FEBRUARY 22, 2006
Boys of summer
PVAA ball
season gets
under way
See A-8
Lucky stars
comes home
See A-8
Nease students
go west
See A-3 1
An edition of The Beaches Leader
Vol. 43, No. 70 Serving the communities of Ponte Vedra Beach, Atlantic Beach, Jacksonille Beach, Neptune Beach and Mayport since 1963
Peyton sweetens deal
to swap Guana land
Stage and screen actor Patrick Garner (left), por-
traying inventor Thomas Edison Tuesday at
Rawlings Elementary School, listens for a
response from fifth-grader Daelen Eiberger, por-
traying Edison's right-hand man.
Edison visits
Thomas Alva Edison, the "Wizard of Menlo
Park," stopped by Rawlings and Ocean Palms..ele-
mentarv schools Tuesday on his way from New
Jersey to Clearwater and Miami, all the while show-
ing students that science and history can be fun.
Portrayed by actor Patrick Garner,, the on-stage
Edison brought along some of his inventions,-
among them the electric light bulb and the phono-
He also brought some lessons, to wit:
Work hard and play hard; ,....'.
There are no mistakes as long as you learn from
Try to look at your problems from a different
angle, and
Find something you love to do in your life, and
be sure you do it your whole life long.
The Edison lessons, gleaned from the inventor's
biographical information, were developed by
Garner four years ago while he was helping his
daughter with a fourth-grade project in Montclair,
Garner said he uses the lessons learned in his life
as an actor and as a parent.
"I prefer to pursue a professional acting career,"
Garner said before his Rawlings show, "but as
things got slow and I looked for something to fill in
the gaps, this is so much more fulfilling.
"If I get two or three kids interested in science,
that's a huge effect I can have."
Fueled by an offer to swap 50
acres of privately owned land sur-
rounded by the Guana preserve for
a high school site in the Guana, a
group of Ponte Vedra parents are
recharged in their pursuit of the
Guana site for a high school.
The site, however, has been
rejected by the St. Johns Count'
School Board, and the schools
superintendent said this week the
same "impediments" that were
present the last time a swap was
discussed remain today.
"The [School] Board is aware
that the offer has changed,"
Joseph Joyner, St. Johns County
schools superintendent, said
"However, the impediments to
the opportunity are still there."
With the School Board expected
soon to select from two possible
sites for a Ponte Vedra high school,
a group known as the Ponte Vedra
High School Coalition once again
is pushing for the Guana site.
Herb Peyton, owner of Gate
Petroleum, has offered 50 acres of
his pristine land at the end of Neck
Road in exchange for 50 acres of
Guana land off Mickler Road for a
high school, members of the coali-
tion said.
Peyton's land, bordered on the
east by Ponte Vedra Lake and on
the west by the Guana reserve, has
been on a list of land the state
would like to acquire.
"We learned early on that the
only way for us to acquire the
Guana lands was via a land
exchange," said Mark Bugby, a
Joseph Joyner
member of the coalition, which
first pursued a land swap with
Peyton in 2003.
"It was discovered that the state
actually desires his [Peyton's]
land," he said.
In October 2003, Peyton offered
to give up the development rights
on 104 acres of his land in
exchange for about 100 acres of
Guana land along Mickler Road
for a future high school.
Pevton's most recent swap offer,
however, is for some of the land
itself, rather than for just the
development rights, members of
the coalition said.
The Guana, however, is closely
guarded by more than one entity
at the state level.
According to Joyner, Florida
Gov. Jeb Bush wrote a letter in
2003 to School Board member
Carla Wright in response to
Peyton's earlier proposal.
See SWAP, A-3
Residents: Don't bottle county water
St. Johns County Commissioners
Tuesday approved more than $3.5
million in tax and impact fee
incentives to bring a water bottling
plant to Northwest St. Johns
Though the plant will consume
about 1.1 million gallons of water
per day, Neal Shinkie, engineering
manager for the county Utility3
Department, told commissioners,
"It's not a major issue" for the
county's water supply.
Several residents of Ponte Vedra,
however, expressed a different
"This entire proposal is ludicrous
on its merits," said James O'Toole
of Ponte Vedra Beach.
Last year, commissioners told
Ponte V'edra residents the most
important reason behind the $27
million purchase of St. Johns
Service Co., a Ponte Vedra utility,
was to control county water and
encourage conservation, O'Toole
"So what would be the justifica-
tion for this giveaway?" he asked.
Representatives of the Ponte
Vedra Beaches Coalition and the
St. Johns County Civic Roundtable
voiced similar complaints.
"We have just gone through our
own water war [in Ponte Vedra],"
said Coalition member Marcy
Silkebaken cited several exam-
ples of Commissioner Bruce
Maguire's support of water conser-
vation and quoted County Utility
Director Bill Young as saying the
county has worked for several years
to lift a water supply caution from
the St. Johns River Water
Management District.
Barbara Vergara, director of the
division of water supply manage-
ment for the district, confirmed St.
Johns County was in a priority
water resource caution area about
five years ago.
Vergara said the water manage-
ment district asked the county to
See WATER, A-3
'Step Up' Feb. 27
P,.:l.o by ROB DeANGELO
"Step Up, Florida," the third
annual statewide, month-long
relay event to promote fitness,
will make its way through Ponte
Vedra Beach for the first time
Monday, the penultimate day of
the event.
Residents are encouraged to
participate in the walk from the
Ponte Vedra Beach Branch
Library to the Duval County),
line, where vans will transport
walkers back to the library, said
Rafe Hewett, organizer of St.
Johns County's portion of the
The 1.5-mile walk is scheduled
to begin at 4:30 p.m., after a 30-
minute "health break" at the
library, where fitness businesses
will provide information,
Hewett said.
The event is free, and each
walker will get a T-shirt and a
sports backpack, he said.
A fitness fag is scheduled to
pass to St. Johns County from
Flagler County Monday morn-
ing, when kayakers will travel
from the Marineland area to the
Coastal Outdoor Center on the
Intracoastal Waterway.
Other St. Augustine events are
a walk in Anastasia State Park, a
rollerblading event, a team run,
a walk in downtown St.
Augustine and another to Vilano
Beach, and a bike ride from
Vilano to the Ponte Vedra
Registration for the Ponte
Vedra walk takes place at the
The St. Johns Count' portion
of the relay, which began in
Monroe County early this
month, is one of four paths that
began in different parts of the
The four paths and the flags
they represent are scheduled to
meet in Jacksonville Tuesday, the
final day of the event.
In the two previous Step Up
events, the St. Johns County leg
of the relay passed west of Ponte
Vedra, Hewett said.
"Our community has so much
to offer our citizens and visitors
to help them achieve a healthy
and happy lifestyle," Dawn C.
AUllicock, director of the St. Johns
County Health Department, said
in a news release.
pi a
Subscribe to the Ponte Vedra Leader
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dar................ A-6 Opinion ................ A-4
fled ...............B-4 Police Beat ..............A-5
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aries ............A-7 Weather.................A-2
Copyright 2006 by The Beaches Leader, Inc.
Two sections, 18 pages
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Veterans program set
Capt. Raquel Bono, com-
manding officer of the U.S.
Naval Hospital in Jacksonville,
will talk about the hospital's
services and recent legal issues
at 10 a.m. Saturday in St.
The program is being pre-
sented by the Veterans Council
of St. Johns County and
Disabled American Veterans
Chapter 6.
The town-hall format meet-
ing will be held in Conference
room A of the County Health
Department offices, located at
St, Johns County Health and"
Human Services Center, 1955
U.S. 1 .
For information, contact
Michael Isam, secretary of
Veteran's Council of St. Johns
County at (904) 687-8777.
Bill of Rights endorsed
Homeowners in the Seaside
community in Ponte Vedra, off
State Road AlA near. Mickler
Road, favor the county's adop-
tion of a Neighbo.rhood Bill of
Rights. :
Residents at the recent annu-
al meeting of the, Seaside
Homeowners Association
agreed to support the measure
and. tell the St. Johns County
Commission about that sup-
Jerry. Cameron of St.
Augustine, .who has talked
about the Neighborhood Bill
of Rights to at least two other
Ponte Vedra organizations,
explained the issue at .the
Seaside meeting.
: A Seaside resolution favoring
a "timely adoption of a
Neighborhood Bill of Rights"'
will be presented to the
County Commission, accord-
ing to a news release from the
The bill of rights, pattered
after a Jacksonville ordinance,
Kirstyn Shepler, 15, a fresh-
man at Nease High School,
displays the gold medal she
won at a diving competition
this month in Orlando.
Shepler, who is on the Nease
swimming and diving team,
came in first for her age cate-
gory in dives from a 10-meter
would give re
notification of
planned nearby.
residents early
Horseshoe crab featured
The horseshoe crab will be
featured at a brown bag lunch
at hoon Friday, March 3, at the
Guana reserve's
Environmental Education
Center south of Ponte Vedra.
Janet Koehler, a volunteer at
the Guana Tolomato Matanzas
National. Estuarine. Research
Reserve, will present the pro-
gram on this living fossil, also
'ki6Wff6 as, Lifiulus polyphe-
mus. Live horseshoe crabs will
make a guest appearance.
Visitors are invited to bring
their lunch.
The Environmental
Education Center is located at
the Guana dam off State Road
AlA, about 12 miles south of
Mickler Road.
Attendance at the lecture is
included in the admission to
the center: $2 for adults and $1
for those 10 to 17; For more
information call (904) 823-
, ,
Horseshoe crabs
Mardi Gras at the Beach
Dancing, a comedy show, a
fashion show and light appe,
tizers will be featured at a
Mardi Gras party at 8 p.m. Fat
Tuesday, Feb. 28, in Atlantic
The event, to be held at the,
Atlantic .Theater Comedy
Club, 751 Atlantic Blvd. will
benefit Beaches, Emergency
Assistance Ministry (BEAM)
and From Jacksonville with
Tickets are $15 and can be
purchased at the door. Guests
are invited to wear Mardi Gras,
costumes, masks, beads or ball
For more information, call
249-7529 of visit
AtlanticTheaters.com., ,
Guard honors Shoar
St. Johns County Sheriff
David Shoar was honored at
the Florida National Guard
headquarters in St. Augustine
Friday for more than 25 years
of militaiZy service.
Shoar, a major in the Florida
Army National Guard, has
served as a platoon leader,
company executive officer and
unit. commander in Florida.
Army National Guard units
throughout North Florida.
Before officially retiring last
May, Shoar was called to duty
for several federal and state
operations, among them
Operation Desert Shield/Desert
Storm and during relief efforts
for hurricanes Andrew and.
Opal .
A taste of South Africa
A wine-tasting event featur-
ing hours d'oeuvres and South
African wines'will be held at
the IMAX Theater at World
Golf Village at 6 p.m.
Thursday, March 9.
The event also will feature a
preview of the newest IMAX
release, "Wild Safari: A South
African Adventure," which
opens to the public Friday,
March 10.
The 45-minute film offers a.
'Now, thi s '
is easy
Save $5" OFF the
Beaches Leader, Ponte Vedra Leader
yearly subscription price ($25) by
Renewing wt your first notice. You
will see this offer on your first billing.
close look at the continent of
Africa, led by South African
zoologist Liesl Eichenberger,
'providing information on the
habits and habitat of the "big
five" South African animals -
elephant, rhinoceros, Cape
buffalo, leopard and lion.
Tickets to the wine-tasting
are $35, and reservations are
required at (904) 940-4118.
World Golf Village is located
off 1-95 about five miles north.
of St. Augustine.
Relay looks for walkers
C Cancer survivors .and teams
.of walkers are being6sought 16r
the Relay for Life fund-raising
event to be held next month at
Nease High School.
Organizer Helenel solica said
last week that 39 teams and 42
survivors had signed on to
walk in the event, which will
be held on and around the
football field behind the
school off County Road 210
just east of U.S. 1.
One new community team,
formed by Robin Passa and
called "Friends Crusading for. a
Cure," has already collected
.$2,000, Isolica said.
Donations are also being
sought for theme baskets,
which will be drawing prizes.
Company baskets are wel-,
The event beings at 6 p.m.,
'March 17 and concludes at
noon the next day..
To take part, -call Isolica at
Safari in the Southeast
A program Sunday on
marine life featuring a touch
tank presented by Whitney
Laboratories opens a tour-part
series of monthly events about
animals at the county's library
in Southeast St. Johns County.
Children are encouraged to
read about animals and their
habitats before attending each
event in the program, called
"Reading Safari."
Reading logs can be turned
in at each eventfor a-drawing
for prizes.,
On March 19, a parrot,
snake, chinchilla, lizards and
other live animals from the
Jacksonville Zoo will be fea-
tured in a program on, endan-
gered species..
Florida habitats will be fea-
tured April 23, when represen-
tatives of the zoo will talk
about ,animals that live in
A birds of prey event; pre-
sented May 13 by a wildlife
protection organization
known as HAWKE, will feature
live hawks, owls and falcons.
The May event begins at 1
p.m., and all others begin at 2
p.m. at the library 9n U.S. 1
south of St. Augustine.
For information, visit the
library system's. Web site
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February 22, 2006
The Beaches LePader/Ponte Vedra Leader
T, eI A*
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L V- rv22 00 TeUeahs eaerPnt Vdr LaerPae.A
Nease group goes
west for lessons
The first week of February,
26 Nease High students
embarked on a journey to
Anaheim, Calif., for a
Student Television Network
(STN) convention.
This year's theme was "Tell
the Story," and there were
many opportunities to learn
how to do so after the Nease
students left from the'
Jacksonville airport on
Wednesday, Feb. 1.,
The convention, which
hosted nearly 2,000 stu-
dents, took place at the'
Disneyland Hotel, where the
students stayed.
The nation's only conven-
tion for scholastic broadcast-
ers, the event drew partici-
pants from 144 schools in
more than 40 states.
Each student selected four
workshops from the 40 that
broadcast journalists and
film producers. There were
also onsite critiques of stu-
dent work.
Among evening activities
were a dance party, the first
"STN Film Festival" featuring
screening of 10, .student.
films, an energetic ."Varsity
TV Wannabes" session plus a.
variety of student-produced
music videos 'on a big screen.
Nease students entered six
events ut of the 11 offered.
These ,included broadcast
news writing, anchoring,,
spot feature, live reporting,
stand-ups and editing.
'Clark Fouraker received an
honorable mention for his
entry in the live reporting
I .
pr.ic'o l.uEr.1. "T D
A group of Nease High School broadcasting students and their teacher, Susan Sczcepanik,' pose
during their recent trip to Los Arigeles for a national broadcasting convention.. .
category. He :wrote.a news
script 'about a simulated
news event, delivered it, con-
ducted.. an interview anid
fielded questions, from an
anchor. '
Oni Saturday, Feb., 4, after
the convention:was- over and,
most schools went home,
Nease stayed in Los Angeles.
Some of the group
shopped on Melrose and the
Promenade,, -went to the
Santa Monica Pier, strolled
down the Walk of Stars, and
toured Beverly Hills from a
procession, of mini-vans,
while some of the boys went
to Disneyland and California
Adventures instead.
In addition to teachers
Susan Szczepanik and Geoff
Stephens, the Nease group
included students Alex
Ameral, Taylor Barry,
Jennifer Bost, Michael
Bucholz, Kelly Burke,
Christina Crawford, Julie
Fastenberg, Caleb Fontanez,
Clark Fouraker, Kate
'Humbarger, Kayle Johnson
and Kathleen Joyce.
Also, Christen Kerins, Marc
Kuiper, .Chad Littin, Mike
McCall, Randy Mickens,
Lindsay Perrine, Marissa
Pielstick, Danielle 'Reed,
Jordani Saul, Alex Smith, Paul
Thomas, Ben Walters, AJ
\Vetherington and AJ
Edison: Inventor's life offers lessons for elementary students
Cont. from A-1
Garner was joined on stage
at Rawlings by three young-
sters in the roles of Edison's
longtime associates: Charles
Batchelor,, his 'right-hand
man, portrayed by Daelen
Elberger; Lewis :Howard
Latimer, a prolific African-'
American inventor played by
Corey Brown; and Frederick
Ott, portrayed by Alex Moss..
Ott appeared in the first
copyrighted motion picture
in 1894, which lasted five sec-
onds and was called "The
Garner presents his pro-
gram primarily in and around'
New Jersey, in New York and'
Connecticut, he said. His
TheatreWorks trip to Florida.
Cont. from A-1
The letter describes the go'v-
ernor's constitutional duty to
.protect Florida's natural
resources, giving the School
Board the impression that he,
would reject such a land
Because 'of such "impedi-
mrnents," Joyner said, the
School Board decided to drop
the Guana land from the list
of potential high school sites.
in 2004. .
And despite the. apparently
sweeter deal being offered by
Peyton, the same obstacles
that clouded the original pro-
posal stand in the way of the
new deal as well, Joyner said.
The two methods for acquir-
ing land, in the. Guana pre-
and the Jacksonville area is
the longest he has made with
Edison, he said. ..
Garner uses.what he and his
daughter learned to teach stu-
dents what Edison invented
and also tell them how he did
it, "to give them some tools
they can use in school aand
farther out, for the rest of
their careers," he said.'
Garner does Edison about
100 times a year, for all grade
levels but' primarily for
kindergarten '.to seventh
grade. With an average of 200
students per school, he reach-
es about 80,000 youngsters a
year, he said.
As .an actor, he, appeared
briefly as a newsstand vendor
in the most recent film pro-
duction of "The Producers."
serve, Joyner said, are to have
a bill OK'd by the Florida
Legislature or' to have Bush
and his executive cabinet OK
the proposal directly.
Either way, the. Florida
Department of Environmental
Protection (DEPi mustmake a
'J'ecoitnrien'dation,j oy-'s-s'aid,
and'the DEP'has ihot bdenr Will-
ing to recommend either of'
Peyton's proposals.
Nonetheless, Joyner said the
School Board has been "eter-
nally grateful for Mr. Peyton's
'Joyner has said the School
.Board should choose a Ponte
Vedra high school site this
spring., .,
The two sites being consid-
ered are a 30-acre parcel off.
"I have only a few seconds,"
he said, "because they cut the
song that I'm in. You see 'me
selling a newspaper to
Nathan Lane, who's supposed
to turn around arid sing a big
song. They cut it from the
movie, but the director told
me it's going to be on DVD."'
Among the television shows
Garner, has appeared in are
"Law. and Order" and
"'Chappelle's Show." He said
he cringes when he asks :Stu-
dents 'how many of them
watch the latter.
"It's too crude for me to
. atch most of the time," he
'As to Edison,' he said,
"When I get a kid wh6 comes'
up after the show, it reinforces
what I'm trying to do.
State Road AIA behind Talbots
and a 75-acre site east of Davis
Park off County Road 210 west
of the Intracoastal Waterway.
Meanwhile, the Ponte Vedra
High School Coalition is work-'
ing to meet with Bush and his'
cabinet to discuss Pevton's
proposal '." s .
The coalition has scheduled ,
'two public meetings tonight 2
and Thursday at 7 p.m. to
inform the public of Peyton's
offer, and to rally support for
their efforts.
The meetings will be held in
the offices of Dr. Kayce
'Rumsey in the Po6nte Vedra
Plastic Surgery building
behind Peoples First. Bank on
State Road A1A. The public is
-, 'w o--na 'm 'sure .- 7. ... .-, m
-, n" [r CnUCK ADAM ,S
Patrick Garner portrays Thomas
Edison Tuesday at Rawlings.
"This is definitely rinot a
stuffy or stodgy show," he
added "I don't put on the
white hair. That's the image
most people have of Edison,
staid' and reserved. and
respectable. .
"'His second wvife made him
respectable. With his first
wife, he was a wild man."
Garner uses the way Edison
worked to reinforce a point he
tries to get across to students.
"Edison always worked
hard," he said. "But making
history is fun, science is a lot
of fun. Breakthroughs? You've
got to celebrate them and use
the technology."
Garner's show at Rawlings
and Ocean Palms was spon-'
sored by the Ponte Vedra
Public Education Foundation.
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'Shadow and Light' show opens Friday
Photographs made in dis-
tant lands are featured in a
new exhibit, "Shadow and
Light," which opens Friday
at Bethel Gallery in Ponte
Vedra Presbyterian Church.
Pamela Casey took. the
photos in Nova, Scotia,
Africa, Amsterdam and
Russia, and most are' from:
her recent missions trip to
There, she captured images
of 'Red Square, the- Moscow
Circus, an orphanage,
ancient and modern church-
es and many Russians.
Casey, who has taught
photography for eight years,
has given photography class-
es at Ponte Vedra
Presbyterian for two years. ',
Her next class at. the
church, begins in March,
when' she will give instruc-
tion on digital photography
and Photoshop techniques.
The church is at 4510 Palm
SValley Road, Ponte Vedra."
Gallery hours'are 9 a.m. to 5
p.m. Monday through Friday,
and 9 a.m. to noon Sunday.
A meet the artist hour is
scheduled at 10 a.m. Sunday.
Water: Plant expected to employ 250
Cont. from A-1
find alternative sources, of
water besides the fresh water
just below the surface.
That's when the county
made plans for an. osmosis
water treatment plant, which
breaks ground next month,
Vergara said.
Instead of using shallow,
fresh ground water, which can
be found up to 120 feet under-
ground, the plant will extract
brackish water from deeper
underground and treat it for
consumption a more expen-
sive process.
But such a pricey alternative
was both a strategic and neces-
sary move on the county's
party, Shinkre said.
'He said using the shallow
fresh. water supply was begin-i
ning to affect water levels in
the county's wetland areas.
Using 'brackish water will
help solve that problem,
Shinkre said, and it will help
conserve the shallow fresh
water supply for the future.
"The resource is there --it's
just how you manage it,"
Shinkre said in an interview
"I'm confident right now
that we don't have a problem. I
believe we're good for at least
30 years."
Before the bottling plant can
be built, the county will have
to ask the St. John River Water
Management District for a
change in its consumptive use
permit, which currently does
not allow bottling as an .acept-
ed use of water.
Vergara said modification to'
that permit 'could take any-
where, from a few months to
more than a year as the water
management district conducts
a review of the water supply.
Nonetheless, Shinkre said
developers of 'the bottling
plant are anticipating that it
will be up and running by
March 2007.
The plant is expected to
employ about 250 people. Its
equipment is expected to bring
$33 million in taxes over 20
$49 to ENROLL
;(Regularly $149)
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Swap: Impediments cloud proposal
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The Leader
Page 3A*
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
February 22, 2006
www.beachesleader.com Locally Owned and Operated m Serving the Beaches since 1963 THE BEACHES LEADER/PONTE VEDRA LEADER
Letters to the editor:
Peyton offer too
good to reject
Sb. p I
'- Cop'
To the editor:
Almost 30 yea
became an Eagle
to be a good.
develop a strong
for nature and
ment.- When
-degree in, zoolog
fragile life-ecos'
estuaries and m<
Florida. I strong
support oui
efforts in prese
wetlands for futi
I am a charter
Friends of
Management an
the thought o
within these lan
But the offer
Herb Peyton can
In the big picture
these lands, the
50 acres that sit
Vedra as part oft
to the Preserve
and most generic
The land alon
that was identify
School Site Sear
in 1999, as the
location for a 1
Ponte Vedra I
mostly of scrub
is less environmi
-.thrji the proper
Ponte Vedra hor
have been bu
encourage anyoi
questions abou
examine this f
You may prefer
old shoes or bo
PublLx shopping
the west of tl
Outpost property
hand is in need
ment as these w
- sitive to the
Preserve. It is in
est of our future
lands. Aerial ph
Mr. Peyton's lan
with the Prese
Mickler Road site
To the editor:
I am writing
the gentleman
comment our
seemed to come
It ryould be wrong for our
ars ago, when I elected officials to ignore this Syn n
Scout, I learned extremely generous offer. As cit-
citizen and to izens, we own this property. .
ig appreciation How can we pass up an offer to Available fromI
- our environ- obtain an additional 50 acres of
I earned- my environmentally sensitive lands
y, I studied the in exchange for building a high
systems in the school that is desperately need-
arshes of North ed. This is a win-win situation
ly for Ponte Vedra, for elected offi-
r legislature's dals, for environmentalists, and
Serving sensitive especially for future generations
ure generations, to live in our community. I
er member, of I currently have two children
Guana River who are scheduled to graduate
id I amagainst from Nease High School before
f development a 'Ponte Vedra Beach High
ds. School will ever be completed.
made by Mr.. I have been very happy with
not be ignored., the education they are receiv-
e of conserving ing, but I know a high school B rt e v e
offer of adding within" our community will
on Lake Ponte ignite even greater parental
the old Outpost involvement and lead to the
is outstanding successful education for our area h i g s
)us. 'children.
ig Mickler Road As alternatives, the proposed
ed by the High Davis Park high school site will nce upon a time, the
rch Committee have to be shared with the Hasidic story goes, a
most desirable Nocatee community until we, as Poor man went to a
high school in county taxpayers, fund a new wise rabbi with a complaint.
Beach consists site within their limits. The "I'm going crazy," the man
pine. This area Talbots site should be used only said. "I'm'. living in a small
entallv sensitive as a last resort due to the limited house with my wife, six chil-
erty that most space and the traffic impact. drenh and my mother-in-law,
nes As citizens in Ponte Vedra and there's' no room to move.
Uit on. I would Beach, we must act now to be I'm going to have a nervous
ne who has any assured that this land exchange breakdown."
t this land to takes place. Be sure to weigh The rabbi thought for a
or themselves, the facts.and let the school minute and said, "Do you-
to wear some board know how important this have any animals?" ,
)ots. The new is to our future. This is a legal "Yes," the man said, "I have
center is just to land exchange that would qual- a goat and some chickens.", ,-
his site. The ifs, on its merit under current "Good," the rabbi said, "I
y on the other statutes. want you to bring the-goat
of I would like to send a scout \and chickens into the house."
from develop- salute to Mr. Herb Pevton for A- ,week later, the man
wetlands are sen- being more than generous by returned and told the rabbi,.
whole Guana offering these sensitive wetlands "Rabbi, Rabbi,. things are
Sthe best inter- bordering the Guana Preserve in worse now. It's terrible in my
to secure these exchange for the pine uplands house. What can I do?"
otos show how along Mickler road. How can The rabbi said, "Go home
d is more inline we in good conscience say no? and take the goat and the
serve than the RonaldJ. Renuart, DO chickens out of your house."
e. ':. .? J onte'Vedra Beach! '.l9*.i next day. .the. m-a
,, .' -came to the tabbi and said,
". Oh, Rabbi, everything is so
g owners need to learn much better now. You are the
wisest man in the world."
Things could be worse,
T call myself a dog trainer, but couldn't they? For example:
in response to what I really do is teach people -- Many years ago I inter-
who wrote to to be the alpha dog of their viewed a man who had chick-.
alpha dogs. pack, in their home. When peo- ens inside his house. An occa-.
his comments ple quit believing that their sional pig or two wandered
from the expe- dogs knows that they are a in, too,. I recall. He had. at
rience of letting dogs loose in a human, and begin immediately:
farmlike setting. And although to see things ,on the very basil
I totally agree with his com- level of a pack leader, then the'
ments regarding the pack men- become the alpha dog, and thi
-tality of dogs, I fear that people, supposed alpha dog then real
will read this, and assume that izes his true place, and his alpha
the alpha dog situation can be behavior then goes away. Thi
dangerous. current state of affairs with dog
As the Fletcher High School is disturbing, and it may on,
Community Education Dog day lead to only having a dog i
Trainer for the past 15 years il you personally pass some stupid
am the founder of the class), a test or something. This can bE
dog trainer in general for the stopped when we stop blaming
past 31 years, dog training the dog.
instructor at the U.S. Army So just like when we senc
Education Center in Fort Bragg, someone to driving school fo
N.C., and a decorated Scout Dog driving badly, perhaps we neec
handler from the Vietnam War, to send humans to dog training
..I do believe that my input here school when they have a prob
is needed. To simply label some lem .with being a good do
dogs "alpha" does not benefit owner.
.the dog at all, In fact, this can Joe White
label a dog as a "problem", 47th Scout Dog Platoon
vwhen the real problem here is 101st Airborne Divisior
lack of people training. Vietnam 69/7(
Kathleen Feindt Bailey Linda Borgstede
Editor, The BeachesLeader' Director ofSales
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, Jane McElhiney
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Jennifer Wise
Vice President ,
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Press Room
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righted Material'
idicated Content4
Commercial News Providers"
could be worse
S.. -
least one dog and no telling:
how many cats. I wanted my
wife to see the place, but she
refused to go inside. I just
knew if she saw inside, she'd'
never complain again about
all the newspapers scattered
around my easy chair. Things
could be worse.
-- I remember the time
only."live marketing people'
called out house eVery night
at suppertime. They usually
called from India. But I see, a.
new trend coming: recorded
sales pitches. I don't like
being rude to a real live per-.
son, but I have -no trouble
hanging .up :on a steel-cold
recorder. Things could be
-- If you tell your kinfolks
up North that you like boiled
squash and onions, make sure.
you specify "yellow squash."'
For nearly a year, I was forced
to eat boiled butternut squash
in Massachusetts because'I
failed to specify. Southerners,
you see, will eat something
they really don't like just to
avoid offending the person
who cooked it. So if you don't
like what's on the table, eat a'
little of it anyway. Things,
could be worse.
-- If you've ever done some-
thing stupid., as J:have many
times publicly, too don't
;beat yourself up tpo much.-
Just think of the manr Who
put his new Winnebag on..
cruise control and then,
stepped into the back to fix' a
cup of coffee. When the
\Vinnebago wrecked, he sued
.the company for not telling
him the Vehicle wouldn't
steer itself down the highway.
Yiou "se. thnig. could be'
worse. a n" y '. p*l.".
-- I am about to get
involved in my first hobby
since marbles went out of
style. I think I want to make,
wooden bowls and learn the
guitar. Together. A friend who
insists I can't use his name
collects bowling balls.
Things could be a lot worse,
More letters to the editor:
Mickler's site makes sense
To the editor:
New, Mickler Site exchange .
proposal is a "'win-win" for
environmental concerns and
east of the Tntracoastal high
school site proponents alike!
How? Herb Peyton's newly
announced exchange proposal
demonstrates how a private
land owner can donate high
value,-natural resource land to
:: achieve a two fold public ben-
efit; public protection of desir-
able natural resource land, and
land for a public school at no.
cost to county taxpa\yeis. State,
and Federal agencies have
made Mr. Peyton's Outpost
land a "high priority' acquisi-
tion," to. deter development
along -the shores of Lake Ponte'
Vedra and to provide addition-
al upland buffers to the Guana
River. His offer achieves these
stated conservation objectives
at no cost to federal, state or
county agencies. The no cost
,benefit is achieved-because Mr.
Peyton is willing to give up his
valuable land for the benefit of
the children of Ponte Vedra'
Beach and Palm Valley. He
believes the best place for the'
new' high school is in the pine
plantation area along Mickler
Road, behind the new Publix'
shopping center. His generosi-
ty creates a "win" for conserva-
tion and a "win" for public
education in our. community.
State and local opposition
claimed that the state wasn't
getting anything by Mr.
Peyton offering just his devel-
opment-rights, which was the
basis of the original proposal
in 2003.' Mr. Peyton has mod-
ified his proposal, which now,
offers to deed 50 acres (fee-
title) of his land to the state in
exchange for 50 acres, along
NMickler Road, for the high
school. That means total pub-
lic access to the land he is giv-
ing up.
Governor Bush has NEVER
said no to any of Mr. Peyton's
,exchange proposals The let-
ter that everybody suggests he
said "no"' to was written to
School' Board. member Carla
Wright, in January 2003. That
Was long before either
exchange was proposed. At
that time, what Governor Bush
did say was that he should
uphold his Constitutional
directive,, "...to conserve 'and
protect our natural resources
and scenic beauty." His
approval of Mr. Peyton's latest
Put school by Publix
To the editor:
Please build the Northeast
St. Johns County High
School behind the Publix on
Mickler Road.
The GMT Reserve gets 1
for 1 acreage from Herb
Peyt6n's Outpost.
The kids of Ponte Vedra
and Palm Valley get a school
that is truly theirs.
Ponte Vedra: and Palm
Valley are depending upon
Thank you for your help.
Everette Street
Ponte Vedra Beach
exchange proposal will be do
precisely that.
Most of Mi. Peyton's 104-.
acre Outpost property.consists
of rare vegetative, natural
resource communities, which
makes it desirable for conserva-l'
tion. "Additionally, it has
approximately 4,400 feet of
shoreline at the western edge
of Lake Ponte Vedra IGuana,
River) :-The state is highly
motivated to prevent future
development along the Gpuania
River. The problem is, state
agencies don't have the finan-
cial resources to acquire land
that is also extremely valuable
for development. The state
rarely pays more than $5000
per acre for conservation land.
Today's Ponte Vedra Beach real
estate land values are consider-
ably higher, so it is unlikely the
state could ever acquire the
Outpost by a fee2-simple trans-
action. Mr. Peyton's proposal.
makes his land available to the
State via an alternative to fee-'
simple acquisition, which is
what the state Legislature
encourages state agencies to
do. Also, his proposal is a clear
demonstration of the
Legislature's directive that
encourages the development
of creative partnerships
between governmental agen-
cies and private, landowners.
Using these recently endorsed
methods of land acquisition,
the State achieves its own con-
servation objectives at no cost.
Davis Johnson, Jr.
Ponte Vedra Beach
may keep
us dry as
seas rise
G global warming is caus-
ing sea levels to rise as
much as 3 feet a year,
according to a recent.broad-
cast on scientists paid by the
government to watch the
thermometer and issue dire
The alarming increase in sea
levels is enough to give pause
to those of us who live along
the coastline.
I'm not ready to start pack-
ing or building an ark, howev-
er. -". ,
, Given that I live 15 blocks
from the ocean, I know I'm
not likely to find waves: lap-
ping at my doorstep any time
soon. "
Besides, the conclusion of a
,1988 EPA-funded report offers
some hope to even the worst
The only hitch is that we're
all going to have to embrace
growth and its attendant
soaring property values.,
Renourishment of the shore-
line in Florida and elsewhere is
a proven albeit expensive -
mechanism to stabilize, the
coast and keep coastal' proper-
ty safe and dry, notes the 1988
report, "National assessment of
beach renourishment require-
ments-associated with acceler-
ated sea level rise".
The report details that
renourishment costs will triple
nationwide between 2000 and
2020, given the sand that will
be needed to build up shore-
lines against rising sea levels;
For everyone who has cursed
the 'congestion while driving
along Third Street recently or.
wondered whether we really
need another condominium
on the oceanfront, the report.-
has a gem of solace.
The report makes it clear
that the' enormous value of
coastal property makes it likely
that coastlines in densely
developed areas will continue
to be renourished to fight back
advancing waters. -
"It is safe to assurrie that the
densely developed areas will
be nourished and maintained.
-What is unclear is at what
point moderate-density areas
will be forced by. economic
considerations to choose
another approach (e.g., retreat
from the eroding beach)," the
report states.-
I In other words, the smaller
a coastal community's tax
base, the less likely it is that
renourishment funding will be
a priority.
The 1988 report notes that
Miami Beach with its $1 bil-
lion in coastal property values
is a sure thing for renourish-
ment .funding.
For the record, at the three,
Beach municipalities, the tax
base rose from $3.46 billion to
$4.02 billion between. 2004
and 2005.
Guess that makes us a sure
No taxing authority wants
to find billions, of taxable
property slip-sliding away into
the sea, so I guess I don't have
to worry too much right now
about the oceanfront moving
Now we just have to worry
about how to pay for all the
renourishment that will be
needed in the future.
Send letters to:
The Editor, The Leader, P.O. Box 50129, Jacksonville Beach, Fla.
32240, or send e-mail to: editor@beachesleader.com
Avoid personal attacks and type or write your comments legibly.
Lengthy letters may be edited as space requires.
--TPaeP 4A
L rLur.l J. /L7 ,1 .^Vu
Police Beat
Various jewelry valued at
$430 was reported stolen from a
residence Feb. 13 in the 700
block of Bonita.
A checkbook/wallet was
reported stolen'from a business
Feb. 14.
A simple assault was reported
Feb. 14 in the 100 block of
A simple assault was reported
Feb. 16 in the 900 block of
Timothy Shawn Smith, 18, of
Jacksonville was arrested and
charged with possession of a
controlled substance'Feb. 18 in
the area of West 11th Street and
Mayport Road, according to a
police report.
Someone reported that $40
cash and an ATM card were
stolen from a purse Feb. 20 in
the 1600 block of Main Street.
A glass door at a business was
reported shattered Feb. 19 in the
1100 block of Third Street.
The window of a vehicle was
reported broken Feb. 21 at
Fletcher High, 700 Seagate
A domestic battery was
reported at a business Feb. 19 in
the 1400 block of Atlantic
A credit card fraud was report-
ed Feb. 17 in the 500 block of
Burglary to a vehicle parked
in the driveway of a residence in
the 100 block of Broken Pottery
Drive was reported on Feb. 17.
There were no signs of forced
entry to the vehicle which had
been parked Feb. 16. The owner
reported that a laptop computer
valued at $2000 and CDRom
valued at $59, which had been
secured in the trunk, were miss-
A vehicle was reported stolen
from the parking lot of a busi-
ness in the 10000 block of
Highway IN on Feb. .18. It had
been there on Feb. 17.
'Criminal mischief was report-
ed by a resident of the 24000
block of Marsh Landing Parking
on Feb. 17. .According to the
police report, stained glass doors
at the residence were broken
after being hit with an
unknown object at 11 p.m. on
Feb.. 16. The owner reported
that since Oct. 31 there were
several incidents of criminal
mischief and reported observ-
ing a white vehicle 'with
teenagers .inside leaving the
vicinity of the house. Total dam-
ages were estimated at $3170.
A resident of the 100 block of,
S. Roscoe Blvd.: reported crimi-
nal mischief to a mi'ailbox
between Feb. 17 and Feb. 18,
The damage was estimated to be
Annoying telephone calls to
the residence and office of a
Ponte Vedra resident were
reported on Feb. 17.
On Feb. 18 a Ponte Vedra res-
ident reported criminal mischief
to a vehicle parked in the
Fairfield Clubhouse parking lot.
According to the police report, a
gas cap had been taken from the
vehicle. The owner also reported
that graffiti had been painted
on the vehicle in October, 2005.
The theft of a John Deere Pro
Gator valued at $20,000 was
reported on Feb'. 20. According
to the police report, the equip-
ment was parked in fenced area
near the 100 block of PGA Tour
.Blvd. on Feb. 19.
Owen Vining III, 54, of
Neptune Beach was arrested and
charged with two counts of bat-
tery to a law enforcement offi-
cer, possession of cocaine and
possession of controlled sub-
stance Feb. 18 in the 900 block
of Third Street, according to a
police report.
*. ... -. *
The workout room for
employees at Beach Marine was
reported vandalized with a fire
extinguisher Feb. 20 in the 2300
block of Beach Boulevard.
Glen Carol Jenkins, 53, of
Jacksonville Beach was arrested
and charged with armed burgla-
ry and grand theft Feb. 21 in the
City OKs merchants' request
Sidewalks,' lighting and land.
scaping 'will be added along a
portion of 4th Avenue South to
improve the safety for the mer-
chants and their customers.
City officials will work with
the property owners and busi-
nesses in the area to develop a.
plan "that is both pleasing, to
them and affordable for us,"
Planning and Development
Director Steve Lindorff said.
The i, Community'
Redevelopment Agency.
Monday approved up to
$19,156 to. complete a stu'dN;,
and develop a master plan for
the project.
Jax mayor
poised for
In response to requests from
Beaches residents, Jacksonville
Mayor John Peyton will host his
first Beaches Town Hall Meeting
on Thursday, March 2, his staff
said this week.
Residents of Jacksonville
Beach, Neptune Beach and
Atlantic Beach are invited to the
meeting, which will be held in
the Council Chambers of
Jacksonville Beach City Hall, 11
N. 3rd St., Jacksonville Beach,
from 7 8:30 p.m.
"The meeting will provide an
opportunity for Beaches resi-
dents to ask Peyton questions
about government services and
other matters that, affect their
'quality of lffe.
"The City of Jacksonville
enjoys a good relationship with
,the Beaches governments and I
look forward to hearing first-
hand from residents how we can
work together to serve them bet-
ter," said Peyton. "The town hall
meetings I have held in loca-
tions, around Jacksonville have
been invaluable, letting me
know what's really important to,
people and ,ensuring that resi-
dents' issues are addressed."
Peyton has hosted town hall
meetings nearly every other'
month since the beginning of
his administration. At each
meeting, the mayor takes ques-
tions from attendees and asks
city officials to address citizens'
more specific issues following
the meeting.:,I
On average, about 110 resi-
dents attend the meetings,
which are traditionally held in
school auditoriums and other
community facilities. Questions
from the audience range from)
code enforcement and drainage
to trash collection and trans-
portation, Peyton's staff said.
The March 2 meeting is open
to all county residents, not just
those living at the Beaches. For
more information, call Lorrie
DeFrank, Jacksonville's Chief of
Neighborhood 'Services
Division, at (904) 630-7386 or
via e-mail at ldefrank@coj.net
This, Lindorff said, will enable
the CRA to determine the scope
of the work and establish a
price. The study will take six to
eight weeks to complete and the.
final cost estimate will be
brought back before the agency,
for approval.
Prosser Hallock, Inc., the city's
'landscape architect,will com-
plete the project in two phases.
A ,detailed site '-survey and
input from the merchants will
be used, to develop the parame-
ters of the project which will
include on-street parking, light-
ing, ,he.,mnstallation of..tiaffit,
calming devices, sidewalks and
crosswalks and decorative
pavers. t .
Benches, trash receptacles,
bollards, tree gates and planters.
are also being considered as
added enhancements to the
City officials agreed to consid-
er the project after the business
owners sought relief for their
customers. The area is not well
lit and many of the shops are
open or would like to remain
open into the evening hours,
merchants said.
"We appreciate you looking
into this," said Ann Eastlack, the
owner ,of Sugarfoot Antiques.
"We have a high volume of foot
traffic in the area."
Malcolm Anthony, P.A.
Malcom Anthony* Kelly Corsmeier* Kim O'Steen
Criminal Defense
'e* DUI / BUI
Employment & Labor
Estate Planning .
S. .. *.Family Law
S Juvenile Law
Personal Injury ,
Auto Accidents
Former Prosecutor-Dural and
'St. Johns Counties
Lifelong Beaches Resident
"Stay out of trouble... but if you don't,
call me."
4 Sawgrass Village, Suite 230B, Ponte Vedra Beach
285-4LAW (4529)
Credit Cards Accented
Francis X. Decandis, M.D.
rif. 1p.cI c A d C c. n iiiiiiio.u inr e t h-e rd e I a, c at i o 1 I
li s F aimie 'a- I'i e LU"''u ec in oie practice an- l aL
Ilins ass o. iaItLio.n g [itli D' S L a'iessinese
andl l DlE C -ll,,iSL i.&a.
D L e ch tll is u accepTing patients at
lit i li ce l .ate l il t t s e i -uI ml at
700 3"J Street, Suite 302
(m l i t in l Ilj..dr'lc' IIBlra lch ot tie Librar.,)
Neptune Beach, FL 32266
Tel. (904) 247-7778
700 block of 5th Street North,
according to a police report.
A check fraud was reported
Feb. 20 in the 2200 block of
Third Street South.
An identity theft was reported
Feb. 20 in the 1800 block of Blue
Heron Lane.
A bag. of medication was
reported stolen from a residence
Feb. 20 in the 1600 block of
Shetter Avenue.
lohn Tidswell, 50, of Orange
Park was arrested and charged
with trafficking in cocaine less
than 20 grams, possession of
cocaine, possession of a con-
trolled substance and manufac-
turing paraphernalia known to.
be used to produce a controlled
substance 'Feb. 17 in the 300,
block of Third Street North,,
according to a police report.
S* *
A vehicle was reported bur-
glarized Feb; 17 in the 300 block
of Ocean Drive South.
A vehicle was reported stolen
Feb. 17 in the 300 block of
Beach Boulevard.
A brick was reported thrown
through a vehicle's window Feb.
18 in the 900 block of 8th
A battery was reported Feb. 18
in the 400 block of Third Street
William Michael Howard, 51,
homeless, was arrested and
charged with possession of a
controlled substance Feb. 19 in
the 10 block of First Street
North, according to a police
A purse, was reported stolen
from a vehicle Feb. 19 in the 10
block of 8th Street North..
0 .. .
Various credit cards were
reported stolen Feb. 19 in the
1700 block of The Greens: Way.
James Joseph Craig II, 27, of
Riverton, Illinois was arrested
and charged with possession of
a controlled substance Feb. 18
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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 5A
in the area of the 8th Avenue
beach access, according to a
police report.
A residence was reported bur-
glarized Feb. 17 in the 200 block
of Third Street South.
A camera valued at $300 was
reported stolen from a residence
Feb. 16 in 100 block of 7th
Street South.
Patricia Diane Albert, 48, of
Jacksonville Beach was arrested
and charged with aggravated
assault with a deadly weapon
Feb. 16 in the 4000 block of
America Avenue, according to a
police report.
A battery was reported Feb. 17
in the 900 block of Marsh
Landing Parkway.
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February 22, 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Wenhkesdly, Feb. 22
Daughters of' the Confederacy:
United Daughters of the Confederacy
will meet at 11 a.m. at the Selva
Marina Country Club. Dr. Cynthia
Roberson Waddell is the speaker.
Visitors are welcome. 223-3025.
Black history concert: The St. Johns
Cultural Council in partnership with
the Lincolnville Roots and Flowers
Project will present James "Sparky"
and Rhonda Rucker, along with a
locally produced oral history ad pho-
tography exhibit, at 7 p.m. at the
Cultural Arts Center on St. Augustine
Beach. The program is free to the pub-
lic. Call 904-860-1440 or visit
www.stjohnsculturalcouncil.org for
Thursday, Feb.,23
Garden club: The Ribault Garden,
Club, 705 2nd Ave. N., Jacksonville
Beach, will meet at 10 a.m. Elizabeth
Pate will speak on wildflowers. The
public is invited. Call 246-4641 for
Card party: The Ponte Vedra
Woman's Club will have a
"Fashionable Card Part)' Benefit" from
10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Our Lady Star of
the Sea's Cultural Center, 545 A1A N.
The cost is $30 perperson or $120 per
table. Call Joyce Cameron at 904-285-
2603 for information.
Zoo outreach: A zoo outreach pro.-
gram will be held from I to 1:45 p.m.
at the Tideviews Preserve, 1 Begonia
St., Atlantic Beach. The program is free
to the public. Call 247-5828 for infor-
Puppet show: A free puppet show
for ages 2 through 9 will be held at the
Seaside Playgarden, 223 8th Ave. S., at
4 p.m. Call 247-1314 to R.S.V.P.
Alzheimer's Association: The
Alzheimner's Association will hold its
25th Anniversary Educational Forum
titled "Alzheimer's Disease-Progress &
Hope" between 2 and 4 p.m. at the
Carriage Club of the Deerwood
Country Club, 9601 Southbrook Drive.,
Dan W. Armstrong is one of the speak-,
ers. Seating is limited and available by
calling 904-398-5193.
Women's partnership: The Beaches
Women's Partnership is looking for
women who want to help women. A
meeting will be held from 3 to 4 p.m.
at the office located at 6000-A
Sawgrass \'Vllage"ri'Wes across from the
Publix in Ponte Vedra Beach. Call Gail
Bacon at 273-4795 for information.
Friday, Feb. 24
Juicing class: An all organic juicing
class will be held form 5:30 to 7:30
p.m. at Persephone Healing Arts
Center, 485 6th Ave. N., Jacksonville
Beach. Call 246-3583 for reservations
or more information.
Crop night: A creative memories
crop night will be held from 6 to 11
p.m. at the Adele Grage Cultural
Center, 716 Ocean Blvd., Atlantic
Beach. The cost is $10 prepaid, or $12
today. Call 247-5828 or 655-2682 for
information or for reservations.-
Saturday, Feb. 25
Dog Lover's Day:, Dog Lover's Day
will be held at Adventure Landing on
Beach Boulevard in Jacksonville Beach.
Activities start at 8 a.m. with "Breakfast
with Scooby Doo," and include a dog
adoption fair, Frisbee dog shows and
more. Breakfast prices start at $6.99.
Call 246-4356 for information.
Survival skills: "The Limits of
Endurance,"birds' amazing survival
skills, wilf be shown at 10 a.m. and 1
p.m. today anid Feb. 26 at Guana
Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine
Research Reserve, 505 Guana River.
Road, Ponte \Vedra Beach. Call 904-
823-4500 for information.
Parliamentarians: First Coast
Parliamentarians will meet at 10:15
a.m. at the Ponte Vedra Beach Branch
Library, 101 Library Blvd. Visitors are
welcome. 744-9074.
Fish fry: The Jeremiah Committee
will have a fish fry from 11-30 a.m. 'to
3 p.m. at the comer of Dudley Street
and Mayport Road in Atlantic Beach.
,Zoo outreach: A zoo outreach pro-
gram will be held from 1 to 1:45 p.m.
at the Tideviews Preserve, 1 Begonia
St., Atlantic Beach. The program is free
to the public. Call 247-5828 for infor-
Art class: A family art class will be
held from 2 to 3 p.m. at the
Museum of
Modem Art,
333 N.
Laura St., :
ville. The
class. 'is
free with
Smu seum ':- : .1
For infor- "
mination, j
call Ashlie
Johnson at
3 66-6911,
207, or e-mail
a jo h ns on
Shrimp dinner: Fleet
Reserve Association
Branch 290 will serve
shrimp dinners from 5 to
8 p.m. at 390 Mayport
Road, Atlantic Beach. The
cost is $8, and the public
is invited. Call 246-6855
for information or to
place take-out orders.
Celebrate "Mardi Gras at the Beaches" and help local char
"Sterling's Mardi Gras Masquerade" will be held at the Atla
Theater Comedy Club, 751 Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beach,
Thursday, Feb. 28, at 8 p.m. The event benefits BEAM
(Beaches Emergency Assistance Ministry). Tickets are $15
249-7529 for information.
Mardi Gras dinner: American
Legion Auxiliary will have a Mardi
Gras dinner by Louisiana chefs Susan
and Ann at 5 p.m. at American Legion
Post 316, 1127 Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic
Beach. Dancing follows at 8 p.m. Call
249-0202 for information.
Sunday, Feb. 26
Meditation class: A guided medita-'
tion and dharma talk will be held from
10 to 11:30 a.m. at Cobalt Moon
Center Sky Studio, 217 First St. N.,-
Neptune Beach. Call 386-246-4092 for
information- :Ilirw Ylim
ArtFusion: "ArtFusion for Families"
is held from noon to 4 p.m. at the
Jacksonville Museum of Modem Art,
333 N. Laura St., Jacksonville. Call,
Ashlie Johnson at 366-6911, extension
207, for information.
Tuesday, Feb. 28
Mardi Gras.
Fat Tuesday.
Senior workshop: A free senior'
workshop will be held. at 10 a.m. at
Edward Jones, 13171 Atlantic Blvd.;,
Suite 300. Reservations are required.
Call 221-8501 for information and
Long Time Newcomers: The Long
Time Newcomers Club will meet at 11
a.m. at the Selva Marina Country Club.
Celebrate the club's 14th birthday.
Book-signing: Bestselling author
Steve Berry will be at The Bookmark at
7 p.m. to discuss and sign copies of his
new book "The Templar Legacy." Call
241-9026 for information.
Mardi Gras at the Beaches:
Celebrate "Mardi Gras at, the Beaches"
and help local charities. "Sterling's
Mardi Gras Masquerade" will be held'
at the Atlantic Theater Comedy Club,
751 Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beach, at 8
p.m.' The event benefits BEAM
(Beaches Emergency Assistance
Ministry). Tickets are $15. Call 249-
7529 for information.
Wednesday, March 1
Ash Wednesday.
Beaches Watch: Beaches Watch
meets' at 7 p.m. at Fletcher High
School. The meeting is open to the
public. Call 513-9242 or visit
www.beacheswatch.com for informa-
tion.. .
Thursday, March 2
Community health education:
Baptist Medical Center Beaches is
tfferirigl.'ci6'minunity health educda."
tioh cfass titled "Pap Smear Update"'
from 7 to 8 p.m. in Conference Center
Rooms A and B, 1350 13th Ave. S.,
Jackson-ille Beach. Call 376-4902 or
627-2910 for information.
Ocean Beaches Auxiliary: Ocean
Beaches Auxiliary Unit 129 will meet
at 7:30 p.m. at 1151 S. 4th St.,
Jacksonville Beach. Members are
encouraged to bring a guest. Call 249-
2266 or 242-0042 for information.
Friday, March 3
Brown bag lunch: Bring your lunch
to the GTM Reserve Environmental
Education Center from noon to 1 p.m.
and learn about the horseshoe crab.
The center is. located, at 505 Guana
River Road. Attendance is free. Call:
904-823-4500 for information.
Saturday, March 4
Read-a-thon: Dr. Seuss's Birthday
Read-a-Thon in celebration of "Read,
Across America Day" will be held from
10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Beaches
Branch Library, 600 Third St., Neptune
Beach. Visit with the Cat-in-the-Hat,
the Grinch, and more. Call 270-1651
for information.
Spring carnival: Ponte Vedra Palm
Valley and MK Rawlings elementary
schools will host their Annual Spring
Carnival from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. There
will be rides, food, entertainment,
gamesand prizes for the kids. There
will also be a basket raffle and silent
auction. The public is welcome.
Art class: A family art class will be
held from 2 to 3 p.m. at the
Jacksonville Museum of Modem Art,
333 N. Laura St., Jacksonville. The class
is free with museum admission. 366-
6911, extension 207.
Potluck dinner: Fleet Reserve
Association Branch 290 will serve
potluck dinners from 5 to 8 p.m. at
390 Mayport Road, Atlantic Beach.
The cost is $5, and the public is invit-
ed. Call 246-6855 for information or to
place take-out orders.
Sunday, March 5
ArtFusion: "ArtFusion for
Families" is held
f r o m.
noon to 4
) pt.m at
.- i "' t h e
S.: Jackson-
S Iv i I le
S.,. of Modemrn
Art, 333 N.
*Laura St.,
JLa k s o n-
Syville.., Call
A s h li e
J Johnson at
207, for infor-
Professional women:
cities. Business & Professional
ntic Women will meet from
.5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at
Gallery Bistro on
5. Call Southside Boulevard. The
cost is $27. Call 218-8341
for information.
Book-signing: Edward Award-win-
nihg author David Liss will be at The
Bookmark at 7 p.m. to discuss and
sign-copies of his new mystery "The,
Ethical Assassin." Call 241-9026 for
information. '
Book-signing: Washington Post
info@rwcdf.org by March 2.
Spaghetti supper: The Jacksonville
Beach Woman's Club will host a
spaghetti supper from 4:30 to 7 p.m. at
the clubhouse, 1315 N. 2nd Ave.,
Jacksonville Beach. Coffee and tea will
be provided; bring your own wine or
beer. Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for
children 6 to 12, and free for ages
under 6; tickets will also be available at
the door. Proceeds will benefit local
Republican Club: The Republican
Club of the Beaches will hold its regu-
lar monthly meeting at 6:30 p.m. at Po
Boys Restaurant, 725-12 Atlantic Blvd.,
Atlantic Beach. The 6:30 p.m. social
will be followed by a 7 p.m. meeting.
Jim Overton, city of Jacksonville prop-
erty appraiser, is the guest speaker. Call
Ed Raube at 246-7979 for information.
Saturday, March 11
Garage sale: The Ribault Garden
Club will have a garage sale/treasure
hunt from 8 to 11 a.m. at 705 2nd
Ave., Jacksonville Beach. Admission is
free and all are welcome.
Luncheon and fashion show: Sons
Of Italy Beaches Lodge will have its
first "Elegant Luncheon and Fashion
Show" from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. at
Max's Restaurant Ballroom, 1316
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville Beach.
Proceeds will benefit Baptist Beaches
Hospital's Orthopedics Unit. March 3
is the deadline for ticket sales.
Art class: A family art class will be
held from 2 to 3, p.m. at the
Jacksonville Museum of Modem Art,
333 N. Lauia St., Jacksonville. The class
is free with museum admission. For
information, call Ashlie Johnson at
366-6911,% extension 207, or e-mail
ajohnson @jmoma.org.
Genealogists: The Southern
Genealogist's Exchange Society, Inc.,
will hold its spring seminar at Park
Lane Baptist Church, 1480 Lake Shore
Blvd., Jacksonville. Brent Holcomb,
editor 'of the "South Carolina
Magazine'of Ancestral Research,"'is the
speaker. Call 904-778-1000 for infor-
reporter ana awara-winning environ-
mental journalist Michael Grunwalk Sunday, March 12
will be at The Bookmark at 7 p.m. to ArtFusion: "ArtFusion for Families"
discuss and sign copies of his new is held from noon to 4 p.m. at the
book "The Swamp: The Storv of the Jacksonville Museum of Modem Art,
Everglades." Call Rona Brinlee at 241- 333 N. Laura St., Jacksonville. Call
9026 for information. Ashlie Johnson at 366-6911, extension
Q, h ~rll /-~ A 2'. for information. :
W ep ne sd ay, arc fii ; ., ,, .
Life Line Screening:. Life Line Scandinavian society: The
Screening will be at the Neptune Beach Scandinavian American Society of the
Senior Activity Center at 9 a.m. at South will host the Duke University
2004 Forest Ave. in Neptune Beach. Chorale at 3:30 p.m. Refreshments will
For prices and scheduling information, be served afterward, and admission is
call 1-877-237-1287. Preregistration is free. Call Anna Large at 743-2214 or
required. Darleen Hutto at 725-1665 for infor-
Spring Has Sprung: Pat Lopez of
Ace Florist at Marsh Landing Parkway
will present "Spring Has Sprung" at 10
a.m. at the Ribault Garden Club, 705
2nd Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach. The
cost is $15 and -reservations are
required. 221-5191.
Newcomers: Newcomers of the
Beaches, an organization for women
who are new to the area, will hold its
monthly luncheon at 11 a.m. at the
Casa Marina Hotel, 691 1st St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach.' Tickets are $18.
Call Maggie Penn at 904-998-2331 for
Thursday, March 9
Republican Women's Club: 'The
Republican Women's Club of Duval
Federated will have a social at 11:30
a.m., followed by a luncheon and pro-
gram at nooni at the Radisson
Riverwalk Hotel, Prudential Drive.
Former Florida Congressman Bill
McCollum, candidate for attorney gen-
eral of the state of Florida, is the guest
speaker. The cost is $16 with reserva-
tions or, $21 at the door. Call Willa
Farrell at 910-3533 or e-mail
Wednesday, March 15
Divorce care class: A support group
for separated and divorced will offer
divorce care classes at 6:30 p.m. at
Palm Valley Baptist Church, 4890 Palm
Valley Road. Call 285-2447 for infor-
Thursday, March 16
Course on coastal ecology: Guana
Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine
Research Reserve will host a course on
coastal ecology through March 30.
Space is limited and registration closes
March 5. GTMNERR is located at 505
Guana River Road, Ponte Vedra Beach.
Call 904-823-4500 for information.
Friday, March 17
St. Patrick's Day.
Saturday, March 18
Art class: A family art class 'will be
held from 2 .to 3 p.m. at the
Jacksonville Museum of Modemrn Art,
333 N. Laura St., Jacksonville. The class
is free with museum admission. For
information, call Ashlie Johnson, at
366-6911, extension 207.
4378 Ocean Street
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ES (904)-249-7529
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------ ----
February 22, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 7A
John A. Broda
Juanita D. Mullaney
David Maclagan Thomas
John A. Broda, 64, died
Feb.16, 2006.
Family members include his
'wife of 36 years, Carol; sons,
Mark D. Broda of Baltimore,
MD and David C. Broda of
Jacksonville; granddaughter,
Emily Broda; mother, Mary
Broda and sister, -Virginia
Lucas, all of Baltimore, MD,
His final wish was to be cre-
mated with his ashes scattered'
over the Atlantic where he
Jerry "Ciro" DePascale, 101,
died Feb. 16, 2005. He was
born Jan. 7, 1905 in Valle de
Madoloni, Caserta, Italy and
moved to Amsterdam, N.Y. at
age 16.
Family members include his,
daughter, Dolores DePascale of
Amsterdam, N.Y. and his son,
'the Reverend Cmdr. Daniel
DePascale, (U.S.N., ret.) of
Jean Anderson Eder, died-
Feb. 11, 2006. She was born in
Cleveland, Ohio to the late Dr.
and Mrs. John Anderson. She
attended schools there and was
a graduate of Lake Erie College.
She married Rudolph Eder in
1947, moved to Chicago and
then Milwaukee. After the
death of her husband, she,
moved to Fleet Landing in
Atlantic Beach.
Family members include sev-
Richard Franc
Richard Francis Johnson, Jr.,
62, died Feb. 10, 2006 at his
residence in Jacksonville
Beach. He was born April 9,
1943 in Jacksonville. He was a
retired GySgt. in the United
States Marine Corp. '-..... .
Family members include his
one son; two daughters; one
brother; two sisters; and five
Lester A.
Lester A. Marcott, 92, of
Middleburg, died Sunday, Feb.
19, 2006. Born on May 12,
1913, he came to Florida in
1951 from his birthplace in
Wisconsin with his family. He
resided a number of years in
Jacksonville area, later moving
to Jacksonville Beach where he
owned and operated Marcotts
Lawnmower and Bicycle Shop
for several years. Upon retiring,
he moved to Green Cove
He was of the Baptist faith,
belonging to Orange Avenue
Baptist Church where he later
met and married his second
wife, Vema. Upon her death in
February 2003, he and his
daughter purchased a smaller
home in Middleburg, where
they were residing at the time
of his death.
Dorothy L. McNabb, 87, of
Ponte Vedra Beach, died
Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2006. The
daughter of H. Herbert Smith
and Dorothy Louise
(Marschalk), she was born Oct.
6, 1918 in Washington, D.C.
She graduated from Bethesda
Chevy Chase High School in
.1936. She was an active mem-
ber of the Daughters of the
American Revolution and a
member of Christ Episcopal
She was married to Edward
M. Lyman in Miami in 1945.
They were married for 25 years
until his death in 1970. She
enjoyed his favorite sport,
paragliding, according to fami-l
Memorial services -will be
held today, Wednesday, at 10
a.m. in the Chapel of Quinn-
.Shalz, A Family Funeral Home
with the Reverend Kenneth J.
Gemeinhart presiding.' A
memorial service in Baltimore
will be held at a later date.
Arrangements handled by
Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home ."
Ponte Vedra Beach.
Mass of Christian Burial'was
celebrated Tuesday in the Our
Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic
Church with the Reverend'
Cmdr. Daniel DePascale,
(U.S.N., ret.) as Celebrant.
Interment will follow in the
Mt. Carmel Cemetery.
Arrangements handled by
Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.
eral nieces and nephews
Private family service
held. .
In lieu of flowers, don
maybe made to Imn
Pr ,b trin; C~hthrrh 1"
later married Victor 0.
McNabb in 1973. They were
married for: 25 years until his
death in 1998.
Family members include her
children, Edward Jr., Carter and
Steven; daughters in law Susan
(Doran), Linda (Coyne) and
Alida (Bigatin); grandchildren,
Edward Ill, Heather, Courtney,
Keston, Trevor, Audrey, Jenny,
and Andrew; great grandchil-
dren, Clay, Austin, Slater,
Addison, Ryder, Rowan and
Sutton. Her parents, one broth-
er, Herbert, one daughter,
Karen and one grandchild,
Carter Jr. preceded her in
death. Brothers, Philip Smith
and Richard Smith; sisters,
Helen Lewis and Barbara Ditzel
were in attendance at the
memorial service.
A memorial service was held
Feb. 18 at Christ Episcopal
Church in Ponte Vedra Beach,
with the Reverend Joan C.
Bryan officiating.
Memorial Contributions
may be sent to the American
Cancer Society, 4030 Boulevard
Center Dr., Jacksonville, FL
Arrangements handled by
Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.
s were
1in Nj
Juanita D. Mullaney, 93 of
Neptune Beach, died on Feb.
18, 2006 in Jacksonville Beach.
She was born on Oct. 21, 1912
in DeFuniak Springs. She is sur-
vived by her son, Cornelius D.
(Emma) Mullaney of Neptune
Beach,' grandchildren, Mike
(Lisa) Mullanev of Cullman,
AL., Scott (Beth.) Mullaney of
Neptune Beach, Matt
(Michelle) Mullaney of
Shelbyville, TN., Susan (Ted)
Bishop, Rebecca Sutherlin,
Chris Aldred and Mickey (Jeff)
Sharpe all of Jackson\ille, and
Kimberly Aldred of CA., and a
sister Gwen Bassett of
Jacksonville. Numerous nieces
and nephews also survive.
addition to her parents she was
preceded in death by her hus-
band, Cornelius T. Mullaney
whom she married in 1935.
The family received friends
on Monday at the Hardage-gid-
dens funeral Home in
Jacksonville Beach. A grave-
side funeral service was held
Tuesday at Qaklawn Cemetery,
Memorial Contributions may
be made to: Community
Hospice of Northeast Florida in
honor of Mullaney.
Lucy F Resh
Lucy F. Resh, 80, died Feb.
20, 2006 in St. Luke's
Hospital. She was born May
5, 1925 in Brooklyn, NY and
moved to Jacksonville in
2005 from Rockford, IL.
She was a member of the
First Presbyterian Church
and the PEO Chapter LU in
Rockford, IL
Family members include
her sons, Jon Resh of Seattle,
WA and David Resh of NYC,
NY; daughter, Cindy (Brett)
Harper of Jacksonville;
brother, Bill (Jan) Fie
New Hampshire; gra
dren, Dani, Jason ar
Resh, Brett and
Harper. Her husband
Resh, predeceased
April of 2004.
Private family servi
be held at a later dati
Memorial contri
may be made to tt
Presbyterian Church.
Main St., Rockford. I[
Arrangements han
Quinn-Shalz Funeral
tcher of
nd Julia
d, John
her in
ices will
he First
406 N.
L 61103.
died by
Virginia R. Rose
e ie uyt erian t -urcn, 1 fltf L-.
Astor Street, Milwaukee, WI Virginia R. Rose, (Ginny) 85, Mount, North Carolina and
43202 or to Community wife, mother and grandmother Joyce Lewis of West Palm
Presbyterian Church, 150 died on Fe. 16, 2006 at the Earl Beach; sisters-in-law Adele
Sherry Drive, Atlantic Beach, B. Hadlow Hospice Center. She Lewis and Dorothy Lewis both
FL 32233. was born on April 23, 1920 in of Wilson, NC as well as many
Arrangements handled by, -Sims, North Carolina to nieces and nephews. She is
Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home. Maggie Johnson Lewis and also survived by two friends,
Walter Robert Lewis. Thelma Millar and Bernice
.She graduated from Charles Roberts.
L. Coon High School in Rose was a faithful member
SWilson in 1940. After high of Arlington United Methodist
is'Johnson, A.. school she moved to Church for 46 years. The serv-
Washington, D.C. to work ice was held Monday in the
Private services will be held with the FBI. She later moved Arlington United Methodist
at a later date. to Wilmington, NC where she Church, 1400 University Blvd.
In lieu of flowers memorial met Joe Rose. She and her North with the Rev. Larry
contributions may be made to family moved to Jacksonville Shields officiating. Interment
Disabled American Veterans, in 1960 when her husband was followed in the Oaklawn
National Service Foundation, transferred with the Atlantic Cemetery on San Jose
325 Al&xa ndr ia Jke Cold C as ne Railroa.d. ., ,, ,, I.. Jevard,,lite family will
Spring, KY 4r07"6' ." Family members include her receive friends one hour prior
Arrangements handled by husband of 49 years, Joseph E. to the service.
Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home. Rose, her daughter Ginny Memorials may be made to
Taylor, son-in-law Mark D. Community of Hospice of NE
Taylor and granddaughter, Florida or to the Arlington
Alexandria Rose Taylor. She is United Methodist Church.
also survived by two sisters Arrangements handled by
A t 'Gertrude White of Rocky Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.
Those preceding him in
death were his wife of 50 years,
Dorothy Schleif Marcott and
Vema Wyman Marcott. He is
survived by a son, Neil
(Glenda) Marcott; daughter,
Karen (Art-deceased) Cayo; 4
grandchildren; 1.1 great-grand-
children and 1 .great-great-
A memorial service /will be
held at 11 a.m March 4, in the
Chapel of Broadus-Raines &
Pons Family Funeral Home
with Reverend Samuel H. Jewell
officiating. Memorialization
will be by cremation and his,
ashes .will ,be interred at Hi
Warren Smith Cemetery .in
Jacksonville Beach.
Arrangements are under the
care of Broadus-Raines & Pons
Family Funeral Home in Green
Cove Springs.
Mary Alice Jarrett Sayford
Mary Alice jarrett Sayford,
90, died Feb. 20, 2006 at the
Glenmoor Health Care Center
in St. Augustine.
She was born in
Chattanooga TN, the daughter:
of the late Mamie and George
W. Jarrett.
She received her undergrad-:
uate, degree from the
University of Chattanooga,
where she was a member of
.the Pi Beta Phi sorority. She,
worked as an editor for the
Chattnooga Times where she
met her late husband of 53
years, Alan N. Sayford. During
World War II she worked for
her Father in law who headed.
up the Tennessee Valley
Authority's mapping of the
Normandy Invasion using aer-
ial photographs and maps dat-
ing back to Napoleonic times.
Sayford, a resident of Ponte
Vedra since 1957 was a mem-
ber of the Jacksonville Beach
Church of Christ. She loved to
play golf and work on "the
Jarrett family genealogy. She
was a member of the
Huguenot Society, The Friends
of St. George, The Washington
Family Association, The
Crown of Charlemaine, and
The Jamestown Society.
Family members include her
son Nelson of Augusta, GA;
daughter Susan Kincaid of
Charleston, WV; grandchil-
dren Abigail Kincaid and Caleb
Kincaid both of Charleston
WV; two of her five sisters,
Dorothy Vandergriff of
Blacksburg, VA' and Joan
Boykin of Chevy Chase, MD;
and :three brothers in law,
Edward Vandergriff of
Blacksburg, VA, Rhodes,
Boykin, Jr. of Chevy Chase,
MD and William Carter of
Florida funeral services will
be held at 6 p.m., Thursday in
the chapel of Quinn-Shalz
Funeral Home, 3600 3rd St. S,
Jacksonville Beach. Tennessee
services will be held Saturday
in Philips & Robinson Funeral
Home with interment follow-
ing in Springhill Cemetery of
Madison, Tennessee. ')
Arrangements handled by
Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.
Bonnie Kaye Scharbrough
Bonnie Kaye Scharbrough,
40, died Feb. 17, 2006 after a
long battle with Diabetes. She
was born June 4, 1965 in Salt
Lake City, Utah to David and
Susan Thedell. She was raised
in Reno, NV, where she met
her husband Michael and they:
were together for 17 years..
They lived in Indianapolis, IN
then moved to Jacksonville Fl,
where they have lived for the
last 13 years. She owned a
thriving business for several
She would do anything for
those she loved, but also save
the smallest of animals in a
detrimental situation, she had
more compassion for the weak
and needy than most will ever
possess, according to her fami-
Family members include her
husband Michael Scharbrough;
parents Jerry and Susan Smith,
and David and Merilee Thedell;
grandmother Maxine White;
sisters Laura Labate, Stacy
Carroll and Nanette (Duffy)
Mees; nieces and nephews Lisa
and Mackenzie Mees, Bryce
Carroll, Maddison and Luke
Labate. mother and father-in-
law, Donald and Rosemary
Scharbrough; brother-in-law,
Rick (Karin) Scharbrough, sis-
ter-in-law Terri (Pat) McCarthy;
nephews Jeff, Mick, Ralph,
Fred, PJ and Christopher
(Critter); many other numer-
ous relatives and friends.
A memorial service was held
Monday, Feb. 20 in Beaches
Chapel Church of Neptune
Arrangements handled by
Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.
David Maclagan Thomas, 77,
of Atlantic Beach, died Feb. 13,
2006, following a brief illness.
He was born in Reading,
Betkshire, England, graduated
from the Royal Military
Academy at Sandhurst. and
served as a lieutenant in the
Glider Pilot Regiment. He lived
in Europe and Canada and set-
tled with his family in Atlantic
Beach, where he resided as a
U.S, citizen for 42 years.
Thomas retired from federal
service after having been
employed first with the late
Federal District Court Judge
William McRae ,as a court
reporter, and later with the.
Immigration and
Naturalization Service. He
enjoyed classical music, was an
accomplished organ player and
.Edgar Norman Tidivell, 73,
called "Ted" by some of his
close friends, died Feb.16,
2006. RHe was a .resident of
Ponte Vedra Beach arid,
Kirkwood, CA, after his
retirement from- Westvaco in
Charleston, S.C. Born in
Locust Fork, AL the son of
the late Rev. Edgar W. anid
Dessie Jett Tidwell, he served
in the United States Air'
Force, stationed in
Oklahoma and the Pentagon
in Washington, D.C. He
attended the University of
Oklahoma and graduated,
with honors in Chemical
School of Engineering, from
Auburn University in
He was world traveled and
loved music, in which he
excelled at both the piano
and voice, according to fanm-
ily. He appreciated fine
foods and wines and, in
healthier times, was active
in fishing, golf, and run-.
composer, linguist and ham
radio operator, according to
He is survived by Ruth, his
wife of 53 years; daughter,
Carol-Anne Hallam (Michael)
of Green Cove Springs;
son, Christopher Hallam, of
Jacksonville and a large num-
ber of family friends.
A Mass of Christian Burial
was celebrated Saturday in the
chapel of Quinn-Shalz, A
Family Funeral Home, with
The Reverend William Kelly as
In lieu of flowers memorial
donations may be made to
Community Hospice of NE
Florida, 4266 Sunbeam Rd,
'Jacksonville, FL 32257.
Arrangements handled by
Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.
ning, according to his, fami-
ly, who said he was admired
by all who knew him for his
quick wit and analytical
Family members include
his spouse, -Gabriele Van
Zon; son, Eddie Tidwell, of
Hilton Head S.C.; daughters,
Diane Wilks, Columbia, SC
and Lynn Stonesifer, of Isle
of Palms, SC.; brother,
Norris Tidwell of Venice, FL;
sisters, Joyce Cox, of
Ashville, AL and Robbie
Suitherlin, of Neptune Beach,
and grandchildren, Corey
and Eric Tidwell, Matthew
and Jillian Wilks, and Joey
and Anna Stonesifer.
After a ,private sunrise
memorial. service at the
beach in Ponte Vedra and a
champagne breakfast cele-
brating his life, his final rest-
ing place will be in Mt.
Pleasant, S.C.
Arrangements handled by
Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.
Edward E Zimmerman, Jr.
*,'-" ' .I. e I j l o/
Edward F. Zimmerman, Jr.,
of Ponte Vedra Beach, former-
ly of Morris Plains, NJ, died
Feb. 16, 2006, following a bat-
tle with Non-Hodgkin's
Lymphoma. Born in Chicago
in 1928 to Dr. Edward F. and
Helen'B. Zimmerman, he will,
be cherished always in the
memory. and hearts he
touched for his amazing fami-
ly, dedication, positive spirit,
sharp wit, kindness, humor,
and unending !generosity,
according to family.
He was a graduate of the
U.S. Naval Academy Class of
1949 and, served, actively in
the Navy for 5 years, follow-
ing it with 25 years Naval
Reserve Service retiring as
Commander. He retired from
Prudential Ins. Company as-
Managing Director of Capital
Markets after 36 years of serv-
ice. A MBA, from Farleigh
Dickenson University in N.J.,,
Fellow LOMA, Fellow LLIF
and 'CLU were some of his
many educational accom-
plishments. His volunteer
contributions included
Councilman, planning board,
adjustment board of Morris
Plains, NJ, board member of
Mendham Golf & Tennis in
NJ, and assistance to the FSGA
and USGA. He was a member
of the Sawgrass Country Club
in Ponte Vedra.
Family members include his
wife of 50 plus years, Mary
Jean; sons, Mark E
Zimmerman (Jo Lindliefi of
Atlanta, Michael B.
Zimmerman (Tammy Cooper)
of Paducah KY and Matthew
T. Zimmerman (Shelly Nice)
of Morristown, NJ; sisters,
Joan Cann, Pat Fay (Hon.
Peter T.) and Mary Jane
Highsmith (Hon. Shelby);
grandchildren, Alex,
Catherine, Ryan and Taylor
Zimmerman and many
nephews, nieces and cousins.
A Mass of Christian burial
will be celebrated at 1 p.m. on
Saturday, Feb. 25th in the Our
Lady Star of the Sea Catholic
Church of Ponte Vedra Beach,
with the Reverend Monsignor
Daniel ,Logan as Celebrant:
Interment will be at Arlington
National Cemetery at a later
In lieu of flowers, the fami-
ly request memorials in his
name be. sent to: The
Leukemia & Lymphoma
Society Lymphoma
Research: Donor Services, P.O.
Box 4072,Pittsfield, MA 01202
Arrangements handled by
Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.
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Jerry "Ciro" DePascale
Jean Anderson Eder
Edgar Norman Tidwell
Dorothy L. McNabb
.- NI
atvg A
Ponte Vedra Leader
.. WWY a hpcihpClpsede P-n
* Wedding
... See A-9
* Education
... A-10
* Recipes
... A-10
Astronomy ambassador
Beaches native 'loves to share the universe'
There aren't an infinite number of
jobs for astronomers.
Dr. Mike Reynolds, however, has
made the most of his job prospects.
The Beaches native and .1972 Fletcher
High School graduate has been a NASA
spokesperson, a planetarium director, a'
space and science museum founder,
and an astronomical expedition leader.
He has also authored five books on
astronomy and in 2002 received the so-
called "Nobel Prize" for amateur astron-
omy, the G. Bruce Blair Medal.
"there are more astronomers than
there are jobs to go around," said
Reynolds, a Jacksonville Beach
resident and a former sci- --
ence teacher at
Fletcher High. -
"You have to
have a great '
math back-.
ground. :
It's not -
as sexy
through a "--
astronomers W
never look
through a tel-
escope at all."
Top-10 celestial sights
Twenty years after he was chosen as
Florida's Teacher of the Year and as a
finalist for NASA's Teacher in Space
Program, Reynolds, 51, is still doing
what he loves best: Sharing the space
sciences with students and amateur
Recently appointed associate dean for
math and natural sciences at Florida
Community College's Kent Campus,
Reynolds was the guest speaker at
Saturday's Northeast Florida
Astronomical Society's Urban Star Party
at Hanna Park;
Reynolds said a total solar eclipse
tops his top-10 list of astronomical
"It's the most awesome, unforgettable
event," Reynolds told about 50 people'
who attended-his free lecture at the
Hanna Park campground.
"I've seen 14 of them. There's anoth-
er one coining up in March."
, Reynolds has also witnessed two
meteor showers, and once led an astro-'
nomical expedition to Antarctica,
where his team found what they
Below: Dr. Mike Reynolds calibrates a
Meade ETX telescope Saturday at
Hanna Park. The computer-controlled
device automatically selects the best
objects in the sky for optimum viewing.
believe to be a meteorite from Mars.
Reynolds witnessed his first meteor
shower as a sixth grader in Jacksonville
Beach. He still has a piece of iron mete-
orite' he bought
for 50 cents in
the third
grade, and
the first
.. ... t his par-
ents gave
.....' him for
*- riistmas. ,- n
"I could see the moon and a couple
of stars with it," said Reynolds, who
built his own telescope in the ninth
grade at Fletcher, placing fourth in the
state science fair.
"I grew up in the Sputnik era. In my
day, you had to learn the sky by using'
star charts. Now they have telescopes
r with GPS."
In Reynolds' top-10 list of celestial
objects, the Ring Nebula comes in at
No. 10, meteor showers are No. 9,!
occultation, or eclipse of a smaller'
object by a larger object, is No. 8, fol-
lowed by the Great Orion Nebula at
No.' 7.
Comets, planets, the Milky Way, the
moon and.the Andromeda Galaxy
round out the list.
"I love observing the moon. I contin-
Sie to discover more and more things,"
Reynolds said Saturday.
"The Andromeda Galaxy represents.
how vast space really is."
Teacher in Space finalist
Reynolds was named the state's
Teacher of the Year in 1985 while chair-
ing the science department. at Fletcher.
He was also a national finalist for
NASA's Teacher in Space Program. The'
honor went to New Hampshire's
Christa McAuliffe, who died in the
Challenger explosion 20 years ago last
Reynolds said he did about "1,000
speeches" around the state after the
Challenger disaster as a Christa
NMcAuliffe Ambassador for Education.
After the two-year NASA assignment,
Reynolds served as director of the
Alexander Brest Planetarium at the
Jacksonville Museum of Science and
He left MOSH in 1991 to pursue what
he called "an iffy" proposition as the
inaugural executive director of the
Chabot Space & Science Center in
Oakland, Calif.
"'didn't know if I would have a job
after the first three years," said
Reynolds, who helped raise money and
design the $76-million science muse-
um, which broke ground in 1996 and
opened in August 2000.
The museum's rooftop observatory is
named in his honor.
* After 13 years in the Bay area,
Reynolds returned to Jacksonville in
2004, taking up where he left off as a
teacher of natural sciences.
Despite his new status as an asso-
..ciate dean at FCCJ, Reynolds still
... teaches basic astronomy, intro-
....ducing a new generation of stu-
dents to the wonders of the uni-
"I have always loved the edu-
cational aspects of astronomy,"
said Reynolds, who earned a
Ph.D. in science education from
the University of Florida in 1990.
"I still hear from my Fletcher stu-
dents all the time, I never tried to make
astronomers out of them. "
As a senior at Fletcher, Reynolds was
an assistant director of an amateur
astronomy. club-in;Jacksonville,, the
the Northeast Florida Astronomical
Society, which holds public viewing
sessions at Hanna Park. The club will
host a "Dark Sky Observing Session"
Saturday at Osceola National Forest
near Lake City.
Thanks his lucky stars
Last Saturday at Hanna, Reynolds
signed copies of his latest book,
"Binocular Stargazing," a guide for
both the novice and experienced '
"I have a number of telescopes, yet I
always carry a pair of binoculars with
me regardless of my observing plans,"
Reynolds writes in the book, which he
dedicated to his wife, Debbie, whom he
met inrband class at Fletcher in the
11th grade. .- .. I
"Objects'are easier to find with a
standard pair of binoculars than a tele-
scope, allowing the novice to begin to
learn the night sky and navigate
around from object to object."
'. pr.o.jo b KATH,'M ARTMArJ
Ben Sinder gets batting tips from coach Ted Frank Saturday
during practice at Rawlings Elementary School. The two are
part of the PVAA's Sand Gnats T-ball team.
PVAA teams preparing for
March 4 season openers
The 5- and 6-year-olds
known as 'the Sand Gnats are
among Ponte Vedra Athletic
Association (PVAA) baseball
teams practicing last weekend
for the March 4 season open-
Amid words of instruction
and encouragement, from,
their coaches, the youngsters
took turns at- bat outside
Rawlings Elementary School,
swinging at balls pitched by,a
coach a few feet away.
When a ball made it.to the
field, attention turned to
fielding instruction from the
same coaches.
"The coaches toss under-
handed to them," Allen
;Hbgme, PLVAA baseball com-,.
mmsoher, said 'this' week of
the youngest players.
During games, he said,
coaches may pitch at first,
then switch to the T if a play-
er gets two strikes. Placement
on the T assures the bat will
connect with the ball.
"We let them hit it," Home
This year's field of 494 play-
ers about the same number
.as in past years, Home said -
are divided into 43 teams.
The program is for boys and
girls ages 5 through 15,
although girls typically move
to softball after age 7 or 8, he
said. The T-ball players make
up about eight teams, Home
said, so those PVAA teams.
play one another throughout
the season, which winds up in
"The kids love the playoffs,
... and we give participation
trophies to every child to age
8," said Home, who coached
the PVAA team of11-year-olds
that won the state all-star
championship last year.
The PVAA's team of 10-year-
olds also won the state all-star*
championship, .Horme said,
adding that it's the "first time
we've ever had state champi-
Games begin Saturday,
March 4, after the teams are
introduced at the opening
ceremonies. Games are played
every day of the week at Davis
Park off County Road 210
about one mile west of the
Intracoastal Waterway, where
there are six fields, all lighted,
he said.
The league also uses the
four fields at: Cornerstone
Patk'off State Road AlA just
s'Oith' of the Plantation,
although with no lights on
those fields, games are
restricted to daylight hours,
he said.
At Dais Park, games start as
late as: 8 p.m. during the week,
he said. Saturday games start
at 9 a.m., and the last one
begins about 3 p.m. or 4 p.mi.,
he said.
, Home said "the great
majority" of players in Ponte
Vedra and elsewhere in
Northeast Florida get instruc-
tion on specific baseball skills,
much as golfers do. A supply
of former major league and
college players in the, area
offers such instruction,, said
Home, himself a former col-
lege baseball player.
The $120 registration fee-
per player pays for game fees,
umpires, shirt, belt, socks and
hat, Home said.
He gave awa bride, and baked cake
S ome fathers give away
the bride and tradition-
ally pay for the wedding.
John Bernard of Porite
Vedra Beach did all of the
above and baked the wed-
ding cake, too.
Bernard started decorating
birthday cakes for his three
daughters more than 20
years ago. He also baked and
decorated four-tier wedding
cakes for two of his daugh-
ters, most recently in March
A retired Navy veteran for-
merly stationed at Mayport,
Bernard has created cakes for
wedding receptions, parties,
and special events at
Rawlings Elementary School
in Ponte Vedra, where he is
in charge of maintenance
Lately, Bernard has put less'
of his time in the kitchen in
cake decorating but contin-
ues to cook and bake other
types of special occasion
A Hammond, La., native,
Bernard started cooking with
his mother when he was
only 6 years old.
Linda Bernard describes
her husband as a really great
Recipes from Louisiana
remain a favorite for
Bernard, who said that there
are as many Gumbo and .
Jambalaya recipes as there
are cooks who make them.
Several years ago he met
the late Cajun cookbook
author Justin Wilson at a
local bookstore. He found
out they had some Louisiana
friends in common.
Wilson called gumbo a
poor man's soup that makes
use of whatever is in the
Gumbo Ala Bernard
includes chicken' sausage,
crabmeat, shrimp, vegeta-
bles, tomatoes, and cayenne
Bernard's mother and
grandmother made had their
own recipes for Jambalaya .
Bernard's version is made
with chicken and sausage
and only a moderate amount
of heat.
Fried Wontons may not fit
into the Louisiana specialty
category but Bernard said he
has make them, for his
daughters who helped in the
After spooning the filling
and folding the wrappers,
the individual wontons are
fried until crispy and golden
brown. Serve these with any
favorite sweet and sour
One of.Bernard's favorite
desserts is French Silk
Chocolate Pie. The chocolate
filling tastes smooth and
rich like silk. Bernard has
made this recipe for years
using the traditional raw
eggs with no problem.
Pasteurized eggs are available
*for those who prefer to sub-
stitute them in the recipe.
The following are some of
John Bernard's recipes.'
Gumbo Ala Bernard
1 frying chicken
3 links smoked sausage,
cut into one inch pieces
1 large onion, chopped
4 cloves of garlic, minced
1 stalk celery, chopped
2 cups chopped okra
* 3 large tomatoes or 1 can
tomatoes, chopped
1 green pepper, chopped
1 tsp. cayenne
one-half tsp. salt '
1 iT Worcestershire sauce
one-half tsp. black pepper
one-half cup green onions,
one-half cup parsley,
1 can (6 oz!) crabmeat
season to taste with
two and one-half cups
peeled shrimp
one and one-half T file
water as needed
Cut up chicken; discard fat
and skin. Salt and pepper
well. In a large skillet add oil
to cover bottom. Fry chicken
and sausage pieces to brown.
By this time, you have
Shavings of unsweetened chocolate garnish the top of
John Bernard's French Silk Pie.
., .
rage o a rr~~.uw~.u. ~ ~ n --
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 9A
Jennifer Brooke Bell of
Atlantic Beach and Michael
Adam Szarmack of Jacksonville
were married on Friday, Dec.
23, 2005, at Christ Church in
Ponte Vedra Beach.
The Rev. Gerald Walston and
the Rev. Sean Yost performed
the ceremony.
The bride is the daughter of
Jeff and Patti Bell of Atlantic
Beach. She is a graduate of
Fletcher High School and
Florida State University. She is
employed as an assistant buyer
for Stein-Mart.
The groom is the son of Dale
Szarmack of Orlando and
Laurie Wander of Jacksonville.
He is a graduate of Taravella
High School. He is employed as
a technical support manager
for Recruitmax Software.
Kelly Bell was the maid, of
honor and Jamie Morton was a
bridesmaid. Alyssa and Alexis
Morton were flower girls.
Ryan Ditzel was the best man
and Dave Szarmack was a
groomsman. Asher Szarmack
was the ring bearer.
The couple spent their hon-
eymoon in Las Vegas, and
reside in Jacksonville.
Jennifer and Michael Szarmack
BRATION at MOSH is sched-
uled Saturday, Feb. 25. Honor
local African-American heroes
from the past two centuries.
Visitors will learn about the
history of Jacksonville's promi-
nent African Americans
through. a variety of perform-
ances and presentations.
Activities for children
include African folktale story-
telling, scavenger hunts, crafts,
and a planetarium show about
the Underground Railroad.
Activities will take place from
11 a.m. to a.m. to 3 p.m.
Yu-Gl-OH DUELS are
staged at 2 p.m. Saturday at
Books-A-Million, 738 Marsh
Landing Parkway, Jacksonville
Beach. Call 273-8055 for infor-
MUSENUM, offers ,h'pir
activities, play and learning
opportunities for kids from
9:30 a.m, to 5' p.m. Monday
through Saturday at 8580
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville.
Admission is $3.50 for children
ages 1-3 and $5.50 for all oth-
ers: Call 642-2688 for informa-'
LOFT is a multi-generations
learning environment that
offers 16 hands-on stations for
children and adults to explore
the concepts in modem and
contemporary art. Entry is free
with paid entrance to the
Jacksonville Museum of
Modern 'Art, Children are
admitted free every Sunday for
family Free Day at 333
Hemming Plaza in downtown
Jacksonville. Hours of. opera-
tion are 11, a.m. to 5 p.m.
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday,
11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesday ,
11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and
Noon to 5 p.m. Sunday. Call
366-6911 for information. -
Colnt. from A-8.
Mike Ramirez, president of
the local astronomy club,
told attendees at Saturday's
lecture that he owns 12 tele-
scopes, yet does "90 percent"
of his stargazing with binoc-
"You can see a heck of a lot
with a 7x50 pair ofbinocu-.
lars for less than $50," said
Reynolds, adding that even a
cheap pair of binoculars is
more powerful than what
Galileo used to observe the
moon in 1609.
, In his spare time, Reynolds
is co-authoring a college text-
book on astronomy.
He also wants members of
the Jacksonville City Council
to "catch his vision" for a
public observatory in Duval
And he thanks his lucky
stars that he still has a job in
"Since May 1961, when my
first grade teacher at San
Pablo Elementary rolled a TV
set into the classroom so we
could watch Alan Shepard
launch into space, I was
hooked," Reynolds recalled.
"I love sharing the beauty
of the universe. I just love
looking up."
Christie Dawn Romino and Robert Ladd
Acree, both of Jacksonville, have
announced their engagement to be mar-
The bride-elect is the daughter of Joe and
Sandy Romino of Sharpsburg, Ga. She is a
graduate of Valdosta State College and is
employed by Baptist Health in corporate
The groom-elect is the son of Karen and
Dan Long of Jacksonville Beach. He is a
graduate of Johnson and Wales University
and is employed as a personal chef.
The couple, plan to marry at 6 p.m.
Saturday, Feb. 26, at St. John's House in
Christie Romino and Robert Acree
, 'Peo0le& Places
photo suornitled
Luke Hopper (left) and Nathan Shellhorn of Boy Scout Troop
.282 attained the rank of Eagle Scout on Saturday, Feb. 11..
Troop 282 meets at Beaches United Methodist Church in
Neptune Beach. In the past 10 years, Troop 282, under the
direction of Scoutmasters Don Petty and Wayne Brown, has
produced more than 30 Eagle Scouts.
Kindeimusik and playday
classes Tuesday to Saturday in
Jacksonville Beach and Ponte
Vedra Beach for children from
birth to age 7. For
Kindermusik, a music and
movement program for all
ages, children are divided by
age group. Playday is for walk-
ers ,to 26 months old and
includes parachute play, climb-
ing and musical activities.
Preschool children and up.
attend without parents. One
trial class is free. Call 249-3828
for information,I or visit
Cummer Museum of Art &
Gardens in Jacksonville con-
tains hands-on, high-tech and
low-tech interactive exhibits
that encourage physical acti-i-
tv and quiet contemplation..
Walk through a painting, cre-
ate patterns with dance, make
a collage, listen to a sculpture,
or paint with a virtual, paint-
brush. The museum is located
on the north bank of the St.
Johns River at 829 Riverside
Ave., phone 356-6857. Hours
are 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesday
and Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5
p.m. Wednesday, Friday and
Saturday, and noon to 5 p.m.
Sunday. '
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Rachel Polovina, a 1998
graduate of Fletcher High
School, recently passed the
National 'Physical Therapy
exam and is a licensed physi-
cal therapist in St. Petersburg.
Polovina received a bache-
or'bt degree in exercise science
'rrom'Florida State University
in 2003 and a master's in
physical therapy from the
University of North Florida in
She is the daughter of Dave
and Linda Polovina of
Jacksonville Beach.
U.S. Army Pvt. Jayson P.
Johnson has graduated from
basic infantry training at Fort
Benning, Columbus, Ga.
Johnson is the son of Erin
Murhpy of Atlantic Beach.
Lydia Johnson and Christopher Gillespie
Lydia Gayle Johnson of Jacksonville Beach and
Christopher Thomas Gillespie of Mauldin, S.C.,
have announced their engagement to be.married.
The bride-elect is the daughter of Betty Webster
Johnson of Jacksonville Beach and the late Douglas
She is a 1998 graduate of Fletcher High School.
She earned her Bachelor's degree in English and
Religious Studies from Palni 'Beach Atlantic
University in 2002. She earned master's degrees in
English and Religious Studies from Gardner-Webb
University in 2005. She plans to pursue a doctorate
in English. She is employed as an adjunct professor
of English and a graduate school admissions coun-
selor at Gardner-Webb University.
The groom-elect is the son of Terry and Pamela
Gillespie of Mauldin, S.C. He is a 1995 graduate of
Mauldin High School. He earned his Bachelor's
degree in marketing from Clemson University, and
is currently working on master's in Diinity' at
Gardner-Webb University. He is employed as the
Minister of Students at First Baptist Church,
Hickory, N.C.
The couple plan to wed ay 2 p.m., June 17, 2006,
at Church of the Redeemer Episcopal in Shelby,
60th Aniversary
Betty and Harold "Bud" Reed
celebrated their 60th wedding
anniversary on Feb. 15.
The couple met at the Key
West Naval base while "Bud"
was a Marine and Betty was a
messenger. They were married
-on Feb. 15, 1946.,,.
"Bud" i's a'V6rid'War II and
Korean War veteran and is
retired from the Jacksonville
Beach Police Department.
The former Betty Johnson is
a homemaker. The couple have
three sons, Dennis, Stephen
and Gary, and five grandchil-
The Reeds
A Students:
This year to celebrate National Newspapers In
Education Week The Beaches Leader, Ponte Vedra
Leader will be sponsoring an Essay Contest for
studefits in grades 3-8. Students may choose one of
the following topics:
My Favorite thing to read in the newspaper is...
Write an article about your summer plans.
If there were an article about me in the newspaper it
would say...
Essays will be judged on:
Prizes Provided By:
*Reader Interest
To Enter:
Students may submit an
essay of no more than 300
words neatly written or
typed. Entries must be sent
The Beaches Leader
1114 Beach Blvd
Jacksonville Beach, FL
OR e-mailed to:
There will be winners in two
Grades 3-5
Grades 6-8
Entries must include the Student's
name, address, phone, school and age.
Entries must be received no later than
Friday, March 3, 2006.
/ For more information call Linda @ 249-9033 ,
reoruary I-L, Z LVu
- -- -- -- -
L--J z, -Imvx A- I-IIAZP MW -1 --. I- ", I al
Fphrlviv 22200
*Page 10A The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader February 22, 2006
Young Shakespearean actors, fourth- and fifth-graders at Rawllngs Elementary School, take a
bow after a Feb. 16 presentation to classmates at the school. The presentation ended the after-
school Shakespeare program.
Nease, Landrum take awards
The Nease team of Richard
Cassidy III and Vyshak
Chandra won top honors this
month in the senior division of
the 2006 River Region East
Science Fair, held at First Coast
Technical Institute in St.
Their project was titled "A
Comparison of Antibiotic
Resistance of Staphylococcus
Aureus Between Asians,
Caucasians, Hispanics and
African Americans."
Landrum seventh-grader
Andrew Yurko was named
overall winner in the junior
division for his project, "The
Cure for the Common Plant -
Absorption of Antibiotics by
Eleven Nease students and
16 Landrum students took
home awards from the region-
al competition held Feb. 1 and
Feb. 2.
Twenty-two projects done by
seven students at Nease and
seven at Landrum, go to this
year's state fair, scheduled April
19 to 21 in Orlando.
The only other St. Johns
County schools sending more
than one student to state are
Murray Middle School, with
three, and Sebastian Middle
School, with two.
The Nease students moving
forward are Jeppy Barbour,
Barry Beinart, Kevin Bell,
Cassidy, Chandra, George
Erickson -and Nathan
The Landrum students going
to Orlando are Elizabeth Egan,'
Michael Egan, Jeffrey Hsu, Matt
Krepp, Christian Middleton,
Joseph Paul and Yurko.
Nease dominated physical
science, where Erickson fin-
ished first, Barbour and
Georgette tied for second and
Beinart was third.
Bell placed second and Jacob
-Spencer was third in biological
science, where Laura
Fairbrother tied for honorable
Lauren Delaparte and Lauren
Foster received honorable men-
tion in the senior team catego-
Along with Yurko, who fin-
ished first in botany-zoology,
the other Landrum award win-
ners were Morgan Jenkins,
honorable mention in behav-
ioral science; Elizabeth Egan,
first, and Harrison Goodall,
third, in biochemistry, and
Paul, first in engineering.
Middleton was second and
Tia Lewis third in environmen-
tal; Krepp first and Lauren
Donnangelo third in medicine,
health and microbiology;
Michael Egan first and Hsu sec-
ond in physics; Zack Elam and
Foster Grube second and Paula
Makopoulos and Danielle
Thomas honorable mention in
the junior team category.
Approximately 113 middle
and high school students were
involved in the River Region
East Science Fair. Schools
involved were Cathedral Parish
School, Fruit Cove Middle,
Landrum, Pedro Menendez
High, Murray, Nease, Gamble
Rogers Middle, St. Augustine
High, St. Johns Academy and
Recipes: Bernard made wedding cakes
Cont. from A-8
accumulated some nice
brown on the skillet bottom.
Add onions, garlic, and cel-
ery at once and stir. When
onion is' wilted, pour this
mixture into a large pot.
Add a little oil in the same-
skillet and fry okra until dry,
stirring occasionally. Add
tomatoes and simmer for at
least 15 minutes. Turn into
gumbo pot. Add all other
ingredients except file. Cook
for at least one hour, adding
water as needed. Stir in file
right before serving over hot
fluff), rice. Serves 6 to 8.
1 stick of butter
1 lb. of sausage
2 lbs. of cooked chicken
4 T flour
2 cups raw rice
2 cans (14 oz.) chicken or
beef broth
(if chicken has been
boiled, use that broth)
1 bunch of green onions
1 large onion
3 stalks of celery (optional)
1 green pepper
1 can Rotel tomatoes with
chili peppers
one and one-half T garlic
one-half tsp. cayenne pep-
per (or to taste)
1 chicken or beef bouillon
cube (optional)
salt and pepper to taste,
the chicken and rice will
absorb a lot
Boil chicken and remove
from bone. Dice. Save broth.
In a large pot, melt butter
and brown sausage. Chop
vegetables. Blanch the
onions, celery, and peppers.
Add boullionicube and dis-
solve. Add flour and stir. Add
all other ingredients, stirring
after each.
pnolo suoDn1mea
John Bernard made this four-
tier wedding cake for his
daughter Bonnie in March
The mixture should be
soupy; the rice will absorb
the liquid. Stir every few
minutes so that it does not
stick to the bottom of the
pot. Medium heat is best. If
sticking occurs, remove from
heat for a few minutes, then
continue. Jambalaya is done
when rice is cooked, about
30 minutes.
Fried Wontons
1 lb. ground pork or beef
or one-half lb. each
2 green onions, finely
I can (8.5 oz) water chest-
nuts, drained and finely
1 stalk celery, finely
2 eggs, beaten
1 T soy sauce
1 tsp. salt
one-half tsp. pepper
1 pkg. (16 oz.) Wonton
salad oil
sweet and sour sauce
Combine first 8 ingredi-
ents in a bowl and mix well.
Separate only a few won ton
skins at a time; they dry out
Place one full teaspoon of
meat mixture in the center
of each wonton skin.
Moisten edges of each skin
with water and fold in half
diagonally (or any way you
want) over filling to form an
envelope. Moisten two outer
points and fold toward cen-
ter, overlapping slightly.
Press lightly to seal.
Heat oil in pot. (There
should be enough oil so
wontons float and can be
easily turned over.) Add
wontons and fry until gold-
en brown on both sides.
(About 2 minutes per side.)
Drain well on paper towels.
Serve hot with sweet and
sour sauce.
French Silk
Chocolate Pie
I stick of butter
three-quarters cup sugar
2 eggs
1 oz. Bakers unsweetened
one-quarter tsp. vanilla
Cool Whip
8-inch graham cracker
Whip softened butter and
sugar. Melt chocolate; about
2 minutes in the microwave.
Add melted chocolate to but-
ter and sugar. Add one egg,
beat on medium speed for
five minutes. Add second egg
and beat for another five
minutes. Stir in vanilla.
Place mixture in the gra-
ham cracker crust and place
in refrigerator or freezer for
30 minutes or until firm.
Top with Cool Whip; use a
fork to form peaks in the
topping. Top the Cool whip
with shavings of unsweet-
ened chocolate.
Florida Lotto & Lottery Games
Ponte Vedra Leader
Fishing Leader B-3
S* Classifieds B-4
F y 1* Panthers baseball B-8
February 22, 2006 m g f 1
One more go-around for Silverberg
Phio by vROB DeArJGELO
Nease High girls soccer coach Dave Silverberg walks onto the
field at Lockhart Stadium in Fort Lauderdale Feb. 11 as his team
wraps up its most recent Class 4A state title. Silverberg, who
has guided the Panthers to three state championships in the
past five years, will return to coach one more season.
When a coach has won three state cham-
pionships in five years at a high school and
no longer has children on the team or at
the school, what does he do next?
If he's Dave Silverberg, who has led the
Nease girls soccer team
five years, the last two in
2005 and 2006, and has
run out of daughters on
the squad, he comes
back for an encore.
"I have committed to
one more year,"
Silverberg said Monday.
His eldest., daughter,
Jenna, a member of the
2002 title- squad who
played four seasons at
Nease, will be a, senior at
Western Kentucky next
fall. She scored 14 goals
as a freshman to set a
Hilltoppers' record.
Silverberg's youngest
daughter, Jamie, a mem-
ber of the 2005 and
2006 title-winning
teams, also has played
for Nease for four years
to three titles in
Initially, whe
this thing, it
see what hap
Jenna, it wa
continue in s(
Jamie it was
they want me
Dave Si
Nease girls s(
and graduates in
May. She'll be a freshman at Western
Kentucky next season.
An adjunct coach, Silverberg has shown
great efficiency during his head-coaching
tenure, which has produced three state
titles in the only five years he's been at
Nease. But he has no intentions of apply-
ing for the 'Toppers' head coaching job.
"Initially, when I started this thing, it
was just see what happens." said Silverberg.
"With Jenna, it was 'let me continue in soc-
cer.' With lamie, It was 'as long as they
want me.'"
But his original game-plan has changed.
"The plan was Jamie, and that was it," he
said. "But I got close to the seniors. I've
been around them for a long time [and] I
have a blast doing it."
The rising seniors at
Nease include defender
Meagan Thomas, who
an I started missed the entire season
with a broken ankle, and
was just to Dani Nelson, a key mem-
)pens. With ber of the Panthers'
defense; forward Kristen
IS 'Let me Hoover, who suffered an
MCL sprain in the region-
occer.' With al final against St.
'As long as Augustine but still played
five minutes in the 1-0
.' title win over Merritt
Island; midfielders
Brittany Hawkins and
Lanie Sahs, and goalkeep-
'lverberg er Hannah Marvin.
soccer coach This year's champi-
onship lifted Nease into
an exclusive sorority of
11 Florida high schools, all of whom have
three or more state titles.
St. Thomas Aquinas heads the list with
10 championships, followed by American
Heritage with 5; Bishop Moore, Lyman and
Douglas, all with four; and Bolles,
Clearwater Central Catholic, Lake Mary,
Palm Harbor, Spanish River and now
Nease, each with three.
SUverberg had never played soccer and
says he knew nothing about the game
when he got started. The coach learned the
sport through his girls.
"I'm probably like a lot of people in this
country," he said. "'Soccer? Who needs it?'
kind of thing."
He started with Jenna, now a 21-year-old
junior at Western, when she was 10. That's
because Becky Silverberg came home one
day and told her husband she had signed
their daughter up for soccer.
"'\Vhy soccer?' was his reaction.
"She started playing in a rec league, and
I went to watch," recalled Silverberg, who
found himself in the same situation as
many fathers who think the coach knows
less about a particular sport than they do.
The difference was Silverberg did some-
thing about it.
After getting involved with John Duguid
and Jacksonville Youth Soccer, Silverberg
coached his eldest daughter's travel and
advanced teams from the time she was 11
until she reached 14.
"When she got to a point, I asked John
Duguid to coach them," he said. "I helped
and assisted with some of those teams."
Silverberg said his involvement "has
been about being around your kids for that
much time. I love coaching them, but just
watching them grow up and being around
them was really special.
"I realized how difficult if was for them
to have their dad coach them. People are
going to question sometimes why you're
playing your daughter," he said. "But they
were both great. They knew they had to do
the extra, play that much harder, because
'our dad's the coach.'"
0 0
Girls win lacrosse opener
The Nease girls lacrosse season got off to
a good start last Friday night with a lop-
sided 11-2 victory over Lyman High at
Panther Stadium.
The Panthers expanded their 6-1 half-
time lead with five goals in quick succes-
sion after the intermission.
Allie Lancashire, Emily Howard and Jess
Gimbel helped key a ferocious Panthers
attack that kept the pressure on Lyman's
defense throughout the second half.
The Nease girls are slated to travel to
Oviedo High School Friday in a 7 p.m.
start, then take on Seminole High on
March 1 before returning home March 3 to
battle Lake NMary High.
Photos by ROB DeANGELO
RIGHT: Panthers attacker Allie Lancashire
(13) checks Lyman High's goalie during
action last Friday night at Panthers
Stadium in the season-opener for Nease
girls lacrosse. The Panthers defeated the
Hounds, 11-2.
BELOW LEFT: Nease's Jaryn Thorndyke,
right, scoops up a loose ball at midfield
while pursued by a Hounds defender.
BELOW RIGHT: Lancashire (13) tries to .. ,.-,
control the ball while a Lyman defender
gets her stick high during second half play '
last Friday.
JVC slate
set, but
in doubt
While this summer's Jack-
sonville Volleyball Club sched-
ule has been set, officials warn
that without more member par-
ticipation the event s might not
take place.
Angie Armstrong, a Jackson-
ville resident and club president
for the past six years, told mem-
bers recently she plans to step
down after this season but
said Monday someone has
.expressed interest in taking over
the JVC program right away.
Jay Miller, a former club
member who ran Coors Lite
volleyball tournaments in the
Jacksonville area for a number
of years, may take charge of the
JVC program this year instead
of next. A club meeting sched-
uled for March 11 may provide
the answer.
"I am sorry my time has come
to an end," said Armstrong,
"but I feel [my husband] Dan
and I have brought the club up
to a great level and I would
love for it to stay that way and
even get bigger.
"But remember," she added,
"the club is not just for tourna-
ments. If there is no club, there
would be very few nets at the
If all goes forward as planned,
the upcoming schedule inclu-
des the following events, all of
which will be held oh the
beachfront at the Comfort Inn
and Holiday Inn at 1st Street
North and 16th Avenue North
in Jacksonville Beach:
*April 22-23, JVC
Membership Tournament
*May 20-21, Mike Highsmith
Memorial Tournament
*June 24-25, Ocean Waves
Summer Blast
*July 22-23, World Gym
Summer Blast
*August 19-20, Smoothie
King Summer Blast
Before Miller expressed inter-
est, Armstrong wasn't sure any-
one would take on the leader-
ship role alone. She had made
plans to set up several teams or
committees to split up the job.
The team concept would
include one group to handle
arrangements for the tourna-
ments, another to take care of
all nets at the beach, including
their set up and take down, a
management team to handle
tournament check-in and pool
set up, a prize and T-shirt man-
ager or team, and an adminis-
tration team to handle the
paperwork for AVPNext; JVC
member list and club check-
ta i~" s --l---I1LLI
February 22, 2006'
a -
Floors By Design offers one-stop shopping
for flooring products, window fashions
and design projects large and small
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When you walk. in to the
Floors By Design store, the first
thing you see are samples of
the "best of the best" floor cov-
erings imaginable including ,,
fine carpets, natural stone, ,,. '."
porcelain tile, hardwood floors
and ceramic, .tile. Then, as you ,:
continue walking you see sam- .
,pies of ceramic wall tiles, | 'J.
Raywall kitchens and baths,
and Htinter Douglas window
treatments. By the time you
reach the office and design area
in the back of the store, you
understand that the key word
in the Floors By Design name is
This is not your ordinary
flooring, and carpeting display
showroom. Floors By Design,
which has served the Beaches
for more than 10 years, is
"designed" to help you with all
of your remodeling, renova-
!tion and new-construction i
needs. Owner Keith Zipper car-
nries on a family tradition in the
flooring and decorating busi- For 10 years Keith Zipper, ow
ness dating back to 1954. The tions of flooring products, win
business, originally known as area. Pictured above from th
Carpet and Vinyl World, con- Owner; Shelley Dickerson, De
tinues to offer top-quality
products at competitive prices.
What makes the customer's experience at Floors By
Design different is the hand-holding and follow-through,
says Keith. "We understand how stressful remodeling, ren-
ovation and new construction can be, so we work hard to
ease stress."
"We hold hands, offer advice and are honest in fact,
we're not, afraid to tell you if we think something looks -
ugly," he says with a smile. "I doubt there is any other store
in the Jacksonville area that holds as many hands as we'
do," says Keith.
The Floors By Design staff members agree. In addition to
Keith, they include design consultants Shelley Dickerson
and Ron Caruso arid designer Karin Demme. Shelley enjoys
, working with people and helping customers see their deco-
;rating ideas come to life. Karin's 15-plus years of experience
as a professional designer allow her to envision and fulfill
Customers' needs. Keith and Ron have the installation and
hands-on expertise to oversee every project from beginning
to end and to ensure quality control on and off site. "For all
of us, the project isn't done until the customer is satisfied,"
says Keith.
Keith, Shelley, Karin and Ron make one of the most expe-
rienced and creative remodeling and decorating teams in
the area. "Each of us excels in certaj..areas., sp iwe t.hro.w all
of our different talents'together and make every project
work," says Keith. "We know how to work with color, con-
'trast, fabrics, flooring, counters, fixtures, window treat-
ments and even furniture arrangement to complete a
Design scheme," he adds. "It's amazing how dressing up just.
a. few minor details can make such a difference --no mat-.
ter if you've got a big or small budget or if you're updating
one window treatment or an entire house." '
Taking care of those details is what Floors By Design is all
about. "We all work hard very, very hard and love every
minute of it," says Karin, "but that's because we take the
time to understand what the customer is trying to achieve
in their home and sell products that will meet their expec-
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rner of Floors By Design, has offered one of the largest selec-
dow fashions and decorating services in the Jacksonville
e left is Karin Demme, Flooring Designer; Keith Zipper,
design Consultant; and Ron Caruso, Sales Specialist
stations and not ours."
Whether you're shopping for materials for one room or
for the entire home, Fidors by Design can help. Keith and
the staff will coordinate flooring materials and window
fashions to enhance what you already have or to create a
completely new look.
Floors by Design carries only the "best of the best" prbd-
.uct lines. Flodring products include ceramic tile (including
Crossxille porcelain), carpet (featuring Shaw and Mohawk
brands), vinyl (Armstrongi and wood flooring (including
Harris-Tarkett, recently voted "Best Overall Wood Flooring
Manufacturer""). Window fashions from Hunter Douglas
include wood blinds, silhouettes, luminettes and woven
wood blinds. Also available are Raywall Cabinets for bath-
room remodeling and kitchen renovations including gran-
ite counter tops, Silestone, Corian and Staroi. Ceramic tile
countertops, backsplashes, walls and showers are also a spe-
Floors by Design makes, it easy to have the new look
you've been wanting in your home or office. Customers are
welcome to borrow samples to see the products at home.
In-store financing is also available, with 90-day and six
months same as cash.
"At Floors By Design we have the largest style selection at
the Beaches," explains Keith. "We continue to grow and,
add new product lines. \Ve invite vou to browse our,show-
room in a friendly atmosphere with nd sales pressure: My
business philosophy is to treat the customer honestly,
which is a win-win situation for everyone. Floors by Design
is a one-stop design center emphasizing service, not sales -
we're designed that way."
Floors By Design is located at 592 Marsh Landing Parkway
near Target in the Southbeach Parkway Shopping Center in
Jacksonville Beach. The showroom is open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Monday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday. For
more information or to set up a free consultation with
Keith, Shelley, Karin or Ron call 273-2088, fax 273-9096
or e-mail Keith at kizipper('comcast.net.
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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Page 3B
B oth sheepshead and
whiting were hot last
week just in time for the
very popular "El Cheapo"
Sheepshead Tournament on
Tournament director Frank
Joura requests all entries to be
at the Captains meeting. on
Friday at 7:30 p.m. For ques-
tions about the tournament
call 241-0777.
'Capt. Mike Morris tried the
jetties on Thursday and had
no trouble catching his limit
of sheepshead weighing up to,
eight pounds.
James Gergley, Matt
Hamilton and their friend
Sam, put their fiddlers in the
rocks on Monday for a little
sheepshead practice session.
They caught 22 fish weighing
up to, 8.5 pounds.
Larry "Fishman" Finch was
spotted anchored along the
jetties last Monday and
Tuesday, mornings. He caught
his limit of sheepshead 'each
On Thursday morning, the
"Fishman" took ,George'
Atelevich to the rocks for the
toothy ones. They sacked up
their limit of 30 once again
with the fish weighing up to
eight pounds.
Capt. Kirk Waltz and Chris
Huff on Kirk's "Enterprise" last
Wednesday spent the morning
along the jetties. They caught
11 sheepshead and a pair of
reds preparing for the
Saturday .tournament.,
Capt. Bob Ulrich and his
'wife Sarah on their "B.S.165"'
tried the bottom fishing about
10 miles off St. Augustine last'
week. They started ciff catch-
ing lots of seabass and beelin-
ers and ended 'the 'morning
with an 18.5-pound snapper.
Capt. David King was surely
the "King" of the whiting fish-
ing last week. Fishing off P.V.
from his "Crusty Crab" with
,his friend Sonny Ponce, David
caught coolers full of whiting
for three straight days..
Jacksonville Beach Pier fish-
ing picked up. considerably
over the weekend. As the wind
and current picked up on
Saturday and Sunday the
whiting started biting.
Phillip Grossman caught 35
whiting. Steve Gale cleaned 40
whiting and James McCall left
the pier with 65 whiting.
Hundreds of whiting were
brought off 'the pier on
Sunday. Bluefish, drum, and
yelldwmouth are beginning to
appear from under the pier,.
Capt. George Strate, on his
"MNayport Princess" with a full
boat 'of anglers, made good
use of last week's spring-like
w weather. Each afternoon they
returned to Mayport with
coolers filled with snapper,.
grouper, seabass and beeliners.
On Wednesday aboard the
"Princess," Matt Hamilton
happily showed his two 17-
pound grouper and 21-pound
snapper. Jonathan MOran
cleaned a nine-pound snapper
and every angler seemed to
really enjoy the trips.
Capt. George Bull. Jr. 'and
fishing buddy Steve Danzig
trolled the canal and creeks
near Nassau Sound last Friday
for 15 trout, 10 redbass, two
drum and a flounder. All were
caught from George's "Bionic
See you at the "El Cheapo"
Sheepshead Tournament.
Good fishing.
uetionsremainoe Johnson's
Daytona 500 victory on Sunday
A s this is penned, the
clu question remains about
the 2006 Daytona 5SO0,
and driver Jimmie Johnson -
izzy or izzint he?
The celebration late Sunday
showed, the world the winner
despite all the cries of cheating,
.swindling. bumping and every-
thing short of spitting on the'
flag. But like the election
'returns in George' W, Bush's
first presidential chase, the
result stood.
SWhat kind of Daytona 500
"was this, a lot of fans were no
doubt still, moaning. Tony
Stewart was supposed to win.
He's the kind of champ racing
nuts, er-fahs, love to cheer.
Stewart can sneer like a real vil-
lain: '
And why not Jeff Gordon?
He was the defending 500
champion and could model for
5 o'clock shadow anytime.
But Jimmie 'Johnson! He
looks like a "grown up choir
boy. He's clean-shavren with' a
neat. haircut. This is a "good
old boy"? What has stock car
Aerobics by Be\veri' takes
place Mondays and
Wednesday from 5:30 p.m.
until 6:30 p.m. at the Neptune
Beach Senior Activities Center.
Program features circuit train-
ing, cardio kickboxing, step and
body sculpture. .
For more information phone'
616-2218 or 270-1688.
Jax Xtreme, a new travel
baseball team is forming for
the january to July season.
This team will be coached by a
former pro baseball player.
Players with great attitudes .
and supportive parents are
invited to phone Wayne at
993-3530 for more informa-
racing come to?
So Johnson's crew chief got
the gate early in the week for
tampering with the car a
NASCAR no-no. Gee whiz, rac-
ing chiefs fiddling with the car
to make it faster is like a pitch-
er greasing up the ball or. hit-
ters loading their bats (Oh,
surely they don't really do
that!) What's a little cheating
amongst friends?
But the 2006 Daytona 500
winner stands as a new kind of
champion unless a recount is
The All American Cage
Classic Tournament is looking
for all AAU, YBOA, USSSA trav-
el teams as well as public and
private middle schools, junior
varsity and varsity basketball .
programs to participate on
March 17-19 at the University
of South Florida.
For more information visit
www.aacctournaments.com or
contact Regional Director ,
David Montgomery at 813 610-
7812 or via email at dmon-
Beach Girls Fitness 'is fitness
training for women only. Six-
week camps include head to
toe fitness in a group setting at
local parks at the beach.,
demanded by the Democrats.
In a way it was a refreshing
change evenr if the new
champ looks as though he's
never had a chaw of tobacco in
his young life. Bet Johnson
doesn't even have a pick-up.
-Betaus'e'it wasn't football,
;Alabama's 92-79 basketball
upset of Tennessee on
Saturday may not have gotten
the uproar, it deserved, but it
was a ring-dinger for the Tide.
The Alabama-Tennessee
rivalry has always been oneof
the best in the south, but in
basketball even an upset over
the Volunteers doesn't: result
in mass celebration. Beating
the hated Knoxville gang in
football especially when
coached by arch-villain Phil
Fulmer is cause for calling
out the riot squad:
Sometimes that rabid media
around Birmingham might get
a bit carried away, but it's to
be expected. In Alabama, like
Personal training also avail-
SFor more information con-
tact Jill Lynch at 534-4889 or
on the web at www.beachgirls-
Flag Football
Flag football spring leagues
for kids ages 6 to 14 are form-
ing.in St. Johns and Duval
counties. All games take place
on Saturday from April 1 until
May 27. Deadline to register is
March 4.
For more information or to
register, visit .
www.i9sports.com or phone
(904) 992-4263.
Girls on the Run
Registration is now open
for Girls on the Run of N.E.
Florida, an after-school pro-
Green Bay, there's not a whole
lot to get excited about except
football and the fans; which
means virtually everybody
from the cradle to the grave,
can be pardoned for their exu-
On occasion, one of their,
more vociferous sports critics
might make a statement to
downgrade lt their foes.: LAt iti
doesn't foot anyone. Recently
one of them shrugged .off
Auburn's recruiting by saying
that the, Tigers aren't really
Bama's most,.important foe,.
Tennessee is.,
That would have come as
great news to Bama's Bear
Bryant and Auburn's 'Ralph
(Shug). Jordan, who spent'
yearss trying to whip each
Truth is, everybody jis
Alabama's hottest foe when
they play. How many times
have coaches of the past been
heard to say, "We'd rather beat
Florida (or Georgia or Florida
State) than anybody"?
Rivalries in sports are great.
It's what pays the bills.
gram for 3rd to 6th grade
girls that combines running
and training for a 5K (3.1"
miles) run/walk, along with
healthy living education and
life lessons.
Spring programs begin In.
Feb. and take place at various
'locations throughout Ponte,
Vedra Beach, Atlantic Beach
and Neptune Beach. For more
information phone (904) 321-
4315 or visit
North Florida United Soccer
Club is currently forming pre-
mier soccer teams for tourna-
ment play. The organization is
seeking premier players for U-
10 to U-17 teams.
For more information e-mail
Wednesday, Feb. 22
Atlantic High at NEASE, 7 p.m.
Thursday, Feb. 23
NEASE at Palatka High, 7 p.m.
Orange Park at FLETCHER, 7 p.m.
FLETCHER at Sandalwood, 3:15 p.m.
Bolles School at NEASE, 4:30 p.m.
Providence High at NEASE, 3:30 p.m.
FLETCHER JV at NEASE, 4:30 p.m.
Friday, Feb. 24
NEASE at St. Augustine, 7 p.m.
NEASE at Oviedo High, 7 p.m.
Ed White at FLETCHER, 7 p.m.
Triathlon Coaching
Steve Petitt, a 7-time Ironman
Hawaii competitor, is offering ,
Coaching packages from sprint to "
S Ironman distance races... :,
Visit www.stevepetitt.com ,,
or e-mail stevepetitt@comcast.net
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Sealy or Sealy Posturepedic
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bc-,kvi, T) 1n00A
reUiuariy /.a Uru A .
Sheepshead heat up in time for 'El Cheapo'
Photo submitted
This week's history picture ,features Gene (left) and Eddie Smith with a great catch of redbass
,they made in the 1970s. Of course, now you can keep only one.
D.... ACRt
The Reaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
raet A U 1.'- ---- I
Pets & Animals
The Beaches Leader! 30 Pets ale
r~e [S 310Pets for Sale
Ponte Vedra Leader
THURS., 11A.M.
$7.10 First 10 Words
470 each add'l word
$8.10 First 10 Words
470 each add'l word
Hours: Mon. Fri.
8:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m.
1114 Beach Blvd.
Jacksonville, FL 32250
Red ISEtate
Real Estate
100 Real Estate
110 Lots/Land for Sale
120 Homes for Sale
125 Real Estate
130 Condos for Sale
150 Mobile Homes
for Sale
180 Comm. Property
185 Industrial/
200 Rental
215 Home for Rent
225 Wanted to Rent
230 Condo for Rent
.240 M.H. for Rent
260 Vacation Rental
.,270 Rental to Share
275 Room for Rent
280 Office Space,
285 Comm. Rental
330 Stables/Livestock
340 Lost/Found Pets
400 Notices
405 Travel
415. Personals
420 Legal Services
425 Legal Notices
440 Misc. Lost/Found
450 Instructions/Schoc
460 Weddings
500 P-T Help Wantec
510 F-T Help Wanted
520 Job Services
530 Bus. Opportunity
540 Child Care,
550 Work Wanted
Service Guide
600 Services
601,Air Conditioning
602 Alterations
607 Auto/Boat Detailing
608 Auto Repair
609 Bus. Services
612 Carpet
613 Catering
615 Cleaning
618 Electronics
619 Electrical Service
620 Equip. Rentals
622 Fences
623 Finan. Services
625 Firewood
631 Computer Servic
634 Lawn Mower
635 Lawn Svc/
- Lahdscpo-'.
,636 Locksmith '
637 Marine Const.
638 Marine/Boating
640 Concrete/Masonry
645 Moving & Storage
648 Pressure Washing
Service Guide cont.
650 Painting
651 Pest Control
k 652 Plumbing
653 Pools
654 Photography
655 Rain Gutters
660 Remodel/Const.
665 Repairs
670 Roofing
675 Sprinkler & Wells
677 Tree Service
ils 678 Tile
680 Upholstery
685 Wallpapering
690 Water Treatment
Health Services
700 Massage Therapy
710 Health Care Serc.
730 Caregivers
For Sale
800 For Sale
805 Music& Instrw
810 Antiques
815 Auctions
820 Wanted to Buy
825 Trade
830 Consignment
Garage Sales
840 Garage Sales
850 Jax Beach
es 852 Neptune Beach
854 Atlantic Beach
856 Mayport
857 Ponte Vedra
858 West Beaches"
es 859 Jacksonville
860 Flea Market
862 Estate Sales
, r. 905 Auta'deital
915 Boats
930 Motorcycles
950 Campers/RVs
970 Trucks/Vans
980 Automobiles
All advertising accepted subject to the approval of the publisher, Who shall
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Publisher reserves the right to place classified under appropriate classifica-
Please read your ad the first day it runs so any necessary changes may be
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MOUNTAINS OF Nonh Ga. The very best
ot riverfronl. lakelronlt, acreage tracts.
building parcels from 1 to 195 acres direct
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The Leader Group will not knowingly ac-
cept any advertising lor real eslale
which is in violation ol the law. All per-
sons are hereby informed that all dwell-
ings advenised are available on an
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It you believe Inat you may have been
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TENNESSEE Lakelronl Retreats Newly
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OCALA. ORLANDO, Florida area..
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149,900. Rolling hills. views, trails. Only
2 miles to 1-75 Discount ends 2128. Brok-
er/ owner. (352)330-0022
season Is here.'Must see the beautiful
peaceful mountains of Western NC
Homes, cabins, acreage & investments.
Cherokee Mountain Realty GMAC Real,
Estate, Murphy www.cherdkeemountain-
realty.com Call for free brochure
TIM THOMPSON, 591-0303
Vacant Lot, Atlantic Beach. 4 Blocks to
Ocean. 0.43 acres. $985,000. OBO'
Corner lot near Beach Marine. $330,000.
TWO lots remaining, Prime Davis St. loca-
tion, 70'x120' each, (904)246-6043.
A RARE Find: 8 lots, South Jax Beach,
near Sanctuary, approx. 75x100 each.
Cleared, ready to build. $315K/per lot. Will
finance w/25% down. (904)221-3825.
The finest ocean view lot available in Jax
Beach $829,000. Plan and permits in
place. If interested call Mark '@ The Dil-
worth Realty Group of Vanguard GMAC
(Hendersonville N.C. area). DIVORCE,
MUST SELL. Priced below market value.
$147,900. FSBO. 537-3969.
close to beach w/ 3BR 2BA house.
Duplex, or single home. 1BR/1BA (each).
East of A1 A. $425,000 OBO. 246-8200.
PONTE VEDRA, 3BR/2BA, beautiful, re-
modeled townhome on lake. End unit.
$193,000. (904)424-0660.
SOUTH JAX BEACH. 2BR/2BA, 2-car ga-
rage. All new interior finishes, 1200sf.
1639 Roberts Dr. $284,900. 571-2899.
1250sf. Fireplace, 1-car garage, com-
munity pool. Walk to Ocean. $279,000.
February 22, 2006
- V
We help sellers sell for a low set fee
HELP-U-SELL Coastal Realty
Call: (904)241-4447
NEW TO market. Deep water lots. Beauti-
fully situated on .50 acres with 2,800 feet
of magnificent frontage on Battery Creek
in Beaufort, SC. Offering deep waterfront
dockable, tidal creek and privacy wooded
lots starting from $59,900. Call (877)929-
LARGE MTN. land bargains, high eleva-
tion. Adjoins pristine state forest 20 + AC
to 350 AC. Sweeping mtn. views, streams.
WESTERN NC Mountains, North Carolina
where there is: cool mountain air, views &
streams, homes, cabins & acreage. Call
for free brochure of. mountain property
sales. (800)642-5333. Realty Of Murphy
317 Peachtree St. Murphy, N.C. 28906.
NC 'MOUNTAINS 10.51 acres on moun-
tain top, in gated community, view, trees,
waterfall and large public .lake nearby,
paved private access. $119,500 owner
l8661789-8535 www NC77.com .,
THE PERFECT recreational investment
tract, 851 acres in beautiful Soutn Geor-
gia. Offering divided or as a whole. Con-
tact Peach State at (866)300-7653; Visit
www.rubuyingrealestate.corh Gal 2550.
WATERFRONT Land Sale Direct Water-
front parcels from only $9,9001 2 acres
dockable with log cabin package from
$89,9001 4.5 acres dockable waterfront
only $99,900. All properties are new to the
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HORSE FARM. liquidation 20 acres-
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Ideal summer home site Terms avail! Call
now (877)909-5263
GRAND OPENINGI Wiighl's Creek, locat-
ed In the Florida panhandle. 3 acres, from
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18661888-7332. ext. 12
WATERFRONT 2 acres ./- $159.900.
Gorgeous acreage, greal views, pristine
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Atlantic. Paved road. underground utilities.
well water. sepnic approved. Excellent fi.
nancing. By appointment only. Call now
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Find buyers at
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NORTH CAROLINA gated laKelront com-
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line Never before offered with 20. pre-
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Call (800)709.5253.
MURPHY, NORTH Carolina. Aan cool
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Propenies www exitmurphy com
WESTERN NEW Mexico. 20 acres start-
Sing at- $39,990.. Scenic region. views,
trees, rolling hills. wildlile Family retreat.
huntng property or year round home.
Power. 10000 financing. NALC (866)365-
ASHEVILLE. NC area homesies. Own a
private mountain rereal. Galed rivenront
community. Stunning mountain views 1 to
8 acres from the $60s. Four-season ch.
male. Call (866)292-5762. Bear R;ver
WE BUY houses last. No equity No prob-
lem Call toll free 24 ours 1-877-buy-
last. www.8777ouytast corn
LAND AUCTION, 200 props must be sold.
Low down/ E-Z Financing, Iree catalog.
S800)937-E603. www.landauclion ccm H
sites. Gated' lakeside community 1 to '5
acre wooded and lake view siles from the
$40s. Planned amenities. Minutes from
Chathanooga Call today (866)292-5769.
Gates of ihe River
JAX BCH/ FSBO 3BR/2.5BA. Completely
remoloeled, must see
www forsalebyowner.com list #20585804.
1404 Declaration Dr. $349,000
Backing on to the Guana Preserve
3BR,'3BA home Stunning custom marble
fireplace, remodeled kitchen with cherry
cabinetry. granite counters, hot tub, en-
closed liled lanai. Offered at $458,000.
Call for appoiniment to view-
Help-U-Seli Coastal Realty
335 Jacksonville Dnve
Jacksonville Beach. FL 32250
Phone: (904)241-4447
www.helpusell com/coaslalrealty
Duplex, great investment, adorable, in-
come maker, 1/2 block to ocean.
$509.000. Call (904)234-5629.
PVB- L'ATRIUM 2BR/2BA. updated, new
rool, new A/C. 2735 Sr. Louis Court,
$298,000 (904)813.0298.
MAYPORT LANDING- 3/2 Townhome,
new roof. new tile floors. $139.900.
EAGLES CREEK- 10 minutes from,
beaches/ base. Gorgeous 4/2, nice lot,
scr porch, many upgrades. Close to
schools & shopping. $247.900
area, cute 312 2 car garage eat in kit..
lencedin yard $184,900.
241-5501 OR 221-1711
ATLANTIC BEACH, built 2003, 4BR/2BA
detached, 1500sf., 1125 Main St.
$249,900.: Call Shaun (904)226-3089.
PONTE VEDRA, Sawgrass Players Club,
Bermuda Court. 2BR/2BA, unattached pa-
tio home. $269,900 1904)655-5990.
* ,, ,,-
FSBO- The Sanctuary, gated communi-
ty, 3BR/2BA, GR floor plan, tile/ wood
thru-out, large kitchen, many upgrades
with in-ground pool, 2151sf, S459.900.
Realtors welcome. MLS#274700. 1463
Blue Heron Lane East. Jax. Beach.
,** .
home, 1050sf. screened porch, lenced
yard W/D, newer appliances. $120 000.
brokers welcome. (954)975-4062.
BUYING IN The Beaches? Waterfront, in-
tlor & land. WE HAVE IT ALLI Purchase
any property in the North East Florida Mul-
tiple Listing Service and save real dollars
just by hiring a Buyer's Agent to locate the
right property and represent you, and only
youl No conflicts of Interest or stress. Just
savings. Call Region Atlantic Realty. LLC
for details. (904)982-7620
w/private pool area. Floor plan includes
open kitchen with granite counters. great
for entertaining. Newer home. Offered at
$359,900. 537-3969
BROADWATER, 3BR/2.5BA w/loft
ICI Coquina home, 2054sf. w/20 ft ceilings
Waterfront., lot w/intercoastal views
$448,000, will consider co-op.
ICW, HOLIDAY Harbor, FSBO Lg lol,
4BR/ 2BA, 2400sf w/ in-ground pool. New
CH/A, roof. $324,900. 246-2336 or 463-
N. JAX Beach, 3BR/2BA pool home, fire-
place, 2-car garage, $369;000. 249-1890.
S. JAX Beach, '3 blocks to beach,
3BR/1BA, newly remodeled,. nice neigh-
borhood. $295K OBO. 535-0593,
SECLUDED WOODS neighborhood in de-
sirable Neptune Beach. 2119sf, 4/2, wood
floors, ceramic tile, Ig in-ground pool,
great curb appeal. $479,900. Keller Wil-.
liam Team Generations, 445-8647.
each. 745 S. 5th St., great investment,
$299,000, 591-3348 or 591-0599.
3BR FORECLOSURE, only $27,0001 Must
sell. For listings. 800-749-8124 ext. 1490.
South Jax Bch luxury beach, home, 1-1/2
blocks to ocean, 3BR/2.5BA, 2200sf. Re-
cent renovation includes new family room,
Pool/Spa, summer kitchen, fireplace, NC
units, roof, windows, stucco, home thea-
tre, appliances, more. MLS#281888
agent's protected, $959K. Call 249-9236.
SEAVIEW PARK 3BR/3BA, $2250sf, 2-
story, $619,000, 504-3430.
I HAVE decided to sell my 3BR/3.5BA
+2car garage executive lIha Bela town-
home, which is east of A1A and 1 block
from the ocean. Construction just complet-
ed. Everything is truly top of the. line.
$595,000. 310 South 2nd St. Unit D.
walk to Ocean. $369,900. 246-0126.
2BR/1 5BA New rool many new extras
$297,500 246-6582
S. JAX Bch. 1 oiock to ocean, lakelront
3BR 2 5BA luxury townhome. No HOA
Hardwood floors, new paint. acuzzi. vault-
ed ceilings, irpic. Pnce reduced from
$489K to $475K tor immediate sale
FSBO. 2BR/2BA Townriome. gated com-
muniry. PVB. on the water Hardwood
floors, high ceilings. pool. gym. lennis
Low lees. Will co-op $263.000.
n-ground pool,. 14311 Nature Briage
..,,ane,,$279.900 3335608 ,,,,
3BR,2.5BA home. Outslandinq Coral
Rock fireplace. granite counters. tongue
and grooved wood paneled Ceilings, pn-
vate rear yard. great meighoorhood and
much, much more. Offered at $650,000.
Call for appointment to view
Help-U-Sell Coastal Realty
335 Jacksonville Drive
Jacksonville Beach FL 32250
Phone: (904)241-4447
www.helpusell comicoaslalrealty
Creek, 2014 Merced Port,:3BR/2BA, 2 car
garage, hardwood 'floors, irrigation sys-
tem, quiet cul-de-sac, $239,000,
NEWER, CUSTOM built, private, ocean-
front home. with high dune views of the
ocean and Intracoastal Waterway. Approx.
'4458 sf.. 5BR/4 5BA. den. othice tile and
hardwood Iloors, normal living and dining,
pool and spa, screened lana; with hol tub,
lush landscaping and loaded $2,750.000
Pnyllis Saines, 904-476-SOLD RE-'MAX
Coastal Real Estate. www.pstaines.com
105 Marsh Cove Dr., 2/2, attached ga-
rage, corner lot. Pool, tennis, lawn service,
pest control, termite bond' included in
$59 monlnly association dues $250,000
NEPTUNE BEACH. Summer Sands,
Townhouse, 2BR/2.5BA, new root, plumb-
ing, HardiBoard siding. pain $260.000
PRICED TO SELL. 3BR/2BA, hardwood
and Tile Iloors $179,900. Help-U-Sell.
Marsnh View R E (904)620-0144
PONTE VEDRA, Fairfield, 2200sf.,
3BR/2.5BA. water view, tennis pool. gal-
ea $417.000. (9041910-7036
2BR/2.5BA Townhome, 2-car garage.
Lakeview lot, hardwood floors, new kitch-
en, designer look. Walk to Beach & Parks.
$345,000. 514-6640.
3BR/2BA, like new, on lake, 1893sq, built
1998, new carpet and paint, $244,900.
Terms. Independent Brokers 710-3111.
3BR/2BA, well maintained attached home
in desirable Atl Bch. Lovely backyard,
plenty of storage. 20 mins. to Regency, a
bike ride to Hanna Park, minutes to Won-
derwood Connector. Call Josette Rethmel
for your private showing. (904)237-6937,
Magnolia Properties.
on large lot in Atlantic Beach. $176,000.
For more information call 904-545-5562.
house. 804 Marsh Cove Place. $235,000
OBO. (904)631-1245.
Villa. Newly remodeled. $279,900.
(904)962-6876 (will co-op).
new construction, 2BR/2BA, concierge,
spa, pool. San Marco style. See at
www.valenciacondos.com. Asking
$409,900. Call (904)827-0446.
SUMMER HOUSE, 1 BR/1 BA 5 star amen-
ities in PVB great investment at $135k.
Call (904)318-1880.
EAST OF AlA. Very Large 1 BR/2BA, fully
furnished, washer/dryer included. 1 Block
to Beach. $245,000. Call Mark, 591-6976.
The Dilworth Realty Group of Vanguard
3BR/2BA many upgrades, tile, stainless
appliances, plantation shutters, garage
w/office, club house, pool and fitness cen-
.ter. Asking $289,000. 280-5170,
Supercold = Super Deal! Save $12k this
weekly No condo fees 1 year!. Info pics.
727-458-4230, $220K FSBO. Must Seel
2BR/2BA, 1176sf. Ocean 14, 16th floor.
$545,000, will consider co-op.
i, P Vedra Leader
0 uo4
The Reaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
OWN OR RENT your home at ihe Beach-
es. 14'x66'. Front kitchen, 2BR/1BA. new
carpets, new tile (kitchen, balh), WDHU.
CH&A, screened porch & carport. Rent.
$695/mo.+ $400/dep. or OWN :for
$775/mo.+ down payment. Monthly pay-
ment includes lot rent. Admirals Walk.
single, 1215sf, w/carport, deck, all GE
kitchen, CH&A, washer/dryer, new carpet,
Many upgrades. Financing available. Re-
becca, 246-7684.
Condos, Atlantic Beacn. Close to all major
access routes. Now accepting reserva-
tions: Call Mark, The Dilworth Realty
Group ol Vanguard GMAC. 591-6976
-.- -- -- -- -- ---
screened porch WDHU. $850/mo.. lyr
lease. Avail. 3/1/06. 803-6560, 249-1104.
'ATLANTIC BEACH. Main St. Duplex.
2BR'iBA, screened porch fireplace,
SWDHU CH&A, $750.'mo (9041891-0606.
or (352)178-2161
THE PALMS at Marsh Landing 2BR/2BA,
hardwood floors; granite counter tops, and
fully tiled bathrooms, 613-2748.
THE PALMS. 1BR/1BA. Resort amenities.
Sell or lease. $149,500,, $875/mo.
THE PALMS, 2BR/2BA Bungalow, lake-
view, garage, granite countertops, tiled,
washer/dryer, fireplace. Motivated seller,
$235,000. 472-3726.
OCEAN'S EDGE. New Construction.
1 BR/1BA: East of A1A. Anticipated com-
pletion, 03/06. $309K: Unit A-9:
~- .k!i~i~
condo w.comm. pool & morel $900mo Al-
so. 2BR/2BA w/garage Convenieni to
UNF. $11001mo. All South Realty.
3 Spacious Bedrooms, 2.5BA, lownnome
wigarage Sparkling clean and new inside
Nice yard, community pool, fireplace
Short term possible. Avail 4/1/06. Ask lor
details. $1375 mo. (904)280-2805.
blocks to beach $1650/mo.. All South Re-
ally, 241-4141.
3BR/2BA, The Cloister, 10 10th St. Unit
15. Atlantic Beach. $949,000. Help-U-Sell,
Marsh View R.E. (904)620-0144. '
JAX BEACH. Newer 2BR/2BA. Many up-
grades. 1200sf. 9ft ceilings w/fans, walk-in
closet, kitchen appliances, washer/dryer,
terrace, fireplace, garage. Security sys-
tem. FSBO. $225,500. 246-8775.
Luxury Townhome style condos. 2
blocks from ocean w/views. 1900-2300sf,,
top, upgrades $599K+. John Wolfel Real
Estate 699-8887 www.beachesinvest-
CHARMING 2BR/1BA, 1.5 blocks to
Beach, Oceanviews from all east 'rooms,
newly renovated, $1295/mo. includes util-
ities: 249-0903
3/2 TOWNHOME in Atlantic Bch. New
carpet, new bathroom, Ig fenced yard,
frplc., must seel $1100/mo. 249-8614.
East of 3rd Sireel WDHU, CH&A, dish-
washer. $1200 mo deposit. No dogs.
463-0222, 465-2653.
Townhouse $850mo 1 mile wesi ol May.
pon lerry. 733-5225 241.RENT
Ulillies included, $550.mo P.vale en-
trance 241-8003
2BR/2.5BA. Open Kilchen, great.lor enier.
lainingi $1500/mo. Call 866-5000
1-1/2 BLOCKS Io Ocean isT Ave Souln
iBR/IBA. $725 mo 19041891.-0606.
JAX BEACH. 2BR/1BA Apartment, near
Ocean. References,'lease. 222 4th Ave.
South. $795/mo. 221-4134.
JAX BEACH 2BR Upper 7 blocks Ocean,
CH&A, WDHU, $850,mo 500.'dep. Mll-
tary'Senior discount No pels 710 2nd
Ave. North 708.0731
JAX BEACH 2BR Apartment, near
Ocean CH&A. WDHU. no pets
$795/mo + $400dsep. 246-3130
LARGE EFFICIENCY apanmeni. excel-
lent location, 2 clocks from ocean, very
clean No pets. $550/mo. 642-121-1 or
WALK TO BEACH.. 2BR/iBA. Ground $850/mo. iBRiBA, large api $700'mo
floor duplex, $950/mo '249-0325, Terry McCue R E Inc. 249-7211.
OCEANFRONT 3BR,2BA condo in S Jax
LARGE 1BR. excellent localion, 2 blocks
to Ocean very clean. No pets $650/mo
642-1214, 241-1219.
Townhome End unit. in 5-siar complex
Livilngroom wfireplace, dining room, lully
equipped kitchen w/brand new appliances
including washer/dryer 1st floor powder
room. 2BR/1BA on 2nd floor w/deck oft
masler bedroom Large closets Small
pets permrtned $1100/mo. email: carloti-
ca2@comcast.net or 16091487-3473.
r irickton..A Tradition S-ne 188 J
$900 816 Belleza Ponte Vedra 1/1 755
$975 14341 Coral Reef Ja\. 2/2 1008
$1100 201 Cranes Lake PonteVedra ...2/2. .1100
$1150 108 The Fountains Ponte Vedra 2/1.5 1400
$1300 107 Willow Pond Ponte Vedra 2/2 : 1450
$1300 403 Tournament Road Ponte Vedra/Fatrfield 2/2 1200
$141(0) 810 Touniament Road Ponte Vedra/Fairfield 3/2 I 1500
$1400 63 Tifton Cowe North Ponie Vedra/Sawgrass CC 3/2 1800
$1575 110 Nautilus WaY Ponte VedrafTPC 3/2 1700
137 Burning Pine Court- Ponte Veda/F-aufield-- 312.5 -
3174 Merrill Blyd--- --JA, Beach H-A5 XH'. J3
4448 Pebblebro6k Diie 'laRjverbrook 3Glen Kernan 3/2
42 Northgate Ponie Vcdra/Sa3 grass CC 3/2
746 Spinnakers Reach P.inle lr/Sap.gr Btich h 2/2
134 Coastal Oak Circle Ponte Vedra/Sawgrass 3/2
3343 Lightihouei Poinie Lare Jax Beach 3/3
2001 Windiammer Ln South Ponte Vedra 3/3 5 + ofc
90 Cat Road Ponte Vedra/Palm Valle) 3/2 5
19 Ocean VillUage Atlantic Beach 2/1.5
211 Mira Vista Atlantic Beach 3/2
3565 Ba INsland Crcle Ocean Cayv/ax Beach 3/2.5,loft
529 Sunset Dri'e Ponte Vedra 3/2.5
113 Lake iliaa Drne N.rth Ponte 'edra/Sawgrass CC 3/3 + loft
1316 Turtle Dunes Ct. South Ponie Vedra 5/4
$1200/wk347 Quail Point Sawgrass/Coiutry Club 2/2 ., 1450
$13l11i/%,'k 529 Quail Point Saw grass/CountrN Club 3/3 2000
$1400 Beach Club VilJas Sa~grass Beach Club Eff 600d
$111i01/uk ,ill f.rii. ldj S IA i-AL uAI S Ponte Vedra 4/2.5 2100.
$1lll i. k The Reneat Ponte Vedra/Oceanfiont 2/2 1600
$1tI.-00/k 191 12" Street Atlanc Beach -4/3 2600
$20r1)0 \ista Del Mar Jax Beach/Oceanside 3/2 1700
$24 .:i/mo 17" "Ae Northh /pool Ja\ Beach 3/1.5 1500
$2400 Beach House Condos Ponie Vedra 3/2 1700
$2500/,k 562 Ponte Vedra BI.d Pone V\'edra 3/1.5 1700
$25(00 22 Carnage Lane w\/pool Sawgrass/Countrn Club 2/2 1800
,$2500 Pelican Point ]la Beach/Oceanfront 2/2 1400
$251)I/,, k 728 Oceanfront Nept. Bch/Oceanfront 3/2.5 .nl.ii ri 2600
$'.70"0/k 2824 Coastal HwV) Vilano Beach/Oceanfront 6/4 4000
$2700 114 Ba -ill Cort Ponte Vedra/Fairfield 3/2.5 1800
$2900 llr,'iC.,jiaul Hwi SPECIAL rTEi \ lilano Beach/Oceanfront 3/2 2000
$3500 163 Sea Hammock Old Pomie Vedra/Oceant ont 2/2+den 1800
$3500 The Cloisier Atlandc Beach 3/2 2000O
$3900 347 Ponte Vedra BhId. Oceanfront/Pool 3/3.5 2600,
**Other furnished properties also available
Daily, Weekly and Monthly."
Call today to book your next vacatlonll ,
228 Ponte Vedra Park Dr. Suite 500
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
Bch. Great views New ktcnen, washer'
dryer & more! Club pool $1950imo All
Souin Really. 241:4141
PONTE VEDRA Bch: luxurious 2BR'2BA,
golf to lake view. Brand new wiln 5-slar
amenities $1i150.'mo Jacksonville
Beach: 1.5BR'1BA oceanview $850.mo
MOBILE HOMES. $500 to $550 on pi.'
vale lois. Near Mayporr Naval Slaiicn no
dogs, 333-5579
PONTE VEDRA Beach, 2BR/2.5BA, com-
etely renovated townhouse. 1300sf.,
DHU. Small pets ok. $995/mo. Immedi-
ate occupancy. (904)591-2278.
OCEAN, 2-BLOCKS. 2BR/1BA, $950/mo.
215'8th Ave. North, J.B. 241-8269.
ATLANTIC BCH. 1653 Coquina Place,
1BR., 1/2 block from ocean. large deck/
yard, new carpet and tile, no dogs,'
$750/mo. 246-6039 or 962-6361.
Lovely 3BR/2BA Condo, overlooking park.
French doors, stainless appliances, wash-'
er/dryer, Plantation shutters, fireplace.
$1375/mo. Available March,1st. 280-5170,
2BR..iBA, 1200SF, washer/dryer CH&A.
sunroom, large work room. 1 block 10
Ocean $995/mo 1904)1992-9080
-' -A
F- Frankie
Atlantic Beach
+ 3BR/2BA condo. SeOplace-fumirshed.
pool. on ocean $1200/mo
+ 2BR/2BA TH. Mayport Landing.
ne 1% remodeled unit. .er\ nice
+ 2BR!2BA TH. Mayport Landing.
le clean unit. net arpei l)tn/mo
Neptune Beach
+ 2BR/2BA Apt. across ftom ocean
top uni W/D- $1200
Jax Beach
+ 2BR/IBA Apt. pano in back. walk
to beach $775/mo
+ 3BR/2BA condo, South Shore on
ocean. pool. furnished unit.
Starting May Ist, $1900/mo for
6 months.
+ 3BR/2BA condo. Jardin De Mer,
W/D, tile floors. I car garage -
Pool S1400/mo
Ponte Vedra
+ 2BR/IBA Condo. The Islands,
garage, screen porch, communir~
Call us for
Professional Property Management
Call 249-2322
JAX BEACH, 1BR, Upper, 1 block Ocean,
$625+ $300/dep., water included.
Military/Senior discount, small pets OK,
123-D 18th Ave. North 708-0731.
3rd floor w/view. $875/mo. 472-6254.
* JAX BCH, East of 3rd, half duplex, 2/1,
free water, pool, parking, remodeled:
Great deal. $950+/mo 247-3191.
ATLANTIC BEACH bright efficiency
across from ocean on Beach Ave. Availa-
ble April 1st. Nonsmoking, no dogs. First,
last, and security, $725/mo. 247-4527.
LUXURIOUS Pelican Point. 2BR/2BA,
available now. $1700-$2600/mo. 3 month
minimum rental. (904)241-7206.
2BR/2BA, 2-car garage, washer/dryer.
$1850/mo. (561)789-3810.
NEW COZY 1 BR, deck w/ocean view,
CH&A. Water, sewer, garbage included.
Credit check, No pets. $700/mo. 514-8530
CHiA. WDHU. East of 1st St. $650.
.$795/mo. 241-RENT.
ATLANTIC BEACH. Sludio lust sieps to
o.:ean' Convenient to shops, resiaurantsi
$675'mo. All Souin Realty, 241 4141
Walk to Ocean Custom kitchen. CH&A.
WDHU. No pels $1050'mo lease.
JAX BEACHFRONT 2BR condo. no lease,
pel negotiable, $13001mo, 673-1550.
ATL BCH. 62 Ocean Blvd. Newly remoa-
eled 2/1. CH.A. W/D. 1 block to ocean
Beaches Town Center location,
$1200imo. firiil, lasi & $1000idep Avail
3.1,06 Call 838-6333
2BR 1 5BA. Freshly painted. ceramic lile
downslais, new appliances. WDHU.
CH&A Outside ot building being remod.
eled and painted $745.'mo* $500 deposit
758 Cavalla Rd Call 655-1534.
JAX BEACH, 5 Blocks to Ocean
3BR.1BA, CH&A Credit check No pels.
610 Patricia Lane $975,mo 514-8530
JAX BEACH 4BRi3BA. 2800st Pool
2-car garage, all appliances Ocean
Cay neighborhood. 3212 Aniigua Drive
$2200/mo. Minimun 8monin lease.
JAX BEACH Near Ocean. 3BR/1BA
Lease, relerences required 218 4th Ave
Souih. $1 100mo 19040221-4134
PONTE VEDRA Charming 4BR/2BA in
desirable St Johns CounTy. $1450/mo.
Call Team Real Eslate al 247-8326.
NEWLY RENOVATED Tri-Plex. 321 10th
St. South. 2BR, CH&A. $850/mo. 1BR
$650/mo. Credit check, no pets, 12
month lease. 514-8530.
JAX BEACH, 4 Blocks to Ocean.
1BR/1BA Apartment, $550/mo. 220 4th
Street So. (904)891-0606, (352)478-2161
2 BLOCKS OCEAN, 212 10th Ave. N.
1BR $650/mo., 2BR $750/mo. Credit
check, deposit, no pets. (904)514-8530.
3/2/2, FENCED, $1200/mo. for 1600sf.,
like new home in Sutton lakes, pool. Call.
Creek, 3BR/2BA, 2 car garage, 1600sf,
Alimacani School District, mint condition,
$1350/mo., 864-6590.
NEPTUNE BEACH, 3BR/2BA, living room,
dining room, large eat-in kitchen. In-
ground pool, garage, large fenced yard.
Updated. Absolutely no. pets. $1250/mo.
AB- SELVA Marina, 3/2 plus office, 2
.story,. $1495/mo. Jennings Realty Serv-
ices 247-0229.
PONTE VEDRA, LArium. 2BR.2BA. fire.
place. 2 car garage. lawn svc No pets
Available Maich $1190/mo 642-3517.
PONTE VEDRA- 3BR'2BA home on quiet
cul-de-sac in Dolphin Cove' Lg. Ilo. ga.
rage & morel $1050/mo. All South Realty,
3BR/3BA home w/bonus room on lake
Comm. pooll $2000/mo. All South Realty,
SUTTON LAKES, 4/2, 1930sf., open floor
plan, LR, ElK, split BR w/lg. closets,
WDHU, $1395/mo. TDO Management
Services, 246-1125.
PVB SAWGRASS Country Club 22 .2
den, waler to goil view $1850/mo Call
Susan. j9041514.7150.
ATLANTIC BCH 3BR'2.5BA, 2-story,
washer/ driver. garage $1375'mo
PVB, L'ATRIUM Waterfroni 2BR'2BA.
garage, pool. lennis. $1250/mo includes
lawn service. 247-1849.
SUTTON LAKES Pool home. Oil Ailantic
Blvd. 3/2, 1850sf, scr. por., Ig fenced
backyard. -2 car .gar.,; cul-de-sac,
S1400,mo Call Pam at 564-9348
3BR 2BA 1-story house, 1850si. wt 2BR
1BA garage una CH.A. WDHU blinds.
carper. Ig Florida room. carpon. ig yard,
$2000/mo, S1000,dep. 347 3rd SI, All
Bcr. 241-2624
nouse Great neighborhood. $1350'mo t
deposit Includes lawn service, homeown-
ers assn. 619 Paradse Ct 535-7349
Beach close 2BR, CORNER units. W/D,
Ipl., new carpet, paint, 'appliances. $900-
$1190. Make your deal Early move-in
better deal Call Janel, 635-6375.
place, washer/dryer, screened porch
$1050'mo +deposit (904)631-1245
2/2 PALENCIA condo 1200sf, brand new.
granite c-lops, vaulted ceilings, geor-
geous. $1050,'mo 509-8471
JAX BEACH. Beaulilul. 4BR.'3 5BA. 2-car THE PALMS 1BR/1BA Resort amenites
garage. granite, 2800sf, $1999/mo Sell or lease $149,500, $875/mo
496 upper 81h Ave. Souwn. 534-2120 434-3456.
ATLANTIC BCH 3BR,2BA sparkling
clean. CH&A, ceramic tile new carpel
new paint 2-car garage. WOHU. no pels.
no smoking credit cneck' references
required. $1175/mo f deposit 247-5393
PONTE VEDRA 3BRj2BA. wigreat room
& garage Large fenced backyard. palto
On cullde-sac. Newly renovated
Sl35aq 99p3.1884 1 .,. I .. .
PON iE 'VEORA 2BR 2 5BA *Townhome. -.
dishwasher, washer/ dryer, storage. pri-
vale parking, rear patio wipond, immedi-
ate occupancy, shon or long ierm availa-
ble 13-C Ponie Veara Court. $900/mo.
JAX BEACH, 3'2, 1350sf.. LR' DRi Den
large yard, breakfast bar WDHU 2 car
garage $1175/mo TDO Management
Services. 246-1125.
Bedrooms, 30t? to Ocean. Panrially lur-
nished. no dogs, $2300/mo waler inclua.
ed. 19041249-3419. 19041463-0222.
ATLANTIC BCH 2559 Amencas Cup pCr-
cie E. 3BR/2BA, nardwood/ carpet. 1-car
garage washer,' dryer, lenced yard com-
munity pool, $995'mo + deposit.
ARLINGTON/ MILL Cove Golf Club area,
Lovely brck home, 3BR.'2BA wiapplian.
ces, fireplace, screened porcn, lenced
yard. $1100/mo. *sec.. (904)928-3661
AB 4BR/2.5BA, 1800sl. Beaulilul home,
tenced yard, 2 car garage, $12951mo.
HODGES AREA. 3BR/2BA, $1250,'mo.,
13031 Beriwaler Dr. Includes security
system & lawn service. Woll Creek 3727.
Windmaker Way. 3BR/2 5BA. many up-
grades. new home. $1350/mo. Realty Ex-
ecutives. 273-3939. 610-6460.
pool. washer/dryer Walk to Beach or
Town Center $1600/mo, 241-1886.
NEPTUNE BEACH, walk to Ocean
3BR,2BA, 1400sf new carpel, garage,
storage shed. LR DR. ealn-kiucrien. lawn
service. $1200/mo TDO Management
Services. 246-1125
Contemporary 2BR/2.5BA. Office POOL
Fabulous. soaring, 2-story livingroom
$1950/mo 280-2805
ATLANTIC BEACH Townnome 15 blks to
bch) near Town Center, 3BR/3.5BA, W/D,
pets ok, $1350/mo. 904-403-7069. '
vated 3BR'2BA. 1247 Sunapee Ave.
$1050.'mo. 241-2261.
4-BLOCKS TO Ocean. 1BR/1BA, all tile.
$675/mo.+ deposit. 405 Lower 8th Ave.
South. 534-2120.
w/garage on quiel cul-de-sac $1150/mo.
* All South Realty, 241-4141
PABLO BAY, 3000+sf, like new. 4BR+
bonus room, total 5BR/3BA. Many up-
grades, stainless appliances, central vac,
intercom, hardwood, floors, closed lanai,
waterview. Clubhouse, pool, tennis. Avail-
able 4/1. $2300/mo. 349-3434.
SAWGRASS, TPC..3BR/2BA+ den. Ber-
muda Court. 1st. +security. $1395/mo. No
pets. 280-8046, (904)824-7092.
NEPTUNE BCH 3BR 2BA w/ pool, avail.
4/1/06. Call Susan 514-7150.
SEAVIEW PARK 3BR/3BA, pets consid-
ered, $1800/mo + deposit, 1-year, .504-
home. 2-Car garage, Selva Lakes
community. Washer/Dryer. $1500/mo.
716-0046, .
in Villages of Pablol Comm. pool, tennis &
morel $1200/mo. All South Realty,
2BR/1.5BA TOWNHOUSE, ceramic tile
floors, CH&A, laundry room, patio, fenced
yard, 1 yr. lease, no pets, $950 deposit,
$900/mo. 2104 Bay Rd. Neptune Bch.,
.993-1114 or 270-1284.
ATLANTIC BEACH townhouse, 2133
Seminole Rd. #2. 3BR/2.5BA, 1/2 block to
beach. W/D, refrigerator, dishwasher, mi-
crowave, fireplace, CH&A, 3 car parking,
decks on each level. $1500/mo. 673-7863.
2BR/1BA, ceramic tile throughout, great
location. 64 5th Street West. $900/mo.
PONTE VEDRA, a spacious 2BR/2BA
corner unit. wasner/ dryer wifireplace.
$1175,mo. 635-6375
BOATER'S DREAM, 2BR/2.5BA. water-
trom townhouse at the Moorings. Jax Bch
Newly renovated.new appliances, washer/
dryer. $1600/mo. Includes 50 n boaislip
Call (904)424-6572
-NEW 2BR'2BA 5-Sitar.:amen;1ie'' 'N"ar
Sawgrass &-A+ Schooils:s $tO0.0m; de
pos.I 755-4038.
A Beach 2BR/2BA Condo 2nd floor. Gai.
ed community. Fireplace, washer!dryer.
garage. not-tub, pool, gym. Marsnview
$1200/mo. (904)874-4714.
JAX BEACH. The Palms- Beautiful view'
1BRP'BA Greal amenities. $865'mo Call
PONTE VEDRA. Walk To Beach. Furnish-
ed 1BR/1BA. water-to-golf view, pool,
tennis $1250/mo. includes utilities.
1BA, rwo balconies, covered parking,
$369,000. (904)881-9901.
OCEAN FRONT tOcean 14) beautlully
renovated. furnished, 3BR/2BA w/siorage
unit $2495/mo. 1904)571-3877
2BR/2BA, beautifully furnished. $1800/mo
(Yearly. $1300/mo.) Unfurnished, yearly
$1250,'mo 887-5005
PONTE VEDRA, Summer House, 1BR. all
new. w/pool. illness, spa, concierge, many
amenities. $875/mo. Pets -welcome.
JAX BEACH Steps to Sand. on Is St.
3BR/2BA, washer/dryer, large balcony.
1400sf. Great locatiori. No dogs.
$1550/mo .dep 537-5071. 881-4730
view, washer/dryer, pets OK. $900/mo.
Call Bruce 904-377-5051,
2BR/2BA,, gated, clubhouse, pool, Jacuz-
zi, fitness center, volleyball, basketball
and tennis courts. Minutes to the beach.
2 available, 1 on water, 1 with fireplace,
both are 1st floor units. Newly renovated.
Available March 1si Rent $1250/mo. and
$1350/mo Garage also available Con-
tact 1904)710-1076 or 1904)687-3000
PVB COZY 2/2 New Condo $925/mo.,
February free. Call (904)327-0590 -
NEW CONDO, Orange ParkI Washer/
Dryer, cable. $825/mo. (916)622-8754.
S'SIDE, 2/2, LR/DR, b'bar, cpt, f'place,
WDHU, balcony, porch, pool, fitness
room. $875/mo. TDO Mgt. Services.
Washer/dryer. Gated, gym, pool.
$1050/mo. 285-9324.
THE VILLAS. 2BR/2BA, garage, porch,
Sound floor, pool, etc. $1050/mo.
THE PALMS, .2BR/2BA, Marshview.
Short/long term. $1200/mo. 434-3456.
all amenities, washer/dryer, fireplace,
garage. $1250/mo. 382-7606.
ATLANTIC BEACH, Wonderwood, Deer-
field Lakes, pool, 3BR/1.5BA, end unit, 2
stories, 1075sf. WDHU, new carpet, no
pets, no smoking. $850/mo. +dep. Don,
KERNAN BLVD, 3/2 condo, LR/DR com-
bo, b'fast bar, open floor plan, garage.
$1200/mo. TDO Management Services.
2BR/2BA, $1050/mo, 3BR/2BA
$1300/mo. Beautiful. fireplace, vaulted
ceilings, newly renovated, many ameni-
ties. Available now. Realty Executives,
273-3939 610-6460.
home, fireplace, fenced yard, garage,
WDHU, community pool. $1250/mo,
1BR/1BA, fireplace, pool, porter service.
$825/mo. Call (904)616-7975.
PVB. 2BR/2BA, w/fireplace, new applian-
caes, washer/dryer, many amenities.
$950/mo. 472-0914.
PONTE VEDRA 1BR/1BA, 1-car garage,
recently remodeled, 750sf, open floor plan
with 12'x16' wood deck. Free cable TV,
$950/m6. 463-0505.
r;i-L.',aV T) nn)A
6 Blocks To Beach, 3BR/1.5BA, hardwood
floors. real nice, $1250/mo with referen-
ces. (904)993-6448.
Fairway Villas, 3/2, 2 car gar,, near base,
The Palms, 2/2 condo, approx. 1200sf,
beautiful, great amenities, avail now.
Jardin De Mere, 3/2 condo, detached ga-
rage, 4mos old, $1450/mo.
Summerhouse 2/2 condo, gated comm.
lots of amenities. Avail. now. $995/rio.
Lg 3/2, 2 car gar., comm. pool & play-
ground, $1195/mo.
Lg 4/2, 2 car gar., comm. pool, near
schools, $1495/mo.
4/2, over 2000sf, available 3/15,
Brand new, beautiful 3/2 near Touchton
Rd. Avail, now. $1395/mo.
Executive home, brand new, 2600sf,
4/2.5, gated comm., $2000/mo.
-* -.* .* "
Executive- townhome, brand new, full of
upgrades 3/2.5, over 200sf, $1800/mo.
2/2 Townhome, 1800sf, avail, now
Lg 3/2, 2 car garage, over 2300sf,
(2) Brand new 3/2 condos, 1100sf. Start-
ing at $9001mo.
'2200sf, 3/2.5, available March 15th,
DAYBREAK WOODS (Pulaski area)
Brand new 3/2, 2 .car garage, avail, now,
4BR/2BA, 2 car garage, 2300st,
241-5501 OR 221-1711.
PONTE VEDRA BCH 5 star resort
w!beach access, 1 and 2 BR available.
$900-$1400/mo.. full concierge service. all
new appliances, lully renovalea
No smoking, no, pets. $1450/mo.
285-6383. ,
Page 5B
Soon to be Jax Beach Landmark. 8th floor
j residential on SE side of the building.
..j" Amazing views, 12 ft ceilings,. rare
opportunity. This is a must see!
Move in April 2006.
office: 249-4949 EANSIDE
mobile: 333-7873 REAL ESTATE
Ponte Vedra Beach
Fental Propertl
TPC Sawgrass Home
Oakbridge 3/2/famil rm,., 1800
SF. now available
$1,600.00 unfurrushed"
$2,500.00 furnished
Dolphin Coye Home
3/2 newly remodeled
Na_ _Nl a ible $1.350.00 6
Please Contact:
M&NManagement Company
5 sW 44 9, 13EACIIHRENTALS ^^^^^^ ^^ ^.
Unfarnished Homes screened porch, decks, wood floors, golf 2BR/2BA, ground floor. $1175/mo.
Ponte Vedra by the Sea- PV course views. $1750/mo,. Palms at Marsh Landing JB
5BR/3.5BA. fabulous home, 3 car garage, 132 11P Ave S. JB 3BR/3.5BA, Three story 2BR/2BA, ground floor w/garage.
fenced backyard, screened porch. townhouse w/garage, many balconies. $1650/mo. $1050/mo. -
^ $2950/mo. ,'atrium PV 3BR/2BA SFH, porch 3BR/2BA, 2nd floor, top end unit,
The Grove PV 4BR/3BA, home on w/jacuzzi, lake view, fireplace, comm. pool, screened porch, fireplace. $1350/mo.
r private lot w/preserve views, hardwood garage. $1600/mo. Villas at Marsh Landing JB
floors, three car garage. $2700/mo. Innlet Beach PV 2BR/2BA, home on 2BR/2BA, ground floor, w/garage,
. Sawgrass P.C. PV 3BR/2.5BA, home lagoon, screened porch, fresh paint, new tile screened .porch and fireplace. $1100/mo. '
has screened in pool, den or. office, & carpet, 2 car garage. $1295/mo. Ocean Links PV
^ hardwood floors. $2500/mo. 36th' Avenue S. JB 2BR/2BA, duplex 2BR/2BA, ground floor. $1100/mo.
^ Marsh View SPV 4BR/4BA, end unit w/screened porch, fenced yard, garage, vaulted 2BR/2BA, condo has garage, fireplace,
S /elev ator. 2800 SF, beach access, ceilings. $1200/mo. / porch, golf course views. $1200/mo. ^
attached garage. $2200/mo. Famished Homes' Grand Cay Villas PV
Summerfield PV 3BR/2BA, spacious Ocean Grande SPV 3BR/3BA. Condo, 2BR/2BA, 2nd floor w/garage. $1100/mo.
home in walking distance to schools & luxuriously furnished, screened porch, across 3BR/2BA, 3rd floor, vaulted ceilings, tile
beach. $2000/mo. from ocean. $3000/mo. floors, upgrades thru-out. $1250/mo.
Vilano Walk SPV 4BR/3.5BA, newer .. Intracoastal West 922 Ist Street S JB 2BR/2BA, ground
two story, across from ocean, light & Avani Kernan 2BR/2BA, 2nd floor condo, floor, attached garage, porch, newer
bright, garage. $1800/mo. all appliances, great amenities. $945/mo. building. $1800/mo. '
38 17th Street AB 3BR/2.5BA, Unfurnished Condos
townhouse, 1/2 block to ocean, quiet Summerhouse PV AX COASTAL REAL ESTATE
neighborhood, private patio, remodeled. Newly renovated, new carpet, baths, kitchen, i Shannon Smith
$1800/mo. tile and great amenities. (904) 285-5640
9 Quail Point PV 3BR/3BA. Home has 1BR/1BA, Villa $900/mo www.rentthebeaches.com (
^'^q^^ q qq^ qq^ q^ ^^qwww^rentthebeaches^com
,re~uaryzziuvuJ. LLI ZVV ---- au--- l x MAL-- ---
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
February 22, 2006
I T.HEP tN::aj
OCEANFRONT- FURNISHED & ,unfur- CHILDCARE. 12-3PM different ages dur-
nished homes & condos! From $500 per ing breaks. 3-6pm working w/3 year olds
week All South Realty, 241-4141. 246-3885.
4BR/4BA, weekly, monthly, yearly. Call
homes. Weekly/monthly. Visit us at:
jaxbeachrental.com or 535-3911' or
535-3828. :
S. JAX Bch. 2BR, fully fumished, 'ocean-
front condo. Monthly/ Weekly. 241-0267,
$400 week. 1B.R/.1.5BA with pool. 904-'
$400/mo. +1/2 utilities. Call 221-6646
FEMALE SEEKING Roommate to share
3BR/2.5BA home in Isle of Palms Must
like pels. $700/mo.+ dep. Includes elec-
tric. 859-4473.
NEPTUNE BEACH Rooms, 2 blocks to
Ocean, $700/mo, includes utilities,
ROOMMATE TO Share 3BR/2BA house
in Alantic Beach. $3751mo.+ 1/2 utilities.
Contact 249-4646
ATLANTIC BCH 2 blocks to ocean, $500,
includes utilities and cable $100 deposit
$475/mo. +$100Sutilities No-smoking. Call
YOUNG CHRISTIAN lemale seeking
roomaie to share 3/2 townhome in Juling-
ton Creek area Call Maryann True at
JAX BEACH Office Suite. 13th Ave.
South, across from Baptist Hospital. Ap-
proximalely 1550sfl, build-out complete,
wired lor phone/lan. $16.95sf+ lax, depos-
Si. (904)241-9944, ext. 104.
UPSCALE EXECUTIVE Offices lor lease
: in beautiful Jax Bch Fully furnished.
amenities include wireless high speed In-
lemet, use of fully furnished conference
room & kitchen $700/mo w/ 2yr lease.
$750/mo w/ lyr lease 242-9195.
MEDICAL OFFICE space for lease in
prime Jax Beach location. Approximately
3000sf. call 241-8300 lor appi
JAX BEACH Retail/Office space,
1550st. 3rd Street visibility 246-0576.
Bll flflllWsNiHa.?
JAX BEACH. building for lease ,w/office.
Multi-purpose use. Near public boat ramp,
1800si $1500/mo. For details. 249-3214,
JAX BEACH. 2000sf Storefront, will di-
vide,. $3000/mo $700 CAM. 143311439
Soutn 3r St (AIA) 708-0731.
PET SITTING, in your home. Dog walking
Responsible, mature. Call Kitty. 874-6062.
GERMAN SHEPHERD, Female, spayed,
3-1/2 years. Glorious personality. Owner
ill. Free to excellent home. References re-
quired. 249-1020.
The kennel alternative/ Providing conven-r
ient, reliable care ior your pets at your
home while you are away. -Reasonable
rates, references For more information
call Donris Rosarius, 241-8967. Licensed,
S. Bonded
WHAT KIND of training are you looking
lor? We are now offering Puppy 101 and
Basic obedience classes, plus all levels of
Agility CGC classes are (Free). Near
Craig Air Field call us @ Actions Dog
Training -Day & Nght Center. 642-1782.
AUSTRALIAN BLUE heeeler Puppy, fe-
male, 10wks old Shots, wormed $150.
Karen, 249-9324 leave message.
PIT BULL PUPPIES $400 Female, first
vaccine. 2 dewormings 472-3734.
AKC registered. 249-3696.
3 AKC YELLOW labs, female, health cer-
lihicale. Trained & sweet. $400, 249-0085.
HOMELESS PETS lor adoption- Cats &
dogs. 246 3600.
HUNT ELK. Red Slag, Whiletail, Buffalo,
Wild Boar Our season now 3/31/06.
Guaranteed license. $5 trophy in two
days. No-Game/ No-Pay policy. Days
(314)209-9800, evenings (314)293-0610
----------- -
CRUISE- 7 NIGHTS, Eastern Canobean.
' Brand new ship sailing r/t from Ft. Lauder-
dale November 2006 g March 2007. From
$499 (por taxes included) with Free Bus!
(8001741-1770 www.allaboardiravel.com-
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email. classilied@beachesleader.com
ARRESTED? ALL criminal defense felon-
les, misdemeanors, state or federal charge.
es, parole, probation. DUI, traffic tickets.
Bond reduction. Private attorneys state-
wide, 24 hours. A-A-A Attomey Referral
Service (800)733-5342
DIVORCE $275 5350. Covers children.
etc Only one signature required Excludes
govt. fees! Call weekdays (800)462-2000
ext 600 (8am-7pm) Alita Divorce, LLC.
Established 1977.
tested divorce papers. Without Kids (while
you wail) With kids (a little longer) Since
1981/ by appi only (904)641-2187.
FOUND. FAIRLY Large Key Ring with
keys Left at Oceanview Vets. Jax Beach.
Call to identify 246-3600.
S IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader.com
Landing Country Club (Ponte Vedra
Beach) seeking part-time Shop Attendant
to work Mondays 8am -12pm and Fridays
1-6pm. $7/hr. Please apply In person
Tuesday- Saturday. 285-0753. EOE/Drug
OCEAN LIFEGUARD. City of Atlantic
Beach. $9.64/hr. starting; $10.51/hr. with
First Responder Returning lifeguards pay
will vary depending on prior service. Must
complete 500 meter pool swim In 10
minutes or less, a 1/2 mile ocean swim/
run and be at least 16 years of age by
April 8, 2006 Must report to Flelcher Sr
High Pool on 3/18/06 at 9am; or 4/01/06 at
9am for mandatory testing. If hired, must
successfully complete a City provided 48
hour ocean lifeguard program and a 45
hour FDOT First Responder Program. Ap-
plication form & testing into available at
800 Seminole Rd. or visil www.coab.us
or call (904)247-5820 No new hire smok-
ers or tobacco users Physical and Drug/
Alcohol/ Nicoline testing conducted. EOE
VAN DRIVER. No CDL required 7 30-
9:30am, 2-4pm. Free child care. Beaches
Academy, 1725 Penman Rd. 246-3885.
Marsh Landing Country Club seeking part-
time weekend Housekeeper to work Sat-
urday and Sunday. General housekeeping
duties lor clubhouse facilities. Apply in
person Tuesday- Sunday (Ponie Vedra
Beach) Call 285-6514 for directions.
EOE/Drug testing.
PART TIME receptionist for medical office
in Ponle Vedra Mon- Fn, 12-5pm, $8-49
per hour. 296-0414.
CLEAN OFFICE, 5 nights/wk. Monday-Fri-
day, 2hrs. par night. 6pm-8pm. Beach
Blvd. & San Pablo Rd. 396-3776.
PART -TIME Sales and Receiving
at Beaches' favorite children'st maternity
consignment shop, offering competitive
wages and a lively work environment.
Must be capable, energetic, and friendly.
Responsible and organized with a good
knowledge of children's items. Willing
to work Saturday hours. Non-smoker pref-
erence. Contract: 904-285-0632, leave a
FESTIVAL WORKERS, needed for food
service, good pay, F/T or PT 904-249-
8269, 904-591-5175 Iv. msg. if no answer.
makers needed lor Beaches area. Call
Underhill today Ask for Pal or Candice
RECEPTIONIST/ ADMIN. Assistant need-
ed P/T, 2 days per week, MS Office a
must, organized, motived. Fax resume to
HOUSEKEEPER IN Neptune Bch. 20-30
hours per week, cleaning, laundry, some
meal prep, and child care. Credit and
background check. Salary negotiable.
Drivers license preferred. 237-3615.
MODELS WANTED for high quality fe-
male fashion photography. Good pay per
session. Experience not required.
Experienced only Must have reliable
transportation. 3 days per week and
some Saturdays. Call Debbie after 2pm
285-3400 x3352 Iv. msg.
Energetic, Ilexible/ multi-task person.
Transportation with valid FL driver's li-
cense a must. Hours: 6pm-10:30pm or lat-
er. Call Wanda or Debbie after 2pm.
285-3400 x3352.
ELDERLY HOME care, in Ponle Vedra.
PT. Light housekeeping, meal prep, occa-
sional errands Please fax resume to 904-
280-8443 or call 285-7600 ext 21.
FOR weekend home health shirts and vis-
'lts in Beathes-area. Experigncepreferrid.
'11 /hr.,Apl- -:a1'- North Florida Home
Health, 710 3rd St. N.. Jax Beach.
241-1656. Call Todayl
hours/wk. Basic repairs for child care cen-
ter. Start, $10/hr. Beaches Academy,
246-3885. 1725 Penman Rd
OFFICE/ STORE, 16-20 hours/wk. Non-
smoker w/cuslomer service and office ex-
penence preferred $8/hr. to start.
FOR home health shifts and visits in
Beaches area. Experience preferred.
$11/hr Apply at North Florida Home
Hjeallh, 710 3rd St N, Jax Beach.
241-1656. Call Todayl
Needed for FL/GA routes. Professional
with clean MVR.'Call 646-1962 M-F.
Evening Shift
Full-Time, 4pm to 12 30am in Ihe Health
Center at a premier retirement community
Excellent benefits and great work environ-
ment. Applications available at Fleet Land-
ing Security Gate, One Fleet Lanaing
Blvd., Atlantic Beach. FL 32233:
Fax io 904-246-9447: email to
jobs@fleetlanding.com. EOEi Drug-Iree
MANUFACTURER OF baby products has
full-time job opening in Product Assembly.
Reliable, productive employees please ap-
ply; New Arrivals, Inc., 725 Atlantic Blvd.
#16, Atlantic Beach, or fax resume to:
246-7406 or sales@newarrivalsinc.com,
NANNY, GOOD Pay, PT/FT, days. Trans-
portation, references needed. 241-2723.
LOOKING FOR Hard Working, dependa-
ble, detail & multi-task oriented Individual,
for delivery u & maintenance of medical
equipment & supplies. Must have neat ap-
pearance, excellent customer service
skills & excellent driving record. Back-
ground check Is required by law. Apply in
person, Southeastern Medequip Inc. 905
orth Third St Jacksonville Beach
MS Word & Excel. Ponte Vedra Beach
area. Organized, positive attitude. 8am-
5pm Monday-Friday. $11/hr. Fax resume
to Ginger at (904)280-1640 or email to
cal Clinic. Salary depends on experience
Fax resume to: 725-7247.
ceptionist needed for a busy animal hospi-
tal. Weekends & alernoon hours only. Ex-
penence a plus, bur nol required. Please
apply in person. 519 Alanmic Blvd, Allan-
tic Beacn FL 32233.
pnone eiuquene & people skills. Organized
w/strong computer proficiency. Fast paced
environment Fax 273-4406
Must possess strong phone skills. Gener-
ous compensation package' (base
+bonuses), PVB location, benefits. Call
HR at 543-1919 x212 or fax resume to
543-8168 Email resume to
OFFICE ASSISTANT. Beaches Plumbing
Company. Experience answering multi
pho neines Word & Excel necessary.
Plumbing knowledge a plus. $8.00/hr.
Email resume to Braaschj@bellsouth.net,
or mail to P.O.'Box 50446, Jax Beach FL
HIGH YEAR-END Income. Excellent ben-,
efits to include piolil shanng. Atlantic Bch.
Fax resume: 221-2705.
DRIVERS NEEDED Greal pay & benefit
package CDL-A req., min age 21 years,
students welcome Cypiaess Truck Line
3 Pool Techs needed Experience prefer-
red, but will Irain Clean driving record.
401k, health benefits. Please call
.. DRIVERS Auto Transport Co. Top earn.
PONTE VEDRA Animal Hospital is looking wings! Excellent home timel We train! Paid
lor Kennel Attendant. Apply wihin, 28 Co- benefits. CDL-A, 2yis. exp. Good MVR.
rona Rd Ponte Vedra. 285-7924. 1888)342-6736 ext. 102.
ATRIA SAN Pablo now accepting applica-
Irons lot the following positions: F/T Main-
lenance Director, and F,T, PIT House-
keeper. Please apply in person at 14199
William Davis Parkway, Jacksonville FL
FIRST CHOICE Home improvement
Needs skilled carpenters & Iree climbers HAIRSTYLING BOOTH Rental and Mas-
349-2628. sage Therapist needed Call Dennis at
Hairlners. 333-5414
Leadership consulting firm looking for mo-
llivated and bright person to woik in a
team-based organization. Ability to work
Independently in a professional adminis-
trative position. Requires a minimum 3
years senior administrative business ex-
Serience, 60. wpm typing, strong Word,
xcel, and database skills, high attention
to detail, excellent organizational and
phone/client relations skills. Salary $30-
$32k with excellent benefits. Must be able
to lift and carry up to 25 pounds. Quali led
individuals only, email resume and cover
letter to hr@slopainothing.com. EEO and
Drug Free Workplace
Join our team! II you can excel at Inuide
sales & desire a fast-paced work environ-
ment, we may have an excellent
opponunity for you. You will join a Nation-
a company & work in Ponte Vedra Beach
Ideal candidate will have 1 + years experi-
ence inside sales, customer service, or
telemarketing, & excellent communication
skills Ability to handle business accounts
Base pay plus commissions. $25k plus.
FT, no evenings or weekends Fax re-
sume: (904)285-0010 or email:
tions. New salon in Neptune Beach, able cleaning help. Residential/Commer.
2nique's. Call 246-0041. clal Call 242-9358.
Are you Seeking PAY With BENEFITS?
American Landscape has a position for
you. Call 349-6257
DO you want to join a winning team. Don't
get left out. Our anver's make $500-5700
per week. Call 249-5151 ask for Brian or
493-5250 ask for Tim Collins
Located in Ponre Vedra Beach seeks
Stylist for busy Salon. Great opportunity to
build clientele. Call 994-7408 or 626-9303
Iv. msg.
12 yr. old Ponie Vedra Marketing compa-
ny is looking for a dynamic person to o0in
our team.as our receptionist Musl oe MS
Office proficient and have excellent phone
eilquene. Looking for a team player to
grow with us. We offer: competitive salary
plus benelils. Call HR at 543-1919 x212,
fax resume to: 543-8168 or e-mail to:
Now hiring full time Hosti Hosless for AM
& PM shifts. Servers- full availability Ap-
ply within 1018 N. 3rd St. JB.
based family office seeks highly molival-
ed, energetic individual to join its team of
professionals. Candidate.- musl..possess
- ic1ieWo skills in MS'EkcelI-Word:' Acce's
'and OutlooK, must 'be ptolidient'min navi-
gating the Internet. Only well-spoken can-
didates with pleasant disposition will be
considered for this excellent position For
further information regarding the Firm,
please visit www spring-bay.com or
www.sontagloundation.com Send Re-
sumes to cgregory@spring-bay com
LOOKING for a change? Established Sal-
on has opening for 2 stylists w/clienlel. Ex-
cellent working conditions, 600% Commis-
sion. Health & Dental Insurance Relire-
ment plan. All inquiries confidential. Con-.
tact Bob or Susan at Susan Mernck Hair
Designs (w)246-7272 or (h)246-1579.
Loves people and computers, attention to
derail, team player. Some evening and
Saturday hours Fax resume 246-8105.
INTENSEROI. a 12 yr. old marketing com-
pany located in PVB is looking lor long
term professionals to help grow our sales
team. We offer: Competitive base, gener-
ous commission structure, paid training
benefits, B2B, Inside sales. Minimum re-
quirements: 2yr. degree and/ or at least
2yrs. sales experience. MS office skills a
must For a confidential interview, please
call HR at 543-1919 x212 or emall resume
to: HR@intenserol.com
TEACHERS/ STAFFING Coordinator for
NAEYC accredlled Palms Preschool.
Bachelor's in early childhood education
preferred. Duties include coordinating stafl
schedules and classroom leaching, M-F,
9am-6pm EOE. 247-0983
front-office, medical records, Billers, Tran-
scriptionists. Family Practice, OBGYN,
and Dermatology experience preferred,
Fax resume 636-0066.
HAIR STYLIST needed @ Styles of
Ponte Vedra, located on corner of Mickler
and A1A. Up to 60o commission. Contact
Denise'at 280-0494.
SOUTH BEACH Salon has chair rental
available. Call 673-3639.
Lawn service seeks individual to perform
dependable quality work Excellent pay &
overtime available. Crew Leaders wanted.
Perschel Brothers Services, Inc. 246-
WANTED SERVERS, Hostesses, Cooks.
Dishwashers. Campeche Bay Cantina.
Apply rear blue door, 12-4pm daily. 127
1st Ave. N. Jax Beach, 249-3322
Transportation requited. Paid weekly.
$10/hr min. depends on experience. Call
Andrew 904-859-1148
SOUS CHEF, Grill Cook. Dishwasher. Ex-
perienced Servers Seeking motivated in-
oividuals Now hinng Fax resume" 223-
7763: or apply in person between 2-4pm,
Marker 32 Restaurant, 14549 Beach Blvd.
PRIVATE CLEANIlNG Company seeking
reliable. insurable workers. Serious inqui-
ries only Monday-Frinday Call 716-8824,
leave message.,
PONTE VEDRA Animal Hospital seeking
Receptionist with Customer Service expe-
nence. Apply within, 28 Corona Rda.,
Ponte Vedra, 285-7924.
LIVE AND work at the beach in a casual
atmosphere. Ocean Waves is accepting
applications for the following positions:
CSR, Accig, Optical Techs, Office Manag-
er, Sales fleps, and Showroom Sales. 76
Levy Rd. Apply in person or email resume
to kevin@oceanwaves.com
Pressmen, Bindery. Graphic Design, and
Pre-press. 514-1090.
Full-time. Appliance Installations/ Punch
Out, at a premier retirement community.
Excellent benefits. Applications at Fleet
Landing Secunty Gale, One Fleet Landing
Blvd., Atlantic Beach, FL, Fax to 904-246-
9447: email to jobs@fleetlanding.com.
EOE/ Drug-Free Workplace.
FACIAL SPECIALIST with clientele want-
ed. Also. Nail Tech w,'cienlele. No acryl-
ics .Day Spa, Jax Beach. Call Miki,
HELPER. FOR hardwood floor..jnstalle;
Musi.hae own transponalion. 223-3295.,
Potential clients, sales experience. go
business to business, energetic, personal-
ity a plus, salary, expenses and bonuses.
Full-Time with great benefits and work en-
vironment at a premier retirement com-
munity Experience preferred.. Applica-
tions available at Fleel Landing Security
Gate, One Fleet Landing Blvd., Atlantic
Beach, FL 32233: Fax to 904-246-9447;
email to jobs@fleetlanding.com. EOE/
Drug-free Workplace.
LOOKING FOR Hard Working, dependa-
ble, detail & mulli-lask oriented individual,
lor delivery & maintenance of medical
equipment 8 sup ties. Must have near ap-
pearance, excellent customer service
skills & excellent driving record. Back-
ground check is required by law. Apply in
person, Southeastern Medequip Inc. 905
North Third St. Jacksonville Beach.
small oceanfront hotel. Weekends re-
quired Apply in person, 120 Atlantic Blvd..
Nep Bch.
ATRIA SAN Pablo now excepting applica-
lions lor Marketing Director Must have ex-
perience and proven track record of out-
side sales. Also hiring experienced Cooks
and Caregivers Apply in person at 14199
Wm. Davis PkIwy. Jax. Fl. (904)821-9900
Fax (9041821-9879.
at Vicars Landing Ponte Vedra 10"45am -
7-15pm. Some weekends required Excel-
lent pay and benefits. Drug free work-
place, EOE, Call 273-1734.
Work at the Beach Fast-paced office
needs customer focused Administrative
Assistant lor multi-line phones. Must test
at 50wpm, ability to mulll-lask & have ex-
cellent verbal & written communication
skills. Experience in Word & Excel a plus.
Monday-Friday, 9am-6pm Email resume
to davidb@deserlmicio net or fax to.
REAL ESTATE Assistant to process files
& prepare lor closings Must be detailed,
organized, able to multi-task & prionlize
w/strong communIcaltion & computer
skills Fax 273-4406
OFFICE MANAGER needed for growing
Beaches printing company. computer/
bookkeeping, experience req. excellent
opportunity Fax resume to 241-7349.
POOL MAINTENANCE Personnel. Experi-
ence preferred out will train. Valid driver's
license required lor insurance 246-2455
necessary.. Ponte Vedra 285-3128.
Christian Preschool 249-1204.
ELECTRICAL HELPER, will train, must be
HS grad and have valid Drivers License.
Salary based on experience. Call Tietien
Tech 270-0070 M-F, between 2-4pm.
and Beaches Work in teams oe three.
Must have own transportation. valid driv-
er's license. Approximately $175/wk to
stan. Moday-Frnday no nights/weekends
Home Cleaning Centers of America.
LOOKING FOR Bartender, Door Guy, and
Liquor Store Clerk Must be able Io work
days, nights, weekends, and holidays.
Must pass drug test and background
check. Call Robert @ 465-0149
HOME CLEANERS earn excellent pay
cleaning homes weekly & biweekly De-
pendable car required. Full or part time
Call 223-5033.
modeling Ocean Edge Condos, Jax
Beach. 693-3130.
DRIVER- NOW hiring qualified drivers for
Central Florida local and national OTR po-
siions Food grtae tanker, no hazmal, no
pumps, great benefits, competitive pay
and new equipment Need 2 years experi-
ence. Call Bynum Transport for your op-
ponunity today. (800)741-7950.
needs highly experienced landscape in-
stallers. 710-9070
laundry, some childcare. F/T or P/T. Rel-
erences/ background check required. In-
tracoasial West area 710-0152.
Join our team of
cleaning professionals
No Nights or Weekends
Paid Vacations
Paid Holidays
Competitive Wages
Company Vehicle
app4 in pe o to : I
2201 Florida Blvd.
Mon -Fri 8-4:30
Kitchen Prep/Utility. Good money, casual
atmosphere, very busy, great people to
work with. FT/PT. 285-0139.
LABORERS, HELPERS, Skilled personnel
( all types). Call 249-8147, or apply: 203
outh 3rd Street, Jax Beach. Good pay &
FuLL-TIME at a Premier Retirement Com-
munity Experience required Excellent
benentis. Applcations at Fleet Landing Se-
cunty Gate, One Fleet Landing Blvd At-
lanic Beach, FL; Fax to 904-246-9447;
email to jobs@fleetlanding.com EOE/
Drug-Free Workplace
tendent for established company Drug
Iree work place, benefits. 241-2721
LERS. Seeking experienced and respon-
sible persons to work with long eslablish-
ed Beaches Company. Clean driving re-
cord required. Call 249-3317 for appoint-
ment or apply at MBI Landscaping, 861 S
10ih St, Jax Beach
I Join teta thtm ksai
Positions Available
Recreation Manager Champs Supervisor
Bartender Room Service Supervisor
Line Cook Spa Receptionist
Housekeeper Maintenance Engineer
Banquet Supervisor Massage Therapist
We offer competitive wages, excellent benefits,
opportunities for advancement and
a caring management staff.
Please apply in person Tuesday- Friday. 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. or by appt.
1000 PGA TOUR Boulevard; Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
Website: www.sawgrassmarriott.com
Job Hotline: (904) 280-7070
.- .. --
We are currently accepting applications for energetic, customer
service oriented team members for the following positions:
e Security Officer
Dining Room Attendant
Night Audit
Bell Person
PM Turndown (PT)
Front Desk Reception/Reservations FT/PT
Room Service Servers
Fitness Instructor Yoga ,
Spinning & Water Aerobics
Seasonal Opportunities
(March November)
Dining Room Attendants
Great opportunity to work in an oceanfront resort with
terrific earning potential. We offer an excellent benefits package
Including medical/denral, life insurance, sick and vacation days,
and discounts at our retail.outlets, golf course and spa.
Apply in person to:
607 Ponte Vedra Boulevard, Ponte Vedra Beach
Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm
For additional information call 280-6076 .
See current openings at: Profiles.hospitalityonline.com/211464
Drug Free Workplace EOE
At Ponte Vedra Beach
'"6' "
1 Plasterer and 2 Laborers, experience
required. Transponation required Drug
screening. Call Jeffrey 370-0732 or
OFFICE PERSONNEL Needed for busy
printing compahy.. Copying or printing ex-
perience a plus. Needed Immediately.
246-9162 or fax resume to: 241-7349.
PEST CONTROL Technician, licensed,
FT/PT, great benefits. Call 241-8988.
SWIMMING POOL Construction. To
pay & benefits. Palace Pools. 998-1811,
11655 Central Pkwy #313, Jax, FL
All Shifts Avallablel
Avarite at Jacksonville Beach, a 165-bed
skilled nursing and rehab center seeks
dedicated nursing professionals to provide
direct nursing care to residents Must have
a valid Florida nursing license or CNA cer-
rlicalte. Avanle has new salary raled, sign.
on Donuses and great benefits, including
401(k). For immediate consideration.
please apply in person at: 1504 Seao-
reeze Avenue, Jacksonville Beach, FL
32250 E.O E. www.avantegroup.com
CDL-A O/ OPS Great Miles Bonuses'
Base places/ permits paid! Regional home
time weekly Serllements twice
weekly! Fuel' passenger program! Jerry,
Allantic Beach Now Hiring FOOD & BEV-
ATTENDANT. Apply in person, Monday.
Thursday, or fax resume- 249-5959 e-mail
gespinal@seaturtle.com. EOE, M/FN/D
ASHFORD COURT is accepting applica-
lions lor experienced Dietary Servers. F/T
and P/T. Must be able to work weekends.
Must enjoy working with the elderly in a
professional atmosphere. We offer com-
petitive salaries, benefits & bi-weekly bo-
nus plans Apply in person @ 1700 Tne
Greens Way in Marsh Landing Park.
---- -------- ---- --
- -
T~eoaninrv) n-20
ArSA I AI4* I) 7
The Reaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Do something speci
premier luxury reso
Ponte Vedra Inn & (
one of the most soug
We have the folk
Bell Stand
We offer an excellent
insurance, sick and vac
course and spa. F(
Human Resource
Job Line: 9
See current opening
.... Expect Nothing Less
r rN'W Than "Five Diamonds"
al for yourself today! Work \\ith one of the
rts in the world by joining the elite staff at
Club. Our exceptional work environment is
ght after for career satisfaction.
owing full & part-time positions available:
Pastry Cook
ry/Recreation Attendants
quet Set-Up Attendants
f Course Maintenance
Spa Various Positions
eping Inspector/Inspectress
ndry Supervisor (PM)
1, Front Desk & Reservations
detail Sales (10 Shops)
Servers (Split Shift)
;olf Cart Attendants
sonal Opportunities
Lifeguards (3 Levels)
Swim Instructors
m & Beach Reception
t benefits package including medical/dental, life
action days, and discounts at our retail oudets, golf
or immediate consideration apply in person to
es between 9am- 4pm or forward resume to:
'onte Vedra Inn & Club
200 Ponte Vedra Blvd.
nte Vedra Beach, FL. 32082
904-280-3607 Fax: 904-273-7753
;s at: Profiles.hospitalityonline.conm/211464
EOE .'FiD.'
Oceanfront Excellence
ADVERTISERS IN Ihis category are not
offering lobs. They are offering job-related
services and may charge lees. Readers
are advised to exercise caution before gv-
ing credit card information over the phone
without knowing what specific product or
service they will receive
LOCAL VENDING route. All brands soda,
snack, pastry water, juices. Great equip-
meni Non-retail locations. Financing
available w,'$7500 down 1877)843-8726
ALL CASH candy route. Do you earn
$800'day" 30 machines, tree candy. All
for $9995. (888)629-9968. B02000033.
Call us: We will not be undersoldl
65' MITSUBISHI HDTV 1 year old $2000.
Men's black 21-speed Moiobecane,
mountain bike $200. 868-4282
2- BABY cribs in excellent condition. $100.
SCAN ROSE WOOD Dining Room Table
w/2 leaves $350 OBO. Daikwood Office
Desk wtile & storage cabinet $200 OBO.
(904) 233-8363.
Room for all components and accesso-
nes. Opening for 30"x28 TV. Well made,
hd l don- 9;250 246-41681
327 10TH AVE. NORTH, 241-5666.
1995 ASTRO Cargo van, 6 cyl. Will trade 2003 TAHOE Z71 black, loaded, 4x4,
for mini motor home; or consider any 4cyl DVD. 70k hlway miles $24,900 OBO
vehicle. 305-8652. 476-4415
2004 TASK Master Tractor, 4-wheel drive.
nas only 4 hours on tractor, 26np, 3 cylin-
der diesel, ready to. start working for you.
Asking $7000 OBO. Call George
226 8700.
BUNK BED, like new, aluminum. Paid
$300. Sell $150. 476-0074.
Ryan Sod Cutter, 18", $2900 Tlle wet.
saw, $600. 334-6091.
BED- FULL-SIZE, new, w/warranty, In
plastic $110. Must sell. (904)398-5200.
BUILDING SALEr 'Beat next increase'
20x26 Now $4200. 25x30. $5800. 30x44,
$9200. 40x60, $14.900. Extensive range
of sizes and models. From end optional
Pioneer (800)668-5422.
DIAMOND RING, ladies solilaire, 1-karat
$999 241-5666
COMPUTER DESKS $75 each. Call Jean.
THOMASVILLE KING bedroom set, oak,
exc. cond. $1000. 223-5774.
METAL ROOFING, Save $. Buy direct
from manufacturer. 20 colors in slock with
all accessories. Ouick lurn around. Delivy
ery available Toil free (888)393-0335.
AQUARIUM. 25 gallon., with sTand, light &
all accessories $50. 246-7710, 333-1076.
AT&T PARTNER phone system 5 phones
installed for $899. 249-8877.
BLACK LEATHER couch lyr old $150
OBO. 2.queen mattress, box spring and
frame $120 each Dining room table $65
Call 673 0800
HEART PINE, tongue & groove flooring
cut from antique Pine limbers. Installation.
slair material. FLORIDA HEARTWOOD
your Grandmother's Oyster Plates. Call
LOG HOME Auction Tallahassee, FL -
March 11th Tampa. FL March 12th. 26
new log home packages offered One ab-
solute to hignesl bidder. Package Includes
sub Iloor, logs. windows, doors. ratters,
roofing Daniel Boone Log Homes.
PIANO LESSONS All levels trvies &
ages. Will come lo your home 241-4954,
Ramps. All sizesl Please call for delalls
Robby & Greg, 962-5466
Specializing in all types of home repairs
20 yrs. experience No Job Too Smaill
Free Eslimales Doug Turlie 446-0051.
Specializing in Commercial and Residen-
1ial Cleaning. Lawn Care. Aulo Cleaning,
Window Clean, aning, Janioral Services etc.
.Call Hermon, 2-164238, 612-1755.
Grading, Lawn Installations. Spread
Dirt, Gravel, Lime Rock. Mulch, Stone,
MUCH MORE! Bob, 334-6091.
SEWING MACHINE Repairs Complete
lune-up All makes, all models. $49.50
Automobile Detailing. We come lo you!
Great rates, superior service' 333-7686.
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beacnesleader.com
BIG SALE. LOIS of baby stuff, furniture,
hospital bed, miscellaneous items 14525
Cedar Island Rd. Saturday. Bam-2pm.
SATURDAY,. 9AM-? Tools, construction
equipment/ materials, good buys. Also.
ranan, painted, iron furniture. Comer
9th St. & 7thAve.S.
SIX FAMILIES. Lois of everything. Satur-
day, 8am-? 635 Florida Blvd.
CHRIST UNITED Methodist Church, 400
Penman Ra. Nep Bch. is collecting donat-
ed items to .their.Spring rummage sale to
be held Friday March 3rd and Saturday
March 41h from 9am-3pm both days
Soup, .drinks, sandwiches and baked
goods lor sale also, 249-5370.
4i~fJ tl'SLJ OVIGSALE Fe. 2th8-pm,51
,luI,,, "b.....N. 4 "4 1b. MOVING SALE- Feb. 251h, 8-4pm, 513
i Robles Ln, Sandy Oaks, Ponte Vedra.
S- T -L Nancy Lopez Golf Clubs. frames, signed
rair .I .prihtkrquaItVrclothing. some lum decdtra-
-i mfin. r.Ire ri er. lof;tems:nhodsehdoa, rfisc 273.5409"
chairs, bookshelves, lamps, much morel
PIANO- OLD Upnght, sounds good, $300,
free delivery, 249-8657 (evenings).
LOVING. IN-HOME Day care. Ages 6wKs. 1988 GMC SIERRA 2500 4 wheel drive.
& up. Please call Becky. 249-6391. $1800 OBO, 210-9271.
ACTIVE NANNY honest, dependable.
: transportation & references. $9-$11'hr,
any area CPR & First Aid. FFT & P'T
I AM a babysitter from Spain looking to
care for children of all ages I will provide
care for your child/ children in the morn-
ings, evenings, holidays and even on spe-
cial occasions. References will be provid-
ed I currently live in the Arlington area of
Jacksonville with my Navy retiree hus.
band Call (904)374-5253.
compresso model 101. Works like new,
$60. 285-9721
Copier, cost $1000, sell for $250 L-shape
computer desk & computer All in excel-
lent condition. Call 223-8512
6 Rooms ol quality lurniaure. Patio Furni-
ture. new double top mattress, cost
$1300, sell $500. Two bedrooms, sec-
tional couch, washer, dryer & much more.
OCEAN WONDERS Infant Swing $50. In-
fant Playsaucer $20 Handmade auto.
wood trailer $50. Moving...must selL
1941 685-9496.
WHIRLPOOL WASHER & Dryer. $75/ea.
30 day warranty Deliver. $20 318-8173.
FINAL MOVING Salel Everything must go,
office lumilure, shop & sporting goods.
Saturday. 8am-0 9 Amberjack Rd.
BIG MOVING Sale Friday 8am-12pm,
Saturday 8am-lpm. in The Hammocks off
San Pablo near Mayo. Two bedroom sets,
air hockey able, washer/ dryer (2 years
old), two TV armoires, a Pier One wicker
bed frame, new 8'x6' Rubbermaid shed,
nugh selection of holiday decorations,
Chnstmas. Holloween, Easier, and tons ol
crah supplies. 4704 M H Dr. East.
ing. fishing. tools. motorcycle Saturday
only 8:30am -1pm. 4265 Stacey Rd. E.
MOVING SALE- Dining room set with chi-
na hutch, sectional sofa, Welder weight
machine, women's golf clubs, grrls trundle
bed. 19' open fishing boat and more Sal-
urday Feb. 25th. starting at 7:30am. 2449
Blackbeard Dr. San Pablo Rd. to Cast-
away to BlacKbeard. Large items will not
be in the driveway. Ask to view them
PRE-ESTATE SALE Antique Postal Desk
$1200, Habersham Enlertainment Center
(retail $11,500) $7900, 55' HDTV (4
months old) $750. While cottage style ar-
moir w.matching desk. chair and end ta-
bles. Misc Antiques. lurniture, stereo
equipt, bedding, kitchenware, Motobocane
bikes, art and more. 1904) 962-6876
(MHove-n4'N, u .,, Vluraf.L,
censed & insured Good references
(Beach Hut). Call lort free estimate.
Residential/Commercial cleaning service
Call for free estimate, 568 0136.
ACCEPTING NEW Clients in Beaches
area. 10+ years experience Relerences.
Also, meal preperation. 241-8442
make it look like new' 223-0591
Commercial clean-up. Senior discounts
Call 612-8060.
ble Reasonable rates, free estimates Call
CLEAN TO SHINE Our company commit-
ment Is 100'o. Customer Saiisiaciion ati
Affordable Prices We clean homes. apar-
ments. offices, new construction and res.
taurants. Lawn mowing also available.
For a free estimate call 514-7009 or
(904)317.7840 We will beat any company
13 years experience. Reasonable prices
low 'minimum rales weekend appoinl-
ments available 1904)525-7419.
rates Local references available. Please
call 571-7140
1991 SUNBIRD- 5-speed; new clutch,
A/C, AM/FM, must sell. $950 cash.
1994 HONDA Civic, good condition.
112,000 miles $2500 OBO. Call
JEEP, HARD Top, black tinted windows.
rear wiper, hardly used. $1400
1999 TOYOTA Avalon, 100,000mi., very
clean, all power, $7400 (904)472-5438.
1996 TOYOTA Avalon XLS, immaculate
condition. only 82,000 miles, perfect leain-
er intenor, AM/FM/CD, power windows/
locks, sunroof, Michelin fires. $6800 OBO.
IF YOU are Interested in advertising under
th.s category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader.com
ENDLESS SUMMER Lawncare Free esi,.
mates Professional customer service
Mowing, edging, weeding, trimming- Irees,
shrubs. Licensed & Insured. Residential &
commercial. CALL US FIRSTI 270-2664.
Maintenance. Clean-ups. Sodding. Mulch-
ing. Re-planling available Free estimates
Lawn Service and Pressure Washing.
Call 294-6022.
sional Lawn Maintenance Co FREE
ESTIMATES. 535-2515
Commercial, Residential Lawn mainie-
nance, spnnkler systems, clean-up
sod. mulch. Landscape lighting
(904)382-0007. (904)430 0007. Licensed.
insured Free estimates info@preferted-
One lime or yearly. Licensed, Insured.
Residenllal. Commercial. 742-6763.
WINSOR LAWN Service, Inc. Competitive
rates. Call Alan. 237-5301.
lawns. Free estimates. 246-0967.
Specializing In '"Complete Flowerbed
Cleaning and Workover". Call Hermon,
246-4238, 612-1755.
PALM TREES. Hedges Trimmed. Yard
Clean-ups. Mulching. Sodding. whatever it
takes, elc. Dave 249-4724.
8 1000s to Choose From m
We deliver and install
10023 Beach Blvd. i
COMPLETE DOCKS & Floating Docs,
Bulkheads (wood, vinyl or concrete). Boar
houses also available. Please call George
904-226-8700 or Tnpp 904-545-9979.
Cleaning. Licensed & Insured. Free Esti-
mates. Houses, decks, walkways, dnve-
ways, patios. 248-9672 .
PRESSURE WASHERS lor rent or sale.
Tucker Equipment Rental 246-1330.
Sale roof cleaning Deck & tence
restoralion. Pressure washing Licensed &
Insured. Call Kevin 994-0045
free estimates, work guaranteed, licensed.
Specializing in custom interior work. mu-
rais, faux, texture, design work 568-0359.
EA- KI- In -- .. A ..,1
NEW CONSTRUCTION, remodeling and
repaint Residenial and commercial Men
tion this ad. 246-1529
Property management rales for quiL
rentalsale Iurn-arounds, and cus-om pairni
also Call for estimates 446-5137 or
724-6877 Licensed & insured
IF YOU are nierested in adve nsg under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email- classilled@beacheslearder.com
IF YOU are inieresiea in advenising under
this Category please call 904-2-499033 or
email: classified@beachesleader corn
THE CALIBER Company Pool remodels.
re-marcIte, re-lile, miller upgrades Excel-
lent references 386-9744.
DAVID'S POOL Service. Weekly cleaning
Most' residential pools $25,'week+ chemi
cals. Licensed. Insured Pool clean-ups
our specialty We make your Iile a little
easier. 285-0240.
NEW POOL 14'X28' Complete. Only
$19,900. Also, remodel, remarcile
DEMO HOMESITES wanted now! For the
New Kayak Pool! The on-ground pool miri
in-ground features! Unique opponunity
Save $. Call 1866)348-7560 Free Esth
mates Financing.
IF YOU are interested in advenmsing undei
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email classithed @beachesleader com
Remodeling Renovations. Additions Cer.
tified Builder, CBC 1253447 249-7082.
Repairs, specializing in lermite damage
Contractor CGC 1505263. All rypes 01
construction. New homes, rodm additions,.
etc. Free estimates. (9041234.1179
..exlernor-interiqr,.ceramic hile, carpeotrr .till
;.types .hort,. repa.p!rs:. =.reatsatlU"
20yrs experience 568.-'-51 l -.
WDO REPAIRS Termire & Ronen wood
Licensed General Contractor 247-9525.
ARTISAN HOME Improvemeni Masier
carpenter, Tile installed, clean iree curling
trimming Free eshmaies Licensed., insur
ed. 904-553-4663.
dependable for quality repairs, service
calls, painting, improvements and miscel-
laneous lODS. DAVE. 246-6628.
BED- BRAND name queen sel,
new, wiwarranty $129 Can deliver.
$.85/sf. 30%, Ihicker, still in box, musl sell
C&J HANDYMAN Services Carpentry
Drywall, Painting, Paperhanging, Tiling,
etc Licensed, Insured 955-0593.
1998 "95TH Anniversary' Harley 1200
Custom XL, w windshield, 5000 miles,
$6500, 962-7766
TOYOTA TACOMA SR5, 01'. AT, double
cab, exc cond., $38,695mi, oversized
fires. $15.000 1904)797-2806.
I am= I n a a m m - - I L
Page B7
Csrri] ~yi:l98is~
2001 CHRYSLER Sebring Convertible
LXI. Wnile w/black lop Low miles. very
clean. Retail value $12,900 Sacriice at
$10,700. Call 247-1175.
1989 TRANS AM GTA. rare car in like
new condo. 5.7 hire TPI engine. T-tops, arl
power. Idather mi $12,900 285-5432
'home, 307 6555 cell
2000 SATURN SC2. 3 dcior coupe. 49,500
mi, tinled windows, aulomaltc, blue, runs
great. $5800. 742-2354
1996 LEXUS LS-400. excellent mechanical
and body condition $7000 318-6700
CIII11~1 ~5~111~
.. ......__.._
an "-ATPPP
tppl ....mball
e ant hers Te a rtra LedrFay-22,2006
Panthers topple Bartram Trailin baseball
Pholo. by ROB DeAiNGELO
ABOVE: Nease's Chris Alessandria, left, tags out a Bartram Trail runner attempting to steal second base in the Panthers' 3-0 victo-
ry last Friday.
BELOW: Vince Ratto (24) is greeted by a teammate after scoring the first run of Ihe ballgame on an error by the Bears defense.
TOP: Panthers baserunner Matt Reifsnider rounds third on his way home against
Bartram Trail last Friday.
ABOVE: Nease first baseman Alex Brull flips the ball to pitcher Daniel Jones after
fielding a ground ball.
Girls fastpitch travel teams
are now forming. These travel
teams are called NFGS
Tsunami. Players between the
ages of 9 and 12 looking for a
more competitive softball
environment may phone
James Greek at 612-0337 or
visit www.eteamz.com/nfgs.
Tsunami 14-and-Under girls
fastpitch team is looking for
players. Call 710-6413 or 220-
7988 for tryout and additional
The Grom Surfing Associa-
tion [GSA] is now called
JaxPier Surf Camp and is still
located at 2nd North. The
contact number is 651-2843.
Application forms and dates
can be found on jaxpier.com.
.(axPier Surf Camp is the only
*surf camp in the nation with a
live streaming camp cam of
the children and young
For information on the Grom
Surfing Series [GSS], call Charley
Hajek at 247-5538.
The Florida Surfing
Association offers advanced,
professional and intermediate
amateur competitions as well as
surfing camps and clinics. For
more information, visit the
website at
vIww.floridasurfing.org or call
(904) 626-9090.
'For information on the
Saltwater Cowgirls, visit its
website at www.saltwatercow-
girls.com or call (904) 242-
Triathlon Coaching
Steve Petitt, .a seven-time
Ironman traithlon Hawaii
competitor, is offering
traithlon coaching for the
upcoming BFAST series of
For more information %isit
stevepetitt.com or phone 982-
YMfCA Soccer
Registration for spring youth
indoor soccer, already under-
way at the Winston Family
YMiCA, will run through Feb.
25. Late registration begins
Feb. 26, space permitting, with
a $15 late fee.
The cost of the program,
which is open to children 4 to
8 years old [must turn 8 after
Aug. 1], is $65 for YNICA mem-
bers and S95 for program par-
ticipants. Children must pro-
vide their own shin guards; no
cleats are permitted.
Volunteer coaches are need-
ed and a YNICA background
screening is required. A coach-
es meeting %-ill be held at 6:30
p.m. Feb. 27.
Practices begin March 6.
with games starting March 28
and running through May 13.
All games will be held in the
Winston Family YMCA gymna-
Youth indoor soccer will
focus on the fundamentals of
soccer, including individual
ball skills, while learning how
to be an important member of,
a team. The four character val-
ues of honest\, canng, respect
and responsibility will be
For more information con-
tact YNICA sports director
Steve Alger at 543-9622.
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February 22, 2006
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