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Copyright 2005, Board of Trustees, University
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3 1262 04808 2506
1980 1989
Central Science
MAY 28 1990
University of Florida
i-- ---z^
Gary Elmstrom, Professor
Annette Chandler, Biological Scientist
Leesburg CFREC
Research Report
LBG 90-8
(300 copies)
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University of Florida, IFAS
Central Florida Research & Education Center
5336 University Ave.
Leesburg, FL 34748
(904) 787-3423
The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences is an Equal Employment Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer authorized to provide research, educational
information, and other services only to individuals and institutions that function without regard to race, color, sex, or national origin.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. Elmstrom
Planted: March 5, 1980
Harvested: April 11, 1980. Last of 14: May 8, 1980
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Marketable Yieldy
Cultivar Source Earlyz Total Curvaturex
Goldbar Petoseed 147 bc 471 a 1.3
Goldzini Petoseed 162 ab 462 a 1.7
Gold Slice Petoseed 157 bc 461 a 1.3
Golden Girl Harris Moran 150 bc 446 ab 1.7
Scottsdale Herbst 119 de 423 ab 2.0
Tara Harris Moran 147 bc 417 a-c 4.0
Dixie Asgrow 149 bc 409 a-c 3.0
Cracker Petoseed 178 a 408 a-c 3.3
Castlegold Sunseeds 137 cd 395 bc 1.3
Early Prolific SN Twilley 86 f 359 c 1.7
--------- ---- -- -------------- ------ -
Crookette Harris Moran 110 e 302 d 4.0
Castlepride Sunseeds 114 e 278 d 3.0
Early Yellow Summer CN Twilley 71 f 245 d 3.3
ZHarvested by April 24, 1980.
YMean separation for each type of squash by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
XRated from 1, straight; to 5, very curved.
Comments: Planted March 5, 1980 in single-row plots 24 ft long with hills 2 ft apart and rows 5 ft apart.
Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 Ib/A 15-0-14 in 3 other applications
before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. Elmstrom
Planted: February 24, 1981
Harvested: April 15, 1981. Last of 15: May 15, 1981
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Marketable Yieldy
Cultivar Source EarlyZ Total Curvaturex SmoothnessW
Multipik Harris Moran 336 a 793 a 2.0 cd 4.3 ab
Scottsdale Herbst 250 b-f 691 ab 2.0 cd 3.3 c-e
Seneca Prolific Twilley 289 a-d 618 be 2.0 ed 4.7 a
Goldbar Twilley 264 a-f 616 be 2.0 cd 4.0 bc
NKX 3656 (SN) Northrup King 281 a-e 613 bc 3.0 b 4.0 be
Cracker Petoseed 234 b-f 605 be 4.3 a 4.3 ab
Tara Harris Moran 253 b-f 600 bc 4.3 a 4.7 a
Dixie Asgrow 277 a-e 576 bc 3.3 b 4.0 bc
Crookette Harris Moran 192 f-h 487 c-e 5.0 a 3.7 b-d
Early Prolific SN Twilley 157 gh 435 de 2.0 cd 3.0 de
Smoothie Twilley 239 b-f 422 de 1.7 cd --
Early Yellow Summer CN Twilley 126 h 359 e 4.7 a 2.7 e
ZHarvested by April 28, 1981.
YMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
XRated from 1, straight; to 5, very curved.
Rated from 1, rough; to 5, very smooth.
Comments: Planted February 24, 1981 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart and rows 5 ft
apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 Ib/A 15-0-14 in 3 other
applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. Elastrom
Planted: February 23, 1982
Harvested: April 8, 1982. Last of 16: May 6, 1982
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Marketable Yield
Cultivar Source Earlyz Total Curvaturey'x Smoothnessw
Tara Harris Moran 151 379 4.3 a 4.7 ab
Seneca Butterbar Robson 137 369 1.3 g 4.0 a-d
Hyrific Ferry-Morse 117 360 2.7 cd 3.7 b-d
Golden Eagle Northrup King 127 360 2.5 c-e 4.0 a-d
Cracker Petoseed 132 358 3.7 ab 4.3 a-c
Multipik Harris Moran 136 344 1.7 e-g 4.3 a-c
Lemondrop Asgrow 133 338 1.5 fg 4.0 a-d
Golden Rebel Ferry-Morse 74 302 4.0 a 3.0 de
Sundance Petoseed 114 298 3.7 ab 4.3 a-c
Daytona Northrup King 109 289 4.0 a 3.0 de
Dixie Asgrow 114 281 3.0 bc 3.7 b-d
Scottsdale Herbst 61 256 1.7 e-g 3.7 b-d
Goldcrest Petoseed 114 249 1.5 fg 5.0 a
Early Summer CN Hollar 72 230 4.3 a 2.0 e
Early Prolific SN Burrell 73 227 1.5 fg 3.5 cd
Castle Pride Sunseeds 87 221 3.0 bc 4.5 a-c
ZHarvested by April 19, 1982.
YMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
XRated from 1, straight; to 5, very curved.
Rated from 1, rough; to 5, very smooth.
Comments: Planted February 23, 1982 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart and rows 5 ft
apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A 15-0-14 in 3 other
applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. Elmstrom
Planted: March 2, 1984
Harvested: April 19, 1984. Last of 15: May 11, 1984
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Marketable Yieldy
Cultivar Source Earlyz Total CurvatureX Smoothnessw
Enterprise Northrup King 162 a-c 404 a-c 2.0 d 5.0 a
Multipik Harris Moran 187 a 400 a-c 2.0 d 4.7 ab
Goldbar Petoseed 149 a-c 385 a-d 1.7 de 4.7 ab
Seneca Butterbar Robson 156 a-c 365 a-e 1.0 e 4.3 a-c
Golden Girl Harris Moran 145 a-d 344 a-f 2.0 d 4.7 ab
------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------- -
Cracker Petoseed 166 a-c 344 a-f 3.7 a-c 4.3 a-c
Sunrise Northrup King 159 a-c 316 b-g 3.3 bc 4.3 a-c
Dixie Asgrow 135 a-e 289 c-g 3.3 bc 4.0 b-d
Lemondrop Asgrow 126 a-e 271 d-h 1.0 e 5.0 a
Early Prolific SN Burrell 107 c-e 261 e-h 2.0 d 3.7 c-e
Sunbeam Sunseeds 111 b-e 258 e-h 2.0 d 3.7 c-e
Royal Knight Hollar 72 e 247 e-h 4.0 ab 4.0 b-d
Tara Harris Moran 108 c-e 244 f-h 4.3 a 5.0 a
ZHarvested by April 28, 1984.
YMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
XRated from 1, straight; to 5, very curved.
WRated from 1, rough; to 5, very smooth.
Comments: Planted March 2, 1984 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart and rows 5 ft
apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A 15-0-14 in 3 other
applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. Elmstrom
Planted: March 4, 1985
Harvested: April 17, 1985. Last of 15: May 17, 1985
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Marketable Yield
Mildew Resistancez'y (bu/A)
Cultivar Source Downy Powdery Early Total Curvature Smoothness
Butterstick Burpee 1.7 b 1.7 b 367 a 962 a 1.0 f 3.7 a
Seneca Butterbar Robson 1.7 b 1.3 b 311 a-c 773 b 1.7 ef 3.3 a
NVH 3658 Northrup King 1.7 b 1.7 b 331 ab 722 bc 3.0 bc 4.0 a
RXPY 797 Robson 1.3 b 2.0 b 321 ab 705 b-d 1.7 ef 3.3 a
Yellow Magic Musser 1.3 b 1.3 b 284 a-c 673 b-e 2.0 de 3.3 a
------- --- ------------ -------- --- ------- -- -------------
Pavo Asgrow 1.0 b 1.7 b 317 a-c 662 b-e 2.7 cd 5.0 a
XPH 1468 Asgrow 1.7 b 1.3 b 310 a-c 643 b-e 3.0 bc 3.3 a
Goldie Petoseed 2.0 b 1.3 b 272 a-c 642 b-e 2.7 cd 3.0 a
Dixie Asgrow 1.3 b 2.0 b 297 a-c 622 b-e 3.3 bc 4.0 a
Lemondrop Asgrow 1.7 b 1.7 b 278 a-c 602 b-e 1.0 f 3.7 a
--------------------- -- ----------- ------- --------------------
Multipik Harris Moran 2.0 b 1.7 b 267 a-c 596 c-e 1.7 ef 5.0 a
Confederate Gold Kilgore 1.3 b 1.7 b 212 c 569 c-e 3.3 bc 4.0 a
Cracker Petoseed 1.3 b 1.7 b 273 a-c 545 c-e 3.3 bc 3.7 a
Crescent Musser 1.7 b 1.3 b 240 bc 539 de 3.7 b 3.0 a
Tara Harris Moran 1.3 b 1.7 b 273 a-c 515 ef 4.7 a 5.0 a
I-9 Leesburg CFREC 3.3 a 5.0 a 15 d 374 f 1.0 f 3.7 a
1-9 Leesburg CFREC 3.3 a 5.0 a 15 d 374 f 1.0 f 3.7 a
Table 5. Sumer squash, yellow (cont.)
Marketable Yield
Mildew Resistancez'y (bu/A)
x v v
Cultivar Source Downy Powdery Early Total Curvaturew Smoothness
RXPY 790 Robson 2 2 302 676 3 2
HXP 3713 Harris Moran 1 1 318 671 4 4
FMX 359 Ferry-Morse 2 2 211 635 3 5
83 S 230 Musser 1 1 311 633 2 5
HSR 111 Hollar 2 2 293 628 2 4
------------- ------------------------ --- ------------------------ ----- ----------------
HSR 112 Hollar 1 2 281 599 3 5
RXPY 787 Robson 1 3 323 597 3 3
83 S 237 Musser 1 1 332 586 1 5
PSR 5883 Petoseed 1 5 243 560 2 5
PSR 7483 Petoseed 2 5 250 546 2 5
Enterprise Northrup King 1 2 206 497 2 5
HXP 3709 Harris Moran 1 1 235 493 4 5
HXP 3714 Harris Moran 2 2 236 487 3 5
PSR 6383 Petoseed 2 5 181 456 1 5
HXP 3710 Harris Moran 3 2 191 450 4 5
------------------------------------------ ---------------------------
FMX 358 Ferry-Morse 1 1 194 425 2 4
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
Rated from 1, least resistant; to 5, most resistant.
XHarvested by April 30, 1985.
Rated from 1, straight; to 5, very curved.
VRated from 1, rough; to 5, very smooth.
Comments: Planted March 4, 1985 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart and rows 5 ft
apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 Ib/A 15-0-14 in 3 other
applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central
Leader: G. W. Elmstrom
Planted: February 21, 1986
Harvested: April 11, 1986. Last
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Florida Research & Education Center
of 15: May 12, 1986
Marketable Yield
Cultivar Source EarlyZ'y Total Curvaturex Smoothnessw
Butterstick Burpee 420 a 1053 a 1.3 f 5.0 a
RXPY 787 Robson 370 ab 829 b 2.0 ef 3.7 c
Seneca Butterbar Robson 410 a 826 b 2.0 ef 4.7 ab
Enterprise Northrup King 320 b-e 786 bc 1.7 f 5.0 a
HSR 287 Hollar 303 c-e 735 bc 3.7 bc 4.0 bc
------------------------------------------------------- -------------------
Multipik Harris Moran 289 c-f 725 b-d 2.7 de 5.0 a
Crescent Musser 346 bc 721 b-e 4.0 bc 4.7 ab
HSR 288 Hollar 287 c-f 720 b-e 4.3 ab 4.0 bc
Sunrise Northrup King 313 b-e 717 b-e 3.3 cd 4.3 a-c
HSR 289 Hollar 318 b-e 692 c-f 4.0 bc 4.3 a-c
----- ------ -----------------------------------------------
Pavo Asgrow 330 b-d 691 c-f 3.7 bc 5.0 a
Dixie Asgrow 318 b-e 691 c-f 3.3 cd 4.3 a-c
Yellow Magic Musser 279 d-f 690 c-f 1.7 f 4.3 a-c
Goldie Petoseed 308 b-e 687 c-f 3.7 bc 4.7 ab
Lemondrop L Asgrow 262 ef 609 d-g 1.3 f 4.3 a-c
------ --------- ----- -------------- ------------ ----------- --------------
Tara Harris Moran 265 d-f 604 e-g 5.0 a 5.0 a
Cracker Petoseed 237 f 581 fg 4.0 bc 4.3 a-c
Supersett Harris Moran 150 g 553 g 3.7 bc 4.7 ab
Table 6. Summer squash, yellow (cont.)
Marketable Yield
Cultivar Source Earlyz'y Total Curvaturex SmoothnessV
ACX 861403 Abbott & Cobb 384 953 2 5
HMX 4728 Harris Moran 399 881 2 5
HSR 286 Hollar 308 761 2 5
FMX 358 Ferry-Morse 334 743 2 5
NVH 3658 Northrup King 247 704 3 5
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ----------------- -
FMX 359 Ferry-Morse 246 690 3 5
Sunburst Northrup King 190 689 Gold Scallop
RXPY 802 Robson 280 626 4 3
RXPY 790 Robson 233 620 4 2
HMX 5700 Harris Moran 191 617 4 3
HSR 285 Hollar 188 485 2 5
ACX 861402 Abbott & Cobb 171 361 4 5
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YHarvested by April 25, 1986.
XRated from 1, straight; to 5, very curved.
WRated from 1, rough; to 5, very smooth.
Comments: Planted February 21, 1986 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart and
rows 5 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A
15-0-14 in 3 other applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central
Leader: G. W. Elastrom
Planted: February 23, 1987
Harvested: April 22, 1987. Last
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Florida Research & Education Center
of 13: May 18, 1987
Mildewvsy Marketable Yield
Resistance Actual (bu/A) Corrected (bu/A)
Cultivar Source Powdery Earlyx Total Early Total Curvaturev Smoothnessu
Multipik Harris Moran 2.0 b 66 a 345 a 65 ab 345 ab 2.3 d 4.3 ab
Superpik Harris Moran 2.7 ab 37 a-c 310 ab 43 a-d 357 a 2.0 de 4.0 a-c
RXPY 797 Robson 2.7 ab 53 ab 303 a-c 56 a-c 314 a-c 1.7 de 2.7 de
Dixie Asgrow 3.0 a 65 a 294 a-c 69 a 309 a-c 3.3 c 4.0 a-c
Seneca Butterbar Robson 2.7 ab 21 bc 287 a-d 21 cd 307 a-c 1.3 e 4.0 a-c
----------------------------------------- --------------------------- -- ----- -
Pavo Asgrow 2.3 ab 69 a 282 a-d 71 a 301 a-c 3.7 bc 4.3 ab
HSR 326 Hollar 2.7 ab 24 bc 261 a-d 24 b-d 264 a-e 2.0 de 4.0 a-c
NVH 3658 Northrup King 2.3 ab 28 a-c 255 a-e 32 a-d 279 a-d 3.3 c 4.3 ab
Sunrise Northrup King 3.0 a 35 a-c 248 a-e 40 a-d 272 a-d 3.3 c 4.0 a-c
Castlegold Sunseeds 2.7 ab 22 bc 247 a-e 24 b-d 271 a-e 1.7 de 4.0 a-c
------ ----------------------------------------------- -- ------- -
Lemondrop Asgrow 2.0 b 54 ab 241 a-e 58 a-c 266 a-e 1.3 e 4.0 a-c
Yellow Magic Musser 2.7 ab 36 a-c 233 b-e 40 a-d 259 a-e 1.7 de 4.0 a-c
Enterprise Northrup King 2.7 ab 37 a-c 232 b-e 36 a-d 232 b-e 1.7 de 4.7 a
86 S 170 Musser 2.0 b 42 a-c 230 b-e 44 a-d 247 a-e 2.0 de 4.7 a
Goldstrike Ferry-Morse 3.0 a 35 a-c 227 b-e 37 a-d 237 b-e 2.0 de 3.3 cd
-------------- -------------------------------------------------------
Crescent Musser 2.3 ab 56 ab 219 b-e 59 a-c 237 b-e 3.7 bc 4.3 ab
Tara Harris Moran 2.3 ab 45 a-c 199 c-e 46 a-d 203 c-e 4.7 a 4.0 a-c
Supersett Harris Moran 2.3 ab 29 a-c 197 c-e 30 a-d 218 c-e 4.0 a-c 3.7 bc
HSR 114 Hollar 3.0 a 7 c 178 de 7 d 182 de 4.3 ab 2.0 e
Lemonbar Asgrow 2.0 b 20 bc 147 e 22 cd 160 e 2.0 de 4.0 a-c
Table 7. Summer squash, yellow (cont.)
Mildewv'y Marketable Yield
Resistance Actual (bu/A) Corrected (bu/A)W
Cultivar Source Powdery Earlyx Total Early Total Curvaturev Smoothnessu
ACX 861403 Abbott & Cobb 3 61 305 61 305 1 5
HSR 288 Hollar 3 18 184 18 184 4 3
RXPY 812 Robson 3 19 158 20 167 1 3
Mellow Gold Agway 2 30 132 32 140 1 4
ACX 861402 Abbott & Cobb 3 1 104 1 110 4 5
--- 2------ ------- --------- --------------------
(D38-8)2 Leesburg CFREC 5 0 104 0 156 1 3
(D54-1) Leesburg CFREC 5 8 102 9 108 4 4
83 S 237 Musser 3 8 90 9 101 2 4
(D42-1) Leesburg CFREC 4 0 79 0 129 1 5
FMX 359 Ferry-Morse 4 0 31 0 56 4 5
RXPY 809 Robson 4 0 8 0 67 1 3
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YRated from 1, least resistant; to 5, most resistant.
XHarvested by May 2, 1987.
Yields corrected for plants missing due to late frost.
Rated from 1, straight; to 5, very curved.
uRated from 1, rough; to 5, very smooth.
Comments: Planted February 23, 1987 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart and rows
5 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 Ib/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A 15-0-14 in 3
other applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. Elmstrom
Planted: March 1, 1988
Harvested: April 18, 1988. Last of 14: May 16, 1988
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Mildew Marketable Yield
Resistancezy (bu/A) No. (100/A)
Cultivar Source Powdery Earlyx Total Early Total Curvaturew Smoothnessv
Superpik Harris Moran 1.3 cd 262 a 530 a 386 a 833 ab 2.7 c-e 4.0 bc
Multipik Harris Moran 1.0 d 255 a 521 ab 385 a 813 ab 2.7 c-e 4.7 ab
G8-4 Leesburg CFREC 4.3 ab 152 e-g 510 ab 238 de 669 c-e 1.7 f 3.7 c
Enterprise Northrup King 1.7 cd 244 a-c 502 a-c 303 a-d 636 de 2.0 ef 5.0 a
Dixie Asgrow 1.3 cd 261 a 497 a-c 347 ab 711 b-e 3.0 b-d 5.0 a
Pavo Asgrow 1.0 d 258 a 492 a-c 338 a-c 662 de 3.3 a-c 5.0 a
Sunrise Northrup King 2.0 c 226 a-d 489 a-c 360 ab 753 a-d 3.7 ab 4.7 ab
Yellow Magic Musser 1.3 cd 238 a-d 482 a-c 273 b-e 599 e-g 2.0 ef 4.7 ab
Seneca Butterbar Robson 1.0 d 262 a-d 473 a-d 225 de 478 gh 2.0 ef 4.3 a-c
NVH 3658 Northrup King 1.7 cd 195 b-f 458 a-d 335 a-c 797 a-c 3.3 a-c 4.7 ab
--- --------------------------------- -------------------- -------
Crescent Musser 1.0 d 231 a-d 452 a-d 361 ab 715 b-e 3.3 a-c 5.0 a
Supersett Harris Moran 1.0 d 182 d-f 438 a-d 339 a-c 880 a 3.3 a-c 5.0 a
Exp. Hyb. 86S170 Musser 1.0 d 250 ab 424 a-d 364 ab 642 de 2.3 d-f 5.0 a
Lemondrop L Asgrow 1.0 d 191 c-f 394 b-d 220 de 487 gh 2.0 ef 5.0 a
G10-3 Leesburg CFREC 3.7 b 222 a-d 394 b-d 247 c-e 496 f-h 1.7 f 4.3 a-c
Tara Harris Moran 1.3 cd 206 a-e 369 c-e 396 a 702 b-e 4.0 a 4.3 a-c
G29-3 Leesburg CFREC 4.7 a 145 g 344 de 249 c-e 615 ef 3.3 a-c 5.0 a
G29-1 Leesburg CFREC 4.7 a 106 fg 268 e 202 e 467 h 4.0 a 5.0 a
Table 8. Summer squash, yellow, replicated (cont.)
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YRated from 1, least resistant; to 5, most resistant.
XHarvested by April 30, 1988.
Rated from 1, straight; to 5, very curved.
VRated from 1, rough; to 5, very smooth.
Comments: Planted March 1, 1988 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart and rows 5 ft apart.
Fertilization: 800 Ib/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A 15-0-14 in 3 other applications
before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. Elmstrom
Planted: March 1, 1988
Harvested: April 18, 1988. Last of 14: May 16, 1988
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Mildew Marketable Yield
Resistance (bu/A) No. (100/A)
Cultivar Source Powdery Early Total Early Total Curvaturex Smoothnessw
ACX-861403 Abbott & Cobb 1 391 799 390 776 1 5
Exp. Hyb. 87S201 Musser 2 325 597 432 867 4 5
16 D-X535 Ferry-Morse 1 259 550 278 675 2 4
G8-8 Leesburg CFREC 4 138 520 226 738 2 4
ACX-889849 Abbott & Cobb 2 233 503 418 814 4 4
ACX-889847 Abbott & Cobb 1 245 496 317 637 4 4
16 D-X534 Ferry-Morse 1 274 478 348 703 2 5
G10-8 Leesburg CFREC 4 175 447 198 494 2 5
ACX-889845 Abbott & Cobb 2 257 434 372 602 3 5
16 D-X536 Ferry-Morse 1 264 430 404 706 2 4
- ----- ----- --------------------------------- ------------------- -----------
NS 175 Neuman 2 214 428 345 686 4 5
16 D-X533 Ferry-Morse 1 259 417 317 557 2 5
ACX-889846 Abbott & Cobb 2 208 414 369 717 4 4
Sunburst Johnny's 3 99 403 171 494 Scallop -
ACX-861402 Abbott & Cobb 1 229 393 539 828 4 4
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
G10-5 Leesburg CFREC 4 106 347 139 428 2 5
G29-8 Leesburg CFREC 5 128 322 233 574 4 4
G29-9 Leesburg CFREC 5 97 286 195 494 4 5
PSR 43387 Petoseed 5 30 245 38 306 2 5
16 D-X532 Ferry-Morse 1 115 234 195 435 4 5
Table 9. Summer squash, yellow, observational (cont.)
Mildew Marketable Yield
Resistance (bu/A) No. (100/A)
Cultivar Source Powdery Early Total Early Total Curvaturex Smoothnessw
PSR 40187 Petoseed 4 9 227 24 278 4 4
PSR 45587 Petoseed 5 3 225 17 292 2 5
PSR 2287 Petoseed 5 7 210 17 327 2 5
PSR 41587 Petoseed 5 11 197 21 351 3 4
16 D-X530 Ferry-Morse 2 37 172 63 230 3 4
PSR 5085 Petoseed 5 9 152 21 230 2 5
RXPY 809 Robson 1 32 139 59 209 3 5
PSR 45187 Petoseed 5 0 138 0 202 2 5
PSR 18587 Petoseed 5 8 127 17 209 2 5
PSR 10487 Petoseed 5 3 114 10 195 3 3
PSR 40287 Petoseed 5 6 108 14 153 4 5
PSR 2087 Petoseed 5 0 49 0 97 2 5
ZRated from 1, least resistant; to 5, most resistant.
YHarvested by April 30, 1988.
XRated from 1, straight; to 5, very curved.
WRated from 1, rough; to 5, very smooth.
Comments: Planted March 1, 1988 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2.5 ft apart and rows 5 ft apart.
Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A 15-0-14 in 3 other applications
before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central
Leader: G. W. Elmstrom
Planted: February 27, 1989
Harvested: April 17, 1989. Last
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Florida Research & Education Center
of 13: May 11, 1989
Mildew Marketable Yield
Resistancezy (bu/A) No. (100/A)
Cultivar Source Powdery Early Total Early Total Curvature Smoothness
Multipik Harris Moran 2.3 fg 277 a 562 a 458 a 875 a 2.0 ef 4.0 a-c
Sunrise Northrup King 2.0 g 253 a-c 516 ab 385 a-c 750 a-d 3.7 bc 3.3 b-e
Sunbar Petoseed 3.0 d-g 241 a-d 510 a-c 394 a-c 815 ab 2.0 ef 3.3 b-e
Sunre 9651 Sunseeds 2.7 e-g 256 ab 497 a-d 261 d-h 529 g-i 1.0 g 3.3 b-e
Hyb. 87S201 Musser 2.7 e-g 233 a-e 490 a-d 396 a-c 783 a-c 4.0 b 5.0 a
- ------------------------------------------------------ ---- ---- ------ --- ---------
NVH 3658 Northrup King 3.3 c-f 229 a-e 479 a-d 345 b-d 773 a-d 3.0 cd 4.3 ab
NS 161 Neuman 3.0 d-g 240 a-d 469 a-d 389 a-c 738 a-e 3.7 bc 4.3 ab
Sunre 9602 Sunseeds 2.3 fg 256 ab 461 a-d 440 ab 775 a-d 4.0 b 3.3 b-e
Superpik Harris Moran 3.0 d-g 233 a-e 453 a-d 345 b-d 719 a-f 2.0 ef 3.0 c-e
Dixie Asgrow 3.0 d-g 191 b-i 436 b-e 303 c-f 690 b-g 4.0 b 3.7 b-d
---------------- --- ------------------------------------------------ ---------- -------
Hyb. 86S170 Musser 2.0 g 221 a-f 410 b-f 332 c-e 617 c-h 1.3 fg 5.0 a
Enterprise Northrup King 4.0 a-d 166 d-j 404 b-f 232 e-h 546 f-i 2.0 ef 3.7 b-d
(SF28-6)2 Leesburg CFREC 5.0 a 181 b-i 400 b-f 251 d-h 567 e-i 1.0 g 2.3 e
(SF31-7) Leesburg CFREC 4.7 ab 221 a-f 398 b-g 261 d-h 478 hi 1.0 g 4.0 a-c
Goldie Petoseed 2.7 e-g 192 b-h 397 b-g 295 c-g 619 c-h 3.0 cd 2.7 de
-------------------------------- ----------------- --------------- -- -------
FMX 567 Ferry-Morse 3.7 b-e 176 c-j 391 c-g 230 e-h 515 g-i 2.0 ef 2.3 e
Tara 2 Harris Moran 3.3 c-f 205 a-g 383 c-g 374 a-c 685 b-g 5.0 a 3.3 b-e
(SF37-4) Leesburg CFREC 4.3 a-c 161 e-j 331 d-h 303 c-f 601 d-h 4.3 ab 3.0 c-e
FMX 535 2 Ferry-Morse 3.3 c-f 142 g-j 320 e-i 193 gh 411 i 1.7 e-g 3.0 c-e
(SF39-7) Leesburg CFREC 4.3 a-c 144 f-j 308 e-i 257 d-h 455 hi 4.3 ab 3.0 c-e
Table 10. Summer squash, yellow, replicated (cont.)
Mildew Marketable Yield
ResistanceZ'y (bu/A) No. (100/A)
Cultivar Source Powdery Earlyx Total Early Total Curvature Smoothnessv
(SF31-9)2 Leesburg CFREC 4.3 a-c 167 d-j 307 f-i 217 f-h 400 i 1.0 g 4.0 a-c
(SF28-4)2 Leesburg CFREC 5.0 a 342 ij 282 g-i 197 f-h 464 hi 1.0 g 2.7 de
(SF38-7)9 Leesburg CFREC 4.3 a-c 126 h-j 270 hi 219 f-h 460 hi 2.3 de 4.0 a-c
(SF40-3)" Leesburg CFREC 4.3 a-c 101 j 265 i 173 h 484 hi 4.0 b 3.0 c-e
ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YRated from 1, least resistant; to 5, most resistant.
XHarvested by April 29, 1989.
WRated from 1, straight; to 5, very curved.
VRated from 1, rough; to 5, very smooth.
Comments: Planted February 27, 1989 in single-row plots 24 ft long with hills 2 ft apart and rows 6 ft
apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A 15-0-14 in 3 other
applications before flowering.
Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. Elastrom
Planted: February 27, 1989
Harvested: April 17, 1989. Last of 13: May 11, 1989
Soil: Apopka fine sand
Mildew Marketable Yield
Resistancez (bu/A) No. (100/A)
Cultivar Source Powdery Early Total Early Total Curvaturex Smoothnessw
Sunre 9706 Sunseeds 3 373 714 512 1042 3 3
4204 Shamrock 3 333 688 382 894 4 3
4201 Shamrock 2 315 586 400 815 4 4
FMX 536 Ferry-Morse 2 304 542 424 779 1 3
FMX 534 Ferry-Morse 2 289 532 412 751 1 3
------------------------------------------------------ -
4203 Shamrock 2 278 513 409 767 4 5
HMX 7716 Harris Moran 3 264 493 476 906 4 3
FMX 566 Ferry-Morse 2 263 492 327 618 2 2
RxPY 809 Robson 2 236 469 318 609 2 4
RxPY 808 Robson 2 212 457 297 630 2 3
----------- ----------------------------------------- ----- ----- --- -----------------
Sunre 9607 Sunseeds 3 153 403 230 576 2 1
HSR 149 Hollar 3 181 401 400 830 5 2
HSR 145 Hollar 2 218 399 361 612 2 3
HSR 146 2 Hollar 3 170 376 385 758 5 3
(SF40-9) Leesburg CFREC 4 160 371 227 576 5 3
--- -------- ---------- ------------ ----------------------------
HSR 159 Hollar 3 162 335 251 542 2 4
HSR 147 2 Hollar 3 125 322 182 527 3 2
(SF38-8) Leesburg CFREC 5 79 201 136 321 4 4
Table 11. Summer squash, yellow, observational (cont.)
ZRated from 1, least resistant; to 5, most resistant.
YHarvested by April 29, 1989.
XRated from 1, straight; to 5, very curved.
WRated from 1, rough; to 5, very smooth.
Comments: Planted February 27, 1989 in single-row plots 24 ft long with hills 2 ft apart and rows 6 ft
apart. Fertilization: 800 Ib/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A 15-0-14 in 3 other
applications before flowering.
Abbott & Cobb
Ferry-Morse Seed Co.
P.O. Box 4938
Modesto, CA 95352-4938
Harris Moran Seed Co.
3670 Buffalo Rd.
Rochester, NY 14624
Abbott & Cobb, Inc.
P.O. Box 307
Feasterville, PA 19047
Agway, Inc.
1225 Zeager Rd.
Elizabethtown, PA 17022
Asgrow Seed Co.
7000 Portage Rd.
Kalamazoo, MI 49001
W. Atlee Burpee Co.
300 Park Avenue
Warminster, PA 18991
D.V. Burrell Seed Growers Co.
P.O. Box 150
Rocky Ford, CO 81067
Out of Business
Hollar and Company, Inc.
P.O. Box 106
Rocky Ford, CO 81067
Johnny's Selected Seeds
Albion, ME 04910
Kilgore Seed Co.
1400 West First Street
Sanford, FL 32771
G. W. Elmstrom
Leesburg CFREC
5336 University Ave.
Leesburg, FL 34748
Musser Seed Co., Inc.
P.O. Box 1406
Twin Falls, ID 83301
Neuman Seed Co.
P.O. Box 1530
El Centro, CA 92243
Leesburg CFREC
Harris Moran
Appendix. Seed Sources (cont.)
Northrup King
Northrup King Co.
Vegetable Seed Group
P.O. Box 1827
Gilroy, CA 95023
P.O. Box
CA 93003
Robson Seed Farms
1 Seneca Circle
Hall, NY 14463
P.O. Box
Seed Co.
FL 33465
9531 West 78th Street, #229
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Twilley Seed Co.
P.O. Box 65
Trevose, PA 19047
Gainesville *Hasting
1906 1923
1 1369
* 1655
IFAS Statewide
Research and Education 2 eLak1 Vro Brac
Ruskin 1956
Centers */o,195 *
Bradenton *0 Ona Ft. Pierc
1925 1\ 975 1948
Dates Established 92 \
SeBelle Glade