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Copyright 2005, Board of Trustees, University
of Florida
1980 1989
Gary Elmstrom, Professor
Annette Chandler, Biological Scientist
Leesburg CFREC
Research Report
LBG 90-6
(300 copies)
S-'-ral Science
i; -i_,t, of Florida
University of Florida, IFAS
Central Florida Research & Education Center
5336 University Ave.
Leesburg, FL 34748
(904) 787-3423
The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences is an Equal Employment Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer authorized to provide research, educational
information, and other services only to individuals and institutions that function without regard to race, color, sex, or national origin.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central
Leader: G. W. Elmstrom
Planted: March 5, 1980
Harvested: April 25, 1980. Last
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Florida Research & Education Center
of 12: May 22, 1980
Yield (bu/A)
Foliar Disease Early Total
Cultivar Source Resistancez'y Fancy Marketablew Fancy Marketable
Sprint S Asgrow 3.7 a-c 183 a 318 a 328 ab 730 a
Monarch Asgrow 3.7 a-c 147 a-d 266 ab 324 ab 705 a
Slicemore Harris Moran 4.7 a 167 ab 260 b 306 ab 703 a
Belle Aire Agway 3.0 c-e 156 a-c 232 bc 348 a 654 a
Sprint 440S Asgrow 4.7 a 128 c-e 243 b 242 bc 622 a
Victory Petoseed 3.7 a-c 134 b-d 227 bc 268 ab 610 a
Smooth Set Herbst 2.3 de 50 g 167 de 162 c 604 a
Early Hyb. Stokes 2.0 e 135 b-d 241 b 280 ab 596 a
Dasher Petoseed 3.3 b-d 141 b-d 251 b 265 ab 579 a
Poinsett Twilley 4.7 a 92 ef 145 ef 262 a-c 565 a
Hyslice Sunseeds 2.7 c-e 133 b-d 233 bc 259 a-c 564 a
Poinsett 76 Sunseeds 4.7 a 59 fg 100 f 230 bc 537 a
Marketmore 76 Northrup King 4.3 ab 55 g 101 f 251 a-c 483 a
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YRated from 1, least resistant; to 5, most resistant.
XHarvested by May 10, 1980.
WMarketable yield includes U.S. Fancy, No. 1 and No. 2.
Comments: Planted March 5, 1980 in single-row plots 24 ft long with hills 2 ft apart in rows 10
ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A 15-0-14 in 3
other applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. Elastrom
Planted: February 27, 1981
Harvested: April 28, 1981. Last
Soil: Apopka fine sand
of 10: May 26, 1981
Yield (bu/A)
Earlyzy Total
Cultivar Source Fancy Marketablex Fancy Marketable Color Shapev
Sprint 440S Asgrow 81 a-c 193 ab 237 a-d 557 ab 4.0 a-c 3.3 cd
Victory Petoseed 72 a-e 211 a 222 a-f 534 a-c 3.3 bc 3.0 d
Slicemaster Twilley 96 a 183 ab 262 a-c 522 a-d 3.0 c 3.0 d
Poinsett 76 Twilley 47 c-g 72 f-h 313 a 481 a-e 4.3 ab 3.7 b-d
Monarch Asgrow 80 a-c 185 ab 201 b-f 464 a-e 4.3 ab 3.7 b-d
Poinsett SR Sunseeds 34 d-g 52 gh 289 ab 460 a-e 4.3 ab 3.7 b-d
Streamliner Burpee 47 c-g 173 a-d 126 f 456 a-e 3.0 c 3.0 d
Raider Harris Moran 76 a-d 160 a-d 207 b-f 435 a-e 4.3 ab 3.0 d
Dasher Twilley 67 a-e 143 b-e 222 a-f 427 a-e 4.3 ab 4.7 a
Poinsett Sunseeds 51 b-g 91 e-h 250 a-c 426 a-e 3.0 c 3.0 d
Centurion Northrup King 96 a 194 ab 185 c-f 423 a-e 4.3 ab 4.0 a-c
Medalist Harris Moran 31 e-g 59 gh 226 a-e 399 b-e 5.0 a 3.7 b-d
Guardian Northrup King 62 a-g 115 c-g 176 c-f 396 b-e 5.0 a 4.3 ab
Cherokee #7 Sunseeds 38 c-g 131 b-f 131 ef 372 c-e 3.0 c 3.7 b-d-
Marketmore 76 PM Sunseeds 21 g 31 h 231 a-d 353 e 4.0 a-c 4.0 a-c
Marketmore 72 NB Sunseeds 35 d-g 57 gh 198 b-f 351 e 4.3 ab 4.0 a-c
Table 2. Cucumber, fresh market, replicated (cont.)
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YHarvested by May 10, 1981.
XMarketable yield includes U.S. Fancy, No. 1 and No. 2.
WRated from 1, light yellow green; to 5, dark green.
Rated from 1, poor; to 5, excellent.
Comments: Planted February 27, 1981 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart in
rows 10 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A
15-0-14 in 3 other applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. Elastroa
Planted: February 22, 1982
Harvested: April 21, 1982. Last of 14: May 21, 1982
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Yield (bu/A)
Downy Mildew Earlyx Total
Cultivar Source Resistancez'y Fancy Marketablew Fancy Marketable Color Shape"
Dasher Petoseed 3.7 ab 87 a 181 ab 154 a 359 a 4.0 ab 3.7 ab
A&C Imp. Abbott & Cobb 4.0 a 72 a-c 178 a-c 129 a-d 357 a 3.0 c 3.0 a-c
Cypress Ferry-Morse 3.3 a-c 80 ab 186 a 136 a-c 354 a 3.0 c 2.7 bc
Pacer Harris Moran 4.0 a 75 ab 131 a-e 155 a 309 ab 4.0 ab 4.0 a
Early Triumph Abbott & Cobb 3.0 a-c 89 a 167 a-d 144 ab 307 ab 4.0 ab 3.0 a-c
Monarch Asgrow 3.0 a-c 53 a-f 154 a-e 99 a-e 287 a-c 4.3 a 3.3 ab
Poinsett Ferry-Morse 2.7 bc 59 a-e 143 a-e 103 a-e 272 a-c 3.0 c 3.3 ab
Crackerlee Harris Moran 3.3 a-c 69 a-d 114 a-e 139 a-c 261 a-c 3.0 c 3.7 ab
Triumph Petoseed 3.7 ab 43 b-f 92 b-e 104 a-e 247 a-c 3.0 c 3.0 a-c
Poinsett 76 Twilley 4.0 a 56 a-e 87 c-e 119 a-d 233 a-c 3.7 a-c 3.7 ab
Smooth Set Herbst 3.7 ab 31 c-f 108 a-e 56 d-f 225 a-c 2.0 d 2.0 c
Sprint 440S Asgrow 3.5 a-c 37 b-f 100 a-e 82 a-f 220 a-c 4.5 a 4.0 a
Slicemore Harris Moran 3.0 a-c 38 b-f 100 a-e 65 c-f 184 bc 3.3 bc 3.0 a-c
Comanche Park 2.3 c 17 ef 82 de 44 ef 155 bc 3.0 c 3.3 ab
Gourmet 2t Petoseed 2.3 132 246 3.3 1.0
Table 3. Cucumber, fresh market, replicated (cont.)
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YRated from 1, least resistant; to 5, most resistant.
Xlarvested by May 7, 1982.
WMarketable yield includes U.S. Fancy, No. 1 and No. 2.
VRated from 1, light yellow green; to 5, dark green.
URated from 1, poor; to 5, good.
Fruit of 'Gourmet #2' graded mostly into the U.S. No. 2 category.
Comments: Planted February 22, 1982 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart in rows 5
ft apart. Fertilization: 800 Ib/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A 14-0-14 or
15-0-14 in 3 other applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. Elmstrom
Planted: August 15, 1983
Harvested: September 27, 1983. Last of 11: October 21, 1983
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Yield (bn/A)
Mosaic Viruszy Early^ Total
Cultivar Source Plant Fruit Fancy Marketablew Fancy Marketable
Raider Harris Moran 1.3 a 3.3 a 63 ab 145 a 103 a 284 a
Slice Nice Sunseeds 1.7 a 1.7 a-c 54 a-e 133 ab 92 a 279 ab
Sprint 440 II Asgrow 1.7 a 3.0 ab 52 a-e 127 a-c 86 a 261 a-c
Setter Abbott & Cobb 1.3 a 2.3 a-c 68 a 145 a 97 a 252 a-d
A&C Imp. Abbott & Cobb 1.7 a 2.7 a-c 46 a-e 113 a-e 85 a 247 a-d
-------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Monarch Asgrow 2.7 a 2.3 a-c 43 b-e 111 a-e 66 a 240 a-e
Sprint 4405 Asgrow 1.3 a 1.0 c 48 a-e 113 a-e 79 a 230 a-e
Revenue Ferry-Morse 2.7 a 1.7 a-c 52 a-e 109 a-e 95 a 229 a-e
Dasher Petoseed 1.7 a 1.7 a-c 46 a-e 88 b-f 92 a 216 a-e
Early Triumph Petoseed 1.3 a 1.7 a-c 66 a 84 b-f 78 a 198 c-e
----------------------- ---------------- -------------- --- ---------------------
Dasher II Petoseed 2.3 a 1.7 a-c 51 a-e 81 b-f 81 a 186 de
Guardian Northrup King 1.0 a 1.3 bc 33 e 72 d-g 66 a 172 e
Poinsett '76 Sunseeds 1.3 a 1.0 c 12 f 45 fg 83 a 104 fg
Table 4. Cucumber, fresh market, replicated (cont.)
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YRated from 1, severe infection; to 5, no viral symptoms.
XHarvested by October 7, 1983.
Marketable yield includes U.S. Fancy, No. 1 and No. 2.
Comments: Planted August 15, 1983 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart in rows
10 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A 14-0-14 or
15-0-14 in 3 other applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central
Leader: G. W. Elmstrom
Planted: March 24, 1984
Harvested: April 30, 1984. Last
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Florida Research & Education Center
of 10: May 23, 1984
Yield (bu/A)
Powdery Mildew Earlyx Total
Cultivar Source Resistancezsy Fancy Marketablew Fancy Marketable
Dasher II Petoseed 5.0 a 95 a 170 a 150 ab 375 a
Flora-Cuke Petoseed 4.3 ab 83 ab 168 a 151 ab 369 ab
Early Triumph Petoseed 5.0 a 75 a-d 155 a 158 a 357 ab
Centurion Northrup King 4.3 ab 69 a-e 166 a 100 b-g 349 ab
A&C 1810 Abbott & Cobb 5.0 a 88 a 163 a 143 a-c 344 ab
------ -------- ---------------------------- ------- ---------------- ---
Slice Nice Sunseeds 4.0 ab 73 a-e 166 a 131 a-e 343 ab
PSX 681 Petoseed 5.0 a 64 a-f 161 a 124 a-f 341 ab
Setmore 100 Twilley 5.0 a 88 a 149 a 151 ab 330 ab
Maximore 100 Abbott & Cobb 5.0 a 63 a-f 128 a 132 a-d 322 ab
Maximore 101 Abbott & Cobb 4.7 ab 63 a-f 150 a 111 a-g 305 a-c
------------ --------------------------------- ----------------------- -----
Monarch Asgrow 2.3 c 64 a-f 182 a 78 d-h 301 a-c
Poinsett 76 Twilley 4.7 ab 39 ef 119 a 78 d-h 277 a-c
Dasher Petoseed 1.7 c 77 a-c 161 a 107 a-g 277 a-c
Sprint 440 II Asgrow 3.7 b 49 b-f 138 a 60 gh 263 a-c
Roadside Fancy Agway 1.7 c 63 a-f 145 a 82 d-h 248 a-c
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
Raider Harris Moran 1.7 c 52 b-f 154 a 72 f-h 237 bc
Burpee Hybrid II Burpee 2.0 c 34 f 124 a 40 h 186 c
Table 5. Cucumber, fresh market, replicated (cont.)
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YRated from 1, least resistant; to 5, most resistant.
XHarvested by May 11, 1984.
Marketable yield includes U.S. Fancy, No. 1 and No. 2.
Comments: Planted March 24, 1984 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart in rows
10 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A 14-0-14 or
15-0-14 in 3 other applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. Elustrom
Planted: August 6, 1984
Harvested: September 25, 1984. Last of 9: October 22, 1984
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Yield (bu/A)
Mildew Resistancezgy Earlyx Total
Cultivar Source Downy Powdery Fancy Marketablew Fancy Marketable
Centurion Northrup King 1.7 e 5.0 a 19 b-d 157 a 81 c-e 523 a
Dasher Petoseed 1.7 e 1.7 cd 32 ab 120 a-c 108 b-e 510 ab
Supersett Petoseed 2.3 d 5.0 a 23 b-d 127 a-c 123 a-c 501 ab
Slice King Sakata 2.3 d 2.3 b-d 17 b-d 131 a-c 111 b-d 491 a-c
Flora-Cuke Petoseed 3.0 bc 3.3 a-d 24 b-d 104 a-e 145 ab 490 a-c
Slice Nice Sunseeds 2.3 d 3.7 a-d 25 bc 116 a-c 128 a-c 489 a-c
Gyn 7 Sakata 2.0 de 2.0 b-d 17 b-d 126 a-c 79 c-e 460 a-c
Sprint 440 II Asgrow 2.3 d 3.3 a-d 16 b-d 123 a-c 75 c-e 443 a-d
Raider Harris Moran 2.0 de 1.3 d 18 b-d 115 a-c 108 b-e 428 a-d
Striker Asgrow 3.3 b 4.3 ab 16 b-d 55 d-g 73 c-e 383 b-e
Dasher II Petoseed 2.3 d 5.0 a 28 bc 109 a-d 104 b-e 364 c-e
Poinsett 76 Sunseeds 2.7 c 4.0 a-c 5 d 45 fg 69 c-e 323 d-f
Mean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test,
YRated from 1, least resistant; to 5, most resistant.
XHarvested by October 5, 1984
5% level.
yield includes U.S. Fancy, No. 1 and No. 2.
Planted August 16, 1984 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart in rows
5 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 Ib/A 14-0-14 or
15-0-14 in 3 other applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research &
Leader: G. W. Elmstrom
Planted: March 11, 1985
Harvested: May 3, 1985. Last of 10: May 28, 1985
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Education Center
Yield (bu/A)
Mildew Resistancez'y Earlyx Total Overall
Cultivar Source Downy Powdery Fancy Marketablew Fancy Marketable Colorv Shape Preference
Comet A Asgrow 1.7 de 0.0 d 60 a 165 ab 97 a-c 503 a 7.3 ab 7.7 ab 7.3 ab
Maximore 101 Abbott & Cobb 2.3 c-e 0.0 d 43 a-d 149 ab 79 a-f 477 ab 7.7 a 7.7 ab 7.3 ab
Maximore 100 Abbott & Cobb 3.0 b-e 0.0 d 50 a-c 156 ab 126 a 460 ab 7.7 a 8.0 a 8.0 a
Salad Bar Northrup King 1.0 e 0.7 cd 33 a-g 186 a 56 c-f 460 ab 7.0 ab 6.7 a-e 6.7 ab
Dynasty Petoseed 1.7 de 0.0 d 53 ab 145 ab 102 a-c 458 ab 7.3 ab 6.7 a-e 7.0 ab
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --
Flora-Cuke Petoseed 3.3 b-d 0.0 d 43 a-d 136 ab 101 a-c 439 a-c 7.0 ab 6.7 a-e 6.7 ab
Supersett Petoseed 3.7 a-d 0.0 d 40 a-e 132 ab 111 ab 435 a-c 7.0 ab 7.0 a-d 7.3 ab
Olympian Hollar 3.0 b-e 2.3 bc 31 b-g 151 ab 67 b-f 430 a-c 7.3 ab 6.3 b-f 6.3 b
Centurion Northrup King 1.0 e 0.0 d 31 b-g 123 ab 72 b-f 400 a-c 7.0 ab 6.3 b-f 6.7 ab
Sprint 440 II Asgrow 4.0 a-c 3.0 b 22 c-g 139 ab 42 d-f 395 a-c 7.3 ab 6.0 c-g 6.0 bc
------------------------ ---- ------------------------ --------------------------------------- ----- ------
Monarch Asgrow 4.3 a-c 2.7 bc 11 fg 127 ab 31 f 389 a-c 6.7 b 4.7 g 5.0 c
Slice King Sakata 4.0 a-c 3.0 b 9 g 89 bc 30 f 383 a-c 7.0 ab 5.7 d-g 6.0 bc
Early Triumph Petoseed 3.3 b-d 0.0 d 40 a-e 103 bc 87 a-e 360 a-c 7.0 ab 7.3 a-c 7.3 ab
Dasher II Petoseed 5.0 ab 0.0 d 48 a-c 127 ab 94 a-d 354 a-c 7.3 ab 7.3 a-c 7.3 a
Slice Max Sakata 4.7 ab 2.0 b-d 27 b-g 110 b 50 c-f 332 bc 6.7 b 6.0 c-g 6.0 bc
Poinsett 76 Petoseed 3.0 b-e 0.0 d 14 e-g 38 c 53 c-f 286 c 7.3 ab 7.0 a-d 7.0 ab
Poinsett 76 Petoseed 3.0 b-e 0.0 d 14 e-g 38 c 53 c-f 286 c 7.3 ab 7.0 a-d 7.0 ab
Table 7. Cucumber, fresh market, replicated (cont.)
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YRated from 0, most resistant; to 9, susceptible.
xHarvested by May 13, 1985.
Marketable yield includes U.S. Fancy, No. 1 and No. 2.
VRated from 1, unacceptable; to 9, most desirable.
Comments: Planted March 11, 1985 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart and rows 5 ft apart.
Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A 14-0-14 or 15-0-14 in 3 other applications
before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. Elmstrom
Planted: March 11, 1985
Harvested: May 3, 1985. Last of 10: May 28, 1985
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Yield (bu/A)
Mildew Resistancez Early Total Overall
Cultivar Source Downy Powdery Fancy Marketablex Fancy Marketable Color Shape Preference
Castor Shamrock 5 0 60 235 151 579 7 8 8
531 Shamrock 4 1 36 166 61 559 7 6 6
HXP 2414 Harris Moran 0 0 10 105 46 521 8 4 6
S614 Northrup King 3 0 37 128 146 499 7 5 5
HXP 2417 Harris Moran 3 1 21 156 23 481 6 5 6
S619 Northrup King 2 0 11 104 37 481 7 7 7
Comet A Asgrow 4 0 37 130 67 441 7 6 6
611 Shamrock 2 0 33 136 82 415 7 8 7
HXP 2412 Harris Moran 1 0 6 29 30 406 8 6 6
FMX 4629 Ferry-Morse 1 0 17 122 46 398 7 5 6
Dasher Petoseed 5 7 42 129 92 375 7 7 7
Castlehy 2509 Sunseeds 2 0 18 110 24 375 4 4 4
S620 Northrup King 1 0 6 95 16 353 8 4 5
581 A Shamrock 3 0 33 107 75 350 7 8 7
S618 Northrup King 0 0 17 92 37 345 7 5 5
605 Shamrock 5 0 21 82 69 340 7 7 7
Guardian Northrup King 1 0 27 90 64 302 7 5 5
641 A Shamrock 6 0 9 101 23 276 4 4 4
HXP 3402 Harris Moran 2 3 1 28 12 169 7 5 5
688 Shamrock 3 3 2 42 7 165 7 5 6
Table 8. Cucumber, fresh market, observational (cont.)
Yield (bu/A)
Mildew Resistancez Earlyy Total Overall
Cultivar Source Downy Powdery Fancy Marketablex Fancy Marketable Color Shape Preference
PST 184 Petoseed 2 0 3 41 18 144 8 6 7
PSX 238 Petoseed 3 0 8 42 13 125 8 5 6
S610 Northrup King 2 0 0 21 0 82 7 6 6
ZRated from 0, most resistant; to 9, susceptible.
YHarvested by May 13, 1985.
XMarketable yield includes U.S. Fancy, No. 1 and No. 2.
WRated from 1, unacceptable; to 9, most desirable.
Comments: Planted March 11, 1985 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart and rows 5 ft apart.
Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A 14-0-14 or 15-0-14 in 3 other applications
before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. Elmstrom
Planted: February 24, 1986
Harvested: May 2, 1986. Last of 9: May 30, 1986
Soil: Apopka fine sand
MildewV'y Yield (bu/A)
Resistance Earlyx Total
Cultivar Source Powdery Fancy Marketable Fancy Marketable Colorv Shapeu
HSR 271 Hollar 4.7 a 21 be 114 a-c 82 ab 390 a 5.0 a 4.3 a
Maximore 101 Abbott & Cobb 4.7 a 57 a 148 a 80 a-c 385 ab 4.3 a-c 3.3 ab
PSX 2484 Petoseed 4.3 a 28 bc 87 bc 95 a 377 ab 4.7 ab 4.3 a
Early Triumph Petoseed 4.3 a 34 a-c 116 a-c 77 a-c 366 a-c 4.7 ab 3.7 ab
Sprint 440 II Asgrow 5.0 a 29 a-c 138 ab 39 b-d 356 a-d 4.7 ab 2.7 b
Castor Shamrock 4.7 a 29 a-c 100 a-c 79 a-c 350 a-e 5.0 a 4.0 ab
Maximore 102 Abbott & Cobb 4.7 a 37 a-c 116 a-c 62 a-d 344 a-e 4.7 ab 3.7 ab
Maximore 100 Abbott & Cobb 4.7 a 44 ab 126 ab 76 a-d 338 a-e 4.7 ab 3.3 ab
HSR 267 Hollar 4.7 a 34 a-c 120 ab 53 a-d 337 a-e 4.7 ab 4.0 ab
HSR 257 Hollar 5.0 a 44 ab 130 ab 57 a-d 336 a-e 3.7 c 3.0 ab
------------------------------------------------------------ ----- -----------------
PSX 2384 Petoseed 4.7 a 32 a-c 113 a-c 70 a-d 323 a-e 4.7 ab 4.0 ab
Dasher II Petoseed 4.7 a 33 a-c 102 a-c 66 a-d 320 a-e 4.3 a-c 3.3 ab
Flora Cuke Petoseed 5.0 a 47 ab 130 ab 77 a-d 318 a-e 4.7 ab 3.7 ab
Comet A Asgrow 4.3 a 21 bc 90 bc 51 a-d 302 a-e 5.0 a 4.0 ab
Salad Bar Northrup King 4.3 a 28 bc 139 ab 30 d 292 a-e 4.0 bc 3.0 ab
NIZ 1025 Shamrock 4.3 a 39 a-c 96 a-c 63 a-d 289 a-e 5.0 a 3.3 ab
Centurion Northrup King 5.0 a 24 bc 101 a-c 37 b-d 283 b-e 4.7 ab 3.3 ab
NIZ 688 Shamrock 2.3 b 32 a-c 124 ab 43 b-d 263 c-e 5.0 a 3.3 ab
Olympian Hollar 4.7 a 29 a-c 106 a-c 40 b-d 260 de 5.0 a 3.3 ab
Revenue Ferry-Morse 2.0 b 30 a-c 128 ab 41 b-d 258 de 4.7 ab 3.0 ab
Table 9. Cucumber, fresh market, replicated (cont.)
xildesi 'y Yield (bu/A)
Resistance Earlyx Total
Cultivar Source Powdery Fancy Marketable" Fancy Marketable Colorv Shapeu
Poinsett 76 Petoseed 4.3 a 14 c 62 c 33 cd 249 e 4.3 a-c 3.7 ab
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YRated from 1, least resistant; to 5, most resistant.
XHarvested by May 12, 1986.
WMarketable yield includes U.S. Fancy, No. 1 and No. 2.
Rated from 1, light green; to 5, dark green.
URated from 1, poor; to 5, excellent.
Comments: Planted February 24, 1986 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart and rows
5 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A 15-0-14 in 3
other applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. Elastrom
Planted: February 24, 1986
Harvested: May 2, 1986. Last of 9: May 30, 1986
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Mildewz Yield (bu/A)
Resistance Earlyy Total
Cultivar Source Powdery Fancy Marketablex Fancy Marketable Colorw Shapev
NVH 2101 Northrup King 5 72 219 120 527 5 4
FMX 4440 Ferry-Morse 5 69 187 114 527 5 5
T 603 Northrup King 5 70 244 75 524 5 4
86 CEM Musser 5 41 103 96 503 3 2
S 612 Northrup King 5 67 198 98 453 5 3
--- ------------------------------------------------ e---------------------------
HSR 270 Hollar 4 73 199 118 442 5 4
HSR 269 Hollar 5 42 140 61 424 5 4
HSR 281 Hollar 5 20 123 27 424 4 3
HSR 260 Hollar 5 26 149 45 398 5 3
T 600 Northrup King 4 46 166 70 392 5 5
T 602 Northrup King 5 27 166 27 383 5 3
T 620 Northrup King 4 16 159 25 376 3 3
NIZ 611 Shamrock 4 16 81 51 342 4 3
HSR 258 Hollar 5 12 121 23 340 3 3
PSR 184 Petoseed 5 30 134 35 340 5 3
------------------------- -------- -----------------------------------------------------
HSR 272 Hollar 5 16 127 25 339 5 4
PSX 9584 Petoseed 3 16 146 21 333 5 3
HSR 280 Hollar 4 17 136 28 311 4 4
NIZ 673 Shamrock 3 25 106 33 305 5 4
T 626 Northrup King 5 25 139 45 287 4 3
------ -------------------------------- -------------------------------------- ----------
Table 10. Cucumber, fresh market, observational (cont.)
Mildewz Yield (bu/A)
Resistance Early7 Total
x v v
Cultivar Source Powdery Fancy Marketable Fancy Marketable Color Shape
NIZ 543 Shamrock 4 20 72 69 280 5 5
T 627 Northrup King 5 22 113 25 266 4 3
HSR 268 Hollar 5 18 95 35 253 4 3
XPH 1473 Asgrow 5 30 91 30 232 4 3
Shamrock #1 Shamrock 5 19 73 19 207 4 3
-- -- - - - - - ---------------------
Streamliner Burpee 2 29 117 29 200 3 3
ZRated from 1, least resistant; to 5, most resistant.
YHarvested by May 12, 1986.
Marketable yield includes U.S. Fancy, No. 1 and No. 2.
WRated from 1, light green; to 5, dark green.
VRated from 1, poor; to 5, excellent.
Comments: Planted February 24, 1986 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart and rows
5 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A 15-0-14 in 3
other applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research and Education Center
Leader: G. W. Elustrom
Planted: August 18, 1986
Harvested: September 29, 1986. Last of 7: October 20, 1986
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Yield (bu/A)
Earlyw Total
Cultivar Source Diseasez'y Virus Fancy ar able Fancy Marketable Coloru Shapet
Early Pride Burpee 7.0 ab 5.7 a 76 a-c 220 a 89 b-e 359 a 5.7 cd 6.0 ab
HXP 3419 Harris Moran 6.0 c-e 4.0 a-c 53 c-e 197 a-d 69 c-f 358 a 6.0 b-d 5.3 b
HSR 258 Hollar 6.0 c-e 4.0 a-c 67 b-d 199 a-d 125 a 347 ab 4.0 e 5.7 ab
NIZ 688 Shamrock 6.0 c-e 4.7 a-c 97 a 203 a-c 118 ab 340 a-c 5.3 cd 7.3 a
HSR 271 Hollar 6.0 c-e 5.0 a-c 59 cd 197 a-d 84 b-e 334 a-d 6.0 b-d 6.3 ab
-- ----------------------------------------------------- --------------- ----------
NIZ 062 Shamrock 5.7 d-f 5.3 ab 76 a-c 173 a-f 105 a-c 328 a-e 5.0 de 6.0 ab
XPH 1471 Asgrow 6.0 c-e 4.3 a-c 60 cd 178 a-f 86 b-e 327 a-e 7.3 a 7.3 a
Castlehy 2514 Sunseeds 5.7 d-f 4.3 a-c 59 cd 169 b-f 82 b-e 315 a-e 6.0 b-d 6.0 ab
PSX 2484 Petoseed 5.3 e-g 4.3 a-c 91 ab 155 c-g 123 a 314 a-e 6.3 a-c 6.3 ab
Maximore 100 Abbott & Cobb 6.3 b-d 4.3 a-c 62 cd 183 a-e 85 b-e 309 a-e 5.3 cd 6.3 ab
----------------n---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---
Poinsett 76 Petoseed 7.0 ab 4.7 a-c 11 f 117 g 17 g 305 a-e 5.7 cd 5.3 b
Comet A Asgrow 6.0 c-e 5.0 a-c 48 c-e 177 a-f 61 d-f 297 a-e 5.7 cd 6.0 ab
Exp 776 Sakata Seed 6.0 c-e 5.0 a-c 42 de 166 b-f 53 ef 294 a-e 5.3 cd 5.3 b
PSX 2384 Petoseed 6.0 c-e 4.7 a-c 54 c-e 158 b-g 75 c-e 288 a-e 6.0 b-d 5.3 b
PSR 184 Petoseed 7.3 a 5.0 a-c 66 b-d 205 ab 69 c-f 286 a-e 6.0 b-d 5.3 b
------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------- --
Castlehy 2512 Sunseeds 6.7 a-c 4.7 a-c 50 c-e 152 d-g 64 d-f 286 a-e 6.0 b-d 6.7 ab
Maximore 101 Abbott & Cobb 6.7 a-c 5.0 a-c 58 c-e 163 b-g 77 c-e 284 a-e 6.0 b-d 5.7 ab
Exp 26 Sakata Seed 4.7 g 3.0 c 29 ef 133 fg 35 fg 282 a-e 7.0 ab 6.0 ab
Early Triumph Petoseed 6.3 b-d 3.3 bc 59 cd 150 d-g 82 b-e 281 a-e 5.7 cd 5.7 ab
HXP 2412 Harris Moran 5.0 fg 3.7 a-c 65 b-d 138 e-g 92 a-d 276 b-e 5.7 cd 6.3 ab
--------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table 11. Cucumber, fresh market, replicated (cont.)
Yield (bu/A)
Early Total
Cultivar Source DiseaseZ y Virusx Fancy Marketablev Fancy Marketable Coloru Shapet
GSV 1383 Northrup King 6.3 b-d 4.7 a-c 53 c-e 175 a-f 60 d-f 274 b-e 5.0 de 6.0 ab
Centurion Northrup King 7.0 ab 5.7 a 46 de 177 a-f 54 ef 266 c-e 5.3 cd 6.0 ab
Dasher II Petoseed 6.7 a-c 3.7 a-c 50 c-e 162 b-g 59 d-f 258 de 5.7 cd 5.3 b
FMX 4440 Ferry-Morse 6.0 c-e 4.3 a-c 56 c-e 146 e-g 67 d-f 250 e 5.7 cd 6.3 ab
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YRated from 0, immune; to 9, plant dead.
XRated from 0, immune; to 9, plant dead.
WHarvested by September 9, 1986.
VMarketable yield includes U.S. Fancy, No. 1 and No. 2.
URated from 1, white; to 9, very-dark-!green.
tRated from 1, poor; to 9, excellent.
Comments: Planted August 18, 1986 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart and rows 5 ft
apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 Ib/A 15-0-14 in 3 other
applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg
Leader: G. W. Elmstrom
Planted: April 8, 1987
Harvested: May 26, 1987.
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Central Florida Research & Education Center
Last of 7: June 11, 1987
Mildewz'y Yield (bu/A)
Resistance Earlyx Total
Cultivar Source Downy Fancy Marketable Fancy Marketable Color Shapeu
HSR 269 Hollar 3.0 c-e 20 b-e 136 ab 37 b-f 334 a 6.0 ab 6.7 a-d
Dasher II Petoseed 2.7 c-f 35 ab 125 a-c 71 a 305 ab 7.7 ab 8.0 ab
NIZ 49 Shamrock 2.0 d-g 11 de 100 b-f 44 a-f 287 a-c 5.7 b 7.7 a-c
Flora Cuke Petoseed 3.0 c-e 29 a-d 116 a-e --54 a-f- 285 a-c 5.3 b 6.3 a-d
HSR 270 Hollar 3.0 c-e 12 de 103 a-e 41 a-f 283 a-c 7.0 ab 7.0 a-c
Encore Harris Moran 1.0 g 22 a-e 91 c-g 48 a-f 282 a-c 7.3 ab 7.0 a-c
HSR 271 Hollar 2.3 d-g 19 b-e 107 a-e 52 a-f 280 a-c 7.0 ab 6.7 a-d
Centurion Northrup King 1.3 fg 14 c-e 110 a-e 40 a-f 278 a-c 6.7 ab 7.7 a-c
HXP 2415 Harris Moran 3.0 c-e 16 b-e 79 e-g 68 a-c 277 a-c 7.0 ab 6.0 a-d
NVH 2102 Northrup King 2.7 c-f 19 b-e 141 a 22 f 274 a-d 6.7 ab 8.7 a
Castor Shamrock 2.3 d-g 33 a-c 112 a-e 69 ab 274 a-d 7.3 ab 7.0 a-c
Monarch Asgrow 4.0 bc 11 de 118 a-d 30 d-f 270 a-d 5.7 b 3.7 d
NIZ 50 Shamrock 2.7 c-f 9 de 98 c-f 25 ef 266 a-d 6.7 ab 6.3 a-d
HXP 2416 Harris Moran 1.0 g 17 b-e 126 a-c 35 c-f 266 a-d 6.7 ab 3.7 d
Maximore 102 Abbott & Cobb 2.7 c-f 20 b-e 110 a-e 43 a-f 266 a-d 7.0 ab 7.7 a-c
Comet A Asgrow 2.7 c-f 19 b-e 99 b-f 50 a-f 266 a-d 6.7 ab 6.0 a-d
Maximore 101 Abbott & Cobb 1.3 fg 27 a-d 102 b-e 42 a-f 262 a-d 7.0 ab 6.3 a-d
Maximore 100 Abbott & Cobb 2.3 d-g 27 a-d 110 a-e 64 a-c 260 a-d 6.0 ab 7.3 a-c
Olympian Hollar 1.3 fg 20 b-e 94 c-f 37 b-f 259 a-d 6.3 ab 5.3 b-d
HXP 2400 Harris Moran 3.3 cd 25 a-d 11 a-e 50 a-f 250 b-d 7.7 ab 6.7 a-d
--------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Table 12. Cucumber, fresh market, replicated (cont.)
Mildewz'y Yield (bu/A)
Resistance Earlyx Total
Cultivar Source Downy Fancy MarketableW Fancy Marketable Colorv Shapeu
HXP 2403 Harris Moran 2.7 c-f 10 de 95 c-f 24 ef 238 b-d 7.7 ab 4.7 cd
Revenue Ferry-Morse 5.7 a 40 a 100 b-f 57 a-e 236 b-d 6.7 ab 6.7 a-d
Comet 86 Agway 5.0 ab 26 a-d 91 c-g 59 a-d 235 b-d 5.3 b 5.7 a-d
Poinsett 76 Petoseed 1.7 e-g 5 e 56 g 23 f 229 b-d 6.3 ab 5.3 b-d
HXP 2413 Harris Moran 3.3 cd 12 de 84 d-g 29 d-f 223 cd 7.0 ab 6.7 a-d
P 2412 Harris Moran 3.0 -------e 0 de 63 fg 44 a-f 198 d 8.3 a 8.0 ab
HXP 2412 Harris Moran 3.0 c-e 10 de 63 fg 44 a-f 198 d 8.3 a 8.0 ab
ZMean separation by Duncan's
YRated from 0, immune; to 9,
XHarvested by June 1, 1987.
Rated from
URated from
New Multiple
plant dead.
Range Test, 5% level.
yield includes U.S. Fancy, No. 1 and No. 2.
1, white; to 9, very dark green.
1, poor; to 9, excellent.
Planted April 8, 1987 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart and rows 5
ft apart. Fertilization: 800 Ib/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A 15-0-14 in 3
other applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. Elmstrom
Planted: April 8, 1987
Harvested: May 26, 1987. Last of 7: June 11, 1987
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Mildewz Yield (bu/A)
Resistance Early Total
Cultivar Source Downy Fancy Marketable Fancy Marketable Color Shape
Bellando Royal Sluis 1 20 112 106 340 7 8
Early Triumph Petoseed 3 8 115 84 297 8 8
HXP 3419 Harris Moran 3 21 113 66 296 8 9
Supersett Petoseed 2 46 114 99 292 9 9
PSX 2384 Petoseed 2 17 115 70 289 7 8
HSR 318 Hollar 2 22 123 41 285 7 6
PSX 2484 Petoseed 2 18 99 81 272 8 8
ARCO 1301 Sunseeds 2 21 116 21 272 3 4
NIZ 543 Shamrock 6 31 105 38 269 6 8
PSR 184 Petoseed 1 32 144 42 259 7 8
ARCO 960 Sunseeds 2 29 117 60 259 8 8
ARCO 850 Sunseeds 2 15 125 29 250 8 6
FMX 4440 Ferry-Morse 3 21 123 47 247 6 9
XPH 1473 Asgrow 1 15 116 27 247 8 8
NIZ 1532 Shamrock 3 23 104 64 241 4 6
NS 6272 Neuman 5 0 131 0 239 3 7
ARCO 813 Sunseeds 2 11 99 23 236 9 7
Roadside Fancy Agway 4 10 64 44 231 8 8
NS 1002 Neuman 1 32 101 49 225 5 9
NS 1001 Neuman 5 26 101 40 219 6 7
----------- ------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
Cucumber, fresh market, observational (cont.)
Mildewv Yield (bu/A)
Resistance Early Total
Cultivar Source Downy Fancy Marketablex Fancy Marketable Colorw Shapev
Striker Asgrow 2 0 131 0 219 7 7
HXP 2410 Harris Moran 2 4 84 19 219 8 8
NS 1000 Neuman 6 24 104 36 208 6 4
HXP 2417 Harris Moran 1 36 97 44 200 8 9
NS 6255 Neuman 4 10 98 10 198 9 7
Exp. No. 26 Sakata 2 29 76 46 193 8 7
HSR 317 Hollar 2 6 92 16 188 9 6
NS 6262 Neuman 4 32 79 29 185 7 8
NS 6273 Neuman 5 8 83 30 174 8 2
NS 1034 Neuman 1 16 63 53 165 6 8
NS 6253 Neuman 3 4 73 10 148 9 5
Exp. No. 776 Sakata 1 0 14 5 136 6 3
XPH 1588 Asgrow 3 6 28 27 122 5 2
ZRated from 0, immune; to 9, plant dead.
YHarvested by June 1, 1987.
XMarketable yield includes U.S. Fancy, No. 1 and No. 2.
WRated from 1, white; to 9, very dark green.
VRated from 1, poor; to 9, excellent.
Comments: Planted April 8, 1987 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart and rows 5
ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A 15-0-14 in 3
other applications before flowering.
Table 13.
CUCUMBER, FRESH MARKET, REPLICATED-Disease Resistance and Quality Evaluation
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research
Leader: G. W. Elmstrom
Planted: March 8, 1988
Harvested: May 6, 1988. Last of 9: June 3, 1988
Soil: Apopka fine sand
& Education Center
Foliar Overall
Cultivar Source Diseasez2y Colorx Shape Vigorv Impressionu
HXP 2415 Harris Moran 4.7 ef 6.3 ab 5.7 ab 3.3 ac 6.0 a
Sunre 1628 Sunseeds 4.7 ef 5.0 bc 5.0 ab 3.3 a-c 4.3 ab
HXP 2417 Harris Moran 4.7 ef 6.0 ab 5.3 ab 3.7 ab 5.7 ab
Comet A Asgrow 4.7 ef 6.0 ab 5.3 ab 3.3 a-c 5.7 ab
General Lee Ferry-Morse 5.0 d-f 4.0 c 4.3 b 3.3 a-c 3.7 b
XPH 1588 Asgrow 6.0 a-e 6.7 b 6.3 ab 2.7 c-e 6.0 a
Poinsett 76 Petoseed 3.7 f 5.7 a-c 5.0 ab 4.0 a 5.0 ab
Striker Asgrow 5.0 d-f 6.0 ab 5.3 ab 3.0 b-d 4.7 ab
Poinsett 76 Northrup King 4.7 ef 6.0 ab 5.3 ab 3.0 b-d 5.7 ab
Comet A II Asgrow 5.3 c-e 7.0 a 5.3 ab 3.0 b-d 4.7 ab
Seneca Trailblazer Robson 5.3 c-e 5.7 a-c 5.0 ab 3.0 b-d 4.7 ab
MBP 76 Musser 5.7 b-e 6.7 ab 6.7 a 3.0 b-d 6.0 a
NVH 2102 Northrup King 5.0 d-f 5.7 a-c 4.7 ab 3.0 b-d 4.7 ab
Maximore 101 Abbott & Cobb 5.0 d-f 6.3 ab 6.7 a 3.0 b-d 6.0 a
A & C 1811 Abbott & Cobb 6.7 a-c 5.7 a-c 4.7 ab 3.0 b-d 4.7 ab
Bellando Royal Sluis 4.7 ef 5.7 a-c 5.0 ab 3.7 ab 5.3 ab
Dasher II Petoseed 5.0 d-f 5.7 a-c 6.0 ab 2.7 c-e 5.7 ab
PSX 184 Petoseed 5.3 c-e 5.3 a-c 4.3 b 2.0 e 4.7 ab
Sunre 864 Sunseeds 5.0 d-f 5.3 a-c 4.3 b 2.3 de 4.3 ab
Burpee Hybrid II Burpee 6.3 a-d 5.0 bc 5.0 ab 3.3 a-c 4.3 ab
Table 14. Cucumber, fresh market, replicated-disease resistance and quality evaluation (cont.)
Foliar Overall
Cultivar Source Diseasez'y Colorx Shapew Vigorv Impressionu
Darina Royal Sluis 6.3 a-d 5.3 a-c 4.3 b 2.3 de 4.0 ab
Early Pride Burpee 7.0 ab 5.7 a-c 5.0 ab 2.3 de 5.7 ab
FMX 4761 Ferry-Morse 5.0 d-f 5.3 a-c 4.3 b 2.3 de 4.7 ab
Hyb. 87C43 Musser 7.3 a 6.3 ab 5.3 ab 2.3 de 5.0 ab
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YRated from 0, immune; to 9, plant dead.
XRated from 1, white; to 9, very dark green.
Rated from 1, poor; to 9, excellent.
VRated from 1, poor; to 5, excellent.
URated from 1, poor; to 9, excellent.
Comments: Planted March 8, 1988 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart and
rows 10 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 Ib/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A
15-0-14 in 3 other applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central
Leader: G. W. Elmstrom
Planted: March 8, 1988
Harvested: May 6, 1988. Last of
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Florida Research & Education Center
9: June 3, 1988
Actual Yield (bu/A) Corrected Yield (bu/A)w
Earlyz'y Total Early Total
Cultivar Source Fancy Marketablex Fancy Marketable Fancy Marketable Fancy Marketable
HXP 2415 Harris Moran 14 a-e 56 b-d 54 a 238 a 17 a-d 68 bc 68 a 298 ab
Sunre 1628 Sunseeds 4 c-e 85 ab 14 c-f 233 a 5 b-d 109 ab 19 c-f 308 a
HXP 2417 Harris Moran 9 a-e 69 b-d 26 b-e 218 ab 10 a-d 78 bc 29 c-f 245 a-c
Comet A Asgrow 5 c-e 60 b-d 21 c-f 218 ab 6 b-d 74 bc 26 c-f 269 ab
General Lee Ferry-Morse 13 a-e 73 b-d 44 ab 214 ab 16 a-d 96 a-c 57 ab 280 ab
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
XPH 1588 Asgrow 19 ab 120 a 28 b-e 210 ab 22 ab 140 a 32 b-e 242 a-c
Poinsett 76 Petoseed 11 a-e 47 b-d 24 b-f 204 ab 12 a-d 56 bc 29 c-f 247 a-c
Striker Asgrow 9 a-e 68 b-d 23 b-f 204 ab 12 a-d 94 a-c 32 b-e 279 ab
Poinsett 76 Northrup King 10 a-e 63 b-d 25 b-e 202 ab 15 a-d 94 a-c 38 b-d 297 ab
Comet A II Asgrow 19 ab 90 ab 22 b-f 196 a-c 22 ab 107 ab 25 c-f 241 a-c
Seneca Trailblazer Robson 12 a-e 86 ab 24 b-f 196 a-c 14 a-d 102 ab 28 c-f 232 a-c
MBP 76 Musser 14 a-e 79 a-c 23 b-f 194 a-c 16 a-d 90 a-c 25 c-f 221 a-d
NVH 2102 Northrup King 5 b-e 57 b-d 13 c-f 193 a-c 7 b-d 83 bc 22 c-f 298 ab
Maximore 101 Abbott & Cobb 20 a 79 a-c 32 a-d 187 a-c 24 a 94 a-c 38 b-d 223 a-d
A & C 1811 Abbott & Cobb 10 a-e 72 b-d 18 c-f 181 a-c 12 a-d 87 a-c 21 c-f 222 a-d
Bellando Royal Sluis 11 a-e 60 b-d 19 c-f 178 a-d 18 a-d 102 ab 32 b-e 294 ab
Dasher II Petoseed 17 a-c 66 b-d 34 a-c 177 a-d 21 ab 85 bc 46 a-c 247 a-c
PSX 184 Petoseed 8 a-e 69 b-d 10 d-f 163 a-d 11 a-d 97 a-c 14 d-f 229 a-c
Sunre 864 Sunseeds 2 de 51 b-d 10 d-f 160 a-d 2 d 78 bc 14 d-f 245 a-c
Burpee Hybrid II Burpee 3 c-e 55 b-d 7 ef 147 b-d 3 cd 61 bc 8 ef 168 cd
Table 15. Cucumber, fresh market, replicated-yield (cont.)
Actual Yield (bu/A) Corrected Yield (bu/A)w
Early y Total Early Total
Cultivar Source Fancy Marketablex Fancy Marketable Fancy Marketable Fancy Marketable
Darina Royal Sluis 13 a-e 71 b-d 23 b-f 145 b-d 18 a-d 103 ab 33 b-e 213 b-d
Early Pride Burpee 16 a-d 67 b-d 19 c-f 122 cd 20 a-c 86 bc 24 c-f 160 cd
FMX 4761 Ferry-Morse 1 e 40 cd 2 f 100 d 1 d 75 bc 4 f 208 b-d
Hyb. 87C43 Musser 8 a-e 34 d 14 c-f 100 d 10 a-d 45 c 18 d-f 131 d
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
Harvested by May 15, 1988.
XMarketable yield includes U.S. Fancy, No. 1 and No. 2.
Yields corrected for plants missing due to frost and wind damage.
Comments: Planted March 8, 1988 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart and rows 10 ft
apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 Ib/A 15-0-14 in 3 other
applications before flowering.
CUCUMBER, FRESH MARKET, OBSERVATIONAL-Disease Resistance and Quality Evaluation
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research
Leader: G. W. Ellstrom
Planted: March 8, 1988
Harvested: May 6, 1988. Last of 9: June 3, 1988
Soil: Apopka fine sand
& Education Center
Foliar Overall
Cultivar Source Diseasez Colory Shape' Vigorw Impressionv
Discovery Musser 5 4 5 4 5
Maximore 102 Abbott & Cobb 4 5 6 3 5
XPH 1473 Asgrow 6 5 4 3 4
Monarch Asgrow 6 5 5 3 5
Comet 86 Agway 6 7 5 3 5
Flora-Cuke Petoseed 5 6 7 3 5
NIZ 2047 Shamrock 5 6 5 2 5
NIZ CSX-70 Shamrock 5 6 6 3 5
RXPG 816 Robson 4 6 5 3 5
ACX 871401 Abbott & Cobb 8 6 6 2 9
Revenue Ferry-Morse 6 7 5 3 4
Centurion Northrup King 5 5 5 3 5
ACX 871402 Abbott & Cobb 8 4 5 3 2
Exp. Hyb. 87C43 Musser 8 6 5 3 5
Exp. Hyb. 87C36 Musser 5 6 4 2 4
ACX 877884 Abbott & Cobb 5 5 5 2 5
Maximore 100 Abbott & Cobb 5 6 5 3 8
NIZ CSX-71 Shamrock 5 5 2 2 3
NIZ CSX-85 Shamrock 5 6 4 2 5
NIZ CSX-90 Shamrock 5 6 2 2 3
Table 16. Cucumber, fresh market, observational-disease resistance and quality eval. (cont.)
ZRated from
Rated from
XRated from
Rated from
VRated from
0, immune; to 9, plant dead.
1, white; to 9, very dark green.
1, poor; to 9, excellent.
1, poor; to 5, excellent.
1, poor; to 9, excellent.
Planted March 8, 1988 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart and
rows 10 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 Ib/A
15-0-14 in 3 other applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central
Leader: G. W. Elastrom
Planted: March 8, 1988
Harvested: May 6, 1988. Last of
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Florida Research & Education Center
9: June 3, 1988
Actual Yield (bu/A) Corrected Yield (bu/A)w
Earlyz'y Total Early Total
Cultivar Source Fancy Marketablex Fancy Marketable Fancy Marketable Fancy Marketable
Discovery Musser 27 120 34 249 32 140 40 292
Maximore 102 Abbott & Cobb 15 82 28 244 19 106 36 314
XPH 1473 Asgrow 16 122 24 213 20 151 29 262
Monarch Asgrow 21 110 32 195 29 149 43 263
Comet 86 Agway 31 97 47 190 45 138 67 270
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Flora-Cuke Petoseed 20 68 36 187 26 88 47 242
NIZ 2047 Shamrock 6 82 15 179 7 96 18 210
NIZ CSX-70 Shamrock 9 67 11 171 11 86 15 220
RXPG 816 Robson 8 70 15 164 8 73 15 170
ACX 871401 Abbott & Cobb 9 69 23 150 10 81 27 175
--------------- ----- ----------------------- ------------------ ---- -
Revenue Ferry-Morse 15 87 21 149 17 101 24 175
Centurion Northrup King 9 55 13 147 11 74 17 198
ACX 871402 Abbott & Cobb 4 90 4 143 5 101 5 162
Exp. Hyb. 87C43 Musser 5 65 5 132 8 97 8 198
Exp. Hyb. 87C36 Musser 0 43 4 121 0 54 5 149
ACX 877884 Abbott & Cobb 3 61 3 119 5 103 5 201
Maximore 100 Abbott & Cobb 8 82 22 119 10 106 29 153
NIZ CSX-71 Shamrock 3 30 11 95 8 88 31 283
NIZ CSX-85 Shamrock 0 30 2 92 0 67 5 208
NIZ CSX-90 Shamrock 0 26 0 70 0 44 0 119
........ ------------------------ --- --------------- --- --------------- -----------
Table 17. Cucumber, fresh market, observational-yield (cont.)
ZHarvested by May 15, 1988.
YMarketable yield includes U.S. Fancy, No. 1 and No. 2.
WYields corrected for plants missing due to late frost.
Comments: Planted March 8, 1988 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart and rows 10 ft
apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A 15-0-14 in 3 other
applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research &
Leader: G. W. Elmstrom
Planted: August 15, 1989
Harvested: September 28, 1989. Last of 6: October
Education Center
17, 1989
Soil: Apopka fine sand
General Yield (bu/A)
Foliar Earlyx Total
Entry Source Diseasez'y Fancy Marketablew Fancy Marketable Colorv Shapeu
Slice Max Sakata 3.0 ab 105 a 230 ab 139 a-c 556 a 8.0 a 8.0 a-c
Sunex 3706 Sunseeds 3.0 ab 40 a-d 208 a-c 65 d-i 487 ab 6.0 b-d 5.7 de
Supersett Petoseed 3.7 ab 40 a-d 224 ab 75 a-i 482 ab 6.7 a-c 6.0 c-e
Maximore 101 Abbott & Cobb 4.3 a 100 a 227 ab 142 ab 466 a-c 7.7 ab 8.7 a
Maximore 103 Abbott & Cobb 4.0 ab 58 a-d 228 ab 64 d-i 457 a-d 8.0 a 7.7 a-d
--------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
Dasher II Petoseed 4.0 ab 78 a-c 206 a-c 91 a-h 450 a-d 6.3 a-c 6.0 c-e
Sunre 1654 Sunseeds 3.7 ab 65 a-d 209 a-c 88 a-h 446 a-d 6.7 a-c 6.7 a-e
Striker Asgrow 2.7 b 40 a-d 171 a-h 84 a-h 445 a-d 7.3 a-c 6.7 a-e
Maximore 104 Abbott & Cobb 3.3 ab 76 a-c 203 a-d 99 a-g 443 a-d 6.7 a-c 7.7 a-d
Sooner Neuman 3.0 ab 66 a-d 100 d-j 146 a 435 a-d 4.3 e 8.0 a-c
-- ------------------ --------------------------- -------------------- -------------------------------
XPH 1606 Asgrow 3.7 ab 25 b-d 185 a-f 40 f-i 435 a-d 7.3 a-c 6.0 c-e
Serit Shamrock 3.3 ab 85 ab 176 a-g 119 a-d 434 a-d 7.3 a-c 7.3 a-e
Castor Shamrock 4.0 ab 48 a-d 150 a-i 90 a-h 427 a-d 6.3 a-c 6.7 a-e
XPH 1605 Asgrow 4.0 ab 56 a-d 185 a-f 81 a-h 412 a-d 6.7 a-c 6.3 b-e
Seneca Trailblazer Robson 3.3 ab 91 ab 184 a-f 118 a-e 408 a-d 7.7 ab 7.0 a-e
-------------------- ------------------------------------ ------------------- -
Slice Nice Sunseeds 3.3 ab 63 a-d 146 a-i 95 a-h 408 a-d 7.0 a-c 7.3 a-e
Slice King Sakata 3.7 ab 33 b-d 192 a-e 36 g-i 391 a-e 7.7 ab 7.7 a-d
Centurion Northrup King 3.0 ab 55 a-d 148 a-i 84 a-h 387 a-f 7.0 a-c 6.7 a-e
FMX 4762 Ferry-Morse 3.0 ab 62 a-d 245 a 67 c-i 374 b-f 7.3 a-c 6.7 a-e
HMX 2417 Harris Moran 3.0 ab 55 a-d 136 b-j 85 a-h 373 b-f 7.0 a-c 7.0 a-e
Cucumber, fresh market, replicated (cont.)
General Yield (bu/A)
Foliar Earlyx Total
Entry Source Diseasez'y Fancy Marketable Fancy Marketable Colorv Shapeu
88C55 Musser 2.7 b 52 a-d 93 e-j 91 a-h 372 b-f 4.7 de 8.3 ab
Olympian Hollar 2.7 b 59 a-d 171 a-h 69 b-i 368 b-f 7.0 a-c 7.0 a-e
Prolific Sakata 4.0 ab 13 cd 146 a-i 23 hi 363 b-f 5.7 c-e 5.7 de
HXP 2415 Harris Moran 3.0 ab 49 a-d 69 h-j 142 ab 361 b-f 8.0 a 8.0 a-c
A&C 1811 Abbott & Cobb 4.3 a 47 a-d 154 a-i 87 a-h 346 b-f 8.0 a 7.0 a-e
--------- -------- ------------------ ------------------- ----------------- -------------------------
Bellando Royal Sluis 3.3 ab 15 cd 76 g-j 46 e-i 344 b-f 7.3 a-c 7.7 a-d
NVH 2160 Northrup King 3.3 ab 27 b-d 114 c-j 62 d-i 325 b-f 8.0 a 6.3 b-e
PSR 287 Petoseed 3.3 ab 39 a-d 104 c-j 85 a-h 318 b-f 7.3 ab 7.0 a-e
General Lee Ferry-Morse 3.3 ab 48 a-d 110 c-j 76 a-i 310 b-f 7.0 a-c 6.7 a-e
PSR 34885 Petoseed 4.3 a 53 a-d 85 f-j 110 a-f 291 c-f 6.0 b-d 6.3 b-e
-------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------
Poinsett 76 Petoseed 3.0 ab 16 cd 97 e-j 24 hi 283 d-f 6.7 a-c 5.7 de
Slice Top Sakata 3.0 ab 10 d 53 ij 43 f-i 219 ef 8.0 a 7.0 a-e
Cugro Seedway 4.3 a 4 d 42 j 6 i 212 f 4.7 de 5.3 e
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple
YRated from 0, immune; to 9, plant dead.
XHarvested by October 6, 1989.
VRated from
URated from
Range Test, 5% level.
yield includes U.S. Fancy, No. 1 and No. 2.
1, white; to 9, very dark green.
1, poor; to 9, excellent.
Planted August 15, 1989 in single-row plots 24 ft long with hills 2 ft apart and rows 6 ft
apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A 15-0-14 in 3 other
applications before flowering.
Table 18.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. Elmstrom
Planted: August 15, 1989
Harvested: September 28, 1989. Last of 6: October 17, 1989
Soil: Apopka fine sand
General Yield (bu/A)
Foliar Early Total
Entry Source Diseasez Fancy Marketablex Fancy Marketable Colorw Shapev
87C43 Musser 1.0 262 369 300 776 7.0 9.0
XPH 1655 Asgrow 3.0 82 231 104 558 5.0 6.0
XPH 1652 Asgrow 3.0 121 263 157 538 7.0 7.0
PSR 104388 Petoseed 4.0 55 170 67 476 8.0 8.0
XPH 1653 Asgrow 4.0 125 260 125 468 7.0 8.0
- ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------- --- -----------
Sunre 3720 Sunseeds 4.0 90 178 142 425 7.0 6.0
A&C 1810 Abbott & Cobb 4.0 6 75 53 425 8.0 6.0
Sunre 3721 Sunseeds 3.0 57 136 109 414 7.0 7.0
689-1 Takii 5.0 63 201 103 396 5.0 8.0
689-2 Takii 5.0 37 174 53 396 4.0 4.0
- -------------------------------------- ----------- ---------------- --------
Floracuke Petoseed 4.0 99 151 109 369 8.0 9.0
PSR 109188 Petoseed 3.0 24 107 12 363 8.0 7.0
PSR 105688 Petoseed 4.0 65 172 102 354 8.0 7.0
Slicemaster Twilley 4.0 127 160 127 349 7.0 7.0
PSR 119888 Petoseed 4.0 24 98 65 314 8.0 8.0
----------------- ---------------------- --------------- -- ----------- ----- ---------
Early Triumph Twilley 5.0 16 136 16 311 8.0 7.0
Maximore 101 Abbott & Cobb 3.0 25 79 39 308 8.0 9.0
689-4 Takii 2.0 0 18 0 307 4.0 4.0
Super Slice Northrup King 4.0 29 91 35 299 6.0 8.0
689-3 Takii 3.0 0 11 0 264 5.0 4.0
--------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------
Table 19. Cucumber, fresh market, observational (cont.)
General Yield (bu/A)
Foliar Early Total
Entry Source Diseasez Fancy Marketablex Fancy Marketable Colorw Shapev
HSR 184 Hollar 5.0 4 60 17 237 7.0 8.0
Seneca RXPG 815 Robson 4.0 6 36 62 206 8.0 9.0
HSR 183 Hollar 3.0 36 88 46 198 8.0 8.0
Bella Neuman 7.0 0 100 0 165 4.0 5.0
Marketmore 76 Northrup King 5.0 0 7 35 158 7.0 7.0
HSR 181 Hollar 5.0 0 67 0 137 5.0 4.0
ZRated from 0, immune; to 9, plant dead.
YHarvested by October 6, 1989.
XMarketable yield includes U.S. Fancy, No. 1 and No. 2.
Rated from 1, white; to 9, very dark green.
VRated from 1, poor; to 9, excellent.
Comments: Planted August 15, 1989 in single-row plots 24 ft long with hills 2 ft apart and rows 6 ft
apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A 15-0-14 in 3 other
applications before flowering.
Abbott & Cobb
Abbott & Cobb, Inc.
P.O. Box 307
Feasterville, PA 19047
Agway, Inc.
P.O. Box 4741
Syracuse, NY 13221
Asgrow Seed Co.
7000 Portage Rd.
Kalamazoo, MI 49001
W. Atlee Burpee Co.
300 Park Avenue
Warminster, PA 18991
Ferry-Morse Seed Co.
P.O. Box 4938
Modesto, CA 95352-4938
Harris Moran Seed Co.
3670 Buffalo Rd.
Rochester, NY 14624
Hollar and Company, Inc.
P.O. Box 106
Rocky Ford, CO 81067
Musser Seed Co., Inc.
P.O. Box 1406
Twin Falls, ID 83301
Neuman Seed Co.
P.O. Box 1530
El Centro, CA 92243
Northrup King Co.
Vegetable Seed Group
P.O. Box 1827
Gilroy, CA 95023
Park Seed Co.
P.O. Box 31
Greenwood, SC 29647
Petoseed Co.
P.O. Box 4206
Saticoy, CA 93003
Out of Business
Robson Seed Farms
1 Seneca Circle
Hall, NY 14463
Northrup King
Harris Moran
Appendix, seed sources (cont.)
Royal Sluis
Royal Sluis, Inc.
1293 Harkins Road
Salinas, CA 93901
Twilley Seed Co.
P.O. Box 65
Trevose, PA 19047
T. Sakata and Co.
C. P. 0. Box Yokohama
Yokohama, Japan 220-91
Seedway, Inc.
Hall, NY 14463-0250
Shamrock Seed Co.
P.O. Box 3011
Lantana, FL 33465
Stokes Seeds, Inc.
P.O. Box 548
Buffalo, NY 14240
9531 West 78th Street, #229
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
American Takii, Inc.
301 Natividad Road
Salinas, CA 93906
O The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
O The statewide agricultural arm of the University of Florida dedicated to Teaching, Research and Extension.
O A faculty team located at the University of Florida, and at 22 research centers and 67 county Extension
offices throughout the state.
O A partnership in research and education, funded by state, federal and local government, and with gifts and
grants from individuals, foundations and industry.
O An organization whose mission is -- to educate students in agriculture and related sciences, to strengthen
Florida's agricultural industry through research, to improve the quality of life for all Floridians through
IFAS Extension programs.