Varietal susceptibility to grape root borer in muscadine grape.

Material Information

Varietal susceptibility to grape root borer in muscadine grape.
Series Title:
Research Report - Leesburg ARC ; WG80-5
Adlerz, W. C.
Place of Publication:
Gainesville, Fla.
Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. University of Florida.
Publication Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
City of Leesburg ( flgeo )
Grapes ( jstor )
Plant roots ( jstor )
Infestation ( jstor )
Spatial Coverage:
North America -- United States -- Florida -- Leesburg

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
127253168 ( OCLC )


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Varietal Susceptibility to Grape Root Borer
5 in Muscadine Grape
W. C. Adlerz
University of Florida IFAS
ARC Leesburg
August 21, 1980

The grape root borerVitacea polistiformis (Harris),(Lepidoptera:
Sesiidae), is a wasp-like moth, the larval stages of which bore in
grapvine roots. Symptoms in grapevines range from decline in
vigor and yield to death of plants. Life history and control
measures for this insect have not been worked out in Florida. Con-
trol is usually considered difficult.

Management of this pest would be greatly facilitated by varietal
resistance. Nothing is known about varietal tolerance or resis-
tance to grape root borer in muscadine grapes growing in Florida.
Therefore, the level of natural infestation in muscadine varieties
growing in the vineyard at the ARC Leesburg (T block) is being

Procedure: The "T block" is a replicated test for comparison of
muscadine, varietal performance. The planting contains 6 replica-
tions of single plant plots of each variety.

Grape root borer eggs are laid above ground in the fall. Larvae
enter the soil and bore in the roots for about 2 years. At maturity,
pupation takes place near the soil surface. At adult emergence,
pupal cases can be found exposed at the soil surface. The level of
root borer infestation in "T block" grapevines was evaluated by
counting pupal cases at the soil surface Oct. 8, 1979.

Results: Pupal case counts are summarized in Table 1. Similar
observations will be made over a longer period of time in 1980. The
same technique will be used to survey additional vineyards.


Leesburg ARC Research Report (WG 80-5)
100 copies

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0 -

Table 1. Varietal susceptibility to grape root borer infestation
as indicated in the Laboratory Farm T-block planting by
cast pupal skins at the soil surface Oct. 8, 1979.
Pupal skins
Variety per vinel
Southland 0.0 a
Magnolia 0.0 a
Thomas 0.2 a
Redgate 0.2 a
Chief 0.2 a
Regale 0.3 a
Magoon 0.5 a
Tarheel 0.7 ab
Welder 0.8 ab
Watergate 0.8 ab
Fry 0.8 ab
Creek 0.8 ab
Dixie 1.2 abc
Dearing 1.2 abc
Jumbo 1.3 abc
US42-12B 2.2 abcd
Cowart 2.2 abcd
Noble 2.3 abcd
Hunt 2.3 abcd
Sugargate 3.3 bcd
Carlos 3.6 cd
Higgins 4.0 d
1Average from 6 single-plant replications.
2Mean separation by Duncan's Multiple Range Test. 5% level.


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