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Copyright 2005, Board of Trustees, University
of Florida
Rooting Grape Cuttings
J. A. Mortensen and C. F. Balerdi
Watermelon and Grape Investigations Laboratory
Leesburg, Florida
Making cuttings. Select canes in December or January that were
green shoots the previous summer. Make cuttings about 12-16 inches
long, pencil-diameter or somewhat larger, fairly straight, with
brown bark and green wood. The bottom cut should be just below
the lowest bud and the top cut about 1 to 1 1/2 inches above the
top bud. Tie cuttings in bundles with the bottom ends even and
label with pencil. The label should show variety name and number
of cuttings.
Callusing. A cool shady location should be chosen for the callusing
bed. Dig a trench slightly larger than enough to accommodate the
bundles of cuttings. Place the bundles in an inverted position
(bottom ends up) in the trench and pull soil around them and pack
it down firmly. Additional soil should be used to provide about
6 inches of cover over the entire bed. Sprinkle to keep soil
slightly moist but not wet. Protection from excessive rainfall
by waterproof covering may be necessary. Cuttings placed in a
bed of this type in a cool shady location will callus and start
roots in about six weeks.
An alternate method of preparing cuttings for nursery planting,
where refrigeration is available, is to store them at 40 to 450 F
in polyethylene bags with sphagnum moss, peat moss or sawdust
(kept moist at all times) until planting.
Lining out in nursery. A moist location or at least one where
watering can be done should be chosen for the nursery. Nursery
rows should be 4 to 6 feet apart, depending on tractor size, and
callused cuttings should be lined out about 9 inches apart in the
row. Plant the nursery as soon as buds swell but before they
sprout; in any case, not later than March 25 in central Florida.
Callused cuttings should be set right side up in the nursery row.
They should be set deep, with almost their entire length covered
with soil, and should be kept moist until they are growing
vigorously. Such cuttings will be ready for digging the following
winter as rooted plants.
Mimeo Report WGL 70-3, December 1, 1969
200 Copies JUL 24 1972
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