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Spray Program For Bunch
W. C. Adlerz
SUniversity of Florida
ARC Leesburg
Jan. 24, 1980
When to spray
Bud break to flowering
(or later for beetle)
Pre-bloom and
2-4 weeks after bloom
Late April through
May, weekly
Post harvest
As needed
Malathion or
Methoxychlor or
Flea beetle
Methoxychlor or Leafhopper
Malathion Seed1
(as above) Leafhopper
Malathion Aphids
Methoxychlor Leafhoppers 2
or Caterpillars
Carbaryl / -_Fruit beetles
Carbaryl/ Wasps -
Carbaryl Ants3
No recommendation available .' I-~,Sotborer
Malathion 1.5 pints 57% emulsifiable concentrate/100 gal. water
1.5 t/gallon ----..
Days before harvest 3 --.
Carbaryl 2 pounds 50% Carbaryl wettable powder/100 gal. water
2 T/gallon
Days before harvest 0
Methoxychlor 2 pounds 50% methoxychlor wettable powder/100 gal. water
2 T/gallon
Days before harvest 14
1When this insect is a problem preventive spraying will be needed.
2Grape leaf folder, leaf skeletonizer, hornworms, berry moths.
3Ants can be controlled with 1% carbaryl spray = 16 pounds 50% wettable
powder per 100 gallons water applied to the soil.
Leesburg ARC Research Report (WG 80-1)
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