The publications in this collection do
not reflect current scientific knowledge
or recommendations. These texts
represent the historic publishing
record of the Institute for Food and
Agricultural Sciences and should be
used only to trace the historic work of
the Institute and its staff. Current IFAS
research may be found on the
Electronic Data Information Source
site maintained by the Florida
Cooperative Extension Service.
Copyright 2005, Board of Trustees, University
of Florida
t.( 0:
Central Florida Research and Education Center, Leesburg
Gary W. Elmstrom, Assistant Center Director
This list includes Journal Series articles, Bulletins, Circulars, and Research
Reports published during the period 1970 to 1987 by faculty at the CFREC,
Leesburg. The reports on grapes cover genetics, plant breeding, horticulture,
plant pathology, and entomology.
Leesburg CFREC
Research Report
LBG 88-6
(50 copies)
The Institut of Food and Agricullural Scince Is an Equal Employnmen Opportunity Afllnativk Action Employe authorized to provide research. oducatonal
Snformatiokn and other rvices only to Individuals and Insttutlons tht function without regard to raos, coiKe age, handicap or national origin.
1970 1987
1. Mortensen, J. A. 1970. Spray program for Florida dooryard grapes.
Mimeo Rept. WG 71-1.
2. Balerdi, C. F. and J. A. Mortensen. 1971. The culture and commercial
potential of muscadine grapes in Florida. Fla. Grower and Rancher
3. Hopkins, D. L. and J. A. Mortensen. 1971. Suppression of Pierce's
disease symptoms by tetracycline antibiotics. Plant Dis. Reptr.
4. Mortensen, J. A. 1971. Breeding grapes for central Florida.
HortScience 6:149-153.
5. Mortensen, J. A., W. C. Adlerz, D. L. Hopkins, and C. F. Balerdi. 1971.
Spray program for Florida dooryard grapes. Leesburg ARC Mimeo Rept.
WGL 71-3.
6. Mortensen, J. A. and C. F. Balerdi. 1971. Grape varieties and
rootstocks for Florida. Leesburg ARC Mimeo Rept. WG 71-5.
7. Mortensen, J. A. and C. F. Balerdi. 1971. Schedule for grape
production in central Florida. Leesburg ARC Mimeo Rept. WG 71-2.
8. Adlerz, W. C. 1972. Prodecatoma cooki, a seed chalcid on Florida
grapes. J. Econ. Entomol. 65:1536-
9. Mortensen, J. A. 1972. 'Dog Ridge', a superior grape rootstock for
Florida. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 85:275-279.
10. Mortensen, J. A. 1972. 18 muscadine cultivars adapted to Florida.
Leesburg ARC Mimeo Rept. WG 73-1.
11. Adlerz, W. C. and J. A. Mortensen. 1973. Seed chalcid damage,
distribution, and control on central Florida bunch grapes. Proc. Fla.
State Hort. Soc. 86:335-338.
12. Balerdi, C. F. and J. A. Mortensen. 1973. Suitability for mechanical
harvest in cultivars of muscadine grape (Vitis rotundifolia Michx.)
Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 86:342-344.
13. Grosz, E. A. Jr., R. P. Bates, and J. A. Mortensen. 1973. Wines from
Florida grapes. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 86:264-270.
14. Hopkins, D. L. 1973. Control of fruit rot and anthracnose of grape.
Fungicide Nematicide Test Results of 1973, Amer. Phytopathol. Soc.
15. Hopkins, D. L. 1973. Fungicidal control of bunch grape diseases in
Florida. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 86:329-333.
16. Hopkins, D. L. and H. H. Mollenhauer. 1973. Rickettsia-like bacterium
associated with Pierce's disease of grapes. Science 179:298-300.
17. Hopkins, D. L., H. H. Mollenhauer, and W. J. French.
of a rickettsia-like bacterium in the xylem of peach
disease. Phytopathology 63:1422-1423.
18. Mortensen, J. A. 1973.
Leesburg ARC Res. Rept.
19. Mortensen, J. A. 1973.
Leesburg ARC Res. Rept.
1973. Occurrence
trees with phony
Grape varieties recommended for Florida.
WG 73-6.
List of Florida grape nurserymen, July 1973.
WG 73-5.
20. Mortensen, J. A. and C. F. Balerdi. 1973. Muscadine grapes for
Florida: Yields and other characteristics of 48 cultivars. Proc. Fla.
State Hort. Soc. 86:338-341.
21. French, W. J. and D. L. Hopkins. 1974. Phony disease of peach. I.
Association of a rickettsia-like bacterium with the disease and II. A
rapid method of detecting the bacterium in infected xylem tissue. Proc.
II Congress Brasileiro de Fruiticultura 2:1-3.
22. Hopkins, D. L. 1974. Control of anthracnose of grape.
Nematicide Test Results of 1974, Amer. Phytopathol. Soc.
Fungicide and
23. Hopkins, D. L. and H. H. Mollenhauer. 1974. Grape culture (Pierce's
disease caused by a rickettsia-like bacterium). 1974 McGraw-Hill
Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, pp. 215-217.
24. Hopkins, D. L., H. H. Mollenhauer, and J. A. Mortensen. 1974.
Tolerance to Pierce's disease and the associated rickettsia-like
bacterium in muscadine grape. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 99:436-439.
25. Mollenhauer, H. H. and D. L. Hopkins. 1974. Ultrastructural study of
the Pierce's disease bacterium in grape xylem tissue. J. Bacteriol.
26. Mortensen, J. A. 1974. Future germplasm reserves in grapes. Fruit
Varieties Jour. 28:90-94.
27. Mortensen, J. A. 1974. List of Florida grape nurserymen, August 1974.
Leesburg ARC Res. Rept. WG 74-6.
28. Balerdi, C. F. and J. A. Mortensen. 1975. Characteristics of muscadine
varieties. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept. WG 75-4.
29. Crocker, T. E. and J. A. Mortensen. 1975. The muscadine grape. Fruit
Crops Fact Sheet FC-16.
30. Hopkins, D. L. 1975. Control of anthracnose, black rot, and other
grape fungus diseases. Fungicide and Nematicide Test Results of 1975,
Amer. Phytopathol. Soc. 31:67.
31. Mortensen, J. A. 1975. Bunch grape field day and vineyard tour.
Leesburg ARC Res. Rept. WG 75-2.
32. Mortensen, J. A. 1975. Muscadine varieties. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept.
WG 75-3.
33. Mortensen, J. A. 1975. Reduction of dry calyptra in grapes by the use
of a fruit setting hormone. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 88:513-517.
34. Mortensen, J. A., W. C. Adlerz, and D. L. Hopkins. 1975. Thirty
questions and answers for grape growers. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept.
WG 75-5.
35. Crocker, T. E. and J. A. Mortensen. 1976. The bunch grape. Fruit
Crops Fact Sheet FC-17.
36. Hopkins, D. L. 1976. Pierce's disease of grapevines. Amer. Wine Soc.
J. 8:26-27.
37. Mollenhauer, H. H. and D. L. Hopkins. 1976. Xylem morphology of
Pierce's disease-infected grapevines with different levels of tolerance.
Physiol. Plant Pathol. 9:95-100.
38. Mortensen, J. A. 1976. Bunch grape field day and vineyard tour.
Leesburg ARC Res. Rept. WG 76-2.
39. Mortensen, J. A. 1976. Liberty ... a red bunch grape for Florida.
Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Circ. S-243.
40. Mortensen, J. A. 1976. List of Florida grape nurserymen, October 1976.
Leesburg ARC Res. Rept. WG 76-4.
41. Mortensen, J. A. 1976. Muscadine varieties. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept.
WG 76-3.
42. Mortensen, J. A., W. B. Nesbitt, and V. H. Underwood. 1976. Dixie, a
bronze muscadine grape variety. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Circ. S-244.
43. Nesbitt, W. B., V. H. Underwood, and J. A. Mortensen. 1976. 'Dixie'
grape. HortScience 11:520-521.
44. Adlerz, W. C. and D. L. Hopkins. 1977. Transmission of Pierce's
disease of grape by sharpshooters, Homoptera Cicadellidae, in Florida.
J. N.Y. Entomol. Soc. 85:163-164.
45. Bates, R. P., M. Sinisterra, and J. A. Mortensen. 1977. A comparison
of home, laboratory and quasi-industrial wine making procedures with
'Stover' grapes. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 90:195-199.
46. Hopkins, D. L. 1977. Diseases caused by leafhopper-borne
rickettsia-like bacteria. Ann. Rev. Phytopathol. 15:277-294.
47. Mortensen, J. A. 1977. Bunch grape field day. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept
WG 77-3.
48. Mortensen, J. A. 1977. 'Liberty' grape. HortScience 12:511-512.
49. Mortensen, J. A. 1977. Muscadine grape field day. Leesburg ARC Res.
Rept. WG 77-4.
50. Mortensen, J. A. 1977. Segregation for resistance to black rot in
selfed grape seedlings. Fruit Varieties Jour. 31:59-60.
51. Mortensen, J. A. and N. C. Hayslip. 1977.
HortScience 12:267-268.
'Welder' muscadine grape.
52. Mortensen, J. A., L. H. Stover, and C. F. Balerdi. 1977. Sources of
resistance to Pierce's disease in Vitis. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci.
53. Stover, L. H., J. M. Crall, and J. A. Mortensen. 1977. Marketing
Florida bunch grapes as fresh fruit. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc.
54. Hopkins, D. L. 1978. Pierce's disease of grapevine: Effects of
oxytetracycline treatments on the rate of disease development in
Florida. Anales del I.N.I.A. Serie: Proteccion Vegetal. 18:217-222.
55. Hopkins, D. L., W. C. Adlerz, and F. W. Bistline.
disease bacterium occurs in citrus trees affected
tree decline). Plant Dis. Reptr. 62:442-445.
56. Mortensen, J. A. 1978.
Leesburg ARC Res. Rept.
57. Mortensen, J. A. 1978.
Fruit South 2:86-89.
1978. Pierce's
with blight (young
Grape varieties recommended for Florida.
WG 78-1.
Grapes in Florida, past, present, and future.
58. Mortensen, J. A. 1978. List of Florida grape nurserymen, December
1978. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept. WG 78-3.
59. Mortensen, J. A. 1978. Schedule for grape production in central
Florida. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept. WG 78-2.
60. Schoulties, C. L. and D. L. Hopkins. 1978. Pierce's disease of the
grapevine. Fla. Dept. Agric. and Consumer Services Plant Path. Circ.
No. 190.
61. Adlerz, W. C. and D. L.
sharpshooter vectors of
of Economic Entomology
Hopkins. 1979. Natural infectivity of two
Pierce's disease of grape in Florida. Journal
62. Hopkins, D. L. 1979. Effect of tetracycline antibiotics on Pierce's
disease of grapevine in Florida. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc.
63. Mortensen, J. A. 1979. Pierce's disease update: Symptoms, control,
breeding for resistance. Vinifera Wine Growers Journal 6:181-187.
64. Mortensen, J. A. 1979. Some current grape recommendations. Leesburg
ARC Res. Rept. WG 79-1.
65. Rogers, D. J. and J. A. Mortensen. 1979. The native grape species of
Florida. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 92:286-289.
66. Adlerz, W. C. 1980. Control of grape leafhopper on Lake Emerald
grapes. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept. WG 80-6.
67. Adlerz, W. C. 1980. Ecological observations on two leafhoppers that
transmit the Pierce's disease bacterium. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc.
68. Adlerz, W. C. 1980. Spray program for bunch grapes. Leesburg ARC Res.
Rept. WG 80-1.
69. Adlerz, W. C. 1980. Spray program for bunch grapes. Leesburg ARC Res.
Rept. WG 80-4.
70. Adlerz, W. C. 1980. Varietal susceptibility to the grape root borer in
muscadine grape. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept. WG 80-5.
71. Bates, R. P., D. Mills, J. A. Mortensen, and J. A. Cornell. 1980.
Prefermentation treatments affecting the quality of muscadine grape
wines. Amer. Jour. Enology & Viticulture 31:136-143.
72. Bates, R. P., J. A. Mortensen, and T. E. Crocker. 1980. Florida
grapes: the next decade. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 93:120-124.
73. Elmstrom, G. W. 1980. Publication list-grapes, 1970-1980. Leesburg
ARC Res. Rept. WG 80-8.
74. Hopkins, D. L. 1980. Rickettsia-like Bacteria and Actinomycete-like
bacteria. In: Laboratory Guide for Identification of Plant Pathogenic
Bacteria, ed-. N. W. Schaad, pp. 50-56.
75. Hopkins, D. L. 1980. Use of the pin-prick inoculation technique to
demonstrate variability in virulence of the Pierce's disease bacterium.
Proc. of VII ICVG Meeting, pp. 177-180.
76. Hopkins, D. L. and W. C. Adlerz. 1980. Similarities between citrus
blight and Pierce's disease of grapevine. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc.
77. Mortensen, J. A. 1980. Effects of ethephon on ease of harvest of
muscadine grapes. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 93:143-145.
78. Mortensen, J. A. 1980. Grape field day. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept.
WG 80-3.
79. Mortensen, J. A. 1980. Variety improvement of bunch and muscadine
grapes. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept. WG 80-2.
80. Adlerz, W. C. and D. L. Hopkins. 1981. Grape insects and diseases in
Florida. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 94:331-336.
81. Hopkins, D. L. 1981. Seasonal concentration of the Pierce's disease
bacterium in grapevine stems, petioles, and leaf veins. Phytopathology
82. Hopkins, D. L. and C. M. Thompson. 1981. Multiplication of virulent and
avirulent Pierce;s disease bacterial isolates in grapevine tissue.
Proc. Vth Int. Conf. on Plant Path. Bacteria, pp. 225-234.
83. Mortensen, J. A. 1981. Grape field day. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept.
WG 81-2.
84. Mortensen, J. A. 1981. List of Florida grape nurserymen, November
1981. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept. WG 81-4.
85. Mortensen, J. A. 1981. Sources and inheritance of resistance to
anthracnose in Vitis. Jour. Heredity 72:423-426.
86. Mortensen, J. A. and C. P. Andrews. 1981. Symposium: Grapes in
Florida. Grape cultivar trials and recommended cultivars for Florida
viticulture. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 94:328-331.
87. Stoffella, P. J., J. A. Mortensen, N. C. Hayslip, and J. B. Brolmann.
1981. Muscadine grape cultivar yield trials at Fort Pierce, Florida.
Ft. Pierce ARC Res. Rept. RL-1981-5.
88. Elmstrom, G. W. 1982. 50th Anniversary 1931/1981 Agricultural Research
Center, Leesburg. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept. WG 82-1.
89. Hopkins, D. L. 1982. Grape Culture (Diseases and their control). In
the 5th edition of the McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and
Technology, pp. 352-353.
90. Hopkins, D. L. 1982. Relation of Pierce's disease bacterium to a
wilt-type disease in citrus in the greenhouse. Phytopathology
91. Mortensen, J. A. 1982. Effect of nutrient levels on growth and yield
of Florida bunch grapes. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 95:124-126.
92. Mortensen, J. A. 1982. Grafting bunch grapes. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept.
LBG 82-4.
93. Mortensen, J. A. 1982. Grape field day. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept.
LBG 82-3.
94. Mortensen, J. A. and L. H. Stover. 1982. Tampa a new bunch grape
rootstock. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Circ. S-295.
95. Mortensen, J. A. and L. H. Stover. 1982. 'Tampa' grape rootstock.
HortScience 17:273-274.
96. Stofella, P. J., J. A. Mortensen, N. C. Hayslip, and J. B. Brolmann.
1982. Evaluation of muscadine grape cultivars in south Florida. Proc.
Fla. State Hort. Soc. 95:90-92.
97. Crocker, T. E. and J. A. Mortensen. 1983. The bunch grape. Fruit
Crops Fact Sheet FC-17A.
98. Crocker, T. E. and J. A. Mortensen. 1983. The muscadine grape. Fruit
Crops Fact Sheet FC-16A.
99. Elmstrom, G. W. 1983. 50th Anniversary ARC Leesburg, FLA. HortScience
100. Elmstrom, G. W. 1983. Publication list-grapes, 1970-1982. Leesburg
ARC Res. Rept. LBG 83-2.
101. Hopkins, D. L. 1983. Gram-negative, xylem-limited bacteria in plant
disease. Phytopathology 73:347-350.
102. Mortensen, J. A. 1983. Conquistador--a purple bunch grape for Florida.
Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Circ. S-300.
103. Mortensen, J. A. 1983. Grape field day. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept.
LBG 83-1.
104. Mortensen, J. A. 1983. List of Florida grape nurserymen, March 1983.
Leesburg ARC Res. Report LBG 83-1.
105. Mortensen, J. A. 1983. 'Suwannee' and 'Conquistador' grapes.
HortScience 18:767-769.
106. Mortensen, J. A. 1983. Suwannee--an early bunch grape. Fla. Agric.
Expt. Sta. Circ. S-301.
107. Mortensen, J. A. and L. H. Stover. 1983. Daytona--a table grape for
Florida homeowners. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Circ. S-302.
108. Mortensen, J. A. and L. H. Stover. 1983. 'Daytona' grape. HortScience
109. Adlerz, W. C. 1984. Grape root borer: Review and status in Florida.
Leesburg AREC Res. Rept. LBG 84-4.
110. Elmstrom, G. W. 1984. Publication list-grapes, 1970-1983. Leesburg
AREC Res. Rept. LBG 84-5.
111. Hopkins, D. L. 1984. Variability of virulence in grapevine among
isolates of the Pierce's disease bacterium. Phytopathology
112. Hopkins,
D. L. and C. M. Thompson. 1!
disease bacterium in 'Carlos
with 'Schuyler' bunch grape.
984. Seasonal concentration of the
Sand 'Welder' muscadine grapes
HortScience 19:419-420.
113. Mortensen, J. A. 1984. Bunch grape field day. Leesburg AREC Res.
Rept. LBG 84-2.
114. Mortensen, J. A. 1984. List of Florida grape nurserymen, December
1984. Leesburg AREC Res. Rept. LBG 84-8.
115. Mortensen, J. A.
Rept. LBG 84-3.
1984. Muscadine grape field day.
Leesburg AREC Res.
116. Mortensen, J. A. 1984. New bunch grapes for the Southeast. Pomona
27:96-98. (North American Fruit Explorer's Quarterly).
117. Mortensen, J. A., R. P. Bates, H. L. Cromroy, R. L. Degner, D. L.
Hopkins, H. V. Crevasse, E. A. Grosz, J. D. Midulla Sr., and C. J.
Smith. 1984. Grape Committee Report, Florida Agriculture in the
Eighties. IFAS. University of Florida.
118. Gray, D. J. and L. C. Fisher. 1985. In vitro shoot propagation of
grape species, hybrids and cultivars. Troc. Fla. State Hort. Soc.
119. Halbrooks, Mary C. 1985. Rapid and high volume grafting for Florida
viticulture. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 98:170-172.
120. Hopkins, D. L. 1985. Effects of plant growth regulators on development
of Pierce's disease symptoms in grapevine. Plant Disease 69:944-946.
121. Hopkins, D. L. 1985.
virulent and avirulent
disease of grapevine.
Physiological and pathological characteristics of
strains of the bacterium that causes Pierce's
Phytopathology 75:713-717.
122. Mortensen, J. A. 1985. Potential new rootstocks for Florida
viticulture. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 98:166-169.
123. Bates, R. P., R. Tejada, and J. A. Mortensen. 1986.
and muscadine grape maturity on finished wine. Proc.
Soc. 99:194-200 (Outst. paper award Krome Sec. '87).
124. Gray, D. J.
Effect of bunch
Fla. State Hort.
1986. Applications of plant tissue culture to Florida
Proc. Viticultural Sci. Symp., Florida A & M Univ.
Fla. p. 77-84.
125. Halbrooks, M. C. 1986. Bunch Grape Field Day, July 8, 1986. Leesburg
AREC Research Report LBG 86-11.
126. Halbrooks, M. C. 1986. Muscadine Field Day, August 22, 1986. Leesburg
AREC Research Report LBG 86-12.
127. Halbrooks, M. C. 1986. Production of grapevines by benchgrafting.
Proc. 1st Greater Grapes Symp. 1:51-56.
128. Halbrooks, M. C.
to enhance berry
Ag. Mech. Univ.
1986. Use of gibberellic acid on 'Orlando Seedless'
size and seedlessness. Proc. Vitic. Sci. Symp., Fla.
129. Halbrooks, M. C. 1986. Vineyard establishment. Proc. 1st Greater
Grapes Symp. 1:133-140.
130. Halbrooks, M. C. 1986. Viticulture in Florida: the next five years.
Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 99:189-192.
131. Lakso, A. N., B. I. Reisch, J. Mortensen, and M. H. Roberts. 1986.
Stimulation of growth of in vitro propagated grapevines after transfer
from culture by carbon dioxide enrichment. Jour. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci.
132. Mortensen, J. A. 1986. List of Florida grape nurseries, February 1986.
Leesburg AREC Research Report LBG 86-7.
133. Mortensen, J. A., R. P. Bates, H. L. Cromroy, R. L. Degner, M. C.
Halbrooks, and D. L. Hopkins. 1986. Grape Committee Report, Florida
Agriculture in the Eighties 1986 Update, pp. 129-132.
134. Mortensen, J. A. and D. J. Gray. 1986. Orlando Seedless, a bunch grape
for Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Circ. S-335.
135. Sims, C. A. and M. C. Halbrooks. 1986. Quality comparison of 'Orlando
Seedless' and 'Thompson Seedless' grapes. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc.
136. Gray, D. J. 1987.
in the Southeast.
Mississippi State,
Applications of plant tissue culture to viticulture
Proc. 2nd Ann. Viticultural Short Course.
MS p. 27-29.
137. Gray, D. J. 1987. Considerations for start-up commercial grape tissue
culture. Proc. 1st Greater Grapes Symp., Univ. Florida, Gainesville.
p. 57-61.
138. Gray, D. J.
1987. Embryo rescue for seedless grape cultivar
Proc. Viticultural Sci. Symp., Florida A&M Univ.,
Fla. p. 121-125.
139. Gray D. J. 1987. Introduction to the symposium. In: Proc. Symp.
Synthetic Seed Technology for the Mass Cloning of Crop Plants: Problems
and Perspectives. 22nd. Int. Hort. Cong. Davis, Calif., HortScience
140. Gray, D. J. 1987. Quiescence in monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous
somatic embryos induced by desiccation. In: Proc. Symp. Synthetic Seed
Technology for the Mass Cloning of Crop Plants: Problems and
Perspectives. 22nd. Int. Hort. Cong. Davis, Calif., HortScience
141. Gray, D. J., L. C. Fisher, and J. A. Mortensen. 1987. Comparison of
methodologies for in ovulo embryo rescue of seedless grapes.
HortScience 22:1334-1335.
142. Gray, D. J. and C. M. Klein. 1987. In vitro shoot micropropagation and
plant establishment of 'Orlando Seedless' grape and 'Tampa' rootstock.
Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 100:308-309.
143. Gray, D. J. and J. A. Mortensen. 1987. Initiation and maintenance of
long term somatic embryogenesis from anthers and ovaries of Vitis longii
'Microsperma'. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 9:73-80.
144. Halbrooks, M. C. 1987. Benchgrafting of vines. Proc. Vit. Sci. Symp.,
Fla. Ag. Mech. Univ. 10:54-59.
145. Halbrooks, M. C. 1987. Bunch Grape Field Day, July 15, 1987. Leesburg
CFREC Res. Rept. LBG 87-2.
146. Halbrooks, M. C. 1987. Bunch grape production review for north
Florida. LBG Mimeo 87-2.
147. Halbrooks, M. C. 1987. Bunch grapes: another fruit crop for Florida.
Citrus & Veg. magazine, Oct. pp. 18-24.
148. Halbrooks, M. C. 1987. Bunch grapes: another fruit crop for Florida.
University of Florida, IFAS, Gainesville, FL, Fruit Crops Fact Sheet,
149. Halbrooks, M. C. 1987. Florida grapes: a new industry. Am. Fruit
Grower magazine, Jan. pp. 28-30.
150. Halbrooks, M. C. 1987. Florida's grape future: the basis for
optimism. Citrus & Veg.magazine, Dec. pp. 16-22.
151. Halbrooks, M. C. 1987. Grape growers newsletter. Univ. of Fla., IFAS
Editorial Dept., Vols. I IV, 1984-1987 (published quarterly).
152. Halbrooks, M. C. 1987. Grapes Replacing Central Florida Citrus. The
Grower magazine, Dec. pp. 34-35.
153. Halbrooks, M. C. 1987. Market opportunities in wine grape production.
LBG Mimeo 87-1.
154. Halbrooks, M. C. 1987. Muscadine Field Day, August 26, 1987.- Leesburg
CFREC Res. Rept. LBG 87-3.
155. Halbrooks, M. C. 1987. Muscadine grape production review for north
Florida. LBG Mimeo 87-3.
156. Halbrooks, M. C. 1987. Pruning Bunch Grapes in Florida. University of
Florida, IFAS, Gainesville, FL. VT 184 (Video). (20:14).
157. Halbrooks, M. C. 1987. Use of gibberellic acid on 'Orlando Seedless'
in Florida. Proc. 2nd Vin. Short Course. Miss. State Univ. 2:19-20.
158. Halbrooks, M. C. and J. A. Mortensen. 1987. Influence of gibberellic
acid and various management practices on berry, seed and cluster
development in 'Orlando Seedless' grape. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc.
159. Mortensen, J. A. 1987. Blanc Du Bois, a Florida bunch grape for white
wine. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Circ. S-340.
160. Mortensen, J. A. 1987. List of Florida grape nurseries, April 1987.
Leesburg CFREC Res. Rept. LBG 87-1.
161. Mortensen, J. A. and D. J. Gray. 1987. 'Orlando Seedless' grape.
HortScience 22:327-328.
O The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
O The statewide agricultural arm of the University of Florida dedicated to Teaching, Research and Extension.
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O A partnership in research and education, funded by state, federal and local government, and with gifts and grants from
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O An organization whose mission is -- to educate students inagricultureand related sciences, to strengthen Florida s agricultural
industry through research, to improve the quality of life for all Floridians through IFAS Extension programs.
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