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Commercial agriculture | |
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Home economics | |
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Florida A&M programs | |
Financial report | |
Planned and expended time by program... | |
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Table of Contents | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Historic note
Unnumbered ( 1 ) Front Cover Page 1 Page 2 Foreword Page 3 Page 4 Commercial agriculture Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Marine advisory program Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 26 Home economics Page 27 Page 28 Page 29 Page 30 Page 31 Page 32 Page 33 Page 34 Page 35 Page 36 Youth programs Page 37 Page 38 Page 39 Page 40 Page 41 Page 42 Page 43 Page 44 Florida A&M programs Page 45 Page 46 Page 47 Page 48 Financial report Page 49 Planned and expended time by program area Page 50 Program summaries Page 51 Page 52 Faculty list Page 53 Page 54 Page 55 Page 56 Page 57 Page 58 Back Cover Page 59 Page 60 |
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HISTORIC NOTE The publications in this collection do not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. These texts represent the historic publishing record of the Institute for Food and Agricultural Sciences and should be used only to trace the historic work of the Institute and its staff. Current IFAS research may be found on the Electronic Data Information Source (EDIS) site maintained by the Florida Cooperative Extension Service. Copyright 2005, Board of Trustees, University of Florida 1975 Annual Rep Plorida Cooperative Exten INSTITUTE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL SC C UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA, GAINESVILLE 1- I i- _ L ; FOREWORD WIn Joa IM. DIUUy Over the years the Cooperative Extension Service has played a unique role in Florida as in other states, taking scientific discoveries from the laboratories into the field, demonstrating the benefits of new tech- nology and encouraging its adoption. These activities are made possible through a co- operative effort of federal, state and local govern- ments carried out on a county-by-county basis. The base of authority is the Land Grant University and the teams of Extension specialists and research workers in academic departments provide the necessary technical support for county teaching. Extension agents at the county level are members of the University faculty, but also are members of the community, dedicated to helping the people of Florida --commercial producers, small farmers, rural and urban families, the youth of the state--improve their lives both economically and socially. In 1975 county Extension programs emphasized pro- duction efficiency and management techniques in agri- culture to help producers meet inflationary pressures of higher machinery and energy costs. In addition to the major emphasis on the production of food and fiber, considerable effort was made to identify at both local and state levels major problem areas af- fecting people and to adjust Extension Home. Econom- ics and Youth programs to help solve identified "peo- ple" problems. A few of these many Extension programs in com- merical agriculture, marine resources (MAP), commun- ity resource development, home economics, 4-H and youth and special Florida A&M programs have been summarized in the report that follows. Commercial Agriculture I_ ^ I : Agricultural Engineering Commercial Agriculture Florida Plan Service During 1975 more than 10,000 plans were distrib- uted to Florida residents in response to their requests. Within this period 43 farm service plans and nine house plans were added to the Plan Service. In ad- dition, 61 "special" plans were prepared for various IFAS units, including county Extension facilities and fair buildings. Grain and Seed Drying and Storage Drying and storage of grain and seed crops con- tinue to increase in importance as acreage and/or yields continue to increase. This increase in on-farm and off-farm facilities was greater in 1975 than the rate for recent years. This was especially true of facili ties for drying and storing peanuts and corn. The in- creased awareness of potential damage from aflatoxin infested seed and grain has been a significant factor in producer efforts to improve their processing and storage facilities. Environmental Housing for Livestock Interest in environmentally controlled or modified housing is on the increase. During 1975 several re- search and demonstration facilities for swine and dairy cows were designed and constructed in coopera- tion with Dr. Dennis Buffington, Mr. Barry Baldwin, the Agricultural Engineering Department, and with members of the Dairy Science and Animal Science De- partments. Irrigation An irrigation system designed for maximum energy and water savings was installed in a 3-acre peach orchard on the University of Florida horticultural unit near Gainesville, Florida. This is essentially a per- manent underground system with above ground emit- ters. The experimental design consists of 2-row plots with one, two and three emitters per tree replicated three times. Maximum water use with one and three emit- ters is 10 and 32 percent, respectively, of that used with overhead sprinkler irrigation. Power requirements for the 3-acre drip system is 0.50 h.p. compared to 2.75 h.p. for a sprinkler system. Although peach trees showed no significant growth difference in their second season as a result of the number of emitters per tree, it is expected that the additional water and distribution will influence both growth and productivity as the trees get larger and the root system spreads. Power and Machinery The program which has received considerable em- phasis during 1975 is the training and certification of pesticide applicators to comply with the Federal In- secticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act of 1971. Initially this law required that pesticides be catego- rized as Restricted Use and Non-Restricted Use and that the applicators of the Restricted Use Pesticides be certified by October 21, 1976. The certification deadline has been delayed until October 21, 1977. The object of this program, adopted by the Pesticide Program Coordinator Dr. John Strayer and his support committee which included Mr. Richard Cromwell, was to train county agents to instruct private users of Re- stricted Use Pesticides (farmers applying these chem- water conservation in irrigating strawberries being grown on poly- ethylene mulch covered beds. near High Springs. The need to increase and improve storage facil- ities continues to grow as acreage and yields grow. I ~ __ __ 1 ~___I _~ ~ 1 The Environmental Health and Safety Information Coordinator explains the need for shielding of exposed belts. icals on their own land or land under their control). The appropriate state specialists will train and ex- amine commercial applicators. Approximately 120 county agents gathered in Gainesville during December for a one-week training program to become Certified Trainers of private ap- plicators. Safety The position of Environmental Health and Safety Information Coordinator was filled August 28, 1975. Activities of the coordinator have included liaison with the National Institute for Farm Safety, local and na- tional branches of the National Safety Council, Na- tional Fire Protection Association, state and national Farm Bureau Safety Divisions, Florida Fruit and Vege- table Association, and the state Citrus Safety Associa- tion internal divisions of IFAS and the University of Florida. The coordinator is also taking an active role in the standards development process of the Occupa- tional Safety and Health Administration in Washing- ton, D. C. Several types of educational materials have been and are being developed. These include safety news releases, Extension Agricultural Engineering Reports, TV tapes, a safety newsletter and slide/tape instruc- tional packages. A clipping service has been subscribed to as a means of tabulating Florida farm accidents. In ad- edition, preliminary steps have been taken to prepare for a state-wide farm accident survey during 1976-77. Energy Conservation and Management Work on energy conservation and management has been concentrated in developing educational materials for use by county staffs. A slide set, "Checking your Energy I.Q.," has been completed and made available for loan to Extension personnel. Work on additional three slide sets is in progress: "Understanding the Energy Problem," "Fuel and Farm Machinery," and "Solving the Energy Problem-A Family Affair." A large fair-type exhibit, "Insulation and Weatherstrip- ping," and a three-panel table-top exhibit, "Know Your Appliances," have been prepared for use at fairs and meetings around the state. Five district meetings were held to acquaint Ex- tension personnel throughout Florida with available educational materials on energy conservation. Public meetings on conservation were held in five counties. Natural Resources and Environmental Quality Pollution Control and Abatement A tightening of the nation's economy has resulted in an increased interest in operational efficiency in livestock production. Waste management, made neces- sary by concentrating livestock and pollution control requirements, is a production cost that can be mini- mized through well planned housing and simple flush- ing devices. A demonstration of wide floor flushing utilizing multiple dump tanks on a common axle was installed at the University's dairy research farm. A new swine barn built by a cooperator includes sloped autters under nil elated floors which are flushed with A Illgcman stem designed by agrlultural enginies aids with wt management in a Florida dairy operation. multiple plastic pipe siphons from roof mounted con- crete tanks. Both systems work satisfactorily and, if desired, can be automated to virtually eliminate daily manage- ment or labor inputs. Changes in the feed, feeder cattle and slaughter cattle markets have caused a surge of interest in small "custom" or local market slaughterhouses. Waste management is an essential part of these businesses which are usually located outside the areas served by municipal sewage systems. Operational data for lagoon systems which ultimately return wastes to the soil have been assembled for consideration, where ap- plicable, by prospective slaughterhouse operators. Consultation with many owners and their engineers has helped to develop several prospects for demon- stration projects. An engineering report is ready for distribution to county Extension staffs, the state's De- partment of Environmental Regulation, and others. As the state moves into the first stages of imple- menting solid waste management and recovery plans which deal primarily with garbage and refuse, Ex- tension agents are being asked about the feasibility of disposal to the soil, the acceptability of various rural collection systems, and other questions. Material explaining pertinent legislation and some of the basics of solid waste management has been prepared and distributed to county staffs. A technical report on re- search with water control at a landfill site (which was assisted by Extension) has also been made available. 4-H Youth During 1975 the Agricultural Engineering Depart- ment gave leadership to 4-H projects in safety, auto- motive care and safety, petroleum power and small gas engines, electricity and energy conservation. A leader training program in electricity and automotive care and safety known as the "Watts and Wheel Camp" was attended by more than 100 adult and junior leaders. Agronomy Agronomy Extension programs are designed to dis- seminate routinely information on forage and field crop production and to emphasize particular problem areas. In 1975, Agronomy Extension programs contributed to more efficient utilization of forages in cattle opera- tions. The depressed beef cattle market caused most producers to seek information on using pastures more effectively. Since grain prices have increased, dairy- men have become more interested in using silage in their feeding programs. To assist these producers, cow-calf clinics were held on a multi-county basis and covered all aspects of cattle production. Corn silage demonstrations were conducted to determine varieties and other practices best suited to dairy operations. The Extension sugarcane specialist initiated com- puterized reporting of soil test results and fertilizer recommendations, to save time and reduce errors. This was the first such use of a computer by the Uni- versity of Florida. Practically all Florida weed control information for field crops and ornamentals was gen- erated through research and demonstration trials by the weed control specialist. Also a new Extension program in aquatic weed control was initiated with the filling of a new position. Changes are being made in Extension methods. More area or multi-county programs are being con- ducted on specific crops. This change allows a com- plete discussion of all aspects of producing the partic- ular crop or feed for animals. Greater use also is being made of monthly newsletters, fact sheets and other means of rapidly and economically dissemi- nating Extension information. Results of the Extension agronomy efforts can be measured by the utilization of information and the in- creased yields of crops. Sugarcane, peanuts and tobacco yields set records in 1975. Cattlemen have a better understanding of alternative methods of for- age and feed production and are practicing these methods. Weed control programs and the use of herbicides are expanding at a rapid rate, hopefully, as a result of reliable information presented through Extension agronomy programs. Animal Science Beef During 1975 two Extension agricultural engineers and the meat specialist met with 50 or more prospec- tive builders of meat plants. The surplus of cattle and the low price of cattle encouraged producers and others to develop alternate methods of marketing cat- tle. Probably less than five percent of these prospective builders have built meat plants or will build meat plants. Those who have successfully built and oper- ated meat plants are under official inspection. They are operating at a profit and providing a useful serv- ice to the community. These additional plants have enabled producers to sell cattle and calves directly to Cattlemen attend the Chiply Beef Demonstration Unit field day. the consumers, retailers and processors. Additional meat plants under official inspection have helped Florida producers utilize a new and dif- ferent marketing procedure. The Florida baby beef program has continued to increase in number of calves slaughtered, has im- proved quality and has brought additional retailers and processors into the business. This status has been accomplished by Extension workers, the Florida meat and livestock industry and Florida consumers utilizing information provided. Some national chains operating in Florida have begun to increase baby beef sales throughout the state. A baby beef promotion program in September and October convinced this chain store group that they should sell baby beef. "Price Wise" baby beef at the wholesale carcass level now is selling for more than ever before. This price increase occurs at a time when "fed beef" is lower in price than it has been since baby beef entered the market in August 1974. Baby beef educational programs have proved to the Florida meat industry and Florida consumers that baby beef has an advantageous place in the Florida meat counter. AM munty uexinmin lrveacK spec alm oemonstrates planting calves with a growth stimulant to increase weaning weights. The Twenty-Fourth Annual Beef Cattle Short Course was held at the University of Florida on May 1-3. Approximately 800 cattlemen and industry representa- tives attended. A training program for County Extension Directors and agents for beef was held at the University during' the week of May 19, 1975. Twenty-seven agents at- tended this training program. Nine one-day area Cow-Calf Clinics were held dur- ing 1975. All departments in IFAS, related to beef cattle production, assisted in making these clinics a success. The Southern Beef Conference at Sarasota on April 14-15 attracted 267 people from 13 Southeastern states. Production testing data was processed on more than 10,000 calves during 1975. Eight new coopera- tors joined the program. A field day at the Chipley Beef Demonstration Unit on April 22 drew 90 people. Swine Ten years of testing was completed at the Florida Swine Evaluation Center with 2167 head evaluated. The following data indicates the progress: Increased Increased Feed per Avg. % lean cuts value in value car. 100 Ibs. daily Backfat Car. Loin of chilled Pen feed conv. improve./ gain gain thickness Ig. eye car. wt. index /hd. hd. 340 1.68 1.5 30.37 324 1.71 3.85 1.34 30.33 4.72 1974-75 299 1.83 1.2 31.24 4.89 50.33 55.75 57.55 1965-66 1970-71 96.1 125.9 151.4 0 $2.46 $6.31 0 $4.80 $6.34 -- -1 .---_~i._ i---r-r. c: -; =;-i-; .- --.----C1,1-_. CZ.-il The Annual Swine Field Day was attended by 190 participants. High swine prices during the year stimu- lated interest in this event and all facets of the swine industry. The state swine specialist was selected for member- ship in the National Test Station Association. He at- tended meetings in St. Louis- to set up national rules and regulations for test stations. A task force of agricultural engineers and the Ex- tension swine specialist completed plans and served in an advisory capacity for a new farrowing-weaning house at the Dee Dot Ranch in Jacksonville Beach. These new houses have innovations that improve both sanitation and ventilation. Data from these houses will be made available next year for use in evalu- ating units of this type with a view to establishing a large production-line system in swine raising. Florida's 4-H Livestock Judging program hit a new high in 1975 when the Levy County team representing Florida at the national contest in Louisville, Ky., placed 8th overall. This is the highest place that any Florida team has achieved in livestock judging. Horses Adult Horsemanship Schools for leaders, agents and interested horse owners were held at Timpoochee 4-H camp and Welaka Research and Education Center. More than 100 enthusiastic adults, agents and leaders attended the training sessions to gain knowledge on teaching methods and the care and management of horses. 4-H organization and future area horse man- agement short courses and clinics were discussed. Approximately 441 4-H youth from 44 counties learned how to manage better themselves and their horses under the expert guidance of their leaders, agents and horsemanship school instructors. The week's program also included guest lecturers and demonstrators in nutrition, horse health, selection and judging, selection and care of tack and equipment, horsemanship and other subjects of interest. The newly developed facility at Welaka, which in- cludes three 24-stall barns, three teaching arenas and miles of trails, became an area of intense activity for four weeks during June and July. As the need and demand for this type of experience with horses and people increases, it is our hope that additional learn- ing facilities and expanded living quarters will be provided to meet this need. The State 4-H Horse Show and Judging Contest at Ocala on July 10-12 attracted 225 exhibitors. This number was a tremendous increase over last year's competitors. Alachua County was the high scoring county for the show. All four of the top awards went to Alachua County 4-Hers. The Extension horse peoialist trains 4 H leaders. In August, 30 of Florida's high point winners at- tended the Southern Regional 4-H Horse Champion- ships at Jackson, Mississippi. The Horse Public Speak- ing and individual and team Horse Demonstration winners also attended. The judging, contest was entered by 17 teams with Sarasota County winning handily and Alachua County finishing second. The Sarasota County team represented Florida at the Re- gional competition in Jackson, Mississippi. The Florida team that attended the regional cham- pionships represented the State 4-H Horse program very well. Florida had the winning team demonstra- tion, the 5th place individual demonstration and the 4th place public speaker. The Horse Judging team placed 9th out of 18 teams. The Horse Show ex- hibition did well. Florida 4-H'ers had the grand champion Quarter horse gelding and placed well in nearly all performance classes. A series of area Horse Short Courses were started in 1975. The first short course at Pompano Park had one session planned for trainers and other race track personnel and a second session designed for local pleasure horse owners. The second short course at Deland was for owners, breeders and trainers as well as other interested people. Short course subjects in- cluded nutrition and feeding, breeding, herd health, other management topics and training sessions. These area short courses will be finished in the spring of 1976. Planning horse programs for the year has been ac- complished by a series of five area (multiple 4-H dis- trict) meetings, attended by agents and 4-H leaders. At these meetings dates and places were set for Area Ir .. Horse Short Courses, Area Judging Seminars and Area 4-H Horse Shows. What horse owners, 4-H'ers, leaders and agents need from state specialists was discussed. Plans were made to help meet these needs. These meetings have been instrumental in keeping the state office informed so that specialists can better aid horse owners, breed- ers, youth-4-H and agents. Meats Florida Extension agents have used the 4-H meat program information to supplement other 4-H pro- jects. The following youth projects have utilized meat information and meat demonstration in area and state competition: 1. Know Your Beef 2. 4-H Food Programs 3. Cowbelle Demonstration 4. Youth Livestock Projects 5. Youth Fair Exhibits. Last year 13 4-H teams competed in the 4-H meats contest during 4-H Congress. Scores for the top five teams were only a few points apart, indicating agents and 4-H leaders had been working to learn as well as compete in the contest. At present meat market managers readily act as 4-H leaders in the 4-H meat projects because they realize this service helps the youth, the industry and the consumer. Bees and Their Products Florida's 1975 honey production of 24,480,000 Ibs. of honey was 51 percent more than the 1974 crop. Florida fell short of being the number one honey-pro- ducing state in the nation by only 20,000 Ibs. This production occurred in spite of the loss of good agri- cultural bee sites and lack of total cooperation be- tween beekeepers and other facets of agriculture and society. One particular area of major concern during 1975 was an effort to control and to reduce the numbers of melaleuca and the brazilian pepper tree in Florida. This movement is being backed by several organized groups. This move creates problems for beekeepers since a great deal of honey is produced from these two plants. Efforts have been continued to improve overall pub- lic awareness of the beekeeping industry. Television, radio and newsletters have been used to reach more people. The Annual Beekeepers' Institute keeps beekeepers and other interested groups up-to-date on pertinent problems of major concern. Success also has been accomplished in the 4-H bee program which receives funds from the Florida State Beekeepers and from the American Beekeepers Federation. Entomological and apicultural 4-H presentations have progressed. Efforts are constantly being made to promote hobby bee- keepers in the state. Letters, publications and other public contact have helped to create public awareness of the need for apicultural education. Several com- munity colleges now are offering training in apicul- ture. Apiculture has added one new service, resulting from needs of Florida vegetable growers. Extension specialists in the Vegetable Crops Department en- couraged growers to report that they were unable to obtain enough bees to provide mandatory pollination of certain crops. The efforts of the apiculturist with the beekeepers and Vegetable Crop's efforts with the growers led to the establishment of a growing list of beekeepers who are willing to commit hives for pol- lination purposes. The apiculturist maintains an up- dated list of beekeepers and addresses that is fur- nished upon request to interested farmers or county Extension workers. Dairy Science The three Extension dairy specialists work with the dairy industry through county Extension agents, allied industry representatives, DHI supervisors, dairy organ- izations and, frequently, directly with dairymen. Edu- cational programs provided for the industry include county and area dairy schools, workshops, personal contacts, seminars, field demonstrations and research, tours, surveys, telephone communications, correspon- dence and many types of publications, newsletters and popular magazine articles. Feeding and Nutrition The program developed in feeding and nutrition has been favorably accepted by dairymen in Florida. The program is continuous, requiring continuous input because of new technology and improved manage- ment techniques. The computer program developed for least-cost rations at the University of Florida is operational but not yet fully utilized by dairymen. A lack of understanding of the system and the compli- cated printout of material may account for this fact. During 1975 Florida participated in a regional com- puter program for least-cost rations and feeding man- agement. The program will become operational in January 1976 and will be tested in a number of Flor- ida herds during 1976. The program offers Florida dairymen 10 options for formulating dairy rations. Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI) Program The DHI program operates in Florida as a coopera- tive effort of dairymen (DHI association members) and the Florida Cooperative Extension Service. Extension leads and directs the program as an educational, demonstrational and research effort. Data realized from the program are used to make on-farm manage- ment decisions, to ascertain trends in performance of cows and groups of cows for profit, to select animals (sires and dams) of superior genetic merit and to moni- tor phases of dairy management including repro- duction, feed efficiency and economic return. DHI records are useful to dairymen in making management decisions. Performance of Florida DHI herds and all Florida herds are compared below. Average Milk Production (Pounds per cow, yearly) Year DHI 1950 1960 1970 1972 1973 1974 1975 6,548 7,756 10,105 10,890 10,666 10,985 11,400 DHI Superiority All Milk Lbs. $ 4,400 6,730 8,592 9,429 9,074 9,416 9,830 2,148 1,026 1,513 1,461. 1,569 1,569 1,570 Data obtained nationwide from the DHI program have made possible accurate evaluation of dairy -sires in artificial insemination (Al) service. This evalu- ation has provided dairymen tools for more accurate selection of sires than before. Genetic progress has been made to the extent that milk production has in- creased to an annual level of about 200-300 pounds of milk per cow. Milking Management The program involves primarily schools and clinics held in conjunction with the Extension Veterinarian. Educational programs are held in classrooms and at Dairy farms to include the proper use of milking equip- ment, the identification of good disease preventative *programs and the teaching of good milking practices. Eight such educational programs were held in 1975. Dairy Cattle Breeding and Reproduction Information on sire selection is made available by tabulation of DHI-USDA sire summary data. These summaries are distributed to all herds enrolled in the Extension programs continue to emphasize the importance of automated dairy waste disposal systems. DHI program and to county Extension agents for distri- bution to their clients. In recent months, emphasis has been placed on communicating the revisions of sire summary procedures to those using the informa- tion. Changes implemented in recent months serve to make the information more useful in evaluating sires accurately. Emphasis toward reproduction has been placed on determining causes of poor efficiency and deterrents to its improvement. County and area educational ses- sions have been held to consider methods for monitor- ing reproductive performance and increasing effi- ciency. A survey-type study was completed of DHI cooperating herds indicating poor heat detection, de- layed first service and lack of well defined goals by dairy herd managers. Organization and Personnel Management A relatively new program is receiving increased emphasis to demonstrate the need for good organ- ization and personnel management. A number of seminars have been held for dairymen to stress the importance of labor management. A survey was conducted during 1975 to establish the relationship of milking practices to certain man- agement practices. The results have been compiled and are to be made available to dairymen in 1976 In the form of a Dairy Personnel Management Guide. Dairy Technology Dairy Technology society meetings were conducted in Jacksonville, Tampa and Miami. Educational topics covered at the meeting included ultra-pasteur- ization of dairy products, CIP cleaning, and consumer problems facing the dairy industry. - . .i.. . . ____ A field trial on the washing of bulk milk transports was concluded and the results made available to members of both the Florida and National dairy in- dustry. From this study, guidelines for washing milk tankers have been developed and are now being used by members of the industry. Ultra high temperature pasteurization of cream products has become commonplace in the dairy in- dustry. Educational programs have been initiated to evaluate the effectiveness of this process to improve the quality of cream products at the consumer level. New problems such as heat stable quality deterio- rating enzymes, also become a problem because of the extended shelf-life of these products. Educational programs have been initiated to make processors aware of this potential problem and inform them of methods to detect these enzymes. Consumer accept- ance of UHT pasteurized fluid milk products will be a concern of the future. Programs to evaluate the ac- ceptance of these products have been initiated and the information gained will be made available to the dairy industry. The Extension dairy technologist has been ap- pointed to the National Conference of Interstate Milk Shipper Committee on Abnormal Milk and the Amer- ican Dairy Science Association Nominators Committee. Both appointments carry responsibilities that concern individuals at both the federal and state level. Dairy 4-H Projects and Activities Considerable emphasis was placed on the develop- ment of 4-H publications in 1975. These publications were printed: 1. 4-H Dairy Animal Project. 2. 4-H Dairy Goat Project. 3. Feeding the 4-H Dairy Animal. 1975. L. W. Whitlow and B. Harris, Jr. 4-H 252. 4. 4-H Dairy Health Care. 1975. L. W. Whitlow and B. Harris, Jr. 4-H 254. 5. Financial Management of the 4-H Dairy Project. 1975. L. W. Whitlow and B. Harris, Jr. 4-H 258. 6. Milking the 4-H Dairy Cow. 1975. L. W. Whit- low, D. W. Webb, and B. Harris, Jr. 4-H 255. 7. 4-H Dairy Goat Record Book. 1975. L. W. Whitlow and B. Harris, Jr. 4-H 264. 8. DY 75-38, Fitting and Showing 4-H Dairy Goats. 1975. B. Harris, Jr. 9. 4-H Dairy Record and Ledger. D. W. Webb and L. Whitlow. 4-H 232. 10. Selection and Management of your 4-H Dairy Animal. D. W. Webb and L. Whitlow. 4-H 251. 11. Breeding Management of Your 4-H Dairy Ani- mal. D. W. Webb and L. Whitlow. 4-H 253. 12. Fitting and Preparing Your 4-H Dairy Animal for show. D. W. Webb and L. Whitlow. 4-H 256. 13. Training and Showing Your 4-H Dairy Animal. D. W. Webb and L. Whitlow. 4-H 257. 14. Basic 4-H Dairy Cattle Judging. D. W. Webb. In addition to developing 4-H literature, a State 4-H Dairy Goat Show was established during the year. The first annual show is scheduled for Orlando in March 1976. Entomology and Nematology The Federal Environmental Pesticide Control Act and the Florida Pesticide Application Act require that users of restricted pesticides be certified. Extension has the responsibility for training both private and commercial applicators to meet the requirements. Considerable time and effort have been devoted to developing or obtaining training aids such as slide sets, video tapes, tape cassettes, films and publications to assist in the task. Extension agents from all counties were brought to the University for a week of intensive study to be- come certified trainers. They have the responsibility for training private applicators. Two USDA funded Integrated Pest Management Pilot Projects received considerable attention during the year. The Citrus Pest Management demonstration, now in its third year, continued to show promising results. The Pest Management blocks of round or- anges grown for the processing market received one less spray application than the comparable grower controlled blocks on a complete spray program. This practice resulted in an average savings of $25.85 per acre with no significant difference in the average in fruit size, yield, quality or spring flush growth re- sponse. Greasy spot control showed comparable re- sults. A second Pest Management Project which involves corn, peanuts and soybeans is being conducted co- operatively with Alabama and Georgia. This pro- gram, which also involves plant pathology, nema- tology and weed science, was begun in the spring. A full-time pest management specialist has been em- ployed for the project and 10 farmers with approxi- mately 3,100 acres of monitored crops are involved. The program has been successful to the point that many non-participating growers now have expressed a desire to enter the program. Although funds are not available at this time to expand the project, train- ing sessions have been initiated to help these growers establish and maintain their own programs. The Department of Entomology and Nematology received a new position in July to work on Imported Fire Ants. It is designed to be 70 percent Research on non-chemical control and 30 percent Extension. The Extension work in 1975 has been primarily to keep county Extension agents informed with periodic re- ports and by working in counties with them. The Nematode Assay Laboratory processed 6,310 samples of soil and/or roots for plant parasitic nema- todes-30 percent more than the preceding year. Supervision of the laboratory and making nematode control recommendations on the basis of assay reports required much of the Extension nematologist's time. Extension entomologists made a concerted effort in 1975 to work closely with various associations whose members deal with insect management and control. Thirty regional and state-wide workshops were con- ducted in conjunction with the Florida Pest Control As- sociation, Florida Seedsmen and Garden Supply As- sociation, Horticultural Spraymen's Association of Flor- ida, Florida Golf Course Superintendent's Association, Florida Mosquito Association, Florida Turf Grass As- sociatikn and Florida Nurserymen and Grower's As- sociation. Approximately 1,800 persons attended. Field research and demonstrations were conducted by Extension entomologists in the following areas: household cockroaches, insecticide resistance in house flies, distribution of poultry mites, bionomics and con- trol of arthropod pests of domestic animals, analysis of ultra low volume insecticide aerosols, mole cricket control in pastures and turf, biology and control of the Applicators of restricted pestioides must be certified according to imported twig beetle, ground pearls in turf, insecticide law and Extension has the -resonsibility for training them to phytotoxicity to foliage and woody ornamentals, meet the requirements. IFAS specialists started gearing up for this evaluation of insecticides, predators and parasites of tea scale and control of the sweet potato weevil. Food and Resource Economics Community and Rural Development Extension personnel provided leadership for a state- wide conference on land use planning and a nation- wide conference on rural underdevelopment and pov- erty. Training meetings were held with county per- sonnel on agency resources for community develop- ment. A community resources conference focused on information about programs for the consumer, the elderly and the disadvantaged. Additional mini- workshops were held with county personnel on com- munity development programming. A number of meetings and working sessions were held with local and regional agencies to work on planning and de- velopment issues. Publications, slide sets, TV and radio programs, and other educational materials were completed or begun on community change, the need for planning, land and water use, solid waste man- agement, poverty, housing, small, farm management and economic information. Late in 1975 a farm management economist was added to the community development effort in the area of small farm problems. Activities in the small farm area included an evaluation of the feasibility of a rural training center for small vegetable producers, establishment of contacts with the 1890s program in record keeping and enterprise analysis, and formula- tion of long range program goals and objectives. Marketing The development and dissemination of commodity outlook information remained one of the major re- sponsibilities of Extension economists during a year of volatile commodity prices and rising costs. Outlook information was provided through the newly estab- lished Florida Food and Resource Economics News- letter, mailouts to county Extension personnel, pre- sentations at County meetings and industry field days, and articles in popular periodicals. A major shift in the supply-demand relationship in- ::liri-r--ri;- iii~*;ri-ut~-iri-lilr*l .;c.e ~i iiir .--i-li---;ri~- I -- .--- ..- .-,.m. .r- :.,;--. ri~..i ;t- ;-r- -.- : -.: ~- ... ..;... the cattle industry and the squeeze between declining prices and rising costs in cattle and citrus led to com- plex decisions by growers and ranchers. Educational materials were prepared explaining and giving ex- ample of cattle and citrus marketing options. A joint effort of livestock marketing and farm management economists led to a regional task force which prepared a report on management and marketing options for southern beef producers. A citrus marketing school was conducted in the mqjor citrus counties for citrus growers. An Extension economist was requested to present marketing alterna- tives for citrus growers to the Florida Senate and House Agricultural Committees. A futures market workshop explaining the basics of the operation of the futures market was presented to beef cattle and swine producers, soybean and corn growers, feed manufacturers and bankers from a four- county area. A publication explaining how citrus growers could use the futures market was prepared and distributed. A feasibility study of beef cattle cooperative mar- keting which was initiated by Florida economists and economists from the Farmer Cooperative Service is part of a southeastern regional study and will be com- pleted in 1976. Assistance was given by Extension economists to both producer and consumer groups interested in es- tablishing cooperatives. Collective action for broiler, lobster, field crop, vegetable and ornamentals pro- ducers was explored as well as the cooperative pur- chasing of farm supplies. Marine Economics Concentration of activity in the red snapper-grouper fishery began with a symposium on the problems of this group. Data were gathered with the help of an Area Marine Agent from 10 commercial fishing ves- sels and seven party boats along the Northern Florida coast on the production and costs of their operations. Results of these data were combined with those on the marketing and price trends of red snapper and grouper to enable a presentation on the economics of this particular fishery to the Gulf States Marine Fish- eries Commission. Further activity developed when commercial fisher- men operating out of Tarpon Springs and John's Pass requested similar information be developed on their vessels. Working with the County Extension Director in Hillsborough County, production and cost records were obtained from 10 vessels and analyzed. These results were made available to the commercial fisher- men in a presentation in John's Pass. Initial results indicate a much higher economic re- turn to vessels operating along the northern Gulf than from those operating around Tarpon Springs and John's Pass. Returns to the captain and owner ranged from $15,331 for 42-47 foot vessel to $44,454 for 57- 59 foot vessels as compared to around $7,000 for ves- sels from John's Pass and Tarpon Springs. This pro- vides an example of spin-off in activity from one area to another. A recently completed study of the shrimp processing industry in Florida also has received a favorable re- sponse from industry people. This study, done by re- search members of the department, has been the sub- ject of several Extension publications. Members of several industry groups along the lower East Coast reported in late 1974 that damage to nets and gear and fish losses caused by interference by porpoises in fishing activity was resulting in sub- stantial economic losses. These fishermen requested help from the Florida Sea Grant Program to determine the most effective deterrents to porpoise interference. To determine economic losses, the department con- ducted a survey, the results of which indicated that the King and Spanish mackerel fishermen in the four- county area were losing about $440,000 annually in gear, fishing time, and fish. Losses were evenly di- vided between netters and hand-liners in total, al- though individually the net fishermen suffered greater economic losses. Average losses for each net fisher- man was $1,640 per year and to handline fishermen, $915. Farm Management North Florida farmers are faced with potential changes in the peanut program and some new crops which may call for a changed cropping mix. A linear programming model was developed for the area which was used to evaluate such things as Maryland tobacco and Southern peas grown for processing in combination with different levels of peanut prices. The results give Florida farmers a "feel" for these changes and how they might affect their farms. Farm management specialists provided up-dated information about the returns to land available from ranching. This information was presented to the property appraisers and is being used in the assess- ment of more than 12 million acres of Florda grazing lands. A joint task-force of the Southern Extension Farm Management and Marketing Committees has devel- oped a way to provide decision-making information for Southern beef cattle producers. The committee publishes each spring and fall a report which tries to anticipate likely prices and then analyzes beef cattle alternatives with those prices. The report is incor- porated in the work of the Extension beef cattle specialists in the southern states. Potatoes and cabbage have been the farming main- stay in the Hastings area for many years. More re- cently the net return per acre has declined for both crops. Responding to the need to increase net farm income, county Extension agents for the last four years have scheduled grower meetings which provide tech- nical and economic information about the production of alternative crops, principally corn and grain sor- ghum. This year, area farmers have planted some 5,000 acres of corn and 3,000 acres of grain sorghum, up from about 1,000 acres four years ago. These new crops will generate about $1.5 million in gross Income for the area farmers. Food Science In 1975 an Energy Conservation Short Course was presented for the food industry. Major topics for this three-day course included (1) energy resources--out- look for Florida, (2) energy demand and conservation in food processes, (3) energy savings in heat ex- changers and evaporation processes, (4) in-plant con- servation of energy and (5) materials handling. More than 75 participants received expert guidance on this critical subject. Florida food processors and major out-of-state food processors were represented. In- formation on energy conservation was disseminated throughout the year. The first Florida Food Processing Industry Conference was held March 12-13. The program theme was "Regulations and Their Cost to Industry." Specific top- ics included nutritional labeling and nutritional guide- lines, universal product code, regulations and require- ments for waste management, energy costs and clear Water costs. More than 100 representatives from firms processing the major food commodities partici- pated in the conference. The conference was co-spon- sored by the Cooperative Extension Service and the Florida Food Processors Advisory Council. The Food The t wnel n fteed i ntiet instructs paticipant int the commun- ity canning program on container inspection for canned foods. Fo Extension forestry during 1975 continued to keep county Extension agents and the Florida public up-to- Processors Advisory Council was formed in 1975 and has representatives from the citrus, dairy, fisheries, meat-packers, poultry, sugar-cane and vegetable pro- cessing industries. In 1975 five tomato lye-peeling systems were in- stalled by Florida tomato canners. Earlier Florida Ex- tension demonstrations and research had shown the lye peeling process to be a significant improvement over the process that was in current use by the in- dustry. The lye-peeling procedure results in improved product yields and quality and reduces the processing labor required. The adoption of this process by the industry is the successful completion of the Extension program objective. Twenty-two "Seafood Preparation and Preservation Workshops" have been presented in cooperation with county home economics agents and the MAP Multi- County-Florida DNR agents to acquaint the public with the nutritional and economic value of an increased consumption of seafood. Demonstrations concerned with methods of catching, proper handling to preserve quality, proper preparation, and proper preservation were presented. I winu umaw lyu-pun m. procu aown unr aruW 1 m unpro y product yields and quality and rduces processing labor required, according to Florida Extension demonstrations and researcir. restry date on current forest resource developments and Is- sues. Unfortunately, the Extension forester was on II -rr.lr. r--~-- i- ---~- ---^ -.-;.. r extended sick leave during most of 1975, so several planned meetings and training sessions were post- poned. Emergency requests for assistance continued despite planning efforts. Today local county and urban for- esters handle most routine forestry problems and in- formation requests. But tough problems such as for- est nursery fertilization recommendations or outbreaks of pitch canker disease in pines can be serviced only by consulting personnel at University research facil- ities. Here also numerous questions were answered on frog farming and worm ranching. TV shows, radio programs, exhibits, news stories and printed forestry and wildlife reports continued to communicate useful information to agents and land- owners. Subjects developed during the year included forest fertilization, poisonous snakes, common native plants, tree diseases, tree growth and Christmas tree farming. A unique new training system involved the development of a special slide series on firewood for use during a telelecture training session for west Flor- ida agents. More than 2,000 4-H members were taught basic forest appreciation during the year. Twenty-five teams of 4-H members participated in the successful fifth annual 4-H Forest Ecology Contest during the Forest Festival at Perry. In addition, Extension co- hosted the National Conference of the Conservation Education Association. Leisure education and recreation consumer informa- tion programs continued to develop statewide. County mass media programs were supported by fact sheets, individual updates and TV programs that were gen- erated at the state level. A pilot six-week short course in family tent camping was successful in Alachua County and tentative plans have been made by 22 counties for a similar course in 1976. Several new program planning aids for county staff also were initiated or continued in progress. Recreation research results and resource manage- ment information were disseminated to nine major agencies and professional associations dealing with parks, recreation, tourism and land management. Formal meeting presentations and committee assist- ance were used by the state outdoor recreation special- ist to support and build a quality statewide continuing education program for recreation land managers and other professionals. In addition, three significant planning and management demonstrations were either completed or in progress for a unique wildlands park, an industry forest management interpretation center, and a foster home complex for boys. Private land owners were assisted in evaluating multiple use schemes including recreation to boost productivity of their lands. A major effort focused on the Florida commercial camping industry which con- tinues to suffer during a period of economic adjust- ment. An 8-month camping market study and anal- ysis was undertaken that resulted in frequent sup- port of the industry association and the development of a research project to gather urgently needed market information. Fruit Crops Citrus The second in a continuing series of in-depth educa- tional programs was conducted in 1975-The Second International Citrus Short Course and Tour. This short course explained the area of citrus water relations and was attended by citrus growers from Florida, Texas, California and several foreign countries. Three days of lectures were followed by a 21/2 day field tour of irrigation and drainage demonstrations. A proceed- ings compiled from invited papers is currently in press. It will be sent to all short course participants. Copies of the proceedings will also be made available to interested growers and research and Extension person- nel who were unable to attend the meeting. Short course programs were planned with the as- sistance of an advisory committee of growers and re- search and Extension faculty. Regular biennial meet- ings of the Short Course series were held and were successful. Deciduous Fruits Active Blueberry, Pecan, Peach and Grape Growers Associations have' provided the keys to success to Ex- tension efforts in deciduous fruits. Close working re- lationships with these associations have created a co- hesiveness in these fragmented industries. Field days in each of the major commodity areas represented by grower associations have further strengthened Ex- tension programs at both the county and state levels. In-service training for Extension agents in deciduous fruit-producing areas have helped increase their ex- pertise. Subtropical Fruits The Annual Subtropical Fruit Institute played host to larger number of growers than ever before. Trop- ical fruit production is characterized by high returns and high risks due to management problems in cul- tural operation. Therefore, Extension expended con- siderable time in local educational programs to bolster A two and a nar day tourwor irrigation and drainage aemonstratons w check a drainage system (left) which is part of the S. W. A. P. project irrigation systems used in Florida groves (right). grower knowledge in the culture of subtropical fruit crops. Training of agents in areas of tropical fruit pro- duction was conducted this year to assist them in deal- ing with increasing numbers of urban and commercial grower problems. Urban Fruit Crops Ever-increasing demands on the time of Extension agents and specialists by urban fruit growers has necessitated the formation of an organized program Ornamental Interest in all facets of ornamental horticulture by taxpayers, whether business or home oriented, con- tinued at an all-time high during 1975 despite less than desirable economic conditions. Increased de- mands for service, coupled with reduced funding, necessitated a critical review of previous methods for disseminating information. Reported earlier was a trend by county Extension staff toward pooling of personnel and technical ex- pertise for use across county lines. During 1975, state specialists in cooperation with county Extension per- sonnel extended the pooling concept to include re- gional meetings on a long-range, pre-planned basis. The primary purpose of this approach was to in- crease.audience numbers while decreasing program duplication, expenses and travel by state specialists. Efforts will continue during 1976 toward logical county grouping for continued expansion of the "pooled/re- gional" concept. Pooling was also applied to printed information during 1975 in the form of an information packet dis- tributed monthly by the Ornamental Horticulture De- partment to all county Extension directors and agents handling ornamentals. Included in the packet were as a part or me econa international ultrus snor course. rartcipais .t (soil, water, atmosphere and plant relationships), and one of several for urban growers. Several mimeos have been pre- pared for use by agents and more are on the way. An Urban Horticulture Task Force composed of faculty from Ornamental Horticulture, Fruit Crops and Vege- table Crops has been assembled to assist with pro- gramming at the county level and to provide ad- ditional educational materials for agents' use. A joint horticultural training school is planned for next fiscal year. Horticulture reprints of available research articles gathered from Main and Branch station research personnel. Also in- cluded was the OH REPORT, consisting of a News Section containing items of general interest to all per- sonnel which prefaced an Ornamentals Commodity Section broken down into individual commodity fact sheets on Foliage, Floriculture, Woody Ornamentals, Urban Horticulture and Turf. Of particular interest is the fact that individual fact sheets were photo-ready for duplication and distribu- tion by county Extension personnel. This approach minimizes bulk mailing at the state level and un- necessary duplication since segmented information permits selection and duplication at the discretion of county personnel to best fit program needs. An in- herent weakness of this approach is that failure to duplicate and distribute at the county level could easily create an information bottleneck since state distribution is limited to county Extension personnel. Not included in this report are state meetings con- ducted by state specialists and those in cooperation with industry such as the Annual Florida Turfgrass Association Conference/Show, National Tropical Foli- age Short Course, Floriculture Short Course and the .,-. -.---.:-~~; lii Garden Club Short Course. This last short course is co-sponsored by the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs which lists 31,000 clubs in its membership. Average attendance at individual meetings was more than 600 conferees. Plant Pathology Approximately 50 talks were given at various meet- ings, short courses, and schools in 1975. Discussions of diseases of plants in all commodity areas reached more than 7,000 people. These programs, in addition to preparing or assisting in preparing approximately 20 publications such as circulars, Plant Protection Pointers, technical papers and production guides, en- abled Extension Plant Pathology to disseminate plant disease control information to a large portion of Flor- ida's population. In addition, the field crops and vege- table sections of the "Florida Plant Disease Control Guide" were completely revised. About 2,000 copies of the Control Guide have been issued to people in the United States and 35 foreign countries. More than 1,200 plant disease specimens were re- ceived in the Plant Disease Clinic during 1975. Many of these specimens were submitted by the homeowner or commercial grower, but the majority were from county agents. Research demonstration test plots on soybeans, pea- nuts, wheat and pearl millet resulted in new plant disease control measures for Florida growers. In a comprehensive review of the Plant Pathology Department in the fall of 1975, it was concluded that there was a pressing need for additional personnel in Extension Plant Pathology. Apparently, this opinion was unanimously held by the review committee and research plant pathologists. Although the final re- port has not yet been received, it is generally believed that it will emphasize strongly the fact that two path- ologists cannot adequately and efficiently carry out .the Extension plant pathology program needed in Florida. Poultry Science Emphasis has been placed on assisting poultry feed manufacturers with ingredient quality control pro- grams. Throughout the state, Extension education has helped feed mill managers and personnel to look for and eliminate problems caused by aflatoxins. Feeding methods developed by Florida Poultry Sci- entists to increase egg size during hot weather have been brought to poultry producers in state conferences and personal visits by the Extension staff. This de- velopment has helped Florida egg producers reduce a serious problem. Through cooperative efforts with other IFAS depart- ments, research results have been compiled into Ex- tension literature on use of poultry manure for fertil- izer on field crops. This useful information was de- veloped to offset the shortage of inorganic fertilizer for the benefit of the poultry producer and the farmer growing field crops. As a continuing program, 4-H and youth have been assisted by the Extension poultryman in producing quality pullets for their own use in small layer flocks and to supply the demand from homeowners for qual- ity pullets. This successful project has helped supply the family with eggs and enabled the youngster to participate in county and state poultry shows. The total effort of the Extension poultry staff in 1975 has been to assist Florida poultry producers to con- tinue to produce and make available to Florida con- sumers quality poultry meat and eggs in an abundant supply and at a reasonable price. Soil Science The critical supply and high cost of fertilizers and liming materials are beyond doubt the reason that the largest number of soil samples for any single year were processed in 1975. More than 45,000 samples from all 67 counties, including some research and home or irrigation water samples, were analyzed. The program served all commodity disciplines and commercial agricultural enterprises as well as research programs underway. Faculty assisted with 27 programs for the Florida Seedsmen and Garden Supply Association, Cow-Calf Clinics, Forage and Beef Cattle Workshops and other commodity groups concerning fertilizer materials, the economic situation and soil testing. This effort provides Extension agent training and the opportunity to get current information to growers for applications in their commodity operations. An additional benefit is increased visibility of depart- mental faculty and the awareness of Extension agents, association members and growers that important soil science information is available. Test demonstration experimentation is continuing tino cooperation with TVA, local county agents and private landowners to evaluate the use of certain agronomic practices within a given county and to demonstrate these practices to local farmers. There are four types of demonstrations. Two involve pas- ture grass, clover and fertilizer and lime utilization. Two involve soybeans and calcium materials. This work will be continued. Florida's Fifth Fertilizer and Lime Conference was held in May. There were approximately 80 conference participants representing middle and top level in- dustry management. Their written evaluations showed that the material presented filled a need, particularly in view of the current economic situation. It has been recommended that this conference be held on an annual basis. The sixth conference is scheduled and preparations are underway. Several thousand 4-H members and other youth from 37 counties took part in land appreciation school and judging contests to improve their understanding of Florida soils. Teams demonstrating the highest competence in county contests were eligible to com- pete at the state level. The state level awards program was sponsored by private enterprise and professional societies. Winners received an expense-paid trip to represent Florida In the national contest. Benefits realized include increased technical com- petence 'in team coaches, increased knowledge and skill on the part of participants, an understanding of the interrelationship of resources in the environment and increased interest in higher education toward re- source-centered careers. The annual 4-H Conservation Camp, a program in its 40th consecutive year, has as its objectives better understanding of and appreciation for ecology, learn- ing experiences related to conservation of both human and natural resources, skills in satisfying out-of-doors activities and development of leadership skills through conservation action programs. The program provides an opportunity to engage older 4-H youth in natural resource explorations. One of the more important potential results is the oppor- tunity these older youth have to develop knowledge and leadership skills to share with fellow club mem- bers at home. Donors will continue to sponsor the ef- fort with their characteristic generosity. Some new and exciting prospects promise a significant expansion of this approach to conservation education. Vegetable Crops Department A lively interest in producing stood at home has prompted extension to develop a vigorous program in home gardening as a part of a continuing effort to help Floridians. Commercial Prodution Vegetables grossed a record $486 million for grow- ers in Florida for the 1974-75 season. The increase in gross value is largely attributable to increased yields. Statistical data for the season shows a significant in- crease in yield for 14 of the 15 major vegetables re- ported. Yield alone does not tell the whole story. With it has come a general improvement in grade and quality. The Vegetable Crops Department made notable contributions to the industry in Florida in many ways over the past year. Increases in yield result from im- proved practices. Extension workers throughout Flor- ida emphasized to growers the need to introduce the most modern techniques in production in a continuing effort to help keep the industry viable and growing. Extension's greatest success probably lies in the ef- fort to teach growers to economize as much as pos- sible in production. Inputs have been reduced with- out a loss in yield' The use of full-bed mulch, ac- cording to experienced growers, has resulted in a 40 percent reduction in tractor use. A modified soil test- ing program introduced by Extension more than a decade ago demonstrated to growers that too much fertilizer not only is costly, but also may reduce yields. Old vegetable lands with high levels of residual phos- phorus can produce excellent vegetable yields with reduced applications of this nutrient element. Growers are incorporating these money-saving prac- tices into their programs at a very satisfactory rate. These, as well as many other practices constantly brought to the attention of vegetable growers, are paying dividends as evidenced by three consecutive, record-breaking seasons. Efforts in the major commercial vegetable area have been paralleled by an intensive program with the marginal or small farm operators. Extension is work- ing jointly with other IFAS scientists to help improve the income of this group of Florida citizens. Harvesting and Handling The Extension program in harvesting and handling placed emphasis on improving quality at the retail and consumer level. Consumers have been very crit- ical of the tomato quality available in supermarkets. When the advantages of Florida's new variety for red- ripe harvest were explained to a large group of super- market executives, they responded enthusiastically with inquiries about availability. However, Florida tomato growers have shifted away from vine-ripe harvests to less frequent and less costly picking of green fruit. Since consumers claim they want better quality and are willing to pay for it, there appears to be a good opportunity for growers, handlers and re- tailers to cooperate in providing for this consumer de- mand. Vegetable Gardening In the area of Extension programs for home garden- ers, the most significant accomplishments were (1) the complete revision of the handbook, "Vegetable Gar- dening in Florida" with more than 100 black and white and 36 colored illustrations; (2) the conduction of a series of statewide meetings, involving support discipline specialists, to train garden supply store em- ployees; and (3) promotion of the mass-media tech- nique of telelecture as a way to reach home garden- ing audiences. Veterinary Science The economic situation and inflation have caused animal owners to make a greater effort to conserve resources and prevent losses from animal diseases. Florida's losses from animal diseases are estimated to be more than $100 million annually. With the de- velopment of the new College of Veterinary Medicine, the Cooperative Extension Service is trying to coor- dinate and expand animal health educational pro- grams with emphasis on preventive medicine or man- agement practices that reduce the incidence of dis- eases. Animal disease prevention programs were outlined in beef cow-calf clinics, dairy production schools, horse seminars and other educational meetings. The Veterinary Medicine Newsletter, Veterinary Medicine Fact Sheets, farm press items, TV programs, audio- visual aids, and other forms of communication were utilized to disseminate information about animal health to the mass media. Educational efforts also focused on proper and legal use of drugs in the treat- ment and prevention of diseases. Brucellosis eradica- tion, equine infectious anemia, tuberculosis and other diseases covered in regulatory programs were also given attention. More than 5,000 members were enrolled in Veteri- nary Science, Dog Care and Training and Pocket Pets 4-H programs. These programs were among the most popular animal-related 4-H projects that give young people a learning experience. Educational programs in veterinary medicine also emphasized animal diseases that are transmissable to man, such as rabies, brucellosis, leptospirosis, viral encephalitis and others. Reducing the incidence of diseases in wild and domestic animals is essential to public health. Pet population control and environ- mental programs were supported in the interest of public health and quality of life. Continuing education programs for veterinarians were utilized to keep practitioners informed about new research results and techniques in veterinary medicine. These programs help to improve the qual- ity of veterinary services. Special attention is being given to the availability of animal health care services in rural areas. Marine Advisory Program Marine Advisory Program Success Story-Shark Conference Responding to an environmental threat to Florida's multi-billon dollar tourist industry and commercial fishing industry, the Marine Advisory Program orga- nized, coordinated and conducted an international con- ference, "Sharks and Man-A Perspective," at Kissim- mee in November 1975. The objectives of the con- ference, attended by more than 250 persons, from three foreign countries and 15 states, were to examine in depth these topics: the history of shark attacks on man; the impact of sharks on commercial and sport fishing and the tourist industry; the legal implications of the shark hazard on beach communities; the popu- lation dynamics and behavior of sharks; anti-shark protective measures; and the potential for increased commercial utilization of sharks as human and animal foods and industrial products. This was the first conference of such broad scope, and it accomplished its objectives. Probably the prin- cipal benefit was its impact on the press and elec- tronic media who had, before the conference, treated the few shark attacks with a sensational, science- fiction approach, similar to that used in the book and movie, "Jaws." This treatment transformed occasional shark attacks into a near hysteria situation nationally. Since the conference, there has been a conspicuous absence of this type of reporting, probably because of the factual evidence presented at the conference which was accurately reported nationally. A post-conference shark attack on Florida's East Coast was not even given press or media coverage outside of the local community. Even there, it was reported in a low key. The conference also provided the opportunity to demonstrate with national news coverage the qualities of shark as a nutritious, appetizing and inexpensive human food. Several commercial ventures are now operative or being planned. Another outgrowth of the conference is the increased institutional and industrial interest in developing for use in commercial fishing operations effective elec- tronic devices that will reduce or eliminate the costly Sand frustrating losses of fishing net damage by sharks attracted to the commercially sought food fish. Spearheaded by the Marine Advisory Program, the conference included as co-sponsors the Florida Depart- ment of Natural Resources, National Marine Fisheries Service, Office of Naval Research, and the Coastal Plains Center for Marine Services Development. A principal speaker was Mrs. Beulah Davis, Director, Natal (South Africa) Anti-Shark Measures Board, who spoke on the effectiveness of shark protective devices on the Natal border. Participants at the shark conference, left, consumed 150 pounds of shark hours d'oeuvres. Chunks Were either breaded and deep fat fried or sauteed In a garlic butter sauce. Reaction was favorable. In response to interest generated at the conference, the Marine Advisory Program issued a publication, right, featuring answers to the most frequently asked questions about sharks. Home Economics Extension Home Economics Florida families are faced with rising costs of all major expenditures, with the most drastic increases in the cost of food, clothing, housing, health care and fuel for the home and for transportation. Since Ex- tension Home Economics is committed to helping peo- ple cope with day-to-day living problems, special emphasis is placed on conducting educational pro- grams that will assist them make the best possible use of their incomes. The challenge for Extension Home Economics is to -make education meaningful to persons with real and specific needs-the mother with young children, the isolated rural dweller, the aged, the Spanish-speak- ing citizeris, the inner city resident, the educationally deprived, black minority, native Indian and others who need information Extension Home Economics can supply. Recognizing that people who need educational as- sistance can not be categorized into a few groups for the convenience:of the educator, Extension Home Eco- nomics chooses a variety of methods that focuses on the needs of different clientele. As problems are identified in the counties, the state specialists and county home economics agents combine forces to ex- pand the resources available to them. New ideas are generated, materials are prepared and programs de- veloped to provide education that is relevant to the clientele's needs. These ideas are applied in their everyday lives to improve their quality of living. Florida Consumers Learning the Metric System As America moves toward metrication, it is impera- tive that consumers learn this measurement system. During the past year 52 Extension Home Economics agents met in area groups for training on the metric system. To assist them, the specialist prepared a metric teaching manual for agents attending. Extension home economics agents are helping consumers leam the metric system and understand the reasons for conversion. In 24 counties emphasis was placed on special pro- grams and activities designed to help county residents understand the reasons for conversion and to teach the basic metric units. In these counties 104 meetings - were attended by 6,000 people. In 18 counties lead- ers from Homemaker Clubs were given special train- ing so they could teach the metric system to their re- spective club members. In 15 counties programs were presented to various audiences including Kiwanis, Rotary, Sertoma, and Women's Clubs, vocational schools, teachers, lunchroom workers, the general pub- lic and church groups. In Walton County the Kiwanis Club requested that the Home Economics Program Leader give a program for homemakers. This pro- gram generated considerable newspaper publicity and favorable comment from the men who attended. Three counties used fair exhibits as a method of reaching thousands of people with metric information. In five counties information about the metric system was used in newsletters that are distributed to more than 11,000 persons. In Santa Rosa County 21 leaders representing 20 groups attended a three hour metric workshop taught by the agent. These leaders presented programs to 850 people. The Extension Agent taught the metric system to a graduate class of 50 students. She pre- pared learning packets which are being used to train teachers on a countywide basis. Another county agent gave a special program on metrication for the Holiday Rambler National meeting, attended by people from across the nation. In an- other small county the agent purchased a thousand paper cups that have metric questions and cartoons printed on them. She uses these for the beverages served at meetings to create interest in and awareness of the metric system. The Home Economics Agent in Hernando County was assisted by people who have recently lived irt nations using the metric system. From their experi- ence these people could explain the simplicity and ease of using metric units. This helped dispel fears of many in the audience about the metric system. In Brevard County persons attending programs on met- rication asked for additional classes. In another coun- ty, a program participant remarked, "One great bene- fit of programs on the metric system is that they eliminate misconceptions." A Lake County Extension agent reported that pro- gram participants "were surprisingly receptive to met- rication." In DeSoto County a program participant re- marked, "When I saw metric highway,signs and tem- perature readings, I thought it was for the benefit of foreigners coming over, now I find it is for people like me." In most counties learning was documented through the use of protests and post tests. On an average, scores increased about 55 points, from a low of 20 to a high of about 75. Generally scores were highest when workshops were longer. In all groups a definite change of attitude was evident. Participants lost their apprehension, replacing their concerns with a positive attitude and, in some cases, anticipation. Seven counties held special metric teaching pro- grams with 4-H groups. In Volusia County under the direction of the 4-H agent, 41 meetings reached 1,240 people. Florida will continue to prepare for metrication. Twenty counties have already developed plans for 122 special programs on metrication for early 1976. Housing As a result of the economic situation, the emphasis in housing concerns the process of reaching the low- moderate-income audience with educational programs on whether to buy, build, rehabilitate, repair or re- model housing. Homeownership continues to be an American goal. However, many people are not fully aware of the responsibilities and costs involved in homeownership. Current inflationary home prices are creating problems in the financing of a home among families in the middle and lower income levels. As a result, many families are renting apartments or pur- chasing or renting mobile homes because they can- not accumulate the down payment or afford the monthly costs of owner-occupied housing. Low to moderate income families find only de- teriorating and overcrowded housing because of problems of cost, transportation, restrictive zoning, lack of access to the decison-making process, unre- sponsiveness of government units and other social factors. Many young married couples must share fam- ily accommodations until housing is available at a price they can afford. Elderly people, facing adjust- ments to limited income, changing physical stamina, reduced social contacts, and new living patterns, are unable to maintain their homes or to secure suitable living quarters. Families moving from sub-standard housing into new or rehabilitated homes have particular educa- tional needs in the use and care of facilities and equipment, maintenance and repair, operation, man- agement and consumer information. Difficulties in bringing low to moderate income fam- ilies into a group teaching and learning situation have resulted in more one-to-one contact with the increased use of paraprofessionals or program assistants. In the four-county area of Lafayette, Suwannee, Hamilton and Madison, program assistants are pro- viding information to families in remodeling, repair- ing and maintaining their homes. It is estimated that in one county in four months, assistance to families in the process of building, remodeling or repairing re- sulted in more than $188,500 worth of improvements in housing. A program assistant in Lee County has provided educational programs for families in self-help housing and low-income housing projects. Visits to individual families have assisted them in all areas of home eco- nomics programs. Follow-up visits indicate that stan- dards of living have improved and families are in- terested in continuing with other self-improvement projects. In five counties, locally recruited VISTA volunteers, trained and supervised by the county Extension home economist, are reaching families and, after individual contact, are bringing them into group educational situ- ations. Four VISTA volunteers in Okaloosa County were called to active duty at the disaster center following Hurricane Eloise. The program assistants (VISTA) pre- registered each person coming to the center, directed the families to the registration table and the proper agency, and checked applications of all persons leav- ing the center to make sure they had the opportunity to confer with the agency responsible for serving their needs. Contacts were made by the program assistants to provide for future audience participation. Simple home repairs is an educational program which creates much interest and is being taught to low-income audiences and volunteer leaders as well as groups. All family members are learning to repair a leaky faucet, repair screens, replace a broken win- dow, patch holes in wallboard or plaster, set tile, and perform other household maintenance and repair tasks. Seven audio-visual cassette tapes, which dem- onstrate the step-by-step process in various simple home repairs, are available from the state specialist. Because mobile homes have become an alternate housing source in Florida, another educational pro- gram concerns mobile homes. Families who are buy- ing or already have bought a mobile home are con- cerned about these points: selecting and buying a mobile home; understanding the mobile home life style; learning how a mobile home is constructed and how to purchase accordingly; and mobile home main- tenance. Prehomeownership counseling, in cooperation with Farmers Home Administration (FmHA) and the Depart- ment of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is being presented to families who have never owned a home before. Responsibilities of homeownership that are emphasized include the mortgage payment, neces- sary fire insurance, paying yearly taxes, filing for homestead exemption, and the items covered by the new home warranty. Families also are assisted in making a choice of housing to fit their specific needs. In Escambia County, the agent has counseled 235 families. Just before Christmas, a mortgage company in Montgomery, Alabama, learned of her work and asked her to help an Escambia County family that was about to lose its home. The husband had lost his job, mortgage payments were overdue and telephone and electric service had been discontinued. After visiting and counseling the family, the agent helped the husband find a job. Then with the help of 4-H clubs and others, the family was presented food and gifts for Christmas. Home Furnishings By late 1974, the income needed to sustain the life- style of the average family rose more than 12.5 per- cent higher than previous year. Home furnishings costs rose 18.9 percent. This rise in cost of furnishings made it even more important than before that people learn to renovate present furnishings rather than buy new ones. As a result, popularity of reupholstering jumped sharply during the year. In Marion County alone, Sarah Thomas, Extension home economics agent, held five upholstery workshops In whichshe taught 104 people the skills needed to select fabrics and successfully reupholster a chair or couch. An example of savings is shown in an evaluation report developed from upholstery workshops in Okee- chobee County. Note the comparisons of prices for new chairs, costs for commercially reupholstered chairs, the actual cost of reupholstering the chairs which were done in the workshops, and the savings over buying them new. Chair Cost Commercially W and fabric new upholstered $ 89.00 $ 65.00 169.00 135.00 159.00 107.00 Rocking-Tweed Herculon Wingback-Floral Velvet Low Stuffed-Plaid Herculon workshop Saving cost over new $13.90 $ 75.10 25.68 143.32 22.64 136.36 From eight chairs reupholstered in the workshops, the homemakers realized a savings of $741.45. In addition to saving money that can be used for other items, people who reupholster gain pride and satisfaction from doing this job themselves. Extension reached 25,909 people with home furnish- ings information during the year, exclusive of mass media information. Food Preservation Suddenly in 1975 food preservation became a popular subject in Florida. The deluge of telephone calls to county offices was one major indicator of the interest and need for programs on food preservation methods and techniques. For example, during a peak extension responded to a suaden increased interest in food preserva- tion by educating people in proper methods and techniques. 30-day period, one Florida county responded to more than 300 telephone requests for assistance in food preservation. Another county averaged 100 calls per week during the peak of the season. Food preservation continued to gain popularity in Florida throughout the year. Many young people, with little or no previous experience in food preserva- tion, were getting involved. It became increasingly apparent that Extension could make a major contri- bution by educating people in proper methods and techniques of food preservation. As a first step, the state food specialist conducted training for all Extension home economics agents who provide leadership for food and nutrition in their coun- ties. Through cooperative efforts by the Extension Home Economics Department and other IFAS depart- ments, several agents also received additional training in methods and techniques of preserving seafood and beef. Many also received the technical training es- sential for work in community canning centers. Later, the state Extension home economics food specialist conducted area meetings throughout the state to fur- ther update the agents for their work in food preserva- tion. As another major step, all efforts were intensified to provide adequate support materials. Public demand was high for two publications, "Canning Florida Fruits and Vegetables" and "Freezing Florida Fruits and Vegetables." In 12 months, more than 35,000 copies of these publications Were used. Several thousand copies of miscellaneous food preservation materials also were distributed. The agents immediately launched their programs. During the year 42 agents conducted 162 county pro- grams on food preservation. The programs were pre- sented to 6,337 participants, including Homemaker Clubs, 4-H and other youth, adult groups and several other audiences. During 1976, 41 agents already have plans for 156 sessions on food preservation. Safety was stressed in all food preservation lessons. People began to see the relationship of time, tempera- ture and technique to safety and other aspects of qual- ity food preservation. In one county, the older ladies were the best students in safe food preservation tech- niques. They had been canning "like grandmother did" and were amazed to know that many of the methods they had been using were dangerous. They are now carefully including safe techniques in their food preservation efforts. Many approaches were used to teach food preserva- tion. Agents report reaching people through news- letters, county fairs, television and radio and weekly programs. Others participated through special inter- est adult groups such as preserving foods for gift items, equipment for food preservation, preserving citrus products, making jams and jellies, how to freeze Florida fruits, canning and freezing techniques for the novice, and canning specific foods such as tomatoes or green beans. Projects were also conducted for 4-H or other youth. Many agents reached additional au- diences through learn-by-mail classes and through co- operative efforts with community canning centers. For example, the Extension Home Economist in Walton County increased her contacts with new audi- ences by serving as a consultant for the County Can- ning Center. Last year she worked with 2,000 fam- ilies who canned 9,990 jars of food and prepared 3,512 packages of food for the freezer. One Extension home economics agent in west Flor- ida reported, "Jackson County is being CANNED, FROZEN, PICKLED AND JAMMED!" The agent further explained how she was successful in reaching large numbers of homemakers, especially low-income home- makers in this way: "The first meetings were held in the auditorium of our Agriculture Building. They were such a success that I decided to 'hit the road' with my jars and bags and spread the word throughout the land. In trying to reach the greatest number of homemakers, especially ENP (Expanded Nu- trition Program), I am scheduling training sessions in most towns and major communities. I some- times feel like I'm back in the 'Dark Ages' of Ex- tension, as many meeting places are without stoves and sinks. I borrow my husband's truck, load my trusty fish cooker, fill some jugs with water, and ride off to conquer botulism. "We had a little trouble at first in getting the word out about our meetings. Then I realized that since I'm competing for the homemakers time as are many others, I had to really advertise. After our 'jam session', I took jars of jelly to all the radio announcers. You should hear the dif- ference in how many times they give our meet- ing announcements. The newspaper gives us better spots in the paper with larger headlines. We also put fliers in grocery bags and carts when we're holding community meetings and place posters in strategic spots. It's made all the dif- ference in our attendance! "Homemakers can't seem to wait for me to get back to their area for other meetings in food preservation." As reported by Duval County, interest in home food preservation tripled in the past year because more people had home gardens to help stretch the food dol- lar; they could use food preservation as a wise leisure- time activity; and could express their creativity by preserving produce from their own gardens. Extension home economists were well-prepared to help Floridians develop the methods and techniques of home food preservation for safe, attractive, palat- able foods. Castoffs to Showoffs The purpose of Castoffs to Showoffs is for people to take a look at ways to save money by remaking some garments for family members. Because of the dur- ability of many of today's fibers, garments wear longer; we have more types of garments in our ward- robe; often they become too large or too small; and fashion changes, so why not recycle. The current economic situation has also influenced the importance of "making something from nothing." Recycling clothing has been emphasized this year by a program called "Castoffs to Showoffs." In the spring, Extension home economics agents from Or- ange, Pinellas, Leon, Walton, Manatee, Calhoun, Tay- lor, Broward, Polk, DeSoto, Duval, Brevard, Escambia, Dade, Lake, Sarasota, Volusia, Seminole, Clay and Suwannee Counties agreed to recycle one or more garments. The garments were sent to the state office to be photographed in the "before" state. They then were returned to the agents to remake using their imagination, creativity and sewing skills. During the summer they were completed, returned to the state office and photographed in their "new" look. These garments were the beginning of a "Castoffs to Showoffs" loan kit to be used by Extension home economists in their county programs. Materials de- veloped in support of this program included these: a slide set of the before and after of 37 garments; a slide set combining parts of slide sets from three other states; 10 transparencies, three colorful posters, a teaching outline that included objectives, suggestions Imaginative recycling transforms an outdated garment (left) into a fashionable little girl's dress. Th Showoffs program planned to assist people in saving money by remaking garments for family members. for teaching, reference list and background informa- tion., Four informational leaflets are used as handouts-- Lengthening and Shortening, Maxi-Changes, Mini- Changes, Trims; evaluation forms, both for the agent using the kit and for the participants attending the program. A media packet was prepared by the IFAS Editorial Department that included three newspaper articles, two black and white pictures and four radio spot. - At the end of 1975, the loan kit had been used in 17 counties to assist people in recycling or remaking clothing. It Is already scheduled to be used as a teaching aid in 28 additional counties. Extension home economists have used the kit and its information on television, radio, in the newspaper, for the general public and low-income, in leader training, with 4-H youth and in a home economics class. Homemaker Leaders Reach New Adiences Hillsborough County Extension Homemakers say, "Hit a person's wallet and you have hit his heart." They think it is sad but true that most of our society turns a deaf ear to the morals of drinking and even to the slogan, "If you drink that is your business, but if you drink and drive that is everybody's business." This group of dedicated Homemakers decided to help protect lives from people driving under the in- fluence of alcohol by alerting the public of what a first offense may cost. In Hillsborough County it could amount to $1,587. Here is the sequence of events, plus the cost involved, if you were stopped, ar- rested and found guilty of driving while intoxicated in Hillsborough County: etnt Coot . Sobriety Test at Roadside Placed under Arrest Frisked Car Impounded $ 25 Ride to Police Station Embarrassed Breathalyzer Test Booked Fingerprinted Photographed Jailed Minimum 4 Hours Bonded $502 Court Arraignment I C--- --L _;~-r-~W-- ------- ~'----- r---- ----~C~-----l - Secure A orney up to $500 Court Tricl If Guilty: Possible 6 months Jail Possible Fine $25 up to $500 Or both Drivers License Restricted or Revoked If Sent to DWI Counterattack School $ 30 Interview ed by Counselor $ 30 Probatio for Minimum One Year Total $1,587 The Extension Homemakers sponsored and pro- moted 'Alcohol Sunday." They contacted ministers of churches in their communities, encouraging them to warn embers of the cost of a first offense. The Homemr kers distributed 17,750 brochures warning of the da ers of drinking and driving and 87 churches particip ted in the program. The Extension Home Economics Advisory Committee assisted the Home- makers in the distribution of the brochures. Thro gh their concern for young people, the Exten- sion Homemakers began contacting driver education classes in the senior high schools. Often, they found that this information was not provided for the stu- dents. Brochures were taken to the high schools. An essay contest on the effects of alcohol was sponsored for sixth graders. A display and quiz board were used at the County Fair to get across the message on alcohol. The Home- maker were present to talk with people and distribute brochures. They estimate that they reached 3,000 people. In all, these Homemakers distributed 32,975 bro- chures on drinking and driving and ten newspapers carried releases regarding the program. Maternity Clinic Snacks Women who attend the maternity clinics in the state once a week often wait for several hours to be checked and see a doctor. Some come without breakfast or lunch. A health educator contacted one of the Bre- vard county Extension home economics agents, Mrs. Aurilla Birrel, and asked if the Extension Homemaker Clubs would be interested in serving nutritious snacks to these ladies. The Titusville Club volunteered to ac- cept the project for the north part of the county on a pilot basis for January 1975. An enthusiastic report from this club at the end of the month, encouraged the County Extension Homemakers Council to adopt the project. The Brevard County Nutrition Committee and the Brevard County Health Department were con- suited. The project has grown and now three area clinics in the county are included with 36 Homemaker Clubs participating. Twelve Clubs serve each area on a rotation basis during the year. The attendance aver- ages about 25 per week in the central section, 25-35 in the southern and 20 in the northern area. Black women compose about one third of the total attend- ance. The objectives of the Extension Homemakers are these: to share with prospective mothers knowledge and ideas of nutritious, appealing foods and attractive service; to extend friendship and bring educational information on various family livina problems: to in- Hom makers Clubs in Brevard County serve nutritious snacks to women who attend the area maternity clinics. The purpose of the clubs is to extend friendship and provide educational information on family living. _ ii i volve the groups in discussion; and to teach simple skills. The Health Educators have expressed their apprecia- tion with letters of commendation to the clubs. They report an increase in attendance at the clinic, less rest- lessness and more openness in class discussion. Also, they sense a more friendly attitude of the wo- men toward each other. Compliments have come from both patients and staff about the content and display of the food; the friendly manner of the Extension Homemakers and their caring attitude; and their willingness to share time, energy and money in this worthwhile project. The Homemakers plan to continue their work with these groups. Youth Programs r Florida 4-H 4 H girl tries her hand at cooking as a part of a special summer program sponsored by ENP funds. The popular concept of the 4-H Program is that of a highly effective and respected youth organization which has two basic functions-conducting educa- tional programs for youth and demonstrating youth program methods and organizational patterns. The modern youth program which survives the test of time not only continues those methods and approaches which have been successful, but also explores new possibilities and remains relevant in the eyes of those served by that program. Florida 4-H continues to seek examine and implement promising and creative methods, processes and curriculum offerings to reach and Involve today's youth in a meaningful and growth-producing educational experience. Continuing 4-H Programs 4-H membership last year passed the 100,000 mark with both Community Club membership and Special Interest Club membership showing gains. The num- ber of 4-H Volunteer Leaders also increased as inter- ested adults gave thousands of hours to helping young people learn new skills and develop people-to-people relationships. In addition, other phases of the Flor- ida 4-H program also expanded. PEP Clubs During the summer of 1975, 4,483 4-H PEP, "Please Eat Properly," members in 10 counties participated in 444 camps provide many educational experiences for Florida youth. special summer programs sponsored by Expanded Nutrition Program funds. Nutrition was taught through tasting sessions, tours, games, skits, songs and activities. The programs emphasized nutrition education, but combined other learning experiences such as grooming, health, manners, leisure activities and recreation. The programs were conducted in con- junction with other agencies such as the Parks Depart- ment and community schools. The programs were as varied as the 10 counties, with young people "learn- ing the importance of good nutrition and taking it back into their homes and educating their parents." 4-H Camps These camps have increased programming in con- servation and ecology awareness activities, creating an increasing use of camping for educational exper- iences rather than as a "reward" for past participa- tion. A member of the staff on the state level has been given major responsibility for the development of improved camp programming and for providing ,leadership in county efforts to improve county par- ticipation in educational programming using camps and camping. Citizenship Short Course To learn more about the functions of state govern- ment, some 125 senior high 4-H members participated anior nqin nern suay egslalive activities tlrsmana as a part of the Citizenship Short Course. as either lobbyist or State Representative in a three and one-half day Citizenship Short Course. The 4-H Legislature and lobbyists worked with six "bills." They followed the legislative hearing committee pro- cess, with each committee advised by a regular staff member from the House of Representatives. Members received firsthand information from Representatives and other state officials, the news media and a lobby- ist. For the actual legislative session, the 4-H members used the chamber and committee rooms at the Cap- itol. In addition to the legislative sessions, tours were made of the Supreme Court, the Governor's man- sion, the Capitol and the Leon County Election Super- visor's office where some participants had their first opportunity to use a voting machine. The short course gave these 4-H'ers an opportunity to study state government firsthand. It helped them to better understand the responsibility of the average citizen to his state government as well as the responsi- bility of state government to the individual. Community Pride This Florida 4-H activity relates to beautification, environment and conservation programs. It is a pro- gram in which youth and adults work together to make their community a more attractive, safe and healthful place to live. It is an action program. The focus is on a specific project which will improve the appearance, the human relationships or the quality of services offered in a community. This project is determined by the interest and needs of the youth and adults in a community. Youth work- ing together with adults can make a significant con- tribution to community development and improvement in the quality of our environment. Last year, 2,071 4-H'ers in 38 Florida counties wanted to improve a portion of their communities and did: 4-H members beautified community parks, renovated old buildings for community meeting houses, cleaned old lots and made community playgrounds, adopted foster grand- parents, studied the history of their communities, secured and painted trash barrels, landscaped school- grounds, cleaned up old cemeteries, built benches for bus stops, worked with handicapped children and as- sisted with improving historical buildings. Youth became more aware of community programs and community resources. Young people worked with adult community leaders in planning for community betterment and in implementing their plans. They are contributing to the overall attractiveness and develop- ment of their communities. Adults are more aware that our young people not only have ideas but the ability and the desire to work toward community de- velopment. Cooperative Efforts Extension Youth Programs have made a concerted effort to coordinate educational services and programs of other agencies in providing an increasing variety of activities for youth. Many public and private or- ganizations have been involved in this cooperative effort to marshall existing local programs for youth. In cooperation with the Soil Conservation Service, land-judging experiences were developed. 4-H members also were involved in putting on the youth portions of county fairs. The Dade County Youth Fair was selected for outstanding programming by the National Association of County Fairs. This "showcase" of 4-H Youth Programs provided a vehicle for many to learn of 4-H and its educational program- ming for youth. Through renewed self-confidence and use of abil- ities gained from participation as volunteer leaders, some women have found new opportunities in the job market. rvunru younas nave ine opporuniiy TO develop lano judging SKIIS as a part of the 4 H program. ,, .. Outstanding Agents in 1975 Mr. Paul Dinkins, who has major responsibility for S4-H in St. Johns County as the professional agent, re- ceived recognition as a National winner in the 4-H Environmental Quality Recognition Program from the SNational Association of County Agricultural Agents. Mrs. Joy Satcher, 4-H agent in Brevard county, re- ceived the Distinguished Service Award from the Na- tional 4-H Agents' Association, a first for Florida. Mrs. Marylou Shirar, 4-H Agent in Palm Beach .County, received the NAEHE Distinguished Service SAward from the National Association of Extension Home Economists. Looking Toward the Future Using local "grass roots" committees, agents are continuing to examine and question existing content and methods with a view toward not only keeping 4-H Youth Programs relevant, but reaching out to in- volve previously unreached youth in future-oriented educational experiences. The same valuable growth-producing experience for the individual is continuing. A county 4-H coordina- tor reports: There was a significant change in Paul from a sullen, reticent, personally aggressive boy to a smiling, receptive, energetic youngster, due large- ly to his taste of success in 4-H. This is happening to an increasing number of youngsters in Florida, both in rural and in urban- suburban areas of the state. Many don't start out as sullen or reticent, but continue to build on already established positive educational experiences obtained in both the formal and informal educational programs provided. In Florida, 4-H is seen as one of the most highly effective and respected youth organizations providing excellent informal educational experiences for all Florida youth. Members of th Brighton Indians 4 H their community. An increased interest in educational programs on horses and riding has led to the development of this facility at the IFAS Research and Education Center at Welaka. Cooperative activity with the Extension Horse Spe- cialist, offering educational programs for significant numbers of youth and adults, has led to the develop- ment of a facility at the IFAS Research and Education Center at Welaka. Day camping experiences were utilized, cooperating with other youth-serving agencies including local recreational departments, the Red Cross, Girl Scouts, Girl's Clubs and similar agencies. St. Johns County produced national winners in the Marketing Division of Horticulture with a presentation on the promotion of Florida potatoes. The Production Division entrant won national level competition with a demonstration on terrariums. 4-H was included with several organizations in- volved in assisting the Vietnamese refugees housed at Florida's Eglin Air Force Base. Efforts were underway to provide a significant increase in individual member participation in this program when the rapid move- ment from the housing area at Eglin occurred. The program did not develop to its fullest potential, but 4-H was concerned and prepared to provide educa- tional experiences for Vietnamese youth. New Ideas in 1975 Basketball, eye testing, astronomy and studying land formations are some of the new and somewhat unusual curriculum vehicles utilized in youth develop. ment through 4-H today. Consumer education gen- erally, and specifically, the metric system, home judg- Sing, banking, upholstering and similar subject areas are emerging as attractive to many formerly un- reached youth. Time-tested project areas such as schoolyard and backyard gardening, career education, clothing construction and similar production-oriented topics as well as energy conservation are receiving a new emphasis in the pressing economic situation families face. The bicentennial year preparation which began this year saw a significant increase in interest in areas A new series of marine science educational units places Florida 4 H in the forefront in this area of special interest programs. This 4 H girl demonstrates stone crabbing. such as bread making, food preservation and "old" crafts and almost forgotten American handicrafts, songs and dances. Several counties implemented significant activities in the areas of bicycle handling, inspection and re- pair, cooperating with community law enforcement and commercial bicycle dealers and repair shops. Other educational efforts utilizing local law enforce- ment, public health and similar public and private agencies have implemented the Cooperative Exten- sion's efforts to educate the public about, and co- ordinate utilization of, existing local resources to meet local needs. An Outdoor Ecology Classroom This classroom adjacent to school, including a greenhouse to raise plants to beautify a community in St. Johns County, enlisted the cooperative efforts of the school, the local extension youth agents and other Extension Specialists. The County Forester was invited and, using this classroom, involved 2,825 youth and adult leaders in conservation forestry study. Marine Education Program The Florida Sea Grant Program, the Marine Educa- tion Station at Crystal River and the Extension Marine Advisory Program cooperated with 4-H in the develop- ment of a series of marine science educational units. Member and leader materials being developed will place Florida in the forefront in marine educational program materials. In addition, materials for a Ma- rine Educational Kit were selected and compiled and will be distributed to the county staff for use in a marine education program. Program Development Youth themselves have become more involved in program development. They are having a greater voice in decision-making and in planning and imple- menting 4-H Programs. The county, district and state levels provide opportunities for council membership and activity. Teen Leadership Forum To strengthen the 4-H leadership program in Flor- ida, 137 4-H'ers from 41 counties were involved in a Teen Leadership Forum at the University of Florida in June. During the four-day forum, the delegates were involved in sessions which featured among other things, Communicating with Others and Parliamentary Procedure. Other sessions were held for 4-H'ers with topics relating to their more specific needs. The teen leader's section included sessions on Understanding People and Techniques of Teaching. This was Flor- ida's first experience in providing such a leadership experience for the older 4-H'ers. Sections of the Forum program have been duplicated for teen leaders at the county and district levels. The positive response from the 4-H'ers and agents indicate that the Forum was a success. Work with Agents and Volunteer Staff The evolution of the 4-H Program from one of pro- duction-oriented education in agriculture and in home economics, to one of youth development with a variety of curriculum content and processes of providing the educational experience, has led to a need for signif- icant changes in the function of the Extension 4-H youth professional. As a professional, the agent is becoming more of a program and resource manager, coordinating the activities being carried out by para- professional and volunteer staff. "MAD" The Florida State 4-H Staff initiated and imple- mented a major staff development effort labeled "MAD"--Make A Difference. Agents were brought together as professionals to consider their roles and the directions of programming efforts to assure that 4-H youth programs in Florida continue to provide meaningful and relevant growth-producing educa- Youms nave a greater voice man ever before in decision-mal program planning through membership in the 4 H Council. _ Statr 4 H staff members meet to consider ways to direct program efforts so that 4 H programs provide relevant educational exper- iences for youths. tional experiences for youth. This long term staff development effort is continuing into 1976. "People Problems" Increasingly, the larger communities are being in- volved in the clarification and examination of com- munity needs and problems which may be approached through 4-H youth development programs. 4-H Agents, working with adult and youth committee members completed a "People Problems" survey in each county. The information from these efforts is being used to establish county and state level pro- gram priorities. Leader Recruitment Recruitment activities at county fairs, development of county 4-H Leader's Councils, monthly and week- end leader preparation sessions have all provided significant 'contributions in an increase in volunteer participation and an increase in quality leader de- velopment in 4-H Youth Programs. S- "n MT puMrUUpla In H i In k..OLmr.rmnI r-rum 1o r nFUflnwn leadership in Florida clubs. Several counties have cooperated in a leadership development weekend for older 4-H'ers at a 4-H camp facility. In addition, personnel of several counties made a concerted effort to increase parent participa- tion in the 4-H experience for youth. These programs included Parent-day picnics, contacts through radio and television programs and local newsletters about 4-H. Many parents have been included in a catalog of interests and special abilities of adults for eventual utilization as resource persons in 4-H education ex- periences. Several counties have developed Leader's Handbooks to facilitate the involvement of adults who have a desire to serve as volunteer educators of youth. As additional spin-off, many adults benefit from their participation as leaders or resource persons and in other activities as volunteers in 4-H. Parents find an increase in family communication and improved family relationships through family cooperative efforts in 4-H activities and events. _ ___ i ~_ Y __II~^ ____l/i___/ 1~ /Y _~ _CI_~ i__lil~ __~_ ~_ ~I_ ____~_ ~ ___jfll_ ~ L_ Florida A&M Programs Florida A&M Programs The Florida A&M Programs provide specialized edu- cational assistance to individuals, families and com- munity groups with limited resources. These audi- ences are provided specialized Extension programs in community development, 4-H youth development, con- sumer education, commercial agriculture and com- munications. To conduct these programs, the Florida A&M Extension unit coordinates the educational re- sources of Florida A&M University, the University of Florida and county Extension units. County participation in the Florida A&M Programs increased from four to 16 counties during 1975. This expansion enabled Extension personnel to reach larger numbers of low-income audiences with educational programs to: improve community living environments; develop leadership among youth and adults; manage family resources; manage farm businesses; and utilize educational media. Community Development Extension personnel provided assistance in leader- ship development among residents of low-income communities. In Gadsden County, two adult community clubs were instructed on the procedures for becoming a chartered non-profit organization. As a result, both of these clubs, serving the St. Hebron and St. Johns- Robertsville communities, have been chartered by the State of Florida. In Jefferson County, another group assisted by personnel of the Florida A&M Programs is taking the necessary steps to become a chartered com- munity organization. In addition, program assistants in Gadsden and Liberty counties aided more than 250 people by refer, ring their problems to numerous State and Federal agencies. These referrals involved people who needed Social Security benefits, day care services, food stamps, employment, home financing, health services and various forms of public assistance. 4-H Youth Development The 4-H Youth Specialist provided in-service training to county staffs, assisted in the recruitment and train- ing of leaders, and helped establish new 4-H clubs in low-income communities. During 1975, 20 new volunteer leaders were re- cruited and trained in the target counties. The total enrollment of 4-H membership increased by 200 in Leon County, 47 in Jefferson County, 250 in Gadsden County, and 85 in Liberty County. In Pinellas County, Florida A&M Extension person- nel assisted in training.nIne new program assistants to i---- _-r.'--. ~;.. .;rliUziilC-WI1--slI -;-I~ rl..r; ..~ .- --.. r. I. --,.-- .-. --:.. -~.~;-~ ~ -..--.. .., reach and involve low-income youth in 4-H club activ- ities. Also, 12 new program assistants were trained to work with low-income youth in Calhoun, Leon, Jef- ferson and Wakulla counties. Consumer Education Programs in consumer education were added to the Florida A&M Extension unit to provide consumer in- formation that will enable low-income families to con- serve income and cope with inflation through more efficient use of available resources. Forty-two capable and well-trained Extension pro- gram assistants, supervised by Extension agents, are reaching large numbers of rural and urban tow-in- come families with information on money and resource management. These programs, initially established in November, are currently conducted from Extension offices in Charlotte, Citrus, Hernando, Hillsborough; Lee, Levy, Manatee, Pasco and Pinellas counties. Commercial Agriculture Program efforts in commercial agriculture focused primarily on increasing production among small and part-time farm operators. Extension instruction in the application of approved management practices aided 45 small-farm operators to attain greater production output in 1975. In Gadsden County, meetings with farmers and home gardeners resulted in the establishment of a farmers' curb market. The market offered a variety of vegetables and accommodated some 6,000 customers during the summer and an additional 3,000 during the fall season. In Jefferson County, a demonstration plot was es- tablished to provide first-hand information to low- income farmers about practices that increase corn- yields. The project demonstrated approved methods of using fertilizers, herbicides and insecticides. As a result of these methods, the demonstration plot yielded 40 bushels on less than half an acre compared to 20 bushels from an adjoining area the same size. A peanut demonstration plot on land provided by a cooperating farmer was also supported by the Florida A&M Extension unit. The plot, located in Jackson County, yielded 3,406 pounds per acre. The remain- der of that farmer's crop averaged 1,688 pounds per acre. The untreated section yielded 111 pounds per acre more than was produced in 1974. Communications An Extension Communications Program was initi- ated in February 1975 to develop techniques of pre- senting educational information that will be more readily utilized by audiences of low socio-economic levels. During 1975, Extension personnel were provided in- service training in communication techniques for pre- paring fact sheets and newsletters, and making audio- visual, radio and TV presentations. It is evident that the need for intensive educational assistance will continue for Florida citizens of low socio-economic status. Continued efforts will be made to develop the potential of the Florida A&M Programs for reaching low-income youth and adults with Ex- tension programs that enable them to improve the quality of life at home and in their communities. # rgUuruu #aO m CxIEUnIUn WNG14 Income Floridians. ii- ;i- ' FINANCIAL REPORT 1974-75 Federal Funds: Smith-Lever Amended Agricultural Marketing Indian Affairs Expanded Nutrition 1890 Program Total Federal Funds State & Trust Funds: State Funds Incidental County Appropriations Total State & Trust Funds Total Cooperative Extension Funds Federal Funds: Smith-Lever Amended Expanded Nutrition 1890 Program Total Federal Funds State & Trust Funds: State Funds Incidental County Appropriations* Total State & Trust Funds Total Cooperative Extension Funds 1975-76 $1,692,986.00 19,271.00 1,577,200.00 270,381.00 $3,559,838.00 $5,427,551.00 166,500.00 2,222,664.00 $7,816,715.00 $11,376,553.00 $1,847,859.00 1,687,224.00 285,424.00 $3,820,507.00 $5,569,860.00 211,000.00 1,741,401.00 $7,522,261.00 $11,342,768.00 * Includes salaries and travel for County Extension Agents only. FLORIDA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE PLANNED AND EXPENDED TIME BY PROGRAM AREA PROFESSIONALS Fiscal Year 1975 Program Area 1 Citrus and Other Fruits and Nuts 2 Vegetable Crops 3 Field Crops 4 Forage, Range and Pasture 5 Forest and Forest Products 6 Ornamentals 7 Beef 8 Dairy 9 Swine 10 Poultry 11 Horses 12 Bees 13 Other Animals 14 Marine and Aquatic Prod. 15 Supp. Disc. Act. (Commercial Ag.) 21 Pollution Control 22 Wildlife and Fish 23 Recreation 24 Environmental Esthetics 25 Supp. Disc. Act. (Nat. Res. and Env. Quality) 31 Family Stability 32 Consumer Competence 33 Family Health 34 Expanded Nutrition Program 35 Family Housing 36 Community and Regional Development 37 Manpower and Employment 38 Supp. Disc. Act. (Human Res. and Qual. of Life) 41 Extension Support and Maintenance 51 Administration 52 International Programs 53 Facilities 54 Editorial Total Planned* Mandays % of Total 2,994 3.61 2,800 3.38 1,986 2.40 911 1.10 447 0.54 5,445 6.57 3,330 4.02 1,831 2.21 887 1.07 874 1.06 700 0.84 170 0.20 23 0.03 929 1.12 3,835 4.63 425 0.51 34 0.04 203 0.24 93 0.11 1,180 1.42 5,422 6.54 4,637 5.60 2,439 2.94 6,645 8.02 2,432 2.94 2,091 2.52 64 0.08 5,379 6.49 21,700 26.20 1,535 1.85 66 0.08 178 0.21 1,147 1.38 82,832 99.95 Expended Mandays % 4,111 4,401 2,644 1,061 360 7,449 4,107 2,350 746 1,208 1,239 139 31 1,143 6,350 369 71 336 125 1,234 8,817 5,862 3,066 5,934 2,600 3,276 73 7,163 30,744 1,879 165 140 1,149 110,342 of Total 3.72 3.99 2.40 0.96 0.33 6.75 3.72 2.13 0.68 1.09 1.12 0.12 0.03 1.04 5.75 0.33 0.06 0.30 0.11 1.12 7.99 5.31 2.78 5.38 2.36 2.97 0.07 6.49 27.86 1.70 0.15 0.13 1.04 99.98 *Only 78 percent of total available time was planned. Both planned time and expended time are eight-hour day. Sources: Retrieval Nos. 219 and 231 Total Audience 88,046 98,197 39,611 15,995 4,616 333,381 105,360 30,330 14,261 29,703 46,446 2,490 1,405 21,297 96,429 18,221 345 3,913 1,463 22,141 281,773 192,756 87,480 56,823 40,594 104,861 968 228,188 175,806 7,620 1,953 2,045 0 2,154,517 based on an SUMMARY OF EXTENSION HOME ECONOMICS PROGRAM Major Audience Types for which Home Economics Programs are Designed: Number of Persons Reached Family Members 509,145 Senior Citizens 16,711 Families with Preschool Children 1,593 Extension Homemaker Club Members 59,813 Handicapped 1,020 Residents of Low-Income Housing 6,585 Paraprofessional Expanded Nutrition Program Aides 13,890 Major Subject Taught by Extension Home Economists: Family Living 14,601 Consumer Education 81,361 Family Economics 12,494 Legal Affairs 1,638 Food Buying 16,984 Nutrition 85,911 Donated Foods 0 Food Stamp Program 1,511 Food Preparation and Service 41,765 Food Preservation 25,187 Storage 483 Clothing 56,254 Textiles 430 Home Furnishings 25,909 Household Equipment 2,884 Home Grounds 182,751 Food Production/Gardens 35,045 Home Management 9,241 Housing 7,202 Human and Personal Development 192,334 Human Relationships 8,038 Health 11,716 Safety 16,980 Areas Reached by Expanded Nutrition Program: Counties Adult Programs 29 Indian Reservations Adult Programs 2 Counties Youth Programs 8 Number of Extension Program Aides Employed 329 Number of different families enrolled in ENP by Program Aides 14,384 Number of Persons reached by Extension Program Aids 348,774 Areas Reached by Extension Homemaker Clubs: Number of Organized Extension Homemaker Clubs 443 Number of Extension Homemaker Club Members 13,679 Number of Individuals Reached by Leaders in 350,682 Homemaker Clubs and Special Interest Meetings Number of Home Economics Subject Matters Leaders 2,356 SUMMARY OF 4-H YOUTH WORK Number of Organized 4-H Clubs 871 Number of 4-H Special Interest Groups and Other 4-H Units 1,773 Number of 4-H Members: Boys 36,273 Girls 55,089 TOTAL 91,362 Volunteer Leaders: Adult 3,105 4-H junior and teen boys 185 4-H junior and teen girls 475 4-H Members by Place of Residence: Farm 10,461 Towns under 10,000 and open country 40,433 Towns and cities 10,000 to 50,000 18,973 Suburbs of cities over 50,000 5,429 Central cities over 50,000 16,066 4-H Members by Age Groups: Under 9 6,180 15 years of age 4,653 9 years of age 8,385 16 years of age 3,598 10 years of age 15,742 17 years of age 3,271 11 years of age 17,754 18 years of age 612 12 years of age 13,630 19 years of age 132 13 years of age 10,004 Over 19 10 14 years of age 7,391 TOTAL 91,362 Major Audience Types and Number of Persons Reached for 4-H Youth Work: Youth (4-H) 195,859 Youth (4-H TV) 9,114 Youth/Adult (4-H) 278,185 Youth (Other) 14,529 Youth/Adult (Other) 59,818 Expanded Nutrition Program Youth Phase Volunteer Leaders: Eight counties with youth program 525 All Expanded Nutrition Program units in state 665 Total Number Youth Enrolled in Nutrition Groups: Eight counties with youth program 6,817 All Expanded Nutrition Program units in state 9,836 COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE FACULTY LIST* STATE FACULTY Joe N. Busby, Ph.D., Dean for Extension Jack T. McCown, Ed.D., Associate Dean for Extension Raymond C. Andrew, Ph.D., Assistant Dean, Personnel B. B. Archer, Ph.D., Assistant Dean, FAMU Programs, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee James J. Brasher, Ph.D., Assistant Dean, Chairman, 4-H and other Youth Programs Olive L. Morrill, Ed.D., Assistant Dean, Chairman, Home Economics James L. App, Ph.D., Assistant Dean, Agricultural Programs Forrest E. Myers, M.Ag., Assistant to the Dean Alto A. Straughn, Ph.D., Director, Program Evaluation and Organizational Development R. William Seiders, Ph.D., Extension Program Specialist Emily E. King, Ph.D., Extension Program Specialist Clifton Taylor, Ph.D., Extension Program Specialist John F. Gerber, Ph.D., Director, Center for Environmental Programs Todd L. Walton, M.S., Coastal Engineering Advisory Specialist Melvin L. Upchurch, Ph.D., Director, Center for Rural Development Jo Ann B. Pierce, M.A., Extension Publication Specialist, Acting Chairman, Editorial Department M. Hervey Sharpe, Ph.D., Chairman, Editorial Department, Extension Communication Specialist Robert C. Smith, Jr., B.A., Extension Radio Specialist Marshall H. Breeze, M.A., Extension Communication Specialist, Radio and Television Alma Warren, M.S., Extension News Specialist Tom Leahy, Jr., M.S., Marine Advisory Communication Specialist Robert E. Thomas, M.A., Assistant Professor James H. Nehiley, M.A., Extension Communication Specialist Leo Polopolus, Ph.D., Chairman, Food and Resource Economics Department John Holt, Ph.D., Extension Farm Management Economist, 80% Extension George O. Westberry, M.S., Extension Area Farm Management Economist, Quincy, 80% Extension Lawrence A. Halsey, M.A., Extension Area Farm Management Economist, Belle Glade, 70% Extension James C. Cato, Ph.D., Extension Marine Economist James A. Niles, Ph.D., Extension Marketing Economist Ralph A. Eastwood, Ph.D., Extension Marketing Economist Danny Gunter, Ph.D., Extension Production Economist William Colette, Ph.D., Extension Marketing Economist Charles D. Covey, Ph.D., Extension Economist (Assistant Chairman for Extension) Robert O. Coppedge, Ph.D., Extension Rural Development Economist Clisby C. Moxley, Ph.D., Extension Rural Development Economist Kenneth C. Clayton, Ph.D., Extension Economist, 50% Extension Bennett Abbitt, M.S., Extension Area Resource Development Economist Vernon C. McKee, Ph.D., Director of Planning and Business Affairs, 50% Extension Virgil L. Elkins, M.S., Extension Area Program Specialist, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee Lawrence Carter, M.S., Extension Rural Development Specialist, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee John A. Otte, Ph.D., Extension Area Farm Management Economist, Bradenton Gerald L. Zachariah, Ph.D., Chairman, Agricultural Engineering Department, 10% Extension Thomas C. Skinner, M.Ag., Extension Agricultural Engineer Dalton S. Harrison, M.S., Extension Agricultural Engineer Richard P. Cromwell, M.Eng., Extension Agricultural Engineer Lloyd B. Baldwin, M.A., Extension Agricultural Engineer, 80% Extension Pat S. Shackelford, Ph.D., Extension Energy Specialist Gary Erisman, Ph.D., Extension Environmental & Safety Information Coordinator Coleman Y. Ward, Ph.D., Chairman, Agronomy Department, 10% Extension David W. Jones, M.S.A., Extension Agronomist *List of faculty as of 2/16/76 Wayne L. Currey, Ph.D., Extension Agronomist, 80% Extension Elmo B. Whitty, Ph.D., Extension Agronomist, 90% Extension Gerald Kidder, Ph.D., Extension Agronomist, Belle Glade Vernon V. Vandiver, Ph.D., Extension Aquatic Weed Specialist, Ft. Lauderdale J. K. Loosli, Ph.D., Acting Chairman, Animal Science James E. Pace, M.S.A., Extension Beef Specialist Robert L. Reddish, Ph.D., Extension Meats Specialist, 80% Extension Kenneth L. Durrance, M.Ag., Extension Swine Specialist Ben H. Crawford, Jr., Ph.D., Extension Horse Specialist Robert S. Sand, Ph.D., Extension Livestock Specialist Anthony Jilek, Ph.D., Extension Area Beef Specialist, Ona Harold H. VanHorn, Jr., Ph.D., Chairman, Dairy Science Department, 10% Extension Ronald L. Richter, Ph.D., Extension Dairy Technologist, 70 % Extension Barney Harris, Jr., Ph.D., Extension Dairy Nutritionist, 70% Extension Daniel W. Webb, Ph.D., Extension Dairy Husbandman, 70 % Extension Fowden Maxwell, Ph.D., Acting Chairman, Entomology James E. Brogdon, M.Ag., Extension Entomologist Robert A. Dunn, Ph.D., Extension Nematologist, 80% Extension Donald E. Short, Ph.D., Extension Entomologist, 80% Extension Freddie A. Johnson, Ph.D., Extension Entomologist Philip G. Koehler, Ph.D., Extension Entomologist Kenneth G. Townsend, B.S., Assistant in Extension Entomology, Lake Alfred R. A. Dennison, Ph.D., Chairman, Food Science Richard F. Matthews, Ph.D., Extension Food Technologist John L. Gray, Ph.D., Director, School of Forestry Anthony S. Jensen, M. S. F., Extension Forester Dennis R. Crowe, Ph.D., Extension Outdoor Recreation Specialist Andrew A. Duncan, Ph.D., Director, AREC, Homestead R. H. Biggs, Ph.D., Acting Chairman, Fruit Crops Richard L. Phillips, Ph.D., Extension Horticulturist Larry K. Jackson, Ph.D., Extension Horticulturist Julian W. Sauls, Ph.D., Extension Horticulturist Timothy E. Crocker, Ph.D., Extension Horticulturist David P. H. Tucker, Ph.D., Extension Horticulturist, Area Citrus Specialist, Lake Alfred Wilfred E. Wardowski, Ph.D., Extension Horticulturist, Area Fresh Fruits Specialist, Lake Alfred W. J. Carpenter, Ph.D., Chairman, Ornamental Horticulture Harry G. Meyers, M.S.A., Extension Turf Specialist David Hamilton, Ph.D., Extension Ornamental Horticulturist Benny Tjia, Ph.D., Extension Floriculturist Richard W. Henley, Ph.D., Extension Ornamental Horticulturist, Apopka James T. Midcap, Ph.D., Extension Ornamental Horticulturist Robert J. Black, Ph.D., Extension Ornamental Horticulturist L. H. Purdy, Ph.D., Chairman, Plant Pathology, 10% Extension Robert S. Mullin, Ph.D., Extension Plant Pathologist Thomas A. Kucharek, Ph.D., Extension Plant Pathologist Robert H. Harms, Ph.D., Chairman, Poultry Science Department, 20% Extension Carroll R. Douglas, Ph.D., Extension Poultryman Lester W. Kalch, M.Ag., Extension Poultryman Bruce Christmas, Ph.D., Extension Poultryman and Supervisor, Poultry Evaluation Center, Chipley Henry R. Wilson, Ph.D., Poultry Physiology Professor, 10% Extension C. F. Eno, Ph.D., Chairman, Soils Department John H. Herbert, Jr., M.S.A., Extension Conservationist Jerry B. Sartain, Ph.D., Soil Fertility Assistant Professor, 20% Extension Jack F. Kelly, Ph.D., Chairman Vegetable Crops Department, 30% Extension James Montelaro, Ph.D., Extension Vegetable Crops Specialist James Stephens, M.S.A., Extension Vegetable Crops Specialist Stephen R. Kostewicz, Ph.D., Extension Vegetable Crops Specialist Susan D. Gray, B.S.A., Assistant in Vegetable Crops George A. Marlowe, Jr., Ph.D., Extension Vegetable Crops Specialist, Bradenton Robert K. Showalter, M.S., Horticulture Professor, 40% Extension J. T. Johnson, Ph.D., Director, ARC, Live Oak C. E. Cornelius, Ph.D., Chairman, Veterinary Science Department, 0% Extension George W. Meyerholz, D.V.M., Extension Veterinarian Roberta H. Hall, M.S., Extension Home Furnishings Specialist Marie S. Hammer, M.S., Extension Home Economist (ENP) Vervil L. Mitchell, M.S., Extension Home Management and Family Economics Specialist Mary L. Lambing, Ph.D., Extension Health Education Specialist Mary N. Harrison, M.S., Extension Consumer Education Specialist Lizette L. Murphy, M.S., Extension Consumer Education Specialist (Mass Media) Yancey B. Walters, M.H.E., Extension Home Economics ENP Coordinator Glenda L. Warren, M.S., Extension Nutritionist (ENP) Evelyn A. Rooks, M.H.E., Extension Human Development Specialist Lora A. Kiser, M. A., Extension Home Economist Nadine Hackler, M.S., Extension Clothing Specialist Faye A. Plowman, M.A., Extension Housing Specialist Patricia Wagner, Ph.D., Extension Human Nutrition Specialist Margaret N. Walton, M.S., Extension Home Management and Consumer Education Specialist, FAMU Barmell B. Dixon, B.S., Extension Agent II (ENP) Billy J. Allen, M. Ag., Extension 4-H-Youth Specialist Thomas C. Greenawalt, Ed.D., Extension 4-H-Youth Specialist Ruth L. Milton, M.S., Extension 4-H-Youth Specialist Linda Dearmin, M.S., Extension 4-H-Youth Specialist James C. Northrop, Ed.D., Extension 4-H-Youth Specialist Thearon T. McKinney, Ph.D., Extension 4-H-Youth Specialist David D. Pyle, Ph.D., Extension 4-H-Youth Specialist Damon Miller, M.S., Extension 4-H-Youth Specialist, FAMU Pauline Calloway, Ed.D., District Agent William H. Smith, Ed.D., District Agent Earl M. Kelley, Ed.D., District Agent John R. Strayer, Ph.D., District Agent COUNTY FACULTY* ALACHUA COUNTY Adam T. Andrews, M.Ag. Mrs. Marion L. Buckland, B.S. Richard E. Bir, M.S. Lelia Downing, M.S. BAKER COUNTY Aubrey L. Harrell, M.A. BAY COUNTY Horace M. Carr, B.S. Jeffrey A. Fisher, M.S. Mrs. Eliza M. Jackson, B.S. Mrs. Jane H. Jones, B.S. BRADFORD COUNTY Bobby L. Taylor, M.Ag. James L. Parrish, M.S.A. Mrs. Rebecca H. Giebeig, B.S. BREVARD COUNTY J. Lowell Loadholtz, M.S. Sylvester A. Rose, M.S. Alfred B. Humphrys, M.A. Mrs. Sue B. Bledsoe, B.S. Mrs. Aurilla D. Birrel, B.S. Mrs. Joy W. Satcher, B.S. BROWARD COUNTY Lewis E. Watson, M.S. James F. Cummings, M.Ag. William R. Llewellyn, M.S.A. Mrs. Dorthy Y. Gifford, B.S. Miss Patricia M. Englebrecht, M.S. Mrs. Elaine T. Klatt, M.S. Miss Linda Watermolen, B.S. CALHOUN COUNTY James R. Yelvington, M.Ag. Jerry A. Wyrick, M.S.A. Mrs. Linda B. Barber, B.S. CHARLOTTE COUNTY Mrs. Patricia A. Smith, M.S. Richard W. Gleason, B.S. *List of faculty as of 2/16/76 CITRUS COUNTY Arthur D. Alston, M.Ag. Mrs. Paula P. Stanley, B.S. CLAY COUNTY Thomas J. Godbold, B.S.E. Mrs. Emily G. Harper, B.S. Miss Janice D. Hand, B.S. COLLIER COUNTY Donald W. Lander, M.Ag. Dallas B. Townsend, B.S.A. Mrs. Denise L. Coleman, M.S. Charlie A. Lowery, M.S. *List of faculty as of 2/16/76 COLUMBIA COUNTY Neal M. Dukes, B.S. Mrs. Mary E. Anderson, B.S. Mrs. Deborah M. George, B.S. Willard L. Fink, M.S. DADE COUNTY Roy J. Champagne, M.S. Louis J. Daigle, M.Ag. Ralph W. Moore, B.S. Joseph D. Dalton, Ph.D. Seymour Goldweber, B.S. John F. McGuire, M.S.A. William M. Stall, Ph.D. Mrs. Justine L. Bizette, B.S. Miss Mary A. Holmes, M.S. Miss Victoria M. Simpson, B.S. Mrs. Grace R. Hauser, B.S. Mrs. Judy M. Dellapa, B.S. Miss Janith K. Masteryanni, M.S. Miss Margo G. Tavss, B.S.H.E. Ms. Claribell G. Webb, B.S. DESOTO COUNTY Mrs. Mary A. Roe, B.S. DIXIE COUNTY Paul E. Castenson, M.Ag. DUVAL COUNTY Edward Allen, M.S.A. Thomas H. Braddock, Jr., M.S.A. Harold C. Jones, M.A. Ernest L. Stephens, M.S. Mrs. Bessie J. Canty, M.S. Mrs. Sarah M. Board, B.S. Miss Tamer L. Britton, M.Ed. Mrs. Carol A. Lotz, B.S. Mrs. Duska M. Dorschel, M.S.H.E. Mrs. Sandra L. McCoy, B.S. Miss Helen Turk, B.S. ESCAMBIA COUNTY Edward J. Cowen, M.Ag. James H. Walker, M.S.A. Daniel E. Mullins, M.S. Marvin F. Weaver, M.S. Mrs. Edwena J. Robertson, B.S. Miss Linda K. West, M.S. Miss Vickie M. Brannon, M.S. Miss Opal A. Lister, B.S. FLAGLER COUNTY George H. Newbury, M.S.A. FRANKLIN COUNTY James B. Estes, M.A. GADSDEN COUNTY John C. Russell, M.Ag. Bernard H. Clark, B.S.A. Henry G. Grant, M.S. Mrs. Dicki D. Bentley, B.S. Mrs. Ursula H. Williams, B.S. Mrs. Shirley T. Clark, B.S. GILCHRIST COUNTY William L. Brown, B.S. GLADES COUNTY Billy O. Bass, M.S.A. GULF COUNTY Cubie R. Laird, M.Ed. HAMILTON COUNTY Rance A. Andrews, B.S.A. Isaac Chandler, Jr., B.S. Mrs. Wylma B. White, M.S. HARDEE COUNTY Jack C. Hayman, M.Ag. Mrs. Nannie M. Cochran, B.S. HENDRY COUNTY Raymond H. Burgess, M.S.A. Mrs. Vicki S. Chipman, B.A. Gary L. Wade, M.S. John Brenneman, M.S. HERNANDO COUNTY Albert D. Dawson, B.S.A. Ms. Helen H. Fleming, M.S.H.E. HIGHLANDS COUNTY George T. Hurner, Jr., B.S. HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY Jean Beem, M.S.A. Paul E. Glasscock, B.S. James E. Richards, M.S.A. Wayne T. Wade, M.Ed. Charles F. Hinton, 111, Ph.D. Roger D. Newton, M.S. Mrs. Helen P. Webb, B.S. Mrs. Virginia H. Coombs, B.S. Mrs. Ruth T. Penner, B.S. Mrs. Mary B. Somers, B.S.H.E. Mrs. Ruth A. Fowler, M.S. HOLMES COUNTY Lawrence D. Taylor, M.S. William C. Taylor, B.A. INDIAN RIVER COUNTY Mrs. Judith A. Wakefield, M.S. ACKSON COUNTY illiam E. Collins, B.S.A. harles L. Brasher, M.S. rs. Jane R. Burgess, B.S.H.E. rs. Cathy M. Peel, M.S. eonard C. Cobb, M.S. arvin Barnes, B.S. ichael Linker, M.S. EFFERSON COUNTY ames A. Nealy, M.A. rs. Beverly N. Dusseault, M.S. FAYETTE COUNTY ames B. Morris, 11l, M.S. KE COUNTY ackson A. Haddox, M.A. ohn L. Jackson, Jr., M.Ag. rs. Marian B. Valentine, B.S.H.E. iss Doris M. Taylor, M.S. rs. Alice B. Ayers, M.Ret. EE COUNTY obert G. Curtis, B.S.A. Aarlowe K. Iverson, M.S. rs. Dorothy J. Classon, B.S. rs. Charlotte W. Carr, B.A. EON COUNTY arvey T. Paulk, M. Ag. ichael E. Demaree, M.S.A. eorge C. Henry, Jr., M.Ed. awrence A. Heitmeyer, M.S. rs. Martha M. Washington, B.S. rs. Ann W. Parramore, B.S. rs. Elaine C. Shook, M.S. LIBERTY COUNTY amar T. Christenberry, M.S. EVY COUNTY William R. Womble, B.S.A. Mrs. Judith A. Lukowski, B.S. John A. Baldwin, M.S.A. MADISON COUNTY Oliver R. Hamrick, Jr., M.A. Leon R. Brooks, B.S. Mrs. Mae M. Anderson, B.S. Miss Deloris M. Jones, B.S. Norman C. Alexander, M.S. MANATEE COUNTY Robert T. Montgomery, M.S. David D. Coughenower, M.S. William J. Messina, M.S. Miss Susan K. Shaw, B.S. Richard M. Aalberg, M.S. Travis Seawright, B.S. Mrs. Elizabeth Fulmer, M.S. MARION COUNTY Edsel W. Rowan, B.S.A. William J. Phillips, Jr., M.S. Robert L. Renner, Jr., M.A. Mrs. Sarah K. Thomas, B.S. Mrs. Jo M. Townsend, B.S. MARTIN COUNTY Robert B. Whitty, M.S. Mrs. Martha B. Norton, M.S. MONROE COUNTY Richard E. Warner, Ph.D., 75% Extension Raymond H. Zerba, M.S. NASSAU COUNTY Judson T. Fulmer, M.Ed. Mrs. Sandra R. Jones, B.S. OKALOOSA COUNTY Jack D. Patten, B.S. Charles M. Walthall, M.S. Mrs. Ann P. Jeter, B.S. Mrs. Charla J. Cotton, M.S. OKEECHOBEE COUNTY Rayburn K. Price, M.Ag. Miss Brenda J. Cunningham, B.S. Miss Rebecca Brock, B.S. ORANGE COUNTY Henry F. Swanson, M.S.A. Bruce A. Barmby, M.S. Oscar J. Hebert, Jr., M.S. Thomas J. MacCubbin, M.S. Lester C. Lloyd, Jr., B.S. Mrs. Marjorie L. Williams, B.S. Mrs. Mary A. Moore, M.A.T. Mrs. Leala R. Collins, B.S. Mrs. Linda W. Luman, B.S. OSCEOLA COUNTY James B. Smith, B.S.A. Mrs. Marilyn B. Tileston, B.S.H.E. PALM BEACH COUNTY Frederick E. Boss, M.S. DeArmand L. Hull, M.S. Raleigh S. Griffis, M.Ag. John H. Causey, B.S.A. Eugene Joyner, B.S. Mrs. Arlen C. Jones, B.S. Mrs. Marylou W. Shirar, M.Ed. Mrs. Ruth A. Holmes, B.S. Mrs. Beverly B. Harrington, B.S. Clayton E. Hutcheson, M.S. Alicia Homrich, B.S. PASCO COUNTY James D. Sumner, B.S.A. Miss Clara A. Smith, B.S. PINELLAS COUNTY Gilbert M. Whitton, Jr., M.Ag. Charles E. Rowan, M.Ag. Mrs. Dorothy E. Draves, B.S. Miss Nancy B. Whigham, B.S. Mrs. Virginia D. Gardner, M.S. Mrs. Shirley R. Bond, M.S. Klaus J. Geyer, B.S. Miss Nan C. Jensen, M.S. POLK COUNTY Robert M. Davis, M.Ag. Thomas W. Oswalt, M.S.A. Dan E. Schrader, M.S. Sidney L. Sumner, M.S.A. Ronald P. Muraro, M.S. Mrs. Alice P. Kersey, M.S. Mrs. Josephine M. Cameron, M.S. Mrs. Ruth A. Miller, B.S. Mrs. Gayle P. Jenkins, M.S. Miss Juliann S. Martin, B.S. PUTNAM COUNTY Ralph T. Clay, B.S.A. Mrs. Essie H. Thompson, B.S. Mrs. Rosa L. Banks, B.S. ST. JOHNS COUNTY Paul L. Dinkins, M.Ag. James D. Dilbeck, M.S. Miss Nettie R. Brown, B.S. ST. LUCIE COUNTY Mrs. Marguerite R. Brock, B.S. James C. McCall, M.S. SANTA ROSA COUNTY William C. Zorn, M.Ag. Jack J. Spears, M.Ag. Miss Fern S. Nix, B.S. Miss Margaret M. Pitts, B.S. SARASOTA COUNTY Luther L. Rozar, Jr., M.Ag. Edwin S. Pastorius, B.S.A. Miss Jeanette Meadows, M.S. Mrs. Betty M. McQueen, M.S. John Yelvington, Jr., M.S. SEMINOLE COUNTY Frank J. Jasa, B.S.A. Reginald L. Brown, M.S.A. Mrs. Louise L. Gill, B.S.H.E. SUMTER COUNTY Donald A. George, B.S.A. Mrs. Karen Simpson, B.S. SUWANNEE COUNTY William C. Smith, Jr., Ph.D. Henry E. Jowers, B.S. Mrs. Meredith C. Taylor, B.S. TAYLOR COUNTY Henry P. Davis, B.S.A. Mrs. Carole B. Mott, B.S. UNION COUNTY William J. Cowen, B.S.A. VOLUSIA COUNTY Larry L. Loadholtz, M.S. George A. Hindery, Ph.D. Mrs. Betty M. Vernon, B.S. Mrs. Diane E. Yates, B.S. Mrs. Joan S. Holt, B.S. Miss Linda J. Brachhold, B.S. WAKULLA COUNTY Bobby R. Durden, B.S.A. Mrs. Marilyn J. Halusky, B.S. WALTON COUNTY James E. Thomaston, M.Ag. Mrs. Virginia C. Clark, B.S. Mrs. Becky E. Young, B.S. WASHINGTON COUNTY Johnnie E. Davis, M.Ag. Lenzy M. Scott, M.A. Miss Sue Elmore, M.S. This public document was promulgated at a cost of $2,816.02, or 94 cents per copy to inform Florida citizens on the activities of the Florida Cooperative Extension Service. 4-3M-76 Institute of Food ad A Agrltural Sciences TEACHING IFAS RESEARCH EXTENSION COOPERATIVE EXTENSION WORK IN AGRICULTURE AND HOME ECONOMICS (Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914) Cooperative Extension Service, IFAS, University of Florida and United States Department of Agriculture, Cooperating Joe N. Busby, Dean |