Historic note
 Title Page

Group Title: Publication list, cucurbits.
Title: Publication list, cucurbits. 1970-1982.
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076051/00002
 Material Information
Title: Publication list, cucurbits. 1970-1982.
Series Title: Publication list, cucurbits.
Physical Description: Serial
Language: English
Creator: Elmstrom, Gary
Publisher: Agricultural Research and Education Center, University of Florida
Publication Date: 1983
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00076051
Volume ID: VID00002
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: oclc - 144617709

Table of Contents
    Historic note
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    Title Page
        Title Page
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The publications in this collection do
not reflect current scientific knowledge
or recommendations. These texts
represent the historic publishing
record of the Institute for Food and
Agricultural Sciences and should be
used only to trace the historic work of
the Institute and its staff. Current IFAS
research may be found on the
Electronic Data Information Source

site maintained by the Florida
Cooperative Extension Service.

Copyright 2005, Board of Trustees, University
of Florida

F% ry-





This list includes Journal Series articles, Bulletins,
Circulars, and Research Reports, published during the period
1970 to 1982 ti faculty at the ABC, Leesburg. The reports
on cucurbits cov'r genetics/plant breeding, horticulture,
plant pathology, and entomology.



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1. Adlerz, W. C. 1971. New traps for aphid migrants. Sun-
shine State Agr. Res. Rept. 16(4-5):7-9.

2. Adlerz, W. C. 1971. Discovery of weed host may lead to
control o f watermelon mosaic. Sunshine State Agr. Res.
Rept. 16:(3):6-P.

i. Adlerz, W. C. 197I. A rose: rvoi r-equl.pped foor.icke trap
for collecting aphids;. J. Econ. Entomol. 614(4):966-967.

4. Adlerz, W. C. 1971. Cabbage looper control on water-
melon at Loosburg, 1968-1970. Fla. State Hort. Soc. Proc.

5. Crall, J. M. 1971. 'Smokylee', a high quality water-
melon with resistance to anthracnose and Fusarium wilt.
Fla. Agr. Exp. Sta. Circ. S-211, 10 pp.

6. Crall, J. M. and ( W. Elmstrom. 1971. Watermelon breed-
Ing and testing. In Bi.ennial Report, Veg. Breed. in the
So. U. S., Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. p. 68-69.

7. Elmstrom, G. W. 1971. Evaluation of watermelon culti-
vars for commercial production in Florida. Proc. Fla.
State IIort. Soc. 811:96-99.

8. Elmstrom, :2. W., J. C. A. F :koll, and F. G. Martin. 1971.
Correlat-onr of' ;oil test, and saturated d extract determin-
ations withl watlermclon ti sse analy yses, yield, and solu-
ble so1 1 d:,. oil ,;ind C'r'op 1 i. Soc. Fla Proc. 30:174-178.

9. Elmstrom, ('. W. and J. M. (C l 1. 1971. Cantaloupe breed-
ing and t n In Hienni:l ,k or',, Veg. Breed. in the
So. 1U.S., 1lawa I and Puerto R.Ieo. p. 16-17.

10. Hopkins D. I,. 1970. Control of gummy stem blight of
watermelon. Amer. Phvtopathol. Soc. Fungicide and Nema-
ticide 'Test Result:; of 1970. :96.

11 lHopkins D. ii. 1971. Control of downy mildew of water-
melon. Aiinr. Phytopathol. So luni icide and Nematicides
';m'st RPSui I I I, o1' / "'7: 1.

12. Wolfenbargor, P. 0., and W. C. Adlerz. 1971. Will alu-
minum control some aphid-transmitted virus diseases? Sun-
shine State Agr. Res. Rept. 16(3):41-5.

13. Adlerz, W. (. 1972. Melothfria pendula plants infected
with watermelon mosaic virus 1 as a source of inoculum
for cucurbits in Collier County, Florida. J. Econ.
Entomol. (,I,( I) :1303-6.

11l. Adlerz, W. C. 1972. Momtirdica charantla as a source of
watermelon mosaic virus 1 for cucurbit crops in Palm
Beach County, Florida. I'ii!, 1)1s. Heptr. 56(7):563-4.

1'. Crall, J. M. and J. Monrtl:elar. 1972. Pusarium wilt re-
sistance in 'Jubilee' watermelon. Proc. Fla. State Hort.
Soc. 85:102-105.

16. Elmstrom, G. W. 1972. Cantaloupe cultivars for Florida.
Mimeo Rpt. WG73-2.

17. Elmstrom, G. W. 1972. Watermelon cultivars for Florida.
Mimeo Rpt. WG73-3.

18. Elmstrom, G. W. 19'2. Protection of watermelon from
terbacil injury with activated charcoal. Proc. So.
Weed Sci. Soc. 25:2011-208.

19. Elmstrom, G. W. 1972. Tnactivation of residual herbi-
cide in an abandoned fernery. Proc. Fla. State Hort.
Soc. 85:414-415.

20. Elmstrom, G. W. 1972. Weed control in watermelon with
terbacil and activated charcoal. Proc. Fla. State Hort.
Soc. 85:105-107.

23. Elmstrom, G. W., J. G. A. Fiskell, and F. G. Martin.
1972. Nutrient distribution in sol. and watermelon
plant uptake: Effect of fertilizer timing, rate, and
placement. Soil and Crop Sci. Soc. Pla. Proc. 32:154-

22. Hopkins, D. L. 1972. Fungicidal control of downy mil-
dew and gummy stem blight of watermelon. Proc. Fla.
State Hort. Soc. 85:108-110.

23. Hopkins, D. L. 1972. Control downy mildew early.
Citrus and Veg. WORLD Mag. 9(3):10.

24. Hopkins, D. L. 1972. Control of gummy stem blight and
downy mildew of watermelon. Amer. Phytopathol. Soc.
Fungicide and Nematicide Test results of 1972. 28:94.

25. Hopkins, D. I. and N. C. Schenck. 1972. Bacterial leaf
spot of watermelon caused by Pseudomonas lachrymans.
Phytopathology 62:512-5115.

26. Crall, J. M. and 1. W. Elmstrom. 1973. Watermelon breed-
ing and te;t.i ing. In 1973 Bicnnia.l Report, Veg. Breed.
In the UI... ultwan ll, and Puerto lico. p. 63-65.

27. Elmstrom, G. W. and J. G. A. Fiskell. 1973. Watermelon
yield response to supplemental magnesium. Soil and Crop
Sci. Soc. PFla. Proc. 33:222-223.

28. Elmstrom, (.. W., J. G. A. l.skel], and F. G. Martin.
1973. Watermelon yield and quality: Effect of ferti-
lizer ratfc and placIement. Proc. l'la. State Hort. Soc.

29. Elmstrom, (I. W. 1973. Cantaloupe variety trials. In
Vegetable Variety Trial Results in Florida for 1969-
1970-1971 and Recommended Varieties. Florida Agr.
Expt. Sta. Circ. S-223. p. 27.

30. Elmstrom, G. W. and J. M. Crall. 1973. Watermelon
variety trials. In Vegetable Variety Trial Results in
Florida for 1969-1970-1l'71 and Recommended Varieties.
Florida Agr. Expt. Sta. Circ. 3-223. p. 67.

31. Elmstrom, (G. W. and J. M. Cral:. 1973. Cantaloupe
breeding and testing. In Biennial Report, Veg. Breed.
in the U.S., Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. p. 11-12.

32. Elmstrom, G. W. and D. L. Hopkins. 1973. Variable
susceptibility to bacterial rind necrosis in watermelon.
HortScience 8:32.

33. Elmstrom, C. W. 1973. Watermelon root development
affected by direct seeding and transplanting. Hort-
Science 8:1311-136.

34. Elmstrom, 0. W. and D. L. Hopkins. 1973. Field resis-
tance to rootknot nematode in muskmelon. HortScience

35. Elmstrom, (;. W. 1973. Evaluation of herbicides for
watermelon. Proc. So. Weed Sci. Soc. 26:270-275.

36. Halsey, L. II. and (i. W. Elmstrom. 1973. Cantaloupe
cultivars tor Fl'.1orida. Proc. l'la. State Ilort. Soc.

37. Hopkins, I. L. and G. W. Elmnstrom. 1973. Researchers
seek control for bacterial rind necrosis of watermelon.
Sunshine State Agricultural Research Report 18(4-5):

38. Adlerz, W. C. 197L. Spring aphlid flights and incidence
of watermelon mosaic viruses 1 and 2 in Florida. Phtyo-
pathology (;6(3 :350-353.

39. Adlerz, W. (. 1974. Wind effects on spread of water-
melon mosaic virus 1 from local virus sources to water-
melon. J. lconi. Entomol. 67:361-364.

40. Adlerz, W. (. 1974. Watermelon insect control. Lees-
burg ARC ,. Rept. '(7I-3. 2 pp.

41. Call, J. M.V. 19 74. I wil.'rir, I iO1 .bro dirng program for
Florida. l,,e;bnrg AHC Ho;. H L. WR741-5.

42. Elmstrom, C. W. 1974. Watermelon cultivars for Florida.
Leesburg ABRC Renearch lipt.. W(174-1.

43. Elmstrom, ;. W. 1974. Cantaloupe cultivars for Florida.
Leesburgl ARC liesearclh pt. W(;II-;'.

i44. Elmstrom, nd ". J. lorn o. 19711. Eva.luatlon
of herbicides fIor watormolon iln i.lorida. Proc. Fl'a. State
Hort. Soc. 87:179-184.

45. Elmstrom, G. W., J. U. A. Fiskoll, and F. G. Martin.
1974. Slow-release fertilizers for a uniform supply of
N and K to watermelon. Soil and Crop Sci. Soc. Fla.
Proc. 34:88-91.

46. Hopkins, D. L. 1974. Control of watermelon diseases.
Leesburg ARC Research Report-WG74-4.

47. Hopkins, D. L. 1974. Control of gummy stem blight and
downy mildew or watermelon. Amer. Phytopathol. Soc.
Fungicide and Nomaticide Test Results of 1974. 30:92.

'2. llopkins, P. 1,. and ,. W. Elmstrom. 19711. Chemical con-
trol of watermelon damoing off and seedling wilt. Plant
Dis. Reptr. 8:11]-117.

4I. Hopkiiis, 1D. 1,. and (. W. Elmstrom. 1974. Severity of
bacterial eiiid necrosis in w:atermeon cultivars in Florida.
Proc. Fla. :tate Hort. Soc. 87:184-187.

50. Adlerz, W. C. 1975. Natural control of three rindworm
species and cheimlcal control of the granulate cutworm,
Feltia subtclrraniet on wateirmInclori. Pla. State liort. Soc.
Proc. 8(3Th: 7-20 7 .

51. Crall, J. I. 1.and lmstrom. 1975. Watermelon breed-
ing and tt ', in In Biernial report;, Veg. Breed. in the
U.S., Hawai i and Puerto Ri.co. p. h9-71.

5):. Elmstrom, C. W. 1975. Cantaloupe variety trials. In
Vegetable Variety Trial Re.ults in Florida for 1972-
1973-197/1 :aind Recommended Varin e i.e. Fla. Agr. Expt.
:,ta. Circ. S-234. p. 1 4-15.

v3. Elmstrom, (x. W. and J. M. Crall. 1975. Watermelon variety
trials. In Vegetable Variety Trial Results in Florida in
1972-1973-1-974 and Recommended Varieties. Fla. Agr. Expt.
Stn. Ci. rc. -234. p. 111-I1

'i. IELmst'roii, (;. W. and J. ll. J. 1975. Cantaloupe breed-
ing and testing Tn Biennial Report, Veg. Breed. in the
U.S. Ilaw: i 1, and Puerto licu. p. 9-10.

1 --

55. Elmstrom, l W. 1970 1. Clomposl. te results of the 1975
Southern Cooperative Muoskmolon Variety Trial. 11 p.

56. Hopkins, D. 1. and ;. W. Kmt; rom. 1975. Chemical
control of' usarium wilt of watermelon. Proc. Pla.
State Hort. Soc. 88:19'6-200.

7. Ad iler',, W. 1C )7(6. inp:ji :'1roti oP aphlda trapped on
vertical sticky board and cylindrical aphid traps and
correlation with watermelon mosaic virus 2 incidence.
J. Econ. Eil..,mo L. 6()( 'I) :Wl)- 0'9 .

58. Elmstrom, q. W I197' Crompou it results of the 1976
Southern ('Coopeative Mlu:;l
50. EJmstrom, G. W. 1970. Watermelon varieties for
Florida. Leesburg ARC Research Rpt. WG76-1.

60. Ilmstrom, ;. W. 1976. Herbicides for weed control in
watermelon. Proc. So. Weed S c. Soc. 29:232-235.

63. Elmstrom, A. W. 1976. Characteristics of root systems
associated with direct-seeded and transplanted water-
melons. PI'o 'la. State IIort. Soc. 89:82-84.

62. Hopkins, D. 1,. and G. W. Elmstrom. 1976. Effect of
soil pH and N sources on fusarlum wilt of watermelon
on land previously cropped in watermelons. Proc.
l'la. State Ilort. Soc. 89:141-1 3.

6u3. Locascio, S. J., (. W. Elmstrom, R. K. Showalter, and
DI. J. u;ntn 1 i'r 1976. Effect of location, cul tivar,
irrigation, and temperature on watersoaking and seed
quality in watermelon fruit. Proc. Fla. State Hort.
Soc. 89:97-!00.

6'. Sistrunk, I,. \A., W. Elmstrom, and D. L. Hopkins.
1976. Evaluation of' ;slicing cucumber varieties for
Florida. Proc. F]a. State IIort. Soc. 89:78-80.

. Adl er:, N. c. 1'77. Pi' i:l w 1 w ri' control on c nltaloupe
and summer squash. Proc. 1''la. State Hort. Soc. 90:399-400.

(6. Crall, J. M.. and C. W. Klistrom. 1977. Watermelon breed-
ing and tcstLing In Biennial Report, Veg. Breed. in the
U.S., Hawai i and Puerto Rico. p. 52-54.

67. Elmstrom, (. W. 1977. Combining contact and preemergence
herbicides in waterm,'l on. Proc. So. Weed Sci. Soc. 30:

68. Elmstrom, ;. W. and J M. Crall. 1977. Cantaloupe breed-
ing and te:ort lng. In Bienrnial Ipoprt, Veg. Breed. in the
U.S., Hlawa ii, and Puerto Rico. p. 7.

69. Eldmstrorl, (;. W. 1977. (u iI r11. v:a lety tent rin In
Biennial HOp'ort, Veg. BIi'(:r d. in i.he U.S. Hawaii, and
Puerto HlI c Ip. 15- 1 .

70. Elmstrom, 2;. W. 1977. Squash variety testing. In
Biennial H(cport, Vog,. lreed.I ri the U.S., Hawali, and
Puerto Rico. p. 3 .

71. Elmstrom, (.. W. 1977. WJaternmlon varieties for Florida.
Leesburg ARC Research Rpt;. Wr77-1.

72. Elmstrom, (. W. 1977. Conmpoite results of the 1977
Southern Cooperative Muskimolon Varie'ty Trial. 8 p.

73. Elmstrom, C. W. and D. J. Cnnt 'l i I 1977. Evaluation of
pickling cucumber varieties for Florida. Proc. Fla. State
Hort. Soc. 90:367-370.

71. Hopkins, D. L. 1977. Fungicidal control of watermelon
gummy stem blight, 1976. APS Fungicide and Nematicide Tests

75. Hopkins, ). L. and (. W. Elmstrom. 1977. Etiology of water-
melon rind necrosis. Phytopathology 67:961-964.

'6. Locascio, S. J., I. (.. A. IFskel and G. W. Elmstrom. 1977.
Comparison of sulfur-coated and uncoated urea. I. Water-
melon response in six field experiments. Soil and Crop Sci.
Soc. Fla. Proc. 27: 197-200.

77. Adlerz, W. C. 1(7)'. Wat:i 'rmilol I ~ mosaic virus 2 epidemics
in Florida J197-1977. ,r. Econ. Entomol. 71:596-597.

72. AdIerz, W. C'. 1978. Wiater'mel on mosaic virus 2 secondary
spread by Anuranohis middletonii. J. Econ. Entomol. 71:

79. Dow, A. T., R. 11. Segn l, D. L. Hopkins, and (G. W. Elmstrom.
1978. Effect of storage temperature and field fungicide
treatments on decay of Florida watermelons. Proc. Pla.
State Iort. Soc. 91:1419-150.

80. Elmstrom, 2. W. 1978. Evaluation of summer squash varieties
for Florida. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 91:322-324.

P1 Brinen, C. 1., S. Tocascio, and (1. W. Elmstrom. 1979.
Plant. and i(ow :;p:acii;, mulch, and fertilizer rate effects
on watermelon production. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 104:

82. Biinen G. '. J. l,ocasclo, and G. W. Elmstrom. 1979.
Plant arr:i ngrmen t tor maximum watermelon yield. Proc. Fla.
State IIorl,. v 2,,1 0?:8n-82.

3. Cra l .T. !1. and C. W. Errm l r-m. 1079. 'Dixiel ee',
a round striped watermc, l)in ',itlh intense red flesh and
resistance to anthracnose and Pu'ariunm wilt. Pla. Agr.
E'xpt i. ).1' .

84. Crall, J. M. and C. W. Elmstrom. 1979. Watermelon
breeding and testing:. In Biennial Report, Veg. Breed.
in the U.S., Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. p. 58-59.

85. Elmstrom, G. W. 1979. Composite results of the 1978
Southern Cooperative Muskmelon Variety Trial. 8 p.

86. Elmstrom, G. W. 1979. Cantaloupe breeding and testing.
In Biennial ioReort, Ve,:. reed. in the U.S., Hawail, and
Puerto Rico. p. 9-1(.

87. Elmstrom, 2(. W. 1979. Cucumber variety testing. In
Biennial Report, Veg. Breed. in the U.S., Hawaii, and
Puerto Rico. p. 19.

38. Elmstrom, (. W. 1979. Squash variety testing. In
Biennial Report, Ve,,. Breed. in the U.S., Hawaii, and
Puerto Ricn. o. 41.

89. Elmstrom, i. W. 1. 1979 Co!o;;noc results of the 1979
Southern CooPerativ Mulskmelon Variety Trial. 19 p.

l0. Hopkins, D. I and C. W. Elmstrom. 1979. Evaluation of
soil fumigants and fumigant appl-lication methods for the
control of '.'usarium wilt. Plant Dis. Reptr. 63:1003-1006.

01]. Crall, J. .1. iand W. E.ln:;trom. 1980. 'Dixielee'
watermelon. lortSci ence Il: 99-100.

92. Elmstrom, (;. W. 1980. (Cantaloune, cucumber, and squash
variety trials. In Vegetable Variety Trial Results in
Florida for 1975-76-77 and recommended varieties. Fla.
Agr. Expt. ,:ta. Cire. ",-272. p.- 31, '17-18, 51-52, 73-71.

(3. Elmstrom, i;. W. and J. M. Crall. 1980. Watermelon variety
trials. In Vegetable Variety Trial Results in Florida for
1975-76-77 and recommended varieties. Fla. Agr. Expt. Sta.
Circ. S-27?. n. 78-79.

94. Elmstrom, I. W. 1980. Compopoit;e results of the 1980
Southern Cooerative Muskme:l on Variety Trial. 10 p.

95. Elmstrom, -. W. 1080. Publcationn list Cucurbits,
1970-1980. Leesburg ARC HRne'arci Report. WG 80-7.

I6. I'mstrom, :;. VW. 1 'l80. ( 'i ur'lilt vari-ety evaluations,
1977-1980. Leebur ARC R arch Report. WG 80-9.

97. Adlerz, W. (. 1981 !Weed lhosts of aphid-borne viruses
of vegetable ec!op-, in il or i,'. IJn Wild Plants in the
Ecology of Cro l't;,t:: a:nd Di :; ore:: J. M. Thresh Ed.
I' I L inan. v':; )ih 1-' .

9K. Call, J. M. '181. WifLry years of watermelon breeding
at ARC Lee;burg. lPoc:. !'la. State lort. Soc. 911:156-15 .

'(1. Call, J. I. ..1 1[. Identl ic(L i on of the sources of high
level resistance to 'usaarium wilt in watermelon.
Phytopanthol ny 71 : ( A)bstr.)

10 Call, J. M. a:nd (i. W. 1.lmstrom. 1981 Sugarlee An
early, hi;h quality, di,-easc roesi: tant watermelon variety
for Florida commercial growers. l'la. Agr. Exot. Sta. Circ.
S-277. 8 ip.

101. Crall, J. M. and G. W. Elmstrom. 1981. Watermelon breeding
and testing. In Biennial Report, Veg. Breed. in the U.S.,
Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. p. 51-52.

102. Elmstrom, i. W. 1981. Cucurbit variety evaluation,
Spring 1981. Leesburg ARC Research Report. WG 81-3.

103. Elmstrom, (I. W. 1981. Composite results of the 1981
Southern Cooperative Muskmelon Variety Trial. 9 p.

10. Elmstrom, ;. W. 198:1. Cantaloupe breeding and testing.
In Biennial Report, VWi. Hreed, in the U.S., Hawaii, and
Pu erto Rim,. p. 7-8.

105). Etlmstrom, ,i. W. 198.]. Cucumber variety testing. In
Biennial Report, Veg ;reed. In the U.S., Hawaii, and
Puerto Rico. p. 10-17.

10I(. Elmst rom, (. W. 1981 S1irt:;h va lety testing. In
Biennial i,!,port, Veg. d, r d. i l the U.S., Hawali, and
Puerto HiM,'. 8.

107. Elmstrom, ;. W. and J. M. Cralll. 1981. Quality, yield,
and disease: res:,i nt anec evalunat,-ion;; of 'Sugarlee'
watermelon. Hort,2S( lence L : 2I)8. (Abstr.) .

108. lElmstrom, (. W. and Paul ,. Davis. 1981. Sugar
development in 'Sugarlee' and !)ixielee', two recently-
released wat ermelon cultivars compared with 'Charleston
Gray' Pr'oc. Vla. State Hort. Soc. 94:177-179.

10q. Elmstrom, ;. W. and Paul 1,. Davis. 1981. Sugars in
developing ;nd mature fruits of several watermelon
cultivars. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 105:330-333.


110. Elmstrom, 9. W. and i. I. Hopk lris. 1981. Fusarium
wilt rc is stance o1' wi) l rI e I m i var's. alantl
Dis 65:8 8:5-8;)7

111. Elmstrom, I;. W., S. J. Locasnci, iand J. M. Myers. 1981.
Watermelon response to drip and sprinkler irrigation.
Proc. Fla. ;:',t:., l1M1 "p:;o Q(0 161-163.

11 P. Cral] J I.I. 19 2. '1 P.y y:/oir'.; or watermelon breeding
research sectiono n in I'Oth Annivr:;',ary Leesburg ARC
Research Report). Il 82-1.

113. Elmstrom, I(. W. 1982. 50th Anniversary 1931/1981
Agricultural Research Center, Leesburg. Leesburg ARC
Research Report. WC 82-1. 20 p.

114. Elmstrom, (. W. 1982. Cucurbit variety evaluation,
Spring 1982. Leesburg ARC Research Report. LBG 82-2.

115. Elmstrom, m W. 1982. Composite results of the 1982
Southern Cooperative Muskmelon Variety Trial. 12 p.

116. Elmstrom, G. W. 1982. Cantaloupe, cucumber, and squash
variety trials. In Vegetable Variety Trial Results in
'lorida 'or. 1.9')8-1979-1980. 'la.. Agr. Expt. Sta. Circ.
S-289. p. 11-13, 17-19, 21-23, 14-51.

117. Elmstrom, i. W. and J. M. Crall. 1982. Watermelon
variety trials. In Vegetable Variety Trial Results
in Florida 'or 1897T-1979-1980. Pla. Agr. Expt. Sta.
Circ S-20. p. 66-68.

118. Elmstrom, G. W. and J. M. Crall. 1982. Watermelon variety
trials. In Vegetable Variety Trial Results in Florida
for 1978-1979-1980. Fla. Agr. Expt. Sta. Circ. S-289.
pp. 66-68.

119. Crall, J. M. and G. W. Elmstrom. 1983. 'Sugarlee'
watermelon. HIortScience 18:(In rress).

120. Hopkins, D. L. and G. W. Elmstrom. 1983. Development
of Fusarium wilt on ten watermelon cultivars grown in
a four-year monoculture. Phytorathology 73:(In press).

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