Schedule for grape production in Central Florida

Material Information

Schedule for grape production in Central Florida
Series Title:
Leesburg ARC mimeo report - University of Florida Agricultural Experiment Station ; 71-2
Mortensen, J. A.
Balerdi, C. F.
Place of Publication:
Leesburg, Fla.
University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Agricultural Research Center,
Publication Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
City of Leesburg ( flego )
Central Florida ( flego )
Vines ( jstor )
Fungicides ( jstor )
Insecticides ( jstor )
Spatial Coverage:
North America -- United States -- Florida

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
129747334 ( OCLC )


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Copyright 2005, Board of Trustees, University
of Florida


c J. A. Mortensen and C. F. Balerdil

Many inquiries are received at the Agricultural Research Center,
Leesburg about the proper time to perform the different cultural
practices in the growing of grapes. This mimeograph has been
prepared to inform grape growers about what needs to be done,
and the proper time to do it. We suggest that growers keep the
schedule handy as a reminder of the needs for a particular month.

This schedule is based on central Florida (Leesburg) conditions.
Growers in North, South, and West Florida should make the necessary
time adjustments since there may be one or two weeks difference
in dates of bud burst, bloom, and ripening between these areas
and central Florida.

The importance of proper fertilizing, liming, spraying, watering,
pruning, training, and weed control cannot be overemphasized.
For example, when rotting grapes are observed on the vines it is
too late to control by spraying. A preventive spray schedule
should have been followed as recommended.


1. Apply dormant fungicidal spray before new growth starts2.
2. Plant young vines.
3. Tighten all slack wires with a fence stretcher, replace staples
as needed, and continue pruning dormant bearing vines and tying
fruiting canes securely to the trellis with twine. The time of
wire tightening should always precede the time of tying canes
with twine, but should be after pruning.
4. Make cuttings (12-15 inches long) as needed3.
5. Begin grafting as needed.
6. Plant rooted plants in containers for replanting of skips in


1. When buds are 2 inches long apply first fungicidal spray2.
2. Finish pruning and tying in early February.

1 Associate Geneticist and Assistant Horticulturist, Agricultural
Research Center, Leesburg, IFAS, University of Florida.
2 See attached spray schedule.
3 See Mimeo Report WGL 70-3 (Dec. 1, 1969.-j ...'n rape
Cuttings" for further information. HUME LIBRAR

Mimeo Report 71-2, Leesbuirr ARC. JUL 24 1972
June 1, 1971
300 copies


3. Broadcast first application of fertilizer on bearing vines (750
pounds of 6-6-6 or 550 pounds of 8-8-8 per acre). For non-
bearing vines, fertilize in band one foot from vine at 1/4
pound per vine every 4 to 5 weeks. Do not fertilize newly set
plants until March, after growth begins.
4. Begin clean cultivation around plants. Chopping or mowing of
row middles may be necessary.
5. Complete grafting operations in February.
6. Plant cuttings in nursery as soon as buds swell but before
they sprout.
7. Water graft mounds as needed.


1. Spray with fungicide2. Include insecticide when needed.
2. Water young plants and graft mounds as needed.
3. Prune, stake, and train young plants and grafts to a single
shoot, using raffia to tie tender growth to stake.
4. Hoe and fertilize non-bearing plants (see no. 3 under February).
5. Apply ore-emergence or post-emergence herbicides in mature
6. Disk under the winter cover crop in row middles.


1. Apply foliar sprays of minor elements two weeks before bloom,
if deficiencies are present.
2. Spray with fungicide. At least one fungicidal spray during
full bloom is important. Apply insecticide if needed but do
not use insecticides during bloom.
3. Water young plants and graft mounds as needed.
4. Continue sprouting, tying with raffia, and training of young
vines and grafts.
5. Begin building trellises in new plantings.
6. Remove graft mounds when scions are about 15 inches long.
Cut off any scion roots.


1. Spray with fungicide2. Include insecticide when insects are
causing damage.
2. Fertilize non-bearing plants (see February recommendations).
Broadcast second application to bearing vines (750 Dounds of
6-6-6 or 550 pounds of 8-8-8 per acre).
3. Water and cultivate as needed.
4. Continue sprouting, tying with raffia, and training of young
vines and grafts.
5. Apply pre-emergence herbicide if needed.
6. Begin budding on good size stocks where grafts have failed.
7. Begin making softwood cuttings for propagation under mist.
Apply liquid fertilizer to cuttings after two weeks in bed.

2 See attached snray schedule.



1. Spray with fungicide2. Include insecticide if grape leaf
hopper or other insects become severe. Check the "days before
harvest' column on attached spray schedule2.
2. Water young vines if needed.
3. Fertilize non-bearing plants (see February recommendations).
4. Some training and sprouting may be necessary.
5. Complete budding and reset skips with container-grown plants.
5. Apply post-emergence herbicides when weeds are 3 to 6 inches
7. Continue making softwood cuttings for propagation under mist.


1. Spray with fungicide2. Include insecticide when needed.
Check the "days before harvest" column on attached schedule2
2. Begin harvest of bunch grapes.
3. Cultivate and hoe, as necessary. Paraquat may be used to
control weeds in lieu of hoeing. Repeat application as needed
during August and September.
4. Sow summer cover crop in row middles, if needed.
5. Transplant mist bed rootings after 5 weeks in bed.
o. Do not make softwood cuttings after end of July.


1. Harvest muscadines as needed.
2. Spray after harvest if diseases or insects become widespread.
.. Fertilize non-bearing vines (see February recommendations).
Do not fertilize after end of August.


1. Continue cultivation and hoeing if necessary.
2. Spray with fungicide or insecticide if needed
3. Take soil samples for pH and fertility determinations.


1. Prepare for new plantings by applying dolomite, plowing, and


1. Disk summer cover crown. Sow winter cover crop.


1. In late December, begin early dormant pruning. Prune late
bunch grape varieties and muscadines first.

2 See attached spray schedule.
See attached spray schedule.


2. Begin planting of young vines.
3. Broadcast dolomitic limestone to bearing vines in order to
bring soil reaction to pH 6.0, if needed.

Note: The use of trade names in this publication is solely for
the purposes of providing specific information. It is not a
guarantee or warranty of the products named and does not signify
that they are approved to the exclusion of others of similar

J. A. Mortensen, T. C. Adlerz, D. L. Hopkins, and C. F. Balerdi

Amount spreader- Days1
per sticker before Fungus or insect
Time to spray Spray material gallon per gallon harvest controlled
Mid-winter, any time (Fungicide) fungus diseases
before bud swell Basic copper sulfate 4 TES. 0 0 except anthracnose
Bearing vines: when new'I (Fungicides)
shoots begin growing; rz:: ,te D or 1 TBS. 1 7 anthracnose
repeat every 10 days \Dithane M22 Special 1 TBS. 1 7 black rot
thereafter until berries (or Captan 2 TBS. 1 0 bitter rot
are 1/2 inch in diameter; rine rot
after harvest, spray loaf spot
every 30 days until f downy mildew
Oct. 1.
Non bearing vines:
apply monthly during /
active growth
Mix with the above fungi- (Insecticides)
cide application when Malathion 50-57% EC2 2 tsp. 1/2 3 aphids (Malathion only)
insect damage appears; or Malathion 25% WP3 4 TBS. 1 3 caterpillars
spray fungicide only or Sevin 50% WP 2 TBS. 1 0 leafhoppers
during flowering 'or Sevin 80% WP 4 tsp. 1 0 flea beetles (blue)
Sor Sevin 23-25% flowable 4 tsp. 1 0 fruit beetles, wasps
Any time powdery mildew (Fungicide)
appears, except within Karathane 25% WP 1 tsp. 1 21 powdery mildew
3 weeks of harvest
Any time ants are (Insecticide) Apply as a drench to
damaging the grape Chlordane 44% EC 4 tsp. 0 -ant beds, not plants,
foliage to control ants.

2 This is the recommended minimum number of days between last
EC = emulsifiable concentrate.
3 WP = wettable powder.
Note: TBS = tablespoon: tsp = teaspoon

application of the pesticide and harvest.

Mimeo Report 71-3, Leesburg ARC.
June 1, 1971
300 copies


J. A. Mortensen, W. C. Adlerz, D. L. Hopkins, and C. F. Balerdi

Amount spreader- Days1
per sticker before Fungus or insect
Time to spray Spray material gallon per gallon harvest controlled
Mid-winter, any time (Fungicide) fungus diseases
before bud swell Basic copper sulfate 4 TPS. 0 0 except anthracnose
Bearing vines: when new-h (Fungicides)
shoots begin growing; DIanzate D or 1 TBS. 1 7 anthracnose
repeat every 10 days \Dithane M22 Special 1 TBS. 1 7 black rot
thereafter until berries or Captan 2 TBS. 1 0 bitter rot
are 1/2 inch in diameter;\ ripe rot
after harvest, spray loaf spot
every 30 days until downy mildew
Oct. 1.
Non bearing vines:
apply monthly during '
active growth
Mix with the above fungi-] (Insecticides)
cide application when Malathion 50-575 EC2 2 tsp. 1/2 3 ( ahids (Malathion only)
insect damage appears; or Malathion 25% WP3 4 TBS. 1 3 caterpillars
spray fungicide only or Sevin 50% WP 2 TBS. 1 0 leafhoppers
during flowering or Sevin 80% WP 4 tsp. 1 0 flea beetles (blue)
.'or Sevin 23-25% flowable 4 tsp. 1 0 fruit beetles, wasps
Any time powdery mildew (Fungicide)
appears, except within Karathane 25% WP 1 tsp. 1 21 powdery mildew
3 weeks of harvest
Any time ants are (Insecticide) Apply as a drench to
damaging the grape Chlordane 44% EC 4 tso. 0 ant beds, not plants,
foliage to control ants.

1 This is the recommended minimum number of days between last
EC = emulsifiable concentrate.
3 WP = wettable powder.
Note: TBS = tablespoon: tsp = teaspoon

Mimeo Report 71-3, Leesburg ARC.
June 1, 1971
300 copies

application of the pesticide and harvest.

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