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or recommendations. These texts
represent the historic publishing
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Copyright 2005, Board of Trustees, University
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3 1262 04808 3009
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leaders: G. W. Elustron and J. M. Crall
Planted: March 4-5, 1980
Harvested: May 29, 1980. Last of 4: June 23, 1980
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
(cut/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Earlys'y Total (lb/fruit) (Z)
Smokylee Twilley 310 a 574 a 19.0 8.6
AU Producer AL AES 293 a 570 a 17.6 8.3
Charleston Gray Unknown 286 ab 547 ab 19.6 7.7
Calhoun Gray Twilley 178 c-e 512 ab 19.3 8.0
Crimson Sweet Burpee 301 a 500 ab 17.8 8.1
Charleston Gray #5 Hollar 224 a-c 494 ab 18.0 7.3
Sunshade Asgrow 236 a-c 490 ab 18.3 7.5
Dixielee Leesburg CFREC 113 d-f 489 ab 19.7 9.4
Allsweet Herbst 45 f 445 a-c 20.1 9.1
Sweet Princess Willhite 215 a-c 440 a-c 19.4 9.0
Tri-X313 (Seedless)
Panonia Fl
Early Gray
American Sunmelon
Leesburg CFREC
Sugar Bush Burpee 26 f 31 d 6.2 6.9
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5Z level.
YHarvested by June 6, 1980.
Comments: Planted March 4-5, 1980 in two-row plots 25 ft long with hills 5 ft apart and rows
10 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A 15-0-14
in 3 other applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leaders: G. W. Elustrom and J. M. Crall
Planted: February 19, 1981
Harvested: May 28, 1981. Last of 3: June 17, 1981
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
(cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Earlyz'y Total (lb/fruit) (Z)
Calhoun Gray Willhite 22 a-c 627 a 19.8 8.7
Charleston Gray #5 Hollar 29 a-c 586 ab 21.3 9.1
Charleston Gray Asgrow 88 a 555 a-d 21.7 9.9
Jubilee Twilley 0 c 536 a-d 24.3 9.6
Dixielee Leesburg CFREC 0 c 524 a-d 22.6 10.8
Sweet Princess Willhite 50 a-c 510 a-e 20.2 10.0
Allsweet Herbst 0 c 504 a-f 23.5 9.8
Congo Willhite 44 a-c 499 a-f 21.0 9.2
Florida Giant Twilley 72 ab 476 a-f 19.6 8.5
Smokylee Twilley 49 a-c 437 b-f 19.1 10.0
Crimson Sweet Burrell 61 a-c 423 c-f 18.9 10.0
Sunshade Asgrow 76 a 399 d-f 19.4 9.1
AU Producer AL AES 0 c 356 ef 17.8 9.3
Sugarlee Leesburg CFREC 28 a-c 347 f 16.4 11.0
Chubby Gray Willhite 37 a-c 162 g 18.0 9.1
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YOne harvest May 28, 1981.
Comments: Planted February 19, 1981 in two-row plots 25 ft long
10 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied
in 3 other applications before flowering.
with hills 5 ft apart and rows
preplant and 650 lb/A 15-0-14
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leaders: G. W. Elmstron and J. M. Crall
Planted: February 18-19, 1982
Harvested: May 20, 1982. Last of 5: June 24, 1982
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
(cut/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Earlyz'y Total (lb/fruit) (Z)
Prince Charles Petoseed 86 a-d 633 17.9 10.5
Charleston Gray #5 Hollar 72 a-e 575 16.9 10.6
Cal Sweet Hollar 6 fg 514 15.6 10.9
Royal Sweet Petoseed 62 b-e 485 17.4 10.6
Smokylee Twilley 54 c-f 477 16.5 12.0
Charleston Gray Harris Moran 75 a-d 474 15.3 10.9
Sugarlee Willhite 124 a 445 15.5 11.4
Oasis Harris Moran 77 a-d 437 15.6 11.9
Dixielee Hollar 6 fg 427 16.0 11.2
AU Producer AL AES 113 ab 426 16.1 11.1
Jubilee II Leesburg CFREC 34 d-g 412 18.7 10.7
Crimson Sweet Burrell 58 c-e 407 14.8 11.1
Madera Asgrow 104 a-c 400 13.3 11.0
Jubilee Twilley 0 g 308 17.7 9.9
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YHarvested by May 27, 1982.
Comments: Planted February 18-19, 1982 in two-row plots 25 ft long with hills
rows 10 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant
14-0-14 or 15-0-14 in 3 other applications before flowering.
5 ft apart and
and 650 lb/A
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leaders: G. W. Elmstrom and J. M. Crall
Planted: February 22, 1983
Harvested: June 7, 1983. Last of 3: June 22, 1983
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
(cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Earlyzy Total (lb/fruit) (Z)
Royal Jubilee Petoseed 29 bc 405 a 22.2 10.3
Sugarlee Willhite 76 a-c 346 ab 15.6 10.4
Calhoun Gray Unknown 32 bc 343 ac 18.6 9.5
Prince Charles Petoseed 98 ab 340 a-d 18.9 9.4
Charleston Gray (75) Hollar 59 a-c 324 a-e 19.9 9.3
Royal Sweet Petoseed 22 c 321 a-e 17.8 9.7
Smokylee Twilley 28 bc 309 a-e 17.3 9.8
Charleston Gray Hollar 61 bc 285 b-e 18.5 9.9
Royal Charleston Petoseed 111 a 279 b-e 14.7 9.3
Oasis Harris Moran 48 a-c 265 b-e 18.7 10.4
Charleston Gray #5 Hollar 52 a-c 257 b-e 19.7 9.3
Jubilee II Leesburg CFREC 10 c 255 b-e 20.9 9.4
Charleston Gray (01) Hollar 60 a-c 243 b-e 15.9 9.7
Mickylee Leesburg CFREC 39 a-c 225 ef 8.0 9.7
Dixielee Twilley 0 c 213 ef 19.6 11.3
Jubilee Northrup King 20 c 213 ef 20.4 9.7
Royal Peacock Petoseed 45 a-c 210 ef 12.1 10.3
Petite Sweet Petoseed 47 a-c 119 f 5.9 9.7
Table 4. Watermelon, replicated (cont.)
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YHarvested by June 7, 1983.
Comments: Planted February 22, 1983 in two-row plots 25 ft long with hills 5 ft apart and rows
10 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant, 100 lb/A 15-0-4
emergence, 300 lb/A 14-0-14 sidedress, and 275 lb/A 23-0-22 at layby.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leaders: G. W. Elmstrom and J. M. Crall
Planted: February 22, 1984
Harvested: May 29, 1984. Last of 5: June 28, 1984
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
(cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Early'y Total (lb/fruit) (Z)
Royal Jubilee Petoseed 0 i 820 a 22.1 10.5
Charleston Gray #5 Hollar 25 g-i 734 ab 19.6 9.8
Charleston Gray Asgrow 63 e-i 727 a-c 21.0 10.3
Prince Charles Petoseed 32 f-i 726 a-c 20.2 10.0
Royal Sweet Petoseed 53 e-i 721 a-c 18.6 10.1
Sunshade Asgrow 40 e-i 700 a-c 19.8 10.3
Mickylee Leesburg CFREC 268 a 691 a-d 9.4 9.7
Jubilee II Leesburg CFREC 14 i 659 a-d 22.5 9.7
Long Crimson Willhite 57 e-i 656 a-d 18.9 10.0
Royal Charleston Petoseed 228 ab 648 a-d 14.4 10.1
AU Producer Hollar 168 b-d 645 a-d 18.2 10.6
Jubilee Asgrow 8 i 643 a-d 23.3 9.6
Oasis Harris Moran 9 i 642 a-d 18.9 10.8
Smokylee Twilley 42 e-i 634 a-d 18.7 10.5
AU Jubilant Hollar 14 i 572 b-e 22.2 9.3
Rebel Queen Ferry-Morse 91 d-i 570 b-e 13.2 10.4
Royal Peacock Petoseed 111 d-h 565 b-e 14.4 10.8
Southern Belle Ferry-Morse 120 c-f 541 b-e 10.3 9.8
Dixielee Hollar 0 i 529 b-e 20.0 11.3
Crimson Sweet Asgrow 178 b-d 507 c-e 15.2 10.3
Table 5. Watermelon, replicated (cont.)
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
(cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Earlyz'y Total (lb/fruit) (Z)
Petite Sweet
113 d-g 481 d-f
126 c-e 305 f
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
yHarvested by June 4, 1984.
Comments: Planted February 22, 1984 in two-row plots 25 ft long with hills 5 ft apart and rows
10 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant, 100 lb/A 15-0-14
emergence, 200 lb/A 14-0-14 sidedress, and 275 lb/A 23-0-22 at layby.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leaders: G. W. Elastrom and J. M. Crall
Planted: February 28, 1985
Harvested: May 17, 1985. Last of 5: June 18, 1985
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
(cat/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Earlyz y Total (lb/fruit) (Z)
Royal Jubilee Petoseed 0 k 697 a 24.0 10.0
Carmen Hollar 46 e-k 601 ab 19.9 10.5
Prince Charles Petoseed 27 g-k 586 a-c 19.4 10.0
Royal Sweet Petoseed 74 b-f 541 a-d 19.8 9.6
Charlee Leesburg CFREC 47 d-k 519 a-e 21.0 9.7
Sunsweet Northrup King 0 k 516 a-e 19.3 10.1
Sweet Charlie Northrup King 48 d-k 513 a-f 21.0 9.2
Mickylee Leesburg CFREC 156 a 498 b-g 9.9 10.1
Smokylee Twilley 20 g-k 493 b-h 20.0 11.3
Charleston Elite Northrup King 75 b-f 483 b-h 21.1 10.1
Charleston Gray No. 6
AU Producer
Diamond King
Charleston Gray No. 5
Sunshade Asgrow 11 i-k 417 b-i 22.1 10.2
Charleston Gray Asgrow 65 c-g 410 b-i 18.9 10.5
Dixielee Twilley 0 k 410 b-i 20.5 11.1
Crimson Sweet Asgrow 103 be 409 b-i 16.6 10.3
Sugarlee Willhite 28 g-k 370 d-k 16.1 11.0
Table 7. Watermelon, observational (cont.)
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
(cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Earlyz Total (lb/fruit) (Z)
NVH 4268 Northrup King 43 434 16.6 10.3
Fla F83NC Leesburg CFREC 38 432 6.8 10.3
L626 LA AES 0 419 16.6 8.6
F84NW Leesburg CFREC 0 409 21.4 10.2
PSR 26583 Petoseed 87 409 15.7 10.3
F82CE Leesburg CFREC 0 379 15.0 11.3
AU #23 AL AES 0 379 21.8 10.6
Minilee Leesburg CFREC 84 367 6.7 10.4
S84GS(N) Leesburg CFREC 28 340 19.6 10.4
AU #25 AL AES 11 331 18.1 10.2
NVH 4260 Northrup King 140 305 16.0 9.3
Jubilation Northrup King 55 292 15.3 11.1
by May 22, 1985.
Planted February 28, 1985 in two-row plots 25 ft long with hills 5 ft apart and rows
10 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant, 100 lb/A 15-0-14
emergence, 200 lb/A 14-0-14 sidedress, and 275 lb/A 23-0-22 at layby.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leaders: G. W. Elastron and J. N. Crall
Planted: February 24, 1986
Harvested: May 28, 1986. Last of 4: June 24, 1986
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
(cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Earlyzy Total (lb/fruit) (Z)
Royal Jubilee Petoseed 111 gh 726 a 20.2 10.8
HSR 221 Hollar 86 h 675 ab 17.9 11.4
Royal Sweet Petoseed 305 a-c 671 ab 16.7 10.3
Prince Charles Petoseed 304 a-c 648 a-c 17.2 10.8
Sweet Charlie Northrup King 304 a-c 615 a-d 17.0 10.1
Charleston Gray #6 Hollar 286 a-d 607 a-d 18.1 10.2
Sunsweet Northrup King 152 f-h 604 a-d 15.6 10.6
Sweet Charlie Northrup King 346 a 593 a-d 16.4 9.9
NVH 4265 Northrup King 353 a 586 a-d 15.6 11.0
Calsweet Abbott & Cobb 166 e-h 559 a-e 17.2 10.9
PSX 26983 Petoseed 222 b-g 557 a-e 17.0 10.9
F84NW Leesburg CFREC 303 a-c 555 a-e 20.8 10.1
Charlee Leesburg CFREC 270 a-e 550 a-e 18.4 10.3
F82NW Leesburg CFREC 323 ab 550 a-e 18.4 10.7
Huck Finn Ferry-Morse 269 a-e 537 a-e 16.2 10.4
Charleston Gray Asgrow 325 ab 521 a-e 16.8 10.4
Charleston Gray #5 Hollar 305 a-c 519 a-e 16.3 10.1
F82NE Leesburg CFREC 359 a 514 a-e 18.3 9.7
Crimson Tide Northrup King 318 ab 489 b-e 13.9 9.9
Delta Queen Ferry-Morse 171 d-h 467 b-e 14.0 9.9
Table 8. Watermelon, replicated (cont.)
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
(crt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source EarlyA'y Total (Ib/fruit) (Z)
Southern Belle Ferry-Morse 255 a-f 466 b-e 9.2 10.1
Oasis Harris Moran 289 a-d 466 b-e 16.1 11.6
Crimson Sweet Asgrow 365 a 456 b-e 14.4 10.9
Mickylee Leesburg CFREC 316 ab 441 c-e 8.5 10.3
Jubilee Asgrow 301 a-c 427 c-e 19.1 10.2
MOX 1568 Harris Moran 287 a-d 412 de 13.9 11.6
PSX 26883 Petoseed 193 c-h 395 de 14.5 10.5
Rebel Queen Ferry-Morse 125 gh 361 e 10.9 10.4
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YHarvested by June 2, 1986.
Comments: Planted February 24, 1986 in two-row plots 25 ft long
10 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied
in 3 other applications before flowering.
with hills 5 ft apart and rows
preplant and 650 lb/A 15-0-14
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leaders: G. W. Elustrom and J. M. Crall
Planted: February 24, 1986
Harvested: May 28, 1986. Last of 4: June 24, 1986
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
(cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source EarlyZ Total (lb/fruit) (Z)
HSR 277 Hollar 343 836 18.8 11.3
NVH 4272 Northrup King 166 723 18.5 11.1
PSR 39785 Petoseed 270 714 20.5 11.4
Charleston Elite Northrup King 458 706 19.8 9.5
PSR 39885 Petoseed 493 700 17.9 11.6
Jubilation Northrup King 231 686 17.2 11.6
Jubilee II Leesburg CFREC 287 686 18.3 10.0
HSR 279 Hollar 105 670 19.7 10.3
lopride Willhite 236 665 18.2 9.9
HSR 276 Hollar 243 658 21.6 9.6
Sangria Northrup King 338 655 16.7 10.2
Allsweet Willhite 181 650 18.7 10.4
F84CE Leesburg CFREC 340 648 18.2 10.8
HSR 222 Hollar 39 646 22.5 11.6
S84GS(N) Leesburg CFREC 430 645 20.0 11.2
F85SW Leesburg CFREC 342 631 19.6 11.0
Mirage Asgrow 289 631 19.1 10.3
AU Jubilant Hollar 174 624 20.5 10.6
PSR 30284 Petoseed 238 612 16.8 10.4
HSR 224 Hollar 84 602 20.4 10.4
Table 9. Watermelon, observational (cont.)
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
(crt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Early' Total (lb/fruit) (Z)
PSR 39385 Petoseed 372 595 15.5 9.0
HSR 290 Hollar 318 589 16.9 10.6
AU #20 AL AES 331 588 14.7 10.3
HSR 278 Hollar 259 583 18.6 10.4
S85NE Leesburg CFREC 243 579 20.8 9.6
AVX 5501 Sunseeds 293 578 16.6 9.6
Sunshade Asgrow 414 577 18.4 11.1
F84SW Leesburg CFREC 239 566 18.1 11.0
PSR 38985 Petoseed 258 561 10.6 10.2
PSR 39985 Petoseed 258 560 16.9 10.8
HSR 289 Hollar 259 552 15.9 9.5
NVH 4260 Northrup King 382 547 14.6 9.9
AU #24 AL AES 36 536 15.8 10.3
AU Producer Hollar 348 531 14.9 10.7
NVH 4266 Northrup King 298 525 15.5 12.9
NVH 4267 Northrup King 426 523 17.7 10.1
PSR 39585 Petoseed 386 505 14.5 9.6
X-7-FL Burrell 293 492 16.6 10.6
Sugarlee Willhite 292 492 14.1 10.8
Madera Asgrow 358 485 13.9 10.4
Sugarama Northrup King 357 464 11.3 10.8
AVX 5500 Sunseeds 228 461 15.1 9.2
Minilee Leesburg CFREC 298 461 6.0 11.1
PSR 40785 Petoseed 238 445 13.8 10.8
AU #26 AL AES 183 445 13.8 11.3
Table 9. Watermelon, observational (cont.)
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
(cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Earlyz Total (Ib/fruit) (Z)
HSR 1718 Hollar 263 443 18.2 10.3
Dixielee Hollar 25 429 14.5 11.2
HSR 2314 Hollar 0 311 23.8 10.1
AU #25 AL AES 155 262 13.7 10.0
Sugar Baby Asgrow 118 186 6.7 10.3
by June 2, 1986.
Planted February 24, 1986 in two-row plots 25
10 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 Ib/A 5-15-8
in 3 other applications before flowering.
ft long with hills 5 ft apart and rows
applied preplant and 650 lb/A 15-0-14
Unit Reporting:
Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leaders: G. W. Elmstron and J. M. Crall
Planted: February 23, 1987
Harvested: June 15, 1987. Last of 3: July 6, 1987
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
(cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Earlyz'y Total (lb/fruit) (Z)
F82NE Leesburg CFREC 240 ab 391 a 18.5 10.2
Crimson Tide Northrup King 259 a 365 ab 15.4 9.3
Fla F84NW Leesburg CFREC 247 ab 362 ab 19.2 9.2
Sweet Charlie Northrup King 184 a-d 354 a-c 15.6 8.7
Southern Belle Ferry-Morse 247 ab 329 a-c 10.7 8.6
F82NW Leesburg CFREC 160 a-d 325 a-c 18.1 9.1
Charlee Leesburg CFREC 191 a-d 312 a-d 17.4 8.7
S84GS(N) Leesburg CFREC 166 a-d 310 a-d 18.1 9.0
Jubilee Asgrow 185 a-d 299 a-d 17.2 8.7
Mirage LS Asgrow 226 ab 291 a-d 16.2 9.1
Mirage SS Asgrow 146 a-d 286 a-d 16.2 7.6
Rebel Queen Ferry-Morse 139 a-d 284 a-d 11.6 7.1
Sunsweet Northrup King 143 a-d 267 a-d 13.1 9.0
NVH 4266 Northrup King 198 a-d 266 a-d 15.3 11.0
Paradise Harris Moran 102 a-d 252 a-d 13.6 9.4
AU #25 AL AES 135 a-d 245 a-d 13.9 8.5
Royal Sweet Petoseed 175 a-d 242 a-d 13.5 8.1
Charleston Gray Asgrow 170 a-d 240 a-d 15.9 9.7
Red 'N' Sweet Hollar 114 a-d 224 a-d 14.3 8.2
Royal Jubilee Petoseed 75 b-d 223 a-d 15.7 7.9
Table 10. Watermelon, replicated (cont.)
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
(cat/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source EarlyZ'y Total (lb/fruit) (Z)
Crimson Sweet Asgrow 206 a-c 217 a-d 11.9 8.1
Sangria Northrup King 95 a-d 217 a-d 13.8 8.8
Huck Finn Ferry-Morse 166 a-d 204 a-d 14.9 7.9
Charlie I Abbott & Cobb 166 a-d 173 b-d 13.9 9.4
Dixielee Hollar 34 ed 160 cd 14.1 10.4
Royal Windsor Twilley 21 d 116 d 12.2 9.4
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YHarvested by June 23, 1987.
Comments: Planted February 23, 1987 in two-row plots 25 ft long
10 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied
in 3 other applications before flowering.
with hills 5 ft apart and rows
preplant and 650 lb/A 15-0-14
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leaders: G. W. Elmstrom and J. M. Crall
Planted: February 23, 1987
Harvested: June 15, 1987. Last of 3: July 6, 1987
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
(cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Earlyz Total (lb/fruit) (Z)
HSR 309 Hollar 539 639 18.8 11.0
HSR 311 Hollar 560 612 16.7 9.9
HSR 310 Hollar 446 591 13.3 9.6
HSR 315 Hollar 279 582 10.6 10.6
HSR 324 Hollar 438 559 21.4 9.4
Prince Charles Petoseed 502 502 22.2 10.0
HSR 316 Hollar 371 489 14.4 10.5
HSR 314 Hollar 394 482 16.3 9.7
PSR 36585 Petoseed 297 475 8.4 10.8
HSR 323 Hollar 359 453 20.0 10.0
NV 4311 Northrup King 220 372 19.5 9.0
PSR 35484 Petoseed 177 365 8.4 8.6
Sangria Northrup King 283 358 15.3 11.4
HSR 276 Hollar 267 357 22.8 9.5
S84NW(S) Asgrow 336 355 16.3 9.8
Table 11. Watermelon, observational (cont.)
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
(cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Earlyz Total (lb/fruit) (Z)
Charleston Elite Northrup King 327 352 17.6 9.4
PSX 30284 Petoseed 330 351 16.8 10.0
Fla S84NW Leesburg CFREC 318 341 17.0 8.8
Iopride Willhite 16 332 15.9 9.8
AU #24 AL AES 247 323 16.9 10.0
F84SW Leesburg CFREC 282 321 19.4 10.6
Sunshade Asgrow 144 318 18.3 9.1
XPH 5365 Asgrow 298 311 14.3 10.1
NVH 4267 Northrup King 273 308 13.6 9.2
F84CE Leesburg CFREC 282 305 17.6 9.6
Fla S85NE Leesburg CFREC 228 303 18.3 8.7
Charleston Gray #5 Hollar 171 298 16.3 8.8
Sugarlee Willhite 232 284 12.6 8.9
Jombo Neuman 224 273 10.8 7.2
AU #29 AL AES 222 263 12.6 9.3
AU #26 AL AES 0 261 17.6 7.8
Klondike II Neuman 90 258 13.5 9.8
Delta Queen Ferry-Morse 96 245 10.8 8.8
New Dragon Neuman 195 243 8.0 7.6
AU #28 AL AES 144 239 13.8 9.0
AU #20 AL AES 231 231 13.3 9.6
Smokylee Twilley 20 210 13.4 10.0
Calsweet Abbott & Cobb 29 207 17.0 9.2
Early Jubilee Petoseed 116 196 20.5 8.8
PSR 38785 Petoseed 161 192 13.8 8.8
Table 11. Watermelon, observational (cont.)
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
(cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Earlyz Total (Ib/fruit) (Z)
AU Jubilant Hollar 91 191 18.3 7.4
Charleston Gray #6 Hollar 76 177 14.5 8.3
PSR 38485 Petoseed 115 176 13.5 8.7
AU Producer Hollar 175 175 15.5 10.1
Early Klondike Neuman 81 173 11.7 9.0
------ --------------------- ------- ------------------------------ ----
XPH 5366 Asgrow 109 164 14.5 8.6
AU #30 AL AES 97 162 12.4 8.2
Nancy Leesburg CFREC 146 146 21.0 7.4
Farmers Giant Neuman 125 145 11.9 9.5
HSR 210 Hollar 70 139 10.7 9.3
---- -------------------- --------- -- -
Allsweet Willhite 17 124 11.0 8.3
AU #27 AL AES 27 112 18.4 9.0
PSR 38685 Petoseed 61 108 17.7 9.3
Harvested by June 23, 1987.
Comments: Planted February 23, 1987 in two-row plots 25
10 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8
in 3 other applications before flowering.
ft long with hills 5 ft apart and rows
applied preplant and 650 lb/A 15-0-14
Unit Reporting:
Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leaders: G. W. Elastrox and J. M. Crall
Planted: February 25, 1988
Harvested: June 6, 1988. Last of 4: June 30, 1988
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
(cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Earlyz'y Total (lb/fruit) (Z)
Royal Jubilee Petoseed 93 c-f 708 a 21.8 10.4
Prince Charles Petoseed 194 a-d 611 ab 20.9 10.5
Sunsweet Northrup King 155 a-f 602 a-c 16.3 10.2
Sweet Charlie Northrup King 185 a-e 589 a-c 19.5 9.9
Royal Windsor Petoseed 98 c-f 569 a-c 18.0 10.3
Charleston Gray Asgrow 278 a 560 a-d 19.3 10.7
Charlee Petoseed 259 a 546 a-d 17.9 9.3
Cardinal Asgrow 82 d-f 505 b-e 12.3 9.6
Mirage LS Asgrow 248 a 492 b-e 19.5 9.9
Jubilee Asgrow 160 a-f 489 b-e 21.6 10.6
Fla F84NW Leesburg CFREC 154 a-f 476 b-e 21.3 10.4
S84GS(N) Leesburg CFREC 175 a-e 467 b-e 19.2 10.8
Royal Sweet Petoseed 231 ab 460 b-e 19.3 9.8
Crimson Sweet Asgrow 221 a-c 454 b-e 17.6 10.6
Jubilation Northrup King 117 b-f 426 b-e 19.3 10.2
Sangria Northrup King 60 ef 419 c-e 17.0 11.2
Au #24 AL AES 93 c-f 380 de 17.5 10.3
Au #26 AL AES 113 b-f 358 e 17.9 9.7
Jubilee II Leesburg CFREC 42 f 354 e 22.2 9.2
Paradise Harris Moran 150 a-f 318 e 13.4 11.1
Table 12. Watermelon, replicated (cont.)
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YHarvested by June 13, 1988.
Comments: Planted February 25, 1988 in two-row plots 25 ft long with hills 5 ft apart and rows
10 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A 15-0-14
in 3 other applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leaders: G. W. Elstrom and J. M. Crall
Planted: February 25, 1988
Harvested: June 6, 1988. Last of 4: June 30, 1988
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
(cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Early Total (lb/fruit) (Z)
Exp. F1 87W155 Musser 20 544 19.5 10.0
Exp. F1 86W83 Musser 286 540 13.5 10.3
Oasis Harris Moran 60 518 22.0 11.2
Fla S84NW(S) Leesburg CFREC 138 500 21.3 10.8
HSR 169 Hollar 139 498 13.6 10.0
NV 4302 Northrup King 48 482 21.3 9.0
Crimson Tide Northrup King 162 479 16.2 10.1
Expt. 4604 Shamrock 91 474 15.6 11.3
HSR 170 Hollar 65 468 16.8 9.3
Charleston Elite Northrup King 197 450 22.5 9.2
NVH 4286 Northrup King 23 432 21.6 10.1
Expt. 4608 Shamrock 0 420 21.0 10.2
Expt. 4605 Shamrock 187 401 17.1 8.8
AW 82-12-CS AL AES 211 391 18.0 10.9
Fla S85NE Leesburg CFREC 104 371 17.8 10.2
AW 83-1001-CSY AL AES 197 365 16.1 9.8
Fla S87 Gate Leesburg CFREC 16 363 14.9 11.5
Au #30 AL AES 32 351 12.6 10.2
ACX 889869 Abbott & Cobb 239 345 11.3 10.1
NV 4308 Northrup King 97 326 17.0 10.5
Table 13. Watermelon, observational (cont.)
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
(cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Earlyz Total (lb/fruit) (Z)
XPH 5084 Asgrow 262 324 14.9 10.4
ACX 889870 Abbott & Cobb 253 315 11.3 10.4
NV 4310 Northrup King 84 310 13.7 10.4
Expt. 4606 Shamrock 19 309 22.2 10.5
Expt. 4607 Shamrock 0 303 16.6 11.0
Expt. 4609 Shamrock 202 287 16.5 10.5
HMX 5911 Harris Moran 31 278 17.7 11.5
Au #29 AL AES 164 261 12.0 10.0
Allsweet Willhite 11 251 19.3 10.0
SC-1 SC AES 124 228 8.7 10.2
XPH 5365 Asgrow 151 221 12.7 9.9
XPH 5366 Asgrow 105 214 16.4 9.8
NV 4311 Northrup King 9 211 15.2 9.5
Sunshade Asgrow 82 202 14.5 10.0
Sugar Baby LA AES 144 191 5.8 9.9
HMX 4910 Harris Moran 131 177 11.3 10.0
by June 13, 1988.
Planted February 25, 1988 in two-row plots 25
10 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8
in 3 other applications before flowering.
ft long with hills 5 ft apart and rows
applied preplant and 650 lb/A 15-0-14
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leaders: G. W. Elastrom and J. M. Crall
Planted: March 1, 1989
Harvested: June 6, 1989. Last of 4: July 5, 1989
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
(cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Earlyz'y Total (lb/fruit) (Z)
Regency Petoseed 311 a-c 651 a 20.4 11.1
AW82-12-CS AL AES 334 a-c 631 ab 19.8 11.7
S84 GS(N) Leesburg CFREC 371 ab 614 ab 24.9 11.7
Charlee Petoseed 377 ab 599 ab 23.4 10.3
Fla S85NE Leesburg CFREC 299 a-c 585 ab 24.7 10.7
Charleston Gray Asgrow 414 a 575 ab 22.5 11.2
Sangria Northrup King 327 a-c 575 ab 21.6 11.1
Royal Star Petoseed 326 a-c 558 ab 22.2 10.8
Crimson Tide Northrup King 314 a-c 512 ab 17.9 11.6
Jubilee II Leesburg CFREC 168 c 508 ab 22.3 10.1
Jubilation Northrup King 266 a-c 467 ab 21.0 11.0
Fla S84 NW(S) Leesburg CFREC 290 a-c 442 ab 22.9 11.3
Jubilee Asgrow 230 bc 441 ab 24.0 10.2
Calsweet 912 Hollar 174 c 356 b 17.1 10.6
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple
YHarvested by June 13, 1989.
Range Test, 5% level.
Planted March 1, 1989 in single-row plots 30 ft long with hills 3 ft apart and rows
10 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A 15-0-14
in 3 other applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leaders: G. W. Elastrom and J. M. Crall
Planted: March 1, 1989
Harvested: June 6, 1989. Last of 4: July 5, 1989
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
(cwt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Earlyz Total (lb/fruit) (Z)
Seneca RxWm 52 Robson 360 692 19.1 10.9
Royal Sweet Petoseed 331 687 21.5 10.5
Crimson Sweet Asgrow 415 671 22.0 10.6
Royal Windsor Petoseed 306 661 22.8 11.8
Nun 1645 Canners 338 654 19.6 9.9
Oasis Harris Moran 503 651 28.1 11.6
HSR 174 Hollar 494 650 20.4 10.3
Early Jubilee Petoseed 370 631 22.9 10.3
NV 4310 Northrup King 467 622 20.4 11.5
NV 4308 Northrup King 358 579 22.2 11.0
Royal Jubilee Petoseed 226 564 19.5 10.5
Hyb. 87W155 Musser 345 529 21.5 10.2
SC-7 SC AES 332 509 17.6 9.1
Prince Charles Petoseed 339 505 20.5 9.7
NV 4317 Northrup King 247 500 21.6 10.7
HSR 123 Hollar 305 494 14.2 10.6
Jubilation Northrup King 252 477 15.7 10.8
Mirage LS Asgrow 297 454 20.9 10.8
AW83-1001-CSY AL AES 380 441 19.0 11.3
Nun 1652 Canners 400 247 11.0 10.6
Table 15. Watermelon, observational (cont.)
Marketable Yield Melon Soluble
(crt/A) Weight Solids
Cultivar Source Earlyz Total (lb/fruit) (Z)
X677 Burrell 303 397 21.0 11.5
Resistent Fito 177 377 11.8 10.2
88678 Royal Sluis 249 373 16.1 10.4
Paradise Harris Moran 180 348 16.0 11.5
HSR 324 Hollar 319 334 20.9 11.1
NVH 4289 Northrup King 257 319 15.7 11.2
Nun 1658 Canners 161 297 14.6 12.2
Fla S87 Gate Leesburg CFREC 186 278 11.3 12.2
Seneca RxWm 51 Robson 124 244 14.3 9.7
Sugar Baby Petoseed 225 238 9.1 10.2
HSR 175 Hollar 165 222 10.9 9.3
Sanres Fito 181 212 13.3 11.1
NVH 4288 Northrup King 87 87 20.0 10.7
by June 13, 1989.
Planted March 1, 1989 in single-row plots 30 ft long with hills 3 ft apart and rows
10 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A 15-0-14
in 3 other applications before flowering.
Abbott & Cobb, Inc.
P.O. Box 307
Feasterville, PA 19047
J. D. Norton
Department of Horticulture
Auburn University
Auburn, AL 36830
American Sunmelon
P.O. Box 153
Hinton, OK 73047
Asgrow Seed Co.
7000 Portage Rd.
Kalamazoo, MI 49001
W. Atlee Burpee Co.
300 Park Avenue
Warminster, PA 18991
D. V. Burrell Seed Growers Co.
P.O. Box 150
Rocky Ford, CO 81067
Harris Moran
Leesburg CFBEC
Abbott & Cobb
Canners Seed Corp.
P.O. Box 18
Lewisville, ID 83431
C. E. Johnson
North La. Expt. Sta.
P.O. Box 10
Calhoun, LA 71225
Ferry-Morse Seed Co.
P.O. Box 4938
Modesto, CA 95352-4938
Semillas Fito
Attn: Antonio Fito Morato
Avdz Marques de Argentera 1
08003 Barcelona, SPAIN
Harris Moran Seed Co.
3670 Buffalo Rd.
Rochester, NY 14624
Out of Business
Hollar & Company, Inc.
P.O. Box 106
Rocky Ford, CO 81067
J. M. Crall
5336 University Avenue
Leesburg, FL 34748
American Sunmelon
Appendix. Seed sources (cont.)
Musser Seed Co., Inc.
P.O. Box 1406
Twin Falls, ID 83301
Neuman Seed Co.
P.O. Box 1530
El Centro, CA 92243
Northrup King Seed Co.
Vegetable Seed Group
P.O. Box 1827
Gilroy, CA 95023
Petoseed Co., Inc.
P.O. Box 4206
Saticoy, CA 93003
Robson Seed Farms Corp.
1 Seneca Circle
Hall, NY 14463
Royal Sluis, Inc.
1293 Harkins Road
Salinas, CA 93901
B. B. Rhodes
Horticulture Dept.
Poole Agricultural Center
Clemson University
Clemson, SC 29634-0375
Shamrock Seed Co.
P.O. Box 3011
Lantana, FL 33465
Stokes Seeds, Inc.
P.O. Box 548
Bnffalo, NY 14240
9531 W. 78th St. #229
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Twilley Seed Co.
P.O. Box 65
Trevose, PA 19047
Willhite Seed Co.
P.O. Box 23
Poolville, TX 76076
Northrup King
Royal Sluis
O The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
O The statewide agricultural arm of the University of Florida dedicated to Teaching, Research and Extension.
D A faculty team located at the University of Florida, and at 22 research centers and 67 county Extension
offices throughout the state.
o A partnership in research and education, funded by state, federal and local government, and with gifts and
grants from individuals, foundations and industry.
O An organization whose mission is -- to educate students in agriculture and related sciences, to strengthen
Florida's agricultural industry through research, to improve the quality of life for all Floridians through
IFAS Extension programs.