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Copyright 2005, Board of Trustees, University
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Included in these evaluations are
pickling cucumbers, slicing cucumbers,
muskmelons, yellow and green summer
squash, winter squash, and watermelons
grown at the AREC Leesburg. Conditions
during the spring provided an excellent
opportunity to evaluate downy and
powdery mildew resistance. Zucchini
yellow mosaic virus and watermelon
mosaic virus 2 were both prevalent in
BOX 388
rTLEPHONIt 904/717-3423
(GAINISVILI.. LINE 3~2-7272)
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Leesburg AREC
Research Report
LBG 86-13
(200 copies)
c~r 0
Fresh Market
Replicated and Observational
Green Summer
Yellow summer
Replicated and Observational
Replicated and Observational
Table 1
Table 2
Table 3
Table 4
Table 5
Table 6
Table 7
Table 8
Table 9
Table 10
Table 11
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Agricultural Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. Elmstror
Planted: February 24, 1986
Harvested: May 2, 1986. Last of 9: May 30, 1986
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Mildewz'y Yield (bu/A)
Resistance Early Total
Vv U
Cultivar Source Powdery Fancy Marketable Fancy Marketable Color Shape
HSR 271 Hollar 4.7 a 21 bc 114 a-c 82 ab 390 a 5.0 a 4.3 a
Maximore 101 Abbott & Cobb 4.7 a 57 a 148 a 80 a-c 385 ab 4.3 a-c 3.3 ab
PSX 2484 Petoseed 4.3 a 28 bc 87 bc 95 a 377 ab 4.7 ab 4.3 a
Early Triumph Petoseed 4.3 a 34 a-c 116 a-c 77 a-c 366 a-c 4.7 ab 3.7 ab
Sprint 440 II Asgrow 5.0 a 29 a-c 138 ab 39 b-d 356 a-d 4.7 ab 2.7 b
--- -------------------------------------------- -
NIZ 534 NAPB 4.7 a 29 a-c 100 a-c 79 a-c 350 a-e 5.0 a 4.0 ab
Maximore 102 Abbott & Cobb 4.7 a 37 a-c 116 a-c 62 a-d 344 a-e 4.7 ab 3.7 ab
Maximore 100 Abbott & Cobb 4.7 a 44 ab 126 ab 76 a-d 338 a-e 4.7 ab 3.3 ab
HSR 267 Hollar 4.7 a 34 a-c 120 ab 53 a-d 337 a-e 4.7 ab 4.0 ab
HSR 257 Hollar 5.0 a 44 ab 130 ab 57 a-d 336 a-e 3.7 c 3.0 ab
PSX 2384 Petoseed 4.7 a 32 a-c 113 a-c 70 a-d 323 a-e 4.7 ab 4.0 ab
Dasher II Petoseed 4.7 a 33 a-c 102 a-c 66 a-d 320 a-e 4.3 a-c 3.3 ab
Flora Cuke Petoseed 5.0 a 47 ab 130 ab 77 a-d 318 a-e 4.7 ab 3.7 ab
Comet A Asgrow 4.3 a 21 bc 90 bc 51 a-d 302 a-e 5.0 a 4.0 ab
Salad Bar Northrup King 4.3 a 28 bc 139 ab 30 d 292 a-e 4.0 bc 3.0 ab
NIZ 1025 NAPB 4.3 a 39 a-c 96 a-c 63 a-d 289 a-e 5.0 a 3.3 ab
Centurion Northrup King 5.0 a 24 bc 101 a-c 37 b-d 283 b-e 4.7 ab 3.3 ab
NIZ 688 NAPB 2.3 b 32 a-c 124 ab 43 b-d 263 c-e 5.0 a 3.3 ab
Olympian Hollar 4.7 a 29 a-c 106 a-c 40 b-d 260 de 5.0 a 3.3 ab
Revenue Ferry-Morse 2.0 b 30 a-c 128 ab 41 b-d 258 de 4.7 ab 3.0 ab
Table 1. Cucumber, fresh market, replicated (cont.)
Mildewz'y Yield (bu/A)
Resistance Early Total
Cultivar Source Powdery Fancy Marketable Fancy Harketable Color Shapeu
Poinsett 76 Petoseed 4.3 a 14 c 62 c 33 cd 249 e 4.3 a-c 3.7 ab
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YRated from 1, least resistant; to 5, most resistant.
XHarvested by May 12, 1986.
WMarketable yield includes U.S. Fancy, No. 1 and No. 2.
VRated from 1, light green; to 5, dark green.
Rated from 1, poor; to 5, excellent.
Comments: Planted February 24, 1986 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart and rows
5 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A 15-0-14 in 3
other applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Agricultural Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. ELastrom
Planted: February 24, 1986
Harvested: May 2, 1986. Last of 9: May 30, 1986
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Mildew Yield (bu/A)
Resistance Early Total
Cultivar Source Powdery Fancy Marketablex Fancy Marketable Colorw Shape
NVH 2101 Northrup King 5 72 219 120 527 5 4
FMX 4440 Ferry-Morse 5 69 187 114 527 5 5
T 603 Northrup King 5 70 244 75 524 5 4
86 CEM Musser 5 41 103 96 503 3 2
S 612 Northrup King 5 67 198 98 453 5 3
HSR 270 Hollar 4 73 199 118 442 5 4
HSR 269 Hollar 5 42 140 61 424 5 4
HSR 281 Hollar 5 20 123 27 424 4 3
HSR 260 Hollar 5 26 149 45 398 5 3
T 600 Northrup King 4 46 166 70 392 5 5
T 602 Northrup King 5 27 166 27 383 5 3
T 620 Northrup King 4 16 159 25 376 3 3
NIZ 611 NAPB 4 16 81 51 342 4 3
HSR 258 Hollar 5 12 121 23 340 3 3
PSR 184 Petoseed 5 30 134 35 340 5 3
HSR 272 Hollar 5 16 127 25 339 5 4
PSX 9584 Petoseed 3 16 146 21 333 5 3
HSR 280 Hollar 4 17 136 28 311 4 4
NIZ 673 NAPB 3 25 106 33 305 5 4
T 626 Northrup King 5 25 139 45 287 4 3
Table 2. Cucumber, fresh market, observational (cont.)
Mildew2 Yield (bu/A)
Resistance Early Total
Coltivar Source Powdery Fancy Marketablex Fancy Marketable Colorw Shapev
NIZ 543 NAPB 4 20 72 69 280 5 5
T 627 Northrup King 5 22 113 25 266 4 3
HSR 268 Hollar 5 18 95 35 253 4 3
XPH 1473 Asgrow 5 30 91 30 232 4 3
Shamrock #1 Shamrock 5 19 73 19 207 4 3
Streamliner Burpee 2 29 117 29 200 3 3
Rated from 1, least resistant; to 5, most resistant.
Harvested by May 12, 1986.
Marketable yield includes U.S. Fancy, No. 1 and No. 2.
WRated from 1, light green; to 5, dark green.
VRated from 1, poor; to 5, excellent.
Comments: Planted February 24, 1986 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart and rows
5 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A 15-0-14 in 3
other applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Agricultural Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. Elstroa
Planted: February 25, 1986
Harvested: April 25, 1986. Last of 7: May 23, 1986
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Yield ($/Acre) PCIC Standardx
Cultivar Source Earlyz y Total Shapew
Capir Mix NAPB 369 a 622 a 3.0 d
Blitz Petoseed 369 a 599 ab 4.3 ab
Aurora ARCO 323 a-c 579 ab 4.0 bc
PSX 51184 Petoseed 353 ab 543 ab 3.3 cd
Volley Petoseed 322 a-c 543 ab 4.7 ab
Armada Petoseed 328 a-c 515 bc 4.3 ab
Brooks ARCO 298 bc 500 b-d 3.0 d
Calypso Petoseed 273 cd 431 cd 4.0 bc
Carolina Petoseed 272 cd 410 d 3.3 cd
Calico Petoseed 212 d 401 d 5.0 a
NVH 1912 Northrup King 384 655 4
S 128 Northrup King 401 617 3
NVH 1909 Northrup King 360 590 4
NVH 1911 Northrup King 335 561 4
NVH 1907 Northrup King 324 535 3
Table 3. Cucumber, pickling (cont.)
Yield ($/Acre) PCIC Standardx
Cultivar Source Earlyz y Total Shape
NVH 1915 Northrup King 280 487 4
NVH 1913 Northrup King 158 431 3
NVH 1914 Northrup King 220 388 3
S 456 Northrup King 226 382 4
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YHarvested by May 9, 1986.
XPickling Cucumber Improvement Committee recommended standard, viz.
Diameter Value ($/cwt)
less than 1 1/16 inches 6
1 1/16 to 1 1/2 inches 3
1 1/2 to 2 inches 2
over 2 inches 1
WRated from 1, poor; to 5, best.
Comments: Planted February 25, 1986 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart and
rows 5 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 Ib/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A
15-0-14 in 3 other applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Agricultural Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. Elmstrom
Planted: February 24, 1986
Harvested: May 26, 1986. Last
Soil: Apopka fine sand
of 14: June 20, 1986
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
Mildew Resistancezy (cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Downy Powdery Earlyx Total (lb/fruit) (Z)
HSR 244 Hollar 4.3 a-c 5.0 a 165 a-c 370 a 2.8 12.9
Explorer Northrup King 5.0 a 5.0 a 64 f-i 297 ab 2.4 10.6
84 M 114 Musser 2.3 fg 2.7 d 191 a 295 ab 5.4 12.5
Superstar Harris-Moran 2.3 fg 3.7 be 176 ab 292 ab 3.6 11.7
Summet Asgrow 2.7 e-g 5.0 a 123 b-e 287 ab 3.0 10.7
Nova Northrup King 3.0 d-g 5.0 a 150 a-d 277 a-c 4.7 9.9
PSX E680 Petoseed 2.7 e-g 4.3 ab 111 c-f 271 a-d 3.4 12.1
Saticoy Petoseed 2.7 e-g 5.0 a 24 h-j 261 b-e 3.4 11.7
Gold Star Harris-Moran 2.3 fg 3.3 cd 141 a-d 244 b-e 2.9 11.5
Supermarket Petoseed 2.3 fg 5.0 a 122 b-e 238 b-f 2.6 11.3
Earlidew Petoseed 1.7 g 1.7 e 158 a-e 233 b-g 2.9 14.3
Earligold Hollar 2.3 fg 5.0 a 165 a-c 222 b-g 3.5 10.5
HSR 241 Hollar 2.7 e-g 5.0 a 110 c-f 221 b-g 3.4 11.5
Magnum .45 Petoseed 4.7 ab 5.0 a 45 g-j 209 b-h 2.5 10.4
HSR 11790 Hollar 2.3 fg 4.3 ab 10 ij 205 b-h 2.6 10.5
XPH 913 Asgrow 3.7 b-e 5.0 a 80 e-h 185 b-i 2.8 10.4
Rocky Sweet Hollar 2.0 fg 5.0 a 45 g-j 173 c-i 2.5 13.7
XPH 5094 Asgrow 1.7 g 5.0 a 94 d-g 170 c-i 2.7 10.2
Columbia Twilley 3.7 b-e 5.0 a 61 f-i 163 d-i 2.5 10.7
Star Performer Twilley 4.3 a-c 5.0 a 43 g-j 160 e-i 2.0 12.2
Table 4. Cantaloupe, replicated (cont.)
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
Mildew Resistancezy (cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Downy Powdery Earlyx Total (lb/fruit) (Z)
Challenger Northrup King 5.0 a 5.0 a 19 ij 159 e-i 2.5 11.0
FL 86-2M Leesburg AREC 3.3 c-f 5.0 a 2 j 130 f-i 2.3 12.1
Hiline Asgrow 3.7 b-e 5.0 a 27 h-j 124 g-i 2.8 10.2
FL 86-1M Leesburg AREC 4.0 a-d 5.0 a 6 ij 123 g-i 2.3 11.7
Star Producer Twilley 4.3 a-c 5.0 a 32 h-j 100 hi 2.1 11.8
--- ----------- -------------------- -
FL 86-3M Leesburg AREC 4.0 a-d 5.0 a 7 ij 89 i 1.9 11.3
FL 86-4MXL Leesburg AREC 3.7 b-e 5.0 a 4 j 83 i 2.3 12.2
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YRated from 1, least resistant; to 5, most resistant.
XHarvested by June 6, 1986.
Comments: Planted February 24, 1986 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart and
rows 10 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A
15-0-14 in 3 other applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Agricultural Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. Elmstrom
Planted: February 24, 1986
Harvested: May 26, 1986. Last of 14: June 20, 1986
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
Mildew Resistancez (cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Downy Powdery Early Total (Ib/fruit) (Z)
Camelot Asgrow 5.0 5.0 92 364 2.8 12.9
Planters Jumbo Burrell 5.0 5.0 19 341 4.1 12.0
AC-70-154 AL AES 4.0 5.0 39 287 3.0 10.0
Edisto 47 Burrell 5.0 5.0 0 273 4.0 11.6
All Star Harris-Moran 5.0 5.0 75 266 3.4 10.5
----------------------------- -------------
AC-82-33-44 AL AES 5.0 5.0 0 255 3.4 10.2
HSR 245 Hollar 5.0 5.0 4 251 2.5 11.7
AC-82-38-H AL AES 5.0 5.0 0 244 3.5 10.4
PMR 6 So. Carolina 3.0 5.0 47 240 2.4 8.7
Ambrosia Burpee 3.0 5.0 115 232 3.6 13.2
AC-75-71-H AL AES 5.0 5.0 26 227 2.6 11.7
Market Star Twilley 3.0 5.0 67 213 2.7 9.9
PSR 11285 Petoseed 5.0 5.0 46 211 2.8 9.8
4 W 7106 Agrigenetics 4.0 5.0 4 206 2.3 13.4
84-4736 NAPB 5.0 5.0 70 197 2.9 14.9
---- --- ------------------ -- -- -
84-3436 NAPB 4.0 5.0 41 195 3.0 13.4
PMR 45 So. Carolina 3.0 5.0 34 191 2.5 11.1
Mayan Sweet Leesburg AREC 2.0 5.0 0 190 2.9 13.4
85 M 103 Musser 3.0 5.0 72 186 3.5 12.5
HXP 3590x Harris-Moran 3.0 5.0 74 185 5.1 12.8
--- --------------------- -- ------
Table 5. Cantaloupe, observational (cont.)
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
Mildew Resistancez (cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Downy Powdery Earlyy Total (1b/fruit) (Z)
AC-82-43-H AL AES 4.0 5.0 13 183 2.5 11.3
FL 85-3,4M Leesburg AREC 5.0 5.0 26 181 2.9 12.3
PSR 285 Petoseed 4.0 5.0 54 181 3.1 11.5
84-3944 NAPB 2.0 5.0 15 177 2.8 13.4
84-3837 NAPB 3.0 5.0 67 170 3.1 15.5
---------- ---------- --------- ----------
PSR 12485 Petoseed 5.0 5.0 67 166 2.5 10.5
PSR 2785 Petoseed 3.0 5.0 85 161 2.9 11.9
PSR 8085 Petoseed 4.0 5.0 84 157 2.5 11.2
AC-82-45-A AL AES 5.0 5.0 9 155 2.7 10.4
AC-75-59-Hx AL AES 5.0 5.0 0 155 4.0 10.9
---- --- -- ----------------- ---------- -
HSR 228 Hollar 3.0 5.0 67 152 3.0 13.4
AHDO-82-43 AL AES 4.0 2.0 96 149 4.5 INA*
PSR 2485 Petoseed 2.0 5.0 67 145 1.9 12.1
84-4631 NAPB 5.0 5.0 10 143 2.3 11.8
Green Ice So. Carolina 4.0 5.0 3 140 2.2 13.8
S-- -- ----- -- --------- ----------- -
PSR 17985 Petoseed 5.0 5.0 9 136 2.4 10.6
PSR 2685 Petoseed 3.0 5.0 53 135 4.1 9.8
WC 11 TX AES 5.0 5.0 0 135 2.4 12.1
WC 13 TX AES 5.0 5.0 0 132 2.3 11.9
WC 12 TX AES 5.0 5.0 0 130 2.8 10.0
----------------------- -
84-3533 NAPB 5.0 5.0 7 125 2.4 11.3
FL 85-1,2M Leesburg AREC 5.0 5.0 17 122 2.7 12.2
HSR 227 Hollar 3.0 5.0 50 112 2.9 11.9
HMX 5588x Harris-Moran 4.0 5.0 15 108 3.0 10.6
AHDO-82-46 AL AES 2.0 5.0 37 104 2.4 13.7
----------- ----- --- -----------------------
Table 5. Cantaloupe, observational (cont.)
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
Mildew Resistancez (cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Downy Powdery Early Total (Ib/fruit) (Z)
PSR 15785 Petoseed 5.0 5.0 32 100 2.3 11.7
HMX 5607 Harris-Moran 4.0 5.0 0 80 3.6 10.6
4 M 754 Agrigenetics 3.0 5.0 36 55 1.5 10.9
AC-75-16-Hx AL AES 5.0 5.0 0 31 3.6 10.5
HMX 5589x Harris-Moran 5.0 5.0 0 29 4.1 9.0
ZRated from 1, least resistant; to 5, most resistant.
YHarvested by June 6, 1986.
XPoor stand.
Comments: Planted February 24, 1986 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart and
rows 10 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A
15-0-14 in 3 other applications before flowering.
*Information not available.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Agricultural Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. Elmstrom
Planted: February 21, 1986
Harvested: April 11, 1986. Last of 15: May 12, 1986
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Marketable Yield
Cultivar Source Earlyz'y Total Color Shape
PS 2981 Petoseed 366 ab 1015 a 3.0 de 3.3 a-c
XPH 1428 Asgrow 396 ab 999 a 3.7 be 4.0 a
Rapido Ferry-Morse 438 a 996 a 2.7 e 2.3 c
President Petoseed 408 ab 990 a 3.7 bc 3.7 ab
Elite Harris-Moran 399 ab 979 a 3.0 de 3.3 a-c
----------------------- -- ----
Tastetini Abbott & Cobb 445 a 973 a 3.0 de 4.0 a
Seneca Zucchini Robson 435 a 967 a 3.0 de 3.7 ab
ABCO Abbott & Cobb 392 ab 960 a Mixed 4.0 a
Green Magic Musser 363 ab 955 a 3.3 cd 4.3 a
Senator Asgrow 331 b 941 a 3.0 de 4.0 a
Seneca Gourmet Robson 383 ab 912 a 3.0 de 3.3 a-c
Jade Ferry-Morse 382 ab 910 a 4.0 b 3.7 ab
Emperor Ferry-Morse 359 ab 865 ab 3.0 de 4.0 a
PSX 982 Petoseed 226 c 825 ab 5.0 a 2.7 bc
83 S204 Musser 198 c 705 be 3.0 de 3.7 ab
------ ---------------- ---------
Dark Star
Gold Rush
Golden Dawn
Northrup King
Northrup King
690 be
634 cd
497 d
4.0 b
3.3 a-c
4.0 a
4.0 a
Table 6. Summer squash, green (cont.)
Marketable Yield
Cultivar Source Earlyz y Total Colorx Shape"
NVH 3773 Northrup King 365 1194 3 4
HSR 282 Hollar 528 1161 3 3
HSR 283 Hollar 417 1085 3 (Stripe) 3
85 S133 Musser 296 948 4 4
Blackjack Petoseed 352 943 4 3
Burpee Hybrid Burpee 324 917 3 4
RXPG 800 Robson 355 906 3 4
RXPG 801 Robson 351 900 3 3
HSR 284 Hollar 359 894 3 (Stripe) 4
NVH 3763 Northrup King 301 835 4 4
AVX 2641 Agrigenetics 410 802 3 5
RXPG 799 Robson 312 795 4 3
NVH 3771 Northrup King 309 780 5 4
FMX-152 R Ferry-Morse 298 777 Yellow 4
HXP 2702 Harris-Moran 235 726 4 3
FMX-151 R Ferry-Morse 268 717 Gold 4
NVH 3768 Northrup King 284 695 4 4
NVH 3766 Northrup King 232 662 3 3
NVH 3765 Northrup King 164 646 3 4
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YHarvested by April 25, 1986.
XRated from 1, light gray-green; to 5, dark green.
Rated from 1, poor; to 5, good.
Comments: Planted February 21, 1986 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart and
rows 5 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A
15-0-14 in 3 other applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Agricultural Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. Elmstrom
Planted: February 21, 1986
Harvested: April 11, 1986. Last of 15: May 12, 1986
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Marketable Yield
Cultivar Source Earlyz y Total Curvaturex Smoothness"
Butterstick Burpee 420 a 1053 a 1.3 f 5.0 a
RXPY 787 Robson 370 ab 829 b 2.0 ef 3.7 c
Seneca Butterbar Robson 410 a 826 b 2.0 ef 4.7 ab
Enterprise Northrup King 320 b-e 786 bc 1.7 f 5.0 a
HSR 287 Hollar 303 c-e 735 bc 3.7 bc 4.0 bc
---------- ----------""
Multipik Harris-Moran 289 c-f 725 b-d 2.7 de 5.0 a
Crescent Musser 346 bc 721 b-e 4.0 be 4.7 ab
HSR 288 Hollar 287 c-f 720 b-e 4.3 ab 4.0 bc
Sunrise Northrup King 313 b-e 717 b-e 3.3 cd 4.3 a-c
HSR 289 Hollar 318 b-e 692 c-f 4.0 bc 4.3 a-c
---------- --------------------------------- ------------
Pavo Asgrow 330 b-d 691 c-f 3.7 bc 5.0 a
Dixie Asgrow 318 b-e 691 c-f 3.3 cd 4.3 a-c
Yellow Magic Musser 279 d-f 690 c-f 1.7 f 4.3 a-c
Goldie Petoseed 308 b-e 687 c-f 3.7 bc 4.7 ab
Lemondrop Asgrow 262 ef 609 d-g 1.3 f 4.3 a-c
265 d-f
237 f
150 g
604 e-g
581 fg
553 g
5.0 a
4.3 a-c
4.7 ab
Table 7. Summer squash, yellow (cont.)
Marketable Yield
Cultivar Source Earlyz*y Total Curvaturex Smoothnessv
ACX 861403 Abbott & Cobb 384 953 2 5
HMX 4728 Harris-Moran 399 881 2 5
HSR 286 Hollar 308 761 2 5
FMX 358 Ferry-Morse 334 743 2 5
NVH 3658 Northrup King 247 704 3 5
FMX 359 Ferry-Morse 246 690 3 5
Sunburst Northrup King 190 689 Gold Scallop
RXPY 802 Robson 280 626 4 3
RXPY 790 Robson 233 620 4 2
HMX 5700 Harris-Moran 191 617 4 3
HSR 285 Hollar 188 485 2 5
ACX 861402 Abbott & Cobb 171 361 4 5
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YHarvested by April 25, 1986.
XRated from 1, straight; to 5, very curved.
WRated from 1, rough; to 5, very smooth.
Comments: Planted February 21, 1986 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart and
rows 5 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 Ib/A
15-0-14 in 3 other applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Agricultural Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. Elastroa
Planted: February 25, 1986
Harvested: May 28, 1986
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Marketable Yield Fruit
(cwt/A) Weight
Cultivar Source Totalz (lb/fruit)
Hercules ARCO 223 ab 2.4
Early Acorn Burpee 223 ab 2.6
Royal Acorn Burpee 217 ab 2.6
Table Ace Petoseed 216 ab 1.9
Tay-Belle Asgrow 190 b 2.2
Zenith Hollar 250 a 1.5
Early Butternut Petoseed 202 b 1.5
Waltham Butternut Harris-Moran 195 b 1.5
Ponca Burrell 188 b 1.3
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
Comments: Planted February 25, 1986 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart and
rows 5 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A
15-0-14 in 3 other applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Agricultural Research & Education Center
Leaders: G. W. Elmstrom and J. H. Crall
Planted: February 24, 1986
Harvested: May 28, 1986. Last of 4: June 24, 1986
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
(cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Earlyz'y Total (lb/fruit) (Z)
Royal Jubilee Petoseed 111 gh 726 a 20.2 10.8
HSR 221 Hollar 86 h 675 ab 17.9 11.4
Royal Sweet Petoseed 305 a-c 671 ab 16.7 10.3
Prince Charles Petoseed 304 a-c 648 a-c 17.2 10.8
NVH 4254 Northrup King 304 a-c 615 a-d 17.0 10.1
----------------- -- -- ---
Charleston Gray #6 Hollar 286 a-d 607 a-d 18.1 10.2
NC 4301 Northrup King 152 f-h 604 a-d 15.6 10.6
Sweet Charlie Northrup King 346 a 593 a-d 16.4 9.9
NVH 4265 Northrup King 353 a 586 a-d 15.6 11.0
Calsweet Abbott & Cobb 166 e-h 559 a-e 17.2 10.9
PSX 26983 Petoseed 222 b-g 557 a-e 17.0 10.9
F84NW Leesburg AREC 303 a-c 555 a-e 20.8 10.1
Charlee Leesburg AREC 270 a-e 550 a-e 18.4 10.3
F82NW Leesburg AREC 323 ab 550 a-e 18.4 10.7
Huck Finn Ferry-Morse 269 a-e 537 a-e 16.2 10.4
Table 9. Watermelon, replicated (cont.)
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
(cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Earlyz'y Total (Ib/fruit) (Z)
Charleston Gray Asgrow 325 ab 521 a-e 16.8 10.4
Charleston Gray #5 Hollar 305 a-c 519 a-e 16.3 10.1
F82NE Leesburg AREC 359 a 514 a-e 18.3 9.7
Crimson Tide Northrup King 318 ab 489 b-e 13.9 9.9
Delta Queen Ferry-Morse 171 d-h 467 b-e 14.0 9.9
Southern Belle Ferry-Morse 255 a-f 466 b-e 9.2 10.1
Oasis Harris-Moran 289 a-d 466 b-e 16.1 11.6
Crimson Sweet Asgrow 365 a 456 b-e 14.4 10.9
Mickylee Leesburg AREC 316 ab 441 c-e 8.5 10.3
Jubilee Asgrow 301 a-c 427 c-e 19.1 10.2
MOX 1568 Harris-Moran 287 a-d 412 de 13.9 11.6
PSX 26883 Petoseed 193 c-h 395 de 14.5 10.5
Rebel Queen Ferry-Morse 125 gh 361 e 10.9 10.4
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YHarvested by June 2, 1986.
Comments: Planted February 24, 1986 in two-row plots 25 ft long
10 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied
in 3 other applications before flowering.
with hills 5 ft apart and rows
preplant and 650 lb/A 15-0-14
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Agricultural Research & Education Center
Leaders: G. W. Elmstrom and J. M. Crall
Planted: February 24, 1986
Harvested: May 28, 1986. Last of 4: June 24, 1986
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
(cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Earlyz Total (Ib/fruit) (Z)
HSR 277 Hollar 343 836 18.8 11.3
84-5059 NAPB 123 753 21.1 11.0
NVH 4272 Northrup King 166 723 18.5 11.1
PSR 39785 Petoseed 270 714 20.5 11.4
Charleston Elite Northrup King 458 706 19.8 9.5
------- --------------------
PSR 39885 Petoseed 493 700 17.9 11.6
NVH 4258 Northrup King 231 686 17.2 11.6
S84NW(E) Leesburg AREC 287 686 18.3 10.0
HSR 279 Hollar 105 670 19.7 10.3
lopride Willhite 236 665 18.2 9.9
--------------------------- -
HSR 276 Hollar 243 658 21.6 9.6
NVH 4262 Northrup King 338 655 16.7 10.2
Allsweet Willhite 181 650 18.7 10.4
F84CE Leesburg AREC 340 648 18.2 10.8
HSR 222 Hollar 39 646 22.5 11.6
------ -------------------------------- -
S84GS(N) Leesburg AREC 430 645 20.0 11.2
F85SW Leesburg AREC 342 631 19.6 11.0
Mirage Asgrow 289 631 19.1 10.3
AU Jubilant Hollar 174 624 20.5 10.6
PSR 30284 Petoseed 238 612 16.8 10.4
------------- - -
Table 10. Watermelon, observational (cont.)
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
(cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Earlyz Total (lb/fruit) (Z)
HSR 224 Hollar 84 602 20.4 10.4
PSR 39385 Petoseed 372 595 15.5 9.0
HSR 290 Hollar 318 589 16.9 10.6
AU #20 AL AES 331 588 14.7 10.3
HSR 278 Hollar 259 583 18.6 10.4
---------- -----------------------------------------------------
82-2478 NAPB 359 581 10.3 10.6
S85NE Leesburg AREC 243 579 20.8 9.6
AVX 5501 Agrigenetics 293 578 16.6 9.6
Sunshade Asgrow 414 577 18.4 11.1
F84SW Leesburg AREC 239 566 18.1 11.0
PSR 38985 Petoseed 258 561 10.6 10.2
PSR 39985 Petoseed 258 560 16.9 10.8
PSR 39985 Petoseed 258 560 16.9 10.8
HSR 289 Hollar 259 552 15.9 9.5
NVH 4260 Northrup King 382 547 14.6 9.9
AU #24 AL AES 36 536 15.8 10.3
-- ------------ --------- ----------
AU Producer Hollar 348 531 14.9 10.7
NVH 4266 Northrup King 298 525 15.5 12.9
NVH 4267 Northrup King 426 523 17.7 10.1
PSR 39585 Petoseed 386 505 14.5 9.6
X-7-FL Burrell 293 492 16.6 10.6
----------------------- ---------- ----------
Sugarlee Willhite 292 492 14.1 10.8
Modera Asgrow 358 485 13.9 10.4
85-9295 NAPB 121 479 24.0 10.2
84-5756 NAPB 22 473 18.8 11.2
Sugarama Northrup King 357 464 11.3 10.8
Table 10. Watermelon, observational (cont.)
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
(cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Earlyz Total (lb/fruit) (Z)
AVX 5500 Agrigenetics 228 461 15.1 9.2
Minilee Leesburg AREC 298 461 6.0 11.1
84-9495 NAPB 304 460 17.6 11.3
PSR 40785 Petoseed 238 445 13.8 10.8
AU #26 AL AES 183 445 13.8 11.3
HSR 1718 Hollar 263 443 18.2 10.3
Dixielee Hollar 25 429 14.5 11.2
HSR 2314 Hollar 0 311 23.8 10.1
AU #25 AL AES 155 262 13.7 10.0
Sugar Baby Asgrow 118 186 6.7 10.3
Charlie I Abbott & Cobb 70 167 10.7 10.3
by June 2, 1986.
Planted February 24, 1986 in two-row plots 25
10 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 Ib/A 5-15-8
in 3 other applications before flowering.
ft long with hills 5 ft apart and rows
applied preplant and 650 lb/A 15-0-14
Abbott & Cobb
Leesburg AREC
Abbott & Cobb, Inc.
P.O. Box 307
Feasterville, PA 19047
9531 West 78th St., #229
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
J. D. Norton
Department of Horticulture
Auburn University
Auburn, AL 36830
ARCO Seed Co.
P.O. Box 181
El Centro, CA 92244
J. M. Crall (watermelon)
G. W. Elmstrom (cantaloupe,
P.O. Box 388 squash)
Leesburg, FL 32749
Asgrow Seed Co.
7000 Portage Rd.
Kalamazoo, MI 49001
W. Atlee Burpee Co.
300 Park Avenue
Warminster, PA 18991
Northrup King
Ferry-Morse Seed Co.
P.O. Box 7274
Mountain View, CA 94039
Harris Moran Seed Co.
3670 Buffalo Rd.
Rochester, NY 14624
Hollar and Company, Inc.
P.O. Box 106
Rocky Ford, CO 81067
Musser Seed Co., Inc.
P.O. Box 1406
Twin Falls, ID 83301
Nickerson American
Plant Breeders, Inc.
P.O. Box 1787
Gilroy, CA 95020
Northrup King Co.
Vegetable Seed Group
P.O. Box 1827
Gilroy, CA 95023
P.O. Box
CA 93003
D. V. Burrell Seed Growers Co.
P.O. Box 150
Rocky Ford, CO 81067
Robson Seed Farms
1 Seneca Circle
Hall, NY 14463