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4 19R9 nfAa IA 171A
Green Flesh/Honeydew
Netted-orange flesh
Summer Green
Sumer Yellow
Germination, Yield and Quality
Fruit Size Distribution and Mature Seed Count
Germination, Yield and Quality
Fruit Size Distribution and Mature Seed Count
Table 1
Table 2
Table 3
Table 4
Table 5
Table 6
Table 7
Table 8
Table 9
Table 10
Table 11
Table 12
Table 13
Table 14
Table 15
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. Elustron
Planted: February 27, 1989
Harvested: May 19, 1989. Last of 14: June 16, 1989
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
Mildew Resistancey (cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Downy Powdery Early Total (lb/fruit) (Z)
Tenkeiz Leesburg CFREC 3 4 0 281 2.5 16.7
71-151 Neuman 3 5 86 247 3.7 15.9
Crugarz Leesburg CFREC 3 5 0 226 2.7 14.6
Passport Hollar 2 3 128 179 3.0 9.6
Exp. 3134 Shamrock 2 5 0 141 2.5 14.9
Sweet Dream Burpee 2 5 99 132 2.4 10.9
Morning Dew Harris Moran 2 5 0 118 4.3 12.5
Emerald Shamrock 2 4 0 115 2.9 14.1
Mesol Fito 3 5 37 111 2.4 13.0
Rocky Sweet Hollar 2 4 42 105 1.9 12.5
Dulcinea Fito 2 5 23 104 2.9 13.2
Honey King Northrup King 2 5 14 103 2.1 10.9
Exp. 3133 Shamrock 2 5 6 96 2.1 13.8
Future Fito 2 4 6 92 2.5 11.4
Marina Fito 2 5 5 85 2.6 13.0
Juan Canary Burrell 1 4 24 85 2.3 6.3
Verde Shamrock 2 5 7 63 2.1 14.8
Table 1. Cantaloupe, green flesh/honeydew, observational (cont.)
ZMatured late and were harvested from June 8, 1989 to June 29, 1989.
Rated from 1, least resistant; to 5, most resistant.
XHarvested by June 1, 1989.
Comments: Planted February 27, 1989 in single-row plots 24 ft long with hills 2 ft apart and
rows 6 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A
15-0-14 in 3 other applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. Elmstrom
Planted: February 27, 1989
Harvested: May 19, 1989. Last of 14: June 16, 1989
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
Mildew Resistancez'y (cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Downy Powdery Early Total (lb/fruit) (Z)
XPH 5361 Asgrow 3.3 a-c 5.0 a 46 b-e 199 a 3.5 9.4
Sunex 7005 Sunseeds 3.3.a-c 5.0 a 63 a-c 176 ab 2.6 9.7
MaryGold Casaba MD AES 2.7 c-e 5.0 a 54 a-d 161 a-c 2.2 12.4
All Star Harris Moran 3.7 ab 5.0 a 18 e-g 157 a-d 2.9 11.2
HSR 375 Hollar 1.7 fg 5.0 a 88 a 156 a-d 2.8 10.2
Concorde Asgrow 3.0 b-d 5.0 a 29 c-g 148 a-e 1.9 15.5
Sunshine Ferry-Morse 4.0 a 5.0 a 0 g 134 b-e 2.9 11.3
Topgun Sunseeds 3.7 ab 5.0 a 22 d-g 128 b-g 3.6 12.9
Mission Asgrow 2.3 d-f 5.0 a 25 d-g 124 b-h 2.2 13.0
Sunex 7017 Sunseeds 3.3 a-c 5.0 a 21 d-g 120 b-i 3.6 11.9
Explorer Northrup King 3.7 ab 5.0 a 7 fg 111 c-j 2.3 13.2
Tastie Sweet Sunseeds 3.3 a-c 5.0 a 54 a-d 110 c-j 1.6 13.7
XPH 5362 Asgrow 3.0 b-d 4.3 c 13 e-g 109 c-j 2.8 11.8
Challenger Northrup King 3.7 ab 5.0 a 3 fg 109 c-j 2.3 12.0
88216 Royal Sluis 4.0 a 5.0 a 0 g 96 d-k 2.7 11.6
FMX 47 Ferry-Morse 4.0 a 5.0 a 6 fg 91 e-k 2.4 11.6
Durango Petoseed 3.0 b-d 5.0 a 4 fg 90 e-k 2.5 12.2
Magnum .45 Petoseed 3.7 ab 5.0 a 6 fg 90 e-k 2.3 12.1
Primo Northrup King 3.0 b-d 5.0 a 41 b-f 85 f-k 3.4 12.3
HSR 414 Hollar 1.3 g 5.0 a 66 ab 83 f-k 2.3 9.9
Table 2. Cantaloupe, netted, orange flesh, replicated (cont.)
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
Mildew Resistancez'y (cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Downy Powdery Earlyx Total (lb/fruit) (Z)
Caravelle Asgrow 3.7 ab 5.0 a 29 c-g 83 f-k 1.9 12.7
PSX 2185 Petoseed 2.0 e-g 4.7 a 13 e-g 78 f-k 2.8 12.3
Hymark Petoseed 3.7 ab 5.0 a 3 fg 77 f-k 2.3 11.4
Hiline Asgrow 3.3 a-c 5.0 a 3 fg 77 f-k 2.2 12.3
Otero Hollar 3.7 ab 5.0 a 0 g 68 g-k 3.4 11.5
Sunex 7018 Sunseeds 3.0 b-d 5.0 a 0 g 68 g-k 2.4 10.6
Argonaut Northrup King 3.3 a-c 5.0 a 12 e-g 62 h-k 2.5 12.4
Duro Shamrock 2.7 c-e 5.0 a 5 fg 61 i-k 2.7 9.8
NVH 887 Northrup King 3.0 b-d 5.0 a 14 e-g 55 jk 3.0 13.0
HSR 296 Hollar 4.0 a 5.0 a 17 e-g 39 k 2.0 12.4
FL 8993X8 Leesburg CFREC 3.3 a-c 5.0 a 3 fg 39 k 2.0 13.0
FL 8993X71XL Leesburg -CFREC 3.7 ab 5.0 a 2 g 37 k 2.0 12.8
Mean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YRated from 1, least resistant; to 5, most resistant.
Harvested by June 1, 1989.
Comments: Planted February 27, 1989 in single-row plots 24 ft long with hills 2 ft apart and
rows 6 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 Ib/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 Ib/A
15-0-14 in 3 other applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. Elustrom
Planted: February 27, 1989
Harvested: May 19, 1989. Last of 14: June 16, 1989
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
Mildew Resistancez (cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Downy Powdery Earlyy Total (b/fruit) (Z)
Nova Northrup King 4 5 81 251 4.4 10.3
Exp. 43277 Sunseeds 3 5 52 225 3.0 12.6
Eastern Star Musser 3 4 102 220 4.8 11.4
Ryb. 85M104 Musser 4 5 119 214 3.2 11.8
RxMM 551 Robson .3 5 85 210 3.3 11.9
HMX 6596 Harris Moran 3 5 79 192 3.0 12.6
Mainstream Burrell 4 5 5 191 1.9 11.1
HMX 7607 Harris Moran 3 5 126 186 2.3 12.8
ACX 888800 Abbott & Cobb 4 5 131 184 2.4 14.5
XPH 5363 Asgrow 3 5 37 167 2.4 13.0
RxMM 552 Robson 3 5 121 165 2.4 11.8
72-201 Neuman 3 4 9 161 3.3 12.6
ACX 888801 Abbott & Cobb 3 5 49 141 2.1 12.0
Sunre 7030 Sunseeds 2 5 38 138 2.1 13.7
XPH 5483 Asgrow 2 4 92 138 2.8 11.2
XPH 5482 Asgrow 2 5 18 129 2.4 12.9
Sunre 7029 Sunseeds 3 4 58 117 2.6 11.5
Exp. 3130 Shamrock 3 5 22 114 2.5 11.9
Exp. 1746 Shamrock 3 5 45 92 1.7 10.8
Exp. 3131 Shamrock 3 5 25 87 2.2 11.7
Table 3. Cantaloupe, netted, orange flesh, observational (cont.)
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
Mildew Resistancez (cvt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Downy Powdery Early Total (lb/fruit) (Z)
Exp. 3132 Shamrock 3 5 0 49 2.0 12.3
ZRated from 1, least resistant; to 5, most resistant.
XHarvested by June 1, 1989.
Comments: Planted February 27, 1989 in single-row plots 24 ft long with hills 2 ft apart and
rows 6 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A
15-0-14 in 3 other applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central
Leader: G. W. Elastrom
Planted: February 27, 1989
Harvested: April 18, 1989. Last
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Florida Research & Education Center
of 13: May 11, 1989
Mildew Marketable Yield
Resistancezy (bu/A) No. (100/A)
Cultivar Source Powdery Early Total Early Total Color' Shape
Lancer Asgrow 3.7 b-d 501 a 859 a 374 a 652 a 1.7 fg 3.0 a-c
Spineless Beauty Northrup King 4.0 a-c 366 b-d 725 ab 272 b-d 498 b 3.3 c-e 3.3 ab
Seneca Zucchini Robson 3.3 c-e 361 b-d 712 ab 255 b-g 503 b 3.0 de 3.3 ab
Consul Asgrow 3.3 c-e 381 be 704 ab 289 bc 527 b 3.7 b-d 2.7 be
PSR 8587 Petoseed 3.3 c-e 340 b-e 702 ab 226 c-i 440 b-e 4.3 a-c 4.3 a
BUX 8S129 Burpee 2.7 de 420 ab 676 bc 319 ab 521 b 5.0 a 4.0 ab
Elite Harris Moran 2.7 de 376 be 669 be 276 b-d 493 be 2.7 de 4.0 ab
RXPG 807 Robson 4.0 a-c 395 a-c 656 be 242 c-h 469 b-d 2.3 ef 2.7 be
Acceste Royal Sluis 3.0 c-e 342 b-e 647 be 230 c-h 431 b-e 3.7 b-d 3.3 ab
Senator Asgrow 3.0 c-e 380 bc 644 bc 266 b-e 434 b-e 3.0 de 2.7 be
BUX 8S134 Burpee 2.3 e 330 b-e 630 be 228 c-i 415 b-f 5.0 a 4.0 ab
PSR 49487 Petoseed 3.7 b-d 288 c-f 628 be 215 d-i 425 b-e 3.7 b-d 4.0 ab
FMX 384 Ferry-Morse 3.0 c-e 349 b-e 618 be 258 b-f 468 b-d 3.3 c-e 3.0 a-c
BUX 8S128 Burpee 3.3 c-e 289 c-f 601 be 209 d-j 434 b-e 4.7 ab 4.0 ab
Viceroy Petoseed 3.7 b-d 291 c-f 579 be 183 h-j 358 d-f 3.0 de 3.3 ab
Sunre 9607 Sunseeds 4.0 a-c 285 c-f 572 bc 245 c-h 487 be 3.0 de 4.0 ab
NS 144 Neuman 3.0 c-e 309 b-e 549 b-d 198 e-j 360 d-f 3.7 b-d 3.7 ab
Marcado Hollar 4.7 ab 231 ef 548 b-d 215 d-i 460 b-d 1.0 g 1.7 cd
NS 152 Neuman 4.0 a-c 244 d-f 515 ed 187 f-j 375 c-f 3.3 c-e 3.7 ab
RXPG 801 Robson 3.3 c-e 273 c-f 514 cd 185 g-j 448 b-d 2.3 ef 3.3 ab
Table 4. Summer squash, green, replicated (cont.)
Mildew Marketable Yield
Resistancez'y (bu/A) No. (100/A)
Cultivar Source Powdery Early Total Early Total Color' Shapev
ACX 889801 Abbott & Cobb 3.7 b-d 232 ef 492 cd 158 ij 322 ef 3.7 b-d 3.3 ab
HMX 5703 Harris Moran 4.0 a-c 173 fg 397 de 143 j 302 f 3.3 c-e 4.3 a
(SF9-8) 2 Leesburg CFREC 4.7 ab 66 gh 263 ef 58 k 191 g 3.3 c-e 1.0 d
(SF11-3)2 Leesburg CFREC 4.7 ab 87 gh 217 f 63 k 163 g 3.7 b-d 2.7 be
(SF12-3) Leesburg CFREC 4.7 ab 52 h 208 f 42 k 145 g 3.0 de 1.7 cd
(SF9-7) Leesburg CFREC 5.0 a 0 h 29 g 0 k 18 h 3.7 b-d 4.0 ab
Mean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YRated from 1, least resistant; to 5, most resistant.
Harvested by April 29, 1989.
Rated from 1, light gray-green; to 5, dark green.
Rated from 1, poor; to 5, good.
Comments: Planted February 27, r989 in single-row plots 24 ft
apart. Fertilization: 800 Ib/A 5-15-8 applied pre
applications before flowering.
long with hills 2 ft apart and rows 6 ft
plant and 650 lb/A 15-0-14 in 3 other
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central
Leader: G. W. Elastrom
Planted: February 27, 1989
Harvested: April 18, 1989. Last
Soil: Apopka fine-sand
Florida Research & Education Center
of 13: May 11, 1989
Mildew Marketable Yield
Resistance (ba/A) No. (100/A)
Cultivar Source Powdery Earlyy Total Early Total Colorx Shape
HSR 137 Hollar 3 317 734 215 455 5 5
HSR 139 Hollar 3 311 689 233 485 5 3
HSR 142 Hollar 3 319 674 191 415 5 5
86H36 Robson 2 278 668 188 421 4 5
Sunre 9716 Sunseeds 3 337 584 279 479 3 3
HMX 7711 Harris Moran 4 201 545 188 442 4 4
86H35 Robson 5 154 433 124 273 4 3
Clarissa Neuman 4 219 408 130 258 1 1
Rated from 1, least resistant; to 5, most resistant.
YHarvested by April 29, 1989.
XRated from 1, light gray-green; to 5, dark green.
WRated from 1, poor; to 5, good.
Comments: Planted February 27, 1989 in single-row plots 24 ft long with hills 2 ft apart and rows 6 ft
apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A 15-0-14 in 3 other
applications before flowering.
* e
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central
Leader: G. W. Elastrom
Planted: February 27, 1989
Harvested: April 17, 1989. Last
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Florida Research & Education Center
of 13: May 11, 1989
Mildew Marketable Yield
Resistancezy (bu/A) No. (100/A)
x v v
Cultivar Source Powdery Early Total Early Total Curvature" Soothness
Multipik Harris Moran 2.3 fg 277 a 562 a 458 a 875 a 2.0 ef 4.0 a-c
Sunrise Northrup King 2.0 g 253 a-c 516 ab 385 a-c 750 a-d 3.7 bc 3.3 b-e
Sunbar Petoseed 3.0 d-g 241 a-d 510 a-c 394 a-c 815 ab 2.0 ef 3.3 b-e
Sunre 9651 Sunseeds 2.7 e-g 256 ab 497 a-d 261 d-h 529 g-i 1.0 g 3.3 b-e
Hyb. 87S201 Musser 2.7 e-g 233 a-e 490 a-d 396 a-c 783 a-c 4.0 b 5.0 a
NVH 3658 Northrup King 3.3 c-f 229 a-e 479 a-d 345 b-d 773 a-d 3.0 cd 4.3 ab
NS 161 Neuman 3.0 d-g 240 a-d 469 a-d 389 a-c 738 a-e 3.7 bc 4.3 ab
Sunre 9602 Sunseeds 2.3 fg 256 ab 461 a-d 440 ab 775 a-d 4.0 b 3.3 b-e
Superpik Harris Moran 3.0 d-g 233 a-e 453 a-d 345 b-d 719 a-f 2.0 ef 3.0 c-e
Dixie Asgrow 3.0 d-g 191 b-i 436 b-e 303 c-f 690 b-g 4.0 b 3.7 b-d
Hyb. 86S170 Musser 2.0 g 221 a-f 410 b-f 332 c-e 617 c-h 1.3 fg 5.0 a
Enterprise Northrup King 4.0 a-d 166 d-j 404 b-f 232 e-h 546 f-i 2.0 ef 3.7 b-d
(SF28-6)2 Leesburg CFREC 5.0 a 181 b-i 400 b-f 251 d-h 567 e-i 1.0 g 2.3 e
(SF31-7) Leesburg CFREC 4.7 ab 221 a-f 398 b-g 261 d-h 478 hi 1.0 g 4.0 a-c
Goldie Petoseed 2.7 e-g 192 b-h 397 b-g 295 c-g 619 c-h 3.0 cd 2.7 de
FMX 567 Ferry-Morse 3.7 b-e 176 c-j 391 c-g 230 e-h 515 g-i 2.0 ef 2.3 e
Tara Harris Moran 3.3 c-f 205 a-g 383 c-g 374 a-c 685 b-g 5.0 a 3.3 b-e
(SF37-4) Leesburg CFREC 4.3 a-c 161 e-j 331 d-h 303 c-f 601 d-h 4.3 ab 3.0 c-e
FMX 535 Ferry-Morse 3.3 c-f 142 g-j 320 e-i 193 gh 411 i 1.7 e-g 3.0 c-e
(SF39-7) Leesburg CFREC 4.3 a-c 144 f-j 308 e-i 257 d-h 455 hi 4.3 ab 3.0 c-e
Table 6. Summer squash, yellow, replicated (cont.)
Mildew Marketable Yield
Resistancezy (bu/A) No. (100/A)
Cultivar Source Powdery Earlyx Total Early Total Curvature Smoothness
(SF31-9)2 Leesburg CFREC 4.3 a-c 167 d-j 307 f-i 217 f-h 400 i 1.0 g 4.0 a-c
(SF28-4)2 Leesburg CFREC 5.0 a 342 ij 282 g-i 197 f-h 464 hi 1.0 g 2.7 de
(SF38-7)2 Leesburg CFREC 4.3 a-c 126 h-j 270 hi 219 f-h 460 hi 2.3 de 4.0 a-c
(SF40-3) Leesburg CFREC 4.3 a-c 101 j 265 i 173 h 484 hi 4.0 b 3.0 c-e
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YRated from 1, least resistant; to 5, most resistant.
XHarvested by April 29, 1989.
WRated from 1, straight; to 5, very curved.
Rated from 1, rough; to 5, very smooth.
Comments: Planted February 27, 1989 in single-row plots 24 ft long with hills 2 ft apart and rows 6 ft
apart. Fertilization: 800 Ib/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 Ib/A 15-0-14 in 3 other
applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. El9strom
Planted: February 27, 1989
Harvested: April 17, 1989. Last of 13: May 11, 1989
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Mildew Marketable Yield
Resistance (bu/A) No. (100/A)
Cultivar Source Powdery Early Total Early Total Curvaturex Smoothnessw
Sunre 9706 Sunseeds 3 373 714 512 1042 3 3
4204 Shamrock 3 333 688 382 894 4 3
4201 Shamrock 2 315 586 400 815 4 4
FMX 536 Ferry-Morse 2 304 542 424 779 1 3
FMX 534 Ferry-Morse 2 289 532 412 751 1 3
4203 Shamrock 2 278 513 409 767 4 5
HMX 7716 Harris Moran 3 264 493 476 906 4 3
FMX 566 Ferry-Morse 2 263 492 327 618 2 2
RxPY 809 Robson 2 236 469 318 609 2 4
RxPY 808 Robson 2 212 457 297 630 2 3
Sunre 9606 Sunseeds 3 153 403 230 576 2 1
HSR 149 Hollar 3 181 401 400 830 5 2
HSR 145 Hollar 2 218 399 361 612 2 3
HSR 146 Hollar 3 170 376 385 758 5 3
(SF40-9) Leesburg CFREC 4 160 371 227 576 5 3
HSR 159 Hollar 3 162 335 251 542 2 4
HSR 147 Hollar 3 125 322 182 527 3 2
(SF38-8) Leesburg CFREC 5 79 201 136 321 4 4
Table 7. Summer squash, yellow, observational (cont.)
zRated from 1, least resistant; to 5, most resistant.
YHarvested by April 29, 1989.
Rated from 1, straight; to 5, very curved.
Rated from 1, rough; to 5, very smooth.
Comments: Planted February 27, 1989 in single-row plots 24 ft long with hills 2 ft apart and rows 6 ft
apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A 15-0-14 in 3 other
applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. Elastroa
Planted: February 27, 1989
Harvested: May 23, 1989
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Mildew Marketable Yield Fruit
Resistancez'y (cwt/A) Weight
Cultivar Source Powdery Total (lb/fruit)
Cream of the Crop Musser 3.3 ab 208 a 1.7
88 S 157 Musser 3.0 a-c 186 a 2.1
Seneca Autumn Queen Robson 2.0 d 133 be 1.3
HSR 191 Hollar 3.0 a-c 116 b-d 1.3
Table Ace Petoseed 2.3 cd 103 cd 1.7
HSR 329 Hollar 2.7 b-d 212 a 2.2
Early Butternut Petoseed 3.3 ab 134 b 3.0
Jack-Be-Little Abbott & Cobb 3.7 a 97 d 0.4
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YRated from 1, least resistant; to 5, most resistant.
Comments: Planted February 27, 1989 in single-row plots 24 ft long with hills 2 ft apart and
rows 6 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A
15-0-14 in 3 other applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leaders: G. W. Elustroa and J. M. Crall
Planted: March 1, 1989
Harvested: June 6, 1989. Last of 4: July 5, 1989
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
(cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source EarlyZsy Total (lb/fruit) (Z)
Regency Petoseed 311 a-c 651 a 20.4 11.1
AW82-12-CS AL AES 334 a-c 631 ab 19.8 11.7
S84 GS(N) Leesburg CFREC 371 ab 614 ab 24.9 11.7
Charlee Petoseed 377 ab 599 ab 23.4 10.3
Fla S85NE Leesburg CFREC 299 a-c 585 ab 24.7 10.7
Charleston Gray Asgrow 414 a 575 ab 22.5 11.2
Sangria Northrup King 327 a-c 575 ab 21.6 11.1
Royal Star Petoseed 326 a-c 558 ab 22.2 10.8
Crimson Tide Northrup King 314 a-c 512 ab 17.9 11.6
Jubilee II Leesburg CFREC 168 c 508 ab 22.3 10.1
Jubilation Northrup King 266 a-c 467 ab 21.0 11.0
Fla S84 NW(S) Leesburg CFREC 290 a-c 442 ab 22.9 11.3
Jubilee Asgrow 230 bc 441 ab 24.0 10.2
Calsweet 912 Hollar 174 c 356 b 17.1 10.6
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YHarvested by June 13, 1989.
Comments: Planted March 1, 1989 in single-row plots 30 ft long with hills 3 ft apart and rows
10 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 Ib/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 Ib/A 15-0-14
in 3 other applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leaders: G. W. Elstrom and J. M. Crall
Planted: March 1, 1989
Harvested: June 6, 1989. Last of 4: July 5, 1989
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
(cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Earlyz Total (lb/fruit) (Z)
Seneca RxWm 52 Robson 360 692 19.1 10.9
Royal Sweet Petoseed 331 687 21.5 10.5
Crimson Sweet Asgrow 415 671 22.0 10.6
Royal Windsor Petoseed 306 661 22.8 11.8
Nun 1645 Canners 338 654 19.6 9.9
Oasis Harris Moran 503 651 28.1 11.6
HSR 174 Hollar 494 650 20.4 10.3
Early Jubilee Petoseed 370 631 22.9 10.3
NV 4310 Northrup King 467 622 20.4 11.5
NV 4308 Northrup King 358 579 22.2 11.0
Royal Jubilee Petoseed 226 564 19.5 10.5
Hyb. 87W155 Musser 345 529 21.5 10.2
SC-7 SC AES 332 509 17.6 9.1
Prince Charles Petoseed 339 505 20.5 9.7
NV 4317 Northrup King 247 500 21.6 10.7
HSR 123 Hollar 305 494 14.2 10.6
Jubilation Northrup King 252 477 15.7 10.8
Mirage LS Asgrow 297 454 20.9 10.8
AW83-1001-CSY AL AES 380 441 19.0 11.3
Nun 1652 Canners 400 247 11.0 10.6
Watermelon, seeded, observational (cont.)
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
(cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Earlyz Total (lb/fruit) (Z)
X677 Burrell 303 397 21.0 11.5
Resistent Pito 177 377 11.8 10.2
88678 Royal Sluis 249 373 16.1 10.4
Paradise Harris Moran 180 348 16.0 11.5
HSR 324 Hollar 319 334 20.9 11.1
NVH 4289 Northrup King 257 319 15.7 11.2
Nun 1658 Canners 161 297 14.6 12.2
Fla S87 Gate Leesburg CFREC 186 278 11.3 12.2
Seneca RxWm 51 Robson 124 244 14.3 9.7
Sugar Baby Petoseed 225 238 9.1 10.2
HSR 175 Hbllar 165 222 10.9 9.3
Sanres Fito 181 212 13.3 11.1
NVH 4288 Northrup King 87 87 20.0 10.7
ZHarvested by June 13, 1989.
Comments: Planted March 1, 1989 in single-row plots 30 ft long with hills 3 ft apart and rows
10 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 Ib/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A 15-0-14
in 3 other applications before flowering.
Table 11.
WATERMELON, SEEDLESS, REPLICATED-Germination, Yield and Quality
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leaders: G. W. Elastro. and J. M. Crall
Planted: Transplanted March 21, 1989 through March 23, 1989
Harvested: June 6, 1989. Last of 4: July 5, 1989
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
Germination (cwt/A) Weight Solids Hollow
Cultivar Source % Earlyzy Total (Ib/fruit) (Z) Heart
HMX 7924 Harris Moran 76.6 236 a-d 712 a 16.0 11.3 0.4
ACX 87B7026 Abbott & Cobb 97.7 234 a-d 677 a 18.9 10.6 0.0
CFREC 89-10 Leesburg CFREC 85.2 199 a-e 662 ab 16.5 11.1 1.0
ACX 87B7025 Abbott & Cobb 85.9 223 a-e 649 ab 15.4 11.0 1.9
CFREC 88-2 Leesburg CFREC 36.7 219 a-e 619 a-c 13.3 11.7 1.8
PSR 49087 Petoseed 96.9 213 a-e 617 a-c 10.9 11.3 1.1
Queen of Hearts Petoseed 98.4 287 a 604 a-d 13.7 11.1 0.5
CFREC 89-4 Leesburg CFREC 71.9 260 ab 603 a-d 15.6 10.9 0.6
Tri X-313 American Sunmelon 87.5 179 a-e 587 a-d 15.2 10.7 0.6
Farmer's Wonderful Neuman 75.0 210 a-e 585 a-d 14.8 12.2 2.1
Jack of Hearts Petoseed 96.1 258 ab 583 a-e 13.6 10.5 2.3
CFREC 88-4 Leesburg CFREC 78.1 138 c-e 581 a-e 18.2 9.9 0.4
CFREC 89-2 Leesburg CFREC 94.0 166 b-e 574 a-e 18.6 11.2 0.3
CFREC 89-5 Leesburg CFREC 68.8 250 a-c 570 a-e 15.1 10.4 1.2
HMX 6920 Harris Moran 89.8 237 a-c 562 a-e 16.1 10.8 0.4
CFREC 89-1 Leesburg CFREC 40.6 208 a-e 536 a-e 13.5 11.6 0.8
ACX 882321 Abbott & Cobb 57.8 212 a-e 526 a-e 14.7 9.9 1.3
XPH 9039 Asgrow 85.9 202 a-e 511 a-f 13.9 11.4 1.7
CFREC 88-3 Leesburg CFREC 69.6 248 a-c 507 a-f 13.8 12.0 0.5
Honeyheart Petoseed 92.2 232 a-d 507 a-f 12.6 11.7 0.1
and quality
Total (lb
of Hearts
American Sunmelon
Abbott &
500 a-f
493 a-f
443 b-g
Fengshen No.
FMX 28
168 b-e
393 d-g
390 d-g
301 fg
122 de
s New Multiple
5% level.
from 0,
no hollow heart;
to 5
10 ft
through March
in single-row plots
800 Ib/A 5-15-8 apple
30 ft long wit
ed preplant ai
in 3
WATERMELON, SEEDLESS, REPLICATED-Fruit Size Distribution and Mature Seed Count
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leaders: G. W. Elmstrom and J. M. Crall
Planted: Transplanted March 21, 1989 through March 23, 1989 '
Harvested: June 6, 1989. Last of 4: July 5, 1989
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Fruit Weight (lb)z No. Mature Seeds/Fruit Seed
<5.0 5.1-10.0 10.1-15.0 15.1-20.0 >20.0 0-5 6-10 11-20 21-50 >50 Length
Caltivar Source Percentage Percentage (MM)
HMX 7924 Harris Moran 2 b 7 h 44 a-d 23 b-g 24 be 100 5.4
ACX 87B7026 Abbott & Cobb 0 b 7 h 25 d 44 a 23 b-d 80 20 9.4
CFREC 89-10 Leesburg CFREC 0 b 21 d-h 32 b-d 30 a-e 17 c-g 80 10 10 9.8
ACX 87B7025 Abbott & Cobb 0 b 16 e-h 37 a-d 34 a-d 13 c-h 90 10 9.8
CFREC 88-2 Leesburg CFREC .1 b 26 c-h 42 a-d 27 a-f 3 gh 90 10 9.8
PSR 49087 Petoseed 1 b 43 a-d 48 a-c 7 fg 0 h 70 10 10 10 10.0
Queen of Hearts Petoseed 1 b 22 c-h 45 a-d 25 a-g 8 e-h 90 10 8.4
CFREC 89-4 Leesburg CFREC 0 b 18 e-h 30 b-d 31 a-e 21 b-e 90 10 9.0
Tri X-313 American Sunmelon 0 b 11 f-h 39 a-d 38 ab 11 c-h 100 8.6
Farmer's Wonderful Neuman 0 b 12 f-h 51 ab 26 a-f 11 c-h 70 20 10 8.4
Jack of Hearts Petoseed 0 b 26 c-h 44 a-d 22 b-g 8 e-h 100 9.0
CFREC 88-4 Leesburg CFREC 2 b 10 gh 23 d 34 a-d 31 ab 100 10.0
CFREC 89-2 Leesburg CFREC 0 b 7 h 29 ed 28 a-f 36 a 100 9.4
CFREC 89-5 Leesburg CFREC 0 b 17 e-h 37 a-d 37 a-c 9 d-h 70 10 10 10 8.8
HMX 6920 Harris Moran 0 b 9 gh 35 a-d 39 ab 17 c-g 20 10 30 40 5.6
CFREC 89-1 Leesburg CFREC 1 b 16 e-h 45 a-d 36 a-c 1 h 90 10 8.4
ACX 882321 Abbott & Cobb 0 b 7 h 56 a 31 a-e 5 f-h 70 10 10 10 10.2
XPH 9039 Asgrow 0 b 27 c-h 41 a-d 26 a-f 5 f-h 90 10 9.6
CFREC 88-3 Leesburg CFREC 0 b 29 b-h 38 a-d 25 a-g 8 e-h 100 9.4
Honeyheart Petoseed 1 b 35 a-f 41 a-f 20 b-g 2 h 100 9.8
Table 13. Watermelon, seedless, replicated-fruit size distribution and mature seed count (cont.)
Fruit Weight (lb)z No. Mature Seeds/Fruit Seed
<5.0 5.1-10.0 10.1-15.0 15.1-20.0 >20.0 0-5 6-10 11-20 21-50 >50 Length
Cultivar Source Percentage Percentage (MM)
King of Hearts Petoseed 2 b 27 c-h 51 ab 16 c-g 4 f-h 100 9.2
Sunrise American Sunmelon 8 ab 32 b-g 28 cd 24 a-g 10 c-h 90 10 10.4
NVH 4295 Northrup King 2 b 32 a-g 31 b-d 23 b-g 12 c-h 90 10 10.2
NVH 4291 Northrup King 2 b 38 a-e 29 cd 14 d-g 18 c-f 100 9.4
Nova Abbott & Cobb 3 b 42 a-d 39 a-d 16 c-g 0 h 80 20 8.2
ACX 882322 Abbott & Cobb 1 b 45 a-c 44 a-d 7 fg 3 f-h 30 10 40 10 10 9.6
Fengshen No. 1 Neuman 8 ab 33 a-g 44 a-d 13 e-g 2 h 100 8.8
NVH 4292 Northrup King 2 b 23 c-h 35 a-d 30 a-e 10 c-h 70 30 7.6
Fummy Twilley 1 b 55 a 38 a-d 4 g 1 h 90 10 9.4
FMX 28 Ferry-Morse 14 a 51 ab 25 d 8 fg 2 h 80 10 10 9.6
Mean separation by Duncan's Ne Multipe range Test, 5 level.
Mean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leaders: G. W. Elmstrom and J. M. Crall
Planted: Transplanted March 21, 1989 through March 23, 1989
Harvested: June 6, 1989. Last of 4: July 5, 1989
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
Germination (cwt/A) Weight Solids Hollow
Cultivar Source Z Earlyz Total (Ib/fruit) (Z) Hearty
CFREC 89-8 Leesburg CFREC 85.9 200 763 14.2 11.8 0.6
CFREC 88-7 Leesburg CFREC 77.3 319 719 15.0 11.5 1.3
CFREC 89-6 Leesburg CFREC 76.6 348 697 18.5 11.1 0.6
Pepsin Fito 75.0 204 663 11.7 10.0 0.2
CFREC 89-11 Leesburg CFREC 86.7 215 609 14.0 11.5 0.6
ACX 882323 Abbott & Cobb 61.7 320 608 16.8 10.5 0.0
HMX 7928 Harris Moran 33.8 307 599 16.5 11.1 1.0
CFREC 88-5 Leesburg CFREC 64.8 200 595 16.4 11.4 0.0
CFREC 89-12 Leesburg CFREC 95.3 419 557 24.0 11.3 2.2
FRSB 894 American Sunmelon 80.9 358 550 19.9 11.3 1.3
FRGS 896 American Sunmelon 96.0 262 505 11.6 11.4 1.0
ACX 882324 Abbott & Cobb 71.1 184 502 12.4 11.4 0.6
CFREC 89-7 Leesburg CFREC 73.4 258 497 16.3 11.1 2.2
CFREC 89-3 Leesburg CFREC 88.3 151 461 17.7 11.5 0.6
CFREC 89-9 Leesburg CFREC 82.8 203 428 14.0 11.4 0.6
OGB 895 American Sunmelon 74.2 190 425 16.3 10.5 0.0
RSS 897 American Sunmelon 81.7 116 377 10.8 10.9 1.3
CFREC 89-13 Leesburg CFREC 71.1 213 355 16.3 11.9 1.4
Table 14. Watermelon, seedless, observational-germination, yield and quality (cont.)
ZHarvested by June 13, 1989.
YRated from 0, no hollow heart; to 5, severe hollow heart.
Comments: Transplanted March 21, 1989 through March 23, 1989 in single-row plots 30 ft long with hills
3 ft apart and rows 10 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 Ib/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A
15-0-14 in 3 other applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leaders: G. W. Elastroa and J. M. Crall
Planted: Transplanted March 21, 1989 through March 23, 1989
Harvested: June 6, 1989. Last of 4: July 5, 1989
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Fruit Weight (lb)
<5.0 5.1-10.0 10.1-15.0 15.1-20.0 >20.0
Cultivar Source Percentage
CFREC 89-8 Leesburg CFREC 0 27 38 27 8
CFREC 88-7 Leesburg CFREC 0 9 52 30 9
CFREC 89-6 Leesburg CFREC 0 0 19 54 27
Pepsin Fito 0 36 46 18 0
CFREC 89-11 Leesburg CFREC 0 17 53 27 3
ACX 882323 Abbott & Cobb 0 4 48 36 12
HMX 7928 Harris Moran 0 29 42 17 13
CFREC 88-5 Leesburg CFREC 0 16 28 32 24
CFREC 89-12 Leesburg CFREC 0 6 6 19 69
FRSB 894 American Sunmelon 0 0 37 53 11
FRGS 896 American Sunmelon 7 30 50 13 0
ACX 882324 Abbott & Cobb 0 21 71 4 4
CFREC 89-7 Leesburg CFREC 0 19 24 43 14
CFREC 89-3 Leesburg CFREC 0 11 22 33 33
CFREC 89-9 Leesburg CFREC 0 10 67 19 5
OGB 895 American Sunmelon 0 6 56 25 13
RSS 897 American Sunmelon 17 38 25 8 13
CFREC 89-13 Leesburg CFREC 0 0 40 47 13