Cucumber variety evaluation. Fall 1989.

Material Information

Cucumber variety evaluation. Fall 1989.
Series Title:
Research Report - Leesburg CFREC ; LBG89-5
Translated Title:
Cucumber variety evaluation ( English )
Elmstrom, Gary W. ( Professor )
Chandler, Annette ( Biological Scientist )
Place of Publication:
Gainesville, Fla.
Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. University of Florida.
Publication Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Cucumber Variety
Fall 1989
City of Leesburg ( flgeo )
Central Florida ( flgeo )
Educational research ( jstor )
Cucumbers ( jstor )
Observational research ( jstor )
Spatial Coverage:
North America -- United States -- Florida -- Leesburg

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
124065091 ( OCLC )


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V l:G vL

G. W. Elmstrom
Annette Chandler
Biological Scietist II

Central Florida Research
and Education Center
5336 University Ave.
Leesburg, FL 34748


1 9 8 9 I ll Vi V I 6i030 ll
3 1262 05304 1686

Included in these evaluations are
fresh-market and pickling cucumbers
at the Central Florida Research and
Education Center, Leesburg during
the Fall 1989 season. Temperatures
were above normal during the fall
production season,._ ,_.__.
Central Science

JAN 111990

University of Florida


Leesburg CFREC
Research Report
LBG 89-5
(250 Copies)

The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Is an Equal Employment Opportunity Affirmative Ation Employer authorized to provide research. educational
Information and other services only to Individuals and Institutions that function without regard to race. color, sex. age, handicap or national origin.



Fresh Market








Table 1

Table 2




Cucumber, fresh market, replicated (cont.)

Generalz'y Yield (bu/A)
Foliar Earlyx Total
Cultivar Source Disease Fancy Marketablew Fancy Marketable Colorv Shapeu

Slice Nice Sunseeds 3.3 ab 63 a-d 146 a-i 95 a-h 408 a-d 7.0 a-c 7.3 a-e
Slice King Sakata 3.7 ab 33 b-d 192 a-e 36 g-i 391 a-e 7.7 ab 7.7 a-d
Centurion Northrup King 3.0 ab 55 a-d 148 a-i 84 a-h 387 a-f 7.0 a-c 6.7 a-e
FMX 4762 Ferry-Morse 3.0 ab 62 a-d 245 a 67 c-i 374 b-f 7.3 a-c 6.7 a-e
HMX 2417 Harris-Moran 3.0 ab 55 a-d 136 b-j 85 a-h 373 b-f 7.0 a-c 7.0 a-e

88C55 Musser 2.7 b 52 a-d 93 e-j 91 a-h 372 b-f 4.7 de 8.3 ab
Olympian Hollar 2.7 b 59 a-d 171 a-h 69 b-i 368 b-f 7.0 a-c 7.0 a-e
Prolific Sakata 4.0 ab 13 cd 146 a-i 23 hi 363 b-f 5.7 c-e 5.7 de
HXP 2415 Harris-Moran 3.0 ab 49 a-d 69 h-j 142 ab 361 b-f 8.0 a 8.0 a-c
A&C 1811 Abbott & Cobb 4.3 a 47 a-d 154 a-i 87 a-h 346 b-f 8.0 a 7.0 a-e

Bellando Royal Sluis 3.3 ab 15 cd 76 g-j 46 e-i 344 b-f 7.3 a-c 7.7 a-d
NVH 2160 Northrup King 3.3 ab 27 b-d 114 c-j 62 d-i 325 b-f 8.0 a 6.3 b-e
PSR 287 Petoseed 3.3 ab 39 a-d 104 c-j 85 a-h 318 b-f 7.3 ab 7.0 a-e
General Lee Ferry-Morse 3.3 ab 48 a-d 110 c-j 76 a-i 310 b-f 7.0 a-c 6.7 a-e
PSR 34885 Petoseed 4.3 a 53 a-d 85 f-j 110 a-f 291 c-f 6.0 b-d 6.3 b-e

Poinsett 76 Petoseed 3.0 ab 16 cd 97 e-j 24 hi 283 d-f 6.7 a-c 5.7 de
Slice Top Sakata 3.0 ab 10 d 53 ij 43 f-i 219 ef 8.0 a 7.0 a-e
Cugro Seedway 4.3 a 4 d 42 j 6 i 212 f 4.7 de 5.3 e

ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YRated from 0, immune; to 9, plant dead.
XHarvested by October 6, 1989.
WMarketable yield includes U.S. Fancy, No. 1 and No. 2.
VRated from 1, white; to 9, very dark green.
URated from 1, poor; to 9, excellent.
Comments: Planted August 15, 1989 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2 ft apart and rows
6 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A 15-0-14 in
3 other applications before flowering.


Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leader: G. W. Elmstrom
Planted: August 15,1989
Harvested: September 28, 1989. Last of 6: October 17,1989
Soil: Apopka fine sand

General Yield (bu/A)
Foliar Early7 Total
Cultivar Source Disease Fancy Marketablex Fancy Marketable Colorw Shapev

87C43 Musser 1.0 262 369 300 776 7.0 9.0
XPH 1655 Asgrow 3.0 82 231 104 558 5.0 6.0'
XPH 1652 Asgrow 3.0 121 263 157 538 7.0 7.0
PSR 104388 Petoseed 4.0 55 170 67 476 8.0 8.0
Xph 1653 Asgrow 4.0 125 260 125 468 7.0 8.0
SUNRE 3720 Sunseeds 4.0 90 178 142 425 7.0 6.0
A&C 1810 Abbott & Cobb 4.0 6 75 53 425 8.0 6.0
SUNRE 3721 Sunseeds 3.0 57 136 109 414 7.0 7.0
689-1 AT 5.0 63 201 103 396 5.0 8.0
689-2 AT 5.0 37 174 53 396 4.0 4.0
Floracuke Petoseed 4.0 99 151 109 369 8.0 9.0
PSR 109188 Petoseed 3.0 24 107 12 363 8.0 7.0
PSR 105688 Petoseed 4.0 65 172 102 354 8.0 7.0
Slicemaster Twilley 4.0 127 160 127 349 7.0 7.0
PSR 119888 Petoseed 4.0 24 98 65 314 8.0 8.0

Cucumber, fresh market, observational (cont.)

General Yield (bu/A)
Foliar EarlyY Total
Cultivar Source Disease Fancy Marketablex Fancy Marketable Colorw Shapev

Early Triumph Twilley 5.0 16 136 16 311 8.0 7.0
Maximore 101 Abbott & Cobb 3.0 25 79 39 308 8.0 9.0
689-4 AT 2.0 0 18 0 307 4.0 4.0
Super Slice Northrup King 4.0 29 91 35 299 6.0 8.0
689-3 AT 3.0 0 11 0 264 5.0 4.0

HSR 184 Hollar 5.0 4 60 17 237 7.0 8.0
Seneca RXPG 815 Robson 4.0 6 36 62 206 8.0 9.0
HSR 183 Hollar 3.0 36 88 46 198 8.0 8.0
Bella Neuman 7.0 0 100 0 165 4.0 5.0
Marketmore 76 Northrup King 5.0 0 7 35 158 7.0 7.0

HSR 181 Hollar 5.0 0 67 0 137 5.0 4.0

ZRated from 0, immune; to 9, plant dead.
YHarvested by October 6, 1989.
XMarketable yield includes U.S. Fancy, No. 1 and No. 2.
WRated from 1, white; to 9, very dark green.
VRated from 1, poor; to 9, excellent.
Comments: Planted August 15, 1989 in single-row plots 25 ft long with hills 2 ft apart and rows
6 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 Ib/A 15-0-14 in
3 other applications before flowering.


Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leader: G.W. Elmstrom
Planted: August 15,1989
Harvested: September 25,1989. Last of 6: October 16, 1989.
Soil: Apopka fine sand

Foliar Yield($/Acre)PCIC Standardw
Cultivar Source Diseasezy Earlvx Total ShapeV Coloru
Royal Harris Moran 4.7 a-c 194 a-c 452 a 5.0 a 3.3 b-d
Calypso Petoseed 3.7 c 180-a-c 434 ab 5.0 a 3.7 a-c
Raleigh NC AES 4.0 bc 234 a 429 ab 3.3 cd 3.7 a-c.
Endeavor NC AES 4.3 bc 182 a-c 408 ab 5.0 a 3.7 a-c
Parker Canners 5.0 a-c 198 a-c 404 ab 5.0 a 4.0 a-c
Johnston NC AES 4.7 a-c 229 ab 401 ab 4.3 a-c 4.0 a-c
Alexander Sunseeds 5.3 ab 208 a-c 372 a-c 3.0 de 4.0 a-c
Fremont NC AES 4.3 bc 172 a-c 364 a-c 4.7 ab 4.0 a-c
Transamerica Ferry-Morse 4.3 bc 172 a-c 360 a-c 4.7 ab 4.7 a
Express Musser 4.3 bc 200 a-c 354 a-c 4.3 a-c 3.3 b-d
Picarow Agway 4.3 bc 164 a-c 336 a-c 4.7 ab 2.3 d
Pik-Rite Ferry-Morse 4.3 bc 154 a-c 335 a-c 4.7 ab 3.7 a-c
Alert Seedway 4.0 bc 195 a-c 332 a-c 3.7 b-d 4.3 ab
Cross Country Ferry-Morse 4.0 bc 161 a-c 329 a-c 4.7 ab 4.7 a
Lucky Strike Petoseed 4.0 bc 153 bc 325 a-c 4.3 a-c 3.3 b-d

Cucumber, pickling, replicated (cont.)

Foliar Yield($/Acre)PCIC Standardw
Cultivar Source Diseasez'y Earlyx Total ShapeV Coloru
Napoleon Sunseeds 5.0 a-c 182 a-c 320 a-c 4.0 a-d 4.3 ab
Picklemech Northrup King 4.7 a-c 169 a-c 311 a-c 3.3 cd 3.3 b-d
Blitz Petoseed 4.3 bc 148 c 293 bc 3.7 b-d 3.0 cd
Adonis Seedway 6.0 a 144 c 235 c 2.0 e 3.0 cd

ZMean separation by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
YRated from 0, immune; to 9, plant dead.
XHarvested by October 4, 1989.
WPickling Cucumber Improvement Committee recommended standard, viz.
Diameter Value ($/cwt)
less than 1 1/16 inches 6
1 1/16 to 1 1/2 inches 3
1 1/2 to 2 inches 2
over 2 inches 1
VRated from 1, poor to 5, excellent.
URated from 1, poor to 5, best.
Comments: Planted August 15, 1989 in single-row plots 24 ft long with hills 2 ft apart and
rows 6 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A
15-0-14 in 3 other applications before flowering.

v'v IN Ct9ARGE

MwL ULsil


Unit Reporting: Leesburg Central Florida Research & Education Center
Leader: G.W. Elmstrom
Planted: August 15,1989
Harvested: September 25,1989. Last of 6: October 16, 1989.
Soil: Apopka fine sand

Foliar Yield(S/Acre)PCIC Standardx
Cultivar Source Diseasez EarlvY Total Shapew Colorv
HMX 6465 Harris Moran 4.0 282 522 3.0 3.0
Sunre 3529 Sunseeds 4.0 267 521 5.0 5.0
PSX 50585 Petoseed 5.0 240 510 5.0 5.0
HMX 6466 Harris Moran 4.0 233 467 4.0 3.0
FMX 4892 Ferry-Morse 3.0 215 434 4.0 2.0

Sunre 3533 Sunseeds 4.0 227 424 3.0 5.0
HMX 4490 Harris Moran 3.0 183 406 5.0 4.0
Regal Harris Moran 4.0 230 403 4.0 3.0
HMX 6463 Harris Moran 4.0 191 397 3.0 3.0
FMX 4890 Ferry-Morse 3.0 116 393 4.0 4.0

PS 50885 Petoseed 4.0 189 388 3.0 3.0
PSX 50183 Petoseed 4.0 180 346 5.0 4.0
FMX 4891 Ferry-Morse 4.0 142 341 3.0 4.0

Cucumber, pickling, obsevational (cont.)

ZRated from 0, immune; to 9, plant dead.
YHarvested by October 4, 1989.
XPickling Cucumber Improvement Committee recommended standard, viz.
Diameter Value ($/cwt)
less than 1 1/16 inches 6
1 1/16 to 1 1/2 inches 3
1 1/2 to 2 inches 2
over 2 inches 1
WRated from 1, poor to 5, excellent.
Rated from 1, poor to 5, best.
Comments: Planted August 15, 1989 in single-row plots 24 ft long with hills 2 ft apart and
rows 6 ft apart. Fertilization: 800 lb/A 5-15-8 applied preplant and 650 lb/A
15-0-14 in 3 other applications before flowering.




Abbott & Cobb


Abbott & Cobb, Inc.
P.O. Box 307
Feasterville, PA 19047

Agway, Inc.
Box 1333
Syracuse, NY 13201

American Takaii, Inc.
301 Natividad Road
Salinas, CA 93906

Asgrow Seed Co.
7000 Portage Rd.
Kalamazoo, MI 49001

Canners Seed Corp.
P.O. Box 18
Lewisville, ID 83431

Ferry-Morse Seed Co.
P.O. Box 4938
Modesto, CA 95352-4938

Harris Moran Seed Co.
3670 Buffalo Rd.
Rochester, NY 14624


Hollar & Company, Inc.
P.O. Box 106
Rocky Ford, CO 81067

Musser Seed Co., Inc.
P.O. Box 1406
Twin Falls, ID 83301

Neuman Seed Co.
P.O. Box 1530
El Centro, CA 92243

Dr. Todd
Dept. of
Box 7609

Northrup King



Hort. Sci., NCSU

NC 27695-7609

Northrup King Seed Co.
Vegetable Seed Group
P.O. Box 1827
Gilroy, CA 95023

P.O. Box

Co., Inc.
CA 93003

Robson Seed Farms Corp.
1 Seneca Circle
Hall, NY 14463









Harris Moran

Appendix. Seed sources (cont.)


Royal Sluis







Royal Sluis, Inc.
1293 Harkins Road
Salinas, CA 93901

Sakata Seed America, Inc.
P.O. Box 880
Morgan Hill, CA 95038-0880

Seedway, Inc.
Hall, NY 14463-0250

P.O. Box

Seed Co.
FL 33465

9531 W. 78th St. #229
Eden Prairie, MN 55344

Twilley Seed Co.
P.O. Box 65
Trevose, PA 19047

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