Grafting bunch grapes

Material Information

Grafting bunch grapes
Series Title:
CFREC Leesburg Research Report - Central Florida Research and Education Center ; LGB 82-4
Mortensen, J. A.
Place of Publication:
Leesburg, Fla.
Agricultural Research Center, University of Florida
Publication Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Scions ( jstor )
Rootstocks ( jstor )

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
127133574 ( OCLC )


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Copyright 2005, Board of Trustees, University
of Florida

L Grafting bunch grapes

8. L- By J. A. Mortensen, IFAS

Age' cultural research C(rinte, -,Lr/, '

Dec. 9, '198 JUP 24 ;4 5 ,

Of the bunch grape varieties resistant r-. (:ter f's disease,
..... '; V of F!orf-!
the following perform best if grafted on a nematode-rs'i'-t-anti

rootstock: Stover, Conquistador, Black Spanish, and Roucaneuf.

Grafting is best done at the latter end of the dormant season,

usually mid-February to mid-March. The rootstock should be cut off

with a saw or sharp shears at a smooth place between nodes about

2 inches above ground level. The stump, if small, should be split

with a sharp knife; larger stumps may be split with a grafting tool

or wide chisel. Rootstocks grown in pots can be cut off and split

while still in the pot. Make the split about 1 1/2 inches deep,

and avoid going deeper.

The budwood for scions should be chosen from healthy vines. A

graft scion should be 5 to 8 Inches long with 2 or more buds and

1/4" 3/8" diameter. The portion of the scion to be inserted in the

cleft should be cut carefully to a long, tapering wedge, preferably

slightly thicker on one side. The wedge cut should be started just

below the basal bud on both sides. Usually only one scion is used if

the stump diameter is 1" or less. Two scions may be used on larger

stumps. The scion should be inserted carefully into the ,cleft so

t hat the cambium on Its thicker edge and that of the stock coincide.

The pressure of a large stump may hold a scion securely; small stumps

should be tied firmly with raffia or soft string.

Leesburg ARC Researich Report LBG82-4
100 copies

Grafts are mounded with soil to prevent drying of the scion. To

protect the soil cover from erosion by wind and rain, a half-gallon

milk carton (cut In half) may be placed over the graft and filled

with clean, moist builders sand up to the top bud of the scion.

During dry periods, water once a week or more often as needed.

The grafted vine should be trained to a single shoot on a stout

permanent stake attached to the trellis wire. With potted root-

stbcks, make sure stake extends deeply enough into the pot that it

won't fall over. The milk cartons should be removed after scion

growth exceeds 15 inches up the stake, and string ties should be

removed to prevent girdling.


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