76 Institute of Food & Agricultural Sciences
Sanford, FL 32771-9608 C'
Research Report SAN 96-03 M irst ol1995
Ivalou D. Hancik and J. Marion White UriersitY Of Florida
This report summarizes the evaluations of 12 cultivars/breednAg lines of yellow summer
squash. Entries were evaluated for adaptability to Florida's spring production conditions. The
field was prepared (fertilized and pesticide applied) on March 17-20, 1995, as per guidelines
suggested in the Extension Service Control Guide; raised beds were formed and covered with
black plastic mulch. Squash seeds were planted by hand in hills (2-3 seeds/hill) 24" apart in
25' long plots on March 21. 1995. City of Sanford reclaimed water was used to overhead
irrigate this trial on an as-needed basis; currently, this application is only permitted when
vegetables are to be thermally processed.
Harvesting began on April 27, 1995, and concluded with the eighth harvest on May 26,
1995. Yield data and other characteristics rated in this trial are found in Table 1; weather data
are recorded in Table 2.
Total marketable yield, expressed as 42-lb bushels/acre, ranged from 351-639. Early
(first three harvests) marketable yield ranged from 121-373 bu/acre.
CS4 was evaluated in the 1993 trial as well as the 1995 trial. Although this entry was
difficult to establish in 1993 (35% stand), it performed well in the 1995 trial. Pavo, Dixie, and
PSX 41587 were all evaluated in 1994, as well as 1995; PSX 41587 was noted to produce
slightly green-colored fruit in both trials. Pavo and Dixie produced slightly green fruit in 1995,
but this was not evident in 1994.
Five entries, FMX 227, CS4, XPH 1671, FMX 217, and FMX 689, all had excellent
yellow fruit color.
Two entries, Prelude II and General Patton, arrived late and were planted in a different
field location. Due to improper herbicide application in the second field location, these entries
were stunted and failed to produce significant yields.
This report is not intended to recommend one variety over another, but rather is meant
as a general guideline for variety selection. Different field locations, planting dates, and
cultural practices may alter the performance of these yellow summer squash lines; growers
should be mindful of this variability when selecting a new variety and planting small test areas
of new varieties 'may be advisable.
Seeds were obtained from the following cooperators:
AS Asgrow Seed Co., 7000 Portage Road, Kalamzoo, MI 49001
FM Ferry-Morse Seed Co., Box 392, Sun Prairie, WI 53590
PS Petoseed Co., P. O. Box 4206, Saticoy, CA 93007-4206
RO Rogers Seed Co., P. O. Box 4188, Boise, ID 83711-4188
Table 1. Yellow summer squash variety trial Spring 1995
'Mean separation in columns by Duncan's Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YFirst three harvests April 27, May 3, and May 8, 1995.
xRated from 1, straight; to 5, very curved.
"Rated from 1, rough; to 5, very smooth.
0 0
Yield (bu/acre)
Entry Supplier Tot. mkt. Early mkt.Y Total cull Early cull Curvaturex Smoothnessw Notes
FMX 227 FM 639 az 278 be 47 ab 27 ab 1.5 3.4 good yellow color
CS4 RO 624 ab 280 be 67 ab 29 ab 2.1 3.9 looks good
XPH 1671 AS 603 ab 295 ab 66 ab 38 a 1.9 1.3 bright yellow
XPH 1780 AS 594 ab 373 a 62 ab 31 ab 3.0 1.9
FMX 564 FM 555 ab 262 bc 77 a 26 ab 1.8 1.9 slightly green
Lemon Drop AS 546 ab 260 be 46 ab 20 ab 1.2 1.5
FMX 217 FM 504 a-c 239 be 81 a 35 ab 1.5 1.3 good yellow color
FMX 689 FM 499 a-c 207 b-e 35 ab 18 ab 1.6 2.4 good yellow color, glossy
Pavo AS 472 a-c 185 c-e 51 ab 19 ab 1.8 2.5 slightly green
Dixie AS 450 be 218 b-d 58 ab 21 ab 1.8 1.4 slightly green
PSX 41587 PS 362 c 121 e 21 b 9 b 1.5 2.5 slightly green
Freedom II AS 351 c 130 de 62 ab 14 ab 1.8 1.5
,.,. ,, ___ *. ......... .^ ^ ^
- Sanford, FL.
Table 2. Temperature and rainfall at the CFREC-Sanford during
the 1995 spring growing season (March 21 May 26).
Daily temperature (oF) Rainfall
Date Maximum Minimum (inches)
March 21 31 86 51 0.00
April 1 30 92 46 2.91
May 1 26 96 63 2.74
Total 5.65
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the Institute and its staff. Current IFAS
research may be found on the
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site maintained by the Florida
Cooperative Extension Service.
Copyright 2005, Board of Trustees, University
of Florida