Nease girls
win district title
See Sports,
JANUARY 25,2006
Cook publishes
tribute to mother
See A-8
An edinon of The Beaches Leader
Vol. 43, No. 62 Serving the communities of Ponte Vedra Beach, Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach and Mayport since 1963
file final
Within the next 30 days,
Circuit Judge Michael Traynor
is expected to rule on the
Surfrider Foundation's lawsuit
over the county's beach access
policies in Ponte Vedra.
The Surfrider Foundation, a
nonprofit organization that
promotes access to public
beaches, brought,several claims
against the county about the
obstruction of beach access
points and the removal of park-
ing along Ponte Vedra
Proposed orders a written'
form of closing arguments -
have been turned into the
judge from both sides in the
In the orders, Deborah
Andrews, attorney for Surfrider,
argues that Surfrider members
have trouble accessing some
beach access points in Ponte
Vedra because signs are lacking
on the street and on the beach.
Andrews also said Surfrider
members have tried to use
some of the unmarked accesses
unsuccessfully because of
obstructions or encroachments
such as non-native plants,
fences and walls built by pri-
vate homeowners.
But Assistant County-
Attorney Laura Barrow coun-
tered in her order that several
Surfrider members testified
they were able to reach the
beach through another access
or by walking around the
Barrow argued that the 14
access points in question span
less than one mile along Ponte
Vedra Boulevard and provide
adequate beach access.
"It would be unfair for the
court to require the county to
expend funds on increasing
beach access in this one limited
area where the available
access is already more than suf-
ficient," Barrow wrote.
Barrow requested that
Traynor allow the county to
proceed with its Beach
PV school site
decision likely
in the spring
St. Johns County schools
Superintendent Joseph Joyner
told a Ponte Vedra audience
last week that a School Board
decision on a Ponte Vedra high
school site is expected in the
Addressing about 200 per-
sons at Landrum Middle
School Thursday evening,
Joyner said the School District's
focus is on two possible sites:
30 acres off State Road A1A and
75 acres west of the
Intracoastal Waterway.
Questioned by audience
members, Joyner said a site in
the Guana reserve had been
eliminated as a possible high
school site more than a year
The two sites that remain,
the smaller behind Talbots and
the other just east of Davis
Park, will be considered by the
School Board at the same
School Board meeting, Joyner
Joyner's comments came at a
joint meeting of parent organi-
zations from all Ponte Vedra
public schools.
Utility bux
gets last OK
Members of the Women's Circle of Chabad @ the Beaches, Ponte Vedra, demonstrate a cir-
cle dance Sunday during a program on Jewish.weddings. The dancers are, from left, Talia
Steiner, Regina Steiner, Leah Dubin, Nechama Dina Backman, Bunni Flagler and Leah
Kurinsky. For information on the circle, which rmeets monthly, call 285-1588.
St. Johns County commis-
sioners gave final approval of
the purchase 'of St. Johns
Service Company Tuesday, but
not before making several
important changes to the pur-
chase agreement.
One such' change included a
$1.2 million escrow account
that representatives of the
Ponte Vedra utility agreed to
establish for the potential pay-
ment of more than $600,000 in
claims against the company.
"It's our prime directive here
to Watch, over their person as
.well' as,,, ,,' '.,pdrse,'
Commissioner Ben Rich said,
referring to Gloria Rivera, Jean
Lijoi and Marc and Ann
Crawford, who suffered sewage
backups into their" homes.
"This is a parachute;, a life
ring that we can give to our cit-
An original amount of
$78,000 was set up in an
escrow account in October to
cover the claims of Lijoi and
Rivera in the event that the
insurance company did not
pay their claims in full.
the utility recently agreed to
increase the original amount
to about $300,000.
But Bob WVinicki, attorney
for the Crawfords, argued in
Tuesday's meeting that the
account still would not cover
his clients' $535,000 claim,
which has been filed in court.
"We've gone through all the
big hoops and we've followed
all the procedures," Winicki
said about his dealings with
American Alternative
Insurance Co., a previous
insurance carrier for the utility.
"The [insurance] carrier has
not been cooperative with us."
County attorneys Dan
Bosanko and Michael Hunt,
St. Johns Reads
Film kicks off 'Kite Runner' event
A showing of the feature film
"Kandahar" at-the Polite Vedra
Beac"' iB'tiaSith library next
week kicks off a weeks-long
series of events centered on the
best-selling novel "The Kite
Runner" by i haJed,'Qpsseini.
Among other events planned
are a kite-flying family event, a
sampling of Afghan music,
food and dancing' and an
appearance by the author,
sponsored by the Friends of the
Library, Ponte Vedra Beach.
The author will speak at 7:30
p.m. Sunday, March 19, at
Lazzara Theatre at the
University of North Florida.
Tickets are $20 for Friends of
the Library merhbers, and $30
for nonmembers.
Hosseini, 'the oldest of five
children, lived in his native
Afghanistan from his birth in
1965 until the famiLy moved in
1976 to Paris, where his father,
who was in the.Afghan foreign
ministry, was assigned to a
diplomatic post.
-___ -
- AMM., ,
Subscribe to the Ponte Vedra Leader
delivered Wednesday and Friday in the mail at
1/2 the newsstand price. One year-$25
Call 249-9033 or stop by the office
1114 Beach Boulevard, Jacksonville Beach, Fla. 32250
Khaled .Hosseini
The family, was granted
political asy luim in the United
States in 1980, after
Afghanistan was invaded by
the Soviet Union.
"The Kite Runner," the
selected work for "St. Johns
Reads," is Hosseini's first novel.
The New York Times said the
.book is "a vivid and engaging
story" of "struggling to tri-
umph over the forces of vio-
Although Hosseini is a hus-
band, father and a practicing
internist, "his first love has
always been writing," accord-
ing to a news release from the
St. Johns County Public
Library System.
Each branch of the library
system has planned events
centered on the book. The fol-
lowing is a list of the events:
Ponte Vedra Branch
101 Library Blvd.
Thursday, Feb. 2, 10 a.m. -
"Kandahar," an 80-minute
movie about a reporter who
returns to her native
Afghanistan to find her sister,
who was left behind when the
family fled.
Saturday, Feb. 4 at 10:30
a.m. A family event, "Go Fly
a Kite," will have kite crafts,
F~l- i 3m 3 ____________
Calendar..................A-6 Opinion ..............
Classified ..............B-4 Police Beat ..........
Fishing ..................B-3 Sports ................
Obituaries ............A-7 Weather...............
Copyright 2006 by The Beaches Leader, Inc.:
Two sections, 18 pages
refreshments and a kite-flying
demonstration by Ocean
Extrerhe Sports.. -.- _
Tuesday, Feb.7 at 7 p.m. -
Dr. Bashir Sayar, a Jacksonville
University professor and an
Afghan native, will speak on
"Culture ,ii Ed.uc'ation in
Afghanistan." '
Wednesday, Feb. 15 at 7
p.m. Showing of the rovie
"Osama," inspired by a true
story and the first Afghan film
shot since the fall of the
Taliban. The film tells of a
widow who disguises her
daughter as a boy to keep both
safe from the Taliban.
Tuesday, Feb. 21 at 10 a.m.
- Discussion of "The Kite
Runner" led by Carolee
Thursday, Feb. 23 at 10
a.m. Discussion of "The Kite
Runner" led by Mary Kohnke.
Bartram Trail Branch
60 Davis Pond Blvd.
Fruit Cove
Tuesday, Feb. 28, noon to 6
p.m. A walk-through cultur-
al exhibit on Afghanistan, fol-
lowed at 6 p.m. by a sample-Of
native foods, traditional music
and dancing, presented by
Abdul Majeed and his family.
RSVP by Feb. 15 by calling Brad
Powell, (904I 692-2841.
Saturday, March 4 at 2 p,m.
- "Osama."
Southeast Branch
6670 U.S. 1 S.
St. Augustine
Sunday, Feb. 5 at 2 p.m. -
"History and Culture of
Afghanistan" by Dr. Bahaudin
Monday, Feb. 13 at 7 p;.m.
- Dessert and a discussion 6f
the book.
Saturday, Feb. 18 at 3 p.m.
- Showing of "Osama."
Saturday, Feb. 25 at 3 p.m.
- Showing of "Kandahar."
Tuesday, Feb. 28 at 7 p.m.
- Dessert and discussion of
the book.
See BOOK, A-3
The Nease girls soccer
team poses Friday with
its trophy for winning the
-District 5-4A champi-
onship, the first step
toward defending its
2005 state title. The
Panthers, who defeated
St. Augustine 5-0 on
Friday,.have the home-
field advantage Thursday
when they begin regional
play against the Lecanto
Panthers of Citrus
County. See story, B-1.
N r for
Nease rallies for
cancer relay
See A-8
1 -r 'r ~e 1. --~lllllllsqllsa~llr~PI~IDsll~~ ~-~II~lls~IILLII L~ 1 II -r-31L-
-. J& .. .
January 25, 2006
The Beaches Leader/Pnnte Vedra Leader
I 'ia... I SA
r-rage z.1
Published Wednesday and Friday.
1114 Beach Boulevard ;
(P.O. Box 50129 for correspondence)
Jacksonville, Florida 32240
(USPS 586-180) (ISSN1059647X)
Periodicals Postage Paid at Jackson-
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Subscriptions: $25 per year in Duval
and ;t. Johns counties. Out of county,
$44. Two-year subscriptions are $40
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In the event of errors in advertise-
ments The Beaches Leader will be
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Send address changes to:
The Beaches Leader
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Open Monday to Friday
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The Leader encourages
readers to submit items of
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Weddings, engagements,
birth announcements and
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of charge for the community.
Information about area resi-
dents and their achievements
is also welcome.
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A 5x7" print is $10 and an
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The newspaper is delivered
to' homes on Wednesdays and
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per year in Duval and St.
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To start your subscription
call (904) 249-9033.
The Leader strives to pro-
duce error-free news report-
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To request a correction,
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*1 Syndicated Content=
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meaf me
I a
Mom to be sentenced
Leslie Demeniuk, the 36-
year-old woman convicted this
month of killing her twin sons
in' Ponte Vedra nearly five
years ago, will be sentenced by
Circuit Judge John Alexander
at 3 p.m. Friday.
The sentencing hearing will
be held in courtroom 351 in
the County Administration
Complex, 4020 Lewis
The state is not seeking the
death penalty,' so the only
remaining sentence possible
for the first-degree murder
convictions is life without
Stargazing at G uana' '
An introduction to viewing
the night sky will be given 6
p.m. to 8 p.m. Friday, Jan. 27,
at the Guana reserve's
Environmental Education
Center south of Ponte Vedra.
Starry Nights, an interactive
computer program, will be
shown in the auditorium
before the gathering heads
outside to view the stars.
The cost is $5, and space is
limited. Call (904) 823-4500
for reservations, i
The education center at the
Guana Tolomato Matanzas
National Estuarine Research
Reserve is located near the
Guana dam, off State Road
A1A about 12 miles south of
Mickler Road.
Kid run is Saturday
The 2006 Matanzas Fun Run,
a one-mile run for children 13
and younger, begins at 9:45
a.m. Saturday at Ketterlinus
gym, 60 Orange St., St.
The event is free and the first
300 children will 'get free T-'
shirts when they complete the
race. For' information, call
Jamie Baccari 'at (904) 209-
0377. '
Next week at Guana
'The following are scheduled
next week at the Guana's'
Environmental Education
Center south of Ponte Vedra.
Admission is included with
admission to the Guana $2
for adults, $1 for ages 10 to 17:
A brown-bag lunch pro-
gram about birds commonly
found in the Guana. reserve
will be held at noon Friday,
Feb. 3.
A program on the flora and
fauna of a Panama rainforest is
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scheduled at noon Saturday,
Feb. 4.
"To Fly or Not to Fly," a
film about the history of birds
from the first flying reptiles to
today's navigators, will be
shown at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.
Saturday, Feb. 4 and Sunday,
Feb. 5.
The film is one of a series,
"The Life of Birds,". being
shown in February.
The Guana education center
is located near the Guana dam
off State Road,AlA about 12
miles south of Mickler Road.
For information, call (904)
PV7Dems to meet Feb, 1.,
l journalist Mike Clark Mil'lbe
guest speaker at 7 p.m. Feb. 1
at a meeting of the Ponte
Vedra Beach Democratic Club
at the Ponte Vedra Beach
Branch Library.
Also, club members will elect
officers for 2006. The Ponte
Vedra Beach Democratic Club
meets at 7 p.m. the first
Wednesday of each month at
the library.
For information, call club
president Vickie McNamara at
Board vacancies
Ponte Vedra voters are eligi-
ble to apply for vacant posi-
tions on St. Johns County
boards, as follows:
Code enforcement board
five vacancies. Preferred
professions are architect, busi-
ness man or woman, engineer,
general contractor, subcontrac-
tor or realtor. Deadline is Feb.
Historic Resource Review
Board one vacancy. An
applicant must demonstrate
interest, experience or educa-
tion in the preservation of the
county's historic resources.
Preferred are those with experi-
ence in' archaeology, architec-
ture, architectural history, his-
tory or historic preservation.
Deadline is Feb. 24.
Recreation Advisory Board
one vacancy. Applicant
should demonstrate interest.
Deadline is February.
Land Acquisition and
Manage Program (LAMP)
Board two vacancies. The
applicant should have experi-
ence or expertise in agricul-
ture, archaeology,
business/finance, eco-tourism,
environmental planning, his-
tory, natural science, parks,
recreation, real estate, soils or
hydrologic engineering.
Deadline is Feb. 10.
To get an application or
more information, call (904)
Feathers, friends & fun
Hedwig, Barney, Twiggy and
Liberty will be featured in a
birds of prey program at 1 p.m.
Saturday, Feb. 11, at the Guana
reserve south of Ponte Vedra.
Melanie Stage, president of
HAWKE, a nonprofit wildlife
rehabilitation center, will give
the program, bringing with her
some of the center's perma-
.nent winged residents. .
'.. AmdOng them are'Hedwig the
great horned owl, Barriey the
barred owl, Twiggy the screech
owl and Liberty the red-tailed
The cost is $3 for adults and
$2 for children under age 18
and includes admission to the
exhibits at the Environmental
Education Center.
The Guana education center
is located near the Guana dam
off State Road A1A about 12
miles south of Mickler Road.
For information, call (904)
Co-ed volleyball begins
Lexmark .
Brother (
Save 50% to 70%
on Inkjet and
Toner cartridges
235 9th Ave. N., Jax Beach
St. Johns County Recreation
and Parks Department is tak-
ing registrations for co-ed vol-
leyball "A" and "B" leagues. A
games are played Thursday
evenings and B games Tuesday
Games begin the week of
Feb. 7 and are played in the
Ketterlinus gym, 60 Orange St.,
St. Augustine.
Open gym for A league is
6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Thursday and Feb. 2. Open
gym for B league is 6:30 p.m.
to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 31.
Open gym is held at
* For -information,--call Jamie
Baccari-at (904) 209,0377. '- .
Birding 101
Two-hour workshops to help
beginning birders identify
birds will be held one evening
and two mornings next month
at the Guana reserve south of
Ponte Vedra.
Sessions are scheduled 6
p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb.
The Beaches
are online at:
V get rates,
and information
on placing a clas-
sified or display
V convenient-
ly download
forms to submit
information on
births, engage-
ments, weddings
and more;
V look at
photo galleries of
people and
events from
throughout the
V get your
started; and
V contact
members of our
7, and 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Feb. 15 and
Saturday, Feb. 25.
The user-friendly, step-by-
step workshop is designed to
make bird identification easier,
according to a news release
from the Guana Tolomato
Matanzas National Estuarine
Research Reserve's
Environmental Education
The cost is $2 and includes
entrance to the education cen-
ter. Class size is limited. To reg-
ister, call (904) 823-4500 .
Free cancer screening
v--A-free- breast cancer screen-
-'fig clinicik for womertin will be
' held 9 a:m. to 11 a.ih. Tuesday,
Feb. 7, at the St. Johns County
Health Department in St.
No appointment is neces-
sary. Breast exams will be given
by an ob/gyn physician.
The clinic is at 1955 U.S. 1
S., Suite 100. For information,
call (904) 825-5055.
Malcolm Anthony, P.A.
Malcom Anthony Kelly Corsmeier Kim O'Steen
S____.-- Criminal Defense
Employment & Labor
Estate Planning
Family Law
Juvenile Law
Personal Injury /
Auto Accidents
Former Prosecutor-Duvaland o Accidents
St. Johns Counties
Lifelong Beaches Resident
"Stay out oftoubla.. but If you don't,
S- call m& "
S4 Sawgrass Village, S te 230B, Ponte Vedra Beach
Cred 285-4LAW (4529)
Credit Cards Accepted
R 4378 Ocean Street
By the St. Tohns River in our dockside eating area!
Hot &r Cold Prepared Dishes Fresh Fish r Shrimp Basitets
* Chowder Sandwiches Oysters Crabs Clams Oven F-eady
Meals Party Platters Whole Fish Soups 6i Gumbos
Market Hours: Mon.-Sat. 9:o0-5:30 gFetaurant Hours: Mon.- Sat. lo:oo-8:oo
Tranquil Moments
Transform your porch or patio into a warm, inviting
space with traditional teapots, serving dishes and planters
handcrafted by skilled artisans in Bat Trang, Vietnam.
Blue and white collection, $5-54
I ..::1
Mon-Thurs 10-6
Fri & Sat 10-7
Sun 10-5
jTnuy e In hands of circuit jud. ge ), .
-~ : .. .:.. =-Rulng: In hands of circuit judge*
Continued from A-1
Management Plan, which was
approved in 2004 after the law-
suit was filed.
The plan sets a timeline for
gradually improving beach
access in. Ponte Vedra by
adding six new dune
walkovers, making a total of
eight walkovers -north of
Mickler Road. I
"The goals enunciated in the
county's Beach Management
Plan are in the process of com-
ing to fruition," Barrow wrote.
. Another claim against the
county is that it allowed Ponte
Vedra Inn & Club to remove
about 63 parking spaces along
Ponte Vedra Boulevard:
Andrews wrote that the
removal: of the spaces, which
she argued was in the county's
Sright-of-way, was not properly
noticed and, did not serve 'a
public purpose. .
As a final judgment,.
Andrews requested the.
Book Film is set Feb. 2
Workers begin destruction of the old trolley at 10th Avenue South and 3rd Street South in
Jacksonville Beach.' The former custard stand was most recently home to Tommy's BBQ. Billy
Woodward, foreground, and Tony Graham dismantle the eatery. No plans have been filed for the
property, according to the city of Jacksonville Beach planning department.
Escrow: Changes pleased claimant
Continued from A-I
each of whom admitted that
he has not examined the utili-
ty's insurance policy, warned
commissioners that they had
no legal standing to demand
an exact amount for the escrow
But throughout the, meeting,
Rich pressured St. Johns Service
attorney Sid Ansbacher to
increase the amount to $2 mil-
Ansbacher agreed to raise the
amount to $500,000, then to
$1 million before finally reach-
ing the $1.2 million agree-
"I think we've hit the drop-
dead line," Arisbacher told
Commissioners and utility
representatives agreed that the
money in the account will be
paid to the residents if the full
amounts of their claims are not
paid by the insurance compa-
Ansbacher also said the
claimants may be able to get
get interest-free loans from the
utility for expenses, provided
the utility's insurance carrier
Ann Crawford left Tuesday's
meeting with a smile and nod-
ded when asked if she was
pleased with the changes.
"We're pleased that the com-
missioners gave it a fair hear-
ing," Winicki said.
Other changes included
sha-ing $200,000 off the sale
price bringing it down to
$26.8 million due to repairs
the county will conduct on
two lift stations.
Another escrow account was
also set up with $660,000 -
$300,000 from the county and
$360,000 from St. Johns
Service Co. to pay for the
upgrading of some water treat-
ment plants.
The closing on the purchase
is scheduled for Feb. 23, but
county utility director Bill
Young said it may be delayed if
the legal matters surrounding
the new changes to the con-
tract aren't worked out in time.
Continued from A-1
- Main Library
1960 N. Ponce de Leon
Blvd. :
St. Augustine
Thursday, Feb. 23 at 6 p.m.
"After Hours with the
Friends of the Library a Taste
of the Middle East."
Saturday. Feb. 23 at 2 p.m.
Book discussion and bakla-
Hastings Branch
6195 S. Main St.
Monday, Feb. 27 at 7 p.m.
Treats from the Middle East,
dancing and a discussion of
"The Kite Runner."
A kite-flying demonstration
by representatives of Extreme
Kites is scheduled at 10 a.m.
Saturday, March 4, at the St.
-Augustine Beach pier.
The demonstration, weath-
er permitting, will feature, sin-
gle line, stunt and power kites.
Tickets 'to the March 19 lec-
ture by the author "are avail-"
.able from the Friends of the
Library, Ponte Vedra Beach.'
Visit the group's Web site
(www. friendsp\llbra te
All five friends organiza-
tidons in St. .Johns County,
along with money from :the
state of Florida's arts 'license
plate program, are funding
"St. Johns Reads" and its pro-
For information on how to
get a, copy of "The Kite
Runner," visit the library's
Web site ( or
call Harold George at (904
encroachments and obstruc-
tions in 10 of the 14 access
points be removed by March
31 and that all the access
points be marked with signs.
Andrews also requested thai
the parking spaces be replaced
by Dec. 31.
Traynor asked for the written
arguments after hearing two
days of testimony in late
Center gets
Holocaust art
"Engrained Forever:
Holocaust," a series of paint-
ings inspired by conversations
with a Holocaust survivor, will
be exhibited April 17 to April
25 at the Cultural Center at
Ponte Vedra Beach.
SThe works done on large
wooden panels by artist Mimi
Schiff were inspired by Schiff's
many, poignant conversations
with her friend Lucy Cripps.
. Schiffhas said that the most
important meaning of the col-
lection is to ingrain forever the
memory of six million victims.
. Schiff is a graduate of the
Tyler School of Fine Arts at
Temple University. "Engrained
Forever" was completed in
1991 and since that time has
been exhibited nationally a
numerous venues.
Good Samaritan struck by AB woman's assailant
An unidentified man armed
. with two handguns attacked a
44-year-old Atlantic Beach
woman at a Mayport Road gas
station Saturday around 9 a.m.
after she refused to give him a
cigarette, according to a police
When a 19-year-old Atlantic
Beach man, attempted, Jp ,help
,,thpwomn.,,the suspmatbstppk
him in-the head with-one-of
the guns, according to the
report. The suspect then point-
ed both guns at the victims
and got into a vehicle driven
by another man and fled west
on Levy Road, according to
The incident happened at
the Citgo located at 1600
Mayport Road. Neither suspect
was seriously injured, accord-
ing to the report.
,,,T q,Jh {.mt d,yictirr,tI1l,pplice
t ha.t, ctthes. 4 us1p Achijst
approached when she was
standing at a gas pump talking
to an employee of her compa-
ny who was pumping gas in a
When she refused the sus-
pect's request for a cigarette an
argument ensued and the sus-
pect punched the woman in
the face, according to the
The 19-year-old victim
attempted to pull the woman
away ftqnm.,tle suspect,. he.said
arifl,,,h' L pol ic..f.-rep.oit.iJThat's
when the suspect hit'him on
the left side of the head with
the gun.
I 4
".'., 4 -... "* -. B T
Viositb 'to'avrs 1 F% W tUrday enjoy unseasonably warm weather. Ten4p964e6i0 Wdr'e"4l eel
to be near normal today, with the high about 62, and slightly warmer for the weekend. See weath-
er, A-2.
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The Beacrhes Lecader/Ponte Vedra Leader
-z .. :. .-.
laninar, 2 7006l Locally Owned and Operated Serving the Beaches since 1963 THE BEACHES LEADER/PONTE \VEDRA LEADER
SThe Leader's Opinion '
Library hours
:re vital here
'...N'ew tit rthe Beaches Branch Library in Neptune,.
.,Beahb.vilreopefi on:Sundays beginning Feb. 19iswel'
c om eie' ". -'. .. '.,' -- ,. '
I..' made no sense to eliminate the Sunday hours last
S .. earto cut costs. :
Jacksonville May'or John Peyton said efficient manage-
h: e. ,rent6J-hecent fibrarn budget will cover the, ost of
r pemng heBach. s Branch Library and fie others.on
S .' u ays .:.- .
',',: rs and.sote'eyemng.hours were eliminated.'
4, T rii'dso6f-2t~ih'BeahiesBr4ancih iritary, an active
S"o.' : o6f~iins": oimttd- to'; excellence" iin library
S operations tanLe:ai share Of fi6h credit for' getirig the
library hoursTestored ;
Maiy Fie'ds fimbers' have beenhvocal in pushing for
: the, "ie'stotioi oP'f'e lost hours In a; recent. newsletter
'. r" fr the -group,the'names andh numbers .iof Jacksonville
City bouni.ldrs weie listed ith ithe slggestionthat each
', j be :econtacted.alout restoring the-Supday hdwr;. ,
S. :., :eBeachesranch libraryy isagath rigplacefor the
'' 'mm'ut; Having the, facility' open pri:Uhldays will
; : 'tst; gesearcn',,perrnit farqlies to. check
oqt boks and provide a vaJuable resource tq taxpayers at
aconveient time. '
S : We suggest that a few more efficiencies in operations
: ;huld make it. possible to. restore the 9'p.m. closing
Sti' .e. -eekd ays at the'library That aw d expand the
? Eofveredghb'0rv rmer%
sA t& hib '. .a ,"'t tlcm tint 1
^,, -,.A'A5. _'' ., -
!,,g -Q .^e ,, .. ^ ... ih. '4..
....,oend 'rii i -.,"ti .s ..a ,rqs..' -_' i' '
t~~; d it &. >..'. r .. .. .,.,e,, r .'.m
,- -,h
ir X r .a- .1 .d .,-4
r r e r4g er -AsiturningO? ,i-a Sah 'f j- :ay
..sure't gh i '- 5seas Jacksont.le" h;"IFL'
.I A o a, .. ...
"tae emi t
S '' .were.- a. oiger@a co
'U' 'f' o6fi'o :rd^High: ;.haiiaW a hear fro
"',' .-togef1 r-a,"'- ,,,
''. m n d -
m.emoris \ef'on former' 'sthg Yheaf'6m'ou.
If nts, athletes ,' colleagues, ',
Sa d' friend's. '. .- o.. ,' Ddnn A'
If you haVe something ,you ... .- Jack'soniile
*' Would ike to .'Share ith. .
Kathleen Feindt .Bailey Linda.Borgstede Kathleen Ha
E'' editor, The Beaches Leader .Dirertor'ofSa ,i ,l 'Edto 'ro ti' rdr
S .. .,''"-,:'"',..
Thomas Wood 'Karen St ep JenniferV
n'. dent at P, blisher, ire IPrsident 7ce Prrsid
SEditorial .....DisplayAd Sales Distributi
Chuck Adams 'Catlil James ;Anya Bra
Roberti DeAnigelo Joanne jund ,Eric Brau
Rex Edmondson. Joseph Martin -.Scqtt, Cheese
Bob Fernee 'Kathy Moore' Randy Ded
ILaura FowlLr Stagey Perkins Kenny Fried
Alice Gartland "' Jenna High
-'ohn i dJHa debeck Circulation .KareenlHoll
Jeniifer Knoechel '' ''' o
,' '", ,.: Stevei ouraker im
effrey Minton .- Tobi Lis
nitchell O office Donny MilI
Hal Newsome "" John News
Wimpy Sutton Char Coffman Kevin Phin
Ann Von Thron Gerald Tier
Roger Walker Clasified
Johnny Avertising & Press Roo
Woodhouse Advertising & Paul Cor
Sbsciption0 Scott Sand
Composition Sales Daniel Fan
Amy Bolin Marie Adams
,,-Pat Dupe, Gloria Davis ,
S Bernice Harris Cherry Jones ,
Ted Lamb Jane McElhiney'
"Copyrighted Material o.,
Syndicated Content. C
Available from Commercial News Providers" i
"- Legion
I ,.i to recall
i road rage
ibilitv of all
^ Almaestude
eases~ilf ^rcoad ragt
serid itr pe .ear since 1'
.', 38. this tme 'i ei w
325,. 'natiori'ide direct
ij,:csy',- ble
i i he .
i' all. .' f .
mae .l
0peto Vide
S To' theeditor:
hunger It is 'no exagge
Beach :,that 'video. games
ate killers Ask. t
trust most, the
S'- military.
'''- '.. at the; difficult .a
S' people to'voercor
;ral. barriers"' to'
R ,:,'; nthinabie -acts
They ,use video g
servicemen for,.
a. same games for ct
ra Le cop-killing andr'
S.. criminal .condu
should not have
ise "discretion ,to Wal
'ad purchsesu
I regularly .spe
.whoi want-all thee
ioni get io protect
l, Many .have, tfoub
un with what is in thi
un or Which shows
eman that; should not
man .their children. Th
dman, .to keep these gam
and,. kid, haands.
land urren t a 10-
Sle- urchiase a Ma"tur
. Adult -Only (AO.
sken gahie. There a
iken guidelines that te
om1e to sell .these pro
iney dren, but they ha
rney ure due to the
nature. The newv
0m proposed by Set
ey would basically
iers guidelines and m
ning Despite the failure
untary guidelines,
lion dollar videoI
is fighting this'
'they did (unsui
Illinois, Mich
of four
H heroism Poet Carl
Sandburg nailed it when
1'_ ._:.J t /l^r l : i .-..Oi
ebeetidiv-' ,- down. Remember, there has to -J ', vW" u, is. a gu.
--A Th s havin i n."ea.v era
iere miding -be two parties involved for a Those having it never know for
siness when "road rage" event to occur. sure whether they have it til
'cuts us off in .. Please remember, as demon- the test comes....'
owly in.the '. .strated in a recent .case in The ultimate test occurred for
peding -our' ": lJacksonville, prosecutors are several World War II Army
al'reaction to r :: taking this issue quite seriously chaplains on a troop.transport
1.anger-and arid' .- i and ate prosecuting folks who ship, the Dorchester, in the
S' may have been involved in a North Atlantic on Feb. 3, 19.43.
his anger and "road rage" event where an There were four. of the clergy-
aanifested';in .. injury or death resulted. men: Lt. George L. Fox,
er:to' asr ..:, ':d 'The St. Johns County Methodist; Lt. Alexander D.
few '-tact'sthat Sheriff's.Office-is committed to Goode, Jewish; 'Lt. John P.
'd .. enhancing .the safety on. our ,Vashington, Roman Catholic;
A.ree oadways for our-motorists, and Lt Clark '. Poling, Dutch G. US ID .pedestrians 'and bicyclists. Reformed. The Dorchester was
s 9 Si' ; TCOLUMNINST Recently we assigned a. full- torpedoed by an enemy subma-
'. : time Deputy Sheriffn .our rine near Greenland and sank
nre is o es"- ,'.u s :;. Traffic Unit to engage in the into the 'dark,,:'icy' ocean in
me rafic 35% .of those cases a. vehicle mbnitoriig of "aggressivedriv- 'about 18 riinutes. Of the 902
ic4y ; 1 aiad gasa,-d4ecycsla)jAAty1 iRp. jiWj anrq ; en.qrcjg jggJga4le qpgrQ boah4sppay 9Qtg-
increase dra- adition, fQr every roadrage tiatrc lawyst-whe.-,,ndip,eci. vived. .i,.,,,i "i
idmoit peo,-'ncident serious enough to Thi is in addition to the other As stated in an' American
r'-' rage'-resUi a police report. there members of our Traffic.'.Uhit Legion' publication, ";Nlany of
1a laiw abid'- .arehundredrs 'maybe thou- and. regular patrol units who those survivors owe their lives
aikier normal sands mire which -never. get are also monitoring this'prob- to pthe courage and leadership
would ,yne-er" reported.. : lem. This Deputy Sheriff will exhibited by the heroic four
,-, Ihi ... a- '..; e-. 'gevents i-al-r a ti' i s h.
onfrontation .' The- lpretention of "road utilize an unmarked .police chaplains,, who, in sacrificing
riely. ii lrreos6 i -ou see-an 'lbe a rlaw bntforcemerift .ehile. .legacy .:of,, brotherhood." Onq
,it usuallt' n thitspv-e unfolding Plea'se remember that "law account. says. that .they were
d:middleagelbe6t yh;do not hesitate to enforcement cannot solve the among the first on deck, calm-
serousinfry alawenforcement problem of ;-road :rag e".'a]ofe, .mg the men, distb6iting; lffe
.best '.-ni tod"ol/rev'en- .'this issue .requies 'a cdmmit- jackets' and helping them to
Lsnt e nal- ment all _of our.cizens: f leave tle ship.
-no.d.ti .t-eve tn' sis-srng ltl .presentation on aggressivee" ,had.b.een lost n 'the torpedo
eic e.,7.theeventthayou, are ct off. driving .,please: contact our. 'blast andflooding, and when it
90. .'During 'intr.ffic'or the victim of some- Community Relations Office at .ran out" eyewitness survivors
ere 218q dathl ,oe.-else's driving that 'may the St. Johns County- Sheriff's saw what one .described as an
00t m-nairitesa- 1.mfurate you,-th ]' Office, at (204.824-8304.. .-astonishing eight: .The chip-
tlvattnribta- act. rOften nrties-ljust .Shoaris 'senriff of St. Johns. lainsiremoved their own jackets
drivi'ng'In.-o-ffout oftraffic ill- al yoti Cun: and- gave them" to four fright-
ended young men: .
'. -' Commented survivor John.
l Ladd,'whohad obsei-ved what .
t ,'. '_ ... .. th .'chaplaihs dcd,' "Itt was".the
,; ,-,,. -.. ... . ...... .. .. .. .:_ firi nes thi gI ha\e seen orhope
o-....II. to see thissideofheaen.
gaat-Ies CanM create :rXOoi.-'Acc'r`hg'to an. Internet web,
.. .-'i. .- '" site maintained by thie Chapel
S....California. vdeo games to children under ofi'our Chaplains,'a non-profit.
eratiori to say' Countless indehSedent stud-. 16 -years.of,4age without asking organization, another selfless'
',cain help cre- ies confirm that repeated expo- for identification;, law enforce- act was described..
he people.- we sure to graphihallv s-xual, vio- ment in"Michigan found about Petty ,; :Officer. John J.,
Uited, States ,lent; and profanitlaced .video half of the' stores .investigated Nfah6ney,' returning t6 his
i(ary succeeds -gamesh as'aarr l andlong- sold adult-rated games 'to cabinh for his.-forgottenr but
isl of getting term'affdbnchildren. minors without'asking fot ID; in badly needed, gloves; was
ne their natu- osrt tecent.y;, researchers at* New York City a sting tfoud 88.. stopped by.Rabbi-Go6de, who
cmmittiihg. ifficgarStateUnifersity ised percent of stores:'sllihnlg Nrated, gave thb crewman the ones he
..of i.olence;- functional 'magnetic- resonance games td minors. The Parents was wearing. Thel. 'rabbi
aries, totraini main g,technology to observe.. -Television. Council also polled explained, "I have two pairs.
combat. The ivwhich areas-of the 'brain are ,parents and fund that 40 per- Mahorey later realized the
hildre re.aird stitiiulated when a'-subject plays cent were unaware that there rabbi was not carrying two
c6ther Aiolentdet Tiofenio:.; 0'"veo gaines, are no legal.restrictions'pre''ent-. pirs and w,(ld,-ndt leave the
ct A -hild, Researchersconcilrded, 'thee is ing children from obtaining vessel.,
the .unilateral .a- causal Ik. :betWeen playing these games. In the confusion; life rafts
k --to..a store the first person,shooting gae .The children of lorida are were.lost. overboard and
':p product in our expemenm t and brain- being bombarded with sexual lifeboats. were overloaded, pre-
ak parents -atty patt.ernthatare cnsid- and violent images through venting.,nost-.frmescaping.
lpte ca ered asaracteristicbfor aggres- video games. The more tian 'As the'-ship sank,; raft passen-
h ei children. sive- cogmtions and -affects -- 67,000 members of the Parents gers floating nearby, could see
iLe keeping'u-p Vibolent video games frequently Television Council in Florida are the fqur chaplains on deck with
ie latest games' fiave been ciiticized.for enhanc- calling for the passage of SB 492 'their. arms linked; offering
and movies- ing aggressive reactions such as to give parents another tool td prayers.-
be viewed& by aggressive cognitions, aggressive protect their children from such' In recognition of.theirbray-
hey want help affects or' aggressive .behavior, harmful influences. Florida erv' and sacrifice, Jax Beach
es oulof-their On a 'neurobiolbgical level we must follow the lead of Illinois, American Legion Post 129,.
'- l.-.- ,.have.howri-th kexists."'. Michigan and California and 1151 S. 4th'St.,, is holding' a
year-old coild,, &" ',are marketed show' that we care' about bur Four Chaplains Ceremony on
e I(Mvrated)or ;to and manufactured for adults children as much as they do Sunday;, Feb. 5 at 1 p.m., per
'"rated) vidleb 'as the industry insists, then theirs. Parents should contact Post' CFaplairi. Bill. Reno. The
re; volu.tairi their sale t'o minors 'should be their legislators about this bill to public is invited.
11 retailers not restricted. This solution protects urge a quick passage, because
ducts to chil- our children without interfering our children are watching.
ve, been a-fail- with the rights of adults. We The Parents Television
eir voluntary. place similar restrictions on the Council is a non-profit, non-
law (.SB492) sale of firearms, tobacco, alco- partisan organization commit-
n. Alex Diaz hol and pornography. This is no ted to protecting children from
take those different, graphic sex, violence and pro-
ake them law. Video game stores have failed fanity in entertainment.
e of their vol- 'to police themselves. The
, the multi-bil- Parents Television Council con- Zann Williams
game industry ducted a secret shopper in sever- Jacksonville Chapter
legislation ,as al .cities across the country and Director
ccessfilly) in found more than 50 percent of Parents Television Council
higan and, stores willing to sell M rated Jacksonville Beach
Send letters to:
The Editor, The Leader,
P.O. Box 50129, Jacksonville
Beach, Fla. 32240, or send e-
mail to: editor@beach-
Avoid personal attacks
and type or write.your com-
ments legibly. Lengthy let-
ters may be edited as space
Pane 4A
LN V AA L& A ". ju uullualY .J -,VVV
ja yruaJ y /-3, Zju
Police Beat
issued for
2nd degree
Atlantic Beach police ar(
searching for a 35-year-old
Jacksonville man who is a sus
pect in an Jan. 17 attempted
murder at the Salt Air Motel
according to'a report.
A warrant was issued foi
Rickie Currelly for attempted
2rid degree murder, according
to the report.
The victim, a 43-year-old
Atlantic Beach man, said he
was staying at the motel when
he was attacked by a man tc
whom he owed, money
according to police. The vic
tim in the report said the sus
pect hit him in the head with
an unknown object.
The incident occurred at the
hotel, located at 425 Atlantic
Boulevard, around 8:20 p.m.
The victim was taken tc
Shands Hospital for treatment
of life threatening injuries
according to the report.
M an files
report of
being shot
week after
Atlantic Beach police are
investigating a report of a 20
year-old Jacksonville man who
said he was shot two times by
an unknown gunman Jan. 8
while pulled over on the side o.
road at Sailfish Drive near
Atlantic Boulevard, according
to a report. ,
The victim, who was treated
for serious injuries at Shands
Hospital, said-the incident hap-
pened around 9:30 p.m. where
he exited his vehicle to search
for a cigarette that he hac
dropped on the floorboard
according to the report.
Atlantic Beach police did noi
learn of the incident until Jan
15 because neither the victirr
nor the passenger in his vehicle
called the police that night
according to the report.
The victim told police that
after the incident he instead
drove to his mother's home
and then went to the hospital
He said that while at the hospi.
tal he informed a Jacksonville
Sheriff's officer who wa!
already present of the incident
Atlantic Beach police saic
thus far they have not beer
able to locate any report of the
The Beaches Leader
Ponte Uedra Leader
Your C0ommunity Newspaper
A vehicle's license plate was
reported stolen Jan. 19 first
block of Dutton Island Road.
A vehicle was reported 'van-
dalized with food Jan. 21 in the
800 block of Amberjack Lane.
Christy Lee Cunningham, 29,
of St. Augustine was arrested
and charged with possession of
a controlled substance Jan. 21 in
the 500 block of Plaza, accord-
e ing to a police report.
I ,O* .
Mark Anthony Lewis, 37, of
I Jacksonville was arrested and
, charged with grand theft of a
motor vehicle Jan. 21 in the
r 1800 block of Kernan
1 Boulevard, according to police
g report.
O. "* '.
J Two pistols valued at a com-
e bined $1,049 were reported
I stolen from a residence Jan. 16
in the 800 block of Beach
, Avenue.
A vehicle was reported stolen
e Jan. 22 in the 1400 block ol
c Atlantic Boulevard.
Elizabeth Reinheiner, 27, ol
t Ponte Vedra Beach was arrested
, and charged with driving with a
suspended license as a habitual
traffic offender Jan. 20 in the
100 block of Third Street,
according to a police report.
A credit card fraud was report-
ed Jan. 20 in the 100 block ol
Craig Irvin Graham, 36, ol
Jacksonville was arrested and
charged with driving with a sus-
pended license as a habitual
traffic offender Jan. 19 in the
1800 block of Florida Boulevard,
according to a police report.
A boat motor valued at $2,800
was reported stolLn from a boat
at a residence Jan. 19 in the
1100 block of Seagate Avenue.
e .* *
The operator of a bulldoze]
y moving soil for a development
$ near 20 Mile Road on Count)
f Road 210 was found dead near
r the bulldozer Monday evening
g according to' the St. .Johns
County Sheriffs Office.
1 Deputies responded to the
s construction site around 5:45
- pm Monday and found the
i deceased man, identified as
Roderick Franks, 43, of
I Jacksonville.
I, investigators found signs ol
trauma caused from contact
with the machinery, although
the exact cause of death will be
s determined by an autopsy,
t deputies said.
Burglary to two vehicles on
Meadowcrest Lane in
Summerfield occurred between,
Jan. 18 and Jan. 19, according to
police reports. .
The owner of an unlocked
I vehicle parked in the first block
f of Meadowcrest Lane reported
S'that a Walther PPK gun valued
at $350 and $50 in currency
were missing.
While investigating the first
, burglary, a St. Johns Country
I Sheriffs Office deputy discov-
I ered another vehicle parked in
the 100 block of the same street
with a door open and no visible
sign of forced entry.
The owner of the second vehi-
cle reported that, it had been
been parked and locked in the
I driveway of the' residence. A
' camera valued at $250, CD's val-
i ued at $750, and a Florida dri-
Sver's license were missing.
SOn Jan. 20, a St. Johns
Sheriff's Office deputy investi-
gated an injury to a resident of
f Lake Kathryn Drive. According
to the police report, the deputy
was unable to determine the
f cause of the injury.
i On Jan. 21, tio Ohio resi-
I dents reported an incident of
simple battery by four men and,
one woman in the 1000 block of
PGA Tour Blvd. According to.the,
police report, no action was
taken due to inconsistencies in
f the report.
Peter McHendry, 45, of
I Jacksonville Beach was arrested
Jan. 14 and charged with aggra-
ated domestic battery in the
1100 block of Blue Heron Lane
West, according to police.
t A black 1996 Nissan Altima
e valued at $10,000 was reported
stolen Jan. 14 from the parking
lot of a sport bar in the first
block of 1st St. N.
r *
t A 21-year-old Punta Gorda
man was injured at 12:30 a.m.
r Jan. 15 after being struck on the
head by an unknown suspect on
s 1st Street North. The victim was
involved in. a' physical alterca-
e tion earlier with the suspect,
5 who hit the man on the head.
e The victim sustained a moderate
s size cut to the top of his head
f and was transported to the
emergency room for treatment.
f *
t An 18-year-old Neptune
Bright, cheery environment Great tasting food
Outstanding service Milkshake bar
. Come try us out! I
I Buy 1 Entree & 2 Beverages I
Receive a Second Entree' FREE
Equal or lesser value. Excludes Early Bird Specials, All You Can Eat,
Buffet & Daily Specials. Exp. 2/17/06
Monday 6 am 2 pm Tues-Sun 6 am 9 pm
1183 Beach Blvd. 242-8894'
(across the street from Beach Plaza)
Beach and his 17-year-old girl-
friend were hit by a group of
juveniles Jan. 15 in the first
block of 19th Avenue North.
The couple were driving west
on 19th Avenue North
approaching the intersection of
11st St. N. when they encoun-
tered a group of teenagers 16 to
17 years of age skateboarding in
the area.
As the victims' car passed, one
of the teens threw an ice cream
cone at the car and another
raised a middle finger and.began
taunting the man.
The male, victim told police,
he turned around and rolled his
passenger window down when
four or five of the teens
approached the car and held
onto the door frame:
One suspect retrieved a base-
ball bat from a white Toyota
Prius, while another suspect
described as 6'1" with a thin
build reached in the passenger
window and slapped the 17-
year-old in the face.
The driver put the car in park
and approached the suspect
about hitting his girlfriend. The
suspect tackled the victim and
the others began kicking him
until the female passenger said
she was calling 911. The sus-
pects fted in the Toyota, accord-
ing to a police report.
An armed .burglary was
reported Jan. 15 at a home in
the 700 block of 1st St. S. The
62-year-old victim told police he
heard a knock at the door and
when he opened it, the suspect
pushed the door open with
enough force to strike the %ictim
in head and knock him to the
The suspect put a black auto-
matic handgun to the victim's
cheek but fled the scene with
another suspect. The victim told
police he felt scared for his life.
Stuart A. Hawkins, 44, a tran-,
sient, was arrested Jan. 15 and
charged with burglary/con-
vevance for attempting to steal a
truck in the 100 block of 12th
Ave. N., according to police.
Witnesses arriving home
observed Hawkins sitting in a
Toyota truck belonging to a
neighbor. The defendant tried
to flee on a bicycle but the wit-
nesses pulled him to the ground
and held him until police
'arrived; police Teported" .
S7 -,i .." :
Larone James Wesley, 50, of
Jacksonville was arrested Jan. 16
and charged with habitual driv-
ing on a suspended, license in
the 200 block of Beach Proper S.
Police initiated a traffic stop
after observing Wesley trying to
drive out onto the sand, accord-
ing to a police report.
A 21-year-old St. Augustine
man suffered a broken ankle
after he was beaten by several
unknown suspects at 1:45 a.m.
Jan. 14 in the 500 block of 1st
St. N. The victim told police he
was walking through the pier
parking lot when he was struck
in the back of the head by an
unknown suspect. He turned
around and was punched
numerous times by at least four
more suspects until he fell to the
ground. The suspects fled when
police arrived.
: *O *
All four tires on a 1999
Mercury were reported flattened
Jan. 22 in the, 3700 block of
Duval Drive.
A Hobie sailboat was reported
damaged Jan. 22 after it was
overturned in the 3600 block of
Beach Proper. The victim told
police he was out of town and
returned to find the canvas seats
of his sailboat were cut, the left
hull cracked andthe mast dent-
ed. Cost to repair the damage is
estimated at $2,000.
A television news anchor
reported that an unknown sus-S
pect stole her purse Jan. 22 from
the news van while she was con-
ducting a live broadcast in the.
1st Ave. S. endzone. The purse
contained a cell phone, drivers'
license, credit cards and a!
leather wallet.
Grand theft was reported Jan.:
21 in the 100 block of 32nd Ave.:
S. A television valued at $3,000=
and $500 in cash were stolen
after the victim and his friend
invited two woman and a male
suspect back to his house foi
drinks after a night of partying,
according to a police report. The
three suspects spent the night ik
an extra bedroom and when the
victim awoke at 6 a.m. the hext
morning, he discovered ihe TV
'was gone and the money was
missing from his truck parked in
the garage. The suspects were
'also gone.
,, *
Justin Tyler Ricketson, 20, of
Jacksonville was arrested Jan. 2q
and charged with possession of.
cocaine after trying to sell the'
drug to bar patrons in the 60W
block of 1st St. N. Police found
2.8 grams of cocaine inW
Ricketson's pockets, according
to a police report. .
Second Garrison 's Location
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Call 904-220-1592 for a FREE
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- -- I~MC 'ILl T
The Beaehes Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader o, Page 5A.
Tdn.-.c2r 5 -)q 0nn0
. I i
. *
January 25, 2006
The Beaches Leader/ r
riag e UA. .
Harpist Kayo
Ishimaru will 'per-
form with the
Orchestra at 7:30
p.m. Thursday,
Jan. 26, as part of
the Masterworks
Series. For ticket
information, call
354-5547 or visit
'^ ." '
Daughters of '.the
Confederhcy: The Mattie T
Wrigbt Chapter of the. United
Daughters of, the Confederacy
will meet at 11 a. t Selva
Marina Country .Club. Patul
Varnes :is the speaker, and
guests are welcome.. 'Call 223-
3025 for information.
4-H: The.Duval Co4nty 4-H
will have a recnuitieneit drive
o.b 8' p. t t. eache
' Building ,. -auditorium, 4010
. Lewis Speedway, St. Augustine.
SCall 225-4035 for information.
SBook Cli b: Chl-esMart
ance, willto noospakto the Book
Club of the 'Sawgrass Players.
Club Women's Association at I
Lewis Spat thedway, Snte.VedraBranch
Libraryl 225-4940-608235 for inforinfor-.
-.mation. ,
, f
Surfrider Black
Tie & Baggies
Benefit Gala
will be held
from 8 to 11
p.m. at Mundo
Grill, 528 N. 1st
St., Jacksonville
Beach. There
will be a silent
auction and raf-
fle. Tickets are
$30 per person
or $50 per cou-
ple. To purchase
tickets, visit
www.surfrid-, or call
Julie Lawler at
extension 1001.
.dance: The
Orange Park
Singles Club
will have a
dance from 8 to
11 p.m. at the
Knights of
Columbus Hall,
1501 Hendricks
A v e ,
There will be
live' music and
Call 779-1234
or 278-1968 for
SJan. .28
Visual think-
ing workshop:
A visual think-
Sing strategies
workshop will
be held from 9
a.m. to 5 p.m.
at the
Museum of Modem Art, 333 N.
Laura St., Jacksonville. The
event is free; a box lunch
option through Cafe Nola is
$12. Call Allison Graff at 366-
6911, exterision 204, or e-mail to register.
Parliamentarianss, First
'Coast Parliamentarians will
meet at-10:15 a.m. at the Poqte
Vedra Beach Library,- 101
Library Blvd., Ponte Vedra
'Beach. Visitors are welcome. E-
mail", or
I 'l, 7, 44-9Q74lfrfin infonmairon.:
119M ?I ^ThTlTITh We ''"- -* -- .--- .
aDobsopnln telescope .will be .Luncheon: Fletcher Senior
Thursday, Jan. 26 sliowcased from 6 to 8 p:. at Senators (anyone 60 or over or
Bereavement ,Support Guana Tolomato Matanzas whb feels old) ahd guests are
Group: A Bereavement Support. National Estuarine Research irivited to a luncheon from
Group mrill nieet from 6:30 to 8 Reserve, 505 G.ana River Road, noon to 3 p. at the Senir.
p.m. every Thursday through 'Ponte Vidra. Beach. Call 904- Center, 281 19th Ave. S.,
March 2 at Christ Episcopal .8234500 fr information. Jacksonvil Beach. Bring a cov-
.Church, 400 San Juan Drive, ered dish..Admission is $5. Call'
Ponte Vedra. Beach. 'Call' Book sgnng: Florida mys- Patti Reynolds- Niehaus at 261-
'Roxanne Clemens at 904-407-' terry writer Tom Corcoran will 9014 for information.
700.1 for information. beat The Bookmark at 7 p.m. to
,ead fromand sign copies of his NAF:' The National Ataxia
Friday Jan. 27 latest book, '"Air Dance Iguana: Foundation Support Group will
Small business, workshop: AnAlex Rutledge Mystery." Call meet. at, 1:30 p.m. at the Ocean
The Small Business 241-9026 for information. Grove Clubhouse in Ocean
.Grove Clubhouse in Ocean
Administration will have a sem- Grove Condos on Thousand
inar and workshop from 10 Benefit Gala: The First Coast Oaks Boulevard off AlA in
~~~~~Ok Bolvr -off A-I "'',i.n "'-=`,
Ponte Vedra Beach (next to
Ponte Vedra Elementary
School). Call 273-4644 for
Art class: A family art class
will be held from 2 to 3 p.m. at
the Jacksonville Museum of
Modem Art, 333 N. Laura St.,
Jacksonville. The class is free
with museum admission. For
information, call Ashlie
Johnson at 366-6911, extension
207, or e-mail ajohnson
Fund-raiser: "Black Tie and
Baggies" Gala Fund-raiser for
The First Coast Chapter of the
Surfrider Foundation will be
held from 7 to 10 p.m. at
Windsor Parke Country Club,
13823 Sutton Park off Hodges
north of J. Turner Butler
Boulevard. There will be live
music, hors d'oeuvres and a
silent auction. E-mail or call 904-
894-8763 for information.
Sunday, Jan. 29
Chinese New Year.
Sunday Night Sing: Palm
Valley Baptist Church, 4890
Palm Valley Road, will have a
"Fifth Sunday Night Sing" at 6
p.m. There will be food and fel-
lowship following the service.
Monday, Jan. 30
Creature Comforts:,
"Creature Comforts" will be
held from 1 to 2 p.m. for all
ages at Castaway Island
Preserve, 2885 San Pablo Road
S. This program will explain the
requirements for a successful
habitat. Call 630-3577 for infor-
mation or to register.
Hypnosis: A free,: hypnosis
class will, be offered from 6:30
to 7:30 p.m. at the Pdnte Vedra
Branch Library. Call 280-4130
for information.
Tuesday, Jan. 31
Blood 'drive: The Florida-
Georgia Blood Aflliance will be
at Curves, 30 Minute Fitness
and Weight Loss Center, 210
3rd Ave. S., Jacksonville Beach,,
from 10 a.'r. to 1 p.m., and at
1569 Atlantic Blvd. (across from
Pier One) between 3 and 8 p.m.
,Call,270-217'1,fdi information.
r'" -,IJ ,. "* Ot r,-! b--'b 8$.
Book signing: Deborah Ford
will be at The Bookmark' at 7
p.m. to talk -about and sign
copies of her rew book, "Grits
Friends Are' Forevah: A
Southern-Style Celebration of
Women." Call 241-9026 for
Thursday, Feb. 2
Ground Hog Day.
FREA: FREA will meet at
10:15 a.m. in the Educational
Community Credit Union, 623
N. Main St., Jacksonville. Call
765-1941 for information.
American Legion: Ocean
Beaches American Legion
Auxiliary Unit 129 will meet at
7:30 p.m. at 1151 S. 4th St.,
Jacksonville Beach. Call 249-
2266 or 242-0042 for informa-
Friday, Feb. 3
Einstein: The Foundation
Academy's Performing Arts
Department will present the
play "Einstein A Stage
Portrait," by Willard Simms, at
7:30 p.m. today, and Feb. 4, 10
and 11, at Atlantic Theatres.
Tickets are $5 for students, sen-
iors and military, and $10 .for
adults. Call 249-7529 or visit for
Saturday, Feb. 4
Baby-sitting course: A baby-
sitting course for ages 11 to 15
will be held at the USO on
Mayport Road from 9:30 a.m.
to 5 p.m. Call 246-1395 for
information or to register.
Book-signing: Michael
Morris, author of "Slow Way
Home" .and "Live Like You
Were Dying," will be at a book-
signing from 10.a.m. till noon
at the Oasis Christian
BookStore and CoffeeShop,
7764-17 Normandy Blvd. at I-
295. Call 904-786-0200 for
History of birds: "To Fly or
Not to Fly," the history of birds
from the first flying reptiles to
today's navigators, will be
shown at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.
today and Feb. 5 at Guana
Tolomato Matanzas National
Estuarine Research Reserve, 505
Guana River Road, Ponte Vedra
Beach. Call 904-823-4500 for
Art class: A family art class
will be held from 2 to 3 p.m. at
the Jacksonville Museum of
Modern Art, 333 N. Laura St.,
Jacksonville. The class is free
with museum admission. For
information, call Ashlie
Johnson at 366-6911, extension
207, or e-mail ajohnson
Author speaks to RLS group:
Michael Morris, author of "Slow
Way Home" and "Live Like You
Were Dying," will speak at the
meeting of the North
Florida/South Georgia Restless
Legs Syndrome Educational
,Support Group at 2 p.m. in the
Coleman Room, 10th Floor,
Tower II, Shands Jacksonville
Hospital, West Eighth Street at
1-95 Exit 353D. Call Ed Murfin
at 904-573-8686 for informa-
Sunday, Feb. 5
The American Soldier:
Alliance Francaise of
Jacksonville presents Hilary
Kaiser speaking on "The
American Soldier and
Mademoiselle: Love and
Marriage after World War I and
II," at 2:30 p.m. at the
Uniiversity of North Florida,
Building 50, Room 1102. The
event is free. Call 354-9000,
extension 236, for information.
Ultimate 16 Week Physique Transfomation
Complete Fitness Assessment
Nutrition Plan Before and After Pictures
* 50 Sessionsof One-On-One Personal Training
in our Private Suites
Weekly Nutritional Counseling
,bj fier .ir,7 gl4,S atwf has lost 9bs of fat!
AWNM3' MaYfstfr@ e4r-.i etrocess f $Vtr4 UP,
getting smaller and. being able to lift with ease things I
couldn't budge before."
Kathy Winstead.
Mary. K. Consultant -.
Ponte Vedra Resident, w
1 ,~i
Ait. association': The Pablo"
ToWers Art .Association meets
from 12:30 to 3 p.m. every
Wednesday. 246-4158. '
Beaches storytellers: The
Beaches League. of Stoiytellers
meets at the Ponte Vedra Beach'
Library, 101 Library Blvd., Ponte.
Vedra Beach, at, 10:30 a.m.
every second Saturday of the
month from September
through May. Call George Mills
at 246-1502 for information.
Bookmobile:- The Library
Elderly Outreach Bookmobile
serves seniors '.living in The'..
Stratford from 9:30. to 10 a.m.,
and at Vicar's Landing from'
noon to 1:30 p.m.'every second'
and fourth Friday. Call. David
Hoak at 904-823-2783 for infor-
Breakfast network: The
Ponte Vedra Chamber of
Commerce meets at 7:30 a.m.
the second Wednesday of the
month at.the Sawgrass Grille &
The Tavern for breakfast. Email
for information.
Free yoga: Bikram Yoga, 1531
Atlantic Blvd., Neptune. Beach,
offers free yoga the first
Thursday of the month for new
students. Call 270-1239 or visit for
Friends on the Go: Friends
on the Go with Jack Morgan
meets at 7 p.m. the second
Tuesday of each month at the
Ponte Vedra Beach Branch
Oversight Committee: The
Oversight Committee for the
Beaches Resource Center meets
at 7 .p.m. the. first- Monday of
every month ,'i:i.he Media
Center at Fletcher liglh School.
The Oversight Committtee' con-
sists of parent and faculty repre-
sentatives from the 10 Beaches
public schools 'and at-large rep-
resentatives fr6m the Beaches
communities. Call' 270-8200 for
Veterans meet: The Men's
Auxiliary of Veterans of Foreign,
Wars GreaterBeaches Post 3270,
915 8th Ave: S., Jacksonville
Beach, meets at 7 p:m. the sec-
ond Wednesday of'the month..
Members of Post 3270 and the
Ladies Auxiliary nieet, at 9' am.
the second Saturday of the
month. Call 249-7366.for infor-
Zonta Club: The Zonta Club
of Jacksonville meets the third
'Monday of each -month at' 6
p.m. at the Radissori Riverwalk
Hotel, 1155 'Prudential Drive.
Call Eleanor Vees, 564-9211, for
Standup comedian
Phil Hogan
Sis coming to the beach
this Weekend with |
an original blend
of music and comedy.
His rocking' will have you rollin'.
Feb 24th & zth
751 Atlantic DBlv. At Beach, FL32n Jeff Dunham--
atla l Jeff DuIiam
I laugh responsibly
it-.- L A
iv i 0T Bc ea onVr ar, A Pag7
Wallace Ansell Brumsey, Jr.,
71, of Atlantic Beach, died
Saturday, Jan. 21, 2006. He
was originally from Elizabeth
City, N.C. where many friends
and family still live. He grad-
uated from Elizabeth City
High School and went on to
attend N.C. State University.
He served in the U.S. Army
during the Korean Conflict.
He then returned to Elizabeth
City to marry his high school
sweetheart, Bessie Hopkins.
He moved with his family
to Atlantic Beach in 1967
where he spent most of his
career at Mayport, N.A.S.,
working for the Dept. of the
Navy at CAFSU/ Naval Air
Engineering Center. He was a
Mason; a member of the
Eurika Lodge of Elizabeth
City, N.C., and a Shriner from
the Sudan Temple of New
Bern, N.C. He retired in 1989.
Family members include his
wife of 47 years, Bessie; his
son, Wally (Rachel) Brumsey;
granddaughter, Lauren; sister
Margaret (Wilson) Jones, Jr.;
nephews Wilson Ill and
; Stephen Jones and their fami-
lies; sister-in-law, Jean (Don)
Hanson; and his nephews,
S Michael and Kevin Smith and
their families.
The family will have a casu-
al "gathering" at Quinn-Shalz,
A- Family Funeral Home on
Saturday, Jan. 28 from 4 p.m.
to 6 p.m. In lieu of flowers,
the family requests that dona-
tions be made to Community
Hospice of Northeast Florida,
4266 Sunbeam Road, Jax. FL
32257 or to The Shriners
Hospitals for Children 1-800-
Arrangements handled by
Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.
Dorothy Lenhoff Godwin
died on Jan. 14, 2006. She was
born March 7, 1921 in
Philadelphia, the eldest
daughter of Lacy R. and
Gertrude C. Oxendine.. After
graduating from Wilmington
High School she became a
professional model in New
York City, New York.
She enlisted in the United
States Marine Corps and after
the war, married Joseph A.
Lenhoff an4 had two. sons,
Joseph A. and Mark J.
Lenhoff. She retired from the
DuPont Co. with 20 years of
service. She worked as a Chief
Order Clerk in the Technical
Library. She was then married
to Raymond B. Godwin and
retired to Lewis, DE, where
she was active in community
affairs such as the Beebe
Hospital Ladies Auxiliary and
Zwanandel Club where she
served as president. She will
be remembered as a coura-
geous and loving mother who
provided education and qual-
ity living experiences for her
*two sons, according to her
Family members include
her sons, Joseph A. Lenhoff
and Mark J. Lenhoff; sister,
Marjorie Kelly- Rinehart; 5
grandchildren and 5 great-
grandchildren. She was prede-
ceased by her husband,
Raymond G. Godwin (Buck);
former husband, Joseph A.
Lenhoff, Sr.; parents, Lacy R.
and Gertrude C. Oxendine;
sister, Elaine Bakhsh Wanstall
and niece Diane Wanstall
A memorial service was
held Jan. 20 in the chapel of
Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home
with t.he Reverend Patrice
Spencer officiating. In lieu of
flowers the family requested
that donations be made to
Community Hospice of
Northeast Florida, 4266
Sunbeam Road, Jacksonville,
FL 32257.
Arrangements handled by
Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.
Norene Young Harley, 83, of
Neptune Beach, .died Jan 21,
She was born Jan. 11, 1923
in Meigs, GA. She relocated
to Atlanta in the mid 1940s
from Bainbridge, GA to attend
the Crawford W. Long School
of Nursing where she became
-a Registered-Nurse.--She mar.
1948 ahd was predeceased by
her husband in 1975. She was
also predeceased by her older
brother Emmett Young in
Survivors include two
daughters, Jenny Harley
Newbern (Robert) of Neptune
Beach, Sue Harley of Atlanta,
granddaughter Lindsey
Newbern, sister Mary Frances
Roach of Atlanta, brother
Glenn Young (Jane) of
Titusville, and many nieces
and nephews.
In lieu of flowers, the fami-
ly requests donations to the
Alzheimer's Association or
Community Hospice of
Northeast Florida.
A graveside service will be
held at Oak City Cemetery,
Bainbridge, GA on Saturday,
Jan. 28 at 2 pm. Cox Funeral
Home, 202 S. West Street,
Bainbridge, GA will be han--
dling all arrangements.
David W. Iveson, 26, of
Jacksonville, died Friday, Jan.
20, 2006 at the UF & Shands
Jacksonville Hospital. Born in
Honolulu, Hawaii, he was
raised in Jacksonville. He
attended San Pablo
Elementary, and then
Fletcher Senior High School.
Iveson is survived by his
mother, Elizabeth Ann
Iveson; father, Richard R.
Iveson; step-mother,
Elizabeth Anne Iveson; his
four brothers, Bryon, Tyler,
Billylack Jory and Loreta E.
Iveson; two sister-in-laws,
Christiana and Michelle;
three nieces Nina, Kiley, and
Samantha; one nephew,
Robert; and a host of relatives
and friends.
A memorial service will be
held at 10:30 a.m. on
Thursday, Jan. 26 at Ponte
Vedra Valley funeral home
and cemetery, 44750 Palm
Valley Road, Ponte Vedra
.**-!,., '?S. ..
*-Oliver V.."Robi" Robichaud,
88, died Jan. 19, 2006. He was
born in Lewiston, Maine and
moved to Jacksonville from
Orlando in 1966. He was
employed by Mass Mutual
Insurance Co. and Barnett
Trust Co. He served his coun-
try in the U.S. Air Force and
was a B-17 pilot during WWV
II. While serving his country
he was a prisoner of war for
two years in Germany and
retired as a Colonel. He was a
member of the Knights of
Columbus and St. Paul's
Catholic Church.
Family members include his
wife of 63 years, Margaret
Biles Robichaud; two, sons,
Gerald O0. Robichaud of
Jacksonville and William T.
(Lois) Robichaud of Atlantic
Beach; daughter, Carol Anne
Robichaud :(John P.) Haley, of
Birmingham, AL; one sister,
Patricia Robichaud Traylor, of
Baton Rouge, LA; 5 grandchil-
dren, Christine (David)' Royo,
of Corpus Christy, TX,
Candice (John) Griebel, of
Denver, CO, Kimberly (Tom)
Burkhart, of Austin, TX, Elise
and Patrick Haley, of
Madison, AL., six great-grand-
children, Alexander and.
Benjamin Royo, Kennedy and
Callahan Griebel, Mason and
Caden Burkhart. He was pre-
deceased by his biological
father, Wilfred Robichaud,
mother, Mary Ferguson
Robichaud King, his step-
father Albert King, one broth-
er and one sister.
A visitation was held from 6
Sto 8 p.m., Monday at Quinn-
Shalz, A Family Funeral
Home. A Mass of Christian
Burial was celebrated Tuesday
in the St. Paul's Catholic
Church of Jacksonville Beach
with the Reverend William
Kelly as Celebrant. Interment
to follow in Beaches
Memorial Park, of Atlantic
Arrangements handled by
Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.
Margie L. Smith, 72, long-
time resident of Jacksonville
Beach, died Jan. 19, 2006.
She was an entrepreneur,
owning and operating her
own temporary help agency
for many years, retiring in
1990. She was a member of
Kernan Boulevard Baptist
Church. She listened to
music daily.
Surviving are four children,
Bob Smith, Steve Smith,
Cindy Sedghi-Khoi and Lisa
(Tedi Szymanski, five grand-
children, Brittany, David,
Ashley, Alyssa, Grant, and
many friends, all from the
Jacksonville and Beaches area.
. held.Monday
Home, 1701 Beach Blvd.,
Jacksonville Beach. Funeral
services were Tuesday at
Kernan Boulevard Baptist
Church. Dr. Ronnie L.
McKenzie will officiate.
Burial will follow at Chapel
Hills Memory Gardens,
Memorials in her name may
be directed to the Kernan
Boulevard Baptist Church,
4000 Kernan Blvd. S.,
Obituary notices are published free of
charge as a community service. All submis-
sions are subject to editing. Paid advertising
space is available for more detailed or per-
sonalized death notices. Call 249-9033.
C ~pfaSi ~Cars 1rucks Motorcycles
904-77-1 -0402
k o r. II I
100% SatisfactionGuiranteed Save 10.00on our PrecisionTune up!
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o Call today for a FREE
eating Air Conditilloning a '
Indoor Air ualty 904-642-9700
As always...Service in HOURS, not Days
and her staff invites you to visit their state of the art
facility in Neptune Beach.
Cosmetic and General Digital x-rays
Dentistry (80% less radiation)
In-office Teeth Whitening Nitrous Oxide
BeahesDenisty, I00 Tid tee epue ech(et t teLiray
Arthritis Foundation
Exercise Program
The Neptune Beach Senior
Activity Center in partnership
with the Arthritis Foundation,
Healthy Jacksonville, the
Duval County Health
Department, the Florida
Department of Health, and the
Centers for Disease Control
(CDC) will offer the Arthritis
Foundation Exercise Program
beginning on Tuesday, Feb. 7
through Thursday, March 30,.
This eight-week exercise class is
offered every Tuesday and
Thursday from 1 p.m.-2 p.m. at
no charge.
AARP Tax-Aide
The Neptune Beach Senior
Activity Center in cooperation
with AARP Tax-Aide is offering
free tax preparation and elec-
tronic tax filing for middle-
and low-income tax payers
with special attention to those
ages 60 and older. This assis-
tance is being offered every
Friday beginning Jan. 27
through April 14 from noon to
4 p.m. Each tax filer is
requested to bring current tax
forms, W-2 forms, a copy of
last year's tax return, unem-
ployment compensation state-
ments, SSA-1099, all 1099
forms (miscellaneous income),
all receipts, cancelled checks,
and any other pertinent infor-
mation if itemizing deduc-
tions. This service is being
offered on a first come first
serve basis- no appointments
Tai Chi
The Neptune Beach Senior
Activity Center will offer Tai
Chi lessons beginning on
Tuesday, Feb. 7 from 4:30-5:30
p.m. Master Tai Chi Instructor
Bill Robichaud will conduct
the class. Tai Chi is valuable in
maintaining balance, concen-
tration, and strength. The
course will run for six weeks
with a fee of $15. Call 270-
1688 for further information.
50's Party
The Neptune Beach Senior
Activity Center will host a 50's
Party from 5 p.m.-9 p.m. A
covered dish to share with
friends, bobby socks, poodle
skirts, saddle shoes, letter
sweaters, etc. are encouraged
for the evening.. Pam Kish
will perform live with popular
hits of the era. Call 270-1688
for further details.
Digital Photography Class
An "Introduction to Digital
Photography" will be offered
on Monday, Feb. 13 from 1
p.m.-3 p.m. at the Neptune
Beach Senior Activity Center.
The session will cover rudi-
mentary concepts in today's
digital world of photography.
Reservations are required with
the class limited to four partic-
ipants. All attendees are asked
to bring their own cameras,
new fresh batteries, all accesso-
ry power cords, instruction
manual, and camera software.
The Center will furnish com-
puters for downloading and
Internet access. Fee for the
class is $5 per person.
The Neptune Beach Senior
Activity Center is located at
2004 Forest Avenue and is
open to all. Call 270-1688 for
.1 Pet s lost Or found?
Look in the classified
....M& of The Leader -
they may be there!
0 ( s oo
Francis X. Decandis, M.D.
is pleased to announce the relocation of
his Family IMedicine Practice and
his association with Dr. Messinese
and Dr. Chhabria.
Dr. Decandis is now accepting patients at
his new office located in the Atrium at
700 3"1 Street, Suite 302
(next to the Beaches Branch of the Library)
Neptunme Beach, FL 32266
Tel. (904) 247-7778
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader 9 Page 7A
la'nuarv 25. 2006
Wsh I yeet, 6 again, too
I was 16 ;ears old 32 N'ears ago aid: that;'; I remetibering occasionally thinking how
makes my ,own daughter's 16th 'year bit of1.' stupid it wa :to feel thatfway and having a
a hazyuncertain onfusinghafrdly funny, 'great time with friends whom I assumed would
and.sometimes painful time. ... .' be in' my life forever. I remember always being
The.only tunny part 'istriat I cajnu'geV'-,,.. hungand how .much my joints always ached
remember-what it was k'mklildkf because [ as growing mno agiant.
remember where I parked 'he car i6i',"M ..... My daughter sometimes tells me
minutes agd6.Tti.i6'tere4ay,! .'. 7 "".7 ,''- ,:' 'I she feels the same-way. These con-
walked around t'he grocery store versations, are sprinkled into my
park lnglotfo -a.go od mntiutes "life like unex'pectecj gifts. She will
looking for tb .gay' car aindthen wander in my office and sit on my
suddenly renerribered'4 had driven lap. Before bed, she'll grab me and
the old, red r, 'a '' cry in my rmiis. She'll call me from
SSo my;daughtert'd16this, thebiathroom at her father's house
week, and. I didc thie'j s, tuff, like sobbing 'and tel! me she just needs
,make her favorites akeher.a to.know I love 'her..
cake, buy hera rfew .giftsn i'the i Of( co, se, there.are the slammed
spent the rest of ,the day 6w.dering .orsan" me.losir.g-atience,
Show this happened specially. .in the car learn-
How did 16vers 'lypasiike a G E NISTnig ibi to drive, and then me crN-
speeding let? Hoyw did- s turn ', '-;' ', i. inglike a, my own arms.
into'a young,wom'an s.s quickly' Vhere'di4' Siteen doesnr't-last -forever. I remember that
my baby' go?. :.... ,' f, '- too, bitn eight how, my daughter seems to
As anjy mother.i' thUiill attest'', 'th nkhere. s something magical about this'
. these middle teen~ ; a ed basis of i ge.Se sgotacrush on.a:nice, short .
: pain and 'piesuranetenager willr ,verind by. Sh gotterric 'grades and
Sbe'hugiing tsof fens She got A major the
.. "thank ..l.'. ,d. poraryd der's license,and
-'' sla immem us t, oqi earrigsiand some new jeans,
ing like stale b a t .i _.. I.-''.27.._ .ITh. atrs toda' y Tomeone c6uld'look
What I, do reme erj t teenagee years theree ongway, a end could start flirt-
isit.yery.:,p(e.Jttl^J6t np.'i.g a were ing- with th&eshort guy, and.she might flunk
th ofti'ii6'- fial heiry exm
:-"- :yfelt .;..'.,.:y~ '. *-ie -:to&hik about wt, I wish I was 16
/, -- I', A i' .... .
J0 J.."' ',% ';_. = .,,. ,r .: ,, 2. .. ~a : ,,z ., ,:_ .. -
*. I ;. .. : r. .
,., -. +'I p ,= .
*' **,' J
;" / :-. .,
'," ";i. ;%
. ... . .. : ;-. : ., ,. -., ,..l_- ,., P ., ,
"Josies Rcie Col '"ect on
From Cooks and Kitchens of "
Ce tral New York! 'bV Kai
Ta lro Tari cofoe sm h
story of the life f a ab '," .' family\. ;
boomer" mother., Tal co,.rememb
Throughsies Recipes polleot mother.'life w c
graphs, andainecdotes ithelarico f' '{'g care of
tetralls te story of0 "r iR6the" especially ; cl .'
life as well asthe.of .ter-,e fmmBeach ... e ',h.rn
many other women who 002, Talaio Ian
raisedifamilies afterrtcs Wofhd .W.o thtreri.. ng ,
War se.Sgia'la contrid t ine. er
Thesetory of there if ente tion ..of. pipes
-book says, "Who ma e magic Reading through
in boomerthe. ,,kitch ens volumes s wi th heremb
osi grecipe as bhotrn in 1914 .Kim brought bac'sife.a
andshe and Sam Talarico -.happy mg mories aj
ers the started in1 44mother zaontespec at thell. e.
raisedny their fawomel in the: .town n e here thaa n rec
f Frankfua es abufteri ldU .-. ,tw thtee rmgbvoh
west of Albany, N.V.. tdr, Talarico be an'
War This: was a-l se'kit cn. --rontiprbje; et
munity elsewhere aunts, unclee. material intb a p oes
cousins as "Whe asclose.,frierids ion Rtd the roextgeh
shared in eakitchen other's joy volum the family. her
and struggles i She also consult
weren Talaried 19 Thdioyas 'ister.Lu fthatorhelre.
cilar nurse at Baptist. Medical' names, dafes, and '
Center Beaches andl'the imoth- details as She work
er of three grown children, book. '7 :-' .;'
was the oldest dagighter-of the When,the bobkN
Grace Courter, captain of "Will Walk for Burritos," the 25th team to register for the second Nease
Relay for Life March 17-18, signs in at the event's kickoff party Monday.
Nease gearing up
o ual event-t et March 17-18
S y CHUCK-ADAMS from" businesses, churches and' "It's almost like God ,guided
S, STAFF IrER the lower level schools. me to this. Office," .she said,
-. ^'Or ganizers of .the' second teams took part. This year's another company when I got
Nease .Relay fbr Life, to'be held' count is just two. But a mem- sick. I wasn't known as
NI&WY v-1"8' '1fiW" '*'4~ -^^ 9^Th^ hFt91fM i 'vdi1q Y11vNJ in
school,' established various nity eams is intent on increas- was like You don't look so
S.;' goals when tie planning ing that'number. good. You. need to go home
process began. Kelly Wofthiey, one of sever- today.'
-., ...They hoped.o hav.e..50 al cancer survivors in "I left that company and
S ,:, tamsiand 50 survivors partid-. Prudential's Ponte Vedra office, went over to Prudential. It was
atelat the high school s stadi- has organized Relayiri' the most welcoming welcome I
urn' anhd they alsohoped tb Realtors arid is looking for could ever imagine. I told my
,' -' raise 50,000forthe American other team. broker I had cancer. She said,
Cancer Society The .other community team 'Well, you're in the right place.
a ... -:t year's inaugual event to register by early this week is 'We've got seven or eight here
'raised more than 540,000. themosabies from Nemours in the office that can be your
,', Several hundred.-students, Children's Hospital, buddy.'-
teachers staff and pareniits JScksasnville.. '.We discuss -evervthing,"
attended .a .ckoff ipa.t at .Wrtliley was 'diagnosed .said Worthley. "That's,'why I
S. ase Tuesday:'Theenumber of with-iinvasive ductal carcino- felt so welcomed and 'comfort-
teams registered to .dte is 28; ma, a form of breast cancer, in able there. To find out I was
the survivors court is ip'to 42. 2003. ,She had'surgery Sept. 4 n'otalorie -'that fWs huge. My
Among those' will be Nease of that year. attitude is good, everything is
I r administrative staff '"member '0'It was a, .life-awakening 'positive. People care, and
Helene lsolica, wh6 has had experience. for. -me;" said that's what it's all about."
S breast caner-. .and the .high Worthley..'W&donr'thaWi can-. .As *A 'a" cancer survivor,
schools..chral director, Laura cer in my family. I'm actually Worthley will be walking. in
"Adkison, who wasi ididgnsed' thebaba"6f'b thefaily," the-victory lap, which-kicks off
with oarianicancer in March' .was' very,very frightening for the i8-hour'Relay for Life. And
"'I".w/^ $ '"20003 ':"'. ': -; ", -' alkoff; usiButithe- suppiorti'veseven of her coworkers will be
Sphoto submitted '- One goal, that hasn.tbeeit -a tiro'ugh the,codmmunity-, wither. "
ft, isPamlic oe aferthe ., achieved, at least not so far, is ad my .family has gotten me "We've got some great
s an. at.the PonteVedr Beac el e increasingg 'the; i ,of through i ", '.Realtors who are going-to be
a 'SwinsonlPamlici'Kid] father Jim teams from ,the communiity;,j When .Worthley, joined, ,.
anwater Flow], ,, T at-th outset wast Prudeiitial, sle. .fouid h si- .
., : '' ''.:' bring .in comminiUty'" fems port 'stim areidy in"place. See RELAY, A-9
esti -,,te- to- m o her .'-- '. 4'-,,
S ", ishe Talarico said that she happensrecipes became '
'! ,believed that it was a tribute known'by the name of the "- "- .. .
nt'o' nly toher, mother'but.- Wromanti who,,excelled .atmakj-
also to the countless other ing the dish or who give it her
wier nof her inthe fs gener own original interretat ont ~ I 4
ation who sevoied their hotes Family members including .
0 KS to their famrhes, several of JosieiTalhricos iss-
; dsie'sRecipe Collection," terms. and maahyfh fe. lifelng
Talaiico said, is.not a cook- girlfriendsds and neighbors.fig-.
. -" ""-,e'. '"',., e..' ".".t "n '. a ,i "n af. -. :.. ". : '' .' .' ':. '".'-: .I.+[ *'r[^
boo.k for beginner. The recipes ure promiently ii the bo ok.
ers that he are pTblisfied a ds sh m found There are'several photo-
ientered 'o them fre-st yle in format graphs of Josie TalaricQ, other
fanly'and ith omissions that eie moth- family members, an, :the
fio them. eras an tpepriencedcbok group of "girlfripids7 at a
's o a in wbhild ot have noti i meme .
.i ed the h book inudes maof A favorite addition to man
ioes that J si Talarhic' otribes n the spayty buffet tables' was Josie
.... Jorned. s Rew"ce on tr and hon- .' .r c i pes, ei .--commL ,.on
o"er's. ollec recipes, ithdr iortime i s n Talarico's Italian: Meatloaf
p rieparatioriqor insoe While the origin of this
Sth&- 'two istanc& tie cost toprepare recipe is unclear, the. unusual
.ughter, the recipe.("Egg Cookies combination of cooked eggs,
many. $120 plain/Sl.45 frosted"). ham and meatloaf wal
ndthereal Kareri Tlarico added some enjoyed either hot or as cold.
was muich notes of her own to give some leftovers for meatloaf sand
pes... tips.on the ,recipes as well as wiches.
ie dagh- some of her, own memories. For the holidays and wed- .
'the 18- Many of tihe more than 300 dings, family and guests could
editing the recipes in the book have.been always count on platters laden '
k to pass in her family for 100 years with homemade cookies.
eration of -.'and reflect the region bf Josie Talarico and her sister,
Calabria in Italy'where Josie Mary, would begin baking
ed with her Talarico's mother' had when the "Johnny Carson. 't .
p with originated. I Show" 'came on TV and con- phoo byl ,.HYNICOLETI
other Other recipes were more tinue throughout the night. Karen Talarico holds a copy of "Josie's Recipe Collecfion: From
da .',, nrp Enrigin omnok "- c e is Cooks and Kitc'hans of Cantral New Yor" a with hr
:, .; .. .. .:,t .. ;& *."
nd hereal are Tancoaddd soe e eyd enherhotor a cod ,.'.' .- 'a book" with her,
,ea oJm1 Ic.l..pL 111 Uor g, comU ngI 1roU11
friends or acquaintances or
was fin- favorite magaziiies. As often
V- V I U MI UIYIfcW VW I Iw Wl V aWIIkI I 110 I *
'mother's recipes as the centerpiece for the story, of-a woman
raising her family'in the.years following World War II.
J 7 Th B e r L
priolo ;uDmitlhd
'Melanie Cain-Stage (left), president of HAWKE, holds ohe of the.residents of HAWKE's rehabilita-
tion center at the Jana. 10'; meeting .of the Ponte Vedra-Woman's Club. With her is Helen Zizka, a
HAWKE volunteer. The club;helps support HAWKE, which rehabilitates birds, mammals and rep-
tiles until they are well enQough to be released to nature. Stage is scheduled to present a birds of
prey program at the Guana reserve at 1 p.m. Feb. 11. See storyA-2.
People & Places
Relay: Teams ne
Cont. from A-8
joining us for this Relay for
Life," she said, "and camping
out, as well.
Relayin' Realtors has 10
members, plus Worthley's hus-
band Scott.
"I feel you have to .set an. -
example, and it's a party of .
attraction. The more excited
we get about what we're doing
in our community, people just
have to follow. There's a sense
of electricity that goes on out
there, and when you're excited
about something as worthy as
this, people can't help but join .
you. Aletha Or
Worthley has spoken with Baccalaur
other Ponte Vedra Beach busi- high scho
nessesabout participating. One high scho
is theShell station on State of the Rel
Road A1A South, near Harris
Teeter. interested
"I've spoken Uwith. the man- Young iai
ager there, and he'was .really 819-8361;
excited 'about it. So I've 8326 an
dropped off paperwork there. coordinate
And 1 have, a meeting next lnternatfi
week with P-rudential corporate program,
to' speak with the owners, to The r--
get them involved." meeting i
Worthiley wondered whether Figlits.a
the Jacksonville Jaguars might hard to 'ft
be willing -to" participate., She wit, tho
also planned to .call 'Donna' story of h
Hicken, a television personali- fought aWs
tv and cancer survl'or. Ne.s:
"I'm, a busy girl," she said.: idiy
Capt. Robert Young, senior Barrera.h'
.'. -' pholo by CHUCK ADAMS
sack, (ft o~ of Nease's International
create prp rar'i 6ls one of the coordinators for the
ol's seconhd'Rey,for'Life, with Kelly Worthley, captain
ayin' Realtors, a-eam that will participate.
instructor in the school's tell. Barrel
Kristen Rudolph of Ponte -- NJROTC program, and .Nease two.grandj
Vedra Beach-was named to the i. j unior Clark.Fouraker are the mother w
Dean's List for the 2005 fall event's 'co-chairs. Young wqs cancer two
semester at Brehau University involved in four Relay for Life "For me
inGaihesille,.Ga.-' events in the Orlando area toughest' I
t To "receive-, the honor, stu-- Z4 before moxing'to Nease. gone thrc
dents must maintain a '3.5 For anyone who might be thought I
.;gradepoit averagee over a 9z,
"'mmiimumi; course'load 6of 15 '
..icha el'. K:S.ia z of
'. Jacksontill'B'each ha's. reently --- re---M L
Squalifiea for .recertfication of : ,Y-G-OH DUELS are UN .;LO
.the .design ti '6fc tified r 2 p.m. Saturday .at ;i.ns- ear
fimeal service practitioner by Books-A-Miflion, 738 Marsh offer
the AcaUe f Professional- Landifg Parkway, Jacksonville !tins for .
Funeteral vice practice' 1 Beach Call 273-8055 for infor- exploei th
S. ., ;' -. nation. rn .and
Dale -Ellis, and Rose Formier Jacksonville City- Council member Faye'Rustin installed HANDS-ON CHILDREN'S Eptyisfi
Rotondo 6t Ponte Yedra Beach, the new officers of tie Republican Club of the Beaches. Shown MUSEUM offers hands-on 'ie ac
S: .will. present"a''alentie's Day. are Ed Raube (vice esideit)'Susan Green (treasurer); Nellie activities, play and earningg
.- und the Corner 'on ,Feb. 8 Lynch (recording secretary); Rstin; Toni VanOrmran (president); op0potunities f6r id om
,705 2nd Ay. N .- soiville t and Marta.White (corrsponding secretary) through Saturday at 8580 ,Hen gi
a' Beach. the; programm is -gauge the ecological' condition, discussion regarding the use of Beach Blvd., Jacksonville. Jaksonv
S- $,15. -all 221-5191. arid health "of thefi-ation's native plants' i roadside vege- Admission is $3.50 for children' tioh
R:a". ; roadsides. .The., : station management programs ages 1-3 and $5.50 for all 'th- y
Ribauilt 'Garden- luib meri sion. wll .be held at the LBJ and the development of a strat- ers.' Call 642-2688 for informa',- 1I' m.
ber'EliZaeth Patelhas 'beeh Wldflower Center in eg'. for.w6rking together to tion. .-11 -
inited to parpate ,in Washigton, D.C. Theoals of im roo e the ecological health JMOMA'S ARTEXPLOR- noo
S.. ,s rA I....- J
Flo rida Lotto & Lottery Games -
GolKist USDA Inspected, GoldKistUSD s ted SDA Se Wstrn Beef USDA SelectWestern Beef USDA i
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...-.. ...--. A
iri pa4ti01 mother, just as I had my grand-
be *e. -mother and my grandfather.
solica at ,(94' -Aid my dad had cancer.
Aletha 'Dr.ef.cki' "Financially, she had more of
or ,Of. .. e.e'.. a possibility to get a cure. What
ra ',' aW : we're trying to do is raise
.t(90.'.. i--. morney to help those less for-
t-' :' .. -,"" '::funate than we are," said
My mother is an amazing
.lady who has raised me since
[at- ^tQ .t .my. dad died [in the military].
er .b. -":My mother has raised me since
y a i ws young, and is someone I
hP'P..I?-'.spect. She's fine, she's work-
''And I'm very thankful."
d s t "Barrera's pet phrase is "It's
ra. ad~al .40,y t -,not the heart of the matter, it's
parents ahn then lis the matter of the heart."
as. diagnosed wvth "No matter how tough
Years ago. things are, there is always
it s one. of the hope," he said. "And the one
t~i gs. , thing cancer can't take away
)ugh,;' _he .a. .I from you is hope."
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader 0 Page 9A'
Tanuav 25.2006
A "rfypw A b ece Lae/ot edaLaeLanay2,20
., ..' :pn0lo 1, L. UL. UK Au rvlM
Ocean Palms kindergartners"react to a song being performed by Pamlico Joe, a North Carolina-
based educational group that appeared Thursday at,the Landrum Lane Elementary School.
GQ Club at Iandrum
takes Vale tine orders
", V '" ... '
by CHUCK ADAMS a.m. and, will be' finished by
STAFF WRITER hb6n, Blue said.' Parent vans
take groups of GQ members to
The GQ Club at. Landrum the various schools.
Middle School is:taking,.orde rs* Blue tries to set it up so GQ
for its annual Valentihe 's Day members go to their previous
deliverieof flower cooes elementary school, "but it
or both.. doesn't always work out that
This year,, the boys' "'seivic 'w.ay," he said.'.
club sponsor, Dean Ber riei After taking a lunch break,
Blue, hopes to- add privafe the boys'.will p y a special visit
schools in Ponte Vedra to'the ''.to Vicar's Landing retirement
club's deliveryv-route. c'' .community, wheier they de.i'-
'Order .forms for flower s and w' .' er flowers and cookies to. resi-
cookies-went to all the publie.. dents. That happens at.2p.m.
schools Monday. .Order forms Blue hopes to add some ,of
are available at the front "desks, the private Ponte Vedra
at. Pohte Vedra-Pal-i Valley, schools' -- Bqlles, Palmer'
Rawlings'and Ocean atholic Academy- .'and
mentary schools,.. Landrum '-'Accotin to- the rix. e ,
'Middle School 'and Nease started calling those schools
High.. tiis ,veek. .
* Those who -are-. interested .Blue 'also hopes- to' involve
ha,'"' until' Feb. 7 to make th'"nioj "N1 atNeasein'the
orders. GQ club members will : ', oo by ChUCK ADAMS high school's delivery' process,
collect order forms from .Members,of Landrum's:GQ, .and has talked -with Nease
Landrum homerooms every Club poselas~t earbefr dean Bud Beech about that.
day. beginning th bannuaJ P.rocess, Landrum' will hold. a
'A single rose cah be ordered of delivering flowersnid 'cQok- -Valentine's Day dance Feb. 10.
for delivery for $6. A ies to local schools. 8'- A horse and carriage, furnished'
Valentine's bouquet of carna- ,, 1 by Avalon of St. Augustine,,
tions c-sts $9,.and three long- make their Valentii e's 'ay? 'will be used: for .pictures. that
stemmed roses are $10.- Five deliveries: ', ,' -evening. The carriage also will
large gourmet cookie frrom- Landrui-, deliveries will. be transport the Landrum. king
One Hot 'Cooki :ca.-n be'pti.'r '-donhe-'fft f .. Feb. 4" andquee.. .,
chased for $5. .. Flowers and'.coolies-l go' to 'A.,cnit.eFia to select the king -
The, 35 members ofGO, or.homerooms a.the mddle and queen is being worked on,
Gentlemen's Quarterly 'Club, .scho olat', ,.. '. said- Blue, "'So it's not a .popu-.
will be "dressed to the 'nines," The, club;':-' member s, then: clarity thing. Possibly the best.
outfitted, ih tuxedos as they head o"the othe'schoolsat10 essays.- '
.- -_ ,_ '. r1 -. .
Newspapers in Education
. teachers and we, want todbS.Omiitg for you. Our Newspapers in
Education program (NIE),,.s:ac-cdperative effort with the schools'
to- promote the use of .n;ewsap.aes, as an educational tool. The
Leader provides award-winningi coverage of our community and is
a great living textbook. Students participating in NIE programs not L
only score about tenr percent higher, on standardized tests but also
get the opportunity 'to learn about their own communities. The
Leader wi.ll'dliyer as many newspapers as you,
",-would'-iike'directly to your school free of
charge. Contact us to enroll today and help
us make a difference in our. children's lives
and our com-munity's future. -
Recipes: Italian meatloaf; spinach balls
Cont. from A-8
The recipe for Chocolate
Cookies was almost always
one of the dozens of varieties
they. made.
For most parties, particular-
ly later in life, Josie Talarico
brought her home-made
Spinach Balls. Another popu-
lar appetizer, Sausage Bread,
was also used as an accompa-
niment to meals.
Karen Talarico makes her
own version of her mother's
Sausage Bread and prepared
this recipe on a local televi-
sion station in New York that
was doing a feature on the
Lucy's Pumpkin Bread (Lucy
is one of Karen Talarico's sis-
ters) is a recipe that many of
the women in the family have
used for years, usually begin-
ning in the fall of the-year
through the holiday season.
I "Josie's Recipe Collection:
From Cooks and Kitchen of
Central.New York",can be
ordered online at
The following recipes are
from the book and from
Karen Talarico's collection of
Italian Meatloaf
1 lb. hamburger
one-half cup Parmesan
1 or2 eggs
one-half cup dry bread
2 -3 T water
1 small clove of garlic,
chopped parsley
salt and:pepper.
6 slices of boiled hqm
6 eggs
6 heaping T Parmesan
salt and pepper
chopped parsley
In a large bowl beat 1-2
eggs. 'Add waterr, alt, pepper,
parsley, garlic, aind bread '.
crumbs. Let stand -a"f('min-
utes; the add hamburg and'
half cup'of Pahmesan cheese.
Mix thoroughly. Pat into a
rectangle shape bn a. sheet of
plastic wrap. (The rectangle -
will be about one-half an inch
thick and approximately the
width of a coolde sheet and
., ,
about half as long as a cookie
Beat the eggs, parsley, salt,
pepper, and Parmesan for the
filling. Cook the eggs just
until set, making thin
omelets. Cover the meat mix-
ture with the omelets and
then place the slices of ham
over the omelets, Roll jelly
roll fashion.
, Bake uncovered at 350
degrees for 40 to 45 minutes
or until done.
Slice arid place on:a platter
garnished with cherry toma-
toes and olives.
Spinach Balls
1 pkg. frozen spinach
6 T melted butter
3 eggs, well beaten
1 clove of garlic, minced
one-half tsp. dried thyme
1 medium onion, finely
one-third cup grated
Parmesan cheese
one and one-half cups herb
stuffing mix
Combine all ingredients in
a medium bowl. If too soft,
add more stuffing.'
Form into about one and
one-half inch balls. Place on a
greased cookie sheet.
Bake at 350 degrees for 10
to 20 minutes until tan.
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origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs and athletic and other school-
administered programs.
January 25, 2006
The Beaches Leader[Ponle Vedra Leader
*Pae 1 0A
More than 300 recipes make up "Josie's Recipe Collection:
From Cooks and Kitchens of Central New York" by Karen
Ponte Vedra Leader
January 25, 2006 SPO RTS
Fishing Leader
Sports Briefs
Rex Edmondson
Nease girls again claim district title
Panthers eyeing first-round
regional opponent Lecanto
By CHUCK ADAMS the Panthers met Pace in a
By CRTSC ATMR state semifinal on their way to
SPORTSWRITER the title game in Miami Dec.
10. The Panthers had home-
It was business as usual for field advantage for two other
the Nease girls soccer team last .playoff games, all of which left,
Friday night. The Panthers the grass in. bad shape' for soc-
defeated St. Augustine .5-0 to cer.
claim yet another District 5-4A "The center of the field is
title. sand, and the outsides, too,"
Next up for Nease, which is said Silverberg. "It's a huge
seeking to.defend the state soc- question mark. We've got to
cer championship earned last, figure out how we can make it
season, is an opening-round more playable."
regional match against Lecanto The, condition of the field
at Panther Stadium Thursday notwithstanding, the eight
night. senior mem-
Against St. bers of the
Augustine, the Nease girls soc-
Panthers. were cer team are on
loosey-goosey a mission, and
before the that is return-
game, smiling, ing to the state
laughing and c h a m p i -
-having fun. onships.
And then they "This is real-
exploded on ly big for us,
the field, with winning 5-0 in
goals .by Lisa a district
Heise, Kristen game," :* said
Hoover and PANTHERS 5 senior mid-
S.t a c e y fielder Jamie
Hahburry pro- JACKETS .Silverberg, the
viding a 3-0 coach's daugh-
halftime lead. ter. "It's .just
Ashley Delaney scored for going to give us' a lot of confi-
Nease at 19:37 of the second dence. going into the first
half to expand the margin to 4- regional game. And it's really
0, and Heise completed the important that you have confi-
scoring by shooting left as,'St. dence, because 'in regionals
Augustine goalkeeper Desiree you lose, you're done.
Sloat guessed right .on a penal- "We're ready to take the next
ty kick at'17:44. step," she said.
"I always go to the left," said 'Nease won its second state
Heise, a sophomore 'transfer title, in. four years last season,
from Newsome of Lithia, the and" hopes to- add another
team'Nease, met and beat 1-0'in championship. to the school's
last year's state semifinal.. trophy case.
iHeise's first ,goal got Nease .dideiliitely, lke to have a
olling.., second id'ilveberg, whose
"Definitely," she said, olde'sis.ter Jenna, was a mem-
"because they got really excit- ber of 'Nease's 21002 champi-
ed because .6f all their ,.comers'. bnship'team. "She didn't have
[St. Augustine took 'a series of that chance, .but. I know she'd
coiner.kicks.earlyin.the game]. -bei,,i.gaLyhapFpp f,..l got the
Sthk, v. nqtii&ced that kd .ppp.,tityWh'a'eaggthy,"
turned it around." Ptrsuit, ,9f a state title is a
Her transfer to .Nease has new.experiehce for sophomore
agreed with Heise. keeper -Catherine O'Donnell',
"I love the people," she. said.. who has seen most of -the time
"It's amazing to go through. So in goal 'as the Panthers have
much support arid so much .posted 15 shutouts.
fun. The laughter is so much The defense in front of her
fun. So different from last year. helped: control 'St. Augustine
It's going to be awful when the- striker Lailra' Ray, who was
seniors leave. They're so much never a serious threat.
fun." "She's not going' to score,"
While Nease will enjoy said'O"Donnell. Our defense is
home-field advantage against strong. She didn't affect us at
Lecanto, Panthers coach IRave ..all.", ..
Silverberg said fieldi :odii'tins. -Da e Silyerberg again lauded
are a concern;. defenders Etirn Hoover,- Jessica
The home football season' .Gambill and Dani Nelson, who
was extended to Dec. 2, when shut down Ray,, for the way
they played. '
"Erin 1and Jessia are b9th
quick. They can make a mis-
take.and make up for it. Dani's
great back' there. They're play-
ing really well," he said.
.This is Gambill's first varsity
year. The sophomore member
of the defensive trio [Hoover
and Nelson are seniors] played
JV soccer last year.
"Hopefully next year I get to
move up," she said, "but for
now I'm satisfied with defense.
We have a 'really.good defense
this year.". ; ,
.. Having had the, experience
of winninriga district -title for
the first time, Gambill smiled
and said, '"It feels really.,good."
Nease overwhelms Fletcher
in latest 'B e of Beaches'
The Nease boys basketball
team won the latest "battle of
the beaches" last Friday. night,
defeating visiting' Fletcher' 53-
The victory lifted the
Panthers' record to 14-5. They.
kicked off ,
.their season
with- a 60-33S
win at Fletch-.
"I honestly
think Fletcher
is doing some
good things
with their
said Panther
.coach Bud
Beech, who PANTHER
added, "It's
good to play.a SENATOR
team that's
that dose to Nease. I think
they'll keep scheduling Nease."
Matt Catanzarite is at the
Fletcher helm for the first time
this season.
The victory over the Senators
came on the heels of a key 47-
36 win the night before at
.Palatka. That victory lifted
Nease's District 5-4A record to
7-2 and 'sets, up a home
matchup with district rival
Clay Jan. 26.'
The. Panthers beat the Blue
Devils at Clay 63-50 Dec. 16.
"That was, an, -important
one," Beech said .,of the Palatka
win. "It. sets .the ,stage for the
Clay match witlifthink, first.
seed on the line. If we win, we
.. illbe No. 1 in
the', district
w.t., an 8-2
S'. strict com-
,'p ition begins
eb.,'8 at Pedro
.Zah Paterick
led' the Pan-
thers' against
I ,,, ...' Fletcher with
.-, 15''points. His
senior. co-cap-
S 53 tain counter-
. .4 part,' Josh
S 44 Bailen, chipped
inwith eight.
Robert Crater led the
Senators with 12 points.
"Zach did a lot of that on free
throws," s4id Beech. "I think he
was nine for10'.".
Nease le4 IFletcher 24-16 at
th e half. .-,';.' .
"Both offenses weren't really
clicking,",said Beech. "We held
them to eight and eight
[points each in the first and'
second quarters]. We played
good defense but were. not
playing good offense."
The Panthers tallied 18 of
their 24 first-half points by
sinking 'six three-pointers.
Nick Sesnick led with two, and,
Paterick, Christian Dennis, Joe
Lagura and David Swendsen
added one each.
"They came out with a laid-
back zone that gave us a lot of
looks at threes," said Beech,
who added that the Nease
offense "kind of erupted. We
played them even until the
last minute of the third quar-'
ter. Got a couple steals,,
knocked down a three-pointer
at the buzzer by [Ted]
That shot gave Nease a 17-.
12 edge in the quarter and lift-
ed the Panther lead to 41-28
through three periods.
' "That kind of gave us a little
leeway," said Beech, who
rotated a lot of his players in
the fourth quarter "but didn't
get a lot offense."
Fletcher outscored Nease 16-
12 in the final period.
After the Clay matchup, the
Panthers have 'four more
games before the district tour-
nament starts at Menendez.
Panthers fourth .on the mat
Nease High forward Ashley Delaney maneuvers in open space during recent girls soccer action at
Panther Stadium.
"Sean Cochrane has never wrestled before,"
said Brooks. "He's only been out for three weeks.
A very young Nease wrestling team showed it He's learning."
has gained .confidence and experience' .byfin- Teddy Hughes placed second for Nease at 125
fishing .fourth Jan. 21 in the St. Joseph pounds, and Christian D'Alessandro also placed
Tournament., second at 103. Kevin Bell, at 130, Matt Lundy,
Bartram Trail won the seven-school event,"St. at 171,' and Cochrane all finished third by win-
Augustine placed second and Pedro Menendez ning the final match of their consolation bracket.
was third.. "I think they upgraded the competition this
"I thought it was real good," first-year Nease year," Brooks said of the St. Joe's event. "Bartram
coach Greg Brooks said of his team's' finish, is real strong."
"because we were missing-our 189-pounder. He Brooks has been pleased by the fact that sev-
probably would have given us enough points to eral of his squad members have beaten wrestlers
move into second. He would have had a good they lost to before.
shot at winning." i "Kevin Bell beat a kid this year he lost to last
Nease still, doesn't fill three slots, meaning 'year," said Brooks.
automatic forfeits in those weight classes to Nease wrestled in a dual meet at Palatka Jan.
start a match. It did fill two of the upper 24. The St. Johns River Athletic Conference
weights, at 189 pounds and heavyweight, with tournament is Jan. 28 at, Clay High. Districts are
240-pound JV football offensive lineman Sean the following week at Fleming Island. .
.* ,,. ..
".-* ., .- ... -', ,.., .
January 25, 2006
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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
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Make sure any technicians performing heating-
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Satisfaction Guarantee Sets Instant Air
Conditioning & Heating Apart
The professionals at Instant Air Conditioning
and Heating in Atlantic Beach are proud of what
makes them different. "First of all, we're proud of
the top-quality professional services we offer our
customers," says owner Eddy. "We're equally proud
of our straightforward pricing, our 100 percent in-
writing satisfaction guarantee, our Seal of Safety
program and our Service Club membership pro-
gram bonuses that few air conditioning contrac-
tors are able to offer."
According to Eddy, not all air conditioning con-
tractors are the same. "Some don't specialize in the
repair or replacement of older systems or may carry
just one brand," he said. "Others offer services only
during the busy season and are not fully staffed
year round. Some even fail to show up on time or
don't show when they say they will a real frustra-
tion for today's busy customers."
Family owned and operated, Instant Air
Conditioning & Heating serves Beaches residences
and businesses from Mayport to Ponte Vedra and
in nearby Intracoastal West. Their staff includes co-
owners Eddy and Dee and their son Craig plus
comfort advisor Ed Edwards. Sissy serves as the
company's endearing canine mascot. Dee and
Eddy have been married 38 years, and son Craig
just returned from a tour of duty in Iraq. With
more than 40 years of combined experience
among them, they run their business differently.
"We specialize in service on all air conditioning
brands new or old," says Eddy. "In fact, our trucks
carry 97 percent of the critical components found
in most systems."
Instant Air also diagnoses your air conditioner
and provides an up-front estimate of repair costs
from their Professional Service Institute's Straight
Forward Pricing' guide. The diagnosis goes beyond
explaining repair costs. It gives you, the customer,
"We have a clear and concise way to show you
whether or not you will need to replace your air
conditioner," says co-owner Dee. "We provide
options for you, tailored to your individual situa-
tion, budget and schedule and we do this in writ-
Even Instant Air's repair service is guaranteed in
writing, says Eddy. "In short, your equipment is
Fixed Fast, Fixed Right', and if we have to come
back because the repair failed during the season,
we will repair it again absolutely free!" he explains.
..5ou.nd true? "At Instant.Air. we.are
committed-, to,-your., complete: satisfaction,"-.says
Dee, "and we have a written, easy-to-uhderstand
100% Satisfaction Guarantee for all service, repair
and replacement." Here's what it says:
Service: If you are not 100% satisfied with the
service we have provided, we will refund all of your
money. If our technicians smoke or swear in your
home, are not drug-free, do not wear medical shoe
covers or leave your home without cleaning up,
you do not pay for the service.
Repair: We guarantee that repairs on your equip-
ment are fixed right or the repair is free. If a repair
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With their motto "Fixed Fast, Fixed Right*," the comfort spe-
cialists at Instant Air Conditioning & Heating in Atlantic
Beach are dedicated to providing Beaches customers top-
notch service for all air conditioning
brands. old and new. Pictured above with their company
mascot, Sissy (seated), are (left to right) Craig Eddy, Eddy,
Ed Edwards and Dee Eddy.
fails during the season, we will repair it again
absolutely free. Specific repairs are guaranteed for
two years or the repair is free.
Replacement: We guarantee that the equipment
we have installed will perform as we have stated. If
the system does not heat or cool your home to
your satisfaction, we will remove it and return
100% of your investment.
Instant Air also provides peace of mind by adher-
ing to the Technician Seal of Safety program. "You
need to know who's entering your home, and
that's why we've adopted these safety policies,"
says Eddy. All Instant Air technicians who perform
heating and cooling service work in your home
have passed a criminal background check. "In fact,
we'll even e-mail you a photo of our technician
scheduled to service your home so you'll know
exactly who to expect at the time of your appoint-
ment," adds Eddy.
Schedule a comfort system tune-up with Instant
Air now and receive a special bonus. Ask the
Instant Air technician to see his Seal of Safety ID
Badge and receive 10 percent off your.service call.
Instant Air also offers membership in its Service
Club, designed to you save you money with dis-
counts for scheduled maintenance checks and safe-
ty inspections plus priority appointment schedul-
ing with their "Front-of-the-line" pass.
Now's the perfect time to. make sure your home's
air conditioning-ts shipshape for spring .If Instant
Air sounds like the kind of air conditioning con-
tractor you've been looking for, call Dee today to
schedule your appointment.
Instant Air is located at 1198 Mayport Rd., Suite
11, near the intersection of Plaza and Mayport
Road, in Atlantic Beach. For more information or
to set up a free consultation for replacement call
Dee at 247-5525, fax 247-5526 or e-mail instan- Visit Instant Air on the Web
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January 25, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader ,Prage 3
Surf fishing is great; party grounds remain hot
Tn~Ie surf fishing is great.
Plenty of redbass, trout
Sand sheepshead at the
jetties. On the party grounds,
snapper, grouper and lots of
seabass and beeliners are bit-
Capt. Jim Bell,,with his son
Zack and friend Al Wiltshire,
fought the fog and big swells
last week on two trips to catch
plenty of big whiting. On
Thursday they drifted off the
beach near the old Captain's
house and caught 62 whiting.
On Friday Capt. Jim made it' a
family trip .and included -his
wife Anita and 10-year-old
Anna Thompson. They fished
the same -area off the beach in
40 feet of water and caught 65
Pnolo submitted
George :
.PNge and
his first
fish ever at
Sville Beach.'
Adam Ross and Jeff Holiday
found a slough in front of the
south P.V. Gate station last
Friday and caught 40 whiting,
some weighing nearly two
Capt. Mike Morris anchored
along the jetties again last
week and in two trips caught
38 sheepshead using fiddlers
for bait.
Canal guide John Dyrssen
and his friend Ed Cook fished
the canal for half a day last
Friday and caught eight red-
bass, four trout arid a flounder.
Bottom fishing from the
Mayport Princess was strong
during four trips
,,, .. ,. last week. A lot of
snapper in the 10-
pound, range, large
beeliners and a big
grouper were
Taken. On
Saturday, the best
catch of the year:
Big seabass along
with nine snapper,
grouper and bee-
Captain Dennis
Young, on his Sea
Dancer last
Saturday with
Randy Wilson and
two others, fished
around T.WV. and
caught their limit
of snapper and 60
abass. And the
Snext day, not far
From, the boat
ff! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I IUi'.--'*_--
Bu ch Gar
Steamed .u '.
Sused Ailive sh i
i: > t"e .Seatnd flat rigs fi
catch of 25 sp,
,Ied troi t and
-*- 4 e .a m redbass,. .
Current Steelers are re
of 1970s hampionship
o itcomes down to the p are to them today?
bittsue teeds." p 'i F 'Eanstiaetheir-favrits-.
iatte a t the$eftwichbut.Seahawks
Pan2006Suers, the in Detroit. John undfcomeated, did yos c
SA'lot.of.g~ood'eamsel by', 'pared to the. Steelers.
e and s the Indian apos called Tha.RMON quarterback, young
"nubbt fein'sre chosen,as the oldm- Roh isrger, may not getse.da
saying at sed.. to A i .O .- hear publicity Peytoriuth from
'34-t7 Sunday,"the Pittsbargho 'tibel AndiJaguar fans who schooistyPey--but the word
tea of 2005.looks noreikepro fes- re gets,b it he'll do, fans. I mdes
sor ofld'ours showed' ,use to their t i e's hof in g.the class of By
nubbins areeliinbated." Leftich, uw
We. wouldri't call' such NFL Lb
powersule as the oSupeBow ine hen the Steelers came to thedefeat by Tennessee 8
PanThers,the Deam iBrocozes had to feel s nostalgia, going undefeatedn. Thdidyore's
"nubbin'shinggroundamwere elim- PRE BOX It' manyot often hamse'days
a quarted rback ho makes t's hardtodismiss hespirit hear are tmchtrthmany from
staIn dingsposing o defense' h~ears..It -egoes backto in ut it's of pheadaers pro
34-1ound7 S kindayo athe Pliarttsb dos-gh tioney And Jaguars fans who schoolstyle ofut the qord
tea itof 20 '. books moreike were s haroundveAlltonel to mcheer. a Florida Gator forward desel
the old' powers who uscoved to their gteame; they're simply day relating. Said Al Horford a
rul the Super Bowls then, firste whe th. What owners corn- plathedefeatby Tenessee a pal, '80
1970s.Jerome BettisW"old ha'e town with their'swarm'of fains Saturday night: "These d
fit right in with that rowd decked out in black and gol6d, .thereisn't anybody' th
The current tearn capitalizes had to -feel so.e ,nostalgia, going unbeaten. There's
on a punishirngground game, too. many good teams."
a quarterback. who makes It's hard'to dismiss the-s'irit "'There are too.-many go
smart throws 'and doesn't try the.Steelers 'have.shown "the ,teams,,A]. Maybe your gra
to do too mnuch' and an out-' football world for so many mar ish't up to your play
standing, stingy defense. ,'ears. It goes back to.,Art ''ability, but it's head' and sho
Sounds kind of familiar,' does- Rooney and family' The ders above some of the qu
ni't it?. Roonevs h"'ve done ,so much We've seen latelyK.
Those .o'f us, .who covered. for'the game; they're simply a Twice in a week we've se
those Super. Bowls then, first- class act. What owneA-' corn- player say about a ,pal,"
Pholo subm ,ii
Jack Ross, Captain Jerry Moulton and Mike Frances with one of three wahoo they caught recently
at the ledge aboard "Another Tangle." ?
Larry "Fishman" Finch, and a pair of trout and nine ring- and Dave Sipler on the Nfight '
his wife Murphy, fished the tails. And on Thursday, with Kinsar anchored at the jetties
surf around 'Melbourne last Steve Googale and Tom and caught 30 yellowmouth,
Tuesday and Wednesday and Crowley at the jetties, caught five speckled trout, a pair of
caught 90 pompano along nine redbass to 31 inches, one sheepshead, 22 redbass and A
with a few whiting. All were ringtail and nine trout. flounder.
caught on. sandfleas. On Capt. Hobart Joost, Steve Capt. Dave Sipler and Paul
Friday, near the Gate station, Proctor, Randy Hielm, Caelen Pettite tried the jetties over the
Larry caught 50 whiting and Proctor and Hobie Joost had a weekend and iced down 2A'
on Saturday he took fiddlers to ball last week aboard the O.B.I. trout to three pounds, tw6i
the jettiesand caught his limit At about 12 miles offshore they sheepshead and four
of sheepshead to six pounds: pulled up two snapper and a 30 inches.
Capt. Kirk Waltz on the grouper. A little further off- James Gergley and J.B. Hill,
Enterprise last fMoiday with shore they caught two more on the Fun Times last Monday
"Jim and Mike MNcCullum fished grouper to 15 pounds, a floun- at the big jetties, caught
the jetties and caught five reds der and lots of seabass. sheepshead and one redbass. ,
to 31 inches, two sheepshead, Steve Hunter, Ken Hubbard Good fishing.
, i...
and him",,did so-and-so oa
,but. '.t-hinkise-aodl-sb., di-rinoJ -
are This is.'n'itpicking,"of course,
om- -.but we can't help but wonder
how much English grammar is
Ben being taught in our upper
the institutions the same ones
ing that brag about how many
ean, players they' are graduating
ron these years..' .
To the subject, though, Al
Horford's words bear repeat-
to ing The Gators were merrily
? (but a little nervously) heading
.to old rival Tennessee with a
you spotless, undefeated record,
the proof of the fine job 'that-
or coach .Billy -Donovan has
s of done..
serve -But Florida wasn.'t. the' only
after .undefeated team .to- fall
0-76 Saturday. It might be, scant?
lays consolation, but. the inighty.
at's .'Duke Blue" Devils, only- top
too 'ranked in -the country, fell to'
Georgetown 87-84' in a shock.
ood er- that must have scrambled
am- the'Richter Scale. And No. 9
ring Pittsburgh was upset by St.
oul- Johh's.
notes It's- getting tougher. to go
unscathed these days: because
en a as sad, there are itoo
'Me many good teams now.
,%';, Satisfaction Guaranteed Save '10.1 on our PrecisionTune up!
Save '50.1 on our Duct Cleaning
Registration for Jacksonville
Beach' BgabeRuth Baseball, for
players ages 13 't 5I as of April
30, 2006, will take place Jan.' .
28 from 10 i.m. until 1-p.m. at
the concession' stand,behirid---
Seabreeze Elementary School.,
Birth certificates are required
for all new players. Registration
fee is $95 per player.
Jax Xtreme, a new travel
baseball, team is 'forming for
the January'to July season. This
team will be coached by a for-
mer pro baseball player.'
Players with great attitudes
and supportive parents are
invited to phone Wayne at
993-3530 for more informa-
Girls on the Run
Registration is now open for
Girls on the Run of N.E.
Florida, an after-school pro-
gram for 3rd to 6th grade girls
that combines running and
training for a 5K (3.1 miles)
run/walk, along with healthy)
living education and life les-
Spring programs begin in
Feb. and take place at various
locations throughout Ponte
-Vedaa Beachi, tlantic Beach,
Neptune Beach and-
For more information
phone (904) 321-4315 or visit
Spring registration for the
Beaches Soccer League will take
place Jari: 29 until Feb.. 12 at
The Soccer Stop, 1518 N. Third
Street, Jax Beach.,
The league is for boys and
girls ages pre-K (4 years old) to
7th grade and games are played
at San Pablo Fields across from'.
Fletcher High Schoobl. Season
begins March 6 and ends May
19, with all games played on
For more information phone
Mike Levine at 635-8969 or via
e-mail at levinem@education- .
Girls fastpitch travel teams
are now forming. These travel
teams are called NFGS Tsunami.
Players between the ages of 9
and 12 looking for a more com-
petitive softball environment.
may phone James Greek at 612-
0337 or visit
' Tsunami 14-and-Under girls
fdstpitch team is looking for
players. Call 710-6413 or 220-
.7988 for tryout and'additional
The Gromin Surfing Associa-
tion [GSA] is now called JaxPier
Surf Camp.and is still located at
2nd North. The contact num-
ber is 247-8939.
Application forms and dates
can be found on
JaxPier Surf Camp, is the only
surf camp in the nation with a
live. streaming camp cam of the
children and young adults.
For information on the Gromin
Surfing Series [GSS], call Charley
Hajek at 247-5538.
j ***
The Florida Surfing Association
offers advanced, professional and
intermediate amateur competi-
tions as well as surfing camps and
clinics. For more information,
visit the website at www.florida- or call (904) 626-9090.
For information on the
Saltwater Cowgirls, visit its
website at www.saltwatercow- or call (904) 242-
Conn ion (904) 246-0550 I
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
January 25, 2006
The Beaches Leader
Ponte Vedra Leader
THURS., 11 A.M.
$7.10 First 10 Words
420 each add'l word
$8.10 First 10 Words
420 each add'l word
Hours: Mon. Fri.
8:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m.
1114 Beach Blvd.
Jacksonville, FL 32250
Real Estate Rentals
100 Real Estate 200 Rental
110 Lots/Land lor Sale 215 Home for Rent
120 Homes for Sale 225 Wanted to Rent
125 Real Estate 230 Condo for Rent
Wanted 240 M.H. for Rent
130 Condos for Sale 260 Vacation Rental
140 Mortgages 270 Rental to Snare
150 Mobile Homes 275 Room for Rent
for Sale 280 Office Space
180 Comm. Property 285 Comm. Rental
185 Industrial/
Pets & Animals
300 Pets
310 Pets for Sale
330 Stables/Livestock
340 Lost/Found Pets
400 Notices
405 Travel
415 Personals
420 Legal Services,
425 Legal Notices
440 Misc. Lost/Found
450 Instructions/Schools
460 Weddings
500 P-T Help Wanted
510 F-T Help Wanted
520 Job Services
530 Bus. Opponrtunity
540 Child Care
550 Work Wanted
Service Guide
600 Services
601 Air Conditioning
602 Alterations
607 Auto/Boat Detailing
608 Auto Repair
609 Bus. Services
612 Carpet
613 Catering
615 Cleaning
618 Electronics
619 Electrical Services
620 Equip. Rentals
622 Fences
623 Finan. Services
625 Firewood
631 Computer Services
634 Lawn Mower
635 Lawn Svc/
636 Locksmith
637 Marine Const.
638 Marine/Boating
640 ConcretetMasonry
645 Moving & Slorage
648 Pressure Washing
Service Guide cont.
650 Painting
651 Pest Control
652 Plumbing
653 Pools
654 Photography
655 Rain Guneeir
660 Rerriodel/Conit.
665 Repairs
670 Roofing
675 Sprinri'r l Wells
677 Tree Service
678 Tile
680 Upnolstery
685 Wallpapering
690 Water Tieatnerni
Health Services
700 Massage Therapy
710 Health Care Serc
730 Caregivers
For Sale
800 For Sale
805 Music & Instr.
810 Antiques
815 Auctions
820 Wanted to Buy
825 Trade
830 Consignment
Garage Sales
840 Garage Sales
850 Jay Beach
852 Neptune Bea:ch
854 Atlantic Beach
856 Mayporn
857 Ponte Vedra
858 West Beaches
859 Jacksonville
860 Flea Markel
862 Estate Sales
905 Auto Rental
915 Boats
930 Motorcycles
950 Camripers/R'Vs
970 Trucks/Vans
980 Automobiles
All advertising accepted subject to the approval of the pub-
lisher, who shall have the right to. revise or reject in whole or
in part any advertisement. Publisher -reserves the right to
place classifieds under appropriate classifications.
Please read your ad the first day it runs so any necessary
nails Fy,, bma e; ,Liabilfy foTrors nidver 'sem
s ano.b-exeeed'the cost o the sfies eupe ,it.,-e' ,re1,~.
All errors-are to bebrought to our attention within 15 days of
publication to receive consideration' for adjustment.
Publisher assumes no financial responsibility for omissions.
We help sellers sell for a low set fee
HELP U SELL Coastal Realty
Call: (904)241-4447
.GROUND FLOOR pre-construchon. Coco-
nut Grove high rise, complete amenities,
.minutes to beach, restaurants, enterTain-
menl. Great rental investment. Completed
-in 2007. Only 10% investment for qualified
buyers, jack Zweig, Realtor, Castles Real-
ty (8771468-5687.
ALL REAL Estale advertised herein is
subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act,
which makes it illegal to advertise any
preference, limitation, or discrimination
based on race. color, religion, sex,
handicap. familial status or national ori-
gin. or the intention to make any such
preference, Irmitation or discnmination.
The Leader Group will not knowingly ac-
cept any advertising for real estate
awnich is in violation ol the law. All per-
sons are hereby informed thai all dwell-
ings advertised are available on an
equal opportunity basis.
If you believe that you may have been
discriminated against in connection with
the sale. rental or financing ol housing,
call the United States Department of
Housing and Urban Development -HUD-
1(800)669-9777, or for the heanng Im-
paired 1(800)927-9275.
COASTAL NC deepwalerl Off-season
special Save big. 10 acres $139,900.
Beautifully wooded, deep boalable water,
long pristine shoreline Access to ICW,
Atlantic, Sounds. Power, phone, perked
Excellent financing. Call now (800)732-
6601 x1458.
NEPTUNE BEACH. FSBO. Duplex, or sin-
gle home. 1BR/1BA (each). East.of AlA.
$490,000. 246-8200.
PVB, SUMMER House, 2BR/2BA town-
home, 5-star amenities, gated community.
Great view, quiet street. The only water-
front avail. $349,000. (904)280-5373.
Beautiful 2 story house 3139sf. Only 4
blocks to the beach #500 11th Avenue
South. You can still pick your colors.
Ready spring 2006. Best new construction
value at the beach. $649k.Call John Wolf-
el, Licensed R/E Broker 699-8887. .
E. TENNESSEE LAKE properties. Homes
from $200,000 to $1,000,000. Lakefrornt
lots Iom $100,000. Lakevlew lots from
$85,000.. Call. Lakeside Realty (423)626-
5820. or visit
gated community. Incredible lake & moun-
lain views. 1.5 acre building sites from the
$40s. Lake access,, boat ramp, private
slips (limited). Don't miss out Call
. (866)292-5769.
BEAUTIFUL NORTH Carolina. Winter
Season is here. Must see the beautiful
peaceful mountains of Westem NC.
Homes, cabins, acreage & investments.
Cnerokee Mountain Really GMAC Real
Estate, Murphy www.cherokeemountain-
really com Call for free brochure
ASHEVILLE, NC area Pleacelul gated
community. Incredible nvertfoni and
mountain view homesiles. 1 Io 8 acres
irom ihe $60s. Custom lodge, hiking trails
5 miles to natural hot springs. Call
MURPY, NORTH Carolina. Ash cool sum-
mers mna winters. Affordable homes,
mountain cabins. Call for tree brochure.
(877)837-2288. Exit Realty Mountain View
Properties. www
NORTH CAROLINA gated lakelront com-
munity. 1.5 acres plus, 90 miles of shore-
line. Never before offered with 20% pre-
development discounts, 90% financing.
Call 1800)709-5253.
NC MOUNTAINS 10.51 acres on moun-
tain top, in gated community, view, trees,
waterfall and large public lake nearby,
paved private access, $119.500 owner
Find buyers at
Phyllis Stalnes, 476-SOLD
RE/MAX Coastal Real Estate
NC MOUNTAINS- Log cabin $89,900.
Easy to finish cabin on secluded slle. Mil-
lion $ views available on 1-7 acre parcels
$29,900.$79,900 Free Info. Available!
MOVE TO Tennessee! Looking for Lake
Lois, Lake Homes, Land. Farms, Victori-
ans. Investment or Mannas We nave it all
al affordable pnces. Executive choice Re-
al Estate in Tennessee, 865-717-7775.
Charlotle Branson agent or visit my web-
site www
or www
EAST ALABAMA mountain property for
sale. One hour west of Atlanta in Pied-
mont. AL. Beautiful view, 48 acres,
5144,000, $14,400 down. $1087/mo.
Owner financed. Call Glenn (850)545-
ADULT COMMUNITIES and other proper-
ties for sale. Ocala, Manon County Team
Real Estale or Ocala. Inc. Realtor, Multiple
Listing Service (888)391-6658.
LARGE MTN. land bargains High eleva-
tin. Adoins pristine slate loiresi, 20+ ac to
350 ac. Sweeping mtn views, streams.
WESTERN NC Mountains, North Carolina
where there is. cool mountain air, views &
streams, homes, cabins & acreage. Call
lor Iree brochure of mountain property
sales. 1800)642-5333. Really Of Murphy
317 Peachtree S&' Murphy, N.C. 28906.
TENNESSEE Lakefront-Homesites 1 to 6
acres from the $40s. Spectacular lake,
mountain and wooded .lure i.tes newly
, released. Jutl 1-1/1h9.i .o Nashville.
Doii iii-ull Cill1866)339-4966.- :
Only 1.5%' to advertise in local Multiple
Listing Service. Call Today for private
appointment. Realty By The Sea.
NEPTUNE BY The Sea. 112'x116' No
Realtors, please. 249-3892.
ATLANTIC BEACH. close to ocean, JAX BEACH 5BR/2BA, 2300s. on 2 is
85'x130' with house. Sieve 881-9901. J15sAX BEACHs 5BR450/2BA, 2300000 ., 24n 2 lo9-8637.
(1l5,000sf>. $450.000 OBO. 249-8637.
The finest ocean view lot available in Jax
Beach $829,000. Plan and permits in
place. It interested call Mark 0 The Dil-
worth Realty Group of Vanguard GMAC
10 lots, adjacent to multi-million dollar
Intracoastal marina community.
Great investment potential
for builder/developer.
FSBO. 3BR/2BA, with lake view. 156 Mar-
tinique Circle. Established neighborhood.
Vaulted ceilings, skylights, garage, sprin-
kler system, new roof, community pool.
Yard maintenance included. $248,000.
FSBO, SOUTH Jax Beach. 3BR/2.5BA,
1710sf. Walk to beach, shopping, &
school. Just divorced, pnced for immedi-
ate sale $369,900. Call (904)591-2495 for
info or appointment.
3BR/2.5BA. Over 20O00f. 3-Stories, with
OCEANVIEWS, 2-car garage. $595,000.
Call Lorl Lareau at Vanguard GMAC
Realty, 868-7224.
DAMAGED CREDIT? Learn how to obtain
the loan you want anyway. Get a free re-
.port at
CUSTOM BUILT, 4BR/2.5BA w/delached
bonus room. Walk to Beach. Professional-
ly landscaped, tons of extras. A must seel
Below market value. $499,900. 622-8532.
LAS PALMAS Subd. In Palm Valley.
3400sf single story on 110'x150' lot. St.
Johns Co. School system. $849,000. 280-
LEASE-PURCHASE. Intracoastal West,
North Kernan. 3BR/2BA/2-car, great room,
fireplace, on lake, new paint & carpet.
$249,500 OBO Independent Brokers.
OFF PENMAN. 2BR/2BA with garage,
1297sf. Park view. $259K. 610-6878.
Townhomes & Condos. $359k to $599k:
West ol 3rd street: 11 Avenue South, 81h
Avenue South, 61h Avenue South, 71h
Avenue North, 14th Avenue North. East of
3rd Street: 12ih Avenue North and 18th
Avenue North. Get in on pre-construction
prices. Beautiful, new townhomes with
many different floor plans Call John Wolf-
el, Licensed R/E Broker 699-8887
EAGLES CREEK- 10 minutes from
beaches/ base. Gorgeous 4/2, nice lolt,
scr. porch, many upgrades. Close to
schools & shopping. $247,900.
HICKORY CREEK-- Lg. 3/2, car gar.,
nice lot, freshly painted/clean, avail, now
Ior quick move-in. $245,900.
TIFFANY PINES- Minutes from beaches/
base, 4/2, lots of tile, treed lot, gar., fresh
paint, avail, now. $189,000..
241-5501 OR 221-1711
story, 4BR/3BA/2-car, on lake. Tons of up-
gradesl 2400sf. $469k. 327-0558.
OPEN HOUSE. FSBO. South Jax Beach
Home. Saturday, Sunday. 12noon-4pm.
3BR/2BA, 1824sf. Backyard is So. Beach
ParkI 3017 St. Johns Blvd. Won't last, at
$399,000. (904)270-2073.
4BR/2BA 610 N. 9th Ave., As is, $289k
OBO. 1250sf, 60x125, treed lot,
(cell 504-2443)
FSBO, 2BR/2BA townhome, gated com-
munity, PVB, on the water. Hardwood
floors, high ceilings, pool, gym, tennis.
Low fees. Will co-op. $261,900.
Lovely triplex easat of 1st, 2 homes from
the beach, super rentals or live in one and
rent the other two or convert back to SFH,
30 10th Ave. N. Priced below' appraisal,
Call Margo at 463-0343 today
PONTE VEDRA, Sawgrass Players Club,
Bermuda Court. 2BR/2BA, unattached pa-
tio home. $289,900, (904)655-5990.
OPEN HOUSE, FSBO, Jax Bch, Sat &
Sun 12-5pm. 3/2, new- kit., roof, baths &
/C system. Hardwood floors, frplc., & lots
of extras. 1902 Oak Grove Cir. $365,000.
OAK HARBOR, 3BR/2BA, 1300sf., newly ATLANTIC BEACH, 4BR/3BA, large, pri-
remodeled, inground pool. $184,900. vate lot, 8 blocks to Beach. $340,000.
(904)803-4349. 270-2333.
Adorable 2/1 bungalow in the heart of
Avondale. All brick with oversized
corner lot, and a detached garage.
904-868-7224 Great condition, ready to move in!
LoriLareau@ $189,900
All Bch $998,000. Owner will hold mort-
gage. 219-2481.
EAST OF AlA. Very Large 1BR/2BA, fully
lurnished, washer/dryer included 1 Block
to Beacn $245.000. Call Mark. 591-6976.
The Diiwonh Realty Group ol Vanguard
Marsh Cove Place. $235,000 OBO.
Center. 2BR/2BA. Granite counterlops
stainless appliances, completely renoval.
ed. 1300sft 525,000. 294-6094
EAST OF A1A, 2/2 Townhome. Wood
floors, fireplace, new rool, jacuzzi lub
Two blocks to ocean, greal investment at
$370,000. Owner/ realtor 246-3748 993.
PVB EAST, 3BR/2 5BA, townhouse, new PONTE VEDRA 2BR/2BA, 1-car, lake
renovated. swimming pools, tennis. view, Deach access & lumished
$220,000. 285-0913. 613-1932. $235,000. 333-2809.
Immaculate 3 story townhome less than
2 blocks to the beach! 3/2.5 with a 2 car
garage! Gleaming wood floors,
2 balconies, security system, intercom
904-868-7224 system and more than 2000 SF. $595,000
pletely renovated, contemporary style
Small boat accessible $629.000. Call
Beautiful 3BR/2.5BA home in Ponle Vedra
Beach. Coral rock lireplace. granite coun-
ters, tongue and grooved wood paneled
ceilings, private rear yard, great neighbor-
hood and much. much more.
Offered at $650.000
Backing on to the Guana Preserve on
large private lot. Stunning Custom Marole
Fireplace. remodeled kitchen with Cherry
cabinetry. Granite counters, Hot tub, En-
closed ftled Lanai, terrific location. Offered
at $458,000. Call For appointment to
Help-U-Sell Coastal Realty
335 Jacksonville Drive
Jacksonville Beach. FL 32250
Phone: (904)241-4447
split plan w/open eat-In kitchen, formal liv-
Ing and dining rooms and large great
room. Full stucco, covered lanai and over-
sized fenced yard with room enough for a
pool. $274,900. Phyllis Stanes. 904 476-
SOLD, RE/MAX Coastal Real Estale
www. 1971
nan) 3BR/2BA, 1,855sf., separate living
room and dining room, $290,000. Call
ICW, Eagle's Creek. 1224 Blue Eagle
Trail. Come view this lovely 4BR/2BA with
many upgrades. $247,900 Saturday,
l11am-2pm Call Mary for info & directions.
241-5501. Home Finder Realty.
Waiersedge at Harborlown will include 20
high-end 4-story Mediterranean-style town
homes wnh pnvate courtyard and roof-top
terrace. The option to purchase a 50ft.
boat slip in your front yard. Only 4 lehft!
Prices standing at $1.088,900. Margi Pelin.
Top Producer. Lifestyles Realtor,
LAST CHANCE to own a Ponte Vedra
property at affordable price. Peaceful
2BR/2.5BA in PV Court. $164,900. Rent
or Own Call 614-2782.
3BR/2BA. Great location! 927 4th Ave.
North. Only $299k. 247-9626.
ACROSS 18TH Ave N. from Fletcher Jr.
High, near beach. 3BR/2BA, new CH&A
sidewalks. Large fenced in wooded lot,
$310,000. (865)689-2326
.-JAXBEACH. 2BR Cotlage gier Ocen?,.
.115 4th Ave. Soulh. $450k 'Onbrragen. '
CH&A, roof, & plumbing. Fenced yard.
Cure, cule, cutel $229,000 626-3780.
NEWER, CUSTOM built, private, ocean-
front home with high dune views of the
ocean and Intracoastal Waterway. Approx.
4458+ sf., 5BR/4.5BA, den/ office, tile and
hardwood floors, formal living and dining,
pool and spa, screened lanai with hot tub,
lush landscaping and loaded. $2,750.000.
Phyllis Staines, 904-476-SOLD. RE/MAX
Coastal Real Estate.
1 bedroom condo in desirable
Gate Parkway complex. 3rd floor,
spreened lanai, wood preserve view, Lori Lareau
i ,,.f immaeulatecondition.,,..i 904-868-7224 ,
.. :
to fit your credit needs. (904)425-1703.
"" "'** ^.
the N !
.-, C .E .
,..i^,.H ,
Fixed Rates
Call us today!!
Personalized mortgage consultation and solutions.
OFFICE CONDOS. Atlantic Beach- Pre-
Construction prices. Great location at the
beach. Unit sizes start at 625sf. Ideal for
the small business owner. Larger units al-
so available Call John Wolfel, Licensed
R/E Broker 699-8887.
JAX BEACH. Warehouse with office.
Multi-purpose use. Near public boat ramp,
1800sf. $1500/mo. Call lor details.
Condos. Atlantic Beach. Close to all major
access routes. Now accepting reserva-
tions. Call Mark, The DIIworth Realty
Group ofl Vanguard GMAC. 591-6976
$550/mo includes utilities. No smoking.
BLOCK TO beach 2BR/1BA, upstairs,
WDHU, new CH&A, new carpet, new
paint, 126 8th Ave South. No pets.
CH/A, WDHU. East of 1st St. $650-
$795/mo 241-RENT.
NEPTUNE BEACH, one block to ocean,
2BR/1BA, 1 year lease, NO pets, 800sf..
includess W/D, $1000/mo. +$1000/sec.
dep 918 A First Street, between Bay &
Pine. Call 246-8970 or 591-1218.
Townhouse. $850/mo. 1 mile west of May-
port terry. 733-5225, 241-RENT.
MOBILE HOMES. $500 to $550, on pri-
vate lots. Near Mayport Naval Station, no
dogs, 333-5579.
2BR/2BA w/ garage & ocean front deck.
18th Ave North. J.B. $1100/mo. 742-5504.
LUXURIOUS Pelican Point 2BR/2BA,
available now. $1700-$2600/mo. 3 month
minimum rental. (904)241-7206.
NORTH JAX Beach. efficiency $4851mo,
-1BR $585/mo., 1 block from ocean, pool.
No pets. 249-5368.
JAX BOH, 228 A 12th Ave N. 1BR 1BA,
1.5 blocks to beach, $690/mo. 803-3099,
JAX BCH, 2 blocks from ocean, 2BR/2BA,
upper, carpet, ceramic tile, WDHU. front
porch. $985/mo. TDO Management Serv-
ices. 246-1125.
$675/mo. Includes utilities 1028 North Ist
St. 280-7776.
NEW COZY 1BR, deck w/ocean view,
CH&A. Water, sewer, garbage included.
Credit check, No pets. $750/mo 514-8530
JAX BEACH. 2BR Apartment, near
Ocean. CH&A, WDHU, no pets.
$795/mo.+ $400/dep. 246-3130.
In Neptune Beach. Two full baths. CH&A.
dishwasher, screened balcony overlooking
park. $775/mo.+ deposit No pets Call
Available immediately 3BR/2BA home in
beautiful Fiddler's Marsh in Ponte Vedra.
Fully carpeted thru-out. Top school
district. Includes tennis & pool with short
run to beach. $1295/mo. plus deposit.
references required. Call Days 403-9297
or 502-2840, Evenings 285-8325.
JAX BEACH, 2BR/1BA. 2 Blocks to
OCEAN, CH&A, $825/mo. 407 South 2nd
Street. 616-2871. ,
OCEANFRONT 2BR/1.5BA. Lovely Town.
home. Bamboo floors, granite counler-
tops, stainless appliances. Community
pool, 2 Oceanfront balconies No pets
$2000/mo 2233 Seminole Rd. #19, At-
lantic Beach. 246-2797.
Pa u 4BR
"lual-ADQU lvlwn ]MQ~~--~~--
vallutlard G
Emommmillmol~il ~~w R*81i -~
Iinuarv725. 20l06
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
2BR/1.5BA townhouse, ceramic tile floors,
CH&A, WDHU, 1.5 blocks to Ocean. 1st,
last, deposit. lyr. lease. $975/mo.
Donna Ross Real Estate, Inc. 246-4862.
3BR/3BA, large' office, Neptune Beach.
Large Oceanfront deck, newly renovated,
washer/dryer,' C&/A. Private setting.
$2100/mo. 294-6094.
ATLANTIC BEACH townhouse, 369
Aquatic Dr., 3BR/2BA, $950/mo.+ dep.
JAX BEACH. 1116 1st STREET.South.
2BR/1BA, CH&A, washer/dryer. $895/mo.
21-9751 803-3099nQQ
.-.. CHARMING 2BR/1BA, 1.5 blocks from
ATLANTIC BEACH Duplex. 2BR/1.5BA, beach, ocean views from all east rooms,
washer/dryer, hot tub, fenced yard. Near newly renovated, $1295/mo. includes util-
Town Center. $975/mo. (904)269-7550. Itles; 249-0903 -
....r h
Don't Tell...
_",m -" A.,-' II --m v=.... ". _
$ -975 '17' Grabd laxi-adg Blv '' 2/2J '.' .1150'
1050 113Belleza ontVedra" 1150
.1100 607 V'aIofMarshLaidingPon2e Vedra 2/2 1087.
$1300 7 Wilow P 1.7PonteVeda. J. 2/2 1450 '
,$ I 00 1702l iolar.h,Landing' ax Beac .'/2'-'. '-1300
$13 00 403 Tournamemn RoaA PotVera/Faifielf 2/2' 1200I .
$136 J1'6a PasadaCirr r -Pdnte Vedra%.,,'- 4 ,1 3/2.5', 16
1,-.350 bi an Po Vedra 3/2 17
Sl400 6"2 10' Place Soulth Jax Beash :b 3/2 1335
15 16 oT ivteVdra 2 1950
1500. yerCluyV ula' R:one-Vedra/ TP 2/2'' 1500 .
'56 63, ifto' Cove Noti .onte VedralSawgss;CC 3/2 1800
$j 60Q -t34( iffl1r Pond PontW19IkiQaB0lJ 1 1950
$Q i Fag Veda 3/2 1525
$1700 '-48 -Pebblebrook Dri i/Rebrook iiKena 2 1860..;....
$1800 .71.Not ... Saw a '2 1
--8 --'746,.. I. ')- ... .:;. '- l1 .'
fSp)i0,--e-7s"Rekcii Pmc:iin BgRb'h 12J 644
41800 -,21.6iOak .cOirclea koe3Ve ilu 2100
$20006 3434 Lighi-ousePointe LaeJaiiBeach 3/3 2144
$2000 '2001 'Windjiier BSoith P6nle, era ,3/35.+.ofc 3009 '
$200 211 ra.Vista: Aanic Beach ''3/2 5
$2300 5431 RutileDri e' Ponie edra '2100
$2400 59'SiiseTDnrve Poneyedra 3/2.5 2900
$2400:. llLakeJuiiabDneNo-li.P"iie'Vedri/SawgraiusCC 3/3+ olbft 2800.
$:900 703 The idrk- Ja.Beach -3/2 1829-
$3200' 1316 turte DuesCtf ,''S Ponte Vedra 5/4' '3800
$3900 "24 Laurel Lane iPodteVe aPatibn-.3V4.5 *3361' Y
$1400 The Col .' Pe Vedra .. .2/2 1100 "
$51/ 1K 2500/ ilS Pte-i P'EicA RATE) S.Ponme Yedra 4/2'.5 2100
$i'600/\\k The Retreat .. .Po6iteVedra/Oceanfrontl2/2j 1600
$2000 '318 Deer Run' '. ',asawrass/Co'ntry '`ub. 3/3 2200 .
.$2000 V is Del Mar a -e'ach/Oeans.'.e." 1.700
$2200 D101Beach House ', PortceVedra Blvd. .3/2 1500
$2400 7 Ave .'orth /ipobl Jax-Beacl 3/1.5- 1500 '
$2400 Fairfield Cottage Faiifield/AzaleaPoint. ,3/2.5 2200do. '
$2500 562 Ponie Vedra Blvd. Pondra ra 3/.5 1700 '.
$2500 22 Carriage Lane w/pool Sawgras's/Country Club 2/2 1800.
$2500/ k T he Aqu llas', Jax Beachi/ceanfrol 3/3. 2000,
52500/- Ic72'8;:'ceafront Nept, Bc/OceaDfrni i 3/2.5 'ig'me i 2600
$2100/wk '2824 Co astaiHwy' Vilno Beah/Oc6anfront6/4 4-000''
.$2900/' o 41CaIIHjlay.vISPEOLACRATEi i 'noBealih/Oceanfronr 2, 200
$3200 16 Waikers Ridge i-.'.n SawgrasCnryClub 4/. "2200
$3400 7,03 Tl6Lndm nari i Bc '' 3/2. ,1- ,829 '
$3500 163 Sea lHailmbr'k ;ridP.oneerdio nir 2.2 + den .1800,. '
Other funlshed opeartsalaso avIlable
w t cid6n .ReaiEstate.ddom''
'. 228 'Pont8 ,a ar,-Dr. St 0
P$ 5 teVecira, ea6, FL 32082
'91.04) 285-28-82
ATLANTIC BEACH. 2-story, 2BR/2.5BA+
loft. Selva Lakes. Beautiful lakeview.
Vaulted ceilings, plush carpeting, wallpa-
per throughout, fireplace, 2-car garage.
Washer/Dryer on 2nd floor for conven-
ience. Call 861-4636 and press 61190 for
more Information. $1400/mo.+ security.
ATLANTIC BEACH, Ocean and town can-
ter, 2' blocks. Large 3BR/3BA townhouse.
Excellent condition. 'No Pets. $1550/mo.
360 East Coast Dr. 241-3609.
2BR/2BA townhouse widen. Energy effi-
cient, LR, DR & kif. Skylights, deck, CH/A,
'WDHU, new carpet & tile, Corian counter-
tops. $1000/mo, $700/dep. No pets. 102
Poinsettia St., Ati Bch. 241-2624.
'1 -
NEPTUNE BEACH, 1 Block from Ocean.
Small 1BR/1BA, some utilities Included,
$600/mo.,- dep Call after 3pm, 514-4229.
LARGE 1BR, excellent location, 2 blocks
to Ocean, very clean. No peals. $650/mo.
642-1214, 241-1219.
JAX BEACH 2BR/1.5BA, spacious town-
house, 1 block to beach Immaculate,
freshly painted and new carpet. $975/mo.
Call 242-9195.
4-plex apt. 1 year lease, $600/mot- depos-
it. 91 Stanley Rd. (904)294-8054.
BEACHES. PALMS At March Landing
3BR/2BA, all new, hardwood & Tile. Up-
graded kitchen, fireplace, washer/dryer in-
cluded. $1350/mo.+ dep. Call 759-3140
to view.
2212 S. 1ST St. Clean & quiet 1BRi/BA.
fully equipped kitchen. $800/mo
JAX BEACH, 4 blocks from ocean,
2BRi1BA, CH&A $700/mo plus deposit.
514-4229 Owner/broker.
1BR/1BA, great location, steps to beach
and close to shops, 1204 1st St. North,
$625/mo. Available immediately. Call Mar-
go at 463-0343:.
fenced yard. appliances,.WDH
$1250/mo. 626-3780
BEAUTIFUL HOME .On Goil. Course,
Windsor Park:. 3BR/2BA, $1550/mo.
.993-4140,, Lori.
ATLANTIC BEACH-- newer, -.beautiful
lbwnhome,- '3BR/2.5BA, 1car garage,
smal ll-nrfen cd ard 1'5I/mon Reallonr
JAX BEACH. 3BR/2BA. wood floors, im-
maculate. 321 9th SI North. $1399/mo.
2-car garage, huge den. huge lot. pool.
$1200/mo. 307-2241.
lace, no dogs, available Feb 1st. 1539
enlln Drive South $1150/mo.+ $1000
deposit. 249-3214 or 945-3303.
6 Blocks To Beach, 3BR/1 5BA. hardwood
floors. real nice, $1250/mo with referen-
ces. (904)993-6448.
ATLANTIC BEACH Townhouse. 2025
Seminole Rd 2BRJ2BA, 1/2 block to
Ocean Loft office, caihearal ceiling, great
deck, garage, washer/dryer $1450/mo.
813-2430. 246-5520
DEERFIELD LAKES Condo, 2/1. no petls,
The Palms, 2/2 condo, approx 1200st,
beautiful, great amenimes. avail now.
Summerhouse 2/2 condo, galed comm.
lots of amenities Avail. now. $995/mo.
Lg 312. lots ol tile & Pergo wood Iloors,
4/2, 2 car gar., Ig yard, avail. 2/10/06,
4/3 wl bonus room, avail. now
3/2, 2 car gar.. Immaculate- ready nowl
Lg 4/2, 2 car gar., comm. pool, near
schools, $1595/mo.
Executive home, brand new, 2600sf,
4/2.5, gated comm., $2200/mo.
. 4/2 plus two 1/2 Oaths, 2800sf, avail.
1/15/06. price includes lawn -service
Lg. 3/3 with bonus room, includes lawn
service avail now. $1700/mo.
Lawn Tennis Lane. nice, open 3/2, 2 car
gar avail now. $1050/mo
(2) Brand new 3/2 condo, 1100sf.
New construction- 3/2- 2 car garage.,
1558sf, $975/mo. avail, now. 11718 Deep
Springs Dr.
3/2. 2 car gar, less than 2 yrs old, off Yel-
low Bluff Rd. (Dames'Pi. area) Avail,. now.
$1150/mo. -
241-5501 OR 221-1711.
*2BR/1.5BA TOWNHOUSE, ceramic tile
floors, CH&A, laundry room, patio, fenced
yard, 1 yr. lease, no pets, $950 deposit,
$900/mo. 2104 Bay Rd. Neptune Bch.,
993-1114 or 270-1284.
ATLANTIC BCH 2559 Americas Cup Cir-
cle E. 3BR/2BA, hardwood/ carpet, 1-car
garage washer/ dryer, fenced yard, com-
munity pool, $1050/mo. + deposit
3BR/2BA, CH&A, large fenced yard. 534
16th Ave. N. $1300/mo. 710-8083.
S. JAX BCH 3BR, SHORT walk to ocean,
convenient location, hot tub, private lot.
$1475/mo. 568-8700
WEST BEACHES, 3BR/2BA, 2car garage,
WDHU, eat-in-kilchen, 1500st., large
fenced yard $1250/mo. TOO Mgmt. Svc.
37 Sandra Drive 3BR/1.5BA, garage,
fenced. $1175/mo. Includes lawn service.
Broker/Owner. 249-8766. Call any day.
Security deposit equals 1/2 rent.
comer lot w/lence, new tile, fireplace,
$1350/mo. i-dep: 280-1994.
Beach. 1BR furnished. Long or short term.
$1100/mo. Will rent unfurnished with long
term lease. 403-1695.
PONTE VEDRA 1BR/1BA, 2-story. Gated,
amenities, resort atmosphere. $1050/mo.
PVB- GRAND Cay, 2/2, W/D, gated, gym,
pool. $1050/mo. 285-9324.
OCEANFRONT. 1BR/1BA. 811 South 1st
St., Jacksonville Beach. 2nd tloor. WDHU,
pool, newly remodeled, & beautiful. Every-
thing new, Including appliances, solid sur-
face counters, & 'cabinets. $1299/mo.
Furnished,. $1499/mo. Call for appoint-
ment, 463-1036.
PONTE VEDRA..Walk To' Beach. Furnish-
ed' 1BR/1BA, water-to-golf view pool,
tennis. $1250/mo. includes utilities.
luxurious condo at Jax Beach. Ftirnished
or unfurnished. $1750/mo. Call 465-4101.
OCEAN FRONT (Ocean 14) beautifully i -''*"r -ll
renovated, furnished, 3BR/2BA w/storage AMERICAN PITT Bull Pups. Black male
und. $2495/mo. (904)571-3877. & white female. $300/ea. (904)535-0339.
'THE RESERVE,- Point Meadows BLUE PITBULL, (ADBA), pups, excellent
2BR/2BA,. Gated, Pool, Spa, Fitness bloodlines & confirmation. Now taking de-
Center. $1000/mo. 260-1961. posits, (904)635-3319.
PONTE VEDRA 2BR/2BA condo, com-
pletely renovated, top floor w/golf course
view, long or. short term .lease, furnished
.or unfumished. near Sawgrass & Golf
course. "Amenities included. Call
2-STORY Townhome, balcony, fireplace,
washer/dryer, dishwasher; CH&A; ceramic
tile, 'Berber, 2BR/2.5BA, '$1395/mo.,
(904)333-8462. .' .
OCEANVIEW 1BR furnished condo, near
3BR/2BA First Street Grill. 'Pool. $850/mo.+ 1mo
HU, CH&A. deposit. 247-8916'afler 6pm.
2BR/2BA, .$1050/mo. Beautiful. Fireplace,
vaulted ceilings, newly renovated. 'Many
amenities..Available now. Realty Execu-
lives, 273-3939 610-6460.-
MARSH COVE,. PVB. 2BR/2.5BA. .804
Marsh Cove Place. $1050/mo. +deposit.
HOMELESS PETS for adoption- Cats &
dogs. 246-3600.
LOST BLACK female cat (Rascal), green/
gold eyes, 81bs, Selva Manna, 246-8417.
LOST DOG, Whealton Terrier has micro-
chip, needs medication,, only 9 weeks old.
Please contact me 716-4881, 645-5558.
or 249-1672.
BEACHES AREA: Players needed for 9
and under weekend travel baseball leam.
For more info. call 651-1405.
HUNT ELK, red stag. whitetail, buffalo.
Season opens 3/31/06. Guaranteed hunt-
GAT.IC- -BEAO/. 'Oak 'Harbor,, oned.Callune994:3608.' (904)631-1245.- .. ng un., e.uu- upy
T (904) Pay Policy. Days (314)209-9800-
3B241-2261 ,1247 Sunpee 11/m PONTE VEDRA. Nice 3BR/2BA WDHU SUMMER HOUSE, PVB, 1BR/1BA w/5 evenings. 4)293-0610. 9
enced yad, garage. $1275/mo star amenities, washer dryer included
BR/1BA,GARAGECH&A, ne, tile& 280-5142 yard, garage $1275/mo golf side $900/mo. Call(904)318-1880. FREE PUBLISHINGblGuider
aystmre selce' i covered lana ATLANTIC lBEACEXCLUSIVEMIRAVISTA- tlantic Blvd @ weeks and have available or sale world-
sWIDU Iwal w'to bit he, s sand jg- RmodA d L C 3BEACH 2-bloc1kstoOc.Nea l the Intrpcoastal Watenrway,. 3/4B. 3.5BA, wide. ,888-232-4444 ext. 1738 or
JWDRHU;,Walk-to bodch, schools and log, Remodeled 4BIf/3BA. 2-blocKs t. Ocean approx./f r or /8
gri park."$'1375. 3-7264' Town Center. $1850/mo 249-0767, stylerox. livin00sg, waive rviw-a-ares
Vig s. styla. living, 'live.: '.'am.on.g milion-a-i--s. .-'
VILLAGES OF PABLO 3BR/2BA, CH&A, 318-0044. ,, $2500/mo. includes garage water,
fenrcddrAid kitchen-equipped,. screened' WEST BEACHES, .12303 Bioad Wing Dr: sewer, cable,, pool, spa; cldbdo'6useI fl,
porch,"' fireplace' community club, 4BR/2BA, executive 'bncK home. health club, Manna Walk, gated cmmuni- YOU are ein ert und
.t .no 0,Lop ,Ai $1409/q4o t R jbjG,9 2.619ml0,.9,1 .7
FIREPLACE3BFf65BAlencd ybl aal .af "-e-ail:T classfieddb6achsfade ch i
ATLANT[IC--BEACH. 3BR/2BA WDHU Blocks Io Ocan. $,1250'mo..662-2648. V, a 1 B rem -
g334'318 ". es of. Mayport Rd. ATLANTIC BEACH',OCEANSIDE Town- eled, new appliances, S890/mo' reduced "
'-4 -128. ": ",-- house, 3BR/3.5BA,, 2450sf, double ga- deposit. (904)318-7271. ARRESTED? ALL criminal defence felon-
ATLANTIC BCH/-Mayport, 3BR 2BA, 2 li- rage, pool, $2200/mo 247-1270. pA ir msd eano sator al
.VPB- SUMMERHOUSE, 1BR/1BA Fire- ies, misdemeanors, sate or federal cahrg-
ingrooms pus.Donus rooms, very niceB
,Renovtd-. $1100/mo" 233-1346.'
NEPTUNE'-"BEACH, walk to' Ocean.
I3BR/2BA, -1400sf.,. new carpet,, garage,
stdrage shed, LR, DR, eat-in-kitchen, lawn
service: '$1'300/mo?. TDO Management
Serichs.'246-1125.. ,.
'LARGE'HOUSE. 3-4', Bedrooms, 30ft. to
Ocan:, Partlally, -fumished, no dogs.
$2500/mo. datler Iriclded. (904)249-3419,
:(904)4630222. .
:ATLANTIC "BCH" 1365 'Seminole Rd.
:3BR/2BA; $1300/mo, 246,5395.
'PVB SAWGRASS,,Counitry. Club 2/2 +
denf- water, fto' golf view $1,850/mo' Call
Susan. (904)514-7150:.
JAX'BEACH: 'beautiful, 4BR/3 5BA, 2-car
garage granite, ,2800sf,. $1999/mo.'
496 upper 8thAve. Soulth. 534-2120.
JAX,.BEACH; 3BR/2BA,; pets'OK. Fenced
yard. $1490/mo. 237-7198, 607-9332.
PVB, SEASIDE, 'uhfum.,.' 1875sl, 3/2,
frplc., W/D,.iscr.,por.,'private beach ac-
cess,,boat/..RV storage, c9mm. pool & ten-
nis. $1650/mo plus,util. 904-651 t0164.
2BR/1BA, ceramic tile throughoutt, great
locatliorni64 .5th,Street 'West. $900/mo.
465-2163 .
JAX. 'BEACH,,t4'.' 35TH. Ave.. So.,
'BI,/1 .5BA'."Cose to Beach'. Clean'; qui-
et,,,(90)8b03 ,34;. .424 .,. ,
,IAI.PTON -SOUTH:, St. John's County.
'New' hom,;', 4BR/2BA.on lIake and golf
d ie',l, '1' apl!incas3 washer/dryer,
ibilnd,. :grahilte;'cotintdr' tops Community
.amehifl ss-Yfr11,651-,,'',Garrison "'Drive,
$1500/mo. 'Ialty;Executlves. 273-3939,
,610-64660 *'.,,.. ., ,*'*, .
JAX- BEACH4'2800sf,..'4BR/3.5BA. tile.
ga nite, 2--car;arage; 496 Upper, 8th Ave
South, $1999/mo. 534-2120.
[ ~ ~ L Ii "4k~:' "
ATLANTIC BEACH. 3BR/1.6BA, excellent
condition. CH&A, WDHU. $1150/mo. 333
Sargo Rd. 219-6817. .
3BR 2BA Executive home in galed com-
. ,munity. Berber carpet, wood & stone floor-
ing, fireplace.'lncl.'lennhs, pool, clubhouse,
lawn'care & W/D. .Nodsmoking..$2100/mo.
Available 2.1/06: .(904)223-2933- or
ATL' BCH, 2BR/1BA, kitchen equipped,
WDHU, '1000st.,' large e fenced yard,
$925/mo. TODO .Management Services.
.246-1125. '' '
JAX BCH, 3/2, 1350si, LR/ DR/. Den, kit.'
w/ tile'lloor, Blast bar, W/D conn., 2 car
gar., $1200/mo. TDO Mahagement Serv-
ices 246-1125.
place, washer/dryer. All new. 900/mo.
534-4060.: -. ',' .' ': .
LIKE NEW .2BR/1BA-Condo w/ocean
view, 1.5. blocks. to ocean,. Jax ,Beach,
$1000/mo. 904-537.-4732. ,
home, fireplace, fenced yard, garage,
WDHU, community ,' o "$1250/mo,'
57115517. -' "
JAX-BEACH. Steps to: Sand; on I1st St.
3BR/2BA;'.-rvasher/dryer,'-large'i balcony.
1400st. Great location. $1550/nmo:-+dep.
.537-5071, 881 730 -
SAWGRASS1 2BR/2BA,, on water w/golf
views, -beach access, .newly remodeled.
$1600/mor. 472-5347.: ,
OCEAN FRONT .3BR/2BA condo,'. avail
4/1, 219-2481. ,, .-.;:' '..',
es parole, probanon, uI, traic iCKetS.
Bond-reduction.Private attorneys state-
wide, '24 hours. A-A-A Attorney Referral
Service (800)733-5342- 24 hours..-
DIVORCE $275-$350. Covers children.
etc.-Only one signature required Excludes
govt. leesI Call weekdays (800)462-2000
ext.600. (aam-7pm) Alta Divorce, LLC.
Established 1977.
Notice is' hereby given that'pursuant,to the
'Self Storage Facility Act",Florida Statutes
Section 1, Part IV ofChapler 83, Laws of,
Forida 1982; the personal property cop-
sisting of clothing, personal items and
household goods of:
SJB'. 3BR/2BA, 1380sl., fireplace, 1191 BRAND' NEWI .1BR/1BA. luxury' condo, Yolanda M. Macon, Jacksonville Beach,
Osceola Ave. $1250/mo. +dep. Day or $825/mno..(91,6)622-3754.. A092, 10xl0,.fumiture, misc.'boxes.
nite. 399-2070., '. '. WATERFRONT, LUXURIOUS 3BR/3BA Christopher J. Krzesniak, Atlantic Beach,
ATLANTIC BEACH.. Beautiful a i' w/office 2700sf. condo. Located.on Inter- 6B247 5x5, misc.. boxes, lapn mower, fur-
BR/2.,LA iO= sI..n. uu $1p29/ o 'Cual cs in Mra' Vista development., nitur. microwave television.
4BR/2.5BA, 1800s. $1295/mo.- a oasfl ie's ali 'th r tou AnnetteB. Williams, Atlantic Beach, B184,
904382-102. boatslip. Fordelails .call:398-.9080 x2 1 5x10, misc. boxes, washer, fumiture.
JAXBEACH. 3BR/1BA. hardwood floors .-. ,- .. .' ',-' --.- Jacki Martin, Atlantic Beach, C309; 0x15,
washer/dryergarige fenced' yard Walk OCEANFRONT-' JAX Bch, 2/2, furnished, misc, boxes, furniture. 1
to Beach. $1350/r, o._- security .2.19 9237 beautiful views. 5th Floor.. $1700/mo .1 mo. Lorraine Davison, USS JFK, D437, 10x20,
to Beah.. 15,,,. eunuy,9-9 minimum. 571-6678 refrigerator, washer, dryer, misc. boxes,
HODGES AREA-. 3B1/2BA,., -.1350/mo, I. 2 .misc. furniture.
13031 'Bentwa er, Dr Includes, security DELIGHTFU. 2BR/ A ownome At- Rhonda J. Bay, Atlantic Beach, 'D406,
System & lawn service. Realty Executives,, tracliv e. o ts l .-5x5 misc. boxes :
.273-3939,6.10-6460 .go.d, gu oIpoiN6',sroKn 'p.,$. _o,- He6rnicks. Contracting, Jacksdrnville
S. 6'. 1 0. secudty.Backgronud check.' 2418706, Beach, D496, 10x20, tools, misc. boxes
MAYPORT,;4BR/2BA, garage, -large yard, ,463-8030.-' ." ,; ., .. ; -,
close to base, very clean. $1150/mo. OrN n ,'2BR/sr '-roh lake' Will be sold or'otherwise'disposedlof at
viw, po234-4989. ol,'lennis.4'R1I00m6.o234-4939.. 10:00'AM,.Saturday, February 11, 2006 to
S'WANTED- o RENTER efo PonteVedraA-- I ,..2.... satisfy lien(s) for past due 'rent(s) cost and
A TTEnR N^R tr V 2 BLOCKS to beachnewerupdated-2/2,1 lees. Disposition; will .take placeRat:. PAn
plus, Townhouse, new designer kitchen balcony, consider ,. ease Oons. Am 'MiniSt'ge 2383' Maypot Rd, At-
and bath o3BR/2 5BA, 2000sf, screened $120o, 6 monthsMplts.2'p466-7343, Intcd.At-
porch/ storage, no' oke, no pe. .$1250/mo 6 months pus'463-7343,. lantic Beach, FL 32233. Pan Am Mini
.$1350'mo. (904)571-8449. ,. ,, Storage reserves theright to reject any
$150mo. (9045 and all bids and establish minimum bids to
'[Ijn I i I'1:11,CA compensate'for all costs.',
-----: .------------- ,, OCEANFROOT CONDOS' &,-.!:.Beach- 1 '
----lii hbmes .,Wekly/monthiy Vsit,6 us at: BL 1/25, 2/1/06.
jaxbeachrentalhcorn' or 535-3911' or -
'535-3828. ... .. n n i .. ,
2BR/2BA CONDOS. Beautifully furnished.
Prime beaches locations. Sfor term or
yearly. '8875005. .. -'
OCEANFRONT;: 1 Bedfdrom Weekly or-,
moithly. Pbol.- (904)'463-7343.- "/. "
S. JAXBch.'.2BR, fully furnished, obean-
Iront condo.,' Monthly/ Weekly. 241-0267. -
. Luxury furnished 1..& 2 Bedroom Suites
High Ouality King Beds.
Equipped Kitchens.
2nd.Street,& 5th Ave. South ,
(904)318-0144 / 249-0767.
ATLANTIC BEACH.. Beautifully furnished
3BR/2BA, 2-car garage. Walk to Ocean.
$1850/mo. 607-4401.. ''
4BR/4BA, weekly; monthly, yearly. Call,
904-249-8269. '. .". '.'" .. '
Notice is hereby given that a WORKSHOP
MEETING of the City Council of the City of
Neptune Beach, Florida, will be held on'
January 30, 2006, at 7:00 p.m., in the
Council Chambers, 116'First Street, Nep-
tune Beach, Florida.
If a person decides to appeal any decision
made by the Council 'with respect to any
matter considered at such meeting or
hearing the person will need a record of
the proceedings and for such purpose
may nied to ensure that a verbatim record
of the proceedings Is made, which record
includes the testimony and evidence upon
which the appeal is to be based.
In. accordance' with the Americans With
Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Flori-
da Statute,'persons with disabilities need-
ing special accommodation to participate
In these meetings should contact the City
Clerk's Office no later than 5:00 p.m. the
.day of the meeting.
ROOMMATE 'WANTED'1 on 'let Stteet...
$500/mo plus utilities: Must pay rent when 'Usa Volpe, CMC
due, 534-0237. "P "r' -' City Clerk
ROOMATE TO share 3/2 in N. Jax Bch.
$550/mo Incl. until. plus dep. 249-1890.
'REGENCY AREA. Bedroom available.
3BR/1.5BA home. Fenced yard. $400/mo.
NEPTUNE BEACH Rooms, 2 blocks to
Ocean, furnished, unfurnmished. $525-
$650/mo. +utilities. 521-8473.
$475/mo. +$100/utilities. Non-smoker.
Call 403-5734.
MASTER BEDROOM & private bath In
manufactured home off. San Pablo.
$450/mo Incl. until. Refs plus ",dep.
BL 1/25/06
2 WHEELCHAIR arms found on 15th Ave.
South. Cal l247-3429.
CAMERA FOUND In Jax Beach. Call
242-0140. Leave message for Terry
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
PRIVATE ROOM & Bath, 1 block to
Ocean. $500/mo. +1/2 utilities $500/de-
posit Call (904)860-9240.
the Intracoastal Waterway, 3/4BR, 3.5BA,
approx. 2700sf. Resort style living, live
among mllionalresi Looking for 2 room-
mates. $800 ea. per month, includes all
utilities, cable, .-pool, spa, health club,
Marina Walk, gated community w/water,
marsh and marina views. Available May
'06, 40' boat slip also available. Call now
ROOMMATE: 2BR/1BA, furnished, 1 mile
from beach, $600/mo, Includes utilities,
PONTE VEDRA. Female will share
2BR/2BA, no pets, $500/mo.+ deposit.
ROOMMATE TO Share 3BR/2BA house
in Atlantic Beach. $375/mo.+ 1/2 utilities
Contact 249-4646.
JAX BEACH. 1000st Including kitchen.
$ 1000/mo + tax and CAM 608-6426.
ATLANTIC BEACH. Free standing office/
commercial/ retail building, shop, commer-
cial lot & warehouse space. Starting at
$500/mo. Free rent. (904)514-1090.
FOR ADOPTION female Wiemenener,
very sweet, well trained, 8yrs old. Must
find loving home. 234-6453.
The kennel alternative/ Providing conven-
ient, reliable care for your pets at your
home while you are away. Reasonable
rates, references. For more information
call: Doris Rosarius, 241-8967. Licensed,
FREE TO good home rescued adorable &
fluffy cat. Grey & white, lyr old, female.
Spayed. Rabies shots, Luekemia & Aids
negative. 249-5302, 249-5191.
FREE DOG, black, medium size, shep-
herd mix. Call 273-4777.
, a0_28r, 1,| 0
Page 5B
J: Ur hnihed ilHomes '" ,'L atrium -PV. 3BR/2BA SFH, porch Villas at Marsh Landing- JB
:, PonteVed ra & .-.eea ..,PY w/jacuzizl view, fireplace, comm. pool, 2BR/2BA,- ground'floor, -/garage,
5BR3.SBA, fabulous, home,.3, car a.- ... ./o.. screened .porch and fireplace. '
Garage, fince'bakad screened' ipuhi'n Bv PV .3BR/2BA home has
,. porch. $2950/ym6 o..' >- garage,fenced yard, neW carpet, fresh o.
SSawgrass P.C PV 3BR/2.5B pat $1400/mo. Ocean Links PV 2BR/2A, condoA
i home has screened in pool, den or' llet. Beach PV 2BR/2BA, home on has garage, fireplace, porch, golf
office; hairdwoo oors.$2500/mo. :goonsceened porch,fresh pat, course views. $1200/mo. <
.Msh Vie. -_ 4RI4...,. ,*te '& carpet, 2 car garage. $1400/mo. "
SMarsh Vw., 28'P 0 4BSF4BA, b e 36tnh. Avenue S. JB 2BRI2BA, duplex rand Cay Villas PV 3BR/2BA, 3rd
c ,cs ato, 20 S, bm. w/screened porch, fenced, yard, garage, floor, vaulted ceilings, tile floors,
access, attach garage. $2200/m. vaulted ceilns. $400/mo. upgrades thru-out. $1325/mo.
r38e 1t S t -B.n.5B ne v u .niscin Homes. 1$3/mo.
three stry -town Bome newl Palms at Marsh Landing JB
renovated, 1/2 block to bch,;garage. o ..s P 3BA Co, 2BR/2BA, ground floor w/garage.
$1800/mo. fr$3000/mo. $1050/mo.
Q i -P.i across 3rom f ed 0 n po
S Qua int PV 3BR3BA. Home : tracastalWest 3BR/2BA, 2nd floor, top end unit,,
s has screened porch, decks, wood Point Oat. PkiyBR/2BA, screened porch, fireplace. $1350/mo.
floors, golfu course iVews $10/m.-I oo/L'RU
loors, golf course views. $17-50/mo. 4th floor condo, elevator,.great condition, 922 I' Street S JB 2BR/2BA
132 Il" Ave..S. JB 3BR/3.5BA, screened porch. $950/mo.. B 2BR2BA
^ Three story townhouse w/ga.rage, Avauti kena. 2BR/2BA, 2nd floor ground floor, attached garage, porch, I
T many-balconies. $1650/mo. condo all 'appliances,' great. amenities. newer building. $1800/mo.
Solano Cay PV 3BR/2.5BA, Two $995/mo. "
S story home, new carpet, two car garage, Unfurnished Condos
Sfrsh aint, fireplace,'screened porch. Smuneilhouse PV REIMAX COASTAL REAL ESTATE
S$1600/mo. Newly renovated, new carpet, baths, Shannon Smith
'Sawgrass PV 3BR/2BA, spacious .kitchen, tile and great amenities. (904) 285-5640
home w/two car. garage, fireplace, IBRI1BA, Villa $1000/mo. I
e. recently updated. $16p0/mo. ... 2BR/2BA, gro0iind flpor $1175/mO. .
S ,q ,. ., ', ," ,, W 'W
r 'r .r^^^r^ .^ ,,^^- ^^ ^ ^,--
jalual XVVV
; ~ : .- ;
Panop 6B
A "r,%
Private Spanish lessons offered by an
experienced teacher from Spain: All levels
taught. Fast and efficient mellbod Classes
are fun and-creative. Also available Is a
crash course for travelers who want to
Improve Iheir language skills. Translation
services available. Call (904)651-3053.
Energetic, .flexible/ multi-task person.
Transportation with valid FL driver's li-
cense a must. Hours 6pm-10.30pm or lai-
er. Call Wanda or Debbie after 2pm.
285-3400 x3352.
keting Company. Flexible hours. Pleasamnt
phone skills,, basic computer skills,
background in. ACT, Word, Excel. Call
VAN DRIVER. No CDL required 7:30.
..9:30am, 2-4pm.'Fkee child-care. Beaches
Academy, 1725. Pennan Rd. 246.3885,.
OFFICE ASSITANT w/professional ltele-
.phone &. office_.:sills. Sales experience
helpful. (9am-6p.n. Monday & Wednesday.
Soccasiona s Sirtday).7/hr+ .montlly' b6 .
-us.' No-smoki ngprieferrdd. 247-6683
HELP 'WANTED 'classilicatoris in this
newspaper are intended to announce gen-
Sulnpipurrentjob.openings. No lees may be
chargedr toi.Meiospectiie epnployee. Ads
for s6tf-empl0 menrt'o? bitsinnss opportu-
nities appear under the Business Opportu-
nities category. Ads which may require
payment of fees lor' employ/merit informan-
tion,,guidance or trailing may appear. un-
dei Job Service:.Shodld any Help Wanled
"advertiser agsk for 'a. ee'or ni the adcvertiser
is"offeridg.a product or, service rather than
.a job:opening,, please 'ndtuly The Btaches
Leader, 249.9033. .. .
makers needed for' Beacnes area Call
'Underhill todayl Ask' for Pat or Candice
,(9.!4)396-7553.. ', .
TownCenter 'looking for Sales Assoc. to
work nights and week6ndsI- Call Cathy @
645-6000 prompl 3' EOF.
-.e-dfor -nm'all cleaning business. Must. hqve
g9qa clelnirg 'skills &,own transportation.
_Leave message, 247:0326 ,' ,_
'- ',-.' .* "* ,- "
'Administrative ,Secretary, Data entry &
computer experience. IMinitnum'25.wpm.
-Good telephone skills, cLstomer Iriendly,
organizational''sKills.. Apply-Monday:Frn-
dj9Arm-4pmr 159.1'91h'Srreet,.Nprt,,,Jax
Beadh"'" .. ,.
*.- *'.. J. .
tlntic each van!'"minibus dealership.
Clean driving ecord;- abstract requiredd
Local and/ or long distance runs CDL pre.,
'. feri'r ,, but will iralr.,Ex- school/llimo drv-
S-isiw'eloni6. 'Inquire:--58 Wesi 91h-Slreet
S 241-6004 1: ,' .:
... iP/T:-SAEES -. help, needed Iof "B6aches
Healtlh'Food,'Stoie.- Sqturdays 'a must
Previous.' 'experience 'hetpltll: '.'. Call.
S. 2494372pr [axresume lo 249 2047. .
ATLANTIC :BEACH'vai/-nminibus dealer-
ship requires lor'ssisiant/ Driver. Valid
drivers license-with .clean driving record
: -Ag 21i' nquire: 58 Wes '9tbt Sreet or
- : 2.41-600.14 ;.' ." *. ,
MODELS 'WANT'ED' for gh qua!ty:(e
r. male'-fashion phobography_. Good; pay-per--
session Expenence' not required'-
Sales Associate. Reliable sales help for
our Beaches fine jewelry store. Retail
sales experience needed. 20-30/hrs week,
on regular basis, Including Saturdays.
Please fax your resume to: 247-8003.
only. $15-$20+"per hour. Need reliable
car and clean driving record. 247-FOOD..
CHILD CARE Worker. Accredited center
links to literacy program. CDA preferred.
Siartingi $10/hr. Come join our team
Beaches Academy, 1725 Penman Rd.
transportation. 10yrs. exp. in residential
and commercial work. 510-$12/hr.
location ,Word Perfect/ Word, reliable,
OFFICE ASSISTANT for growing Beach
Company. 24-32hrs/wk. Requires: Phone,
Computer skills with Microsoft Office &
QuickBooks,' Bookkeeping & Public Rela-
tions. (904)237-6655.
Loves people and computers,' attention to
derail, team player. 1 morning position, 1
afternoon/ evening position. Fax resume
246-8105 -...
busy real estate office. Hours negotiable.
Cail 285-4884 x122.
design liim. Experience should Include
A/R; A/P,.GL, PR, and admin tasks. Re-
quired skills include.proficient in Microsoft
Oflice programs, Peachtree accounting.
'Fax resume to (904)249-0019,. Mall re-
sume to W.G.C.D.'.P.O..Box 328,'PVB., FI
in' person, Gi(vanni's,'1161 'Beach Blvd.,
Jax Beach. 249-778.7.
MUST 'LOVE DOGS. Do walker/bather,
kennel cleaner, 20/hrs/wk. Some early
am, late pn;-, & weekend hrs. required.
Apply In person' San Pablo Anim. Hdsp.
1 3185,AtIl.Blvd. 221-6783 7'
ing Servers, .Beverage' Cart Attendant,
and Djshwashers:, Mut be.outgoing and
deparndable.' Phone. 904-246-4827. email:, or apply
in'person. ,, .
Caddie Master
is looking. for service
orbiented Caddies to
work -a premier
facility in. Roj-te Vedra
Beach. GIf knowledge
is required. Year-round
part-time dand' full-time
poSitions available..
$400-$700 per week.
AIS6 -Ijnterviewing-- for
managenm-ent positions.
SPlease call
- i
*Sagrass W.Ni'i."nhae tic As 0 -
g ass e.flf'b-.
compensa ti .- and n 'a"'"'' ma a-.-, f- .or,,_-.
S mThre Tournames t Playerdu g the at
Sawn grass will be hiring an energetic staff to
work with the -Merchandise :and.,Eood ,&
oBeverage teams during tih 006i PLAYERS
Obhamnhipioli i Staff will receive monetary
compensati4th and mayi 15 qulify- for
complementary rounds o 'golf depending on
the number of shifts worked during the week
of THE PLAYERS Champioanship2 V
Please apply in-personror call. for ;
application. Contact the Professional Staff in
the Golf Shop fori Merchandise at' .
.(904) 273-3430 or Brent Biaudier ia tlhe Food
&Beverage Department 'tf(904) 273-3244
J.P.Guameri Jinim Jordan, Brent Baudier '
Assistant Golf Professionals .Firectorof Food& BeVerage .
TPC at Sawgrass ," 'TPC4it Sawgrass; '' ;',,
".- '' J
MIi I i
aJoin our t6am I' you 'cap. extel al-'rrside
sales & desire' a'lastlpaced wok' environ.
ment,' We may have.,. an 'eaellednt
opportunity for you. You Will loin a Nalion
Sal company 8 work iri'Pbnte Vbdra-Bedch
Ideal candidate 'will have 1t years experi-
ence Inside saless duslomer 'service,' or
telemarketing, & 'excellent communication
skills: Ability to handle business Accounts.
.Base pay" plus' commissions $25K plus.
FT, no evenings or .weekends Fax re-
sume: (904)285-d010 or eriai: :
jim@mediakids'com'.. .
GRAPHIC-ARTIST needed for last-pacea
Print company -Produclion, experience a
plus. Fax resume 10:246-5201.
based ta'mily office 'seeks a hignl, motiral-
- ed.and energetic individual to join ils:team
of professionals. Candidate musl possess
superior skills in MS Excel, Word, Access
and Outlook and must be prolicieni in navy
Igating the internael. Only well-spdker can-
didates With a pleasant disposition will be
considered Ior this excellent position For
further information regarding the Firm
please visit or
www.sontagfoundation.c6m. Resumes
should- be sent to
cgregory@spring-baycomn '
BEACHES CAR Wash- lull lime help
needed, Wages negotiable+. tips. Banellls
Avail Apply in person. 1401 Beach'Blvd
SERVICE PLUMBER needed exp. & val-
id DL a must. DFWP EOE 246-8330.
WE ARE expanding again and are in need
of a self- motivated plumber o1 perform
new construction & remodel work. Exp a
must. DFWP EOE. 246-8330
COMPANY AND 0/0 needed. 87 cents
per mile all deadhead paid +lsc.'Oall Don
Saltsman CTC Trucking mnc (321)639.
CARPENTERS & Helpers. Transponallon
& tools. Production=$$. 226:8576, 7am-
7pm, Johnny.
HELP DESK: Assist our.customers wiln
QuickBooks and our QuickBooks certified
billing software. Provide training and sup-
port vi6 telephone and on-line application
sharing tools. QuickBookp experience
required-,.We offer .Moh-Frl workweek,
'comrbtitive pay, great Deneills, 401K.
Email-resume to
AUTO. -'TECHNICIAN. Beaches.. ,,own
tools, driver'slicense. All 'makes & mod-
els. Contacl Aton,: 249-0311
," '" r' '. ,
CHILD GAPE Worker. Accredited center.
links. to literacy program. CDA preferred.
Starting, '$10/hr., Come, join 'out'.'teanl
Beaches AAcademny;:: 1725;:Penrnman Rd.
tendent, for established company. ,Drug
Iree work place, benefits. .241-272 i.
Lawn service seeks. individual to perform
dependable Icalit, work. Excellent jiay &
overtime available. Crew Leaders.wanted.
Perschel 'Brothes .. Services,. Inc. 246-
0967. ,
Free ro6m and board in'exchange 'fr help -
cleaning, caring.lor home, &.driving.. Must
have '-,valid Florida, .Driver's License.
716-0p98. '
RAGTIME.TAVERN, now accepting appli-
catibns for experienced Line'Cooks. Apply
in, person,. 207 1Atlanttc -Blvd. Atlantic
Beach. ,
DRIVER-' COVENANT Transport. Excel-
lent pay & benefits tor experienced dnv-
.ers. 0/0., solos, teams and Graduate Stu-
dents. Bonuses available. Refrigeraled
now available: (888)MORE PAY (888-667-
learn the trade. No exp. necc. Must have
drivers license & good drivers record. 568-
8700. ..
da. Driver's License. Experience helpful
but will train. Good salary & benefits. Ap-
ply at Surfsiae Pools, 313,Beach Blvd..
2462666 or fax resume to: 249-8801,
and Beaches. Work In teams of three.
Must have own transportation. Approx.
$175 per. wk to start. M-F no nights or
weekends. Hone Cleaning Centers of
America. (904)642-8885.
FT/PT Candidate will be outgoing, ener-
getic, organized. & dependable. Multi-task-
Ing, computer & typing skills & phone exp.
Please fax resume to (888)530-0844 or
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
LABORERS, HELPERS, Skilled personnel
(all types). Call 249-8147, or apply: 203
South 3rd Street, Jax Beach. Good pay &
Atlantic Beach Min. 8yrs. A/R/ Invoicing
both manual & computer bookkeeping.
Strong OulckBooks & Excel background.
Desire: self-motivated, analytical person
with quality phone skills. Excellent benefits
to Include profit sharing: Immediate. Fax resume
DO you want to join a winning leam. Don't
get left out. Our dnver's make $500-$700
per week. Call 249-5151 ask for Brian or
493-5250 ask for Tim Collins.
al Estate/ Construction Company. Back-
ground should include experience with
contracts, Closings, Bookkeeping and
Construction Administration This position
needs someone who is dependable, inde.
pendent and able to inlegrale with a team
All calls confidential. (904)591-5914
ATLANTIC Beach van/ minibus dealership
seeking sell-motivated individuals c2).
High year end; Entry level position, com-
puter/ Intemet literate; clean driving re-
cord. Draw vs Commission. Excellent ben-
efits to include profit sharing CDL license
preferred, but will. train Fax resume
BEACHES AREA Embroidery company
seeks machine operator. Exp. preferred
AL'S PIZZA, All locations hiring for AM &
PM Cashiers, Servers & Delivery Drivers
Pleased apply In person any location.
DRIVER- NOW hiring qualified drivers lor
Central Florida local and national OTR po-
sitions. Food.grade tanker, no hazmat, no
pumps, great benefits, competitive pay
and new equipment. Need 2 years experi-
ence. Call Bynum Transport lor your op-
portunity today; (800)741-7950.
LAWN CARE Techniclan, Growing route
w/established company Excellent pay and
Benefits. No experience needed. Good
driving record, DFWP, Call 241-7874
CDL-A O/ OPS. Great. Miles Bonuses'
* Base plates/ permits paid Regional home
time weekly Settlements twice
weekly Fuel/ passenger program Jerry
'* *
SWIMMING POOL Construction. Top
pay & benefits. Palace Pools. 998-1811,
11655 Central Pkwy #313, Jax, FL
,- ..* *
'Do 'you know, how to .make SOL2000
dance or Crystal Reports sing? If so, keep
reading: DesertMicro Is growing again and
needs you. Work at the beach. Assist our
customers with our Microsoft Certified
App. Min 2 years Crystal or Access Exp.
SOL7 a plus. INot a contract. Email re-
sume to:da'vidb@desertmicro net
(8:00 am 4:30 pm)
Make a real difference
AVANTE at Jacksonville Beach, a 165-
bed skilled nursing and rehab facility cur-
rently seeks' an -articulate, outgoing indi-
vidual to greet visitors, answer phones. &
-provide administrative assistance. HS di-
ploma, 6 monlhs'clerical exp. and tele-
phione experience required Must also be
skilled. in: Microsoft 'products and nave
good multi-tasking abilities.. Copnfidenliality
and, compassion for.'the elddrly required.
Position works'Monday-Friday. Avante ofl-
fers,excellem compensation and premium
benefits including 40.1(k). Please apply inn
Sprson at: 1504 Seabreeze Avenue,
Jacksopville 'Beach, ;'-FL- 32250. EOE : ,
J.WANTED: BARTENDER, .Barback, Door-
man.:;FT/PT.. Apply.'at.2206 'Mayport Rd
221.-8848. -
-nliCOKirFlr, 10aLl,9j S1.0L$1 .00'dep'ehd-
iang-on exp..Apply in person, Ashiord Coun
'Assisted Living,; 1700. The Greens Way,
Jax Bch, FL 32250.
transportation, 10yrs. exp. in residential
and commercial work.'' $10-$12/hr
403-7389. ..', '
pany. Seeks 'exp'd Carpenters. Excellent
benefit pkg. Yea, round travel. Drug-fiee
wor place Aply)'.Www.ybc corn or Fax:
800-836-1274. '
Join our tear.,O0ur company has openings
lor'our service department. Competitive
salary. You must possess a 'good driving
record. Will train. Company, vehicle ol-
lered. Paid vacation and holidays. Come
grow with ds. Applyat 159'19th St. N., Jax
-Beach., FL'or fax resume: (904)242-9010
-* '* ,
WAFFLE HOUSE Now hiring. All shihs,,all
positions @ Mayport & Beach Blvd. loca-
tions. Call 242-8840 or 537-6530; ,or apply
Reliable.transp..'computer skills a must.
Apply.www.cts-llorlda:com' 996-0233.
.,-MAINTENANCE PERSON, "Jack/Jill oI all
trades".. Sun .Cruz Casinds, 4378 Ocean
StreetAtlantic Beach!.-'
Moye, Inc., Jacksonville, FL.. Masters
Degree In Engineering Management, 15
yrs exp. Pioficint'in 'use of MicroSlation,
- HCM, Synchro6,'.SImTraftic, .ICPR3 and
Other 'related software'With 'a working
knowledge of' Florida.' .Department of
Tr nsportatiqn standards and Jacksonville
Ci stan ards. Fax 'resume to
(954)212-0127. '
'Work'at the. Beach. We're.a Microsoft de-
veloper providing software for transporta-
tion, logistics, "dispatch, and accounting
(Heavy .prospecting, telemarketing and
lead. generation.) Prospecting experience
a' must along with strong PC skills and
ability, to Work Indepdndently: Fax'resume
to 241-7333 or email-
F/T SILK Presser Needed. Guaranteed
hours. Pnte Vedra.,285-5644.
FULL Tme, 3pm-n1prm in our new Assist-
ed'Living expanded facility at premiere re.
tirement community'. Excellent wowk envi-
ronment and benefits. Applications availa.
ble at, Reel Landing 'Security Gate, One
Fleet Landing Blvd., Atlantic Beach, FL;
Fax to .'(904)246-9447. email to' EOE/ Drug-Free
ATRIA SAN Pablo now accepting applica-
tions for F/T weekday Receptionist & P/T
weekend Receptionist F/T Bus' Driver.
Please apply in person at 14199 William
Davis Parkway, Jacksonville FL 32224
(904)821 9900.
TEACHER, CDA Certillied, 4yr. Old Class.
Warm' & loving. Teachers & Assistants
needed. FT & PT 249-0905. The Beaches
School & The Red School House.
permanent positions, starting 510/nr. Sun
Cruz Casinos 4378 Ocean Street Atlantic
PLAYERS CLUB Rep immediate opening
Sun Cruz Casinos 4378 Ocean Street Al-
lantic Beach.
Beaches Orthopaedic practice looking lotr
a full time person (40 hrs). Must be able
. to work flexible hours between 7am-6pm
Must be able to maintain a last pace with
good patient care and accuracy. Needs to
e familiar with Insurance companies, re-
ferrals, and have computer skills. Fax re-
sumes to: (904)241-7331 ATTN: Carol.
Needed Monday-Friday. Transportation a
must. 860-4062, 821-0102. '
Joseph's Italian, 30 Ocean Blvd Atlantic
FIRST CHOICE Home Improvements
Needs skilled carpenters & tree climbers
AUTO DETAILER, Detailing Manager
needed Driver's" license, transportation
required Wil Irain Experience a plus. Up
to$700/iwK 716 4413
Healinth Aides needed, FT/PT Call Carol
FRAMER'S HELPERS needed Cusiom
homes Beaches area Transportation re-
quired 868-0866
ASHFORD COURT is accepting applica-
tions lor expenenced Dietary Servers, F/T
and P/T Must be able to work weekends
Must enjoy working with the elderly in a
professional atmosphere We offer comr
peilive salaries, benehfis & bi-weekly bo-
nus plans Apply in person @ 1700 The
Greens Way in Marsh Landing Park.
perience with IIoor sales and products.
Computer knowledge required. Fax re-
sume to 247-9036.
FRONT DESK Receptionist in holistic, in
lernal medical office needed. Full/Part-
lime secreiarnia, clerical and suppon of
M D -a unique seeing. Experience re-
quired in answering priones, computer
skills, and communicalnons and public re-
lations skills required Must be enlhusias-
lic, dependable, consistent, and an excel-
lent match Fax resume with rels -no
phone calls please Persephone Healing
Ans Center, 904-246-3778.
Now firing lull time Host' Hostess for AM
& PM shi s. Apply wllnin 1018 N. 31d SI
F/T OR P/T evenings. Beaches, South-
side, Wesisiae. Must have transportation
and phone Start immediately. 273-2761.
Beaches area salon. PT'FT. 249,2254.
CPA fium exp.a must Excellent benelils &
overtime compensation. Fax resume with
salary requirements to 904-247-9918.
MA NEEDED Tor family practice, beach lo.
cation. Fax resume (904)270-2106.
SERVICE TECHNICIAN- local pool com-
pany seeking experienced service lechni-
cian Must have knowledge ol pumps, III-
lers, healers, and crlemical automation
systems, 3.5 years experience, pool re-
modeling skills a. plus Salary dependent
on experience. Excellent customer service
skills, lull benelils, 401k. Fax resume to
SutIside Pools Jax Beacri at' 904-249-
TWO HAIR slanons available lor lease.
Call 874-2525
EXPERIENCED Stylists & Nail Techs
New Hair Salon needs youl Ward more
money, more Ireedom & more fun? Call
349-2999 Ior interview
COOKS. PREP/Cooks, Food & Beverage
Supervisor. Immediate Openings. Sun
Cruz Casinos 4378 Ocean Streel Atlantic
in new salon in Neplune Beach, '2nique's.
Call 246-0041. -
'POOL CLEANER w.'valrd Flonda Driver's
License Experience helpful our will train.
Good' salary & benefits. Apply' 'Surisiae
Pools; 313 Beacn-.Blvd-, 246-2666, .or lax
resume 249-8801, e-mail: 'sursidepools .
growing childcareilearning,. center. (In-
lants-5yrs ) Must be pahtient,- understand
children! and be reliable. Performance bo-
nus. 1851 Beach Blvd 32250. 242-9645
,EOE : -
WANTED.GLASS'8,7,6 Diesbi Mechanics
with Cenilication in CATS, Cummins or
Delroit.-Musl have-5yrs: pxp' Exc' payand
confinueda raining' (8681668-9525''-' ,
.Growing Ppnte .Vedra- CPA
firmf. 'Should..posseOs -1-3'
years .experience.: with
QuickBooks, .general
ledger,' "py.roLl i -and/or
Eax.resume to
Join the crew at The
Boathouse Grill.,
Servers Barkeepers
Prep Cooks
Apply In Person
M-F 9am 3pm
2321 Beach Blvd.
"Be Part of the Best"
*PT Night Auditor
Apply at the.-
Fairfield Inn & Suites '
1616 N. First,St.
We o[fEr great-pay, paid vacauon &
personal Lime, Hea th/visibn/dental
January 25, 2006
Sr dt
m' ): :z
< -r
o -
Coastal Cab Co 246-9999
cial practice needs an administration pro
to join our congenial, professional team.
Use your -communication: client service
and organizational skills lo help us serve
our wonderful clients. Requires 2+ years
experience, strong Microsoft Office skills,
superb attention to detail and real follow-
through ability. Insurance background a
plusI Email your resume and salary history EOE
Atlantic Beach Now Hirinng. FOOD & BEV-
DISHWASHERS. Apply in person, Mon-
day-Thursday, or fax resume: 249-5959.
email gespinal@seaiurle corn EOE,
....... Expect Nothing Less
'q^rFf r Than "Five Diamonds"
Do something special for yourself today! TWork with one of the
premier luxury resorts in the world by joining the elite staff at
Pontde Vedra Inn &.Club., Our exceptional work environment is
one of the most sought after for career satisfaction.
We have the following full & part-time positions available:
Laundry Supervisor (PM)
Bell Stand/Front Desk
Security 'Officers
Retail Sales Associates
Dishwashers/Utility Workers
,Fitness Attendants
-, Grounds Laborers
Realty Weekend Receptionist
We offer an excellent benefits package including medical/dental, life
insurance. sick and vacation days, and discounts at our retail outlets, golf
course and .spa. For unmediate consideration apply'in person to
Human Resources beteieen 9am- 4pmi or forward resume to:
Ponte Vedra Inn &.Club
200 Ponte Vedra Blvd. .
Pontie Vedra Beach, FL. 32082,
Job Line: 904-280-3607-* Fax.: 904-273-7753
See current openings at:
iOceanfront Excellence
.. ".- I'! ..
January 25, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader rage t /
VENUS HAS Warehouse positions availa-
ble. 1st shift Pick/ PEck or 3rd shift Cycle
Count. Call our job line for more details.
645-6000 prompt 4. EOE.
SERVER/ BARTENDER Flexible nours
AM and PM snhris Excellent lips. Apply in,
person, The Tavern at Sawgrass 285-'
3133. '. .
LINE COOKS, & experienced Breakfast
Cook Immediate openings. Apply: The
Tavern at Sawgrass. 285-3133
SALES POSITION. Some sales experts
ence necessary Sun Cruz Casinos 4378
Ocean Street Atlantic Beach
HIRING F/T and P/T help. no weekends
Call Show Me Lawn Service 742-7769
STEINMART NOW hinng F/T & Pf/ Serv.
ice Associates. Apply in person, 3818 S
3rd SI, Jax Bch.
Hom Clener
I L Et rI .I
Bec 's/ 7nraoata
FULL-TIME, at a Premier Retirement
Community in the Health Center. Applica-
tions available at Fleet Landing Security
Gate, One Fleet Landing Blvd., Atlantic
Beac,, FL 32233. Fax 10 904.246-9447
email lo EOE/
Drug-Free Woikplace
Clean cook, laundry & after-school child
care flo active family Energetic. honest.
caring. Background .and DL check.
' or 333-6878.
r p
4 rJG
; Ml- F 77 -7 M rF77 ,
FUTON, WOOD Frame, $40. White sew-
ing machine w/cabinet, $25. 10-Gallon
Aquarium, complete $25. Bathroom vanity
cabinet, double sink, never installed, $30.
Restored, antique, 1907 piano cabinet on-
ly, upright, $150.246-1031.
TANNING BED, Woll Perfect,Sun 16D,
2003, liKe new Asking $1500 Call' Randy
(Dutchwest); small, documentation, acces-
sories. Perfect working condition. $500.
$ 85/st 30. thicker, slil in box, music seli
WALL UNIT, traditional. Ivorv. 6-1 2 .<
holds 35" TV $300 273.5236
WASHER & dryer for sale $150.ooih
Working condition. 247-3577.
TV armoire 39wx62nxt8q $95 3pc wall
until. each 34wx80hxl9,i $300 Pecan cu.
rio 20wx70hxl2d S75 Oak diming ilcie n'
4 criolled chairs $200 Glass dining lable
beveled oval rectangle $200 249-6300
NEW WINDOWS 14 *@ 32x27) and I2 1
45.-12x39-121? $40each i9041246 3343
COUCH & loveseal, new cond lighi Iropi
cal colors, Paid $1600 sell for 50i l rm
1904 651-3343
14X14 TEXTURED mar off wnile. lor wall
or floor. 140sl, $125 lor all 887-4203
LACKMOND WET Saw, 20'. $650 Pro
Drum Sander. $750. Lawn Aeratoir Les-
col. lyr old, $1500 2 Ryan Sod Curlers
18' $2900.ea BCS Rear Tine Tiller
$750 334.6091
GO-KART, 95HP Runs good $700
OBO 1904)338-5697 or 821-0830
BUILDING SALEI 'Bear nexl increase
20x26 Now $3340 25x30. $4790 30x40
$7340 40x60. $11,490 Factory Direct 26
Years Many Others Ends/accessories
optional Pioneer 1800)668-5422
AT&T PARTNER pnorie system 5 phones
inslailed for $899. 249-8877
CHERRY CABINET for 27' TV ior bar
storage) $125 Twin bed, antique hand
painted. mattress & springs, $125 Palto
table, 4 chairs $75 246-0380
BEAUTY SALON Roller can awponaile
manicure table, new, $100 386-4877
SOLID MAPLE dining lable-12 427-'
opens to 92' with 2 leaves. Greal condi.
lion. $300 992-1214
SHED 7X18 $900 OBO Work our mra
chine iCal gym). $300 OBO new $1800
SURFBOARDS HAWAII glass., nipper
model 7'10' IiI'n excellent condilic.n
$600 294 5498.
SEOE Drug Free Workplace
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WARNING. WHILE this newspaper does
not knowingly accept business opponuniry
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information or Inal refer you to 976-or 900.
pnone numbers which will result in sub-
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vertiser requires you to incur phone serv-
ice charges or pay a fee Io learn Ihe na-
lure of Ihe opponunity please repon it lo
The Beaches Leader, 249-9033
WILL PROVIDE qualiry. live-in or hourly
caregiver lor your loved one Call 631-
ELDERLY OR Sick loved ones? Need a
hana7 I can help Slaie licensed, experi-
enced, real references Call Sherry
(9041541-1214 or pager 19041949 2542.
PRIVATE DUTY CNA. will care lor elderly
Excellent rdeerences Degree. w.many
years ol exper. Call Donna, 285-0432.
IF YOU are interested in advenisrng under
Ihis category please call 904-249-9033 or
email classailed'@beachesleader corn
CLEAN OUALITY Sealv Posturpedic
King,'Oueen-size beds wiih frames
$140'$100. Can deliver 246-1832
COUCH. LOVESEAT. coffee able, end
tables, TV, dining room able, and much
more Everylhing musI go. 894-6007
GIRL'S WHITE complete bedroom set-
dresser, chesl, nighisiand, head & lool
board & manresses. Exc cond. 525C0
OBO 655-1533.
COMMERCIAL LAWN Equipment Mower.
hller. all hand lools, mucn. much more
$5500 318-6058.
WHIRLPOOL WASHER & Dryer. $75.'ea
30 day warranty. Deliver, $20 318-8173.
ROLAND STEREO mixing keyboard/ gui-
lar ampiltier, Model KC500, 15' speaker.
norn rweeler, on casters. Only slightly
used Original price $525 Asking $250
Call John or Dana at 2-16-9648.
PIANO SPINET mahoqany/ riice.c.en;
x'_llenl condidion,.$1260 OBO C. I-a ee.
nings 285.4451"
HEART PINE tongue & groove loonring
cul from antique Pine limbers Inslallahrin.
siair material FLORIDA HEARTWOOD
AUCTION Estate ol Jean Howard, prime
development RE 320.?- acres. U S Hwy
301 Souin, Sylvania GA. Roweli Auctions
Inc. 18001323.8388.
www.rowellauctrons corn 10"' buyer's
premium GAL AU-0002594.
IF YOU are interested in advenising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email ciassilied@beachesleader corn
40FT BOAT slip available at old Old San
Pablo Creek Marina, $700/mo. includes
electric. For more details. 398-9080 ext.
40 & 50ft. boatslips for rent. $700 &
$ includes waler & electric. Old
San Pablo' Miravisia, Marina. Call
2003 HONDA Shadow VLX 600. New
tires, wind-..rieid Great for new rider
$4200. 655-13491 .
1994 CHEVY Suburban, loaded,. tow
package excelleril condition KBB $4900.
a .ngq$1000 338i-924
2004 ACURA TL Awesome pearl while
car w.27 500 miles ExcellenI condition
SAll tr, bells & whistles included. $27,500.
. Under warranty Call 285-4831.
CONVERTIBLE. Aulo-V-6, Ilawless, low
mile all ophior.s Only $26.900 ;47-6588
1996 CUTLESS Supreme great condllion
190411334 -7804
1997 FORD Escort, automatic, A/C, de-
pendable. $1700 OBO. 334-5288.
Ramps All sizes! Please call for details
Robby & Greg) 962-5466
too small. Professional & Courteous.
Licensed & Bonded. Call 755-4619.
SEWING MACHINE Repa3rs Complete
lune.up. All makes, all models, $49.50.
RESUMES, ONE DAY Service. Career
guidance available 220-1481.
ACCEPTING NEW Clients in Beaches
area 10. years experience Reierences
Also. meal preperailon 241-8442
HOUSES WArNTED Serious home own-
ers only References. Call Maryann. 221-
iM1ove-in COuIr *:nice restaurants. LI-
cernsed & insured Good felerences
iBeach Hull Call lotr free estimate.
WILL CLEAN your home Reasonable. de.
perndable. insured Connie's Clean
Sweep 710.6896
Banquel Servers witn Relerences Please
call 642-2430, leave message.
GET A Clean Start in 2006 call A PLUS
CLEANING besI service best price
1904 514-8092
CLEAN TO SHINE Our company comma-
menir is 1170zK Cu-tomer Sairslaction ai
.-Arriidat', Je-Roes ie--cilean hga-rao5rl- '
r rInts e dices- new-ar.3rsitlction ahiiires.
lauranis Lawn mowing also available
Foi a ir ee esimate call 514-7009 or
(904)317-7840 We will beal any company
13 years experience Reasonable prices,
low minimum raies. weekend appoint-
mentis avaable l9044525-7419
E-simaie-. No lob too small. Call
WOOD Fernce Speciaiisl nslal, replace.
35yrs Ep'erence Relerences Mick Oul-
doa.r Enlerprses,. 241-7276 838-9599
1993 BUICK Roadmaster, loaded, A/C,
84,000 miles, good tires. $2500 cash.
95 LINCOLN Town Car Signature Series.
Black ext. black leather int., 230,000mi.,
$2000. 246-4709.
93 TOYOTA Celica, runs good, converti- 1994 FORD Taurus A/T, A/C, all power,
ble, AT, $2500 OBO. 755-5849. runs good, $1400 OBO.. 716-2586.
1986 BMW 325es. $375. 247-3939.
1996 NISSAN Sentra GXE. Immaculate
condition, low miles, automatic trans, PW,
PL, cruise, new tires, $3900 OBO.
1996 INFINITY 1-30,. black, good condi-
tion. 135,000 miles. $3000. 249-0593.
1988 VOLVO 240 Sedan. $1500 OBO.
Call 247-4600.
.998 ACURA CL. Teal, tan leather interi-
or. $6500 OBO. 241-7721.
BMW 528., 1998, 124,000mi., wnile, lully
loaded, excellent condition, BMW main-
tainea. 2nd Owner $10.500 OBO. 280-
1977 MERCEDES, 450SL, 68k actual, 2
tops, mint condition. $12,000 OBO.
6" 30yrs experience All work done by
owner. Free eslimales Licensed, insured
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email. classilead@beachesleader com
0 M .-141fir g ]
COMPLETE LAWN & Landscape Mainte-
nance. Year-round accounts or 1-lime
cleanouis. 12yrs professional experience.
Call Kirk. 1904)370-0065
Lower. oil-season prices. Free estimates.
One-time clean-ups. Mulch, pine straw,
sod. Mow, edge, trim, weekly service
available, no contract. Shrubs, tree prun-
ing. hauling Delailed landscaping, lawn
maintenance 207-4037 Insured.
ARTISAN HOME Improvement All types
Free estimates. Licensed., insured
Repairs, specializing in termite damage.
COMPLETE DOCKS and bulkheads.
wood or vinyl. concrete also available.
Please call George at 904-226-8700 or
Tripp al 904-545-9979. CGC058241.
boal slip lor rent, 40h $600, 50tt. $700.
includes potable water, electric, dock
locker, pump out. cable and phone serv-
ice available @ slip. Mobile fuel service al-
so available. Avail. May '06 463-2845.
ARTISAN MASONRY. All types. Free esti-
maies. Licensed, insured. (904)553-4663.
FORBES CONCRETE. For all your pump-
ing needs Licensed Insured. 424-6674.
Sale rool cleaning. Deck & lence
restoration. Pressure washing. Licensed &
Insured. Call Kevin. 9944-0045
dependable Ior quality repairs, service
calls, painting, improvements and miscel-
laneous lobs DAVE 246-6628.
PRESSURE WASHERS Ion rent or sate.
PRESSURE WASHERS lor rent or sale.
Tucker Equipment.,Rental 246-1330.
FAST INTERIOR painting. drywall, tlex-
lure Specialize in smaller jobs. Will work
evenings & weekends Licensed, insured,
references. 403-7389.
WV.A.. I. A .Amm,-mP.m.m __d, .. ....
2 FAMILIES. 8am 2pm Friday, Saturday.
1217 Boca Grande in Oak Harbor.
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
IF YOU are interested In advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
HOUSEWARES, LAWN Equipmenl. elec-
tronics, more. 13704 Glenhaven Court, ori
San Pablo (Covinglon Creek). Saturday
ARTISAN TILE. Install, repair, clean.
FREE ESTIMATES. (904)553-4663.
! "J.i"J B
BOOKKEEPER DO you need a book-
keeper lor your small business? Call Kim
703-6550. Exc refs. expd, nolary also
= I T|11!I 4: YM M
METAL ROOFING, Save' $. Buy direct
from manufacturer.: 20 colors in stock with
all accessories. Quick turn around. Deliv-
ery available. Toll free (888)393-0835.
1996 SATURN, 4dr., 72,000 miles, auto-
matic, A/C. $1700 cash. 334-5288.
1991 VW Golf 4-dr, needs clutch, runs
great, new tires, great gas mileage $800
O6. 349-6000.
2000 SATURN SC2, 3 door coupe, blue,
tinted windows, auto trans, under 49,000
miles. Runs great $5995.742-2354.
1.991 PONTIAC Sunbird, 5spd, new
clutch, good tires. $1200 OBO. 334-5288.
2001 CHEVROLET Corvette. Red coupe,
28,000 miles, auto, fully equipped.
$31,000. 742-0636, 384-4749.
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January 25, 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponie Vedra Leader
ProlO su ,renea
Infinity AIIstars cheerleaders recently competed in the state championships at the
Prime Osborne Center in Jacksonville. The Atlantic Beach-based team brought home
first place in the Youth and Co-ed divisions. Team members were awarded state
championship jackets. Infinity's Pee Wee, Junior and Senior teams placed second.
Pnolo suimited
Jax Beach Tsunami, a 12 & Under fast pitch travel softball team, placed second in
the ISA Winter Nationals held in Polk County Jan. 14 and 15. Tsunami defeated
seven teams en route to the final, where they lost to Pembroke Lake Bandits. Back
row, left to right: Coaches Jim Paris, Bob Britt, Phil Batchelder, Mike Davis. Second
row: Natalie Britt, Andi Stevens, Kaitlyn Reynolds, Melissa Matchett. Third row:
Alana Suarez, Ashley Collier, Paige Curtis, Amber Batchelder, Mikayla Davis. Front
row: Jaessica Paris, Anna Tarpley
Taekwondo team set to compete
Swimming lessons are avail-
able at the Beaches Aquatic
Center for all ages and all levels. .
Lessons consist of two-week
courses and memberships are
also available.
For more information phone
The Beaches Aquatic Club is a
year-round, competitive age
group swim team that swims on
the base at NAS Mayport. Call
249-4545 for more information.
Senior Golf
The Jacksonville Beach Senior
Men's Golf Association is accept-
in, new members who must be
55 or older. Dues are $20 per year.
Play days are Monday,
Wednesday and Friday, with a
tournament each WVednesday;
Call Wally Hirsekom, President,
904-249-4900; Joe Cinotti, 904-
246-0455; or lacksonville Beach
Golf Course, 904-247-6184.
,, BchIes Pilates
Tuesday and Thursdays from 9
a.m. until 10 a.m. at Ms. Hollie's
Dancin' Studio. Cost is $5. For
more information visit or
phone 234-0038.
Florida Girls Soccer Academy
FFGSAi is northeast Florida's first
exclusively all-girls, premier soc-
cer program. For more informa-
tion, visit the website at
For information on Sisters of
the Sea, an organization for
female surfers, visit the website
For information on the
Eastern Surfing Association, call
the ESA hotline at 19041 249-
9ESA or visit the North Florida
website at www.northfloridae-
Frieda Zamba, a retired com-
petitive surfer and four-time
world champion, teaches surf-
ing to girls from 12 to 60 years
old. Individual surf instruction
for beginners, intermediate or
advanced surfers starts at $60
per hour. For a schedule of surf
clinics, visit
Surfing Reports
Sunrise Surf Shop (241-0933)
and Aqua East Surf Shop (828-
4848) also offer 24-hour surf
report hotlines.
Swimming lessons are avail-
able at the Beaches Aquatic
Center for all ages and all levels.
Lessons consist of two-week
courses and memberships are
also available.
For more information phone
For information on programs
at the University of North
Florida Aquatic Center call 620-
The Beaches Aquatic Club is a
year-round, competitive age
group swim team that swims
on the base at NAS Mayport.
Call 249-4545 for more infor-
For information about
Beaches Aquatics Center, check
the website at or call 246-
Huguenot Tennis Center in
Jacksonville Beach is offering
men's nights on Mondays and
Wednesday from 6:30 p.m. until
9 p.m. and working women's
night on Tuesdays from 6:30 p.m.
until 9 p.m.
Thursday and Friday nights
offer mixed doubles competition
ans Saturdays feature match play.
Friday morning from 9 a.m.
until noon is seniors day, and
Friday evenings offer round-robin
competition from 6:30 p.m. until
9 p.m.
For more information contact
Jim Watford, tennis pro, at 247-
The Jacksonville Beach Tennis
Center at Huguenot Park, located
at 3rd Street and 16th Avenue, is
offering youth league play for kids
ages 8 to 18. This program is part
of a state and national program
called USA Team Tennis and is
administered locally by First Coast
Tennis Foundation (FCTF).
Diana Gardner is area league
coordinator. totAl o[460 players
participated in the fall and spring
programs in the Greater
Jacksonville area. Players are divid-
ed into age and skill levels begin-
ning with novice. The registra-
tion fee includes a T-shirt, winner
and runner-up trophies for each
division, and balls for all matches.
Players are encouraged to partici-
pate in weekly clinics to learn and
improve their tennis game and to
build team spirit. For details, con-
tact tennirus pro Jim Watford at
247-6221 or Diana Gardner at
247-5460; her email address is ten-
Huguenot Tennis Center
announces the following sched-
ule for its junior program:
Advanced juniors Mondays to
Wednesday from 5 p.m. until 6
p.m.; intermediate juniors on
Tuesday from 5 p.m. until 6
p.m.; Beginner juniors on
Thursday from 5 p.m. until 6
p.m. Team tennis takes place
Friday at 4:30 p.m.
For more information contact
Jim Watford at 247-6221
Contact either Linda Walker
at 472-6041 or Sandra Phillips at
273-7418 for information about
tennis at Jack Russell Tennirus
Park in Atlantic Beach.
The ATP Tennis Club offers
tennis instruction for all ages. It
also offers a regular Thursday
morning get-together on the
courts for players 50 or older. Call
the ATP at 904-285-64(00 for reg-
istration information.
YMCA Programs
For information on programs
at the Winston Family MICA,
contact YMCA sports director
Darren Buckland at 543-9622 or
stop by the Y on Landrum Lane
in Ponte Vedra Beach. Programs
also are available on the web at
YMCA Adventure
Guide Program
This is a school-year program
for which registration is ongo-
ing. Contact Lisa Brabazon for
more information at 904-543-
Year-Round Swim
Year-round registration is
ongoing. The cost to members
is $50 for registration; the
monthly fee is $45.
Submit results, photos, and
information on local athletics to
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra
Leader, 1114 Beach Blvd.,
Jacksonville Beach, Fla. 32250.
Phone: 249-9033. E-mail:
) 0
Save 20% on Your
Subscription Price
By Renewing Early
Check your first renewal notice for details.
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Athletes from Team Endeavor
will be participating in the AAU
and USSSA Florida State
Taekwon-do Championships
within the next few months.
Team Endeavor, which trains
in Jacksonville Beach, trains chil-
dren and teenage athletes for
state and national Taekwondo
competitions. Athletes also have
opportunities to compete for
college scholarships based upon
their academic and competition
All members receive funding
for their training, equipment
and registration expenses from a
variety of corporate and indiid-
ual donators. Robert Baggett,
who is the head coach of the
team, expects that this will be a
very' successful inaugural season
for the team.
Enroll in our free Newspapet i41
Education Program today!
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9'flR Mnannrt Rei Atlantir Ranch FIl
Top row, from left: Robert Baggett, Sam Kanadilo, Chris
Fulgencio, Jeremy Shafer, Joe Danish, Andy Nguyen, Erica
Tamisin, Matthew Arcangel, Todd Johnson. Kneeling: Megan
Todd, Zachary Dalton, Anthony Surles, Jason Gribbin, Peabo
Barerra, Jonathan Gribbin. Sitting: Kimberly Wilke, Jordan
Swayze, Joshua Tasney, Caitli Tasney, Brandon Tamisin, Paulo
Barerra, Jayron Gutierrez.
They make the Beaches
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