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Historic note
Unnumbered ( 1 ) Front Cover Front Cover Foreword Page 5 Improving farm income Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Home economics Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Youth programs Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Financial report Page 25 Planned and expended time by program area Page 26 Program summaries Page 27 Page 28 Faculty list Page 29 Page 30 Page 31 Page 32 Back Cover Back Cover |
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HISTORIC NOTE The publications in this collection do not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. These texts represent the historic publishing record of the Institute for Food and Agricultural Sciences and should be used only to trace the historic work of the Institute and its staff. Current IFAS research may be found on the Electronic Data Information Source (EDIS) site maintained by the Florida Cooperative Extension Service. Copyright 2005, Board of Trustees, University of Florida Florida Cooperative Extension Service / 10l ffIUFL REPORT 1972 Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences University of Florida, Gainesville FOREWORD The year 1972 was an administrative landmark for the Florida Cooperative Extension Service. When Mon- roe County appropriated funds for extension services, it became the 67th and final county in the State to enter into a cooperative arrangement with the University of Florida. Also in 1972, the Florida Legislature passed an act which clarifies the status of County Extension employees as staff members of the University of Florida. To understand the significance of these two events, it is useful to reflect on the history of the Extension Service in Florida. The Florida Cooperative Extension Service was created by the Congress in 1914 through the Smith-Lever Act. The State of Florida assented to the provisions of the Smith-Lever Act in 1915, and designated the University of Florida to administer the Act. The main thrust of Extension is to extend to the people of Florida the results of research conducted by the University of Florida and the U.S.D.A. This was probably the federal government's first attempt at revenue sharing in that federal funds are sent to the state and the Act provides for cooperation between the University and local units of government. In Florida this has traditionally been between the University and County Boards of Commissioners. But it also could be between cities and other governmental units such as school boards. Since its beginning the Florida Cooperative Extension Service has tried to work closely with county govern- ment and supports any program considered to be educational as opposed to "action programs." For exam- ple, in controversial areas such as family planning, Extension Home Economics Agents help families to un- derstand the need for family planning. As appropriate, families are referred to the Health Department or a Family Planning Clinic. The Extension approach to matters such as voter registration is to train youth in citizenship. Hopefully, this will lead to the young person's registering to vote and accepting the responsibility of citizenship. When other agencies exist that can provide the service, the Extension Service refers individuals to the appropriate agency. Informing the audience about the service and even actively encouraging a family to seek services available is often a part of the Extension program. In several counties of the State, programs are being carried out which go beyond traditional Extension pro- grams. For example, one county has placed all educational activities of the Board of County Commissioners under the administrative responsibility of the County Extension Director. In another county, a memoran- dum of understanding approved by the Board of Regents and State Clearing House permits the Cooperative Extension Service to administer grant funds from the county to carry out a special program for the low- income retired people. This is a pilot program funded from the Older American Act. Extension is also still very much concerned with agricultural production problems, which require trained specialists to solve. It is also challenged by demands for help in energy conservation, improving the quality of the environment, processing, handling, and retailing of agricultural products, and working in the areas of community development. Florida's Affirmative Action Program legally obligates the Florida Cooperative Extension Service to make programs available to all people, regardless of geographic location or socio-economic status. But whatever might be the place or the audience, the purpose is the same to help the citizens of Florida improve their economic, social and cultural well-being. S Joe N. Busby Director Florida Cooperative Extension Service flfilflL POPT 1972 Improving farm Income AGRICULTURAL PROGRAMS Extension agricultural programs are divided into three general headings: (1) commercial agri- culture; (2) community resource development: and (3) environmental quality. Departmental ex- tension activities during the past year are high- lighted briefly under the three broad categories. Commercial Agriculture Farm income from agronomic crops in Florida rose to more than $200 million in 1972, an 18 percent increase over the previous year. Forage crops contributed an additional $200 million to Florida's rapidly expanding livestock industry. Extension Crop Specialists gathered information from a large number of research demonstrations -including crop varieties, herbicides, fertiliza- tion, growth regulators and other variables. Data were combined with other research findings to provide field crop producers with information en- abling them to remain economically competitive. Specialists designed and developed "in-depth" schools, meetings, publications, farm visits, radio, television, tours, field days and other methods to help farmers meet new and changing situations. Development of the campaign approach is in- suring the effective establishment of the Florida Program for Economical Citrus Production. Asso- ciation organizations and extension activities also are contributing to increased production of other fruits and nuts. Florida's fledgling peach indus- try increased acreage 25 percent. Lime pruning demonstrations have led to hedging and topping PROPAGATION STRUCTURE by avacado and mango producers. The result has been better handling methods and reduced pick- ing costs. Extension Specialists cooperated with the Gadsden County Extension Office in advising sev- eral farmers considering a shift in production' from tobacco to woody ornamental nursery stock. A decline in demand for shade wrapper tobacco has caused a local surplus of labor, land and facilities. Interested farmers were advised on selection and preparation of land for nursery production, market potentials and procedures for production of quality nursery stock. When the first outbreaks of late blights on po- tatoes and tomatoes, and downy mildew on water- melon, were noted in South Florida, a survey was made to determine the extent of the problem and the potential threat to other areas. Action was then taken through the County Extension Serv- ices to inform local producers of the seriousness of the problem. Growers were given the latest recommendations on materials and methods which should be used to prevent or lessen the potential severity of the diseases. These efforts contributed substantially to a very successful season for all three crops. Each year Florida grown vegetables face in- creased competition in the market. One approach to meeting the competition is to offer the con- sumer an improved product. Florida Sweet, a new sweet corn variety, has gained consumer prefer- ence over the regular variety during the past year. Red ripe Florida MH-1 tomatoes have been commercially harvested and marketed satisfac- TOBACCO STRUCTURE ADAPTED FOR GROWING NURSERY STOCK IN CONTAINERS torily. Because less frequent pickings are re- quired for red ripes than for vine ripes, the har- vesting costs are less. Both the new sweet corn variety and the new handling techniques for to- matoes offer increased sales to meet consumer demand. Publications, county agent training sessions and on-farm demonstrations were utilized to dis- pense insect and nematode control recommenda- tions. The Insect and Nematode Control guides were up-dated and 23 publications were prepared. Major talks were given to crop, livestock and poultry producers. On-farm demonstrations for nematode control were conducted on field corn, tobacco, peanuts, soybeans, foliage, ornamentals and pines. More than 1,000 soil samples were analyzed for nematodes for commercial agricul- ture during 1972. Nearly 200 spraymen, researchers, salesmen, agents, manufacturers and related professionals attended the 6th Annual Agricultural Pest Con- trol Conference. The program included papers and discussion on control of insects, plant dis- eases, weeds, nematodes, pest wildlife and appli- cation of pesticides. Over 800 specimens were received in the Plant Disease Clinic during 1972. Most were unusual specimens or unusual diseases not readily recog- nized by County Agents. The Extension Soil Testing Laboratory proc- essed in excess of 41,000 samples. One of a series of six planned Soil Identification Short Courses was held for County Extension Directors in eleven counties. The courses are designed to increase the competency of the Extension County staff in soil series identification, use of the new comprehen- sive system of soil classification and provide new insight into the residential, industrial and recre- ational purposes. In the continuing program to improve the weaning weight and quality of Florida calves through production testing, 13 new ranches start- ed keeping records with the Florida Beef Cattle Improvement Association during 1972. Weaning data was processed on 10,507 calves and post- wean performance information was processed on 502 head. More than 800 ranchers and farmers attended the Annual Beef Cattle Short Course in May. Cow-Calf clinics, designed primarily for commercial cattlemen, were held in five locations scattered throughout the State. A Beef Cattle Newsletter, initiated in 1972, kept county person- nel abreast of the latest research findings. To counteract a decline in numbers of swine, the Extension Service placed emphasis on im- provement in quality. A National Hampshire Type Conference was held. Artificial insemina- tion was used in a number of swine herds. -Use of the Swine Evaluation Center by producers re- sulted in improved quality. Efficient feed con- version through the feeding of balanced rations was stressed. And the Annual Swine Field Day emphasized quality improvement. On-the-farm demonstrations in artificial insem- ination were conducted on several horse breeding farms throughout the State. Florida has a num- ber of extremely valuable stallions and artificial insemination is an important means for spreading the influence of these high quality sires. Development of a new Dairy Production Guide in 1972 was a major task. Dairy Science, Veteri- nary Science, Agronomy, Agricultural Engineer- ing and Entomology cooperated in preparing the Guide, which were distributed through special clinics, workshops, farm visits and mail requests. Increased emphasis in 1972 was placed on raising dairy calves, because of the increased costs and availability of good replacements. A workshop for poultry processing supervisors provided training in causes of downgrading, dis- eases, condemnation, sanitation and areas of profit loss. Participants represented all but one of Florida's poultry processing plants. As a re- sult of this Extension educational effort, super- visors will now be able to prevent problems, and to identify and correct problem areas. Increasing costs of livestock and poultry pro- duction and the corresponding higher price of food to consumers has resulted in greater concern over livestock and poultry disease losses. These losses include death losses, failure to produce liv- ing young, losses due to retarded growth and poor feeding efficiency, decreases in milk and egg pro- duction, and indirect losses due to carcass con- demnations and decreases in product quality. Educational programs by the Extension Veteri- nary staff are directed at producers, veterinarians and others to acquaint them with the latest re- search and management techniques to reduce animal disease losses. The lack of adequate facilities for on-farm dry- ing and storing of seed and grain crops is one of the most critical problems facing the Florida pro- ducer. Information on the physical requirements and how to manage crops in storage was presented at grower meetings held in north and west Flor- ida. In addition, mimeograph information on grain drying and storing was made available through County Extension offices. Field research demonstration projects were conducted on water management of peaches and mechanical harvest- ing of tobacco. Results of the studies were made available through publications and meetings. Extension economists in the Food and Resource Economics Department conduct educational pro- grams with individual producers and firms, and many groups and organizations in Florida agri- culture. Programs and materials during 1972 helped producers and producer groups with deci- sions, and assisted marketing firms and market- ing organizations as well. Livestock industries have had a particularly vital need the past year for economic and market outlook information. Cattle and hog prices have increased as much as one-third in less than two years with substantial fluctuations in certain peri- ods. Grain and feed ingredient prices soared in late 1972 with some items doubling in cost. Live- stock producers and feeders, packers and meat distributors, and feed industries are extremely sensitive to market variations. Information from the Southern Regional Out- look Conference held in October each year pro- vides a useful service to these affected Florida sectors. Commodity and general economic out- look papers from this workshop were summarized and distributed to county Extension personnel and other IFAS departments for their use with producers and other industry personnel. For ex- ample, the hog market outlook report was used at the Swine Field Day in November to provide Florida swine producers with needed data for 1973 decisions. Producer groups in several sectors of Florida Agriculture received Extension assistance with a variety of marketing problems. A south Florida county cattlemen's association requested Exten- sion help in analyzing the feasibility of a new livestock auction market for that area. Many producers felt that existing market outlets and methods were farther, more costly or less desir- able than a nearby auction market. A detailed feasibility study disclosed that a new auction market would not be likely to attract a large enough volume of cattle to be profitable. While such a feasibility evaluation might appear negative in terms of discouraging a new firm, the livestock industry should be more healthy in the long run. Investment in an unprofitable business that failed would be costly to producers. Commercial farm production of catfish has been an important and growing industry in most south- eastern states in the past five years. Initial opti- mism and over-promotion by a few individuals and agencies resulted in great expansion in pond acreage in the late 1960's. It soon became clear that the market was not adequately understood or developed and producers and processors suf- fered severely. Marketing problems have now been recognized and some progress made in so- lutions. In the early part of 1972, the Florida Seedsmen and Garden Supply Association in cooperation with the Florida Cooperative Extension Service arranged, sponsored and conducted a series of training seminars at four different locations in the state. These seminars were well attended with an enthusiastic group of participants. Members of the Florida Nursery and Growers Association interested in retailing sponsored an all day merchandising and management seminar in Tampa. In January, 1972 nearly 200 people from throughout the U. S. and Canada assembled to study the interrelationships of various han- dlers in the process of marketing perishable agri- cultural products-especially food items produced in Florida. During 1972 two basic farm management pub- lications provided information urgently needed for the planning of beef-cattle ranches and sugar- cane plantings. For example, consider the impact of the publication entitled "Requirements and Returns for 1,000 Cow-Beef Herds on Flatwoods Soils in Florida." This report provided data for a revision of the Tax Assessors Guide relating to pasture lands. The data contained in it have been a basic part of presentations to seven different groups totaling more than 1,600 people. The basic study has been incorporated into three other pub- lications and it provided much of the material for a management seminar for cattlemen. Moreover, Disneyworld used three cattle budgets in planning their waste disposal systems and total land use plan. A sugarcane publication has been utilized in a similar manner, although with a smaller total audience. It has provided valuable management information regarding the profitability of expand- ing sugarcane acreage. During 1972 management seminars were pro- vided for producers of beef cattle, sugarcane and citrus. A two-phase educational program was devel- oped in the area of agricultural credit. First a workshop was conducted with agricultural bank- ers regarding cash-flow planning. The impetus was on increasing the ability of bankers to match the money with men who could use it profitably. This was followed with an educational program designed to acquaint young farmers with effective techniques for getting and using money. Farm management record keeping, always a problem, was also given new attention in 1972. In the most traditional approach, over 420 tax practitioners were trained in preparing income tax reports. These tax accountants annually pre- pare income tax returns for 150,000 individuals, 3,600 farmers, and 18,000 other businesses. An extension program for seafood processors to improve handling and sanitation was empha- sized throughout the year. The objective of the program was to provide consumers with the high- est possible quality seafood. In cooperation with County Extension personnel, plant visits were made to seafood handlers and processors and scheduled sanitation programs were stressed. A program was developed for instruction in the maintenance of frozen food quality and presented for food industry personnel. In addition, the pos- sibility of growing tomatoes in Florida especially for canning was evaluated and discussed at a Tomato Processors Field Day. Three highly successful continuing education programs were conducted for commercial and agency owned forest workers. Thirty-five forest tree seed orchard foresters and/or technicians from nine states participated in a Seed Orchard Pest Workshop. One hundred ten persons, mostly professional foresters, participated in a Sympo- sium on Recreation Use of Private Forest Lands. Ninety-nine persons attended a Symposium on Sand Pine. Other Extension Forestry activities included fertilizer recommendations for seven forest tree seedling nurseries and all forest tree seed orchards. Community Resource Development Fruit crops and nuts have a significant income producing potential in dooryards as well as com- mercial orchards. For example, it is estimated that family income of many rural and small com- munities can be increased by as much as $1,000 per year through the sale of pecans by following the Extension Service's proposed cultural man- agement program. Most of the State's blueberry crop is marketed on a pick-your-own-basis and provides additional income in several rural com- munities. Extension has assisted in forming state associations and by providing information through newsletters, shortcourses and grower contact. Efforts by Extension vegetable specialists to kindle an interest in pick-your-own vegetables have resulted in several such enterprises through- out the State. National trends and ideas adapt- able to Florida have been stressed to promote a better understanding of conditions necessary for successful operation. Pick-your-own, roadside markets and specialty crops provide opportuni- ties for small growers or limited resource units to supplement or create an income source. A major extension program was the encourage- ment and assistance given to Florida families to grow vegetables for home consumption. Program effort, included garden grower meetings, agent training sessions, supply dealer meetings, garden demonstrations, radio, television, newsletter mes- sages, letter-answering service and gardening publications. Special emphasis was placed on gar- den plots located in low-income communities. Development of DBCP soil injection, a new con- cept for nematode on turfgrasses in Florida was a highlight of extension nematology activities. Publications, meetings and demonstrations were used to educate turfgrass growers on the use of the new nematode control methods. Soil injection has been widely accepted by the golf industry and has greatly improved the quality of golf course turf. A total of 2,904 soil samples from home- owners were analyzed for nematodes. Plant Pathologists are continuing efforts to de- termine the cause and develop controls for Lethal Yellowing of Coconut Palms. Located in the Mi- ami area and the Keys, the palms add signifi- cantly to the landscaping of many communities. Extension Plant Pathologists are cooperating with the Division of Plant Industry of the Florida Department of Agriculture in developing control measures. Extension Animal Scientists started a central bull test in 1972. Bulls will be fed and managed so that genetic differences in ability to grow and gain will be demonstrated. The central bull test will provide an opportunity for small breeders who cannot afford the investment in facilities re- quired for "on-the-farm-test" to obtain post wean performance data on their bulls. The auction sale also will provide them another means of market- ing their bulls. Tabulation of VEE vaccination forms revealed 31,473 horse owners, more than 90 percent have less than 10 horses and some 60 percent have two or fewer horses. Because of the dispersion of horses and the recent entrance of new owners. priority was placed on novice horse owners with a small number of horses. In an effort to serve this group, the Extension Service provided a series of 16 short courses and clinics. The clinics, attended by 3,300 owners from throughout the State, provided information on feeding, selection, reproduction, disease control, and handling and training. Nearly $100 million are lost each year in Flor- ida as a result of animal diseases. To aid the State and local communities in developing re- sources to reduce these losses, a veterinary col- lege in Florida has been proposed. Some com- munities were given assistance in locating and attracting veterinarians to practice. Educational efforts were directed toward more effective utili- zation of State animal disease diagnostic labora- tories and other resources for solving animal disease problems. The Extension Agricultural Engineering staff gave special attention to the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. County Extension per- sonnel were informed and apprised of the new law and its effects on Florida agriculture. A quarterly Extension Agricultural Safety News- letter was initiated to disseminate timely safety information. One of the most popular services available to citizens of Florida is the Florida Plan Service. Through this service plans for all types of agri- cultural service buildings and rural homes may be obtained without charge. A catalog of all plans is maintained in each county extension office. In 1972, approximately 8,200 plans for farm service buildings and facilities and over 15,000 house plans were requested. The Extension Forestry thrust has been toward providing much needed outdoor recreation space and facilities in small communities and rural areas. Intensive and technical park site planning demonstrations have been held in widely scat- tered parts of Florida. Public use of Florida's private forest lands is receiving renewed interest. Commercial family campgrounds represent a third facet of rural development. The most unique accomplishment has been the design of a demonstration nature interpretive scheme for a Glades County commercial "wilderness" camp- ground. The completed program will no doubt be copied by many commercial campgrounds in their efforts to build a resource image and marketing strategy compatible with much of today's push back to nature. Environmental Quality Safeguarding environmental quality through control of possible pollutants such as pesticides and thatch is receiving major emphasis in the extension turf program. Efforts currently include the use of activated charcoal to deactivate poten- tially troublesome pesticides and evaluation of a new method of control for thatch. This approach will enable the use of natural factors in accelerat- ing thatch decomposition and subsequent recy- cling into active plant growth. A change from the traditional use of open- culture to full-bed mulch cover for vegetables necessitated development of new production rec- ommendations. Essentially, the crop must be supplied with all soil environmental requirements before the mulch is placed over the bed. Full-bed mulch cover has several advantages, including less leaching of fertilizer materials to surface or ground water. Use of this method has been in- creasing significantly at least 10,000 acres of tomatoes, pepper, eggplant, and other vegetables will be grown by full-bed mulch cover during the current season. Extension will continue to place strong emphasis on this and other programs which are beneficial to the grower and in accord with goals aimed at preservation of the environ- ment. Passage of the Environmental Pest Control Act of 1972 involved considerable change in pest control and pesticides. With added emphasis and concern for environmental quality, the Extension Chemicals Information Center continued to as- semble and disseminate information on pesticide residues, tolerances, labels and safe usage. Ten issues of the "Chemically Speaking" newsletter were distributed to more than 1,000 individuals, agencies and organizations throughout Florida and many other states. Proper applications, stor- age and disposal of pesticides continued to be important aspects of pest control programs. Disease incidence in nurseries is being reduced substantially through the practice of sanitation - removal of diseased plants or plant parts. As a result, less fungicidal sprays are needed for satisfactory control. Extension Plant Patholo- gists will continue to stress sanitation as a means of disease control. Florida's second Fertilizer Conference, held in May 1972 included topics on the Effect of Fer- tilizers on Environmental Quality and the Occu- pational Safety and Health Act of 1970. Throughout the year cattlemen were advised of the importance of following directions closely when using feed additives or biologicals. They were constantly advised to follow indicated with- drawal periods and not to market any cattle until the pre-slaughter time had expired. Open dating of dairy products in Florida is now a reality. Evaluation of Florida dairy products and methods to improve their quality is a continuous project. Evaluation of products is achieved by holding quality clinics with regional daily associations and evaluation of products at the University. To assure high quality raw milk, several dairy schools have been held to instruct dairymen on proper sanitation and cooling pro- cedures. With the increasing size of commercial poultry farms and hatcheries in Florida, it has become imperative that increased emphasis be placed on proper dead bird and hatchery residue disposal. During 1972, the Extension Poultry staff gave leadership to a statewide educational program in this important area of poultry management. Florida poultry producers have been made aware of the potential dangers of improper disposal by spread of diseases and environmental pollution and have been educated in their legal responsi- abilities for dead bird and hatchery residue dis- posal. Substantial progress has been made in implementing proper disposal methods. Environmental quality and public health were included in educational programs conducted by the Veterinary Science Extension staff. Improved sanitation, proper disposal of animal waste and dead animals, and proper use of drugs in controll- ing animal diseases serve to minimize pollution and protect the safety and quality of the food supply. Attention was given to diseases such as rabies, brucellosis, leptospirosis, sleeping sick- ness, salmonellosis, and other diseases that are potential human health hazards. Dissemination of information and support of public health pro- grams by the Extension Service is vital to the citizens of Florida. Agricultural Engineering programs in environ- mental quality include the major areas of: (1) animal waste management; (2) landspreading of municipal sewage wastes; and (3) informational releases to the general public regarding agricul- ture's role in protecting the environment. In all programs, liaison is maintained with the Florida Department of Pollution Control to assure that Extension efforts promote practices approved by that Department. The consumer needs factual information on the safety problems of the food supply. Basic safe- guards of our food supply were outlined by the Extension Food Technologist in a series of talks to consumer groups and radio programs. Also, a program to provide nutritional information to consumers and processors was conducted as well as a special four-day training program on nutri- tion for 75 food industry personnel. Although outdoor recreation oriented projects are all directly related to goals of providing a quality environment, there has been a category of effort within the broadly conceived heading. Particular stress in long-range planning is being placed upon benefits and techniques of open space and concepts of integrated landscapes at the rural-urban interface. A preservation planning project is to be initiated in Washington County. In addition, a symposium on planning and zoning for Florida's Professional Foresters will add another dimension to this program thrust. CENTER FOR COMMUNITY AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT Major activities of the Center for Community and Rural Development during 1972 included work with Florida A & M University, the town of Micanopy, the Glades County Commission and preparation of visual aids on rural problems. Work with Extension personnel at Florida - ~r ~ ANIMAL WASTE LAGOON A & M University included activities in three areas small farmer income improvement edu- cational materials, youth development (and 4-H program) educational materials, and community development through public service programs of state agencies. Additional work with Florida A & M has been carried out to facilitate rural development research. One major project en- titled "Information Consumption by the Client System As a Strategy to Reduce the Impact of Rural Poverty" has been funded and is currently underway by FAMU research faculty. This proj- ect will provide information for Extension pro- grams enhancing income and employment oppor- tunities for small farmers and for the community development educational program. The Center served to provide the town of Mic- anopy with University of Florida resources in meeting some of their problems. Through the Center arrangements were made to provide consulting services of a faculty member in the Department of Accounting to the Micanopy Town Council. Assistance was given in setting up a municipal accounting system. Also, services of faculty members in the Departments of Political Science and Government have been channeled through the Center to aid in the restructuring of the Town Charter. The Center also served to provide consulting services to the Glades County Commission on development of land use planning and zoning ordi- nances. Through the Center, a consulting firm entered into a contract to provide a study for land use, water supplies and drainage, major transportation -routes and public utilities for Glades County. From this study the consulting firm will draft the county's planning and zoning ordinances for implementation. Personnel of the 'Center currently provide, and will continue to provide, educational materials to the Planning Board of Glades County in carrying out this plan- ning effort. Personnel of the Center have initiated a project to develop visual slides and a narrative presents tion on rural area problems, needs and opportu nities in Florida. A series of slides are bein, developed to depict the University's, IFAS's an the Center's activities in rural development. Thes materials will be made available to rural develop ment Extension personnel in the State and othe interested individuals and groups. florida Cooperative extension Service lnnfl REPORT 1972 Home Economics EXTENSION HOME ECONOMICS Home Economics is concerned with helping individuals and families to have a "better life." To meet this goal a network of educational pro- grams were conducted throughout the state under the leadership of Extension Home Economics Agents. Current problems of everyday living were treated with practical information on select- ed subjects such as money management, legal protections, new consumer legislation and law in everyday life. Attention was focused on extending family in- comes through the development of skills in cloth- ing construction, reupholstering and home window treatment. Also more complete utilization of Flor- ida agricultural products was encouraged through emphasis on their selection, preservation and use. In the area of human development home econ- omists worked with parents to help them under- stand the needs of themselves and their children. Work simplification through the teaching of housekeeping skills filled a great need. Also such subjects as what to do about bugs were treated to up-grade health and home sanitation and all efforts were directed toward making the "better life" a reality for more people. Reaching New Audiences Traditionally Extension Home Economics has presented educational information through reg- ularly scheduled programs, special interest meet- ings, workshops, fair exhibits, and mass media. But in 1972 greater emphasis was given to "spreading out" and trying new ways of reaching people. If they couldn't come to us then an effort was made to carry educational programs to them. In all Extension Home Economics reached 485,545 people in Florida in 1972. By the end of 1972 a "Consumers Ask" column was being carried in 12 newspapers. Two of these newspapers were intended primarily for Negro subscribers and one was Spanish. The potential audience was 272,750 persons. In an effort to reach larger audiences, espe- cially people who do not ordinarily attend public group meetings, the following account is an ex- ample of the kinds of educational programs con- ducted throughout the year in many counties in Florida. Citrus county provided the County Judge's of- fice with a kit of educational materials on various homemaking topics for applicants of marriage licenses. Lee county went to a senior citizens mobile home park. Broward county conducted monthly leader training covering many home- making topics for all existing organizations. Gadsden county scheduled meetings at commu- nity churches. I'olk county hell) workshops for in-and-out patients for Community Mental Health. Alachua and Hillsborough counties conducted programs in retirement housing centers. Brevard and Du- val counties offered "stay-at-home" correspon- dence courses. Orange county trained volunteer leaders to teach both adults and non 4-H youth. Dade county went to isolated homes or rooming houses to assist the elderly with family living problems in five target areas. Leon and Volusia counties went to the super- market to talk to shoppers about nutrition, better buymanship, unit pricing, using Florida vege- tables, and to inform them that Extension is a free educational service. Approximately 90 per- cent of the people had never heard about Exten- sion. This proved a good way to meet all types and ages of people. Agents in Manatee, Lake and Escambia coun- ties capsuled information for the working woman and met at times convenient for them-down- town during the noon hour, on an afternoon off, or in the evening at the factory. Highly motivated new home owners in a Brad- ford County housing development received edu- cational support from Extension personnel. Work- ing hard many men and women succeeded in learning the necessary skills which enabled them to reupholster their own furniture in harmony with houses they could call their own. One man has subsequently begun a small reupholstry busi- ness. Food Stamps By May 1972 all Florida counties were par- ticipating in the USDA's food stamp program. Therefore Extension Home Economists and Home Economist Paraprofessional Aides adapted their teaching emphasis from food preparation using commodity foods to the managerial concepts re- lated to obtaining and utilizing food stamps. Federal agencies work together to optimize benefits which low income families may obtain from related programs. The food stamp program is complemented by Extension Home Economics educational efforts to teach and help families with limited incomes to: (1) establish their eligibility for and receive food stamps, (2) develop good shopping tech- niques and make their food stamps last until the next allotment, (3) learn to buy a variety of nu- tritious food with their increased food buying power. With a learn-by-doing attitude, their teaching methods have varied from special meet- ings with the food stamp officers to field trips to supermarket. Extension paraprofessionals are trained by supervising Expanded Nutrition Program Agents in the most effective methods of teaching sound nutrition and wise use of food stamps. A homemaker with a limited income is excited by her first trip to a modern supermarket. She was accompanied by the ENP paraprofessional who helped her select wise food purchases with food stamps. Your Home Economist Aide says: Food Stamps are here! Shop smart. 1. Don't spend all your stamps at once. Make sure there are some food stamps left for the last week of the month. 2. Watch for sales in the paper and store. Shop for specials to get the most for your money. 3. Make a list of the food you need to buy-so you don't buy food you don't need. The above is the "front" page headline of a four-page leaflet entitled "Mother's Helper." It was prepared by the Broward county Extension Home Economics Aides to use as a lesson hand- out at the county food stamp center. An Agent for Gadsden county explained, "This work has changed the buying habits of many families-from that of daily credit shopping in small community stores to planned cash weekly or biweekly food shopping. Family members ex- hibit better health, and as one homemaker in Orange County said, "I remember all those things you taught me to buy, meats, vegetables, fruits, breads, cereals, and milk." Many eligible families would not know about the food stamp program without the outreach efforts through Extension Home Economics pro- grams. One ENP Aide in Walton county de- scribed this family. "They were desperate for food. I noticed that the year old child had picked up cookies off the floor and was eating them. The 22-year old husband was without work and the wife was 5 months pregnant. "She told me they only had 40 cents and that her husband had only made nine dollars the pre- vious week. I told them about the food stamp program. The next day they got $46.00 worth of I~i~l food stamps for $5.00 Another agency gave the $5.00 to pay for the food stamps." Another Aide told how she helped a 60-year old homemaker. "Until she got food stamps things were real bad. We planned menus and made a grocery list, giving her a variety of foods for the whole month. She said she couldn't be- lieve she would have that much to eat as she had never had that much in her life. She had been hungry for so many years." Aides in Alachua county made this report about some of their ENP homemakers. Most of those enrolled are eligible for food stamps, but there were many who needed help before they could obtain them. One lady commented that "I found that getting food stamps was pretty simple to do after you folks talked to us and told us how." Many did not know they were eligible because they were not on welfare, and thought this was a prerequisite. Efforts in Madison county were well rewarded by the progress of this homemaker. "She budgets food stamps to last until time to buy them again. The information on nutrition, new ideas and reci- pes for preparing food that her family enjoys had been a big help to her. She said she might never had the courage to apply for donated food or food stamps without the encouragement brought by the ENP Aide. I hope you can come for a long time," she concluded. Food stamps enable low income families to ex- tend their food purchasing power and Extension Home Economics provides the educational oppor- tunities for maximizing family resources. Expanded Nutrition Program Paraprofession- als counsel with homemakers on how to obtain food stamps and in the management of their food budget in order to make a positive impact on the family's diet. Florida Cooperative Extension Service fllnnfll R POi 1972 Youth Programs 1 YOUTH PROGRAMS 4-H Is: The aim of 4-H is to provide educational oppor- tunities for Florida's youth, 8 to 19 years of age, to grow in leadership, citizenship, and personal development. Extension 4-H education is designed to provide young people with learning experiences that will assist them in gaining knowledge and developing skills and attitudes for more effective citizenship in a democratic society. Youth development through 4-H is committed to the task of helping youth to satisfy their basic needs to belong, feel important, and be recognized. 4-H Way The Florida 4-H Program encourages some 21,000 young people in their four-fold develop- ment of head, heart, hands, and health in more than 1,000 organized 4-H clubs and special inter- est groups throughout the state. Extension Agents, working through trained volunteer lead- ers (adult, teen and junior), provide professional leadership and educational resources to the pro- gram. These 4-H members had "learn by doing" ex- periences in family living, personal development, leisure education and recreation, conservation, agricultural production, science and marketing, engineering, and management. Specifically, subject matter offerings in more than 50 different projects and activities ranging from animal science to wildlife conservation and food and nutrition to arts, crafts and music at- tracted a total enrollment of 49,826. 4-H Successes To evaluate the effectiveness of youth educa- tion programs, it is essential to show evidence of desirable behavioral changes in the youth in- volved. The direct quotes of the youth best verify their changes in knowledge, skills and attitudes. In ac- cepting the resolution proclaiming National 4-H Week in Florida from the Governor and Florida Cabinet at the Capitol, Janice Nemeth, Levy County, Chaplain of the Florida 4-H Council, stated: "I am very proud to be a member of the Florida 4-H Program, because 4-H gives us an oppor- tunity for personal development-to grow and develop as an individual, to develop leadership skills and to become an effective citizen. Our motto is 'To make the Best Better'-to accept a challenge, be a competitor, and learn how our free enterprise system works." Inter-city youth participating in the Dade County 4-H Expanded Nutrition Program cited these changes: "My mother has put the chart of the four food- groups on the wall. When we sit down to eat, she asks which groups we are eating." "I used to drink two cups of coffee every morning-now, I drink milk instead." FOREST ECOLOGY GUN SAFETY 4-H REPORT TO STATE The following comments by 4-H members, a volunteer leader, and an Extension Agent attend- ing the 4-H Conservation Camp, further explain the behavioral changes provided by 4-H learning experiences: Members-"I have learned how the balance of nature works, and how I can help this balance keep going the right way." Volunteer-"Teens are interested in conserva- tion and ecology when the adult leadership has proper educational background, enthusi- asm, and interest. ". Extension Agent-". Youth can become en- thusiastic and involved in subjects related to pollution, conservation, and the quality of life." Future Program Emphasis The 4-H Department will give priority consid- eration to the following ways and means of ex- panding a balanced youth program during-1973: 1. Strengthening 4-H citizenship education pro- grams. 2. Stimulating personal growth and develop- ment (self worth, personal identity, positive per- sonal goals, inter-personal relationships). 3. Developing activities focusing on career ex- ploration and training. 4. Acquiring, training, and utilizing volunteers in all phases of 4-H. 5. Involving individuals and groups effectively in 4-H program development (council, junior and teen leaders, adult leaders, advisory committees, special interest members). 6. Involving youth in community development. 7. Using mass media and innovative instruc- tural methods. 8. Promoting the understanding of the relation- ship of man to his environment. 9. Providing basic information on food, nutri- tion, and health. FINANCIAL REPORT 1971-72 Federal Funds: Smith-Lever Amended Agricultural Marketing Indian Affairs Expanded Nutrition State Trust Funds: State Funds Incidental County Appropriations Total Cooperative Extension Funds $1,303,461.00 19,271.00 28,000.00 1,620,485.00 $2,971,217.00 $3,854,782.00 130,332.00 1,643,850.00 $5,628,964.00 $8,600,181.00 1972-73 Federal Funds: Smith-Lever Amended Agricultural Marketing Indian Affairs Expanded Nutrition State Trust Funds: State Funds Incidental County Appropriations $1,475,198.00 19,271.00 28,000.00 1,620,485.00 $3,142,954.00 $4,108,958.00 106,300.00 1,762,087.00 $5,977,345.00 $9,120,299.00 Total Cooperative Extension Funds Florida Cooperative Extension Service Planned and Expended Time by Program Area Fiscal Year 1972 Program Area 1 Citrus and Other Fruits and Nuts 2 Vegetable Crops 3 Field Crops 4 Forage, Range and Pasture 5 Forest and Forest Products 6 Ornamental Plants 7 Beef 8. Dairy 9 Swine 10 Poultry 11 Horses 12 Bees and Their Products 13 Other Animals 14 Marine and Aquatic Prod. 15 Supp. Disc. Act. (Commercial Ag.) 21 Pollution Abatement and Control 22 Wildlife and Fish 23 Recreation 24 Environmental Esthetics 25 Supp. Disc. Act. (Nat. and Renewable Res.) 31 Family Stability 32 Consumer Competence 33 Family Health 34 Expanded Nutrition Program 35 Family Housing 36 Community and Regional Development 37 Manpower and Employment 38 Supp. Disc. Act. (Human Res. and Qual. of Life) 41 Extension Support and Maintenance 51 Administration 52 International Programs 53 Facilities 54 Editorial-Communications Planned* Mandys % of Total 3,070 2,970 1,708 1,288 675 4,547 2,992 1,876 1,231 1,207 805 211 14 55 4,094 877 53 46 110 503 5,598 4,947 2,097 6,521 1,783 2,661 41 5,645 19,250 815 56 71 930 78,747 3.90 3.77 2.17 1.64 .86 5.77 3.80 2.38 1.56 1.53 1:02 .27 .02 .07 5.20 1.11 .07 .06 .14 .64 7.11 6.28 2.66 8.28 2.26 3.38 .05 7.17 24.44 1.03 .07 .09 1.18 99.98 Expended Mandys %/ of Total 4,192 3,582 2,613 1,743 654 6,872 3,885 2,091 1,075 1,420 1,468 209 20 108 5,836 632 92 84 99 461 7,551 5,566 2,018 7,527 1,561 3,823 79 10,013 27,852 998 124 120 1,071 105,434 3.98 3.40 2.48 1.65 .62 6.52 3.68 1.98 1.02 1.35 1.39 .20 .02 .10 5.53 .60 .09 .08 .09 .44 7.16 5.28 1.91 7.14 1.48 3.62 9.50 26.42 .95 .12 .11 1.02 100.00 *Only 77 percent of total available time was planned. Both planned time and expended time an eight-hour day. Total Audience 60,717 38,861 38,703 26,121 15,701 258,514 180,553 37,127 19,868 58,560 51,034 1,811 291 949 75,021 15,884 1,210 3,895 7,768 10,173 311,812 162,408 59,005 67,795 44,258 91,377 667 248,751 251,646 6,852 2,778 790 1 2,150,901 are based on I SUMMARY OF EXTENSION HOME ECONOMICS PROGRAM Major Audience Types for which Home Economics Programs are Designed: Family Members Senior Citizens Families with Pre-school Children Extension Homemaker Club Members Handicapped Residents of Low-income Housing Paraprofessional Expanded Nutrition Program Aides Major Subjects Taught by Extension Home Economists: Family Living Consumer Education Family Economics Legal Affairs Food Buying Nutrition Donated Foods Food Stamp Program Food Preparation and Service Food Preservation Storage Clothing Textiles Home Furnishings Household Equipment Home Grounds Food Production/Gardens Home Management Housing Human and Personal Development Human Relationships Health Safety Areas Reached by Expanded Nutrition Program: Counties Adult Programs Indian Reservations Adult Programs Counties Youth Programs Extension Program Aides Number of organized Extension Homemaker Clubs Number of Extension Homemaker Club Members Number of Individuals reached by leaders in Homemaker Clubs and Special Interest Meetings Number of Home Economics Subject Matter Leaders Number of Persons Reached 398,981 21,780 4,230 97,889 491 4,310 34,459 Number of Persons Reached 43,735 176,863 5,361 648 22,620 99,421 3.263 1,830 15,651 9,749 223 56,810 2,977 27,565 4,702 103,553 6,469 10,470 5,247 85,652 37,552 5,692 8,972 27 3 6 230 582 15,433 353,743 3,468 SUMMARY OF 4-H YOUTH WORK Number of Organized 4-H Clubs 951 Number of 4-H Special Interest Groups and other 4-H Units 156 Number of 4-H Members: Boys 7,241 Girls 13,676 TOTAL 20,917 Volunteer Leaders: Adult 1,852 4-H junior and teen boys 161 4-H junior and teen girls 527 4-H Members by Place of Residence: Farm 3,895 Towns under 10,000 and open country 9,500 Towns and cities 10,000 to 50,000 4,522 Suburbs of city of over 50,000 1,816 Central city of over 50,000 1,184 4-H Members by Age Groups Under 9 190 15 years of age 1,328 9 years of age 2,565 16 years of age 894 10 years of age 2,980 17 years of age 549 11 years of age 3,531 18 years of age 309 12 years of age 3,381 19 years of age 73 13 years of age 2,806 Over 19 15 14 years of age 2,296 TOTAL 20,917 Major Audience Types and Number of Persons Reached for 4-H Youth Work: Youth (4-H) 163,276 Youth (4-H TV) 949 Youth/Adult (4-H) 135,519 Youth (Other) 32,322 Youth/Adult (Other) 109,066 Expanded Nutrition Program Youth Phase Volunteer Leaders: Six counties with youth program 279 All Expanded Nutrition Program units in state 326 Total Number Youth Enrolled in Nutrition Groups: Six counties with youth program 4,597 All Expanded Nutrition Program units in state 6,367 COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE FACULTY LIST* STATE FACULTY Joe N. Busby, Ph.D., Dean for Extension Jack T. McCowen, Ed.D., Associate Dean for Extension James E. Ross, Ph.D., Assistant Dean, Agricultural Programs Olive L. Morrill, Ed.D., Assistant Dean, Chairman Home Economics Forrest E. Myers, M.Ag., Assistant to the Dean B. B. Archer, Ph.D., Assistant Dean FAMU Programs, Florida A & M University, Tallahassee Alto A. Straughn, Ph.D., Director, Program Evaluation and Organizational Development Miss Pauline Calloway, Ph.D., Program Specialist Miss Emily E. King, Ph.D., Program Specialist Donald Y. Aska, B.S., Assistant in Agriculture (Marine Advisory Program) W. Travis Loften, M.S.A., Chairman, Agricultural and Extension Education Department John H. Nininger, Jr., B.S., Administrative Assistant David R. Bryant, Jr., B.A., Administrative Assistant M. Hervey Sharpe, Ph.D., Communication Specialist & Chairman, Editorial Department Kay B. Meurlott, M.A.J., Assistant Communication Specialist Douglas L. Buck, M.Ag., Assistant Communication Specialist Roberts C. Smith, Jr., B.A., Assistant Communication Specialist Donald W. Poucher, M.A., Assistant Communication Specialist Miss Alma Warren, M.S., Assistant Communication Specialist D. L. Brooke, Ph.D., Acting Chairman, Food and Resource Economics Department John Holt, Ph.D., Assistant Economist, Farm Management Charles L. Anderson, M.S.A., Area Assistant Farm Management Specialist (Lake Alfred) Charles Walker, M.S., Area Assistant Farm Management Specialist (Belle Glade) Ralph A. Eastwood, Ph.D., Economist, Marketing Stanley E. Rosenberger, Ph.D., Marketing Specialist, Vegetable Crops Kenneth M. Gilbraith, M.S.A., Vegetable Marketing Specialist Charles D. Covey, Ph.D., Associate Economist, Marketing Wm. K. Mathis, Jr., Ph.D., Assistant Economist, Marketing Marvin E. Konyha, Ph.D., Assistant Agricultural Economist George R. Perkins, Ph.D., Assistant Agricultural Economist Clisby C. Moxley, Ph.D., Economist Donald E. Long, M.S., Assistant Agricultural Economist Vernon C. McKee, Ph.D., Director of Planning and Business Affairs Virgil L. Elkins, M.S., Area Program Specialist, Florida A & M University, Tallahassee James C. McCall, M.S., Rural Area Development Specialist (Marianna) James A. Brown, M.S., Rural Area Development Specialist (Live Oak) Louis A. Murray, M.S., Rural Area Development Specialist, Florida A & M, Tallahassee E. T. Smerdon, Ph.D., Chairman, Agricultural Engineering Department Thomas C. Skinner, M.Ag., Agricultural Engineer Dalton S. Harrison, M.S., Agricultural Engineer A. M. Pettis, M.S.A., Associate Agricultural Engineer Richard P. Cromwell, M.Eng., Assistant Agricultural Engineer Lloyd B. Baldwin, M.A., Assistant Agricultural Engineer D. E. McCloud, Ph.D., Chairman, Agronomy Department David W. Jones, M.S.A., Agronomist Wayne L. Currey, Ph.D., Assistant Agronomist Elmo B. Whitty, Ph.D., Associate Agronomist James T. Johnson, Ph.D., Assistant Agronomist Charles E. Freeman, M.S., Resident Instructor in Agronomy (Belle Glade) James W. Strobel, Ph.D., Chairman, Ornamental Horticulture Department Edgar W. McElwee, Ph.D., Ornamental Horticulturist Harry G. Meyers, M.S.A., Assistant Ornamental Horticulturist Graham S. Smith, Ph.D., Assistant Ornamental Horticulturist Dennis B. McConnell, Ph.D., Assistant Ornamental Horticulturist (Apopka) Willard T. Witte, Ph.D., Assistant Ornamental Horticulturist L. H. Purdy, Ph.D., Chairman, Plant Pathology Department Robert S. Mullin, Ph.D., Plant Pathologist Thomas A. Kucharek, Ph.D., Assistant Plant Pathologist Robert H. Harms, Ph.D., Chairman, Poultry Science Department Carroll R. Douglas, Ph.D., Assistant Extension Poultryman Lester W. Kalch, M.Ag., Associate Extension Poultryman R. Bruce Christmas, Ph.D., Assistant Extension Poultryman and Supervisor, National Egg Laying Test (Chipley) C. F. Eno, Ph.D., Chairman, Soils Department James NeSmith, Ph.D., Soils Specialist John H. Herbert, Jr., M.S.A., Extension Conservationist J. F. Kelly, Ph.D., Chairman, Vegetable Crops Department James Montelaro, Ph.D., Vegetable Crops Specialist James Stephens, M.S.A., Assistant Vegetable Crops Specialist James R. Hicks, Ph.D., Assistant Vegetable Crops Specialist Stephen R. Kostewicz, Assistant Vegetable Crops Specialist *List of faculty as of 4/1/73. C. E. Cornelius, Ph.D., Chairman, Veterinary Science Department George W. Meyerholz, D.V.M., Extension Veterinarian Mrs. Roberta H. Hall, M.S., Extension Home Furnishings Specialist Mrs. Marie S. Hammer, M.S., Extension Home Economist, (E.N.P.I Mrs. Beth Walsh, M.S., Extension Food Specialist Miss Vervil L. Mitchell, M.S., Home Management & Family Economics Specialist Mrs. Charla J. Durham, M.S., Home Management & Family Economics Specialist Miss Elizabeth E. Mumm, M.P.H., Health Education Specialist Mrs. Mary N. Harrison, M.S., Consumer Education Specialist Mrs. Lizette L. Murphy, M.S., Consumer Education Specialist Miss Glenda L. Warren, M.S., Food and Nutrition Specialist (E.N.P.) Mrs. Yancey Waiters, M.H.E., Extension Home Economics Program Development Miss Sandra A. Claybrook, M.S., Extension Home Economist (E.N.P.) Miss Evelyn A. Rooks, M.H.E., Human Development Specialist Miss Lora A. Kiser, M.S., Extension Home Economist, Professional Development Miss Nadine Hackler, M.S., Clothing Specialist Mrs. Faye T. Plowman, M.A., Housing Specialist Tony J. Cunha, Ph.D., Chairman, Animal Science Department James E. Pace, M.S.A., Animal Husbandman Robert L. Reddish, Ph.D., Extension Meats Specialist Kenneth L. Durrance, M.A., Associate Animal Husbandman Bill G. Jackson, Ph.D., Assistant Animal Husbandman Robert S. Sand, Ph.D., Assistant Animal Husbandman Harold H. VanHorn, Jr., Ph.D., Chairman, Dairy Science Department Ronald L. Richter, Ph.D., Assistant Dairy Technologist Barney Harris, Jr., Ph.D., Associate Dairy Nutritionist Daniel W. Webb, Ph.D., Assistant Extension Dairy Husbandman W. G. Eden, Ph.D., Chairman, Entomology and Nematology Department James E. Brogdon, M.Ag., Entomologist John R. Strayer, M.Ag., Associate Entomologist Donald W. Dickson, Ph.D., Assistant Nematologist Donald E. Short, Ph.D., Assistant Entomologist Freddie A. Johnson, M.S., Assistant Entomologist R. A. Dennison, Ph.D., Chairman, Food Science Department Richard F. Matthews, Ph.D., Associate Food Technologist John L. Gray, Ph.D., Director, School of Forest Resources and Conservation Thomas G. Herndon, M.S.F., Extension Forester Anthony S. Jensen, M.S.F., Assistant Extension Forester Dennis R. Crowe, Ph.D., Assistant Extension Forester Alfred H. Krezdorn, Ph.D., Chairman, Fruit Crops Department Fred P. Lawrence, M.S., Citriculturist Calvin E. Arnold, Ph.D., Assistant Horticulturist Larry K. Jackson, Ph.D., Assistant Horticulturist Timothy E. Crocker, Ph.D., Extension Specialist David P.H. Tucker, Ph.D., Assistant Horticulturist (Lake Alfred) Wilfred E. Wardowski, l, Ph.D., Assistant Horticulturist (Lake Alfred) Jar~es J. Brasher, Ph.D., Assistant Dean, Chairman, 4-H & Other Youth Programs Grant M. Godwin, M.Ag., Associate State 4-H Club Agent Billy J. Allen, M.A., Associate State 4-H Club Agent Thomas C. Greenawalt, M.A., Assistant State 4-H Club Agent Miss Ruth L. Milton, M.S., Associate State 4-H Club Agent Mrs. Gwendoline Angalet, M.S., Assistant State 4-H Club Agent Miss Linda L. Dearmin, M.S., Assistant State 4-H Club Agent Damon Miller, M.S., Assistant State 4-H Youth Development Specialist Florida A&M, Tallahassee Frank S. Perry, M.Ag., District Agent Ernest R. Wheaton, Ed.D., District Agent William H. Smith, Ed.D., District Agent Earl M. Kelly, M.Ag., District Agent ALACHUA COUNTY Wilburn C. Farrell, M.Ag. A. T. Andrews, M.Ag. John E. Moser, B.S.A. Mrs. Mable C. Dorsey, B.S. BAKER COUNTY A. Luther Harrell, M.A. Mrs. Roberta C. Hicks, B.S. BAY COUNTY Horace M. Carr, B.S. Mrs. Eliza M. Jackson, B.S. Mrs. Karen Olson, M.S. BRADFORD COUNTY Bobby L. Taylor, M.Ag. Miss Kathleen Brown, M.A. BREVARD COUNTY J. L. Loadholtz, M.S. Sylvester A. Rose, M.S. Mrs. Sue B. Young, B.S. Mrs. Aurilla D. Birrel, B.S. Mrs. Joy Wren Satcher, B.S. A. Brooks Humphrys, M.A. BROWARD COUNTY Lewis E. Watson, M.S. James F. Cummings, M.Ag. Mrs. Dorothy Y. Gifford, B.S. Mrs. Sandra T. Alphonse, B.S. Mrs. Virginia L. Gray, M.S. Mrs. Karen B. McNeil, B.A. CALHOUN COUNTY Jerry A. Wyrick, M.S.A. James R. Yelvington, M.Ag. Miss Linda D. Bamberg, B.S. CHARLOTTE COUNTY W. Lester Hatcher, B.S.A. CITRUS COUNTY Quentin Medlin, B.S.A. Mrs. Paula P. Stanley, B.S. CLAY COUNTY T. Jesse Godbold, B.S.E. Mrs. Ann V. Prevatt, B.A. Mrs. Emily G. Harper, B.S. COLLIER COUNTY Donald W. Lander, M.Ag. James E. Bellizio, M.S. Dallas B. Townsend, B.S.A. COLUMBIA COUNTY Neal M. Dukes, B.S. Richard H. Smith, M.S. Mrs. Mary E. Anderson, B.S. Miss Deborah A. Mulvihill, B.S. DADE COUNTY HAMILTON COUNTY John D. Campbell, B.S.A. Roy J. Champagne, M.S. Louis J. Doigle, M.Ag. Ralph W. Moore, B.S. Joseph D. Dalton, Ph.D. Nolan L. Durre, M.S. Seymour Goldweber, B.S. Richard M. Hunt, B.S.A. Mrs. Runette Davis, M.A. Mrs. Justine L. Bizette, B.S. Miss Mary Alyce Holmes, M.S. Miss Victoria M. Simpson, B.S. Miss Dorothy A. Towers, B.S.H.E. Mrs. Elizabeth D. Clark, B.S.H.E. Mrs. Grace R. Hauser, B.S. Mrs. Judy M. Dellapa, B.S. Miss Alice Blair, B.S. Mrs. Rosemary Pisaris, M.Ed. DESOTO COUNTY Kenneth M. Sanders, M.S. Mrs. Mary Ann Roe, B.S. DIXIE COUNTY Thomas R. Burton, Jr., M.Ag. DUVAL COUNTY James N. Watson, B.S.A. Edward Allen, M.S.A. Thomas H. Braddock, Jr., M.S.A. Robert C. Linstrom, M.S. Harold C. Jones, M.A. Mrs. Bessie J. Canty, M.S. Mrs. Sarah M. Board, B.S. Ernest L. Stephens, M.S. Miss Tamer L. Britton, M.Ed. Miss Carol A. Lotz, B.S. ESCAMBIA COUNTY E. J. Cowen, B.S.A. James H. Walker, .M.S.A. Daniel E. Mullins, M.S. Mrs. Edwena J. Robertson, B.S. Miss Mary Jane Home, B.S. Marvin F. Weaver, M.S. Miss Linda Kay West, M.S. FLAGLER COUNTY George H. Newbury, M.S.A. FRANKLIN COUNTY James B. Estes, M.A. GADSDEN COUNTY John C. Russell, M.Ag. Bernard H. Clark, B.S.A. Mrs. Marjorie B. Gregory, B.S. Mrs. Dicki D. Bentley, B.S. Mrs. Ursula H. Williams, B.S. GILCHRIST COUNTY Arthur D. Alston, M.Ag. GLADES COUNTY B. O. Bass, M.S.A. GULF COUNTY Cubie R. Laird, M.Ed. Rance A. Andrews, B.S.A. Isaac Chandler, Jr., B.S. Mrs. Wylma B. White, M.S. HARDEE COUNTY Jack C. Hayman, M.A. Mrs. Nannie M. Cochran, B.S. HENDRY COUNTY Raymond H. Burgess, M.S.A. Clayton E. Hutcheson, M.S.A. Mrs. Rosemary A. Hunter, M.S. HERNANDO COUNTY Albert D. Dawson, B.S.A. HIGHLANDS COUNTY Bert J. Harris, Jr., B.S.A. George T. Hurner, Jr., B.S.A. Mrs. Jo Marilynn Townsend, B.S. HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY Jean Beem, M.S.A. Paul E. Glasscock, B.S.A. James E. Richards, M.S.A. R. Donald Downs, B.S.A. Wayne T. Wade, M.Ed. Mrs. Mamie G. Bassett, B.S. Miss Charlene Hampton, B.S. Mrs. Helen P. Webb, B.S. Mrs. Virginia H. Coombs, B.S. Mrs. Ruth T. Penner, B.S. Charles F. Hinton, III, Ph.D. Roger D. Newton, M.S. Mrs. Johnnie Johnson, B.S. HOLMES COUNTY Lawrence D. Taylor, M.S. Mrs. Mary J. Castello, B.S. INDIAN RIVER Forrest N. McCullars, B.S. INDIAN RESERVATIONS Jack W. Bass, M.Ag. Miss Vicki L. Spence, B.A. JACKSON COUNTY Woodrow W. Glenn, M.S. William E. Collins, B.S.A. Mrs. Jane R. Burgess, B.S.H.E. Miss.Marilyn A. McBride, B.S. JEFFERSON COUNTY Albert H. Odom, M.S. Mrs. Karen D. Richardson, B.S. LAFAYETTE COUNTY Mrs. Dona A. Ingle, M.S. James B. Morris, III, M.S. LAKE COUNTY Jackson A. Haddox, M.Ag. John L. Jackson, M.Ag. Mrs. Marian Valentine, B.S. Dan E. Spears, B.S. Miss Doris L. Milligan, M.S. Mrs. Alice B. Ayers, M.S. LEE COUNTY Robert G. Curtis, B.S.A. Mrs. Dorothy J. Classon, B.S. .Malcolm M. Guidry, M.S. Miss Charlotte A. Wise, B.A. LEON COUNTY Michael E. Demaree, M.S.A. Mrs. Martha M. Walker, B.S. Mrs. Ann W. Parramore, B.S.H.E. Harry Paulk, M.Ag. George C. Henry, M.Ed. Lawrence Heitmeyer, M.S. Mrs. Jane M. Brodie, B.S. LEVY COUNTY Leonard C. Cobb, M.Ag. William R. Womble, B.S.A. Mrs. Sharon Stonerock, B.S. LIBERTY COUNTY W. David Osborn, M.S. MADISON COUNTY O. R. Hamrick, Jr., M.A. James C. Miller, B.S. Mrs. Mae M. Anderson, B.S. Miss Deloris M. Jones, B.S. MANATEE COUNTY Rollin H. McNutt, M.S.A. Robert T. Montgomery, B.S.A. James V. Knight, M.A. Miss Susan E. Davis, B.S. Miss Mary Glee Watson, M.S. MARION COUNTY Edsel W. Rowan, B.S. Patrick R. Hamilton, B.S. William J. Phillips, Jr., M.S. .Mrs. Sarah K. Thomas, B.S. Miss Barbara Ann Cooper, B.S. MARTIN COUNTY Robert B. Whitty, M.S. Mrs. Martha B. Norton, M.S. MONROE COUNTY Phillip B. Moore, Ph.D. NASSAU COUNTY Judson T. Fulmer, M.Ed. Mrs. Sandra R. Jones, B.S. OKALOOSA COUNTY Jack D. Patten, B.S. Charles M. Walthall, M.S. Mrs. Ann P. Jeter, B.S. Mrs. Marilee M. Tankersley, B.S. OKEECHOBEE COUNTY R. Kent Price, M.Ag. Mrs. Ina Sue Medler, B.S. ORANGE COUNTY Henry F. Swanson, M.S.A. Bruce A. Barmby, M.S. Oscar J. Hebert, Jr., M.S. Mrs. Marjorie L. Williams, B.S. Mrs. Mary A. Moore, M.A.T. Mrs. Leala R. Collins, B.S. Mrs. Linda W. Luman, B.S. Thomas J. MacCubbin,.M.S. Lester C. Floyd, B.S. OSCEOLA COUNTY James B. Smith, B.S.A. Mrs. Marilyn Tileston, B.S.H.E. PALM BEACH COUNTY Robert S. Pryor, B.S. Frederick E. Boss, M.S. DeArmand L. Hull, M.S. Raleigh S. Griffis, M.Ag. John H. Causey, B.S.A. Mrs. Arlen C. Jones, B.S. Mrs. Marylou Shirar, M.Ed. Mrs. Jeanette S. Cardell, M.S. Mrs. Ruth A. Holmes, B.S. Mrs. Beverly B. Harrington, B.S. PASCO COUNTY Luther L. Rozar, Jr., M.Ag. Miss Clara A. Smith, B.S. ,Mrs. Barmell B. Dixon, B.S. J. Daniel Sumner, B.S.A. Mrs. Teresa W. Macrae, B.S. PINELLAS COUNTY ST. LUCIE COUNTY Gilbert M. Whitton, Jr., M.Ag. Charles E. Rowan, M.Ag. Mrs. Dorothy E. Droves, B.S. Miss Nancy B. Whigham, B.S. Mrs. Virginia D. Gardner, B.S. Richard E. Bir, M.S. Mrs. Marilyn Lanctot, M.A. Mrs. Billy Jo Stuart, B.S. POLK COUNTY Robert M. Davis, M.Ag. Thomas W. Oswalt, M.S.A. Ortis E. Carmichael, M.S. Mrs. Alice Kersey, M.S. David M. Solger, M.Ag. Sidney L. Sumner, M.S.A. Ronald P. Muraro, M.S. Mrs. Josephine Cameron, M.S. Mrs. Becky E. Young, B.A. Mrs. Ruth Ann Miller, B.S. PUTNAM COUNTY Ralph T. Clay, B.S.A. Mrs. Essie H. Thompson, B.S. Mrs. Rosa Lee Banks, B.S. ST. JOHNS COUNTY Paul L. Dinkins, M.Ag. James D. Dilbeck, M.S. Miss Nettle R. Brown, B.S. Hugh C. Whelchel, B.S. Mrs. Marguerite R. Brock, B.S. Timothy P. Gover, B.S. SANTA ROSA COUNTY William C. Zorn, M.Ag. Jack James Spears, M.Ag. Miss Fern Nix, B.S. Miss A. Vicki Kavalaskia, B.S. SARASOTA COUNTY Kenneth A. Clark, B.S.A. Edwin S. Pastorius, B.S.A. J. Lowell Parrish, M.S. Miss Jeanette Meadows, M.S. SEMINOLE COUNTY Frank J. Jasa, B.S.A. David A. DeVoll, M.S.A. Mrs. E. Louise Gill, B.S.H.E. SUMTER COUNTY Donald A. George, B.S.A. Richard L. Bradley, B.S.A. Miss Dorothy Perkins, B.S. SUWANNEE COUNTY James W. Bearden, B.S.A. Henry E. Jowers, B.S. Mrs. Janice R. McRee, B.S.H.E. Mrs. Meredith C. Taylor, B.S. TAYLOR COUNTY Henry P. Davis, B.S.A. Mrs. Ethel P. Thompson, B.S. UNION COUNTY William J. Cowen, B.S.A. VOLUSIA COUNTY T. Ralph Townsend,.M.S. Larry L. Loadholtz, M.S. Mrs. Diane E. Yates, B.S. George A. Hindery, Ph.D. Mrs. Betty Vernon, B.S. Mrs. Frances L. Hawkins, B.S. WAKULLA COUNTY Bobby R. Durden, B.S.A. Mrs. Marilyn J. Halusky, B.S. WALTON COUNTY J. Edsel Thomaston, M.Ag. Mrs. Virginia C. Clark, B.S. WASHINGTON COUNTY Johnnie E. Davis, M.Ag. Lenzy M. Scott, M.A. Miss Sue Elmore, M.S. COOPERATIVE EXTENSION WORK IN AGRICULTURE AND HOME ECONOMICS (Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914) Cooperative Extension Service, IFAS, University of Florida and United States Department of Agriculture, Cooperating Joe N. Busby, Dean This report was published at a cost of $383.31 or 15.3 cents per copy, as a summary of the development and achievement in the current programs of the Florida Cooperative Extension Service. |