Report Florida agricultural extension service

Material Information

Report Florida agricultural extension service
Running title:
Annual report
University of Florida -- Agricultural Extension Division
University of Florida -- Agricultural Extension Service
Florida States College for Women
United States -- Dept. of Agriculture
Place of Publication:
Gainesville Fla. The Service
Creation Date:
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
v. : ill. ; 23 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Agricultural extension work -- Periodicals -- Florida ( lcsh )
Home economics, Rural -- Periodicals -- Florida ( lcsh )
serial ( sobekcm )


Dates or Sequential Designation:
Numbering Peculiarities:
Report of general activities for ...with financial statement for the fiscal year ended June 30; report for 1939 called also: Silver anniversary report.
Issuing Body:
Issued by: Division of Agricultural Extension and U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1917-1922; Agricultural Extension Division, Florida State College for women, and U.S. Dept. of Agriculture 1929- .
General Note:
At head of title: Cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics.
Statement of Responsibility:
University of Florida, Agricultural Extension Service, Florida State College for Women and United States Department of Agriculture Cooperating.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
Copyright Board of Trustees of the University of Florida
Resource Identifier:
46387223 ( OCLC )
2001229382 ( LCCN )


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(Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914)
Wn.xoN NEWELL, Director




JUNE 30, 1940

(Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914)






JUNE 30, 1940

H. P. ADAIR, Chairman, Jacksonville R. H. GORE, Fort Lauderdale
W. M. PALMER. Ocala N. B. JORDAN, Quincy
T. T. SCOTT, Live Oak J. T. DIAMOND, Secretary, Tallahassee

JOHN J. TIGERT, M.A., LL.D., President of the University WILMON NEWELL, D.Sc., Director of Extension' A. P. SPENCER, M.S., Vice-Director and County Agent Leader J. FRANCIS COOPER, M.S.A., Editor' JEFFERSON THOMAS, Assistant Editor' CLYDE BEALE, A.B.J., Assistant Editor' E. F. STANTON, Supervisor, Egg-Laying Test RuaY NEWHALL, Administrative Manager'

W. T. NETTLES, B.S., District Agent H. G. CLAYTON, M.S.A., District Agent, State A.A.A. Administrative Officer. J. LEE SMITH, District Agent and Agronomist R. S. DENNIS, B.S.A., Assistant District Agent A. E. DUNSCOMBE, M.S.A., Assistant District Agent R. W. BLACKLOCK, A.B., Boys' Club Agent E. F. DEBusIC, B.S., Citriculturist A. L. SHEALY, D.V.M., Animal Industrialist' HAMLIN L. BROWN, B.S., Dairyman N. R. MEHRHOF, M.Aoa. Poultryman' D. F. SOWELL, M.S.A., Poultryman WALTER J. SHEELY, B.S., Animal Husbandman L. T. NIELAND, Farm Forester C. V. NOBLE, PHD., Agricultural Economist' D. E. TIMMONS, M.S.A., Agricultural Economist, Marketing CHARLES M. HAMPSON, M.S., Agricultural Economist, Farm Management R. H. HOWARD, M.S.A., Asst. Agr. Economist, Farm Management V. V. BOWMAN, M.S.A., Leader in Land-Use Planning JOSEPH C. BEDSOLE, B.S.A., Assistant Leader in Land-Use Planning J. R. GREENMAN, B.S.A., State Representative, B.A.E. R. V. ALLISON, P.D., Soil Conservationist'

COOPERATIVE HOME DEMONSTRATION WORK MARY E. KEOWN, M.S., State Agent Lucy BELLE SETTLE, M.A., District Agent RUBY McDAvm, District Agent ETHYL HOLLOWAY, B.S.H.E., District Agent ANNA MAE SIKES, B.S., Nutritionist VIRGINIA P. MooRE, Home Improvement Agent ISABELLE S. THURSHY, Economist in Food Conservation CLARINE BELCHER, M.S., Clothing Specialist NEGRO EXTENSION WORK A. A. TURNER, Local District Agent BEULAH SHUTE, Local District Agent



Financial Statem ent . 11
Statistical R eport . I . 11



Farm M anagem ent Activities . 28
M a rk e tin g . 2 9

Anim al H usbandry . 36
D airying . 38
Poultry K eeping . 41
Boys' 4-H CLUB W ORK . 47





N egro Statistical R eport . . 84


Florida Agricultural Extension Service

Hon. Fred P. Cone
Governor of Florida
Tallahassee, Florida
Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith the report of the Agricultural Extension Service, College of Agriculture, University of Florida, for the calendar year 1940, including a fiscal report for the year ending June 30, 1940.
Respectfully, H. P. ADAIR, Chairman, Board of Control

Hon. H. P. Adair,
Chairman, Board of Control
Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith the annual report of the director of the Agricultural Extension Service, College of Agriculture, University of Florida, and request that you transmit the same, in accordance with law, to His Excellency, the Governor of Florida.
Respectfully, JOHN J. TIGERS, President, University of Florida

Annual Report, 1940 5
Alachua ----------- Fred L. Craft --------- Gainesville -------- Mrs. Grace F. Warren
Baker --------.-.-. J. Raymond Mills .Macclenny
Bay -------- ------.M. B. Miller ------------ Panama City
Bradford --------- T. K. McClane . Starke
Brevard ----------- T. L. Cain .---------------- Cocoa Mrs. Eunice F. Gay
Broward --------- B. E. Lawton ----------- Ft. Lauderdale --------------- Miss Olga Kent
Calhoun . John G. Kelley* . Blountstown Miss Mary Henrietta Reed Charlotte ----- N. H. McQueen . Punta Gorda Citrus -------------- Ben L. Gittings ------ Inverness .- Mrs. Elizabeth W. Moore
Clay Green Cove Spgs.-___Miss Beulah Felts
Columbia --------- Guy Cox .-.-------- Lake City .-. Miss Margaret Alford
Dade ---------------- C. H. Steffani ---------- Miami Miss Eunice Grady
Dade (Asst.) J. L. Edwards . Miami . Asst. Miss Margaret Delaney DeSoto ------------ E. H. Vance ------------- Arcadia
Dixie --------------- D. M. Treadwell Cross City
Duval -. A. S. Lawton ---------- Jacksonville -------------- M iss Pearl Laffitte
Duval (Asst.)Frank M. Dennis___ Jacks'ville, Asst. Mrs. Dorothea Calmes Escambia --------- E. H. Finlayson ------ Pensacola --------------- Miss Ethel Atkinson
Gadsden ----------- Henry Hudson . Quincy Miss Elsie Laffitte
Gilchirst --------- A. S. Laird . . Trenton
Glades -. F. D. Yaun . Moore Haven Gulf ------- E. R. Nelson ---------- Wewahitchka . Mrs. Pearl Whitfield
Hamilton --------- J. J. Sechrest ----------- Jasper Miss Lillian Bradley
Hardee ------------- H. L. Miller .----------- Wauchula
Hernando ------ C. D. Newbern -------- Brooksville
Highlands -------- L. H. Alsmeyer - Sebring
Hillsborough. Alec White --------------- Tampa
Hillsborough (West) Tampa Miss Allie Lee Rush
Hillsborough (East) Plant City Miss Irene Riley
Holmes ------------ S. C. Bell ----------------- Bonifay ----------------. Mrs. Bettie A. Caudle
Jackson -. J. W. Malone ----------- Marianna -. Mrs. Bonnie J. Carter
Jefferson ------- P. R. McMullen ----- Monticello . Miss Ella M. Faircloth
Lafayette ------- J. G. Kelley --------- Mayo
Lake ----------------- R. E. Norris -------------- Tavares ------------------- M rs. Lucie K. M iller
Lee ------------------ C. P. Heuck ------------- Ft. M yers
Leon.-------. K. S. M cM ullen ------ Tallahassee ------------------- M iss Joyce Bevis
Levy -------T. D. Rickenbaker Bronson -------------- Miss Wilma Richardson
Liberty Bristol
Madison ----------- S. L. Brothers ---------- Madison .---------- Miss Bennie F. Wilder
Manatee --------- Ed L. Ayers ---------- Bradenton -. Miss Margaret Cobb
Marion ------------ R. A. Startford -------- Ocala Miss Kathryn Riddle
Nassau ------------- Julian H. Wallace_ Hilliard
Okaloosa. John G. Hentz, Jr. Crestview Okeechobee. -- C. A. Fulford ----------- Okeechobee
Orange ------------ K. C. Moore . Orlando ----------------- Mrs. Nellie W. Taylor
Osceola . J. R. Gunn ---------------- Kissimmee ----------------- Miss Albina Smith
Palm Beach.__M. U. Mounts ---------- W. Palm Beach.Mrs. Edith Y. Barrus
Pasco ----------- J.A.McClellan,Jr. Dade City
Pinellas --. J. H. Logan -.------ Clearwater .----------------- M iss Tillie Roesel
Asst. Miss Eileen Coil
Polk ----------------- W. P. Hayman -------- Bartow Miss Lois Godbey
Putnam ------------ H. E. Westbury ------ Palatka Miss Opal Walker
St. Johns ----- Loonis Blitch* ---------- St. Augustine -.---------- Miss Anna E. Heist
St. Lucie . Myron M. Varn ----- Fort Pierce Santa Rosa -_John G. Hudson ------ Milton Miss Eleanor Barton
Seminole .-. C. R. Dawson ----------- Sanford . Mrs. Reva D. Andrews
Sarasota . W. E. Evans . Sarasota Sumter . W. J. Platt, Jr . Bushnell Suwannee .------ S. C. Kierce . Live Oak . Miss Louise Taylor
Taylor . D. D. McCloud ------ Perry Miss Manilla Wells
Union . L. T. Dyer . Lake Butler Volusia . F. E. Baetzman . DeLand . Mrs. Gladys Kendall Wakulla ----------- N. J. Albritton: . Crawfordville . Mrs. Pearl Penuel
Walton . Mitchell Wilkins. DeFuniak Springs. Miss Eloise McGriff Washington. Fred W. Barber . Chipley
*Transferred to Lafayette.

Florida Agricultural Extension Service

H. G. Clayton, Administrative Officer in Charge Gainesville
James J. Love, Chairman, State Committee Quincy
Walter B. Anderson, State Committeeman Greenwood
Chas. S. Lee, State Committeeman Oviedo
Harry C. Brown, State Committeeman Clermont
A. P. Spencer, State Committeeman ex-officio Gainesville
E. Owen Blackwell, Asst. Field Officer and State Accountant .Gainesville Mrs. Minnie P. Carr, Statistical Assistant Gainesville
R. S. Dennis, State Performance Supervisor Gainesville
Alachua Harry J. Brinkley Gainesville
Columbia Mrs. Gussie Calhoun Lake City
Dade Edward A. Little Homestead
DeSoto Win. L. Woods Arcadia
Gilchrist Harley M. Moore Trenton
Hamilton Lawrence W. Burnham Jasper
Hardee Miss Eleanor M. Glorious ----- Wauchula
Hernando Leon W. Miller Brooksville
Jackson Jack E. Donald Marianna
Lake George T. Huggins Tavares
Lee Miss Beulah H. Goodrich .-Fort Myers
Levy Daniel D. Faircloth Bronson
Madison Daniel G. McMullen Madison
Manatee Arthur M. McNeely Bradenton
Okaloosa R. C. Lipscomb Crestview
Orange Bernard J. Sullivan Orlando
Palm Beach Mrs. Mary McCarley _-__West Palm Beach
Pasco Seth C. Sparkman Dade City
Polk T. H. McRorie, Jr Bartow
Santa Rosa Charles N. Clymore Milton
Seminole Geo. C. Means Sanford
Union Grady Brannen Lake Butler
Volusia Orwin A. Morse DeLand
Walton Arnold G. Hutchinson _-_DeFuniak Springs
Washington Rex Yates Chipley
Alachua 1 Frank E. Pinder Gainesville
Columbia and So. Suwanee ---- McKinley Jeffers Lake City
Gadsden Russell Stephens Quincy
Hamilton and No. Suwannee --.N. H. Bennett White Springs
Jackson 0. W. Nealy Marianna
Jefferson M. E. Groover Monticello
Leon Rolley Wyer, Jr Tallahassee
Marion Eugene P. Smith Ocala
Sumter Alonzo A. Youhg Bushnell
Alachua Mary Todd McKenzie ------------Gainesville
Duval Ethel M. Powell Jacksonville
Gadsden Diana H. Bouie Quincy
Hillsborough Floy Britt Tampa
Leon Maude K. Mumford_.Tallahassee
Madison Althea Ayer - Madison
Marion Idella R. Kelly Reddick
Putnam Fannie B. Diggs Palatka

Annual Report, 1940



Wilmon Newell, Director
A. P. Spencer, Vice-Director

Opportunities broadened and responsibilities widened in the Florida Agricultural Extension Service during 1940, but the plans and the personnel previously utilized underwent few major modifications. Cooperation was continued with other State and Federal agencies, that the needs of the farming population might be more fully supplied.
Conservation activities expanded and the Extension Service again served as the main collaborating State body in connection with-the administration of the Federal Agricultural Adjustment Act. Several additional Soil Conservation Districts completed their organization in com-. pliance with the Florida law.
Coordination of State and county agricultural planning and educational programs was undertaken in association with the Federal agencies operating in that direction and included special duties by the Vocational Agriculture teachers.
County 'Extension agents assisted the Federal Rural Electrification Administration, the Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation, the Federal Feed and Seed Loan project and the Federal Crop Reporting Board.
State groups worked with included the Department of Agriculture, the Livestock Sanitary Board, Marketing Board and Board of Health, also sundry organizations of fruit and vegetable growers, livestock producers and poultry raisers.
County appropriations for Agricultural Extension now average about $2,000 each, ranging from $800 to $10,000 a year. In the instances where the larger sums are provided, clerical assistance, equipment and operating expenses are more liberally supplied. Assistant Extension agents are employed in three cases, and paid with county funds.
With'one exception, the Negro work is paid for in all counties with State and Federal Extension appropriations. Demand has increased for Negro agents and their number could be profitably enlarged if the funds were available.
State and county appropriations combined equal some 50 percent of the total Extension budget. Increases authorized by the 1939 Legislature did not become available during 1940, owing to the condition of the State general revenue fund.
Specialists prosecuted the several phases of Extension work. during 1940 on much the same basic plans as formerly.
Publications and publicity activities covered the distribution of bulletins, news stories and radio broadcasts on an expanded - d',scale. Literature originating in the United States Department of Agrk6lture was extensively made available to Florida farmers.

Florida Agricultural Extension Service

Boys' 4-H club camps constituted a factor of greater importance than ever in the work with young people. Supervision was provided from the State Extension funds for properly conducting camps which served 42 counties and were attended by 1,364 4-11 club representatives.
Beef cattle raising received more encouragement from farmers and land owners than in any preceding period and the Extension livestock specialist was much in demand. Fencing pastures containing cultivated grasses made excellent progress, the Agricultural Conservation activities assisting materially in that direction. Farmers who raise hogs exhibited renewed interest in home curing of meats, according to the methods long recommended by the Extension Service.
Dairymen also took part in the improved pastures movement. Clovers proved increasingly popular where soil conditions were favorable. Plans for eradicating Bang's disease went ahead successfully and many herds were found to be entirely free. Grade heifers secured from commercial dairies were distributed through several County Farm Agents. Dairymen in 24 counties enrolled in six cow-testing associations, involving 3,639 cows. Direction for the endeavor was supplied by the Extension Dairy Specialist and the County Agents.
As heretofore, Extension agronomy effort was principally devoted to the general farming areas though on pastures it became State-wide in nature. Tobacco problems grew acute as regarding marketing, and acreage was generally reduced. Sea Island cotton output was reduced below that of immediately preceding years, boll weevil infestations and several other factors having lessened the yields. Prices proved satisfactory and an increased acreage appears certain for 1941.
Citrus growers had another unprofitable season and industry controversies grew more widespread. Production costs must be still further lowered, if grapefruit and oranges continue their current course and the Extension Citrus Specialist has recommended the practices that will help attain this end. Farm Management and Marketing Specialists also devoted much time to the citrus situation. Grove owners' associations took a prominent part in the Florida Council of Farmer Cooperatives.
Poultry division undertakings followed two principal lines, one dealing with farm flocks and the other pertaining to commercial yards. Farm flock records collected by the Extension poultry specialist over a period of years furnished the basis for selection and feeding recommendations. The National Egg Laying Test at Chipley has also supplied valuable information for fourteen years. Contests along lines which appealed to 4-11 club members included one of special importance at the Central Florida Exposition in Orlando.

Land-Use planning has in a measure supplanted the work on farm management problems handled by the Extension Service Agricultural Economics specialists. Land-Use planning is set up as a project closely correlated with Agricultural Economics. The Extension Service has taken the initiative in getting the programs underway in the counties.
The Land Grant College BAE Committee is made up of three members representing Florida Agricultural Extension Service, Florida Agricultural Experiment Station, and the U. S. Department of Agriculture

Annual Report, 1940

BAE Representative. This committee, with the assistance of county and home agents and district agents, has taken a leading part in preparing for community and county programs and analysis of problems.
Other agencies assisting were: Florida Agricultural Experiment Station, College of Agriculture, State College for Women, State Plant Board, State Highway Department, Florida Forest and Park Service, State Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, Live Stock Sanitary Board, U. S. Public Roads Administration, Southern Forest Experiment Station, Agricultural Adjustment Administration, Soil Conservation Service, Farm Security Administration, State Department of Agriculture, State Planning Board, Bureau of Agricultural Chemistry and Engineering, Rural Electrification Administration, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Bureau of Biological Survey, and Farm Credit Administration.
The farmer members consisted of three women and six men representing different important agricultural production areas of Florida.
The programs are in progress in 11 counties having Extension agents. The unified county program is carried on in Columbia County.
Production cost records on citrus, potatoes and celery have been kept as usual. Findings disclosed thereby increase in value with every added year. Data collected in this field have found usefulness in the conservation plans. Supervision for the Agricultural Economics work comes directly from the College of Agriculture, thus coordinating Extension and Research information.
Both the Marketing Specialist and the Farm Management Specialist have extended further cooperation to the State Cirus Commission, Florida Citrus Growers, Incorporated, and like organizations. Marketing endeavors also were made with respect to other perishable commodities. Educational endeavors attempted in nearly all the organized groups more and more rely upon the Extension Service for the means whereby they may be made effective.
Farm Forestry is another of the newer Extension Service projects. A former county agent is in charge and his work has been increasingly productive of results. Gum farming has been advocated as a dependable source of cash farm income. Forestry activities are to be emphasized and enlarged, in close connection with Land-Use Planning, and the various conservation movements.
On the State staff are the home demonstration agent, three district agents and four specialists. These work with 38 county home demonstration agents and three assistant agents.
County home agents were helped with 226 meetings, attended by 11,348 persons.
For the first time in Florida, regularly organized courses were offered at the State College of Agriculture for home demonstration agents in service. Sixteen home agents took the couse, all except two receiving graduate credit.
In addition to the 16 agents who studied in the summer courses, two agents received credit for courses given by the University General Extension Division. Four county home agents attended the International Live Stock Exposition and 4-H Club Congress in Chicago. The nutrition specialist completed work for her master's degree.
Result demonstrations held at 2,157 places had a total attendance of 24,970. In 26 counties, tours took the agents to the yards, gardens and

Florida Agricultural Extension Service

poultry flocks of many demonstrators. Home agents from 38 counties reported 15,677 home or farm visits, reaching 8,121 different places.
Home demonstration agents served directly 23,432 farm families during the year, and 12,705 families not on farms. In addition, 2,674 other Florida rural people volunteered without pay for a total of 4,814 days to help extend home demonstration in their communities.
Thirty of the 37 counties having home demonstration agents were represented by county council members at the State Council during the Short Course in June. Senior councils are functioning in 33 counties. Thirty-two new club buildings or rooms have been secured in the last 12 months.
County home demonstration agents devoted an average of onethird of their time to work with girls, which they direct in their territories. Girls between 10 and 20 years old enrolled in a total number of 10,577. Eighty-four public achievement programs held by the 4-H girls had an attendance of 12,423.
Two winners of first honors in the State work also took the high rank in National competitions. Catherine Barnes, St. Johns county received a scholarship fund of $400 for achievement in foods and nutrition. Marie Fletcher was awarded a $200 cash scholarship for national honors in canning and food conservation.
Annual Short Course for Florida rural girls at the Florida State College for Women was attended by 463 girls and 37 leaders, and all the home demonstration agents.
Registration for the College 4-H Club at the Florida State College for Women totaled 73.
The State Agent served on a national committee studying research needs of home economics extension work. She is councillor for the American Home Economic Association and member of the Placement Board for the American Dietetic Association.

Negro agents are employed in 14 counties with nine farm agents and eight home agents. Headquarters for the District Agents are at the A.
M. College, Tallahassee.
The Negro program continues to deal primarily with maintenance of food, feed and supplies. Home agents have carried on a program of thrift and better living standards,. and have contributed particularly in nutrition, health and home improvement.
Through county exhibits and fair exhibits much educational work has been done in keeping with the Negro home demonstration agents' work.
The Negro men's work continues to be a production program, emphasizing family living. This naturally involves all phases of agriculture suited to the area, including the production of farm crops and livestock that contribute to the income.
Negro 4-H club work has met with ready response and this program. has general approval.

Annual Report, 1940

FINANCIAL STATEMENT For Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1939 RECEIPTS
Federal Smith-Lever $ 63,968.10
Bankhead-Jones, Federal 120,447.93
Capper-Ketcham, Federal 26,555.74
Further Development 8,462.00
Clark-McNary 1,620.00
State-Salaries 55,800.00
Operating 44,808.00
Special-County Agent Appropriation ----------- 80,400.00*
4-H Culb Work Appropriation 3,000.00
Commissioner of Agriculture 5,000.00
County Appropriations 130,658.84

Federal Smith-Lever $ 63,968.10
Bankhead-Jones, Federal 120,447.93
Capper-Ketcham, Federal 26,555.74
Further Development 8,462.00
Clarke-McNary 1,620.00
State-Salaries 45,918.32
Operating 38,121.24
Special County Agent Appropriation ---- --------------4-H Club Work 1,996.63
Commissioner of Agriculture 5,000.00
County Appropriations by County Boards --------130,658.84 Balance carried forward-State Appropriations ---97,971.81

Data from County and Home Demonstration Agents' Reports GENERAL ACTIVITIES,
Days service rendered by county workers 29,15211
Days in office 13,681
Days in field 15,4711/
Number people assisting Extension program voluntarily ---2,699 Number paid employees assisting Extension program~ ------- 527 Clubs organized to carry on adult home demonstration work 319 Members in such clubs 8,051
4-H1 clubs 761
4-H1 club members enrolled 14,937
Different 4-H club members completing 9,349
4-H1 club teams trained 705
Groups other than 4-H clubs organized for Extension work
with rural young people 15 years of age and older ----- 7 Members in these groups 537
Farm or home visits made 50,993
Different farms or homes visited 27,658
Calls relating to Extension work 385,698
News articles or stories published and circular letters ----- 6,356

*Not made available from State Treasury.

Florida Agricultural Extension Service

Number individual letters written 121,504
Bulletins distributed 123,038
Radio talks 569
Extension exhibits shown 509
Training meetings held for local leaders 391
(Attendance 7,421
Method demonstration meetings held 11,762
(Attendance 171,954
Meetings held at result demonstrations 3,906
(Attendance 37,727
Farm tours conducted 363
(Attendance 10,370
Achievement days held 152
(Attendance 68,299
Encampments held (not including picnics, rallies, etc.) -------- 94 (Attendance 4,634
Other meetings 4,701
(Attendance 188,311

Communities in which work was conducted 455
Result demonstrations conducted 198
Meetings held 164
News stories published and circular letters 66
Farm or home visits made 907
Office calls received 5,081
4-H club members 519
4-H club members completing 283
Acres in projects conducted by 4-H club members completing 482Y4
Total yield of crops grown by 4-H club members . completing 85,7861/4 Bu
Farmers following better practices recommended ---------------- 11,856
Communities in which work was conducted 1,529
Result demonstrations conducted 1,089
Meetings held 1,116
News stories published and circular letters 797
Farm or home visits made 4,204
Number office calls received 25,257
4-H club members enrolled 352
4-H club members completing 215
Yield of crops grown by 4-H club members completing(Seedpounds 96,259
(Forage, tons 943/8
Farmers following better practice recommendations ------------ 11,459
Sweet Potatoes
Other Crops Cotton Tobacco,

Communities which work was
Result demonstrations

227 157
85 45

Annual Report, 1940

Meetings held 308 399 159
News stories Dublished and
circular letters written ---- - ------ - - 155 296 215
Farm or home visits made ----------- - - ---- 1,128 603 852
Office calls received 5,243 17,891 15,611
4-H club members enrolled 255 84 18
4-H club members completing ------------ 98 45 13
Acres in projects by 4-H club
members completing 83 43% 16
Yields bv 4-H club members
completing 8,5111/2Bu. 35,521 1b 14,851 lb
Farms following better practices ---- - -- 540 9,744 7,006

FRUITS, VEGETABLES AND BEAUTIFICATION OF HOME GROUNDS Communities in which work was conducted 2,786
Result demonstrations conducted 9,393
Meetings held 3,486
News stories published and circular letters issued ---------------- 1,401
Farm or home visits made 10,500
Office calls received 32,801
4-H club members enrolled 8,321
4-H club members completing 5,015
Acres in projects conducted by 4-11 club members
completing 1,4893/4
Total yields of crops grown by 4-H club members
completing 89,785 3-5 Bu.
Farms and homes adopting improved practices 53,475
Communities in which work was conducted 613
Result demonstrations conducted 632
Meetings held 536
News stories published and circular letters issued ---------------- 325
Farm or home visits made 1,409
Office calls received 9,346
4-H club members enrolled 629
4-H club members completing 233
Farms on which new areas were reforested by planting
with small trees 7,261
Acres reforested 6,228
Farms adopting better forestry practices 5,566
Farms adopting soil conservation practices 1,385
Acres involved 108,154
Land clearing 355
Acres involved 39,253
Farmers adopting better machine practice 879
Number machines involved 1,150
Farmers adopting better building and equipment practices 6,689 Building and items of equipment involved 7,310

Communities in which work was conducted 711
Result demonstrations conducted 1,984
Meetings held 1,369
News stories published and circular letters issued --------------- 507

Florida Agricultural Extension Service

Farm or home visits made 3,652
Office calls received 8,806
4-H club members enrolled 2,491
4-H club members completing 1,318
Number chickens raised 65,554
Number colonies of bees 62
Families following improved practices in poultry raising---- 21,738 Families following improved practices-bees 1,708
DAIRY CATTLE, BEEF CATTLE, SHEEP, SWINE AND HORSES Communities in which work was conducted 1,532
Result demonstrations conducted 1,932
Meetings held 1,858
News stories published and circular letters issued ---------------- 934
Farm or home visits made 9,507
Office calls received 33,585
4-11 club members enrolled 2,175
4-H club members completing 1,251
Animals in projects conducted by 4-H club members
completing 3,085
Farmers obtaining better breeding stock 2,278
Farmers using other improved livestock practices ---------------- 27,706
Communities in which work was conducted 1,472
Result demonstrations conducted 1,036
Meetings held 935
News stories published and circular letters issued ---- - ---------- 657
Home or farm visits made 2,690
Office calls received 24,699
4-H club members enrolled 9
4-H club members completing 6
Farmers keeping account and cost records 503
Farmers assisted in summarizing their accounts ------------ - ------ 585
Farmers obtaining credit and making debt adjustments ---- 4,329 Farm credit associations assisted in organizing during year 5 Farmers making business changes resulting from
economic surveys 11,897
Families assisted in getting established 1,403
Marketing groups organized or assisted 163
Individuals affected by marketing program 8,095
Organizations assisted with problems 365
Individuals assisted with problems 11,471
Value of products sold by all groups organized or
assisted $4,826,714.51
Value of products sold by individuals (not in
organizations) 2,157,726.87
Value of supplies purchased-all associations -------------------- 329,760.50
Value of supplies purchased by all individuals -------------------- 870,933.69
Communities in which work was conducted 2,106
Result demonstrations conducted 8,783
Meetings held 4,069
News stories published and circular letters issued -- - - - --------- 791
Farm or home visits made 3,029

Annual Report, 1940

Office calls received 12,519
4-11 club members enrolled 7,606
4-H club members completing 5,315
Containers of food prepared and saved by 4-11
club members 145,328
Dishes of food prepared, meals served and vegetables
and fruits stored and dried 206,722
Families adopting better practices as to foods 17,038
Schools following recommendations for school lunch ------------ 220
Children in schools following lunch recommendations -------- 43,032 Containers of food saved by non-members of 4-H clubs ---- 2,138,891 Value of products canned or otherwise preserved ---------------- $562,857.53
Families readjusting family food supply 4,544

CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND PARENT EDUCATION Communities in which work was conducted 193
Result demonstrations conducted 619
Meetings held 180
News stories published and circular letters issued ------- - ------- 45
Farm or home visits made, 275
Office calls received 465
4-H club members participating 140
Families following child-development plans 2,674
Different individuals participating in child-development
program 1,412
Children involved in child-development program ---- - -------- -_ 3,008
Communities in which work was conducted 562
Result demonstrations conducted 2,969
Meetings held 2,896
News stories published and circular letters issued ---------------- 396
Farm or home visits made 1,272
Office calls received 5,990
4-H club members enrolled 8,440
4-H club members completing 5,590
Articles made by 4-H club members completing -------------------- 34,861
Individuals following better clothing practices 25,026
Families assisted in determining how best to meet
clothing requirements 3,545
Savings due to clothing program $73,269.81

HOME MANAGEMENT AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS Communities in which work was conducted 1,241
Result demonstrations conducted 6,075
Meetings held 2,750
News stories published and circular letters issued----------- 468
Farm or home visits made 1,729
Office calls received 8,945
4-H club members enrolled 3,369
4-H club members completing 2,223
Projects conducted by 4-H members completing -------------------- 13,321
Families following better home-management practices -------- 16,632 Estimated savings due to home-management program ---- $50,232.00 Families improving household furnishings 13,408

Florida Agricultural Extension Service

Savings due to house-furnishings program $43,765.43
Families following handicraft practices 1,824
Communities in which work was conducted 457
Result demonstrations conducted 1,153
Meetings held 600
News stories published and circular letters issued ---------------- 138
Farm or home visits made 619
Office calls received 5,578
4-H club members enrolled 2,455
4-H club members completing 1,754
Additional 4-H club members participating 3,372
Individuals having health examination 3,907
Individuals adopting health measures 17,713
Families adopting health measures 4,522

EXTENSION ORGANIZATION AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Communities in which work was conducted 956
Voluntary local leaders or committeemen assisting ---------------- 1,012
Days of assistance rendered by voluntary leaders or
committeemen 2,712
Meetings held 1,270
News stories published and circular letters issued ------- - ------ 1,359
Farm or home visits made 2,456
Office calls received 6,790
Communities assisted with community problems -------------------- 1,355
Country life conferences 110
Families following recommendations as to home recreation 1,288 4-H clubs engaging in community activities 179
Families aided in obtaining assistance from Red Cross
or other relief agency 3,360

Annual Report, 1940

EDITORIAL AND MAILING J. Francis Cooper, Editor
Clyde Beale, Assistant Editor Jefferson Thomas, Assistant Editor
With the Nation during 1940 centering its attention on defense, it is but natural that Extension activities should be given a defense tempo. Informational activities have endeavored to show how the programs already under way with Extension Service direction are serving the Nation's defense requirements as well as its peacetime needs, and to step up nutrition and other phases of farm 'life and work where deficiencies have been shown.
While three editors, one stenographer and two mailing clerks have been employed continuously during the year, with additional help in the mailing room from time to time, these workers have given only about two-thirds of their time to work for the Extension Service, the remainder being devoted to duties of the Agricultural Experiment Station.
While only three new bulletins and one circular were printed during the year, they had a total of 196 pages, and 68,000 copies were printed. Two new miscellaneous publications, totaling 56 pages and 6,000 copies,
-were very similar to bulletins and circulars in content. Five old miscellaneous publications, totaling 96 pages and 45,000 copies and being mostly record books for 4-H club use, were reprinted. Other issues included window cards, dodgers, a calendar, and various miscellaneous materials.
Following is a list of publications issued during the year ending June 30, 1940.
Pages Edition
Bul. 103. Can Surplus Fruits and Vegetables 52 20,000
Bul. 104. Beef Production in Florida 36 20,000
Bul. 105. An Economic Study of Commercial Poultry Farming in Florida 96 8,000
Circ. 49. Making Cotton Mattresses at Home -------- 12 20,000 M. P. 28. Florida Citrus Costs and Returns ---------- 32 3,500
M. P. 29. The 1940 Farm and Home Outlook for
Florida 24 2,500
M. P. 15. 4-H Club Food Preparation Guide and
Record (rep.) 24 5,000
M. P. 16. 4-11 Club Baking Guide and Record
Book (rep.) 20 5,000
M. P. 18. Poultry Club Record Book (rep.) ------------ 16 20,000
M. P. 20. 4-H Club Girls' Canning Guide and Record Book (rep.) 16 5,000
M. P. 21. Record of Garden and Perennial Plantings (rep.) 20 10,000
Requirements and Records of Home
Improvement for Florida 4-11 Club
Girls (rep.) 12 10,000
Poultry Record Book 28 1,500
Announcement and Rules, 15th Florida
National Egg-Laying Test 5 1,000
Final Report, 13th Florida National EggLaying Test 20 1,500

Florida Agricultural Extension Service

Window Card-Raise Healthy Pigs 1 800
Window Card-4-H Poultry Work 1 2,000
Window Card-Poultry Institute, 1939 1 200
Dodgers-Cherry Lake Farms Institute -------------------- 1 1,000
Program, 1940 Boys' 4-H Short Course ---- 8 400 Calendar, 1940 12 12,000
Manuscripts for the publications were prepared by the authors, checked by others, edited in this office, and sent to the printer. All new issues were distributed to county and home demonstration agents and libraries immediately on delivery, and on request after that. More than 50,000 copies of new and old Extension Service publications left the shelves during the year. Demand for bulletins is so great that it is difficult to maintain a supply.


Informational materials were constantly sent to newspapers, both weekly and daily, to farm papers circulating in this territory, and to other journals related to agriculture and rural life. Generous use was made of these materials by the publications receiving them.
The weekly clipsheet, Agricultural News Service, was continued. It was distributed principally to weekly newspapers, farm papers, and county and home demonstration agents. However, it was sent to a few dailies on special request. It carried from seven to 15 articles each week reporting progress, giving timely information, and reviewing the news.
Special stories for dailies, when of immediate interest, were released over the wire service of the Associated Press. When more in the nature of time copy they were mimeographed and distributed direct to the papers. While these mimeographed releases were made sporadically, it was the endeavor to make them at least once each week.
Assistance was rendered to Gainesville correspondents on some of the larger state dailies on numerous occasions. Special materials for a farm page in one daily were supplied from time to time. Questions and answers copy was sent weekly to one large daily throughout the year and to one weekly for a short time before the year closed.
News mats were distributed an average of nearly twice a month throughout the year. A majority of these were supplied by the Agricultural Adjustment Administration and other agencies, since Extension funds for the purpose are very limited.
Farm journals not only cooperated by printing Florida releases but sought them on a number of occasions. The summary shows that 10 different magazines carried 49 different Florida articles supplied by the Extension editors, totaling 1,228 column inches. Of these, four national journals carried 8 articles for 89 column inches, one Southern periodical carried 12 articles for 121 inches, and five Florida papers printed 29, articles totaling 1,018 inches.
In addition to these materials written by the editors, Florida papers in particular printed dozens of articles by other members of the Extension Service, Experiment Station and College of Agriculture staff and forwarded by this office. Copies of many of the radio talks made by staff members were given additional usage in this way.

Annual Report, 1940

The Florida Farm Hour over WRUF from 12 to 1 p. m. went on the air every week day during the year, continuing a program begun in 1928. The station rendered excellent cooperation at all times. A recapitulation shows that Extension workers-specialists and agents-made 91 talks, with cooperators, both adult and junior, appearing frequently. In addition, at least one of the Extension editors appeared on the program daily and two or three of them appeared frequently.
The programs were supervised and staged by the Extension editors, but utilized staff workers of the College of Agriculture, Experiment Station, United States Department of Agriculture, and other agencies and individuals. On numerous occasions interviews, transcriptions, and even dramatizations were used for variety and effectiveness.,
In so far as practicable, the weekly schedule included the following general topics: Monday, horticulture; Tuesday, entomology and questions; Wednesday, 4-H club, home demonstration and other general subjects; Thursday, dairy and poultry; Friday, livestock; and Saturday, news reviews.
Eight remote control programs were staged, one each from DeLand, Fairbanks, Chinsegut Hill (Brooksville), the University poultry plant, herbarium, and nutrition laboratory, and two from the special agricultural exhibit train.
Two other broadcasts, from stations in Orlando (30 minutes) and Tampa (15 minutes) were given from this train while it was on the road. Microphones were carried into the train in each case.
Farm Flashes were sent for five days each week to county agents cooperating with seven different radio stations in the state. Themajority of these flashes were supplied in mimeograph form by the USDA Radio Service, checked here, and forwarded. When suitable USDA material was not at hand local material was employed. Sixty local flashes were sent, 24 being based on talks by staff workers and 36 on material prepared by the editors.
Both county and home demonstration agents having broadcasting stations accessible made extensive use of them, several with regular weekly broadcasts.

The editors handled publicity for the special agricultural exhibit train, previously mentioned, which was a cooperative undertaking between the College of Agriculture, State Department of Agriculture, and Atlantic Coast Line and Louisville and Nashville railroads. Leaving Gainesville November 7 it displayed in two or three towns each week day through December 4.
In addition to radio broadcasts direct from the train, other radio broadcasts over WRUF and through Farm Flashes called attention to it in advance of its departure. Every newspaper in counties where the train was to stop was supplied with from three to six special articles and illustrations pertaining to the train. The clipsheet carried releases concerning the venture for several weeks in advance, and during the train's trip.

Florida Agricultural Extension Service

The newspapers were especially generous in using materials relative to the train, several of them running special pages in its honor just prior to its arrival in town. They provided their own reporters to cover the visit of the train to their cities.
Cooperation was extended the Florida Fat Stock Show and Sale also, the Extension editor being chairman of the committee on publicity. He supervised printing of the catalog, and handled both news and radio, releases concerning this event, which was staged in Jacksonville February 27 and 28.
Cooperation was extended various divisions of the United States, Department of Agriculture, including the Agricultural Adjustment Administration-for which frequent releases were made, the Agricultural Marketing Service, the Surplus Marketing Administration, and others.
The Extension editor accompanied a photographer from the USDA Extension Service on a trip through seven counties during the week of June 24. More than 125 excellent pictures of 'farm and home activities were secured, with the help of white and colored county and home demonstration agents. Many of the pictures have been widely used already.
During annual Girls' 4-H Club Short Course at State College for Women in June the editor gave intensive training in news and radio writing to 32 selected girls, and held general classes attended once by 125 others.
Boys attending their short course at the University of Florida were assisted in issuing a little mimeographed news sheet each day.
The Extension editor was present at six meetings, with an attendance of 365 people, during the year.

Annual Report, 1940

AGRICULTURAL. CONSERVATION H. G. Clayton, Administrative Officer in Charge
R. S. Dennis, State Performance Suloervisor A. E. Dunscombe, Field Man
Assigned to the Federal Agricultural Adjustment Act Administration from the Florida Agricultural Extension Service, the foregoingwere cooperated with by a State Committee comprising the following:
James J. Love, Gadsden county
C. S. Lee, Seminole county
W. B. Anderson, Jackson county
H. C. Brown, Lake county
A. P. Spencer, Vice-Director of Extension, ex-officio member
Stress was placed upon the wider adoption of conservation practices during the 1940 endeavor. Soil-building projects sponsored by theAgricultural Extension Service were employed to good advantage in this connection. County committees operating under the Adjustment. Administration and farm agents worked with the utmost harmony toward the desired ends.
Committees and agents are especially to be commended for excellent. results as follows:
Highlands, Orange, Osceola, Charlotte, and Hillsborough for outstanding pasture establishment and maintenance work; Highlands, Volusia, Lake, Orange, Polk, and Hardee for greatly increased use oflimestone; Jackson, Leon, Holmes, Okaloosa, and Escambia for increased use of winter legumes; also Jackson, Madison, and Lafayette for their pine planting programs; and Jefferson, Suwannee, Lafayette, Alachua, Leon, Madison, Hamilton, Columbia, and Union for increased crotalaria. acreage.
During the first half of the year 1940 payments were made to' the. farms participating in the 1939 program. The Agricultural Conservation payments thus made were for (a) compliance with acreage allotments. for special crops and (b) carrying out approved soil-building practices on the farm. Additional payments (parity payments) were also made to cotton farms complying with the farm cotton acreage allotment andmarketing quota provisions.
Through the use of the community and county committeemen in the. program a large group of well informed local farm leaders is being developed. Each year greater numbers of retiring county committeemen are being replaced by men coming up from community committeemen and many of these men are constantly looking for ways in which the program can be of the greatest benefit to their communities and theircounties. .
Prior to the beginning of the performance work the county performance supervisors and administrative assistants were brought together in groups of from four to six for intensive instruction lasting two days. The county supervisors and administrative assistants in turn held training schools for their farm reporters, followed by a written examination. Only reporters who made satisfactory grades were employed.

Payments in Payments in ' I Total, ACP Payments Parity Payments
Connection Connection increase in
County with Special with Soil- . Small
Crops Allotments Building Payments No. of Amount No. of Amount
Practices Farms Farms
Alachua 8,714.00 $ 35,616.78 $ 4,740.00 670 $ 49,070.78 10 $ 228.89

4,540.36 1,523.33 7,808.36
43,476.08 22,780.95 7,680.75
28,944.29 3,464.95 14,014.62 7,167.37
24,197.21 23,691.13 64,031.57
3,241.20 5,429.23 4,434.37 10,345.81 16,566.11 19,831.65 24,329.36
308.47 9,555.74 35,065.26 8,285.23 8,553.37 102,919.79 45,988.88 8,457.97

00 98 255
549 155 301 77 86 50
474 279 630 53 62 656 67 585

72 16
436 827 83
231 561 1,879 1,069 515

0'-u%'50 2,448.33 12,126.36 47,847.08 52,361.95 12,647.75 29,389.29 4,070.95
14,345.62 10,917.37 36,863.21 58,265.13 69,553.57 3,880.20 5,896.23 29,575.37 17,647.81
42,237.11 232971.65 27,282.36
437.47 25,674.74 45,201.26 10,864.23 10,393.37 107,031.79 75,178.88 55,997.97

422.03 2,182.14




18.96 8,988.33

Baker Bay Bradford Brevard
Broward Calhoun Charlotte - -- - -- - ---------Citrus Clay Collier Columbia -------------------Dade
DeSoto Dixie Duval Eiscambia Flagler Gadsden Gilchrist Glades
Gulf Hamilton Hardee
Hendry Hernando Highlands ----------- - -----
Hillsborough ---- - ---------Holmes Indian River ----------------

219.00 375.00 2,393.00


3,734.00 7,459.00
32,451.00 1,540.00 79.00

18,507.00 6,627.00 22,367.00
543.00 2,482.00 28.00
12,046.00 2,919.00 2,017.00
241.00 842.00 15,658.00 36,220.00 1,039.00

1,655.00 550.00

4,371.00 A'109.00 2,502.00
445.010 606.00 331.00
16.00 5,207.00 2,123.00 3,982.00 560.00
467.00 6,634.00 675.00
3,304.00 3,597.00
471.00 101.00
4,073.00 7,217.00 562.00 1,599.00 3 270.00 13:532.00 11,320.00 2,698.00






7,502.28 1,552.89



14,476.76 zt




15,197.11 9,085.90 $229,312.17

Jefferson Lafayette Lake Lee
Leon Levy Liberty Madison Manatee Marion Martin Nassau Okaloosa Okeechobee ---------------Orange
Osceola Palm Beach ---------------Pasco Pinellas Polk Putnam St. Johns
St. Lucie Santa Rosa -----------------Sarasota Seminole Sumter Suwannee -------------------Taylor Union Volusia Wakulla Walton Washington ------------ - --

69,805.00 43,439.37
7,555.00 32,901.65
2,187.00 10,311.36
2,439.00 64,588.26
4,684.00 11,870.78
11,667.00 31,354.02
2,277.00 40,286.98
21,057.00 31,709.57
15,563.00 27,624.63
1,122.00 52,948.13
152.00 4,327.90
16,102.00 6,586.94
1,980.00 5,316.57
5,521.00 92,349.39
206.00 42,873.53
69,895.00 33,034.64
18.00 39,905.29
5,431.00 157,553.16 6,945.00 16,481.73
13,544.00 9,310.64
3,577.00 17,837.25
30,737.00 6,331.28
3,119.00 16,192.96
33,004.00 12,514.88
6,072.00 25,402.10
11,502.00 46,425.26
351.00 4,793.12
1,974.00 11,233.95
2,774.00 24,467.31
97.00 3,416.69
17,187.00 15,007.70
9,813.00 8,163.68
$587,794.00 $1,581,966.45

2,144.00 16,780.00
11,134.00 4,639.00
9,092.00 6,378.00
9,170.00 1,812.00 2,252.00 3,322.00
4,350.00 29,797.00 2,196.00
2,112.00 4,034.00 9,314.00
6,009 . 00 5,906 . 00 10,313.00
1,222.00 2,396.00 4,767.00
5,544.00 $302,454.00

2,408 867 190 2,575 268 1,207 515
792 896
974 36 95
1,427 261 301 631
-484 3,893 272
194 476 899 ill 912 636
854 135 236
674 36,706

136,455.37 48,161.65
14,642.36 83,807.26 18,527.78 54,155.02 47,202.98
61,858.57 49,565.63
61,414.13 3,467.86 5,562.90
28,835.94 7,986.57
44,891.53 105,181.64
43,245.29 26,311.98 192,781.16 25,622.73
24,966.64 25,448.25 46,382.28 20,097.96 51,527.88 37,380.10 68,240.26 6,366.12 15,603.95 32,008.31
4,230.69 39,987.70 23,520,68

723 152





21 977 23

731 653

24 Florida Agricultural Extension Service

In making these farm checks, aerial photographs were used in 13 entire counties and in portions of 7 others. Plane table maps and chain sketches were used in the areas for which photography was not available.
For compliance with the provisions of the sugar program, Florida sugar producers were paid a total net payment of $592,525.61 for 1939. The acreage planted on these farms was 27,296.9 acres. The acreage harvested for sugar was 20,080.8 acres.
The work of establishing acreage allotments for farms under the 1940 program began in November 1939. The acreage allotments for cotton and tobacco were completed and the farm operators notified of their allotments prior to the marketing quota referendum for these crops on December 9. 1939.
During the 1940 program year the following materials were made available to producers in Florida as conservation materials (grants of aid): Austrian winter peas, triple superphosphate, 20% superphosphate, dolomitic limestone, and standard ground limestone. These materials were purchased by the AAA through standard Government procedure and furnished to farmers participating in the program in lieu of an equivalent amount of cash payments. This has enabled many farmers to use these materials who would not otherwise have been able to do so.
Requests for these conservation materials were executed in the county office and submitted to the State office for approval. A check was made on all requests submitted to this office to determine if the producer making the request for the material was eligible to receive a payment in 1940 sufficient to cover the cost to the Government of the material requested.
In 1940 marketing quotas were in effect on both cotton and tobacco, being approved in the referendum on December 9, 1939.
The tobacco marketing quota for the farm was the entire production from the allotted acres. This change in the quota provisions reduced the complaints and dissatisfaction very greatly and resulted in a very smooth operation of this phase of the program. Two review committees were set up to handle appeal cases. These committees completed their work and rendered decisions on all cases coming before them prior to the planting season.
There were 38 indicated violations reported. Of this number, all except six or eight are either trivial or technical violations only. Less than 60 farms in the entire State, harvested tobacco in excess of the farm marketing quota.
Cotton quota work in 1940 proceeded in a satisfactory manner with very few complaints or violations. There were no cases to come before the review committee.
The cotton mattress program was begun early in 1940. This program is carried on cooperatively between the Agricultural Extension service, the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, and the Surplus Marketing Administration. Its purpose is twofold: (1) to provide deserving farm families in the low income group with adequate and comfortable cotton mattresses, and (2) to remove surplus cotton from trade channels.
The program was operated in 1940 in 28 counties in Florida. Cotton and ticking for mattresses was delivered through the Agricultural Ad-

Annual Report, 1940 25

justment Administration offices in the various counties on the basis of approved applications for these materials filed by low-income farm families. The making of the mattresses is under the direction and supervision of the county home demonstration agent.
Under the provisions of the Sugar Program 1940 proportionate acreage shares of 25,139.1 acres of sugar cane for sugar have been established in four counties for 41 farms. The acreage planted for harvest in these four counties is 30,466.3.
Work was started on the next year's program earlier than in any past year. Before January 1, acreage allotments for 1941 had been established on cotton, tobacco, potatoes, commercial vegetables, and celery farms, and the farm operators were notified of the 1941 acreage allotments for their farms.

Florida Agricultural Extension Service

A. P. Spencer, County Agent Leader J. Lee Smith, District Agent
W. T. Nettles, District Agent
H. G. Clayton, District Agent
R. S. Dennis, Assistant District Agent
A. E. Dunscombe, Assistant District Agent
In the North and Northwest Florida Agricultural Extension Service district, Gulf County had a farm agent during 1940 for the first time. Central and Southern Florida district operations covered the same territory heretofore handled in this division.
District agents found greater and greater need for supervisory work, covering the entire range of Extension undertakings.
Farming in the North and Northwest Florida sections deals mostly with staple crops and the Extension endeavor is largely concentrated thereon.
Two farm institutes were conducted, 17 farming tours, 17 tobacco grading demonstrations and one tobacco market inspection referendum.
Soil conservation districts were formed in 8 of the 12 counties where they are needed. Federal Agricultural Adjustment Act administration functioned in all the counties.
Coordination of the several government agencies, including agricultural adjustment, farm security, vocational teaching and rural electrification was sought at a series of conferences.
Cotton variety tests were continued and showed that the leading varieties yielded 200 pounds of seed cotton more per acre than the old varieties.
Land-use planning work was inaugurated in five counties.
The story of what a better land-use program means in one county illustrates what it will mean in many. In this county there are 465,000 acres of cut-over land that is adjudged to be no good for agricultural purposes, another 150,000 acres of good agricultural lands that should be in farms, yet is actually cut-over land. There is another 50,000 acres in farms not in cultivation or pasture-may be suited or may not be-and only 30,000 acres in cultivation. Yet all the efforts of all agencies working in that county have been "funneled" down on the 30,000 acres. All know the 30,000 acres cannot pay all the taxes and otherwise support all of the 695,000 acres within the county. All the acres within the county must be put to work again, each acre being devoted to the thing for which it is best suited.
County fairs conducted in the district were larger and better attended than had been held previously. Exhibitors generally received help from county agents in preparing their displays.
Pasture exhibits were shown in four counties, which the District Agent assisted the county agents to prepare and stage.
Camps of 4-H club members at Timpoochee proved outstanding summer events.
Membership on the Florida committee of the Federal Farm Security Administration is held by the supervising agent for the North and Northwest Florida District and he appeared on the annual conference program.

Annual Report, 1940

While the Central and Southern Florida district includes substantial areas where general farming is extensively practiced, it has more territory in which special crops dominate and the work during the year was planned accordingly.
Farm record keeping became of increasing importance because so many fruit and vegetable growers operated on reduced margins. Records obtained and summarized totaling 3,081 covered citrus, vegetables, potatoes and dairying.
Pasture and forage activities took long strides forward. Aid from the Agricultural Adjustment Administration gave a great impetus to this work. Around 100,000 acres were planted to pastures, mostly with carpet grass and about 1,000 acres in clover. Beef cattle production and dairying both benefitted hugely from the pasture improvement plans.
Truck growers experienced adverse weather conditions during the early part of 1940, in addition to the poor prices. Small growers seemed to fare better than the larger ones. Extension Service aid has unquestionably helped the little producers to survive and they again received special attention from the county agents of the district.
Freezes destroyed much citrus fruit and the war situation ruined the export market. Meetings in which the Extension Service took a prominent part sought further to bring 'about coordinated marketing. At Camp McQuarrie the Citrus Institute held the most widely attended meeting in its seven years' history.
Summarized as in previous years, the supervisory activities in the Central and Southern Florida District disclose that the district Agent accomplished the following:
Made 164 visits to county agents for consultations, suggestions and promotion of plans of work.
Made two visits to counties having no county agents to work with committees on agricultural problems.
Held or took active part in 58 meetings with over 12,000 farmers and others to give educational information, promote special features of Extension work and discuss plans of work.
Held 12 meetings with county commissioners adjusting misunderstandings, getting appropriations, placing new county agents and discussing plans of work.
Made four radio talks on timely agricultural subjects, in addition to making two talks over special farm hour broadcasts from farms and other places.
Worked with county agents in conducting 14 farm tours to carry lessons of better practices to farmers.
Held program building conferences with county agents in planning program of work.
Made 20 addresses to organizations on agricultural information and the promotion of agricultural Extension work.
Assisted in holding 4-H club camps with 26 counties with an attendance of over 6,000 boys and girls.
Director of citrus and poultry institutes at Camp McQuarrie for two weeks.
Spent one week in 4-H Short Course work, and one week in annual conference.
Spent 76 days in office attending to correspondence, working out plans for promotion of work and making out monthly and annual reports.

C. V. Noble, Agricultural Economist

R. H. Howard, Extension Economist C. M. Hampson, Extension Economist
V. V. Bowman, Extension Leader, Land-Use Planning
J. C. Bedsole, Assistant Extension Economist
Normal development took place in nearly all the projects under way when 1940 began and the land-use planning program underwent considerable expansion during the year.
Growers record keeping on the Extension Service plan went ahead for the eleventh marketing season. Production costs shrank in the meanwhile from above one dollar to 44 cents, excluding owner's supervision.
Grove accounts summarized during the period since the work began have been in accordance with Table 2.
1930- 1931- 1932- 1933- 1934- 1935- 1936- 1937- 1938- 1939- 194031 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40* 41** Counties
Lake ------------- - ----- 39 61 88 86 105 109 97 87 70 67 66
Polk ------------------ - 17 59 80 82 82 80 71 84 104 112 115
Orange ------------ - -- 46 42 48 44 60 59 57 51 43 42 44
Highlands 12 35 44 37 42 40 37 38 34 36 36
Others - ------- - - 5 12 8 14 36 38 38 45 41 47 49 Total ---- - -------------- 119 209 268 263 325 326 300 305 292 304 310
Estimate, based upon number of cost records completed as of August
31, 1940. Fruit receipts will not be available until the crop of 194041 has been sold.
"Accounts started.
An economic study of the Dade County potato industry was continued for the sixth consecutive season. Twenty-two enterprise records were obtained, concerning more than 60 percent of the total potato acreage in the section.
A cost of production survey of celery was again made. Marketing outlay figures were secured from packinghouse books.
An Extension Economist attended the annual outlook conference at Washington, D. C., as heretofore and new plans were made thereafter for disseminating the information in Florida.
Farm record books in two classes were furnished by the Extension Service. One went to 57 county agents and 176 vocational agriculture teachers. The other was received by 170 farmers.
Two State Committee meetings and numerous county and community gatherings took place during the year.

Florida Agricultural Extension Service

Annual Report, 1940

Programs have been planned and are operating at various stages in Columbia, Escambia, Jefferson, Lafayette, Palm Beach, Pinellas, Seminole and Walton counties.
A land-use exhibit was furnished upon request for the Slash Pine Forest and Farm Festival at Lake City. A similar display was supplied the Florida Fair in Tampa by the Bureau of Agricultural Economics.
Four surveys have been made during the year, 11 since the beginning of the project. Three preliminary reports have been accepted during the year by the State Committee, a total of six to date. One additional report has been reviewed by the State Committee, but is to be revised slightly before final acceptance. Still another report has been accepted by the county committee, but with requests for a few minor revisions. Reports for the remaining three counties are in manuscript form and have not yet been released by the Joint Land Grant College--BAE Committee.
There are now eight county land-use planning committees with elected officers and three that are without organization. All but one of the county committees were organized as a result of land-use planning activities. Seven counties are now pursuing one or more projects selected by the county committees. The membership of the county committee varies from 14 to 40, the majority of which is'farm men and women. There are now 191 farm men and women serving on county committees.
Florida was host to a traveling conference of land-use planning specialists from Washington and elsewhere. Plans for the tour within the state were under the direct supervision of the BAE representative. More than 150 people took part in the conference here. Probably the most significant thing coming out of the conference was the statement of H. R. Tolley, chief of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics, that he was quite satisfied after six such conferences that moving large numbers of farm people because of their present unsatisfactory locations was an impracticability.
The Extension Leader and State BAE representative conducted landuse planning discussions in the following seminars: Soils, animal husbandry, horticulture, and agricultural economics.

D. E. Timmons, Marketing Specialist
As marketing problems became intensified, the Extension Service activities in that field took on renewed importance.

Outlook information was supplied in meetings with county agents, growers and organization groups at numerous times during the year. County agents were called together at Winter Haven for the annual marketing school.
Florida Citrus Growers, Inc., and the College of Agruculture (Extension Service and Teaching Division) are cooperating in a series of marketing schools. Several preliminary meetings were held in working out plans for conducting these schools. A committee from Florida Citrus Growers, Inc., met with representatives of the Extension Service and College of Agriculture, Teaching Division, and developed a general program for these schools. It was finally decided that these schools

30 Florida Agricultural Extension Service

would be held in five districts and that grower leaders from various parts of the district would be selected to attend these schools and they in turn would hold classes in their respective communities, It was also thought advisable to limit the number attending the class to 12 to 18 in order that full discussion could be given to the topics presented. These schools are now in progress and classes meet once every two weeks. They are being held in Leesburg, Lake County; Orlando, Orange County; Vero Beach, Indian River County; Bartow, Polk County; and Tampa, Hillsborough County. There have been three meetings of these classes and attendance to date has held up to about 85% of those registered. Several county agents and Smith-Hughes teachers are attending the original classes. Several grower leaders have already started classes in their communities and are being assisted in holding these community classes by county agents and Smith-Hughes teachers.

In addition to Florida Citrus Growers, Inc., the Extension Marketing Specialist has cooperated closely with sundry other trade and producer groups. Among these w ere the Florida Citrus Commission, the Florida Canners Association, the Florida Citrus Producers Trade Association, the United Growers and Shippers League and the Federal Surplus Marketing Administration.
The Citrus Institute at Camp McQuarrie was attended and a report made on the meeting of the National Institute of Cooperation. Copies of the summary of the mimeograph report of the meeting of this Institute were supplied those attending. A revised mimeographed report on citrus canning in Florida was prepared and copies were supplied to growers.

Time could not be devoted to the problems of vegetable growers in the proportions that would have been desirable, owing to the extraordinary demand from other interests for Extension Service marketing assistance.
State Farmers' Markets requested assistance in enlarging the volume handled through their facilities. Conferences were held with numerous managers and directors seeking to work out plans for the end desired.
Local auction markets for livestock offered new difficulties. Sanitary conditions regarding handling, treatment in auction yards and such problems became so acute it was thought advisable to hold a meeting to discuss these problems. The first meeting was held in Ocala, April 12, 1940, of auction market managers, packinghouse representatives, cooperative sales managers and transportation officials to see if a plan looking toward a more satisfactory handling of sales throughout the State could be worked out. Another meeting was held in Gainesville and several committee meetings have been held since then. Representatives of the Extension Service, State Marketing Bureau and State Live Stock Sanitary Board attended these meetings. Committees were appointed to work out recommendations with reference to decreasing bruising in hauling and while in yards. They also are working on plans for sanitary recommendations for auction yards.

Annual Report, 1940

Work on this project was continued from last year. The Extension Service Marketing Specialist, as secretary, was active in the preparations for and the conducting of the organization and first membership meeting of the Council in Lakeland, June 7, 1940. He was asked to continue as secretary in the formation activities of the council. Agricultural organizations represented included the Agricultural Extension Service, Farm Credit Administration, Florida Citrus Producers Trade Association, Florida Citrus Growers, Inc., Farm Security Administration, Agricultural Marketing Service, Florida State Marketing Bureau, Florida State Agricultural Marketing Board, Florida Citrus Commission, Agricultural Experiment Station, Agricultural Adjustment Administration, Florida Citrus Control Committee and United Growers and Shippers. At the completion of this meeting, the membership of the Council had
-advanced to include 27 cooperatives. At the time of writing the membership numbers 28.
The council cooperated with the Farm Credit Administration in their annual stockholders meeting. Its president appeared on the program explaining the purposes and aims of the council and a number of its members discussed the topic of importance of reserves to a cooperative. Representatives of the council have been asked to appear before county agents and seminar groups and as indicated in the purposes of their
-organization they are working toward a better relationship between educational institutions and the cooperative marketing organizations.

Watermelon Marketing Agreement.-The watermelon marketing agreement was temporarily suspended during the past watermelon marketing season. An effort has been made to keep in touch with watermelon growers and shippers and see whether they were interested in the agreement being continued or permanently discontinued.
Celery Marketing Agreement.-The celery marketing agreement has not been in effect for some time and there does not seem to be demand for another agreement.
Citrus Marketing Agreement.-A grade and size citrus marketing agreement is in effect and this year will probably determine whether or not growers will be satisfied to continue it.

Florida Agricultural Extension Service

J. Lee Smith, Extension Agronomist
Maintaining and increasing soil fertility continued to be a principal aim in the Extension agronomy endeavor. Six additional soil conservation districts were sponsored in water-eroded sections. Four are already fully organized and the other two will soon be functioning.
Croplands terraced during the year ran around 1,000 acres. More acres were cultivated on the contour system than ever before.
Green manure and cover crops on vegetable, grove and general farm lands approximated 1,000,000 acres. Tonnage was smaller than usual, owing to summer and fall drouths.
Winter legumes, such as Austrian peas and vetch, occupied a comparatively small acreage. Corn and other crops were intercropped with summer legumes on about 350,000 acres.
To these cover crops and legume pastures there has been applied 25,000 tons of superphosphate, 20,000 tons of basic slag and approximately 80,000 tons of ground limestone this year.
Soil conserving practices were followed on approximately 40,000 farms, 75 percent of the places participating in the Federal program.

To again stimulate the farmers' interest in growing feed, the District Agent and Agent in Animal Husbandry assisted county agents in conducting a series of meetings in their respective counties just prior to planting time. These meetings were followed up by sending circular letters to a large part of the producers, calling their attention to the increased gains secured by interplanting their corn with peanuts and properly spacing their peanuts. Another letter was sent calling their attention to the amount of seed needed for planting an acre of peanuts spaced properly. Again placards remained placed in county agents' offices and other places where farmers assembled often, calling attention to the benefit of these practices.
More landplaster and dolomite have been used during 1940 on or under peanuts in the Northwestern part of the state to make them fill out than ever before. The Extension Service persuaded the fertilizer dealers to stock it last year. They continued to stock it this year. On many different tests results were recorded showing solid peanuts again increased in yield. These tests were made on land that had shown signs of need.
In 1935 the Extension Service began a very definite program to teach producers the value of and how to get larger peanut yields. By spacing runners 6 to 8 inches and Spanish 4 to 5 inches in the drill they could secure a 30 to 50 percent increase for only additional seed cost. At that time they were growing approximately 45,000 acres with an average yield of 525 pounds per acre. Acreage and yield have both grown steadily since that time. During 1940 they have harvested approximately 90,000 acres which produced an average of 725 pounds per acre. It should be noted that this has been accomplished through teaching alone, without subsidy or coercion, and contrary to the usual results of lowering the yield per acre while acreage was expanding. On this basis alone this lesson is now worth annually a quarter of a million

Annual Report, 1940

dollars to the growers of the original 45,000 acres and on 90,000 acres it's value annually is one-half million dollars.

The planting of velvet beans among the corn and peanuts for grazing during the winter was increased this year and suitable weather made an excellent feed crop.
Sorghum has been grown about as usual by the dairymen and others for silage. Some grow corn. There has been but slight increase.
Very little sugarcane was grown, put up as dry forage or ensiled this fall because of stumbles killed last winter.
Farmers made the largest number of plantings of Napier grass to provide grazing and silage that have ever been made in one year.
The production of legume hay has been increased in Florida this year, and the quality of it is excellent. There are 50,000 tons of peanut vine hay on hand and a good production of the finest peavine hay the state has ever produced.
Alyce clover produces a high quality hay that is easily cured and some of the lighter soils were producing fair tonnages where conditions were right. It appeared to need fertilizing. The county agents attempted by demonstrations established on all soil types to determine its adaptation and then by comparative fertilizer demonstrations to determine what fertilizer or corrective soil treatments were practical.

Pasture tours retained their popularity. Farmers not only again attended them by the hundreds but they were taken part in by U.S.D.A. officials, chambers of commerce officers, bankers, merchants and others.
During the years 1936 to 1940 there has been an expansion in pasture acreage throughout the state; however, the larger part has been in Central and South Florida. Much of it has been range-partly woodland-in its natural state fenced up. Power rotary brush and palmetto cutters have been brought into use for destroying the native vegetation, such as palmetto, gallberry, and myrtle. Highlands and lowlands, hills and hammocks, loams and muck lands, as well as prairies, have been turned into pasture. Farm visits, personal calls, demonstrations, circular letters, and AAA payments have all been used in promoting and helping in this development. As a result hundreds of farmers and cattlemen have converted acres of these lands into permanent pastures. The record by years is as follows:
1936- 1,635 1938-62,189 1940-140,000 approximated
1937-30,990 1939-88,179 Total-322,993

County agents arranged and supervised a number of exhibits relating to pasture and feed crops at numerous county fairs and at the State Fair in Tampa. Hays, grains and forage and pasture crops were displayed to advantage.
Both county agents and the State staff participated in arrangements for showing the special Livestock, Forage Crops and Forestry special exhibit train which was shown in 53 towns of 42 counties along the lines of the Atlantic Coast Line and Louisville and Nashville railroads

Florida Agricultural Extension Service

Fig. l.-Part of the forage crops display on the special agricultural exhibit train which toured Florida from November 7 to December 4, 1940.

from November 7 to December 4. A good part of one car of this train was devoted to exhibits of hays, grains, grasses, clovers, and other forage anJ feed crops, and proved of interest to the 62,268 visitors.
To test out strains and varieties produced by the breeders more recently, the Extension Agronomist for the second year arranged with the breeders to furnish seed of their most promising strains or varieties and with and through the county agents 18 variety comparative demonstrations were established. Although the weather was somewhat unfavorable for cotton production the tests came through. The yields were better this year than last.
For the first time this year cotton improvement associations have been organized in the short cotton belt of the area. The cotton variety demonstration work of the year before stimulated an interest in this work. These demonstrations gave the county agents confidence in the production of some of the better longer staple varieties. As a result there were seven one-cotton improvement associations organized, repxesenting 1,563 acres.
The Sea Island cotton acreage is smaller than it was in 1937 and 1938, but a little larger than in 1939. It is scattered over a large area.
Congress two years ago provided for grade and staple service for one-variety cotton communities. Thirteen of the 14 county one-variety Sea Island cotton community organizations set up in 1939 were continued and several hundred bales have been graded by the classes of the

Annual Report, 1940

BAE grade and staple service. This service has been of much value, it is believed. They will all be approached concerning the use of certified seed for their 1941 plantings.
The Extension Service has kept its production and harvesting program well before the producers for the last four years. Through meetings, by personal contacts and circular letters, the producers have been advised to use 1/2 bushel of seed per acre, the use of kainit and muriate of potash in their fertilizers in the central part of the state where the soil carries a high phosphatic content, proper spacing, and the most desirable time of planting. The farmers are learning better how to do the job of producing and handling.
The Extension Service by the same methods brought to the attention of the growers the benefit to be derived by proper preparationpicking, sorting, and drying-before taking it to the gin. The winners were also told what it meant to them to see that it was dry before ginning. The reports received from graders indicate that the producers and winners have done a better job this year in preparing cotton for ginning than last year. More growers followed these recommendations in 1940 than ever before.
Just a few weeks before the market opened the Tobacco Section of the BAE again assisted the Extension Agronomist and county agents in holding many grading demonstrations throughout the flue-cured tobacco growing area. These meetings were attended by a great many of the flue-cured growers of the state, and did much good. Again this year the Extension Service undertook to detect and assist farmers in control of blue mold. These demonstrations taught many farmers there is an effective method of control. The Service was ready to assist this year but the blue mold did not appear.
The Extension Service conducted a referendum this spring to determine whether growers desired compulsory inspection on the Live Oak market. The county agents having attended markets last year where such inspection was being done and saw how farmers could, and were using such properly, informed farmers what it was, how it would work, and how they could us it, by circular letters and community meetings with a result that the producers approved it by a big majority. ihere were approximately 5,000,000 pounds inspected on the Live Oa& market this year and a good educational job done.
Oats, sweet potatoes and sugarcane were other crops with which the Extension Agronomist concerned himself, much the same as previously.
There has been very close and extended cooperation with the Agricultural Conservation Associations, Soil Conservation and Farm Security Administrations. The work with the AAA has been in setting up and recommending soil conservation practices to the State Committee, attending meetings and explaining the Triple A provisions to the growers, and sending communications to growers and urging them to use the assistance offered them in putting good soil conserving practices into use. The principal cooperation the Agronomist has given the soil conservation districts has been in helping to formulate the agronomy features of their programs. He has kept Farm Security workers and vocational agricultural teachers fully acquainted with the best practices to be followed in the production of field crops.

Florida Agricultural Extension Service

A. L. Shealy, Animal Industrialist

Extension Service activities in these three closely related fields took on additional importance during 1940, with the state-wide movement for better beef and pork, higher quality milk and butter, and more eggs and poultry products in the first grade.

Walter J. Sheely, Animal Husbandman
Beef cattle possibilities in Florida are attracting widespread attention and the Animal Husbandman answered many letters from investors and others who wanted information on the subject.
Fairs, sales and shows played a more important part than ever in building up confidence among Florida farmers that they can produce beef and pork as good as any that the country furnishes.
Breeding stock selection made further and substantial progress in the period covered by this report. Feeder stock from Florida was bought by cattlemen in other states more numerously than ever before.
A further result of selection has been demonstrated at the Florida Fat Stock Show where this year 67 steers, or 24 percent of the cattle in the show, graded choice and 92, or 35 percent, graded good, whereas in former years medium and common grades predominated.

The first Florida feeder cattle show was sponsored by the Alachua County Livestock Association and held in Gainesville on October 2, 1940. A total of 315 head were on exhibit. Included were a few purebred breeding animals from local herds that were good representatives of the breeds. The steers were graded by weight and quality and shown as singles, pens of three, pens of 10, and carrots of 15. The entire show was a decided improvement in grade, quality, and size over the average of eight and 10 years ago. Alachua County furnished approximately 70 percent of the feeder cattle finished out for the Florida Fat Stock Show where 279 finished steers were on exhibit.
On October 30 the Osceola County Livestock Association put on a feeder show in connection with their range cattle. This was the first attempt made to hold this class of show in the Kissimmee Valley. Most of the steers showed Hereford and Brahman blood.
In a two days' conference at Camp Timpoochee, the Extension Animal Husbandman instructed county agents, vocational teachers, and Farm Security workers with reference to hogs, beef cattle and workstock. At Lake City, he instructed Farm Security supervisors in hog work and meat supply. At both Camp Timpoochee and Camp Cherry Lake Farmers' Institutes, he outlined swine production and home meat supply with reference to better living and national defense.
The Extension Animal Husbandman served on a committee to work out plans and ethical methods of operating livestock auction markets. He met with a committee of the State Chamber of Commerce on policies relating to cattle development and forestry work. He attended meetings of Southern extension directors and district agents at Auburn, Alabama.

Annual Report, 1940

Again the Florida Fat Stock Show and Sale at Jacksonville proved a huge success. Held on February 27 and 28 for the sixth consecutive year, the event constituted an outstanding step in cattle industry progress.
The grand champion steer was a Florida bred and raised Hereford that graded prime; weighed 1,155 pounds; dressed 67.01 percent; age 19 months; bred by T. D. Matthews; fed out by George Duke; sold for 50 cents per pound. The reserve champion was a Florida raised steer that graded choice and sold for 32 cents; weighed 675 pounds; dressed 64-75 percent; age 11 months; bred and fed out by A. L. Jackson.

1940 1939 1938 1937
No. of cattle sold ----- 279 408 177 535
Total weight (lbs.)--225,580 304,425 144,010 455,180
Average price per lb. $0.1011 $0.1014 $0.1071 $0.0972
Average weight per
steer (pounds) ---- 808 746 813 832
Average price
per head ------------ $81.78 $75.63 $87.17 $80.94
Total sales ------------------ $22,817.62 $30,879.02 $15,429.45 $43,302.77
No. of exhibitors ------ 63 58 12 50
No. club boys
exhibiting ---------- 49 81 23 21
No. 4-H club calves- 83 94 39 32
No. 4-H judging
teams ------------------ 12 11 10 7
Price of grand champion steer ------------ 50c 57c 561/2c 32 1/2 c
No, of Florida counties
sending cattle ---- 10 15 10 16

In further pushing the "Raise Healthy Pigs" campaign, an impressive poster was prepared and distributed. Circular letters were also extensively utilized as heretofore. Practically every county agent in the hog producing areas reported increased interest along that line.
Hogs shows were held during 1940 at Bonifay, Bushnell, Jay, Lake City, Live Oak, Marianna, Ocala, Quincy, and Tallahassee. Activities with 4-H clubs increased the supply of purebred and high grade swine.
There are 60 meat curing plants in the State. One was built at Webster. The one at Williston burned last season and was rebuilt this season. The one at Madison was overhauled and the capacity doubled. There is no doubt but there is being more meat cured in cold storage in Florida than was the case last year or any year before. Four plants in one county are reported to have cured 1,100,000 pounds. Twenty-three plants report four million pounds cured last season.

As previously, this endeavor sought to enlarge the Florida output of horse and mule colts. Objections that the animals could not stand heavy work have been gradually overcome.

Fig. 2-This farm mare with her mule colts is helping to supply good work stock on the farm.

Counties are numerous in which the farm agents reported increased breeding of workstock. Horses and mules home-raised furnished exhibits for numerous shows and attracted general attention.

Hamlin L. Brown, Extension Dairyman
Family cows were again a first concern in the 1940 Extension dairy plans. Between 42,000 and 43,000 milk cows supplied rural homes during the period.
Dairy animals furnishing milk to city and town residents numbered from 68,000 to 72,000. About 14,000 farmers produced milk as market dairymen.
Lack of winter grazing crops and storage forage is a problem that prevents the spread of farm dairying in Florida. With the Triple A program gradually cutting down cotton acreage and other soil depleting crops and with the Soil Conservation program and other programs furnishing financial aid to help farmers change their type of farming, we are getting a changed attitude toward old style farming in Florida. County agents are beginning to understand thoroughly the purpose of the Triple A in offering aid in forms of fertilizers, pastures, and soil building crops, which is building the foundation for farm dairying in many counties of Florida.
Thirty to 40,000 tons of blackstrap molasses were produced last year in the sugarcane growing sections of the State. The storage of grass and legwne silages treated with blackstrap molasses offers an answer to some of the forage problems confronting dairymen, not only in Florida but throughout the entire Southeast.

The cooperation of various agencies including the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, Soil Conservation Service, Production Credit Associations, and others with the county agents has advanced feed growing demonstrations in 1940. Extreme cold weather in early 1940

Annual Report, 1940

with limited rainfall in September, October, and November were serious handicaps to overcome. This cold weather killed probably 80 percent of the forage canes and Napier grass plantings in North and West Florida and probably 60 percent of the forage canes, Napier grass, and Para grass plantings in South Florida. County agents are busy re-establishing these plantings in various parts of the state. These grasses are adapted to types of soil where sod grasses and many forage crops do not grow successfully. Unfavorable weather in 1940 reduced the results of winter grazing crops. However, with better practices of fertilization and management, dairymen are continuing to seed winter grazing crops of oats and rye.
Annual reports of county agents show that more than 70 percent of the counties in the state having county agents are conducting demonstrations in winter clovers of White Dutch, California Bur, Persian, and some of the other varieties, including Black Medic and Hop in certain counties of the State.
Silos in the State were practically all filled during 1940. Yields of hay from peanuts, peavines, soybeans and kudzu were probably the largest in 10 or 15 years. Sorghum silage once more proved the most satisfactory for general use throughout Florida.

Close cooperation of county agents and Farm Security workers has resulted in the addition of about 2,700 family cows during 1940. The purchase of baby calves from market milk dairies has proven a very practical method of placing family cows on farms. These calves usually cost about $3.00 each and are delivered to the farmer for less than $5.00 each. A common practice is to grow out these calves for the first few months on a nursing cow, using from two to four calves per cow. This method of growing the family cows with the farmer on the farm seems to prove popular with a large number of low-income farm families.
Counties doing outstanding work along this line are Pasco, Hernando, Sumter, Volusia, Duval, Baker, Columbia, Suwannee, Alachua, Union, Holmes, Hamilton, Jefferson, Lee, Madison, Nassau, Okaloosa, Osceola, Washington, Pinellas, Hardee, and Wakulla.
In the family cow program, agents are giving more attention to Napier grass and forage canes (and Napier grass and Para grass in the southern section) as feeds adapted to dry soil types where many rural people are located.
The group of 4-11 club boys attending the State Short Course in Gainesville in June gave evidence of very substantial improvement in the type of boys doing 4-H club work, although there probably are not as large numbers enrolled in club work as in former years. There are 34 county agents who have club boys enrolled with 4-11 club calves.
Trips to the National Dairy Show offered each year by a large cheese manufacturing concern have done much in creating interest among farm boys in growing dairy heifers. This demonstration contest for choosing the winners is held at the time of the 4-11 club conference in June in Gainesville.
Dairy herd improvement association testing was done in 25 counties representing all sections of the State.

Florida Agricultural Extension Service

The wages paid dairy herd testers are $5.00 a day and board. Thirty cows are the minimum with 15c per cow additional up to 40 cows as a maximum day's work.
There are 13 dairies doing official Advanced Registry and Register of Merit testing with 135 cows on test. The number of herds on official test is being increased each year.

The Florida Guernsey Cattle Club and the Florida Jersey Cattle Club each conducted an annual sale in 1940. The Guernsey sale had 33 animals at auction in Largo. Through t ' e splendid cooperation of County Agent J. H. Logan, his dairymen, the Kiwanis Club, county commissioners, and others, this was a very successful sale.
The Florida Jersey Cattle Club held its annual sale at DeLand. The county agent, in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce, Kiwanis Club, dairymen, and other leaders in Volusia County, staged a very successful sale.
The Florida Guernsey Cattle Club, in cooperation with the Georgia Guernsey Cattle Club, held a sale at Quitman in September 1940. It was agreed that, in 1941, this joint sale be held at some point in North Florida.
The Guernsey Cattle Club field day was held in early May at Vero Beach with W. E. Sexton as host. Mr. Sexton presented an interesting demonstration in the growing of grade Guernseys at his farm and in the production and growing of pasture and silage crops. This field day was very helpful and interesting to dairymen from the Lower East Coast.

The State Live Stock Sanitary Board and Dr. T. H. Applewhite, inspector in charge of the U. S. Bureau of Animal Industry at Jacksonville, conducted the Bang's disease eradication program and other disease and parasite control work.
Thirty percent of the counties are definitely doing parasite control work. Some counties are making real progress. Duval, Broward, Palm Beach, Leon, Pinellas, Orange, and Volusia counties are giving parasite control work careful consideration in their dairy program.

The Extension Dairyman cooperated with the Pinellas County show in which 47 dairy animals were shown with more than 15,000 people in attendance. The dairy show in January in Pinellas County is one of the feature educational contacts our dairymen have in that area.
Duval, Holmes and Jackson counties held educational shows with dairy cows. The Duval County show has been a regular event and serves a valuable purpose as an educational exhibit for the milk consumers of that area.
The one-day dairy show at Bonifay created wide interest with the townspeople and farmers in Holmes County. A judging contest with 4-H club girls and boys and Smith-Hughes boys created wide interest among junior club members. The display of butter, cheese, milk, cream, and other milk products in the women's department served a valuable purpose in arousing the interest of farm women in the educational feature of the one-day dairy show. County Agent Bell reported 1,100 people in attendance at the educational judging during the day.

Annual Report, 1940

Joe Malone arranged one of the best county exhibits we have ever seen of different pasture and forage crops in an educational lay-out at his county fair in Marianna in November, 1940.

The annual meeting of the State Dairymen's Association held at Gainesville on October 7 and 8 was well attended by representative dairymen from all parts of the state. One hundred and seven dairymen attended this meeting and a very valuable paper on records and herd improvement work was given by J. A. Arey, Extension Dairyman of North Carolina. Members of the Agricultural Experiment Station staff, including the dairy and agronomy section, were most generous in their cooperation.

Norman R. Mehrhof, Extension Poultryman
D. F. Sowell, Extension Poultryman
E. F. Stanton, Supervisor Egg-Laying Contest

Extension Poultry Specialists visited 38 counties during the year, assisting. farm and home demonstration agents.
A poultry exhibit was arranged in connection with the operation of the agricultural train making 53 stops in South, Central, and Northwest Florida. Over 68,000 people viewed the exhibit.
The hatchery industry is responding to the National Poultry Improvement Plan. During the past year approximately 57 percent of the hatching capacity of Florida was operating under the rules and regulations.

The Fourteenth Florida National Egg-Laying Test, Chipley, started October 1, 1939, and ended September 21, 1940. There were 96 pens of 13 pullets each from 23 different states. Breeders from 10 different counties entered 19 pens.
The average egg production per bird was figured on the basis of the original number of birds and was 192.9 eggs for a value of 197.3 points. This is an increase of 9.5 eggs and 12.3 points above the record made the previous year.
October 1, 1940, the fifteenth test started, with all available pens filled.

Monthly prices for poultry rations for each of the last five years compared with the 1926-29 base period are indicated in Table 4.
Daily prices on eggs and poultry meat are quoted by the State Marketing Bureau, at Jacksonville, Tampa and Miami. The quotations on the Jacksonville market have been tabulated and studied over a period of years and sent to cooperators.
The average monthly and yearly prices of poultry products for the base period (October 1, 1926-September 30, 1939) and for the past five years (1936-1940) are tabulated in Tables 5, 6, and 7.

42 Florida Agricultural Extension Service


Base Period
Month 1926-1929 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940

October 2.78 2.43 2.28 1.88 2.09 2.02
November 2.72 2.48 2.12 1.85 2.10 2.06
December 2.72 2.57 2.06 1.85 2.15
January 2.73 2.12 2.77 2.12 1.93 2.19
February 2.77 2.10 2.67 2.13 1.94 2.19
March 2.78 2.12 2.62 2.10 1.93 2.17
April 2.78 2.11 2.71 2.06 1.95 2.19
May 2.81 . 2.11 2.76 2.03 2.00 2.23
June 2.85 2.10 2.72 1.99 2.01 2.16
July 2.90 2.23 2.65 1.99 1.94 2.09
August 2.87 2.42 2.51 1.94 1.89 2.04
September 2.84 2.43 2.37 1.89 2.05 1.99
Average 2.80 2.27 2.52 1.99 2.00 **2.12

**11 months' average


Base Period 1926-1929

1936 1937

38.4 38.1 41.9 39.6 43.4 38.0 33.5 29.4 31.2 27.5 23.5 25.1 22.9 25.5
24.1 24.2 25.7 25.8 31.9 30.1 34.0 33.0 37.5 37.2 32.3 31.1

1938 1939 1940

36.4 36.3

31.4 26.8 20.7 20.8
21.2 23.5 28.8 31.7
34.5 28.4**

*Wholesale quotations by State Marketing Bureau, Jacksonville, Florida.
**11 months' average.


October November December January February March April May June July
August September Average

Annual Report, 1940


Base Period
Month 1926-1929 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940

October 28.1 19.6 18.7 20.2 16.9 18.5
November 26.9 19.6 20.3 21.0 17.9 17.8
December 26.5 18.7 20.7 21.2 15.3
January 26.6 20.0 18.7 20.1 21.4 16.2
February 27.1 19.9 19.3 19.0 20.7 16.7
March 27.9 19.5 18.6 19.9 20.4 17.5
April 27.6 20.3 18.5 19.7 21.1 17.5
May 27.0 20.8 19.0 19.0 19.3 17.1
June 25.7 20.5 19.5 19.3 18.8 16.2
July 24.5 20.9 16.8 19.4 17.8 15.5
August 25.2 20.7 16.0 18.7 18.2 16.1
September 27.0 20.2 17.5 20.2 16.9 16.5
Average 26.7 20.1 18.6 19.8 18.7 16.9**

*Wholesale quotations by State Marketing Bureau, Jacksonville, Florida.
**ll months' average.


Base Period
Month 1926-1929 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940

October 33.8 21.2 27.1 22.9 22.0 19.6
November 34.9 20.5 26.7 23.0 23.3 18.8
December 36.2 20.0 27.7 23.6 22.1
January 38.3 25.5 22.3 25.8 23.4 22.0
February 39.1 25.6 24.3 24.6 21.6 21.8
March 41.0 27.0 24.1 27.2 21.9 22.8
April 42.7 27.2 27.0 27.8 24.8 22.6
May 39.9 25.7 24.1 24.0 22.0 24.3
June 37.2 23.5 25.3 21.8 21.8 23.2
July 32.4 23.1 25.5 20.5 22.5 21.4
August 30.8 22.6 24.5 21.6 21.9 20.5
September 32.7 22.3 25.8 22.9 21.0 21.5
Average 36.6 23.7 25.4 23.8 22.4 21.7**

*Wholesale quotations by State Marketing Bureau, Jacksonville, Florida.
**ll months' average.

Changing feed prices and poultry product prices have a direct influence on the profits that may be expected and also on the type of poultry extension work that can be undertaken.
Table 8 shows the relationship of feed to poultry products for the past five years (1936 - 1940). The base period used is the 3-year average (1926-1929).

RATIO Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Eggs to feed 94 119 100 103 109 108 113 99 92 78 81 87
Hens to feed 96 96 92 97 100 108 110 98 87 80 80 75
Fryers to feed 86 86 87 84 83 85 92 87 81 72 65 58
RATIO Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Eggs to feed 66 83 86 93 86 84 90 90 94 83 88 96
Hens to feed 72 74 71 71 71 80 70 72 78 82 96 103
Fryers to feed 60 64 63 67 61 72 87 92 95 99 99 101
RATIO Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Eggs to feed 91 101 95 103 121 114 124 115 115 94 96 111
Hens to feed 97 91 95 96 97 107 114 109 112 106 115 116
Fryers to Feed 86 82 87 88 83 84 91 103 104 100 97 94
RATIO Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Eggs to feed 94 101 101 106 110 100 119 106 85 76 77 75
Hens to feed 113 109 104 109 100 103 109 109 88 80 87 73
Fryers to feed 86 79 77 83 77 83 103 108 89 87 83 77
RATIO Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Eggs to feed 85 99 86 90 94 96 110 106 102 90 84
Hens to feed 76 78 81 80 80 83 88 90 87 92 87
Fryers to f eed 71 71 72 67 77 82 92 94 95 90 79
The egg-feed ratio in 1940 was more favorable than either the henfeed ratio or the fryer-feed ratio
The Third Annual Poultry Institute was held at Camp McQuarrie, August 19 to 24, 1940. The Florida State Poultry Producers' Association held its annual meeting, and the Florida Poultry Council held its summer meeting during the Poultry Institute. The various State agencies and poultry associations cooperated with the Agricultural Extension Service in developing the program and in making arrangements for a large attendance.
A greater number of poultry raisers spent the entire week this year than during either of the other two institutes.
Extension recommendations were followed by 2,859 families in purchasing baby chicks, 3,733 in chick rearing and 3,784 in sanitation for disease and parasite control.
Production feeding practices had observance in 3,254 families and an organized, improved breeding plan was followed by 1,119 families.
Poultrymen keeping calendar flock records culled 35 percent of their flocks.

Florida Agricultural Extension Service

Annual Report, 1940

Cooperation in the National Poultry Improvement Plan was again extended through the State Poultry Service Veterinarian.
Turkey special work was done during the year in eight Central and North Florida counties. '
Other than demonstrations, a total of 343 poultry meetings were held in the .*12 months.
1',uring 1940, 423 poultry buildings were erected or improved.
1, 10' x 12' portable all-purpose poultry house has proved satisfactory to a large number of poultrymen. This house is used to brood 250 day old chicks, grow the pullets from these chicks to maturity, and house 85 layers.
The cost of building this house is $35 to $50, depending upon the cost of material. This makes a complete unit at a low cost that the average farm family, in need of additional income, can afford to build. Since the house is a complete unit, it makes expansion of the poultry project easy and practical.
Poultry work with 4-H club boys and girls is carried on in every county which has an agricultural extension agent.
Record books have been distributed to all members enrolled in the poultry, numbering 2,465. Projects were completed by 1,301 club members. Poultry raising was taught at the Girls' and the Boys' 4-H Club Short Courses and the 4-11 camps.
To stimulate interest in poultry work and record keeping, a State-

Fig. 3-Scene in the poultry car of the special agricultural exhibit train which toured Florida from November 7 to December 4.

wide 4-H Club Poultry and Egg Show and Judging Contest is held at the Central Florida Exposition in Orlando in February of each year.
Five hundred birds and 112 dozen eggs were exhibited last February. The 45 club members participating in the judging contest were required to judge five classes of exhibition birds, select two classes of breeders and judge two classes of eggs.
The winning teams to date have been as follows: Alachua County boys in 1937; Pasco County boys in 1938; Lake County boys in 1939; and Dade County girls in 1940.
Each of these teams has represented Florida in the National 4-H Poultry Judging Contest at the National 4-H Club Congress in Chicago.
During October 1940, 450 record books were distributed to Florida poultrymen.
Summaries of the monthly reports, together with feed, egg and poultry prices were sent cooperators each month. The records run from October 1 to September 30. The sixteenth year's record was started October 1. 1940.
1939- 1938- 19371940 1939 1938
Number of farmers 24 27 25
Average number birds 15,735 12,574 11,189
Average No. birds per 656 466 448
Average No. eggs per bird 176 175 160
Average percent culled 35 37 56
Average percent mortality ------------ - -- - -- 17 16 21
Flocks Classified According to Size
25-250 251-500 Over 500
Birds Birds Birds
Total number of flocks
1937-38 8 8 9
1938-39 12 6 9
1939-40 6 7 11
Average size of flock
1937-38 104 279 902
1938-39 120 277 1,052
1939-40 159 288 1,160
Average number eggs per bird
1937-38 162 186 152
1938-39 158 177 178
1939-40 184 182 175

With the increase in interest in broiler production in many sections of the State, broiler record books were prepared during the summer of 1940. Approximately 100 record books have been distributed to producers. The great majority of books are located in Dade and Duval counties. Plans are being developed to study costs and returns in producing broilers and factors affecting returns.

Florida Agricultural Extension Service

Annual Report, 1940

R. W. Blacklock, State Boys' Club Agent
In counties which have Agricultural Extension Service agents, 5,080 club members were enrolled, mostly boys, of 15,299 boys available.
Clubs reported during 1940 numbered 259, one less than in the preceding year, but some improvement developed in the local leadership.
Project work was less satisfactory on the whole than at one time, largely because county agents could devote so little time to 4-H club activities. The average time spent on club work including attendance at camp and short course was 9.7%, or an average of 29 days per year per agent. Of the 29 days spent on boys' club work by agents, 9 days were spent attending camps and short course, leaving but 20 days for club work in the county.


a a

U- - 0 1939 1940 0
0 0 4
,, Reports Reports ,
0 0
z . No. % No. % *
z z =

Alachua Baker Bradford Brevard* * Broward* * Columbia Dade** DeSoto Duval Gilchrist Hamilton Hardee** Levy Marion Nassau Okeechobee" P. Beach"* Pasco Putnam St. Johns Seminole" Sumter St. Lucie** Union Volusia* *

419 796 686 535
914 1,587
435 [,021 518 633
1,471 726 1,886 565 259 1,037 1,237 808
472 942 928 391 523 2,572

197 196
88 66 59 20 52 63

- 1
-39 +11

+ 2
-57 + 3
- 4

78 60 -18

232 130 -102 83 86 +3 23 26+ 3 108 131 + 23 477 479+ 2 41 69 +28 43 42 - 1
220 200 - 20
13 + 13 60 53 - 7 39 61 +22

75 37 2 3 7 35 9 14

36 54 39 31 25 60
146 74 12 75

35 58

60 46 34 40 15 57 69 53 381 80 45 65 42 100

180 90

+ 5
-37 +25

-18 + 1 + 9
�12 +25

- 4

- 3

45 75 50 94 +19 20 51. 28 45 - 6


6,207 2,297 2,106 -192 1,466 63.7 1,290 61.2 -2.5

Florida Agricultural Extension Service


o 6
U z
Bay 202
Calhoun 150
Dixie 267
Escambia 1,094
Gadsden 848
Gulf 70
Holmes 1,786
Jackson 2,517
Jefferson 444
Lafayette 434
Leon 368
Liberty 184
Madison 856
Okaloosa 1,067
Santa Rosa 1,240 Suwannee 1,433
Taylor 545
Wakulla 233
Walton 1,313
Washington 1,051 TOTAL N.W.


r~ 0

44 + 27

13 - 27 126 + 11

24 + 24 87 - 59 130 -254 12 - 59 45 + 29 55 - 3

66 - 32 48 - 16 74 - 6
225 - 28 22 - 7

76 - 29 116 + 55

1939 1940 0
Reports Reports k,
No. % No. % a5
14 82 16 36 -46
0 0
25 62 9 68 + 6
81 70 54 42 -26
0 0
0 0 13 54 +54
29 20 35 40 + 2
24 6 19 14 + 8
42 60 6 50 -10
12 79
40 70 29 52 -18

43 43 39 59 +16
26 40 13 27 -13
29 36 21 24 -12
94 37 70 31 - 6
25 90 17 77 -13

60 59 52 68 + 8
12 10 +10

DISTRICT 17,184 5,616 1,554 1,163 -391 544 35 405 34 - 1
Charlotte 148 30 12 16 + 4 12 100 13 80 -20
Citrus 239 79 80 + 80 54 67 +67
Glades"* 130 26 12 7 - 5 0 0
Hernando 459 92 20 22 + 2 16 80 15 67 -13
Highlands"* 654 131 2 1 - 1 2 100 -100
Hillsboro"* 3,944 789 172 163 - 9 124 72 123 76 + 4 Lake"* 2,491 498 673 325 -173 486 72 260 80 + 8
Lee** 508 102 62 58 - 4 21 34 28 49 +15
Manatee"* 1,158 250 72 135 + 63 135 100 �100
Orange"* 3,111 620 183 91 - 92 81 44 68 74 +30
Osceola** 537 117 7 - 7 7 100 -100
Pinellas"* 766 152 14 - 7 7 50 - 50
Polk** 4,020 804
Sarasota 180 36
DISTRICT 18,435 3,787 1,228 898 -330 756 61 696 78 +17
Southwest 18,345 3,787 1,228 898 -330 756 61 696 78 +17
Northwest 17,184 5,616 1,554 1,163 -391 544 35 405 34 - 1
Southeast 22,662 6,207 2,297 2,106 -192 1,466 63.7 1,290 61.2 -2.5 STATE 58,191 15,612 5,080 4,167 -913 2,766 54 2,391 57 + 3
**Counties where many farm families live in towns.


Annual Report, 1940

Table 10 shows the estimated number of boys available for each county of the three Extension Service districts, the enrollment last year and this, the percentage of reports for the two periods, with the gain or loss computed under each heading.
The 1940 short course was held at the University of Florida June 3 to 8. The theme of this short course was "Earth Is the Mother of Us All." The theme was developed without regard to present governmental programs but as a basic part of agriculture and nation building.
In 1940 there were 8 scholarships awarded under the supervision of the State Club Agent. Three of $100.00 each were given by the Florida Bankers' Association and were awarded on an examination given at the short course. The Florida Fat Stock Show gave a $100.00 scholarship to the boy carrying a fat steer project who scored highest on a score card furnished by the Florida Fat Stock Show. Local businessmen in Sumter County contributed $100.00 for a scholarship to an outstanding boy in that county. When two boys tied on the examination given, a second scholarship was awarded. The Hastings Potato Growers' Association gave a $250.00 scholarship to the outstanding 4-H boy in St. Johns.
Of the 19 scholarships given in Florida by Sears, Roebuck and Company 14 were awarded to 4-H club boys.
Two state 4-H judging contests and one state 4-H demonstration contest were held in 1940.
Twelve counties were represented by teams of three boys each in the beef judging contest held in connection with the Florida Fat Stock Show in Jacksonville, February 27. The Alachua County team of Ernest Denton, Clayton Emerson and Luther Harrell stood first. The following counties also had teams entered: Baker, Suwannee, Pasco, Leon, Lake, Bradford, Madison, Sumter, Marion, Columbia and Nassau. J. E. Yarborough of Baker County won the medal for high point man.
Fourteen county teams competed in the state 4-H poultry judging contest held at the Central Florida Exposition in Orlando, February 22. The first prize in this contest was a trip to the National 4-H Club Congress in Chicago to represent Florida in the National 4-H poultry judging contest. A team of three Dade County 4-H club girls won the contest and took the trip to Chicago. D. F. Sowell, Extension Poultry man, had charge of this contest.
Two boys from Orange County, Richard Trevarthen and Grady Martin, won the dairy demonstration contest and competed in the National Contest at the National Dairy Show, placing in the red award group The trip was given by a large cheese manufacturer. County Agent K. C. Moore accompanied them to Harrisburg, Pa. Teams from Alachua, Pasco, Hillsborough, Marion and Union counties competed in this contest.
Jack Dyer of Union County won the Thomas E. Wilson gold watch. Jack has been in club work for seven years. He has done good project work in a consistent way and has been a leader in his county.
The highest quality of project work is in poultry, baby beef and swine. The Florida Fat Stock Show features 4-H club steers and 83 were exhibited in 1940. Sidney Allen of Suwannee County exhibited the champion 4-H steer. Sidney finished nine steers for the show. He got 45c a pound for his club champion, which gave him a profit for his work.
The state poultry show at the Central Florida Exposition continues as a big factor in 4-H poultry work in South and Central Florida. In

Florida Agricultural Extension Service

1940 over 400 chickens were shown. Through this show a large hatchery has developed a plan for aiding 4-H members to get a big start in poultry at a reasonable expense. Dade County 4-H boys have sent chickens to the state show for the past two years and the project work has improved in both size of project and quality as a result.
The State Pig Club Show was sponsored by the Leon County Fair Association and was held in Tallahassee November 6. The number of exhibits was below last year. The quality was as high. To encourage the project the Commissioner of Agriculture gave a trip to the International Live Stock Show and 4-H Club Congress to the boy showing champion barrow. J. P. Folds of Leon County won the trip this year.
The trip to the National 4-H Camp is the best one offered in Florida. David Littleton of Lake County and Glen Davis of Escambia County represented Florida boys at the 1940 camp. The Atlantic Coast Line Railroad made the trip possible for David Littleton.
In 1940 Camp Timpoochee, named after an old Indian chief who lived in the Choctawhatchee country, had 22 buildings. Camp Timpoochee will accomodate 140 club members with bunks and mattresses. A first class kitchen, dining room and a fine auditorium have been built. The camp is equipped with sanitary sewerage and electric lights and the bay offers safe swimming. Camp Timpoochee is also used one week each summer for a farmers' institute.
Camp McQuarrie, in the Ocala National Forest, now takes care of 100 people at a time. It completed the seventh year of operaVon with 1940. After the summer camping program has ended, a Citrus Institute and a Poultry Institute are held at McQuarrie every season.
A third camp came into existence when the Cherry Lake 4-H Club Camp was established and it is now on a solid basis, with quarters that accomodate 100 people.
Flori4da 4-H camps, owned, operated, and controlled by the Florida Extension Service, are equipped to handle 340 campers at a time. The total value of these camps is in excess of $50,000 and the larger part of this amount was donated.
Fig. 4. Studying food preparation and making posters was one of the most absorbing activities of these 4-H club girls attending Camp Mc Guarrie.

Annual Report, 1940

CITRUS FRUIT CULTURE E. F. DeBusk, Citriculturist
With cooperation from other State agencies interested and the industry organizations, the Extension citrus project went forward in the following counties: Brevard, Broward, Dade, DeSoto, Hardee, Hemnando, Highlands, Hillshorough, Lake, Lee, Manatee, Marion, Orange, Osceola, Pasco, Palm Beach, Pinellas, Polk, Putnam, Seminole, St. Lucie, Sarasota, and Volusia.
Producing better fruit at lower cost and marketing it efficiently remained the major problems and the Extension activities in the citrus field continued to deal with these questions.
Research having shown the association between low fertilizer efficiency and excessive soil acidity, soil sampling and testing are primary steps in the program.
During the past year 6,200 soil samples were taken from 3,460 citrus groves aggregating 39,896 acres. This was done largely under the AAA program. Liming recommendations were followed on 3,420 groves, involving 44,164 tons. Dolomitic limestone was used almost entirely, much of which was obtained as grant-of-aid. Assistance was given 1,749 growers in adjusting their grove fertilizing programs to liming practice and higher soil reaction. One county agent reports that this adjustment results in a saving of $35,000 to the growers of his small county in the cost of fertilizing their groves. Summarizing the results reported from

Fig. 5. County Agents conducted numerous demonstrations in which citrus trees were treated with different fertilizer elements. This one received dolomite.

Florida Agricultural Extension Service

several counties, it is noted that the fertilizer cost has been reduced 13% by adjusting to the new program, the yield has been increased 24% and the total production cost per box has been reduced 20%.
Manganese, zinc, and copper have been applied both in the fertilizer and as foliage applications. Reports from 67 demonstrations show an increase in yield of 55%, with an increase of only 3% in the amount of fertilizer used, and a reduction of 39% in the total cost of production. The internal quality of the fruit was much improved by the inclusion in the fertilizing program of all nutrients needed.

Crotalaria has grown less satisfactory as a cover crop because as a rule it does not do well on the same land season after season. Weeds and grasses of the volunteer type have been extensively relied upon as a substitute.
Through the AAA program the volunteer cover crop has been materially improved. On certain soil types the production of adapted legumes has been increased. The practical demand for a better legume cover crop is greatly stimulated by demonstrated results. In 21 groves where the cover crop had been mainly crotalaria for two years, the yield has been increased 64% and the total production cost per box has been reduced 23%. This improvement can be properly credited to the legume cover crop.
Reports show that 9,371 growers were assisted in one way or another with their cover crop practices, and that this service affected 140,500 acres. As a whole, accomplishments have been fairly satisfactory. Research is needed to overcome the difficulty in growing crotalaria or to find a better legume.
Assistance has been given to 166 growers in adjusting the cultivation of their groves to the minimum, resulting in very material direct savings on operating cost with no sacrifice of yield, but appreciable improvement in quality of fruit produced. Since the main objective in this project has been to show the ill effects of excessive cultivation, the present trend in reducing operating costs is leading to more conservative practices in this operation.

The need of irrigation was almost State-wide during.the unprecedented drought period of October to December, inclusive, this year. The drought gave a good many growers opportunity to "cash in" on their investments in irrigation equipment. Records show that 117 growers were given assistance either in the installation of new plants or in making adjustments in operation of plants for higher efficiency. One county-wide all-day irrigation meeting was held.
Production records of the Extension Service, covering a period of five years, show a 20 percent average increase in the yield of irrigated groves over non-irrigated. The average cost of irrigation per acre was $5.68. The irrigation cost per box was 3.2 cents. The total cost of production was 7 cents per box less on the irrigated groves, and the returns per box were 15 percent higher.
Demonstrations are under way bringing out the savings that can be effected by interplanting where space permits-planting a tree in every space where there is room for one to grow. This can be done where irrigation water is available at reasonable cost of application. This

Annual Report, 1940

closer planting, when supplied with water as needed, results in a higher yield per acre and a lower production cost per box. This is the secret of high yield per acre and relatively low unit cost of production in Palestine.

Investigations conducted under Extension Service auspices disclosed that relatively few grove owners still use full strength copper sprays for melanose control. These sprays build up the scale population, it had been found.
Melanose control is increasingly approached indirectly by protecting the citrus trees from drought by irrigation and maintaining high vitality through proper fertilization and other cultural practices. Records show that 463 growers were assisted in melanose control, including many who were assisted in developing culture programs and practices for better tree condition.
Growers as a whole are eager for the latest spray and dust schedules, for information on improved spray and dusting machines, for timely information on rust mite infestations and for suggestions on ways and means of reducing the cost of rust mite control. During the year, extension workers rendered assistance to 1,021 growers along the lines indicated, and the results apparently have been very satis-factory. The 1940 spray and dust schedules were revised in December 1939, and more than 8,000 copies were distributed to growers throughout all of the citrus -producing counties.
In their fight on scale 300 growers were assisted in more timely and more efficient oil spraying. Approved spray schedules were supplied to 8,000 growers in the Better Fruit Program published and distributed by the Florida Citrus Commission. In spite of all of the well directed efforts, it has been a "bad scale year" and much damage has been done. The drought of October to December, inclusive, has been an important contributing factor.
Wrenching in the chronic and acute form has largely disappeared from the groves of the State under intensive foliage applications of zinc. Need exists for a more satisfactory and economical method of supplying the zinc needs through the soil.
Bronze leaf, a foliage symptom of magnesium deficiency, has been extensively brought under control by the almost universal use of dolomite, frequently supplemented by magnesium sulfate and more lately by seawater magnesium.
The influence of magnesium on the yield of citrus fruits and consequent production cost is seen in the records of 31 groves where dolomite has been used for the last three years in building up from a very low soil reaction level and supplying a pronounced deficiency of magnesium. The yield has been increased 67 per cent and the cost per box of producing the fruit has been reduced 40 percent by the treatment.

In all, 453 meetings were held in 24 counties. Most of these were educational meetings in which timely citrus production or marketing problems were discussed. An increasing number of filmstrips and filmslides, made by the Citriculturist and several county agents, have been used in meetings, apparently with good results. Twenty tours of growers were conducted in and from the various counties to demonstrations and to the Citrus Experiment Station.

Florida Agricultural Extension Service

A. total of 3,098 grove visits were reported from 24 counties. This is an increase of 17 percent over the previous year. These visits were made at the request of growers for assistance with their various grove problems.
The sixth annual Citrus Institute was held at Camp McQuarTie, Lake County, late in August. The attendance was larger than the previous year, averaging about 100 a day for the four days. Various subjects along the line of citrus production and marketing were discussed by representatives of the Extension Service, the Citrus Experiment Station, Florida Citrus Growers, Incorporated, the Federal Farm Credit Administration, the Florida Citrus Exchange, the Florida Citrus Commission, Florida Citrus Producers' Trade Association, and others.
Serving as director of five cooperative citrus organizations in Florida, the Citriculturist was able better to maintain contacts with the growing shipping interests.
He was also a member of the State Citrus Commission better fruit advisory committee and occupied a similar relation to the National Fruit and Vegetable Committee of the American Farm Bureau Federation.
Market surveys made on a trip through the Eastern Seaboard cities during the early part of the current selling season enabled the Citriculturist to obtain first-hand information about the fruit demands of dealers ,and consumers alike.

Annual Report, 1940

L. T. Nieland, Extension Forester
Phases of the Farm Forestry Extension activities previously undertaken received additional emphasis during 1940.
Participation by the Extension Service in the Norris-Doxey farm forestry and forest farming projects established in Florida during the year in cooperation with the State Forest Service, Soil Conservation Service, and U. S. Forest Service, has occupied a part of the Extension Forester's time which had previously been allotted to other farm forestry activities in the annual plan of work. This has not, however, caused any serious interruption of the farm forestry extension program.
Improvement cutting, pruning, and thinning demonstrations were held as a part of a series of nine one-half day farm demonstration meetings scheduled in nine different counties. County agents, representatives of the State Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, and the Extension Forester assisted in the demonstrations. The demonstrations were held in the woods, taking care to select timber stands which were representative and appropriate for the types of improved practices demonstrated.
Exhibits featuring the above timber improvement practices were prepared and displayed in a forestry, agronomy, and livestock train which toured the State for 30 days during November and December. Farm hour radio talks, newspaper releases, circular letters and personal letters were also used to call attention of farmers to the need for timber stand improvement. In addition talks were made by the Extension Forester at farmers meetings, a State meeting of Negro Extension agents, and before the annual meeting of county agents. Cooperation in this phase of the program was extended by representatives of the Sch(iol of Forestry at the University of Florida.
According to county agents' annual reports for this year, 530 farmers .'In 26 counties carried out some form of timber stand improvement, sucl. as removal of defective or low value trees, thinning, or pruning.
A feature of the year's work was the introduction by the Extension
.,roster of planting red cedar on farms for fence posts, pencil wood, "Ibiziet wood and Christmas trees.
Gratifying progress was made in the planting of forest trees on :arms and goals in most counties were reached or exceeded. County agents' annual reports show that M farmers in 37 counties planted 4,807,60) forest trees, or a little over 7,000 acres. Most of the plantings were st ish pine, but 16,000 red cedar trees were also planted on farms.
Iri i arriving at the value to Florida farmers of these forest plantings, the armual income from planted slash pine, according to figures prepared 'oy the Florida Forest and Park Service, is estimated at $2.01 per acre per year over a 40-year period. Thus the 7,000 acres planted this year would, over a period of 40 years, add $562,800.00 to the income of these 712 farmers, or an average of $790.00 additional income per farm due to this year's forest plantings. Since it is reasonable to believe that at least one-half this acreage would qualify for the triple A benefit payment of $7.50 per acre, an additional $26,266.00 was therefore, earned by these farmers. This would increase the total income from forest plantings made during the year to $589,050.00.

Florida Agricultural Extension Service

Progress in this field has been steady and fundamental, though not spectacular.
County agents reported a total of 3,638 farmers in 35 counties as protecting their forest lands from fire during the year. Although the acreages involved were not given, an estimate can be obtained by multiplying the average acreage of woodland per farm in Florida, which is 35 acres, by the total number of farms on which fire protection is practiced. This would indicate that 128,330 acres of farm woodland are now under fire protection. Considering that timber grows faster, and that natural reforestation is accomplished through fire protection, it is clear that these 3,638 farmers are well on their way towards realizing the possible annual income of $2.01 per acre per year, which on these farms would mean a total yearly income from forest land of over $250,000.00.
Educational methods employed throughout the year stressed the folly of destructive cutting of timber for pulpwood.
A field demonstration was held in cooperation with the Southern Pulpwood Conservation Association and reached a large number of people in eight counties. Newspapers gave this event liberal coverage.
The demonstrational work in Lafayette and Suwannee counties in gum farming done during the previous year, was followed up with additional meetings and many individual farm visits by the county agents and Extension Forester. An experienced man in naval stores production was finally employed as manager by the 21 farmers who decided to work their timber, on a 10% of gross sales basis, plus $1.00 per barrel for transporting each barrel of gum to market. The local production credit association and bank furnished all credit necessary for purchase of equipment and installation of cups and gutters on trees to be worked for gum. The production credit loans were to be repaid from net receipts basis, 60% to production credit and 40% to the farmer. The bank loans were on a basis of 50% of the net receipts to the bank and 50% to the farmer. A seven-year lease on the farmer's turpentine timber was taken by the local manager to safeguard his interest, and as security for the money borrowed to start the operation. The farmers, under this set up, were in effect a cooperative, but were not incorporated, or under a cooperative agreement as a group.
In spite of the difficulties encountered in this phase of the farm forestry program, interest in gum farming, due largely to the efforts expended, is increasing. County agents reported 118 farmers assisted in better practices in connection with their turpentine timber.

County agents in 16 counties reported giving assistance to 235 farmers in the better marketing of their timber crops during the year. While this number is small in view of the large number of farmers in the State in need of such assistance, nevertheless, progress has been made inasmuch as this is the first time such a concerted effort was made to help the farmer with his timber marketing problem. Additional proof that farmers are becoming aware of the need for more advantageous marketing of their timber may be found in the increasing requests for assistance in marketing received by the Extension Forester during the year.

Annual Report, 1940

The Extension Forester conducted demonstrations with, and gave class work instruction in planting, pruning, fire protection, improvement cutting and tree identification to 234 4-11 club members during the year. Talks before 8 different groups of 4-H club members were made with a total attendance of 712. Altogether a total of 946 4-11 club members were reached with a message on farm forestry.
The number of counties in which farm forestry activities were reported on by county agents this year are more than double those of last year. In other words 51 out of the 59 counties in which county agents are employed, reported work done in farm forestry. Demonstrations were held by the Extension Forester in two of the counties having no county agents, making 53 counties out of the total of 67 in the State in which some educational work in farm forestry was done.
"Lightwood" is rapidly becoming depleted and in some communities it is already scarce. Special attention will hereafter be given the resulting problem by the Extension forestry workers.
Farmers will be urged to conserve the present supply of "lightwood", saving the parts suitable for fence posts and using only the crooked short pieces for fuel.
. Planting of red cedar will also be advocated as a future source of good fence posts.
In areas where good fence post material is not available, assistance will be rendered in treating pine sapling posts with wood preservatives.
Some work already has been done under each sub-division of the lightwoodd" problem, with promising results.

Florida Agricultural Extension Service

R. V. Allison, Soil Conservationist
Planned Extension work in soils, as in past years, has continued on a much too limited scale when considered in connection with the serious need that exists in this field. This has been due to the fact that no funds whatsoever have been provided for this phase of the work since the department was reorganized and an Extension project was written nearly four years ago.
However, the usual number of soil samples have come in for examination and the usual amount of correspondence has been received and answered regarding the samples and other inquiries falling in this field. Unfortunately, most of the samples are rather poorly taken and prepared for shipment. All too characteristically an insufficient amount of material is sent, the quantity falling as low as a single teaspoonful in some instances!
Steady effort is being made to have soil samples and related materials and inquiries submitted through the office of the County Agricultural Agent, as he is usually in a much better, position to give requisite advice by examining a field situation directly than any laboratory examination of an isolated soil sample can afford. Where there is actually a real prospect of benefit from laboratory examination he will then be in a position to inform the grower how the sample should be taken and prepared for shipment; also to make sure there are full notes accomparying the materials.
For the most part only soil reaction (pH) is determined on misceliar?- ous soil samples of this type that are sent in.
In contemplating the application of finely ground limestone or dolomite as a desirable operation for adjustment payments in the national Soil Conservation Program, it occurred to the administration that it might be well to check up the soil of individual fields or groves before the lime is applied to see if there is a definite indication of need. By way of initiating the work, a cooperative arrangement was set up whereby the county agents in several counties send in pairs of soil samples from citrus groves that had been taken, "A" from the middles and "B" from under the trees. By the close of the year several hundred samples had been received, along with a field sheet for each pair carrying a considerable amount of data on grove condition, cover crop, earlier soil treatIment with lime, if any, etc.
The reaction value of these samples has not only showed a considerable variation on the same soil type but also confirmed the trend that had been observed earlier, namely, the higher condition of acidity under the trees. An analysis of the tests and supplementary information on the greater number of samples that will be received during the coming year should yield information of considerable practical value.
Considerable progress has been made in practical soil conservation work both in West Florida and in the Everglades area.
In the former area six additional districts with an aggregate area of about 3,250,000 acres were established by the Soil Conservation Board

Annual Report, 1940

during the year and soil survey and other preliminary work coincidental with the early development of the districts were gotten under way.
Notable progress has been made during the past few years in laying the ground work in popular opinion and understanding for a rewatering of the open Everglades, the only sound basis of soil conservation in that great area. Particular emphasis has been given the program by the initiation of a soil and water conservation project in that area by the Soil Conservation Service about two years ago.
In view of the fact that dewatering is the only possible approach to effective conservation of the unused soils of the extensive central glades area, the development of an educational program in this field is exceedingly important and especially so since several other highly vital benefits will accrue if a carefully planned soil and water conservation program is developed along these lines. An even more intensive conservation program is needed for cultivated organic soils in that area and elsewhere in the State.
Excellent cooperation has been had from the county agricultural agents in developing the program in this South Florida area; also from the officials of the Soil Conservation Service. Much work remains to be done and it is hoped that an even more comprehensive educational program may be developed as soon as a definite and tangible plan of development for the Everglades area as a whole can be laid out to serve as a sure and permanent basis for such a program. This, of course, must await the completion of the physical surveys that are now in progress.

Florida Agricultural Extension Service



Mary E. Keown, State Home Demonstration Agent Ruby McDavid, District Home Demonstration Agent
Lucy Belle Settle, District Home Demonstration Agent
Ethyl Holloway, District Home Demonstration Agent
Increased efficiency was sought during 1940 by further following the methods previously proved to be productive of results and by adopting new practices when the opportunity offered.
For the first time in Florida regularly organized courses were offered in the State College of Agriculture for home demonstration agents in service. Two courses were given-Principles of Horticulture and Methods of Home Demonstration Work. The courses were selected by vote of all county home demonstration agents; their content was recommended by committees of the state staff, each committee made up of district agents and specialists. Miss Gladys Gallup of the Federal Extension office taught one course and Mr. C. E. Abbott, a member of the College of Agriculture faculty, taught the other. The State Home Domonstration Agent spent the entire three weeks at the College of Agriculture and together with district agents and specialists, served as discussion leader to apply the general instruction to Florida conditions affecting the program of Home Demonstration Work.
Sixteen county home demonstration agents took the courses, all except two receiving graduate credit; three home demonstration agents from other states enrolled for the course in methods; two home supervisors of the Farm Security Administration registered for Horticulture; a member of the faculty of the College of Agriculture audited the course.

The State Home Demonstration Agent, three district agents and four specialists make up the personnel of the State staff who work with the 38 county home demonstration agents and 3 assistant agents to develop the program of home demonstration work in Florida. Home demonstration workers share responsibility with the men staff members for strengthening and enlarging the services of the Agricultural Extension Service.
District Agents are responsible with the State Agent for the general supervisory program; specialists supply accurate subject-matter information and help develop efficient methods of aiding rural people. Specialists in Food Conservation, Nutrition, Home Improvement and Clothing are employed as a part of the State home demonstration staff.
Home demonstration work serves the Negroes of Florida generally through its general program and directly through the work of a Negro district agent supervised by the state agent and 8 local home agents.
Members of the State staff report they have given assistance in every organized county in the State and in many which do not employ county home demonstration agents. They report helping home agents with 2216 meetings attended by 11,348 persons.

Annual Report, 1940 61

All demonstrations require careful planning and hard work to make them successful as the 2,024 families who reported producing their year-round food supply according to a careful plan, can testify.
The demonstrator who establishes a careful demonstration in her home is the most effective teacher to her neighbors; 2,157 meetings were held at result demonstrations attended by 24,970 people. The 107 tours reported in 26 counties included visits to many of the yards, gardens and poultry flocks of the demonstrators.
Home agents from 38 counties report they made 15,677 home or farm visits this year, visiting 8,121 different farms.
The home demonstration agents of Florida served directly 23,432 farm families last year and 12,705 families not on farms. But the home demonstration program was able to serve hundreds of others through the help given by community leaders. The demonstrators, both women and girls, are real leaders who teach by the successful work done in their homes. In addition to these, last year 2,674 other Florida rural people volunteered their services without pay for a total of 5,814 days to help extend the home demonstration program to others.
Forty-six camps were held for 3,390 women and girls where leaders were trained. ThQ State Short Course is a training school for the 463 girls and 37 local leaders attending; 208 meetings were held by the home agents specifically to train the volunteer leaders. Leaders or chairmen for specific activities such as gardening, home improvement,
Fig. 6-Members of the Home Demonstration Council in one county (Pinellas) were able to secure an excellent camp site. Above is shown one of the double cabins which they use, and in which 4-H club girls also camn.

Florida 4gricultural Extension Service

etc., in the adult clubs are selected from the women in the community who have conducted successful demonstrations in their homes. Reports show the number of older 4-H girls or former club members serving as local leaders for groups of younger girls increased this year by 55 percent. Seven hundred and eighty-six council members acted as leaders.

Senior councils are organized in 33 counties with a membership made up of two representatives from each organized home demonstration club. The councils make plans for county programs of work and furnish leaders who are capable of assuming responsibility along with the agent for planning and developing home demonstration work generally in the county. Councils are growing in number. Their organization helps the agent reach more people. The 844 women who are members of the county councils are seeing beyond the immediate needs of their own homes and families, to the needs of their community, county, and state.
The State Council, made up of two delegates from each county council, meets annually and works out a program of work to meet State-wide needs, which they recommend to county councils. The State Council maintains a loan scholarship fund for 4-H girls and helps finance the Rural Youth Conference. The Council has done a great deal to encourage record keeping by club members through its record book contest. Through its membership the Council helps with State and county Land-Use Planning programs, with the State Agricultural programs, etc.
Similar councils for 4-H girls operate in the counties and on a statewide basis.



Fig. 7-This community youth center and home demonstration building at Madison serves both youth and adult members of home demonstration clubs.

Annual Report, 1940

County home demonstration agents devote an average of one-third of their time to girls' work which they direct in the counties. The 4-H program is made both educational and productive of results of economic value by means of established demonstrations in the homes and through organized club groups and county-wide organizations. The total number of girls between 10 and 20 years old enrolled in this work was 10,577. One girl in each four enrolled is 15 years old or older, and approximately one-fifth of the girls enrolled have completed more than three years of club work.
Eighty-four public achievement programs were held by the 4-11 girls with an attendance of 12,423 people.
The quality of work done by Florida 4-H girls can be judged somewhat by the fact that winners of first honors in the State in two of our phases of work also won first honors in national competition. Catherine Barnes of St. Johns County received a scholarship fund of $400 for achievement in foods and nutrition work and Marie Fletcher received a $200 cash scholarship for national honors in canning and food conservation. Eight outstanding girls were awarded state honors and received scholarships to the International Live Stock Show and National Club Congress through the interest of business firms who furnished the State office with funds for these awards. These girls made fine records in canning, food preparation, clothing, home beautification, rural electrification and poultry.
A team of three girls from Dade County won first honors in the State Poultry Judging Contest, competing with boys and girls from the entire State.
Each year requirements for attending the Short Course are raised but the number in attendance continues to grow to the maximum permitted to attend; 463 girls and 37 leaders with all home demonstration agents attended. The program for Short Course is planned so the girls will be trained to return to their counties able to help the younger girls with their club work. The Short Course also trains the agents in the best methods of presenting instruction to girls and local leaders. Instructors for the Short Course are highly skilled and contribute their knowledge to the girls largely because of their interest in the program and belief in it.
The College 4-11 Club at the Florida State College for Women assisted with the program. Courses for local leaders were given with 37 attending.
The State Council of Senior Home Demonstration Work and the State Junior Council both held their annual meeting at the time of the state Short Course. The State Junior Council as a body presented their detailed report to the entire Short Course body and assisted with the final program of the Course.
Three hundred and twenty-eight older 4-H girls now serve 4-H clubs as local leaders in many communities.
This club functions at the Florida State College for Women through the membership of former 4-11 girls from the different counties of Florida who now are enrolled in college. Membership at the opening of the college year totaled 73 girls. They are registered in the various divisions of the college, with 31 in the School of Home Economics.

Florida Agricultural Extension Service

High honors on the campus have been won by 4-H club members. Nine of the 64 seniors selected last year to live in the Senior Hall (which was an honor that could be earned only by a four-year record of stability and trustworthiness) were members of this 4-H club. Three of the four girls representing the different classes this year were members of the College 4-H Club.
The conference for members of the College 4-H Club at the State College for Women and the Agricultural Club of the College of Agricultrue of the University has been held for two years, with plans made for a third conference to be held next March.

Club girls in Florida have received generous awards for their achievements in 4-H work. Acknowledgement of these awards is made below, expressing the great appreciation of all home demonstration workers for this encouragement to the work of Florida 4-H girls:
463 Scholarship trips to State Short Course, valued at $4,044.00, given by boards of county commissioners, school boards, Rotary, Kiwanis and Pilot clubs, federated clubs, women's clubs, P.-T. A., chambers of commerce, tourist club, ladies aid, banks, village improvement association, Model Land Company, fair associations, Junior and Senior Councils, D. A. R., Business and Professional Women's clubs, and many individuals; 8 scholarship trips to International Live Stock Show and National Club Congress, valued at $925.00, given by Montg6rhery Ward and Company, Chicago Mail Order Company, Kerr Glass Manufacturing Corp., Westinghouse Electric Company, Servel, Inc., Central Florida Exposition, Table Supply Stores of Miami, and Winn-Lovett Company, Jacksonville; college scholarship to 4-H girl, valued at $400.00, given by Servel, Inc; college scholarship to 4-H girl, valued at $200.00, given by Kerr Glass Manufacturing Corp.; college scholarship to 4-H girls, valued at $350.00, given by State Council of Senior Home Demonstration Work.

Women and girls always have shown great interest in home marketing. Two major problems have hindered full development of a statewide program-lack of standardized articles worthy of the approval of the Home Demonstration Office and lack of information about markets and marketing.- Reports, however, show the following cash income received from cooperative and individual effort in home industries enterprises:

Sold Sold
Articles cooperatively individually Total
Dairy products $ 2,166.59 $ 30,616.80 $ 32,783.39
Fruits and vegetables --- -------- 3,082.00 30,364.51 33,446.41
Poultry and eggs 7,738.00 110,865.04 118,603.04
Baked foods, etc 236.00 12,241.63 12,477.63
Handicrafts 20.00 5,847.85 5,867.85
Other farm products ---------------- 600.00 3,608.00 4,208.00
Other home industries -------------- 314.00 3,707.13 4,021.13
Totals $14,156.69 $197,250.96 $211,407.55

These figures show the farm garden and poultry flock -Qlong with the cow provide most of the marketable products.

Fig. 8-Many home demonstration club women learn handicraft arts, then make articles which they are able to sell and supplement the family income.

In March the State Home Demonstration Office was informed of the plan of the federal government to supply sufficient cotton and ticking to farm families of low income to make 50-pound mattresses. The home demonstration staff of the Extension Service was designated to direct the educational program, organize the plan, and teach the people how to make mattresses; A. A. A. was to check the eligibility of the recommended families; while cotton was supplied by the Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation. After a general conference of cooperating agencies, the State home demonstration staff held a training school for the white and Negro agents of the three counties first designated to receive the cotton. Eventually the 39 county workers got this training. One district home demonstration agent was designated to act as chairman of the project. Eight different sets of educational information on mattress making and care for general distribution by agents and 15 general instruction letters to all agents about sources of securing supplies, etc., were written. Members of the State Council of Senior Home Demonstration Work and all local leaders at the Short Course were given training in mattress making and agreed to assume responsibility for securing volunteer leaders to help with instruction. Negro home demonstration agents and farm women were given training at the Negro Short Course.
In 35 counties, 4,270 women reported improved health habits; 2,833 persons reported having health examinations by a physician and 3,251 were immunized against typhoid, diphtheria and smallpox; 553 homes in 33 counties were screened; 941 families installed sanitary toilets; 2,024

Florida Agricultural Exiension Service

families in 32 counties reported they produced and canned their year's supply of food according to a nutrition plan; 4,990 homemakers followed definite plans in serving better balanced meals. A most important contribution was made toward good health by the 1,273 families in 34 counties that improved their child feeding practices.
At the annual Short Course examinations were given 4-H girls as a part of the State-wide health improvement contest for 4-H girls. Posture was emphasized in all adult and junior work as contributing to health.
County home demonstration agents report they gave help in planning 132 new homes and remodeling 424 homes and 963 farm buildings. The installation of 500 lighting systems and 226 water systems along with 74 heating plants in the homes of the home demonstration club members shows the interest being developed in improving homes in the State. Suitable storage facilities for home and farm supplies continue to be a problem in Florida rural homes which needs more study. Four hundred eighty-nine homes were screened and 1,705 installed sanitary closets.
During 1940 the home demonstration agents in 31 counters devoted 170 days to dairy work in 270 different communities. Fifty-eight volunteer local leaders in 10 counties assisted with this work.
There were 801 women and 354 girls enrolled for home dairy demonstrations. Home demonstration women report securing 430 family cows this year.
The general emphasis on the need for an enlarged nutrition program for national defense finds other organizations in Florida looking to the Home Demonstration Office for help because the Extension Service is the only agency working throughout the State which employs trained foods and nutrition workers. Requests for help on nutrition problems have been made to the Office of Home Demonstration Work by workers of the school lunch program, Social workers, Farm Security Administration home supervisors and Federated Clubs for Women.
A series of district meetings has been planned for January to decide on definite work to be done in all organized counties along lines of the defense program. In addition to making plans for extending the nutrition program, work on citizenship and good Americanism with 4-H club members and youth generally will be included.
It is likely no decided changes need to be made in the present program of home demonstration work to permit it to serve as a defense measure. Some adjustments in plans will be made and emphasis given to certain specific activities. The 4-H program and work with older girls will be enlarged; probably the agent will not be able to give as much time as usual to organized club work in order to leave her -time free to give other services within the county. A 13rogram of nutrition will be enlarged, including more attention to home gardens and orchards, poultry and dairying, and to canning. The mattress program will be enlarged to help use a surplus crop but especially to teach useful lessons in health and home making.

Annual Report, 1940

Clarinet Belcher, Specialist in Clothing and Textiles
Again in 1940, as in the past, the home demonstration clothing and textiles program has continued to work for better clothed people living in homes made more attractive by the use of modern textiles, with some progress noted. In general the program has remained the same, conducted with similar methods to achieve the goals, although the emphasis has changed in some cases.
Work for increasing cotton consumption occupied a prominent place in the clothing and textile program this year. Although Florida's production of cotton is below that of other Southern states, the cotton situation influences business conditions and consequently the living conditions of the entire south.
With the entire clothing and textile program encouraging more consumption of cotton, attention has been given to new and unusual uses, more satisfactory old uses, and the cotton mattress program.

Fig. 9-These six 4-H club girls are proud of the cotton dresses which they made and wore at the Short Course.

68 Florida Agricultural Exiension Service

Perhaps the construction of a corduroy suit in the specialized clothing course conducted at Short Course has done more to create interest in new uses of cotton than any other one activity.
Cotton in the girls' wardrobe provided a timely theme for the public dress revue program presented to entertain the entire group attending the Short Course. Interesting cotton costumes were featured in the classes for sport, school, travel, best, and party wear.
A cotton accessories exhibit showing both home-constructed and ready-to-wear garments interested the 463 girls attending the annual State Short Course. Such items as play shoes, washable purses which could be made at home, hose, gloves, and hats were exhibited.
One hundred and fifty farm men and women from 7 north Florida counties attended Cherry Lake Farm and Home Institute last August, and listened attentively to a discussion of the cotton uses in the home.
To standardize the method for making cotton mattresses, to serve as chairman of the committee to prepare the printed directions, and to develop good practices in care, have been the Clothing Specialist's responsibility in this program. Home demonstration agents have guided the work in their counties.

Wardrobe planning continued to be featured in the specialized course offered to the 45 Short Course girls particularly interested in clothing. Demonstration V, "The Well Dressed Club Girl for Street and Travel", was developed by planning, selecting, making, and wearing a tailored suit of cotton corduroy.
Training was given to girls presenting 15 team demonstrations during the major clothing class of Short Course. The team members volunteered, selected their subjects which were the techniques used in the making of the corduroy tailored suit, and prepared their talks and illustrative materials.
Two hundred ninety-seven leaders gained satisfaction in serving the 8,376 4-H club girls conducting clothing demonstrations this year. Of the 918 days' assistance given by the local leaders, the greater part of the time was devoted to the teaching of sewing methods.
The 37 leaders representing 23 counties at Short Course have a better understanding of the clothing and textile program.
The Dress Revue, which combines several teaching methods, was used as a means of motivating and teaching clothing work in 37 counties.
Again the State Dress Revue was conducted with a noticeable improvement in the costumes modeled. Of 63 girls entering, 34.9 percent were awarded the blue ribbon, 41.2 percent the red, and only 25.3 percent the white ribbon. This merit system is used to classify the group based on judging by competent judges. Improvement in the quality of design, fabric, and workmanship resulted in placing 22 girls in the blue ribbon group with only 5 points' difference in the highest and lowest scores.
Joan Dirr of Manatee County was awarded the trip to the National 4-H Club Congress to represent Florida in the National Dress Revue. She modeled her light weight chartreuse wool spring suit and striped blouse which were well made. Black and white combination shoes, purse and panama straw hat completed the ensemble.

Annual Report, 1940

Clothing demonstrations have been particularly popular with the 8,376 rural girls enrolled in 4-H clothing club work throughout Florida. The latest reports show that the 4-H club girls completing their clothing work made over 11,583 dresses and 28,731 other garments. Over 1,100 of these girls kept clothing accounts; over 2,000 followed recommendations in the care and renovation of clothing, and 1,235 assisted their mothers in the construction of garments for their younger brothers and sisters, making an estimated saving of $20,252.00.
More satisfactory clothing was the result of 1,117 women and girls budgeting their clothing expenditures, with- 1 ' 746 keeping clothing accounts. Through wise buying 1,564 women dressed their families better at less cost.
The families of 6,527 women and girls made a better appearance and found their clothes giving better service through practicing better selection.
Rural women and girls to the number of 9,063 received help in making clothing. The juniors made 40,314 articles of which 11,583 were dresses. At least one-third of the $73,073.81 saved due to the clothing program can be accounted for by home sewing.

Opportunities were offered by achievement days for measuring the results from the clothing and textiles work.
Of the demonstrations completed by the 4-H club girls many were in clothing. Of the 4 senior and 4 junior achievement meetings attended, 3 were used to complete the county's intensified clothing work for the year. The exhibits included wearing apparel modeled in dress revues, and household textiles.
Demonstrations in grooming and selection of accessories and discussions on clothing storage and care interested the adult group. The chief assistance given was judging the clothing work and the dress revues, which was done publicly in 6 achievement day programs.
Junior and senior club members, parents, county officials and leading men and women in the county composed the group who attended these achievement days.

Visits to the homes of rural people developed information having great value. Visits were made to 8 honor girls to view their demonstrations in their homes. Five of these girls had completed wardrobe demonstrations following the plan as outlined in the 4-H girls' clothing program.

Government agencies, Federal and State, uniformly exhibited the utmost disposition to cooperate with the clothing and textiles effort.
Related commercial agencies have supplied valuable help by making possible educational shopping tours, furnishing exhibits, donating prizes, and furnishing speakers. One firm cooperated in demonstrating the sewing methods and furnishing the necessary labor to make the corduroy suit as a part of the clothing instruction at Short Course.
Membership is maintained in professional organizations. The State Rome Economics Association held two meetings, one in the spring and the other in the fall; and the Association of Florida Extension Workers,

Florida Agricultural Extension Service

two, which were attended. It was the privilege of the Clothing Specialist to be present at two of the district meetings of the Home Economics Association. and at one to present a discussion of the outlook for clothing and textiles with the expected effect of the national defense program.
Friendly relations exist between the Home Demonstration Department and the Florida Federation of Women's Clubs, which maintains an attitude of helpfulness. Special assistance to their programs has been given on three occasions; two talks at monthly meetings, and suggestions for consumer education programs which were made to the county chairman.
Effort has been made to keep the clothing and textile program abreast of the times. A good source of help has been the study of available subject matter materials. Information is obtained from recent publications, the Clothing and Textile Division of the Bureau of Home Economics, and clothing programs in other states. The information gained from the part-time attendance at the Extension Methods Course conducted this summer at the University of Florida has proved valuable.
Timely and useful illustrative materials were exhibited at the annual Short Course, the Agents' Conference, and whenever possible in the counties.
Two Florida 4-H club girls who attended the 14th National 4-H Club Camp in Washington, D. C., June 12 to 20, were accompanied as their leader by the Clothing and Textiles Specialist.
Advantage was taken of the trip for making visits to the offices of sundry Federal agencies that have helped the work in Florida so frequently.

Annual Report, 1940

Anna Mae Sikes, Food Nutritionist
Food, nutrition and health Extension work for 1940 was the most comprehensive, during the quarter-century period it has been under development.
The present programs for national defense have made necessary adjustments and additions to the work as originally planned. In addition, changes of home demonstration agents have further modified the work for 1940 in some of the counties.
The Nutritionist devoted her annual leave to graduate study in nutrition work under the direction of Dr. Mary Swartz Rose. In addition, she completed seminars in adolescent, adult, and vocational homemaking education and a master's thesis on Health Conditions and Food Habits of Rural School Children in Northwest Florida. This work completed the requirements for a master of science degree.
During the past year, according to home demonstration agents' reports, 2,024 families in 32 counties have produced and conserved the home food supply according to annual food supply budgets; 3,592 adult result demonstrations in 33 counties have been conducted in food selection and preparation; 2,866 families in 33 counties have been assisted in using timely economic information as a basis for readjusting family food supply; 1,486 families in 30 counties budgeted food expenditures for a year; 2,941 families in 30 counties followed recommendations for the storage of home food supply; 4,990 families in 35 counties served better balanced meals. 3,357 4-H club girls in 37 counties of the 4,939 in 38 counties, or 68 percent, have completed the "healthy living" demonstrations.
An analysis of the summary of the reports of county home demonstration agents for food, nutrition and health work for the past five years reveals some interesting information, such as the decreased interest in baking among adults in 1939, immediately following the discontinuing of the baking contest, and the returning interest during 1940 even though the contest was not resumed. Another point to be noted is the increased interest in dairy work during 1939 which might be attributed to the dairy school held during the annual Agents' Conference the previous fall. The continuous rise in interest in school lunch indicates a gradual understanding of child food needs; however, the sudden increase in 1940 no doubt is due to the Works Progress Administration's school lunch program. The increased interest in the planned family food budgets during 1940 and the decreased work on food-buying the same year may be attributed to the emphasis on food production programs.
Method demonstrations have been extensively used in planning the family food supply by working out yearly food needs of the family, using both foods and food models with charts and pictures for illustrations. All day meetings with demonstrations in food preparation and meal planning, also school lunches where the lunch of each individual has been scored, have been another effective means of work. Summer camps have offered an opportunity for method demonstrations on food preparation and health improvement. Leadership training and small group meetings have been extensively used. Either all-day or half-day

Florida Agricultural Extension Service

meetings have been valuable means for developing leaders for both adult and junior groups. Often these meetings took the form of covered dish luncheons. One especially helpful type of meeting was meal planning where the participants used small cards and worked out meals. This was followed by keeping records of their meals for a week and another discussion meeting to note improvements.
In addition to the general methods used for developing the food, nutrition and health program the work has been adapted to the present demands due to the national defense program. Special emphasis has been placed upon the importance of producing the food supply in order to secure the best returns for food value and to assist in providing for emergency demands in defense concentration areas. Also assistance has been given in the preparation of foods for market and the establishment of local food markets and food services.

Demonstrations by the Nutritionist in food preparation and meal planning were given as means of leadership training in order to raise standards. Often these have been all-day meetings devoted to instruction in factors which have a direct or indirect bearing on good health. This has been followed at the noon hour by a practical demonstration on complete or well balanced meals, using local products. Usually the leaders brought part of the lunch and the lunch was scored in order to, bring out points that were demonstrated. The agent with the assistance of these trained leaders duplicated the demonstration before their local groups. Similar meetings have been devoted to method demonstrations in food preparation with special emphasis on standards and table service.
Florida's hot school lunch program has been expanded to 940 of the State's 2,044 school centers and is participated in by 80,989 public school children. This program is being supplemented by a cold lunch program, intended to serve those schools that are without facilities for serving a hot noon-day meal.

At the beginning of the demonstration each girl made a definite check on her health and posture, using a chart and score furnished by the nutritionist, to note necessary improvements' and to enlist means of making these corrections. Another check was made at the end of the year to note improvements. Demonstrations in food selection, good posture, contests, both county and state, exhibits, etc., served as means of motivation and teaching. Often younger club girls enrolled in this demonstration continue it through their club work in coordination with other demonstrations.
Junior work included selection and preparation of foods, meal planning and table service. Some of the activities of the 4-H girls along this line have been individual and team food preparation demonstrations, judging of products, making recipe files, food scrap books and exhibits.
Baking and judging baked products was planned for girls who had completed at least three years of food preparation work and were 14 years or older.
Under the head, "The Young Homemaker", the needs and interests of the older 4-H club girls were considered. Some of the activities have been assisting with the family food supply demonstrations, planning parties, entertaining assisting with younger members of the family and self-improvement.

Annual Report, 1940

At the Florida Dietetic Association, of which the Extension Nutritionist is a charter member, she presented a paper on the Florida Family Food Supply Plan.
Membership is also held in the Florida Home Economics Association, of which the Nutritionist is state secretary and treasurer-elect and state chairman for the public health committee.
Four-H club girl leaders from each county were given special training in food, nutrition and health, and they in turn acted as demonstrators.
Two former college 4-H club girls present at Short Course assisted with food preparation and meal planning demonstrations. One of these 4-H club girls is now Dean of the School of Home Economics in a College, and the other a teacher in a vocational high school. In addition, two college 4-H club girls assisted in the laboratory.
A dairy course was added to the food, nutrition and health work at Short Course this year.
Three of the national winners to the 4-H Club Congress in Chicago had also completed outstanding demonstrations in food preparation work and had previously received state recognition.
The State Council of Home Demonstration Work met at the annual 4-H club Short Course. The program was so arranged that all general meetings were attended by both groups. The Nutritionist assisted in planning for this work and presented the food, nutrition and health program at a morning session of the council and, assisted by county representatives, gave illustrations of how the work had been developed in their respective counties.
The Nutrition attended the three district camps and gave intensive work on food preparation and meal planning; she was assisted by 4-H club girls who had received this training at short course. Four-H club teams in food preparation, health and posture work were training by the Nutritionist. As a part of the instruction 4-H club groups prepared cookies, salads, candies, etc. to be served at the banquet held the last night of camp for special guests, such as boards of county commissioners, county school boards and representatives from the State staff. In addition to specialized instruction the Nutritionist assisted with general management and routine of the camps.
Girls were visited at their homes before the State winner was selected in the demonstrations which began during the Short Course.
At the annual Agents' Conference, the Nutritionist participated in each discussion, presented factual information, and gave recommendations for using the available resources.
The Nutritionist was the representative from the State Home Demonstration Office to the National Outlook Conference in Washington, D. C. Upon her return to Florida she prepared a summarized Farm Family Living Outlook report and each county worker was furnished with a copy of same.

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Educational exhibits, tours to scenes of outstanding achievement and county fairs have been important factors in stimulating interest in the development of the program. Charts and graphs in color were used to show district and county food production and consumption needs. Exhibits of planned yearly food supply with charts showing methods for determining food needs for the families of different age groups have been arranged. Posters of recent publications and photographs of recommended food preparation methods and wise buying information have been used successfully with groups.

Annual Report, 1940

Virginia P. Moore, Specialist in Home Improvement
In the 1940 home improvement plans for adults, the main aims were better household management, planned homes, enlarged exterior beautification, and wise buying.
Under the head of better household management, time, income and expenditures, buying and care of equipment, and provision of storage spaces for food and clothing received the principal attention.
Yards, gardens, orchards, grazing lots, fences and outbuildings, trees, vines and shrubbery, walks and drives all had a part in the effort for exterior beautification.
Closely related was the endeavor devoted to home sanitation. Rubbish and tin cans were gotten rid of by the home demonstration women who took up this phase. Mosquito breeding places were sought out and eliminated.
Houses were planned more carefully than ever before, it is believed, whether they were erected anew or remodeled, water supplies in both kitchen and bath room were generally furnished. Heating facilities installed added much to the comfort of numerous premises.
While 695 new homes built and remodeled is not great, however, 232 families studied and consulted the best authorities, making plans in the family groups where health, comfort, convenience and beauty were considered.
Families reported as having installed electricity for the first time numbered 988. Cooperation with the Rural Electrification Administration

Fig. 10-This tidy home of a Negro home demonstration club member shows what can be done with a place without excessive expenditures. This Madison County woman followed a long-time home improvement plan.

Florida Agricultural Extension Service

was extended directly by the home improvement division in the home demonstration work.
Relations were also maintained on a cooperative basis with the Farm Security Administration, from which some rural families obtained funds for building new houses or remodeling old structures.
Bulletins on new and remodeled houses have been studied and appreciated. In the new houses that have been built there has been better construction and planning for more satisfied living. More rooms for comfort and privacy of all members of the family, more attractive designs, more light and running water have been noted. Sinks, built-in cupboards, storage space, working units arranged to save time, and heights of working surfaces to suit the workers have added to convenience and efficiency in the home.
Reports from the home agents indicate that 132 dwellings were constructed according to plans furnished, 424 were remodeled, 225 water and 175 sewage systems were installed, 74 heating and 500 lighting systems were placed into operation in the homes of demonstrators.
Rural people are constantly striving for better homes better managed. Home agents report that during 1940, 1,090 kitchens were rearranged or improved for convenience, 1,898 families followed recommendations in obtaining labor-saving equipment, 874 families adopted recommended laundering methods, 2,268 families adopted recommended methods in the care of the house, 2,543 were assisted in adjusting home making to gain a more satisfactory standard of living, 1,308 were assisted in using timely economic information as a basis for readjusting family living, 706 budgeted expenditures in relation to income, and 1,295 families followed recommended methods in buying for the home.

There were 6,361 girls enrolled in some phases of 4-H home improvement work, such as house furnishings, home management, handicrafts, exterior beautification and home sanitation. Requirements for their work have been outlined by years. Through 4-H demonstrations by girls in the family, often the entire family becomes interested in improving the home and its surroundings.

Annual Report, 1940

Isabelle S. Thursby, Economist in Food Conservation

National defense gave new meaning to the Florida Extension longtime program in food conservation which as hitherto stressed all-year gardens and calendar orchards, with a well rounded canned products supply properly stored.
Club members in 27 counties participated this year in this contest. The three jars, with menu built around the jars, which won first place in the county were brought to Annual Agents' Conference in October, as in the past. There they were exhibited and again judged.
The cash awards, an incidental part of this contest but greatly appreciated by those participating, were contributed by the Hazel-Atlas Glass Manufacturing Company.
Families which reported canning according to a budget totalled 2,024.
Two thousand, six hundred and twenty-seven girls enrolled in cannind during the current year. They reported 126,391 quarts filled and 34,510 containers of jelly, jam and other products canned.
Ball Brothers Company again generously cooperated by offering cash awards to those winning first, second and third places, in the first, second and third canning demonstrations.
In the third to fifth years in canning, as heretofore, the older girls must have canned the requirements of that particular year's work, submit record, exhibit and story on the club's or the county's achievement day. The exhibit consists of five jars-a meat, two vegetables, a fruit and a pickle or relish-which are used for an emergency meal, the menu for which accompanies the containers. The emergency meal winning first place in the county is brought to the Annual Short Course held at Florida State College in Tallahassee. Here the meals are set up, county by county, in interesting, colorful array, each by its menu.
These meals and the girls' records are further judged and scored and the five rating highest are then given the privilege of further adding to their records through the summer months. In October these girls may resubmit their records and another emergency meal. Then, from these five the winner is selected for the National 4-H Club Congress trip sponsored by the Kerr Glass Manufacturing Company.
Marie Fletcher of Gadsden County was selected to represent Florida at the Congress in 1940. At Chicago she was awarded a regional scholarship. Marie, in her nearly eight years of club work, has completed 31 projects. During her five years in canning she has canned more than 4,147 containers.
Reports from home agents continue to prove that the adoption of a county flower 12 years ago has had an interesting and colorful "spread of influence". Beautification so greatly needed in Florida, could be extended if every club home in every county planted generously of its adopted perennial and its annual. The county annual is reported growing in 3,178 homes, and the county perennial in 1,527 homes.
Many of the home demonstration club women now are either cooperating with the State Garden Club and are assisting with the flower

78 Florida Agricultural Extension Service

shows sponsored by this organization or have charge of the flower shows of the county and are extending beautification projects of various kinds and in various ways.
At State Short Course, for the first time, daily instruction was given in beekeeping. Mr. Robert Foster, apiary inspector with the State Plant Board, had charge of the instruction and made the course very interesting to the girls. Miss Albina Smith, agent in Osceola, an erstwhile keeper of bees herself, supplemented the instruction with attractive demonstrations on the use of honey.
Stimulating interest in the all-year garden and the home orchard adapted to the varied soil and climatic conditions and arousing interest in proper cultural practices constitute a definite part of the program of the Economist in Food Conservation. It is realized that preparation, utilization and conservation can follow only where there is production, also, the higher the quality of the produced foods, the higher the quality of those conserved.
Farm families have been encouraged to keep something growing in their gardens throughout most of the year, rather than having only spring and fall gardens. Information on planting requirements for cold and warm season crops has been made available for all sections of the State. In many cases home demonstration club members consider the home garden as one of their most valuable assets, but on the whole production of fruits and vegetables for home consumption by farm families is entirely inadequate.
Records submitted on gardening activities for the current year show 3,842 year-round gardens planted, with a cash valuation of $22,245.84 for vegetables sold. Seven hundred and fifty-one homes report growing new vegetables for the first time.
Records from 4-H club girls reveal that 4,543 were enrolled in gardening projects and 2,832 completed their demonstrations, submitting records and stories. Tomato growing, which was stressed when work with-girls was first begun in 1910, is still an important part of the program.
Both gardening and canning demonstrations with adults and juniors are planned with the thought that eventually they will become a part of the planned family food supply.
Number of quarts of:
Fruit canned 913,550
Vegetables canned 1,039,290
Pickles made 85,965
Relishes made 29,380
Marmalades made 38,330
Preserves made 81,360
Jellies made 52,502
Number of gallons of vinegar made 741
Number of gallons of fruit juices canned 13,499
Number of quarts of meats canned:
Pork 62,180
Beef 49,636
Game 889
Fish 2,429

Annual Report, 1940 79

Poultry 14,242
Number of families that cured meats 2,747
Pounds cured 539,117
Number of families that made sausage 2,554
Pounds made 100,138
Number of families that made lard 2,724
Pounds made 171,820
Number of families that made soap 1,169
Pounds made 16,302

Florida Agricultural Extension Service



A. A. Turner, Local District Agent
Nine local farm agents worked 10 counties during the period. Home agents covered four counties additional. Altogether, Extension Service agricultural assistance was given to Negro farmers in 18 counties.
Annual Agents' Conference, combined with the Annual Farmers' conference, took place at the Florida Agricultural and Mechanical College, Talahassee, December 7, 8 and 9. Local farm agents were also convened in a special conference at Live Oak on January'19 and 20.
Boys' and Girls' Short Course for Negro 4-H club members was held at the Agricultural and Mechanical College from May 28 through June 1. 'Total attendance reached 336.

At the Florida Fair in Tampa the local farm agents arranged exhibits of grain and forage, grasses, meats, home-canned products, cotton, tobacco, pecans, sweet potatoes, sugarcane, and sugarcane syrup.
Florida products from the counties worked by the local farm and local home demonstration agents were displayed during the National Negro Exposition in Chicago from July 4 to September 11.
Sugarcane, sugarcane syrup and sweet potatoes were shown in the Florida Pavilion at the New York World's Fair, for the last half of October.
In Alachua County one farmer in each of the 15 communities workcd, planted five acres of cowpeas during the fall of 1939, which were turned under during the late winter of 1940. The land was planted in corn during the spring of 1940. The average yield reported was 37 bushels to the acre, or 11 bushels more than last year.
In Columbia County the local agent reports an increase in Sea Island cotton as a result of recommended practices of insect control and good seed selection.
In Gadsden County 30,000 pounds of tobacco were sold, bringing $4,325. The North Florida Experiment Station cooperated with the agent in giving information on the control of the blue mold.
In Sumter County 120 farmers planted 1,250 acres in cowpeas and velvet beans, all of which will be turned under this fall and winter. The land will be planted in some other crop during the spring of 1941.
In Leon County four purebred boars were placed in four different communities and 35 good brood sows were placed in 10 different communities.
In Hamilton County one Negro farmer, George Philpot, owns and operates the only Negro dairy we have record of in the State, with all

Aiinual Rep6rt, 1940

modern equipment. During the year he maintained 12 jersey cows and sold 6,322 gallons of whole milk, amounting to $2,828; 2,530 gallons of skimmed milk amounting to $500; Butterfat amounting to $135. After deducting feed and labor cost, Philpot realized a profit of $1,207.80.
In Jackson County much work was done in the production of sweet potatoes. There.are two flue-heated beds among Negro farmers of that county for the purpose of supplying the farmers with pure certified seed potatoes.; The Porto Rican variety is used in this county mainly this year. Negro farmers this year sold sweet potatoes amounting to $300 on the early market. From the hotbeds over 200,000 potato draws were sold.
Twelve counties became active in supplying sweet potatoes and alltold 1,860, 00 0 plants -6 - f- the pure Puerto Rican variety, were distributed, obtained from Louisiana. Negro and white members compose the West Florida Sweet Potato Growers' Association, formed during the summer as the first organization of the kind in the state.
Four-year demonstrations with sweet potatoes and sugarcane, started in 1937, were completed during 'the last 12 months, proving,.highly successful.
Four-H club work for Negro boys is conducted in 10 counties. Clubs this year numbered 113, with 1,844 members, 945 of whom completed their projects.
On corn, 653 boys were enrolled in 159 communities and 597 completed, raising 16,877 bushels on 1,083 acres.
Of the 63 boys who started cotton projects, 53 completed, for 16,840 pounds on 47 acres.
Sweet potatoes enrolled Ill boys, 85 completing with 4,383 bushels on 631/2 acres.
Home and market gardens, peanuts, poultry and swine constituted other activities in which the 4-H club Negro boys made good records.
Seven achievement days had a total attendance of 9,944. Ten encampments brought out 610 persons. Four boys' 4-H club tours were taken part in by 146.
Marketing sweet potatoes and sugarcane was studied in Chicago during their vacation periods by the local farm agents of Leon and Jefferson counties. New York markets received similar study by the Columbia and Hamilton agents during their vacations in the midsummer.
Late in the fall the Local District Agent visited the New York market, following the close of the World's Fair, when the season for chewing cane was at its best.
One carload containing 13,000 stalks was shipped to New York by 10 Negro farmers in Hamilton County.
Business men in their respective communities assisted the local farm agents from Columbia, Jackson, Leon, and Marion counties to visit several Alabama and Louisiana institutions, where they obtained highly valuable information on sweet potatoes and sugarcane.

Florida Agricultural Extension Service

NEGRO HOME DEMONSTRATION WORK Beulah S. Shute, Local District Home Demonstration Agent
Local home demonstration agents served eight counties, reaching 1,529 women and 2,338 4-H club girls, representing 2,718 farm families.
Raising the standards of living among Florida rural Negroes was the chief aim in all the undertakings during 1940.
Farm owners, numbering 6,792, were found better off in this respect than the 5,972 tenant farmers, but under both classifications much remains to be accomplished.
Plans hitherto developed were followed without any major diversion and a change of agents took place in only one county.
One local home demonstration agent attended the agents' short course at Tuskegee Institute during the summer.
All agents were present at the State Short Course for Boys and Girls at Tallahassee in June and they attended other meetings called by the Agricultural Adjustment Administration and like agencies.
Planning conferences were held in each county where the work is active. Demonstrations were arranged for in every community covered.

Gardens raised on 1,789 farms included 459 of the year-round type, planted by adults. Market gardens operated by 355 individuals sold produce bringing $4,947.37.
Families owning their own milk cows aggregated 688, while 1,803 produced meat supplies at home, canning 5,675 quarts. Game and fish for home use were canned in 603 auarts.
Altogether a total of 49,594 containers of food was canned by homemakers, including vegetables 13,713 quarts, fruit 7,149, juice 2,809. Jellies, jams and marmalades were prepared in 17,448 containers.
Fig. 11-Demonstrations throughout the State were held for both colored and white families interested in making new cotton mattresses, and thousands of them were made.

Annual Report, 1940

Assistance was extended to 361 families in house planning problems. Seventeen constructed new residences, 121 screened against flies and mosquitoes.
Local home demonstration agents took on the cotton mattress program with enthusiasm, though it meant added work. Alachua, Madison, and Putnam counties used a central working place with families coming in constructing their mattresses under the direction of agents and leaders.
In Hillsborough, Gadsden and Leon counties, mattresses were constructed in the various communities. Besides providing the Negro homes with 1,072 well constructed cotton mattresses, the mattress program did many other good things for the rural people. It brought about added cooperation with other groups; white and colored agents planned together, in the counties where there were both agents. More families were reached by the Extension agents. Whole families worked together. Neighbor helped neighbor.

The 22nd Boys' and Girls' Annual State Short Course was held at the Florida A. & M. College, May 28 to June 1, 1940. A program of instruction was planned which would prepare those attending for better work in their home counties.
A total enrollment of 320 girls and boys with their leaders attended the Short Course. Of that total 188 were girls and women and 132 were boys and men.
Alachua, Hillsborough and Gadsden counties held encampments for women and girls. Instruction in various phases of the extension work, handicraft and recreation was incorporated in the daily programs. This privilege was enjoyed by 184 women and girls.
Duval County homemakers enjoyed a day on the St. Johns river. Addresses by Extension officials, leading citizens; games and contests provided instruction and entertainment.
Over 5,000 Alachua County Negroes gathered at Archer for their annual Farmers' Day program. Educational exhibits, addresses, games and contests were featured.
Putnam County families enjoyed a day of recreation on one of the lakes in Interlachen community. Leon county rural people to the number of 283 picnicked at Campbell's Lake.
The Youth Center in Hillsborough County continues to develop. This year, electric lights, and 30 new army cots were added for camping purposes. The grounds were beautified by a group of 30 men. Over 400 cuttings and shrubs were planted.

84 Florida Agricultural Extension Service

Total days service rendered 4,819 '/a
Members in Extension associations or committees -------------------- 721
Communities in which Negro Extension program has been
planned 219
Clubs or other groups organized to carry on adult home demonstration work 88
Members in such clubs or groups 1,529
4-H clubs 234
4-H club members enrolled 4,182
4-H club members completing 2,756
4-H club teams trained 97
Farm or home visits 6,645
Different farms or homes visited 3,138
Calls relating to Extension work 12,882
News articles or stories published and circular letters issued- 628 Letters written 10,527
Bulletins distributed 8,376
Extension exhibits 66
Meetings held 2,594
(Attendance 41,935
Achievement days and encampments 59.
(Attendance 49,831
Homes and farms influenced by program 7,916
Homes with 4-H club members enrolled 2,230
Communities in which work was conducted 336
Result demonstrations conducted 60
Meetings held 74
News stories published and circular letters issued ------------------- 44
4-H club members enrolled 888
4-H club members completing 821
Acres in projects conducted by 4-H club members completing 1,191 Bushels of crops grown by 4-H club members completing -------- 18,646
Communities in which work was conducted 490
Result demonstrations conducted 81
Meetings held 75
News stories published and circular letters issued -------------------- 24
4-H club members enrolled 493
4-H club members completing 336
Acres in projects conducted by 4-H club members completing 4081/2 Bushels of crops grown by 4-H club members completing---- 5,192
Others Cotton Tobacc(>
Communities in which work was conducted-- 233 83 70
Result demonstrations conducted -------------------- 28 6 7
Meetings held 89 56 20

Annual Report, 1940

News stories published and circular letters---- 44 14 14
4-H club members enrolled 131 63 47
4-H club members completing 97 53 25
Acres in projects conducted by 4-H members 67.5 47 20
Yield of crops grown by 4-H members ------------ 4,593 bu. 16,840 lb. 20,672 lb
FRUITS, VEGETABLES, and BEAUTIFICATION OF HOME GROUNDS Communities in which work was conducted 840
Result demonstrations conducted 1,492
Meetings held 593
News stories published and circular letters issued -------- - ---------- 73
4-H club members enrolled 3,005
4-H club members completing 2,170
Acres in projects conducted by 4-H club members completing 551 Yields of crops grown by 4-H club members completing -------- 11,387 Bu.
Communities in which work was conducted 139
Result demonstrations conducted 98
Meetings held 82
News stories published and circular letters issued ---- - - -- - ------ .13
4-H club members enrolled 115
4-H club members completing 14
Terracing and drainage, farms 26
Acres 645
Land clearing practices 42
Acres 219,
Better equipment practices 550
Buildings erected or improved 779
Communities in which work was conducted 286
Result demonstrations conducted 401
Meetings held 19&
News stories published and circular letters issued -------------------- 23
4-H club members enrolled 1,047
4-H club members completing 80Z
Number units in projects conducted by 4-H club members
completing 90,850
Families following better practices for poultry 4,154
DAIRY CATTLE, BEEF CATTLE, SHEEP, SWINE AND HORSES Communities in which work was conducted 392
Result demonstrations conducted 358
Meetings held 211
News stories published and circular letters issued ------------------ - 80
4-H club members enrolled 685
4-H club members completing 536
Animals in projects conducted by 4-H club members completing 68Z

Result demonstrations conducted 8
Meetings held 55,
News stories published and circular letters issued -------------------- 35
Farmers obtaining credit and making debt adjustments ---------- 361

Florida Agricultural Extension Service

Families assisted in getting established 52
Individuals affected by marketing program 368
Organizations assisted with problems 192
Individuals assisted with problems 942
Value of products sold by association and individuals ------------ $288,538.66
Value of supplies purchased by organizations and individuals 80,767.53 FOODS.AND NUTRITION
Communities in which work was conducted 337
Result demonstrations conducted 919
Meetings held 356
News stories published and circular letters issued -------------------- 19
4-11 club members enrolled 2,927
4-H club members completing, 2,131
Families adopting improved food practices 7,393
Schools following recommendations for a hot dish or school
lunch 113
Children involved 3,657
Containers of food saved by non-members of 4-H clubs ---------- 50,714
Value of products canned or otherwise preserved -------------------- $ 13,623.60
Communities in which work was conducted 130
Result demonstrations conducted 154
Meetings held 121
News stories published and circular letters issued -------------------- 6
4-11 club members enrolled 960
4-11 club members completing 626
Other 4-11 club members who participated 460
Families adopting better child-development practices -------------- 2,235
Individuals participating in child-development program -------- 831 Children involved 1,178
Communities in which work was conducted 151
Result demonstrations conducted 415
Meetings held 192
News stories published and circular letters issued -------------------- 8
4-11 club members enrolled 1,95-4
4-11 club members completing 1,237
Articles made by 4-11 club members 3,902
Individuals following better clothing practices 11,424
Savings due to clothing program $ 6,963.40
Communities in which work was conducted 353
Result demonstrations conducted 1,012
Meetings held 324
News stories published and circular letters issued - ---------- - ------ 15
4-11 club members enrolled 3,487
4-H club members completing 2,969
Units in projects conducted by 4-11 club members completing 10,693 Families adopting improved home-management practices----- 8,840 Saving due to home-management program $ 5,059.00
Families making improvements in house furnishings ------ 4,426 Savings due to home-furnishings program 4,469.00
Families following recommendations regarding handicraft 447

Annual Report, 1940

HOME HEALTH AND SANITATION Communities in which work was conducted Result demonstrations conducted Meetings held
News stories published and circular letters issued ---- - -------------4-H club members enrolled 4-11 club members completing Individuals having health examinations Other 4-11 club members who participated Individuals adopting better health habits Families adopting better health habits

254 507 233 33 2,352 1,526 3,292 735 8,841 1,969

News stories published and circular letters issued -------- - ---------- 114
Communities assisted with community problems 839
Training meetings conducted for community leaders ---------------- 82
Families following recommendations as to home recreation 1,009
4-H clubs engaging in community activities 100
Families aided in obtaining assistance from Red Cross or
other relief agency 533.


Acreage allotments and marketing
quotas, 21-25
Agents' activities, 26-27 Agents, county and home demonstration, 5
Negro, 6
Agricultural Adjustment Administration, 6
Agricultural conservation, assistants, 6
Agricultural conservation report,
increasing conservation practices,
participation payments, 21-23
1940 program, factors in, 24
Agricultural economics and landuse, 8
Agricultural economics report, 2831
citrus grove management, 28
citrus marketing, 29-30
cooperation with other marketing agencies, 30
Florida Council of Farmer Cooperatives, 31
land-use planning, 28-29
marketing agreements, 31
outlook conference and record
potato and celery studies, 28
traveling conference, 29
vegetables and livestock marketing, 30
Agronomy report, 32-35
corn and other feed crops, 32
exhibits, 33
flue-cured tobacco, 35
hay, forage and sorghum, 33
miscellaneous activities, 35
permanent pastures, 33 Sea Island cotton, 34-35 upland cotton tests, 34
Animal husbandry report, 36-46
cattle club sales, 40
dairying, 38-41
feeder cattle, 36
Florida Fat Stock Show and
Sale, 37
swine, work for improved, 37 typical meetings attended, 36
workstock program, 37
Boys' 4-H club work, report, 47-51
camps, 50-51
contests, 49
dairy program, 39
enrollment statistics, 47-49
forestry work, 58 national camp, 50
poultry program, 45-46
scholarships, 49

short course, 49
state 4-H club shows, 50 Broadcasts, radio, 19 Broiler production, 46 Bronze leaf, 54 Buildings, poultry, 45 Bulletins, 17
Calendar flock records, 46 Cattle club sales, 40 Cattle shows, feeder, 36 Celery and potato studies, 28 Celery marketing agreement, 31 Citrus fruit, 52-55 bronze leaf, 54 costs and returns, 28
cover crops, 53
cultivation, 53 fertilizing, 52-53 wrenching, 54
grove management, 28
growers' institute, 55
irrigation, 53 marketing, 29
marketing agreements, 31
meetings, tours and visits, 54-55
melanose, 54 rust mite, 54
scale, 54
Conservation activities, agricultural, 21
Cooperatives, Florida Council of
Farmer, 31
Corn and other feed crops, 32 Cotton mattress program, 65
Negro, 83
Cotton promotion work, 67-68 Cotton, Sea Island, 34 Cotton tests, upland, 34 County Agents' activities, 26-27
effort on special crops, 27
with general farmers, 26
County and home demonstration
agents, list of, 5
Negro, 6
Dairying, report of, 38-41
cattle club sales, 40
disease and parasite control, 40
fairs and shows, 40-41
feeding, 38-39
4-H club program, 39
herd improvement testing, 39-49
home dairy work, 39
state association meeting, 41
Demonstration agents, county and
home, list of, 5
Negro, 6
Director's report, 7 Dress revue, 68
Economics, agricultural, 8, 28


Editorial and mailing report, 17-20
farm broadcasts, radio, 19
news service, 18 publications, 17
special and miscellaneous
activities, 19-20
Egg-Laying Test, Florida National,
Electrification, rural, 75 Exhibits and shows
cattle, feeder, 36
dairy fairs and shows, 40
4-H club shows, 50
Florida Fat Stock Show and
Sale, 37
hog shows, 37
pasture and feed crops, 33
State 4-H club shows, 50

Farm forestry, 56-59
fire prevention, 57
4-H club forestry work, 58
future prospects, 58
gum farming, 57
improvement of timber stands,
marketing timber, 57
net results, 58
planting trees on farms, 56
pulpwood cutting methods, 57 Feed crops, 32 Feeder cattle shows, 36 Fertilizing citrus, 52-53 Financial statement, 11 Florida Fat Stock Show and Sale,
Florida Council of Farmer Cooperatives, 31
Florida National Egg-L I ying Test,
Flue-cured tobacco, 35 Food conservation and gardening,
Food, nutrition and health, 71-74
accomplishments, 71 food conferences, 73
exhibits and tours, 74
food selection and preparation,
4-H club camps, 73
junior work, phases of, 72
methods utilized, 71-72
State Short Course, 73
Forage, hay and sorghum, 33 Wrenching, 54

Gardening and food conservation,
canning contest, 77
county flowers, shows and fairs,
gardening and perennial planting, 78

girls' canning demonstrations, 77 summary, food conservation, 7879
Girls' 4-H club work, 61, 62, 63,
64, 69, 70, 72, 73, 76, 77
camps, 61, 73
canning demonstrations, 77
clothing club, 69
club camp, national, 70
college club, 63, 64
councils, 62
home improvement, 76
junior work, phases of, 72 State Short Course, 63-73 Grove management, 28 Growers' institute, 55 Gum farming, 57

Hay, forage and sorghum, 33 Health, food and nutrition, 71-74 Herd improvement testing, 39-40 Hog improvement program, 37 Hog shows, 37 Home dairying, 39, 66 Home demonstration activities, 9,
Home improvement, 75-76
4-H girls work, 76
home management, 76 improved housing, 76
rural electrification, 75 Housing progress, 66
Irrigation advancement, 53
Land-use, 7, 28-29
Marketing activities, 29-31 citrus, 29
cooperation with other agencies, 30
Florida Council of Farmer Cooperatives, 31
livestock, 30 timber, 57
vegetables, 30 Marketing agreements, 31 Marketing quotas and acreage
allotments, 24-25 Melanose, citrus, 54

National defense and food, 66 National Egg-Laying Test, Florida,
Negro Extension work, 10, 80-87 boys' 4-H club work, 81 camps and picnics, 83 cotton mattress program, 83 fairs and exhibits, 80 farm home improvements, 82 home demonstration work, 82 meetings, 80 plans and personnel, 82


Statistical report, 11-16 Negro, 84-87
Swine improvement program, 37
Terracing, 32
Textiles and clothing, 67-70 Timber marketing, 57 stands, improvement of, 56 Tobacco, flue-cured, 35 Traveling conference (land-use),
Tree planting on farms, 56

Vegetables and livestock, 30 marketing agreements, 31
Watermelon, marketing agreement,
Women's and girls' demonstrations,
achievement days, 69 awards and prizes, 64
camps and short course, 61-62
clothing and textiles, 67
college 4-H club, 63-64
cooperation received, 69-70
cotton mattress program, 65
cotton promotion work, 67-68 demonstrations and visits, 61
dress revue programs, 68
food, nutrition and health, 71-74
4-H club out-of-state trip, 70 4-H club work for girls, 62-63
gardening and food conservation,
health in rural families, 65-66
home clothing demonstrations,
home dairying, 66
home improvement, 75-76
home visits made, 69 housing progress, 66
information and exhibits, 70
marketing statistics, 64
method demonstrations, 68
national defense relations, 66
personnel and administration, 60
senior councils for women, 62
State Short Course, 63 Workstock program, 37

terminal market studies, 81 typical project results, 80-81 State Short Course, 83 statistical report, 84-87 News service, 18 Nutrition, food and health, 71-74

Outlook conference, 28

Pasture and feed crop exhibits, 33 Pastures, permanent, 33 Potato and celery studies, 28 Poultry, report, 41-46
broiler production, 46
buildings, 45
calendar flock records, 46 continuing activities, 44-45
egg, hen and fryer indices, 43-44
Florida National Egg-Laying
Test, 41
junior poultry work, 45-46
ration and product prices, 41-43
ration index, 43-44
Third Annual Institute, 44 Publications, 17 Pulpwood cutting methods, 57

Radio broadcasts, 19 Ration and product prices, poultry,
Ration index, poultry, 43-44 Reforestation, 56-59 Revenues and resources, 7 Rural electrification, 75 Rust mite, 54

Scale control, 54 Scholarships, 4-H clubs, 49, 62, 63,
Sea Island cotton, 34 Shows and exhibits, 33, 36, 37, 40,


Soil conservation district work, Soil cooperation with AAA, 58 Soil testing, 58
Sorghum, forage and hay, 33 Specialists and relationships, 7

Full Text






BOARD OF CONTROL H . P. ADAIR, Chairman, Jacksonville W. M. PALMER. Ocala T. T . ScoTT, Live Oak R . H . GoRE , Fort Lauderdale N . B. JORDAN, Quincy J. T. DIAMOND , Secretary, Tallahassee STAFF, AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERVICE JOHN J. TIGERT, M.A., LL.D., President of the University WILMON NEWELL, D.Sc., Director of Extension' A. P. SPENCER, M.S ., Vice-Director and County Agent Leader J. FRANCIS CooP E R, M . S .A., Editor' JEFFERSON THOMAS, Assistant Editor 1 CLYDE BEALE, A.B.J., Assistant Editor' E. F. STANTON, Supervisor, Egg-Laying Test RuBY NEWHALL, Administrative Manager' COOPERATIVE AGRICULTURAL DEMONSTRATION WORK W . T . NETTLES, B . S ., District Agent H . G. CLAYTON, M.S.A ., District Agent, State A . A.A. Admini s trative Officer. J. LEE SMITH, District Agent and Agronomist R. S. DENNIS, B.S.A., Assistant District Agent A. E . DuNscoMBE, M.S.A . , Assistant District Agent R. W . BLACKLO CK, A . B . , Boys ' Club Agent E . F. DEBUSK, B.S., Citriculturist A. L . SHEALY, D.V.M., Animal Industrialist' HAMLIN L. BROWN, B.S., Dairyman N . R. MEHRHOF, M . AGR. Poultryman 1 D. F . SOWELL, M . S.A., Poultryman WALTER J. SHEELY, B.S., Animal Husbandman L. T. NmLAND, Farm Forester C. V. NOBLE, PHD., Agricultural Economist' D. E . TIMMONS, M.S.A . , Agricultural Economist, Marketin g CHARLES M. HAMPSON, M.S . , Agricultural Economist, Farm Management R. H . HOWARD, M.S.A., Asst. Agr. Economist, Farm Management V. V. BowMAN, M.S.A., Leader in Land-Use Planning JOSEPH C. BEDSOLE, B.S.A . , Assistant Leader in Land-Use Planning J . R. GREENMAN, B . S.A., State Representative, B . A.E. R. V. ALLISON, PH.D., Soil Conservationist' COOPERATIVE HOME DEMONSTRATION WORK MARY E. KEOWN, M.S . , State Agent Lucy BELLE SETTLE, M.A., District Agent RUBY McDAvm, District Agent ETHYL HOLLOWAY, B . S.H.E., District Agent ANNA MAE SIKES, B . S., Nutritionist VIRGINIA P. MooRE, Home Improvement Agent IsABELLE S. THURSBY, Economist in Food Conservation CLARINE BELCHER, M.S., Clothing Specialist NEGRO EXTENSION WORK A. A . TURNER, Local District Agent BEULAH SHUTE, Local District Agent . 'Part-time.


CONTENTS PAGE REPORT OF DIRECTOR AND VICE-DIRECTOR............. ....... ...... . .. ....... ... ......... 7 Financial Statement .... . . . ... ........... .... .......... .... ... ..... . ... .... .... ....... . .... . .. 11 Statistical Report .. . . . .. . . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . . . . . .. .. . . . .. .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. .. . . . .. . .... .. . . . . .. . . . 11 EDITORIAL AND MAILING .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. 17 AGRICULTURAL CONSERVATION ................................ .' .. ... .. .......... ....... ..... . . 21 COUNTY AGENTS' ACTIVITIES ............... .. ....... ...... . ...... ......... .. .. .. .... .. .......... 26 AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS ... . ...... .... ............. .. .. . ....... .. . .............................. 28 Farm Management Activities ............... .... ................. . ........... ... ......... 28 Marketing ..... ... ............... . . ... ........ . ................. . . . .... ... .. . .... .. ... .. ... . ....... . .. 29 AGRONOMY ACCOMPLISHMENTS .. .... .. .. ...... ........ ...... .. . . ......... .. ...... .. ......... 32 ANIMAL HUSBANDRY, DAIRYING AND POULTRY .............. . ........................ 36 Animal Husbandry .... ...... ........ ......... ............. . .......................... .. .. ..... 36 Dairying . .. . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . . .. .. . .. . .. . . . .. .. .. . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. 38 Poultry Keeping ....... ... .. ... ...... . . . ................. .. .......... . .... . .. . ........ . ......... 41 BoYs' 4-H CLUB WoRK .... ............ .. . .. ... ... . .. .. ............. .... .......... ........ ......... 47 CITRUS FRUIT CULTURE .... . .. . . ..... .. . . . ..... .. . ........ .. .. .. . .... .......... .... . . .............. 52 FARM FORESTRY ......... ... ........... . ...... . ............. ....... ........ .... .. ... .. .. . ............... 56 GENERAL HOME DEMONSTRATION WORK ........ . . . .... ..... .... ....... . .. ....... .. . ... 60 CLOTHING AND TEXTILES .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. . . .. . . .... .. .. .. 6 7 FooD, NUTRITION AND HEALTH ...... . .... ..... .. ... .. . .. . ...... .. .... ... ............. ..... .... 71 HOME IMPROVEMENT 75 GARDENING AND FOOD CONSERVATION ... .... . .... .......... .... . ............. .. ...... . ... 7-;. ACTIVITIES WITH NEGRO FARMERS ... ... .. .......... .. ...... .. . .. .. ... ........ .. ......... 80 NEGRO HOME DEMONSTRATION WORK . ..... . .. ... .... ... ... .......... ...... .. . .......... 82 Negro Statistical Report... . .. ....... .. ......... .... . ....... .... ..... . ....... ........ ...... 84 (3)


4 Florida Agricultural Extension Service Hon. Fred P. Cone Governor of Florida Tallahasse e , Florida Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith the report of the Agri cultural Extension Service, College of Agriculture, University of Florida, for the calendar year 1940, including a fiscal report for the year ending June 30, 1940. Respectfully, H.P. ADAIR, Chairman, Board of Control Hon. H.P. Adair, Chairman, Board of Control Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith the annual report of the director of the Agricultural Extension Service, College of Agricul ture, University of Florida, and request that you transmit the same, in accordance with law, to His Excellency, the Governor of Florida. Respectfully, JOHN J. TIGERT, President, University of Florida


Annual Report, 1940 5 COUNTY AND HOME DEMONSTRATION AGENTS COUNTY COUNTY AGENT ADDRESS HOME AGENT DEMONSTRATION Alachua . _ _ _ _ ___ _ Fred L . Craft _ _ _ _ _ ____ Gainesville ___ __ ___ Mrs. Grace F. Warren Baker _ _ ________ J. Raymond Mills ._. Macclenny --------Bay _ _ _ _ M. B. Miller .. .. --Panama CitY -------Bradford ..... .. .. . T. K. McClane __ __ Starke ---------Brevard . _ .. . ...... T. L . Cain ___ _ Cocoa . ... ... -----Mrs. Eunice F. Gay Broward . . _ ....... B. E. Lawton. _____ _ __ __ Ft. L a uderdale ____ Miss Olga Kent Calhoun . .. ... .... . John G. Kelley* .. . _ _ Blountstown . Miss Mary Henrietta Reed Charlotte _ _ N. H. McQueen._ .. _ __ Punta Gorda -----------Citrus . ___ . . __ -Ben L. Gittings . .. ___ Jnverness Mrs. Elizabeth W. Moore ClaY-------Green Cove Spgs. _ ___ Miss Beulah Felts Columbia ______ . .. Guy Cox -------------Lake City . . ______ ___ .Miss Margaret Alford Dade _ ___ c. H. SteffanL _ __ _ ___ MiamL _ . _ _ . _ _ ___ Miss Eunice Grady Dade (Asst.)_ J. L. Edwards . . __ _ ____ MiamL._ .. Asst. Miss Margaret Delaney DeSoto _ _ E . H . Vance Arcadia ----Dixie . __ _ D. M. Treadwell . ___ _ . Cross City ___ _______ _ _ DuvaLA. S. Lawton __ ----Jacksonville ___ _ ___ _ . . _.Miss Pearl Laffitte Duval (Asst.)Frank M. Dennis ___ Jacks'ville, Asst. Mrs. Dorothea Calmes Escambia H. Finlayson __ _ ___ Pensacola . __ _ ____ __ ____ _ Miss Ethel Atkinson Gadsd e n--Hudson _ _ _ _ ___ _ . QuinCY--------------Miss Elsie Laffitte Gilchirst . S. Laird __ _ Tr e nton _ _______ __ ___ _ Glades . D. Yaun __ __ Moore H a ven-------Gulf -E. R. N elson ______ -W ewahitchka . _ _____ .Mrs. Pear 1 Whitfield Hamilton -J. J. Sechrest ______ ___ . Jasper ___ _ __ Miss Lillian Bradley Hardee __ . ____ __ _ ___ H. L. Miller. _________ ___ . Wauchula Hernando . . _ . .. . _C. D. Newbern ____ ___ _ Brooksville Highlands . . ____ .L_ H . Alsmeyer -Sebring Hillsborough _ . Alec White __ _ Tampa ----------Hillsborough (West) _____________ _ ___ -Tampa. _____ .. _Miss Allie Le e Rush Hillsborough (East) _ _____________ __ _ __ --Plant City __ ___ Miss Irene Riley Holmes _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ s . C. Bell _ _ _ _ BonifaY ----Mrs. Bettie A. Caudle Jackson ___ J . W. Malone _ _ . ______ _ Marianna __ . __ _ ______ . Mrs . Bonnie J. Carter Jefferson-P . R. McMullen _____ .Monticello. _____ _ _ _ __ Miss Ella M. Faircloth Lafayette--J . G. Kelley _ _ ----Mayo ------------Lake _ ___ R. E. Norris_. __ . . _ _ ______ Tavares -Mrs. Lucie K. Miller Lee _ ___ c_ P. Heuck. _____ ______ _ Ft . Myers -----Leon : . ... .. K. S. McMullen _ _ ._._ Tallahassee ---Miss Joyce Bevis Levy _ ___ T . D. Rickenbaker Bronson -----Miss Wilma Richardson Libertv __ _ __ ______ _ Bristol Madison .. ....... . . S . L. Brothers. _____ ___ . Madison . .. _. ______ ____ Miss Bennie F. Wilder L. Ayers ____ . __ . .. __ : Bradenton .------Miss Margaret Cobb Marion-R. A. Startford ___ _____ Ocala . ____ __ _ .Miss Kathryn Riddle Nassau . .. -Julian H. Wallace _ _ Hilliard ------Okaloosa . . . ..... _John G. Hentz, Jr . Crestview Okeechobee . . . . C. A. Fulford _ _ -Oke e chobee --------Orange __ _ _ __ .. . __ .K _ C . MooreOrlando . _ _ _ _ ____ __ __ ___ _ Mrs . Nellie W. Taylor Osceola .--J . R. Gunn ___________ Kissimmee . ----Miss Albina Smith Palm Beach.--M. U. Mounts _______ . W . Palm Beach _ _ _ _ Mrs. Edith Y. Barrus Pasco ----J.A.McClellan,J r . __ __ Dade City _ __ _ _ Pinellas -------J . H. Logan _ __ Clearwater _ _ . _ ___ _ _ ________ _ Miss Tillie Roese! Asst. Miss Eileen Coil Polk .-------W. P. Hayman __ . ______ Bartow _ ____ . Miss Lois Godbey Putnam .. H. E. Westbury.-Palatka _ ____ Miss Opal Walker St. Johns .---Loonis Blitch _______ __ _ St . Augustine _________ . __ Miss Anna E. Heist St. Lucie---MYron M. Varn __ __ _ __ Fort Pierce _______ _ ___ _ Santa Rosa . . __ John G. Hudson _ __ ___ Milton .... ------------Miss Eleanor Barton Seminole C . R. Dawson __ Sanford _ ___ Mrs. Reva D. Andrews Sarasota . _ .. ... . W. E. Evans ...... -Sarasota Sumter-W , J. Platt, Jr . . _ __ . . Bushnell Suwannee _ . . .. .. s. C . Kierce.--Live Oak _ ___ Miss Louise Taylor Taylor. D. D. McCloud ___ . . _ Perry __ _ _ __ Miss Manilla Wells Union _ _ _ L _ T . Dyer .. _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Lake Butler_ . _ ____ . __ _ _ __ __ _ Volusia _ __ F. E. Baetzman_._ . . _ DeLand . . ---Mrs. Gladys Kendall Wakulla . . -N J . Albritton:. _._ .. _ Crawfordville _ _ --Mrs. Pearl Penuel Walton . --Mitchell Wilkins _ . . _ DeFuniak Springs . . Miss Eloise McGriff Washington . .. . Fred W. Barber ._ ._ .. _ Chipley *Transferred to Lafayette.


6 Florida Agricultural Extension Service AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ADMINISTRATION H. G. Clayton, Administrative Officer in Charg..._ ____ Gainesville James J. Love, Chairman, State Committee ________ Quincy Walter B. Anderson, State Committeema .. _______ Greenwood Chas. S. Lee, State Committeeman _____ . ___________ Oviedo Harry C. Brown, State Committeeman __________ Clermont A. P. Spencer, State Committeeman ex-officio ______ Gainesville E . Owen Blackwell, Asst. Field Officer and State Accountant _ ___ Gainesville Mrs. Minnie P. Carr, Statistical Assistant .. _______ Gainesville R. S . Dennis, State Performance Supervisor _______ Gainesville ASSISTANTS IN AGRICULTURAL CONSERVATION COUNTY NAME ADDRESS Alachua _________ Harry J. Brinkley _____ Gainesville Columbia. ________ Mrs. Gussie Calhoun L::ilce City Dade __________ Edward A. Little __________ Homestead DeSoto __________ Wm. L. Woods _______ ~~rcadia Gilchrist--------Harley M. Moore _______ Trenton Hamilton _________ . Lawrence W. Burnham'-____ Jasper Hardee ...... -------: Miss Eleanor M. Glorious ... ______ .. Wauchula Hernando _____ Leon W. Miller ______ ~rooksville Jackson ________ ack E. Donald _______ Marianna Lake __________ George T. Huggins ______ Tavares Lee .--------Miss Beulah H. Goodrich ____ . ____ Fort Myers Levy __________ Daniel D. Faircloth _____ ~ronson Madisou ____________ Daniel G. McMullen ______ Madison Manatee _______ ----.Arthur M. McNeely Bradenton Okaloosa _________ R. C. Lipscomb _______ Crestview Orange __________ Bernard J. Sulliva.~ _____ Qrlando Palm Beach ________ Mrs. Mary McCarley_. ____ West Palm Beach Pasco __________ Seth C. Sparkman _____ ~ade City Polk ___________ T. H. McRorie, Jr. ______ ~artow Santa Rosa. --------------Charles N. Clymore ______ Milton Seminole _________ Geo. C. Means ________ Sanford Union __________ .Grady Brannen ______ .... ake Butler Volusia .. ______________ Orwin A. Morse _______ DeLand Walton _________ ~~ . rnold G. Hutchinson_ ... DeFuniak Springs Washington ____ Rex Yates ___ ______ Chipley NEGRO COUNTY AND HOME DEMONSTRATION AGENTS I COUNTY LOCAL COUNTY AGENT ADDRESS Alachua .. l rank E. Pinder ______ Gainesville Columbia and So. Suwanee ____ McKinley Jeffers ake City Gadsden ___________ ussell Stephens Quincy Hamilton and No. Suwannee. __ .N. H. Bennett White Springs Jackson----------O. W. NealY------•Marianna Jefferson ________ __,u. E . Groover.. Monticello Leo olley Wyer, Jr .. -.. Tallahassee Mario.~ _________ Eugene P. Smit Ocala Sumter _______________ Alonzo A. Young ushnell COUNTY LOCAL HOME DEM. AGENT ADDRESS Alachua _________ Mary Todd McKenzie ___ .. Gainesville Duva Ethel M. Powel....._ ____ .Jacksonville Gadsde Diana H. Bouie,--_______ Quincy Hillsborough Floy Britt __________ Tampa Leon Maude K. Mumfor~ ____ Tallahassee Madiso Althea Ayer --~-----Madison Marion___ Idella R. Kelly _______ Reddick Putnam Fannie B. Diggs. ________ alatka


Annual Report, 1940 REPORT FOR 1940 PART I GENERAL , REPORT OF DIRECTOR AND VICE-DIRECTOR Wilmon Newell, Director A. P. Spencer, Vice-Director Opportunities broadened and responsibilities widened in the Florida Agricultural Extension Service during 1940, but the plans and the per~ sonnel previously utilized underwent few major modifications. Coop eration was continued with other State and Federal agencies, that the needs of the farming population might be more fully suppH~d . Conservation activities expanded and the Extension Service again served as the main collaborating State body in connection with the ad ministration of the Federal Agricultural Adjustment Act. Several addi tional Soil Conservation Districts completed their organization in com. pliance with the Florida law . Coordination of State and county agricultural planning and educa tional programs was undertaken in association with the Federal agen cies operating in that direction and includ~d special duties by the Vo cational Agriculture teachers. County Extension agents assisted the Federal Rural Electrification Administration, the Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation, the Fed eral Feed and Seed Loan project and the Federal Crop Reporting Board. State groups worked with included the Department of Agriculture, the Livestock Sanitary Board, Marketing Board and Board of Health, also sundry organizations of fruit and vegetable growers, livestock pro ducers and poultry raisers. REVENUES AND RESOURCES County appropriations for Agricultural Extension now average about $2,000 each, ranging from $800 to $10,000 a year. In the instances where the larger sums are provided, clerical asistance, equipment and operating expenses are more liberally supplied. Assistant Extension agents are employed in three cases, and paid with county funds. With one exception, the Negro work is paid for in all counties with State and Federal Extension appropriations . Demand has increased for Negro agents and their number could be profitably enlarged if the funds were available. State and county appropriations combined equal some 50 percent of the total Extension budget. Increases authorized by the ,1939 Legis lature did not become available during 1940, owing to the condition of the State general revenue fund. SPECIALISTS AND RELATIONSHIPS Specialists prosecuted the several phases of Extension work . during 1940 on much the same basic plans as formerly. Publications and publicity activities covered the distributi.Qn of bulletins, news stories and radio broadcasts . on an expanded scale. Lit erature originating in the United States Department of Agriculture was extensively made available to Florida farmers.


8 Florida Agricultural Extension Service Boys' 4-H club camps constituted a factor of greater importance than ever in the work with young people. Supervision was provided from the State Extension funds for properly conducting camps which served 42 counties and were attended by 1,364 4-H club representatives. Beef cattle raising received more encouragement from farmers and land owners than in any preceding period and the Extension live stock specialist was much in demand. Fencing pastures containing culti vated grasses made excellent progress, the Agricultural Conservation activities assisting materially in that direction. Farmers who raise hogs exhibited renewed interest in home curing of meats, according to the methods long recommended by the Extension Service. Dairymen also took part in the improved pastures movement . Clov ers proved increasingly popular where soil conditions were favorable. Plans for eradicating Bang's disease went ahead successfully and many herds were found to be entirely free. Grade heifers secured from com mercial dairies were distributed through several County Farm Agents. Dairymen in 24 counties enrolled in six cow-testing associations, involv ing 3,639 cows. Direction for the endeav0r was supplied by the Ex tension Dairy Specialist and the County Agents. As heretofore, Extension agronomy effort was principally devoted to the general farming areas though on pastures it became State-wide in nature. Tobacco problems grew acute as regarding marketing, and acre age was generally reduced. Sea Island cotton output was reduced below that of immediately preceding years, boll weevil infestations and several other factors having lessened the yields . Prices proved satisfactory and an increased acreage appears certain for 1941. Citrus growers had another unprofitable season and industry con troversies grew more widespread. Production costs must be still further lowered, if grapefruit and oranges continue their current course and the Extension Citrus Specialist has recommended the practices that will help attain this end. Farm Management and Marketing Specialists also devoted much time to the citrus situation. Grove owners' associations took a prominent part in the Florida Council of Farmer Cooperatives. Poultry division undertakings followed two principal lines, one dealing with farm flocks and the other pertaining to commercial yards. Farm flock records collected by the Extension poultry specialist over a period of years furnished the basis for selection and feeding recom mendations. The National Egg Laying Test at Chipley has also supplied valuable information for fourteen years. Contests along lines which appealed to 4-H club members included one of special importance at the Central Florida Exposition in Orlando. AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS AND LAND USE Land-Use planning has in a measure supplanted the work on farm management problems handled by the Extension Service Agricultural Economics specialists. Land-Use planning is set up as a project closely correlated with Agricultural Economics. The Extension Service has taken the initiative in getting the programs underway in the counties. The Land Grant College BAE Committee is made up of three mem bers representing Florida Agricultural Extension Service, Florida Ag ricultural Experiment Station, and the U. S. Department of Agriculture


Annual Report, 1940 9 BAE Representative. This committee, with the assistance of county and home agents and district agents, has taken a leading part in preparing for community and county programs and analysis of problems. Other agencies assisting were: Florida Agricultural Experiment Sta tion, College of Agriculture, State College for Women, State Plant Board, State Highway Department, Florida Forest and Park Service, State Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, Live Stock Sanitary Board, U . S. Public Roads Administration, Southern Forest Experiment Station, Agricultural Adjustment Administration, Soil Conservation Ser vice, Farm Security Administration, State Department of Agriculture, State Planning Board, Bureau of Agricultural Chemistry and Engin eering, Rural Electrification Administration, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Bureau of Biological Survey, and Farm Credit Administra tion. The farmer members consisted of three women and six men rep resenting different important agricultural production areas of Florida. The programs are in progress in 11 counties having Extension agents. The unified county program is carried on in Columbia County. Production cost records on citrus, potatoes and celery have been kept as usual. Findings disclosed thereby increase in value with every added year. Data collected in this field have found usefulness in the conservation plans. Supervision for the Agricultural Economics work comes directly from the College of Agriculture, thus coordinating Ex tension and Research information. Both the Marketing Specialist and the Farm Management Spedal ist have extended further cooperation to the State Cirus Commission, Florida Citrus Growers, Incorporated, and like organizations . Market ing endeavors also were made with respect to other perishable com modities. Educational endeavors attempted in nearly all the organized groups more and more rely upon the Extension Service for the means whereby they may be made effective. Farm Forestry is another of the newer Extension Service projects. A former county agent is in charge and his work has been increasingly productive of results. Gum farming has been advocated as a dependable source of cash farm income. Forestry activities are to be emphasized and enlarged, in close connection with Land-Use Planning, and the various conservation movements. HOME DEMONSTRATION ACTIVITIES On the State staff are the home demonstration agent, three district agents and four specialists. These work with 38 county home demonstra tion agents and three assistant agents. County home agents were helped with 226 meetings, attended by 11,348 persons. For the first time in Florida, regularly organized courses were of fered at the State College of Agriculture for home demonstration agents in service. Six_teen home agents took the cause, all except two receiving graduate credit. In addition to the 16 agents who studied in the summer courses two agents received credit for courses given by the University Generai E~tension Divisio1: . Four county home agents attended the International Live_ S!ock Exposition and 4-H Club Congress in Chicago. The nutrition specialist completed work for her master's degree. Result demonstrations held at 2,157 places had a total attendance of 24,970. In 26 counties, tours took the agents to the yards, gardens and


10 Florida Agricultural Extension Service poultry flocks of many demonstrators. Home agents from 38 counties reported 15 , 677 home or farm visits, reaching 8,121 different places. Home demonstration agents served directly 23,432 farm families during the year, and 12,705 families not on farms. In addition, 2,674 other Florida rural people volunteered without pay for a total of 4,814 days to help extend home demonstration in their communities. Thirty of the 37 counties having home demonstration agents were represented by county council members at the State Council during the Short Course in June . Senior councils are functioning in 33 counties. Thirty-two new club buildings or rooms have been secured in the last 12 months. County home demonstration agents devoted an average of one third of their time to work with girls, which they direct in their terri tories. Girls between 10 and 20 years old enrolled in a total number of 10,577. Eighty-four public achievement programs held by the 4-H girls had an attendance of 12,423. Two winners of first honors in the State work also took the high rank in National competitions. Catherine Barnes, St. Johns county re ceived a scholarship fund of $400 for achievement in foods and nutri tion. Marie Fletcher was awarded a $200 cash scholarship for national honors in canning and food conservation. Annual Short Course for Florida rural girls at the Florida State College for Women was attended by 463 girls and 37 leaders, and all the home demonstration agents. Registration for the College 4-H Club at the Florida State College for Women totaled 73. The State Agent served on a national committee studying research needs of home economics extension work. She is councillor for the American Home Economic Association and member of the Placement Board for the American Dietetic Association. NEGRO EXTENSION WORK Negro agents are employed in 14 counties with nine farm agents and eight home agents. Headquarters for the District Agents are at the A. 0t; M. College, Tallahassee. The Negro program continues to deal primarily with maintenance of food, feed and supplies. Home agents have carried on a program of thrift and better living standards,. and have contributed particularly in nutrition, health and home improvement. Through county exhibits and fair exhibits much educational work has been done in keeping with the Negro home demonstration agents' work. The Negro men's work continues to be a production program, em phasizing family living. This naturally involves all phases of agricul ture suited to the area, including the production of farm crops and live stock that contribute to the income. Negro 4-H club work has met with ready response and this program has general approval.


Annual Report, 194U FINANCIAL STATEMENT For Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1939 RECEIPTS Federal Smith-Lever __ _ _____ _ _ _ $ 63,968.10 Bankhead-Jones, Federal _ 120,447.93 Capper-Ketcham, Federal 26,555.74 Further Development . 8,462.00 Clark-McNary 1,620.00 State-Salaries ____ __________ __ 55,800.00 Operating 44,808 . 00 Special-County Ag e nt Appropriation___ _ __ _ ____ ____ ___ __ 80,400 . 00* 4-H Culb Work Appropriation __ _ ____ 3,000.00 Commissioner of Agriculture 5,000 . 00 County Appropriations _____ __ _ 130,658.84 11 $540,720.61 EXPENDITURES Federal Smith-Lever ------------------------------------$ 63,968.10 Bankhead-Jones, Federal -----------------120,447.93 Capper-Ketcham, Federal _ _ __ _ _ __ _ 26,555 . 74 Further Development ____ _ __ _ 8,462.00 Clarke-McNary _ __ __ _ _ __ _ 1,620.00 State-Salaries ---------------45,918 . 32 Operating _ _ __ _ _ ____ _ _ 38,121.24 Special County Agent Appropriation __ _____ _ _ _ _ __ ___ __ _ ___ __ _ 4-H Club Work __ _ _ __ ___ __ __ _ ___ __ ____ _ _ 1,996 . 63 Commissioner of Agriculture______ _ _ ______ ______ __ __ _ ___ _______ ___ 5,000 . 00 County Appropriations by County Boards _____ ____ ____ _ 130,658.84 Balance carried forward-State Appropriations _ __ _ 97,971.81 $540,720.61 STATISTICAL REPORT, MEN AND WOMEN Data from County and Home Demonstration Agents' Reports GENERAL ACTIVITIES Days service rendered by county workers _ _ _ _ _ __ __ ___ __ ___ _ Days in office ---------------------------------Days in field -------------------------------------Numbei: .. pe p ple assisting Ext e nsi o n program voluntarily _ _ _ Number 1faid employees assisting Extension program ___ ___ __ ___ _ Clubs organized to carry on adult home demonstration work Memb e rs in such clubs _ _ ____ __ _ _ _ _ _ ___________ _ ___ _ _____ __ ___ ____ _ _ __ _ _ _ : _ _ _ ___ ___ _ 4-H clubs ---------------------------4-H club members e nrolle..,_ _____ _ ____ _ _ Different 4-H club members completing _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ ___ __ _ _ 4-H club teams traine..,_ _____ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ Groups other than 4-H clubs organized for Extension work 29,152 13,681 15,471 2,699 527 319 8 , 051 761 14 , 937 9,349 705 with rural young people 15 years of age and older __ _ ___ 7 Members in thes e groups ____ _ ___ _ __ _____ __ __ _ _ _ _ 537 Farm or home visits made _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _____ 50,993 Different farms or homes visite~------27 , 658 Calls relating to Extension work __ _ _ __ __ _ ____ _ _______ __ 385,698 News articles or stories published and circular letters __ __ ___ _ 6,356 *Not made available from State Treasury.


12 Florida Agricultural Extension Service Number individual letters written_________ 121,504 Bulletins distributed 123,038 Radio talks----------------------569 Extension exhibits shown______________ 509 Training meetings held for local leaders________ 391 (Attendance 7,421 Method demonstration meetings held _. _________ 11,762 (Attendance ______ 171,954 Meetings held at result demonstrations______ 3,906 (Attendance 37,727 Farm tours conducted _____ 363 (Attendance Achievement days held -----------------------------------(Attendance Encampments held (not including picnics, rallies, etc.). (Attendance Other meetings --------------------------------------------------------(Attendance CEREALS Communities in which work was conducted _____ _ Result demonstrations conducted --------------Meetings held ----------------------------------------------------News stories published and circular letters. _______ _ Farm or home visits made ___ _ Office calls received .-----------4-H club members. _____ _ 4-H club members completing _____ _ Acres in projects conducted by 4-H club members completing ------------------• Total yield of crops grown by 4-H club members completing Farmers following better practices recommended ___ _ LEGUMES AND FORAGE CROPS Communities in which work was conducted __ Result demonstrations conducted -Meetings held -News stories published and circular letters .. Farm or home visits made .. ... .. _. __________ _ Number office calls received 4-H club members enrolled ______ _ 4-H club members completing -Yield of crops grown by 4-H club m e mbers completing10,370 152 68,299 94 4,634 4,701 188,311 455 198 164 66 907 5,081 519 283 482 85,786 Bu. 11,856 1,529 1,089 1,116 797 4,204 25,257 352 215 (Seed, pounds____ 96,259 (Forage, tons______ 94% Farmers following better practice recommendations -11,459 POTATOES, COTTON, TOBACCO, AND OTHER SPECIAL CROPS Communities in which work was conducted ---------------Potatoes Sweet Potatoes Other Crops Result demonstrations ----------------------393 107 Cotton 227 85 Tobacco 157 45


Annual Report, 1940 Meetings held 308 399 News stories published and circular letters written _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ 155 296 Farm or home visits made __ _ _ 1,128 603 Office calls received _____ ___ __ ___ _____ _ 5,243 17,891 4-H club members enrolled _ __ _ 255 84 4-H club members completing _ _ __ _ ___ _ __ _ 98 45 Acres in projects by 4-H club members completing __ __ __ _ _ 83 43 159 215 852 15,611 18 13 16 13 Yields by 4-H club members completing Farms following better practices _ __ _ __ _ 8,511Bu. 35,521 Th 540 9,744 14,851 Th 7,006 FRUITS, VEGETABLES AND BEAUTIFICATION OF HOME GROUNbS Communities in which work was conducted____ __ __ _ ____ 2,786 Result demonstrations conducted ____ _ _ _ ___ 9,393 Meetings held ----------------------------_ __ 3,486 News stories published and circular letters issued___ 1,401 Farm or home visits made _ _ _ ____ _ __ __ _ _ _____ 10,500 Office calls received ------------------32,801 4-H club members enrolled __ _______________ 8,321 4-H club members completing__ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ 5,015 Acres in projects conduct e d by 4 H club members completing Total yields of crops grown by 4-H club members 1,489 completing -----------------------89,785 3-5 Bu. Farms and homes adopting improved practices _ _ __ _ 53,475 FORESTRY AND AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING Communities in which work was conducted _ __ __ _ Result demonstrations conducted _ _ __ ___ _ _ _ _ _ Meetings held --------------------News stories published and circular letters issued ___ _ Farm or home visits made __ __ _____ ___ ___ _ __ __ __ _ _ Office calls received -------------------------------4-H club members enrolled _____ _ _ 4-H club members completing __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ Farms on which new areas were reforested by planting 613 632 536 325 1,409 9,346 629 233 with small trees 7,261 Acres reforested -------6,228 Farms adopting better forestry practices _ _ _ __ __ 5,566 Farms adopting soil conservation practices_ __ ___ 1,385 Acres involved __ _ _ _ __ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _______ 108 , 154 Land clearing 355 Acres involved 39,253 Farmers adopting better machine practice ____ ___ 879 Number machines involved . 1 , 150 Farmers adopting b e tter building and equipment practices 6 , 689 Building and items of equipment involved 7,310 POULTRY AND BEES Communities in which work was conducted_ __ _ __ 711 Result demonstrations conducted _ ___ ___ _ ____ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ ____ _ _ _ ______ 1,984 Meetings held ---------1,369 News stori e s published and circular letters issued . _ ___ __ _ _ __ ____ _ 507


14 Florida Agricultural Extension Service Farm or home visits made______________ 3,652 Office calls received ________________ 8,806 4-H club members enrolled_____________ 2,491 4-H club members completing ____________ 1,318 Number chickens raised _______________ 65,554 Number colonies of bees____________ 62 Families following improved practices in poultry raising____ 21,738 Families :following improved practices-bees__________ 1,708 DAIRY CATTLE, BEEF CATTLE, SHEEP, SWINE AND HORSES Communities in which work was conducted ______ 1,532 Result demonstrations conducted____________ 1,932 , :Meetings held___________________ 1,858 News stories published and circular letters issued 934 Farm or home visits made_____________ 9,507 Office calls receive~--------------33,585 4-H club members enrolled_____________ 2,175 4-H club members completing________ __ _ 1,251 Animals in projects conducted by 4-H club members completing _________________ _ Farmers obtaining better breeding stoc.~-------Farmers using other improved livestock practices ___ _ AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS Communities in which work was conducte~-----ResUlt demonstrations conducted _ _________________________________________ _ Meetings held------------------------------------------------------------News stories published and circular letters issued ____ __ ________ _ Home or farm visits made _ ________ ___ _______________ ___ _____ _ Office calls received ___ ____ __________ ___ ___________________________ _ 4-H club members enrolled _______________________ _ _____________ _ 4-H club members completing ____ _ Farmers keeping account and cost records ______ _ Farmers assisted in summarizing their accounts ___ _ Farmers obtaining credit and making debt adjustments ___ _ Farm credit associations assisted in organizing during year Farmers making business changes resulting from economic surveys ___ _ __ _ _______________ _ Families assisted in getting established _ ___________________________ ____ _ Marketing groups organized or assisted. ___________ _ Individuals affected by marketing progra . .. ______ _ Organizations assisted with problems ________ _ Individuals assisted with problems.. ______________ _ Value of products sold by all groups organized or 3,085 2,278 27,706 1,472 1,036 935 657 2,690 24,599 9 6 503 585 4,329 5 11,897 1,403 163 8,095 365 11,471 assisted _________ -----------$4,826,714.51 Value of products sold by individuals (not in organizations) -----------------2,157,726.87 Value of supplies purchased-all associations 329,760.50 Value of supplies purchased by all individuals____ 870,933.69 FOODS AND NUTRITION Communities in which work was conducted _____ _ Result demonstrations conducted _____________________ _ Meetings held _________________ _ News stories published and circular letters issued~--Farm or home visits made ____________ _ 2,106 8,783 4,069 791 3,029


Annual R e port, 1940 Office calls received __ __ ____________ _ 4-H club members enrolled . _ _ . ___ _ _ _ 4-H club members completing _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Containers of food prepared and saved by 4-H club members ______ _ _________ _ Dishes of food prepared, meals served and vegetables 12,519 7,606 5,315 145,328 and fruits stored and dri e '-L-----------------206,722 Families adopting better practices as to foods__ _ __ 17,038 Schools following recommendations for school lunch . ---220 Children in schools following lunch recommendations . . . ... . _ 43,032 Containers of food saved by non-members of 4-H club5-. . . 2,138,891 Value of products canned or otherwise preserved _ __ _ $562,857.53 Families readjusting family food supply . . . . ___ _ _ ___ 4 , 544 CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND PARENT EDUCATION Communities in which work was conducted . ____ _ Result demonstrations conducte...__ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ Meetings held _ __ _ _ _ ---News stories published and circular letters issued ... . . Farm or home v i sits made cc . _ ___________ _ Office calls receive~ ----4-H club members participating __ ________ _ Families following child-development plans _ _ _ _ Different individuals participating in child-development program _ _ ____ ___ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ Children involved in child-development program -CLOTHING Communities in which work was conducted . . .. ---Result demonstrations conducted ' Meetings held --------News stories publish e d and circular letters issued ___ _ Farm or home visits made .. . . ------------Office calls received _ _ __ _ __ _ ___ __ _ _ _ 4-H club members enrolled . ... .... ---4 H club members completing ___ _ Articles made by 4-H club members completing __ _ _ Individuals following better clothing practices _ __ _ _ Families assisted in determining how best to meet 193 619 180 45 275 465 140 2 , 674 1,412 3,008 562 2,969 2,896 396 1,272 5,990 8,440 5,590 34,861 25,026 clothing requirements ---3 , 545 Savings due to clothing program _ _ __ _ _ __ __ $73,269.81 HOME MANAGEMENT AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS Communities in which work was conducted _ _ __ __ 1,241 Result demonstrations conducted __ _ __ _ __ _ __ 6,075 Meetings held -----------2 , 750 News stories publish e d and circular letters issued 468 Farm or home visits made __ __ _ _ _ . _ _ __ _ _ 1,729 Office calls received --------8,945 4 H club members enrolle ~---3,369 4-H club members completing _ _ __ __ _ _ ___ _ 2,223 Projects conducted by 4-H members completing _ __ _ 13 321 Families following bett e r home-management practices _ __ . .... 16 ; 632 Estimated savings due to home-management program . . .. $50,232.00 Families improving household furnishings -----13,408 15


16 Florida Agricultural Extension Service Savings due to house-furnishings program ___ ___ $43,765.43 Families following handicraft practices,________ 1,824 HOME HEALTH AND SANITATION Communities in which work was conducted _____ _ Result demonstrations conducte,.._ ___ _ Meetings held __________________ _ News stories published and circular letters issued ____ _ Farm or home visits made ____________ _ Office calls received ---------------------4-H club members enrolled ____________ _ 4-H club members completing _______________ _ Additional 4-H club members participating _____ _ Individuals having health examination _______ _ Individuals adopting health measures ________ _ Families adopting health measures, __________ _ 457 1,153 600 138 619 5,578 2,455 1,754 3,372 3,907 17,713 4,522 EXTENSION ORGANIZATION AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Communities in which work was conducted _____ _ Voluntary local leaders or committeemen assisting ________ ---Days of assistance rendered by voluntary leaders or committeemen Meetings held __________________ _ News stories published and circular letters issuF>d,.._ __ _ Farm or home visits made ___________ _ Office calls received _______________ _ Communities assisted with community problems ___ _ Country life conferences _____________ _ Families following recommendations as to home recreation 4-H clubs engaging in community activities _____ _ Families aided in obtaining assistance from Red Cross or other relief agency _____________ _ 956 1,012 2,712 1,270 1,359 2,456 6,790 1,355 110 1,288 179 3,360


Annual Report, 1940 EDITORIAL AND MAILING J. Francis Cooper, Editor Clyde Beal e , Assistant Editor Jefferson Thomas, Assistant Editor 17 With the Nation during 1940 centering its attention on defense, it is but natural that Extension activities should be given a defense tempo. Informational activities have endeavored to show how the programs al ready under way with Extension Service direction are serving the Nation's defense requirements as well as its peacetime needs, and to step up nutrition and other phases of farm 'life and work where de ficiencies have be e n shown . While three editors , one stenographer and two mailing clerks have been employed continuously during the y e ar , with additional help in the mailing room from time to time , these workers have given only about two-thirds of their time to work for the Extension Service , the remainder being devoted to duties of the Agricultural Experiment Station . PUBLICATIONS While only three new bulletins and one circular were print e d during the year , they had a total of 196 pages, and 68,000 copies were printed. Two new miscellaneous publications, totaling 56 pages and 6,000 copies, were very similar to bulletins and circulars in content. Five old mis cellaneous publications, totaling 96 pages and 45,000 copies and being mostly record books for 4-H club use, w e re r e printed . Other issues includ e d window cards, dodgers, a calendar, and various miscellaneous materials . Following is a list of publications i ssued during the year ending June 30, 1940. Pages Bul.103 . Can Surplus Fruits and Vegetables _______ 52 Bul. 104 . Beef Production in Florid a _________ _____ _ _________ 36 Bul. 105 . An Economic Study of Commercial Poultry Farming in Florida ___ ____ 96 Circ . 49. Making Cotton Mattresses at Home________ 12 M. P. 28 . Florida Citrus Costs and Returns __________ 32 M. P . 29. The 1940 Farm and Home Outlook for Florida ______ __ _ _ _ _ __ ___ 24 M . P. 15. 4-H Club Food Preparation Guide and Record (rep . ) -----------24 M . P. 16. 4-H Club Baking Guide and Record Book (rep.) ---------------------20 M. P . 18 . Poultry Club Record Book (rep.)__ _ ________ _ 16 M. P . 20 . 4-H Club Girls' Canning Guide and Re cord Book (rep.) -----------16 M. P. 21. Record of Garden and Perennial Plant ings (rep.) ----20 Requirements and Records of Home Improvement for Florida 4-H Club Girls (rep.) --------12 Poultry Record Book ---28 Announcement and Rules, 15th Florida National Egg-Laying Test ___ __ 5 Final Report , 13th Florida National EggLaying Test ------------20 Edition 20 , 000 20,000 8,000 20,000 3,500 2,500 5,000 5,000 20,000 5 , 000 10,000 10,000 1,500 1,000 1 , 500


18 Florida Agricultural Extension Service Window Card-Raise Healthy Pigs______ 1 Window Card-4-H Poultry Work ______________ 1 Window Card-Poultry Institute, 1939_____ 1 Dodgers-Cherry Lake Farms Institute____ 1 Program, 1940 Boys' 4-H Short Course____ 8 Calendar, 1940 _________ 12 800 2,000 200 1,000 400 12,000 Manuscripts for the publications were prepared by the authors, checked by others, edited in this office, and sent to the printer. All new issues were distributed to county and home demonstration agents and libraries immediately on delivery, and on request after that. More than 50,000 copies of new and old Extension Service publications left the shelves during the year. Demand for bulletins is so great that it is dif ficult to maintain a supply. THE NEWS SERVICE Informational materials were constantly sent to newspapers, both weekly and daily, to farm papers circulating in this territory, and to other journals related to agriculture and rural life. Generous use was made of these materials by the publications receiving them. The weekly clipsheet, Agricultural News Service, was continued. It was distributed principally to weekly newspapers, farm papers, and county and home demonstration agents. However, it was sent to a few dailies on special request. It carried from seven to 15 articles each week reporting progress, giving timely information, and reviewing the news. Special stories for dailies, when of immediate interest, were released over the wire service of the Associated Press. When more in the nature of time copy they were mimeographed .and distributed direct to the papers. While these mimeographed releases were made sporadically, it was the endeavor to make them at least once each week. Assistance was rendered to Gainesville correspondents on some of the larger state dailies on numerous occasions. Special materials for a farm page in one daily were supplied from time to time. Questions and answers copy was sent weekly to one large daily throughout the year and to one weekly for a short time before the year closed. News mats were distributed an average of nearly twice a month throughout the year. A majority of these were supplied by the Agricul tural Adjustment Administration and other agencies, since Extension funds for the purpose are very limited. Farm journals not only cooperated by printing Florida releases but sought them on a number of occasions. The summary shows that 10 different magazines carried 49 different Florida articles supplied by the Extension editors, totaling 1,228 column inches. Of these, four national journals carried 8 articles for 89 column inches, one Southern periodical carried 12 articles for 121 inches, and five Florida papers printed 29 articles totaling 1,018 inches. In addition to these materials written by the editors, Florida papers in particular printed dozens of articles by other members of the Ex tension Service, Experiment Station and College of Agriculture staff and forwarded by this office. Copies of many of the radio talks made by staff members were given additional usage in this way.


Annual Report, 1940 19 FARM BROADCASTS The Florida Farm Hour over WRUF from 12 to 1 p. m. went on the air every week day during the year, continuing a program begun in 1928. The station rendered excellent cooperation at all times. A re capitulation shows that Extension workers-specialists and agents-made 91 talks, with cooperators, both adult and junior, appearing frequently. In addition, at least one of the Extension editors appeared on the program daily and two or three of them appeared frequently. The programs were supervised and staged by the Extension editors, but utilized staff workers of the College of Agriculture, Experiment Station, United States Department of Agriculture, and other agencies and individuals. On numerous occasions interviews, transcriptions, and even dramatizations were used for variety and effectiveness. In so far as practicable, the weekly schedule included the following general topics: Monday, horticulture; Tuesday, entomology and ques tions; Wednesday, 4-H club, home demonstration and other general sub jects; Thursday, dairy and poultry; Friday, livestock; and Saturday, news reviews. Eight remote control programs were staged, one each from DeLand, Fairbanks, Chinsegut Hill (Brooksville), the University poultry plant, herbarium, and nutrition laboratory, and two from the special agricul tural exhibit train. Two other broadcasts, from stations in Orlando (30 minutes) and Tampa (15 minutes) were given from this train while it was on the road. Microphones were carried into the train in each case. Farm Flashes were sent for five days each week to county agents cooperating with seven different radio stations in the state. The majority of these flashes were supplied in mimeograph form by the USDA Radio Service, checked here, and forwarded. When suitable USDA material was not at hand local material was employed. Sixty local flashes were sent, 24 being based on talks by staff workers and 36 on material pre pared by the editors. Both county and home demonstration agents having broadcasting stations accessible made extensive use of them, several with regular weekly broadcasts. SPECIAL AND MISCELLANEOUS ACTIVITIES The editors handled publicity for the special agricultural exhibit train, previously mentioned, which was a cooperative undertaking be tween the College of Agriculture, State Department of Agriculture, and Atlantic Coast Line and Louisville and Nashville railroads. Leaving Gainesville November 7 it displayed in two or three towns each week day through December 4. In addition to radio broadcasts direct from the train, other radio broadcasts over WRUF and through Farm Flashes called attention to it in advance of its departure. Every newspaper in counties where the train was to stop was supplied with from three to six special articles and illustrations pertaining to the train. The clipsheet carried releases concerning the venture for several weeks in advance, and during the train's trip.


20 Florida Agricultural Extension Service The newspapers were especially generous in using materials rela tive to the train, several of them running special pages in its honor just prior to its arrival in town. They provided their own reporters to cover the visit of the train to their cities. Cooperation was extended the Florida Fat Stock Show and Sale also, the Extension editor being chairman of the committee on publicity. He supervised printing of the catalog, and handled both news and radio releases concerning this event, which was staged in Jacksonville Feb ruary 27 and 28. Cooperation was extended various divisions of the United States Department of Agriculture, including the Agricultural Adjustment Ad ministration-for which frequent releases were made, the Agricultural Marketing Service, the Surplus Marketing Administration, and others. The Extension editor accompanied a photographer from the USDA Extension Service on a trip through seven counties during the week of June 24. More than 125 excellent pictures of "farm and home activities were secured, with the help of white and colored county and home demonstration agents. Many of the pictures have been widely used already. During annual Girls' 4-H Club Short Course at State College for Women in June the editor gave intensive training in news and radio writing to 32 selected girls, and held general classes attended once by 125 others. Boys attending their short course at the University of Florida were assisted in issuing a little mimeographed news sheet each day. The Extension editor was present at six meetings, with an attendance of 365 people, during the year.


Annual Report, 1940 AGRICULTURAL CONSERVATION H. G. Clayton, Administrative Officer in Charge R. S. Dennis, State Performance Supervisor A. E. Dunscombe, Field Man 21 Assigned to the Federal Agricultural Adjustment Act Administra tion from the Florida Agricultural Extension Service, the foregoing were cooperated with by a State Committee comprising the following: James J. Love, Gadsden county C. S. Lee, Seminole county W . B. Anderson, Jackson county H. C. Brown, Lake county A. P. Spencer, Vice-Director of Extension, ex-officio member INCREASING CONSERVATION PRACTICES Stress was placed upon the wider adoption of conservation prac tices during the 1940 endeavor. Soil-building projects sponsored by the Agricultural Extension Service were employed to good advantage in this connection. County committees operating under the Adjustment. Administration and farm agents worked with the utmost harmony toward the desired ends. Committees and agents are especially to be commended for excellent results as follows: Highlands, Orange, Osceola, Charlotte, and Hillsborough for out i.tanding pasture establishment and maintenance work; Highlands, Volusia, Lake, Orange, Polk, and Hardee for greatly increased use of limestone; Jackson, Leon, Holmes, Okaloosa, and Escambia for increased use of winter legumes; also Jackson, Madison, and Lafayette for their pine planting programs; and Jefferson, Suwannee, Lafayette, Alachua, Leon, Madison, Hamilton, Columbia, and Union for increased crotalaria. acreage. PAYMENTS FOR PARTICIPATION During the first half of the year 1940 payments were made to the farms participating in the 1939 program. The Agricultural Conservation payments thus made were for (a) compliance with acreage allotments. for special crops and (b) carrying out approved soil-building practices on the farm. Additional payments (parity payments) were also made to cotton farms complying with the farm cotton acreage allotment and. marketing quota provisions. FACTORS IN THE 1940 PROGRAM Through the use of the community and county committeemen in the program a large group of well informed local farm leaders is being de veloped. Each year greater numbers of retiring county committeemen are being replaced by men coming up from community committeemen and many of these men are constantly looking for ways in which the program can be of the greatest benefit to their communities and their counties. Prior to the beginning of the performance work the county per formance supervisors and administrative assistants were brought to gether in groups of from _four to six for intensive instruction lasting two days. The county supervisors and administrative assistants in turn held training schools for their farm reporters, followed by a written examination. Only reporters who made satisfactory grades were employed.


TABLE 1.-PAYMENTS BY COUNTIES MADE DURING 1940 FOR 1939 ' PARTICIPATION AND NUMBER OF FARMS PARTICIPATING. N N Payments in Payments in Increase in Total. ACP Payments Parity Payments Connection Connection County with Special with SoilSmall No. of Amount Crops Allotments Building Payments No . of Amount Practices Farms Farms Alachua $ _ 8,714 . 00 $ 35,616.78 $ 4,740.00 670 $ 49,070.78 10 $ 228.89 Baker 219.00 4 , 540.36 1,655.00 86 6,414.36 29 253.12 Bay 375.00 1,523.33 550.00 98 2,448.33 30 422.03 B' Bradford 2,393.00 7,808.36 ),925.00 255 12,126.36 ... Brevard 43,476.08 '. 4,371.00 549 47,847.08 Broward 28,427.00 22,780.95 1,109.00 155 52,361.95 :i:.. Calhoun 2,465.00 7,680.75 2,502.00 301 12 , 647.75 182 2,182.14 ""' Charlotte 28,944 .29 445 . 00 77 29,389.29 ... ... Citrus 3,464.95 606.00 86 4,070.95 <"I Clay 14,014.62 331.00 50 14,345.62 .,... ..... Collier 3,734.00 7,167.37 , 16.00 7 10,917.37 ... Columbia 7,459.00 24,197.21 5,207.00 474 36,863.21 430 5,689.75 Dade 32,451.00 23,691.13 2,123.00 279 58,265.13 DeSoto 1,540.00 64,031.57 3,982.00 630 69,553.57 ..... Dixie 79.00 3,241.20 560.00 53 3,880 . 20 "' ;1 Duval 5,429.23 467.00 62 5,896.23 .., ... Escambia 18,507.00 4,434.37 6,634.00 656 29,575.37 610 15,307.~5 ,;:, Flagler 6,627.00 10,345.81 675.00 67 17 , 647.81 ;1 Gadsden 22 , 367.00 16,566.11 3 ,3 04 . 00 585 42,237 . 11 122 933.16 VJ "' Gilchrist 543.00 19,831.65 3,597.00 308 23,971.65 ... <:! Glades 2,482.00 24,329.36 471.00 72 27,282.36 ... <"I Gulf 28.00 308.47 101.00 16 437.47 3 "' 18.96 Hamilton 12,046.00 9,555.74 4,073.00 436 25,674.74 490 8,988.33 Hardee 2,919.00 35,065.26 7,217.00 827 45,201.26 Hendry 2,017.00 8 ,2 85.23 562.00 83 10,864.23 Hernando 241.00 8 , 553.37 1 , 599.00 231 10,393.37 Highlands 842.00 102,919.79 3,270.00 561 107,031.79 Hillsborough 15,658.00 45 , 988.88 13,532.00 1;879 75,178.88 Holmes 36,220.00 8,457.97 11,320.00 1 , 069 55,997.97 1,181 35,306.74 Indian River 1,039 . 00 16 , 301.42 2,698.00 515 20,038.42


Jackson 69,805.00 43,439.37 23,211.00 2,408 136,455.37 2,488 48,783.66 Jefferson 7,555.00 32,901.65 7,705.00 867 48,161.65 723 7,502.28 Lafayette 2,187.00 10,311.36 2,144.00 190 14,642.36 152 1,552.89 Lake 2,439.00 64,588.26 16,780.00 2,575 83,807.26 Lee 4,684.00 11,870.78 1,973.00 268 18,527.78 Leon 11,667.00 31,354.02 11,134.00 1,207 54,155.02 1,052 10,200.00 Levy 2,277.00 40,286.98 4,639.00 515 47,202.98 Liberty 1,689.28 415.00 61 2,104.28 Madison 21,057.00 31,709.57 9,092.00 792 61,858.57 1,029 13,992.50 Manatee 15,563.00 27,624.63 6,378.00 896 49,565.63 Marion 1,122.00 52,948.13 7,344.00 974 61,414.13 Martin 3,202.86 265.00 36 3,467.86 Nassau ----------~152.00 4,327.90 1,083.00 95 5,562.90 :i:.. Okaloosa 16,102.00 6,586.94 6,147.00 566 28,835.94 529 14,476.76 ;:: ;:: Okeechobee 1,980.00 5,316.57 690.00 89 7,986.57 ;:: Orange 5,521.00 92,349.39 9,170.00 1,427 107,040.39 l'2.. Osceola 206.00 42,873.53 1,812.00 261 44,891.53 Palm Beach 69,895.00 33,034.64 2,252.00 301 105,181.64 "' ',:,. Pasco 18.00 39,905.29 3,322.00 631 43,245.29 "" .... Pinellas 21,961.98 4,350.00 _ 484 26,311.98 .:Polk 5,431.00 157,553.16 29,797.00 3,893 192,781.16 ...... Putnam 6,945.00 16,481.73 2,196.00 272 25,622.73 'O -I>. St. Johns 13,544.00 9,310.64 2,112.00 194 24,966.64 a St. Lucie ______________________ 3,577.00 17,837.25 4,034.00 476 25,448.25 Santa Rosa __________________ 30,737.00 6,331.28 9,314.00 899 46,382.28 871 28,812.54 Sarasota 3,119.00 16,192.96 786.00 111 20,097.96 Seminole 33,004.00 12,514.88 6,009.00 912 51,527.88 Sumter 6,072.00 25,402.10 5,906.00 636 37,380.10 21 265.27 Suwannee 11,502.00 46,425.26 10,313.00 854 68,240.26 977 9,689.90 Taylor 351.00 4,793.12 1,222.00 135 6,366.12 23 347.59 Union 1,974.00 11,233.95 2,396.00 236 15,603.95 Volusia 2,774.00 24,467.31 4,767.00 643 32,008.31 Wakulla 97.00 3,416.69 717.00 65 4,230.69 6 75.40 Walton 17,187.00 15,007.70 7,793.00 926 39,987.70 731 15,197.11 Washington 9,813.00 8,163.68 5,544.00 674 23,520,68 653 9,085.90 $587,794.00 $1,581,966.45 $302,454.00 36,706 $2,427,214.45 12,342 $229,312.17 N (;>


24 Florida Agricultural Extension Service In making these farm checks, aerial photographs were used in 13 entire counties and in portions of 7 others. Plane table maps and chain sketches were used in the areas for which photography was not available. For compliance w i th the provisions of the sugar program, Florida sugar producers were paid a total net payment of $592,525.61 for 1939. The acreage planted on these farms was 27 , 296.9 acres. The acreage har vested for sugar was 20,080.8 acres. The work of establishing acreage allotments for farms under the 1940 program began in November 1939. The acreage allotments for cot ton and tobacco were completed and the farm operators notified of their allotments prior to the marketing quota referendum for these crops on December 9, 1939. During the 1940 program year the following materials were made available to producers in Florida as conservation materials (grants of aid): Austrian winter peas, triple superphosphate, 20% superphosphate, dolomitic limestone, and standard ground limestone . These materials were purchased by the AAA through standard Government procedure and furnished to farmers participating in the program in lieu of an equivalent amount of cash payments. This has enabled many farmers to use these materials who would not otherwise have been able to do so. Requests for these conservation materials were executed in the county office and submitted to the State office for approval. A check was made on all requests submitted to this office to determine if the producer making the request for the material was eligible to receive a payment in 1940 sufficient to cover the cost to the Government of the material requested. MARKETING QUOTAS AND ACREAGE ALLOTMENTS In 1940 marketing quotas were in effect on both cotton and tobacco, being approved in the referendum on December 9, 1939. The tobacco marketing quota for the farm was the entire production from the allotted acres. This change in the quota provisions reduced the complaints and dissatisfaction very greatly and resulted in a very smooth operation of this phase of the program. Two review committees were set up to handle appeal cases. These committees completed their work and rendered decisions on all cases coming before them prior to the planting season. There were 38 indicated violations reported. Of this number, all except six or eight are either trivial or technical violations only. Less than 60 farms in the entire State harvested tobacco in excess of the farm marketing quota. Cotton quota work in 1940 proceeded in a satisfactory manner with very few complaints or violations. There were no cases to come before the review committee. The cotton mattress program was begun early in 1940. This pro gram is carried on cooperatively between the Agricultural Extension service, the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, and the Surplus Marketing Administration. Its purpose is twofold: (1) to provide deserv ing farm families in the low income group with adequate and comfort able cotton mattresses, and (2) to remove surplus cotton from trade channels. The program was operated in 1940 in 28 counties in Florida. Cotton and ticking for mattresses was delivered through the Agricultural Ad


Annual Report, 1940 25 jui;tment Administration offices in the various counties on the basis of approved applications for these materials filed by low-income farm families. The making of the mattresses is under the direction and super vision of the county home demonstration agent . Under the provisions of the Sugar Program 1940 proportionate acre age shares of 25,139.1 acres of sugar cane for sugar have been estab lished in four counties for 41 farms . The acreage planted for harvest in these four counties is 30,466 . 3. Work was started on the next year ' s program e arlier than in any past year. Before January 1, acreag e allotments for 1941 had been es tablished on cotton, tobacco, potatoes, commercial vegetables , and celery farms, and the farm operators were notified of the 1941 acreage allot ments for their farms.


26 , Florida Agricultural Extension S e rvice PART II MEN'S WORK COUNTY AGENTS' ACTIVITIES A. P. Spencer, County Agent Leader J . Lee Smith, District Agent W. T. Nettles, District Agent H. G. Clayton, District Agent R. S. Dennis , Assistant District Ag e nt A. E . Dunscombe, Assistant District Agent In the North and Northwest Florida Agricultural Extension Service district , Gulf County had a farm agent during 1940 for the first time. Central a nd Southern Florida district operations covered the same terri tory heretofore handled in this division. District agents found greater and greater need for supervisory work, covering the entire range of Extension undertakings. WORK WITH GENERAL FARMERS Farming in the North and Northwest Florida sections deals mostly with staple crops and the Extension endeavor is largely concentrated thereon. Two farm institutes were conducted, 17 farming tours, 17 tobacco grading demonstrations and one tobacco market inspection referendum. Soil conservation districts were formed in 8 of the 12 counties where they are needed. Federal Agricultural Adjustment Act administration functioned in all the counties. Coordination of the several government agencies, including agricul tural adjustment, farm security, vocational teaching and rural electrifica tion was sought at a series of conferences. Cotton variety tests were continued and showed that the leading varieties yielded 200 pounds of seed cotton more per acre than the old varieties. Land-use planning work was inaugurated in five counties. The story of what a better land-use program means in one county illustrates what it will mean in many. In this county there are 465,000 acres of cut over land that is adjudged to be no good for agricultural purposes, another 150,000 acres of good agricultural lands that should be in farms, yet is actually cut over land . There is another 50,000 acres in farms not in cultivation or pasture-may be suited or may not be-and only 30,000 acres in cultivation. Yet all the efforts of all agencies work ing in that county have been "funneled" down on the 30,000 acres . All know the 30,000 acres cannot pay all the taxes and otherwise support all of the 695,000 acres within the county. All the acres within the county must be put to work again, each acre being devoted to the thing for which it is best suited. County fairs conducted in the district were larger and better attend ed than had been held previously . Exhibitors generally received help from county agents in preparing their displays. Pasture exhibits were shown in four counties, which the District Agent assisted the county agents to prepare and stage . Camps of 4-H club members at Timpoochee proved outstanding summer events. Membership on the Florida committee of the Federal Farm Se curity Administration is held by the supervising agent for the North and Northwest Florida District and he appeared on the annual confer ence program.


Annual Report, 1940 27 EFFORT ON SPECIAL CROPS While the Central and Southern Florida district includes substantial areas where general farming is extensively practiced, it has more terri tory in which special crops dominate and the work during the year was planned accordingly. Farm record keeping became of increasing importance because so many fruit and vegetable growers operated on reduced margins. Records obtained and summarized totaling 3,081 covered citrus, vegetables, po tatoes and dairying. Pasture and forage activities took long strides forward. Aid from the Agricultural Adjustment Administration gave a great impetus to this work. Around 100,000 acres were planted to pastures, mostly with carpet grass and about 1,000 acres in clover. Beef cattle production and dairying both benefitted hugely from the pasture improvement plans. Truck growers experienced adverse weather conditions during the early part of 1940, in addition to the poor prices. Small growers seemed to fare better than the larger ones. Extension Service aid has un questionably helped the little producers to survive and they again re ceived special attention from the county agents of the district. Freezes destroyed much citrus fruit and the war situation ruined the export market. Meetings in which the Extension Service took a prominent part sought further to bring about coordinated marketing. At Camp McQuarrie the Citrus Institute held the most widely attended meeting in its seven years' history. Summarized as in previous years, the supervisory activities in the Central and Southern Florida District disclose that the district Agent accomplished the following: Made 164 visits to county agents for consultations, suggestions and promotion of plans of work. Made two visits to counties having no county agents to work with committees on agricultural problems. Held or took active part in 58 meetings with over 12,000 farmers and others to give educational information, promote special features of Ex tension work and discuss plans of work. Held 12 meetings with county commissioners adjusting misunder standings, getting appropriations, placing new county agents and dis cussing plans of work. Made four radio talks on timely agricultural subjects, in addition to making two talks over special farm hour broadcasts from farms and other places. Worked with county agents in conducting 14 farm tours to carry lessons of better practices to farmers. Held program building conferences with county agents in planning program of work. Made 20 addresses to organizations on agricultural information and the promotion of agricultural Extension work. Assisted in holding 4-H club camps with 26 counties with an at tendance of over 6,000 boys and girls. Director of citrus and poultry institutes at Camp McQuarrie for two weeks. Spent one week in 4-H Short Course work, and one week in annual conference. Spent 76 days in office attending to correspondence, working out plans for promotion of work and making out monthly and annual re ports.


28 Florida Agricultural Extension Servi ce AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS C. V . Noble, Agricultural Economist FARM MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES R. H. Howard , Extension Economist C . M . Hampson, Extension Economi s t V. V. Bowman, Extension Lead e r, Land-Use Planning J. C. Bedsole, Assi s tant Extension Economist Normal development took place in nearly all th e projects under way when 1940 began and the land-use planning program underwent considerable expansion during the year. CITRUS GROVE MANAGEMENT Growers record k e eping on th e Extension Service plan went ahead for the e leventh mark e ting season. Production costs shrank in the mean while from abov e one dollar to 44 cents , excluding owner's supervision. Grove accounts summarized during the period since the work began have been in accordance with Tabl e 2. TABLE 2.-CITRUS COSTS AND RET U RNS FIGURES HAVE BE E N SUMMARIZED ANNUALLY AS F O LLOW S , 193019311932193319341935193619371, 3 8193919403 1 32 33 3 4 35 36 37 3 8 3 9 4 0 * 4 1 * * Counties Lake 39 61 88 86 105 109 97 87 70 67 66 Polk 17 59 80 82 82 80 71 84 104 112 115 Orange _ _ ___ _ ___ _ ____ _ 46 42 48 44 60 59 57 51 43 42 44 Highlands _ _ __ _ 12 35 44 37 42 40 37 38 34 36 36 Others 5 12 8 14 36 38 38 45 41 47 49 Total _ ___ _ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ 119 209 268 263 325 326 300 305 292 304 310 * Estimate, based upon number of cost records completed as of August 31, 1940 . Fruit receipts will not be available until the crop of 194041 has been sold. ** Accounts started. POTATO AND CELERY STUDIES An economic study of the Dade County potato industry was continued for the sixth consecutive season. Twenty-two enterprise records were obtained, concerning more than 60 perc e nt of the total potato acreage in the section. A cost of production survey of celery was again made. Marketing outlay figures were secured from packinghouse books. OUT.LOOK CONFERENCE AND RECORD BOOKS An Extension Economist attended the annual outlook conference at Washington, D. C., as h e retofore and new plans were made thereafter for disseminating the information in Florida. Farm record books in two classes w e re furnished by the Extension Service. One went to 57 county agents and 176 vocational agriculture teachers. The other was received by 170 Negro farmers. LAND USE PLANNING Two State Committee meetings and numerous county and com munity gatherings took place during the year.


Annual Report, 1940 29 Programs have been planned and are operating at various stages in Columbia, Escambia, Jefferson, Lafayette, Palm Beach, Pinellas, Semi nole and Walton counties. A land-use exhibit was furnished upon request for the Slash Pine Forest and Farm Festival at Lake City. A similar display was supplied the Florida Fair in Tampa by the Bureau of Agricultural Economics. Four surveys have been made during the year, 11 since the b~ ginning of the project. Three preliminary reports have been accepted during the year by the State Committee, a total of six to date. One additional report has been reviewed by the State Committee, but is to be revised slightly before final acceptance. Still another report has been accepted by the county committee, but with requests for a few minor revisions. Reports for the remaining three counties are in manu script form and have not yet been released by the Joint Land Grant College--BAE Committee. There are now eight county land-use planning committees with elected officers and three that are without organization. All but one of the county committees were organized as a result of land-use planning activities. Seven counties are now pursuing one or more projects selected by the county committees. The membership of the county committee varies from 14 to 40, the majority of which is farm men and women. There are now 191 farm men and women serving on county committees. TRAVELING CONFERENCE Florida was host to a traveling conference of land-use planning specialists from Washington and elsewhere. Plans for the tour within the state were under the direct supervision of the BAE representative. More than 150 people took part in the conference here. Probably the most significant thing coming out of the conference was the statement of H. R. Tolley, chief of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics, that he was quite satisfied after six such conferences that moving large numbers of farm people because of their present unsatisfactory locations was an impracticability. The Extension Leader and State BAE representative conducted land use planning discussions in the following seminars: Soils, animal hus bandry, horticulture, and agricultural economics. MARKETING ACTIVITIES D. E. Timmons, Marketing Specialist As marketing problems became intensified, the Extension Service activities in that field took on renewed importance. CITRUS MARKETING Outlook information was supplied in meetings with county agents, growers and organization groups at numerous times during the year. County agents were called together at Winter Haven for the annual marketing school. Florida Citrus Growers, Inc., and the College of Agruculture (Exten sion Service and Teaching Division) are cooperating in a series of mar keting schools. Several preliminary meetings were held in working out plans for conducting these schools. A committee from Florida Citrus Growers, Inc., met with representatives of the Extension Service and College of Agriculture, Teaching Division, and developed a general program for these schools. It was finally decided that these schools


30 Florida Agricultural Extension Service would be held in five districts and that grower leaders from various parts of the district would be selected to attend these schools and they in turn would hold classes in their respective communities. It was also thought advisable to limit the number attending the class to 12 to 18 in order that full discussion could be given to the topics presented. These schools are now in progress and classes meet once every two weeks. They are being held in Leesburg, Lake County; Orlando, Orange County; Vero Beach, Indian River County; Bartow, Polk County; and Tampa, Hillsborough County. There have been three meetings of these classes and attendance to date has held up to about 85% of those registered. Several county agents and Smith-Hughes teachers are attending the ori ginal classes . Several grower leaders have already started classes in their communities and are being assisted in holding these community classes by county agents and Smith-Hughes teachers. COOPERATION WITH OTHER AGENCIES In addition to Florida Citrus Growers, Inc., the Extension Marketing Specialist has cooperated closely with sundry other trade and producer groups. Among these were the Florida Citrus Commission, the Florida Canners Association, the Florida Citrus Producers Trade Association, the United Growers and Shippers League and the Federal Surplus Marketing Administration. The Citrus Institute at Camp McQuarrie was attended and a re port made on the meeting of the National Institute of Cooperation. Copies of the summary of the mimeograph report of the meeting of this Institute were supplied those attending. A revised mimeographed report on citrus canning in Florida was prepared and copies were sup plied to growers. VEGETABLES AND .LIVESTOCK Time could not be devoted to the problems of vegetable growers in the proportions that would have been desirable, owing to the extra ordinary demand from other interests for Extension Service marketing assistance. State Farmers' Markets requested assistance in enlarging the volume handled through their facilities. Conferences were held with numerous managers and directors seeking to work out plans for the end desired. Local auction markets for livestock offered new difficulties . Sani tary conditions regarding handling, treatment in auction yards and such problems became so acute it was thought advisable to hold a meeting to discuss these problems. The first meeting was held in Ocala, April 12, 1940 , of auction market managers, packinghouse representatives, co operative sales managers and transportation officials to see if a plan looking toward a more satisfactory handling of sales throughout the State could be worked out. Another meeting was held in Gainesville and several committee meetings have been held since then. Representa tives of the Extension Service, State Marketing Bureau and State Live Stock Sanitary Board attended these meetings . Committees were ap pointed to work out recommendations with reference to decreasing bruising in hauling and while in yards. They also are working on plans for sanitary recommendations for auction yards.


Annual Report, 1940 31 FLORIDA COUNCIL OF FARMER COOPERATIVES Work on this project was continued from last year. The Extension Service Marketing Specialist , as secretary, was active in the preparations for and the conducting of the organization and first membership meet ing of the Council in Lakeland , June 7, 1940 . He was asked to continue as secretary in the formation activities of the council. Agricultural or ganizations represented included the Agricultural Extension Service, Farm Credit Administration, Florida Citrus Producers Trade Associa tion, Florida Citrus Growers, Inc., Farm Security Administration , Agri cultural Marketing Service , Florida State Marketing Bureau, Florida State Agricultural Marketing Board, Florida Citrus Commission, Ag ricultural Experiment Station , Agricultural Adjustment Administration, Florida Citrus Control Committee and United Growers and Shippers. At the completion of this meeting, the membership of the Council had advanced to include 27 cooperatives . At the time of writing the mem bership numbers 28. The council cooperated with the Farm Credit Administration in their annual stockholders meeting. Its president appeared on the program explaining the purposes and aims of the council and a number of its members discussed the topic of importance of reserves to a cooperative. Representatives of the council have been asked to appear before county agents and seminar groups and as indicated in the purposes of their organization they are working toward a better relationship between edu cational institutions and the cooperative marketing organizations. MARKETING AGREEMENTS Watermelon Marketing Agreement.-The watermelon marketing agreement was temporarily suspended during the past watermelon marketing season . An effort has been made to keep in touch with wa termelon growers and shippers and see whether they were interested in the agreement being continued or permanently discontinued. Celery Marketing Agreement.-The celery marketing agreement has not been in effect for some time and there does not seem to be demand for another agreement. Citrus Marketing Agreement.-A grade and size citrus marketing agreement is in effect and this year will probably determine whether -0r not growers will be satisfied to continue it.


32 Florida Agricultural Extension Service AGRONOMY ACCOMPLISHMENTS J. Lee Smith, Extension Agronomist Maintaining and increasing soil fertility continued to be a principal aim in the Extension agronomy endeavor. Six additional soil conserva tion districts were sponsored in water-eroded sections. Four are already fully organized and the other two will soon be functioning. Croplands terraced during the year ran around 1,000 acres. More acres were cultivated on the contour system than ever before. Green manure and cover crops on vegetable, grove and general farm lands approximated 1,000,000 acres. Tonnage was smaller than usual, owing to summer and fall drouths. Winter legumes, such as Austrian peas and vetch, occupied a com paratively small acreage. Corn and other crops were intercropped with summer legumes on about 350,000 acres. To these cover crops and legume pastures there has been applied 25,000 tons of superphosphate, 20,000 tons of basic slag and approxi mately 80,000 tons of ground limestone this year. Soil conserving practices were followed on approximately 40,000 farms, 75 percent of the places participating in the Federal program. CORN AND OTHER FEED CROPS To again stimulate the farmers' interest in growing feed, the District Agent and Agent in Animal Husbandry assisted county agents in , conducting a series of meetings in their respective counties just prior to planting time. These meetings were followed up by sending circular letters to a large part of the producers, calling their attention to the in, creased gains secured by interplanting their corn with peanuts and properly spacing their peanuts. Another letter was sent calling their attention to the amount of seed needed for planting an acre of peanuts spaced properly. Again placards remained placed in county agents' of fices and other places where farmers assembled often, calling attention to the benefit of these practices. More landplaster and dolomite have been used during 1940 on or under peanuts in the Northwestern part of the state to make them fill out than ever before. The Extension Service persuaded the fertilizer dealers to stock it last year. They continued to stock it this year. On many different tests results were recorded showing solid peanuts again in creased in yield. These tests were made on land that had shown signs of need. In 1935 the Extension Service began a very definite program to teach producers the value of and how to get larger peanut yields. By spacing runners 6 to 8 inches and Spanish 4 to 5 inches in the drill they could secure a 30 to 50 percent increase for only additional seed cost. At that time they were growing approximately 45,000 acres with an average yield of 525 pounds per acre. Acreage and yield have both grown steadily since that time. During 1940 they have harvested ap proximately 90,000 acres which produced an average of 725 pounds per acre. It should be noted that this has been accomplished through teaching alone, without subsidy or coercion, and contrary to the usual results of lowering the yield per acre while acreage was expanding. On this basis alone this lesson is now worth annually a quarter of a million


Annual Report, 1940 33 dollars to the growers of the original 45,000 acres and on 90,000 acres its value annually is one-half million dollars. HAY, FORAGE AND SORGHUM The planting of velvet beans among the corn and peanuts for grazing during the winter was increased this year and suitable weather made an excellent feed crop. Sorghum has been grown about as usual by the dairymen and oth ers for silage. Some grow corn. There has been but slight increase. Very little sugarcane was grown, put up as dry forage or ensiled this fall because of stubbles killed last winter. Farmers made the largest number of plantings of Napier grass to provide grazing and silage that have ever been made in one year. The production of legume hay has been increased in Florida this year, and the quality of it is excellent. There are 50,000 tons of peanut vine hay on hand and a good production of the finest peavine hay the state has ever produced. Alyce clover produces a high quality hay that is easily cured and some of the lighter soils were producing fair tonnages where conditions were right. It appeared to need fertilizing. The county agents attempted by demonstrations established on all soil types to determine its adapta tion and then by comparative fertilizer demonstrations to determine what fertilizer or corrective soil treatments were practical. PERMANENT PASTURES Pasture tours retained their popularity. Farmers not only again at tended them by the hundreds but they were taken part in by U.S.D.A. officials, chambers of commerce officers, bankers, merchants and others. During the years 1936 to 1940 there has been an expansion in pas ture acreage throughout the state; however, the larger part has been in Central and South Florida. Much of it has been range-partly wood land-in its natural state fenced up. Power rotary brush and palmetto cutters have been brought into use for destroying the native vegetation, such as palmetto, gallberry, and myrtle . Highlands and lowlands, hills and hammocks, loams and muck lands, as well as prairies, have been turned into pasture. Farm visits, personal calls, demonstrations, circu lar letters, and AAA payments have all been used in promoting and helping in this development. As a result hundreds of farmers and cat tlemen have converted acres of these lands into permanent pastures. The record by years is as follows : 19361,635 1938-62,189 1937-30,990 1939-88,179 1940-140,000 approximated Total-322,993 EXHIBITS County agents arranged and supervised a number of exhibits re• lating to pasture and feed crops at numerous county fairs and at the State Fair in Tampa. Hays, grains and forage and pasture crops were dis played to advantage . Both county agents and the State staff participated in arrangements for showing the special Livestock, Forage Crops and Forestry special exhibit train which was shown in 53 towns of 42 counties along the lines of the Atlantic Coast Line and Louisville and Nashville railroads


34 Florida Agri c ultural Extension S e rvi ce Fig. 1.-Part of the forage crops display on the special agricultural exhibit train which toured Florida from November 7 to December 4, 1940. from November 7 to Decemb e r 4. A good part of one car of this train was devoted to exhibits of hays, grains, grasses , clovers, and other forage an,:l feed crops , and proved of interest to the 62 , 268 visitors. UPLAND COTTON TESTS To test out strains and varieties produced by the breeders more re cently , the Extension Agronomist for the second year arranged with the breeders to furnish seed of their most promising strains or varieties and with and through th e county ag e nts 18 variety comparative demon strations were established. Although the weather was somewhat unfav oral.Jle for cotton production the tests cam e through. The yields were better this year than last. For the first time this year cotton improvement associations have been organized in the short cotton belt of the area. The cotton variety demonstration work of the year before stimulated an interest in this work. These demonstrations gave the county agents confidence in the production of some of the better longer staple varieti e s. As a result there were seven one-cotton improvement associations organized, rep resenting 1,563 acres. SEA ISLAND COTTON The Sea Island cotton acreage is smaller than it was in 1937 and 1938, but a little larger than in 1939. It is scattered over a large area. Congress two years ago provided for grade and staple service for one-variety cotton communities. Thirteen of the 14 county one-variety Sea Isl and cotton community organizations set up in 1939 were contin ued and several hundred bales have been graded by the classers of the


Annual Report, 1940 35 BAE grade and staple service. This service has been of much value, it is believed. They will all be approached concerning the use of certified seed for their 1941 plantings. The Extension Service has kept its production and harvesting pro gram well before the producers for the last four years. Through meetings, by personal contacts and circular letters, the producers have been ad vised to use bushel of seed per acre, the use of kainit and muriate of potash in their fertilizers in the central part of the state where the soil carries a high phosphatic content, proper spacing, and the most desirable time of planting. The farmers are learning better how to do the job of producing and handling. The Extension Service by the same methods brought to the at tention of the growers the benefit to be derived by proper preparation picking, sorting, and drying-before taking it to the gin. The ginners were also told what it meant to them to see that it was dry before ginning. The reports received from graders indicate that the producers and ginners have done a better job this year in preparing cotton for gin ning than last year. More growers followed these recommendations in 1940 than ever before. FLUE-CURED TOBACCO Just a few weeks before the market opened the Tobacco Section of the BAE again assisted the Extension Agronomist and county agents in holding many grading demonstrations throughout the flue-cured to bacco growing area. These meetings were attended by a great many of the flue-cured growers of the state, and did much good. Again this year the Extension Service undertook to detect and assist farmers in control of blue mold. These demonstrations taught many farmers there is an effective method of control. The Service was ready to assist this year but the blue mold did not appear. The Extension Service conducted a referendum this spring to de termine whether growers desired compulsory inspection on the Live Oak market. The county agents having attended markets last year where such inspection was being done and saw how farmers could, and were using such properly, informed farmers what it was, how it would work, and how they could us it, by circular letters and community meetings with a result that the producers approved it by a big ma jority. 'l'here were approximately 5,000,000 pounds inspected on the Live Oak market this year and a good educational job done. MISCELLANEOUS ACTIVITIES Oats, sweet potatoes and sugarcane were other crops with which the Extension Agronomist concerned himself, much the same as pre viously. There has been very close and extended cooperation with the Agricultural Conservation Associations, Soil Conservation and Farm Se curity Administrations. The work with the AAA has been in setting up and recommending soil conservation practices to the State Committee, at tending meetings and explaining the Triple A provisions to the growers, and sending communications to growers and urging them to use the assistance offered them in putting good soil conserving practices into, use. The principal cooperation the Agronomist has given the soil conserv ation districts has been in helping to formulate the agronomy features of their programs. He has kept Farm Security workers and vocational agricultural teachers fully acquainted with the best practices to be fol lowed in the production of field crops.


36 Florida Agricultural Extension Service ANIMAL HUSBANDRY, DAIRYING AND POULTRY A. L. Shealy, Animal Industrialist Extension Service activities in these three closely related fields took on additional importance during 1940, with the state-wide movement for better beef and pork, higher quality milk and butter, and more eggs and poultry products in the first grade. ANIMAL HUSBANDRY Walter J. Sheely, Animal Husbandman Beef cattle possibilities in Florida are attracting widespread atten tion and the Animal Husbandman answered many letters from invest ors and others who wanted information on the subject. Fairs, sales and shows played a more important part than ever in building up confidence among Florida farmers that they can produce beef and pork as good as any that the country furnishes. Breeding stock selection made further and substantial progress in the period covered by this report. Feeder stock from Florida was bought by cattlemen in other states more numerously than ever before. A further result of selection has been demonstrated at the Florida Fat Stock Show where this year 67 steers, or 24 percent of the cattle in the show, graded choice and 92, or 35 percent, graded good , whereas in former years medium and common grades predominated . FEEDER CATTLE SHOWS The first Florida feeder cattle show was sponsored by the Alachua County Livestock Association and held in Gainesville on October 2, 1940. A total of 315 head were on exhibit. Included were a few purebred breeding animals from local herds that were good representatives of the breeds. The steers were graded by weight and quality and shown as singles, pens of three, pens of 10, and carlots of 15. The entire show was a decided improvement in grade, quality, and size over the average of eight and 10 years ago. Alachua County furnished approximately 70 percent of the feeder cattle finished out for the Florida Fat Stock Show where 279 finished steers were on exhibit. On October 30 the Osceola County Livestock Association put on a feeder show in connection with their range cattle . This was the first att e mpt made to hold this class of show in the Kissimmee Valley. Most of the steers showed Hereford and Brahman blood. TYPICAL MEETINGS ATTENDED In a two days' conference at Camp Timpoochee, the Extension Ani mal Husbandman instructed county agents, vocational teach e rs, and Farm Security workers with reference to hogs, beef cattle and work stock. At Lake City, he instructed Farm Security supervisors in hog work and meat supply. At both Camp Timpoochee and Camp Cherry Lake Farmers' Institutes, he outlined swine production and home meat supply with reference to better living and national defense. The Extension Animal Husbandman served on a committee to work out plans and ethical methods of operating livestock auction markets. He met with a committee of the State Chamber of Commerce on policies relating to cattle development and forestry work. He attended meetings of Southern extension directors and district agents at Auburn, Alabama.


Annual Report, 1940 37 FLORIDA FAT STOCK SHOW AND SALE Again the Florida Fat Stock Show and Sale at Jacksonville proved a huge success . Held on February 27 and 28 for the sixth consecutive year, the event constituted an outstanding step in cattle industry progress. The grand champion steer was a Florida bred and raised Hereford that graded prime; weighed 1,155 pounds; dressed 67.01 percent; age 19 months; bred by T . D. Matthews; fed out by George Duke; sold for 50 cents per pound. The reserve champion was a Florida raised steer that graded choice and sold for 32 cents; weighed 675 pounds; ' dressed 64.75 percent; age 11 months; bred and fed out by A. L. Jackson. TABLE 3 . -SuMMARY REPORT OF ANNUAL FAT STOCK Snows AND SALES FOR FOUR YEARS, JACKSONVI L LE, FLORIDA. 1940 1939 1938 1937 No. of cattle sold ___ __ 279 408 177 535 Total weight (lbs.) __ 225,580 304,425 144,010 455,180 Average price per lb. $0.1011 $0.1014 $0.1071 $0.0972 Average weight p e r steer (pounds) ___ 808 746 813 832 Average price per head ______ _ _ _ _ _ _ $81.78 $75.68 $87.17 $80 . 94 Total sales $22,817.62 $30,879.02 $15,429.45 $43,302.77 No. of exhibitors _ _ _ _ __ 63 58 12 50 No . club boys exhibiting ___ ___ _ _ __ 49 81 23 21 No. 4-H club calves . _ 83 94 39 32 No . 4-H judging teams 12 11 10 7 Prjre of grand champion steer ____ ____ ___ 50c 57c 56c 32 1 hc No . of Florida counties sending cattle __ _ _ 10 15 10 16 WORK FOR IMPROVED SWINE Jn further pushing the "Raise Healthy Pigs" campaign, an impressive poster was prepared and distributed. Circular letters were also exten sively utilized as heretofore. Practically every county agent in the hog producing areas reported increased interest along that line. Hogs shows were held during 1940 at Bonifay, Bushnell, Jay, Lake City, Live Oak, Marianna, Ocala, Quincy, and Tallahassee. Activities with 4-H clubs increased the supply of purebred and high grade swine. There are 60 meat curing plants in the State. One was built at Webster. The one at Williston burn e d last season and was rebuilt this season. The one at Madison was overhauled and the capacity doubled. There is no doubt but ther e is being more meat cured in cold storage in Florida than was the case last year or any year before . Four plants in one county are reported to have cured 1,100,000 pounds . Twenty-three plants report four million pounds cur e d last season. WORKSTOCK PROGRAM As previously, this endeavor sought to enlarge the Florida output of horse and mule colts. Objections that the animals could not stand heavy work have been gradually overcome.


Fig. 2 .This farm mare with her mule colts is helping to supply good work stock on the farm . Counties are numerous in which the farm agents reported increased breeding of workstock. Hors es and mules home-raised furnished exhib its for numerous shows and attracted general attention. DAIRYING Hamlin L . Brown, Extension Dair yman Family cows were again a first concern in the 1940 Extension dairy plans. Between 42,000 and 43,000 milk cows supplied rural homes during the period . Dairy animals furnishing milk to city and town residents numbered from 68,000 to 72,000. About 14,000 farmers produced milk as market dairymen. Lack of winter grazing crops and storage forage is a problem that prevents the spread of farm dairying in Florida. With the Triple A pro gram gradually cutting down cotton acreage and other soil depleting crops and with the Soil Conservation program and other programs fur nishing financial aid to help farmers change their type of farming, we are getting a changed attitude toward old style farming in Florida. County agents are beginning to understand thoroughly the purpose of the Triple A in offering aid in forms of fertilizers, pastures, and soil building crops, which is building the foundation for farm dairying in many counties of Florida. Thirty to 40 , 000 tons of blackstrap molasses were produced last year in th 1 e sugarcane growing sections of the State. The storage of grass and legwne silages treated with blackstrap molasses offers an answer to som e of the forage problems confronting dairymen, not only in Florida but throughout the entire Southeast. FEEDING DEMONSTRATIONS The cooperation of various agencies including the Agricultural Ad justment Administration, Soil Conservation Service, Production Credit Associations , and others with the county agents has advanced feed growing demonstrations in 1940. Extreme cold weather in early 1940


Annual Report, 1940 39 with limited rainfall in September, October, and November were serious handicaps to overcome. This cold weather killed probably 80 percent of the forage canes and Napier grass plantings in North and West Florida and probably 60 percent of the forage canes, Napier grass, and Para: grass plantings in South Florida. County agents are busy re-establishing these plantings in various parts of the state. These grasses are adapted to types of soil where sod grasses and many forage crops do not grow successfully. Unfavorable weather in 1940 reduced the results of winter grazing crops. However, with better practices of fertilization and man agement, dairymen are continuing to seed winter grazing crops of oats and rye. Annual reports of county agents show that more than 70 percent of the counties in the state having county agents are conducting demon strations in winter clovers of White Dutch, California Bur, Persian, and some of the other varieties, including Black Medic and Hop in certain counties of the State . Silos in the State were practically all filled during 1940. Yields of hay from peanuts, peavines, soybeans and kudzu were probably the largest in 10 or 15 years. Sorghum silage once more proved the most satisfactory for general use throughout Florida. HOME DAIRY WORK Close cooperation of county agents and Farm Security workers has resulted in the addition of about 2,700 family cows during 1940. The purchase of baby calves from market milk dairies has proven a very prac tical method of placing family cows on farms. These calves usually cost about $3.00 each and are delivered to th e farmer for less than $5.00 each. A common practice is to grow out these calves for the first few months on a nursing cow, using from two to four calves per cow. This method of growing the family cows with the farmer on the farm seems to prove popular with a large number of low-income farm families. Counties doing outstanding work along this line are Pasco, Hernan do, Sumter, Volusia, Duval, Baker, Columbia, Suwannee, Alachua, Un ion , Holmes, Hamilton, Jefferson, Lee, Madison, Nassau, Okaloosa, Osceola, Washington, Pinellas, Hardee, and Wakulla. In the family cow program, agents are giving more attention to Napier grass and forage canes (and Napier grass and Para grass in the southern section) as feeds adapted to dry soil types where many rural people are located. 4-H CLUB DAIRY PROGRAM The group of 4-H club boys attending the State Short Course in Gainesville in June gave evidence of very substantial improvement in the type of boys doing 4-H club work, although there probably are not as large numbers enrolled in club work as in former years. There are 34 county agents who have club boys enrolled with 4-H club calves. Trips to the National Dairy Show offered each year by a large cheese manufacturing concern have done much in creating interest among farm boys in growing dairy heifers. This demonstration contest for choosing the winners is held at the time of the 4-H club conference in June in Gainesville. HERD IMPROVEMENT TESTING Dairy herd improvement association testing was done in 25 coun ties representing all sections of the State.


40 Florida Agricultural Extension Service The wages paid dairy herd testers are $5.00 a day and board. Thirty cows are the minimum with 15c per cow additional up to 40 cows as a maximum day's work. There are 13 dairies doing official Advanced Registry and Register of Merit testing with 135 cows on test. The number of herds on official test is being increased each year. CATTLE CLUB SALES The Florida Guernsey Cattle Club and the Florida Jersey Cattle Club each conducted an annual sale in 1940. The Guernsey sale had 33 animals at auction in Largo. Through the splendid cooperation of Coun ty Agent J. H. Logan, his dairymen, the Kiwanis Club, county commis sioners, and others, this was a very successful sale. The Florida Jersey Cattle Club held its annual sale at DeLand. The county agent, in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce, Kiwanis Club, dairymen, and other leaders in Volusia County, staged a very successful sale. The Florida Guernsey Cattle Club, in cooperation with the Georgia Guernsey Cattle Club, held a sale at Quitman in September 1940. It was agreed that, in 1941, this joint sale be held at some point in North Florida. The Guernsey Cattle Club field day was held in early May at Vero Beach with W. E. Sexton as host. Mr. Sexton presented an interesting demonstration in the growing of grade Guernseys at his farm and in . the production and growing of pasture and silage crops. This field day was very helpful and interesting to dairymen from the Lower East Coast. DISEASE AND PARASITE CONTROL The State Live Stock Sanitary Board and Dr. T . H. Applewhite, inspector in charge of the U. S. Bureau of Animal Industry at Jackson ville, conducted the Bang's disease eradication program and other dis ease and parasite control work. Thirty percent of the counties are definitely doing parasite control work. Some counties are making real progress. Duval, Broward, Palm Beach, Leon, Pinellas, Orange, and Volusia counties are giving parasite control work careful consideration in their dairy program. FAIRS AND SHOWS The Extension Dairyman cooperated with the Pinellas County show in which 47 dairy animals were shown with more than 15,000 people in attendance. The dairy show in January in Pinellas County is one of the feature educational contacts our dairymen have in that area. Duval, Holmes and Jackson counties held educational shows with dairy cows. The Duval County show has been a regular event and serves a valuable purpose as an educational exhibit for the milk consumers of that area. The one-day dairy show at Bonifay created wide interest with the townspeople and farmers in Holmes County. A judging contest with 4-H club girls and boys and Smith-Hughes boys created wide interest among junior club members. The display of butter, cheese, milk, cream, and other milk products in the women's department served a valuable purpose in arousing the interest of farm women in the educational fea ture of the one-day dairy show. County Agent Bell reported 1,100 peo ple in attendance at the educational judging during the day.


Annual Report, 1940 41 Joe Malone arranged one of the best county exhibits we have ever seen of different pasture and forage crops in an educational lay-out at his county fair in Marianna in November, 1940. DAIRY EVENTS AT UNIVERSITY The annual meeting of the State Dairymen's Association held at Gainesville on October 7 and 8 was well attended by representative dairymen from all parts of the state. One hundred and seven dairymen attended this meeting and a very valuable paper on records and herd improvement work was given by J. A. Arey, Extension Dairyman of North Carolina. Members of the Agricultural Experiment Station staff, including the dairy and agronomy section, were most generous in their cooperation. POULTRY KEEPING Norman R. Mehrhof, Extension Poultryman D. F. Sowell, Extension Poultryman E. F. Stanton, Supervisor Egg-Laying Contest Extension Poultry Specialists visited 38 counties during the year, assisting. farm and home demonstration agents. A poultry exhibit was arranged in connection with the operation of the agricultural train making 53 stops in South, Central, and North west Florida. Over 68,000 people viewed the exhibit. The hatchery industry is responding to the National Poultry Im provement Plan. During the past year approximately 57 percent of the hatching capacity of Florida was operating under the rules and regula tions. FLORIDA NATIONAL EGG-LAYING TEST The Fourteenth Florida National Egg-Laying Test, Chipley, started October 1, 1939, and ended September 21, 1940. There were 96 pens of 13 pullets each from 23 different states. Breeders from 10 different counties entered 19 pens. The average egg production per bird was figured on the basis of the original number of birds and was 192.9 eggs for a value of 197.3 points. This is an increase of 9.5 eggs and 12.3 points above the record made the previous year. October 1, 1940, the fifteenth test started, with all available pens filled. RATION AND PRODUCT PRICES Monthly prices for poultry rations for each of the last five years compared with the 1926-29 base period are indicated in Table 4. Daily prices on eggs and poultry meat are quoted by the State Mar keting Bureau, at Jacksonville, Tampa and Miami. The quotations on the Jacksonville market have been tabulated and studied over a period of years and sent to cooperators. The average monthly and yearly prices of poultry products for the base period (October 1, 1926-September 30, 1939) and for the past five years (1936-1940) are tabulated in Tables 5, 6, and 7.


42 Florida Agricultural Extension Service TABLE 4.-MONTIILY PRICE OF PouLTRY , ;,: RATIO N.; ,_ BASED ON JACKSONVILLE QUOTATIO J S. Base Period Month 1926-1929 ' 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 October 2.78 2.43 2.28 1.88 2.09 2.02 November 2.72 2.48 2.12 1.85 2 . 10 2.06 December 2.72 2.57 2.06 1.85 2.15 January 2.73 2.12 2.77 2.12 1.93 2.19 February 2.77 2 . 10 2.67 2.13 1.94 2.19 March 2.78 2.12 2.62 2.10 1.93 2 . 17 April 2.78 2.11 2.71 2.06 1.95 2.19 May 2.81. 2 . 11 2.76 2.03 2.00 2.23 June 2.85 2.10 2.72 1.99 2.01 2.16 July 2.90 2.23 2.65 1.99 1.94 2.09 August 2.87 2.42 2.51 1.94 1.89 2.04 September 2.84 2.43 2.37 1.89 2.05 1.99 Average 2.80 2.27 2.52 1.99 2.00 **2.12 **11 months' average TABLE 5.-MoNTHLY PRICES oF No . 1 (GRADE A 24-0UNCE) WHITE EGGS* (CENTS PER DOZEN). Base Period Month 1926-1929 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 October 56.4 38.4 38.1 36.3 32.4 36.4 November 57.0 41.9 39.6 36.8 33.9 36.3 December 52.0 43.4 38.0 40.1 30.9 January 45.9 33.5 29.4 32 . 5 30.8 31.4 February 34 .3 31.2 27.5 26.6 24.3 26.8 March 31.0 23 . 5 25.1 22.2 21.6 20 . 7 April 29.4 22.9 25.5 22.3 21.9 20.8 May 28.8 24.1 24.2 25.0 22.6 21.2 June 32.3 25.7 25.8 25.7 23 .0 23.5 July 36.6 31.9 30.1 31.5 29.1 28.8 August 42.1 34 . 0 33.0 32.8 29.6 31.7 September 47.5 37.5 37.2 36.3 28.8 34.5 Average 41.1 32.3 31.1 30.7 27.4 28.4* * *Wholesale quotations by State Marketing Bureau, Jacksonville, Florida . .,.11 months' average.


Annual Report, 1940 43 rABLE 6.-MoNTHLY PRicEs oF HEAVY HENs* (CENTS PER PouND). Base Period Month 1926-1929 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 October 28.1 19.6 18 . 7 20.2 16.9 18.5 November 26.9 19.6 20.3 21.0 17.9 17.8 December 26.5 18.7 20.7 21.2 15.3 January 26.6 20.0 18.7 20.1 21.4 16.2 February 27.1 19.9 19.3 19.0 20.7 16.7 March 27 . 9 19 . 5 18 . 6 19.9 20.4 17.5 April 27.6 20.3 18.5 19.7 21.1 17.5 May 27.0 20.8 19.0 19.0 19.3 17.1 June 25.7 20.5 19.5 19.3 18.8 16 . 2 July 24 . 5 20.9 16.8 19.4 17.8 15.5 August 25.2 20.7 16.0 18.7 18.2 16 . 1 September 27.0 20.2 17.5 20.2 16.9 16.5 Average 26.7 20.1 18.6 19.8 18.7 16.9** *Wholesale quotations by State Marketing Bureau, Jacksonville, Florida. **11 months' average. TABLE ?.-MONTHLY PRICES OF HEAVY FRYERS* (CENTS PER POUND). Base Period Month 1926-1929 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 October 33 . 8 21.2 27.1 22.9 22.0 19.6 November 34.9 20.5 26.7 23.0 23.3 18.8 December 36.2 20.0 27.7 23.6 22.1 January 38 . 3 25.5 22.3 25.8 23.4 22.0 February 39 . 1 25.6 24.3 24.6 21.6 21.8 March 41.0 27.0 24.1 27.2 21.9 22 . 8 April 42 . 7 27.2 27.0 27.8 24.8 22.6 May 39.9 25.7 24.1 24 . 0 22.0 24.3 June 37.2 23 . 5 25 . 3 21.8 21.8 23.2 July 32.4 23.1 25.5 20.5 22.5 21.4 August 30.8 22.6 24 . 5 21.6 21.9 20.5 September 32.7 22.3 25.8 22.9 21.0 21.5 Average 36.6 23.7 25.4 23.8 22.4 21.7** *Wholesale quotations by State Marketing Bureau, Jacksonville, Florida; **11 months' average. RELATION OF POULTRY RATION INDEX TO EGG, HEN AND FRYER INDICES Changing feed prices and poultry product prices have a direct in fluence on the profits that may be expected and also on the type of poultry extension work that can be und e rtaken. Table 8 shows the relationship of feed to poultry products for the past five years (1936 1940). The base period used is the 3-year average (1926 1929) .


44 Florida Agricultural Extension Service TABLE 8.-RELATION OF PouL1RY RArION INDEX TO EGG, HEN, FRYER INDICES. RATIO Eggs to feed Hens to feed Fryers to feed RATIO Eggs to feed Hens to feed Fryers to feed RATIO Eggs to feed Hens to feed Fryers to Feed RATIO Eggs to feed Hens to feed Fryers to feed RATIO Eggs to feed Hens to feed Fryers to feed 1936 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. 94 119 100 103 109 108 113 99 92 78 81 87 96 96 92 97 100 108 110 98 87 80 80 75 86 86 87 84 83 85 92 87 81 72 65 58 1937 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. 66 83 86 93 86 84 90 90 94 83 88 96 72 74 71 71 71 80 70 72 78 82 96 103 60 64 63 67 61 72 87 92 95 99 99 101 1938 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. 91 101 95 103 121 114 124 115 115 94 96 111 97 91 95 96 97 107 114 109 112 106 115 116 86 82 87 88 83 84 91 103 104 100 97 94 1939 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. 94 101 101 106 110 100 119 106 85 76 77 75 113 109 104 109 100 103 109 109 88 80 87 73 86 79 77 83 77 83 103 108 89 87 83 77 1940 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. 85 99 86 90 94 96 110 106 102 90 84 76 78 81 80 80 83 88 90 87 92 87 71 71 72 67 77 82 92 94 95 90 79 The egg-feed ratio in 1940 was more favorable than either the hen feed ratio or the fryer-feed ratio THIRD ANNUAL POULTRY INSTITUTE The Third Annual Poultry Institute was held at Camp McQuarrie, August 19 to 24, 1940. The Florida State Poultry Producers' Association held its annual meeting, and the Florida Poultry Council held its sum mer meeting during the Poultry Institute. The various State agencies and poultry associations cooperated with the Agricultural Extension Service in developing the program and in making arrangements for a large attendance. A greater number of poultry raisers spent the entire week this year than during either of the other two institutes. ACTIVITIES ON A CONTINUING BASIS Extension recommendations were followed by 2,859 families in purchasing baby chicks, 3,733 in chick rearing and 3,784 in sanitation for disease and parasite control. Production feeding practices had observance in 3,254 families and an organized, improved breeding plan was followed by 1,119 families. Poultrymen keeping calendar flock records culled 35 percent of their flocks.


Annual Report, 1940 45 Cooperation in the National Poultry Improvement Plan was again extended through the State Poultry Service Veterinarian. Turkey special work was don e during the year in eight Central and North Florida counties. Other than demonstrations, a total of 343 poultry meetings were held in th : 2 months. BUILDINGS FOR POULTRY ! l uring 1940 , 423 poultry buildings were erected or improved. P.. 10' x 12' portable all-purpose poultry house has proved satisfac tory t o a large number of poultrymen. This house is used to brood 250 day c,ld chicks , grow the pullets from these chicks to maturity, and house 85 layers. The cost of building this house is $35 to $50, depending upon the cost of material. This makes a complete unit at a low cost that the average farm family, in need of additional income, can afford to build. Since the house is a complete unit, it makes expansion of the poultry project easy and practical. JUNIOR POULTRY WORK Poultry work with 4-H club boys and girls is carried on in every county which has an agricultural extension agent. Record books have been distributed to all members e nrolled in the poultry, numbering 2 ,46 5. Projects were completed by 1 , 301 club mem bers. Poultry raising was taught at the Girls' and the Boys ' 4-H Club Short Courses and the 4-H camps. To stimulate interest in poultry work and record keeping, a StateFig. 3.-Scene in the poultry car of the special agricultural ex hibit train which toured Florida from November 7 to December 4.


46 Florida Agricultural Extension Servic e wide 4-H Club Poultry and Egg Show and Judging Contest is held at the Central Florida Exposition in Orlando in February of each year . Five hundred birds and 112 dozen eggs were exhibited last Febru ary. The 45 club members participating in the judging contest were required to judge five classes of exhibition birds, select two classes of breeders and judge two classes of eggs . Th e winning teams to date have been as follows : Alachua County boys in 1937; Pasco County boys in 1938; Lake County boys in 1939; and Dade County girls in 1940. Each of these teams has represented Florida in the National 4-H Poultry Judging Contest at the National 4 H Club Congress in Chicago. CALENDAR FLOCK RECORDS During October 1940, 450 record books were distributed to Florida poultrymen. Summaries of the monthly reports, together with feed, egg and poul try prices were sent cooperators each month . The records run from October 1 to Sept e mber 30 . The sixteenth year ' s r e cord was started October 1, 1940. TABLE 9.-FLORIDA CALENDAR FLOCK RECORD SUMMARY, 19391940 Number of farmers _ __ ________ __ 24 Average number birds ______ 15,735 Average No. birds per farm 656 Average No. eggs per bird 176 Average percent culled 35 Average percent mortality 17 19381939 27 12,574 466 175 37 16 Flocks Classified According to Size 19371938 25 11,189 448 160 56 21 25-250 251-500 Over 500 Birds Birds Birds Total number of flocks 1937-38 -------8 8 9 1938-39 12 6 9 1939-40 6 7 11 Average size of flock 1937-38 104 279 902 1938-39 120 277 1,052 1939-40 159 288 1,160 Average number eggs per bird 1937-38 162 186 152 1938-39 ---------------158 177 178 1939-40 t 184 182 175 BROil,ER PRODUCTION With the increase in int e rest in broiler production in many sections of the State, broiler record books were prepared during the summ e r of 1940. Approximately 100 record books have be e n distributed to pro ~ ducers . The great majority of books are located in Dade and Duval counties. Plans are being developed to study costs and returns in pro.: ducing broilers and factors affecting returns.


Annual Report, 1940 47 BOYS' 4-H CLUB WORK R. W. Blacklock, State Boys' Club Agent In counties which have Agricultural Extension Service agents, 5,080 club members were enrolled, mostly boys, of 15,299 boys available. Clubs reported during 1940 numbered 259, one less than in the pre ceding year, but some improvement developed in the local leadership. Project work was less satisfactory on the whole than at one time, largely because county agents could devote so little time to 4-H club activities. The average time spent on club work including attendance at camp and short course was 9.7%, or an average of 29 days per year per agent. Of the 29 days spent on boys' club work by agents, 9 days were spent attending camps and short course, leaving but 20 days for club work in the county. TABLE 10 . -BOYS AVAILABLE FOR CLUB WORK AND ENROLLMENT A.',D REPORTS BY COUNTIES, 1940 . >, 0 u Alachua 1,301 Baker 419 Bradford 796 Brevard** 686 Broward*• 535 Columbia 914 Dade** 1,587 DeSoto 435 Duval 1,021 Gilchrist 518 Hamilton 633 Hardee** 1,471 Levy 726 Marion 1,886 Nassau 565 Okeechobee** 259 P . Beach** 1,037 Pasco 1,237 Putnam 808 St. Johns 472 Seminole** 942 Sumter 928 St. Lucie** 391 Union 523 Volusia** 2,572 TOTAL S.E. 0 z ... r:: Q) .E ...... 0 M & O> <") O> .... 434 197 139 88 265 59 131 52 107 321 64 317 133 87 97 340 193 172 20 211 300 78 242 628 232 155 83 52 23 207 108 412 477 269 41 157 43 188 0 309 220 78 174 60 514 39 .3 M 0 r:: ca C!l 196 1 66 -20 20 -39 63 +11 66 + 2 93 -30 40 -57 196 + 3 16 4 60 -18 130 -102 86 + 3 26 + 3 131 + 23 479 + 2 69 + 28 42 1 200 20 13 + 13 53 7 61 + 22 1939 1940 Reports Reports No. % No . % 63 32 34 38 10 17 16 30 46 72 37 30 50 51 120 62 10 50 50 64 136 60 50 60 20 84 78 72 399 84 33 80 43 100 206 93 45 75 20 51 75 37 + 5 2 3 -37 7 35 +25 9 14 -16 36 54 -18 39 31 + 1 25 60 + 9 146 74 +12 12 75 +25 35 58 6: 60 46 -1434 40 -20 15 57 -27 69 53 -19 381 80 4 45 65 -15: 42 100 180 90 3 50 94 +19 28 45 6 . O!STRICT 22,662 6,207 2,297 2,106 -192 1,466 63.7 1,290 61.2 -2.5


48 Florida Agricultural Extension Service (I) "' ,J:l e (11 ... ... tf!. lo< ca (I) (I) (11 fz-4 :> e . "' "' , :a >, lo< lo< :== 0 r:ol 0 0 ... a, 0 .s No. % No . % ::, 0 0 M C!l ca 0 u z z a, a, C, C, ..... ..... Bay 202 68 17 44 + 27 14 82 16 36 -46 Calhoun 150 47 0 0 0 Dixie 267 89 40 13 27 25 62 9 68 +6 Escambia 1,094 563 115 126 + 11 81 70 54 42 -26 Gadsden 848 282 0 0 0 Gulf 70 25 0 24 + 24 0 0 13 54 +54 Holmes 1,786 595 146 87 59 29 20 35 40 + 2 Jackson 2 , 517 835 384 130 -254 24 6 19 14 + 8 Jefferson 444 148 71 12 59 42 60 6 50 -10 Lafayette 434 145 16 45 + 29 12 79 Leon 368 122 58 55 3 40 70 29 52 -18 Liberty 184 62 17 Madison 856 285 98 66 32 43 43 39 59 +16 Okaloosa 1,067 322 64 48 16 26 40 13 27 -13 Santa Rosa 1,240 413 80 74 6 29 36 21 24 -12 Suwannee 1,433 474 253 225 28 94 37 70 31 -6 Taylor 545 109 29 22 7 25 90 17 77 -13 Wakulla 233 78 Walton 1,313 434 105 76 29 60 59 52 68 + 8 Washington 1,051 350 61 116 + 55 12 10 +10 TOTAL N.W. DISTRICT 17,184 5 , 616 1,554 1,163 -391 544 35 405 34 -1 Charlotte 148 30 12 16 + 4 12 100 13 80 -20 Citrus 239 79 80 + 80 54 67 +67 Glades•• 130 26 12 75 0 0 Hernando 459 92 20 22 + 2 16 80 15 67 -13 Highlands** 654 131 2 11 2 100 -100 Hillsboro** 3,944 789 172 163 9 124 72 123 76 +4 Lake** 2,491 498 673 325 -173 486 72 260 80 +8 Lee** 508 102 62 58 4 21 34 28 49 +15 Manatee** 1,158 250 72 135 + 63 135 100 +100 Orange•• 3,111 620 183 91 92 81 44 68 74 +30 Osceola** 537 117 7 7 7 100 -100 Pinellas•• 766 152 14 7 7 50 50 Polk** 4,020 804 Sarasota 180 36 TOTAL S.W . DISTRICT 18,435 3 , 787 1,228 898 -330 756 61 696 78 +17 TOTALS Southwest 18 , 345 3,787 1,228 898 -330 756 61 696 78 +17 Northwest 17,184 5 , 616 1,554 1,163 -391 544 35 405 34 -1 Southeast 22,662 6,207 2,297 2,106 -192 1,466 63.7 1,290 61.2 -2.5 STATE 58,191 15,612 5,080 4,167 -913 2,766 54 2,391 57 + 3 **Counties where many farm families live in towns.


Annual Rep<>rt, 1940 49 ENROLLMENT STATISTICS IN DETAIL Table 10 shows the estimated number of boys available for each county of the three Extension Service districts, the enrollment last year and this, the percentage of reports for the two periods, with the gain or loss computed under each heading. SHORT COURSE, SCHOLARSHIPS AND CONTESTS The 1940 short course was held at the University of Florida June 3 to 8. The theme of this short course was "Earth Is the Mother of Us All." The theme was developed without regard to present government al programs but as a basic part of agriculture and nation building. In 1940 there were 8 scholarships awarded under the supervision of the State Club Agent. Three of $100 . 00 each were given by the Florida Bankers' Association and were awarded on an examination given at the short course. The Florida Fat Stock Show gave a $100.00 scholar ship to the boy carrying a fat steer project who scored highest on a score card furnished by the Florida Fat Stock Show. Local businessmen in Sumter County contributed $100.00 for a scholarship to an outstanding boy in that county. When two boys tied on the examination given, a sec ond scholarship was awarded. The Hastings Potato Growers' Associa tion gave a $250.00 scholarship to the outstanding 4-H boy in St. Johns. Of the 19 scholarships given in Florida by Sears, Roebuck and Company 14 were awarded to 4-H club boys. Two state 4-H judging contests and one state 4-H demonstration contest were held in 1940. Twelve counties were represented by teams of three boys each in the beef judging contest held in connection with the Florida Fat Stock Show in Jacksonville, February 27. The Alachua County team of Ernest Denton, Clayton Emerson and Luther Harrell stood first. The following counties also had teams entered: Baker, Suwannee, Pasco, Leon, Lake, Bradford, Madison, Sumter, Marion, Columbia and Nassau . J. E. Yarbor ough of Baker County won the medal for high point man . Fourteen county teams competed in the state 4-H poultry judging contest held at the Central Florida Exposition in Orlando, February 22. The first prize in this contest was a trip to the National 4-H Club Con gress in Chicago to represent Florida in the National 4-H poultry judging contest. A team of three Dade County 4-H club girls won the contest and took the trip to Chicago. D. F. Sowell, Extension Poultry man, had charge of this contest. Two boys from Orange County, Richard Trevarthen and Grady Martin, won the dairy demonstration contest and competed in the Nation al Contest at the National Dairy Show, placing in the red award group The trip was given by a large cheese manufacturer. County Agent K. C. Moore accompanied them to Harrisburg, Pa. Teams from Alachua, Pas co , Hillsborough, Marion and Union counties competed in this contest. Jack Dyer of Union County won the Thomas E. Wilson gold watch. Jack has been in club work for seven years. He has done good project work in a consistent way and has been a leader in his county. STATE 4-H CLUB SHOWS The highest quality of project work is in poultry, baby beef and swine. The Florida Fat Stock Show features 4-H club steers and 83 were exhibited in 1940. Sidney Allen of Suwannee County exhibited the champion 4-H steer. Sidney finished nine steers for the show. He got 45c a pound for his club champion, which gave him a profit for his work. The state poultry show at the Central Florida Exposition continues a _ s a big factor in 4-H poultry work in South and Central Florida. In


50 Florida Agricultural Extension Service 1940 over 400 chickens were shown. Through this show a large hatchery has developed a plan for aiding 4-H members to get a big start in poul try at a reasonable expense. Dade County 4-H boys have sent chickens to the state show for the past two years and the project work has im proved in both size of project and quality as a result. The State Pig Club Show was sponsored by the Leon County Fair As sociation and was held in Tallahassee November 6. The number of exhib its was below last year. The quality was as high. To encourage the pro ject the Commissioner of Agriculture gave a trip to the International Live Stock Show and 4-H Club Congress to the boy showing champion barrow. J . P. Folds of Leon County won the trip this year. NATIONAL CAMP The trip to the National 4-H Camp is the best one offered in Florida. David Littleton of Lake County and Glen Davis of Escambia County represented Florida boys at the 1940 camp. The Atlantic Coast Line Railroad made the trip possible for David Littleton. 4-H CLUB CAMPS In 1940 Camp Timpoochee, named after an old Indian chief who lived in the Choctawhatchee country, had 22 buildings. Camp Timpooch ee will accomodate 140 club members with bunks and mattresses . A first class kitchen, dining room and a fine auditorium have been built. The camp is equipped with sanitary sewerage and electric lights and the bay offers safe swimming. Camp Timpoochee is also used one week each summer for a farmers' institute . Camp McQuarrie, in the Ocala National Forest, now takes care of 100 people at a time. It completed the seventh year of opera t'on with 1940. After the summer camping program has ended, a Citrus Institute and a Poultry Institute are held at McQuarrie every season. A third camp came into existence when the Cherry Lake 4-H Club Camp was established and it is now on a solid basis, with quarters that a::comodate 100 people. Flor i da 4-H camps, owned, operated, and controlled by the Florida Extension Service, are equipped to handle 340 campers at a time. The total value of these camps is in excess of $50,000 and the larger part of this amount was donated. Fig. 4.-Studying food preparation and making posters was one of th e most absorbing activiti e s of these 4 H club girls attending Camp M c Quarri e .


Annual R e port, 1940 51 CITRU S FRUIT CU LTURE E. F. DeBusk , Citriculturist With cooperation from other State agencies interested and the in dustry organizations, the Ext ension citrus project went forward in the following counti es: Br evard, Broward, Dad e, D eSoto, Hardee, Hernan do, Highlands , Hills borough, Lake, Lee, Manatee, Marion, Orange, Os ceola, Pasc o, Palm B each, Pin ellas, Polk, Putnam , S eminole, St. Lucie , Sarasota , and Volusia. Producing better fruit at lower cost and marketing it efficiently remained the major problems and the Extension activities in the citrus field continued to deal with these questions. FE RTILIZI NG Research having shown the association between low fertilizer effi ciency and excessive soil acidity, soil sampling and testing are primary steps in the program. During the past year 6 , 200 soil samples were taken from 3,460 citrus groves aggregating 39,896 acres. This was done largely under the AAA program. Liming recommendations were followed on 3,420 groves, in volving 44,164 tons. Dolomitic limestone was us ed almost entirely, much of which was obtained as grant-of-aid. Assistance was given 1,749 growers in adjusting their grove fertilizing programs to liming practice and higher soil r eactio n. On e county agent reports that this adjustment results in a saving of $35,000 to the growers of his small county in the cost of fertili zi ng their groves . Summari zing the results reported from F i g. 5.-County Ag e nts conducted num e rous d e monstrations in which citrus trees w e r e tr e ated with different fertilizer elements. This one re ce ived dolomite.


52 Florida Agricultural Extension Service several counties, it is noted that the fertilizer cost has been reduced 13% by adjusting to the new program, the yield has been increased 24% and the total production cost per box has been reduced 20%. Manganese, zinc, and, copper have been applied both in the fertilizer and as foliage applications. Reports from 67 demonstrations show an increase in yield of 55%, with an increase of only 3% in the amount of fertilizer used, and a reduction of 39% in the total cost of production. The internal quality of the fruit was much improved by the inclusion in the fertilizing program of all nutrients needed. COVER CROPS AND CULTIVATION Crotalaria has grown less satisfactory as a cover crop because as a rule it does not do well on the same land season after season. Weeds and grasses of the volunteer type have been extensively relied upon as a substitute. Through the AAA program the volunteer cover crop has been . materially improved. On certain soil types the production of adapted legumes has been increased. The practical demand for a better legume cover crop is greatly stimulated by demonstrated results. In 21 groves where the cover crop had been mainly crotalaria for two years, the yield has been increased 64% and the total production cost per box has been reduced 23%. This improvement can be properly credited to the legume cover cro!). Reports show that 9,371 growers were assisted in one way or an other with their cover crop practices, and that this service affected 140,500 acres. As a whole, accomplishments have been fairly satisfact ory. Research is needed to overcome the difficulty in growing crota laria or to find a better legume. Assistance has been given to 166 growers in adjusting the culti vation of their groves to the minimum, resulting in very material direct savings on operating cost with no sacrifice of yield, but appreciable im provement in quality of fruit produced . Since the main objective in this project has been to show the ill effects of excessive cultivation, the present trend in reducing operating costs is leading to more conservative practices in this operation. IRRIGATION ADVANCEMENT The need of irrigation was almost State~wide during the unprece dented drought period of October to December, inclusive, this year. The drought gave a good many growers opportunity to "cash in" on their investments in irrigation equipment. Records show that 117 growers were given assistance either in the installation of new plants or in mak ing adjustments in operation of plants for higher efficiency. One county-wide all-day irrigation meeting was held. Production records of the Extension Service, . covering a period of five years, show a 20 percent average increase in the yield of irrigated groves over non-irrigated. The average cost of irrigation per acre was $5.68. The irrigation cost per box was 3.2 cents. The total cost of pro duction was 7 cents per box less on the irrigated groves, and the re turns per box were 15 percent higher. Demonstrations are under way bringing out the savings that can be effected by interplanting where space permits-planting a tree in every space where there is room for one to grow. This can be done where irrigation water is available at reasonable cost of application. This


Annual Report, 1940 53 closer planting, when supplied with water as needed , results in a higher yield per acre and a lower production cost per box. This is the secret of high yield per acre and relatively low unit cost of production in Pales tine. DISEASES AND INSECT CONTROL Investigations conducted under Extension Service auspices dis closed that relatively few grove owners still use full strength copper sprays for melanose control. These sprays build up the scale popula tion, it had been found. Melanose control is increasingly approached indirectly by protect ing the citrus trees from drought by irrigation and maintaining high vitality through proper fertilization and other cultural practices. Rec ords show that 463 growers were assisted in melanose control, includ ing many who were assisted in developing culture programs and prac tices for better tree condition. Growers as a whole are eager for the latest spray and dust sched ules, for information on improved spray and dusting machines, for timely information on rust mite infestations and for suggestions on ways and means of reducing the cost of rust mite control. During the year, extension workers rendered assistance to 1,021 growers along the lines indicated, and the results apparently have been very satis factory . The 1940 spray and dust schedules were revised in December 1939, and more than 8,000 copies were distributed to growers through out all of the citrus-producing counties. In their fight on scale 300 growers were assisted in more timely and more efficient oil spraying. Approved spray schedules were supplied to 8,000 growers in the Better Fruit Program published and distributed by the Florida Citrus Commission. In spite of all of the well directed efforts, it has been a "bad scale year" and much damage has been done. The drought of October to December, inclusive, has been an im portant contributing factor . Frenching in the chronic and acute form has largely disappeared from the groves of the State under intensive foliage applications of zinc. Need exists for a more satisfactory and economical method of supplying the zinc needs through the soil. Bronze leaf, a foliage sympton of magnesium deficiency, has been extensively brought under control by the almost universal use of dolomite , frequently supplemented by magnesium sulfate and more late ly by seawater magnesium. The influence of magnesium on the yield of citrus fruits and conse quent production cost is seen in the records of 31 groves where dolomite has been used for the last three years in building up from a very low soil reaction level and supplying a pronounced deficiency of magnesium. The yield has been increased 67 per cent and the cost per box of pro ducing the fruit has been reduced 40 percent by the treatment. MEETINGS, TOURS AND VISITS In all, 453 meetings were held in 24 counties. Most of these were educational meetings in which timely citrus production or marketing problems were discussed. An increasing number of filmstrips and film slides, made by the Citriculturist and several county agents, have been used in meetings, apparently with good results . Twenty tours of growers were conducted in and from the various counties to demonstrations and to the Citrus Experiment Station.


54 Florida Agricultural Extension Service A. total of 3,098 grove visits were reported from 24 counties . This is an increase of 17 percent over the previous year. These visits were made at the request of growers for assistance with their various grove problems. GROWERS' INSTITUTE The sixth annual Citrus Institute was held at Camp McQuar rie, Lake County, late in August. The attendance was larger than the previous year, averaging about 100 a day for the four days. Various subjects along the line of citrus production and marketing were dis cussed by representatives of the Extension Service, the Citrus Ex periment Station, Florida Citrus Growers, Incorporated, the Federal Farm Credit Administration, the Florida Citrus Exchange, the Florida Citrus Commission, Florida Citrus Producers' Trade Association, and others. CONTACTS POSSESSING VALUE Serving as director of five cooperative citrus organizations in Flor ida, the Citriculturist was able better to maintain contacts with the growing shipping interests. He was also a member of the State Citrus Commission better fruit advisory committee and occupied a similar relation to the National Fruit and Vegetable Committee of the American Farm Bureau Federa.,; -tion. Market surveys made on a trip through the Eastern Seaboard cities during the early part of the current selling season enabled the Citricul turist to obtain first-hand information about the fruit demands of dealers and consumers alike.


Annual Report, 1940 55 FARM FORESTRY L. T. Nieland, Extension Forester Phases of the Farm Forestry Extension activities previously under taken received additional emphasis during 1940. Participation by the Extension Service in the Norris-Doxey farm forestry and forest farming projects established in Florida during the year in cooperation with the State Forest Service, Soil Conservation Service, and U. S. Forest Service, has occupied a part of the Extension Forester's time which had previously been allotted to other farm forestry activities in the annual plan of work. This has not, however, caused any serious interruption of the farm forestry extension program. , IMPROVEMENT OF TIMBER STANDS Improvement cutting, pruning, and thinning demonstrations were held as a part of a series of nine one-half day farm demonstration meetings scheduled in nine different counties. County agents, repre sentatives of the State Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, and the Extension Forester assisted in the demonstrations. The demonstrations were held in the woods, taking care to select timber stands which were representative and appropriate for the types of improved practices demonstrated. Exhibits featuring the above timber improvement practices were prepared and displayed in a forestry, agronomy, and livestock train which toured the State for 30 days during November and December. Farm hour radio talks, newspaper releases, circular letters and per sonal letters were also used to call attention of farmers to the need for timber stand improvement. In addition talks were made by the Exten sion Forester at farmers meetings, a State meeting of Negro Extension agents, and before the annual meeting of county agents. Cooperation in this phase of the program was extended by representatives of the Sch, ,ol of Forestry at the University of Florida. According to county agents' annual reports for this year, 530 farm ers :\n 26 counties carried out some form of timber stand improvement, sucl , as removal of defective or low value trees, thinning, or pruning. PLANTING FOREST TREES ON FARMS A feature of the year's work was the introduction by the Extension " _,rPster of planting red cedar on farms for fence posts, pencil wood, .,.J.bi11et wood and Christmas trees. Gratifying progress was made in the planting of forest trees on :arms and goals in most counties were reached or exceeded. County agents' annual reports show that 712 farmers in 37 counties planted 4,807,60) forest trees, or a little over 7,000 acres. Most of the plantings were sl ish pine, but 16 , 000 red cedar trees were also planted on farms. In , rriving at the value to Florida farmers of these forest plantings, the anaual income from planted slash pine, according to figures pre pared O'J the Florida Forest and Park Service, is estimated at $2.01 per acre per year over a 40-year period. Thus the 7,000 acres planted this year would, over a period of 40 years, add $562,800 . 00 to the income of these 712 farmers, or an average of $790 . 00 additional income per farm due to this year's forest plantings. Since it is reasonable to be lieve that at least one-half this acreage would qualify for the triple A benefit payment of $7.50 per acre, an additional $26,250.00 was therefore, earned by these farmers. This would increase the total in come from forest plantings made during the year to $589,050.00.


S6 Florida Agricultural Extension Service PREVENTION OF FIRES Progress in this field has been steady and fundamental, though not spectacular. County agents reported a total of 3,638 farmers in 35 counties as protecting their forest lands from fire during the year . Although the acreages involved were not given, an estimate can be obtained by mul tiplying the average acreage of woodland per farm in Florida, which is 35 acres, by the total number of farms on which fire protection is prac ticed. This would indicate that 128,330 acres of farm woodland are now under fire protection. Considering that timber grows faster, and that natural reforestation is accomplished through fire protection, it is clear that these 3,638 farmers are well on their way towards realizing the possible annual income of $2 . 01 per acre per year, which on these farms would mean a total yearly income from forest land of over $250,000 . 00. PULPWOOD CUTTING METHODS Educational methods employed throughout the year stressed the folly of destructive cutting of timber for pulpwood. A field demonstration was held in cooperation with the Southern Pulpwood Conservation Association and reached a large number .of people in eight counties. Newspapers gave this event liberal coverage. GUM FARMING The demonstrational work in Lafayette and Suwannee counties in gum farming done during the previous year, was followed up with ad ditional meetings and many individual farm visits by the county agents and Extension Forester. An experienced man in naval stores produc tion was finally employed as manager by the 21 farmers who decided to work their timber, on a 10% of gross sales basis , plus $1.00 per barrel for transporting each barrel of gum to market. The local production credit association and bank furnished all credit necessary for purchase of equipment and installation of cups and gutters on trees to be worked for gum. The production credit loans were to be repaid from net re ceipts basis, 60% to production credit and 40% to the farmer. The bank loans were on a basis of 50% of the net receipts to the bank and 50% to the farmer. A seven-year lease on the farmer's turpentine timber was taken by the local manager to safeguard his interest, and as security for the money borrowed to start the operation. The farmers, under this set up, were in effect a cooperative, but were not incorporated, or un der a cooperative agreement as a group. In spite of the difficulties encountered in this phase of the farm forestry program, interest in gum farming, due largely to the efforts expended, is increasing. County agents reported 118 farmers assisted in better practices in connection with their turpentine timber. MARKETING TIMBER C0unty agents in 16 counties reported giving assistance to 235 farmers in the better marketing of their timber crops during the year. While this number is small in view of the large number of farmers in the State in need of such assistance, nevertheless, progress has been made inasmuch as this is the first time such a concerted effort was made to help the farmer with his timber marketing problem. Additional proof that farmers are becoming aware of the need for more advantageous marketing of their timber may be found in the increasing requests for assistance in marketing received by the Extension Forester during the year.


Annual Report, 1940 57 4-B CLUB FORESTRY WORK The Extension Forester conducted demonstrations with, and gave class work instruction in planting, pruning, fire protection, improvement cutting and tree identification to 234 4-H club members during the year. Talks before 8 different groups of 4-H club members were made with a total attendance of 712. Altogether a total of 946 4-H club members were reached with a message on farm forestry. NET RESULTS AND FUTURE PROSPECTS The number of counties in which farm forestry activities were reported on by county agents this year are more than double those of last year. In other words 51 out of the 59 counties in which county agents are employed, reported work done in farm forestry. Demonstrations were held by the Extension Forester in two of the counties having no county agents, making 53 counties out of the total of 67 in the State in which some educational work in farm forestry was done. "Lightwood" is rapidly becoming depleted and in some communities it is already scarce. Special attention will hereafter be given the re sulting problem by the Extension forestry workers. Farmers will be urged to conserve the present supply of "light wood", saving the parts suitable for fence posts and using only the crooked short pieces for fuel. . Planting of red cedar will also be advocated as a future source of good fence posts. In areas where good fence post material is not available, assistance will be rendered in treating pine sapling posts with wood preservatives. Some work already has been done under each sub-division of the "lightwood" problem, with promising results.


58 Florida Agricultural Extension Service SOILS R. V. Allison, Soil Conservationist Planned Extension work in soils, as in past years, has continued on a much too limited scale when considered in connection with the serious need that exists in this field. This has been due to the fact that no funds whatsover have been provided for this phase of the work since the department was reorganized and an Extension project was written nearly four years ago. SOIL TESTING However, the usual number of soil samples have come in for ex amination and the usual amount of correspondence has been received and answered regarding th e samples and other inquiries falling in this field . Unfortunately, most of the samples are rather poorly taken and prepared for shipment. All too characteristically an insufficient amount of material is sent, the quantity falling as low as a single teaspoonful in some instances! Steady effort is being made to have soil samples and related mater ials and inquiries submitted through the office of the County Agricul tural Agent, as he is usually in a much better position to give requisite advice by examining a field situation directly than any laboratory ex amination of an isolated soil sample can afford. Where there is actually a real prospect of benefit from laboratory examination he will then be in a position to inform the grower how the sample should be taken and prepared for shipment; also to make sure there are full notes accom pru>ying the materials. For the most part only soil reaction (pH) is determined on miscel1,m wus soil samples of this type that are sent in. COOPERATION WITH AAA In contemplating the application of finely ground limestone or dol omite as a desirable operation for adjustment payments in the national Soil Conservation Program, it occurred to the administration that it might be well to check up the soil of individual fields or groves before the lime is applied to see if there is a definite indication of need. By way of initiating the work, a cooperative arrangement was set up whereby the county agents in several counties send in pairs of soil samples from citrus groves that had been taken, "A" from the middles and "B" from under the trees. By the close of the year several hundred samples had been received, along with a field sheet for each pair carrying a . consid erable amount of data on grove condition, cover crop, earlier soil treat m e nt with lime, if any, etc. The reaction value of these samples has not only showed a consider able variation on the same soil type but also confirmed the trend that had been observed earlier, namely, the higher condition of acidity under the trees. An analysis of the tests and supplementary information on the greater number of samples that will be received during the coming year should yield information of considerable practical value. SOIL CONSERVATION DISTRICT WORK Considerable progress has been made in practical soil conservation work both in West Florida and in the Everglades area. In the former area six additional districts with an aggregate area of about 3,250,000 acres were established by the Soil Conservation Board


Annual Report, 1940 59 during the year and soil survey and other preliminary work coincidental with the early development of the districts were gotten under way. Notable progress has been made during the past few years in laying the ground work in popular opinion and understanding for a rewater ing of the open Everglades, the only sound basis of soil conservation in that great area. Particular emphasis has been given the program by the initiation of a soil and water conservation project in that area by the Soil Conservation Service about two years ago. In view of the fact that rewatering is the only possible approach to effective conservation of the unused soils of the extensive central glades area, the development of an educational program in this field is exceedingly important and especially so since several other highly vital benefits will accrue if a carefully planned soil and water conservation program is developed along these lines. An even more intensive con servation program is needed for cultivated organic soils in that area and elsewhere in the State. Excellent cooperation has been had from the county agricultural agents in developing the program in this South Florida area; also from the officials of the Soil Conservation Service. Much work remains to be done and it is hoped that an even more comprehensive educational pro gram may be developed as soon as a definite and tangible plan of de velopment for the Everglades area as a whole can be laid out to serve as a sure and permanent basis for such a program. This, of course, must await the completion of the physical surveys that are now in progress.


60 Florida Agricultural Extension Service PART III WOMEN'S AND GIRLS' DEMONSTRATIONS GENERAL HOME DEMONSTRATION WORK Mary E. Keown, State Home Demonstration Agent Ruby McDavid, District Home Demonstration Agent Lucy Belle Settle, District Home Demonstration Agent Ethyl Holloway, District Home Demonstration Agent Increased efficiency was sought during 1940 by further following the methods previously proved to be productive of results and by adopt ing new practices when the opportunity offered. For the first time in Florida regularly organized courses were of fered in the State College of Agriculture for home demonstration agents in service. Two courses were given-Principles of Horticulture and Methods of Home Demonstration Work. The courses were selected by vote of all county home demonstration agents; their content was recom mended by committees of the state staff, each committee made up of district agents and specialists. Miss Gladys Gallup of the Federal Ex tension office taught one course and Mr. C. E. Abbott, a member of the College of Agriculture faculty, taught the other. The State Home Dom onstration Agent spent the entire three weeks at the College of Agricul ture and together with district agents and specialists, served as discus sion leader to apply the general instruction to Florida conditions affect ing the program of Home Demonstration Work. Sixteen county home demonstration agents took the courses, all except two receiving graduate credit; three home demonstration agents from other states enrolled for the course in methods; two home super visors of the Farm Security Administration registered for Horticulture; a member of the faculty of the College of Agriculture audited the course. PERSONNEL AND ADMINISTRATION The State Home Demonstration Agent, three district agents and four specialists make up the personnel of the State staff who work with the 38 county home demonstration agents and 3 assistant agents to develop the program of home demonstration work in Florida . Home demonstra tion workers share responsibility with the men staff members for strengthening and enlarging the services of the Agricultural Extension Service. District Agents are responsible with the State Agent for the general supervisory program; specialists supply accurate subject-matter informa tion and help develop efficient methods of aiding rural people. Spe cialists in Food Conservation, Nutrition, Home Improvement and Cloth ing are employed as a part of the State home demonstration staff. Home demonstration work s e rves the Negroes of Florida generally through its general program and directly through the work of a Negro district agent supervised by the state agent and 8 local home agents. Members of the State staff report they have given assistance in every organized county in the State and in many which do not employ county home demonstration agents. They report helping home agents with 22'6 meetings attended by 11,348 persons.


Annual Report, 1940 DEMONSTRATIONS AND VISIT S 61 All demonstrations require careful planning and hard work to make t h e m s ucc essf u l as the 2,024 fam i lies who reported produci n g their yearr o und food su p ply ac c ording to a careful plan, can tes t ify. The demonstrator who establishes a careful demonstration in her home is the most effective teacher to her neighbo r s; 2 , 157 meetings were held at result demonstrations attended by 24,970 people. The 107 tours reported in 26 counties included visits to many of the yards, gardens and poultry flocks of the demonstrators. Home agents from 38 counties report they made 15,677 home or farm visits this year, visiting 8,121 different farms. The home demonstration agents of Florida served directly 23,432 fa r m families last year and 12,705 families not on farms. B ut the home demonstration program was able to serve hundreds of others t h rough the help given by community leaders. The demonstrators, both women and girls, are real leaders who teach by the successful work done in their homes. I n addition to these, last year 2,674 other Florida rural people volunteered their services without pay for a total of 5 , 814 days to help extend the home demonstration program to others. C AMP S AND SHORT C O U RSE Forty-six camps were held for 3 , 390 women and girls where leaders were trained. Th" State Short Course is a training school for the 463 girls and 37 local leaders attending ; 208 meetings were held by the home agents specifically to train the volunteer leaders. Leaders or chai r men for specific activities such as gardening, home improvement , Fig. 6.-Members of the Home Demonstration Council in one county (Pinellas) were able to secure an excellent camp site. Above is shown one of the double cabins which they use , and in which 4-H club girls also cam.9.


62 Florida Agricultural Extension S ervice etc., in the adult clubs are selected from the women in the community who have conducted successful demon s trations in their homes. Reports show the number of older 4-H girls or former club members serving as local leaders for groups of younger girls increased this year by 55 per cent. Seven hundred and eighty-six council members acted as leaders. COUNCILS FOR W O MEN AND GIRLS Senior councils are organized in 33 counties with a membership made up of two repres entat ives from each organized home demonstration club . The councils make plans for county programs of work and furnish lead ers who are capable of assuming r esponsibility along with the agent for planning and developing home demonstration work generally in the county. Councils are growing in number. Their organization helps the agent reach more people. The 844 women who are members of the county councils are seeing beyond the immediate needs of their own homes and families, to the needs of their community, county, and state. The State Council , made up of two delegates from each county coun cil, meets annually and works out a program of work to meet State -wi de needs, which they recommend to county councils. The State Council maintains a loan scholarship fund for 4-H girls and helps financ e the Rural Youth Conference . The Council has done a great deal to encourage record keeping by club members through its record book contest. Through its membership the Council helps with State and county Land-Use Plan ning programs, with th e State Agricultural programs , etc. Similar councils for 4-H girls operate in the counties and on a state wide basis. Fig. 7.-This community youth center and home demonstration building at Madison serves both youth and adult members of home demonstration clubs.


Annual Report, 1940 6J 4-H CLUB WORK FOR GIRLS County home demonstration agents devote an average of one-third of their time to girls' work which they direct in the counties. The 4-H program is made both educational and productive of results of economic value by means of established demonstrations in the homes and through organized club groups and county-wide organizations. The total number of girls between 10 and 20 years old enrolled in this work was 10,577. One girl in each four enrolled is 15 years old or older, and approximately one-fifth of the girls enrolled have completed more than three years of club work. Eighty-four public achievement programs were held by the 4-H girls with an attendance of 12,423 people. The quality of work done by Florida 4-H girls can be judged some what by the fact that winners of first honors in the State in two of our phases of work also won first honors in national competition. Catherine Barnes of St. Johns County received a scholarship fund of $400 for achievement in foods and nutrition work and Marie Fletcher received a $200 cash scholarship for national honors in canning and food conserva tion. Eight outstanding girls were awarded state honors and received scholarships to the International Live Stock Show and National Club Congress through the interest of business firms who furnished the State office with funds for these awards. These girls made fine records in canning, food preparation, clothing, home beautification, rural electrifi cation and poultry. A team of three girls from Dade County won first honors in the State Poultry Judging Contest, competing with boys and girls from the entire State. STATE SHORT COURSE Each year requirements for attending the Short Course are raised but the number in attendance continues to grow to the maximum per mitted to attend; 463 girls and 37 leaders with all home demonstration agents attended. The program for Short Course is planned so the girls will be trained to return to their counties able to help the younger girls with their club work. The Short Course also trains the agents in the best methods of presenting instruction to girls and local leaders. In structors for the Short Course are highly skilled and contribute their knowledge to the girls largely because of their interest in the program and belief in it. The College 4-H Club at the Florida State College for Women as sisted with the program. Courses for local leaders were given with 37 attending. The State Council of Senior Home Demonstration Work and the State Junior Council both held their annual meeting at the time of the state Short Course. The State Junior Council as a body presented their detailed report to the entire Short Course body and assisted with the final program of the Course. Three hundred and twenty-eight older 4-H girls now serve 4-H clubs as local leaders in many communities. COLLEGE 4-H CLUB This club functions at the Florida State College for Women through the membership of former 4-H girls from the different counties of Florida who now are enrolled in college. Membership at the opening of the college year totaled 73 girls. They are registered in the various divisions of the college, with 31 in the School of Home Economics.


64 Florida Agricultural Extension Ser . vice High honors on the campus have been won by 4-H club members. Nine of the 64 seniors selected last year to live in the Senior Hall (which was an honor that could be earned only by a four-year record of stability and trustworthiness) were members of this 4-H club. Three of the four girls representing the different classes this year were members of the College 4-H Club. The conference for members of the College 4-H Club at the State College for Women and the Agricultural Club of the College of Agricul true of the University has been held for two years, with plans made for a third conference to be held next March . AWARDS AND PRIZES Club girls in Florida have received generous awards for their achievements in 4-H work. Acknowledgement of these awards is made below, expressing the great appreciation of all home demonstration workers for this encouragement to the work of Florida 4-H girls: 463 Scholarship trips to State Short Course, valued at $4,044.00, given by boards of county commissioners, school boards, Rotary, Kiwanis and Pilot clubs, federated clubs, women's clubs, P.-T. A., chambers of com merce, tourist club, ladies aid, banks, village improvement association, Model Land Company, fair associations , Junior and Senior Councils, D. A. R., Business and Professional Women's clubs, and many individuals; 8 scholarship trips to International Live Stock Show and National Club Congress, valued at $925.00, given by Montgomery Ward and Company, Chicago Mail Order Company, Kerr Glass Manufacturing Corp., Westing house Electric Company, Servel, Inc., Central Florida Exposition, Table Supply Stores of Miami, and Winn-Lovett Company, Jacksonville; col lege scholarship to 4-H girl, valued at $400.00, given by Servel, Inc; college scholarship to 4-H girl, valued at $200.00, given by Kerr Glass Manufacturing Corp.; college scholarship to 4-H girls, valued at $350.00, given by State Council of Senior Home Demonstration Work. MARKETING STATISTICS Women and girls always have shown great interest in home market ing. Two major problems have hindered full development of a state wide program-lack of standardized articles worthy o:f the approval of the Home Demonstration Office and lack of information about markets and marketing: Reports, however, show the following cash income re ceived from cooperative and individual effort in home industries enter prises: Sold Articles cooperatively Dairy products _____ $ 2,166.59 Fruits and vegetables 3,082.00 Poultry and eggs___ 7,738.00 Baked foods, etc._____ 236.00 Handicrafts _____________ 20.00 Other farm products ___ 600.00 Other home industries___ 314.00 Totals ________ $14,156.69 Sold individually $ 30,616.80 30,364.51 110,865.04 12,241.63 5,847.85 3,608.00 3,707.13 $197,250.96 Total $ 32,783.39 33,446.41 . 118,603.04 12,477.63 5,867.85 4,208.00 4,021.13 $211,407.55 These figures show the farm garden and poultry flock <>long with the cow provide most of the marketable products.


Fig. 8.-Many home demonstration club women learn handicraft arts, then make articles which they are able to sell and supplement the family income. THE COTTON MATTRESS PROGRAM In March the State Home D emonstration Office was informed of the plan of the federal government to supply sufficient cotton and ticking to farm families of low income to make 50-pound mattresses. The home demonstration staff of the Extension S ervice was designated to direct the educational program , organize the plan, and teach the people how to make mattresses; A. A. A. was to check the eligibility of the recom mended families; while cotton was supp li ed by the Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation. After a general conference of cooperating agencies, the State home demonstration staff held a training school for the white and Negro agents of the three counties first designated to receive the cotton. Eventually the 39 county workers got this training. One district home demonstration agent was designated to act as chair man of the project. Eight different sets of educational information on mattress making and care for general distribution by agents and 15 gen e ral instruction letters to all agents about sources of securing supplies, etc., were written. Members of the State Council of Senior Home Dem onstration Work and all local leaders at the Short Course were given training in mattress making and agreed to assume responsibility for se curing volunteer leaders to help with instruction. Negro home demon stration agents and farm women were given training at the Negro Short Course. HEALTH IN RURAL FAMILIES In 35 counties, 4,270 women reported improved health habits; 2 ,833 persons reported having health examinations by a physician and 3,251 were immunized against typhoid, diphtheria and smallpox; 553 homes in 33 counties were screened; 941 families installed sanitary toilets; 2 , 024


66 Florida Agricultural Extension Service families in 32 counties reported they produced and canned their year's supply of food according to a nutrition plan; 4,990 homemakers followed definite plans in serving better balanced meals. A most important con tribution was made toward good health by the 1,273 families in 34 coun ties that improved their child feeding practices. At the annual Short Course examinations were given 4-H girls as a part of the State-wide health improvement contest for 4-H girls. Posture was emphasized in all adult and junior work as contributing to health. HOUSING PROGRESS County home demonstration agents report they gave help in plan ning 132 new homes and remodeling 424 homes and 963 farm buildings. The installation of 500 lighting systems and 226 water systems along with 74 heating plants in the homes of the home demonstration club members shows the interest being developed in improving homes in the State. Suitable storage facilities for home and farm supplies continue to be a problem in Florida rural homes which needs more study. Four hun dred eighty-nine homes were screened and 1,705 installed sanitary closets. HOME DAIRYING During 1940 the home demonstration agents in 31 counteis devoted 170 days to dairy work in 270 different communities. Fifty-eight volun teer local leaders in 10 counties assisted with this work. There were 801 women and 354 girls enrolled for home dairy dem onstrations . Home demonstration women report securing 430 family COWS this year . RELATIONS WITH NATIONAL DEFENSE The general emphasis on the need for an enlarged nutrition program for national defense finds other organizations in Florida looking to the Home Demonstration Office for help because the Extension Service is the only agency working throughout the State which employs trained foods and nutrition workers. Requests for help on nutrition problems have been made to the Office of Home Demonstration Work by work ers of the school lunch program, Social workers, Farm Security Admin istration home supervisors and Federated Clubs for Women. A series of district meetings has been planned for January to decide on definite work to be done in all organized counties along lines of the defense program. In addition to making plans for extending the nutri tion program, work on citizenship and good Americanism with 4-H club members and youth generally will be included. It is likely no decided changes need to be made in the present pro gram of home demonstration work to permit it to serve as a defense measure. Some adjustments in plans will be made and emphasis given to certain specific activities. The 4-H program and work with older girls will be enlarged; probably the agent will not be able to give as much time as usual to organized club work in order to leave her time free to give other services within the county. A program of nutrition will be en larged, including more attention to home gardens and orchards, poultry and dairying, and to canning. The mattress program will be enlarged to help use a surplus crop but especially to teach useful lessons in health and home making.


Annual Report, 1940 67 CLOTHING AN D TEXTILE S Clarine Belcher , Specialist in Clothing and Textiles Again in 1940, as in the past, the home demonstration clothing and textiles program has continued to work for better clothed people living in homes made more attractive by the use of modern textiles, wit h some p r og r ess noted. In general the program has remained th e same, conducted with similar methods to achieve the goals, although the emphasis has changed in some cases. W ork for increasing cotton consumption occupied a prominent place in the clothing and textile program this year. Although Florida ' s produc tion of cotton is below that of other Southern stat e s, the cotton situa tion influences bu s in es s c o nditions and cons e quently the living conditions of the entire south . C OTTO N PRO M OTIO N W ORK With th e e ntire clothing and textil e program encouraging more consumption of cotton att e ntion h a s b e en given to new and unusual uses , more satisfactory old us e s, and the cotton mattress program . F ig. 9.Th ese six 4H club gir l s are proud of the cotton d r esses w hi ch t h ey made a n d wore at the S ho r t Co u rse.


68 Florida Agricultural Extension Service Perhaps the construction of a corduroy suit in the specialized cloth ing course conducted at Short Course has done more to create interest in new uses of cotton than any other one activity. Cotton in the girls' wardrobe provided a timely theme for the public dress revue program presented to entertain the entire group at tending the Short Course. Interesting cotton costumes were featured in the classes for sport, school, travel, best, and party wear. A cotton accessories exhibit showing both home-constructed and ready-to-wear garments interested the 463 girls attending the annual State Short Course. Such items as play shoes, washable purses which could be made at home, hose, gloves, and hats were exhibited. One hundred and fifty farm men and women from 7 north Florida counties attended Cherry Lake Farm and Home Institute last August, and listened attentively to a discussion of the cotton uses in the home. To standardize the method for making cotton mattresses, to serve as chairman of the committee to prepare the printed directions, and to de velop good practices in care, have been the Clothing Specialist's re sponsibility in this program. Home demonstration agents have guided the work in their counties. METHOD DEMONSTRATIONS Wardrobe planning continued to be featured in the specialized course offered to the 45 Short Course girls particularly interested in clothing. Demonstration V, "The Well Dressed Club Girl for Street and Travel", was developed by planning, selecting, making, and wearing a tailored suit of cotton corduroy. Training was given to girls presenting 15 team demonstrations dur ing the major clothing class of Short Course. The team members vol unteered, selected their subjects which were the techniques used in the making of the corduroy tailored suit, and prepared their talks and il lustrative materials. Two hundred ninety-seven leaders gained satisfaction in serving the 8,376 4-H club girls conducting clothing demonstrations this year. Of the 918 days' assistance given by the local leaders, the greater part of the time was devoted to the teaching of sewing methods. The 37 leaders representing 23 counties at Short Course have a bet ter understanding of the clothing and textile program. DRESS REVUE PROGRESS The Dress Revue, which combines several teaching methods, was used as a means of motivating and teaching clothing work in 37 counties. Again the State Dress Revue was conducted with a noticeable im provement in the costumes modeled. Of 63 girls entering, 34.9 percent were awarded the blue ribbon, 41.2 percent the red, and only 25.3 percent the white ribbon. This merit system is used to classify the group based on judging by competent judges. Improvement in the qual ity of design, fabric, and workmanship resulted in placing 22 girls in the blue ribbon group with only 5 points' difference in the highest and lowest scores. Joan Dirr of Manatee County was awarded the trip to the National 4-H Club Congress to represent Florida in the National Dress Revue. She modeled her light weight chartreuse wool spring suit and striped blouse which were well made. Black and white combination shoes, purse and panama straw hat completed the ensemble.


Annual Report, 1940 69 HOME CLOTHING DEMONSTRATIONS Clothing demonstrations have been particularly popular with the 8,376 rural girls enrolled in 4-H clothing club work throughout Florida. The latest reports show that the 4-H club girls compl e ting their clothing work made over 11,583 dresses and 28,731 other garments. Over 1,100 of these girls kept clothing accounts; over 2,000 followed recommenda tions in the care and renovation of clothing, and 1 , 235 assisted their mothers in the construction of garments for their younger brothers and sisters, making an estimated saving of $20,252 . 00. More satisfactory clothing was the result of 1,117 women and girls budgeting their clothing expenditures, with 1;746 keeping clothing ac counts. Through wise buying 1,564 women dressed their families bet ter at less cost. The families of 6,527 women and girls made a better appearance and found their clothes giving better service through practicing better selection. Rural women and girls to the number of 9,063 received help in making clothing. The juniors made 40,314 articles of which 11,583 were dresses. At least one-third of the $73,073 . 81 saved due to the clothing program can be accounted for by home sewing. ACHIEVEMENT DAYS RECORD Opportunities were offered by achievement days for measuring the results from the clothing and textiles work . Of the demonstrations completed by the 4-H club girls many were in clothing. Of the 4 senior and 4 junior achievement meetings at tended, 3 were used to complete the county's intensified clothing work for the year. The exhibits included wearing apparel modeled in dress revues, and household textiles. Demonstrations in grooming and selection of accessories and dis cussions on clothing storage and care interested the adult group. The chief assistance given was judging the clothing work and the dress revues, which was done publicly in 6 achievement day programs. Junior and senior club members, parents, county officials and lead ing men and women in the county composed -the group who attended these achievement days. HOME VISITS MADE Visits to the homes of rural people developed information having great value. Visits were made to 8 honor girls to view their demon strations in their homes . Five of these girls had completed wardrobe demonstrations following the plan as outlined in the 4-H girls' clothing program. COOPERATION RECEIVED Government agencies, Federal _ and State, uniformly exhibited the utmost disposition to cooperate with the clothing and textiles effort. Related commercial agencies have supplied valuable help by making possible educational shopping tours, furnishing exhibits, donating prizes, and furnishing speakers . One firm cooperated in demonstrating the sewing methods and furnishing the necessary labor to make the corduroy suit as a part of the clothing instruction at Short Course . Membership is maintained in professional organizations. The State Home Economics Association held two meetings, one in the spring and the other in the fall; and the Association of Florida Extension Workers,


70 Florida Agricultural . Extension Service two which were attended. It was the privilege of the Clothing Spe cialist to be present at two of the district meetings of the Home Econo mics Association. and at one to present a discussion of the outlook for clothing and textiles with the expected effect of the national defense program. Friendly relations exist between the Home Demonstration Depart ment and the Florida Federation of Women ' s Clubs, which maintains an attitude of helpfulness . Special assistance to their programs has been given on three occasions ; two talks at monthly meetings, and sugges tions for consumer education programs which were made to the county chairman. INFORMATION AND EXHIBITS Effort has been made to keep the clothing and textile program abreast of the times. A good source of help has been the study of available subject matter materials. Information is obtained from recent publications, the Clothing and Textile Division of the Bureau of Home Economics, and clothing programs in other states. The information gained from the part-time attendance at the Extension Methods Course cor,ducted this summer at the University of Florida has proved valuable. Timely and useful illustrative materials wer e exhibited at the annual Short Course, the Agents' Conference, and whenever possible in the counties. OUT-OF-STATE TRIP Two Florida 4-H club girls who attended the 14th National 4-H Club Camp in Washington , D . C ., June 12 to 20, were accompanied as their leader by the Clothing and Textiles Specialist. Advantage was taken of the trip for making visits to the offices of sundry Federal agencies that have helped the w ork in Florida so fre quently .


Annual Report, 1940 71 FOOD, NUTRITION AND HEALTH Anna Mae Sikes, Food Nutritionist Food, nutrition and health Extension work for 1940 was the most comprehensiveduring the quarter-century period it has been under de velopment. The present programs for national defense have made necessary ad justments and additions to the work as originally planned. In addition, changes of home demonstration agents have further modified the work for 1940 in some of the counties. The Nutritionist devoted her annual leave to graduate study in nu trition work under the direction of Dr. Mary Swartz Rose. In addition, she completed seminars in adolescent, adult, and vocational homemaking education and a master's thesis on Health Conditions and Food Habits of Rural School Children in Northwest Florida. This work completed the requirements for a master of science degree. ACCOMPLISHMENTS SUMMARIZED During the past year, according to home demonstration agents' re ports, 2,024 families in 32 counties have produced and conserved the home food supply according to annual food supply budgets; 3,592 adult result demonstrations in 33 counties have been conducted in food se lection and preparation; 2,866 families in 33 counties have been assisted in using timely economic information as a basis for readjusting family food supply; 1,486 families in 30 counties budgeted food expenditures for a year; 2,941 families in 30 counties followed recommendation~ for the storage of home food supply; 4,990 families in 35 counties served better balanced meals. 3,357 4-H club girls in 37 counties of the 4,939 in 38 counties, or 68 percent, have completed the "healthy living" dem onstrations. An analysis of the summary of the reports of county home demon stration agents for food, nutrition and health work for the past five years reveals some interesting information, such as the decreased in terest in baking among adults in 1939, immediately following the dis continuing of the baking contest, and the returning interest during 1940 even though the contest was not resumed. Another point to be noted is the increased interest in dairy work during 1939 which might be attributed to the dairy school held during the annual Agents' Con ference the previous fall. The continuous rise in interest in school lunch indicates a gradual understanding of child food needs; however, the sudden increase in 1940 no doubt is due to the Works Progress Ad ministration's school lunch program. The increased interest in the planned family food budgets during 1940 and the decreased work on food-buying the same year may be attributed to the emphasis on food production programs. METHODS UTILIZED Method demonstrations have been extensively used in planning the family food supply by working out yearly food needs of the family, using both foods and food models with charts and pictures for illustra tions. All day meetings with demonstrations in food preparation and meal planning, also school lunches where the lunch of each individual has been scored, have been another effective means of work. Summer camps have offered an opportunity for method demonstrations on food preparation and health improvement. Leadership training and small group meetings have been extensively used. Either all-day or half-day


72 Florida Agricultural E x tension Service meetings have been valuable means for developing leaders for both adult and junior groups. Often these meetings took the form of covered dish luncheons. One especially helpful type of meeting was meal plan ning where the participants used small cards and worked out meals. This was followed by keeping records of their meals for a week and another discussion meeting to note improvements. In addition to the general methods used for developing the food, nutrition and health program the work has been adapted to the present demands due to the national defense program. Special emphasis has been placed upon the importance of producing the food supply in order to secure the best returns for food value and to assist in providing for emergency demands in defense concentration areas. Also assistance has been given in the preparation of foods for market and the establishment of local food markets and food services. FOOD SELECTION AND PREPARATION Demonstrations by the Nutritionist in food preparation and meal planning were given as means of leadership training in order to raise standards. Often these hav e be e n all-day meetings devoted to instruc tion in factors which have a direct or indirect bearing on good health. This has been followed at the noon hour by a practical demonstration on complete or well balanced meals, using local products. Usually the leaders brought part of the lunch and the lunch was scored in order to bring out points that were demonstrated. The agent with the assistance of these trained leaders duplicated the demonstration before their local groups . Similar meetings have been devoted to method demonstrations in food preparation with special emphasis on standards and table service. Florida's hot school lunch program has been expanded to 940 of the State's 2,044 school centers and is participated in by 80,989 public school children. This program is being supplemented by a cold lunch program, intended to serve those schools that are without facilities for serving a hot noon-day meal. PHASES OF JUNIOR WORK At the beginning of the demonstration each girl made a definite check on her health and posture, using a chart and score furnished by the nutritionist, to note necessary improvements and to enlist means of making these corrections. Another check was made at the end of the year to note improvements . Demonstrations in food selection, good posture, contests, both county and state, exhibits, etc., served as means of motivation and teaching. Often younger club girls enrolled in this demonstration continue it through their club work in coordination with other demonstrations. Junior work included selection and preparation of foods, meal planning and table service. Some of the activities of the 4-H girls along this line have been individual and t e am food preperation demonstrations, judging of products, making recipe files, food scrap books and exhibits. Baking and judging baked products was planned for girls who had completed at least three years of food preparation work and were 14 years or older. Under the head, "The Young Homemaker " , the needs and interests of the older 4-H club girls were considered . Some of the activities have been assisting with the family food supply demonstrations, planning parti e s, entertaining assisting with younger members of the family and self-improvement.


Annual Report, 1940 73 COOPERATING ORGANIZATIONS At the Florida Dietetic Association, of which the Extension Nutri tionist is a charter member, she presented a paper on the Florida Family Food Supply Plan. Membership is also held in the Florida Home Economics Association, of which the Nutritionist is state secretary and treasurer-elect and state chairman for the public _ health committee. STATE SHORT COURSE Four-H club girl leaders from each county were given special train ing in food, nutrition and health, and they in turn acted as demonstra tors. Two former college 4-H club girls present at Short Course assisted with food preparation and meal planning d e monstrations. One of these 4-H club girls is now Dean of the School of Home Economics in a College, and the oth e r a teacher in a vocational high school . In addition , two college 4-H club girls assisted in the laboratory. A dairy course was added to the food, nutrition and health work at Short Course this year. Three of the national winners to the 4-H Club Congress in Chicago had also completed outstanding demonstrations in food preparation work and had previously received state recognition. The State Council of Home Demonstration Work met at the annual 4-H club Short Course. The program was so arranged that all general m e etings were attended by both groups. The Nutritionist assisted in planning for this work and presented the food , nutrition and health pro gram at a morning session of the council and, assisted by county repre sentatives, gave illustrations of how the work had been developed in their respective counties . FOUR-H CLUB CAMPS The Nutrition attended the three district camps and gave intensive work on food preparation and meal planning ; she was assisted by 4-H club girls who had received this training at short course. Four-H club teams in food preparation, health and posture work were training by the Nutritionist. As a part of the instruction 4-H club groups prepared cookies, salads, candies, etc .. to be served at the banquet held the last night of camp for special guests, such as boards of county commissioners , county school boards and representatives from the State staff. In addi tion to specialized instruction the Nutritionist assisted with general man agement and routine of the camps . CONFERENCES AND VISITS Girls were visited at their homes before the State winner was select e d in the demonstrations which began during the Short Course. At the annual Agents' Conference, the Nutritionist participated in each discussion, presented factual information, and gave recommenda tions for using the available resources. The Nutritionist was the representative from the State Home Dem onstration Office to the Nation~! Outlook Conference in Washington, D . C. Upon her return to Florida she prepared a summarized Farm Family Living Outlook report and each county worker was furnished with a copy of same.


74 Florida Agricultural Extension Service EXHIBITS AND TOURS Educational exhibits, tours to scenes of outstanding achievement and county fairs have been important factors in stimulating interest in the development of the program. Charts and graphs in color were used to show district and county food production and consumption needs . Ex hibits of planned yearly food supply with charts showing methods for determining food needs for the families of different age groups have been arranged. Posters of recent publications and photographs of recom mended food preparation methods and wise buying information have been used successfully with groups.


Annual R e port, 1940 75 HOME IMPROVEMENT Virginia P. Moore, Specialist in Home Impro vement In the 1940 home improvement plans for adults, the main aims were better household management, planned homes, enlarged exte rior beau tification, and wise buying. Under the head of better household management, time, income and expendit ur es, buying and care of equipment, and provision of storage spaces for food and clothing received the principal attention. Yards, gardens, orchards, grazing lots, fences and outbuildings, trees, vines and shrubbery, walks and drives all had a part in the effort for exterior beautification. Closely related was the endeavor devoted to home sanitation. Rub bish and tin cans were gotten rid of by the home demonstration women who took up this phase. Mosquito breeding places were sought out and eliminated. Houses were planned more carefully than ever before, it is believed, whether they were erected anew or remodeled, water supplies in both kitchen and bath room were generally furnished. Heating facilities installed added much to the comfort of numerous premises. While 695 new homes built and remodeled is not great, however, 232 families studied and consulted the best authorities, making plans in the family groups where health , comfort , convenience and beauty were con sidered. RURAL ELECTRIFICATION Families reported as having installed electricity for the first time numbered 988. Cooperation with the Rural Electrification Administration Fig. 10.-This tidy home of a N egro home demonstration club member shows what can be done with a place without excessive expendi tures . This Madison County woman followed a long-time home improvement plan .


76 Florida Agricultural Extension Service was extended directly by the home improvement division in the home demonstration work. Relations were also maintained on a cooperative basis with the Farm Security Administration, from which some rural families obtained funds for building new houses or remodeling old structures. CONVENIENCE AND COMFORT Bulletins on new and remodeled houses have been studied and ap preciated. In the new houses that have been built there has been better construction and planning for more satisfied living. More rooms for comfort and privacy of all members of the family, more attractive de signs, more light and running water have been noted. Sinks, built-in cupboards, storage space, working units arranged to save time, and heights of working surfaces to suit the workers have added to convenience and efficiency in the home . Reports from the home agents indicate that 132 dwellings were con structed according to plans furnished, 424 were remodeled, 225 water and 175 sewage systems were installed, 74 heating and 500 lighting systems were placed into operation in the homes of demonstrators. HOME MANAGEMENT Rural people are constantly striving for better homes better managed. Home agents report that during 1940, 1,090 kitchens were rearranged or improved for convenience, 1,898 families followed recommendations in obtaining labor-saving equipment, 874 families adopted recommended laundering methods, 2,268 families adopted recommended methods in the care of the house, 2,543 were assisted in adjusting home making to gain a more satisfactory standard of living, 1,308 were assisted in using time ly economic information as a basis for readjusting family living, 706 budgeted expenditures in relation to income, and 1,295 families followed recommended methods in buying for the home. HOME IMPROVEMENT WORK WITH GIRLS There were 6,361 girls enrolled in some phases of 4-H home improve ment work, such as house furnishings, home management, handicrafts, exterior beautification and home sanitation. Requirements for their work have been outlined by years . Through 4-H demonstrations by girls in the family, often the entire family becomes interested in improving the home and its surroundings .


Annual Report, 1940 77 GARDENING AND FOOD CONSERVATION Isabelle S. Thursby, Economist in Food Conservation National defense gave new meaning to the Florida Extension long time program in food conservation which as hitherto stressed all-year gardens and calendar orchards, with a well rounded canned products supply properly stored. "CAN FOR QUALITY" CONTEST Club members in 27 counties participated this year in this contest. The three jars, with menu built around the jars, which won first place in the county were brought to Annual Agents' Conference in October, as in the past. There they were exhibited and again judged. The cash awards, an incidental part of this contest but greatly appre ciated by those participating, were contributed by the Hazel-Atlas Glass Manufacturing Company. Families which reported canning according to a budget totalled 2,024. GIRLS' CANNING DEMONSTRATIONS Two thousand, six hundred and twenty-seven girls enrolled in can ning during the current year . . They reported 126,391 quarts filled and 34,510 containers of jelly, jam and other products canned. Ball Brothers Company again generously cooperated by offering cash awards to those winning first, second and third places, in the first, second and third canning demonstrations. In the third to fifth years in canning, as heretofore, the older girls must have canned the requirements of that particular year's work, sub mit record, exhibit and story on the club's or the county's achievement day. The exhibit consists of five jars-a meat, two vegetables, a fruit and a pickle or relish-which are used for an emergency meal, the menu for which accompanies the containers. The emergency meal winning first place in the county is brought to the Annual Short Course held at Florida State College in Tallahassee. Here the meals are set up, county by county, in interesting, colorful array, each by its menu. These meals and the girls' records are further judged and scored and the five rating highest are then given the privilege of further add ing to their records through the summer months. In October these girls may resubmit their records and another emergency meal. Then, from these five the winner is selected for the National 4-H Club Congress trip sponsored by the Kerr Glass Manufacturing Company. Marie Fletcher of Gadsden County was selected to represent Florida .at the Congress in 1940. At Chicago she was awarded a regional scholar ship. Marie, in her nearly eight years of club work, has completed 31 projects. During her five years in canning she has canned more than 4,147 containers . COUNTY FLOWERS, SHOWS AND FAIRS Reports from home agents continue to prov e that the adoption of a county flower 12 years ago has had an interesting and colorful "spread of influence". Beautification so greatly needed in Florida, could be extended if every club home in every county planted generously of its adopted perennial and its annual. The county annual is reported grow ing in 3,178 homes, and the county perennial in 1,527 homes. _Many_ of the home demonstration club women now are either coop eratmg with the State Garden Club and are assisting with . the flower


78 Florida Agricultural Extension Service shows sponsored by this organization or have charge of the flower shows of the county and are extending beautification projects of various kinds and in various ways. At State Short Course, for the first time, daily instruction was given in beekeeping. Mr. Robert Foster, apiary inspector with the State Plant Board, had charge of the instruction and made the course very interest ing to the girls. Miss Albina Smith, agent in Osceola, an erstwhile keeper of bees herself, supplemented the instruction with attractive demonstrations on the use of honey. GARDENING AND PERENNIAL PLANTINGS Stimulating interest in the all-year garden and the home orchard adapted to the varied soil and climatic conditions and arousing interest in proper cultural practices constitute a definite part of the program of the Economist in Food Conservation . It is realized that preparation, util ization and conservation can follow only where there is production, also, the higher the quality of the produced foods, the higher the quality of those conserved. Farm families have been encouraged to keep something growing in their gardens throughout most of the year, rather than having only spring and fall gardens. Information on planting requirements for cold and warm season crops has been made available for all sections of the State. In many cases home demonstration club members consider the home garden as one of their most valuable assets, but on the whole production of fruits and vegetables for home consumption by farm families is entirely inadequate. Records submitted on gardening activities for the current year show 3,842 year-round gardens planted, with a cash valuation of $22,245.84 for vegetables sold. Seven hundred and fifty-one homes report growing new vegetables for the first time. Records from 4-H club girls reveal that 4 , 543 were enrolled in gar. dening projects and 2,832 completed their demonstrations, submitting records and stories. Tomato growing, which was stressed when work with girls was first begun in 1910 , is still an important part of the pro gram. Both gardening and canning demonstrations with adults and juniors are planned with the thought that eventually they will become a part of the planned family food supply. FOOD CONSERVATION SUMMARY Number of quarts of: Fruit canned ------913,550 Vegetables canned ------------1,039,290 Pickles made ------------------85,965 Relishes made ---------------------------------------------------------------29,380 Marmalades made 38,330 Preserves made 81,360 Jellies made 52,502 Number of gallons of vinegar made 741 Number of gallons of fruit juices canned __________________ 13,499 Number of quarts of meats canned: Pork Beef Game Fish __________________ _ 62,180 49,636 889 2,429


Annual Report, 1940 Poultry Number of families that cured meats _______ _ Pounds cured -------------------------------------Number of families that made sausage _____ _ Pounds made ---------------------------------------Number of families that made lard _______ _ Pounds made ________________________ _ Number of families that made soap _______ _ Pounds made -------------------------14,242 2,747 539,117 2,554 100,138 2,724 171,820 1,169 16,302 79


80 Florida Agricultural Extension Service PART IV NEGRO EXTENSION WORK ACTIVITIES WITH NEGRO FARMERS A. A. Turner, Local District Agent Nine local farm agents worked 10 counties during the period. Home agents covered four counties additional. Altogether, Extension Service agricultural assistance was given to Negro farmers in 18 counties. MEETINGS HELD AND ATTENDED Annual Agents' Conference, combined with the Annual Farmers' conference, took place at the Florida Agricultural and Mechanical Col lege, Talahassee, December 7, 8 and 9. Local farm agents were also convened in a special conference at Live Oak on January 19 and 20. Boys' and Girls' Short Course for Negro 4-H club members was held at the Agricultural and Mechanical College from May 28 through June 1. Total attendance reached 336. FAIRS AND EXHIBITS At the Florida Fair in Tampa the local farm agents arranged ex hibits of grain and forage, grasses, meats, home-canned products, cotton, tobacco, pecans, sweet potatoes, sugarcane, and sugarcane syrup. Florida products from the counties worked by the local farm and local home demonstration agents were displayed during the National Negro Exposition in Chicago from July 4 to September 11. Sugarcane, sugarcane syrup and sweet potatoes were shown in the Florida Pavilion at the New York World's Fair, for the last half of October. TYPICAL PROJECT RESULTS In Alachua County one farmer in each of the 15 communities work ed, planted five acres of cowpeas during the fall of 1939, which were turned under during the late winter of 1940. The land was planted in corn during the spring of 1940. The average yield reported was 37 bushels to the acre, or 11 bushels more than last year. In Columbia County the local agent reports an increase in Sea Island cotton as a result of recommended practices of insect control and good seed selection. In Gadsden County 30,000 pounds of tobacco were sold, bringing $4,325. The North Florida Experiment Station cooperated with the agent in giving information on the control of the blue mold. In Sumter County 120 farmers planted 1,250 acres in cowpeas and velvet beans, all of which will be turned under this fall and winter. The land will be planted in some other crop during the spring of 1941. In Leon County four purebred boars were placed in four different communities and 35 good brood sows were placed in 10 different com munities. In Hamilton County one Negro farmer, George Philpot, owns and operates the only Negro dairy we have record of in the State, with all


Annual R e port, 1940 81 modern equipment. During the year he maintained 12 jersey cows and sold 6,322 gallons of whole milk, amounting to $2,828; 2,530 gallons of skimmed milk amounting to $500; Butterfat amounting to $135. After deducting feed an,d , labor cost, Philpot realized a profit of $1,207.80. In Jackson County much work was done in the production of sweet potatoes. There . are two flue-heated beds among Negro farmers of that county for the purpose of supplying the farmers with pure certified seed potatoes : . The Porto Rican variety is used in this county mainly this year. Negro farmers this year sold sweet potatoes amounting to $300 on the early market. From the hotb e ds over 200,000 potato draws were sold. Twelve counties became active in supplying sweet potatoes and all told 1 , 860 , 000 ' plank of the pure Puerto Rican variety . were distributed, obtained from Louisiana. Negro and white members compose the West Florida Sweet Potato Growers' Association, . formed during the summer as the first organization of the kind in the state. Four-year demonstrations with sweet potatoes and sugarcan,e . started in 1937, were completed during the last 12 months, proving , highly successful; . ' . . . : , . . , . . . BOY'S 4~H CLUB WORK Four-H club work for Negro boys is conducted in 10 counties. Clubs this year numbered 113, with 1,844 memb e rs, 945 of whom completed their projects. . On corn, 653 boys were enrolled in 159 communities and 597 com pleted, raising 16,877 bushels on 1,083 acres . Of the 63 boys who started cotton projects, 53 completed, for 16,840 pounds on 47 acres. Sweet potatoes enrolled 111 boys, 85 completing with 4,383 bushels on 63 acres. ' Home and market gardens, peanuts, poultry and swine constituted other activities in which the 4-H club Negro boys made good records. Seven achievement days had a total attendance of 9,944. Ten en campments brought out 610 persons. Four boys' 4-H club tours were taken part in by 146. TERMINAL MARKET STUDIES Marketing sweet potatoes and sugarcane was studied in Chicago during their vacation periods by the local farm agents of Leon and Jef ferson counties. New York markets received similar study by the Col umbia and Hamilton agents during their vacations in the midsummer. Late in the fall the Local District Agent visited the New York mar ket, following the close of the World's Fair, when the season for chewing cane was at its best. One carload containing 13,000 stalks was shipped to New York by 10 Negro farmers in Hamilton County. Business men in their respective communities assisted the local farm agents from Columbia, Jackson, Leon, and Marion counties to visit several Alabama and Louisiana institutions, where they obtained highly valuable information on sweet potatoes and sugarcane.


82 Flor ida Agricultural Ext e nsion Service NEGRO HOME DEMO N STRATION WORK B e u lah S . Shu te , L ocal D istrict H ome D emons tration Ag ent Loc al hom e d emo ns t r ation agents served eight counties, r ea ching 1,529 women and 2 ,338 4-H club girls, representing 2 , 718 farm families. R a ising the standards of living a mong Fl o rid a rural Negro es was the chief aim in a ll the und e rt a king s during 1940. Farm owners, numbering 6 , 792, were found b e tter off in this r e sp e ct than th e 5 ,9 72 tenant farmers, but under both classifications much r mains to be accomplished. PLAN S AND PERSONNEL Plan s hith e rt o developed we r e followed without any major diversion and a chang e of agents took place in only one county. One local h ome demonstration agent att e nd ed th e agents' short course at Tusk egee In sti tut e during the summer. All agents were present at the St ate Short Cours e for Boys and Girls at Tallahassee in Jun e and they attended other meetings called by the Agricultural Adjustment Administrati o n and lik e agencies. Planning conferences were h e ld in each county where the work is active. D emonstrations wer e arranged for in every community c overed . FARM HOME IMPROVEMENTS G ardens raised on 1, 7 89 farms included 459 of the yearr o u nd type , planted by adults . Market gard e ns operated by 355 individuals sold produce bringing $4,947.37. Families owning their own milk cows aggregated 688 , while 1,803 produced meat supplies at hom e , canning 5 , 675 qu a rts . Game and fish for home us e were cann e d in 603 qu a rts . Altogether a total of 49 , 594 contain e rs of food was cann e d by home makers, including vegetables 13 , 713 quarts , fruit 7 , 149 , j u ice 2 ,8 0 9 . J ellies, jams and marmalades were pr e par e d in 1 7,448 containers. Fig. 11.-D e monstration s throughout th e Stat e were held for both colored and white families inter ested in making n ew cotton matresses, a nd th o usands of t h em were made.


Annual Report, 1940 83 Assistance was extended to 361 families in house planning problems. Seventeen constructed new residences, 121 screened against flies and mosquitoes. COTTON MATTRESS PROGRAM Local home demonstration agents took on the cotton mattress pro gram with enthusiasm, though it meant added work. Alachua, Madison, and Putnam counties used a central working place with families coming in constructing their mattresses under the direction of agents and leaders. In Hillsborough, Gadsden and Leon counties, mattresses were con structed in the various communities. Besides providing the Negro homes with 1,072 well constructed cotton mattresses, the mattress program did many other good things for the rural people . It brought about added cooperation with other groups; white and colored agents planned to gether, in the counties where there were both agents. More families were reached by the Extension agents. Whole families worked together. Neighbor helped neighbor. STATE SHORT COURSE The 22nd Boys' and Girls' Annual State Short Course was held at the Florida A. & M. College, May 28 to June 1, 1940. A program of in struction was planned which would prepare those attending for better work in their home counties. A total enrollment of 320 girls and boys with their leaders attended the Short Course. Of that total 188 were girls and women and 132 were boys and men. CAMPS AND PICNICS Alachua, Hillsborough and Gadsden counties held encampments for women and girls. Instruction in various phases of the extension work, handicraft and recreation was incorporated in the daily programs. This privilege was enjoyed by 184 women and girls. Duval County homemakers enjoyed a day on the St. Johns river. Addresses by Extension officials, leading citizens; games and contests provided instruction and entertainment. Over 5,000 Alachua County Negroes gathered at Archer for their annual Farmers' Day program. Educational exhibits, addresses, games and contests were featured. Putnam County families enjoyed a day of recreation on one of the lakes in Interlachen community. Leon county rural people to the num ber of 283 picnicked at Campbell's Lake. The Youth Center in Hillsborough County continues to develop. This year, electric lights, and 30 new army cots were added for camping pur poses. The grounds were beautified by a group of 30 men. Over 400 cuttings and shrubs were planted.


84 Florida Agricultural Extension Service STATISTICAL REPORT, NEGRO WORK (Men and Women) GENERAL ACTIVITIES Total days service rendered ___________________________________ _ Members in Extension associations or committees ___ _ Communities in which Negro Extension program has been planned ___________________ _ Clubs or other groups organized to carry on adult home demonstration work -----Members in such clubs or groups ___ _ 4-H clubs -----,------------------4-H club members enrolled------------------4 . -H club members completing --------------4-H club teams trained ______________ _ Farm or home visits -------------------Different farms or homes visited---------Calls relating to Extension work __________ _ News articles or stories published and circular letters issued_ Letters written ----------Bulletins distributed -------------------------Extension exhibits -----------------------Meetings held ___________ _ (Attendance Achievement days and encampments _______ _ (Attendance -----Homes and farms influenced by program _______ _ Homes with 4-H club members enrolled __ _ ____ _ CEREALS Communities in which work was conducted Result demonstrations conducted __________ _ Meetings held _________________ _ News stories published and circular letters issued ----4-H club members enrolled ------------4-H club members completing -------------Acres in projects conducted by 4-H club members completing Bushels of crops grown by 4-H club members completing . .. _. __ _ LEGUMES AND FORAGE CROPS Communities in which work was conducted ----Result demonstrations conducted -------Meetings -------------------News stories published and circular letters issued __ _ 4-H club members 4-H club members completing -------_____ _ Acres in projects conducted by 4-H club members completing Bushels of crops grown by 4-H club members completing_._. 4,819 1 h: 721 219 88 1,529 234 4,182 2,756 97 6,645 3,138 12,882 628 10,527 8,376 66 2,594 41,935 59 49,831 7,916 2,230 336 60 74 44 888 821 1,191 18,646 490 81 75 24 493 336 408 5,192 POTATOES, COTTON, TOBACCO, AND OTHER SPECIAL CROPS Sweet Potatoes Potatoes Others Communities in which work was conducted .. 233 Result demonstrations conducted 28 Meetings held --89 Cotton 83 6 56 Tobacco, 70 7 20


Annual Report, 1940 BS News stories published and circular letters ... _ 44 14 14 4-H club members enrolled ______ 131 63 47 4-H club members completing ___________________ 97 53 25 Acres in projects conducted by 4-H members 67.5 47 20 Yield of crops grown by 4-H members ___________ .4,593 bu. 16,840 lb. 20,672 lb FRUITS, VEGETABLES, and BEAUTIFICATION OF HOME GROUNDS Communities in which work was conducted ______ 840 Result demonstrations conducted ___________ 1,492 Meetings held _____ _ _____________ 593 News stories published and circular letters issued____ 73 4-H club members enrolled _____________ 3,005 4-H club members completing ____________ 2,170 Acres in projects conducted by 4-H club members completing 551 Yields of crops grown by 4-H club members completing_ _ ______ 11,387 Bu. FORESTRY AND AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING Communities in which work was conducted _____ _ Result demonstrations conducted __________ _ Meetings held _________________ _ News stories published and circular letters issued ___ _ 4-H club members enrolled ____________ _ 4-H club members completing ___________ _ Terracing and drainage, farms ___________ _ Acres Land clearing practices ______________ _ Acres Better equipment practices ___ _ Buildings erected or improved ___________ _ POULTRY AND BEES Communities in which work was conducted ______ _ Result demonstrations conducted _______ _ Meetings held News stories published and circular letters issued _________________ _ 4-H club members enrolled ____________ _ 4-H club members completing-----------Number units in projects conducted by 4-H c!ub members 139 98 82 _ 13 . ' 115 ' 14 . 26 645 42. 219 550 778 286 401 190 23 1,047 802, completing ____________________ 90,850 Families following better practices for poultry --------------------4,154 DAIRY CATTLE, BEEF CATTLE, SHEEP, SWINE AND HORSES Communities in which work was conducted ________ _ _______ 392 Result demonstrations conducted -------------358 Meetings held --------------------------------211 News stories published and circular letters issued____ 80 4-H club members enrolle~-----------685 4-H club members completing -------------------536 Animals in projects conducted by 4-H club members completing ------------------------682 AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS Result demonstrations conducted -------------------------8 Meetings held ----------------55 News stories published and circular letters issued______ 35 Farmers obtaining credit and making debt adjustments____ _ _____ 361


36 Florida Agricultural Extension Service Families assisted in getting establishe~-------52 Individuals affected by marketing program --~--368 Organizations assisted with problems --------------------------192 Individuals assisted with problems ________ 942 Value of products sold by association and individuals _ ___________ $288,538.66 Value of supplies purchased by organizations and individuals 80,767.53 FOODS. AND NUTRITION Communities in which work was conducted ______ _ Result demonstrations conducted ________ _ _______ _ Meetings held __________________ _ News stories published and circular letters issued ___________________ _ 4-H club members enrolled ____________ _ 4-H club . members completing ____________ _ Families adopting improved food practices _______ _ Schools following recommendations for a hot dish or school 337 919 356 19 2,927 2,131 7,393 lunch ___________________ 113 Children involved________________ 3,657 Containers of food saved by non-members of 4-H clubs . . __ _ _____ 50,714 Value of products canned or otherwise preserved ____ $ 13,623.60 CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND PARENT EDUCATION Communities in which work was conducted _____ _ Result demonstrations conducted ______________ _ Meetings held ------------------News stories published and circular letters issued ___ _ 4-H club members enrolled _______________ _ 4-H club members completing __________ _ Other 4-H club members who participated ______ _ Families adopting better child-development practices _ _________ _ Individuals participating in child-development program _ _____ _ _ Children involved ------------------CLOTHING 130 154 121 6 960 626 460 2,235 831 1,178 Communities in which work was conducted_______ 151 Result demonstrations conducted ___________ 415 Meetings held___ -------------192 News stories published aod circular letters issued____ 8 4-H club members enrolled --------------1,95"4 4-H club members completing ______ -----~ 1,237 Articles made by 4-H club members __________ 3,902 Individuals following better clothing practices _____ 11,424 Savings due to clothing program -----------$ 6,963.40 HOME MANAGEMENT AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS Communities in which work was conducted ______ _ Result demonstrations conducted ___________ _ Meetings held -----------------News stories published and circular letters issued ___ _ 4-H club members enrolled ____________ _ 4-H club members completing ___________________ _ Units in projects conducted by 4-H club members completing Families adopting improved home-management practices ____ _ Saving due to home-management program -------$ Families making improvements in house furnishings __ _ Savings due to home-furnishings program ______ _ Families following recommendations regarding handicraft __ 353 1,012 324 15 3,487 2,969 10,693 8,840 5,059.00 4,426 4,469.00 447


Annual Report, 1940 HOME HEALTH AND SANITATION Communities in which work was conducted Result demonstrations conducted _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ Meetings held ______ _ _ ____ _ News stories published and circular letters issued __ _ _ 4-H club members enrolled _ __ _____ _ ____ _ 4-H club members completing _ ___ __ ____ _ _ Individuals having health examinations Other 4-H club members who participated _____ _ _ Individuals adopting better health habits _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ Families adopting better health habits 254 507 233 33 2,352 1,526 3,292 735 8,841 ' 1,969' EXTENSION ORGANIZATION AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES , Meetings held _______ ___ ___ __ ___ __ _ News stories published and circular letters issued __ _ _ Communities assisted with community problems ___ _ _ 'rraining meetings conducted for community leaders ___ _ Families following recommendations as to home recreation 4-H clubs engaging in community activities _____ _ _ Families aided in obtaining assistance from Red Cross or other relief agency _ __ ______ _ _____ _ 296: 114 839 82 1 , 009 100 533. 87


INDEX Acreage allotments and marketing . quotas, 21-25 Agents' activities, 26-27 Agents, county and home demon stration, 5 Negro, 6 Agricultural Adjustment Adminis tration, 6 Agricultural conservation, assistants, 6 . Agricultural conservation report, 21-25 increasing conservation practices, 21 participation payments, 21-23 1940 program, factors in, 24 Agricultural economics and land use, 8 Agricultural economics report, 2831 citrus grove management, 28 citrus marketing, 29-30 cooperation with other marketing agencies, 30 Florida Council of Farmer Cooperatives, 31 land-use planning, 28-29 marketing agreements, 31 outlook conference and record books, 28 potato and celery studies, 28 traveling conference, 29 vegetables and livestock marketing, 30 Agronomy report, 32-35 corn and other feed crops, 32 exhibits, 33 flue-cured tobacco, 35 hay, forage and sorghum, 33 miscellaneous activities, 35 permanent pastures, 33 Sea Island cotton, 34-35 upland cotton tests, 34 Animal husbandry report, 36-46 cattle club sales, 40 dairying, 38-41 feeder cattle, 36 Florida Fat Stock Show and Sale, 37 swine, work for improved, 37 typical meetings attended, 36 workstock program, 37 Boys' 4-H club work, report, 47-51 camps, 50-51 contests, 49 dairy program, 39 enrollment statistics, 47-49 forestry work, 58 national camp, 50 poultry program, 45-46 scholarships, 49 short course, 49 state 4-H club shows, 50 Broadcasts, radio, 19 Broiler production, 46 Bronze leaf, 54 Buildings, poultry, 45 Bulletins, 17 Calendar flock records, 46 Cattle club sales, 40 Cattle shows, feeder, 36 Celery and potato studies, 28 Celery marketing agreement, 31 Citrus fruit, 52-55 bronze leaf, 54 costs and returns, 28 cover crops, 53 cultivation, 53 fertilizing, 52-53 frenching, 54 grove management, 28 growers' institute, 55 irrigation, 53 marketing, 29 marketing agreements, 31 meetings, tours and visits, 54-55 melanose, 54 rust mite, 54 scale, 54 ! Conservation activities, agricultur al, 21 Cooperatives, Florida Council of Farmer, 31 Corn and other feed crops, 32 Cotton mattress program, 65 Negro, 83 Cotton promotion work, 67-68 Cotton, Sea Island, 34 Cotton tests, upland, 34 County Agents' activities, 26-27 effort on special crops, 27 with general farmers, 26 County and home demonstration agents, list of, 5 Negro, 6 Dairying, report of, 38-41 cattle club sales, 40 disease and parasite control, 40 fairs and shows, 40-41 feeding, 38-39 4-H club program, 39 herd improvement testing, 39-40 home dairy work, 39 state association meeting, 41 Demonstration agents, county and home, list of, 5 Negro, 6 Director's report, 7 Dress revue, 68 Economics, agricultural, 8, 28


ii Index Editorial and mailing report, 17-20 farm broadcasts, radio, 19 news service, 18 publications, 17 special and miscellaneous activities, 19-20 Egg~Laying Test, Florida National, 41 . Electrification, rural, 75 Exhibits and shows cattle, feeder, 36 dairy fairs and shows, 40 4-H club shows, 50 Florida Fat Stock Show and Sale, 37 hog shows, 37 pasture and feed crops, 33 State 4-H club shows, 50 Farm forestry, 56-59 fire prevention, 57 4-H club forestry work, 58 future prospects, 58 gum farming, 57 improvement of timber stands, 56 marketing timber, 57 net results, 58 planting trees on farms, 56 pulpwood cutting methods, 57 Feed crops, 32 Feeder cattle shows, 36 Fertilizing citrus, 52-53 Financial statement, 11 Florida Fat Stock Show and Sale, 37 Florida Council of Farmer Cooperatives, 31 . Florida National Egg-Laying Test, 41 Flue-cured tobacco, 35 Food conservation and gardening, 77 Food, nutrition and health, 71-74 accomplishments, 71 food conferences, 73 exhibits and tours, 74 food selection and preparation, 72 4-H club camps, 73 junior work, phases of, 72 methods utilized, 71-72 State Short Course, 73 Forage, hay and sorghum, 33 Frenching, 54 Gardening and food conservation, 77-79 canning contest, 77 county flowers, shows and fairs, 77 gardening and perennial planting, 78 girls' canning demonstrations, 77 summary, food conservation, 7879 Girls' 4-H club work, 61, 62, 63, 64, 69, 70, 72, 73, 76, 77 camps, 61, 73 canning demonstrations, 77 clothing club, 69 club camp, national, 70 college club, 63, 64 councils, 62 home improvement, 76 junior work, phases of, 72 State Short Course, 63-73 Grove management, 28 Growers' institute, 55 Gum farming, 57 Hay, forage and sorghum, 33 Health, food and nutrition, 71-74 Herd improvement testing, 39-40 Hog improvement program, 37 Hog shows, 37 Home dairying, 39, 66 Home demonstration activities, 9, 60-70 . Home improvement, 75-76 4-H girls work, 76 home management, 76 improved housing, 76 rural electrification, 75 Housing progress, 66 Irrigation advancement, 53 Land-use, 7, 28-29 Marketing activities, 29-31 citrus, 29 cooperation with other agencies, 30 Florida Council of Farmer Cooperatives, 31 livestock, 30 timber, 57 vegetables, 30 Marketing agreements, 31 Marketing quotas and acreage allotments, 24-25 Melanose, citrus, 54 National defense and food, 66 National Egg-Laying Test, Florida, 41 Negro Extension work, 10, 80-87 boys' 4-H club work, 81 camps and picnics, 83 cotton mattress program, 83 fairs and exhibits, 80 farm home improvements, 82 home demonstration work, 82 meetings, 80 plans and personnel, 82


Index iii terminal market studies, 81 typical project results, 80-81 State Short Course, 83 statistical report, 84-87 News service, 18 Nutrition, food and health, 71-74 Outlook conference, 28 Pasture and feed crop exhibits, 33 Pastures, permanent, 33 Potato and celery studies, 28 Poultry, report, 41-46 broiler production, 46 buildings, 45 calendar flock records, 46 continuing activities, 44-45 egg, hen and fryer indices, 43-44 Florida National Egg-Laying Test, 41 junior poultry work, 45-46 ration and product prices, 41-43 ration index, 43-44 Third Annual Institute, 44 Publications, 17 Pulpwood cutting methods, 57 Radio broadcasts, 19 Ration and product prices, poultry, 41-43 Ration index, poultry, 43-44 Reforestation, 56-59 Revenues and resources, 7 Rural electrification, 75 Rust mite, 54 Scale control, 54 Scholarships, 4-H clubs, 49, 62, 63, 64 Sea Island cotton, 34 Shows and exhibits, 33, 36, 37, 40, 50 Soil conservation district work, 58 Soil cooperation with AAA, 58 Soil testing, 58 Sorghum, forage and hay, 33 Specialists and relationships, 7 Statistical report, 11-16 Negro, 84-87 Swine improvement program, 37 Terracing, 32 Textiles and clothing, 67-70 Timber marketing, 57 stands, improvement of, 56 Tobacco, flue-cured, 35 Traveling conference (land-use), 29 Tree planting on farms, 56 Vegetables and livestock, 30 marketing agreements, 31 Watermelon, marketing agreement, 31 Women's and girls' demonstrations, 60-79 achievement days, 69 awards and prizes, 64 camps and short course, 61-62 clothing and textiles, 67 college 4-H club, 63-64 cooperation received, 69-70 cotton mattress program, 65 cotton promotion work, 67-68 demonstrations and visits, 61 dress revue programs, 68 food, nutrition and health, 71-74 4-H club out-of-state trip, 70 4-H club work for girls, 62-63 gardening and food conservation, 77-79 health in rural families, 65-66 home clothing demonstrations, 69 home dairying, 66 home improvement, 75-76 home visits made, 69 housing progress, 66 information and exhibits, 70 marketing statistics, 64 method demonstrations, 68 national defense relations, 66 personnel and administration, 60 senior councils for women, 62 State Short Course, 63 Workstock program, 37