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Copyright 2005, Board of Trustees, University
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I (Jc
1980 1989
Leesburg CFREC
Research Report
LBG 90-5
(300 copies)
Gary Elmstrom, Professor
Annette Chandler, Biological Scienti-st-
Central Science
A~PR 25194
IT ( JT T1 OC University of Flurida
University of Florida, IFAS
Central Florida Research & Education Center
5336 University Ave.
Leesburg, FL 34748
(904) 787-3423
The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences is an Equal Employment Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer authorized to provide research, educational
information, and other services only to individuals and institutions that function without regard to race, color, sex, or national origin.
3 1262 04808 2951
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Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central
Leader: G. W. Elastrom
Planted: March 5, 1980
Harvested: April 22, 1980. Last
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Florida Research & Education Center
of 9: May 23, 1980
Yield ($/Acre) PCIC Standardx
Cultivar Source Earlyz'y Total
Pennant Harris Moran 241 a 489 a
Target Petoseed 205 ab 435 ab
Triple Crown Ferry-Morse 182 bc 415 a-c
Triple Pak Harris Moran 180 bc 384 b-d
Pik Master Northrup King 183 bc 380 b-d
------------------------------------------------------------ ----- ---- --
Calico Petoseed 171 b-e 374 b-e
Compass Harris Moran 201 ab 365 b-e
Liberty Burpee 174 b-e 364 b-e
Calypso Petoseed 167 b-e 346 b-f
Salvo Petoseed 176 b-d 346 b-f
Commander Petoseed 186 a-c 338 c-f
Score Asgrow 171 b-e 338 c-f
Triplemech Petoseed 182 bc 337 c-f
First Pride Petoseed 148 b-f 318 d-g
Tempo Harris Moran 133 c-f 311 d-h
-------------- ------------------------ --------------------------------- -----------
Pickmore Harris Moran 174 b-e 304 d-h
Carolina Petoseed 166 b-e 290 e-i
Lucky Strike Petoseed 155 b-f 268 f-i
County Fair Stokes 118 d-f 246 g-i
Explorer Petoseed 108 f 218 i
Table 1. Cucumber, pickling, replicated (cont.)
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YHarvested by May 5, 1980.
XPickling Cucumber Improvement Committee recommended standard, viz.
Diameter Value ($/cwt)
less than 1 1/16 inches 6
1 1/16 to 1 1/2 inches 3
1 1/2 to 2 inches 2
over 2 inches 1
Comments: Planted March 5, 1980 in single-row plots 24 ft long with hills 2 ft apart in rows 5
ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A 15-0-14 in
3 other applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central
Leader: G. W. Elastrom
Planted: February 25, 1981
Harvested: April 23, 1981. Last
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Florida Research & Education Center
of 8: May 22, 1981
Yield ($/Acre) PCIC Standardx
Cultivar Source Earlyz'y Total
Belt Alpha Sunseeds 432 ab 785 a
Pik Master Northrup King 266 c-g 719 a-c
Regal Harris Moran 362 a-c 692 a-d
Explorer Petoseed 307 a-e 673 a-e
Target Petoseed 335 a-c 619 a-g
--------------------------------- --------------------------------------
Tempo Harris Moran 294 b-g 613 a-g
Triple Pak Ferry-Morse 271 c-g 574 a-h
Pennant Harris Moran 261 c-g 564 a-h
Score Asgrow 225 c-g 559 a-h
Calypso Petoseed 261 c-g 544 b-h
Triple Crown Ferry-Morse 248 c-g 514 c-h
Imp. Pioneer Sunseeds 252 c-g 479 d-h
Liberty Twilley 226 c-g 445 e-h
Carolina Sunseeds 160 fg 440 e-h
Calico Petoseed 159 g 426 f-h
SMR 58 Burrell 170 e-g 372 h
SMR 58 Burrell 170 e-g 372 h
Table 2. Cucumber, pickling, replicated (cont.)
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YHarvested by May 5, 1981.
xPickling Cucumber Improvement Committee recommended standard, viz.
Diameter Value ($/cwt)
less than 1 1/16 inches 6
1 1/16 to 1 1/2 inches 3
1 1/2 to 2 inches 2
over 2 inches 1
Comments: Planted February 25, 1981 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart in
rows 5 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 Ib/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 Ib/A
15-0-14 in 3 other applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central
Leader: G. W. Elmstrom
Planted: February 23-24, 1982
Harvested: April 19, 1982. Last
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Florida Research & Education Center
of 9: May 21, 1982
Downy Mildew Yield ($/Acre) PCIC Standardw
Cultivar Source Resistancezsy Earlyx Total Shapev
Spear-It III Ferry-Morse 3.3 c-e 160 382 4.0
Commander Petoseed 3.5 cd 174 365 3.0
Calypso Petoseed 4.3 a-c 123 342 4.0
Pennant Harris Moran 3.7 b-d 117 337 5.0
Target Petoseed 3.7 b-d 124 320 3.0
Tempo Harris Moran 3.0 d-f 152 317 5.0
Calico Petoseed 4.7 ab 89 306 5.0
Spear-It Ferry-Morse 4.7 ab 94 295 4.0
Salvo Petoseed 5.0 a 109 295 5.0
V.I.P. Ferry-Morse 3.7 b-d 123 283 3.0
Pik Master Northrup King 4.0 a-d 92 280 4.0
Regal Harris Moran 3.3 c-e 147 270 2.0
Pioneer Petoseed 2.3 ef 97 267 3.0
Panorama Ferry-Morse 4.0 a-d 95 246 3.0
Greenpak Harris Moran 2.3 ef 129 240 1.0
Peppi Petoseed 3.0 d-f 104 234 2.0
Southern Belle Sunseeds 3.5 cd 97 218 4.0
Pickmore Harris Moran 2.0 f 113 217 2.0
Table 3. Cucumber, pickling, replicated (cont.)
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YRated from 1, least resistant; to 5, most resistant.
XHarvested by April 30, 1982.
Pickling Cucumber Improvement Committee recommended standard, viz.
Diameter Value ($/cwt)
less than 1 1/16 inches 6
1 1/16 to 1 1/2 inches 3
1 1/2 to 2 inches 2
over 2 inches 1
VRated from 1, poor; to 5, best.
Comments: Planted February 23-24, 1982 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart in
rows 5 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 Ib/A
14-0-14 or 15-0-14 in 3 other applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. Elastrom
Planted: Angust 15, 1983
Harvested: September 21, 1983. Last of 9: October 21, 1983
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Mosaic Virusz'y Yield ($/Acre) PCIC Standardv
Cultivar Source Plant Fruit Earlyx Total
Calypso Petoseed 2.7 b-d 2.7 a-c 239 a 424 a
Fancipak Asgrow 2.7 b-d 4.0 a 203 a 404 a
Tempo Harris Moran 2.3 c-e 2.3 bc 227 a 392 a
Spear-It III Ferry-Morse 1.3 ef 1.7 c 231 a 379 a
Tamor Asgrow 2.0 c-f 3.3 a-c 220 a 379 a
Flurry Asgrow 4.0 a 2.3 bc 231 a 375 a
Score Asgrow 2.0 c-f 3.0 a-c 187 b 370 a
Commander Petoseed 2.0 c-f 2.7 a-c 200 a 356 a
Gynomite Asgrow 2.3 c-e 2.7 a-c 243 a 353 a
Calico Petoseed 3.0 bc 2.0 c 164 b 335 a
Southern Belle Sunseeds 2.3 c-e 2.0 c 196 a 323 b
Levina Royal Sluis 2.7 b-d 4.3 a 125 b 317 b
Pioneer Petoseed 2.0 c-f 3.7 ab 173 b 315 b
Liberty Petoseed 1.3 ef 2.0 c 151 b 278 b
Tresor Royal Sluis 1.3 ef 2.3 bc 85 b 232 b
Table 4. Cucumber, pickling, replicated (cont.)
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YRated from 1, severe infection; to 5, no viral symptoms.
xHarvested by October 4, 1983.
WPickling Cucumber Improvement Committee recommended standard, viz.
Diameter Value ($/cwt)
less than 1 1/16 inches 6
1 1/16 to 1 1/2 inches 3
1 1/2 to 2 inches 2
over 2 inches 1
Comments: Planted August 15, 1983 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart in rows
5 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 Ib/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 Ib/A 14-0-14 or
15-0-14 in 3 other applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central
Leader: G. W. Elmstrom
Planted: March 2, 1984
Harvested: April 25, 1984. Last
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Florida Research & Education Center
of 6: May 18, 1984
Powdery Mildew Yield ($/Acre) PCIC Standardw
Cultivar Source Resistancez'y Earlyx Total
Capir Shamrock 2.7 e-g 230 a 459 a
Castlepik Sunseeds 3.7 b-e 231 a 395 ab
Brooks Sunseeds 3.0 d-f 191 a-d 394 ab
Levina Royal Sluis 5.0 a 165 a-d 388 ab
Reliance Northrup King 4.7 ab 193 a-d 384 ab
------------------------- -------------- -----
Pinnacle Northrup King 3.3 c-e 176 a-d 351 a-c
Calico Petoseed 3.7 b-e 164 a-d 332 a-c
Regal Harris Moran 4.3 a-c 177 a-d 328 a-c
Cascade Sunseeds 3.7 b-e 188 a-d 327 a-c
Commander Petoseed 3.3 c-e 184 a-d 323 a-c
------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------
Tresor Royal Sluis 4.7 ab 156 b-d 322 a-c
Tempo Harris Moran 1.7 gh 193 a-d 320 a-c
Calypso Petoseed 4.0 a-d 166 a-d 311 bc
Pioneer Petoseed 1.0 h 196 a-d 306 bc
Carolina Asgrow 4.7 ab 141 cd 300 bc
----------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------7
Score Asgrow 2.0 f-h 166 a-d 289 bc
Express Musser 3.7 b-e 165 a-d 279 bc
Triple Threat Ferry-Morse 1.0 h 145 cd 255 bc
Tamor Asgrow 3.0 d-f 132 d 250 bc
Flurry Asgrow 4.3 a-c 136 d 213 c
Table 5. Cucumber, pickling, replicated (cont.)
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YRated from 1, least resistant; to 5, most resistant.
xHarvested by May 4, 1984.
WPickling Cucumber Improvement Committee recommended standard, viz.
Diameter Value ($/cwt)
less than 1 1/16 inches 6
1 1/16 to 1 1/2 inches 3
1 1/2 to 2 inches 2
over 2 inches 1
Comments: Planted March 2, 1984 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart in rows 5
ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A 14-0-14 or
15-0-14 in 3 other applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central
Leader: G. W. Elastrom
Planted: March 4, 1985
Harvested: April 26, 1985. Last
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Florida Research & Education Center
of 7: May 24, 1985
Downy Mildew Yield ($/Acre) PCIC Standardw
Cultivar Source Resistancez'y Earlyx Total Shapev
Blitz Petoseed 4.0 a-c 328 a 612 a 3.7 ab
Brooks Sunseeds 3.7 be 330 a 603 a 3.0 bc
Volley Petoseed 4.3 ab 299 ab 596 a 4.0 a
Capir-Mix Shamrock 3.0 c 285 ab 571 a 2.7 c
Fancipak Asgrow 5.0 a 268 ab 563 a 4.0 a
Calypso Petoseed 5.0 a 287 ab 521 a 3.3 a-c
Armada Petoseed 4.7 ab 249 ab 512 ab 4.0 a
Salvo Petoseed 5.0 a 270 ab 506 ab 3.3 a-c
Calico Petoseed 4.7 ab 260 ab 506 ab 4.0 a
Express Musser 4.3 ab 274 ab 505 ab 3.0 bc
-- -------------------------------- ----- ----------------------------------------
NVH 1912
NVH 1906
NVH 1908
NVH 2050
3.7 bc
4.0 a-c
Harris Moran
Northrup King
Northrup King
Northrup King
Northrup King
344 a
208 b
496 ab
361 bc
3.0 bc
2.7 c
NVH 1911 Northrup King 4 17 494 3
NVH 1090 Northrup King 2 33 461 3
Table 6. Cucumber, pickling (cont.)
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YRated from 1, least resistant; to 5, most resistant.
XHarvested by May 10, 1985.
Pickling Cucumber Improvement Committee recommended standard, viz.
Diameter Value ($/cwt)
less than 1 1/16 inches 6
1 1/16 to 1 1/2 inches 3
1 1/2 to 2 inches 2
over 2 inches 1
VRated from 1, poor; to 5, best.
Comments: Planted March 4, 1985 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart in rows 5
ft apart. Fertilization: 800 Ib/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 Ib/A 14-0-14 or
15-0-14 in 3 other applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central
Leader: G. W. Elmstrom
Planted: February 25, 1986
Harvested: April 25, 1986. Last
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Florida Research & Education Center
of 7:
May 23, 1986
Yield ($/Acre) PCIC Standardx
Cultivar Source Early"zy Total Shape
Capir Mix Shamrock 369 a 622 a 3.0 d
Blitz Petoseed 369 a 599 ab 4.3 ab
Aurora Sunseeds 323 a-c 579 ab 4.0 bc
PSX 51184 Petoseed 353 ab 543 ab 3.3 cd
Volley Petoseed 322 a-c 543 ab 4.7 ab
Armada Petoseed 328 a-c 515 bc 4.3 ab
Brooks Sunseeds 298 bc 500 b-d 3.0 d
Calypso Petoseed 273 cd 431 cd 4.0 bc
Carolina Petoseed 272 cd 410 d 3.3 cd
Calico Petoseed 212 d 401 d 5.0 a
NVH 1912 Northrup King 384 655 4
S 128 Northrup King 401 617 3
NVH 1909 Northrup King 360 590 4
NVH 1911 Northrup King 335 561 4
NVH 1907 Northrup King 324 535 3
Table 7. Cucumber, pickling (cont.)
Yield ($/Acre) PCIC Standarde
Cultivar Source Earlyz y Total Shapew
NVH 1915 Northrup King 280 487 4
NVH 1913 Northrup King 158 431 3
NVH 1914 Northrup King 220 388 3
S 456 Northrup King 226 382 4
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YHarvested by May 9, 1986.
xPickling Cucumber Improvement Committee recommended standard, viz.
Diameter Value ($/cwt)
less than 1 1/16 inches 6
1 1/16 to 1 1/2 inches 3
1 1/2 to 2 inches 2
over 2 inches 1
Rated from 1, poor; to 5, best.
Comments: Planted February 25, 1986 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart and
rows 5 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A
15-0-14 in 3 other applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research &
Leader: G. W. Elastrom
Planted: April 8, 1987
Harvested: May 22, 1987. Last of 6: June 12, 1987
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Education Center
Mildewvy General
Resistance Foliar Yield ($/Acre) PCIC Standardv
Cultivar Source Downy Diseasex Early Total Shape
Aurora Sunseeds 4.7 ab 3.3 bc 222 a-d 425 a 3.7 a-c
Pik Rite Ferry-Morse 5.0 a 4.0 a-c 222 a-d 424 a 3.7 a-c
Primepak Asgrow 5.0 a 4.0 a-c 213 a-d 421 a 3.7 a-c
Volley Petoseed 4.0 bc 3.7 a-c 249 a-c 420 a 4.0 ab
Fancipak Asgrow 5.0 a 3.7 a-c 211 a-d 418 a 4.3 a
HXP 2460 Harris Moran 5.0 a 4.0 a-c 256 ab 397 ab 3.3 a-c
Zesty Petoseed 2.7 e 3.7 a-c 273 a 394 ab 2.7 c
HXP 2462 Harris Moran 4.0 bc 3.7 a-c 216 a-d 394 ab 3.3 a-c
Blitz Petoseed 3.7 cd 4.7 a 197 a-d 393 ab 3.3 a-c
HXP 2470 Harris Moran 4.0 bc 4.7 a 214 a-d 379 a-c 3.7 a-c
Calypso Petoseed 4.3 a-c 4.3 ab 233 a-d 376 a-c 3.3 a-c
Carolina Petoseed 4.3 a-c 4.0 a-c 216 a-d 354 a-d 3.3 a-c
HXP 2464 Harris Moran 4.7 ab 3.7 a-c 221 a-d 349 a-d 4.3 a
HXP 2473 Harris Moran 3.0 de 4.0 a-c 175 cd 342 a-d 3.0 bc
Triple Crown Ferry-Morse 3.7 cd 4.0 a-c 192 b-d 338 a-d 3.0 bc
Endeavor WI USDA 5.0 a 3.7 a-c 211 a-d 335 a-d 4.3 a
Addis Northrup King 4.7 ab 4.0 a-c 179 b-d 315 b-d 4.3 a
PSX 50183 Petoseed 4.7 ab 3.3 be 169 d 315 b-d 3.0 bc
Flurry Asgrow 4.7 ab 3.0 c 192 b-d 285 cd 3.0 bc
Brine Time Ferry-Morse 3.0 de 4.0 a-c 155 d 263 d 2.7 c
Table 8. Cucumber, pickling (cont.)
Mildewz'y General
Resistance Foliar Yield ($/Acre) PCIC Standardv
Cultivar Source Downy Diseasex Earlyw Total Shape"
HXP 4491 Harris Moran 5 3 250 470 3
Brooks Sunseeds 5 4 199 440 3
HXP 4489 Harris Moran 5 4 245 435 5
Calico Petoseed 4 4 174 410 5
HXP 2463 Harris Moran 5 4 227 381 3
HXP 3476 Harris Moran 5 4 215 377 3
Armada Petoseed 5 4 190 370 4
HXP 4490 Harris Moran 5 5 182 352 4
HXP 3486 Harris Moran 4 4 190 341 4
HSR 220 Hollar 5 4 194 339 3
Score Asgrow 3 4 160 321 4
Tamor Asgrow 5 5 156 310 3
HXP 4488 Harris Moran 5 5 160 272 4
County Fair 83 WI USDA 4 4 138 263 3
HXP 3484 Harris Moran 3 4 125 263 3
Mean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YRated from 1, poor; to 5, excellent.
XRated from 1, least resistant; to 5, most resistant.
Harvested by June 1, 1987.
Pickling Cucumber Improvement Committee recommended standard, viz.
Diameter Value ($/cwt)
less than 1 1/16 inches 6
1 1/16 to 1 1/2 inches 3
1 1/2 to 2 inches 2
over 2 inches 1
URated from 1, poor; to 5, best.
Comments: Planted April 8, 1987 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart
and rows 5 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650
lb/A 15-0-14 in 3 other applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. Elastrom
Planted: March 1, 1988
Harvested: April 29, 1988. Last of 5: May 25, 1988
Soil: Apopka fine sand
General Yield ($/Acre) PCIC StandardW
Foliar Actual Correctedv Plant
Cultivar Source Diseasez'y Earlyx Total Early Total Shapeu Color Vigors
NVH 1912 Northrup King 6.0 a 171 a 448 a 180 a 465 a 2.7 bc 3.3 ab 2.7 bc
NVH 1911 Northrup King 6.7 a 136 a-d 445 ab 139 a-c 454 ab 4.3 a 3.7 a 3.0 ab
Fremont NC AES 5.7 a 145 a-d 370 a-c 155 ab 398 a-c 3.3 ab 3.0 a-c 3.7 a.
Pik Rite Ferry-Morse 5.7 a 158 ab 324 a-d 178 a 370 a-d 3.0 bc 2.7 a-c 2.7 bc
Fancipak Asgrow 4.3 b 102 a-e 305 a-e 125 a-d 382 a-c 4.3 a 3.3 ab 3.7 a
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------
Pikmaster Northrup King 5.3 ab 150 a-c 300 a-e 155 ab 312 a-e 3.0 bc 3.0 a-c 3.0 ab
Primepak Asgrow 6.0 a 129 a-d 292 a-e 139 a-c 315 a-e 3.0 bc 3.0 a-c 2.7 bc
PSX 50585 Petoseed 6.3 a 150 a-c 282 a-e 155 ab 293 b-e 2.3 bc 3.0 a-c 2.7 bc
Calypso Petoseed 5.7 a 131 a-d 281 a-e 141 a-c 306 a-e 3.0 bc 3.0 a-c 3.0 ab
Cross Country Ferry-Morse 6.0 a 133 a-d 272 b-e 141 a-c 289 b-e 3.3 ab 3.0 a-c 2.7 bc
Blitz Petoseed 5.7 a 134 a-d 268 c-e 157 ab 317 a-e 3.0 bc 2.3 be 2.7 bc
Endeavor NC AES 5.3 ab 116 a-e 236 c-f 127 a-d 258 c-f 2.7 bc 3.0 a-c 3.0 ab
Royal Harris Moran 6.3 a 131 a-d 206 c-f 137 a-d 215 d-f 2.3 be 2.0 c 2.0 c-e
Carolina Petoseed 5.7 a 90 b-e 177 d-f 101 b-d 199 ef 2.3 bc 2.0 c 2.3 b-d
Addis Northrup King 6.0 a 77 c-e 170 d-f 85 b-d 191 ef 3.0 bc 2.7 a-c 2.7 bc
Raleigh NC AES 6.0 a 90 b-e 155 d-f 113 a-d 193 ef 2.0 c 2.0 c 2.0 c-e
Regal Harris Moran 6.0 a 76 c-e 147 d-f 96 b-d 185 ef 2.3 bc 2.0 c 2.0 c-e
Flurry Asgrow 6.0 a 72 de 140 ef 88 b-d 178 ef 3.0 bc 2.3 bc 2.0 c-e
Discover Asgrow 6.0 a 53 e 86 f 67 cd 110 f 2.3 bc 2.3 be 1.7 de
Johnston NC AES 6.7 a 53 e 79 f 65 d 97 f 2.3 bc 2.7 a-c 1.3 e
------- ------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
Table 9. Cucumber, pickling (cont.)
General Yield ($/Acre) PCIC Standardv
Foliar Actual Correctedv Plant
Cultivar Source Diseasez'y Earlyx Total Early Total Shapeu Colort Vigors
HXP 4489 Harris Moran 6 196 333 204 346 2 3 3
NIZ CSX67 Shamrock 6 180 324 180 324 3 3 3
HXP 4490 Harris Moran 5 136 315 141 327 2 3 3
NIZ CSX65 Shamrock 5 131 249 141 269 3 3 3
NIZ CSX91 Shamrock 7 126 214 147 251 3 3 2
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YRated from 0, immune; to 9, plant dead.
XHarvested by May 11, 1988.
Pickling Cucumber Improvement Committee recommended standard, viz.
Diameter Value ($/cwt)
less than 1 1/16 inches 6
1 1/16 to 1 1/2 inches 3
1 1/2 to 2 inches 2
over 2 inches 1
Yields corrected for plants missing due to frost and wind damage.
URated from 1, poor; to 5, best.
tRated from 1, poor; to 5, best.
SRated from 1, poor; to 5, excellent
Comments: Planted March 1, 1988 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart and rows 5 ft
apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A 15-0-14 in 3 other
applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. Elmstrom
Planted: August 15, 1989
Harvested: September 25, 1989. Last of 6: October 16, 1989.
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Foliar Yield ($/acre) PCIC Standardw
Entry Source Diseasez y Earlyx Total Shapev Color"
Royal Harris Moran 4.7 a-c 194 a-c 452 a 5.0 a 3.3 b-d
Calypso Petoseed 3.7 c 180 a-c 434 ab 5.0 a 3.7 a-c
Raleigh NC AES 4.0 bc 234 a 429 ab 3.3 cd 3.7 a-c
Endeavor NC AES 4.3 be 182 a-c 408 ab 5.0 a 3.7 a-c
Parker Canners 5.0 a-c 198 a-c 404 ab 5.0 a 4.0 a-c
-- ----------------------------------------------------
Johnston NC AES 4.7 a-c 229 ab 401 ab 4.3 a-c 4.0 a-c
Alexander Sunseeds 5.3 ab 208 a-c 372 a-c 3.0 de 4.0 a-c
Fremont NC AES 4.3 bc 172 a-c 364 a-c 4.7 ab 4.0 a-c
Transamerica Ferry-Morse 4.3 be 172 a-c 360 a-c 4.7 ab 4.7 a
Express Musser 4.3 be 200 a-c 354 a-c 4.3 a-c 3.3 b-d
---- ------- -------------------- --- ------------------- ------- -------------
Picarow Agway 4.3 be 164 a-c 336 a-c 4.7 ab 2.3 d
Pik-Rite Ferry-Morse 4.3 be 154 a-c 335 a-c 4.7 ab 3.7 a-c
Alert Seedway 4.0 bc 195 a-c 332 a-c 3.7 b-d 4.3-ab
Cross Country Ferry-Morse 4.0 bc 161 a-c 329 a-c 4.7 ab 4.7 a
Lucky Strike Petoseed 4.0 bc 153 bc 325 a-c 4.3 a-c 3.3 b-d
------------- ----- -------------------------------------------------------
Napoleon Sunseeds 5.0 a-c 182 a-c 320 a-c 4.0 a-d 4.3 ab
Picklemech Northrup King 4.7 a-c 169 a-c 311 a-c 3.3 cd 3.3 b-d
Blitz Petoseed 4.3 be 148 c 293 be 3.7 b-d 3.0 cd
Adonis Seedway 6.0 a 144 c 235 c 2.0 e 3.0 cd
Table 10. Cucumber, pickling (cont.)
Foliar Yield ($/acre) PCIC Standard'
Entry Source Diseasez Early~ Total Shape" Colorv
HMX 6465 Harris Moran 4.0 282 522 3.0 3.0
Sunre 3529 Sunseeds 4.0 267 521 5.0 5.0
PSX 50585 Petoseed 5.0 240 510 5.0 5.0
HMX 6466 Harris Moran 4.0 233 467 4.0 3.0
FMX 4892 Ferry-Morse 3.0 215 434 4.0 2.0
--------------------------------------------- ---------------- --- -
Sunre 3533 Sunseeds 4.0 227 424 3.0 5.0
HMX 4490 Harris Moran 3.0 183 406 5.0 4.0
Regal Harris Moran 4.0 230 403 4.0 3.0
HMX 6463 Harris Moran 4.0 191 397 3.0 3.0
FMX 4890 Ferry-Morse 3.0 116 393 4.0 4.0
----------------------- ------------ --- ------------- ------- ----
PS 50885 Petoseed 4.0 189 388 3.0 3.0
PSX 50183 Petoseed 4.0 180 346 5.0 4.0
FMX 4891 Ferry-Morse 4.0 142 341 3.0 4.0
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YRated from 0, immune; to 9, plant dead.
XHarvested by October 4, 1989.
Pickling Cucumber Improvement Committee recommended standard, viz.
Diameter Value ($/cwt)
less than 1 1/16 inches 6
1 1/16 to 1 1/2 inches 3
1 1/2 to 2 inches 2
over 2 inches 1
VRated from 1, poor; to 5, excellent.
URated from 1, poor; to 5, best.
Comments: Planted August 15, 1989 in single-row plots 24 ft long with hills 2 ft apart and rows 6 ft
apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A 15-0-14 in 3 other
applications before flowering.
Agway, Inc.
Box 1333
Syracuse, NY 13201
Asgrow Seed Co.
7000 Portage Rd.
Kalamazoo, MI 49001
W. Atlee Burpee Co.
300 Park Ave.
Warminster, PA 18991
Hollar & Company, Inc.
P.O. Box 106
Rocky Ford, CO 81067
Musser Seed Co., Inc.
P.O. Box 1406
Twin Falls, ID 83301
Dr. Todd
Dept. of
Box 7609
Hort. Sci.,
NC 27695-7609
Burrell D.V. Burrell Seed Growers Co.
P.O. Box 150
Rocky Ford, CO 81067
Northrup King
Northrup King Seed Co.
Vegetable Seed Group
P.O. Box 1827
Gilroy, CA 95023
Canners Seed Corp.
P.O. Box 18
Lewisville, ID 83431
Ferry-Morse Seed Co.
P.O. Box 4938
Modesto, CA 95352-4938
Harris Moran Seed Co.
3670 Buffalo Rd.
Rochester, NY 14624
P.O. Box
Royal Sluis
Co., Inc.
CA 93003
Royal Sluis, Inc.
1293 Harkins Road
Salinas, CA 93901
Seedway, Inc.
Hall, NY 14463-0250
Harris Moran
Appendix. Seed sources count. )
Abbreviation Address
Shamrock Shamrock Seed Co.
P.O. Box 3011
Lantana, FL 33465
Stokes Stokes Seeds, Inc.
P.O. Box 548
Buffalo, NY 14240
Sunseeds Sunseeds
9531 W. 78th St. #229
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Twilley Twilley Seed Co.
P.O. Box 65
Trevose, PA 19047
WI USDA J. E. Staub
Dept. of Horticulture
Univ. of Wisconsin
Madison, WI 53706
IFAS Statewide
Research and Education
1837 k
Gainesville e Hasting
1906 1923
Welaka *
e Ocala
SLeesburg e
S 1929 Sanfar
i *Apopka 1933
BrooksIitle 1965
e Alfred
SRuskin 1956
Centers r/ *
Bradenton e94 FLPeca8
1925 5 1948
Dates Established \
S* Belle Glade
\ ,1921
Ft____ Lauderdale
d 19W
i FAS-
Iii Ai