Report Florida agricultural extension service

Material Information

Report Florida agricultural extension service
Running title:
Annual report
University of Florida -- Agricultural Extension Division
University of Florida -- Agricultural Extension Service
Florida States College for Women
United States -- Dept. of Agriculture
Place of Publication:
Gainesville Fla. The Service
Creation Date:
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
v. : ill. ; 23 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Agricultural extension work -- Periodicals -- Florida ( lcsh )
Home economics, Rural -- Periodicals -- Florida ( lcsh )
serial ( sobekcm )


Dates or Sequential Designation:
Numbering Peculiarities:
Report of general activities for ...with financial statement for the fiscal year ended June 30; report for 1939 called also: Silver anniversary report.
Issuing Body:
Issued by: Division of Agricultural Extension and U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1917-1922; Agricultural Extension Division, Florida State College for women, and U.S. Dept. of Agriculture 1929- .
General Note:
At head of title: Cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics.
Statement of Responsibility:
University of Florida, Agricultural Extension Service, Florida State College for Women and United States Department of Agriculture Cooperating.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
Copyright Board of Trustees of the University of Florida
Resource Identifier:
46387223 ( OCLC )
2001229382 ( LCCN )


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(Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914)
Agricultural Extension Service, University of Florida
Florida State University
And United States Department of Agriculture Cooperating
H. G. Clayton, Director




JUNE 30, 1949

St. Petersburg N. B. JORDAN, Quincy
ELI H. FINK, Jacksonville W. F. POWERS, Secretary,
GEORGE J. WHITE, SR., Mt. Dora Tallahassee

J. HILLIS MILLER, Ph.D., President of the University J. WAYNE REITZ, Ph.D., Provost for Agriculture' H. G. CLAYTON, M.S.A., Director of Extension MARSHALL 0. WATKINS, M.Agr., Assistant to the Director

Agricultural Demonstration Work, Gainesville

J. FRANCIS COOPER, M.S.A., Editor' CLYDE BEALE, A.B.J., Associate Editor' J. LEE SMITH, District Agent K. S. MCMULLEN, B.S.A., District Agent F. S. PERRY, B.S.A., District Agent H. S. MCLENDON, B.A., Soil Conservationist R. S. DENNIS, B.S.A., Executive Officer, P. & M. Admin.' OLIVER F. GOEN, D.V.M., Assistant Animal Industrialist C. W. REAVES, B.S.A., Dairy Husbandman N. R. MEHRHOF, M. Agr., Poultry Husbandman' A. W. O'STEEN, B.S.A., Supervisor, Egg-Laying Test, Chipley L. T. NIELAND, Farm Forester C. V. NOBLE, Ph.D., Agricultural Economist' CHARLES M. HAMPSON, M.S., Agricultural Economist, Farm Management' D. E. TIMMONS, M.S.A., Economist in Marketing F. W. PARVIN, B.S.A., Assistant Economist JOHN M. JOHNSON, B.S.A., Agricultural Engineer' FRED P. LAWRENCE, B.S.A., Citriculturist W. W. BROWN, B.S.A., Asst. Boys' Club Agent A. M. PETTIS, B.S.A., Farm Electrification Specialist JOHN D. HAYNIE, B.S.A., Apiculturist V. L. JOHNSON, Rodent Control Specialist J. RUSSELL HENDERSON, M.S.A. Agronomist' F. S. JAMISON, Ph.D., Vegetable Crop Specialist' STANLEY E. ROSENBERGER, M. Agr., Assistant Vegetable Crop Specialist

Home Demonstration Work, Tallahassee
MARY E. KEOWN, M.S., State Home Demonstration Agent ETHYL HOLLOWAY, B.S., District Agent MRS. EDITH Y. BARRUS, B.S.H.E., District Agent ANNA MAE SIKES, M.S., District Agent JOYCE BEVIS, M.A., Clothing Specialist BONNIE J. CARTER, B.S., Home Improvement Specialist GRACE I. NEELY, M.S., Asso. Economist in Food Conservation LORENE H. STEVENS, B.S., State Girls' 4-H Club Agent GLADYS KENDALL, A.B., Home Industries and Marketing Specialist

Negro Extension Work, Tallahassee
FLOY BRITT, B.S.H.E., Negro District Agent J. A. GRESHAM, B.S.A., Negro District Agent

'Cooperative other divisions, U. of F.
2In cooperation with U. S.


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Director's Report --------------------------------------------------Statistical Report ------------------------------------------Publications, News, Radio ----------------------------------Safety and Fire Prevention ----------------------------------W ork of County Agents ----------------------------------------Agricultural Economics ----------------------------------------Farm Management ----------------------------------------Citrus Grove Management --------------------------Marketing ---------------------------------------------------------Agricultural Engineering ------------------------------------Farm Electrification ------------------------------ ----Animal Husbandry ---------------------------- -------------------Beekeeping --------------------------------------------------------------Boys'4-H Club W ork --------------------------------------------Dairying ------------------------------------------------------------------Soils and Farm Crops --------------------------------------------Soil and W ater Conservation -----------------------Farm Forestry --------------------------------------------------------Horticulture ------------------- ----------------------------------------Citrus Culture -------------------------------------------------Vegetable Production and Merchandising Poultry Activities ------------ ---- --------------------------------Home Demonstration W ork --------------------------------4-H Club W ork for Girls ---------------------------------------Clothing and Textiles -------------------------------------------Food and Nutrition -------------------------------------------------Gardening and Food Conservation ---------------------Home Improvement ------------------------------------------------Home Industries and Marketing ---------------------------Rural Health Improvement -----------------------------------Negro Farm Demonstration W ork -----------------------Negro Home Demonstration Work ---------------------Negro Statistical Report --------------------------------


(As of Novmber 30, 1949)



Alachua -------------Loonis Buitch ---------Gainesville -------- Mrs. Josephine
Alachua (Asst.) ----A. H. MeRorie, Jr.--Gainesville--------------------------Baker----------------- J. Raymond Mills ----Macdlenny -------------------Bay -----------------3. A. Sorensen ----- Panama City --- --------------Bradford------------- T. K. McClane, Jr. --Starke ----Miss Dorothy P. Ross
Brevard -------------- J. T. Oxford----------- Cocoa -------- Mrs. Eunice F. Gay
Broward-------------- B. E. Lawton --------- Ft. Lauderdale ------ Miss Louise
Broward (Asst.) --- Robert S. Pryor ----t. Lauderdale ----------------Calhoun--------------- Thomas B. Jones ---- lountstown ---Miss Florence L.
Calhoun (Asst.) --- Fred J. Green --------Blountstown -------------------Charlotte------------- N. H. McQueen -----' unta Gorda - -----------------Citrus----------------- 0. M. Maines, Jr ---- Inverness -_Mrs. Doris R. Turner
Citrus (Assf.) ------ Quentin Medlin -------Inverness ---------------------------Columbia------------- James N. Watson ----- Lake City -_ Mrs. Glenn M. Sewell
Columbia (Asst.) ---F. A. Stenhoim, Jr. ---Lake City --------------------Dade ----------------C. H. Steffani ------ Miami ------ Miss Eunice Grady
Dade (Asst.) ------- . L. Edwards ------ Miami --------- Miss Olga Kent
Dade (Asst.) ------- J. D. Campbell ------ Miami---------- Miss Ruth Taylor
Dade (Asst.) -------A. E. C. McIntyre ----- Homestead ------------------DeSoto --------------- W. L. Woods --------Arcadia -----------------------------Dixie ------------------ C. L. Dickinson ------Cross City -_ Mrs. Mary M. Dally
Duval----------------- A. S. Lawton --------- Jacksonville Miss Pearl Laffitte
Duval (Asst.) ------G. T. Huggins ------ Jacksonville -Mrs. Lucille Colson
Duval (Asst.)------------------------------------- Jacksonville ----Miss Emma Sue

Escambia-------Escambia (Asst.) Gadsden --------Gadsden (Asst.) -Gilchrist --------Glades -----------Gulf--------------

W arren
E. N. Stephens ------Pensacola -Miss Ethel Atkinson
---Albert H. Odom ------- Pensacola Miss Oudia J. Webb
-A. G. Driggers ------Quincy - -----Miss Elise Laffitte
---Bernard H. Clark ---Quincy -_ Mrs. Ivan S. Woodberry
---H arry E. George ----- Trenton ---------------------,--A. G. Hutchinson ---- Moore Haven---------------------C. R. Laird ----------Wewahitchka ---Mrs. Wilma A.

Hamilton------------- A. E. Nesmith
Hardee ---------------BE. H. Vance --

--Jasper --_Wauchula

-Mrs. Frances P.

Hendry --------------- H. L. Johnson -------LaBelle -----------------------Hlernando------------- Harry J. Brinkley ---Brooksville --------------------Highlands---- - - V. T. Oxer ----------Sebring -_ Miss Catherine Brabson
Highlands (Asst.) -Bert J. Harris, Jr. Sebring ----------------------Hillsboro ------------Alec White -----------Tampa -------- Miss Lora Kiser
Hillsboro (Asst.) ---Edwin Booth ---------Tampa ----------------------Hillsboro (Asst.) --Jean Beem ------------ Tampa-------------------------Hillsboro (Asst.) --- J. 0. Armor----------- Plant City -----Miss Emily King
Hillsboro (Asst.) --- Raleigh S. Griffis ----uskin--------------------------------Holmes --------------Stuart C. Bell ----- Bonifay --- Miss Laurena Croom
Indian River -----Marcel A. Boudet--Vero Beach---------------------------Jackson ------------ John M. Kennedy --- Marianna _ Mrs. Alyne C. Heath


Jackson (Asst.) ------ Fred C. Summers -------- Marianna ---------------------------------------- -Jefferson ------------------ J. W. Malone -------------- Monticello __ Miss Mary A. Curtis
Lafayette --------------- - - S. L. Brothers ------------ Mayo -------------------------------------------------Lake -------------------------- R. E. Norris -------------- Tavares ------ Mrs. Lucie K. Miller
Lake (Asst.) ---------- - Floyd L. Eubanks ------ Tavares --------------- - -------- - --------- - -----Lee ---------------------------- C. P. Heuck -------------- - Fort Myers ------------------- -----------------Leon --------------------- ---- James L. Rhoden ------ Tallahassee ---------- Miss Nellie M.
Leon (Asst.) ------------ A. H. Clemmons -------- Tallahassee ---------------------------------- --Levy -------------------------- T. D. Rickenbaker ---- Bronson -------------- Mrs. Virginia B.
Liberty -------------------------------------------------- - ---------- Bristol -_ Mrs. Camilla R. Radney
Madison -------------------- W. W. Glenn -------------- Madison -_ Miss Bennie F. Wilder
Manatee -------------------- Ed. L. Ayers -------------- Bradenton -_ Mrs. Anne D. Davis
Manatee (Asst.) ---- Joe N. Busby -------------- Bradenton ---------------------------------- - --
Marion ---------------------- Carl Hendricks ---------- Ocala ------------ Miss Allie Lee Rush
Marion (Asst.) -------- Carey A. Robbins ------ Ocala -_ Mrs. Mamie C. Daughter
Martin ---------------------- L. M. Johnson ------------ Stuart ------------ Miss Lucile Inscoe
Nassau ---------------------- Gordon B. Ellis ---------- Hilliard -_ Mrs. Julia P. Jernagen
Okaloosa -------------- - - Fred W. Barber -------- Crestview ---------------- - ----------------------
Okeechobee -------------- C. R. Boyles ---------------- Okeechobee -------------------------------------Orange ---------------------- F. E. Baetzman ---------- Orlando ---------------- Miss Elizabeth
Orange (Asst.) ------ Henry F. Swanson ---- Orlando -------------- Miss Sammie J.
Osceola ---------------------- J. R. Gunn ------------------ Kissimmee ---------------------------------------Palm Beach -------------- M. U. Mounts -------------- West Palm Beach -------- Miss Sara
Palm Beach (Asst.) John H. Causey ---------- West Palm Beach-Mrs. Mildred J.
Palm Beach (Asst.) H. L. Speer ---------------- Belle Glade -------------------------------------Pasco ------------------------ J. F. Higgins ------------ Dade City ---------------------------------------Pinellas -------------------- J. H. Logan ---------------- Largo -----------------------------------------------Pinellas (Asst.) ------ L. E. Cunningham ---- Largo -----------------------------------------------Polk -------------------------- W. P. Hayman ------------ Bartow ------------------ - -------------------------Polk (Asst.) ------------ W. H. Kendrick ---------- Bartow -_ Mrs. Minnie M. Carlton
Putnam -------------------- H. E. Maltby -------------- - 3alatka ---------- Mrs. Elizabeth W.
Putnam (Asst.) ------ Ralph T. Clay ------------ Palatka ------------------------ - -------------------Saint Johns --------- - --- P. R. McMullen ---------- St. Augustine -------- Miss Anna E.
Saint Lucie -------------- Charles D. Kime ------ Fort Pierce -_ Mrs. Irene Roberts
Santa Rosa -------------- Emmett D. McCall ---- Milton ------------ Miss Lora A. Botts
Santa Rosa (Asst.) -.Johnnie E. Davis ------ Milton -----------------------------------------------Sarasota -------------------- W. E. Evans ---------------- Sarasota -_ Mrs. Laleah B. Brown
Seminole ------------------ C. R. Dawson ------------ Sanford ---------- Miss Lila Woodard
Sumter ----------------------- Kenneth A. Clark ------ Bushnell ---------- Miss Tillie Roesel
Suwannee ---------------- S. C. Kierce ---------- ----- Live Oak -------- Miss Elizabeth M.
Suwannee (Asst.) --William C. Zorn -------- Live Oak -----------------------------------------Taylor ------------------------ D. D. McCloud ---------- Perry ---------- Mrs. Ruth McKeown



Union------- ------- -- William J. Cowen ---- Lake Butler ------------------Volusia ------------William J. Platt, Jr. _-DeLand -----Mrs. Edna L. Eby
Volusia (Asst.) -.--T. R. Townsend----DeLand ----------------------W akulla ------------ A. S. Laird -----------Crawfordville -----------------Walton --------------- Mitchell Wilkins ----- DeFuniak Springs
Mrs. Marguerite R. Brock
Washington-------H. 0. Harrison -----Chipley __Miss Mary L. Brownlee


Alachua----------- --English M. Greene Gainesville ---Leontine Williams
Columbia ------- ----- McKinley Jeffers ------ Lake City --Victoria M. Simpson
Duval --------- ----------------------- - Jacksonville ----- Ethel M. Powell
Gadsden -------------- Russell Stephens ----Quincy ---------- Gladys Wilkins
Hamilton ------------N. H. Bennett ------ White Springs ------------------H illsboro ----------------------------- am pa --- --------- Sudella J. Ford
Jackson ------------.Virgil Elkins ----------Marianna -- Annie Doris Preston
Jefferson M.E. Groover --------Monticello -------------------Leon --------- -----Richard A. Hartsfield Tallahassee ----- Irie Mae Clark
Madison ----- -James C. Miller ------- Madison -------------Althea Ayer
Marion ------- - Eugene P. Smith -- - Ocala ------------------- ---- ---Marion ------------------------------------------- -Reddick ---------Idella R. Kelly
Putnam ------ -------------------------- Palatka -- Lee Ella Gamble Asia
Sumter ---------- fl---ichard L. Bradley -Bushnell--------------------Volusia --------------------------------------------- DeLand -------Ida T. Pemberton



H. G. Clayton, Director
Marshall 0. Watkins, Assistant to the Director

A total of 87,820 families were reached by some phase of the Extension program in 1949. This was 7,221 families more than were reached in 1948, or an increase of over 9 percent.
The 4-H club enrollment was 26,095 in 1949, compared with 23,196 in 1948, or an increase of approximately 12 percent. There were corresponding increases in number of projects completed and in other 4-H activities.
Florida Agricultural Extension Service workers extended their efforts all along the line during the year in order to reach more people and to bring new information to those already being served.
The additional funds provided by the 1949 Florida Legislature permitted some salary increases for Extension personnel. These increases brought salaries of Extension workers more nearly in line with salaries paid by industry and other institutions and agencies. The result has been better morale and a higher efficiency among all workers. Additional personnel added to handle increased demands during the year include the following: two assistant county agents, one home demonstration agent, one district agent for men's work, two specialists for men's work, one specialist for women's work-, one negro county agent and two negro home demonstration agents.

Fig. L-Area and state 4-H club dairy shows revealed much progress in
this field by these illustrious youngsters.

Part I - General

Florida Cooperative Extension

FINANCIAL STATEMENT 1948-49 Federal Funds:
Smith-Lever, Bankhead-Jone ---------------------------- $200,645.82
Capper-Ketcham -------------------------------------------------- 27,417.72
Bankhead-Flannagan ------------------------------------------ 112,163.96
Clark-McNary ------------------------------------------------------ 1,620.00
Research & Marketing ---------------------------------------- 3,000.00


80,400.00 18,000.00

-$307,149.00 $307,149.00
-------------------------- $1,036,822.76

State Appropriations:
Legislature (Annual) ----------------------------Continuing, Chapter 6141 (Annual) --Continuing, Chapter 19216 (Annual) --Sales Fund (Incidental) ------------------------County Appropriations: --------------------------------Grand Total -----------------------------------------

EXTENSION ORGANIZATION Personnel employed on the staff of the Florida Agricultural Extension Service on December 1, 1949, were as follows:
Number of County Agents ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61
Number of Assistant County Agents -------------------- - ----------------------------------- 30
Number of Home Demonstration Agents ---------------------------------------------------- 45
Number of Assistant Home Demonstration Agents -------------------------------- 12
State Staff: (Men) Administrative ------------------------------------------------------------ 2
Supervisory ----------------------------------------------------------------- a
Specialists -------------------------------------------------------------------- 24
(Women) Administrative ------------------------------------------------------------ I
Supervisory ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3
Specialists ------------------------------------------------------------------ 7

-------------------------------- 2
1 ------------------------------- 10
-------------------------------- 11
-------------------------------- 23
-------------------------------- 43

Negro: Supervisory -----------------------------------------------------Negro County Agents -------- --------------------------Negro Home Demonstration Agents --------Number of Clerks in State Offices -------------------------------Number of Clerks in County Offices ---------------------------

A three weeks' training course for Extension agents was held in the summer 1949 for the fourth consecutive year. Four courses were offered, each carrying 11/2 hours of graduate credit. A student was permitted to take only two courses for credit. The courses offered were:
Axt. 503-Agricultural Extension Service Programs
Axt. 507-Agricultural Extension Service Youth Programs
Jm. 320-Agricultural Journalism
Ey. 492-Advanced Economic Entomology
A committee. of Extension workers is responsible for handling the administrative work for the training course. Extension workers are kept abreast of new research work by occasional training meetings at the Experiment Stations. One two-day school was held at the Citrus Experiment Station at Lake Alfred for all agents working in citrus producing counties.

Annual Report, 1949

Another two-day school included a day at the Range Cattle Experiment Station, Ona, and a day at the Vegetable Crops Laboratory, Bradenton. Agents in the central and southern part of the state attended these schools.
The annual conference for Extension workers was held at the University of Florida, October 17-21, and provided in-service training for agents as well as inspiration for a job ahead. Morning sessions were devoted largely to discussions by outstanding speakers on topics of national and international importance.
The annual conference for negro Extension agents was held at Florida A. & M. College, Tallahassee, during the week of October 31-November 4.
A two-day recreation school was held at a 4-H camp for all county and home demonstration agents in central and northern Florida. This school dealt primarily with the mechanics of organizing recreational work in the counties.

At a staff conference during the summer of 1949 a committee of three men and two women was appointed to work out and recommend to the Director some suggestions for making plans of work more effective. Jhis committee made its recommendations at a staff conference in September and the report was unanimously adopted. A, revised procedure for arriving at plans of work calls for use of community and commodity committees and envisions the development of more complete long-time state and county program in agriculture and home economics, with the yearly plan of work developed as a section of the long-time program. The work of all the agents in a county is coordinated into one county plan of work.
Considerable progress has been made in carrying out the new procedure in developing 1950 plans of work. By the fall of 1950, it is expected that county and community committees will be well established.
The Extension Citrus Advisory Committee and the Extension Vegetable Advisory committee, composed of state and county workers, serve a very worthwhile purpose. At periodic meetings these committees determine over-all Extension programs for these two major commodities. All agents from citrus counties and all agents from vegetable counties met for separate two-day refresher and conference schools during the year to become acquainted with the latest research information and methods in these fields.
Club work is advanced by the functioning of 10 4-H districts in the state. One county agent in each district, elected by his fellows, serves as chairman. Activities such as shows and training schools for 4-H club officers are planned by the districts and carried out with the assistance of the state staff.
In practically all counties the agent serves as secretary to the County PMA Committee and the Soil Conservation District Supervisors, in addition to various crop, poultry and livestock organizations. This keeps the Extension worker informed and also permits him to participate in the work of these groups in an active as well as an advisory capacity. The specialists work very closely with these organized agricultural groups.
The recently employed Apiculturist is getting a good program for beekeepers into operation.

Florida Cooperative Extension


Dairying The Extension dairy program has made outstanding advancement in 1949. Dairy Herd Improvement Association work is making good progress. Seven artificial breeding associations have been organized, an increase of five over a year ago when the first was started. These associations are working smoothly and the efforts of the Extension Dairy Husbandman and the county agents in the counties affected are in great measure directly responsible for this success. The greatly improved dairy club work and the improved calf club exhibits at an increased number of fairs and contests are indicators of progress being made. Production of milk has increased to the point where state needs are being met and there is some surplus this winter. We anticipate a marketing problem for surplus milk. With the pasture program and the items mentioned above, a good foundation is being built to produce a large part of the dairy cow replacements needed in commercial herds, which have in the past been obtained by out-of-state purchases.
Vegetable Production.-The Extension vegetable program is being enlarged and intensified to better serve the vegetable industry. As mentioned above, a vegetable program advisory committee consisting of county agents and specialists is now functioning. The agents from vegetable counties are working hard on vegetable problems and they have been assembled at the Vegetable Crops Laboratory for instructions and refresher work in new material and techniques. New outlets for some vegetables not usually produced are opening up new vegetable industries.
An RMA vegetable marketing study was inaugurated.
Beekeeping.-The work of the Extension Apiculturist is meeting a need in this industry. Most county agents had limited experience with bees but, with the assistance of the Apiculturist, they are now in position to promote beekeeping projects. The 4-H bee club work is also expanding. Marketing is one of the major problems confronting beekeepers and with the assistance of the Extension Marketing Specialist, some progress is being made. A small apiary is maintained at one of the State 4-H club camps, which has supplied some honey for use at all the camps and institutes.
I Livestock.-Good progress continues to be made in the pasture improvement program. Pangola grass plantings in middle and south Florida have continued in increased volume and this grass is continually gaining in favor. Developing of a method of planting the tops instead of sod pieces has greatly simplified the planting operation.
An interesting development has been the widespread use of citrus molasses self-fed to range cattle and to dry and young dairy cattle. Citrus molasses has been cheap and it fills a need for an economical supplemental feed for cattle on grass pastures. Considerable work has been done to encourage the use of sanitary precautions against the spread of disease due to transporting cattle bought at local auction markets and carried back to the farms and ranches.
The beef cattle industry has made good advances in breed improvement. Exports of breeding cattle of both the beef and dairy breeds to South America and Cuba via air transport have continued to increase. The county agents have worked very closely with the beef cattle development.

Annual Report, 1949

Agronomy.-Real progress is being made in changing over to the higher yielding varieties of corn and peanuts with resultant increased yields. In tobacco, county agents did a good job in carrying out programs to control the peach aphid which was a real threat to production in 1948 and 1949. Work in increasing tobacco yields and improvement quality is also making good progress.
The acreage in Dixie Crimson clover has been greatly expanded and this is fitting well into the pasture improvement program. Reasonable progress is being made in developing a commercial sweet potato industry and the prospect for further advance in 1950 appears good.


Data from White County and Home Demonstration Agent's Reports
Months of service (agents and assistants) ---------------------------------------------- 1,706
Days of Service: In office-18,912; In field-22,409 ---------------------------- 41,321
Farm or home visits made ----------------------- ----------------------- 67,949
--------------------------Different farms or homes visited ------------------------------------------------------ - ----- 37,917
Calls relating to Extension work: Office-249,520; Telephone -------- 192,005 Days devoted to work with 4-H clubs and older youths -------------------- 13,698
News * articles or stories published -------------------------------------------------------- 10,633
Bulletins distributed ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 300,645
Radio talks broadcast or prepared -------------------------------------------------------- 2,266
Training meetings held for local leaders or committeemen:
N um ber ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1,121
Total attendance of men and women -------------------------------------------------- 16,960
Method demonstration meetings:
N um ber ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11,029
Total attendance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 234,666
Meetings held at result demonstrations:
N um ber --------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,466
Attendance ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27,950
Tours -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 546
Achievement days held for 4-H, older youth and adult work -------------- 557
Encampments, leader meetings and other meetings ------------------------------ 10,754


Total number of farms -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Farms on which changes in practices have resulted from agricultural program -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Farm homes in which changes in practices have resulted from home
demonstration program -----------------------------------------------------------------------Farms in which changes in practices resulted from agricultural
program for the first time this year -----------------------------------------------Farm homes in which changes in practices resulted from home
demonstration programs for first time this year -----------------------------Farm homes with 4-H club members enrolled ---------------------------------------Non-farm families making changes in practices as result of the
agricultural program -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Non-farm families making changes in practices as a result of home
demonstration program ------------------------------------------------------------------------

60,604 32,254 14,504 4,791 2,771 10,800

21,472 19,104

Florida Cooperative Extension

Non-farm families with 4-H club members enrolled ------------------------ - ---- , 7,587
Different farm families influenced by some phase of extension
program -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 ------------------- 41,663
Other families influenced by some phase of Extension program -------- 40,102

Members in agricultural planning group ------------------------------------------------ 754
U npaid ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------- 465
Paid ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 289
Communities in agricultural planning ------------------------------------------------------ 33
Members in community agricultural planning -------------------------------------- 283
Planning I meetings held ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1,495
Days devoted to planning work by county and home demonstration
w orkers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3,049
Unpaid voluntary leaders or committeemen -------------------------------------------- 3,225
Days of assistance rendered by voluntary leaders or committeemen- 7,37 3

Days devoted to work ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8,617
Communities in which work was conducted ------------------------ - ---------------- 3,404
Voluntary leaders and committeemen ------------------------------------------------------ 1,570

Days devoted to work -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6t7O9
Communities in which work was conducted ------------------------------------------ 2,369
Voluntary committeemen and leaders --------------------------------- - ----------------- 1,040
Breeding and improvement organizations ---------------------------------------------- 88
Farmers assisted ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51,280

Days devoted to work ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,841
Communities in which work was conducted -------------------------------------------- 1,167
Voluntary local leaders and committeemen ------------------------------------------ 638
Farmers assisted in soil management ----------------------------------------------- - --- 46,517
Farmers assisted in forestry and wildlife conservation ------------------------ 13t742

Days devoted to work ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,456
Farmers assisted ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22,505

GENERAL ECONOMIC PROBLEMS RELATED TO AGRICULTURE Days devoted to work ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 336
Communities in which work was conducted -------------------------------------------- 458
Voluntary leaders and committeemen ------------------------------------------------------ 345
Agricultural and non-agricultural groups assisted ------------------------------ 836

Days devoted to work ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,879
Communities in which work was conducted -------------------------------------------- 3,091
Established cooperatives assisted --------------------------------------------------------------- 109
New cooperatives assisted in organizing ------------------------------------------------ 24

Annual Report, 1949

Days devoted to work ------------------------------------------- I --------------------------------------Communities in which work was conducted -------------------------------------------Voluntary leaders and committeemen ---------------------------------------------------Families assisted in house furnishings, surroundings, mechanical
equipment, rural electrification and farm buildings -----------------------NUTRITION AND HEALTH
Days devoted to work ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Communities in which work was done -----------------------------------------------------Families assisted: In improving diets-19,777; food preparation17,360; Total -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Families assisted with food preservation problems -----------------------------HOME MANAGEMENT-FAMILY ECONOMICS
Days devoted to work ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Communities in which work was done ------------------------------ - -------------------Voluntary leaders assisting ---------------------------------------------------------------------Families assisted -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Clubs or groups assisted in buying food, clothing, household supplies Families assisted in buying food, clothing, household supplies ---------Families assisted with consumer-buying problems -----------------------------CLOTHING AND TEXTILES

2,764 1,532 1,096


5,952 .2,370

37,137 18,370

458 407 242 4,587
282 10,986 18,696

Days devoted to work ----------------------------Communities in which work was done Voluntary leaders assisting ------------------Families assisted -------------------------------------

------------------------------- 2,434
------------------------------- 577
------------------------------ 689
------------------------------- 35,722


Days devoted to work ---------------------------Communities in which work was done Voluntary leaders assisting ------------------

---------------------------- 429
---------------------------- 380
---------------------------- 294

Days devoted to work ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Communities in which work was done Voluntary leaders assisting -----------------------------------------------------------------------Families assisted in improving home recreation ---------------------------------Communities assisted in improving community recreational facilities Community groups assisted with organizational problems, programs
of activities or meeting programs -----------------------------------------------------Communities assisted in providing library facilities ---------------------------SUMMARY OF 4-H CLUB PROJECTS

548 765 5,523

495 42

Projects completed by boys --------------------------------------------------------Projects completed by girls --------------------------------------------------------Boys completing corn and peanut projects ----------------------------Boys completing fruit projects --------------------------------------------------Boys completing garden projects ----------------------------------------------Boys completing market gardens, truck and canning crops

----------- 7,473
----------- 22,636
----------- 952
----------- 86
----------- 1,600
----------- 121

14 Florida Cooperative Extension

Boys completing dairy projects ------------------------------------ 6 6
Boys completing poultry projects ------------------------------- 1, 4
Boys completing cotton and tobacco projects --------------------'
Boys completing potato (Irish and sweet) projects--------------------- 107
Boys completing beef cattle and swine projects -----------I--------1,534
Girls com pleting fruit projects ---------------------------------- 101
Girls completing garden projects -------------------------------- 1,99'7
Girls completing market gardens, truck and canning crops ---------Girls completing dairy projects ----------------------------- -- 1 9
Girls completing poultry projects ---------------------------------- 1,01 0
Girls completing food selection and preparation projects --------------- 4,219
Girls completing health, home nursing and first-aid projects -------- 28 Girls completing clothing, home management, home furnishings and
room improvement projects ----------------------------------- 8, 85
Girls completing food preservation projects-------------------------------- 1, 45
4-H Membership
Boys: Farm-6,405; non-farm-2,636; total -------------------9,941
Girls: Farm-6,396; non-farm-5,776; total -----------------12,172
4-H club members having examinations because of participation in
- Extension program --------------------------------------------- 1, 51
4-11 clubs engaging in community activities such as improving
school grounds and conducting local fairs --------------------- 27

Annual Report, 1949

Bul. 136 Strawberry Production -----------------------------------------------Bul. 137 Propagation of Ornamental Plants -------------------------Bul. 138 Swine Production -------------------------------------------------------Bul. 139 Citrus Propagation - - --------------------------------------------------Cire. 85 Fun and Play the 4-H Way -----------------------------------------Circ. 86 Tribulations of Porky, the Pig -----------------------------------Cire. 87 The Future for 4-H Club Members ---------------------------Circ. 88 Daylilies in Florida -----------------------------------------------------Circ. 89 Crumpy, the Calf ---------------------------------------------------------Circ. Convert Your Treadle Model to an Electric
Sewing Machine -------------------------------------------------Cire. Farming in Florida to Beat the White-Fringed
Beetle ---------------------------------------------------------------------Final Report, 22nd National Egg-Laying Test -----Annual Farm Inventory ---------------------------------------------What Did You Eat Yesterday? -------------------------------Food Preservation for 4-H Club Girls
(Dem s. I & II) -----------------------------------------------------Food Preservation Record for 4-H Club Girls
(Dems. III, IV, V & VI) -------------------------------------Food Preparation Record for Junior 4-H Club Girls
4-H Food Selection, Preparation and Meal
Planning Record for Senior 4-H Club Girls ---Florida Clothing Program for Junior 4-H Girls -Clothing Record-the Well Dressed 4-H Club Girl Secretary's Record Book for Florida 4-H Clubs ----

?ages 20 44 36 52 36 16
4 8

Edition 10,000 25,000 15,000 10,000
12,000 15,000
20,000 12,000 12,500

4 9,600

8 5,000
28 1,500
20 10,000
1 10,000

8 15,000

8 15,000
4 15,000

16 15,000
4 12,000
12 15,000
32 7,500



J. Francis Cooper, Editor
Clyde Beale, Associate Editor

Through the press, radio and visual aids, the Editorial Department keeps a continuous stream of helpful information flowing to the general public of Florida. Efforts along this line supplement and complement the work of specialists in the field, making it possible to reach more people and to distribute more information.
The Editorial and Mailing Room staff serves both the Agricultural Extension Service and the Agricultural Experiment Station on approximately a 50-50 basis.


During the year the Service printed four bulletins and seven circulars in addition to a large number of record books and miscellaneous materials. The bulletins ranged in pages from 20 to 52, totaling 152, and in edition from 10,000 to 25,000, totaling 60,000 copies. The circulars varied in pages from 4 to 36, with a total of 92, and in edition from 9,600 to 20,000, with a total of 86,100 copies.
Following is a list of publications and other materials printed during the year ended June 30, 1949:

16 Florida Cooperative Extension

In addition, the Service printed 45,000 copies of six enrollment car 's, window cards and monthly report blanks.
The mailing room distributed something like 50,000 copies of bulleti s and as many copies of circulars during the year, primarily on request fr m individuals or through county and home demonstration agents. Copies of each new publication are sent to libraries and to county and home dem cjnstration agents.I
The Editor continued to serve as Publications Distribution Control Ofler for the USDA Extension Service and distributed hundreds of pbiain to Florida county and home demonstration agents.

The Editors released an average of two stories a week to the Associ Ited Press or to one or more daily newspapers. In this the Extension Service cooperated with the production and Marketing Administration, the Co lege of Agriculture, School of Forestry, Rural Electrification Administration and other agencies. A tabulation reveals that 71 news stories went to the AP and 32 to from one to 35 daily newspapers. Mats were sent ith three of the separate stories.
Also, the weekly clipsheet, Agricultural News Service, was pited and sent to weekly newspapers, a few dailies requesting it, farmJoras county and home demonstration agents, vocational agriculture teas ers and others working with groups of farm people. Each week's printing consisted of 950 copies.
Farm journals continued to be be willing and anxious to use copy jrom the Extension Editors. One Florida magazine printed one story &hich filled 57 column inches, while three Southern journals printed 16 stories totaling 284 column inches in length. Florida journals printed numerous articles by other members of the staff.
Agents in 62 counties prepared or furnished materials for 10,977 news articles in their local papers.


Radio broadcasting activities continue to expand and to require more time and more materials. Additional stations request copy from time to time. This year the Extension Editors inaugurated a service of radio broadcasts on tape to stations requesting it, and two tapes were cut, near the end of the year.
The Florida Farm Hour, which is broadcast over University of l'orida radio station WRUF 30 minutes Monday through Friday and 15 nilnutes Saturday, continued to be one of the chief outlets for radio information. The program went on the air 309 times. The Editors prepared 306 daily Farm News Highlights, six minutes, the weekly farm question b x and editorial, and presented six straight talks. The secretary pr sented weekly home notes.
Extension Service staff members made 98 talks, Experiment Station workers 111, teaching division workers 19, 4-H club members 11, roduction and Marketing Administration staff 9, and State Plant Boa d staff members 2. A number of students also made talks. Other speak rs represented the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, State Department of Agri-

Annual Report, 1949

culture, State Highway Patrol, State Livestock Sanitary Board, Future Farmers of America, and State Home Demonstration Council.
Veterans training under the vocational agriculture program appeared once each month, an average of three participating.
Remote control programs were staged from the Florida State Fair, Tampa (2), and the Florida Sportsmen's Exposition, Eustis. Programs recorded on wire came from the Polk County Youth Fair, Clay REA Cooperative, one home demonstration agent, one county agent, a county home demonstration council, a county 4-H fair, the Southeastern Fat Stock Show, and the Vegetable Crops Laboratory Field Day.
Interviews included one each with a Dutchman, a Chinese and an agricultural attache of the British Embassy in Washington.
Farm Flashes from the USDA were presented 103 times.
The Editor also presented three radio programs featuring 4-H club girls over two Tallahassee stations during the girls' short course there in June. He made one radio recording in a county for presentation over WRUF. One skeleton radio talk to be filled in and presented over local stations was mailed to agents.
Farm Flashes were sent out five days each week to 26 radio stations throughout Florida. These included 8 prepared by the Editors, 99 by other Extension workers, 118 from Experiment Station staff members, 34 from the USDA, and 3 from others.
The Associate Editor furnished a 700-word script to the Associated Press each week for distribution to stations served by its wires. Beginning in April he also sent the AP a monthly news letter on home demonstration club women's activities for distribution to radio stations. He continued to mail a fortnightly review of Florida agriculture to stations not receiving AP service.

The filmstrip library, now numbering nearly 100 strips, was increased during the year by accessions from the USDA and other sources.
The color motion picture depicting life at three Florida 4-H camps was completed during the year and has been shown at camps and elsewhere. Two hundred feet of color motion picture film were shot at the negro camp on Doe Lake during its first season of operation.
The Editors also assisted agents in obtaining motion picture films from the Extension Service's supplies and from the General Extension Division depository. Two projectors and a public address system were maintained for frequent use.
Food and Home Notes copy from the USDA each week was forwarded to all home demonstration agents. Many of them used it for radio broadcasting and others took some items from it for newspaper release.

Florida Cooperative Extension

L.T. Nieland and Bonnie 3. Carter

National Farm Safety Week, July 24-80, and National Fire Preventin
Week, October 9-15, were observed by the Florida Agricultural Extensijrn Service.

Each county and home demonstration agent

was provided with pack

of material on safety prepared by the National SaeyCucil and on prevention by the USDA and the National Fire Protection Association
help in emphasizing and conducting programs during these weeks.

formation on precautions to follow when using

insecticides, prepared by


of the new and

Florida Experiment Station entomologists,

sent to all agents.
The Home Improvement Specialist and the Farm Forester, who gui safety and fire prevention programs, prepared suggested activities, inc] ing outlines for demonstrations for use by local leaders, 4-H memb home demonstration clubs and farmer groups.

The Extension ec
prevention, which wv throughout the state.


litorial staff



used in presented

newspapers two panel

aterials on safety and and on radio broad


at the S

eastern Safety Conference in Tampa in February.

During the summer camping period



was re-emph


-1 -' I ' . . A ~ . I . --

to 4-fl groups. At annual snort courses nerl bor wnite and negro 4-1-1 boys and girls motion pictures, posters, exhibits, demonstrations an lectures were used in presenting safety and fire prevention nation.
Larry Loadholtz, 4-H club boy of Volusia County, received a trip to the National 4-H Congress, Chicago, as state winner in the safety contest.
Thirty-five county agents and 85 home demonstration agents r ed carrying out organized safety and fire prevention programs. T og efforts of these agents, 8,677 families were assisted in removing fieand accident hazards. Four hundred twenty-six volunteer leaders assisted in giving 1,091 method demonstrations at 694 meetings. Eight th, usan six hundred eighty seven 4-H boys and girls received definite trair mg in safety at regular club meetings.

Annual Report, 1949

Part 11 - Men's Work

H. G. Clayton, Director
F. S. Perry, District Agent J. Lee Smith, District Agent
K. S. McMullen, District Agent
District Agents continued their close liaison with cooperating Boards of County Commissioners to the end that work in the counties might be maintained at a highly efficient level. Every effort was made to insure a satisfactory Extension program in each county. The cooperative boards have provided some additional funds for salaries and facilities.
During the year, County Boards provided their share of the necessary funds for employing two additional assistant county agents. Six assistant county agents resigned and one was transferred to a position as county agent. Three county agents resigned, two were transferred and two retired. All vacancies were promptly filled by cooperative arrangements with the Boards.
New agents were acquainted with Extension objectives and policies by District Agents. This was accomplished by frequent visits with these agents.
Two District Agents devoted considerable time to plans for and finaheing of a badly needed additional 4-H club camp in the southern part of the state. This camp will make it possible for approximately 1,200 additional 4-H club boys and girls to attend a 4-H camp each year.
District Agents assisted in every way possible to maintain and promote the good public relations between agencies, organizations, commodity groups and county agents which are so necessary for good Extension work. The support of these groups has been very evident during the year and has made it possible to reach additional people.
District Agents were instrumental in initiating a new system of program development. Much time and effort were spent in acquainting county workers with the new plan and assisting them in initiating it into their work. The new plan will result in greatly increased participation by the people in developing Extension programs.
Much time was spent by District Agents in correlating the work of specialists within the districts, thus facilitating and making more effective the work of the specialists. The District Agents spent some time working with the Citrus Institute, the Poultry Institute and the Farm and Home Institute. They also assisted county workers with local, district and state shows and fairs.
Four-H club work within the districts and on a state-wid6 basis was a major responsibility of each District Agent. Two 4-H leader-training camps were held during the year. District Agents attended 10 group meetings of county agents to discuss and plan 4-H activities. The scheduling of counties to 4-H'camps was also their responsibility.
The outlook is good for efficient Extension work in the future throughout the state. Salaries somewhat comparable with those paid by industries and other agencies must be maintained in order to employ and hold the best qualified people. Equipment, office facilities and secretarial assistance is more nearly adequate than at any time in the past; however, the'r are still a number of offices which need additional equipment. Public'�'.P'port is good and the morale' of agents is high and every effort is being made to fully justify favorable support and to maintain high morale.

20 Florida Cooperative Extension

C. V. Noble, Agricultural Economist

C. M. Hampson, Economist in Farm Management F. W. Parvin, Associate Economist
About half of the Economist's time was given to regular Extensi n work and about half to teaching methods in agricultural Extension. T e Associate Economist gave full time to farm management work.
Farm and Home Planning.-Farm and home planning with individu Is was carried through its ninth year. This project is primarily an expe iment in Extension methods with low-income farm families.
Methods used include, first, a refresher school of one day for the ooperating county agents. This is followed by the Economist spendin a day or two with each agent, during which time visits are made to abou a dozen farmers whose businesses are analyzed and recommendations 4re made for improvements that will secure higher income or will impr ve the standard of living. The Economist and the agents alternate in conducting interviews and making recommendations. After each farm vIsit, a few minutes are spent in constructive criticism of the interview. 0olowing the Economist's visit to the county agent, each agent contiues the process with a limited number of farmers. Also, a letter is sent to each farmer which contains a list of recommendations made to him.
A total of 259 farm families were served in this way and 1,550 re ommendations were made, of which about 70 percent were carried out .n a creditable manner. Conservative estimates of the value of additional production on the farms range from $50 to $700, with an average of 220 per farm. This is an average increase of about 10 percent over their 948 income and about 50 percent over their 1939 income. It is planned to add a few farmers to the present list for 1950.
Nine groups are now organized so that follow-up contacts can be nade with the cooperators at meetings instead of through farm visits. The initial contact each year is made at the farm. Timely circular ltters and printed publications are mailed to all cooperators. The Profess r of Farm Management at the University of Florida has become int nsely interested in the methods pursued and results obtained. As a result of his interest, one tour is made annually by his class in agricultural policy to one community, and his farm management class has used muc data
from the cooperators' records.
Assistance to Veterans.-Annually a table is provided for dete dining size of farm business based on income and using current prices. This method minimizes the discrepancies which exist between farms with varying kinds and amounts of drawbar power.
A new record book was devised containing monthly and annua helps for analyzing the farm business and for arriving at corrective me sures.
Many letters were answered -regarding homesteading and starting in farming. Farm management discussions were conducted in 10 strict
meetings for teachers and eight local class meetings.
Assistance to Negroes.-Approximately half of the work done in the farm-and-home-planning project is carried on with negroes; one of the training meetings for veterans' teachers was for negro teachers, and three of the 4-H leader meetings were for negro leaders; one day was given to farm

Annual Report, 1949 21

management instruction at a negro 4-H camp, and four days at the negro 4-H short course. Two days each were given to the following: Negro Resources Committee, Annual Conference of Extension Agents, and farm management problems at Hungerford School.
Teaching Methods in Agricultural Extension.-Irf the fall term of school, two regularly scheduled undergraduate courses in Extension methods were offered and taught by the Economist. Two problems courses, one graduate and one under-graduate, were available throughout the year. A three-week summer school for in-service Extension workers included courses in general Extension methods, 4-H club work, economic entomology, and journalism for Extension workers. Three courses were taught by local staff members, including the Economist, the fourth a field worker from the Extension Service in Washington. Each course provided 1Y2 hours hours of credit toward a master's degree.
Twenty-nine students were enrolled in the summer school, 65 in the fall classes, and 26 in the problems courses.
Classroom teaching is followed by assistance in the field. Help was given in training 4-H leaders from 21 counties and 4-H officers from three counties.
An Analysis of 15 Privately Conducted Citrus Feeding Trials.-During the spring and summer of 1949, the Associate Economist studied the operations of privately conducted beef cattle feeding trials in Florida in which citrus products were used as the principal fattening ingredient. An analysis of the costs and returns of 15 trials involving 894 animals was made and a report showing the results published.
Economic Considerations in Florida's Pasture Improvement Program.A preliminary study of costs of pasture improvement programs, maintenance programs and resulting increases in beef-producing capacity of the land indicated that in a great many cases the annual cost per acre of a pasture program is very high.
The Associate Economist has pointed out in g7oup meetings with rural bankers and professional agricultural workers, both in the counties and at the University of Florida, that caution should be exercised in making recommendations to farmers in the field of pasture improvement. He has pointed out that there are conditions under which a pasture program will not pay and that those conditions are not merely isolated cases.
Economic Outlook for Florida Farmers.-A mimeographed sheet summarizing economic information important to Florida agriculture adapted from reports from the Bureau of Agricultural Economics in Washington was prepared monthly for use of county agents, vocational agriculture teachers, veterans teachers, rural bankers and Extension staff members. . Florida Agricultural Outlook Following the National Outlook Conference in Washington, October 31 to November 4, the Associate Economist prepared a general report entitled "Florida Agricultural Outlook for 1950." This report was distributed to 1,200 people who serve Florida farmers.
During the year the Associate Economist appeared before 13 farmer meetings where he discussed the general subject of agricultural outlook for Florida farmers. The combined attendance at these meetings was approximately 1,400 farmers. Fifteen radio talks were prepared and delivered on the subject of outlook for various commodities and supplies for Florida farmers.

22 Florida Cooperative Extension

4-H1 Club Work.-Assistance was given at 37 4-H1 club events, including short course and camps, at seven district and county fairs, in compiling new Secretary's Record Book and in the selection of state prize winners for national contests. Help in conducting training meetings with 4-~i leaders from 21 counties and 4-H officers from three counties has been mentioned previously.I
Miscellaneous Activities.-Background data regarding economic proplems were secured and analyzed fur five county agents. In addition, a sistance was given in 15 meetings of 10 different organizations, to son e college classes, to students who made office visits, and in the preparati n of two manuscripts by members of the Florida Agricultural Experimet Station Staff.

Zach Savage, Associate Economist, Agricultural Experiment Station
return records and the reports made therefrom. Some growers studied summary reports to help them decide whether to purchase additional citrus acreages. Other growers were interested in the reports as a basis ror formulating long-term leases of citrus properties and contracts for longterm purchases of citrus fruit from stipulated groves. Many prospective grove owners requested copies of these reports to assist them in deciding whether or not to purchase citrus properties and in determining gr~ve values. Various segments of the citrus industry used the reports to as ist them with their particular problems. Many processors, particularly oncentrators, were interested in production costs, while real estate dea ers were interested in costs and returns to assist them in handling ci rus properties.
Cooperators received 43 cents per box for their fruit from groves $ver 10 years of age in the 1947-48 season. This was 58 percent of the rice received the previous season and 21 percent of the 1945-46 price. pThe price of 43 cents received in the 1947-48 season was the lowest since the 1938-39 season and there was only one other season, 1932-33, when the price was lower than in 1947-48.
While fruit prices have been declining, costs of most production items increased. However, the operating costs per acre decreased 1 percent in 1947-48 as compared to the previous season. There was a furthe decrease in 1948-49 that amounted to 13 percent of the 1946-47 season. These reductions were effected by postponing and/or eliminating ome operations. rather than performing the operations at lower rates.
Growers represented by these records encountered their worst s ason in 1947-48 from the standpoint of returns above operating costs an~ net returns. Returns above operating costs showed losses of $21.97 per Iacre; or 7 cents per box. These losses were encountered in spite of a record yield for the season of 321 boxes per acre.
Although 13 counties were represented in the 1947-48 season, 8~ percent of the groves and 85 percent of the grove acreage were in four counties, Polk, Lake, Orange and Highlands.
Included in this study were some groves made up largely of o0range trees and others in which grapefruit predominated. The sample of rapefruit groves was small, but records on these were difficult to obtai since such a small proportion of Florida groves are grapefruit.
'This project is cooperative with the Agricultural Experiment Station.

Annual Report, 1949

Storms, hurricanes, drouths and low temperatures reduced the number of boxes harvested during some seasons. Strong winds affect grapefruit yields more than orange during the latter part of the fruit seasons, due to the larger size of fruit. These and other factors resulted in wide fluctuations in yields of both groups of groves, particularly grapefruit.
The number of boxes of fruit harvested per acre from grapefruit groves averaged 39 percent higher than from orange groves. Operating costs per acre were 23 percent higher on grapefruit and 12 percent less per box. Returns from fruit per acre averaged 46 percent higher on oranges and 105 percent higher per box. Returns above operating costs per acre were 145 percent higher on oranges and 246 percent higher per box.
The 1947-48 season was the only one when returns from all orange groves were less than operating costs. There were five of the 17 seasons when returns from all grapefruit groves failed to pay operating costs, and the loss was greatest in 1947-48. There were three seasons when each orange grove returned its operating costs. There were four seasons when each grapefruit grove returned its operating costs. Over the 17-year period, one out of six orange and one out of three grapefruit groves failed to return operating costs.
Some groves included in this study were located in the Indian River section. Counties included in this section are Brevard, Indian River and St. Lucie. A separate report was made on the groves in this section. Grove records were not included for seasons prior to 1933-34, thus limiting this report to 15 seasons. The average age of Indian River groves included was 12 years.
For the first time since the inception of this project, groves were grouped in six ag groups for costs and returns in the 1947-48 season.
The individual summary report for each grove of the study over 10 years of age included for the first time the ranking of that grove for each of seven items, (1) boxes harvested per acre, (2) fruit returns per acre, (3) operating costs per acre, (4) returns above operating costs per acre, (5) spray and dust materials cost per acre, (6) fertilizer materials cost per acre, and (7) nitrogen per box of fruit harvested.
These rankings indicated the position of the individual grove in relation to all others and the cooperator was able to see how he ranked with others in the group. Also, comparative data for his county were supplied each cooperator, along with data from all sections by age groups, the '11947-48 Citrus Costs and Returns with Comparisons of Other Seasons," and "Seventeen Years of Citrus Costs and Returns." Cooperators of the Indian River section received in addition, "Costs and Returns on Indian River Groves."
County agents in citrus-producing counties were requested to supply names and addresses of their county citrus advisory committees. These 146 committeemen and other interested persons were included on the mailing list to receive summaries as released.
Articles were prepared for the January issue of the "Florida Farm Bureau Bulletin" and the November issue of "The Citrus Industry." Shorter articles appeared in six issues of "Citrus Notes for County Agents in CitrusProducing Counties."
Copies of different releases were supplied each member of six classes of students in the University of Florida College of Agriculture. Classes using this material were in horticulture, farm management and agricultural marketing. The Associate Agricultural Economist appeared before four


24 . Florida Cooperative Extension

classes and assisted in presentation of the data at the time publications we e distributed.
A copy of the Extension citrus grove record book was sent each cooper tor in September, since the fiscal period of these records is September 1 through August 31.

D. E. Timmons, Economist in Marketing
Adjustment to post-war conditions is affecting agriculture to a green er degree than most other industries. Prices of raw products usually fall faster than finished products. Prices of those products the farmer bays fall more slowly than those he sells. This condition results in unr st among farmers and an unusual demand for lower costs and economies.
Florida farmers, as a group, fared relatively better during the 1948-49 season than they did the previous year. This was due to larger pro djction and to the fact that a freeze in California reduced the supply of citrus fruits and vegetables-Florida's principal crops.I
Citrus.-The volume of citrus marketed has been increasing rapidly rnd the demand for more outlets continues. The California and Texas fre zes relieved the surplus situation during 1949. The previous twvo Florida easons were disastrous, due to low prices. Growers demanded new legs lation. New organizations were formed and growers took part in numerous meetings where proposals for solving the citrus problems were demanAded.
The Extension Economist in Marketing attended most of these meetings and participated only in the economic phases of the discussions. 4s a result of growers' efforts, legislation, known as the Citrus Code of 949, was passed. The main feature of this code is an increase in the mat rity standards of all citrus and the including of processed fruit in the nine legislation applying to fresh fruit. In some instances maturity and grade regulations differ; but in all cases, the intent is to insure the hi hest quality of Florida citrus it is practicable to market.I
The Citrus Code of 1949 was the principal topic at many mee iags held in citrus counties. The Extension Economist in Ma rketing as isted with 17 of these meetings and cooperated with the Extension Citru~ Advisory Committee in developing programs to produce better quality citrus fruits.I
Florida Citrus Mutul.-The Florida citrus industry is giving much thought and effort through a new growers' organization known as Florida Citrus Mutual to programs which would stabilize the citrus market. jThis organization includes over 90 percent of the growers. The progrfim at the moment involves minimum prices and a weekly prorate. A gooo~ feature of the Citrus Mutual movement has been the educational acconmplishment. Meetings, conferences and arguments in connection with Mutual and its program have done much to familiarize the industry with pr .blems and has caused growers, shippers and others to become more conscious of the task ahead and the importance of cooperation in attacking these problems. Assistance has been given Mutual by advising with its offcials, attending directors' meetings, and assisting in arranging program .
Florida Citrus Commission.-The Florida Citrus Commission jis the state agency responsible for stimulating demands for citrus. Th4 Commission meets regularly once each month and at many called m etings. The Extension Economist in Marketing attended most of the Comimission

Annual Report, 1949

meetings and took part in discussions. He assisted in the dissemination of rules and regulations issued by the Commission and-reported reactions of the industry concerning various questions to the Commission.
Canning Publication For a number of years, the Economist carried on a cooperative project with the Florida Canners' Association, which consisted of writing the summary of the season's operations, making radio talks and putting out circulars in connection with the citrus canning operations. This project was temporarily suspended during the war but was resumed during the current year.
The citrus canners requested a publication on the history and development of the citrus canning industry and statistics showing trends in production by various kinds of citrus products. Emphasis on the production of frozen citrus concentrate, a new product in the citrus industry, was to be included. This publication is in the hands of a citrus canning committee and should be ready for distribution in early 1950.
Citrus Institute.-The Economist cooperated with the Extension Citriculturist in holding two citrus institutes, one at Camp McQuarrie and one with the Indian River Citrus League.
Growers' Administrative and Shipper's Advisory Committee.-The Extension Economist in Marketing attended a number of the meetings held by this committee, where assistance was given in disseminating rules and regulations of the committee. Assistance was also given in holding meetings to nominate grower members to the Advisory Committee.
Lime Maturity.-Producers and packers of limes held a number of meetings during the last year on the percent of juice content as a requirement for maturity. Some producers and packers wished to raise the juice content while others felt that the present standard of 40 percent was high enough. The group agreed to ask the University of Florida Agricultural Experiment Station to conduct research to determine what was advisable. The Economist has been active in this series of meetings. He helped to present the need for a project to determine the desirable juice content standard to the Experiment Station and also assisted in setting up the project.
Vegetables.-Extension marketing activities in vegetables consisted of cooperating with the Florida Fruit and Vegetable Association in their program of transportation, better packaging, marketing agreement educational meetings, farm labor and commodity meetings. The Economist assisted the Assistant Extension Horticulturist in setting up a project which was designed to demonstrate proper displaying and care of produce.
A third phase of vegetable activities during the past year included assisting with a number of vegetable meetings and field days in cooperation with the various branch experiment stations and the Extension Horticulturist.
Florida Council of Farmer Cooperatives.-The Economist continued to assist the Florida Council of Farmer Cooperatives, which carries on an educational program for its members. This cooperative consists of 58 members representing an estimated 90% of the buying and selling carried on by Florida farmers' cooperatives.
Watermelon Growers' and Distributors' Association.-The Watermelon Growers' and Distributors' Association has its headquarters in Gainesville, Florida. The Extension Economist in Marketing was re-elected secre-

26 Florida Cooperative Extension

tary of this association in 1949. Membership in this organization ha~ more than doubled in the last three years. About one-third of the memj hers are Florida producers and all receiver members handle Florida produce.
Pecans.-As a result of extremely low prices in 1948, pecan growers requested support prices. The Southeast Pecan Growers' Association took an active part in this move and finally requested hearings on a proposed federal marketing agreement affecting the five states of Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, and Florida. In Florida, two series of educational meetings were held with growers and shippers on the proposed agreement.
Outlook.-The Economist took part in a number of out-look meetings. He worked very closely with the Associate Economist on this project. Opie issue of marketing briefs was prepared and mailed.

Annual Report, 1949


John M. Johnson, Agricultural Engineer
The need for agricultural engineering was keenly felt because of decrease in farm labor, increase in size of farms, development of new lands which require clearing or draining, and the unprecedented interest in better housing and mechanization. In view of this broad need for engineering services, the agricultural engineering program was designed to reduce human effort and costs in the production of essential and desirable commodities needed by man and animal and to make the farm and rural community a more desirable place to live.
Housing and Farm Buildings.-The aim of the farm housing program is to raise the standard of living and income through properly planned, better constructed and more efficiently arranged buildings.
Information on this important phase of the engineering program was disseminated through radio, news items, result demonstrations, method demonstrations and farmer meetings. Many teaching devices, such as models, charts, slides and motion pictures, were used. The Florida building plan service is an additional aid in carrying out the housing program. Through this service, a file of 275 farm building plans, including about 75 different designs for dwellings, is maintained. All plans are described in two mimeographed leaflets: "Plans of Farm Dwellings and Appurtenances," which lists only dwelling houses, miscellaneous structures and equipment, and "Plans for Farm Buildings," which lists farm buildings other than dwellings and various types of farm and ranch equipment.
During the year, 4,468 sheets of building plans were furnished to farmers in answer to requests made to the Agricultural Engineer or

Fig. 2-This drying outfit has a capacity of 40,000 pounds of seed or 40 tons of hay. Cutoffs developed by Florida agricultural engineers permit the use of any or all sections of the drying surface at one time.

Florida Cooperative Extension

through county agents' offices. An additional 2,000 plans were furnished for reference files for county agents, vocational agricultural and veterans' teachers. The Agricultural Engineer spent 45 days in the field answering requests for on-the-spot assistance in planning and construction.
County Extension workers spent a total of 2,123 days assisting farm people with housing problems. The work was done with the help of 762 volunteer local leaders.

Statistical Summary-Housing and Farm Building Activities By Agents.
White Negro
Families Assisted Families Assisted Total Constructing farm dwellings ---- 942 194 1,136
Remodeling farm dwellings ------ 1,985 384 2,369
Sewage systems ------------------------------ 704 77 781
Water systems ------------------------------ 751 145 896
Heating systems ------------------------- ---- 334 38 372
Improving kitchens, storage
space, laundry and other rooms 6,322 1,569 7,891
Sanitary privies ------------------------------ 666 167 833
Screening ------------------------------------------ 4,262 1,078 5,340
Construction of farm buildings -_ 665 86 751
Remodeling or repairing farm
buildings ------------------------------------ 721 169 890

Farm Machinery -The aim of the farm machinery program is to teach the farmer, his son, his hired labor and the county agent the importance of wise selection, proper use and maintenance of the many pieces of machinery used in farming operations.
The number of tractors on Florida farms has tripled in the past 10 years. This rapid change in the number of tractors is an indication of the over-all trend toward mechanization. There is an estimated 114,258 pieces of automotive equipment in operation on Florida farms.
To get information to the most farmers possible, demonstrations and exhibits were used to a great extent. The Agricultural Engineer participated in planning or conducting 27 farm machinery demonstrations and exhibits. The purpose of the demonstrations, which in some cases were of specialized machines, was to show the farmer enough regarding the operation and capabilities of a piece of machinery for him to determine whether he needed such a machine for his farm. One such demonstration gave the 100 farmers in attendance definite proof that a combine will efficiently harvest an important seed crop, crimson clover.
Two three-day tractor maintenance schools were conducted for 48 4-H leaders at Ocala and Live Oak. Instruction was given in routine farm machinery maintenance practices, club leadership and organization.
A 4-H tractor operators' contest was developed to stimulate interest among farm youth in farm machinery and to increase interest in the 4-H tractor maintenance project. In two counties, 4-11 tractor operators' contests, with 52 participants, were witnessed by over 4,000 people.
County and home demonstration agents worked 377 days in 369 communities assisting farm people with mechanical equipment. The work was done with the help of 179 volunteer local leaders in 23 counties.

Annual Report, 1949


40,000 - - ------------




20,000 0




YEAP. 1920 1930 1940 1950
Fig. 3.-Farm use of automobiles, trucks and tractors has risen, while the
number of mules on farms has decreased materially.

Summary of Extension Activities in Farm Machinery.
White Negro
Families Assisted Families Assisted Total Selection of mechanical equipment 1,464 106 1,570
Use of mechanical equipment 1,331 268 1,599
Maintenance and repair of
mechanical equipment ------- ------ 1,528 189 1,717
Number tractor schools --- -------------- 2 0 2
Number leaders attending
tractor schools ---------------------------- 48 0 48

Marketing Facilities.-The marketing program was designed to furnish all available information to the interested farmer on preparing his products for both market and home use in the most efficient manner to maintain quality and bring a good price.

Florida Cooperative Extension

The major activity in marketing was in seed and hay drying. There were approximately 25 mechanical driers, other than batch-type seed driers, operating in Florida. Twelve of these driers were the combination seed, feed and hay type. The two largest installations made this year had a floor capacity of 40,000 pounds of seed or 40 tons of hay.
Some emphasis was placed on fence post treating, since the last legislature passed a law to become effective in July 1950, making it unlawful for livestock to roam at large on all state roads. This law, and the desire to establish improved pasture under fence, stimulated fencing activity. A cooperative program with the Extension Forester on preservative and treatment methods for fence posts was continued. The preservatives recommended were pentachlorophenol and copper napthanate, both of which were used in the concentrate form. A tank was built and used in treating demonstrations. These demonstrations were witnessed by 2,100 farmers.
Personal Service and Miscellaneous.-The nature of agricultural engineering work made a service program necessary. The Agricultural Engineer was most frequently requested to render personal service on irrigation and drainage problems. These problems consisted of a farm drainage system or portable irrigation system. The Agricultural Engineer worked with 14 farmers on irrigation and with 15 farmers on drainage. County agents assisted 1,088 farmers with irrigation and 2,362 farmers with drainage problems.
A. M. Pettis, Farm Electrification Specialist
The power suppliers in Florida have been engaged in extensive lineconstruction programs during 1949. Electrical equipment for farms and homes has been produced at a very rapid rate since the war and this equipment was generally available in all sections of the state.
Congress authorized the Rural Electrification Administration to make additional loans to further the building of electric lines in rural areas. The line-construction programs of the power suppliers during 1949 has resulted in 6,800 farms being electrified, which is the largest number ever electrified in Florida in a single year.
At present 46,769 Florida farms have electricity, which is 76.5 percent of the farms in the state. These farms receive power from 15 REA cooperatives, three major utilities, several minor utilities and municipalities with rural lines. Approximately three-fourths of the electrified farms are served by REA cooperatives.
Safe, Adequate Wiring.-The most effective time to advise farmers concerning installation of proper wiring is just before they have their farms wired. Copies of the USDA bulletin, "Planning the Farmstead Wiring and Lighting," were mailed all Extension agents in the state in 1948, and this year additional copies were sent upon request to agents and to farmers. The farm Electrification Specialist discussed proper wiring at 35 meetings attended by 850 people, including 4-H members, farmers and county and home demonstration agents. In collaboration with the Extension Engineer and the Home Improvement Specialist, the Farm Electrification Specialist assisted in conducting four all-day training classes on home improvement, with 40 county home demonstration agents attending. At these classes, the Farm Electrification Specialist gave demonstrations on home electrification.
Proper Lighting The Farm Electrification specialist constructed a

Annual Report, 1949 31

study lamp according to the USDA plans, "Make this Table Lamp." Plans for this lamp, which was on exhibit at 4-11 summer camps, were distributed.
Motor Table.-A home-made motor table was used to demonstrate to rural people how electricity can replace expensive hired help. This motor table has one small electric motor to operate different pieces of household and shop equipment which are often operated by hand. USDA plans for making the motor table were distributed at four meetings where the table was demonstrated. Approximately 3,800 people attended these meetings.
Converting Treadle Sewing Machines In 1948 the Farm Electrification Specialist prepared a leaflet entitled, "Convert Your Treadle Model to an Electric Sewing Machine." A great amount of interest has been shown by farm women in attaching an electric motor to their treadle machines. This year the Farm Electrification Specialist gave 11 demonstrations to 3,700 farm people on converting treadle sewing machines. Although there are not complete figures available concerning the number of farm women now sewing electrically as a result of this activity, a tabulation in one county revealed more than 50 women converted their treadle sewing machines since the Extension leaflet was printed.
Chick Brooder.-A home-made chick brooder was constructed followin-the USDA plans entitled, "A Home-Made Electric Brooder." In cooperation with the Extension Poultry Specialist, these plans were sent to all agents in the state.
Electric Equipment The selection, care and safe operation of electric appliances was discussed at nine meetings attended by 339 rural people. Films concerning rural electrification, electric appliances and water systems were shown at meetings and USDA leaflets on these subjects were distributed.
4-H Club Work.-The 4-11 Better Methods Electric contest was promoted as in previous years. Assistance was given to agents in nine counties by discussing the contest at 14 meetings attended by 229 4-H members. In addition, the contest was discussed with 219 4-H members at summer camps. The results this year were the best to date. The state winner of the contest was Jimmy Machek of Volusia County.
Demonstrations on the repair of ironing cords and extension cords were presented before 120 4-H girls at their State 4-H Short Course. At two summer camps, 264 4-H members improved existing wiring under the supervision of the Farm Electrification Specialist.
Additional Help.-Additional help was given to farmers and county agricultural leaders by answering their inquiries concerning wiring, lighting, and electrical farm equipment. A radio recording of talks on electric water systems, electric cooking and proper lighting was obtained. This recording has been loaned to five county agents and other county leaders for use on radio programs.
The Farm Electrification Specialist has given demonstrations and assisted with exhibits at fairs, agricultural shows and the Farm and Home Institute.
During 1949 county Extension workers assisted families on farm electrification problems as followsWhite Negro
Families Assisted Families Assister Total Obtaining electricity ---------------------- 1,475 348 1,823
Using electricity in home ---------------- 3,421 185 3,606
Using electricity to produce income 611 33 644


32 Florida Cooperative Extension

W. J. Sheely, Animal Husbandman, December 1, 1948, to April 30, 194 Oliver F. Goen, Assistant Animal Industrialist
The Assistant Animal Industrialist was appointed April 1, 1949. Th~s report therefore covers the period April 1 through November 30, with tlhe exception of the statistical data furnished by the county agents whi~h covers the period December 1, 1948, through November 30, 1949.:
Because the work of the Assistant Animal Industrialist is primarily concerned with the cattle industry and cattlemen throughout the state, effort was made to meet with the various local cattlemen's associations. Addresses were given to four such groups. In addition, talks relating to livestock were made at several meetings of combined veterans' classes nd to the Trenton Kiwanis Club.
The Assistant Animal Industrialist helped carry on an educatio al program designed to show the number of dollars lost each year by lives tck producers because of improper handling of stock between farm and market. During 1948 165,315,000 pounds of meat valued at $95,801,700 were lost to the industry because of improper handling of livestock an damage to hides by grubs.'
Since livestock shows can be considered show windows of the lives ock industry, county agents were assisted in putting on livestock shows. he Assistant Animal Industrialist served as judge in six livestock shows, as judge of the showmanship contest in two, and helped others publ cize these shows through radio talks, circular letters and annoucmet at meetings.
Demonstrations were given and other services performed at three 4-H1 camps. Considerable time was spent visiting 4-H livestock projects ith county and assistant agents to assist them with livestock problems. At the request of agents, study outlines were prepared to be used in tea hing 4-H club members to judge livestock and to appreciate type, qualit and productivity in breeding animals.
Prevention and control of livestock diseases and parasites has been stressed through demonstrations, illustrated lectures, study course and
outlines distributed to 4-H club members attending camps and at other
Since external parasite control on livestock is being stressed by c: unty agents, the following estimated summary of livestock pest Control work was prepared, covering the period October 1, 1948, to October 1, 1949.
Total number of power sprayers used for livestock pest control 267
Estimated amount of rotenone, in pounds, used in the external
parasite control program (in terms of 5 percent rotenone
root) -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7,620
Estimated amount, in pounds, of DDT used (in terms of technical product) -------------------------------------------------------------- 81,800
Estimated amount, in pounds, of methoxychior ----------------6,920
Estimated amount, in pounds, of BHC (in terms of technical
material containing 10-12 percent gamma isomer) ------------ 12,715
Estimated amount, in pounds, of lindane ----------------------1,190
Estimated amount, in pounds, of chlordane ------------------:6,390
Estimated amount, in pounds, of toxaphene -------------------1,190
2Fromn report of National Livestock Loss Prevention Committee.

Annual Report, 1949 33

Estimated amount, in pounds, of newer pyrethrum compounds ---- 1,800 Estimated amount, in pounds, of other chlorinated insecticides 6,770
Number of farm premises sprayed for house fly and stable fly
control ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12,719
Total number of cattle treated one or more times (regardless of
pest and not total number of treatments) ---------------------------------- 446,030
Treated for grubs ---------------------------------------------------- 11,250
Estimated saving ---------------------------------------------------- $15,900
Treated for flies ------------------------------------------------------ 402,000
Estimated saving ----------------------------------------------------- $873,000
Treated for lice ------------------------------------------------------ 365,275
Estimated saving ---------------------------------------------------- $624,850
Total savings ---------------- $1,513,750
Total number hogs treated for lice, etc ---------------------------- ------------------ 18,380
Estimated saving ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $15,050
Total number poultry treated for mites, etc - ---- - ------------------------------ 806,700
Estimated saving ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $30,660
A survey on the amount of meat cured in the state, with 31 meat curing plants reporting, shows that 2,105,384 pounds of meat were cured for farmers from September 1, 1948, to April 1, 1949. This was a decrease of 4,692,737 pounds from a year earlier. During the period September 1, 1947, to April 1, 1948, a total of 6,798,121 pounds of meat were reported cured. This decre - ase can be explained by the great increase in the use of home freezers since the war and the increase in freezer locker plants in the state. This same survey showed a total of 12,967 families curing meat during this period. The total amount of meat processed by freezer lockers, during the period September 1, 1948, and April 1, 1949, was 854,948 pounds, compared with a total of 382,676 pounds processed during the period September 1, 1947, to April 1, 1948. This is an increase of 472,272 pounds. The number of freezer lockers reported during the same period increased from 5,356 in 1948 to 7,431 in 1949, an increase of 2,075 lockers.
This year a severe drought struck many areas of Florida, some areas reporting only 21/2 to 31/2 inches of rainfall during the period from November until May. In these areas there was a scarcity of stock water; and as a result, the construction of ponds, digging of wells and erection of windmills were increased. A survey was conducted to find the extent to which this program was carried out. County agents reported 974 windmills, 694 ponds and 4,955 wells dug or erected throughout the state to furnish water for livestock. Despite this number of sources of water being erected or dug, many farmers and ranchers were out of stock water.
County agents assisted 120 farmers in controlling predatory animals endangering beef cattle and swine.
Beef Cattle.-County agents reported 605 farmers were assisted in obtaining purebred bulls and 766 farmers were assisted in obtaining 766 purebred or high grade heifers.
Reports also show 3,888 farmers controlled external parasites affecting beef cattle, while 2,975 farmers used control measures on internal parasites and diseases of beef cattle.
County agents, assisted by 316 local leaders, spent 2,032 days in 634 communities working on beef cattle problems. They assisted 2,710 farmers in improving methods of feeding beef cattle.

34 Florida Cooperative Extension


Fig. 4.-This Florida 4-H boy gave his pig extra good care, produced a fine
animal and won a trip to the National Club Congress.

Swine.-Reports show county agents helped 723 farmers secure purebred boars and 1,007 farmers secure purebred and high grade gilts.
Also, 5,549 farmers controlled external hog parasites, whlile 6,984 farmers used control measures on internal parasites and diseases of swine.
County agents assisted 3,962 farmers in improving methods of swine feeding.
County agents, assisted by 276 local leaders, devoted 1.770 days working on swine piod.ucticn.

Annual Report, 1949

John D. Haynie, Apiculturist
Florida beekeepers produced 30 percent more honey this year than last, despite the near failure in the Tupelo section, the second largest honey producing area in the state. The citrus blossom flow, which started out irregularly, was extended over a long period and a record high quality crop of citrus honey was produced. In normal years citrus bloom produces the largest crop of honey in the state.
The average yield of honey for Florida beekeepers this year was 56 pounds per colony from an estimated 189,000 colonies. For the nation as a whole, the average was 41 pounds from an estimated five million colonies.
Florida, with an increase of two and one-half million pounds over last year's honey crop, ranked fifth in the nation. Florida producers have on hand an estimated five million pounds of the 1949 honey crop, which compares generally with stocks on hand throughout the nation.
Beekeepers in Florida and the -Southeastern states are receiving more money for their honey on the retail markets than is received in any other section of the country. However, the present trend in Florida is to decrease colonies because of low prices, the slow movement of honey and the continued high cost of bee supplies.
The Apiculturist assisted county agents in visiting beekeepers who had special problems in beekeeping, in disseminating beekeeping information, in programs for district beekeepers' meetings and exhibiting beekeeping information at fairs.
County agents cooperated with veterans' teachers, vocational agriculture teachers, public school teachers and civic organizations in assisting with programs at which the Apiculturist discussed the value of honeybees in agriculture. The film on the life history of the bee was shown at other meetings by teachers and county agents, when the Apiculturist could not be present.
The Apiculturist cooperated with three county agents by setting up exhibits of honeybees and distributing information on the role of bees in legume pollination at three county fairs.
Reports from home demonstration agents show that home agents in seven counties spent 35 days in the field on beekeeping. County agents in 42 counties spent 234 days on beekeeping. There were 166 communities in 35 counties in which beekeeping activities were conducted.
4-H Club Activities.-The Apiculturist carried a teaching program to 4-H club members through assistant county agents. In many instances, science classes or the whole school were given instruction on the life history and habits of bees. Visual aids proved effective in presenting subject matter to students.
A team of 4-H club boys from Polk County gave three demonstrations at the State Fair on installing package bees in a hive. A description of their demonstration was given over Station WFLA, Tampa. A 4-H demonstration team from Lake County set up a colony and extracting equipment under a screened cage. They smoked the bees, brushed bees from the frames, extracted honey and distributed honey samples to spectators.

36 Florida Cooperative Extension

The Apiculturist spent a week at each of the 4-H camps, Doe Lake, Cherry Lake and Camp McQuarrie giving beekeeping demonstrations. The boys were given instruction on the nature and habits of bees, how to start an apiary, how to open a hive and determine the ability of a colony to produce honey, how to prepare for the honey flow, remove honey from the bees, requeen a colony, extract and settle honey and move colonies. A 20 minute film on the life history and habits of bees was shown at each 4-H club camp.
Reports from county and home demonstration agents show that 122 boys and 35 girls were enrolled in 4-H beekeeping projects. The boys completed 84 of their projects, while the girls completed 25 projects. There were 381 colonies managed by club members in 29 counties.
District Beekeepers' Association.-Beekeepers live in widely scattered areas because of the acreage required to maintain a colony. District beekeepers' associations were formed in order for each beekeeper to keep better informed on problems affecting the industry. At these meetings, which were held monthly or quarterly, the Apiculturist and county agents were able to contact a large number of beekeepers, who were interested in better beekeeping methods. The Apiculturist contributed to the program at 17 district beekeepers' meetings.
The greater part of the Florida honey crop has to be exported. There are at least five producer-packer plants in the state, none of which has capacity for handling the large surplus which accumulates in the hands of the producer. The Apiculturist and the county agent of Orange County, working through the District Beekeepers' Association of Central Florida, assisted in the organization of the Florida Honey Cooperative. Since this co-op has been organized, beekeepers in Brevard and Palm Beach counties plan to form honey co-ops in their counties.
Cooperation With State Organizations.-Since marketing is the number one problem in honey production, the Apiculturist placed emphasis on honey by supervising eight producer exhibits, a display of food prepared with honey and an educational beekeeping exhibit, all at the State Fair in Tampa. There were about eight tons of honey displayed in glass in producer's booths. These beekeeping and honey exhibits, considered the largest in the country, advertise honey to visitors from out of the state, where the greater part of it is shipped.
Cooperation With Research Workers.-The Apiculturist, in cooperation with Dr. G. K. Parris, Plant Pathologist in Charge of the Experiment Station Laboratory at Leesburg, collected experimental data to determine the effectiveness of honeybees in watermelon pollination. Preliminary results indicate that bees do a thorough job in pollinating the watermelon blooms for a limited distance from the hives. Three or four years will be required to make final determinations in this project.
The Apiculturist and an Associate Agronomist from the Florida Agricultural Experiment Station cooperated in a clover pollination project to determine if clover blooms received sufficient pollination from honeybees. A preliminary report indicated there were not enough insects, beside honeybees, to do a thorough job of pollination. In cooperation with the Assistant Botanist of the Florida Agricultural Experiment Station, the Apiculturist is compiling material for the bulletin, "Honey Plants of Florida."

Annual Report, 1949 37

Teaching Materials During the year Florida Beekeepers were mailed seven news letters containing information on marketing honey, recommendations on colony management, a statement on the condition of nectar secretion in plants, suggestions on requeening colonies, and notes on the history of beekeeping and preparation of colonies for winter.
Talks given over Station WRUF were on insect enemies of bees, preparing colonies for winter and comb honey production.
Over 900 copies of the mimeographed circular, "First Lessons in Beekeeping," were mailed to all persons requesting information on starting bees. Work on the regular beginners' bulletin on beekeeping is progressing
-and the material will soon be ready for publication. A mimeographed sheet, "Installing Package Bees," was prepared for a demonstration at the
-annual Extension workers' conference and made available for those starting in beekeeping.
Work was completed on Circular 90, The Five-Deep Brood Frame Hive. Recommendations contained in this circular fit commercial as well as sideline beekeeping operations.

Florida Cooperative Extension

R. W. Blacklock, State Boys' Club Agent
W. W. Brown, Assistant State Boys' Club Agent
R. WV. Blacklock retired as State Boys' Club Agent on August 31, 1949, after 33 years with the Florida Agricultural Extension Service. Of his total service, 2912 years were spent in the capacity of State Boys' 4-H Club Agent. Former 4-H club members will long remember his outstanding leadership and friendly advice.
The state has been divided into 10 4-H districts, with a county agent elected as chairman of each district. The 10 district chairmen met with the State Boys' Club Agents during the annual Extension conference and made recommendations for the 1950 4-H program.
County agents and assistant county agents devoted 7,319 days to 4-H club work this year, which represents an increase over previous years. Two hundi ed seventy-two meetings were held over the state for the purpose of training local 4-H club leaders.
The 4-H club members made 226 tours to members' projects, State Agiicultural Experiment Stations, key farms in the community and other educational trips. Fifty-four achievement days were held in 32 counties.
Enrollment and Completions.-This year 9,041 white 4-H club boys were enrolled in club work. This was 1,084 more boys, or an increase of

Fig. 6.-Four-H club members gave daily demonstrations during the Florida
State Fair in Tampa, attended by over a million people.

F . L 10A a

I 4A.

~~,~ AFI
'S i TY,

Annual Report, 1949

12 percent, in 4-H enrollment over 1948. Enrollment of negro boys increased to 2,189 this year as compared with 2,077 boys enrolled in 1948.
The percentage of project completions also increased. This year 5,963 white 4-H club boys completed their projects, as compared with 5,081 in 1948. This year 1,670 negro 4-H club boys completed their projects, while 1,779 negro 4-H boys completed their projects in 1948.
Project activities automatically increased as a result of increased enrollment. This year combined reports from white and negro county agents show that the boys completed 11,409 of the 16,148 projects they enrolled in. Last year, 4-H boys completed 9,808 projects of the 14,149 projects begun.
Florida county agents and assistants did an outstanding job of enrolling new members and encouraging project completions.
Camps.-The Boys' 4-H Club Agent is responsible for 4-H club camp administration, which includes 'maintenance, construction of new buildings, operation of kitchens and securing caretakers and camp staffs. The four ,camps are Cherry Lake, Timpoochee, McQuarrie and Doe Lake.
New sanitary facilities were built at Cherry Lake and waterfront equipment was improved through the addition of two more large army floating docks. A new automatic pressure system for supplying water was installed at Camp McQuarrie. Other needed equipment was obtained and improvements made at all camps.
A most satisfactory camp, known as Doe Lake Camp, was secured for .negro 4-H club members from the U. S. Forest Service in the Ocala National Forest. Improvements made at this camp included lighting, sanitary facilities, equipping the kitchen and obtaining 130 mattresses.
The four district camps, now owned and operated by the Extension Service, will not accommodate all the 4-H girls and boys who wish to attend during the summer camping season. Land has been donated and plans drawn for another 4-H camp to be located on a lake in Highlands County. This camp, which will take care of 4-H club members in the southern part of the state, should be ready for the 1950 camping season.
About 50,000 meals, at a cost of 32 cents per meal, were served at the four camps this year. County agents reported 97 camps were held for boys, with an attendance of 2,385. Three camps were held for 4-H leaders from 12 counties.
Short Courses.-The 1949 annual 4-H short course, with 291 boys attending, was held for the 30th year at the University of Florida, Gainesville, June 6-11.
Two tractor maintenance schools, one in the southern part and one in the western part of the state, were held for three days each in February and July. This program for 4-H club members and leaders was sponsored by a large oil company.
Shows, Judging Contests and Fairs.-State corn, poultry and dairy shows were continued this year. The Boys' Club Agents assisted with 33 shows and contests. At the State Fair in Tampa in February, a 4-H exhibit attracted thousands of people. The exhibit, which portrayed the 4-11 story, was supported by 22 4-H demonstrations given by boys and girls
-during the 11 days at the fair.
Awards.-Nine boys attended the National 4-H Congress in Chicago. Eight of these won state trips and one boy won a regional trip. Two boys attended the National 4-H Camp in Washington, D. C., in June.
The 4-H staff contacted some 30 individuals and organizations who annually contribute awards for 4-H boys.


40 Florida Cooperative Extension

C. W. Reaves, Dairy Husbandman
Developing Dairying in New Areas.-Some dairymen supplying milk to large cities moved their dairies out to larger acreages and started pasture development.
Milk receiving stations were established at Moore Haven and Marianna. West Florida counties including Jackson, Washington, Holmes, Walton and Santa Rosa, expanded dairying operations. Milk, produced on a grade A basis, is use for cream and ice cream in surplus periods.
Better Sire Program.-Artificial breeding associations were organized in Polk, Pinellas, Duval, Volusia and Palm Beach counties during the year. Previously, a survey in Orange and Escambia counties resulted in the organization of artificial breeding associations. The seven associations, operating with 9,292 cows, contracted for purchase of semen from the Southeastern Artificial Breeding Association, which maintains a bull stud of all high-production proved bulls.

Fig. 6.-One of the excellent calves sired in Florida by artificial insemination
drains the dinner pail as his owner and his mother look on.

Annual Report, 1949

In Florida eight bulls were proved in the DHIA proved-sire project. Two bulls proved in the herd of Walter Welkener, Jacksonvile, were sold in May. One bull went into the proved bull stud of the Southeastern Artificial Breeding Association and one to the Indiana Artificial Breeding Association.
The table below shows herds and cows enrolled in the'cooperative artificial breeding project:
Number commercial herd owners ------------------------------ 161
Number family cow owners ------ - --------------------- - --------- 851
Total cows in commercial herds -------------------------------- 8,298
Total family cows ---------------------------------------------------------- 994

Where cooperative breeding associations have not been organized, county agents reported 305 farmers were assisted in obtaining purebred dairy bulls for natural breeding. County agents assisted 1,229 farmers in obtaining purebred or high grade female dairy cows.
Dairy Herd Improvement Association Program.-Development of the DHIA program has been one of the major projects in Extension dairy work. With less than 1,000 cows on test in the state in July 1947, the program expanded to include 4,887 cows in five associations this year. The associations are Duval, Gadsden, Orange, Pioneer and West Coast. The number of cows on test in 15 counties represented 3.2 percent of all milk cows in the state. The percentage is higher than any other Southern state except Virginia.
The Orange County DHIAwith 1,675 cows on test or approximately 40 percent of the total dairy cow population'of the county, ranked among the top counties in the nation in percentage of cows on test.
DHIA work has the two-fold objective of helping improve the manage-, ment and breeding program of the dairymen with herds on test and providing result demonstrations of improved practices in feeding, breeding and management for other dairymen. DHIA results were tabulated and herd analyses made to show results secured from improved pastures by DHIA herds.
The following table shows comparison, between DHIA cows and the average milk cows in Florida:
Lbs. Milk 11o Test Butterfat
Average Florida DHIA cow -------------- 6,440 4.7 302
Average Florida milk cow ------------------ 3,800 4.2 162

Four DHIA members were awarded national herd honor roll diplomas at the University Dairy Field Day for achieving a yearly per cow production in excess of 350 pounds butterfat.
Official Cow Testing.-The Dairy Husbandman is the superintendent of official cow testing for the state. Nine Jersey herds were on register of merit test, eight Guernsey herds on advanced registry test, six Jersey herds and one Ayrshire herd on herd improvement registry test and one milk goat herd on advanced registry test.
Work With Dairy Cattle Breed Associations.-The relationship between the Dairy Husbandman and the purebred cattle associations in the state was mutually helpful. The Orange County agent served as secretary of the

Florida Cooperative Extension

Florida Jersey Cattle Club and the Pinellas County agent served as secretary of the Florida Guernsey Cattle Club. The Dairy Husbandman worked with breed associations in planning and conducting programs of work, including sales, field days and classifications.
4-11 Dairy Club Work.-A total of 746 boys and 340 girls completed dairy projects with a total of 1,797 animals. Two production contests were used to develop further interest in improved production methods.
Polk County, with 51 dairy club members who owned 78 animals, won the trophy for best over-all county 4-H dairy project. All members used parasite control measures, bred their heifers, to registered dairy bulls and carried out Bang's control. There were 43 members who fed minerals, while 27 members developed improved pastures.
District 4-H dairy shows were held in Tampa, Chipley, Orlando and Belle Glade.
The second annual state 4-11 dairy show held in connection With the Central Florida Exposition in Orlando served as the climax for the year's 4-H dairy activities. Thirteen counties from Jackson to Dade exhibited cattle, while 16 counties participated in the judging contest. The 4-11 dairy banquet, which followed the show, was attended by representatives of the state dairy organizations, breed officials, fair officials and civic leaders.
Home Milk Supply Many 4-H dairy projects provided a family milk supply. In many counties county agents cooperated with the Bureau of Animal Industry in making arrangements for testing family milk cows for tuberculosis and Bang's disease. County and home demonstration agents reported 4,222 families were assisted in improving food supply by making changes in home production of milk. County agents reported assisting 1,986 farmers with feeding problems, 2,672 farmers in treating for external parasites and 3,536 farmers in controlling disease and internal parasites affecting dairy cattle. There were 335 voluntary local leaders who assisted county agents with dairying problems.
General Activities.-The Dairy Husbandman judged dairy cattle at the State Fair in Tampa and served on the committee to help revise rules and plans for the dairy show at this fair. The Dairy Husbandman served as secretary of the state long-range dairy committee and as vice-chairman of the extension section of the American Dairy Science Association. He helped plan and conduct the University Dairy Field Day and the Dairy Herdsmen's Short Course.

Annual Report, 1949


J. R. Henderson, Agronomist
All phases of field crop and pasture production are included under Extension agronomy. A summary of research conducted on pasture development and related phases of livestock production was presented to county agents attending a meeting at the Range Cattle Experiment Station, Ona, December 15, 1948.
In January the Agronomist presented field crop and pasture recommendations at 17 Extension outlook meetings, attended by approximately 3,000 farmers.
Also in January two district meetings were held to give field crop and pasture recommendations to seed, fertilizer and pesticide dealers. The Agronomist, in cooperation with the Vegetable Crops Specialist and officers of a seedsmen's association, served as instructor on soils, fertilizer and field crop varieties at a seedsmen's school in Gainesville.
A demonstration of soil fumigants for nematode control was given at the annual conference for Extension workers at Gainesville in October.
The Agronomist made eight talks on field crops and pasture production on the Florida Farm Hour, Station WRUF. He spent 132 days in the field, 70 of which were on area or statewide activities. Sixty-two days were spent giving individual assistance to county agents in planning and conducting farm tours, by speaking on agronomy subjects at meetings of farmers, farm organizations and civic clubs, and by preparing a mimeographed set of recommendations for production of major field crops and pastures.
Corn The Agronomist assisted county agents and 4-H leaders in carrying on corn production projects, using seed of the best known hybrid available and heavy rates of fertilization. Results were outstanding in Escambia, Santa Rosa and Gadsden counties, where 150 boys produced an average of more than 56 bushels per acre with the highest yield being 98, 101 and 91 bushels per acre, respectively. Successful corn production contests among adults were sponsored by a farm organization in several counties.
Emphasis was placed on Dixie 18, a yellow hybTid'whicb has good resistance to weevils, high resistance to lodging and outyields all other hybrids tested. An estimated 21 percent of the 1949 corn crop was planted with hybrid seed. County agents were furnished information on sources of seed and farmers were assisted in securing foundation seed for production of Dixie 18. Hybrid seed corn was produced on 355 acres this year and applications have been filed through the agronomist for enough foundation seed to plant 600 acres next year. Since production of Dixie 18 seed will be insufficient to meet-demand for some time, county agents in 28 counties conducted variety demonstrations as a means of interesting .farmers in other hybrids.
Peanuts.-County agents continued to improve peanut production by recommending better "Varieties, seed treatment, spacing, rates and kind of fertilization, placement of fertilizers and dusting for control of disease and insect pests. Emphasis was placed on further development of certified

44 Florida Cooperative Extension

seed of Dixie Runner, a high yielding variety relatively free from concealed damage. The Experiment Station produced approximately 20 tons of foundation seed for distribution. Nine farmers produced certified seed on 432 acres this year.
Flue-Cured Tobacco ln cooperation with the tobacco branch of the .Production and Marketing Administration, tobacco sorting and grading demonstrations were held in each of the counties where flue-cured tobacco is produced.
As a result of the adoption of recommended practices for the control of weeds, insects and diseases, correlation of soil type, fertilization and spacing, the average yield of flue-cured tobacco increased from 721 pounds per acre in 1941 to 1,079 pounds per acre in 1949. Progress in improvement of yields is shown in the following table:
Year Yields, Pounds per Acre
1941 ------------------------------------------------------ 721
1942 ------------------------------------------------------ 864
1943 ------------------------------------------------------ 860
1944 ------------------------------------------------------ 895
1945 ------------------------------------------------------ 884
1946 ------------------------------------------------------ 931
1947 ------------------------------------------------------ 1,039
1948 ------------------------------------------------------ 1,014
1949 ------------------------------------------------------ 1,079

Control of insects was simplified by adequate supplies of the newer insecticides and the widespread adoption of the sled-row method of plant. in g, which permitted the use of tractor-drawn dusters and sprayers. Dry
weather during the early part of the growing season, combined with widespread damage by nematodes and excessive use of fertilizers by many farmers, resulted in much low quality tobacco.
Through the cooperation of a friend of tobacco farmers, the Extension 'Service sponsored an area-wide tobacco contest in which awards to growers were made on basis of quality. This contest increased interest ilp methods of producing high quality tobacco.
Cotton Experimental plantings of Sealand 542, a long staple cotton which resembles upland cotton in growth habits, have been made for several years. Information on yields, prices, staple length and cultural practices were furnished to county agents in central and northern Florida for their guidance in working with farmers interested in growing this variety.
Grain Sorghum.-Variety demonstrations, involving recommended varieties of grain sorghum and others which showed promise, were conducted in 26 counties. Three promising varieties from Costa Rica were included in four of these demonstrations.
Winter Cover Crops As a result of widespread outbreaks of anthracnose, downy mildew, brown spot and other diseases during the last two .growing seasons, the acreage planted to blue lupine and the amount of seed harvested annually have begun to decrease. Unusually warm weather during the last two seasons was partially responsible for the severe damage. Use of disease-free seed, early seedbed preparation and allowing one or more seasons to lapse between plantings on a given field are being recommended as practices that offer possibility for reduction of diseases.

Annual Report, 1949 45

Summer Cover Crops.-Hairy indigo meets requirements for a good summer cover crop and can be used as a grazing and hay crop. In,1948 a small quantity of the seed of an early maturing strain was released to the Agronomist by the Experiment Station. Eleven growers produced certified seed from 78 acres that year. Nineteen farmers produced certified seed on 568 acres this year.
Pastures-Pasture plants include both legumes and grasses. Of the legumes, Crimson, White, Black Medic and Hubarn are the principal clovers and common and Kobe are the most widely used lespedezas. Grasses include Bahia, Bermuda, Pangola, Carib, Para, St. Augustine and carpet. Cattail millet, oats, rye, sweet lupine and Crimson clover are used as temporary grazing crops.
Activities were designed to secure establishment of more pastures and improvement of carrying capacities of those already established. County agents assisted farmers with their pasture problems by furnishing production recommendations, holding meetings, staging, demonstrations, conducting tours and assisting in locating supplies of seed, limestone and other materials. More pastures were established this year than in any previous year.

SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION H. S. McLendon, Soil Conservationist
Activities in Organized Districts.-Information given is prepared from Soil Conservation Service records, which are compiled at six months periods of the calendar year. The last report for 1949 will not be available, until January 1950. This statistical report covers information showing activities to date in 43 districts. Several of these districts are new and conservation work is just getting under way.

Combined Report of Soil Conservation Districts-Activities From the Date of Organization to June 30, 1949.

Established 423,530 acres 206,041 acres 167t671 acres 214,277 acres 14,348 acres 132,587 acres 260p586 acres
3,353 acres 174,374 acres 224,326 acres 687,847 acres 13,647 acres 238
10,907.1 miles 97.4 miles 423,451 acres 3920740 feet
3,405.2 miles 24,119 acres

Crop rotations -----------------------------------Cover crops --- -------------------------------------Contour farming -------------------------------Crop residue management ---------------Strip cropping -----------------------------------Range improvement -------------------------Pasture improvement -----------------------Seeding of range -------------------------------Seeding of pastures -------------------------W ildlife areas -------------------------------------Woodland management ---------------------Tree planting -------------------------------------Farm and ranch ponds ---------------------Terracing -------------------------------------------Field diversions ---------------------------------Farm drainage -----------------------------------Closed drains --------------------------------------Open drains ---------------------------------------Irrigation --------------------------------------------


527,331 289,054 235,379 298,143 23,438 282,282 1,110,716
12,885 880,836
242,444 891,603 38,129
129.2 1,060,231
549,240 4,880.1

acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres

miles miles acres f eet miles acres

Florida Cooperative Extension

Improved water application ------------ 105,146 acres 52,431 acres
Field windbreaks -------------------------------- 81.2 miles 9.2 miles
Water disposal areas ---------------------- 6,177 acres 2,688 acres
Kudzu ---------------------------------------------------- 24,743 acres 8,339 acres
Sericea -------------------------------------------------- 4,179 acres 1,262 acres
Alfalfa and permanent grass ---------- 32,948 acres 12,324 acres
Firebreaks ------------------------------------------ 7,586.3 miles 2,912.9 miles
Fishponds ---------------------------------------------- 618 275

Number Acres
Applications received this period -------------------------------- 2,419 779,677
Applications received to date -------------------------------------- 14,188 6,283,410
Active applications to date ---------------------------------- --------- 2,224 2,034,834
Plans prepared and signed this period ---------------------- 1,622 664,534
Plans prepared and signed to date ------------------------------ 10,301 3,614,255
Active conservation plans to date ------------------------------ 9,557 3,411,666
Combined treatments this period -------------------------------- 429,142
Combined treatment to date ------------------------------------------ 1,668,407

Annual elections of supervisors were held in 41 of the 44 districts in 1949. According to the state office of the U. S. Soil Conservation Service, there is a total of 22,157,298 acres now covered by soil conservation districts, of which 8,629,868 were covered by soil conservation surveys as of June 30, 1949. There were 3,614,235 acres covered by 10,284 farm plans for the same period.
Organization of Soil Conservation Districts.-The Director of the Florida Agricultural Extension Service is administrator of the State Soil Conservation Board and is responsible for administering the Soil Conservation Districts Act. Based on this authority, the Extension Soil Conservationist is responsible for organizational work in forming new districts in the state and the county agent assumes similar responsibilities in the county.
One new district, the Clay Soil Conservation district, was organized ,October 6. The area of The Hendry Soil Conservation District was increased by 523,022 acres, the boundaries now coinciding with those of Hendry County, by resolution of the State Soil Conservation Board dated January 7.
Petitions requesting organization of soil conservation districts in Martin, Bradford and Nassau counties were received. Public hearings were held in both Martin and Bradford counties, with a unanimous vote in favor of organization. Legal notices were published for a public hearing in Nassau County.
The Conservationist kept in contact with each district conservationist and assisted, when requested, in getting a more complete soil and water conservation program applied to the individual farm. The Conservationist met with a number of district boards of supervisors to discuss expanding the conservation program applied to farms in their districts and attended three meetings with the directors of the Florida Association of Soil Conservation Supervisors. At their annual meeting, a memorandum of understanding between the Florida Agricultural Extension Service and the Florida Association of Soil Conservation District Supervisors was authorized.

Annual Report, 1949

The Conservationist worked with county agents, assistant agents and work unit conservationists in carrying on 4-H club soil conservation projects. A Manatee County 4-H club boy, Lloyd Bradley, placed in both sectional and national groups this year, winning a trip to the National 4-H Congress, Chicago, and a $300.00 college scholarship.


Days devoted to work in soil and water -----------------------Days devoted to work with wildlife -------------------------------Number of communities in which work was conducted
(a) Soil and water -----------------------------------------------------(b) W ildlife -------------------------------------------------------------------Number of voluntary local leaders or committeemen
(a) soil and water -------------------------------------------------------(b) W ildlife -------------------------------------------------------------------Number of farmers assisted
(a) With problems of land use ---------------------------------(b) In the use of crop rotations ------------------------ - -----(c) With strip cropping ---------------------------------------------(d) In constructing terraces -------------------------------------(e) In grassing waterways or preventing or
controlling gullies -----------------------------------------(f) With contour farming of cropland -----------------(g) In contouring pasture or range -----------------------(h) In the use of cover or green-manure crops -----(i) In controlling wind or water erosion ------ - -----(j) In summer fallowing -----------------------------------------(k) In making depth-of-moisture tests -------------------(1) With drainage -----------------------------------------------------(m) With irrigation ------------------------------------------------------(n) With Land-clearing ---------------------------------------------Number of farmers
(a) In soil-conservation districts which were
assisted with education for organization or operation -------------------------------------------(b) Assisted in arranging for farm-conservation plans -------------------------------------------------------(c) Assisted in doing work based on definite
farm conservation plans -------------------------------Number of farmers assisted
(a) In construction or management of ponds
for fish -------------------------------------------------------------(b In protection of wildlife areas, such as
stream banks, odd areas, field borders,
marshes and ponds from*fire or livestock.--(c) In planting of edible wild fruits and nuts
in hedges, stream banks, odd areas and
field borders ---------------------------------------------------(d) With other plantings for food and protection in wildlife areas ------------------------------------

1,169 in 61 counties 303 in 4 counties

628 in 59 counties 270 in 44 counties

409 in 39 counties 158 in 21 counties

7,511 in 5,111 in 481 in 327 in

counties counties counties counties

469 162
807 685
76 2,362 1,088 1,553

in 35 counties in 22 counties in 15 counties in 59 counties in 38 counties in 13 counties in 8 counties in 52 counties in 44 counties in 60 counties

10,762 in 47 counties 1,607 in 44 counties ly488 in 42 counties

265 in 41 counties 427 in 33 counties 197 in 27 counties 269 in 31 counties

Florida Cooperative Extension

4-H club projects in soil and water conservation
(a) Number of boys enrolled -----------------------------------(b) Number of boys completing -------------------------------Wildlife and nature study (game and fur animals)
(a) Number of boys enrolled -----------------------------------(b) Number of boys completing -------------------------------Number of different 4-11 club members, including those in corresponding projects, who received definite training in
(a) Wildlife conservation -----------------------------------------(b) Soil and water conservation ------------------------------

109 in 15 counties 75 in 13 counties

230 in 13 counties 193 in 11 counties

2,584 in 39 counties 2,124 in 35 counties

Annual Report, 1949

L. T. Nieland, Farm Forester
Extension work in farm forestry was carried on by county agents in 61 of Florida's 67 counties.
Although farm woodland development programs were channeled to farmers largely through county agents, close cooperation was extended to public and private agencies such as the State Forest Service, United States Forest Service, Florida Forest and Park Association, Florida Forestry Council, Agricultural Experiment Stations, Soil Conservation Service, Production and Marketing Administration, four Florida pulp mills and other wood-using industries.
Extension forestry work was divided into six broad fields of activity, forest fire protection, forest planting, timber marketing, producing forest products for home use, the timber-grazing-game approach to forest land development and 4-H forestry club work.
Forest Fire Prevention.-Since woods fires still constitute the principal obstacle to profitable forestry in Florida, the Extension Forester spent considerable time furthering adoption of the timber-grazing-game approach as a means of combating the forest fire problem. He advocated surrounding blocks of timber with wide fire lines sodded to improve pasture grasses, thereby providing effective fire prevention at minimum cost by removing one of the basic reasons for woods burning in Florida. Some farmers, cattlemen and large forest landowners have begun to accept the method, and such adoption could be extended by widespread recommendations of Extension workers and the Forest Service.
County agents in 48 counties reported 10,689 farmers cooperated in forest fire protection.
Forest Planting.-By a close cooperative arrangement between four leading Florida pulp mills and the State Forest Service, four million slash pine seedlings were distributed free of charge by county agents in 47 counties to farmers and other small forest landowners. The other 20 counties were not areas designated by pulp mills for free forest seedlings. Nearly twice as many free trees were distributed this year as were distributed before county agents handled distribution directly with the farmer. Stepped-up planting of forest trees by farmers has stimulated better care of both'young and older growth in farm woodlands.
In 51 counties county agents reported assisting 1,718 farmers with forest planting problems.
Timber Marketing.-In 25 counties where services of Norris-Doxey farm foresters are available, county agents were able to obtain direct assistance in timber marketing for their farmers. In most instances farmers receiving this information were able to obtain a fair price for products sold, while they kept adequate stands of immature growing stock on the land. In other counties the Extension Forester and county agents furnished timber marketing information and advice to farmers and other small forest landowners. Through information on proper timber cutting and advantageous selling thousands of Florida farm woodlands were saved from the destructive cutting of all salable forest products.
Forest Products for Home Use-The Extension forester has been a pioneer in focusing attention of county agents, foresters and farmers on the

Florida Cooperative Extension

need for developing farm woodlands so that farm needs for lumber, fence posts, fuel wood, stakes, sills, shingles and handle material can be supplied.
The need for including this feature of farm woodland management was presented to those responsible for developing the 58-acre farm forestry demonstration area at the Olustee experimental Forest near Lake City. This idea was also promoted through radio talks, news releases, farm visits, the Extension workers' conference and farmer's meetings and display material exhibited during agricultural fairs and farmers institutes.
4-H Forestry Club Work The Extension Forester gave forestry instruction to 425 4-H club members during five summer camps and at the annual short course for 4-H club boys. County agents in 20 counties were furnished 25,000 catalpa seeds for establishing 4-H fence post demonstration plantings. Club members planted seeds in nursery plots for transplanting to fence post demonstration plantings in the spring.
County agents were given assistance in qualifying 4-H forestry club members for participation in the regional 4-H forestry awards program. Since an organization provided a trip to the National 4-H Congress in Chicago as a state award, a project outline, listing requirements, was prepared and distributed to county agents.
The large number of 4-H club members making individual forest plantings with free slash pine seedlings contributed much to the whole forest planting program. Other individual project work. consisted of one or more acres planted to red cedar. Group projects included school, community or 4-H county council forest plantings. In Lake County 4-H club members planted five school forests.
In 32 counties 32 boys were enrolled in 4-H forestry projects with 619 acres involved. County agents in 41 counties reported 2,414 club members, including those enrolled in other projects, received definite training in forestry.
Other Demonstration Forests.-The Extension Forester collected seeds and forest-grown seedlings for demonstration plantings on the Florida National Egg-Laying Test grounds at Chipley and on the Main Experiment Station Farm at Gainesville.
Species planted, replanted and interplanted in these demonstration forests included slash pine, red cedar, longleaf pine, black cherry, white oak, swamp white oak, wild mulberry, sweet gum, catalpa, white cedar, spruce pine, yellow poplar, tupelo gum, black gum, cork oak, cottonwood, sycamore, linden, European locust and black locust.

Animal Report, 1949


F. P. Lawrence, Citriculturist
The Citriculturist is the only Extension citrus specialist, but the Economist in Marketing and an Experiment Station Economist also work in the field of citrus.
The 1948-49 citrus season was little different from the two preceding economically disastrous years until January, when the situation changed almost overnight because of freezes in the citrus belts of California and Texas. Returns had risen to the highest peak in more than 20 years by the close of the season.
Following the freezes, shipments of all varieties of fresh Florida fruit were increased to a point that markets became glutted and prices tumbled. It then became obvious that Florida alone possessed sufficient fruit to flood and break the national market.
During this self-inflicted depression, all producers and handlers realized that if the industry weie to survive, something had to be done. The Florida Citrus Commission and later the newly organized cooperative, Florida Citrus Mutual, began a voluntary pro-rate which met with general industry acceptance and cooperation. This pro-rate was strengthened by the tightening of grade and size restrictions by the Federal Marketing Act. This spirit of cooperation aided materially in more orderly marketing, which checked the downward price trend and started prices up again.

Fig. 7-These 4-H boys and their county agent are intensely interested in the welfare of the young citrus trees growing in the 4-11 citrus nursery.
I - -

Florida Cooperative Extension

During the last four months of the season prices advanced steadily to a "top" exceeding the ceiling levels of the war years.
Florida's 1948-49 crop totalled 92.9 million boxes, of which 40 million were processed into single-strength juice, sections and salads; 42 million boxes were sold in the fresh fruit markets; and slightly over 10 million boxes went into concentrates. These figures are about average for recent years, except for frozen concentrates. The rapidly expanding concentrate industry has more than doubled in output each year since being introduced in 1946. Florida marketed a crop of 93 million boxes in 1948-49 for a gross income of 117 million dollars, less cost of production of 45 million dollars, leaving a net profit to growers of 72 million dollars. This net profit was about eight times higher than growers received the previous year, which was one of the lowest net income years in Florida citrus history.
The 1949-50 season promises to be a good one. There was less processed juice, both single-strength and concentrate, in the warehouses than at any time in several years. The markets opened strong with demand firm, but for various reasons-possibly the large deciduous fruit crop-the markets soon weakened and began falling. This downward trend continued until November 1, when Florida Citrus Mutual, with a membership representing about 80 percent of the total state tonnage, set minimum prices for fresh and cannery fruit. This immediately stabilized the market and prices have continued to rise.
Developing a Program.-In 1947 the Citriculturist was instrumental in the organization of a state citrus advisory committee. This committee drew up a long-time plan of work which was placed in the hands of county agents. The plan had three objectives, namely:
1. Inauguration of a county citrus program in each citrus-producing
2. Improvement of fruit quality.
3. Reduction of production costs to cope with declining fruit prices.
In 1948 the committee decided that in each county a county citrus advisory committee composed of the county agent and three to five growers, packers, processors or other outstanding citrus men would be of value in assisting the county agent in promoting and activating a county citrus program based upon the needs of individual growers.
Twenty of the 32 citrus producing counties now have such committees actively engaged in a citrus program and the remaining counties are in various stages of organization.
The Citriculturist recommended a program of minimum cultivation, fertilization and spraying to reduce production costs and at the same time maintain tree vigor and fruit quality, He outlined demonstrations and assisted county agents in setting up grower demonstration plots based on these recommendations.
Field studies with cover crops and biological control of insects have progressed, with increased interest on the part of growers and research people alike.
Field studies with hairy indigo (Indigofera hirsute) as a citrus cover crop have continued. The Citriculturist reported field observations on this promising cover crop at two citrus institutes and also at the State Horti-

Annual Report, 1949

cultural Society meeting. Green weight yields during the past year averaged about 20,000 pounds per acre, with a return of approximately 120 pounds of nitrogen per acre. Realizing that it takes only from 90 to 120 pounds of nitrogen per acre per year to produce a 400-box crop of fruit, many growers have set up demonstrations using indigo as a cover crop and varying the amounts of applied nitrogen in efforts to reduce their nitrogen applications and take advantage of free nitrogen from the cover crops.
The Citriculturist published seven news letters for county agents in citrus-producing counties. These letters reported current events and outlined recommended programs of fertilization and grove management.
The Citriculturist joined the entomologist and plant pathologist from the Citrus Experiment Station, the Main Station, the State Plant Board, the State Horticultural Society, and the USDA Bureau of Plant Industry in preparing a spray schedule for the coming season. This pamphlet is published by the Florida Citrus Commission and made available to growers, principally through county agents' offices.
Mimeographed pamphlets on "Pot Culture of Citrus," "A Recommended Hamlin Orange Program" and a spray schedule for dooryard citrus were developed and supplied county agents.
Institutes Three citrus institutes were held. The 16th annual Growers' Institute held at Camp McQuarrie, August 22-29, is the largest and most inclusive of the institutes. Five hundred growers representing 20 Florida counties attended one or more sessions. In addition to Florida growers, 11 members of the newly organized Texas Citrus Commission flew to Florida and attended sessions of the institute.
The third annual Indian River Citrus Seminar sponsored by the Indian River Citrus League was held at Vero Beach. At this two-day seminar, research information presented was designed for Indian River area growers, whose groves are primarily on heavy hammock soils underlain with marl. More than 100 growers attended sessions each day.
The fourth Gulf Citrus Growers Institute, held April 30, was originally designed for citrus growers of Hernando County. This year there were 125 men and women present from five counties.
State and County Fairs-Practically every citrus-producing county now has a county fair. The Citriculturist has assisted in setting up educational exhibits and in judging entries. The quality of citrus exhibits is improving.
Demonstration Plots and Grove Tours. - The Citriculturist stressed grower demonstration plots based on research findings. As soon as a demonstration has been established it is included in one or more well, organized county tours, so growers within the county may have an opportunity to see and appraise the value of the practice. The majority of the counties now have a series of effective demonstrations. Twenty-eight of our 30 citrus-producing counties have one or more citrus cover crop demonstrations, five have rootstock demonstrations, eight have fertilizer demonstrations, seven have biological insect control projects, two have cultivation demonstrations; and six have spray demonstrations. All counties are developing a program of demonstrations and county tours. In addition to county tours, many agents have taken growers on tours of adjoining counties as well as to the Citrus Experiment Station, Lake Alfred, and the USDA Subtropical Fruit Field Station at Orlando.

Florida Cooperative Extension

Other Activities.-The Citriculturist outlined six types of 4-H citrus projects for distribution to county agents.
He made seven radio talks and five formal talks. In addition, four articles were prepared4or magazine publication or society proceedings and 10 newspaper items were released.
Three budding, grafting and plant propagation demonstrations were' given to county home demonstration councils.
Seven group demonstrations on citrus propagation were given to 4-H clubs and grower gatherings.,
Two weeks were spent in assisting with educational programs at county and district summer 4-H club camps and one week was devoted to citrus work at the state 4-H club short course for boys.

F. S. Jamison, Vegetable Crop Specialist
Stanley E. Rosenberger, Assistant Vegetable Crop Specialist
Arrangements were made during the year for county agents to attend meetings atthe Vegetable Crops Laboratory, Bradenton, and the Experiment Station, Gainesville, where intensive instruction was given by research workers on more important developments in varieties, fertilizers, fungicides, insecticides and other phases of production.
The Vegetable Crop Specialist took an active part in helping arrange a comprehensive program for presentation to the vegetable section of the Florida State Horticultural Society and the Florida Seedsmen's Association and in presenting production material at the annual meeting of the Florida Fruit and Vegetable Association.
In addition to state-wide meetings with these organizations, the Vegetable Crops Specialist assisted in special sectional meetings with seed and fertilizer dealers in Marion County and in western and northern Florida. Seedsmen in the Gainesville area spent a day studying performance of new or recently introduced varieties in plots at the Experiment Station.
Two short courses, held at Gainesville, were for seedsmen and transportation interests. At the three-day school for seedsmen, attended by seedsmen and supply men from all sections of the state, basic information on soils, fertilizers, culture, diseases and insects was presented. The other short course, prevention of loss of fruits and vegetables in transit, was organized at the request of transportation personnel. Packinghouse managers, package manufacturers and others engaged in handling or transporting fruits and vegetables from a number of Southeastern states attended the program.
Nine field days were held at Experiment Stations during the year. They were held at the Potato Investigations Laboratory, Hastings; Central Florida Experiment Station, Sanford; Vegetable Crops Laboratory, Bradenton; Sub-Tropical Station, Homestead; and the Main Station, Gainesville. These field days were well attended by growers who traveled considerable distances to attend. At other area meetings with growers, men engaged in research were present to assist with forum discussions.
The Vegetable Crops Specialist conducted home gardening demonstrations at the Short Course for 4-H girls in Tallahassee.

Annual Report, 1949

County agents were assisted in planning their vegetable program of work in many of the counties. Additional assistance was given directly to more than half of the county agents, either through correspondence or visits, on special problems in their particular counties. Mimeographed material giving variety recommendations was prepared for distribution to county agents.
At the request of other Extension specialists, material on fertilizer recommendations is being collected for a paper soon to be released.
Correspondence with individual growers or prospective growers has increased heavily and exceeded any previous year.
Employees of the Florida Agricultural Experiment Stations, including horticulturists, pathologists, entomologists and many other workers engaged in research on vegetable production, cooperated in holding meetings and field days. Representatives of the USDA Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils and Agricultural Engineering participated in area meetings and short course programs and supplied valuable subject matter material to county agents.
The Vegetable Crops Specialist assisted the State Department of Agriculture in conducting two training schools-one for inspectors of perishable products and the other at the annual meeting of seed and fertilizer inspectors. Identification of vegetable varieties was made on numerous occasions for the State Department of Agriculture. As a member of the advisory committee on seed certification, the Vegetable Crops Specialist assisted the State Department of Agriculture in formulating standards for various crops included in the seed certification program.
The Vegetable Crops Specialist recommended the use of the Congo watermelon, which was grown successfully in trial plots last season, More than 4,000 pounds of Congo watermelon seed grown during the past season were sold to melon growers in Florida and neighboring states.
Black-rot of cabbage appeared in near epidemic form last season. The Vegetable Crops Specialist recommended hot-water treatment and at least 5,000 pounds of seed received this treatment this season. Where untreated seed were planted, black-rot appeared.
The wide use of methods recommended for control of corn ear worms and -other insects and diseases illustrates the acceptance of improved methods suggested by the Extension Service.

The Assistant Vegetable Crops Specialist was employed March 1, 1949, under provisions of the Research and Marketing Act. This Specialist's work was devoted exclusively to studies and assistance to growers in the field of more effectively merchandising vegetables.
Merchandising vegetables, an entirely new field of work for the Extension Service, involved working with groups and individuals who had little previous contact with Extension work. Major activities of the merchandising program were to:
1. Interest and obtain cooperation of wholesale and retail outlets which were used to conduct vegetable merchandising demonstrations.
2. Conduct demonstrations in both independent and chain stores.

at the retail markets was inaugurated during the year.


Fig. 8.-A study of vegetable marketing

Annual Report, 1949

3. Help direct the care, handling, preparation and displaying of the produce brought into the cooperating store while the demonstration was in progress.
4. Suggest and help make changes in the demonstrations as they became necessary.
Five stores in the Tampa Bay area were cooperators in the vegetable merchandising project.
The Assistant Vegetable Crops Specialist prepared a paper on factors which go to make up a good produce market and a score card for evaluating a produce market before the demonstration started and at later intervals. The score card was prepared after making economic studies and analyses of successful produce departments.
Physical and esthetic values were derived from merchandising demonstrations. An example of physical value was in a store where the produce department was not wanted because it was not profitable. The merchant wanted to stop handling produce but customer demand would not permit. The merchant agreed to cooperate with the Extension Service in setting up a vegetable merchandising demonstration. The store had a "walk in" refrigerator in which all produce was kept. Temperature of the room was held at 32' F. There was a homemade display unit, without a thermostat, with temperature maintained at 20' F. High losses had been blamed on the produce until the Assistant Vegetable Crops Specialist turned off the display refrigerator, raised the temperature in the "walk in" refrigerator to 42' F. and kept items sensitive to low temperatures out of the refrigerator. After these changes were made the merchant was convinced losses from produce were caused from improper care rather than faulty produce.
Examples of esthetic values created by these demonstrations were expressed by customers when they complimented the merchant on the attractiveness and fresh appearance of produce.
The Assistant Vegetable Crops Specialist reviewed 4-H garden club record books to determine the state garden winner, assisted in conducting short courses on vegetable production and loss prevention and served as judge of vegetables exhibited at a county fair.

Florida Cooperative Extension

N. R. Mehrhof, Poultry Husbandman
F. S. Perry, Assistant Extension Poultryman
A. W. O'Steen, Supervisor, Florida National Egg-Laying Test
Florida, poultry industry has made substantial growth and development during recent years and now holds fifth place in importance among the agricultural enterprises of the state. This year, between eight and 10 million commercial broilers were produced in Florida. The hatchery industry has a capacity of over 4,000,000 eggs and produced approximately 20,000,000 chicks in 1949. These hatcheries shipped over 3,000,000 chicks to Latin and South American countries. Approximately 110,000 turkeys were raised.
Growing Healthy Pullets.-Tbe percentage of pullets in flocks is now ranging from 60 to 100 percent, with several flocks of New Hampshires having 100 percent pullets. Due to changes in egg prices in the fall, there is a tendency to place chicks in the brooder house earlier in the spring.
The Extension Poultrymen assisted graduate students in studying broiler production and poultrymen in developing breeding programs.
Extension recommendations were followed by 1,785 families in obtaining better strains of baby chicks and by 3,697 families in improving methods of feeding.
Egg-Laying Test.-Tbe 23rd Florida National Egg-Laying Test was concluded September 22, 1949, with the 1,144 pullets averaging 213.1 eggs per bird with a value of 219.2.points. The average feed consumption per bird per year (51 weeks) was 99.3 pounds, or 5.5 pounds of feed for each dozen eggs produced. Mortality averaged 10.9 percent.
The high pen of 13 pullets and also the high individual pullet in the test were all White Leghorns entered by the Missouri Valley Poultry Farm, Marshall Missouri. The pen of 13 pullets produced 3,401 eggs for a value of 3,632.30 points and the high pullet laid 314 eggs for a value of 344.70 points.
The high Florida entry was a pen of S. C. White Leghorns owned by Julian Webb, Jr., Chipley. These pullets produced a total of 3,207 eggs, with value of 3,256.40 points. A pen of New Hampshires, owned by Dixie Farms, Cherry Lake, was the high heavy breed entry from Florida. These pullets laid 3,099 eggs for a value of 3,156.50 points.
Housing and Equipment.-Assistance was given in construction of poultry houses and suitable equipment for poultry of all ages. Plans for commercial broiler houses were discussed with poultrymen, as were various types of water and feed equipment for'commercial broiler production.
Management Practices Many poultrymen have found that green feed is a good source of high quality protein, minerals and vitamins, except vitamin D, and that good pasturage or cut greens reduce feed costs. They also find that it pays to cull flocks throughout the year.
Commercial poultry raisers have found it profitable to use artificial lights during the shorter days of the fall and winter on hens and pullets to increase the rate of lay, especially when egg prices are relatively high. Morning and all-night lights are the two systems used. The general practice is to turn the lights on in October and continue their use until March and April.

Annual Report, 1949

Working in close cooperation with poultry pathologists, the Extension Poultrymen stressed the importance of clean land, rotation, use of litter, chicken pox and Newcastle vaccinations and the control of internal and external parasites. Seven thousand four hundred fifty-two families were assisted in controlling various types of poultry diseases and parasites.
4-H Club Poultry Work.-Poultry club members were assisted in their program of supplying poultry meat and eggs for home consumption and for market. Some poultry club members have specialized in egg production, while others have produced broilers for home use and for market. Poultry demonstrations were conducted at the 4-H boys' and girls' campiis and at short courses in Gainesville and Tallahassee.

Fig. 9. Commissioner of Agiicultuie Nathan Mayo gives a $100 scholarship to the high judge in the 4-HI poultry judging contest, as Claude H. Wolfe, president of the Cential Floiida Exposition, looks on.

The special 4-H poultry demonstration project for girls, sponsored by Sears, Roebuck Foundation, wvas continued in 18 counties. This project requires the member to raise the birds, keep records of activities and exhibit at pullet and egg shows.
The third annual district 4-H poultry and egg show and judging contest was held at Chipley, Saturday, January 15, with club members from 10 western counties participating. Three hundred twenty-thiee birds and 42 dozen eggs were entered. The annual state 4-H poultry and egg show and judging contest was held in connection xvith the Central Florida Exposition at Orlando, February 21-26. One hundred twenty-six clulP members from 21 counties participated in the show and 57 club members entered the judging contest. The high point judge proved to be Hai'old Lewis of Dade County, and the Dade County boys' team was high point

60 Florida Cooperative Extension

team in the contest. A total of 1,632 birds and 168 dozen eggs were entered in the show.
During the year 2,147 boys and 2,308 girls were enrolled in poultry projects. Of this number, 1,497 boys and 1,602 girls completed their projects with a total of 160,389 birds.
Poultry Institutes.-The eighth annual Florida Poultry Institute was held at Camp McQuarrie, August 29-September 3. The program included discussions on broiler production, pullet management, hatchery problems, layer management, merchandising eggs and poultry, and diseases. The Florida State Poultry Producers' Association and the Florida Hatchery and Breeder Association held their annual meetings during the Institute. All state agencies cooperated in making the Institute successful.
The second annual west Florida Poultry Institute was held at DeFuniak Springs July 9. The Walton County agent was in charge of the program, which consisted of talks on broiler production, disease prevention and control, marketing and outlook and producing market and hatching eggs. At the conclusion of the program, a tour to feed mixing plants, processing plants and broiler farms was made.
Marketing Eggs and Poultry Meat.-The egg quality program, sponsored jointly by the Florida Poultry Council and the several educational agencies, has resulted in better quality eggs and poultry meat being offered the consumer. The program has been developed for the producer, dealer and consumer. In cooperation with the poultry and egg division of the State Department of Agriculture, candling and grading demonstrations were given and information was furnished the industry concerning the specifications and requirements of Florida's egg and poultry law. Thirtysix poultry and egg inspectors have cooperated with the Extension Poultrymen in furthering the quality program. These workers supervised grading and labeling 34,000,000 pounds of dressed poultry and 39,500,000 dozen eggs during the period July 1, 1948, to June 30, 1949.
Assistance in marketing poultry products was given to 3,024 farmers or families in 616 communities. Three new cooperatives have been organized. Seven established cooperatives were assisted. There were 247 members in these 10 organizations.
National Poultry Improvement Plan.-The State Livestock Sanitary Board is the officially designated state agency to administer the National Poultry Improvement Plan in Florida. Since 1935, this program has developed with the cooperation of various poultry associations and the Extension Service.
Eighty hatcheries with a total capacity of 3,317,811 eggs are cooperating in the plan. Of these, 51 with a capacity of 2,171,213 eggs, or 66 percent of the total, are pullorum clean; 23 with a capacity of 1,012,618 eggs, or 31 percent are pullorum passed, and six with a capacity of, 104,980 eggs, or 3 percent, were pullorum controlled.
Annual Breeders' Conference.-The annual breeders' conference, sponsored by the Extension Service in cooperation with the Florida Hatchery and Breeder Association, was held in Gainesville December 8-9, 1948. There were 40 people in attendance. The main topics of discussion were inbred-hybrids, selection of breeding birds, Newcastle disease in hatchery operations and hatchery problems.
RMA Project, Egg Phase.-Extension Poultrymen completed work on the RMA project during 1949 and did not request that provisions be made

Annual Report, 1949 61

for its continuation in 1950. Surveys were made of producers, handle-_ s, distributors and users of eggs in eight western Florida counties. This survey was made under provisions of the Federal Research and Marketing Act. Purpose of the activity was to determine methods of improving egg quality on the farm and to develop plans for merchandising more efficiently eggs of higher quality.
Chicken-of -Tomorrow Contest.-The 1949 Florida Chicken-of -Tomorrow Contest was started March 30 and continued for a 12 weeks' growing period. Then each contestant selected 15 cockerels and sent them to Jacksonville, where they were judged and prizes were awarded. The contest was divided into two classes, senior and 4-H. There were 16 contestants in the senior division and 42 in the 4-H division.

Florida Cooperative Extension

Part III - Work with Women and Girls

Mary E. Keown, State Home Demonstration Agent Ruby McDavid, District Agent'
Ethyl Holloway, District Agent
Edith Y. Barrus, District Agent

Home demonstration workers were responsible for development and supervision of programs of work for both white and negro home demonstration club women and 4-11 girls and shared responsibility for the general Extension program.

A state home demonstration agent, three district agents, seven specialists, 45 home demonstration agents, 12 assistant home demonstration agents, 11 negro home demonstration agents and a negro district agent guided home demonstration work in Florida.
There were 26 clerical assistants in county and state offices paid entirely or in part from funds assigned to home demonstration work.
The State Home Demonstration Agent supervised work of all home demonstration agents and maintained satisfactory relationships in home demonstration work within the Extension Service and with other agencies.
District Agents had the responsibility of developing the general program and locating qualified personnel for county positions. They supervise agents' activities, obtain and maintain budgets for home demonstration agents and contact cooperating county boards and people in order to maintain home demonstration programs suited to county needs. Each of the District Agents accepted specific duties, such as work with negroes, organization of 4-H clubs and councils and guiding the work of the State Home Demonstration council.
Specialists gave needed assistance and training in their specific fields to home demonstration agents. Specialists reported assisting with 214 meetings attended by 10,916 people.
Forty-four boards of county commissioners and nine county school boards cooperated in maintaining home demonstration work in their counties. In 15 counties, county boards increased appropriations to permit expansion of work so that more people might be served. Improved facilities for office and field work were provided. Eighteen counties increased salary supplements to help with automobile maintenance. Eleven counties made major improvements in office arrangements by providing new offices or enlarging present facilities. All counties provided additional equipment and materials to help the home demonstration agents give more eff active demonstrations. Several counties provided for workrooms or kitchens. Three counties made major improvements in their county canning centers.

3Retired May 31, 1949.

Annual Report, 1949 63

Changes in the state office included the retirement of one District Agent on May 31. On October 1 the Nutritionist was transferred to that position. The Health Improvement Specialist, whose position was maintained cooperatively by the Extension Service, the State Board of Health and State Improvement Commission, resigned September 30. A Home Industries and Marketing Specialist was employed November 16.
Eleven changes were made in county positions during the year. Two home demonstration agents resigned to re-enter college for advanced study, two left the state to be with their families, three married, one entered another field of work and one transferred to a state position. Nine appointments were made to fill these vacancies. Two negro home demonstration agents were appointed to fill vacancies which occurred last year.
Home demonstration agents received training at the annual State Short Course for 4-H Girls, at the State Home Demonstration Council meeting and at two annual Extension conferences, one for white agents and one for negro agents. Eight home demonstration agents attended the threeweeks' summer school for Extension workers at the University of Florida in June.

Fig. 10.-Volunteer local leaders help importantly in conducting 4-H club
work. This vrour) assisted with State Short Courqp-

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Local Leadership.-At the request of the State Home Demonstration Council, a series of six training meetings was held for 555 leaders and home demonstration agents from 45 counties. At these IY2 day meetings, District Agents and the State Girls' 4-11 Club Agent showed adult leaders how they could strengthen 4-H club work in their communities.
Home demonstration agents reported holding 363 training meetings on adult home demonstration work, attended by 5,673 leaders, and 407 4-H training meetings for 5,740 leaders.
Community Clubs.-There were 12,564 women enrolled in 473 home demonstration clubs. There were 14,865 girls enrolled in 685 4-H clubs. Agents reported 16,190 farm families and 20,654 non-farm families adopted practices resulting from the home demonstration program.
-.Activities.-Home demonstration agents traveled 722,888 miles mak-ln_23,757 different home visits, attending club and council meetings and making other necessary trips. They received 71,090 visitors at their offices, answered 67,195 telephone calls, wrote 38,524 letters and distributed 179,073 bulletins.
Home demonstration agents reported giving 4,003 method demonstrations to 87,051 home demonstration club women and 5,840 method demonstrations to a combined attendance of 121,109 4-H girls. They also assisted in planning and setting up 6,510 exhibits and displays.
The Extension editorial department helped home demonstration agents make more effective use of press and radio. Home demonstration agents reported that 5,214 news articles were printed and 881 radio broadcasts made. They pointed out that excellent cooperation was received from newspaper editors and radio station directors.
4-H Short Course.-The thirty-fourth Florida Short Course for 4-H Club Girls was held at Florida State University, Tallahassee, in June. Delegates included 478 outstanding 4-H club girls from 45 counties, 30 leaders, 56 home demonstration agents, 34 college 4-H club girls and seven instructors other than staff members. Demonstrations were presented on clothing, dairying, food conservation, foods and nutrition, gardening and orcharding, health, exterior and interior home improvement, home safety, poultry and recreation. Training was also given in music appreciation, presenting devotionals and 4-H organization.
Silver Jubilee, State Home Demonstration Council.-The State Home Demonstration Council, with a membership of 33 organized councils, celebrated its 25th anniversary at the annual meeting held at the University of Florida, Gainesville, in August. More than 200 delegates heard talks by former State Home Demonstration Agent, Mrs. Flavia Gleason Mims, and the National Home Demonstration Council president, Mrs. Malcolm Byrnes of Louisiana. The council was concerned with evaluation of accomplishments and careful planning of a program of work.
In celebration of National Home Demonstration Week, May 1-7, home demonstration councils reported 42 radio broadcasts made, Ill news stories and 23 feature stories published, 56 exhibits set up, 26 achievement programs and 23 community meetings held, 10 tours to result demonstrations and eight receptions held.
Libraries.-In 14 counties, 70 communities were assisted in providing library facilities.

Annual Report, 1949

Lorene Stevens, State Girls' 4-H Club Agent
The 14,865 4-H club girls in Florida, with the guidance and assistance of their families, local leaders, and home demonstration agents, carried on 49,616 demonstrations in foods and nutrition, clothing and textiles, interior and exterior home improvement, food preservation, safety and fire prevention, child care, home dairying, home gardening, poultry, livestock and others. Eight thousand six hundred seventy-four 4-H club girls completed 32,221 projects. To complete a project, a 4-H club girl exhibits articles or products representative of the project and submits to the home demonstration agent a complete record, including a story of the project. In many counties, 4-H club girls gave method demonstrations relating to their field of work before attaining the local requirements for completion. Five thousand eight hundred forty method demonstrations were given by the 4-H club girls.
Many 4-H club girls used information relating to their projects to establish result demonstrations in agriculture and homemaking in their homes and on the farms. These result demonstrations have led to "greater profit, culture, and influence" for the families, who established the demonstrations, and for neighbors and friends, who have seen and heard of successful results in agriculture and homemaking achieved by 4-H club girls.
All 4-H club work for Florida girls is conducted through neighborhood and community 4-H club organizations under the direction of the home demonstration agents. Representatives of local 4-H clubs composed the membership of 29 junior councils in 29 counties and were responsible for assisting with planning county-wide 4-H activities in these counties. The State Junior Council has encouraged county participation in observance of National 4-H Week, National 4-H Achievement Week and Rural Life Sunday. This organization participated in the national 4-H project of sending CARE packages to foreign countries and in a foreign youth correspondence program.
Though 4-H club work for boys and girls is organized separately, there are many community, county and state activities which are planned and conducted jointly.
Home demonstration workers have stressed the value of leadership in the 4-H club program for girls and its function in the development of individuals and in the 4-H program.
Eight hundred fifty-four women, who serve as 4-H leaders, have given encouragement, time and effort to the development of the program with girls. Training in 4-11 club leadership has been provided adult leaders by the home demonstration agents, state staff members and others through conferences, group training meetings, visual aids, home demonstration clubs, letters and bulletins. As a result of the leadership emphasis, 5,740 local leaders attended 407 community and county training meetings.
Through the work of the State Senior Council of Home Demonstration Work, local home demonstration clubs selected a 4-H chairman whose responsibility was to serve as a liaison between the two home demonstra-

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tion groups, adult and 4-H, in the community and county. As a result of this activity, there has been an increase in interest among home demonstration club women in the 4-H activities.
One of the most valuable sources of leadership has been from the 4-H girls themselves. Four-H girls served as officers of their local clubs and of county and State Junior Councils as planning committee members, as demonstrators, and chairmen of subject matter demonstrations, as speakers at meetings of civic organizations and at local achievement events, tours and fairs.
Although many 4-H club girls of all ages assumed leadership responsibilities, 859 older 4-H club girls were actively engaged in forwarding 4-H club work.
Individuals and commercial groups provided awards for recognition of leadership and project achievements which stimulated interest among the girls and also among individuals and groups not directly connected with the 4-H program.
Achievement Events.-Forty-seven thousand nine hundred eighty-four people attended the 533 community and county achievement events and tours to see exhibits of articles representing the projects conducted by 4-H club girls.

Fig. 11-The candlelight ceremony, signifying the extension of 4-H club benefits to others, is an impressive part of most camping periods for girls.

Fairs.-Four-H club girls participated in county, regional and state fairs, livestock and poultry shows. They placed exhibits representing their work at most of these events. Ten counties selected their top team demonstrators for two appearances at the Florida State Fair, Tampa, with different county groups appearing each day.

Annual Report, 1949

Five counties were represented by teams at the Leon County Fair and more than 50 teams from Orange County gave method demonstrations during the Central Florida Exposition. This show was also the setting for the State 4-H Poultry and Dairy Show, where 4-H club girls from 13 counties exhibited birds and eggs from their poultry flocks.
National Events The national events participated in by Florida 4-11 club girls included the National 4-H Club Camp, Washington, D. C.; National 4-H Club Congress, Chicago; American Youth Foundation Christian Leadership Training Camp, Muskegon, Michigan; National 4-H Club Week, National 4-H Achievement Week and Rural Life Sunday. In some instances, these national events were joint activities planned and directed by 4-H club boys and girls.
State Girls' 4-H Short Course Six hundred 4-H club girls, adult leaders and home demonstration agents participated in the activities of the 34th annual State Girls' 4-H Short Course in Tallahassee in June. Small groups received information in clothing, dairying, food preservation, devotionals, courtesies, foods and nutrition, 4-H organization, gardens and fruits, health improvement, interior and exterior home improvement, home safety, music, poultry and recreation from members of the State Agricultural Extension Service staff, men and women, and others trained in specific fields of work. General activities, such as recreation, tours, and a candlelighting service, were participated in by the entire group. The members of the College 4-11 Club of Florida State University assisted with preparation and direction of the short course by serving as assistants to group instructors, as group leaders, as monitors in the dining hall and with other details.

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Joyce Bevis, Clothing Specialist

The Clothing Specialist spent 169 days in the office on such activities as general planning and evaluating in joint staff conferences, planning a clothing program to fit the needs of homemakers, scheduling travel time, prepaling leaflets and other teaching aids, making reports and keeping informed on new developments in clothing and textiles.
She spent 120 days with home demonstration agents and 4-H club members giving method demon strations, assisting with leader training, attending county achievement days, council meetings, regularly scheduled home demonstration club meetings, camp activities and county fairs. The Clothing Specialist seived about 4,000 people in some direct way.
Informational material prepared included a circular letter and instruction sheet for each activity in two clothing demonstrations. The instruction sheet was prepared to encourage larger enrollment and completion of clothing projects.

Fig. 12. These home demonstration club women baste an attractive slipcover on a couch.

Leader training meetings with home demonstration agents, 4-H leaders and home demonstration clothing chairmen proved valuable in developing the clothing program. In 4-H1 leader-training meetings, the home demonstration agent and Clothing Specialist gave instruction on how to teach skills in clothing construction, how to help girls plan interesting meetings, keep records and write stories. With hiomec demonstration clothing chair-

Ammal Report, 1949

men, the hoine demonstration agent and Clothing Specialist showed how leaders can make their club meetings more interesting and educational by means of exhibits, demonstrations, short reports, illustrated talks, and the use of charts and posters.
First, the home demonstration agent and Clothing Specialist demonstrated each method and discussed how the method might fit into a regularly planned program. Then the leaders, working in pairs, selected one method and presented it as they would at their own club meetings. After each leader presented her activity, the group discussed the value of the presentation by praising good points and giving suggestions for improvement. Leaders gained confidence and poise in getting up before groups and seemed inspired to become more active.

Fig. 13-This clothing exhibit by 4-H girls showed accomplishments of their nimble fingers.

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The annual conference for Extension workers and the annual State Home Demonstration Council meeting gave the Clothing Specialist opportunities to present new subject matter, outlook information and existing situations in the clothing and textile field to home demonstration agents, as a group. Further help in planning and conducting the clothing program was given to individual home demonstration agents through conferences in the counties and at summer camps. The Clothing Specialist assisted with three one-week camps for 4-H girls.
At the 4-H short course for club girls in Tallahassee in June the Clothing Specialist worked with 300, or half, the girls and leaders present. Clothing record books and exhibits were used to demonstrate how to read and follow directions. In the dress revue, 110 girls representing 34 counties modeled clothes which they made. Jane Suber of Gadsden County was judged dress revue winner and Emma Nell Lawrence of Jackson County was selected state clothing achievement winner. They attended the National 4-H Congress in Chicago.
Combined reports of home demonstration agents show 2,742 days were spent on clothing and textile work. Eight hundred eighteen local leaders helped home demonstration agents in 704 communities to assist 15,301 families with clothing construction problems, 11,078 families with selection of clothing and textiles, 10,946 families with care, renovation and remodeling of clothing and 2,310 families with clothing accounts. Of the 10,905 girls enrolled in 4-H clothing, 6,642 completed their projects, which included making 21,012 garments and remodeling 5,398 other garments.

Annual Report, 1949

Anna Mae Sikes, Extension Nutritionist
The food and nutrition program was one phase of the Extension plan for improving healthful living in Florida. The program was cooperatively planned and developed with other specialists, District Agents, the State Home Demonstration Agent and other groups.
The plan of work for the Nutritionist was based on needs and interests shown by field and research groups. Plans, made on an annual basis, were adjusted as needs arose or new situations were encountered.
Programs were planned and varied to serve the needs of all groups. Emphasis was placed on providing adequate food and nutrition information and developing plans which would insure good nutrition, despite factors which tended to keep many families from having optimum nutrition and health.
The methods used included developing local leaders and establishing individual and family result demonstrations. Many activities were used to interest and reach large groups.
The program for adults was organized around three basic phases: (1) nutrition and health, (2) food selection, preparation and meal planning and (3) home production of the family food supply.
In the nutrition and health phase, emphasis was placed on improvement of health through an appreciation of what good nutrition can contribute to health, a working knowledge of what constitutes a healthful diet at the different stages of life and economic ability to provide a nutritional diet. Reports showed 8,446 families were assisted to recognize the difference between good and poor nutrition; 21,654 families were assisted in improving diets; 38 nutrition or health clinics were organized; 211 food ani nutrition exhibits were arranged by women. Three hundred seventy-one women served as nutrition chairmen.
Food selection, preparation and meal planning included the right choice of food, home production or wise purchasing of food, proper storage of food, scientific preparation and cooking of food and serving of appetizing family meals. Home demonstration agents reported 19,054 families adopted improved practices in food preparation; 5,819 families in baking; 3,932 families in use of dairy products; 2,167 families in use of fats; 5,033 families in meat cookery; 4,431 families in use of poultry products; 6,962 families in vegetable and fruit cookery and 9,686 families prepared food for home use, using methods to conserve the most food value. Six hundred ninety-two communities participated in nutrition work with 665 volunteer local leaders assisting with the development of the program.
Reports show that through the influence of nutrition work, 3,859 families budgeted and bought food wisely through quality, quantity and cooperative buying, 7,512 families planned three well-balanced meals to include daily the basic seven food groups and 7,512 families were trained to use local and seasonal foods to their best advantage. From the emphasis on work with young homemakers, reports show that 3 726 young homemakers and mothers were assisted with food preparation, i,317 families with money management and 2,977 with child feeding.
Home production of food was advocated for improving nutrition and health as well as for economical reasons. The Nutritionist recommended

72 Florida Cooperative Extension

that all families, where practicable, adopted the basic "live-at-home" program. Home demonstration agents reported 20,606 families were assisted in improving food supply by making changes in home food production of vegetables, fruits, milk, meat, poultry and eggs. Twenty thousand nine hundred seventy-one families were assisted with food preservation problems.
Objectives of the 4-H club food and nutrition program were to develop the desire and ability of the girls to plan, produce, market, store, prepare and serve simple, well-balanced meals, using home-grown or locally produced foods, where practical. The food and nutrition program included application of the principles of management, safety, health, wise use of resources and development of satisfactory personal relationships.
Efforts were made to develop a flexible program to interest first-year 4-H club girls and meet needs and interests of older club girls. Training and use of local leaders were important parts of the Nutritionist's work with the 4-H program. Emphasis was placed on work meetings, judging and team demonstrations by 4-H club girls, demonstrations by trained leaders, social activities, playlets, skits, radio broadcasts, short course and camping experiences. Personal record keeping was an important part of this program. More emphasis was placed upon personal habits and attitudes of the 4-H club member as the three following projects were developed, (1) nutrition and health improvement, (2) food selection, preparation and meal planning and (3) home production of food.
Home demonstration agents reported 2,542 4-H club girls were enrolled in health improvement, 1,243 4-H girls had physical examinations and 1,042 nutrition exhibits were arranged by 4-H club girls.
Eight thousand six hundred forty-five 4-H club girls, enrolled in food selection, preparation, meal planning and/or baking projects, planned 53,418 meals and served 59,547 meals. They gave 1,180 food preparation demonstrations.
Two thousand three hundred eight girls enrolled in poultry projects, which included 46,152 birds; 507 girls enrolled in dairying with 689 animals involved; 158 girls enrolled in beef cattle demonstrations with 135 animals involved and 234 girls enrolled in swine projects with 468 animals involved.
Four hundred forty-one adult leaders and 258 older 4-H club girls assisted with developing the food and nutrition program.

Annual Report, 1949

Grace I. Neely, Associate Economist in Food Conservation
Home Gardens, Fruit Plantings.-The Food Conservationist encouraged home gardens and fruit plantings to insure a good home food supply. Home demonstration club women in 43 counties planted 10,312 home gardens, according to reports from home demonstration agents.
Food Conservation-The Food Conservationist re-emphasized to home demonstration agents the need for encouraging better quality homepreserved food. Method demonstrations were given on all phases of food conservation, including canning, preparation and packing foods for freezing, care and checking of equipment, curing meats, making preserves, marmalades and pickles and cooler storage for canned foods.
Food preservation demonstrations based on most recent research were presented to food preservation chairmen. These leaders were shown how to help others have more nutritious daily meals by producing and preserving food at home. In 34 counties 648 food preservation chairmen or voluntary leaders assisted home demonstration agents in presenting accurate food preservation information in their communities.
An increasing number of requests was received from both rural and urban families and managers of local freezer-locker plants for demonstrations and information on preparing and packaging foods for freezing. County reports show home demonstration club families own over 1,000 home freezers and farm families rented 8,537 freezer lockers. Since so many families own home freezers and also rent freezer lockers to insure added services and space, the exact percentage of families using freezing as a method of food preservation has not been tabulated. A large percent of all home demonstration club families reported using freezer-lockers to freeze part of their home foods to insure better diets. Most of the home freezers are from 10 to 30 cubic feet capacity.
At a two-day farmers' institute held at 4-H Club Camp Cherry Lake, with 350 people attending, the Food Conservationist helped set up exhibits on the family food supply. Since meat for the family was emphasized on this program, the Food Conservationist gave a demonstration on the preparation of meats for freezing.
Members of the State Home Demonstration Council re-established a five-jar can-for-quality contest this year at their annual meeting. The women felt that through this exhibit they would encourage better canned foods and a higher quality, more economical source of food.
4-11 Gardening, Fruit Plantings, Food Conservation.-Florida 4-H club girls are required to carry at least one productive project such as gardening, fruit planting, care of family cow or the poultry flock. This contributes materially to an over-all agricultural program for rural families and for all-round development of the 4-H club girl. Home demonstration agents report 4,761 girls were enrolled in gardening and 793 girls were in fruit planting.
Of the 3,209 4-H club girls enrolled in food preservation, 2,149 completed their demonstrations.
Twenty-one records and stories of 4-H club girls were entered in the state gardening contest. The winning girl's record was judged with the winning boy's record, and a 4-H club girl, Gussie Mae Hunter from Columbia County, received first state honors. Fifteen counties submitted canning records and stories in the state contest. Five 4-H club girls submitted records and stories for the first time on freezing foods.

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Bonnie J. Carter, Home Improvement Specialist
Major home improvement problems and opportunities include housing, family living and consumer education.
The home improvement program was planned and carried out in 46 counties through home demonstration agents, groups of volunteer leaders, senior and junior councils, club meetings, county rural housing committees, 4-H girls and women' achievement days, tours, home visits and work with other organizations and individuals.
Assistance was given to negroes through the negro District Home Demonstration Agent and through conferences and training meetings with negro home demonstration agents. Bulletins, records, posters, exhibits and other materials were also provided these agents.
Housing.-Florida needs more rural homes built for comfort, convenience, health and beauty in order that rural people may live more satisfying lives and become better citizens. The home demonstration agents reported that 3,505 families were assisted with problems relating to building and remodeling homes; 2,601 with kitchens and 3,568 with

Fig. 14-These girls give a demonstration in good lighting during the course in interior home improvement at Short Course.

Annual Report, 1949

other room improvements this year. Improved storage facilities for food, clothing and household supplies were built by 2,092 families. There were 1,393 families who arranged for better laundry space and equipment. For comfort and convenience, families installed 781 sewage disposal units, 833 sanitary toilets, 896 water systems and 372 heating systems. Five thousand three hundred forty families improved screens and ways of controlling insects and rodents and 8,374 families followed better practices of handling and disposing of garbage.
Extension of electric lines by rural electric cooperatives made electricity available to more homes. As as result, Extension agents assisted 1,823 families in obtaining electricity. Assistance with lighting and electrical equipment problems was given to 3,606 families with 12,347 pieces of electrical equipment being obtained. Extension agents helped 644 families use electricity to increase income.
Six thousand nine hundred sixty families improved their home grounds, with 1,650 of them using plans for complete landscaping. Nine hundred nine families started lawns, while 5,169 others maintained lawns already established. Nine thousand five hundred thirty-four families made foundation plantings, while 9,232 others pruned, fertilized and otherwise cared for foundation plantings already established. Some families built and improved fences and gates, out-door living areas and grills. Two thousand twenty-eight houses were painted. In addition, 239 clubs in 26 counties carried out organized clean-up campaigns.
Family Living.-Family living became more complicated daily and familiess found it difficult to make income, ability and time meet the needs ind demands of family members. Some problems home demonstration agents helped solve related to increasing family income, spending wisely, reducingg food and feed when practicable, practicing orderly work habits, obtainingg needed medical and dental care, providing for educational, recceational and religious opportunities for all family members and security for old age.
Agents helped 6,418 families become better housekeepers; 2,132 make betterr use of their time; 885 with home accounts; 1,059 with financial planning and 338 with better use of credit. Seventy-nine 4-11 club girls were taught how to keep personal accounts.
To prepare to be better parents and counselors for young people, 3,131 families took advantage of assistance in child guidance offered through the home demonstration program, while 3,427 families sought to improve family relationships and 271 men and 2,690 women participated in child-development and parent-education programs.
Home demonstration agents, volunteer leaders and 4-H club members assumed responsibility for recreation in their respective counties. In 50 counties, 429 communities were assisted in improving recreational facilities. The 104 club houses and club rooms, owned or controlled by home demonstration groups in 36 counties, were used for club meetings, work meetings and recreation for both adult and youth groups. Thirty-six counties reported 678 entertainments held for socials or for raising funds.
Nine hundred ten local leaders assisted Extension agents with recreational activities. In addition, 2,137 4-H club girls received training in recreational leadership and 2,346 in music appreciation. 4-H club girls in 487 groups engaged in community activities such as school ground improvement and fairs. Since community recreation does not meet all the needs of people, 6,008 families were helped to improve recreation at home.

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To off er facilities for reading, 70 communities in 24 counties were assisted in providing library facilities.
Consumer Education Home demonstration agents reported 3,115 families assisted with food buying problems, 3,952 with purchase of clothing and household textiles, 2,524 with purchase of household furnishings and equipment and 2,311 with purchase of household supplies. In addition, 5,224 families were assisted with repairing, refinishing and remodeling household furnishings. Seven thousand two hundred forty-two families were assisted with consumer buying, 5,943 families were helped in decisions to make their own rather than buy, and 6,239 families were assisted in using timely economic information to make adjustments in family living.
These families were assisted with home improvement problems by home demonstration agents and 832 volunteer leaders, who gave 1,118 method demonstrations before women, 739 before girls and attended 99 leader training meetings for women and 83 for girls.
4-H Club Work.-The 4-H club home improvement program is designed to stimulate the club members' interest in learning to do simple home tasks well, to make interior and exterior home improvements and to become a well-adjusted member of her family and her community. Home demonstration agents' records show that 2,494 girls enrolled in homemaking or housekeeping projects, while 3,371 enrolled in room improvement and home furnishings projects, which included improving 2,228 rooms and making 9,626 articles to adorn their rooms and homes. Three thousand seventyseven girls were enrolled in home grounds beautification projects.
The Home Improvement Specialist trained 4-H girls, their leaders and home demonstration agents in interior and exterior home improvement at the 4-H short course in Tallahassee in June. She also prepared demonstration outlines and compiled home improvement information for use at 4-H club meetings and camps.

Annual Report, 1949

Gladys Kendall, Home Industries and Marketing Specialist
On November 16, 1949, the Home Industries and Marketing Specialist was employed to assist farm women and others in developing home industries and marketing and utilizing Florida products and materials. The program includes improvement and good management of home industries already underway, securing wider distribution and use of Florida agricultural products, establishing and maintaining high quality standards for marketable products by supplying timely information and training in skills necessary to produce quality products.
This program will be developed by working with all Extension agents, local leaders, individuals and groups of consumers. Such groups will include home demonstration club women, 4-H girls, commodity organizations and business concerns.
This year, home demonstration agents reported working in 1,907 d;fferent communities with 7,291 families on problems concerning marketing and home industries. They were assisted in these activities by 1,079 volunteer leaders. Nine hundred eighty-eight of the families assisted with marketing problems reported receiving a grand total of $1,306,494.37 from farm

Fig. 15-These home demonstration club members staged a crafts display and bazaar that not only displayed a wide variety of articles but helped them to profit from their handiwork.


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and home products sold. In a few instances home products sales represented the only cash income of the family, but generally they represented added income. Home demonstration agents, reporting marketing activities, worked in or near large urban areas where ready markets exist. All home industries and marketing activities were carried on in connection with other phases of the home demonstration program.
Food Products and Other Commodities.-Home demonstration agents, assisted by 705 volunteer leaders, helped 3,766 families living in 788 different communities with production of food and other commodities. Home demonstration club members and 4-H club girls reported receiving $1,231,933.38 for products which included poultry, eggs, garden produce, dairy products, fruit, livestock, honey and baked and canned foods.
Home Products and Crafts.-Home industries activities provide opportunities to develop skills in making various articles, to study and apply principles of color, to add attractive articles to homes, to make worthwhile use of leisure time by developing hobbies as well as to provide additional income from sale of articles. Home demonstration agents, assisted by 257 leaders, worked 213 days in 889 communities demonstrating skills and techniques in home industries. A total of $77,601.97 worth of home products and handicraft articles were sold by home demonstration club women.
Three hundred ninety-one method demonstrations, attended by 4,061 women and 2,722 girls, were given in making handicraft articles from native materials by home demonstration agents and leaders. As a result of these demonstrations, 4,801 standardized articles were completed.
The home demonstration club women and 4-H club girls made 34,956 articles for use in their homes, for gifts and for sale. These articles included 12,865 aluminum trays and other articles, 1,962 ceramic pieces including dishes, 2,527 rugs, 1,770 stenciled articles, 1,659 pieces of etched glass, 738 handbags of plastic or felt, 161 lamps, 471 wood and straw trays, 231 sock dolls, 120 pieces of painted glass and china, 55 wastebaskets, 290 copper tooled items, 250 yule logs for burning, 292 quilts, 424 pieces of shell jewelry and 11,141 pieces of handicraft, which included handwoven articles, household linens, crocheted and knitted goods, Christmas wreaths and candles.
Other Activities.-Home demonstration agents participated in activities which promoted use and better distribution of plentiful foods, such as the . Use More Citrus" campaign. Home demonstration agents cooperated with the State Chamber of Commerce, the Federation of Women's Clubs and school lunchroom programs.
An undetermined number of individuals added to their income by working as baby-sitters, in fields when crops were harvested, in factories, community canning centers and school lunchrooms.
Home demonstration and 4-H club members added indirectly to the family income when they made donations of home-grown or made products and services, rather than cash, to worthwhile community projects.
All home demonstration agents reported sales, dinners and entertainments, given by home demonstration club and council groups, for such purposes as building and repairing community houses, improving cemeteries, recreational facilities, church and school grounds, fund drives for various service organizations, donating to the district 4-H club camp building fund and providing funds for club and council activities.

Annual Report, 1949 79

Lucille Russ, Health Improvement Specialist'
Effective June 1, 1948, a plan for a program of rural health education was established with the Agricultural Extension Service, the State Board of Health and Hospital Division of the State Improvement Commission cooperating.
Early in the year the State Health Officer and the Director of Extension jointly arranged a meeting of the Health Improvement Specialist,- State Home Demonstration Agent, Director of the Hospital Program, State Improvement Commission, and personnel of the State Board of Health to work out plans for holding a series of joint rural health conferences.
Four one-day rural health conferences were held in northern and western Florida with representatives of the three cooperating agencies present. Local health problems from the standpoint of agricultural interests, facilities available, socio-economic conditions and possibilities of cooperatively planning for community organizations for better health were included in the sessions. As a follow-up of these conferences, local groups worked out plans to fit their situations.
The Health Improvement Specialist provided consultation and guidance to various individuals and groups in developing and improving their health education activities. Health education work was conducted at meetings of home demonstration clubs and councils, veterans' classes, county agricultural councils, health councils and rural housing committees.
The Health Improvement Specialist carried on specific work in 12 counties, contacting county and home demonstration agents and county and community agencies concerned with health programs, health departments, county superintendents of public instruction, school lunch program supervisors, welfare departments and others.
The Health Improvement Specialist worked with the Nutritionist on sanitary food supply and nutrition problems, the Home Improvement. Specialist on child care, safety and first-aid, the Agricultural Engineer on housing and safety, the Clothing Specialist in related health activities, and the Assistant Animal Industrialist.
In June the Health Improvement Specialist taught daily courses on health at the 4-H short course for girls and the negro 4-H short course. She also assisted with the program at two 4-H camps.
At the annual meeting of the State Home Demonstration Council in Gainesville in August plans were set up for continuing a planned rural health program. Each of the 31 county home demonstration councils and most of the 831 home demonstration clubs for women and 4-H clubs had a health chairman who was responsible for carrying out the health program in the communities.
The Health Improvement Specialist served as consultant on health education at a workshop at Florida State University, which was attended by supervisors and public school teachers from Levy and Gilchrist counties. She also participated in a farm and home institute at Cherry Lake.
The Health Improvement Specialist led the discussion on "Health Councils, Rural and Urban" at the annual meeting of the Southern branch
4Resigned September 30, 1949.

80 Florida Cooperative Extension

of the American Public Health Association, Dallas, Texas. Seventeen Southern states were represented at the meeting.
County and home demonstration agents assisted local chapters of the American Red Cross, Tuberculosis and Health Association, American Cancer Society and National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis in carrying on educational programs.
Combined reports of agents showed 6,462 families in 35 counties were aided in prevention of colds and other common diseases, 9,343 families in 34 counties were encouraged to have immunization for typhoid, diphtheria, smallpox and other diseases, 2,402 families in 30 counties were assisted with first-aid or home nursing and 8,677 families in 45 counties were encouraged to remove fire and accident hazards.
In 15 counties 38 nutrition or health clinics were organized through efforts of extension workers. Eight hundred thirty-three families reported installing sanitary toilets or outhouses, while 5,340 families screened their homes or used other recommended methods of controlling flies or other insects.
In 42 counties 2,770 4-H club members had health examinations because of participation in Extension work.

Annual Report, 1949

Part IV - Negro Work

Joseph A. Gresham, Negro District Agent
Farm demonstration work with negroes was carried on in 10 counties. Changes in personnel included the resignation of the Alachua agent and new appointments in Alachua and Jackson counties.
.Since this was the Negro District Agent's first year in the state, l7e spent time in getting acquainted with people and agricultural conditions.
The Negro District Agent attempted to obtain increases in salaries of county agents in seven counties. Five counties agreed to provide some additional money for negro work and two counties agreed to consider increases soon. Five counties furnished well located offices with necessary equipment to carry on a sound program. Three counties provided part-time clerical help for negro county agents.
The annual conference for negro Extension workers was held at Florida A. & M. College, Tallahassee, October 31 through November 3. Training in program planning, office management and field visits was presented by state Extension personnel and representatives of the USDA.
Negro county agents reported holding 114 training meetings for 481 adult leaders and 725 4-H club leaders.
4-11 Club Work.-There were 2,189 negro boys enrolled in 4,855 4-H projects. Of this number 1,670 boys completed 3,936 projects.
In order to offer additional training and recreation to 4-H club members, a state 4-H short course was held at Florida A. & M. College, Tallahassee, May 30-June 3. A total of 321 boys and girls, with outstanding records of project achievement from counties where negro county and home demonstration agents are employed, attended the short course.
One hundred seventy-five 4-H club boys and leaders from 10 counties camped two periods from July 11-23 at the Doe Lake 4-H club camp in the Ocala National Forest. This camp is the first permanent camp for negro 4-H club members in Florida and has 10 cabins, a main building and a caretaker's home. The camp, which is located on a 30-acre lake, will accommodate 130 at one camping period. In previous years small tents provided shelter at district camps.
Four 4-11 club boys who were outstanding in project achievements and leadership attended the second regional negro 4-H camp at A. and I. State College, Nashville, Tennessee, July 26-August 2. Four 4-11 club girls, the Negro Home Demonstration Agent of Hillsborough County and the Negro District Agent were in the group representing Florida.
Achievement days were held in seven counties with an attendance of 4,543 people.
A fat stock show and sale was held in Gadsden County with 234 club members selling 24 animals for $4,599.63. The grand champion, which weighed 890 pounds sold for $402.98.
Fairs.-Three negro county agents assisted with exhibits at county fairs. Four agents assisted with displays at the Florida State Fair, Tampa, and one negro county agent placed an exhibit at the Central Florida Exposition, Orlando.

Florida Cooperative Extension

Increasing Crop Production.-A summary of county agents' reports showed they assisted 889 farmers in obtaining improved varieties of seed corn, 951 with vegetable problems, 347 with fruit production, 662 with legumes, 296 with cotton production, 702 with tobacco and 321 with pastures.
Increasing Livestock Production.-Negro county agents assisted 76 farmers in obtaining purebred or high-grade female dairy cattle, 10 farmers in obtaining purebred male dairy cattle and 56 in obtaining purebred beef cattle. They assisted 61 farmers in obtaining purebred male swine and 69 in obtaining purebred or high-grade female swine. Sixty-five farmers were assisted in obtaining purebred roosters, 197 in obtaining

Fig. 16.-A negro 4-H1 club boy receives an award transmitted by his
county agent as his negro agent stands by.

Annual Report, 1649

purebred or high-grade pullets and 692 in obtaining better strains of baby chicks.
Seven hundred eighty-six farmers were assisted in improving methods of feeding poultry and 1,385 in controlling diseases and external and internal parasites of poultry.
One thousand thirty-eight farmers were assisted in controlling diseases and external and internal parasites of swine while 683 were helped with these same problems with dairy and beef cattle, horses and mules.
Conserving Natural Resources-Agents assisted 699 farmers in the use of crop rotations, 718 in the use of cover or green-manure crops, '224 in controlling wind or water erosion and 113 in arranging for farm-conservation plans during the year. One thousand one hundred eighty farmers cooperated in preventing forest fires, 226 farmers with problems of land use and 139 with strip-cropping.
Planning Farm Activities.-Agents assisted 462 farmers in developing a farm plan and 214 in developing a farm and home plan. Three hundred thirteen farmers were assisted with credit problems, while 629 were assisted in developing supplemental sources of income. Three hundred sevnty-three farmers were shown how to keep general farm records and 328 were assisted with enterprise and inventory records.
Improving Farm Homes, Farms and Equipment.-Agents assisted 384 farm families in remodeling their homes and 194 with plans for new dwellings. One thousand seventy-eight families screened their dwellings or used other recommended methods of controlling flies or other insects.
Negro county agents also assisted 348 families in obtaining electricity through the rural electrification program. There were 33 families who used electricity for income-producing purposes.
Three hundred four farmers were assisted with construction, remodeling, repairing and selection of farm buildings and equipment. One hundred eighty-nine farmers followed instructions in maintenance and repair of mechanical equipment and 268 were assisted in securing efficient use of mechanical equipment.
Improving Health Conditions.-Agents assisted 1,416 farm families in the prevention of colds and other common diseases, while 2,030 were encouraged to take positive preventive measures to improve health through immunization for contagious diseases. The importance of taking advantage of county health units was stressed.
There were 1,768 families assisted in removing fire and accident hazards in and around the farm and home.
Recreation, Community Life and Family Relationships.-One hundred eighty-eight men participated in child-development and parent-education programs, while 485 families improved family recreation. Forty-eight school or other community grounds were improved during the year and 28 communities were assisted in providing library facilities. County agents took part in civic development programs, churches, Boy Scout organizations, Red Cross, community chest drives, and other activities to improve living conditions of negro people.
Marketing.-Agents devoted 593 days to marketing and distribution of general farm products.

Florida'Cooperative Extension

Floy Britt, Negro District Home Demonstration Agent
Eleven negro home demonstration agents were employed in Florida in 1949. Vacancies which occurred in Columbia and Gadsden counties in 1948 were filled. Negro home demonstration agents studied bulletins and circular letters, listened to radio programs, saw visual aids, attended conferences and followed specialists' recommendations for professional improvement.
Salary increases provided by the state and salary supplements provided by some of the counties encouraged qualified people to accept positions as home demonstration agents. Eight counties supplemented funds for travel and expenses, while three counties provided funds for demonstration and exhibit materials.
Seven negro home demonstration agents shared offices with negro county agents, while the remaining four agents maintained separate offices. Four offices had part-time clerical assistance.
Assistance in Carrying Out Extension Program During the year the negro District Home Demonstration Agent made 69 visits to counties, visited 43 result demonstrations and 56 homes, attended 31 club and council meetings, fairs and achievement days, made 40 talks, gave 22 demonstrations, planned for camps, short course and annual conference and secured help of Extension home demonstration specialists.
State 4-H Short Course, Camps.-The annual short course for negro 4-H club boys and girls was held at Florida A. & M. College in Tallahassee, May 30 to June 4. One hundred eighty-one 4-H club girls and 11 leaders attended the short course.
Four girls and four boys, selected on the basis of outstanding records in 4-H project achievement and leadership, attended the second regional 4-H camp at A. & I. State College, Nashville, Tennessee, July 26-August 2. The negro home demonstration agent of Hillsborough County and the negro District Agent accompanied the group.
Two hundred sixty-three 4-H girls, 24 leaders and 11 home demonstration agents attended camping periods at Doe Lake, the newly acquired 4-H camp in Marion County for negro 4-H boys and girls of Florida. Demonstrations in grooming, first aid, nature study, water safety and handicraft, training in citizenship and recreational activities constituted the program.
A gent's Annual Conference.-The annual conference for 11 negro home demonstration agents, 10 negro county agents and two negro District Agents was held at Florida A. & M. College, Tallahassee, October 31November 4.
Home Demonstration and 4-H Organizations.-There were 263 women serving as local leaders of home demonstration clubs and 175 women and 100 older club girls serving as 4-H leaders. Negro home demonstration agents reported holding 127 training meetings for 876 adult leaders and 950 4-H club leaders.
In all of the 11 counties where negro home demonstration agents are employed, county home demonstration councils have been organized. The councils assisted the negro home demonstration agents in determining needs of the people and planning programs to meet their needs.

Ammal Report, 1949

Records show 1,950 Nvoinen enrolled in 105 home demonstration clubs. There were 2,693 negro girls enrolled in 11,796 4-H projects. Of this number, 1,751 girls completed 9,585 projects.
Nutrition and Health.-In the field of nutrition and health, agents' reports show that 1,877 families improved their diets, 1,694 families made improvements in food preparation, 3,401 families improved the family food supply, 817 families canned according to a family budget and 1,768 families removed fire and accident hazards from their homes. In eight counties the agents assisted 538 families in first-aid and home nursing practices.
Agents reported 143 local leaders assisted with the program of food preservation and storage. Families reported canning 94,652 quarts of vegetables, fruits and meats, 3,870 quarts of pickles and relishes and 16,447

Fig. 17.-Negro girls camping for the first time at the permanent new 4-H camp at Doe Lake show their craft articles to their district home demonstration agent.

Florida Cooperative Extension

quarts of sweets and molasses. These families also reported freezing 981 pounds of fruits and vegetables, drying 281,085 pounds of food, curing 9,304 pounds of meat, making 65,011 pounds of lard and 972 pounds soap.
Home Improvement.-Negro home demonstration agents reported home improvement activities in their counties as follows: 1,388 families improved housekeeping methods, 578 families constructed new homes or rebuilt old ones, 348 families obtained electricity for the first time and 185 families added electrical appliances. Also, 260 families installed heating, sewage and water systems in their homes, 329 families provided needed storage space, 355 improved laundry arrangements and 167 installed sanitary toilets. One thousand severity-eight homes were screened and 971 home grounds improved.
Clothing and Textiles.-One hundred twenty-nine leaders assisted negro home demonstration agents in conducting clothing and textile work with farm families. One thousand two hundred ninety-nine families were assisted with clothing construction problems, 1,262 families with care and remodeling of clothing and 1,352 families with selection and budget problems.
Recreation and Community Life.-Reports from negro home demonstration agents showed 75 communities improved their recreation facilities and 85 community groups were assisted with organizational problems, programs of activities or meeting programs during the year.

(Men and Women)
Months of service (agents and assistants) -------------------------------------- - ---- 2331/2
Days of service: In office-1,918; in field-3,851 ---------------------------------- 5,769
Farm or home visits made -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8,720
Different farms or homes visited -------------------------------------------------------------- 4,547
Calls relating to Extension work: Office-13,911; Telephone ------------ 5,068
Days devoted to work with 4-H clubs and older youth ------------------------ 2,648
News articles or stories published ---------------------------------------------------------- 344
Bulletins distributed ---------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------ 15,185
Radio talks broadcast or prepared -------------------------------------------------------------- 58
Training meetings held for local leaders or committeemen ------------------ 241
Total attendance of men and women ---------------------------------------------------- 3tO79
Method demonstration meetings ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1,383
Total attendance -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20,014
Meetings held at result demonstrations ---------------------------------------------------- 336
Attendance -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4,510
Tours conducted -------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------ 104
Achievement days held for 4-H, older youth and adult work ---------------- 72
Encampments, leader meetings and other meetings -------------------------------- 724

Total number of farms in counties worked ------------------------------------------------ 7,439
Farms on which changes in practices have resulted from agricultural
program this year ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2,132

Annual Report, 1949 87

Non-farm families making changes as result of home demonstration
and agricultural programs -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,153
Farm homes in which changes in practices have resulted from the
home demonstration program ------------------------------------------- -------------------- 1,650
Farm homes in which changes have resulted from home demonstration and agricultural program this year ------------------------------------------ 3,782
Different farm families influenced by some phases of the Extension
program ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3,587
Other families influenced by some phases of the Extension program -_ 2,468

Members in agricultural planning group -------------------------------------------------- 33
U npaid -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22
Paid -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
Days devoted to planning work by county and home demonstration
w orkers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 604
Unpaid voluntary leaders or committeemen ---------------------------------------------- 392
Days of service by voluntary leaders or committeemen -------------------------- 464


Days devoted to work ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 945
Communities in which work was conducted --------------------------------- - --------- 833
Voluntary leaders and committeemen ------------------------------------------------------ 759

Days devoted to work ------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------- 576
Communities in which work was conducted -------------------------------------------- 491
Voluntary committeemen and leaders -------------------------------------------------------- 450
Farm ers assisted -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5,820

Days devoted to work ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 185
Communities in which work was conducted ---------------------------------------------- 142
Voluntary local leaders and committeemen ---------------------------------------------- 107
Farmers assisted in soil management -------------------------------------------------------- 2,763
Farmers assisted in forestry and wildlife conservation ------------------------ 1,328

Days devoted to work ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 281
Farmers assisted -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ____ 3,565

Days devoted to work ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 68
Communities in which work was conducted ---------------------------------------------- 99
Voluntary leaders and committeemen -------------------------------------- - ---------------- 126
Agricultural and non-agricultural groups assisted ---------------------------------- 64

Florida Cooperative Extension

Days devoted to work ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 833
Communities in which work was conducted ----------------------------------------- - --- 822

Days devoted to work ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 495
Communities in which work was conducted ---------------------------------------------- 301
Voluntary leaders and committeemen -------------------------------------------------------- 321
Families assisted in house furnishings, farm buildings, surroundings,
mechanical equipment, rural electrification ---------------------------------------- 8,158

Days devoted to work ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,189
Communities in which work was done -------------------------------------------------------- 605
Families assisted: Improving diets-1,877; food preparation-1,694:
Total ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3,571
Families assisted with food-preservation problems -------------------------------- 2,601

Days devoted to work ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 162
Communities in which work was done -------------------------------------------------------- 115
Voluntary leaders assisting -------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------- 124
Families assisted -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,381
Clubs or groups assisted in buying food, clothing, household supplies 160
Families assisted in buying food, clothing, household supplies ------------ 916
Families assisted with consumer-buying problems -------------------------------- 728

Days devoted to work ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 308
Communities in which work was done -------------------------------------------------------- 127
Voluntary leaders assisting ---------------------------------------------------------- I --------------- 1. 129
Families assisted -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3,913

Days devoted to work ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 136
Communities in which work was done ------------------------------------------------------ 108
Voluntary leaders assisting -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 102

Days devoted to work ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 133
Communities in which work was done ----------------------------------------------------- 138
Voluntary leaders assisting --------------------------------------------------- - --------------------- 145
Families assisted in improving home recreation ------------------------------------ 485
Communities assisted in improving recreational facilities - ------------------ 75
Community groups assisted with organizational problems, programs
of activities or meeting programs ----------- - --------------------- I ------------ -------- 85
Communities assisted in providing library facilities -------------------------------- 28

Annual Report, 1949 89

Projects completed by boys ----------------- - ----- - - - --------------------------------------------- 3,936
Projects completed by girls -------------------- -------------------------------- ------------ --- 9,585
Boys completing corn and peanut projects ---------------------------------------------- 712
Boys completing fruit projects ----------------- - ---------------------------- - ------------- - - - - 48
Boys completing garden projects ---------------------------------------------------------------- 580
Boys completing market gardens, truck and canning crops ------------------ 153
Boys completing dairy projects ---------------------------------------------------------------- - 140
Boys completing poultry projects ---------------------------------------------------------------- 353
Boys completing cotton and tobacco projects -------------------------------------------- 205
Boys completing potato (Irish and sweet) projects ---------------------------- - - 263
Boys completing beef cattle and swine projects ---------------------------------- - 524
Girls completing dairy projects ---------------------------------------------------------------- - 211
Girls completing poultry projects - --------------- - ------------------------- - ---------------- 592
Girls completing home gardens ---- - ---------------------------- - -------------------------------- 850
Girls completing fruit projects -------------------------------------------------------------------- 425
Girls completing market gardens, truck and canning crops ------------------ 87
Girls completing food selection and preparation projects -------------------- - 846
Girls completing health, home nursing and first-aid ------------------------------ 857
Girls completing clothing, home management, home furnishing and
room improvement projects ---------------------------------------------------------------- - -- 2,461
Girls completing food preservation projects -------------------------------------------- 804
4-H Membership:
Boys: Farm-2,008; non-farm-181; total ------------------------------------------ 2,189
Girls: Farm-1,877; non-farm-816; total ------------------------------------------ 2,693
4-H members having health examinations because of participation
in Extension program ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------- 219
4-H clubs engaged in community activities such as improving school
grounds and conducting local fairs --------------- - --------------------------------------- 106

Florida Cooperative Extension


Agents, list of, 4 Agricultural economics, 20 Agricultural Engineering, 27 Agricultural outlook, 21 Agronomy, 11 Animal husbandry, 32

Barrus, Edith Y., 62 Beale, Clyde, 15 Beef cattle, 33 Beekeeping, 10, 35 Bevis, Joyce, 68 Blacklock, R. W., 38 Britt, Floy, 84 Broadcasting activities, 16 Brown, W. W., 38 Bulletins, 15

Carter, Bonnie J., 18, 74 Chicken-of-tomorrow contest, 61 Child development, 13 Citrus, 21, 51
canning, 25
grove management, 22
institutes, 25, 53
marketing, 24
Clayton, H. G., 7, 19 Clothing and textiles, 13, 68, 86, 88 Community life, 13, 64 Conservation of natural resources, 12 Consumer education, 76 Cooper, J. Francis, 15 Cooperative planning, 12 Corn, 43
Cotton, 44 County agents, work of, 19 Cover crops, 44, 45 Cow testing, 41 Crop production, 12, 82, 87

Dairying, 10, 12, 40, 87 Dairy sire program, 40 DHIA, 41
Director's report, 7

Egg-laying test, 58 Electric equipment, 31 Extension organization, 8

Family living, 75
relationship, 13, 88
Farm and home planning, 20 Farm buildings, 27
crops, 43
electrification, 30
forestry, 49
home improvement, 13, 83 machinery, 28 management, 12, 20, 87

Farmer cooperatives, 25 Financial statement, 8 Fire prevention, 18 Florida Citrus Commission, 24 Florida Citrus Mutual, 24 Florida Farm Hour, 16 Food and nutrition, 71 Food conservation, 73
products, 78
Forest fire prevention, 49
planting, 49
4-H club awards, 39
beekeeping activities, 35
camps, 39
dairy work, 42
forestry, 50
gardening, 73
home improvement work, 76
national events, 67 poultry projects, 59
short courses, 39, 64, 67, 84
shows and fairs, 39, 66 work, 13, 22, 35, 38, 81
work for girls, 65
Gardening, 73 Goen, Oliver F., 32 Gresham, Joseph A., 81
Hampson, C. M., 20 Haynie, John D., 35 Health improvement, 79, 83 Henderson, J. R., 43 Holloway, Ethyl, 62 Home demonstration work, 62, 63, 64 Home forest products, 49
improvement, 13, 74, 86
industries and marketing, 77
management, 13, 88 milk supply, 42 products and crafts, 78 Horticulture, 51 Housing, 74, 87
Jamison, F. S., 54 Johnson, John M., 27 Journal articles, 16

Kendall, Gladys, 17 Keown, Mary E., 62
Lawrence, F. P., 51 Lime maturity, 25 Livestock, 10, 12, 87 production, 82 Local leadership, 64
Marketing activities, 12, 24, 83, 88
facilities, 29

Annual Report, 1949

McDavid, Ruby, 62 McLendon, H. S., 45 McMullen, K. S., 19 Mehrhof, N. R., 58 Men's work, 19

Neely, Grace 1., 73 Negro agents, 6 Negro farm demonstration work, 81 Negro home demonstration work, 84 Neiland, L. T., 18, 49 News Releases, 16 Noble, C. V., 20 Nutrition and health, 13, 71, 85, 88

O'Steen, A. W., 58

Parvin, F. W., 20 Pastures, 21, 45 Peanuts, 43 Pecans, 26 Perry, F. S., 19, 58 Personnel selection and training, 63 Pettis, A. M., 30 Poultry, 12, 58, 87
breeder's conference, 60
institutes, 60
management, 59 marketing, 60 Publications, 15 Pullets, 58

Radio, 15 Reaves, C. W., 40

Recreation, 13, 83, 86, 88 Rosenberger, Stanley E., 54 Rural health improvement, 79 Russ, Lucille, 79

Safety, 18
Savage, Zach, 22 Sheely, W. J., 32 Sikes, Anna Mae, 71 Smith, J. Lee, 19 Soil conservation, 43, 45, 46 Soils and farm crops, 43 Sorghum, 44 State programs, 9 Statistical report, 11, 86 Stevens, Lorene, 65 Swine, 34

Teaching materials, 37
methods, 21
Timber marketing, 49 Timmons, D. E., 24 Tobacco, flue-cured, 44 Training, 8

Vegetable merchandising, 54, 55
production, 10, 25, 54 Visual aids, 17

Water Conservation, 45 Watermelon Growers' Ass'n., 25 Watkins, Marshall 0., 7 Wiring, 30
Work with women and girls, 62

Full Text


COOPERATIVE EXTENSION WORK IN AGRICULTUUE AND HOME ECONOMICS (Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914) Agricultural Extension Service, University of Florida Florida Stnte University And United States Department of Agriculture Cooperating H. G . Clayton, Director 1949 REPORT FLORIDA AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERVICE REPORT OF GENERAL ACTIVITIES FOR 1949 with FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1949


r COOPERATIVE EXTENSION WORK IN AGRICULTURE AND HOME ECONOMICS (Acts of May 8 and Juno 30, 1914) Agricultural Extension Service, University of Florida Florida Stnte University And United States Department of Agriculture Cooperating H. G. Clayton, Director 1949 REPORT FLORIDA AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERVICE REPORT OF GENERAL ACTIVITIES FOR 1949 with FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1949


BOARD OF CONTROL FRANK M. HARRIS, Chairman, St. Petersburg ELI H. FINK, Jacksonville GEORGE J. WHITE, SR., Mt. Dora HOLLIS RINEHART, Miami N. B. JORDAN, Quincy W. F. POWERS, Secretary, Tallahassee STAFF, AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERVICE J. HILLIS MILLER, Ph.D., President of the University' J. WAYNE REITZ, Ph.D., Provost for Agriculture' H. G. CLAYTON, M.S.A., Director of Extension MARSHALL 0. WATKINS, M.Agr., Assistant to the Director Agricultural Demonstration Work, Gainesville J. FRANCIS COOPER, M.S.A., Editor' CLYDE BEALE, A.B.J., Associate Editor' J. LEE SMITH, District Agent K. S. McMULLEN, B.S.A., District Agent F. S. PERRY, B.S.A., District Agent H. S. MCLENDON, B.A., Soil Conservationist R . S. DENNIS, B.S.A., Executive Officer, P. & M. Admin.' OLIVER F. GOEN, D.V.M., Assistant Animal Industrialist C. W. REAVES, B.S.A., Dairy Husbandman N. R. MEHRHOF, M. Agr., Poultry Husbandman' A. W. O'STEEN, B.S.A., Supervisor, Egg-Laying Test, Chipley L. T. NIELAND, Farm Forester ' C. V. NOBLE, Ph.D., Agricultural Economist' CHARLES M. HAMPSON, M.S., Agricultural Economist, Farm Management' D. E. TIMMONS, M.S.A., Economist in Marketing F. W. PARVIN, B.S.A., Assistant Economist JOHN M. JOHNSON, B.S.A., Agricultural Engineer' FRED P. LAWRENCE, B.S.A., Citriculturist W. W. BROWN, B.S.A., Asst. Boys' Club Agent A. M. PETTIS, B.S.A., Farm Electrification Specialist' , JOHN D. HAYNIE, B.S.A., Apiculturist V. L. JOHNSON, Rodent Control Specialist' J. RUSSELL HENDERSON, M.S.A. Agronomist' F. S. JAMISON, Ph.D., Vegetable Crop Specialist' STANLEY E. ROSENBERGER, M. Agr., Assistant Vegetable Crop Specialist Home Demonstration Work, Tallahassee MARY E. KEOWN, M.S., State Home Demonstration Agent ETHYL HOLLOWAY, B.S., District Agent , MRS. EDITH Y . BARRUS, B.S . H.E . , District Agent ANNA MAE SIKES, M.S., District Agent JOYCE BEVIS, M.A., Clothing Specialist BONNIE J. CARTER, B.S., Home Improvement Specialist GRACE I. NEELY, M.S., Asso. Economist in Food Conservation LORENE H. STEVENS, B.S., State Girls' 4-H Club Agent GLADYS KENDALL, A.B., Home Industries and Marketing Specialist Negro Extension Work, Tallahassee FLOY BRITT, B.S.H.E., Negro District Agent J. A. GRESHAM, B.S.A., Negro District Agent 1 Cooperative other divisions, U. of F. 'In cooperation with U. S, [2]


CONTENTS Page Director's Report ----------7 Statistical Report ----11 Publications, News, Radio --15 Safety and Fire Prevention 18 Work of County Agents --------19 Agricultural Economics --20 Farm Management ' ---20 Citrus Grove Management --------22 Marketing --------------------•-------------------24 Agricultural Engineering ----------------------------27 Farm Electrification ----------------------------30 Animal Husbandry--------32 Beekeeping ------35 Boys' 4-H Club Work -------------------38 Dairying -----------------------40 Soils and Farm Crops ------... 43 Soil and Water Conservation ------------45 Farm Forestry ------------49 Horticulture 51 Citrus Culture ----------------------------------------------------51 Vegetable Production and Merchandising -----------------54 Poultry Activities -----------------------58 Home Demonstration Work ----62 4-H Club Work for Girls --------------------65 Clothing and Textiles ... .. .. .. . .. 68 Food and Nutrition -........ . .... .... 71 Gardening and Food Conservation .. . ...... . ....... 73 Home Improvement ---74 Home Industries and Marketing77 Rural Health Improvement 79 Negro Farm Demonstration Work 81 Negro Home Demonstration Work 84 Negro Sta tis tic al Report ... . .. . . .. . . . . . . ..... . 86 [3] 2.-Ex.


COUNTY AND HOME DEMONSTRATION AGENTS (As of Novmber 30, 1949) COUNTY COUNTY AGENT ADDRESS HOME DEMONSTRATION AGENT Alachua ____ Loonis Blitch Mrs. Josephine McSwine Alachua (Asst.) ...... T. H. McRorie, Jr ..... Gainesville _________ _ Baker _____ J. Raymond Mills ... . .. Macclenny Bay ............ ____ J. A. Sorensen . .. ........ Panama City -~-----Bradford K. McClane, Jr .. .. . Starke ...... Miss Dorothy P. Ross Brevard ...... J. T. Oxford ____ Cocoa .. .......... Mrs. Eunice F. Gay Broward .............. . ..... B. E. Lawton .............. Ft. Lauderdale .......... Miss Louise Taylor Broward (Asst.) .... Robert S. Pryor Lauderdale Calhoun Thomas B. Jones -Blountstown .... Miss Florence L. Gatlin Calhoun (Asst.) ...... Fred J. Green ............ Blountstown Charlotte H. McQueen ... ..... _Punta Gorda ____ _ Citrus M. Maines, Jr ....... Inverness .. Mrs. Doris R. Turner Citrus (Asst.) ........ .. Quentin Medlin ......... .Inverness -------Columbia ___ __.,ames N. Watson ...... Lake City .. Mrs. Glenn M. Sewell Columbia (Asst.) .... F. A. Stenholm, Jr .... . Lake City ________ _ Dade H. Steffani . . . . ..... . .. Miami ............ Miss Eunice Grady Dade (Asst.) ...... . .. . .. J. L. Edwards ......... . .. Miami ........ . .... ... Miss Olga Kent Dade (Asst.) ...... .. .... J. D. Campbell .......... Miami .............. Miss Ruth Taylor Dade (Asst.) ............ A. E. C. McIntyre . .. . .. Homestead DeSoto _____ w. L. Woods .... . ....... . . Arcadia Dixie . . . .... .. . ____ c. L. Dickinson ... .... . .. Cross City .. Mrs. Mary M. Dally Duval -----~~S. Lawton .............. Jacksonville .. Miss Pearl Laffitte Duval (Asst.) ........ . . G. T. Huggins ............ Jacksonville .. Mrs. Lucille Colson Duval (Asst.) ... ... Miss Emma Sue Warren Escambia .................. E. N. Stephens... .... .. . Pensacola .. Miss Ethel Atkinson Escambia (Asst.) . . .. Albert H. Odom .... ... . Pensacola .. Miss Oudia J. Webb Gadsden ----~~G. Driggers . . ...... . . Quincy Miss Elise Laffitte Gadsden (Asst.) .. .. Bernard H. Clark ...... Quincy .. Mrs. Ivan S. Woodberry Gilchrist __ __ Harry E. George ...... -Trenton Glades ........................ A. G. Hutchinson ... . .. Moore Haven ... .. .............. ... .... . .. . .. . . Gulf ------C.R. Laird Mrs. Wilma A. Revell Hamilton Hardee ____ ... E. Nesmith ____ .... E. H. Vance ... . . . ........... Wauchula . ........... Mrs. Frances P. Dennington Hendry .................... . . H. L. Johnson Hernando ____ Harry J. Brinkley ...... Brooksville Highlands V. T. Oxer ......... . ........ Sebring .. Miss Catherine Brabson Highlands (Asst.) .. Bert J. Harris, Jr. Sebring Hillsboro ____ Alec White ____ Tampa ................ Miss Lora Kiser Hillsboro (Asst.) ._.Edwin Booth .. . ..........• Tampa Hillsboro (Asst.) ... ..Jean Beem ____ Tampa Hillsboro (Asst.) .... J. 0. Armor ____ Plant City .. . ..... Miss Emily King Hillsboro (Asst.) _ .. Raleigh S. Griffis .. . _.Ruskin Holmes _____ Stuart C. Bell .......... _Bonifay ...... Miss Laurena Croom Indian River ......... .. . Marcel A. Boudet ...... Vero Beach Jackson ----~ohn M. Kennedy ...... Marianna . . Mrs. Alyne C. Heath [4]


COUNTY COUNTY AGENT ADDRESS Jackson (Asst.) ---Fred C. Sumners HOME DEMONSTRATION AGENT Jefferson ____ ,J. W. Malone Monticello Miss Mary A. Curtis Lafayette ____ S. L. Brothers -~Lake E. Norris ... ........ ... Tavares ...... Mrs. Lucie K. Miller Lake (Asst.) L. Eubanks __ .... Tavares Lee P. Heuck ____ Fort Myers ---------Leon ______ James L. Rhoden --Tallahassee Miss Nellie M. Daughtry Leon (Asst.) A. H. Clemmons Levy D. Rickenbaker . ___ Bronson B. Williams Liberty ' Bristol .. Mrs. Camilla R. Radney Madison ___ . .... W. W. Glenn ___ Madison Miss Bennie F. Wilder Manatee L. Ayers Bradenton .. Mrs. Anne D. Davis Manatee (Asst.) ... _ . Joe N. Busby Marion Hendricks -----Ocala Miss Allie Lee Rush Marion (Asst.) ... . .... Carey A. Robbins --Ocala .. Mrs. Mamie C. Daughtry Martin M. Johnson Miss Lucile Inscoe Nassau -----Gordon B. Ellis Hilliard __ Mrs. Julia P. Jernagen Okaloosa .. ____ Fred W. Barber _________ _ Okeechobee ___ C.R. Boyles Orange ____ F. E. Baetzman ----Orlando Miss Elizabeth Dickenson Orange (Asst.) _ . . ... Henry F. Swanson ---Orlando Miss Sammie J. Killgore Osceola R. Gunn ____ Kissimmee _______ _ Palm Beach ___ M. U. Mounts Palm Beach Miss Sara Horton Palm Beach (Asst.) John H. Causey Palm Beach .. Mrs. Mildred J. Michaud Palm Beach (Asst.) H. L. Speer Glade Pasco F. Higgins City Pinellas H. Logan ----Pinellas (Asst.) ... ___ L. E. Cunningham .... Largo Polk W. P. Hayman Polk (Asst.) ...... . .. ... W. H. Kendrick Mrs. Minnie M. Carlton Putnam E. Maltby ___ ?alatka Mrs. Elizabeth W. Starbird Putnam (Asst.) ...... Ralph T. Clay _________ _ Saint Johns ___ P. R. McMullen Augustine Miss Anna E. Heist Saint Lucie ___ Charles D. Kime . ____ l.<'ort Pierce Mrs. Irene Roberts Santa Rosa ...... ... ..... Emmett D. McCall .... Milton Miss Lora A. Botts Santa Rosa (Asst.)._Johnnie E. Davis --ll,1ilton -------Sarasota _____ W. E. Evans Mrs. Laleah B. Brown Seminole C. R. Dawson Miss Lila Woodard Sumter ..... ____ Kenneth A. Clark .... Miss Tillie Roesel Suwannee C. Kierce Oak ..... . .. Miss Elizabeth M. Cowen Suwannee (Asst.) .. William C. Zorn Oak Taylor _____ D. D. McCloud .. ... ..... Perry Mrs. Ruth McKeown Elkins [5]


COUNTY COUNTY AGENT ADDRESS HOME DEMONSTRATION AGENT Union William J. Cowen ______ Lake Butler _______ _ Volusia _____ William J. Platt, Jr. __ DeLand ____________ Mrs.Edna L. Eby Volusia (Asst.) _____ T. R. Townsend _______ DeLand ______________ _ Wakulla . S. Laird ____ Crawfordville Walton Mitchell Wilkins ________ DeFuniak Springs Mrs. Marguerite R. Brock Washington ___________ H. 0. Harrison __________ Chipley __ Miss Mary L. Brownlee NEGRO COUNTY AND HOME DEMONSTRATION AGENTS COUNTY COUNTY AGENT ADDRESS HOME DEMONSTRATION AGENT Alachua ____ English M. Greene Gainesville ____ Leontine Williams Columbia McKinley Jeffers ________ Lake City __ Victoria M. Simpson Duval Jacksonville ______ Ethel M. Powell Gadsden _____ Russell Stephens ______ Quincy ____ Gladys Wilkins Hamilton N. H. Bennett ____________ White Springs ________ _ Hillsboro Tampa ____ Sudella J. Ford Jackson .Virgil Elkins ___ Marianna __ Annie Doris Preston Jefferson __ M. E. Groover ____________ Monticello Leon ichard A. Hartsfield Tallahassee __________ Irie Mae Clark Madison ames C. Miller __________ Madison ____ Althea Ayer Marion ugene P. Smith -Ocala--------------------------Marion eddick Idella R. Kelly Putnam Palatka ____ Lee Ella Gamble Asia Sumter Richard L. Bradley __ Bushnell ______ _ Volusia DeLand Ida T. Pemberton [6]


Part I General DIRECTOR 'S REPOR T H. G. Clayton, Director Marshall 0. Watkins, Assistant to the Directo r A total of 87 ,820 families were reached by some phase of the Extension program in 1949. Thi s was 7,221 families more than were reached in 1948, or an increase of over 9 percent. The 4-H club enrollment was 26,095 in 1949, compared with 23,196 in 1948, or an increase of approximately 12 percent. There were correspond ing increases in number of projects completed and in other 4-H activities. Florida Agricultural Extension Service workers extended their e ffo rts all along the line during the year in order to reach more people and to bring n ew informatio n to those already being served . The additional funds provided by the 1949 Florida Legislatur e permitted s om e sa lar y increases for Extension personnel. These i n creases brought s al ar i es of Exte n sion workers more n ear ly in lin e with sa l aries paid by industry and other institutions and agencies . The result has been better mora l e and a high er effic i e n cy among all wo rk ers . Additional personnel ad d ed to handle increased demands during the year include the following: two assistant cou nt y agents, one home demonstration agent, one district agent for me n 's work, two specialists for men's work, one specialist for women's work, one negro county agent a nd two n egro home demonstration ag n ts. Fig. 1.-Area and state 4-H c lub dairy shows revealed much progress in this fi ' e ld by these illustriou s you n gsters.


8 Florida Coope r ativ e E x te n sio n FINANCIAL STATEMENT 1948-49 Federal Funds: Smith-L e ver, Bankhead-Jone ___ _ _ ____ _ _ _ ______ _ _______ __ $200,645 . 82 Capper Ketcham ------------------------27,417.72 Bankhead-Flannagan ----------------------112,1 6 3.96 Clark-McNary ---------------1,620 . 00 Resear c h & Marketing _ ___ _ _ 3,000.00 State Appropriations: Legislature (Annual) -----------------$281,426.26 Continuing, Chapter 6141 (Annual) _ _ _ _ _______ ___ 5,000.00 Continuing, Chapter 19216 (Annual) ------80,400.00 Sales Fund (Incidental) -------------___ __ 18,000 . 00 $344,847.50 $384,82 6 .26 County Appropriation s : -----------------$307,149.00 $307,14 9 .00 G r and Total -----------------------------------$1,036,822 . 76 EXTENSION ORGANIZATION Personnel employed on the staff of the Florida Agricultural Exten s ion Service on December 1, 1949, were as follows: Number of County A g ent s -----------------------61 Number of Assistant County Agents --------------------30 Number of Home Demonstration Agents-------------------------45 Number of Assistant Home Demonstration Agents -------------------12 State St a ff: (Men) Administrative -------------2 Supervisory ---------------------------3 Sp e cialists ---------------------------------24 (Women) Admini s trative ------------------------1 Supervisory --------------------------------3 Specialists -------------------7 Negro: Supervisory --------------2 Negro County Ag e nts ------"-----------------------10 N e gro Home Demonstration Agents --------11 Number of Clerk s in Stat e Offices -----------------23 Number of Clerks in County Offices -----------43 TRAINING EXTENSION WORKERS A thre e weeks' training course for Ext e nsion agents was held in the summer 1949 for the fourth consecutive year. Four cours e s were offer e d, each carrying 1 hours of graduate credit. A student was permitted to take only two courses for credit. The courses offered were: Axt. 503-Agricultural Exten s ion Service Pro g rams Axt. 507-Agricultural Extension Service Youth Programs Jm. 320-Agricultu r al Journalism Ey. 492-Advanced Economic Entomology A committee of Extension workers is re s ponsible for handling the ad ministrative wo r k for the training cou r se. Extension workers are k e pt abreast of new research work by occasional training me e tings at the Exp e ri ment Stations. One two-day school was held at the Citrus Experiment Station at Lake Alfred for all agents wo r king in citrus producing counties.


Annual Report, 1949 ' . 9 Another two-day school included a day at the Range Cattle Experiment Station, Ona, and a day at the Vegetable Crops Laboratory, Bradenton. Agents in the central and southern part of the state attended these schools. The annual conference for Extension workers was held at the Uni versity of Florida, October 17-21, and provided in-service training for agents as well as inspiration for a job ahead, Morning sessions were devoted largely to discussions by outstanding speakers on topics of national and international importance. The annual conference for negro Extension agents was held at Florida A. & M. College, Tallahassee, during the week of October 31-November , 4. A two-day recreation school was held at a 4-H camp for all county and home demonstration agents in central and northern Florida. This school dealt primarily with the mechanics of organizing recreational work in the counties. DEVELOPING STATE PROGRAMS At a staff conference during the summer of 1949 a committee of three men and two women was appointed to work out and recommend to the Director some suggestions for making plans of work more effective .. This committee made its recommendations at a staff conference in September and the report was unanimously adopted . A.revised procedure for arriving at plans of work calls for use of community and commodity committees and envisions the development of more complete long-time state and county program in agriculture and home economics, with the yearly plan of work developed as a section of the long-time program. The work of all the agents in a county is coordinated into one county plan of work. Considerable progress has been made in carrying out the new procedure in developing 1950 plans of work. By the fall of 1950, it is expected that county and community committees will be well establish_ed. The Extension Citrus Advisory Committee and the Extension Vegetable Advisory committee, composed of state and county workers, serve a very worthwhile purpose. At periodic meetings these committees determine over-all Extension programs for these two major commodities. All agents from citrus counties and all agents from vegetable counties met for separate two-day refresher and conference schools during the year to be come acquainted with the latest research information and methods in these fields. Club work is advanced by the functioning of 10 4-H districts in the state. One county agent in each district, elected by his fellows, serves as chairman. Activities such as shows and training schools for 4-H club officers are planned by the districts and carried out with the assistance of the state staff. In practically all counties the agent serves as secretary to the County PMA Committee and the Soil Conservation District Supervisors, in ad dition to various crop, poultry and livestock organizations. This keeps the Extension worker informed and also permits him to participate in the work of these groups in an active as well as an advisory capacity. The specialists work very closely with these organized agricultural groups. The recently employed Apiculturist is getting a good program for beekeepers into operation.


10 Florida Cooperative Extension BROAD EXTENSION PROGRAMS WHICH HELPED TO SOL VE MAJOR RURAL PROBLEMS Dairying.-The Extension dairy program has made outstanding ad vancement in 1949. Dairy Herd Improvement Association work is making good progress. Seven artificial breeding associations have been organized, an increase of five over a year ago when the first was started. These as sociations are working smoothly and the efforts of the Extension Dairy Husbandman and the county agents in the counties affected are in great measure directly responsible for this success. The greatly improved dairy club work and the improved calf club exhibits at an increased number of fairs and contests are indicators of progress being made. Production of milk has increased to the point where state needs are being met and there is S-Ome surplus this winter. We anticipate a marketing problem for surplus milk. With the pasture program and the items mentioned above, a good foundation is being built to produce a large part of the dairy cow replacements needed in commercial herds, which have in the past been obtained by out-of-state purchases. Vegetable Production.--'---The Extension vegetable program is being en larged and intensified to better serve the vegetable industry. As men tioned above, a vegetable program advisory committee consisting of county agents and specialists is now functioning. The agents from vegetable counties are working hard on vegetable problems and they have been assembled at the Vegetable Crops Laboratory for instructions and re fresher work in new material and techniques. New outlets for some vegetables not usually produced are opening up new vegetable industries. An RMA vegetable marketing study was inaugurated. Beekeeping.-The work of the Extension Apiculturist is meeting a need in this industry. Most county agents had limited experience with bees but, with the assistance of the Apiculturist, they are now in position to promote beekeeping projects. The 4-H bee club work is also expanding. Marketing is one of the major problems confronting beekeepers and with the assistance of the Extension Marketing Specialist, some progress is being made. A small apiary is maintained at one of the State 4-H club camps, which has supplied some honey for use at all the camps and institutes. Livestock.-Good progress continues to be made in the pasture im provement program. Pangola grass plantings in middle and south Florida have continued in increased volume and this grass is continually gaining in favor. Developing of a method of planting the tops instead of sod pieces has greatly simplified the planting operation. An interesting development has been the widespread use of citrus molasses self-fed to range cattle and to dry and young dairy cattle. Citrus molasses has been cheap and it fills a need for an economical sup plemental feed for cattle on grass pastures. Considerable work has been done to encourage the use of sanitary precautions against the spread of disease due to transporting cattle bought at local auction markets and carried back to the farms and ranches. The beef cattle industry has made good advances in breed improve ment. Exports of breeding cattle of both the beef and dairy breeds to South America and Cuba via air transport have continued to increase. The county agents have worked very closel~ with the beef cattle development .


Annual Report, 1949 11 Agronomy.-Real progress is being made in changing over to the higher yielding varieties of corn and peanuts with resultant increased yields. In tobacco, county agents did a good job in carrying out programs to control the peach aphid which was a real threat to production in 1948 and 1949. Work in increasing tobacco yields and improvement quality is also making good progress. The acreage in Dixie Crimson clover has been greatly expanded and this is fitting well into the pasture improvement program. Reasonable progress is being made in developing a commercial sweet potato industry and the prospect for further advance in 1950 appears good. STATISTICAL REPORT, MEN AND WOMEN Data from White County and Home Demonstration Agent's Reports GENERAL ACTIVITIES Months of service (agents and assistants) ---------------------------------------------1,706 Days of Service: In office-18,912; In field-22,409 ____________ 41,321 v~:it~o::~e v1-~1t~a--::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: _______________ E Calls relating to Extension work: Office-249,520; Telephone ____ x_192,005 Days devoted to work with 4-H clubs and older youths ____________________ 13,698 News_ articles or stories published ________________________ 10,633 Bulletins distributed -----------------------------------------300,645 Radio talks broadcast or prepared __________ 2,266 Training meetings held for local leaders or committeemen: Number -------------------------------------------------------------------------Total attendance of men and women --------------------------------------------Method demonstration meetings: Number _______________________ ----------------------------Total attendance -----------------------------------------------------------------------Meetings held at result demonstrations: Number -----------------------------------------------------------------Attendance __________ _ ---------------------------Tours --------------------------------------------------------------Achievement days held for 4-H, older youth and adult work __ _ Encampments, leader meetings and other meetings -----------------------------SUMMARY OF EXTENSION INFLUENCE Total number of farms ____ ---------------------Farms on which changes in practices have resulted from agri cultural program ------------------------------------------------Farm homes in which changes in practices have resulted from home demonstration program Farms in which changes in practices resulted from agricultural program for the first time this year __________________ _ Farm homes in which changes in practices resulted from home demonstration programs for first time this year ______ _ Farm homes with 4-H club members enrolled ___ _ Non-farm families making changes in practices as result of the agricultural program ________ _ ______________________ _ Non-farm families making changes in practices as a result of home demonstration program -----------------------------------------------------------1,121 16,960 11,029 234,666 1,466 27,950 546 557 10,754 60,604 32,254 14,504 4,791 . 2,771 10,800 21,472 19,104


1.2 Florida Cooperative Extension Non-farm families with 4-H club members enrolled ----------Different farm families influenced by some phase of extension program Other families influenced by some phase of Extension program ....... . COOPERATIVE AGRICULTURAL PLANNING . 7,587 41,663 40,102 Members in agricultural planning group _________ 754 . Unpaid ---~--465 Paid 289 Communities in agricultural planning -------33 Members . in community agricultural planning ______ 283 Planning meetings held 1,495 Days devoted to planning work by county and home demonstration workers 3,049 Unpaid voluntary leaders or committeemen 3,225 Days of assistance rendered by voluntary leaders or committeemen. . 7,373 CROP PRODUCTION Days devoted to work Communities in which work was conducted _________ _ Voluntary leaders and committeemen LIVESTOCK, DAIRYING, POULTRY Days devoted to work ............. '. ................ .. .... Communities in which work was conducted Voluntary committeemen and leaders Breeding and improvement organizations Farmers assisted ... . ........... . .......... . CONSERVATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES Days devoted to work Communities in which work was conducted Voluntary local leaders and committeemen Farmers assisted in soil management Farmers assisted in forestry and wildlife conservation ........ .... ........ . . . . FARM MANAGEMENT Days devoted to work Farmers assisted ........ .... .... .... . ........ . . . .. .... .. ..... . 8,617 3,404 1,570 6,709 2,369 1,040 88 51,280 1,841 1,167 638 46,517 13,742 1,456 22,505 GENERAL ECONOMIC PROBLEMS RELATED TO AGRICULTURE Days devoted to work Communities in which work was conducted Voluntary leaders and committeemen ---------Agricultural and non-agricultural groups assisted ___ _ MARKETING AND DISTRIBUTION 336 458 345 836 Days devoted to work 2,879 Communities in which work was conducted 3,091 Established cooperatives assisted 109 New cooperatives assisted in organizing 24


Annual Report, 1949 HOUSING, FARMSTEAD IMPROVEMENT Days devoted to work -------"-----------Communities in which work was conducted ------------------------------------Voluntary leaders and committeemen --------Families assisted in house furnishings, surroundings, mechanical equipment, rural electrification and farm buildings NUTRITION AND HEALTH Days devoted to work -------Communities in which work was done Families assisted: In improving diets-19,777; food preparation17 ,360; Total ------------Families assisted with food preservation problems ______ _ HOME MANAGEMENT-FAMILY ECONOMICS Days devoted to work : ----------Communities in which work was done ------Voluntary leaders assisting -----------------------Families assisted ------Clubs or groups assisted in buying food, clothing, household supplies Families assisted in buying food, clothing, household supplies _________ _ Families assisted with consumer-buying problems ------------------------CLOTHING AND TEXTILES Days devoted to work-------------------------------Communities in which work was done ----------Voluntary leaders assisting--------------------Families assisted --------------------------FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS-CHILD DEVELOPMENT 13 2,764 1,532 1,096 48,548 5,952 . 2,370 37,137 18,370 458 407 242 4,587 282 10,986 18,696 2,434 577 689 35,722 Days devoted to work ------------------------------------------------429 Communities in which work was done-------------380 Voluntary leaders assisting -----------_______ 294 RECREATION AND COMMUNITY LIFE Days devoted to work Communities in which work was done --------------------------Voluntary leaders assisting ----------------------------------Families assisted in improving home recreation ------------------------Communities assisted in improving community recreational facilities Community groups assisted with organizational problems, programs of activities or meeting programs ----------------------------------Communities assisted in providing library facilities ___ _ SUMMARY OF 4-H CLUB PROJECTS Projects completed by boys ---------------------------Projects completed by girls ------------Boys completing corn and peanut projects --------------------Boys completing fruit projects ----Boys completing garden projects Boys completing market gardens, truck and canning crops ---1,270 548 765 5,523 354 495 42 7,473 22,636 952 86 1,600 121


14 Flo r ida Coop e rat i ve E x t e nsion Boys completing dairy projects __ _ __ __ __ __ _ _ __ _ Boys completing poultry projects Boys completing cotton and tobacco projects --------------------------Boys completing potato (Irish and sweet) projects ---Boys completing beef cattle and swine projects ---: -.Girls completing fruit projects ------------Girls completing gard e n projects ____ _ . __ _ .: .. . . ----------Girls completing market gardens, truck and canning crops --Girls completing dairy projects ------------Girls completing poultry projects ----------------------Girls completing food selection and preparation projects -------Girls compl e ting health, home nursing and first-aid projects ---Girls compl e ting clothing, home man a gement, home furnishings and room improvement projects ------------------------Girls completing food pres e rvation projects ----'-----4-H Membership Boys: Farm-6,405; non-farm-2,636; total ------------------Girls: Farm-6,396; non-farm-5,776; total --------------4-H club members having examinations b e cause of participation in Extension program ---------------4-H clubs engaging in community activities such as improving school grounds and conducting local fairs ----6 6 l,1 4 4 1 $ 7 1,534 181 1,997 5 1 9 1,0 0 4 9 8


Annual Report, 1949 PUBLICATIONS, NEWS, RADIO J. Francis Cooper, Editor Clyde Beal e , Associate Editor 15 Throu g h the pres s , radio and visual aids, the Editorial Department keeps a continuous stream of helpful information flowing to the general public of Florida. Efforts along this line supplem e nt and complement the work of specialists in the field, making it possible to re a ch more people and to distribute more information. The Editorial and Mailing Room staff serves both the Agricultural Ex ten s ion Service and the Agricultural Experiment Station on approximat e ly a 50-50 basis. BULLETIN PRINTING AND DISTRIBUTION During th e year the Service printed four bulletin s and seven cir c ulars in addition to a larg e number of record books and miscellaneous materials. The bulletins ranged in pages from 20 to 52, totaling 152, and in edition from 10,000 to 25,000 , totaling 60,000 copies. The circulars varied in pages from 4 to 36, with a total of 92, and in edition from 9,600 to 20,000, with a total of 86,100 copies . Following is a list of publications and other materials printed du r ing the year ended June 30, 1949: Bui. 136 Strawberry Production --------------Bui. 137 Propagation of Ornam e ntal Plants __ __ _ _ Bui. 138 Swine Production ----------------------------------Bui. 139 Citrus Propagation --------------------------Circ. 85 Fun and Play the 4-H Way--------------Circ. 86 Tribulations of Porky, the Pig -------------------------Circ. 87. The Future for 4-H Club Members ___ ____ _ __ _ Circ. 88 Daylilies in Florida ------------------Circ. 89 Grumpy, the Calf --------------------Circ. Convert Your Treadle Model to an Electric Sewing Machine _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ ___ _ _ _ _ _ Circ. Farming in Florida to Beat the White-Fring e d Beetle ----------------------------------------Final Report , 22nd National Egg-Laying Te s t ____ _ _ Annual Farm Inventory __ ______ ___ _ _ __ _ __ _ Wh a t Did You Eat Ye s terday? __ ___ _ _ Food Preservation for 4-H Club Girls (Dems. I & II) ___ -------------------Food Preservation Record for 4-H Club Girls (Dems. III, IV, V & VI) -----------------Food Preparation Record for Junior 4-H Club Girls 4-H Food Selection, P r eparation and Meal Planning Record for Senior 4-H Club Girls _ __ _ Florida Clothing Program for Junior 4-H Girls _ _ Clothing Record-the Well Dress e d 4-H Club Girl Secr e tary's Record Book for Florida 4-H Clubs _ _ _ _ 4-Ex. Pages Edition 20 10,000 44 25,000 36 15,000 52 10 , 000 36 12,000 16 15,000 4 20 , 000 8 12,000 16 12,500 4 9,600 8 5,000 2 8 1,500 20 10 , 000 1 10 , 000 8 15,000 8 15,000 4 15,000 16 15,000 4 12,000 12 15,000 32 7,500


16 Florida Cooperative Extension In addition, the Service printed 45,000 copies of six enrollment car s, window cards and monthly report blanks. The mailing room distributed something like 50,000 copies of bulleti s and as many copies of circulars during the year, primarily on request fr m individuals or through county and home demonstration agents. Copieslof each new publication are sent to libraries and to county and home dem stration agents. The Editor continued to serve as Publications Distribution Control Offi er for the USDA Extension Service and distributed hundreds of publicati1ns to Florida county and home demonstration agents. NEWS RELEASES AND JOURNAL ARTICLES The Editors released an average of two stories a week to the Associ~ ed Press or to one or more daily newspapers. In this the Extension Service cooperated with the production and Marketing Administration, the Col 1ege of Agriculture, School of Forestry, Rural Electrification Administra ion and other agencies. A tabulation reveals that 71 news stories went to the AP and 32 to from one to 35 daily newspapers. Mats were sent ith three of the separate stories. Also, the weekly clipsheet, Agricultural News Service, was pri ted and sent to weekly newspapers, a few dailies requesting it, farm jour als, county and home demonstration agents, vocational agriculture tea] ers and others working with groups of farm people. Each week's pri ting consisted of 950 copies. Farm journals continued to be be willing and anxious to use copy . rom the Extension Editors. One Florida magazine printed one story hich filled 57 column inches, while three Southern journals printed 16 s~ories totaling 284 column inches in length. Florida journals printed numhous articles by other members of the staff. Agents in 62 counties prepared or furnished materials for 10,977 news articles in their local papers. RADIO BROADCASTING Radio broadcasting activities continue to expand and to require more time and more materials. Additional stations request copy from time to time. This year the Extension Editors inaugurated a service of J radio broadcasts on tape to stations requesting it, and two tapes were cut near the end of the year. l The Florida Farm Hour, which is broadcast over University of lorida radio station WRUF 30 minutes Monday through Friday and 15 inutes Saturday, continued to be one of the chief outlets for radio infonhation. The program went on the air 309 times. The Editors prepared 306 daily Farm News Highlights, six minutes, the weekly farm question b x and editorial, and presented six straight talks. The secretary pr sented weekly home notes. Extension Service staff members made 98 talks, Experiment Station workers 111, teaching division workers 19, 4-H club members 11, roduc tion and Marketing Administration staff 9, and State Plant Boa d staff members 2. A number of students also made talks. Other speak rs rep resented the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, State Department of Agri


Annual Report, 1949 17 culture, State Highway Patrol, State Livestock Sanitary Board, Future Farmers of America, and State Home Demonstration Council. Veterans training under the vocational agriculture program appeared once each month, an average of three participating. Remote control programs were staged from the Florida State Fair, Tampa (2), and the Florida Sportsmen's Exposition, Eustis. Programs recorded on wire came from the Polk County Youth Fair, Clay REA Cooperative, one home demonstration agent, one county agent, a county home demonstration council, a county 4-H fair, the Southeaste1 n Fat Stock Show, and the Vegetable Crops Laboratory Field Day . Interviews included one each with a Dutchman, a Chinese and an agri cultural attache of the British Embassy in Washington. Farm Flashes from the USDA were presented 103 times. The Editor also presented three radio programs featuring 4-H club girls over two Tallahassee stations during the girls' short course there in June. He made one radio recording in a county for presentation over WRUF. One skeleton radio talk to be filled in and presented over local stations was mailed to agents. Farm Flashes were sent out five days each week to 26 radio stations throughout Florida. These included 8 prepared by the Editors, 99 by other Extension workers, 118 from Experiment Station staff members, 34 from the USDA, and 3 from others. The Associate Editor furnished a 700-word script to the Associated Press each week for distribution to stations served by its wires. Be ginning in April he also sent the AP a monthly news letter on home demonstration club women's activities for distribution to radio stations. He continued to mail a fortnightly review of Florida agriculture to sta tions not receiving AP service. VISUAL AIDS AND MISCELLANEOUS The filmstrip library, now numbering nearly 100 strips, was increased during the year by accessions from the USDA and other sources. The color motion picture depicting life at three Florida 4-H camps was completed during the year and has been shown at camps and elsewhere. Two hundred feet of color motion picture film were shot at the negro camp on Doe Lake during its first season of operation. The Editors also assisted agents in obtaining motion picture films from the Extension Service's supplies and from the General Extension Division depository. Two projectors and a public address system were maintained for frequent use. Food and Home Notes copy from the USDA each week was forwarded to all home demonstration agents. Many of them used it for radio broad casting and others took some items from it for newspaper release.


18 Florida Cooperative Exte1ision SAFETY AND FIRE PRE . VENTION L.T. Nieland and Bonnie J. Carter National Farm Safety Week, July 24-30, and National Fire Preventi n Week, October 9-15, were observed by the Florida Agricultural Extensi n Service. Each county and home demonstration agent was provided with pack ts of material on safety prepared by the National Safety Council . and on re prevention by the USDA and the National Fire Protection Association to help in emphasizing and conducting programs during these weeks. nformation on precautions to follow when using some of the new and Id insecticides, prepared by Florida Experiment Station entomologists, sent to all agents. The Home Improvement Specialist and the Farm Forester, who gui 1 ed ~af ety a~d fire prevention p~ograms, prepared suggested activities, inc~ud1ng outlines for demonstrations for use by local leaders, 4-H membbrs, home . demonstration clubs and farmer groups. The Extension editorial staff prepared materials on safety and fire prevention, which were used in newspapers and on radio broadc sts throughout the state. Extension specialists presented two panel discussions at the S uth eastern Safety Conference in Tampa in Febru1ry. During the summer camping period water . safety was re-empha ized to 4-H groups. At annual short courses held for white and negro 4-H boys and girls motion pictures, posters, exhibits, demonstrations an lec tures were used in presenting safety and fire prevention information. Larry Loadholtz, 4-H club boy of Volusia County, received a triip to the National 4-H Congress, Chicago, as state winner in the safety con test. Thirty-five county agents an d 35 home demonstration agents reported carrying out organized safety and fire prevention programs. T t r ough efforts of these agents, 8,677 families were assisted in removing fl e and accident hazards. Four hundred twenty-six volunteer leaders assis ed in giving 1,091 method demonstrations at 694 meetings. Eight thAusand six hundred eighty seven 4-H boys and girls received definite trai J ing in safety at regular club meetings.


Annual Report, 1949 Part II Men's Work WORK OF COUNTY AGENTS H. G. Clayton, Director F. S . Perry, District Agent J. Lee Smith, District Agent K. S. McMullen, District Agent 19 District Agents continued their close liaison with cooperating Boards of County Commissioners to the end that work in the counties might be maintained at a highly efficient level. Every effort was made to insure a satisfactory Extension program in each county. The cooperative boards have provided some additional funds for salaries and facilities. During the year, County Boards provided their share of the necessary funds for employing two additional assistant county agents. Six assistant county agents resigned and one was transferred to a position as county agent. Three county agents resigned, two were transferred and two re tired. All vacancies were promptly filled by cooperative arrangements with the Boards. New agents were acquainted with Extension objectives and policies by District Agents. This was accomplished by frequent visits with these agents. Two District Agents devoted considerable time to plans for and financ ing of a badly needed additional 4-H club camp in the southern part of the state. This camp will make it possible for approximately 1,200 additional 4-H club boys and girls to attend a 4-H camp each year. District Agents assisted in every way possible to maintain and promote the good public relations between agencies, organizations, commodity groups and county agents which are so necessary for good Extension work. The support of these groups has been very evident during the year and has made it possible to reach additional people. District Agents were instrumental in initiating a new system of pro gram development. Much time and effort were spent in acquainting county workers with the new plan and assisting them in initiating it into their work. The new plan will result in greatly increased participation by the people in developing Extension programs. Much time was spent by District Agents in correlating the work of specialists within the districts, thus facilitating and making more effective the work of the specialists. The District Agents spent some time working with the Citrus Institute, the Poultry Institute and the Farm and _ Home Institute. They also assisted county workers with local, district and state shows and fairs. Four-H club work within the districts and on a state-wide basis was a major responsibility of each District Agent. Two 4-H leader-training camps were held during the year. District Agents attended 10" group meetings of county agents to discuss and plan 4-H activities. The scheduling of counties to 4-H" camps was also their responsibility. The outlook is good for efficient Exten s ion work in the future through out the state. Salaries somewhat comparable with those paid by industrfes and other agencies must be maintained in order to employ and hold the best qualified people. Equipment, office facilities and secretarial assis~ ance is more nearly adequate than at any time in the past; however, thei"e are still a number of offices which need additional equipment. Public i:iup~ port is good and the morale of agents is high and every effort is beirig made to fully justify favorable support and to maintain high morale.


20 Florida Cooperative Extension AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS C. V. Noble, Agricultural Economist FARM MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES C. M. Hampson, Economist in Farm Management F. W. Parvin, Associate Economist About half of the Economist's time was given to regular Extensi n work and about half to teaching methods in agricultural Extension. T I e Associate Economist gave full time to farm management work. Farm and Home Planning.-Farm and home planning with individu ls was carried through its ninth year. This project is primarily an expe ment in Extension methods with low-income farm families. Methods used include, first, a refresher school of one day for the operating county agents. Thi s is followed by the Economist spendin a day or two with each agent, during which time visits are made to abou a dozen farmers whose businesses are analyzed and recommendations ~re made for improvements that will secure higher income or will impr~ve the standard of living. The Economist and the agents alternate in con ducting interviews and making recommendations. After . each farm J i sit, a few minutes are spent in constructive criticism of the interview. ol lowing the Economist's visit to the county agent, each agent conti ues the process with a limited number of farmers. Also, a letter is sen to each farmer which contains a list of recommendations made to him. A total of 259 farm families were served in this way and 1,550 re9om mendations were made, of which about 70 percent were carried out Jn a creditable manner. Conservative estimates of the value of additional production on the farms range from $50 to $700, with an average of 220 per farm. This is an average increase of about 10 percent over their 948 income and about 50 percent over their 1939 income. It is planned t add a few farmers to the present list for 1950. Nine groups are now organized so that follow-up contacts can be ade with the cooperators at meetings instead of through farm visits. The initial contact each year is made at the farm. Timely circular 1 tters and printed publications are mailed to all cooperators. The Profess r of Farm Management at the University of Florida has become int nsely interested in the methods pursued and results obtained. As a resJlt of his interest, one tour is made annually by his class in agricultural policy to one community, and his farm management class has used mucct data from the cooperators' records. Assistance to Veterans.-Annually a table is provided for dete ining size of farm business based on income and using current prices. This method minimizes the discrepancies which exist between farms with / . vary ing kinds and amounts of drawbar power. A new record book was devised containing monthly and annua\ helps for analyzing the farm business ~ , nd for ai:rivi~g _ at co_rrec , tive rne~sures. Many letters were answered -regarding homesteading and starling in farming. Farm management discussions were conducted in 10 istrict meetings for teachers and eight local class meetings. Assistance to Negroes.-Approximately half of the work done in the farm-and-home-planning project is carried on with negroes; one of the training meetings for veterans' teachers was for negro teachers, and three of the 4-H leader meetings were for negro leaders; one day was given /to farm


Annual Report, 1949 21 management instruction at a negro 4-H camp, and four days at the negro 4-H short course. Two days each were given to the following: Negro Resources Committee, Annual Conference of Extension Agents, and farm management problems at Hungerford School. Teaching Methods in Agricultural Extension.-In' the fall term of school, two regularly scheduled undergraduate courses in Extension methods were offered and taught by the Economist. Two problems courses, one graduate and one under-graduate, were available throughout the year. A three-week summer school for in-service Extension workers included courses in general Extension methods, 4-H club work, economic entomol ogy, and journalism for Extension workers. Three courses were taught by local staff members, including the Economist, the fourth a field worker from the Extension Service in Washington. Each course provided 1 hours hours of credit toward a master's degree. Twenty-nine students were enrolled in the summer school, 65 in the fall classes, and 26 in the problems courses. Classroom teaching is followed by assistance in the field. Help was given in training 4-H leaders from 21 counties and 4-H officers from three counties. An Analysis of 15 Privately Conducted Citrus Feeding Trials.-During the spring and summer of 1949, the Associate Economist studied the operations of privately conducted beef cattle feeding trials in Florida in which citrus products were used as the principal fattening ingredient. An analysis of the costs and returns of 15 trials involving 894 animals was made and a report showing the results published. Economic Considerations in Florida's Pasture Improvement Program . .....:. A preliminary study of costs of pasture improvement programs, mainten ance programs and resulting increases in beef-producing capacity of the land indicated that in a great many cases the annual cost per acre of a pasture program is very high. The Associate Economist has pointed out in g ~ oup mee t ings with rural bankers and professional agricultural workers, both in the counties and at the University of Florida, that caution should be exercised in making recommendations to farmers in the field of pasture improvement. He has pointed out that there are conditions under which a pasture program will not pay and that those conditions are not merely isolated cases. Economic Outlook for Florida Farmers.-A mimeographed sheet sum marizing economic information important to Florida agriculture adapted from reports from the Bureau of Agricultural Economics in Washington was prepared monthly for use of county agents, vocational agriculture teachers, veterans teachers, rural bankers and Extension staff members. Florida Agricultural Outlook.-Following the National Outlook Con ference in Washington, October 31 to November 4, the Associate Economist prepared a general report entitled "Florida Agricultural Outlook for 1950." This report was distributed to 1,200 people who serve Florida farmers. During the year the Associate Economist appeared before 13 farmer meetings where he discussed the general subject of agricultural outlook for Florida farmers. The combined attendance at these meetings was ap proximately 1,400 farmers. Fifteen radio talks were prepared and de livered on the subject of outlook for various commodities and supplies for Florida farmers.


22 Florida Cooperative Extension 4-H Club Work.-Assistance was given at 37 4-H club events, includin short course and camps, at seven district and county fairs, in compiling new Secretary's Record Book and in the selection of state prize winnerfs for national contests. Help in conducting training meetings with 4leaders from 21 counties and 4-H officers from three counties has bee mentioned previously. Miscellaneous Activities.-Background data regarding economic pro lems were secured and analyzed for five county agents. In addition, a sistance was given in 15 meetings of 10 different organizations, to so e college classes, to students who made office visits, and in the preparati n of two manuscripts by members of the Florida Agricultural Experime t Station Staff. CITRUS GROVE MANAGEMENT 1 Zach Savage, Associate Economist, Agricultural Experiment Station Florida citrus growers maintained their interest in citrus cost a d return records and the reports made therefrom. Some growers studied summary reports to help them decide whether to purchase additional cit , us acreages. Other growers were interested in the reports as a basis or formulating long-term leases of citrus properties and contracts for long term purchases of citrus fruit from stipulated groves. Many prospective grove owners requested copies of these reports to assist th . em in decid)~g whether or not to purchase citrus properties and in determining grpve values. Various segments of the citrus industry used the reports to alist them with their particular problems. Many processors, particularly on centrators, were interested in production costs, while real estate dea ers were interested in costs and returns to assist them in handling ci ,rus properties. Cooperators received 43 cents per box for their fruit from groves ver 10 years of age in the 1947-48 season. This was 58 percent of the rice received the previous season and 21 percent of the 1945-46 price. The price of 43 cents received in the 1947-48 season was the lowest since the 1938-39 season and there was only one other season, 1932-33, when the price was lower than in 1947-48. While fruit prices have been declining, costs of most production itemi, in creased. However, the operating costs per acre decreased 1 perceit in 1947-48 as compared to the previous season. There was a furthe de crease in 1948-49 that amounted to 13 percent of the 1946-47 se son. These reductions were effected by postponing and/or eliminating !ome operations rather than performing the operations at lower rates. Growers represented by these records encountered their worst s ason in 1947-48 from the standpoint of returns above operating costs an net returns. Returns above operating costs showed losses of $21.97 per / acre1 or 7 cents per box. These losses were encountered in spite of a re~ cord yield for the season of 321 boxes per acre. Although 13 counties were represented in the 1947-48 season, 8 per cent of the groves and 85 percent of the grove acreage were in four counties, Polk, .Lake, Orange and Highlands. / Included in this study were some groves made up largely of o~ange trees and others in which grapefruit predominated. The sample of rape fruit groves was small, but records on these were difficult to obtai since such a small proportion of Florida groves are grapefruit. 1 This project is cooperative with the Agricultural Experiment Station.


Annual Report, 1949 23 Storms, hurricanes, drouths and low temperatures reduced the number of boxes harvested during some seasons. Strong winds affect grapefruit yields more than orange during the latter part of the fruit seasons, due to the larger size of fruit. These and other factors resulted in wide fluctuations in yields of both groups of groves, particularly grapefruit. The number of boxes of fruit harvested per acre from grapefruit groves averaged 39 percent higher than from orange groves. Operating costs per acre were 23 percent higher on grapefruit and 12 percent less per box. Returns from fruit per acre averaged 46 percent higher on oranges and 105 percent higher per box. Returns above operating costs per acre were 145 pe1cent higher on oranges and 246 percent higher per box. The 1947-48 season was the only one when returns from all orange groves were less than operating costs. There were five of the 17 seasons when returns from all grapefruit groves failed to pay operating costs, and the loss was greatest in 1947-48. There were three seasons when each orange grove returned its operating costs. There were four seasons when each grapefruit grove returned its operating costs. Over the 17-year period, one out of six orange and one out of three grapefruit groves failed to return operating costs. Some groves included in this study were located in the Indian River section. Counties included in this section are Brevard, Indian River and St. Lucie. A separate report was made on the groves in this section. Grove records were not included for seasons prior to 1933-34, thus limiting this report to 15 seasons. The average age of Indian River groves included was 12 years. For the first time since the inception of this project, groves were grouped in six age groups for costs and returns in the 1947-48 season. The in ' cl.ividual summa1y report for each grove of the study over 10 years of age included for the first time the ranking of that grove for each of seven items, (1) boxes harvested per acre, (2) fruit returns per acre, (3) operat ing costs per acre, (4) returns above operating costs per acre, (5) spray and dust materials cost per acre, (6) fertilizer materials cost per acre, and (7) nitrogen per box of fruit harvested. These rankings indicated the position of the individual grove in relation to all others and the cooperator was able to see how he ranked with others in the group. Also, comparative data for his county were supplied each cooperator, along with data from all sections by age groups, the "1947-48 Citrus Costs and Returns with Comparisons of Other Seasons," and "Seven teen Years of Citrus Costs and Returns." Cooperators of the Indian River section received in addition, "Costs and Returns on Indian River Groves." County agents in citrus-producing counties were requested to supply names and addresses of their county citrus advisory committees. These 146 committeemen and other interested persons were included on the mailing list to receive summaries as released. Articles were prepared for the January issue of the "Florida Farm Bureau Bulletin" and the November issue of "The Citrus Industry." Shorter articles appeared in six issues of "Citrus Notes for County Agents in Citrus Producing Counties." Copies of different releases were supplied each member of six classes of students in the University of Florida College of Agriculture. Classes using this material were in horticulture, farm management and agricultural marketing. The Associate Agricultural Economist appeared before four 5-Ex.


24 Florida Cooperative Extension classes and assisted in presentation of the data at the time publications we e distributed. A copy of the Extension citrus grove record book was sent each cooper tor in September, since the fiscal period of these records is September 1 through August 31. MARKETING ACTIVITIES D. E. Timmons, Economist in Marketing Adjustment to post-war conditions is affecting agriculture to a grea er degree than most other industries. Prices of raw products usually ~ 11 faster than finished products. Prices of those products the farmer b ys fall more slowly than those he sells. This condition results in unr st among farmers and an unusual demand for lower costs and economies. Florida farmers, as a group, fared relatively better during the 1948 r 49 season than they did the previous year. This was due to larger proluc tion and to the fact that a freeze in California reduced the supply of citrus fruits and vegetables-Florida's principal crops. Citrus.-The volume of citrus marketed has been increasing rapidly nd the demand for more outlets continues. The California and Texas fre zes relieved the surplus situation during 1949. The previous two Florida ea sons were di s astrous, due to low prices. Growers demanded new le g ~ sla tion. New organizations were formed and growers took part in nume ous meetings where proposals for solving the citrus problems were dema11; e d. The Extension Economist in Marketing attended most of these meetings and participated only in the economic phases of the discussions. 1,s a result of growers' efforts, legislation, known as the Citrus Code of 949, was passed. The main feature of this code is an increa s e in the . mat rity standa1ds of all citrus and the including of processed fruit in ' the ame legislation applying to fresh fruit. In some instances maturity and rade regulations differ; but in all cases, the intent is to insure the hi hest quality of Florida citrus it is practicable to market. The Citrus Code of 1949 was the principal topic at many mee ings held in citrus counties. The Extension Economist in Marketing aslisted with 17 of these meetings and cooperated with the Exte~sion Citru Ad visory Committee in developing programs to produce better quality itrus fruits. Florida Citrus Mutual.-The Florida citrus industry is giving much thought and effort through a new growers' organization known as F1orida Citrus Mutual to programs which would stabilize the citrus market. This organization includes ov e r 90 percent of the growers . The progr m at the moment involves minimum prices and a weekly prorate. A gootl fea ture of the Citrus Mutual movement has been the educational accon)plish ment. Meetings, confer e nces and arguments in conn . ection with Mut'}al and its program have done much to familiarize the industry with pryblems and has caused growers, shippers and others to become more consc~ous of the task ahead and the importance of cooperation in attacking these problems. Assistance has been given Mutual by advising with its o ficials, attending directors' meetings, and assisting in arranging programf. Florida Citrus Comrnission.-The Florida Citrus Commission is the state agency responsible for stimulating demands for citrus. Th Com mission meets regularly once . each month and at many called m etings. The Extension Economist in Marketing attended most of the Combission


Annual Report, 1949 25 meetings and took part in discussions. He assisted in the dissemination of rules and regulations issued by the Commission and . reported reactions of the industry concerning various questions to the Commission. Canning Publication.-For a number of years, the Economist carried on a cooperative project with the Florida Canners' Association, which con sisted of writing the summary of the season's operations, making radio talks and putting out circulars in connection with the citrus canning opera tions. This project was temporarily suspended during the war but was resumed during the current year. The citrus canners requested a publication on the history and develop ment of the citrus canning industry and statistics showing trends in pro duction by various kinds of citrus products. Emphasis on the production of frozen citrus concentrate, a new product in the citrus industry, was to be included. This publication is in the hands of a citrus canning committee and should be ready for distribution in early 1950. Citrus Institute.-The Economist cooperated with the Extension Citri culturist in holding two citrus institutes, one at Camp McQuarrie and one with the Indian River Citrus League. Growers' Administrative and Shipper's Advisory Committee.-The Ex tension Economist in Marketing attended a number of the meetings held by this committee, where assistance was given in disseminating rules and regulations of the committee. Assistance was also given in holding meet ings to nominate grower members to the Advisory Committee. Lime Maturity.-Producers and packers of limes held a number of meetings during the last year on the percent of juice content as a require ment for maturity. Some producers and packers wished to raise the juice content while others felt that the present standard of 40 percent was high enough. The group agreed to ask the University of Florida Agricultural Experiment Station to conduct research to determine what was advisable. The Economist has been active in this series of meetings. He helped to present the need for a project to determine the desirable juice content standard to the Experiment Station and also assisted in setting up the project. Vegetables.-Extension marketing activities in vegetables consisted of cooperating with the Florida Fruit and Vegetable Association in their program of transportation, better packaging, marketing agreement educa tional meetings, farm labor and commodity meetings. The Economist assisted the Assistant Extension Horticulturist in setting up a project which was designed to demonstrate proper displaying and care of produce. A third phase of vegetable activities during the past year included assisting with a number of vegetable meetings and field days in coopera tion with the various branch experiment stations and the Extension Horti culturist. Florida Council of Farmer Cooperatives.-The Economist continued to assist the Florida Council of Farmer Cooperatives, which carries on an educational program for its members. This cooperative consists of 58 members representing an estimated 90 % of the buying and selling carried on by Florida farmers' cooperatives. Watermelon Growers' and Distributors' Association.-The Watermelon Growers' and Distributors' Association has its headquarters in Gainesville, Florida. The Extension Economist in Marketing was re-elected secre


26 Florida Cooperative Extension tary of this association in 1949. Membership in this organization haJ more than doubled. in the last three years. About one-third of the memr bers are Florida producers and all receiver members handle Florida pro r duce. I Pecans.-As a result of extremely low prices in 1948, pecan groweri, requested support prices. The Southeast Pecan Growers' Association took an active part in this move and finally requested hearings on a proposetl federal marketing agreement affecting the five states of Mississippi, AlJ bama, Georgia, South Carolina, and Florida. In Florida, two series df educational meetings were held with growers and shippers on the pl posed agreement. Outlook.-The Economist took part in a number of out-look meetin s. He worked very closely with the Associate Economist on tl).is project. O~e issue of marketing briefs was prepared and mailed.


Annual R e port, 1949 AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING AND ELECTRIFICATION AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING John M. Johnson, Agricultural Engineer 27 The need for agricultural engineering was keenly felt because of de crease in farm labor, increase in size of farms, development of new lands which require clearing or draining, and the unprecedented interest in better housing and mechanization. In view of this broad need for engi neering services, the agricultural engineering program was designed to reduce human effort and costs in the production of essential and desirable commodities needed by man and animal and to make the farm and rural community a more desirable place to live. Housing and Farm Buildings.-The aim of the farm housing program is to raise the standard of living and income through properly planned, better constructed and more efficiently arranged buildings. Information on this important phase of the engineering program was disseminated through radio, news items, result demonstrations, method demonstrations and farmer meetings. Many teaching devices, such as models, charts, slides and motion pictures, were used. The Florida building plan service is an additional aid in carrying out the housing program. Through this service, a file of 275 farm building plans, including about 75 different designs for dwellings, is maintained. All plans are described in two mimeographed leaflets: "Plans of Farm Dwellings and Appurten ances," which lists only dwelling houses, miscellaneous structures and equipment, and "Plans for Farm Buildings," which lists farm buildings other than dwellings and various types of farm and ranch equipment. During the year, 4,468 sheets of building plans were furnished to farmers in answer to requests made to the Agricultural Engineer or Fig. 2.-This drying outfit has a capacity of 40,000 pounds of seed or 40 tons of hay. Cutoffs developed by Florida agricultural engineers permit the use of any or all sections of the drying surface at one time.


28 Florida Cooperative Extension through county agents' offices. An additional 2,000 plans were furnished for reference files for county agents, vocational agricultural and veterans' teachers. The Agricultural Engineer spent 45 days in the field answering requests for on-the-spot assistance in planning and construction. County Extension workers spent a total of 2,123 days assisting farm people with housing problems. The work was done with the help of 762 volunteer local leaders. Statistical Summary-Housing and Farm Building Activities By White Negro Families Assisted Families Assisted Constructing farm dwellings ____ 942 194 Remodeling farm dwellings ______ 1,985 384 Sewage systems ______ 704 77 Water systems -----------------------------751 145 Heating systems ----------------------------334 38 Improving kitchens, storage space, laundry and other rooms ,322 Sanitary privies ---~--666 Screening "----------------------------------------4,262 Construction of farm buildings __ 665 Remodeling or repairing farm buildings ___________ _ 721 1,569 , 167 1,078 86 169 Agents. Total 1,136 2,369 781 896 372 7,891 833 5,340 751 890 . Farm Machinery.-The aim of the farm machinery program is to teach the farmer, his son, his hired labor and the county agent the importance of wise selection, proper use and maintenance of the many pieces of machinery used in farming operations. The number of tractors on Florida farms has tripled in the past 10 years. This rapid change in the number of tractors is an indication of the over-all trend toward mechanization. There is an estimated 114,258 pieces of automotive equipment in operation on Florida farms. To get information to the most farmers possible, demonstrations and exhibits were used to a great extent. The Agricultural Engineer partici pated in planning or conducting 27 farm machinery demonstrations and exhibits. The purpose of the demonstrations, which in some cases were of specialized machines, was to show the farmer enough regarding the operation and capabilities of a piece of machinery for him to determine whether he needed such a machine for his farm. One such demonstration gave the 100 farmers in attendance definite proof that a combine will ef ficiently harvest an important seed crop, crimson clover. Two three-day tractor maintenance schools were conducted for 48 4-H leaders at Ocala and Live Oak. Instruction was given in routine farm machinery maintenance practices, club leadership and organization. A 4-H tractor operators' contest was developed to stimulate interest among farm youth in farm machinery and to increase interest in the 4-H tractor maintenance project. In two counties, 4-H tractor operators' con tests, with 52 participants, were witnessed by over 4,000 people. County and home demonstration agents worked 377 days in 369 com munities assisting farm people with mechanical equipment. The work was done with the help of 179 volunteer local leaders in 23 counties.


A nnua l R eport, 1949 29 UNITS 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 YEAR. 1920 1 930 1 940 1950 Fig. 3.-Farm use of automobiles, trucks and tractors has risen, while the number of mules on farms has decreased materially. Summary of Exte n sion Activities in White Familie s As s i s t ed Selection of mechanical equipment 1,464 U se of mechanical equipment 1,331 Maintenance and repair of mechanical equipment .............. 1,528 Number tractor sc hool s .................. 2 Number leaders attending tractor sc hools ............................ 48 Farm Machinery. Negro Families Assisted 106 268 189 0 0 Total 1,570 1,599 1,717 2 48 Marketing Facilities .Th e marketing program was designed to furnish all available information to the interested farmer on preparing his products for both mark et and home use in the most effic i ent manner to maintain qua lit y and bring a good pri c e.


30 Florida Cooperative Extension The major activity in marketing was in seed and hay drying. There were approximately 25 mechanical driers, other than batch-type seed driers, operating in Florida. Twelve of these driers were the combination seed, feed and hay type. The two largest installations made this year had a floor capacity of 40,000 pounds of seed or 40 tons of hay. Some emphasis was placed on fence post treating, since the last legisla ture passed a law to become effective in July 1950, making it unlawful for livestock to roam at large on all state roads. This law, and the desire to establish improved pasture under fence, stimulated fencing activity. A cooperative program with the Extension Forester on preservative and treat ment methods for fence posts was continued. The preservatives recom mended were pentachlorophenol and copper napthanate, both of which were used in the concentrate form. A tank was built and used in treating demonstrations. These demonstrations were witnessed by 2,100 farmers. Personal Service and Miscellaneous.-The nature of agricultural engi neering work made a service program necessary. The Agricultural Engi neer was most frequently requested to render personal service on irriga tion and drainage problems. These problems consisted of a farm drainage system or portable irrigation system. The Agricultural Engineer worked with 14 farmers on irrigation and with 15 farmers on drainage. County agents assisted 1,088 farmers with irrigation and 2,362 farmers with drain age problems. FARM ELECTRIFICATION A. M. Pettis, Farm Electrification Specialist The power suppliers in Florida have been engaged in extensive line construction programs during 1949. Electrical equipment for farms and homes has been produced at a very rapid rate since the war and this equipment was generally available in all sections of the state. Congress authorized the Rural Electrification Administration to make additional loans to further the building of electric lines in rural areas. The line-construction programs of the power suppliers during 1949 has resulted in 6,800 farms being electrified, which is the largest number ever electrified in Florida in a single year. At present 46,769 Florida farms have electricity, which is 76.5 percent of the farms in the state. These farms receive power from 15 REA co operatives, three major utilities, several minor utilities and municipalities with rural lines. Approximately three-fourths of the electrified farms are served by REA cooperatives. Safe, Adequate Wiring.-The most effective time to advise farmers concerning installation of proper wiring is just before they have their farms wired. Copies of the USDA bulletin, "Planning the Farmstead Wiring and Lighting," were mailed all Extension agents in the state in 1948, and this year additional copies were sent upon request to agents and to farmers. The farm Electrification Specialist discussed proper wiring at 35 meetings attended by 850 people, including 4-H members, farmers and county and home demonstration agents. In collaboration with the Extension Engineer and the Home Improvement Specialist, the Farm Electrification Specialist assisted in conducting four all-day training classes on home improvement, with 40 county home demonstration agents attending. At these classes, the Farm Electrification Specialist gave demonstrations on home electrification. Proper Lighting.-The Farm Electrification specialist constructed a


Annual Report, 1949 31 study lamp according to the USDA plans, "Make this Table Lamp." Plans for this lamp, which was on exhibit at 4-H summer camps, were distributed. Motor Table.-A home-made motor table was used to demonstrate to rural people how electricity can replace expensive hired help. This motor table has one small electric motor to operate different pieces of household and shop equipment which are often operated by hand. USDA plans for making the motor table were distributed at four meetings where the table was demonstrated. Approximately 3,800 people attended these meetings. Converting Treadle Sewing Machines.-In 1948 the Farm Electrifica tion Specialist prepared a leaflet entitled, "Convert Your Treadle Model to an Electric Sewing Machine . " A great amount of interest has b e en shown by farm women in attaching an electric motor to their treadle machines. This year the Farm Electrification Specialist gave 11 demonstrations to 3,700 farm people on converting treadle sewing machines. Although there are not complete figures available concerning the number of farm women now sewing electrically as a result of this activity, a tabulation in one county revealed more than 50 women converted their treadle sew ing machines since the Extension leaflet was printed. Chick Brooder.-A home-made chick brooder was constructed following the USDA plans entitled, "A Home-Made Electric Brooder." In coopera tion with the Extension Poultry Specialist, these plans were sent to all agents in the state. Electric Equipment.-The selection, care and safe operation of elec tric appliances was discussed at nine meetings attended by 339 rural people. Films concerning rural electrification, electric appliances and water systems were shown at meetings and USDA leaflets on these sub jects were distributed. 4-H Club ,vork.-The 4-H Better Methods Electric contest was pro moted as in previous years. A s sistance wa s given to agents in nine counties by discussing the contest at 14 meetings attended by 229 4-H members. In addition, the contest was discussed with 219 4-H members at summer camps. The results this year were the best to date. The state winner of the contest was Jimmy Machek of Volusia County. Demonstrations on the repair of ironing cords and extension cords were presented before 120 4-H girls at their State 4-H Short Course. At two summer camps, 264 4-H members improved existing wiring under the supervision of the Farm Electrification Specialist. Additional Help.-Additional help was given to farmers and county agricultural leaders by answering their inquiries concerning wiring, light ing, and electrical farm equipment. A radio recording of talks on electric water systems, electric cooking and proper lighting was obtained. This recording has been loaned to five county agents and other county leaders for use on radio programs. The Farm Electrification Specialist has given demonstrations and as sisted with exhibits at fairs, agricultural shows and the Farm and Home Institute. During 1949 county Extension workers assisted families on farm elec trification problems as follows: White Families Assisted Obtaining electricity . 1,475 Using electricity in home --3,421 Using electricity to produce income 611 6-Ex. Negro Familie s Assister 348 185 33 Total 1,823 3,606 644


32 Florida Cooperative Extension ANIMAL HUSBANDRY W. J. Sheely, Animal Husbandman, December 1, 1948, to April 30, 194 Oliver F. Goen, Assistant Animal Industrialist / The Assistant Animal Industrialist was appointed April 1, 1949. Th~s report therefore covers the period April 1 through November 30, with tFle exception of the statistical data furnished by the county agents whith covers the period December 1, 1948, through November 30, 1949. Because the work of the Assistant Animal Industrialist is primarily co , cerned with the cattle industry and cattlemen throughout the state, ~n effort was made to meet with the various local cattlemen's associations. dresses were given to four such groups. In addition, talks relating_1_to livestock were made at several meetings of combined veterans' classes tnd to the Trenton Kiwanis Club. The Assistant Animal Industrialist helped carry on an educatio al program designed to show the number of dollars lost each year by livest ck producers because of improper handling of stock between farm and mar ket. During 1948 165,315,000 pounds of meat valued at $95,801,700 Jere lost to the industry because of improper handling of livestock and damhge to hides by grubs.2 Since livestock shows can be considered show windows of the lives ock industry, county agents were assisted in putting on livestock shows. he Assistant Animal Industrialist served as judge in six livestock shows , as judge of the showmanship contest in two, and helped others publ~cize ::~~~!:::ra:;:::g:e::::ve: 1 ::d c~::::a:e:::::s p::;or::;u:c::::tt$4.: camps. Considerable time was spent visiting 4-H livestock projects ith county and assistant agents to assist them with livestock problems. At the request of agents, study outlines were prepared to be used in tea hing 4-H club members to judge livestock and to appreciate type, qualit and productivity in breeding animals. Prevention and control of livestock diseases and parasites has been stressed through demonstrations, illustrated lectures, study course and outlines distributed to 4-H club members attending camps and at ther meetings. Since external parasite control on livestock is being stressed by c unty agents, the following estimated summary of livestock pest control work was prepared, covering the period October 1, 1948, to October 1, 19 9. Total number of power sprayers used for livestock pest control 267 Estimated amount of rotenone, in pounds, used in the external parasite control program (in terms of 5 percent l'Otenone root) _______ ----------------------------7,620 Estimated amount, in pounds, of DDT used (in terms of technical product) ---------------------------------------------------------81,800 Estimated amount, in pounds, of methoxychlor ____ 6,920 Estimated amount, in pounds, of BHC (in terms of technical material containing 10-12 percent gamma isomer) _______________ _ Estimated amount, in pounds, of lindane ------------------------------------Estimated amount, in pounds, of chlordane _______ __ _______________ _ Estimated amount, in pounds, of toxaphene -----------------------------------2 From report of National Livestock Loss Prevention Committee. 12,715 1,190 6,390 1,190


Annual R e port, 1949 Estimated amount, in pounds, of n e wer pyrethrum compounds _ __ _ Estimated amount, in pounds, of other chlorinated insecticides __ _ Numb e r of farm premises s prayed for house fly and stable fly control --------------------Total numb e r of cattle treated one or more times (regardless of pest and not total number of treatment s ) --------------------Treated for g rubs ----___ _ __ 11,250 Estimated saving ----------------$15 , 900 Treated for flies ---------------------402,000 Estimated saving ___ _ _ _ ___ _____ _ _ __ $873,000 Treat e d for lice ------------------------------365 , 275 Estimated saving ------------------------$624,850 Total savings ________ __ __ __ __ $1,513,750 Total number hogs treated for lice, etc ----------------------Estimated saving -----------------------------------------Total number poultry treated for mites, etc. _ __ _ _ Estimated saving ------------------------------33 1,800 6,770 12,719 446,030 18,380 $15,050 806,700 $30,660 A survey on the amount of meat cured in the state, with 31 meat curing plants reporting , shows _ that 2,105,384 pounds of meat were cured for farmers from September 1, 1948, to April 1, 1949. This was a decrease of 4,692 , 737 pounds from a year earlier. During the period September 1 , 1947, to April 1, 1948, a total of 6,798,121 pounds of meat were reported cured. This decrease can be explained by the great increase in the use of home freezers since the war and the increase in freezer locker plants in the state. This same survey showed a total of 12,967 families curing meat during this period . The total amount of meat processed by freezer lockers, during the period September 1, 1948, and April 1, 1949, was 854,948 pounds, compared with a total of 382,676 pounds processed during the period Sep tember 1, 1947, to April 1, 1948. This is an increase of 472,272 pounds. The number of freezer lockers reported during the same period increased from 5,356 in 1948 to 7,431 in 1949, an increase of 2,075 lockers. This year a severe drought struck many areas of Flor i da, some areas reporting only 2 to 3 inches of rainfall during the period from No vember until May. In these areas there was a scarcity of stock water; and as a result, the construction of ponds, digging of wells and erection of windmills were increased. A survey was conducted to find the extent to which this program was carried out. County agents reported 974 windmills, 694 ponds and 4,955 wells dug or erected throughout the state to furnish wat e r for livestock. Despite this number of sources of water being erected or dug, many farmers and ranchers were out of stock water. County agents assisted 120 farmers in controlling predatory animals endangering beef cattle and swine. Beef Cattle.C ounty agents reported 605 farmers were assisted in ob tainin g pureb r ed bulls and 766 farmers were assisted in obtaining 766 purebr e d or hi g h grade heifers . Reports al s o show 3,888 farmer s controlled external parasites aff e cting b e ef cattle, while 2,975 farmers used control measures on internal para sites and diseases of beef cattle. County a g ents, assi s ted by 316 local leaders, spent 2,032 days in 634 communities working on beef cattle problems . They assisted 2,710 farm ers in improving methods of f e edin g beef cattle.


34 Flo rida Coop e rativ e E x t e nsion Fig. 4.-This Florida 4-H boy gave hi s pig ex tra good c ar e , produced a animal and won a trip to th e National Club Co ngress . Swi n e.-Report s s how county agents h e lp e d 723 far m ers secure pure br ~ d boa rs and 1,007 farmers sec u re purebred and high grade gilts. Also, 5,549 farmers controlled exte1 nal ho g parasites, while 6,984 farmers u sed contro l measures on internal parasites and diseases of swine . C ounty agents assisted 3,962 farmers in improving methods of swi n e fee ding. Co unty a ge nt s, ass i s t ed by 276 local l eaders, devoted 1.770 days work ing on s w i ne pro r. ucti c n.


Annual Report, 1949 35 BEEKEEPING John D. Haynie, Apiculturist Florida beekeepers produced 30 percent more honey this year than last, despite the near failure in the Tupelo section, the second largest honey producing area in the state. The citrus blossom flow, which started out irregularly, was extended over a long period and a record high quality crop of citrus honey was produced. In normal years citrus bloom produces the largest crop of honey in the state. The average yield of honey for Florida beekeepers this year was 56 pounds per colony from an estimated 189,000 colonies. For the nation as a whole, the average was 41 pounds from an estimated five million colonies. Florida, with an increase of two and one-half million pounds over last year's honey crop, ranked fifth in the nation. Florida producers have on hand an estimated five million pounds of the 1949 honey crop, which compares generally with stocks on hand throughout the nation. Beekeepers in Florida and the -Southeastern states are receiving more money for their honey on the retail markets than is received in any other section of the country. However, the present trend in Florida is to de crease colonies because of low prices, the slow movement of honey and the continued high cost of bee supplies. The Apiculturist assisted county agents in visiting beekeepers who had special problems in beekeeping, in disseminating beekeeping informa tion, in programs for district beekeepers' meetings and exhibiting bee keeping information at fairs. County agents cooperated with veterans' teachers, vocational agri culture teachers, public school teachers and civic organizations in assist ing with programs at which the Apiculturist discussed the value of honey bees in agriculture. The film on the life history of the bee was shown at other meetings by teachers and county agents, when the Apiculturist could not be present. The Apiculturist cooperated with three county agents by setting up exhibits of honeybees and distributing information on the role of bees in legume pollination at three county fairs. Reports from home demonstration agents show that home agents in seven counties spent 35 days in the field on beekeeping. County agents in 42 counties spent 234 days on beekeeping. There were 166 communities in 35 counties in which beekeeping activities were conducted. 4-H Club Activities.-The Apiculturist carried a teaching program to 4-H club members through assistant county agents. In many instances, science classes or the whole school were given instruction on the life history and habits of bees. Visual aids proved effective in presenting sub ject matter to students. A team of 4 H club boys from Polk County gave three demonstrations at the State Fair on installing package bees in a hive. A description of their demonstration was given over Station WFLA, Tampa. A 4-H demonstration team from Lake County set up a colony and extracting equipment under a screened cage. They smoked the bees, brushed bees ' from the frames, extracted honey and distributed honey samples to spec tators.


36 Florida Cooperative Extension The Apiculturist spent a week at each of the 4-H camps, Doe Lake, Cherry Lake and Camp McQuarrie giving beekeeping demonstrations. The boys were given instruction on the nature and habits of bees, how to start an apiary, how to open a hive and determine the ability of a colony to produce honey, how to prepare for the honey flow, remove honey from the bees, requeen a colony, extract and settle honey and move colonies. A 20 minute film on the life history and habits of bees was shown at each 4-H club camp. Reports from county and home demonstration agents show that 122 boys and 35 girls were enrolled in 4-H beekeeping projects. The boys completed 84 of their projects, while the girls completed 25 projects. There were 381 colonies managed by club members in 29 counties. District Beekeepers' Association.-Beekeepers live in widely scattered areas because of the acreage required to maintain a colony. District bee keepers' associations were formed in order for each beekeeper to keep better informed on problems affecting the industry. At these meetings, which were held monthly or quarterly, the Apiculturist and county agents were able to contact a large number of beekeepers, who were interested in better beekeeping methods. The Apiculturist contributed to the program at 17 district beekeepers' meetings. The greater part of the Florida honey crop has to be exported. There are at least five producer-packer plants in the state, none of which has capacity for handling the large surplus which accumulates in the hands of the producer. The Apiculturist and the county agent of Orange County, working through the District Beekeepers' Association of Central Florida, assisted in the organization of the Florida Honey Cooperative. Since this co-op has been organized, beek e epers in Brevard and Palm Beach counties plan to form honey co-ops in their counties. Cooperation With State Organizations.-Since marketing is the number one problem in honey production, the Apiculturist placed emphasis on honey by supervising eight producet" exhibits, a display of food prepared with honey and an educational beekeeping exhibit, all at the State Fair in Tampa. There were about eight tons of honey displayed in gla s s in producer's booths. These beekeeping and honey exhibits, considered the largest in the country, advertise honey to visitors from out of the state, where the greater part of it is s hipped. Cooperation With Research Workers.-The Apiculturist, in cooperation with Dr. G. K . Parris, Plant Pathologist in Charge of the Experiment Station Laboratory at Leesburg, collected experimental data to determine the effectiveness of honeybees in watermelon pollination. Preliminary results indicate that bees do a thorough job in pollinating the water melon blooms for a limited distance from the hives . Three or four years will be required to make final determinations in this project. The Apiculturist and an Associate Agronomist from the Florida Agri cultural Experiment Station cooperated in a clover pollination project to determine if clover blooms received sufficient pollination from honeybees. A preliminary report indicated there were not enough insects, beside honey bees, to do a thorough job of pollination. In cooperation with the As sistant Botanist of the Florida Agricultural Experiment Station, the Apiculturist is compiling material for the bulletin, "Honey Plants of Florida."


Annual Report, 1949 37 Teaching Materials.-During the year Florida Beekeepers were mailed seven news letters containing information on marketing honey, recom mendations on colony management, a statement on the condition of nectar secretion in plants, suggestions on requeening colonies, and notes on the history of beekeeping and preparation of l!olonies for winter. Talks given over Station WRUF were on insect enemies of bees, pre paring colonies for winter and comb honey production. Over 900 copies of the mimeographed circular, "First Lessons in Bee keeping," were mailed to all persons requesting information on starting bees. Work on the regular beginners' bulletin on beekeeping is progressing and the material will soon be ready for publication. A mimeographed sheet, "Installing Package Bees," was prepared for a demonstration at the annual Extension workers' conference and made available for those start ing in beekeeping. Work was completed on Circular 90, The Five-Deep Brood Frame Hive. Recommendations contained in this circular fit commercial as well as side line beekeeping operations. ..


38 Florida Cooperntiv e E x t e nsion BOYS' 4-H CLUB WORK R. W. Bla ck lock , State Boys' C lub Agent W. W. Brown, Assistant State Boys' C lub Agent R. W. Blacklock retired as State Boys' Club Agent on August 31, 1949, after 33 years with the Florida Agricultural Extension Service. Of his total service, 29 years were spent in the capacity of State Boys' 4-H C lub Agent. Former 4-H c lub members will long remember his outstand ing leadership and friendly advice. The state has been divided into 10 4-H districts, with a county agent elected as chairman of each district. The 10 district chairmen met with the State Boys' Club Agents during the annual Extension confere nc e and made recomme ndation s for the 1950 4-H program. County agents and assistant county agents devoted 7,319 days to 4-H c lub work this year, which represe nts an increa se over previous years. Two hundred seventy-two meeting s were held over the state for the pur pose of training lo cal 4-H club l eaders. The 4-H club members made 226 tours to members' projects, State Ag1 icultural Experiment Stations, key farms in the commu nit y and other educational trips. Fifty-four achievement days were held in 32 counties. E nrollm ent and Completion . -This year 9,041 white 4-H club boys were enrolled in club work. This was 1,084 more boys, or an increase of Fig. 5.-Four-H club members gave daily demonstrations during the Florida State Fair in Tampa, atte nd ed by over a million peop l e.


Annual Report, 1949 39 12 percent, in 4-H enrollment over 1948. Enrollment of negro boys in creased to 2,189 this year as compared with 2,077 boys enrolled in 1948. The percentage of project completions also increased. This year 5,963 white 4-H club boys completed their projects, as compared with 5,081 in 1948. This year 1,670 negro 4-H club boys completed their projects, while 1,779 negro 4-H boys completed their projects in 1948. Project activities automatically increased as a result of increased en rollment. This year combined reports from white and negro county agents show that the boys completed 11,409 of the 16,148 projects they enrolled in . Last year, 4-H boys completed 9,808 projects of the 14,149 projects begun. Florida county agents and assistants did an outstanding job of enrolling new members and encouraging project completions. Camps.-The Boys' 4-H Club Agent is responsible for 4-H club camp .administration, which includes maintenance, construction of new buildings, operation of kitchens and securing caretakers and camp staffs. The four camps are Cherry Lake, Timpoochee, McQuarrie and Doe . Lake. New sanitary facilities were built at Cherry Lake and waterfront equipment was improved through the addition of two more large army . floating docks. A new automatic pressure system for supplying water was installed at Camp McQuarrie. Other needed equipment was obtained .and improvements made at all camps. A most satisfactory camp, known as Doe Lake Camp, was secured for negro 4-H club members from the U. S. Forest Service in the Ocala National Forest. Improvements made at this camp included lighting, sanitary facilities, equipping the kitchen and obtaining 130 mattresses. The four district camps, now owned and operated by the Extension Service, will not accommodate all the 4-H girls and boys who wish to attend during the summer camping season. Land has been donated and _plans drawn for another 4-H camp to be located on a lake in Highlands County. This camp, which will take care of 4-H club members in the southern part of the state, should be ready for the 1950 camping season. About 50,000 meals, at a cost of 32 cents per meal, were served at the four camps this year. County agents reported 97 camps were held for boys, with an attendance of 2,385. Three camps were held for 4-H leaders from 12 counties. Short Courses.-The 1949 annual 4-H short course, with 291 boys at tending, was held for the 30th year at the University of Florida, Gaines ville, June 6-11. Two tractor maintenance schools, one in the southern part and one in the western part of the state, were held for three days each in February .and July. This program for 4-H club members and leaders was sponsored by a large oil company. Shows, Judging Contests and Fairs.-State corn, poultry and dairy shows were continued this year. The Boys' Club Agents assisted with 33 shows and contests. At the State Fair in Tampa in February, a 4-H exhibit attracted thousands of people. The exhibit, which portrayed the 4-H story, was supported by 22 4-H demonstrations given by boys and girls -during the 11 days at the fair. Awards.-Nine boys attended the National 4-H Congress in Chicago. Eight of these won state trips and one boy won a regional trip. Two boys .attended the National 4-H Camp in Washington, D. C., in June, The 4-H staff contacted some 30 individuals and organizations wh<_> . .annually contribute awards for 4-H boys. 7-Ex .


40 Florida Coop er ativ e E x tension D AI R YI N G C. W. Reaves, Dairy Husbandman Deve lopin g Dairyi n g i n New A r eas.-Some dairymen supplying milk to large cities moved their dairies out to larger acreages and s tarted pasture development. Milk receiving stations were established at Moore Haven and Marianna. West Florida counties including Jackson, Washington, Holmes, Walton and Santa Rosa, expanded dairying operations. Milk, produced on a grade A bas i s, is use'.! for cream and ice cream in surp l us periods. Better Si r e Pr o gra m. -Artificial breeding associations were organized in Polk, Pinellas, Duval, Volusia and Palm Beach counties during the year . Previously, a survey in Orange and Escambia counties resulted in the organization of artificial breeding associations . The seven associa tions, operating with 9,292 cows, contracted for purchase of semen from the Southeastern Artificial Breeding Association, which maintains a bull stud of all high-production proved bulls. Fig . 6 . 0ne of the excellent calves sired in Florida by artificial insemination drains the dinner pail as his owner and his mother look on.


Annual Report, 1949 41 In Florida eight bulls were proved in the DHIA proved-sire project. Two bulls proved in the herd of Walter Welkener, Jacksonvile, were sold in May. One bull went into the proved bull stud of the Southeastern Arti ficial Breeding Association and one to the Indiana Artificial Breeding Association. The table below shows herds and cows enrolled in the cooperative arti ficial breeding project: Number commercial herd owners Number family cow owners ____________ _ 161 851 8,298 994 Total cows in commercial herds Total family cows ----------------------Where cooperative breeding associations have not been organized, county agents reported 305 farmers were assisted in obtaining purebred dairy bulls for natural breeding. County agents assisted 1,229 farmers in obtaining purebred or high grade female dairy cows. Dairy Herd Improvement Association Program.-Development of the DHIA program has been one of the major projects in E'xtension dairy work. With less than 1,000 cows on test in the state in July 1947, the program expanded to include 4,887 cows in five associations this year. The associa tions are Duval, Gadsden, Orange, Pioneer and West Coast. The number of cows on test in 15 counties represented 3.2 percent of all milk cows in the state. The percentage is higher than any other Southern state except ' Virginia. The Orange County DHIA, with 1,675 cows on test or approximately 40 percent of the total dairy cow population ' of the county, ranked among the top counties in the nation in percentage of cows on test. DHIA work has the two-fold objective of helping improve the manage ment and breeding program of the dairymen with herds on test and pro viding result demonstrations of improved practices in feeding, breeding and management for other dairymen. DHIA results were tabulated and herd analyses made to show results secured from improved pastures by . DHIA herds. The following table shows compar111on . between DHIA cows and the average milk cows in Florida: Lbs. Milk Average Florida DHIA cow __ ______ __ ____ 6,440 Average Florida milk cow _ __ ___________ __ _ _ 3,800 'lo Test 4.7 4_2 Lbs . . Butterfat 302 162 Four DHIA members were awarded national herd honor roll diplomas at the University Dairy Field Day for achieving a yearly per cow production in excess of 350 pounds butterfat_ Official Cow Testing.-The Dairy Husbandman is the superintendent of official cow testing for the state. Nine Jersey herds were on register of merit test, eight Guernsey herds on advanced registry test, six Jersey herds and one Ayrshire herd on herd improvement registry test and one milk goat herd on advanced registry test. Work With Dairy Cattle Breed Associations.-The relationship between the Dairy Husbandman and the purebred cattle associations in the state was mutually helpful. The Orange County agent served as secretary of the


42 Florida Cooperative Extension Florida Jersey Cattle Club and the Pinellas County agent served as secre tary of the Florida Guernsey Cattle Club. The Dairy Husbandman worked with breed associations in planning and conducting programs of work, in cluding sales, field days and classifications. 4-H Dairy Club Work.-A total of 746 boys and 340 girls completed dairy projects with a total of 1,797 animals. Two production contests were used to develop further interest in improved production methods. Polk County, with 51 dairy club members who owned 78 animals, won the trophy for best over-all county 4-H dairy project. All members used para site control measures, bred their heifers . to registered dairy bulls and carried out Bang's control. There were 43 members who fed minerals, while 27 members developed improved pastures. District 4-H dairy shows were held in Tampa, Chipley, Orlando and Be1!e . Glade. The second annual state 4-H dairy show held in connection with the Central Florida Exposition in Orlando served as the climax for the year's 4-H dairy activities. Thirteen counties from . Jackson to Dade exhibited cattle, while 16 counties participated in the judging contest. The , 4-H dairy banquet, which followed the show, was attended by representatives of the state dairy organizations, breed officials, . fair officials and civic leaders. Home Milk Supply.-Many 4-H dairy projects provided a family milk supply. In many counties county agents cooperated with the Bureau of Animal Industry in making arrangements for testing family milk cows for tuberculosis and Bang's disease. County and home demonstration agents reported 4,222 families were assisted in improving food supply by making changes in home production of milk. County agents reported assisting 1,986 farmers with feeding problems, 2,672 farmers in treating for external parasites and 3,536 farmers in controlling disease and internal parasites affecting dairy cattle. There were 335 voluntary local leaders who assisted county agents with dairying problems. General Activities.-The Dairy Husbandman judged dairy cattle at the State Fair in Tampa and served on the committee to help revise rules and plans for the dairy show at this fair. The Dairy Husbandman served as secretary of the state long-range dairy committee and as vice-chairman of the extension section of the American Dairy Science Association. He helped plan and conduct the University Dairy Field Day and the Dairy Herdsmen's Short Course. '


Annual Report, 1949 43 FARM CROPS, SOILS AND CONSERVATION SOILS AND FARM CROPS J. R. Henderson, Agronomist All phases of field crop and pasture production are included under Ex tension agronomy. A summary of research conducted on pasture develop ment and related phases of livestock production was presented to county agents attending a meeting at the Range Cattle Experiment Station, Ona, December 15, 1948. In January the Agronomist presented field crop and pasture recom mendations at 17 Extension outlook meetings, attended by approximately 3,000 farmers. Also in January two district meetings were held to give field crop and pasture recommendations to seed, fertilizer and pesticide dealers . The Agronomist, in cooperation with the Vegetable Crops Specialist and officers of a seedsmen's association, served as instructor on soils, fertilizer and field crop varieties at a seedsmen's school in Gainesville. A demonstration of soil fumigants for nematode control was given at the annual conference for Extension workers at Gainesville in October. The Agronomist made eight talks on field crops and pasture produc tion on the Florida Farm Hour, Station WRUF. He spent 132 days in the field, 70 of which were on area or statewide activities. Sixty-two days were spent giving individual assistance to county agents in planning and conducting farm tours, by speaking on agronomy . subjects at meetings of farmers, farm organizations and civic clubs, and by preparing a mimeo graphed set of recommendations for production of major field crops and pastures. Corn.-The Agronomist assisted county agents and 4-H leaders in carrying on corn production projects, using seed of the best known hybrid available and heavy rates of fertilization. Results were outstanding in Escambia, Santa Rosa and Gadsden counties, where 150 boys produced an average of more than 56 bushels per acre with the highest yield being 98, 101 and 91 bushels per acre, respectively. Successful corn production contests among adults were sponsored by a farm organization in several counties. Emphasis was placed on Dixie 18, a yellow hybrid . which has good re sistance to weevils, high resistance to lodging and outyields all other hybrids tested. An estimated 21 percent of the 1949 corn crop was planted with hybrid seed. County agents were furnished information on sources of seed and farmers were assisted in securing foundation seed for produc tion of Dixie 18. Hybrid seed corn was produced on 355 acres this year and applications have been filed through the agronomist for enough foun dation seed to plant 600 acres next year . Since production of Dixie 18 seed will be insufficient to meet demand for some time, county agents in 28 counties conducted variety demonstrations as a means of interesting .farmers in other hybrids. Peanuts.-County agents continued to improve peanut production by recommending better varieties, seed treatment, spacing, rates and kind of fertilization, placeinent of fertilizers and dusting for control of disease and insect pests: Emphasis was placed on further development of certified


44 Florida Cooperative Extension seed of Dixie Runner, a high yielding variety relatively free from con cealed damage. The Experiment Station produ c ed approximately 20 tons of foundation seed for distribution. Nine farmers produced certified seed on 432 acres this year. Flue-Cured Tobacco.-In cooperation with the tobacco branch of the . Production and Marketing Administration, tobacco sorting and grading . demonstrations were held in each of the counties where flue-cured tobacco is produced. As a result of the adoption of recommended practices for the control of weeds, insects and diseases, correlation of soil type, fertilization and spacing, the average yield of flue-cured tobacco increased from 721 pounds per acre in 1941 to 1,079 pounds per acre in 1949. Progress in improve m e nt of yields is shown in the following table : Year 1941 1942 Yields, Pounds per Acre ------------------.. ------721 --------864 1943 ---860 895 884 931 1944 1945 --------1946 1947 1948 1949 ---------1,039 --1,014 ------------1,079 Control of insects was simplified by adequate supplies of the newer in secticides and the widespread adoption of the sled-row method of plant Jng, which permitted the use of tractor-drawn dusters and sprayers. Dry weath e r during the early part of the growing season, combined with widespread damage by nematodes and excessive use of fertilizers by many farmers, resulted in much low quality tobacco. Through the cooperation of a friend of tobacco farmers, the E x tension 1 Service sponsored an area-wide tobacco contest in which awards to growers were made on basis of quality. This contest increased interest iti methods of producing high quality tobacco. Cotton.-Experimental plantings of Sealand 542, a long staple cotton which resembles upland cotton in growth habits, have been made for several years. Information on yields, prices, staple length and cultural practices were furnished to county agents in central and northern Florida for their guidance in working with farmers interested in growing this variety. Grain Sorghum.-Variety demonstrations, involving recommended varie ties of grain sorghum and others which showed promise, were conducted in 26 counties. Three promising varieties from Costa Rica were included in four of these demonstrations. Winter Cover Crops.-As a result of widespread outbreaks of anthrac no s e, downy mildew, brown spot and other diseases during the last two growing seasons, the acreage planted to blue lupine and the amount of seed harvested annually have begun to decrease. Unusually warm weather during the last two seasons . was partially responsible for the severe damage. Use of disease-free seed, ea r ly seedbed preparation and allowing one or more seasons to lapse between plant i ngs on a given field are being recommended as practices that offer possibility for reduction of di s eases.


Annual R e port , 1949 45 Summer Cover Crops.-Hairy indigo meets requirements for a good summer cove r crop and can be used as a grazing and hay crop. In . 1948 a small quantity of the seed of an early maturing strain was released to the Agronomist by the Experiment Station . El e ven growers produced certi fied seed from 78 acres that year. Nineteen farmers produced certified seed on 568 acres this year. Pastures.-Pasture plants include both legumes and grasses. Of the legumes, Crimson, White, Black Medic and Hubam are the principal clovers and common and Kobe are the most widely used lespedezas. Grasses in clude Bahia, Bermuda, Pangola, Carib, Para , St. Augustine and carpet. Cattail millet, oats, rye, sweet lupine and Crimson clover are used as temporary grazing crops. Activities were designed to secure establishment of more pastures and improvement of carrying capacities of those already established. County agents assisted farmers with their pasture problems by furnishing pro duction recommendations, holding meetings, staging demonstrations, con ducting tours and assisting in locating supplies ol seed, limestone and other materials. More pastures were established this year than in any previous year. SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION H. S. McLendon, Soil Conservationist Activities in Organized Districts.-Information given is prepared from Soil Conservation Service records, which are compiled at six months periods of the calendar year. The last report for 1949 will not be available . until January 1950. This statistical report covers information showing activities to date in 43 districts. Several of these districts are new and conservation work is just getting under way. Combined Report of Soil Conservation Districts-Activities From the Date of Organization to June 30, 1949. Practice Crop rotations Cover crops _ __ ____ _ ___ _____ _ _ Contour farming ------------------------Crop residue management --------Strip cropping -----------------------Range improvement ---------------Pasture improvement _ ____ ____ __ __ __________ _ Seeding of range -------------------Seeding of pastures ---------------Wildlife areas __________ ____ _ Woodland management ______________ _______ _ Tree planting __ _ ___ _ ______ _ Farm and ranch ponds ____ _ Terracing _ _ __ _ _ _____ ___ _ Field diversions __ ____ _ _ Farm drainage _ ___ _ _ _ ___ _ Closed drains _ __ _ _________ ___ _ Open drains __ ______ _ Irrigation ------------------------------Planned 527,331 acres 289,054 acres 235,379 acres 298,143 acres 23,438 acres 282,282 acres 1,110,716 acres 12,885 acres 880,836 acres 242,444 acres 891,603 acres 38,129 acres 419 22,562 miles 129.2 miles 1,060,231 acres 549,240 feet 4,880.1 miles 31,668 acres Established 423,530 acres 206,041 acres 167,671 acres 214,277 acres 14,348 acres 132,587 acres 260,586 acres 3,353 acres 174,374 acres 224,326 acres 687,847 acres 13,647 acres 238 10,907.1 miles 97.4 miles 423,451 acres 392,740 feet 3,405.2 miles 24,119 acres


46 Florida Cooperative Extension Improved water application -------105,146 acres 52,431 acres Field windbreaks 81.2 miles 9.2 miles Water disposal areas -------------------6,177 acres 2,688 acres Kudzu -------------------------24,743 acres 8,339 acres Sericea -------------------4,179 acres 1,262 acres Alfalfa and permanent grass ----32,948 acres 12,324 acres Firebreaks ----------------7,586.3 miles 2,912.9 miles Fishponds -------------------618 275 FARM AND RANCH CONSERVATION PLANS Number Applications received this period ---------2,419 Applications received to date --------14,188 Active applications to date -----' -------2,224 Plans prepared and signed this period ---------1,622 Plans prepared and signed to date --10,301 Active conservation plans to date 9,557 Combined treatments this period Combined treatment to date _______ _ Acres 779,677 6,283,410 2,034,834 664,534 3,614,255 3,411,666 429,142 1,668,407 Annual elections of supervisors were held in 41 of the 44 districts in 1949. According to the state office of the U. S. Soil Conservation Service, there is a total of 22,157,298 acres now covered by soil conservation dis tricts, of which 8,629,868 were covered by soil conservation surveys as of June 30, 1949. There were 3,614,235 acres covered by 10,284 farm plans for the same period. Organization of Soil Conservation Districts.-The Director of the Flor ida Agricultural Extension Service is administrator of the State Soil Conservation Board and is responsible for administering the Soil Conser vation Districts Act. Based on this authority, the Extension Soil Conser vationist is responsible for organizational work in forming new districts in the state and the county agent assumes similar responsibilities in the county. One new district, the Clay Soil Conservation district, was organized October 6. The area of The Hendry Soil Conservation District was in creased by 523,022 acres, the boundaries now coinciding with those of Hendry County, by resolution of the State Soil Conservation Board dated January 7. Petitions requesting organization of soil conservation districts in Mar tin, Bradford and Nassau counties were received. Public hearings were held in both Martin and Bradford counties, with a unanimous vote in favor of organization. Legal notices were published for a public hearing in Nassau County. The Conservationist kept in contact with each district conservationist and assisted, when requested, in getting a more complete soil and water conservation program applied to the individual farm. The Conservationist met with a number of district boards of supervisors to discuss expanding the conservation program applied to farms in their districts and attended three meetings with the directors of the Florida Association of Soil Con servation Supervisors. At their annual meeting, a memorandum of un derstanding between the Florida Agricultural Extension Service and the Florida Association of Soil Conservation District Supervisors was author ized.


Ann u al Report, 1949 47 The Conservationist worked with county agents, assistant agent s and work unit conservationists in carrying on 4-H club soil conservation projects. A Manatee County 4-H club boy, Lloyd Bradley, placed in both sectional and national groups this year, winning a trip to the National 4-H Congress, Chicago, and a $300.00 college scholarship. SUMMARY OF SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION ACTIVITIES BY COUNTY AGENTS IN FLORIDA, 1949. Days devoted to work in soil and water ___ _ ___ _ __ _____ ______ __ _ Days devoted to work with wildlife ----------Number of communities in which work was conduct e d ( a) Soil and water -----------------------1,169 303 628 in 61 counties in 4 counties in 59 counties (b) Wildlife ---------------------------------270 in 44 counties Number of voluntary local leaders or committeemen (a) soil and water __ _______ __ __ _ (b) Wildlife----------------------------------------Number of farmers assisted (a) With problems of land use ___ _ ___ _ (b) In the use of crop rotations _ _ __ _ ___ _ (c) With strip cropping ----------------( d) In constructing terraces ----------------( e) In grassing waterways or preventing or controlling gullies ___ __ __ __ _ _ (f) With contour farming of cropland ___ _ (g) In contouring pasture or range __ _ __ _ (h) In the use of cover or green-manure crops _ __ _ _ _ (i) In controlling wind or water erosion _ _ _ (j) In summer fallowing (k) In making depth-of-moisture tests _ __ _ ___ _____ _______ _ (1) With drainage --------------------------(m) With irrigation ----------------------(n) With Land-clearing ----------------------Number of f a rmers (a) In soil-conservation districts which were assisted with education for organization or operation _ __ _ (b) Assisted in arranging for farm-conservation plans --------------------------------( c) As s isted in doing work based on definite farm conservation plans _______ __ __ ___ __ _ _ Number of farmers assisted ( a ) In construction or management of ponds for fish ----------------------------------(b In protection of wildlif e areas, such as stream banks, odd ar e as, field borders, marshes and ponds from fire or livestock ___ _ (c) In planting of edible wild fruits and nuts in hedges, stream banks, odd areas and field border s -------------------( d) With other pl a ntings for food and protection in wildlife areas ----------------------409 in 39 counties 158 in 21 counties 7,511 in 59 counties 5,111 in 55 counties 481 in 14 counties 327 in 18 counties 538 in 35 counties 469 in 22 counties 162 in 15 counties 14,253 in 59 counties 807 in 38 counties 685 in 13 counties 76 in 8 counties 2,362 in 52 counties 1,088 in 44 counties 1,553 in 60 counties 10,762 in 47 counties 1,607 in 44 countie s 1,488 in 42 counties 265 in 41 counties 427 in 33 counties 197 in 27 counties 269 in 31 counties


48 Florida Cooperative Extension 4-H club projects in soil and water conservation (a) Number of boys enrolled __ __ __ ____ ___________ _ _ (b) Number of boys completing ______ _ Wildlife and nature study (game and fur animals) (a) Number of boys enrolled __________________ _ (b) Number of boys completing-----------Number of different 4-H club members, including those in corresponding projects, who received definite training in (a) Wildlife conservation ---------------------------------------(b) Soil and water conservation ------------------109 in 15 counties 75 in 13 counties 230 in 13 counties 193 in 11 counties 2,584 in 39 counties 2,124 in 35 counties


Annual Report, 1949 49 FARM FORESTRY L. T. Nieland, Farm Forester Extension work in farm forestry was carried on by county agents in 61 of Florida's 67 counties. Although farm woodland development programs were channeled to farmers largely through county agents, close cooperation was extended to public and private agencies such as the State Forest Service, United States Forest Service, Florida Forest and Park Association, Florida Forestry Council, Agricultural Experiment Stations, Soil Conservation Service, Pro duction and Marketing Administration, four Florida pulp mills and other wood-using industries. Extension forestry work was divided into six broad fields of activity, forest fire protection, forest planting, timber marketing, producing forest products for home use, the timber-grazing-game approach to forest land development and 4-H forestry club work. Forest Fire Prevention.-Since woods fires still constitute the principal obstacle to profitable forestry in Florida, the Extension Forester spent con siderable time furthering adoption of the timber-grazing-game approach as a means of combating the forest fire problem. He advocated surrounding blocks of timber with wide fire lines sodded to improve pasture grasses, thereby providing effective fire prevention at minimum cost by removing one of the basic reasons for woods burning in Florida. Some farmers, cattlemen and large forest landowners have begun to accept the method, and such adoption could be extended by widespread recommendations of Extension workers and the Forest Service. County agents in 48 counties reported 10,689 farmers cooperated in forest fire protection. Forest Planting.-By a close cooperative arrangement between four leading Florida pulp mills and the State Forest Service, four million slash pine seedlings were distributed free of charge by county agents in 47 counties to farmers and other small forest landowners. The other 20 counties were not areas designated by pulp mills for free forest seedlings. Nearly twice as many free trees were distributd this year as were dis tributed before county agents handled distribution directly with the farmer. Stepped-up planting of forest trees by farmers has stimulated better care of both young and older growth in farm woodlands. In 51 counties county agents reported assisting 1,718 farmers with forest planting problems. Timber Marketing.-ln 25 counties where services of Norris-Doxey farm foresters are available, county agents were able to obtain direct assistance in timber marketing for their farmers. In most instances farmers receiving this information were able to obtain a fair price for products sold, while they kept adequate stands of immature growing stock on the land. In other counties the Extension Forester and county agents furnished timber marketing information and advice to farmers and other small forest land owners . Through information on proper timber cutting and advantageous selling thousands of Florida farm woodlands were saved from the destruc tive cutting of all salable forest products. Forest Products for Home Use.-The Extension forester has been a pioneer in focusing attention of tounty agents, foresters and farmers on the


50 Florida Cooperative Extension need for developing farm woodlands so that farm needs for lumber, fence posts, fuel wood, stakes, sills, shingles and handle material can be supplied. The need for including this feature of farm woodland management was presented to those responsible for developing the 58-acre farm forestry demonstration area at the Olustee experimental Forest near Lake City. This idea was also promoted through radio talks, news releases, farm visits, the Extension workers' conference and farmer's meetings and display ma terial exhibited during agricultural fairs and farmers institutes. 4-H Forestry Club Work.-The Extension Forester gave forestry in struction to 425 4-H club members during five summer camps and at the annual short course for 4-H club boys. County agents in 20 counties were furnished 25,000 catalpa seeds for establishing 4-H fence post demonstra tion plantings. Club members planted seeds in nursery plots for trans planting to fence post demonstration plantings in the spring. County agents were given assistance in qualifying 4-H forestry club members for participation in the regional 4-H forestry awards program. Since an organization provided a trip to the National 4-H Congress in Chicago as a state award, a project outline, listing requirements, was pre pared and distributed to county agents. The large number of 4-H club members making individual forest plant ings with free slash pine seedlings contributed much to the whole forest planting program. Other individual project work consisted of one or more acres planted to red cedar. Group projects included school, community or 4-H county council forest plantings. In Lake County 4-H club members planted five school forests. In 32 counties 232 boys were enrolled in 4-H forestry projects with 619 acres involved. County agents in 41 counties reported 2,414 club members, including those enrolled in other projects, received definite training in forestry. Other Demonstration Forests.-The Extension Forester collected seeds and forest-grown seedlings for demonstration plantings on the Florida National Egg-Laying Test grounds at Chipley and on the Main Experi ment Station Farm at Gainesville. Species planted, replanted and interplanted in these demonstration forests included slash pine, red cedar, longleaf pine, black cherry, white oak, swamp white oak, wild mulberry, sweet gum, catalpa, white cedar, spruce pine, yellow poplar, tupelo gum, black gum, cork oak, cottonwood, sycamore, linden, European locust and black locust.


Annual Revort, 194 9 51 HORTICULTURE CITRUS CULTURE F. P. Lawrence, Citric ulturi st Th e Citriculturist is t h e o nl y Extension c itru s special i st, but the Economist in Marketing and an Experiment Station Economist al s o work in the field of c itru s. Th e 194 8-49 c itru s seaso n was littl e different from the two preceding eco nomicall y disastrous years until January, when th e situation c hang ed almo st overnight because of freezes in the citrus belt s of C alifornia and Texa s . Returns ha d risen to the highest peak in mo re than 2 0 years b y the c lo se of the seaso n. Followin g the freezes, s hipm e n ts of all varieties of fresh Florida fruit were increased t o a point that markets became g lutted and prices tumbled. It then became obvious that Florida a lone possessed s ufficient fruit to flood and bre ak the national mark et. During this se lf-inflicted depression, all produc ers and handlers realized that if the industry were to s urvi ve, so m e thin g had to be done. Th e Florida C itru s Co mmi ss ion and lat er th e newly organized cooperative, Florida Ci tru s Mutual, began a voluntary pro-rate which met with general indu s tr y acceptance and cooper ation . This pro-rate was strengthened by the ti g htenin g of grade and s iz e restr i ctions by the F edera l Marketing Act. Thi s sp iri t of cooperation aided materially in more order ly marketin g, which c h ecked the downward price trend and star t ed prices up again. Fig. 7.-These 4-H boys and their cou nt y agent are inten se ly interested in the we lfa re of the you n g citrus trees grow in g in th e 4-H citrus nur se r y.


52 Florida Cooperative Extension During the last four months of the season prices advanced steadily to a "top" exceeding the ceiling levels of the war years. Florida's 1948-49 crop totalled 92.9 million boxes, of which 40 million were processed into single-strength juice, sections and salads; 42 million boxes were sold in the fresh fruit markets; and slightly over 10 million boxes went into concentrates. These figures are about average for recent years, except for frozen concentrates. The rapidly expanding concentrate industry has more than doubled in output each year since being introduced in 1946. Florida marketed a crop of 93 million boxes in 1948-49 for a gross income of 117 million dollars, less cost of production of 45 million dollars, leaving a net profit to growers of 72 million dollars. This net profit was about eight times higher than growers received . the previous year, which was one of the lowest . net income years in Florida citrus history. The 1949-50 season promises to be a good one. There was less processed juice, both single-strength and concentrate, in the warehouses than at any time in several years. The markets opened strong with demand firm, but for various reasons-possibly the large deciduous fruit crop-the markets soon weakened and began falling. This downward trend continued until November 1, when Florida Citrus Mutual, with a membership representing about 80 percent of the total state tonnage, set minimum prices for fresh and cannery fruit. This immediately sta bilized the market and prices have continued to . rise. Developing a Program.-In 1947 the Citriculturist was instrumental in the organization of a state citrus advisory committee. This committee drew up a long-time plan of work which was placed in the hands of county agents. The plan had three objectives, namely: 1. Inauguration of a county citrus program in each citrus-producing county. 2. Improvement of fruit q11ality. 3. Reduction of production costs to cope with declining fruit prices. In 1948 the committee decided that in each county a county citrus advisory committee composed of the county agent and three to five growers, packers, processors or other outstanding citrus men would be of value in assisting the county agent in promoting and activating a county citrus program based upon the needs of individual growers. Twenty of the 32 citrus producing counties now have such committees actively engaged in a citrus program and the remaining counties are in various stages of organization. The Citriculturist recommended a program of minimum cultivation, fertilization and spraying to reduce production costs and at the same time maintain tree vigor and fruit quality, He outlined demonstrations and assisted county agents in setting up grower demonstration plots based on these recommendations. Field studies with cover crops and biological control of insects have progressed, with increased interest on the part of growers and research people alike. _ Field studies with hairy indigo (Indigo/era hirsuta) as a citrus cover crop have continued. The Citriculturist reported field observations on this promising cover crop at two citrus institutes and also at the State Horti


Annual Report, 1949 53 cultural Society meeting. Green weight yields during the past year aver aged about 20,000 pounds per acre, with a return of approximately 120 pounds of nitrogen per acre. Realizing that it takes only from 90 to 120 pounds of nitrogen . per acre per year to produce a 400-box crop of fruit, many growers have set up demonstrations using indigo as a cover crop and varying the amounts of applied nitrogen in efforts to reduce their nitrogen applications and take advantage of free nitrogen from the cover crops. The Citriculturist published seven news letters for county agents in citrus-producing counties. These letters reported current events and out lined recommended programs of fertilization and grove management. The Citriculturist joined the entomologist . and plant pathologist from the Citrus Experiment Station, the Main Station, the State Plant Board, the State Horticultural Society, and the USDA Bureau of Plant Industry in preparing a spray schedule for the coming season. This pamphlet is published by the Florida Citrus Commission and made available to grow ers, principally through county agents' offices. Mimeographed pamphlets on "Pot Culture of Citrus," "A Recommended Hamlin Orange Program" and a spray schedule for dooryard citrus were developed and supplied county agents. Institutes.-Three citrus institutes were held. The 16th annual Grow ers' Institute held at Camp McQuarrie, August 22-29, is the largest and most inclusive of the institutes. Five hundred growers representing 20 Florida counties attended one or more sessions. In addition to Florida growers, 11 members of the newly organized Texas Citrus Commission flew to Florida and attended sessions of the institute. The third ,tnnual Indian River Citrus Seminar sponsored by the Indian River Citrus League was held at Vero Beach . At this two-day seminar, research information presented was designed for Indian River area grow ers, whose groves are primarily on heavy hammock soils underlain with marl. More than 100 growers attended sessions each day. The fourth Gulf Citrus Growers Institute, held April 30, was originally designed for citrus growers of Hernando County. This year there were 125 men and women present from five counties. State and County Fairs.-Practically every citrus-producing county now has a county fair. The Citriculturist has assisted in setting up edu cational exhibits and in judging entries. The quality of citrus exhibits is improving. Demonstration Plots and Grove Tours. The Citriculturist stressed grower demonstration plots based on research findings. As soon as a demonstration has been established it is included in one or more well . organized county tours, so growers within the county may have an oppor tunity to see and appraise the value of the practice. The majority of the counties now have a series of effective demonstrations. Twenty-eight of our 30 citrus-producing counties have cine or more citrus cover crop demon strations, five have rootstock demonstrations, eight have fertilizer demon strations, seven have biological insect control projects, two have cultiva tion demonstrations, and six have spray demonstrations. All counties are developing a program 'of demonstrations and county tours. In addition to county tours, many agents have taken growers on tours of adjoining counties as well as to the Citrus Expe r iment Station, Lake Alfred, and the USDA Subtropical Fruit Field Station at Orlando.


54 Florida Cooperative Extension Other Activities.-The Citriculturist outlined six types of 4-H citrus projects for distribution to county agents. He made seven radio talks and five formal talks. In addition, four articles were prepared, for magazine publication or society proceedings and 10 newspaper items were released. Three budding, grafting and plant propagation demonstrations were given to county home demonstration councils. Seven group demonstrations on citrus propagation were given to 4-H clubs and grower gatherings. Two weeks were spent in assisting with educational programs at county and district summer 4-H club camps and one week was devoted to citrus work at the state 4-H club short course for boys. VEGETABLE PRODUCTION AND MERCHANDISING F. S. Jamison, Vegetable Crop Specialist Stanley E. Rosenberger, Assistant Vegetable Crop Specialist Arrangements were made during the year for county agents to attend meetings at the Vegetable Crops Laboratory, Bradenton, and the Experi ment Station, Gainesville, where intensive instruction was given by re search workers on more important developments in varieties, fertilizers, fungicides, insecticides and other phases of production. The Vegetable Crop Specialist took an active part in helping arrange a comprehensive program for presentation to the vegetable section of the Florida State Horticultural Society and the Florida Seedsmen's Associa tion and in presenting production material at the annual meeting of the Florida Fruit and Vegetable Association. In addition to state-wide meetings with these organizations, the Vegetable Crops Specialist assisted in special sectional meetings with seed and fertilizer dealers in Marion County and in western and northern Florida. Seedsmen in the Gainesville area spent a day studying perform ance of new or recently introduced varieties in plots at the Experiment Station. Two short courses, held at Gainesville, were for seedsmen and trans portation interests. At the three-day school for seedsmen, attended by seedsmen and supply men from all sections of the state, basic information on soils, fertilizers, culture, diseases and insects was presented. The other short course, prevention of loss of fruits and vegetables in transit, was organized at the request of transportation personnel. Packinghouse managers, package manufacturers and others engaged in handling or transporting fruits and vegetables from a number of Southeastern states attended the program. Nine field days were held at Experiment Stations during the year. They were held at the Potato Investigations Laboratory, Hastings; Central Florida Experiment Station, Sanford; Vegetable Crops Laboratory, Bradenton; Sub-Tropical Station, Homestead; and the Main Station, Gaines ville. These field days were well attended by growers who traveled con siderable distances to attend. At other area meetings with growers, men engaged in research were present to assist with forum discussions. The Vegetable Crops Specialist conducted home gardening demonstra tions at the Short Course for 4-H girls in Tallahassee.


Annual Report, 1949 55 County agents were assisted in planning their vegetable program of work in many of the counties. Additional assistance was given directly to more than half of the county agents, either through correspondence or visits on special problems in their particular counties. Mimeographed material giving variety recommendations was prepared for distribution to county agents. At the request of other Extension specialists, material on fertilizer recommendations is being collected for a paper soon to be released. Correspondence with individual growers or prospective growers has in creased heavily and exceeded any previous year. Employees of the Florida Agricultural Experiment Stations, including horticulturists, pathologists, entomologists and many other workers en gaged in research on vegetable production, cooperated in holding meetings and field days. Representatives of the USDA Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils and Agricultural Engineering participated in area meetings and short course programs and supplied valuable subject matter material to county agents. The Vegetable Crops Specialist assisted the State Department of Agriculture in conducting two training schools-one for inspectors of perishable products and the other at the annual meeting of seed and fertilizer inspectors. Identification of vegetable varieties was made on numerous occasions for the State Department of Agriculture. As a member of the advisory committee on seed certification, the Vegetable Crops Specialist assisted the State Department of Agriculture in formu lating standards for various crops included in the seed certification pro gram. The Vegetable Crops Specialist recommended the use of the Congo watermelon, which was grown successfully in trial plots last season. More than 4,000 pounds of Congo watermelon seed grown during the past season were sold to melon growers in Florida and neighboring states. Black-rot of cabbage appeared in near epidemic form last season. The Vegetable Crops Specialist recommended hot-water treatment and at least 5,000 pounds of seed received this treatment this season. Where untreated seed were planted, black-rot appeared. The wide use of methods recommended for control of corn ear worms and -other insects and diseases illustrates the acceptance of improved methods suggested by the Extension Service. VEGETABLE MERCHANDISING The Assistant Vegetable Crops Specialist was employed March 1, 1949, under provisions of the Research and Marketing Act. This Specialist's work was devoted exclusively to studies and assistance to growers in the field of more effectively merchandising vegetables. Merchandising vegetables, an entirely new field of work for the Ex tension Service, involved working with groups and individuals who had little previous contact with Extension work. Major activities of the merchandising program were to: 1. Interest and obtain cooperation of wholesale and retail outlets which were used to conduct vegetable merchandising demonstrations. 2. Conduct demonstrations in both independent and chain stores.


01 a, Fig. 8.-A study of vegetable marketing at the retail markets was inaugurated during the year.


Annual Report, 1949 57 3. Help direct the care, handling, preparation and displaying of the produce brought into the cooperating store while the demonstration was in progress. 4. Suggest and help make changes in the demonstrations as they be came necessary . . Five stores in the Tampa Bay area were cooperators in the vegetable merchandising project. The Assistant Vegetable Crops Specialist prepared a paper on factors which go to make up a good produce market and a score card for evaluat ing a produce market before the demonstration started and at later inter vals. The score card was prepared after making economic studies and analyses of successful produce departments. Physical and esthetic values were derived from merchandising demon strations. An example of physical value was in a store where the pro duce department was not wanted because it was not profitable. The mer chant wanted to stop handling produce but customer demand would not permit. The merchant agreed to cooperate with the Extension Service in setting up a vegetable merchandising demonstration. The store had a "walk in" refrigerator in which all produce was kept. Temperature of the room was held at 32 F. There was a homemade display unit, without a thermo stat, with temperature maintained at 20 F. High losses had been blamed on the produce until the Assistant Vegetable Crops Specialist turned off the display refrigerator, raised the temperature in the "walk in" refrigerator to 42 F. and kept items sensitive to low temperatures out of the refrigera tor. After these changes were made the merchant was convinced losses from produce were caused from improper care rather than faulty produce. Examples of esthetic values created by these demonstrations were ex pressed by customers when they complimented the merchant on the attrac tiveness and fresh appearance of produce. The Assistant Vegetable Crops Specialist reviewed 4-H garden club record books to determine the state garden winner, assisted in conducting short courses on vegetable production and loss prevention and served as judge of vegetables exhibited at a county fair.


58 Florida Cooperative Extension POULTRY ACTIVITIES N. R. Mehrhof, Poultry Husbandman F. S. Perry, Assistant Extension Poultryman A. W. O'Steen, Supervisor, Florida National Egg-Laying Test Florida, poultry industry has made substantial growth and development during recent years and now holds fifth place in importance among the agri cultural enterprises of the state . This year, between eight and 10 million commercial broilers were produced in Florida. The hatchery industry has a capacity of over 4,000,000 eggs and produced approximately 20,000,000 chicks in 1949. These hatcheries shipped over 3,000,000 chicks to Latin and South American countries. Approximately 110,000 turkeys were raised. Growing Healthy Pullets.-The percentage of pullets in flocks is now ranging from 60 to 100 percent, with several flocks of New Hampshires having 100 percent pullets. Due to changes in egg prices in the fall, there is a tendency to place chicks in the brooder house earlier in the spring. The Extension Poultrymen assisted graduate students in studying broiler production and poultrymen in developing breeding programs. Extension recommendations were followed by 1,785 families in obtaining better strains of baby chicks and by 3,697 families in improving methods of feeding. Egg-Laying Test.-The 23rd Florida National Egg-Laying Test was concluded September 22, 1949, with the 1,144 pullets averaging 213.1 . eggs per bird with a value of 219.2 points. The average feed consumption per bird per year (51 weeks) was _3 pounds, or 5.5 pounds of feed for . each dozen eggs produced. Mortality averaged 10.9 percent. The high pen of 13 pullets and also the high individual pullet in the test were all White Leghorns entered by the Missouri Valley Poultry Farm, Marshall; Missouri. The pen of 13 pullets produced 3,401 eggs for a value of 3,632.30 points and the high pullet laid 314 eggs for a value of 344.70 points. The high Florida entry was a pen of S. C. White Leghorns owned by Julian Webb, Jr., Chipley. These pullets produced a total of 3,207 eggs, with value of 3,256.40 points. A pen of New Hampshires, owned by Dixie Farms, Cherry Lake, was the high heavy breed entry from Florida. These pullets laid 3,099 eggs for a value of 3,156.50 points. Housing and Equipment.-Assistance was given in construction of poultry houses and suitable equipment for poultry of all ages . Plans for commercial broiler houses were discussed with poultrymen, as were various types of water and feed equipment for commercial broiler production. Management Practices.-Many poultrymen have found that green feed is a good source of high quality protein, minerals and vitamins, except vitamin D, and that good pasturage or cut greens reduce feed costs. They also find that it pays to cull flocks throughout the year. Commercial poultry raisers have found it profitable to use artificial lights during the shorter days of the fall and winter on hens and pullets to increase the rate of lay, especially when egg prices are relatively high. Morning and all-night lights are the two systems used. The general practice is to turn the lights on in October and continue their use until March and April.


Annual Report, 1949 59 Working in close cooperat ion with poultry pathologists, the Extension Poult ry m e n stressed the imp orta n ce of c l ean land, rotation, use of litter, c hi cke n pox and ewcastle vaccinations and the co nt rol of internal and exter nal parasites. Seven thou sa nd four hundred fifty -t wo families were assisted in co nt rolling various types of pou lt ry diseases and parasites. 4 -H Club Poultry Work. -Poultry club members were assisted in their program of supp l ying poultry meat and eggs for h ome consumption and for market. Some pou l try club member s have specia l ized in egg produc tion, whi l e others have produced broilers for hom e use and for market. Poultry demonstrations were co n ducted at the 4-H boys' and girls' camps and at s hort co ur ses in Gainesville and Tallaha ssee. Fig. 9.-Commissioner of A g riculture Nathan Mayo gives a $.100 scholarship to the high judge in the 4-H poult ry judging co nt est, as Cl aud e H. Wolfe, president of the Central Florida Exposition, look s on. The special 4-H poultr y demonstration project for girls, spo n sored by Sears, Roebu ck Foundation, was co ntinu ed in 18 cou nti es. This proj ect requires the m e mber to raise the bird s, keep records of a ct iviti es and exhibit at pullet and egg shows. The third annual district 4-H poultry and egg s how and judging contest was held at Chipley, Saturday, January 15, with club member s from 10 western counties participating. Thr ee hundred tw e nty-th ree birds and 42 dozen eggs were entered. Th e annual s tat e 4-H poultry a nd egg show and judging contest wa s h e ld in co nn ectio n with the Ce ntral Florida Exposition at Orlando, Februar y 2 1-26. One hundred twenty-six club member s from 21 co unti es participated in the show and 57 c lub membe rs entered th e judging co nt est. The high point judge proved to be Harold Lewis of Dad e Co unt y, and the Dade Cou nt y boys ' te:i.m was high po i nt


60 Florida Cooperative Extension team in the contest. A total of 1,632 birds and 168 dozen eggs were entered in the show. During the year 2,147 boys and 2,308 girls were enrolled in poultry prnjects. Of this number, 1,497 boys and 1,602 girls completed their projects with a total of 160,389 birds. Poultry lnstitutes.-The eighth annual Florida Poultry Institute was held at Camp McQuarrie, August 29-September 3. The program included discussions on broiler production, pullet management, hatchery problems, layer management, merchandising eggs and poultry, and diseases. The Florida State Poultry Producers' Association and the Florida Hatchery and Breeder Association held their annual meetings during the Institute. All state agencies cooperated in making the Institute successful. The second annual west Florida Poultry Institute was held at DeFuniak Springs July 9. The Walton County agent was in charge of the program, which consisted of talks on broiler production, disease prevention and con trol, marketing and outlook and producing market and hatching eggs. At the conclusion of the program, a tour to feed mixing plants, processing plants and broiler farms was made. Marketing Eggs and Poultry Meat.-The egg quality program, spon sored jointly by the Florida Poultry Council and the several educational agencies, has resulted in better quality eggs and poultry meat being offered the consumer. The program has been developed for the producer, dealer and consumer . In cooperation with the poultry and egg division of the State Department of Agriculture, candling and grading demonstrations were given and information was furnished the industry concerning the specifications and requirements of Florida's egg and poultry law. Thirty six poultry and egg inspectors have cooperated with the Extension Poul . trymen in furthering the quality program. These workers supervised grading and labeling 34,000,000 pounds of dressed poultry and 39,500,000 dozen eggs during the period July 1, 1948, to June 30, 1949. Assistance in marketing poultry products was given to 3,024 farmers or families in 616 communities. Three new cooperatives have been organ ized. Seven established cooperatives were assisted. There were 247 mem bers in these 10 organizations. National Poultry Improvement Plan.-The State Livestock Sanitary Board is the officially designated state agency to administer the National Poultry Improvement Plan in Florida. Since 1935, this program has de veloped with the cooperation of various poultry associations and the Ex tension Service. Eighty hatcheries with a total capacity of 3,317,811 eggs are cooperating in the plan. Of these, 51 with a capacity of 2,171,213 eggs, or 66 percent of the total, are pullorum clean; 23 with a capacity of 1,012,618 eggs, or 31 percent are pullorum passed, and six with a capacity of 104,980 eggs, or 3 percent, were pullorum controlled. Annual Breeders' Conference.-The annual breeders' conference, spon sored by the Extension Service in cooperation with the Florida Hatchery and Breeder Association, was held in Gainesville December 8-9, 1948. There were 40 people in attendance. The main topics of discussion were inbred-hybrids, selection of breeding birds, Newcastle disease in hatchery operations and hatchery problems. RMA Project, Egg Phase.-Extension Poultrymen completed work on the RMA project during 1949 . and did not request that provisions be made


Annual Report, 1949 61 for its continuation in 1950. Surveys were made of producers, h:m:ile:s, distributors and users of eggs in eight western Florida counties. This survey was made under provisions of the Federal Research and Marketing Act. Purpose of the activity was to determine methods of improving egg quality on the farm and to develop plans for merchandising more efficiently eggs of higher quality. Chicken-of-Tomorrow Contest.-The 1949 Florida Chicken-of-Tomorrow Contest was started March 30 and continued for a 12 weeks' growing period. Then each contestant selected 15 cockerels and sent them to Jacksonville, where they were judged and prizes we1e awarded. The contest was divided into two classes, senior and 4-H. There were 16 con testants in the senior division and 42 in the 4-H division.


62 Florida Cooperative Extension Part III Work with Women and Girls HOME DEMONSTRATION WORK Mary E. Keown, State Home Demonstration Agent Ruby McDavid, District Agent' Ethyl Holloway, District Agent Edith Y. Barrus, District Agent Home demonstration workers were responsible for development and supervision of programs of work for both white and negro home demon stration club women and 4-H girls and shared responsibility for the general Extension program. ORGANIZATION A state home demonstration agent, three district agents, seven special ists, 45 home demonstration agents, 12 assistant home demonstration agents, 11 negro home demonstration agents and a negro district agent guided home demonstration work in Florida. There were 26 clerical assistants in county and state offices paid en tirely or in part from funds assigned to home demonstration work. The State Home Demonstration Agent supervised work of all home demonstration agents and maintained satisfactory relationships in home demonstration work within the Extension Service and with other agencies. District Agents had the responsibility of developing the general pro gram and locating qualified personnel for county positions. They super vise agents' activities, obtain and maintain budgets for home demonstra tion agents and contact cooperating county boards and people in order to maintain home demonstration programs suited to county needs. Each of the District Agents accepted specific duties, such as work with negroes, organization of 4-H clubs and councils and guiding the work of the State Home Demonstration council. Specialists gave needed assistance and training in their specific fields to home demonstration agents. Specialists reported assisting with 214 meetings attended by 10,916 people. Forty-four boards of county commissioners and nine county school boards cooperated in maintaining home demonstration work in their counties. In 15 counties, county boards increased appropriations to permit expansion of work so that more people might be served. Improved facili ties for office and field work were provided. Eighteen counties increased salary supplements to help with automobile maintenance. Eleven counties made major improvements in office arrangements by providing new offices or enlarging present facilities. All counties provided additional equip ment and materials to help the home demonstration agents give more effective demonstrations. Several counties provided for workrooms or kitchens. Three counties made major improvements in their county canning centers. 3 Retired May 31, 1949.


Annual R eport, 1949 63 PERSON EL SELECTIO AN D TRAINING C hanges in t h e state office included the retireme nt of one District Agent on May 31. On October 1 the Nutritionist was tra n s ferred to that position. The Health Imp rove m e nt Specialist, w h ose position was maintained co operative l y by the Extension Service, the State Board of Health and St ate Improvement C ommi ss ion, resig n ed S eptember 30 . A Hom e Indu stries a nd Marketi n g Sp ec iali st was e mploy ed November 1 6 . E l eve n changes were made in county positio n s during the year. Two home demonstratio n agents resigned to re-enter co ll ege for advanced study, two left the state to be with their families, three married, one e nt ered another field of work and one tran sferred to a state position. Nine appoint m e nt s were made to fill these vaca n c i es. Two n egro hom e demonstration agents were appointed to fill vacancies which occurred last year. Home demo nstration agents received training at the annual State Short C ourse for 4-H Girls, at the State Hom e Demonstration Council meeting and at two annual Extension conferences, one for wh it e agents and one for negro agent s . Eight home demonstration agents attended the thr ee weeks' s ummer school for Ext e n s ion workers at the University of Florida i n June. Fig . 10.-Volunteer local lead ers help importantly i n conducting 4-H cl ub wor k. Thi s gr oup a ssis ted wi th Stat e Short Co ur se.


64 Florida Cooperative Extension PROGRAM OF WORK Local Leadership.-At the request of the State Home Demonstration Council, a series of six training meetings was held for 555 leaders and home demonstration agents from 45 counties. At these 1 day meetings, District Agents and the State Girls' 4-H Club Agent showed adult leadecs how they could strengthen 4-H club work in their communities. Home demonstration agents reported holding 363 training meetings on adult home demonstration work, attended by 5,673 leaders, and 407 4-H training meetings for 5,740 leaders. Community Clubs.-There were 12,564 women enrolled in 473 home demonstration clubs. There were 14,865 girls enrolled in 685 4-H clubs. Agents reported 16,190 farm families and 20,654 non-farm families adopted practices resulting from the home demonstration program. _.Activities.-Home demonstration agents traveled 722,888 miles making 23,757 different home visits, attending club and council meetings and making other necessary trips. They received 71,090 visitors at their offices, answered 67,195 telephone calls, wrote 38,524 letters and distributed 179,073 bulletins. Home demonstration agents reported giving 4,003 method demonstra tions to 87,051 home demonstration club women and 5,840 method demon strations to a combined attendance of 121,109 4-H girls. They also as sisted in planning and setting up 6,510 exhibits and displays. The Extension editorial department helped home demonstration agents make more effective use of press and radio. Home demonstration agents reported that 5,214 news articles were printed and 881 radio broadcasts made. They pointed out that excellent cooperation was received from newspaper editors and radio station directors. 4-H Short Course.-The thirty-fourth Florida Short Course for 4-H Club Girls was held at Florida State University, Tallahassee, in June. Delegates included 478 outstanding 4-H club girls from 45 counties, 30 leaders, 56 home demonstration agents, 34 college 4-H club girls and seven instructors other than staff members. Demonstrations were presented on clothing, dairying, food conservation, foods and nutrition, gardening and orcharding, health, exterior and interior home improvement, home safety, poultry and recreation. Training was also given in music appreciation, presenting devotionals and 4-H organization. Silver Jubilee, State Home Demonstration Council.-The State Home Demonstration Council, with a membership of 33 organized councils, cele brated its 25th anniversary at the annual meeting held at the University of Florida, Gainesville, in August. More than 200 delegates heard talks by former State Home Demonstration Agent, Mrs. Flavia Gleason Mims, and the National Home Demonstration Council president, Mrs. Malcolm Byrnes of Louisiana. The council was concerned with evaluation of accomplish ments and careful planning of a program of work. In celebration of National Home Demonstration Week, May 1-7, home demonstration councils reported 42 radio broadcasts made, 111 news stories and 23 feature stories published, 56 exhibits set up, 26 achievement pro grams and 23 community meetings held, 10 tours to result demonstrations and eight receptions held. Libraries.-In 14 counties, 70 communities were assisted in providing library facilities.


Annual Report, 1949 65 4-H CLUB WORK FOR GIRLS Lorene Stevens, State Girls' 4-H Club Agent The 14,865 4-H club girls in Florida, with the guidance and assistance of their families, local leaders, and home demonstration agents, carried on 49,616 demonstrations in foods and nutrition, clothing and textiles, interior and exterior home improvement, food preservation, safety and fire preven tion, child care, home dairying, home gardening, poultry, livestock and others. Eight thousand six hundred seventy-four 4-H club girls completed 32,221 projects. To complete a project, a 4-H club girl exhibits articles or products representative of the project and submits to the home demonstra tion agent a complete record, including a story of the project. In many counties, 4-H club girls gave method demonstrations relating to their field of work before attaining the local requirements for completion. Five thousand eight hundred forty method demonstrations were given by the 4-H club girls. Many 4-H club girls used information relating to their projects to establish result demonstrations in agriculture and homemaking in their homes and on the farms. These result demonstrations have led to "greater profit, culture, and influence" for the families, who established the demon strations, and for neighbors and friends, who have seen and heard of suc cessful results in agriculture and homemaking achieved by 4-H club girls. ORGANIZATION All 4-H club work for Florida girls is conducted through neighborhood and community 4-H club organizations under the direction of the home demonstration agents. Representatives of local 4-H clubs composed the membership of 29 junior councils in 29 counties and were responsible for assisting with planning county-wide 4-H activities in these counties. The State Junior Council has encouraged county participation in observance of National 4-H Week, National 4-H Achievement Week and Rural Life Sunday. This organization participated in the national 4-H project of sending CARE packages to foreign countries and in a foreign youth corre spondence program. Though 4-H club work for boys and girls is organized separately, there are many community, county and state activities which are planned and conducted jointly. LEADERSHIP Home demonstration workers have stressed the value of leadership in the 4-H club program for girls and its function in the development of individuals and in the 4-H program. Eight hundred fifty-four women, who serve as 4-H leaders, have given encouragement, time and effort to the development of the program with girls. Training in 4-H club leadership has been provided adult leaders by the home demonstration agents, state staff members and others through conferences, group training meetings, visual aids, home demonstration clubs, letters and bulletins. As a result of the leadership emphasis, 5,740 local leaders attended 407 community and county training meetings. Through the work of the State Senior Council of Home Demonstration Work, local home demonstration clubs selected a 4-H chairman whose responsibility was to serve as a liaison between the two home demonstra


66 Florida Cooperative E x tension tion groups, adult and 4-H, in the community and county. As a result of this activity, there has been an increase in interest among home demonstration club women in the 4-H activities. One of the most valuable sources of leadership has been from the 4-H girls themselves. Four-H girls served as officers of their local cl ubs and of co unty and State Junior Councils as planning committee members, as demonstrators, and cha irmen of subject matter demonstrations, as speak ers at meetings of civic organizations and at local achievement events, tours and fairs. Although many 4-H club girls of all ages assumed leadership respon ibilities, 859 older 4-H club gfrls were actively engaged in forwarding 4-H c lub work. Individuals and commercial groups provided awards for recognition of leadership and project achievements which st imulated interest among the girls and also among individuals and groups not directly co nnected with the 4-H program. SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Ac hi eve m e n t Eve n ts.-Forty-seven thousand nine hundred eighty-four people attended the 533 community and county achievement events and tours to see exhibits of articles representing the projects conducted by 4-H club girls. Fig . 11.-The candlelight ceremony, signifying the extension of 4-H club benefits to others, is an impressive part of most camping periods for girls. Fairs. -Four-H club girls participated in county, regional and state fairs, livestock and poultry shows. They placed exhibits rep1esenting their work at most of these eve nts. Ten counties se l ected their top team demonstrators for two appearances at the Florida State Fair, Tampa, with different county groups appearing each day.


Annual Report, 1949 67 Five counties were represented by teams at the Leon County Fair and more than 50 teams from Orange County gave method demonstrations during the Central Florida Exposition. This show was also the setting for the State 4-H Poultry and Dairy Show, where 4-H club girls from 13 counties exhibited birds and eggs from their poultry flocks. National Events.-The national events participated in by Florida 4-H club girls included the National 4-H Club Camp, Washington, D. C.; National 4-H Club Congress, Chicago; American Youth Foundation Christian Leadership Training Camp, Muskegon, Michigan; National 4-H Club Week, National 4-H Achievement Week and Rural Life Sunday. In some instances, these national events were joint activities planned and directed by 4-H club boys and girls. State Girls' 4-H Short Course.-Six hundred 4-H club girls, adult leaders and home demonstration agents participated in the activities of the 34th annual State Girls' 4-H Short Course in Tallahassee in June. Small groups received information in clothing, dairying, food preservation, devotionals, courtesies, foods and nutrition, 4-H organization, gardens and fruits, health improvement, interior and exterior home improvement, home safety, music, poultry and recreation from members of the State Agri cultural Extension Service staff, men and women, and others trained in specific fields of work. General activities, such as recreation, tours, and a candlelighting service, were participated in by the entire group. The members of the College 4-H Club of Florida State University assisted with preparation and direction of the short course by serving as assistants to group instructors, as group leaders, as monitors in the dining hall and with other details.


68 Florida Coop e ra t iv e E x t e nsion CLOTHING AND TEXTILES Joy ce B evis , C lothin g Speci a list The C lothin g Sp ec i a li st spe nt 1 69 days in the office on s u c h activities as ge n era l p lannin g and eva luatin g in joint staff co n ferences , planning a cloth ing program to fit the n eeds of homemakers, schedu lin g travel time, pre paring l eafle t s a nd other teaching aids, making reports and keeping in formed on n ew developments in c lothin g a nd texti l es. She spent 120 days with home demo n stration agents and 4-H c lub mem bers giving method demonstrations, assisting w ith leader training, attend ing co unt y achievement day s , co un ci l meetings, regular l y sc hedul e d hom e d e mon s tration club me e ting s , ca mp activities and county fairs. Th e C loth ing Speciali s t served about 4,000 peop l e in so m e direct way . Informational material pr ep ar e d in c lud ed a c i rc ula r lette r and in struct i o n s h eet for each a ctivity in two c l ot hing demonstrations . The i n str u ct ion s h eet was prepared to e n co ura ge lar ger e nr o llm e nt and co mpl e tion of clot ing p roj ects. Fig. 12. The se hom e demonstration c lub wome n baste an attract i ve slipcover on a couc h. Leader training m ee ting s wit h h ome d e monstration agents, 4-H lead ers and hom e demonstration clothing chairmen proved valuable in developing th e c lothin g program. In 4-H leader-training m ee tings, the home demon s tration a ge nt and C lothin g Specialist gave instruction on how to teach sk ill s in c lothin g co n s truction, how to help g irl s plan interesting meetings, keep records and write stories. With home demonstrat i o n c l ot hing chair


Annual Report, 1949 69 men, the home demonstration agent and Clothing Specialist showed how leaders can make their club meetings more interesting and educational by means of exhibits, demonstrations, short reports, illustrated talks, and the use of charts and posters. Fil'st, the home demonstration agent and Clothing Specialist demon strated each method and discussed how the method might fit into a regularly planned program. Then the leaders, working in pail's, selected one method and presented it as they would at their own club meetings . Afte1 each leader presented her activity, the group discussed the value of the presen tation by praising good points and giving suggestions for improvement. Leaders gained confidence and poise in getting up before groups and seemed inspired to become more active. Fig. 13.-This clothing exhibit by 4-H girls showed accomplishments of their nimble fingers.


70 Florida Cooperative Extension The annual conference for Extension workers and the annual State Home Demonstration Council meeting gave the Clothing Specialist oppor tunities to present new subject matter, outlook information and existing situations in the clothing and textile field to home demonstration agents, as a group. Further help in planning and conducting the clothing pro gram was given to individual home demonstration agents through con ferences in the counties and at summer camps. The Clothing Specialist as sisted with three one-week camps for 4-H girls. At the 4-H short course for club girls in Tallahassee in June the Clothing Specialist worked with 300, or half, the girls and leaders present. Clothing record books and exhibits were used to demonstrate how to read and follow directions. In the dress revue, 110 girls representing 34 counties modeled clothes which they made. Jane Suber of Gadsden County was judged dress revue winner and Emma Nell Lawrence of Jackson County was selected state clothing achievement winner. They attended the National 4-H Congress in Chicago. Combined reports of home demonstration agents show 2,742 days were spent on clothing and textile work. Eight hundred eighteen local leaders helped home demonstration agents in 704 communities to assist 15,301 families with clothing construction problems, 11,078 families with selec tion of clothing and textiles, 10,946 families with care, renovation and re modeling of clothing and 2,310 families with clothing accounts. Of the 10,905 girls enrolled in 4-H clothing, 6,642 completed their projects, which included making 21,012 garments and remodeling 5,398 other garments.


Annual Report, 1949 71 FOOD AND NUTRITION Anna Mae Sikes, Extension Nutritionist The food and nutrition program was one phase of the Extension plan for improving healthful living in Florida. The progr a m was cooperatively planned and developed with other specialists, District Ag e nts, the State Home Demonstration Agent and other groups. The plan of work for the Nutritionist was based on needs and interests shown by field and research groups. Plans, made on an annual basis, were adjusted a~ needs arose or new situations were encountered. Programs were planned and varied to serve the needs of all groups. Emphasis was placed on providing adequate food and nutrition informa tion and developing plans which would insure good nutrition, despite fac tors which tended to keep many families from having optimum nutrition and health . The methods used included developing local leaders and establishing individual and . family result demonstrations. Many activities were used to interest and reach large groups. The program for adults was organized around three basic phases: (1) nutrition and health, (2) food selection, preparation and meal planning and (3) home production of the family food supply. In the nutrition and health phase, emphasis was placed on improvement of health through an appreciation of what good nutrition can contribute to health, a working knowledge of what constitutes a healthful diet at the different stages of life and economic ability to provide a nutritional diet. Reports showed 8,446 families were assisted to recognize the difference between good and poor nutrition; 21,654 families were assisted in im proving diets; 38 nutrition or health clinics were organized; 211 food an:l nutrition exhibits were arranged by women. Three hundred seventy-one women served as nutrition chairmen. Food selection, preparation and meal planning included the right choice of food, home production or wise purchasing of food, proper storage of food, scientific preparation and cooking of food and serving of appetizing family meals. Home demonstration agents reported 19,054 families adopted improved practices in food preparation; 5,819 families in baking; 3,932 families in use of dairy products; 2,167 families in use of fats; 5,033 families in meat cookery; 4,431 families in use of poultry products; 6,962 families in vegetable and fruit cookery and 9,686 families prepared food for home use, using methods to conserve the most food value. Six hundred ninety two communities participated in nutrition work with 665 volunteer local leaders assisting with the development of the program. Reports show that through the influence of nutrition work, 3,859 families budgeted and bought food wisely through quality, quantity and cooperative buying, 7,512 families planned three well-balanced meals to include daily the basic seven food groups and 7,512 families were trained to use local and seasonal foods to their best advantage. From the emphasis on work with young homemakers, reports show that 3,726 young home makers and mothers were assisted with food preparation, 1,317 families with money management and 2,977 with child feeding. Home production of food was advocated for improving nutrition and health as well as for economical reasons. The Nutritionist recommended


72 Florida Cooperative Extension that all families, where practicable, adopted the basic "live-at-home" pro gram. Home demonstration agents reported 20,606 families were assisted in improving food supply by making changes in home food production of vegetables, fruits, milk, meat, poultry and eggs. Twenty thousand nine hundred seventy-one families were assisted with food preservation prob lems . Objectives of the 4-H club food and nutrition program were to develop the desire and ability of the girls to plan, produce, market, store, pre pare and serve simple, well-balanced meals, using home-grown or locally produced foods, where practical. The food and nutrition program included application of the principles of management, safety, health, wise use of resources and development of satisfactory personal relationships. Efforts were made to develop a flexible program to interest first-year 4-H club girls and meet needs and interests of older club girls. Training and use of local leaders were important parts of the Nutritionist's work with the 4-H program. Emphasis was placed on work meetings, judging and team demonstrations by 4-H club girls, demonstrations by trained leaders, social activities, playlets, skits, radio broadcasts, short course and camping experiences. Personal record keeping was an important part of this program. More emphasis was placed upon personal habits and atti tudes of the 4-H club member as the three following projects were de veloped, (1) nutrition and health improvement, (2) food selection, prepara tion and meal planning and (3) home production of food. Home demonstration agents reported 2,542 4-H club girls were enrolled in health improvement, 1,243 4-H girls had physical examinations and 1,042 nutrition exhibits were arranged by 4-H club girls. Eight thousand six hundred forty-five 4-H club girls, enrolled in food selection, preparation, meal planning and / or baking projects, planned 53,418 meals and served 59,547 meals. They gave 1,180 food preparation demonstrations. Two thousand three hundred eight girls enrolled in poultry projects, which included 46,152 birds; 507 girls enrolled in_ dairying with 689 animals involved; 158 girls enrolled in beef cattle demonstrations with 135 animals involved and 234 girls enrolled in swine projects with 468 animals involved. Four hundred forty-one adult leaders and 258 older 4-H club girls as sisted with developing the foo _ d and nutrition program.


Annual Report, 1949 73 GARDENING AND FOOD CONSERVATION . Grace I. Neely, Associate Economist in Food Conservation Home Gardens, Fruit Plantings.-The Food Conservationist encouraged home gardens and fruit plantings to insure a good home food supply. Home demonstration club women in 43 counties planted 10,312 home gar dens, according to reports from home demonstration agents. Food Conservation.-The Food Conservationist re-emphasized to home demonstration agents the need for encouraging better quality home preserved food. Method demonstrations were given on all phases of food conservation, including canning, preparation and packing foods for freez ing, care and checking of equipment, curing meats, making preserves, marmalades and pickles and cooler storage for canned foods. Food preservation demonstrations based on most recent research were presented to food preservation chairmen. These leaders were shown how to help others have more nutritious daily meals by producing and pre serving food at home. In 34 counties 648 food preservation chairmen or voluntary leaders assisted home demonstration agents in presenting accu rate food preservation information in their communities. An increasing number of requests was received from both rural and urban families and managers of local freezer-locker plants for demonstra tions and information on preparing and packaging foods for freezing. County reports show home demonstration club families own over 1,000 home freezers and farm families rented 8,537 freezer lockers. Since so many families own home freezers and also rent freezer lockers to insure added services and space, the exact percentage of families using freezing as a method of food preservation has not been tabulated . A large per cent of all home demonstration club families reported using freezer-lockers to freeze part of their home foods to insure better diets. Most of the home freezers are from 10 to 30 cubic feet capacity. At a two-day farmers' institute held at 4-H Club Camp Cherry Lake, with 350 people attending, the Food Conservationist helped set up exhibits on the family food supply. Since meat for the family was emphasized on this program, the Food Conservationist gave a demonstration on the preparation of meats for freezing. Members of the State Home Demonstration Council re~established a five-jar can-for-quality contest this year at their annual meeting. The women felt that through this exhibit they would encourage better canned foods and a higher quality, more economical source of food. 4 H Gardening, Fruit Plantings, Food Conservation.-Florida 4-H club girls are required to carry at least one productive project such as garden ing, fruit planting, care of family cow or the poultry flock. This con tributes materially to an over-all agricultural program for rural families and for all-round development of the 4-H club girl. Home demonstration agents report 4,761 girls were enrolled in gardening and 793 girls were in fruit planting. Of the 3,209 4-H club girls enrolled in food preservation, 2,149 com pleted their demonstrations. Twenty-one records and stories of 4-H club girls were entered in the state gardening contest. The winning girl's record was judged with the winning boy's record, and a 4-H club girl, Gussie Mae Hunter from Colum bia County, received first state honors. Fifteen counties submitted canning records and stories in the state contest. Five 4-H club girls submitted records and stories for the first time on freezing foods .


74 Flo1ida Coop e rativ e E x t e nsion HOME IMPROVEMENT Bonnie J. Carter, Home Improvement Specialist Major home improvement problem s and opportunities include housing, family living and consumer e ducation. The home improvement program was planned and carried out in 46 countie s thrnugh home demonstration agents, groups of volunteer l eaders, senior and junior councils, c lub meetings, county rural hou s in g committees, 4-H girls and womens' achievement days, tours, home visits and work with other organizations and individuals. Assistance was given to negroes through the negro District Home Demonstration Agent a nd through conferences and training meetings with negro home demonstration agents. Bulletins, records, posters, exhib it s and other materials were also provided these agents. Housing. Florida needs more rural homes built for comfort, con venience, health and beauty in order that rural people may live more satisfying lives and become better citizens. The home demonstration agents reported that 3,505 families were assisted with problems relating to building and remodeling homes; 2,601 with kitchens and 3,568 with Fig. 14.-These girls give a demonstration in good lighting during the course in interior home improvement at Short Course .


Annual Report, 1949 75 other room improvements this year. Improved storage facilities for food, clothing and household supplies were built by 2,092 families. There were 1,393 families who arranged for better laundry space and equipment. For comfort and convenience, families installed 781 sewage disposal units, 833 sanitary toilets, 896 water systems and 372 heating systems. Five thou sand three hundred forty families improved screens and ways of con trolling insects and rodents and 8,374 families followed better practices of handling and disposing of garbage. Extension of electric lines by rural electric cooperatives made electricity available to more homes. As as result, Extension agents assisted 1,823 families in obtaining electricity. Assistance with lighting and electrical equipment problems was given to 3,606 families with 12,347 pieces of electrical equipment being obtained. Extension agents helped 644 families use electricity to increase income. Six thousand nine hundred sixty families improved their home grounds, with 1,650 of them using plans for complete landscaping. Nine hundred nine families started lawns, while 5,169 others maintained lawns already established. Nine thousand five hundred thirty-four families made founda tion plantings, while 9,232 others pruned, fertilized and otherwise cared for foundation plantings already established. Some families built and im proved fences and gates, out-door living areas and grills. Two thousand twenty-eight houses were painted . In addition, 239 clubs in 26 counties carried out organized clean-up campaigns. Family Living.-Family living became more complicated daily and amilies found it difficult to make income, ability and time meet the needs md demands of family members. Some problems home demonstration lgents helped solve related to increasing family income, spending wisely, ;i roducing food and feed when practicable, practicing orderly work habits, Jbtaining needed medical and dental care, providing for educational, rec reational and religious opportunities for all family members and security for old age. Agents helped 6,418 families become better housekeepers; 2,132 make ~etter use of their time; 885 with home accounts; 1,059 with financial plan ning and 338 with better use of credit. Seventy-nine 4-H club girls were taught how to keep personal accounts. To prepare to be better parents and counselors for young people, 3,131 families took advantage of assistance in child guidance offered through the home demonstration program, while 3,427 families . sought to improve family relationships and 271 men and 2,690 women participated in child-develop ment and parent-education programs. Home demonstration agents, volunteer leaders and 4-H club members assumed responsibility for recreation in their respective counties. In 50 counties, 429 communities were assisted in improving recreational facilities. The 104 club houses and club rooms, owned or controlled by home demon stration groups in 36 counties, were used for club meetings, work meetings and recreation for both adult and youth groups. Thirty-six counties re ported 678 entertainments held for socials or for raising funds. Nine hundred ten local leaders assisted Extension agents with rec " ea tional activities. In addition, 2,137 4-H club girls received training in rec reational leadership and 2,346 in music appreciation. 4-H club girls in 487 groups engaged in community activities such as school ground im provement and fairs. Since community recreation does not meet all the needs of people, 6,008 families were helped to improve recreation at home.


76 Florida Cooperative Extension To offer facilities for reading, 70 communities in 24 counties were as sisted in providing library facilities. Consumer Education.-Home demonstration agents reported 3,115 families assisted with food buying problems, 3,952 with purchase of cloth ing and household textiles, 2,524 with purchase of household furnishings and equipment and 2,311 with purchase of household supplies. In addition, 5,224 families were assisted with repairing, refinishing and remodeling house hold furnishings. Seven thousand two hundred forty-two families were assisted with consumer buying, 5,943 families were helped in decisions to make their own rather than buy, and 6,239 families were assisted in using timely economic information to make adjustments in family living. These families were assisted with home improvement problems by home demonstration agents and 832 volunteer leaders, who gave 1,118 method demonstrations before women, 739 before girls and attended 99 leader train ing meetings for women and 83 for girls. 4-H Club Work.-The 4-H club home improvement program is designed to stimulate the club members' interest in learning to do simple home tasks well, to make interior and exterior home improvements and to become a well-adjusted member of her family and her community. Home demon stration agents' records show that 2,494 girls enrolled in homemaking or housekeeping projects, while 3,371 enrolled in room improvement and home furnishings projects, which included improving 2,228 rooms and making 9,626 articles to adorn their rooms and homes. Three thousand seventy seven girls were enrolled in home grounds beautification projects. The Home Improvement Specialist trained 4-H girls, their leaders and home demonstration agents in interior and exterior home improvement at the 4-H short course in Tallahassee in June. She also prepared demonstra tion outlines and compiled home improvement information for use at 4-H club meetings and camps.


Annual Report, 1949 77 HOME INDUSTRIES AND MARKETING Gladys Kendall, Home Industries and Marketing Specialist On November 16, 1949, the Home Industries and Marketing Specialist was employed to assist farm women and others in developing home in dustries and marketin g and utilizing Florida products and materials . The program includes improvement and good management of home industries already underway, securing wider distribution and u se of Florida agricul tural products, establishing and maintaining high quality standards for mar ketable products by supp lying timely information and training in skills necessary to produce quality products. T hi s program will be developed by working with all Extension agents, local leaders, individuals and group s of consumers. Such groups will include home demonstration club women, 4-H girls, commodity organizations and business concerns. This year, home demonstration agents reported working in 1,907 d i ferent communities with 7,291 families on problems concerning marketing and home indu stries. They were assisted in these activities by 1,079 volun teer leader s. Nine hundred eighty eight of the families assisted with mar keting problems reported receiving a grand total of $1,306,494.37 from farm Fig. 15 . -These home demonstration club members staged a crafts display and bazaar that not only displayed a wide variety of articles but helped them to profit from their handiwork.


78 Florida Cooperative Extension and home products sold. In a few instances home products sales repre sented the only cash income of the family, but generally they represented added income. Home demonstration agents, reporting marketing activi ties, worked in or near large urban areas where ready markets exist. All home industries and marketing activities were carried on in connection with other phases of the home demonstration program. Food Products and Other Commodities.-Home demonstration agents, as sisted by 705 volunteer leaders, helped 3,766 families living in 788 different communities with production of food and other commodities. Home demon stration club members and 4-H club girls reported receiving $1,231,933 . 38 for products which included poultry, eggs, garden produce, dairy products, fruit, livestock, honey and baked and canned foods. Home Products and Crafts.-Home industries activities provide oppor tunities to develop skills in making various articles, to study and apply principles of color, to add attractive articles to homes, to make worthwhile use of leisure time by developing hobbies as well as to provide additional income from sale of articles. Home demonstration agents, assisted by 257 leaders, worked 213 days in 889 communities demonstrating skills and techniques in home industries. A total of $77,601.97 worth of home products and handicraft articles were sold by home demonstration club women. Three hundred ninety-one method demonstrations, attended by 4,061 women and 2,722 girls, were given in making handicraft articles from native materials by home demonstration agents and leaders. As a result of these demonstrations, 4,801 standardized articles were completed. The home demonstration club women and 4-H club girls made 34,956 articles for use in their homes, for gifts and for sale. These articles in cluded 12,865 aluminum trays and other articles, 1,962 ceramic pieces in cluding dishes, 2,527 rugs, 1,770 stenciled articles, 1,659 pieces of etched glass, 738 handbags of plastic or felt, 161 lamps, 471 wood and straw trays, 231 sock dolls, 120 pieces of painted glass and china, 55 wastebaskets, 290 copper tooled items, 250 yule logs for burning, 292 quilts, 424 pieces of shell jewelry and 11,141 pieces of handicraft, which included handwoven articles, household linens, crocheted and knitted goods, Christmas wreaths and candles. Other Activities.-Home demonstration agents participated in activi ties which promoted use and better distribution of plentiful foods, such as the "'Use More Citrus" campaign. Home demonstration agents cooper ated with the State Chamber of Commerce, the Federation of Women's Clubs and school lunchroom programs. An undetermined number of individuals added to their income by work ing as baby-sitters, in fields when crops were harvested, in factories, com munity canning centers and school lunchrooms. Home demonstration and 4-H club members added indirectly to the family income when they made donations of home-grown or made products and services, rather than cash, to worthwhile community projects. All home demonstration agents reported sales, dinners and entertain ments, given by home demonstration club and council groups, for such purposes as building and repairing community houses, improving ceme teries, recreational facilities, church and school grounds, fund drives for various service organizations, donating to the district 4-H club camp building fund and providing funds for club and council activities.


Annual Report, 1949 79 RURAL HEALTH IMPROVEMENT Lucille Russ, Health Improvement Specialist' Effective June 1, 1948, a plan for a program of rural health education was established with the Agricultural Extension Service, the State Board of Health and Hospital Division of the State Improvement Commission co operating. Early in the year the State Health Officer and the Director of Extension jointly arranged a meeting of the Health Improvement Specialist, . State Home Demonstration Agent, Director of the Hospital Program, State Im provement Commission, and personnel of the State Board of Health to work out plans for holding a series of joint rural health conferences. Four one-day rural health conferences were held in northern and western Florida with representatives of the three cooperating agencies present. Local health problems from the standpoint of agricultural inter ests, facilities available, socio-economic conditions and possibilities of co~ operatively planning for community organizations for better health were included in the sessions. As a follow-up of these conferences, local groups worked out plans to fit their situations. The Health Improvement Specialist provided consultation and guidance to various individuals and groups in developing and improving their health education activities. Health education work was conducted at meetings of home demonstration clubs and councils, veterans' classes, county agri cultural councils, health councils and rural housing committees. The Health Improvement Specialist carried on specific work in 12 counties, contacting county and home demonstration agents and county and community agencies concerned with health programs, health depart ments, county superintendents of public instruction, school lunch program supervisors, welfare departments and others. The Health Improvement Specialist worked with the Nutritionist on sanitary food supply and nutrition problems, the Home Improvement Specialist on child care, safety and first-aid, the Agricultural Engineer on housing and safety, the Clothing Specialist in related health activities, and the Assistant Animal Industrialist. In June the Health Improvement Specialist taught daily courses on health at the 4-H short course for girls and the negro 4-H short course. She also assisted with the program at two 4-H camps. At the annual meeting of the State Home Demonstration Council in Gainesville in August plans were set up for continuing a planned rural health program. Each of the 31 county home demonstration councils and most of the 831 home demonstration clubs for women and 4-H clubs had a health chairman who was responsible for carrying out the health program in the communities. The Health Improvement Specialist served as consultant on health edu cation at a workshop at Florida State University, which was attended by supervisors and public school teachers from Levy and Gilchrist counties. She also participated in a farm and home institute at Cherry Lake. The Health Improvement Specialist led the discussion on "Health Councils, Rural and Urban" at the annual meeting of the Southern branch 'Resigned September 30, 1949.


80 Florida Cooperative Extension of the American Public Health Association, Dallas, Texas. Seventeen Southern states were represented at the meeting. County and home demonstration agents assisted local chapters of the American Red Cross, Tuberculosis and Health Association, American Can cer Society and National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis in carrying on educational programs. Combined reports of agents showed 6,462 families in 35 counties were aided in prevention of colds and other common diseases, 9,343 families in 34 counties were encouraged to have immunization for typhoid, diphtheria, smallpox and other diseases, 2,402 families in 30 counties were assisted with first-aid or home nursing and 8,677 families in 45 counties were en couraged to remove fire and accident hazards. In 15 counties 38 nutrition or health clinics were organized through efforts of extension workers. Eight hundred thirty-three families re ported installing sanitary toilets or outhouses, while 5,340 families screened their homes or used other recommended methods of controlling flies or other insects. In 42 counties 2,770 4-H club members had health examinations be cause of participation in Extension work.


Annual Report, 1949 Part IV Negro Work NEGRO FARM DEMONSTRATION WORK Joseph A. Gresham, Negro District Agent 81 Farm demonstration work with negroes was carried on in 10 counties. Changes in personnel included the resignation of . the Alachua agent and new appointments in Alachua and Jackson counties . Since this was the Negro District Agent's first year in the state, -he spent time in getting acquainted with people and agricultural conditions. The Negro District Agent attempted to obtain increases in salaries of county agents in seven counties. Five counties agreed to provide some additional money for negro work and two counties agreed to consider increases soon. Five counties furnished well located offices with neces sary equipment to carry on a sound program. Three counties provided part-time clerical help for negro county agents. The annual conference for negro Extension workers was held at Florida A. & M. College, Tallahassee, October 31 through November 3. Training in program planning, office management and field visits was presented by state Extension personnel and representatives of the USDA. Negro county agents reported holding 114 training meetings for 481 adult leaders and 725 4-H club leaders. 4-H Club Work.-There were 2,189 negro boys enrolled in 4,855 4-H projects. Of this number 1,670 boys completed 3,936 projects. In order to offer additional training and recreation to 4-H club mem bers, a state 4-H short course was held at Florida A. & M. College, Talla hassee, May 30-June 3. A total of 321 boys and girls, with outstanding records of project achievement from counties where negro county and home demonstration agents are employed, attended the short course. One hundred seventy-five 4-H club boys and leaders from 10 counties camped two periods from July 11-23 at the Doe Lake 4-H club camp in the Ocala National Forest . This camp is the first permanent camp for negro 4-H club members in Florida and has 10 cabins, a main building and a caretaker's home. The camp, which is located on a 30-acre lake, will ac commodate 130 at one camping period. In previous years small tents pro vided shelter at district camps. Four 4-H club boys who were outstanding in project achievements and leadership attended the second regional negro 4-H camp at A. and I. State College, Nashville, Tennessee, July 26-August 2. Four 4-H club girls, the Negro Home Demonstration Agent of Hillsborough County and the Negro District Agent were in the group representing Florida. Achievement days were held in seven counties with an attendance of 4,543 people. A fat stock show and sale was held in Gadsden County with 234 club members selling 24 animals for $4,599.63. The grand champion, which weighed 890 pounds sold for $402.98. Fairs.-Three negro county agents assisted with exhibits at county fairs. Four agents assisted with displays at the Florida State Fair, Tampa, and one negro county agent placed an exhibit at the Central Florida Exposition, Orlando.


82 Florida Cooperative Extension Increasi n g C rop P rodu ct ion .-A su mmary of county agents' reports s howed they assisted 889 farmers in obtaining improved var i eties of seed corn, 951 with vegetable problems, 347 with fruit production, 662 with legumes, 296 with cotton production, 702 with tobacco and 321 with pastures. Increasing Livestock Productio n. -Negro county agents assisted 76 farmers in obtaining purebred or high-grade female dairy catt l e, 10 farm ers in obtaining purebred male dairy cattle and 56 in obtaining purebred beef cattle. They assisted 61 farmers in obtaining purebred male swine and 69 in obtaining purebred or high-grade fema l e swi n e . Sixty-five farmers were assisted in obtaining purebred roosters, 197 in obtaining Fig. 16.-A negro 4-H c l ub boy receives an award transmitted by his county agent as his negro agent s tands by.


Annual Report, 1949 83 purebred or high-grade pullets and 692 in obtaining better strains of baby chicks. Seven hundred eighty-six farmers were assisted in improving methods of feeding poultry and 1,385 in controlling diseases and external and in ternal parasites of poultry. One thousand thirty-eight farmers were assisted in controlling diseases and external and internal parasites of swine while 683 were helped with these same problems with dairy and beef cattle, horses and mules . Conserving Natural Resources.-Agents assisted 699 farmers in the use of crop rotations, 718 in the use of cover or green-manure crops, 224 in controling wind or water erosion and 113 in arranging for farm-conser vation plans during the year. One thousand one hundred eighty farmers cooperated in preventing forest fires, 226 farmers with problems of land use and 139 with strip-cropping. Planning Farm Activities.-Agents assisted 462 farmers in developing a farm plan and 214 in developing a farm and home plan. Three hundred thirteen farmers were assisted with credit problems, while 629 were as sisted in developing supplemental sources of income. Three hundred sevnty-three farmers were shown how to keep general farm records and 328 were assisted with enterprise and inventory records . Improving Farm Homes, Farms and Equipment . -Agents assisted 384 farm families in remodeling their homes and 194 with plans for new dwellings. One thousand seventy-eight families screened their dwellings or used other recommended methods of controlling flies or other insects. Negro county agents also assisted 348 families in obtaining electricity through the rural electrification program. There were 33 families who used electricity for income-producing purposes. Three hundred four farmers were assisted with construction, remodel ing, repairing and selection of farm buildings and equipment. One hun dred eighty-nine farmers followed instructions in maintenance and repair of mechanical equipment and 268 were assisted in securing efficient use of m e chanical equipment. Improving Health Conditions . -Agents assisted 1,416 farm famili e s in the prevention of colds and other common diseases, while 2,030 were en couraged to take positive preventive mea s ures to improve health through immunization for contagious diseases. The importance of taking ad vantage of county health units was stressed. There we r e 1,768 families assisted in removing fire and accident hazards in and around the farm and home. Recreation, Community Life and Family Relationships.-One hundred eighty-eight men participated in child-development and parent-education programs, while 485 families improved family recreation. Forty-eight school or other community grounds were improved during the year and 28 communities were assisted in providing library facilities. County agents took part in civic development programs, churches, Boy Scout or ganizations, Red Cross, community chest drives, and other activities to im prove living conditions of negro people. Marketing.-Agents devoted 593 days to marketing and distribution of general farm products.


84 Florida Cooperative Extension NEGRO HOME DEMONSTRATION WORK Floy Britt, Negro District Home Demonstration Agent Eleven . negro home demonstration agents were employed in Florida in 1949. Vacancies which occurred in Columbia and Gadsden counties in 1948 were filled. Negro home demonstration agents studied bulletins and circular letters, listened to radio programs, saw visual aids, attended conferences and followed specialists' recommendations for professional im provement. Salary increases provided by the state and salary supplements pro vided by some of the counties encouraged qualified people to accept posi tions as home demonstration agents. Eight counties supplemented funds for travel and expenses, while three counties provided funds for demon stration and exhibit materials. Seven negro home demonstration agents shared offices with negro county agents, while the remaining four agents maintained . separate offices. Four offices had part-time clerical assistance. Assistance in Carrying Out Extension Program.-During the year the negro District Home Demonstration Agent made 69 visits to counties, visited 43 result demonstrations and 56 homes, attended 31 club and council meetings, fairs and achievement days, made 40 talks, gave 22 demonstrations, planned for camps, short course and annual conference and secured help of Extension home demonstration specialists. State 4-H Short Course, Camps.-The annual short course for negro 4-H club boys and girls was held at Florida A. & M. College in Tallahassee, May 30 to June 4. One hundred eighty-one 4-H club girls and 11 leaders attended the short course. Four girls and four boys, selected on the basis of outstanding records in 4-H project achievement and leadership, attended the second regional 4-H camp at A. & I. State College, Nashville, Tennessee, July 26-August 2. The negro home demonstration agent of Hillsborough County and the negro District Agent accompanied the group. Two hundred sixty-three 4-H girls, 24 leaders and 11 home demonstra tion agents attended camping periods at Doe Lake, the newly acquired 4-H camp in Marion County for negro 4-H boys and girls of Florida. Demon strations in grooming, first aid, nature study, water safety and handicraft, training in citizenship and recreational activities constituted the program. Agent's Annual Conference.-The annual conference for 11 negro home demonstration agents, 10 negro county agents and two negro Dis trict Agents was held at Florida A. & M. College, Tallahassee, October 31N ovember 4. Home Demonstration and 4-H Organizations.-There were 263 women serving as local leaders of home demonstration clubs and 175 women and 100 older club girls serving as 4-H leaders. Negro hqme demonstration agents reported holding 127 training meetings for 876 adult leaders and 950 4-H club leaders. In all of the 11 counties where negro home demonstration agents are employed, county home demonstration councils have been organized. The councils assisted the negro home demonstration agents in determining needs of the people and planning programs to meet their needs.


Annual Report, 1949 85 Records show 1,950 women enro lled in 105 home demonstration clubs. There were 2,693 negro girls enrolled in 11,796 4-H projects. Of this number, 1,751 girls completed 9,585 project s. N u tritio n an d Healt h .-In the field of nutrition and health, agents' re ports show that 1,877 families improved their diets, 1,694 families made improvements in food preparation, 3,401 families improved the family food supply, 817 families canned according to a family budget a n d 1,768 families removed fire and accident hazards from their homes. In eight counties the agents assisted 538 families in fir s t-aid and home nursing practices. Agents reported 143 local leaders assisted with the program of food pre serv ation and storage. Families reported canning 94,652 quarts of vegetables, fruits and meats, 3,870 quarts of pickles and relishes and 16,447 Fig. 17. Negro girls camping for the first time at the permanent new 4-H camp at Doe Lake show their craft articles to their district home demonstration agent.


86 Florida Cooperative Extension quarts of sweets and molasses. These families also reported freezing 981 pounds of fruits and vegetables, drying 281,085 pounds of food, curing 9,304 pounds of meat, making 65,011 pounds of lard and 972 pounds soap. Horne Irnprovernent.-Negro home demonstration agents reported home improvement activities in their counties as follows: 1,388 families improved housekeeping methods, 578 families constructed new homes or rebuilt old ones, 348 families obtained electricity for the first time and 185 families added electrical appliances. Also, 260 families installed heating, sewage and water systems in their homes, 329 families provided needed storage space, 355 improved laundry arrangements and 167 installed sanitary toilets. One thousand severity-eight homes were screened and 971 home grounds improved. Clothing and Textiles.-One hundred twenty-nine leaders assisted negro home demonstration agents in conducting clothing and textile work with farm families. One thousand two hundred ninety-nine families were as sisted with clothing construction problems, 1,262 families with care and remodeling of clothing and 1,352 families with selection and budget prob lems. Recreation and Community Life.-Reports from negro home demon stration agents showed 75 communities improved their recreation facilities and 85 community groups were assisted with organizational problems, pro grams of activities or meeting programs during the year. STATISTICAL REPORT, NEGRO WORK (Men and Women) GENERAL ACTIVITIES Months of service (agents and assistants) ____ __ _______ _ __ _ Days of service: In office-1,918; in field-3,851 ---------------------------Farm or home visits made ----------------------------------: _________ _ Different farms or homes visited _ _ _____ _ Calls relating to Extension work: Office-13,911; Telephone Days devoted to work with 4-H clubs and older youth _____ _ News articles or stories published -----------------------------Bulletins distributed ---------------------------------------------Radio talks broadcast or prepared _________________ _ Training meetings held for local leaders or committeemen ________________ _ Total attendance of men and women---------------------------------------------Method demonstration meetings ------------------------••--------------------Total attendance ---------------------------------------------------------Meetings held at result demonstrations ---~----------------Attendance -------------------------------------Tours conducted ---------------------------------Achievement days held for 4-H, older youth and adult work _________ ___ __ _ _ Encampments, leader meetings and other meetings ------------------------SUMMARY OF EXTENSION INFLUENCE 233 5,769 8,720 4,547 5,068 2,648 344 15,185 58 241 3,079 1,383 20,014 336 4,510 104 72 724 Total number of farms in counties worked ___________ 7,439 Farms on which changes in practices have resulted from agricultural program this year ----------___________ 2,132


Annual Report, 1949 87 Non farm families making changes as result of home demonstration and agricultural programs . . .... . .. . .... . ....... . .. . ... ... .. .. . ... ..... .. ...... .. . . .. .. .. ... . . 2,153 Farm hom e s in which changes in practices have resulted from the home demonstration program . .. ....... . .... .. . . ....... . ...... . . . ..... .. :. .. .. .. .... . . .. .. . .. 1,650 Farm homes in which changes have resulted from home demonstration and agricultural program this year . .. . . . . ... .. . . . . .. . . ... .. . .. ..... . .. . . ... . 3,782 Different farm families influenced by some phases of the Extension program 3,587 Other families influenced by some phases of the Extension program .. 2,468 COOPERATIVE AGRICULTURAL PLANNING Members in agricultural planning group 33 Unpaid 22 Paid •-11 Days devoted to planning work by county and home demonstration workers 604 Unpaid voluntary leaders or committeemen --392 Days of service by voluntary leaders or committeemen . ..... . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. .. 464 CROP PRODUCTION Days devoted to work 945 Communities in which work was conducted 833 Voluntary leaders and committeemen 759 LIVESTOCK, DAIRYING, POULTRY Days devoted to work ..... ... ... . . .... . . .. .. . .. . . . 576 Communities in which work was conducted 491 Volunt a ry committeemen and leaders 450 Farmers a s sisted -5,820 CONSERVATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES Days devoted to work Communities in which work was conducted -Voluntary local leaders and committeemen Farmers assisted in soil management .. . . . ...... . . . . . ... ... . . ... . .. ... .. .. .. . . .. : . .. .... .. . . . Farmers assisted in forestry and wildlife conservation ... . . .. . . .. . .. ... .. . . .. . FARM MANAGEMENT Days devoted to work Farmers assisted ----185 142 107 2,763 1,328 281 3,565 GENERAL ECONOMIC PROBLEMS RELATED TO AGRICULTURE Days devoted to work . ... . ... . . . .... .. . .. ... ..... ....... . .... . . .. ... .. . .. ... ..... ... . . ... ... ..... .. ..... . 68 Communities in which work was conducted -98 Voluntary leaders and committeemen 126 Agricultural and non-agricultural groups assisted ---64


88 Florida Cooperative Extension MARKETING AND DISTRIBUTION Days devoted to work ---------Communities in which work was conducted -----HOUSING, FARMSTEAD IMPROVEMENT 833 822 Days devoted to work _ __ _ _________ _ __ _ ___ 495 Communities in which work was conducted ------301 Voluntary leaders and committeemen -------321 Families assisted in house furnishings, farm buildings, surroundings, mechanical equipment, rural electrification 8,158 NUTRITION AND HEALTH Days devoted to work _ __ _ _ Communities in which work was done -----Families assisted: Improving diets-1,877; food preparation-1,694: Total --------Families assisted with food-preservation problems . ... .. . . .. .. .. . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . HOME MANAGEMENT-FAMILY ECONOMICS 1,189 605 3,571 2,601 Days devoted to work --__ _ _ _ 162 Communities in which work was done . . .. ... . . . .. .. . . . . ... . . : _ ---115 Voluntary leaders assisting----124 Families assisted --1,381 Clubs or groups assisted in buying food, clothing, household supplies 160 Families assisted in buying food, clothing, household supplies 916 Families assisted with consumer-buying probl e ms --728 CLOTHING AND TEXTILES Day s devoted to work ----Communities in which work was done ----Voluntary leaders assisting----~---Families assisted ---FAMILY RELATIONSHIP-CHILD DEVELOPMENT Days devoted to work ---------Communities in which work was done •--Voluntary leaders assisting --RECREATION AND COMMUNITY LIFE Days devoted to work -----Communities in which work was done ----Voluntary leaders assisting ---------,--Families assi s ted in improving home recreation Communities assisted in improving recreational facilities ~ Communty group s assisted with organizational problems, . programs of activities or meeting programs ' ---" " ' " Communities assisted in providing library facilities .. . .. . . 308 127 129 3,913 136 108 102 133 138 145 485 75 85 28


Annual Report, 1949 SUMMARY OF 4-H CLUB PROJECTS Projects completed by boys ________________ _ Projects completed by girls ___________________ _ Boys completing corn and peanut projects _______________ _ Boys completing fruit projects _______________ _ Boys completing garden projects ______________ _ Boys completing market gardens, truck and canning crops ___ _ Boys completing dairy projects Boys completing poultry projects --"--------------------Boys completing cotton and tobacco projects __________ _ Boys completing potato (Irish and sweet) projects _________ _ Boys completing beef cattle and swine projects Girls completing dairy projects ---------------------------Girls completing poultry projects Girls completing home gardens _________________ _ Girls completing fruit projects _______________ _ Girls completing market gardens, truck and canning crops ___ _ Girls completing food selection and preparation projects ____ _ Girls completing health, home nursing and first-aid ___________ _ Girls completing clothing, home management, home furnishing and room improvement projects --------------------------Girls completing food preservation projects _________ _ 4-H Membership: 89 3,936 9,585 712 48 580 153 140 353 205 263 524 211 592 850 425 87 846 857 2,461 804 Boys: Farm-2,008; non-farm-181; total __________ 2,189 Girls: Farm-1,877; non-farm-816; total________ 2,693 4-H members having health examinations because of participation in Extension program _______________ _ _____________ _,, 1,219 4-H clubs engaged in community activities such as improving school grounds and conducting local fairs _____________ 106


90 Florida Cooperative Extension INDEX Agents, list of, 4 Agricultural economics, 20 Agricultural Engineering, 27 Agricultural outlook, 21 Agronomy, 11 Animal husbandry, 32 Barrus, Edith Y., 62 Beale, Clyde, 15 Beef cattle, 33 Beekeeping, 10, 35 Bevis, Joyce, 68 Blacklock, R. W., 38 Britt, Floy, 84 Broadcasting activities, 16 Brown, W. W., 38 Bulletins, 15 Carter, Bonnie J., 18, 74 Chicken-of-tomorrow contest, 61 Child development, 13 Citrus, 21, 51 canning, 25 grove management, 22 institutes, 25, 53 marketing, 24 Clayton, H. G., 7, 19 Clothing and textiles, 13, 68, 86, 88 Community life, 13, 64 Conservation of natural resources, 12 Consumer education, 76 Cooper, J. Francis, 15 Cooperative planning, 12 Corn, 43 Cotton, 44 County agents, work of, 19 Cover crops, 44, 45 Cow testing, 41 Crop production, 12, 82, 87 Dairying, 10, 12, 40, 87 Dairy sire program, 40 DHIA, 41 Director's report, 7 Egg-laying test, 58 Electric equipment, 31 Extension organization, 8 Family living, 75 relationship, 13, 88 Farm and home planning, 20 Farm buildings, 27 crops, 43 electrification, 30 forestry, 49 home improvement, 13, 83 machinery, 28 management, 12, 20, 87 Farmer cooperatives, 25 Financial statement, 8 Fire prevention, 18 Florida Citrus Commission, 24 Florida Citrus Mutual. 24 Florida Farm Hour, 16 Food and nutrition, 71 Food conservation, 73 products, 78 Forest fire prevention, 49 planting, 49 4-H club awards, 39 beekeeping activities, 35 camps, 39 dairy work, 42 forestry, 50 gardening, 73 home improvement work, 76 national events, 67 poultry projects, 59 short courses, 39, 64, 67, 84 shows and fairs, 39, 66 work, 13, 22, 35, 38, 81 work for girls, 65 Gardening, 73 Goen, Oliver F., 32 Gresham, Joseph A., 81 Hampson, C. M., 20 Haynie, John D., 35 Health improvement, 79, 83 Henderson, J. R., 43 Holloway, Ethyl, 62 Home demonstration work, 62, 63, 64 Home forest products, 49 gardens, 73 improvement, 13, 74, 86 industries and marketing, 77 management, 13, 88 milk supply, 42 products and crafts, 78 Horticulture, 51 Housing, 74, 87 Jamison, F. S., 54 Johnson, John M., 27 Journal articles, 16 Kendall, Gladys, 17 Keown, Mary E., 62 Lawrence, F. P., 51 Lime maturity, 25 Livestock, 10, 12, 87 production, 82 Local leadership, 64 Marketing activities, 12, 24, 83, 88 facilities, 29


Annual Report, 1949 McDavid, Ruby, 62 McLendon, H. S., 45 McMullen, K. S., 19 Mehrhof, N. R., 58 Men's work, 19 Neely, Grace I., 73 Negro agents, 6 Negro farm demonstration work, 81 Negro home demonstration work, 84 Neiland, L. T., 18, 49 News Releases, 16 Noble, C. V., 20 Nutrition and health, 13, 71, 85, 88 O'Steen, A. W., 58 Parvin, F. W., 20 Pastures, 21, 45 Peanuts, 43 Pecans, 26 Perry, F. S., 19, 58 Personnel selection and training, 63 Pettis, A. M., 30 Poultry, 12, 58, 87 breeder's conference, 60 institutes, 60 management, 59 marketing, 60 Publications, 15 Pullets, 58 Radio, 15 Reaves, C. W., 40 Recreation, 13, 83, 86, 88 Rosenberger, Stanley E., 54 Rural health improvement, 79 Russ, Lucille, 79 Safety, 18 Savage, Zach, 22 Sheely, W. J., 32 Sikes, Anna Mae, 71 Smith, J. Lee, 19 Soil conservation, 43, 45, 46 Soils and farm crops, 43 Sorghum, 44 State programs, 9 Statistical report, 11, 86 Stevens, Lorene, 65 Swine, 34 Teaching materials, 37 methods, 21 Timber marketing, 49 Timmons, D. E., 24 Tobacco, flue-cured, 44 Training, 8 Vegetable merchandising, 54, 55 production, 10, 25, 54 Visual aids, 17 Water Conservation, 45 Watermelon Growers' Ass'n., 25 Watkins, Marshall 0., 7 Wiring, 30 Work with women and girls, 62 91