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Historic note
Unnumbered ( 1 ) Front Cover Front Cover Introduction Page 1 Page 2 Improving farm income Page 3 Page 4 Main Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Home economics Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Youth programs Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Community resource development Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Financial report Page 25 Planned and expended time by program area Page 26 Program summaries Page 27 Faculty list Page 28 Page 29 Page 30 Page 31 |
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HISTORIC NOTE The publications in this collection do not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. These texts represent the historic publishing record of the Institute for Food and Agricultural Sciences and should be used only to trace the historic work of the Institute and its staff. Current IFAS research may be found on the Electronic Data Information Source (EDIS) site maintained by the Florida Cooperative Extension Service. Copyright 2005, Board of Trustees, University of Florida F63 6a- /?7o A NNUA HUME ULBRAR 190E fAR.f USEP 21 a97 \ I.F.A.S.- Univ. of Floida 1970 PLtRa A COOPERATIVE EXTNBIMON llCRVI Institute of Food and Agriculturamlla nces 'Univertfty Ma A disastrous outbreak of Southern corn blight which not only resulted in a direct loss of income to Florida farmers but a serious threat to the state's livestock industry - A record citrus crop for 1970-71 again threaten- ing to depress prices and cause a serious marketing problem - New emphasis on agriculture's role in environ- mental problems, complicated by the constant state of change in approval and recommendation of agricultural chemicals - More and more pressure from the public on government in general for relief from taxes and inflation, fair treatment in the market place, and improved services - These were some of the major challenges that faced the Florida Cooperative Extension Service during 1970. Extension also opened the decade of the '70s with a major move to analyze all programs in relation to projected future problems, and plan shifts in emphasis. This was done in conjunction with the research and teaching arms of the Insti- tute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) through the Planning, Programming and Budget System, and a major self-study report compiled in conjunction with the University of Florida's 10-year re-accreditation study. Most of the-major problems were tackled by several disciplines. For example, the threat of de- pressed citrus prices is directly a marketing prob- lem involving agricultural economists, but gets the attention of food scientists attempting to improve product quality and develop new products, and the attention of production-oriented specialists who carried out programs to help growers lower produc- tion costs. As our technology advances, more and more problems of society both economic and social - are attacked on a multi-dimensional, in-depth basis. It is impossible to summarize more than a frac- tion of the efforts of Florida's Cooperative Exten- sion Service over a year. Emanating from the UF campus in Gainesville, these efforts diffuse throughout the entire state, reaching into every county and directly or indirectly affecting almost every citizen. Thousands of man-hours by the off-campus faculty of IFAS help the agricul- tural industry become more efficient and produc- tive, and improve the quality of the environment and the living standard of our citizens. Some highlights follow. -I-I I IMPROVING FARM IN I *, -.. ? -- -Y v, f ^ l e- l '4^ \; E AGRONOMIC CROPS Southern corn leaf blight destroyed much of the southeastern corn crop in 1970. Florida's average yield of 25 bushels per acre was the lowest in several years. Extension agronomists joined plant pathologists, animal scientists, and economists in Florida and other states in obtaining and present- ing information on the disease as well as possible alternative crops that could be planted as cash crops or for feeding livestock. Twelve variety, fertility and spacing trials on corn, sorghum, soybean, aeschynomene, bahiagrass and pigeon peas were established to obtain more information and demonstrate to growers the poten- tial of new crops, varieties and cultural practices. Studies involving growth regulators and calcium sources for peanuts were conducted at Experiment Stations near Marianna and Gainesville. Emphasis .was placed on producing forages for Florida's multi-million dollar livestock industry. Pasture and silage information was presented to cattle and swine producers at shortcourses and field days, and two new specialists joined the Ex- tension agronomy staff to give added emphasis to forage and grain production and to weed control. Major advances were made in peanut, soybean and flue-cured tobacco production. Florunner, a new peanut variety developed by the University of Florida, was available to growers for the first time and it promises to be the most successful variety ever released in the United States. The Florunner variety, good weather and improved leafspot con- Agronomists look over results of serious corn blight attack. I trol contributed to record peanut yields. Soybean acreage expanded to new areas, and record yields were maintained as growers were urged to select suitable soils and use recommended cultural prac- tices. Flue-cured tobacco growers established record yields while also increasing the superiority in quality that is associated with Florida tobacco. The 1970 value of all field crops (excluding pastures) in Florida increased by about 8 percent over the 1969 value. THE CITRUS INDUSTRY One key to combating the threat of lower prices caused by an abundant crop is to lower production cost a matter of increasing efficiency. The Economical Citrus Production Program, developed by Extension fruit crops specialists, is designed to reduce inefficiency and encourage Florida's 15,000 citrus growers to adopt more efficient methods. Studies indicate the cost of in- efficiency may run in excess of $100 million each year. While there are many phases of the Economical Citrus Production Program, weed control, use of irrigation, and proper fertilization are three major areas. The use of herbicides as opposed to conven- tional, high-labor cultivation if adopted industry- wide could save growers $14 million each year. Similar savings would be effected by proper fertili- zation methods and use of irrigation with those varieties that respond best. Herbicides could potentially save citrus industry $14 million annually. XILT - ... -~ jr514 The program is carried out through citrus specialists located in the counties of the citrus belt, and through area specialists. They receive a week of intensive training each year, and the program manual is updated to incorporate new practices. New charts and slide sets are issued for use by these county and area specialists for grower demonstrations and use with the mass media. It is estimated the program, when followed faithfully, allows most citrus producers to cut cost of their operations by 15 to 20 percent. Many of the methods used in cost reduction are developed by Extension economists working in farm management. For example, these economists determined that using muriate of potash instead of dolomite as a soil amendment would save citrus growers about $7 per acre. This change adopted by one major grower saved $107,000 the first year. On another front, Extension food science specialists devoted a major part of the annual food processors shortcourse to use of specialized addi- tives which can lead to new citrus products. Repre- sentatives of the citrus processing industry made up the major portion attending the 1970 short course. Development of new citrus products is one answer to the record crops produced when there are no major freezes. Special additives are neces- sary for products utilizing citrus fruit because of the high acid content. New packaging methods were also covered during the short course, and packaging is important to improving marketing methods. The processing industry utilized 89 percent of the '68-'69 orange crop and 65 percent of the grapefruit crop. To visualize the importance of new products, new packaging methods and improved marketing, an increase of one percent in utilization of the citrus crop adds about $4 million to cash income and uses 1.7 million boxes of citrus. Entomology looseleaf handbook has been a valuable tool to com- mercial growers and spray men. ...... INSECT AND NEMATODE CONTROL Because of the temperate and sub-tropical Florida climate, insects and nematodes are a major problem both to agricultural and ornamental crops and to homeowners urban as well as rural. Extension entomologists and nematologists have produced major loose-leaf handbooks on both in- sect and nematode controls for commercial appli- cation, and these must be updated constantly with changes of regulations and clearances on various pesticides and chemicals. Even with current information and clearances in printed form, it is necessary to work directly with people both in agriculture and the commercial pest control industry to assure maximum understanding and compliance with chemical recommendations. During 1970, Extension Entomologists held 6 workshops for pest control operators and com- mercial ornamental and lawn spraymen. Almost 500 representing 179 companies attended at stra- tegic locations throughout the state. The 4th Annual Agricultural Pest Control Work- shop Conference was held on campus. The 2-day program included talks on control of insects, plant diseases, weeds, nematodes, pest wildlife and appli- cation of pesticides. Approximately 250 dealers, spraymen, agents, researchers, salesmen, produc- tion managers, manufacturers, formulators and related professional agricultural workers attended. The nematology program includes a Nematode Assay Laboratory aimed at informing commercial growers, homeowners, and golf course superin- tendents of their nematode problems. This pro- gram has proven highly popular with growers, with over 4,000 samples submitted for processing last year a 27% increase over 1969. This service helps producers determine if treatment is necessary, and often uncovers undetected nematode problems. Research and demonstration trials on nematode control were conducted on peanuts, potatoes, ornamentals, turf and pine plantations last year. DISEASE CONTROL In February 1970, Donald Downs, Hillsborough Extension Agent-Vegetables, discovered "red stele", a disease caused by the fungus, Phyto- phthora fragariae, in several Plant City area straw- berry fields. As far as can be determined, this was the first field occurrence of the disease in straw- berries in Florida apparently introduced on un- certified plants received from northern California. It was not found in plants grown in Florida or in certified plants shipped in from other states. Fields in which the disease was found, must be checked in 1971 to see if the disease will persist in Florida soils. Red stele is an extremely damaging disease of strawberries, and in most areas, once in Irillr I the soil, remains for 5 or more years even in the absence of a host. Its persistence in Florida soils must be determined. Another disease detected during 1970, by Ex- tension pathologists in conjunction with county Extension agents, was wheat soil-borne mosaic virus. This disease was observed in Escambia county for the first time in Florida. Test plots showed that grain yield was significantly reduced by the disease. Other plots are presently estab- lished to evaluate different breeding lines and varieties for resistance to this disease. Extension Plant Pathology assisted in work on corn blight by identifying the cause, and was active in determining the corn hybrids with T-male sterile cytoplasm as being more susceptible to the pre- dominant strain of the pathogen. Cooperative work with veterinary science showed that corn infected with the fungus was not toxic when fed to animals. The Plant Disease Diagnostic Clinic processed approximately 800 samples for Florida growers and homeowners an increase of more than 38% over the samples processed in 1969. The increase indicates greater awareness of plant diseases by county Extension personnel, growers, and homeowners. ORNAMENTAL HORTICULTURE Not all pollution is directly injurious to the health. One of the most bothersome problems facing people especially as we become more urbanized is sight pollution. The beauty of the countryside falls before steel and concrete, neon signs, television antennas and utility poles. And with the migration of people from older sections of the central cities to suburbs, slums develop through neglect and old age. Extension ornamental horticulturists are viewing the problem of sight pollution as an exciting new challenge. There are three immediate goals: 1. Landscaping can help restore some of the natural beauty which has given way to urbani- zation and highway construction. 2. Beautification of home grounds and im- proved upkeep both of which can be inexpensive - offers many opportunities to improve the atti- tudes and outlook of low income families. 3. Establishing "green belts" in and around cities can help counteract air pollution. Trees and plants absorb carbon dioxide and discharge oxy- gen. They can, in effect, help cleanse the air of emissions from industry and automobiles. For two years Extension specialists have been working cooperatively with highway engineers on landscaping a 16-mile section of Interstate 10 in north Florida. One major new project was initiated in Jackson- ville which may serve as a model for community- wide projects in other Florida cities. Duval county Extension horticulturalist Ed Allen secured the cooperation of WJXT-TV and the northeast Jacksonville Mayor Hans Tanzler awards community service citations to Channel 4 and assistant Extension agent Ed Allen (right). J. W- IL / 1, ' Florida chapter of the Nurserymen and Growers Association to make Jacksonville the "Flowering Tree City of the South." Plans for the promotion were formulated over an 8-month period, and January, 1971 was desig- nated as the tree-planting month. Channel 4 began actual promotion with spots in December and there was immediate widespread response from commercial nurserymen, garden clubs and civic organizations. Dogwood, redbud and 5 other flowering trees were selected, and cooperating nurserymen agreed to discount the retail price by 10 percent for the month. Posters, sale tags, and cards with planting in- structions were printed and distributed to the nur- series. Mayor Hans Tanzler was presented a tree by a kindergarten class and proclaimed January 15 as "Plant a Flowering Tree Day". Jacksonville's 137 garden clubs with their 3,000-plus members pledged to plant one tree per member and 5 trees per club. The ecological benefits of trees were stressed in addition to the beautification approach. One mature tree produces enough oxygen each day for a family of 4 in addition to purifying air, abating noise and preventing erosion. Alien, who is a multi-county agent, estimated that the promotion would have cost over $100,000 including cost of television time. VEGETABLE CROPS Watermelons are grown commercially in more counties in Florida than any other vegetable crop. Research and Extension workers over the years have teamed up to help watermelon growers pro- duce good yields at the lowest cost possible. In an attempt to reduce fertilizer costs by eliminating costly organic nitrogen, researchers observed that watermelon yields were severely reduced. Upon checking closely, it was found that copper present in the organic nitrogen source was necessary for best growth. They subsequently determined that the copper could be supplied cheaply in fertilizer. County Extension agents with the assistance of state specialists relayed this information to water- melon growers shortly after it was discovered by the Experiment Stations. Watermelon growers throughout Florida are now generally aware of the copper deficiency problem, its relation to organic nitrogen sources, and how good crop yields can be maintained at lower costs than would have been possible otherwise. Growing vegetables for home use has been pro- moted during the past few years to help youngsters become more aware of high quality and thereby become better consumers, and in some cases as a means of helping low income families put more vegetables in the diet. Two Marion county 4-H'ers receive fertilizer for the 4-H vegetable garden projects. A special promotion was conducted in Marion county during 1970 when a garden supply store agreed to sponsor a project for 50 4-H'ers to grow their own gardens. The project, set up as a competition by state specialist Jim Stephens, Marion Extension agents Jim Glisson and Bill Phillips, and a local leader, provided each youngster with a kit containing 50 pounds of fertilizer, seeds for 8 vegetables, garden labels, and an insecticide-fungicide dust with applicator. Seminole Stores, which sponsored the project, also put up award money. Gardens were inspected midway in the season, and competition during harvest time allowed each 4-H'er to enter 4 vegetables. Judging included the vegetables entered in addition to the overall gar- den. This highly successful project produced not only ribbons and plaques for the winners, but 50 proud youngsters with a better understanding of the qualities of outstanding vegetables. LIVESTOCK, DAIRY AND POULTRY Production Testing Continually increasing production costs make it imperative that all cows kept in the herd be profit- able. The production of each cow must be evalu- ated on a dollar and cents basis. Through Extension's Production Testing Pro- gram, cattlemen can evaluate the production of each cow in the herd. Also, in single-sire com- mercial herds and in purebred herds, sires can be evaluated. During 1970, data was processed on 33,000 calves for Florida farmers and cattlemen. At present, 77 farmers and cattlemen are actively enrolled in the Production Testing Program. Carcass Evaluation Ten beef carcass contests and beef carcass evalu- ation contests held annually in Florida provide training and education for the producer, retailer and consumer. The steer show audience evaluates 12 live steers on the basis of carcass yield (bone- less, edible beef) and carcass quality (U.S. Prime, U.S. Choice or U.S. Good grade). A demonstration on beef carcass evaluation and selection by a University animal scientist explains how to determine yield and quality in live steers. The winners are awarded prizes in the form of retail beef cuts for first, second or third place winners. 4-H and FFA exhibitors benefit also, if their steers are meaty and high in quality. Exten- sion specialists judge and evaluate all the steer show carcasses. Alachua 4-H and FFA exhibitors receive cash awards (checks) sponsored by a local supermarket chain. All persons attending the steer show and sale receive carcass information on each steer entered in the show. Wholesome Meat Short Course The Wholesome Meat Act of 1967 promised the consuming public more and better wholesome meat for everyone. In October of 1970, the Federal-State coordinator began a final round of evaluating Florida meat plants including the small custom firms doing business primarily for farmers. Extension held a short course to explain the requirements of this Act to these small firms. Topics included requirements for buildings, slaugh- tering, sanitation, processing and inspection. Federal, state and county inspection and regula- tory officials also attended. SWINE PRODUCTION Improved breeding stock on Florida's swine farms has increased rapidly during the past year. Much of this improvement can be traced to the testing program carried on at the Florida Swine Evaluation Center in Live Oak. During the 5 years from September 1, 1965 to August 31, 1970, 281 sire groups representing 1124 pigs have been evaluated. Sires that produced the right kind of market animals have been identi- fied,and this information has been applied by pro- ducers to the improvement of their breeding herds. Continued progress has been shown in the past 5 years as indicated by reduced amount of fat and increased red meat production from animals tested. The number of sires with ability to produce im- proved carcasses and feed efficiency has increased each year. Consumers and producers both benefit from this testing program since the information helps pro- ducers reduce the amount of fat and improve the amount of red meat in animals furnished for mar- ket, and the consumer in turn has a better oppor- tunity to acquire a higher quality product in greater quantities. Consumers have reacted to this improvement by increasing pork consumption per capital during the past year. HORSE PRODUCTION Emphasis was placed on improving rate of repro- duction and on increasing the use of horses bred to run. Summer racing dates were approved providing 48 days of racing during the warm season, allowing many stables to run and train year around in Florida. With more racing days, the income from racing to the state and to the allied agricultural industries should increase greatly. A distinct effort was made to introduce new and better practices in broodmare and stallion manage- ment in order to increase the conception rate of mares bred. One practice which showed great promise was the use of artificial insemination in the breeding program. Several Florida farms co- operated in trial programs which resulted in con- ception rates of from 80% to 93% on the farms when artificial insemination was used to supple- ment natural service. DAIRY PRODUCTION Information on improved feeding and manage- ment methods was provided dairy farmers through- out the year through daily correspondence, tele- phone conversations, dairy production letters, articles and farm visits. Eighteen schools or work- shops were held covering nutrition, herd health, records and management. Reports from individual herds of savings in feeding amounted to several thousand dollars (in many herds over $1,000 per month). The Forage Testing Program was continued in cooperation with the State Department of Agricul- ture as a means of recommending more accurate supplementary feed rations and as a measure of forage quality for future improvement. A pilot herd has been run on a "least cost ration" project by electronic data machine proces- sing. Further development is expected in this pro- ject. The DHIA project has been carried out as a continuing fact-finding result demonstration. Most members utilize improved practices with the re- cords providing guide lines for decisions on herd i 7_ . -.- _,. -; -"51 S -zr ". -- j. r-- : . '- ** .- ^ r -?^ -.:. 1 ;% "- --,. ......-. . ; ( c.aa. .** -1-^-^ A, :-. DHIA herbs have made significant production advances since 1960. practices. The DHIA project has been broadened to include more herds on an unofficial record pro- gram useful in herd management. The 20,105 cows on official DHIA for the year ended September 30, 1970, averaged 233 pounds more milk and $22 more income above feed cost per cow than the previous year. A fair appraisal of the value of DHIA to partici- pating herds might be the comparison of the in- crease made over a period of years by DHIA herds and that of other dairy herds. Both DHIA herds and all dairy herds taken together have made good advancement during the past decade. The data below show that DHIA herds made greater im- provement from 1960 to 1970 than the herds as a whole. Per Cow Averages Milk per cow, 1970 Milk per cow, 1960 Lbs. increase 1970 over 1960 All Florida Dairy Cows 8,520 lbs. 6,730 1,790 Florida DHIA Cows 10,105 lbs. 7,597 2,508 Greater increase of DHIA herds ........ 718 lbs. Sale value of the increased milk @ $7.00 per cwt $125.30 $175.56 Greater gain in yearly income of the DHIA cows 1970 over 1960 per cow ............... $50.26 This $50.26 is the value of the amount of milk that the DHIA cows increased in excess of what all dairy cows increased and shows the faster rate of improvement made by DHIA cows. Applied to the 20,015 cows completing a year's test last year, this amounts to $1,010,477 yearly for the greater in- crease made the last decade. Processing Hot cars and cold milk don't mix. That's the conclusion of dairy scientists, after conducting pre- liminary experiments to show the effects of brief, high-temperature storage conditions on milk keep- ing quality. They found that milk stored for short periods of time in a hot car can significantly de- crease the product's shelf life. This information is being used in conjunction with a Florida Dairy Products Association consumer education program which will help housewives handle dairy products more effectively and efficiently resulting in fewer consumer complaints. The end result could be increased sales of milk. Poultry During 1970, Florida's poultry producers made an organized effort to avoid a surplus in egg pro- duction during times of decreased prices. Florida again led all states in export of baby chicks. Due to this favorable outlet for sales, there was an 8% increase in the number of baby chicks hatched. A very important area of effort by Extension has been in the area of profitable utilization of poultry manure. Extension workers in 2 counties have conducted field trials to determine the value of poultry manure. In Dade county, Extension workers cooperated with farmers in the use of poultry manure on grain sorghum. Results showed a very favorable response to its application in this area of high rainfall. Extension workers in Pasco county very success- fully demonstrated the value of poultry manure for establishing sod along highway rights-of-way which had been especially difficult to establish. In addi- tion to the primary value of these tests the benefit to crops there is a secondary value of utilizing a waste product and possible pollutant. VETERINARY SCIENCE State and county Extension personnel contri- buted significantly to several State-Federal animal disease eradication and control programs. The brucellosis eradication program overcame legal bar- riers and testing was nearly completed by the end of 1970 (the final herd in the state was tested January 27, 1971 to complete qualification of Florida as a modified-certified brucellosis-free state). Work of Extension agents with local com- mittees and regulatory officials was instrumental in completing each county and individual herd. Dissemination of information about hog cholera eradication helped establish Florida as a hog cholera-free state (a new outbreak began in early January, 1971). A circular on the "Quality Milk Program and Mastitis," aided dairymen in complying with leuco- cyte standards in producing Grade A milk. Education meetings with livestock producers during 1970 were designed to reduce the $66 mil- lion loss from animal diseases. Control of internal parasitism, infertility in cattle, vaccination pro- grams to prevent diseases, sanitation and manage- ment to reduce disease hazards, internal parasite control in swine, and mastitis control in dairy cattle were some of the problem areas receiving major attention. In addition to the meetings, 9 fact sheets were prepared for dissemination to support educational efforts to reduce animal disease losses. Two monthly newsletters were also used to give continuity and educational support to extension personnel and practicing veterinarians. Extension efforts to reduce animal disease losses help to insure that the consumer will receive safe and wholesome meat, milk, and eggs at the lowest possible price. Extension engineers and soil specialists, and the state staff of the Soil Conservation Service served as a committee during 1970 to formulate an "Engineering Standard for Animal Waste Treat- ment Lagoons in Florida." The standard is sched- uled to be formally accepted by the Florida De- partment of Air and Water Pollution Control as the basis for design of these systems in the state. The lagoon system of handling animal wastes offers an economical solution for large operators in particular. Many producers have asked for assis- tance in designing lagoons, and the standards are already in use. We expect to refine design criteria as research, currently underway, provides more knowledge of the operation of this type facility in Florida. To date some 50 dairy and other livestock producers have been assisted with designs for waste management systems. AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING Efforts were directed on several fronts to the overall problem of mechanization in agricultural production. The high cost and inefficiency of hand labor demand such mechanization if parts of the industry are to survive. Extension engineers organized a demonstration of the new inverter-type harvester for the annual peanut field day. This digger removes the plants from the soil and inverts them, leaving the root and nut zone facing upward. This improves drying con- ditions, reduces harvesting losses, and produces higher quality nuts. A Dade county tomato producer has begun util- izing a mechanical plant thinner for use in seeded fields. This electro-hydraulic thinner was originally designed for use with beets, but works perfectly well with tomatoes. The competition from im- ported tomatoes produced with extremely cheap labor has dictated total mechanization of tomato production as soon as possible. Extension specialists also located machines for use in producing ferns. Ornamentals production is one of Florida's most important parts of the indus- try. These machines were located and brought in for demonstration at meetings of growers. Several have been purchased. While Florida is blessed with a plentiful supply of underground water, much of it contains objec- tionable minerals or is acid water. During the past 10 years, Extension engineers have conducted an aggressive program to help homeowners who, because they are removed from municipal systems, utilize home water supplies. This program has included test and evaluation of equipment designed to purify water in the home system, testing of water supplies, conducting clinics for homeowners throughout the state on water quality and home systems available, and production of a publication on water quality. It is estimated 50,000 homeowners have been assisted by this program. AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS Marketing The Extension marketing staff emphasized edu- cational programs to alleviate both industry-wide problems and to create efficiencies within indivi- dual marketing firms. Industry-wide problems included developing in- formation on alternative market strategies for Florida's beef cattle producers; market price analy- sis for both cattle and swine; personnel develop- ment programs in food wholesaling and retailing; the development of efficiency standards for the garden supply industry; preparation of supply-price information for Florida's tomato industry; and the implementation of a survey designed to assist cen- tral Florida peach producers. Extension continued to emphasize in-depth management audits with existing individual firms and feasibility studies to determine the need for new marketing organizations. Analysis of alternative market strategies is part of a continuing educational program in livestock marketing. This program uses information from research programs, area economists and other sources to provide members of the Florida live- stock industry with examples and relevant data pertaining to different marketing arrangements. For example, a rancher may wish to change his marketing program from selling all his weaned calves in the fall to some other system that will make better use of his resources or take advantage of more favorable market conditions. Several com- binations of different breeding programs, retaining ownership, and custom or contract growing or feeding are open to the producer. The analysis of various market strategies, and educational pro- grams to disseminate findings will help producers improve livestock industry performance. A major problem facing both the wholesale and retail food industry is the lack of qualified person- nel. Extension economists, working with an Indus- try Educational Advisory Committee, developed formal training programs for both the Junior Col- lege and University levels. A Food Marketing and Distribution curriculum is now being offered in the Department of Agricultural Economics. Over the intermediate and long-run pictures these formal training programs will help greatly in alleviating personnel problems at both levels of trade. Improvement in operational efficiency within the garden supply industry has been hampered by the lack of industry-wide standards by which effi- ciency can be measured. During 1970 Extension assisted industry representatives organize a Gar- den Supply Dealers Improvement Association to develop and improve standards of performance on an industry-wide basis. For the past 3 years Florida tomato producers have operated under a state-wide marketing order program. A prime objective of this program is to regulate the marketing of Florida tomatoes so that producers will receive fair prices. This phase of the program has not been as effective as it could be due to a lack of adequate supply-price information on which decisions can be based. At the beginning of the 1970-71 season Extension economists de- veloped a procedure which will furnish industry leaders with reliable information. In cooperation with 12 large shipping organi- zations, the Federal-State Inspection Service and the Florida Department of Agriculture,daily infor- mation on total Florida supplies, total U.S. Sup- plies and prices received for each grade and size of tomatoes is being furnished to the industry. Exten- sion carried on a concurrent program on how in- dustry leaders can best use the information in making marketing decisions. In working with individual marketing firms, Ex- tension economists conducted an in-depth manage- ment audit for a large sub-tropical fruit firm during 1970. The management audit program involves a team approach by Extension staff members who analyze the firm's structure from three stand- points. The first is to determine the "management philosophy" of the firm's decision-makers at all levels the board of directors, executive and operational. The second task is to review finance and accounting procedures to see that proper con- trol measures are furnished all management levels. Finally, the team analyzes the organizational struc- ture of total operations from the standpoints of proper lines of communication, areas of responsi- bility, delegation of authority, job descriptions, standards of performance and methods of evalua- tion. Reports are prepared for use in making current needed adjustments and for long-range planning. Farm Management The basic goals of farm management specialists are to provide information which can be used to improve management decisions, and to upgrade the decision-making ability of managers. Results were obtained by utilizing research findings to establish the profitability of new production practices; ana- lyzing production practices of a major crop; deter- mining the income potential of crops which can be substituted for blight-prone corn; and by using innovative teaching to upgrade the decision-making ability of managers. In addition to working on the studies substi- tuting potash for dolomite on citrus, and studies of alternative crops because of the corn blight prob- lem, Extension economists worked with shade tobacco producers who were faced with rising costs and decreasing acreage. They need information which could be used to determine the costs of present practices. A study was initiated and com- pleted before planting time came again. County agent and area economist participation was vital in the rapid completion of this study. Managers, even good ones, often make "seat-of- the-pants" decisions. To help managers improve their decision-making process, area economists taught a citrus management seminar to grove managers. The approach involved in-depth training about how to solve common management prob- lems. The results? One manager summed up how he had benefitted, "by a clearer picture of just how to tackle problems of how to spend available funds." Another manager added that the seminar "made me conscious of my lack of planning far enough in the future." HOME ECONOMICS NO MON0' DO^ ? CONSUMER DECISIONS \ Credit I What constitutes a good buy in the supermarket or department store for Florida consumers? How does the consumer determine what is considered a bargain on the sale table or rack during sales day promotions throughout the state? With the cost of living constantly going up at a faster pace than wages the consumer needs to be more aware of how to stretch the food, clothing or shelter dollar a little farther to give the family the best returns for money spent. The Cooperative Extension Service through Home Economics programs at both the state and county levels is constantly seeking improved methods and techniques to reach the largest num- ber of consumers with sound, research-based infor- mation on making good buying decisions. Extension Home Economics in Florida is vitally concerned with all aspects of consumer education. Fourteen subject matter specialists build programs and lend support to 115 extension home eco- nomics agents who promote educational programs. This year 67,700 persons received assistance with some aspect of consumer information presented by agents at the county level. There are 3394 volunteer leaders who received training from the extension home economics agents in all areas of consumer education. These leaders in turn reached 37,197 persons this year through programs presented at club meetings, special interest meetings, workshops and forums. In addition to the volunteer leaders, there are 440 expanded nutrition aides who teach the hard- to-reach poor better food buys and preparation of inexpensive dishes which provide balanced meals. A total of 1,938 man hours was spent by home economics agents and specialists in public infor- mation. Bulletins, news stories, radio and TV pro- grams were all prepared and used at both state and local levels. The editorial staff provides service to seven TV stations, 100 radio stations, 175 daily and weekly newspapers, with consumer information prepared by specialists. Public service announcements deal- ing with consumer information are provided for 250 radio stations. At the county level, extension home economics agents write regular newspaper columns for 36 weekly and three daily newspapers. Weekly radio programs are presented over 15 stations, daily programs over seven stations and monthly pro- grams over four stations. There are 16 counties which participate in TV programs on a regular basis. Newsletters dealing with topics such as truth in lending, and impulse buying have wide circulation with Florida consumers. Extension home econo- mics agents in 53 counties write newsletters. Forty-two write newsletters on a monthly basis and 11 at other intervals. In order to reach businesses, chambers of com- merce and other industry-related groups 18 agents do special newsletters. Another eight prepare news- letters for special audience types such as brides, senior citizens and working women. County home economics agents answer hun- dreds of calls daily about consumer issues. Ques- tions on fraud and truth in lending are a focal point of concern to the public. Bumper stickers and telephone labels were part of consumer education week. Ir I a a I _I Accurate, research-based information is stressed in consumer pro- gram. Annually September is designated as Consumer Calling month when concentrated efforts are placed on reaching the public with the latest infor- mation on a number of topics. This year for the first time bumper stickers and telephone stickers called attention to the month and referred con- sumers to the home economics agent office for consumer information. Special emphasis was placed on preventing frauds by alerting the consumer to possible decep- tions in the "fabulous bargains" and "free gift" advertising used throughout the state by fly-by- night operators selling sewing machines, wigs, etc. The need for dealing with reliable firms was stressed. In addition to mass media and special interest meetings, workshops and other special programs are designed for various audiences. Working women, young homemakers, teens, senior citizens, hard-to-reach poor and families are among the people reached. Examples of consumer information taught are as follows: If a consumer buys at a sale, the best merchandise is available the first day of the sale but the best price is probably to be obtained the last day of the sale. When is a sale a bargain this depends on the item being sold and the use the consumer can make of this item. Whether a large box or small box is a better buy is determined by the price per unit of measure. How soon the item will be consumed before the quality deteriorates or whether there is adequate storage space helps determine whether an item is a real bargain. Expanded Nutrition Program was extended to many new counties during 1970. Consumer education involves the teaching of concepts for everyday living so that the consumer can achieve full benefit of his income. It is a growing venture and all Florida consumers need to know how to make the best buy for their money. Consumer education problems are many, so are Florida consumers. Millions of people live, work, and look for the best buy each day. Through educational programs the Florida Cooperative Ex- tension is striving to reach these consumers with the best possible information. Although consumer education has been given primary emphasis, Extension Home Economics programs include a broad range of subject matter designed to help young families, youth, low in- come families and homemakers in general, improve the quality of living for Florida families. The major teaching topics presented through meetings, work- shops, TV, radio, newsletters and news articles were: managing the family income, use of credit, selecting a house plan, retirement housing, best methods of home laundering, improving under- standing between teenagers and their parents, selecting and using Florida fruits, making children's clothing, shopping for men's and boys' clothing, modern meal management, family meals with appeal, selecting rugs and carpets, and making a foam mattress. The Expanded Nutrition Program begun in 1969, was extended in 1970 to reach 5,538 more low income families in 24 counties. During the year 425 program aides worked inten- sively with 9,204 low income homemakers to im- prove the nutritional adequacy of their families' diets. YOUTH PROG YOUTH PROGRAMS The purpose of the Extension 4-H Program is to provide learning experiences from which young people develop understandings, attitudes, and skills to enable them to be effective citizens in a demo- cratic society. The uniqueness of 4-H is that it is committed to helping young people change their own behavior in relation to their needs, interests and problems. The main features of the educational offerings in agriculture, home economics, and related programs available to Florida's 4-H young people are the: 1. Almost unlimited project and activity oppor- tunities available 2. High level of subject matter competencies to provide professional leadership and educa- tional aids 3. Uniqueness of Extension organization that facilitates the staffing of 66 County Exten- sion Offices with University of Florida faculty members 4. Vast resources of the University of Florida to support county 4-H programs 5. Outstanding private and public support to club, county, district, state, and national 4-H programs 6. Thousands of volunteer adult leaders who contribute time and talents in giving direct supervision to participating 4-H members in community, neighborhood, and project clubs as well as special interest groups in rural and urban areas 7. Camping facilities available through five state 4-H camps geographically located with staf- fing and living accommodations at each for 120-180 participants 8. Flexibility of organization and subject matter to serve young people regardless of race, color, creed, or place of residence Projects, activities, and events are the basic edu- cational tools used in 4-H programming to provide our young people with "Learn by Doing" develop- mental experiences. Participation may be on an individual or group basis depending upon the needs and interest of members as well as their places of residence. Since 4-H is a voluntary, non-dues, and tax-supported organization, project selection is largely self-determined and is in keeping with pre- vailing financial situation of the particular family involved. However, counsel and guidance on pro- ject selection and participation in acitivites and events are provided by professional Extension workers and trained Volunteer Adult Leaders. Education which helps people learn to live in a changing world has to be flexible. 4-H strives to build its learning experiences upon the real-life situations of the boy or girl. This builds certain important attitudes toward education. Young people see that education makes sense, it is prac- tical and can be applied; education is useful and can help solve problems; it is fun and satisfying to learn. In the sixties, 4-H began to expand its reach to serve new youth audiences regardless of social, economic or cultural backgrounds. Now, 4-H is focusing on the following concerns that educa- tional programs, both formal and informal, can assist in solving: 1. Changing moral and social values that are causing a higher rate of illegitimate births, venereal diseases, use of drugs, etc. 2. The widening generation gap and the alien- ation of certain groups. 3. Increasing rate of juvenile crimes. 4. Societal pressures that are causing youth to develop gastric disorders, mental break- downs, and increased suicides. 5. Lack of opportunities for constructive leadership opportunities. 6. Incomes of less than $3,000 for 28% of Florida families. 7. Lack of experience and opportunities for work. 8. Nutritional deficiencies, health problems, and general lack of physical fitness of young people. 9. Poor choices by youth in use of leisure time activities. 10. Lack of "know-how" for decision-making. A great deal of progress has been made this year in the realization of significant results and accom- plishments relative to 4-H goals and objectives. The resultant forces which mold and shape 4-H are widespread; however, in an effort to document results and pinpoint accomplishments, the fol- lowing success stories are introduced as repre- sentative evidence for 1970: State Program Three Expanded Nutrition Program Camps were held during June 1970 for urban low income youngsters. Three hundred forty-five youngsters of ages 9-12 attended from Dade, Hillsborough, Pinellas, Palm Beach, Orange, and Marion counties. Individual toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, and soap were given each camper upon arrival at camp. The objectives of the camps were to provide campers with: 1. good nutrition and good nutrition education 2. ner friendships 3. physical activity and education 4. recreational opportunities, including swim- ming 5. grooming and etiquette, education, social skills These Expanded Nutrition Program Camps, "Food and Fun Camps", were the first held in Florida for reaching youngsters of low income families. Specialists from the Florida Extension Service taught courses in nutrition, grooming, and crafts, and there were also classes in nature study and swimming. One group toured a dairy. Lining up for swimming lessons at the lake or scouring the woods for leaves for nature study, the boys and girls looked like any other groups of campers, except they may have been enjoying themselves more. The ENP children were different from other campers, though, in that they have more new experiences to absorb. One of the teen- aged girls working as a counselor described the first night at camp: "We had a lesson on grooming", she said, "and all of the girls in my cabin decided to wash their hair. Some of them had never seen shampoo before and used too much before I knew it, and the lather just kept coming", she said. "But everybody had a good time." There have been requests for more Expanded Nutrition Camps next year. Even though it is hard to evaluate the success of such a short stay, it was thrilling to see the growth in the youngsters during each day of camp. 4-H'ers learn by doing even those elected to govern. District Program The County 4-H Coordinators from District VIII sponsored a unique type of leader training - Cloverpower Conference. The morning session was for all leaders and the topics covered were "Citi- zenship in Your Club" and "Demonstration Tech- niques". During the afternoon session the leaders chose one of three subject areas: Horses, Clothing, or Foods. Fifty-six leaders from five counties attended the event in the Agricultural Center in Bartow. The Forum was structured to give training in over-all areas of Citizenship and Demonstration Materials, and to cover individual project areas - clothing, foods, and horses. The especially unique feature of the Conference was that the resource people were predominately from the district. In this manner the leaders were offered a variety of training that would have been difficult to obtain in each county. By pooling resources and interests, agents were able to offer leaders in-depth training in project areas that not all agents had a high degree of proficiency in. The leaders were most enthusiastic about this type of training. Attendance at the Conference is expected to double next year due to all the "talking up" the leaders are doing back in their home counties. The 4-H Coordinators were most pleased with their first leader forum. COMMUNITY RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT Z COMMUNITY RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT The development of Florida's non-urban com- munities is a cooperative effort by community leaders with assistance from private and public agencies. Major goals include the improvement of living standards through higher per capital incomes and fuller employment in both agriculture and non-agricultural jobs and more adequate com- munity facilities, including provisions for raising skill levels of the work force. The Cooperative Extension Service makes a major contribution in providing educational and organizational assis- tance. Community programs and priorities are established by local leaders and vary among dif- ferent areas depending upon resources available, relevant problems, and major objectives. Extension service personnel from the Depart- ment of Agricultural Economics have been utilized in a series of study seminars sponsored by local groups and citizens interested in community im- provement. These seminars which usually meet three to five evenings involve broad representation from economic and ethnic groups scattered throughout the county. The participants usually include officials from county and city government, civic and business organizations, educational and health institutions, and both farm and non-farm people. They are open to the public for all citizens interested in community improvement. The groups discuss the county's resources and opportunities. They study changes taking place and analyze trends, comparing the home county with other counties in the area and with the state and nation. During these discussions problems are delineated and opportunities for progress are agreed upon. At the end of the study seminars action committees are formed to implement whatever programs the group deems desirable and feasible. In some cases these groups have strengthened and expanded existing development organizations and in other cases new groups or coordinating councils have been formed. Resource economists of the Coopera- tive Extension Service continue to follow through by assisting the groups working on various aspects of community improvement. Several counties in northwest Florida have con- centrated on increased employment through ex- pansion or establishment of industry in the area. A local development group in Graceville constructed a garment plant which employed about 80 new people during 1970. In Holmes County funds from the Small Business Administrations were used to increase the facilities of a shirt company, making it possible to hire '70 additional workers. In Mari- anna, a furniture company expanded operations to add a hundred new jobs. Nearby Sneads added 20 new jobs through expansion of a boat manufac- turning concern. Another Jackson County project, the Marianna Convalescent Center began staffing in 1970, hiring 15 people, with an additional 100 jobs expected when it reaches full capacity in 1971. A grant and loan from the Economic Development Administration helped construct two new berths for ships in Panama City and a public storage warehouse, adding 75 to local payrolls. In Dixie County a new wood product plant has gone into operation employing about 100 people with an- other 50 to be hired when the plant is in full production. In Madison County, Extension personnel and 4-H clubs played a major role in the environmental improvement campaign. Individual families co- operated with local groups in taking cans, bottles, and other litter to designated dump grounds. An- other Madison County project was organization of a year-round recreation program. Each community organization sponsored games for the youth and the county recreation center provided swimming instruction and life-saving classes. Another successful county-wide clean-up cam- paign was conducted in Lafayette county. Local companies donated equipment to haul everything from light trash to abandoned automobiles. The Board of County Commissioners are purchasing sites in all communities and constructing sanitary land fills. The Levy County Board of Commissioners and Rural Area Development Committee sponsored a series of meetings and discussions which resulted in support for county-wide planning. The county plat law was updated and the county planning board has made application for a grant to complete a county-wide plan for development. An agricultural exposition was held in Live Oak offering a showcase for agricultural industries to display the latest in farming equipment and methods. The three-day event was sponsored by the Suwannee Rural Area Development council and Chamber of Commerce. Nearly 2000 persons saw 50 exhibitors showing new and improved methods of increasing and improving production in all phases of agriculture. The Youth Committee of the Suwannee devel- opment council sponsored a summer employment service to help match employers' needs with youth looking for work. About 100 young people were given summer employment while contributing to the seasonal needs of agriculture in the area. Local students are requesting a continuation of this ser- vice during the coming year. The Extension Service program in labor manage- ment completed in 1970, involved a total of 29 short courses, each consisting of six 2-hour ses- sions. The classes were attended by a total of 14 owner employers, 114 top managers, and 450 first- line labor supervisors. These enrollees represented Broad community support is the key to successful rural areas development programs. 137 different firms who employ more than 42,000 Florida workers. The commodity groups served included citrus, vegetables, forestry, ornamental horticulture, sugar cane, other field crops, poultry, dairy, beef cattle, horses, and swine. The topics covered by the course included motivation of workers, worker-supervision relationships, com- munications, personnel problems, worker training, and work simplification. Labor supervisors who took the course and their employers have reported observable improvement in worker-supervisor rela- tionships, higher morale, less absenteeism and in- creased productivity. More highly motivated and better trained workers will be able to earn higher wages. Increased incomes and improved living con- ditions will have a stabilizing effect on the community. FINANCIAL REPORT 1969-70 Federal Funds: Smith-Lever Amended Agricultural Marketing Indian Affairs Expanded Nutrition State Trust Funds: State Funds Incidental County Appropriations $1,105,485 19,271 28,000 953,069 $2,105,825 $3,409,884 91,716 1,528,193 $5,029,793 1970-71 Federal Funds: Federal Funds: $1,194,172.00 19,271.00 28,000.00 1,620,485.00 $2,861,928.00 Smith-Lever Amended Agricultural Marketing Indian Affairs Expanded Nutrition State Trust Funds: State Funds Incidental County Appropriations $3,806,226.00 85,000.00 1,582,230.00 $5,473,456.00 FLORIDA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE PLANNED AND EXPENDED TIME BY PROGRAM AREA Fiscal Year 1970 Program Area Beef Dairy Horses Poultry Swine Apiary Culture Fruit Crops Field Crops Pasture and Forage Crops Ornamentals Vegetable Crops Forestry Community Resource Development (Agricultural Economics) Family Stability Comsumer Competence Family Housing Family Health Community Resource Development (Home Economics) Expanded Nutrition Program Youth Work* Marketing* Engineering (Agriculture)* Entomology* Farm Management* Plant Pathology* Soils* Veterinary Science* General Food Science Planned** Mandays % of Total 3,356 4.54 2,039 2.76 548 0.74 1,166 1.58 1,313 1.78 249 0.34 2,910 3.94 2,456 3.32 922 1.25 4,506 6.10 3,048 4.13 593 0.80 2,612 1,621 3,803 2,197 2,612 1,722 4,487 6,499 823 709 348 419 440 579 288 21,380 204 73,849 3.54 2.20 5.15 2.97 3.54 2.33 6.08 8.80 1.11 0.96 0.47 0.57 0.60 0.78 0.39 28.95 0.28 100.00 Expended Mandays % of Total 3,988 3.99 1,998 2.00 765 0.76 1,489 1.49 1,631 1.63 312 0.31 4,004 4.00 2,547 2.55 1,008 1.01 6,666 6.66 2,909 2.91 927 0.93 3,375 1,410 4,589 2,260 2,228 2,150 5,105 10,155 1,105 1,443 674 887 775 774 377 34,130 320 100,001 3.37 1.41 4.59 2.26 2.23 2.15 5.10 10.15 1.10 1.44 0.67 0.89 0.77 0.77 0.38 34.13 0.32 99.97 Total Audience 126,600 31,928 17,190 16,042 30,799 5,763 61,709 43,489 12,762 233,985 36,213 16,697 76,948 44,550 112,749 40,491 62,736 61,343 61,444 246,863 8,746 27,788 10,147 4,159 2,945 40,396 3,067 326,243 2,303 1,766,095 *Some of the work done in these program areas is reported under non-asterisk program areas. **Only 76 percent of total available time was planned. Both planned time and expended time are based on an eight- hour day SUMMARY OF 4-H CLUB WORK Number of 4-H Clubs 966 Number of 4-H Members: Boys 7,912 Girls 12,889 TOTAL 20,801 Volunteer Leaders: Adult 3,033 4-H junior and teen boys 273 4-H junior and teen girls 704 Farm Members 4,433 Members in towns under 10,000 and open country 8,435 Members in towns and cities 10,000 to 50,000 4,593 Members in suburbs of city of over 50,000 2,079 Members in central city of over 50,000 1,261 TOTAL 20,801 SUMMARY OF EXTENSION HOME ECONOMICS PROGRAM Number of organized Extension Homemakers Clubs 534 Number of Extension Homemakers Club Members 14,402 Number of persons assisted Individually and in Groups by Extension Agents 383,313 Number Individuals Reached by leaders in Homemakers Clubs and Special Interest Meetings 382,682 Number of Home Economics Leader Training Meetings Held 7,425 Number of Home Economics Subject Matter Leaders 3,487 Number of Special Interest Meetings Held by leaders in Home Economics 2,508 COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE FACULTY LIST* STATE FACULTY Joe N. Busby, Ph.D., Dean for Extension Jack T. McCown, Ed.D., Associate Dean for Extension Mrs. Olive Morrill, Ed.D., Assistant Dean for Extension Forrest E. Myers, M.Ag., Assistant Dean for Extension Alto A. Straughn, Ph.D., Assistant Director John H. Nininger, Jr., B.S., Assistant in Administration David R. Bryant, B.A., Administrative Manager M. Hervey Sharpe, Ph.D., Communication Specialist; Chairman Editorial Department K.B. Meurlott, M.A.J., Assistant Communication Specialist Douglas L. Buck, B.S., Assistant Communication Specialist Roberts C. Smith, Jr., B.A., Assistant Communication Specialist Donald W. Poucher, M.A., Assistant Communication Specialist Miss Alma Warren, M.A., Assistant Communication Specialist Harold H. VanHorn, Jr., Ph.D., Chairman Dairy Science Dept. Clarence B. Lane, Jr., Ph.D., Associate Extension Dairy Technologist Barney Harris, Jr., Ph.D., Associate Extension Dairyman Tony J. Cunha, Ph.D., Chairman, Animal Science Dept. James E. Pace, M.S.A., Animal Husbandman Robert L. Reddish, Ph.D., Associate Meats Specialist Kenneth L. Durrance, M.A., Associate Animal Husbandman Bill G. Jackson, Ph.D., Assistant Animal Husbandman George T. Edds, Ph.D., Chairman, Veterinary Science Dept. George W. Meyerholz, D.V.M., Extension Veterinarian Alfred H. Krezdorn, Ph.D., Chairman, Fruit Crops Dept. Fred P. Lawrence, M.S.A., Citriculturist Calvin E. Arnold, Ph.D., Assistant Horticulturist Larry K. Jackson, M.S.A., Interim Assistant in Horticulture David P. H. Tucker,-Ph.D., Assistant Horticulturist (Citrus Exp. Sta.) Wilfred F. Wardowski II, Ph.D., Extension Horticulturist (Citrus Exp. Sta.) Timothy E. Crocker, Ph.D., Extension Horticulturist George A. Marlowe, Jr., Ph.D., Chairman, Vegetable Crops Dept. James Montelaro, Ph.D., Vegetable Crops Specialist Mason E. Marvel, Ph.D., Associate Vegetable Crops Specialist James M. Stephens, M.S.A., Assistant Vegetable Crops Specialist Thomas G. Hart, Ph.D., Assistant Vegetable Crops Specialist James W. Strobel, Ph.D., Chairman Ornamental Horticulture Dept. Edgar W. McElwee, Ph.D., Ornamental Horticulturist Charles A. Conover, M.S.A., Assistant Ornamental Horticulturist Harry G. Meyers, M.S.A., Assistant Ornamental Horticulturist Graham S. Smith, Ph.D., Assistant Ornamental Horticulturist Dennis B. McConnell, Ph.D., Assistant Ornamental Horticulturist Robert H. Harms, Ph.D., Chairman, Poultry Dept. Lester W. Kalch, M.Ag., Associate Extension Poultryman Carroll R. Douglas, Ph.D., Assistant Extension Poultryman Robert B. Christmas, M.S.A., Supervisor, Florida National Egg- Laying Test R. A. Dennison, Ph.D., Chairman, Food Science Dept. Richard F. Matthews, Ph.D., Associate Food Technologist D. E. McCloud, Ph.D., Chairman, Agronomy Dept. David W. Jones, M.S.A., Associate Agronomist Charles E. Freeman, M.S., Interim Assistant in Agronomy (Everglades Exp. Sta.) Elmo B. Whitty, Ph.D., Assistant Agronomist Wayne L. Currey, Ph.D., Assistant Agronomist James T. Johnson, Ph.D., Assistant Agronomist Miss Izola F. Williams, M.S., Chairman Home Economics Dept. Mrs. Roberta H. Hall, M.S., Extension Home Furnishings Specialist Mrs. Beth H. Walsh, M.S., Extension Food Specialist Miss Vervil L. Mitchell, M.S., Home Management and Family Economics Specialist Mrs. Charla J. Durham, M.S., Home Management and Family Economics Specialist Miss Carolyn J. Combrink, M.S., Housing and Equipment Specialist Mrs. Mary N. Harrison, M.S., Consumer Education Specialist Miss Nadine Hackler, M.S., Consumer Education Specialist Miss Glenda Humphries, M.S.H.E., Household Equipment Specialist Miss Pauline F. Calloway, Ph.D., Extension Home Economist, Program Development Miss Susan C. Camp, M.S., Extension Nutrition Specialist Miss Emily King, Ph.D., Extension Home Economist, Resource Development Mrs. Yancey B. Walters, M.H.E., Extension Home Economist, Programs Miss Lora A. Kiser, M.S., Extension Home Economist, Professional Development Miss Elizabeth E. Mumm, M.P.H., Health Education Specialist Mrs. Marie S. Hammer, M.H.Ec.Ed., Extension Home Economist Miss Althea R. Engle, M.S., Food and Nutrition Specialist Miss Evelyn A. Rooks, M.H.E., Human Development Specialist Miss Clara L. Gibson, M.S., Clothing and Textiles Specialist Mrs. Lizette L. Murphy, M.S., Consumer Education Specialist Woodrow W. Brown, M.Ag., State 4-H Club Leader Grant M. Godwin, M.Ag., Associate State 4-H Club Agent Billy Jay Allen, M.A., Associate State 4-H Club Agent Thomas C. Greenawalt, M.A., Assistant State 4-H Club Agent Miss Ruth L. Milton, M.S., Associate State 4-H Club Agent Mrs. Susan R. Wall, M.S., Assistant State 4-H Club Agent Miss Linda L. Dearmin, M.S., Assistant State 4-H Club Agent Miss Gwendoline L. Bain, M.S.A., Assistant State 4-H Club Agent Frank S. Perry, M.Ag., District Agent Ernest R. Wheaton, D.Ed., District Agent *List of Faculty as of 12/31/70 Earl M. Kelly, M.Ag., District Agent William H. Smith, Ed.D., District Agent John L. Gray, Ph.D., Director, School of Forestry Thomas G. Herndon, M.S.F., Extension Forester Anthony S. Jensen. M.S.F., Assistant Extension Forester E. T. Smerdon, Ph.D., Chairman, Agricultural Engineering Dept. Thomas C. Skinner, M.Ag., Agricultural Engineer A. M. Pettis, M.S.A., Associate Agricultural Engineer Dalton S. Harrison, M.S.A., Agricultural Engineer Richard P. Cromwell, M.Eng., Assistant Agricultural Engineer Lloyd B. Baldwin, M.A., Assistant Agricultural Engineer Larry M. Curtis, M.S., Assistant Agricultural Engineer W. G. Eden, Ph.D., Chairman, Entomology Department John D. Haynie, B.S.A., Apiculturist James E. Brogdon, M.Ag., Entomologist John R. Strayer, M.Ag., Assistant Entomologist Donald E. Short, Ph.D., Assistant Entomologist L. H. Purdy, Jr., Ph.D., Chairman, Plant Pathology Department Robert S. Mullin, Ph.D., Plant Pathologist Donald W. Dickson, Ph.D., Assistant Nematologist Thomas A. Kucharek, Ph.D., Assistant Plant Pathologist C. F. Eno, Ph.D., Chairman, Soils Department James NeSmith, Ph.D., Soils Specialist John H. Herbert, Jr., M.S.A., Extension Conservationist Kenneth R. Tefertiller, Ph.D., Chairman, Agriculture Economics Department Ralph A. Eastwood, Ph.D., Economist, Marketing Stanley E. Rosenberger, Ph.D., Marketing Specialist in Vegetable Crops Kenneth M. Gilbraith, M.S.A., Vegetable Marketing Specialist Charles D. Covey, Ph.D., Associate Economist, Marketing William K. Mathis, Jr., Ph.D., Assistant Economist, Marketing Clisby C. Moxley, Ph.D., Economist Carl Farler, M.S., Interim Rural Resource Development Specialist V. L. Elkins, M.Ed., Area Program Specialist, Fla. A & M Univ., Tallahassee James C. McCall, M.Ag.Ed., Rural Areas Development Specialist, Marianna Edwin W. Cake, Ph.D., Economist Farm Management John Holt, Ph.D., Assistant Economist, Farm Management Charles L. Anderson, M.S.A., Area Assistant Farm Management Specialist (Citrus Exp. Sta.) Marvin E. Konyha, Ph.D., Assistant Agricultural Economist Vernon C. McKee, Ph.D., Associate Economist Timothy S. Hipp, M.S., Area Asst. Farm Management Specialist (Bradenton) Willie T. Menasco, M.Ag., Area Asst. Farm Management Specialist (Quincy) Donald E. Long, M.S., Assistant Agricultural Economist James C. McCall, M.Ag.Ed., Rural Area Development Specialist (Marianna) Charles Walker, M.B.A., Area Assistant Farm Management Specialist (Belle Glade) W. Travis Loften, M.S.A., Chairman, Vocational Agriculture and Extension Education Shaw E. Grigsby, Ph.D., Training Specialist COLLIER COUNTY FLAGLER COUNTY Wilburn C. Farrell, M.Ag. A. T. Andrews, M.Ag. Mrs. Elizabeth C. Ahrano, B.S. Mrs. Mable S. Dorsey, B.S. BAKER COUNTY A. Luther Harrell, M.A. Mrs. Roberta C. Hicks, B.S. BAY COUNTY Horace M. Carr, B.S. Mrs. Eliza M. Jackson, B.S. Mrs. Jane M. Smith, B.S. BRADFORD COUNTY G. T. Huggins, B.S.A. Bobby L. Taylor, M.Ag. Miss Martha Sue McCain, B.S. BREVARD COUNTY James T. Oxford, B.S.A. Sylvester A. Rose, M.S. Mrs. Aurilla D. Birrel, B.S. Mrs. Sue B. Young, B.S. Mrs. Joy Wren Satcher, B.S. Jim V. Knight, B.S.A. BROWARD COUNTY Lewis E. Watson, M.A. James F. Cummings, M.Ag. Mrs. Sandra T. Alphonse, B.S. Mrs. Dorothy Y. Gifford, B.S. George H. Newbury, M.S.A. Mrs. Amy L. Russ, B.A. Miss Mary T. Shepard, B.A. CALHOUN COUNTY Harvey T. Paulk, M.Ag. Jerry A. Wyrick, M.S.A. Mrs. Betty Williams Crowe, B.S. CHARLOTTE COUNTY W. Lester Hatcher, B.S.A. CITRUS COUNTY Quentin Medlin, B.S.A. Mrs. Paula P. Stanley, B.S.H.E. CLAY COUNTY Emmett D. McCall, B.S.Ag.Ed. Mrs. Imogene D. Ritenburgh, B.S. Miss Ann V. Prevatt, B.A. Donald W. Lander, M.Ag. Dallas B. Townsend, B.S.A. James E. Bellizio, M.S. COLUMBIA COUNTY Neal M. Dukes B.S. Richard Smith, M.S. Miss Katheryn L. Keith, B.S. DADE COUNTY John D. Campbell, B.S.A. Nolan L. Durre, M.S. Seymour Goldweber, B.S. Joseph D. Dalton, Ph.D. Richard M. Hunt, B.S.A. Roy J. Champagne, M.S. Ralph W. Moore, B.S. Louis J. Daigle, M.Ag. Mrs. Runette H. Davis, M.A.H.E. Mrs. Justine L. Bizette, B.S. Mrs. Elizabeth D. Clark, B.S.H.E. Miss Mary Alyce Holmes, M.S. Miss Victoria M. Simpson, B.S. Miss Dorothy A. Towers, B.S.H.E. Mrs. Grace R. Hauser, B.S. Miss Judy M. Thornberry, B.A. Miss Frances H. Little, M.A. DE SOTO COUNTY Kenneth M. Sanders, M.S.F. Mrs. Mary Ann Roe, B.S. DIXIE COUNTY Edward J. Cowen, B.S.A. John E. Moser, B.S.A. DUVAL COUNTY James N. Watson, B.S.A. Edward Allen, M.S.A. Thomas H. Braddock, Jr., M.S.A. Ronald L. Wisener, M.Ed. Mrs. Bessie J. Canty, M.S. Mrs. Eunice M. Littlejohn, B.S. Mrs. Emily G. Harper, B.S. Mrs. Donna L. Druell, B.A. Mrs. Sarah M. Board, B.S.H.E. Mrs. Wyn W. Shoptaw, B.S. ESCAMBIA COUNTY J. Lowell Loadholtz, M.S. James H. Walker, M.S.A. Clifton H. Breeland, B.S. Mrs. Edwena J. Robertson, B.S. Mrs. Dorothy C. Cunningham, B.S. Mrs. Mary E. Anderson, B.S. Daniel E. Mullins, M.S. Donald F. Jordan, M.A. FRANKLIN COUNTY James B. Estes, M.A. Mrs. A.F. Taranto, B.S.H.E. GADSDEN COUNTY John C. Russell, M.Ag. Bernard H. Clark, B.S.A. Mrs. Marjorie B. Gregory, B.S. Mrs. Dicki D. Bentley, B.S. Mrs. Ursula H. Williams, B.S. GILCHRIST COUNTY James R. Yelvington, M.Ag. John E. Moser, B.S.A. GLADES COUNTY B. O. Bass, M.S.A. GULF COUNTY Cubie R. Laird, M.Ed. HAMILTON COUNTY Rance A. Andrews, B.S.A. Isaac Chandler, Jr., B.S. Mrs. Wylma B. White, M.S.H.E. HARDEE COUNTY Jack C. Hayman, M.A. HENDRY COUNTY Raymond H. Burgess, M.S.A. Clayton E. Hutcheson, M.S.A. HERNANDO COUNTY George M. Owens, Jr., M.Ag. Mrs. Barmell B. Dixon, B.S. HIGHLAND COUNTY Bert J. Harris, Jr., B.S.A. George T. Hurner, Jr., B.S.A. Miss Ellen Landfair, B.S. Jean Beem, M.S.A. R. Donald Downs, B.S.A. Milford C. Jorgensen, M.Ag. James E. Richards, M.S.A. Paul E. Glasscock, B.S.A. Mrs. Ruth T. Penner, B.S. Clarence F. O'Quinn, B.S. Wayne T. Wade, M.Ed. Mrs. Mamie G. Bassett, B.S. Mrs. Virginia H. Coombs, B.S. Mrs. Helen P. Webb, B.S. Miss Charlotte Hampton, B.S. Mrs. Carolyn T. Creamer, B.S. HOLMES COUNTY Lawrence D. Taylor, M.Ag. Mrs. Sallie R. Childers, B.S. James B. Morris, III, M.S. INDIAN RIVER COUNTY Forrest N. McCullars, B.S. INDIAN WORK Jack W. Bass, M.Ag. JACKSON COUNTY Woodrow W. Glenn, M.Ag. William E. Collins, B.S.A. Mrs. Jane R. Burgess, B.S.H.E. Mrs. Mary E. Howell JEFFERSON COUNTY Albert H. Odom, M.Ag. Miss Jeanette Meadows, M.S. LAFAYETTE COUNTY William C. Smith, Jr., M.Ag. Mrs. Dona A. Ingle, M.S. LAKE COUNTY Jackson A. Haddox, M.Ag. Royce C. Williams, M.A. John L. Jackson, Jr., M.Ag. Mrs. Jeanne M. Allen, B.S. Mrs. Marian Valentine, B.S. Miss Alice M. Blackburn, M. Retailing James G. Hand, Jr., M.S. LEE COUNTY Robert G. Curtis, B.S.A. Ronald G. Shafer, B.S.A. Mrs. Dorothy J. Classon, B.S. Miss Mary G. Watson, M.S. ALACHUA COUNTY HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY OKALOOSA COUNTY POLK COUNTY J. Lloyd Rhoden, M.A. Mrs. Martha M. Walker, B.S. William L. Robinson, M.Ed. Michael E. Demaree, M.S.A. Mrs. Betty Vernon, B.S. Mrs. Anne W. Parramore, B.S.H.E. Damon Miller, B.S. Paul J. Ziebart, III, B.S. LEVY COUNTY Leonard C. Cobb, M.Ag. William R. Womble, B.S.A. Mrs. Cora H. Meares, B.S. LIBERTY COUNTY Thomas J. Godbold, B.S.E. MADISON COUNTY O.R. Hamrick, Jr., M.A. James C. Miller, B.S. Mrs. Mae M. Anderson, B.S. Miss Deloris M. Jones, B.S. Arthur D. Alston, M.Ag. MANATEE COUNTY Rollin McNutt, M.S.A. Ronald I. Dickinson, M.S. Robert T. Montgomery, B.S.A. Mrs. Elisabeth B. Furr, B.A.H.E. Mrs. Dorothy A. Fender, B.S. MARION COUNTY Edsel W. Rowan, B.S.A. James M. Glisson, B.S.A. William J. Phillips, Jr., M.Ag. Eugene P. Smith, B.S.A. Mrs. Postelle Dawsey, B.S.H.E. Mrs. Sarah K. Thomas, B.S. Mrs. Pamela C. Anders, B.S. MARTIN COUNTY Levi M. Johnson, B.S.A. Mrs. Martha B. Norton, M.S. NASSAU COUNTY Judson T. Fulmer, M.Ed. Mrs. Sandra R. Jones, B.S. Jack D. Patten, B.S. Charles M. Walthall, M.S. Mrs. Ann P. Jeter, B.S. Mrs. Marilee Tankersley, B.S. OKEECHOBEE COUNTY Clifford R. Boyles, A.A. ORANGE COUNTY Henry F. Swanson, M.S.A. Bruce A. Barmby, M.S. Ernest H. Cowen, B.S. Oscar J. Hebert, Jr., M.S. Salvatore E. Tamburo, Ph.D. Mrs. Marjorie L. Williams, B.S. Mrs. Mary A. Moore, M.A.T. Mrs. Leala R. Collins, B.S. Mrs. Linda W. Luman, B.S. OSCEOLA COUNTY James B. Smith, B.S.A. Mrs. Marilyn Tileston, B.S.H.E. PALM BEACH COUNTY Robert S. Pryor, B.S. John H. Causey, B.S.A. R. Kent Price, M.Ag. Phillip B. Moore, B.S.Ed. Raleigh S. Griffis, M.Ag. Mrs. Marylou Shirar, M.E.D.Ed. Mrs. Arlen C. Jones, B.S. Mrs. Jeanette S. Cardell, M.S.Ed. PASCO COUNTY Luther L. Rozar, M.Ag. Albert D. Dawson, B.S.A. Mrs. Clara A. Smith, B.S. Mrs. Mary E. Ergle, B.S. PINELLAS COUNTY Gilbert M. Whitton, Jr., M.Ag. Charles E. Rowan, M.Ag. Irving M. Perry, B.S. Mrs. Dorothy E. Draves, B.S.H.E.E. Mrs. Virginia D. Gardner, B.S.H.E. Mrs. Leah B. Hoopfer, B.S. Miss Nancy B. Whigham, B.S. Robert M. Davis, M.Ag. Ortis E. Carmichael, M.S. Thomas W. Oswalt, M.S.A. James O. Phillips, Jr., M.A. David M. Solger, M.Ag. Sidney L. Sumner, M.S.A. Mrs. Alice Kersey, M.S. Mrs. Ruth M. Elkins, B.S.H.E. Mrs. Josephine Cameron, M.S. PUTNAM COUNTY Ralph T. Clay, B.S.A. Bobby W. Wilson, B.S. Mrs. Essie H. Thompson, B.S.H.E.E. Mrs. Anne S. Dunson, B.S. SANTA ROSA COUNTY William C. Zorn, M.Ag. Jack James Spears, M.Ag. Miss Fern Nix, B.S. Mrs. Mary G. Costello, B.S. SARASOTA COUNTY Kenneth A. Clark B.S.A. Edwin S. Pastorius, B.S.Ag. Frank M. Melton, M.S.Ag. Mrs. Catherine H. Love, M.A. Mrs. Ruth Ann Miller, B.S. SEMINOLE COUNTY Frank J. Jasa, B.S.A. David A. DeVoll, M.S.A. Mrs. Louise Gill, B.S.H.E. ST. JOHNS COUNTY Paul L. Dinkins, Jr., M.Ag. James D. Dilbeck, M.S. Miss Nettie R. Brown, B.S. ST. LUCIE COUNTY Hugh C. Whelchel, Jr., B.S. Mrs. Marguerite R. Brock, B.S. SUMTER COUNTY Donald A. George, B.S.A. Richard L. Bradley, B.S.A. J. Paul Crews, B.S.A. Jerry C. Scarborough, B.S.A. Robert B. Whitty, B.S.A. Miss Meredith A. Creel, B.S.H.E. Mrs. Janice R. McRee, B.S. TAYLOR COUNTY Henry P. Davis, B.S.A. Mrs. Ethel P. Thompson, B.S. UNION COUNTY William J. Cowen, B.S.A. VOLUSIA COUNTY R. T. Townsend, M.Ag. Larry L. Loadholtz, M.Ag. Gerald Gray Martin, M.S. Mrs. Edna E. Eby, B.S. Voc. H.E. Mrs. Frances E. Lee, B.S. WAKULLA COUNTY Bobby R. Durden, B.S.A. Miss Marilyn J. Halusky, B.S. WALTON COUNTY J. Edsel Thomaston, M.Ag. Mrs. Virginia C. Clark, B.S. WASHINGTON COUNTY Johnnie E. Davis, M.Ag. Lenzy M. Scott, M.A. Miss Sue Elmore, M.S. SUWANNEE COUNTY LEON COUNTY |