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university of florida
Vol. LXVIII, Series 1, No. 6, June 1, 1973. Published monthly by the University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.
Entered in the post office in Gainesville, Florida, as second-class matter under Act of Congress, August 24, 1912.
Career Opportunities
The University of Florida has the rare advantage of
having all of its colleges located on a single campus where
students and faculty in one field of study have the oppor-
tunity of contributing and obtaining knowledge from the
spectrum of specialties through interdisciplinary activity.
Special programs suited to individual needs and purposes
may be arranged, especially on the graduate or professional
Advertising Design
Aerospace Engineering
Agricultural Business Management
Agricultural Chemistry
Agricultural Economics
Agricultural Education
Agricultural Engineering
Agricultural Extension
Air Conditioning
Analytical Chemistry
Anatomical Sciences
Animal Science
Art Education
Building Construction
Business Administration
Business Administration
Business Education
Business Statistics
Chemical Engineering
Citrus Production
City and Regional Planning
Civil Engineering
Coastal and Oceanographic
Computer Information Sciences
Dairy Science
Dairy Manufacturing
Economic Geography
Electrical Engineering
Engineering Mechanics
Engineering Sciences
Engineering Technology
Environmental Engineering
Fine Arts
Food Science
Foreign Trade
Forest Management
Forest Products Technology
Fruit Crops
Guidance and Counseling
Health Education
Health Physics
Health Related Professions
Clinical Psychology
Health and Hospital Administration
Medical Technology
Occupational Therapy
Physical Terapy
Rehabilitation Counseling
Industrial Management
Industrial Relations
Inorganic Chemistry
Interior Design
International Affairs
junior College Administration
and Education
Labor Economics
Landscape Architecture
Latin American Area Studies
Library Science
Life Sciences Engineering
Magazine Writing
Mechanical Engineering
Anatomical Sciences
Internal Medicine
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Medical Radiation Physics
Metallurgical Engineering
Military Science
Music Education
Newspaper Writing & Editing
Nuclear Engineering Sciences
Maternity Nursing
Medical Nursing
Pediatric Nursing
Psychiatric Nursing
Public Health Nursing
Surgical Nursing
Organic Chemistry
Ornamental Horticulture
Personnel Management
Physical Chemistry
Physical Education
Plant Pathology
Political Sciences
Poultry Science
Public Administration
Public Finance
Public Health
Public Relations
Public Utilities Economics
Radiation Biology
Radiation Biophysics
Real Estate
Sales Management
Sanitary Chemistry
School Administration
School Art
Social Science
Social Work Administration
Soils Chemistry
Soils Management
Soils Microbiology
Soils Surveying
Speech Correction
Systems Engineering
Urban Studies
Vegetable Crops
Veterinary Science
Vocational Guidance
Wildlife Management
University College
When a freshman enters the University of Florida, he is
enrolled in the University College. This college is specifi-
cally designed to assist the younger students in their transi-
tion into the University.
Courses offered by the college are aimed toward improving
communication skills, acquainting the student with the princi-
pal concepts in the biological and physical sciences and pro-
viding a knowledge of the history and culture of Western man.
Such a broad background enables students to make a wise
choice of an upper division school or college.
The basic comprehensive courses are:
American Institutions (their developmental history,
problems and processes -social, political and economic)
The Physical Sciences (the nature of the physical uni-
*Comprehensive English (freshmen English, language and
Comprehensive Logic
Fundamental Mathematics
The Humanities (literature, philosophy, religion and
The Biological Sciences (the life sciences)
A variety of counseling services is available to help the stu-
dent achieve maximum educational development. Every student
can see an academic advisor each time he registers. The Reading
Laboratory and Clinic provides diagnostic testing and remedial
exercises for those whose verbal skills are inadequate. A staff
of experienced academic advisors helps students in choosing
educational and career goals and in planning course programs.
The University Counseling Center provides professional psy-
chological services, including vocational guidance, career infor-
mation, assistance with academic problems, specialized testing
and personal counseling.
Honors coursework is offered to selected members of the
entering freshmen in each Fall class. Participation is voluntary
and limited to those who maintain a "B" average in all work.
These chosen scholars become members of small tutorial classes
which make possible deep penetration into course materials and
encourage independent work.
The associate of arts certificate serves to recognize the com-
pletion of a program of general education designed to broaden
each student's intellectual life and to provide perspective for
specialization in a baccalaureate college.
The University of Florida's upper division consists of the
15 specialized colleges and schools where a student who has
completed the University College program or transferred from
a junior college or other institution of higher learning can con-
centrate in the area of career choice. Some of the possible
careers offered at the University are listed on pages entitled
"Career Opportunities."
While completing the first two years of college work, a
student has studies in the several great areas of human under-
standing and achievement and has been given a chance to
explore his aptitudes and abilities through educational expe-
rience, vocational examinations and counseling sessions with
both upper and lower division counselors, deans and depart-
ment chairmen. ,
Necessary correlation and unification of combined studies
in the two divisions are important factors in guiding students to
a successful career choice and sound curriculum planning. In-
cluded in the upper division are the professional colleges of
law and medicine.
Graduate instruction offering programs leading to the degrees
of doctor of philosophy in more than 56 fields, doctor of edu-
cation, specialist in education and the master's degree in more
than 90 areas is conducted through the Graduate School by
the faculties of the various colleges.
Upper Division
The College of Agriculture offers instruction leading to
careers in the nation's largest industry. Farming is only one
segment of agriculture, yet its bigness involves an annual mar-
ket at the farm level for over $40 billion of goods and services
that necessitate a tremendous number of agriculturally trained
A student may specialize in one of the three broad areas of
knowledge agricultural science, agricultural technology or
agricultural business.
Food and resource economics programs are concerned with
the production, marketing, and distribution of agricultural pro-
ducts, the management of natural resources and rural develop-
ment. Food and resource economics deals with economic
problems from the businessman's, consumer's, and public ad-
ministrator's point of view.
Agricultural and extension education provides a combination
of technical agricultural courses and professional education and
extension courses leading to activities as county or demonstration
agents and vocational agricultural teachers.
Agricultural engineering leads to the application of engineering
science to agriculture, including design and sales of farm machinery,
rural electric engineering and soil and water conservation.
Animal science programs are concerned with production of
beef cattle, dairy cattle, poultry, swine, horses and sheep.
Consideration is given to the packing house industry, the grading
and marketing of meat and poultry products and the feed indus-
try. Laboratory animal science involves managing small animal
colonies in medical, pharmaceutical, feed industry and other labora-
Field, fruit and vegetable crops are included in the broad area
of plant science including food and forage crop production and
utilization, genetics and plant breeding. Ornamental horticul-
ture opens career opportunities in floriculture, nursery operation,
flower shops and landscaping. Fruit production, handling and
marketing offer other avenues for employment.
Special attention to the function and management of machines,
structures, mechanical operations and processes used in modern
agriculture are included in the mechanized agriculture program
which develops proficiency in sales, service and manufacture as
related to the mechanization of agricultural production.
Specializations are available in plant protection in the areas of
plant pathology and entomology and nematology. Curricula
are available in food processing, consumer protection, and nutri-
tion and dietetics. Degrees in botany and microbiology are
offered jointly between the Colleges of Agriculture and Arts
and Sciences.
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and Fine Arts
The College of Architecture and Fine Arts includes the
Division of Building Arts, with departments of architecture
and building construction; the Division of Fine Arts, with de-
partments of art and music; the University Center of the Arts,
the Center for Latin American and Tropical Arts, the Univer-
sity Gallery and the Bureau of Research.
Undergraduate degree, are offered in:
Architecture (Pre-professional) History of Art
Interior Design Crafts(Ceramics,
Landscape Architecture jewelry, metal
Building Construction work)
Fine Arts (Creative Advertising Design
Photography, Painting Art Education
Printmaking, Music
Sculpture) Music Education
The architecture curriculum is for students who desire to
obtain a pre-professional education in architecture. It is the
undergraduate preparation for the two-year graduate program
for those interested in professional practice, teaching, and simi-
lar careers of creative and intellectual activity. For other
careers in architecture the course of study leading to the Bache-
lor of Design is a terminal program.
Interior design is for those who want to become professional
interior designers in the domestic, commercial and institutional
fields, or who wish to engage in merchandising, design or manu-
facture of furniture and accessories.
Landscape architecture prepares graduates for private prac-
tice in the field of landscape architecture and for employment
as landscape architects in city park departments and the National
Park Service. Intensive training in site planning enables graduates
to find employment in city and regional planning offices.
Building Construction offers opportunities in all areas of the
industry, including land development, home building, public
building, commercial, industrial, marine and heavy construction,
underwater and space age facilities, material and equipment dis-
tribution, sales and installation, construction product research,
development, sales and application.
A major in art prepares students to enter professional careers
in fine arts or design or to teach art in public schools, universities
or colleges. Fine arts include painting, printmaking and sculpture,
history of art and crafts ceramics, jewelry and metalwork.
Advertising design covers courses in lettering, layout, graphic
design, photography and illustration, in addition to design,
drawing and painting.
Music students receive instruction in theory of music, music
literature, music education, applied music and ensemble. The\
are taught to become musicians and music teachers both in
private life and public schools.
The theatre program provides a general comprehension of
the theatre as a composite art including studies in theory and
dramatic literature plus introductory work in the several craft
areas essential to dramatic production.
Graduate level programs are offered in architecture, building
construction, art and music education.
The growth and development of each individual student as
a competent, discriminating, effective, creative, compassionate,
responsible, sensitive and committed human being is the goal
of the College of Arts and Sciences. The aim is to engender a
lifelong love of learning; the purpose is to prepare for imagina-
tive and dedicated service and leadership. I he College welcomes
able men and women who sincerely seek to stretch their minds,
to heighten their appreciation, to enhance their sensitivity,
and to develop their zest for life and their capacity to contri-
bute to the well being of others.
Sometimes called "the preprofessional college;" it is more
accurately described as the college which makes a profession
of scholarship. It stresses the importance of liberal learning
for the physician, the philosopher, the scientist, the clergyman,
the humanist, and the intelligent citizen.
Course offerings provide a broad range of selectivity and a
high degree of flexibility for meeting the requirements for the
A. B. degree. Students may major in anthropology, art, biology,
biochemistry, botany, chemistry, computer science, economics,
English, French, geography, geology, German, Greek, history,
Latin, library science, mathematics, microbiology, music,
philosophy, physics, political science, psychology, religion,
Russian, sociology, Spanish, speech, statistics, and zoology.
Broad interdisciplinary majors are actively encouraged and
supported. Special programs are available in American, Latin
American, Asian, African, Afro-American, and Russian studies,
in social administration, international affairs, public adminis-
tration and government planning, history of science, fine arts
and sanitary science. Programs leading to teacher certifica-
tion with a bachelor's degree in arts and sciences are also
A wide variety of opportunities for independent and semi-
nar honors work is offered to students who qualify for the
honors program within the College.
As partners in a searching fellowship of learners, students
encounter a sympathetic faculty of professionally distinguished
scholars with a passion for great teaching, for significant re-
search and scholarship, and a deep personal concern for each
individual student. Faculty-student cooperation and the
sharing of responsibility in and out of the classroom is a guiding
principle of the College's administration. An elected Student
Council actively serves in helping to improve both the program
and the procedures of the College. Students hold full and
active participating membership on all important College
Arts and Sciences
One of the broad objectives of the College of Business
Administration is to provide a foundation for competent,
responsible participation in business, the professions and
government, while striving to develop and encourage in-
tellectual inquiry.
While the college considers specific arts and detailed
information as necessary parts of the curriculum, it stresses
broad fundamentals and prepares the student to develop
subsequent specialization through one of its six divisions -
the department of accounting; economics; finance, insurance,
real estate and urban land studies; management; marketing;
and the Bureau of Economic and Business Research.
The curriculum is divided into eight programs of study in
addition to a basic core requirement program. The eight
areas are accounting, banking and finance, computer infor-
mational sciences, economics, insurance, management,
marketing, and real estate and urban land studies.
Approximately one half of the work leading to a bach-
elor's degree in business is required from academic areas
outside of business administration.
The college recognizes its responsibilities to students in
other colleges of the University by giving them an oppor-
tunity to complement their education with courses in eco-
nomics and business administration.
Scholarships in various phases of business administration
are available to students. Graduate assistantships and fellow-
ships also are open for students working toward the degrees
of master of business administration, master of arts and
doctor of philosophy.
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The faculty of the College of Dentistry believes that its
students are the key to the future of the dental profession.
Dentistry, originally a solo effort by the practitioner, has
evolved to a highly technical and complicated oral health
team. hus, the dental student of today needs increased
social sensitivity and the ability to work closely with others.
The role of dentistry today is toward the prevention of oral
disease. Members of the College of Dentistry community are
called upon to accept increasing responsibility for the total
oral health of their patients and become full members of
the health care system of the University of Florida.
The seven departments which make up the College are
Basic Dental Sciences, Community Dentistry, General Den-
tistry, Office of Dental Education, Oral Medicine, Pediatric
Dentistry, and Surgery. A modular curriculum has been
developed in which these departments teach in a multidis-
ciplinary fashion. The curriculum is designed to permit
students the maximal degree in flexibility and individual-
ization in their program. It is a competency-based curriculum
in which behavioral objectives, rather than time, serve as
the primary guidelines for student advancement. Whereas,
there is no definite length of time in the curriculum, it is
planned so that outstanding students may complete the
program in three calendar years. Self-instruction consti-
tutes a significant part of the teaching methodology.
The institutional goals of the College are to prepare
the graduate to enteI private practice, to enter graduate
programs of any of the dental specialities, to enter into
research activities, and to be prepared for a lifetime of
continuing education.
The College of Dentistry aspires to attract students of the
highest caliber into its various programs. High standards
of scholastic achievement, moral character, and motivation
are expected of the applicant. Generally, students applying
for admission should plan to complete the requirements
for a bachelor's degree. However, qualified students may be
accepted without fulfilling the degree requirements, pro-
vided they show evidence of sufficient academic preparation
and the personal characteristics necessary for the study of
dentistry. The highly personal relationship between patient
and dentist places the latter in a position of trust, which
demands maturity, integrity, intellectual honesty, and a
sense of responsibility.
Good classroom teachers work with their students to stimulate
inquiry and to develop skill in problem solving. They are committed
to the development of human potentialities. These are the qualities
and skills which the College of Education seeks to develop in its
The College attempts to give potential teachers varied experiences
with different phases of the learning process. Emphasis is placed
on actual performance by students in a variety of contacts with
elementary and secondary school pupils, including intensive ob-
servation, field work, micro-teaching, practicum experiences and a
full quarter internship.
The College prepares teachers for elementary and early child-
hood education, special education (mental retardation), secondary
education, and junior college education. Subject areas for secon-
dary teaching include: agricultural and extension education, art,
business, English, language arts, foreign language, library science,
mathematics, music, physical education, science, and speech
For some teacher education programs, a student may register
either in the College of Education or in certain other cooperating
Colleges. Specific information about any particular program may
be obtained by writing to the Office of Undergraduate Studies in
Education, Room 124, Norman Hall.
The teacher education programs, accredited by the National
Council of Accreditation of Teacher Education, are designed to
develop student competence in three broad areas -general pre-
paration (background of liberal education); professional course-
work (psychological and foundations of education, curriculum,
and internship); and major teaching field.
The College offers five graduate degrees master of education,
master of arts in education, specialist in education, the doctor of
education, and the doctor of philosophy.
Many of our most perplexing problems today concern the
compromise to be made in the ecology-technology arena.
Engineers are needed who can be leaders in making techno-
logy and ecology compatible.
The College of Engineering at the University of Florida
has developed rapidly in the past decade as new facilities
have become available. Center of Excellence funding from
the National Science Foundation has also made possible a
significant improvement in the teaching and research staff
who view the future with great optimism and dedication.
The fields of engineering often have been restricted to
a man's domain. In recent years, however, more women
have been entering the profession and taking their places
on an equal footing with men.
Engineering challenges the individual, stimulates ingenuity
and resourcefulness and yields a rewarding sense of creative
accomplishment. It involves almost every aspect of human
experience, applying science to the common purpose of life,
coupling sciences with the management of men, money,
machines and material.
The recent decline in engineering employment has not
prevented graduates of this College from finding suitable
employment. The situation has now returned to an increasing
demand for engineering college graduates at all levels.
The College of Engineering offers the Bachelor of Science
in Civil, Chemical, Electrical, Industrial and Mechanical
Engineering; the Bachelor of Science in Engineering with
majors in Aerospace Engineering, Agricultural Engineering,
Ceramic Engineering, Engineering Sciences, Metallurgical
Engineering, Nuclear Engineering and Systems Engineering;
and the Bachelor of Science with majors in Chemical Engi-
neering, Computer & Information Sciences, Environmental
Engineering Sciences, Nuclear Engineering Sciences and
a special Interdisciplinary Engineering studies program.
It is possible for a student in a number of these programs to
complete the pre-med requirements for entrance to Medi-
cal School.
Masters and doctoral degrees may be pursued in most
of these areas, in Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering,
as well as the new area of life sciences (biomedical) engi-
neering, which begins at the undergraduate level and is ad-
ministered jointly by the College of Medicine and the Col-
lege of Engineering.
The College has a new program in Engineering Techno-
logy leading to the degree of Bachelor of Engineering Tech-
nology. This is an application oriented program with signi-
ficant shop and laboratory experience; it includes an intern-
ship program of practical work in a technical speciality.
Community College students with an Associate in Science
degree are eligible to enter this program as Juniors in the
College of Engineering. Students may enter this program
as Freshmen and earn the Bachelor's degree with 183 quarter
credits of course work.
The College also provides special graduate programs in
areas of the State outside of Gainesville through the Division
of Continuing Education (DOCE) when the demand exists.
A large program with the master of engineering degree
objective is currently offered at Eglin Air Force Base in
Northwest Florida.
Forest Resouces
and Conservation
In the environmental age, America offers career oppor-
tunities in forestry and related renewable natural resources
management fields which are wide in scope and diversity.
Modern science and technology, an expanding business
economy and increasing recreational needs of our growing
population have greatly extended the variety and nature of
work of present-day natural resources managers and scientists.
Over 25,000 foresters, wildlife ecologists, wood technolo-
gists and range scientists are now employed in the United
States. They occupy many different types of positions as
resource managers, program administrators, staff specialists,
research scientists, industrialists, technical salesmen, college
teachers and business leaders. Activities range from the
protection, development and management of forest and
range lands for the many goods and services these provide
to the manufacture and marketing of hundreds of consumer
The School of Forest Resources and Conservation pro-
vides professional education at the undergraduate level in
three major fields ... forestry, wildlife ecology and forest
products technology.
Through elective sequences, undergradLuates may begin
to specialize in options such as forest mranagemrent, forest
science, outdoor recreation, wood science, forest products
harvesting, range management, wildlife science, wildlife
management, conservation education and public infornma-
tion and communications. Opportunities for graduate edu-
cation are also available.
The school has varied facilities for carrying out its instruc-
tional and research objectives. Two University forests of
more than 2,000 acres each are used for field studies, demon-
stration and research.
Woodland holdings in excess of 250,000 acres of five large
pulp and paper companies located within 20 miles of the
campus are available for laboratory use.
The school has a nursery and a small sawmill located at
the school forest. A wood products laboratory, a wildlife
ecology laboratory, a forest tree physiology-genetics labor-
atory and greenhouseC are located on campus.
The school is one of 33 accredited nationally by the
Society of American Foresters.
Graduate School
I he demand for graduate degrees stems from develop-
ments in science, technology, the humanities, and the social
sciences which require specialized knowledge beyond the
usual four-vear undergraduate program. I he need for
greater knowledge in such studies as agriculture, chemistry,
ecology, education, electrical engineering, pharmacy, psy-
chology and urban studies is therefore being met at the
University ol -lonida.
I he growth in stature and size of the University's Gra-
duate School is indicative of current educational emphases
and of trends in the decade ahead.
Enrollment has increased from 1,400 in 1960 to more
than 3,800 in 1972. Ten years ago, 121 doctoral degrees.
were conferred by the University; in 1971-72, 275 doctorates
were awarded. Florida is now among the national leaders
in the awarding of Ph.D. degrees.
Students can attain masters degrees through any of 87
different majors. Fifty-four Ph.D. programs are available
along with five areas of study for a Doctor of Education
degree. The Colleges of Agriculture, Arts and Sciences,
Business Administration. Education, Engineering, Medicine,
and Pharmacy offer a variety of programs leading to the
Graduate education enables promising and talented
students with baccalaureate degrees to delve deeper into
their fields of specialization with necessary time allotted
for ample research, required reading, pointed discussion
with colleagues and professional guidance from faculty
members who have gained prominence through their own
scholarly endeavors.
New concepts, new treatments, new answers, new efforts
in short, exciting scientific progress -have brought into
focus the health related professions and given them their
full recognition as integral elements in the field of health
Growing numbers of students in the College of Health
Related Professions are learning in the company of medical
students and doctors, nursing students and nurses, pharma-
cists and pharmacy students as well as patients in the Shands
Teaching Hospital and Clinics.
The five colleges and the hospital are an integral part
of the J. Hillis Miller Health Center, a modern complex of
institutions which advance human health and train tomor-
row's leaders in the health professions.
The College of Health Related Professions offers bache-
lor of science degrees in occupational therapy, physical
therapy and medical technology, the masters degree in
rehabilitation counseling and occupational therapy and
graduate training in health and hospital administration.
The program in clinical psychology is closely linked to
the Department of Psychology in the College of Arts and
Sciences. The faculty is responsible for specialized courses
and clinical training experience of the graduate students
in clinical psychology.
The college's program in communicative disorders
speech and hearing -provides for clinical affiliation and
pre-doctoral and post-doctoral training in speech pathology
and audiology. The Rehabilitation Research Institute is
an additional research facility for students and faculty in
the programs of the college.
The first two years of the four-year curricula are
spent in the undergraduate University College or other
colleges and junior colleges where freshmen and sophomore
students complete pre-professional courses as well as a
series of comprehensive studies.
Health Related
713I "
Journalism and Communications
Education for lawyers may be categorized in three separ-
ate phases: pre-legal training, the law school career and post
legal education.
The University of Florida's College of Law deliberately
avoids prescribing a set undergraduate program as the basis
of pre-legal training. Instead, attention is directed to broad
diversification so that the student gains an early knowledge
of the formative processes of our civilizations, the nature of
men and their institutions, an awareness of the technology
of our age, a capacity for understanding the independent
and challenging thinking, and finally, an ability to express
himself in the English language both clearly and forcefully.
Therefore, the optimum undergraduate curriculum should
include courses, regardless of area, which help to develop
clear and systematic thinking, which promote command of
the English language, and which contribute to broad under-
standing of our society. Courses in the humanities, physical
sciences, biological sciences and social sciences should be
blended in proper proportion and supplemented with wide
independent reading in such a curriculum.
Foundation courses covering such subject matter as con-
tracts, torts, civil procedure, constitutional law, legal re-
search, criminal law and legal writing are included in the
first year curriculum.
Students may specialize in fields of individual interest;
however, all are required to take a minimum number of
hours in each of six main areas, including commercial law,
perspective (jurisprudence, international law, comparative
law, legal history, etc.), procedure, property, public law
and taxation.
A wide and varied range of electives are available
family law, admiralty, military jurisprudence, estates
planning and hospital and health law among them. Addi-
tional requirements cover completion of both legal ethics
and legal writing courses.
Extra-curricular activities available to law students in-
clude moot court team competition, writing and editing
for the Law Review, a quarterly publication, and partici-
pation in events sponsored by three legal fraternities, honor
societies and student associations.
In January of 1969, the College occupied its new academic
building designed to accommodate one thousand students.
This building is the first unit of the Spessard L. Holland
Law Center, a complete law center which will eventually
include an adjunct clinic and library. The academic building,
in addition to classroom, courtroom, and administrative
space, contains a library housing over 110,000 volumes
with capacity for an additional 90,000 volumes.
Medicine represents the major resource for the health care
of the individual in our society; thus, to the physician is dele-
gated great personal and social responsibility. The College
of Medicine, as an academic institution, has the objective of
strengthening medicine in the state and the nation through
its educational and research programs. The students in the
programs represent the pool from which future practicing
physicians, leaders in health care and medical teachers and
investigators will emerge. Only programs of great variety
and high quality can satisfy these needs of the state, and
high demands are placed upon the students in them.
The College of Medicine is concerned with medical educa-
tion at all levels, namely premedical, undergraduate medical,
graduate medical, and continuing medical education. The
program leading to a Ph.D. in medical sciences is essential
to build strength on a continuing basis in this area. A unique
inter-institutional program involving University of Florida,
Florida State and Florida A&M Universities offers the first
year of the medical curriculum to a limited number of stu-
dents on the Tallahassee campuses.
The resources of the College comprise the basic science
and clinical science faculties and facilities provided by the
J. Hillis Miller Health Center. These include the Medical
Sciences Building, the Shands Teaching Hospital and Clinics,
the VA Hospital at Gainesville, and the affiliated Jackson-
ville hospitals in the Jacksonville Hospital Educational
Program. Affiliation with the Pensacola Educational Pro-
gram exists at the graduate medical level including both
housestaff and faculty.
Since comprehensive health care demands more than the
services of a physician, the education of the latter is done
in correlation and juxtaposition with the education of stu-
dents in nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, and health related
professions such as occupational therapy, physical therapy,
clinical psychology, medical technology, and others. The
J. Hillis Miller Health Center of the University of Florida
offers unique opportunities for such collaborative educa-
tional and research programs.
The physician has to be a scientist and a humanitarian.
The program is designed to develop hoth in our students.
The faculty is developing a philosophy and code of behavior
which encourages a blending of these qualities in the pro-
fessional activity of medical students. The location of the
College of Medicine on the University of Florida campus
facilitates opportunities to medical education which are
not frequently found in other medical institutions.
A graduate of the College of Nursing is a privileged
nurse who is the recipient of a bachelor of science degree
in nursing, following four years of general education and
professional training.
This education is one which stresses the application of
the physical, biological and social sciences to nursing care
and which builds a sound philosophical basis for continuing
education throughout a nursing career.
After entering the college in the third year, the nursing
student is encouraged to continue studies in other colleges
in the University, under the concept that with a well-
rounded education, the nurse can work more effectively
with the patient on a personal, as well as clinical level.
Within the college, work is divided between the classroom
where nursing theory is taught, and the clinical facility,
where the theory is tested and put into practice with patients
and families.
The University of Florida nursing student learns that
an inquiring attitude, habits of good observation, a concern
to alleviate suffering and disciplined technical and inter-
personal skills and knowledge are essential for effective
nursing care.
Throughout education, the student learns problem solving
techniques, alternative courses of action and methods to
evaluate nursing actions. The student also learns there is
a science of "care" as well as a science of "cure."
Research in nursing is a major concern of the college with
the belief that a more complete body of knowledge will
improve nursing care and the teaching of nursing.
The college also offers a master of nursing degree to pre-
pare graduates to be clinical specialists and teachers of
Pharmacy is a dynamic health profession offering good
career opportunities doing pleasant work of direct benefit
to others.
The pharmaceutical industry is continually developing
new, more potent drugs to alleviate pain. Greater thera-
peutic effectiveness resulting from increased potency is fre-
quently associated with a greater risk of undesirable side
effects. With the growing number and complexity of drugs,
the pharmacist is increasingly assuming a new, more clini-
cally oriented role, in addition to his dispensing responsi-
bilities, both in community and hospital practice.
In this clinical role, the pharmacist takes medication
histories and maintains medication records to guard against
filling a prescription to which the patient may be allergic
or one that may interact with other medication. His inti-
mate knowledge of drugs and their activity also enables him
to furnish information to today's busy physicians about
the availability of various dosage forms, dosage regiment,
and the potential of certain drugs to interact with other
drugs or food substances. The pharmacist also advises his
clientele about over-the-counter medication, their merits
and contraindications. He is also a source of general infor-
mation for his community about health problems and drug
use and abuse.
To prepare for these expanding professional responsibi-
lities, the pharmacy student studies anatomy, physiology,
biochemistry, biopharmaceutics, in addition to the more con-
ventional chemistry and pharmacy courses. Part of his edu-
cation involves making ward rounds with other health pro-
fessionals, and specific learning experiences throughout his
three-year professional curriculum in selected community
pharmacies, in-patient and out-patient hospital pharmacies
and nursing homes.
To qualify for entrance to the College uo Pharmacy, the
student must have completed two years of a preprofessional
curriculum consisting of prescribed courses in chemistry,
physics, mathematics and biology as well as general educa-
tion courses. Students are advised to contact the Chairman
of the Admissions Department early in their college program
to assure having the required prerequisites.
In addition to community and hospital pharmacy, the
graduate of the College of Pharmacy is prepared for a wide
variety of governmental positions, to go into industry, or
into a post-graduate program to better prepare for research
and/or teaching.
[i Pharmacy
Physical Education,
Health and
In a state uniquely suited to physical activity and out-door
recreation, it is only natural that the areas of study related
to these endeavors have appropriate emphasis in university
The College of Physical Education, Health, and Recrea-
tion provides a program of professional preparation for work
in three fundamental fields physical education, recreation,
and health education. A comprehensive instructional plan
has been established for each of these major fields, with
primary stress placed upon the preparation of young men
and women for positions as coaches, physical education
instructors, health educators, driver education teachers, and
recreational directors.
Both bachelor and masters degrees can be obtained within
the college framework, with doctoral degrees being coordi-
nated through the College of Education.
The University offers a wide variety of physical education
activities for all students through the required (in lower
division) and elective programs. These activities include:
archery, badminton, basketball, bowling, conditioning, dance,
fencing, golf, gymnastics, handball, judo, karate, lacrosse,
recreational games, racketball, sailing, and canoeing, skin
and scuba diving, soccer, softball, swimming, senior life
saving, tennis, volleyball, water safety instruction, weight
training, and wrestling.
Campus facilities include three gymnasiums, a heated,
Olympic-sized swimming pool, 38 tennis courts, 24 three-
wall handball courts, a nine-hole pitch-and-putt golf course,
a beautiful 18-hole golf course with clubhouse and pool,
numerous other fields for athletics, and four equipment
check-out areas for intramural participation.
Reserve Officers
Training Corps
The University of Florida offers instruction in the mili-
tary sciences as an integral part of its curricula. The Depart-
ments of the Army, Navy (including Marine Corps), and the
Air Force each maintain a Reserve Officers Training Corps.
To participate in the ROTC Four-Year Program, a student
must enroll during his freshman year, or at least have four
years remaining at the University. A student interested in
the ROTC Two-Year Program should contact the respective
ROTC office (Army, Navy, or Air Force) early during his
sophomore year. The last two years of the Four-Year
Program and the entire Two-Year Program are designated
as the Advanced ROTC Program. Advanced ROTC is
highly selective. Advanced cadets are paid a monthly
allotment and can usually defer active duty to pursue
post-graduate study if desired. Advanced midshipmen
will normally be commissioned upon completion of a
baccalaureate degree. The Army, Navy, and Air Force
programs each offer a number of scholarships which pay
for tuition and books and give the student a monthly
allotment to assist him wtih his incidental expenses.
All programs accept women students in the first two
years, but only Air Force and Navy ROTC accept women
students in the advanced course, leading to commission
as a second lieutenant, USAF, or ensign, USNR.
Student Activities
Long recognized for its outstanding student self-govern-
ment, the University of Florida system is one based on mutual
confidence between the student body and the faculty. Consi-
derable authority has been granted the student body for the
regulation and conduct of student activities.
Student government is patterned on the state and national
form with powers distributed into the legislative, executive
and judicial branches. The student honor code has been in
operation for more than 50 years.
Practically every area of professional and academic inter-
est has a chapter of the national honorary society which recog-
nizes outstanding performance and achievement in the field.
There are also honorary organizations for both men and women
which acknowledge outstanding leadership and service at the
University of Florida.
There are more than 150 student clubs and organizations
on the campus representing varied interests. These include
clubs related to academic fields such as drama groups and
debating teams, and those composed of hobby groups and
other extra-curricular areas.
The student body publishes a yearbook and there is an
independent paper. These offer opportunities to develop
and use talents in writing, design, photography, advertising
and management.
Music is available to all students, not only through course
work but also in such organizations as University bands,
orchestras, choruses and glee clubs.
Lecture and concert series bring some of the nation's
finest artists and speakers to the campus. Most concerts
and lectures are free to students.
Twenty-six national collegiate fraternities are active on
the University campus; most of them have built chapter
houses -,id others have leased homes. The general work
of the fraternities is controlled by the Interfraternitv Council.
Sixteen women's collegiate groups have established chap-
ters at the University. The general work of the sororities
is controlled by the Panhellenic Council.
A broad program of inter-denominational religious activi-
ties is sponsored on campus by the University Religious Assoc-
iation. Composed of representatives ol all denominational
student religious groups and of the student body and faculty
at large, the association brings outstanding lecturers in the
field of religion to the University, holds group discussions
and seminars and enlists students in a program of service
to the University and the state. Many denominational stu-
dent centers are located adjacent to the campus and have
full-time student pastors.
The Reitz Union serves as the official center of student
activities. The newly constructed building provides facili-
ties, services and a varied program of activities available
to all persons of the University "community."
A Place to Learn and A
Place to Live
The University ol Florida provides housing accommoda- R1
tions for single and married students in a variety of facilities A
to meet individual needs.
Residence halls for single students are designed and staffed
to emphasize the importance of the individual student in
community living groups. About half of the residence halls
are fully air conditioned; most of the remaining half pro-
vide air conditioned lounges, recreation rooms, libraries,
meeting rooms, music listening rooms and study areas. In
many living units, room refrigerators and floor or section
kitchens are available for students to prepare their own
All national fraternity groups with chapters at the Univer-
sity maintain their own houses which are located in or adja-
cent to the campus. University student regulations apply
to all sorority and fraternity houses.
The University operates six apartment villages for married
students. Residents in all villages furnish their own linens,
dishes, utensils, etc., although certain basic household fur-
nishings are supplied by the University.
There are some independent living organizations for men
located near the campus. The cooperative living groups
are not administered by the University but are governed
by their own boards.
Private homes in the Gainesville area and privately oper-
ated rooming houses and apartments provide many accommo-
dations. To aid students in obtaining private rental housing,
the Division of Housing maintains an off-campus section -
where rental listings are available.. L'-
Inquiries regarding student housing on or off-campus A "
may be sent to the Director of Housing. .W
'. .. -.- .: .''
I 4 L
*1 F' |
Sports activities on a busy university campus can encom-
pass many areas and they do at the University of Florida.
Whether it be spectator sports such as viewing the Florida
Gators in football action along with 60,000 others at Florida
field or intramural competition against teams from fra-
ternities, sororities and residence halls ... or physical educa-
tion courses during his academic career, the student obtains
benefit from a wide spectrum of choice.
As a member of the National Collegiate Athletic Associa-
tion and the Southeastern Conference, Florida administers
its intercollegiate program through policies and regulations
established by those organizations. Major sports include foot-
ball, basketball, baseball, track and swimming, golf, tennis,
cross country and wrestling.
Aside from Florida Field, other physical facilities include
Florida Gymnasium, a varsity tennis stadium, two baseball
diamonds, the varsity track, swimming pool and 18-hole
University Golf Club.
All lower division students participate in a three quarter
sequence of courses designed to provide for: a better under-
standing of physical health and its relationship to total
health, the beginnings of a developmental fitness program,
and competence related to the role of recreation and lei-
sure in contemporary society. Additionally, there is the
opportunity for any student to elect any course from among
the great variety of offerings in the program.
Intramural athletics provide recreational opportunities
for all students in a great variety of activities, such as:
archery, badminton, basketball, bowling, dance, fencing,
golf, gymnastics, handball, judo, karate, racketball, soccer,
sailing, softball, swimming, table tennis, tennis, volleyball,
and weight training. Equipment for all activities is availa-
ble through a check-out system at the Florida Gymnasium,
Trusler Hall, Broward Hall, and Norman Gymnasium.
-- -.- .-
Investment in a college education is a major expenditure
in both time and money; however, it "pays off" as few in-
vestments do. The estimated summary of costs below may
vary considerably, depending on personal preference and
Recommended costs are given below. However, since this
bulletin must be published considerably in advance, it is not
always possible to anticipate changes and the fee schedule
may be revised. Every effort will be made to publicize changes
in advance of the registration date for the term.
*A FULL-TIME FLORIDA STUDENT will pay a fee of
$190 for each quarter for which he is enrolled.
*A FULL-TIME STUDENT from out-of-state will pay an
additional fee of $350 for each quarter for which he is enrolled.
Other expenses to be considered include books and training.
fees, food, housing, laundry, dry cleaning and incidental ex-
penses. If a student joins a fraternity, he should figure the
initiation fee plus monthly costs for the years he is in school.
Low Medium High
Total S700 S825 S950
Fees 190 190 190
Books and Training Supplies 40 60 80
Food 200 250 300
Rent 150 175 200
Laundry & Dry Cleaning 25 35 45
Incidental Expenses 90 115 135
The University operates several cafeterias, dining halls and
snack-bars, which are supervised by trained dietitians who care-
fully plan menus. All services are cafeteria style.
In addition to the University's food services, the campus is
surrounded by a number of commercial establishments which
cater to the student trade.
Students should bring sufficient funds, other than personal
checks, to meet the immediate needs. Personal checks will be
accepted for the exact amount of fees.
While the primary responsibility for college expenses rests
with the student and his family, the University recognizes
that many qualified students could not attend college if
some sort of financial assistance was not made available to
The University has a well rounded financial aid program
consisting of loans, grants, work and scholarships with
which we can provide assistance to students from virtually
all walks of life who need assistance in meeting their educa-
tional costs.
Many students earn part of their educational costs by
working part-time while in college. This requires not only
real determination but a sincere motivation to succeed in
a student's educational pursuits. It also requires a careful
and methodical budgeting of time .. thousands of students
obtain their education this way.
Application for all forms of financial assistance should
be made to: The Office for Student Financial Affairs,
University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611.
There are many full-time positions on campus for hus-
bands and wives of students. These range from clerical,
secretarial, and laboratory positions through several pro-
fessions. Applications for these positions should be made
to: The Office of the Personnel Division, University of
Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611.
* For the purpose of assessing registration fees, students shall be
classified as Florida and non-Florida. A Florida student is a per-
son who shall have resided and had his domicile in the State of
Florida for at least twelve (12) months immediately preceding the
first day of classes of the current term.
In applying this policy "student" shall mean a person admitted
to the institution. If such person is a minor, it shall mean parents,
parent, or legal guardian of his or her person.
The word "minor" shall mean a person who has not attained
the age of 21 and whose disabilities of minority have not been re-
moved by reason of marriage or by a court of competent jurisdiction.
The Student Health Service provides a spectrum of medi-
cal services which includes primary medical care, preventive
medicine, health screening programs and mental health
consultation and counseling. These services are available to
all full-time students in the university.
The service consists of an out-patient clinic and a 24 bed
in-patient unit staffed by physicians, nurses, psychologists,
laboratory and x-ray technicians and supporting personnel.
It is housed in the Infirmary, which is centrally located on
the campus.
The service is a unit of the J. Hillis Miller Health Center
with its Colleges of Medicine, Nursing and Health Related
Professions. The facilities of the Health Center are available
by consultation and referral through the Student Health
Service. Specialty clinics are available in the Infirmary in
some fields.
The health fee is a part of the tuition fee paid by all stu-
dents. This fee covers ordinary patient visits. Additional
charges are made for laboratory tests and medications. Addi-
tional charges also are made for diagnostic studies or hospital-
ization when required. For this reason, a supplemental health
insurance plan is recommended.
A medical history and physical examination and certain
immunizations are required before registration at the Uni-
A student transferring from another University in Flori-
da's state university system may have his health record
transferred from that school, provided he has been enrolled
there within three quarters of the time of transfer.
Application for admission to any College, School or
Division of the University must be made to the Admis-
sions Section of the Office of the Registrar on the forms
prescribed and by the dates indicated below. It is quite
proper to correspond with Deans, Directors or Depart-
ment Chairmen but such contact with University officers
does not in any way eliminate the necessity for filing
a formal application in the Office of the Registrar by
the dates specified.
The University encourages applications from qualified
applicants from all cultural, racial, religious, and ethnic
There are three basic requirements of all students seeking
admission to any college or division of the University of
1. a satisfactory academic record
2. satisfactory scores on achievement tests or examina-
3. a satisfactory conduct record
Variations in these fundamentals are determined by the
University's Admissions Committee which is responsible
for reviewing all undergraduate admissions.
When to Apply: No application will be considered for
the Freshman Class more than one year in advance of the
date on which entrance is sought. The best time to apply
is the early part of the senior year in Secondary School.
Priority in admission to the September freshman class
will be given to those qualified applicants whose applica-
tions are received prior to March Ist. Notification of ad-
mission or denial will be given to all applicants as soon as
possible. The deadline for applications for other terms
is given in the University Calendar in the Undergraduate
The requirements for admission set forth below are
designed to give priority to those applicants whose poten-
tial on the basis of their record indicates the greatest
likelihood of success and the obtaining of maximum bene-
fits from the University College program at the Univer-
sity of Florida.
A. Requirements for admission Graduates of Florida
Secondary Schools.
For consideration a student must meet the follow-
ing minimums:
1. Graduation from an accredited secondary school.
2. 12 academic units (such as English, Foreign
language, Mathematics, Science, and Social
3. An overall "C" average in academic courses.
4. A score in the top 40' (total score of 300) on
the Florida Twelfth Grade Tests.
5. A record ol good conduct. Major or continuing
difficulty with school or other authorities may
make an applicant ineligible regardless of his
academic qualifications.
Any Florida student who meets the above minimum
admission requirements and is interested in attending
the University of Florida is urged to submit an application.
The University will do everything possible to accept all
qualified applicants who apply before the application
deadline date. If the number of qualified applicants exceeds
the number that the University is permitted to enroll,
admission will be on a selective basis. An applicant's
total high school record including grades, test scores,
educational objective and pattern of courses completed,
rank in class, school recommendation and personal
record will be considered in the selection process.
B. Requirements for admission Graduates Other
Than Florida Students.
Because of a limited entering freshman class, only a
small number of highly qualified students from states
other than Florida may be admitted. The minimum require-
ments for consideration are essentially the same as for
Florida students except that comparable scores on the
Scholastic Aptitude Test of the College Entrance Exami-
nation Board are expected. In addition, each out of state
student should present an academic average of "B" or
better and rank in the top fifth of his class.
In this section are listed the general requirements for
admission of transfer students. It should be observed,
ACCEPTANCE. Your attention is also directed to the
fact that some Upper Division colleges of the University
have established enrollment quotas because of limitations
of space and facilities. Transfer applicants who meet the
minimum admission requirements will be referred to the
selection committee of the appropriate college for
consideration of their enrollment within the college's
established quota.
A. Florida Public Junior College Graduates
The University of Florida subscribes to the Articulation
Agreement between the State Universities and Public
Junior Colleges of Florida. Under this agreement, any
graduate of a State approved Florida public junior college
is eligible for admission to the University if the student
has completed the university parallel program and re-
ceived the Associate in Arts degree, provided the degree
has been awarded on the basis of the following:
1. At least 60 semester hours (90 quarter hours)
of academic work exclusive of occupational
courses and basic required physical education
2. An approved general education program of at
least 36 semester hours (54 quarter hours);
3. A grade point average of at least 2.0 on a 4.0
system on all college level academic courses
All applicants for admission to the University of Florida
are required to present scores on an acceptable general
ability test as part of the application process. In the
case of applicants who have graduated from a Florida public
junior college with the A.A. degree, this information is
required for counseling and research purposes only and
the score achieved on the test will not be used as a criterion
for admission. However, the required test information must
be received by the Admissions Office before processing of
the application can be completed.
Within space and fiscal limitations, applicants who have
satisfied the above minimum requirements will be con-
sidered for admission at the junior level to an Upper Divi-
sion college.
B. Transfer Applicants Other Than Florida Public College
1. Eligibility to return to all institutions previously
An applicant who for any reason will not be
allowed to return to any institution previously
attended cannot be approved for admission.
2. A satisfactory academic record at each institu-
tion attended.
An applicant with an unsatisfactory academic
record and/or on probation at any institution
attended may not be approved for admission.
An average of "C" or higher, as computed by
the University of Florida, is required for all
college work attempted at EACH institution
attended. Regardless of average, courses
completed at other institutions must reasonably
parallel the curriculum of the University of
3. Satisfactory test scores.
An applicant must present satisfactory scores
on an acceptable college level general ability
4. Good conduct.
Regardless of grades and test scores, an appli-
cant who has experienced difficulties with
school or other authorities may find his
application denied.
5. Eligibility as a freshman or sophomore.
Applicants who will present less than 64
semester hours or 96 quarter hours of accepta-
ble college level credit ("D" or better grades
in courses which parallel the curriculum of
the University of Florida) or who will not
graduate from one of the Florida public junior
colleges in a university parallel program at the
time of transfer must satisfy the following
a. Graduated from an accredited secondary
school with a "C" average in an academic
program consisting of twelve or more aca-
demic units. (Non-Florida students -"B"
average or better and rank in the top fifth
of their graduating class).
b. Scored a minimum of 300 on Florida
Twelfth Grade Placement Test. (Non-Florida
students 500 on each section of the
Scholastic Aptitude Test).
General requirements for admission to the Graduate
School include:
1. A baccalaureate degree from an accredited institu-
tion of higher learning.
2. A grade average of B for the junior and senior years.
3. Satisfactory scores on the Graduate Record Examina-
tion which is given in major cities throughout the United States,
five times each year, and administered by the Educational testing
Service. Schedule of testing dates, application forms for the
Graduate Record Examination and a list of test centers can be
obtained from the Educational Testing Service, Princeton,
New Jersey, or from the Office of the Registrar, University
of Florida, Gainesville.
The admission standards for the College of Law are de-
signed to conform with the policy of the Association of
American Law Schools that a "sound educational program
is advanced by limiting admissions to students whose previous
college records, aptitude tests, and other relevant information
indicate a reasonable prospect for success in law studies."
General requirements for admission to the College of Law
I. A baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited
college or university.
2. A satisfactory score on the Law School Admission test
which is given in major cities throughout the United States,
four times each year, and administered by the Educational
Testing Service. Schedule of testing dates, application forms
and a list of testing centers can be obtained from the Educa-
tional Testing Center, Princeton, New Jersey, or from the
Office of the Registrar, University of Florida. The minimum
score required on the Law School Admission Test is deter-
mined on the basis of the overall undergraduate collegiate
average of the applicant as computed by the University of
Florida. The higher the overall undergraduate average, the
lower the test score required to be considered for admission.
It is not recommended that a person with a Law School
Admission Test score below 540 apply unless he possesses
an above average undergraduate record. An appropriate
adjustment in the test score will be made in cases where
the score submitted is the result of retaking the test.
Personal qualities of high order -character, responsibility
and maturity -are the primary requirements for admission.
The student must have demonstrated superior intellectual
General requirements for admission to the College of
Medicine include:
1. A satisfactory academic record. A bachelor's degree
is strongly recommended. The quality of the academic
background as well as performance of the student in rela-
tion to the load attempted, will be weighed.
2. A satisfactory score on the Medical College Admission
Test. An applicant should take this test by the spring pre-
ceding the submission of his application. The test is given
twice yearly in many colleges and universities. For further
information about the test, write to The Psychological
Corporation, 304 East 45th Street, New York, N.Y.
3. A personal interview after preliminary screening and
before final acceptance.
The College of Dentistry is an integral part of the J.
Hillis Miller Health Center. The College enrolled its first
students in September, 1972. Since part of the proposed
curriculum is presented jointly with the College of Medi-
cine, the admission requirements are the same for both
Address the Office of Admissions, Universit\ of Florida,
asking for application forms, indicating the category -
Freshman, Undergraduate Transfer, Graduate. Medicine,
or Law for which the applicant qualifies.
Students enrolled in Florida secondary schools may ob-
tain application forms for admission to the Uni\ersitv of
Florida freshman class from their school guidance counselors.
Applications for admission may be submitted up to one
year in advance of the desired date of enrollment. A dead-
line date for receipt of applications has been established for
each term. Applications cannot be accepted after the dead-
line date for each term which is published in the catalog.
(Applicants for admission to the September freshman class
should submit their applications prior to March 1st.) As a
general rule, all other applicants should submit their appli-
cations at least three months prior to the beginning of the
term for which they plan to enroll.
The University of Florida is a participant in the Advanced
Placement Program of the College Entrance Examination
Board. Under this program a student may receive Univer-
sity credit for completion of a college level course taken
in high school under the AP Program. The University also
participates in the Ci.I. I.Level Examination Progiram
(CLEP) and grants credit for satisfactory scores on the live
general examinations. For further information, contact
the Coordinator of Advanced Standing Ciedit, University
College, University of Florida.
Students with superior secondary school academic re-
cords and junior year SAT scores may apply ior early de-
cision. The completed application (including high school
record and test scores) should be submitted to the Admissions
Office prior to November 1st.
I he University of Florida does not have a formal Early
Admission Program. However, applications lor admission
prior to graduation from high school from superior students
will be considered on an individual basis by the Admissions
Committee. For additional information and application pro-
cedures, please contact the Admissions Office, Universitv of
Beginning freshmen who apply for admission to the Uni-
versity will receive Housing Contracts upon approval of ad-
mission. No application foi housing is made by a beginning
All other students must initiate their arrangements for
housing, either by applying to the Office of the Director
of Housing for assignment to the University Housing facili-
ties, or, in the case of eligible upperclassmen, obtaining pri-
vate accommodations through the Off-Campus Housing Sec-
tion or through fraternities or sororities.
Applications onr University Housing for students other
than beginning freshmen may be filed at an\ time after an
application for admission to the Uni\tersi\ has been made.
However, prospective students are iuged to apply as earl\
as possible because of the housing demand
Student sswho expect to apply tor .id ori emplo ment
should contact the Student Financial Aid Office, 23 Tigert
Hall, University of Florida, Gaines ille, requesting informa-
tion and application forms from No\cmber t[hi ough Febiruar
prior to entrance in September.
Residence halls on the main campus ,re located within
eas\ '. ill IoI disance ol major classroom buildings. There
ate specific regulations at the Universit\ of Florida regarding
the operation of automobiles, motor scooters and bic\ cles.
Bicycles are permitted on all parts of the campus, with tacks
located in convenient areas. Freshman and sophomore stu-
dents with physical handicaps are per emitted to operate cars
in certain areas of the campus, providing the cars are appro-
priately registered with the Campus Police at the time of
registration. Limited exceptions to these regulations are
made for commuting students.
Brief informational items on many topics form a part
of this bulletin. More detailed information appears in such
University publications as the Undergraduate Catalog. If
you desire answers to questions that these sources have not
made clear, you are urged to remember that variouss func-
tions are administered by different officers and address your
inquiry to the agency prepared to give you assistance on
the particular problem.
Office of the Registrar
Financial Aid
(Student Employment,
Scholarships, Loan Funds)
(Types of accommodations,
Rates, etc.)
Student Life, Activities and
Courses, Program of
Studies, etc.
Upper Division Curriculums
Graduate Programs
Student Financial Aid Office
Director of Housing
Office of Student Development
Counseling Department
University College
Dean of the Appropriate College
Dean of the Appropriate College
Multiple purpose letters and letters directed to an improper source may
only result in delay and possible misinformation.
This public document was promulgated at a total cost of
$12,809.00 or $.21 per copy to provide general informa-
tion about the University of Florida of interest to prospec-
tive students, high schools, junior colleges and others.