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- Permanent Link:
- https://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076024/00001
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- Title:
- 100 years of IFAS grape publications, 1891-1990
- Series Title:
- CFREC Leesburg Research Report - Central Florida Research and Education Center ; LGB 91-6
- Creator:
- Webb, Susan E.
- Place of Publication:
- Leesburg, Fla.
- Publisher:
- University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Central Florida Research and Education Center,
- Publication Date:
- 1994?
- Language:
- English
- Subjects / Keywords:
- City of Gainesville ( flego )
City of Leesburg ( flego ) Grapes ( jstor ) Diseases ( jstor ) Stover ( jstor )
- Spatial Coverage:
- North America -- United States -- Florida
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- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
- The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. This item may be protected by copyright but is made available here under a claim of fair use (17 U.S.C. §107) for non-profit research and educational purposes. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services (UFDC@uflib.ufl.edu) with any additional information they can provide.
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The publications in this collection do not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. These texts represent the historic publishing record of the Institute for Food and Agricultural Sciences and should be used only to trace the historic work of the Institute and its staff. Current WAS research may be found on the Electronic Data Information Source (EDIS)
site maintained by the Florida Cooperative Extension Service.
Copyright 2005, Board of Trustees, University of Florida
FnsOiIut ofarston Science
Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences L 5336 University Avenue
Central Florida Research and Education Center, Leesburg SEP 3 0 M4 Leesburg FL 34748-8203 Tel. (904) 360-6686
University of Florida Fax (904) 360-6691
Susan E. Webb
1. Abbott, Ouida Davis. Jellying properties of certain varieties of grapes and blackberries grown at the Experiment Station. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1931, Home
Economics. minor projects. p. 86.
2. Abbott, Ouida Davis. Jellying properties of certain varieties of grapes and blackberries grown at the Experiment Station. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1932, Home
Economics. minor projects. p. 95.
3. Abbott, Ouida Davis. A study of the jelling properties of several varieties of Florida grapes.
Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1937, Purnell Project 271. p. 76.
4. Abbott, Ouida Davis; Loucks, Kenneth W. Utilization and storage of Florida grapes. Fla.
Agric. Expt. Sta., UF, Gainesville, 1938. Bulletin 329.
5. Adlerz, Warren C. Control of grape leafhopper on 'Lake Emerald' grapes. Leesburg ARC Res. Rpt. WG 80-6, 1980.
6. Adlerz, Warren C. Ecological observations on two leafhoppers that transmit the Pierce's disease bacterium. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc., 1980, 93:115-120.
7. Adlerz, Warren C. Grape root borer. Review and status in Florida. Leesburg AREC Res.
Rpt. LBG 84-4, 1984.
8. Adlerz, Warren C. Insect vectors of Pierce's disease on grape. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1958. p. 400.
9. Adlerz, Warren C. Insect vectors of Pierce's disase of grape. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1959. p. 400.
10. Adlerz, Warren C. Insect vectors of Pierce's disease of grape. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt.,
UF, Gainesville, 1960. p. 347.
Leesburg CFREC Research Report LBG 91-6
Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution
11. Adlerz, Warren C. Insect vectors of Pierce's disease of grape. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt.,
UF, Gainesville, 1961. p. 385.
12. Adlerz, Warren C. Prodecatoma cookie, a seed chalcid on Florida grapes. J. Econ. Entomol.
65:1530, 1972.
13. Adlerz, Warren C. Spray program for bunch grapes. Leesburg ARC Res. Rpt. WG 80-1, 1980. 14. Adlerz, Warren C. Spray program for bunch grapes. Leesburg ARC Res. Rpt. WG 80-4, 1980. 15. Adlerz, Warren C. Varietal susceptibility to the grape root borer in muscadine grape.
Leesburg ARC Res. Rpt. WG 80-5, 1980.
16. Adlerz, Warren C.; Hopkins, Donald L. Detection of Pierce's disease bacterium in wild plants
in Florida. Phytopathology 71(8):856, 1981. (Abstract)
17. Adlerz, Warren C.; Hopkins, Donald L. Grape insects and diseases in Florida. Proc. Fla. State
Hort. Soc. 94:331-336, 1981.
18. Adlerz, Warren C.; Hopkins, Donald L. Natural infectivity of two vectors of Pierce's disease of
grape in Florida. Proc. of APS 3:333, 1976. (Abstract)
19. Adlerz, Warren C.; Hopkins, Donald L. Natural infectivity of two sharpshooter vectors of
Pierce's disease of grape in Florida. J. Econ. Entomol. 72(6):916-919, 1979.
20. Adlerz, Warren C.; Hopkins, Donald L. Natural infectivity of two sharpshoter vectors of
Pierce's disease of grape in Florida. Am. J. Enol. Vitic. 32(1):82-83, 1981. (Abstract) 21. Adlerz, Warren C.; Hopkins, Donald L. Transmission of Pierce's disease of grape by
sharpshooters, Homoptera: Cicadellidae, in Florida. J. N.Y. Entomol. Soc. 85(4):163-164, 1977. 22. Adlerz, Warren C.; Mortensen, John A. Seed chalcid damage, distribution, and control on
central Florida bunch grapes. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 86:335-338, 1973.
23. Aitken, J. B. Variety tests of minor fruits and ornamentals. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res.
Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1970, FLA-NF-00187. p. 198
24. Aitken, J. B. Variety tests of minor fruits and ornamentals. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res.
Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1972, FLA-NF-00187. p. 203
25. Andersen, E. M. Some possibilities for future grape investigations in Florida. Proc. Annual
Mid-Winter Meeting Florida Grape Growers Association, Altoona, Fla., January 26, 1944.
26. Andersen, Peter C. The current status of grape research at the AREC-Monticello. Proc. Vitic.
Sci. Symp. 1987, Center for Vitic. Sci. - Fla. A&M Univ., Tallahassee, 1987. pp. 131-133.
27. Andersen, Peter C. Leaf gas exchange characteristics of eleven species of fruit crops in north
Florida. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 102:229-234, 1989.
28. Andersen, Peter C. Water ion and amino flux from pruned spurs of muscadine and bunch
grapes. Proc. Vitic. Sci. Symp. 1986, Center for Vitic. Sci. - Fla. A&M Univ., Tallahassee, 1986.
pp. 67-69.
29. Andersen, Peter C.; Brodbeck, Brent V. Chemical composition of xylem exudate from bleeding
spurs of Vitis rotundifolia Noble and Vitis hybrid Suwannee in relation to pruning date. Am. J.
Enol. Vitic. 40(3):155-160, 1989.
30. Andersen, Peter C.; Brodbeck, Brent V. Diurnal and temporal changes in the chemical profile
of xylem exudate from Vitis rotundifolia. Physiol. Plant. (Copenhagen) 75:63-70, 1989.
31. Andersen, Peter C.; Brodbeck, Brent V. Temperature and temperature preconditioning on flux
and chemical composition of xylem exudate from muscadine grapevines. J. Amer. Soc. Hort.
Sci. 114(3):440-444, 1989.
32. Andersen, Peter C.; Brodbeck, Brent V. Water and solute fluxes through pruned muscadine
grape spurs. HortScience 23(6):978-980, 1988.
33. Andersen, Peter C.; Bryan, M. W.; Baker, L. H. Effect of two wire vertical and Geneva double
curtain training systems on berry quality and yield of muscadine grapes. Proc. Fla. State Hort.
Soc. 98:175-178, 1985.
34. Andersen, Peter C.; Mortensen, John A. Evaluation of 23 muscadine grape cultivars and
selections in north Florida during 1987 and 1988. Proc. Vitic. Sci. Symp. 1989, Center for Vitic.
Sci. - Fla. A&M Univ., Tallahassee, 1989. pp. 38-41.
35. Andersen, Peter C.; Sims, Charles A. The influence of simulated frost damage on yield and
quality of Vitis hybrid 'Suwannee'. 13th Ann. Vitic. Sci. Symp. & Workshop, Cen. for Vitic. Sci,
Fla. A&M Univ., Tallahassee, 1990. p. 8. (Abstract)
36. Andrews, C. P.; Arnold, Calvin E. Deciduous fruit species as landscape items in north Florida's
homeowner plantings. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 90:212-214, 1977.
37. Arnold, Calvin E.; Aldrich, J. H. Grape weed research and recommendations. Proc. Fla. State
Hort. Soc. 94:336-339, 1981.
38. Arnold, Calvin E.; Aldrich, J. H. Grape weed research & recommendations. Grapes in Florida
- Symposium. Presented at the 94th Annual Meeting of the State Horticultural Society,
November 4-7, 1981, Lake Buena Vista, Fla., IFAS, UF in cooperation with the Florida Grape
Growers Assoc., 1982. pp. 9-12.
39. Arnold, Calvin E.; Aldrich, J. H. Weed control in Florida vineyards. ARC-Monticello, Fla.
Agric. Expt. Sta., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, Res. Rpt. BB1981-5, 1981.
40. Arnold, Calvin E.; Aldrich, J. H. Weed control in vineyards. ARC-Monticello, Fla. Agric.
Expt. Sta., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1981. pp. 53-61.
41. Arnold, Calvin E.; Aldrich, J. H. Weeding out facts on vineyard weed control. Fruit Grower
102(3):32-34, 1982.
42. Arnold, Calvin E.; Lawrence, Fred P. Deciduous Fruit Notes, August 19. Fla. Agric. Extn.
Service, IFAS, Univ. of Fla., Gainesville, 1970.
43. Arnold, Calvin E.; Lawrence, Fred P. Deciduous Fruit Notes, February 23. Fla. Agric. Extn.
Service, IFAS, Univ. of Fla., Gainesville, 1971.
44. Balerdi, Carlos F. Characteristics of muscadine varieties. Agric. Res. Center, Leesburg, Mimeo
Report WG 72-1, 1972.
45. Balerdi, Carlos F. Chemical control of sprouts in bunch grapes with CIPC and Maleic
Hydrazide. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1967. p. 404.
46. Balerdi, Carlos F. Chemical weed control in newly planted grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann.
Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1967. p. 404.
47. Balerdi, Carlos F. Chemical weed control in an established vineyard. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta.
Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1967. p. 404.
48. Balerdi, Carlos F. Comparison of Vitis rotundifolia varieties and selections in Florida.
Watermelon & Grape Investigations Laboratory Mimeo Report WGL 70-2, 1970.
49. Balerdi, Carlos F. Induction of seedlessness in grape with gibberellic acid. Fla. Agric. Expt.
Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1967. p. 404.
50. Balerdi, Carlos F. Response of bunch grape to soil applications of magnesium. Fla. Agric.
Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1967. p. 404.
51. Balerdi, Carlos F. Response of 'Stover' grape to soil applications of magnesium. Proc. Fla.
State Hort. Soc. 83:388-390, 1970.
52. Balerdi, Carlos F. Trellis trial. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1967. p. 404.
53. Balerdi, Carlos F. Weed control with preemergence herbicides in a mature vineyard. Proc.
Fla. State Hort. Soc. 84:333-334, 1971.
54. Balerdi, Carlos F. Weed control in fruit crops. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF,
Gainesville, 1971, FLA-WG-01546. p. 238.
55. Balerdi, Carlos F. Weed control in young vineyards. Amer. J. Enol. & Vitic. 23(2):58-60, 1972.
56. Balerdi, Carlos F.; Mortensen, John A. Characteristics of muscadine varieties. Leesburg ARC
Res. Rpt. WG 75-4, 1975.
57. Balerdi, Carlos F.; Mortensen, John A. The culture and commercial potential of muscadine
grapes in Florida. Florida Grower and Rancher 64(7-8):20-21, 1971.
58. Balerdi, Carlos F.; Mortensen, John A. Performance of muscadine grapes (Vitis rotundifolia
Michx.) in central Florida. HortScience 4(3):252-253, 1969.
59. Balerdi, Carlos F.; Mortensen, John A. Suitability for mechanical harvest in cultivars of
muscadine grape (Vitis rotundifolia Michx). Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 86:342-344, 1973.
60. Bates, R. P.; Sims, C. A.; Gray, D. J.; Mortensen, J. A.; Andersen, P. C. The Florida grape
industry: What's ahead in the '90s?. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 103:302-306, 1990.
61. Bates, Robert P. Cultivar evaluation for wine production. Proc. Vitic. Sci. Symp. 1986, Center
for Vitic. Sci. - Fla. A&M Univ., Tallahassee, 1986. pp. 132-137.
62. Bates, Robert P. The emerging Florida wine industry. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 96:215-219,
63. Bates, Robert P. Flavor improvement in muscadine grape juice. 68th Ann. Proc. Assoc. So.
Agr. Workers, 1971. pp. 146-147.
64. Bates, Robert P. Florida grape juice: commercial potential and development needs. Proc.
Vitic. Sci. Symp., Fla. A&M Univ., Tallahassee 4:1-4, 1983.
65. Bates, Robert P. Florida grape juice considerations. Proc. 1st Greater Grapes Symposium,
November 7-8, IFAS-UF, 1986. pp. 103-105.
66. Bates, Robert P. Grape quality from vine to palate. Proc. Vitic. Sci. Symp., Fla. A&M Univ.,
Tallahassee 3:48-53, 1981.
67. Bates, Robert P. Home wine making in Florida. Fla. Coop. Extn. Service, IFAS-UF,
Gainesville. Food Science Fact Sheet FS-3, 1977.
68. Bates, Robert P. Home wine making in Florida. Fla. Coop. Extn. Service, IFAS-UF,
Gainesville. Food Science Fact Sheet FS-3, 1978.
69. Bates, Robert P. Home wine making in Florida. Fla. Coop. Extn. Service, IFAS-UF,
Gainesville. Food Science Fact Sheet FS-3, 1984.
70. Bates, Robert P. Home wine making in Florida. Fla. Coop. Extn. Service, IFAS-UF,
Gainesville. Food Science Fact Sheet FS-3, 1985.
71. Bates, Robert P. An update on grape processing and utilization in Florida. Proc. Vitic. Sci.
Symp., Fla. A&M Univ., Tallahassee 2:37, 1980.
72. Bates, Robert P. What should not be in wine. Directions in Applied Nutr. 1(31):1-5, 1987.
73. Bates, Robert P.; Carter, Robert D. The suitability of citrus taste evaporators for muscadine
grape juice concentrate production. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 97:84-89, 1984.
74. Bates, Robert P.; Coleman, Richard L.; Wagner Jr., Charles J. Grape processing and utilization
in Florida. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 94:343-347, 1981.
75. Bates, Robert P.; Coleman, Richard L.; Wagner Jr., Charles J. Grape processing and utilization
in Florida. Grapes in Florida Symposium. Presented at the 94th Annual Meeting of the State
Horticultural Society 1981. IFAS-UF, Gainesville and Florida Grape Growers Assoc., 1981.
pp. 16-20.
76. Bates, Robert P.; Gursky, D. Florida muscadine grape juice: processing and evaluation
compared to commercial grape beverages. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 92:195-197, 1979.
77. Bates, Robert P.; Koburger, J. A. On-site production of grape cider in Florida vineyards. Proc.
Fla. State Hort. Soc. 95:104-106, 1982.
78. Bates, Robert P.; Mills, D.; Mortensen, John A.; Cornell, J. A. Prefermentation treatments
affecting the quality of muscadine grape wines. Am. J. Enol. Vitic. 31(2):136-143, 1980.
79. Bates, Robert P.; Mortensen, John A.; Crocker, Timothy E. Florida grapes: the next decade.
Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 93:120-124, 1980.
80. Bates, Robert P.; Mortensen, John A. Processing research with Florida-grown grape cultivars.
Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 82:182-187, 1969.
81. Bates, Robert P.; Sims, Charles A. Processing potential of Florida-grown fruits. Proc. Fla.
State Hort. Soc. 100:389-393, 1987.
82. Bates, Robert P.; Sinisterra, M.; Mortensen, John A. A comparison of home, laboratory and
quasi-industrial wine making procedures with 'Stover' grapes. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc.
90:195-199, 1977.
83. Bates, Robert P.; Tejada, R.; Mortensen, John A. Effect of bunch and muscadine grape
maturity on finished wine. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 99:194-200, 1986.
Outstanding paper award Krome Section 1987.
84. Blackmon, G. H. Preliminary report on fertilizer tests with grapes. Proc. Annual Mid-Winter
Meeting Florida Grape Growers Association, Altoona, Fla., January 26, 1944. pp. 8-10.
85. Blackmon, G. H. Preliminary report on minor elements in grape culture. Proc. Annual MidWinter Meeting of Fla. Grape Growers Association, Altoona, Fla., January 17, 1945. pp. 8-11.
86. Blackmon, G. H.; Cowart, F. F.; Cross, F. B.; Flory Jr., W. S.; Loomis, N. H. Grape research in
the South. A report by "The Committee on Bunch Grapes" appointed at the meeting of the
Southern Section of the American Society for Horticultural Science in New Orleans, Louisiana,
February 5, 1946. 27 p.
87. Burger, 0. F. Diseases of plants reported this year: grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt.,
UF, Gainesville, 1923, Report of Plant Pathologist. p. 80R.
88. Camp, A. F. Variety tests of grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville. Hatch
Project No. 49, p. 64, 1929.
89. Camp, A. F. Variety tests of grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville. Hatch
Project No. 49, p. 85, 1930.
90. Camp, A. F.; Wolfe, H. S. Variety tests of minor fruits and ornamentals: grapes. Fla. Agric.
Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville. State Project No. 187. p. 66, 1934.
91. Crall, James M. Improvement of rootstock cultivars for fruit and nut crops. Fla. Agric. Expt.
Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1971, FLA-WG-01591. p. 238.
92. Crall, James M. Preliminary research on cucurbits and fruit crops.
Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1968, FLA-WG-00150. p. 203.
93. Crall, James M. Preliminary research on cucurbits and fruit crops.
Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1970, FLA-WG-00001. p. 228.
94. Crall, James M. Preliminary research on cucurbits and fruit crops.
Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1971, FLA-WG-00001. p. 234.
95. Crall, James M. Preliminary research on cucurbits and fruit crops.
Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1972, FLA-WG-00001. p. 255.
96. Crall, James M. Preliminary research on cucurbits and fruit crops.
Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1973, FLA-WG-00001. p. 289.
97. Crall, James M. Preliminary research on cucurbits and fruit crops.
Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1974, FLA-WG-00001. pp. 396-7.
98. Crall, James M. Preliminary research on cucurbits and fruit crops.
Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1975, FLA-WG-00001. pp. 350-1.
Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann.
,99. Crall, James M.; Stover, Loren H. The significance of Pierce's disease in the decline of bunch
grapes in Florida. Phytopathology 47:518, 1957. (Abstract)
100. Crocker, Timothy E. Calibration of an herbicide sprayer. Proc. 1st Greater Grapes
Symposium, November 7-8, IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1986. pp. 147-148.
101. Crocker, Timothy E. Site selection for grapes. Proc. 1st Greater Grapes Symposium,
November 7-8, IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1986. pp. 65-67.
102. Crocker, Timothy E.; Halbrooks, Mary C. List of 1985 registered herbicides for grapes. Grape
Newsletter, Fla. Coop. Extn. Serve , IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1984.
103. Crocker, Timothy E.; Jackson, Larry K. IFAS Extension informational delivery system for
grapes. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 94:352-353, 1981.
104. Crocker, Timothy E.; Mortensen, John A. The bunch grape. Fruit Crops Fact Sheet FC-17,
95. Crocker, Timothy E.; Mortensen, John A. The bunch grape. Fruit Crops Fact Sheet FC-17A,
106. Crocker, Timothy E.; Mortensen, John A. The muscadine grape. Fruit Crops Fact Sheet
FC-16, 1976.
107. Crocker, Timothy E.; Mortensen, John A. The muscadine grape. Fruit Crops Fact Sheet
FC-16A, 1983.
108. Crocker, Timothy E.; Sherman, Wayne B. Deciduous fruit for north Florida. IFAS Florida
Coop. Extn. Serv. Circ. 611, 1989.
109. Crocker, Timothy E.; Wall, B. Results of a survey on pick-your-own grape, blueberry and peach
establishments. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 92:260-262, 1979.
110. Cromwell, Richard P. Effectiveness of commercial sprayers. Proc. Vitic. Sci. Symp. 1988,
Center for Vitic. Sci. - Fla. A&M Univ., Tallahassee, 1988. pp. 91-97.
111. Cromwell, Richard P., Feasibility of converting a citrus sprayer for the vineyard. Proc. 1st
Greater Grapes Symposium, November 7-8, IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1986. pp. 107-110.
112. Degner, Robert L. Developing a market for 'Orlando Seedless' grapes. Proc. 1st Greater
Grapes Symposium, November 7-8, IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1986. pp. 35-45.
113. Degner, Robert L.; Fairchild, Gary F. Marketing strategies for Florida-grown table grapes.
Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 100:405-408, 1987.
114. Degner, Robert L.; Mathis, Kary. Consumer acceptance of muscadine grapes. Proc. Fla. State
Hort. Soc. 93:140-143, 1980.
115. Degner, Robert L; Mathis, Kary; Cubenas, Gervasio. Fresh market potential for muscadine
grapes. Fla. Agric. Market Res. Center, Food & Resource Economics Dept, Agric. Expt. Sta.,
IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1980. Industry Report 80-1.
116. Degner, Robert L.; Rodan, Lance W.; Mathis, Kary. Farmer to consumer direct marketing of
grapes in Florida: producer and consumer benefits. Florida Agricultural Market Research
Center-October 1981, Food and Resource Economics Dept., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1981.
Industry Report 81-3.
117. Dennison, R. A.; Stover, Loren H. The Blue Lake grape and its potential for processed juice.
Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 75:281-283, 1962.
118. DePass, Rev. Jas. P. Grapes. Annual Report-Horticulture. Expt. Sta. of Fla. at the State
Agric. College, Lake City, FL, 1891, Bulletin No. 14. p. 11.
119. Dickey, R. D.; Loucks, Kenneth W. Grape growing in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta., UF,
Gainesville, 1938. Bulletin 324.
120. Dickey, R. D.; Stover, Loren H.; Parris, G. K. Grape growing in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta.,
UF, Gainesville, 1947. Bulletin 436 (a revision of Bulletin 324).
121. Dombek, K. M.; Ingram, L. 0. Nutrient limitation as a basis for the apparent toxicity of low
levels of ethanol during fermentation. J. Industr. Microbiol. 1:219-25, 1986.
Reviewed by C. Rous, Am. J. Enol. Vitic. 38(2):165, 1987.
122. Durham, R. E.; Gray, Dennis J.; Moore, Gloria A. The use of isozyme banding patterns to
determine the origin of somatic embryos in grape. HortScience 22:1070, 1987. (Abstract)
123. Durham, R. E.; Moore, Gloria A.; Gray, Dennis J.; Mortensen, John A. The use of leaf GPI
and IDH isozymes to examine the origin of polyembryony in cultured ovules of seedless grape.
Plant Cell Reports 7:669-672, 1989.
124. Elmstrom, Gary W. 50th Anniversary ARC Leesburg, Fla. - Grape breeding. HortScience
18(6):front and back cover, 1983.
125. Elmstrom, Gary W. Publication list - grapes, 1970-1980. Leesburg ARC Res. Rpt. WG 80-8,
126. Elmstrom, Gary W. Publication list - grapes, 1970-1982. Leesburg ARC Res. Rpt. LBG 83-2,
127. Elmstrom, Gary W. Publication list - grapes, 1970-1983. Leesburg AREC Res. Rpt. LBG 84-5,
128. Elmstrom, Gary W. Publication list - grapes, 1970-1987. Leesburg CFREC Res. Rpt. LBG
88-6, 1988.
129. Goheen, A. C.; Hopkins, Donald L. Pierce's disease. In. Compendium of Grape Diseases, ed
R. C. Pearson, A. C. Goheen, St. Paul. APS Press, 1988. pp. 44-45.
130. Goode, Don. Propagation grapes from cuttings. Proc. Vitic. Sci. Symp. 1987, Center for Vitic.
Sci. - Fla. A&M Univ., Tallahassee, 1987. pp. 42-53.
131. Graham, K. H. Grape pest investigations: receipts. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF,
Gainesville, 1940, Report of Business Manager. pp. 13-15.
132. Graham, K. H. Grape pest investigations: receipts. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF,
Gainesville, 1941, Report of Business Manager. p. 17.
133. Gray, D. J.; Benton, C. M. Micropropagation and plant establishment of muscadine grape.
Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 103:300-302, 1990.
134. Gray, D. J.; Benton, C. M. Tissue culture micropropagation of 'Blanc Du Bois' grape. Proc.
13th Ann. Vitic. Sci. Symp., Fla. A&M Univ., Cen. for Vitic. Sci., Tallahassee, Fla, 1990. pp.
135. Gray, Dennis J. Applications of plant tissue culture to Florida viticulture. Proc. Vitic. Sci.
Symp., 1986, Cen. for Vitic. Sci., Fla. A&M Univ., Tallahassee, 1986. pp. 77-84.
136. Gray, Dennis J. Applications of plant tissue culture to viticulture in the Southeast. Proceedings
2nd Annual Viticultural Short Course, Mississippi State, 1987. pp. 27-29.
137. Gray, Dennis J. Concluding remarks. Proc. Symp. Synthetic Seed Technol. for the Mass
Cloning of Crop Plants: Problems and Perspectives. 22nd Int. Hort. Cong. HortScience
22(5):814, 1987.
138. Gray, Dennis J. Considerations for start-up commercial grape tissue culture. Proc. 1st Greater
Grapes Symposium, November 7-8, IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1986. pp. 57-61.
139. Gray, Dennis J. Effects of dehydration and other environmental factors on dormancy in grape
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140. Gray, Dennis J. Effects of dehydration on quiescence and germination of grape somatic
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300. Loucks, Kenneth W. A decade of investigation aids grape growers. Florida Grower for July,
1944. Vol.6, pp. 11-12.
301. Loucks, Kenneth W. Investigations of fruit rots of grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF,
Gainesville, 1934, State Project No. 254. p. 80.
302. Loucks, Kenneth W. Investigations of fruit rots of grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF,
Gainesville, 1935, State Project No. 254. p. 94.
303. Loucks, Kenneth W. Investigations of fruit rots of grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF,
Gainesville, 1936, State Project 254. p. 93.
304. Loucks, Kenneth W. Investigations of fruit rots of grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF,
Gainesville, 1937, State Project 254. pp. 102-3.
305. Loucks, Kenneth W. Investigations of fruit rots of grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF,
Gainesville, 1938, State Project 254. pp. 118-9.
306. Loucks, Kenneth W. Investigations of fruit rot of grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF,
Gainesville, 1939, State Project 254. p. 122.
307. Loucks, Kenneth W. Investigations of fruit rots of grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF,
Gainesville, 1940, State Project 254. pp. 111-2.
308. Loucks, Kenneth W. Investigations of fruit rots of grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF,
Gainesville, 1941, State Project 254. p. 108.
309. Loucks, Kenneth W. Investigations of fruit rots of grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF,
Gainesville, 1942, State Project 254. pp. 124-5.
310. Loucks, Kenneth W. Investigations of fruit rots of grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF,
Gainesville, 1943, State Project 254 (inactive throughout the year). p. 113.
311. Loucks, Kenneth W. Investigations of fruit rots of grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF,
Gainesville, 1944, State Project 254 (inactive throughout the year). p. 106.
312. Loucks, Kenneth W. Making, mixing and applying sprays to Florida grapes. Proc. Annual MidWinter Meeting Florida Grape Growers Association, Altoona, Fla., January 17, 1945.
313. Loucks, Kenneth W. Propagating grapes by aerial roots. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF,
Gainesville, 1942. p. 125.
314. Loucks, Kenneth W. Spraying to control grape rots in Florida vineyards. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta.,
UF, Gainesville, 1935. Press Bulletin 469. p. 1064.
315. Loucks, Kenneth W. Spraying experiments for the control of certain grape diseases. Fla. Agr.
Expt. Sta., UF, Gainesville, 1936. Bulletin 294. p. 2040.
316. Loucks, Kenneth W. A study of the spraying requirements necessary to control grape diseases
in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1932, State Project No. 196. pp.
317. Loucks, Kenneth W. A study of the spraying requirements necessary to control grape pests in
Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1933, State Project No. 196. pp.
318. Loucks, Kenneth W. A study of the spraying requirements necessary to control grape diseases
in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1934, State Project No. 196. p. 78.
319. Loucks, Kenneth W. A study of the spraying requirements necessary to control grape diseases
in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1935, State Project No. 196. p. 93.
320. Loucks, Kenneth W. A study of the spraying requirements necessary to control grape diseases
in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1936, State Project 196. p. 91.
This project closed with the publication of Bulletin 294.
321. Lundy, H. W. Breeding bunch grapes for commercial and home use in Florida. Fla. Agric.
Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1964, State Project 1104. p. 369.
322. Lundy, H. W. Breeding bunch grapes for commercial and home use in Florida. Fla. Agric.
Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1965, State Project 1104. pp. 389-90.
323. Lundy, H. W. Breeding bunch grapes for commercial and home use in Florida. Fla. Agric.
Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1966, State Project 1104. p. 373.
324. Lundy, H. W. Breeding bunch grapes for commercial and home use in Florida. Fla. Agric.
Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1967, FLA-SW-01104. pp. 170-171.
325. Lundy, H. W. Breeding bunch grapes for commercial and home use in Florida. Fla. Agric.
Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1967, State Project 1104. p. 381.
326. Lundy, H. W. Breeding bunch grapes for commercial and home use in Florida. Fla. Agric.
Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1969, FLA-SW-01104. p. 215.
327. Lundy, H. W. Breeding bunch grapes for commercial and home use in Florida. Fla. Agric.
Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1970, FLA-SW-01104. p. 226.
328. Lundy, H. W. Breeding bunch gapes for commerical and home use in Florida. Fla. Agric.
Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1971, FLA-SW-01104. p. 240.
329. Lundy, H. W. Breeding bunch grapes for commercial and home use in Florida. Fla. Agric.
Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1972, FLA-SW-01104. p. 262.
330. Lundy, H. W. Breeding bunch grapes for commercial and home use in Florida. Fla. Agric.
Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1973, FLA-SW-01104. p. 294.
331. Lundy, H. W. Grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1962, Preliminary
non-projected studies. p. 338.
332. Lundy, H. W.; Sharpe, R. H.; Dickey, R. D. Testing miscellaneous fruits and nuts: 'Lake
Emerald'. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt, UF, Gainesville, 1954, State Project 553. p. 301.
333. Lutrick, M. C. Breeding bunch grapes for commercial and home use in Florida. Fla. Agric.
Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1968, FLA-WF-01104. p. 210.
334. Lutrick, M. C. Breeding bunch grapes for commercial and home use in Florida. Fla. Agric.
Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1969, FLA-WF-01104. p. 224.
335. Lutrick, M. C. Testing miscellaneous fruits and nuts. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF,
Gainesville, 1957, State Project 553. p. 364.
336. Mathis, Kary; Degner, Robert L. Grape production in Florida: the current marketing
environment. Food & Resource Economics Dept., Fla. Agric. Market Res. Center, IFAS-UF,
Staff Report 3, 1977.
337. Mathis, W. K; Stegelin, Forrest E.; Degner, Robert L. Muscadine grape marketing
alternatives: fresh vs. processed vs. direct market. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc., 1981, 94:347-350. 338. Miller, Lucie K. Florida grape recipes. Home Demonstration Agent, Lake County Extension,
Tavares, 1938. pp. 2045.
339. Mollenhauer, Hilton H.; Hopkins, Donald L. Ultrastructural study of the Pierce's disease
bacterium in grape xylem tissue. J. Bacteriol., 1974, 119(2):612-618.
340. Mollenhauer, Hilton H.; Hopkins, Donald L. Xylem morphology of Pierce's disease-infected
grapevines with different levels of tolerance. Physiol. Plant Pathol., 1976, 9:95-100.
341. Mollenhauer, Hilton H.; Hopkins, Donald L Xylem morphology of Pierce's disease-infected
grapevines with different levels of tolerance. Texas Reports on Biology and Medicine, 1976.
342. Moore, L. F.; Bates, Robert P.; Marshall, M. R. A direct HPLC analysis of total sulfur dioxide
in wine. Am. J. Enol. Vitic., 1987, 38(1):28-34.
343. Mortensen, J. A.; Gray, D. J.; Stover, L. H.; Harris, J. W. Elite grape selections and cultivars
developed at CFREC, Leesburg between 1945 and 1990. Proc. 13th Ann. Vitic. Sci. Symp., Fla.
A&M Univ., Cen. Vitic. Sci., Tallahassee, Fla, 1990. pp. 106-112.
344. Mortensen, John A. 18 muscadine cultivars adapted to Florida. Leesburg ARC Mimeo Rept.,
1972, WG 73-1.
345. Mortensen, John A. 'Blanc Du Bois', a Florida bunch grape for white wine. Fla. Agric. Expt.
Sta. Circ. S-340, 1987.
346. Mortensen, John A. 'Blanc Du Bois' grape. HortScience, 1988, 23(2):418-419. 347. Mortensen, John A. Breeding grapes for Florida. Sunshine State Agric. Res. Rept., 1968,
348. Mortensen, John A. Breeding grapes for central Florida. HortScience, 1971, 6(2):149-153. 349. Mortensen, John A. Budding of grapes for transmission of Pierce's disease virus. Fla. Agric.
Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1966. pp. 394-5.
350. Mortensen, John A. Bunch grape field day-and vineyard tour. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept., 1975,
WG 75-2.
351. Mortensen, John A. Bunch grape field day and vineyard tour. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept., 1976,
WG 76-2.
352. Mortensen, John A. Bunch grape field day. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept., 1977, WG 77-3.
353. Mortensen, John A. Bunch grape field day. Leesburg AREC Res. Rept., 1984, LBG 84-2. 354. Mortensen, John A. Bunch grapes that look suitable for pick-your-own markets. Proc. 1st Greater Grapes Symposium, November 7-8, IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1986. pp. 79-83.
355. Mortensen, John A. Comparative growth and yield of ten grape varieties sprayed intensively for insect and disease control. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc., 1966, 79. pp. 390-395.
356. Mortensen, John A. 'Conquistador'--a purple bunch grape for Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta.
Circ. S-300, 1983.
357. Mortensen, John A. Cultivar improvement of fruit and nut crops. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann.
Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1972, FLA-WG-01619. p. 259.
358. Mortensen, John A. Cultivar improvement of fruit and nut crops. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann.
Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1973, FLA-WG-01619. p. 293.
359. Mortensen, John A. Cultivar improvement of fruit and nut crops. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann.
Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1974, FLA-WG-01619. pp. 400-1.
360. Mortensen, John A. Cultivar improvement of fruit and nut crops. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann.
Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1975, FLA-WG-01619. pp. 353-4.
)361. Mortensen, John A. Developing a grape industry in Florida from the breeder's viewpoint.
Vinifera Wine Growers Journal, 1988, 15. pp. 177-181.
362. Mortensen, John A. 'Dog Ridge', a superior grape rootstock for Florida. Proc. Fla. State Hort.
Soc., 1972, 85:275-279.
363. Mortensen, John A. Effect of intensive spraying on longevity of grape varieties. Fla. Agric.
Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1962. p. 360.
364. Mortensen, John A. Effect of intensive spraying on longevity of grape varieties. Fla. Agric.
Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1963. pp. 377-8.
365. Mortensen, John A. Effect of intensive spraying on longevity of grape varieties. Fla. Agric.
Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1964. p. 392.
366. Mortensen, John A. Effect of intensive spraying on the longevity of grape varieties. Fla. Agric.
Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1965. p. 416.
367. Mortensen, John A. Effect of intensive spraying on the longevity of grape varieties. Fla. Agric.
Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1966. p. 394.
368. Mortensen, John A. Effect of nutrient levels on growth and yield of Florida bunch grapes.
Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc., 1982, 95:124-126.
369. Mortensen, John A. Effects of ethephon on ease of harvest of muscadine grapes. Proc. Fla.
State Hort. Soc., 1980, 93:143-145.
370. Mortensen, John A. Future germplasm reserves in grapes. Fruit Varieties Jour., 1974,
371. Mortensen, John A. Gibberellic acid application. CFREC Leesburg Research Report, 1990,
LBG 90-14.
372. Mortensen, John A. Grafting bunch grapes. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept., 1982, LBG 82-4. 373. Mortensen, John A. Grape field day program, July 16, 1969. Watermelon & Grape
Investigations Laboratory Mimeo Report, 1970, WGL 70-1.
374. Mortensen, John A. Grape field day. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept., 1980, WG 80-3. 375. Mortensen, John A. Grape field day. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept., 1981, WG 81-2. 376. Mortensen, John A. Grape field day. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept., 1982, LBG 82-3. 377. Mortensen, John A. Grape field day. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept., 1983, LBG 83-1. 378. Mortensen, John A. Grape field day. Leesburg CFREC Research Report, 1988, LBG 88-5. 379. Mortensen, John A. Grape field day, August 22, 1989. CFREC Leesburg Research Report,
1989, LBG 89-3.
380. Mortensen, John A. Grape field day, July 18, 1990. Leesburg CFREC Research Report, 1990,
LBG 90-12.
381. Mortensen, John A. Grape research. 50th Anniversary 1931/1981, ARC Research Report,
1982, WG 82-1.
382. Mortensen, John A. Grape varieties and rootstocks under observation. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta.
Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1966. p. 394.
383. Mortensen, John A. Grape varieties recommended for Florida. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept.,
1973, WG 73-6.
384. Mortensen, John A. Grape varieties recommended for Florida. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept.,
1978, WG 78-1.
385. Mortensen, John A. Grape varieties, rootstocks, and propagation. Proc. Vitic. Sci. Symp. 1986,
Center for Vitic. Sci. - Fla. A&M Univ., Tallahassee, 1986. pp. 13-25.
386. Mortensen, John A. Grapes in Florida, past, present, and future. Fruit South, 1978, 2(3):86-89.
387. Mortensen, John A. Herbicide tests in bunch grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF,
Gainesville, 1966. p. 395.
388. Mortensen, John A. Highlights of bunch and muscadine grape research in Florida with an indepth look at varieties. Proc. Ala. Fruit & Vegetable Conference, 1988, 9:95-100.
389. Mortensen, John A. Improvement of rootstock cultivars for fruit and nut crops. Fla. Agric.
Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1972, FLA-WG-01591. p. 258.
390. Mortensen, John A. Improvement of rootstock cultivars for fruit and nut crops. Fla. Agric.
Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1973, FLA-WG-01591. pp. 292-3.
391. Mortensen, John A. Improvement of rootstock cultivars for fruit and nut crops. Fla. Agric.
Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1974, FLA-WG-01591. p. 400.
392. Mortensen, John A. Improvement of rootstock cultivars for fruit and nut crops. Fla. Agric.
Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1975, FLA-WG-01591. p. 353.
393. Mortensen, John A. Indexing for Pierce's disease virus. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF,
Gainesville, 1967. p. 403.
394. Mortensen, John A. Inheritance in Vitis species. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF,
Gainesville, 1961. pp. 384-5.
395. Mortensen, John A. Inheritance studies with grapes.
Gainesville, 1962, State Project 1105. p. 359.
396. Mortensen, John A. Inheritance studies with grapes.
Gainesville, 1963, State Project 1105. pp. 375-6.
397. Mortensen, John A. Inheritance studies with grapes.
Gainesville, 1964, State Project 1105. pp. 389-90.
398. Mortensen, John A. Inheritance studies with grapes.
Gainesville, 1965, State Project 1105. p. 413.
399. Mortensen, John A. Inheritance studies with grapes.
Gainesville, 1966, State Project 1105. p. 391.
400. Mortensen, John A. Inheritance studies with grapes.
Gainesville, 1967, State Project 1105. p. 400.
401. Mortensen, John A. Inheritance studies with grapes.
Gainesville, 1967, FLA-WG-01105. p. 181.
Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF,
402. Mortensen, John A. The inheritance of resistance to Pierce's disease in Vitis. Proc. Amer. Soc.
Hort. Sci., 1968, 92:331-337.
403. Mortensen, John A. Inheritance studies with grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF,
Gainesville, 1968, FLA-WG-01105. pp. 204-5.
404. Mortensen, John A. Inheritance studies with grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt.,
IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1969, FLA-WG-01105. p. 219.
405. Mortensen, John A. Inheritance studies with grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt.,
IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1970, FLA-WG-01105. p. 230.
406. Mortensen, John A. Inheritance studies with grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt.,
IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1971, FLA-WG-01105. p. 236.
407. Mortensen, John A. Inheritance studies with grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt.,
IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1972, FLA-WG-01105. p. 257.
408. Mortensen, John A. Irrigation of grapes - irrigated plots vs. non-irrigated plots. Deciduous
Fruit Notes-Grape Newsletter, ed. T. E. Crocker, Fla. Coop Extn. Serv., IFAS-UF, January 24,
409. Mortensen, John A. 'Liberty'. a red bunch grape for Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Circ.
S-243, 1976.
410. Mortensen, John A. 'Liberty' grape. HortScience, 1977, 12(5):511-512. 411. Mortensen, John A. List of Florida grape nurserymen, July 1973. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept.,
1973, WG 73-5.
412. Mortensen, John A. List of Florida grape nurserymen, August 1974. Leesburg ARC Res.
Rept., 1974, WG 74-6.
413. Mortensen, John A. List of Florida grape nurserymen, October 1976. Leesburg ARC Res.
Rept., 1976, WG 76-4.
414. Mortensen, John A. List of Florida grape nurserymen, December 1978. Leesburg ARC Res.
Rept., 1978, WG 78-3.
415. Mortensen, John A. List of Florida grape nurserymen, November 1981. Leesburg ARC Res.
Rept., 1981, WG 81-4.
416. Mortensen, John A. List of Florida grape nurserymen, March 1983. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept.,
1983, LBG 83-1a.
417. Mortensen, John A. List of Florida grape nurserymen, December 1984. Leesburg AREC Res.
Rept., 1984, LBG 84-8.
418. Mortensen, John A. List of Florida grape nurseries, February 1986. Leesburg AREC Research
Report, 1986, LBG 86-7.
419. Mortensen, John A. List of Florida grape nurseries, April 1987. Leesburg CFREC Research
Report, 1987, LBG 87-1.
420. Mortensen, John A. List of Florida grape nurseries, May 1988. Leesburg CFREC Research
Report, 1988, LBG 88-1.
421. Mortensen, John A. List of nurseries selling grape varieties recommended for Florida, May
1989. CFREC Leesburg Research Report, 1989, LBG 89-2.
422. Mortensen, John A. List of nurseries selling grape varieties recommended for Florida, May
1990. CFREC Leesburg Research Report, 1990, LBG 90-9.
423. Mortensen, John A. Map of Florida vineyards. Unpublished, IFAS-UF, ARC-Leesburg,
Gainesville, 1975.
424. Mortensen, John A. Mineral nutrition and water management of fruit crops. Fla. Agric. Expt.
Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1974, FLA-WG-01697. p. 402.
425. Mortensen, John A. Mineral nutrition and water management of fruit crops. Fla. Agric. Expt.
Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1975, FLA-WG-01697. pp. 354-355.
426. Mortensen, John A. Muscadine varieties. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept., 1975, WG 75-3. 427. Mortensen, John A. Muscadine varieties. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept., 1976, WG 76-3. 428. Mortensen, John A. Muscadine grape field day. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept., 1977, WG 77-4. 429. Mortensen, John A. Muscadine grape field day. Leesburg AREC Res. Rept., 1984, LBG 84-3. 430. Mortensen, John A. Muscadine and bunch grape cultivar recommendations for Florida.
CFREC Leesburg Research Report, 1990, LBG 90-13.
431. Mortensen, John A. New bunch grapes for the Southeast. Pomona (North American Fruit Explorer's Quarterly), 1984, 27:96-98.
432. Mortensen, John A. Pierce's disease update: Symptoms, control, breeding for resistance.
Vinifera Wine Growers Journal, 1979, 6:181-187.
433. Mortensen, John A. Polyploidy in Vitis species. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1961. p. 385.
434. Mortensen, John A. Potential new rootstocks for Florida Viticulture. Proc. Fla. State Hort.
Soc., 1985, 98:166-169.
)435. Mortensen, John A. Reduction of dry calyptra in grapes by the use of a fruit setting hormone.
Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc., 1975, 88:513-517.
436. Mortensen, John A. Rootstock-scion compatibility. Proc. Vitic. Sci. Symp., 1988, Cen. for Vitic.
Sci., Fla. A&M Univ., Tallahassee, 1988. pp. 76-80.
437. Mortensen, John A. Schedule for grape production in central Florida. Leesburg ARC Res.
Rept., 1978, WG 78-2.
438. Mortensen, John A. Seeded and seedless choices for fresh fruit. Proc. 1st Greater Grapes
Symposium, November 7-8, IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1986. pp. 99-102.
439. Mortensen, John A. Segregation for resistance to black rot in selfed grape seedlings. Fruit
Varieties Jour., 1977, 31(3):59-60.
440. Mortensen, John A. Some current grape recommendations. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept., 1979,
WG 79-1.
441. Mortensen, John A. Sources and inheritance of resistance to anthracnose in Vitis. Jour.
Heredity, 1981, 72:423-426.
442. Mortensen, John A. Spray program for Florida dooryard grapes. Watermelon and Grape
Investigations Laboratory Mimeo Rept., 1968, WGL 68-1.
443. Mortensen, John A. Spray program for Florida dooryard grapes. Watermelon and Grape
Investigations Laboratory Mimeo Rept., 1970, WG 71-1.
444. Mortensen, John A. 'Stover', an early bunch grape for central Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta.
Circ. S-195, 1968.
445. Mortensen, John A. 'Suwannee'--an early bunch grape. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta.- Circ. S-301, 1983.
446. Mortensen, John A. 'Suwannee' and 'Conquistador' grapes. HortScience, 1983, 18(5):767-769. 447. Mortensen, John A. Update on the bunch and muscadine grape industry in Florida including
fresh fruit, juice, and wine potential. Proc. Ala. Fruit & Vegetable Conference, 1988, 9:93-94. 448. Mortensen, John A. Variety improvement of bunch and muscadine grapes. Leesburg ARC
Res. Rept., 1980, WG 80-2.
449. Mortensen, John A.; Adlerz, Warren C.; Hopkins, Donald L.; Balerdi, Carlos F. Spray program
for Florida dooryard grapes. Leesburg ARC Mimeo Rept., 1971, WG 71-3.
450. Mortensen, John A.; Adlerz, Warren C.; Balerdi, C. F. Thirty questions and answers for grape
growers. Fla. Agric. Ext. Ser. Circ. 327, 1968.
451. Mortensen, John A.; Adlerz, Warren C.; Hopkins, Donald L. Thirty questions and answers for
grape growers. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept., 1975, WG 75-5.
452. Mortensen, John A.; Andrews, C. P. Symposium: Grapes in Florida. Grape cultivar trials and
recommended cultivars for Florida viticulture. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc., 1981, 94:328-331.
453. Mortensen, John A.; Balerdi, Carlos F. Breeding bunch grapes for commercial and home use
in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1967, FLA-WG-01104. pp. 180-1.
454. Mortensen, John A.; Balerdi, Carlos F. Breeding bunch grapes for commercial and home use
in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1968, FLA-WG-01104. p. 204.
455. Mortensen, John A.; Balerdi, Carlos F. Breeding bunch grapes for commercial and home use
in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1969, FLA-WG-01104.
p. 218.
456. Mortensen, John A.; Balerdi, Carlos F. Breeding bunch grapes for commercial and home use
in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1970, FLA-WG-01104. p. 229.
457. Mortensen, John A.; Balerdi, Carlos F. Breeding bunch grapes for commercial and home use
in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1971, FLA-WG-01104.
p. 236.
458. Mortensen, John A.; Balerdi, Carlos F. Breeding bunch grapes for commercial and home use
in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1972, FLA-WG-01104.
p. 257.
459. Mortensen, John A.; Balerdi, Carlos F. Grape varieties and rootstocks for Florida. Leesburg
ARC Mimeo Rept., 1971, WG 71-5.
460. Mortensen, John A.; Balerdi, Carlos F. Muscadine grapes for Florida. yields and other
characteristics of 48 cultivars. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc., 1973, 86:338-341.
461. Mortensen, John A.; Balerdi, Carlos F. Performance of muscadine selections. Fla. Agric. Expt.
Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1967. p. 404.
462. Mortensen, John A.; Balerdi, Carlos F. Propagation of bunch grapes in Florida: grafting bunch
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HISeRI NOT ah pulcain in thi col0etioS o no aelc a urn a cetii anowlaga reor a f th a nttt fo 5Faoa an Agrialta l acene an shul 5b5 th Isitt a isaff gurn g WAS Elcroi Dat I norato SSou0rce (EIS aSSeatv sxeso Sevie Copyigh *05 a oar of Trstes Unvrst of Floridaaa
A00 UNIVRSIY O FL RD*astnSinc Institute~~~. ofFo n giutrlSine ir 353 nvriyAeu Ceta Floid ReerhadEuainCneLebug SP3 M esugF,37880 *~~~~~Tl (94 3600 -**6686A-.S Aconomis .nrpoe. pm.6. -S *S *e Ecno ic .mino Arjcs p. 95.. Fa,. Agric. me.. Sta. Ann .. F Gansvle 1937 Punl Proec 271 p. Agic Agt At. Gansvle 198 Bulei 329 Aes. .G A06 1980.m SO 6. Adlz Warren .Eclgia obevain on tw lefopes that tasmit th Pirc' dsase bateiu. P c Fl. Stt 0ot So. 190 931510 7.Adlz Ware C. Grae rotore. Revie an sttu in Flrd.m Leebug AE Aes 3p. LBG 844 94 8. Adl-z Ware C *. Inec vetr of Pirc' dieso p. Fla* .*gic Ext S. An p * nsvle 198 p. 400., ~ g 9. Adlz Ware C. .Inec vecor of Pirc' .s of grp. l. Agic Ept St A nn p UF Gansvle 199 p. 40A. 1. Adlrz Ware C. Inec vetr ofPec'dsaeo grp. Fl.Arc *t Sta Ann Rp -F Gansvle 190 .347. LeebugCFE Reeac Reor -B 91 S-***A .Eq a Op ot nt / fi m tv Acio Intiuto
11 derW rrnC Inec vetr of Pirc' dies of grpe Fla. Ag.3Ext St. An 14 Adz Ware .rormfo uhgae. Leesburg ARC Res Rt '804 190, 15. Adez Ware C. itl ucptbltyt*h grp roo bore in *mucdn grape LesbrgAR Res R. WG 8-59 1980. S0 ~ .6-' 17 '0. -de W re C.; Hp is onal Ga e insct an dieae inord. P c Fl Sta Hort. oc..94331:33,:1981 18~. Ade Wre C.; Hpis onal L0 Naua inetvt oftovcosoiresdsaeo Piresdsaeo grap i Flrd.Am J. E. 6ic S2l:8-3 1. (Absract 21 .z Ware C.; Hp ins, DnlL .Trnmiso of Pirc' dies of grp by shrsooes Hootea Ciael e in Floida J.. N.Y E l Soc 854:6314 1977. cenra Floid buc *-a. Proc Fl. Stt H .Soc 86:335-338,1973 23. Aikn J. B. Vait Set of mino frit and oraetl.' Fla 3c S Sta Ann Res. 3p. 6.3-UF Ganevile 190 SL -F017 p. 19SS8 24 Aitken, J. B. Vait etso io fri s oramnt. Fl. Agic E t St. An.Rs 25 Anesn E. M* .Som posblte fo fuur grap inetgain in Flria ..AnnuSci Syp 197 Cete fo Vitic '-Fl. & Ui. Talhase 1987 pp 1313 .*: * ...-*: 2
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40 rodCli E.; Alrih J. H. Wee coto in viea. AR -otclo Fla A Sevie IAUi. of Fla. Gansvle 1970. 43 Arod Cavi E. Larne Fre P. Deiuu Fri oeFeray2.Fa.Orc Sevie WAS Uni. of Fla. Gansie 1971. 44 Baeri Calo F. Chrceitc of mucdn vaitis A .Rs etr esug ie 3.*6zde Fla Agic t. Sta An .6 .UF Gansvle 1967 p404.S S47. Baeri Calo F. Chmia wee conro in an estbls viead Fl.A.Sa Ann Rp. U Gansvle 96. p. 404.-S 49. Baeri Calo F .Inuto of 6edesns in grap wit Sibrli acd l.*rc SaeHrS oc 8338-9 0 52. *I 6aeri Calo. Treli tra.Fa Ag ic E t Sta Ann R., Gansvle 16. p.4 5-. Cro F.Wee conro wit eee -0nc hebcdse in a auevnead0 54 S.-ed, aro F. Wee 6 oto in fri crops Fla Agrc E,-Sta Ann Res R .IFS55 Saeri Calo F. WecotoinyugvnyrsAmrJ.E l &V .23 ):56,17. S.-. 6 66 -6 66 6 .6 6 6 4
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72. Bates RoetP.Wa shoul no be0 in 'in .6 ietin in Aple 6. 1(1:0 5 97 grp juc cocnrt pout. Prc Fl.SaeHr.Sc 78-9 94 in Flo ia Prc Fla. Stt -t Soc 94:343-347,61981. 766.eRbr .;GrkD lrd mucdn gaejie rcsigadeauto 76. Roer 6.; 66 -6,. A. On-it prdcto ofgaecdri lriavnyrs Fla Stt Hot Soc 9514-0,92 afetn t. e qult 6 f mucdn grape wies Am. .E. S c 312:3613 190. Prc Fla Stt *ot Soc 821817 1969 81 Bs, Roer P. SisChreA.PoesnpoetaofFoiag wnrus. rc l. Stat Hot Soc 10:8933 1987. -82 ats Roer P. .6isea M ., otnsn Joh A. A oprsno omlbrtr n qusi-nusra wine main prcdue wit 6'*S tvr grps 0c Fla StateH Soc~. 901519 1977. 83. :. Bt s -er P. Te a R. Morenen Joh A. .Efec ofbnh n usaierp maturity ~ o fiihdwn. :rc Fla Stt Ho oc 919-0, 96 Ousadn pae awr Srm Seto 1987. 84 lako, .H Prliinr reor on ferilze tet wit grpe.6 AnalMdWne Metn Flrd iGp Groer Asoiain AlonFaJnay 6a94 p -0 S -S S6
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10.Cokr ih .Cairto of an hebc pae. Prc 1s Grete Grape Sypsim Noeme 7-8 IFS ,Gievle,18.p.1718 101 Cokr Tioh E. Sit seeto fo grapes st Grete Grape Soim Noeme -8 IA S F Gansvle 196 pp e 5-67. 102 Crckr Tioh E .C ab s Mary C. Lis of18'egseehriiesfrgaps rp Nesetr Fl .Co. n. -Sev. .F F Gievl e 94. 103 Cokr Tioh E. J csn Lar K. WA Exeso inomtoa deivr syte for 196. 198. 10.CoceTmoh .MresnJh .h ucaiegap.Fut rp ac he Cop -t. .v Ci:m611 1989. so Grae Grpe Sypsim Noeme 7-8 IF F Gansvle 196 pp. 1010 112 Denr Roer L,' Deeopn a make fo'r d Sedes grps Pc 1s Grete .6oc Fla Stt Ct Soc 100:405-408C 1987 11. enRoer .;Mths Kr .osue acetac of mucdn grps P c Fla Stat Ho-' -SI.5. 93:140-13, 1980 8
al P. 'a.J +C, 4 035a* 0 0.) 00 a l C4 ON -r m ad *l -t; e P 4al a. .*.. 0 CD 0 ad aa a. 0 a a *a 0 u r aa a 0 =a W) .5Tl 4; ** 4 al. az "U rbb 0 0 0 to m .S: an a2 -0 -n 00 ) 4) >. oa ) L 0 0 az S -a S *d 0a ,a a-4S a r. a 00 +C .2 m C4 00 0 a 0 0 a., a. .a a -a a
R. C. PeroA C. 3g.ee t. Pal AP Prss 198 pp 44-45..33 -.130 Goode Don Prpgto grpe fro cutns rc .Sci Syp 97 etrfrVtc See.3l. '0,.niv. Talhase 1987. pp 42-53.131. Grham, K H. Grpe pestinvestgatio: reeits Fl.Arc xt t.An p. F Ganevile 190 Reor of Buins Maagr pp 1315 Gansvle 191 -epor of Bins Maagr p. 17. 133. Gry D. J.; Betn C. M. Mirpop o an pln esalsmn fmsaiegae Prc Fla Stt Hot o.133032S90 135 Gry Deni J. Aplctoso ln is e cutr tFlrdvicuu. Prc Vit* 455 gg 3-d Anua Viiul a Shr Core Misisip Stte 1987.p. 2 -9. Coig of Cro Plns Prblm an Prpcie .22n Int Hot on.Hrtce 138 Gry Deni J 5 .Cnieaosfrsttco mrca grp tisu cutr .P .1tGrae soai emrys *otcec 225:18 197 (Abstract) que -ec an gemnto of grap soai emrys In Vir Cel. Dv Bil 25:1173-8 1989.9 142 Gry Dens J. Emry recu fo seels grp cutia deeomn..oc i *yp. 197 -en fo Viic S *e Fla A Unv. Talhase 1987 pp 12 2 --P 10
43 GaDiJ. Emry deeomn duin in ovI cutr of sedls grap 6ut s In Vir Celua Deeomna Bioog 243:5 198.(bsrat Unvrst of Floida Floid Gr-p Grwr Assn.wlt,My 10. p. 3. 145 Sry Den s .uto an. mantnac S f emroei cutue of Viti l bsrcs 6t Ineraioa Cogrs Pln Tisu Cel Cutue Unv Minsoa Minneaplis, Min 196 p. (A s-acSt). 146 .Gry 00ni J. Inrduto to th ypsim r Syp Sytei see tcnlgy fo h m ss 05 clnn of. cro plns Prblm an Pesetvs 22n Int 0ot Co .HSc 148 Gray Denni J. Quiscnc in moooyldnu an dioyednu soai emro induced 149 Gry Deni J. Sytei see' fo clna prdcino rppat. So .0 dItosho on Sed.I. Reen Adane in th Deeomn an emnto fSes.B gayo-s Ed. Plnu PrsNwYok-90p.2-5 15.Gry Deni J. Betn Cahrn M.0 Tisu cutr mir60.aao of SBan Du Bo Talahase1990 pp 6 -65.~ .... i. 3 3utvr. Pro. Fla Stt Hotclua Soit 98:172-174,eg1985. 1530 Gry Deni J. Klen Cathrin M. In vir sho 6'poa nan ln salsmn 'Ban Du Bos grp. Prc Fla .Hot So.122123 99 15.GaDni .Kl-n Cahrn M. Maiin ggda Tisse utue. -irpopgto of musadies --g-. Vii. S-. Syp. Ce. ggic Sc. Fla A& Un., Talhase 199 pp.: 13-15
OrgaCutur 9:80 1987 Ovl cutr to obanpoen rmhbidselsbhgae. J. Amr 60rt Sci.S Stt Hot Soc 862420 1973 15. Grs Jr. E. A .CrckrTmohyE Sals maktn an prftblt of a sml *0.'.SS 10. Gu y D. M. Baes Roer P. Hom prsrvto of Floid grps l. Cop 6xn Sev. 1986 Vol 2, Isu #3. *, 164. HabokM r .Bec grftn of vie.P .Viic -ci Syp 197 etrfo ii.S -Fla. A& Unv. Talhase 197 pp. 545..6 6 Dearmet LB ieS83 98 166 Habo s Mar .Bunc grp rdcinrve.FaSop xn evIA-F 167 .alr65s May .Buc grp fiel day Juy1,18.LebrgA E e.Rt 85-11985 crp Lesbr ARCRs '.LG8-1 96 169.~~~~~~~~~~~C HlrosMayC Bucgrppce it esugA E e.Rt B 65 96 170 .alr60s Mar C. Bunch grpe -ante fri crop fo lrd.Fa op xn e IFSU, ri Crp Fac Se C 78 187 SO 0 -12
1.71. '.3roks Mar C. Bunc grps nte rirpfrForid. Cirs&Veeal Maazne Octoer, 1987 Vol 18 p. 24-26 17.Hlros ayC uc grp field day, Jul 15 197 Lesbr CFE Re. p.87-2, 1987.S 173 HabokMr .Cmeca0rp'lnc.GaeieHtie rme suAgs 10197 Vo.1sse#. 174. Ha s Mar C. Cotrlln root boer in you vie-rd Grp Grwr esetr oueJl-uut 198 175. Haboos Mar C. Cot & reun fo bunc grap prdcto une cotrc tocmeca wineries in Florida~~~~~~~. FutCosDpatetL GMme 82 98 Grp Grwr Nesetr Ma.h 1985 ol. 1 Isu # .9 Maaie Deceber 197 Vol.316. pp. 222. -. 33. 181 .3lrok3 Mar C. .Muscdin grp proucio reiw Fla Cop 9n evIA Prdcto Reie Fac Shet -F*: *1985. 182 Halroks Mar C. Mucdn grap field day Augus 15, 195 Lesbr -Re. LBG 852 1985.* 3* 183 Haboos MayC ucdnArp il aAgs 2 96 esugAE e.R LB 863 12 1986.3 33 -.3 184 3aboos Mar C. Mucdn ieadpiels.LebugAE e.Rt 66 96 .185 Habo s Mar C. Mucdn il9a rga.Lebr FE e.Rt B 73 1987. '. --* .' 186.~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Saboos Mar C. Mucdn3eetosfr18.3rpeGoesNwlteMrhAr May 1988. 913
188.* : Habos Mar C. Nusrye Lit Grp Grwr Nesetr Mach 1986 Vo. 2,Isu #2.0 18. alr s Mar C. Prdcto of. grpvie by benc gratin. Prc 1s Grae Grape .333. Soc 98:170-172,1985 3-31 & 388. 198. 195 .3lr3 Mar C. Strtn you comrca viead Ciru & Veeal Magazine, Ferury 198. p. 242 & 2830 196 Halroks Mar C. SuvyQurel Nesetr Grp Grwr Nesetr August,1986. Vol 2,Isu 4 197 Halrs Mar C. Toxi prdcto by Pirc' dies batrim Grp Growers Nesetr Septembe-Novembr1987 198. p.1913 201 Haboos Mary C. -Vieyr esalshet Prc 1s Grae GrpsSmoiuNvme 7-8 IFS3 F 1963p 1319 S. esg* -'s -es S .* -..-14
Isse #3.C seean clse d eveomn in a Floid buc grpe HrS e 21:61 196 (A0 ta ct deelpmn in'rlnd Sedes grape~~ .Hotcec 232:49 1988.' 206 Halboo. Mar C. Motnsn Joh A. Inlec of gerec aci and vaiu maaemn 5t Soc 100:3235 97 207 Halboos Mar C.; Motnsn Joh A. Inercto of rottc wit Si acidand. girdlig tramet 0.60lnd Seedess grape Amr Soc E l & itc 40(l:4 99 20. Hars James W. Oprtin of amlrp nurery P 1s Grete GrapSypsium Noebe -8 IF F 1986 ppS 450. 21 Hars Jae W. Motnsn Jon .Oaisboc meho of benc grfi grpeins *FE LesugRs p. 96 198. Exp Sta. Ann Rp .**, GansilSaePoet0,16. pp. 2-9. 214 aslp N. -C.Beeig buchgrps fo comrca an hom us in Flria Fla Ag Ext Sta Ann R. F Gansvle Saeoec 110, as5.p32 215 --*p N. C. Bredn buc grape fo comrca an hom usnFlrd. Fl.Arc Exp. Sa. nn.Rp., F ainsvile Stat Proec 110 ,96 p.25 *gc Sxt Sta-An. Rpt, UF .Gievle 4 5 -RL*.4, 196. p. 140 S15
217 Hayp N. C. Bredn buc grpe for comrca an hom 0s inFord. Fl.Arc Ext t.An p F Gansvle Stt Proec 1104 167. p.31 218 Hylp. .Bredn an3ait etn fmsaiean uc rpsi lrd.Fa 219 .Hasp N.0 C. Bredn an vait tesin of mucain and buc 0rpsi lrd. Fa Agic Ext St. A. Re. 3St. IF S-F Gansvle FL -.4 199 0. p. 182 220 p N. C. Bredn and vait tetn of mucain and bunc grape in 0lrd.Fa Agic Expt Sta Ann Res Rp. .3S-F Gansvle FL-*011 p. 220. 221 Hasp N. C. Br and varet tesin of0 mucdn an0uc rpsi lrd. Fa 222. 3.sp 3oma C. Bredn and vait tesin ofmsaieadbnhgae nFoia Fla 0gic Ext Sta 0nn Re.0 p. -F Gansvle .0 0 04, 192 .235. 223 Haslp Noma CBredn an vait tetn of mucdn n uc gaenFoia Fla 3gi.Ep.Sa n.Rs p. FSUGievle L -L0 0,17.p.212 224 0 Noma C. Bredn an vait tetn of mucain and bunc 0rpe 0nFord. Fla.~ ~ ~ Agi.Ep.Sa.An e.R, -F Gansvle FLI 104 194 p.33 maeias grap0. Fla. A i.0 05t Sta Ann p0. 00, Gansvle State Prjc 85,1960. p maeil.Fa *gri-xt Sta Ann R .F Gansvle Stat Poet8,16. p. 61 grpe une cutr on sot Foiaftw dsan.P .Fl. Stat H t Soc 7134-38 Pr. Fa Stat Hort Soc 9:0012 193 00 230 HeitTmtyD Mucdngrp-inomtooncssreunadmresPeetd atteFoiaGaeGoesAscainmeinBroFoia aur 4 98 p 23.Heit Tioh D. Mucdn grps Esimte deelpmn cot per acre,0 Flrd 098. FodadRsuc cnmc eatet nvriyo lrdAE-aina 98 0 ..0 0 0016
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' 62 ~ ~ -. H o k ns on l .V a ia il t in vi u e c f t e b c e i m ca snsi r e s d s a e o grapevin ., tpabloy 092 72 7.100 (Abstract).~ 26 .Hokis Doal .Vaiailt of viuec ngaein mn sltso tePec' ies bactrium Phyoptogy 1984 74 S11.139-13-98. ~ 265 Hokis Don.l L. Xyel fatdis a0n0 ote fatdiu batei of uneti afiiain In: Laboratory~~~~ Gud foSdniiaino ln ahgncBcei,2dEiin d .W 26. okis Doal .; Adez Ware C.~ Naua hot of Xyel *td nFoia ln isae 1988 72 429431 ciru tres afee wit blgh (yun tre deln) Pln Ds R t. 198 62, 5.42-05 20. Hp iDnal. .; Ad, Ware C. Pirc' dies batru causes a dies ofrough ofgrpvie Isoc Fl.SaeH. So. 1.980 93 1 -.* 0 27.Hpis Donal .; Adez Ware C. ite Fred W. Trnmiso oftePec'ies 27 .Hokis Doal L.; 5'ln r 0ito H .0 rape cutr (Pe's dies0asdb dies of grpe. Scene 193 17 .3800.-0 -00 5 275 Ho0.ns Doal L. -oln r Hito H. Motnsn JhAToeac to~ Pec' diesead h aso cae riktsalk batru inmsain rp. J.Amr o c. Ho 276 Hokis Donal .; 6 olnhur Hilto .T s and gum fomto in th xye 0f Pirc' dies inece grpvns 0c fAS 95 .6 Asrc) 06 3 .0 .0~ *' 19
Pirc' dises wit tercyln aniiois -6 oat .og,1973 6 44 (Abstact) tacyln antibiotics-. Plan Dis Re .1971 55 7.60 12 280.. Hokis Doal L; Thmsn Cosac M. Mutpiato of viuln and aiPec' 22-24 618.6, -* .6 -282 Intiut of Foo an AgiutrlSin. Agiulua -.6i An Ura .6e Universit Grpe Fla Ag .th 80 -Cofrec Reot IFGievll,18.p 3 Asoito. Symosu. :Grpe in Flria Prsete at 94t Anal etngoheFa 2856. J T. Breedin 66crpsfrco mriladhmeuei lrd. Fla. Agi Ext Sta Ann Re SO t. IFS-UF Ganevile 1974 *6. *W-01 .p. 405. 286 Kig RC.SisChreA.MoeLa F. Bt s er P.Efcso mtrtsi cotc an 6abnto on th q a of strl-flee wht mscdn grp juce J.Fo 0c. 198 535:1-147 &s 1485 6 6 Soc Hot. Sc1986 111(4):634-638 Expt Sta 4e.Rt 2,Spebr 97 4 pp 290.~~~* Lane R.P;Bts*oetP Gle se'msaiegaefrwn.Hr~ine 97 22(l:165166 55 OS 6 5. 6 '6 .65.620
291 *.d, R. Bruce Sbtoia crop of mino ecnoi imotne grps Fla Sgic SO *SSta. Ann Rp. UF Gievle193StePrjc28 .p.36 292 L n R. Brce Nona JohnC. Sutoia crop of mio cnmciprac.Fa 04i. xt St 0 Ann Rp .6 5 ansi, 195, Stat Prjc 20.p.267. 293.~~~~~~~~ Lod E. S. 0.noi fetlzto.hogs fcoaara rc 4hAna lrd rp Assocation Lesug Deeme 14 2nd Ann Yea Bok 1928 pp 7-. 295 Lod E. L.~ Grap culur in Flria Cop .work in Agc &SoeEoois nv 296 Lord E. L.Gaecutr6nlrd. Cop Sxn wor in Sc & 0oeEonmc,6nv 297 Lord E. S.Gaecutr.nlrd. Deprten 0f Agiulue Talhase Flria 1939. 298 Locs Kent 0. Col stoag prlnsmreigpro oFoiagae.PesBlei 530 199 p.209 299 Loc s Kent.Adcdsfgap netgtosi lrda nulMdWne 1944 Vo.6 pp 11-12. -05 6. 6 301 Locs Kenet W.* Inetgain of fri rot of grps Fla Agrc .t Sta Ann *. U 302 Locs Kent W. In estgin of fri 0ot of 6 grps Fl.Agi. St. An.Rt. F Gansvle 195 Stt Prjc No 5.p*4 303 Locs Kent W. Inesigtin of fri rots of grps l. gic Ext St.An.Rt. Gansvle 196 Stt Prjc 25.p 3 305 Locs Kent W. Inesigtin of fri rot of 0 grps Fla 5gc E t. Ann Rp, Gansvle 198 Stt Prjc.5.p.189 Gansvle 199 SttSrjc 24 .12 .1~ .'6~ 5 21
6 C4 d 0i i al $4 4) z z cS .0 -l cl 0C) 0' vs0 00 0 -0 0 to 0 to 44) -I op < 4) 4) a,-cN C 7 4d 4 4) d 4 .am c r4 ti4 0 0 *l 0 -08 .4 r, r *l .1 -l ..0 -" = = C) 1 1 zC 44 44 C+.4 0 0 00 c0 0 ci 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 0 o o o C) 0 l '" 0 P :3 .1 am aa l w ->% r. C:01 06 C4 4> 44 0~c P4 0q P4 0a 0 'c7 4-4 4. 4. l 14 C (;1r4 4in .4P W) = (4 0 En 00 0 0 0~ 0c 00a a~ > a C 4 0 4q 0 0q10 44C C -t 4-t -+.1 0 m 40 0 -4P. P* 0' 0 vi 0' o a Z 00
-S .0 .0.0 .0.0 .0.0C4 4 4 4 4 44 -*i cl C ci d C cd d a Cd .d Cd cd .d af -d -c > d 4 r.C ----= 0 0 0 -0 '0 ."0 4) 4. en 0 4 4 G 0 Qf .. x S tm r. a0a 0 0 0 o 0 *l M *d *q 11 tr~ raI -a a 2* a > a > 0 > 1 a ..0 .0 .0 En C/ .o o ,.0--12t2 T 4 4 r1+0 -42 in 4:L 4T L4 in C 4 C1 4 cl ~ ~~~ mazc l c 6. ~~~ a.> > .)C S~ ~~~ I m bo to Q 5i = w at ..3 -r U 0a
alentvs frs v s cssd. diec makt Prc Fl. Stat H t So. 1981 94:37-50 338 Milr Lui K Florida grp reipes Hom Deosrto Agnt Lak Cont ExtensioSn, 340. Moln r Hito H. Hopis Doad. Xye morhoog of Pirc' disease-fce grpvie with difrn leel of toeane Phyiol Pln P .196 9:95-100 341 Mol r Hito H. Hokis Doal L Xyle mopolg of Pirc' disease-infcte grapevines~~~~~~ with difrn level of toeane Tea-eot.nBoog n eiie96 (Abstract).~ -SS 3. Mortnsen JonA 18 mscdn cutir adate to Flria Lesbr AR Mie Sp Sta .ic S-40 1987.e~ 346 Motnsn Joh A. 'Ban Du Bos grp. .0.10ine 198 0 23(2):41A8 419. 350 Motnsn Joh 0 .Buc grp field 0a-n vinyar tor Lesbr ARC Res. R .95 WG 75-2. --~ 351 Motnsn Joh A. Buc grp fil da.y an vieyr tour Lesbr AR e.I96 AG 762 352 Motnsn Joh A. Bunc grape 0il day 0esbr 0R Re.R 97,W 73 A 0, *,24
353 Motnsn Jo A. Buc grp fiel day. Lesbr ARE Res Re. 1984 L 8-2 Gratr rae Sosim Noeme 7S.F Gansvle 1986 pp. 798 inec an dies cotrl Prc. Fl.0 Stt 0t -S. 196 9. p. 3-395.* -S 35. Mresn John .* 0Cnustdrpupl bunc grp fo Flria Fla 0gic E t Sta. 359 Motnsn Joh A .-utia imrvmn of fri and nu rp.Fa6gic t.An 360 M resen Joh A .Cutia imrvmn of fri and nut cos.B l.Arc t.An )361 Motnsn Joh A .Deeopn a grp inusr in Flrd frmtebedrsvepit Ex Sta Ann S p. UF 1G aievle 1962. p. 360.~ 4 * ~ S Ext t.An Rp. F Gansvle 194. p.B2 366 Motnsn Joh A. Efec of inesv spayn on te logeit of *grap vaitis Fla Ext Sta Ann -. UF Gansil,195 .46 Ext Sta Ann R .5F Gansil,196 .34 368 Motnsn Joh A. Efec of nurin leel on grwt and yi0l of Flrd bunch grapes. Prc Fla Stt Hort So. 192 51416 45 5 .-S S -5 0 -S 0 S .5
369 Motnsn Jh. Efet of -ggpo on ease of hares of** mucdn grps .Fa Stt H .S, 190, 9314-15 370 Motnsn Joh A. Futur ge s reere ingrpe. Fri Vaite Jor, 94 Inetgain Laboator Mim Reo, 1970 WG 01 374 Motnsn Joh A. Grp fiel da. Lesbr AR Res. Ret. 1980 W:0e3 375 Motnsn Joh A. Grap fildda. Leebur ARC Res Re,191 12 376 Motnsn Joh A. Grp fieldda. Lesbr AR Res. Re., 1982 LB 823 377 Motnsn Joh AGrp fiel da. Lesbr AR Rs Ret. 193 31 381 Motnsn Joh A. Grp research. 50t Anivrsr 193/181 AR Reeac Report 38. Motnsn Joh A. Grp vaite an rottok unde obevto. Fla. 3gi.Ep.Sa Ann R. UF Gansil,196S.34 17, WG 78-1 Cete fo Vit. c .-.Unv. Tallahasse, 196 p. 1-25. * 38. M resn onA rpsi lrdpsprsnadftr.FutSuh 98 ()8-9 S S ..-S -50 0 ."S*26
387 Motnsn Joh A. Hebcd test in buc grps Fla. Agrc Ext Sta Ann Rp. U 390 Motnsn Joh A. Impoveen of rottc Sr fo fri an nu crps Fla Ag. Ext Sa Ann Rs. Rp. IAS-F Gansvle 195 L -G0 1 p. 353. Gansvle 197 p. 403. S S S 394 MotneJ A .Ineiac in5ssec.Fa Agrc Exp. Sta Ann Rp. U 395 Motnsn John A. Inerac stde wit gr.pes.Fla. Ai. Ext Sta An p. Gaiesvll, 16 S tat Prjc 15*.39 396 Motnsn Joh A. Ineiac stde wit grps Fla A, c E t Sta Ann Rp.,U 39. Motnsn Joh A. Ineiac stde wit graes Fla. Ag. E Sta Ann Rp, Gansvle 19 S te Prjc 15I.31 401 MotneJh A. Ineiac stde wigae. Fla. Agrc Ext Sta An.Rt. Gansvle 197 S L -G015 p.11 402. ortenen, Jhn A The inerac of ristnet iresdsaei ii. .A e.Sc H rS c. 198 92:331-337. --S27
-a a C. aA aA (A LA a P4 4 9 a -S .6 aaaa C4 4a-4 ,a a--aa 41 0 u a~ a a a .5) 4) .5 .5.5. cq N cq m 0 0 0 0 o 03 -z to ak ao t C0 -0 * 4 4 4 4 4 .Q 4) 44444 a, -+aa a ON a~~~~o a: a *l a a ..a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -000 000 C7. o 4 4 40 4j 4 44 444
'49 Motnsn Joh ALis of Flrd grape nusris Api 1987 Lesbr Resea.Reprt 197 LB 71 420.~~6 Motnsn Joh A isofFoiagaenreisMa198LebugCR eerc 423 Morenen Joh A.5 Ma ofFoiavnyrs.Upbihd FS R-esug Gainsvile 17.. 5 424 Motnsn Joh A. Miea nurto an wae mangeen of fri crps Fla A c 66 S 4 Sa Ann Rs. Rp. .56F Gansvle 1974 .6 SS 0697 p. 4.. 426 Motnsn Joh A. Mucdn vaitis Lesbr AR Res. S,17,W 53 427 Motnsn Joh A. Mucdn vaitis Lesbr AR C Res R. 1976 G 76-3. 428 Mot-sn Joh A. Mucdn grp fil day Lesug ARC Res Ret,17,W 74 429 Motnsn Joh A. Mucdn rp il a.LebrgAE e.Rp. 94 43 430 Motnsn Joh A. Musadie ands bunc grap 'u a reomedtin foForda CFRLesbr Rs arc -eo..e0 -es. 9-13.3, S' 433 Motnsn Joh A. Poylod in 6 ii spcis Fla Ag6.c Ext Sta Ann 5. U Gansvle 16 .p. 385. : 434 Mor66en Joh A. Poeta nwrosckfrFlidVtcuue. Prc Fa 'Ste o So. 1954':6619 )435.~~~~~~~ MotneJh .Rdcino r aytai rpsb h s fafutstighroe Proc. Fla. Se o So.1958:13 17 4 4 S --4 5* I. .29
4, Fla A& Unv. Talhase 1988 pp0 .S 76-80. 437. Motnsn Joh A. Sceuefrgaepodcini eta lria esugACRs Sympsu-4 Noeme 7-8, I-UF Gansvle 1986. pp 99-S0. 440 Motnsn Joh A. Som curn grape. reomndtos Lesbr AR Re.R.179 W 79-1.*-, 441 Motnsn Joh A. Sore and inhritnc. of resstnc to anhr s in Vts. Jor 444. M res-Jh A. 'Soe' an eal bunc grp for ceta Flria Fla A c S S ta S.c S-95 1968 445. Motnsn Joh A. 'Swne a earl buc grape. Fl.5 A i.p. St. Cc S.0,5 93 446.~ Motnsn Joh .. 'Swnne and 'Cnusao' rps otcin 93:1()7779 frs frit juce an win potential. P Al.3 Fri & Vegeabl. frne 198 9:3-4 448 Motnsn Joh AVait imrvmn of bunc an mucdn gra-s LeesburgARC Res. ept. 198, WG80-2 449. Motnsn Joh A. Adlz Ware C.; Hopins Doal L. B i Calo F.Sry0rga 44 owers. Fla Sgic Ext Ser. C. 327 1968.*.6 S 451 Motnsn J.ohn .; .3S Ware C.; Hokn, DoadL Tit ustosadanwr o grapegrwes Lesbr AR ResRep.1975 WG 75-5.S S -.*30
452 MotneJh A. Andes C.. P.Smoiu:Gaei lrd. Grap cu a tral and in Flrd.a.* Agic E ..An.-p. -F Gansvle 1968 *L-G 0 .p.24 inFlria Fla Agic Ext Sta Ann Res Rp. I.S-F Gansvle 199 FAW -0 p. 21 .* ,. -456.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Motnsn JonA;Blri alsF*reigbnhgae o omriladhm s p.3 .A -3A-s 458 Motnsn Joh A. Ba i Calo F.Bednguc rpsfo omriladhm s in Flrd.a.* *gic Ex t.n. Rs p .IA-UF Gansvle 192 FLA* Gi s p. 257. A 3 461 Motnsn Joh A. Ba i Calo F.Promno m usadn seeton.Fa Agrc Exp Sta n.RtU ,Gievle 97 .44 graes Waemeo an Grp Inetgtos Laoatr Mie Ret. 198 OL 68-2.. 464 Motnsn John A. a ,Cro F. Schedule forp proucio in ceta Florida Leebur AR Mime Re. .,~ 191 .6 72.* -o*: Mimeo Unv of Florid, Gansile 93 4, 0 -5 A -35 31
46. Motnsn Joh A. aeRbr .rmoH ;DgRber ;Hpis oad Crvse aodV;Goz t. A. Mi l Sr. Jo D. Smth C.J. Ga emmte eport FlrdaArcutr i h Eihis I S Unvrst of Flria 1984. 467 Motese, Joh A. Bt s Roer P. -rmry H. L. 0.nr oer ;Hl ,Mr May .;B HoknDnl .Grp co mte r et Fl. A i. in th'8-Comoit CommittesS Frui Crp Co mte Reot Upae I 3Aansil18.p. 9 *312. 469 Motn eJh A.ryDni .Mehd of bredin ne sedls grpe wihreitac toPecesdsas.2n. n.3ot og.Dvs Cai., Hotci e 196 .213:82 470. 5 Motnsn Joh A. Gry Deni J'Olad eels' a bun-h grp fo Floida Fla A 471 Motnsn Joh A.; Gry Deni J. 'Olad Sedes grpe -oe 197 Gansvle 1986 AE Lesbrg grpsi rg-sofFoia *FE Leesbr Reeac Report 190 903 474 Motnsn Joh A. Hars Jae W. Alahu muscdi0 grape Fl c. pt St, FS -F Gansvle, 19. Cicua S33 475 Motnsn Joh A. Hars James. Deeme 198 updat on upomn grp varities duin 21 yer wit 10 ..v .Pro .Fl .SaeH .Soc .~ 198 10:293 Unv. Talhase 1989 pp 1-9. 478. Sotnsn Joh A .Hars Jae W. Prbal cost and reun wit Floid grapes 0 32
Sutvr at Lesug P c Fl. Stt Hr. Soc., 1989 102:223-226483 Motnsn John A. ebtWB;Udrod. H. 'Dii' a brnz mucdiegrp vait. Fla ,gic Ex .ta Ci-c S-44 1976.0 484 Motnsn JonA;SoeLrnH etcmier uig4 er fbedn i Agric Sxt t.Cr.S32 93 )46 Motnsn Joh A. Stvr Loe H. 'Dyoa grpe Hota e 1983 185)76-77 487 Motnsn Joh A.; Stvr Lore H.'orsanwprl unhgae l.Arc Sta Cr.S-17 19666.5 488. Motnsn Joh A. Stvr LorenH. Relas of 'Tma'* a6 buc grpoosok dies in Viis J. Amr *o.-ot c 1977., 102(6):695-697. Ex-t Sta Circ S-95 1-982. 55 Assitan Horticulturist. p. 115R.* 493 Mory Haod G rps Fla Ag-c Ex S. An. 05. 5F Gansvle 195 Reoto Asitn Hotcluit p. 67R 46 5* 56 .5.5 33
Hac Prjc o. 4. p. 97. .*S S. 497. Mory Haod. Vaittsso grps Fla Agic E t Sta Ann -p. aievle 1933 Hac Proec N .p 91. *. 498.~~~~~~~~~~~4 NebtW0;Udrod .H;M resn Jh .'Lxe rp.Hr~in 96 -S.hx Am J. 0nl Vic .188 39(2):0121-124. 00. Prs,6.E;Crrl .Femntto chrceitc of Sc roye cee a i soae 502. Paris G. K Grp 0eeerto in Flria Stl an unole prbe. (Upulshed) 50.PriGo. Stoer Loe H. Inetgto of frui rot of gae.5 Fla A c E Sa An 0.'S, F Gansvle 195 State Prjc 54C.13 50 -Parris, G. K. Stvr oe .Inetgto of frui rot of gps. Fla -gic E t Sta.Ann 5-. F 0 Gansvle 1947 S Proec 254 pp 378 506 Pars G. K.; 0-oer Loe H In estgin of fri rots of grps Fla AtS. Ann Rp. F Gansvle 1948, StaePoet24 .19 507 Paris G. K; Stoer Loe H. Inetgain of fri rtofgae.Fa. Agic E t. Ann Rp. UF Gansvle 1949 Stt rjc5 24 .11 508 Pars G. K; Stoer Lore H netgo ffri oso rps l.Arc t.An R ., F Gansvle 190, 'tat Prjc 254. p. 139. --4 -34
51. r, G. K; Stoer LoenH Spryn grpe fo dies 6oto in0 Flria 195197 P Fla SateHot oc, 147 pp 9-94 511 PaokH. A. tvr oe .Indce poylod inbnhgae.Fa Si.E .Sa Hot So. 199 92:86-89 Flrd rp pomce -rc Fl.Stat @. So. 1982 95:107-109 an fri crps Fla Ag. Et. St.Ann. Rp. UF, Gansvle 1967 6 6 S. p 51. Shnk NormanS C. otneJh .tvr e .Stn neatd ongaectig 518 Scolis C. L; Hokis Donal L .e' dies of th grpein. Fl. Dp.Ar n CnueSevc s i.o Indsty Pln Pah Cic N .55 90 1978. 519 Shape R. H.6-Rotn of mucain grpsudrms.P .A e.S. H. Sc. 195 Reore an Cosrvto Fac Shet Fla. Cop Exn Sev. IFSF 18. FR 29 SheaeJ .ShreR H. *'z n A. H. Vait tet of mo fris grp sFa 52. Somkr .S;SapR H. Krzon A. H. Vait test of mio frit -graps la Agi.Ep.Sa Ann Rp .i rp) UF Gansvle 1963 State Prjc 18. p. 127 Viic **. Sym., Cete fo 666ic S S .-Fla A&M UnvTlaase,18.p .-8 S -.6 -.6 -.3 5 5 0
0ypCne fo .itic SOciS*. -Fla S. nv alaase 97.p.1317 qult of. Vii hyri 'Swane' Prc 199 Vic -i S .1990 p.1-7 I Enl -ic .90,141.2):182-185 En.l ViSc .189 40l)7 (6Abs.t0act). of mucdn .0 d hyri wies Am J. Enl Vit. .188 39(-:1-18 'Topo Sedes grpe. @ o c. Fl Stat 'oSoc .6 991-1094. on th coo of: eufie an a-uftdwiewns m .nl ..90 1l:0-0 Soc .600. Sc. .89 114(l):77-81.-e *.udioi an a Euii hyri whit win prdcdfo ltaitrdjic.A .J n Am.. 66no. Vic .188 39(4):341-34a 60tiar in Flria -Sc Fl .6o .0o. 99 02:217-S221..6 * 636
Floid. Prc be c.Si Sm. Cete fo S c Si -Fla & Unv. Talaasee 199.pp fo not-eta Flria Pr. Fla Stt Ho. Soc. 90 93:1-159.-~ 541 .tgln Fors E .Maktn Flrd grps Whc wa? Unv ofe FlrdCo.*tn A r. Mieo 1982.gg .** in Caiona Fla En. 192 356-8 545 St -.r Ware N. Lefope trnmiso of deeerto of grp in Flrd an trlto 546. SoeWrnN. Pln viu as a posil cas of gr-p deeeain Fl.Agi x Sta. Ann Rp. -S ansil, 92 tt rjet64 .22 A eeeain Fla Agri. Ext.a. Anp. UF Gainsvle 1.51, State Prjc 58 .18 54. Snr Ware .; Stvr Lore H.; Pars A .K. Fil n aoaoyinetgtosidct grp deeerto in Flrd is due to Pirc' diee vius ineto. Pln Dies eotr 551 Stvr Loe H. Baane trli wit cemen bae. Waemeo & Grp Ineestigation Sta -.S1019 00 6 e -*. ~ .0~~.e .-. .e 37*
Hort So. 1951 64:69-71 1.~ -6 6 Hot So. 97 03032 inFoid.Fa 6gic E t Sta An.* Rp .F Gai esvle 193 .165. in 6lrd.a. rc xt St. Ann R .F Gansvle 195 p. 337 in Flrd.a. rc xt St. Ann R .UF Gansvle 1956 pp 3839 in Flria Fla A gs E t Sta Ann R, UF Gansvle '15. p. 385. .**. in Flrd.a. rc xt St. Ann Rpt. U ansil,15.p.3940 inFoid.a.5 Arc xtS. A. R, Gansvle 1959 p. 400 563 Stvr oeB.Dvlpeto ueirvrete n utrlmtosfrgaepouto in Flria Fla Agi06Ep S Ann R .6, Gansil,1. pp 36-7 .6 6 6 564. Stvr Loe H. Deeomn fspro aite n utrlmtosfrgaepouto in 6lrd. Fla Agic 5t Sta. A '* Rp. Gansvle 1961 pp. 384. fltod sads Fla AgricS E t Sta Ann. --.6 Gansvle 0658 p. 40.5Gansvle 1964 p. 392.* -6S Gansvle 195. p. 417. -S -.6 0 .6 568 .Stvr Loe H .Fugcdlcnrlo rp diess Fla Agic Exgt St.An.Rt. Gansvle 1964 p. 392. --6 38B
a ~4 +a 001 44 C a -) 44a V "0 -d + 4a 0 w -dc a -*a -4 0-a *i -0 (A *Ac -4 (A C --4 a *M E -I 5l to 9 ) Cd V) a "a a a. 0 N Jr up) -a > to 03 ao a a. *Ln a to 1a, a6 a ar -.-l oa 0 en 4. 4j w U 'T ga -\ -f 0 a 5 **
4CL 4 en rC' 4 -* .-.3 o o 0) 0 OE $: ua IS 0 0 0 aC 4, m co w cz a ON a a ci o 0 "a)C 03 0 88 L X *z ad az w W 6.~~ a + -0V *i 4) ad -) 4n I. a; r4 0c ma 4 >: 4 4z d r 4z *r .0 .;5a4 a to a az 008 a a *:a 0 4) 4 00 a 4a 49a *0 1 I 0 ca -a w G8 .8 w 0N .8 .1 .8 +, oa 4 V) 4 V 4 Q V)0 4 )0 0a o V)4 -t4"a ma m a 0 ar 0 *4 4) a) ad 4) 0 ad -*84 4) % a% 0 w a X ad d ad ad "0 .6 -a
.3 ..3 a 0 a a cl~~ al C .3 .3 3 5 55 -to < ON a a .B a ci cici 0 C14 0.) 0 r--4 0 -L Pa -a u 0-0 -rrSrr-.e U. 0 j a a a4 aq a. 4. .) os -1 a) a) a) 4 ) 4 )C c l0 a= a) a 0l 4l 4 44j 4s4, 0V4 C 4 h O l aC a+ Ca a a a: a4 a a aI..** *03 aaI Cd aad a0 l aV CS E a a113 -L 03 0 i C -c PL3 83 .0 9L.3 a a> Q a an U an C n10c 6. a ..1 s a a aa a B a a4 5> 0 -7 a = a *. a aq aZc30c z C ON CN *s "1 a: a. (A ** *0 r--e a~~~c ao a Caaa
HISTORIC NOTE The publications in this collection do not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. These texts represent the historic publishing record of the Institute for Food and Agricultural Sciences and should be used only to trace the historic work of the Institute and its staff. Current IFAS research may be found on the Electronic Data Information Source (EDIS) site maintained by the Florida Cooperative Extension Service. Copyright 2005, Board of Trustees, University of Florida
/O& f(p3~tJ w G-L91-1.r:, UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Central Florida Research and Education Center, Leesburg Marston Science Li rao SEP 301994 University of Florida \ 5336 University A venue Leesburg FL 34748-8203 Tel. (904) 360-6686 Fax (904) 360-6691 I t 100 YEARS OF IFAS \ 9RAPE PUBLICATIONS, 1891-1990 Susan E. Webb 1. Abbott, Ouida Davis. Jellying properties of certain varieties of grapes and blackberries grown at the Experiment Station. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1931, Home Economics. minor projects. p. 86. 2. Abbott, Ouida Davis. Jellying properties of certain varieties of grapes and blackberries grown at the Experiment Station. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1932, Home Economics. minor projects. p. 95. 3. Abbott, Ouida Davis. A study of the jelling properties of several varieties of Florida grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1937, Purnell Project 271. p. 76. 4. Abbott, Ouida Davis; Loucks, Kenneth W. Utilization and storage of Florida grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta., UF, Gainesville, 1938. Bulletin 329. 5. Adlerz, Warren C. Control of grape leafhopper on 'Lake Emerald' grapes. Leesburg ARC Res. Rpt. WG 80-6, 1980. 6. Adlerz, Warren C. Ecological observations on two leafhoppers that transmit the Pierce's disease bacterium. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc., 1980, 93:115-120. 7. Adlerz, Warren C. Grape root borer. Review and status in Florida. Leesburg AREC Res. Rpt. LBG 84-4, 1984. 8. Adlerz, Warren C. Insect vectors of Pierce's disease on grape. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1958. p. 400. 9. Adlerz, Warren C. Insect vectors of Pierce's disase of grape. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1959. p. 400. 10. Adlerz, Warren C. Insect vectors of Pierce's disease of grape. Fla. Agric . Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1960. p. 347. Leesburg CFREC Research Report LBG 91-6 Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Institution
11. Adlerz, Warren C. Insect vectors of Pierce's disease of grape. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1961. p. 385. 12. Adlerz, Warren C. Prodecatoma coold, a seed chalcid on Florida grapes. J. Econ. Entomol. 65:1530, 1972. 13. Adlerz, Warren C. Spray program for bunch grapes. Leesburg ARC Res. Rpt. WG 80-1, 1980. 14. Adlerz, Warren C. Spray program for bunch grapes. Leesburg ARC Res. Rpt. WG 80-4, 1980. 15. Adlerz, Warren C. Varietal susceptibility to the grape root borer in muscadine grape. Leesburg ARC Res. Rpt. WG 80-5, 1980. 16. Adlerz, Warren C.; Hopkins, Donald L. Detection of Pierce's disease bacterium in wild plants in Florida. Phytopathology 71(8):856, 1981. (Abstract) . 17. Adlerz, Warren C.; Hopkins, Donald L. Grape insects and diseases in Florida. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 94:331-336, 1981. 18. . Adlerz, Warren C.; Hopkins, Donald L. Natural infectivity of two vectors of Pierce's disease of grape in Florida. Proc. of APS 3:333, 1976. (Abstract) 19. Adlerz, Warren C.; Hopkins, Donald L. Natural infectivity of two sharpshooter vectors of Pierce's disease of grape in Florida. J. Econ. Entomol. 72(6):916-919, 1979. 20. Adlerz, Warren C.; Hopkins, Donald L. Natural infectivity of two sharpshoter vectors of Pierce's disease of grape in Florida. Am. J. Enol. Vitic. 32(1):82-83, 1981. (Abstract) 21. Adlerz, Warren C.; Hopkins, Donald L. Transmission of Pierce's disease of grape by sharpshooters, Homoptera: Cicadellidae, in Florida. J. N.Y. Entomol. Soc. 85(4):163-164, 1977. 22. Adlerz, Warren C.; Mortensen, John A. Seed chalcid damage, distribution, and control on central Florida bunch grapes. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 86:335-338, 1973. 23. Aitken, J.B. Variety tests of minor fruits and ornamentals. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1970, FLA-NF-00187. p. 198 24. Aitken, J.B. Variety tests of minor fruits and ornamentals. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1972, FLA-NF-00187. p. 203 25. Andersen, E. M. Some possibilities for future grape investigations in Florida. Proc. Annual Mid-Winter Meeting Florida Grape Growers Association, Altoona, Fla., January 26, 1944. 26. Andersen, Peter C. The current status of grape research at the AREC-Monticello. Proc. Vitic. Sci. Symp. 1987, Center for Vitic. Sci. Fla. A&M Univ., Tallahassee, 1987. pp. 131-133. 2
' 27. Andersen, Peter C. Leaf gas exchange characteristics of eleven species of fruit crops in north Florida. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 102:229-234, 1989. 28. Andersen, Peter C. Water ion and amino flux from pruned spurs of muscadine and bunch grapes. Proc. Vitic. Sci. Symp. 1986, Center for Vitic. Sci. Fla. A&M Univ., Tallahassee, 1986. pp. 67-69. 29. Andersen, Peter C.; Brodbeck, Brent V. Chemical composition of xylem exudate from bleeding spurs of Vitis rotundifolia Noble and Vitis hybrid Suwannee in relation to pruning date. Am. J. Enol. Vitic. 40(3):155-160, 1989. 30. Andersen, Peter C.; Brodbeck, Brent V. Diurnal and temporal changes in the chemical profile of xylem exudate from Vitis rotundifolia. Physiol. Plant. (Copenhagen) 75:63-70, 1989. 31. Andersen, Peter C.; Brodbeck, Brent V. Temperature and temperature preconditioning on flux and chemical composition of xylem exudate from muscadine grapevines. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 114(3):440-444, 1989. 32. Andersen, Peter C.; Brodbeck, Brent V. Water and solute fluxes through pruned muscadine grape spurs. HortScience 23(6):978-980, 1988. 33. Andersen, Peter C.; Bryan, M. W.; Baker, L. H. Effect of two wire vertical and Geneva double curtain training systems on berry quality and yield of muscadine grapes. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 98:175-178, 1985. 34. Andersen, Peter C.; Mortensen, John A. Evaluation of 23 muscadine grape cultivars and selections in north Florida during 1987 and 1988. Proc. Vitic . Sci. Symp . 1989, Center for Vitic. Sci. Fla. A&M Univ., Tallahassee, 1989. pp. 38-41. 35. Andersen, Peter C.; Sims, Charles A . The influence of simulated frost damage on yield and quality of Vitis hybrid 'Suwannee'. 13th Ann. Vitic. Sci. Symp. & Workshop, Cen. for Vitic. Sci, Fla. A&M Univ.,Tallahassee, 1990. p. 8. (Abstract) 36. Andrews, C. P.; Arnoid, Calvin E. Deciduous fruit species as landscape items in north Florida's homeowner plantings. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 90:212-214, 1977. 37. Arnold, Calvin E.; Aldrich, J. H. Grape weed research and recommendations. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 94:336-339, 1981. 38. Arnold, Calvin E.; Aldrich, J. H. Grape weed research & recommendations. Grapes in Florida Symposium. Presented at the . 94th Annual Meeting of the State Horticultural Society, November 4-7, 1981, Lake Buena Vista, Fla., IFAS, UF in cooperation with the Florida Grape Growers Assoc., 1982. pp. 9-12. 39. Arnold, Calvin E.; Aldrich, J. H. Weed control in Florida vineyards. ARC-Monticello, Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, Res. Rpt. BB1981-5, 1981. 3
40. Arnold, Calvin E.; Aldrich, J. H. Weed control in vineyards. ARC-Monticello, Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1981. pp. 53-61. 41. Arnold, Calvin E.; Aldrich, J. H. Weeding out facts on vineyard weed control. Fruit Grower 102(3):32-34, 1982. 42. Arnold, Calvin E.; Lawrence, Fred P. Deciduous Fruit Notes, August 19. Fla. Agric. Extn. Service, IF AS, Univ. of Fla., Gainesville, 1970. 43. Arnold, Calvin E.; Lawrence, Fred P. Deciduous Fruit Notes, February 23. Fla. Agric. Extn. Service, IFAS, Univ. of Fla., Gainesville, 1971. 44. . Balerdi, Carlos F. Characteristics of muscadine varieties. Agric. Res. Center, Leesburg, Mimeo Report WG 72-1, 1972. 45. Balerdi, Carlos F. Chemical control of sprouts in bunch grapes with CIPC and Maleic Hydrazide. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1967. p. 404. 46. Balerdi, Carlos F. Chemical weed control in newly planted grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1967. p. 404. 47. Balerdi, Carlos F. Chemical weed control in an established vineyard. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1967. p. 404. 48. Balerdi, Carlos F. Comparison of Vitis rotundifolia varieties and selections in Florida. Watermelon & Grape Investigations Laboratory Mimeo Report WGL 70-2, 1970. 49. Balerdi, Carlos F. Induction of seedlessness in grape with gibberellic acid. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1967. p. 404. 50. Balerdi, Carlos F. Response of bunch grape to soil applications of magnesium. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1967. p. 404. 51. Balerdi, Carlos F. Response of 'Stover' grape to soil applications of magnesium. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 83:388-390, 1970. 52. Balerdi, Carlos F. Trellis trial. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1967. p. 404. 53. Balerdi, Carlos F. Weed control with preemergence herbicides in a mature vineyard. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 84:333-334, 1971. 54. Balerdi, Carlos F. Weed control in fruit crops. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1971, FLA-WG-:01546. p. 238. 55. Balerdi, Carlos F. Weed control in young vineyards. Amer. J. Enol. & Vitic. 23(2):58-60, 1972. , 4
.... 56. Balerdi, Carlos F.; Mortensen, John A. Characteristics of muscadine varieties. Leesburg ARC Res. Rpt. WG 75-4, 1975. 57. Balerdi, Carlos F.; Mortensen, John A The culture and commercial potential of muscadine grapes in Florida. Florida Grower and Rancher 64(7-8):20-21, 1971. 58. Balerdi, Carlos F.; Mortensen, John A. Performance of muscadine grapes (Vitis rotundifolia Michx.) in central Florida. HortScience 4(3):252-253, 1969. 59. Balerdi, Carlos F.; Mortensen, John A. Suitability for mechanical harvest in cultivars of muscadine grape (Vitis rotundifolia Michx). Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 86:342-344, 1973. 60. Bates, R. P.; Sims, C. A . ; Gray, D. J.; Mortensen, J. A; Andersen, P. C. The Florida grape industry: What's ahead in the '90s?. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 103:302-306, 1990. 61. Bates, Robert P. Cultivar evaluation for wine production. Proc. Vitic. Sci. Symp. 1986, Center for Vitic. Sci. Fla. A&M Univ., Tallahassee, 1986. pp. 132-137. 62. Bates, Robert P. The emerging Florida wine industry. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 96:215-219, 1983. 63. Bates, Robert P. Flavor improvement in muscadine grape juice. 68th Ann. Proc. Assoc. So. Agr. Workers, 1971. pp. 146-147. 64. Bates, Robert P. Florida grape juice: commercial potential and development needs. Proc. Vitic. Sci. Symp., Fla. A&M Univ., Tallahassee 4:1-4, 1983. 65. Bates, Robert P. Florida grape juice considerations. Proc. 1st Greater Grapes Symposium, November 7-8, IFAS-UF, 1986. pp. 103-105. 66. Bates, Robert P. Grape quality from vine to palate. Proc. Vitic. Sci. Symp., Fla. A&M Univ., Tallahassee 3:48-53, 1981. 67. Bates, Robert P. Hoine wine making in Florida. Fla. Coop. Extn. Service, IFAS-UF, Gainesville. Food Science Fact Sheet FS-3, 1977. 68. Bates, Robert P. Home wine making in Florida. Fla. Coop. Extn. Service, IFAS-UF, Gainesville. Food Science Fact Sheet FS-3, 1978. 69. Bates, Robert P. Home wine making in Florida. Fla. Coop. Extn. Service, IFAS-UF, Gainesville. Food Science Fact Sheet FS-3, 1984. 70. Bates, Robert P. Home wine making in Florida. Fla. Coop. Extn. Service, IFAS-UF, Gainesville. Food Science Fact Sheet FS-3, 1985. 5
71. Bates, Robert P. An update on grape processing and utilization in Florida. Proc. Vitic. Sci. Symp., Fla. A&M Univ., Tallahassee 2:37, 1980. 72. Bates, Robert P. What should not be in wine. Directions in Applied Nutr. 1(31):1-5, 1987. 73. Bates, Robert P.; Carter, Robert D. The suitability of citrus taste evaporators for muscadine grape juice concentrate production. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 97:84-89, 1984. 74. Bates, Robert P.; Coleman, Richard L.; Wagner Jr., Charles J. Grape processing and utilization in Florida. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 94:343-347, 1981. 75. Bates, Robert P.; Coleman, Richard L.; Wagner Jr., Charles J. Grape processing and utilization in Florida. Grapes in Florida Symposium. Presented at the 94th Annual Meeting of the State Horticultural Society 1981. IFAS-UF, Gainesville and Florida Grape Growers Assoc., 1981. pp. 16-20. 76. Bates, Robert P.; Gursky, D. Florida muscadine grape juice: processing and evaluation compared to commercial grape beverages. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 92:195-197, 1979. 77. Bates, Robert P.; Koburger, J. A. On-site production of grape cider in Florida vineyards. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 95:104-106, 1982. 78. Bates, Robert P.; Mills, D.; Mortensen, John A; Cornell, J. A Prefermentation treatments affecting the quality of muscadine grape wines. Am. J. Enol. Vitic. 31(2):136-143, 1980. 79. Bates, Robert P.; Mortensen, John A.; Crocker, Timothy E. Florida grapes: the next decade. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 93:120-124, 1980. 80. Bates, Robert P.; Mortensen, John A. Processing research with Florida-grown grape cultivars. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 82:182-187, 1969. 81. Bates, Robert P.; Sims, Charles A. Processing potential of Florida-grown fruits. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 100:~89-393, 1987. ,. 82. Bates, Robert P.; Sinisterra, M.; Mortensen, John A. A comparison of home, laboratory and quasi-industrial wine making procedures with 'Stover' grapes. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 90:195-199, 1977. 83. Bates, Robert P.; Tejada, R.; Mortensen, John A. Effect of bunch and muscadine grape maturity on finished wine. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 99:194-200, 1986. Outstanding paper award Krome Section 1987. 84. Blackmon, G. H. Preliminary report on fertilizer tests with grapes. Proc. Annual Mid-Winter Meeting Florida Grape Growers Association, Altoona, Fla., January 26, 1944. pp. 8-10. 6
85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. Blackmon, G. H. Preliminary report on minor elements in grape culture. Proc. Annual Mid Winter Meeting of Fla. Grape Growers Association, Altoona, Fla., January 17, 1945. pp. 8-11. Blackmon, G. H.; Cowart, F. F.; Cross, F. B.; Flory Jr., W. S.; Loomis, N. H. Grape research in the South. A report by "The Committee on Bunch Grapes" appointed at the meeting of the Southern Section of the American Society for Horticultural Science in New Orleans, Louisiana, February 5, 1946. 27 p. Burger, 0. F. Diseases of plants reported this year: grapes. Fla; Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1923, Report of Plant Pathologist. p. 80R. Camp, A. F. Variety tests of grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville. Hatch Project No. 49, p. 64, 1929. Camp, A. F. Variety tests of grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt, UF, Gainesville. Hatch Project No. 49, p. 85, 1930. Camp, A. F.; Wolfe, H. S. Variety tests of minor fruits and ornamentals: grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville. State Project No. 187. p. 66, 1934. Crall, James M. Improvement of rootstock cultivars for fruit and nut crops. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1971, FLA-WG-01591. p. 238. Crall, James M. Preliminary research on cucurbits and fruit crops. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1968, FLA-WG-00150. p. 203. Crall, James M. Preliminary research on cucurbits and fruit crops. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesvill~, 1970, FLA-WG-00001. p. 228. Crall, James M. Preliminary research on cucurbits and fruit crops. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1971, FLA-WG-00001. p. 234. Crall, James M. Preliminary research on cucurbits and fruit crops. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1972, FLA-WG-00001. p. 255. Crall, James M. Preliminary research on cucurbits and fruit crops. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1973, FLA-WG-00001. p. 289. Crall, James M. Preliminary research on cucurbits and fruit crops. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1974, FLA-WG-00001. pp. 396-7. Crall, James M. Preliminary research on cucurbits and fruit crops. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1975, FLA-WG-00001. pp. 350-1. Crall, James M.; Stover, Loren H. The significance of Pierce's disease in the decline of bunch grapes in Florida. Phytopathology 47:518, 1957. (Abstract) 7
100 . Crocker, Timothy E . Calibration of an herbicide sprayer. Proc. 1st Greater Grapes Symposium, November 7-8, IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1986. pp. 147-148. 101. Crocker, Timothy E. Site selection for grapes. Proc. 1st Greater Grapes Symposium, November 7-8, IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1986. pp. 65-67. 102. Crocker, Timothy E.; Halbrooks, Mary C. List of 1985 registered herbicides for grapes. Grape Newsletter, Fla. Coop. Extn. Serv., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1984. 103. Crocker, Timothy E.; Jackson, Larry K. IFAS Extension informational delivery system for grapes. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 94:352-353, 1981. 104. Crocker, Timothy E.; Mortensen, John A. The bunch grape. Fruit Crops Fact Sheet FC-17, 1976. 0 5. Crocker, Timothy E.; Mortensen, John A. The bunch grape. Fruit Crops Fact Sheet FC-17A, 1983. 106. Crocker, Timothy E.; Mortensen, John A. The muscadine grape. Fruit Crops Fact Sheet FC-16, 1976. 107. Crocker, Timothy E.; Mortensen, John A. The muscadine grape. Fruit Crops Fact Sheet FC-16A, 1983. 108. Crocker, Timothy E.; Sherman, Wayne B. Deciduous fruit for north Florida. IFAS Florida Coop. Extn. Serv. Circ. 611, 1989. 109. Crocker, Timothy E.; Wall, B. Results of a survey on pick-your-own grape, blueberry and peach establishments. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 92 : 260-262, 1979. 110. Cromwell, Richard P. Effectiveness of commercial sprayers. Proc. Vitic. Sci. Symp. 1988, Center for Vitic. Sci. Fla. A&M Univ., Tallahassee, 1988. pp. 91-97. 111. Cromwell, Richard P . . Feasibility of converting a citrus sprayer for the vineyard. Proc. 1st Greater Grapes Symposium, November 7-8, IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1986 . . pp. 107-110. 112. Degner, Robert L. Developing a market for 'Orlando Seedless' grapes. Proc. 1st Greater Grapes Symposium, November 7-8, IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1986. pp. 35-45. 113. Degner; Robert L.; Fairchild, Gary F. Marketing strategies for Florida-grown table grapes. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 100:405-408, 1987. 114. Degner, Robert L.; Mathis, Kary. Consumer acceptance of muscadine grapes. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 93:140-143, 1980. 8
115. Degner, Robert L.; Mathis, Kary; Cubenas, Gervasio. Fresh market potential for muscadine grapes. Fla. Agric. Market Res. Center, Food & Resource Economics Dept, Agric. Expt~ Sta., IF AS-UF, Gainesville, 1980. Industry Report 80-1. 116. Degner, Robert L.; Rodan, Lance W.; Mathis, Kary. Farmer to consumer direct marketing of grapes in Florida: producer and consumer benefits. Florida Agricultural Market Research Center-October 1981, Food and Resource Economics Dept., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1981. Industry Report 81-3. 117. Dennison, R. A.; Stover, Loren H. The Blue Lake grape and its potential for processedjuice. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 75:281-283, 1962. 118. DePass, Rev. Jas. P. Grapes. Annual Report-Horticulture. Expt. Sta. of Fla. at the State Agric. College, Lake City, FL, 1891, Bulletin No. 14. p. 11. 119. Dickey, R. D.; Loucks, Kenneth W. Grape growing in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta., UF, Gainesville, 1938. Bulletin 324. 120. Dickey, R. D.; Stover, Loren H.; Parris, G. K. Grape growing in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta., UF, Gainesville, 1947. Bulletin 436 (a revision of Bulletin 324). 121. Dombek, K M.; Ingram, L. 0. Nutrient limitation as a basis for the apparent toxicity of low levels of ethanol during fermentation. J. Industr. Microbial. 1:219-25, 1986. Reviewed by C. Rous, Am. J. Enol. Vitic. 38(2):165, 1987. 122. Durham, R. E.; Gray, Dennis J.; Moore, Gloria A. The use of isozyme banding patterns to determine the origin of somatic embryos in grape. HortScience 22:1070, 1987. (Abstract) 123. Durham, R. E.; Moore, Gloria A.; Gray, Dennis J.; Mortensen, John A The use of leaf GPI and IDH isozymes to examine the origin of polyembryony in cultured ovules of seedless grape. Plant Cell Reports 7:669-672, 1989. 124. Elmstrom, Gary W. 50th Anniversary ARC Leesburg, Fla. Grape breeding. HortScience 18(6):front and back cover, 1983. 125. Elmstrom, Gary W. Publication list grapes, 1970-1980. Leesburg ARC Res. Rpt. WG 80-8, 1980. 126. Elmstrom, Gary W. Publication list grapes, 1970-1982. Leesburg ARC Res. Rpt. LBG 83-2, 1983. 127. Elmstrom, Gary W. Publication list grapes, 1970-1983. Leesburg AREC Res. Rpt. LBG 84-5, 1984. 128. Elmstrom, Gary W. Publication list grapes, 1970-1987. Leesburg CFREC Res. Rpt. LBG 88-6, 1988. 9
129. Goheen, A. C.; Hopkins, Donald L. Pierce's disease. In. Compendium of Grape Diseases, ed R. C. Pearson, AC. Goheen, St. Paul. APS Press, 1988. pp. 44-45. 130. Goode, Don. Propagation grapes from cuttings. Proc. Vitic. Sci. Symp. 1987, Center for Vitic. Sci. Fla. A&M Univ., Tallahassee, 1987. pp. 42-53. 131. Graham, K. H. Grape pest investigations: receipts. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1940, Report of Business Manager. pp. 13-15. 132. Graham, K. H. Grape pest investigations: receipts. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1941, Report of Business Manager. p. 17. 133. Gray, D. J.; Benton, C. M. Micropropagation and plant establishment of muscadine grape. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 103:300-302, 1990. 134. Gray, D. J.; Benton, C. M. Tissue culture micropropagation of 'Blanc Du Bois' grape. Proc. 13th Ann. Vitic. Sci. Symp., Fla. A&M Univ., Cen. for Vitic. Sci., Tallahassee, Fla, 1990. pp. 62-65. 135. Gray, Dennis J. Applications of plant tissue culture to Florida viticulture. Proc. Vitic. Sci. Symp., 1986, Cen. for Vitic. Sci., Fla. A&M Univ., Tallahassee, 1986. pp. 77-84. 136. Gray, Dennis J. Applications of plant tissue culture to viticulture in the Southeast. Proceeding~ 2nd Annual Viticultural Short Course, Mississippi State, 1987. pp. 27-29. 137. Gray, Dennis J. Concluding remarks. Proc. Symp. Synthetic Seed Technol. for the Mass Cloning of Crop Plants: Problems and Perspectives. 22nd Int. Hort. Cong. HortScience 22(5):814, 1987. 138. Gray, Dennis J. Considerations for start-up commercial grape tissue culture. Proc. 1st Greater Grapes Symposium, November 7-8, IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1986. pp. 57-61. 139. Gray, Dennis J. Effects of dehydration and other environmental factors on dormancy in grape somatic embryos. HortScience 22(5):1118, 1987. (Abstract) 140. Gray, Dennis J. Effects of dehydration on quiescence and germination of grape somatic embryos. In Vitro Cellular Developmental Biology 24(3):70A, 1988. (Abstract) 141. Gray, Dennis J. Effects of dehydration and exogenous growth regulators on dormancy, quiescence and germination of grape somatic embryos. In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol. 25:1173-1178, 1989. 142. Gray, Dennis J. Embryo rescue for seedless grape cultivar development. Proc. Vitic. Sci. Symp., 1987, Cen. for Vitic. Sci., Fla. A&M Univ., Tallahassee, 1987. pp. 121-125. 10
,143. Gray, Dennis J. Embryo development during in ovulo culture of seedless grape cultivars. In Vitro Cellular Developmental Biology 24(3):57A, 1988. (Abstract) 144. Gray, Dennis J. Hi-tech grapes, part 1: Overview of grape biotechnology research at the University of Florida. Florida Grape Growers Assn. Newsletter, May, 1990. p. 3. 145. Gray, Dennis J. Induction and maintenance of embryogenic cultures of Vitis longii. Abstracts, 6th International Congress Plant Tissue Cell Culture, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn, 1986 . . p. 135 {Abstract) 146. Gray, Dennis J. Introduction to the symposium, Proc. Symp. Synthetic seed technology for the mass cloning of crop plants. Problems and Perspectives. 22nd Int. Hort. Cong., HortScience 22(5):796-797, 1987. 147. Gray, Dennis J. Ontogeny of grape somatic embryos. HortScience 23(3):807, 1988. (Abstract) 148. Gray, Dennis J. Quiescence in monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous somatic embryos induced by dehydration. Proc. Symp. Synthetic Seed Technology for the Mass Cloning of Crop Plants. Problems and Perspectives. 2nd Int. Hort. Cong., HortScience 22(5):810-814, 1987. 149. Gray, Dennis J. Synthetic seed for clonal production of crop plants. Proc. 3rd Int. Workshop on Seeds. In. Recent Advances in the Development and Germination of Seeds, R. B. Taylorson Ed., Plenum Press, New York, 1990. pp. 29-45. 150. Gray, Dennis J.; Benton, Catherine M. Tissue culture microprnpagation of 'Blanc Du Bois' grape. 13th Annual Vitic. Sci. Symp. & Workshop, Cen. for Vitic. Sci, Fla. A&M Univ., Tallahassee, 1990. pp. 62-65. 151. Gray, Dennis J.; Fisher, Larry C.; Mortensen, John A. Comparison of methodologies for in ovulo embryo rescue of seedless grapes. HortScience 22(6):1334-1335, 1987. 152. Gray, Dennis J.; Fisher, Larry C. In vitro shoot propagation of grape species, hybrids, and cultivars. Proc. Fla. State Horticultural Society 98:172-174, 1985. 153. Gray, Dennis J.; Klein, Catherine M. In vitro shoot micropropagation and plant establishment of 'Orlando Seedless' grape and 'Tampa' rootstock. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 100:308-309, 1987. 154. Gray, Dennis J.; Klein, Catherine M. In vitro micropropagation and plant establishment of 'Blanc Du Bois' grape. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 102:221-223, 1989. 155. Gray, Dennis J.; Klein, Catherine M.; Malibiran, Minda. Tissue culture micropropagation of muscadines. Proc. Vitic. Sci. Symp., Cen. Vitic. Sci., Fla. A&M Univ., Tallahassee, 1989. pp. 132-135. 11
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291. Ledin, R. Bruce. Sub-tropical crops of minor economic importance: grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1953, State Project 280. p. 316. 292. Ledin, R. Bruce; Noonan John C. Subtropical crops of minor economic importance. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1952, State Project 280. pp. 276-277. 293. Lord, E. L. Economic fertilization through use of crotalaria. Proc. 14th Annual Florida Grape Growers' Convention, Orlando, June 27-28, 2nd Ann. Year Book, 1929. pp. 44-47. 294. Lord, E. L. Fundamentals of grape pruning. Mid-winter meeting of State Grape Growers' Association, Leesburg, December 14, 2nd Ann. Year Book, 1928. pp. 7-9. 295. Lord, E. L. Grape culture in Florida. Coop. Extn. work in Agric. & Home Economics, Univ. of Fla., Bulletin 35, 1922. 296. Lord, E. L. Grape culture in Florida. Coop. Extn. work in Agric. & Home Economics, Univ. of Fla., Bulletin 39, 1924 (Revision of Bulletin 35). 297. Lord, E. L. Grape culture in Florida. Department of Agriculture, Tallahassee, Florida, 1939. Bulletin 63 (Reprint). 298. Loucks, Kenneth W. Cold storage prolongs marketing period for Florida grapes. Press Bulletin 530, 1939, p. 2039 . . 299. Loucks, Kenneth W. A decade of grape investigations in Florida. Proc. Annual Mid-Winter Meeting Florida Grape Growers Association, Altoona, Fla., January 26, 1944, p. 2041. 300. Loucks, Kenneth W. A decade of investigation aids grape growers. Florida Grower for July, 1944. Vol.6, pp. 11-12. 301. Loucks, Kenneth W. Investigations of fruit rots of grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1934, State Project No. 254. p. 80. 302. Loucks, Kenneth W. Investigations of fruit rots of grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1935, State Project No. 254. p. 94. 303. Loucks, Kenneth W. Investigations of fruit rots of grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1936, State Project 254. p. 93. 304. Loucks, Kenneth W. Investigations of fruit rots of grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1937, State Project 254. pp. 102-3. 305. Loucks, Kenneth W. Investigations of fruit rots of grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1938, State Project 254. pp. 118-9. 306. Loucks, Kenneth W. Investigations of fruit rot of grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1939, State Project 254. p. 122. 21
307. Loucks, Kenneth W. Investigations of fruit rots of grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1940, State Project 254. pp. 111-2. 308. Loucks, Kenneth W. Investigations of fruit rots of grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1941, State Project 254. p. 108. 309. Loucks, Kenneth W. Investigations of fruit rots of grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1942, State Project 254. pp. 124-5. 310. Loucks, Kenneth W. Investigations of fruit rots of grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1943, State Project 254 (inactive throughout the year). p. 113. 311. Loucks, Kenneth W. Investigations of fruit rots of grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1944, State Project 254 (inactive throughout the year). p. 106. 312. Loucks, Kenneth W. Making, mixing and applying sprays to Florida grapes. Proc. Annual Mid Winter Meeting Florida Grape Growers Association, Altoona, Fla., January 17, 1945. 313. Loucks, Kenneth W. Propagating grapes by aerial roots. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1942. p. 125. 314. Loucks, Kenneth W. Spraying to control grape rots in Florida vineyards. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta., UF, Gainesville, 1935. Press Bulletin 469. p. 1064. 315. Loucks, Kenneth W. Spraying experiments for the control of certain grape diseases. Fla. Agr. Expt. Sta., UF, Gainesville, 1936. Bulletin 294. p. 2040. 316. Loucks, Kenneth W. A study of the spraying requirements necessary to contr.ol grape diseases in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1932, State Project No. 196. pp. 147-148. 317. Loucks, Kenneth W. A study of the spraying requirements necessary to control grape pests in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1933, State Project No. 196. pp. 123-124. 318. Loucks, Kenneth W. A study of the spraying requirements necessary to control grape diseases in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1934, State Project No. 196. p. 78. 319. Loucks, Kenneth W. A study of the spraying requirements necessary to control grape diseases in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1935, State Project No. 196. p. 93. 320. Loucks, Kenneth W. A study of the spraying requirements necessary to control grape diseases in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1936, State Project 196. p. 91. This project closed with the publication of Bulletin 294. 321. Lundy, H. W. Breeding bunch grapes for commercial and home use in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1964, State Project 1104. p. 369. 22
322. Lundy, H. W. Breeding bunch grapes for commercial and home use in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1965, State Project 1104. pp. 389-90. 323. Lundy, H. W. Breeding bunch grapes for commercial and home use in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1966, State Project 1104. p. 373. 324. Lundy, H. W. Breeding bunch grapes for commercial and home use in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1967, FLA-SW-01104. pp. 170-171. 325. Lundy, H. W. Breeding bunch grapes for commercial and home use in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1967, State Project 1104. p. 381. 326. Lundy, H. W. Breeding bunch grapes for commercial and home use in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1969, FLA-SW-01104. p. 215. 327. Lundy, H. W. Breeding bunch grapes for commercial and home use in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1970, FLA-SW-01104. p. 226. 328. Lundy, H. W. Breeding bunch gapes for commerical and home use in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1971, FLA-SW-01104. p. 240. 329. Lundy, H. W. Breeding bunch grapes for commercial and home use in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1972, FLA-SW-01104. p. 262. 330. Lundy, H. W. Breeding bunch grapes for commercial and home use in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1973, FLA-SW-01104. p. 294. 331. Lundy, H. W. Grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1962, Preliminary non-projected studies. p. 338. 332. Lundy, H. W.; Sharpe, R. H.; Dickey, R. D. Testing miscellaneous fruits and nuts: 'Lake Emerald'. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt, UF, Gainesville, 1954, State Project 553. p. 301. 333. Lutrick, M. C. Breeding bunch grapes for commercial and home use in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1968, FLA-WF-01104. p. 210. 334. Lutrick, M. C. Breeding bunch grapes for commercial and home use in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1969, FLA-WF-01104. p. 224. 335. Lutrick, M. C. Testing miscellaneous fruits and nuts. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1957, State Project 553. p. 364. 336. Mathis, Kary; Degner, Robert L. Grape production in Florida: the current marketing environment. Food & Resource Economics Dept., Fla. Agric. Market Res. Center, IFAS-UF, Staff Report 3, 1977. 23
337. Mathis, W. K; Stegelin, Forrest E.; Degner, Robert L. Muscadine grape marketing alternatives: fresh vs. processed vs. direct market. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc., 1981, 94:347-350. 338. Miller, Lucie K Florida grape recipes. Home Demonstration Agent, Lake County Extension, Tavares, 1938. pp. 2045. 339. Mollenhauer, Hilton H.; Hopkins, Donald L. Ultrastnictural study of the Pierce's disease bacterium in grape xylem tissue. J. Bacteriol., 1974, 119(2):612-618. 340. Mollenhauer, Hilton H.; Hopkins, Donald L. Xylem morphology of Pierce's disease-infected grapevines with different levels of tolerance. Physiol. Plant Pathol., 1976, 9:95-100. 341. Mollenhauer, Hilton H.; Hopkins, Donald L. Xylem morphology of Pierce's disease-infected grapevines with different levels of tolerance. Texas Reports on Biology and Medicine, 1976. (Abstract). 342. Moore, L. F.; Bates, Robert P.; Marshall, M. R. A direct HPLC analysis of total sulfur dioxide in wine. Am. J. Enol. Vitic., 1987, 38(1):28-34. 343. Mortensen, J. A.; Gray, D. J.; Stover, L. H.; Harris, J. W. Elite grape selections and cultivars developed at CFREC, Leesburg between 1945 and 1990. Proc. 13th Ann. Vitic. Sci. Symp., Fla. A&M Univ., Cen. Vitic. Sci., Tallahassee, Fla, 1990. pp. 106--112. 344. Mortensen, John A 18 muscadine cultivars adapted to Florida. Leesburg ARC Mimeo Rept., 1972, WG 73-1. 345. Mortensen, John A. 'Blanc Du Bois', a Florida bunch grape for white wine. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Circ. S-340, 1987. 346. Mortensen, John A. 'Blanc Du Bois' grape. HortScience, 1988, 23(2):418-419. 347. Mortensen, John A. Breeding grapes for Florida. Sunshine State Agric. Res. Rept., 1968, 13(1):33-35. 348. Mortensen, John A. Breeding grapes for central Florida. HortScience, 1971, 6(2):149-153. 349. Mortensen, John A. Budding of grapes for transmission of Pierce's disease virus. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1966. pp. 394-5. 350. Mortensen, John A. Bunch grape field day and vineyard tour. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept., 1975, WG 75-2. 351. Mortensen, John A. Bunch grape field day and vineyard tour. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept., 1976, WG 76-2. 352. Mortensen, John A. Bunch grape field day. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept., 1977, WG 77-3. 24
353. Mortensen, John A. Bunch grape field day. Leesburg AREC Res. Rept., 1984, LBG 84-2. 354. Mortensen, John A. Bunch grapes that look suitable for pick-your-own markets. Proc. 1st Greater Grapes Symposium, November 7-8, IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1986. pp. 79-83. 355. Mortensen, John A. Comparative growth and yield of ten grape varieties sprayed intensively for insect and disease control. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc., 1966, 79. pp. 390-395. 356. Mortensen, John A. 'Conquistador'--a purple bunch grape for Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Circ. S-300, 1983. 357. Mortensen, John A Cultivar improvement of fruit and nut crops. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1972, FLA-WG-01619. p. 259. 358. Mortensen, John A. Cultivar improvement of fruit and nut crops. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1973, FLA-WG-01619. p. 293. 359; Mortensen, John A. Cultivar improvement of fruit and nut crops. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1974, FLA-WG-01619. pp. 400-1. 360. Mortensen, John A. Cultivar improvement of fruit and nut crops. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1975, FLA-WG-01619. pp. 353-4. ) 361. Mortensen, John A. Developing a grape industry in Florida from the breeder's viewpoint. Vinifera Wine Growers Journal, 1988, 15. pp. 177-181. 362. Mortensen, John A. 'Dog Ridge', a superior grape rootstock for Florida. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc., 1972, 85:275-279. 363. Mortensen, John A. Effect of intensive spraying on longevity of grape varieties. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1962. p. 360. 364. Mortensen, John A. Effect of intensive spraying on longevity of grape varieties. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1963. pp. 377-8. 365. Mortensen, John A. Effect of intensive spraying on longevity of grape varieties. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1964. p. 392. 366. Mortensen, John A. Effect of intensive spraying on the longevity of grape varieties. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1965. p. 416. 367. Mortensen, John A. Effect of intensive spraying on the longevity of grape varieties. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1966. p. 394. 368. Mortensen, John A. Effect of nutrient levels on growth and yield of Florida bunch grapes. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc., 1982, 95:124-126. 25
369. Mortensen, John A Effects of ethephon on ease of harvest of muscadine grapes. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc., 1980, 93:143-145. 370. Mortensen, John A. Future germplasm reserves in grapes. Fruit Varieties Jour., 1974, 28( 4 ):90-94. 371. Mortensen, John A. Gibberellic acid application. CFREC Leesburg Research Report, 1990, LBG 90-14. 372. Mortensen, John A. Grafting bunch grapes. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept., 1982, LBG 82-4. 373. Mortensen, John A. Grape field day program, July 16, 1969. Watermelon & Grape Investigations Laboratory Mimeo Report, 1970, WGL 70-1. 374. Mortensen, John A. Grape field day. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept., 1980, WG 80-3. 375. Mortensen, John A. Grape field day. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept., 1981, WG 81-2. 376. Mortensen, John A Grape field day. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept., 1982, LBG 82-3. 377. Mortensen, . John A Grape field day. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept., 1983, LBG 83-1. 378. Mortensen, John A. Grape field day. Leesburg CFREC Research Report, 1988, LBG 88-5. 379. Mortensen, John A. Grape field day, August 22, 1989. CFREC Leesburg Research Report, 1989, LBG 89-3 . . 380. Mortensen, John A Grape field day, July 18, 1990. Leesburg CFREC Research Report, 1990, LBG 90-12. 381. Mortensen, John A. Grape research. 50th Anniversary 1931/1981, ARC Research Report, 1982, WG 82-1. 382. Mortensen, John A. Grape varieties and rootstocks under observation. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1966. p. 394. 383. Mortensen, . John A. Grape varieties recommended for Florida. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept., 1973, WG 73-6. 384. Mortensen, John A. Grape varieties recommended for Florida. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept., 1978, WG 78-1. 385. Mortensen, John A. Grape varieties, rootstocks, and propagation. Proc. Vitic. Sci. Symp. 1986, Center for Vitic. Sci. Fla. A&M Univ., Tallahassee, 1986. pp. 13-25. 386. Mortensen, John A. Grapes in Florida, past, present, and future . Fruit South, 1978, 2(3):86-89. 26
'387. Mortensen, John A Herbicide tests in bunch grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1966. p. 395. 388. Mortensen, John A. Highlights of bunch and muscadine grape research in Florida with an in depth look at varieties. Proc. Ala. Fruit & Vegetable . Conference, 1988, 9:95-100. 389. Mortensen, John A. Improvement of rootstock cultivars for fruit and nut crops. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1972, FLA-WG-01591. p. 258. 390. Mortensen, John A. Improvement of rootstock cultivars for fruit and nut crops. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1973, FLA-WG-01591. pp. 292-3. 391. Mortensen, John A. Improvement of rootstock cultivars for fruit and nut crops. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1974, FLA-WG-01591. p. 400. 392. Mortensen, John A. Improvement of rootstock cultivars for fruit and nut crops. Fla . Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. ~pt., IFAS .; UF, Gainesville, 1975, FLA-WG-01591. p. 353. 393. Mortensen, John A. Indexing for Pierce's disease virus. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1967. p. 403. 394. Mortensen, John A. Inheritance in Vitis species. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1961. pp. 384-5. 395. Mortensen, John A. Inheritance studies with grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1962, State Project 1105. p. 359 ; 396. Mortensen, John A. Inheritance studies with grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Aim. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1963, State Project 1105. pp. 375-6. 397. Mortensen, John A. Inheritance studies with grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1964, State Project 1105. pp. 389-90. 398. Mortensen, John A. Inheritance studies with grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1965, State Project 1105. p . 413 . 399. Mortensen, John A. Inheritance studies with grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1966, State Project 1105. p. 391. 400. Mortensen, John A. Inheritance studies with grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt . Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1967, State Project 1105. p. 400 . 401. Mortensen, John A. Inheritance studies with grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1967, FLA WG-01105. p. 181. 402. Mortensen, John A. The inheritance of resistance to Pierce's disease in Vitis. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci., 1968, 92:331-337. 27
403. Mortensen, John A Inheritance studies with grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1968, FLA-WG-01105. pp. 204-5. 404. Mortensen, John A. Inheritance studies with grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1969, FLA-WG-01105. p. 219. 405. Mortensen, John A. Inheritance studies with grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1970, FLA-WG-01105. p. 230. 406. Mortensen, John A. Inheritance studies with grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1971, FLA-WG-01105. p. 236. 407. Mortensen, John A. Inheritance studies with grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1972, FLA-WG-01105. p. 257. 408. Mortensen, John A. Irrigation of grapes irrigated plots vs. non-irrigated plots. Deciduous Fruit Notes-Grape Newsletter, ed. T. E. Crocker, Fla. Coop Extn. Serv., IFAS-UF, January 24, 1978. 409. Mortensen, John A. 'Liberty'. a red bunch grape for Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Circ. S-243, 1976. 410. Mortensen, John A. 'Liberty' grape. HortScience, 1977, 12(5):511-512. 411. Mortensen, John A. List of Florida grape nurserymen, July 1973. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept., 1973, WG 73-5. 412. Mortensen, John A. List of Florida grape nurserymen, August 1974. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept., 1974, WG 74-6. 413. Mortensen, John A. List of Florida grape nurserymen, October 1976. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept., 1976, WG 76-4. 414. Mortensen, John A. List of Florida grape nurserymen, December 1978. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept., 1978, WG 78-3. 415. Mortensen, John A. List of Florida grape nurserymen, November 1981. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept., 1981, WG 81-4. 416. Mortensen, John A. List of Florida grape nurserymen, March 1983. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept., 1983, LBG 83-la. 417. Mortensen, John A. List of Florida grape nurserymen, December 1984. Leesburg AREC Res. Rept., 1984, LBG 84-8. 418. Mortensen, John A. List of Florida grape nurseries, February 1986. Leesburg AREC Research Report, 1986, LBG 86-7. 28
'419. Mortensen, John A List of Florida grape nurseries, April 1987. Leesburg CFREC Research Report, 1987, LBG 87-1. 420. Mortensen, John A List of Florida grape nurseries, May 1988. Leesburg CFREC Research Report, 1988, LBG 88-1. 421. Mortensen, John A. List of nurseries selling grape varieties recommended for Florida, May 1989. CFREC Leesburg Research Report, 1989, LBG 89-2. 422. Mortensen, John A. List of nurseries selling grape varieties recommended for Florida, May 1990. CFREC Leesburg Research Report, 1990, LBG 90-9. 423. Mortensen, John A Map of Florida vineyards. Unpublished, IFAS-UF, ARC-Leesburg, Gainesville, 1975. 424. Mortensen, John A. Mineral nutrition and water management of fruit crops. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1974, FLA-WG-01697. p. 402. 425. Mortensen, John A. Mineral nutrition and water management of fruit crops. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1975, FLA-WG-01697. pp. 354-355. 426. Mortensen, John A. Muscadine varieties. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept., 1975, WG 75-3. 427. Mortensen, John A Muscadine varieties. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept., 1976, WG 76-3. 428. Mortensen, John A. Muscadine grape field day. Leesburg ARC Res. Rept., 1977, WG 77-4. 429. Mortensen, John A. Muscadine grape field day. Leesburg AREC Res. Rept., 1984, LBG 84-3. 430. Mortensen, John A. Muscadine and bunch grape cultivar recommendations for Florida. CFREC Leesburg Research Report, 1990, LBG 90-13. 431. Mortensen, John A. New bunch grapes for the Southeast. Pomona (North American Fruit Explorer's Quarterly), 1984, 27:96-98. 432. Mortensen, John A. Pierce's disease update: Symptoms, control, breeding for resistance. Vinifera Wine Growers Journal, 1979, 6:181-187. 433. Mortensen, John A. Polyploidy in Vitis species. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1961. p. 385. 434. Mortensen, John A. Potential new rootstocks for Florida Viticulture. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc., 1985, 98:166-169. ) 435. Mortensen, John A. Reduction of dry calyptra in grapes by the use of a fruit setting hormone. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc., 1975, 88:513-517. 29
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553. Stover, Loren H. Breeding has produced better grape varieties for Florida. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc;, 1951, 64:269-271. 554. Stover, Loren H. Cause and control of grape degeneration. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1952. p. 146. 555. Stover, Loren H. Cleft grafting grapes with polyethylene and sphagnum moss. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc., 1957, 70:300-302. 556. Stover, Loren H. Development of superior varieties and cultural methods for grape production in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1953. p. 165. 557. Stover, Loren H. Development of superior varieties and cultural methods for grape production in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1954. p. 311. 558. Stover, Loren H. Development of superior varieties and cultural methods for grape production in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1955. p. 337. 559. Stover, Loren H. Development of superior varieties and cultural methods for grape production in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1956. pp. 338-339. 560. Stover, Loren H. Development of superior varieties and cultural methods for grape production in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, '1957. p. 385. 561. Stover, Loren H. Development of superior varieties and cultural methods for grape production in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1958. pp. 399-400. 562. Stover, Loren H. Development of superior varieties and cultural methods for grape production in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1959. p. 400. 563. Stover, Loren H. Development of superior varieties and cultural methods for grape production in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1960. pp. 346-7. 564. Stover, Loren H. Development of superior varieties and cultural methods for grape production in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1961. pp. 384. 565. Stover, Loren H. Effect of bedding and mulching on 'Lake Emerald' grape under culture on flatwoods sands. Fla; Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1958. p. 400. 566. Stover, Loren H. Effect of phosphate on grape cuttings. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1964. p. 392. 567. Stover, Loren H. Effect of phosphate on grape cuttings. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1965. , p. 417. 568. Stover, Loren H. Fungicidal control of grape diseases. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1964. p. 392. 38
569. Stover, Loren H. Fungicidal control of grape diseases. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1965. p. 417. 570. Stover, Loren H. Grapes as a side-line. Proc. Annual Mid-Winter Meeting Florida Grape Growers Association, Altoona, Fla., January 17, 1945. 571. Stover, Loren H. The 'Lake Emerald' grape. Fla. Agr. Expt. Sta. Circular S-68, 1954. 572. Stover, Loren H. The 'Lake Emerald' grape. Fruit Varieties and Horticultural Digest, 1954, 9(1):15. Reviews and Abstracts. 573. Stover, Loren H. Modern guide to growing Florida bunch grapes. Midulla Vineyards, Tampa, Florida, 1980. 574. Stover, Loren H. New varieties may make Florida a grape producer. Sunshine State Agricultural Research Report, UF, Gainesville, 1961. 9:17 missing. 575. Stover, Loren H. Observations on muscadine varieties and selections. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta, Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1963. p. 378. 576. Stover, Loren H. Other fruit and nut crops grapes. Progress by Design, a story of Florida's agriculture and its Agricultural Experiment Stations, Sunshine State Agricultural Research Report, UF, Gainesville, 1963, 8(1):67. 577. Stover, Loren H. Progress in the development of grape varieties for Florida. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc., 1960, 73. pp. 320-323. 578. Stover, Loren H. Rating of muscadine selections. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1965. p. 417. 579. Stover, Loren H. Response of 'Lake Emerald' grape to magnesium. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1964. p. 392. 580. Stover, Loren . H. Response of bunch grape to soil applications of magnesium. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1965. p. 417. 581. Stover, Loren H. Site selection is important for grape growing success. Sunshine State Agric. Research Report, Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta., UF, Gainesville, 1957, 2(4):7. 582. Stover, Loren H. Some practical suggestions for growing grapes in Florida. Talk given before the Florida Grape Growers Association Wednesday, July 7, 1948, at Eustis, Florida, 1948. 583. Stover, Loren H. Trellising table grapes in Florida. Sub-Tropical Gardening, 1952, 3:13. 584. Stover, Loren H.; Crall, James M.; Mortensen, John A. Marketing Florida bunch grapes as fresh fruit. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc., 1977, 90:228-230. 39
585. Stover, Loren H.; Dennison, R. H. The potential of 'Blue Lake' grapes for fresh juice processing. Sunshine State Agric. Res. Report, Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta., UF, Gainesville, 1963, 8(3):16-17. 586. Stover, Loren H.; Mortensen, John A. Breeding bunch grapes for commercial and home use in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1962, State Project 1104. pp. 358-9. 587. Stover, Loren H.; Mortensen, John A. Breeding bunch grapes for commercial and home use in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1963, State Project 1104. p. 375. 588. Stover, Loren H.; Mortensen, John A. Breeding bunch grapes for commercial and home use in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1965, State Project 1104. p. 413. 589. Stover, Loren H.; Mortensen, John A. Breeding bunch grapes for commercial and home use in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1966, State Project 1104. p. 390. 590. Stover, Loren H.; Mortensen, John A. Four promising grape selections. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc., 1963, 76:341-345. 591. Stover, Loren H.; Mortensen, John A.; Adlerz, Warren C. Grape grower's questions and answers. Watermelon and Grape Investigations Laboratory Mimeo Rept., 1964, WGL 64-1. 592. Stover, Loren, H.; Mortensen, John A. Ripe grapes from June to September. Sunshine State Agric. Res. Rept., Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta., UF, Gainesville, 1965, 10(3):22-23. 593. Wall, G. B.; Stegelin, Forrest E.; Crocker, Timothy E. Management of pick-your-own direct market outlets. Florida Coop. Extn. Serv., IFAS, Univ. of Fla., Gainesville, 1987. Circular 481. 594. Walsh, Beth H. Using Florida fruits grapes. Fla. Coop. Extn. Serv., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1975. Extension Home Economics 127. 595. Walsh, Beth H.; Arnold, Calvin E. Enjoying Florida grapes. Fla. Coop. Extn. Serv., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1988, Home Economics, HE 8061. 7-2/3M-88. 596. Wann, John L. Florida truck crop competition. II. Intra-State: Grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta., UF, Gainesville, 1932, Bulletin 238. p. 70. 597. Watson, J. R. Insect control (Phylloxera). Proc. 14th Annual Fla. Grape Growers' Convention, Orlando, June 27-28, 1929. pp. 54-57. 598. Webb, Susan E.; Mortensen, John A. Evaluation of bunch grape rootstocks and muscadine varieties for resistance to grape root borer. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 1990, 103:310-313. 599. Westgate, P. J. Breeding bunch grapes for commercial and home use in Florida. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1964, State Project 1104. p. 209. 600. Westgate, P. J. Breeding bunch grapes for commercial and home use in Florida. Agric. Expt. 40
/ Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1965, State Project 1104. pp. 219-220. 601. Westgate, P. J. Breeding bunch grapes for commercial and home use in Florida. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1966, State Project 1104. p. 217. 602. Westgate, P. J. Breeding bunch grapes for commercial and home use in Florida. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1967, FLA-CF-01104. p. 114. 603. Westgate, P. J. Breeding bunch grapes for commercial and home use in Florida. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1967, State Project 1104. pp. 220-221. 604. Westgate, P. J. Breeding bunch grapes for commercial and home use in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1968, FLA-CF-01104. p. 135. 605. Westgate, P. J. Breeding bunch grapes for commercial and home use in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1969, FLA-CF-01104. p. 144. 606. Westgate, P. J. Breeding bunch grapes for commercial and home use in Florida. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Res. Rpt., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1970, FLA-CF"'.01104. p. 152. 607. Westgate, P. J. Grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1960, Preliminary non-projected studies. p. 193. 608. Westgate, P. J. Grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1961, Preliminary non-projected studies. p. 222. 609. Westgate, P. J. Grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1962, Preliminary non-projected studies. p. 198. 610. Westgate, P. J. Grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1963, Non-projected studies. p. 201. 611. Westgate, P. J. Muscadine grapes. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., UF, Gainesville, 1964, Preliminary non-proje.cted studies. p. 210. 612. Whitner, J. N. Vineyard. Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt., 1983. Lake City, Fla., 1984, Bulletin No. 24. p. 15. 613. Williams, Mary C. New grape developed. Sunshine State Agricultural Research Report, Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1967, 12(1):3. 614. Williams, Mary C. 'Stover' grape released. Sunshine State Agricultural Research Report, January, Fla. Agric. Expt. Sta., IFAS-UF, Gainesville, 1969, 14(1):3. 615. Wood, F. Aloysius; Woeste, John T.; Davis, Dean F. Report of the blight (young tree decline) review at the Lake Alfred Center. Florida Citrus Mutual's Young Tree Decline Committee, Florida State and Federal research and extension programs, 1978. 41