Ponte Vedra leader.
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Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076081/00001
 Material Information
Title: Ponte Vedra leader.
Uniform Title: Ponte Vedra leader
Physical Description: Newspaper
Publisher: Ponte Vedra leader
Creation Date: January 4, 2006
Subjects / Keywords: Newspapers -- Florida   ( lcsh )
Genre: newspaper   ( sobekcm )
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Duval -- Ponte Vedra
Coordinates: 30.239722 x -81.385556 ( Place of Publication )
Funding: Funded in part by the University of Florida, the Library Services and Technology Assistance granting program of Florida, the State Library and Archives of Florida, and other institutions and individuals.
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Holding Location: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
System ID: UF00076081:00001

Full Text
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Brings the new year
in, for reel


JANUARY 4, 2006

See A-9

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head for
See A-8


An edition of The BFaches Leader


Vol. 43, No. 56 Serving the communities of Ponte Vedra Beach, Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach and Mayport since 1963

Prosecutor: Mom chased, shot son

Leslie Demeniuk of Ponte
Vedra was watching Scooby-
Doo with her 4-year-old tivins
John and. James nearly five
years ago when she decided to
kill the boys, a prosecutor told
a judge in St. Augustine
On the first day of
Demeniuk's murder trial,
Assistant state attorney Noah
McKinnon told Circuit Judge
John Mi. Alexander that
Demeniuk went to a nearby

closet to look for a gun while
the boys continued to watch
the cartoons.
McKinnon said she loaded
the gun, went back into the
bedroom and looked at John in
the eye while she shot him in
the temple.
McKinnon told the judge
that the 36-year-old woman
then turned and shot at her
other son James, who was run-
ning away from his mother.
"She chased him down,"
caught him at the bedroom
door, shot him in the head
then dragged him back to the

bedside, McKinnon told the
McKinnon was arguing
against a defense motion to
exclude the testimony of the
medical examiner, who is
expected to help reconstruct
the murder scene.
Demeniuk has been in cus-
tody since the March 17, 2001
shooting death of her sons at
her father's condominium in
Ponte Vedra Beach.
Defense attorneys Bill
Sheppard and Gray Thomas of
Jacksonville asked the judge to
strike the' medical examiner's

Competitors and spectators at the Northeast Florida Croquet Association annual tournament
pause during play Sunday on the back yard playing field in Palm Valley. See story and more
photos, B-1.

Cultural Center offers new classes

Adults can try to crack the
Da Vinci Code, learn how to
make glass sculptures or form
skills in basic hand-building
with clay in some of the new
programs at the Cultural
Center at Ponte Vedra Beach.
In other new programs set
to begin, next week through
the center, children can create
three-dimensional animals
with clay or paper, toddlers.
and their caregivers can
"move to the groove>" d
teens can learn how to use a
potter's wheel.
Classes, are divided into two
sessions, with session 1 begin
next week and session 2 start-
ing the week of Feb. 20. Most
classes meet weekly for six
weeks, but some workshops
are for one day or two.
Most classes are held at the
Cultural Center, 50 Executive
Way, Ponte Vedra Beach, but
some are held offsite.
The following programs are
listed with subject, instructor,
meeting times and cost.
Classes meet at the center
unless otherwise noted:

Adult classes
* Watercolor painting with
Ed Kitzis, 6:30 p.m. to 8:30
p.m. Tuesdays,.Jan. 10 to Feb.
14 and Feb. 21 to March 28 at
Kitzis' studio; $102 for mem-
bers, $120 for nonmembers
and $22 per class for drop-ins.
Also, 10 a.m. to noon
Thursday, Jan. 12 to Feb. 16
and Feb. 23 to March 30 at the
Cultural Center; sane fees as
* Intermediate watercolor
with Bruce Ann Ferguson;
1:15 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.
Monday, Jan. 9 to Feb. 13
and Feb. 20 to March 27; fees
same as watercolor painting.
* Beginning oil painting
with Linda Holmes, 1 p.m. to

* Exploring color with Barbara Sarvis, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Saturday,-Jan. 28f'$ ASor center'members, $75 for nonmem-
bers. .
* Introduction to acrylic painting with Ellen Di"mond, 10
a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday, March 7; $120 for members, $130 for
* Beginning flameworking with colored glass rods; 10 a.m.
to 4 p.m. Saturday, March 11 or Sunday, March 12 at Lucid
Visions Glass Art studioin Jacksonville Beach; $160 fot mem-
bers; $170 for norimembers.'
. . Weekend beginning flameworking;, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday, March 25 and March 26 at Lucid Visions
Glass Art studio in Jacksonville Beach; $235 for members,
$250 fdr nohmembers.

3 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 10 to
Feb. 14 and Feb. 21 to March
28; fees same as above.
* Intermediate oil paint-
ing with Linda Holmes, 10
a.m. to noon, same dates and
fees as above.
* Other art classes at the
center are in acrylic painting,
collage and mixed media
painting, figure drawing, pas-
tels and figurative sculpture,
and hand-building with clay
at Atlantic Pottery studios.
Also, there are daytime
classes in Hatha yoga and ball-
room dancing, and evening
classes in Hatha yoga, Tai Chi
and conversational Italian.
"The Da Vinci Code: Truth
or Fiction" given by Jay
Wright of Jacksonville
University is held 1 p.m. to 2
p.m. VWednesdays beginning
Jan. 11 and 6:30 p.m. to 7.30
p.m. Wednesday beginning
Feb. 22; fees are $52 for mem-
bers, $60 for nonmembers
and $12 per class for drop-ins.

Children's classes
Art classes are held for age
3 on Wednesdays; ages 4 to 5
Monday (mixed media) and
Tuesday t3-D animal art);
ages 6 to 9 Mondays clayi
and Wednesdays (painting;l

ages 8 to 10 Wednesdays
(early release class); ages 10 to
13 Tuesday (painting); ages 9
to 11 Thursdays (drawing,
painting and printmaking),
and ages 14 to 18 Tuesdays
(throwing pots).
A Saturday class for ages 3
to 5 and their parents includes
a number of media, and
another Saturday class for girls
ages 10 to 14 teaches how to
communicate through pho-
* Movement classes
include toddler and caregiver
(12 months to age 3) on
Tuesday; pre-ballet for ages 5
to 7 on Wednesdays; groovy
moves for ages 7 to 13 on
Wednesday; ballet for ages 8
and up on Thursdays; tiny
ballerinas for ages 2 and 3 on
Friday, and traditional dance
from around the world for
ages 6 to adult on Fridays.
The center also offers pri-
vate instrument and voice les-
sons for children and adults.
A spring break art camp for
children ages 4 through 10 is
scheduled April 10 through
April 14.
For details on classes, visit
the center's Web site
(mw.v.ccpvb.org) or call 280-

testimony on the grounds that
it is "irrelevant" and would
"inflame" and prejudice the
Sheppard said the defense
does not argue with the'point
that the cause of tbe, boys'
deaths was homicide c~mmit-
ted by their mother.
"There's no purpose served
by bringing this personpn [the
stand]," Sheppard ;argued.
"[His testimony] is brought on
fully for the purpose 6f preju-
See TRIAL, A-3

Country club

workers feed

needy at Alltel

Ed Woodis couldn't believe
how many homeless people
showed up on Christmas after-
noon for a meal in a parking
lot near Alltel Stadium.
Woodis, the sous chef at
Marsh Landing Country Club,
and Shannon Thomas, who
also works in the kitchen,
brought fried turkeys, ham,
stuffing and all the fixings to
feed 150 people.
More than 350 showed up.
"We fed about 300 people
including food other volun-
teers brought, but we probably
turned aw.y about 50 people,"
said Woodqs, 25.
"If -we hadn't brought the
food from Marsh Landing.
wewould have had a lot more
people go hungry."
All the food they brought
was donated by the club after
club manager Bruno Couturier
found out the two were donat-
ing their time to feed the
homeless through Thomas'
church, Titus 1C. Harvest
Spectrum Dome, a new non-
denominational .hurch near
Atlantic and Kenan boule-
About 25 volunteers from
the church also supplied food
and blankets.
"It's a blessing td8 be able to
help people," sai Thomas,
who lives with his jife, Lorna,
and five children inMavport.
Thomas grew up n Jamaica

See CHEFS, .


c - ------
Hands are raised in anticipation as youngsters await the
annual New Year's Eve day balloon drop at the Cultural
Center at Ponte Vedra Beach. See more photos, B-8.

Piedraws crowds ani

recoQ ffishiig in 200

SThe biggest revenue stream at the Jacksonville Beach fishing
pier isn't fishermen - it's spectators.
But the fishermen who do use the pier have plenty of fish
tales to tell.
More than 175,000 people visited the 1,300-foot-long pier in
2005, according to pier manager Don Streeter.
That number is impressive given the fact that the'$3.5-mil-
lion, city-owned structure was closed for business on July 4 and
during the three-day Sea & Sky Spectacular in November.
"Those were two beautiful weekends, too," Streeter said on
Monday, an unseasonably warm - and profitable - New Year's
Day at the pier.
"With'a business like this, so much depends on the weather.
Rainy days and windy days make a difference." '
Rain or shine, attendance at the pier, which opened Dec. 30,
2004, averaged 18,000 people a month through May 2005,
Streeter said.
An estimated 4,000 visited the 21-foot-wide pier on opening
day. Streeter said spectators and anglers were "packed like
See PIER, A-3


Subscribe to the Ponte Vedra Leader
- delivered Wednesday and Friday in the mail at
1/2 the newsstand price. One year- $25
Call 249-9033 or stop by the office
1114 Beach Boulevard, Jacksonville Beach, Fla. 32250

Classified ................B-5
Fishing ..................A-9
Obituaries ............A-7
Copyright 2006 by The

Opinion .................A-4
Police Beat ..............A-5
Sports...................... A-8
Beaches Leader, Inc.

Two srtionns 18 nages



Work began this week to replace the culvert (above) between two lagoons on Solana Road in
Ponte Vedra Beach. Solana is expected to be closed for 90 days to through traffic, from just east
of the LeMaster intersection to just east of the bridge. Solana has had construction work ongo-
ing since May.

III~l ~ I 3 � ' ' I I �- - - - -- ----- - --------------9*�~


I Ic

1aD U � Th Bah Lae/ot Ve Lae Jaur 4,

Published Wednesday and Friday.
1114 Beach Boulevard
(P.O. Box 50129 for correspondence)
Jacksonville, Florida 32240
(USPS 586-180) (1SSN1059647X)
Periodicals Postage Paid at Jackson-
ville Beach, Florida and additional mall-
Ing offices
Subscriptions: $25 per year in Duval
and St. Johns counties. Out of county,
$44. Two-year subscriptions are 140
and $80.
In the event of errors in advertise-
ments The Beaches Leader will be
responsible only for the space occupied
by the actual error. The publisher
assumes no financial responsibility for
Send address changes to:
The Beaches Leader
P.O. Box 50129
Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32240
Copyright 2006
Open Monday to Friday
8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
1114 Beach Boulevard
Jacksonville, Florida 32240
By telephone:
(904) 249-9033
By mail:
The Leader
P.O. Box 50129
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32240
(USPS 586-180)
By e-mail:
For editorial:
For sales:
For classified:
or visit our Web site at:

The Leader encourages
readers to submit items of
community interest to the
newspaper for publication.
Weddings, engagements,
birth announcements and
obituaries are published free
of charge for the community.
Information about area resi-
dents and their achievements
Ais also welcome.
. Submissions should be
Styped or printed, and a name
and phone number to call for
more information must be


heto aps. are welcome,
!~t~ ~e y st ha'v

ogrphs will be
SI returned if a self-addressed
stamped envelope is submit-
ted. Otherwise, submitted
photographs should be picked
up at the Leader office imme-
diately after they appear in
the paper.
Color or black and white
photographs are accepted.
Call the editor for informa-
tion about sending pictures
by e-mail. Reprints of photos
taken by staff are available for
purchase. At the time a
reprint is ordered, the photo
must have been printed in an
issue of The Leader within
the last four weeks. Reprints
must be paid for in advance.
A 5x7" print is $10 and an
8x10" print is $15.

For information on placing
classified ads, see the front
page of today's classified sec-
tion. Display ads and inserts
can be ordered by contacting
our sales department at (904)

The newspaper is delivered
to homes on Wednesdays and
Friday. Subscriptions are $25
per year in Duval and St.
Johns counties. Out of coun-
ty, $44.
To start your subscription
call (904) 249-9033.

The Leader strives to pro-
duce error-free news report-
ing. When mistakes occur, it
is our policy to correct them
as soon as they are brought to
our attention.
To request a correction,
contact the editor at 249-
In the event of errors in
advertisements, the Leader
will be responsible only for
the space occupied by the
actual error. The publisher
assumes no financial respon-
sibility for omissions.

The Leader maintains
copies of back issues for sale
up to one year. To research or
review articles published
more than one year ago,
bound copies of the newspa-
per are available at the office.
Microfilm copies of the news-
paper are available at the
Beaches Branch Library and
Ponte Vedra Beach branch
library. ,

ie L4


High: 65 Low: 48

Partly Cloudy
High: 65 Low:'44

Mostly Sunny
High: 56 Low: 35

Mostly Sunny'
High: 53 Low: 38

Mostly Sunny
High: 58 Low: 44,

Ray High LMw
Monday 57 45
Tuesday 65 38
Wednesday 70 40
Thursday 70 55
Friday 73 54
Saturday 78 51
Sunday 70 64


Rainfall for the week ........................0.02"
Normal Rainfall for the Week* ............0.70"
Departure from Normal for the Week ...-0.68"

Rainfall for 2006 ..............................0.00"
Normal Rainfall for 2006* ................0.11"
Departure from Normal for 2006 .....-0.11"
* Normals for Jacksonville Beach




7:22 a.m.
7:23 a.m.
7:23 a.m.
7:23 a.m.
7:23 a.m.
7:23 a.m.
7:23 a.m.


5:39 p.m.
5:40 p.m.
5:40 p.m.
5:41 p.m.
5:42 p.m.
5:43 p.m.
5:44 p.m.

10:59 a.m.
11:31 a.m.
12:01 p.m.
12:32 p.m.
1:06 p.m.
1:43 p.m.
2:26 p.m.

10:57 p.m.
No Set
12:01 a.m.
1:04 a.m.
2:07 a.m.
3:10 a.m.
4:14 a.m.



smI M iFraTdTiNNr I

Wind: NE 5-10 kts Seas: 1-2 ft
Wind: NW 10-15 kts Seas: 2-3 ft
Wind: NW 15 kts Seas: 2-3 ft
Wing: NW 15 kts Seas: 2-3 ft
Wind: NW 10-15 kts Seas: 2-3 ft

Monday . .68" Friday .... .71
Tuesday . .68" Saturday . .720
Wednesday 69" Sunday .. .71"
Thursday . .70* FORECASTS BY:

Historian to speak
Friends of the Beaches
Blanch Library will present
historian David Nolan of St.
Augustine at the Noon Break
Jkn. 13. Nolan will discuss
"Adventures in St. Augustine
,The free program is from
noon to 1 p.m. in the commu-
nity room of the Beaches
Library, 600 N. Third St.,
Neptune Beach.
Guests are welcome to bring
a hac linch Reverages will he

Jacksonville Beach

L5 a
5:00 am
6:00 am
7:05 am
8:11 am
9:16 am
10:17 am
11:15 am

11:43 pm
1:05 pm
2:03 pm
3:04 pm
4:06 pm
5:03 pm

12:10 pm
12:39 am
1:39 am
2:42 am
3:46 am
4:45 am

5:40 pm
6:35 pm
7:31 pm
8:28 pm
9:25 pm
10:20 pm
11:14 pm


Pablo Creek Entrance


12:23 pm
12:54 am
1:54 am
2:57 am
4:02 am
5:05 am
6:02 am

5:42 am
6:48 am
7:56 am
9:02 am
10:06 am
11:06 am
12:04 pm

1:17 pm
2:14 pm
3:16 pm
4:20 pm
5:22 pm
6:18 pm

6:27 pm
7:24 pm
8:21 pm
9:18 pm
10:13 pm
11:08 pm

- a


11:54 am
12:25 am
1:25 am
2:28 am
3:33 am
4:36 am
5:33 am

Low High
5:09 am None
6:15 am. 12:48 pm
7:23 am 1:45 pm
8:29 am 2:47 pm
9:33 am 3:51 pm
10:33 am 4:53 pm
11:31am 5:49pm

Palm Valley
ligh Lw High
1:37am 7:15am 2:08 pm
2:32 am 8:15 am 2:59 pm
3:28 am 9:20 am 3:54 pm
4:28 am 10:26 am 4:52 pm
5:31 am 11:31 am 5:53 pm
6:35 am 12:32 pm 6:55 pm
7-34 am 12:35 am 7:52 pm

5:54 pm
6:51 pm
7:48 pm
8:45 pm
9:40 pm
10:35 pm
11:29 pm

7:55 pm
8:50 pm
9:46 pm
10:43 pm
11:40 pm
1:30 pm


MSD reets Jan. 9
The next meeting of the
Ponte Vedra Municipal Service
District (NISD) will be at 6 p.m.
Monday, Jan. 9, at the Ponte
Vedra Beach Branch Library.
MSD trustees recently
changed 'the board's regular
meeting !day from the first
Monday 6f the month to the
second Monday.
There are. two exceptions
because of library scheduling
conflicts: Feb. 6 and June 5,

provided. For more informa- "New dates for PVCA
tion, call the Beaches Branch The . Ponte Vedra
Library at 241-1142. Community' Association
, i.I.- r .l " s. ,";.n�fl a m eet-i
Friends of the library, Ponte F.eoruarvi because iIhe normal
Vedra Beach, will hold the meeting dates arefederal holi-
organization's annual meeting days. i.
and dinner at 6 p.m. Thursday, The PVCA will meet
Jan. 19, at the Golf Club at Tuesday, Jan. 17, in stead of
Sawgrass Country Club. Jan. 16, Matin Luther King's
John Delaney, president of birthday, and Tuesday Feb. 21,
the University of North Florida instead of eb. 20, President's
and .,former - mayor of Day.
Jacksqnville, will be the guest King Da closes library
speaker. The cost is $40. All branch es of the St. Johns
Dinner is at 7:15 p.m. County Public Library System
will be clo d Sunday, Jan. 15,
Seniors go for exercise and Mond y, Jan. 16, for the
The Seniors by the Sea birthday o Martin Luther King
luncheon will be held at 11 Jr. Normal hours will resume
a.m. Jan. 12 at Beaches United Jan. 17.
Methodist Church. Cost is
$4.50. The program is Poet rads her work
"Exercise for Seniors." Call Dana Wildsmith of
246-2926 or 249-4622. Bethlehe, Ga., author of four
collections of poetry, will read
Habitat meets applicants from her works at 6 p.m.
Habitat for Humanity of St. Thursday, Jan. 19, at the
Augustine and St. Johns' Hastina branch of the St.
County is sponsoring a home- Johns . unty Public Library
owners orientation for anyone Systel 6670 U.S. 1 S., St.
interested in becoming a Augus 1e.
Habitat homeowner. Wilds ith is widely pub-
The-meeting is scheduled 6 lished i journals and antholo-
p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 7, at the St. gies. Her poem, "Making a
Johns Technical High School Living,' was read by Garrison
in St. Augustine. Keiller n "Writer's Almanac."
Contact Linrla r cGlockino

to receive an application at
(904) 826-3252.

Senior Senators lunch
Fletcher Senators age 60 and
older and their guests are invit-
ed to a luncheon on Saturday,
Jan. 28, from noon to 3 p.m. at
the Senior Center at 281 19th
Ave. S., Jacksonville Beach.
Guests are asked to bring a
covered dish. Admission is $5.
Call Patti Reynolds Niehaus
(Fletcher High class of 1952) at
(904) 261-9014.

Acrylics class today
A two-day workshop in
advanced acrylic painting will
be held 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. today
and Thursday at the Cultural
Center at Ponte Vedra Beach,
50. Executive Way, Ponte
The class will be taught by
Ellen Diamond of Ponte Vedra,
known as a "contemporary
The workshop will focus on
landscape with nature as an
inspiration. Particular atten-
tion will focus on the use of
The use of photos, illustra-
tions and drawings from par-
ticipants' travels, as well as
photos of local Florida scenes,
will be the basis of painting.
The cost is $225 for center
members, $240 for nonmem-
bers. To register,, call 280-

January Brunch
The ,tlantic Beach Women's
Conne tion January Brunch
will be Vednesday, Jan. 4, from
9:30 am. to 11 a.m. at the
Selva arina Country Club.
The ost of the brunch is $11
and q. complementary pre-
schoolchildcare is available for
those interested with reserva-
tions.l A fitness presentation
will be given by Susan Hurst
from Curves for Women. Guest
spea r is Nikki Jatindranath
who will speak on how to
"TurI Exhaustion into Elation:
Running on Empty? Time to
Fill ip!"
Al area women are invited to
atte d and bring a friend.
Reservations by Monday, Jan.
2, fol the brunch. Call Susan at
714P962 or Carolyn at 221-
067( for more information.
Arbor Day
i Arbor Day event will be
held from 10 a.m. to 12:30
p.m. Friday, Jan. 20, at the
Dual County Extension
Offce, 1010 N. McDuff Ave.,
Staffers and various speakers
wiU present a program on new
tries on the market, diseases
andl disorders of trees, how to
plint a tree and pruning
There will be $2 workshop
fee at the door. Everyone in
attendance will receive their
choice of a Swamp Chestnut
Oak or Hophornbeam tree
seedling while supplies last.

Call to pre-register at 387-8850. out the world on a "space avail-
able" basis, enjoying a little-
Brown bag at guana used perk that is available to all
The Guana Reserve military retirees.
Environmental Education Their presentation will high-
Center will host its next Brown light adventures in far-away
Bag Lunch lecture: places and the occasional frus-
"Landscaping with Natives," at trations experienced as passen-
noon Friday, Jan. 6. gers aboard Navy and Air Force
GTM Reserve environmental aircraft.
educator Catherine Eastman The dinner meeting begins at
will present a slide show on 6:30 p.m. at the Ocean Breeze
landscaping with natives. Conference Center, Naval
The GTM Reserve Station Mayport. Reservations
Environmental Education are required. Call 646-0944 to
Center is at 505 Guana River make arrangements.
Road, off A1A. For more infor- Membership in MOAA is'
nation, call 904-823-4500. open to commissioned officers
, ,. ,pQ4iformq.g. ces.,-
S; MOAA me M-W iepuuanCub '
Advice on how to travel free The Republican Club of the
using military aircraft will be Beaches will hold its regular
shared with members and monthly meeting on Thursday,
guests attending the Jan. 12 Jan. 12, at the Adele Grage
meeting of the Mayport Cultural Center, 716 Ocean
Chapter, MOAA (Military Blvd., Atlantic Beach.
Officers Association of Social hour at 6:30 p.m. fol-
America). lowed by 7 p.m. meeting.
Marvin Feldman, a retired Guest speaker is Faye Rustin,
Air Force Colonel, and his wife, former city councilwoman and
Carole, have traveled through- current state committee

.woman for Duval County.
Rustin will install new offi-
cers. Call Ed Raube at 246-7979
for more details.

Citizen Police Academy
The Jacksonville Beach Police
Department will host Session
XVI of Citizen Police Academy
on Jan. 19, 2006. The 12-week
course includes, patrol and
SWAT operations, evidence
technician and crime scene
processing, criminal and traffic
laws, search and seizure laws,
firearms familiarization course,
K-9, criminal and drug investi-
.,Participants will also ride
Sw.ifp policee officers. The lasses
ire held every Thursday from
6:30 p.m. until 9:30 p.m.
Applications are now being
accepted. The class is limited to
30. Deadline for applying is
Monday, Jan. 10. Applications
are available at 101 S. Penman
Road, or call Sgt. Thom
Bingham at 247-6193 for more

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Lower School FAX: (904) 223-5586
Providence School admits students of any race,color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities.
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origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs and athletic and other school-
administered programs.

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January 4-, 2006

The Beat~hes teader/Ponte Vedra Leader

"! Plae 2A"


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Th B h Lader/Ponte Ve r

Januaryf 4....6
1-,~~~~e a esu .. . . ........ ... ...

Chefs: Marsh. Landing donated food for homeless

Continued from A-I
and New York, where he also
has volunteered to feed the
"It's a different atmosphere,
a different ':feeling here,"
Thomas saia. : , , .
"In .New. Yrk., I always felt
like [the' volunteers] were
* holding back. But here 'every-
body was cooking in their
homes. And then to have my
work,. a big company like
Maish Landing,'say, 'OK, we'll
do. tis,'. is i, blessing."'
.'And'althd~gh'.the holiday
season is over; the'giving does-
n't end for. volunteers at the
Harvest - Dome. ' Every
Wednesday, homeless people
are bused to the church for
ministrv-and'a meal. ,
The church iwil lsbe' featured
li'e on the religious cable net-
work TBN on Jan. 23. !
Woodis had never volun-j
teered- .to feed the,. homeless
before ' Originally .. from
Wesifield, Mass., Wo.odis grad-
-uated from the New England
SCulinary Institute and moved
to thi, area two years ago for
the.position at Maish Landing '
Countqy.Club. '. ; " -
. "My family isn't':here so. I
figured it:,was something-
worth doing .Woddi's said.
"I would definiteLy, do it
again." -. '

. .'

S. Pholo submitted
Shannon Thomas, left, and Ed'Woodis, members of the culinary staff at Marsh Landing' Country
Club, volunteer' t feed the homelesss on Christmas. The club donated $150 of food Ifor.the.
KFa c "..i ' . .

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er. tors, fish are abundance
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Continued from A-i
Their arguments came after
potential jurors had filled out
questionnaires but before a
jury was selected. Jury selec-
tion was expected to begin at
9 a.m. today in room 351 of
the St. Johns County
Demeniuk is pleading not
guilty by reason of insanity,
which her attorneys say was
brought on by the use of anti-
depressant drugs and alcohol.
But McKinnon argued that
the medical examiner's testi-
mony will help explain evi-
dence presented by the state
and will also describe the way
the children were killed.
He said the description will
help establish Demeniuk's
state of mind and her under-
standing of what she was
Alexander decided to allow
the medical examiner's testi-
mony, limiting it to the expla-
nation of evidence and
Demeniuk's possible state of
The pool of 78 potential
jurors spent Tuesday morning
filling out questionnaires to
help the opposing sides select
members of the jury. The
questionnaires asked the
jurors how they felt about the
death penalty and insanity,
pleas, among other subjects.
The trial continues today at

5. -

.. ... ..- . :''*

'' ' '-' Photo by KATHY HARTMAN
Luke.the 1-year-old'Saluki is carried by his owner, Benji
. . 'h, . vil

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S" - '' . -.' . :. ,,;- �'. , ' . ,' - ; ..' o by RCK MILLER
-Spectators~and anglers'p"'ck the Jacksonvile ,Be'pchlperTon ,6 pening. day1 Dec. 30; 2004. More
than 175;000.people-vijsidthe pier in.2005 -:.'.' .. " -
.,. '..i- ' 1 ' ' '. 4 4,44 . _ -...j.4 . . ,

Continuedfrom A-1 a rule, we have people waiting wood decking that is designed
sardines", from the entrance. to fish whenwe. open up at 6 to, break' away during high
' ;raimp-to- the pier's .T-shaped a..m.' And, t.they., d6int, .leave' seas.
. terminus : . . . ,,, until.the sun,.starts to set." About 10, 250-pound deck
. A:record 22,000 people.visit- Bit the.plier's attraction isn't panels .were tossed into the
ed the, pier during ,its first just the.fishing . .: , ocean, and twowere broken in
month of operations; -with For ,a $1. admission,., visitors half, Streeter said. '
S.'spectators outnumbering can' stroll the ,quartier-mile- .'!WHlina:hurt us more at
:anglers 30 to 1.. , - ' "i ., long, wood-decked..l'anding, or Juno than Francis and Jeanne
. Streeter knew those whop. eat lunch;at ohe of'several pic- did last:year," he said.
ping .-atendance figures nic-style.benches.- ' . "We were closed for a week,
', wo.uldri'tt last. But .what he Restrooms and concessions and the T-section ,was closed
Didn't -ant:icLpate'.. was, the , are also provided on. the, pier: for a,month.' , ,-
.abudridaiee .of, catches' at the, 'There'sa lot. to.*eeout ,hee ... Tyo.,other. fishing piers, in
-pier, from ia.~,53-pound.kingfish and.'enloby, .saidStieeter,, who .S6utlo Florida. that .have suf-
';,to 90- ound.tatipon ,,; '.. iv orks. most'.Wv,e'keiRid;:, wven . feared' .hurricane. damage the
,.lore thn 8Q.kingfis'h were; he's:riot 'in 'J.uno Beach;.or .past ,two- years have. yet. to
caught:,votff'the .pier.. lasti'yvear,: ' Db niai'Be'a' ..: .,: ' .' ,'. , reopen. ,
Swhich.,w.as, twice ;the'.amount,; '. We had ,lab'ou.t.- a dozen . Streeter said he .vould like
,. ever ;.ilanded,.at.. ;.the 'old shrimp b.oa.ts.close enough to: ,to .rebuild' the,pold Haulover
.,'Jacksonvi.lle ..Beach .'pier that,;, the pier where, 'ou could.' pief in Nort.h MiamiB'each.
was put out of commission' in" watch theni'.drop their nets. I In the meantime, his man-
1999 by HurricaneFloyd. saw a big!>whale.:breach twice agement contract with the
"One of the things that a few weeks ago." city of Jacksonville runs for
amazes me.is that probably 90 The city closed the pier for 'five years and is renewable for
percent of the redfish caught' almost five days during the another five.
were too large to keep," -said annual air show in November. "I'll be a very elderly, person
.Streeter, who also manages Steeter said..the Blue Angels if I make it that far," said the
oceanfront piers in Dania ground crew set up communi- 68-year-old. Streeter, a part-
SBeach and Juno Beach. cations equipment on the pier time Jacksonville Beach resi-
. "We also had, a lot of nice. during the event.to monitor dent.
flounder in the 5-.to 8-pound the jets as they flew practice "I couldn't be more
range, and whiting galore." runs.. . . impressed with the clientele.
On Monday, a father and. The pier was also closed for We have a lot of boat owners
son hauled up 40 whiting' the annual July 4. fireworks who fish here. Wouldn't sit
using a rod and reels rented at display. , , . here and keep doing this if it
the pier's tackle shop. Streeter .Streeter said anglers have didn't make a profit.
said 'it's nothing" for some had' "a few mild encounters" "It's been a fun and interest-
pier "regulars" to catch 100. with surfers since the pier ing year. The hardest part was
whiting in a day. opened, but nothing serious, trying to weatherize this place
Other species caught. He.said there isn't a fishing for-the winter months."
include drum, mackerel, sea pier in existence that doesn't And side does matter at.the
,trout, jack, cuda and triple have that problem. pier.
tail. One problem Streeter didn't Streeter said the fish tend to
"These are avid fishermen have to deal with was bite best on the side of the
up here," said Streeter,. a. for-. Hurricane Wilma, which pier where the wind is coming
mer Fort Lauderdale banker wreaked havoc. on the Juno.. from..
who formed Dania Pier Beach pier in late October. Don't ask him why.
Management in 1985. .The late-season, Category 2 "It just seems to work that
"They love their fishing. As storm dislodged 52 sections of way," he said.

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Open Daily 9-9

Sunday 10-8




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Page 4A . I I * " NEWSPAPER FOR THE BEACHES January 4,2006
S www.e~j cbeleader.com Locally Owned and Operated ' Serving the Beaches since 1963 THE BEACHES LEADER/PONTE VEDRA LEADER

The Leader's Opinion -

Plenty of

pier to go

r 1ANN
An oceanfront fishing pier has been a continu- ''COLUMNIST
al landmark at the Beathes dating tdcthe turn of
the 20th century. "'
As. many as three oceanfront fishing piers were Trophies for
--operatlorial at the Beaches between 1937-43. -
All .three are long gpne. Not even, pilings jUSt s Owing
Hurricane Floyd tbok.a big bite out of the area's - - I t St
fourthh fishing pier in 1999. up must stop
S, " With the debut of the $3.5-million Jacksonville � ' a " - '.
' :Bach'pier in Decei ber 2004, a.new pier eta has - '/
b. ..0shered ,'ii aft e'Beaches; . ...-'--- -
. ,n l ,-lyayea. .. a . ...e n tens q . a h s ncis . A bout trophies. You
Q'spqetators have4vislted- the quartjiStiyl ,long A , -- know, the metal statues
*sp.;that riv~l rip ir lpcal pier'in'pur , Igtry. ' T ' C A given as awards for
' i o ' ..oinal: (.i) visitors cans stroll the YOU CAN TELL IT'S NO HIS IRST TOUR..." everything from tee ball to
-OQd-decked .prpepade. Anglers who' can't " spelling bees.
Y-aford -.a d boat . an -elbow p to the rails for' 4, - ocb..l python es goo When I was a child, the pos-
their :duble ttom figs into. he seaapd B n t n m goo pet session of a trophy meant you
S.a little luck; haul up a fight sh wrh . were the best in 4 field, a
. Itunt�ing.gr oie.iworth frying for' diaer....: 'member of the super colossal
It didnt take thefish long .t find tle new pier, e f sare gonna have McCall. championship team.
', ethe#Record catches of kngfishf.e'ire taken last the rthe cr hitters. With I say "who" rather than , I don't remember getting
: ye''ong wl 90-.pund tarpn - . . Crstma~over, no doubt "which" because he definitely trophies for just showing up.
Sr':f:Sers. hay� als migrate t ti, sot,: which ;there are maoy and various is a person with a personality. In fact, when I was about 12, 1
il~to:sodir t unfortunat�confrontations, with .ne, animalRets . Florida He was featured around a won-a state piano competition
ag .homes that were given. as . year ago in this space and is and all I got was a paper cer-
'" ; Btie shuld alltak pride in oup Iifpresive. 'presents . . '. still pulling his antics, such as tificate, I don't know if this
-.. e .' e eoause tere is .plent.y, of it ato: go t ehfortunatelsy,the brisk ' - dropping a tennis ball in your country was still recovering
. rond. , . demand tor aind supply of. lap until you're weary of from the metal shortages of
-exotic species haveresulted in pitching itaway. WWII or what, but trophy
.- ' . - intended conse-. . Only-now he has an easygo- largesse was not an issue.
. queces ing buddy called Bo. This ami- Since the time that my chil-
SPer a June 3, 2004, report in able animal was adopted by. dren started participating in
-L. .atnalGogRapohic Neiws,, JOHN' ' Maggie and her mom, Ethel organized sports, they have
S, ..thtiesads of ori-ptive HARDEBECK Blalock, to give Petie some gotten a trophy at the end of
..: . liTh ei t-ln o *.j'. :. anial and plant species ... COLUMNIST companionship. every season, whether they
Sl'i' Ivaded the Un!ted Bo is part Labrador retriever, won any games or not, to be
':ta't he last decade; except that he doesn't do as put on the shelf.
STote Edo: - '' - nlssio' er .Muire has iloda teems with xti The trouble is, the snake much retrieving as Petie. Now for the first child,
mission meeting. A ist s ta Mrs. ne l the ...the co length. , , sprawled on the floor like a was a much bigger-deal to his
_f _9,knm dss!.Meg. ;g. Ao , st. , A4' " ;lJ- l ... ' The c - " .... .
c. P fneo thi itin have no.m t nidt age by When that happens, the . big, black bear rug. mooy-eyed.lsn't-he-precious
i-ti"is t segiewag.ck app iaed at" nui ripuis.courty invasv ,speles ~ - and:i td . head, of the household often He lets Petie get away with parents. I think he had the
'. is Segrvice comj.iissipn.jtrei! gs,:.begging .qosts of trypg to control thin decides the monster could.put ' almost anything. The two of toddler's reaction equivalent
opae e fo Tp. T e es .ae sup- -- is;enprmous: U.S..$137jbi- the.squeeze on the family and them are the canine equiva- to "yeah, whatever."
non tnsan d sh ede pos@47t9 -be .ep eteepte y elq nor year, .aeordngh rest, where it. lent of the old-time comics'. But by the time children
'pic. ts h e .- CpminiissiQee'i gur Ibw- 1999 p.orn eU University cant compete with, and maybe daffy duo, Mutt and Jeff. Nos. 2 and3 showed up, all
: sewage ui a d e ev,, it. ; eas a i, f st dy,' . .. eat, active species. ' . instead of buying some . ' they.wanted was a trophy like
--tmios,,.s n'ee ' : tye. t, T normd.w finding .- ' Recentlyywe were grossed weird, foreign creature for a their older brother. I think
Sed tb igta d tak ally ~Jsptgg f'ro ipQb : , out- )yaa piture .fa huge . pet, 1 recommend the popular they had me'sign them,lip for
e' k.i- tc ' -L htir . e:, H ' destrc, ceigh:i9. Lt ., -:jjUPython which ha. ..'ai'-l ' , ,.b6lct. h ,.. ; I ..It-Io'o .I.Poil.tt. tJthey Afw gvq.t;i4.,;
re msjguried. Theowr tion. - Igp s aandp A. al phAloA bigg~gnes ,,, p-'.a t ,
eOf ,~,v.ial-has -be I lh. Ve theL.S,.ed ange-red lst'are .I-myself prefer more nun *-.' to play drums in a.symphony The'prbblem is this. Yot can
a i,'ase hoardss, d;or. ijamsan$. savings 44 fears .she may ihreatepn byliitrQdqge . dane.pets such as domestic , (it'sbeen donel, but think of never' get rid of a trophy.lt
Doors a gone, all removed byi .lose' , rer ''' horne. types --for Instape, the dogs and house.cas. . the cleanup after a perform- would be considered, in the
the cleaning ? 'St 5 Commissiner Magure suld Burmese python, which, as a Consider.liete a iloyable lit- ance. minds of my children and
;- Service sent n August .:--,-'s. , be ashamed-.to have-hieglected - cute:baby, s~li, legacy, for as .tie white poode who belongs , extended overachievingaward
^,:('.- ..After shf inng these pictures" his -.hstitj ents..Ifhe'h adopl '.little as'$20. to Neptune Beach's Maggie- ' wielding family, a sacrilege of
-w , . . - . ,- . . , ,. h .r"p tion .
she said, "This is what s pt a fraci oft effort he , high proportion.
Sef with. t _ - r The dilemma 1s that my
p...ee-in ise - uli t houe-was built in the late
;- -Maguire rru. ed;st .. d rirt' diet t.i al 1930s, and thereis no trophy
Asked, "Y ui said th is is . .. * ys . '. roo i. In fact, if I wanted to
wasw thD s a e'-iioiii e o . -.disPilayO thpqiin any manner.
:.hey left,:the ,;rep rs Ti . change Impar: ho y of have TOXlear gto pronoun their than on the top of my-
Sishled?'" :"'' . ': " ''-eseler - aIeady broken New ' . the hiar.es of Jagur players, 'children's dressers, I'd have to
-:' t ; Li statedO' ';' '" o Resoluti n? ont " when they end. l broadcast- put them in the middle of the
-. -'absilteIpy,why-.do, ybu think . - ' ed feeba,' a' . folks haven t - gone of the games.- . ditg-o table, which
PY -" 16 ki Q -".s haven't" e games "i a , " a .
S. am here dayafter d ay?" , PonteedA Bepach. even $tate . .y l ., Hey FOX, 1.now' you'retlie wold. make melti.mea. huge
-. --A1 .have to. wonder wheree: l t ' "'-..;-' " ' t. strilctdet - NFC nrietwok'btthieAF, challenge. -
-~ '.'- . . . ..". :, ""' . .-,- .fto'." i a'Dnb yr.-;, r'nt.nnc- t l t diet .-.:, .
---- ----- -- - -- - - - - - - --fter w- -- o t hgy'saesarntattugh. .'Sotiey sit there,- gathliig
.. . -. ..- A-'man 'can't deprivYe. hiLmelf , . "- ;H -BO, which-used to'stahnd a dust and pock marks,-and tak-;
El: :-:-.. .f nou44isli qn t andbeer.u for Home Box Offlce, should .ng:.p space that's gone forev ,
E-T,- "AEG S'Lb R 4:'. he ..s :*,h the ~tlonal:."l resolve to actually .show er.
' ' -Chamnips:arl' ' . movie this year. . - My: daughter was in a surf-
S, , . *' fihnemosthonest guy Fever: l The GAC network (Great . Ing competition last year and
S.r O NT ' VEDRA ew: ;�. bitNewYeT -r American Country) needs 'to came away with a 3-foot tro-
"-' 'a*:.j2K.Q" ieso 4bdnsw at ry'Unele . HOYVIE DEMPSEY: challenge itself to'show two hy for just being cute. It sits
a" '- "' ' " ' '- Patic iDepsey. It. wts.h- - L videos in a row where Tfown- n top of her bookshelves like
-...: . . . ,| � ..N.T, .,!.- ., ,,, .^... . .... .,,
IQ n indit Bkal Linda B a'iipeqoyer;" ing girls rinminskirts aren't, a big ugly dog you -can't sho
-Ween'Fe; --eyy h 'res9 this ygar not to @ink walking across The room, for away.
Miiarn. .Th Re r -I :Pan.mgr ors 'not .Bar- r "So did I show restraint no apparent reason. I tried to move it after . -
.~ .ga. . . ''' ngtpdrniic any less ' back there in trying to get Also GAC should resolve to Christmas to make room for
..h...- .g:" .S .. .o that old girl moving?"; go one hour, without showing the new dollhouse Santa '
dt. Hi idnt - i ea.e paiht clv .My' this wayHoyle, atlece undershirt, isn't smoking a have thought asked her to
S.. ,' - . ' ife l we runng late .were clothes,, you'd'be naked!" cigarette at the kitchen table, cut off one of her arms. So
S ' - ' .. ' 'r.'ri and thisJittile' old You can't turn on TV this ' Hey this is fun-coming up there It, Is, apparently forever,
'' " ".. . . .ad ,dad-j ' wasn' ery ". time of year with out hearing -, with what others aught to be The same goes'for my boys, '
. . - fff . .. . - ... qu ontl g.ot gspedal when commercials renmindihg you of .resolving to change: Come to who share a-room, in which. ., ';'
.lie ihe !ight fitqljy turned green., ' your New Year's Resolution. -think df it, that's what my almost every flat surface is-
. Chuck Adams "CaIthi James "- .-nya- .Braup Unl.ke tb~,2005 Impatient, "If your,trying to eit health- 'final ex-wife Lull Bell used to covered in trophies- for sports.
" ron ' ... ' 'o .a.e "J-' 'r " . .r ..un engilie revving, horn blower, ier; trying to- save money,, try- do. , S of fwhich'l doii't even ,
Aaron Anderson .JoaneJund . , Brau , the new 2006.Hoyle gently ing to exercise-more, trying to' I'd spend .the first.three. .- remember them playing,. --
DeShayla Bryant Joseph Martin Sco t;lieesean ..-bleiw the horn' only once, improve youur self esteem, weeks of January starving, , Now my:poor mother-it-law.
- -. ..R - K o... � -, . . every feWseconds until she 'your portfolio, your personal miserable and soberly had ourchildren who played
Robert DeAngelo Kathy Moore .Randy pedman begpi to pull away like a herd, relatlonship,-call or:log on' : That's when she was the every sport available from
Rex .Edmon)dson Stacey Perklns Kenny' Friedman of turtles. . and we can help" happiest! That does-it! 1954 to 1989, when the
S - ' .- '. '', -.:- . When we finally got passed Well maybe television needs Where's my car keys, , youngest graduated from col-
S'Bob.Feree ', t " Jenntighland 'the reflex challenged woman, a few New Years Resolutions. HOOOOONKIl!! Happy New lege. , -
Laura Fowler t ' Karen Holland I asked' my wife how she felt I. I can think of three .,or four to Years y'all, HOOOONKI When you walk in her famine.
S. Steve Fouraker ' was:doipg with my resolution; start with. We can start with ly room your eye is inimedih
Alice Gartland . Jimmy AHowle . - 4 " . ately drawn to.the.trophy
John Hardebeck Classiied, . . -Tobi Liss , graveyard that covers an
Jennifer Knoechel :AdiVWt L'ff Donny illiken I lore letters to the editor: entwall If this country.
-__ ever has to ration metals
Jeffrey Minton 0h14lfPUofl John -Newsome - . '.again, we could melt these
LzaMitch , lu ' .Kevin Ps To the editor: never said a word. things down and build a
Liza Mitchl Kevin Phinney A funny thing happened to my friend on the It's sad when a good person like my friend Stealth bomber.
Hal Newsome - . Marie Adams -ieraia Tiernev wayto taking her elderly mother to a -doctor's pays dearly for her good intentions. She works I kid you not. They live on

Wimpy 'n Gloria Davis - appointment in a taxi cab.. two jobs as it is, to help the family financial sit- the ocean. in an area that -
imnnpy Sutton Cherry Jones Room She inadvertently gave the driver a $100 bill. uation. seems a magnet for hurri-
Ann Von Thron Cherry Jones rThe fare was $3 and the tip was supposed to be To the driver - shame on youl canes. If their flood and
. r Jane McElhiney Paul Corey a generous 510, not $97. The driver took it, ' Jay Reuben destruction Insurance eompa,-
Roger Walker S Sanders looked at it for a few minutes, and kept it. He Jacksonville Beach ny knew about those trophies
Johnny Composition Sandthat would become hundreds
, . Daniel Fanning ..of driving missiles during a
Woodhouse Amy Bolin , storm surge, their premiums
el ' Office "Pat Dube, - -- Se d letterS tO: would skyrocket.
S. .. . . ,' So my proposal to all you
Char Coffman Bernjce Hairrs ' -. ' " - coaches or team parents out
Ted Lamb ... t there is this: just.say no.
'. . ". '. . The Editor, The Leader, P.O. Box 50129, Jacksonville If we all band together a
.. .-. . - start the trend now, it can
Oh, and please don't tell my
', �' w ork ' - Beach, Fla. 32240, or send e-mail to: editor@beach- work.
'. " ' esleader.com children that this was my
S' . -. . . ' - - '.". - . ' . .,. . . . - ,Idea .

T; .. *

January 4, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader * Page 5A

Police Beat

SATLANTIC BEACH cover it was missing. Cookware,
The window to a vehicle was I rr l a wine rack and glasses, a
reported smashed Dl, .23' in 1 l ll lVSI l watch, bathrobe, $50 gift card,
s the first block Toftt&Isand ad i candles, jewelry and a purse
Road. .. FRM SA ' were also stolen.
S'.FR*,MSTAFF Four other men were at his * *
Police reported that a wiri- . 'Two men .were arrested Dec. door wielding what the victim A $1,400 laptop computer,
dow of Waffle House at 2395 29 in connection with an early said were crowbars. The sus- eyeglasses, a digital camera and
Mayport Ioad.was broken Dec..; morning home: invasion rob- pects began hitting the victim a prepaid phone card were
26 Qvhei two meiioutsidt&e'-' bery on Christmas Eve in with the crowbars. reported stolen Dec. 29 from a
restaqdant',, apparently~ got Jacksonville'Beach. Ljungholm was charged van in the first block of 1st
involved irfa .fight and- ne' of- Christopher Adam Fehr, 20, with aggravated battery with a Street South.
Them was -thiown against .the, of Jacksonville ,Beach and deadly weapon. The victim's * *
window, 'according tqo witness- Trevor Ljungholm, 19, of hand was broken when it was NEPTUNE BEACH
Ses. . Ponte Vedrati' Beach were hit with a baseball bat, accord- A satelliteldish at a business
., .u, t .. _ f. charged within a first degree, ing to police. . in the 900 block of Third Street
S A camera .valued att' 1l'.000O';. felony for their participation in- ..The victim closed the dobr was reported damaged by van-
d and laptop computerr ,valued-- thealleged hoi e invasionr.: . aid'elled for.his roommate dais Dec. 29.
at $3,000 were among the items Acqording to.aipolice'report,. while" the suspects ,continued * *
reported stblei�ffomtc'iehic : theihomeinsiron was i.ltend-- beating o6n'.thedoor with base- , Two vehicles were reported
Dec..26. in- the'aieiof:Fraincis ' ed asrevengfraburgJ t!i ball :bats trying togain access' burglarized -Dec. 30 at a resi-
Aveinue and SiimonsiRoad.... oneof the ispf s h e. Fi 't.t:he iesidnce, adding to dence in the 500 block of
. " ;-,' . '.. . -' imen were involved in the rob the report. Seagate Avenue.
A. chek- fraud was. reported : bery ..atterript .bit 'only, two Police later.conducted a traf- ,. . *. ,
Dec. 6,,bys;:businessinithe 900 ,. were foially'charged . fic stop orna suspicious vehicle An attempted check fraud
blckf. Atiantic Boulevard. . .The incidentt occurred at in the areq, questioning the was reported Dec. 30'a ta busi-
- ', **,. , 1 . . 127 a.m.'De.c 24. in' the 3000 female driver, who told police ness in-the 100 block f. Third
, A burglary to a residence in block. of 1st Street South. The she picked up five friends after Street. Two arrests weie made in
. ,the 70,block.ofSherrylriv Ne'as. victim told police. that he they called her on her cell the incident.
S reported-Dec. 27. ' - heard ioices- .puside his door phone. She picked the'men up *
S".''*." .-.., :.'' .:'- and quickly opened the door at 37th Avenue South and A domestic battery was
Jonathan Detlefs;- ,32,. of .to-find a'whitOi.male pulling a Ocean Drive, she said. , reported Jan. 1 in the 200 block
S Atlantic Bpach .was arrested on a ski maSk overiis'face. , . Seagate Avenue.
warrant: and; charged . ith, . ' '.' ' e g* *.
obtaiung perp wait orth- .' ' . . . . ... ' A credit card fraud was
,.less checks Dec.-29i e 200 3rd Street' Stt r, ertyyand tried to pry the.door reported Dec. 24 in .the 600
block.. of Beach Buleard,, A-cor dint. po� ce report, open. block of Atlantic Boilevard.
acco df0 a fi drt.e tmhe,.a stre. pry marks were noted .
. acco!rdg oao pcd i p.rt. th i g. j.. , .
S, "-a " po''. .. ..' a.em ad ' d i-the door near' the open win- A.windd tto -a vehicle was
JACK' ONV, LLE... '.H rf use .d. ,,o..r'i ' 's "-y' n . '" o"
JACKONVILLE BEACH rIefused to 14 d 'd The suspects were unable reported broken Dec. 28 in the
Three-.Jackson.i'l~ enc. with' :.!"ton to gain access to the;'property 1900 block of Stricklanrd'Road.
repdrtetDec. 3d0'athey were medicati'i baWia.ki e with a because of' a bed pushed up
-the'" i 'vtis6f . a'baf~eiyitst int-5' ''i, n'ic against the window. Damage is Police. reported Dec. -29 Chat
aft4r 1 a.m 0t'a nightlb i the� The' an was' also charged' estimated at300 ' ' ' various windows, to new horses'
400,blo 'of fst StiLr'ee orthi': l with' ies'assling i n. De 13 . . * .. ' being built in the 1500 block of
S One of.'the' vit -isi 9; told fromith meia ne business, police . A dark gray GMC EnVoy val- Third Street were shot out with i
' police that he lost a yeUw gold' said.. , ued at $20,000 containing over. a BB gun.
" ecklacwitfawli s, , ' . ' ' $2,000 worth of Christmas gifts - :' '
i'.durigthhe idsu A .attempted .burglary was and CD's was .reported stolen PONTE VEDRA BEACH
ri . ifii aaii .'' ' reported 3 .m..'ec. 28 in Dec. 29 in the 300 block of 3rd On Dec. 30 vandalism to
S'i-' t , a ~t o00 blok o' i t"' St reet, Street North. . signs, lights, and otherutdoor
'-;+": A", 4.4'year-6 d; " "t.ietwas '-a North. .n ,alarm sounded alter , ' The' 24-year-old victim told items which occurred between
, arAreissted'-Dec.. 29 an'd'.'�carged uhkhowin suspects 't6re:.,the" police that:she-parked her vehi- Dec. 29 and 30 in Sawgrass was
Switch trespassing at a', cdiienii screen off'a wimidow dIn'theeast 'cl .in a business'.lot(at .11 p.m. reported.,to St. Johns County
e ience stor~in the 300-d-bldck 6f 'side bf'-esof tiiheas r. .p~ip and returned at 2 a.ii.:to dis- Sheriff's Office by May
'"$."- '-~-'" "4 .. ,:' - ' -- ". -" - � . ' " ' ' M anagemi ent.

SAty. general releases ate Crimes Report, oundproperty including'flags,;
ST' he ss. is... ,w. , : , . -u in '.r Sc ' . , � :'' - flagpoles signs; Christmas dec-
S. - .., .o rations,''and-. other items on
Ft Y G 0 e R C h'(^rli& gthe Htatit usd in Fprepar- Since 1994, 'the. Attorney Ponte Vedra 'Clony CiXcle. The
-- '- Atit - Generli..G iieiga e H i i' s Fldri ,Geieral's Office . h'as coiducted items'were retired tothe secu-
Cis G0'tday~released�he;annux i l.ret recor epaateoff e .hte ries training seminars rity. office at Sawgrass Players
, Hate fim fl i~rePort 'for each tim reported the ' 6r':state and loca la*lenforce- Club. . .
, detailing inddeiits 6fiit eat- state , I contr ast, some aw meant. agencies. throughoutt * * * -
ed' offensesithat 'occurret-i"dur, enforcement -'statisfcs' are'. Florida. Through theend of the A burglary to vehicle parked
- ng. 2004. ' numbirof'hate' recordedpicaden esuling period covered by." the latest in the; 200pblock df 'Woody
crimesi' reported byloca l''aw. ' in different, statistics for the annual report, more than 3500- Creek; Drive& was reported on
Senf~ehieme tageric i es'inese6clisamd.offehses: . "' --law enfor-ement-- - :',' ' -'" i'.L. - .iDec. 30: According to 'a-police-
b - 2 T percent overtly IPAW-' O~if 6 rW !9ft # br persohtfl~b rff6o'hbi bdio ft repft,l'-HEinellltJlf .
Sous .a wittetotb f3t - vicV s ieul M. l'ati{ot .'272' idfriisiti6i hia 8 hd Vied' betweenri & kiE. le 9id' 9 c4.M.
rpteareeportedp li ctinnr� accountn ed: foi .' percent of- this.trainii . . An 'M transmittervalued "at
m ing the tir d-ghest annual, ahllhate esi' 200.n . Hat'e Cr s F Rep $50 .$was 6..taken from ;Lthe
Total sin ce eo beg an.;'. year aft~ht ategor showed' is prepared : yea pursuit uiiloced ,vehicle- ad a
: 1990"'"-'",'-':' "- s"- highest- proportion '.pn^e er 'to e Hate'rimes Reporting' Chrisias yariddisplay was also
S : ompred to the� previous'' recorded in ,oda (200per-Act section. 77.1'9, 'Floida vandtaizedl
annual report,,- the 'figures~ for ,.,.cent). The:Jntivati.on category Statutes.The report. summarizes. .- .
; 20.4 shied 'a;. midirate ;sihwed a slight reducton from data, collected b ca law Vilisim - to a-'vehicle
. iricease m- i 't share' of -hate ''55 to,52 reported o.ffenses, coni- enforcement agencies and sub- -parked, on' Porte Vedra Colony _
crimes. atffribted' to race 1buti a . cludig mj out in rttd. '-.to ".the'' .Fl6oidaJ- Circle was, reported ofr: Dec, 30,
- mdersilateit es-motivat w h Fii @ie eartm , . ';if- Fl':i w Accordii'.ttb.'th" police ' reort, .
ed'byi the victim ssea o agencies reported* imoe hate .Enforfemeiht..'ny attempt Ito ,approximateyi$850,in damage
Stalhn., "- . ' '1 " .',; crne'ies itWva~;is al . rink or categorize ian agency, was done tothedrivers door of
Crinmesmotiyated btheiVic-' entatioin :aian'e mbind.. 'county:. or. regibn-based solely .the- Ford -,truck'~ ie',s imem
tiil's�race or,-ebd tic ati : ttal ,ontiat category forotl.e o.n tis. report f may.'be mislead- between, 1 '30 p.mi- on Dec. 29
* orig dombied toacc tfout first eight years of bate crimes, g ing y making it appear that and 9:45 'a. nm'oni ec. 30
S722 percent of'al reported'h t repo hg. ' '. ' certain areas ave . ', ,
. cr:iimes in 2004, up fromacmrn . .The report also noted a slight . ber of hate crimes when, ii fact.. A 52-year old iPonte Vedra res-
- bined 672 percent odeye.a ar-. shift toward fatcrime trget- their law .enforcement,.agencies ident,was chargediith DUI fol-
lier. . ng. hdiimiduals. 'at'ier than have different polices ofidenti- lowingi a traffic accident' on
l '-Hatet.Tinme sareauonhgthe. property.. dCrimesiagainst ,per- tying .and reporting . such Corona Road on Dec. 30.
most senles factsltsiven by -sonsaccounted r 76peitent crimes. The report doeCs' icit' ...
fear aind Bi"go t i:nd devio d of. ofreported' ate crimes. in 2004, include unreported ,crimes or Criminal mischief to a rental
any';- measure 'iof -'.ti6ri'l$up foro 68pereit'the.revioups those that inay. have been hate- 'vehicle parked, in the 6000
th ught. Publlibc'' awareness year, .while i s against related but were ~idilassified as block of Bumranii Ciicle was
remains fcruial in'ourIeff .t property -ipped frioftf 32.Per- such by the local; law enforce- reported on Dec. 31. According
S stop hate crnmes.' in.o_ state," "cent to':24 petce- other total.' entagency. toa police report, a large, blunt
. said: Crist. '.DespiteiSie berall' Data ,i''thie Hate Crimes ,' A copy, of the 2004 'Hate object was used to'break the
i- increase ,in reported eilenis, Report was ' isubmirttd~.by local .Crimes in Florida report can be', driver side' rear' wiido, of the
. the cormbinledefforts qf:goveirr- law enfortemeritr'ge'nices' to viewed at: . vehicle. There iwas no sign of
m.rent,' cominitnif~.organiza- the .Florida Department of Law "'; http://myfloildalegal.com/we entry, nto the vehicle.,+ :-, . :
tions -and -la*.erifprcemeniit . Enforcement,AwhiCdh then' pror .b.f.i l'es 'ns.f/..F/M-RAY, . ", ' - . , '1'' '
i; remain strong o atig'the' dedt ,tO ihi'e, .orney. 6KHHZP/$file/2004HateCrimes ' l.According .to .a' police 'repo ,
scouge fat Ge aias' rtin eprt.pdf ' . ' 'deputies responded' 'to ' eport
S- o:. . ' . ':' f an individual with open war:
S : ..- ' " . . " '' , ' - . rants being seen in the 60~1; '
health lub ' block of PonteVedra Lakes:
- '.ROM' TR' ' " .; '.: " .',.' '. ". .' ..'.. ' ,' ' - .." . ' old: Ponte Vedra man. fled and'
S-, g i registrar n problem , arid " Broisn also recomihends waslas seen running into a .
S,-Frlid A.gri UiAlt f " ..r.. ad .advertising , , cinsuimers . follow,. those. tips "
; Cpoishumeri'i .c'-rS.?A"s There ,are ,l720 health stu- : before signing a contract: , . - , .f '''.' - '

'Corfiifissionerts. ei s H. dios"'"egistered', 'th'the - Call' the Departinents'
'B"tb"n+ " ' p6f7 ' iiiersm 'at 1-800-HELPFL ,(1-.
SBronson isr.giig consumers tp Departrient,ian-iicrease of 379 elpin at 1-800-HEPFA (1-
Sget'sm'e backgoun iLnfrirma- over :fast; yea',,l 49. clubs ,went 800-435-7352) to nake sure'the
.' , I ,- i" . ,% +-: " -.',. . & : to' ..,. ,sp e gs e e ,i, ,.
' tioi n- hf.'dub $io . to dt' business over the same health 'studio.is registered and
si grng a cntra , : fimetperiod.. -' to ieheck its.complaint history
.a,' y peppoe" 'put' losing' ""Joining a; Health.club.can be. --Find but if the studio has
j weight .and' gettir~ginto shapep' a positive biutcostly. endeavor, posted a' bond with the
. at.the' top of.their-Net Yeai's'to- ,and it's important that .people.. Department, as most that, col-
do ' list Buit efink~ he y, do -'soml know as much as possible Lbouit let fees in advance are required
research in advin.ce the only' i apartiular.facilhity before enter- to .do.
thing they may I .bs.e'is' money. ing intb. aK.conract,"' Bronson r' -Prior t6 joining, ask' about
SState law porpides soq~~rt tec said. "Theyneed to know exact- the club's; cancellation policy
tions 'for consumers,'and. thley, 'ly what they. are getting for' should you 'move or become -
shouldibe'aware'of ;hat those-- their mo'neyand what steps, physically unable to use the
' are. "t+ ;hey can take to seek redress if facility.
,: The FldaDeparmentof som'ething-goes.wroong." -Before signing up, visit the
Agriculture' ,land C6bsuirer Tei'elaw.provides consumers club during the hours you
Services administers the Health with the rght to cancel a con- intend to use it to determine
Studio Lawvwhich spells out the tract for certain reasons includ- whether it Is overcrowded and
rights and responsibilities of the ing: cancellation within three the equipment you plan to use
gyms ,arid ,consumers. It" also days f .signing '-a contract, is available.
provides some recouirse, against exclusive'b[ihbolidaysand week- -Find out'if any of the serv-
health clubs,that do not follow ends,'but it? mAst be done' in. ices offered require an addition-
the .law. "'Al- heaithi clubs ja'e ivriting. if: the .facility moves al fee.
required to' register .with the more than five miles away from' Bronson said it is important
Department's ' Divi{iodn' of the original.loation and fails to' to.read proposed contracts thor-
Corsumer Services-'and matiy prov'ide;,ithin 30,.days, a facil- ogghly and make sure you get
must also post a bbnd'tfiat can ity, of" equal quality located all promises made by club pet-
be used to repay members;lf the within' five, miles; ifa, person sonnel in writing. Ask ques-
facility goes'out of business. In becoiries physically `unable to tions to make sure you under-
2005, the Department collected use most 'of the . services for stand the terms of your mem-
$67,000. in fines against health :which they'.contracted,- until bership.
clubs for vaieots violations ,of the disability ends.
the Health Stfidlos Law, includ-

wooded area on Marsh Landing
A 26-year old Jacksonsvlle res-
ident was charged with driving
with a suspended and expired
license and possession of a con-
trolled substance on Dec. 31 fol-
lowing a traffic stop for a defec-
tive light in the 200 block of
State Road AIA North.
* * *
Nelsoh F. Scott, 35, of Ponte
Vedra, was charged with posses-
sion of cannabis, possession of
prescription medicine without
a prescription, possession of
drug paraphernalia and failure
to register a vehicle on Dec. 31.
According to a police report, a
St. Johns County deputy was
asked by an employee of a busi-
ness in the 600 block of State
Road A1A North to' check on
Scott, who was sitting in a
parked car by a gas pump at the

* *
A 24-year old Ponte Vedra res-
ident was charged with simple
domestic battery on Jan. 1 fol-
lowing an incident in the 200
block of Montego Way.
A burglary to a residence in
the 7300 block of Oakmont
Court was reported on Jan. 1.
According to the police report,
the residents were away from
the home between Dec. 31 and
Jan. 1 with a door possibly left
unlocked. jewelry including a
watch, wedding band, earrings,
a ring, and an I-Pod with a total
value of $11,300 were reported
An abandoned vehicle was
removed from the parking lot at
Mickler's Landing on Jan. 2.
According to a police report,
the' 1995 Che'y truck had been
in the parking lot since Nov. 29.

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Wednesday, Jan. 4
Wildlife of Northeast Florida:
"Wildlife of Northeast Florida" will be
held from 10 to 11 a.m. at Castaway
Island Preserve, 2885 San Pablo Road S.
This program is for all ages. Call 630-
3577 for information or to register.
Hypnosis class: James Ryan will
offer free yoga classes from 10 a.m. to
11 a.m. today at the Ponte Vedra
Library and from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at
the Beaches Branch.Library; noon to 1
p.m. Jan. 5 at the Beaches. Branch
Library; and 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the
Ponte Vedra Branch Library. Call 280-
4130 for information.
Art Walk: First Wednesday Art Walk
will be held from 5 to 9 p.m. in down-
town Jacksonville. Visit
www.DowntownJacksonville.org for
Beaches Watch: Beaches Watch will
. meet at 7 p.m. at Fletcher High School.
The meeting is open to the public. Call
513-9242" or visit .www.beach-
eswatch:icoim for information.
SThursday,: Jan. 5
Wildlife of Northeast Florida:
"Wildlife of Northeast Florida" will be
held frdm noon to 1 p'.m. at Castaway
Island.Preserve, 2885 San Pablo Road S.
This program,is forall ages. Call 630-
3577 for information or to register..
Minuteman: Minuteman Florida
I Corps,. a grassroots group supporting
Simmnigration 'control 'and border secu-
S rity, will meet -at Deriny's Restaurant,.
, 8409 Blanding Blvdi, -Qrange Park,
from 2 to 4 .m. today, and from 7 to
9 p.m.,'Jan. 12, .9.;and 26. Call 904-
399-4115 for information'.. , .

SFriday, Jan. 6.:
Outdoor Observations: '"Outdoor
Observations" will'be.- held- from 11
a.m. to 'noon at Castaway Island
SPreserve, 2885 San Pablo, Road S. This
programs for all ages: Call '630-3577-
for information or to.tegister.
Saturday, Jan. 7 '
SoftballU: ,Te St. John's rSoftball
S-As0ocdation's 'softball league ffor, the
SPVAA ill, hold sign-ups.f6otthespring
season tda'and Jari. 8, 14 and 15, at
. ornerstone lark, 1046 A1A'N.- Times
are f'0.a.m. to 3 p.m.Satuidays, and 1
to,3' ip;. Sunday. The league is open
tbo grl ages '5 to 16,- aid h6me games
are, played at Dadis .park. '.-; , :
. . s . , ., -,- . . . ,.: ,
S,,',,Cat sBodw: The 2006 aanu'al'CFA'cat'
-*'.:'-a.*jai-aj !W.'.i3<-.^'A ^ iltf~e iJB'iii

show will be held from 10 a.m. to 4
p.m. today and Jan. 8 at the Morocco
Shrine Auditorium on St. Johns Bluff
Road. Admission is $5 for adults, and
$4 for children under 6 and seniors.
Call 904-269-5871 for information.

Tree Treasures: "Tree Treasures" will
be held from 1 to 2 p.m. at Castaway
Island Preserve, 2885 San Pablo Road S.
Learn how to identify a variety of
Northeast Florida's trees. This program
is for all ages. Call 630-3577 for infor-
mation or to register.

meeting will be held at noon at the
Yates Family YMCA, 221 Riverside Ave.
Call 904-332-6414 for information.
Book discussion: John Chappelear
will be at The Bookmark at 7 p.m. to
discuss his new book, "Six Simple Steps
to Find the Perfect Balance of
Prosperity and Purpose. 241-9026.

Saturday, Jan. 14
Yoga workshop: A yoga basics
workshop will be held from 10 to
11:30 a.m. for four Saturdays at Ocean
Yoga, 50 Ocean Blvd., Atlantic Beach.
Call Kate Cordell at 742-4582 or e-mail
yogakate@bellsouth.net for prices and
Sunday, Jan. 15
Team in Training: The Leukemia &
Lymphoma Society's information
meeting will be held at 2 p.m. at the
Pablo Creek Regional Library, 13295
Beach Blvd. 904-332-6414.
Monday, Jan. 16
Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Wednesday, Jan. 18
Simply Snakes: "Simply Snakes"
will be held from 10 to 11 a.m. at
Castaway Island Preserve, 2885 San
Pablo Road S. Living and non-living
specimens will be presented. This pro-
gram is for all ages. Call 630-3577 for
information or to register.
Friday, Jan. 20
Photography exhibit:
"Cheerleaders, Bodybuilders & Disco
Queens: Photographs by Brian Finke &
Morten Nilsson" will be on display
through April 15 at the Jacksonville
Museum of Modem Art, 333 N. Laura
St., Jacksonville, as part of
"Photoblast," a four-month event cele-
brating photography. Call 366-6911,
extension 210, for information.

Sunday, Jan. 22
Meditation class: A guided medica-
tion and dharma talk will be held
sTerese Marie Muller, willbe from 10 to 11:30a.m. at Cobalt Moon
Gro.. c e onvily, e.b .caa _ .eptionW Center's upstairs studio, 217 First St.,
-n the nighle of 2000-2Hendcs Neptune Beach. 386-246-4092.

on disp at the Un mo n ounds. Calle74.5-3710 for information Monday, Jan. 23
be held Friday, Jan. 13, rom 6 oa Jan. 1 Grant-writing workshop: "The
Friday, Jan. 13 Grant Institute: Certificate in
.".- "- ' . ' 'Leukemia & Lymphoma Noon Break: Noon Break will be Professional Program Development
" l h-.,'1 " -

*'Meditation class: A g
tiori and dharma talk wi
'10 to 11:30, a.m. at
Center's ipstairs'�studi6
Neptune Beach. Call 38
information.:'..., .
SMonday, Ji
.Stoiytiin .- Scien
Sdence" _ill be held fro
at the Castaway Island'
"San PRblo'Rod 'S:, for a'g
and, their adult compa
story and 'then exaumi
i, 'volved. Call 630-357

guided medica- �h
ill be held from C
-Cobalt Moori
' 217 First St

ocietlys information meeting wiil iU
held from. 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at 9745
;ate Parkway N. Call 904-332-6414 for

elllU LUIII I IUUIo LU 1 p.Im. at Lne
Beaches Branch Library, 600 Third St.,
Neptune Beach. David Nolan will
speak 'on "Adventures in St. Augustine
History." The program is free and open

.6-246-4092 for Wednesday, Jan. 11 to the public' 241-1142.'
.NeWcomers: Newcomers of the
Beaches, 'an organization for women "Around Town": "Around Town,"
an. 9 h' Wo are new to the area, will hold its local scenes depicting the nightlife of
ce: "Storytime ., monthly luncheon at 11 a.m. at the Jacksonville by local artist Terese Marie
om 1.to 2 p.m. Casa Marina Hotel, .691 1st St. N., Muller, will be on-display at the
Preserve, 2885 Jacksonville Beach. Call Maggie Penn Uncommon Grounds' Coffee
ges 7 and under ,at 904-998-2331 for information.. . . Company, 2000-2 Heridrcks. Ave., San
onions. Read a M ' Marco. A reception will be held from 6
ne the science Thursay,. Jan. -12 to 8 p.m. Call 745-3710 for informa-
7'for informa- . Team in Training: The Leukemia & tion.
Lymphoma Society's information
" :JlSaunnfi Z ,tei-jza ;gnuoY YT bsib,8 ,s~L ji n9ttBH �nig'fl yjinummo, fr
.'rid.rih .Irui ;,I' r " :11 %n .1 : .j ,|r . ) .f - 110. 14? i i',i ., i r ' . .r

and Grant Commumncaton' wul pe
held through Jan. 27, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
at the University of Miami's James L.
Knight International Center, Miami.
Visit www.thegraritinstitute.com or
call 888-824-4424 for cost and registra-
tion information.
Storytime Science: "Storvtime
Sdence", will be held from 11 to 11:45
a.m. for ages 7 and under, and their
adult companions; at Castaway Island
Preserve, 2885 San Pablo Road S. Read
a story and examine the science
involved. Call 630-3577 for informa-
tion or to register.' '
.m. looriDs i: H i i ltlsr bbnat1 b
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January 4, 2006

The Beaches LeadeT/Ponte V:edra LeadeT



January 4, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 7A


William 'Bill' Joseph Bail y

Helen Fender O'Quinn

James 'Jay' Weimar

William Joseph ."Bill"
Baily of Welaka,. Fa.,
formerly of Neptune
Beach, died Saturday
S Dec. 31, 2005, after a
two-year. battle with
cancer. He was 71.
S Originally from
Birmingham, Ala., he
served 33 years in the
U .S.,'Navy,, retiring in
S 1985 as command master chii
of.the Sixth Fleet. He was fo
merely command master chii
of Mayporf Naval Station: 1-
was)a Vietiam veteran.r ,.~
SHie-wasa a ppst .president
thie .Sun'shin ne :haptei .f th
SSpecil. Military Active Retire
I Tavdlclub, and a giember
Fleet Riserve Chapter. 290 i
Atlantii ', Beach, . aid Moo
SLodge'184 in Pomona Park, Fl
H .e was. predeceased by h
first wife' of 399 years, Dolore
Jean Bailey. Survivors incdue
his presentt wife Elizabet
Moore-Bailey 6f - Welak
daughters, Paris (Chri
Christiai' of.' Hohenwali
i Teiin., Llsa'" (Bill) Waters ,

Robert M:-Jenkins,. 76, died
Dec. 29, 2005, in the Hadlow.
Center of Community Hospice.
He was, .born-.on July 26,
1929, hi Dunmore, Pa., and'
moved to Jacksonville. in 1991
from .Atlanta.! He -was a mem-
ber of Beach United Methodist
Church and served in the U.S.
Family members include his
wife of 54 years, Ruth Jenkins;
son, Tommy (TracyLyn)
Jenkins of Jacksonville;- daugh-.
ter, Beverly (Dan) Williams' of.
Jacksonville; grandchildren,
Michael (Jamie) Williams-of St.
Augustine, Brian Williams of
Jacksonville Beach, Justin and
Montana. Jenkins, Jacob
Jenkins all of Jacksonville and

SNashville Tenn., Kim
Sutton of Nashville;
Katherine (Steve)
Schmidtberger of
Victoria, Kan.; grand-
children, Jennifer
(Brandon) Bush, Taylor
Sutton, Alex .Waters;
Bailey step-grandchildren,
r Toby and Rebakha
ef Schmidtberger.
r- Funeral services will be held
ef. at 11 a.m., Thursday, Jan. 5, in
Fe . the Chapel of QuinnmShalz, A
Family Funeral ' Home.
of Interment will be' at.'Beches
ie Memorial Park of", Atlantic
1d :Beach immediately flowing
of the service. '
n The family 'has asked . that-
se any -memorial- donations be
a. sentto Community Hospice of
is Northeast .-.Florida, 4266
es Sunbeam 'Road, Jacksonville,
le FL.3225.7.
:h Services under' the direction
a; and care of.'Quinn-Shalz 'A
s) Farhily Funeral ',Home....&
d, Cremation'Centre, Jacksonville
of Beach,. '.. .,,, ' .
.' ', .

Nlemesio Teotimio :Egado,:
Nemeslo Teo timo , ria o
Elegado, 81, passed Phihl Pa. ,, Ki
away Dec. 28 at Baptist - * Elegado .f". Hawaii;
Medical Center. " randchilder,', KaI,
,He. was born Dec. 19; Lanae,. " Elizabeth
1924, .;in Nabdila, Aaron, jtil�Neve.
Camarinios Suir -,and He wasIpredeceased
moved, t .Jacksoi'ville , y. his' if' f 29. years,
in i972 from Pensacola; '' Sarita"". Stinshine, 12
He. waas,;a nieniber "of - 'Neesio ' i brbtiiers and one sister,I
S.. '- aPadl l's. ,Cathoiic.: Privateffamily.'seiic-
Cliurch'VFW. Post 3270 and .-es,;will be held. :
reti ed"'from .tie. U.S. Navy as Servlces under ,the direction.
anr adinil's chief steward. of Q-uinn-Shalz,. ar-'Fariily
Family members include his Funeral Home & Cremation.
daughters,'Bettina (Richard H.) Centre, Jacksonville Beach.
E i d^,, C. t,,-, -frI rvLvnn . ' il - '. ..

great-grandchild,. Honour
Williamsi'of',St. 'Augustine. His
brother, Burton Jenkins; sons;,
Gary and Jimmy Jenkins:prede-
ceasedi. in. .
Graveside services'were held
Tuesday. Jan. 3,: in Beaches
Memorial Park, Atlantic Beach,
with the ReIerind Dr. G. P.
"Gabe" Goddman officiating. N
In lieu of flowers memorial
donations may ibe made to
Comriinity. . .Hospice of
Northeast ..Florida, . 4266.
Sunbeam Rd Jacksonville, FL
Services-'under.-the direction
and .care of Qi lhn-Shalz, A
Family Funeral Home &
Cremation Cehite, Jacksonville

Helen Fender
O'Quinn died
Wednesday, Dec. 28,
surrounded by her
family., She was born
in Avon Park, Fla., on
March 4, 1926.
She graduated from
Lee High School in
1942. She attended O'C
the University of
Georgia and graduated in
1948 from Florida State
She began her. Duval
County. teaching career at
Pickettville Elementary and
also. taught ,at Arlington
Heights, Terry Parker, Douglas
Anderson 7th Grade Center
and Arlington Junior,. High
where.she retired in 1990 after
38 years as an educator.
She was an active member
of the, rFourth Church of
Christ; . Scientist, the
Republican Women's Club
Duval Federated, , the
"Mandarin Dogwood. Garden
Club, the La Tea ba Chapter of
the Red. Hats Society, the
Women's Club of Jacksonville
and 'Mandarin 'Newcomers
Club. '
She was, predeceased in
death by a sister Alice Justine
'Banks. Survivors include three

John A. 'Poppi' Othmer

'John A. (Poppi) Othmer, 68,
died Friday, Dec. 30, 2005,
after a nine-year battle with
lung cancer. .
He was a 30-year resident of
Jacksonville Beach. He was
.birri.in New York City where
.he jj'dined' the 'Navy as a
Samanin 1st Class. He spent 27
years in the Navy and retired
at ai e rank of lieutenant com-.

t.Igauuc-,iu ui jia . atnivui, - �A Jua sonv eU ., -.1 *. Lv.- .
. :.: ., ;: ' '. - - '. ' ' ' ' m an der.
S -',' '. ' . ', ' ' '. . . He wa� a lifetime member.
.I of the American Legion Post'
William'Bill' Stuart Gammie #3 . - ,
,He' is suriyd by his wife of
William (Bill) ' Stuart and sister-in-law, Bob and Parm .47yearsarbara. Other fami-
Galimmine died peacefully,, after Gammie; a sister, a brother-in- '"ly imenibers include his 'three
, a l:6ng battle with Alzheiiner's law' and .a niece, Linda, Bill sons and., daughter-in-laws,
Disease d~iDec. '24, 2005. He. and Emima Carter; daughter,
was 50. '. Marisa.' Reeti;.'"'ahd son;-
He was born July 8, 1955, in Brandon Gammle. ' Regina Ha
Stamford, Conn., and.grew up A memorial, service will be .
in Neptune Beach, where he held on Saturday,.Jan. 7, at 10 .... .. ....
attended Fletcher High School ' a.m., ' at Community Regina-Hatten Shea; 55, died
apd.the.Uniyerslty of Florida. ..Presbyterian. Church, . .150. Jan..1, :2006,: peacefully with
lie was a retired ffirfightei. ' Sherry Dr., Atlantic Beach."- her,'family after a .seveni-year-
' He was predeceased in death' ,.Services utider the.,direction . battle lrith breast cancer.'
by his-mother, Ruth' Gammie .. and cAre 'of Quiirini-Shalz; a She .was -born in Neir
He is' survived . by his' father Fiamily : Fqneral,: Home. .&. Orleans and. graduated from
anid' stepmother, Stuart- and Cremation Centre,: ,the' University of
lfarilyni Gammie; a brother Jacksonville Beach.:'. i Southwestern Louisiana in
. . . ' : ' - ,' ' . 197i1. She had resided ii Ponte
' ' .Vedra Beach for. the past 20'
years.'She was an active mein-.
S , ber of The Golden. Girls,'
SJame Glen nJackson, '. Marsh Landing Women's Golf
' . . ' ' ". .Association, Ponte -Vedra
James Glenn Jackson, ' s. 'Tekxas;', a - brother, Federated . Republican
of bTeptune Beach died ' "-T'' Thoinas Austin "Torm"' Women's Club, the High Tea.
oit; 22 2005: He-was :. ' 'jailsonitf,~' Neptune IInvestment Club and numer-
born. June 9, 1952, in Beach; step-sisters and ous bbook clubs and bible.stud-
New Brunswick,;N.J.He 'brothers . Rob l es...
'was 53. .' .; Blechinger. of'Dallas, She is survived by her hus-
He moved to 'Dan.- Blechinger of band of. 32 years, Michael H.
,1Neptune Beach in the 'Auburn, ,Ga., .Lyn Shea; daughter, Maggie. (Tom)
early 1970s and was: i Mevin. of ..Bedford, .Young;' son, Casey
.employed as a welder Jacksoin -- Va.,r Kim -Hicks of (Laighorne). Shea;, grandson,
..h. . ' li . C 4n.rlln '. 'n d n

wit . e Uinger -ar1ersv e, - a. auin
Shipyards. 'He .was - a , - Karen D'Arigelo of
member of the.Lions Club. ' AspersaPa. .
'Survivors include his moth- Meimorial atdrnitioris-to local
er,: Gail W. Blechinger of ASPCA shelters, i libraries , or a
Wellsvlle, N.Y.; a sister,. Mary chairty of he 'donor's choosing
Dee sMickelson of IAustin, are'suggested. ''

, . " . .: - , , . , th .
" ' .'- . R. thW. ,

R .uth ,'W, Ja'kson, 88, of
Neptune IBeach, formerly of
Atlantic Beach, passed away
Saturday, Dec. 31, 2005.
She was bom'March 1, 1917,
in Jicksfi4ri4le, 'She ,was pre-
ceeded in.''death by her first
Shustiband, "Hermian, of 42 years.
SThe couple owned and operat-
'.'ed .Hermnan 'jackson Cleaners
intil the nid 1980s.
-She is survived by her loving
daughter, Barbar. Jackson. She

Jackson ..

is also survived by her ndphew
and 'his"' wife, Charles and.
Annette Wheeler; a ' great
nephew,'Chad iWheeler '.and
several' special nieces and
. Graveside services were held
Tuesday,. January 3, 2006,. at
Riverside Memorial Park, with
Rev. Tim ',Ltisk officiating.
Arrangements aie by Town, &
Country. Funeral Home, 7242
Normandy Blvd.

Janet Lea Smith, 49, passed
away 'Dec. 28, 2005, in the
Hadlow Center of Community
Hospice, She was born on May
26, 1956, in Chicago, and
moved to Jacksonville in 1994.
.' She was a 'member, of. the
Church at Chets Creek, and, a
graduate .of the University of
Kentucky. She ,was.a registered
nurse at -Loyola Hdspital and.
St. 'Luke's In Chicago. She also
worked with the Baptist Home
Health Care in Jacksonville.
Family members include her
daughter, Angelique Hoctor of
Ponte Vedra Beach; 'mother,

O'bi tua ry
notices are
Published free
of charges a
Scorn m m u,n i ty
service. All
submissions are
subject to edit-
ing. Paid adver-
tising. space is
available for
more detailed
or personalized
death notices.
Call 249-9033.

John and Mary Othmer, Doug
Othmer, and Jeff and Janet
Othmer and five grandchil-
dren, Vince, Amanda,
Andrew, Hannah and Leah.
A celebration of his.life will
be held at the American
Legidn Post #316, at 3 p.m.,
Friday, Jan. 6. The family
would. like to thank the staff
of Community Hospice of
Northeast Florida for there
help and support.
Services under the direction...
and care' of, Quinn-Shalz, A
Family Funeral /Home &:
Cremation Centre, 3600 Third
Street Sotth, Jacksonville

iften Shea

Ty Young; sisters, Nannette
Egros and Barbara ,.(Johni)
Tyler; and her brotherr,, Billy
A', Mass of Christian Burial'
will 6e celebrated at 11- a.m.,
Friday, Jan. 6, in Our Lady Star -
of the Sea Catholicr Chuich.
with the Revetend Greg. Fay ,as
celebrant..A receptidn..will fol-
low at the Sawgriss Beach
Club.. . -
In lieu of floweis..the family-
requests contributions- 'be -
made to Community-Hospice
of Northeast Florida, .4266'
Sunbeam 'Road, Jacksonville,
FL' 32257.
Services under, the.direction
and care of Quinn-Shalz, A
Family Funeral .Home &
Cremation .Centre,
Jacksonville Beach.

James "Jay" Weimar, 48,
longtime resident of
Jacksonville Beach, died Dec.
27, 2005.
He was bom in Brooklyn,
N.Y. He received a bachelor's
degree in English and journal-
ism at Flagler College.
He was employed by the
Florida Times-Union as direc-
tor of display advertising.
He was past president and
treasurer of the Florida
Newspaper Advertising and
Marketing Executives and also
was past chairman of Florida
Newspaper Advertising
He is survived by his wife
Karen (Stefanski) Weimer of

Jacksoni lle Beach; two broth-
ers, Chuck and Ward Weimar
both of Montauk, N.Y.; and a
sister, Laura Hanlon of Easton,
A memorial service was held
Tuesday; Jan. 3, at the Flagler
College Auditorium in St,
Memorials in his name may
be directed to the Jay Weimar
Endowment Fund, Flagler
College Office' of
Advancement, P.O. Box 1027,
St. Augustine, FL 32085-1027.
Arrangements by Hardage-
Giddens Funeral Home, 1701
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville
Beach, FL.

children, Helen Hope
(husband, Richard)
Hana of Ponte Vedra
Beach and their chil-
dren, Elizabeth and
Greg, Robert Edgar
(wife, Susie) O'Quinn
of Jacksonville and
their children,
Jinn Christie Watson and
Katherine and Seaborn
Fender (wife, Nani G)
O'Quinn of Jacksonville and
children, Chad and Courtney
O'Quinn and Chad, Jessica
and Mike Gall; a brother-in-
law, Albert Banks; nephew
Carter (wife, Donna N) Banks;
niece 'Christina (husband,
Ben) Hale; grandnephews and
grandnieces Marshall Banks,
Justine and Trey Hale, and
John and Laura Nichols; and
daughter-in-law Diane
A memorial service will be
held Saturday, Jan. 7, at 2 p.m.
in-the Chapel of Quinn-Shalz,
A Family Funeral Home,
immediately' followed by a
reception, at The Lodge and
Club At Ponte Vedra Beach,
607 Ponte Vedra Blvd.
In lieu of flowers, donations
may be sent to River Garden
Hebrew Center. and Mayo

l .- - . ' . - . ..

. , JanetLea Smith

Patricia Smith. of LaGrange
Park, Ill.;. brothers,' Jack Smith,
Jimmy (Mary) Summers; sever-
al cousins,. aunts and uncles.
Memorial Services will be
held at 6 p.m., Thursday, Jan.
5; in the Church: .:f Chets
Creek with the Reverend
Stephen E. "Spike" Hogan offi-
Services under the direction
and' care of Quinn-Shalz, A
Family 'Funeral -Home &
Cremation Centre, 3600 Third
Street South,' Jacksonville

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Robert M. Jenkins

FE o%%~V - ftA.W

Ral Ho^llL


The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader


January 4, 2006


A Hokies


seemed in

the Cards

Somehow it was right for
the Virginia Tech team
to overcome a first half
lead by the Louisville
Cardinals to win the Gator
Bowl classic Monday.
After all, the Hokies have
been to Alltel Stadium
enough to pay taxes here.
SCoach Frank Beamer is an
old friend, a nice guy who
controls his temper and has
never been known to throw
Sa chair or a photographer or
a sun visor in the years we
have observed him.
Still, even though Beamer
Should feel at home here,
that didn't help him over-
come a fierce onslaught by
: the Red Birds, who scanm-
pered off to a 14-0 lead
almost before the TV
announcers could get their
spotters in tow.
Trailing 17-10 at the break,
it looked like just another
bad day at Black Rock (as the
old movie went). Virginia
Tech has had woes here for
years, not to mention its
frustration at being thumped
by Florida State in
SJacksonville for the ACC
crown last month.
A day or so before the
Gator Bowl game, coach
Beamer said the Hokies were
always delighted to come to
Alltel. Why? They almost
never win here. But, of
course, he was just uttering
the obligatory nice things
About the Gator Bowland
Beamer obviously never
worked as a coach under Jeff
Fisher, of the Tennessee
Titans, who hates the
Jaguars, terrorists and cancer
in that order.
There were lots of dull
moments in Monday's game,
which finally saw the Hokies
pull out a 35-24 victory.
Tech quarterback Marcus
Vick gave a Louisville tackler
a cowardly stomp on the leg
for no good reason, and to
add to the fun, ejections
were in order along with
plenty of penalties on both
The Cardinals plainly
came to play. Led by quarter-
back Hunter Cantwell, coach
Bobby Petrino's team domi-
nated the first and second
quarters, while the Hokies
were still rubbing their eyes
in disbelief.
Louisville proved worthy
of a first class bowl bid and
never let their fans, about
half of the 63,780
announced crowd, down
Until the very end.'
Cantwell took an ugly
beating. For a brief time we
thought we were seeing a re-
run of the Tennessee Titans
all but destroying the
J..aguars' Mark Brunell.
The 22-point comeback by
the Hokies in the final quar-
ter saved Monday's game
from being another ho-hum-
For that we have coach'
Beamer and his homecom-
ing.to thank. Comebacks
didn't work for every team
The Georgia Bulldogs
staked the surprising West
Virginia team to a 28-0 lead
in the Sugar Bowl and almost
caught ip at the end, only to
lose 38-35. Any team that
gives up 28 points in the first
half doesn't deserve to win.
And the Dawgs didn't.
: 'Meanwhile, the Florida
Gators gave coach Urban
Meyer a great start n his U F
:; career by beating Iowa, 31-
24, in spite of themselves.
S But like the old saying goes,
"There's no such thing as an
ugly win ... or an 'ugly' rich

Hokies rally to win Gator Bowl


Vick gets it

done in the

4th quarter


The game and the outcome
were much better for Virginia
Tech in its second trip to
Jacksonville this season.
Quarterback Marcus Vick
tossed a pair of touchdown
passes and led a fourth quarter
Hokies comeback in a 35-24
Gator Bowl victory Monday
over a game Louisville squad.
Running back Cedric Humes
ran for 113 yards and a TD as
the No. 12 Hokies topped the
15th-ranked Cardinals.
Virginia Tech's first trip to
the River City, for last month's
ACC championship game,
ended with a stunning loss to
Florida State. But the Hokies
managed to overcome penal-
ties, mistakes and the ejection
of senior cornerback Jimmy
Williams (for bumping an offi-
cial) to stage the come-from-
behind victory.
"This is a much better feel-
ing than when we were here
last time," said Hokies tight
end Jeff King. "We wanted to
go out on a better note than
what we showed when we
played Florida State. We had a
lot of our guys come in and
step up. That's what good
teams do to-get back on the
winning track."
Louisville came out fired up
in building a 14-3 lead when
Mario Urrutia caught an 11-
yard TD pass from QB Hunter
Cantwell, and Joshua Tinch
hauled in a 39-yard heave in
the first quarter.
While Louisville o a 17-
10 le.dinte tiEo.erjo.o a at

't"S' (: 1li

Virginia Tech's Reggie Butler (61). Joshua Tinch and Josh Morgan (17) celebrate Tinch's 39-yard touchdown catch Monday against
Louisville in the Galor Bowl. While the Hokies fell behind during the first half, a furious fourth quarter rally led to a 35-34 victory

over the Louisville Cardinals.
halftime, the second half -
particularly the final. 15. min-.
tt6ts .-,.elenged --tmostexchlu-

Prolo by ROB DrArNGELO
Former Fletcher High star and current Louisville linebacker
Johnnie Burns watches the action from the Cardinals sideline.

si\ ely to Virginia Tech.
-Humes. scored .on.a 24,yard.
rompNRing'caugh trais-yardft b
pass from Vick and defensive
back James Anderson picked
off a Cantwell pass and rum-
bled 39 yards for the Hokies'
final score.
"That was a big play," said
Anderson. "It came at the right
time and I was in the right
spot. We got good pressure on
the quarterback, he threw it
right to me, and i just made
the play."
Vick was inconsistent
against a motivated Cardinals
defense, but came through
when the game was on the
line. A 54-yard pass to David
Clowney set up Humes"
touchdown run on the next
Vick, the younger brother of
former Virginia Tech star and
current Atlanta Falcons Qb
Michael Vick, finished 11-of-
21 for 203 yards. He also
gained 10 yards on 13 carries.
But the lasting image of the
young quarterback came just
before .the half when he
stepped on the leg of NCAA
sack leader Elvis Dumervil.

While Vick was
the Louisville si
when st4LTinm-r
ed the' stomp
Tech coach
Frank Beamer
said he wasn't
pleased by the
actions of sev-
eral Hokies
the game.
happened is
said Beamer,
who also indi-
cated he sent
Vick to the
Louis ville
locker room
after the game
to apologize
to Dumervil.
"I'm ' jnot
happy about
some of the th
opened in the f
leave it at that."
Williams wa
bumping an offi
quarter following

isn't penalized,
decline erupted
eplao)i indicat-
looked inten-

extra point. Virginia Tech was
also .flagged three times for
rosighingrthe passer,,'and'once'T
for unsportsmanlike conduct'

after Noland
S.. - _......_. Burchette cel-
ebrated a hard

This is a much better hit oTn
feeling than when we Louisvilhe QB
was left with a
were here last time.. bloody nose
that coach
We Wanted to go out thaBobbPetrino
on a better note than later said may
have been
what we showed when broken.
S yr I Cantwe4l
we played Florida started in
State. place of Brian
S" Brohm who
was out with
" an injury. The
freshman fin-
- Jeff King ished15-of-37
S Hokies tight end for 216 yards.
He threw.
three TD pass-
ings that hap- es but was sacked four times,
first half. We'll threw three interceptions ahd
S lost a fumble.
s ejected for "Hunter gave a great effort,"
icial in the first Petrino said. "He got hit hard-
ig a Cardinals' er than he's ever been hit."

Playoff-bound Jags steamroll Titans


Even with nothing on the
line, a victory against the rival
Tennessee Titans proved satisfy-
ing for Jaguars players Sunday.
S In its final regular-season
game of the 2005-06 campaign,
Jacksonville rested several
starters for Saturday's playoff
game at New England, but still
managed to rout the Titans by

. - 1 a.

a 40-13 count.
"We came but and played
well and scored some points. It
was real big because we're
going up to New England next
week to play the defending
champs," said safety.: teon
Grant. "This time of'year those
boys always come to play. I
think it was really big for us to
go out and play the way we

- - - - - - - - - -

Photos by ROB DeANGELO
-ABOVE: Receiver Matt Jones, in for a couple of plays at quarterback Sunday, eyes a receiver
downfield. RIGHT: Running back LaBrandon Toefield takes on Tennessee's Keith Bullock.


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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader * Page QA

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Some good catches from

St. Johns River last week

excellent catches of speck-
led trout and sheepshead
were taken out of the river
last week. Whiting by the
dozens were cleaned by pier
anglers. The hot spot seemed
to be the.verynid of.the pier.
Th'e p6mpan.o have moved
south but the'bite'was on in,
the surf' near: Melbburne last
Wednesday and Thursday. :
'The cleaning -tables, on the
Jacksoville :Bech Pier were in
full use. by anglers' last week as
they were cleaning great catch-
es of whiting caught from the
end of the pier. Spencer
Brogden,' Mike Youngblood, Al
Wiltshire and Colinkand Phillip
Grossman were just a few of'
the pier anglers who iced down'
plenty of filets. They brought
between 50 and 100 whiting
over the rails of the pier on
each trip. i
. Wade and Kathy Randall
made two trips to the jettie's
last week for sheepshead. On
Wednesday, they boxed 20
sheepshead to six pounds and
on Friday; albng the rocks, they

pulled up 18 sheepshead.
'Brian Russell and friends'
fished the,.bottom about 12
miles offshore last Friday; and
captured an 18-pound grouper,'
one snapper and 60. seabass.
SCaptains Mike Morris. and'
SDavid King made a check-out
run along the roks' lpst -week.
Said caught' 14.sheepshead.
. O1' Salt-George Bull, Jr; with'
his grandson- Dylan, just does-
n't miss. On.a trip to the creeks
last week oh their.' "Bionic'.
Bull," .they, netted 25 rebass,'
i i ' 7i',

10 speckled trout, 14 drum and
three flounder.
Butch Garvin fished alone
last Tuesday near the Mike
Scanlan Boat Ramp and caught
30 speckled trout and three
redbass. Then, on Wednesday
morning with John Campbel
near Sisters Creek, Butch
reported a catch of 25 trout
and two reds. All were caught
'on cork rigs.
SLarry "Fishman" Finch
fished the jetties on Tuesday
morning. with fiddlers and
'caught 15 sheepshead. On
Thursday, he headed south to
pick up the bite of pompano in
.the surf near Melbourne The
Fishm'an used sandfleas for bait
and caught 97 pompano and a
dozen whiting.
The most unusual catch
made last week was an eight-
pound mutton snapper caught
by Ro1n Watterman.in the surf
at Melbourne with a sandflea.
Captain Pat Purgason, his
son Ty and friend Tony Munoz,
.on the "Down Pat," fished in
thick fog on Sunday near the
Elton bottoms and iced down a

Hectic hlid season

ning schedule out

.s Hamlpetsai:htime' . Shott's racing inactivity tha
o s Hamet . O he cursed. to a lengthy hamstring injury
,Aoi.ite,' tha I was bornsd The question on all the .
i. .tha1t ve :_a b owners' lipswas, ,"ls this it?"
tosetitght" "it" .'being the final, illustri
I couldn't agree.more. - Gasp race, or ;ot.Accordinl
I hardly know where I am or ' -,Jacksonville Track Club bc
what - should;be .doing. My hol- ' member, John .T.nBroeck, if
iday schedule is all upside down 3 , race dies it Will not be the ti
and inide out. I am a-rudderless '- . cub that kills'it. :.
ship adoftbn,.a stormy sea. Tihe. "'It' all dependss own what
pattern'f my holiday happen-. - ' .does "with the golf courtr
ings is out of sync., TenBroeck said. .
,It isisupposedto go.(and has ' . JU ha'ssold a large tract o
for,. healy ti.irt'.e.,ggars) i.c i n,,j. .O.Y .:., I; I rthern j most.:property,,,t
ThantsiAng; - hrisitd ifEIne - -.i a1 l.'l e nsre'r d veloper- for: rthe' building
Last Gasp, New. Year's Eve. But oNN I TNSES some pricey condos. Accorc
no; thanks to the Gasp being 'RUt IN.M FITN. ESS o tthe deal struck with the de
shoved' up, to. December 10, there was a team 'from the Navy oper,.JU's.disused nine-hole
everything' is put of kilter. I am and liberal sprinkling of skin- course'that currently looks li
left with the; feeling that'sonie- ny, fit, high school' runners.. It swampi overrun by mon
thing very vital is missing and if made for a good field.., 'm weeds must be rebomi --
there is' one thing I hate-it is a Some of- those participating swanky, up-market golf .col
void: - did so because they had heard, for use by'-tl]erswanky,'upma
I can't take it when the natural that itwas the last time the ra'c ,. Peoplewho live in those .cn!
order -of things is-put topsy- wwuld'- be. rrn.' Even- Motheri-.: "Then thie question shall.
turvy. Next year.I hope we can ':'Nature cooperated; despite. the WillJU (which Will still 6wn
get back to the way it ought tb: 'heavy-rainsall week,;oqn.'race dy 'operate the course) allow
be: Thanksgiving,- Christmas, the Weather could hardly, have- tra'ckdcub a couple of hours
The Lat Gasp, New Year's Eve. been better. . " .. -~. bfthe .campus andL'golf coi
Otherwise,'like Hamlet, I will .Running for the first timeron once a year; as they have d
have to- take matters into 'my-.' the new, abbreviated 5-kiloreter -for the past 29 years?.
own hands.' cross-tountiy 'course, Owein - We.may have a feiY: year'
While'-on the subject of The Short, of 1st Place Sports,; wait on, that'deliberation. In
Last Gasp, I can report that the. showed a clean pair,of heels, to meantime we can run our he
small, buit appreciative, crowd thefield of'83 Turiners. His;win- out'in JU's'still nice cross-cc
that turned out for the taiehad - ning ime of 17 nintesand43 tryurse.
a great time.- In additioti to -secondswivas petty: ' nsid- ' Here we are at the-. start
many of the usual local runners, ering the difficulty f'teriaii and another 'year :and you kr

Anne LeForte
caught this 28-
pound snapper
recently with
Captain Dennis
Young aboard
the "Sea
Dancer." They
were fishing 15
miles offshore
on Christmas

good catch which included
their limit of big beeliners, a
snapper and lots of triggerfish,
amberjack and mangrove snap-
Captain Dennis Young, with
Joe Barron and' his wife
Carolyn, fished the bottom at
P.M. on the "Sea Dancer" last
Saturday and brought up six
snapper to 14 pounds; three
grouper to 12 pounds, three
"flounder, a pair of triggerfish
and 20 redbass.
Good fishing.


of kilter

inks 'what that means: Those pesky
y. New Year's resolutions are upon
-un- us again. Here are a few sugges-
The tions to set you on the right foot
ious to fitness in 2006:'
g to 1. Start a 'streak'., Commit
bard yourself to doing a minimum of
the three miles every day. It does not
radk matter if it is running, jogging or
walking. Do three miles and do
JU. it each day, indoors or out, no
se," matter what. Be proud of your
streak, mark each day off on
f its your calendar, and keep your
o.,a ,streak'alive.,.., . , ......
r'oTf' -)2.-,Maketimele en.erise EGats.
iing. up half an hour early, postpone
vel-- dinner thirty minutes or use
g6lf your lunch hour to get in your
ke a workout.
ster 3, Start an .office. workout
as a group..It's.easier with others. and
urse a lot harder -to .skip it too.
rket Getting the group up and run-
dos.-' ring is up to you, so lead by
be:;: example: arid invite others to
and join in;. Chances are .at least
the some of them will.
use 4. Cut out 100 calories a day.
ise ' You can easily do it. We all coh-
one sume some unnecessary calories.
One hundred calories .isn't
s to much, less'than one doughnut,
the but it adds up to 3,000 calories a
*arts month, 36,000 calories a year.
>un- Avoiding that many calories and
doing three miles a day will have
t of you fit, healthy and slim before
now the year is out.

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I�. Fi!
.i "
A 4

Virginia Tech quarterback Marcus Vick, left, is stopped by Louisville defensive tackle Adrian Grady -during Monday's
Gator Bowl at Alltel Stadium. Vick led the Hokies to a fourth quarter rally and 35-24 victory over the Cardinals.
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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

January 4, 2006

Page 10A

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Ponte Vedra Leader

* Engagement... See B - 2

* Education

... B-3

* Photo essay ... B-8


~>. . '. xr~,irIi~phr"c1~,'a~leii. 1(Wfl'

Deadline for Hot Shot

Cookie Contest Jan. 15

Karen Davis of Jacksonville Beach aims for her ball Sunday at an annual croquet tournament in Palm Valley. Looking on are,
(from left) Mark Wilkinson of Jacksonville Beach, Stewart Wilkins of Ponte Vedra and Jeanne Moricle of Neptune Beach.

Croquet anyone

New Year's Day contest draws 'eclectic group'

For more than 20 years,
Sherry Stoppelbein has made
award-winning baked goods
and wedding cakes in the St.
Augustine and the Jacksonville
A graduate of the Culinary
School at the First Coast
Technical Institute in St.
Augustine, she has also owned
restaurants in St. Augustine
and Vilano Beach, operates a
catering business, and manu-
factures and sells her own line
of datil pepper products.
Stopplebein said a cake-dec-
orating class she took'was so
much fun that it became the
impetus for her subsequent
training and career.
Last November, Stoppelbein
opened the Hot Shot Bakery
and Luvin' Oven Cakes,and
,Catering in St. Augustine.
In addition to stoc lng her
line of Datil pepper products
(including Datil, B Go6d, 1ot
sauce), she showcases creative
new ways to use datil peppers
at her new shop.
Stoppelbein and her hus-
band, Lorenze, are St.
Augustine.natives who share
the same Minorcan.heritage.
She said rhe dafil'pepper
was brought'to the area by set-
tlers from Minorca in.thelate
18th century.
The peppers are reputed to
only grow well in this area
and their unique taste, both
sweet and hot, is a common

r Z .1

ingredient in many Minorcan
Stoppelbein has gone
beyond the traditional use of
datil peppers and offers
unique baked goods with datil
peppers at her bakery. Some of
these popular items are datil
cranberry white chocolate
cookies, layered star cookies
filled with raspberry and datil
jam, datil scones, datil biscot-
ti, and datil sourdough bread
and rolls.
"We keep a supply of sam-
ples for people to try at the
shop. Everyone's reaction is
different depending on their
tolerance for heat,"-she said.
S"For example, I think the
heat of the peppers in the
scones adds a glow to the
There is also a wide assort-
ment of more traditional
baked goods at the bakery
including breads, pastries,
cookies, French creme cakes,
and other types of cakes.
Stoppelbein has baked wed-
ding cakes for area brides for a.
couple generations and this
continues to be something she


Tricia Kelley and Rick Gray
will keep their titles as cham-
pions of the Northeast
after holding off dozens of
competitors in Sunday's
annual NEFCA tournament
in Palm Valley.
Although play began at
noon, night fell before all
were able to try their hands
at swatting colorful balls
through wire wickets and
against end-zone stakes on
the field of rye grass.
"We actually had people
who did not get to play," said
Patrick Murphy who, along
with his fiance Barb
McCarthy, hosted the event
in his back yard on the
Intracoastal Waterway.
With temperatures hover-
ing in the 60s under mostly
cloudy skies, play proceeded .
between two teams of two
players.as others watched,
sometimes offering advice or
points of strategy.
For example, if a player's
ball hits an opponent's with
enough force, the opponent's'
ball might be moved to an

Tricia Kelley and Rick Gray display the champion's plaque
Sunday at the annual tournament of the Northeast Florida
Croquet Association. They successfully defended their titles as
champs at the tournament along the Intracoastal Waterway in
Palm Valley.

unfavorable spot on the -field.
At the same time, the player
would'be allowed an extra
stroke for hitting the oppo-
The advice, coupled with a
bumpy grass, surface, helped
to level the playing field, giv-
ing even newcomers a run at
a win.
Not everyone at the event

took part in the tournament.
Spectators sat in lawn chairs
or mingled and partook of
food and drink set up in a
International rules of the
game were adhered to, and
players were asked to wear all
white clothing. Most did.
The tournament official,
Stewart Wilkins of Ponte

Vedra Beach, was properly
attired in white.cap, shoes,
slacks and sweater, set off by
a black bow tie.
.. h -hen.he-hims'elf.was.nt ..
playing, Wilkins used a clip
board to keep track of partici-
pants and their points
Most of the guests, Murphy
said, are part of or offshoots
from a core group of Beaches
residents who began meeting
at First Street Grille in
Jacksonville Beach.
"It's kind of an eclectic
group," he said.
Members of the group
often socialize and travel
together, with the annual
croquet tournament, now in
its 18th year, as an identify-
ing event.
Murphy said Monday that
he had already gotten tele-
phone calls from would-be
competitors who didn't make
it for this year's New Year's
Day contest.
"They all definitely want to
go to the awards banquet,"
which will likely be held at
some Beaches establishment,
he said.

Sherry Stopplebeinrivites cookie bakers to enter their cookie
recipes in the Hot Shot Cookie Contest. The event is part of the
grand opening celebration of the Hot Shot Bakery in St.

Rawlings students start new year with drama

Youngsters at Rawlings Elementary School dive right into drama class Tuesday, their first day back at school after winter break. For exercises in teamwork and nonverbal communication, the stu-
dents attempt to express themselves as an elephant (left) and as a nine-pointed star.

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Thines Tl'TL -RuaVLadeI/PonT VrLead-r

January 4, 2006

People & Places


SArmy Spc. Brad Quinif, 27,
, of Atlantic Beach deployed to
Iraq Wednesday, Dec. 21,
2005. He will be stationed
near Baghdad with the 988th
Military Police Company.

Quinif is a 1997 graduate of
Fletcher High School.
He is the son of Terry and
Debra of Atlantic Beach.
* *

" """~ ~

Recipes: Hot Shot Cookie Contest

Stopplebein's line of datil pepper products on display at the Hot Shot Bakery include jams, mus-
tard, pickles, vinegar, and chocolate datil dessert sauce.

Cont. from B-I

s n['." bf theF grand
-opening celeIatib'ti fi'er
bakery, Stoppelbein is
holding a Hot Shot
Cookie Contest.
Area cookie bakers of all
ages can enter their origi-
nal cookie recipes in the
contest. The deadline for
contest entries is Jan. 15.
Stopplebein is not a
newcomer to sponsoring
cooking contests. In 2005,
she ran a national contest,
Win a Trip to St.
Augustine, for casserole or
one pot dishes using datil
peppers and supplied
dried datil peppers for
each contestant to use in
their recipe.
The first-prize winning
recipe is one that
Stopplebein recommends
for anyone who wants to
try datil peppers in cook-
Bubba's Pear Relish is
one of Stopplebein's
recipes named for her
husband whose nickname
is Bubba.
The relish includes datil
S peppers and Stopplebein
said that it is delicious on
SStoppelbein has demon-
strated making her recipe
for Apple Gallette (made
without datil peppers) on
local television. This no-
fail recipe makes a deli-
cious dessert that serves

-The following are
recipes supplied by Sherry
Look for the rules and
more information on the
Hot Shot Cookie Contest at
the end of the recipes.

SCaribbean Pork with

Sweet Potatoes
1.5 pounds pork steak,
bone and fat removed
3 T. flour
one-quarter to one-half tsp
dehydrated datil pepper
one-half tsp. allspice
one-half tsp. garlic powder
one-quarter tsp. dried
thyme leaves
S..2 T. freshilemon juice
1 red bell pepper
1.5 pounds sweet potato'
3 T. brown'sugar
Salt to taste
S Grated lemon zest (option.
S On a plate, combine flour,
datil pepper, allspice, garlic

* The rules for the Hot
)Jh1 rookie Contes�
., C. -,. n ( a t'; M n , . .' '. X ...,?s
as fOIlOWS:
Create a cookie recipe in one of
4 categories: Bar, Drop, Rolled,
Entries to be received by Hot
Shot Bakery by January 15, 2006.
Recipes can be sent to: Hot Shot
Bakery, 1962 US #1 South, St.
Augustine 32086
Recipe must be typed or legibly
printed to include name, recipe
name, list of ingredients with exact
quantities and specific directions in
paragraph form.
All recipes become the property
of Hot Shot Bakery and will not be
Entries will be judged on origi-
nality and taste by a panel of
judges selected by Hot Shot Bakery
Prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd
and 3rd place.entries.
Upon submission, all winning
recipes become the property of Hot
ShAt Bakery, who reserves the right
to publish and use any or all of
them for publicity or promotion.-
Finalists will be notified by tele-
phone by January 20, 2006.
Bakers who enter the contest
have the opportunity to win the
following prizes.
1st prize: Monthly Hot Shot
Bakery Shopping Spree for $18 in
baked items AND winning cookie
name on the menu
2nd prize: Spend two hours with
Chef Stoppelbein in Hot Shot
Bakery kitchen AND cookie name
on the menu
3rd prize: Datil chocolate sauce
and sour cream pound cake with
lime glaze AND cookie name on
the menu.
For more information, contact
the Hot Shot Bakery at 904-824-

powder and thyme. Dredge
both sides of the pork. Set

NOTE: The meat may be
prepared to this point; cover
& refrigerate overnight.

Wash the belrpepper,
remove seeds and cut into
I. cubes.
Scrub the sweet potatoes.
Remove any discolored spots.
It is not necessary to peel.
Cut crosswise into 1 inch
SPre-heat the skillet on mid-
high heat. (The cooking time
Sis shortened by using a large
Teflon skillet on the stove)
Spray with non-stitk spray.
Fry meat on oifi side about 5
minutes until light brown.
Reduce the heat to low-warm.
Turn the meat over. Pour
lemon juice evenly:over the

top. Sprinkle meat with
st t

s ices flat over the top ot
the meat and fill in spaces
with cubes of the bell pep-
per. Sprinkle vegetables
with salt. Top each sweet
potato slice with 1 tsp. of
brown sugar.
Cover pan tightly.
Simmer about 30 minutes
or until the potato is easily
pierced with a fork.
Garnish with a sprinkle
of lemon zest. Serves 4:


Makes 4
Pie crust for 9 inch pie
Struesel Topping:
one half cup flour
one-half cup walnuts
one-quarter cup brown
one-half tsp. cinnamon
pinch of salt
6 T. soft butter
Combine together.

4 Granny Smith
apples(peeled, cored, and
sliced one-half inch thick)
one-half cup sugar
one-quarter cup flour
1 T rum
1 tsp. cinnamon
one-half tsp. cardamon
one-quarter tsp. salt

Toss all together.
Place on crust and pull
edges up around filling -
and crimp edges with fin-
gers. Pull tightly so as not
to fall apart.
Crumble streusel over
top of apples and bake at
350 degrees for 40-50 min-
utes or until golden brown.

The Bubba's Pear

12 red and green bell pep-
3 datil peppers
12 medium onions
18 large pears (hard south-
ern pears)
1 lb. of sugar
1 qt. white vinegar
2T tumeric
1 T mixed pickle spices
3 T dry mustard
2 T celery seed
1 T Datil B Good hof sauce

Peel onions and pears
(cored). Grind them with pep-
pers, drain well.
Combine all of above in
large pot. Cook over medium
heat for 6nehour. Jar and seal
while hot.

Danny . Manning of
Jacksonville graduated in
December from the
Unlicensed Apprentice
Program at the Paul Hall
Center for Maritime Training
and Education, Piney Point,
Manning also trained for
three months aboard the Pride
of America, a U.S. flag mer-
chant vessel. Manning is a
now a member of the United
States Merchant Marine.
He is the son of Clayton and
Linda Manning of

Navy Seaman Recruit
Caleb J. Newberry recently
completed U.S. Navy basic
training at Recruit Training
Command, Great Lakes, Ill.
During the eight-week pro-
gram, Newberry completed a
variety of training which
included classroom study and
practical instruction on naval
customs, first aid, firefighting,

Misti Lynn 'Landeck ,of
Winnetka, Ill., and Shea
Willis of Jacksonville Beach
have announced , their-
engagement. .
The bride-elect is the
daughter of Bruce and Ruthie
Hammons of Landeck, Ohio.
She is a graduate of Delphos
Jefferson High School and the
University of Dayton. She is
employed by Dr. Warga and
Dr. Weiss D.D.S in Winnetka,

The groom-elect is the son
of Holly and Larry Willis of
Jacksonville Beach. He is a
graduate of Bishop Kenny
High School ' and .the
University of North Florida.
He is pursuing a master of
arts degree in religion at
Trinity International
University, Deerfield, Ill.
The couple plan to wed on
March 4, 2006, at Trinity
United Methodist Church in
Lima, Ohio.


(Save $149.99 or 50% Off Individual)*

Call 904-220-1592 for a FREE

i 1-day pass and club tour.


Lifestyle Family Fitness' preview club is nw open for workouts
while we build our new $2,000,000 facility. SAVE during
construction with specially-reduced Membership Rates.*


Misti Landeck and Shea Willis


Tale Tellers of St. Augustine present THEATER OF THE MIND: "Crocs, Docks & Salty Dogs,"
an evening of stories of a maritime nature from fantasy and folklore by Betty Fell and Terry
McConnell, Tuesday Jan. 17, at Limelight Theatre. Call 471-0179.
j :.. - 'Itdi,.7.#

yrg'nolo 5UBcnnED
Tale Telr fS.AgsiepeetTETROFTEMN:"rcDcs&SlyDg,
an �� evnn ofsoiso aiientuefo ats n okor yBtyFl n er
Mc~onell Tueda Ja.1,atLmlgh hareal47-19
... '. ,, ,7 - !� '-rh . p H . '. / .. .. , - . .
r. , , - - . . , r .. , . . : . ,.


water safety and survival; and
-shipboard and aircraft safety.
An emphasis was also placed
on physical fitness.
,; Newberry is a 2003 graduate
of Allen D.Nease High School.
He is the son of Derreth D.
Newberry of Jacksonville and
James L. Newberry .,of

Mark Christopher Klone
of Jacksonville Beach graduat-
ed Friday, Dec. 9, from Kansas
State University with a mas-
ter's degree in landscape archi-


,The Beaches Leadei/Ponte Vedma Leader,

. , 1

January 4, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 3B'

: ,, .,

S- ' -. - ' ' Pholo by CHUCK AD
,. rr , ';., g �,' "
'Youngsters at awnings Elementary snap.their fingers in upison Tuesday to.warm up for music class led by Debby .Etheredge.
Classes resumed' tuesday after winter breiakr.St . ohns County schools.
- - - n ' n '. n .'.T.
i . -Ir, ., -.. ,~: ' . ,

2 �. . .rY>'g ~ '. I *. '.-- -Md.
-�. . .�. .7 .i
'*.,' ;I**�. . -o 'h~ i s i:
.' J1 - .

. Yu-Gl-OH- -DUELS -are Gardens'.in Jacksonville con-' Dance Studio. For information,
staged at' 2 p.m. Saturdavs at tains lands-on, high-tech anid call 241-8349 for information.
p Bboks-A-Million, 7.38 .'Marsh. ,low-tech inteiracti ie exhfiits ,.IJACKSON/.ILLE . WAL-
. Landihg Paikwal;yJacksonile 'that encodIrage physical actiVi- DORF INITIATIVE sponsors
v .' "'each.Call 273-8Q55'fbrinfor- ty:andi ,-et contemrplation. severalplaygroups for toddlers.
mationif.'"-- -,'...- W yalk 'through a painting, cre-- Classes begin - in the'fall. For.
I' : HANDS-ON CHIIDREN'S ate patterns with dance; make -information, ,.call,247-1-314.
i ' IUSEiUM of ers 'hainds-on a collage,;:listen toa sculpture, : CARVER L COMMUNITY
activity pla and learning :or paint wit a virtual paint-- CENTER, .738 Fourth Ave. S..,
opportunities ,:fokids ''froni: bush 'l m iriseumi is lcated JacksonvillekBeach; has many
:930' a.m, to'5.. p.:m: M'Qhday '-'on the r iorth 'bank of the St i activities.' for kids, including
- through : Sattirday., att 8580. obhns. :River. at '829 Riverside . karate, tutoring ,and games.
- Beachi,. Blvd.,; JacksonyrI.ll,- Ave., phone 356-6857.. Hours 247-6218.'. .
':Adission is $3.50 for hi'dreh' 'aree."'0 a.m.'t f 9 p.mi. Tuesday . *A MOMS AND TOTS group
" ages: 1-3'anid- $5'.50 for.allU thL a-.-"and' Thiisday, '10 a.m. to 5 -meets regularly at: Isle of Faith
S ers. Call 642-2688.foririnforma- p.m. :.Wedhesday, Fridiay and United Methodist Church on
S'tibh. . . ,' . 'Saturday, arid noon to' 5 p.m. San.- Pablo Road; next :to
L-: .: JMOMA'S 'ARTEXPLORL- nday. Alimacani lJementar' _Scho
-.UM LOFT; is a' multi-genera- . TREE HILL NATURECEN,. For information, call 221-1700.
tions.peariing 'vrixintIOent 'TER o9fe its opulaf"prbgrah .* MOTIERS OF \PRE ..
'.that offers :'16 hands'on sta-:' foir parentsand children; FUN!' SCHOOERS;' support groups,
tions for childreh-and adults.to '(Fidrid; ,'-- ndestanding, irin for moms of childreni-ages 5 or
explore,.the concepts-i: rimod-,' Nature), o n,,the third Sat~irdai : .younger,'meet as follows:,
ern 'ai'd contemporary, art ''of each month at 10 AM. For a Christ the.Redeemer Church,
S Entry is free ith'paid entrance fee; of., $10. families: discover. 190 S. Roscoe Blvd.,- Ponte
to'the Jacksnirvle ,iuseutim df easyi ,ays.: to;zirite; wildlife, Vedra Beach,, 7'p.m.' to 9 p.m
M. "odem ,' Art:' 'Children are - into their back yards.. -. .-' , the . third: ' Monday of the
admitted free. ever' Sunday for .,'.Tree~ Hi's'butterfl -house month (285-8009). -
family' Free Day 33 ge sitbs ose encounter :.---:.. East .Pointe -Baptist
He'nming.Plaza in ddoitbownr :withi. lbuttef ies �. A animal 'i ChJrch,; 270 N. Keman Blvd.,:
1 JacksonvilHle. Hours. ofn opera- Encounters;- ii which visitors'. Jacksonville, 9' a.m !.to noon
'- '.. -tibn' -e ire. a.: , to''5 . .' c.anlear ' about and'!tuch s :. ie second 'and: fourth Tuesday
Tuesday .ihursdayand Friday,, Iera smil.all nimls ca b te m nth ,(220-237Z)
S.- .i f-'to 9 ,pm "Wed esda.;, 'iri " 'b lingTree H. .,. ...p.t.,..-a".- rStationd '.'
r.a o , ne da- rrange y b a h ill at or
iSat tou 4 ,m Stidayand 724 4646 and. asking. for te -ich e '..arQ thenth - d'

SJacksobnile 'Beach an- d Poritle, apnd~s2for adtiltso L e ,- amf. t -; �~ l .-:. a te',.seco'nd
-edia Beach for children from L ' *r ^, ; ;.THE iiEACl- a-and' fourth 4Monday.' of .ythe
birth .to- age '';:ior ES i ..CH " f. the i..mithl(285-8225). .
Kjh idermusikf a iusic nd:. acksrnileiti i Lib'rryn 6001'.' .. M1USEUNI OF 'SCIENCE
mov elenti program~ m for'. ll Thi rSt' Neptin' BeBqc so '.AND HISTORY offers. crafts,
ages ;ii-ldrei ae divided .by, has children sAd .'I Call science' experiments, planetaii-
age group. 'Pla-yd' is fbr'walk-; -241'.,14 ?n*' pres4 tfr c il. tur;shows and live demonstra-
'ers 't . 2 ;i6ionths old, and 'drean's acUtities iand:. sfor the ' tis throughout .the year.
ilrcldes.,paraciute ay,,climb-, .childrenI'slrefrence.dek.. There is a play area for, young':
.ing arid; iimusical - actlirvties. * MOMIV El' ME fo ages6 .children a ' and permanent
Presthi ol .c.iildire:i" aid ij mbh't.i d '2-1: 2 years'features ex iidits on marine life Ii9 the..
attend without parents. ,Oi, e song ,R paraohute..ge; finger Jacksonville 'Area. Exhibits are
trial class is Wfee. Call 249-3828 p$1yrhyththband iusic arnd.a � rotated. There. is also an area
for Information or iisit wayv to' i it otherr 'pareins' or wheree live animals are exhibit-
tART CO-NNg1ECT S,'t ,withyu C. fe- beg :, mtheb edg8h which .'aare .:
the iCumimer Muiseukil :f;Arit i-m&'' t rihatan ;diotie ori schedule. ,Call 3961
Ki'd uik.h sn:a, music and.. Pnlic Lararn, t USEUM OFs iNiE

"r': * " StfSbftball'Xssb ciation
miove mentpg , orr-g.,a- ,4 .4 a a,1. .Thir.ic.St, 'l'ep'. B so ,, 'AND'HISTORY Sffeis. craIftsA,

S diSp idgdby Sofi lensctitie Call, science experiment.. ,' .,

WHEN;, Cornerstone Church location
SSaturday 117/ l0a.m.- 3 p.mn.
a o. Sunday'l/8 p ' pm. -'3. p.m.
Saturday 1/14 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. t '
Suday 1/15 1 p.m.-3 p.m.

Play it Again Sportsh parents ore
January 2nd2s durig oral business hours

Girls ages 5-14'(by January 1, 2006)
5 Age Divisions: 6U, 8U, 10U,,12U, 14,U)

COST: $120 (Cash or Check inade payable to SJSA) 3rd sibling is free!
Player Evaluations (8U and up) ill be January 2ist (Rain date 1/22/06)
@ 1:30 p.m.'at Davi:sPark (0ur home field)
Need More'Information? Contact Ken Smith 545-5800
Don't miss the fun and excitement of spring recreational softball!

SNeed'something more challenging than recreational softball?
SAsk about our new St. Joh.is County Fusion Team.

MOSH for information.
is: on Landrum 'Lane, next to
Landrum 'Middle School in
PbiAte Vedra Beach'.
-Itt ha.s 'a heated swimming
pool and:offers swimming les-
sons and faniily'swim times.
The center features a teei
rooin and occasional organized
activitiesfor yout h..YN'ICA pro-
grams are-available with finan-
cial assistance. Call 543-9622.


Rawlings fifth graders
interested in participating in
the elementary school's after-
school Shakespeare program,
taught in Ponte Vedra Beach
schools for several years by
Chris Beaulieu, and Jess
Pillmore and sponsored by
the Ponte Vedra Public
Education Foundation, need
to turn in application forms
by today. The program is open
to 25 students on a first-come,
first-served basis.
The Shakespeare program,
which concludes with an in-
,school performance Feb. 16,
runs every . Tuesday and
Thursday from 2:10-4:30 p.m.
There will be 11 rehearsals.

Those interested in buying
*the Landrum Middle School
yearbook should do so this
month, when the book's, pre-
sale is held. Cost of the year-
book during January is $30.
The price goes up to $35 Feb.

SNease. High School teach-
ers will , meet', parents in
homerooms from 5:30 p:m. to
6:30 p.m. Tuesday during an
informalopen house.
.A combined PTSO-PTO
meeting, involving Nease,
Landrum, Ocean Palms, Ponte
SVdra-Palm Valley , and
Rawlings, will be held at 7
p.m. Jan. 19 at Landrum
Middle School., St. Johns
County schools superintend-
erit Dr. Joseph Joynier- ill .be
guest speaker,
' ' " ' '" "* O.. " -
Grad .. eight tickets foi
Nease seniors will be sold Jan.
10-13. The'$85 c6st covers bus'
transportation tb o Orlando'
and admission to "Grad Bash

. ff-

at Universal" April 28.
The annual Nease talent
show will be held at 6 p.m.
Jan. 19 in the high school's
Performing Arts Center.
The community has been
asked to make nominations
for the character education
awards program established
by the Character Counts!
Steering Committee of St.
Johns County.
The awards, part of the
American Youth Character
Awards -program, recognize
high school juniors and sen-
iors who exhibit the six Pillars
of Character: Trustworthiness,
Respect, Responsibility,
Fairness, Caring and
Applications are available at
each of the St. Johns County
high schools and on the dis-
trict Web site at
ccapps.html. The deadline 'for
submission is Feb. 2.
The winners will be hon-
ored at the sixth annual AYCA
banquet, to be held in April at
World Golf Village.
Nease High's 2006 Model
U.N., with two-person teams
serving as delegates for vari-
ous countries, will be held the
weekend of Feb. '4-5. The
Sunday General Assembly will
be held at World Golf Village.

The sixth annual Ponte
. Vedra-Palm Valley Rawlings
Talent Show will be held Feb.
24 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in
the Landrum auditorium. For
more information, contact
Kin Trotter at 373-0186 _or
Lisa Kessler at 273-7201. -

. I *' ' '



�I �I~~



January 4, 2006

Paue 4B

GEICO Auto Insurnce.
Our low rates and great service
are something to celebrate!

/ ~

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader


Local GEICO Agent Morris Busbia Provides

Personalized Service and Excellent Rates

for GEICO Auto and Cycle Insurance

cal Representative - Morris Busbia



Take Arlsantaen nf Our Fnrnllment nnclialsl

SAma Car'te
..CoI11Flete F1JI Se' vce CLdte' ii..l& Ct-vent Palma, k1
& The Lil'CvL'u'.melt Sklop/6,Iocec
DeliCLI C ijo.e'njet F&1,15 REloied lo o Hz D L7 I
LIOLI-lel FIi0d Syifl, CA4- & &X'c..ddJE.jL I .id
HJJ LA1 ,0 L F,3v. d F'~e"

B HJdxcLJJ,,k Fri, . SL:J .. - ic i dlC . A IJ IIMH.H PDoc.,

Ciounmia Sl oP 5 lorHL-11
Opem Daily AI1oH-Foi 10:00 to 5:00;Sat 10:00 to 1:00 f
Lillck sevved Aloit.-T~ies 11:00 - 2:00
331 FisI iAva N - Jackeons ille Beach
Nexat Ito St. Pail's Callolic Cl@cu . �Y904-241-2005

Morris Busbia, your local GEICO Insurance
agent, wants Beaches residents to know that they
can find the best prices in automobile and motor-
cycle insurance and the best service at the GEICO
office right here at the beach.
Born and raised in the Jacksonville area, Morris
has been serving the area's drivers as a general
field representative for GEICO for 18 years. For
the past 13 years his office has been located at
997 Atlantic Blvd. in Atlantic Village. He and his
staff of four agents would be happy to have you
call or visit the office for a free rate quotation.
Morris says that, on the average, GEICO has the
lowest prices in town - in fact, by as much as 15
percent lower.
Customers have the advantage of not only the
great rates that GEICO offers but also the person-.
alized service and attention that only a local
agent can provide. "There may be some miscon-
ception that we principally offer insurance to
government employees, but that's not true,":
Morris explained. "We insure the general public -
anyone who needs personal auto or motorcycle
insurance, and GEICO even offers insurance
worldwide." With offices across the country,
you're always near a GEICO representative and
can remain insured by GEICO if you leave the
GEICO can provide insurance to a variety of
drivers - even those with accidents or tickets on
their driving records. Morris is also happy to
insure the teenage drivers in your family. Also
available is Cycle-Gard coverage, which offers
money-saving policies for motorcycle riders and
those who enjoy today's popular bikes and scoot-
Morris and his staff work with their customers,
and payments can be arranged to best fit your
budget. After the initial down payment you can
arrange to pay your premium in full or use a con-
venient payment plan. And after one easy phone
call or quick visit to Morris's office to establish
the insurance coverage that best meets your
needs, everything else can be handled by tele-
phone or mail. Their commitment to service
ensures that they will spend the time needed to
determine your individual insurance needs and
to explain available options.
Because GEICO has three separate companies to
-insure-driver&-ev-ye-ne-getsjthe best tatepossb.
ba sed on their driVing record and circumstance. If
you have a good driving record, GEICO will give
you a discounted rate. Ask Morris and his friend-
ly, knowledgeable staff about additional dis-
counts that are available based on affiliations
with professional associations and special mar-
keting campaigns.
Morris and his staff work with the military per-
sonnel in our area and understand the special
needs and situations of those in the service. After

. . -:.
� -, '.- , .',"e.-
- ,,i- .

Morris Busbia and his friendly staff can help you with auto
and cycle insurance at the local GEICO office conveniently
located at the beach at 997 Atlantic Blvd. in Atlantic Beach.
a transfer to another duty station, your GEICO
insurance can go with y0u.
Everyone in the office is well trained in auto
and motorcycle insurance, and they keep up to
date with the constant changes in the industry
through continuing education courses. They'll
discuss higher or lower levels of coverage and
deductibles and how these will affect your premi-
ums. They can advise you if you're buying or leas-
ing a new or replacement car on which models
will cost more in insurance. They can even bind
and provide proof of coverage for you over the
telephone while you're at the dealership.
GEICO offers 24-hour service for emergencies if
you just want to check on your coverage or make
a payment. If you should be involved in an acci-
dent, you'll be relieved to know that GEICO has
a claims office in the area. If you have an accident
while you're out of town, you can use the con-
venient...A-800 number,.Policies can include emer-
gerrcy road se F , T arid/or coverage to pay for a
rental car while your car is being repaired after an
accident as well.
Give yourself the benefit of coverage with a
local experienced insurance professional like
Morris Busbia and the other automobile and
motorcycle experts at GEICO.
The GEICO office in Atlantic Beach is open
Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The telephone number is 246-8650.

It's all in knowing how - and caring enough
to do the "extras" others overlook.
Call Ed, your Comfort Advisor, he will guide
you through the process. This is a free
service offered by...

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Call today to schedule your FREE estimate





fE lzabet's Tea Room

Jt's Tea Time �411 fC Ti e
O: me " -Te" Carty 'Vlh ' s!

Serving Lunch & Tea
Gift Boutique * Adult & Children's BirthdayParties
Showers * Red Hat Society
S Church Groups * Special Occasions
i'd ilubic jor Priwalc CParties
csiertti ions lkcepf'
Mon. - Sat. 1:1 am-3pm
S270-1980 '
SRA A A'ln.-4;- i l ,A, * Rn.i l' . kinia Di

- rst

Family Owned and
,Operated Since 1969

* Same Day Service
* 2-Hour Shirt Service
* 2-Hour Dry Cleaning
* Flat Finish Available

610 N. 3rd Street
Jacksonville Beach
(Across from Burger King)

* Leather and Suede
* Expert Alterations
*Wedding Gowns
* Conveniently Located.

1312 S. 3rd Street
Jacksonville Beach
(Next to Ul Champ)
niA IIlA

152 AIA
Ponte Vedra
(Next to Steve's Seafood)

Tne POLLY b ance Acaaemy
Invites You to Join our OPEN HOUSE
Our annual Open House for both studios will be held on Saturday,
January 14th from 9:30am to I pm at the Atlantic Beach Studio
location. The open house is an opportunity for new students to see our
studio, meet our faculty and take our Complementary Classes.
Register on Saturday January 14th and the registration is
FREE! la $30 'alue).

9:30 to 10:30 - Polly B Kids, Tap/Ballet/Song, Ages 3 to 5
10 to 11 HipHop/Jazz, Ages 6 to 10 PotllyB.
10:30 to 11:15 Tumbling/Acrobatics, Ages 5 to 9.
11 to 12 noon Hip Hop/Jazz, Ages 11 to Teens
11:15 to 12 noon Tumbling/Acrobatics, Ages 10 to Teens
12 noon to 12:45 pm Tap & Ballet Ages 6 to Teens
New classes start in January - Recital in June
Register Now forClasses at Both Locations
S. Jax Beach n~eL, Atlantic Beach
340 23rd Ave. S po j 725 Atlantic Blvd. #20
(across from end of Pablo Plaza) ' I (New studio in North Beach Center)
246-6662 246-6663
31 years f Dance Excellence! www.pollybdance.com
Love. Encouragement: Accomblishment

97 Allantit RI r

-�;-0- ~ � i "


~ 'L.?

Cr J~"

�*- �' -� ~'
C i' *_
: ;...'.

lTannsarv 4 . 206

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader


(OASTiAL- SOUTHEAST':Ge6rgia Large'.- " -
wooded.wailer ac-ess,:.marshiview. s ake. YULEE INVESTMENT Property, 2BR/1BA
(ionr,'and golf onernred homesliesafrom the' moble.nome, ori 90'x90 o't: 3-Year tenant
mid $70's. Live, oks, ,podl, tennis, 'goll pays 350/m.o:.$43,00;0casn, as is. ,Ser-
,(877)266773766 'www.cobperspo.ni.com . ous inquiries only."571-1112.i . .

Pets & Animals Service Guide cont.
The Beaces Leade 300Pets 650 Paiing
I, he BeahCs Lea d T 310 Pets for Sale 651 Post Control

Ponte Vedra Leader 330Stables/Livestock 652Plumbing
340 Lost/Found Pets 653 Pools
CLASSIFIEDS Announcements 654 Photography
400 Notices 655 Rain Gutters
CLASSIF D 405 Travel 660 Remodel/Consi.
CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: 415 Personals 665Repars

TUESDAY, 11 A.M 420 Legal Services 670 Rooing
WEDNESDAY PAPE 425 Legal Notices 675 Sprnnkler & Wells
FORWEDNESDAY PAPER 440 Misc. Lost/Found. 67TreeService
CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: 450 Instructions/Schools 678 TIe,
THURS., 11A.M. 460 Weddings ' 60 Upholstery'
R F-Employmerit 685 Walpapenng
FOR FRIDAY'PAPER 500 P-T Help Wanted. 690 Water Treatment
FAMILY RATE: . 510 F-T Hell Wanted HealthServices
$7.10 First. 10 Words 520JobServis 700 Massage Terapy
530 Bus. Opportunity
4.2 . * I 710 Health Care Serc.
42 eaqh addi word 540,Child.Care.
_550Coldare" " 730 Qaregivers
COMMER IAL RATE:. 55Work Wanted orie
Se&vice' Guide For S
$8.10 First . 1 Words 600 Services 800 Forale
420 each add w d 601 Air Conditioning 805 Music & Inslr.
FO, R -- 1 :: 602 Alterations . 10 quest
I;MW FE . 607 Auto/Boatpetalling . 815 Auctis':
IN ORMATIO .-CALL 608 Auto ;Re r 820 Wa d to Bu
.;k " 609 Bus. Sevi~ies .. 825Trade
2 .-O9 1 612Carpret.: '",. 83 Consignment
HourFri 1. 613 Catering F -Qer g.le, a I
3:004. -',6:0i p. ; 615 Cleaning;.' 840 Garage Sales ,.
S4B ac.' ' 618 Electroni T . r 850JaI Beach .'
Jackiionvil 32250 ' 6l sElectrioal.Se"ices 852 Neptune Beach
V-I1 SA L . . " ' 620Eqip., Rentals, 854 Atlantic Beach
. I622Fences, ... ., 856 Mayport
Real Estate, Retals 623 Finan.,Services .'857 Pbnte Vedra"
100'Real Estate 200 Rental 625 Firewood' ' - 858 West Beaches,
1 10,LotsiLand for Sale .215 Hoame for Rent C � , ' ' .
':120 Hoeid6e tt,'Sale 225Wantedt Rent 631 Computer Services 859 Jacksonville
`,25Re l Esta2e ' 30.C-bndb;id.Rent : 634 Lawn Mower ."'. 'i '860 Flea Market
SWanted 240 M.H: for Rent Services' '862 Estte Sales.
130Condos.(or Sale -2'60.Vacatipn'Rental ' '635 Lawn.Svc/' 'Trasjportiton n
40 Mortgages. " 270'Rental toShare Landscpg . . 905 Auto Rental
150 Mobile Homes 275.Room for Rent * 636 Locksmith
. r toSale ' 280'Office Space ' -915 Boats
180 Comm. Property 285.Conmm. Rental 637 Marine Const. 930 Motorcycles
185 Indusmt'ral ' ' -' ." 638 Marine/Boating 9 p v
," - . , , ' 950 'ampers/RV5
W -Warehouse .... . ' 640 Concrere/Masonry 970 rucksVns
. *. 645 Moving , Storage ..980 ..u;nb. i .''
' ' 68' Prsre -l ,,a . i. 980' utonobileS
;-, " ," ' ' , * * - � 648 Pressure .Washing,. ..,- ' , "




All advertising accept-
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'' Find buyers at
S. wvw..axbuyers.com
: Phyllis StaIles, 476-SOLD
S RE/M ,X CoastalReal Estate.'

3BR FORECLOSURE, only $24,900! Must
sell. For listings 800-749-8124 ext. 1490.
3BR/2BA. $435,000 Townhouse, end unit.
Beachside of A1A with 5 star amenities.
We also have 1 & 2 bedroom units availa-
FRONT. 3BR/2BA/2-CAR. $460,000.
BEACHWALK. Fabulous Home offering
miles of ICW views in a small beachside
community with pool, tennis, beach pavi-
lion and lawn maintenance Included.
$575,000. Fee simple bungalow zoned
commerciai/resideniial. Completely re-
modeled with detached 2-car garage &
lenced yard. To find out more abou these
& other properties, see www.killebrewreal-
ty.com or call Kirk Killebrew at
(904)463-1131 Killebrew & Company
Realty, Inc.

JAX BEACH, 19 Fairway.Ln. Large scenic
lot on gollcourse w/pool. Completely reno-
vated. 3BR/2BA w/Maple cabinets, granite
counter tops, stainless 'steel appliances,
Teakwood flooring. & tile. Indoor laundry
room & beautiful glassed-in Florida room.
$539,000. Call (904)424-7204. Will Co-op.

FSBO. 3BR/2BA, witn lake view. 156;Mar-
tinique Circle. Established neighborhood.
Vaulted ceilings, skylights, garage, sprin-
Kler system, new root, community pool.
Yard maintenance Included. $248,000.

211 35th Ave. South, Jax Beach. Ocean-
side'of A1A. 1500sf. LR, FR, 2BR/1.5BA.
Flardwood floors throughout, CH&A. 1-Car
garage, 55'x120' lot $495k. By appolnt-
merit only. Call 249-6150.
3BR/2BA, PONTE VEDRA, beautiful, re-
modeled townhome on lake. End unit.
$193,000. Call 424-0660.
Building Lot- Small, Gated, Waterfront
Community, Boat Slip Included. Great In-
vestmentl 1904)372-9222 Blue, Honzon
JAX BEACH. 5BR/2BA, 2300sf, on-2 lots
(15 000sf)-$475.000 OBO. 249-8637.
ATLANTIC BEACH: 4 houses, 2 duplexes.
All upgraded. Call.(904)403-3572..
JAX BEACH, 525 12th Ave. N., 5 blocks,
to ocean, completely remodeled.
3BR/2BA, concrete block, new rool, hard-
wood floors..granite counter-tops, new ap-
pliances; new, Trane A/C. Large enced
backyard. $349,900. Call 247-4442.
Assist 2 Sell.
ATLANTIC BEACH., 66, West 9th. St.
3BR/2BA, hardwood/ile foors. $187,900.
Call 270-8446. OCEANFRONT CONDO,
3BR/2BA,. The, Cloister, Atlantic Beach.
" $949,000., CalIl. "553-4215:, Help-LT-Sell
Marsh V;eW R.E. (904)620-0144.
story,.4BR/3BA/2-car, on lake. Tons of up-
graoesi 2400s1. . ,469k. 327-0558.

SOUTHSIDE. II Villagio, 1st floor,
3BR/2BA, ,1734sf, 1-car garage.
$352.900. Point Meadows Place, top floor,
2BR/2BA, 1112sf,.assigned parking. Con-
venient to all club facilities, pool view.
$171,900., Campfleld, -new, luxury, 2nd
floor, 2BR/2BA, 1126sl, assigned parking,
$179,900. Realty Executives, 273-3939.
Davrdr. 955-0n776R

Home. Jan. 7th & 8th, 12-4pm. 3/2,
1824sf. backyard is Sunshine ParkI 3017
St. Johns Blvd. (904)270-2073.
MAYO CLINIC Marshfront/canal Home
overlooking intracoastal waterway.
3BR/3BA/2-car, screened porch, 85'x170'
lot. $349,500. Independent Brokers.
Watersedge at Harbortown will include 20
high-end 4-story Mediterranean-style town
homes with private courtyard and roof-top
terrace. The option to purchase a 50ft.
boat slip In your front yard Only 4 leftill
Prices starting at $1,088,900. Margl Petitt,
Top Producer, Lifestyles Realtor,
concrete block, w/detached garage, shop
Close to schools, base, beaches.
247-9403, 725-9037.
INTERCOASTAL WEST on lake. 3/2/2,
1893sf, built 1998. new carpet & paint,
$249,500 OBO. Independent Brokers,
Beaches area 2BR $120,000. Hurry call
Kay. 553-5019. Magnolia Properties.
2-story, 4BR/2.5BA, 2818sf, lakefront
Beautyl Concrete block, glassed sunroom
& screened room. $319,900. WORLD
GOLF VILLAGE AREA. Murabella, new
4BR/4BA, bonus room, 3135sf, huge cor-
ner lot, stucco & stone construction, open
Kitchen, luxury master suite. $495,000.
Realty Executives, 273-3939. David,

Atlantic ,
328 101h Street, lot 85 x
140, 3 bedroom, 2 bath,
hardwood floors.
Walk to ihe beach!,


- , ,.. . , ',
EAST OF A1A. Very Large 1BR/2BA, fully
furnished, washer/dryer included. 1 Block
to Beach. $245,000. Call Mark, 591-6976.
The Dilworth Realty Group of, Vanguard
GMAC. :,,
SAWGRASS BEACH Club Villa, rare find,
updated, $299,900. 962-6876.
CONDO- JAX Beach 2BR/2BA, fireplace,
garage, first floor, $215,000.:993-9191.
2BA, ground floor uhit, .washer/ dryer,
pool, gated, $259,900 Signature Realty
241-5221 ext 106. -
1 BED/1 bath, 5 starcondos, summer-
house phase II,' fireplace, on g6lf course.
$185K (904)534-4848.

ATLANTIC BEACH, 1651 Coquina Place.
Private, 1BR, 1/2 block to Ocean, large
deck/yard, new carpet/tile floors. No
pets. $750/mo. Credil cneck. No
washer/dryer. (904)803-3072.
JAX BCH, 116 13th Ave N., 2BR/1BA, up-
slairs, CH&A, $985/mo, -rutilities., Avail.
Feb. 472-3699.
JAX BEACH, 2BR/1BA, 2 Blocks to
OCIEANCMH &ASA A25/m 7 n 4 nSth 2nd

. ...e . NC MOUNTAINS- Log cabin $89,900., . . DUPLEX; 2BR/1BA w/scened porch and Street.._616_2871.
SHEVILLE NC.area Pleaceful gated.. Easy:uto.frishcabin n secluded site:.Mil; ALL RE'L Estae a r DUhPLEX; 2BR/1BA screened porch and yard,., Street. 616-2871.
� : ;comm-unity rcredible n'errohari ,n la ALL RELslate advertised here is garage. 2BR/1BA upstairs w/fencedyard ANFRNT NPTUNBEACH 1 Blck from Ocean.
mountainn v lew tlhomreslle.,l lto 8 acres 29.900 7 q 900: subje the Federal Fair.Housing Act,. and storage shed. 745 S. 5th St. JB. .OiLD ATLANTIC BEACH. Walk to Town Small 1BR/BA, some cities included
lro lhe 60s.o Cistomblo'dge 'liking'lrails. (828)25. 004. ' : Avaiable! which makes it illegal to advertise any $330,000. (904)591-3348. . . Center. 2BR/2BA. Granite countertops, $600rmo.+ dep. Call ahe 3pm, 514:4229.
5,'miles ,to natural -.hotsprings!'Call ' . ,, , . ' , 'prelerencen,,limltaluqn, or discnmnation a:-.rdiscrimin.ion ' stainless appliances, completely renovat- Owner/broker.
(866)292 -5762 . NORTH .-AROLINA ' 10. 51.. s o basedd- .oh race., color,, religion sex, LEASE-PURCHASE. Iniracoasal West, ed, 1300sf. $525,000. 294-6094.n r.
NORTH CAROLINA' 10.51 . acres on hbndicatp, familial status dr national ori- North Kernan.'3BR/2BA/2-car, great room., . NEPTUNE BEACH, one block to ocean,
-"mounin I ' l ted community, view, giln'or the intention to make:any such Ireplace, onla-ke, new paint' 8' care 2BR/1BA, year lease, NO pets, 800st.,
,TEINESSEE :WATERFROhNT Land Saletlreswaier al-.ano large public lake:near- preferences, Imitation or discrimination. $249,500.' Terms.. Independent Brolers. cudes W/ 1000mo $100sec
Diec r arce tom nly byad privt access,$119,500 oner The'Leader Grdupwil not knowiriglyac- 710-3111. ' des 10 t-lOse
a" s $ sui0at" for fomes an 9rocksr ' ''r-onj ).7 ,-v.or, ., -fre '- pa ,. dep. 918-A Firt Street, between Bay &'

Sma ellC A:l ; cabins. all or free brochur.877)83 ngs advertisediare available' on an 3/2 - ear. school. hospital , parks, go lf blocks toBeach 2BR/1.5BA. 1200/mo.
9EAST ALABAMA.mounn property r 2288. Exit Realty Mountainn View rper-' equal,opotunty basis' 184SF$368K. - . * $1200ec. No pes. 1709 North2nd S
....... ... .-r...le.)...on',,. . "" out. - C--'" .. ...itBRks ',ME . ..... ... ..blocuS O eo ch ool 5BA $10ks'to,'e.ro . )
EAST. ALABdn MAeh mou i we! Antaln opiedr a .wwwe mu h m .' , B' you believe' that.youw may .have: ;been ' 'AL CH LOTS $2 i 00r- Ca 463-7020,249 .
: .sl-One-huwesrolAanta'm, Pied . .discriminated againstin- conneC'ion with' , .249,-014.,-- - - ..Ariilalean 212S.7SSt i 1A
' monit 'ALBe.autifulryie- 48 races. -'TENNESSEE LAKESIDE Retreatsl, New,' the. sale, rental or financing of' housing, . Easl .emnole, O .. IL your NetuneiBeach. Realynice. 2B/1 BA.rm
$144;000,, $14;400 -down' ,$1807/mo. gated community.'Icredible lake & moun-. call the UnltedSltates Depadrment"of -. desa.m home. - ,,,.. a Mortgage 1 . imo. 24 2.
SOw(ner.: financed. Call,, Glenri .(850)5.45-. ain .views -1-5 acre building sles.frodi the. HoUilin'and Urban.Developmrent . UD- FLORIDA R LTY USA o246.-000., -Lo e $TE 75/mo.. 24.6-3382. .
. 49u28:.; ,'f :" ' $:,:..,.- -. .*.* 40s.:'Lake;'accessi .bar .ramp...privathe . 1(800)669-97T,' or for therhearlng im- ' ' Lt THE VLLAS 2BR/2BA garage prch
. .... -ps (mie. Don' ms out. Cal pared 1(800)927-9275. ": - .- , BRICK HOME near schools and beah; ground' floor, pool, etc. $1050/mo.
MOVE ETO Teneseel Looki ifo Lake'. (866)292-5769: . , -:: ' ; ' . .. 4BR/2BA, corner: 'l w/Irui trees. . Fixed RateS 233-3545.
S. L-dlS Lake Homese L okand g rFarms. V (2clon 6)-. - 6 - m--, 249-0314., -
.o _,_ Lake Homes, Land. 'Fas V.... i t11- BEAUTIFUL NQRTH -.Carolina. - Winter. . - , ........ II o . A ava il ble 2212 S. 1ST St. Clean quiet 1BR/1BA,
.nV9re Ocean Refeence; Be. th6 666tiful I in 0 0- 1171 51M. 1 2212.S. 1ST St. Clease. 222 quiet 1 Ave.
n e aI ahere a:,.d s Must see the b ATTEN RS fully equipped kitchen. $800/mo.
S--al Estallin. Tehnese 865-7,17-7775 acel.'mu ins o eem: NC UNIQUE OPPORTUNITYI Seeral lots in Free inventory reports, _condo's. and .-,, Call to '..- (904)803-6834. ,
...my caolnsLacreage .ALPvOsAMS.eshomesm.nayKac553-5 0919;3Ma2no
Charlone, Branson ageni sirmywesi b web ceg&~"nv e~,h..s"- Neptune. Beach.. 75x120i Available'now. homes. Ca;Kay 553-519 gn . LARGE 1BR,.excellen ocon 2 block
a site wt. vransonagen Rieotrsil o M�A .e (& '904)246-60.43 P re ayw AR -E x n Po LAerti es. ayBewing sout locat 2 .nblo
r e x t cr Eslau.e'CMuiphy wWW'.Gche'rokeemountain- _,_ __ *10 F_.NA . .. ?___.R_-_-_F ... to Ocan le,'vr d . 'oes$505 /mo
.1,ww.chariofebranson com" r* " .' " ... '"'" _ ""-" . .. ' .. ' ' - .*A; 642 1214 241NA 1 BEAC
-.or"wwwchariottebranson . .,. ',' . realty cm'-.-'Call- .lor- --freebrochure' :LOT, FORBSALE on 6thSt. S:, Jax Beach. NEWER; CUSTOM built, private, ocean- |ll* e . - 642-1214;.241r1219. :
TENNESEE ..aefr.n'Ho'ie- t_- "800841-5868 '.' . . ' 1 C138-8461. Owner/Age t fr n hfrmnt-h wte. hihghd dunewvs wsbf Ith 2 BLOCKS-OCEAN, 214 10th Ave.' N.
TENNESSEE Lakbfront'H eslteSto.6 ORTH',CAROLINA' ted lakefrontcom-, 7-LUS ACRES South. Georgia.' ocean and.InLracbSstalWaterwayApprox. ..... , , 'Efficiency $550/mo. 2BR $700/mo. Credit
mountain and wooded nature slles newly - "" ''. 4 . -N 4'e,. 4e, hardwood.lloors; ,ormaldliJcng; anddndng,-..l" .. . * . ,- 85,.
.re.e.. Jui '" 1/2"' hours to 'Nashville N- ep" dverpb, efore offoprd ih0pe and .CWW 18 -m es $ 90 Ca .. Pl and spa, screened.lan with.hol lub: PRE-CONSTRUCTION-'PRICES. Office : LOVE THE BEACH!
Don't ,'"i 6, l- ... . ..... 'deveopm t .'dsco..sliu .','90 .o ,'financing i (91.2)67463371 r .d.tes. "Now accet,... . ....a. .grass. 'LOVE fuEisE d W/.
.., Don't mirs biCalJ(866)33-4966. . C ''3.,' ' .,,, , ' ., . .. ',- lush landscapirigadloaded:$2750,000.' ,Condos,,Atltantlc Beach., Close to all major ,. s ass;efiericy;- furnished, W/D
.- -,:S. - !Call- (800)7.09-5253j , ^>..i- , R- serv S.. | h- ,-N a n|r'
-,i-^.: ' * - ^" Coastai'Reat Estate.. wipstalnes.com. '' tonios G1ll' Mark, The Di wortFn -Relty or term rental.,242-4 .
- : / .. :- . '. " .''" , ' " "1-'. .' Group of Vanguard GMAC. 591-6976 " JAX 'BEACH. 2BR/1BA Apartment, 'near.
S' ' . ' " ' ' ' . -cean: References; ease. 222 4th Ave.

, - ,', . _.. - ....- ,-..... ,." - "FABULOUS OCEANVIEW!
9. " - ' Pes;oized orgae Consultation ad sutioriS. 1BR w/study,' large porch, washeffdryer'
,ersonized ot oui - w floors. 2224 Ocean Drive Soulh
Whetdier yo reloo ing ' ' .BESt'AVAiILALERATES SIERClAL PHOGRAMS www.BeachdsApartments.com. -
,i 'I . ,,"',*" '1?\n� COIvENTiTOIAL, VA ZERO CLOSING CST . ,4-plex apt. 1 year tease '$600/mo+ depos-
-retro areit or. unique, .J COsTRCTiRON 6 CPERM 100% FINANCING " it. 91 Stanley ,Rd.'(904)294-8054.

the-e y'o fumf pid . irst!,
W~e'y42"gdt? all'!tk*,on�."dF
everIytling. in 'etWeen.

'bw che,
Out 49 -9O33

; /1| ilt"; ',. "'HOME EaIty' LINES ' *'SELF-EMPLOYMENT
MORTGAGE . . . . '-TH
' ',. ,w i.a1 aloaiSncom . JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FL 32250
ri.ICNFhri' M"OR~dlr.BROKER BiOU F ' S 247-7414 '


2BR/1.5BA townhouse, ceramic tile loors,
CH&A, WDHU, 1.5 blocks to Ocean. st;,
last, deposit. 1yr. lease. $975/mo.
Donna Rose Real Estate, Inc. 246-4862.
' OCEANVIEW. 1BR1BA. This won't last'
WDHU.'ceramic tile, walk-in closet, light &
Bright. No srioking, no pets.. 1820 North
- First 'St. Jax Beach. $700/mo. Accent.
SProperties. 721-7822, ask for Jan.
ATLANTIC BCH. beautiful 2BR/ 2.5BA. 2

. Ik . bIblocks to Torn Square/ 4 blocks to beach.
S.FrpFlc .. .washer/ dryer incl. $1125/mq.
J"- '(904)742-6423. .
,, - , . _,, , . . . ; ,-.,. , '',: . . . _

Page 5B

TOWNHOUSE, 2BR/1.5BA, No pets or
smoking. CH&A, WDHU. 414 4th Street
North. $800/mo. 249-0370, 703-3626.
Townhouse. $850/mo. 1 mile west of May-
port ferry. 733-5225, 241-RENT.
MOBILE HOMES. $500 to $550, on pn-
vale lots. Near Maypon Naval Station, no
dogs, 333-5579.
NEPTUNE BCH 3 blocks to ocean. 1
bedroom bungalow, all utilities included,
use of pool and outdoor healed lacuzzi.
$695/mo. Call Robin. 246-2203
kitchen appliances & washer/dryer,
screened porch. $1100/mo. 249-8875.
ATLANTIC BCH 3 blocks to ocoean. Lg
2BR 1.5BA, $1000/mo. 631-8099.
PONTE VEDRA Court Townhome. Spa-
cious 2BR/2.5BA. Flexible terms from
$875/mo. 614-2782.
PONTE VEDRA Bch: luxurious 2BR/2BA,
golf to lake view. Brand new with 5-star
amenities $1195/mo. Jax Beach:
2BR/1BA oceanview $900. 233-4545.
BRAND NEW 2BR/2.5BA Townhouse &
2BR/2BA Condo. Wollcreek, (Beach
Blvd.). All amenities. $1100mo. each.
JAX BCH, 2/2, upper, carpet, ceramic tle,
WDHU, front porch, 2 blocks Irom ocean.
$1000/mo. TDO Management Services.
BLOCK TO beach 2BR/1BA, upstairs,
WDHU, new CH&A, new carpel, new
palmn, 126 8th Ave. South. No pets.
JAX BEACH. 2BR/1BA downstairs. 1
Block Ocean, WDHU, $850/mo.,
$300/dep. Military discount. Small pets
OK. 1724 North 1st Street, #1 708-0731.
CH/A, WDHU. East of 1st St. $650-
$795/mo. 241-RENT.
2BR/2BA townhouse widen. Energy effi-
cient, LR, DR & kit. Skylights, deck, CH/A,
WDHU, new carpet & tile, Corian counter-
tops. $1000/mo, $700/dep. No pets. 102
- Poinsettia St., All Bch 241-2624.
Available immediately! 3BR/2BA home in
beautiful Fiddler's Marsh in Ponte Vedra.
Fully carpeted thru-out. Top school
district. Includes tennis & pool with short
run to beach. $1295/mo. plus deposit,
references required. Call Days 403-9297
or 502-2840, Evenings 285-8325.
3BR/3BA, large office, Neptune Beach.
Large Oceanfront deck, newly renovated,
washer/dryer, C&/A. Private setting.
$2100/mo. 294-6094.
FREE w/approved credit. Jax Beach, east
of 3rd. Walk to Ocean. 2BR/1.5BA Town-
home. $1050/mo. Clean, new paint. 242-
1BR/1BA, 4'blocks to ocean, 4th St. S.
$475/mo. (904)891-0606 or (352)478-
SHADY & Quiet, 1BR/ 1BA. close to
SBase. Water, electric, & pest control in-
'cluded, ,$550/mo. Small pet OK. 247-

Unfurnished Homnes . Dolphin Blvd .-V 3BR/2BA,:home has. . Unfimnii e Condos
SPente Vedra byIthe Sea- PV 58R/3.5BA, garage, fenced yard, new carpet fresh paint.~ ' merhouse '- PV, . '
" fabulous home, 3. car garage, fenced $1400/mo. . ' .' Newly renovated, new carpet, baths,''
backyard, screened porch. $2950/mo. Innlet Beach - PV 2BR/2BA, home on. kitchen, tile and great amenities.
SSawgrass P.C. - PV, 3BR/2.5BA; home lagoon, fresh paint, new,tile & carpet, 2 cr IBt/iBA, Villa $1000/mo
Shas screned' ini pool, den or office, garage. $1400/mo. - .. ' ' : . 2BR/2BA, ground floor. $1175/mo.
Hardwood floors. $2500/mo. S 36th Avenue S. - JB 2BR/2BA; duplex t
S114 18th Avenue N - JB 3BR/3.5BA; w/screened porch, garage, vaulted ceilings. The Coloy--PV 2BR/2BA, second floor,
.newer townhome, 1/2 block to bch, $1400/mo. , ' ne wcarpet,garage, eastofAl A.$1050/mo.�
^ balcony w/ocean view, garage. $2200/mo. Magnola Street- NB 2BR/1 BA, second floor VWals at Marsh' Lamding - JB
! Marsh View -SPV 4BR/4BA, end unir duplex, block to beach, plus den. $1150/mo.. 2BR/2BA, ground floor, w/garage,
Sw/elevator, 2800 SF, beach access. Furnished Homes screened potch and fireplace. $1050/mo..O
Attached garage. $2200/mo.' The Colony - PV 2BR/2BA, ground floor Palms atMarsh Landing - JB '.
y 38 17th Street - AB 3BR/2.5BA, three condo, east of AIA, garage, 1 mo. min. 3BR/2BA, 2nd floot, top end unit,I
Story townhome, newly renovated, 1/2 $1350/mo. . screened porch, fireplace. $1400/mo. i
Block to bch,.garage. $1895/mo. Ocean Grande - SPV 3BR/3BA. Condo, .-,rad Cay Vils - 'PV 3BR/2BA, 3rd
1t Quill Point - PV 3BR/3BA. Home has luxuriously furnished, screened porch, across floor, vaulted ceilings, tile floors, upgrades
screened porch, decks, wood floors, golf from ocean. $3000/mo. thru-out $1425/mo.
r course views! $1750/mo. Intracoastal West -BR/A nd
S922 1o Street S-" JB 2BR/2BA, ground
SSolano Cy - PV.3BR/2.5BA, Two story LakeCrest - Southside 2BR/2BA, ground
home, new.carpet, two car garage, fresh floor condo,, attached garage, all new.buloo a d g , newer$1
I paint, fireplace, screened porch. $1750/mo: appliances & upgrades. $950/mo. building. $1800/mo.
SSawgrass - PV 3BR/2BA, home has two Point Meadows - Gate Pkwy 2BR/2BA, 4th
. car garage, fireplace, recently updated. floor condo, elevator, great condition, screened p-eREIMAX COASTAL REAL ESTATE
$1600/moi porch'. $950/mo. ' Property Management o
SL'atrium- PV 3BR/2BA home w/tile floors, Avanti- Kernan 2BR/2BA, 2nd floor condo, n Shannon Smith
Fireplace, screened porch, garage $1600/mo. all appliances, great amenities. $1050/mo. (904) 285-5640
S (800) 299-5616.
s� -.- qr r % ';tq 0i ; .y %

JH�~uurJ I)rrvvv �



*1 ~ n(~L. ~I i/- ~�-��i^�.r.xl~��.l.


January 4, 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

pn,. An

NORTH JAX Beach, efficiency $485/mo, JAX BEACH, 2BR/1BA, 4th Street North,
1BR $585/mo., 1 block from ocean, pool. downstairs apartment..CH&A,' completely
No pets. 249-5368. remodeled, no pets. $800/mo. +$750/dep.
F'E-ANVlIEW CSTUAI n haerber. ll elen. (904)504-0709. ' r

tric, light & bright. Must Seel 1822 N.1st.
St., Jax Bch. Private off-street parking. No
smoking, no pets. .525/mo. Accent Prop-
erties. 721-7822 ask for Jan.
washer/dryer, hbl tub, fenced'yard. Near
Town Center. $975/mo. (904)269-7550. .

1 BR, one block'to beach, large balcony,
ceramic tile floors, WDHU, walk-In closet.
$825/mo. Ocean View, 160 7th Avenue N.
993-2555 www.BeachesApartments.com

ATLANTIC BEACH. 2-story, 2BR/2.5BA+
loft. Selva Lakes. Beautiful lakeview.
Vaulted ceilings, plush carpeting, wallpa-
per throughout, fireplace, 2-car garage.
asher/Dryer on 2rd floor for conven-
ience. Call'861-4836-arid press 61190 for
more lnfoimetaio.'$1'400/mg.+ security.
JAX BEAOH. 2BR Apartment, near
Ocean. CH&A, WDHU, no pets,
$795/mo.+ $400/dep. 246-3130.
PVB Townhouse 2BR/2.5BA, no smoking,
no pels, Great.for. roommates. $900/mo.
(32 )795-1056, (321)255-5281.


LARGE HOUSE 3/4 bedrooms, 30ft from
ocean, partially furnished, no dogs.
$2500/mo. water included. (904)249-3419
& (904)463-0222.
ATLANTIC BEACH Townhouse, 2025
Seminole Rd. 2BR/2BA, 1/2 block to
Ocean. Loftoffice, cathedral ceiling, great
deck; garage, washer/dryer. $1450/mo.
813-2430, 246-5520. '
3BFR/BA HOME, Courtyards of Mayport,
2559.Americas Cup Circle E. $1100/mo.
+deposit. (904)591-3348.
ATL BCH 3BR 2BA plus garage. $995/mo.
BEACHES: 3 OR 5BR, walk lo beach, ja-
cuzzi, from $1495. 233-4545.
3BR/1BA, SHORT walk to ocean, conven-
lent location. $1500/mp. 568-8700.

NEPTUNE BEACH. 3BR/2BA, livlng/lami-
f ly rooms, hardwood floors, 2-car garage,
CH&A, totally remodeled. 4 Blocks to
Beach. $1500/mo. 333-8462.
PONTE VEDRA, Fairfield, 2200sf.,
3BR/2.5BA, gated, tennis, pool.
ar $1800/mo. (904)910-7036.
ATLANTIC BEACH, 3BR/2.5BA, 1400sf,
new construction . garage. W/D, fireplace,
s dishwasher, . nice yard. $1149/mo.

3BR 2BA Executive home in gated com-
imunity. Berber carpet, wood & stone Iloor-
Ing, fireplace. Incl. tennis, pool, clubhouse,
lawn care & W/D. No smoking. $2100/mo.
. Available' 2/1/06. (904)223-2933 or
. (904)994-1094.
2BR/1.5BA TOWNHOUSE,' ceramic tile
es floors, CH&A, laundry.room, patio, fenced
yard, 1 yr. lease,, no pets, $950.deposit,
S 900/mo. 2104 Bay Rd. Neptune Bch.,
993-1114 or 270-1284.

, . .REAL.ESTATE, INC. , .. .,.
Sroclon ..ATradidion Since 88I

$975 123 8th Ave . Jax Beach /1 -1000'
.$ 975 14341 4Coral Reef 'Jax/San Pablo 2/2 - 1008
'$ .975 5.7:Grand Reserve ,, .Jax/Hodges.Blvd. ;', 2/2 ,. 1150.
$1000-- 226 Windswept Ciir e l; Neptune Belch ' '1/1.5 -lof 120.
'$1050 234 elleza ' ;Pohit Vedra" . 2/2 1156 ,.
$110'06 513'Ocea" Links'' 'PbnteVera. 2/2 . 1100
$1100 1134BeUeza , ' Pnte ra ' 2/2 11'50
$1150 . 936'Ocean Lihis Pute Vedra 2/2 1)
$1300- 07 WilloiPond , PoiteVedra 2/2 - 450
$1'300' ' 1702 Villas or Ntash Landing. Jax Beach .3/2 .1300
.$'1300 403 Toiurament Road Ponte Vedra/Fairfeld ':.2/2 .' 1200
$1300 -i 748 Marsh Codveaie . Ponie Vedra . :'3/2 + loft.' 1650
S$1350 -.165: Cabrill.L ae'' Ponte Vedra ' 3/2 . . 1700
I$1400 -.1. 6L-'Psada.i.RN.' Ponte Vedra .- ,., . 3/2.5 - 1620
$1400 ' .623 i' Place, SotiLh ' .JA Beql.;,. ':",;. " ,3/2 -". 1335'.
S$1M500, ii7/layers Club;Yila ., Pnte Vedra/TPC ,. :;2/2 ; ' 1'500
SviedrarPmc. ;a n , . .
.$1600 13-I Willow Pond - Poole WdraS-wgss
$1600-.i 49 Jefferson Avenue Ponte.Vedra' , -32, - 1806
$1600 ,757 Sandy Qaks '. Ponte Vedra ,.. . ' 525
$1700 ',4448 Pebbleboo'k Drive I:luJRerbrook.@Glen Kermn 3/'2, . '1860
$1800 42: NortbgaLe ,'. Pone VedrSawgta'ssCCe's - - 20';::
$1800 746.Spiinakers Reacht Poune Vt igr .Bac hClub 2/2 '. 1644
.$1800' '121 Oak�-iew Circl '',.PinpNe ouanda' 3. /2. 2100
$200'" 33.43 Lighho.b'ePoihie'Lane'JaxBeacb' -, 3/3 ', 2144
$2200 2001 Windjammer Ln" SouthPo6nieVedrai. i.' 3/35o+-ofc'13009
$2300. 543 Rutile'Dnre '. .Ponoe Vedra :3/2 2100
$2400 529,Sunset Drive Ponte Vedra; 32 2 0
,$2500 . 806 Pelican Point" .''ax Beacti " ' . . -3/2' . ... -1550.
$2500 .211 iaVisa ..'Atlantic Beach- 3/2 1850
$2600. 113 Lake Julia Drive NorthPonre Vedra/Sagrass CC, 3/3. loflj 2800
$2900 703'The Iandmiirk . Jai B tc . ' ...-,: : 1829'
$3500- 224.Laurel L Pone Ponte Ved'Pla 4 3/4.5 :::'.336iJ

$1150 33 N. Rosco Blvd i PonteVedra /I' + n 1
$1200 Beah Club Villas Sawgrss Beach Club Efficiency .600 '
$1300/wk 618 Surf Villas . , ' Sargras'Beach,'Club ;1/1 1100
,$1400 57 Colony -;'. Ponte Vedra' . ' 2/2r, . 1100 '
$1500/wk 133S'PonleVe',jnPECIALRATEl S. Poni. Vedra . .4/2 -' .-2100
$1600/wk TelRerea . Po l ~ Viedra/Oceanfroni , 2 .'1.
$1950 I- .504Soulhshore' :,. ' Ja1ksonilUele'eah/0caniei3/2i,, '170'
$2000 318'Deer Run' . ' Sawgrass/Country�'Clb 3/3' ' : 2200
$2200': A2 BeachHlouse Pohie Vedra Blivd ' ,:'�3/2 - 1500
$2300 104 Willow Pond . Sawgrass/Country.(lub 3/2 , I1806,
$2300 76 Players CubVll~as Sawgrass/TPC' ' ', .' .: 2300
$2500/wk The Aquilas Jax Beach/0Lcenfo ,/3'4 , 2000
$2500/wk 728 Oceanfront , 'Nepr. Bch/Oceafront ;,,t3/2:5 srpgnmrne2600
$2700/wk 2824 oasal Hwv., Viland Beach/Oceanfront.6/4 . ' 4000
$2900/mo 416(Ctoasil H-v ISPECAL RAr EVilano BeachlOceanifrbo3/2 ' ' ' 000
,$3400 703 The.Landm'ni . ,; Jax Beach' . ., ,"3/2 . , ., .1829
$3500 '163 Sea'Hanmmock Old PonteVedra/Oceanfrontt,2/2.+ den'. 1800
-: other finished property es also available
Dally, Weekly and Monthly.' :
Call today to book your next vacatlon!ll
228 Ponte Vedra Park Dr. Suite 500
Ponte Vedra. Beach;. FL :2082 .

(904) 285-2882 ,: :, .

ATLANTIC BEACH, Spacious 4BR/2.5BA,, ..
1800sf:$1395/mo. Call (904)382-1023. " 'BEAUTIFUL 'HOME On Golf Course,
JAX BEACH: beautiful, 4BR/3.5BA/2-car Widsor Park. 3BR/2BA, $1550/mo.
garage, granite, 2800sf,, $1999/mo. 993-4140, Lori.
496 upper 8th Ave. So. Call 534-2120., BOATER'S DREAM, 2BR/2.5BA, water-
JAX BEACH, 14 35TH Ave. So., ,front lownhoUse al the Moorings, Jax Bch:
3BR/1.5BA. Close to Beach. Clean, qul- Newly renovated.new appliances, washer/
et. (904)803-6834, 424-5333. dryer. $1800/mo. Includes 50 ft boatsllp.
ATl AI TIC AU fElAMDlE Tf,..- , . A , - ,

house, .3BR/3.5BA, 2450sl,' double ga-
rage, pool, $2200/mo. 247-1270.
JAX BEACH 2800sl, 4BR/3.5BA, tile,
Granite, 2-car garage. 496 Upper 8th Ave
o. 1999/mo. Available' February. Call
PVB, 3BR/2BA, 3 car garage, great water-
view, guarded community, pool, tennis,
exercise, all appliances. $2400/mo

ATL BCH, all new Inside appliances tool
3BR/1BA + XL utilly .room, WDHU, large
fenced yard. $1050/mo. Discount with A+
references 476-7607.:.-

WDHU, 1000sf., large fenced yard. open
floor plan; $950/mo. TDO Management
Services. 246-1125.

JAX BEACH. 3BR/1.5BA, 1316 Pinewood 63 FORRESTAL .Circle South, A.B.
Rd.. WDHU, hardwood floors, fenced. 61203 mo., 3BRIBA. completely remodh
1200/mo. 396-7171 655-522 7 $1200/mo., 3BR/2BA,. completely remod-
$1200mo. 3 71 6555 . eled Beach cottage, close to Ocean.
ATLANTIC BEACH. 3BR/2BA, WDHU, Granite countertops, hardwood floors, new
arage, no pets. West of Maypor Rd: carpet & paint, tile showers. Beautiful yard
334-3128. . i. n nice, quiet neighborhood. Debra,
SOUTH JAX Beach. 3BR/1.5BA, 6 Blocks 234-7725.
to Ocean. $1300/mo. 710-5200. '

ances. WDHU, laenced yard. $1100/mo.
ICW: 3BR/2BA, 1700sf, 2-car garage,
fenced back yard. $1400/mo. 651-8114.
front. 4BR/3BA, 3700st,, screened pool,
boat house, jet ski lft. 3200/mo. Realty
Executives. 273-3939. David, 955-0776.
3BR/2BA, renovated, garage, community
boat ramp. $1100/mo. 241-2261.

fenced yard, kitchen-equipped, screened
',porch;, fireplace, community club,
$1200/7io. No pets, no smoking.
(407)290-3222.. ..
JAX BEACH North. Clean 3BR/2BA,
2-car garage, fenced yard. care, ceramic
tile. Holly Drive: Quiet neighborhood.
r0/mno.+ rianonll. 614-95278.

PVB, LATRIUM, waterfront, 2BR/2BA, ga-
Srage, amenities Include pool/ tennis.
$1250/mo. Includes . lawn service.
285-9884. Available Immediately.
2-car garage, huge deq, huge lot, pool.
$1200/mo. 307-2241.
NEPTUNE BCH large 2BR/2BA, 4 blocks
to beach, washer dryer, Ilreplace, pool,
hardwood, CH&A,..quiet neighborhood.
$1295/mo. + deposit. (904)610-7267.
564 Hopkins Street. '.
NEP BCH 3Br 1.5BA charming peach
home. Fenced backyard, will accept small
,pets,. Avail. 1/14,.$1150/mo. Call 465-
BEACH AREA ICW. 3BR/2BA, lumished,
clean, 2-car garage. $1250/mo 673-4570.
PONTE VEDRA- Solano, Gay. 3/2, deck
on'pond. pets with approval. Avail Jan 1
$1400/mo. 285-4530 ..
., ' , ,- ' -- .,J',.' - *) " , . t, ,
,JAX BCH, 3/2.-1350sl; R/ DR/ Den; kit
w/ tile-floor, Bfast bar, .W/D conn., 2, car
gar.; $1300/mo. TDO Management Serv-
Ices 246-1125. '
NEAR OCEAN, 3BR/1BA. Lease, referen-
ces' required. 218 4th Ave. South.
$1100/mo. (904)221-4134.

3BR/2BA, GATED dorido, JTBI Hodges,.
all''amenities, W/D, fireplace, garage.
'$1250/mo. 382-7606 ."
NEW 2BR/2BA condo In PVB, brand new
appliances, and loads of cabinets and
amenities in gated community. $1250/mo.
or'$1400/mo 'w/garage. Call today at
SUMMERHOUSE '-,PVB, first floor
1BR/1BA. fireplace, all resort-type ameni-
ties. Avail. '1/15/06. $900/mo. 904-379-
3495. ' .
cbrbo,i..WDHU, breakfast bar,. fireplace,
$575/mo. .TDO Management Services.
246-1125. ' . : . ' '
*C9, Dq,,,S9pUth J
20'09h.1B-umished.logpr.sort ieqrp.
$1100/mo. Will rent unfurnished wilh long
ATLANTIC - BEACH,. ' Oceanfront,
3BR/2BA, $3900/mo. (859)268-2827.
PVB FAIRFIELD-. on Lake large 3/2
Towrihouse. garage,' fireplace, gated.
Available 2/0106,. $1500/mo. r deposit.
703-5773.' ' '
OCEANVIEW 1BR condo near First Street
Grill.- Pool.:Unlufm: $850/mo: plus 1 mo
depi 247-8916 after 6pm.
PV, :MARSH Cove-"2BR/2BA, fireplace,
dsreenead-porch. Avatl.l131/06. $900/mo.
4-deposlt.-273-6428"' , . - �
PVB, ,SAWGRASPi 3BR/2BA on water.
'Fireplace, ' garage,- pool. ' $1600/mo.
280-3518. ,. ' . .
PVB.' .,BELLEZA; 2BR/2BA, first floor,
gated' community . Newly remodeled.
$100/mo: (904)868-5876.
,: .. . FREE RENT!
With' 1,yr. lease and dan. move-lnl Beach-
es, 2R/2BA, master suites, likenew. gat-
ed,' community, lakefront,: many extras:
$1200/mo; 382-6145.. ..

ICW - Pro F to share beautiful home, very
close to beach, shopping and schools.
NO SMOKERS. 221-4224.
ROOMMATE TO share 2BR 1BA w/
oceanvlew, $580/mo. split until. 887-2287.
AB HOME near Town Center, 1.5 blocks
from beach, 2/1, $650/mo incl. until. 859-

3 BLOCKS to ocean Neptune Bch. OP-
PORTUNITY studio room with a view, use
of the household in exchange for help with
maintaining the estate, people, property
and plants, use of pool and outdoor heat-
ed jacuzzi. Caregiving qualities would be a
good plus, $50 per week utilities included.

PRIME LOCATION, Jax Beach, 500st,
ulililies included. 285-5566, leave msg.

JAX BEACH. 2000sl Storefront, on South
3rd St (A1A). Available 4/1/06.
$3000/mo.- $700 CAM. 1433/1439 South
3rd St. 708-0731.

2 PURE White cats, bro/sis, spayed/neu-
tered, 6yrs. old, indoor/outdoor. Litter box
trained. 982-6822.
RETIRED COUPLE will babysit your pets,
house, elderly or babies. 307-6833.

AUSTRALIAN BLUE Heeler Puppies, bom
Nov. 19. 2005, $150. 249-9324 Iv msg.
LABRADOODLE PUPS. Males, beautiful
let-black, wavy coats. Healthy, all shots,
6mos. Parents AKC. $650. 241-7842.

FOUND Thanks to everyone who helped
in finding him.

FOUND GRAY Cat. Fluffy, declawed. Pla-
za and' Mayport Rd. Call 234-8612. '
HOMELESS PETS for adoption- Cats &
dogs. 246-3600.
FOUND -PAPILLON, small female, brown.
Call 318-0876 to claim.

IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category lease call 904-249-9033 or
email: classiliea@beachesleader.com

DIVORCE $'275-$350.. Covers'children,
etc. Only one signature.requiredl Exciudes
gov,. feast Call weekdays (800)462-2000
exl.600. (8am-7pm) Alta ,Divorce. LLC.
Established 1977.
Criminal Defense Felonies, Misdemean-
ors. Domestic Violence.: DUI, Wrongful
Deatn. -Proteci Your Rights". A-A-A Attor-
ney Referral Service (888)733-5342 24
hours, 7 days.
ACCIDENT VICTIMS'all.accident & injury
claims..Aiitqtoobile, bike/'boat/ bus, 'ani-
m'al blues, workers compensation; wrong-
ful death, nursing home injuries.'A-A-A At-
torney Relerral Service (888)733-5342.


Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the
-Self Storage Facility Act", Florida Statutes
Section 1,,Part IV of Chapter 83, Laws of
Florida 1982; the personal property con-
sisting' of clothing, personal items and
household goods of:
Shannon L: Gillen, Jax Beach, F547,
10x20; liresn'marreSs.e;,qp,' ." 1,
Darryl L Jqhinsdn, Mtiyp iO ' ,l OxIS,
mis. boixs,wasner, drye frriiture .
Paula ,Reynolds, Atlantic Beach, C329,
10x10, misc. boxes,,household goods.
Mlllon T Cox Jr., Sarasbta, B288, ,10x20,
misc.. boxes.
David & Kistina Smith,' Atlanhic Beach,
'B261, 5x15; misc. boxes.
Gregory Griswold,. Jacksonville,o B248,
5x5, misc..boxes. ' .
Sherena Slaughter, Atlantic Beach, B223,
5x10 misc. furniture. " . 1.
Latrice 'Narcisse, Atlantic Beach, B204,
5x10, washer, diyer, misc: boxes -.
Waiter. 0 Lipseomb Atlanlic Beach,. B202,
5x10, misc..boxes. 'i': ' ' '
Meliss .D Bishop-Maury, Atlantici Beach,
B160,. .10xl0, misc. boxes, 'household
goods. . ' .' ,
Will be sold. or otherwise disposed of at
10:00 AM, Saturday,' January 14, 2006 to
satisfy lien(s) lot past due rent(s) cost and
lees. Disposition will take place at: Pan
Am Mini Storage, 2383 Mayport Rd., At-
lantic Beach, FL 32233. Pan Am Mini
Storage reserves the light to reject any
and'all bids ahd establish minimum bids to
compensate for all dosts. _ ',' '. -
BL12221/05,l4/06 ' ; . '.- .

PVB'12BR/2BA,/fIreplce,7ev appliap- -NT ' SALE
b es:' washer/drye&, . many '.arenties.. -NOTCE PUBLCSA
$1085/mo.47220914. .... , '. . Beac Body Towing Co, 'gives-
S AN Notlle of Foreclosure of .Lienri and Intent to
PVB- GRAND CAY 2/2 WD gaed gym, sell' tee vehicles on January 25, 2006
podlL $1100/mo. 285-9324. -, ,. :' - . 9,00'amrat'922 7th Ave S;. Jackeonviille
PONTE VEDRA 1BR/1BA, 2-story. Gated, Beach,',FL-32250-4208, purslaht 'to: sub--
ainenities, resort atmosphere. $1050/mo. sdictiqhn 713.78 of the Florida' Sttutes.
998-91448 .' , , ,' ,' Beach"Bo'dyTowlng.Co., lnc. reserves.thle
.-1 4. r right to acceptior' rejectanyand/or, all BIds..'
NEP BCH, 2/2.5, Townhome, ..tirepalce. Csh.oly, dayof sale. Nowarrantles, bIl
Cash. oriy,d'y of sale.. No waranties,' -t
fenced yard' garage,. wdhur community ties or guatantee oftitles. "As.is". , .
pool.,$1300/mo, 571-5517 -, . ' ". . .. . . , .
P.VB, BELLEZA,;1BR 1BA, newly remod- B4FK4430KX683602 1891 Dgoe
eled,.new'appllances. $890/mo, reduced 1FAFP13P1WVW258432 1998 Ford
depohif..(904)318-7271. 1FA.P52U5TG251054'1996 Ford ',
) . 1FAPR6243PH175700 1993 Ford ', "
SUMMER HOUSE. CONDO, 2BR/2BA, 1G2NE55D1SC766941.1995 Ponitlec
gated, mapy amenities. $1200/mo. Signa- 1lG8ZJ5273SZ232483'1995Saturii
ture Realty, 241-5221 x106. 1"GCCS14ROPO,126018'1993.Chevrolet
- ,- . 1'GHDX0bEXVD246293.1997 Oldsrioblle
lr i:*I.Il-] . .illA.i 1P3BM18D.1JY2,10748'1988 Plymouth.
S.1P3ES47G8SD256390' 1995 Plymouth
DOUBLEWIDE 3BR/2BA. 2268 Mayport 2B3HD46T5VH770375 1997 Dodge
Rld;#158. $800/mo.1Call Doug, 571-5083. 2B7GB11X8RK566235 1994'Dodge
' . . .- 2B7GB13R2CK181436 1982.Dodge
.2 MOBILE homes in'Mayport, lovely set- 2FABP74F9KX1526691989 Ford
t:l .: 1BR $550/mo.,,, 2BR $700/mo. .2FALP74W1PX170692 1993'Ford'
70-4022 . 4S2CY58V054324200.1995 Isuzu
JM1GD2229J 1557577 1988 Mazda
, NC5651178 Huffy
V ACATIONRENTUAL 26, WDBCA35D6HA352818 1987 Mercedes-
Luxury f d 1 & 2 B m Sus WPoAA0924HN451095'1987 Porsche-
Luxury furnished 1 8 2 Bedroom Suites

High Quality King Beds.
Equipped Kitchens.
2nd Street & 5th Ave. South
(904)318-0044 1 249-0767.

4BR/4BA, ,weekly, monthly, yearly. Call
SHORT TERM: large house, 30/ft from
ocean, fully equipped, sleeps 10, no dogs,
$950/wk, $3000/mo. 463-0222 or
249-3419. -
S. JAX Bch. 2BR, fully furnished, ocean-
front,condo. Monthly/ Weekly. 241-0267.
OCEANFRONT.. 1 Bedroom. Weekly or
monthly. Pool. (904)463-7343..
homes. Weekly/monthly. Visit us at:
jaxbeachrental.com or 535-3911 or

WINTER RENTAL: Jan, Feb, March.
3BR/2BA, 1 block to ocean. $1200/mo +
utilities. 233-3939.

2BR/1.5BA, 5 blocks to beach, W/D, ca-
ble, $400/mo4- half Utilities +$300/dep.
NEPTUNE BEACH Rooms, 2 blocks to
Ocean, furnished, unfurnished. $525-
$725/mo+ utilities. 521-8473.

BL 1/4/06
In re the marriage of:
PATTI L. JONES, Petitioner
DONNELL D. JONES, Respondent
FILE NO.: 05-FA-179
The aboveentitled matter Is scheduled
for a final contested divorce hearing to be
held on January 20, 2006 at.10:00 o'clock
A.M., before the HON. HAROLD V.
FROEHLICH, In Circuit Court Branch: IV
located In the Outagamie County Justice
Center, 320 South Walnut Street, Sey-
mour, Wisconsin 54165.
Dated this 1st day of December, 2005.
/I/Kenneth F. Rottler, Aty for Petitioner
200 East Wisconsin Street, P.O. Box 67
Seymour, Wl 54165

' " ------CHRISTIAN WOMAN will share home. BL 12/28/05, 1/4/06, 1/11/06
ATLANTIC BEACH. 3BR/1.5BA, WDHU, WIll have own unfum. 2BR 1BA, private
CH&A, fenced ard. Newly remodeled. entrance. & kit. priv. 2ml. from base. PUBLIC NOTICE
380sf storage . $10 SI /mo. Call $550/mo Incl. until , S200/dep. Call 743-
(,4)246. 17,, 4.0. =. , ,,i 403a. CITY OF NEPTUNE BEACH
F".. !- -;" 1 .

The Board of Appeals lor the City of Nep-
tune Beach, Florida will hold a Special
Public Hearing on Wednesday January
18, 2006 at 7:00 p.m., In the Neptune
Beach Municipal Building, 116 First Street,
to consider the following:
V06-01: Variance request of Mr. Paul
LoBrutto for the property located at 1901-
1907 First Street to the existing lot size,
south side yard, rear yard, Impervious sur-
face and proposing to vary Section 27-
235(5). The request Is to add 7 foot wide
docks In lieu of the allowable 4 loot into a
required rear yard.
V06-02: Variance request of Mr. Jeffrey
Lingerfell and Angela RiccI for the proper-
ty located at 636 Camellia Tenace Drive
to the existing north side yard. The re-
quest is for an addition to a non-conform-
ing single family dwelling.
Appeal of an administrative decision as
outlined In section 27-453 for subdivision
ol a lot. The request lor appeal is made by
Ms. Nicole Habl of 119 Margaret Street.
(Tabled from the Dec. meeting.)
If a person decides to appeal any decision
made by the board with respect to any
matter considered at such meeting or
hearing, he or she will need a record of
the proceedings, and for such purpose he
.or she may need to ensure that a verbatim
record of the proceedings are made,
which record included.the testimony and
evidence upon which the appeal is to be
In accordance with the Americans with
Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Flori-
da Statute, persons with disabilities need-
ing special accommodation to paniclpate
in this meeting should contact the City
Clerk's office no later than 5:00 p.m., the
day of the meeting.
BL 01/03/06

Notice is hereby given that the Planning
and Development Review Board for the
City of Neptune Beach will hold a monthly
meeting and Public Hearing on Tuesday,
January 17, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. in he
-Council Chambers, 1,16 First Street, Nep-
tune Beach, Florida. The following is the
on the agenda:
PDRB06-01 Application lor a Preliminary
Development Order for proposed addition
to Aqua East Surf Shop. The property Is
located 696 Atlantic Blvd. Variance has
previously been granted.
V05-36: Variance request of Mr. Louis
Stuart, Jr. for the property located at 203
Oceanfront & 101 Lemon Street proposing ,
to'vary section 27-330(a)(1) height limita-
tion for walls. The request Is tobuild 8 &
10 foot solid wall along the north property
line. This Is the same request that was
previously presented to the Board In May
2005. (Tabled from the Dec. meeting.)
If a person decides to appeal any decision
made by the Board with respect to any
matter considered. at such meeting or
hearing the person will need a record of
the proceedings and for such purpose
may need to ensure that a verbatim record
of the proceedings is made, which record
includes the testimony and'evidence upon
which the appeal is to be based.
In accordance with the Americans With
Disabilities Act and Section, 286.26, Flori-
da Statute, persons with disabilities need-
Ing special accommodation to participate
n his meeting should contact the City
Clerk's Office no later than 5:00 P. M. the
day of:the meeting.

Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the
'Self-Storage Facility Act Florida Statutes
Section. 1, Part IV of.Chapter 83,, Laws of
Flonda 1982; The personal property
consisting of clothes, personal items and'
to.auselmnlslds of:_.....-
�m .1ilallorn nl ...... j93 3R , _eC1 TlICYH
Meai 'Flores.:'. :.- -. -.- - -. -
Lorena Flores
Units 725 and Unit 403 Respectively
Will be sold or otherwise disposed of at
11:00 a.m., Saturday, January 7, 2006, to
satisfy lien(s) for past due rent(s). Disposi-
tion will take place at: THE STORAGE
,BIN, 1001 13th Ave. S., Jacksonville
Beach, FL 32250: THE STORAGE BIN
reserves the right to reject any and all
BL 12/30, 1/4/06

IF YOU are Irterestedin advertising under
this category please call' 904-249-9033 or
email:, classitied@beachesleader.com
EARN DEGREE online from home. Medi-
cal, Business, Paralegal, Computers. Job
placement assistance. Computer & finan-
cial aid If qualify. (866)858-2121. www.on-
linetidewatertech corn

Part. time/ 30hrs per week: Customer
Service/ computer skills. Call 241-1849.
ATRIA SAN Pablo now accepting applica-
tions for Weekend Receptionist. Saturday
&-Sunday 9-5:30pm. ApplyIn person at
14199 Wm. Davis Pkwy., Jacksonville.
HELP WANTED classifications In this
rewsppper are intended .to'announce gen-
uine current job openings. No fees may be
charged tothe prospective employee. Ads
for self-empldyment' or:bbUsiness opportu-
nities appear under the Business Opportu-
nities category. Ads which..may require
payment of' lees for employment Informa-
tion, guidance or training mayappear uni:
der JobService. Should any Help Wanted
advertiser ask for a lee or f the advertiser
Is offering-a product or. service' rather than
a job opening, lease notify,The Beaches
Leader, 249-9033..',

ANIMAL LOVER to demonstrate premium
pet stood on weekends. Must be sales driv-
en, neat, & have reliable transportation.
4hrs. per day, $11/hr.. Areas: Sr Johns
Town Center, The Avenues & Regency.
Call 800-939-7387 x330.
P/T. Fax resume to (904)285-7442.
Office. $10/hr, 15-20 hrslwk One week-
end day required. Fax resume: 247-9949.
MODELS WANTED for high quality fe-
male fashion photography. Good pay per
session. Experience not required.
PRESS OPERATOR Needed lor 2-color
RYOBI. Exerience required. 246-9162.
MUST LOVE DOGS. Dog walker/bather,
kennel cleaner, 20/hrs/wk. Some early
am, late pm, & weekend hrs. required.
Apply in person San Pablo Anim. Hosp.
13185 Atl. Blvd. 221-6783

CURVES AT the Beach is accepting appli-
cations lor lull/ part-time positions. If you
are energetic, self-motivated and have a
enthusiastic personality and love to work
w/people. Apply at 1569 Atlantic Blvd. or
278 Solana Road.

Weekends only, 7pm-7am in our Health
Center at a premier ReurementCommuni-
ty. Excellent work environment. Experi-
ence in geriatnc care desired. Applications
available at Fleet Landing, One Fleet
Landing Blvd., Atlantic Beach, FL 32233:
Fax to (904)246-9447; email to:
obs@fleetleandlng.com EOE/ Drug-
ree Workplace.

,Avante at Jacksonville Beach, a 165-bed
skilled nursing and rehab facility seeks an
RN nursing supervisor to work every other
weekend. Candidate must have pnor ex-
perience supervising nursing staff and the
ability to provide direct patient care. Excel-
lent organizational, and communication
skills are also required. Avante offers ex-
cellent compensation and premium bene-
fits, including 401(k). Please fax resume to
(904)249-8208, attention Myra Chanrand
or apply in person at: 1504 Seabreeze
Avenue, Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250.
EOE www.avantegroup.com.



seeking PT storage
consultant. Qualified
applicants should
possess strong sales,
customer service and
telephone skills.

Fax resume to
'310-762-1317 or email
Jmabry@sestoragservicesicc .com

Caddie Master

is looking for service
oriented Caddies to
WOR . at a ,-premler,

facility in Ponte Vedra
Beach. Golf knowledge
is required. Year-round
part-time and full-time
positions available.
$400-$700 per week.
Also interviewing for
management positions.
-Please call
* '

TEACHER NEEDED lor 2yr. old class-
room. Monday-Fnday. .Please' call .Direc-
'tor. 246-0433. - . '

F/T OR P/T evenings. Beaches, South-
side, Westside. Must have transportation
and phone. Positions available. Start im-
mediately. 273-2761., -.
date must be highly motivated & organ-
ized with ability to'multi-task; stron writ-
ten and verbal communication skills. PC
proficient. Full or part-time. 3 yrs+ experi-
ence preferred. Fax resume to' 904-246-
8615. . '
al Estate/ Constrdction Company. .Back
ground should include experience with
Contracts, Closings, Bookkeeping and
Construction Administralion'. This position
needs someone who Is dependable, inde-
'pendent and able to integrate with a team.
All calls confidential. (904)591-5914.

RT� . HLWNE D aa



THE PLAYERS Championship Staff

The Tournament Players Club at
Sawgrass will be hiring an energetic staff to
work with the Merchandise ,and Food.&
Beverage -teams during the 2006 PLAYERS
Championship. -Staff will receive monetary
compensation and may qualify' for
complementary rounds of golf depending on
the number of shifts worked during the week
of THE PLAYERS Championship.
Please apply in 'person or call for,
application. Contact the Professional Staff in
the Golf Shop for Merchandise at
(904) 273-3430 or Brent Baudier in the Food
& Beverage Department at (904) 273-3244
J.P. Guanieri Jim Jordan Brent Baudier
Assistant Golf Professionals Director of Food & Beverage
TPC at Sawgrass TPC at Sawgrass

,ragc U -- ---

I U^- r r-- n kr --


'r' 1


The Reaches Leader/Ponle Vedra Leader

JanLUaLry 7 -r, /, VO L IM UV60�AMM W I- V-

DRIVER- NOW hiring qualified drivers for
Central Florida local and national OTR po-
sitions. Food grade tanker, no hazmat, no
pumps. Great, benefits, competitive pay
and new'equipment. Need 2 years exped-
efice. Call Bynum Transport for your op-
portunity today; (800)741-7950.

LAWN CARE Technician Growing route
w/esiablisned company. Excellent pay and
Benefits. No experience needed. Good
driving record, DFWP, Call 241-7874.

Health. Aides needed, FT/PT. Call Carol

WANTED FOR Up & Coming Day Spa &' . ______ _
Saloh located In Jax Beach. Experienced SS
Hairdresers & Na Techs Cientele pre- SALARY LUS COMMISSION
ferred, but not req ared, Be a part of a win- Seeking former/retired U.S: military er-
ning team from the get go. Call. Karen at sonnel or outside sales representatives
434-1319. , wfh, a 'proven' track record to enlIst men
______._ . _________ . and women 'into U.S. Army and Army Re-
NA'S serves. As an army civilian recruiter you
C NA ' S , now have ' the opportunity to serve your
FULLTime, 3pm-11pm in Health-Center. country. and your community in helping to
Excellent benefits and ,working. environ- defend this great. nation or ours. Duties In-
ment at prerlere, Retirement Community.. clude telephone calls, area canvassing,
Applications .available :at. 'Fleet, Landing high school'and college visits, and one-
Security Gate, One-Fleet Landing Blvd., on-one-interviews with potential enlistees.
- Atlantic Beach, FL; Fax to (904)246-9447; We provide ttie training and' resources
,eaill to: jbbs@fleetlandlng.com EOE/ (computer, cell phone, government vehi-
Drug-Free Workplac. ' cle) to be successful Must possess excel-
: _________ lent computer skills and a current, valid
SMALL DEALERSHIP looking for parts state driver's license with a good driving
person and outside sales for new territory record, pass a background Investigation
upcoming for. new year. Call for applica- and drug test, and be willing to work flexi-
tion. (800)556-7577 ' 'ble hours. Must'be a self-starter that can
work under minimal supervision.. Looking
CYPRESS TRUCK Lines, Inc. Driver De- for committed individuals that are career
signed DisIatch. FLA only/Flat Bed stu- oriented andwilling to stay the course in
Sdents. welcome.. Home .very weekend order to be a community based recruiter
Most nights (800)545-1351 twww.cypres- that is known and networked within, the
striJclkcom:- ' . " communityt. Email 'resumes,. cover letter
f i'- and' -references to, .readytorecruit@ar-
EXPERIENCED',PAINTER.'Product s.plc- r mycbr.com or fax 'to (270)351-8177. Ref-
Sture tranes & babym furne.'WaVer-based -"erence Job'No. 0506477. i
Spray . ainl s 24 0687 725 A DENTALASSISTANT- BEACHES
a . lacBy.,,.B.,. - . - ,. or P/T EDA and CDA not required, but
- BEACHES RESOURCEiCENTER c motivated. Some dental experience r-
"etary-rieeded. at'Beacfies Resource Cen rred Will train if necessary. Call Dr. s'
ter, Fletcher's' -Fulll Service School pro- office at 246-643.. , .
gramIlocated6bh,,camrpus .,Mus'be.'brgan- RECEPTIONIST .' BUSY Real Estate-.Of-
Sized,. able tlo- muni-tas havego6dd -com- ice Computer,' experienc'; helpful', not
. pte an 0 piat"ioSill,and, be . necessary. One' weekend' day required,
willigt o'-joln a' .tii miaklng a difference $10/hr. PFax res ime to; 247-9949.
iii.the beachs'ioMpu-,.nilf i F/T position. '
$111 7r. '-Weels. E elle ents BOOKKEEPER .WITH .CustomerSerVice
-Fax' cove d ,d to. Linda skills. Strong, Call Center,', Financlal '"and
He 708202 or Administratiye. ilts. dMultiple responslblII-
fs -' mli' "..o- workfg,;i ilndeenbdntly.,&, as 'tearp'
nivry Elpvd" 'D' h - , Fre- Workplace member-,laa ,ast-pacedlenvronment. Pro-
270-8200 , 7-',''- . '" , " r -' ficlent in ,,Oicko 6iksPrq or equlvaleht.
.. .... , . Professional ,.Appearance and.'outgoing
n .. ., .- - .. n nl -' min i. 'nersonna.

GRAPHIC ARTIST needed .lor'fast-paced
SPrint-.ompany,'Prbducton -experience' a
plu,. ,Fax'resu hto:.24S68,201:
� -.:. - ."..; * -. ,.. '- . :,,,'* :; . .i r..-;f * . , , , "

bVM, jJjb [!l
eaches,,Location ln-smiall office with fami-
ly ,atm6t'rOh.;. ErmallResurh, -Inclduding
SaHary ,'bls., -';;- Rquirements E, ;to:
AHYB bel ij.i'helt,':NO' ,",.RESUMES

Lawn service seeks individual.to perform
dependable quality work. ELcellent pay &
overtime available. Crew Leaders wanted.
Perschel Brothers Services, Inc. 246-,
NANNY, GOOD Pay, RT/FT,,days. Trans-
portation, references needed. 241-2723.
WE'RE LOOKING for the right person,
with strong design talents as well as edit-
ing skills to.work for The Beaches Leader
newspaper. The right person for this edito-
rial department position will . bring tresn
,Ideas and suggestions for news and fea-
ture presentations. Must be able to create
easy-to-read graphics and maps. You. will
be expected to paginate pages quickly
and cleanly. Must be capable of producing
attractive newspaper pages. If you cant
forego drop shadows, big boxes of color
over text. or the latest funky design d'jour
Ideas, then .this is not the position for you.
Must be comfortable in a newsroom as
some writing and editing likely to be re-
quired. Proficiency in Quark, Pholoshop,
Illustrator and Mac computer Irouble-
shooting required. Send resume to
Kathleen Bailey, The Beaches Leader,
1114 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville Beach, FI.
GARAGE DOQR installers and tecrini-
clans. Must have 6 montrns experience
and truck In excellent shape. $20.-40 per
hour. Call Mark 237-5900.
modeling Ocean Edge Condos, Jax
Beach. *693-3130.
Floor Covering Sales Position. Experience
With floor, sales andproducts. Computer
knowledge' required. Fax, resume' to
247-9036: ,
FIRST CHOICE Home Improvements.
SNeds skilled carpenters & tree climbers.
,49-2628. ,
TEAMSI $1000 sign on bonus/ea. Approx
$1100/wk. 2yrs OTR, No DUI/DWI. Jax,
FL -area. Excellent equipmentI .,Excellent
lanes!' Gaet benefits! Home weekends
(988)216-0'10Q. www.callcpc.cqm.
NOW HIRING drivers & helpers for'local
moving company. Drivers must"have clean
. driving 'record,.-A" or "B" CDL license
SDF.WR 24,1-921,. .,- ,d , ,'
*tendent 'for established company. Dug

ACTIVE NANNY honest, dependable,
transponalion & references. $9-$11/hr.,
any area. CPR & First Aid. F/T & P/T.
FOR AN Experienced F/T or PTT Nanny,
who loves children, call MISS TONI,

CHILDCARE, HRS licensed. Retired Pre-
school Teacher, 30 yrs. experience., pro-
vides a sate and secure, loving, nurturing
environment. Very personal and very pro-
fessional My home off of Atlantic and
Hodges Blvd. In The Woods subdivision.
WILL PROVIDE day care in your home.
Experienced, nurturing, and dependable.
'Beaches area. 568-2187.

HUGE SALE. Manufacturer's samples,
sporting goods, clothing. 313 Sunrise Cir-
cle. 8am-lpm Saturday.

SATURDAY, 8AM-12NOON; Coral Street
& 1670 Beach Ave Household, linens,

MOVING. FURNITURE, Household items.
13791 Heathford Drive in Windsor Park,
(off Hodges). Saturday, 8am-2pm.

WILL PROVIDE lovin . fun, positive en- 40FT BOAT slip available at old Old San
viroment tor your child. Beach area, Pablo Creek Manna, $700/mo. Includes
339-2412. electric. For more details. 398-9080 ext.
339-2^12. 211.

THE LOWEST Prescnption. Pnces less
than Canada. Viagra $2.75/100mg, Fosa-
max $16 00/month, Advira $45.00. A bet-
ter deal man Medicare. Global Medicines,
American Physician owned. (866)634-
0720 www.giobalmedicines net.

t * Iu
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-s49-9033 or
email: classiitled@beacnesleader.com

KENMORE 2005, never used, Refrigera-
tor and Ultra Wash Dishwasher. Both
white. Cost $1300. Sell $750 ior pair. Free
delivery. 904-509-3862
TREADMILL- PROFORM Crosswalk, like
new, folds 'up, $100. Call 246-4234 after
6pm. "
AT&T PARTNER phone-system. 5 phones
Installed for $899. 249-8877.
50" shafiBow Mount. 1-1/2 yrs. old. Still
under warranty. $300 OBO. 246-4104.

USED. KITCHEN cabinets, all high end'
maple' and oak;o,Various sizes, leaded
glass, Corian.tops, fixtures. Older 48 inch
sub zer6. Iridge/ , maple 'panels. Call.

40FT BOAT slip available at old Old San
Pablo Creek Marina, $700/mo. Includes
electric. For more details. 398-9080 ext.
ALUMINUM 9'11" Jonboat, 9.5HP Evin-
rude, add'l 1/2hp motor, 24 volt 701b thrust
motor, 12 volt 271b thrust molor, new Mag-
Ic Tilt trailer, misc. equipt. All for $1,100.

2001 HARLEY Sportster XLH, 1500mi.,
like new. Lots of chrome, windshield.
$6300. 655-3491.
PARTS FOR 1995 FLHT due to onver-
slon to trike. Several parts call for info.
__;._1 ,111 ;t~. Kyjl ~:;~il'l

1986 DODGE RAM 250 4x4, AC, CD, am-
fm cassette, alarm, lowpackage & Coach-
man camper. 69,000 miles $3950. 571-

1992 .ISUZU Space Cab white truck, good
cond ,$2500 firm. 249-7136.
1992 MAZDA B2200. Extended cab, PU
body good; motor, needs rebuilt. $800
OBO. 42-8902,

BOOKKEEPERiNEEDED. .Experience . WILL BE.CONSIOERED'WtHOT SA- free work place, tenefits:'41-272. COMMERCIAL EQUIPMENT, Mowers
with all aspects ,bAccounting including ARY-REQUIREMENTS STATED. ' CONSTRUCTIQ WORKER w/valid Flon- trimmers, edges. blowers, excellent con-
general ledger andGulckBooks. Floors for, , '. - - ' . . . . , d- Driver's ,Licenrse .Experience helpful dillon.. Gum ball machines $50 Wirndws a lus:Faresie and salary * , . RIVERS , -b ,i~wll in''odsaly & benefits. AP- 285-2952. 1996 CUTLES
reqW irement's toa 247-9036Wp - "t, . .. . r ' .'..-' ,RIV I , .. ... . ' l ,tSurlside"p6ols,'313.Beach Blvd., - - ,. ' ._- '' 199 CU-E
S* . DO ou fwa't a wiinnng tearrm:Don't- 6-2666o fxresume to: 249-8801, ESSENTIAL. FURNISHINGS. 'Give your (904)334-.78
,.:-:, - ' * - ;'., g t.oer:smake.'$500-$700 ;e-mail:. surfsidepoolsQaol.com home.a makeover. Shop for lop sellers n
SSWIMMING' POOL Coiitructlon Too per week., Call 249-5151 ask or Brian;or . collectbles, home, .garden and seasonal
S & benefits. Palace Pobi. 998-181 4935250:ask fpr TiiCollls.. . 'RN'S/PN CNA'S decor www.essenliallurnishings.com'
11655, Central Pklwy #313i, Jax, FL, L ;EACHERS &'Assistants' FT/PT for'row- .. "AIIShifts allablel BED. KIN iattres sel, 299. ..Can de-
S 32224 .....: , :-' ' . lldcare./learning-. center',(Inansv- Avante . ' ck-o, t il Biac h a 165-bed liver ,(904)391-0015. . , " '
''; ; " , :: ;f5yrs)Must be patient,, .understand chil- .skied ,nidr dngfald re ab,enter seeks . '
,,- - . : " drn and ' reliable." 1851 Beach'.Blvd dedjated nursing'professlonasto provide BED-.-:FULL-SIZE, 'new, w/warranty, in
: DRIVER- OVEI ANTTr ahsprt.- Excel 32250, 242-9645. EOE.... dltretu caraoresidents. Must have plastic $'i0. Must sell. (904)398-5200. -
Sleit -pay& benefits for r 'eTenenced drly-. - - a'.vall anursing'licepseor. CNA cer-
e 0/ o msSt LABORERS,.HEPERSSkilledpersonnel. ttifct e Ah lne. Hiala Erated, sigp. 42"' SONY HD Projection TV w/stand.
S dens.. ; Bonuses ava ilaBie;Refd gerla ed (all types):Call ,2449-8147, or.-apply:.:203 hbon u .an nd reat" n sInlding 3yis. old $750. 285-7719 ..-
noW a alable' (888)MOREi PAY(i'8-667- South 3rd.Street,.4ax, Beach. Good pay., 401'(k)5'.'For -_ m a consideration - . 6's J- ...Handy
.-. pleas apl' *' "........e-,-,- SOLID'- MAPLE 'dining table, 42"x74", J&L"Handyr
, -729) n rz Avenue ly n- cksdnvIeiB ea'ch ,--FL opens'to 92" with. 2 leaves. Great condi- small. Professi
FAST GROWING Jacksonville.Beach gift- 'VI RAYJLINE.SUPERVISOR f r -. .. . "erou0 lion. $300.'992-1214. & bonded. I.c.
" ware.company.asleeks-FT.Custfmer Serv-. at VicarsOanodir4Ponte�Vedra'1045ahlp 'B.Dame r-�uP.� s"",
Sice nRep.nsimum 2 years S and Data 715 eee reEc BEAGRES CAWime BED-. BRAND name queen set, PROFESSION
- r experience Deta^ neted d e - 'payad tr , w reee wagesnegotae ps en~ its new,:-,w/warranty 1$129. Can deliver. Ramps. Al si
: ycet e pgnt c etasl6ni ft id�_,'p E l-. . -..,1.B . (904)58930 ., . . . Robby'& Greg,
24 4006 re..or a "TE...E"'R-"'...O",liKE. TRAILER, 16', Open,.dual axle; 160miles SEWING MAi

S EUPSCALE ALON I'GPont$V drA 1seek s C30all 29 o08a, , - ,e:-i.-g 11.* '" -,: W.L C E 'N
Srl...s. NDYICallIA994CO8ldSiFw 88rI7.asum_ ,I.-, --..piR|n TNe pr o, :A.irRm " CD/AMFA a inty lrsepinkl -83

a N. ..E PIADI BIm feic Belt s.OEn-n eri'"5 naint90 na n 241 2029 : " I B E C E E W SPA PER N rem'" 99" 2-17... . . -'.. . . ' . : H. KAD1-2 2 L
249 . .. ......p ' .. mi t- e "I*� I''"'" . . . . .. .n. - ' -- 1 1 ; (hbdw*t**aO.Ehii1&,mcabinet $m26-e3 a.rea. Al'yea

d I SK Rec tinist n hsti In- r im Ntpe ner.:. e s5, 1 s-et a bIrnueiagin' 'a WI LL C A
i. ,', ,.hIsl CELema- , O' i-8or-7r .... lemal medical office needeRNPI , ,l BeahBlv.d Jax c. . . i. r. r.
'andllrbri6sOuexrandirigwo r-k- time secretarial . clerical,'i f -'f. FREE PEPSI ve din' machine, new core stereo

ferma'orcenalongith iEasl.Cenlral,CoastIHiring 'M.D.h-au r e setting. 'Ex re. r ' eInONALSALES pressor u2004'r ieess coin changer, p-
s2 ," please'cal800-942-8180x66.visil skills, andco nlncatios .ari . ''re t sire;a fast-iw tpacdwork environ- (904)514O8L5 AR & epi30 .$ / ..' piOODFencsie
www.bent-rito-gergia.."omor.faxiresume latins skils re-uste- .thu.la'.s- n: et, may 'haveIa ."'-'excellent y.rs ' ' H A i C L
.. No6g r 30up i2s602.lm'R e -*Oe *g. -tNic, -' dereaddin .e.i sistentada ex&el- p6 fora Nation- FUN APEYATER Surf B ke

* CARPEN RSNEEIDED.bMisthave.own lent match: * r ne A with.Trels. . -no arnd work ii ra Beach. new,npink,&dblu&$50. (904) 803n6834.& i
R :'E 'R j ns rain l 49 255. r a r 2 -l p oneHa g SI t tIle ING d o Cao r Saustety nta2 -(de ach H
"r nn. 2e9e30*, ,. :'" ,_, , ,,:,,ch: aO.- " .*'''. .*, , - " ," "", "TE LEMARKETNG',,,- ,, , .-..., .."lk n r n l 1 500h, 9s.i -n

e7' kandnoe dsoreedqo e0d:4ea - o time scretariat,,cect andscu NVERIN TABL"' Gravty Tr'E $P25 SeOdD n
b u .. g.pa. o pdaybenefits . IDrun. rese wpr borers. ishers,- form sne .e esn." llo JT;nouev nifn y e ke dpFaxtse. pr $ 0 Yo .m vy , 5-4564.J

sans leaeicatl 800-942-8180 6 ,visit skills.' n.pmW m~iosanubicre | a .tel Startdeire a dastlyAped ly enirn- (904)509-3862.4 tickets
age''- .. . l.. "" . a l n Sr e e 's ski t'reqadialerd "hut a m y - ha ei s a our , - d ,, - te l, - .e M.occ- -' . .I WO K Fea n

CARPERS NE E ngrooinsth'ave ownttentant Bei'rge S wrvhorer no at comland& k rotsera Bch nse pink o bu idu k$700.(904) "803 6ns Eberi
TRAY2INE4U R A .enTErL80 6 t ntors. IrhoinOV.N Do7(904)467-c273. i d s , 'M e 0p oe
tetemarketingl&'xcelent'cam 1Ser1<6 rigned (. R na 92 8bir3 Cll5 $13 - 37 32e

at Vicar Lan Vedra.~ l ,,4amqDu'crth. C:oncrtd-n.arei8$07tenntc k ie IVRoN TBen Gravty Tracs $125. l4sE caSorNE
Sa de b of..Dr u -mp titive w-',. .gb , fx i t nefa Htt�S, . ';- .i ' banaAve..ampa, FL33607. . email: classic
' eri c tn e& , Fe&.N"are',die-un ito eech-)d2.4 0 . .. . .. ld rBI942 -0liaenR BTROO M e, Sp.B iret " M

t . . "" i.' ..' ' ' "'' '- " '-' * "' Ib'timU iedakld o'n. t 'r t from c a nu'9 ac,' reri . Lg tan r an' s'tack' wich " A FR N

1000. PGAmTOtURBoulevardPo dr etart-3F3208 BEAUTIFUL FORMAL Dinirat room cherLt t18
* t an04n' ay cCt 80 wrV -17 JEW ot

U, *ugue Grills Server REoP'G . r''fiAT'Ber'fitS ''r,"and'armoire.$'15000BO.-26-3102 . PROFESSOB
:m .-. T N Reet.onst - ,,- '' , * ,. Wcensed ire i

S .~ ' . ..ay,. s .HA timeOnadTs'
RE L; SOyTApRT.yDI NInro ': A .tenidant Sneeloers (. . .. ..nlhn".c Lateshsrtyles: a' 0 d0 t ,Jo ns . Blualityf instRo ad ls- (Beach aiot).
-' _,andbb__:.1o-l6,1H.&ut__i.axe cleka _ ndi02g Work- oime- secrstarend.n7.n nto-achne, new com ti c
. * .5 -Is ' c ch1.ainger, r d e .nd *- METAL' ROOFING, Save $I Buy-direct

-d s, ' n, . ": e e spo H 'i eale ns l " - ar e xper - . (ll ac es ores _-c tum aro Deity-
. ' b ' Ia. " x " .-..-tAgasmCenle t 6- n I or., 'cabne. table, 6 car e;_ -an '-mil int � P

"- ,~ . , ,,,,, .11 .s n ",hi.h boyedresserrdd.E -w / 359r- ;-
C '' E--bnefDE 'r' wMIFkID *er lReA" PayihersGRA :'e.hsne wr and & Ire. $1 500'BO ,44.-31 02" PEnSSI

-'ii"." " --iin J Ele Ab L -." .... ... " m'" '"L "'- L' -KA"'-., "

.I' .. ..'. .,ff --"" : - "" " " e " " " "II I8� ; i' ..'-.i,,ras vi-. e J W Y. 2 K R n L..'Hubb srd. C all(8 3)7 -- 'F.O ar in

REOR .Di.., ft+ipoin A-ttend.a...nt ..: . - .,,:,BeeaeUv er,@Pa.y :G~REsATdBcm. r if't Arms mir. 100O O.'246-310.UP ROFESSIONb
-.,F...... ...... ,, NorthwFlorida
826 ti:'-'0-6n4'k,,'.y. .. .- .r t 'Aors. LI'FY'Quben6- sI6'b27WT!EN L.SS U

.... w.w &,,.mss.. ,. - Expect Nothing Less
'N' N IV IIFNIV Than "Five Diamonds"'
Do something special for yourself today! Work with one of the
premier luxury resorts in the world by joining the elite staff at
Poite Vedra'Ini &: Club. Our exceptional work environment is.
oiie of the inost sought after for career satisfaction.
We have the following full & part-time positions available:
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$17.50-$59.00+/hr. Full -, benefits/paid
;training and vacations. No .expenence
necessary. (800)584-1775. Reference
S#'5600. " . *
ADVERTISERS IN this category are not
offering jobs. They are offering job-relaied
'services and may charge fees. Readers
are advised to'exercise caution.before giv-
ing credit card inforrnatlon over the phone
withoutknowing what, specific 'product or
service theywil receive.

VENDING'. ROUTE:: LodI, all B5rands. So-
da, juice,' water; pastries;.'snacks, candies.
Great equipment d& -ocations: Filancing
available with. '$7500. down' (877)843-
8726. #1302002-037. .

ALL CASH '.candy route. Do you earn
$800/day? 30, machines, free candy. All'
for $9995: (888)629-9968. 'B02000033.
Call us: We will riot be undersoldl.
entele. Possible' Yoga/ Pilates/ Personal
Training studio. Possible sub-lease.
1050sf, Info. (904)607-2462.-

WARNING: WHILE this newspaper does
not knowingly accept business opportunity
ads which require you to pay a fee to get
Information or that refer you to 976-or 900-
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The Beaches Leader, 249-9033.

FRAME,;$100. Can deliver, 246-1832.,

i'BEA IUL VIOLIN With' da.ebov &
chin rest. $500.'241-4060.- '

S Supreme great condition.

1996 SATURN, AT A/C. slereo. low
miles. $2100 OBO 716-2586
1989 MERCEDES 260E, excellent conri.
tion. white. $5000 OBO Call 273-9697.
1977 MERCEDES, 450SL. 68k actual. 2
tops, mint condition. $12.000 OBO
2000 Sebnng Convertible, dark green w,
tan leather interior. 47,000ii $8,200
OBO. 241-9882.
1996 CHEVY Blazer 4DR, PS. A/C
AM/FM multi disc CD, low pkg . hilch. very
good condition. 157,000mi $3000 OBO
1993 CHRYSLER 5th Avenue lew 'York-
er, exc. cond., $3500. 249-7136
1986 BMW 325e, black. Needs work
$1000, make offer. 247 3939 -
2002 CHEVROLET Monte Carlo SS,
black, leather interior cold A/C Oniar.
sunroof, new tires, automatic. ,all p.ower.
41K miles. Great condition, Asking
$13,700 Call 246 7919
2000 JEEP Grand Cherokee Laredo 6.:,'
grey 4x2 115 miles, excellenI $6990 904-

1991 MAZDA 626, aulo. AC. amr-im cad.-
sette, $1150 OBO 716-2586
ALL ORIGINAL. Oval window, slicing lag
to wilh sempnores. 36HP motor ALL
PARTS,just .needs to be completed
$2500 OBO. 607-6337, leave message.
GM 89 Spectrum. only 26.000mi., $1200
OBO. 608-6640

man Services. No jobs too , BEACHES HOME SERVICES. Pairling,
ional & courteous. Ucensed. 'free eslimatesi work guaranteed. licens ,.l
# 755-4619, -._ . .610-7768. --.

ALLY BUILT. Skate Board
2es[ Please call' for details
962-5466.'- :"
CHINE Repairs' Complete
lakes, 'all models. $49.50.

NEW.Cieni, beaches -
rs-experience. References.
peration;241 8442.
iY6r,.'Home. $20/hr.- nos.up-
. Pleaseicall 'eanhie,.631-
toworkli- '- -'-'
I), office restaurantsnls."" U-
isured,-' Good refe rences
Cdll for free' estimate.

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DAVID'S POOL Service. Weekly cleaning
Most residential pools $25/week+ chemi-
cals. Licensed, Insured Pool clean-ups
our specialty. We make your Ile a lime
easier. 285-0240:;.

" l'IF YOU ar6'lntgrest li fI BBiertilsf,s cfkl dr
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FENCES - ' '.7 .- ...
,Speciali nsta ll, rleptace. . * iili
6ce:.-References' MIck Out-
es. '247276. 838'9599.- ARTISAN.HOME ImproverhenL All types.
.-. "' ' Free estimates. Licensed, insured.

FIREWOOD. $110 truck
SDelivery,-'. 993:8348 . or

OD, .Bach. Boys, Penman
SFree delivery,' plus 5-free

.,$199 , Sp" iall--.-Mste .

house calls ' training, repairs,
ilt es,' graphic Free;phohe
249-3034 or' email:
esit.net.. , .. ' ' -
erested In advertising under
please call 904-249-9033 or
ad @beachesleader.com .

N .Servce, Inc. Competitive
n. 237-5301. .

MAL LAWN service. We mow
MMER Lawncare. Free esH-

mates.. Professional" customer service.
Mowing, edging, weeding,trimming' trees,
'shrubs. Licensed & lnsured.-Residential &
comFmerclalICALL'US RST! 270-2664.
PALM .TREES;' Hedgs -Trimmed,, Yafd
Clean-ups, Mulching, Sodding,jwhatever It
takes, etc. Dave-2.49-4724.

Repairs, specializing in ter mile damage.



Specialeiin 'in Remodeling.
Additiohs,'Deck& , Repairs,,
RootR'epairr -& Re-Roofinig
for ihe home or office.
(904) 247-3777
. 10% discounims for .
* Seniors & Military!
Certified Builder Certified liol' r
Lic; CB-C059536 . Lie. CCCI13'88Br
Member of the BeirerBu-mee Bre,,i

dependable for quality repairs service
calls, paying, improvements and miscel-
laneous jobs. DAVE. 246-6628. .
C&J HANDYMAN Services Carpentry,
Drywal, Paintling, Papemrangrig. Tiing,
etc. Licensed, Insured 955-0593.
241 -1461..
SMALL' HOME Repairs/proiecls. Special.
izing in low voltage wiring, 30yrs experi.
ence. Steve,' 994:6548.

HEAR'F u lNFotnnu-- , v. flonn EDS!IWNCARE n..C'ROOFING.-IN-TOWN' prces9 5@ lh-
.t1,T ,..!eP~d lrbis- ngalaton, D"ddale( IBeach, :25yrs.,expenenpce..962-5876.

Stair rriatri. FLORIDA HEARTWOOD.rates. 821-0737 .... CCC1326983.
249-8310 .. IF.YOU.are.intereste.n.er
. ..4 . " -31 -�. . -- . .j.. ; " -I V'l iliIn~r~~iiH n i~id r19 l't in t


THANKS FOR 'another' great year. I have
truly enjoyed painting f6r.you: I'm still tak-
ing orders and have lots of new paIntings
for sale. JBP, 247-3429,

24 LOG home packages to be offered at
public auction. Saturday, January 14,
-11am,,Orlando, FL (Port of Sanford). Rog-
ers, Realty & Auction. License #AU2922
Free brochure, .Buffalo Log Homes.
'(888)562-2246 or

less of-pricel Luxury cars, planes, more.
SJanuary 19, 11am, 101%BP, call for details!
, (888)404-9977 Tranzon' Driggers, Walt
Triggers. #AB1237 www.Iranzon.com


WANTED USED plastic dog crates w/
metal doors- medium, to XX-large, good
condition only. 241-3293.,'

327 10TH AVE. NORTH, 241-5666.

IF YOU are Interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified @ beachesleader.com

day-Thursday, 11am-5pm;- Friday-Satur-
day, 9am-4pm. Glassware, cookie jars,
clothes, hats, handbags & more. Bookcas-
es, jewelry display case. EVERYTHING
MUST GO. 218 4th Avenue North.

Loeer, off-season prices. 'Free' estimates..
One-time. clean-ups. 'Mulch, pine straw,
sod. Mow, edge, trim. Shrubs, tree prun-
ing, hauling. Detailed, landscaping, lawn
malntenance.'207-4037. Insured.

COMPLETE LAWN & Landscape Mainte-
nance.. Year-round accounts, or -1-time
cleanouts. 12yrs. proesslonal experience.
Call Kirk, (904)370-0065. ,

ARTISAN MASOMNRY; Al. types. Free' deti.
mates. Uicenised, Insured. 553-4663.

PRESSURE WASHERS for rent or sale.
Tucker Equipment Rental 246-1330.
OCEAN.ID . CLE.N... .............

Safe roof 'cleaning. , Deck & fence
restoration. Pressure washlng.Ucensed &
'Insured. Call Kevin 994045.. ,

Hot/Cold Water Pressure. Cleaning: Mold,
mildew specialist. Roofs, sidewalks,.drve-.
ways, decks. Resldenttal/Commercial.
Ucensed/Insured. Free Estimates.

FAST INTERIOR painting, drywall. tex-
ture. Specialize In-esaller jobs. Will work
evenings & weekends.. Ucensed, Insured,
references. 403-7389.
NEW CONSTRUCTION, remodeling and
repaint. Residential and commercial. Men-
tion this ad. 246-1529.'

this'category please call 904-249-9033 or
'e'mall:. classified@beachesleaderfcom"rf".
ROOF.REPAIRS.& Re-Roolig. Trust a-it-
censed professional. See -our ad. under
- Remodeling/Construction Neligan 'Con
struction. Stale r Cerilied . Rooter
#CCC1325888. Member BBB-247-3777.
. ..... .

ARTISAN TREE Cutting & Trimming, Free
estimates. Licensed, Insured. 553-4663.
Quality work at reasonable rates. Slump
grinding. Since 1986.

ARTISAN TILE; Install, repair; clean. Free
estimates. 551-2354:

QUALITY .WORK. Install, removal., &
painting. Residential. Commercial. 25yrs.
Experience. References+ FREE ESTI-
MATES. Steve, 645-0381. ..
Answer ton mro9wnrd Puzzie




Page B7

1995 CHEVY Cavalier, runs good. $995

of Junk Cars/Trucks
in 30 Minutes
Top cash on all that runs!








1im....... A. ")'(n-

Balloons help kids get a jump-start on 2006 at PV Cultural Center

Accep(we YOUR CAR
Copo tm aTrucksMotorcycles
8 04-771-0402
*m 1 Ir- i MijI- Mi-Er.i.T

Body For The New Year!
November 30, 2005
Dear Wes,
It was a great day for me when you came and gave a presentation on the benefits of
fitness at the Palm Valley Senior Center. 1 had always thought about the benefits of
having a trainer, and looking great like all the movie stars, but never knew I could
actually do it until now.
Throughout my life, I have tried on my own to exercise and eat correctly. I have
joined some great.gyms, but always quit after a short while. I lust couldn't hold
myself accountable. I even tried several group classes, started strong, but then
fizzled to not going'at all. I guess I lack the motivation to stick with a program on
myn own.
Last year, I started noticing how my body was changing wth age. I had become
overweight and weak, to put it bluntly After your presentation at the Senior Center,
I knew I had to take action, and I'm so glad I did. The hist week of training you
evaluated me and compared my results to my age group. I was ranked 'poor' in most
areas with d few 'average' ratings. After seven weeks we retested and I was amazed. 1
was ranked 'above average' to'excellent' in most areas. I had lost weight, lost inches,
gained flexibility and balance, and actually gained muscle!
I would never do on my own what my Fitness Together trainer, Jim, gets me to do
during my sessions. This is the best thing I could have ever done for myself It is so
great to see the process of firming up, getting smaller and to being able to lift with
ease things I couldn't budge before.
I know the benefits of exercise. I am more aware of the benefits more than ever as
~ enter my 'Golden Years'. I want to stay active and healthy for a long time, and
5 Fitness Together is helping me do just that.


Kathy Winstead
Ponte Vedra Beach
Sawgrass Village Shopping Center
41 PGA Tour Blvd. * Ponte Vedra Beach

The Beaches' own"
information site on th

web site f.r ai
Severyithi rOgyneecdVl
-news, sports ,cls^
personal financial n
news, Internet search etigi..g
much, much more are just a c
away. Find out why your neig.
and merchants use Ql

Check out the community's mostlpopula w

w ,;www.beachesieade ,

Forif: 249-90-

'In what Mary Marx, exec-
.utive director of the
Cultural Center at Ponte
Vedra Beach, says is
"just a way for kids to
enjoy New.Year's Eve,"
the center held festivities
for children at the center,
around noon Saturday,
the third annual '"Balloon
Drop." Above, 7-year-old
i,-of_ . y M gey . t a.
boost from her father
SJack and sister
Alexandra as she reach-
es for a. balloon left in the
net after the others fell
into waiting hands,
shown at top right.,
Among those attending
the event are (right)
Debra Finnegan, holding
2-1/2-month-old Kilkenny
as 2-year-old Shea
workson. a hat, and (far
right) the Casey family:
littlest sister Destiny,
mother Shelly, oldest
daughter Nia and father

Are Your surroundings
ettffing a little

The Beachesleader/
PonteVedra Leader Classifieds



January 4, 2006

-The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vectra Leader

*Paep 8R