Historic note
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 Seed sources
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Group Title: Cantaloupe variety evaluation.
Title: Cantaloupe variety evaluation. 1978-1987.
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076058/00003
 Material Information
Title: Cantaloupe variety evaluation. 1978-1987.
Series Title: Cantaloupe variety evaluation.
Physical Description: Serial
Language: English
Creator: Elmstrom, Gary
Chandler, Annette
Publisher: Agricultural Research and Education Center, University of Florida
Publication Date: 1988
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00076058
Volume ID: VID00003
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: oclc - 144617661

Table of Contents
    Historic note
        Unnumbered ( 1 )
    Front Cover
        Front Cover
        Page 1
        Page 2
        Page 3
        Page 4
        Page 5
        Page 6
        Page 7
        Page 8
        Page 9
        Page 10
        Page 11
        Page 12
        Page 13
        Page 14
        Page 15
        Page 16
        Page 17
        Page 18
        Page 19
        Page 20
        Page 21
        Page 22
        Page 23
        Page 24
        Page 25
        Page 26
        Page 27
    Seed sources
        Page 28
        Page 29
    Back Cover
        Page 30
Full Text


The publications in this collection do
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or recommendations. These texts
represent the historic publishing
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site maintained by the Florida
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Copyright 2005, Board of Trustees, University
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1978 1987



Leesburg CFREC
(LBG 88-2c
(100 copies)

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Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. Elustrom
Planted: February 27, 1978
Harvested: May 29, 1978. Last of 10: June 19, 1978
Soil: Apopka fine sand

Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
(cwt/A) Height Solids
Cultivar Source EarlyZ'y Total (lb/fruit) (Z)

Saticoy Petoseed 5 c 235 ab 3.8 12.4
Early Dawn Harris Moran 117 a 224 ab 4.2 8.5
Supermarket Petoseed 20 c 222 ab 2.8 10.6
Star Trek Petoseed 49 b 212 ab 3.3 9.1
Planters Jumbo Asgrow 0 c 204 ab 3.5 10.8

Fla 93-11L Leesburg CFREC 9 c 184 a-c 2.9 11.5
Earlidew Petoseed 54 b 184 a-c 3.3 10.9
Edisto 47 Willhite 0 c 177 a-c 4.0 12.2
Burpee Hybrid Burpee 57 b 169 be 3.1 9.8
Fla 93-8L Leesburg CFREC 0 c 112 be 2.8 11.4

Mean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YHarvested by June 4, 1978.
Comments: Planted February 27, 1978 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart and
rows 10 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A
15-0-14 in 3 other applications before flowering.


Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research &
Leader: G. W. Elstrom
Planted: March 7, 1979
Harvested: June 4, 1979. Last of 9: June 21, 1979
Soil: Apopka fine sand

Education Center

Foliar Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
Disease (cut/A) Weight Solids

Cultivar Source Resistancez'y Early' Total (Ib/fruit) (Z)

TopSet Petoseed 4.0 ab 26 bc 123 c-e 3.1 12.6
Earlidew Petoseed 1.3 e 52 b 130 c-e 4.0 11.8
Top Mark Northrup King 1.7 e 0 c 138 b-e 2.4 8.6
Planters Jumbo Asgrow 4.7 a 4 c 158 a-e 3.7 9.6
Edisto 47 Twilley 4.0 ab 7 c 168 a-d 3.9 12.4

Fla 93-8L Leesburg CFREC 3.0 be 11 c 171 a-d 3.1 13.7
Star Trek Petoseed 1.0 e 94 a 208 a-c 3.1 10.5
Burpee Hybrid Burpee 1.0 e 101 a 218 a-c 3.9 10.0
Fla 93-11L Leesburg CFREC 2.7 cd 10 c 219 a-c 3.1 11.6
Supermarket Petoseed 1.7 de 35 be 237 ab 3.1 11.0

Saticoy Petoseed 2.0 c-e 12 c 240 a 3.4 12.7
Top Score Petoseed 1.7 de 15 c 250 a 2.9 11.5

ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YGeneral resistance rated from 1, no resistance, to 5, highly resistant.
XHarvested by June 11, 1979.
Comments: Planted March 7, 1979 in single-row plots 24 ft long with hills 2 ft apart and rows
10 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A 15-0-15
in 3 other applications before planting.


Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. Elastrom
Planted: February 21, 1980
Harvested: May 23, 1980. Last of 13: June 18, 1980
Soil: Apopka fine sand

Foliar Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
Disease (cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Resistancez'y Early' Total (lb/fruit) (Z)

Mainstream Burrell 4.3 a-c 13 ef 285 ab 2.4 10.9
Summet Asgrow 4.3 a-c 101 ab 256 a-c 2.8 9.9
Planters Jumbo Asgrow 4.7 ab 77 be ,252 a-c 3.6 11.2
Saticoy Petoseed 4.0 a-d 55 b-f 207 a-d 2.4 10.8
Burpee Hybrid Burpee 3.0 ef 145 a 194 b-d 2.3 9.8

Fla 93-11L Leesburg CFREC 4.7 ab 36 c-f 194 b-d 2.4 10.7
Earlidew Petoseed 2.7 f 132 a 182 ed 2.6 12.6
Fla 93-8L Leesburg CFREC 4.3 a-c 37 c-f 180 cd 2.1 11.2
Earlidew Petoseed 3.3 d-f 130 a 175 cd 2.4 12.6
Top Score Petoseed 4.0 a-d 69 b-d 173 cd 2.0 8.5

Shipmaster Northrup King 4.3 a-c 23 d-f 161 cd 2.6 7.2
Supermarket Petoseed 4.0 a-d 62 b-e 151 d 2.2 11.0
Edisto 47 Willhite 4.0 a-d 30 c-f 146 d 2.7 10.6
TopSet Petoseed 5.0 a 27 c-f 121 d 2.0 6.6

ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YGeneral resistance rated from 1, no resistance, to 5, highly resistant.
XHarvested by June 6, 1980.
Comments: Planted February 21, 1980 in single-row plots 28 ft long with hills
rows 10 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant
15-0-14 in 3 other applications before flowering.

2 ft apart and
and 650 lb/A


Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leader: G. U. Elmstrom
Planted: February 27, 1981
Harvested: May 29, 1981. Last of 9: June 17, 1981
Soil: Apopka fine sand

Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
(cwt/A) Weight Solids

Cultivar Source Earlyz'y Total (lb/fruit) (Z)

Planters Jumbo Asgrow 33 d-g 281 a 3.3 10.3
Mainstream Burrell 26 d-g 276 ab 2.3 10.6
Luscious Park 197 a 274 ab 3.2 10.7
Chieftain Musser 76 cd 273 a-c 2.9 12.2
Summet Asgrow 144 ab 270 a-c 2.9 9.4

Classic Twilley 186 ab 264 a-c 3.2 9.9
Star Trek Harris Moran 163 ab 262 a-c 3.0 8.9
Ambrosia Burpee 138 b 261 a-c 3.3 11.5
Big Daddy Musser 71 c-e 254 a-d 6.5 8.0
Fla 93-11L Leesburg CFREC 32 d-g 253 a-d 2.7 11.4

Juno Asgrow 187 ab 248 a-d 2.7 11.2
Sweet-N-Early Burpee 192 a 248 a-d 1.9 9.1
Super Market Twilley 147 ab 245 a-d 2.5 10.1
Burpee Hybrid Burpee 168 ab 235 a-d 3.1 10.5
Don Juan Asgrow 86 c 225 a-e 3.2 11.0

Table 4, replicated (cont.)

Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
(cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Earlyz'y Total (lb/fruit) (Z)

Early Dawn Harris Moran 168 ab 225 a-e 3.6 8.5
Saticoy Petoseed 67 c-f 224 a-e 3.0 13.2
Superstar Harris Moran 178 ab 223 a-e 3.7 8.1
Fla 93-8L Leesburg CFREC 89 c 218 a-f 2.3 10.7
Venus Burpee 44 c-g 199 b-g 2.2 13.3

Gold Star Harris Moran 136 b 195 c-g 2.9 8.8
Top Score Petoseed 18 fg 146 f-i 2.4 11.6
Earlidew Petoseed 86 c 146 f-i 3.3 10.7
Edisto 47 Willhite 11 g 116 hi 3.0 11.9
TopSet Petoseed 7 g 101 i 2.3 10.7

ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5Z level.
YHarvested by June 8, 1981.
Comments: Planted February 27, 1981 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5
rows 10 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and
15-0-14 in 3 other applications before flowering.

ft apart and
650 lb/A


Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. Elastrom
Planted: February 24 & 25, 1982
Harvested: May 15, 1982. Last of 13: June 10, 1982
Soil: Apopka fine sand

Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
Mildew Resistancezy (cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Downy Powdery Earlyx Total (Ib/fruit) (Z)

Juno Asgrow 4.7 ab 5.0 a 89 ab 163 a 2.1 14.8
Gold Star Harris Moran 3.7 a-c 2.3 c-e 56 b-g 155 a 2.3 10.8
Planters Jumbo Burrell 4.7 ab 3.3 bc 0 i 153 a 2.9 9.5
Saticoy Petoseed 4.3 a-c 4.0 ab 8 h 138 ab 2.4 11.4
Burpee Hybrid Burpee 2.3 d 2.3 c-e 97 a 138 ab 2.2 11.1

Superstar Harris Moran 3.0 cd 1.0 e 89 ab 137 ab 2.8 10.9
Summet Asgrow 4.3 a-c 5.0 a 33 d-i 131 a-c 2.5 11.3
Supermarket Petoseed 3.3 b-d 2.3 c-e 17 gh 127 a-d 2.2 9.1
Star Headliner Twilley 3.3 b-d 2.7 b-d 71 a-e 127 a-d 2.5 11.5
Big Daddy Musser 3.0 cd 2.0 c-e 49 b-h 125 a-e 4.5 6.8

Chieftain Musser 4.3 a-c 5.0 a 32 e-h 121 a-f 2.1 12.8
Don Juan Asgrow 4.0 a-c 3.3 be 17 gh 119 a-f 2.7 8.4
Zenith Sunseeds 3.0 cd 1.7 de 81 a-c 113 a-g 2.2 10.7
Luscious Park 4.3 a-c 2.3 c-e 24 f-h 105 a-g 2.5 10.0
Harper Petoseed 3.3 b-d 1.7 de 65 a-f 100 a-g 1.5 11.8

Table 5, replicated (cont.)

Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
Mildew Resistancez'y (cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Downy Powdery Earlyx TItal (lb/fruit) (Z)

Mainstream Burrell 4.0 a-c 5.0 a 7 h 90 a-g 2.0 8.6
Alaska Seedway 2.3 d 2.0 c-e 73 a-d 89 a-g 1.9 11.0
Earlidew Petoseed 3.7 a-c 2.3 c-e 45 c-h 88 a-g 2.6 13.4
Edisto 47 Twilley 5.0 a 4.7 a 0 i 61 b-g 2.9 11.9
Floridew Leesburg CFREC 3.7 a-c 2.3 c-e 11 h 49 c-g 1.4 11.1

Magnum .45 Petoseed 4.3 a-c 5.0 a 16 gh 31 g 2.3 11.1

ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YHarvested by May 31, 1982.
Comments: Planted February 24 & 25, 1982 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart
and rows 10 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A
15-0-14 in 3 other applications before flowering.


Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. Elmstrom and J. M. Crall
Planted: February 24 & 25, 1983
Harvested: June 3, 1983. Last of 10: June 22, 1983
Soil: Apopka fine sand

Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
(cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Earlyz'y Total (Ib/fruit) (Z)

Supermarket Petoseed 23 b-e 163 a 2.9 10.4
Burpee Hybrid Burpee 50 a 161 a 3.2 11.2
Gold Star Harris Moran 45 a 151 a 3.2 11.2
Ambrosia Burpee 17 c-g 141 ab 3.3 12.4
Juno Asgrow 40 ab 135 a-c 2.6 12.9

Edisto 47 Burrell 0 g 129 a-c 3.7 11.0
Arava Israel 44 a 126 a-c 2.7 10.1
Summet Asgrow 33 a-c 126 a-c 3.2 9.8
Fla 93-71L Leesburg CFREC 9 d-g 116 a-c 2.7 11.6
Galia Israel 40 ab 113 a-c 2.4 12.6

Fla 93-46L Leesburg CFREC 20 c-f 109 be 2.9 11.4
Fla 93-8L Leesburg CFREC 13 d-g 92 b-d 2.5 11.8
Mainstream Burrell 1 g 92 b-d 3.0 11.2
Earlidew Petoseed 25 b-d 92 b-d 2.8 13.1
Magnum .45 Abbott & Cobb 5 e-g 89 b-d 2.3 9.4

Table 6, replicated (cont.)

Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
(cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Earlyz'y Total (lb/fruit) (1)

Planters Jumbo Asgrow 3 fg 88 b-d 3.2 9.7
Top Score Petoseed 1 g 87 cd 2.5 10.0
Gulfcoast Hollar 0 g 82 cd 2.4 11.0
Harvest Pride Sunseeds 1 g 45 d 1.7 11.8

ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YHarvested by June 11, 1983.
Comments: Planted February 24 & 25, 1983 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft
apart and rows 10 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 Ib/A 5-15-8 applied preplant, 100
lb/A 15-0-14 emergence, 300 lb/A 14-0-14 sidedress, and 275 lb/A 23-0-22 at layby.


Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leader: G. V. Elastrom
Planted: February 24, 1984
Harvested: May 29, 1984. Last of 15: June 21, 1984
Soil: Apopka fine sand

Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
Mildew Resistancezy (cvt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Downy Powdery Early' Total (Ib/fruit) (Z)

Gretel Asgrow 5.0 a 5.0 a 51 cd 368 a 3.9 10.1
Gold Star Harris Moran 2.7 ef 3.0 ed 143 ab 336 ab 3.8 10.4
Superstar Harris Moran 3.3 c-e 3.7 a-d 138 ab 321 a-c 5.3 10.6
Magnum .45 Abbott & Cobb 4.7 ab 5.0 a 33 b-d 318 a-c 2.8 11.8
Market Pride Twilley 2.0 f 2.5 d 170 a 295 a-d 3.3 8.9

Burpee Hybrid Burpee 3.0 de 3.3 b-d 122 a-c 276 a-e 3.8 10.8
Summet Asgrow 3.7 cd 5.0 a 58 b-d 263 a-e 3.4 10.0
Saticoy Petoseed 3.7 ed 5.0 a 24 cd 260 a-e 3.9 13.4
Sampson Sunseeds 5.0 a 4.7 ab 13 ed 252 a-e 3.4 10.2
Earlidew Petoseed 3.7 cd 3.3 b-d 103 a-d 241 a-e 3.5 12.1

Camelot Asgrow 4.7 ab 5.0 a 20 cd 229 a-e 3.0 13.3
Castle Rock Sunseeds 5.0 a 4.3 a-c 5 cd 218 a-f 3.4 10.7
Hiline Asgrow 5.0 a 5.0 a 13 cd 216 a-f 3.4 11.0
Limelight Burpee 2.0 f 2.3 d 7 cd 183 b-f 5.3 10.7
Harvest Pride Sunseeds 5.0 a 5.0 a 18 cd 176 c-f 2.7 12.8

Table 7, replicated (cont.)

Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
Mildew Resistancezy (cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Downy Powdery Earlyx Total (lb/fruit) (Z)

Venus Burpee 5.0 a 5.0 a 0 d 169 c-f 2.8 15.4
Green Ice SC USDA 5.0 a 5.0 a 1 d 143 d-f 2.5 14.4
Top Net Harris Moran 3.7 ed 4.3 a-c 0 d 127 ef 2.8 10.3
Barada Asgrow 4.0 be 5.0 a 9 cd 127 ef 3.1 10.7
Honeygrow Twilley 3.0 de 5.0 a 0 d 73 f 5.0 13.9

ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YRated from 1, least resistant; to 5, most resistant.
XHarvested by June 6, 1984.
Comments: Planted February 24, 1984 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart and
rows 10 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant, 100 lb/A 15-0-14
emergence, 300 lb/A 14-0-14 sidedress, and 275 lb/A 23-0-22 at layby.


Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. Elmstrom
Planted: February 28, 1985
Harvested: May 21, 1985. Last of 12: June 18, 1985
Soil: Apopka fine sand

Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
Mildew Resistancez'y (cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Downy Powdery Earlyx ITtal (lb/fruit) (Z)

Camelot Asgrow 4.0 b-d 5.0 a 80 be 288 a 3.0 12.8
All Star Harris Moran 5.0 a 5.0 a 47 b-f 248 a-c 3.6 8.6
Planters Jumbo Burrell 5.0 a 5.0 a 41 c-f 245 a-c 4.3 10.8
Edisto 47 Burrell 4.3 a-c 5.0 a 12 ef 243 a-c 3.7 13.4
Magnum .45 Petoseed 4.3 a-c 5.0 a 40 c-f 237 a-c 3.0 11.3

Burpee Hybrid Burpee 2.7 e 3.3 b 124 a 223 a-c 3.6 11.8
Superstar Harris Moran 3.7 cd 3.3 b 87 ab 215 a-d 4.6 11.5
Super Market Petoseed 4.3 a-c 5.0 a 61 b-d 215 a-d 3.4 11.7
Gold Star Harris Moran 3.3 de 2.7 b 89 ab 209 a-d 3.5 12.1
FL 85-3M Leesburg CFREC 4.0 b-d 5.0 a 24 d-f 200 b-e 3.1 12.3
------------------- --------- ---------
Summet Asgrow 4.7 ab 5.0 a 78 be 188 b-e 3.5 10.7
FL 85-4M Leesburg CFREC 4.7 ab 5.0 a 26 d-f 181 b-f 3.0 12.8
Saticoy Petoseed 4.3 a-c 5.0 a 24 d-f 178 b-f 3.5 13.3
Earligold Hollar 4.7 ab 5.0 a 41 c-f 167 c-f 4.3 11.9
FL 85-1M Leesburg CFREC 4.7 ab 5.0 a 15 d-f 140 d-f 2.6 13.0

Table 8, replicated (cont.)

Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
Mildew Resistancezy (cwt/A) Weight Solids

Cultivar Source Downy Powdery Earlyx Total (Ib/fruit) (Z)

NVH 882 Northrup King 4.3 a-c 5.0 a 18 d-f 124 ef 2.0 9.8
FL 85-2M Leesburg CFREC 5.0 a 5.0 a 6 f 104 f 2.6 12.1

Mean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5Z level.
YRated from 1, least resistant; to 5, most resistant.
XHarvested by June 3, 1985.
Comments: Planted February 28, 1985 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart and
rows 10 ft apart. Fertilization:' 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant, 100 Ib/A 15-0-14
emergence, 300 lb/A 14-0-14 sidedress, and 275 Ib/A 23-0-22 at layby.


Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. Elmstrom
Planted: February 28, 1985
Harvested: May 21, 1985. Last of 12: June 18, 1985
Soil: Apopka fine sand

Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
Mildew Resistancez (cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Downy Powdery Early Total (lb/fruit) (Z)

84-4036 NAPB 5 5 63 257 3.4 9.1
84-4437 NAPB 4 5 13 256 5.3 14.9
NVH 881 Northrup King 4 5 62 248 2.9 11.9
Earlimark Hollar 2 5 49 248 2.9 9.3
FL 93-71 Leesburg CFREC 5 5 24 247 3.5 12.3

Classic Petoseed 3 3 120 240 3.7 12.2
XPH 5094 Asgrow 1 5 175 239 3.0 8.4
Hyb 84 M114 Musser 4 3 153 236 5.1 12.3
Arava Israel 4 5 81 229 3.6 11.5
84-7936 NAPB 5 5 31 226 2.6 11.2

84-4046 NAPB 5 5 46 220 2.6 10.6
PMR 6 SC USDA 3 5 47 211 2.6 9.3
HSR 232 Hollar 4 5 0 210 4.3 14.8
HSR 244 Hollar 4 5 110 206 2.5 12.2
PSR 7483 Petoseed 3 5 87 206 4.6 12.0

Table 9, observational (cont.)

Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
Mildew Resistancez (cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Downy Powdery Early Total (lb/fruit) (Z)

XPH 5015 Asgrow 4 5 65 202 3.0 8.1
AC-75-1 H AL AES 4 5 42 201 2.6 9.6
XPH 913 Asgrow 4 5 53 200 4.9 11.7
XPH 5091 Asgrow 5 5 21 197 3.5 10.7
Earlidew Petoseed 2 2 116 194 3.5 13.6

AC-75-71 AL AES 4 5 47 194 2.7 9.8
PSR 580 Petoseed 4 5 55 194 2.9 11.1
Galia Israel 3 5 54 192 3.1 11.7
(D20-5) Leesburg CFREC 2 5 73 189 4.0 13.2
PSR 1183 Petoseed 4 5 39 184 2.9 8.8

Hiline Asgrow 4 5 24 180 3.5 10.0
FL 93-8 Leesburg CFREC 4 5 69 177 2.9 13.0
HSR 241 Hollar 5 5 114 175 3.9 12.2
PSR 4883 Petoseed 4 5 35 170 2.5 12.6
Limelight Burpee 2 4 0 165 5.0 11.1

PMR 45 Burrell 5 5 0 164 2.8 11.1
AHD-82-28-1 AL AES 3 5 19 160 3.1 13.7
PSR 5484 Petoseed 4 5 71 160 2.1 10.4
Venus Burpee 3 5 24 151 2.1 15.3
PSR 4183 Petoseed 5 5 44 148 2.4 9.9

Table 9, observational (cont.)

Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
Mildew Resistancez (cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cnltivar Source Downy Powdery Early Total (lb/fruit) (Z)

Rocky Sweet Hollar 2 5 31 142 2.9 11.7
PSX 581 Petoseed 3 5 31 139 2.1 9.7
PSR 10183 Petoseed 4 3 63 127 4.9 9.8
Honeygrow Twilley 2 5 0 123 5.1 10.8
WC 13 TX AES 5 5 8 122 2.4 10.7

Green Ice SC USDA 4 5 0 121 2.4 13.3
Mayan Sweet Leesburg CFREC 3 5 0 114 3.5 9.3
XPH 5014 Asgrow 5 5 40 109 3.1 10.0
WC 11 TX AES 4 5 15 101 2.3 10.5
AHDO-80-23 AL AES 1 1 100 100 3.4 8.7

WC 12 TX AES 4 5 9 71 2.3 11.6

ZRated from 1, least resistant; to 5, most resistant.
YHarvested by June 3, 1985.
Comments: Planted February 28, 1985 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart and
rows 10 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant, 100 lb/A 15-0-14
emergence, 300 lb/A 14-0-14 sidedress, and 275 lb/A 23-0-22 at layby.


Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center

Leader: G. W. Elmstrom
Planted: February 24, 1984
Harvested: May 26, 1986.
Soil: Apopka fine sand

Last of 14: June 20, 1986

Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
Mildew Resistancezy (cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Downy Powdery Earlyx Total (lb/fruit) (Z)

HSR 244 Hollar 4.3 a-c 5.0 a 165 a-c 370 a 2.8 12.9
Explorer Northrup King 5.0 a 5.0 a 64 f-i 297 ab 2.4 10.6
84 M 114 Musser 2.3 fg 2.7 d 191 a 295 ab 5.4 12.5
Superstar Harris Moran 2.3 fg 3.7 bc 176 ab 292 ab 3.6 11.7
Summet Asgrow 2.7 e-g 5.0 a 123 b-e 287 ab 3.0 10.7

Nova Northrup King 3.0 d-g 5.0 a 150 a-d 277 a-c 4.7 9.9
PSX E680 Petoseed 2.7 e-g 4.3 ab 111 c-f 271 a-d 3.4 12.1
Saticoy Petoseed 2.7 e-g 5.0 a 24 h-j 261 b-e 3.4 11.7
Gold Star Harris Moran 2.3 fg 3.3 cd 141 a-d 244 b-e 2.9 11.5
Supermarket Petoseed 2.3 fg 5.0 a 122 b-e 238 b-f 2.6 11.3

Earlidew Petoseed 1.7 g 1.7 e 158 a-e 233 b-g 2.9 14.3
Earligold Hollar 2.3 fg 5.0 a 165 a-c 222 b-g 3.5 10.5
HSR 241 Hollar 2.7 e-g 5.0 a 110 c-f 221 b-g 3.4 11.5
Magnum .45 Petoseed 4.7 ab 5.0 a 45 g-j 209 b-h 2.5 10.4
HSR 11790 Hollar 2.3 fg 4.3 ab 10 ij 205 b-h 2.6 10.5

XPH 913 Asgrow 3.7 b-e 5.0 a 80 e-h 185 b-i 2.8 10.4
Rocky Sweet Hollar 2.0 fg 5.0 a 45 g-j 173 c-i 2.5 13.7
XPH 5094 Asgrow 1.7 g 5.0 a 94 d-g 170 c-i 2.7 10.2
Columbia Ttilley 3.7 b-e 5.0 a 61 f-i 163 d-i 2.5 10.7
Star Performer Twilley 4.3 a-c 5.0 a 43 g-j 160 e-i 2.0 12.2

Table 10. Cantaloupe, replicated (cont.)

Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
Mildew Resistancezy (cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Downy Powdery Early' Total (lb/fruit) (Z)

Challenger Northrup King 5.0 a 5.0 a 19 ij 159 e-i 2.5 11.0
FL 86-2M Leesburg CFREC 3.3 c-f 5.0 a 2 j 130 f-i 2.3 12.1
Hiline Asgrow 3.7 b-e 5.0 a 27 h-j 124 g-i 2.8 10.2
FL 86-1M Leesburg CFREC 4.0 a-d 5.0 a 6 ij 123 g-i 2.3 11.7
Star Producer Twilley 4.3 a-c 5.0 a 32 h-j 100 hi 2.1 11.8

FL 86-3M Leesburg CFREC 4.0 a-d 5.0 a 7 ij 89 i 1.9 11.3
FL 86-4MXL Leesburg CFREC 3.7 b-e 5.0 a 4 j 83 i 2.3 12.2

ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YRated from 1, least resistant; to 5, most resistant.
XHarvested by June 6, 1986.
Comments: Planted February 24, 1986 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart and
rows 10 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A
15-0-14 in 3 other applications before flowering.


Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leader: G. V. Elastrom
Planted: February 24, 1986
Harvested: May 26, 1986. Last of 14: June 20, 1986
Soil: Apopka fine sand

Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
Mildew Resistancez (cwt/A) Weight Solids
Caltivar Source Downy Powdery Early Total (lb/fruit) (Z)

Camelot Asgrow 5.0 5.0 92 364 2.8 12.9
Planters Jumbo Burrell 5.0 5.0 19 341 4.1 12.0
AC-70-154 AL AES 4.0 5.0 39 287 3.0 10.0
Edisto 47 Burrell 5.0 5.0 0 273 4.0 11.6
All Star Harris Moran 5.0 5.0 75 266 3.4 10.5

AC-82-33-44 AL AES 5.0 5.0 0 255 3.4 10.2
HSR 245 Hollar 5.0 5.0 4 251 2.5 11.7
AC-82-38-H AL AES 5.0 5.0 0 244 3.5 10.4
PMR 6 SC USDA 3.0 5.0 47 240 2.4 8.7
Ambrosia Burpee 3.0 5.0 115 232 3.6 13.2

AC-75-71-H AL AES 5.0 5.0 26 227 2.6 11.7
Market Star Twilley 3.0 5.0 67 213 2.7 9.9
PSR 11285 Petoseed 5.0 5.0 46 211 2.8 9.8
4 W 7106 Sunseeds 4.0 5.0 4 206 2.3 13.4
84-4736 NAPB 5.0 5.0 70 197 2.9 14.9

84-3436 NAPB 4.0 5.0 41 195 3.0 13.4
PMR 45 SC USDA 3.0 5.0 34 191 2.5 11.1
Mayan Sweet Leesburg CFREC 2.0 5.0 0 190 2.9 13.4
85 M 103 Musser 3.0 5.0 72 186 3.5 12.5
HXP 3590x Harris Moran 3.0 5.0 74 185 5.1 12.8

Table 11. Cantaloupe, observational (cont.)

Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
Mildew Resistancez (cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Downy Powdery Earlyy Total (Ib/fruit) (Z)

AC-82-43-H AL AES 4.0 5.0 13 183 2.5 11.3
FL 85-3,4M Leesburg CFREC 5.0 5.0 26 181 2.9 12.3
PSR 285 Petoseed 4.0 5.0 54 181 3.1 11.5
84-3944 NAPB 2.0 5.0 15 177 2.8 13.4
84-3837 NAPB 3.0 5.0 67 170 3.1 15.5

PSR 12485 Petoseed 5.0 5.0 67 166 2.5 10.5
PSR 2785 Petoseed 3.0 5.0 85 161 2.9 11.9
PSR 8085 Petoseed 4.0 5.0 84 157 2.5 11.2
AC-82-45-A AL AES 5.0 5.0 9 155 2.7 10.4
AC-75-59-Hx AL AES 5.0 5.0 0 155 4.0 10.9

HSR 228 Hollar 3.0 5.0 67 152 3.0 13.4
AHDO-82-43 AL AES 4.0 2.0 96 149 4.5 INA*
PSR 2485 Petoseed 2.0 5.0 67 145 1.9 12.1
84-4631 NAPB 5.0 5.0 10 143 2.3 11.8
Green Ice SC USDA 4.0 5.0 3 140 2.2 13.8

PSR 17985 Petoseed 5.0 5.0 9 136 2.4 10.6
PSR 2685 Petoseed 3.0 5.0 53 135 4.1 9.8
WC 11 TX AES 5.0 5.0 0 135 2.4 12.1
WC 13 TX AES 5.0 5.0 0 132 2.3 11.9
WC 12 TX AES 5.0 5.0 0 130 2.8 10.0

84-3533 NAPB 5.0 5.0 7 125 2.4 11.3
FL 85-1,2M Leesburg CFREC 5.0 5.0 17 122 2.7 12.2
HSR 227 Hollar 3.0 5.0 50 112 2.9 11.9
HMX 5588x Harris Moran 4.0 5.0 15 108 3.0 10.6
AHDO-82-46 AL AES 2.0 5.0 37 104 2.4 13.7

Table 11. Cantaloupe, observational (cont.)

Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
Mildew ResistanceZ (cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Downy Powdery Earlyy Total (lb/fruit) (Z)

PSR 15785 Petoseed 5.0 5.0 32 100 2.3 11.7
HMX 5607 Harris Moran 4.0 5.0 0 80 3.6 10.6
4 M 754 Sunseeds 3.0 5.0 36 55 1.5 10.9
AC-75-16-Hx AL AES 5.0 5.0 0 31 3.6 10.5
HMX 5589x Harris Moran 5.0 5.0 0 29 4.1 9.0

ZRated from 1, least resistant; to 5, most resistant.
YHarvested by June 6, 1986.
Poor stand.
Comments: Planted February 24, 1986 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart and
rows 10 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 Ib/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A
15-0-14 in 3 other applications before flowering.
*Information not available.


Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. Elastrom
Planted: February 24, 1987
Harvested: May 29, 1987. Last of 13: June 26, 1987
Soil: Apopka fine sand

General Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
Mildew Resistancez'y Foliar (cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Downy Powdery Disease Earlyx Total (lb/fruit) (I)

All Star Harris Moran 4.7 ab 5.0 a 4.3 ab 36 b-h 242 a 3.4 11.1
Nova Northrup King 4.0 a-d 5.0 a 3.3 b-e 54 b-d 227 ab 4.9 10.7
Sunshine Ferry-Morse 4.7 ab 5.0 a 4.0 a-c 17 f-j 220 a-c 3.6 12.6
Challenger Northrup King 4.3 a-c 5.0 a 4.0 a-c 26 d-j 199 a-d 2.8 13.2
AC-70-154 AL AES 3.7 b-e 5.0 a 3.3 b-e 32 b-i 188 a-e 3.3 11.9

Camelot Asgrow 4.0 a-d 5.0 a 3.7 a-d 33 b-i 187 a-e 2.8 13.0
Supermarket PetoSeed 3.0 d-g 4.3 ab 2.7 d-f 36 b-h 187 a-e 3.0 12.0
E680 PetoSeed 3.3 c-f 5.0 a 3.0 c-f 42 b-g 184 a-e 4.1 11.5
Edisto 47 Burrell 4.7 ab 5.0 a 4.7 a 3 ij 181 a-e 4.2 13.2
Summet Asgrow 3.3 c-f 5.0 a 2.7 d-f 18 f-j 176 a-f 3.3 11.1

Earligold Hollar 3.3 c-f 3.7 bc 3.0 c-f 93 a 158 b-g 3.2 11.9
Patrician Ferry-Morse 2.3 fg 2.3 d 2.3 ef 46 b-f 156 b-g 3.0 11.8
Explorer Northrup King 5.0 a 5.0 a 4.3 ab 27 c-j 152 b-g 2.5 13.4
Gold Star Harris Moran 2.3 fg 2.3 d 2.3 ef 58 be 146 c-g 3.4 10.9
Pulsar PetoSeed 3.0 d-g 5.0 a 2.3 ef 61 b 139 d-h 3.2 11.5

Magnum .45 PetoSeed 4.7 ab 5.0 a 3.3 b-e 12 g-j 138 d-h 2.5 13.4
Earlimark Hollar 3.3 c-f 5.0 a 2.7 d-f 0 j 137 d-h 2.9 11.7
Mission Asgrow 4.7 ab 5.0 a 3.7 a-d 4 ij 136 d-h 3.1 13.6
PSX 6283 PetoSeed 4.0 a-d 5.0 a 3.7 a-d 18 f-i 131 d-h 2.8 12.5
PSX 6682 PetoSeed 4.3 a-c 5.0 a 3.3 b-e 29 c-j 125 d-h 2.8 12.0

Table 12. Cantaloupe, netted, replicated (cont.)

General Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
Mildew Resistancez'y Foliar (cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Downy Powdery Diseasey Earlyx Total (lb/fruit) (Z)

Easy Rider Harris Moran 4.0 a-d 5.0 a 3.0 c-f 10 h-j 121 e-i 2.8 12.8
Tenerife Harris Moran 2.7 e-g 3.3 c 2.7 d-f 29 c-j 121 e-i 4.0 9.1
HSR 234 Hollar 4.3 a-c 5.0 a 4.3 ab 19 e-f 121 e-i 3.8 13.7
Planters Jumbo Burrell 4.0 a-d 5.0 a 4.0 a-c 2 ij 118 e-i 4.0 11.5
Hiline Asgrow 4.0 a-d 5.0 a 4.0 a-c 7 h-j 103 f-i 2.8 13.2

Sunrise Agway 2.0 g 5.0 a 2.0 f 50 b-e 80 g-i 2.3 11.8
WC-11 IX AES 4.7 ab 5.0 a 3.7 a-d 3 ij 64 hi 2.1 13.4
WC-13 TX AES 4.7 ab 5.0 a 3.3 b-e 0 j 44 i 1.9 12.3

ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YRated from 1, least resistant; to 5, most resistant.
Harvested by June 10, 1987.
Comments: Planted February 24, 1987 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart and rows 10 ft
apart. Fertilization: 800 Ib/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 Ib/A 15-0-14 in 3 other
applications before flowering.


Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. Elustrom
Planted: February 24, 1987
Harvested: May 29, 1987. Last of 13: June 26, 1987
Soil: Apopka fine sand

General Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
Mildew Resistancez Foliar (cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Downy Powdery Diseasez Early Total (Ib/fruit) (Z)

XPH 5361 Asgrow 4 5 4 0 150 3.9 8.3
84 M 114 Musser 3 2 2 67 134 5.1 9.6
XPH 5016 Asgrow 5 5 5 3 126 2.7 11.1
FL 87-1M Leesburg CFREC 5 5 5 11 123 2.4 13.3
XPH 5015 Asgrow 3 5 3 28 116 2.4 12.1

HSR 305 Hollar 5 5 5 8 113 3.3 9.4
HMX 5602 Harris Moran 5 5 3 61 107 1.9 11.3
HSR 307 Hollar 4 5 4 8 107 2.8 7.8
FL 87-2MXL Leesburg CFREC 4 5 3 3 97 2.9 12.0
HXP 3593 Harris Moran 3 5 2 30 94 2.0 11.2

HMX 5606 Harris Moran 5 5 5 4 94 3.4 8.5
HSR 228 Hollar 5 5 4 29 85 3.1 12.5
86 M 166 Musser 4 5 4 12 85 3.5 14.2
NZ 85-2100 NAPB 4 5 4 4 77 3.7 8.7
XPH 5363 Asgrow 4 5 4 0 74 3.3 10.6

XPH 5362 Asgrow 4 5 4 0 72 4.6 9.6
FMX 58 Ferry-Morse 5 5 3 2 71 2.3 9.5
XPH 5364 Asgrow 5 5 3 0 70 2.5 10.0
AC-86-55 AL AES 4 5 4 0 67 2.3 8.2
HSR 296 Hollar 4 5 4 3 61 2.9 13.8

Table 13. Cantaloupe, netted, observational (cont.)

General Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
Mildew Resistancez Foliar (crt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Downy Powdery Diseasez Early Total (lb/fruit) (Z)

AC-82-43-H AL AES 5 5 4 0 61 2.3 11.5
PMR 45 Burrell 3 5 3 0 58 2.4 7.5
AC-82-38-H AL AES 5 5 5 0 58 2.8 9.3
PSR 10385 PetoSeed 5 5 4 0 53 3.0 10.5
Saticoy PetoSeed 4 5 3 2 49 2.2 12.0

HSR 308 Hollar 3 5 3 15 48 2.8 10.3
AC-82-45-A AL AES 5 5 4 0 46 2.6 10.7
AC-75-71-H AL AES 5 5 4 0 45 2.6 9.0
PSR 1286 PetoSeed 5 5 3 6 44 2.1 13.6
AC-75-59-H AL AES 5 5 5 0 43 3.1 7.3

XPH 5089 Asgrow 5 5 5 0 41 2.6 9.0
AC-75-16-H AL AES 5 5 5 0 40 3.3 8.3
AHD-82-28-1 AL AES 4 5 4 0 40 3.3 12.0
PSR 17985 PetoSeed 4 5 3 0 33 2.1 11.3
NZ 84-3944 NAPB 4 5 4 0 31 3.5 11.4

XPH 5088 Asgrow 4 5 3 8 30 1.6 10.7
NZ 84-3944 NAPB 4 5 4 0 29 2.4 9.8
AHDO-82-43 AL AES 3 2 3 0 29 2.8 8.3
AHDO-82-46-C AL AES 3 5 2 9 28 1.5 12.0
PMR 6 SC USDA 5 5 5 0 27 2.6 6.5

XPH 5087 Asgrow 4 5 4 0 27 2.6 8.0
NZ 84-3241 NAPB 5 5 5 0 21 2.0 12.4
XPH 5095 Asgrow 4 5 4 0 16 2.3 5.8
HSR 306 Hollar 5 5 5 0 13 3.7 9.2
XPH 5094 Asgrow 4 5 4 0 9 2.5 INA*

Table 13. Cantaloupe, netted, observational (cont.)

General Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
Mildew Resistancez Foliar (cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Downy Powdery Diseasez Early Total (lb/fruit) (Z)

WC-12 X AES 5 5 5 0 3 1.7 INA*

ZRated from 1, least resistant; to 5, most resistant.
YHarvested by June 10, 1987.
Comments: Planted February 24, 1987 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart and rows 10 ft
apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A 15-0-14 in 3 other
applications before flowering.

*Information not available.


Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. Elstrom
Planted: February 24, 1987
Harvested: May 29, 1987. Last of 13: June 26, 1987
Soil: Apopka fine sand

General Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
Mildew Resistancez Foliar (cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Downy Powdery Diseasez Early Total (lb/fruit) (Z)

HMX 5609 Harris Moran 3 5 3 11 174 4.8 13.3
PSR 185 PetoSeed 4 5 4 24 159 5.7 14.7
HXP 3590 Harris Moran 4 5 4 5 122 5.9 14.2
Earlidew PetoSeed 3 3 3 12 108 3.1 13.6
Honeydew Orange Flesh Harris Moran 3 5 3 12 105 2.4 13.7

PSR 3585 PetoSeed 4 5 4 0 99 3.6 10.2
Green Ice SC USDA 5 5 5 0 82 3.4 12.0
TAM Dew Improved Harris Moran 4 5 4 0 77 2.9 14.7
HMX 6594 Harris Moran 3 5 3 0 62 3.0 12.3
Mayan Sweet Leesburg CFREC 4 5 4 0 57 4.1 12.9

PMR Honeydew CA USDA 4 5 4 0 55 3.5 11.4
U.C. Honeyloupe CA AES 4 5 4 0 50 2.9 10.0
PSR 18185 PetoSeed 4 5 4 3 36 2.6 12.5

ZRated from 1, least resistant; to 5, most resistant.
YHarvested by June 10, 1987.
Comments: Planted February 24, 1987 in single-row plots 25 ft long
apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant
applications before flowering.

with hills 2.5 ft apart and rows 10 ft
and 650 lb/A 15-0-14 in 3 other



Abbott & Cobb, Inc.
P.O. Box 307
Feasterville, PA 19047

Agway, Inc.
Seed Plant
1225 Zeager Road
Elizabethtown, PA 17022

J. D. Norton
Department of Horticulture
Auburn University
Auburn, AL 36830

Asgrow Seed Co.
7000 Portage Rd.
Kalamazoo, MI 49001

W. Atlee Burpee Co.
300 Park Avenue
Warminster, PA 18991




Harris Moran





Abbott & Cobb

D. V. Burrell Seed Growers Co.
P.O. Box 150
Rocky Ford, CO 81067

F. Zink
Vegetable Crops Dept.
Univ. of California
Davis, CA 95616

Leesburg CFREC


G. W. Elmstrom
5336 Univ. Ave.
Leesburg, FL 32748

Musser Seed Co., Inc.
P.O. Box 1406
Twin Falls, ID 83301

J. D. McCreight
1636 East Alisal Street
Salinas, CA 93905

Ferry-Morse Seed Co.
P.O. Box 4938
Modesto, CA 95352-4938

Harris Moran Seed Co.
3670 Buffalo Rd.
Rochester, NY 14624

Hollar & Company, Inc.
P.O. Box 106
Rocky Ford, CO 81067

Harry S. Paris
Dept. of Vegetable Crops
A.R.O., Regional Expt. Sta.
Newe-Ya'ar, Israel







Appendix. Seed sources (cont.)







Nickerson American
Plant Breeders, Inc.
P.O. Box 1787
Gilroy, CA 95020

Northrup King Seed Co.
Vegetable Seed Group
P.O. Box 1827
Gilroy, CA 95023

Geo. W. Park Seed Co., Inc.
P.O. Box 4206
Cokesbury Road
Greenwood, SC 29646

PetoSeed Co., Inc.
P.O. Box 4206
Saticoy, CA 93003

C. E. Thomas
U.S. Vegetable Lab.
2875 Savannah Highway
Charleston, SC 29407

Seedway, Inc.
One Railroad Place
Hall, NY 14463

2320 Technology Pkwy.
Hollister, CA 95023

E. L. Cox
Texas Agr. Expt. Sta.
2415 E. Hwy. 83
Weslaco, TX 78596

Twilley Seed Co.
P.O. Box 65
Trevose, PA 19047

Willhite Seed Co.
P.O. Box 23
Poolville, TX 76076





Northrup King





. -,

D The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida.
3 A statewide organization dedicated to teaching, research and extension.
O Faculty located in Gainesville and at 23 Research and Education Centers
and 67 County Extension offices throughout the state.
3 A partnership in food and agriculture, and Natural and renewable resource
research and education, funded by state, federal and local government, and
by gifts and grants from individuals, foundations, government and indust-
O An organization whose mission is:
Educating students in the food, agricultural, and related sciences.
Strengthening Florida's diverse food and agricultural industry and its
environments through research.
Enhancing for all Floridians, the application of research and knowledge
to improve the quality of life statewide through IFAS Extension

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