MARCH 1,2006
Signing on
Athlete inks a deal
for college
See A-8
Women's Club
Ladies hear from
Florida author
See A-3
Annual event
showcases kids
Vol. 43, No. 72 Serving the communities of Ponte Vedra Beach, Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach and Mayport since 1963
Kohnke advises suing on 'egregious' redo
For several Ponte Vedra resi-
dents, being "broadsided" last
week by changes in a commer-
cial development near Seaside
homes provides another' rea-
son for establishing a
Neighborhood Bill of Rights to
protect homeowners.
At Monday's Ponte Vedra
Beaches Coalition meeting,
Seaside homeowners com-
plained that they were not
informed of site plan changes
to Overlook V, originally
approved in 2001 as Porter
And Mary Kohnke, who was
chair of the St. Johns County),
Commission when the devel-
opment was originally OK'd,
by Habitat
Rev Ramsey was the only
black student in his third grade
class, and the ridicule from his
classmates and even his
teacher was a crippling blow to
his confidence.
As CEO of One Economy
and Chairman of the Board for
Habitat foi Humanity
International, Ramsey h a'-
come a long way since then
and managed bestow his expe-
riences on a group of
Landrum Middle School stu-
dents Thursday.
Ramsey credited, his sixth
grade teacher, who was white,
with sparking his interest in
learning and urging him to be
the best student in the class.
Now Ramsey strives to pro-
vide technology and housing
for people living in poverty at
home and abroad .
Ramsey reminded the
Landrum students of the con-
nectivity of people throughout
the world, and he told the
middle schoolers that even
they can make a difference in
someone's life.
On a recent visit to New
Orleans, Ramsey said, he not
only found devastation caused
by Hurricane Katrina, but also
hope, which can be seen by
people, black and white, rich
and poor, working together to
repair their community.
advised bringing a lawsuit
against the county.
"This is just another exam-
ple of what I consider slipping
and sliding that has happened
in this county in the last three
years," ',,,joinke said in an
iri,'viewi .4sday.
_'"his is'.a particularly egre-
gious case,,because Seaside had
to hire an attorney" to oversee
design of the original plans,
she said. "All this was worked
out in great detail."
The commercial develop-
ment is to be built on State
Road AIA north of existing
commercial space at Mickler
"It just puts more emphasis
.on the fact that we need the
Neighborhood Bill of Rights,"
said Clara Cowan, Coalition
president and Seaside home-
"Seaside got broadsided. .
but it could have been any of
you," Cowan told Coalition
A Neighborhood Bill
of Rights, if adopted by
the county, would
require developers to
contact neighborhood
representatives about
nearby projects in
order to outline their
It would also give a
neighborhood legal Clar
standing against devel-
opers in court if changes were
made without giving notice .
The Coalition has been cam-
paigning for the adoption of a
Bill of Rights since late last
year, and Commissioner Ben
Rich of St. Augustine has
agreed to sponsor the resolu-
Cowan said the Seaside asso-
ciation hired an attorney in
2001 to work out a compro-
mise between homeowners
and the developers of Porter
Chet Galbraith and his wife Dorothy celebrate Fat Tuesday at a special Mardi Gras celebration
at the Palm Valley Senior Center on Canal Boulevard.
JB mulls more outdoor seating
Whether or not to allow out-
door seating for restaurants
within 100 feet of an estab-
lished residential use in
Jacksonville Beach divided a
city planning agency Monday
over concerns of noise and
The Planning Commission
will send its split 2-2 vote to
the City' Council for considera-
tion. Commissioners David
Dahl and Greg Sutton, alter-
nate to the board, opposed the
Julio Williams and commis-
sion chairman Terry DeLoach
voted in favor of the proposal.
Paul Schmidt and Lee Dorson
were both absent.
Senior Planner Bill Mann
said the planning staff pro-
posed an amendment to the
seating standards because the
ordinance limits restaurants
that want to provide outdoor
dining without music or other
disruptive entertainment.
"This amendment clarifies
that a restaurant with no live
music may be approved even if
they are within 100 feet of a
residential use," Mann said.
"That was basically picked
up from the standard condi-
tions that the Planning
Commission has developed
Trimming work begins Tuesday on the palm trees in the median on State Road AlA, which
takes place every year as The Players Championship approaches. Tom Fay, an employee of
Tree Medic of St. Augustine, is lifted to the tree tops (left) to prepare for the work. At right,
workers on the ground pick up fronds fallen from the trees.
over the years with these type
of requests."
Past conditional use
approvals for outdoor seating
were granted by the Planning
Commission with the condi-
tion that no amplified sound
be heard over the property
The modification also would
eliminate the provision requir-
ing 100-foot distance between
a hotel or lodging use.
Opponents argued that
allowing outdoor seating for
bats would open the door to
noise complaints and parking
County boards
meeting today
The St. Johns Board of
County' Commissioners was
scheduled to meet with St.
Johns County' School Board
members this morning to dis-
cuss several issues affecting
both boards, including school
St. Johns County is one of
six counties in Florida chosen
to develop pilot plans under
the new "pay as you go" pro-
gram, in which developers
must pay for new schools
before their developments
impact existing ones.
SOn this morning's agenda
was discussion of an interlocal
agreement between the
municipalities of the count),
that must be completed by
March 30.
The meeting begins at 9 a.m.
in the superintendent's confer-
ence room at 40 Orange St.,
St. Augustine.
Negotiations with develop-
ers resulted in an increase in
buffering next to homes to 75
feet, and the placement of two
buildings and a retention pond
as far from Seaside homes as
possible, according to Cowan.
The new plans include one
29,000-square-foot building,
50-foot buffering and a reten-
tion pond closer to homes,
according to Brad Bowen of
Brad Bowen Development.
The start and completion
dates were also extended a year
to Jan. 22, 2007, and Jan. 22,
2010, respectively.
Bowen said his company
bought the land and the PUD
last year, and had no idea that
community opposition existed
or that negotiations had taken
place with the original develop-
Seaside homeowner James
O'Toole said he found out
about the changes on Feb. 17,
just days before it went before
Ponte Vedra's Architectural
Review Committee (ARC) Feb. 22.
In the ARC meeting,
Assistant County Attorney
Patrick McCormack said resi-
dents weren't notified because
the changes to the design are
considered "minor adjust-
ments" by county standards.
In the county's Land
Development Code, any
"minor adjustments" to a
Planned Unit Development
(PUD) such as Overlook V may
be approved by a member of
Request to split land
on ocean withdrawn
BY KATHY HARTMAN tion to rezone 829 Ponte V'edra
EDATOR Blvd. from R-1-A to R-1-B.
o Pont a men have Both zonings are for single-
Two Ponte Vedra men have family housing, but the former
withdrawn their bid to divide family housing, but the former
an oceanfront parcel in half, requires lots with at least 150
an oceanfront parcel in half, feet of frontage whereas the
citing "misstatements" and a latter requires only 100 feet of
"perceived major public out- frontage.
cry" against their proposal. Rezoning would have
The applicants, Rodney A. allowed two homes where one
McLauchlan and Peter A. exists on the 200-foot parcel,
Massaniso, also said the Ponte but numerous nearby property
Vedra Communitv Association owners objected tothe plan,
(PVCA) and the Ponte Vedra sang it would set a bad prece-
Municipal Service District dent and harm the neighbor-
(MSD) made ."unilateral hod,
pronoun._nments'" against the opposition stated that
prqposalh- -- 'condominiums' may be In our
"These civic organizations plans," the men say in the let-
did not deem it appropriate to ter, adding, "No s*ch plans
solicit our version of the acts were ever envisioned in con-
. which would ,have allowed n with our usage in the
their board members to make section with our usage in the
the most informed decision as pJohn Clegg, whopert lives at 827
possible," the men said in a Ponte Vedra Blvd. and is one of
Feb.20 letter. to Robert Metcalfe two oceanfront residents lead-
The letter to Robert Metca ing the opposition, said
chairman of the Ponte Vedra
Zoning and Adjustment Board, See 829, A-3
asks to withdraw the applica-
Photo ubmed
Sites for proposed land swap shown above.
Mayor Peyton says father's
land offer is for Ponte Vedra
Jacksonville Mayor John
Peyton told the Beaches
Business Association Monday
that his father's offer to
exchange some of his water-
front land along Ponte Vedra
Lake for a high school site in the
Guana preserve is not profit-
"He's really doing it to help
Ponte Vedra," Peyton told the
businessmen at the Jacksonville
Beach Golf Course.
"There is no profit motive, I
promise you."
Herb Peyton, owner of Gate
Petroleum, has offered to deed
50 acres of his Outpost land in
exchange for 50 acres of Guana
land along Mickler Road for a
Ponte Vedra high school.
About 150 people attended
two meetings Feb. 22 and
Thursday, when members of
the Ponte Vedra High School
Coalition made a presentation
on Peyton's offer.
Many residents at the meet-
ings expressed their support for
the deal.
Opponents, however, have
said the 75-acre site east of Davis
Park, which has been offered by
the developers of Nocatee at no
cost to the School District, and
is only about three miles away.
Others say asking the state to
exchange preservation land
could be a long process with no
guaranteed results.
The St. Johns County), School
Board has dropped the Guana
site from its list of possible
school sites.
The board is expected to
choose a high school site this
_-_ Subscribe to the Ponte Vedra Leader
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Calendar................ A-6 Opinion ................A-4
Classified ..............B-4 Police Beat ............A-5
Fishing .................. B-3 Sports ....................B-I
Obituaries ............A-7 Weather.................A-2
Copyright 2006 by The Beaches Leader, Inc.
Two sections, 18 pages
See A-10
An edition of The Beaches Leader
..... C
~I~ .
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
March 1, 2006
Published Wednesday and Friday.
1114 Beach Boulevard
(P.O. Box 50129 for correspondence)
Jacksonville, Florida 32240
(USPS 586-180) (ISSN1059647X)
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Send address changes to:
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Watering rule begins permitting, is being presented
A new rule that limits water- in the "St. Johns Reads" proj-
ing of lawns and landscaping ect featuring "The Kite
to two days a week goes into Runner."
effect today in St. Johns, Duval The author of the novel,
and all or part of 16 other Khaled Hosseini, will speak at
counties. 7:30 p.m. Sunday, March 19 at
The rule allows watering the Lazzara Theatre at the
between 4 p.m. and 10 a.m. no University of North Florida.
more than two days per week Tickets to the author's event,
in the counties governed by which is sponsored by the
the St. Johns River Water Friends of the Library, Ponte
Management District. Vedra Beach, are $30 for gener-
The rule applies to watering al seating ($20 for Friends
at homes, businesses, govern- members).
ment and commercial loca- Tickets for seating and a pre-
tions not regulated by special event reception are $80 or $60
-consumptive ,,use.-, pegr;t;:ch D r -,l ds m rbers... ,
applies ,het sr.,,l e,,,wate ,-,,, t kes, sit h wriend-
comes from a private or public spvibrary.org or call 242-0440.
utility, surface water body or
private well. Organizer briefs Dems
Watering days can be chosen A political organizer who
by the water user unless a local recently moved from Virginia
government adopts an ordi- to Ponte Vedra Beach will talk
nance specifying irrigation about effective grassroots
days, which has not been done organizing at the March 8
in St. Johns County. meeting of the Ponte Vedra
The rule requires that irriga- Beach Democratic Club.
tion systems installed after The meeting begins at 7 p.m.
May 1991 must have sensors to at the Ponte Vedra Beach
override the system in times of Branch Library.
adequate rainfall. The speaker, Marilyn Bore'n,
Among exceptions to the was part of the team that
rule are new plantings, hand- .helped elect two Democratic
held watering and watering governors in Virginia Mark
from a reclaimed water system. Warner and the current gover-
For more information on the nor, Tim Kaine despite an
rule, visit www.sjrwmd.com overwhelmingly Republican
and click on "irrigation electorate.
rule/conservation." She said the secret is as basic
Kohnke spills the beans
Former St. Johns County
Commissioner Mary Kohnke
of Palm Valley will sign copies
of her new novel and talk
about St. Johns County politics
Thursday in Ponte Vedra.
The event will be held 2 p.m.
to 4 p.m. at the Ponte Vedra
Beach Branch Library, off State
Road A1A just south of Solana
"I'm going to talk about .
the underbelly of St. Johns
County politics," Kohnke said
this week, noting that a similar
meeting held recently. in
Northwest St. Johns County
had the audience clamoring
for inside information.
Kohnke was elected to the
the St. Johns County
Commission in 1998;, after
years of community activism.
She was defeated in her bid for
reelection in 2002.
Kohnke's novel, "She Said
What?!" is based on her early
years as an activist.
Kite demo is Saturday
A kite-flying demonstration
at the St. Augustine Beach pier
at 10 a.m. Saturday, weather
Available from Commercial News Providers"
*ae e emmo %no
on 4 w4
as motivating and training vol-
unteers to be as effective as
possible. .
Boren conducted work-
shops, prepared precinct hand-
books, coordinated operations
within precincts and was a
campaign manager for a suc-
cessful Virginia State Senatorial
race. In 1992, she was named
Virginia's Democrat of the
The April 5 meeting of the
Ponte Vedra Beach Democratic
Club begins at 6:30 p.m., when
Rod Smith, Democratic candi-
date for governor, and Chip
Campbell, Democratic candi-
date for attorney general, will
be the guest speakers.
The meetings are open to
the public. For more informa-
tion, call Barbara Paterick at
Zoning board meets
The St. Johns County
Planning and Zoning Agency
will meet Thursday at 1:30
p.m. in the County
Auditorium, 4020 Lewis
Speedway, St. Augustine.
Work closes Vilano road
Resurfacing on a one-mile
section of State Road A1A
between San Marco Avenue
and the Vilano bridge in St.
Augustine was scheduled to
begin this week.
In addition to milling and
resurfacing the roadway, crews
will be upgrading the guardrail
at'the Hospital Creek Bridge,
repairing sidewalks and replac-
ing signs.
Due to high traffic volumes,
there will be no lane closures
between 6:30 a.m. and 6:30
p.m., but nighttime lane clo-
sures can be expected.
The $684,000 project is pro-
jected to take two months pro-
vided there are no weather
Scholarships offered
Students attending or head-
ed to any of the country's his-
torically black colleges or uni-
versities have until Friday to
submit essays to compete for
$4,000 scholarships.,
Students are asked to write.
on the topic, "What words of.
wisdom will you Ipass on to
those who come after you?"
STen winners will each
receive a $4,000 scholarship
and a trip to Little Rock, Ark.,
to meet author Maya Angelou.
For information, visit an
Alltel retail store or www.all-
Invention camp set
Camp Invention for children
entering grades one through
six will-be held June 5 to June
9 at Rawlings Elementary
School in Ponte Vedra.
Enrollment is limited to 110.
The day camp program is
designed to inspire creativity
and inventive-thinking.
Children will disassemble
old machinery and use the
parts to make their own inven-
tions, collect marine samples
and build boats, design carni-
If your
Church School or Civic Group
is trying to ,
Raise Money
THE LEADER can help!
Call Steve Fouraker
for details on our
Community Partnership
...your community newspaper
val games, construct a device
to find buried -treasure and
invent the rules in mind-bog-
gling games.
The Camp Invention pro-'
gram integrates science,
mathematics, history and
the arts. The camp will be
hosted by the school district,
with one staff member for
every eight children.
Registration is $220, or $199
by March 15, and includes
snacks and a T-shirt. Call 1800)
968-4332 to register or visit
Center.gets doniog,0-.
The Plantation/ Tom Bush
BMW Charity Golf
Tournament, held in
November, has donated.
$3,000 to the Cultural Center
at Ponte Vedra Beach, 50
Executive Way.
The tournament raised more
than $56,000 and all proceeds
are being distributed to local
charity organizations.
Margret Sander
Noon Break offers story
Margret S. Sander, author of,
Bad Time Stories, will be the
featured speaker at the Friends
of the Beaches Branch Library
Noon Break on Friday March
10, from noon until 1 p.m.'
The program will be held in
the Beaches Library communi-
ty room.
Bad Time Stories is a collec-
tion of the author's experi-
ences and memories of grow-
ing up during the World War 11
and post-war years in Essen
Germany. Sander states, "Bad
Time Stories provides an inti-
mate \iew in to the life on one
family and a broader, apolitical
view into a time of hardship
and scarcity which challenged
the human spirit and drew on
all its resources. She left
Germany in 1959 when her
memoirs end and then spent
one year in England and one
year in Spain, living and work-
ing with an American family in
both places, perfecting her Ian-
guag-.apnd working as a au-pau.
..ander-then worked for ITVA
airline as an airline hostess.
marrying in 1962 and continu-
ing to travel with her husband.
They lived for 12 years in
In 1982 Sander and her fami-
ly settled in Ponte Vedxa. From
1983 until 2005 she taught at
Florida Community College at
Jacksonville, teaching English as
a second language and then
German and humanities.
For. further information on
this program contact the
Beaches' Branch Library 241-
Health talk Thursday
Baptist Medical Center
Beaches will host its second
seminar of the Women and
Family Health Series for 2006.
next week.
.The upcoming lecture, enti-
tled "A Pap Smear Update",will
be presented by Leandro
Rodriguez, MD, from .North
Florida OB/GYN Associates,
Beaches Division I. Dr.
Rodgriguez will discuss recom-
mendations for pap smear
screenings, human papilloma
virus (HPV), and, abnormal pap
smear results. The "Pap Smear
Update" seminar will be held on
Thursday, March 2, from V p.m
to 8 p.m. in the hospital
Conference Center, rooms A &
B, at Baptist Beaches, located at
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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Cont. from A-i
"If you had 100 people out-
side drinking beer at midnight,,
that could be in fact louder
than amplified music," com-
missioner David Dahl said. "I
think this is probably a pretty
good idea but how do we get
around that issue? When
you've got a big group of peo-
ple together having a good
time, it can get pretty noisy."
Restaurants and other estab-
lishments with outdoor ampli-
fied sound must obtain a con-
ditional use permit from the
Planning Commission.
"If there is a concern, turn it
down," Planning and
Development Director Steve
Lindorff told the board.
Mann said the city would
rely on its noise ordinance to
enforce the standards for
sound requirements. The ordi-
nance caps the maximum vol--
ume at 75 decibels and all out-
door music must cease at 10
"The police are well-versed
in how to do those readings,"
he said.
Darrell Shields and Bob
Kennedy disagreed. Both
appealed to city officials in the
past to help curb troublesome.
noise complaints from nearby
establishments with outdoor
Shields lives just 700 feet,
from. Adventure Landing and.
has made repeated calls to the
city's 'Police Department to
conduct a noise reading only
to be told that the officers are
unaware of the 10 p.m. cut off.
"If you are counting on the
noise ordinance to control this
you can forget that," he said.
"For bars, if you were to close
down outside drinking at 10
p.m. that might be more palat-
able." ,
Kennedy lives over a mile
away from a restaurant that
offered live music on an out-
door patio every Thursday.
Repeated noise readings
showed the business was oper-
ating within the limits of the
law but Kennedy said it was
like living in a "nightmare"
"I could hear the words in
my bedroom. The drums were
like machine guns," he said. "I
don't wish that on anyone.
Sound radiates. The ordinance
is. not clear."
Limiting term approvals for
one year is also an effective
method to monitor establish-
'enitsi'with outdoor 'eating,
Mann said.:
"They are performance based
and that is in place now," he
"Whether it is in an old
establishment' that has had
outdoor seating 'forever or
whether it is one that is going
through your process, they'
don't get any special 'get out of
jail free' cards for noise viola-
tions." ,, '.
NMann said the city added
"qualitative standards" to.the
outdoor seating requirements
over the last three years to,
address concerns as they arise.
The need for an applicant to
obtain conditional use
approval and meet the city's
parking requirements for one
space per 200 square feet were
among the changes.
"All this does is give these
establishments the ability to
come to the- Planning
Department'to apply for condi-
tional use approval but they
still have to go through the
steps," DeLoach said.
Mann said a sufficiency
review is conducted to deter-
mine if a business meets the
* standards to proceed with an
"If they come to our depart-
ment and make an application
and they indicate that they
simply want to dpo. outside
what they do inside, which is
dine and have a drink, than
that application would be
brought to this board for con-
sideration," Lindorff said,
"There is no change in
enforcement of the noise ordi-
nance for these places, There is
no change to the parking
requirements and they can't
count the space to get a higher
classification for a liquor
license. All of the standards
developed over time will still
be in place."
Lindorff said he thinks of the
amendment as an "equity.
issue" in that some establish-
ments "simply want to recog-
nize that they are at the
"When you are at the beach,
people like to dine outside and
right now because of the limi-
tations in the code'they can't:
get past our front counter," he
"We are not taking away the
ability to make a call on a case
by case basis. Bill [Mann] and I
will still make a recommenda-
tion and 'this board as it has
will still have the ability to
prove, disapprove of approve
with conditions."
Wendell Finner said the
amendment was "a good idea"
as long as the commission con-'
siders each. applicant on an
individual basis.
"One of the tools [the board] '
will have in. considering them
on a case by case basis is the.
occupancy and the size of the
facility," he said. "Obviously it
. is going to make a difference."
Finner said.the current ordi-
nance "shuts out" restaurants
offering quiet tables for outside
dining just because they have a
bar within 100 feet of a resi-
dential use ... "
"That still leaves the ability .v
to say no, don't approve it,"
he said.
Keith Doherty, general man-
ager of Lynch's Irish Pub, sug-
gested that location should
also be regarded as a significant
factor when considering out-
door seating requests.
"I would like the commis-
sion to take into account
where the establishments are,".
he said.
"That should have a lot to do
with what we take aboard here.
We should make differences
between the business district
and residential district and that
should make everyone happy."
Lvncb's tried unsucce ssfuljy
to gaj lfi rS al for'etrityb6 r
patio "but the' reqi'est Was
denied because of the proximi-
ty of residential property
behind its rear fence.
Attorney Tim Franklin, rep-
resenting property owner
David Smith, said the amend-
ment is hot representative of.
the city's future residential
needs. I
"We do not feel this ordi-
nancelis going to get it donee"
he said. "There are differences
between a restaurant and a
Former, Planning
Commissioner Lance Folsomn
said he felt the difference
should be weighed in the zon-
ing designation rather than the
establishment itself.
"It might be different for C-I
and C-2 versus R-l, R-2 and R-,
3-residential versus commer-
cial," he said. "Maybe We
ought to take a look at this."
Folsom said he supported a
trial period to give city officials
the opportunity to review the
progress and offer business
owners the chance to demon-.
strafe their ability to, operate
within the law. .' ..
"If there were complaints
from more than just one per-'
son, you could revisit it like we
Shave done many times on this.
commission and either
Approve or deny it when it
came back," DeLoach said.
Cont. from A-i1
the planning staff -- in this
case, Chief County Planner
Bruce Ford. '
Notification of neighbors i's
not required with minor
adjustments, but county staff
may decide to notify neighbors
for ethical reasons,
McCormack said in an inter-
view Monday.
"He [Ford] could have the
discretion to say, "Hey, this is
going to be politically contro-
versial,'" McCormack said.
The ARC delayed its decision
on Overlook V until next
month, leading developers to
scheduleI a. meeting March 7
with Seaside residents, accord-
ing to Bowen.
Cowan said Seaside was
assured they would be updated
on the project in a March 2005
letter from Powers Design, an
architectural firm partnered
with Brad Bowen
"How dare they say they
never heard from us," Cowan
said Tuesday about comments
that the' developer was
unaware of Seaside's involve-
ment with the project.
In Monday's Coalition ineet-
ing, Kohnke suggested taking
legal action against the county.
"You cannot make changes
to a PUD without notifica-
tion," said Kohnke.
"I would sue the hell out of
the county pn'this one.,"
Derek Coghlan., language arts teacher at Landrum (from left) greets Rey Ramse and Harry
Goodall beforeRamse's presentation at the school. ,
Cont. from A-t '
Tuesday that although he did
not use the "condominium"
card, others might have.
"A lot of people said that it.
was a bad precedent, and a lot of
people said, '\here does it end?'
Clegg said in a telephone inter-
view. :
"And in that sort of context,
people may have said the next
thing we'll be seeing is condo-
miniums," he said.
"I think what is important is
the level of opposition."
The Ponte Vedra Zoning and
Adjustment Board, which would
recommend action on the
rezoning to the St. Johns
County Commission, was
scheduled to review the request
Feb. 13.
But the issue was postponed
after opponents asked for time
to prepare their case.
St. Johns County planning
staff members also said they
opposed the rezoning, noting
that dividing the land into two
parcels would "contradict" the
county's Comprehensive Plan
and "would change the charac-
ter of the area."
Clegg and Emily Lunghino,
'',9' lies'.south of. the property
in question, asked for the sup-
port of the PVCA and the MSD
at those organizations' meetings
last month.
I Both the PVCA and the 'MSD
expressed opposition, although
the NISD, an elected board with
taxing authority, had one
trustee opposed Mack
NMcCuller, who said the MSD
board should not get involved
in zoning issues.
McLauchlan and Massaniso's
letter says that "several of our'
neighbors .. had no objection
to our application and stated so
i.jn writing."
Clegg, however, has said-that'
about 80 signatures were collect-
ed. on a' petition opposing the
He said Tuesday that he made
his and others' objections clear
when he met with the two men.
"We clearly identified the rea-
sons the neighborhood opposed
it," Clegg said of those meetings.
McLauchlan and MNassaniso
say. they were not "secretive" in
filing their application, as'
"innuendoes" suggested,
adding, "There were forces,
working behind the scene to
interdict and prevent the success
of our application including
those who should at all times
remain neutral and objective in
connection with applications,".
for rezoning. '
"Misstatements as to our
intentions and the perceived
major public outcry against our.
Application abounded in various
publications," the letter says.
STo "avoid conflict" and
"remain in a position. which
does not invite public criticism
and antagonism" among neigh-
bors and the community, the
men chose to withdraw the
application, the letter says..
"Virtually the. whole neigh-
borhood was opposed t6 it," said
Clegg. "I'm just, pleased it's all
over." '
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Members of the Ponte Vedra Woman's Club gather Feb. 20 at the Sawgrass Country Club
to hear Darlene Eaton-(third from left)' speak about' her'hum'orous book i'te Osteola; -"
Com'mLn'~i.Club. '(L(eft to right)'dtryo noVith, Barbra Bloesing, Jarkan 'Bat._htr ey",'' '
Gibbs and Marilyn Ryan.
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Page 3A*
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Cont. from A-1
The students' mostly were
intrigued with Ramsey's work
with Habitat for Humanity,
which. serves many countries
around the globe.
.While the organization has
helped many poor people in
other countries, Ramsey stressed
that 35 million people the
population of Canada -.are liv-
ing in poverty in the United
As CEO of One Economy,
Ramsey also works to provide
Internet access and technology
to poor countries by establishing
free or reduced rate access at
community centers and
This allows access to informa-
tion for the poor to gain educa-
tion and knowledge.
Because February was Black
History Month, Ramsey also
touched on the life andl death of
Coretta Scott King, who died last
SHe spoke admirably about her
Fight to keep Martin Luther King
Jr.'s .dream alive, though she
could .have easily chosen to
retire from the spotlight after his
.I .
I New location open in The Bono's Shopping Center in Orange Park
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The Leader's Opinion
No smoking policies
bring some real costs
A healthier work-force.- Lower health insurance costs.
Good ideas that most people are willing to support at
least in theory. The City of Atlantic Beach has recently
adopted a ban on hiring any municipal workers who
smoke. Just testing positive after exposure to second-
hand smoke is enough to bring about an employee's
It is the current trend to revile smoking and its
attendant costs and there are real costs attached to
the use of tobacco.
Less obvious, though, are the costs which the city
will bear by adopting and enforcing a citywide ban.on
smoking employees.
Unemployment is at a record low in this country and
that means .fewer applicants are available to fill job
openings. While smokers are a minority, eliminating
them from the pool of qualified applicants makes it
that much harder for an employer to fill a position as
there are fewer potential hires.
(In addition, the cost of enforcing the policy
through tests may not be a significant cost, but it
should at least be recognized as a cost associated with
the policy.)
The Atlantic Beach Police Department has .had a
quiet policy of not hiring smokers for the past two
decades. No one is arguing against having fit police
--officers capable of giving chase without getting wind-
ed by smoker's cough. At the same time, it bears men-
tion that the department has also complained over the
years about finding and maintaining .a full comple-
meit. or6tfficerT -- --
A small municipality has a finite aminbUnt of---
resources to attract and retain employees. When poli-
cies are implemented that threaten to reduce the' num-
bers of eligible hires, we maintain that the policymak-
ers should have a frank, open discussion about the real
costs of such policies and not quietly adopt a citywiide
ban that could effect hiring the best and brightest for
a job.
The final decision may still be made to ban smoking'
employees, but the policy should not come as a sur-'
prise to the stakeholders in the organization in this
case the citizens.
Letters to the editor:
Support Peyton's offer
lr$ for h site,
To the editor:
On behalf of the children
and communities of Ponte
--Vedra Beach and Palm Valley I
ask that you support the new
Fee Title Land Exchange pro-
posal put forth by Mr. Herbert
He has offered to exchange
50 acres of his Outpost parcel
for approximately 50 acres of
State owned land for a public
high school in Ponte Vedra.
This new proposal gives us a
Ponte Vedra High School with-
in our community and second-
ly, the State gains 50 acres of
higher' value land, while the
county acquires 50 acres of
land for the high'school at no
Your approval of this propos-
al is sorely needed and would
be deeply appreciated.
Our- -- children attended
Fletcher High School because
Ponte Vedra had none. Now,
we hope, my two grandchil-
dren will have their own--we
are excited about the possibili-
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Hotes
Ponte Vedra Beach
Hats off to Herb Peyton
To the editor:
Just a quick note that me
and lots of my neighbors here
in Ponte Vedra are in strong
support of the Guana
exchange program.
Sounds fantastic, and hats
off to Herb [Peyton]for offering
to donate 50 acres of critical,
lakefront property 14300 feet
worth. of shoreline), in
exchange for some "scrubby
oak" land next to a Publix.
This sounds like an excellent
Thanks for listening!
Aaron & Angie Lesher
Ponte Vedra Beach
Kathleen Feindt Bailey Linda Borgstede
Editor, The Beaches Leader
Thomas Wood
PIesident and Publisher
Chuck Adams
Robert DeAngelo
Rex Edmondson
Bob Fernee
Laura Fowler
Alice Gartland
John Hardebeck
Josh Holliday
Jennifer Knoechel
Jeffrey Minton
Liza Mitchell
Kathy Nicoletti
Hal Newsome
Wimpy Sutton
Ann Von Thron
Roger' Walker
Pat Dube
Bernice Harris
Ted Lamb
Director of Sals
Karen Stepp
Ite, Prerident
Display Ad Sales
Cathi James
Joanne Jund
Joseph Martin
Kathy Moore
Stacey Perkins
Steve Fouraker
Business Office
Char Coffman
Advertising &
' Sales
Marie Adams s
Gloria Davis
Cherry Jones
Jane McElhiney
More letters to the editor:
Sawmill Lakes does not need school at Guana
To the editor We are all'for what is best for
I am one of many residents of this community, but none of us
Sawmill Lakes who does not feel want to drive out the entrance
this new High School proposal to our home everyday and go
is a "win win" for all. It is a good from looking at Preserve Land
--sitelorA everyone except-us. -Thisi. toJ cooking at a parking lot, the
is said to be a great way to bring dumpsters on- the back .of a
our community together as a building, or the side of a stadi-
source of spirit and pride, yet u .u;--'"n
the examples of how Sawmill There seems to.be attitude to
Lakes has been treated thus far -just put the High School down
as part of this community con- there on the end of the commu-
tradict that statement. nity because it's only Sawmill
The newly done end of 210 Lakes that has to deal with the
with the turn-around is one of construction, all the traffic
the. most unattractive and delays, and then the
thoughtless developments in noise,lights and eyesore at our
Ponte Vedra. If it were further front door;
north on A1A there would be If this location is what's best
trees lining the median, a clus- for Ponte Vedra,. then the
ter of palms and flowers in the .Sawmill Lakes community will
round-about, and the ugly fence need guaranteed assurances in
wouldn't be there and there writing that we will be well
would be a fountain in the cen- taken care of if we are to take
ter of the retention pond! the brunt of the negative to get
Keep high school out 4
I '- "1 [.7:_- "ii! ,-
Td the.'ditor: 'downward".6 l
First, thank you to the state elected officials for undeveloped st
caring about our future and Florida's future by' not through natural
giving in to development plans or proposals on to the rest of t
state, federal and county protected lands. sand upland sec
Once again, the Ponte Vedra high school the rest of Guan
Coalition is starting the discussion of using Lake Ponte Ved
Guana State land for a high school. They do not on this upland s
speak for me or my Ponte Vedra-based business. ter" and all of t
There is a perfect site at Davis Park. That is my developed area
vote for the high school. Reserve....Thus
Why Davis Park is perfect. on vastly greater
More land available than the proposed Guana The legal fees
Land. board, the state
The park already has baseball. fields, soccer sible for paying
fields, and Lacrosse fields. In addition there are would be passed
fishing ponds that can be used for marine_study payer and busin
and biology classes. paying more ta
The park is well established and is utilized by that is better sui
the Ponte Vedra community with terrific results. There is no ac
It is easy to access. one mile less t
It is convenient. DEAL!
It is free!!! Please note th
It is already developed (sewage, electricity, Coalition that I
water). school in Guana
Why Guana is not. I do not wan
Protected land for nature conservation. ment in Guana
Important land value...It is not 'just scrub Davis Park.
brush.' This section is a sand upland. This results
in rain water flowing from that parcel of land
to the joy of the positive-- A
great new High School for our
children! Some assurance
examples would include; a mrin-
imum buffertat least 30-50 feet)
to border the development, a
guarantee that Mickler Road
would be the only access to the
school as we don't want to end
up with a maintenance or side
entrance off 210, our inpute on
the placement of the stadium,
and road safety and congestion
-changes that -include sidewalks
for school access.
I'm sure we all agree that the
decision for a new site can't
handle any more delays from
lawsuits or community dis-
agreements ,so when your con-
sidering this site, consider your-
self as a resident of Sawmill
Christina Ritzi
Ponte Vedra Beach
of Guana
o10 ?;: oq-,-i '1.' o -:,1 r 1 rr,
ower-lyLng areas. In its ctmrenitr
ate, water filters as it is should
d vegetation and undisturbed soil
he Reserve. In other words, this
tion is the "Brita Water Filter" for
a, including the currently pristine
ra. Should a high school be built
section, there will be no "water fil-
he waste and pollution from this
then drains throughout the
1 percent of land has an impact
r areas.
would be enormous. The school
and the county would be respon-
these fees. Of course ultimately it
down to me doubled as a tax-
less owner. I'm not interested in
xes when there is land available
ted as a High School.
added benefit. People would drive
han going to Davis Park. BIG
iat the Ponte Vedra High School
has been created to put a high
a DOES NOT represent my voice.
t a high school...or any develop-
and I want the H=high school in
Pegine Echevarria
Ponte Vedra Beach
Giant waste of time to pursue Guana site
To the editor vegetation and undisturbed soil
Contrary to your recent cov- to the rest of the Reserve. In
erage, "the community of Ponte other words, this sand upland
Vedra" is not behind putting a section is the "Brita Water
...AD.ER high school in the Guana River Filter" for the rest of Guana,
Wildlife-Management Preserve- -including the currently pristine
E ADER A group of citizens are support- Lake Ponte Vedra. Should a high
ing this, which is their right, school be-built on this upland
Kathleen Hartman and a group of citizens oppose secti6-n, there will be no "water
it. Allow me to present my filter".
Editor, Ponte idra Leader opposition to building a high 3. -Mr. Fehling spoke about
school in Guana. the new Marine Sciences divi-
1. This land does not just sion- that will be placed at the
Jennifer Wise belong to Ponte Vedra. It new high school. What do we
ie P .e. rsn, belongs to the state of Florida, tell all of those budding young
and thus agencies, associations, scientists about the destruction
state legislators and interest the high school they are attend-
Distribtion groups will all be involved ing just reaped on the environ-'
Anya Braun (translation: time, money, law- ment?
Eric Braun suits. Continuing to pursue 4. Should land be swapped,
Scott Cheeseric Braun ,this site is an egregious waste of federal funds that support and
cott Cheeseman YOUR money as a taxpayer and enhance Guana may be pulled.
Kenny Friedman will delay a high school indefi- Are Ponte Vedra and St. Johns
Jenna Highland nitely due to lawsuits opposing County citizens ready to make
Karen Holland development in Guana. I ask up that difference to preserve
Jimmy Howlel for greater fiscal responsibility Guana?
Tobi Liss from our representatives on the 5. The Davis Park site is 50%
Donny Miliken school board (e.g., Mr. Fehling) larger than the site offered in
ohn Newsome and from the community. Guana (75:acres vs. 50 acres).
Kevn N ewsome 2. Manv have said that the 6. The Davis Park site is free
Kevin Phinney Guana site targeted for the high and it is close to our communi-
Gerald Tierney' school is scrubland that is NOT ty. Hundreds of families utilize
very environmentally-rich, it each weekend, A high school
"PeSS BOOm Their definition of "environ- here also amortizes these
Paul Corey mentally-rich" fails to take into already-constructed fields across
Scott Sanders account the role of. this land the entire community of Ponte
Daniel Fanning throughout Guana. This section', Vedra athletes.7. The prece-'
is a sand upland. This results in dence this could set could
rain' water flowing from that immeasurably alter the face of
parcel of land downward to Ponte Vedra and St. Johns coun-
lower-lying areas. In its current tyi. -Having this Preserve is
undeveloped state, water filters indeed an enhancement of your
as it should through natural property values. Preserve the
So, the real environmental
issue with building on Guana is
less about the initial impact of
displacing, wildlife, vegetation,
etc. and more about the impact
of putting 50-100 acres of urban
development inside conserva-
tion land. By eliminating the
natural vegetation that provides
the filter for the lower Guana,
and replacing it with pollution,
cement, parking lot runoff
(from cars and tar), and fertiliz-
er on the land, all of that runoff
goes right out into our remain-
ing Reserve, including Lake
Ponte Vedra. It has an impact
that can be seen short term as
well as long term. Supporting
Davis Park as the preferred site
gives you a high school that is
close, on a larger footprint of
land, does not alter preserved
land, and it is FREE.
To some of you, Guana may
be only "scrub pines", "just a
turpentine farm", etc. but it is
some of the most topographi-
cally important land to the
entire 8000+ acres of the Guana
Reserve. If we really want our
children to appreciate our natu-
ral resources in Florida and edu-
cate them about how the choic-
es they make today .affect the
rest of their life, let's be a living
example for them. Say NO to a
high school in Guana.
Patti Peeples Gustafson
Ponte Vedra Beach
Easy tobe
about the!.,
Big Easy
Nostalgia was thicker
than Cajun red beans
'n' rice. The occasion
was American Legion Post
129's Mardi gras shindig on
Saturday. There was beau-
coup festiveness, with many
of the attendees.decked out
in appropriate costumes and
lotsa beads.
For me, though,, overlaying
the happy affair was the
tragedy of New-Orleans' hurri-
cane devastation. The French
Quarter is back, but much of
the city is still ir ruins.
The Dixieland music at the
party harked back to some
pleasant memories of
sojourns I've enjoyed in the
On one, I'm coming out of
my bed-and-breakfast near
the Quarter and I hear the
infectious sound of jazz waft-
ed on the morning breeze.
Following it, I end up at an
archway entrance -labeled
"Armstrong." WVow, I'm think-
- ing, te i linoleUm' *cdmmpariy'
M has its ownrpark!u t i '- .:. ,
Inside it, however, I come
to a massive statue of Louis
Armstrong, with his trumpet
and ever-present handker-
chief in hand. It finally dawns
on me that the space was ded-
icated to perhaps the Big
Easy's most famous citizen,
I keep hiking and arrive at a
full-blown outdoor jazz con-
cert in progress. That was a
super-syncopated way to start
a day.
On the same trip, which
happened because our
Jacksonville travel agency got
a free airline ticket (only one),
I ran across a voodoo shop. I
wasn't astonished to see it,
since the prevalence of
voodoo in the Crescent City is
legendary. In fact, a local tour
company has said, "New
Orleans voodoo is a special
magic born in this port town.
(It) was the perfect breeding
ground to host a tradition
that has earned her the repu-
tation of Voodoo Capital of
Naturally, I was curious and
went in to browse. Many
accouterments of the cultism
were on display, such as
"magick" (sic) candles,
potions, ritual oil, and
voodoo dolls.
I considered bringing home
a love potion but had second
thoughts. My wife, Lucy,
already had enough love in
her. Besides, there was no
guarantee with it.
Today, I wonder how many
New Orleanians are disen-
chanted with a spell they
tried to cast on Hurricane
Speaking of love, Lucy and I
were in "Nawlins" later at a
great little eatery, soon after
she'd completed a series of
chemotherapy treatments.
Weakened, she tripped and
fell to the floor on the way
out. The manager looked trau-
matized, probably fearing a
lawsuit. She wasn't hurt,
though, and I soothed the
boss with, "My wife really fell
for your restaurant."
Send letters to:
SThe Editor, The Leader, P.O.
Box 50129, Jacksonville
Beach, Fla. 32240, or send e- -
mail to: editor@beach-
Avoid personal attacks and
type or write your comments
legibly. Lengthy letters may
be edited as space requires.
Page 4A
Li ~.A. ~ I 1 LL,' I.' IL.JiMarch 1, 2006
M rwr~rr'h 1 T hed
Police Beat'.
Gov. Bush awards
Points of Light prize
to local tennis player
Copper tubing valued at
$550 was reported stolen Feb.
23 from a construction site in
ithe 100 block of Laguna Villas
Blvd. The unknown suspects
'entered the site and removed
four 50-foot sections from an
open unoccupied apartment.
Credit card theft was report-
ed Feb. 23 in the 100 block of
10th Ave. S. The victim was
notified by her credit card
company of large charges on
her account.
She told police she checked
her purse and discovered her
credit cards and $53 in cash
were missing. The victim said
the suspect came to her home
and wanted to spend the
night but she refused because
of his past behavior.
Her purse was in a rear bed-
room before the suspect
arrived and when he left it
was found on a hallway table
with the items missing. The
suspect was apprehended and
the credit cards were recov-
ered from a nearby dumpster,
police reported.
A city sign was reported
vandalized Feb. 23 in the 8th
Ave. N. end zone. The sign
was damaged with silver spray
paint. Cost to replace the sign
is $500.
Grand theft was reported
Feb. 24 in the 1200 block of
18th St. N. A total of $4,750
worth of items including a tel-
evision, gold necklace, a
watch and $600, in loose
change were stolen from the
John Robert Mathis Jr., 24,
of Jacksonville was arrested
Feb. 23 and charged with an
outstanding warrant for pos-
session of a controlled sub-
stance at a hotel in the 1600
block of 1st St. N. Mathis was
reported by his bail bonds-
man who confirmed he was a
guest at the hotel, according
to.a police report.
Stalking was reported Feb.
23 at a restaurant in the first
block of 3rd St. N. The victim
and an acquaintance left the
restaurant and discovered all
of her tires were flat an'd
appeared to be cut b,y, ap,
unknown sharp object. :
Battery was reported Feb. 23
in the .1100 block of 2nd St. S.
The Board of Adjustment for
the City of Jacksonville Beach,
Florida will meet and hold pub-
lic hearings on Tuesday, March
21 at 7 p.m. in the Council
Chambers, located at 11 North
3rd St., to consider the follow-
ing variance applications:
BOA 06-100034 City of
Jacksonville Beach Land
Development Code Section:
34-337 (e)(1) e, for-40% lot cov-
erage in lieu of 35% maximum
to allow for improvements to a
single family dwelling, for
property located at 409 South.
13th Ave.
BOA 06-100035 City of
Jacksonville Beach Land
Development Code Section:
34-339 (e)(1) c.l, for a front
yard of 12.3 feet in lieu of 20
feet and 34-339 (e)(1) c.2, for a
side yard and corner side yard
of 8 feet in lieu of 10 feet and
13 feet respectively and 34-339
(e)(1) c.2, for a rear yard of 10
S feet in lieu of 30 feet required
and 34-339 (e)(1) e, for 49% lot
coverage in lieu of 35% maxi-
mum and 34-377, for 2 on site
parking spaces in lieu of 4
S spaces required, to allow for a
Snew two-family dwelling, for
*\. property located at 276 South
8th St..
SBOA 06-100036 City of
; Jacksonville Beach Land
SDevelopment Code Section:
. ,; 34-340 (e)(l) c.2, for an easter-
ly side yard of 6 feet in lieu of
10 feet and 34-340 (e)(l) c.3,
for a rear yard of 15 feet in lieu
of 30 feet and 34-340 (e)(1) f,
Sfor 54% lot coverage in lieu of
35% maximum to allow for a
new two-family dwelling for
property located at 110 North
20th Ave.
BOA 06-100041 City of
Jacksonville ., Beach Land
Development Code Section:
34-336 (e)(1) e, for 40% lot cov-
erage in lieu of 35% maximum
and-34-336 (e)(1) c.3, for a rear
yard of 24.5 feet in lieu of 30
feet required to allow for
improvements to a single fami-
ly dwelling, for property locat-
ed at 4048 Grande Boulevard.
The victim told police he left
his front door open for a
friend and went to sleqp. He
awoke at 1 a.m. to find his 25-
year-old neighbor and anoth-
er man standing over him.
The unidentified suspect
kneed the victim in the head
'and yelled that he was going
to be evicted and needed to
leave. The men engaged in a
physical altercation before the
suspects left.
The victim went to his car
to retrieve his phone charger
to call 911 and found his
vehicle blocked in by the sus-
pects. He broke the window
with his fist and struck the
driver in the face, police
The suspect fled then
turned around and pursued
the man who went back into
his apartment. The suspects
admitted to entering the vic-
tim's house but claimed they
were angry over him parking
in a restricted parking space.
Neither party wished to press
A vehicle was burglarized
Feb. 21 in the 3300 block of
Ocean Dr. S. A pair of $200
sunglasses and eight CD's val-
ued at $128 were stolen.
On Feb. 24, a Ponte Vedra
resident reported having been
contacted by a financial serv-
ices company in reference to
an overdue account at a
Georgia store.
According to the police
report, the victim stated the
account had been fraudulent-
ly opened in his name and
used between Dec. 2003 and
Jan. 2004. In Feb. 2005, the
victim had reported another
case of identity theft.
A St. Johns County Sheriff's
Office deputy responded to a
house fire at 171 Barberry
BMW SUV in a parking garage
on Ponte Vedra Boulevard.
was reported on Feb. 25.
According to 'the police
report, the driver of the 'BMW
and a witness -observed a
male in a Toyota 4 Runrer.
parked behind the vehicle.
The Toyota quickly left the
scene as the owner and wit-
ness approached. Four tires on
the BMW were slashed result-
ing in an estimated $1650 in
A body discovered on
Anastasia beach Saturday has
been identified as that of a
Jacksonville woman whose car
was found parked at NMickler
beach access in Ponte Vedra
four days before.
Evelyn D. Hogue, 61, was
last seen at noon Tuesday, Feb.
21. Later that day, her husband
found her 2003 Cadillac De
Ville at Mickler's.
St. Johns County Sheriff's
deputies sought Mrs. Hogue,
saying she was considered
missing or endangered or both.
Cause of death will be deter-
mined pending an autopsy.
A 45-year-old Ponte Vedra
Beach man reported the theft
of a gold Rolex watch, a money
clip and cash from a locker
room at the Ponte Vedra Inn &
Club Monday.
The man said he placed
items in a locker at the fitness
center and discovered they
were missing when he
returned. The items are valued
at $7,331.
A piece of lift equipment was
reported stolen from a storage
parking lot in the 600 block on
State Road A1A North, Ponte
Vedra, sometime over the past
'two weeks.
The 35-foot Conveyor was
taken from a community park-
ing lot at the Fountains,
deputies said. It is valued at
Lane on Feb. 24. According to *
the police report, the resi- Vandalism was reported to
dence was engulfed with two vehicles in the same Ponte
flames when the deputy Vedra neighborhood between
arrived. Sunday evening and Monday
Fire and rescue personnel morning.
were on the scene and the fire The plastic window of a 2004
inspector is investigating the Jeep, Wrangler belonging to a
cause of the fire. Three,resi- man on L'Atrium Circle was
dents evacuated the building cut, deputies said. Damage was
and there were no reports of estimated at $1,000.
injuries.:. -. r-r. .. ,,.-, The,conv.ei tible top of a
2003 Mazda belonging to
woman on Le Mans Circle was
Criminal mischief to a cut. Damage was estimated at
$1,000. No items were reported
missing from either vehicle.
Someone reported that they
left a wallet in a taxi cab Feb.
7 in the 400 block of Skate
Road. They said that a credit
card in the wallet has been
used twice to purchase items
totaling $80.'
A wallet was reported stolen
from a a vehicle Feb. 24 in the
900 block of Atlantic
A simple assault was report-
ed Feb. 24 in the 1500 block
of Richardson Lane.
A domestic battery was
reported Feb. 24 in the 120
block of Jlayport Road.
A vehicle was reported
stolen Feb. 23 in the 900
block of Plaza. Police recov-
ered the vehicle at a business
Feb. 24 in the 1500 block of
Mayport Road.
A 21-year-old Neptune
Beach woman reported Feb.
27 that she is being stalked by
a 44-year-old Ponte Vedra
man. Police are investigating
the report.
A paint sprayer valued at
$850 was reported stolen from
a trailer Feb. 27 in the 400
block of Hopkins Street.
Frederick Peteatrice
Robinson, 20. of Michigan
City was arrested and charged
with possession ,of a con-
trolled substance Feb. 25 in
the 1400 block of Atlantic
Boulevard, according to a
police report.
Beverly Elaine Hartley, 40,
of Jacksonville was arrested
on a warrant and charged
with twb counts of obtaining
property with worthless
checks Feb. 25 in the 1200
block of Atlantic Boulevard,
according to a police report.
A bicycle valued at $250
was reported stolen from a
business Feb. 25 in the 200
block of First Street..
An aggravated battery was
reported Feb. 23. in the- t100
block of Seagate Avenue.
Governor Jeb Bush Tuesday
recognized MaliVai
Washington of Porite Vedra
Beach. as this week's Points of
Light Award recipient.'
Washington, a former pro-
fessional tennis player, is the
president and founder of the
MaliVai Washington Kids
Foundation, an organization
that coaches local youth on
the game of tennis while
teaching the importance of
sportsmanship and academic
vigor. Congressman Ander
Crenshaw presented
Washington with the award
on behalf of Governor Bush.
"MaliVai's enthusiasm for
the game of tennis teaches
kids the value of hard work
and commitment to achiev-
ing their dreams," said
Governor Bush. "The MaliVai
Washington Kids Foundation
encourages young Floridians
to lead healthy and active
lives, and reinforces personal
motivation and self-confi-
Founded in 1994, the
MaliVai Washington Kids
Foundation has mentored
more than 14,000 youths in
Jacksonville. The foundation
offers a tennis and tutoring
after school program where
students receive help with
homework, participate in
community events and play
sports, including receiving
tennis lessons. Washington
has helped raise more than
$2.7 million for the founda-
tion and participates in the
foundation's Celebrity Gala,
Kids for Kids Tennis Carnival
and the Bill Cosby Benefit.
Additionally, Washington
serves as a mentor to stu-
dents, promoting achieve-
ment in the classroom as well
as on the tennis court.
"The motto of the MaliVai
Washington Foundation is
'Serving hope...changing
lives.' That is exactly what
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Mal and his dedicated group
of volunteers has done for
countless children along the
First Coast," said Crenshaw.
"It is indeed my honor to con-
gratulate Mal on being recog-
nized as one of Florida's shin-
ing Points of Light."'
During Black History
Month, the Points of Light
Awards recognize outstanding
African Americans in Florida
dedicated to giving back to
their communities. The .2006
black History Month theme is
"Remembering the Past,
Celebrating the Future."
The Governor's Points of
.Light Award, sponsored by
Royal Caribbean International
and Celebrity Cruises, recog-
nizes a Florida resident or
organization that demon-
strates exemplary service to
the community. Award recip-
ients are announced weekly. A
panel of judges comprised of
leaders in the areas of volun-
teerism and service evaluate
all nominations and make
recommendations to
Governor Bush. The
Volunteer Florida Foundation
manages the program. For
more information, or to nom-
inate, please visit
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Broach School students Reid Houdeshell, from left, Henry Steiner, Karl Meyers and Nikko
Dempsey join teacher's aide-Deborah Cazares in showing off one of the table umbrellas the
Jacksonville Beach private school left at curbside Tuesday. "We are disposing of them," said
Broach School director Marty Baker, "because they are too lightweight for the wind storms that
frequent the beach. We were leaving them on the side of the street because we know Jax Beach
natives are so great at recycling stuff and being able to take it home and use it for their own pur-
poses. One man's trash is another man's treasure."
Singleton's Mobile Home Park
not for sale; park to stay open
With the closing of low
income apartment complexes
and mobile home parks, the
Beaches are facing a crisis as
affordable housing becomes
more and more scarce.
But property managers of a
mobile home park on Mayport
Road want the community to
know they are still going
"It is not up for sale," Denise
Greer confirmed Tuesday.
Greer said reports that
Singleton's Mobile Home Park
at 120 Mayport Road was clos-
ing were "not correct." The
impending sale was
announced last week during a
meeting of the Beaches
Housing Coalition.
"It got our residents in an
uproar," she said. "We've got
residents that are threatening
to not pay their rent." '
A .fact sheet distributed
Wednesday to about 25 people
attending the meeting at
Beaches Habitat warned that
the sale of the mobile home
park would result in a loss of.:
another "150+ homes."
Greer said the number was
also incorrect as the park only
maintains 59 lots and,all were
currently full.
Volunteers at the Beaches
Emergency Assistance Ministry
(BEAM) said they recognized
the 'error and are "investigat-
ing" the source of the misinfor-
.The Beaches Housing
Coalition is comprised of sever-
al agencies including BEAM,
Beaches Habitat,
Neighborhood Partnership for
the Protection of Children and
St. Vincent's DePaul.
The goal is to develop short
and long term solutions to
help the growing number of
families displaced by the loss of
affordable housing at the
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.The Bea~ches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader & Page 5A4
March 1 2006
Ponle Vedra Palm Valley and MK Rawli
will host their Annual Spring Carnival Sa
11 a.m. to 5 p.m. There will be rides, f6o
games and prizes lor the kids. There wi
and silent auction. The public is welcorr
Wednesday, March 1
Ash Wednesday.
www.beacheswatch.com for infor-
Thursday March
Retired educators:
The Duval County
Retired Educators
Association will meet
-. at the Singleton
Center, 150 E. First
.a St., Jacksonville.
E Social time is at
9:30 a.m., fol-
lowed by the
10 :15 a.m. meet-
i brCommunity
health educa-
tion Baptist
-, Center
SBeaches is,
offering a
health educa-
tion class titled
S"Pap Smear
Update" from 7
to 8 p.m. in
Center Rooms A
and B, 1350 13th
Ave. S.,
Jacksonville Beach.
Call 376-4902 or
Auxil iary:
Unit 129
will meet at
7:30 p.m.
at 1151 S.
ngs elementary schools file Beach.
saturday, March 4, from Members
od, entertainment, are encour-,
ill also be a basket raffle aged to
ie. bring a
Guest. Call
".,rioao, r"249-2266
or 242-0042 for information.
Prayer Connection: The Women's Friday, March 3
Connection Praver Connection meets Day of Prayer: First Christian
from 9:30 to 11 a.m. at Ashford Court Church of the Beaches, 2125 Ocean
Assisted Living Center 6ff Marsh Front, Neptune Beach, will be open. to
Landing Parkway. Call 221-4536 for the public from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
|infdi'iatr9 tf .' T. C meditation in obser-
vance o'thworld Day of Prayer. Call
Art walk: The First WVednesday Art 246-2010 for information.
I Walk will be held from 5 to 9 p.m. in .
downtown Jacksonvlle. Call 634-0303 Garage sale: Christ United
or 634-8988 for information. Methodist Church will have a garage
sale from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. today and
Beaches Watch: Beaches Watch
meets at 7 p.m. at Fletcher High'
School. The meeting is open to the
public. Call 513-92-142 or 'visit,
March. 4 at: 400 Penman Road,
Neptune' Beach. Call 249-5370 for
Book sale: The Great Jacksonville
Book Sale will be held from 10 a.m. to
8 p.m. today, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. March
4, and noon to 6 p.m. March 5 at the
Jacksonville Fairgrounds, downtown
Jacksonville, Exhibit Hall B. .Parking is
free. Call 6390-2304 between 10 a.m.
and 6 p.m. for information.
Brown bag lunch: Bring your lunch
to the GTM Reserve 'Environmental
Education Center from noon to 1 p.m.
and learn about the horseshoe crab.
The center is located, at 505 Guana
River Road. Attendance is free. Call
904-823-4500 for information.
Saturday, March 4
Read-a-thon: Dr. Seuss's Birthday
Read-a-Thon in celebration of "Read
Across America Day" will be held from
10 a.m, to 3 p.m. at the Beaches
Branch Library, 600 Third St., Neptune
Beach. Visit with the Cat-in-the-Hat,
the Grinch, and more. Call 270-1651
for information.
Art class: A family art class will be
held from 2 to 3 p.m. at the
Jacksonville Museum of Modem Art,
333 N. Laura St., Jacksonville. The class
is free with museum admission. For
information,' call Ashlie Johnson at
366-6911, extension 207, or e-mail
North Florida's Women and Girls at
Health Initiative will feature breast Li
cancer researcher Dr. Edith A. Perez ef
from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Ba
Jacksonville Marriott Hotel at in
Southpoint, 4670 Salisbury Road,
Jacksonville. Tickets are $35 per per-
son. Call 904-620-2810 for informa-
tion. A
Professional women: Business & p.
Professional Women will meet from th
5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Gallery Bistro on S.
Southside Boulevard. The cost is $27. to
Call 218-8341 for information.
Mixer: The Beaches Division of the lu
Jacksonville Regional Chamber of Be
Commerce will have its monthly 7t
mixer from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Players Ja
by the Sea, 106 N. 6th St., Jacksonville TT
Beach. There is no charge. Call 249- Re
3868 for Information. M
Book-signing: Edward Award-win-.
ning author David Liss. will be at The
Bookmark at 7 p.m. to discuss and R(
sign-copies of his new mystery "The Fe
Ethical Assassin." Call 241-9026 for a.
information. gr
Wednesday, March 8 Fc
Life Line Screening: Life Line NI
Screening will be at the Neptune Beach er
Senior Activity Center at 9 a.m. at sp
Inni r_.- ;_D 1, _44
,2004 Forest Av-we. in. Neprune Beach.
Potluck dinner: Fleet Reserve For prices and scheduling information,
Association Branch 290 will serve call 1-877-237-1287. Preregistration is
potluck dinners from 5 to 8 p.m. at required.
390. Mayport Road, Atlantic Beach.
The cost is $5, and the public is invit-
ed. Call 246-6855 for information or to
place take-out orders.
Dance, tryouts: Dance tryouts for
the Jacksonville Stallions indoor foot-
ball team will be held from 7 to 9 p.m.
today, and 6 to 8 p.m. March 6, at the
Jacksonville Indoor Sports Facility at
Emerson and 1-95. Call 251-5777 for;
Sunday, March 5
Meditation and dharma: Carol
Lutker will give a talk on meditation
and dharma from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at
Cobalt Moon Center's Sky Studio, 217
First St., Neptune Beach. Call 386-246-
4092 for information. .
ArtFusion: "ArtFusion for Families"
is held from noon to 4 p.m. at the
Jacksonville Museum of Modern Art,
333 N. Laura St., Jacksonville. Call
Ashlie Johnson at 366-6911, extension
'207,'for'information:. .
Tuesday, March 7
DAR: The Ponte Vedra DAR chapter
will meet at 10:45 a.m. at Sawgrass
Country Club, 10034 Golf Club Drive,,
Ponte Vedra Beach. The 2005-2006
Good Citizen Award winners are the
Health initiative: The University of.
Spring Has Sprung: Pat Lopez of:
Ace Florist at Marsh Landing Parkway
will present "Spring Has Sprung" at 10
a.m. at the Ribault Garden Club, 705
2nd Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach. The
cost is $15 and reservations are
required. Call 221-5191 for informa-
tion and registration.
Newcomers: Newcomers of
Beaches, an organization for women
who are new to the area, will hold its
monthly luncheon at 11 a.m. at the
Casa Marina Hotel, 691 1st St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach. Tickets are $18.
Call Maggie Penn at 904-998-2331 for4
Luncheon: The Wormen's
Connection outreach luncheon will be
held from 11 a.m. till 12:30 p.m. at the
Jacksonville Golf and Country Club on
Hodges Blvd. The cost is $17. Call 221-
4536 for information.
* Book-signig h,.,W4ghhingtgq, pQ,
reporter and awar d-,wminnrig environ-
mental journalist Michael Grunwald
will be at The Bookmark at 7 p.m. to0
discuss and sign copies of his new,
book "The Swamp: The Story of the
Everglades." Call Rona Brinlee at 241-
9026 for information.
Democratic Club: The Ponte Vedra
Beach Democratic Club meets at 7 pm.
t the Ponte Vedra Beach Branch
brary. Marilyn Boren will speak on
fective grassroots organization. Call
arbara Paterick at 904-273-5310 for
Thursday, March 9
Jewelry sale: BMCBeaches Hospital
auxiliary will;have a jewelry sale from
a.m. to 4 p.m. today, and 7 a.m. to 3
m. March 10, in the main lobby of
le Beaches Hospital, 1350 13th Ave.
, Jacksonville Beach. The sale is open
D the public.
Luncheon: The Seniors By The Sea
ncheon will be held at 11 a.m. at,
beaches United Methodist Church,
:h Avenue North and, 3rd Street,
cksonville Beach. The cost is $4.50.
he, program .is "historical Mayport."
reservations are required by 5 p.m. the
'onday before the. luncheon. Call
16-2926 for information.
Republican Women's Club: The
republican Women's Club of Duval.
deratedd will have a social at 11:30
m., followed by a luncheon and pro-
am at noon, at, the Radisson
iverwalk Hotel, Prudential Drive.
rn mer Florida Congressman Bill
cCollum, candidate for attorney gen-
al of the state of Florida, is the guest
weaker. The cost is $16 with reserva-
ons or $21 at the door. Call WVilla
arrell at 910-3533. .or e-mail
too@rwcdf.org by March 2.
Luncheon: The Beaches Division of
ie Jacksonville Regional Chamber of
commerce will have its monthly
ncheon at Sawgrass Country Club,
'95 Summer Place,' Ponte Vedra
each. Jacksonville Councilmari Art
raham is tle speaker. Tickets are $15
ith reservations or $20 at the door.
all 249-3868 to R.S.V.P.
Spaghetti supper: The Jacksonville
each Woman's Club will host a
,aghetti supper from -4:30 to 7 p.m. at
e clubhouse, 1315 N. 2nd 'Ave.,
ckson-ille Beach. Coffee and tea rill
e provided; bring your oWn wine or
.er. Tickets are $10 for adults,, $5 for
lildren 6 to 12, and free for ages
ider 6; tickets will also be available at
e: door. Proceeds will benefit local
Homicide study: Participants are
anted for ICCI's study on
cksonville's homicide rate. The study
nmmittee illi meet Thursdays from"
15 t9,b:45 p.mi. through June 29. Call
handra at 396- 3052 ftp infor m.tioni.
JCCI forum: ICCissill have a forum
led "Streetscape to Skyline: Do We
eed Higher Design Standards?" from
30 to 7 p.m. in the JCCI conference
om, 2434 Atlantic Blv'd., Suite 100,
Lksonvilie. Call Esther at, t.396-3052
r reservations.
MmC C/) (=
0 4r
b.$ Of*
__ *VAU- 46
Art association: The Pablo
Towers Art Association meets
from 12:30 to 3 p.m. every
Wednesday. Call- 246-4158 for
Ballroom dancing: Ballroom
dancing is offered every'
Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at the
Senior Center, 19th Ave.,
Jacksonville Beach. The cost is
$4. Call 241-3796 for informa-
Cancer support group: The,
Cancer Support. Group at
Baptist Medical Center Beaches
meets at 6 p.m. Wednesday at
the Florida Cancer Center in
Medical Office .Building B on
the hospital campus. Call 247-
2910 for information.
'Depression support:
Depression Bipolar Support
Alliance Jacksonville Beaches
meets Sundays at 5:30 p.m. at
Beaches Medical Center, 1350
13th Ave. S., Jacksonville Beach.
Visit www.dbsajax.org for infor-
Foundation Academy: The
-F6undation Academy, 107
Third Ave. S., Jacksonville
Beach, has an open house from
9 to 11:30 a.m. Tuesday. Call
241-3515 for information.
Grief recovery: A Grief
Recovery Support Group meets
the third Thursday of the
, month at 7 p.m. at St. Paul's
Catholic Church in library, 578
First Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach.
The group is for those who are
grieving the death of a family
member or friend. 280-0871.
Kiwanis Beaches: The
Kiwanis Club of Jacksonville
Beaches meets Thursdays at
noon at Selva Marina Country
Club, 1600 Selva Marina,
Atlantic Beach. Call Jonathan
Daugherty at 635-4228 for
Long Time Newcomers: The
Long Time Newcomers Club of
the Beaches and West Beaches
meets at Selva Marina Country
Club in Atlantic Beach on the
fourth Tuesday of the Month,
September through May. This is
a ladies' dub. Social hour starts
at 11 a.m., followed by various
entertainers, performers and
informative speakers. Call 273-
0362 for information.
MOPS: Mothers of Pre-
Schoolers meets the. second
Monday of each month at 9:30
a.m., and the third Monday of
each month at 7 p.m. (child
,care provided) at Christ the
Redeemer Church, 190 S.
Roscoe Blvd., Ponte Vedra
Beach. 285-8009.
Open-air market: The Town
Center Green Market, an open-
air market, is held Saturday
from 8 a.m. till noon at the
Neptune Beach Kmart on
Atlantic Boulevard. The market
features fresh produce, honey,
sauces, baked goods, hand-
made soap and more.
Prayer group; The Beaches
Community Prayer Group
meets at 9:30 a.m. in the confer-
ence room of the Winston
Family YMCA in Ponte Vedra.
Call 285-0267 for information.
Seniors By The Sea: Seniors
By The Sea meets the second
Thursday of each month in the
Fellowship Hall at Beach United
Methodist Church, Third Street
arnd Seventh Avenue North,
Jacksonville Beach, at 11 a.m.,
followed by lunch for $4.50.
Call 241-7300 for information.
Zonta Club: The Zonta Club
of Jacksonville meets the third
Monday of each month at 6
p.m. at the Radisson Riverwalk
Hotel, 1515 Prudential Drive.
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March 1, 2006
Page 6A
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
March 1, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 7A
Ob tuaries.
Katherine Irene Dunn Dougherty
Theda M. Jones :
Irene Catherine Skipper
Katherine Irene Dunn
Dougherty, 77, died Feb. 26,
2006 at her residence in
Jacksonville. She was born May
8, 1928 in Decatur, Illinois. She
was a member of Our Lady Star
of the Sea Catholic Church of
Ponte Vedra Beach.
Family members include her
husband Dr. Richard H.,
Dougherty; son, Edward
(Nancy) Dougherty of
Allentown, PA; daughters,'Jean
(Michael) Blocker of Ponte
Vedra Beach, Emily (Ron)
John Augustus Doyle, Jr.,
82, of Ponte Vedra Beach, died
Feb. 19, 2006. A native of
Atlanta, he graduated from
Boys High School in Atlanta
and later attended Georgia
Tech, graduating from the
University of Georgia. He
served his country as a Naval
Aviator in World War II.
He was an incredible man,
who lived life to the fullest.
He played basketball, tennis
and was an avid golfer and
over the years participated in
and organized Pro Ams for
many celebrities and spon-
sors. He -was a well known
member 'of the Ponte Vedra
Inn & Club and was incredi-
bly proud of his hole-in-one
in 2001. on hole #9 on the
Ocean Course.
He had. a diverse -career,
starting. a-s a salesman for
Schlitz. Brewery, owning and
operating fried chicken estab-
lishments in Florida before
"the colonel" he was a mort-
gage banker in- Ft Lauderdale
and Palm Beach, owned
saunas, and managed malls in
both Palm Springs, CA and
George Robert Harvick, 80;
died Feb. 13, 2006 in Baptist
Medical Center' Beaches. He
was born Oct. 3, 1925 in'
Roxana, Illinois and moved to.
the Beaches area 4 years ago
from Wood River, Illinois. He
served in the United States
Navy during World War II. He
retired from Amoco Oil after:
37 years of service and was a
member of Ponte Vedra
Presbyterian Church.
Family members include his
son Michael (Susan) Harvick
Fourman of Gainesville, Helen
(Eric) Grothaus of Milford, OH-
and 11 grandchildren. Her sis-,
ter Jeanne Dunn Gasvoda pre-
ceded her in death. "
Private family services will be
In lieu of flowers memorial
contributions may be made to
Our Lady Star of the Sea
Catholic Church, 545 A1A
North, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL
Services arranged by Quinn-
Shalz Funeral Home.
Augusta, GA before his "final
final retirement.
Family members include his
wife, Linda Diehi, of Ponte
Vedra Beach; five daughters,
Lynn Morehead of Portland,
CR, Peggy Fairbanks of
Charleston, SC, Leslie Selamos
and Tracey Haven, both of Ft.
Lauderdale, and Shannon
Cochran of Hendersonville,
NC; a son, John Christian
Doyle of Ft. Lauderdale; a
brother, Jerry Doyle of
Atlanta; 11 grandchildren and
a great grandchild.
An Irish celebration of life
in honor of him will be held
at noon on March .18 at
Culhane's Irish Public House,
967 Atlantic Blvd, Atlantic
Because of the support
Hospice provided. to he and
his family, donations are sug-
gested to Haven Hospice of
Jacksonville, 8301. Cypress
Plaza Drive #119,
Jacksonville, FL 32256 or the
charity of the donors choice.
Services arranged by Quinn-
Shalz Funeral Home.
of Ponte Vedra Beach; and
grandchildren Kristopher
Harvick and Stephanie
(Christopher) Pilinko. He was
predeceased in 1992 by his
wife, Patricia and in 2002 by
his brother, Don Harvick...
A memorial service will be
held at 1:30 p.m., Sunday,
March' 5 in Ashford Court.
Private family interment was'
held in Woodlawn Cemetery
of East Alton, Illinois.
Services arranged by Quinn-
Shalz Funeral Home.
Theda M. Jones, .89,
Independence, MO died Feb.
25, 2006. She was born Nov.
28, 1916 m Malad, ID. She
graduated from Graceland
College. She and her husband,
Max W. Jones owned a drug.
store in Lamoni, IA. before
moving to Jacksonville
where they resided for many
years. After moving to
Independence, she became a
member of the Stone Church
Congregation of Community
of Christ and was very
involved with the church
throughout her life. She
enjoyed reading the Prayer of
Thomas Leroy Meade
Thomas Leroy Meade, 57,
longtime resident of
Jacksonville Beach, died Fe. 25,
2006. He was born in
Davenport, IA and lived in
Tennessee and Starke before
returning to the beach. A
member of American Legion,
he also belonged to the Moose
Surviving are his wife Diane
of 23 years, five children,
Salina Meade of Jacksonville
Peace and gave tours of the
.Temple for many years.
She was preceded in death
by her husband m 1971. She
is survived by daughter
Elizabeth Ann Jones Cackler,
Ames, IA; brother Jerry Jones;
Malad, ID; nephew Todd
Jones and grandchildren.
Graveside services will be
11:30 a.m., Thursday, March
2, at Mound Grove Cemetery
in Independence. The family
suggests contributions to the
Alzheimer's Association.
Condolences may be sent to
the family at
[Irene Catherine Skipper, 79,
died surrounded by family on
Feb. 21. Born on April 7, 1926
in Muskegon Hts., Ml to John
and Anna Hiza, she moved to
Florida in 1948, living mostly
in Jacksonville Beach.
According to family, she was
Beach, David, Theresa, Renee
and Michael Meade of
Davenport, IA, step-children,
Michelle Harden, Shawn.
Carter, grandchildren, Autumn
Harden and Christopher
Hardin, and a sister, Jeanette
Verhelst of Irving, Texas.
A private celebration of his
Life has been held.
Arrangements by Hardage-
Giddens Funeral Home in
Jacksonville Beach.
Iva Mae Medley
Iva Mae Medley (Mae) 87 of
Jacksonville Beach died on
Feb. 26, 2006. Shc was born
Aug. 1, 1918 in
Hendersonville, NC to the late
Clarence T. and Lillic P. Jones
Bcnnctt. She worked as a sec-
retary at Atlantic Beach
Elementary School, retiring in
1983. She was a member of
the First Baptist Church of the
Beaches and the Beaches
Baptist Auxiliary Club.
She is survived by two sons/
Robert M. Medley- and
Kenneth L. Medley (Rachel) all
of Jacksonville Beach, two
Maxey of Houston, seven
grandchildren and eight great
grandchildren. In addition to
her parents she was preceded
in death by her husband
Carlos Medley.
The family will' receive
friends on Thursday, March 2,
from 6-8 p.m. at the Hardage-
Giddens Funeral Home, 1710
Beach Blvd, Jacksonville
Beach. A funeral service will
be held on Friday March 3, at
10 a.m. in the. funeral home
chapel. Interment will follow
at H. Warren Smith Cemetery.
Memorial contributions
Nancy Robertson Griffiths include her son, David brothers. Max Bennett of St.. may be made to Northeast
died in her home Feb. 24, Griffiths of Orlando; daugh- Augustine, FL and Robert Florida Community Hospice.
2006. She was the daughter of 'ters, Kate Hamlin of Tampa
Donald Robertson and Nancy and Jacqui Matchett (David) of.
Goddard Robertson born in Atlantic Beach and eight
New York on April 18, 1930. beloved grandchildren. M. Evelyn Gi qsa Parko ,
She 'lived in -New Y jork, New' I :"'A r fin IoriIserC n.B" E l."- ".. r... .. .o o
Jersey, Ohio, New Hampshire," aeled a : Forp.., rThr it-.''i .. ... 'F '
and Tampa before settling in March 2, at Community M. Evelyn Giberson Parker two grandchildren Robert
Atlantic Beach for the past 12 Presbyterian Church. 100, of Jacksonville, died Feb. Parker and wife Lisa of
years. In lieu of flowers, memorial 23, 2006 at Avante of Marietta, GA; Cindy Parker
After receiving a bachelor's contributions in her name may Jacksonville Beach. She was Wampler and husband David
'degree from Keuka College, she be made to Community born Sept. 10, 1905 in Lanoka of Neptune Beach., two great
married Carl R. Griffiths and Hospice of Northeast Florida. Harbor, New Jersey and moved, grandchildren Heather Parker
devoted her life to caring for Services arranged by Quinn- to the Beaches area in 1986. of Jacksonville, and Madison
her family. Family members Shalz Funeral Home. She was a grade school Wampler of Neptune Beach.
Lieutenant General Harold A. Hatch
Lieutenant General Harold
A. Hatch, USMC Retired, a resi-
dent of Fleet Landing in
Atlantic Beach, and previously
of Washington, D.C.' died Feb.
19, 2006.
I .
He was born on Dec. 29,
1924 in Avon,. IL. He enlisted
in the Marine Corps in 1942,
achieved the rank of Master
Sergeant in 1947, and begun
his commissioned service in
1949. He retired from the
Marine Corps in 1984 after 42
years of distinguished service.
He participated in combat
operations in Korea and
Vietnam. His last assignment
was as Deputy Chief of Staff for
installations and logistics for
eight years, during which time
he played a role in the mar-
itime pre-positioning of mili-
tary materials and the develop-
ment of the Marine Corps
activity at Blount Island. His
many awards and decorations
include the Bronze Star Medal
with Combat "V" and the Air
He enjoyed golf, fine food
and watching sports. He always
had a kind' word and smile' for
whomever he.greeted, accord-
ing to family.
Survivors include his wife of
55 years, Mildred Jean Gehrig,
three daughters, Sue 'Kreichelt
of Jacksonville,. Sara Paddison
Of Boulder Creek,.CA and Sallie
Hatch of Warren County, VA,
anrd five grandchildren.
A memorial service will be
held at Arlington National
Cemetery, Arlington, VA on
March 24, 2006 at 9 a.m. in the.
Fort Meyer Chapel. In lieu of
flowers, the family suggests
contributions to the Marine
Corps Heritage Foundation,
P.O. Box 998, 307 5th Ave.
Quantico, VA 22134 and/or
Community Hospice of North
East Florida, 4114 Sunbeam
Road, Building 400,
Jacksonville, FL, 32257.
Arrangements provided by
the Hardage-Giddens Funeral
Home in Jacksonville Beach.
teacher and principal for 40
years in the Toms River,
Whiting and Bayhead School
Districts in New Jersey.
Family members include her
husband Lawrence Parker of
Toms River, NJ and her son
Lawrence E. Parker of
Jacksonville, who both prede-
ceased her; daughter in-law
Erma L Parker of Jacksonville.;
Betty Jo Reeves
Betty Jo Reeves died Feb. 26,
2006 at her residence in Ponte
Vedra Beach. She was a long
time resident of the
Jacksonville area and had been
employed 35 years by -the
Duval County School District
as an elementary teacher.
She was caring and compas-
sionate and will be missed by
all who loved her, according to
Family members include her
sons, Michael (Pam) Reeves of
A private family \,iewing was
'held at Quinn-Shalz Funeral
Home on Feb. 26 with a memo-
rial service at the Parker Family
Home in Jacksonville officiated
by Rev. Carol DiGusto from
Palms Presbyterian Church.
In lieu of flowers, memorials
'may be made to Hospice of
Jacksonville and The American
Cancer Society.
an avid gardener who loved
violets and azaleas, a seam-
stress who loved sewing for her
family, and a beachcomber
who loved looking for shells.
She is survived by her hus-
band, William L. Skipper, Jr.
and they would have celebrat-
ed 58 years of marriage on July
8. She is also survived by her
son, William L. Skipper, 111,
wife Debbie, and children
Laura, Aaron and Jason; daugh-
ter Lorry Allen of Wilmington,
N.C., husband, Giles, and chil-
dren lan and Katy; brothers
Frank Hiza and George Hiza
(Peggy) of Muskegon Hts., MI;
sister Chris Fowler of Alden,
MI; five grandchildren;and
many nieces and nephews; and
many good friends.
Graveside services were held
at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Feb.25 at
Beaches Memorial Park, 1500
Main St., Atlantic Beach, FL.
Arrangements by Hardage-
Giddens Funeral Home in
Jacksonville Beach.
James Elmer Smith
James Elmer Smith, Jr., 83, grandson, Christopher Smith;
died Feb. 25, 2006. A longtime sister Norma Jane Dufresne
resident of Jacksonville (Andy); several nieces and
Beach, he owned and operated nephews and many friends. -
Beach Printing until his retire- A memorial service will be
ment in 1997. He was a life held Friday, March 3, at
member of VFW post 3270 and Ribault Masonic Lodge, 327
Ribault Masonic Lodge #272, a 2nd Ave. N. in Jacksonville
member of the York Rite and Beach at 6 p.m. Light refresh-
Morocco Temple Shrine Club. ments will be served following
He is survived by his wife of the service.
59 years, Margaret, daughter In lieu of flowers, the family
Sandra Hoffman (Milo) 2 sons, requests memorial contribu-
James F. Smith (Cathie) and tions-be made to the Patient
John Scott Smith (Margaret), Transportation Fund do
grandchildren, Milo, Haley and MoroccoTemple Shrine Club, P.
Max Hoffman, Caitlin and Josh 0. Box 16039, Jacksonville, FL
Smith and Chloe Smith; 1 great 32245.
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North Carolina and David
Reeves of Pennsylvania; daugh-
ters, Vicki (Michaeli Gurliaccio
of Jacksonville and Deborah
Reeves of Texas; and seven
Funeral services were held
Tuesday in the Chapel of
Quinn-Shalz, A Family Funeral
Home. Interment will be held
in the Bremond Cemetery of
Brethiond, Texas.
Services arranged by Quinn-
Shalz Funeral Home.
Lucy F Resh
Lucy F. Resh, 80, died Feb.
20, 2006 in St. Luke's Hospital.
She was born May 5, 1925 in
Brooklyn, NY and moved to
Jacksonville in 2005 from
Rockford, IL.
She was a member of the
First Presbyterian Church and
the PEO Chapter LU in
Rockford, IL
Family members include her
sons, Jon Resh of Seattle, WA
and David Resh of NYC, NY;
daughter, Cindy (Brett) Harper
of Jacksonville; brother, Bill
(Jan) Fletcher of ''New
Hampshire; grandchildren,
Dani, Jason and Julia Resh,
Breft and Thomas Harper. Her
husband, John Resh, prede-
ceased her in April of 2005.
A memorial service will be
held Saturday, May 6 in the
First Presbyterian Church of
Rockford, IL
Memorial contributions may
be made to the First
Presbyterian Church, 406 N.
Main St., Rockford. IL 61103.
Services arranged by Quinn-
Shalz Funeral Home.
Hannah Lynd Schultz
Hannah Lynd Schultz died.
on Feb 19, 2006.
Survivors include her parents
Chelsea. Davidson and
Matthew Schultz; maternal
grandparents Donald and
Dacia Davidson; paternal
graIdparents Gayle Schultz
and Eddie Capps, and Douglas
and Deloris Schultz; great
giahdparents Bud and Betty
Schultz; sister Haley.Davidson;
aunts Danielle Olson (Troy),
Courtney Davidson, Nicole
Schultz and Michelle Hayes.
Arrangements by Hardage-
Giddens Funeral Home 11801
San Jose Blvd. The family
requests' that donations be
made to Family Counseling
Services (1639 Atlantic Blvd
32207) in.Hannah's name.
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John Augustus Doyle
Nancy Robertson Griffiths
George Robert Harvick
Ponte Vedra Leader
* Engagements (right)
... See A-9
* Education
... A-10
* Recipes
... A-10"
iV~ iigee .,:'.;i! i:. '.' ww.beachesleadercom. Machit 12006c "
PV's McVeigh says her" f amly likes it spicy
S since she-was a child in''
Huntsville, Ala., Eileen
NJMcVeigh has been inter-
ested in learning about cook-
ing and duplicating recipes
from restaurants And profes-
sional chefs..
Popular television chef
Graham Kerr, "the Galloping
Gourmet," was an early
favorite with McVeigh and
her younger sister, Kathleen.,
After watching Kerr's
award-winning cooking
show, the sisters copied,
Kerr's recipes and served
them to their family.
They also worked as a
team for Sunday brunch,
which the young girls served
with professional flair com-
plete with printed menus.
Another source of inspira-
tion, McVeigh said, were the
restaurants they enjoyed on
family vacations to- historic
areas of. the country such as
Savannah, New Orleans, and
Washington D.C.
The family also vacationed
in. Northeast Florida, and ,
McVeigh moved here after
. graduate school because she
said "it seemed like a fun
place to live."
She met her husband,.
Michael, here, and they and
their son and daughter live
in Ponte Vedra. McVeigh is af
realtor with ReMax Coastal
and her husband is a busi-
ness owner.
NMcVeigh organizes on
weekends for meals during.
the week and favors
Mexican, Italian, and Creole
dishes for everyday meals.'
The family likes their food
spicy and are always ready to
try new recipes and flavors.
McVeigh frequently starts
with a recipe from a well-
known cookbook or chef arid'
adapts the ingredients for
ease in preparation and to
suit their- preferences.,
The couple traditionally
hosts a New Year's Eve din-
ner party and McVeigh said
that she takes most of the
year beforehand collecting
ideas for this event. She pulls
together decorating tips from
television and magazines
and takes ideas from many
sources to plan the menu for
this and other parties.
Turtle Soup is one of
NMcVeigh's signature dishes
and one that is always on
her New Year's Eve menu.
Several years ago, McVeigh
had the hearty soup at the
famous Commander's Palace
Restaurant in New Orleans
after a Florida/LSU football
She makes her own version
of the, soup based on the
recipe from the restaurant's'
cookbook. In place of the
turtle meat, McVeigh substi-
tutes chicken breasts and
boneless'pork loin chops.
She grinds each twice, once
before cooking and again
after browning to achieve
the desired texture.
For parties, McVeigh makes
the soup a day or two in
advance. She, recommends
only tasting the soup after
all the ingredients have been
added and all of the flavors,
have had a chance to blend.
McVeigh has used Apple
Brandy Cocktails as a fun
and festive way to greet
guests as they arrive for a
party. Coating the rim of the
champagne flutes with cin-
namon sugar adds a deli-
cious sparkle to the drinks.
San Francisco Cioppino is
a delight for seafood lovers
with fish, lobster, mussels,
clams, and shrimp in a
tomato broth. McVeigh
begins with a recipe from
Chef Paul Prudhomme and
eliminates some of the ingre-
dients and adds a few of her
own. She serves it over lin-
guine with plenty of bread
for the delicious broth.
Individual Cheesecakes
with a Mixed Berry Sauce
begin with creamy cheese-
cakes baked with a cookie
crumb crust. The chilled
cheesecakes are served with i
an easy berry sauce, made by
cooking blueberries and rasp-
berries in a buttery syrup fin-
ished with a little
'Bananas Foster is a dramat--"
ic flaming dessert which
McVeigh has made at mid-'
night for New Year's Eve par-
ties. This recipe also comes
from Commander's Palace.
The following are some of
Eileen McVeigh's favorite
recipes for entertaining.
Apple Brandy
one and one-half cups
apple cider
6 T apple brandy
1 bottle of sparkling wine
lemon or lime juice
cinnamon sugar
Rim champagne flutes
with lemon or lime juice
then dip in cinnamon sugar.
Combine brandy, cider,
and wine. Place a cherry in
the bottom of each glass and
pour the drink into the flute.
Turtle Soup
one and one-quarter cups
unsalted butter
three-quarters cup all-pur-
pose flour .
1 lb. turtle meat, cut into
:half inch cubes or
See RECIPES, A-10 ,'
Eileen McVeigh enjoys having friends join
whenri she entertains.
her in the kitchen
Holland takes academic route
Scholar-athlete Marion
Holland of Nease High School
signed a letter of intent Feb. 22
to play softball at NCAA
Division III Emory University-
in Atlanta.
The six-foot senior sports a1
4.34 grade-point-average and
is a member of Nease's
International Baccalaureate
Emory doesn't offer athletic
scholarships, but that doesn't
bother Holland who wants to
become an opthalmologist and
will study pre-med at Emory.
"I picked Emory mostly
because of academics,"
Holland said at her signing cer-
emony, attended by her' par-
ents, Marilyn and Charles
"It's known for its medical
school, and I want to be a doc-
tor. So I picked it for that rea-
son, then it just kind of all fell
into place."
Emory softball coaches
watched Holland pitch in a
tournament in South Carolina
and apparently liked what
they saw.
Emory has a 7-1 record this
season and is ranked 11th
Holland has been pitching
for the Nease varsity softball
team for four years. She took
up the sport at 8 years old. She
also played two seasons of var-
sity volleyball at Nease.
"Volleyball was just a fun,
sport for me," she said.
"It wasn't a lot of pressure. I
didn't have to worry about
scholarships and playing well
in front of college coaches."
Her freshmen year, Holland
and Tara Permenter, another IB-
student who graduated in
2005, were Nease's top pitch-
ers. Holland was the primary
hurler her sophomore season.
Last year, she shared the
pitching load with freshman
Molly Manning, and it's the
same this season.
Holland lives in ,the Fruit
Cove area. It was the IB pro-
gram that brought her to
Nease. .
"She was actually recruited
by other colleges," Nease soft-
ball coach Jim Coleman said.
"She chose Emory because of
the academics,. She's definitely
qualified to go and play soft-
ball there. She does everything
that's asked of her.
"She will give it everything
she's got to the best ofher abil-
In addition to being in'the
IB program at Nease, Holland
is also a member of the
National Honor Society arid
National Hispanic Honor
Her academic awards
include the 2006 Daughters of
the American Revolution
scholarship and 2005-06,
American Youth Character
Counts awards.
Holland is a captain of this
year's Nease softball team and
was a volleyball team captain
in the fall. She was Nease's
:softball MVP in 2004.
Yoga is my new drink of choice
.. .. ,
photo by CHUCK ADAMS
Nease High, senior Marion Holland signs a letter of intent Feb. 22 to play woman's softball at
Emory University. Attending the signing ceremony are her parents, Charles and Marilyn Holland.
M y latest attempt to try to save the rest.
of my back, my legs, my blossoming
mid-section, bad right knee, drooping
face, escalating blood pressure and really bad
fingernails is called yoga.
And in just a few new weeks, it has become
my drink of choice..
I've done yoga on and off, more
off than on, for the past 25 years,
and it's become more and more
obvious, to me as I limp through the ..:
days and nights of my life that this ,
is the time to move faster and not '
I've never been much of a slow
person unless, it had something to
do with the hard lessons of life
which I sometimes was very slow to
digest. Back in the 1960s, I started
jogging, have been an avid hiker, IRIS 1
played high-level tennis fora few GUEST 0C
years, love to ski, drink beer oops,
that's not a recognized action sport, swim and
pretty much anything else that involves mov-
But alas, at this stage in my life, I could exer-
cise around the clock, have water and celery
for my three meals. and it still wouldn't be
Damn menopause and aging bones and years
of bad lifting. I'm paying the price, but if the
price is yoga, bring it on.
Yoga is just what I need right now if I can
keep myself from screaming in class and break-
ing something while I practice in the living
I've never been a smoker, except during
those occasional wild moments at a.party, so
'when I am doing yoga and trying hard to
make my legs go around my entire body three
times this is one thing I have in my favor.
Yoga, you see, stretches you on the inside
and out. It helps you align your inner stuff -
breathing and thinking and feel-
ing, with how you move and how,
especially, you should move.
My gruesome ruptured disc pre-
vents me from doing a number of-
the exercises, and sometimes, I.
have to improvise. However, all the
stretching and keeping my mouth
shut and relaxing, which is a for-
eign word.in my life, has already
made a huge change in my life.
For instance, I can now tie my
RADISH shoes without crying. Just the other
OLUMNIST day I was able.to pull on socks in
less than 25 minutes, and one
night, I fell asleep without having a pillow
wedged in between my legs to keep my hips
from sobbing.
The best part is that during the night classes,
the yoga room is almost dark. Our lovely and
terribly fit instructor lights candles and helps
us breathe so that when we move, we do not
pass out, and because of the dark, no one can
see me very clearly.
And I can't see them either.
Before you start with the yogurt and granola
jokes, go take a look at the yoga jocks and
jockettes. Slim, trim, fit and very happy.
So far, I have the happy part down perfectly.
: ". "
...: ":~
27,; I-L-,-T --,[Vfff-ol -87B 5
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 9A
III.r .. L, L.U
* S
Kevin Marasco and Kimberly Gorman
Anne Pradella
Traci Denise Gillium and
WVyatte "Trae" O'Steen, both of
Jacksonville, have announced
their engagement to be mar-
The bride-elect is the daugh-
ter of Kirk and Marcele Gillum
of Ponte Vedra Beach. She is a
2001 graduate of Nease High
and is scheduled to graduate in
April from the University of
North Florida with a degree in
staged at 2 p.m. Saturday at
Books-A-Million. 738 Marsh
Lahding Parkway, laclkcia~ill"
Beach. Call 273-8055 for infor-,
MULSEUM offers hands-on
activities, play and learning
opportunities for kids from
9:30 a.m, to 5 p.m. Monday
through Saturday at 8580
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville.
Admission is $3.50 for children
ages 1-3 and $5.50 for all oth- ,
ers. Call 642-2688 for informa-
,LOFT is a multi-generations
learning environment that
offers 16 hands-on stations for
children and adults to explore
the concepts in modern and
contemporary art. Entry is free.
with paid entrance to the
lacksonville Museum of
Modern Art.. Children are
admitted free every Sunday for
family Free Day at 333
Hemming Plaza in downtown
Jacksonville. Hours' of opera-'
tion are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday,
11 a.m. to 9 p.m.' Wednesday ,
1:1 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and
Noon to.,5 p.m. Sunday. Gall,
366-6911 for information. -
Kindermusik and playday
,classes Tuesday to Saturday in
Jacksonville Beach and Ponte
Vedra Beach for children from
birth, to'. 'age "'7. For
Kindermusik, a music and
movement program for all.,
ages, children are divided by
age group. Playday is for walk-
ers to 26 months old and
includes parachute play, climb-
ing and musical activities.
Preschool children and up
attend without parents. One
trial class is free. Call 249-3828
for information' or visit
Cummer Museum of Art &
.Gardens .in Jacksonville con-
tains hands-on, high-tech arid
low-tech interactive exhibits
that encourage physical activi-
ty, and quiet contemplation.
Walk through a painting, cre-
ate patterns with dance, make
a collage, listen to a sculpture,
Sor paint with a virtual paint-
brush. The museum is located
on the north bank of the St.
Johns River at 829 Riverside
Ave., phone 35'6-6857. Hours
'are 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesday
and Thursday} 10 a.m. to 5'
p.m. Wednesday, Friday and
Saturday, and noon to 5 p.m.
TER offers its popular program
for parents and children, FUN!
(Find Understanding in
The groom-elect is the son of
Wyatte O'Steen Jr. of Jennings,
Ga., and Debbie O'Steen of
Jacksonville. He is a 1995 grad-
uate of Terry Parker High. He is
employed with Publix.
The couple plan to marry at
4:30 p.m. July 22, 2006, at
Palms Presbyterian Church in
[acksonville Beach.
Kimberly Gorman and Kevin
Marasco, both of Jacksonville,
Beach, have announced their
engagement to be married.
The bride-elect is the daugh-'
ter of Steve Gorman of Atlantic
Beach and Susan Gorman of
-Pointe Vedra Beach. She is cur-
rently ', enrolled at the
University of North Florida.,
Air Force Airman Whitney
M. Johnson has graduated
from basic military training at
Lackland Air Force Base, San
Antonio, Texas.
She is the daughter of
Michelle Seibolo of .
Jacksonville Beach.
Sheis a 2005 graduate of
Leon High School, Tallahassee.
Helen Henry of Neptune
Beach recently celebrated her
90th birthday on Feb. 9 with a
family gathering in Atlantic
Beach. Her daughter, Dianne
Hagan, and granddaughters,
Susan Hagan and Jan Wolff,
hosted the luncheon
Nature), on the third Saturday Navy Petty Officer 1st
of each month at 10 AM. For a Class Valentino R. Brown,
fee of $10 families discover whose wife. Teresa, is the
'eas(3"afsto'Tn'ite widTITn'e '"inT'd'iugige f bTi frii' and Firnk' "
their back yards. Schwartz of Ponte Vedra
Tree Hill's butterfly house Beach, recently reported for
gives visitors a close encounter duty at Naval Support Facility,
with butterflies. Animal Diego Garcia.
Encounters, in which visitors *.* *
can learn about and touch se%- Navy Seaman Recruit
eral small animals, can be Crystal NM. Lucante, daughter
arranged by calling Tree Hill at: of Joymarie E. Blenden of
724-4646 and asking for the Ponte Vedra Beach and Larry
naturalist. Tree Hill 'is at 7152 Lucante of Panama City,
Lone Star Road and is open 8 recently completed U.S. Navy
a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday
through Saturday. Admission is a I
$1 for children up to 18 years
and $2 for adults.
the .lacksonville Public Library, ".h Iea
600 Third St., Neptune Beach ,
also has children's activities.
Call 241-1141 and 'press 4 for
children's activities and 5 for Relax
the children's reference desk.
MONIMY ,&ME for ages 6 a nd
months to 2-1/2,ybars features ,
songs, parachute games, finger Enjo y ...
play, rhythm band music and a
way to meet other parents or
grandparents while having fun.
with your child. Offered begin-
ning in September at Nancy The
Dance Studio. For information, Leader
call 241-8349 for information.
*JACKSONVILLE WALDORF Rlot t Hllf Itieu'spaper
INITIATIVE sponsors several /
playgroups for toddlers. Classes
,begin in the fall. For informa-
tion, call 247-1314.
Wi Over 50 years combined auto service experience
SPlease call forappointmentavailability.
.-. I .
Up to 5 quads of 10W-30 motor oil. New filter, lube where applicable. 4 tire rotation upon request.
Most cars &Ilight trucks. Plus $3.00 waste disposal fee plus shop fee. Not valid with any other offer. With coupon
--- -- -- -- -- -- -----0
880 AlA N., Ponte Vedra Beach 543-9161
(Fresh Market Center)
(Fresh Market Center) ^ Os
The groom-elect is the son of Anne Gebo Pradella of
lim and Nonie Marasco of Coconut Grove and Thaddeus
Neptune Beach. He is a gradu- Waterman Inge of
ate of the University of North Birmingham, Ala., have
Florida and is employed by announced their engagement
Recruitmax. to be married.
The couple plan to wed at The bride-elect is the daugh-
5:30 p.m. lune 10, 2006, at the ter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Ponte Vedra Lodge and Club. Pradella of Ponte Vedra Beach
and Mr. and Mrs. John L.
SMcVilliams III of Ponte Vedra
She is a 1998 graduate of
SBishop Kenny High and a 2002.
graduate of Georgetown
- Univerksity. .She is currently
working on a doctorate in clin-
ical psychology at : the
University of Miami.
The groom-elect is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Zebulon M.P. Inge
Jr. of Mobile, Ala., and Mr. and
Melissa Waterman Inge of
Fairhope, Ala.
He is a 1998 graduate of
Wright Preparatory School and
a 2002 graduate of Georgetown
University. He is currently
attending Cumberland School
of Law.
The couple plan to marry at
3 p.m. Aug. 5, 2006,, at St.
Paul's Catholic Church in
Jacksonville Beach.
S 5thAudliversarY
---WO --
Airman Whitney Johnson
basic training at Recruit
Training Command, Great
Lakes, III.
The combined Beaches
Lions Clubs held their second
annual Bowl-A-Rama at Beach
Bowl, raising more than
$3,000 for a vision testing
instrument to be used during
medical missions to Guyana.
More than 60 bowlers took
part in the charity event.
Ronald and Carol Ann
Boucher of Atlantic Beach cele-
brated their 50th wedding
anniversary on Dec. 23, 2005.
The couple were married on
Dec. 23, 1955, in Tijuana,
Mexico. On their golden
anniversary, the couple was
presented with a family heir-
loom, a gold bowl passed down
by Ron Boucher's grandparents
who celebrated their 50th wed-
ding annruversary in 1936.
Ron and Carol are the ninth
couple in the Boucher clan to
receive the engraved bowl. The,,.
bowl was presented to the cou-
ple during a surprise party on
Dec. 24, 2005.
The Bouchers have three
children, seven grandchildren
and three great-grandchildren.
ph. :.:.: UE -nea
Above: The Bouchers with
family heirloom from 1936.
Below: Bouchers with family
members at surprise party.
S Parents!
St. Johns County Recreation and Parks Department wiR.
begin accepting registration on March 13. 2006 for
j* Super Summer Spectacular Camp
Super Summer Spectacular is absolutely FREE for ,
e children ages 6-12. Camp sites will be located through- '
1" out St. Johns County. This seven (7) week program will i -
run weekdays from June 5,2006-July 21, 2006. Arts .
S'"& crafts, swimming, sports, games, field trips, special
events and many more activities will be offered.
91! #4111 All camps are supervised by counselors who are CPR
13 and first aid certified .Counselors are required to undergo
e national background checks. '
'P "Let Our childenjoy hist
her summer in the most
exciting playground
t programs in Northeast
SFlorida. -- .
C Registration forms and instructions are available on the St. Johns County
website at www.co.st-johns.fl.us; click on Parks and Recreation.
11 Registration forms may also be obtained and dropped off at any staffed
1 Recreation Office
Registrations will be accepted Monday, March 13, 2006 through Friday,
March 24, 2006 during normal business hours.
rY Mailed registrations will not be accepted if postmarked later than Friday, March 24, 2006.
A public lottery will be held at 8:00 a.m. Saturday, April 1, 2006 at the St
Johns County Auditorium, 4020 Lewis Speedway, St Augustine, FL
For more information on camp locations visit our website @ www.co.st-johns.fl.us or call 904.209.0333
Mr-l 1 )0M06
Wyatte O'Steen and Traci Gillum
For tlhe Kids
Amlftk. z
A arL. AWLh eLe Laelot ~er edr ac ,20
Avi Wolf, right, joins the Jones boys, Kip, center, and Andy, for a black-light twirling performance,
set to "I'm A Believer," at the seventh annual Ponte Vedra-Palm Valley talent show. The program,
featuring 38 different performances, was held Feb. 24 at Landrum Middle School.
Joyce Bishopp, a kinder-
garten teacher at Ocean Palms
Elementary who has taught for
39 years, is one of three final-
ists in this year's Teacher of the
Year competition in the St.
Johns County School District.
Before Bishopp started teach-
ing in the St. Johns County,
schools in 1983, she taught ele-
mentary school in New Britain,
Conn., and Faixfax County, Va.
She has worked at Ocean Palms
since it opened 10 years ago.
The other two finalists are
Jamie Godfrey of Fruit Cove
Middle School and Beth
Upchurch of R. B. Hunt
Elementary School, St.
The district's Teacher of the
Year will be announced April 4
at the 15th annual Northrop
Grumman Horizon Awards
banquet to be held at First
Coast Technical Institute in St.
Landrum Middle School
Principal Beverly Gordon will
hold a roundtable discussion at
7 p.m. Thursday at the school
on Landrum Lane. School
Board member Bill Fehling of
Ponte Vedra, Landrum assis-
tant principal Allyson Breger
and grade-level representatives
will be on hand to address
questions in their 'areas of
Camp Invention 'for chil-
dren entering grades one
through six will be held June 5
to June 9 at Rawlings
Elementary School in Ponte
Vedra. Enrollment is limited to
The day camp program is
designed to inspire creativity
and inventive-thinking.
Registration is $220, or $199
by March 15, and includes
snacks and a T-shirt. Call 18001
968-4332 to register or visit
www.campinvention.org .
The annual Ponte Vedra-
Palm Valley/Rawlings PTO
Spring Carnival will be held
from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. March 4
behind the schools.
Recipes: San Francisco Cioppino
Cont. from A-8
chicken breasts and bone-
less pork loin chops
1 cup minced celery stalks
one and one-quarter cups
minced onion
one and one-half tsp.
minced garlic
3 bay leaves
1 tsp. oregano
one-half tsp. thyme
one-half tsp. freshly
ground black pepper
one and one-half cups
tomato puree
1 qt. beef stock, home-
made or canned
salt and freshly ground
pepper as needed
one-half cup lemon juice
5 hard cooked eggs, finely
1 T minced parsley
6 tsp. dry sherry
Melt 1 cup of butter in a
heavy saucepan. Add flour
and cook, stirring frequently,
over medium heat until the
roux is a light brown. Set
Cut the chicken and pork
loin into smaller pieces and
grind in a food processor
until the consistency of
ground hamburger.
In a S qt. saucepan, melt
remaining butter and add
the meat. Cook over high
heat until the meat is brown.
Grind the meat again so that
it is finely ground. Add cel-
ery, onion, garlic, and sea-
sonings to saucepan, and
cook until vegetables are
transparent. Add re-ground
meat to saucepan.
Add tomato puree, lower
heat and simmer forlO min-
Add stock and simmer for
30 minutes.
Add roux and cook over
low heat, stirring until soup
is smooth and thickened.
Correct seasoning with salt
and pepper to taste. Add
lemon juice, eggs, and pars-
Remove from heat and
serve. At table, add 1 tsp. of
sherry to each soup plate.
San Francisco
Seasoning mix:
I T salt
1 tsp. white pepper
1 tsp. dried basil leaves
three-quarters tsp. dried
thyme leaves
one-half tsp. dry mustard
one-half tsp. dried oregano
2 T olive oil
one-half cup finely
chopped red bell peppers
one-half cup chopped cel-
5 small or 4 large bay
6 cups chicken broth
juice of 1 lemon
one and three-quarters cup
dry white wine
one and one-half tsp.
minced fresh garlic
3 cups tomato puree
3 large onions, finely
one and three quarters cup
celery, finely chopped
8 large hard shell clams,
12 oz. firm-flesh fish (red
snapper, grouper, or tilapia)
16 mussels, scrubbed and
one-half lb. peeled shrimp
lobster tails, cut in 6 pieces
crab claws
Combine the seasoning
mix ingredients thoroughly
in a small bowl.
Heat the olive oil a large
heavy pot over high heat.
When the oil is hot, add the
finely chopped onions, pep-
pers, and half cup of celery
and cook for 2 minutes. Add
the bay leaves and 1 T of the
seasoning mix. Stir to coat
the vegetables with the sea-
soning and n cook until the
vegetables begin to brown,
about 4 to 5 minutes.
. Stir in 1 cup of the chick-
en stock and scrape up any
brown crust on the bottom
of the pot, cook 8 minutes.
Add 1 cup more stock, scrape
the pot bottom, simmer
until the liquid has reduced
somewhat, about 10 min-
Add the lemon juice, stir,
cook 1 minute. Stir in one-
half cup of the wine, cook 2
minutes. Add the garlic and
tomatoes and cook, stirring
occasionally, about 12 min-
utes. Stir in 1 cup more wine
and 2 cups more stock and
bring to a boil.
Add the remaining vegeta-
bles and seasoning mix.
Bring to a boil, cover the
pot, reduce the heat to medi-
um, and simmer for 12 to 14
minutes. Turn the heat up to
high, stir in the remaining 2
cups of stock and one-quar-
ter cup of wine, and bring to
a boil.
Add the lobster and clams,
pushing them down into the
soup, and cook 2 minutes.
Add the fish and mussels,
cover and cook 3 minutes.
Stir in the parsley and
shrimp and cook about 3
minutes, or just until the
shrimp lose their translu-
cence and the mussels open.
Serve immediately over
linguine with French or
Italian bread.
March 1, 2006
The Beaches Leader[Ponte Vecdra Leader
*Paoe 10A
Ponte Vedra Leader Inside
S.. Fishing Leader B-3
S1* Rex Edmondson B-3
Classifieds B-4
March 1, 2006
Girls lacrosse blossoms at Nease
In its sixth year of existence, the
Nease girls lacrosse team is enjoying its
first season as a varsity sport. The next
step in the Panthers' development is to
join the boys team in a push for sanc-
tioning by the Flonrida High School
Activities Association.
Panthers coach Mindy McCord said
there are currently more boys high
school teams in Florida than girls, but
anticipates enough teams next season
to have the FHSAA move the sport
from "recognized" to sanctioned.
Dave Shrum, a member of United
States Lacrosse, has been among those
spearheading the effort to make
lacrosse an official sport.
"The FHSAA has twvo categories for
sports, recognized and sanctioned,"
Shrum has said. "Recognized is 32,
sanctioned is 45. When there are 45
[schools], there will be a state champi-
The Nease girls opened their first var-
sity season Feb. 17 with an 11-3 home
Swain over Lyman of Orlando. Casey
Francis led the Panthers with five goals;
Jess Gimbel added a hat trick.
The Panthers played at Oiedo Feb.
24 and travel to Seminole Wednesday.
"There's a lot of potential here,"
McCord said of her 18-member squad
at a Presidents Day practice. "I think
we've narrowed it down to a point
where the kids here are very commit-
ted. Several want to play at the next
level, in college."
Among those looking ahead are
Francis, Gimbel and Olivia Creavy. As a
former college coach, McCord can help
them through networking.
"We invite any player out," said
McCord, in her first year at Nease.
"Over hall our team has never played
before. Our entire low starting defense
[in front of the goalie] is brand new
players. And they've done a phenome-
nal job."
Francis and Jaryn Thorndyke are
Nease captains. McCord's assistant is
Lindsay Burgess, a 2005 graduate of
Nazareth [Pa.] College, where she was
an All-American goalkeeper.
McCord ran track, then played
lacrosse for a year'after a program was
started at Westminster [Md.] High. She
played field hockey and lacrosse for
four years at Virginia Tech, earning
regional All-American honors. She
earned a bachelor's degree and master's
at VT.
McCord's first head coaching job was
at Oberlin [Ohio] College. Four years
later she moved to Western Maryland,
where she coached for five years before
coming to Florida.
Now a coach and recruiting coordi-
nator at Velocity Sports Performance in
Jacksonville, McCord also is a selector
for the U.S. elite and developmental
team. She has recruited and developed
23 regional All-
Americans, 10
and four con- There's a I
ference players
of the year. here. I think wE
"It's a fun
sport," McCord down to a poin
said of lacrosse. here are ve
"You can pick
up the game, Several want
especially if
you've played next level, in c
another sport, if
you have a
sense of the
athleticism Mind
that's required. Nease girls hl
"It's basically
basketball on a hundred-yard field,"
she said; "but some of the rules are dif-
Lacrosse has two 25-minute halves,
broken for intermission.
Casey Francis, whose father, Jack,
coaches the boys team, convinced a
number of her cross country mates to
try out for lacrosse. Those who made
varsity include Anna Egelin, Bailee
Hedstrom,- Nicole Nadeau and Kate
O'Lnn, who bring speed.
"They're very athletic, and they'll
help us immediately," McCord said of
the cross country girls.
ot of potenti
we've narrowed
t where the ki
ry committee
to play at th
y McCord
across coach
"But the neat thi
McCord said
her players have
learned a lot,
al and expressed
the hope they're
it also having fun.
d Many of the
S teams they're
d. going to play,
she said, have
ie more depth and
"It'll take
some time to
learn how to
play the game
and develop a
game knowl-
edge," she said.
.ing about lacrosse is
you don't have to be the best team to
win. You have to have the most posses-
sion, and you have to understand the
strategy. Because unlike most sports,
you can hold the ball in lacrosse."
Even though lacrosse is considered a
non-contact sport, it's anything but.
"It's not," said McCord, "just from
the standpoint that you can check the
stick, and there's a lot of physical con-
tact you make as a result of going for
the ball." .
And that causes coaches to teach
safety measures and proper technique
to keep the game safe.
"That's always a challenge for new
players," said McCord. "They haven't
had experience with that. Get in a
game situation and they're excited,
aggressive. You want them to focus on
the technical points."
The thing McCord is seeking now is
"You want to get to the point where
you have a good bit of depth, players
who can step in and be as good as a
starter. That's sometimes hard to get
at the high school level because you
can't recruit players. You've got to
help develop them."
McCord appreciates the Ponte
Vedra Athletic Association lacrosse
program, which has helped develop
"Developmental programs, such as
the one in Ponte Vedra Beach, are the
key to successful high school pro-
grams," she said. "Without that being
in place, you are never going to be as
good as other programs because
they're getting experience before
coming to high school."
New coach likes look
of Panthers track team
Great participation on this year's squad
New Nease track and field
head coach Ken Taylor is high
on this year's team.
"We're going to have a very,
very good team," Tayloi said at
an informal Presidents Day
practice. "We have roughly 130-
140 kids out. That's the most
we've ever had at Nease, in fact
the most for any program in the
entire school."
Nease's varsity., JV and fresh-
man football teams had 125
"We've got a lot of good ath-
letes at Nease," said Taylor,
"and track and field is that
unique sport that offers some-
thing for everybody. We're
loaded in every area."
Tavlor used the 4x400 relay
team as one example.
"I will go on record as saying
we will shatter the 4x400
school record," Taylor said of a
mark that stands at 3:29.8.
Participants in the 4x4
record-breaking are expected to
come from among seniors
Austin Holmes, Rodney Sumter
and Austin Silvoy, junior Mario
Butler and freshman Alex
Nease's season opens Friday
at Bartram Trail with the Barry
Craig Open, named for that
school's athletic director. Major
meets include the Bob Hayes
Invitational March 18 at Raines,
St. Johns River Athletic
Conference meet April 6 at
Orange Park and District 3-3A
track and field championship
April 20 at Ridgeview.
Taylor is hoping to hold a
meet at Nease for the first time
since 2002. The high school has
a relatively new track, put in a
couple years ago, but it cost
more than was expected. The
overrun meant field facilities
couldn't be upgraded.
With adjustments available,
Taylor's working on a dual meet
with Orange Park, where he
worked for 10 years, serving as
football defensive coordinator,
athletic director and track
coach, before coming to Nease.
He coaches jumps and sprints
and is assisted by James Thomas
[distance], Mike Brown [throw-
ing], Ken Fasnacht Jr. [hurdles
and sprints] and Frankie
Franklin [sprints].
The five coaches have a
young team. They have, for
instance, 45 distance runners,
only one of whom, Fernando
Guarderas, is a senior.
"Most of our kids are fresh-
men. and .10th graders, and
they're excited,"' said Taylor.
"We're working them incredi-
bly hard. They've hung in
We've got a lot of good
athletes at Nease and
track and field is that
unique sport that offers
something for every-
body. We're loaded in
every area.
Ken Taylor
Nease track coach
Taylor expects junior pole
vaulter Michael Buchholz to be
a standout. Buchholz,. who has
tied Chris Hord's school record
of 14 feet and cleared 14-4 at a
summer camp, has his sights set
on 15 feet.
"Michael is the best in north-
east Florida," said Taylor. "No
one touched him last year. He's
going to be even better. We
expect to be over 15 feet, which
will make him competitive for a
potential state championship."
The other pole vaulters are
John Abrams, Matt Cote and
Arin Roby.
"I think we'll probably have
the best foursome in northeast
Horida," said the Nease coach.
Buchholz bettered 14 feet a
couple times last season, but
that came following competi-
"1 did 14-1 at St. Augustine
Junior Michael Buchholz, his sights set on a 15-foot vault this
season, works with Matt Cote, right, on pole vaulting technique
at Nease High School.
last year," he said, "but that was
after the meet. My goal is to get
to IS."
Athletes from various sports
dot the Nease roster.
Sandalwood transfer Laura
Phillips, a volleyball and basket-
ball player, throws the discus,
while fellow hoopster Kelsey
Swendsen, who moved to
Florida from Washington State,
has put the shot well over 40
On the boys side, Doug
Polochak, who is headed to East
Carolina on a football scholar-
ship, will be throwing the dis-
cus. He learned from 2003 Class
2A state champion Scott
Soccer players out for track
and field include Lauren
Crossan, a sprinter, and Erin
Hoover, Stacey Hanburry, and
Jamie Silverberg, all trying out
triple jump. It was Hanburry
who scored the "golden goal,"
the state-title-winning goal in
Nease's 1-0 victory over Merritt
Island Feb. 11.
Taylor said he has two out-
standing female hurdlers. One is
senior Nikki Sheehan, a regional
qualifier in the intermediate
hurdles as a 10th grader.
Sheehan took part in the Miss
Nease competition last year.
"She is corning along to be an
excellent 100-meter hurdler,"
Taylor said of Sheehan, then
addressed the other female hur-
dler. "Newcomer Rosann
Emmons is a natural in the hur-
dles and pole vault. She's going
to be very competitive."
Emmons moved from
Maryland to Nease for her sen-
ior year. She will go to
Jacksonville University on a soc-
cer scholarship.
"There are a ton of football
players out," said Taylor, "all
with the expectation of getting
faster. And they will."
Taylor thinks IJV quarterback
David Brunson, who will be
working in the jumps and short
sprints, has "tremendous
Also in the jumps is Sumter, a
varsity kick returner/wide
"He's never triple jumped
until this year, and we've got
him, over 40 feet. I think he
could be a 44-45-foot jumper,
which is state caliber. He's also a
great long jumper, an area
where traditionally we haven't
had anybody."
In the high jump, Taylor
thinks Bermudez, a freshman,
will jump 5-10 or better., Also
training for the high jump is
sophomore Ted Stachitas.
With the exception of
Guarderas, Nease is young at
distance. The girls' side includes
freshmen Brigid Byrne,
Savannah Spiker and Stephanie
Bray, in her only year at Nease
since her Navy father's next
assignment will take him and
his family out of Jacksonville.
"Brigid is great. She's a hard-
worker. Savannah is right there
Nease senior Nikki Sheehan, a regional qualifier in the intermediate hurdles as a sophomore,
practices the 100-meter hurdles on Presidents Day.
with Stepahnie Bray," said
Taylor, who added that Bray's
loss will be a heartbreaker. "She
is just an incredible little ath-
Another strong suit is boys
hurdles, led by Ryan Ellis, last
year's regional champion. Also
out for hurdles are Silvoy, soph-
omores Blake Bennett and
Mitch Swanson, and junior
Christian Dennis.
"We've got a definite good
group this year," said Taylor.
True sprinters include Butler
at 100, 200 and potentially 400,
and Sumter at 200.
Taylor calls Holmes "our best
400-meter guy. He's worked so
incredibly hard." He expects
Holmes and Bermudez to break
50 seconds, which would make
Bermudez the first Nease fresh-
man to do so.
Phlto :,ubrrm.ned
Members of the undefeated (10-0) Landrum Middle School volleyball team were Lizzy
Frericks, Kamryn Sherman, Francesca Fonlanez, Wesley Anne Barden, Emily Vergo,
Danielle Such, Paige Jones, Kylina Flint, Bridgette Coburn, Sammy Newton, Jaimie
Pastori, Alyssa Pradella, Ali Fehling, Amanda Santillo and Erin Stevens.
D~~B~L~s ~ ~ I 'I----' --;----;EiI:
March 1, 2006
TheP RPBehPc T es der/Pnnte VPdra L eaer
rage Y D- I -C DCU IN .CiUC iJVI- VC--a -C---
GEICO Auto Insurance.
Our low rates and great service
are something to celebrate!
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Local GEICO Agent Morris Busbia Provides
Personalized Service and Excellent Rates
for GEICO Auto and Cycle Insurance
Local Representative Morris Busbia
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Morris Busbia, your local GEICO Insurance
agent, wants Beaches residents to know that they
can find the best prices in automobile and motor-
cycle insurance and the best service at the GEICO
office right here at the beach.
Born and raised in the Jacksonville area, Morris
has been serving the area's drivers as a general field
representative for GEICO for 18 years. For the past
13 years his office has been located at 997 Atlantic
Blvd. in Atlantic Village. He and his staff of four
agents would be happy to have you call or visit the
office for a free rate quotation. Morris says that, on
the average, GEICO has the lowest prices in town -
in fact, by as much,as 15 percent lower.
Customers have the advantage of not only the
great rates that GEICO offers but also the personal-
ized service and attention that only a local agent
can provide. "There may be some. misconception
that we principally offer insurance to government
employees, but that's not true," Morris explained.
"We insure the general public anyone who needs
personal auto or motorcycle insurance, and GEICO
even offers insurance worldwide." With offices
.across the country, you're always near a GEICO
representative and can remain insured by GEICO if
you leave the area.
GEICO can provide insurance to a variety of driv-
ers, .- even those with accidents or tickets on their
driving records. Morris is also happy to insure the
teenage drivers in your family. Also available is
Cycle-Gard coverage, which offers money-saving
policies for motorcycle riders and those who enjoy
today's popular bikes and scooters.
Morris and his .staff work with their customers,
and payments can be arranged to best fit your
budget. After the initial down payment you can
arrange to pay your premium in full or use a con-
venient payment plan. And after one easy phone
call or quick visit to Morris's office to establish the
insurance coverage that best meets your needs,
everything else can be. handled by telephone or'
mail. Their commitment to service ensures that
they will spend the time needed to determine your
individual insurance needs and to explain avail-
able options. .
Because GEICO has three separate companies to
insure drivers, everyone gets the best rate possible
.asted on theti driving record and circumstance'.-If-
you' have a good driving record, GEICO' .will give'
you a discounted rate. Ask Morris and his friendly,
knowledgeable staff about additional discounts
that are available based on affiliations with profes-
sional associations and special marketing cam-
Morris and his staff work with the military per-
sonnel in our area and understand the special
:needs and situations of those in the service. After a
'transfer to another duty station, your GEICO
insurance can go with you.
Morris Busbia and his friendly staff can help you with auto
and cycle insurance at the local GEICO office conveniently
located at the beach at 997 Atlantic Blvd. in Atlantic Beach.
Everyone in the office is well trained in auto and
motorcycle insurance, and they keep up to date
with the constant changes in the industry through
continuing education courses. They'll discuss
higher or lower levels of coverage and deductibles
and how these will affect your premiums. They can
advise you if you're buying or leasing a new or
replacement car on which models will cost more in
insurance. They can even bind and provide proof
of coverage for you over the telephone while
you're at the dealership.
GEICO offers 24-hour service for emergencies if
you just want to check on your coverage or make a
payment. If you should be involved in an accident,
you'll be relieved to know that GEICO has a claims
office in the area. If you have an accident while
you're out of town, you can use the convenient 1-
800 number. Policies can include emergency road
serviee-and,-o.rcge tO"p.T 'or a' Ental.'car
while your- cards being repai'red-atter an accident as
Give yourself the benefit of coverage with a local
experienced insurance professional like Morris
Busbia and the other automobile and motorcycle
experts at GEICO.
The GEICO office in Atlantic Beach is open
Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The
telephone number is 246-8650.
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March 1, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 3B1
A record 170 boats in El Cheapo Tournament
C congratulations to Tyler
Patterson and crew for
winning this year's "El
Cheapo Sheepshead Tourna-
ment" last Saturday.
Capt. Patterson and crew
won a boat motor and trailer
from American Transmission
for pulling up a 10.5-pound
fish. A record 170 boats partic-
ipated in the most successful
contest to date. The big
sheepshead was caught off the
end of the north jetties on a
chunk of crab. ,
Everyone had a 'great time
and had high praises for tour-
nament director Frank Joura
and his committee. Check the
other prize and cash winners at
the end of this column.
Other good sheepshead were
reported ls, anglers tried to
determine where the big boys
were hanging out.
Larry "Fishman" Finch fished
the jetties on three occasions
last week and on each occasion
caught his limit. Vic Tyson
fished with Larry on Thursday
and they caught 30 sheepshead
. to 8.5 pounds.
On Saturday they,had over
40 fish but their largest was
five and a half pounds.
On :Wednesday, Butch
Garvin Lowell Breeding and
James Gergley took the "Early
Times" out to one of their
secret spots. about two miles
offshore looking for big
sheepshead. They only caught
three, sheepshead, but using
fiddlers for bait they pulled up
15 snapper weighing ten
pounds, only keeping' the
largest five.
:Capt. George Bull Jr., with
his fishing partner Carson
Eddings, on the "Bionic Bull"
fished the creeks as well as the,.
, main body of the. canal for
another great catch. They had
27 xedbass to 27 inches, two
drum and a flounder. '. "
Capt. David King and his
buddy Sonny Ponce continue
.to ice down hundreds of whit-'
ing they are pulling in from
their "Crustv Crab."
"A lot ol fish this year. in
Saturday. Spencer Brogden
.reported a catch of 70 whiting
on Saturday. On Friday. Phillip
Grossman had 40 in his cooler.
James McCall cleaned 56
whiting on Friday and Bobby
Kemp brought/60 whiting over
the pier rails.
Last Wednesday morning, Al
Wiltshire and Jim Howard
fished the surf at south Ponte
Vedra and pulled 14 whiting
-and several small blues out of
the surf.
Capt. Kirk Waltz 'with Boyce
Lee, his sons Mike and Wayne
and father-in-law John Harris,
used pogies for bait and caught
12 redbass from 24 to, 31 inch-
es, a pair of sheepshead, two
trout arid several seabass.).
Good fishing.
Final Results of the
Sixth Annual El Cheapo
Sheepshead Tournament
about 40 feet of water off the
red tops," said Capt. David.
Decent conditions allowed'
several bottom anglers to get
offshore during the middle of
last week.
Capt. Dewey Griffis on his
boat "My Girl" stopped at nine
mile and caught 25 seabass and
two flounder.
Capt. Dennis Young with the
Willie Montgomery party last
Thursday, on the "Sea Dancer"
caught four snapper to 12
pounds, an 11-pound grouper,
two sheepshead and 21
Earlier in the week, On
Wednesday, Capt. Dennis had
Allan Hoops and hisguests on
another 'exciting trip. They
brought home five snapper to
12 pounds and 30 seabass.
Capt. Dennis said they fought
a 14-foot thresher shark for a
good while.
Capt. George Strate, on his
"Mayport Princess" with a full
capacity of anxious anglers last
Tuesday, brought home
stringers filled with fat beelin-
ers. and seabass along with sev-
eral snapper.
: Keith Kopecki had a snapper,
grouper and lots of beeliners
on his stringer.
On the Jacks6nville Beach
.Pier there was plenty of activi-
tv around the cleaning tables
last Thursday, Friday and
Let' s commend Weaver. for
extending Del Rio s contract
. .. .
L,. ::.
P, o zur ne
History photo of the week is a young Fred Morrow trying to hold I
up his very first tarpon caught July 4,1955 on his "Peanut King.'"
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W while we wait with
baited, breath to see
what, the Jaguars are
going to do with the free
agency grab-bag, let ps comn-
mend owner Wayne Weaver
for raiding his piggy bank and
giving Coach Jack Del Rio a
well-earned hike ini his
Our leader deserves a reward.
It's a relief to see him farther,
away now from going on relief."
On the NFL level, Coach Jack
has been way below sea level
among his fellow head coaches
and even if Jacksonville is
Smallville compared to the
other reams, it's no reason to
short-change the coach, who
bears the brunt of all the toil
and trouble.
On a comparative basis, how
many top players would be
bought for what Del Rio has
been making? True, players
have many mouths to feed -
their agents, lawyers, business
advisois and -so on.. But that
shouldn't detract from the
coaching budget.
Besides, Coach Jack was
good last season. He led his
people out of the dregs of los-'
ing (no playoffs). seasons like
Moses led the children of Israel
out of bondage. And fans,
friends 'and creditors all hope,
he will lead them to the land of
milk and honey this year.
It's good to see that harmony
is in the Alltel camp. Mr.
Weaver obviously approves of
the job that Jolly Jack is doing
now.. And obviously, for the
same reason,' so does Chief of
Staff James Harris, who has a,
lot to say .about everything
that goes on at Alltel. except
the price of the hot dogs. (We
mean the kind one puts mus-
tard on, no reflection of any-
player intended.)
The situation with Del Rio
having been settled, the next
question is who or what he'will
have to work with for an
encore in 2006?
Mr. Weaver has already made
it clear not to expect any big
deals.- disposing of the .,Big-
*Tfire., Actually it's the' "Big
Four Jimmy Smith and "Fred
Taylor are the Big Two and
Byron Leftwich is a Big Two by
Himself. Smith came with the
franchise and the fans would
demolish the stadium if old
Gator Taylor were put up for
And we all know by now
that Leftwich -- Lord Byron
himself -- is a product of the
minds of Mr. WVeaver and Chief
of Staff Harris and is going
nowhere like a statue in the
park. On the other arm, nei-
ther is David Garrard, in case
some,' fiend injures Leftwich
again. ,
One of the best moves they
can make is the ie-signing of
defensive lineman Rob Meier,
who was making a career of
being ignored until this season.
Coincidentally, Meier was
-brought to light by stories in
the Beaches Leader. A noisy
guy would have raised h--- a
long time ago.
Well, good luck to the Jag
brains this week.. We can use
some fresh blood.
.Do not despair, JUT .fan.5 ind
players, .ithei'teams Fi'" lrost
24 games in a row and lived.
Your new athletic director,
Alan Verlander, should ask his
grandpa, who "is an avid
Georgia Tech alum, about the-
Yellow Jackets (back in the
1950s) losing 25 consecutively
in two years.
And guess what? The Tech
attendance shot up. It was a.
male school then and they all
wanted to be there when their
team finally won.
Tell Alan to'ask Gramnpa Ash.
This writer covered a lot of
those games for the Atlanta
Journal newspaper.
Maybe fans here will wake
up, too.
Aerobics by Beverly takes
place Mondays and
Wednesday from 5:30 p.m.
until 6:30 p.m. at the Neptune'
Beach Senior Activities Center.
Program features circuit train-
ing, cardio kickboxing, step and
body sculpture.
For more information phone
616-2218 or 270-1688.
Jax Xtreme, a new travel
baseball team is forming for
the January to July season.
This team will be coached by a
former pro baseball player.
Players with great attitudes
and supportive parents are
invited to phone Wayne at
993-3530 for more informa-
Wednesday, March 1,
NEASE at First Coast, 6:30 p.m.
Paxon at FLETCHER, 6 p.m.
Bolles School at NEASE, 7 p.m.
FLETCHER at Episcopal, 5:45 p.m.
NEASE at Seminole, 6:30 p.m.
The All American Cage
Classic Tournament is looking
for all AAU, YBOA, USSSA trav-
el teams as well as public and
private middle schools, junior
varsity and varsity basketball
programs to participate, on
March 17-19 at the University
of South Florida.
For more information visit
www.aacctournaments.com or
contact Regional Director
David Montgomery at 813 610-
7812 or via email at dmon-
Beach Girls Fitness is fitness
training for women only. Six-
week camps include head to
toe fitness in a group setting at
local parks, at the beach.
Personal training also avail-
For more information con-
tact Jill Lynch at 534-4889 or ,
on the web, at www.beachgirls-
Flag Football
Flag football spring leagues
for kids ages 6 to 14 are form-
ing in St. Johns and Duval ,
counties. All games take\place
on Saturday from April 1 until
May 27. Deadline to register is
March 4.
For more information or to
register, visit
Swww,.i9sports.comn or phone
19041 992-4263.
Girls on the Run
Registration is now open
for Girls on the Run of N.E.
Florida, an after-school pro-
gram for 3rd to 6th grade
girls 'that combines running
and training for a 5K (3.1
miles) run/walk, along with
healthy living education and
life lessons.
Spring programs begin in
Feb. and take place at various
locations throughout Ponte
Vedra Beach, Atlantic Beach
and Neptune Beach. For more
information phone (904) 321-
4315 or visit
North Florida United Soccer
Club is currently forming pre-
mier soccer teams for tourna-
ment play. The organization is
seeking premier players for U-
10 to U-17 teams.
For more information e-mail
Thursday, March 2
Terry Parker at FLETCHER, 3:15 p.m.
Bolles School at NEASE, 4:30 p.m.
NEASE at St. Johns Country Day, 4 p.m.
Mandarin at FLETCHER, 6:30 p.m.
Sandalwood at FLETCHER, 6:30 p.m.
Friday, March 3
NEASE at Pedro Menendez, 6 p.m.
FLETCHER at Stanton, 4:45 p.m.
NEASE at Pedro Menendez, 6:30 p.m.
NEASE at Bartram Trail, 4 p.m.
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As always...Service in HOURS, not Days
1. Tyler Patterson
2. Ken Newman'
3. Tom Wheeler
4. Chris Rooney'
5. Matt Davis
6. ,D. De St. Jeor
7. Tom Whittingslow
8. Jack Ross
9. Dan Chrisman
10. Theresa Ransom
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subject lo the Federal Fair Housing Act,
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preference, limnaltion, or discrimination
based on race, color, religion, sex.
handicap, familial status or national or,-
gin. or the intention to make any such
preference, Imitation or discrimination
The Leader Group will not knowingly ac-
cept any advertising for real estate
which is In violation l the law. All per-
sons are hereby informed that all dwell-
Ings advertised are available on an
equal opportunity basis.
II you believe that you may have been
discnmlnated agaminsl in connection with
the sale, rental or financing of housing,
call the United States Department of
rousing and Urban Development -HUD-
1(800)669-9777, or lor the hearing im-
paired 1(800)927-9275.
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near Sanctuary, approx. 75x100 each.
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Carol Zingone
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Enjoy Florida living at it's finest. 3BR/2BA
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The finest ocean view lot available in Jax
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Mark Dilworth
Fabulous Ocean vies r'M --
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design/build package.
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2BR/1.5BA, extras Motivated seller Re-
duced to $295,500. 246-6582.
N JAX Beach. 3BR/2BA pool home, fire-
place, 2-car garage, $369,000. 249-1890.
FSBO, 3BR/2 5BA. 3345 America Ave.,
FSBO, N JAX BCH, 3BRP2BA,. lenced
yard. New paint in/oul New carpet.
CH&A. $289.900. (904)509-2593.
Duplex, great investment, adorable, in-
come maker. 1/2 block to ocean
$509,000. Call (904)234-5629.
'FSBO CUSTOM Remodel. 3/2, 2073sf,
new tile, granite, SS, Irpic., -high end fin-
ishes, Ig coiner lot. $459,900. 241-5865.
ATLANTIC BEACH, built 2003, 4BR/2BA
detached. 1500sf., 1125 Main St.
$249,900. Call Shaun (904)226-3089.
OPEN HOUSE. 13714 Weeping Willow
Way in Pablo Bay. 4BR/3BA/2-car.
2400sf. $474,900 Saturday, Sunday.
. 12noon-5pm MLS#271054. 327-0558.
www.candlerhomes corn
ATLANTIC BCH 4/BR, 2-story, near
ocean, pool, $890,000. 993-9191.
* 3BR/2BA, like new, on lake, 1893sq, built
1998, new carpet and paint, $244,900.
Terms Independent Brokers 710-3111.
SOUTH JAX Beach. 2BR/2BA Town-
house. Lovely neighborhood. 416 36th
Ave $275,900. (904)613-9896. www.own-
ers.com. IDTMW9867.
NEPTUNE BCH, totally re-done town-
house w/ garage Great community w/
pool. 3 huge bedrooms, 2.5 baths, trplce,
private yard. Lease option $274,000.
PONTE VEDRA, Fairfield, 2200s.,.
3BR/2.5BA, water view. tennis, pool, gal-
ed $417,000. (904)910-7036.
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right property and represent you, and only
youl No conflicts of interest or stress. Just
savings. Call Region Atlantic Realty. LLC
for details. (904)982-7620.
NEWER, CUSTOM built, private, ocean-
Iront home with high dune views of the
ocean and Intracoastal Waterway. Approx.
4458t sf. 5BR/4.5BA., den/ office. tile and
hardwood Iloors, formal living and dining.
pool and spa, screened lanai with hot tub,
lush landscaping ano loaded. $2.750,000.
Phyllis Staines, 904-476-SOLD. REMAX
Coastal Real Estate. www.pstaines.com
Duplex, or single home. 1BR/1BA (each).
East of AlA. $425,000 OBO. 246-8200.
with Bonus Room
4BR/3BA newly constructed Mercedes
buill home Huge bonus room looll Land-
scaped yard and a great floorplan. Offered
S at $395,000.
Spacious Seaview Park Home
3BRi2.5BA home. Outstanding coral rock
fireplace, granite counters, tongue and
grooved wood paneled ceilings, pnvate
rear yard, great neighborhood and much,
much more. Offered at $650,000.
Large Private Lot
BacKing on to the Guana preserve
3BR,3BA home Stunning custom marble
fireplace, remodeled kitchen with cherry
cabinetry, granite counters, hot tub. en-
closed tileO lanai Offered at $458.000.
We help sellers sell for a low set lee.
Help-U-Sell Coastal Realty, 335 Jackson-
ville Drive
Call: 904-241-4447
Free Weekly List
SEAVIEW PARK 3BR/3BA, $2250sl, 2-
story. $619,000, 504;3430.
3BRi2BA, well maintained attached home
in desiraole All Bch Lovely backyard,
plenty of storage 20 mins. to Regency. a
Dike ride to Hanna:Prklminuitesto.Wdn-
derwood Conrnecior. Call Josane ReihMl.l
for your private snowing. (904)237-6937,
Magnolia Properties.
Townhouse, 2BR/2.5BA, new roof, plumb-
ing, HardiBoard siding, paint $260,000
Saturday & Sunday 11am-3pm Greatl o10.
cation w/view of goir course 1800 The
Greens Way #512 Jax Bch View on line
at jaxoeslhome.com. Assist to Sell.'
1250sl Fireplace, 1-car garage, com-
munity pool. Walk lo Ocean $279.000.
JAX BCH/ FSBO 3BR/2.5BA. Completely
remoldeled. must see.
www.lorsalebyowner.com list 420585804.
1404 Declaration Dr. $349,000.
garage, $1550sf, open floor plan, 42"
Hickory cabinets, granite counter tops,
new barber carpel, hard wood floors.
$318,000, 463-0505.
S. JAX Beach. 3 blocks to beach.
3BR/1BA, newly remodeled, nice neigh-
borhood. $295K OBO. 535-0593.
FSBO- The Sanctuary, gated communi-
ty, 3BR/2BA, GR floor plan, tile/ wood
thru-out, large kitchen, many upgrades
with In-ground pool, 2151sf, $459,900.
Realtors welcome. MLS#274700. 1463
Blue Heron Lane East. Jax. Beach.
do, lots of amenities Currently leased
until Sept. 30ln $195.000.
ARLINGTON HILLS. Like newly remod-
eled home. Approx. 1650sf,1 3.2, huge
lamily room, fenced yard. irrigation, new
kitchen. Pnced for First time home Buyer
KERNAN FOREST-,3/2.5 luxurious condo
w/ garage. 1680sl, ,gated & comm. pool
EAGLES CREEK- 10 minutes from
beaches/ base Gorgeous 4/2. nice lot.
scr. porch, many upgrades. Close to
schools & shopping. $247,900.
area, cute 3/2, 2 car garage, eat in ki.,
fenced in yard $184,900
241-5501 OR 221-1711
each. 745 S. 5th St., great investment
$299.000, 591-3348 or 591-0599.
BROADWATER. 3BR/2.5BA w/loft
ICI Coquina home, 2054sf. w/20 ft ceilings
Waterfront lot w/intercoastal views
$448.000, will consider co-op
Creek. 2014 Merced Port 3BR.2BA, 2 car
garage, hardwood floors, irngatoin sys-
tem. quiet cul-de-sac, $239.000
ICW. HOLIDAY Harbor, FSBO Lg lot,
4BR/ 2BA, 2400s1 w/ in-ground pool. New
CHIA, roof $324.900 246-2336 or 463-
walk to Ocean. 5369.900. 246-0126
"^^ ~BEACH! .
One of few duplex lots at beach, zoned
il JRS 3, can build 4 Units on this property.
Mark Dilworth Close to beach, and shopping.
904-591-6976 $649,000
markdilworth@ vanguardgmac.com
Large 1BR/2BA furnished condo one
block off beach overlooks pool, own
Mark DUilorth laundry room with washer/dryer included.
904-591-6976 Ground floor unit.
markdilworth@' vanguardgmac.com $245,000
.- ... Soon to be Ja'x Beach Landmark. 8th floor
-i residential on SE side of the building
i .\.mazing iews, 12 ft ceilings, rare
''ppornity.lThiss a musf-tseg.jT'y~ *T1-
Move n Apnl 2006.
ip $799,900
a ...a. PALMS CONDO!
2BR/2BA, 1st floor unit with granite
countertops, Rainfall showerheads,
1" wooden blinds, new carpet and tile
throughout, all new appliances.
Carol Zingone
Prices will start in $130K's for 600 square
feet. 50,000 sqft total. Multiple-sized units
Mark DilWorth are available. Construction to start June
904-591-6976 of 2006.
markdilworth @ anguardgmac.com
PONTE VEDRA, Sawgrass Players Club. SOUTH JAX BEACH. 2BR/2BA; 2car ga-
Bermuda Coun. 2BR/2BA, unattached pa rage. All new interior finishes, 1200sl
ho home. $269,900. (9041655-5990 1639 Roberts PDr. $284,900. 571-2899.
- ,-,v**'I*Ti~L1111
We have OCEAN FRONT (1-Condo Penthouse),
Homes in Bentwater, Selva Lakes, The Palms,
Atlantic Beach, Wolf Creek, PV and more
..all with multiple photos.. Visit us at:
4-Beaches Realty,LLC.
Don't Tell...
The Beach Locals Know
Winter is the
Best Time
Live at the Beach! .
No Crowds...
Cooler Weather...
Great Night Life
Affordable Beach Living
1,2 & 3BR. Apts.&Townhomes
,* Walk to Ocean, Schools & Shopping
Clubhouse, 3 Pools, Balconies
(Corner of Penman & Sea ate)
. 4 .249-5611
5rockton..ATradirion Since lS8i -
B I 1 1' IK I! Ji
$900. 816 Belleza Ponte Vedra 1/1
$975 14341 Coral Reef Jax 2/2
$1100 201 Cranes Lake Pome Vedra 2/2
$1150 108 The Fountains Ponte Vedra 2/1.5
$1300 107 WilUow Pond Ponte Vedra 2/2
$1300 403 Tournament Road Pome Vedra/Fairfield 2/2
$1400 810 Tournament Road Ponte Vedra/Fairfield 3/2
$1400 63 Trfton Cove North Ponie Vedra/Sawgris CC 3/2
$1575 110 Naunlus Way Ponie Vedra/TPC 3/2
$1600 137 Burning Pine Court Ponie Vedra/Fairfield 3/2.5
$1675 3174 Memji_.BId._,, J.ax Beaci.,, 3/2
--il70--448 Pebbt-ermok-Brrre-i.iiR!. Gsl: KiTmar, 3/2. -.
$1800 '4A droWgater Porue \eadr/Savwgra, .CC 3/2
$1800 746 Spinnakers Reach P0Eti Ve d.-.Swgra BtacihClui 2/2
$1800 90 Cat Road Ponte Vedra/Palm Valle. 3/25
$1900 134 Coastal Oak Circle Ponie Vedra/Sawgrass 3/2
$2000 3343 Lig thouse Poinie Lane Jax Beach 3/3
$2000 2001 Windjammer Ln South Ponte Vedra 3/3.5 +
$2000 19 Ocean Village Atlantc Beach 2/1 5
$2100 211 Mira Vista Adanutc Beach 3/2
$2300 3565 Bay island Cucle Ocean CaN/Jax Beach 3/2.5+.
$2400 529 Sunset Drive Ponme Vedra 3/2 5
$2400 113 Lake Julia Dnve North Ponie Vedra/Sagrass CC 3/3 + I
$2900 1316Turtle Dunes Ct. South Ponie Vedra 5/4
$1200/wk 347 Quail Point
$1300/wk 529 Quail Point
$1400 Beach Club Vllas
$1500/w k ll3 S P..ok VeitaiSPELCI RAL Ei
$1500/wk562 Ponte Vedra Blvd.
$1600/mo274 Beach Brook
$1800/wk The Retreat
$1800/%k 191 12" Street
$2000 Vista Del Mar
52400/mo 17"Ave. North w/pool
$2400 Beach House Condos
$2500 22 Carriage Lane w/pool
$2500 Pelican Point
Sawgrass/Countr. Club 2/2
Sawgrass/Countr Club 3/3
Saw grass Beach Club Eff.
S. Ponme Vedra 4/2.5
Ponte Vedra 3/1.5
Julington Creek/Plantauon 3/2.5
Ponie Vedra/Oceanfront 2/2
Adanuc Beach 4/3
Ja\ Beach/Oceanside 3/2
Jax Beach 3/1.5
Ponte Vedra 3/2 '
Sawgrass/Cointry Club 2/2
Jax Beach/Oceanfront 2/2
a 1860.
* 2000
$2500/wk 728 Oceanfront Nept Bch/Oceanfront 3/2 5 inerrmn2600
$2700/wk 2824 Coastal Hwy Vilarino Beach/Oceanfrom 6/4 4000
$2700 114 Bay Hill Court Ponte Vedra/Fairfield 3/2.5 1800
$290) 41.I Coaul Hi iSPECIAL PATEiVilano Beach/Oceanfront 3/2 2000
$3500 163 Sea Hammock Old Ponie edra/Oceanromn 2/2+den 1800
$3500 The Clotster Atlantic Beach 3/2 2000
$3900 347 Ponte Vedra Blvd. Oceanfront/Pool 3/3.5 2600
"Other furnished properties also available
Dally, Weekly and Monthly.-
Call today to book your next vacation!!
228 Ponte Vedra Park Dr. Suite 500
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
(904) 285-2882
office: 249-4949
mobile: 333-7873
'- '; l'1 1 11BEACH RENTALS 'rSt ';y '5 .S 515 !S
Unfurnished Homes Quail Point PV 3BR/3BA. Home has Palms at Marsh Landing -B B
r Ponte Vedra by the Sea- PV screened porch. decks, wood floors. golf 2BR/2BA, ground floor w/garage.
S5BR/3.5BA, fabulous home, 3 car garage, course views. $1750/mo. screened porch. $1050/mo. .
fenced backward. screened porch. 132 II/' Ave S. -JB 3BR/3.5BA, Three story 2BR/2BA, ground floor, tile floors:.
$2950/mo. townhouse w/garage. many balconies. $1650/mo. $1100/mo. -
SThe" Grove PV 4BR/3BA;-home on L'atriumi PV 3BR/2BA SFH, porch Villas at Marsh Landing,-JB A
private lot w/preserve views, hardwood w/jacuzzi, lake view, fireplace, comm. pool, 2BR/2BA, ground floor, w/garage,
' floors, three car garage. $2700/mo. garage. $1600/mo. screened porch and fireplace. $1100/mo.
SSagrass P.C. PV 3BR/2.5BA, home Innlet Beach PV 2BR/2BA, home on Ocean Links PV
has screened in pool, den or office, lagoon, screened porch. fresh paint, new tile 2BR/2BA, ground floor. $1100/mo. -
, hardwood floors. $2500/mo. & carpet,. 2 car garage. $1295/ino. 2BR/2BA, condo has garage, fireplace,
Marsh View SPV 4BR/4BA, end unit Faurnished Homes porch, golf course views. $1200/mo.
4 w/elevator, 2800 SF, beach access, Ocean Grande SPV 3BR/3BA. Condo, Grand Cay Villas PV
o- attached garage. $2200/mo. luxuriously furnished, screened porch, across 2BR/2BA,'2nd floor w/garage. $1100/mno.
, Sunmerfield PV 3BR/2BA, spacious from ocean. $3000/mo. 3BR/2BA, 3rd floor, vaulted ceilings, tile
home in walking distance to schools & Intracoastal West floors, upgrades thru-out. $1250/mo.
beach. $2000/mo. Avanti Kernan-2BR/2BA, 2nd floor condo,. 922 Is Street S JB 2BR/2BA, ground
SVilano Walk SPV 4BR/3.5BA, newer all appliances, great amenities. $945/mo. floor, attached' garage, porch, newer
'two story, across from ocean, light & Unfurnished Condos building. $1800/mo.
bright, garage. $1800/mo. Summerhouse PV
38 17th Street AB 3BR/2.5BA, Newly renovated, new carpet, baths, kitchen, RElkAX COASTAL REAL ESTATE
townhouse, 1/2 block to ocean, quiet tile and great amenities. W ,Shannon Smith
. neighborhood, private patio, remodeled. 1BR/1BA, Villa $875/mo www.rentthebeaches.com
$1800/mo. 2BR/2BA, ground floor: $1175/mo.-
15~7~~l;fv~I:_ ICWII
M 1 IM21 .,4
1 49115 f PR MLL
Marc h -1, 2006
The Beache Is teader/Ponte Vedra Leader'
Pa e 4rB
es r-..~T
The Rpearhep ader/Ponte Vedra Leader
FSBO AS Is House & 80'x115' lot, 5
blocks to beach, 1126 5th Street N.
$299k, 553-7203. .
South Jax Bch luxury beach home, 1-1/2
blocks to ocean, 3BR/2.5BA, 2200sf. Re-
cent renovation includes new family room,
Pool/Spa, summer kitchen, fireplace, A/C
units, roof, windows, stucco, home thea-
tre, appliances, more. MLS#281888
agent's protected, $959K. Call 249-9236.
in-ground pool;t 14311 Nature Bridge
Lane. $279,900. 333-5608.
S. JAX Bch, 1 block to ocean, lakefront
'3BR 2.5BA luxury townhome. No HOA.
Hardwood floors, new paint, jacuzzi, vault-
ed ceilings, frpic., Price' reduced from
$489K to $475K for Immediate sale.
EAST OF AlA. Very Large 1BR2BA, fully
furnished, washer/dryer included. 1 Block
to Beach. $245,000. Call Mark, 591-6976.
The Dilworth Realty Group'of Vanguard
2BR/2BA, 1176sf. Ocean 14, 16th floor.
$545,000, will consider co-op.
THE PALMS, 2BR/2BA Bungalow, lake-
view, garage, granite countertops, tiled,
washer/dryer fireplace. Motivated seller,
$235,000. 47-3726.
OCEAN'S EDGE. New Construction.
1BR/1BA- East of AlA. Anticipated com-
pleiron, 03/066: $309K: .Unit :A-9:'
2BR/1BA. Two balconies. Covered Park-
ing. $369,000. Call (904)881-9901.
SUMMER HOUSE, 1BR/1BA 5 star amen-
ities in PVB great investment at $135k
Call (904)318-1880,
PVB, SUMMER House, 1/1, East of A1A,
beautiful unit. Waterfront corner lot.
$239K. (904)280-5373.
Villa. Newly remodeled. $279,900.
(9p4)962-6876 (will co-op). ;
THE PALMS at Marsh Landing 2BR/2BA,
hardwood Iloors. granite counter tops. and
lulty tiled bathrooms 613-2748
Supercold = Super Deal! Save $12k Inis
week! No condo fees 1 year! Into pics
727-458-4230. $220K FSBO Must See!
house 804 Marsh Cove Place. $235,000
OBO. 1904)631-1245.
Value for Luxury Townhome style con-
dos 2 blocks from ocean w/views 1900.
230051.. top upgrades $599Kt. John Woll-
el Real Estate 699-8887 www.beachesin-
vestmentgroup corn
Ground floor lake view., replace near the
pool, 1BR/BA $138 900.
2BR/2BA slain end unit, iireplace no one
above you. $338.900
3/2 Townhome, end unit. Irpice. $399,000.
Call Kirk Killebrew al 463-1131
lor into for private viewing
PONTE VEDRA 2BR 2BA Condo. Grand
Cay Villas, 3rd If., park view, new carpet.
$203,900. email dsguerra'comcast net
or 1904) 607-3941
new construction. 2BR/2BA, concierge,
spa, pool' San Marco style See al
www.valenciacondo3.com Asking
$404.900. Call (904)616-7975
S3BR2BA many upgrades, tile. stainless
appliances, planialion shutters, garage
w/ohlce, club house, pool and witness cen-
I. let Asking 5289.000. 280-5170,
single. 1215si, w/caipon, deck. all GE
kitcnen, CH&A, washerndryer, new carper
Many upgrades. Financing available Re-
becca 246-7684
Mli FOR Sale Great vacation home 3,2,
2002. 5 miles from beach Located at
Portside. lot 366 Call Clay 772-8031 or
Tammy 223-1530
Condos. Allantic Beach Close to all major
access routes Now accepting reserve
lions Call Maik. The Dilwonn Realty
Group o01 Vanguard GMAC 5916976.
LUXURIOUS Pelican Point. 2BR/2BA,
available now. $1700-$2600'mo 3 month
minimum rental. (904i241-7206
ATL BCH, 62 Ocean Blvd. Newly remod.
eled 2/1 CH/A. W/D. 1 block to ocean.
Beaches Town Center location,
$1200'mo, first. last & $1000,dep. Avail
S 31/06. Call 838-6333.
WANTED. Ponte Veara area, 2BR2BA.
up to $925.mo. Signature Realty.
241-5221.exl. 108.
BEACHES. PALMS At Maish Landing.
3BRi2BA. all new. hardwood & tie. Up.
graded kitchen, fireplace, washer dryer in-
cluded $1200.mo. dep Call 759-3140
to view
J. B. 19th Ave N. 2BRi1BA. 3 blocks to
ocean,. 900 mo Call (904)591-7765.
CH/A, WDHU. East of 1st St.. $795
$1195'mo 4151 Tradewinds, 4 BR water
SIronl $1500mo 2417368, 733-3730.,,
BLOCK TO beach 126 8th' Ave. South.
2BR/1BA, CH&A, WDHU. Relerences.
credit check, no pets, $875,'mo.
724-6335. ";
East ol 3rd SIreet. WDHU CH&A. dish-
washer. $1200'mo. deposit No dogs.
463-0222, 465-2653;
"JAX BEACH townhouse 187 South 8th
Ave. 2 blocks to ocean, 2BR/2.5BA
1500sf, 1-car garage, no pels $1350/mo.
223-9789. ,
2BR/2BA, 2-car garage, washer/dryer.
$1850/mo. (561)789-3810.
ATLANTIC BEACH at Sea Gardens.
2BR/3BA, 1 guestroom and office. Large
deck and ocean patio access. Year lease.
premium location. $1450/mo. 2277 Semi-
nole Rd. B. Call Kevin (904)270-2050..
floor duplex. $950/mo. 249-0325,
2BR/2.5BA, 1 car garage. $1100/mo. Im-
mediate occupancy. (904)588-5341.
house, fenced in backyard, W/D.
$900/mo. (904)806-2516.
ATLANTIC BEACH bright efficiency
across ,from ocean on Beach Ave. Availa-
ble April 1st. Nonsmoking, no dogs. First,
last, and security, $725/mo. 247-4527. .
LARGE 1BR, excellent location, 2 blocks
to Ocean, very clean. No pets. $650/mo.
642-1214, 241-1219.
3/2 BRAND new townhome w/ garage,
1500sf. Off Kernan & Atlantic. $1400/mo
neg. (954)531-8108.
OCEANFRONT. 3BR/2BA condo in S. Jax
Bch. Great viewsl New kitchen, washer/
dryer & morel Club pool. $1950/mo. All
South Realty. 241-4141.
screened porch, WDHU. $850/mo., lyr.
lease. Avail. 3/1/06. 803-6560, 249-1104.
OCEAN, 2-BLOCKS. 2BR/1BA, $950/mo.
215 8th Ave. North, J.B.No pets.
PONTE VEDRA Bch: luxurious 2BR/2BA,
golf to lake view. Brand new with 5-star
amenities $1150/mo. Jacksonville
Beach: 1.5BR/1BA oceanvlew $850/mo.
New carpet, new bathroom, large fenced
yard, fireplace, must seel $1100/mo.
3rd floor w/view. $875/mo. 472-6254.
2BR/1.5BA. Large back yard. $1100/mo.
Contact (904)699-4250.
SUMMER HOUSE. 2BR/2BA, $1050/mo.
1BR/1BA, $950/mo. Pool, clubhouse, gat-
ed. SIGNATURE REALTY. 241-5221. Ext
3 Spacious Bedrooms, 2.5BA, townhome
w/garage. Sparkling clean and new inside.
Nice yard, community pool, fireplace.,
Short term possible. Avail 4/1/06. Ask for
details. $1375/mo. (904)280-2805. ,
ATLANTIC BEACH. Studio just steps to
ocean Convenient to shops, restaurants!.
$675/mio. All South Realty, 241-4141. '
LARGE EFFICIENCY apartment, excel-
lent location. 2 blocks Irom ocean, very
clean. No pets. $550/mo. 642-1214 or
JAX BEACH 2BR/IBA Apartment. near
Ocean. References. lease. 222 4th Ave.
South. $795/mo. 221-4134.
JAX BEACH, 1BR,;Upper. 1 block Ocean.
$625+ $300/dep. water included
MilitaryiSenior discount small pets OK,
123-D 18th Ave Nonh 708-0731
2 BLOCKS OCEAN. 212 101h Ave. N.
1BR $650/mo, 2BR $750/mo. Credit
check, deposit. no pets (904)514-8530.
blocks to beach $1650/mo.. All South Re-
alty, 241-4141.
GREAT ARLINGTON Townhome: 2/2,
spacious 1144sf, end unit. Neat tiled
kitchen and slone fireplace in great room
Tile throughout. large lenced unit.
$950/mo.Cal Jean @ Magnolia Properties
R.E.. (904)472-3614.
JAX BEACH, 4 Blocks to Ocean.
1BR/1BA Apanment, $550/mo 220 4th
Street So. 1904)891-0606, (352)478-2161
JAX BEACHFRONT 2BR condo, no lease,
pet negotiable, $1300/mo.. 673-1550.
NEW COZY 1BR, deck w/ocean view.
CH&A. Water. sewer, garbage included.
Credit check. No pels. $700/mo. 514-8530
1 BEDROOM, Mother in Law unit. WiD.
Available immediately $550/mo. .deposit.
JAX BCH, East of 3rd. nail duplex, 2/1,
free water, pool. parking. remodeled.
Great deal $950+/mo 247-3191.
2BRiBA. screened porch, fireplace,
WDHU. CH&A, $750/mo. (904)891.0606,
or (352)478-2161
Townhouse. $850/mo. 1 mile west of May-
pon terry. 733-5225, 241-RENT.
1-li2 BLOCKS Io Ocean, 1stAve South.
1BR/iBA $725/mo. 1904)891-0606,
condo w/comm pool & morel $900mo Al-
so 2BR/2BA w/garage Convenient to
UNF. $1100/mo All South Realty,
2/1 TOWNHOUSE, W/D included, CH/A.
ceramic tile. approx. 90051. 404 13th Ave
S., Jax Bch No pets. $800/mo, $800/sec.
dep 1904)343-9908
MOBILE HOMES $500 to $550. on pn-
vate lots Near Mayport Naval Station, no
dogs. 333-5579.
Walk to Ocean Custom kitchen, CH&A
WDHU No pels. $1050/mo. lease.
ATL BCH. 5 blocks to beach. renovated,
2BR 1BA duplex, WDHU, no pels.
$925/mo +dep. Avail 3/15/06.612 Sturdi-
- var.n SI 610-3838..-
Lovely 3BR/2BA Condo. overlooking park.
French doors. stainless appliances, wash-
er/dryer. Plantation shutters., fireplace.
$1375.'mo Available March Isl 280-5170,
NEWLY RENOVATED Tri-Plex. 321 10th
St. South. 2BR, CH&A. $850/mo. 1BR
$650/mo. Credit check, no pets, 12
month lease. 514-8530.
-- l l'.44gl 4JHR
Fairway Villas, 3/2, 2 car gar., near base,
The Palms. 2/2 condo. approx. 1200sl,
beautiful great amenities, avail now.
S* 1 .' *' ....
Jardin De Mere. 3/2 condo, detached ga- ..
rage. 4mos old. $1450/mo.
Summerhouse 2/2 condo, gated comm.
lots ol amenities. Avail. now.'$995/mo.
Lg 3'2. 2 car gar comm pool & play-
ground, $1195,'mo
Lg 412 2 car gar. comm pool, near
schools, $1495/mo
2'2 5 condo, freshly painted, screened pa-
11o. clean, gated Available now. $995,.mo.
4,2, over 2000st, available 3/15,
Brand new, beautiful 3/2 near Touchion
Rd. Avail. now. $1395/mo
Executive home, brand new, 2600sf,
4/2.5, gated comm., $2000/mo.
".+ .r +* *'* I'
Executive townhome, brand new, lull of
upgiadesl 3/2.5. over 200si, $1800/mo.
2/2 Townhome, 1800sf, avail, now
Lg 3/2, 2 car garage, over 2300sf,
(2) Brand new 3/2 condos, 1100sf. Start-
ing at $900/mo
JAX BEACH, Near Ocean, 3BR/1BA.
Lease, references required. 218 4th Ave.
South. $1100/mo. (904)221-4134.
Bedrooms, 30ft to Ocean. Partially fur-
nished, no dogs, $2300/mo. water Includ-.
ed. (904)249-3419, (904)463-0222.
3BR 2BA brand new house w/ screened
porch in Cypress Pointe in MacClenny.
Avail. March 1st. lyr lease $1500/mo,
$500/dep. Contact Michael (407)810-
3BR/2.BA, 2-car garage. Waterview, Peli-
can Bay. Beach & San Pablo. Available
now. $1395'mo 349-0855.
PONTE VEDRA, L'Atrium, 2BR/2BA, fire-
place, 2. car garage, lawn svc. No pets.
Available March.,$11.90/mo. 642-3517.
2BR/1.5BA TOWNHOUSE. ceramic lile
floors, CH&A. laundry room. paiio. lencea
yard 1 yr. lease, no pels. $950 deposit
$900/mo. 2104 Bay Rd Neptune Bch ,
993-1114 or 270-1284.
ATLANTIC BCH close to beach. base,
3BR12BA bonus room, new carpel,.
fenced yard fireplace. $1100,'mo securi-
ly. no pets, smoking. 755-4038
fenced back yard. TDO Mgt Services
SEAVIEW PARK 3BR/3BA, pets consid-
ered, $1800/mo + deposit, 1-year. 504-
JAX BEACH. 3BR/2BA, 2-car garage.
Pets OK Fenced yard. Eight blocks to
Beach. $1390/mo. 237-7198, 607-9332.
KERNAN 'AREA, 3BR/2BA, spacious
home,' large kitchen. Immediate occupan-
cy, $1250/mo; (904)588-5341
area, 3/2, 1438sf.. lakefront home Split
bedroom plan, eat-mn-kitcnen, vaulted cei-
Ings and carpeted Inroughoul 2 car ga-
rage and beautiful lake view locanton.
$1200/mo Call Jean @ Magnolia Proper-
ties R E ,(904)472-3614.
SUTTON LAKES, 4/2. 1930st open floor
plan. LR. DR. EIK. split BR wag. closets,
DHU, $1395/mo TDO Management
Services. 246-1125
SOUTHSIDE- 3BR1.' 5BA, CH&A, carport,
large lenced yard,. screened paiio
pool, washer/dryer Walk to Beach or
Town Center $1600.'mo. 241-1886
PVB SAWGRASS Country Club. lNonn-
gate) 2BR/2BA + den & 2 car garage. wa-
ler to goll view $1850/mo. 1904)514-7150
w/garage on quiel cul-de-sac $1150,mo
All South Realty. 241-4141.
PVB, L'ATRIUM. Waterironi, 2BRF2BA,
garage, pool, tennis. $1250/mo. includes
lawn service 247-1849
ATLANTIC BEACH 330 First Si Newly
Remodeled 4BR/3BA 2-blocks to Ocean
& Town Center. $1750/mo. 249-0767.
vated 3BR/2BA, 1247 Sunapee Ave
$1050/mo. 241-2261
NEPTUNE BEACH, 3BR/2BA, living room.
dining room large eat-in kitchen In-
ground pool. garage., large lenceo yard.
Updated Absolutely no pels. $1250/mo
AB, 4BR/2.5BA, 1800st. Beautiful home.
fenced yard, 3 car garage, $1295/mo,
3BR 2BA 1 story house, 1850sf w, 2BR
1BA garage unit, CH!A. WDHU, blinds,
carpet, Ig Florida room, carport. Ig yard,
$2000/mo.. t$1000dep. 347 3rd Sl All
PONTE VEDRA 3BR/2BA. wigieat room
& garage Large lenced backyard pahio
On cullide-sac Newly renovated
it350imo 993.1841.
ONTE VEDRA- 3BR'2BA homeon quielt-
culde-sac in Dolphin Covel Lg lot, ga-
rage & more! $1050/mo All Soulh Realty.
house. Greal neighborhood $1350,'mo +
deposit. Includes lawn service, homeown-
ers assn 619 Paradise Ci. 535-7349.
KERNAN BLVD, 3/2 condo. LRiDR com-
bo, blast bar, open IHoor plan, garage
$1200/mo. TDO Management Services.
units, golf view/ lake, all amenities Every.
thing new. $1145/mo. Janel 285-4444
PVB COZY 2/2 New Condo $925/mo.,
February free. Call (904)327-0590
2BR/2 5BA Luxury Townhouse. Gated,
concierge, reson pool & htiness. II Villagio,
located 2 miles Irom Town Center Mall
$1190/mo. 635-8650, 923-0277
home, fireplace, lenced yard. garage.
WDHU, community pool $1200/mo.
PONTE VEDRA, 1BR 1BA. 2-story lotl
Goll view. newly remodeled. S1000mno
PONTE VEDRA BCH 5 star reson
w.'beach access, 1 and 2 BR available.
$900-$1400"mo full concierge service, all
'new appliances, fully renovated.,
PVB. 2BR/2BA. wifiteplace, new applian-
caes, washer,'dryer, many amenities
$950/mo. 472-0914
Better Deal. 2BRi2BA corner unit, 2nd
floor TH on Ihe tennis count Avail now.
$1195'mo Janet 285-4444
S'SIDE, 2/2, LR/DR, b'bar, cpt, f'place,.
WDHU. balcony, porch, pool, lmness
room. $875/mo TDO Mgt. Services.
Beach close. 2BR, CORNEiR units. W/D,
fpl., new carpet, paint, appliances. $900-
$1190. Make your deal. Early move-in,
better deal. Call Janet, 635-6375
THE VILLAS. 2BR/2BA, garage, porch,
ground floor, pool, etc. $1050/mo.
PVB -THE Colony. Walk to beach; owner
motivated, 2BR/2BA, 2nd floor, high ceil-
ings, new carpet, W/D +fp., garage. Avail.
immed. $1195/mo. Janet 285-4444/
2200sf, 3/2.5, available March 15th, PVB SUMMERHOUSE CONDOS,
$1350/mo. 1BR/1BA, fireplace, pool; porter service.
DAYBREAK WOODS (Pulaski area) $825/mo. Call (904)616-7975.
Brand new 3/2, 2 car garage, avail. now,
$1195/mo.. PONTE VEDRA Summer House. New
. EAGLES HAMMOCK 2BR/2BA. 5 Star amenities; Near Saw-
4BR/2BA, 2 car garage 2300sf grass .& A+ Schools. $1100/mo.+ deposit.
$1400/mo. 755-4038.
241-5501 OR 221-1711. 2BR/2BA available: First floor, marsh
view. Beautiful upgrades incl. ranite,
3BR/3BA home w/bonus room on lakel
SComm. pool $2000/mo. All South Realty,
JAX BEACH, '5 Blocks to Ocean.
3BR/1BA, CH&A. Credit check. No pets.
610 Patricia Lane. $975/mo. 514-8530.
PABLO BAY, 3000+sf, like new. 4BR+
bonus room, .total 5BR/3BA. Many up-
grades, stainless appliances, central vac,
intercom, hardwood floors, closed lanai,
waterview. Clubhouse, pool, tennis. Avail-
able 4/1. $1995/mo. 349-0855.
desirable St.Johns County. $1450/mo.
Call Team Real Estate at 247-8326.
in Villages of Pablol Comm. pool, tennis &
morel $1200/mo. All South Realty,
NEPTUNE BCH, 3BR/2BA large yard, car
port, walk to beach, $1400/mo. 285-2952.
SAWGRASS, TPC. 3BR/2BA+ large den.
Bermuda Court. $1395/mo.+ deposit.
280-8046, (904)824-7092.
hardwoods, garage $1250/mo. 3rd floor,
lake view, fireplace, vaulted ceiling, ga-
rage, $1200/mo. Call 904-613-7605: "MI
Real Estate Group; LLC.
PVB, 3BR/2BA, 1280sf. Ponte Vedra
Court Townhome. New carpet & paint
$1100/mo. 381-6776.
Washer/dryer. Gated, gym, pool.
$1050/mo. 285-9324.
JAX BEACH, The Palms- Beautiful view!
1BR/1BA. Great amenities, $865/mo. Call
BOATER'S DREAM, 2BR/2.5BA, water-
front townhouse at the Moorings, Jax Bch.
Newly renovatednew appliances, washer/
dryer. $1600/mo. Includes 50 ft boatsiip.
Call (904)424-6572.
2BR/2BA, beautifully furnished. $1800/mo.
(Yearly, $1300/mo.) Unfurnished, yearly
$1250/mo. 887-5005.
PONTE VEDRA, Summer House, 1BR. all
new, w/pool, fitness, spa, concierge, many
amenities. $875/mo. Pets welcome.
THE PALMS. 1BR/1BA. Resort amenities.
Sell or lease; $149,500, $875/mo.
the Intracoastal Waterway, 3/4BR, 3.5BA,
approx. 2700sf. w/marina view. Resort
style living, live among millionaires!
$2500/mo. includes 1 car garage, water,
sewer, cable, pool, spa, club house,
health club, Marina Walk, gated communi-
ty w/water. Marsh and marina views.
Available May '06. 40' boat slip also avail-
able. Call now 463-2845.
BRAND NEW Wolfcreek Condo: 3/2,
1394sf. Gourmet kitchen, 9reat master
suite with walk-in-closets. Fitness center
and pool onsite. $1350/mo. Call Jean @
Magnolia Propenies RE 190'4i.72-3614
OCEAN FRONT iOcrean 141 beautilulty
renovated furnished. 3BR 2BA w.slc.rage
unit $2-495mo 19041571.3877
PONTE VEORA Walk To beach. Furnish-
ed IBR,1BA waler-lo-goll view, pool,-
tennis. $1250,'mo. includes utilities.
THE PALMS, 2BR/2BA, Marshview.
Shor.Iong ieim 1t200rro 434-3-456
JAX BEACH Sieps to Sand on 1st SI
3BR/2BA. washer.dryer large balcony
14-Osl Greal location No dogs
$1550.mo .aep 537-5071, 881-4730
PVB -MARSH COVE., A ,perfect
2BR,2 5BA TH Clean, new. 1200sf.
$1185,mo Janet 285-4444.
2/2 PALENCIA condo 1200s1, brand new,
granite c-lops, vaulted ceilings. geor-
geous, $1050/mo. 509-8471.
1BR 1BA, fplc.,' 1 car gar., free cable,
comm. pool, $950/mo. 545-3156.
view. washer/dryer pets OK $900 mo
Call Bruce 904-377-5051
MARSH COVE, PVB 2BR'2 5BA. lire.
place, washer/dryer, screened porch
$1050imo deposit 1904l631-1245
lovely condo. sleeps 4 pool, 737-2829.
ocean Iront condo living room and master
bedroom overlooking ocean w'oalcony
Fiont balcony overlooks .lax skyline fuliv
lurnished. greal amenities including cov-
ered parking pool. hot tub. lennis, and
sandy beach Call lor more details.
398-9080 exi 211
nomes Weekly'monirily. Visit us al.
laxbeacnrenial.com or 535-3911 or
4BRi4BA. weekly, moninly. yearly Call
$400 week. IBR1l 5BA with pool 904.
MARCH RENTAL. Entire monin. or week-
. y. including TPC WEEK. 3BR,2BA in
South Jax Beacn. One block to Ocean,
less inan 5 miles to TPC 233-3939.
nished homes & condos' From $500 per
week! All Soulth Realty. 241-4141
S. JAX Bch 2BR. lully urnished., ocean-
Ironi condo. Moninly/ Weekly 241-0267
www rentlacksonvllebeacn.com
PONTE VEDRA Beach. Nice atmosphere.
$575.'mo.f 1,3 utilities 373-0009.
NEPTUNE BEACH Furnished Masier
bedroom, baln $500,mo.,- $100 utilities.
aeposil 403-5734.
ROOM IN 4BR house. Fireplace. rnce
pool. nice neighborhood $140,wk in-
clunes utilities & cable Call1 568-8700
-1 '-utliiies.' Available imniedalely .J. .
antr-an. 866-6937
Jax Beacn. 2400s1, in-ground pool. guesI
ulihiiies included, $550/mo. seriou inqui-
ries only. 568-5555
the Iniracoastal Walerway 3'4BR. 3 5BA.
approx 2700si. Resort style living live
among millionaires' Lookng for 2 room
males. 1 @ $800/mo. & 95051 master
suite @ $1000.'mo. includes all utilities,
cable, pool. spa. nealmn club Marina Walk,
galed community wiwaler, marsh and
marina views. Available May '06. 40' boal
slip also available Call now 463-2845
MAYPORT AREA (oft of Assisi), lurnisn-
ea. deposit re's $115'week. 372-4265.
OFFICE, RETAIL Jax Beach, 400si or
800st, 3rd Sireet Irontage 246-0576.
JAX BEACH. RetaiiOHfice space.
'550sf+ 3rd Street visibility 246-0576
UPSCALE EXECUTIVE Otfices ror lease
in beautiful Jax Bcn Fully furnished.
amenities include wireless high speed in-
teinei, use ofl tuly furnished conference
room & kitchen. $700'mo w' 2yr lease.
$750 mo wI lyr lease. 242-9195.
JAX BEACH Office Suite 131h Ave
South across Irom Baphlsi Hospital Ap-
proximately 1550s5, build-out complete.
wired lor phone/lan $16 95si lax,. depos-
it (904i241-9944. ext 104
JAX BEACH. t000si including kitchen
$1000/mo lax and CAM 608-6426.
JAX BEACH 200051I Sloretront. will di.
vide.. $3000/mo $700 CAM 1433/1439
Soulh 3rd St. A1A) 708.0731
FREE SWEET, i1mo. old Calico female
GERMAN SHEPHERD, Female, spayed,
3-1/2 years. Glorious personality. Owner
ill. Free to excellenIt home. References re-
quired: 249-1020.
PET SITTING, in your home. .Dog walking.
Responsible, mature. Call Kitty. 874-6062.
1YR. OLD miniature Dachshund, spayed,
female. House, child; pet friendly $100.
AMERICAN PIT Bull pups. 1 male, 1 fe-
male. $200. (904)534-3336.
HOMELESS PETS for adoption- Cats &
dogs. 246-3600.
HUNT ELK, Red Stag, Whitetail, Buffalo,
Wild Boar. Our season: now 3/31/06.
Guaranteed license, $5 trophy in .two
days. No-Game/ No-Pay policy. Days
(314)209-9800; evenings (314)293-0610.
IF-YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader.com
DIVORCE $275-$350. Covers children,
etc. Only one signature required Excludes
govt. fees Call weekdays (800)462-2000
ext.600. (8am-7pm) Alta Divorce, LLC.
Established 1977.
ARRESTED? ALL criminal defense felon-
ies, misdemeanors, state or federal charg-
es, parole, probation, QUI, traffic tickets.
Bond reduction. Private attorneys state-
wide, 24 hours. A-A-A Attorney Referral
Service (800)733-5342..
tested divorce papers. Without Kids (while
you wait) With kids (a little longer) Since
1981/ by appt. only (904)641-2187.
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the
"Self Storage Facility Act", Florida Statutes
Section 1, Part IV of Chapter 83, Laws of
Florida 1982; the personal property con-
sisting of clothing, personal items and
household goods of:
Helping Hands Ministry, Atlantic Beach,
A122, 10x20, misc. furniture.
Helping Hands Ministry, Atlantic .Beach,
B298, misc. furniture,'
Helping Hands Ministry, Atlantic Beach,'
.C370, misc. furniture.
Helping Hands Ministry, Atlantic Peach,
C372, misc. furniture, clothes. :
Helping Hands Ministry, Atlantic Beach,
C373, clothes.
Helping Hands Ministry, Atlantic Beach.
E535. misc. furniture.
Herbanicks Contracting, Jacksonville
Beach, D496, 10x20, tools, misc. boxes.
Helping Hands Ministry, Atlantic Beach,
E530, furniture;
Helping Hands Ministry, Atlantic Beach,
E525, furniture
Ricky Nelson Jr., Pascagula, B278, cloth-
ing, misc. boxes.. .
Martin S. Reynolds, Mayport, B264, misc.
furniture, misc. fishing items.
Will be sold or otherwise disposed of at
10:00 AM, Saturday, March 11, 2006 to
satisfy lien(s) for past due rent(s) cost and
fees. Disposition will take place at: Pan
Am Mini Storage. 2383 Mayport Rd., At-
lantic' Beach, FL 32233 Pan Am Mini'
Storage reserves the right to reject any
and all bids and esiabiish minimum bids to
compensate for all costs.
BL 2/24, 3/1/06
Notice Is hereby given that the Code En-
lorcement Board ol Ine City of Neptune
Beach, Florida, will conduct regular
-nonihly Public Hearings on Wednesday,
March 8th. 2006, at 7:00 p.m.. in the City
Hall Council Chambers at 116 Fiust Street,
Nepitune Beach. Florida The following
cases are on the agenda:
Occupaiiorial License CEB 06-Q04T, 241
Atlantic Blvd Site 4-A
Occupational License CEB 06-05T, 2002
Founh Streetl
Occupalional License CEB 06-06T, 1124
Kings Road
Occupational License CEB 06-07T. 300
Dr.rtwood RO
Occupational License CEB 06-08T. 2020
Marye Brant Loop N.
Occupational License CEB 06-09T, 2101
Rosewood Drive
Occupational License CEB 06-10T. 1631
Arrowhead Trail
Occupational License CEB 06-11T, 1467
Atlantic Blvd.
Occupational License CEB 06-12T, 1630
Arrowhead Trail
Occupational License CEB 06-13T,,236
Florida Blvd
Occupational License CEB 06-14T, 241
Allantic Suite 5-A
Occupational License CEB 06-15T, 111
Magnolia Street upper
Occupational License CEB 06-16T, 412
Souin Street
Occupational License CEB O06-17T, 552
Myra Street
Occupational License CEB 06-18
T. 124 Hopkins Street
II a person decides to appeal any decision
made by Ihe Board with respect to any
mailer considered at such meeting or
hearing, he will need a record ol the pro-
ceedings and Tor such purpose he may
need to ensure that a verbatim record ol
the proceedings is made. which record in-
cludes the testimony and evidence upon
which the appeal is to be based.
In accordance with the Amencans with
Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Flon-
da Statue, persons with disabilities need-
ing special accommodation to panicipate
in this meeting should contact the City
Clerk's Olice no later than 5:00 p.m., the
day of Ire meeting.
.Code.Enlorcement.Board ';2;'.;.,'
, = -, i, b o b
*BL;3/1/06i1-,:' ****-: .* "* .
The Board ol Alusitmenil or the City ol
Jacksonville Beach, Florida will meet and
hold public hearings on Tuesday, March
21, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council
Chambers. located at 11 North 3rd Street.
Jacksonville Beach to consider the follow-
ing variance applications.
BOA 06-100034 City of Jacksonville
Beach Land Development Code Sec-
tion 34-337 le)(1) e, Ior 40o lot cover-
age in lieu of 35", maximum to allow lor
improvements to a single family dwelling,
for property located at 409 South 13th
Avenue, more specifically. Lot 9. Block
125. Oceanside Park.
BOA 06-100035 City of Jacksonville
.Beach Land Development Code Sec-
tion' 34-339 (e)(1) c:1, for a iront yard of
12 3 leet in lieu ol 20 leer and 34-339
(ell)( c 2. for a side yard and comer side
yard of 8 leel in lieu ol 10 feet and 13 leet
respectively and 34-339 (e)(l) c.2, for a
'rear yard ol 10 leelt in lieu of 30 leet re-
quired and 34-339 (e)(1i) e. lor 49o tol
coverage in lieu ol 35.o maximum and 34-
377, for 2 on site parking spaces in lieu oi
4 spaces required Io allow for a new two-
family dwelling, for property located at
276 South 8in Stree,. more specifically,
Lol 1, Block 29, San Pablo Beach South.
BOA 06-100036 City of Jacksonville
Beach Land Development Code Sec-
tion 34-340 (eill c.2, for an easterly
side yard of 6 leer in lieu of 10 feet and
34-3140 le)ilt c.3, for a rear yard of 15 leet
in lieu of 30 level and 34-340 ie)(1) I. or
54.o lot coverage in lieu of 35% maximum
to allow lor a new two-lamily dwelling for
,property located at 110 Nortn 201h Ave-
nue, more specifically, Lot 3, Block 202,
Jacksopville Beach Terrace.
BOA 06-100041 City of Jacksonville
Beach Land Development Code Sec-
tion: 34-336 (e)(1) e, for 40% lot cover-
age in lieu of 35% maximum and 34-336
(e)(1) c.3, for a rear yard of 24.5 feet in
lieu of 30 feet required to allow for im-
provements to a single family\dwelling, for
property located at 4048 Grande Boule-
vard, more specifically, Lot 6, Block 15,
Ocean Terrace. *
A copy of the above referenced applica-
tion(s) is available for review in the office
of the Planning and Development Depart--
ment, 11 North 3rd Street, during normal
business hours (M-F, 8a-5p).
Board of Adjustment
City ol Jacksonville Beach
If a person decides to appeal any decision
by the Board of Adjustment with respect to
any matter considered at any meeting,
such person may need a record of'the
proceedings, and, for such purpose, such
person may need to ensure that a verba-
tim record of the proceedings is made,
which record includes the testimony and,
evidence upon which the appeal is to be
The public is encouraged to' speak on is-
sues on this Agenda that concern them.
Anyone who wishes to speak should sub-
mit the request to the recording secretary
prior to the beginning of the meeting.
In accordance with the Americans with
Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Flori-
da Statutes, persons with disabilities
needing special accommodation to partici-
pate in this meeting should contact the
Planning and Development Department
no 'later than 5:00 p.m. on the day preced-
ing the meeting.
BL 3/1/06
Beach Body Towing Co., Inc. gives
Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to
sell these vehicles on March 29, 2006,
9:00 am at 922 7th Ave S., Jacksonville
Beach, FL 32250-4208, pursuant to sub-
section 713.78 of the Florida Statutes.
Beach Body Towing Co., Inc. reserves the
right to accept or reject any and/or all.bids.
Cash only, day of sale. No titles, warran-
ties or guarantee of titles. "As is".
1B3BA76J2KF507689 1989 DODGE
1FAPP9598LT130381 1990 FORD
1 G2JB5244Y7113789 2000 PONTIAC
1G4AG5540R6506541 1994 BUICK
1G6EL13B6NU605434 1992 CADILLAC
1GCCS1944S8141211 1995 CHEVRO-
1HGCA6186KA060395 1989 HONDA
1HGED3540ML0805741991 HONDA
tHGEJ2124RL029786 1994 HONDA
1P3BB26P5FX524313 1985 PLYMOUTH
1YVGD22B5L5232110 1990 MAZDA
2C3HD56F5SH590733 1995. CHRYSLER
2FAPP36X6PB206065 1993 FORD
2G1FP22GOY2100811 2000 CHEVRO-
2G2FV22P8V2209787 1997 PONTIAC.
2HGEH3381SH521004 1995 HONDA
3FAKP1131WR207062 1998 FORD
3VWFA21H6RM012992 1994 VOLKS-
AA0151101662 UNKNOWN
F37GNJD0820 1980 FORD
JF1AN43B8GB427313 1986 SUBARU
JH4KA4650JC042263 1988 ACURA
JM 1BG224XP0576558 1993 MAZDA
JM1FC3313H0521863 1987 MAZDA
ZCFBE11HOC1101017 1982 IVECO
BL 03/1/06.
IN RE: The license to practice medicine
Norma Roberts, M.D.
11287 Chensey Lane
Jacksonville, FL 32223 ,
Page 5B
marcn i, zuv
, .
2 KIorwel Circle
West Orange. New Jersey 07052
CASE NO:2005-05549 & 2005-52548 ,
Tne Department of Health has filed an Ad-
ministralive Complaint against you, a copy
ol which may be obtained by contacting.
J. Blake Hunter, Assistant General Coun-
sel. Prosecution Services Unit, 4052 Bald
Cypress Way. Bin PC65. Tallahassee
Flonda 32399-3265. (850)245-4640.
If no contact has been made by you con-
cerning the above by April 5, 2006, the
matter of the Administrative Complaint will
be presented at an ensuing meeting of the
Board of medicine in an informal proceed-
In accordance with the Americans with
Disabilities Act, persons needing a special
accommodation to participate in this pro-
ceeding should contact the individual or
agency sending this notice not laler than
seven days pnor to the proceeding at the
address given on the notice. Telephone:
(850)245-4640. 1-800-955-8771 (TDD) or
1-800-955-8770 (V), via Flonda Relay
-BL 3/1.3/8,3115.3/22/06
FILE NO: 16-2006-CP-000288-XXXX-MA
The administration of the estate ol Jac-
quelyn Rose. Kirkland a/K/a Jacqudlyn R.
Kirkland. deceased, whose dale ol death
was June 8,2005, and whose Social Se-
cunty Number is 262-40-0349, is pending
in the Circuit Court lo Duval County, Flori-
da., Probale Division. the address of which
is 330 E. Bay Street.l, Room 101, Jackson.
ville, FL 32202 The names and address-
es of the personal representative arid the
-personal .repi.ent3aive' ltforh4eyeL'set
ic'nh below.
All creditors of the decedent and other
persons having claims or demands
against decedent's estate on whom a
copy ol this notice is required to be served
must tile their claims with this count WITH-
All other creditors of the decedent and
other persons having claims or demands
.against the decedent's estate must tile
their claims with this Court WITHIN
The date of the first publication ol this No-
tice is March 1, 2006
Attomefilor Personal Representative
/s/ C H. Peterson, III
Flonda Bar No. 263834
Peterson & Peterson. PA.
2317 N. Wickham Rd.
Melbourne, Florida 32935
Telephone: (321)259-1601
Personal Representative
/s/ John Richard Kirkland
8927 8th Avenue
Jacksonville. Florida 32208
BL 3/1,3/8/06
Pursuant to Section 286.011(8)(d), Florida
Statutes, notice is hereby given that the
City Council of the City of Neptune Beach
wilt conduct an attomey-client session on
the following litigations:
Arlington vs. City of Neptune Beach
Solantic vs. City of Neptune Beach
Lakeshorei Village vs. City of Neptune
Beach. I
Utilx vs. City of Neptune Beach and
CIT Lending .Services Corp vs. Delta
Property Mgmt Inc; Subie Neptune Inc;
Profile Investments Inc. Prosperity Bank;
Prosperity Ventures Group LLC; Solantic
LLC and Code Enforcement Board, City of
Neptune Beach
Neptune Beach Code Enforcement
Board vs. Marsha Jawltz:
Barry J. Grahek vs. City of Neptune
Beach and the Code Enforcement Board
on March 6, 2006, at 6:30 p.m., in the City
Hall Council Chambers, 116 First Street,
Neptune Beach, Florida. The attomey-cli-
ent session shall commence at. an open
Meeting at which the Mayor will announce
the commencement and estimated length
of' the attorney-client session and the
names of the persons attending. The pub-
lic.may not attend the attorney-client ses-
sion. At the conclusion of the attorney-cli-
ent session, the meeting will be reopened,
and the Mayor will announce the termina-
tion of the session.
In' attendance will be Mayor Richard
Brown, Vice Mayor Harriet Pruette, Couh-
cilors Eric Pardee, Fred Lee, and John
Weldon, City Attorney Christopher A.
White, City Manager James Jarboe, Ern-
est Kohlmeyer, Attorney, and a court re-
porter yet to be determined.
If a person decides to appeal any decision
made by the Council with respect to any
matter considered at such. meeting or
hearing the person will need a record of
the proceedings and for such purpose
may need to ensure that a verbatim record
of the proceedings Is made, which record
includes the testimony and evidence upon
which the appeal is to be based.
i^-^lI. 1 r i -
The Beaches Leader/ r
March 1, 2006
Lisa Volpe, CMC
City Clerk, City of Neptune Beach
Notice is hereby given that a regular meet-
ing of the City Council of the City of Nep-
tune Beach, Flonda, will be held on Mon-
day, March 6, 2006, at 7:00 p.m., In the'
City Hall Council Chambers, 116 First
Street, Neptune Beach. Flonda
If a person decides to appeal any decision
made by the Cliy Council with respect to
any matter considered at any meeting,
'such person may need a record ol the
proceedings, and, tor such purpose, such
person may need 1to ensure that a verba-
S tim record of the proceedings is made,
which record includes the testimony and
evidence upon which the appeal is to be
In accordance with the Americans With
Disabilities Act and Section 286.26. Flori-
da Statute, persons with disabilities need-
ing special accommodation to participate
in this meeting should contact the Ciry
Clerk's Office no laler man 5 00 P.M tne
day ol the meeting.
Lisa Volpe, CMC
City Clerk
BL 3/1/06
Notice is hereby given Tnai puisuanr to the
Self-Siorage Facility Act Florida Statules
Section 1 Part IV ot Chapter 83. Laws ol
Flonda 1982 The personal property
consisting of clothes, personal items and
household goods of:
Keith Brady, Unit #502
Maria Flores, Unit #725
S Erik Brim Unit #727
; Lorena Flores Unit #403
Will be sold or otherwise disposed of at
11:00 a.m Saturday, March 4, 2006, to
saisfy lien(s) for past due rent(s). Disposi-
tion will take place at" THE STORAGE
BIN, 1001 131h Ave. S.. Jacksonville
reserves the right to reject any and all
S bids.
BL 2/24, 3/1/06
FOUND. FAIRLY Large Key Ring with
keys. Left at Oceanview Vets, Jax Beach
Call to identity 246-3600.
- .. EARN DEGREE online from home Medi-
cal, Business. Paralegal, Computers,
Cnminal Justice Job placement Comput
er provided. Financial aid if quality
makers needed for Beaches area Call
Underhill today! Ask lor Pat or Candice
PRIVATE DUTY. Personal care for disa-
bled lemale Shon morning & evening
: shifts. Beaches area. Leave message
Neptune Beach Public Salery Department
is accepting applications for Lifleguards.
Must be 16 yoa or older must pass Drug
Screening lest and Preemployment Pnys.
ical Agility Test. First' Responder or Multi-
Media First Aid a plus. Apply at' Neptune
Beach Public Salety Dept. 200 Lemon
Street. Neptune Beach. Mon.-Fri 9am.
5pm. NO PHONE CALLS. Deadline: April
5.2006. AA'EEOC
ELIZABETH'S TEA Room needs Server
M-F 11am-3pm Call 270-1980
ATLANTIC BEACH van/minibus dealer-
ship requires Lot Assistant/Driver. CDL
wit clean driving record. Age 21+. In-
quire: 58 West 9th Street or 241-6004.
March .20-26. Now hiring BARTIENDERS,
ERS, CASHIERS. Shifts vary from 7am-
7pm. S.Rquires Monday-Sunday; or ,Thrs-
da,-Sunday commitment. FoodStaff of
Jacksonville. 855-0086.
SERVERS. needed Please apply in per.
son at Giovannis 1161 Beach Blvd, Jax
Bch. M-F, llam-2pm 249-7787
P/T BOOK Seller 15-20 nrs per week in-
cluding some evenings and weekends
Need someone who loves to read and
share this love wirohers Must have com-
puter skills, be customer service oriented
and able to mulli-iask Contact Rona at
Tne BOOKMARK in Atlantic Bch
son to work at lurniture consignment sore
10-epm, 2-3 days per week. 241-5558.
PART -TIME Sales and Receiving
at Beaches' lavorile children's' maltenily
consignment shop, ohlenng competitive
wages and a lively work environment.
Must oe capable energetic and Irrendly.
Responsible and organized wiin a good
knowledge of children's Items. Willing
to work Salturday hours Non-smoker prel-
erence. Contacl. 904-285-0532. leave a
NAIL TECHNICIAN and Hair Dresser
needed Built In clientele World Golf Vil-
lage area 1904)504.1314
Caddie Master
is, looking for service
oriented Caddies to
work at a premier
facility in Ponte Vedra
Beach. Golf knowledge
is required. Year-round
part-time and full-time
positions available.
$400-$700 per week.
Also interviewing for
management positions.
Please call
(904) 346-1184.
MAINTENANCE, VENUS is looking for a
lack of all trades to work in our lacilities
area. General maintenance skills required.
Mon -Fri. 8am-4 30pm.. Call Cathy at
645-6000 prompl 3 lor immediate consid-
erahion EOE.
license w:some accounting background
Must work weekends. Email resume & sal-
ary requirements to" monique0 1313 @nel.
scape.nel or tax (904)249-2841
3 Pool Techs needed Experience prefer-
red, but will train Clean driving record
401k, health benefits. Please call
Transportation required. Paid weekly,
I $10/nr min. depends on experience. Call
Andrew 904-859-1148.
Experienced only Must have reliable .paced pnni lngcorhipaht. E hr-iletbl po'.
_iraril6pgtibri1 3 days -Lp6r -week ana dr.on. aoriric pucoler pateehPrleed'lr6 ,
some Saturdays Call DeDbbe aner 2pm. 246-9162 or fax resume to: 241-7349
285-3400 x3352 Iv. mg ,
OCEAN LIFEGUARD City of Atlantic
Beach $9.64,nr starting, $10.51.hr with
First Responder. Returning liregudrds pay
will vary depending on prior service Must
complete 500 meter pool swim in 10
minutes or less, a 1/2 mile ocean swim;
run and be at least 16 years ol age by
April 8, 2006 Must report to Fletcher Sr.
High'Pool on 3/18/06 at 9am; or 4/01/06 at
9am for mandatory testing It hired, must
successfully complete a City provided 48
hour ocean lifeguard program and a 45
hour FDOT First Responder Program. Ap-
plication form & testing inro available at
800 Seminole Rd. or visit www.coab.us
or call (904)247-5820. No new hire smok-
Ses or tobacco users Physical and Drug/
Alcohol/ Nicotine testing conducted. EOE.
.'. business We will cenify, but applicant
must have knowledge of cardio & muscu-
lar exercise Great giowAn opportunity with
largesI P.T. organization in Inthe world
285-3236. www rtpontevedra.com
ed tor small cleaning business Must have
good cleaning skills & own iransponaLion
Leave message. 247-0326
9am-6pm Professional telephone voice
and general olfice/computer experience
required. (9041247-6683
Needed Earn $7.12..hr. plus bonuses
Call 246-4422.
Atlantic Beach van/minibus dealership
Clean driving record: abstract needed Lo.
cal and/or long distance runs. CDL re-
quired. A or B Inquire: 58 West 9th
Street 241-6004.
OFFICE ASSISTANT needed with fnriend-
"'. ly. professional phone voice Flexible
hours and knowledge of ACT. Excel, and
Word helpful. Call 285-5855.
VAN DRIVER. No CDL required. 7 30-
9:30am, 2-4pm. Free child care. Must be
over 25y Beaches Academy, 1725 Pen-
man Rd. 246-3885.
Energetic. flexible/ multi-lask person.
Transponation with valid FL driver's li.
cense a must. Hours 6pm-10"30pm or lat-
er. Call Wanda or Debbie after 2pm
285-3400 x3352
MODELS WANTED for high quality le-
male fashion photography Good pay per
session Experience not required.
S (800)553.5135
ed P/T, 2 days per week, MS Office a
must, organized motived Fax resume to
STAFF COUNSELOR. Are you experi-
enced in weight loss. health spas. skin
products9 Do you love to positively affect
people's lives? We have an inside sales
position available offering hourly + corn-
mission Interested individuals should call
928-9777 and ask lor Holly. Ohice located
1 block Irom FCCJ Southn Campus
Neptune Beach Public Safety Department
is accepting applications lor Lifeguard
Lieutenant 6-years or more lile guarding
experience First Responder. EMT prefer-
red. Emergency vehicle operation cenili
calion a plus Supervisory experience pre-
ferred Apply at Neptune Beach Public
Salety Dept 200 Lemon Street, Nepiune
Beach Mon -Fn. 9am-5pm NO PHONE
CALLS. Deadline April 5.2006 AA/EEOC
at Vicars Landing iPonle Vedral Excellent
pay Drug free workplace. EOE. Call 273-
1734. ,
ELDERLY HOME care. In Ponle Vedra
PT. Light housekeeping. meal prep occa-
sional errands Please fax resume to 904-
280-8443 or call 285-7600 ext. 21
ORGANIZE HOUSE. personal objects,
sewing. 2 ref s 285-0140 after 11am.
Housekeeper, Child Companion. To do
light housekeeping. errands, possible
sleepovers. All applicants will be consida
ered Call 904-334-8408 or 904-236-0195
DRIVER- NOW hiring qualified divers for
Central Florida local and national OTR po-
saions Food grade lanker, no hazmat, no
pumps, greal benelfls, competitive pay
and new equipment. Need 2.years experi-
ence. Carl Bynum Transpon for your op-
ponuniry loday; (800)741-7950.
necessary., Ponte Vedra. 285-3128
TAXI DRIVERS Wanted. Clean diving re-
cord required Call April. 246-9999
LABORERS. HELPERS. Skilled personnel
tall types; Call 249-8147. or apply. 203
South 3rd Street. Jax Beach. Good pay &
CARPENTERS & Helpers. experienced
witn exterior Irim & siding preferred. Cut-
man, experience a plus. Must be reliable
and nave transporlaiion Call 608-9268
PRIVATE CLEANING Company seeking
reliable, insurable workers Serious inqui-
ries only. Monday-Friday. Call 716-8824,
leave message
CDL-A O/ OPS. Great Miles Bonuses!
Base plates/ permits paid1 Regional home
lime weekly Settlemenls twice
weekly! Fuel.' passenger program Jerry.
CHILD 'CARE Teachers with CDA, top
pay, starting al $11/hr. & up also Teach.
her's Assistants needed. 220-3993
and Beaches. Work in learns of three
Must have own transportation. valid driv-
er's license Approximately $175'wk to
slan Moday-Friday, no nIghts/weekends.
Home Cleaning Centers of Ameilca.
MAINTENANCE MAN- Experience need.
ed for busy Ponle Vedra Real Estate of-
fice Painting, general maintenance Good
Driver's License. Call for appi. 285-5585.
HAIR STYLIST needed @ Styles of
Ponte Vedra, located on corner oi Mickler
and AlA Up to 600% commission Contaci
Denise at 280-0494
CARPENTERS & Helpers Wanied
Beaches area Transponalion & phone a
must. 535-7356
Night Apply at 2840 Maypon Rd or call
Private Duty Visits & Flexible
We, are Home Companion, a quality ori-
ented, busy and fast growing' home health
agency. Join our great team of health care
professionals in our exceptional environ-
ment where you will find the respect rec.
ignition and rewards you deserve. We
offer competitive and excellent benefits
Interested applicants, please forward your
resume via fax to Cindy Burgess at
i904)332-1056 or call (904)296-0605, or
apply in person at 7014 AC Skinner Paik-
way, Suite 260, Jacksonville, FL 32256
You may also apply online at
www BayCareHomeCare cornm EOE
BayCare Home Care
sage Therapist needed. Call Dennis at
Hairliners, 333-5414
Needed to stock. maintain & deliver equip-
menu supplies $9-512/nri 646-1962
DRIVERS. GREAT company Great pay!
Home weekly/ daily, Great benefits'
Health' 401K CDL-A w,X lyr exp. Boas-
so America Corp. David: 904-475-0336
LOOKING lor a change? Established Sal.
on has opening lor 2 stylists w/clienlel. Ex-
celleni working corditlons 60:o Commis-
sion. Healln & Dental Insurance Retire.
merit plan All inquiries confidential. Con-
tact Bob or Susan at Susan Merrick Hair
Designs (w1246-7272 or ih)246-1579.
SERVERS. LINE Cook. Dishwashers..
Fine Dining. JJ's Bistro Pone Vedra,
273-7980 Gale Parkway, 996-7557.
Now hiring lull time Host/ Hostess lor AM
& PM shifts Servers- lull availability. Ap-
ply within 1018 N 3rd St JB
Full Time Monday- Friday, 3pm to.11pm in
thme Health Center or a Premier Retirement
Community. Pleasant work environment
and-excellent benellis. Experience In geri-
atric care preferred. Applications available
at Fleet Landing Security Gale. One Fleet
Landing Blvd., Atlantic Beach, FL, Fax to
1904)246-9447, I email to:
jobs@fleetleanding.com EOE' Drug-
Free Workplace.
HOME CLEANERS earn excellent pay
cleaning homes weekly & biweekly. De-
pendable car required. Full or part time
Call 223-5033
based. family office seeks highly motivat-
ed, energelic individual to oin its team ol
professionals. Candidale must possess'
superior skills in MS Excel, Word. Access
and Outlook, must be prolicieni in navi-
gating the Internet Only well-spoken can-
didates with pleasant disposition will be
considered for this excellent position. For
lunher information regarding the Firm,
please visit www.spnng-bay.com or
ww wwsonlagloundation corn. Send Re-
sumes to cgregory@spring-bay.com
LOOKING FOR Liquor Store Clerk, Bar-
lender, Door Guy Must be able to work
days, nights, weekends, and holidays
Must pass drug lest and background
check Call Roben rt 465-0149.
POOL CLEANER w!valid Flonria Driver's
License Experience helplul but will train
Good salary & benelils Apply Suriside
Pools 313 Beach Blvd.. 246-2666, or lax
resume 249-8801 e-mail- sunsidepools
@ aol.com
TEACHER, CDA Cenrliad. 4yr. Old Class
Warm & loving Teachers & Assistants
needed. FT & PT Call 249.'0905, or fax
resume to 249-5241 The Beaches School
& The. Red School House.
dale must be highly motivated & organ-
ized with ability to multi-task: strong writ-
ten and verbal communication skills. PC
proficient Full or pan-time 3 yrs+ experi-
ence preferred. Fax resume to 904-246-
86415., .. .
Located in Ponte Vedra Beach seeks
Stylisi lor busy Salon. Great opponunity to
build clientele. Call 994-7408 or 626-9303
Iv. msg
DO you want to loin a winning team Don't
get lert our. Our driver's make $500-$700
per week. Call 249-5151 ask for Brian or
493-5250 ask for Tim Collins
NAEYC accredited Palms Preschool
Bachelor's In early childhood education
preferred. Duties include coordinating slah
schedules and classroom teaching, M-F,
9am-6pm EOE. 247-0983.
Lawn service seeks individual to perform
dependable quality work. Excellent pay &
overtime available. Qrew Leaders wanted.
Perscnel Brothers- Services, Inc. 246-
Experienced Admin Must have strong
computer skills, solid work history FT and
PT positions available Salary is $28-35K
with opponunity for growth
Executive Admin Qualilied candidates
must nave expenence supporting execu-
tive levels, meeting planning, making trav-
el arrangements, etc Proficient in MS Of1-
lice $35-45K based on experience
Accounts Payables, Accounts Receiva-
bles- Entry level and experienced candi-
dates needed. 511-14.nour based on ex-
Please call ATS Slafting at
904-224-1400 or email resume to-
SOUS CHEF. Gill Cook, Dishwasher. Ex-
perienced Servers. Seeking motivated in-
dividuals. Now hiring. Fax resume: 223-
7763; or apply in person between 2-4pm
Marker 32 Resiaurant, 14549 Beach Blvd
modeling Ocean Edge Condos, Jax
Beach. 693-3130.
da Driver's License. Experience helpful
but will train. Good salary & Denelits. Ap-
ply at Sunside Pools 313 Beach Blvd .
246-2666 or tfa resume to: 249-8801.
e-mail: surdsidepools@aol.com
ATRIA SAN Pablo now excepting applica-
tions for Marketing Director Must have ex-
perience and proven Irack record of outl
side sales Also hiring experienced Cooks
and Careglvers. Apply in person at 14199
Wm. Davis Pkwy. Jax Fl. (9041821-9900
Fax 19041821-9879
CUSTOMER service & sales w' exc com-
munication skills. Full or part time. Base
plus bonus. Fax resume 1904)285-0010
or email: lim@mediakids.com
needs highly experienced landscape in-
stallers. 710.9070
.ATRIA SAN Pablo now accepting applica-
tions lor ine following positions. F.T Main.
tenance Director, and F/T,. P/T House-
keeper. Please apply in person at 14199
William Davis Parkway, Jacksonville. FL
helper for lawn. landscape company ex-
cellent, pay. musl have own transponation.
Foreman must have clean DL. experience
a plus Contact Ron 334-3311
CONDO.' HOME Cleaner for busy Ponie
Veara Real Estate Company, F/T. $3'0K
possible. Call lor interview 285-5585
*. .* *
SWIMMING POOL Construction. Top
pay & benefits. Palace Pools. 998-1811,
11655 Central Pkwy #313, Jax, FL
specialty clothing shop in Sawgrass. Full
or part lime Fax resume lo: 1239)262-
CUSTOM PAINTERS needed. Must be
experienced & dependable Transpona-
Iibn a musil 1904)568 0990, (904)465.
FRONT DESK Receptionist in holistic..in
ternal- medical office neededed "FuFl/PRa-
rlime secretarial, clerical, and support ol
M D. -a unique setting Experience re-
quired in answering phones, computer
skills, and communications and public re-
lations skills required Must be enthusias-
tic, dependable, consistent, and an excel-
lent match. Fax resume with references
no phone calls please. Persephone Heal-
ing Ans Cenler, 904-246-3778.
phone eliquerle & people skills. Organized
w.strong computer proficiency. Fast paced
environment Fax 273-4406.
Workplace Division
MARCH 2, 2006 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Allstate Workplace Division AWD (formerly American Heritage Life
- AHL has immediate opportunities for you. We are looking for indi-
viduals who are motivated, eager to learn and enjoy working in a team
environment. Our Managers will be available for initial interviews.
Please bring your resume.
Positions include:
Data Entry/Clerical
Payment Reconciliation
Customer Service
Qualifications include:
Microsoft Word, Outlook and Excel proficiency
Data Entry -7,500 kph
Accounting/Customer Service experience
preferred, but not required.
High school or equivalent. Some college helpful.
Visit our beautiful campus at the corner of San Pablo Road and
J. Turner Butler Blvd. AWD provides a competitive benefit package.
Our campus includes an onsite exercise room, cafetena and walking
trails. The first 25 visitors will receive a free gift. Vistt our website
www.ahlcorp.com to learn more.
A.lslate Workplace Division
1776 American Heritage Life Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224
Pre-employment Drug Screening
Hiring for Full Time, Part
Time, and Seasonal Positions!
We offer Excellent.Benefits: Insurance, including
medical, dental, prescription and vision for Full
Time Associates, Short Term and Long Term
Disability for Full Time Associates, Competitive
Wages, Supplemental Life Insurance, 401K
Retirement Plan, Hotel discounts worldwide, Retail
Shop discounts. Employee meals for $2.00, Paid
Vacation, Free Parking, Associate Referral Bonus,
and Sawbuck Incentive Program.
To learn more about us,
visit our website at
or contact our Job Hotline at: J f
(904) 280-7070
Join our tlesm If you can excel at inside
sales & desire a fast-paced work environ-
ment, we may nave an excellent
opportunity for you. You will join a Nation-
alcompany & work in Ponte Vedra Beach.
Ideal candidate will have 1I- years experi-
ence inside sales, customer service, or
lelemarKeting. & excellent communication
skills. Ability to handle business accounts.
Base pay plus commissions. $25k plus.
FT, no evenings or weekends. PT avail.
Fax resume (904)285-0010 or email
lim@%mediakids cornm
REAL ESTATE Assistant 10 process files
& prepare lor closings. Must be detailed,
organized, able to multi lasK & prioritize
w/strong communication & computer
skills Fax 273-4406
ing Country Club hiring FIT. but will con-
sider PIT applications. Outgoing person-
ality and social interaction, telephone and
computer skills. This is a customer serv-
ice position with the following key lob com-
ponents' taking reservations, billing/ col-
lecting fees, goll shop sales, merchandis-
ing, shop appearance. $9-$10'hr +bene-
Ints Please apply in person Tuesday-
Sunday. Call 285-6459 for directions.
Drug listing/ EOE
LEMON BAR accepting applications Ap-
ply in person. 120 Atlantic Blvd. Neptune
tendent lot established company. Drug
free work place, benefits. 241-2721
for gift shop. Must be able to work week-
ends. Apply in person Sea Shells & Coral.
230 North Boardwalk, JB.
Work at the Beach. Fast-paced office
needs customer focused Administrative
Assistant for multliline phones. Must lest
at 50wprm. ability to mulliii-ask & have ex-
cellent verbal & wrinnen communication
skills Experience in Word & Excel a plus
Monday-Friday. 9am-6prn. Email resume
to: davidb@desenmicro.net or fax to:
froni-ohice, medical records, Billers. Tran-
scriplionists. Family Practice, OBGYN,
and Dermalology experience pielerred,
Fax resume 636-0066.
LIVE AND work at the beach In a casual
atmosphere. Ocean Waves is accepting
applications for Ine following positions-
CSR, Accig, Optical Techs, Oflice Manag-
er. Sales Reps. and Showroom Sales 76
Levy Rd. Apply in person or e-mail resume
to kevin@oceanwaves cornm
Venus store in St. Johns Town Center is
looking for a Manager Qualified candidate
will have 1+ years of relai management
experience. Excellent salary and benefits.
For immediate consideration email re-
sume/ salary requirements to jobs@ve-
nus.com or call Cathy ai 645-6000
prompt 3. EOE.
SOUTH BEACH Salon has chair rental
available Call 673-3639.
CO RVERS I :egna runs
More hometimel 2/26: Pay increase.
Lease purchased CDL-A w/hazmat, 1yr.
exp. 800-299-4744.
BEACHES CAR Wash- full time help.
needed, Wages negotiable lips. Benehts
Avail. Apply in person, 1401 Beach Blvd
pool construction company Multi-account-
ing function position inclusive of AR, AP,
GL, Collections and Job Costs. Human
REsource skills helpful. Must have strong
Excel and organizational skills 2-5yrs. ex-
perience required. Great benefits Including
401(K). Fax resume to Surislde Pools at
904-249-8801 or email to
benefits/ pay. All levels of experience con-
sidered Some knowledge of construction
desirable. The Defenders, Palm Valley,
285-2346, M-F, 8am-4:30pm.
Leadership consulting lirm looking lor mo-
tivaled and bright person to work in a
team-based organization. Ability to work
independently In a professional adminis-
trative position. Requires a minimum 3
years senior administrative business ex-
penence, 60- wpm typing, strong Word,
Excel. and database skills, high attention
to detail, excellent organizational and
phone/client relations skills. Salary $30-
$32k with excellent benefits. Must be able
to lift and carry up to 25 pounds. Qualified
Individuals only, email resume and cover
lener Io hr@stopamnothing.com. EEO and
Drug Free Workplace.
F/T OVERNIGHT Dispatcher needed,
6pm-9am lor 4 nights a week. Light duty
work. but must have good communica-
tions withn public Call 838-8029.
COOK., FT, 10a-7p, $10-11.00 depend-
ing on exp. Apply in person, Ashlord Court
Assisted Living, 1700 The Greens Way,
Jax Bch. FL 32250. ,
FACIAL SPECIALIST with clientele want-
ed Also, Nail Tech w/clientele. No acryl-
ics Day Spa, Jax Beach. Call Miki,
LATHERS Plasterers, Framers for Jax
Beach job, Costa Verano. Ist & 12th Ave.
South. J.C. Gibson Plastering.
Needed lor FL/GA routes Professional
with clean MVR Call 646-1962 M-F.
LOOKING FOR Hard Working, dependa-
ble. detail & multi-task oriented individual,
lor delivery 8 maintenance of medical
equipment & supplies. Must have neat ap-
pearance, excellent customer service
skills & excellent driving record. Back-
ground check is required by law. Apply in
person. Soulheastern Medequip Inc. 905
North Third St. Jacksonville Beach.
COOK (FT/PT) Apply in person, Rite Spot
Restaurant, 1534 North 3rd .Street, Jax
Pressmen, Bindery, Graphic Design, and
Pro-press. 514-1090.
Ss looking to fill the following
Counter Help
Line/Prep Cooks
Shrimp Peeler
We offer health, dental, vision insurance, paid
vacation, 401k and competitive salary.
Candidates must be able to work a flexible
schedule including nights and weekends.
Please apply in person at
4378 Ocean Street Mayport, Florida
.avasSvaS.... Expect Nothing Less
1w' r4r{r\- Than "Five Diamonds"
Do something special for yourself today! Work with one of the
premier luxury resorts in the world by joining the elite staff at
Ponte Vedra Inn & Club. Our exceptional work environment is
one of the most sought after for career satisfaction.
We have the following full & part-time positions available:
Executive Admin. Assistant
Pastry Cook
Nursery/Recreation Attendants
Banquet Set-Up Attendants
Golf Course Maintenance
The Spa Various Positions
Housekeeping Inspector/Inspectress
Laundry Supervisor (PM)
Bell Stand, Front Desk & Reservations
Retail Sales (10 Shops)
Servers (Split Shift)
Golf Cart Attendants
Seasonal Opporu cities
14 Lifeguards (3 Levels)
Swim Instructors
Gym & Beach Reception
We offer an excellent benefits package including medical/dental, life
insurance, sick and vacation days, and discounts at our retail outlets, golf
course and spa. For munmediate consideration apply in person to
Human Resources between 9am- 4pm or forward resume to:
S Pnte Vedra Inn & Club
200 Ponte Vedra Blvd.
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL. 32082
Job Line: 904-280-3607 Fax: 904-273-7753
See current openings at: Profiles.hospitalityonline.com/211464
Oceanfront Excellence
anp,, <6B
rage .
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
IvLVaL"L ..J. -
STAFF COUNSELOR. Are you experi-
enced in weight loss, health spas, skin
products? Do you love to positively affect
people's lives? We have an inside sales
position available offering hourly + com-
mission. Interested Individuals should call
928-9777 arid ask for Holly. Office located
1 block from FCCJ South Campus.
Landscape 1074 10th Ave. South, Jax
Beach. Bonus. 247-4477.
at Vicars Landing Ponte Vedra 10:45am -
7 15pm Some weekends required. Excel-
lent pay and benelils. Drug free work-
place. EOE. Call 273-1734.
pany seeking experienced service lechni-
clan. Must have knowledge of pumps, III.
ters, heaters, and chemical automation
systems. 3-5 years experience, pool re-
modeling skills a plus. Salary dependent
on experience Excellent customer service
skills, full benefits. 401k Fax resume o10
Surfside Pools Jax Beach at 904-249-
8801 or emaill- ulie@surfsidepools.nel
NOW HIRING Sales People, Assistant
Head Cashier Receiving Clerk.
Stock/Carry-out. Apply at Proctor Ace
Hardware. 870 AlA North. Ponle Vedra
AMERICAN HOME Companions needs
compassionate live-in caregivers for the
elderly. Work 2.3, 4 or 5 days per week
Up to $110/day. 631-5354
ASHFORD COURT is accepting applica-
tions tor experienced Dietary Servers, F/T
and P/T. Must De able to work weekends.
Must enjoy working with the elderly in a
professional atmosphere We offer com-
petitive salanes, benefits & bi-weekly bo-
nus plans Apply in person @ 1700 The
Greens Way in Marsh Landing "Park.
PEST CONTROL Technician, licensed,
FT/PT. great benefits. Call 241-8988
FIRST CHOICE Home Improvements.
Needs skilled carpenters & tree climbers
Kitchen Prep/Utllity Good money, casual
atmosphere. very busy, great people to
work with. FT/PT 285-0139
HARDAGE- GIDDENS Funeral Home has
an opening for a weekday secretary/ re-
ceptionist. This Is a multi-task position that
requires a detail-oriented Individual with
excellent verbal and written communica-
lion skills. Computer literacy is required.
Must be able to work under general direc-
lion & perform all clerical duties Including
phones, correspondence and A/P Re-
sumes may be taxed to 904-249-2321,
Attention: Robin Giddens Sheppard.
COOKS NEEDED. Apply at 13170-22 Atl
lantic Blvd Jerry's Sports Grille. 220-6766
Aie you Seeking PAY With BENEFITS?
American Landscape has a position for
you. Call 349-6257
LERS. Seeking experienced and respon-
sible persons to work with long establish-
ed Beaches Company Clean driving re.
cord required Call 249-3317 for appoint-
ment or apply at MBI Landscaping, 861 S.
10th St.. Jax Beach.
NOW HIRING for 2006. Average postal
employee earns. $57,000/yr. Minimum
starting pay $18ihr. Benelils/paid training
and vacations. No experience needed
1800)584-1775 Reference # 5600
ALL CASH candy .route. Do you earn
$800/.day? 30 machines, free candy All
for $9995 (888)629-9968. B02000033
Call us: We will not be undersoldl
EARN 14. Interest. Make a Loan se-
cured by'stock with a personal guarantee
Principal S Interest repaid to you at the
end of one year. $15K mmin. amount All
paperwork handled by local attorney. Call
(904)234 8383.
MONTHLY INCOME, own part of produc-
ing TX oil wells. Min. $25K. For into call
LOVING, IN-HOME Day care Ages 6wks.
& up Please call BecKy, 249-6391.
I AM a babysitrer from Spain looking to
care for children otl all ages. I will provide
care for your child/ children in Ine morn-
ings, evenings, holidays and even on spe-
cial occasions References will be provid-
ed I currently live in Ine Ailinglon area of
Jacksonville with my Navy retiree hus-
band. Call 1904)374-5253.
ACTIVE NANNY honest, dependable.
Iransponatlon & references $9-$411/hr,
any area. CPR & First Aid. F/T & PiT.
WILL PROVIDE quality, live-in or hourly
caregiver for your loved one. Call Ameri-
can Home Companions, 631-5354.
CAREGIVER TO care for your loved one
in your home, 7 days per week, 24 hrs per
day. 5 years experience Mary 273-0566.
IF YOU are inieresied in advertising under
Ihis category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beacnesleader.com
AT&T PARTNER phone system. 5 phones
installed lor $899. 249-8877.
NICE CHILDS maple desk. hutch, chair,
Florida Furniture. $100. 993-2134
3 COMPARTMENT. True beer cooler
works. $350 as is. Call 241-5454.
WASHER. DRYER $250 for set. Whir-
pool. extra large capacity. 635-4829.
home a makeover Shop for top sellers in
collectibles, home, garden and seasonal
decor www.essenhailurnlshings.com
COMPUTER DESKS $75 each Call Jean.
= KAM ---mm ..i ... .
SET OF Ping 13 Golf Club Irons, green
dot, $300. 334.'"55
HOT SPRINGS Jacuzzi Spa, like new.
. Paid $5000, $1250 firm; (904)534-3336.
OAK BUFFET, 1930's Old English, carved
wood doors $180 249-5135
BIRD CAGE, large, wrought Iron on
wheels $75 OBO 703-8380
7 PC Dining room set like new, dark
wood. Livng room sel. Souih*estern
style. Besi offer 234-5129.
5'X10' ENCLOSED Trailer. $1200,
Call 422-0463.
WHIRLPOOL STOVE, excellent condition
self-cleaning oven. $75 firm 241-3994.
PATIO SET- 7 pieces, glass round table 6
chairs wicushiors isage green $200
& cedar, full wall, ils 30' TV. retractable
door and lignis $300 (9041534-3336.
METAL ROOFING. Save $ Buy direct
Irom manuiaclturer 20 colors in sock wilh
all accessories Quick turn around Deliv.
ery available Toll tree 1.888)393-0335.
Laiesl sryler and colors ,Quality inslalia-
lion. Reasonable prices Free estimates.
Buddy 249-1860
DINING ROOM set w matching bDuet,
light oak glass lop, 4 chairs, 2 drawer bul-
let. Penect cond. $1700 new, $575 OBO.
S246-4975 or 463-6840
TREK MOUNTAIN Bike 12 speed $100.
Call 1904)534-3666
HEART PINE, tongue & groove flooring
cul from antique'Pine climbers Installaalon
stair material. FLORIDA HEARTWOOD
ROUND, OAK Pedestal Table, 4 profes-
sionally hand-caned chairs, excellent con.
edition. $600 Call 249-2492 atler 6pm
GIGANTIC 3-DAY auction. March 8, 9. 10,
2006 Montgomery AL Single, tandem &
til-axle dumps 168 ol which are 2005-2006
year, Iruck tractors lowboys crawler
loaders & tractors. excavators. motor
graders & scrapers, backnoes. rubber
tired loaders lorkiiths, paving, kidders.
seller buncrirs logi loaders. larr iraciors
J.M. Wood Auction Co. Inc 13341264-
3265. Brvanl Wood AL Lic # 1137
IF YOU are inleresled in advertising under
ihis category please call 904-249-9033 o
email: class lied',.Deachesieader com
USED 3-WHEELED bikes, adult size. Call
4477.7736 or 223 0362.
110 Seagrape Dr iSeabreeze Woods)
Bargains galore.
BIG SALE Lois or baby sluh. furniture.
hospital bed, miscellaneous iiems. 14525
Cedar Island Rd Salurday. 8am-2pm
HUGE SALE Benelils New Leaf School
Saturday. 8am-" 524A 61inr Ave. North
MULTI- FAMIL/ Yard Sale Saturday
8am.? 903 141h Ave N.
Salel Saturday, Sunday, 9am-" Bring your
shovels and hammers Selling reirigera-
lors stoves. AC s. landscaping and more.
Some new- some old 821 N. 2nd St
MOVING SALE! Saturday, Bam-? Furni-
lure, household, ch.ldrens items. 927 4In
Ave. N.
SEVEN FAMILIES Saturday 8 til ?,
516 10th Ave N
BtIGYARD SALE 112-114 Florida'Blvd
'Saturday,' 9am-3Drn inihques, coilecil.
bles rooks tools etc Antique bDarer
chair, meal smoker.
SATURDAY,. MARCH. 4h. 8am.', corner
ol 1SL& Lora, Nep Bhen
CHRIST UNITED Merhodist Church. 400
Penman Rd Nep Bch is collecting donat-
ed items to ineir Spring rummage sale Io
be held Friday March 3rd and Salurday
March 4ih Irom 9am-3pm both days.
Soup, drinks sandwiches and baked
goods iot sale also, 249-5370
YARD SALE, Salurday 8-12, 756 Aqual.c
Dr Lots ol women 8 kids clothes & toys
ANTIQUES & Collectibles, 3 families. Sat-
urday 8am 330 First St
-- -- -
1988 GMC SIERRA 2500 4 wheel drive.
$1800 OBO, 210-9271.
1985 FORD BrdncoII; 4x4, standard shift,
timing chain, new tires, double tow pack-
age. $1500. (904)534-3336.
1993 FORD Thunderbird, new engine, au-
to A/C. CD $2400 OBO. 716-2586.
1987 MERCEDES 560SL. one owner.
mini, 86,.000ml., asking $19,900
1978 911SC Targa Porsche, owned
22yrs. great shape. $9500 OBO
1984 BMW, Musl see music sell! Good
2nd car. $800 OBO. 735-3163
1994 MONTECARLO runs great, loaded,
$1800 OBO 334-5288
1989 TOYOTA CELICA looks and runs
good. auiomalic. A/C. sun roof $1500
OBO 334-5288
PIANO LESSONS. All levels, styles 8
ages Will come to your rome 241-4954.
SEWING MACHINE Repairs Complete
tune-up All makes, all models, $49 50
Specializing In all types of home. repairs
20 yrs. experience. No Job Too Smalli
Free Esilmales. Doug Tuttle, 446-0051
1* *
Specializing in Commercial and Residen.
tial Cleaning. Lawn Care, Auto Cleaning
Window Cleaning,. Janitorial Services, eic.
Call Hermon, 246-4238. 612-1755
Grading, Lawn Installations. Spread
Dirt, Gravel, Lime 'Rock, Mulch, Stone,
MUCH MORE! Bob, 334-6091.
Automobile Detailing. We come to youl
Great rales. superior service 333-7686.
13 years experience Reasonable prices,
low minimum rates, weekend appoint-
ments available. (904)525-7419.
make it look like newly 223-0591.
CLEAN TO SHINE Our company commit-
ment is 100%. Customer Salislaction at
Affordable Prices. We clean nomes, apan-
rhens. ofbtices.,new consiructlao-.apades-
a1urants Lawn mowing alio available
For a free estimate call 514-7009 or
t904)317-7840 We will Dbea any. company
prices ,.
iMove-in/ Out). ottice. restaurants. Li-
censed & insured Good references
iBeacn Hull. Call for free estimate.
MATURE WOMAN w/experience look-
ing for private homes to clean. Ref's
available. Call 642-2430.
TRUCK LOAD $85. 11 2 LOAD $50.) Buy
3 slacks of 20 pieces, $10/ea., get 1
FREE Free Delivery. David. 993-8348.
Bubba, 651-4564
LOTS OF furniture misc household anil-
ques an bukes Sat 7am- noon. 82 PV
Colonies Cir oft Corona Rdi
FRIDAY & Saturday. misc items Irom A-Z
14290 Salinwood Dr
- LL.~
2003 TAHOE Z71, black, loaded. 4x4.
DVD. 70k hiway miles $24.900 OBO.
1990 FORD Tempo 46,000 miles $2995.
1992 FORD RANGER V-6. $1695
1997 MERCURY Tracer LS, black,
4 doors, automatic, 4'cylinder, gas saver.
131,000 miles, well maintained, dual air
bags, A/C, AM/FM stereo Runs greal
$1800, will consider payments 207-0812,
(west side).
1994 MAZDA MX3. 5-speed, low profiles.
sun root. $1000 stereo system runs great.
$2400 OBO 334-5288.
2001 CHRYSLER Sebring Convenible
LXI. White w/black top. Low miles, very
clean. Retail value $12,900 Sacrifice at
$10,700 Call 247-1175.
1999 LEXUS GS400, silver, fully loaded.
mint condition $22,000.1904)273-3068
1969 CJ5 Jeep. $2500. 553-7203.
ENDLESS SUMMER Lawncare. Free est,.
mates. Professional customer service
Mowing eaging, weeding, trimming- trees.
shrubs. Licensed & insured Residential &
commercial CALL US FIRST! 270-2664.
Maintenance. Clean-ups Sodding. Mulch-
ing, Re-planling available. Free eilimates
sronai Lawn Maintenance Co. FREE
ESTIMATES. 535-2515
Dependable Quahry Service. Reasonable
rates. 821-0737.
Lawn Service and Pressure Washing
Call 294-6022
Commercial, Residential Lawn mainre.
nance. sprinkler systems. clean-up.
sod, mulch. Landscape lighing
(904)382&0007. 19041430-0007 Licensed,
insured. Free estimates inio@preierred-
lawn corn
WINSOR LAWN Service, Inc. Competitive
rales. Call Alan. 237-5301
PALM TREES, Hedges Trimmed. Yard
Clean-ups, Mulching. Sodding, whatever i1
lakes. eic Dave 249-4724.
COMPLETE LAWN & Landscape Mainte
nance 1-time clean-ouis or year-round
accounts 12-years professional exp. Free
esilmaes. Call Kirk 370-0065
Specializing in "Complete Flowerbed
Cleaning and Workover". Call Hermon.
246-4238. 612-1755
C & T Lawn Service year-round service.
mowing, edging. Inimming shrubs, mulch-
ing, laying sod. Free estimates Call
246-2412 925 Plaza Drive Ail Bcn.
SlO00Os to Choose From
p deliver and install
r 10023 Beach Blvd.4
| 334-8408 1
COMPLETE DOCKS & Floating Docks,
Bulkheads wood. vinyl or concreies BoaT
houses also available Please call George
904-226-8700 or Tripp 904-545-9979.
2000 SATURN SC2. 3 door coupe, 49 500
mi. timed windows, automatic. blue. runs
great. $5800. 742-2354.
NATIVE PAINT- expenr, residential/ com-
mercial painting, licensed, insured, refer-
ences. 403-7389.
Specializing in custom interior work. mu-
rals. laux. texture, design work 568-0359.
PAINT IT RIGHT! Interior, exterior Free
estimates. Call Mike Williams, 285-2651.
25yrs. experience.
WASHING COMPANY. 15yrs. expen.
ence. Specializing in Beach homes.
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email- classified@beachesleader.com
IF YOU are nlerested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader.com
NEW POOL 14'X28' Complete Only
$19,900. Also, remodel, remarcile
DAVID'S POOL Service. Weekly cleaning.
,Most residential pools $25/week+ chemi-
cals. Licensed, Insured. Pool clean-ups
our specialty. We make your life a little
easier 285-0240.
THE CALIBER Company. Pool remodels.
re-marcie,. re-ile, tiler upgrades. Excel.
len, references. 386-9744
-IF YOU are interested in advenising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
e-mail. classfied@beachasiear4,c;Qm',t
Remodeling, Renovati ons ddions. Cer
tiled Builder. CBC 1253447 249-7082.
State Certified .Contractor (Hands-on)
New construction/additions, remodeling,
kitchen & bath, termlle. damage, Boo,
626-1165.. -
ALLIANCE BUILDER Group, Inc. General
Contractor. CGC 1505263 All types ol
construction. New homes, room additions
etc. Free estimates. (904)234-1179.
PRESSURE WASHERS for rent or sale.
Tucker Equipment Rental 246-1330.
Painting, Interior. exterior, home repair,
pressure washing. 992-2027. 514-8844
IMPROVEMENTS. Interior.' Exterior Paini.
ing, Faux Finishes. Rotten Wood Replace-
ment; Pressure Washing. (904)894-4257
----------- -
----------- ---
- - -
- - ------------
----- ------
2002 YAIMAHA V Srar 650, loaded, low
mides. $4000 OBO. 247-8995.
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader.com
Page B7
- --- ~-- -
- -- ------------ lip
Memberof th1 e Bfiw Bu-4. Burecui~l
. amorta
bruary to remember for girls soccer
AFe ruaryto remember forgirs, soccer
Pnori tby ROB DeANGELO
Panthers midfielder Lisa Heise (13) fights off Mustangs Cara Bortz (17) and Michelle Bush to
maintain control of the ball during the state championship game Feb. 11.
,, Pnoloa by ROB DealVIELO
ABOVE: Stacey Hanburry receives hugs from Panthers goalkeeper Catherine O'Donnell, left.
Nikki Lombardo (16) and Jamie Silverberg (11) t'the conclusion of the Class 4A state champi-
onship game Feb. 11 at Lockhart Stadium in Fort Lauderdale.
BELOW: Hanburry (8) is congratulated after, scoring :te game's only goal in a 1-0 victory over
Merritt Island.
Girls fastpitch travel teams
are now forming. These travel
teams are called NFGS
Tsunami. Players between the
ages of 9 and 12 looking for a
more competitive softball
environment may phone
James Greek at 612-0337 or
visit wwwv.eteamz.com/nfgs.
Tsunami 14-and-Under girls
fastpitch team is looking for
players. Call 710-6413 or 220-
7988 for tryout and additional
The Grom Surfing Associa-
tion [GSA] is now called
laxPier Suit Camp and is still
located at 2nd North. The con-
tact number is 651-28-43.
Application forms and dates
can be found on jaxpier.com.
JaxPier Surf Camp is the only
surf camp in the nation with a
Live streaming camp cam of
the children and young adults.
For information on the Grom
Surfing Series [GSS], call Charley
Hajek at 247-5538.
The Florida Surfing
Association offers advanced,
professional and intermediate
amateur competitions as well as
surfing camps and clinics. For
more information, visit the web-
site at www.floridasurfing.org or
call 1904 626-9090.
Triathlon Coaching
Steve Petitt, a seven-time
Ironman traithlon Hawaii
competitor, is offering
traithlon coaching for the
upcoming BFAST series of
For more information visit
stevepetitt.com or phone 982-
Jax each .. I
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i --- -------
March 1, 2006
*Paop 8BR
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader.