MARCH 10,2006
Safe on 1st
Panthers still unbeaten
See A-8
Blues festival
Event gets kickoff
See A-3
Vol. 43. No. 75
Serving the communities of Ponte Vedra Beach, Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach and layport since 1963
Hearing is March 23
on PV parking ban
Coalition members
head to Tallahassee
A hearing to consider the
validity of a 2003 ordinance
that bans parking along Ponte
Vedra Boulevard has been
scheduled for March 23 with
Circuit Judge Michael Traynor.
A claim by Surfrinder
Foundation that the parking
ban is arbitrary and invalid was
thrown out in 2004 by
It was one of several counts
Traynor eliminated from
Surfrider's beach-access lawsuit
against St. Johns County.
Earlier this year, Surfiider
requested that Tra'ynor recon-
sider the claim in light of the
county legal department's
acknowledgment that the ordi-
nance needs to be revised.
Ruling on the lawsuit March
3, Traynor ordered the county
to remove encroachments and
obstructions at several beach
access points in Ponte Vedra
within the next six months.
But Travnor did not order
the county to replace parking
spots that were removed in
front of the Ponte Vedra Inn
and Club, saying that the park-
ing was removed to comply
with the parking ban.
In a hearing scheduled 8:15
a.m. March 23, Traynor will
hear arguments from both
sides on the validity of the
parking ban.
In the motion to reconsider
the ordinance, Surfrider claims
that it is "arbitrary and capri-
cious and constitutionally
vague" because no guidelines
were set to help determine
when exceptions may be
The motion points out that
County Administrator Ben
Adams granted exceptions
without the supervision or
approval of commissioners
despite the lack of guidelines.
Testimony during the two-
day nonlury trial in November
revealed that Adams granted
exceptions for residents having
parties or special events.
But Adams denied an excep-
tion to Surfrider member Scott
Shine who wanted to park
there for walking to the beach.
Nick Duncan, a 118-pound Nease freshman, holds aloft
165 pounds, his personal record in the clean-and-jerk,
during competition with Bartram Trail High Wednesday at
Nease. The Panthers won 59-31 for their second win of the
season. See story, A-8.
Bill of Rights
on agenda
Several members of the
Ponte Vedra Beaches Coalition
will be taking a road trip to
Tallahassee Wednesday for St.
Johns County Day at the capi-
tal building.,
In the past, St. Johns County-
commissioners have attended
the event, which gives .the
county's.elected officials and
residents alike an opportunity
to speak with state representa-
tives of the area.
The Coalition, founded. in
.1993 to address issues of local
concern in Ponte V\edra, is
being represented in St. Johns
day for the first time this year.
Curious about the one-day
"meet and greet," Coalition
President Clara Cowan said she
and a few other Coalition
members will go to meet their
representatives and talk about
a topic that has captured their
interest: the Neighborhood Bill
of Rights.
"We kind of thought it
would be fun to go over and
say 'Hi, this is who we are,'"
Cowan said Thursday.
Since the group will be
allowed only three to four
minutes in each representa-
tive's office, Cowan said. she
will simply be informing each
one that the Coalition is
actively pursuing a bill of
rights, which the county "des-
perately needs."
Cowan said she will ask the
representatives to keep their
efforts in mind when consider-
ing new bills during this year's
legislative session.
Cowan's fierce support of the
Neighborhood Bill of Rights
has been driven recently by a
commercial development
planned adjacent to Seaside,
where she lives.
Several years ago Seaside
homeowners worked with
developers of the original proj-
ect then called Porter Place
- to ensure that the office
buildings and a retention pond
would be far away from
Seaside homes and barely visi-
ble through a 75 foot buffer.
Since then a few changes -
most of which were extensions
on the commencement and
completion dates have been
made to the development,
which was sold and renamed
Overlook V.
Those changes reduced the
buffering from 75 to 50 feet,
merged two office buildings
into one two-story budding,
and moved the retention pond
closer to homes.
Wal-Mart eyes Neptune Beach
Nyani Neil holds a new helmet and one damaged by radiant
heat from a fire that destroyed a Sawgrass home Feb. 24. Neil,
a recent fire training graduate, was wearing the helmet when the
faceplate melted during her first fire. She was on her fifth shift
since working for St. John County's Fire and Rescue Services
when she was called to the fire from Station 10 in Ponte Vedra.
Former PZA chair
files for Stern's seat
Representatives of Wal-Mart
have had talks with the city of
Neptune Beach about locating
one of the mega-retailer's
stores in a strip mall Atlantic
Boulevard, Neptune Beach city
officials said this week.
The site formerly held a
Food Lion store and a Big Lots
Neptune Beach Mayor Dick
Brown said Tuesday that "engi-
neer types" representing Wal-
Mart have approached the city
requesting information on set-
back and other zoning require-
ments for the commercial
property located in the 600
block of Atlantic Boulevard.
Also, Brown said, he recently
has been contacted by
Jacksonville attorney Karl
Sanders, who has done work
on behalf of \Val-Mart locally
in the past.
Brown said Sanders has left
him messages about wanting
to discuss a potential project in
Neptune Beach, although. the
two haven't vet spoken.
Sanders could not be
reached for comment.
Neptune Beach Community
Development Director Jason
Cleghorn confrmed Tuesday
that he has had "very, very pre-
liminary meetings" with repre-
sentatives from \Val-Mart
about constructing a store at
the shopping complex.
A Food Lion at that location
closed in August, and the adja-
cent Big Lots closed earlier this
Cleghorn said the 14.6 acre
parcel would be able to accom-
modate a Wal-Mait. He said
the city's land use and zoning
for the parcel is "compatible"
for a Wal-Mart and would not
require any rezoning.
The parcel, owned by
Lakeshore Village, is zoned for
"heavy commercial uses," he
It has long been rumored
that Publix was interested in
the parcel as a possible loca-
tion for a new store.
Brown was asked about the
rumored Publix at that loca-
tion while speaking at a meet-
ing of the Oceanside Rotary
Club Tuesday morning. He
said that the latest rumor was
that Wal-Mart was interested
in the parcel.
In the telephone interview
Tuesday, Brown said he long
had heard that a Publix and
Barnes & Noble book store
were moving to the parcel.
"And then all of a sudden
you hear about this \Val-Mart,"
he said. "It caught us by sur-
"I think a lot is still up in the
WVal-Mart is the world's
largest retailer, employing 1.6
million through more than
6,200 stores worldwide,
according to the company's
Web site.
Ron Schumaker, who was
replaced in December on the
county's Planning and Zoning
Agency when his nomination
failed to get a second, has
announced he is seeking the
District 2 County' Commission
Schumaker is one of three
Republicans who have
announced they are seeking
the seat in southwest St. lohns
The others are Karen Stern,
the incumbent, and Ronald F.
Sanchez. The winner of the
Sept. 5 Republican primary will
face Democrat Joseph Ken
Schumaker said this week he
is concerned about rampant
growth along the County Road
210 corridor in Northwest St.
Johns County.
"One of our key roadways,
C.R. 210, is well over capacity'
and the current County
Commission continues to
approve more housing, creat-
ing a very dangerous situation
with cars stopping on
Interstate 95," he said.
Schumaker was up for reap-
pointment to the Planning and
Zoning Agency iPZAi in
December, but a motion by
Commissioner Ben Rich to
appoint him for another term
died for lack of a second.
Instead, commissioners
voted -1-1 to appoint Deanna
Grayson from District 2 to the
position. Rich cast the dissent-
ing vote.
Some Ponte Vedia residents
said thev felt Schumaker was
unfairly snubbed by commis-
But Schumaker said he is not
antigrowth. He said while serv-
ing as chairman of the PZA
during 2005 he approved 27 of
the 58 projects that came
before the agency.
Ceramics by Michelle Yang (above) and a sculpture by Serena Bass (right)
are among the award-winning works of art by Nease High students on dis-
play until Thursday at the St. Augustine Art Association gallery. The exhibit -
features winners of the St. Johns County high school art show. m i
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1114 Beach Boulevard, Jacksonille Beach, Fla. 32250
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Classified ............. C-1 Police Beat ..........A-3.
Religion ..............B-6 Sports..................A-8
Showtimes ..........B-10 WVeather............A-2
Copyright 2006 bv The Beaches Leader, Inc.
Three sections, 28 pages
SNn edition of The Beaches Leader
I I ~C --II ~1.1 -r -' II r --"
March 10, 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
*n..l I A
Published Wednesday and Friday.
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MSD to meet Monday
The Board of Trustees for the
Municipal Service District will
meet Monday at 6 p.m. at the
Ponte Vedra Beach Branch'
The trustees will be discussing
the possibilities of a park at
Sunset Drive and a bike path
connecting Franklin and Pablo
For more information call
* *
0 -
m ~0 -
a -
* 0 -
-'0 0 Gas a
40 a -
. ,. : ,. -, : > ,.. ,
Auditorium, 4020 Lewis
Speedway, St. Augustine, to dis-
cuss amendments to a parking
ban on Ponte Vedra Boulevard.
The board will also conduct a
workshop to make recommen-
dations for modifying ,Ponte
Vedra Zoning District
For more information call
David Harrell at (904,1-209-0585.
285-2221 or visit Bird walk is Saturday
http://www.pvrnsd.org. A Birds, Botany and Breakfast
nature hike through the Guana
Celebrate the Menorcan reserve will start at 8:30 a.m..
The Menorcan Heritage Saturday at the trailhead near
Celebration will be held the Guana River dam, off State
Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Road'AlA. ,
at St. Augustine's,. Llam as, '.Guests are. encouraged to
House, 31 St, .rancis.,St., ,..,/ bring bin6culai ,,toejarn about
The celebration' ill feature different birds and their calls, as
children's games, Menorcan well as various plants found in.
family photos, storytelling and the reserve.
real Menorcan clam chowder. The two-hour hike will be fol-
Admission is free. For more lowed by coffee and breakfast.
information call (904)-826- Thecost is $10, $5 for Friends of
3388. the Guana.
For more information call
Valley meeting set (9041-823-4500.
The Palm Valley Community
Association will meet in the
Community Center on Canal
Boulevard at 7 p.m. Monday to
hear a presentation from Jerry
Cameron on the Neighborhood
Bill of Rights.
For more information call
Parking ban on agenda
The Ponte Vedra Zoning and
Adjustment Board .will meet
Monday at 3 p.m. in the County
Free cancer screening
The St. Johns County Health
Department will hold a free
breast cancer screening clinic for
women from 6 p.m. to 7:30
p.m. Tuesday at the clinic, 1955
U.S. I S., St. Augustine.
Clinical exams will be given
by- an ob/gyn physician. There
will also be education in self-
exam procedures and referrals to
Flagler Hospital for mammo-
luxury condos,
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Micklers reunite
The Mickler Family reunion
will be held Sunday, April 2, at
the St. Johns County
Fairgrounds off State Road 207.
This year, the event will
include .the first Mickler
Olympics. A contest also will
determine the best homemade
Entry is a $5 donation per
family. Families supply "their
own food, beverage and chairs,
and bring new and used items'
for. a silent auction.
The event begins at 12:30
p.m., with dinner at 1 p.m. For
information, call 285-6657, 731-
3919 or 398-6246.
Sidewalk input sought
The St. Johns County;'engi-
neering division %ill hold a pub-
lic meeting for the Roberts Road
sidewalk project in Northwest
St. Johns County on Thursday.
The meeting will be held 5,
p.m. to 7 p.m. at Cunmngham
Creek Elementary School, 1205
Roberts Road.
The meeting is meant tp get
the public's input on the side-
* get
your sub-
' contact mem-
bers of;our staff.
walk to be built between Duck
Blind Drive and Ivy Lakes Drive.
Author speaks March 19
Tickets are still available for
the March 19 appearance of
Khaled Hosseini, author of "The
Kite Runner," at the University
of North Florida.
The 7:30 p.m. event in UNF's
Lazzara Theatre concludes the
St. Johns Reads program that
featured Hosseini's novel about
his homeland of Afghanistan.
For ticket., information, visit
the Web site of the Friends of
the Library, Ponte Vedra Beach
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Sam Veal (in baseball cap) founder and executive director of the George's Music Springing
the Blues Festival, joins blues artist Willie Green (at.podium) and George's Music president
and CEO George Hines Wednesday at a press event celebrating the 16th annual festival
March 31-April 2 at the SeaWalk Pavilion in Jacksonville Beach. Veal said the 2006 festival
will commemorate blues as the birth of music in America and rock n' roll is the child of the
Coalition: Working on Overlook V
Cont. from A-l
But. Seaside homeowners
were unaware of the changes'
because the county's Land&
Development Code doesn't
require notification for such,
."small adjustments."
"I can't even tell. you how'
mad I am about it," said
Cowan, .who believes that the
situation could have been
avoided if a Neighborhood Bill'
of Rights were in place.
Project' developer Bradley
Bowen of Bradley Bowen
Development and John Powers
of Powers Design Architects
have been working with coun-
ty staff and the Seaside Board
of Directors to try to reach an,
agreement that satisfies all par-
"We are proud to be a part of
the Ponte Vedra community
and the Overlook V project,"
Powers said Thursday.
"We respect the homeown-
ers' concerns and look forward
to addressing any issues in a
public forum."
Powers said that after speak-
ing with John' Skinner of
Seaside's homeowners associa-
tion,' a meeting with Seaside
residents was scheduled March
7, but was postponed until
after Wednesday's i meeting
with county staff..
-The private meeting with
Assistant County Attorney
Patrick McCormack, county
planning staff and the devel-
opers "was a very good discus-
sion," McCormack said.
McCormack said the meet-
ing was aimed at informnngthe
developers of changes in the
project that may be incompat-
ible with the original Planned
Unit Development agreement
that was approved.
One area of possible con-'
tention, according, to.
McCormack, is the reduction
in the opaque buffering.
Bowen said the next step is
to talk with Seaside residents
to see why the buffering was
increased: and to work out a
A meeting with county staff,
developers and residents will
probably be scheduled next
week, according to
McCormack and Bowen.
The project also is scheduled
to go before a development
review committee Wednesday
at 10:30 a.m. ,in a conference
room at the County Complex,
4020 Lewis Speedway, St.
A laptop computer valued at
$1,500, a digital, camera valued.
at $350 and 42,650 cash were
reported burglarized from a res-
idence March 6 in the 800
block of 10th Avenue South.
Two drills valued at $500
were reported stolen form a
construction site March 6 in
the 1000 block of First Street.
A wallet and a cell phone
were reported stolen from a
purse at a restaurant March 6
in the first block of Beach
An check card fraud was
reported March 6 in the 900
block of 9th Avenue North.
A manger at a restaurant in
the 300 block of 'Beach
Boulevard reported March 7
that an employee has stolen
$144 cash from the register.
Someone reported that $100
cash was ,stolen from a purse
March 7 in .the first block of.
Third Street North.
A motorcycle 'valued at
$23,000 was reported stolen
from. a residence March 7 in
the 1700 block 'of Birchwood
'O '* "
A wallet was reported stolen
from a business March 7 in the'
700 block of Marsh Landing
A credit card fraud was
reported March 7 in the 2500
block of Independence Drive.
0* *
A gas drive-off in the amount
of $51.51 was reported March 7
in the 1000 block of Beach
Approximately 15 stops
signs throughout the city were
reported vandalized with stick-
ers March 7. Many of the dam-
aged signs were along Second
Street North.
Someone reported that 40
oxycotin pills valued at, $400
were stolen from a residence
Feb. 21 in the 2200 block of
Seniinole Road.
A credit card fraud was
reported Feb. 23 in. the 300
block of 6th Street.
A simple battery was report-.
ed March 4 in' the 20 block of
Dudley Street.
A residence was reported
burglarized March 5 in the 400
block of Ma)-port Road.
A vehicle was reported bur-
glarized March 5 in the 900
block of Plaza.
"' *' ,
Darryl Lavern Whiting, 37,
of Atlantic Beach was arrested
and charged with battery on a
law.. enforcement officer, .and
resisting arrest with violence
'March 5 in the 800 block of
Sailfish Drive, according to a
police report.
The license tag to a vehicle
was reported March 6 in the
900 block of Plaza.
A simple battery was report-
ed March 6 in the 100 block of
Seminole Road. An arrest was
made in the incident.
A domestic battery was
reported March 6 in the 900
block of Plaza. An arrest was
made in the incident.
A domestic battery was
reported March 6 in the 70
block of Forrestal Circle South.
Jeffrey Thomas Henderson,
22, i of Neptune Beach was
arrested on a warrant and
charged with possession of
cocaine March 8 in the 1100
block of Hamlet Court, accord-
ing to a police report.
A credit card fraud was
reported March 7 in the 1000
block of Third Street.
Election: Primary scheduled Sept.
Cont. from A-1
The problem, Schumaker
said, occurs when-county com-
missioners approve projects
that are not recommended by
the PZA because the roads are
inadequate.' ..
"I'm not antigrowth, I'm
responsible growth,"
Schumaker said. .
"My issue is currently St.
Johns County is experiencing a
6 to 8 percent growth rate) and
that's unsustainable."
About 32,000 approved
homes have yet to be built in
the developments along C.R.
.210, Schumaker said.
Although-the county plans
to expand the road' ,to four
lanes, Schumaker said the real
problem lies in the bottleneck
at 1-95, which would slow cars
to a stop in the event of an
"We cannot evacuate this
county," he said.
The other County
Commission seat up for grabs
this year is in District 4, which
covers most of Potite Vedra. So
far Bruce Maguiremhas no oppo-'
sition in his bid for reelection
to that seat.-
Enjoying the Ponte Vedra Woman's Club fashionable card party Feb. 23 are (from left)
Marilyn Peyton, Kay Craft, Marianne Palmer, Grace Brass, Judy Bienkowski and Nancy
Spadaro. The event was held in the cultural center of Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic
Church in Ponte Vedra.
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Entertainer Bill Cosby (right) meets at Florida Theatre March 2 with MaliVai
Washington (left), Brian and Wendi Gottfried of Ponte Vodra and their son Kevin
id his Niance.'Co'sby's performance raised $1.35' million in pledge, spcinsdrships '8-
.-I .and ticket sal' lor''n'e MaliVai Washington Kids Foundation. The money ill'hielp '
build a youth tennis and education complex in one of Jacksonville's most impover-
ished areas. The complex is scheduled to open in the fall.
ve Tt
The Lead er
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i. The Ponte Vedra Leader
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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
March 10 2006
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www.hbeachesleader.com Locally Owned and Operated Serving the Beaches since 1963 THE BEACHES LEADER/PONTE VEDRA LEADER
The Leader's Opinion
Cradle Creek
Preserve to
become reality
After years of surveying, studying and planning, work.
will begin shortly on the Cradle Creek Preserve .in
Jacksonville Beach.
Work is scheduled to be complete in approximately six
The preserve will be a welcome addition to the Beach's
recreational offerings.
The property abuts the Intracoastal Waterwa% and will
provide nature paths, as well as canoe and kayak launch
Accessed from 15th Street South, the tiact of land will
provide the public with an opportunity to explore wood-
ed areas and easily utilize waterfront property for recre-
ational use.
It is good that the contract has been awarded, as the
community has waited a long time for the park to become
a reality. Bring on the work crews. .
* .... "-. .. "- '!
Maintain two-year terms
To the editor: Only the transition phase
It is disappointing to watch electoral reform requi
the Atlantic Beach Commission research and planning, and
half-stepping on the subject of offer the following plan tl
replacing at-large commission maintains what is good ab(
seats with single-member repre- the present system and resi
sentation. in equal representation for
It's almost as if the November areas of Atlantic Beach:
2005 election, in which the two First, maintain the curre
incumbents who favored at- two-vear terms for the mav
large representation were which keeps this office sensit
defeated, had not occurred. to shifting political winds.
Proponents of free and fair Second, maintain stagger
elections in Atlantic Beach are four-year tennis for the otL
not asking the present commis- four commissioners, whi
sion to alter the electoral sys- keeps some continuity in pol
tem; We are asking the conmmis- and institutional histc
sion to put the question on the Boundary lines for the four v
ballot for the electorate to deter- ing precincts can determi
mine. boundary lines for commissi
Ma'vor Don Wolfson's recent seats until the 2010 Census.
gambit, to assign commission- In 2007, Dezmond Wat
.ers to quadrants in the city on a must step down because of te
rotating basis, is what is known limits and Sylvia Simmons
in Tallahassee as "loving to face reelection, if she chooses
..dea.Lh". the subject:" ..... .. 'run again.-Phes.e seats .could
lf the electoraJlquesnon is not the trjnsiton sets that ,wo
on the ballot in November belong to voters west
2006, it could be another three Mayport Road and voters in
years before the west side of southeast corner of Atlan
Atlantic Beach actually has rep- Beach from 2007 onward.
presentation at City Hall -assum- Jamie Fletcher and NM
ing that single-member districts Bomo would provide repress
are approved by the electorate, ration to the remaining vol
A fair and free election is a as at-large commissioners ui
political question that doesn't 2009 when their seats would
require the same energy or up for grabs as district seats.
_funding as zoning, questions, Michael Hoffma
which presently envelop the Marsh Oz
See 'Viewpoints,'
.page 5A, for more
Letters to the Editor.
Kathleen Feindt Bailey
EdItror, The Bearmi Leader
Thomas Wood
SPr.,d.eni and Publi.her '
Chuck Adams
Robert DeAngelo
Rex Edmondson
Bob Fernee
'Laiura Fowler
IAlice Gartland
John Hardebeck
Josh HoUiday
Jennifer Knoechel
Jeffrey Minton
Liza Mitchell
Hal Newsome
'Kathy Nicoletti
..Wimpy Sutton
Ann Von Thron.
Roger Walker
y, Linda Bo rgstede
Dipetor of Sales
Karen Stepp
i 'e Preidtent '
Display Ad Sales
Cathi James
Joanne Jund
Kathleen Hart
Editor, Pone I'edra
Jennifer Wi
'.ue Pr '.,sdai,
Anya Braun
Eric Braun
Joseph Martin Scott Cheesem
Kathy Moore
Stacey Perkins
Steve Fouraker
Advertising &
Marie. Adams
Gloria Davis
Cherry Jones -
Jane McElhiney
Johnny Woodhouse Composition
Business Office.
Char Coffman
Amy Bolin
Pat Dube
Bernrice Harris
Ted Lamb
* Randy Ded m
Kenny Friedm
Jenna Highla
Karen Hollai
Jimmy How:
Tobi Liss-
Donny Millik
John Newsol
Kevin Phinn
Gerald Tiein
Press Roon
.Paul Corey
Scott Sandei
Daniel Fanni
Much-admired U.S.
author Ernest
Hemingway was
earnestly involved with Cuba,
having spent 21 years of his
life there. It's a pretty long
for haul from the Jacksonville
res Beaches to that island, but
d I even so, some of us Beachniks
hat managed to make the
out Hemingway'connection onsite
ults long ago.
all In 1983, I interviewed Clara
lensen, the now-deceased
ent owner/operator of Pete's Bar,
*or. the noted imbibery in
ie Neptune Beach. It was for a
Leader article I produced on
ed, the popular water hole's 50th
her anniversary.
ich Clara told me about being
icy invited, along with two other
iry. Beaches women, Bernice Scott
ot- and Lucy Windham, to the
ine 1960 Ernest Hemingway
ion Fishing Tournament in Cuba.
Here's what I wrote about that
ers in the Nov. 9, 1983 Leader:
rm "They met both the, famous
will author and Cuban president
s to Fidel Castro, and Clara caught
..be Lt..a.wa marlin-iahi4.trig- ,-.
uld ..gered a headline in..the,,....
of Havana newspaper.
the Hemingway and his wife were
ntic fun to hobnob with at the
= Idolholism
Idolholism is a serious
nn addiction and should be
aks recognized as such. Typical
members of 1. A. start out by
tuning in to American Idol
lust on the night that a con-
testant from their home town
or state is performing. "I can
stop at Tuesday night. I'm
lust a social viewer!" That's
Shat they all say!
Ryan Seacrest is the Idol.
Keeper. He never worries that,
he may be over serving his
patrons. At the end of the
evening at closing time he
says "Come back tomorrow
night for your \Vednesday fix
of Idol!"
My name is Hoyle and I am
S an Idolholic! o are 30 mil-
lion other Americans. I said I
could quit tomorrow, four sea-
tman sons ago! Tonight my Idol
L.ead.- Keeper, Ryan, will pour me
another round. Then tomor-
row night I will be back to
se find out if America agreed
with Simon, or Paula and
There are truly millions of
closet Idolholics, like Barry
S N Manilow for instance. He
n prays that Copacabana will be
remembered as his tune and
not Bobby Bennett's.' He
ian. should also ask the Good Lord
'. .to PLEASE.not let little Kevin
an, Coais do Marrdy, or Heaven
ian forbid Weekend in New
nd England!.
d Then there's Taylor Hicks
(904) 249-9033
daily post-angling get-togeth-
ers, Clara recalled."
Clara had photos taken of
them with the two \1Ps, and I
Remember at the time having
a flashback of a strange, relat-
ed incident that took place
when my wife and I were in
Cuba on vacation in 1956.
We were strolling down a
Havana street and came to a
large storefront, which looked
is if it had once been a new-
car showroom. It was empty
then, however, but I noticed
"stackvsA 1'f typdaepdf-r'"on -tfe
ledge next to the plate-glass
My curiosity aroused, I
struggled to read the top
pages, which were facing'away
from the glass. Holy jumping'
Papa, I thought. They looked
like copies of the shooting
script for a movie titled "The
Old Man and the Sea." I had
already read the book by
Hemirgway and had heard
that Hollywood was thinking
of making a film based on it.
The book had won him the
1952 Pulitzer Prize for fiction
and the 1954 Nobel Prize for
As it turned out, the movie
was released in 1958, and got
mixed reviews. Nevertheless,
the score garnered an
Academy Award for Dimitri
Tiomkin and nominations for
actor Spencer Tracy in the title
role and James Wong Howe
for his cinematography.
I might have busted one of
those plate-glass panes to get
myself a copy of the script,
but I knew that Cuban jails
were a pain, too.
"Papa" Hemingway was an
avid big-game fisherman.
However, the giant marlin the
devoured by sharks, so maybe
Clara didn't angle for angling
tips from the author.
is a serious addiction
from Birmingham, Alabama.
He's a good old boy who looks
like the guy next door. His
Grandma said he started turn-
ing gray when he was 15! He
wooed the judges with his
Harmonica when they told
him he was advancing.
Unlike Barry Manilow,
Lionel Richie had to be proud
when he heard Taylor sing
Easy!. Pride is something that
is a rare emotion for Nicole's
Daddy! Come to think of it,
his daughter is "Easy like
Sunday Morning!":
On the Idol web site I read
' that Brenna Gether's most
embarrassing moment was
when her Mama got up at her
slumber party in 1990 and
Well the pther night she got
her Mother back, by her ren-
edition of Donna Summer's
Last Dance! Then when each
Judge which is rare) panned
her, she shouted "America will
Well we did decide and she
went packing last Thursday
night screaming something
about, her new album!
As an Idolholic I can tell
you by name and home town,
the ones I like and don't like.
The contestants who just
annoy me are nameless.
I hope the guy who looks
like a young John Travolta,
whose eyes Paula Abdul likes,
gets voted off! Also I hope
the one who shaves his head,
and has a pencil thin black
beard that looks like a bad tat-
too from Mayport, gets the
boot also.
If the next Idol ain't'Taylor
Hicks from Alabama, I think it
will be Paris Bennett from
Favetteville, Ga. Her version
of Midnight Train to Georgia
wasevery bit as good.as- '
Gladys Knight's, and she did it
with no Pips!
There will come a day when
I will become a recovering
[dolholic. It'll happen in June
when the May Sweeps have
ended. But for now, "Keep
'em coming Ryan here at 'Idol
Cheers' where nobody knows
my name!"
My name is Hoyle and I
have, a problem
Send letters to:
The Editor, The Leader, P.O. Box 50129, Jacksonville Beach, FL 32240,
or send e-mail to editor@beachesleader.com
Lengthy letters may be edited as space requires. We will not consider
letters that do not bear a., signature and address and we request a phone
number for verification. -
If you have a question about news coverage call 249-9033 during busi-
ness hours, 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday-Friday.
Weddings, engagements, birth announcements and obituaries are pub-
lished free of charge for the community. Information about area resi-
dents and their achievements is also welcome.
Baby possum
rescue leads to
new friendship,
t all started with a possum.
A pair of possums to be
exact; a mom and her baby.
Myv friend Dorl was driving
down a bus' street when a
mama possum got hit by a
fast-moving car. Next thing
Dori knew, there was an
orphaned baby clinging to
very still fur.
"The mother possum was
gone in a matter of seconds,:
leaving that poor possum
alone in the world. He
appeared unscathed, but I
couldn't just leave the tiny
creature out on the roadside
to die," Dori said.
My' kind friend scooped the
baby possum into a box she
had in the back seat of her car.
After tucking a towel from
her gym bag into the box, she
headed home.
"I was late to work Dori is a
children's minister at a local
church, but I figured if I did-
n't stop to practice what f
teach, what's the point?"
The fact that Don didn't
know much about possum
babies didn't deter her from
making a difference. By noon
Dori had located a rescue
organization. She took the
afternoon off and drove to the
animal sanctuary to safely
deposit 'her tiny captive.
"Linda, the lady who heads
up the sanctuary, had a barn
full of recuperating animals,"
Dori said. "She works with a
veterinatian who traits' -
exotics, and once the injured
creatures get well if she
thinks they can make it on
their own Linda releases
them on a friend's 50-acre
As delighted as Dori was to
have learned about Linda's
ministry, she had the added
benefit of discovering a new
"Linda and I found that we
had several acquaintances in
common," Dori noted.
"When she told me about car-
ing for horses at a nearby sta-
ble as part of an animal educa-
tion program for kids, I asked
about bringing the children
from our church out to learn.
We went, and it was a won-
derful experience."
Dori said she realizes that
none of these opportunities
would have occurred if she
hadn't stopped for a few min-
utes to lend a hand to a help-
less critter.
"I was actually thinking
through a unit on kindness
while driving to work on the
morning of the possum
encounter," Dori said. "I was
praying for fresh ideas, howev-
er, I never expected such an in
depth object lesson."
Neither, I suppose, did the
Good Samaritan of the New
Testament. That social outcast
was the only individual who
took care of a badly beaten
man after several religious
"big wigs" sauntered past
without a hint of compassion.
.I doubt the kind man who
helped another in a time of
desperate need knew he'd
become one of the most.
famous unnamed persons of
all time. He probably never
knew his actions would
become an illustration for
countless preachers and teach-
ers. He probably couldn't have
cared less.about that. He, like
Dor, simply saw a need arid,
did his best to help out.
Dori admits that pulling
over to assist a wee wild thing
wasn't convenient or some-
thing on her daily to-do list. It
was simply something slie felt
compelled to do. Something
filled with rewards she could-
n't have anticipated.
"If I hadn't helped that little
possum, I'd never have met
Linda," Dori said. "I never
imagined that assisting an ani-
mal could provide such far-
reaching rewards."
Of course I believe that's the
case. Doing the right thing,
especially concerning animals,
is always filled with exciting
She hobnobbed with Hemingway
March 10, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 5A
More letters to the editor:
Guana editorial should rely on fact, not opinions
To the editor:
I was shocked to read a
recent editorial advocating
the so called land swap offer-
ing by Mr. Peyton.
Shocked because' there are
so few actual facts on this
offer available. Your reporters
seem to believe everything.
.they hear at meetings in the
area, not the least are those
called by advocacy groups
such as the Ponte Vedra High
School Coalition.
Your articles are long on
quotes but short on factual'
analysis. I believe editorial
opinion should rely on fact..
My specific comments are
It is not clear whether Mr.,
Peyton's land is designated
conservation land or riot. If it
is it might be considered a
%valid swap. If not, as a letter
writer has stated, his heirs
might well develop the land
.in the future. If this is true
why not simply give the land
to St. Johns County and avoid
all the fuss?
In either event it is not an
even swap. The Guana land is
much more valuable in terms
of its overall impact on the
environment in the rest of the
Guana. Did you investigate
this before you took your
: Why Ponte Vedra residents
want the high school in the
Guana as opposed to the
Davis Park site is a mystery.
One or two miles can't:possi-.
bly make a valid difference.
Both sites are in Palm Valley
and its long term identifica-
tion will most certainly be as
The only reason I can see
for this thrust to buse the
Guana is snobbery and elit-
ism. You might well have
investigated, the reasons
before you reached your con-
clusion that the onset of "The
rape of the Guana" is OK.
The exact location of the
proposed school is a mystery.'
What piece of land is "behind
the Publix?" Where will the
entrances be? Onto 210 or
Mickler? How close will the
actual school property be to
210? I don't believe any work
has been done on that issue.
Has anyone given any
thought to the traffic issue?
The rotary is already congest-
ed during rush hours so a
Mickler entrance would be
pretty tough to take.
Would it not be better to
place the high school in a non
developed area? Sawmill
Lakes would be very negative-.
ly impacted by use of the
Guana property. Again, Davis
Park seems best.
, The board wants the new
high school in 2008. Use of:
the Guana land, would likely
be drawn out for 'years
because of lawsuits to prevent
ceding such land.
Those in favor dismiss the
threat of lawsuits. They are, in
my opinion, very wrong and
can St. John's County afford
the delay? This in fact hurts
the very children the
Coalition is trying to protect,
Trust me there will be at least
one lawsuit and I suspect
many more.
I' can't really judge ,if Mr.
Peyton is being very generous
to the people in Ponte Vedra
or, not. Facts other than what
you publish are lacking. For
sure, the property would be
removed from county tax
roles and there would likely
be a charitable deduction and
maybe a capital loss. In any.
event his contributing to the
rape of the Guana hurts far
more people than it helps.
There are many who are
ready and willing to rape the
Guana, for example, the
County to widen 210, and
'Bruce MNcGuire's desire to
widen AIA. Have you consid-
ered precedent in your ill
advised editorial?
I urge you to gather some
facts and rethink your editori-
al. The Guana is a gift and I
hate to see a few selfish and ill
guided people ruin it for all.
I believe your paper is han-
dling this whole subject very
poorly. You are. not objective
or even professional. Another
publication has done a far"
better and fairer job.
Too bad you and> Bill
Fehling, part of the Ponte
Vedra social set, are less 'dis-
cerning. I'd also be curious as
to who your publisher actual-
ly is.
' William G. Muir
Ponte Vedra Beach
Notion of Guana runoff doesn't hold water
, Idwater
To the editor:
I fully support the use of the
Guana preserve pine farm for
the new high school in Ponte
I have heard the arguments
that the use of this property
would set a precedent for fur-
ther encroachments on the
Guana. This 50 acres, (I was
actually firmly in support of
the original 100-acre footprint)
which would be replaced by
Mr. Peyton's 50 acres, repre-
sents about 1/2 of a percent of
the total Guana.
The notion that the entire
watershed would be affected
because of runoff from this 50
acres, if you'll pardon the
expression, doesn't hold water.
Our entire community is
laced with retention ponds and
drainage features that control
water runoff. My personal
opinion is that a number of the
people who oppose this on
environmental issues are using
this as a subterfuge because
they don't want a high school
in the community.
Although I am retired and
with grown children living
elsewhere, and would derive
no immediate benefit from this
location, I feel a high school
in the community would give
this unincorporated neighbor-
hood a sense of unity and the
school facilities could be used
for many other purposes that
would benefit our neighbor-
I would compare the with-
holding of a scant edge of this
natural area, on the basis of
these environmental issues, to
the absurdity of not allowing
us to drill for oil in Alaska in a
very small part of ANWAR.
The notion that this would
be a travesty and would
adversely affect the environ-
ment or would set a precedent
is using an emotion-based
argument in place of good,
logic and common sense.
Further, the notion that a
small group of individuals, or
an environmental organization
like the Sierra Club or others of
their ilk, could unduly influ-
ence a decision making body is
repugnant to me and many
others.in the community.
I urge you to give this viable
and sensible solution full con-
sideration and use this proper-
ty for the benefit of our chil-
dren and our community.
William G. Beasley Jr.
Ponte Vedra Beach
Guanais wildlife preserve, not parkland' Buy it. Sell it. Find it
a in 4hA oiaeeifiarle
To the editor:
A letter to the editc
March 3 Leader came
man who claimed to b
gist. He used the exa
University of Califomi
a school next to a
habitat. How it would
der guard and how th
facilities would be a
'He likens this to the
some few to put a high
the Guana.
Not I repeat n
but in it. In other w
advocate destroying 50 to 100
or in the acres of a preservation area to
e from a .what? Save it ? Protect it?
e a biolo- He also calls this area of the
ample of Guana "parkland." It is not
a placing parkland, it is a wildlife preser-
protected ovation area. Which, I must
be a bor- remind you, allows hunting in
e athletic season. Is that what you want to
natural expose children to?
I have read his letter and the
desire of others. Most distort the facts as
school in they have for the past eight or
St 10 years that one group or the
ext to it, other has tried to grab off that
'ords, he land.
Conservation area-turned high
To the editor:
As a 50-plus year resident of
the area, I feel I must say some-
thing about the high school
I think it is wrong to try to
take any conservation area for'
a high school. Some people see
planted pines and think, "Cut
them down and build some-
thing." I see these trees and'
think of the pileated wood-
peckers we so enjoy and realize
they Only nest 'in old growth
pine trees.
I see these uplands as one of
the few areas for the gopher
turtle to burrow. I see this area
as the place where all the wold
turkeys that the Wild Turkey
Federation released a few years
ago seem to want to congre-'
The food plot behind the
iron gate on Mickler Road is
full of deer tracks, hopefully
keeping them off the road.
Today, my son and his friends-
saw five bald eagles in a tree on
the Intracoastal.
With all the clear-cutting
going on in Nocatee, most all
the animals will be looking for'
refuge in the Guana, or getting
run over on the roads.
Talking to my son's friends,
students and recent graduates,
node seem to care about the
drive to Nease. Its just part of
the daily commute. Davis Park
would be better, but don't take
part of the conservation area.
Get overit:. many ofus rcare
for the creatures that live there.
Also, that land does not belong
to St. Johns County or to Ponte
Vedra but to all the people of
You got the land east of Davis
Park that you cried about for so
long. Be grateful, say thank'
you and go away. Herb, please
don't do us any favors. Keep
your land,.
Mary Kohnke
Ponte Vedra Beach
school wrong
'It seems like the grandpar-
ents and some of the parents
are just not conservation-
minded enough to realize what
we have here. Seventy-five
acres at Davis Park is better
than giving up any of the
I believe most kids would
rather see the woods stay the
way they are, the way it was in
the early 80s when the Palm
Valley and Ponte Vedra resi-
dents fought so hard to get the
state to purchase the land for
recreation and conservation
for the people of Florida.
Jim Steeg
Ponte Vedra Beach
Be a part of this flurry of reading excitement
To the editor:
The teachers and education
support professionals of Ocean'
Palms Elementary want to get
the word out about the impor-
tance of children's literacy.
The National -Education
Association's Read Across,
American is a year-round liter-
acy project that encourages
readers; both young and old, to
celebrate reading.
This year, is the ninth annual
celebration of reading and the'
102nd birthday of Dr. Seuss.
As we gear up for Read Across
America Day, I would like to
ask fellow community mem-
bers to set aside the many hats
they wear for work and play
and on March 30 don the ulti-
mate reading hat -- the red
and white striped stovepipe
made famous by Dr. Seuss's Cat
in the Hat.
Be a part of this flurry (or
furry) of reading' excitement.
'Get involved in supporting
children's literacy in our com-
Volunteer to be a guest
reader at Ocean Palms
Elementary March 30 for our
second annual Read" Across
America Celebration.
Take the opportunity to
read to a child in your life.
Take children to the public
Make sure those in need
have plenty to read. Donate
books to hospitals and home-
less shelters. Call ahead to find
out what is needed.
Resolve to make March 30
the first of many days you vol-
unteer to read at a school,
after-school program, commu-
nity center, library or day care
NEA estimates that last year
almost 45 million children and
adults celebrated the joy of
reading on Dr. Seuss's birthday.
This year, they hope to bring a
nation of readers together to
really drive home the message
about the importance of read-.
Here in Porite Vedra, I hope
that every child will be reading
with a caring adult.
For more information about
,NEA's Read Across America,
visit www.nea.6rg/readacross.
To be a guest reader, call Sally
Needle at 285-9160.
Jamie Morgan
Ocean Palms Elementary
Subscribe to The Leader Call 249-9033
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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
March 10, 2006
Johns County will hold a chil-
dren's toy and clothing
exchange from noon to 3 p.m.
at the Ron Parker Memorial
Park on Anastasia Island at the
comer of Old Beach and Pope
Road off AIA South. Call 904-
827-1208 for information.
Reception: A reception
for artist Joyce
Gabious will be
held from 2 to 6'
-:'-, p.m. at A Charles
Gallery, 228 3rd
Ave. N.,
v v ille
I I6:1iii
. i -0*, -,,
Sons Of Italy Beaches Lodge will have its first "Elegant
lsunchoon and Fashion Show" Saturday, March 11, f rom .f230 '
to 3:30 p.m. at Max's Restaurant Ballroom, 1316 Beach Blvd., '
Jacksonville Beach. Proceeds will benefit Baptist Beaches
Hospital's Orthopedics Unit. Call 242-4929 or 992-6077.
Friday, March 10
Housing coalition: T
Beaches Housing Coalition v
meet at noon at St. Job
Catholic Church on Maypo
Road. The Helping Han
Village Steering Committee v
meet at 3 p.m. at the Fl
Landing Annex.
Steak Night: Fleet Resei
Association Branch 290 i
hold Steak Night from 5 tc
p.m. at 390 NMayport Ro0
Atlantic Beach. The cost is'$
Take-out orders are welcon
Call 246-6855.
Saturday, March
Garage sale: The Ribai
Garden Club will have a gara
sale/treasure hunt from 8 to
a.r. at 705 2nd Av
Jacksonville Beach. Admissi
is free and all are welcome.
Art class: A family art cl.
will be held from 2 to 3 p.m.
the Jacksonville Museum
-Modem Art, 333.N. Laura S
Jacksonville. The class is fi
with museum admission. I
information, call Ash
Johnson at 366-6911, extensi
207, or e-mail ajohnso
SGenealogists: The Southe
Genealogist's Exchange Socie
Inc., will hold its spring ser
nar at Park Lane Bapt
Church, 1480 Lake Shore Blv
Jacksonville. Brent Holcom
editor of the "South Caroli
Magazine of Ancest:
Research," is the speaker. C
904-778-1000 for information
Irish dancing: Irish couni
dancing with a live band a
caller will be held from 8 to
p.m. at Cobalt Moon Wai
Studio, 214 Orange 5
Neptune Beach. The public
)', invited. Call 246-2131 for infor-.
he mation.
ins Dance association: The
ort American Ballroom and
ids Contemporary Dance
Vll Association rrill meet at 8 p.m.
eet at Bolero's, 10131 Atlantic Blvd.
Guest admission is $12. Call
246-2858 or 249-5321 for infor-
rve rmation or reservations.
8 Azalea Days: Ravine Gardens
Ad State Park will host the 10th
8. Annual Azalea Days today and.
ne. March 12, at 1600 Twigg St.,
Palatka. Admission is $1 per
person without a vehicle, $3 per
person with a vehicle and $4 for
up to eight people in one vehi-
ult cle. Call 386-329-3721 for infor-
age nation.
e1 Sunday, March 12'
[on ArtFusion: "ArtFusion fori
Families" .is held from noon. to
4 p.m. at the Jacksonville
ass Museum of Modem Art, 333 N.,
at Laura St., Jacksonville. Call
of Ashlie Johnson at 366-6911,
St., extension 207, for information.
For Clothing exchange: The'
lie Natural Living Alliance of St.
m- Cool Clothes...Sweet Deals!
nd 6 mJax Beach
11 12 5 ... .
Next to benes 5eatood
Now Open Mondays
Mon-Sat 10-5:30.' 249-1414
Life is Good. Let Us Help You Keep it that Way
Protect the things you value most your auto, home, business, or life.
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Beaches Insurance Services, Inc.
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Rusty Pritchett, Agent
Life insurance underwritten by Nationwide Life Insurance Company, Nationwide Mutual Insurance
Company and Affiliated Companies, Home Office: Columbus, OH 43215-2220 MISC6 11/00
"W;:'- "Mind-
*- ..r scapes,"
water media
and collage
paintings, will be
on display through
March 25. The public is
invited. Call 904-339-0029
for information.
Scandinavian society: The
Scandinavian American Society
of the South will host the Duke
University Chorale at 3:30 p.m.
Refreshments will be served
afterward, and admission is
free. Call Anna Large at 743-
2214 or Darleen Hutto at 725-
1665 for information.
Monday, March 13
Relay for Life: The Relay for
Life of the First Coast Beaches
will meet at 6 p.m. at the
Neptune Beach Senior Activities
Center. Call 249-0022 for infor-
IHE ffol leto10 s9d Evii s
Toastmasters: Beaches .Areag,
Toastmasters meets at 7 p.m. at
115 Penman Road at the
Watson Realty Building. Visit
www.toastmasters.org for infor-
Working with angels: A free
introduction on how to contact
and work with your angels
through meditation will be
held at 7:30 p.m. at"Cobalt
'Moon Center, 217 First, Street.
Call 891-9884 for information.,
Tuesday, March 14
Senior workshop: A free sen-
ior workshop will be held at 10
a.m. at 13171 Atlantic Blvd.,
Suite 300. Reservations are
required. Call 221-8501.,
Small business expert: The
Beaches Division of the
Jacksonville Regional Chamber
of Commerce will host Sandy'
Bartow, executive director of
the Women's ,Business Center,
from 2 to 5 p.m. at the Beaches
Chamber Office, 325
Jacksonville Drive, Jacksonville
Beach. There is no charge, butl
appointments are required. Call
Blood drive: Fleet Reserve
Association Branch 290 will
hold a blood drive from 3 to 7
p.m. at 390 Mayport Road,
Atlantic Beach. All donors will
receive a free steak dinner and
drink of choice. Call 246-6855
for information.
Evolution debate:
Jacksonville University will host
a debate on evolution and intel-
ligent design at 7 p.m. in the
Terry Concert Hall. The event is
free and open tq the public.
Call 904-256-7102 for informa-
Wednesday, March
Retired federal employees:
Chapter 1671 of/the National
Active) and Retired Federal
Employees will have a noon.
luncheon meeting at the
Golden Corral Restaurant,.
'14035 Beach Blvd. Visitors are
welcome. Call 731-3968 or 221-
7644 for information.
Sons of Italy: The Sons of'
Italy' Beaches Lodge 2821 will
meet, at 6:30 p.m. at the
Beaches Branch Library's audi-
torium, 600 Third St., Neptune
Beach. A social time starts at
5:30 p.m. Anyone, Italian her-
itage or not, is welcome. Call
242-2949 for information.
Divorce care class: A support
group for separated and
divorced will offer divorce care
classes at 6:30 p.m. at Palm
Valley Baptist Church, 4890.
Palm Valley Road. Call 285-
2447 for information.
Thursday March
Coffee on the Coast: The
Beaches Division of the
Jacksonville Regional Chamber
of Commerce will have "Coffee
on the" Coast" at 8 am. ..at
2Nique's, 544 Atlantic Blvd.,
Neptune Beach, in the K-Mart
plaza. The cost is $2. Call 249-
3868 for information.
Women's association: The
Sawgrass Players Club Women's
Association will meet at 10:
a.m., followed by a program at
10:30 a.m., at the Cultural
Center at Ponte Vedra,' 50
Executive Way, Ponte Vedra
Beach. The public is invited.,
Adventures" iT?' Art:
Adventures in Art will be held
at 1 p.m. at the Ponte Vedra
Beach Branch 'Library. Jam
Bialka will demonstration using
pastels to paint. Call Carolee
Bertisch at 273-6578 for infor-.
Open house: Persephone
Healing Arts Center, 485 6th
Ave. N.Jacksonville Beach, will
have an open house from 5:30
to 7 p.m. Call 246-3583 for
Republican Club: The River
City Republican Club will meet.
at 7 p.m. at the Piccadilly
Restaurant at 200 Monument
Road. David Allen. of "The
David Allen Show' will speak
about eminent domain. Call
Jack Webb at'904-886-2872
Course on coastal ecology:
Guana Tolomato Matanzas
National Estuarine Research
Reserve will host a course on
coastal ecology through March
30. Space is limited and registra-
tion closes March 5. To view the
class agenda or register, visit
du.com. GTMNERR is located at
505 Guana River Road, Ponte
Vedra Beach. Call 904-823-4500
for information.'
Friday, March 17
St. Patrick's Day.
Irish stew: Fleet Reserve
Association Branch 290 will
serve Irish stew from 5 to 8 p.m.,
at 390 Mayport Road, Atlantic
Beach. The cost is $5. Call 246-
6855 for information.
Saturday March
Hazardous waste collection:
Household hazardous waste can
be brought to a collection area
in front of City Hall in Atlantic
Beach from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.'
Household hazardous products
include paint, paint thinner
and stripper, pool chemicals,
. gasoline, antifreeze, pesticides
and herbicides. Electronics,
such as computer monitors, tel-,
evisions, batteries, etc., may
also be dropped 'off. Call 270-
1651 for information.
Gardening: A master garden-
er will be at Proctor Ace
Hardware, 580 Atlantic Blvd.
(in the Kmart shopping center'),
Neptune Beach, from 9 a.m. till
noon to answer gardening
questions.. Call 249-5622 for
Open house: The Seaside
Playgarden, 223' 8th Ave. S.,,
lacksonmille Beach, will hold an
open'house from 10 a.m. till,
noon. Call 247-1314 for to,
Parliamentarians: The First
Coast Parliamentarians will
meet at 10:15 a.m. at the Ponte
Vedra Beach Branch Library,
101 Library Blvd., Ponte Vedra
Beach. Visitors are welcome.
Call 744-9074 or 223-1314 for
SCBWI: The Society of
Children's, Book Writers &
Illustrators will meet frbm 1 to
3 p.m.. at the Southeast'
Regional Library in Deerwood..
E-mail Janet Walter :at jgwal-
ter@comcast.net 7for informa-
Art class: A family art class
will be held from 2 to 3 p.m. at
the Jacksonville Museum of
Modeami At, 3331iNLahuralSt.l;
Jacksonville.' The 'class' is free
with museum admission. For
information, call Ashlie
Johnson at 366-6911, extension
207, or` e-mail ajohnson
St. Patrick's dinner: A St.
Patrick's dinner and show will
be held at American Legion
Auxiliary 316, 1127' Atlantic
Blyd., Atlantic Beach. Dinner is
at 5 p.m., and the show starts at
8 p.m. 249-0202.
Seafood festival: The Great
Atlantic Seafood Festival will be
held at the Sea WValk Pavilion in
Jacksonille Beach. There will
be seafood, music, arts and
crafts,, rides, and games. Call
249-3972 for information.
Sunday, March 19
Church homecoming: Palm
Valley Baptist Church will hold
its homecoming at 9:30 a.m. at
4890 Palm, Valley Road, Ponte
Vedra Beach. A fellowship meal
will follow, and everyone is wel-.
come. Call 285-2447 for infor-
Meditation and dharma:
Carol Lutker will give a talk on
meditation and dharma from
10 tb 11:30 a.m. at CobAlt
Moon Center's Sky Studio, 217
First'St., Neptune Beach. Call
386-246-4092 for information.
ArtFusion: "ArtFusion for
Families" is held from noon to
4 p.m. at the Jacksonville
Museum of Modem Art, 333 N.
Laura St., Jacksonville., Call
Ashlie Johnson at 366-6911,
extension 207, for information.
Major Author Program: As
part of the Major Author
Program .of the' Friends of the
Library-Ponte Vedra Beach,
Khaled Hosseini, author of "The
Kite Runner," will speak at 7:30
p.m. at the University of North
Florida's Fine Arts Center
Lazzara Theatre. A backstage
reception for the author will be
held at 6 p.m., and there will be
a book-signing immediately fol-
lowing the presentation. Call
904-242-0440 for tickets or
Monday, March 20
Spring begins.
The Players Championship
Cancer Society: The
American ,Cancer Society will
hold a committee rally from
5:30'to 7 p.m. at Mundo Grill in
Jacksonville Beach. The rally is
open to anyone 'interested in
working on the planning com-
mittee for the Oct. 14 "Making
Strides Against Breast Cancer"
at the Sea Walk Pavilion. Call
249-0022 for information.
Tuesday, March 21
NFACCA: The North Florida
Air Conditioning Contractors
Association will meet from
11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Ramada
Inn Mandarin, 3130 Hartley
Road. The cost is $15 with
R.S.V.P., and $20 without. Call
783-3155 or e-mail nfacca@'bell-
south.net for information or to
Book signing: Florida mys-
tery.writer Randy \VWane White
will be at The Bookmark at 7
p.m. to read from and sign
copies of his new book "Dark
Light.". Call 241-9026 for infor-
Wednesday, March
Diabetes workshop: Coastal
Care Medical Center &
F.O.R.M.E. Rehabilitation will
present an educational work-
shop about diabetes at 10909-9
Atlantic Blvd., Jacksonville.
Lunch will be provided. Call
642-3304 to register or for more
Thursday, March
Garden club: The Ribault
Garden Club, 705 2nd Ave. N.,
Jacksonville Beach, will offer a
program on roses. The public is
invited. Call 246-4641 for infor-
Friday, March 24
Fish fry: Fleet Reserve
Association Branch 290 will
have a fish fry from 5 to 8 p.m.
at 390 Mavport Road, Atlantic
Beach. The cost is $8. Call 246-
6855 for information or to
place a take-Qut order.
Sunday, March 26
Daughters of the
Confederacy: The Mattie T.
Wright Chapter of the United
Daughters of the Confederacy
will meet at 11 a.m. at Selva
Marina Country Club. Hugh
Palmer from the Mandarin
Museum is the speaker. Visitors
are welcome. 223-3025.
Experience the 0f waterfront ifestrfe
The Plantation
Water to Golf Views
4BR/4.5BA 4,852sf
East OfA1A Seaview Park
62 Jefferson Avenue
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MaryLou Acer, 72, of
Jacksonville passed away
March 5, 2006, in St.. Luke's
Hospital.. She moved to
Jacksonville from Venice, Fla.,
in 2004, and she became a
member of Christ Episcopal
Church, Ponte Vedra Beach.
She was a former school
Family members include her
husband, Milford Y. Acer;
. daughters, Jocelyn M. Acer of
Tampa and Barbara A. Quinn
of Ponte Vedra Beach, and
grandchildren Eric Quinn Jr.
and Lauren Quinn.
A private family service was
held Wednesday, March 8, in
the Christ Episcopal Church,
with the Rev. Richard Westbury
Services under the direction
and 'care of Quinn-Shalz, A
Family. Funeral Home &
Cremation Centre, Jacksonville
Doris Magowan Gosman, .94,
longtime resident of Ponte
Vedra and the Beaches, died
March 6, 2006.
She was preceded in death by
her devoted husband, William
Mercer Gosman, retired from
the Army.
Surviving are two daughters,
Elizabeth (Jim) Dupes and
Nancy Mercer Wallace, seven
grandchildren, seven great-
grandchildren, a- nephew,
David Roger Munsick and oth-
A celebration of her life will
be held on Saturday, March 18
.at 1 p.m. at Hardage-Giddens
Funeral Home, 1701 Beach
Blvd., Jacksonville Beach;.
Memorials in her name may
be directed to Baptist Medical
Evelyn Dell Hogue of
Jacksonville,, 61, passed away
Feb. 25, 2006. She was born in
Dalhart, Texas, to Jim and Edna
Mitchell on April 23, 1944; She
married Herbert Hogue on
April 24, 1966, in Dalhart.
Family members include her
husband, Herbert Hogue;
mother, Edna. Mitchell of
Oklahoma City, Okla.; sisters
Dorothy Smithson of Enid,
Okla., and Helen (Tom)
Benefiel of Norman, Okla.; sis-
ters-in-law Carol' (Randy)
Sublette of Dalhart and Jeannie
(Ray) Sylvester of' Amarillo;
Texas,. as well as several nieces
and nephews.
Mrs. Hogue's remains were
scattered at sea. .
Those who wish to remem-
ber Evelyn are asked to do so
with a kind deed or word to
someone who needs you.
Services under 'the direction
and care of, Quinn-Shalz, A
Family Funeral Home &
Cremation Centre, Jacksonille
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'Very little danger' of local real estate bust
The real-estate boom will continue
around North Florida. And predictions of
an ensuing bust will fizzle. According to a
report from National Association of
Realtors' research division, the
Jacksonville metropolitan area will contin-
ue to flourish. The reasons are many: the
coast, the easy access to a major airport,
the restaurants and museums, the vibran-
cy or the city and its upscale neighbor-
Such factors were quoted in the report,
"Home Price Analysis for Jacksonville,"
which was released about a month ago. In
summary, the report says "there is very lit-
tle danger" of a housing bust in and
around Jacksonville. This is based on a
thorough analysis. "In fact, the local hous-
ing market is in excellent shape with a
potential for significant housing equity
gains ...," the report indicated.' The
Jacksonville metropolitan area can include
perimeter regions such as Nassau County..
Claims of a housing bubble, or bust,
have dominated headlines after a phe-
nomenal run-up in real estate prices across
the U.S. One of the linchpins of the "bub-
ble theory" is that housing prices have
risen faster than incomes. This means that
people cannot afford as much in terms of
However, the creativity of the mortgage
industry has kept the financing fire burn-
ing. Interest-only loans as well as other
hybrid mortgages have given homebuyers
additional leverage. An advantage of the
local market is that the average price of a
house is $166,000, which is 20 percent
below the national average. In addition,
housing prices had been relatively flat
here for, much of the 1990s, leaving
room for appreciation in a "catch-up
The average home price rose 14.9 per-
cent in 2004 in the Jacksonville area and
42 percent over the last three years. In
some places, such as Amelia Island, prices
have increased.at least this much, if not
Substantial job growth has helped the
Jacksonville realestate market and will
continue to do so in the future. The region
has added an estimated 80,000 new hous-
es in the past five years.
The future looks even brighter.
Estimates are for 10,000 to 20,000 houses
to be built in coming years in Nassau
County alone. Job growth feeds the con-
struction of new homes. The report delved
into the hybrid-type mortgages that have
become popular. Interest-only loans made
up about one-fourth of the loans in the
Jacksonville area, while adjustable-rate
mortgages accounted.for'40 percent. ,
"Therefore, some homeowners could
feel the pinch of higher rates over time,"
,according to
the research report. The Jacksonville
area would experience a 5 percent decline
in average housing prices only under
"extreme unlikely scenarios," the report
stated. An example of an adverse scenario
would be interest rates spiking to around
16 percent, and job losses in the range of
UNF offering business workshops
The University of North
Florida Small Business
Development Center will offer
the following workshops for
the months of March and
How to S-T-A-R-T-U-P
Your Own Business'
When: March 28, 6 p.m. to 9
April 21, 9 a.m. to noon
Cost: $30 in advance or $40
day of workshop.
Information: Thinking of
starting a business? This work-
shop will give you an overview
of the seven basic requirements
for business STARTUP. A busi-
ness startup kit for Duval and'
surrounding counties is includ-
ed in the workshop fee.
Marketing Matters!
When: March 9, 6 p.m. to 9
Cost: $30 in advance or $40
day of workshop.
Information: Achieve your
sales and marketing goals by
understanding your product or.
services, customers, prospects-
and competitors. This class is
taught by a' marketing profes-
Dollars. arid Sense:
Recordkeeping Essentials
When: April 25, 6 p.m. to 9
---Last Minute Golfer
program approved
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Unsold and canceled tee
times will be posted online as a
way. to boost playership at the'
Jacksonville Beach Municipal
Golf Course.
The City Council Monday,
approved the Last Minute
Golfer program to better mar-
ket the course and increase rev-
City Manager George Forbes
said the city will select unused
tee times and will post them at
The tee times will be offered
at a reduced rate for the more
than 18,000 subscribers to the
program. A, frequent player
program also 'encourages
golfers to utilize the ,city's
course with points assigned for
those who participate; regular-
S"The business is attractive to
our golf course because the tee
, ___ times that we would choose
Should be at a time that the golf
S- course typically does not have
Much or any business," golf
S" pro Boots Farley said in a Feb.
P 25 memo to Forbes.
- f t LMP offers three types of tee
times. Advanced tee times are
available outside of 24 hours
for players who know where
S-* .and when they want. to play.
Last Minute tee times are avail-
able and utilized within 24
hours of play.
Red Flag Tee Times are given
to LMG in exchange for allow-
ing cities to participate in the
S'program. They, are available
outside of 24 hours or until
they are filled.
Not all red flag times are sold
because they are the least desir-
able tee times.
Jacksonville Beach will
receive the total cost from all
advhrnce'boodkings; 98"pi'kt-t
off all last minute bookings via
monthly voucher.
LMG will receive all of the
revenue incurred from red flag
times at one per day.
On average, LMG would earn
$689.76 per month if every red
flag tee time is sold. The cost
breakdown represents four
weekend times at $28 and 23
weekday times at $25.12.
The regular price for a week-
day tee time at the Jacksonville
Beach Golf Club is $35.88 and
$43.07 on the weekend.
On LMG, weekday pricing
drops to $32.10 for advanced
tee times, $30 for last minute
times and $25,12 for red flag
Weekend costs also drop to
$37.40 for advanced tee times,
$32.10 for last minute and $28
for red flag times.
Golfers that participate in
the program will also be able to
access the city's web page
through a link. provided on the
LMG site.
"It's a good way to market
our golf course," Forbes said.
"And it's a good way to sell
unused tee times.i :
Farley said LMG averages
80,000 hits per month with
125,000 hits logged for January
alone. A monthly newsletter
will also allow the city to pro-'
mote any events at no cost.
The Ponte Vedra Golf and
Country Club .at Sawgrass,
Royal St. Augustine, Eagle
Harbor Golf Club, Cimarrone
Golf Club and Julington Creek
are among the other course in
northeast Florida that utilize
the program.
---- Q
- uj
Cost: $30 in advanceor $40
at the door.
Information: This workshop
includes what records to keep
and for how long, a compari-
son of available recordkeeping
systems, improving cash flow,
understanding financial state,
ments, and how to select an
accountant. This class is 'taught
by accounting professionals.
To register or for more infor-
mation on any of thefollowing
workshops, call 620-2477 or
visit www.sbdc.unf.edu. The
University Center is at 12000
Alumin Dr.
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SeUl eateK MEDEQUIP, Inc.
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We will bill insurance direct
on approved rental items
905 North Third Street
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
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"Copyrighted Material
"._-_ Syndicated Content ;'- --
Available from Commercial News Providers"
-a a
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Mr llopqqmplqw Im
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Yedra Leader I* Page 7A
01 Ir
Pa e 8A
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader March 10, 2006
. Nease softball remains unbeaten
New book
deals yet
blow to
B arry Bonds is very lucky
he plays baseball for a
living. Hard to imagine
any other sport's governing
body having its head buried
deeper in the sand than feck-
less Bud Selig and Major
League Baseball.
Quick review: From the
late-1980s until last year;
while players became the size
of biker bar bouncers and
home run records fell like
French prizefighters, baseball
wouldn't even consider the
possibility that the game was
rife with drug cheats. Finally
forced by Congress to imple-
ment a steroid-testing policy
baseball did so but still,
refused to investigate whether
records set in the past few
years were fraudulent.
Now comes a book by two
San Francisco Chronicle
investigative reporters alleg-
ing a pattern of steroid and
human growth hormone use
by Bonds dating back to
1998. What makes the book
different than random specu-
lation about the San
Francisco Giants slugger is
te detail and specificity of
the drugs used, dosages, time-
frame and manner of inges-
tion. It's a thorough tome by
a pair of seasoned journalists.
The authors also offer a
motive for Bonds: He was'
jealous of the attention Mark
McGwire and Sammy Sosa
were receiving in the summer:
of 1998 as they chased down
Roger Maris's then-record 61
home runs.
The allegations are support-
ed by a thousand documents
anymore than 200 hours'of
interviews, although some
purists will cringe at the use ,
of "un-nramed sources"
throughout the book's pages.
To be sure, the case against
Bonds at this point is purely
circumstantial. He hasn't '
failed a drug test, he's never
publically admitted to know-
ingly using performance-
enhancing drugs and has
never been charged with any
crime related to steroids.
But men have been sent to
the electric chair with far less
evidence. ,
Just three months.ago U.S.
sprinters Tim Montgomery
and Chryste Gaines were con-
victed of using the steroid
THG (tetrahydrogestrinone)
and suspended two years by
the Court of Arbitration for
Sport. Neither had tested pos-
itive for the substance but
based on records seized in the
BALCd investigation and the
testimony of witnesses, penal-
ties were meted out.
Two things of note: THG is
the designer steroid known as
"the clear" that Bonds told a
grand jury he unwittingly
took thinking it was flaxseed
oil. And BALCO is the San
Francisco-area laboratory-
Bonds went to for "nutrition-
al advice" before federal
agents raided the place in
2003 and shut down a steroid
manufacturing and distribu-
tion ring.
By the way, if sprinter
Marion Jones had simply paid
her bills Bonds, BALCO,
Montgomery and everyone
else involved, in the scandal
would still be operating with
impunity. Olympic champion
Jones allegedly stiffed her
coach, Trevor Graham, on
some bonus money she owed
him. Graham sought revenge
by anonymously mailing a
half-full syringe of THG, then
undetectable in drug screen-
ings, to the World Anti-
Doping Agency along with a
See BONDS, page 9A
The Nease High girls softball
team continued its torrid pace
- with a 4-2 road victory over St.
Augustine Tuesday.
Beating the Yellow Jackets'
kicked off a tough three-game
stretch for the Lady Panthers,
who defeated Gainesville 4-1
Wednesday night to improve to
8-0 on the season.
Nease was
slated to host
unbeaten West
Nassau on a
Thursday. ,
Three tests in
three days is a
tough task in
any sport. And
it's good soft-
ball teams can
play only three
times in' one -
"Almost had PANTHER
Palatka in ST. AUGU
there," Nease ST. AUGU
coach Jim
Coleman said of another diffi-
cult district game, rescheduled
to April from a Feb. 23 post-
St. Augustine had freshman
right-hander Ashley Pacetti on
the mound and batting cleanup
in their loss to Nease. Pacetti
struck out seven Panthers.,
"They played real well,"
Coleman said of St. Augustine.
"Most teams are really up for us,
anrid you can see 'they're really
fired up, ready to play. And
that's good for us,"
Coleman was pleased to see
Pacetti in the Nease district.
"Ashley does a very good
job," he said. "She's another
quality pitcher we get to hit
against which, as far as I'm
concerned, is the name of the
Coleman said Nease had a
"terrible practice" preparing for
the Jackets, which might have
carried over, to some degree, to
the game itself. But the Panthers
did hit the ball, rapping out 12
"Victoria [Rosenblum] hit two
rips, and she was 0-for tonight."
smoked a line
drive to left,
a / field caught by
'' Megan : Mac-
Farlane in the
.. first inning,
then tagged a
shot to third in
/ the third that
Desiree Sloat,
using her soc-
cer goalkeeping
skills, 'turned
S 4 into third-to-
TINE 2 first. inning-
ending out.
Nease right-
hander Marion Holland threw a
17-0 two-hitter at St. Augustine
in her first start against the
Yellow Jackets last year, and the
Panthers trounced the Jackets at
Nease, behind a Holland one-
hitter, 20-1 the second time the '
teams met.
Holland didn't find the going
as easy this time around.
"They were on her fastball,"
said Coleman. "You give them
credit. I think St. Augustine did
a: really good job."
"We came out thinking
they're going to be the same
team as last year,.and they defi-
nitely weren't," said Holland.
"Theii pitchers brought a whole
* ~
Panthers baserunner Michelle Dowd dives safely back to first on a pickoff attempt during a recent
game. The Panthers are'undefeated at 8-0 following Wednesday night's win over Gainesville.
new attitude They were confi-
dent, wanted to beat us. XVe
were lackadaisical until we real-
ized 'we were only winning by
one, and had to focus on this
Leadoff hitter Clare Wamsley,
who singled and moved to sec-
ond on; a single by Taylor
Fontanez, scored on a two-base
throwing error by St. Augustine
Senators hold court
Photos by ROB.DeANGELO
ABOVE: Fletcher High's number one girls tennis player Elizabeth Cavallero gets .ready to hit a
forehand Wednesday as the Senators battled Bartram Trail.
BELOW: Senators number two Rebecca Stanburry reaches wide to return a serve in her match
Wednesday. It's -a rebuilding year for Fletcher girls tennis, according to coa9h Penny Rauckis.
second baseman Lyndsey Pagliei
to put Nease on top 1-0 in the
first inning. The Panthers
extended that lead to 3-0 in the
Holland led off with a double
and came home on. a throwing.
error by Jackets fust baseman
, Sarah Carey. Brittany Donohue,
elevatedifrom the JV team for
the game, and playing second
base, drove in Michelle Dowd
with a single to put the Panthers
three up.
, The Panthers added an insur-
ance run in the top of the sixth,
when Holland, who had two
hits .and a walk on, the night,
singled to deliver Fontanez,
who had opened the frame with,
a double. Fontanez, playing left
field, also had a pair of singles.
Nease weightlifting
continues to excel
4o ritbuj o oitlu stril no
The' Nease weightlifting
express continues to roll. With
many of the Panthers already
aiming for the upcoming state
championships, the team
defeated Bartram Trail
Wednesday, 59-31, after tying
the Bears last year.
"I am going to state," said
Alex Laymon, who lifts in the
154-pound weight class.
"We're all 'pumped up. It's
going to take at least five of our
guys to get there. If we place in
state, we'll win the title."
La y m.o n
set a school
record with a
clean and
jerk, "which
he needed,"
said Panthers
coach Danny
Cowgill.' "He
was down 55
pounds go-
ing in."
With a lift
total of 535,
Laymon won
his class by
five pounds..
has his sights
We're purr
going to take
of our guys t
If we place ii
win the title.
-Alex i
Nease we
set on a 280
clean and jerk lift at state,
accompanied by a 275 bench.
Another lifter with an eye on
,state is senior Mannie
Wellington, Who holds the
199-pound school record for
clean and jerk at 300.
"We've had a lot of new guys
come in this year," said
Wellington. "Just from last'
week it shows we have an
opportunity to go to state, and
win it. We have to make sure
we stay at our weight, have
tunnel vision of going to state.
"It's going to be hard," he
continued. "We've moved up a
classification, and moving up
the guys get bigger. We're just
going to have to bust it, like we
did for football, do the. same
for weightlifting."
Wellington cited a visit St.
Augustine coach Mike. Milillo
paid to the Nease bus as posi-
tive motivation for the rest of
the weightlifting season.
"Coach Milillo was a great
guy. He came on the bus and
said he wouldn't have wanted
to lose to any other team but
Nease, because we show a lot
of class and a lot of respect.
That definitely meant a lot to
us," said Wellington, who won
his weight class against,
Bartram with, a 595 total. Jason
March was right behind with
Wellington had already
secured.,:first, then tried to
break~his record-. "' '
"He tried for 315 twice," said'
Cowgill, "got it 'cleaned the
first time, didn't hold the
Wellington has .used
weightlifting as a base from
which to build, a football
"It's what I am today," said
the personable senior, "I made
everything in the weight
room. I decided not to play
basketball, to concentrate on
weightlifting, so I could pursue
my dreams .for football, get
Sb i g ger,
faster. That's
exactly what
iped up. It's I did, and it
paid off for
at least five me in the
end, going to
to get there. Division I
ntt, w football."
State, we'll Wellington
and Panthers
running back
Owens, who
won ..at 183
Lay-iorn with a com-
6ightiifter bined lift of
560, ,are
headed to Florida
Other Nease winners
included Francisco Burgin at
119 pounds. Burgin, who had
a personal-best clean and jerk
of 135 pounds, tied with
teammate Nick Duncan, But
he weighed one-tenth of a
pound less, so was the winner.
Burgin and Duncan' each
lifted a combined 290
Duncan, who captured the
119-pound weight class at St.
Augustine in his first varsity
meet, started lifting weights
under Landrum dean Bernie
Duncan benched 135 and
clean and jerked 155, a per-
sonal record, at St. Augustine.
The 118-pound freshman
again did 135 in bench versus
Bartram, then cleaned and,
jerked 165, a personal record.
A -somewhat surprising
winner at 219 pounds was
sophomore Riley Haynes, lift-
ing in' his brother, Hunter,
Haynes', normal weight slot.
Riley Haynes' total was 545.
"He had cleaned 295, but
missed the jerk," Cowgill said
of Riley Haynes. "Hunter was
between 219 and 238 [mean-
ing he was too heavy for 219
but could have lifted at 238],
so We listed him as exhibi-
, .--,
* : '* *. 1
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 9A
af,,.,, 1in ")Anf
ivi~arcn iJ., 'VV"
Time may be ,right for
landing a record drum
If you've ever wanted to get
into the record books for
catching a big fish, now
might just be the time to give
that desire a try.
The opportunity is at hand to
catch a record drum. Not just
any size drum but a monster
oversized one might just do it.
The current Florida state record
is 96 pounds caught by James
Cartwright on April 12, 2001,
in Femandina. The record fish
he surpassed was a 92-pound
fish also caught in Fernandina.
I'm noticing a pattern here
aren't you?
A couple of years ago, jetty
guide supreme, Fred Morrow
caught one here at our MNayport
jetties that weighed in at 92
pounds. A great fish for sure
but four pounds short of the
Now for the exciting news:
Just the other day Fred was
back out at the jetties catching
drum, reds, and sheepshead
when he brought another
behemoth drum up along side
of the boat. Now, Fred is one of
the best fishermen I know and
one of the most accurate at
guessing weights on his fish
too. He estimated that fish at
' over 100 pounds before he
released it.
Yes, I said released it., The
problem was that Fred already
had his limit of drum in the
boat (five fish per person, per
day, 14" to 24" one of which
may be over 24") when he
caught the big boy so he had to
release it.
Releasing that fish was the
right thing to do although I
wonder how many of us would
have done the same thing Fred
did if we were in that position.
Anyway, the point is that the
drum run is here and going
To say that we live in one of
the best areas in the state for
drum fishing is an understate-
ment. We live in the best area
on the east coast of the U.S. for
drum fishing. To top things off,
we have a group of fishermen
that live, eat, and breathe drum
fishing while the March run is,
They almost form a secret
society of sorts. By that I mean
that you don't often hear of
their catches because they
don't like to publicize drum
fishing. They want it all to
A couple of years ago, I final-
Sly got to fish for drum with one
of the best drum fishermen out
there, George Williams. George
fishes out of Fernandina and
Nassau Sound and he keeps up
with where the best bite is
through his network of fellow
When I arrived at the
appointed hour for our trip,
George had already raided his
crab traps for that half of the
bait. We were planning on fish-
ing just south of the'south
Fernandina jetties, so stopping
by a fish house on the way
there for clams was easy and
would make up the other half
of our bait. Remember to buy
your clams and don't just go
out and dig up your own, that's
illegal. And remember to keep
your sales receipt on board just
in case the Marine Patrol
checks you.
On the way to our spot, we
made that quick stop by a bait
shop in Fernandina for the
clams and then we were off
When we arrived at our spot,
which was about a half mile
south of the tip of the south
jetty, there were already a dozen
boats fishing. We fished the
incoming tide and it didn't take
long before the action started.
George caught one, as did his
dad and one of his buddies. Me,
well let's just say that there's a
sneaky drum swimming around
that knows how to steal bait. All
of our fish weighed between 45
and 50 pounds. And yes, they
are good eating.
The tackle we were using con-.
sisted of medium weight rods
and reels spooled with 40-
pound line. The terminal tackle
was three feet of 80-pound
leader with a 9/0 hook on one
end and a swivel on the other.
George prefers to use sLx to eight
ounces of weight attached to
the line with a sinker slid just
above the swivel.
Drum prefer slower moving
water to feed in, so if you have
to use more weight than that to
hold your bait down the cur-
rent is probably to strong and
your chances of being success-
ful are diminished.
Look for drum fishing to
peak on me fall moon. That's
the traditional date but I think
it will be a little later this year.
Water temperatures at least 61
degrees are required and an
incoming tide as well.
Good luck and good fishing!
-. II II U *
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Doctors of Optometry
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Looking for Oceanfront
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Do you have a house or condo close to the ocean?
Do you know how your Homeowner/Wind Storm/
Flood insurance works?
Do you feel like you're paying too much for your
Well, you're the person I'm looking for.
David Barnette Insurance, Inc.
Independent Agent
458 Osceola Ave. Jacksonville Beach
SPORT BRIEFS ___________
Aerobics by Beverly takes
place Mondays and
Wednesday from 5:30 p.m.
until 6:30 p.m. at the Neptune
Beach Senior Activities Center.
Program" features circuit train-
ing, cardio kickboxing, step
and body sculpture.
For more information
; phone 616-2218 or 270-1688.
The All American Cage ...
Classic Tournament is looking:,'
for all AAU, YBOA, USSSA
travel teams as well as public
and private middle schools,
junior varsity and varsity bas-
ketball programs to partici-
pate on March 17-19 at the
University of South Florida.
For more information visit
www.aacctournaments.com or
* contact Regional Director
David Montgomery at 813
610-7812 or via email at
Beach Girls Fitness is fit-
ness training for women
only. Six-week camps include
head to toe fitness in a group
setting at local parks at the
beach. Personal training.also
For more information con-
tact Jill Lynch at 534-4889 or
on the web at wwsw.beach-
Girls on the Run
Registration is now open
for Girls on the Run of N.E.
Florida, an after-school pro-
gram for 3rd to 6th grade
girls that combines running
and training for a 5K (3.1
miles) run/walk, along with
healthy living education
and life lessons.
Spring programs begin in
Feb. and take place at vari-
ous locations throughout'
Continued from page 8A
note saying, "This is what you
should be testing for."
The "undectable" substance
quickly became detectable and
the Whole sordid BALCO scan-
dal rocked the sports world.
Company founder Victor
Conte was sentenced to four
months in federal prison and
will be released soon for a peri-
od of home confinement after
pleading guilty to manufactur-
ing the drugs and orchestrating
Ponte Vedra Beach, Atlantic
Beach and Neptune Beach.
For more information phone
(904) 321-4315 or visit
Golf Instruction
Free golf instruction being
offered at the Jacksonville
Beach Golf Course. The free
adult new player clinic takes
place the third Saturday of
each month beginning at 4
On the fourth Saturday of t
each month will be a free
class for juniors (ages 6 to
17) at 4 p.m.
Pre-registration is not nec-
essary and equipment is
available for those who need
it. All classes are taught by
academy professionals Nicky
Martin, Mary Lyons, Cooper'
Osborne and Sandy
For more information
phone 476-2603.
Beaches Pilates classes take
place Tuesdays and
Thursday from 9 a.m. until
10 a.m. at Hollie's Dance
Studio. Cost is $5. First
hour/first class free.
Phone 234-0038 or visit
beachespilates.com for more
North Florida United Soccer
Club is currently forming pre-
mier soccer teams for tourna-
ment play. The organization is'
seeking premier players for U-
10 to U-17 teams.
For more information e-
mail NFUsoccerCa@ahoo.com.
Girls fastpitch travel teams
are now forming. These travel
teams are called NFGS
Tsunami. Players between the
a steroid distribution ring.
And Bonds' personal trainer,
Greg Anderson, is currently
serving three months in the
Gray Bar Hotel for money
laundering and a steroid distri-
bution charge.
Additionally, there have
been suspensions in track and
field, boxing, football and soc-
cer as a result of documents
seized in the BALCO raid. Most
of those suspended did not fail
a drug test, they' were convict-
ed on empirical and circum-
'.- -
.. .:i
*- F 'I
stantial evidence.
Which brings us back to
Bonds. How fortunate that he
toils in a sport in which the
commissioner at once resem-
bles all three monkeys with
hands clasped tightly' over
eyes, ears and mouth. MLB will
do nothing as a result of the
new drug allegations. Bonds'
single-season mark of 73 home
runs will stand. And the surly
slugger will continue his inex-
orable march on the hallowed
all-time marks of Babe Ruth,
'then Hank Aaron.
Now, this
is easy-
- .: 1
Save $5 OFF the
Beaches Leader, Ponte Vedra Leader
yearly subscription price ($25) by
Renewing with your first notice. tou
will see this offer on your first billing.
Pnolo suDmineal
Ten-year-old Ryan Murphy, right, of Ponte Vedra Beach, recently
set five swimming records in three swim meets held in
Gainesville, Orlando and Jacksonville. Ryan currently holds the
records in the 100-yard freestyle (56.20), 100-yard backstroke
(1:03.94), 100-yard butterfly (1:03.74) and the 100- and 200-
yard individual medley events (1:05.13 and 2:20.07). Andre
Salles-Cunha, owner/head coach of North Florida Swimming, is
pictured at left.
ages of 9 and 12 looking for a'
more competitive softball
environment may phone
James Greek at 612-0337 or
visit www.eteamz.com/nfgs.
The Groin Surfing Associa-
tion [GSA] is now called
JaxPier Surf Camp and is still
located at 2nd North. The
contact number is 651-2843.
Application forms and
dates can be found on jaxpi-
er.com. laxPier Surf Camp is
the only surf camp in the
nation with a live streaming
camp cam of the children
and young adults.
For information on the Grom
Surfing Series [GSS], call
Charley Hajek at 247-5538.
*-~ ri I
F rancvis X. Decandis, M.D.
13It I- s p E An [ n i 'I Ik LDI r2-E he t Le e!-DC Bt insa nOf
hiks Fgnmu,ui1;. T'eirikni"e IPtarorue and
his na tnso-u613n T,'tL IDri\Iezsan-esve
Dr, Decran.dls is inow,- accepting patients .at
rs new" office located it-i the Atriut at
700 3"" Street, Suite 302
(next to the Beaches Eranchi ot he Library)
Neptune Beach, FL 32266
Tel. (904) 247-7778
u I it
A concern in 49 out of 50 states
There are about 2000 known species of termites throughout the world. In the U.S.,
Subterranean termites, including Eastern, Western, Desen and Formosans, which build
underground nests. are a concern in every state except Alaska. Subterranean termites-
are extremely destrucuve, because they tunnel their way to wooden structures (like
your home), into which they burrow to obtain food. Termites all share a virtually
insatiable appetite for %ood and other cellulose-containing materials. Given enough
time, they will feed on the wood until nothing is left but a shell.
Bill Russell,
General Manage
FL State Certifie,
I n
Termite Elimin
p -~ ii -n -mt
Termite Prevention Tips
When it comes to gaining access to your hoine, termites are
amazingly proficient. The last thing you want to do is make
thetr job easier. Fortunately. the steps below willhelp you pre-
vent ternuies from becoming a problem in the first place, or
help keep them from coming back after a Termidor Certified
Professional has gotten rid of them for you.
V Trim all shrubs, bushes and other dense greenery
a%% ay from the foundation of your home: Move
mulch au ay from the foundation as well.
r V Don't leave firewood near your home, it's amag-
d net for termites. If you do keep firewood outside
your house during the winter. Keep it raised off
the ground.
V Remove all lumber, tree stumps and other kinds
of loose wood from the perimeter of your home
V fix any lIaky pipes and eliminate any standing
v water near your home. Termites cannot live on
wood alone.
SV Keep gutters and downspouts free of accumulated
leaves and debris. Clogs and obstruction can at-
tract termites
ration V Seal all cracks and holes in your homes foundation,
- which may provide a handy access point for termites.
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Beaches sports Week in Review
Beaches sports Week in Review
ABOVE: Nease
High baserun-
ner Clare
Wamsley plows
the dirt around
fist as she dives
back safely on a
pickoff attempt.
RIGHT: Nease
sprinters Jamie
Silverberg, left,
and Erin Hoover
hustle toward
the finish line in
the girls 100-
meter dash last
Friday in the
Barry Craig
Open track
meet at Bartram
Trail High
Pri)l.:.5 by. ROE DeAf JGELO
ABOVE: Fletcher High number two girls tennis player Rebecca Stanburry returns a serve during
the Senators match against Bartram Trail on Wednesday at Selva Marina Countoy CILip.
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March 10, 2006
Page 10A
The Beaches Leader/Ponte V'edra Leader
Ul l' vUwog u s bprur orUlam
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
March 10. 2006
* Vfor Vendetta
See ...B-4
* Art Scene ...B-3
* Showtimes ...B-10
'Dance Lessons' opens at-
Adele Grage Cultural Ctr.
Azaleas are in
bloom this week
It has been glorious this
week. So many neat
things to plant.
I have plenty to do to
keep me busy for quite
awhile. And the weather
draws me out to see just
how much needs some big-
time TLC.
The shrubs are a mess,
and since that is what
today's article is about,
hopefully, I'll heed my own
Since azaleas are starting
to flower, let me hit them
first. The azalea likes acid
soil, and pine needles and
oak leaves are its favorite
mulch and also an easy way
to give the beds acid.
However, they'll need
some help from you after
they've bloomed. You'll
need to purchase an acid-
based fertilizer product usu-
ally' called something like'
"azalea/camellia fertilizer."
The product should be
applied at the rate recom-
mended on the label. The
fertilizer will work best if
you take the time to pull
Saway the mulch, then
spread the fertilizer, remem-
bering to go out as far as the
width of the bush (called
the "canopy").
Water it in before you
replace the mulch. You do
not need to use only new:
mulch, the existing stuff is
fine, but remember that
azaleas are shallow-rooted
and therefore they need at
good 3-4 inches of mulch to
protect those roots from
summer's heat and winter's
cold spurts.
It can be added gradually
if the budget is tight right
now; fertilizing is the impor-
tant task. Incidentally,
camellias, hydrangeas and
gardenias all need this type
of food.
If you need to prune the
azaleas, and notice I use the
word, need, you should do
so right after they have
stopped blooming.
Azaleas form buds for next
spring's flowers on new
growth and they start doing
this within a few months of
the bloom period. You will
see many landscapers
whacking at homeowner's
azaleas, making them into
rigid hedges and fbrms.
If you like this look, OK,
but why not think about let-
ting the plant look a tad
more natural? It would save
on labor and expense, and
put the azaleas in less stress.
New homeowners, or those
with newly-planted azaleas,
should not prune for the
first year or so; let the plants
get settled, but do fertilize
If you plan to buy more,
please remember.that there
is not any azalea that really
thrives in the full summer
sun, even though the tag
may say "full sun."
Don't let any plant sales-
man tell you otherwise
either. All azaleas, even
those with slightly reddish
'leaves, prefer a partly shaded
location, especially in the
afternoon. To plop them in
the front lawn in a bed, in
western exposure without
any tree canopy is only ask-
ing for trouble. Diseases,
insects, dieback, and eventu-
al death will happen. Trust
me, I've been there.
North and eastern expo-
sure is great, southern and
western is OK if you have
lots of tree canopy from
taller trees that will shade
The Atlantic Beach
Experimental Theatre will pres-
ent the comedy/drama "Six
Dance Lessons in Six Weeks"
this weekend at the Adele
Grage Cultural Center, 716
Ocean Blvd., Atlantic Beach.
Curtain is 8 p.m. tonight and
tomorrow and 2 p.m. Sunday.
Tickets are $15 and $12 for sen-
iors, students and military. The
play runs through March 25.
Directed by ABET executive
director Barbara Evans, the
Richard Alfieri play is about the
relationship between a lonely,
retired woman and her private
dance instructor.
The instructor is a free spirit
with a quirky sense of humor,
and the development of their
weekly time together brings
out the best and worst in
both characters.
Cast in the role of the former
career woman, "Lili," is Emma
Lee Carpenter whose resume
includes roles at both Players-
by-the-Sea, Orange Park
Community Theatre, and
Limelight Theatre in St.
She has played Ethel in "On
Golden Pond," Sister Helena in
"The Prime of Miss Jean
Brodie," and Demetria Riffle in
"On Borrowed Time."
Carpenter was formerly con-
troller of the Stellar Group Inc.
in Jacksonville, and is currently
general manager at the
Playing dance instructor
"Michael" is Anthony Hodge,
whose most recent stage
appearance at PBTS was as
Kevin Emory in "Inspecting
Hodge has acted in Nashville
at such theatres as the Actors
Playhouse, the Dreamweaver
Theatre, the New Play Theatre
and Shakespeare in the Park.
Some of his former roles
were as Edmund in "King
Lear," Petrucio in "Taming of
the Shrew," Ellis in "Days of
Wine and Roses," Joe in
"Shadowbox," and Alan in
"Come Blow Your Horn."
He also played Bob Ewell in
"To Kill a Mockingbird" at
Evans, who took over the
helm at ABET this year, was
awarded two Pelican Awards
for directing at PBTS.
She directed "Golden Pond"
and "Last Train to Nilerock" at
Limelight and "The Raindrop
Waltz" at ABET. Sunday mati-
nees are March 12 and 26. Call
249-7177 for reservations.
pnolo ubmrinal
The automotive art of Ken Dallison will be on display this weekend at the 11th annual Amelia
Island Concours d'Elegance.
Automotive art show
this weekend at Amelia
Antique cars take center stage at this week-
end's llth -annual Amelia Island Concours
The three-day event, which runs through
Sunday at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel and Golf
Club, also plays host to an exclusive exhibit of
high-demand automotive art.
The Automotive Fine Arts Society (AFAS)
exhibit has been a mainstay at the Amelia
Island Concours d'Elegance for the past decade.
This year is no exception.
AFAS members are among the best in their
field, working in many diverse mediums,
including oils, watercolors, acrylics, wood,
gouache, pen and ink, clay and metal.
"The Amelia Island Concours is one of our
favorite places to exhibit," said AFAS president
Ken Eberts.
"The gorgeous scenery, rare cars and wonder-
ful people have kept us coming back for over a
decade to unveil our latest art."
Among the artists scheduled to exhibit their
paintings and sculptures this year are;
Lawrence Braun, Ken Dallison, Ken Eberts, Jack
Jurato'ic, Jay Koka, Charles Maher, William
Motta, Bill Neale, Richard Pietruska, Barry
Rowe, Tony Sikorski and Craig Warwick.
Original artwork and limited edition prints
will be available throughout the weekend.
Neale, a contributing artist for Car & Driver
magazine, will introduce two new pieces, "Red
Classics" and "Ferrari P4," during this year's
Sikorski will unveil a new work of art that
symbolizes the romantic cars enjoyed by
celebrities and the affluent during the decades
leading up to World War II.
Admission is free to the art exhibit, which is
situated indoors in Plaza II of the Ritz-Carlton.
The exhibit moves outside to the show field
from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday.
pholo submrin1ea
The Duke University Chorale gathers for a group photo before Tuesday's rehearsal in Durham,
N.C. The group performs a free concert at 3:30 p.m. Sunday at St. Paul's Episcopal Church.
Hotel Rwanda hero to speak at JU
Paul Rusesabagina, the hero of the.
Rwandan genocide portrayed in the Oscar-
nominated 2004 film "Hotel Rwanda," will
speak at 7 p.m., Tuesday, March 28, at
Jacksonville University's Swisher
His speech, "Hotel Rwanda: A Lesson Yet to
be Learned," will touch on the events of the
1994 genocide, the current political climate
in Africa, and the international response to
the current crisis in Darfur, Sudan.
Tickets are $5 per person and can be pur-
chased only in person at Jacksonville
"Hotel Rwanda" told the story of
Rusesabagina's work to save the lives of more
than 1,200 people during the 1994 genocide
that killed 800,000 in 100 days. As the man-,
ager of the luxury Hotel Milles Collines in
Kigali, Rusesabagina offered refuge to more
than a thousand Hutu and Tutsi who were in
* danger.
Rusesabagina's courage has been honored
with the U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom,
the Immortal Chaplains Prize for Humanity
and the National Civil Rights Museum
Freedom Award.
Rusesabagina was born in Rwanda as the
son of rural farmers. He was educated in
hotel management in Africa and Europe, and
became the first Rwandan manager of.the
luxury Hotel Milles Collines.
Recently, he founded The Hotel Rwanda
Rusesabagina Foundation, which provides
support, care, and assistance to children
orphaned by, and women abused during, the
genocide in Rwanda. He speaks frequently on
the need for change in Rwanda and through-
out Africa. His autobiography, "An Ordinary
Man," will be released in April.
Tickets go on sale March 13. For more
information, call the JU Campus Activities
Office at 256-7520.
proi. ;obrmnmne-a
Anthony Hodge plays a dance instructor and Emma Lee
Carpenter is his pupil in "Six Dance Lessons in Six Weeks." The
play runs through March 25 at the Adele Grage Cultural Center.
'Piano Bar' has new
music, songs at Players
Gene Nordan's semi-autobio-
graphical "Piano Bar," featur-
ing new music and story lines,
is being staged through March
18 at Players by the Sea's
McManus Auditorium.
Performances are March 10,
11, 17, 18 at 8 p.m. and March
12 at 2 p.m. at 106 6th St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach. Tickets are
Nordan premiered the musi-
cal in 1998 at the University of
West Virginia. Richard
Adkinson has been the produc-
tion's director for the past eight,
years. This time he is joined by
his wife, Lynn,
"Each performance we like to
freshen up the show," said
Nordan, who fashioned the
musical on his experiences as
an entertainer in the late 1970s,
and early '80s at a former'
Atlantic Beach nightclub
known as Le Chateau.
"We have new scenes, new
characters, new ideas and new
The cast, which includes
more than 20 local talents, fea-
tures Melissa Middlebrook as
"Jezebel," Leonard Cross, Harrv
Leed, Doug Bvrne and Sally
Newcomers include Amy
Allen, Jim Stepp, Kim Cooper
and Trish Bradshaw.
Nordan's wife, Maria, is the
stage manager. Choreographer
Kim Harvey will also appear on
Nordan wrote "Piano Bar"
after his wife, whom he met
after his stint as the piano play-
er and singer at The Chateau,
asked him what it was like
For reservations, call 249-
2022 or visit www.players-
Photo submitted
Gene Nordan with the cast of "Piano Bar." The musical features
20 local talents, including Melissa Middlebrook as "Jezebel." It,
runs through March 18 at 106 6th St. N., Jacksonville Beach.
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View of Italian garden atthe Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens. The Cummer is hosting garden week, March 12-18. Tickets range
from $15 to $85. For more details, call 273-4822.
Matheson: Check 'Plants for North Florida' online
Cont. from B-1 main trunk to avoid insect crapes.
the azalea. When planting, penetration and disease/rot- I could go on ad infinitum ,
always make them a little ting. about shrubs but you'll be bet-
higher than the surrounding For low maintenance plant ter off calling the Cooperative
soil line because they cannot holly, ligustium, viburnum, Extension Office and talking
tolerate what we call, "wet nandina, juniper, to some Master Gardeners o0
feet." monkey/Aztec grass, bottle- going online, checking,
For those of you with wood- brush, crape myrtle, podocar- "Plants for North Florida."
ed sections of your property, pus, to name just a few. Remember to always keep in
consider the very unusual Personally, I would avoid pit- mind the sun exposure in the
, native azaleas which even tisporum and India summer and the mature
come in such colors as yellow Hawthorne. The latter was a height and width of the plant.
and orange. Nestled amongst fabulous plant years ago, but Too often we buy something
or at the edge of woods, these it is related to the rose and for "for the moment" forgetting
guys look spectacular, and some reason it has many leaf that it will be a royal pain to
they need far less pampering spotting problems related to take care of because it will
than the hybridized ones. either inbred diseases or bad become 10 feet wide and 35
OK, we have many, many watering habits. There is a feet high.
more shrubs than azaleas, but pink flowered one that does- Look around you, there are
if you live in North Florida n't seem to be as bad. so many' homes that have this
SIchane e~v~u'll lhave some Another shrub.thatsused ,- problem with their landscape.
ion you'dr;bPerty. Ninety-nine often but seems to Ae cstmf-ed "' 'jo ft8w'is the tinle td prune
percent of all the other shrubs for failure and bald spots is all shrubs except those that
we have are easy growers, small-leafed yaupon holly will be flowering this spring;
requiring very little of you which naturally grows into a prune them right after they
except an occasional fertiliz- round form. I do not know if have finished.
ing:with a regular lawn-type it is because these things are Fertilize all newly-planted
product I 16-4-8, 12-5-10, etc.) constantly being pruned to shrubs, and use a special azal-
The first 3-5 years are cru- look like balls and that prun- ea blend for azaleas, camellias,
cial-for these shrubs to be fer- ing is bugging it, or if there is hydrangeas and gardenias.
utilized, and then after that, if some other problem, but it Always water the fertilizer in
they look a bit off-color, or seems to die or look awful and avoid just throwing it at
seem to have had a particular- after about seven years of the plant because it will burn
ly hard winter, it would be being planted. the leaves. Plant or transplant
wise to fertilize them in the The holly, ligustrum, etc. I any shrub, except for spring
spring and the fall. All fertiliz- mentioned at the top of the bloomers, now.
ers create new growth, so keep paragraph are very hardy and If you see small white dots
in mind the maintenance the only real maintenance on the leaves of plants, it is
requirements of more pruning issue is pruning. If you let probably an insect called a
and more watering, as well as them grow fairly naturally, "scale."
timing of the feeding. You do you'll not be out there trim- You will want to use a horti-
not want a lot of new growth ming them every 4-6 weeks. cultural oil and spray the top
when we are about to go into A popular plant that is and undersides of the leaves,
the hot summer nor the cold bloomirVg now and has bur- hoping to suffocate these
winter, so finish the job by gundy colored leaves is guys. They are chewers and
.early May and then again by Loripetulum. Homeowners will have a heyday with your
early October. seem to love this unusually plants. If you had a whitefly
The planting requirements colored plant, and when used infestation last year which
of shrubs is the same as for properly, is lovely. Gardenias makes the leaves look black
trees: dig the hole twice as and hydrangeas are great if and sooty, try using a spray of
wide and hot quite as deep as they are in a partly shaded : Orthene or a similar systemic
its container. Put no additives spot, in fact there are dwarf product now. This kind of
into the hole; refill it with the gardenias that bloom for a chemical goes into the roots
same soil that came out of it. long time and are low to the of the plant as it travels down
(Vater daily until you see ground, sometimes making a the leaves and helps to make
signs of new growth, indicat- lovely ground cover. the plant immune to insects.
ing a root system has become Another popular ground Sometimes it works.
established; then you may fer- cover with very few problems. One area that is very impor-
tilize lightly if you desire. .. is Asiatic jasmine, seen all tant and vet is usually ignored
Keep mulch away from the over especially under large is selecting plant material that
Save over 66%
off the'iewitand price
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gor subscribe & renew securely online at
I ..y our community newspaper
will enhance the color and
style of your house. usually,
light colored homes look
nicest wheri deep green
foliage is next to it.
Accent color can be placed
in the lawn or in containers.
On the reverse side, dark
houses usuallY look nicest
with lighter plant material.
One effect that I think is
awful is for example: four
bushes that are light, next to
four that are dark, etc. going
all in a row. Make things flow,
don't chop up!
One problem that 2 callers
have asked me about is what
to do with hollies and
podocarpus that has been
damaged byv'hl6OtirMi8i'-"
roof cleaning.'-Appa'retl, 'fihe
bleach solution caused signifi-
cant dieback of some lovely,
well-established plants and it
will be very costly to replace
them. My suggestion is to
start at the top and prune out
anything that appears to be
Be sure and scratch the stalk
with your fingernail or paring
knife to see if the stem is
dead; if it is green or white, it
is ok, but a gray and brown
one is dead. As you go down
the bush. you may find that
there are so many dead areas
you may as well cut it all the
way back to about 18 inches
from the ground, fertilize it
very lightly, and see what
happens. For the plants men-
tioned, they will probably
come back over time and with
your gentle pampering.
1895 285.4
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
This is your community newspaper.
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The Reaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Garden week t Cummer
One: of the most success-
ful gallery openings I
have attended in a.
long time was held last Friday
night when the Center at
Ponte Vedra celebrated its
fifth anniversary with an
exhibit of the works by 40
local artists whose works have.
been exhibited at the Center
since its opening five years,
Hundredsof people viewed
the art, enjoyed the music
and tasted some of the finest
culinary fare our area has to
offer. The variety of the art-
works was impressive includ-
"ing contemporary design,
landscapes, flowers, quilts and
much more.
Most impressive to me was
the large number of old,
young and in-between mem-
bers of this community inter-
ested in.art, thus validating
the need this Center fulfills..
Enjoy the exhibit which
will be on display through
April 13. The Center is located ,
at 50 Executive Way, Ponte
Vedra Beach. Call 280-0614.-
: ." O. '
bring an art awareness and
activity to Beaches elemen-
taary school children. The
event will take place at
Sawgrass Country Club from
5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
From Tuesday, March 14, to/
Saturday, March 18, the
Sawgrass Country Club com-
munity is showcasing the
artistic, literary and musical
talents of its members during
the 2006 Arts and Sounds
Show on the club grounds.
For information call 273-:
Georg.e IKingluom, director .
of JNIOMA, will present a lec- The Jacksonville Museum of
ture, "Marketing Essentials for Modem Art opened
Visual Artists. Getting your "Illuminated Space," new
foot in the or" on Friday, works by Zac Freeman this
,March 24, at 3 p.m. week in the Blue Cross Blue
SBonnie Talley, fiber artist, Shield educational gallery.
will demonstrate painting The museum will begin its
with fabrics on Friday, March The museum wilp pl begin itsMay
17, at 12:30 p.m. 30. Camp runs through the
A beginning end ofJuly and includes class-
"Flameworking" class will be d of Jul and includes class-
held March 11,12, 25 and 26 es in painting and clay.
rom a.m. to p.. al Also included wi be chil-
from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call dren's creative exercises such
the Cutural Center forfor- as yoga, ballroom dancing,
matuon. fencing, theatre and visits to
The Cummer Museum of the Jacksonville Public
The Cummer Museum of braryFor information call
Art and Gardens will celebrate ibay. Fo information call
Garden Week from March 12 366-6911.
Garden Week from18 The museum's Oasis Theater
This weeklong event will.,, Studio in association with the
This weeklong event %ill Jacksonille Museum of
begin with a Putting Party, Jacsonm Art ille Museum oJames
picnic and art exhibition on odem Art will present Jamesdy,
..1. ,lecture lcClure's Southern comedy,
Sunday, March 12. A ecture Lone Star," on Thursday,
by Marta McDowell, luncheon March 23, at 7:30 p.m. tickets
and reception will take place are $12 and $10 for members.
N on da '..... ..... '-'-C5l1"36:'3615'7- for r'rVFi':-"-7
There will be a lecture tins
Tuesday by Sir Roy Strong and tions.
a fashion show. Wednesday ", .d rnt wtr-
enjoy a box lunch and garden ia andpes," receaintin water-
demonstrations. Thursday, media and c ollage pain
Friday and Saturday will by Joyce Gabou, will open
include lectures an tours. For this Sunday at the A. Charles
include information cand ll 819 Gallery wih a reception from
6038eta informal 2 to 6 p.m. The gallery is also
snn, onnnnrin"r a till-lifel wnrk-
FOCUS Cummer will cele-
brate FABFEST at a closing
reception on Saturday, March
S18. ; .
FABFEST is designed to
shop with Larry Blowitz from
April 3 to 7.
Mr. Blowitz is author of
"Pastel for the Serious
Beginner" and "Sketching and
Drawing.". The gallery is
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Performing in the musical .production of "Grease is the Word"
are Julie and Nicky Truitt of Jacksonville Beach. The show, pro-
duced by Stage Aurora Theatrical Co. Inc., runs March 11-12 at
the Ezekiel Bryant Auditorium at FCCJ's North Campus, 4501
Capper Road. Shows are at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. and at 3 p.m.
Sunday. For ticket information, call 765-7372.
located at 228 Third Avenue
North, Jacksonville Beach.
Call 339-0029 for informa-
"Using Pastels To Paint," a
lecture and demonstration by
Jan Bialka, will take place on
March 16 at the Ponte Vedra
Beach Library. The program is
sponsored by FOCUS
Cummer. Call Carolee
Bertisch at 273-6578 for infor-
The South Gallery of Florida
Community College will fea-
ture the Duval County Senior
High- Exhibit and the Duval
Art Teachers Association Show
from March 28 to April 13.
A reception will be held
from 6 to 8 p.m. on March
28. The gallery is located in
the Nathan H. Wilson Center
for the Arts.
Hibemia Gallery will hold a
reception for Gary Keesnet,
custom urriture rmaker.oh
Friday, March 17, horn to 8
p.m. The public is invited to
the reception at the gallery,
located at 118 First Street,
Neptune Beach.
Keener creates fine hand-
crafted wood furniture. The
design is influenced from the
Shaker movement, and each
piece is created individually.
This Sunday, March 12, the
Beaches Fine Art Series will
present the Duke University
Chorale at 3:30 p.m. The pro-
gram will be held at St. Paul's
By-the-Sea Episcopal Church,
1150 North Fifth Avenue,
Jacksonville Beach.
The visual artist exhibiting
works at the reception follow-
ing the program will be
William Joos, photographer.
The program is free and open
to the public.
"Fletcher at First Street,"
opened this week at First
Street Gallery and features the
student artwork of Fletcher
High School art students.
Photography, ceramics, graph-
ics, acrylic paintings and
drawings are included in this
exhibit of works by budding
The works will be at the
gallery through the month of
March. First Street Gallery is
located at 21-B First Street,
Neptune Beach. Call 241-6828
for information.,
, The Rver City Ban"' wilJ be
presenting Dixieland music
on Monday, March 20, from
11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at
Hannah Park. This Fish-A-
Thon concert is free and open
to the public.
The Band will be presenting
a program tomorrow, March
11, at 5 p.m. to benefit the
"Feed the Children" program
at Lakewood Presbyterian
Church, 2001 University
Boulevard. Tickets are $6 plus
a canned food donation.
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Raabe to he honored Saturday for Oz role
T he Wicked Witch
remains really, most
sincerely dead. Happily,
the coroner who announced
her demise remains very
much alive.
S Meinhardt Raabe, the
S Munchkinland Coroner from
the 1939 movie "The Wizard
of Oz," will be honored with
"Wizard of Oz Day" tomor-
row at the Orange Park Mall.
The event begins at 1 p.m.
Raabe, 90, has been a long-
time Penney Farms resident,
with many locals unaware of
Shis place.rfroriet4tory.
h Bobby"iHgram (,C-em.I-'.of i
the rock group Molly
Hatchet) and Cindy Bosnyak
organized the event to give
Raabe. his due, along with
honoring a classic film.
Raabe grew up on a dairy
farm in Wisconsin. He first
. made a living as a-public
speaker with an accounting
degree but found trouble get-
ting jobs due to his short
stature. After working in var-
ious World Fairs, he got an
. accounting job-at Oscar
Meyer that led to a 30-year
performing stint as "Little
-: Oscar the Chef."
While at Oscar Meyer,
Raabe learned that MGM was.
looking for little people to
cast in a new movie. Raabe
had no movie experience,
but his performing back-
ground gave him much-
needed confidence. Raabe
traveled with 124 little peo-
; ..iJil.U -Jl' U i'-i U _1 1
. ple to Hop |,od.dnd landed
one of the Munchkins, only
speaking parts in "The
Wizard of Oz."
On Saturday, Raabe will
start the festivities at the
Orange Park Mall while
dressed in his Coroner's cos-
tume. Michelle Nugent, a
local look-alike for "Oz"
heroine Dorothy Gale, will
also be present, as well as
several Orange Park High
School students dressed as
other "Oz" characters.
The Mall's AMC Theatre
will.show a restored
Technicolor print of "The
Wizard of Oz," followed by
Raabe autographing copies of
his autobiography,
"Memories of a Munchkin,"
at Books-a-Million in the
To reserve tickets or for
more information, visit the
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Meinhardt Raabe (left), the Munchkinland Coroner from the
1939 movie "The Wizard of Oz," will be honored with "Wizard
of Oz Day" tomorrow at the Orange Park Mall. The event
begins at 1 p.m.
Doom's appeal for gamers only
In the world of video
games, "Doom" is a mile-
stone. It's generally credited
with two achievements: pop-
ularizing shareware and orig-
inating the "first person
shooter" genre.
With these achievements,
it was only a matter of time
till someone in this case,
Universal Pictures decided
to turn what just might be
the most popular video game
of all time into a flick.
Despite a cast starring
three well-known actors,
"Doom's" plot is thin gruel
for 105 minutes of screen
time. This is a movie that'll
appeal only to game afi-
cionados or those who
appreciate gratuitous vio-
"Doom's" plot loosely fol-
lows the multi-million cop),
selling video game. It begins
somewhere in the American
southwest, where a portal to
Mars had been discovered
. ..shades of Edgar Rice
Burroughs' "Barsoom"
series!) years before.
Suddenly, something goes
awry on that faraway world.
A squad of Marines com-
manded by "The Rock," for-,
.mer Samoan wiestler
Dwayne Johnson, is sent to
safeguard the many scientists
toiling on the alien planet.
Upon arrival, fellow Marine,
Karl Urban, (the "Lord of the
Rings" trilogy, TV's "Xena:
Warrior Princess"i discovers
his estranged sister,
Rosamund Pike, works at the
research lab. It's up to Urban
to protect Pike ("Die Another
Day") from both the lurking
monsters and the drooling
members of his own Marine
From here, i.t's downhill.
There's an extended period
in which the research lab's
explored, and first contact is
made with the monsters. In
the video game, the creatures
were a combination of scien-
tist turned demon and
denizens straight from hell.
In the movie, perhaps for
political correctness, the
monsters are all mutated sci-
entists. To the delight of
video-game lovers, the flick
offers a I-o-n-g "first person
shooter" sequence. Picture
yourself looking over the
gun site of a powerful
weapon, running down dark
corridors vaporizing
It's as close as one viewing
a film can come to the video
game and a sequence that'll
thrill fans. Be ,aware of the
many references to "Dr.
Carmack." "Doom" fanatics
will instantly recognize the
name as the famous video
game's originator.
Though the 6-5" "Rock"
delivers a decent perform-
ance, Urban's and Pike's are
flat. Admittedly, they have
little to work with, but
Polish director Andrzej
Bartkowiak i"Exit Wounds")
should have Insisted upon
stronger personalities.
Wesley Strick ("The Glass
House," former "Rolling
Stone" staffer) and David
Callaham this initial credit
put the mediocre screenplay
Production values are sur-
prisingly high, though, a
credit to the work of cine-
matographer Tony Pierce-
Roberts i"De-Lovely," "The
Bone Collector"). Beware,
Pierce-Roberts stayed true to
the video game's pervasively
gloomy, pitch-black atmos-
It's a hindrance on the sil-
ver screen as in many, cases
one can barely see the
Overall, "Doom" (rated R)
isn't much of a flick. It's
available on DVD for $25
with extras such as "basic
training" with "The Rock," a
"Doom" demo, subtitles in
Span ish and French and
more. It's the only way to
view "Doom," but be sure
you're a game fan before
plunking down your hard-
"Harry Potter and the
Goblet of Fire" Any chance
that the fire might have
burned up the film's negatives?
"The Shaggy Dog" This
DVD release of the original
allows you to compare the sub-
tleties of Fred MacMurray's per-
formance against the new ver-
sion starring Tim Allen thus
clearly showing that you have
no life.
"Howl's Moving Castle" -
This cartoon about a cursed girl
and a wizard is the latest work
from Hayao Miyazaki. known
as "the Japanese Walt Disney."
Of course, if you want to be
less picky about your cartoon
"The Flintstones 5th
Season" Forty years later, I
still remember Fred and
Barney's eyes popping out
when they see those dancing
"The Brady Bunch 5th
Season" The final network
season before the Bradys spun
off into variety hours, myriad
TV sequels, and general kitsch-
"Three's Company 6th
Season" That sound you
heard was Don Knotts trying to
grab the show's negatives
before he turns over in his
I Client I Ti..ln. I 4 o.
Sawgrass Village
Shopping Center
41 PGA Tour Blvd.
Ponte Vedra Beach
St. Lawrence String Quartet
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 2006 --- 8:00 PM::
Having walked on stage
together over 1600 times in
the past sixteen years the St.
Lawrence String Quartet has
| established itself among the
world-class chamber ensem-
bles of its generation. In 1992
f they won two major competi-
tions that launched them on a
performing career that has brought them across
North and South America, Europe and Asia.
Highlights of this season include Lincoln Center,
Stanford Lively Arts and their 12th year as
Resident Quartet to the Spoleto Festival in
Charleston, S C. Alex Ross of The New Yorker
Magazine writes, "The St. Lawrence are remark-
able not simply for the quality of their music mak-
ing, exalted as it is, but for the joy they take in the
act of connection."
The program will include String Quartet in D
Major, KV 575 W.A. Mozart, String Quartet in G
Minor, Op. 10 C. Debussy, String Quartet in C -
sharp minor, Op. 31- L. Beethoven.
Tickets $18.00 --- Students $5.00
Call 797-2800 Reserved Seating
Visit EMMA at www.emmaconcerts.com
March 10, 2006
WX7 k^r-.l d 4
The Beaches Leadet/Ponte Vedra Leader
March 10, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Weekend 5
phoic. :uomlhea
George Thorogood and the Destroyers perform Sunday at the Florida Theatre.
Note: Acts and performance
." da'rs or times are not always
available for all clubs at press
tine. Performance information is
included in the Friday club calen-
dar. Send to nitcliell@beach-
esleader.com. Call 249-9033 for
Aromas Cigar, Wine &
Martini Bar, 880 AIA N.,
Ponte Vedra Beach 280-2525.'
Le Monde Quartet plays Latin
music at 9 p.m. Tuesday and
Saturday. Wine tasting from
6:30 to 8:30 p.m. every
Thursday followed by the
Jason Anderson Jazz Trio at 9
form at 8:30 p.m. today.
Culhane's Irish Pub, 967
Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beach *
249-9595. Alphadog is in at 9
p.m. today. The Box Rockers
are in at 9 p.m. Saturday. The
Bobby Flynn Band appears at 6
p.m. Sunday.
Fionn MacCool's Irish Pub
& Restaurant, 333 1st St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach 242-9499.
Jimmy Solari is in every
Wednesday. Spade McQuade
plays traditional Irish music
every Thursday. Something
Distant is in ,today and
Saturday. Meridian plays tradi-
tional Irish music at 4
p.m.Sunday. ,
Fly's Tie, 177 E. Sailfish Dr.,
.. Atlantic Beach a 246-4293.
The Atlantic, 333 N. First Songwriter's night with Seth
St., Jacksonville Beach 249- Ramsdill every Tuesday. The
3338. Martini Night is Wes Cobb Band is in
Thursday with DJs spinning. Thursday. Chroma appears at
DJ V\'es Reed spins hiphop and,,,,.9:30 p.m...Saturdav.
retro Thursdays tor Ladies.-- .-.. *** I
Night. DJ Jade' spins'old wave
and 80's retro at 9 p.m. Friday
DI KGB spins at 9 p.m
Atlantic Theatre Comedv
Club, 751 Atlantic Blvd.
Atlantic Beach 249-7529
Comedian Danny Villalpandc
performs at 9 p.m. today anc
Saturday. Scheduled comedy,
i acts also perform at 8 p.m
Thursday. ,
Billy's Boathouse Grill
2321 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville
241-9771. Karaoke is helc
from 6 to 9 p.m. Wednesday.
Bo's Coral Reef, 201 Fifth
Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach *
246-9874. DJ Dale spins
Thursday through Saturdays
Too Many Shoes performs
Friday, Feb. 24.
O O ,, *
Bogey Grille, 1.50' Valley
Circle, Ponte Vedra Beach ,
249-3338. Karaoke with Frankl
Temple from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m
*Wednesdays. Live music from
7-11 p.m. today.
*' O'
Brewster's, 11003 Beachl
Blvd., Jacksonville 223-9850
The Company performs at &
p.m. today and Saturday. Dana
Salmela plays acoustic music al
.9 p.m. Wednesdays. Karaoke is'
held every Thurs.
;: ', : '* *
Cap'n Odies, 2200 Nlayporl
Road, Atlantic Beach 241-
8848. Live music from 9:30
p.m. to 1:30 a.m. today and
Saturday. Country night every
S '- O O* *.
'Champs Lounge, Sawgras,
Marriott, 1000 PGA Tour Blvd.,
Ponfe Vedra Beach 285-7777
Lisa and the Mad Hatters per.
e Freebird Live, 200 N. First
. St., Jacksonville Beach 246-
. BIRD. Steel Pulse plays reggae
at 9 p.m. today. G. Love &
Special Sauce performs a sold
y out show at 9 p.m. Saturday.30
Seconds to Mars with Aiden
Emanuel are in Monday.
Buckethead with Pnuma Trio
- are in Monday.
SGiovanni's, 1161t Beach
Blvd., Jacksonville Beach 249-
7787. Mary Ann Hawkins
, plays piano from 7 p.m. to
close Thursdays. The Sam
Rodriguez Music Trio plays
pop, jazz and Latin music at 8.
p.m. today. Jazz with Matt Hall
at 8 p.m. Saturday.
s Lynch's Irish Pub, 514 N.
. First St., Jacksonville Beach *
s 249-5181. Local bands are in
today and Saturday. Karaoke
Sunday at 9:30.
S : *' ":*'* '
Mackenzie's, Steakhouse,
100- Sawgrass Village, Ponte
' Vedra Beach .543-9143. Gene
Nordan plays piano from 7 to
11 p.m. Tuesday through
Thursday. Don Nfiniard is in.
Saturday. Michael Howard is in
. from 7 to 11 p.m. Sunday. Will
Hurley performs today and
t ,. '. '
s Magellan's Oceanfront
Restaurant, 333 1st St. N..
Jacksonville Beach 247-2644.
t Beam brings the funk from
3:30 to 6:30 p.m. Sunday.
i Max's Restaurant, 1312
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville Beach
* 247-6820. John Evans plays
the piano from 6:30 to 10 p.m.
today and Saturday.
," ', *
Monkey's Uncle Tavern,
1850 Third Street S.,
Jacksonville Beach 246-1070.
Karaoke every Tues., Thurs.,
Sat. and Sun.
Ocean Club, 401 First Street
North, Jacksonvile Beach *
242-8884. DJs Jeremy and
Kevin Durgin spin today. Live
reggae with Individually
United and DJ Infader for
Service Industry Sundays. DJs
Shanghai and Lord Swift spins
reggae, reggaeton and hip hop
on Tuesday.
Ragtime Tavern, Seafood &
Grill, 207 Atlantic Blvd.,
Atlantic Beach 241-7877.
Three \Vay Street is in today
and Saturday. Ron Perry per-
forms Sunday.
Restaurant Nledure, 818 N.
Florida A1A, Ponte V'edra
Beach 543-3797. Nightfall
performs from 8 p.m. to close
today and Saturday.
' ":. ". "" *
the Ritz, 139 Third Ave., Jay
Beach, 246-2255. DJ
Anonymous spins Sun-Wed. DJ
Marco spins every Thurs.
,, *
Shelby's Coffee Shoppe,
200 1st Street, Neptune Beach .
249-2922. The John Thomas
Group with Debra Rider plays
cabaret jazz from 10 a.m. to 1
p.m. Sunday.
Tavern at Sawgrass, 43 PGA
Tour Blvd, Ponte Vedra Beach *
285-3133. Karaoke every
Wednesday from 9 p.m. to 1
a.m. Ralph "E" performs top
40's, blues, oldies and Iazz
every Friday and Saturday
night from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
Tra Vini Italian Restaurant,
216 Ponte Vedra Park Drive,
Ponte Vedra Beach Beach *
273-2442. Tony Saladino per-
forms jazz piano and standards
from 7 to 10 p.m. Thursday
through Saturday.
Tree Steakhouse, 725-6
Atlantic Blvd, Atlantic Beach *
241-5600. Mary Ann Hawkins
is in from 6:30 p.m. to 10:30
p.m. Wednesday. Gina
Martenelli performs from 6:30
to 10 p.m. today. Kenhe is in
Twisted Sisters, 1266 Beach
Blvd., Jacksonville Beach 241-
6453. The Wes Cobb Band per-
forms from 9:30 p.m. to close
McNeill, Garrison & Fletcher
Insurance Agency
?4~ustod choice-
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Serving the Beaches Since 1951
Call us today...249-2345
1211 North Third Street Jacksonville Beach
Feb. 10.
Vinoe, 822 AIA N., Ponte
Vedra Beach 285-0991. The
DI Wali spins acid jazz for
Metropolitan Night every
Your Place Bar-n-Grill,
13245 Atlantic Blvd.,
Jacksonville 221-9994. Live
music today and Saturday.
Chuck Nash appears every
Monday. Chris and Larry are in
Wednesday. Dave Massey per-
forms Thursdays.
The Ritz Players are joined by
members of the Martha
Graham'Dance Company at. 8.
p.m. Saturday .at -the Times-
Union Center for the
Performing Arts, 300 W. Water
St., Jacksonville. Call 472-4270
for information.
The Jacksonville Symphony
Orchestra performs Italian
. compositions at 8 p.m. today
in Jacob)' Symphony Hall at
the Times-Union Center for
the Performing Arts, 300 W.
Water St., Jacksonville. Tickets
range from $18 to $45. Call
354-5547 for information.
The Ponte Vedra Library
hosts the Brass Ring Music
Contest open to Beaches stu-
dents in grades 6-12 from 9:30
a.m. to- 3.p.m. at 101 -Library
Blvd., Ponte Vedra Beach. Call'
285-5037 for information.
The Jacksonville Symphony
Orchestra Youth Orchestra per,
forms at 5 p.m. Sunday in
Jacoby Symphony Hall at the.
Times-Union Center for the
Performing Arts, 300 W. Water
St., Jacksonville. Tickets are $7
for children, $12 for adults..
Call 354-5547 for information.
Buy it. Sell it. Find it
in the Classifieds
The Jacksonville Symphony
Orchestra Youth Orchestra
performs at 5 p.m. Sunday in
Jacoby Symphony Hall.
The Duke University Chorale
performs at 3:30 p.m. Sunday*
at St. Paul's By The Seq
Episcopal Church,'1150 5th Stl
N., jacksonville Beach!
Admission is free. Call 270-117
for information.
The Palm Court Society
Orchestra performs at 6:30
p.m. Sunday at Christ
Episcopal Church, 400 San
Juan Dr., Ponte Vedra Beach!
Admission is free. Call 285-
7390 ext. 233.
64 -11
"Powerful ... Haunting"
New York Times Book Review
Khaled Hosseini, author
of the New York Times
Best Seller, The Kite
,. ,. ,ar ,ow,(. ,( Runner, comes to Jack-
sonville for one of his
; I rare public appearances.
: Part of the Friends of the
'I : Library-Ponte Vedra
SBeach Major Author Se-
S U ries, Hosseini will speak
SI at UNF's Lazzara The-
atre on Sunday, March
U ...1 L u 19 starting at 7:30 p.m.
General seating: $20 FOL members
$30 non-members
Special Student's tickets only $5
Also available at Seymour's Bookstore in the Ponte Vedra Library
Or visit www.frieridspvlibrary.org
Auto Accident? Neck Pain? Back Pain?
See Dr.'R.G. Packo, Chiropractic P/hsician
Voted "Best Physician" &
"Favorite Doctor" at the Beach*
Document Your Injuries Massage Therapist on Site .
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.o..c ., .!. ..,,in Experience ofDoctors
' J, Call 285-ACHE(2243
Weppnrl 6 Th ece edrPneVer edrMrh1,20
Human Development
The Catholic Campaign for
Human Development is
accepting grant applications
for self-help projects to elimi-
nate poverty in the communi-
ty from local non-profit organ-
izations. Organizations must
be incorporated and tax-
exempt and benefit a poverty
group. Grant applications *are
available from Catholic'
Charities Regional Office at
134k East Church Street in
Jacksonville. The application
deadline is April 30; for infor-
mation call 899-5500..
Good News
Oceanside Church of Christ
invites the community to hear
the Good News preached by
Wayne. Langford on Sunday,
March 12 at 11 a.m. and 6:30
p.m. and on Monday, through
Wednesday, March 12 to 15 at
7:30 p.m. The church is locat-
ed at 1025 Snug Harbor Court
in Atlantic Beach; call 246-
2709 for information.
Beth El Purim
Celebrate Purim with an
evening of fun at Beth El the
Beaches Synagogue. Adults
and children are invited to the
retelling of the story of Esther
and Haman which will begin
at 7 p.m. Beth El's address is
288 N. Roscoe Blvd. in Ponte
Vedra, call 273-9100 for infor-
Community Bible Study
A women's Community
Bible Study is forming in Ponte
Vedra with Ponte Vedra United
Methodist Church as the host
church. The class will be held
on Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. and
the schedule will coincide with
the public school calendar. An
eight-week study of the book
of Nehemiah will begin the
study. PVUMC is located at 35
photo submitted
Algo Mas recently opened 'Los Manos Lodge for children in the southern region of Costa Rica.
See story on page B-7.
Executive Way, Suite 150; con-
tact: the office at 280-5141 for
information or visit the web-
site at www.community-
Griefshare is a ten week sem-
inar beginning on Monday,
March 20 at Beach United
Methodist Church. The semi-,
nar is for those who have expe-
rienced the death of someone
close to them. For information
or to register, contact Marcia in
the church office at 249-2343.
The church address is 325 7th
Ave. N. in Jacksonville Beach.
Seder CeramicsWorkshop
The Beaches Jewish
Women's Circle will have a
Ceramic Seder plate workshop
on Sunday, March 19 at 3 p.m.
Ceramics and glass artist
Heather Ferman will assist par-
ticipants to make a personal-
ized Seder plate for their fanii-
lies. The cost of the program is
$10 or free to members. For'
information, Chabad @ the
Beaches at 285-1588. Chabad
is located at 521 AlA N in
Ponte Vedra.
Church Homecoming
Palm Valley Baptist Church
will have a Homecoming
Service at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday,
March 19.' The guest speaker
will be Evangelist J.O. McLeod
and music will be provided b\
Kindred Spirit. A fellowship
meal will follow the service; all
are welcome to attend. The
church address is 4890 Palm
Valley Road in Ponte Vedra; for
information call 285-2447.
History of Zionism
Rabbi Eliezer Ben Yehuda
will conduct a,19-week course
on the history of Zionism
using a film series made in
Israel as part of the course. For
information contact Robin
Ford at 273-9100. Beth El is at
288 N. Roscoe Blvd. in Ponte
Pastor's Bible Study
Pastor Michael Blaker of St.
Andrew's by the Sea Lutheran
Church will offer a Pastor's
Bible Study on Tuesdays from 6
to 7 p.m. beginning on March
.14. The study will use "Real
Faith for Real Life: Living the
Six Marks of Discipleship" by
Rev. Michael. Foss to study dis-,
cipleship. The church address
is 1801 Beach Boulevard in
Jacksonville Beach; call 249-
4575 for information.
Lenten Study
'A forty day study of "The
Purpose 'Driven Life" by Rick
Warren will be held at Christ
the Redeemer Church.
Participants are encouraged to
read the book for 20 minutes
daily beginning on Ash
Wednesday and meet on
Wednesday from 7:30 to 8:30
p.m. for seven weeks during
Lent, Childcare will be provid-
ed; to RSVP call Michael and
Mary Parker at 280-9204.
Women's Retreat
St. Paul A.M.E. Church will
host "Healing the Mind, Body,
and Soul" Women's Retreat on
March 31 through April 1. The
event will be held at the Sea
Turtle Inn in Atlantic Beach.
For information, contact Rev.
Mattie Riley Hayes at 537-3658
or at
Heaven on Earth
'Heaven on Earth, an event
to benefit Christ Church
Preschool, will be held on
Friday, March 10 at 7 p.m. on
the church campus at 400 San
Juan Drive in Ponte Vedra.
Scheduled for the event are
"scrumptious delicacies, heav-
enly harmonies, and divine
live and silent auctions."
Auction items include a, col-
lection of golf pin flags and an
autographed limited edition
Fred Taylor football. Tickets pre
$50 per person; call the pre-
school at 285-6371 for infor-
mation and tickets.
Shadow and Light
An exhibit of photography
called Shadow and Light is on
display at the Bethel Gallery at
Ponte Vedra Presbyterian
Church. The exhibit will run
through March 19 at the
church at 4510 Palm Valley
Road, call 285-8225 for infor-
Senior Connection
The next meeting of Senior
Connection will be held on
Friday, March 10 at 10 a.m. in
Our Lady Star of the Sea
Cultural Center. Senior
Connection is a ministry of
OLSS and offers activities for
seniors including cards, danc-
ing, painting,, speakers. ,,and
For information call Senior
Connection Co-Coordiantor
Cheryl Knorek at 543-1139 or
the parish office at 285-2698.
The church address is 545 State
Road A1A N in Ponte Vedra.
Beaches Fine Arts
The Duke University
Chorale will perform on
Sunday, March 12 at St. Paul's
by the Sea Episcopal Church.
The concert,, part of the
Beaches Fine Arts Series, will be
400 San Juan Drive Ponte Vedra Beach
1' r285-6127
Sunday 7:45, 9:00, 11:00 AM, 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist
Saturday 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist
Wednesday 6:00.PM Holy Eucharist.
Evening Prayer in the Chapel
6:00 PM Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. -
Nursery Available for Saturday -, -
& Sunday Services
All are welconsme ChristEpiscopalChurch.org
.1222 S. Third
Sunams a
10:00 a.m. -11:30 a.m.
www.coastalci stian.org
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Wayne Dy'er *. '
The Power of Intention _'
Louise Hay
You Can Heal Your Life
Deepak Chopra
Peace Is The Wtay
We think you're going to love our church!
Join us on Sundays at 10:30 a.m.
Best Western at
1-95 & J. Turner Butler Blvd.
Jacksonville Church of Religious Science
398-4353 or www.iaxcrs.org
(A TraditionalAnglican Church)
Holy Communion
every Sunday at 8:00 A.M.
Holy Trinity meets in the Old Chapel
at 610 Florida Blvd., Neptune Beach
Rev. Robert C. Adams, Vicar
Anglican ChurcA
4 i .ovr r.-cnreed~e.ar-gej~cl crige. r..
ai the A.nglica.n tradition
_f!Ileetjpa at !hE Urni.erzit, C...fter at JrjF
Sunday Worship: 10:30 am
Sunday/ School: 9:00 am
Hor'ni./Crouapso, on weoigr~ rin J.d '.-,.,'.v
Prayer a.r,J meaiwq c Szri.x'. S-N rd .,-,-rn
1r.-1; '2M-- A/. 3AUm6.:1. .241-94005-1
United Methodist
Ponte Vedra
Presbyterian Church f
Wher'/e friends galheer oi worship"
4510 Palm Valley Road iCR 210j
w ww. pv'pc..cofm
Sun. Worship 9:00 & 10:30 a.m.
Sunday Breakfast
Nursery & Toddler Ministries
Middle, High School, College
Adult Ministries
Music & Art Ministries
Home of a Bethlehem Visit
Worship With
Your Family
-74.4 -
Worship Opportunities
9:00 a.m. Contemporary*
11:15 a.m. Traditional*
-Kids Worship provided
Sunday School
10:00 a.m. for all ages
Rev. Jeff Bennett.Pastor
Adam Ners, Youth
35 Execulihe Wa.. PVB
Across A IA from Rawlings School
Behind Prosperity Bank
280-5141 ww.pv-umc.org
"Connecting the Unconnected'
1050 Highway A1A* 285-4288
Traditional Worship 8:30am
Bible Study 9:40am
Celebration Worship 10:30am
Associate Pastor Jeremy Gates
Associate Pastor Chris Partin
An Evangelical Free Church
Sunday School & A.B.F.'s 9:00 a.m.
Worship Service 10:15 a.m.
298 Aquatic Drive
Atlantic Beach
Phone: 249-3030
Wed. Evening 7:30 pm,
Ribault Garden Club
705 2nd. Ave. N., Jax Bch
(Corner 2nd. Ave. N. and 7th St. N.)
Reverend Betty R. Sikking
Dial A Prayer 355-7044
Church of the Daily Word
Palms __
Presbyterian .
Worship Services; ,
8:30 andl 11:00 aim.
5:45 p.m.
Nursery at all services
Sunday School
all ages 9.40 a.m.
Rev. Dr. Thomas Walker
Senior Pastor
Rev. Carol DiGiusto
Senior Associate Pastor
Rev Andrew Kukla
Associate Pastor
3410 Soulh Third Sireel
Jacksonville Beach
(904) 246-6427
www palmscnurch org
1423 N. 8th Ave., Jax Beach
Rev. Dana A. Brones, Pastor
Phone: 249-5418
8:30 a.m. & 11:00 am. eraitinal
Praise & Worship Saturday 5:30pm
Sunday School 9:45 a.m.
Adult Bible Classes 9:45 a.m.
ST. ANDREW'S ST. FRNCIS St.' Paul's by the Seac
(BY THER CHUSCH"E'CA)-IN.THEFIELDBE ACHE CHAPELCHURCH Sunday School for all ages 9:00 a.m.
SStep sEA ga tion Eal ChEPISCOPAL CHURCH SCOV l Ch Ch Worship Service 10:15 a.m.
1801 Beach Blvd. REAL ROOTED, RELEVANT mB NEPUNEBEACH Youth Fellowship 11:30am.
Jacksonville Beach 249-4575 REAL, ROOTED, RELEVANT Nursery Provided -
Sunday Worship 895 CR 210 -Palm Valley s as M Associate Pastor Howard McMinn UNITED METHODIST CHURCH
8:00 a yn &E 10:30 a Sn 4 1 r miles west of Intracoastal W Famiies Children's Chapel At 10 am Sun. WORSHIP SERVICES
Sunday School Sunday Services 8:45 am & 11:00 AM Singles Nursery At 7:30 & 10 am Services Sun. Sunday 8:30 & 10:15AM 400 Penman Road (at Atlantic)
Children 9:15 am Christian Formation 10:10am inges Christian Formation At 9:00 am Wednesday 7 PM Neptune Beach 2495370
Youth/Adult 9:15 am Nursery Provided Corner of 5th St. & 11h Ave. N. Jax Beach, FL* www.stpaulsbythesea@spbts.net TEL 241-4211 Rev. Patrice Spenser
Nursery Provided 543-0112 904-249-4091 www.beacheschapel.com Share in the love of Christ
C"O*M CHURCH NUTH RAN CH U NLEOU IF of the Beaches (Disciples of Christ) CATHOLIC CHURCH
CHURCHFLUTHERANC URA/U E 2125 Oceanfront & Seagate, NeptuneBeach CATHOLIC CHURCH
S150 SherryODave, AtlanticBeach, FL Come worship with us by the ocean. CATHOLIC 2400 Mayrt Rd.Atlantic Beach
1 Rev. Dr. Gabe Goodman, Pastor (ELCA) B pst Church Come worship with us by the ocean th Street Father Joseph Meehan
,u, ,ChurchOffice 249-8698 276 N. ROscoe Blvd., Ponte Vedra Bch Sundas: 1st Avenue Northat th Strt WEEKEND MASSES
Preschool/Kindergarten Office 241-7335 SUNDAYTraditional services Jacksonville Beach Saturday 5p.m.
www.communeypcusa.org Ph. 285-5347 9:00 am- Contemporary Worship Service 8:00 & 9:00 am Sunday 9 a.m.11
Schedule: Rev. Julie Frank,Pastor 10:30 am Traditional Service Celebration Praise Father Wm. A. Kelly, pastor ,
SundayMomg Worship 8:30&11a.m. Sunday Contemporary Worship WEDNESDAY am Saturday Mass 9 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Nursery Available SundayMorning
Church School-All Ages 9:45 a.m. 8:3O am W6:30 pm- The Gathering WEDNESDAY (SEP-MAY) Sunday Mass 7:00,8:30, 10:00, SarC10ONCILIATON t
s p 8:3 am 6:30 p The Gathering 5:30 upper or ba.
YonuFellow ship Sev. 559p.m. Sunday Church School 9:45am Bible Studies for Every Age & Life Situation 6:30Choir, Bible Study, Youth 11:30 a.m. & 7 p.m. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION
Chancel Choir Wednesdays7p.m Sunday LBW Worship 11:00am 407 Third Street Mahlon Dixon, Senior Pastor 246-2010 Saturday Confessions Wed. 6:00 .m. (K-3) 7:15 p.m. (4-6 gr.)
pwwwneptunebaptistorg Ne Beach James Collins, Associate Pastor After 9 a.m. Mass & 4:30 -5:20 p.m. Sunday 6:00 p.m. (7-H.S.)
Weekday Preschoolindergarten (3,4 & 5 yr olds) Nursery Provided Tom Bary, Pastors 94-249-2307 www.fccbdoe.com ema:fccbdoc@be lsouth.net 246-6014
S.jf Palm Valley Baptist Church El- Eer rY-,. PEI Spiritual ea.r OCEANSIIDE 4
48906PalmValley Road. PoiteVedra U '. BETKWEL ^r^i jer t 1TTTITC1F1S
285-247 iia...j. 1025 Snug Harbor Court "n
Rev. Jeff Witt, Senior Pastor- F ins1dn iud 288 N. Roscoe Blvd., Ponte Vedra Beach. 904 273-9100 (fx) 273-5567 (off Mayport Rd. at W. 11th St. and Orchid
S4A / s o a d 9,0- ,-a 6Friday evening Family service 6:30 -7:00 & 8:00 9000 p.m. St.) 324 N. 5th St., 249-2314
Join us on Sundayfor:i Service Times Shabbat & Torah Services 9:30 12:00 noon Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Bible Stud 9:15 am
Worship Service 10:30AM Saturday 5:00 pm Religious School Sundays 9:00 a.m & Wednesdays 4:30 p.m. 246-2709
Evenin Bible Study 6:00PM Suday8:00am9:3am & ll:00am Wehav a fll range of activities and services for the beaches wish Jerry Murrell, Mim Evening Worshi 630 .m.
Family Dlnner 6:00 PM community. Please contact our officem-f8-5 for information about adult Bible Class Sunday, 10:00 a.m. Evening Worship 6:30p.m.
Children and Youth Bible Study 7:00 pM (904) 268-2500 education. Sisterhood activities and Youth activities. Worship .11:00 a.m. Wednesday Evening 6:15 p.m.
Adult Worship Service 7:00 PM
Child Care and Nurseryprovidedforallctivities www.MandarinChristian.com ....Evening Service 6:30 p.m. Weekday Ministry 246-2891'
"Ther3hteousshaflouhetlihepalmtree.,-Plms92:12 6045 Greenland Rd. near Philips Hwy. ,<, ..f- 1. ...... Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 p.m., Service interpreted for the hearing impaired
I -
March 10, 2006
Weekend 6
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
iv.larcLLIL ,I adf-- ---n ---, L. W---v e n
Algo Mas volunteers reunite
A reunion of people .from
Community Presbyterian
Church and other volunteers
who participated in missions
to benefit Algo Mas was held
at ,the church social hall on
March 6.
"The main work of Algo Mas
is providing temporary foster
care for children in transi-
tion," said Rev. Peyton
Hopkins of Community
Presbyterian Church.
Retired beaches physician
Bruno Masters, a long-time
member of Community
Presbyterian Church, founded
the faith-based organization
after a trip to the area, he said.
Algo Mas serves children
and families in the area near
Golfito in southern Costa
Rica. The organization works
with PANI, the Costa Rican
government agency for chil-
Maegan Hoeffel, Director of
Algo Mas, attended the
reunion. During a two week
stay in Northeast Florida, she
has spoken at Christ Episcopal
Church and other area
churches, civic organiza-
tions,and school s about the
work of Algo Mas and Its cur-
rent project, Las Manos Lodge.
Las Manos Lodge, known as
"the center of love and hope
for girls and boys", is a shelter
for endangered and at-risk
children. It is the only facility
of its kind in the southern
region of Costa Rica, said
"Kids get dropped off with
nothing. We see malnutrition'
Pamela Mitchell Almand, board member of Algo Mas, and
Maegan Hoeffel, director of Algo Mas, attended the mission vol-
unteer reunion on March 6 at Community Presbyterian Church.
and skin diseases, said
The region had formerly
been the location of banana
plantations When the com-
panies that operated the plan-
tations left,the area, the Costa
Rican people there were left
with. little opportunities for
employment t.
"This part of Costa Rica is
very poor. It needs help and,
many children are neglected
or abandoned," said Jule
McAvity, a member of' Christ
Episcopal Church who led a
mission trip there in July,
"I am particularly impressed
with Maegan and her dedica-
tion to help the mission and
to inspire the people who visit
on mission trips. I watched
her speak at our Youth Group
meeting the other evening
and she really touched the
kid's hearts." saic McAvity.
Algo Mas' most pressing
need is improving the build-
ngs used for Las Manos Lodge,
said Hoeffel.
"Algo Mas is registered in
the United States as a 501-3C
charitable organization," said
Pamela Mitchell Almand, an
Algo Mas Board Member.
Locally, the Board works to
fill containers with items
needed by Algo Mas in Costa
Rica. In the Unfted States,
Algo Mas can be contacted at
743-5297. or at www.algomas-
There is always a need for
children's clothing, personal
hygiene items, towels, bed
linens, games and sports
equipment. Also needed are
medical and school. equip-
ment, furniture, power tools,
and kitchen materials.
Community Presbyterian
Church has for the past six
years undertaken a mission
trip there in early December.
Several days of the trip were
spent working 'on building
improvements. The- rest of the
time the group organized a
Christmas celebration for the
area's children;
The church sent 150 back-
packs filled with underwear,
socks, toys, and other items,
for the children, said Hopkins.
who has gone on several mis-
sion trips there.
The volunteers work- hard to
give the children a great time,
he said.
"Children from all over the
area travel by boat and by bus
to come to the parrs."
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The Solution, is a small oral appliance professionally fitted
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Call for your appointment
227 11thFAve. S.,Jax Beach
Corner 11 th Ave. S. and 3rd St. S.
Mpn. Thu.
8am 6pm
Fri. 8am 12pm
Cont. from B-6
at 3:30 p.m. The. church
address is 5th St. and 1,th Ave
N. in Jacksonville Beach; call
249-4091 for information.
Chabad Purim
Chabad @ the Beaches wil:
have a festive Purim Meal or
Monday, March 13 beginning
at 6 p.m. with children's crafts
This will be followed by the
chanting of the Megilla, a tra
ditional Purim feast and a
drum sessiori by AfriAQInirr
artist Zohar Israel. The event is
free but donations are appreci.
ated; Ittwillbeheld at 521 A1 A
N in Ponte Vedra. For infoima
tion contact Chabad at 285.
The Annual Purim
Celebration -will be held or,
Tuesday, March 14 at the JCA
at 5:30 p.mi The Megilla read
ing will beat 4:30 p.m. Musica
artist Sam Glaser will perform
.Advance tickets, available for
sale from. Chabad @the
Beaches, are $25 for adults. and
$15 for children if purchase
by March 7; after that date the
cost is $30 for adults and $18
for children.
Planning/National Day ol
Planning meetings for the
National Day of Prayer will be
on April 5, and April 26 at the
Beaches Library in Neptune
Beach. The National Day ol
Prayer will be on Thursday
May 4. For information con
tact Susan Alberti at susanal.
berti@comcast.net or. 285-
Divorce care class
A support group for separate.
ed and divorced people i
forming at Palm Valley Baptisi
Church arnd will begin or
Wednesday, March 15. Foi
information, call the church
office at 285-2447.
'Prayer group meets
Beaches Community Prayei
Group meets every Thursday al
9:30 a.m. in the conference
room of The Winston Family
YMCA on Landrum Lane ir
Ponte Vedra. For information
call 285-0267.
Marriage class
Beach United Methodisi
Church will offer "Conflici
Resolution in Marriage" foi
four Sundays in March begin.
ning on March 5. The class
will be led by by Dr. Jeff Hood
a marriage and family coun
selor, who will focus on con
flict resolution techniques thai
promote reconciliation and
For information or to register
for the class, call Marcia in the
church office at 249-2343, ext
11. The class will begin at 11
a.m. and is held in Room 2107
Celebrate Recovery ,,
Celebrate Recovery, a biblica
based program for persons fac
ing personal problems, meets
every Friday at 6:30 p.m. in the
fellowship hall of Beach
United Methodist Church
Third Street at Seventh Avenue
North, Jacksonville Beach.
Through worship and same-
. gender small groups, people
1 can work on personal struggles
such as eating disorders, alco-
hol/drug abuse, and codepen-
dencv. The evenings begin
1 with dinner. Call 249-2343.
Retreats at Marywood
. The following retreats' are
e, planned at the Marywood
- Retreat Center in the
a Switzerland area of Northwest
.i t, [ohns Co( n .: .
s Outdoor FamlVy Stations of
- the Cross will be held on
N March 5, 12, 19, 25, and April
- 2. Gather at 3 p.m. to pray the
- Stations of the Cross along
'far.vwood's nature trail.
i Diocesan deacons will lead the
1 Stations and light refreshments
Swill be served at the conclusion
- of prayer. There is no cost to
I attend.
S March 16: St. Patrick's Day
r Mass and Dinner. Rev. Daniel.
SCod'y will celebrate Mass at
1 6:30 p.m. A corned beef and
cabbage dinner. will follow the
e Mass. Cody will also provide
entertaining reflections on his
native Ireland. Limited seating
is available; the cost is $15 for
f adults and $7.50'for children.,
March 18: The Roots of
e Christian Mysticism will be led
e by Sr. Rose Hoover. This is the
E last in a seven week series on
e* mysticism. This session will
f focus on Carmelite Mysticism
, and will begin at 9:30 a.m. and
- end at 3 p.m. The cost is $35
- which includes lunch.
March 22:. Day for Seniors:
Book of Ruth in Prayer and
Song will be led by, Kevin
McGrath. Using the Book of
- Ruth, McGrath will develop
s steps to happiness and peace
t and focus on learning and
i teaching about kindness. The
r event begins with lutch at 12
noon and ends at 3 p.m. The
cost is $12 which includes
March 25: Lenten Day of
r Reflection: A Journey into the
t Desert will be led by Fr. John
Tetlow. Using the Gospel of the.
Woman at the Well, Tetlow
i will lead participants through
i Jesus' 40 days in the desert
with reflection on the oasis in
the desert. The. day beings at
9:30 a.m. and ends with Mass
t at 2:30 p.m. The cost is $2'7
t which includes lunch.
r Marywood is located at
-1715-5 State Road 13. For
s information on these or other
, events, call (904) 287-2525 or
- toll-free (888)-287-2530.
t Moms pray for kids
I A group of mothers known
as Moms in Touch meets week-
r ly to 'pray. for their children,
e other students and the schools
they attend. The group meets
1 on Tuesday afternoons at a
church in Ponte Vedra Beach.
For location and more infor-
mation, call Nancy at 273-
l 8486.
s Midweek for kids
e The following events are
i held at Beaches area churches
, on Wednesdays for youngsters:
e Palm .Valley Baptist Church
at 4890 Palm Valley Road in
Ponte Vedra has Bible Study
and activities for children at 7
p.m. Contact the church at'
Sunrise Christian Church
youth group meets 7 p.m. to
8:30 p.m., beginning. with
group praise and worship, fol-
lowed by small groups for fel-
lowship, Bible study and
prayer. .
The church is at 298 Aquatic
Drive, Atlantic Beach. Call 249-
30303 . .. "
Bethlehem Buddies is open
to all children 3 years old,
'through second grade at
Bethlehem Lutheran, Church,
1423 Eighth Ave. N.,
Jacksonville Beach, from 7
p.m. to 9 p.m., with Bible sto-
ries, crafts and songs. ,
High school Bible study is 7
p.m. to 8:15 p.m. at Bethlehem
Youth in grades six through
12 and families meet .at 6:30
p.m. at Christ Episcopal
Church, Ponte Vedra Beach, for
dinner in 'the parish hall.
Youth JAM begins at.7 p.m.
and includes guitar lessons,
singing, and rehearsal for the
11 a.m. Sunday contemporary
worship service in .parish hall
geared toward youth. and fami-
lies with children.
Dinner and JAM are open to
the community. JAM is free,
.and dinner is $4 per person,,
$12 per family maximum. The
church is at Solana Road and
San Juan Drive.
Youths in grades six through
8 meet at 6:30 p.m. in the
Outback, the modular building
behind Palms Presbyterian
Church, 3410 Third St. S.,
Jacksonville Beach. Contact
.the leader, Murray Beard, at
285-5106. The Senior High
Group meets in the Outback
on Sunday immediately fol-
lowing the Sunset Worship
Service. Contact leaders bDale
and Ingram Caswell at 285-
Dynamic Disciples (grades K-
5) at First Christian Church of
the Beaches meets Wednesday
from' 6:30 to 7:45. .Teens in
Motion Youth Group meets'
'from 6:30 to 7:45 with special
events and trips held on other
dates. The church address is
2125 Oceanfront, Neptune
Beach. Call 246-2010.,
Building Blocks, a group for
children 'ages 3 to 6, and Kids
Club for youngsters in grades
one through 6 meet at 7:15
p.m. at Family Bible Church,
4760 Palm Valley Road, Ponte
Vedra Beach. Bridge Builders
for grades 7 through 12 meets
from 7 to 8:30 p.m.
YouthAlive with Bible Study
and worship for grades seven
through 12, is held from 7 to
7:45 p.m. at Keman, Boulevard
.Baptist Church, 4000 Kernan
Blvd. S., south of Beach
Boulevard. Preschool and chil-
dren's choirs through 6th
grade meet from 7 to 7:45 p.m.
Youth from Beach United
Methodist Church, Third Street
at Seventh Avenue North,
Jacksonville Beach, meet 6
p.m. to 8 p.m. at various loca-
tions. Directions to Wednesday
meetings are handed out at
247, the church's Sunday night
worship service for youths,
held 6 p.m. to 8:45 p.m.
Church choir school is
Offered for age 3 through sLxth
grade at Christ Episcopal
Church after school at various
times,, depending on the
youngster's age. Children
develop musical skill and
Christian formation. The
school is free and is given by
Timothy McKee, music direc-
tor of the chutibrch...L-rT -
6127. .....
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We~e.end 7
The Beaches Le ader/Ponte Vedra Leader
M h 10 2006
March 10, 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
ABC Music & Me: Childr
ages 1 to 5 experience weel
lessons that include music
instrument exploration
singing, listening and creati
movement. Classes are held
the Community Presbyteria
Church Education Buildir
150 Sherry Drive, Atlani
Beach. 372-0116.
Adopt-A- Rescued-Kitt
Kittens and cats which ha
been veterinarian-checked ai
tested, and have shots and ha
been altered, are available f
adoption Saturdays from
a.m. to 6 p.m. at PetCo'
Atlantic and Kernan boulevard
Al-Anon: Al-Anon Fami
Groups offer a recovery pi
gram for families and friends
alcoholics, whether or not t
alcoholic seeks help. Meeting
are held every Monday, inclu
ing holidays, at 10:30 a.m.
400 Penman Road, Jacksonvi
Beach. Meetings are also ava
able at other times, days a]
locations. Call 350-0600 f
American Legion: TI
American Legion Auxilia
DeWitt B. Tilden Unit 3
meets at 8 p.m. the secoi
Monday of each month at 11,
Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beac
Call 249-0202 for information
American Legion: Americ
Legion Ocean Beaches Post 1.
and Auxiliary Ocean Beach
Unit 129 meet at 8 p.m. the fi
Thursday of the month at 11
South Fourth St., Jacksonvi
Beach. Call 249-2266 for infc
American Legion: Americ
. Legion Post 233, Pon
Vedra/Palm Valley,
Wilderness Trail N. off Car
Boulevard, meets the fir
Thursday of the month at
p.m. Steak night is held eve
Friday from 6 to 9 p.m. f
members and guests. 285-248
Art association: The Pab
Towers Art Association mee
from 12:30 to 3 p.m. eve
Wednesday. Call 246-4158 f
Ballroom dancing: Ballroo
dancing is offered eve
Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at t
Senior Center, 19th Av
Jacksonville Beach. The cost
$4. Call 241-3796 for inform
Beaches Arts Center:
beginner watercolor class
offered from 9 to 11 a.i
Tuesday, and watercolor for
levels is offered Tuesd
evening, and Wednesday ar
Thursday morning. Figu
drawing classes are he
Tuesday from 7 to 9 p.m. T
Beaches Arts Center is located
228 Third Ave. N., Jacksonvi
Beach. 241-8816.
Beaches Palm Group: T
Florida Writer's Associatic
Beaches Palm Group meets t
fourth Saturday of each mon
except December at the Por
Vedra Beach Library. 904-28
Beaches storytellers: T
Beaches League of Storytell
meets at the Ponte Vedra Bea
Library, 101 Library Blvd., Por
Vedra Beach, at 10:30 a.j
every second Saturday of t
month from Septemb
through May. Call George Mi
at 246-1502 for information.
Bookmobile: The Libra
Elderly Outreach Bookmob
serves seniors living in T
Stratford from 9:30 to 10 a.r
and at Vicar's Landing frc
noon to 1:30 p.m. every' seco
and fourth Friday. 904-8;
Breakfast network: T
Ponte Vedra Chamber
Commerce meetsat 7:30 a.:
the second Wednesday of t
month at the Sawgrass Grille
The Tavern for breakfast. Em
for information.
Breast-feeding suppo
Baptist Medical Center Bead
offers a breast-feeding supp<
group from 10 to 11:30 a.m.
Conference Room B at 13
13th Ave. S. the first Monday
the month. The group is mod
ated by Loretta Haycook. Th
is no cost, and babies and c1
dreri are welcome. Snacks a
beverages are served. 247-297
Cancer support group: T
Cancer Support Group
Baptist Medical Center Beacd
meets at' 6 p.m. Wednesday
the Florida Cancer Center
Medical Office Building B
the hospital campus. Call 24
2910 for information.
en Coast Guard Auxiliary: U.S.
kldy Coast Guard Auxiliary 14-04
:al meets at 7:30 p.m. the first
n, Wednesday of the month at the
ve Captain's Club, 13363 Beach
at Blvd. 246-4722 or 422-2811.
ig, Depression support:
tic Depression Bipolar Support
Alliance Jacksonville Beaches
meets Sundays at 5:30 p.m. at
y: Beaches Medical Center, 1350
ve 13th Ave. S., Jacksonville Beach.
rid Visit www.dbsajax.org for infor-
ve mation.
10 Foundation Academy: The
at Foundation Academy, 107
ds. Third Ave. S., Jacksonville
Beach, has an open house from
ily 9 to 11:30 a.m. Tuesday. Call
ro- 241-3515 for information.
he Friends on the Go: Friends
igs on the Go with Jack Morgan
id- meets at 7 p.m. the second
at Tuesday of each month at the
lie Ponte Vedra Beach Branch
il- Library.
or Grief recovery: A Grief
Recovery Support Group meets
the third Thursday of the
he month at 7 p.m. at, St. Paul's
ry Catholic Church in library, 578
16 First Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach.
nd The group is fot those who are
27 grieving the death of a family
h. member or friend. Call Margaret
i. Lane at 280-0871 for informa-
29- JMOMA: The Jacksonville
ies Museum of Modem Art offers
rst guided tours for all ages at vari-
51 ous times. 366-6911, extension
lle 212.
Kiwanis Beaches: The
Kiwanis Club of Jadcksonville
an Beaches meets Thursdays at
ite noon at Selva Marina Country
12 Club, 1600 Selva Marina,
lal Atlantic Beach. Call Jonathan
rst Daugherty at 635-4228 for
7 information.
or Libertarians: The Libertarian
4. Part), of St. Johns County meets
the second Wednesday of each
ilo month. Call Doug Price at 904-
ets 273-7480 for information.
for Lions Club: The Lions Club
of Jacksonville Beach meets at 7
p.m. the first and third
im Mondays at the corner of
vry Penman Road, anrd, Secpnd
he Avenue North; and at noon on
e., the second and fourth Tuesdays
is at Perkins Restaurant, 14471
la- Beach Blvd. For information on
Monday's meetings,' call Chuck
Carroll-at 241-1129; call Denny
A Bradford at 220-2222 for infor-
is mation on Tuesday's meetings.
all Lions Club of PV: The Lions
ay Club of Ponte Vedra Beach
nd meets the second and fourth
ire Thursdays at noon at Aqua Grill
ld in Sawgrass Village. Call Sue
he Hollis at 616-2681 for informa-
at tion.
Long Time Newcomers: The
Long Time Newcomers Club of
he the Beaches and West Beaches
on meets at Selva Marina Country
he Club in Atlantic Beach on the
th fourth Tuesday of the Month,
ite September through May. This is
35- a ladies' club. Social hour starts
at 11 a.m., followed by various
entertainers, performers and
he informative speakers. 273-0362.
ch MOPS: Mothers of Pre-
ite Schoolers meets the 'second
m. Monday of each month at 9:30
he a.m., and the third Monday of
:er each month at 7 p.m. (child
ills care provided) at Christ the
Redeemer Church, '190 S.
Roscoe Blvd., Ponte Vedra
iry Beach. Call 285-8009 for infor-
ile mation.
n., Mothers & More: Mothers &
,m More, a national, not-for-profit
nd organization supporting
i3- sequencing women (women
who have altered their careers
to raise children at home),
he meets the second Tuesday and
fourth Wednesday of every
month. Locations very. 858-
NAIC: The local NAIC
Investment Club meets at 7
p.m. the fourth Monday of each
month at the Beaches Library.
Visitors are welcome. Call Dick
at 476-4260 for information.
New Directions: New
Directions, a support group for
the divorced and separated,
meets at 6:45 p.m. the second
and fourth Wednesday of the
month at 4118 Loretto Road
next to the white church, in the
convent at St. Joseph's Catholic
Church. 268-1591.
Open-air market: The Town
Center Green Market, an open-
air market, is held Saturday
from 8 a.m. till noon at the
Neptune Beach Kmart on
Atlantic Boulevard. The market
features fresh produce, honey,
sauces, baked goods, hand-
made soap and more.
Oversight Committee: The
Oversight Committee (or the
Beaches Resource Center meets
-at 7- p.m. the first Monday of
every month in the Media
Center at' Fletcher High School.
The Oversight Committee con-
sists of parent and faculty repre-
sentatives from the 10 Beaches
public schools and at-large rep-
resentatives from the Beaches
communities. 270-8200.
Palm Valley Senior Center:
The Palm Valley Senior Center,
148 Canal Blvd., is open
Tuesday and Thursday from 10
a.m. to 2 p.m. Lunch is served at
noon. Call 280-3233 for lunch
reservations or for information
on various activities throughout
the day. For transportation to
lunch, call 280-3753 between
7:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.
Peripheral neuropathy: The'
Jacksonville Peripheral
Neuropathy Support Group
meets the second Saturday of
the month at 10 a.m. at the
Glendale Community Church,
6411 Beach Blvd. 269-0984.
Persephone Healing Arts:
Persephone Healing Arts
Center, 485 Sixth Ave. N.,
Jacksonville R. ;c, hotst, an
open house fi6om :30 f6'7 p.m.
the third Thursday of the
month. The center will also
have an information booth at
Organic Jungle, 13947 Beach
Blvd., Jacksonville Beach, the
third Saturday of the month.
Call 246-3583 for information.
Prayer group: The Beaches
Community Prayer Group
meets at 9:30 a.m. in the con-
ference room of the Winston
Family YMICA in Ponte Vedra.
Call 285-0267 for information.
Railroad Club: The Beaches
Area Model Railroad Club meets
at 7 p.m. Tuesday and Friday at
941 Fourth St. N., Jacksonville
Beach, behind Sportsmania.
The club is open to anyone
interested in scale model rail-
roading. Call Dave Henk at 641-
8800 or Richard Paul at 223-
Reckless Readers: Reckless
Readers, a women's reading
group, meets the third Monday
of the month at 7 p.m. at the
Beaches Branch Library. 247-
Recovery, Inc.: Recovery,
Inc., a mental health support
group, meets at 6:30 p.m.
Friday at St. Paul's Catholic
Church's Family Life Center,
578 First Ave. N., Jacksonville
Beach. 247-3299.
Senior activities: The
Beaches Senior Citizen Center,
281 S. 19th Ave., Jacksonville
Beach; and the Neptune Beach
Senior Activity Center, 2004
Forest Ave., Neptune Beach,
offer various activities Monday
through Friday from 9 a.m. Call
241-3796 for information on
the Beaches center; the Neptune
Beach center may be reached at
Seniors By The Sea: Seniors
By The Sea meets the second
Thursday of each month in the
Fellowship Hall at Beach United
Methodist Church, Third Street
and Seventh Avenue North,
Jacksonville Beach, at 11 a.m.,
followed by lunch for $4.50.
Call 241-7300 for information.
Senior tennis: Tennis for sen-
iors is being offered at
Huguenot Tennis Center in
Jacksonville Beach from 9 to 11
a.m. Friday. 247-6221.
Single Again: The Single
Again self-help group meets the
first Tuesday of each month at 7
p.m. at Beaches United
Methodist Church, 35
Executive Way, Ponte Vedra.
Email singleagainpvb@aol.com
for information.
Sons. of the American
Legion: The Sons of the
American Legion Squadron 316
meets the first Monday of each
month at 7:30 p.m. at 1127
Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beach.
Call 249-0202 for information.
Submarine veterans: USS\I -
First Coast Base meets at 11 a.m.
the second Saturday of the
month at American Legion Post
316, 127 Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic
Beach. 241-6222.
Toastmasters: The Beaches
Area Toastmasters Club meets
Monday at 7 p.m. at Watson
Realty Property Management
Building, 115 Penman Road,
Neptune Beach. 241-0919.
Toastmasters: The Ponte
Vedra Beach Toastmasters Club
meets every,' Tuesday from 7:45
to 8:45 a.m. at the Ponte Vedra
Golf and Country Club at
Sawgrass. 904-716-4045.
Untamed Adventures:
Untamed Adventures is an out-
door group. for women ages 18
to 80. Visit www.untamedad-
ventures.org or call '241-9920
for information..
---- -, ,
Veterans meet: The Men's
Auxiliary of Veterans of Foreign
Wars Greater Beaches Post 3270,
915 8th Ave. S., Jacksonville
Beach, meets at 7 p.m. the sec-
ond Wednesday of the month.
Members of Post 3270 and the
Ladies Auxiliary meet at 9 a.m.
the second Saturday of the
month. 249-7366.
Weight loss consults: Free
body fat analysis and weight
loss consults are offered
Thursday at Metabolic
Research Center, 274 Solana
Road, in the Winn-Dixie Plaza.
Zonta Club: The Zonta Club
of Jacksonville meets the third
Monday of each month at 6
p.m. at the Radisson Riverwalk
Hotel, 1515 Prudential Drive.
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WCeekend 9
March 10. 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
w __v
(D bov
Wekn 0TeBece edrPnr 'daLaerMrh1,20
228 3rd Ave. N., Jacksonville
Beach. 339-0029. Hours 1
p.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesday-
Ave., Jacksonville Beach *
241-5657. Exhibits: "Shore
Stories: Down the Boardwalk"
"The ABCs of Beaches
History" "A View on the
Past." Hours are 10 a.m. to
4:30 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday.
12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Sunday. Admission $5 adults,
$4 seniors, $3 children (6-17).
Palm Valley Road, Ponte
Vedra Beach 285-8225.
Features themed original art
shows using mixed media
from local and regional
artists. Hours are 9 a.m. to 5
p.m., Monday to Friday and 9
a.m. to noon Sunday.
4600 Middleton Circle E.,
Jacksonville 223-6100. Art
work by Cypress Village resi-
dents and visiting artists.
Hours 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Tuesday through Sunday.
GALLERY, 137 King St., St.
Augustine (904) 825-4577.
Features original paintings,
photography, clay, art, seri-
graphs, sculpture, jewelry and
painted furniture. Hours are
noon to 6 p.m. Tuesday
through Sunday.
Cordova St., St. Augustine *
826-3890. Hours are 11 a.m.
to 6 p.m. Tuesday through
Sunday. Closed on Monday.
New York style gallery featur-
ing paintings, sculptures and
ceramics. Featured artist every
Friday during Art Walk.
PONTE VEDRA, 50 Executive
Way, Ponte Vedra Beach *
Riverside Ave., Jacksonville *
356-6857. Hours are 10 a.m.
to 9 p.m. Tuesday through
Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Wednesday, Friday and
Saturday, noon to 5 p.m.
Sunday. Admission is $6 for
cWil.s, $4 fqT spniors and mil-
itary, $3 for students, $1 for
kids 5 and under. Free admis-
sion from 4 to 9 p.m. Tuesday.
880 A1A North, Suite 9, Ponte
Vedra Beach 280-2772.
Hours 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Monday through Saturday,
noon to 5 p.m. Sunday.
SAWGRASS, 1740 Sagrass
Village Dr., Ponte Vedra Beach
* 384-7724. Hours 10 a.m. to
6 p.m. Monday through
Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
216 First St., Neptune Beach *
241-6928. Works by local and
regional artists. Monday
through Wednesday, 10 a.m.
to 6 p.m.; Thursday and
Friday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m;
Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.,
and Sunday, noon to 5 p.m.
Call 241-6928.
2411 3rd St. S., Jacksonville
Beach. Art of James Figuly fea-
tured until March 20. Tuesday
through Friday 10 a.m. to 6
p.m. 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturday. Call 247-1050.
1st Street, Neptune Beach *
249-7321. Selling handmade
work from Ireland, England
and U.S. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Monday-Saturday, noon to 5
p.m. Sunday.
177 Fourth Ave. "N.,
Jacksonville Beach 435-
3200. Open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Tuesday through Friday and 1
p.m. to. 4 p.m. Saturday. Also
'by appointment. Pieces are
available for purchase.
Museum Circle, Jacksonville.
396-7062. MOSH features
interactive history and sci-
ence exhibits as well as plane-
tarium events and special
children's activities.
630 Atlantic Blvd., Neptune,
Beach 403-0031. Hours 10
a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday
through Sunday..
1511 Atlantic Blvd. in the
Tradewinds Plaza, Neptune
Beach. Gallery hours are 10
a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday to
Friday and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Saturday. Fpaitur.es Poq-fimn-
sional works from a group
called the Neptune Arts
Group. Phone 247-4341.
Bhoio audommia
Marvin Hamlisch performs with the Jacksonville Symphony
Orchestra March 16-18. Performances are 11 a.m. and 8 p.m.
The concert also features an appearance by guest vocalist
Mark McVey. For tickets and information, call the Jacksonville
Symphony Orchestra box office at 354-5547.
"PIANO BAR" is staged at
8 p.m. today and Saturday at
Players by the Sea, 106 6th St.
N., Jacksonville Beach. The
Gene Nordan musical runs
every Friday and Saturday
through March 18. A matinee
performance is scheduled at 2
p.m. Sunday. Tickets are $20.
Call 249-2022 tor reservations.
SIX WEEKS" opens at 8 p.m.
tody at the Atlantic Beach
Experimental theatre. 716
Ocean Blvd., Atlantic Beach.
Matinees will be staged at 2
p.m. Sunday and March 26.
Reservations can be made for
Thursday through Saturdays
through March 25. Call 249-
"BRIGADOON" is staged
at 8 p.m. today and Saturday
and 2 p.m. Sunday in the
Flagler College Auditorium, 14
Granada St., St. Augustine.
Tickets are $10 and $1,5. Call
819-6249 for information.
Regal 18
Failure to Launch.
Rated PG13. Fri.-Thurs.,
12:05, 12:45, 3:40, 4:25,
7:20, 7:45, 9:35, 10:20.
The Hills Have Eyes.
Rated R. Fri.-Thurs.,
Noon, 1:00, 4:10, 4:40,
7:30, 7:50, 10:00, 10:25.
The Libertine. Rated
NR. Fri.-Thurs., 1:10,
4:30, 7:10, 10:20.
The Shaggy Dog.
Rated PG. Fri.-Thurs.,
12:20, 3:50, 7:35, 9:40.
16 Blocks. Rated PG13.
Fri.-Thurs., 12:40, 3:45,
7:15, 10:10.
Aquamarine. Rated
PG. Fri.-Thurs., 12:30,
3:30, 7:25, 9:55.
Dave Chappelle's
Block Party. Rated R.
Fri.-Thurs., 1:20, 4:20,
7:55, 10:30.
Tyler Perry's Madea's
family Reunion. Rated
PG13. Fri.-Thurs., 12:15,
3:25, 7:00, 9:45.
Date Movie. Rated
PG13. Fri.-Thurs., 1:25,
3:55, 8:00, 10:35.
0 .0
Eight Below. Rated PG.
Fri.-Thurs., 12:35, 3:35,
7:05, 10:05.
Curious George. Rated
G. Fri.-Thurs., 12:25;
Firewall. Rated PG13.
Fri.-Thurs., 6:45, 9:30.
Pink Panther.
PG. Fri.-Thurs.,
3:50, 6:55, 9:40.
White Countess.
PG13. Fri.-Thurs.,
4:15, 7:20, 10:15.
Brokeback Mountain.
Rated R. Fri.-Thurs.,
12:10, 3:30, 6:50, 9:50.
Capote. Rated R. Fri.-
Thurs., 1:05, 4:00, 7:05,
Pablo 9
16 Blocks.
7:35, 9:55.
Rated PG13.
1:35, 4:35,
Capote. Rated G. Fri.-
Thurs., 1:25, 4:25, 7:25,
Eight Below. Rated PG.
Fri.-Thurs., 1:10, 4:10,
7:10, 9:30.
Failure to Launch.
Rated PG13. Fri.-Thurs.,
1:45, 4:45, 7:45, 9:50.
The Hills Have Eyes.
Rated R. Fri.-Thurs., 1:20,
4:20, 7:20, 9:45.
The Libertine. Rated R.
Fri.-Thurs., 1:00, 4:00,
7:00, 9:35.
The Pink Panther.
Rated PG13. Fri.-Thurs.,
1:05, 4:05, 7:05, 9:00.
The Shaggy Dog.
Rated PG. Fri.-Thurs.,
1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 9:05.
Ultraviolet. Rated
PG13. Fri.-Thurs., 1:30,
4:30, 7:30, 9:25.
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For information, pt toddler THE BEACHES LEADER,
call Linda at A POrNT VnnRA I EADEn
March 10, 2006
Weekend 10
The Beaches Leader[Ponte Viedra Leader
. . . . .....
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Iees plus,-asr, .Brara-285-6993
8 ACRES' -epiic, Pine St in Hilliard
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TIM THOMPSON, 591-0303
Vacani LOI, Allanic Beacrh 4 Blocks, i1
Ocean 04-3 acres $985.000 OBO
LOT IEPTuf'IE Beach. Ea.l OI 151i Si
50 120 $725 000 Terrv McCue R E Inc
FLORIDA BLVD- 5IT a.re 101 on marsh R
lidal creel: Mm l bOOsi buiablie loiulprrmi
3101k Ca 904 .608-0.7Ci
JAN BEACH Loi. 50'-4125. 6 t.iock: 10
ocean $235 000 Terry McCue R E.. Inc:
249-72 11
clOse 10 teacr w.' 3BR 2BA roure-
rIEWER, CUSTOM bulll, pr.aie. ocean.
Iruni home wir, high dune views ol Ihe
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44 8, i. s.. 5BRP4 5BA cer, ohice hli no
hardwood Ioor lorral bI in and doing
pool and spa, screenred lana wion roi lu '.
lusr Iandm capping and loaded o ".750 000.
Pr,ylis Siamnes 904.47-6.SOLD RE.MAX
Coastal Real Esiiae wwW psiaines corn
,IEPTurJE BCH 1l.1l11,, re.d-one Irown.
rihucue w.' garage Greal community wv
p.ol 3 rune bedroorms 2 5 Dams. Irpice,
privale v ard Lease OBiin ',.274 1iCiCi
FSBO' 1011 23rd Si [J JB, 3BR.'2BA,
2 Elory, pool l-inced yard 783 4600-
[hwai es
4216 Seabreeze Dr.
3BR/3.5BA., IC\\ \waterfront.
3.100 SF. $749.000
B L T.l[ :i[ lo
S M nei mountain development in
Western North Carolina offering
r. spectacular long range mountain
views! 1 to 7 acre parcels starting @" $39,900 to $89,900.
Two lane paved roads, underground utilities and beauli-
ful private wooded sites. New log cabin shells on 1-2 acre
sites $89,900 to $132,900. Single story ranch or two story
chalets available. Call for free info: 828-247-0081
Full Service Listing Brokerage
MLS, Lock Box, Marketing. Contract to Closing
and everything in between.
Offered to the first 8 to list east of Keman
RegioniAtlantic Realty. LLC
Call Roger Cooper for details today!
(904) 982-7620
I *TSA W 'i.L- io
lil[I6l N, H B',FO lil
Lance Cose Estates- Hawesille. NC '.
Beaullful MoNuniin Vi\ss from Sr reeialer's ne,,esi'
subdivision. i, nuisianding locati:.n One acre plu' lot L
a ,ailabl., ea,,v iacess only minutes hrom the ioin of .tll 0 i .'
Havevillle. NC, ihe Hmiasce River, Lake Charuge.a nd '. '
hospitals Feature' include oversized paved road,
underground ulititles, c.\ enanis and re'trnnons handicap M;.M-'
specitiicalinri \imaih nlun to:,r 2(.111i mininiuni square lool h.mcsi mal.cs this ne'\ de-elopmeni
uruque Build your home for a life rnie Lois range in pnrie trrcrm $49,00i t.,i $79,$()
For more information call 828.389-8843,.9114-821-9573.
Nick's cell 904-254.9644, icki's cell 904-534-3530
FSBO IriTRAC'-:ASTAL Wa3lere a,,. leC-p
walEr acce 3BR 2 5BA iBOO1800l. 2 car
qarage, newly rerm.:oeled. 2 boal l rs
it-co',ered,, $lq-" 00,7. -63.0505
Si 3BR'2BA lJe* CH&A. rard wo,:j
Iloors. 1 2: >2- .2 ricljc'-ed porch Large lol
Si94c0010 318:'90)0 42-2217
Dupli ..:.'ir rngle rhormt 1BR IBA lea.:hi
Ea st l 1 A i425i 000 OBO 24.-8200
E1[.ITIiI a7js~ 47iUU~
JAX BEACH. 56R 2BA. 2300il On 2 lois
ri-ie rool, i eal pump. plumBuir, s. riding
$46-5.000I OBO 24-9-8637.
Old Atlantic Beach N ,Q9.
320-322 3rd Street. Two 900 A)6'0
sf apartments on beautiful ec', O '
75'x150' lot. 3 biks to ocean, re o e 'O
4 blks to Town Center. '
Excellent investment oppor- ..
MILS# 285302 Pr ,ugi.,us Aquilus [1.
nev. crnst 3/3 .ondo. 2-"' SF, SE en LS-# 2879 -rd'Tf'-. 4BR.." B
unit. 10th 11. ExpLrni..i e oceanftn .,,, ,.. .. w"
balcoiijes, pard gar. reason anieru in i .,ncl i ,e,,; i; .r,,: ..I .n'h ,:.i l'r,,c.,.,me,
2 pis. ti crnu. clubhouse $1.450,000 i 6,:, e.SW' ... "i. I9.rM.. "1285-1800
241-2417 SOUIPOr IF fIEDR
FIRST TIME 10URS! MLS# 286550 (J. IJd ,Cmmunll, ,-'poxl.
MLS# 277726 New co)nnuucon Onl\ S .ic,,r. j1.4h ch,1a,3, & pn'. ic Ji;1h ACC. -
unlit, iel otl o1 IU in l MeNlidiierraiean ": R' ine '. l., ai.
i., prTriaLk. & DR. FR. FP.FR ,-,iuc,.e il-,II la. l,.hcni
budding Onl 2 residences perfloor Ever .,hCu. .c. of i & 'Wean 725..0 I
u nit i 3' inL r Urni t \',r il M0t1..OuILa \ Ic, 285-18(10
olf ihe ocean High ceilings, gr.,niie OCE4FON -JtI BEICHINH PRICE!
coun[encp, trind much iinore' $3 9.415 ILS# 239824 NE,.- C.ileimp.-i., c .nd-I
241-2417 ,'.1 I.' uris. I Fe-, i ..u-c JBR 1.'JB :il
LA/D4Rh OCE4NFRONFT COINDO! SF I1,. i'Tr'T.,. *. r,'F:abl -'h..' n-ij,:,,. <,MimL'i,
MI LS# 262660 Incredible S IaS. I.kCIrr..r',..-riir.A. T:m.-,re.\\jalr' Le,i:f. ,-.
breuialhjIng ocean 'leA'S Spacli.u' 2671 d.,-,h.p, .1., ,1r.& 2ir ed
sF. 4/3.5 3rd fl. S end trunt LcLs designer LOr A.AC.EVT MBECHItBLW0
upgjadcs & e.qui\lte del.i-s 2 pAuk 'p. MLS#j9009pLr,,-,;,on,l,S. IS' .. 71 .2
prlate siorge. connmm pi Qur.st. style & 351)..HI1-285-1800
luuir:,' i 1.35(0.11.II 241-2417 QtffE HIRBOOIR H4 FRFROONT
GORGEOUS OCE N VIEWSI MLS# 269208 .4'- .4,' d.l. l, ca;, j. jcc i.,
NILS# 281588 312. no updates necessan,' IC uc o,.ar,, n.hih jpp,)il.nlld sli0.SF,
Perfect decor Eni,, ,ulidoor,s i mrnm deck 4-1R3 lull 3 1 lil BA-, ink,.,lj i.:'ri. ,, dJ,.
,All ppl suv Bldg elevator. 2nd li end 1lm'l g.ti.ne.,Il m, lt-1, 1nu inI s l'Ir- '-,i,'mii, 4 1 I lL,.-in.
$il fl l 4 7' .lr .. pohll, ",pj & -,.i L .'ar ie
)1 .11... -2417 I I 5r.,0) 285. -1800
MLS# 285120 Luxur) SE e\posure 3/3 MLS# 258460Siiirinin I h ,cre high-durLc 1lo
condo,-Oce:-iua Expjnsive ocean '.\ 'i par,:l.,m .xcafn 1., -,. Il.l FT o..drun
ri-ruac. ILke ne,'. repaiiied. upgraded A& tr.:notL-g', '41 -I .JIeep &U ILNI :. Old P\B
neutal Spalc blcnn, 2 gar sp & ,storageC. C.,;',d, .2i.1. AIis,' ;tLhler' .co ll'a,.le
po I'ho rub, ee nil 'N35.ll& l i 24 -2 17 l,:, ,., .-i, -I F'\ BI d. h,h& di ,[ i.mi. FT
p I N..L ..[ r Ir,.,nOigor.nte mi .h 'h6S.j,. Ci:-)cch 285-1800
NMLS# 260286 T'.. c 4-plcse. 4 bLks to MNS# 265659 Ti:I.. 4B.'4B-. I.ie -.n
beachii 2BR IBALach AU entied. great I' earidnn I i. ,manl g o0 o're n -o
in\esui'eni Each.blde $6"9.9(mor boiith fr f ,:r,,, charm I teialeiur e s, i,)O,)ni. guei
$13. 3.5',.sl1 24I1-2i417 jauri'T', t '', BR. -l ngili ,rn B 2' i'.lc. :.,r.i,,.te.
rle r.v.1, lal.ul,,u. cooe.u .ie.ii "& nil [n i '"
INVE SMENT DUPLE pi Ir n & Club i 51 ih I )' 285-1800
NMLS# 287180 Tvo story 4.12 duplex inm CEKFRONTOT
beautiful Nepiune Beach. Grejl oppirTunitr,, ML 262345 ,ppro, imaiel, 5 9 % FT one
inr esit.r) 54,9.)(h.i 241-2417 ,,I \ r, naliiri ,x...anirOnrii l,:Inr Nepiune
6 NEW TOWNHOMES! B..j,i C,.nie. l-,uild ,: .ur irri hme & ei.'
NILS# 278094 212 5 .sold concrie blk ih:c.:enr,e,,.,. e.'. l .l95..i:Nii285-1800
Be.ajunul rd dflxvr. ,:pen flor plan. 42 tu EIPA4N~IE II WENS!
cabinmets ad 2 baconies Onl\ 5 blocks it. M1.S#268621 Si..gr.. CC.E,'2 5B.wLo:ALl..
Alannc Oceani $3.i,901) 241-2417 .Ln.',Ied,,r.lnrunelrr ioMnr.a iLhcn ..,eir
:. alier. crJnide u:ir-, ne hr. i puii ip. ufecned
DEVELOPER'S DREAM! I.,riii & huge p~,.l L.:.:,ILd .-n a .ul-de-a ',,
NMLS# 283034- Oer 1/2 acre luiod. pnmc J.i. ,ri.e. .n.r rdrne ....ier-[o.-glfvif e
niiii-p:.arcel bidg Mie zoned Res Muln-Fain Ir .1.1,'s 1285.1800
IRM- II in N Jai, Bch Near shops. PLN.M TIONOtkSINIPON1t IFDR
restaurant-. pier Realior!ov..ner-I parcel MLS# 277931 MN, u.wonru-.ii,:.nI. g..r-ei:.u 2"
MaLe jrn suffer between $2.6s.11.11- "". u. iadl,'r a'l 5.BR,/5BA homen., [iririn
$3.19-4.'76 241-2417 upgrade A, cl:gimi refiriemenit'-. FR .,.'FP.
kdl. umic .ki ..hen.u'. Crt d p.ro. ircular dop v'' a\,
AS AlUilSHNE BCH! '.a rai,. & luih indcapmLn in ,:-Nii.
NMLS# 286593 Duple,. lust I block to 285-1800
ocear,' Both uL.- are 3/1. in ood condition PONWE IFDRt CONDO
and tuUlv rented' $372,9XI 241-2417 MLS# 279733 La;gei 2BR,'2BA i.tall,
SPACIOUS 3/2.5! ;relaid ..n. granI coutu.re ianle-
NILS# 288011 Like nie. home lust Iri .rl.:r lr aidcaigr.dje,mafr.
minutes form beach' I T, Old Repulic Home u'.mTiMunrir, an'iLenrildi pelI. p.a media rIn',.
V-irrmanv,. 241-2417 pri'q-ae hC..t..h ,Ce,' & inore' S24".5. II1
MtLS# 268357 Lrhimate beach home. & C.NM4FUII OC4 TFD
4,'4 + guest couiLge. Old Ailinuc Bch MLS# 281989ThTi 38RR.'2BAcondo. 'garage
Totall, reno,aied 21100 State-of-the-an ri l,:.caid in la\ Beachi. ,.-r% p.a.pcI, F.'laige
kit, ai burner cooktop & concrete counier. ''.m, & Ad ,ipn i|o,. plan h1bi-c.,i har ...prr..
Pine fis. 2 gas FP, fiml LR. DR i,dr li, n a-:, lerl.d,..,',i aul.
tl. 1,4 9.000 24I-24I z 87 i8o Or
MNir Beth Loner
itjiorn Rcalr-, C.,rf
I I I P l rinr.: BI. d
Ncpiur.. B.cLn. FL 3:
9,4 5'' "i.) I
Open House Ponte Vedra
Sunday. March 12th 12-3prm
4 Starfish Court :
South on AIA. West on Marlin
Left on Dolphin Blvd. Left on
Starfish Ci.
gan ',
3BR/2BA, huoe lot. only
$320,000 "%
p. ik.
lelon.v Younger
nrgage Coin[uliaJir
A n Mon r _'c C _,p
S:k -, t. R. i 1 e F i 1 1
:k..r, lie Fl 221r,
Ocean Cay
Sunday 2-4 Beauty!!!
This 2100 SF home has 3BRs plus a loft, & 2.5BAs with marble
countertops. hardwood floors through-
out! Lushly landscaped! Dir. S Beach .
PKWY to Ocean Cay to L on Antiga to '- F'
2nd L to 2884 St Maarthn Ct. $474,900
Connie Grubbs 612-9911
Tom Gibbon 566-6501
Open House Sat. 11-1
Solano Woods Upgrades galore, granite counter tops,
maple cab., new A/C, new from ceiling to floor, a must see'
Neptune Beach POOL Home Huge corner lot,
approx. 2300 SF, 4/2.5, reduced. $459,900
Oceanfront Condo 2/2, upgrades galore. F
Priced to sell at $549,000 Cl T
Call The Hamilton TEAM Z4
today at 904-699-9680 .
Each Office Independently | .
k,`V IFr Specialists Owned & Operated
.East ofAIA in
Ponte Vedra!
71i 5BR 3BA brick beauty has
approx. -4,400 Sf! 32 x15' pool.
90 xl-40' lot, 2'ix22.5 garage
C w 10'x8' work-hop, gourmet
kitchen w 48" SS gas range. Sub Zero refrigerator,
1,000' SF master -uite .)s whirlpool tub, many
upgrades amenities EnerM- efficient! Eas' bike '
ride or oalk to beach' O -ner Agent $1,35.,000
i Prudential Cell 83S-4z-i2
r'... ,,l .. ..... D elep ir ng- i :i ,1 .
In ,:, :, ,'-' r.J t r,, J Ur l e lle n po lin g ,l co m '.
View 100s of homes!
For photos and more information
including addresses visit
Fe_ h ligli Ig/er on homes over S300.000. .?9. transaction fe
MALRCH 10, 2006
Open House Sunday 1-3
Sevilla Condo New Listing
Breathtaking views of Selva Marina Golf Course.
Spacious 1 BR/1.5BA condo with new carpet, vinyl
and paint. Tennis, pool, sauna & more! Elevator in
building. View this amazing condo.
before the open house! $174,900
Bea Carpentieri, Realtor 477-9342 O'Mallev
RF ,. FcT T, 1- IF ,
Undeveloped Atlantic Beach Property
Reduced $100SI on 3/06/06!
Marsh-front property in growing area of Atlantic
Beach. Large lot at the end of Carnation Street.
New price: $125,000!
Call John O'Malley, Realtor, -:
for copy of survey & aerial photos. 'K
904-502-9406 O'Malley
- L I 1
The Beaches Leaer/Ponte Vedra Leader
March 10, 2006
lBeautiful Custom
Built Mome In
Plantation Oaks
Custom built home on private preserve lot w/oversized screened lanai
& pool. Beautiful hardwood floors, 2-way
fireplace. Custom kitchen cabinets w/granite
countertops. Many upgrades. Offered at
Contact Top Producer
Lynn Saul!
"The Price is Right?"
Just in time for Spring! Prime 3BR/2BA
location, priced RIGHT! Short trek to ocean/ f -
towncenter shops & activities! Tucked under ej *
Howell Prk, 50 x 100 lot -- growing room or
2nd flr expansion. Sweet deal at $445,000 &
it's your home/bch wkender!
"She KNOWS the beaches... os
-i e S te b.. osemary
She SELLS the town!" Naughton
Call 568-1523 Miller
3/2 home w/vaulted den, living rm. & dining rm. Tile,
fireplace, garden bath, private wooded backyard. Close
to schools/shopping. Move in ready! MLS# 275191
B $219,900
Donna Sandiford
386-5800 or
Diane Barr 234-9997
This forgotten area is popping wide open! Buy
smart! Lovingly restored 4BR/2.5BA, ced. shake
new paint, tile, cpt. It sparkles! Steps to A-schools
near fishing' village, Wonderwd Brd, base, bike t(
beach! Sweet deal! $278,500
r "She KNOWS the beaches...
She SELLS the town!"
Call 568-1523
Just a Few Blocks to the Ocean &
Centrally Located to Town Center
This is a MUST SEE!!! Absolutely charming 2000 SF,
3BR/2BA. Completely restored with brand new 22x22
family room & master suite. Low maintenance
hardiboard exterior, metal roof,
private covered porch, full fenced.in I
yard w/room for pool Priced to sell at ` E-1E
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer
"Former model home in convenient
m.-*-- location." This 3BR/2BA home with split
floor plan has Pergo floors throughout
and stone floor in master bathroom.
Upgrades and new paint throughout.
Neighborhood amenities include swim
and tennis. Great location-close to
shopping, restaurants, and the beaches.
Offered at $292,000
Wzee tte iaua&uy, PA, REALTOR" WN
(904 241-7461 ext 231
Sor (904) 477-6668
A j acni%..jickon llmichelie com rn
Prudential michellehome 2003@v.ahoo ocm -" "
Tops in Sales, Listings and Transactions for the Beaches office in 2005!
SS i, i lj M
Contemporary style home on
outstanding, oversized lot with
250' on lagoon with golf course
views! Exceptional quality, Irg
open floor plan, generous living
rm & dining rm. Irg FR, gourmet
kitchen $2,249.000 Susan Fort
Wake up to glorious sunrises In
this large 2/2 south end condo
on the 10u' floor in Seascape -
the most desirable S. Jax Bch
condos. Secured bldg. 1-car
garage, exercise rm + 3 pools.
Call Olivia Seaman. $639.000
One of the last lots directly on
the ICW In Harbour Island,
perfectly situated on the end of
a cul-de-sac Offers exquisite
views, pristine building
conditions and, a 50' boat slip
$1,575,000 Call Michelle Floyd
Fabulous spot on the lake at
Sawgrass! 2-story town home
offers open floor plan & easy
walk to all club amenities
Perfect for vacationers or
Investment $365.000 PIs call
Judy Smith or Gypsy Alexander
to build your dream home on
large lot close to everything!
Almost 1 5 acres w/a fabulous
building pad plus a creek in rear
with access for a small boat to
This 4BR/3.5BA home features
hardwood floors soanng
ceilings and open floor plan with.
built-ins, gourmet kitchen with
granite, stainless appliances
and indoorlouldoor fireplace.
$974.900 Call Kim Martin-Fisher
Old Ponte Vedra.' 3/3 ocean-
front condo. 2,400sf w/pnvate
garage. secunty, community
pool & tennis. Great unit w/Irg
wrap-around porch. 17 month
lease In place at $3,500/month
Call Susan Fort $1,750,000
Lovingly cared for, 1.850 sq. ft.
3 bedroom, 2 bath home
perfectly situated on a 90' lot.
Enjoy panoramic ocean views.
lots of decking, observation
tower and gazebo Offered for
$1.230,000 Kim Martin-Fisher
56' of oceanfront elegance and
luxury. The finest materials and
craftsmanship in this 3/3.5 plus
ofcistudy condo. Approximately
3,385sf. From this penthouse
you can see forever Call Kim
Martin-Fisher $2,750,000
Walk to the beach & Club from
this meticulously maintained
4/3 5 brick home w/incredible
panoramic water-to-golf views.,
spacious rms. gorgeous pool &
ICW at high tide Survey on file spa + much more. $1,450,000
$450,000 Call Jayne Hoffman Sarah Whillock & Susan Fort
Approx. 30OOsf. 4 bedrooms. Completely remodeled. 1.33,
2.5 baths + bonus room, granite pristine acres on the river with
countertops. hardwood floors. dock, boathouse, Kol pond,
faux painting, satellite system, swimming pool exquisite views,
3-car side entry garage, located plus a fabulous neighborhood
on preserve. Offered for An absolute must seer
$640,000 Call Kim Martin-Fisher $1,729,000 Call Patti Martin
Only a privileged few will find 2.66-acre 'parcel on Phillips
sanctuary at the Beach House. Highway, just north of
a new exclusive community biw Baymeadows Road Zoning IL
PVB & St. Augustine on A1A New Land.. Prime location in
Oceanfront ICW'w/18 luxury high traffic area Perfectly priced
units. $994,270 $1,840,050. at $1.500 000 Please call
Jayne Hoffman / Michelle Floyd Susan Fort for more details.
3BR 2 1/28A, 1935sf. Only $494,500. EAST OF 3rd Duplex. 215 8th Ave. North.
(904)472-4039. $625,000..241-8269. Zoned C-1.
3BR/2BA, like new, on lake, 1893sq, built
1998, new carpet and paint, $244,900.
Terms. Independent Brokers 710-3111
PVB. THE Islands. 2BR/2BA, attached ga-
rage. community pool, tennis, $250,000.
Townhouse, 2BRB2 5BA, new roof, plumb-
ing, HardiBoara siding, paint. $260,000
OPEN HOUSE. 13714 Weeping Willow
Way in Pablo Bay. 4BR/3BA/2-car,
2400sf $474,900. Saturday. Sunday,
12noon-5pm. MLS#271054 327-0558.
www.candlerhomes corn
garage, $1550si. open floor plan, 42"
Hickory cabinets, granite counter tops,
new nerber carpet, hard wood Iloors,
$318,000, 463-0505.
SOUTH JAX Beach 2BR/2BA Town-
house Lovely neighborhood. 416 361h
Ave $279,900. (904)613-9896 www.own-
ers com IDTMW9867.
2BR/2 5BA Townnome. 2-ca garage.
Lakeview lot, hardwood floors, new kitch-
en. designer look. Walk to Beach & Parks
$345,000. 514-6640
ICW, HOLIDAY Harbor, FSBO. Lg lot,
4BR/ 2BA, 2400sf w/ in-ground pool. New
CH/A, roof. $324,900. 246-2336 or 463-
ATLANTIC BCH 4/1BR, 2-story, near 3BFORE E, y 000 ust
Ocean, pool, $890000993-9191. sell. For listings. 800-749-8124 ext. 1490.
3BR/2BA. well maintained attached home
in desirable All Bch. Lovely backyard,
plenty of storage 20 mins to Regency, a
bike ride to Hanna Park, minutes to Won-
derwood Connector Call Joserte Retnmel
for your pnvale showing. (904)237-6937,
Magnolia Properties.
JAX BEACH, Brand new (completed
10/05) 3-story townhouse Oceanview
from 3rd floor. 3BR/3.5BA, 2290sf, lots of
extras, all appliances. Comer of 141h Ave
Southn & 2nd St. $699,000. Call 424-7204
Creek. 2014 Merced Port, 3BR/2BA. 2 car
garage. hardwood floors, irrigalioin sys-
tem, quiet cul-de-sac, $239,000.
Jax Beach, east of 1st, only 2 homes from
beacni Lovely triplex is always renied or
live in one and rent olhers... endless possi.
bilities, best price per sq.ft. owner may
entertain secondary financing. $799,000.
Call (904)463-0343.
www.surfflorldarealestate.com .
Great Home for Entertaining!
Highland Glen Beauty!
This large 4/3 has a screened lanai with Pool & Jacuzzi,
Outdoor Kitchen & deluxe tiled shower, theatre room w/ theatre
chairs, tiled throughout! House comes
furnished except for T.V.'s & stereo
.system. $950,000. MLS#282852
Call Connie Grubbs
904-612-9911 tbday!
Custom Home in
Plantation Oaks with Pool
5BR/5BA approx. 4,000SF, 14' ceilings, granite countertops,
gourmet kitchen, 42" maple cabinets & many more lovely
appointments. Enclosed pool w/waterfall
overlooking the lake. $1,060,000
Contact Top Producer
Lynn Saul!
for your private showing!
Vintage Bch Cottage
Hop & Skip
to the Water!
Enchanting restoration 3/2, exudes authentic
charm. Hrdwd firs, newer kit, baths, AC, windows, :
roof, elec. plumb. Huge gar., storage, windows
galore, Irg lot for possible expansions! Storybook
style! 3 blks to hub, 1+ blk to bch! $639,000
"She KNOWS the beaches...
She SELLS the town!"
Call 568-1523
Nau hion
Absolute Perfection! Intimate, spiritual and elegant describes
this beautiful 4700 SF ocean view home. Superbly detailed
3-story 5BR/4.5BA with media room, 3 car garage with
elevator. Private courtyard w/plunge
pool & spa. Too many features to
i. L c. |describe. Private beach access in gated
community. Offered at $1,995,000
Small Margi Petitt Top Producer
Steps to the ocean-Atlantic Beach. This 4BR/3.5BA home
could not be built today at this price with this quality of finish
levels. Every imaginable upgrade, 3900 SF in this exclusive
26 home gated community at Tiffany by the Sea with its own
beach access. Don't miss this incredible
opportunity at $1,250,000. -.
Call Margi Petitt
Top Producer
This open floor plan 3BR/2.5BA home in Selva Marina sits
on a 90 x 98 lot with 2 car garage. All living space on 1st
floor, BRs on 2nd floor. Very peaceful
Setting with natural front yard. Home is
in move-in condition. Priced to sell
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer
Thus charming "Old Atlantic Beach"
home is situated on extra large cul de
sac lot. Concrete block construction,
spacious great room, wood floors
throughout. Just a short distance to the
beach, very low traffic street is great for
young children. 899.000. NMLS#271545
You'll Iloe entertaining family and
friends in this I story. 4 bedroom beach
home. Spacious family room with
fireplace opens to latchen and separate
breakfast area Splt bedrooms, screened
pool. security, located in highly sought
after neighborhood. $734,900 MLS#
Newly remodeled 2 story, 5 bedroom
home. Fle\ible open floor plan, over
3000 SF of living area Beautiful
kitchen. stairJess appliances, stone and
wood floors. ir-eplace in m h g room.
possible in-laa %uite, 2 car garage
789,000 MLS# 283187
First floor 2 bedroom. 2 bath condo. split
bedrooms, large storage area, all
appliances included, shows like a model.
Convenienty located for easy commute.
Pool, tennis, exercise facilities.
clubhouse and more. $17-4,000
This incredibly beautiful home is 1/2
block from ocean. Sunstune bnght open
floor plan 4 BR plus office and art
studio. Gourmet kitchen includes
custom cabinets, granite countertops.
gas cook top and wine cooler.
$1,675.000 MLS# 273214
Lovely mose in ready 3rd floor condo
Quiet private location overlooking
natural area Great room with fireplace.
*all appliances included plus 2 deeded
parking spaces. $164,500. MLS#
Judy Nicholson presents....
-~ Making Dreams a Reality ~
FSBO. 2BR/2BA, Key West style cottage.
1340sf. Lot. 65'x102 391 Main St. A.B.
241 8967. $229.000, as Is. OPEN HOUSE
..Saturday, 3/18/06, 2-5pm
OPEN HOUSE Salurday, 9am-lpm, Sun-
day 12noon-4pm. 4BR/2BA. 1978sf, wood
floors. slainless appliances, granile kitch-
en counters. Pool $399,000. 1178 18th
Street Nonh Jax Beach. 813-2283
SOUTH JAX BEACH. 2BR/2BA, 2-car ga-
rage All new interior linisnes, 1200sl.
1639 Roberts Dr. $284,900. 571-2899.
Duplex, great investment, adorable, in-
come maker. 1/2 block to ocean.
$509.000 Call 1904)234-5629
S. JAX Bch. 1 Diock to ocean, lakefront.
3BR 2.5BA luxury townhome. No HOA.
Hardwood iloois, new paint, lacuzzi, vaull-
ed ceilings, trpic Pnce reduced from
$489K to S475K for imIneaiate sale
course and water view, pool, $428,900.
Pictures @ http://infotube.net/136118.
3BR/2BA beautifully remodeled home in
popular Villages ol Pablo. New roof, new
tile and carpel, new stainless appliances
in kitchen, repainted Inside and out.
Fenced, private backyard. Offered at
2BR!2BA in Windsor Pointe Upstairs unit,
Fireplace. Berber carpel, vaulted ceiling,
large master bedroom Offered at
4BR,3BA newly constructed Mercedes
Duilt home Huge bonus room tool Land-
scaped yard and a great floor plan. Or-
fered at $395.000.
3BR,2.5BA home. Outstanding Coral
Rock fireplace, Granite counters, Tongue
and Grooved wood paneled Ceilings, pn-
vale rear yard. great neighborhood and
much, much more. Ottered at $650 000.
Backing on to the Guana Preserve.
3BR!3BA home Slunning Custom Marble
Fireplace. remodeled kitchen with Cherry
cabinaery. Granile counters. Hot tub, En-
closed tiled Lanai Offered at $458,000.
Help-U-Sell Coastal Realty
335 Jacksonville Drive
Call: 904-241-4447
Free Weekly List
This adorable beach bungalow has a
big front porch and more! Completely
renovated, furnished 3BR/1BA home,
refinished wood floors, new appliances,
new windows. 3515 So. 1st St. in Jax
Beach. $695,000
Call Sheri Beno 904-651-1830 or
Lisa DiStefano, 904-514-3167
Adorable Jax Beach
Concrete block home! 3BR/1.5BA home just blocks to
the beach. Remodeled kitchen. Tile throughout, fenced
backyard. 1031 14th,A.Ve'N Dir: FromI \
Penman to E on 15ih Ave N to first; E.J 3,
Ron 14th7AveNhomeonL. $331,9K j;
Connie Grubbs
Investor's Find
A Priceless Nept. "Do-Over"
Just I home off everyone's "favorite 1st St."
@ Oak. solid conc. bik. duplex 2/1 up/down,
plus 1/1 guest qtrs. over gar.--such possibilities!
Orig. wd floors, huge 50 x 128 lot, needs work
but endless options! 7 homes off ocean!
[ "She KNOWS the beaches...
She SELLS the town!" Nau Mon
Call 568-1523 M Ier
Completely Renovatedt
Contemporary-Awesome :
Intracoastal Views
This Neptune Beach home sits on the
marsh w/an 85' dock on a small creek
that leads to the Intracoastal.
Navigable for small skiff or Jet Ski at high tide. The
views are absolutely breathtaking! Just remodeled 1657
SF inside & out. 3BR/3BA, 2 car-garage and awesome
deck. Don't Miss This One. Offered at $547,000
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer 571-9821
Beautiful Cottages
at Atlantic Beach
Wonderful Private CommunWty
I, This maintenance free 3-story
w/elevator, 2 car garage features 4BR
& sitting rm/4BA. Covered balconies & 3rd fir deck. Concrete
exterior construction, open design, finished 9-10' ceilings,
Bosch stainless steel appl, granite, custom wood cabinetry.
Common pool & walkway to Beach Ave. PRICED TO SELL
Call Marli Petitt Too Producer 571-9821
Arguably the BEST lot in The
The craftsmanship is unsurpassed as
are the finishes, magnificent curved
staircase, 21' ceilings, gathering room ,w/floor-ceiling
windows, deep crown molding, marble/hardwoods, exercise
& game rooms, study, 2 FP, 6,600+SF, 4BR/4.5BA/3CG. It
will take your breath away! $2,100,000 '
uiassine1U z
I 8~
rlacKa.r:iia .
MAYPORT LANDING- Totally renovated,
new roof, new siding & more. 2/2 town-
home w/ bonus room. $127,900.
do, lots cf amenities. Currently leased
until Sept, 30th $195,000.
ARLINGTON HILLS- Like newly remod-
eled home. Approx. 1650sf, 3/2, huge
family room, fenced yard, irrigation,, new
kitchen. Priced for First time home Buyer.
KERNAN FOREST- 3/2.5 luxurious condo
w/ garage, 1680sf, gated & comm. pool.
EAGLES CREEK- 10 minutes from
beaches/ base Gorgeous 4/2. nice lot,
scr. porch, many upgrades. Close to
schools & shopping. $247,900.
241-5501 OR 221-1711
walk to Ocean $369,900. 246-0126
counlerlops, 250sl. Fireplace, l-car ga-
rage. community pool. WalK 1o Ocean.
$279.000. 463-0505
PONTE VEDRA, 3BR/2BA. beautiful, re-
modeled Iownhome on lake. End unit.
$189.500. 1904)424-0660.
FSBO: 1004 151h Ave North Jax Beach
Custom Remodel. 3/2, 2073s1, new tile,
granite, SS. frplc.. nigh end finishes, Ig
corner lot. $459.900. 241-5865.
house & 75'x138' lot. 501 Oceanwood Dr
$259.900. (904)887-7669
Jax Beach, 3BR12.5BA, 2-story traditional
w/cedar snake vinyl siding, hardwood
floors, 42" cabinets, granite, stainless
steel apple, loft wired for office, master
suite wilray ceiling. walk-in closet, double
vanity, wniripool tub. sep. shower., large
lot and much morell Available April 2006.
$454,900. Call Sandi Pennington. Watson
Realty Corp., (904)962-6145.
FSBO AS Is House & 80'x115' lot. 5
blocks to beach, 1126 5th Street N
$299k. 553-7203.
WATERFRONT. Saturday & Sunday
12-4pm, Isle ol Palms, 14310 Slacey Rd.
Jacksonville Emaculale, 3BR/2BA open
lloor plan, screened pool. w/lanai, dock
and much more. $629,500. Call
1904)223-4302 tor directions
Marchrl10- f200
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
3BR 2 1/2BA on navigable waterfront lot
just off ICW. Pool, new dock, many ameni-
ties. Open Rouse, Sat & Sun, 1pm- 4pm,
4256 Stacey Ct., Isle Of Palms.
Fantastic 3BR/2BA w/nearby boat
ramp access, large lot, custom built
in 2003, 2 car garage, & circle
driveway. $459,900 MLS 281786
HL 49646
Nestled on large private lot, home
has 4BR/3BA, 2 fireplaces, wood &
tile firs, granite pool & beach
access $779,000 MLS 287891 HL
Remodeled, 2 new baths, new
kitchen, new paint, in ground pool.
citrus trees, Florida room, & quiet
area $250,000 MLS 286365 HL
Atlantic Beach charm great ocean'
View. Built in 2004, 4BR/4BA wi/
3300 SF, media room, & elevator.(
$1.435,000 MLS 288421 HL 50156
3BR/2BA, completely painted. &
new carpet, large great room, lanai.
lake views, new garage door, &
great location' $239,900 MLS
286072 HL 49906
'Brand new condo ground fir, 3BR/
2BA, all appliances, granite counter
tops, 42" cabinets, pool, sauna hot
tub, & tennis $216,900 MLS,
284730 HL 49806
3BR/2BA, wood floors, eat in
kitchen, & high ceilings. $258,000
MLS 286486 HL 49996
East of 3rd, near Roy's &
Staroucks, 5BR/3BA, w/3060 Sf,
barrel ie root. $1.100,000 MLS
286869 HL 50026
3BR/2BA w/new kitchen, wood
floors, bonus room w/wel bar, lots
of upgrades. In Atlantic Beach.
$745.000 MLS 285618 HL 49876
Fabulous 4BR/5.5BA w/192' on,
harbour, 40' concrete dock,
screened pool, spa, & summer
Kitchen. $1,645,000 MLS 281444
HL 49586
Custom built concrete bik pool
home, 4BRi4BA, 3030 SF totally
upgraded w/saturnia, wood firs. &
granite counters. $965,000 MLS
278606 HL 49326
3BR/2.5BA townhome, wood Iloors.
updated kit. w/granite & newer
appl.. plantation shutters, & evening
deck oil master bedroom.
$610.000 MLS 267523 HL 50956
Landmark, like new 3BR, corian,
maple cabinets, enlarged closes.
Lavish master, balcony, & garage!
$899,900 MLS 270933 HL 48586 )
Wow' Oueens Harbor like newn
nome 4BR,2.5BA, scr. lanai w/n
pool, spa. flowing layout, & many
extras. $678.000 MLS 259154 HL(
| Atlantic Beach
Watson Office
(904) 249-3804
PRIVATE BEACH Access 2BR.2BA. fur.
nished, Isl Iloor, lully renovated. Sleps to
garage $242.000 537-4083
PVB $219K. gated. 22 condo, lanai,
lirepi, lop fir. premo pool and lake view,
bch access. 5 Slar amenities, Unil 107
next to clubnse A A. close lo TPC & JTB
FSBO i904 338.4137.
valed seller $299,900 A1A Really Serv-
ices, Inc 19041249-8855.
-- -------..
PV BCH 2BR. 2BA, $206.900. All Pro Re- .
aliry Specialists. Grac:e Eilis cell#
655-7923 i
Beach & Historic downtown & Fernadina
Beacn Two rurnisried modelS. 2 & 3BR
Prices sian at $185.900 Call for more in-
Help U Sell Coastal Really
M~lt i~tliIE~rr
THE PALMS, 2BR/2BA Bungalow, lake.
view. garage. granite counlenops tiled.
washer/dryer, replace. Motivated seller.
$235,000 472-3726.
OCEAN S EDGE New Construction
1BR/1BA East o01 A1A Anticipated com-
pletion, 03'06. $309K. Unit A-9.
THE PALMS al Marsh Landing 2BR,2BA.
. hardwood lloors, granite counter lops, and
fully tiled bathrooms, 613-2748
JAX BEACH, 2nd St. FSBO. Small, 553s1.
$170000 Serious inquiries only/
JAX BEACH. Newer 2BR,2BA Many up
grades. 1200si 9h ceilings fans walk-in-m
closet, kitchen appliances, washer.dryer,
terrace. fireplace, garage Security sys-
tem. FSBO. $225.500 246.8775
Two avail, off Seminole
Rd. 3/2.5 baths & 1,836
SF! Lovely & quiet
courtyard neighborhood.
Great investment
-Bai *OufukLE'20
SEAPLACE 1 '2 iock to ocean, 3BR'2BA.
ground iloor, 100sf. outside palo, light
and bright, fully lurnsnhed and equipped
and ready for your summer at tne beach.
Pool, laundry room $389,900. Owner'
Agent 247.1049
1BR/1BA. 546sl iled throughout, new ap.
pliances.' A,'C. qaled, 904)222-1064 appt
only arier 6pm $138.900.
Value for Luxury Townhome style con-
dos. 2 blocks Iorn ocean wv'iews 1900-
2300st. top upgrades $599Kr Jonn Wolf-
el Real Estale 699-8887 wwwbeachesiri.
2BR/1BA Two balconies Covered Park.
ing S369,000 Call 1904)881-9901
Ground Iloor lake view, replace near ine
I pool, 1BR.'BA$138,900.
2BR.2BA slat end unit,. fireplace no one
above you, $338.900.
3.2 Townhomne, end unit, trpice. 5399.000
Call Kirk Killebrew at 463-1131
for info for private viewing
new construction. 2BR'2BA concierge,
spa, pool. San Marco style. See at
www valenclacondos corn Asking
$404 900 iReducedi Call 904-616-7975
PVB SUMMER House. 2.2. 5-star ameni-
Ies, close to beach & TPC. newly renovat-
ed w' irplc $190.000 Contact Larry at
Open Sunda, l-3pm! Please st6p by this beautiful 3BR/2BA
condo with a garage at the beach! Valk to local hop.,. rest.iurantu .
and golf. 62 Jardin de NMer PI. Only
i' $259,900
Call Amy \Vilson at 904-955-07i00 and
visitt ..AC\\Homines coni!
Sun., Mar. 12.2-4PM
2BR/2BA ground floor condo at The
Palms at Marsh Landing priced to sell
at $189,900 Dir: lJTB to So Beach Pkw gy
exlt, rt on Marsh Landing Pky, rt on Sheri Beno
77e Greens Wayj to the end, go ito REALTOR'
Bldg. 30. #303u. 651-1830
Call Lynn Conover for info & gate p "U N UDO
code, 904-302-4995100NNECTION
Beautifully renovated 2BR'2BA condo
hardwoods, kit \\/new cabinets., siainle-s,
steel appliances, corian countertops, lu1i\ U S
fumished & overlooking lagoon. Great w I WR
for secQnd home or investment property. Hw 3
............. .--- i ." .... -m lll
3BR/2BA On Edas rid Dr.
Scl k e to Sc'hoou .. 1.3 91.Il)
Unit 5(i 3rd floor, ne carpet.
paulnt. ctc 'S1 .5
Surrmner HouLe ConJd.
2 IBR/IBA I1tl unitr.. s.l.lf
vie $I17,s.(0 J
LOT iLth Ae. N. 5o0. 120.
residential l't $241l9.000l
... M AR............ .
I N^te. nReal Estate
NA Management S Sales. Inc.
1835 North Third Street
SJ lacksonville Beach. FL 32250
FOR SALE Call Joe Floyd 219-7638
Desirable beach property. 78 Jardin De Mer Place
Zoned residential/commercial. 3/2. 1500 SF, 2nd floor condo.
1626sf in 3 buildings business Fireplace. Condo has all the
plus 2 efficiency apartments. 2 upgrades!' Move in condition.
blocks from ocean. Fully Located in a quiet area under a
occupied $799,000 canopy of trees. This condo is a
MUST SEE! $269,500
1647 Sunnyside Ave. Jacksonville, FL 32224. Perfect
opportunity to purchase property near the Intracoastal and within
walking distance of million $ condos. 3 lots with 2/2 750 SF
house (house sold as is). Great investment. $225,000
e-mail: marvin-real-estale@marvin-group.com
web site' nttpllmarvin-group com
Tel: 249-8599 Fax: 249-8598
1B1autiful 3BR/2BA O/F' cond6,:
.fully furnished, 1,-446 SF,
beautifully decorated, great
rental property or weekend
getaway opportunity for every
The Villas at Marsh Landing, 2BR/
2BA, 1066 SF, spacious floor plan.
Close to shopping, great area
schools and the gorgeous Atlantic.
$217,900. .
Tremendous opportunity
for a two story town
home style condo
offering ocean views
from balconies. Features
FP, upgraded-kit., & just
steps to the ocean with
private beach access.
U -
Recycle This
Take life easy! No lawn care here just
plenty of s% imming and tennis! Charming "
2BR/2BA condo %\ith living room with' -.- :
fireplace and sliding glass doors looking
out to the screened lanai. This home has nice view s of lake. Close
to everything: beach, restaurants & shopping. Offered at $183,000
East of 3rd, Jax Bch, residential/commercial zoned. PRICED
TO SELL $399,900. Just stones throw to ocean. A 2/2
townhome. 2 car garage, 1st fir 1BR & BA; 2nd fir
1BR & bath, kitchen & living space. Can
be used for residential or commercial, you i.
Call Margi Petitt
Top Producer
I I *A S^i^ ^^ ^^ ^^
~ffe4e a~waaPA, REALTOR@
(9041 241-7461 Cem 231
or 09041i477-6668
%"%kjacksonviiiemjchctle.com iudendfluk
michellehome..2003@ %.aloo.octri .Network Realtv
in Sales. Listings and Transactions for the Beaches office in 2005!
Consider quality construction...consider these 6 solid concrete block
brand new town homes. Beautiful. wood floors through out, loft
style, open floor plan, lots of natural light, 42' cabinets, 2 balconies.,
Great location only a few blocks to the Atlantic Ocean!
Prices range from: $399,900 $427,900. 445 5th Street North.
.t&4le&. e&wme4 PA, REALTOR@
(904) 241-7461 ext 231
or (904) 477-6668
network lRafty a~,twa.,
Tops in Sales, Listings and Transactions for the Beaches office in 2005!.
Put the Leader
to0 Work for You!..
Situated on First Street in Jacksonville Beach directly across from
the Atlantic Ocean, the condominiums at Las Olas offer the style'
and elegance of uptown living mn a secure, relaxed setting. All of
the amenities,of living at the beach are right outside your door.
Only 2 units per floor with SPECTACULAR VIEWS
of the Atlantic Ocean. Priced from $839,415
For more information contact:
? i W 4dtU.e rsw r9, PA. REALTOR'7,
(904i24 1-746 e .ti 2?' I ,, r, :, e il
or t904i477-6668 Prudential
w v, jackson tilemichelle o-m Networlk ,R6li
ichellehomes2003Ca@ahoo oeni
Tops in Sales, Listings and Transactions for iltheicacrei, office I n' 2005!.
Suzie Mons Connolly
Bring your boat and enjoy the relaxing lifesr'le at the only Condo Community on
S the Intracoastal with private boat slips. Every unit has a lip on a recently dredged
harbor canal and slip. Other club ameunen intIl/de csliihiouse. pool, tennis. gazebo
and storage. Price ranging from $329,000 $415.000.
OPEN _.HOUSE Sat. 1-4
d J 14750 Beach Blvd. Unit #68
Deepwater Access to Intracoastal
Ifthis Sparks your interest call...
Barbara Sparks, REALTOR'1
G R ..A B R C SP ..P
your Waterfront Specialist
Prudential "'our Real Estate Professional for Life"
o* ,,Realty (9041641-0048 1904)705-4027
Imalil v -VV
Sunday, Mar. 12h"
1 BR/1 BA condo with garage at The Villas
at Marsh Landing. $170,000 Dir: JTB east Sheri Beno
to So Beach Pky exit, rt on Marsh REALTOR
Landng Pkw, rt on The Greens Way to '651-1830
yellow condo. on left, to Bldg 600 past N
lbhou, se. ON
S w ;., OPEN HOUSE SUN 1-4
a A ,,,,,,, ..... 114-B 18TH AVE N.
3BR/3BA to\ home \I/%ji, 1/2
,- Iblock to beach, ocean \ie\s firomn
rnmaster BR, CBC wdood!tile tlooirs
thru-out, hard surface counters,. SS appl. "L 4
$475,000. Dir: From Beach Blvd.. ,V on -- _
3rd Si to Eon 18th.\Ave N. 114-B on RT. "
-Mvm _..4pppmm%
1 22 -Ameit
A i
1 .njli
March 10, 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
ri-s1.4f4,l A.
Soon to be Jax Beach Landmark. 8th floor
residential on SE side of the building.
Amazing views, 12 ft ceilings, rare
| opportunity. This is a must see!
Move in April 2006.
office: 249-4949 EANSE
mobile: 333-7873 REAL ESTATE ,
Beautiful Townhome with Pool
Just Steps to the Beach!!
Almost new townhome, end unit, 2200 Sf, 3 story w/
3BR/3.5BA. Hardwood floors, 2 kitchens, granite/
stainless. Downstairs suite w/full
ME kitchen and garage.- Must see to
l^-] E3B appreciate. South Jax Beach. MLS
# 288425. $699,000
Connie Grubbs
I ___ B 904-612-9911
IJew Condo UEast of AIA,
in South JNaxBeach
8th floor end unit offering open views of the ocean.
3BR/3BA approx 2200SF. Only 15 condos in this
community. 2 per floor. Covered
parking. Offered at $929,000
Call Top Producer
Lynn Saul!
We've got it! 43 ft. boat slip with classy, renovated and
furnished 2BR/1BA condo in St. Aug. on the Intracoastal,
about 1/4 mi. to ocean access. Enjoy sunrises
from large patio overlooking the water, pool &
marina. $585,000.
SSheri Beno I
651-1830 ONNETI
Watersedge at Harbortown will include 20 high-
end 4 story Mediterranean-style town homes with
private courtyard and roof top terrace. The option
to purchase 50 ft boat slip in your
Front yard. Only 3 left!!! Prices
I- starting at $1,088,900
Call Margi Petitt
m l n
TALK TO THE TWINS! Beautiful gated community set in the marsh.
Wood or tile firs, fireplaces, huge screened lanai's, GORGEOUS
tropical views. GARAGES TOO! Ready to move in! MLS# 280543,
MLS# 284889. $160,000 $259,900. Call today!
Donna Sandiford 386-5800 "
Diane Barr 234-9997
Oceanfront 2BR/3.5BA townhome w/garage.
No HOA Fees. Completely renovated with new
AC/windows/doors/kitchen -
granite & stainless. $739,000
Suzie Mons Connolly
Wonderful 2BR/2BA ground floor condo east ofA1 A in PVB
with courtyard entrance. Relax by the fireplace or on your
screened patio or go for a swim in one of the
pools. This & much more can be yours. $361,900
MLS# 278474 Call Sheri Beno for details.
Brand New Townhome! 3 story, 3BR/3.5BA, 2-car garage.
Absolutely beautiful! Stucco, stainless steel appliances,
granite countertops, open floor plan, crown molding and
more...Oceanviews from master-
!. balcony. Lowest price in new
S^l[i construction East of 3rd St. $574,000
Call Margi Petitt
S*Top Producer
Southshore Condominium, 3BR/2BA,
excellent condition in South
Sc Jax Bch, covered parking.
*:' LPriced to sell at $599,900
\ | Call Margi Petitt Top Producer
owe)-, 03AAAA
~~ir~T~J~I~ ~E~t
/I B** a
Enjoy spectacular views of the
ocean from this 3BR/3BA 2,350
SF condo w/custom features
and upgrades. Call Grace
Tausz: 612-1089 $1,199,000
370 15th Ave. So.
Jax Bch
New construction townhome 4BR/4.5BA 3 story w/elevator,
2-car garage paver driveway. Construction complete 6
months. High-end finish levels, stainless steel appliances,
granite, custom cabinets, roof top
terraces, ocean views & more.
Call Margi Petitt
Top Producer
Ntew south Jax BMeach
Condo iEast of AIA
6th floor southeast end unit offering open views of the ocean.
3BR/3BA approx. 2,200SF. Only 15 condos in this
community. Covered parking.
$949,000 *i _
Call Top Producer
LUnn Saidl!
Beautiful newly constructed condo. in
Ponte- Vedra with
B5 Star amenities. East of AIA. 2BR/2BA
with screened lanai overlooking peaceful
lake. Priced to sell!
Call Cannie Thomas or Lvnn Saul
Commercial zoned, East of 3rd St., current use residential,
fully rented 2 apts, front bldg & 1 apt back bldg. All apts are
2BR/1 BA, concrete block construction, excellent conditions!'
Use as residential investments 'or
commercial. The choice is yours! ? 1
Approximately 2800 SF.
Call Margi Petilt
Top Producer
Oceanviewls Froln Vour
Private Penthouise
September '06 completion. 9thFL
penthouse w/3,700 SF of indoor
i ing, 620SF oceanview terrace,
''Ii' 220SF sunset terrace & 1,200SF
roof top access. 4BR/5BA master
suite & study, 10' ceilings, gourmet
Skit. Other amenities inc. pool &:
covered parking.
Lynn Saul!
Mortgages made easy.
Uncomnow, Wisdom
Wachovia Mortgage Corporation
233 3rd Street North
JacKsonville Beach. FL 32250
Tel 904-361-5102
VERY NICE 3BR/2BA Singlewide, carport,
screened porch, neat yard. Own beaches
living for $19,000; or rent for $825/mo. (lot
fee included) +deposit. See at Admirals
Walk, lot 69, off Mayport Rd. Then, call
MUST SALE 3BR/1BA,. close to schools,
navy base, beach. In nice quiet park.
$17;000 owner finance w/$5000 down or
best cash offer. 249-9347.
single, 1215sf, w/carport, deck, all GE
kitchen, CH&A, washer/dryer, new carpet.
Many upgrades. Financing available. Re-
becca, 246-7684.
MH FOR Sale: Great vacation home 3/2,
2002, 5 miles from beach. Located at
Portside, lot 366. Call Clay 772-8031 or
Tammy 223-1530.
AUCTION. 2BR/1 BA, solid condition. Bid-
ding starts at $6800. March 11th, .at 2pm.
2934 Calder Dr. Jax. (Portside).
Interest Only
Loans Available
Call us today!!
3/2 BRAND new townhome w/ garage,
1500sf. Off Kernan & Atlantic. $1400/mo
neg. (954)531-8108.
very nice. Remodeled. Washer/Dryer.
$625/mo. 731-8777.
ATLANTIC BCH walk to shops and res-'
taurants 2 blocks to beach. 2BR/1BA
Townhouse w/fenced yard. Available May
1st. $975/mo. First, last and security. Call
Rick 891-2345.
OCEAN, 2-BLOCKS. 2BR/1BA, $950/mo.
215 8th Ave. North, J.B.No pets.
CH/A, WDHU. East of 1st St. $795-
$1195/mo. 4151 Tradewinds, 4 BR water
frt S n500/mort 241-7368RR 733-3730n
,,ontz1u, u ...... ............... ATLANTIC BCH, 2 years old, 3BR/2.5BA
1-1/2 BLOCKS to Ocean, 1stAve. South, Townhome w/garage, tile/ carpet,
1BR/1IBA. $725/mo. (904)891-0606, $1150/mo. 962-7766.
WANTED. Ponte Vedra area, 2BR/2BA, OCEANFRONT
up to $925/mo. Signature Realty, LUXURIOUS Pelican Point. 2BR/2BA,
241-5221, ext; 108. available now. $1700-$2600/mo. 3 month
IAAVD-RT I ANiiNiM To,,,nhon -minimum rental. (904)241-7206.
2BR/2BA, CH&A, WDHU, $775/mo, $700
deposit. 1157 Songbird Lane. 280-2728
leave message.
JAX BEACH. Premium Oceanview.
Renovated. Hardwood floors, Dish-
washer. CH&A. Studios, $650/mo.
1BR 1BA. $750.mo, ,850/mo, $1000/mo.
904;)8591.301, 553-135.4.
2BR/1.5BA. Large back yard. $1100/mo.
Contact (904)699-4250. .
ATL BCH, 5 blocks to beach, renovated,
2BR 1BA duplex, WDHU, no. pets.
$925/mo +dep. Avail. 3/15/06.612 Sturdi-
vant St. 610-3838.
PONTE VEDRA Bch: luxurious 2BR/2BA,
golf to lake view. Brand new with 5-star
amenities $1150/mo. Jacksonville
Beach: 1.5BR/1BA oceanview $850/mo..
NEW COZY 1BR, deck w/ocean view,
CH&A. Water, sewer, garbage included.
Credit check, No peis $700.'mo 514-8530
$ 795
$ 850
$ 900
MOBILE. HOMES. $500 to $550, on pri-
vate lots. Near Mayport Naval, Station, no
dogs, 333-5579.
home, Aquatic Drive. Clean, updated.
$995/mo. 200-0126.
JAX BEACH. Villas at Marsh Landing.
Large 1BR/1BA, fireplace, Pergo.
$900/mo. 379-4288.
JAX BEACH, 2BR/1BA, 2 Blocks to
OCEAN, CH&A, $850/mo. 405 South 2nd
Street. 616-2871.
-* *,
NEWLY RENOVATED Tri-Plex. 321 10th
St. South. 2BR, CH&A. $850/mo. 1BR
$650/mo. Credit check, no pets, 12
month lease. 514-8530.
,ATLANTIC BEACH, 2BR townhouse;
CH&A, WDHU, no pets,. $850/mo;
$400/dep. 246-3130.
2BR TOWNHOUSE, 5 blocks from ocean.
$675/mo. Call John (904)813-9723.
1275 BayshoreDrN Mayport 2/2 1300
121 8th Avenue N Jax Beach .1/1 900
816 Belleza Ponte Vedra 1/1 755
201 Cranes Lake Ponte Vedra 2/2 1100
1027 Belleza Ponte Vedra 2/2 1100
11i6 Cranes Lake Pbnte Vedra 2/2.5 1160
108 The Fountains Ponte Vedra 2/1.5 1400
403 Tournament Road Ponte Vedra/Fairfield 2/2 1200
810 Tournament Road Ponte Vedra/Fairfield .3/2 1500
63 Tifton Cove North Ponte Vedra/Sawgrass'CC 3/2 1800
67 Fisherman Cove Ponte Vedra/Sawgrass CC 2/2 1450
1604 Ocean Pond Court Jax Beach 3/2.5 1657
3174 Merrill Blvd. Jax Beach 3/2 1700
403 Sandcastle Condo, Jax Beach 2/2 1100
4448 Pebblebrook Drive Jax/Riverbrook @ Glen Keman 3/2 r 1860
110 Nautilus Way Ponte Vedra/TPC 3/2 1700
90 Cat Road Ponte Vedra/Sawgrass 3/2 1800
3343 Lighthouse Pointe Lane Jax Beach 3/3 2144.
2001 Windjammer Ln, South Ponte Vedra 3/3.5 + ofc 3009
637 Bonaire Circle Ocean Cay/Jax Beach 4/2 2194
109 Gardenia Avenue Ponte Vedra/Fairfield 4/2 2400
3565 Bay Island Circle Jax Beach/Ocean Cay 3/2.5+1oft 2500
211 Mira Vista Jx/Intracoastal 3/2 1850
529 Sunset Drive Ponte Vedra' 3/2.5 2900
113 Lake Julia Drive North Ponte Vedra/Sawgrass .CC 3/3 + loft 2800
9910 Preston Trail Ponte Vedra/Sawgrass CC 3/2.5 2900
1316 Turtle Dunes Ct. South Ponte Vedra 5/4 3800
oi aii 1 JeIaNil)j
$1300/wk 529 Quail Point Sawgrass/Country Club 3/3 2000
$1400 Beach Club Villas Sawgrass Beach Club Eff. 600
$1500/wk 2503S.PonteVedra(SPECIALRATE) S. Ponte Vedra 4/2.5 2100
$1800/wk The Retreat Ponte Vedra/Oceanfront 2/2 1600
$1800/wk 191 12th Street Atlantic Beach 4/3 2600
$2000 Vista Del Mar Jax Beach/Oceanside 3/2 1700
$2400/mo 17' Ave. North w/pool Jax Beach 3/1.5 1500
$2500/wk562 Ponte Vedra Blvd. Ponte Vedra 3/1.5 1700
$2500 22 Carriage Lane w/pool Sawgrass/Country Club 2/2 1800
$2500/wk 728 Oceanfront Nept. Bch/Oceanfront 3/2.5 w/gamenn2600
$2600 92 Tifton Way N. Sawgrass Country Club 3/2 2000
$2700/wk 2824 Coastal Hwy Vilano Beach/Oceanfront 6/4 4000
$2700 114 Bay Hill Court Ponte Vedra/Fairfield 3/2.5 1800
$2900 4160 CoastalHwy. (SPECIALRATE) Vilano Beach/Oceanfront3/2 2000
$3500 163 Sea Hammock Old Ponte Vedra/Oceanfront 2/2+den 1800
$3500 The Cloister Atlantic Beach 3/2 2000
$3900/wk347 Ponte Vedra Blvd. Oceanfront/Pool 3/3.5 2600
**Other furnished properties also available
Daily, Weekly and Monthly.**
Call today to book your next vacationl!
228 Ponte Vedra Park Dr. Suite 500
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
(904) 285-2882
The Remington Apartments at
Ponte Vedra Beach
$690 One Bedroom $725 Two Bedrooms
Move-in within 2 weeks of approved application and
Call 285-0102 for details
We're almost
Come See
1, 2 & 3 Bedroom
starting at $685
Walk to the Ocean,
Schools, & Shopping
Clubhouse, 3 Pools, Balconies
'3 1' I (Corner of Penman & Seagate)
SNtoCon... T radiS on Sin TLe 178S Y
Sheri Beno
(,tassinec t
NORTH JAX. Beach. Efficiency, $495/mo.
1BR, $595/md. 2BR, $695/mo. 1 block to
Ocean. Pool. No pets. 249-5368.
GREAT ARLINGTON Townhome: 2/2,
spacious 1144sf., end unit; Neat tiled
kitchen and stone fireplace in great room.
Tile throughout, large fenced unit.
$950/mo.Call Jean @ Magnqlia Properties
R.E., (904)472-3614.
CUTE 1BR/1BA, 1 block to beach, wash-
er/ dryer, no pets, $675/mo. 809 South
2nd Street Jax Bch. 610-9771.
JAX BEACH. 2BR Lower. 7 blocks Ocean,
CH&A, WDHU, $850/mo.+ $500/dep. Mili-
tary/Senior discount. No dogs. 716 2nd
Ave. North. 708-0731.
6 10 8; 1PY
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Classified 5
lVLarcl .IV z-'.
JAX BEACH townhouse 187 South 8th
Ave. 2 blocks to ocean, 2BR/2.5BA
1500sf, 1-car garage, no pets $1350/mo.
BLOCK TO beach 126 8th Ave. South.
2BR/1BA, CH&A, WDHU. References,
credit check, .no pets, $876/mo.
JAX BEACH. 2BR/1BA Apartment, near
Ocean.' References, lease. 222 4th Ave.
South. $795/mo. 221-4134.
JAX BEACH, 1 block to ocean,
3BR/1.5BA,:CH&A, WDHU, patio & balco-
ny. $1350/mo. +$900/dep. 520 S. 2nd St.
(904)280-2728 Iv. msg.
LARGE 1BR, excellent location, 2 blocks
to Ocean, very clean. No pets. $650/mo.
642-1214, 241-1219.
SMALL STUDIO Apt., furnished, micro-
wve, small refrig., $600/mo, $600/dep Incl.
until. & cable. Non-smoker, no pets.
r ** i '
Lovely 1BR/1BA ground floor,
unit. All new appliances.
Call Grace Tausz: 612-1089
370 15th Ave. So. Jax Bch
2BR/IBA o home, W'/Dconnecrlon,
,550/mo Available no%
2BR/2BA, $I10)/mo. Available Apnl I
Naomi Delmont
/amrsedreal/ eaEle ioker
3/3 brand new luxury condo with
views of the marsh. Steps to the
ocean. Private garage. Furnished.
3/2 home located on lagoon.
Beautiful deck off back overlooks
TPC course. $2300
3/2 patio home. Amenities include
gated security, pool & clubhouse.
Call Melissa Myers
Property Management Sales
house, fenced in backyard, W/D.
$900/mo. (904)806-2516.
LARGE EFFICIENCY apartment, excel-
lent location, 2 blocks from ocean, very
clean. No pets. $550/mo. 642-1214 or
SJAX BEACH, East of 3rd, half duplex,
2BR/1BA, free water, pool, parking, re-
modeled. Great deal. $950+/mo 247-
ATLANTIC BEACH bright efficiency
across from ocean on Beach Ave. Availa-
ble April 1st. Nonsmoking, no dogs. First,
last, and security, $725/mo. 247-4527.
JAX BEACH. East of 3rd. 2BR/1BA up-
stairs apartment w/deck, washer/dryer,
CH&A. $1120/mo. 821-9751 or 803-3099.
NEPTUNE BEACH. 3 Dlocks Ocean,
2BR/2.5BA, 3 floors, 1200sl. fireplace.
dishwasher, WDHU, deck parking.
$975'mo t 241-6068.
2 BLOCKS OCEAN, 212 i01n Ave N
1BR $650/mo., 2BR $750imo Ciedil
checK, deposit. no pets. (904)514-8530
3 Spacious Bedrooms. 2.5BA, townhome
w/gaiage Sparkling clean and new inside.
Nice yard, community pool, Ireplace.
Shon term possible Avail 4/1/06 Ask for
details. $13751mo (904)280-2805
East of 3ro Streei WDHU, CH&A, dish-
washer $1200/mo deposit. No dogs.
463-0222. 465-2653.
ATLANTIC BCH ocean front, 3BR,2BA
large condo, all amenities. 219-2481
2BR/i3BA, 1 guestroom and once Large
deck and ocean patio access. Year lease,
premium location. $1450/mo. 2277 Semi-
nole Rd B Call Kevin (904)270-2050.
Parks-Lyon E
Atlantic Beach
+ 3BR/2BA condo, Seaplace-furnished,
pool. walk to ocean $1200/mo
' + 2BR/2BA TH, Masport Landing,
newl .remodeled unit, \ert nice
2BR/2BA. Maypon Landing,
close to base. 5800/mo
Neptune Beach
+ 2BR/2BA Apt, across from ocean
top unit W/D- $1200
Jax Beach
+ 2BR/IBAApt, pauo in back, walk
to beach $800/mo.
+ 3BR/2BA condo. South Shore on
ocean, pool, furn;sbed umrt.
Starting Ma Isi. $1900/mo for
6 months.
+ 3BR/2BA condo, Jardin De MNer,
W/D, tile floors. I car garage. FP
Ponte Vedra
2BR/2BA Condo. The Islands.
garage, screen porch, community
pool S1100/mo
Call us for
Professional Property Management
Call 249-2322
'_- Property Management
2/2.0 II
3/2.0 FJ
5/3.5 P
2/1.5 P
3/2.0 P
3/2.0 A
3/2.0 J
2/2 (DEN)IK
3/2.0 P
Property Subdivision Rent
Beach Blvd & Hodges Wolf Creek Condos $ 990
Crooked Creek Dr Riverbrook & Glen $1,350
Fiddlers Hammock Lane Fiddlers Hammock $2,600
Hwy AIA #74 The F unurin C'ondminiums $ 995
LaResene Cir Fiddler's Marsh $1.490
Ocean Blvd #49 Seaplace ifirnishedi$1,200
Pebble Brook Dr. Riverbto. at Glen-Hodges $1.595
138111 Sii ,,n Pl Or N #1(111' Grand Reerve Cond.H) dge $1.000
Lake Stone Circle Saw Mdl Lakes $1.800
JAX BEACH, 1.5 blocks to beach. 216 7th
Ave. S. 2BR/1BA + office, sunroom. Pets
OK. Fenced yard. $1200/mo. 434-4626,
Townhouse. $850/mo. 1 mile west of May-
port ferry..733-5225, 241-RENT.
ATL BCH, 62 Ocean Blvd. Newly remod-
eled 2/1, CH/A, W/D, 1 block to ocean,
Beaches Town Center location,
$1200/mo, first, last & $1000/dep. Avail.
3/1/06. Call 838-6333.
SUMMER HOUSE. 2BR/2BA, $1050/mo.
1BR/1BA, $950/mo. Pool, clubhouse, gat-
ed. SIGNATURE REALTY. 241-5221. Ext
3BR/2BA war, garage or quiel cul-de-sac.
Like new nierior pels considered, non-
smoking $1075nmo, available immediately
PVB. 3BR'2.5BA, healed pool and spa.
walk in rbearh l 5lRimn 280.-5707
PVB SAWGRASS Country Club, (North-
gate) 2BR/2BA + den & 2 car garage, wa-
ter to golf view $1850/mo.. (904)514-7150.
OCEAN VIEWS 2BR/1BA, 2 car garage,
WDHU. 111 Palm Place Neptune Bch.
SELVA LINKSIDE- 3BR/2BA, all hard-
wood floors, large back yard, $1500/mo.,
no smoking, no pets. 372-0742.
PONTE VEDRA 3/2, 2 car gar., all appl.,
washer/ dryer, close to beach, $1250/mo.
2BR/2BA home, 217 Hopkins St., patio,
carport. .$1175/mo. +$600/sec. Includes
lawn service. Broker/ Owner, 249-8766.
Call any day. '
PONTE VEDRA Charming 4BR/2BA in
desirable StJohns County $1450/mo
Call Team Real Estate at 247-8326
fenced yd WDHU $1250/mo .sec de-
posi (904)219-1950
PVB, L'ATRIUM Waterfront. 2BR/2BA.
garage, pool. tennis. $1250/mo. includes
iawn service. 247-1849
JAX BEACH. Near Ocean, 3BR/1BA.
JAX BEACH, 5 Blocks to Ocean. Lease references required. 218 4Ih Ave.
3BR/1BA. CH&A Credit check No pets. South. $1100/mo (904)221-4134
610 Paircia Lane. $975/mo 514-8530.
MUi,con wr-rA. nnr-veDn A rim
NEPTUNE BCH. 3BRi2BA, large yard car
port walk to beach, includes washer dryer
and lawn service $14001mo 285-2952
Bedrooms, 30tl to Ocean. Partially lur.
nished, no dogs. $2300/mo water rnclud-
ed 1904)249-3419. (9041463-0222
3BR 2BA, nardwood floors, 8 houses from
the each in Atlantic Bch $1700.mo.
Steve 246.9915.
area, 3/2, 1438s1.. iaKefront home Split
bedroom plan, eat-in-kitchen, vaulted ceil-
ings and carpeted Inroughout 2 car ga-
rage and beautiful lake view location.
$1200/mo Call Jean @ Magnolia Proper-
lies R.E., 1904)472-3614 .
2BR/1 5BA TOWNHOUSE, ceramic tile
floors, CH&A. laundry 'room, patio, fenced
yard. 1 yr. lease, no pels, $950 aeposil.
$900/mo 2104 Bay Ra Neptune Bch,
993-1114 or 270-1284
PONTE VEDRA. 3BR'2BA, w/great room
& garage Large lenced backyard, patio.
On cull-de-sac. Newly renovated.
$1350/mo 759 0757
3BR 2BA 1-story house. 1850st w/ 2BR
1BA garage unit CH,'A. WDHU. Dlinds,
carpel, Ig Florida room, carpon, Ig yard,
$2000/mo $1000,dep. 347 3rd St., All
Bch. 241-2624
w- -------
Palmetto Cove
Apartments at
Ponte Vedra Beach
$710 One Bedroom
$815 Two Bedrooms
Move-in within
2 weeks of approved
application and
- j-,. -., -.
Call 285-1431
for details
HODGES AREA i: 3BR/2BAF, I$1250/mo,
13031 Benrwater Dr Includes security
system & lawn service. Wolf Creek 3727
WindmaKer Way, 3BR/2.5BA. many up-
grades, new home. $1250/mo. Realty Ex-
eculives, 273-3939, 610-6460.
PONTE VEDRA. L'Arium, 2BR/2BA. Tire-
place, 2 car garage, lawn service. Fenced
yard Now available. $1190/mo. 642-3517.
DUCED 51800/mo. 3BR/2BA tLR/ DR,
FR. eat-in-kllcnen. fireplace, WDHU.
screened patio, 2 car garage. Includes
yard & pest and all association tees. 904-
SUTTON LAKES. 4/2, 1930sf., open floor
plan, LR. DR. EIK, split BR w/lg. closets,
DHU. $1395imo. TDO Management
Services, 246-1125.
Deerileld Lakes 2/2 condo. Avail. 3/10,
The Palms. 2/2 ,"ondo. approx. 1200si,
beaulilul, greal amenities, avail now
'Jardin De Mere. 3/2 condo, detached ga-
rage, 4mos old, $1400/mo.
Summerhouse 2/2 condo, gated comm.
lols ol amenities. Avail. now. $995/mo.
Lg 4/2. 2 car gar.. comm. pool, near
schools, $1395/mo.
2/2 5 condo, freshly painted, screened pa-
tio, clean, gated. Available now, $995.mo
inci water, sewer & basic cable.
4/2. over 2000si, available 3/15,
Brand new, deautilul 3/2 near Touchlon
Rd Avail. now. $1395,mo.
Executive home. brand new, 2600s1,
4/2.5, gated comm.. $2000/mo.
2/2 Townhome, 1800sf. avail. now
Lg 3/2, 2 car garage, over 2300sl.
(2) Brand new 3/2 condos, 1100st. Start-
ing at $875/mo.
DAYBREAK WOODS (Pulaski area)
Brand new 3/2, 2. car garage, avail, nor,
4BR/2BA, 2 car garage, 2300sf.
241-5501 OR 221-1711.
Management, INC.
I It's the "L..EASE we can do!!
1/1 C 1820 Sevilla Blvd #207 $995
3/2.5 TH 1043 Big Pine Key $1395
3/2 H 522 Pine Street $1175
S3/2 H- 1810 1"' Street- $1600
3/2 H 4804 Otter Creek $1900
3/2 H 614 Palmera Drive $1200
"Call us to see why you should have
a member of the National Association
of Residential Property Managers
[ to manage your property!"
For more details please check out our website at
.Unfurnished Homes 132 II' Ave S. JB 3BR/3.5BA, Three story Palms at Marsh Landing JB
Ponte Vedra by the Sea- PV townhouse w/garage, many balconies. $1650/mo. 2BR/2BA. ground floor w/garage. ,.
5BR/3.5BA, fabulous home, 3 cargarage, L'atrium PV 3BR/2BA SFH,porch screened porch. 1050/mo.
Sfenced backyard, screened porch. w/jacuzzi, lake view. fireplace, comm. pool, 2BR/2BA, ground floor, tile floors.
$2950/mo. garage. $1600/m. $1100/mo.
The frove -PV 4BR/3BA, home on Innlet Beach PV 2BR/2BA. home on Villas at Marsh Landing-JB
^ private lot w/preserve views, hard-V ood lagoon, screened porch, fresh paint, new tile 2BR/2BA,' ground floor, w/garage
Floors, three car garage. $2700/mo. & carpet. 2 car garage. $1295/mo. screened porch and fireplace. $1 100/mo.
' Marsh View SPV 4BR/4BA. end unit Furnished Homes Ocean Links PV .
? w/elevator. 2800 SF, beach access, Ocean Grande SPY 3BR/3BA. Condo. 2BR/2BA, ground floor. $1100/mo. ,
Attached garage. $2200/mo. luxuriously furnished, screened porch, across 2BR/2BA, condo has garage, fireplace,
Summerfield P 3BR/2BA spacious from ocean. $3000/mo. $ porch, golf course views. $1200/mo. .
T home in w alkingdistance to schools & h nracoastal West Grand Cay Villas PV ".
Beach. $2000/mo. e Avanti Kernan 1BR/1BA, 2nd floor w/ 2BR/2BA. 2nd floorw/garage.$1100/mo.
S114 18th Ave N JB 3BR/3.5BA, newer screened porch. $850/mo. 3BR/2BA, 3rd floor, vaulted ceilings, tile
Stownhouse w/balconies, one car garage' 2BR/2BA, 2nd floor condo, all appliances, floors, upgrades thru-out. $1250/mo.
fireplace $1975/mo. great amenities. $945/nio. 922 l Street S- JB 2BR/2BA, ground
I Wa l er Montreux Touchton 2BR/2BA, ground floor, attached garage, porch, newer
S .t t m g floor condo, screened porch onlake, light and building. $1800/mo.
Bright, garage. $1 800/mo. b. 2 .$ b di00/mo. r
S38 17th Street AB 3BR/2.5BA, bne gl. $11l00 s ,
e nochiished Condos3
I townhouse, 1/2 block to ocean, quiet g ,Su n rhous e %
o private pati, e ele. Newly renovated, new carpet, baths, kitchen, MAX COASTAL REAL ESTATE
Quail Point PV 3BR/3BA. Home hastilefireplace, walk to shops, great amenities. Shannon Smith
screenedporch, decks, woodfloors, golf 1BR/1BA, Villa $875/mo (904) 85-5640
course views. $1750/mo. c 2BR/2BA, ground floor. $1050/mo. wwwrenttebeaches
f sif fff' f l if s creened porch on lake, ligi and building. Sf Ip 800
boght, garage. $1800/mo.^ ^^.^^^ ^^^
ATLANTIC BEACH. 330 First St. Newly
Remodeled 4BR/3BA. 2-blocks to Ocean
& Town Center. $1750/mo. 249-0767,
JAX BCH 3BR 2BA super nicely Complete-
ly remodeled, 1500sf, 4 blocks to beach.
No pets. Credit check & refs. 509 7th Ave.
N. $1500/mo. 993-1979.
JAX BEACH' North. Clean 3BR/2BA,
2-car garage, fenced yard, carpet, ceramic
tile. Holly Drive. -Quiet neighborhood.
$1250/mo.+ deposit. ,614-5278.
NEPTUNE BEACH, 3BR/2BA, living room,
dining room, large eat-in kitchen. In-
ground pool, garage, large fenced yard.
Updated. Absolutely, no pets. $1250/mo.
S. JAX Beach, 1 block ,to beach,
3BR/2BA, $1500/mo. (904)241-6650.
S'SIDE. 212 LRIDR. D'bar, cpi, f'place,
WDHU, balcony. porch, pool. mliess
room. $875/mo. TDO Mgt. Services.
Belter Deal 2BR,2BA comer unim 2nd
Iloor TH on the tennis coun Avail now
$1195,mo Janet 285-4444
2BR/2BA $1050/mo. 3BR/2BA
$13001mo Beaulilul, vaulted ceilings.
newly renovated, many amenities Availa-
Ole now. 4 garages available $75 and up.
Really Executives, 273-3939 610-6460
Wasrer'dryer. Gated. gym, pool
$1050/mo. 285-9324.
Penthouse with Marsni ICW views 3'3 wi
may upgrades- all appliances, scr lanai w'/
summer Kitchen. Single car garage
$22501mo Serenata Membership avail.
Call Marina Riggio, Olde Carriage Realty.
501-1917: 824-0040 office.
JAX BEACH, 2BR/1.5BA. new tile, carpet
& pain, wasner/ dryer, fenced
patio. 2 blocks to beach $1225'mo.
, (2 units available (760)445-4789.
THE VILLAS. 2BR/2BA. garage. porch,
ground floor. pool. eic. $1050/mo.
2BR'2 5BA Luxury Townhouse Gated,
concierge, resort pool & witness. II Viliagio.
located 2 miles from Town Center Mall.
$1190imo. 635-8650. 923-0277.
GREAT 3BR,2BA condo in PVB, pool,
spa. illness room, $1350/mo. 280-5170 or
ocean Iront condo. living room and master
bedroom overlooking ocean w/balcony.
Front balcony 'overlooks Jax skyline. fully
lumished, greal .ameniies, including cov-
ered parking, pool, hot tub. tennis, anad
sandy beach. Call lor more details,
398-9080 ext 211
PONTE VEDRA BCH 5 star resort
w1oeach access, 1 and 2 BR available,
$900-51400/mo., full concierge service, all
new appliances, fully renovated
1300si, 2-story Town Home w/beach ac-
cess, $1300/mo.. lull concierge service all
new appliances completely renovaiea.
great view, new appliances. 51200/mo
Visit website www.geocites compvb05O
PONTE VEDRA Summer House. New
2BR/2BA. 5 Star ameniries. Near Saw-
grass & Ai Schools $1100!mo + deposit
PVB -THE Colon Walk to beach owper
i mouvated, 2BR/2BA"1"3 ll!9o6or 1higrfell-
,ngs. new carpel, W D'lp.? qaage. Avail
immed. $1195/mo. Janet 285-4444/
PVB 2BR/2BA newly remodeled, live
star, golicourse, fireplace, $1095/mo.
the Iniracoastal Walerway, 3/4BR, 3.5BA.
approx. 2700sl. w/marina view. Resort
style living, live among millionaires!
$2500/mo. includes 1 car garage, water,
sewer, caole, pool, spa. club house,
health club, Manna Walk. gated communi-
ty w/waler Marsh and marina views
Available April. 40' boai slip also available
Call now 463-2845.
KERNAN BLVD, 3/2 condo, LR/DR com.
Do, b'last bar. open floor plan, garage.
$1200/mo. TDO Management Services.
PVB 1BR/1BA, Iplc.. 1 car gar.. Iree cable,
comm. pool, $950/mo. 545-3156.
OCEAN FRONT (Ocean 14) beautifully
renovated. furnished, 3BR/2BA w/storage
unit $2495/,mo. 1904)571-3877
2BR/2BA, beautifully furnished. $1800/mo
(Yearly, $1300/mo.) Unlurnished, yearly
$1250/mo. 887-5005.
PVB -MARSH COVE. A perfect
2BR/2 5BA TH. Clean new. 1200sl.
$1185/mo. Janet. 285-4444.
PVB 3BR'2BA. New appliances including
Swasher/dryer. Beach access New tile,
carpet. Pets QK Handicapped accessible
$1500/mo 813-0304.
PVB. 2BR/2BA, w/Iireplace. new applian-
caes, washer/dryer, many amenities.
$950/mo. 472-0914.
PVB FAIRFIELD- 2BR/2BA, garage. Man-
ned community gate, pool. tennis.
$11001mo. 614-4609 or 285-2267
home. fireplace, fenced yard, garage.
WDHU, community pool. $1200/mo,
PALMS AT Marsh Landing- Two
2BR/2BA available: First floor, marsh
view. Beautlllul upgrades ncl granite,
hardwoods, garage $1250/mo. 3rd floor,
lake view. fireplace, vaulted ceiling, ga-
rage. $1200/mo. Call 904-613-7605. TMI
Real Eslate Group. LLC
PVB- THE Belleza, 1BR 1BA, luxury
amenities, gym & tanning bed, $950/mo
Call 318-9114
THE PALMS 1BR/1BA Reson amenities
Sell or lease $149,500, $875/mo
JAX BCH, The Palms at Marsh Landing
1 BR/1 BA, $865/mo. Beautiful water view,
ceramic tiled floors, immaculate. Call
Marshview. $1195/mo. 434-3456.
BOATER'S DREAM, 2BR/2 5BA. water-
front townhouse at tne Moonngs. Jax Bcn
Newly renovated.new appliances washer/
dryer $1600/mo includes 50 IH boalslip
Call (904)424-6572.
units, golf view/lake, all amenities. Every-
thing new. $1145/mo Janet 285-4444
BRAND NEW Wolfcreek Condo: 3/2,
1394sf. Gourmet kitchen, great master
suite with walk-in-closets. Fitness center
and pool onslie. $1350/mo. Call Jean @
Magnolia Properties R.E (904)472-3614
THE PALMS 1BR/1BA. near tennis and
pool, garage, $950/mo 803-2806.
JARDIN DE Mer, Jax Beach. Brand new,
Beautiful 2BR/2BA, fireplace, washer/dry-
er. 1-car garage. bottom floor $1100/mo.
Owner/realtor 994-3608
3BR 3BA, gorgeous oceanfront luxury
condo. Built In 2005, 6th floor, 1953sf,
over-sized kitchen, granite countertops.
Gated, garage space, heated pool, jacuz-
zi. $3300/mo. 1/2 month off call for details.
PVB- SUMMER House luxurious 2BR
2BA end unit in cul-de-sac. Brand new,
5-star amenities, beachside. $1399/mo.
ATL BCH 3BR house, beautifully furnish-
ed, walk to ocean, $1850/mo. 993-3226.
S. JAX Bch. 2BR, fully furnished ocean-
front condo. Monthly/ Weekly. 241.0267
4BR/4BA, weekly, monthly, yearly. Call
$400 week. 1BR/1.5BA with pool. 904-
homes. Weekly/monthly. Visit us at:
jaxbeachrental.com or 535-3911 or
vate BR/BA. Parking, pool $800/mo+ 1/2
utilities. Includes cable, all amenities.NO
LEASE. 247-8338.
ROOM IN 4BR house. Fireplace, nice
pool, nice neighborhood. $140/wk in-
cludes utilities & cable. Call 568-8700.
the Intracoastal Waterway, 3/4BR, 3 5BA
approx 2700sf Resort style living, live
among millionaires Looking for 2 room.
mates 1 @ $800/mo. & 1 @ $1000/mo
with a master suite. Includes all utilities,
cable, pool, spa, health clud, Manna Walk
gated community w/waler, marsh and
marina views Available now. 40' boal slip
also available. Call now 463-2845
MASTER BR own bath. kitchen facililtes,
$500/mo F & L. 534-3336
BEACHES AREA female seeking room-
mate. 3BR/2BA $440/mo + 1/2 utilities.
Refs required. 504-3647.
ATLANTIC/ SAN Pablo Furnished/ un
lurnised bedroom/ bath. Male/ Female,
nonsmoker. $500 plus ulil. 220-3104.
PRIVATE ROOM & Bath, 1 block 0o
Ocean. $500imo. +1/2 utilities. $500tde-
postr. Call (904)860-9240.
NON-SMOKING SHORT walk to beach
and pool. share utilities & kitchen.
private bath, $925/mo. (Oceanwalk)
JAX BEACH. 1000sf including kitchen
$1000/mo + tax and CAM 608-6426
NEPTUNE BEACH, small office w/garage
Avail. immediately Call (904)249-8819.
UPSCALE EXECUTIVE Offices lor lease
in beautiful Jax Bch. Fully lurnished.
amenries include wireless high speed in-
lernet. use 01 lully lurnisned conference
room & kitchen $700/mo wi 2yr lease.
$750/mo w/ lyr lease. 242-9195
RENTALS. OFFICE in Neplune Bch, ap-
prox 3400sl. Also Warehouse & Office
approx 2800sf Terry McCue R E., Inc.
OFFICE SPACE lor lease in prime Jax
Beach location. Approximalely 3000st call
241-8300 for appt.
OFFICE' RETAIL Jax Beach. 400sl or
800si, 3rd Street frontage. 246-0576
JAX BEACH Office Suite. 131n Ave
South, across Irom Baptist Hospial Ap-
proximalely 1550sI, build-oul complete.
wired lor pnone/lan. $16.95sf+ lax. depos-
i. 1904)241-9944, ext. 104.
Short or Long Term
Secretarial Services
Conference Room
Easti .... '..'
walk to beach -
Close to shopping/
For more information,
(904) 543-7000
JAX BEACH building for lease w/ofice
Multi-purpose use. Near public boat ramp
1800si. $1500/mo For details. 249-3214,
JAX BEACH. 1000si Storefront Near
Beach. $1500/mo.+ $350 CAM. 1433
South 3rd Street (A1A). 708-0731.
PUPPY TAILS & Whiskers Pet Sitting
Service Let us take care of your pet in
your own home. Licensed, bonded insured
& references. Call for a free estimate
The kennel alternative/ Providing convene.
ient, reliable care lor your pets at your
home while you are away. Reasonable
rates, references For more informanon
call. Doris Rosanus, 241-8967 Licensed
PET SITTING, in your home. Dog walking
Responsible, mature. Call Kitty. 874-6062
GOLDEN RETRIEVER Male, lyr, rained.
healthy, friendly, loving $200. 2473149
5 MALE Miniature Pinscher Puppies. Call
285-7878 for details & pncing
AMERICAN PIT Bull pups, 1 white female
bnnale$200. (904)534-3336.
BLACK LAB pup, male, $.300. 534-3336
HOMELESS PETS for adoption. Cats &
dogs. 246-3600.
FOUND MIN PINS, (2). Ponre Vedra
Beach area. Call to identify. 280-2899.
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
e-mail: classified @ beachesleader.com
tested divorce papers. Without Kids (while
you wait) Wih kids (a little longer) Since
1981/by appt only 1904)641-2187.
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
mail: classifled@beachesleader.com
MATH TUTOR. Certified, experienced
Math Teacher Will tutor K-12 evenings.
249-2293. '
BOUNCER NEEDED at the beach,
Thurs., Fri., Sat. nights. Call 514-2507.
Experienced only. Must have reliable
transportation. 3 days per week and
some Saturdays. Call Debble after 2pm.
285-3400 x3352 Iv. msg.
FRONT DESK Assistant needed part-
time. Dunn Wellness Center in Jackson-
vile Beach. Fax resume to 249-1530.
Part-time, weekends and nights. Must
have clean driving record. Call 241-1013.
We have OCEAN FRONT (1-Condo Penthouse),
Homes in Bentwater, Selva Lakes, The Palms,
Atlantic Beach, Wolf Creek, PV and more
..all with multiple photos.. Visit us at:
4-Beaches Realty,LLC.
m... .. .. .
AP-- --14h
1 n )nnA
ll/1 wJ rE'ffl 1 I I, J 1 II I1 I
wi IWA' I I amrw FAM n
Cclaccifiedl 6
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
March 10, 2006
PART TIME evening Commercial Clean-
ing at the beach. $8/hr, weekends extra
pay. Professional drug- free workplace.
Must possess identification, Social Securi-
ty card & References. (904)484-6625 or
fax (904)825-0619.
SOUS CHEF,. Grill Cook, Dishwasher, Ex-
perienced Servers. Seeking motivated In-
dividuals. Now hiring. Fax resume: 223-
7763; or apply in person between 2-4pm,
Marker 32 Restaurant, 14549 Beach Blvd.
NAIL TECHNICIAN and Hair Dresser CUSTOM PAINTERS needed. Must be
needed. Built in clientele, World Golf V experienced & dependable. Transporta-
lagearea (904)504-1314. tion a mustl (904)568-0990, (904)465-
estate office. Email resume to:
CARPET CLEANER Helper, 20+hours,
days, some weekends. Nice.appearance.
MODELS WANTED for high quality fe-
male fashion photography. Good pay per
session. Experience not required.
Neptune Beach Public Safety Department
is accepting applications for Lifeguard
Lieutenant. 6-years or more life guarding
experience. First Responder, EMT prefer-
red. Emergency vehicle operation certifi-
cation a plus; Supervisory experience pre-
ferred. Apply at: Neptune Beach Public
Safety Dept.. 200 Lemon Street, Neptune
Beach. Mon.-Fri., 9am-5pm. NO PHONE
CALLS. Deadline: April 5,2006. AA/EEOQ
OFFICE ASSISTANT needed with friend-
ly, professional phone voice. Flexible
hours and knowledge of ACT, Excel, and
Word helpful. Call 285-5855.
9am-6pm. Professional telephone voice
and general office/computer experience
required. (904)247-6683,
ART TEACHER for Young Rembrandts
drawing program. Part-time, afternoon
hours. Curriculum and supplies provided.
Send resumeto smurawski@bellsouth.net
tive in Jax Beach seeking self-motivated,
cheerful, organized and detailed individu-
al.. Need good communication/ PC Skills:
Word, Exel, Quickbooks a plus, need vehi-
cle to run errands. Dependable with can-'
do attitude. Part-time to start, could be-
come full-time. Fax resume including
availability to 904-247-5154, or e-mail at
Octoberskylic@yahoo.com "
Neptune Beach Public Safety Department
is accepting applications for Lifeguards.
Must be 16 yoa or older, must pass Drug
Screening test and'Pre-employmept Phys-
ical Agility Test. First Responder or Multi-.
Media First Aid a plus. Apply at: Neptune
Beach Public !Safety Dept:. 200 Lemon'
Street, Neptune Beach. Mon.-Fri., '9am-
5pm. NO PHONE, CALLS. Deadline: April
5,2006. AA/EEOC
Energelic, tiexiile' mull.-ta.sk person.
Transportation with valid FL driver's li-
cense a must. Hours: 6pm-10:30pm;or lat-
er. Call Wanda or Debbie after 2pm.
285-3400 x3352-.
business We will cenity. but applicant.
must nave knowledge ol cardio & muscu-
lar exercise Greal growth opponuniry wilh
largesi PT organization in the world
285 3236 www hiponievedra comr
Saturday Apply wirnin- George Moore
Chevrolet, 7.1 Beach Blvd., JB. Ask for
Ginger. 249-8282.,
son to work at furniture consignment store
10-6pm 2.-3 days per week 241-5558.
BUSY HEALTH Food store seeks ener.
getic. dependable and centered individu-
als Musl na'.e knowledge of holistic
rerbs,' supplerrenls and now to live a
healiny life style Day, night. and weekend
shih. 273-4101
ORGANIZE HOUSE personal objects,
'sewing, 2 reIs 285-0140 atler 11am
KENNEL ASSISTANT needed for busy
veitrinary clinic. competitive wages Previ-
ous kennel experience required Apply in
person Beaches Animal Clinic 937
Beach Bt.d ,.Jax Beacha 246-2045
HELP WANTED classiTications in ihis
newspaper are intended 10 announce gen-
uine current lob openings No lees may ne
charged to ihe prSpecive employee. Ads
lotr elf-employmenr or business opponu-
nries appear under the Business Opponu-
nies category Ads which may require
payment or lees lor employment inlorma-
ion. guidance or training may appear un-
der Job Service Sh.ould any Help Wanled
adveniser aEk lur a lee or it the aoveniser
is offering a product or service rather than
a job opening, please notify The Beaches
Leader, 249-9033.
RELIABLE HELPER for Moving Company
in Jacksonville Beach. 249-9395.
S994-1269.. .. '
LAWN TECH needed for beacn pestl con-
irol company Gooo pay Monday-Friday.
benelii-, good driving record requirea'
DFWP, Call 241-7874.,
Pressmen, Bindery, Graphic Design, and
Pre-press. 514-1090. .
and Beaches Work in teams of Ihree.
Must have own Iransportation. valid driv-
er's license Approximately $175.wk 10o
stan Moday-Friday, no nights'weekends.
Home Cleaning Centers of America.
LMT/ REHAB Assistant needed for busy
doctors office. 273-2691 or fax resume
JAMI'S, JCC.. Upscale women's retail
clothing stores in Ponte Vedra. Manage-
ment & Sales Positions available Fax re-
sume to k239)?62-2954
Lawn service seeks individual to perform.
dependable quality work. Excellent pay &
overtime availaDle Crew Leaders wanted.
Perschel Brothers Services, Inc. 246-
0967. I ,
SOUTH BEACH- Salon has, chair rental
available. Call 673-3639. ,
AMERICAN HOME Companions needs
compassionate ive-in caregivers for the
elderly. Work 2,3, 4 or 5 days per Week.
at 2840 Mayport Rd., ,I
FIRST CHOICE Home Improvements.
Needs skilled carpenters & tree climbers.
HAIR STYLIST needed at Pepi's in Jax
Beach. Up to 60% commission. Call Tina
249-2254. ,
LABORERS, HELPERS, Skilled personnel
(all types). Call 249-8147, or apply: 203
South 3rd Street, Jax Beach. Good pay &
FRAMER'S HELPERS needed. Custom
homes, Beaches area. Transportation re-
quired. 868-0866.
Is growing. Have basic home repair skills,
tools, transportation & a smile? Call
221-3453. Good $$. P/T, FfT.
FULLTime, 3pm-1lpm in our new Assist-
ed Living expanded facility at premiere re-
tirement community.. Excellent work envi-
ronment and benefits., Applications at
Fleet, Landing Security Gate, One Fleet
Landing Blvd., Atlantic Beach, FL; Fax.to
(904)246-9447; email to: jobs@fleetland-
ing.com EOE/ Drug-Free Workplace.
NOW HIRING Sales People, Assistant
Head, Cashier, Receiving Clerk,
Stock/Carry-out. Apply at Proctor Ace
Hardware, 870 A1A North, Ponte Vedra
LIVE AND work at the beach in a casual
atmosphere. Ocean Waves is. accepting
applications for the following positions:
CSR, Acctg, Optical Techs, Office Manag-
er, Sales Reps, and Showroom Sales. 76
Levy Rd. Apply In. person or email resume
to kevin@oceanwaves.com
front-office, medical records, Billers, Tran-
scriptlonists, Family Practice, OBGYN,
and Dermatology experience preferred,
Fax resume 636-0066..
FULL TIME Worker needed for new excit-
ing field of Shoreline Restoration. Neptune
& Ponte Vedra areas. For the next 6
months. Possible extended employment
available. Good pay. (772)713-6823.
FULL-TIME at Health Center in Premier
Retirement Community: Applications avail-
able at Fleet Landing Security Gate, One
Fleet Landing Blvd., Atlantic' Beach, FL
32233; Fax to 904-246-9447; email to
jobs@fleetlanding.com. EOE/ Drug-Free
PONTE VEDRA Valley Is searching for
,Funeral Director. Competitive salary with
benefits. Please send resume to: 4750
Palm Valley Rd, Ponte Vedra Beach FL
32082; or fax: (904)285-3392.
Night. Apply at 2840 Mayport Rd. or call
LOOKING FOR Hard Working, dependa-
ble, detail & multi-task oriented Individual,
for delivery & maintenance of medical.
equipment & supplies. Must have neat ap-
pearance, excellent customer service
skills & excellent driving record. Back-,
ground check is required by law. Apply in
person, Southeastern Medequip Inc. 905
orth Third St. Jacksonville.Beach.
experienced Teacners Cooksthousekeep-
er, F/T & !P/T available We orter a com.
petitive salary & benefits package Call
273-6960 or fax resume to 280.5742
Real Estate agents needed immediately
Call 992-6490. -
LOOKING FOR Liquor Store Clerk, Bar-
tender, Door Guy Must be able to work
days, nights. weekends, and holidays.
Must pass drug test and background
check. Call Robert @ 465-0149..
FACIAL SPECIALIST with clientele wanl-
ed. Also, Nail Tech w'clieniele No acryl-
ics. Day'Spa, Jax Beach. Call Miki,
242-8008. .
HAIR STYLIST needed @ Styles of
Ponte Vedra, located on corner of Mickler
and A1A Up to 60% commission Coniacl
Denise al 280-0494. .
CUSTOMER SERVICE Rep. prefer 440 li-
cense. bul will train Holland Insurance
Agency, PO Box 50677. Jacksonville Bch,
FL 32240 or call 249-1858.
HOME CLEANERS earn excellent pay
cleaning homes weekly S biweekly. De-
pendaole car required Full or part lime
Call 223-5033
MEDICAL ASSISTANT lor busy pediatric
office has immediate opening Spanish
speaking a plus Call 246-9428
benelrs' pay Al levels 01 experience con-
sidered. Some knowledge ol construction
desirable The Defenders,. Palm Valley,
285-2346, M-F, 8am-4:30pm.
Needed ort mrrmeiale FT & PT pos,-
tions. Requirements: Class "D" security li-
cense, HS Diploma. or GED, clean back-
ground and drug free. Excellent pay and
Benefits. OuaiTied candidates may lax re-
sumes to' 19041281 -0084 or apply at. First
Coast Security Services 6817 South-
point Pkwy. #1001, Jacksonville, Fl
32216. (904)281-0070.
COOKS & Prep Cooks needed Apply in
person al 31 Rhyal Palms Dr., Seafood
Kitchen or call 236-2439..
TAXI DRIVERS Wanied Clean dr.,irg re
cord'requi'ed. Call'Albrir, 246-9999'F ," "
Jax Beach growing company needs
organized, marketing focused
Executive Assistant %vith ability to
muln-task. Must test at 60 \pnm and
have excellent \erbal and %nnuen
comniumcanon skills. Expenence
in Excel and PowerPoint is a must
Competitl e salarN and great
benefit packet. M-F Sanm-5:30pm.
Email resume to
or fax to 241-7333
Join our team If you can excel at inside
sales & desire a fast-paced work environ-
ment, -we may have an excellent
opportunity for you. You will join a Ngtion-
a company & work in Ponte Vedra Beach.
Ideal candidate will have 1+ years experi-
ence inside sales, customer service, or
telemarketing, & excellent communication
skills. Ability to handle business accounts.
Base pay plus commissions. $25k plus.
FT, no evenings or weekends. PT avail.
Fax resume: (904)285-0010 or email:
Host/ Hostess, Servers, & kitchen utility.
Good money, casual atmosphere, very
busy, great people to work with. FT/PT.
285-0139. ,
A/C AND Heating company needs Instal-
lers.; Service Techs and Helpers. Call Rob
LERS. Seeking experienced and respon-
sible'persons to work with long, establish-
ed Beaches Company. Clean driving re-
cord required. Call 249-3317 for appoint-
ment or apply at MBI Landscaping,-861 S.
10th St., Jax Beach.
TEACHER CDA Cenilied 4yr Old Class
Warm & loving Teachers & Assiilanis
needed. FT & PT Call 249-0905. or fax
resume to 249-5241. The Beaches School
&!The Red School House.
Landscape 1074 o0in Ave South, Jax
Beach. Bonus 2474-l"77
DO you want to join a winning team. Don't
get left out. Our driver's make $500-$700
per week. Call 249-5151 ask for Brian or
493-5250 ask for Tim Collins
DRIVER, .LIGHT delivery for Veteran's
charity. Own vehicle, cash paid dally,
.phone etiquette & people skills. Organized
w/strong computer proficiency. Fast paced
environment. Fax 273-4406.
CHILD CARE Teachers with CDA, top
pay signing at $11 hr & up also Teach-
er's Assislanrs needed 220-3993.
BEACHES CAR Wasn- lull lime helr,
needed Wages negotiabl.i iips Benelnis
Avail Apply in person. 1401 Beach Blvd
PONTE VEDRA Valley is'searching for a
lawn/landscape person Monday-Friday
$10.'nr, winh beretits Please apply in per-
son, at 4750 Palm Valley Rd, Ponre Vedra
Beach. 0, call 19041285-1130
Work at the Beach; Fast-paced office
needs cusiome rlocused Administrative
Assistant lor mulli-line phones Must lesi
at 50wprri aDilI to mulli-tas & have ex. '
cellent verbal & wrinen communicalior,
Skills Experience in Word & Excel a plus
Monday-Fridav 9am-Epm Email resume.
T0. cavidb@idesenmiicro nel or lax o
lendenl lor eslabiisried company Drug
iree work place. benehls 241-2721
based family olice seeks highnl moiwval-
ed energetic individual i lo n 11s leam of
professionals Candidate must possess
superior skills in MS Excel, Word, Access
Sand Outlook, must. be proficient in navi-
gating the Intemet. Only well-spoken can-
didales with pleasant disprosilon will be
considered for his excellent position. For
lunher informaiion regarding the Firm,
please visit www.spring-bay.com 'or
www.sontagfpundation.com. Send Re-
sumes to cgregory@sprihg-bay.com
HELPER FOR Vinyl Flooring. Must have
valid driver's license. 403-5115.
Call or Visit
226-1 Solana Road
Ponte Vedra Beach
MORTGAGE COMPANY at the beaches
looking for a qualified person to perform
clerical duties & help setup loan flies. Must
have professional phone etiquette and be
good with people. Good starting pay with
incentives In place. Please fax resume
and cover letter to (904)246-3442.
ing Servers, Beverage Cart Attendant,
and Dishwashers, Line Cook: DFWP,
FT\PT available. Must be outgoing and
dependable. Phone 904-246-4827, email:
accounting@selvamarina.com, or apply
in person.. I
Full-time: Appliance Installations/ Punch
Out, at a premier retirement community.
-Excellent benefits. Applications at Fleet
Landing Security Gate, One Fleet Landing
Blvd., Atlantic Beach, FL; Fax to 904-246-
9447; e-mail to jobs@fleetlahnding.com.
EOE/ Drug-Free Workplace.
Personality plus, phone and basic comput-
er skills. Southside area, 9am-5pm,
polishing granite, Jax Beach. 246-1172.
Full-Time win greal benefits and work en-
vironmeni ai a premier retirement com-
munity. Experience preferred.. Applica-
tions available at Fleet Landing Security
Gate, One Fleet Landing Blvd., Atlantic
Beach. FL 32233: Fax to 904-246-9447;
email lo jobs@fleetlanding.com EOE/
Drug-free Workplace
MANAGER in holistic, internal medical of-
fice. Full /part time secretarial, clerical,
and support of M.D a unique setting. Ex-
perience required in .answering phones,
computers, communications and public-re-
lations. Must be enthusiastic, dependable,
consistent, and an. excellent match. Fax
resume with references; no phone calls
please. Persephone Healing Arts. Center,
FAX: (904)246-3778.
COMPANY DRIVERS & 0 Operators Re-
gional runs. More homretimel 2 26 Pay in-
crease Lease purchase CDL-A w.haz-
mat lyr experience. 800-299-4744
www arnoidcareer corn
SWIMMING POOL Construction. Top
pay & benefits. Palace Pools. 998-1811,
11655 Central Pkwy #313. Jax, FL
Hardware & Garden Cenler. 580 Atlanlic
"Blvd., Neplune Beach. Apply in person.
OPTOMETRY OFFICE IronI desk and all
ortice aspects CandidanI should have an
outgoing inendly personality ability to
mulih-lask Bookkeeping PC organizalion-
al and customer service skills a must
Medical office experience and Spanish a
plus. For consideration lax resume to
PAINTERS HELPER wanted, driver's
license a must. Call 307-8012.
Sieak House. Apply after 2pm, 1227
South 3rd Si
DRIVERS GREAT company! Greal pavy'
Home weekly adalyl Greal benelils'
Health. 401K CDL-A w.X lyr. exp. Boas-.
so America Corp..David: 904-475-0336
Full Time Monday- Friday. 7am to 3pm
and 3p-r to 11pm al a Premier Retirement
'Communary Healih Center. Excellent work
enviror.meni. Experience in gerlalric care
desired Applications al Fleet Landing Se-
curity Gale One Fleel Landing Blvd. Al-
lantic Beach, FL; Fax io k904)246-9447;
e-mail to: jobs@fleetleanding.com EOE/
Drug-Free Workplace
'Join our team of'
cleaning professionals
No Nights or Weekends
Paid Vacations
Paid Holidays
Competitive Wages.
Company Vehicle
ppty it, pw.4w to:
'201 Flond Blvd.
Mori- Fri88-4:30
I... ... ... .
Find more...
spring in your step.
Working here with us will put a spring in your step.. .and a smile on your face.
Thursday, March 16 3 pm 7 pm
Baptist Medical Center Beaches
1350 13th Avenue South
Jacksonville Beach
Enter to win an IPod Nano!
It's the season of opportunity here at
Baptist Medical Center Beaches. We continue to grow,
with 24 more beds, more clinical advancements and more
reasons for you to smile. You'll enjoy our collaborative
environment, progressive technology, positive relationships
and challenging work. So, step this way and find more
...closer to home.
For a complete list of available positions and
to apply online, please visit:
!.. Medical Center
CUSTOMER service & sales w/ exc. com-
munication skills. Full or part time. Base
plus bonus. Fax resume: (904)285-0010
or email: jim@mediakids.com
CARIBBEE KEY looking for experienced
line cooks. experienced only need apply in
person between 10am-4pm M-F, 100 First
St. N., Nep Bch. :
LATHERS Plasterers; Framers for Jax
Beach job, Costa Verano. 1st & 12th Ave.
South. J.C. Gibson Plastering.
Housekeeper, Child Companion. To do
light housekeeping, errands, possible
sleepovers. All applicants will be consid-
ered. Call 904-334-8408 or 904-236-0195.
for gift shop. Must be able to work week-
ends. Apply in person: Sea Shells & Coral,
230 North Boardwalk, JB.
Are you Seeking PAY With BENEFITS?
American Landscape has a position for
you. Call 349-6257.
3 Pool Techs needed. Experience prefer-
red, but will train. Clean driving record.
401k, health benefits. Please call
ASHFORD COURT is accepting applica-
tions for experienced Dietary Servers, F/T.
and P/T. Must be able to work weekends.
Must enjoy working wnh Ihe elderly in a
professional atmospt ere. We oter com-
petitive salaries, benefits & b-weekiy bo-
nus plans Apply in person @ 1700. The
Greens Way in Marsh Landing Park.
COOK, FT 10a-7p, $10-.1T 00depend.
ing on exp Apply in person Asriloir Coun
Assisted Living. 1700 Tne Greens Way
Jax Bch, FL 32250.
MOTHER'S HOME Cooking has PT.'FT
openings ior Servers, Cooks. and:
HosL.Hosiess posillions Please apply in
person M-F, 1183 Beach Blvd Jax
HARDAGE- GIDDENS Funeral Home nas
an opening lor a weekday secretary, re.
ceptionisi Tnis is a mulil-Task position thal
requires a delail-orienled individual ilhi
excellent verbal and written communica-
lion Skills Computer literacy is required
Must be able to work under general direc-
tion. & perform all clerical duties including
phones correspondence and A/P. Re-
sumes may be laxed to 904-249-2321.
Arleniion: Robin Giddens Sheppard
FULL-TIME at a Premier Relirement Com.n
munity Eyperience required. Exceileni
benelis Applicaions ai Fleel Landing Se-
curity Gale, One Fleet Landing Blvd At-
lanihc Beacn FL Fa 10o 904-246-9447;
email to jobs@fleetlanding.com EOE,'
Drug-Free Workplace.
QUALITY PAINTERS wanted. Must have
.:iwn phone and iransponaii.n New col-.
slrucTinn. 247-4841
REAL ESTATE Assistant to process files
& prepare for closings. Must be detailed,
organized able to multi-task & prioritize
w'slrong communication & computer
,skills. Fax 273-4406.
SERVERS, LINE Cook, Dishwashers,.
Fine Dining. JJ's Bistro. Ponte Vedra,
273-7980. Gate Parkway, 996-7557.
ADVERTISERS IN this category are not
offering jobs. They are offering job-related
services and may charge fees. Readers
are advised to exercise caution before giv-
ing credit card information over the phone
without knowing what specific product or
service they will receive.
Bulldozers, Backhoes,
Loaders, Dump Trucks,
Graders, Scrapers,
Train in Florida
National Certification"
Financial Assistance
Job Placement Assistance
800-383-7364 .
Associated Training Services
MONTHLY INCOME, own part .of produc-
ing TX oil wells. Min. $25K, For info call
WARNING: WHILE this newspaper does
not knowingly accept business opportunity
ads which require you to pay a fee to get
* information or that refer you to 976-or 900-
phone numbers which will result in sub-
stantial charges to your phone bill, the
newspaper cannot guarantee the validity
ol onenngs in ihis classilication. If any ad-
vertiser requires you to incur phone serv-
ice charges or pay a fee to learn the na-
ture of the opportunity, please report it to
The Beaches Leader, 249-9033. -
I.AM a babysitter from Spain looking lo
care for children of all ages. I will provide
care lor your child' children in me morn
wings, evenings, holidays and even on spe-
cial occasions. References will be provide.
ed. I currently live in the Arlington area of
Jacksonville with my Navy retiree hus-
band. Call (904)374-5253.
ACTIVE NANNY honest, dependable.
transponalion & references $9-411,'nr,
any area. CPR & First.Aid. F/T & P/T.
60-4915 .
General Contractors, Inc.
Atlantic Beach, FL 32233
, n...... ,,,,o Since 1987
King for uaified & Experienced individuals
Project Managers
Clerical, PM Assistants
Our Wages and Benefits Packages are second to none!
401K & Profit Sharing
SFax or email resume-to:
904-241-4427- rpcgc@ rpcgc.com .
We are currency accepting applications for energetic, customer
service oriented team members for the following positions:
PM Ladies Locker Room Attendant
S -6* Concierge
Gym Front Desk (PT)
Kitchen Utilities
Maintenance Technician
S* Server
Security Officer
Dining Room Attendant
Bell Person
PM Turndown (PT)
Front Desk Reception/Reservations FT/PT
Room Service Servers
Fitness Instructor Yoga,
Spinning & Water Aerobics
Seasonal Opportunities
(March November)
Beach Rentals
Dining'Room Attendants
Great opportunity to work in an oceanfront resort with
terrific earning potential. We offer an excellent benefits package
including medical/dental, life insurance, sick and vacation days,
and discounts at our retail outlets, golf course and spa.
Apply in person to:
607 Ponte Vedra Boulevard, Ponte Vedra Beach
Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm
For additional information call 280-6076
See current openings at: Profiles.hospitalityonline.com/211464
Drug Free Workplace EOE
At Pnntp Ve1irra Rpnr-h
%-MbblLMU V
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
. .k A k A A ft ..m
working parents, Monday-Friday. HRS li-
censed. Retired Preschool Teacher, 30
xrs. experience, provides a safe, secure,
ving, nurturing environment. Very per-
sonaand very professional. My home, off
Atlantic and Hodges Blvd., in The Woods
Subdivision. Have 2 openings for school
age summer care. 221-5110.
chocolate brown, $950. 994-4833. ,1 Linkside Subdivision, off Seminole Rd.
STORE CLOSING- Misc. shelves & retail PRE-MOVING SALE Saturday 8am-3pm,
counter "for sale. Contact Jonathan 1927 Selva Marina Drive.
866-6937. SL o ta
HUlE I S I: ALE malnt old trunk Stuo llrdall
BED- BEAUTIFUL Temp-pedic Memory
Foam mattress & boxeprlng, new In
plastic w/warranty. $379. Must sell.
HUL- b tJm any v .iu nKS. oway.
8:30am-3pm, 2109 Beach Ave.
SATURDAY, 8AM-1PM, 366 5th Street.
New Items, girl's clothes, shoes, fishing
eailnment household Items munch more.
1985 FORD Bronco II, 4x4, standard shift,
timing chain, new tires,' double tow pack-
age. $1200. (904)534-3336.
2000 FORD XLT Ranger- $5000 OBO.
Good condition. Call (904)285-3879.
2001 ISUZU Rodeo, immaculate cond.,
PW/ PL, cruise, 4DR, AT, new tires, 2
tone ext. paint, $7900. 887-9030.
ini h6,L 4.bli L.,tJ
89 CELICA, sunroof, CD, AT, A/C, runs
great, $1700 OBO 716-2586.
1998 INFINITY Q45, fully loaded, exc.
condition. Must see to appreciate. $7700
OBO. 247-1284 after.5pm.
1993 CROWN Victoria, good cond., main-
tained, records, cold A/C, AM/FM Cass.,
runs great, $2400 OBO. 220-7117.
2000 TOYOTA Solara, immaculate cond.,
iii.. io i A r.i P AT Pt r P1 ,.iind CAD
LOVING IN-HOME Child Care PVB. Ages DOWNSIZING FROM 2200sf. to 900sf. ,'""',T- ......................i lo $9ile0, 08yl., 88, 7-9L0r30.uis,, E,
6-weeks and up. HRS licensed. 8 years Wicker sunroom; patio; living room set, FRIDAY 9AM, furniture, jewelry, house- 1990 MERCEDES SE300, exc. condition, newtires, $9800 OBO. 887-9030.
experience. Tammy 373-0404. antique upright piano, office set, misc. fur- hold Items, etc. 175 Seminole Rd. 205,000 miles.. $4800 OBO. 813-1200. 1998 BUICK Century, well maintained, all
nature. Call 285-8306. AMNTIUniie LMivi V nr tcllintinn dWd- power, clean, AC. $4200. 294-4191.
IF YOU are Interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified @ beachesleader.com
ITALIAN MARBLE coffee table. 5pc di-
nette $150. 3pc sectional $150. Calif. King
bed $200. Queen bed $50. Stove $50. Re-
frig. $100. 221-8510.
DINING ROOM set w/ matching buffet, (2
drawers) light oak, glass top, 4 chairs, per-.
fect condition, $400. 246-4975 or 463-
$.75/sf. 30% thicker, still in box, must sell.
BED- KING mattress set, $289. Can de-
liver. (904)391-0015.
GIRLS SINGLE poster bed w/ mattress
$100. Rattan glass. diningroom table, 5
rattan chairs, $250. 280-5707.
-DIAMOND 1.25CT ladies engagement
ring, $1395 241-5666.
WASHER & Dryer $150ea. Will deliver &
guarantee. Call 874-1747.
LARGE 5-PIECE Oak, Queen bedroom
set. Mirrored cabinet headboard, armoire,
9-drawer mirrored dresser, excellent con-
.dition. $850. 246-1461'.
'BATH CHAIR, Walker, aluminum cane.
$25/all. 221-5576.
LAWN EQUIPMENT package: 16' trailer
and commercial mower, edger, trimmer,
blower, $3000. 285-2952. k
2 CEMETARY plots, Beaches Garden, +2
steel vaults, Top of the line. $3400 In-
cludes all or $700/per plot., $1200/per
vault. (904)891-81331.
5-plece place setting; 12 dessert bowls, 2
serving dishes, a platter, gravy boat,
cream & sugar, covered butter dish and 2
sets of salt and pepper shakers. 10 com-
plementary glasses $375, Call 220-4997.
TAN LEATHER sleeper solar. $250
BED- BRAND name queen set,
new w,warranty $129. Can deliver
3 COMPARTMENT iTruej beer cooler
$350 as is. Can see at 1418 Roxle, May-
GO KART $400 OBO. 553-7203.
HOT SPRINGS Jacuzzi Spa, like new.
Paid $5000, $1000 firm. (904)534-3336.
Latest styles and colors. Quality installa-
tion. Reasonable prices. Free estimates.
Buddy 249-1860.
3 JEWELRY display cases w/lights. Worth
$1000ea. new. Sell for $50ea. 246-4700.
GAME BOY Advance w/6games. 27" RCA
TV w/P-in-P. 2 electric scooters & 4 bikes.
MOVING SALEI Matching sofa sleeper &
loveseat- neutral colors, like new, $500.
Oak table w/ leaf & 4 chairs $300. Ken-
more washer & dryer $500. 992-6093.
DEWALT 18V Combo Pack (like new).
Circular saw, jigsaw, recip saw, 1/2" drill,
goose-neck flashlight, batteries and charg-
er. Over $600 value, will sacrifice for
$350. Bob 247-9532 (eves.),
BEAUTIFUL LADY S dresser $400. Rock-
ing chair $250. Antique lamps Pine hlucnh
$350 2 twin beds Many other estate
items Call 249-1782
HEART PINE, tongue & groove Ilooting
cut from antique Pine timbers Installalion.
REAL ESTATE and Estate Auction, 3
prop. in Live Oak and Lee FL, JW Hill &
Assoc. Call for details (888)821-0894.
327 10TH AVE. NORTH, 24
IF YOU are interested in adver
this category please call 904-2
email: classitied@beacheslead
24-1933 b19 Atlantic pIVa.
BIG YARD sale, Sat. 8-? 3620 Eunice Rd
(off Beach Blvd. in Isle of Palms) Lots of
plants. '
BIG YARD Sale, lots of items. Sat. & Sun
8am.?,, 1638 Tanglewood Rd.
nesday thru Saturday, 8am, 330 First St.
Blvd extension. Saturday 8am-?
SATURDAY 8AM-2PM, 165 Cabrillo Lane,
Furniture, appliances, clothing, home de-
cor. Everything in good condition.
HOUSEHOLD & misc items. Saturday
8am-12pm. 730 Sandy Oaks Court.
ATP Tour Blvd. Come one- come all, a
great time to be hadl Sat. 8-2, rain follow-
ing Sat.
HUGE SALE, Multi-Family, Saiurday &
Sunday, 7am-5pm; AiA to Marlin lo end
of Vista Grande. Treadmill, crafts supp-
plies, books, videos. playhouse, more
543-1456 .
MOVING SALE! Saturday, 8am-2pm. Fur-
niture, clothes, household items. 4532
Middleton Park Circle West, Cypress Vil-
lage. One mile north of J Turner Butler on
the west side of San Pablo Rd.
UIl~~lhl5~irrr *
ATL. BCH. World Travelerl 7 Ig. Orient
i screens. Many rugs. Antq bronzes, many
QDS 'old Ivory carvings, boxes, silver swans.
Crystal, huge set fine china, ton of jewel-
ry. Rms full of immaculate lovely up-
LRY*ir scale furni Art & pntngs galore. Huge
SAW Orient fish bowls. Cookbks & morel Full-
& PAWN est gar & kitch everil (most Items new)
41-5666. New stack W/D. Craftmatic qn'bed. LIn-
tlsing under ens, clothes. Hs. yard & 2 PODS, fullill
49-9033 or Tools & Garden supps. Atlantic Blvd to
dercom North on A1A (toward base). Left on Dut-
.ton Island Dr, then go R to 2096 Fealher-
wood. CHINA CAT 241-0344
chlnacalantiques corn. Thurs 9.4. Fri 9.3
Ij No's @ hse @ 8 AM Prepare to plundeil!
PONTE VEDRA esTale sale, Saturday
8am-4pm, 149 Oak View Circle 403-7372
10FT CARIBE. 1994, infialaole Hypalon
hull. trailer. $2000 993-1979
16' STiNGRAY 70np Mercury excellent
condition, $4500. 19041591-6996
boat slip for rent, 40ft. $600, 50ft. $700,
Includes potable water, electric, dock
locker, cable and phone service available
@ slip. Mobile fuel service & pump out al-
so available. Avail. Mar'06. 463-2845.
16' STINGRAY 70hp Mercury excellent
condition, $4500. (904)591-6996
92 RED Mazda MX3, Runs great need 88 GRAND Marquis Wagon, 5.0, exc.
minor repairs. $900 firm.$900 firm. 260-6530 Iv cond., mechanic owned. $1000 OBO.
msg. or 249-2843. 716-2586.
Grading, Lawn Installations.: Spread
Dirt, GraVel, Lime Rock, Mulch, Stone,
MUCH MORE! Bob, 334-6091.
FIRST COAST Welding and Sand Blast-
ing. 859-0224.
PIANO LESSONS. All levels, styles &
ages. Will come to your home. 241-4954,
SEWING MACHINE Repairs. Complete
tune-up. All makes, all models, $49.50.
Specializing in all types of home repairs.
20 yrs. experience. No Job Too Smalil
Free Estimates. Doug Tuttle, 446-0051.
ULicensed. ..
,* .
Specializngin Commercial and Residen.
tal Cleaning Lawn Care Auto Cleaning,
Window Cleaning, Janitorial Services, eic
Call Hermon, 246-4238, 612-1755.
COMPLETE LAWN & Landscape Mainte-
nance. 1-time clean-outs or year-round
accounts. 12-years professional exp, Free
estimates. .Call Kirk 370-0065.
WINSOR LAWN Service, Inc. Competitive
rates. Call Alan. 237-5301.
Maintenance. Clean-ups, Sodding, Mulch-
ing, Re-planting available. Free estimates.
GO? GIVE US A TRY. One time, or all
year. Clean-ups mulch, pine straw, mow,
trim, edge, shrub trimming, pruning, sod &
hauling. 23yrs. experience. Insured.
BEDS and Hedges/ Free Estimates.
Call Clay (352)504-6307 '-
WE LISTEN. Landscape y/ Linus Oualiry
priced right. Bi moniniv. 32233 Discount.
Commercial Resideniial Lawn mainie-
nance, sprinkler systems, clean-up.
sod, mulch Landscape highling
(904)207-2628. 19040430-0007. Licensed.
insure. Free eslimales. irlo@ oprelerred-
lawn corn
Specializing in "Complete Flowerned
Cleaning and Workover". Call Hermon,
246-4 38 612-171-5
,lawns. Free estimates. 246-0967.
sional Lawn Maintenance Co. FREE-
ESTIMATES. 535-2515.
free estimates, work guaranteed, licensed.
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader.com
IF YOU are Interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader.com
DAVID'S POOL Service. Weekly cleaning.
Most residential pools $25/week+ chemi-
cals. Licensed, Insured. Pool clean-ups
our specialty. We make your life a little
easier. 285-0240. -
NEW POOL 14'X28' $19,900. Buy today
swim in May. 568-5785.
'IF YOU are interested in advertising under
ihis category please call 904-249-9033 or
e-mail: ciassified@beachesleader com
ALLIANCE BUILDER Group, Inc. General
Contractor. CGC 1505263. All types, of
construction. New homes, room additions,
etc. Free estimates. (904)234-1179.
State Certified Contragtor (Hands-on).
New construction/additions, remodeling,
kitchen & bath, termite damage, Bob,
Remodeling, Renovations, Additions. Cer-
tified Builder, .CBC 1253447. 249-7082.
Repairs, specializing in, termite damage.
Ryan Sod Curler 18" $2900. Tle wet
saw, $600. 334-6091.
AT&T PARTNER phone system. 5 phones
installed for $899. 249-8877. '
TREK MOUNTAIN Bii.e 12 speed $100
9al11 9047j534-3336. .
SOFAS QUEENSIZE sola bed $125. Vel-
vet Victorian stvle loveseal $75 and more.
ER high back chairs $500ea. Trunk style
coffee/ end lables 3i $250 249-4349
2 TEAK wall bookcases, 30"Wx72'H. nave
lower doors, great condalon $100ea.
TEACHING ITEMS, New, 60W-80%o off
retail Resource books games toys,
more. Also household items and furniture
160'2 Nonh 51h Avenue Saturday 8aml
3prm. -891'-0920: '
GARAGE SALE. Sal. 3/11. 8am- 1pm
Furniture. clothing & misc. Too much to
isti 3288 Antlgua Dr.. Ocean Cay.
BIG SALE Saturday. 8am-lpm. Micro-
wave, TV, lumiture. exercise equipment,
video games. books & more 1431 10th
Street Nonrth
MW:.-xi; ? Tf z141ilo,;i mr^
WHIRLPOOL Spa Jacuzzi, 7 person (dou-
ble. loveseat lounge), Teal & white, marble
party tub\, $1200. Tub MTR/ HTR/ BLR
only (904)534-3336.
WHIRLPOOL WASHER & Dryer, $75/ea.
30 day warranty. Deliver, $20. 318-8173,
FOR SALE Call John. 273 3784
40FT BOAT slip available at old Old San
Pablo Creek Marina. $700!mo. .includes
electric For details. 398-9080 ext. 211
1986 WELLCRAFT, V6, 10O. great shape,
engine needs work. new trailer. $950
626-5159. ,
.t998 SCARAB. 30' witailer, twin 250's.
low rounr $55 000I.rm i2291359-0730 "
1981 CATALINA SailDoat 22'. New trailer.
1 new molor, 1 used motor, dinghy,.
$7100 OBO. 19041434-6645.
2002 YAMAHA, V-Star 650, loaded, low
miles, $4000 OBO. 247-8995
iq e1sif ggyaai
ABOVE 'AND Beyond Housekeeping,
591-5901 or 514.1188.
MATURE WOMAN w/experience look-
ing for private homes to clean. Ref's
available. Call 642-2430.
Estimates No job too small. Call
BEACH BOYS, Year-Round Delivery.
$65. truck load, Ranger Special. 759-1612
I II iii' i i i
WASHING COMPANY.' 15yrs. experi-
ence. Specializing in Beach homes.
PRESSURE WASH homes decks drive-
ways Massey Applications, Inc.
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904,249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader.com
ROOFING. IN-TOWN ,prices @ the
Beach. 25yrs. experience. '962-5876.
K I[ -
BUDGET LAWN Care Service. Mowing,
trimming, edging, cleanup. Free esti-
mates, call Mike, 616-4381.
W I NE ,1
CUT RITE Tree Service. Tree trimming/
stump grinding. Tree removal/ storm clean
up. All debris removal/ firewood.
(904)646-9896 (904)568-6234
FAST INTERIOR painting, drywall, tex-
ture. Specialize in smaller jobs. Will work
evenings & weekends. Licensed, insured,
references. 403-7389.
PAINT IT RIGHT! Interior, exterior. Free
estimates. Call Mike Williams, 285-2651.
25yrs. experience.
Frank Reid, 285-6943 or 762-8498.
QUALITY WORK. Install, removal, &
painting. Residential, Commercial. 25yrs.
Experience. References+ FREE ESTI-
MATES. Steve, 645-0381.
Classified 7
A-iU 98o
FORD TEMPO, 46,000 miles. $2995.
Beautiful Cadillac, $2495. 821-2058.
1995 'BMW 5251,. AT, PS, PW, PL, very
good condition, extra clean, AM/FM, cas-
sette, 6 CD changer, 158,000 'miles.
$7250. 249-7265.
1990 MERCEDES SE300, exc. condition,
205,000 miles.. $4800 OBO. 813-1200.
1993 FORD Thunderbird, new engine, au-
to A/C, CD $1900 OBO. 716-2586.
RARE, RUNNING, restorable. 1969 Ford
Ranchero, $1000. 285-8184.
1969 CJ5 Jeep, $2500. 553-7203.
1987 NISSAN 300ZX, 5-speed. Runs
great. Have all papers. $3250. 305-4236.
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rsiKi'S. iii 1.1' i i "' iWWflBttBSi]
9 E
7C7 rGMIC'o
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CiassiLea o
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Acquilus Waterfront Harbour is located at Bleach Blvd. and the
Intracoastal. A Paradise for Boaters or those that simply like to
live in Jacksonville's Finest Condominium Community. There
are so many Amenities, Gourmet Kitchens, 11 ft. Ceilings, Wrap
SAround Balconies for End Units, Pool/Spa, Grill Area, Private
W waterfront HIarbour Marina with your own Boat Slip included in price and much,
LUXURY MARINA c o OM N u s much more!
Prices Begin at 875,000*
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March 10, 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra' Leader
l fi d 8
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