241-8349 for
several playgroups for tod-
dlers. Classes begin in the fall.
For information, call 247-

CENTER, 738 Fourth Ave. S.,
Jacksonville Beach, has many
activities for kids, including
karate, tutoring and games.
group meets regularly at Isle of
Faith United Methodist
Church on San Pablo Road,
next to Alimacani Elementary
School. For information, call
SCHOOLERS, support groups
for moms of children ages 5 or
younger, meet as follows:
Christ the Redeemer
Church, 190 S. Roscoe Blvd.,
Ponte '.edra Beach, 7 p.m. to
9 p.m. the third Monday of
the month 1285-8009.
East Pointe Baptist
Church, 270 N. Kernan Blvd.,
Jacksonville, 9 a.m. to noon
the second and fourth Tuesday
of the month 1220-23771.
Ma-pport Naval Station,
c r e 0,,9.:30a the third -:
Monday of the month (270-
Ponte Vedia Presbyterian
Church, 4510 Palm Valley
Road, Ponte Vedra Beach, 9:15
a.m. to 11:30 a.m. the second
and fourth Monday of the
month 1285-8225).

Once He Was

AND HISTORY offers crafts,
science experiments, planetari-
um shows and live demonstra-
tions throughout the year.
There is a play area for young
children and permanent
exhibits on marine life in the
Jacksonville area. Exhibits are
rotated. There is also an area
where live animals are exhibit-
ed and the public is invited to
watch the feedings, which are
done on schedule. Call 396-
MOSH for information.
YMCA is, on Landrum Lane,
next to Landrum Middle
School in Ponte Vedra Beach.
It has a heated swimming
pool and offers swimming les-
sons and family swim times.
The center features a teen
room and occasional organ-
ized activities for youth. The
center also has classes for chil-
dren and youths. The YICA is
home to organized basketball
activities for ages 5 and up.
,Memberships to the- tw. .
cover most programs ahd are
available with financial assis-
tance. Call 543-9622.

Sarah Sizemore of
Jacksonville Beach and Adam
Edwards of Granville, Ohio,
were married Saturday, Feb. 28,
at Hahna Park. Marsha Coker
performed the ceremony.
The bride is the daughter of
Lance and Michelle Sizemore
of Jacksonville Beach. She is a
graduate of the Marine Science

The groom is the son of
Tracy Watkins and Thomas M.
Edwards of Columbus, Ohio.
He is a graduate of Granville
High School and is employed
by Ocean Reef Inc.
Jessica Sizemore was the
maid of honor. Damon Craig
was the best man. The couple
will reside in Atlantic Beach.

60th anniversary

The Cooks
Shirley and Arthur .Cook of married on March 11, 1946, in
Jacksonville celebrated their Williamsport, Pa. She is the
60th wedding anniversary on former Shirley Wright.
1.w.taur 'ayv, ai*i= l-l,4-, -..at.'- -The. Gooks -have three chilN
Jacksohville Golf & Country dren, Jane Fairall, Susan Miller
Club. The couple, who were and Ginny Tuell, and six
high school sweethearts, were grandchildren.

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T he Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedrzi Leader *.Page 9A

IMarch 15, 2006


March 15, 2006

The1 lBeaheps I PCder/Pnnne \edra Leader

*rage IUA **e .".. ---------- -------


Posing Saturday with their parents'are two of the 14 Nease lacrosse players graduating this year:
Jordy McManus with his parents Jim and Carole (left) and Rob Bauwens with his parents Rob
and Ann. The seniors were honored between the varsity and JV lacrosse games at Nease. See
story, B-1, and more photos, B-8.


A middle school drug & alco-
hol parent informational
evening, entitled "Surviving
the Teenage Years," will be
held from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Thursday at Landrum Middle
School. Parents of high school-
ers also are welcome.
For more information, con-
tact coordinator of student
services Bob Schiavone at 904-
Ocean Palms' annual
Scholastic Spring Book Fair
will be held March 22-29 at the
Landrum Lane elementary
school. The fair will be open
each school day, as well as from
6 p.m. to 8 p.m. March 23.
Bob Trenta, a Nease guid-
ance counselor for the past 16
years, retires effective
Thursday. Trenta has been in

education for 33 years.
The second Nease Relay for
Life, an American Cancer
Society fund-raiser, begins at 6
p.m. Friday and ends at noon
Saturday. The 18-hour event
will be held at Panther
* Stadium. Contacts at Nease are.
Helene Isolica at (904) 819-
8326, Aletha Diesback at (904)
819-8309 and Capt. Robert
Young at (904) 819-8361.
As of Monday three teams -
Red -Hot Chili Peppers and
Marching for a Cure 1 and 2 -
each had raised more than
$1,000 for the American
Cancer Society.
Ocqan Palms Elementary
School will participate in
Goodwill's annual donation
drive by collecting items
March 23-24. Students who

take part will receive a Good
Citizen Award as well as a
coupon for a free medium sub
at Firehouse Subs.
This year's Nease prom, "A
Black Tie Affair," will be held
from.8 p.m. to midnight March
25 at World Golf Village in cen-
tral St. Johns County. Tickets
are $40 for seniors and juniors.
Nominations for prom king
and queen begin Wednesday.
The cutoff is 25 nominees,
from whom classmates choose
the prom court of five queen
and king candidates. The stu-
dents' vote on March 23 will
determine the two girls and
two boys who will be named
first runners-up and also are
crowned prom king and queen
for 2006.

Recipes: Witt's White Lasagna

Cont. from A-8
Cooking is also an impor-
tant component of family
life for Witt. He and his wife
share the cooking duties,
with Witt taking care of din-
ner on several weeknights.
This is also an activity they
can share with their daugh-
ters. Betty, the older of the
girls,.likes to help make
lasagnas and Macy prefers to
help with stirring and some-
what easier tasks.
Witt and the girls recently
baked a birthday cake for
Abigail Witt's birthday, a
multi-layered yellow cake
frosted by the girls with
chocolate icing. Although
this was one of the first
cakes he had tried, everyone
agreed that it turned out
well, he said.
White Lasagna, one of his
wife's favorites, is a dish
Witt makes for the church
suppers and for the family.
Chicken cooked in butter
and cream cheese and sour
cream add extra flavor to the
ricotta filling in his recipe
for lasagna.
Another family favorite is
meatloaf, which he makes
using his wife's recipe. Witt
uses whatever is on hand in
the pantry in recipes and
substitutes freely to see what
works well. The meatloaf is
good made just as his wife,s
recipe directs but is also
good with crushed potato
chips substituted for the
breadcrumbs. The girl's also
like it made with crushed
Goldfish crackers with sever-
al extra saved whole to gar-
nish the top of the meatloaf.
While Polish sausage and
sauerkraut is not one of his
family's favorites, this is a
dish WVitt has liked since his
days cooking in San Marco.
The covered dish suppers
provide a.good reason to
make a crock pot full of the
dish. He also makes
Enchiladas seasoned a little
more strongly than his fami-
ly prefers for the church sup-
pers. Whatever combination
of chopped onions, peppers,
jalapenos, or black olives
that in on hand is included
in the casserole.
The following are the recipes
for a few of the dishes Rev. leff
IWitt contributes to the covered

dish suppers at Palm Valley
Baptist Church.
White Lasagna
3 boneless and skinless
chicken breasts
Italian seasoning
Garlic salt
1 box lasagna pasta
1 lb. ricotta cheese
sour cream
cream cheese
1 Ig. jar of Alfredo sauce
shredded mozzarella
shredded Italian blend
one-quarter of a box of
frozen spinach
Saute the chicken in but-
ter. As it cooks, sprinkle with
garlic salt and Italian season-
ing to taste. Cut the cooked
chicken into bite size pieces
and set aside. To save time,
chicken from a purchased
rotisserie chicken can be
Cook lasagna noodles
according to package direc-
Combine the ricotta
cheese in a saucepan with a
couple T of cream cheese
and sour cream. Warm gen-
tly until ingredients blend.
To assemble lasagna:
Cover the bottom of the
baking dish with some
Alfredo sauce. Place a layer
of noodles over the sauce,
then a layer of ricotta, then
a layer of chicken then a
laver of sauce, then a layer
of shredded cheese.
Continue until all ingredi-
ents are completely used.
Optional: add a small
amount of defrosted and

well drained spinach to the
top layer of lasagna under
the last layer of shredded
Bake in a 350 degree oven
for 1 hour; have the lasagna
covered with foil for the first
45 to 50 minutes and uncov-
ered for the remaining time.
Remove from the oven and
let the lasagna set for several
minutes before cutting.
Large flour tortillas
1 lb. ground beef or pork
2 cans of enchilada sauce
optional: any combination
of chopped onions,
chopped green peppers,
diced tomatoes,
jalapeno peppers, and
sliced black olives
shredded cheese
Brown the meat in a skil-
let, seasoning with cumin
and adding any combina- *
tion of vegetables on hand.
Save the black olives for the
top, of the dish.
Using a lasagna pan, cover
the bottom of the pan with
some of the sauce. Roll a
generous amount of cooked
meat and vegetables in the
tortillas. Place the tortillas in
the pan and cover with more
enchilada sauce. Sprinkle the
top with the black olives if
desired. Cover with a gener-
ous amount of shredded
Cover the pan with foil
and bake in a 350 degree
oven for 20 minutes, taking
off the foil and bake for 10

Polish Sausage and
FiU a crock pot with polish
sausage and 'sauerkraut and
cook all day. Serve with ..
hoagie rolls if desired.

MARCH 15, 2006
MARCH 20, 2006

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GATOR ASAGNA ............... oz COOL WHIP....... oz 3/$4 S
B Sl v 5 ................ 1 oz J DRINK........... 12o.z
S lvoS CROWLEYSAv=rlee "$ 00 HOOD $1 29
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Porite Vedra Leader

March 15, 2006 SPO RTS

* Fishing Leader
* Rex Edmondson
* Classifieds

Nease lacrosse pummels Matanzas

Carson's five goals and

McManus's four spark

Panthers to easy win

By CHUCK ADAMS Kemp. The high temperature
SPORTS ItRITER was in the 80s.
Rob Bauwens, one of Nease's
The Nease boys lacrosse team four senior captains, is a defen-
has a solid defense this season, sive stalwart on a varsity featur-
as well as an explosive offense. ing 10 seniors. Bauwens put his
Craig Carson, a transfer from finger on what has helped the
Long Island who tops the Panthers this year, following
Panthers in scoring, led the way last season's 7-6 record.
with five goals in Saturday's 17- "We have a great group of
4 win over Matanzas, a victory guys," Bauwens said of this
on Senior Recognition Day that team. "I think this year we've
lifted Nease's record to 6-1. had really good team bonding.
Carson leads Nease with 20 The cliques and all the walls are
goals, followed by lordv Mc- starting to break down.
Manus with 19. Everybody's
Bobby Stockton -/ starting to
has 13. In terms come togeth-
of total points, / er."
including ass- Next up for
ists, Stockton the Panthers is
has 30, McMan- \ 9 .Q Stanton Prep at
us 24, Brett home .Vednes-
Angerer 20 and / day, followed
Stockton 18. / by a trip
McManus got / Thursday to
Nease started at Cocoa Beach,
10:17 of the where Nease is
first quarter, slated to meet
taking the ball PANTHERS 17 Darien of Con-
away from PIRATES 4 nect ic u t,
SMatanzas goal- ranked in the
keeper Steven Chea and putting top 10 nationally. The boys play
it in an open net. He scored at Flagler Palm Coast Saturday.
four goals, tall\ing twice more The Nease girls met St.
in the second quarter and once Andrews of Delaware Tuesday.
in the thud, and also had an Next for the girls is Cushing of
assist. Massachusetts March 24.
Stockton scored a hat trick for There are two freshmen on
Nease, as did Grant Walker, who this year's senior-dominated
completed his hat vith four sec- boys varsity: Angerer, a 5'7"',
onds. Each had an assist. 125-pound attack man, and
Angerer- and Chris Scrivener 6'1", 165-pound midfielder
scored one goal each in the Matt Leighty.
thiid quarter. Angerer had three "The freshman are the
assists. future," said Bauwens. "You
Jeff Ocampo scored three of can't go wrong withithem. By
the Matanzas goals. giving these guys varsity play-
Carson had six goals in one ing experience, it's only going
game last year, when he played to make them better."'
for Clark High School in AggerertO xrd?'h1it ird-quar-
Westburv. N.Y. He notched a ter goal on a fast break, after tak-
hat trick in the first quarter ing a pass from Stockton.
against Matanzas, then added "He passed it to me, I saw the
goals in the second and fourth corner open, so I went for it,"
periods. Angerer said of his 12t goal.
Nease assistant coach Pete "'This team is great," he said. "I
Kemp shared the fact Carson wouldn't have asked for any-
became ill halfway through the thing better. The bonding out-
game. He stayed out for about side the field, you can't go
four minutes, then came back wrong with that. Our practices
and scored his final two goals. are just so crisp, and that goes
Coming from Long Island, into the game and gets us our
Saturday was Carson's first Ws."
game in hot weather, said Angerer first played lacrosse

Panthers defenseman Chandler Barden, left, and attack man Davis Alexander, right, swarm Matanzas High's Jeff Ocampo near mid-
field during their match Saturday afternoon at Nease High. The Panthers beat the Pirates, 17-4, to improve to 6-1 on the season.

in the Ponte Vedra Athletic
Association's program, headed
by Dan McAuliffe.
"I learned how to play the
game," he said. "It was my first
time ever picking up a stick."
Carson compared lacrosse on

Long Island with lacrosse in
"It's like a lifestyle up there,"
Carson said. "Down here it's
much faster and more physical,
where on Long Island it's a little
more slowed down. The ball's

settled more. There's not as
much hitting. It's more finesse
up there, but down here it's
more physical."
Carson, whd"had high praise
for Nease coach Jack Francis,
expects the Panthers to contin-

ue to'play well this year.
"We're going to do good if we
keep practicing amazingly," he
said. "We don't have stars on
this team. We move the ball
well, work together. We're a
family. We'll go far."

After first loss, Panthers

begin another win streak


Their season-opening, eight-
game winning streak ended
last week, so the Nease girls
started another softball skein
Monday, beating First Coast 2-
1 in eight innings.
With sophomore Molly
Manning on the mound, the
Panthers tied the game in the
bottom of the seventh inning,
then plated the winning run in
the eighth frame against First
Coast ace Tiffany Byrd. Byrd is
now 10-3 on the season,
Manning's a perfect 5-0.
Nease went into the First
Coast game with an 8-1 record
after their season-opening
streak was ended March 9 by
the West Nassau Warriors, who
posted a 7-1 victory. That win
upped West Nassau's own sea-
son-starting skein to 12.
Nease began last season, one
that ended 20-6, with a 7-2
mark through the first nine
The Panthers faced one of
the area's top pitchers in West
Nassau's Katie Lawrence, who
has pitched all games the
Warriors have won this season.
Lawrence struck out nine bat-
ters, walked one and allowed
six hits, two in the seventh
inning, when Nease scored its
only run. That was delivered on
a fielder's choice by centerfield-
er Taylor Fontanez.
Holland started and
Manning relieved in that
game. Holland took the loss
and is now 4-1. She allowed six
hits and three runs.
Manning over after the lead-

off West Nassau hitter singled
to start the fourth inning. A 6-
3-5 double play, hit into by
Lawrence, eliminated the
Lawrence was 3-for-5 at the
plate. Her batterymate, Erica
Walters, was 2-for-3 with a pair
,of walks.
Manning gave up four hits
and four runs in fout innings.
She recorded five strikeouts,
Holland had none.

The game might have been
more one-sided had it not
been for some alert play by
shortstop Michelle Dowd, who
threw out two runners at the
plate and a pair at third base.
Both runners cut down at the
plate came with the bases
Nease and West Nassau split
a pair of games last season. The
Panthers won at Nease 5-1
March 3, then lost at West
Nassau April 18. Nease travels
to West Nassau April 3.
"They're a good team," West
Nassau coach Chris Hicken
said of the Panthers, who did-

n't show their "goodness"
against the Warriors. "And the
bad thing is we didn't, either.
We ran ourselves out of proba-
bly three, four innings. It could
have been a [mercy] run rule
"It's O.K.," Nease coach Jim
Coleman said of the loss to
West Nassau that followed
tough road victories the two
previous nights, 4-2 at St.
Augustine March 7 and 4-1 at
Gainesville March 8. "This lets
us know where we are, and
then we work forward.
" "It's not like we're terrible,"
added Coleman. "It's all about
'Let's take a look where we are,
evaluate and make the changes
we need to make.' And we can
see there's a bunch of them.
"We'll be fine," said the
Nease coach, recognizing that
the Panthers had run into a
good pitcher. "We just need to
focus a little more."
Coleman didn't thin his team
was tired after last week's three-
consecutive-nights stretch of
Lawrence, after winning all
of West Nassau's games this
season, did allow she might be
getting tired.
"A little bit," said Lawrence,
who added she doesn't ice her
arm after pitching. "I'm bad
about that. But I should. I
probably will."
Lawrence doesn't see Nease
as a West Nassau rival.
"They're a good team, and
you always want to play good
against a good team," the
right-hander said. ". It's
always a good, tough game to
play. It's always fun."

A ~ mw~k---qU WU



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Satisfaction Guarantee Sets Instant Air
Conditioning & Heating Apart

The professionals at Instant Air Conditioning &
Heating in Atlantic Beach are proud of what makes
them different. "First of all, we're proud of the top-
quality professional services we offer our cus-
tomers," says owner Eddy. "We're equally proud of
our straightforward pricing, our 100-percent in-
writing satisfaction guarantee, our Seal of Safety
program and our Service Club membership pro-
gram bonuses that few air conditioning contrac-
tors are able to offer."
According to Eddy, not all air conditioning con-
tractors are the same. "Some don't specialize in the
repair or replacement of older systems or may carry
just one brand," he said. "Others offer services
only during the busy season and are not fully
staffed year round. Some even fail to show up on
time or don't show when they say they will a real
frustration for today's busy customers."
Family owned and operated, Instant Air
Conditioning & Heating serves Beaches residences
and businesses from Mayport to Ponte Vedra and
in nearby Intracoastal West. Their staff includes co-
owners Eddy and Dee and their son Craig plus
comfort advisor Ed Edwards. Sissy serves as the
company's endearing canine mascot. Dee and
Eddy. have been married 38 years, and son Craig
just returned from a tour of duty in Iraq. With
,more than 40 years of combined experience
among them, they run their business differently.
"We specialize in service on all air conditioning
brands new or old," says Eddy. "In fact, our trucks
carry 97 percent of the critical components found
in most systems."
Instant Air also diagnoses your air conditioner
and provides an up-front estimate of repair costs
from their Professional Service Institute's Straight
Forward Pricing guide. The diagnosis goes
'beyond' explaining repair costs. It gives you, the
customer, options.
':"We have a clear and concise way to show you
whether or not you will need to replace your air
conditioner," says co-owner Dee. "We provide
options for you, tailored to your individual situa-
tion, budget and schedule and we do this in writ-
:Even Instant Air's repair service is guaranteed in
writing, says Eddy. "In short, your equipment is
Fixed Fast, Fixed Right, and if we have to come
black because the repair failed during the season,
we will repair it again absolutely free!" he explains.:
Sound too good to be true? "At Instant Air we are
committed to your complete satisfaction," says
Dee, "and we have a written, easy-to-understand
100% Satisfaction Guarantee for all service, repair
and replacement." Here's what it says:
Service: If you are not 100% satisfied with the
service we have provided, we will refund all of your
money. If our technicians smoke or swear in your
home, are not drug-free, do not wear medical shoe
covers or leave your home without cleaning up,
you do not pay for the service.
Repair: We guarantee that repairs on your equip-

With their motto "Fixed Fast, Fixed Right@," the comfort spe-
cialists at Instant Air Conditioning & Heating in Atlantic Beach
are dedicated to providing Beaches customers top-notch
service for all air conditioning brands... old and new.
Pictured above with their company mascot, Sissy (seated),
are (left to right) Craig Eddy, Eddy, Ed Edwards and Dee
ment are fixed right or the repair is free. If a repair
fails during the season, we will repair it again
absolutely free. Specific repairs are guaranteed for
two years or the repair is free.
Replacement: We guarantee that the equipment
we have installed will perform as we have stated. If
the system does not heat or cool your home to
your satisfaction, we will remove it and return
1009o of your investment.
Instant Air also provides peace of mind by adher-
ing to the Technician Seal of Safety program. "You
need to know who's entering your home, and
that's why we've adopted these safety policies,"
says Eddy. All Instant Air technicians who perform
heating and cooling service work in your home
have passed a criminal background check. "In fact,
we'll even e-mail you a photo of our technician
scheduled to service your home so you'll know
exactly who to expect at the time of your appoint-
ment," adds Eddy.
Schedule a comfort system tune-up with Instant
Air now and receive a special bonus. Ask the
Instant Air technician to see his Seal of Safety ID
Badge and receive 10 percent off your service call.
Instant Air also offers membership in its Service
Club, designed to you save you moriey with dis-
counts for scheduled maintenance checks and safe-
ty inspections plus priority appointment schedul-
ing wiy their "'Front-of-the-line" pass. -
Now's the perrct time to make sure your home's
air conditioning is shipshape for spring. If Instant
Air sounds like the kind of air conditioning con-
tractor you've been looking for, call Dee today to
schedule your appointment.
Instant Air is located at 1198 Mayport Rd., Suite
11, near the intersection of Plaza and Mayport
Road, in Atlantic Beach. For more information -
or to set up a free consultation for replacement -
call Dee at 247-5525, fax 247-5526 or e-mail
instantair638@bellsouth.net. Visit Instant Air on
the Web at www.instant-air.net.

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ivlialrcn JL .-U, --- --- ---


Plenty of big drum at the jetties

Big drum at the jetties got
everyone's attention this week.
The sheepshead and redbass
.were also strong at the jetties
lastt week.
The offshore fishing produced
good snapper and grouper from
the bottom and even a speedy
wahoo up top on a flat line.
Jetty guide Fred Morrow with
;Gary Poletta and his wife Sandy
,caught the largest 'drum report-
'ed this season. They. caught 24
drum which included a 40-
pounder and a 50-pounder and
one that they couldn't lift in the
boat. Capt. Fred who, of course,
has caught a lot of big drum esti-
mated the big one at 95 pounds..
They also boated five redbass
(eight to 23 pounds) and three
sheepshead at five to eight
,pounds. All of the drum were
caught on clams.
Surf fishermen will be pleased
to, know the pompano have
reached Daytona Beach and
according to Larry "'Fishman"
*Finch should show up here in.
abOut 10 days.
Sheepshead were'hot at the jet-
ties last week. Capts. David King
and Mike Morris spent two
mornings along the north jetties
and 'caught their limit of
sheepshead to nine pounds on
each trip from the "Crusty Crab."
Last Monday morning James
Gergley and Matt Hamilton
aboard the "Head Hunter"
caught 36 sheepshead with live
fiddlers. On Wednesday morn-
ing James fished the river not
too far from the Carner basin
and netted 11 redbass, 18 trout
and three flounder.

Last Sunday, morning:. Capt.
Chip Wingo on his. "Shallow
Minded" brought home ,nine
speckled trout to three pounds.
seven redbass to 26 inches and a
Matt Hamilton and Jonathan
Moran fished the creek near the
little jetties for eight flounder, six,
redbass and eight trout.
Capt. Mike Morris with the
Booth party last Sunday at the' et-
ties pulled up four redbass to 30
inches, 17 trout, two sheepshesd
and five blues. ,
Capt. Dave Sipler, Ron Clark
and friend Petej Austria used live
shrimp in the Sister Creek area
and caught 30 speckled trout, five
yellowmouth and a sheepshead.
Ken and Debbie Hubbard
fished the surf at P.V. and caught
20 large whiting.
Larry "Fishman" Finch, his wife
Murphy, their daughter Laurie
and mother-in-law Ruth Wyman,
checked out the motorcycles and
fish at Daytona last Saturday. As
the tide started in that morning
Lam' took his tackle and sand-
fleas to the beach. Fishing two

poles it wasn't long before he had
a cooler full of, pompano and
Capt. Kirk Waltz last Saturday
with Chris Huff and his daughters
Elishua and Tatum and nephew
Timmie on the "Enterprise" fished
the jetties for three redbass, 11
ringtails, three sheepshead to
seven pounds and four trout.
Earler in! the' week, on
Wednesday, the Dale Bullard party
fished with Capt. Kirk and caught
11 redbass and two sheepshead at
the jetties.
Capt. Pat Purgason, his son Tvy,
Roy Cox, Phil Puttback and Rick
; anger took the "Down Pat" 50
miles offshore last Sunday for a
great trip. The morning started
off with two 12-pound grouper
and lots of beeliners and trigger-
fish. Later in the morning it was
more beeliners, two kings to 29
pounds and pinkeys.
Ty was watching the flat line
off the stem when a 20-pound
wahoo took a Spanish sardine
and headed east. 'T had his sea-
son's first wahoo in about .10
Capt Denny Young with the
Ralph party last Sunday on his,
"Jaw Jacker' boxed 10 snapper, a
pair of grouper and eight floun-
George Bull Jr. fished last
Friday with his friend Steve

Danzig in the Pine Island area.
They used live shrimp to catch
12 yellowmouth and 14 drum.
There was plenty of action on
'the "Malyport Princess" last
week. Grouper, snapper and big
beeliners made it to the cleaning-
table after each trip. .
-On, Monday, Pete. Fore
weighed up a 23-pound grey
groupei and John Le Brun was
proud of his 24-pound grouper.
Richard Nunn had a 22-pound
snapped in his cooler.
On Saturday aboard the
"Princess," the Moore Electric
Company made the offshore trip
to the party' grounds. Jonny
Moore had the largest fish of the
productive trip. He brought up a
24-pound snapper. Others had
snapper, grouper and beeliners.
Rust' Borthwick and his
friend Tony Gray fished Lake
Kerr last Wednesday and caught
35 speckled perch.
Capt. Butch Garvin and
Dennis Young used lve shrimp
under cork rigs and caught eight
redbass eight to 12 pounds and
10 keeper speckled trout along
the river bank near Sisters Creek
last week.
Capt. Dennis Young took
advantage of the great weekend
weather and with the anxious
Clement Hall party put their
Spanish sardines down on the

ifl~"' ~

C.H. bottom last Saturday. They
iced down two grouper, 31
seabass and 41 flounder to six
pounds. The flounder were
caught on small cigar minnows.
., On Sunday the Duane Smidt
party went on the "Sea Dancer"
with Capt. Dennis and brought
home seven snapper to 23
pounds, 15 seabass and 6 floun-
Good Fishing!

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Pr.ol. Iubti.llnE
Richard Nunn with a 22-pound red snapper he caught aboard
the Mayport Princess March 6.

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Indoor Air Quality
Lic# RA0015188 904-302-5763
As always...Service in HOURS, not Days

If your

hutch, School or Civic Group
is trying to

Raise Money

THE LEADER can help!

Call Steve Fouraker
for details on our

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..)our community newspaper

Sealy Seal Posturepedic
Pillow or Pillow, Pillow
Firm Topw Soft or Firm Top
Twin Set $329 Queen Set Twin Set $429 Queen Set
Full Set $449 $4 Full Set $649
nKing Se et $87
r FREE Set-L'p! FREE Delivern! FREE Bedframe!
Special Condo "Packages
March 2006-April 2006
5 Piece Queen Bedroom Suite: Dresser, Mirror,
Nightstand Headboard and Mattress Set
From i1347 --5 Styles 3 Finishes

Wicker Large Leather
JaBech StoreOnly uJax Beach StoeSt Or IT
Stearns & Foster Firmtop EIC
or Plushtop -TCMIU-PEDIC
Queen Set In Stock Imnkndialt:
King Set $1329 Dli'rr

1018-2 N. Third St. Open Mon.-Fri. 10-7
(Next To Harry's) Sat10-5:30,Sun.125
Jax Beach 249-3541 S 1

Priolo "u i.rfiid, Pr.,io :utmil-.h .
Captain Roger caught this 72-pound tarpon off the golf ball in Robert Murray, from Waycross, Ga., caught this 25-pound red-
Ponte Vedra in June of 1975. bass recently on the Jacksonville Beach Pier.

Jaguars revel in NFL peace agreement

The age of miracles 'is appar-
ently not over. The NTL actual-
ly declared peace last week
between the Fat Cats and the
players union. .
Praise Commissioner Paul
Tagliabue from whom all bless-
ings flow. Just when it looked
like these joy-spreading gentle-
,men would not reach an agree-
ment on a new labor deal, even
at the point of a gun, the sun
broke through and the United'
States Nlannes arrived to solve it'
Jaguars owner Wane
Weaver, and a few'of'his allies
among the other owners, final-
ly got a 'deal for six more years
of peace (?' and an extension of
the collective bargaining agree-
meht. The measure was' finally'
approved by a 30-2 vote. This,

avoids what would have been a
nightmare in 2007 a
uncapped year in which clubs
could have lost their shirts..
A season without a salary cap
would have led to chaos and
disaster. It could have been the
NFL version of the Wall Street
collapse of 1929. .
So, regardless of those 'who'
still see problems, free agency.
has begun; The best part for, the
Jaguars and similar smaller-mai-
ket teams is that the bottom 17
teams in terms of revenue will
not have to kick into'the pool.
That pool of money will be col-
lected from other teams on a'
scale; the rich teams kicking in.
the most, etc.
With. that. having been
cleared up, the ext order .of
business for Mr. WVaaver and
Paul Vance, the Jags' senior
honcho dealing with salary'
caps and general football opera-

S.Wednesday, March 15

FLETCHER at Orange Park, 6:30 p.m.
FLETCHER at Bolles, 5 p.m.
Stanton at NEASE, 5:30 p.m.
* Forrest at FLETCHER, 5 p.m'.
Stanton at NEASE, 7 p.m.

tions, is to get together with
SJames Harris, draft expert and
No. 1 overseer, along with
coach Jack Del Rio, and sign
some new blood.
The first signing has already
taken place, with Jacksonville
shelling out a $10 million sign-
ing bonus to land cornerback
Brian Williams.
Since the dark ages began foi
the Jaguars in 2000 the problem
has been, overextension of
spending in the early days and a
salary cap squeeze that limited
player signing and develop-
ment. That's over now and with
plenty of room under the cap
it's time to find new talent.
Jimmy Smith and Fred Taylor
need help on offense and the
"holes on defense have been
The signing "of Williams
might be a big step in solving
some- of those defensive woes.

They think he might be the
long sought after corner mate
for Rashean Mathis, who
became the best prize
Jacksonville has come up with
in years.
the addition of former'
Minnesota Vikings head coach
Mike Tice should be another big
step. As assistant head coach -
offense, Tice has all the back-
ground to put a new look on
that phase of Del Rio's attack.
Mr. WVeaver tells us that the
ties are off and he is charging,
in the old Arnold Palmer parl-./
ance. Timid with the spending
by necessity in recent years,
now he wants better results on
the held. Tlus doesn't mean -
we hope signing J.R. Soward
and his.ilk.
With labor intact thanks to
commissioner Tags, the chal-
lenge now is solely in the lap of
Jolly Jack.

... + i ., ::

Thursday, March 16

Bartram Trail at ILETCHER, 3:30 p.m.
NEASE at Darien High, 5:30 p.m.
NEASE at Sandalwood, 6:30 p.m.
St. Joe at FLETCHER, 6 p.m.
NEASE at Episcopal, 3 p.m

Friday, March 17
St. Augustine at NEASE, 7 p.m.
Mandarin at FLETCHER, 7 p.m.

* Save up to'500. on a new AIC
* 12 Months Same as Cash Financing

--- ----- -- -- --

.Page 3B

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

M"i-h- 1 ")006


The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

March 15, 2006

JAX BEACH. 5BR/2BA, 2300sf On 2 lots.
New roof, heat pump, plumbing & siding.
$465,000 OBO. 249-8637.

Jax Beach, east of 1st, only 2 homes from
beach Lovely triplex Is always rented or
live in one and rent others...endless possi-
bilities, best price per sq.ft., owner may
entertain secondary financing. $799,000.
Call (904)463-0343.
SOUTH JAX BEACH walk to the park or
to the beach. 3BR/2.5BA, bright, big kitch-
en, oversized lot, 2 car garage, tiled Flori-
da Room. PRICED TO SELL $399,900
Call Lori Lareau at Vanguard GMAC Real-
ty 868-7224
NEPTUNE. BEACH, Summer Sands
Townhouse, 2BR/2.5BA, new roof, plumb-'
ing, HardiBoard siding, paint. $260,000.
FSBO. Water access, 3BR/2BA, recently
renovated- many upgrades. 2-car garage,
huge GR w/FP, tiled kitchen/ baths.
$297,900. Currently rented $1300/mo.
Vacant soon. 904-955-1023 or
Duplex, or single home. 1BR/1BA (each).
East ofA1A. $425,000 OBO. 246-8200.
JAX BEACH, FSBO. 4 blocks to beach,
4BR/2BA, newly remodeled in '04. 2 story
w/huge walk-in closet. Use as home and
office. Asking $685,.900. Call to see
OPEN HOUSE. 13714 Weeping Willow
Way' in Pablo Bay. 4BR/3BA/2-car,
2400sf. $474,900. Saturday, Sunday,
12noon-5pm. MLS#271054. 327-0558.
FSBO. 2BR/2BA, Key West style cottage.
1340sf. Lot, 65'x102'. 391 Main St. A.B.
241-8967. $229,000, as is. OPEN HOUSE
Saturday, 3/18/06, 2-5pm .

Cl Jax Beach, 3BR/2.5BA, 2-story tradllional
WATERFRONT BARGAINSI Lake Access w.cedar shake' vinyl siding, hardwood
. from $202Pmonthl Direct Lakefront starting floors, 42" cabinets, .;granite, stainless
at $99,9001 One day only land sale Satur- steel appi, loft; wired for office, master
day, March 25, 2006 Just 20 minutes from suite w/tray calling, walk-in closet, double
Augusta. GA Excelleht .financing available vanity, whirlpool tub, sep. shower., large
Call today for an early appointmenil lot and much morel' Available April 2006.
(888)LAKE-SALE x1030. Based on pur- $454 900. Call Sandi Penninglon, Watson
case price of $39,900 w/10% down, fixed Realty Corp, k904)962-6145
rate of 6.75% for 5 yrs, 15-year term
w/balloon payment due at the end of 5 yrs. BEAUTIFULLY REMODELED JAX
Terms and rates subject to change Without BEACH HOME. Localed al 1404 Declara.
notice Void where prohibited by law lion Dr This 3BR,'2.5BA r, as oo mucn it
list Asking $349 000. Call 1904)563-1516.

Al.1 Ad.erisin' ace-pted subject to the
.ippro a o tre publisher. \ho shall
h-j the rihl to ierise or reject rn hole
or in parn an% ad.erthmrnent Publisher
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Plw--.. readd .our ad [he firEt da'y it runs
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be brought to our attention nihin 15
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WESTERN NEW Me-ico. 20 acres slan-
,irg al $39 990 Scenic region. views.
trees rolling hills wildlife. Family retreat,
S rriring pripertv or year round home.
Power 100% financing NALC (866)365-
SLAKEFRONT AND Lakeview. Properties
Nesiled in ire hills ol Tennessee on the
iriuor.s o ipristine Norris Lake Call Lake-
S'l, J Reali t-1I '1421i6266-5820 Or Visit
N". ffl.e fre. Ilr.yl-Yr. Eom' ""
WEST CENTRAL Ftonrra Real Estare.
Wayne Cormier Gale House Realty
wrynecorminr cOm your websle to Flori-
da s Nalure Coast Real Estate in Citrus
County Call 1352)422 0751
1060 ACRE larm in Nortn Arkansas, pas-
lure, iimber, greal deer and lurkey hunt-
ing 6 ponds and 35 acre lake. $1,500,000
Mossy Oak Properties or ihe Ozarks
(800)783.6634 .
FOR SALE rural hunting timber land,
222.2 acres, $2500/acre Aikinson Coun-
ty. Georgia. Call for into (334)393-5036 or
fHEW TO market Deep water lois Beauli-
fully situated on 50 acres with 2,800 feet
0,* magnificent, foniage on Battery Creek
in Beaulonr SC OHfernng deep waterfront
dc,. aoile Iidal cieek and privacy wooded
,Icl. parting from $59 900. Call
S87799. 28937
.season ai. here Must see the beautiful
peaceful mountains ol Western NC.
:Homes, cabins, acreage & investments.
herokee Mountain Realty GMAC' Real
Estate, Murphy www.cherokeemounta;n-
realty.com1 :Call for tree brochure

$99,900 Beaulilully wooded, great views,
pristine shoreline, deep boatable walerl
,Enjo access to ICW. Sound Atlantic.
Pave3 road underground utilities Excel-
'[ent financing Call now t8001732-6601 x

I ____

I ENNESEl o lEE IVIUNi I A l acreage laleclu
mountain community, bordering a large
lake. Spectacular views. Community boat
ramp, private boat slips Between Chatla-
,nooga- & Krioxville, Call today 1866i292-
5769 Gales ol he River
NC MOUNTAINS 10 51 acres on moun.
lain top, in galeo community. view. Irees.
waterfall and large public lake nearby.
paved private access, $119 500 owner
1866)789-8535 www iC77 com
LAND AUCTION, 200 props musl be sola
Low down! E-Z Financing, free catalog.
1800)937-1603 www.landauction.com

MURPHY NORTH Carolina Aan cool
summers, mild winners Ariordable homes
& mountain cabins. Call for tree brochure.
1877)837-2288. Exit Realry Mountain View
Properties. www.eAirmurphy.com.

INVESTMENT OR recreational properties
in the Deauillui slate of Georgia Contact
Peach Slate al 1866)300-7653 or Visit our
Properly For Sale Section at www.ru-
buyingrealeslaie.com GAL 2550
Find buyers at
Phyllis Stalnes, 476-SOLD
RE/MAX Coastal Real Estate

ALL REAL Estate advertised herein is
subject to Ine Federal Fair Housing Act.
which makes it illegal to advertise any
reference, limilation, or discrimination
ased on race color, religion, sex
handicap, lan-,ihal siatus'-or-natinal Ari-
gin'. or (he inilniion 10 make any sucr,
preference, Imilation or discrimination.
The Leader Group will not knowingly ac-.
cepi any aavenrsing Tor real estate
which is in violation ol Ine law All per-
sons are hereby informed shat all dwell-
ings advertised are available on an
equal opportunity basis
If you believe that you may have been
aiscriminated against in connection with
the sale, rental or financing of housing,
call nthe Unnea States Depanrment of
Housing and Urban Development -HUD-
1(800)669-9777, or lor the hearing im.
paired 1(800)927-9275
LARGE MTN. Land Bargains. hign eleva-
tion Adjoins pnstine stale forest. 20 + ac
to 350 ac. Sweeping Mtn. Views streams.
www lveinwv cornm
LOOKING TO own land invest in rural
acreage Inroughout America: coastal.
mountain walenroni properties. 20 to 200
acres Free. moninly special land repons-
www land-wanled com.'sw
HOUSES. Pay back payments & legal
tees plus cash. Brian 285-6993

FLORIDA BLVD- 57 acre lot on marsh &
tidal creek. Min. 1500sf buildable footprint.
310k. Call 904-608-7070.
close to10 beach w/ 3BR 2BA house.

TIM THOMPSON, 591-0303
Vacant Lot, Atlantic Beach. 4 Blocks to
Ocean. 0.43 acres. $985,000. OBO

SAWMILL LAKES Brck beauty on lake &
preserve lot. 3200sl 5BR/3 5BA Wood
foors 3 car side garage. Formal living-
room dining room Fireplace. $649 900
DUPLEX, 1ST St Neptune Beach. 500FT
TO BEACH, (21 modern 2BR. IBA w.'
porch. Ig lotl 629.000. Will coop. By
appi 246-9331 or cell) 607-4766
St 3BR/2BA. New CH&A, hardwood
floors, 12'x24' enclosed porch Large lot
$194.000 318-2900. 742-6227.

walk io Ocean $369,900. 246-0126

End until w/fenced yard 3BR/2.5BA
1660-7 Beach Ave. 2150si. beach access
across street. Kiicnen Isle wiceiamic lile
Wood uming fireplace, screened porch
w/deck Single garage. $712,000 by Own-
er 477.0102.

Beach & Histonc downtown & Fernadina
Beach Two furnished models. 2 & 3BR
Prices start at $185 900. Call for more in-
wwwihepalmsalamelia cornm
Help U Sell Coastal Realty
SEAPLACE 1/2 block to ocean, 3BR/2BA,
ground floor, 1100sf, outside patio, light
and bright, fully furnished ani equipped
and ready for your summer at the beach.
Pool, laundry room, $389,900. Owier/
Agent. 247-1049
vated seller. $299,900. A1A Realty Serv-
ices, Inc 1904)249-8855
Value for Luxury Townhome style con-
dos. 2 blocks from ocean w/views. 1900-
2300sf.. top upgrades $599Kt John Woll-
el Real Estate 699 8887 www beachesn-
vesirnenlgroup cornm
OCEAN S EDGE New Construction
1BR/1BA: East of A1A. Anticipated com-
pletion, 03/06. $309K:, Unit A-9:
JAX BEACH. Newer 2BR/2BA. Many up-
grades 1200sf. 9ft ceilings w/fans, walk-In
closet, kitchen appliances, washer/dryer,
terrace, fireplace, garage. Security sys-
tem. FSBO. $225,500. 246-8775.
new construction, 2BR/2BA, concierge,
spa, pool. San Marco style. See at
www.valenciacondos.com. Asking
$404,900 (Reduced) Call 904-616-7975'

.~ ~~ ~ --.---- ----------! ,:,

acres $689,900 Beautiful stone home,
huge barns, indoor arena, 70+ stalls, lush
fenced paddocks, nice setting on quiet
country lane 3 1/2 hrs NYCI Call nowl
(877)909-5263 http://horsefarm.upstateny-
GEORGIA- Blairsville in the North Georgia
mountains. Land, homes, commercial .&
investment. Everything we touch turns to
sold. Jane Baer Realty, (706)745-2261,
(800)820-7829. www.janebaerrealty.com,
vate, gated mountain community with over
4 miles of riverfront. 1 to 8+ acres from the
$60s. Incredible views! Custom communi-
ty lodge with mountain spas,. riverwalk.
Cal 1(866)292-5762 Bear River Lodge'
lots for sale at bargain prices: Building lots
are still a great investment. Call today
1772)215-7625 or visit www iolsaies us
TN WATERFRONT mountain property.
Scenic homesites surrounding Lake Bark-
ley. 1 to 6 acre view sites & 5 to 40 acre
privacy sites from the $40's. 90 min to
ashville. Grand opening of Phase II com-
ing soon Call (866)339-4966.
We help sellers sell for a low set fee
HELP-U-SELL Coastal Realty
Call: (904)241-4447
NORTH CAROLINA gated lakefront com-
munity. 1.5 acres plus, 90 miles of shore-
line. Never before offered with 20% 'pre-
roveolonnm nt dioniuntr Qn/9 finanninn_

2BR/1BA Two balconies. Covered Park-
ing $369.000. Call 19041881-9901.
1BR/IBA. 546sl. tIled throughout, new ap-
pliances/ A/C, galed, (904)222-1064 appi.
only arter 6pm $138.900.
THE PALMS, 2BRi2BA Bungalow. lake-
view, garage, granite counterlops Tiled.
washer/dryer, fireplace. Motivated seller,
$235.000. 472-3726
PRIVATE BEACH Access 2BR/2BA. lur-
nisned, I1s floor, lully renovated. Sleps to
-garage. $242,000. 5374083.
FSBO- PVB condo, 2bR 2BA w/ garage,
golfcourse views. $225. (904)806-1202..
Ground lioor lake view, lireplace near the
pool, 1BR/BA $138,900.
2BR/2BA llat end unit, fireplace no one
above you, $338,900.
3'2 Townhome. end unit. irpice, $399.000.
Call Kirk Killebrew atl 904)463-1131
for info or private viewing.-
PVB $219K, gated, 2/2 condo, lanai.
tirepl. top fir. premo pool and lake view,
bch access. 5 Star amenities. Unit 107e
next to clubnse. AlA. close to TPC & JTB.
FSBO 1904)338-4137
PV BCH 2BR/ 2BA, $206,900 All Pro Re-
aly Specialists, Grace Ellis cell#
JAX BEACH, the only available 2nd Floor
condo facing toward ocean on 2nd Street,
553sf, nice, $175,000 (904)608-4725.

.i .... ..i '

PVB, THE Islands, 2BR/2BA, attached ga-
rage, community pool, tennis, $250,000.

MAYPORT LANDING- Totally renovated,
new roof, new siding & more. 2/2 town-
home w/ bonus room. $127,900.
do, lots of amenities. Currently leased
until Sept. 30th. $195,000.
ARLINGTON HILLS- Like newly remod-
eled home. Approx. 1650sf, 3/2, huge
family room, fenced yard, Irrigation, new
kitchen. Priced for First time home Buyer.
KERNAN FOREST- 3/2.5 luxurious condo
w/ garage, 1680sf, gated & comm. pool.'
EAGLES CREEK- 10 minutes from
.beaches/ base. Gorgeous 4/2, nice lot,
scr. porch, many upgrades. Close to
schools & shopping. $247,900.
241-5501 OR 221-1711
FSBO, OPEN HOUSE, Saturday and
Sunday, 1pm-4pm. ,New listing in .the
Hammocks Subdivision (near Mayo),
3BR"2BA wI'oh Lush, tropical landscape.
backyard waler garden, upgraded kitchen
& master oain, tile & Pergo wood Iloors.
fireplace $299,900. 19041248-1267
ICW. HOLIDAY Harbor, FSBO. Lg 101o,
4BRi 2BA. 2400sl w;' in-qround pool New
CH/A roof. S324.900. 246-2336 o 463.
NEAR MAYO Clinic, off San Pablo.
3BR/2BA, 2-car, remodeled. $315,000. In-
dependent Brokers, 710-3111.
house & 75'xl38' lot. 501 Oceanwood Dr.'
$259,900. (904)887-7669,
waler access. 3BR,2 5BA. 1800si. 2 car
garage. newly remodeled. 2 Doat lifts
(l-covered) $599,000 463-0505.
FSBO, N JAX BCH, 3BRi2BA. fenced
yard New pain inioul New carpel
CH&A $289900 1904,509-2593.

3BR/2BA. well maintained ahached name
in desirable All Bch. Lovely backyard
pienry of storage 20 mins to Regency, a
bke ride to Hanna Park, minutes Io Won-
derwood Connector. Call Josette Reihmel
lor your private showing 1904)237-6937,
Magnolia Propenies.
FSBO: 1004 15th Ave North Jax Beach
Custom Remodel. 3'2 2073st. new tile.
gra'nie. SS Irplc.. nigh end finishes, Ig
corner lot $459,900 241-5865.
S JAX Bch. 1 block to ocean, lakefront
3BR 2 5BA luxury townhome. No HOA
Hardwood floors, new paint, acuzzi. vault.
ed ceilings Irplc., Price reduced from
$489K to $475K lor immediate sale.
NEPTUNE BCH, totally re-done town-
nouse w, garage. Greal community w/
pool 3 huge bedrooms. 2 5 baihs, trpice
private yard Lease option $274,000.
than 2 biks Io the sand. nearly 2100st ,
3BR/2 5BA, hardwood floors, 2 car ga-'
rage, oceanvrew from master suite balco-
ny Immaculate! REDUCED $549,900.
Call Lon Lareau at Vanguard GMAC Real-
ly 19041868-7224

single, 1215sf, w/carport, deck, all GE
kitchen, CH&A, washer/dryer, new carpet.
Many upgrades. Financing available. Re-
becca, 246-7684.
MUST SALE 3BR/1BA,. close to schools,
navy base, beach, in nice quiet park.
$17,000 owner finance w/$5000 down or
best cash offer. 249;9347.
JAX BCH, 2/1 newly remodeled, all new
appliances, quiet area. $14,700.
249-0844. ,

2BR/1BA, free water, eat-in kitchen, tile,
large bedrooms, closets galore. In-ground
pool; WDHU, deck, parking. $950/mo+.
JAX BEACH, 4 Blocks to Ocean.
1BR/1BA Apartment, $550/mo. 220 4th
Street So. (904)891-0606, (352)478-2161
ATLANTIC BEACH, 2BR townhouse,
CH&A, WDHU, no pets, $850/mo,
$400/dep. 246-3130.

Townhouse. $850/mo. 1 mile west of May- wve, small refrig., $600/mo, $600/dep incl.
port ferry.733-5225,241-RENTtil. & cable. Non-smoker, no pets.

SOUTHSIDE BLVD-- 1BR cottage, porch,
yard, $575/mo. + deposit, 645-8429.
ATLANTIC BEACH at Sea Gardens.
2BR/3BA, 1 guestroom and office. Large
deck and ocean patio access. Year lease,
premium location. $1450/mo. 2277 Semi-
nole Rd; B. Call Kevin (904)270-2050.

JAX BEACH. 2BR Lower. 7 blocks Ocean,
CH&A, WDHU, $850/mo.+ $500/dep. Mili-
tary/Senior discount. No dogs. 716 2nd
Ave. North. 708-0731.

3 Spacious Bearooms, 2 5BA, townhome
w/garage. Sparkling clean and new inside.
Nice yard, community pool, fireplace.
Short term possible. Avail 4/1/06. Ask for
details $1375,mo (904)280-2805
JAX BEACH townhouse 187 Soulh Sin
Ave. 2 blocks to ocean, 2BR,2.5BA
1500sf, 1-car garage, no pets $1350/mo.
JACKSONVILLE BEACH, 1 bik to ocean,
2BR 1BA $785'mo (904)891-0606 or.
LARGE EFFICIENCY apartment, excel-
lent location, 2 blocks from ocean, very
clean. No pets. $550/mo. 642-1214 or
MOBILE HOMES. $500 to $550, on pn-
vale lots Near Mayport Naval Station. no
dogs 333-5579
2 BLOCKS OCEAN. 212 10on Ave. N
1BR $650'mo: 2BR $750/mo. Creant
check deposit, no pes (904)514-8530.
2B,'/1.5BA Large back yara $1100,'mo
Contact (904)699-4250.
house. fenced in backyard WiD.
$900.mo 190.1806-2516
JAX BEACH. 1 block o0 ocean,
3BR. 1 5BA, CH&A. WDHU. patio & balco-
ny $1350/mo. .$900/dep. 520 S 2no St
1904)280-2728 Iv msg
JAX BEACH Villas at Marsh Lanaing
Large 1BRi'BA. fireplace. Pergo
$900.'mo 379-4288
NEW COZY 1BR, deck w/ocean view,
CH&A. Water, sewe, sewer garbage ncludea
Creditn check. No pets $700imo 514-8530
ATLANTIC BCH ocean hIoni, 3BR,2BA
large condo, all amenities, 219-2481.
ATL BCH, 62 Ocean Blvd. Newly remod-
eled 2/1, CH/A, W/D, 1 block to ocean,
Beaches Town Cenler location.
$1200.mo. lirst. lasi & $1000,aep. Avail.
3/1.06. Call 838-6333
NEAR PONTE Vedra 1 block beach. Best
area. quite safe residential neighborhood
2BR'iBA. lower duplex, new carpet, tile &
waini CH&A wash Ia.cjaed, ri9
.imokln. no pels e3fe ec
'it Avail bieApnl 1st,993-1118. -
SUMMER HOUSE. 2BR/2BA $1050!mo
IBR/IBA. $950'mo Pool, clubhouse, aat-
ea SIGNATURE REALTY. 241-5221.lExl
GREAT ARLINGTON Townhome- 2/2,
spacious 1144sl, end unil Neal hled
kitchen ana stone fireplace in great room
Tile ihroughoult, large lenced unit
$950/mo.Call Jean @ Magnolia Properties
R.E., (904)472-3614.
JAX BEACH. Premium Oceanview.
Renovated. Hardwood floors, Dish-
washer. CH&A. Studios. $650/mo.
1BR,IBA, $750'mo, $850/mo, $1000/mo.
(904)859-1301, 553-1354.

ATLANTIC BEACH. Studio lust steps to
ocean! Convenient to shops, restaurants,
$675/mo All South Really, 241-4141.

JAX BEACH North. Clean 3BR/2BA,
2-car garage, fenced yard, carpet, ceramic
tile. Holly Drive. Quiet ,neighborhood.
$1250/mo,.+ deposit. 614-5278.
OCEAN VIEWS 2BR/1BA, 2'car garage,
*WDHU. -I11 Palm Place Neptune Bch.
: -o ^ ._,_ .--= -= ; fl li a .., 1 1 1. .1 .1 W 3

ATLANTIC BCH, 2 years old, 3BR/2.5BA
Townhome w/garage, tile/ carpet,
$1150/mo. 962-7766.

LUXURIOUS Pelican Point. 2BR/2BA,
available now. $1700-$2600/mo. 3 month
minimum rental. (904)241-7206.
OCEAN, 2-BLOCKS. 2BR/1BA, $950/mo.
215 8th Ave. North, J.B.No pets.
JAX BEACH. East of 3rd. 2BR/1BA up-
stairs apartment w/deck, washer/dryer,
CH&A. $1120,'mo 821-9751 or803-3099.

ATLANTIC BEACH bright efficiency
across from ocean on Beach Ave. Availa-
ble April .st. Nonsmoking, no dogs. First,
last, and security, $725/mo. 247-4527.
NORTH JAX Beach. Efficiency, $495/mo.
1BR, $595/mo. 2BR, $695/mo. 1 block to
Ocean. Pool. No pets. 249-5368.
BLOCK TO beach 126 8th Ave. South..
2BR'BA, CH&A, WDHU. References,
credit check, no pets, $875,rro
1-1/2 BLOCKS to Ocean, 1st Ave. South,
1BR/1BA; $725/mo. (904)891-0606,
JAX BEACH. 2BR'lBA. 2 Blocks to
OCEAN. CH&A, $650/mo 405 South 2nd
Street. 6162871
3/2 BRAND new townhome w/ garage,
1500sf Off Kernan & Atlantic. $1400/mo
neg. (954)531-8108.
PONTE VEDRA Bch: luxurious 2BR/2BA,
golf to lake view. Brand new wiih 5-star
amenities $1150 mo. Jacksonville
Beach: 1.5BRiBA oceanview $850'mo
condo w/comm pool & morel $900mo Ai-
so 2BR,2BA wigarage. Convenient to
UNF. $1100/mo All Souihr, Realty,
241-4141. 1
NEPTUNE BCH. near ocean Clean. nice
1BR apt w/ garden ainum 5750-mo
Avail. soon spacious 2BR. 247-1417.
Townhouse, wood floors. Querl. secure
neighborhood, close to Beaches. shop-
ping. JTB $1085/mo Call 285.7162.
blocks io beach! S1650mo.. AI South Re-
ally, 241-4141.
2000-SF, FINISHED car storage garage.
Secunry system. heal & AC, water. Iron &
rear garage doors $1000-mo independ-
enl Brokers. 710-3111.
East of 3rd Street WDHU, CH&A, dish-
washer $1200'mo t deposn. No dogs
CH/A, WDHU. Eas1 of 1sl SI $795-
$1195.mo 4151 Tradewinds. 4 BR water
front $1500/mo. 241-7368. 733-3730
ATLANTIC BCH walk Io shops and res-
taurants 2 blocks Io beach. 2BR'1BA
Townhouse w/fenced yard. Available May
1st. $975imo. FirsI. lasl and security. Call
Rick 891-2345.
2BRi2BA, CH&A, WDHU, $775/m6 $700.
deposit. 1157 Songbird Lane. 280-2728
leave message.
ATLANTIC BEACH. Main St. Duplex,.
2BR/IBA screened porch, fireplace,
WDHU, CH&A. $750/mo (904)891-0606,
or (352)478-2161
LARGE 1BR, excellent location, 2 blocks
to Ocean, very clean. No pets. $650/mo:
642-1214, 241-1219.

lot in Selva Marina area. Large modern
kitchen w/new fridge & dishwasher. Living
room fireplace. Attached 1-car garage,
WDHU, fenced yard, CH&A. $1700/mo.
Call Bob (904)631-6268.

EAST OF 3rd Duplex. 215 8th Ave. North.
$625,000. 241-8269.- Zoned C-1.
ATLANTIC BCH 4/BR, 2-story, near
ocean, pool, $890,000. 993-9191.
3BR 2 1/2BA, 1935sf. Only $494,500.
countertops, 1250sf. Fireplace, 1-car ga-
rage, community pool. Walk to Ocean.
$279,000. 463-0505.

PONTE VEDRA, 3BR/2BA, beautiful, re-
modeled townhome on lake. End unit.
$189,500. (904)424-0660.

SOUTH JAX Beach. 2BR/2BA Town-
house. Lovely neighborhood. 416 36th
Ave. $279,900. (904)613-9896. www.own-
ers.com. IDTMW9867.

Service Guide

x a v--Y

Remodeled.-Washer/ Dryer. No dogs
$625/mo. 731-8777.
JAX BEACH, 1.5 blocks beach, 216 7th
Ave. S. 2BR/1BA+ office, sunroom. w/d,
dishwasher, Pets OK. Fenced yard.
$1200/mo. 434-4626.
WANTED. Ponte Vedra area, 2BR/2BA,
up to $925/mo. Signature Rea!ty,
241-5221, ext. 108.
HALF BLOCK to ocean. 2BR/1BA, reno-
vated, includes washer/dryer, CH&A, no
pets, $1250/mo 662-7771.
NEPTUNE BCH, 1 block to ocean, large
efficiency, washer/ dryer, available imme-
diately, lease deposit, pets ok $700/mo.
398-0470 or 868-7607.
JAX BEACH, East of 3rd, half duplex,
2BR/1BA, free water, pool, parking, re-
modeled. Great deal. $950+/mo 247-
ATL BCH, 5 blocks to beach, renovated,
2BR 1BA duplex, WDHU, no pets.
$925/mo +dep. Avail. 3/15/06.612 Sturdi-
vant St. 610-3838.



- I

i ,

pow lqjjj;:

Reeie RE Ape ~oPotal

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

IVaLL.LL jL zuv

area 3/2, 1438sf., lakefrnt home Split
bedroom plan, eat-in-kitchen, vaulted ceil-
ings and carpeted throughout. 2 car ga-
rage and beautiful lake view location.
$1200/mo. Call Jean @ Magnolia Proper-
ties R.E., (904)472-3614..
S. JAX Bch (off Jacksonville Dr.), 2500sf,
frplc., great neighborhood, cul-de-sac.
$1900/mo. 962-5332 or 249-7204.
"2BR/2BA, 1540sf, 2-car garage, large
screened porch, club house, pool, tennis,
beach access, $1475/mo. Owner/ Agent.
823-1333, 537-7777 (cell)

JAX BCH 3BR 2BA super nicely Complete-
ly remodeled; 1500sf, 4 blocks to beach.
No pels. Credit check & reis 509 71h Ave
N $1500/mo. 993-1979.

Palmetto Cove

Apartments at
Ponte Vedra Beach


$710 One Bedroom
$815 Two Bedrooms
Move-in within
2 weeks of approved
application and

Call 285-1431

for details

$ 750
$ 795
$ O50
$ 900

801 Deerfield Lakes
1275 Bavshore Dr N
121 Sth Aenue N
816 Belleza
201 Cranes Lake
116 Cranes Lake
108 The Fountains
1027 Belleza
403 Tournament Road
129 The Fountains
8 10 Tournament Road
63 Tition Cove Nonh
67 Fisherman Cone
1604 Ocean Pond Court
90 Car Road
3174 Memll BlId
403 Sandca-se Condo
4448 Pebblebrook Dnie
110 Nautdus Wa 1
33-13 LighLh.:.u.c PoinLe Lane
2001 Wmdlammer Ln
197s Glenfiekid Cro;ing Ci.
637 Bonaire Cucle
534 Morrungside Dine
109 Gardema A.enue
3565 Bas Island Ciucle
211 Mira Vista
529 Sunset Dine
9910 Preston Trail
1316 Turtle Dunes Ci
406 Berkman Plaza

S. JAX Beach, 1 block to beach,
3BR/2BA, $1500/mo. (904)241-6650.

The Palms, 2/2 condo, approx. 1200sf,
beautiful,, great amenities, avail now.

Jardin DeMere, 3/2 condo, detached ga-'
rage, 4mos old, $1395/mo.
Summerhouse 2/2 condo, gated comm.
lots ofl amenities Avail now. $995/mo
4/2 5. slae entry gar.. comm pool, near
Hodges & JTB. t1395'mo.
2/2 5 condo, fresnly painled screened pa-
dlo, clean, gated Available now. $995.'mo
inci water, sewer & basic cable
4/2, over 2000sf, available 3/15
Brand new, beautiful 3/2 near Touchion
Rd Avail now. $1395imo.
Executive home, brand new. 2600s1.
4/2 5. gated comm., $2000/mo
2/2 Townhome, 1800sf, avail now
Lg 3,2, 2 car garage, over 2300sl,
4BR/2BA. 2 car garage, 2300sl
241-5501 OR 221-1711.
PONTE VEDRA- 3BR/2BA home on quiet
cul-de-sac in Dolphin Covel Lg. lot, ga-
rage & morel $1050/m6. All South Realty.
NEPTUNE BCH, 3BR/2BA, large yard. car
port, walk to beach, includes washer dryer
and lawn service $1400/mo. 285-2952.
2BR/2BA home, 217 Hopkins St., patio.
carport. $1175/mo. +$600/sec. Includes
lawn service. Broker,' Owner. 249-8766.
Call any day.
PVB, L'ATRIUM Waterfronl, 2BR/2BA,
garage, pool. lennis. $1250mo includes
lawn service. 247-1849.

Maypon 2/2
Maypon 2/2
Ja.\ Beach I/I
Pome Vedra 1/1
Pome Vedra 2/2
Pome Vedra 2/2.5
Ponte Vedra 2/1.5
Ponte Vedra 2/2
Ponte Vedra/Fairfield 2/2
Ponte Vedra 3/2
Ponte Vedra/Faurfield 3/2
Pote \'edra/Sa grass CC 3/2
Pomeni edra/Sa~grass CC 2/2
Ja.x Beach 3/2.5
Ponte Vedra/Sawgrass 3/2
Ja.\ Beach 3/2
lax Beach 2/2
J.i'JRil.ibrook ,iY Glen K~rNiin 3/2
Ponte VedrafrPC 3/2
Jax Beach 3/3
South Ponte Vedra 3/3.5 + ofc
Si Johns CGolf & CC 4/2.5. ,
Jax\ Beach/Ocean Ca\ 4/2
Ponie Vedra 4/2.5
Ponie Vedra/Fairfield 4/2
Jax Beach/Ocean Cay 3/2.5+loft
Jas/Intracoastal 3/2
Ponte Vedra 3/2.5'

Ponie Vedra/Sawgrass CC 3/2.5
South Ponte Vedra 5/4
Ja/Doawniom n Rilerfroni 2/2+lofl

$3200, 1207 Hunile, Manor Dr Jan Golf& Country Club 5/4


$1350 The Fountains Pomnte Vedra 3/2 '1700
$1400 'Beach Club Vdlas Sawgrass Beach Club Eff. 600
i 150/w.k 1 5iimiS P.irei'drjiSlPEI.[IAtR Ei S Ponte Vedra 4/2.5 2100
$I800s/k The Retreat Ponme Veda/Oceanfront 2/2 1600
$3600 191 12" Stree ii3mn.min i Atlanc Beach 4/3 2600
$2000 Vista Del Mar Ja\ Beach/Oceanside 3/2 1700
$2400 17" A.e Nonh /pool Ja.\ Beach 3/1.5 1500
$2400 444 La Reserne Circle Pomee Vedra/L'Atrium 2/2+office 1600
$2500/ k 562 Ponme Vedra Bihd. PoiteVedra 3/1.5 1700
$2500 22 Carriage Lane %%/pool Sawgrass/Countrn'Club 2/2- 1800
$25Xi/v. k 728 Oceanfront Nept. Bch/Oceanfrontt 3/2.5" ios.i nr. 2600
$2600 534 Mormingside Dn\e Pohte Vedra 4/2.5 2400'
$2700i/u k 2824 Coasial Hwy Vilano Beach/Oceanfront 6/4 '4000
$2700[ 114 Ba) Hill Court Ponte Vedra/Fairfield 3/2.5 1800
$2900 4160Coastal Hwy,(SPECIALRATE) Vilano Beach/Oceanfront 3/2 2000
$3500 163 Sea Hammock Old P,.nile 'edrj/Oceanfroni 2/2+iden 1800
$3500 The Cloister, Atlanuc Beach 3/2 2000
$1900/wk347 Ponte Vedra Blvd. Oceanfront/Pool 3/3.5 2600
$4000 408 Berkman Plaza Jax/Downtown Riverfronit 2/2+loft 2100
$5500 1931 Beach Ave(3mo.min.) Atlantic Beach 3/3 2400
**Other furnished properties also available
Daily, Weekly and Monthly.**
Call today to book your next vacation!
228 Ponte Vedra Park Dr. Suite 500
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082

(904) 285-2882

PONTE VEDRA, Atrium, 2BR/2BA, fre-
place, 2 car garage, lawn service. Fenced
yard. Now available, $1190/mo. 642-3517.
3BR/3BA home w/bonus room on lakel
Comm. pooll $2000/mQ. All South Realty,

PONTE VEDRA Charming 4BR/2BA in
desirable St.Johns -County. $1450/mo.
Call Team Real Eslate at 247-8326

N JAX BCH, 3/1.5 +office. Newly remod.
eled, lenced backyard great neighbor-
hood $1200/mo plus dep. 241-4630
in Villages of Pablol Comm pool. tennis &
morel $1200.mo. All Souln Realtry,
SELVA LINKSIDE- 3BR/2BA. all hard-
wood floors, large oack yard, $1500/mo,
no smoking, no pets 372-0742
DUCED $1800/mo. 3BR'2BA -LR/ DR/
FR. eai-in-Kitchen, replace WDHU,
screened palio, 2 car garage Includes
yard & pest and all association tees. 904-
JAX BEACH. 3BR/2BA. 2-car garage.
Pels OK. Fenced yard. Eight blocks to
Beach. $1390/mo. 237-7198. 607-9332.
lenced yd WDHU. $1250/mo. sec de-
posit (904)219 1950.
2BR/i1.5BA TOWNHOUSE, ceramic lile
floors, CH&A, laundry room, patio, lenced
yard, 1 yr lease no pels, $950 deposit.
$900'mo. 2104 Bay Rd. Neptune Bch..
993-1114 or 270-1284.
PVB SAWGRASS Country Club, (Nonrh-
galea 2BRi2BA den & 2 car garage, wa-
ler to goll view $1850/mo.. (904)514-7150.
SINGLE FAMILY 441 10ln place souln
Jax Beach 3BR/1BA, CH&A, 1100,'mo +
$800 security deposit. 699-3320.
.Bedrooms, 30ft 10to Ocean. Partially fur-
nished, no dogs. $2300/mo water Includ-
ed. 1904)249-3419, 1904)463-0222.
ATLANTIC BEACH. 330 First St Newly
Remodeled 4BR/3BA. 2-blocks lo Ocean
& Town Cenler. $1750/mo 249-0767,
PONTE VEDRA 3/2, 2 car gar. all appi.
washer/ dryer, close to beach. $1250/mo.
Near Mayo Clinic. 4BR/3BA, on lake, re-
frigerator, washer/ dryer, 2300s1. com-
munity pool, tennis court, 13841 Harbor
Creek. $1995/mo. 273-0125.
3BR 2BA 1-story house. 1850sf, w/ 2BR
IBA garage unit, CH/A, WDHU, blinds,
carpel, Ig Florida room, carport, Ig yard,
$2000'mo., $1000/dep. 347 3rd St., All
Bcn. 241-2624.
w/garage on quiet cul-de-sac. $1150/mo.
All South Realty, 241-4141
4BR/2BA NICE house wipool, fenced
back yard, fireplace $1275/mo 568-8700.
3BR/2BA with garage on quiet cul-de-sac.
Like new interior, pets considered non-
smoking. $1075/mo. available immediately
HAMPTON SOUTH. St. John's Country.
New home, 4BR/2BA on lake and golf
course, all appliances, washer/dryer,
blinds, granite counter lops Community
amennities. 1165, Garrison Drive,
$1600/mo, Realty Executives 273.3939,
PVB, 3BR'2.5BA. heated pool and spa,
walk to beach. $2150/mo. 280-5707
JAX BEACH, Near Ocean. 3BR/1BA.
Lease, references required. 218 41h Ave.
Soulnh. $1150/mo (904)221-4134.

Seeking roommate, $850/mo. Splilt unlil
ees 4BRF/3BA, 3000sl house. 1 Block I
Sp -oo arale mother-n-law.quar

3BR'2BA, haYdwood Iloors, 8 houses Iromn
Ithe beach in Atlantic Bch. $1700/mo
Steve 246-9915.
JAX BEACH, 5 Blocks to Ocean
3BR/1BA, CH&A Credit check No pets
610 Patricia Lane. $975/mo. 514-8530.




We're almost



1, 2 & 3 Bedroom

starting at $685

WaI th-o HQc1,-.z

Schools, & Shopping .

Clubhouse, 3 Pools, Balconies

(Corner of Penman & Seagate)


t ioton...AETradjuon Since 1884 -


BRAND NEW Wolfcreek Condo: 3/2,
1394sf. Gourmet kitchen, great master
suite with walk-in-closets. Fitness' center
and, pool onsite. $1350/mo. Call Jean @
Magnolia Properties R.E., (904)472-3614.
3BR 3BA, gorgeous oceanfront luxury
condo. Built in 2005, 6th floor, 1953sf,
over-sized kitchen, granite counterlops.
Gatea, garage space, healed pool, lacuz-
zi. $3300/mo 1/2 monin off call lor details.

THE VILLAS. 2BR/2BA, garage, porch,
ground Iloor, pool, etc $1050/mo
great view. new appliances. $1200/mo
Visil websile www.geociies.com'pvb05
1300sf. 2-story Town Home w/beach ac-
cess. $1300;mo, lull concierge service, all
new appliances, completely renovaled
Marshview $1195/mo 434-3456.
PVB -THE Colony. Walk to each, owner
molivaled, 2BR/2BA 2nd floor, high ceil-
ings, new carpel, W.'D ip.. garage. Avail
immed. $1195/mo. Janet 285-4444,
Pentnouse with Marsn/ ICW views. 313 w/
may upgrades all appliances, scr. lanai wi
summer kitchen. Single car garage.
$2250;'mo. Serenala Membership avail
Call Marina Rigglo, Oloe Carriage Realty,
501-1917. 824-0040 office
PONTE VEDRA Summer House New
2BR/2BA. 5 Star amenities. Near Saw-
grass & A. Schools. $1100/mo.. deposit.
755-4038 .
PVB FAIRFIELD- 2BR/2BA garage. Man-
ned community gate, pool, tennis
$1100,'mo 614.4609 or 285-2267
OCEAN FRONT tOcean 14) beautifully
renovated, furnished, 3BR/2BA w/siorage
unil. $2495'mo. 1904)1571-3877.
THE PALMS. 1BR/1BA. Resort amenilles.
Sell or lease. $149,500. $875/mo.

nished homes & condos From $500 per
week! All Soulh Realty, 241-4141
$400 week 1BR/1.5BA with pool. 904-
ATL BCH 3BR house, beautifully 3irnish-
ed. walk to ocean. $1850/mo. 993-3226.
S. JAX Bcn. 2BR. lully furnished, ocean.
Itoni condo. Monthly/ Weekly. 241-0267
www.renljacksonvillebeach com
OCEANFRONT 2BR 1BA, weekly- month-
ly. fully furnished, 241-1384
homes Weekly/monthly. Visit us al:
laxbeacnrental.com or 535-3911 or
DESTIN, FLORIDA. Directly on the water.
new boutique hotel. Harbor Beach, pool
steps 0o linest restaurants. Minutes to
Gull. golf shopping. Inlroduclory rate.
www.innondesiinharbor.com (800)874-

4BR/4BA, weekly, monthly, yearly Call

Seeking roommate, $850/mo. Splilt utili-

ters. 813-4822.
PRIVATE ROOM & Bath, 1 block to
Ocean. $500/mo .1 2 utilities. $500/de-
posil. Call 1904)860-9240

* S


~t ..-

HOMELESS PETS lor adoption- Cats &
dogs 246-3600.

H-UNT EL. Red Slag.1 |Whittai-l. Bufao

HUNT ELK. Red Slag, Whitelail. Buffalo,
Wild Boar. Our season: now 3/31/06.
Guaranteed license, $5 trophy in two
days. No-Game/ No-Pay policy. Days
(314)209-9800; evenings (314)293-0610
HUNT DEER, turkey, quail. Semi-guided
hunis 5 days, room included. Book 5
hunts get Iree Oklahoma bordering Kan-
sas, 1 Iract along the Cimarron River. Ap-
Srox 6,000 acres Call Sid at Woolfolk
anch (580)334-8294.






In accordance with the Americans With
Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Flori.
da Statute, persons with disabilities need-
ing special accommodation to participate
in these meetings should contact Ine City
Clerk's Orfice no later than 5:00 p m the
day ol the meeting.
Lisa Volpe. CMC
City Clerk
BL 3/15/06


MASTER BEDROOM w/bath. Frih -- The Board of Adjustment for the City of
o MASTER BEDROOM w/baih. Frmishea. eks.oona^ eA1h, "1 t e an
Close to Beach. $550/mo. slt/last i iwillU1' Jacksonville Beach, Forda will meet and
IF,,3st:36. j -iQ fUiaweiiniarasteckinfadvearkusgunider, hold publc fidaripgs pri Tuesday7Afit 4,
F- i ihis calegory please cai, 904-249-9033'or 2006 ai 7:00 p.m. in the C.ouncil Cn.am-
S BEAUTIFUL OCEANFRONT Condo. P email: classitied,@beacnesleader.com bers, located at 11 North 3rd Street,
vale BR/BA Parking, pool $800/mo. 1/2 Jacksonville Beach to consider the lollow-
utilities Includes cable, all amenidies.NO ing variance applications:
LEASE. 247-8338.n o. apci ons:

BEACHES AREA female seeking room-
mate. 3BR/2BA $440/mo. + 1/2 utilities.
Refs requ.rea. 504-3647.
.NICE HOME On the water, w/pool, dock.
$700/mo.+ dep. Available now. 859-4473.
SHORT walk to beach and pool, share
utilities & kitchen, private bath, non-smok-
ing. $850/mo. IOceanwalk)
ROOM IN 4BR house. Fireplace, nice
pool. nice neighborhood. $140/wK in-
cludes utilities & cable. Call 568-8700.
ATLANTIC BEACH. Big. clean, comforta-
ble. nice area. Parking $95/wk 994-0943.
ROOMMATE TO share w/2 others. Large
3BR/2.5BA house. Extra large living
spaces plus inground pool in quiet neigh-
borhood. $600mo. +1/3,utilitIes Call 904.
the Intracoaslal Waterway, 3/4BR, 3.5BA.
approx 2700st. Resort style living, live
among millionaires Looking for 2 room-
males. 1 @ $800/mo. & 1 @ $1000/mo
with a master suite. includes all utilities,
cable, pool. spa, health club. Marina Walk,
gated community w/water, marsh and
manna views Available now. 40' boat slip
also available. Call now 463-2845.
$600/mo. Includes utilities Call
ATLANTIC/ SAN Pablo Furnished/ un-
turnised bedroom/ bath. Male/ Female.
nonsmoker. $500 plus until. 220-3104.

FURNISHED ROOM for.rent Jax Beach
2-story house. 10 blocks from beach,
No smoking. No pels, privacy $675/mo.
(electric included April 1st Sept 30

OFFICE, RETAIL Jax Beach, 400sl or
800st, 3rd Street frontage 246-0576
UPSCALE EXECUTIVE Offices for lease
in beautiful Jax Bch. Fully furnished,
amenities include wireless nigh speed in-
ternet, use of lully furnisned conference
room & kitchen. $700/mo w/ 2yr lease
$750/mo w/ lyr lease. 242-9195.
JAX BEACH Office Suile 131h Ave
South. across from Baptist Hospital. Ap-
proximately 1550sf, build-oul complete.
wired for phone/ian. $16 95sf+ tax, depos-
IIt. 1904)241-9944, ext. 104
NEPTUNE BEACH, small office w/garage
Avail, immediately. Call 1904)249-8819.
JAX BEACH. 1000st including kitchen
$1000/mo t lax and CAM 608-6426
OFFICE SPACE for lease In prime Jax
Beach location. Approximately 3000sl. call
241-8300 for appl.

JAX BEACH. 100sl Storefront Near
Beach. $1500/mo.+ $350 CAM. 1433
South 3rd Street (A1A). 708-0731
JAX BEACH building for lease w/office
Multi-purpose use Near public Dboat ramp.
1800sf $1500/mo For details, 249-3214,

home. Bonded; Insured. Call Robyn
(Wags 2 Whiskers) 241-8439.
PET SITTING, in your home. Dog walking.
'Responsible, mature. Call Kitty. 874-6062.
TWO AFFECTIONATE young cats need a
home. Owner moved and left them. Let us
tell you about them 246-6029.

5 MALE Miniature Pinscher Puppies.Call
285-7878 for details & pricing.
Bulls, $200/$250/ea. 534-3336.

DIVORCE AMERICAN STYLE! Uncon. BOA 06-100045 City of Jacksonville
teslea divorce papers. Without Kids (while" Beach Land Development Code Sec-
you waid) With kids (a little longer) Since tion- 34-336 (fe)1) e, for 390o lot coverage
1981/by apple only 1904)641-2187. in lieu of 35% maximum to allow for a new
single family dwelling and swimming pool.
ARRESTED? ALL criminal defense felon- for property located at 2014 Lakeside
ies, misdemeanors, state or federal charg- Drive, more specifically. Lot 1. Ocean
es, parole, probation, DUI. Traffic tiCKes. Forest Unit No. 7
Bon reucio.-riae -ttrnysstt---

Bond reduction. Private attorneys slate-
wide, 24 hours A-A-A Attorney Referral
Service (800)733-5342.
DIVORCE $275-$350. Covers children,
etc. Only one signature required' Excludes
govt lees' Call weekdays (800)462-2000
exl.600. (8am-7pm) Alta Divorce, LLC.
Established 1977.

The Planning Commission for the City
of Jacksonville Beach, Florida will meet
and hold a public hearing on Monday,
March 27, 2006 al 7:00 p.m. in the Coun-
cil Chambers, located at 11 North 3rd
Street, Jacksonville Beach to consider the
following Conditional Use. zoning applica-
PC#12-06 Conditional Use approval of
an educational services facility in a Com-
mercial Limited- C-1 zoning district pur-
suant to Section 34-343(d)18)of the Jack-
sonville Beach Land Development Code
The applicant proposes to convert existing
office space located in the Beach Plaza
shopping center, on the west side of the
center ana lacing Penman Rd. South, into
a small private school lor approximately
30 to 45 students. The school's primary
focus will be on special needs students in
the Beaches area. The shopping center is
located at 1356 Beach Blvd
The above referenced application is avail-
able for review in the office of the Pianning
and Development Department, City Hail.
11 North 3rd Street, during normal busi-
ness hours (M-F, 8-5).
Planning Commission
City of Jacksonville Beach
If a person decides to appeal any decision
by the Planning Commission with respect
to any maner considered at any meeting,
such person may need a record of the
proceedings, and. for such purpose, such
person may need to ensure that a verba-
lim record ot the proceedings is made,
which record includes the testimony and
evidence upon which Ine appeal is to be
The public is encouraged to speak on is-
sues on this Agenda tnal concern them
Anyone Who wishes to speak should sub-
mit the request to the recording 'secretary
prior to Ine beginning of the meeting.
n accordance wilh the Americans with
Disabilities Act and Section 286.26. Flori-
da Statutes, persons with disabilities
needing special accommodation to partici-
pate in this meeting should contact the
Planning and Development Department
no later than 5 00 p m. on the day preced-
ing the meeting.
BL 3/15/06
Notice is hereby given that a WORK-
SHOP MEETING of the City Council of the
City of Neptune Beach, Florida, will be
held on March 20, 2006, at 7:00 p.m., in
the Council Chambers, 116 First Street,
Neptune Beach, Florida.
If a person decides to appeal any decision
made by the Council with respect to any
matter considered at such meeting or
hearing the person will need a record of
the proceedings .and'for .such purpose
may need to ensure that a verbatim record
of the proceedings is made. which record
includes the testimony and evidence upon
which the appeal Is to be based.

BOA 06-100049 City of Jacksonville
Beach Land Development Code Sec-
tion: 34-338 (e)1l) e, for 56o lot coverage
in lieu of 48.- maximum to allow for a
swimming pool addition to a single-family
dwelling, for property located at 609
South 11th Avenue. more specifically.
Lol 11, Block 107, Oceanside Park.
BOA 06-100053 City of Jacksonville
Beach Land Development Code Sec-
tion: 34-337 (e)(1) c.1. for a front yard of
19.8 feet in lieu of 20 leet required, 34-337
e)(1) c2, for a comer side yard of 11.1
feet in lieu of 16.6 feet required. 34-337
(e)(1) c3, for a rear yard of 19.8 feet in
lieu of 30 feel required, 34-337 (e)(1) e.
for 43% lot coverage in lieu of 35% maxi-
mum to allow for improvements to a sin-
gle-family dwelling, for property located
at 1702 North 12th Avenue, more specifi-
cally, Lot 1 and the north 33 feet of Lot 2.
Block 15. Jacksonville Beach. Section A.
BOA 06-100054 City of Jacksonville
Beach Land Development Code Sec-
tion: 34-336 fe)(1) c 3, for a rear yard of
21.7 feet in lieu of 30 feet required to allow
for an addition to single-family dwelling,
for property located at 423 St Augustine
Boulevard, more specifically, Lots 18
and 19, Block 8, Replat of Unit No. 1 At-
lantic Shores.
BOA 06-100058 City of Jacksonville
Beach Land Development Code Sec-
tion: 34-337 (e)(1) c.2, for a comer side
yard of 6 feet in lieu of 14 feel required
and 34-337 (e)(1) e, lor 40o lot coverage
in lieu of 350. maximum to allow for sub-
stantial renovation and addition to a single
family dwelling, for property located at
1207 North 21sl Street, more specifical-
ly, the soulherly 2.5 feet of Lot 4, Lot 5.
and Lot 6, Block 22, Jacksonville Beach.
Sec -A"
BOA 06-100059 City of Jacksonville
Beach Land Develoment Code Section
34-337 (e)(1) c.1, for a front yard of 15
feet in lieu of 20 leet required, 34-337
(e)(1) c.3, for a rear yard of 18 leet in lieu
of 30 leet required, 34-337 (e)(1) e, lor
529o lot coverage In lieu of 35. maximum
to allow for a new single-family dwelling,
for property located at 578 South 6th
Avenue, more specifically, Lots 6 and 7,
Block 6, Oceanside Park.
A copy of the above referenced applica-
tion(s) is available for review in the office
of the Planning and Development Depart-
ment, 11 North 3rd Street, during normal
business hours (M-F. Ba-5p).
Board of Adjustment
City of Jacksonville Beach
If a person decides to appeal any decision
by the Board of Adjustment with respect to
any matter considered at any meeting,
such person may need a record of the
proceedings, and, for such purpose, such
person may need to ensure that a verba-
tim record of the proceedings is made,
which record includes the testimony and
evidence upon which the appeal is to be
The public is encouraged' to speak on is-
sues on this Agenda that concern them.
Anyone who wishes to speak should sub-
mit the request' to the recording secretary
prior to the beginning of the meeting., .
In accordance with the Americans with
Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Flori-
da Statutes, persons with' disabilities
needing special accommodation to partici-
pate in this meeting should contact the'
planning and Development Department
no later than 5:00 p.m. on the day preced-
ing the meeting.
BL3/15/06 .

Page 5B

ocean Iront condo, living room and master
bedroom overlooking ocean w/balcony.
Front balcony overlooks Jax skyline, fully
furnished, great amenities, including cov-
ered parking, pool. hot tub. tennis, and
sandy beach. Call lor more details,
398-9080 ext 211.
2BR/2BA, beautifully furnished $1800/mo
(Yearly. $1300/mo.) Unfurnished, yearly
$1250/mo. 887-5005.
units, golf view/ laKe, all amenities Every-
thing new. $1145/mo. Janet 285-4444.
PVB -MARSH COVE. A perfect
2BR/2 5BA TH. Clean, new, 1200s1.
$1185/mo. Janel 285-4444
GREAT 3BR/2BA condo in PVB. pool,
spa, fitness room, $1350/mo. 280-5170. or
PVB. 3BR'2BA. New appliances including
washer/dryer. Beach access. New tile,
carpet. Pets OK. Handicapped accessible.
$1500!mo. 813-0304.
PALMS AT Marsh Landing- Two
2BR/2BA available. First floor, marsh
view Beautiful upgrades Incl. granite.
hardwoods, garage $1250/mo. 3rd Iloor,
lake view, fireplace, vaulted ceiling, ga-
rage, $1200/mo Call 904-613-7605 TMI
Real Estate Group. LLC
PVB- SUMMER House luxurious 21R
2BA end unit in cul-de-sac. Brand new,
5-star amenities, beachside. $1399/mo
PVB -SUMMERHOUSE. Early Move-in-
Better Deal. 2BR/2BA corner unit. 2nd
floor TH on the tennis court. Avail now
$1195/.mo Janet 285-4444.
2BR.'2BA. $1050/mo. 3BR/2BA
$1300/mo. Beautiful, vaulted ceilings,
newly renovated, many amenities. Availa-
ble now 2 garages available $100. Really
Executives. 273-3939 610-6460.
JARDIN DE Mer, Jax Beach. Brand new,
Beauiliul 2BR/2BA. fireplace. washer/dry-
er. 1-car garage, bottom Iloor. $1100/mo.
Owner'realtor 994-3608.
JAX BCH,. The Palms at Marsh Landing
IBR'1BA. $865/mo. Beautiful water view,
ceramic tiled Iloors. Immaculate Call
2BR/2.5BA Luxury Townhouse. Gated,
concierge. resort pool & fitness. II Villagio,
located 2 miles from Town Center Mall
$1190/mo. 635-8650, 923-0277.
PVB- THE Belleza, 1BR 1BA, luxury
amenities, gym & planning bed. $950!mo.
Call 318-9114. .
JAX BEACH. 2BR/1 5BA, new tile. carpel
& paint, washer; dryer. fenced'
patio. 2 'blocks to beach. $1225/mo.
(2 units available. (760)445-4789.
the Intracoastal Waterway. 3/4BR. 3.5BA,
: approx 2700sf w/marina view Resort
style living, live among millionaires
$2500/mo. includes 1 car garage, water,
sewer, cable, pool, spa, club house,
health club, Marina Walk, gated communi-
, ty w/water. Marsh and marina views.
Available April. 40' boat slip also available.
Call nbw 463-2845.
PONTE VEDRA Summer House. New
2BR/2BA. 5 star amenities. Great locatlonI
Bottom floor unit. $1100/mo. +deposit.
BOATER'S DREAM, 2BR/2.5BA, water-
front townhouse at the Moorings, Jax Bch.
Newly renovated,new appliances, washer/
dryer. $1600/mo. Includes 50 ft boatslip.
Call (904)424-6572.
THE PALMS 1BR/1BA, many upgrades,
near tennis & pool, private wetlands view,
washer/dryer, $875/mo. Garage available.

I 'T -V,





(Dt f8 I


1% 700


The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

March 15, 2006

IN RE: The license to practice medicine
Norma Roberts, M.D.
11287 Chertsey Lane ,
Jacksonville, FL 32223
32 Korwel Circle
West Orange, New Jersey 07052
CASE NO:2005-05549 & 2005-52548
The Department of Health has filed an Ad-
ministrative Complaint against you, a copy
of which may be obtained by contacting,
J. Blake Hunter, Assistant General Coun-
sel, Prosecution Services Unit, 4052 Bald
Cypress Way, Bin #C65, Tallahassee
Florida 32399-3265, (850)245-4640.
If no contact has bben made by you con-
cerning the above by April 5, 2006, the
matter of the Administrative Complaint will
be presented at an ensuing meeting of the
Board of medicine in an informal proceed-
In accordance with the Americans with
Disabilities Act, persons needing.a special
accommodation to participate in this pro-
ceeding should contact the individual or
agency sending this notice not later than
seven days prior to the proceeding at the
address given ,on the notice. Telephone:
(850)245-4640, 1-800-955-8771 (TDD) or
1-800-955-8770 (V), via Flojida Relay
BL 3/1.3/8,3/15,3/22/06

EARN DEGREE online from home. Medi-
cal, Business, Paralegal, Computers,
Criminal Justice. Job placement. Comput-
er provided. Financial aid if qualify.
.your 'driving career Offering, courses in
CDL A & B. One tuition feel Many pay-
ment options! No registration feel
(888)808-5947 info@americasdrivingaca- .
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified @beachesleader.com

KENNEL ASSISTANT needed for busy
veterinary clinic, competitive wages. Previ-
ous kennel experience required. Apply in
p erson: Beaches Animal Clinic, 937
each Blvd., Jax Beach. 246-2045.
OFFICE MANAGER. Customer Service
oriented. Responsible. Knowledge of wigs,
hairpieces. $7/hr.+ comm. (904)221-6970.
NAIL TECHNICIAN and Hair Dresser
needed. Built in clientele, World Golf Vil-
lage area (904)504-1314..

Part-time, weekends and nights. Must
have clean driving record. Call 241-1013.
BOUNCER NEEDED at the beach,
Thurs., Fri., Sat. nights. Call 514-2507.
Experienced only. Must have reliable
transportation. 3 days per week- and
some Saturdays. Call Debbie 'after 2pm.
285-3400 x3352 Iv. msg.

FRAMER'S HELPERS needed. Custom
hqomes, Beaches area. Transportation re-
quired. 868-0866.
WAREHOUSE VENUS is looking for
warehouse workers for the following shifts:
Pickers: 4,day, 10 hour shifts (days) and
Cycle Count: 8pm-4:30am (3rd shift). Call
our job line at 645-6000 prompt 4. EOE.
FT/PT positions in over 30 busy salons.
Hair Cuttery, (904)269-3403. EOE.
COOKS FOR busy breakfast.& lunch res-
taurant, PVB. Must work weekends. Apply
in person: Players Cafe, 262 Solana Rd.
.Call Don or Chris for appointment,
273-5595. .

ing Servers, Beverage Cart Attendant,
Bartender;,'Weekend Receptionist, Line
Cook and Dishwashers: DFWP, FT\PT
-available. Must be outgoing and dependa-.
ble. Phone 904-246-4827, mall: ac-
counting@selvamarina.com, or apply In'
Bushong Insurande, one of Florida's Prop-
erty/ Casualty Insurance Brokers, desires
a candidate -to assist it's Commercial and.
Personal Lines Departments. Applicants
must be detail oriented and possess ex-
celleni computer skills For consideration,
lax resume lo 285-5161

MATH TUTOR. Certified, experienced YARD COMPANY Seeks dependable.
Math Teacher will tutor K-12 evenings, help, neat appearance. Good pay, will
249-2293.' train. 247-3856 %

PART TIME evening Commercial Clean-
ing at the beach. $8/hr, weekends extra
pay. Professional drug. free workplace.
ust possess deniicaiion, Social Securi-
ty card & References 190404841-6625 or
fax (904)825-0619.
DRE-K TEACHER, ahernoons 3.6pm M-
:= Chirsihan preschool Call 246-2891 Ior
interview. Greal pay excellent work env-

FRONT DESK Asssianr. needed pan.
lime Dunn Wellness Cenier in Jacksor,.
vile Beach Fax, resume to 249-1530..
PT SECRETARIAL Position some book.
keeping exp helpful, bul vill Irain MusI De
honesl & rave rels Call 568-8700
ART TEACHER lor Yr.ung Rembranadz
drawing program Pan-lime. anernoon
h nours Curriculum and supplies provided
Send resume IO smurawsk.@bellsouhr. ne

Energetic, -flexible/ multi-task 1 person..
Transpc.rtaiion with valid FL driver's li-
cense a rrul Hours 6pm-10 30pm or lal.
er Call Wanda or Debbie aner 2,pm
2835-3400 1335-

needed Pan-nime Full lIme Plea.se call
241.56.1 ,

PART TIME B.:..:,keprr arled Crall
631 .0766

esiale oftce Email resume to
eric-, hislending co.m

HELP WANTED classilicalions in Ihish
rlnewspaper are inended io announce gen.
uine current lt. openings ro leies may be
Charged 10 ihe prospective employee Ads
lor sell-employmeni or business opporhu.
runes appear under rhe Business Opponru-
rnies caiegor. Ads whicr, ma.y require
payment or leer for employment inlorma-
Ion, guidance or training may appear un.
der Job Sern.ce. Should any Help WanTed
alvenier ask lor a lee cr i Ine adrveniser
.i is offering a produce or service rather Ihar
a j0o opernnq please noity The Beaches
Leader. 249.9033
Ive ir, Ja Beacn seeking seIlImolivaled
chiee-riui organized and detailed indlivdu.
al Neeo good corrmmunicaion' PC Skills
Word. Exel, Ouickbooks a plus, need veri.
cle to run errards Dependable with can.
do attitude. Pan-lirne to sian. could e-
come full-time. Fax resume ,ncludirg
availability to 904-247.5154, or e-mail al,
BUSY HEALTH Food store seeks ener-.
getic, dependable .and centered individu-
als. Must have knowledge of holistic
herbs/ supplements and how to live a
healthy life style. Day, night, and weekend
shift, 273-4101.
Counter. Some benefits. 273-4785.
RELIABLE HELPER for Moving Company
in Jacksonville Beach. 249-9395,
MODELS WANTED for high quality fe-
male fashion photography. Good pay' per
session. Experience '; not required.
CARPET CLEANER Helper, 20+hours,
days, some weekends. Nice appearance.
ORGANIZE HOUSE, personal objects,
sewing, 2 ref's. 285-0140 after 11am.

CUSTOMER SERVICE. & sales w/excel-
lent communication skills. Must be flexible.
Ponte Vedra Beach location. Please call
for details. (904)273-5959.
FOOD PREP 7:30am-1:30pm, M-F, free
child care, Beaches Academy 1725 Pen-
man Rd. Jax Bch. 246-3885.
Saturday 10am-3pm. Serious applicants
only. Call 270-1980. after 3pm.
OFFICE ASSISTANT needed with friend-
ly, professional phone voice. 'Flexible
hours and knowledge of ACT, Excel, and
Word helpful. Call 285-5855.

Full Time Monday- Friday 7am o10 3pm
and 3pm o 11 pm at a Premier ReiFremenrI
Community Healin Center Excelleni work,
ernVronmeni Expenence ir, gerialrc care
desired. Applicaiions at Fleel Landing Se-
curity Gale. One Fleel Landing Blvd Al-
lanicn Beach FL Fax Ho 19041246-9447.
email to jobs@fleetleanding.com EOEI'
Drug-Free Workplace

LOOKING FOR Hard Working dependa-
ble deuaii & muli.irask oriented individual
ior deliver, & maintenance or medical
equipment & supplies Musi have neal ap.
pearance. e.cellenr customer service
skills e6,cellerl driving record Back.
ground craick is required by law Apply in
pers.:.n Sourneaslern Medequip Inc 905
Nonn Third SI Jacksonville Beacr.
SERVERS LINE Cook. Disnwashers.
Fine Dirnig JJ s Bislro Ponie Vedra
273.7980 Gale Parkway 996-7557

POiTE Vedia opp:nuniiy lor arhiculale.
poised individual who is able lo muln-las
Compensalton 10 32K w'lh excellent bene.
his EOE Resumes io Imorris&'cnire com.
Is.: growing Haje basic home repair slls
IriiS lrrnsporl aiion & a smile'" Call
221-3453 Good $$. P/T. F/T.
IMED'ICAL ASSISTArnT lor jbusy pcialri.'
rl.: ha r: imnm dial c opnirng. Spant.h
speaking a plus Call 246-9428

CHILDTIt..'E LEARNING Centers seeks
experienced Teachers Cooks housekeep.
er, F.T & P'T available We olfer a com.
'peilve saiar', & benetfis package. Call
.273.6960 or las resume 10 280-5742
ground and irrground E bul will ira.n 241-8261'.

Are you Seeking PAY With BENEFITS?,
American Landscape has a poslilonr ior
you. Call 349-6257.

CUSTOMER service & sales exc c:.m-
mun.: lion skills Full or pan nrlime Base
plus Dorinus Fa> resume. 1904128500iu0
or email |m''nrriediakds.comr
ADMIN. ASSISTANT- Creerul, prolessio:,
rial appearing person Ior office in Jax Bch.
Full or parl-iime Some weekends re.
quired 59 nr Apply in person or ring re-
surme to Ali Soulh Really 3090 Souln 3rd
Si. Ja Ben
Looking for an organic work experience1"
Natural Foods Marker is looking lor vibrant
individuals witt. a passion for organic &
these skills: Customer Service Self moti-
vation/ excellent work elnic Desire to
learn & grow. Orderirg skills & produce
experience a plus. Apply in person ai 363
Atlantic Blvd., Suites 7 & 8. Allamic
Beach, ask for'Shelly or Naomi. 246-2441.
CITY 'of .Atlantic Beach. $10.53/hr.,
$421.20/wk., $21,902.40/yr. Responsible
for maintaining planted materials & land-
scaping within the City. Valid FL Driver's
License. Must be able to obtain First Aid &
CPR cert. within 6 mths. of hire. Applica,-
tions accepted until 3/29/06, 800 Seminole
Rd., Atlantic Beach, FL 32233. For more
info call (904)247-5820 or visit
www.coab.us. No smokers/ tobacco
users. Drug testing conducted. EOE.
Laborers, w/transportation, excellent pay.
Call 249-8147 or 726-5661.

Great job at St. Johns Town Center detail-
ing cars. FT/ PT available. Call 343-4241.
FULLTime, 3pm-11pm in our new Assist-
ed Living expanded facility at premiere re-
tirement community.. Excellent work envi-
ronment and benefits. Applications at
Fleet Landing Security Gate, One Fleet
Landing Blvd., Atlantic Beach, FL; Fax to
(904)246-9447; e-mail to: jobs@fleetland-
ing.com EOE/ Drug-Free Workplace.
LOOKING FOR a New Profession? High
Year-End Income. Excellent benefits to in-.
clude profit sharing. Atlantic. Beach.
Fax resume: 221-2705.

I Joi te ea ta' m ke cain Sfr eolefuJ


* arriott.


We offer competitive wages, excellent benefits,
opportunities for advancement and
a caring management staff.
Please apply in person Tuesday- Friday. 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. or by appt.
1000 PGA TOUR Boulevard; Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
Website: www.sawgrassmarriott.com
Job Hotline: (904) 280-7070

I e .ok owadtoMetn YuSO

Avante at Jacksonville Beach, a 165-bed
skilled nursing and rehab center, currently
seeks a multitask-oriented nursing profes-
sional to plan, organize, develop and di-
rect daily functions as well as educational
programs for the Nursing Services depart-
ment. must have RN licensure, ability to
plan/ develop new programs, exp. in hos-
pital or LTC facility, be flexible & have a
positive attitude toward the elderly. Avante
offers excellent compensation & premium
benefits, including 401(k). Please fax re-
sume to (904)249-8208 or apply in person
at 1504 Seabreeze Avenue, Jacksonville
Beach, FL 32250. EOE.
FACIAL SPECIALIST with clientele want-
ed. Also, Nail Tech w/clientele. No acryl-
ics. Day Spa, Jax Beach. Call Miki,
COOKS & Prep Cooks for all shifts. Apply
in person, Sun Cruz Casino, 4378 Ocean
St., Mayport. 249-9300.
benefits/ pay. All levels of experience con-
sidered. Some knowledge of construction
desirable. The Defenders, Palm Valley,
285-2346, M-F, 8am-4:30pm.
.A A- -* -
for 'gift shop. Must be able to work week-
ends. Apply in person: Sea Shells & Coral,
230 North Boardwalk, JB.
Lead Carpenter/ Working Superintend-
ent needed by growing high-end builder
located at the Beaches area. Require 'at-
tention to details, tools, ability to read
plans, and knowledge of all phases of res-
idential building process. Best construc-
tion job at the BeachI 273-2207.
TIRE & OIL TECH Wanted. Monday-Fri-
day. Call Bob, 241-5311.
MAINTENANCE, VENUS is looking for a
handyman to work in our Building Mainte-
nance Dept. General maintenance skills
required. Mon.-Fri., 8am-4:30pm. Call
Cathy at 645-6000 prompt 3 for immediate
consideration. EOE.

Join our team II you can excel ai inside
sales &.desire a fast-paced work environ-
ment, we may have an 'excellent
op,-,prnunily for you. You will join a Nation-.
al company & work in Pc.riie Vedra Beach.
Ideal c andidale will ha'e 1 years experi-
ence inside sales, culrrier iern,;ce aI
ielemarkeling. & enxcelleni communicalorn
skills Aly nol ro handle bus nes; ac:,ounrir.
.Base pay plui cornm.sonz mn l plu.
FT, no euenir.g ,r 01 weekends PT a'.aii
Fax resume d 904i285-00u10.r enia.
jimi.mediakidi corn
Landscape 1074 10ih Ave' South, Jax
Beach. 'Bonus. 247-4477. .

Work at the Beach. Fast-paced once
needs cuslomrnr fc.cused Admnisiraiive
Assesianr lor nruill.ine phones Must leril
at 50wpm. abiliry l muili-.rask & rave ex-
celleni vert.ail & arner, .:ommIjnicaIorn
skills. Experience irn Word a. Excel a plu-.
Monday-Friacy. 9Sanr-pm Email resume
-tC avid,',4desennsi:ro nel or lax lo
LMT. REHAB Assistant neereded lor bus,
ociors ofc.tice 273-2691 or lax re.sumen
CUSTOMER SERVICE Rep. prefer 440 li.
cense bur will Irain. Hollarna Insuirarce
Agency. PO BoA 50677. Ja.:ksonville Ben,
FL 32240 or call 249.1858
CLEARWATER SYSTEMS .i. ir. ervesnq,
'or Service Tecns.' Installers Will be insial.
ling' se.rvicng water rrealmenl equipment
Ior homes businirss ndusir,' roneax.!
FL Preler experien.:e buI wfill irair, .harp
Individuals Muji have good driving re.
cord. excellent cusiomer service ek,llk and
iir 100 pounds DFWP.We owner co.mpei.
r.,pe wages c>celleni bereliils. 4011. d'
vancemenl Senrd resume io Ann Br 3,'-.
2181 S l Jor.ns Blufti R.-; So Ja Fr 3'346
L.r apple, in p ri .'no r n .a>' r.:04'i'64. .'-.
;,ASHFORD COURT .3 accepin.n applrica.
'ions lor experienced Dielary Servers. F T
ard P'T MusIl e able io wsorS wv -'enn.ls
Music enloy working win ihe elderly i, n a
: prolesionral arrrmosphere We owner ccn,.
peiiiives alanes brenWeSii. & o-weekhiy Ou
nuv pians Apply in person f 1700 The
Greens Way in Marsir Landindg Park.
v,ronmerI Apply a The loonr. Grle &
Oysler Bar 1 396 Beacri Blvd Ja< Beac.n
FULL TIME Worker needed rcr new e.cil-
ing rielO ol Shorerine Resioraiior, Ceplune
& Ponle Vedra areas For ine ne\i 6
monilns Possible extended emplr.rimeni
a'.'a,-lable Good pay (7721i7r3-68?3
HOME CLEANERS earn Decelleni pay
Cleaning homes weekly & ciweerly D.:
pendable car required Full or par iirrime
Call 223-5033
Line Cook. Good money, casual atmos-
phere, very busy, great people 'to work
with. FT/PT. 285-0139. '

Full Time in our Companion Seri,,;ces De.
partmient at a premier reliremeni co-mmur,
iry Ideal candidate will have experience
creating sitaariq schedules Ito: meei cu-
tomer demand" rmainlain billing .logs. su
pervise slan and have strong communica-

Iron skills Excellenl worK environment and
benelis Applicaii.:,ns si Fle-ei Landiing Se
curtly Gale. One Fleel Landing Bi',d A-
lanlic Beach. FL. Fa ic. i904i246-9447,
email to: jobs@fleetleanding.com, EOE
Drug-Free Workplace.
LAWN TECH needed for .beach pest con-
trol company. Good pay Monrday-Friday,
benefits, good driving record required,
DFWP, Call 2411-7874. .
HAIR STYLIST needed @ Styles of
Ponte Vedra, located on corner of Mickler
and A1A. Up to 60% commission. Contact
Denise at 280-0494.

Jax Beach growing company needs
organized, marketing focused
Executive Assistant with ability to
multi-task. Must test at 60 wpm and
have excellent verbal and written
communication skills. Experience
in Excel and PowerPoint is a must.
Competitive salary and great
benefit packet. M-F 8am-5:30pm.
Email resume to
or fax to 241-7333

da Driver's License. Experience helpful
but will train. Good salary & benefits. Ap-
ply at Surfside Pools, 313 Beach Blvd.,
246-2666 or fax resume to: 249-8801,
e-mail: surfsidepools@aol.com
DRIVERS CDL A. Special Orientation
Pay for Experienced Drivers! Home Week-
endsl Great Pay & Benefits! Paid Training
for School Grads! Cypress Truck Lines,
Inc. www.cypresstrock.com (888)808-

DRIVERS- CDL, A. true lease to own pro-
gram. Low payments/short-term lease.
Avg. $1.11/mile plus fuel surcharge. No
hazmat. No forced dispatch. FFE Trans-
portation (888)864-0012.
polishing granite, Jax Beach, 246-1172.
OPTOMETRY OFFICE front desk and all
office aspects. Candidant should have an
outgoing friendly personality w/ability to
multi-task. Bookkeeping PC, organization-
al and customer service' skills a must.
ded,.:ai office experience and Spanish a
pius F.jr consideration fax resume to
er. Customer. service exp. necc. Apply in
person, Sun Cruz Casino, 4378 Ocean
St., Mayport. 249-9300..
fants-5yrs.) Requires patience, reliability &
love of children. Performance based bo-
nuses. Up to 2wks vacation, paid training,
& caring management. EOE. 242-9645.
1851 Beach Blvd. 32250.
TEACHER, CDA Certified, 4yr. Old Class.
Warm & loving Teachers & Assistants
needed. FT & PT. Call 249-0905, or fax
resume to 249-5241. The Beaches School
& The Red School House;
POOL CLEANER w/valid Florida Driver's
License. Experience helpful but will train.
Good salary & benefits. Apply: Surfside
Pools, 313 Beach Blvd., 246-2666, or fax
resume: 249-8801, e-mail: surfsidepools
FIRST CHOICE Home Improvements.
Neeed siklled caipenlers & tree climbers.

Full-lii.me Applianc.e Irntlaiallons Punch
Our ai 3 premier retirement community
E-.,-iellenri e a.e.lid Apphclic lor.s a Fleel
Larnirng S'cur',' Gale One Fleel Landing
BlI.d AIlair, Beacn. FL. Fa,: 10 904 .246.
9344, enil I.- jobs@4fleetlanding.com
EOE. Drug-Free Wcorkplace
rigrI AppI, a 284') rMapon Rd. or : 311
3 Pool Techs needed E'perence prefer.
red, but will train Clean driving record
401k, health benerils Please .-:ll
rrmall oce arironi r.olel WeekendS re-
quired Apply in per-on, 120 Atlantic.Blvd.,
lerp Bcrh
CHILD CARE Teaners win CDA., top
pay' slaninq al LTi.nr .& up also Teacr.
ef z A._:.,13iari.i nedled 220 3993

EuriiOd. Pc.,I se e-.r.g experienced
vWarer,,:,ue r.13rager Forklift and Salery
Operation a pluji Good salary & tbenehli.
Apply,. Surialid Pools 313. Beacr Bld .
246-2666 or la, resume 249-8801. e
mail surtsidiepojcr.Is'al corn
parnv seeir.g 'expeienced service lecnni.
car. Mjust nave knowledge or pumps, li.
teri riealaer, and chemical auiomaion
s',,.lems, 3. years experienrice. pool rie-
moeiinq sMiln a plus Salary dapenderinl
on a 'pernce Exctleri cu.iomer service
ski51 lull rtene-lis 4011: Fax resume 10o
Sujri,.e Pc oic Ja BeacIn 31 904-249-
8Ai.j or ernal luiie'suridepoolis nel
TAXI DRIVERS W/aredi Clear vin.og-re.
.'rd r IJlF-J. Carl Opril 248-9999 i

ATLA1JTIC COAST Pluming & ille Help-
er-. rriided Learn a irade Healln oene..
Is qod, riours a.lvarcerrerni opDc.nuni-'
lbea Mius nave vaiid FL Drivers License
Call 249-.381 lor appi
COOK POSITIONi available Monkey
uri.:e Tavern Apply in person 1850 S
3rd I J B
LABORERS HELPERS Skilled personnel
iall types i Call 249.8147. or apply 203
So.ulhn 3rd Sir-eel Ja Beach Good pay &

FULLL-TI.lE al a Premicr Relremn-eni Corn-
mrunilv Experence required Excelleni
,erelir Apph,:alion' al Flee r Landing Se.
,:uritlv Gale One Fleer Landing Blvd Ai.
arni.: Bea,:ri FL Fax: Io 9-4.-246-9447.
emai i,. jobs'ifleetlanding.com. EOE'
Drug-Free Workpla.,e
DRIVER NOW ring quarrIed drivers for'
Central FlIoCradJa local and rnaiional OTA p,-
yiions Foo:'d grade ranker no hazrmal, no
pumpp. Greai benecirs compeini.,e pay
and new equipment Need 2 years experi-
ence. Cal' Bynurn Transport for your op
portunitytoday l8i:i01741-7950
ing ligri main Rel's. background che.:K
8 255t rr dceperding on exp 710-8370

Fu ii.n',e i;in greai bernefiis and work en-
.ironrrian, a a premier rerremeni com-
munity. Experience preferred.. Applica-
tions available at Fleet Landing Security
Gate, One Fleet Landing Blvd., Atlantic
Beach, FL 32233; Fax to 904-246-9447;
e-mail to jobs@fleetlanding.com. .EOE/
Drug-free Workplace.



Join our team of
cleaning professionals

No Nights or Weekends
Paid Vacations
Paid Holidays

Competitive Wages
Company Vehicle
app4 in p on to-:

2201 Florida Blvd.
Mon Fri 8 -.4:30

tendent for established company. Drug
free work place, benefits. 241-2721.,
SOUS CHEF, Grill Cook, Dishwasher, Ex-
perienced Servers. Seeking motivated in-
dividuals. Now hiring. Fax resume: 223-
7763; or apply in person between 2-4pm,
Marker 32 Restaurant, 14549 Beach Blvd.

HAIR STYLIST needed at Pepi's in Jax
Beach. Up to 60% commission. Call Tina

Lawn service seeks individual to perform
dependable quality work. Excellent pay &
overtime available. Crew Leaders wanted.
Perschel Brothers Services; Inc. 246-
FOREMEN TO lead utility contract field
crews. Outdoor physical work, many en-
try-level positions, paid training. $14/hr.
plus bonuses after promotion, living allow-
ance when traveling, company truck and
good benefits. Must have strong leader-
ship skills, a good driving history and be
able to travel in Tennessee and nearby
states. Email resume to Recruiter3@os-
mose.com or fax (985)871-0605. www.Os-
moseUtilities.com EOE M/F/DN
-k* *
SWIMMING POOL Construction. Top
pay & benefits. Palace Pools. 998-1811,
11655 Central Pkwy #313, Jax, FL

opening within our organization for service
personal, Competitive, salary. You must
possess a good driving record. Our com-
pany has.full benefits with retirement, bo-
nuses, paid vacation and holidays. We
have a great working environment. We
have been in business for over 14 years.
Fax resume to 273-0682 or fill out an ap-
plication @ 10066 Sawgrass Drive West,
Ponte Vedra Beach.

Avante at Jacksonville Beach, a progres-
sive 165-bed skilled nursing and rehab
center, seeks a floor tech to perform day-
to-day floor maintenance. Must be at least
18 years of, age, able to speak, read,
*rie, ard follow directions in English.
Experience required Avante offers excel-
leni compensaiwon premium benefits, in-
cluding 401111 Please fax resume:
19042-19-8208 ann Eduardo Tomas or
apply 'n person, ai 1504 Seabreeze Ave-
nue. Jar.kson.ille Beach, FL 32250. EOE.

FULL-TIME al Healilh Ceriler in Premier
Retirement Communiry,% Appulcalon's avail-
able ai Fleel Landing Sec'uriiy Gale, One
Fleel Landing Blvd Allaric Beach, FL,
32233, Fax I' 904-2'46944- e-mail to
jobs@fleellanding.com EOE/ Drug-Free'
NOW HIRING Sales People, Assistant
Head Cahrier Receivirg Clerk,
Sio.Ck.Cairyour Apple al F'ricik.r Ace
Hardware 870 A1A I onir P,.nire Vedra.

based family office seeks highly motivat-
ed, energetic individual to join its team of
-professionals. Candidate must possess
superior skills in MS Excel, Word, Access
and Outlook, must be proficient in navi-
gating the Intemet. Only well-spoken.can-
didates with pleasant disposition will be
considered for this excellent position. For
further information regarding the Firm,
please visit www.spring-bay.com or
www.sontagfoundation.com. Send Re-
sumes to cgregory@spring-bay.com

Responsible 'or cient services security
and maintenance supervision. Coordr-
nates with meal groups and olner volun-
teers. Maintains client records and., up-
dates information to cae manager. Basic
computer skills required AA Degree and/
or two years experience in social services.
Experience with homeless clients prefer-
red. Full-time plus benefits. Send resumes
to Director, 800 Shetter Ave., Jacksonville
Beach, FL 32250 or FAX to 241-7340:
Daytime phone number must be included
ior call DaCk 10 sc-iedule interview

BARErNrEr ANEE 1 r4 s :on i y, PAINfTERS HELPER wanted, driver's
n3m.7pn-m Apply al 2i0. iM.lap.-..n H.I '-.ense a music Call 307-8012

.nq & needs .own Iran:rponali'-r. Slart
. Masiers 726.5,661 249.8147
Per.onaiiry pluS. phone and ba-ic ,.:-.rpul.
er skilIs Scurihside area, 9arn .prr,

Needed for immediate F/T & P/T posi-
iions Requiremenis Clas. D secuiriy I.
,:ene. HS Diploma or GED .:iearn ba,:.
ground and drug Ifee E\-cellenr pa', arid
Beneilsl Qualiid canlidairs r a ', 1a, re-
sumes Ie: li9041281 c084s :.r apple a1 First
Coast Security Services 6817 Sourh-
point'p..pwy. #10t1. ':'Jacr"invitJe, F(
SbBW .'IW." .tltl-'ll J070- : ,'*"*- "'- "'1 '" 1 '-".''

DO you wanir O j:,in a winnirig ieamrn Dc'rI'l
:ge leht oui Our driver 5 mal-e 50o-0.$70ii)
per week. Ca11 249.5151 a-' 1,ior Brian or
493-5250 aSk lor Tim Coliri,
Iront-ofitce. media ,' al raecori- Bierl-s. Trar.
:.;ripli.niSls Family Practi.-e OBG 'r.j
ana Dermaloiloqy experienced prelerred
Fax resume 636-0066,
COOK FT, 10a-7p. 1'10-111 00 depend-
ing on exp Apply in person,. Asrilord CGcijn
Assiied Living 1001 The Greens Way,
Jax Bcn, FL 32250)

ha.e owrn iools & iransporialion Neatness
& dependability a must Phone Larry He-
ise Painting 247-3644.
BEACHES: CAR Wash- full time help
needed Wage.s egutiable, lips Benefits
Avail Apply in person 1401 Beach Blvd
Company Experience ar.swernq mull,
prone-line.. Word & Excel necessary
Plumbir.g knowledge a plus $8 00.'r.
Email resume io :lnrsr'inni:'.bellsoulh ner.
cor ma,il l PO. Bo.', 044-16. Jasx Bearr, FL

C.ASHI._)R5 'NEEDED. FT.PT, Procior Aoe
H .r',,ar a.n ,, G ai ,je r. C ..nier 580 Ailaril.C
Bl.d lepiune Beacr, Apply in person
ar 2940 Maypon Rd
LAWN CARE r-elper needed Driveis li-
cense & transportation' required. Pay.
equal with exp. 285-2952. :

LEAD CARPENTER: Experience 'with
renovation and new construction; salary
pos'-ion wnenrli package: company vehi-
cle poiennial 904-285-3663
AMERICAN HOME Companions seeks
compassionate live-in caregivers for the
elderly. Work 2,3, 4 or 5 days per week.
Up to $110/day. 631-5354.


"riA tion Technicia2

Expect Nothing Less
l'4V T Than Five Diamonds
Do something special for yourself today! Work with one of the
premier luxury resorts in the world by joining the elite staff at
Ponte Vedra Inn & Club. Our exceptional work environment is
one of the most sought after for career satisfaction.
We have the following full & part-time positions available:
Irrigation Technician
Laundry Truck Driver
Pool Technicians ,
Chef De Partee
Pastry Cook & Line Cook "
Nursery/Recreation Attendants
Banquet Set-Up Attendants
Golf Course Maintenance
The Spa ---Various Positions
Housekeeping Inspector/Inspectress
Laundry Supervisor (PM)
Bell Stand & Front Desk
Laundry Attendant
Retail Sales Clerk (Gourmet' Shop & Racquet Club)
Servers / Diningroom Attendants
Golf Cart Attendants
Gym & Beach Reception

Seasonal Opportunities
Camp Counselors
Lifeguards & Swim Instructors
Beach Rentals & Pool Porters
Patio Servers
We offer an excellent benefits package including medical/dental, life
insurance, sick and vacation days, and discounts at our retail outlets, golf
course and spa. For immediate consideration apply in person to
Human Resources between 9am- 4pm or forward resume to:
Ponte Vedra Inn & Club
200 Ponte Vedra Blvd.
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL. 32082
Job Line: 904-280-3607 Fax: 904-273-7753
See current openings at: Profiles.hospitalityonline.com/211464

Oceanfront Excellence

PaoP 6R

Positions Available
Guest Service Agent Cafe on the Green Server :

Banquet Supervisor Maintenance Engineer u
Bartender Room Service Server

Lead Cook Room Service Supervisor

Cook I Starbucks Attendant

General Contractors, Inc.

Atlantic Beach, FL 32233
Since 1987
Looking for Qualified & Experienced individuals
Project Managers
Clerical, PM Assistants
Our Wages and Benefits Packages are second to none!
401K & Profit Sharing

Fax or email resume to:
904-241-4427 rpcgc@rpcgc.com

1 ar


Pressmen, Bindery, Graphic Design, and
Pre-press. 514-1090.
Housekeeper, Child Companion. To do
light housekeeping, errands, possible
sleepovers. All applicants will be consid-
ered. Call 904-334-8408 or 904-236-0195.
JAMI'S, JCC. Upscale women's retail
clothing stores in Ponte Vedra. Manage-
ment & Sales Positions available. Fax re-
sume to (239)262-2954.
SOUTH BEACH Salon has chair rental
-available. Call 673-3639.
QUALITY PAINTERS wanted. Must have
own phone and transportation. New con-
struction. 247-4841.
Host/ Hostess, Servers, & kitchen utility.
Good money, casual atmosphere, very
busy, great people to work with. FT/PT.
PONTE VEDRA Valley is searching for
Funeral Director. Competitive salary with
benefits. Please send resume to: 4750
Palm Valley Rd, Ponte Vedra Beach FL
32082; or fax: (904)285-3392.
LOOKING FOR experienced Line Cooks
& Dishwashers in an organic kitchen. Ap-
ply in person at 363 Atlantic Blvd., Suites
7 & 8, Atantic Beach, ask for Shelly or
Naomi. 246-2441..
Front Desk Receptionist for busy psychiat-
ric/psychological office in Marsh Landing.
Applicants must be a team player, pleas-
ant, dependable, and able to multi-task.
Experience preferred but will train the right
candidate. Fax resume to (904)543-9172.
LIVE AND work at the beach in a casual
atmosphere. Ocean Waves is accepting
applications for the following positions:
CSR, Acctg, Optical Techs, Office.Manag-
er, Sales Reps, and Showroom Sales. 76
Levy Rd. Apply in person or email resume
to kevin@oceanwaves.com
PONTE VEDRA Valley is searching for a
lawn/landscape person. Monday-Friday,
$10/hr., with benefits. Please apply in per-
son. at 4750 Palm Valley Rd, Ponte Vedra
Beach Or, call (904)285-1130.

.. ...... .. ..... .. i --l-



Mcmrrh 15. 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

HUGE GARAGE SALEI Friday, Saturday, .2002 YAMAHA, V-Star 650, loaded, low
8am-lpm, 244 East Sondra Cove Trail miles, $4000 OBO. 247-8995.
(Villas at Cross Creek). Art, baby items,
TV's, clean air unit, roll-top desk, clothing, r[ _
more. MIBa*

40FT BOAT slip available at old Old San
Pablo Creek Marina, $700/mo. includes
electric. For details, 398-9080 ext. 211.
1981 CATALINA Sailboat, 22'. New trailer,
1 new motor, 1 used- motor, dinghy,.
$7100 OBO. (904)434-6645.

1999 COACHMAN 5th Wheel, sleeps 5-6,
CH&A, microwave, stove, etc. 2 new bat-
teries, 16' slide-out with awning, queen-
size bed, much more. $14,500 OBO. Call
(904)246-8475 for more'details.
1993 LAYTON Travel Trailer, 30', very
good condition. CH&A. New tires, fridge,
electric gas water heater, microwave, tow-
ing extras. $6500 O80 246-5828.

1988 GMC SIERRA 2500 flat bed, 4x4.
$1800 OBO, 210-9271.

BOAT 'STORAGE in PV. Visit 84 S-10 Pick up, AT, A/C, good shape,
www.MarinaClubPV.com $1500 cash. 334-5288.
1988 YAMAHA 150hp, good comp., coun- 2001 ISUZU Rodeo, immaculate cond.,
ter. rotating, no controls. $2000 OBO, Call PW/ PL, cruise, 4DR, AT, hew tires, 2
241-3601'. tone paint, $7900. 887-9030.

1998 SCARAB, 30' w/trailer, twin 250's,
low hours. $53,000 firm. (229)359-0730.
10FT CARIBE, 1994, inflatable, Hypalon
hull, trailer, $2000. 993-1979.
oail siip lor reni. 40tn ),i00. 50n 1 1700,
includes potable water, electric, dock
locker, cable and phone service available
@ slip. Mobile fuel service & pump out al-
so aadabie- A,.ail Mar 06. 463-2845
ADVEIjTuRE CRAFT 28 Housebc.ai
100hp -4S 'amaha AC Heai generator
Excelieni condlilon. 223.(224-

HONDA SHADOW incl.: accessories. 48
orig. miles, garage kept, $5500. 247-1417.

1992 ISUZU Space-Cab, good condition.
$2500. Call 249-7136.
2000 FORD XLT Ranger' $5000 OBO.
Good condition. Call (904)285-3879.
1990 CHEVY Astro Van. New battery,
good tires, TV/VCR. $600. 249-9395,

94 NISSAN AiIrma AT A C new ires.
$1500 casr.. 334-5288
2000 TOYOTA Solara. immacuiale cond .
low miles. 4 cyl. AT, PW PL cruise. CD.
new iles $9800 OBO 887-9030
1998 BUICK Century well mainiainea all
power, clean. AC $4200 294-4191

- U --fidaw~~iM

ADVERTISERS IN [his category are nor
offering robs. They are offering oD-related
services and may charge tees Readers
are advised to exercise caution before giv-
ing credit card information over the phone
without knowing whai specific product or
service they will receive

ALL CASH candy route. Do you earn
$800iday' 30 machines, free candy. All
for $9995 t8881629-9968. B020000033
Call us: We will not be undersold!
#i CORPORATE, Sponrts apparel iran-
chise Full training and support No exr..
needed Financing naval. Call 1800)727-
6720 www.EmbroidMe.com
WORKING PARTNER' Manager, 6 hour
day. beaches retail blood No investment
Call C Lee at 509-8883.
VENDING ROUTE- Snack. Soda, Juice.
Water, All Brands. Great Equipment &
Support. Full Line. Financing Available
w'$7.500 Down. l8771843-8726
I BO&2002-037)

WARNING WHILE Intis newspaper does
not knowingly accept business opportunity
ads wnich require you to pay a tee o10 gel
information or that refer you to 976-or 900-
phone numbers which will result in sub-
slannal charges io your phone bill. the
newspaper cannot guarantee the validrity
ol offerings in inis classification If any ad.
vertriser requires you to incur phone searv-
ice charges or pay a lee Io learn tie na-
ture ao me opportunity, please repon it o1
The Beaches Leader. 249-9033
MONTHLY INCOME, own part of produc-,
ing TX oil wells Mm $25K For info call

I AM a babysitier from Spain looking to
care for cnilaren ol all ages. I will provide
care or your child/ children in the morn-
ings, evenings, holidays and even on spe-
cial occasions. References will be proved.
ed. I currenliv live in Ine Arlinglon area ol
Jacksonville with my Navy retiree hus-
band Call 1904)374-5253
6-weeks and up. HRS licensed. 8 years
experience. Tammy 373-0404.

W 6 ,

.--- -- --- :-- -- --.:. .. .. ... --- -----------

DARK GREEN, fiberglass truck lopper for
sale, $250 521-6457
2 TEAK wall bookcases. 30"Wx72'H, have.
lower doors, great condilon. $100ea.

LAWN EQUIPMENT package 16' trailer
and commercial mower edger Irimmer.
blower $3000 285-2952.
3 COMPARTMENT ITruel beer cooler.
$350 as Is. Can see at 1418 Roxie. May-
AT&T PARTNER pnone system 5 phones
installed for $899. 249-8877.
IS STRESS ruining your relationships?
Buv arnd Read Dianelics by L-, Ron Hub-
bard Call 1813182-0722 or,sB'nd $8,00.0o
Dianeics. 3102 N Habana Ave. Tampa,
FL 33607...
TORO 6.5HP self-propelled mower $150 ,.
Homelre gas blower 1$40) & weed-eater
t$30) Poulon electric edger $25
SOFAS: OUEENSIZE sola bed $125 Vel./
vet Victorian style loveseal $75 and more.
BATH CHAIR. Walker, aluminum cane
$25/all. 221-5576
BUILDING SALEr "Bear Next increase
20x26 Now $4200. 25x30 $5800 30x40
$9200. -0x60 $14 900 Extensive range ol
sizes and models Front end optional. Pio.
never 8Q00)668-5422
bedrm sel, dresser night stand,. lingerie
chest, iloor-sianrng mirror $350;: Reclin-
er. brown $150 Club chair $100; Triple
dresser $200, all excellent condition
5PC MAHOGANY Bedroom $295. Double
Dresser w, mirror $75 249-0505.
GIVING AWAY for $6951 OBO Works
great, (904)403-6739.
$ 75 sl 301o thicker, still in box, must sell

GO KART $300 OBO. Call 553-7203.
2- BABY cribs in excellent condition. $50
each. 859-1299. i
OAK BUFFET, 1930's Old English, carved
wood doors. $150. 249-5135.
BED- KING mattress set, $289. Can de-
liver. (904)391-0015..
NASCAR TICKETS, Bristol, Tenn.
3/26/06. (2) Cup, (2) Busch tickets. Sell.
face value. (904)626-6963.

FRAME, $120 2 Tw;n oeds WITH
FRAMES, $80/ea Can Deliver 246-1832

BED- BEAUTIFUL Temp.pedic Memory
Foam martress & boxspring. new in
plastic w/warranry $379 MusI sell.
NICE CHILDS maple desk, hutch,, chair,
Florida Furniture, $75. 993-2134.
LAMERT ELECTRIC Lift, for Wheelchair,
like new, $450. Call 247-4702.

HEART PINE, tongue 8 groove loonrng
cul Iromn antnque Pine imteril Ingiallaihon
slair material FLORIDA HEARTWOOD
--- ------------ ri

ABSOLUTE AUCTION Real Estale, ani.
ques. collectibles. etc March 25lh & 261h.
Garden Gale Aniques, Warrior. Alabama.
For more rinormarion call 18881285-8408
www redmontucion com Redmoni Auc-
lion & Land Co Inc Eddie Propsi Lic

Specializing ir Commerciai ari R eioen-
hal CleaninI Lawn Care Aulo Cleaning
WIndow Clar,,rig .jariil.oril SerI ices -ic
qall Hermon. 246-4238 612. 1755.

ABOVE AND Beyond Hou-e:eeping
591-5901 or 514-1188
CLEAN TO SHINE Our .:c.mpany commil-
men ,.s 100'.. Customer Saiisiaciior al
ArlordaDle Prices We :lean homes apan-
menis. ':flicies new cocnsirucion arnd res-
lauranis Lawr, mowing also aaiable

Commercial. Reszdenial Lawn mainie.
nance. Sprinkler Sysiernr,. clear.ru
sod. mulch Lands:apere i.onriqg
(904)207-2628. 190414)J30007 Li.cres-
insured Free eriimales ini.:,..'prrelerred.
lawn com .. .

COMPLETE LAWN & Land.:cape Mainle.
narnce 1lme clean ouis rr vear-rourid
account 12.-vear prroiesiornai exp Free
eslimaies Call Kirk 370-0065
WINSOR LAWN Service,.Inc. Com:ipeniive
fatesa Call Alan. 237-5301.
THE SEASON'S here lor Lawnr Service
Call 514.5801.

-or a iree estimate call 514.-.u. 0 or. WE LISTEN. Landscape tby Linus Qualfly
19040317-7840 We will beal any companY prices rigrn BI.mornhly. 32233 Discouni
prices. 294-2269
make 1 look like new! 223 05G91 A ft ISAAI
I CLEAN Parm nrouses w.good relerenr I. GRAND ISLAND
ces good prices. Ask lor Jonri or Evelyn a. NURSERY 0
904-861-9671. 904755.8795 g NU
MATURE WOMAN w/experience look- A M TREP
ing for private homes to clean. Refs PALM TREES
available. Call 642-2430. .
ble. Reasonable rales, lee esTimawes. Call
Rcoxanne 19041477.5398 ,
lales LOCal relerences available Please
call 571-7140 "

EsTimates. No lot' too small Call "
(90418033914. a We deliver and install

10023 Beach Blvd.
FE N C ES ,, "
WOOD Fence Specaisi Irn sal replace z -
35yrs Experience. Relerences Mick Our.L .. '- G L ,.W H TN A P
door Enrierprises. 241.7276, 838-9599. .PALMS SAGO PALMS WASHINGTONIA PALMS.,

WE BUY Mongages Are you c:ollertng
payments on a montage' Wr.y wail years
10r payments' Call i8002u82-1251

BEACH BOYS. Year-Round Delivery.
$65. Iruck load Ranqger Special 759-1612

IF YOU are irneresied in advertising under .,-
IthN category please call 904-249-9033 or e ."'it. w.. -' ".
email classlhed@beachesleader com 0' 1I

327 10TH AVE. NORTH, 241-5666. ,

MOVING SALEi 3119 Albaiross Circle,
Beachwood Subdivision Fri, Sal, Sun,
Mon., 8am-50m. Tools, clothing. furniture,
huge Jaguars collection, huge Xmas col-
lection, household/ yard items, much

BABY STUFF. clothes. household and
misc Saturday. 8am-', 12104 h Ave N
RUMMAGE SALE 03.31 04,01. Indo:.rs
Spaces lo reni outside Jacksonville
Beaches Womans Club, 1,315 2nd Ave.
North. 246-2737, 249-0786.

IF Y'OU are inieresier in advernsing under
this category please call 904-249.9033 or
email ciassiiied3 beacnesleader.co.:r
application. r,-iuse ,cas irairnnq. repairs.
upgrades, wieositec, grapnrcs Free ppone
iech 90-1-249-3034 or email

BUDGET LAWN Care Service. Mowing.
imming eagir., cleanup Free es.-
males, call Mike, 616-4381

lawns. Free estimates. 246-0967; :
Maintenance Clean-ups Sodding, Muvlun-
ing, Re-plarting available Free eslimaies
247-3344. .

HUGE GARAGE Salel Furn.. tools, bikes, PALM TREES, Hedges Trimmed, Yard
lots of nousehold iems Saturday 8-2pm, Clean-ups Mulching Soadrng. whatever .1
1625 S 5inl Si takes elc Da..e 249-4724
OLD AND'New good stuff. Friday, Satur- P RII.E MAIrITE NANCE. inC A Proles.
day, 700 block 9th Ave. S. sional Lawn t1anlenance Co FREE
ESTIMATES. 535 2515
SKI AND Golf enauibment original art.

DAvID'S POOL Service Weekly cleanuria
MOsI residerilial pools $25.week+ .-herri-
cals Licensed. insured Pool cean-ups
our specialty. We make your life a in11,
easier. 285.0240
DEMO HOMESITES wanted now' For iime
r Jew Kayak Pool, Tne c.r.grouri. pool' ilh,
in-grour.,j lea1ures! Unique Opponurinry
Save $ Call l866)348-7t.i0 Free Eari
male! Financing
DEMO HOMESITES wanted nowi For Irti
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in-ground features' Unique opponunitv
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mates! Financiing.
NEW POOL 14'X28' $19.900 Buv oldav
swirm n May 568-5785

IF i'OU are inreresied in advenising under
ins caiegory please call 904.249.9033 or
err-all classilid ''3ibeacnesleader com

Remodeling, Renovalons. Addiions Cer.
liI.ed Builder CBC 1253-14- 249-7082.
ALLIANCE BUILDER Group, irnc General
Coniracior CGC 1505.263. A ll ypies of
conrsruciion New homes, room adiiont. ,
ric Free esimales 19041234-1179

State Certified Contraclor (Hands-on)
New consiruciion.'adoliors. remodeling
k-icheri & baih lermite damage Bo0
626-1165. .

rpair speallzng n lermiie aniag

PRESSURE WASHERS lor reni or sale
Tucker Equipmenr Renial 246-1330, : .
Cleaning Licensed &. Ir.sured. Free Eih-
maies Houses, decks, walkways, drive.
" ways. paios. 248-9672

Safe rool cleaning Deck & lerice
resioraiion. Pressure washing Licen-ed &'
Insured Call Kevin 994-0045.
PRESSURE WASH nhrmes decks drive.
ways Massey Appicalions Inc.

Hot/Cold Waler Pressure Cleaning Mold,
mildew specialisi. Rooris, sidewalks, drive
ways decks Residential'Crnmmer:ial
Licensed'lInsured Free Estimaies

FAST INTERIOR paining drywall, lex.
ture Specialize in smaller lrbs Will wrk
evenings & weekends Licensed insured
references 403-7389

Properly management raes ftor quick'
renlailsale lurn-around;. and custom paini.
also Call for esinrieaes. 446-5137 or
724-6877. Licensed & Insured.
PAINT IT RIGHT! inter,,r,r exleror Free
esrimales Call Mike Williams. 285-2651
25yrs experience

M. iemDer o me better usmness ureau ;,

Specializing in kiicnens. cacbnels b.air,
rooms., acuzzis, ile. doors. windows. r
fed wood ermae damage, .ool leas. dary
wall decks., ec. Honesl. lop quality work'
dependable lor qua3iry repairs. service
carIS, paining. improvements ard misce1.
laneous jobs DAVE 246.6628
C&J HANDYMAN Services Carpernrv.
Dry/wall, Painlinq, Paperhanqing Tiing
eic Licens-ed Insured 955.059-

IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader.com
ROOFING. IN-TOWN prices @ the
Beach. 25yrs. experience. 962-5876.

ACTIVE NANNY honest. dependable,
transportation & releiences. $9-$11/hr.,
any area. CPR & First Aid. F/T & P/T.

HOME HEALTH aid avail io do 12'or 24
hour care in your home. Reliable&. Good
references. 536-8459 please leave msg.

IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader.com

;*11:& "T ... "- _.

LIKE BRAND Newll Glass dining room
table w/6 Parson chairs, buffet and plant
shelf. All for $500. Call 904-716-1145.
METAL ROOFING, Save $. Buy direct
from manufacturer.. 20 colors in stock with
all accessories. Quick turn around. Deliv-
ery available. Toll free (888)393-0335.,

GOOD STUFFI Sports items, etc. 205
Cherry St. Saturday, 8am-12noon.

WASHING COMPANY. -15yrs. experi-
ence. Specializing in Beach homes.
DCA- = Un AM- 0=0- 111 --

IMPROVEMENTS. Interior/Exterior Paint-
ing, Faux Finishes. Rotten Wood Replace-
ment, Pressure Washing. (904)894-4257.

---- -------.......am.........
SATURDAY, 8AM-12PM, 41 Seawinds
Lane E. off Corona Rd. GE gas stove,
framed golf prints, dog crates and more.

O 0-1,1 2-:1410~.,~

IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader.com
-- -- -- --

RECUMBENT BIKE Tour Easy, very low
mileage, Includes clip on pedals & com-
puter, large frame Asking $1500, call
463-4903 or (223-4903 after 6pm).

Page B7

LV4LL L-J, ) V

mmrpim nfmr


1990 MERCEDES SE300, exc. condition,
205,000 miles.. $4800 OBO. 813-1200.
1987 NISSAN 300ZX, 5-speed. Runs
great. Have all papers. $325Q. 305-4236.
94 MX3, 5spd, new wheels, boombox,
sunroof, $2400 OBO. 334-5288.
1990 MERCEDES SE300, exc. condition,
205,000 miles.. $4800 OBO. 813-1200,
1992 MERCURY Capri, AT, A/C, leaks oil
and some brake fluid $500. 246-8203.
1994 OLDS Cutless Sierra, 4-dr, AT, A/C
runs-great, $1150 OBO 716-2586.
1969 CJ5 Jeep, $2000. Call 553-7203.
FORD TEMPO, 46,000 miles. $2995.
Beautiful Cadillac, $2495. 821-2058.
2002, FORD Explorer- Eddie Bauer.
62,870 miles, original owner, $15,000.
98 OLDS Acheiva, 104,000mi., loaded,
$1900 OBO. 334-5288.

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-- ----- --



..__ _..__

ma~nonTPIJI-Q 9 r. OG


MOMIl-4 aoY-?~,~

March 15, 2006

The RPBechPe TsP de/Prnnte Vedra Leader

Panthers boys lacrosse action

Pr,.,.:.; ,t COB OeAlJGELO
ABOVE LEFT: Panthers mid-
fielder Jordy McManus gets
ready to fire a shot on goal
against Matanzas Saturday at
Nease High School. McManus
had four goals in the 17-4 vic-
ABOVE: Nease midfielder
Kevin Chapin looks to pass as
he's pursued by a Pirates
LEFT: Chapin, left, delivers an
elbow before being hit by a
Matanzas defender.
RIGHT: Panthers attack man
Brett Angerer (5) looks for an
open teammate while holding
a Pirates defender at bay dur-
ing action Saturday.

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