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 Title Page

Group Title: Publication list, cucurbits.
Title: Publication list, cucurbits. 1970-1983.
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076051/00003
 Material Information
Title: Publication list, cucurbits. 1970-1983.
Series Title: Publication list, cucurbits.
Physical Description: Serial
Language: English
Creator: Elmstrom, Gary
Publisher: Agricultural Research and Education Center, University of Florida
Publication Date: 1984
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00076051
Volume ID: VID00003
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: oclc - 144617709

Table of Contents
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The publications in this collection do
not reflect current scientific knowledge
or recommendations. These texts
represent the historic publishing
record of the Institute for Food and
Agricultural Sciences and should be
used only to trace the historic work of
the Institute and its staff. Current IFAS
research may be found on the
Electronic Data Information Source

site maintained by the Florida
Cooperative Extension Service.

Copyright 2005, Board of Trustees, University
of Florida






,.F.A.S.- Univ. of Floridr
This list includes Journal Series ar icTs,-Bu-et-in&,-
Circulars, and Research Reports published during the period
1970 to 1983 by faculty at the AREC, Leesburg. The reports
on cucurbits cover genetics/plant breeding, horticulture,
plant pathology, and entomology.



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1. Hopkins, D. L. 1970. Control of gummy stem blight of
watermelon. Amer. Phytopathol. Soc. Fungicide and
Nematicido Test Results of 1970. 26:96.

2. Adlerz, W. C. 1971. Cabbage looper control on water-
melon at Leesburg, 1968-1970. Proc. Fla. State Hort.
Soc. 84:145-146.

3. Adlerz, W. C. 1971. Discovery of weed host may lead
to control of watermelon mosaic. Sunshine State Agr.
Res. Rept. 16:6-8.

4. Adlerz, W. C. 1971. New traps for aphid migrants.
Sunshine State Agr. Res. Rept. 16:7-9.

5. Adlerz, W. C. 1971. A reservoir-equipped Moericke
trap for collecting aphids. J. Econ. Entomol. 64:

6. Crall, J. M. 1971. 'Smokylee', a high quality water-
melon with resistance to anthracnose and Fusarium
wilt. Fla. Agr. Exp. Sta. Circ. S-211, 10 pp.

7. Crall, J. M. and G. W. Elmstrom. 1971. Watermelon
breeding and testing. In Biennial Report, Veg. Breed.
in the So. U.S., Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. pp. 68-69.

8. Elmstrom, G. W. 1971. Evaluation of watermelon cultivars
for commercial production in Florida. Proc. Fla.
State Hort. Soc. 84:96-99.

9. Elmstrom, G. W. and J. M. Crall. 1971. Cantaloupe
breeding and testing. In Biennial Report, Veg. Breed.
in the So. U.S., Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. pp. 16-17.

10. Elmstrom, G. W., J. G. A. Fiskell, and F. G. Martin.
1971. Correlation of soil test and saturated extract
determinations with watermelon tissue analyses, yield,
and soluble solids. Soil and Crop Sci. Soc. Fla.
Proc. 30:174-178.

11. Hopkins, D. L. 1971. Control of downy mildew of water-
melon. Amer. Phytopathol. Soc. Fungicide and Nema-
ticide Test Results of 1971. 27:105.

12. Wolfenbarger, D. 0. and W. C. Adlerz. 1971. Will
aluminum control some aphid-transmitted virus diseases?
Sunshine State Agr. Res. Rept. 16:4-5.

13. Adlerz, W. C. 1972. Melothria pendula plants infected
with watermelon mosaic virus 1 as a source of inoculum


for cucu.rbI.ts in Coll.or County, Florida. J. Econ.
Entomol. 65:1303-1306.

14. Adlerz, W. C. 1972. Momordica charantia as a source of
watermelon mosaic virus 1 for cucurbit crops in Palm
Beach County, Florida. Plant Dis. Reptr. 56:563-564.

15. Crall, J. M. and J. Montelaro. 1972. Fusarium wilt
resistance in 'Jubilee' watermelon. Proc. Fla. State
Hort. Soc. 85:102-105.

16. Elmstrom, G. W. 1972. Cantaloupe cultivars for Florida.
Mimeo Rpt. WG 73-2.

17. Elmstrom, G. W. 1972. Protection of watermelon from
terbacil injury with activated charcoal. Proc. So.
Weed Sci. Soc. 25:204-208.

18. Elmstrom, G. W. 1972. Watermelon cultivars for Fiorida.
Mimeo Rpt. WG 73-3.

19. Elmstrom, G. W. 1972. Weed control in watermelon with
terbacil and activated charcoal. Proc. Fla. State
Hort. Soc. 85:105-107.

20. Elmstrom, G. W., J. G. A. Fiskell, and F. G. Martin.
1972. Nutrient distribution in soil and.watermelon
plant uptake: Effect of fertilizer timing, rate, and
placement. Soil and Crop Sci. Soc. Fla. Proc. 32:

21. Hopkins, D. L. 1972. Control downy mildew early.
Citrus and Veg. WORLD Mag. 9:10.

22. Hopkins, D. L. 1972. Control of gummy stem blight and
downy mildew of watermelon. Amer. Phytopathol. Soc.
Fungicide and Nematicide Test Results of 1972. 28:94.

23. Hopkins, D. L. 1972. Fungicidal control of downy
mildew and gummy stem blight of watermelon. Proc.
Fla. State Hort. Soc. 85:108-110.

24. Hopkins, D. L. and N. C. Schenck. 1972. Bacterial leaf
spot of watermelon caused by Pseudomonas lachrymans.
Phytopathology 62:542-545.

25. Crall, J. M. and G. W. Elmstrom. 1973. Watermelon
breeding and testing. In 1973 Biennial Report, Veg.
Breed. in the U.S., Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. pp. 63-

26. Elmstrom, G. W. 1973. Cantaloupe variety trials. In
Vegetable Variety Trial Results in Florida for 1969-
1970-1971 and Recommended Varieties. Florida Agr.

- I1-

Expt. Sta. Circ. 8- 23 27 .

27. Elmstrom,.G. W. 1973. Evaluation of herbicides for
watermelon. Proc. So. Weed Sci. Soc. 26:270-275.

28. Elmstrom, G. W. 1973. Watermelon root development
affected by direct seeding and transplanting.
HortScience 8:134-136.

29. Elmstrom, G. W. and J. M. Crall. 1973. Cantaloupe
breeding and testing. In Biennial Report, Veg.
Breed. in the U.S., Hawaii, and Puerto Rico.
pp. 11-12.

30. Elmstrom, G. W. and J. M. Crall. 1973. Watermelon
variety trials. In Vegetable Variety Trial Results
in Florida for 19-9--1970-1971 and Recommended
Varieties. Florida Agr. Expt. Sta. Circ. S-223.
p. 67.

31. Elmstrom, G. W. and J. G. A. Fiskell. 1973.
Watermelon yield response to supplemental magnesium.
Soil and Crop Sci. Soc. Fla. Proc. 33:222-223.

32. Elmstrom, G. W., J. G. A. Fiskell, and F. G. Martin.
1973. Watermelon yield and quality: Effect of
fertilizer rate and placement. Proc. Fla. State
Hort. Soc. 86:196-200.

33. Elmstrom, G. W. and D. L. Hopkins. 1973. Field
resistance to root-knot nematode in muskmelon.
HortScience 8:134.

34. Elmstrom, G. W. and D. L. Hopkins. 1973. Variable
susceptibility to bacterial rind necrosis in
watermelon. HortScience 8:32.

35. Halsey, L. H. and G. W. Elmstrom. 1973. Cantaloupe
cultivars for Florida. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc.

36. Hopkins, D. L. 1973. Control of gummy stem blight of
watermelon. Amer. Phytopathol. Soc. Fungicide ahd
Nematicide Test Results of 1973. 29:86.

37. Hopkins, D. L. and G. W. Elmstrom. 1973. Researchers
seek control for bacterial rind necrosis of watermelon.
Sunshine State Agricultural Research Report 18(4-5):

38. Adlerz, W. C. 1974. Spring aphid flights and incidence
of watermelon mosaic viruses 1 and 2 in Florida.
Phytopathology 64:350-353.


39. Adleor, W. C. 1974. Wati'urmlonl insect control.
Leesburg ARC Res. Rept. 74-3. 2 pp.

40. Adlerz, W. C. 1974. Wind effects on spread of
watermelon mosaic virus 1 from local virus sources
to watermelon. J. Econ. Entomol. 67:361-364.

41. Crall, J. M. 1974. A watermelon breeding program for
Florida. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept. WG 74-5.

42. Elmstrom, G. W. 1974. Cantaloupe cultivars for
Florida. Leesburg ARC Research Rpt. WG 74-2.

43. Elmstrom, G. W. 1974. Watermelon cultivars for
Florida. Leesburg ARC Research Rpt. WG 74-1.

44. Elmstrom, G. W., J. G. A. Fiskell, and F. G. Martin.
1974. Slow-release fertilizers for a uniform supply
of N and K to watermelon. Soil and Crop Sci. Soc.
Fla. Proc. 34:88-91.

45. Elmstrom, G. W. and S. J. Locascio. 1974. Evaluation
of herbicides for watermelon in Florida. Proc.
Fla. State Hort. Soc. 87:179-184.

46. Hopkins, D. L. 1974. Control of gummy stem blight
and downy mildew of watermelon. Amer. Phytopathol.
Soc. Fungicide and Nematicide Test Results of 1974.

47. Hopkins, D. L. 1974. Control of watermelon diseases.
Leesburg ARC Research Report WG 74-4.

48. Hopkins, D. L. and G. W. Elmstrom. 1974. Chemical
control of watermelon damping-off and seedling wilt.
Plant Dis. Reptr. 58:114-117.

49. Hopkins, D. L. and G. W. Elmstrom. 1974. Severity of
bacterial rind necrosis in watermelon cultivars in
Florida. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 87:184-187.

50. Adlerz, W. C. 1975. Natural control of three rindworm
species and chemical control of the granulate cutworm,
Feltia subterranea on watermelon. Fla. State Hort.
Soc. Proc. 88:204-207.

51. Crall, J. M. and G. W. Elmstrom. 1975. Watermelon
breeding and testing. In Biennial Report, Veg.
Breed. in the U.S., Hawaii, and Puerto Rico.
pp. 69-71.

52. Elmstrom, G. W. 1975. Cantaloupe variety trials. In
Vegetable Variety Trial Results in Florida for 1972-
1973-1974 and Recommended Varieties. Fla. Agr. Expt.


Sta. Circ. S-23. pp). 14-15.

53. Elmstrom, G. W. 1975. Composite results of the 1975
Southern Cooperative Muskmelon Variety Trial. 11 pp.

54. Elmstrom, G. W. and J. M. Crall. 1975. Cantaloupe
breeding and testing. In Biennial Report, Veg.
Breed. in the U.S., Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. pp. 9-10.

55. Elmstrom, G. W. and J. M. Crall. 1975. Watermelon
variety trials. In Vegetable Variety Trial Results
in Florida in 1972-1973-1974 and Recommended Varieties.
Fla. Agr. Expt. Sta. Circ. S-234. np. 44-45.

56. Hopkins, D. L. 1975. Fungicidal control of watermelon
downy mildew and gummy stem blight. Amer. Phytonathol.
Soc. Fungicide and Nematicide Test Results of 1975.

57. Hopkins, D. L. and G. W. Elmstrom. 1975. Chemical
control of Fusarium wilt of watermelon. Proc. Fla.
State Hort. Soc. 88:196-200.

58. Adlerz, W. C. 1976. Comparison of aphids trapped on
vertical sticky board and cylindrical aphid traps
and correlation with watermelon mosaic virus 2
incidence. J. Econ. Entomol. 69:495-498.

59. Elmstrom, G. W. 1976. Characteristics of root systems
associated with direct-seeded and transplanted
watermelons. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 89:82-84.

60. Elmstrom, G. W. 1976. Composite results of the 1976
Southern Cooperative Muskmelon Variety Trial. 7 pp.

61. Elmstrom, G. W. 1976. Herbicides for week control in
watermelon. Proc. So. Weed Sci. Soc. 29:232-235.

62. Elmstrom, G. W. 1976. Watermelon varieties for
Florida. Leesburg ARC Research Rpt. WG 76-1.

63. Hopkins, D. L. and G. W. Elmstrom. 1976. Effect of
soil pH and nitrogen source on Fusarium wilt of
watermelon on land previously cropped in watermelons.
Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 89:141-143.

.64. Locascio, S.J., G. W. Elmstrom, R. K. Showalter, and
D. J. Cantliffe. 1976. Effect of location, cultivar,
irrigation, and temperature on watersoaking and seed
quality in watermelon fruit. Proc. Fla. State Hort.
Soc. 89:97-100.

65. Sistrunk, L. A., G. W. Elmstrom, and D. L. Hopkins.
1976. Evaluation of slicing cucumber varieties for


Florida. Proc. Fla. State llort. Soc. 89:78-80.

66. Adlerz, W. C. 1977. Pickleworm control on cantaloupe
and summer squash. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc.

67. Crall, J. M. and G. W. Elmstrom. 1977. Watermelon
breeding and testing. In Biennial Report, Veg.
Breed. in the U.S., Hawaii, and Puerto Rico.
pp. 52-54.

68. Elmstrom, G. W. 1977. Combining contact and
preemergence herbicides in watermelon. Proc. So.
Weed Sci. Soc. 30:181-184.

69. Elmstrom, G. W. 1977. Composite results of the 1977
Southern Cooperative Muskmelon Variety Trial. 8, p.

70. Elmstrom, G. W. 1977. Cucumber variety testing. In
Biennial Report, Veg. Breed. in the U.S., Hawaii,
and Puerto Rico. pp. 15-16.

71. Elmstrom, G. W. 1977. Squash variety testing. In
Biennial Report, Veg. Breed. in the U.S., Hawaii,
and Puerto Rico. p. 36.

72. Elmstrom, G. W. 1977. Watermelon varieties for
Florida. Leesburg ARC Research Rpt. WG 77-1.

73. Elmstrom, G. W. and D. J. Cantliffe. 1977. Evaluation
of pickling cucumber varieties for Florida. Proc.
Fla. State Hort. Soc. 90:367-370.

74. Elmstrom, G. W. and J. M. Crall. 1977. Cantaloupe
breeding and testing. In Biennial Report, Veg.
Breed. in the U.S., Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. p. 7.

75. Hopkins, D. L. 1977. Fungicidal control of watermelon
gummy stem blight, 1976. APS Fungicide and Nematicide
Tests 32:108.

76. Hopkins, D. L. and G. W. Elmstrom. 1977. Etiology of
melon rind necrosis. Phytopathology 67:961-964.

77. Locascio, S. J., J. G. A. Fiskell, and G. W. Elmstrom.
1977. Comparison of sulfur-coated and uncoated urea.
I. Watermelon response in six field experiments.
Soil and Crop Sci. Soc. Fla. Proc. 27:197-200.

78. Adlerz, W. C. 1978. Secondary spread of watermelon
mosaic virus 2 by Anuraphis middlotonii. J. Econ.
Entomol. 71:531-533.

79. Adlerz, W. C. 1978. Watermelon mosaic virus 2


epidemics in Florida 1967-1977. J. Econ. Entomol.

80. Dow, A. R., R. H. Segall, D. L. Hopkins, and G. W.
Elmstrom. 1978. Effects of storage temperature and
field fungic do teatments; on decay of Florida
watermelons. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 91:149-150.

81. Elmstrom, (G. W. 1978. Evaluation of summer squash
varieties for Florida. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc.

82. Brinen, G. H., S. J. Locascio, and G. W. Elmstrom.
1979. Plant and row spacing, mulch, and fertilizer
rate effects on watermelon production. J. Amer.
Soc. Hort. Sci. 104:724-726.

83. Brinen, G. H., S. J. Locascio, and G. W. Elmstrom.q
1979. Plant arrangement for maximum watermelon yield.
Proc. Fla. State Hort. Sci. 92:80-82.

84. Crall, J. M. and G. W. Elmstrom. 1979. 'Dixielee',
a round striped watermelon with intense red flesh
and resistance to anthracnose and Fusarium wilt.
Fla. Agr. Expt. Sta. Circ. S-263. 9 pp.

85. Crall, J. M. and G. W. Elmstrom. 1979. Watermelon
breeding and testing. In Biennial Report, Veg.
Breed. in the U.S., Hawaii, and Puerto Rico.

86. Elmstrom, G. W. 1979. Cantaloupe breeding and testing.
In Biennial Report, Veg. Breed. in the U.S., Hawaii,
and Puerto Rico. pp. 9-10.

87. Elmstrom, G. W. 1979. Composite results of the 1978
Southern Cooperative Muskmelon Variety Trial. 8 pp.

88. Elmstrom, G. W. 1979. Composite results of the 1979
Southern Cooperative Muskmelon Variety Trial. 10 pp.

89. Elmstrom, G. W. 1979. Cucumber variety testing. In
Biennial Report, Veg. Breed. in the U.S., Hawaii, and
Puerto Rico. p. 19.

90. Elmstrom, G. W. 1979. Squash variety testing. In
Biennial Report, Veg. Breed. in the U.S., Hawaii, and
Puerto Rico. p. 41.

91. Hopkins, D. L. and G. W. Elmstrom. 1979. Evaluation
of soil fumigants and application methods for the
control of Fusarium wilt of watermelon. Plant Dis.
Reptr. 63:1003-1006.


92. Crall, J. M. and C. W. Elmrrstrom. 1980. 'Dlxicleo'
watermelon. HortScience 15:99-100.

93. Elmstrom, G. W. 1980. Cantaloupe, cucumber, and
squash variety trials. In Vegetable Variety Trial
Results in Florida for 1975-1976-1977 and Recommended
Varieties. Fla. Agr. Expt. Sta. Circ. S-272.
pp. 31, 47-48, 51-52, 73-74.

94. Elmstrom, G. W. 1980. Composite results of the 1980
Southern Cooperative Muskmelon Variety Trial. 11 pp.

95. Elmstrom, G. W. 1980. Cucurbit variety evaluations,
1977-1980. Leesburg ARC Research Report. WG 80-9.

96. Elmstrom, G. W. 1980. Publication List Cucurbits,
1970-1980. Leesburg ARC Research Report. WG 80-7.

97. Elmstrom, G. W. and J. M. Crall. 1980. Watermelon
variety trials. In Vegetable Variety Trial Results
in Florida for 1975-1976-1977 and Recommended
Varieties. Fla. Agr. Expt. Sta. Circ. S-272.
pp. 78-79.

98. Adlerz, W. C. 1981. Weed hosts of aphid-borne viruses
of vegetable crops in Florida. In Wild Plants in the
Ecology of Crop Pests and Diseases. J. M. Thresh Ed.
Pittman's. pp. 467-478.

99. Crall, J. M. 1981. Fifty years of watermelon breeding
at ARC Leesburg. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc.

100. Crall, J. M. and G. W. Elmstrom. 1981. Sugarlee An
early, high quality, disease resistant watermelon
variety for Florida commercial growers. Fla. Agr.
Expt. Sta. Circ. S-277. 8 pp.

101. Crall, J. M. and G. W. Elmstrom. 1981. Watermelon
breeding and testing. In Biennial Report, Veg.
Breed. in the U.S., Hawaii, and Puerto Rico.
pp. 51-52.

102. Elmstrom, G. W. 1981. Cantaloupe breeding and testing.
In Biennial Report, Veg. Breed. in the U.S., Hawaii,
and Puerto Rico. pp. 7-8.

103. Elmstrom, G. W. 1981. Composite results of the 1981
Southern Cooperative Muskmelon Variety Trial. 9 pp.

104. Elmstrom, G. W. 1981. Cucumber variety testing. In
Biennial Report, Veg. Breed. in the U.S., Hawaii,
and Puerto Rico. pp. 16-17.


105. Elmstrom, G. W. 1981. Cucurblt variety evaluation,
Spring 1981. Leesburg ARC Research Report. WG 81-3.

106. Elmstrom, G. W. 1981. Squash variety testing. In
Biennial Report, Veg. Breed. in the U.S., Hawaii, and
Puerto Rico. p. 38.

107. Elmstrom, G. W. 1981. Watermelon Field Day. Leesburg
ARC Research Report. WG 81-1.

108. Elmstrom, G. W. and Paul L. Davis. 1981. Sugar
development in 'Sugarlee' and 'Dixielee', two recently-
released watermelon cultivars compared with 'Charleston
Gray'. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 94:177-179.

109. Elmstrom, G. W. and Paul L. Davis. 1981. Sugars in
developing and mature fruits of several watermelon
cultivars. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 105:330-333.

110. Elmstrom, G. W. and D. L. Hopkins. 1981. Resistance of
watermelon cultivars to Fusarium wilt. Plant Disease

111. Elmstrom, G. W., S. J. Locascio, and J. M. Myers. 1981.
Watermelon response to drip and sprinkler irrigation.
Proc. Fla. State Hort. Hort. Soc. 94:161-163.

112. Crall, J. M. 1982. Fifty years of watermelon breeding
research (Section in 50th Anniversary Leesburg ARC
Research Report). WG 82-1.

113. Elmstrom, G. W. 1982. Cantaloupe, cucumber, and squash
variety trials. In Vegetable Variety Trial Results in
Florida for 1978-1979-1980. Fla. Agr. Expt. Sta. Circ.
S-289. pp. 11-13, 17-19, 21-23, 44-51.

114. Elmstrom, G. W. 1982. Composite results of the 1982.
Southern Cooperative Muskmelon Variety Trial. 12 pp.

115. Elmstrom, G. W. 1982. Cucurbit variety evaluation,
Spring 1982. Leesburg ARC Research Report. LBG 82-2.

116. Elmstrom, G. W. 1982. 50th Anniversary 1931/1981
Agricultural Research Center, Leesburg. Leesburg ARC
Research Report. WG 82-1. 20 pp.

117. Elmstrom, G. W. and J. M. Crall. 1982. Watermelon
variety trials. In Vegetable Variety Trial Results
in Florida for 197~-1979-1980. Fla. Agr. Expt. Sta.
Circ. S-289. pp. 66-68.

118. Adlerz, W. C., D. E. Purcifull, G. W. Simone, and E.
Hiebert. 1983. Zucchini yellow mosaic virus: a


pathogen of squash and other cucurbits in Florida.
Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 96:72-74.

119. Crall, J. M. and G. W. Elmstrom. 1983. 'Sugarlee''
watermelon. HortScience 18:496-497.

120. Crall, J. M. and G. W. Elmstrom. 1983. Watermelon
breeding and testing. In Biennial Report, Veg. Breed.
in the U.S., Hawaii, and Puerto Rico, pp. 53-54.

121. Elmstrom, 1. W. 1983. Cantaloupe breeding and testing.
In Biennial Report, Veg. Breed. in the U.S., Hawaii, and
Puerto Rico, p. 6.

122. Elmstrom, G. W. 1983. Cantaloupe, cucumber, and squash
variety trials. In Vegetable Variety Trial Results in
Florida for 1981. Fla. Agr. Expt. Sta. Circ. S-304,
pp. 12, 23-24, 26, 39-41.

123. Elmstrom, G. W. 1983. Cantaloupe, cucumber, and squash
variety trials. In Vegetable Variety Trial Results in
Florida for 1982. Fla. Agr. Expt. Sta. Circ. S'306,
pp. 17-18, 37-39, 54-57.

124. Elmstrom, G. W. 1983. Cucumber breeding and testing.
In Biennial Report, Veg. Breed. in the U.S., Hawaii, and
Puerto Rico, p. 16.

125. Elmstrom, G. W. 1983. Cucurbit variety evaluation 1983.
Leesburg ARC Research Report. LBG 83-4.

126. Elmstrom, G. W. 1983. 50th Anniversary ARC Leesburg,
FLA. HortScience 18:792, 1011.

127. Elmstrom, G. W. 1983. Publication List Cucurbits 1970-
1982. Leesburg ARC Research Report. LBG 83-3.

128. Elmstrom, G. W. 1983. Squash variety testing. In
Biennial Report, Veg. Breed. in the U.S., Hawaii, and
Puerto Rico, p. 36.

129. Elmstrom, G. W. and J. M. Crall. 1983. Watermelon
variety trial. In Vegetable Variety Trial Results in
Florida for 1981. Fla. Agr. Expt. Sta. Circ. S-304,
p. 53.

130. Elmstrom. G. W. and J. M. Crall. 1983. Watermelon
variety trial. In Vegetable Variety Trial Results in
Florida for 1982. Fla. Agr. Expt. Sta. Circ. S-306,
p. 66.

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