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Historic note
Unnumbered ( 1 ) Front Cover Front Cover 1 Front Cover 2 Foreword Page 1 Page 2 Commercial agriculture Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Community resource development Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Home economics Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 Page 28 Page 29 Page 30 Youth programs Page 31 Page 32 Page 33 Page 34 Page 35 Page 36 Florida A&M programs Page 37 Page 38 Page 39 Page 40 Finanacial report Page 41 Planned and expended time by program area Page 42 Program summaries Page 43 Page 44 Faculty list Page 45 Page 46 Page 47 Page 48 Page 49 Page 50 Back Cover Page 51 Page 52 |
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HISTORIC NOTE The publications in this collection do not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. These texts represent the historic publishing record of the Institute for Food and Agricultural Sciences and should be used only to trace the historic work of the Institute and its staff. Current IFAS research may be found on the Electronic Data Information Source (EDIS) site maintained by the Florida Cooperative Extension Service. Copyright 2005, Board of Trustees, University of Florida jol FLORIDA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE INSTITUTE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA, GAINESVILLE o # FOREWORD Over the years the Cooperative Extension Service has played a unique role in Florida as in other states, taking scientific discoveries from the laboratories into the field, demon- strating the benefits of new technology and encouraging its adoption. These activities are made possible through a cooperative effort of federal, state and local governments carried out on a county-by-county basis. The base of authority is the Land Grant University and the teams of Extension specialists and research workers in academic departments provide the necessary technical support for county teaching. Extension agents at the county, level are members of the University faculty, but also are members of the community, dedicated to helping the people of Florida -- commercial producers, small farmers, rural and urban families, the youth of the state -- improve their lives both economically and socially. As we review 1974, we see that it has been an important year for the Cooperative Extension Service in Florida. With commercial agriculture receiving tremendous national attention, there has been a refocusing of attention on this area at the state level. Extension programs have been designed to help identify problems Florida's agriculture faces because of the present economic and energy situation as well as problems related to a growing world population and increasing demands for food production in a state that is undergoing rapid urbanization. This rapid urbanization also is producing a more intense effort by Extension to identify "people" problems through broad programs in Home Economics and 4-H and Youth. In addition, the realization that increased population, urbanization and production places unusual stress on the environment has prompted Extension to redouble efforts to protect that of Florida. A few of these many Extension programs in commercial agriculture, marine resources (MAP), community resource development, home economics, 4-H and youth and special Florida A & M programs have been summarized in the report that follows. FI r . I. Commercial L U .3 _____________ Agriculture 1111 111 Agricultural Engineering Florida Plan Service During 1974 over 10,000 plans were distributed to Florida residents as a direct result of requests for plans. Of this number some 2,000 were for house plans. Grain and Seed Drying and Storage During 1974 the Extension Swine specialist and the Veterinary Science Department tested the presence of aflatoxin, a substance very detrimental to the health of livestock and poultry, especially younger animals and birds. Excessive levels were found in some 25 percent of samples tested. This testing program has resulted in an intensive educational program to teach county staffs and livestock and grain producers how to handle the situation. Prevention basically involves doing a good job of harvesting, drying and storing. For several years an educational program to re- duce levels of aflatoxin in peanuts has been carried out. As a result, reported instances of aflatoxin in peanuts was very low in 1974 as compared to recent years. Infested peanuts could not be sold as edible nuts, resulting in a heavy loss to producers with aflatoxin infected nuts. Mechanizing Hay Harvesting Small farmers throughout Florida are continually being forced out of business because their farming operations aren't large enough to warrant purchasing some of the equipment which enables larger farmers to produce more efficiently and economically. Many small farmers purchase hay for wintering small brood cow herds from commercial hay producers. Because producing hay in the standard 55 pound rectangular bale requires considerable labor, the price of hay has risen sharply while the price the farmer receives for his cattle has plummeted. Machinery has been introduced to make less ex- pensive hay, but the hay packages formed by the equipment are much larger than the conventional bale. The package formed weighs anywhere from 600 pounds to 3 tons according to the type of machine used. Many small farmers are unable to utilize hay in the large packages because they lack equipment to move the bales from a storage area to where they are fed to the cows. The machines which make the smaller "Large Packages" in the 600 to 1000 pound class could be used by the commercial hay producer for the small farmer's hay, if the farmer were equipped with a low cost piece of equipment for the handling of the hay package. Commercial firms are offering equipment for han- dling the bales, but it was decided to make one in the Agricultural Engineering Shop which could be easily fabricated by a farmer in his shop. A plan for this bale-mover will be incorporated into the Florida Plan Service and offered to farmers who want to save money by building their own equipment. *._,. . Bale moving fork, left, mounted on lower links of a tractor lift. Right, tractor moves a 1000-pound bale with the fork. PC; 2~~ ..~1 ~p~Ci~E~a&~ Drainage of Flatwoods Soils Some form of drainage is mandatory for crop pro- duction in the Flatwoods of Florida. Ditches and water furrows to remove surface water may be ade- quate for some crops in a few areas, but more ex- pensive subsurface drainage, such as tile drains may be necessary for other crops. Tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes, green peppers, sweet corn, and citrus are high-value crops that respond well to intensive drainage systems. Sugarcane, field corn and grasses do not. Most crops grown in the Flatwoods reach their maximum yield potential when the water table is held at about the 24-inch depth. With deeper water table depths, yields are reduced because the surface soil is overdrained. With shallower water table depths, yields are reduced because root volume is restricted. Crop yields on sandy Flatwood soils are highest when water tables are held at the 24-inch depth. Only grasses and sugarcane (on muck soils) appear to grow equally well at water table levels ranging from 18 to 40 inches. For shallow-rooted vegetable crops on muck soils, a 24-inch water depth appears to be best. Extension efforts in soil and water are aimed at get- ting the producer to install the drainage system that produces the most for the least amount of money. Two drainage demonstrations were installed in 1974 to demonstrate the importance of drainage. Home Water Quality Control This year special effort has been directed to helping homeowners with problems concerning their domestic water systems. Counties are encouraged to have homeowners submit water samples to be analyzed for mineral content and pH. The results, together with an explanation of the results, are sent back to the ap- propriate county staff and on to the homeowner. This reply enables the homeowner to make an intelligent decision regarding the improvement of his home water quality. Approximately 400 homeowners used this service in 1974. In addition, eight home water clinics were conducted in Martin, St. Lucie, Sarasota and Bre- vard counties. At these meetings causes and removal of objectionable minerals are discussed and infor- mation on water problems in the home, pumps and wells is also presented. Safety A quarterly Extension Agricultural Engineering newsletter kept county Extension agents informed on the latest OSHA directives on farm safety. Auto care and safety workshops were held in nine counties on 14 occasions. Energy Conservation The energy shortage and higher energy prices have made energy conservation and management critical in production agriculture and the home. Twenty-six in- formation sheets related to energy management have been published by the Departments of Home Econom- ics and Agricultural Engineering. "The Big Switch," a youth oriented packet of material on energy con- servation, was used by 4-H Clubs and schools to edu- cate young people. Research is being carried out on the use of solar energy. Heating greenhouses at night using water heated by the sun, and solar domes- tic hot water heaters are two of the areas being in- vestigated. Agronomic Crops Agronomic crops are vital to the national economy as has been shown by the effects of recent shortages and resulting higher prices of grains, soybeans, to- bacco and sugar. Extension agronomists conducted educational pro- grams throughout Florida in 1974 to promote more efficient production of agronomic crops. Special em- phasis was given to forages, because low cattle prices has forced many ranchers to keep animals that nor- mally would be sold. These animals are being main- tained on pastures that were designed for fewer cattle. This situation has required pasture improve- ment at a time when fertilizer and other production inputs have become more costly. Extension special- ists advised ranchers on management practices for providing more efficient forage production. The Extension weed control specialist, who has re- sponsibilities for coordinating all of Florida's Extension weed control activities, is assigned to the Agronomy Department. Weeds are a major pest in Florida. Losses to weeds add several million dollars to the cost of producing food crops. Maintaining weed-free turfs for roadsides, recreation and home lawns also is expensive. Educational programs are designed to lower these costs as well as beautify waterways, homes and other landscapes. Educational efforts of the Extension specialists in the Agronomy Department including speaking at county 1 agent, producer, homeowner and industry meetings; writing articles for publication in farm magazines, newspapers, Extension circulars, bulletins and infor- mation releases; participating in television and radio programs; participation in field days and tours; con- ducting research and demonstration trials; serving on numerous committees; and consultation with individ- uals. The ultimate audience of these efforts was the farmer, rancher, homeowner or other person respon- sible for making the decision on actions to be taken. There have been several specific successes that can be partially or wholly attributed to the agronomic education program. Production of grains, soybeans, tobacco, peanuts and other field crops increased in 1974 over the previous year. Forage production also improved. Use of nematicides on corn increased in 1974. This recommended practice is based on results from previous field trials conducted by an Extension agronomist in cooperation with other specialists and farmers. Thousands of acres of improved pasture have been established in new grasses recently released by the University of Florida. These new varieties, plus in- creased use of other improved perennial as well as annual grasses, have aided the cattlemen in becom- ing more efficient in producing beef on pastures at a time when feed grain costs are spiraling and beef prices are the lowest in years. There are indications from dairymen and ranchers participating in and at- tending Extension silage demonstrations that acreages devoted to this form of forage will increase. The Extension weed control program has been very effective in developing and disseminating information on weed control in peanuts, soybeans, corn and other crops. Smutgrass control in pastures has improved greatly as a result of on-farm research conducted by Extension agronomists, county agents and cooperating ranchers. Nurserymen were spending an average of $3,600 per acre for hand weeding, but this cost has been reduced by 80 percent because of Extension and grower cooperative trials with herbicides. Animal Science Beef Cattle The Florida Beef Cattle Improvement Association was incorporated as a non-profit organization in 1960 by 14 ranchers and representatives of the Cooperative Extension Service and Department of Animal Science, University of Florida. The objective of this association is to promote the improvement of beef cattle in Flor- ida primarily through keeping and using accurate records. Since the association was formed, there have been 204 herds listed. Some of these herds are still active, others have been sold or dispersed while still others have moved from the FBCIA program to a record keeping system sponsored by a breed association. In nine of the herds which have 11 consecutive years wean data, the average annual increase in weaning weight (adj. 205 wt.) is 16.29 pounds per calf. This increase in the average weaning weight of each calf of 180 pounds after 11 years is a result of improved selection of herd replacements and improved management. On the average these ranches are pro- ducing 18,000 pounds or nine tons more beef per 100 calves weaned than they were 11 years ago. In addition to the weaning evaluation, a program for evaluating post-wean performance at 265 or 550 days is available and used by the members. The Annual Beef Cattle Short Course was held at the University of Florida on May 2, 3 and 4, 1974. This event was attended by over 800 cattlemen. A Field Day was held at the Chipley Beef Demon- stration Unit on April 11, 1974. This field day was attended by 155 cattlemen. Six Cow-Calf Clinics were held. These were held at Madison, Ocala, Palmetto, Palatka, DeLand and Plant City. These clinics were attended by a total of 570 cattlemen. In addition to the above events, a number of talks were given by the staff to County Cattlemen's Associa- tion meetings. Exotic crossbred calves grazing cool season annual grasses at the Chipley Beef Demonstration Unit. Swine The Annual State Swine Field Day was held in Live Oak at the Suwannee Valley Research Center on De- cember 5, 1974. Ninety-eight producers attended the program which emphasized practical management demonstrations and rural area development demon- strations that are applicable to small parttime pro- ducers. Topics covering herd health, management of large swine operations and the major problem area of mycotoxins in grain effecting swine were thoroughly covered. Producers showed great interest in the topics, particularly in the area of cutting costs since the in- dustry is in a period of diminishing returns on pork produced. There has been a continued trend during the past year of reduction in swine numbers and small in- efficient producers going out of business. December inventory shows that Florida has 292,000 head of swine, a reduction of four percent since 1973. At the same time, the value per head has dropped from $52 to $42.50 with the total value of the industry being $12,410,000-a 22 percent reduction. The added cost, due to inflation, without a corresponding increase in swine and pork prices has left state swine producers in a money losing situation at the end of 1974. In the state the trend continues to larger units seek- ing greater specialization and efficiency to help off- set advancing overhead costs. At the same time, the ,% 111L,. / IMW -- I& .1 trend is for a reduction in numbers of small producers (50 sows or less). The Extension swine specialist is working with pro- ducers to develop efficient housing, feeding and marketing programs. With the trend to larger units, building designs and management programs are be- ing developed to assist those that have the capital and ability to develop swine programs during this period of reduced profits. Continued information is being developed at the Swine Evaluation Center through the testing program to indicate the most efficient strains of animals for greater efficiency by the producer back on the farm. Horses In recent years the horse industry in Florida has recorded a phenomenal growth in numbers and rev- enue. Numbers have increased more than 10 percent per year for the past 10 years and are estimated at 160,000. State revenues derived have increased even more rapidly. The thoroughbred industry has re- corded increased income with record price being paid for yearlings this past year. Increased costs have limited expansion and profits in the horse industry. The Extension horse specialists have worked with pro- ducers and organizations to improve methods and efficiency of production. Suggestions and assistance regarding the needs of horses and horse enthusiasts IriigW^.tVK "-" iiii-- Extension Horse Specialist Ben Crawford, right, conducts a youth-4-H clinic at Dade City. for facilities to maintain and use horses without inter- fering with other residents have been provided to several promoters of horse oriented developments. An agent training session was held to improve the ability of the local Extension agent to work with horse owners in their counties. The agents left the training program with the increased knowledge and con- fidence to improve their communication and contact with horse enthusiasts. Leaders and agent planning sessions were held on a 4-H district basis. Agents and leaders voiced their opinions on ways to improve the total horse program. Improving communication, subject matter publication, adding area short courses, increasing the number of youth and adult horsemanship schools and changes in competitive programs such as shows and judging con- test, also were discussed. Thirty-eight 4-H'ers represented Florida at the South- ern Regional 4-H Horse Championships at Baton Rouge, Louisiana. For the third consecutive year a Florida participant Sandy Hones, Alachua County, earned the top English rider award. Other major award winners included: Donna Adams, Washington County, winner of Horse Public Speaking; Sharon Jones, Brevard County, third in individual horse demonstration; Dori Stuart and Leslie Durfka, Orange County, fifth in the horse team demonstration contest; and the Orange County Horse Judging team placed tenth in that contest. Meats Baby beef is again in Florida meat counters be- cause of a surplus of lightweight calves and a tre- mendous educational program. The sale of baby beef helps the meat and livestock industry and consumers. Since baby beef sells for 15 to 30 cents per pound less than regular beef and is leaner, it is an ideal meat purchase for small families, low income families and weight watchers. Two meat market operators display economical cuts of Baby Beef. Educational programs developed by the Florida Co- operative Extension Service and cooperating industries increased baby beef processing in Florida from zero in August to 5,000 carcasses or 1,375,000 pounds per week. The educational message directed to Florida consumers via radio, television, live audience schools, workshops, field days and demonstrations resulted in new and repeat purchases throughout Florida. Con- sumers were informed that baby beef is a bargain and that it must be processed, stored, cooked and utilized differently than regular beef. A short course for Small Meat Plant Operators, Cus- tom Slaughterers and Retailers was held at the Uni- versity of Florida on November 6, 1974. During the year these people were swamped with requests to prepare meat for home storage. This event was at- tended by 75 people. A short course was held at the University of Florida on December 11, 1974, for Meat Packers. This short course was attended by 50 meat packers. Throughout the year the Extension meats specialist worked with county groups advising them how to get the most for their money spent for meat. Bees and Their Products Florida again led the nation in total honey produc- tion in 1973. However, this accomplishment has not been without problems such as the constant loss of good agricultural bee sites, the lack of cooperation that exists between the beekeepers and other areas of agriculture and government, the lack of public aware- ness of the industry, and the movement of imitation honey on the market. Efforts have been directed to several areas of the industry in order to improve the overall situation. Television and radio have been and continue to be a wide-range communication approach to make the public more aware of apiculture and its problems. Continued efforts through a bi-monthly publication and an annual institute have been carried out to better promote the cooperation of all concerned. A 4-H program has been updated and continued in order to draw young people into the industry. Entomolo- gical-apicultural presentations were continued with participation in low income youth camps. High priority has been placed on promoting hobby beekeeping particularly among Florida's large per- centage of retired people. This has been achieved through a total communications program including radio, television, publications, camps, association meetings and contacts by letters and personal con- versation. Dairy Science Florida ranks first in average herd size (480) in the nation and fifteenth in total adult dairy cows. Aver- age annual milk production per cow for all adult dairy cows in Florida is approximately 9,500 pounds as compared to 11,000 pounds for dairy herds enrolled in Extension recordkeeping programs. Several Florida dairy herds are now averaging more than 14,000 pounds per cow per year. Florida's Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI) program saw several accomplishments during 1974. One major accomplishment was the establishment of an auto- mated milk-fat testing facility for analysis of milk samples collected throughout the state by DHI super- visors. The establishment of the laboratory was a joint effort of the Florida DHIA Board and the Florida Department of Agriculture. Implementation of this new service is already strengthening the DHI program through increased efficiency and performance of the DHI supervisors working in the field. The year 1974 was a bad year for dairymen pur- chasing large quantities of feed. The computer used in formulating least-cost rations for dairymen showed a variation in ration costs during the year of $27 per ton. Since Florida dairymen feed, on the average, one pound of feed for one pound of milk, an increase of $27 per ton of milk was needed just to offset the in- creased feed costs. Florida dairymen, however, only received a $12.20 increase per ton of milk during the year. During 1974, the computer program was further refined to print guidelines for levels of feed to feed cows producing variable amounts of milk. Approxi- mately 30 percent of the dairymen in Florida requested help in formulating and evaluating feeding programs in 1974. The availability of good herd replacements has caused many Florida dairymen to suffer greatly in recent years. Educational programs were developed and emphasized during 1974 on the importance of raising and demand good replacements. Reproduction, herd health and stress conditions con- tinue to plague the Florida dairy industry. New and existing programs were implemented during the year to better equip dairymen with knowledge needed to combat the situation. A new program on personnel management was in- augurated during 1974. The program is to be ex- panded during the next five years. A bulk milk transport cleaning study was com- pleted during 1974. Knowledge gained will have long range implications in developing methods to clean tankers, eliminating a major problem in the production of high quality milk. A major program has been initiated to evaluate the quality, problems, and methods of handling milk served in Florida schools. This program involves 90 percent of the schools in Florida and is being con- ducted in cooperation with the Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, Dairy and Food Nutrition Council of Florida and the Florida Depart- ment of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Cur- rently, over 500 samples of school lunchroom milk have been evaluated. Entomology and Nematology A large part of the work in Extension Entomology and Nematology was devoted to keeping abreast of the changing pesticide situation. It was, and will continue to be, extremely important to keep growers and others up-to-date on cancellation of pesticide uses and changes in patterns of use, to prevent illegal resi- dues which may cause loss of agricultural products and possibly legal action against the producer. Concerted efforts have been made to remain up to date of all developments of new regulations under the Federal Environmental Pesticide Control Act of 1972. We have made numerous suggestions at meet- ings, by personal contact and by correspondence to the Federal Environmental Protection Agency about these regulations. Extension Citrus Pest Management Project continued during 1974 with the number of demonstration groves located throughout the citrus producing counties in- creasing to 28. The groves were inspected at two- week intervals and pest control procedures recom- mended for the demonstration blocks. Indications are that information from these blocks and research in progress will make it possible to reduce the number of applications of pesticides by developing more ef- fective pest management practices resulting in savings to the grower. Insect pest management on soybeans has been developed by Extension and Research entomologists that shows the amounts of insecticides per application, as well as the number of applications, can be reduced and still control the insect problem effectively. This information was made available to county Extension agents and growers. A project was initiated in cooperation with the Rural Development Program to find alternative insecti- cides to control the sweet potato weevil on sweet potatoes with the cancellation of the only effective insecticide that has been used for many years. Leafminers have been abundant on celery during the past few years. Efforts were made to get more effective insecticides registered with EPA to help the celery growers with this severe problem. Extension demonstrations in cooperation with grow- ers of field corn have shown the severe loss of stands and yield by nematodes and lesser cornstalk borers. Economical methods of control have been demonstra- ted to growers through field days and publicized in newspapers and other publications. Demonstrations of nematode control in peanuts have aided growers in one county in Florida to lead the nation in yields per acre. Farm Management Adequate business management information has been lacking for many different kinds of ornamentals. Farm management economists provided analyses, publications, magazine articles and management shortcourses to increase manager's decisioh-making ability. Publications were developed and the results explained to growers of chrysanthemums, gladioli and several kinds of container-grown ornamentals. A tightening economy causes people to search for ways to produce some of their own food supply or to stretch their incomes by producing small vegetable plots. A "Small Farm Management Handbook" was developed to provide estimates of what would be required and what could be expected from such ef- forts. Uncertainty brought on by the current economic up- heaval greatly expanded public demand for eco- nomic knowledge. Much effort was expanded with growers, land investors and financial agents regarding appropriate reactions to the new economic situation. As a result, one land owner dropped land rental rates from $12 down to $7 per acre. From the consumer's side, several civic clubs asked Extension economists to explain the rising cost of foodstuffs while farm in- comes were declining. Traditional analytical and educational roles were modified in familiar enterprises such as citrus and cattle. Decision-making rules of thumb about amounts of fertilizers to apply and whether or not common maintenance practices such as mowing would still pay required analysis this year. The formal result of one such effort was the publication of a procedure for the treatment of smut-grass, and an analysis of the con- ditions under which it could be afforded. Declining incomes from beef cattle required the modification of basic data used by appraisers in esti- mating incomes to pasture lands. Farm management specialists worked with both ranches and appraisers to help them work out acceptable land evaluations under the changed economic conditions. Management shortcourses of a formal educational nature were held on "Pricing Container-grown Plants," "Estate Planning," "Worker Motivation" and "Land- spreading of Sewage Effluent." Food Science Florida industry uses millions of gallons of water daily in the annual processing of over 160 million boxes of oranges and 27 million boxes of grapefruit. More than 100 million gallons a day of liquid waste water is discharged. Water use must be restricted if needs for the future are to be met. A sound program of water management must be developed by each processor to conserve water and to reduce waste. The Extension specialist made plant visits and consulted with industry personnel on water systems. An educa- tional program was developed to provide information on overall water management, water recycle systems, potable and industrial water treatment and waste utilization. Over 100 participants from industry com- pleted the 3-day training session. The training ses- sion was a significant factor in aiding processing plants to improve their water management programs and to reduce liquid waste from citrus processing. Keeping food safe and wholesome during distri- bution and delivery to the consumer is a major factor in preventing foodborne illness. Our Extension pro- gram emphasized food safety through mass media and consumer presentations. A program on "Food Safety and Regulation of Retail Stores," was presented in Miami, Tampa and Jacksonville areas. All major Florida food retailers had personnel participating in this food safety program. State and federal regula- tory officials discussed major sanitation and food safety problems encountered in food warehouses and in retail stores. About 190 food retail personnel re- ceived this food safety training. There was a resurgence of interest and activity in home canning in Florida during 1974. A 4-day train- ing program was presented in cooperation with Ex- tension Home Economics on safe home food preser- vation techniques. The program was very successful with agents from most counties participating. Work- shops in home canning and food preservation are now being presented by these agents in their communities. Processors were advised of new state federal regu- lations for nutritional labeling and food additives through industry meetings and direct contact. Nutri- tional composition information on major Florida to- mato varieties was developed and disseminated at industry meetings and to consumers. Nutritional composition information on Florida vegetables is of considerable interest to consumers and industry in improving the quality of the diet. In 1974 high priority was placed on training lead- ers of industry, government and consumer organiza- tions in the proper sanitation practices and related public health activities as these relate to the seafood industry. A four-day "Seafood Quality Control Work- shop" was developed to give laboratory and lecture classes in food safety, microbiology and sanitation to industry quality control personnel and State and Fed- eral seafood inspectors. Three-hour programs in seven different locations of the State of Florida were developed with the county Extension directors of Franklin, Wakulla, Dixie, Lee, St. Johns, Brevard and Monroe counties. These "Florida Seafood Workshops" presented topics in marine eco- nomics, seafood quality control, marketing, distri- bution, sanitation and microbiology. Speakers for the programs were associated with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services Seafood Sanitation Division, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Serv- ices, Florida Department of Natural Resources and the State University System Sea Grant Program. The Extension seafood technologist presented papers and seminars that discussed seafood sanitation and safety before such groups as Organized Fisher- men of Florida-Cortez Chapter; Florida Department of Natural Resources Marketing Meeting, Atlanta, Ga.; 4-H Campers, Camp Cloverleaf, Fl.; "Food Preservation Short Course", Gainesville, Fl.; National Marine Fish- eries Service Shrimp Promotion Meeting, Atlanta, Ga.; and programs in Pasco, Lee, Monroe, Hillsborough and Monroe counties. The major feedback from the commercial fisheries industry was made to the total Florida Sea Grant Pro- gram with suggested improvement of practices in production, processing and sanitation. Forestry and Forest Products Extension forestry programs continued to serve a wide and varied clientele during 1974. With raw forest products prices reaching previously unheard of levels of $30 to $50 per cord for pulpwood and $100 per thousand boardfeet for lumber, many landowners began to realize for the first time the potential of com- merical timber production. The new interest resulted in many requests for forest management assistance from many who had not used Extension help before. The results in increased timber production and thus increased income will be realized for many years to come. A Forest Soils and Nutrition Shortcourse held during the year was well attended and highly successful, as was a Symposium, "Intensive Forest Management and the Future of Forest Management in Florida." Soils analysis, interpretations, and fertilizer recom- mendation were made for nurseries, private and state, producing more than 100 million forest tree seedlings and for over 2,000 acres of seed orchards producing genetically improved seed, the source of our future forests of "supertrees." Educational training was provided in the field of forest ecology for over 6,000 4-H Club members, cul- minating in a 4-H Forest Ecology Contest during the Florida Forestry Festival in Perry, Florida. Twenty- five teams of three to four members each from 12 counties competed. Fruit Crops Citrus At this time most Florida citrus growers are in a rather trying situation. Production, harvesting and processing costs are increasing at a rapid pace while the price of fruit and fruit products remains at the same level it has been for a decade. This condition has resulted in a serious cost-price squeeze for pro- ducers. This year Extension specialists in the Fruit Crops Department have made a major effort to help growers reduce production costs and alleviate eco- nomic problems. A comprehensive program, the Florida Program for Economical Citrus Production, has been supplied to all county Extension agents in citrus-producing counties which furnishes agents, and they in turn furnish grow- ers, with the latest economical production practices. Every agent in major citrus producing counties has a regular citrus newsletter designed to inform growers of research results and recent innovations in an ef- ficient and rapid manner. In addition, agents in every major citrus producing county have held one or more grower meetings this year to keep their growers well-informed. At the state level, specialists with the Fruit Crops Department an- nually hold two meetings in the major citrus production area. The Fruit Citrus Growers Institute, held in cen- tral Florida, attracted growers representing almost 50 percent of the state's total citrus acreage. The other state-wide grower meeting is the Indian River Citrus Seminar which is held in January each year. It is primarily for growers in the Indian River or east coast citrus-producing area where problems are somewhat different from the problems in central Florida. Other Fruit Crops Deciduous fruit crops in Florida have continued to increase in importance. At present, several hundred more acres of peaches are being planted in north Flor- ida and a new blueberry industry is developing. Plantings of grapes and other deciduous crops are also on the upswing. Most of Extension's efforts in the deciduous fruit field has been to acquaint Extension agents and grow- ers with the several new varieties of fruit crops which have been released that are adapted to north and central Florida. As more new varieties are developed which will spread the season over a longer period of time, it appears that Florida will have an extremely important deciduous fruit industry. Florida's pecan acreage now totals more than 10,000 acres. Peach acreage is in excess of 7,000 acres. The on-farm value of these crops alone is approximately $6 million. The potential for other fruit crops, such as blueberries and grapes, will raise this figure at least an additional 20 percent. In the subtropical fruit field, production costs are accelerating rapidly and Extension programs in south r~'ff~'r:1- "-' A b --s.J '.- _. -. : 1 - The Florida Program for Economical Citrus Production is used by Extension agents in citrus-producing counties to furnish growers with the latest economical production practices. Florida have been aimed at helping growers econo- mize production and harvesting practices. It is in- teresting to note, however, that the avocado acreage is increasing rapidly in south Florida. Several hundred acres of improved avocado cultivars are now being planted in Collier county. If projected plans continue at the current pace, the present avocado acreage of some 7,000 acres will be doubled within the next several years. Extension is assisting growers in these areas with production problems, trying to help them overcome the many problems of the area that are not present in the current commercial producing area of Dade County. Marine and Aquatic Products 1974 was a year in which the Marine Advisory Program (MAP) made a significant stride toward its ultimate goal of providing a viable marine education program for Florida's coastal communities and peo- ples. Bolstered by both Sea Grant and state and county funding, the MAP positioned four area marine agents to provide near-complete coverage along the 806 mile Gulf coast from Key West to Pensacola. This area is characterized by both burgeoning popula- tion and industrial pressures as well as some of Flor- ida's richest natural marine resources. The area agents were located in Key West to cover the Florida Keys, at Palmetto to cover the five-county Naples-Bradenton area, at Largo to cover the three- county Tampa Bay area, and at Panama City to cover the eight counties from Panacea to Pensacola. Less __ concentrated, but still effective application of MAP programs. This combined effort was reflected in the attention was directed toward Florida's east coast, legislature's development of a comprehensive beach particularly in the important field of coastal engineer- erosion control plan for Florida. ing. This local coverage, combined with the com- MAP sponsored workshops and seminars, formed munications experience provided by the 38 coastal and implemented local citizens advisory committees in county Extension directors and staff, has facilitated 12 coastal counties, and published several bulletins, user group input into the program, abetted more ef- reports and newsletters. Extensive use was made of fective identification and priority of local marine-re- University of Florida radio and television facilities as lated problems, and made for a more effective "feed- well as commercial stations, to provide citizens with back" system whereby the university-based knowledge information concerning costal waters. Specialists from resources can be applied to assist citizens in resolving MAP as well as Sea Grant researchers were involved or lessening the problem. in these educational projects. Periodic press releases Marine specialists in seafood technology, marine covering Florida Sea Grant research developments economics, coastal engineering, and communications, were used by several large Florida newspapers and supported by Sea Grant research specialists rendered also by federal, state and trade association publi- both individual and group assistance in their respec- cations. tive fields through personal visitations and consulta- tions with individual fishermen and vessel owners, The combination of user participation, coastal small fish houses, multi-million dollar processing county Extension staff and area marine agent local plants, local governments, and mission-related state, contact, university based MAP marine specialists, and federal, and private agencies and organizations and Sea Grant and otherwise funded university researchers trade associations. The coastal engineering specialist is providing an educational linkage not available provided consulting support to the State's Bureau of earlier. It vastly enhances prospects for the wise and Beaches and Shores and the Coastal Coordinating systematic use of Florida's marine resources com- Council in preparation for legislative consideration of patible with the state's anticipated population and in- coastal zone management and beach preservation dustrial growth. Marketing During 1974 Florida consumers and agricultural to reduce losses. businessmen were all concerned with the behavior of Extension economists worked with a variety of food and agricultural markets and prices and with marketing firms during the past year, including in- ways to modify the risk and impact of sharp changes, tegrated citrus organizations, garden supply stores Extension economists in the Food and Resource Eco- and meat plant operators. A management audit of nomics Department engaged in a variety of marketing an integrated citrus firm was conducted, and mange- educational work to assist Florida citizens in coping ment practices to improve efficiency were discussed with 1974 developments, as well as with more typical with garden supply firm managers and meat plant kinds of decisions. operators. Evaluation and comment by participants Market outlook information was particularly em- revealed greater understanding of management prin- phasized. Educational materials were prepared for ciples by all groups. consumers explaining the reasons for food price in- Extension economists worked with several industry creases and expected changes in food price levels, groups during the past year, including food distri- Availability and expected prices for fuels, fertilizer bution industry leaders, bankers and citrus industry and other inputs affected by the energy situation were leaders. A Food Marketing and Distribution Industry particularly emphasized in outlook materials to pro- Conference, held on the University campus, involved ducers, distributed through county offices, industry Florida food industry leaders in an IFAS program re- field days and meetings, and articles in popular pe- view, evaluation and recommendation. riodicals. State Extension specialists have for many years Grain, soybean, beef cattle, dairy, citrus, swine and served as advisors to the citrus committee of the Flor- sugarcane producers and feed, citrus and sugar pro- ida Bankers Association. This committee sponsors the cessors were participants in a series of workshops on annual Citrus Forum and bank displays promoting commodity futures and other marketing alternatives. citrus during Citrus Week in February. The workshop series and other related meetings were Interest by consumers and farmers in the orga- held in seven counties. Extension economists also nization of cooperatives to maximize income is higher evaluated the feasibility of integrating several steps now than in several years. Consumer leaders in four in livestock marketing in an effort to assist producers urban counties were assisted in planning. Several II r farm groups progressed to the point of organization. Tomato, leaf and radish growers were ready to start the Florida Tomato Exchange and the Florida Vege- table Exchange. At least four groups in south Florida were ready to start cooperative buying of fertilizer, agricultural chemicals and other farm supplies. The cooperative market potential in those farm supplies may be sufficient to save farmers as much as $25 million in the next decade. The national "Project Consumer Concern" has the objectives of improving food handling, storage and distribution, especially at wholesale and retail points, to insure safe and wholesome food for consumers. Food Safety and Sanitation programs for operators of independent food stores in Florida were held during the past year. In addition, Extension specialists or- ganized and helped conduct a series of meetings between food retailers and regulatory personnel to insure better understanding and communication be- tween the two groups. Both now are better able to carry out food sanitation policies and provide better facilities and services to the public. After more than a decade of talk and proposals, the Florida citrus industry attempted to implement a method of controlling orange supplies in the summer of 1974. Pressured by greater than average crops for two successive seasons, prospects for at least an aver- age crop forthcoming, mounting inventories, and the price-cost squeeze, a marketing order was put to a grower-processor referendum. The proposal called for controlling the quantity of frozen concentrate marketed by establishing a reserve pool. The intention was to alleviate a temporary sea- sonal surplus of the product, and help develop the export and school lunch markets. County Extension personnel held meetings and of- fered facilities where industry leaders discussed the pros and cons of the marketing order. Material pre- pared by Extension economists was distributed to citrus growers. Extension personnel answered ques- tions and aided in the distribution and collection of the ballots. Natural Resources and Environmental Quality Pollution Control and Abatement Wildlife and Fish Guidelines for limitation of pollutant discharge were issued by the Environmental Protection Agency for the feedlot, dairy products processing and red meat proc- essing industries among others. In response to these regulations, Extension issued a news-letter which in- terpreted the requirements for Florida producers. In addition, the new guidelines were presented and discussed at meetings of producers and processors. The Florida Department of Pollution Control is among several state agencies studying water management and pollution control in the Kissimmee-Okeechobee Basin. Extension personnel at the state level and in the affected counties have assisted in providing in- formation about land use and agricultural practices in the study area. A major report, prepared primarily by Agricultural Engineering for the DPC, reviewed the importance of agriculture as a source of non-point pollution and outlined the methods currently available for better control. Tighter state and federal restrictions on pollutant discharge have increased interest in landspreading various wastes. Training was given to county Ex- tension staffs to increase their competence in evalu- ating certain aspects of landspreading systems. Sub- ject matter was presented by state specialists from Agricultural Engineering, Soil Science, Agronomy, Ornamental Horticulture, and Food and Resource Eco- nomics. This area of work took about 20 percent of the time of one Extension specialist. Probably our biggest contribution here, outside of educating many persons, young and old, has been to prevent persons from making unwise investments in catfish and bullfrog production. Everyone seems to have the idea that both are "get-rich-quick" enterprises when, in fact, most such operations are money losers. Earthworm production continues to thrive in Flor- ida and probably produces $25-30 million for state operators each year. Recreation The Extension Outdoor Recreation program has con- tinued to grow in breadth and depth. As a result of pilot programs in earlier years, many requests for assistance in recreation planning were received and serviced last year. These requests came from 15 counties, from Monroe on the south to Nassau on the north and Escambia on the west, and in between. In addition, housing developments, industrial firms, elec- tric utilities companies, and individuals sought such assistance. One pulp company provided a $10,000 grant to the Extension Forestry Section to develop plans for a Forest Industry Interpretive Demonstration at the point of entry of Interstate 95 into Florida. The plans have been completed and preliminary ground- work on the site has begun. I ~ Ornamental The adage, "Man does not live by bread alone," is typified by the fact that interest in environmental aesthetics and ornamental horticulture continued at an all-time high in 1974 despite flagging economic con- ditions and general business gloom. Demands upon county Extension personnel throughout the state have intensified to the point where these personnel are, presently spending 25 percent of their time working on ornamentals and turf programs. Demands for service by homeowners and com- mercial enterprises were greatly magnified in highly urbanized counties such as Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, Hillsborough and Pinellas. This challenging situation was met in a variety of ways by county Ex- tension personnel, including extensive use of mass media such as radio, television, newspapers and news- letters as a means for rapid dissemination of informa- tion. A multitude of horticultural educational clinics with participation by state specialist broadened the educational base and afforded many the opportunity to ask questions first hand. Of particular note is a trend by county Extension staff toward pooling of personnel and technical ex- pertise for educational purposes which cuts across county lines. This approach has met with great suc- cess in the Tampa Bay area which includes Hills- borough, Manatee, Pasco, Pinellas and Sarasota coun- ties. Benefits accruing to area taxpayers have consisted of greater numbers of horticulture education clinics with broader informational bases, increased efficiency in coverage of homeowner and commercial problem solving and increased competency on the part of all participating personnel resulting from continual ex- changes of information. Increased demands on county Extension personnel combined with increased industry demands have in turn intensified and increased pressure for Extension assistance at the state level. These needs have been met through increased direct participation by state Horticulture specialists in county programs and through use of mass media such as radio, television and newspaper articles. Additionally, newletters concerning flori- culture, woody ornamentals and foliage are regularly distributed to county Extension personnel for local in- county distribution. Similar information regarding turf is published directly through the state turf associa- tion and sent free to all county Extension personnel handling turf problems. The latter method of publish- ing and distribution is accomplished with no cost to taxpayers. State specialists worked very closely with state organizations in 1974. They also were responsible for organizing several state educational short course. Events in both areas consisted of the Florida Turfgrass Association Conference and Show which had over 750 conferees in attendance, 1974 Floriculture Short Course, Garden Club Short Course, co-sponsored by the Flor- ida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. (which lists 31,000 garden clubs in its membership) and the 1974 National Tropical Foliage Short Course which more than 700 persons attended. Impact of information presented through state and county educational programs is difficult to estimate even though demand for this type of education and in- formation is at an all time high. Perhaps the best indication of need is the fact that Florida is ranked second in the nation for value of its woody orna- mentals and floriculture products production where as the wholesale value of commercially grown foliage plants is estimated to be $30 million. Additionally, Floridians spent over $350 million in 1974 main- tenance of 200,000 acres of homelawns and another $200 million for maintenance of turf on golf courses, cemeteries, parks and mobile homes. The preceding value indicators all point to the fact that ornamental horticulture is big business in Florida requiring continual up-to-date information for its maintenance. The challenge to Extension is obvious. Plant Pathology Approximately 40 talks were given at various meet- ings, short courses and schools in 1974 and diseases of plants in all commodity areas discussed with over 2,500 people. In addition, 16 television and 11 radio programs were given. These programs, in addition to preparing or assisting in preparing approximately 20 publications (i.e., circulars, Plant Protection Pointers, technical papers, production guides) enabled Extension Plant Pathology to disseminate plant disease control information to a large portion of the population of Florida. In addition, the field crops section of the "Florida Plant Disease Control Guide" was completely revised and part of the ornamental section developed. About 1500 copies of the Control Guide have been is- sued going to people in the United States and 35 foreign countries. Over 900 plant disease specimens were received in the Plant Disease Clinic during 1974. Many of these were submitted by the homeowner or commerical grower, but the majority were from county agents. With the Environmental Protection Agency's pro- gram of mandatory "Certified Applicator" heading toward implementation in October of 1976, emphasis has been placed on various phases of this program which concern Plant Pathology. Extension's role in training growers and applicators to meet the require- ments of the State of Florida and the Environmental Protection Agency will be extremely important to all growers of Florida who use restricted pesticides. Poultry Science Extension's continuing role in conducting layer strain evaluation trials at the Chipley Poultry Evaluation Center has played an important part in Florida's rise to a national ranking of seventh place in egg produc- tion by providing constant in-depth evaluation of the important economic characteristics of layer strains available to Florida poultry producers. In response to the potential problem of aflatoxin producing molds in feeds and feedstuffs, training meetings were conducted throughout the state in which county Extension agents were educated in means of recognizing and preventing development of aflatoxins. Numerous poultry feed mills have been instructed on the dangers of aflatoxin and how to prevent the prob- lems which could be very costly through loss of chick- ens or production. Much assistance has been given in locations of high Soil Florida soils vary depending on the parent material, climate, age and vegetation. There are four general soil areas in the state-the loamy soils, the well-to- excessively drained sand ridge, the flatwoods, and the organic soils. Land use planning decisions vary with soil charac- teristics and the need today for sound land use plan- ning is more important than ever. To help fill this need, a series of Soil Identification Short Courses de- signed for county Extension staffs were completed. In addition, early; this year arrangements were made to hold a workshop in Hillsborough county for the Agribusiness and Natural Resources Education (Smith Hughes) teachers. The workshop included a tour which afforded participants an opportunity to see typical profiles of the predominant soils of the area. Comments made by the students stated that this kind of short course is very beneficial in keeping abreast of technology which was developed since poultry populations, especially by the area Extension poultry specialist in the settlement of zoning problems to insure continued production of poultry and eggs which are among Florida's most valuable agricultural products. Work has been continuing with poultry farmers to encourage them to be good neighbors by controlling potential odor and fly nuisance problems. Special projects were undertaken to develop and make available more useful information in proper utilization of poultry manure for fertilizer at a time of shortage of inorganic fertilizer. Through the total effort of the entire Extension poultry staff, assistance has been given in 1974 to Florida poultry producers, thus helping them to con- tinue to produce and make available to Florida con- sumers quality poultry meat and eggs in an abundant supply and at an economical price. Science their last formal training experience in the Soil Science subject matter area. Additional workshops will be scheduled in the future. The Extension Soils Testing Laboratory processed in excess of 36,690 samples which were received from all 67 counties of the state. This is a continuing program which supports all commodity disciplines and com- mercial agricultural enterprises as well as the research programs underway. Several thousand boys and girls representing 4-H and other youth in 32 counties took part in land ap- preciation schools and judging contests to improve their understanding of Florida soils, their alternative uses, and conservation needs. Benefits realized in- cluded increased knowledge and skill on the part of participants at all levels in science and technology re- garding the relationships of natural resources in the environment and increased interest in higher education and employment in resource-oriented careers. Vegetable Crops Commercial Production It is estimated unofficially that the vegetable pro- duction season ending in mid-1974 may supercede the $400 million gross of the previous year. Some significant developments are worthy of note. Pro- ducers of celery and late spring potatoes suffered dis- astrously from depressed prices. However, other seg- ments of the industry fared well. Tomato growers not only produced bumper crops, but also received better than average prices. Producers of other commodities ranged in between these two categories from the standpoint of yields and prices obtained. Labor was plentiful but-comprised a major portion of the total input. The vegetable Extension program placed consider- able emphasis on efficient use of resources during the period of shortages and high prices. An intensive educational program in efficient usage of fertilizer, without doubt, benefited most vegetable growers. Another program receiving major emphasis was the use of full-bed, plastic much culture for tomato, pep- per, eggplant and other crops. It is estimated that mulched acreage in 1974 more than doubled over the previous year. Concurrently, average yields per acre A field of tomatoes grown under the highly successful plastic- mulched system. rose significantly on the crops on which it was used. Records show that a drop of almost 25 percent in acreage resulted in less than a 9 percent drop in total production of tomatoes from 1972-73 to 1973-74. Special emphasis on this program, so successful in 1974, is continuing in 1975 in an effort to help keep the Florida vegetable production profitable. Harvesting and Handling Extension efforts in harvesting and handling are be- ginning to pay dividends to Florida's vegetable in- dustry. Packinghouse sanitation has been improved generally with the initiation of a priority program of use of chlorination treatment of wash water. The pro- gram benefits not only the shipper, who now loses less produce in transit, but also the housewife who buys the vegetables. A program to expand markets for Florida tomatoes was a success from the beginning. Tomatoes picked "red-ripe" in the field, carefully handled and shipped to local markets outsold regular tomatoes threefold even at premium prices. Similar market development and consumer preference work is being expanded to other vegetable crops, too. The Extension program in harvesting and handling is also active in the area of packing for vegetable crops. Receivers are demanding that vegetables be packed in standardized containers which can be pal- letized for ease of handling. To remain competitive, Florida vegetable growers must be in a position of leadership or suffer loss of some of their markets. Ex- tension specialists are actively working with govern- ment and industry agencies involved in research and development of new materials and techniques needed for packing and transporting vegetables in the future. Vegetable Gardening Recent developments in world food supplies, high prices and "WIN" programs have resulted in a tre- mendous upsurge in requests for vegetable gardening information. The number of gardens in Florida has increased manyfold in the past two years. Florida's climate is ideal for gardening, but technical know-how is needed to insure success. The Extension program in vegetable gardening has been expanded by the addition of a professionally trained assistant. The program is turning out instruc- tional information on vegetable gardening as fast as it can. This includes pamphlets, TV tapes, news re- leases, on-the-spot garden clinics and lectures. Gar- deners are gobbling up these materials as fast as they are produced and distributed. The results of this program are hard to measure, but certainly are im- pressive. Duval county reports that it now has over 70,000 gardens. An attendance record of 1,500 avid gardeners at a Sarasota lecture attests to the value placed on the programs. Gardeners all over the state are reaping the benefits not only of nutritious, fresh vegetables, but also of plentiful sunshine, fresh air and healthful exercise. Cucumbers being palletized in a packinghouse. Veterinary Medicine Fifteen to 32 percent of potential animal production never reaches the market because of diseases. Ani- mals fail to produce living young; animals die; valu- able feeds are wasted with poor feed efficiency and retarded growth; milk production fails to reach max- imum potential and diseased animals are condemned at packing plants. To reduce these losses, the Florida legislature has provided for the establishment of a College of Veteri- nary Medicine at the University of Florida with con- struction scheduled to begin in early 1975. The Cooperative Extension Service has begun plans to integrate this new resource into programs for the pre- vention and control of diseases. During 1974 beef cow-calf health clinics held in strategic areas of the state helped cattlemen to reduce disease losses in beef herds. Calf raising schools for dairymen were designed to reduce the more than 20 percent death loss in dairy calves. Educational pro- grams helped acquaint horsemen with new research and regulations related to equine infectious anemia. Most dairymen have adopted the practice of dipping of teats after milking, a practice that reduces mastitis losses by 20 to 50 percent. Calving percentages have increased about 10 percent in the last five years. Poultry and swine diseases were also given attention. Fifteen slide-audio sets and films on animal dis- eases were made available through county Extension agents and practicing veterinarians for showing to livestock groups, 4-H Clubs, and companion animal owners. This method provides new opportunities for local education programs and expands the productiv- ity and effectiveness of University faculty at a min- imum of cost during a time when conservation of energy and resources is desirable. Printed informa- tion on the prevention and control of animal diseases also serves a similar purpose. Realistically, the new College of Veterinary Med- icine and expanded efforts in research and extension programs can result in reduction of animal disease losses by 20 percent by 1980-an approximate saving of $32 million annually to the food production in- dustry at a time when elimination of waste is vital. r I Ii1 Community Resource Developmenl lIIi Community Resource Development Every county in Florida is served by a community development committee that gives advice and direc- tion to county Extension personnel. Working with the support of these groups and other organized bodies the Cooperative Extension Service was able to make a major impact on many community problems during 1974. These varied in magnitude from a water con- tamination problem in Gadsden county affecting half a dozen families to a water shortage problem af- fecting about 20,000 people in Vero Beach. In the latter case the Cooperative Extension Service helped plan a canal to bring water from a storage area 22 miles away. Water from a surface spring being used by families in the St. Johns Community was collected by the Ex- tension agent and tested by the health department. Contaminants were found to be causing illness among families in the community. Information from this case was used in formulating support for a water bill n9w in the Florida legislature. A pressing community problem throughout Florida is the disposition of sewage wastes. A promising development is the use of open land for disposal of the effluent. A good example is in the Tampa Bay area where rapid urbanization compounds sewage problems. One recently built plant is using 32 acres for the treated effluent and local officials are consider- ing the feasibility of adding additional acreage. Ex- tension personnel cooperated in this project by pro- viding information on soil structure (into which wells are drilled to monitor movement of the nutrients) and information and assistance on seeding, fertilizing, and management of grasses grown on the area. Knowl- edge gained on this and similar projects helped de- termine the feasibility of land spread systems in other communities. Extension personnel throughout the state are monitoring such systems and giving technical assistance as needed. A sewage plant being constructed in Osceola county will dispose 2 million gallons per day. The local Extension director helped locate land suitable for spreading the effluent and was instrumental in in- volving the local land owner in the operation. In Broward county Extension personnel are working with the Fort Lauderdale city authorities on plans to use both animal waste and waste from sewage plants to improve soils in golf courses and airport instal- lations. Animal waste from the race tracks is being used for improvement of grass at the track and for nursery plants in the area. Dairy farmers in particular are receiving valuable assistance from Extension with development of im- proved ways of disposing solid wastes. In Indian River county alone, four dairies have changed to sys- tems of spreading and pumping effluent through ir- rigation pipes. Another dairy has installed a com- pletely new sediment system to dispose of the waste. A problem faced by every community in Florida is the need for improved housing, especially for low and moderate income families. Extension personnel at both state and county levels have conducted educational programs to help bring about improvement in existing homes as well as the establishment of new housing developments. Extension Home Economics personnel have provided families with educational programs on how to care for new homes. This has been especially helpful in protecting properties from misuse by fam- ilies unaccustomed to modern home facilities. Since Extension programs in community resource development deal primarily with group decisions and group action, a basic premise for the success of these efforts is effective organization and enlightened lead- ership. Extension programs in leadership develop- ment have been especially effective with individuals who, because of social, economic, ethnic or other rea- sons, have refrained from involvement in community problems or activities. Leadership schools for these families were held in a dozen different communities in rural Florida. Participants were shown how to func- tion in groups in an acceptable manner. The major thrust was to prepare individuals to move into outer circles, to participate in established groups, and to communicate effectively with others in the group proc- ess. Potential leaders from 16 different counties were brought to the campus of Florida A & M University for a three-day training workshop in leadership develop- ment. Participants from the Robertsville Community returned home to practice what they had learned on problem identification and analysis, goal setting and the application of workable solutions. They formed a community improvement group to work on local prob- lems. Encouraged by their initial effort to establish road signs at all critical points in the community, they moved on to obtain approval for plans to pave roads where pavement has never existed before. Success in applying the skills and principals learned in the leadership training schools is encouraging the group to attack more difficult problems. As Florida's rapid growth creates severe develop- mental problems, especially on the rural-urban fringe, the Cooperative Extension Service is providing educa- tional assistance in support of sound land use plan- ning. It is contributing to the process of preserving the best agricultural lands for agricultural use and promoting orderly growth for other types of develop- ment. F I r .i I Home Economics III _ __ _ ___ __ Extension Home Economics Impact on Families Florida's semi-tropical climate, and its national reputation as a vacation and retirement center of the United States has swelled its population to an esti- mated record high of 7,845,092 in 1973. Though it is noted as a retirement state, only 15 percent of Flor- ida's residents are 65 or over. Minority representa- tion of numerous ethnic, racial, and cultural groups further diversify Florida's population. The onrush of people to Florida has brought with it the need for educational programs to enhance and develop this human resource. Extension Home Economics con- tinues to serve this purpose. In 1974 programs were developed on themes of focus areas that were estab- lished by a national task force. These were family stability, health, resource management, and home en- vironment. Family Stability Promoting Adequate Child Care The need for emphasis on child care in Florida re- sulted form an increased number of children under the age of five, an increased number of employed mothers, and more understanding of the significance of the early years as crucial in a child's development. Through various means the Florida Cooperative Ex- tension Service promoted better child care in 1974. In 23 counties, educational programs were conducted to enlighten parents and others who work with children regarding the physical, cognitive, social and emotional developmental process of children. In several coun- ties Extension Home Economics agents serve as con- sultants for child care center personnel to assist them regarding provision of an environment for individual growth of children in a group child care facility. Child care center personnel in a number of counties have received training to improve their competence in providing a stimulating environment for children. Education for future parenthood was provided through projects and activities undertaken by 4,000 youth. Involving Florida's Retirees Literally thousands of retirees migrate to Florida every year to make it their home. Helping these per- sons to find a place in our continuing programs and developing new programs to meet their special needs has been emphasized in the Extension Home Econom- ics Program. Extension Home Economics agents from 25 counties received training in psychological adjust- ment to aging and financial planning and manage- ment for retirees. Sixty volunteer leaders represent- ing 44 counties received training that has helped them create educational programs aimed at helping retirees and other special groups become actively involved in projects that meet their needs. As a result of such pro- grams, low-income youth were provided summer camping experiences; isolated, immobile older resi- dents were provided with such services as delivery of meals and daily contacts with other persons; fixed in- comes of retirees have been subsidized through pro- visions of outlets for goods produced; psychological adjustment to death has been studied; social needs of individauls have been met; and interest in the con- tinuing educational process has been established. Health Based on the Consumer Price Index, the cost of medical care has increased approximately 25 percent since 1970 and food costs have increased 43 percent. Maintenance of health constitutes a considerable seg- ment of the family budget. Emphasis is placed on helping people realize their personal roles and re- sponsibility in maintaining health, as well as devising ways to provide adequate nourishment for their fam- ilies with the dwindling dollar. Extension focuses attention on educational programs that promote utilization of Florida's resource of "grand people" to develop the state's 616,000 "little people." Alleviating Major Health Problems The Home Economics Food and Nutrition Section undertook a major program in Food Sanitation entitled, "Sanitation Unlimited" and developed a companion program for 4-H club members. And increased oc- currence of disease due to lack of sanitary practice has brought national attention to the need for educating people about the necessity of sanitation as an im- portant factor in disease prevention. In one rural county alone, 40 food handlers representing 15 food establishments were trained in sanitation and an ad- ditional 200 homemakers received training on the topic. Emphasizing Food Safety and Sanitation Other programs were planned and implemented to alleviate some of Florida's health problems. Educa- tional programs concerned with the problem of breast cancer and arteriosclerotic heart disease have been in- itiated. At the state level 1,500 people were trained in the BSE program. In addition, Extension has trained leaders to coordinate programs involving other health agencies to focus on reducing cardiovascular disease. As a result of the state training, 54 county volun- teers are activating programs at the local level. Nine counties reported implementing and carrying out a hypertensive screening program with approximately 3,500 people being tested. Other innovative programs have been conducted at the local level on low-cholesterol meals, changed eat- Extension Home Economics teaches careful selection of food to economize and provide nutritional requirements for family members. ing habits, and exercise programs essential to the well-being of potential heart disease victims. In 1971, 16.1 males and 9.6 females per 100,000 nonwhites died of hypertension and a high percentage of heart related deaths were attributed to arteriosclerotic heart disease. Coping With the Cost of Living The growing complexity of the national economic situation suggests the need for continuing education for all segments of the population regarding better management of human and non-human resources. In response to many requests from budget minded home- makers, a state-wide food preservation workshop was conducted jointly by the Food Science and Home Eco- nomics Departments for 60 county home economics agents. Homemakers, in an effort to provide better nutrition for their families, are growing more gardens; taking advantage of the increasingly popular u-pick fields; and freezing or canning these fresh products. Sixty-seven county home economists were also trained in "Timely Food Topics", providing up-to-date infor- mation to help consumers understand economic trends and legislation affecting market decisions. Persons living within fixed budgets and low income families are experiencing the brunt of the rising cost of living. Extension's Expanded Food and Nutrition Program is charged with helping families in poverty or near poverty to improve their diets and manage resources more effectively. In 1974, the program pro- vided intensive training for 12,865 program families of which 33 percent were on welfare, 52 percent re- ceived food stamps, and 45 percent had incomes of $3,000 or less. In addition, 8,395 youths in the state were involved in experiences related to the improvement of diets, nutrition, and personal development. Training for families and youth included such areas as designing a realistic budget, meal planning, food shopping, label- ing, alternate protein sources, food for various age groups, storage of foods, food safety and sanitation. Resource Management Each year the average family uses the equivalent of 2,276 gallons of gasoline in various forms of energy. Families are using about 30 percent of the nation's total energy around homes and for travel. The fuel shortage and the continued rising cost of living pointed up the need for educational programs in the area of resource management. Conserving Energy "Saving Energy Can Save Money" was a major home economics program for homemaking clubs and special interest groups. The state home economics Approximately 36,000 energy conservation cards, printed in Spanish and English, were supplied to motels and hotels in Florida to remind guests to conserve energy while visiting the Sunshine State. specialists prepared 15 energy conservation leaflets, slide sets and scripts, cards and stickers. Using these materials, volunteer Extension Homemakers in 38 coun- ties presented over 200 educational programs, and assembled and distributed over 5,300 booklets to the offices of doctors and dentists, beauty shops, libraries, chambers of commerce, and other public lobbies where people may wait for appointments. Topics dealt with were: Cooling, Heating, Home Lighting, Laundrying, Building and Remodeling, Auto- mobile Insulation, Weatherstripping, Keeping Warm in a Crisis, Home Furnishings, Econo-Pot Cookery and Clothing. Improving Management Skills A learn-by-mail series was developed and sent to counties to reach young marrieds. The "For Richer, For Poorer" series included the following topics: Plan Your Future Now; How to Live on What You Make; The Cost of Raising a Child; How To Feel You're Get- ting Your Money's Worth at the Supermarket; and The Art of Using Credit. In addition, over 163,437 young people were enrolled in consumer competence and/or resource management projects. Mass media has proven effective in reaching new audiences with consumer information. The "Con- sumers Ask" news column is released weekly to 31 newspapers that are circulated to 2 million readers throughout the state. Packets of mass media infor- mation for use on radio, TV and in newsletters is dis- tributed quarterly to Extension Home Economics agents. Monthly newsletters on clothing and con- sumer education are sent to counties. A low-reading level publication is produced and distributed to 168,000 households each year. Home Environment According to the 1970 census, 19.5 percent of Flor- ida families have annual incomes of less than $4,000. For this population the problem was to find ways to remodel, repair, refinish, replace equipment and fur- nish the home with low-cost items. Maintaining the Home Do-it-yourself projects have been emphasized this year. Each county providing training in this area selected a home in need of repair to demonstrate in- expensive insulation materials and how to wallpaper, paint, weatherstrip, repair walls, lay carpet, repair faucets and repair screens and broken windows. One county reported a total of 46,143 contacts through newspaper, radio, special workshop meetings and TV programs on ways individuals can save money by doing their own home repairs. Teaching Responsibilities of Home Ownership In the area of housing, Extension Home Economics is providing pre-homeownership educational programs for low-income families who are receiving FmHA 502 interest credit loans to buy a home. Responsibilities of homeownership are stressed, including the repay- ment of the loan or mortgage, the necessity of main- taining a suitable fire insurance policy, paying yearly taxes, filing for a homestead tax exemption, and war- ranty agreement for a new home. Maintenance and management are also emphasized when families oc- cupy new homes. Educational materials are also provided in other areas of housing such as financing a home; sources of credit; choosing a mobile home; and factors to con- sider in selecting a condominium. Home Economics para-professionals worked with low-income level families in home maintenance and clothing. For example, aids in one county contacted and worked with 1,488 persons in improving home- making skills. Promotion by Extension Home Economies of "Do-It-Yourself" renovations and home maintenance helped Florida families to economize. I I F 11 I Youth Programs IIIIIII ilium. I ___ Florida 4-H A Youth Oriented Service of the Florida Cooperative Extension Service Meteorology and climatology, oceanography, emer- gency preparedness, personal development, career ex- ploration, community development, international study, public affairs education-do these sound like 4-H? One might question that these are the types of activities envisioned by early leaders as developing from the Corn and Tomato Clubs which originated 4-H programming for American Youth. Even though con- tent may be changing, apparently much of that which accompanied participation in these early clubs still works to assist young people in becoming responsible productive adult citizens today. What We're Learning about Youth Emerging national studies are assisting in providing opportunities for program revision and the develop- ment of new approaches to meet the changing needs of youth. Results reflect the concerns of young peo- ple both in their everyday lives and in participation in 4-H. They express concern over ecology and popu- lation growth, over youth's voice in society's decision- making process and in receiving help with decisions such as education and career plans affecting their future. Youth are concerned with problems of self-identity and relating with others, including parents, and in receiving help with personal problems. Obtaining money and making good grades reflect achievement and related concerns. The process of award achieve- ment, and the value of competition, particularly as a screening-out device are being questioned by youth themselves. Responses to the question as to the kinds of com- munity youth activities which need to be established indicate the young people feel more activities are needed. In addition, boredom and planning what to do with their time are indicated concerns. Drug abuse and alcohol concerns appear to be related to several and possibly many of these issues facing young people. There is significant need to increase activities which will increase and maintain male participation in 4-H. Florida 4-H is moving to respond to these research results and the resulting recommendations. Organ- ized clubs and activities provide first, a setting for young people to meet, make friends, talk, and do things as a group and, secondly, a setting and pro- gram where young people can obtain information and assistance with questions and problems which are of importance to them. This experience supplements and reinforces in an informal way, the education of youth in more formal programs. A major challenge facing Extension 4-H Youth Pro- grams today is balanced programming, or providing Extension's services equally to the citizens with the delivery of the services not based on income, race, creed, sex, or location of residence. Youth from large urban areas and youth from the more isolated rural areas have received least in the way of 4-H program- ming opportunities. It is this group of young people who also have the fewest positive and productive free- time activity alternatives available to them. Florida 4-H is exerting a major thrust in this direc- tion. Special interest groups, television program- ming, a broader range of activities, and the directing of staff efforts toward programming for unreached rural and urban youth are included in these efforts. Programming for contemporary youth includes problem resolution in the areas of careers, education, self-development and relationships with others. At- temps are being made to provide an avenue for en- trance into 4-H for youth who have no access or limited access to 4-H. Some 1974 Highlights Young people in 26 Florida counties were turned on to good nutrition this winter and spring. Their county 4-H programs participated in "Mulligan Stew," a The Florida 4-H program in 1974 continued to offer education opportunities for Florida youth through both traditional and innovative activities. television series developed by the Extension Service of the United States Department of Agriculture. The six, 30-minute, full color shows combine a five piece rock band, puppets, animated characters, and a daffy character named Wilber Dooright. 4-H day camping experiences in nutrition and related subjects such as health and grooming were provided for inner city youth. These activities resulted from the joint efforts of 4-H county staff leaders, Expanded Nutrition Pro- gram (ENP) leaders, ENP aides and school systems. Many of the youth and leaders first reached through these activities are now being involved in other phases of the 4-H program. Community pride projects such as park improve- ment, ecology studies, community and historical build- ing restoration, work with the elderly and retarded are but a few of the 4-H activities designed to assist in enlisting new target youth and in relating the in- dividual to his community. Leon county 4-H youth conducted a sight-saving community project, parti- cipating in a "Home Eye Test for Preschoolers." Volusia county had a significant increase in the par- ticipation of low income and minority youth in 4-H activities. Further studies will make some assessment of the responsiveness from urban and isolated rural young people participating in these kinds of current and newly developing programs and approaches. Sewing units were just one area of activity planned by 4-H to highlight the program year. New Roles for Agents and Leaders The studies and indicated needs for program direc- tion hold important implications for professional staff. Edwin Kirby, Administrator, Extension Service, United States Department of Agriculture, indicated to Exten- sion 4-H agents at the Annual Meeting and Profes- sional Conference, November 4, 1974: "If these many resources in combination are to be effective in Extension 4-H programs, one of your challenges is to gain expertise in 4-H program management and implementation. You are becom- ing responsible for larger and more diverse 4-H programs. You are becoming responsible for in- creasing numbers of paraprofessionals and volun- teers. You are responsible for needed subject mat- ter expertise to fit the needs and interests of youth and volunteers who work with youth. These trends are bringing about a change in the role of Extension 4-H agents. You find yourselves becoming more and more involved in program management. Con- sequently, these responsibilities have resulted in the need for upgrading and inservice training in 4-H program management. A number of states have held special seminars and workshops to improve program management skills." Many agents in Florida are gaining the expertise required to revise their roles as 4-H agents. In ad- dition, the state 4-H staff is developing and imple- menting a series of workshops designed to enhance agent competency in program management, devolp- ment and implementation. At the November confer- ence Kirby further noted: "The long range future of Extension 4-H programs depends upon the involvement and interest of local people-particularly the volunteer 4-H adult and youth leaders. These volunteers are an invaluable resource and their enlistment, development, support, and recognition should be one of our most im- portant priorities." The Southern Regional 4-H Development Committee has strongly emphasized the importance of a well- trained corps of volunteers in Extension 4-H youth work. The Extension Committee on Organization and Policy has pointed out that training at the county, district, state, regional and national levels is the key. In addition to the many county and area leader train- ing sessions, the first Florida 4-H Volunteer Leader Forum was held at the University of Florida in con- nection with the Florida 4-H Congress. The annual Southern Region 4-H Volunteer Leaders Forum, held at Rock Eagle, Georgia, was also popular with Florida 4-H volunteer leaders. Several who attended have Through special workshops and meetings, 4-H agents and leaders are gaining the expertise required to enhance their competency in program management, development and implementation. joined in organizing and implementing leader's for- ums for local leaders. The social impact on adults who were involved in the 4-H program has been evident. Community spirit has developed as adults got together to work toward a common goal-a 4-H club for the youth of their area. Cooperation between leaders from several com- munities to plan and carry out county-wide projects was also an experience the leaders met with enthus- iasm. Adults in the several communities have be- come leaders-not only in 4-H, but have developed confidence in their leadership ability that is helping them to become involved in other community and county leadership roles. 4-H in the Future Omer Voss, Executive Vice President of International Harvester and President of the National 4-H Service Committee stated in a 1974 issue of International Harvester: "Everything about 4-H that can be quantified or counted or measured or averaged or compared with other years, everything that can be expressed nu- merically has been computed and accounted for. And it all adds up to a growing, vital, relevant, progressive and successful program One thing is certain and that is that 4-H really does work. 4-H continually attracts more and more young peo- ple to participation or volunteers to leadership and it constantly generates new and important pro- grams. These are demonstrated facts It is not the intent of 4-H merely to keep the kids occupied and off the street, but to make a difference-for good-in their later lives. How do we express it? "To develop those qualities which boys and girls must have to provide responsible leadership for the future; to help youth establish real-life goals and to become competent, productive citizens." The Florida 4-H program continues to offer educa- tional opportunities through the traditional and more recent innovative activities. However, for 4-H in Flor- ida, 1974 has constituted a year of examination and questioning with an eye toward responding to studies of youth involvement and response to 4-H program- ming, to rapidly changing needs of youth in our soci- ety and toward providing leadership in developing and implementing innovative, effective, informal edu- cational experiences for these youth. FI I I .U.m - SFlorida A&M Programs Florida A & M Programs Cooperative Extension Programs were established at Florida A & M University in 1972 to intensify efforts to reach citizens whose socio-economic status indicate they have not benefited from research, extension, or community service efforts of the two Florida Land- Grant Universities. The Florida A & M Programs aim to carry further the Cooperative Extension Service tradition of helping peo-, pie to help themselves. Program goals also encourage those who learn to help themselves to become helpers of others. The target audiences of this specialized effort include families, youth, farmers and other rural residents. To alleviate conditions associated with low socio- economic status, educational programs are provided in community development, youth development, family resource management and management for small farm operators. To conduct these programs, the Flor- ida A & M unit utilizes the educational resources of Florida A & M University, the University of Florida, and county Extension units. Participating counties are augmented with additional Extension agents, instruct- ional resources and an emerging category of Extension workers called program assistants. Program assistants are community-based paraprofessionals who work in- tensively with low-income groups to initiate and main- tain their involvement in Extension activities. Anticipated outcomes of these educational programs are the improvement of living standards of families and individuals and, consequently, the improvement of the quality of life in their communities. Program efforts in 1974 focused on training pro- gram assistants, the involvement of youth and adults in community development projects, and increasing the income of small farm operators. Community Development During July 1974, nine program assistants were employed and trained to work with low-income clien- tele in Gadsden and Liberty counties. These Extension workers have contacted 3,562 low-income residents to identify their needs, interests and problems of their communities. An anticipated outgrowth of these community con- tacts was the large number of people-problems un- covered in trying to determine educational needs. Program assistants in Gadsden and Liberty counties aided 142 people by referring their problems to num- erous state and federal agencies. These referrals in- volved people who needed Social Security benefits, day care services, food stamps, veteran benefits, em- ployment, home financing, health services and various forms of public assistance. In Gadsden county, the Extension agent and pro- gram assistants more than tripled membership in the St. Johns Robertsville Community Club by increasing membership in this club from seven to 25 during the past six months. Youth Development Youth development efforts were aimed primarily at reaching low income and minority youth who had not previously participated in 4-H programs. Their lack of participation is attributed to factors such as the lack of transportation, money and motivated interest. Extension agents and program assistants of the Flor- ida A & M Programs increased countywide 4-H par- ticipation by recruiting volunteer leaders. These lead- ers facilitated activities of interest to low income youth by working with parents and other interested individ- uals in providing transportation to and from club meetings and other 4-H events. In Gadsden County 32 new 4-H volunteer leaders were recruited by Extension program assistants. These leaders represented 10 new community 4-H clubs with a total enrollment of 234 members. Overall, the work of Extension personnel conducting the Florida A & M Programs gained a significant in- crease in 4-H participation. During the past year their efforts increased enrollment in 4-H Programs by 234 in Gadsden County, 184 in Jefferson County, 30 in Jackson County and 60 members in Liberty County. These increases are, for the most part, low income and minority youth who are being exposed to 4-H exper- iences for the first time. Commercial Agriculture Program efforts in commercial agriculture focused on increasing income among small farm operators. Extension instruction in the application of approved management practices to their farm enterprises has enabled a number of farmers to attain higher levels of production. Jefferson county 4-H members interested in swine production, took advantage of the new FmHA loan program for youth. Six members were granted a loan of $200 each to purchase registered Duroc bred gilts to start a swine improvement program. The loans were paid from the first litters. The gilts are being served again by a registered boar bought by a group of small farm operators as a part of the overall county swine improvement program. The Extension agent in Jackson county worked in- tensively with a selected group of farmers to increase their peanut production goals. An increase of 17 percent over last year's peanut yields was observed for this group of farmers since their adoption of man- agement practices recommended by the Extension agent. A curb market outlet was established in Quincy for a group of small farm operators and gardeners who offered a variety of vegetables for sale through the curb market scheme. Produce sales were $428 on the first day of curb market operation. During the initial period of curb market operation, approximately 27,000 customers were accommodated. Although the Florida A & M Programs are in the in- itial stages of implementation, it is evident that the educational benefits of these programs have great potential for improving the quality of life for citizens previously unreached by Extension and other educa- tional methods. FINANCIAL REPORT 1973-74 Federal Funds: Smith-Lever Amended Agricultural Marketing Indian Affairs Expanded Nutrition 1890 Program Total Federal Funds State & Trust Funds: State Funds Incidental County Appropriations Total State & Trust Funds Total Cooperative Extension Funds Federal Funds: Smith-Lever Amended Agricultural Marketing Indian Affairs Expanded Nutrition 1890 Program Total Federal Funds State & Trust Funds: State Funds Incidental County Appropriations Total State & Trust Funds Total Cooperative Extension Funds $1,512,994.00 19,271.00 14,000.00 1,577,200.00 252,233.00 $3,375,698.00 $4,521,359.00 166,500.00 1,929,077.00 $6,616,936.00 $9,992,634.00 1974-75 $1,692,986.00 19,271.00 1,577,200.00 270,381.00 $3,559,838.00 $5,427,551.00 166,500.00 2,222,664.00 $7,816,715.00 $11,376,553.00 FLORIDA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE PLANNED AND EXPENDED TIME BY PROGRAM AREA PROFESSIONALS Fiscal Year 1974 Program Area 1 Citrus and Other Fruits and Nuts 2 Vegetable Crops 3 Field Crops 4 Forage, Range and Pasture 5 Forest and Forest Products 6 Ornamentals 7 Beef 8 Dairy 9 Swine 10 Poultry 11 Horses 12 Bees 13 Other Animals 14 Marine and Aquatic Prod. 15 Supp. Disc. Act. (Commercial Ag.) 21 Pollution Control 22 Wildlife and Fish 23 Recreation 24 Environmental Esthetics 25 Supp. Disc. Act. (Nat. and Renewable Res.) 31 Family Stability 32 Consumer Competence 33 Family Health 34 Expanded Nutrition Program 35 Family Housing 36 Community and Regional Development 37 Manpower and Employment 38 Supp. Disc. Act. (Human Res. and Qual. of Life) 41 Extension Support and Maintenance 51 Administration 52 International Programs 53 Facilities 54 Editorial Planned* Mandays % of Total 2,996 2,635 1,895 842 528 5,173 3,185 1,622 903 910 666 158 17 544 3,560 485 100 270 110 1,144 5,582 5,128 1,990 5,759 2,188 1,675 66 5,627 20,007 1,385 96 129 920 78,295 3.83 3.36 2.42 1.08 0.67 6.61 4.07 2.07 1.15 1.16 0.85 0.20 0.02 0.69 4.55 0.62 0.13 0.34 0.14 1.46 7.13 6.55 2.54 7.36 2.79 2.14 0.08 7.19 25.55 1.77 0.12 0.16 1.18 99.98 Expended Mandays % of Total 4,216 4,029 2,824 1,183 519 7,852 4,211 2,144 891 1,316 1,190 172 17 872 6,158 366 58 329 80 1,280 8,393 6,182 2,449 6,629 2,440 3,152 82 7,397 29,239 1,922 173 217 944 108,923 3.87 3.70 2.59 1.09 0.48 7.21 3.86 1.97 0.82 1.21 1.09 0.16 0.02 0.80 5.65 0.34 0.05 0.30 0.07 1.18 7.70 5.68 2.25 6.08 2.24 2.89 0.08 6.79 26.84 1.76 0.16 0.20 0.87 100.00 *Only 74 percent of total available time was planned. Both eight-hour day. Sources: Retrieval Nos. 185 and 187 planned time and expended time are based on an Total Audience 92,750 85,011 48,773 20,709 19,886 336,447 119,591 30,060 19,520 60,714 40,397 2,173 621 6,904 96,324 11,192 545 4,470 1,909 43,520 231,100 137,570 70,280 59,569 36,279 129,760 2,782 212,858 143,351 10,680 910 943 0 2,077,598 SUMMARY OF EXTENSION HOME ECONOMICS PROGRAM Major Audience Types for which Home Economics Programs are Designed: Family Members Senior Citizens Families with Preschool Children Extension Homemaker Club Members Handicapped Residents of Low-Income Housing Paraprofessional Expanded Nutrition Program Aids Major Subject Taught by Extension Home Economists: Family Living Consumer Education Family Economics Legal Affairs Food Buying Nutrition Donated Foods Food Stamp Program Food Preparation and Service Food Preservation Storage Clothing Textiles Home Furnishings Household Equipment Home Grounds Food Production/Gardens Home Management Housing Human and Personal Development Human Relationships Health Safety Areas Reached by Expanded Nutrition Program: Counties Adult Programs Indian Reservations Adult Programs Counties Youth Programs Extension Program Aids Number of Organized Extension Homemaker Clubs Number of Extension Homemaker Club Members Number of Individuals Reached by Leaders in Homemaker Clubs and Special Interest Meetings Number of Home Economics Subject Matters Leaders Number of Persons Reached 424,413 16,508 1,628 71,097 453 7,324 18,520 11,089 48,853 10,563 1,026 14,128 94,761 18 3,418 17,908 12,821 997 48,802 691 17,828 1,680 218,368 26,988 4,092 11,934 159,705 5,259 11,520 20,192 28 3 8 385 449 13,390 201,945 2,385 SUMMARY OF 4-H YOUTH WORK Number of Organized 4-H Clubs 840 Number of 4-H Special Interest Groups and Other 4-H Units 1,441 Number of 4-H Members: Boys 36,787 Girls 50,144 TOTAL 86,931 Volunteer Leaders: Adult 3,051 4-H junior and teen boys 139 4-H junior and teen girls 416 4-H Members by Place of Residence: Farm 9,027 Towns under 10,000 and open country 32,080 Towns and cities 10,000 to 50,000 17,249 Suburbs of cities over 50,000 7,721 Central cities over 50,000 20,854 4-H Members by Age Groups: Under 9 6,320 15 years of age 3,990 9 years of age 10,078 16 years of age 3,017 10 years of age 11,632 17 years of age 1,584 11 years of age 20,412 18 years of age 462 12 years of age 16,002 19 years of age 32 13 years of age 7,583 Over 19 14 14 years of age 5,805 TOTAL 86,931 Major Audience Types and Number of Persons Reached for 4-H Youth Work: Youth (4-H) 168,861 Youth (4-H TV) 374 Youth/Adult (4-H) 227,973 Youth (Other) 24,697 Youth/Adult (Other) 75,345 Expanded Nutrition Program -Youth Phase Volunteer Leaders: Eight counties with youth program 332 All Expanded Nutrition Program units in state 463 Total Number Youth Enrolled in Nutrition Groups: Eight counties with youth program 5,076 All Expanded Nutrition Program units in state 8,395 COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE FACULTY LIST* STATE FACULTY Joe N. Busby, Ph.D., Dean for Extension Jack T. McCown, Ed.D., Associate Dean for Extension Raymond C. Andrew, Ph.D., Assistant Dean, Personnel B. B. Archer, Ph.D., Assistant Dean, FAMU Programs, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee James J. Brasher, Ph.D., Assistant Dean, Chairman, 4-H and Other Youth Programs Olive L. Morrill, Ed.D., Assistant Dean, Chairman, Home Economics James E. Ross, Ph.D., Assistant Dean, Agricultural Programs Forrest E. Myers, M.Ag., Assistant to the Dean Alto A. Straughn, Ph.D., Director, Program Evaluation and Organizational Development R. William Seiders, Ph.D., Extension Program Specialist Emily E. King, Ph.D., Extension Program Specialist Donald Y. Aska, B.S., Assistant in Agriculture (Marine Advisory Program) M. Hervey Sharpe, Ph.D., Chairman, Editorial Department, 50% Extension Mrs. JoAnn B. Pierce, M.A., Extension Publication Specialist, 50% Extension Douglas L. Buck, M. Ag., Extension Television Specialist Roberts C. Smith, Jr., B.A., Extension Radio Specialist Marshall H. Breeze, M.A., Extension Communication Specialist, Radio and Television Miss Alma Warren, M.S., Extension News Specialist Thomas M. Leahy, Jr., M.S., Marine Advisory Communication Specialist Leo Polopolus, Ph.D., Chairman, Food and Resource Economics Department, 30% Extension John Holt, Ph.D., Extension Farm Management Economist, 80% Extension Charles L. Anderson, M.S.A., Extension Area Farm Management Economist, Lake Alfred, 80% Extension George O. Westberry, M.S., Extension Area Farm Management Economist, Quincy, 80% Extension Lawrence A. Halsey, M.A., Extension Area Farm Management Economist, Belle Glade, 70% Extension James C. Cato, Ph.D., Extension Marine Economist James A. Niles, Ph.D., Extension Marketing Economist Ralph A. Eastwood, Ph.D., Extension Marketing Economist Harold B. Clark, Ph.D., Agricultural Economics Professor, 20% Extension Charles D. Covey, Ph.D., Extension Economist (Assistant Chairmran for Extension) William K. Mathis, Jr., Ph.D., Extension Marketing Economist, 90% Extension Robert O. Coppedge, Ph.D., Extension Rural Development Economist Clisby C. Moxley, Ph.D., Extension Rural Development Economist Bennett Abbitt, M.S., Extension Area Resource Development Economist Kenneth C. Clayton, Ph.D., Extension Economist, 50% Extension Vernon C. McKee, Ph.D., Director of Planning and Business Affairs, 50% Extension Virgil L. Elkins, M.S., Extension Area Program Specialist, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee James C. McCall, M.S., Extension Area Resource Development Specialist, Marianna James A. Brown, Jr., M.S., Extension Area Resource Development Economist, Swine Evaluation Center, Like Oak Lawrence Carter, M.S., Extension Rural Development Specialist, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee Gerald L. Zachariah, Ph.D., Chairman, Agricultural Engineering Department, 10% Extension Thomas C. Skinner, M.Ag., Extension Agricultural Engineer Dalton S. Harrison, M.S., Extension Agricultural Engineer A. M. Pettis, M.S.A., Extension Agricultural Engineer Richard P. Cromwell, M. Eng., Extension Agricultural Engineer Lloyd B. Baldwin, M.A., Extension Agricultural Engineer, 80% Extension Pat S. Shackelford, Jr., Ph.D., Extension Energy Specialist Coleman Y. Ward, Ph.D., Chairman, Agronomy Department, 10% Extension David W. Jones, M.S.A., Extension Agronomist *List of faculty as of 2/14/75 Wayne L. Currey, Ph.D., Extension Agronomist, 80% Extension Elmo B. Whitty, Ph.D., Extension Agronomist, 90% Extension James T. Johnson, Ph.D., Extension Agronomist and Center Director, Live Oak, 50% Extension Tony J. Cunha, Ph.D., Chairman, Animal Science Department, 10% Extension James E. Pace, M.S.A., Extension Beef Specialist Robert L. Reddish, Ph.D., Extension Meats Specialist, 80% Extension Kenneth L. Durrance, M.Ag., Extension Swine Specialist Ben H. Crawford, Jr., Ph.D., Extension Horse Specialist Robert S. Sand, Ph.D., Extension Livestock Specialist Harold H. VanHorn, Jr., Ph.D., Chairman, Dairy Science Department, 10% Extension Ronald L. Richter, Ph.D., Extension Dairy Technologist, 70 % Extension Barney Harris, Jr., Ph.D., Extension Dairy Nutritionist, 70 % Extension Daniel W. Webb, Ph.D., Extension Dairy Husbandman, 70 % Extension Lon W. Whitlow, M.S.A., Interim Assistant in Extension Dairy Science W. G. Eden, Ph.D., Chairman, Entomology and Nematology Department, 30% Extension James E. Brogdon, M.Ag., Extension Entomologist John R. Strayer, Ph.D., Extension Entomologist, 90% Extension Donald E. Short, Ph.D., Extension Entomologist, 80% Extension Freddie A. Johnson, M.S., Extension Entomologist Robert A. Dunn, Ph.D., Extension Nematologist, 80% Extension Kenneth G. Townsend, B.S., Assistant in Extension Entomology, Agricultural Research Center, Lake Alfred Elzie McCord, Jr., M.S., Assistant in Extension Entomology John L. Gray, Ph.D., Director, Forest Resources and Conservation, 0% Extension Thomas G. Herndon, M.S.F., Extension Forester Anthony S. Jensen, M.S.F., Extension Forester Dennis R. Crowe, Ph.D., Extension Outdoor Recreation Specialist, 80% Extension Alfred H. Krezdorn, Ph.D., Chairman, Fruit Crops Department, 20% Extension Richard L. Phillips, Ph.D., Extension Horticulturist Larry K. Jackson, Ph.D., Extension Citriculturist, 80% Extension Timothy E. Crocker, Ph.D., Extension Horticulturist David P. H. Tucker, Ph.D., Extension Horticulturist, Area Citrus Specialist, AREC, Lake Alfred Wilfred F. Wardowski, II, Ph.D., Extension Horticulturist, Area Fresh Fruits Specialist, AREC, Lake Alfred Julian W. Sauls, Ph.D., Extension Citriculturist Chairman, Ornamental Horticulture Department, Vacant Harry G. Meyers, M.S.A., Extension Turf Specialist, 90% Extension David F. Hamilton, Ph.D., Extension Ornamental Horticulturist James T. Midcap, M.S., Extension Ornamental Horticulturist Richard W. Henley, Ph.D., Extension Ornamental Horticulturist, ARC, Apopka L. H. Purdy, Ph.D., Chairman, Plant Pathology Department, 10% Extension Robert S. Mullin, Ph.D., Extension Plant Pathologist Thomas A. Kucharek, Ph.D., Extension Plant Pathologist Robert H. Harms, Ph.D., Chairman, Poultry Science Department, 20% Extension Carrol R. Douglas, Ph.D., Extension Poultryman Lester W. Kalch, M.Ag., Extension Poultryman Robert B. Christmas, Ph.D., Extension Poultryman and Supervisor, Poultry Evaluation Center, Chipley Henry R. Wilson, Ph.D., Poultry Physiology Professor, 10% Extension Jack L. Fry, Ph.D., Poultry Production Techniques Professor, 10% Extension Charles F. Eno, Ph.D., Chairman, Soils Department, 10% Extension James NeSmith, Ph.D., Extension Soils Specialist John H. Herbert, Jr., M.S.A., Extension Conservationist Jerry B. Sartain, Ph.D., Soil Fertility Assistant Professor, 20% Extension J. F. Kelly, Ph.D., Chairman, Vegetable Crops Department, 30% Extension James Montelaro, Ph.D., Extension Vegetable Crops Specialist James M. Stephens, M.S.A., Extension Vegetable Crops Specialist James R. Hicks, Ph.D., Extension Vegetable Crops Specialist, 70% Extension Stephen R. Kostewicz, Ph.D., Extension Vegetable Crops Specialist Andrew A. Duncan, Ph.D., Professor and Center Director, Homestead, 50% Extension Mrs. Susan D. Gray, B.S.A., Assistant in Vegetable Crops Robert K. Showalter, M.S., Horticulture Professor, 40% Extension C. E. Cornelius, Ph.D., Chairman, Veterinary Science Department, 0% Extension George W. Meyerholz, D.V.M., Extension Veterinarian R. A. Dennison, Ph.D., Chairman, Food Science Department, 10% Extension Richard F. Matthews, Ph.D., Extension Food Technologist, 80% Extension William E. McCullough, Ph.D., Extension Food Technologist Robert P. Bates, Ph.D., Food Processing Associate Professor, 10% Extension Mason E. Marvel, Ph.D., Assistant Director of International Programs, 50% Extension Mrs. Roberta H. Hall, M.S., Extension Home Furnishings Specialist Mrs. Marie S. Hammer, M.S., Extension Home Economist (ENP) Mrs. Beth H. Walsh, M.S., Extension Food Specialist Miss Vervil L. Mitchell, M.S., Extension Home Management and Family Economics Specialist Mrs. Mary N. Harrison, M.S., Extension Consumer Education Specialist Mrs. Lizette L. Murphy, M.S., Extension Consumer Education Specialist (Mass Media) Miss Glenda L. Warren, M.S., Extension Nutritionist (ENP) Mrs. Yancy B. Walters, M.H.E., Extension Home Economics ENP Coordinator Miss Evelyn A. Rooks, M.H.E., Extension Human Development Specialist Miss Lora A. Kiser, M.A., Extension Home Economist Miss R. Nadine Hackler, M.S., Extension Clothing Specialist Mrs. Faye T. Plowman, M.A., Extension Housing Specialist Billy J. Allen, M.Ag., Extension 4-H Youth Specialist Thomas C. Greenwalt, Ed.D., Extension 4-H Youth Specialist Miss Ruth L. Milton, M.S., Extension 4-H Youth Specialist Miss Linda L. Dearmin, M.S., Extension 4-H Youth Specialist James C. Northrop, Ed.D., Extension 4-H Youth Specialist J. Michael Davis, Ph.D., Assistant Rural Sociologist, 30% Extension Damon Miller, M.S., Extension 4-H Youth Specialist, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee Pauline F. Calloway, Ed.D., District Agent James L. App, Ph. D., District Agent William H. Smith, Ed.D., District Agent Earl M. Kelly, Ed.D., District Agent COUNTY FACULTY* ALACHUA COUNTY Adam T. Andrews, M.Ag. John E. Moser, B.S.A. Mrs. Jeanette S. Brown, M.S. Mrs. Marion L. Buckland, B.S. BAKER COUNTY Aubrey L. Harrell, M.A. BAY COUNTY Horace M. Carr, B.S. Jeffrey A. Fisher, M.S. Mrs. Eliza M. Jackson, B.S. Mrs. Karen K. Olson, M.S. BRADFORD COUNTY Bobby L. Taylor, M.Ag. James L. Parrish, M.S.A. Miss Kathleen E. Brown, M.A. BREVARD COUNTY J. Lowell Loadholtz, M.S. Sylvester A. Rose, M.S. Alfred B. Humphrys, M.A. Mrs. Sue B. Bledsoe, B.S. Mrs. Aurilla D. Birrel, B.S. Mrs. Joy W. Satcher, B.S. BROWARD COUNTY Lewis E. Watson, M.S. James F. Cummings, M.Ag. William R. Llewellyn, M.S.A. Mrs. Dorothy Y. Gifford, B.S. Miss Patricia M. Englebrecht, M.S. Mrs. Delores L. Verriett, B.S. Mrs. Elaine T. Klatt, M.S. Miss Linda Watermolen, B.S. CALHOUN COUNTY James R. Yelvington, M.Ag. Jerry A. Wyrick, M.S.A. Miss Linda D. Bamburg, B.S. CHARLOTTE COUNTY Mrs. Pctricia A. Smith, M.S. CITRUS COUNTY Arthur D. Alston, M.Ag. Mrs. Paula P. Stanley, B.S. *List of county faculty as of 2/14/75 CLAY COUNTY Thomas J. Godbold, B.S.E. Mrs. Emily G. Harper, B.S. Miss Janice D. Hand, B.S. COLLIER COUNTY Donald W. Lander, M.Ag. James E. Bellizio, M.S. Dallas B. Townsend, B.S.A. Mrs. Elizabeth Gratsch, B.S., 50% Extension COLUMBIA COUNTY Neal M. Dukes, B.S. Richard H. Smith, M.S. Mrs. Mary E. Anderson, B.S. Mrs. Deborah M. George, B.S. DADE COUNTY John D. Campbell, B.S.A. Roy J. Champagne, M.S. Louis J. Daigle, M.Ag. Ralph W. Moore, B.S. Joseph D. Dalton, Ph.D. Seymour Goldweber, B.S. John F. McGuire, M.S.A. William M. Stall, Ph.D. Mrs. Justine L. Bizette, B.S. Miss Mary A. Holmes, M.S. Miss Victoria M. Simpson, B.S. Mrs. Grace R. Hauser, B.S. Mrs. Judy M. Dellapa, B.S. Miss Janith K. Masteryanni, M.S. Miss Margo 1. Greenberg, B.S.H.E. Ms. Claribell G. Webb, B.S. DESOTO COUNTY Clayton E. Hutcheson, M.S. Mrs. Mary A. Roe, B.S. DIXIE COUNTY Thomas R. Burton, Jr., M.Ag. DUVAL COUNTY James N. Watson, B.S.A. Edward Allen, M.S.A. Thomas H. Braddock, Jr., M.S.A. Harold C. Jones, M.A. Ernest L. Stephens, M.S. Mrs. Bessie J. Canty, M.S. Mrs. Sarah M. Board, B.S. Miss Tamer L. Britton, M.Ed. Mrs. Carol A. Lotz, B.S. Mrs. Duska M. Dorschel, M.S.H.E. Mrs. Sandra L. McCoy, B.S. Miss Helen Turk, B.S. ESCAMBIA COUNTY Edward J. Cowen, M.Ag. James H. Walker, M.S.A. Daniel E. Mullins, M.S. Marvin F. Weaver, M.S. Mrs. Edwena J. Robertson, B.S. Miss Linda K. West, M.S. Miss Vickie M. Brannon, M.S. FLAGLER COUNTY George H. Newbury, M.S.A. FRANKLIN COUNTY James B. Estes, M.A. GADSDEN COUNTY John C. Russell, M.Ag. Bernard H. Clark, B.S.A. Henry G. Grant, M.S. Mrs. Dicki D. Bentley, B.S. Mrs. Ursula H. Williams, B.S. Mrs. Shirley T. Clark, B.S. GILCHRIST COUNTY William L. Brown, B.S. GLADES COUNTY Billy O. Bass, M.S.A. GULF COUNTY Cubie R. Laird, M.Ed. HAMILTON COUNTY Rance A. Andrews, B.S.A. Isaac Chandler, Jr., B.S. Mrs. Wylma B. White, M.S. HARDEE COUNTY Jack C. Hayman, M.Ag. Mrs. Nannie M. Cochran, B.S. HENDRY COUNTY Raymond H. Burgess, M.S.A. Charlie A. Lowery, M.S. Mrs. Vicki S. Chipman, B.A. HERNANDO COUNTY Albert D. Dawson, B.S.A. Ms. Helen H. Fleming, M.S.H.E. HIGHLANDS COUNTY George T. Hurner, Jr., B.S. Miss Joan A. Hoffman, B.S. HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY Jean Beem, M.S.A. Paul E. Glasscock, B.S. James E. Richards, M.S.A. Robert D. Downs, B.S.A. Wayne T. Wade, M.Ed. Charles F. Hinton, Ill, Ph.D. Roger D. Newton, M.S. John C. Smehyl, M.Ag. Mrs. Helen P. Webb, B.S. Mrs. Virginia H. Coombs, B.S. Mrs. Ruth T. Penner, B.S. Mrs. Mary B. Somers, B.S.H.E. HOLMES COUNTY Lawrence D. Taylor, M.S. William C. Taylor, B.A. Mrs. Mary J. Castello, B.S. INDIAN RIVER COUNTY Forrest N. McCullars, B.S.A. JACKSON COUNTY William E. Collins, B.S.A. Charles L. Brasher, M.S. Mrs. Jane R. Burgess, B.S.H.E. Mrs. Cathy M. Peel, M.S. JEFFERSON COUNTY Albert H. Odom, M.Ag. James A. Nealy, M.A. Miss Beverly J. Nixon, M.S. LAFAYETTE COUNTY James B. Morris, Ill, M.S. LAKE COUNTY Jackson A. Haddox, M.A. John L. Jackson, Jr., M.Ag. Laurence A. Sistrunk, M.S. Mrs. Marian B. Valentine, B.S.H.E. Miss Doris L. Milligan, M.S. Mrs. Alice B. Ayers, M.Ret. LEE COUNTY Robert G. Curtis, B.S.A. Marlowe K. Iverson, M.S. Mrs. Dorothy J. Classon, B.S. Mrs. Charlotte W. Carr, B.A. LEON COUNTY Harvey T. Paulk, M.Ag. Michael E. Demaree, M.S.A. George C. Henry, Jr., M.Ed. Lawrence A. Heitmeyer, M.S. Mrs. Martha M. Washington, B.S. Mrs. Ann W. Parramore, B.S. Mrs. Lorraine T. Sanders, M.S. LIBERTY COUNTY William F. Marlow, M.E. LEVY COUNTY Leonard C. Cobb, M.Ag. William R. Womble, B.S.A. Mrs. Judith A. Lukowski, B.S. MADISON COUNTY Oliver R. Hamrick, Jr., M.A. John A. Baldwin, M.S.A. Leon R. Brooks, B.S. Mrs. Mae M. Anderson, B.S. Miss Deloris M. Jones, B.S. MANATEE COUNTY Robert T. Montgomery, M.S. Larry W. Harms, M.S. David D. Coughenower, M.S. William J. Messina, M.S. Mrs. Dena K. Summerford, M.S. Miss Susan K. Shaw, B.S. MARION COUNTY Edsel W. Rowan, B.S.A. William J. Phillips, Jr., M.S. Robert L. Renner, Jr., M.A. Mrs. Sarah K. Thomas, B.S. Miss Barbara A. Cooper, B.S. Mrs. Jo M. Carver, B.S. MARTIN COUNTY Robert B. Whitty, M.S. Mrs. Martha B. Norton, M.S. MONROE COUNTY Richard E. Warner, Ph.D., 75% Ex NASSAU COUNTY Judson T. Fulmer, M.Ed. Mrs. Sandra R. Jones, B.S. OKALOOSA COUNTY Jack D. Patten, B.S. Charles M. Walthall, M.S. Mrs. Ann P. Jeter, B.S. OKEECHOBEE COUNTY Rayburn K. Price, M.Ag. Miss Brenda J. Cunningham, B.S. ORANGE COUNTY Henry F. Swanson, M.S.A. Bruce A. Barmby, M.S. Oscar J. Hebert, Jr., M.S. Thomas J. MacCubbin, M.S. Lester C. Floyd, Jr., B.S. Mrs. Marjorie L. Williams, B.S. Mrs. Mary A. Moore, M.A.T. Mrs. Leala R. Collins, B.S. Mrs. Linda W. Luman, B.S. OSCEOLA COUNTY James B. Smith, B.S.A. Mrs. Marilyn B. Tileston, B.S.H.E. PALM BEACH COUNTY Robert S. Pryor, B.S. Frederick E. Boss, M.S. DeArmand L. Hull, M.S. Raleigh S. Griffis, M.Ag. John H. Causey, B.S.A. Klaus J. Geyer, B.S. Eugene Joyner, B.S. Mrs. Arlen C. Jones, B.S. Mrs. Marylou W. Shirar, M.Ed. Mrs. Rosalind W. Krueger, B.S. Mrs. Ruth A. Holmes, B.S. Mrs. Beverly B. Harrington, B.S. Mrs. Josephine F. Lee, B.S. Mrs. Suzanne Farmer, B.S. PASCO COUNTY James D. Sumner, B.S.A. Miss Clara A. Smith, B.S. Mrs. Barmell B. Dixon, B.S. Mrs. Teresa W. Macrae, M.S. PINELLAS COUNTY Gilbert M. Whitton, Jr., M.Ag. Charles E. Rowan, M.Ag. Richard E. Bir, M.S. William J. Herman, None Mrs. Dorothy E. Draves, B.S. Miss Nancy B. Whigham, B.S. Mrs. Billie J. Stewart, B.S. Mrs. Shirley R. Bond, M.S. POLK COUNTY Robert M. Davis, M.Ag. Thomas W. Oswalt, M.S.A. Dan E. Schrader, M.S. David M. Solger, M.Ag. Sidney L. Sumner, M.S.A. Ronald P. Muraro, M.S. Mrs. Alice P. Kersey, M.S. Mrs. Josephine M. Cameron, M.S. Mrs. Ruth A. Miller, B.S. Mrs. Gayle P. Jenkins, M.A. Miss Juliann S. Martin, B.S. PUTNAM COUNTY Ralph T. Clay, B.S.A. Mrs. Essie H. Thompson, B.S. Mrs. Rosa L. Banks, B.S. ST. JOHNS COUNTY Paul L. Dinkins, M.Ag. James D. Dilbeck, M.S. Miss Nettie R. Brown, B.S. ST. LUCIE COUNTY Hugh C. Whelchel, Jr., B.S. Timothy P. Gaver, B.S. Mrs. Marguerite R. Brock, B.S. SANTA ROSA COUNTY William C. Zorn, M.Ag. Jack J. Spears, M.Ag. Miss Fern S. Nix, B.S. Miss Margaret M. Pitts, B.S. SARASOTA COUNTY Luther L. Rozar, Jr., M.Ag. Edwin S. Pastorius, B.S.A. Miss Jeanette Meadows, M.S. Mrs. Betty M. McQueen, M.S. SEMINOLE COUNTY Frank J. Jasa, B.S.A. Reginald L. Brown, M.S.A. Mrs. Louise L. Gill, B.S.H.E. SUMTER COUNTY Donald A. George, B.S.A. Miss Dorothy P. Hawkins, B.S. SUWANEE COUNTY William C. Smith, Jr., Ph.D. Henry E. Jowers, B.S. Mrs. Janice R. McRee, B.S.H.E. Mrs. Meredith C. Taylor, B.S. TAYLOR COUNTY Henry P. Davis, B.S.A. Mrs. Carole B. Mott, B.S. UNION COUNTY William J. Cowen, B.S.A. VOLUSIA COUNTY Thomas R. Townsend, M.S. Larry L. Loadholtz, M.S. George A. Hindery, Ph.D. Mrs. Betty M. Vernon, B.S. Mrs. Diane E. Yates, B.S. Mrs. Joan S. Holt, B.S. WAKULLA COUNTY Bobby R. Durden, B.S.A. Mrs. Marilyn J. Halusky, B.S. WALTON COUNTY James E. Thomaston, M.Ag. Mrs. Virginia C. Clark, B.S. Mrs. Becky E. Young, B.S. WASHINGTON COUNTY Johnnie E. Davis, M.Ag. Lenzy M. Scott, M.A. Miss Sue Elmore, M.S. This public document was promulgated at an annual cost of $2091.35, or $.70 per copy, to inform Florida citizens of the activities of the Florida Cooperative Extension Service. 4-3M-75 JUN 9 19 977 TEACM, IFAS ' RESEARCH EXTENSION COOPERATIVE EXTENSION WORK IN AGRICULTURE AND HOME ECONO()MICS (Acts of .ay 8 and June 30. 191 I4 ( r peradnv-e Extension Service. IFAS. L '.-r:tvy f Fir .. .and L 'red States Department of Agricu.turt. C'op.,ra.: . Joe N. Busby. Dean |