florida handbook
The University Record
volume Ixvi series 1 number 7 july 1, 1971
Published monthly by the University of
Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32601. Entered
in the Post Office in Gainesville, Florida as
second-class matter, under Act of Congress,
August 24, 1912. Office of Publication,
Gainesville, Florida.
Introduction and General Information ........................................... .......... 2
Grades and Academic Standing ................................................. ............... 4
T e stin g ........................................................................................................ ... 8
R e g istratio n ....................................................................................................... .. 10
Academic Bureaucracy ................................................................................... 14
Special and Experimental Programs ............................................................... 15
Study Locations and Aids ................................................................................ 18
University Services ............................................................... ...................... 20
F in a n c ia l A id ............................................................................................................ 2 6
Minority and Specific Groups ..................................................................... 28
Judicial and Legal Affairs ................................................................................. 30
Student Organizations and Activities ........................................................... 34
T ranspo rtatio n ..................................................................................................... 47
D o rm ito ry Living ................................................................................................. 52
Sorority and Fraternity Living .................................................................... 54
Off-Campus Housing ............................................................... .................... 55
E sse n tia l S e rv ice s .................................................................................................. 58
Crisis Counseling and Drug Rehabilitation ................................... ........... 60
Student Emergency and Personal Services Directory ................................ 61
Appeal Routes ..... ............... ..... ... ........ ................... 64
Epilogue and Acknowledgements ............................................... ................ 66
In d e x .................................................. ............................ ........... ................. 6 7
The students, faculty, and
staff of the University of Florida welcome
you into our community.
If you will make the most of
them, the challenges and opportunities avail-
able here and in the surrounding City of
Gainesville will provide a rich environment
for your personal and educational growth.
To get the most out of your
experience here, you will have to make many
choices. Some of them would be difficult if
there were no outside resources to aid you in
your decisions. Both the University of Florida
administration and the Student Body provide
assistance and guidance services to help meet
your individual needs.
This book includes a student-
written, administratively coordinated descrip-
tion of the many special services, activities,
counseling opportunities, and guidelines avail-
able to you. We urge you to take advantage
of them as a regular part of your living and
learning experiences. These persons and
agencies will always be ready to help you in
times of particular need.
The scope of this handbook
covers the campus, but is not limited by its
territorial lines. It is a total living guide for
students unfamiliar with the University of
Florida and Gainesville.
Those of us who have com-
piled this innovative handbook hope it will
serve you as a survival kit and also stimulate
you to become involved in your new home.
Because one book cannot claim to be an
encyclopedia to ALL your needs, you should
feel free to ask questions and seek further
information as the need arises.
Stephen C. O'Connell
Lester L. Hale
Vice President for Student Affairs
Donald M. Middlebrooks
President of the Student Body
Marc D. Kaye
President of University Squires
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general information
a word of welcome and
Freshmen. You're in col-
lege now. After living at home for something
like 18 years you've finally gotten out on your
own. And now you're a freshman in college.
You have a new roommate. You live in a
dorm designed by someone who apparently
never lived in a dormitory. You're getting
ready to take courses with the awesome
names of CSS 111 and CLC 141. You're con-
vinced that college will be hard and that
you'll flunk out your first quarter.
Now that you're on your own,
you'll find that living at college is a lot more
than just classes and all-nighters before finals.
It's learning about the world, learning about
people learning to live with other people.
You may find living with that guy or girl
(depending on whether you're male or fe-
male) the computer matched you with (and
they said the odd couple was odd) may be
the hardest thing to do in the world. Or you
may find that you have to budget your time
in order to do such menial tasks as washing
your clothes. (Seems there ARE some ad-
vantages to home!)
You'll discover there's an
awful lot to adjusting to university living.
It's no easy task. It's just one of those things
that you dread doing now, but which in a
month or so will all look so simple.
Transfers. You're a new
face on a big campus. You're supposed to be
with it, having experienced the collegiate
scramble in some other location. But you
probably feel just as overwhelmed by the
new situation as the less-exposed freshman.
You may be more cosmopolitan, yet to you
the world of UF is an unexplored frontier.
You need to know how to survive until the
techniques you've developed elsewhere adjust
themselves to a new environment. While some
of the tips contained in this book are specifi-
cally designed for freshmen, your needs have
also been taken into consideration.
This book is designed to help
make your adjustment to the University of
Florida a little easier, be you freshman or
transfer or graduate student. In previous
years the Administration compiled a guide
called the Student Handbook. What they said
was accurate as far as the information went,
but they were not able to give you the scene
straight from a student's point of view. This
survival kit, however, has been written by
members of University Squires, a freshman
and sophomore men's leadership honorary.
Our goal has been to tell it like it is, although
we admit we can tell it only like we have
experienced it.
Yes, student-to-student advice
abounds in this book (all carefully checked
for factual accuracy with those who know,
of course) on everything from academics, to
how to survive socially, to ways to get home
during breaks. Read what we say, but don't
take it for granted. Wait until you've been in
Gainesville a few weeks before you form your
own opinions. Our intent is insight into the
workings of the University and the commu-
nity. Use what we offer and formulate your
own ways to cope with college life.
scholarly shock and pursuit
gpa, grades and other
fun things
the grading phenomenon
Like many UF newcomers,
you're probably worried about grades.
Chances are you've been brainwashed into
thinking that professors delight in flunking
aspiring students. You're concerned that
you'll be one of those who can't make it aca-
demically at UF.
Contrary to what many stu-
dents, and particularly freshmen, dread, you'll
NOT be flunked out by some heavy hand of
foreordained doom. If you are accepted at
UF, you certainly have the academic ability
to stay here. Those who don't make the grade
because of academic difficulties usually
haven't utilized all the opportunities available
to them. Those who put forth a little effort
usually have no major difficulty here. Sur-
vival depends on a combination of factors.
Your best ammunition, besides good study
habits, will be an awareness of the many
places on campus to turn when you need
help-academic or otherwise.
Few freshmen actually flunk
out. In the fall of 1970 less than 3% were
suspended for academic reasons, so forget
the myth that half the freshman class is
flunked out the first quarter.
Actually, it's very difficult to
flunk out in one quarter. If your grades are
less than 2.0 the first quarter, you'll be put
on academic probation unless you have a
grade point deficit of 20 or more in your
respective division, in which case you will be
suspended for one quarter. If your fears still
have not been vanquished, consult the current
undergraduate or graduate catalog.
If you don't know it by now,
GPA stands for grade point average, and those
three letters are ones you will hear many
times before you leave UF. It is necessary to
understand grade point average, how it is
figured and the role it plays in your academic
According to the Registrar
grades are A,B,C,D,E,S, and U the same
system you are probably accustomed to, ex-
cept that E doesn't mean excellent. It indi-
cates failure. Other failing grades are I -
incomplete; U unsatisfactory; X absent
from final exam; EW dropped for not at-
tending class or unsatisfactory work, and
WF withdrew failing.
I and X are failing grades
which must be changed to passing grades
before the deadlines shown in the UF catalog
or as mutually agreed with your professor.
They will be counted as E in calculating your
grade point average until the I or X has
been removed.
For graduate students the
system is a little different. Passing grades for
graduate students are A, B, and C. Grades of
C in graduate courses will count toward a
degree only if the student has one hour of
A to balance each hour of C earned.
Grades are figured by assign-
ing a value of 4 for an A, 3 for a B, 2 for a
C, 1 for D and 0 for an E. GPA is figured
by substituting grades with the assigned
values, multiplying by the credit hours allot-
ted each course, adding them, and then divid-
ing them by the number of hours taken.
A perfect straight A average
or 4.0 is almost a free ride to many things
from scholarships to academic honoraries.
A 3.0 is normally required to keep academic
scholarships. A 2.0 is required to participate
in many university activities. Failure to main-
tain an acceptable GPA could be cause to
forfeit financial assistance. Sometimes a
burst of effort will mean the difference be-
tween an A and a B, or the difference between
a good and mediocre grade point average.
Always keep a running account of your GPA.
grade appeals
At present no formal process
of grade appeal exists for the entire univer-
sity. Some colleges, however, do have forma-
lized grade appeals committees.
If at some time during your
study at the University of Florida you receive
a grade which you consider unfair or which
you do not understand there are several
routes of appeal. A check with the college
office or preferably your instructor or adviser
should tell you whether your college has a
formal appeal procedure.
In any event the first appeal
should be made to your instructor, who has
full control over your grade and is the only
one who can authorize any grade change. If
for some reason you are not satisfied you may
then carry your appeal to the chairman of
the department in which the course is listed.
If your argument seems reasonable he will
schedule a meeting with the professor in-
volved so the three of you can discuss the
If you wish to appeal the
resulting decision, you may file a formal writ-
ten complaint with the dean of the respective
college. You should clearly indicate what
efforts have already been made and why you
believe your case merits further considera-
Further written appeals stat-
ing all prior efforts may be made to the Vice
President for Academic Affairs and even to
the President. In each of these instances an
effort will be made to contact all parties in-
volved and to hear all sides. Even here, how-
ever, the final grade awarded is subject to the
approval of the individual faculty member.
Remember that professors
are fallible human beings. Mistakes can hap-
pen. Discriminating use of the drop-add at
the beginning of the quarter, being informed
of course requirements, finding out the cri-
teria used by the professor in grading are all
bits of information to be used by the
thoughtful student in selecting a course. Talk-
ing to an experienced friend and finding out
as much as possible about a professor before
you register for his class are additional ways
of avoiding later difficulties.
In an attempt to provide
students with as broad an education as pos-
sible, the University of Florida encourages
students to take courses in which they are
interested but may not have the proper back-
ground. In many instances you may take
such courses as electives on a Satisfactory-
Unsatisfactory (Pass-Fail) basis. These grades
are reflected only in your records and not in
your grade point average. In order to enroll
under the S-U grade option, you must be an
undergraduate in good standing and be ap-
proved by the proper University officials (the
chairman of the department in which you
wish to take a course by S-U and the Dean
of your respective college.)
Note: You are limited to one course per
quarter under the S-U option. All re-
quired courses and courses counting
toward the major or minor(s) may not
be taken S-U. The 15-hour language
requirement of the College of Arts and
Sciences may be completed under the
S-U option, however. Once you have
enrolled for a course S-U, you can't
switch to the regular grading system.
academic probation,
suspension, exclusion
You should consult the Stu-
dent Regulations section of the undergrad-
uate catalog for official university policy
regarding probation for academic reasons
(see also Scholarship Warning and Proba-
You will encounter the term
"grade point deficit" in the regulations. This
term is best defined by example: if you carry
16 hours during a quarter and receive 12
hours of C and 4 hours of D, your grade point
deficit will be the difference between the total
number of grade points you would have
received if you had achieved a C in all courses
and the total number of grade points you
actually received. In this case 16 hours of C
gives you 32 grade points but your average
gives you only 28. You therefore have a grade
point deficit of four points. The University
is fairly strict on warnings and probations
due to grade point deficits, as they require
an overall GPA of 2.0 for graduation.
College probation is differen-
tiated from University probation. The former
results when (according to your college pol-
icy) you fail to make satisfactory academic
progress. "Satisfactory academic progress"
is usually considered between 15 and 17
hours per quarter, although some students
have been known to take 12 hours each
quarter with less than outstanding GPA's, and
graduate unscathed. It is up to you to find
out what your draft board, college, and/or
financial aid source considers "satisfactory
academic progress".
Application for readmission to
the University after a one-quarter suspension
involves applying for a registration appoint-
ment. In the case of permanent academic sus-
pension you must apply for readmission to
the Committee on Student Petitions. The
necessary forms, which are self-explanatory,
are available in 135 Tigert.
Regarding admission denial
for academic reasons: do not despair if you
have been less than angelic in your pre-
college days. If you are denied admission
through regular procedures, you may apply
for admission by petitioning the Admissions
Committee. After filing the petition and all
pertinent information in 133 Tigert, you will
be assigned appointments with two members
of the committee to discuss the difficulty pre-
venting your normal admission. A dean in
the Office for Student Development may be
able to give you a shot in the arm as you
prepare your petition. Notice of the commit-
tee's decision will be sent to you through the
mail. If you are denied, you may appeal
If your petition is accepted
however, you will be placed on probation
determined by the committee. Generally, you
will be prohibited from dropping a course or
withdrawing; if you do withdraw, readmis-
sion is unlikely except for extenuating cir-
cumstances. For further information, contact
the secretary or Admissions Director in 133
withdrawals and
You may feel the need to
withdraw at some time for personal, academ-
ic, or medical reasons. Withdrawal forms
may be obtained from your residence coun-
selor (if you live in the dorms), the infirmary,
the Foreign Student Adviser (if you are an
international student), the Registrar's Office
(33 Tigert), or the Office for Student Devel-
opment (129 Tigert). Accompanying these
forms will be instructions detailing the action
you should take to complete withdrawal
properly. These steps should be followed 7
carefully, especially if you receive financial
aid, because financial aid is terminated upon
withdrawal. Withdrawal is a short process,
usually not involving more than an hour
or so.
If you have received an 'I'
(incomplete) or 'X' (absent from final exam-
ination), you have approximately four weeks
into your next quarter of attendance to make
amends for the violation or before receiving
an E for the course. In some cases the pro-
fessor will agree to change the grade months
or even several quarters after the deadline-
but don't count on it.
During Spring Quarter many
students find themselves a bit lackadaisical
about finals if they are hard-pressed. A con-
venient device built into the rules enables
you to take the exams during the summer or
anytime in the first month of the Fall Quarter
-see the undergraduate catalog for specific
testing terrors
Testing is a fact of life at any
university. Before you leave you'll have taken
and survived nearly every kind of test imag-
While you're in University
College, comprehensive departmental multi-
ple choice machine scored tests will be used
to provide you information about how you
stand relative to other students and, if you
do not study much, they may be the bane of
your existence. Departmental tests have been
a tradition in University College for years,
though new methods are continually being
experimented with. Comprehensive English
relies heavily on themes and essay tests.
Humanities uses comprehensive midterms
only in some terms and Biology (CBS) has
experimented with different ways of testing.
Further changes are being planned as we go
to press.
Usually at least 50% of your
grades will be determined from scores re-
ceived on departmental midterms and finals
(In CPS 100% of the grade is determined by
departmental tests). The percentage varies,
but 50% is average. Locations and times for
taking comprehensive exams are published in
the Page of Record in The Florida Alligator.
These exams are administered by the Board
of University Examiners, and you will rarely
find anything wrong with the test itself, no
matter how unprepared it may have caught
you. After midterms are given, answers to
the questions are distributed at the dorm
area office or can be obtained in the depart-
mental office the following day. If you have
an easy-grading teacher, you probably will
wish there were no departmental tests; but
if your teacher talks about "high standards"
you may benefit considerably from the de-
partmental testing.
Many freshmen don't meet
their expectations on their first midterms.
This is usually sufficiently upsetting, but take
heart-final grades are determined by the
faculty in each course. If everyone does badly
or bombs out, the curve is likely to be low-
ered. Rarely does a student get hurt by this
system, although at times it encourages sharp
competition with classmates.
A word to the wise. It's im-
portant at the beginning of each quarter to
get a syllabus-a schedule of required read-
ings and a course outline-for each course
you take. These goodies indicate test dates
and topics, and ease your planning and or-
ganizing pains.
If you miss a midterm (other-
wise known as "prog," or progress test), you
will need a good excuse. Departmental mid-
term makeups are not given. In such an
event, your final will be weighted to cover the
midterm. If you miss a midterm your profes-
sor gives in class, you'd better check with
him to make up the test. Your classes are
mostly small enough so that contact with
your teacher about your test situation should
be easy. The initiative, though, is up to you,
not to the teacher.
It's a good idea to study for
midterms by referring to old progs. Taking
progs from previous quarters gives you an
idea what to expect from the ones you are
preparing to take. The reference room in Li-
brary East keeps old progs on file and you
can check them out for two hours. Almost
every dorm area, fraternity, and sorority
keeps files of old progs. You can also pur-
chase them at the Campus Shop and Book-
Review sessions are given in
many courses prior to progs, and help ses-
sions usually run all quarter in some courses.
Times for help sessions (particularly in math
and science courses) are announced by in-
structors and are usually posted on bulletin
boards in the classroom area. If you aren't
able to find these announcements check with
your teacher or the departmental office.
the maze of codes
As soon as you arrive on cam-
pus you'll be confronted with baffling number
and letter combinations.
Course numbers are set up
in an alpha-numeric code. Courses required
by the University College are called compre-
hensive courses and begin with C. Each de-
partment has a two-letter abbreviation which
follows the C. Often the abbreviation consists
of the first and last letter of the department,
or the first letter of two words (CEH-Com-
prehensive English, CPS-Comprehensive Phy-
sical Science).
Course numbers follow a se-
quence. For example, American Institutions
has three courses numbered CSS 111, 112,
and 113. You would normally take each suc-
ceeding course fall, winter and spring quarter.
Although this doesn't always hold true, it's
a good rule of thumb to remember. If you
want to take a course out of sequence you
should consult with your adviser.
Courses numbered in the 100's
are taken primarily by freshmen; 200-level
courses are usually sophomore courses; 300-
and 400-level courses are junior and senior
level courses. Courses numbered 500, 600, and
700 are considered advanced undergraduate
and graduate level courses. Exceptions to
when you may take a certain level course are
frequently made. Special requests are usually
submitted to department chairmen or college
deans, but you should talk with your adviser
You will be given a classifica-
tion code identifying the educational level
you've achieved in your college. The numbers
1 through 4 indicate whether you're a fresh-
man, sophomore, junior or senior. Five indi-
cates you are in the fifth year of a five-year
program such as engineering or architecture.
Six indicates you are a post-graduate student
but not working toward another degree.
Seven refers to masters and doctoral candi-
dates. Freshmen and sophomores are enrolled
in University College, and would therefore be
designated 1UC or 2UC. A junior in the Col-
lege of Arts and Sciences would be 3AS, a
senior in the College of Education would be
4ED, and so on.
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trials and tribulation
of registration
Registration affects your aca-
demic performance tremendously so be ready
for it. Registration can be a harrowing ex-
perience even for registration-wise veterans.
Don't be afraid to recruit all the help you
can get the first time you register because it
takes a while to learn the tricks if you're
working on your own.
UF's registration system al-
lows students presently enrolled to register a
month before classes begin. At the present
time the student body is divided arbitrarily
into three groups which rotate in registration
sequence from quarter to quarter, guaran-
teeing equal access to preferential registra-
tion assignments.
About mid-quarter you will
receive a registration appointment form to
be filled out and returned to the Registrar's
Office. Do this promptly to register at the
time and date indicated on the appointment
To assure yourself of good
instructors and congenial class periods, you
should do some pre-planning before register-
ing. This is your chance to play super sleuth
for your own benefit. Use the following
means to a good end.
Course and Teacher
Evaluation. In some cases the Omicron
Delta Kappa Course and Teacher Evaluation
booklet will be a godsend. Researched and
published by ODK, a national men's leader-
ship honorary, this publication can give you
an idea of what your professors will be like
before you register for courses. All instruct-
ors are required to participate in teacher
evaluation, but results may be kept con-
fidential if an instructor desires. There-
fore, ODK does not get evaluation on all
instructors. Regardless of this obvious lim-
itation, the guide attempts to inform stu-
dents of both strengths and weaknesses in
the curriculum and academic environment.
Copies can be obtained on the ground floor
of Tigert during registration.
Departmental Lists of
Professors. Prior to early registration
most departments post the names and
schedules of professors who will teach spe-
cific sections of the courses offered by that
department. This is helpful if you want
to get into or avoid a particular profes-
sor's class. If you can't find the list, ask the
secretary in the department office.
Catalogs. Undergraduate
and graduate catalogs are available in the
Registrar's Office in the basement of Tigert
Hall. The catalog will tell you what courses
you are required to take, what you should
take, and what you may elect to suit your
particular bag. At first you may find the
catalog ambiguous and confusing-an aca-
demic adviser can clarify any questions that
arise-but once you are familiar with it, the
catalog will tell you what you need to know
about courses. Keep one on hand for ref-
ence purposes.
Schedule of Courses. A
quarterly Schedule of Courses is distributed
by the Registrar's Office in the basement of
Tigert Hall before registration. You should
work out a tentative schedule from this pub-
lication in advance of your registration ap-
pointment. Be thoroughly familiar with this
resource before you go to register and you
should escape much of the wear and tear of
the actual registration process.
If you're a first quarter fresh-
man an academic adviser will assist you in
making out your schedule during summer
orientation. The computer will choose your
The course selection guide
indicates days, hours, and places a class will
meet, and the date and time for the final
exam. This information is important for
scheduling classes. For instance, you would
not schedule two classes at the same hour.
Or, you would not schedule classes that might
overlap one hour.
Note where the class for
which you wish to register is being held.
Building abbreviations are indicated in the
front of the schedule sheet. It is important
not to schedule a third period, for example,
in the stadium and a fourth period in Nor-
man Hall all the way across campus. There
is only a 15-minute break between classes,
and it's nearly impossible to run from one
extreme of this campus to another in that
time period.
Consider exam dates and
times when scheduling classes. A code at the
end of each line indicates which day of the
month and at what time the exam will be
held. Although sometimes it is impossible to
avoid exam conflicts (which you may peti-
tion to have rescheduled), it's to your ad-
vantage not to have too many exams in one
Keep your Schedule of Cour-
ses for the balance of the quarter. The front
page calendar indicates terminal dates for
the initial drop-add period, for dropping a
course during the quarter, for making up in-
completes received during the previous quar-
ter, and for withdrawal without failing.
After you report to Tigert to
begin registering you will receive an Academ-
ic Advisement Card, which in most cases
must be taken to your department if you're
in Upper Division or to University College
for approval before your registration appoint-
IMPORTANT. Remember that you are requir-
ed to submit payment in the form of registra-
tion fees prior to the deadline date specified
in the University catalog (normally it is be-
fore 3 p.m. on the day preceding the first day
of classes, but don't count on it). FAILURE
LATE FEE. You can petition for a waiver of
the late fee if you fail to meet the deadline,
but it is unlikely it will be approved unless
you can show the University to be at fault.
Non-receipt of a fee card or billing through
the mail is insufficient reason for granting a
waiver since you should have made the prop-
er payment prior to the deadline.
academic advisement
Academic counseling resourc-
es are available on campus to help you
achieve maximum educational and personal
development during your college experience.
You must be aware that these resources, al-
though always available, are most effective
only when you make full use of them. Pri-
mary responsibility for academic decisions
must ultimately rest with the individual, but
advisers are ready to assist you in every pos-
sible way. You are encouraged to feel per-
sonally obligated to utilize the maximum po-
tential of these people.
Every college appoints advis-
ers to assist students in course choice, plan-
ning, and adjustment. Names of these advis-
ers may be obtained from the dean's office
of each college.
These advisers will help you
plan your courses, giving particular attention
to your individual strengths and weaknesses
in relation to vocational intentions. They are
responsible for guiding you toward fulfill-
ment of academic requirements within your
college, and may also be called upon for
advice concerning probation, suspension, fel-
lowships, and graduate work.
University College advisers
are available Monday through Friday during
daytime class hours. Contact them in the
University College offices on the third floor
of Little Hall for consultation on any prob-
lems relating to educational objectives and
progress. You do not have to wait until im-
mediately prior to registration each quarter
to seek advisement.
The Department of Compre-
hensive Logic has developed "The Teacher
Counselor Program" in conjunction with
their logic courses. The program offers the
broader service of "educational counseling"
rather than simply "academic counseling."
Entering freshmen, or any student who has
not completed his comprehensive logic re-
quirement, should discuss this program with
his University College counselor.
In addition to the above, each
classroom instructor is responsible for help-
ing students master the material of his course
and is available for discussion of study tech-
niques and course content.
The Pre-Professional Office
provides special services and advisement to
pre-medical and pre-dental students. It is im-
portant that these students register each
quarter with this office to facilitate both the
office's service to the student and the stu-
dent's knowledge of these valuable and nec-
essary services.
Any student encountering dif-
ficulty in specific courses may obtain tutors
by contacting the head of his department or
the dean of his college. (See page 19 for
additional information on tutoring aids and
college and
university transfers
In most instances the process
of changing from Lower Division (University
College) to Upper Division involves little
more than checking a different box on your
registration audit sheet. You should receive
an admission application to the college you
specified no later than two weeks into the
next quarter. If you have not received one
by then, go to the college office and pick one
up. Notice the dates specified in the under-
graduate catalog for application to change
colleges. These dates should be followed
If you want to change colleges
once you are in Upper Division, the process
is more difficult, though not impossible. You
should speak with an informed counselor to
determine your course deficiencies if you
enter the new college. The additional hours
required will depend on your educational
level and your background.
For standard admission into
the Upper Division you must have completed
the Lower Division requirements or the
equivalent as specified in the undergraduate
catalog and have a GPA of 2.0. For informa-
tion regarding special cases, refer to the un-
dergraduate catalog.
If you decided to pursue your
education elsewhere and notified the Univer-
sity of your plans, and then have decided to
stay at UF, you must reapply for registration
You can obtain transcripts in
33 Tigert without charge for each institution
or organization to which a copy of your rec-
ord must be sent.
If you are an incoming trans-
fer student you should be prepared to pre-
sent all relevant information concerning your
past record to the Registrar. Further assis-
tance is available in the Office for Student
Development in 129 Tigert.
you and the
academic bureaucracy
Like universities everywhere,
the University of Florida is composed of a
hierarchy and run by bureaucracy. This does
not mean the system is impossible or hope-
lessly clogged by red tape, it merely means
that the wise student is aware of the system
and wary of what goes on.
Each college is run from the
top by the dean. Most deans have an open-
door policy toward students, who can sched-
ule an appointment with the dean to air
whatever grievances are bugging them.
In addition to listening to
student complaints and trying to alleviate
problems, the college dean sees that all busi-
ness of the college is carried out. He reallo-
cates the funds the college receives and over-
sees the policy-making body of the college.
Under the dean are the chair-
men of the departments within the college.
As a rule, these chairmen also have open-door
policies toward students. Chairmen have
varying attitudes toward students ranging
from sincere interest to quiet indifference.
However, the innovative student can get
through to see the department chairman if
he really needs to discuss something with
him. Usually just walking into the office dur-
ing non-rush hours and asking to talk with
the chairman is sufficient, although making
appointments ahead is advisable.
Each college has its charac-
teristic operating structure. Many of you will
immediately be interested in the finer points
of University College operation. Others of you
will want to explore the organization of
specific Upper Division colleges.
University College decision
and policy making power lies with the Exec-
utive Committee which the Dean chairs, and
which also includes one elected faculty rep-
resentative from each of the seven depart-
ments and two appointed students. The Ex-
ecutive Committee votes on all major issues.
The two students have full voting rights.
In addition, the structure in-
cludes the College Council, composed of two
faculty and two students from each of the
seven departments. Formed in 1970, this
Council was one of the first which included
students. The Council discusses concerns of
both faculty and students, investigates prob-
lems, appoints students and faculty to com-
mittees (including the Executive Committee),
and reports to the Executive Committee. An
ambitious student who becomes known as
an innovator and expresses interest in the
Council should have no trouble getting an
appointment to the University College Coun-
cil. Meetings of the College Council are open
to the public.
There are also various advis-
ory councils in the college. Several depart-
ment chairmen use advisory councils com-
posed of student volunteers to provide feed-
back and to offer suggestions concerning the
department. The 1970 CEH student advisory
council proposed some rather drastic changes
that were adopted by the faculty almost as
they had been proposed.
Students also participate in
University-wide policy formulation through
their appointment to Constitutional, Senate,
and Presidential Committees. Further infor-
mation on these committees can be obtained
from Student Government or the President's
Office, 226 Tigert.
The University may at times
seem to adopt an inflexible stance, but re-
member, it walks a narrow tightrope between
the expectations of the legislature, Board of
Regents and the personal and academic ob-
jectives of the university community. Despite
the apparent immobility of college and the
University bureaucracy, things aren't impos-
sible. Changes have been and are being made,
and students are beginning to exert greater
influence in curriculum, grading, dorm policy,
disciplinary processes, cultural events, and
the remainder of crucial issues directly con-
fronting us in our day-to-day experience. In-
terested students should get involved in
these committees and councils in order to
continue the changes being made.
special and
experimental programs
UC Invitational Honors
Program. University College's Invitational
Honors Program was inaugurated because
the faculty was not convinced that simple
acceleration towards a degree is the best
procedure for superior students. Students
meeting the following qualifications are in-
vited to participate in the program:
1. An excellent secondary-school record.
2. A score of 475 or higher on the Flor-
ida Twelfth Grade Placement Tests or
scores of 600 or higher on the verbal
and mathematical portions of the
Scholastic Aptitude Tests.
3. A personal interview, usually during
the summer freshman registration
Invitational Honors courses
parallel regular comprehensive courses and
have the same purposes, except that profes-
sors and students have flexibility to use
materials, approaches, time schedules, and
examinations different from those required
in regular sections. Honors sections are usu-
ally limited to 25 students and are conducted
in a seminar or tutorial manner. Because of
diversified material, these sections are not
usually required to take the comprehensive
exams given in regular sections. Evaluation
is usually in the form of an essay exam or
term paper. To remain in the honors pro-
gram you must maintain a 3.0 overall aver-
age, but it may lead to an Associate of Arts
degree with Honors or High Honors.
The colleges of Arts and Sci-
ences, Education, and Engineering also offer
honors courses. In the College of Arts and
Sciences, each department provides honors
courses for its majors. In the senior year
about 20 Departmental Honors students are
selected for the Senior Seminar, which is
given 9 credits. The Senior Seminar furnishes
insights into the characteristic methods and
problems of the intellectual discipline and
invites inquiry into interrelationships among
disciplines. Students successful in Depart-
mental Honors are nominated for graduation
with Honors; those successful in Senior Semi-
nar are nominated for graduation with High
Student Volunteer Pro-
gram. The Student Volunteer program pro-
vides many personal benefits for the dorm-
itory resident. Sophomore or upperclass
students wishing to help others during
orientation and throughout their initial ad-
justment to University living may apply to
work with this program. A 3-credit pass-
fail course is taken by the volunteers early
in their helping "career."
Living and Learning Pro-
gram. If you're interested in developing
meaningful relationships with fellow dormi-
tory residents while simultaneously enhanc-
ing your academic and social life, you should
participate in the living and learning pro-
gram sponsored by the Logic Department
and Housing. One of the goals of the pro-
gram is to make a residence area something
more than just a place to study and sleep.
The 2-hour Logic course dealing with inter-
personal relationships is taught by a coun-
selor and meets in the respective residence
Colloquia and Seminars.
To enable more students flexibility and free-
dom in their comprehensive courses, the
CEH, CSS, and CLC departments have initi-
ated a seminar program which deals with
relevant topics in each area. The classes are
generally small. Time, meeting place, and
testing are decided by the students and the
professors. Often the seminars can be sub-
stituted for other required comprehensive
courses. Comprehensive seminars are open
to any student and are numbered CEH 194,
CSS 194, and CLC 194. If interested, talk with
your professor or call the appropriate de-
partment office.
Florida Experimental
College. The Florida Experimental College
is an unstructured organization with no of-
ficial ties to the University of Florida. At
the beginning of each quarter students get
together to create courses that interest
them or to pursue their hobbies. The cen-
tral function of the college is to generate
an idea and let those involved in a particular
course respond. After a course is introduced
the group is free to shape its content and
direction. Interested students should call
the Center for United Ministries for specific
information on what courses are offered.
Peace Corps. The Peace
Corps College Degree Program is now open
to college students throughout the U. S. The
program offers you the possibility of com-
bining Peace Corps training with undergrad-
uate and graduate work. Peace Corps grads
receive either an A.B. or B.S. degree, secon-
dary school teacher certification, and an as-
signment overseas to a bi-national educational
team as a Peace Corps volunteer. While serv-
ing overseas, volunteers may earn up to 12
hours of graduate credit. The program in-
cludes academic credit for Peace Corps train-
ing, two fully-subsidized summer sessions
totaling 30 semester hours, in-depth Peace
Corps training which is fully synchronized
with a liberal arts education, specialized pro-
fessional preparation, individualized pro-
grams, intensive audio-lingual training in
small classes, opportunity for double majors,
and supervised overseas graduate work.
Applications must be review-
ed by the Peace Corps and by the State Uni-
versity College academic committee. Appli-
cants must have a 2.0 overall grade point
average and at least 90 quarter hours of
credit. 180 quarter hours are required to
graduate from the program. Students in the
Peace Corps degree program live in dormi-
tories in Brockport, New York, and go over-
seas during the summer for 10 days of train-
VISTA. Volunteers In Serv-
ice To America programs consist of com-
munity action, organization of cooperatives,
development of adult basic education pro-
grams, teaching consumer education, work
with underprivileged children, development
of health services, and provision of legal aid
to the poor. The VISTA applicant must be 18
years of age, a U. S. citizen, and have no
dependents. Training includes a 6-week prep-
aration period, and volunteers serve for one
year. Inquire further in 315 J. Wayne Reitz
Reserve Officer Training
Corps (ROTC). The University of Florida
offers instruction in Air Force and Army
military science as an integral part of its
curricula. To participate in the ROTC Four-
Year Program, you must enroll during your
freshman year, or at least have four years
remaining at the University. If you're in-
terested in the ROTC Two-Year Program,
contact the appropriate ROTC office early
during your sophomore year. The last two
years of the Four-Year Program and the entire
Two-Year Program are designated as the
Advanced ROTC Program, and is highly selec-
tive. Advanced cadets are paid a monthly
allotment and can usually defer active duty
to pursue post-graduate study. Both Army
and Air Force programs offer scholarships
which pay for tuition and books and pay a
monthly allotment to assist with incidental
expenses. Although both programs accept
women in the first two years, only Air Force
ROTC accepts women students in the ad-
vanced course, which leads to commission as
a 2nd Lt. USAF.
study aids and locations
Libraries. Library East (for-
merly the College Library) and Library West
(formerly the Research Library) are the two
main libraries on campus. Additionally, the
following branch libraries are available: Agri-
culture (McCarty Hall), Architecture and
Fine Arts (AFA Building), Chemistry (Leigh
Hall), Education (Norman Hall), Engineer-
ing and Physics (Weil Hall), Health Center
(Medical Science Building), and Law (Hol-
land Law Center). Reading room facilities are
provided in the following areas: Health and
Physical Education (Florida Gym), and Journ-
alism and Communication (Stadium). Also,
the Department of Music operates a reading
and listening room in the Music Building.
The holdings of the libraries
number over 1,400,000 cataloged volumes and
a large number of uncataloged documents
and newspapers. Many of the materials are
in the form of phonograph records, micro-
film and microcards. Among the special col-
lections in the library system are the Rare
Book Collection, the Dance-Music-Theater
Archives, the P. K. Yonge Library of Florida
History, the Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Col-
lection, and the Collection of Creative Writ-
ing, which includes work sheets, manuscripts,
and other literary papers of significant con-
temporary American and British authors. In
recent years, special emphasis has been
placed upon strengthening the holdings for
the Latin American Area Studies Program,
especially for the West Indies and the Carib-
bean areas.
Library East is designed pri-
marily to accommodate the needs of under-
graduates. Carrels, or cubicles, are provided
in the stack rooms and are relatively free
from distractions.
The rooms in Library West
are less spacious than Library East, but there
are more individual desks and tables. It is
better lit (especially compared to the carrels
in the East stacks), and somewhat more
Centers for conference service
are located in both Libraries East and West.
The major collection of bibliographies and
reference books is located on the first floor
of Library West, with librarians available to
give assistance. There are xerox photocoyping
machines (54 a copy) available in both li-
Library hours in these facili-
ties are Monday through Saturday 8 a.m. to
11 p.m.; Sunday, 2 p.m. to 11 p.m. In addi-
tion, the South Literature Room, ground
floor of East Library, remains open until
midnight every day except Saturday.
Other libraries generally op-
erate under similar schedules with individual
variations. Picture ID's are needed to check
out books and overdue fines accrue at the
rate of 254 per day per book with a maximum
of $5.00 per book.
Study Lounges and Area
Libraries. Each residence area has a study
lounge, and all except Rawlings Hall have
a small reference library containing a few
hundred general volumes, encyclopedia, and
some recent periodicals. Graham has the
largest facility, which accommodates about
80 students, and has separate carrels and
tables in a large, well-lit, air-conditioned
room. Most others are somewhat smaller,
with a capacity of 30 to 40 students. Residence
libraries are run by student assistants and
are controlled by the main library office. They
are usually closed unless a librarian is on
duty, and the hours depend upon the indi-
vidual librarian's schedule. The library sec-
tions of the study areas are generally open
from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. Also on file in these
lounges are copies of old progress tests. In
addition, all living areas except Murphree
Area have lounges on each floor of all dorms
which can be used for studying. However,
their usefulness depends upon what is going
on in the rooms around the lounge and in
the lounge itself. These study lounges and
libraries are open 24 hours and can be used
by all students.
Murphree Area has two study
lounges, one in Buckman Hall and the other
in the Community Center (closed at 12 p.m.),
in addition to the area library in Murphree
Hall. They have arranged with the Florida
State Museum to have revolving displays in
the area Community Center.
For night people, the fourth
floor study lounge of Little Hall is open all
night for your studying enjoyment. Numer-
ous tables and chairs are provided in the
area located near the elevator.
During finals week Student
Government maintains study rooms in Little
Hall and in the Mechanical Engineering
Building, which are open all night. These
rooms are located on opposite ends of the
campus and are available to anyone who
thinks he can study all night and still be
ambulatory in the morning.
Reading Laboratory and
Clinic. Located in the southwest basement
of Broward Hall, the Reading Laboratory and
Clinic offers training and personalized help
to all interested students in areas including
speed reading, comprehensive study habits,
exam preparation, notetaking, test anxiety,
and vocabulary improvement. Called a "su-
permarket for self-improvement," it is a flexi-
ble, student-oriented program offered at no
cost. You need only come by the office and
arrange sessions according to your individual
needs and schedules. Each student has a
counselor, and most meet with him about
three hours per week. Students may begin
or discontinue the program at any time. No
credit is given, but the self-help program is
more than worth the time invested.
Clinic facilities include mod-
ern laboratory equipment backed by a pleas-
ant staff genuinely interested in the student's
improvement. During the '69-70 school year,
the clinic was used by about 1,000 students.
Tutoring Services. There
are many tutorial service organizations and
clubs in the different colleges and depart-
ments. Among the various tutorial service
organizations are the Student Tutoring So-
ciety (Sigma Tau Sigma) and the Student
Government Tutoring Service. If you fall be-
hind in some course, or feel you need indi-
vidual help outside of class, you should go
to the Office of Student Development, 129
Tigert. The secretary will be able to tell you
where to go or who to call to arrange for a
tutor. Tutoring received through such organ-
izations is free of charge. In addition, stu-
dents often advertise their services in specific
subjects in the Alligator and on bulletin
boards in the halls where courses are taught,
in residence halls, and in the Union. These
services will cost you, although they are usu-
ally quite reasonable.
university services
Various on-campus services
are available to help you achieve your edu-
cational and personal goals. These resources
include University offices and agencies that
offer general counseling and other offices
which provide specialized assistance.
A Useful Tip. If you are ever confronted with
a difficulty or would like to discuss a personal
matter and don't know where to go, a good
place to begin is in the Office for Student
Development, 129 Tigert, which serves as a
clearing house for student needs.
Office for Student De-
velopment. This office maintains a joint
reference relationship with the Psychological
and Vocational Counseling Center, the Stu-
dent Mental Health Service, the Division of
Housing, the Reading Clinic, and others re-
garding student counseling services.
Personnel are available to
help you or your parents when special assis-
tance is needed-such as when major medi-
cal problems or other emergencies arise. The
deans can also assist you with particular
difficulties encountered in the process of being
a student such as academic regulations,
financial problems, or personal problems.
Withdrawal and admission
procedures are also handled in this office.
See pages 6-7 of this publication for addi-
tional information.
In summary, this office as-
sists students in their general adjustment to
the University and in finding appropriate
activities and projects outside the classroom.
The deans have current knowledge of or ac-
cess to information in all areas of student
concern. They are easily accessible to you.
Reading Laboratory and
Clinic. This service is provided free of
charge to students seeking help with reading
rate and comprehensive, study habits, spell-
ing, and important vocabulary improvement.
See page 19 of this handbook for additional
Speech and Hearing
Clinic. The Speech and Hearing Clinic offers
services without charge to any University
student with a speech and hearing impair-
Assistance is available at any
time during the year and appointments are
arranged to avoid conflict with the student's
academic schedule. Arrangements for diag-
nostic or rehabilitative services can be made
in 436 Arts and Sciences Building.
The services of the Speech
and Hearing Clinic are available on a volun-
tary, non-credit basis and are continued only
as long as the student demonstrates the need
for assistance.
Student Health Service.
The Student Health Service in the Infirmary
is available to all full-time students. Mem-
bers of the student's family are not eligible.
An appointment in advance will always save
time and avoid unnecessary trips.
There are 30 in-patient beds
in the Infirmary for the treatment of minor
to moderately severe illnesses. A complete
pharmacy service is available in the Infirmary.
An X-ray facility and complete laboratory
are also maintained as part of the Student
Health Service.
No student is ever denied
service because of lack of funds. Normally,
charges are made for services rendered after
5 p.m. on weekdays, after 12 noon on Satur-
day and all day Sunday. Special treatments,
lab tests, X-rays, and medications are also
billed to the student and may be paid at the
Student Depository at the end of the quarter.
Emergency Care. The In-
firmary emergency clinic is staffed seven days
a week from 8 a.m. to midnight by physicians
and nurses. Emergency care between mid-
night and 8 a.m. is provided at the University
Hospital. After midnight call 392-1161 and
the duty nurse at the Infirmary will instruct
you where to go. Ambulance service is avail-
able from Alachua Ambulance Service a'
372-3454. If you live on campus and need
transportation, call the University Police De
apartment, 392-1111.
Further information on stu
dent health may be obtained from a bro-
chure published by the Infirmary.
Insurance. A Student Insur-
ance Policy with full-time coverage is avail-
able through Student Government. Any inter-
ested student should contact the Secretary
of Health and Insurance in the Student Gov-
ernment Office at the Reitz Union.
Mental Health Service.
The Mental Health Service is located on the
second and third floors of the Infirmary and
is available to all students. All records of
your contact with the Service are strictly
confidential and will not be released without
your permission. The services are free except
for a small charge after the eighth visit.
The Mental Health Clinic also
works in conjunction with other helping
agencies such as the Speech and Hearing
Clinic, and cooperates with the Corner Drug
Store and the Crisis Intervention Center.
Students with personal, emo-
tional, or interpersonal concerns should not
hesitate to contact the Mental Health Service.
The number to call is 392-1171.
Psychological and Vo-
cational Counseling Center. Are you
having problems making your grades, choos-
ing a major, communicating with other peo-
ple, or having marital difficulties? The place
to go for assistance is the Psychological and
Vocational Counseling Center in 311 Little
Hall. The Center provides psychological
counseling by trained professionals, graduate
training facilities, consultation services for
faculty and staff, and the implements for
research programs.
The staff works with resi-
dence hall advisers, academic advisers, and
faculty to develop more effective techniques
for helping students. Discussion leadership
is also provided for community groups, facul-
ty groups, and other helping agencies.
An up-to-date occupational
library is maintained, as well as testing facil-
ities for interests, aptitudes, abilities and
The Center provides services
in several broad categories:
Encounter and Sensitiv-
ity Groups. These groups are sponsored in
the residence halls and throughout the cam-
pus community. They enhance the individ-
ual's self-awareness and his sensitivity to
other people. Any student wishing to partici-
pate should contact the Center.
Personal Counseling.This
service should be sought by those seeking
to work out conflicts with themselves and
others. A personal relationship is established
between the student and the counselor and
all information is strictly confidential.
Marital Counseling. Per-
sonal and joint counseling is used to estab-
lish a relationship in which the particular
needs of both husband and wife can most
satisfactorily be filled. Pre-marital counseling
is also available for interested couples.
Vocational Counseling.
The objective of this service is to help you
evaluate yourself in terms of personality
characteristics, aptitudes, etc., and then to
use this evaluation to make a vocational de-
The Career Planning and
Placement Center. The Center, located on
the ground floor of the Union, serves as the
central placement agency for University stu-
dents and alumni. The primary aim of the
Center is to assist students during the course
of their college program in identifying and
developing realistic career goals, and in ob-
taining positions in their chosen fields after
graduation. Open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mon-
day through Friday, the Center renders the
following specific services:
1) Guidance and counseling in self-eval-
uation and career planning.
2) Assistance in developing good inter-
view techniques.
3) Guidance in the preparation and use
of resumes and letters of application.
4) Arranging interviews between employ-
ers and students.
5) Maintaining and updating qualifica-
tion records and faculty ratings for
students and alumni.
6) Providing recruiting literature and
information about employers.
7) Mailing lists of job opportunities and
interview schedules to any student
who registers for them.
8) Maintaining a career information li-
brary with information on employ.
ment and educational institutions.
9) Providing a list of career-related sum-
mer jobs.
Seniors and graduate stu-
dents planning to interview for jobs through
the Career Planning and Placement Center
should visit the Center at least one month
before the quarter in which they expect to
start their job search. A staff member will
show them around the office and explain
the interview sign-up procedures at this
The University Food
Service Meal Plan-Servomation.one
of the first decisions you'll be making as a
student is whether or not to subscribe to the
meal plan.
Offered by University Food
Services, this plan provides for a 27% dis-
count on the 7 day plan or a 15% discount on
the 5 day plan. These percentage discounts in-
clude a missed meal margin, but you can still
save money and miss up to 5 meals a week.
The above rates apply if you
contract prior to the beginning of the quar-
ter. During the quarter the plan may be
begun with discounts given on a prorated
basis. If you sign up for the plan prior to the
beginning of the quarter, it may be discon-
tinued for reasonable causes, such as joining
a fraternity or sorority, schedule conflicts,
etc., in which case you would receive a pro-
rated refund, less a $10 service charge.
For your first quarter it is
best to consider the plan after arriving on
campus. You will then be better able to see
the advantages and disadvantages of the plan.
Meal coupons may be pur-
chased from any of the Food Service offices. 23
Areas. The Meal Plan allows
you to eat substantial meals at any of the
seven cafeterias and snack bars located on
campus. Also the Arrendondo Room in the
Reitz Union and the Rathskeller provide com-
fortable atmospheres for dining. The Arren-
dondo Room serves a luncheon from 11:30 a.m.
til 1:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Breakfast .................. 7 a.m 10 a.m .
Lunch .....................11 a.m. 2 p.m.
Dinner ...................4:30 p.m. 7 p.m.
Catering. Catering service
for banquets, receptions, teas, socials and
coffee breaks is provided by the University
Food Service. Birthday cakes and box lunches
are also available. Requests can be made at
any Food Service office.
Student Kitchens. Partial
kitchens are available in many of the dorm
areas at no cost to the student.
The Campus Shop and
Bookstore. The Campus Shop and Book-
store is owned and operated by the Univer-
sity of Florida as a self-sustaining auxiliary.
Its purpose is to supply students with text-
books, supplies and equipment required or
necessary for their courses. It also offers a
variety of merchandise desired by students,
faculty and staff.
Textbook Policy. Full ex-
changes and refunds will be made on text-
books for dropped courses through the
twelfth day of classes. You need a receipt,
current I.D. and drop card. If purchased
new, the book must have no markings at all.
During the first two weeks of
the quarter, the Bookstore does not normally
buy back used texts because of the rush pe-
riod. It is best to sell all texts back to the
Bookstore at the end of the term, after book
lists for the upcoming term have been re-
ceived from the departments.
If the book is in saleable con-
dition and will be used the following quarter,
and if the inventory requirements haven't
been filled, it will be purchased by the Cam-
pus Shop.
Hardback texts are bought at
60% the current new retail price and pa-
perbacks at 1/3 of the current new retail
Other Special Services.
1) $15 check limit, or $5 over the amount
of purchase at the register.
$25 over the amount of purchase dur-
ing the first week of class.
2) Four qualified notary publics, no
3) Class rings and graduation invitations
or announcements.
4) Special order service for books and
5) Orders for laminating certificates,
diplomas, and photos on wood bases.
6) Magazine subscriptions at special stu-
dent rates.
7) Art, architecture, and engineering
sales department.
Location and Hours.cam-
pus Shop and Bookstore locations and hours
of operations are listed below:
Main Store Located in the HUB.
M-F 8 a.m.-7:30 p.m.
Sat. 9 a.m.-12 noon
Broward Shop Located in Broward.
M-Th. 9 a.m.-7 p.m.
Fri. 9 a.m.- 6 p.m.
Sat. 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Health Center Shop-Located 1st Floor
Medical Sciences Building.
M-F 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat. Closed
Towers Shop Located in service com-
plex adjacent to Towers dormitories.
M-F 8:30 a.m.-7 p.m. Sat. Closed
Tri Shop Located in Graham Area.
M-F 8 a.m.-7:30 p.m. Sat. Closed
Reitz Union Shop Located ground
level of J. Wayne Reitz Union.
M-F 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Sat. 10 a.m. 12:30 p.m.
Campus Mail Service.
U. S. mail is delivered daily to on-campus
housing and offices. A federal post office,
University Station, is located near campus at
1630 N.W. 1st Avenue. A 24-hour automated
post office is located on North-South Drive
across the street from the Graham Area resi-
dence halls. You can buy stamps there and
mail packages and letters at your conven-
Alumni Services.The Alum-
ni Association is an integral part of campus,
providing many services to student organi-
zations and individual groups. Offices are
located on the ground floor of the Union.
With funds derived from an-
nual alumni contributions, the Association
provides non-budgeted but vital "extras" to
schools and colleges within the University.
It supports a year-round community infor-
mational program for speakers, films, tele-
vision programs, and publications, including
the quarterly University of Florida Magazine.
Since the inception of the
Gator Loan Fund, the Association has signifi-
cantly subsidized this invaluable loan pro-
gram, as well as awarded approximately 60
Alumni Scholarships each year to attract
outstanding students to UF.
Active membership in the
Alumni Association is the right of all stu-
dents who have been enrolled in the Univer-
sity of Florida, graduates and non-graduates,
as well as friends of the University who make
a contribution to the Annual Giving Program.
Questions concerning membership should be
addressed to the Director.
Student organizations some-
times utilize the Association's mass mailing
facilities. For further information, contact
the Assistant Director at 392-1691.
Student Depository. The
Office of Student Accounts in the Hub acts
as an accounting office for various depart-
ments of the University. Accounts are payable
at the Hub at the time such charges are ac-
cumulated. All loans, grants, and scholarships
are authorized by the Office for Student Fi-
nancial Aid, but the Office of Student Ac-
counts executes the actual financial transac-
This office also operates the
Student Depository, which serves you in
three main ways: as a safe depository for
cash balances which you may withdraw as
needed, a place to pay University bills, and
as cashier for properly authorized refunds.
No interest is paid on deposits and no checks
can be drawn against them. Withdrawals
must be made personally at the Depository
during posted operating hours.
Regulations pertaining to any-
one using the Depository are as follows: (1)
Hours are posted at the Depository. Normal
hours fluctuate during registration, however.
Call the Depository if you have any questions
concerning hours. (2) Picture ID and cur-
rent fee card are required for identification
on all transactions. (3) Personal checks ex-
ceeding $75 cannot be cashed, although they
may be deposited in your student account,
against which you can withdraw up to $75
at one time. After a check has cleared the
bank on which it is drawn, any part or all
of a balance may be withdrawn. (4) Student
Deposit accounts are ordinarily limited to
Student Financial Aid
The Office for Student Financial Aid provides
funds for eligible students to assist them in
meeting their college expenses.
The Student Financial Aid
Committee sets University-wide policy for
granting and implementing financial aid to
undergraduate students and for graduate
students who utilize long-term loan programs.
This committee includes student member-
ship and hears appeals.
UF attempts to provide assis-
tance to students who would otherwise be
unable to attend college. Financial aid is
awarded according to individual need in re-
lation to college costs. Awards may include
loans, grants, scholarships, or part-time em-
ployment. They may be offered to students
singly or in various combination packages.
All financial aid awards are
dependent upon availability of resources.
Also, to be considered for financial aid an
applicant must fulfill the following require-
ments: (1) be a full-time student or tenta-
tively accepted as a full-time student of the
University of Florida, (2) provide evidence
of a definite financial need, (3) make normal
academic progress, (4) be a citizen of the
United States or have a Federal Immigration
Classification Number.
Although official awards can-
not be made until you have been accepted
at the University, you should apply as soon
as possible after November 1 of each year,
but normally not later than February 28. Late
applications are accepted conditionally. Fi-
nancial aid awards are not transferable from
one university to another. Separate applica-
tions must be made to each university you
plan to attend during the year.
Aid for graduate students
through the Office for Student Financial Aid
is limited to part-time employment and cer-
tain loan programs. Application for other
aid (fellowships, assistantships, and loans)
should be made to the head of the appropri-
ate department or to the dean of the Grad-
uate School.
Estimated Expenses Based Upon
An Academic Year of Three Quarters.
Single Single Student
Student On Student Off With One
Campus Campus Child
Books & Supplies
Personal (Toiletries,
Medicine, etc.)
$ 570 $ 570 $ 570
200 200 200
445 625 990**
740 440 1060
50 170 200
45 45 150
270 270 950
2200 $2200 $4000
*Fees for graduate students are $150 more per aca-
demic year. Non-Florida students add $1050.
**Housing expenses should be adjusted if on-campus
housing is utilized. For Corry, Diamond, and
Schucht use $540 instead of $990.
The expenses outlined above
are to be considered as very general esti-
mates. It is not unusual for expenses to vary
$200 depending on individual circumstances.
You should be aware that
receipt of an award does not automatically
renew your application for subsequent years.
A new application must be submitted each
year. Consideration for assistance is based
not only on your family's financial condition
but also on your academic record and the
availability of funds. Because it is not always
known what federal, state, and local funds
will be available, awards must be extended
initially on a tentative basis.
If you receive assistance from
sources other than the Student Financial Aid
Office, your award may be adjusted. Appli-
cants who fail to notify the Office for Student
Financial Aid of assistance received from
other sources are subject to cancellation of
Parent's Confidential
Statement. Determination of financial
need is made primarily from the Parent's
Confidential Statement form, copies of which
can be obtained in the Office of Student Fi-
nancial Aid. Appraisal of this statement is
made by the College Scholarship Service on
the basis of information pertaining to fam-
ily income and assets, with appropriate al-
lowance made for other educational ex-
penses, etc. Student resources, including
summer earnings, savings, and government
benefits are expected to partially defray col-
lege expenses. Summer earnings are figured
at $300 for women students and $400 for
men prior to the freshman year, increasing
$100 per year through the junior year. Stu-
dents who are financially independent from
their parents can submit a Student's Con-
fidential Statement. Upon completion, either
statement should be mailed directly to the
College Scholarship Service.
In planning college finances,
you should carefully examine the estimated
expenses listed above. Next, you and your
parents should determine how much they
will be able to give you, as well as how much
you may be able to save from your summer
work. You should add to this figure antici-
pated income from any other sources such
as local scholarships, gifts from relatives,
prior savings, etc. After you have added all
the income you will have from all sources,
subtract the total income from the college
budget. If this calculation reflects a deficit,
this need should be shown on your applica-
tion. Your analysis will be compared with
the analysis of the information submitted on
your Confidential Financial Statement. After
reconciling the two, a financial aid package
will be designed to fit your individual needs.
What's in the bag. The
University of Florida offers the following
types of financial aid:
1. Loans. Ten basic loan programs are
administered at UF. All long-term
loans are low-interest loans with pay-
ment deferred until the student grad-
uates, withdraws, or changes his
status as a full-time student. Repay-
ment of short-term loans is deferred
until the end of the quarter in which
the loan is made.
2. Grants. Grants are available to under-
graduates and to pharmacy and nurs-
ing majors. Such awards require ex-
ceptional need and do not have to be
repaid by the student.
3. Scholarships. Approximately 135 schol-
arships are awarded to the most
outstanding undergraduates showing
financial need. These awards are not
given until all grade averages are re-
ceived from the student's school or
college. These funds are extremely
4. Part-time employment. Approximate-
ly 2,000 students are employed each
year through the Office of Student
Financial Aid. An estimated 500 stu-
dents work off-campus in the Gaines-
ville community. Normally, students
work 15 hours or less each week and
earn between $1.60 and $2.00 per hour,
depending upon personal skills and
experience. If you apply for part-time
employment through the Office for
Student Financial Aid and are award-
ed a part-time position, you are not
bound to accept it. However, you will
be asked to discuss alternate resourc-
es with the Office for Student Financial
Aid if you choose not to work.
If you are working for
coin. Student Financial Aid provides a stu-
dent employment service which helps place
qualified students in jobs on campus during
the academic year. Student Government's
Secretary of Labor helps students to find
off-campus jobs during vacations and sum-
mer months.
In addition, there are many
jobs available off-campus that you can get
without going through the Student Financial
Aid Office. These can range from being a
salesclerk to delivering pizzas.
campus services for
specific groups
Minority Affairs. An assis-
tant dean, Office for Student Development,
works primarily on those problems directly
related to disadvantaged and minority stu-
dents. He is located in 127 Tigert Hall.
This office arranges tutoring,
referrals for academic advisement, counsel-
ing, career planning, financial assistance and
general guidance for minority group students
on campus. The office helps coordinate and
oversee programs in all 14 colleges of the
University, as well as extension services. The
Expanded Educational Opportunities Pro-
gram, which provides housing assistance,
financial aid, tutoring, and both academic
and non-academic counseling for minority
group freshman, is given primary emphasis.
The office also conducts an intensive recruit-
ment of minority group students throughout
the State of Florida.
Black Students. The Uni-
versity of Florida is not unique in the fact
that it is a predominantly white institution
with an increasing number of black students.
UF offers a variety of aca-
demic and non-academic endeavors in which
you can participate. Although all black stu-
dents may not be interested in every Uni-
versity activity, it is hoped that there is
something here for everyone. Much flexibility
is given student activity at the University, so
the formation of your social activities will be
primarily your own business.
Black student life on campus
is enhanced by the Black Student Union, as
well as by the Black Sisters for Progress.
These two organizations offer a base for the
black student to become involved in the com-
munity. Also, both groups provide many
recreational and social outlets.
The Black Student Union is
the general pulse-beat of black student life
on campus. Primarily, it assists in coordinat-
ing programs of interest to black students,
in making campus programs relevant to
black students, and in correcting any injus-
tices. The Black Sisters for Progress has a
similar appeal and function. It helps bring
about a more meaningful relationship amongst
the sisters on campus, by way of cultural, edu-
cational, social, and religious endeavors.
International Students.
The International Center, located in building
AE next to the Music Building, is the central
service and counseling agency for every in-
ternational student enrolled in the University.
Otherwise known as the For-
eign Student Office, this agency coordinates
closely with the Admissions Office in clearing
students for admission. It also arranges for
authorizing the student's U. S. visa. After the
student is accepted by the University, the
International Center assists in arranging his
reception, housing, and orientation.
The promotion of cultural
interchange within the local community is a
function of the Center. Several community
organizations work with international stu-
dents and their families to enrich and facili-
tate the American experience. If you're a
foreign student be sure to ask at the Interna-
tional Center about programs and services
sponsored by these groups. Be sure not to
exclude those of your family if they are with
you. Activities designed for foreign wives will
help the lady feel at home in the U. S. while
she learns many useful domestic facts, skills,
and services provided by the community.
Information of particular in-
terest to you may be obtained at the Inter-
national Center. Also, you will find that A
Guide to the Married Student (available at
the Housing Office) provides priceless tips
for you if you fit this category.
Because all international stu-
dents, faculty, staff, and their dependents
are required to comply with U. S. Immigra-
tion Regulations through the International
Center, you should talk with the Foreign Stu-
dent Adviser or his administrative assistant
about your immigration status.
Also, remember that most
Americans are happy to help fellow students
survive the frustrations of campus adjust-
ment. Don't be afraid to talk with them about
anything. UF students have shown an increas-
ing concern for relaxed communication
amongst all. Jump in and join them!
Veterans. The Office of Vet-
eran's Affairs, located in Tigert Hall, assists
veterans in acquiring services available on
campus and the special benefits for which
they are eligible.
Veterans are entitled to limit-
ed tutorial services, in addition to certain
mometary benefits.
In order to receive Veteran's
Educational Benefits you must:
1. File an application for edu-
cational assistance benefits (VA form 1990e),
enclose your discharge, (DD form 214), and
evidence of your dependents (e.g. certified
copies of marriage and birth certificates). If
you have a Florida address, mail this to:
VA Regional Office, P. O. Box 1437, 144 1st
Avenue South, St. Petersburg, Florida 33701.
2. In 3 to 4 weeks the VA will
mail you a Certificate of Eligibility.
3. Upon arrival at the Univer-
sity, file both copies of the Certificate of
Eligibility with the Registrar in 40 Tigert. It
will take from 4 to 6 weeks from the date
your certificate is filed with the Registrar
for your initial remuneration to arrive. Nor-
mally, this check will include money due
from the first day of classes.
The Office of Veteran's Affairs
can also help veterans receive college credit
by examination. If you have had no college
experience you may take an examination
(called "CLEP"), which provides up to 28
college credit hours, from your military post
(base) education office, or make such ar-
rangements through the University. Person-
nel with prior college credit are eligible
through examination for credit in specified
areas provided these courses have not been
previously attempted.
Additional college credit may
be granted for military training. This is ac-
complished by taking final examinations in
courses which are allied to prior non-aca-
demic instruction or training. Credit for
courses by final examination is usually re-
served for students with 3.5 averages. Excep-
tions are granted, but only by the head of the
department in which the course is offered.
For further information con-
cerning veterans benefits contact the Dean,
University College or the Office Veterans
Married Students. Married
students at the University of Florida make
up approximately 25% of the total enroll-
ment. A Married Student Advisory Commit-
tee which is made up of married couples,
advisers from Housing, and the Office for
Student Development, represents the special
interests of married students and plans orien-
tation programs to meet their needs. A large
number of the married students live in Uni-
versity owned and operated housing villages
which offer adequate housing at a reduced
rate. Information concerning eligibility, avail-
ability, and rates of campus housing and off-
campus housing, city services, child care, and
area employment is contained in A Guide for
The Married Student, published by the Office
for Student Affairs and the Division of Hous-
judicial and legal affairs
the honor system
and the honor code
All platitudes aside, the Hon-
or System is essentially a student check on
students. Viewed in light of the fact that
we're all here for the same purpose, it should
be a self-imposed reminder to give a fair
shake to the next guy, and to seek a remedy
when others let us down. Hopefully, most
students will work for themselves honestly
and won't seek a solution to their problems
in ripping off one another. Having no real
connection with the Administration, this
system should be eminently appealing to
the student. Your signature on your appli-
cation for admission bound you to the Honor
System, so try to make it work. It only will
if you want it to.
The Honor Code, as defined
in the Student Body Constitution, specifically
prohibits cheating, stealing, passing bad
checks and ticket scalping.
Honor Court Trial. When
a student is suspected of violation of the
Honor Code he comes under the jurisdiction
of the Honor Court. The student is defended
by the Chief Defense Counsel and his staff.
The interests of the Student Body are rep-
resented by the Attorney General and his
staff. Both staffs are composed entirely of
upper division law students.
If a student pleads guilty he
will have a summary trial and sentencing
before the Chancellor of the Honor Court
and two justices, all of whom are students.
If a plea of not guilty is en-
tered by the student, he will be tried by the
Chancellor of the Honor Court, or if he has
requested a jury, by a jury of fellow stu-
dents. If found guilty, the student will be
sentenced by the Chancellor and two justices.
Sentencing. The Honor
Court is authorized to impose the following
penalties: a severe reprimand, penalty hours
added to graduation, suspension not to ex-
ceed one year from the University, or expul-
sion. In addition, student found guilty of
cheating is given a failing grade in the
course involved. All Honor Court proceed-
ings are conducted in strictest confidence.
Appeals. An Honor Court
decision may be appealed through the stu-
dent's counsel if notice of appeal is filed
within 48 hours of judgment. Refer to the
official publication, Student Rights, Responsi-
bilities, and Regulations for additional infor-
campus police
The University of Florida
campus is patrolled by the Campus Police.
The University Police Department enforces
rules and regulations of the University in
addition to the state and local laws. By no
means does the University of Florida cam-
pus represent an area that is a sanctuary
above and beyond the laws of the State of
Florida. This is a point of much confusion
at times. However, the Campus Police in
general exercise their power with discretion,
equity, and with the best interest of the
student in mind.
One service the UPD offers is
transporting students not needing an ambu-
lance but who require medical attention to
the infirmary or to the Med Center. If the oc-
casion arises, they will even transport off-
campus students who require prompt med-
ical attention.
Constant security is main-
tained for all university buildings and fa-
cilities. Department officers routinely patrol
the four married student villages, the men's
and women's residence halls, and the fra-
ternity and sorority houses on and near
campus. A security office is also maintained
at the Medical Center to deal with special
problems which arise there.
A call to 392-1111 will bring
police action in the event of an emergency
of any sort.
Police Relations.
1. UPD Liaison Committee:
student-police encounter groups for resolution
of grievances and establishing rapport with
police. Informal meetings are held in homes
and apartments of police and students.
2. Human Relations Advisory
Board: investigates complaints, problems,
and specific situations arising between
groups or individuals resulting in tensions,
discrimination, or prejudice within the City
of Gainesville.
Traffic Violations. Stu-
dents are normally ticketed for parking on
campus without a decal or for parking out-
side of their designated area. Fines for these
violations range from $1.00 to $5.00 for the
first offense, $10.00 for the second offense
and $25.00 for the third and each additional
offense within that school year.
If a student accumulates a
substantial number of unpaid tickets, his
name is entered on a list of offenders whose
cars, when ticketed again, will be impounded.
Students who lend their cars are responsible
for any violation in which their cars might
be involved.
Traffic Court. If you re-
ceive a traffic or parking citation, you have
the option of paying your fine on the 3rd
floor of the Reitz Union, or contesting it be-
fore the Traffic Court. This court consists of
a Chief Justice, a clerk and a number of
justices, all of whom are students.
Appeals. The decisions of
the Traffic Court may be appealed in writ-
ing through the Office for Student Traffic
Violations to the Committee on Parking and
Transportation. Your probability of obtain-
ing acquittal runs around 20% and suspen-
sion of sentence at about 25%.
you and the law
A statement of your funda-
mental rights as a student, as well as the
particulars of the Student Conduct Code and
workings of the Committee on Student Con-
duct, may be found in Student Rights, Re-
sponsibilities, and Regulations. Briefly, the
Student Conduct Code encompasses falsifi-
cation and forgery of official documents,
vandalism, hazing, failure to disperse from
panty raids (those not-yet extinct convul-
sions from another era), illegal possession
of firearms, repeated violation of dorm reg-
ulations, disruptive conduct, violation of
municipal, state, and federal laws, etc. Pen-
alties imposed by the Committee on Student
Conduct range from figurative knuckle-rap-
pling to conduct probation, suspension, ex-
pulsion, and payment of damages. You will
probably want to familiarize yourself with
two provisions in particular, the Board of
Regents definition of disruptive conduct and
University jurisdiction over off-campus con-
Notes from the Student
Conduct Code. Immediate suspension
may be authorized by the President in ex-
ceptional circumstances, namely for posses-
sion of firearms, disruptive activity, etc. This
initial action, however, is subject to subse-
quent review under normal guarantees of
due process.
Off-campus violations will not
be given disciplinary consideration by the
University merely to duplicate the penalty
of the court. The University will take dis-
ciplinary action for an off-campus offense
when it is required by law to do so or when
the continued presence of the student on
campus is deemed by the University to be
detrimental to the education process, or to
the health, safety, or welfare of members of
the University community.
Authorized entry into dormi-
tory premises by University personnel is ex-
plicitly permitted by the housing contract for
routine maintenance or conduct reasons -
without the consent of the occupants. Uni-
versity Police Department policy, however,
accords residents full constitutional pro-
tection against illegal search and seizure, re-
quiring written consent of the occupant or
a properly executed search warrant prior to
Legal advice and coun-
seling. Refer to the sections under Student
Government and Student Emergency and
Personal Services Directory.
Drugs. As you probably
know, possession of more than 5 grams of
grass and possession of speed, hallucinogens,
or barbiturates in any quantity is a felony
offense in Florida, and is treated as such on
campus. First offenders possessing 5 grams
or less of grass are charged with a mis-
Dormitory living often con-
fronts students with painful dilemmas.
Knowledge of and access to your room-
mate's drugs, or your presence in a room
where they are being used, would constitute
technical grounds for felony prosecution.
If you're disinclined to see your roommate
sent to jail, but even more disinclined to
experience a similar fate yourself, encourage
him to practice his habit elsewhere, or as a
last resort request a room transfer.
If you are using drugs and
want to quit the scene, you have several re-
sources open to you. Inquire at the Mental
Health Service, the Corner Drug Store, the
Psychological and Vocational Counseling
Center, at the Office of Student Develop-
ment, or speak with your Residence Counse-
Criminal Arrest. If you
should have the misfortune of being arrest-
ed, be it for disturbing the peace, driving
while stoned, indecent exposure, possession
of narcotics, public profanity, sodomy, air-
line highjacking, or other popular pastimes,
you should keep several things in mind.
First, be cooperative. Second, know the Con-
stitutionally protected rights of an accused
1. right to remain silent,
2. right to a free court-ap-
pointed attorney present at all interroga-
tions (except misdemeanor offenses),
3. right to stop answering
questions at any time.
Third, remember that anything you say may
be used against you.
and recreational activities
student organizations and
You should never run out of
things to do on campus. Actually, your big-
gest problem may be realistically limiting
34 your involvement in order to get the most
out of non-academic opportunities and still
meet your educational goals.
Over 200 student organiza-
tions are recognized at UF in addition to
fraternities and sororities. The interest range
of these groups includes vocational, hobby,
recreational, scholastic, political, and you-
No organization chartered at
UF can include discriminatory clauses in its
constitution or in any other organizational
If you decide to initiate your
own campus organization-especially if you
want to use University facilities and have
Student Government support and represen-
tation-contact the Union's Assistant Direc-
tor of Student Activities. You should also be
familiar with policies governing organizations
and activities, which are outlined in the UF
official publication Student Rights, Respon-
sibilities, and Regulations. Formulated by the
Committee on Student Organizations and So-
cial Affairs, these regulations must be fol-
lowed in order for a group to obtain and
retain recognition.
At times you may want to
organize an outdoor happening. Formally
scheduled events and informal gatherings
publically announced in advance must be
cleared through the Public Functions Office.
Also, any financial arrangements, such as
appearance contracts, must be coordinated
in this office. Even though students are free
to use outdoor areas not committed for
specific use or assigned to a specific group,
individual "impromptu" gatherings can't in-
clude amplification equipment or disrupt
academic routine or scheduled functions.
Information about outdoor or indoor gath-
erings, amplification policies, and any other
matters pertaining to public activities can be
obtained from the Public Functions Office in
the Union. Established regulations are in-
cluded in the Student Rights, Responsibili-
ties, and Regulations manual.
If you're in the market for an
organization a handy guide, the Student Or-
ganization Directory, is available at the Stu-
dent Activities Desk in the Union.
Honorary Leadership So-
cieties. The University of Florida has five
honorary leadership organizations. Florida
Blue Key, Omicron Delta Kappa, and Univer-
sity Squires are for men who have distin-
guished themselves in leadership and service.
Mortar Board, a national society for women
distinguished in leadership, scholarship, and
service, is complemented by Savant-UF, which
is established to encourage outstanding lead-
ership in women. Information on any of these
groups can be gotten at the Activities Desk
in the Union.
Honorary Scholastics
and Societies. Three honorary scholastic
societies at UF formally recognize high
scholastic accomplishments on a University-
wide basis: Phi Eta Sigma, the national men's
freshman honor fraternity which taps fresh-
men who have achieved a 3.5 honor point
average or higher during thier first quarter
at the University; Alpha Lambda Delta, the
national women's honor society which taps
women who reach or exceed a 3.5 average in
any quarter or combination of quarters of
their freshman year; and Phi Kappa Phi, a
national scholastic honorary society which
represents all fields of study and which an-
nually taps graduating seniors and some
juniors who are in the top 10 percent of their
In addition to the University-
wide scholastic honoraries, more than 35
honoraries are established in specific aca-
demic areas.
Recognition and Profes-
sional Societies. A recognition society con-
fers membership in recognition of a student's
interest and participation in a particular
field of study or activity. It has more liberal
membership requirements than honor so-
cieties in the same field. Eight recognition
societies have chapters at UF.
A professional society con-
fines its membership to a specific field or
professional or vocational education. Some
professional societies include both men and
women, and others limit their membership
to a single sex. Thirty-two such groups are
chartered on campus.
Service Organizations.
Several campus groups and organizations
have goals which give you the opportunity
to serve the University and surrounding com
munity. They include such groups as the
Environmental Action Group, Florida Cice-
rones (a "Gator Greeters" hostess corps),
Gamma Beta Phi (a coed honorary service
organization), Samson (community volunteer
workers), and others. Further information
concerning these or any University organiza-
tions may be obtained at the Student Activi-
ties Desk in the Union.
University Religious As-
sociation. The U.R.A. encourages and stimu-
lates discussion of religious issues and coop-
erates with the religious agencies affiliated
with UF. The Association sponsors a religious
orientation program for new students at the
beginning of each quarter, the Religion-in-Life
program, the annual fund-raising drive for
World University Service, the Christmas-on-
Campus program, and various other forums
and service projects. Anyone can participate
in URA and in the other on-campus religious
Religious centers adjacent to
the campus are the Lutheran Student Center,
the B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation (Jewish),
the Roman Catholic Student Center, the
Baptist Student Center, the Episcopal Stu-
dent Center, the Center for United Ministries,
and the University Methodist Center.
In addition to these centers,
there are approximately 60 churches and one
synagogue in Gainesville. Many offer special
programs for University students. These
churches are listed in the yellow pages of the
Gainesville phone directory. Usually a call
to the pastor, priest, or rabbi will turn up a
ride to church if you need one. One or two
churches offer regular shuttle bus service
from campus to church Sunday morning.
Although the religious centers
are not connected officially with the Univer-
sity, there are many areas in which they
cooperate with the University. An example
is the University Religious Association. Mem-
bers of the Department of Religion meet with
the University Pastor's Association Cabinet
and advisers to the University Committee on
Student Affairs.
Student Publications.
Authorized University student publications
are basically run by students. The editors
and managing editors, which are selected by
the Board of Student Publications, direct the
day-to-day operations within the broad guide-
lines established by the BSP. Full-time per-
sonnel hired by the BSP serve as advisers to
the publications. The BSP, a Presidential
Committee, includes student representation
and vote.
Student publications are pro-
duced by the offset printing process, with
all the production, except printing, being ac-
complished on campus by the student staffs.
This means you can gain experience in almost
all areas of publishing-writing and editing,
layout and paste-up, composition, photogra-
phy and darkroom techniques, advertising
design and sales, general business and ac-
The Florida Alligator, one of
the nation's best student newspapers, is a
perennial winner of the All-American rating
from the Associated Collegiate Press Associa-
tion. More than 22,000 copies-all free-are
printed five days a week during the regular
school year, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays
during the summer quarter. You don't have
to be a journalism major to do your thing
on the Alligator.
The Florida Quarterly is con-
sidered one of the best student quarterlies in
the U. S. It publishes outstanding UF student
literary and illustrative work in company
with the creations of nationally and interna-
tionally renown artists. Its staff is open to
any interested undergraduate, and any stu-
dent can submit his work. The Quarterly is
published in Sept., Jan., and April.
UF's yearbook, The Seminole,
is a "book in transition." Moving away from
traditional yearbook format, it is a sophisti-
cated hardback magazine rich in graphics
and art production. The Seminole offers pub-
lication experience in just about any area
of interest or expertise. Its staff is involved
in the entire production process, including
preparing camera-ready copy for the printer.
Student Government
Productions. Student Government Produc-
tions selects, promotes, and produces cul-
tural and educational concerts ranging from
operas to Broadway plays and popular per-
formers. It consists of a 12-student staff and
a General Chairman selected by the Public
Functions Authority. Student Government
Productions receives funds from Student Gov-
ernment and charges minimal admission fees.
Performing Arts. Perform-
ing arts organizations offer professional
quality entertainment for students and the
general public. Participation is not limited to
students studying or majoring in the parti-
cular art, but is open to all having an interest
and talent for artistic expression. In some
cases, tryouts or auditions are required.
Among such organizations are
the Florida Players, a theatrical organization
sponsored by the Department of Speech; the
Gator Band, University Orchestra, Men and
Women's Glee Clubs, University Choir, all
under the direction of the Department of
Music; and Orchesis, sponsored by the Col-
lege of Physical Education and Health.
.,#r~ :
*~.~ r *,.
Intramurals. UF has one of
the best and most actively supported campus
recreation and sports schedules in the coun-
try. The Intramural Athletic Program includes
athletic leagues formed by residence halls,
fraternities and sororities, college units, and
independent groups.
The intramural program also
sponsors clubs such as: Archery, Barbell,
Chess, Cricket, Handball, Golf, Gymnastics,
Judo, Jujitsu, Karate, Orchesis (Modern
Dance), Rugby, Sailing, Soccer, Square
Dance, Synchronized Swim, Tennis, Volley-
ball, Water Ski, Weight Lifting and Wrestling.
Intraclub competition and a limited compe-
tition schedule between schools is encour-
aged. Facilities and equipment are furnished
for the above clubs.
Finally, the Intramural De-
partment maintains and stocks four equip-
ment check-out rooms for free student use.
These rooms are located in the Florida Gym,
Graham Hall, Broward Hall, and Norman
Gym. Type and location of recreational facili-
ties are given on the following page.
Free play,
Football, Etc.)
(Modern Dance)
Square Dance
Synchronized Swim
Table Tennis
Water Ski
Weight Lifting
8 boats
2 boats
Broward Hall*
Norman Gym**
Florida Gym**
Hume Area
Norman Gym**
Perry Field
Florida Union*
Fleming Field*
Florida Gym*
Hume Hall
Norman Hall**
Schnell Field, Fraternity Row**
Upper Drill Field, West of Stadium
Florida Gym**
Hume Area
Murphree Area**
Norman Hall
Florida Gym*
Florida Gym*
Women's Gym*
Lake Wauburg*
Fleming Field*
Norman Gym*
Florida Gym Pool, Broward, Graham**
Florida Gym Pool**
Florida Gym Basement
Jennings Hall**
Murphree Area**
Norman Hall**
Perry Field
Broward Hall
Fleming Field
Perry Field
Lake Wauburg*
Florida Gym Basement**
Florida Gym*
For further information on
facilities, equipment or competition in any
of the above activities, contact the Intramural
Department, 229 Florida Gym, 392-0581.
* Indicates that club activities are offered
in this area.
** Indicates that facilities have lights for
evening use.
student government
Student Government wields
power commensurate with its enormous
budget, and is intimately involved with the
quality of student life at the University. Its
fabric is as volatile as the political complex-
ion of its incumbent officers, whether pro-
viding a forum for the expression of student
ideas, serving as intermediary between the
student and the University community, pro-
moting intellectual dialogue, or securing
student entertainment.
Student Government is in-
creasingly jettisoning its role as an embry-
onic training ground for future politicos in
favor of a critical, introspective activism
more closely attuned to the times. Aspirants
to high office admittedly still seek the bless-
ings of Blue Key and occasionally barter
political concessions for fraternity bloc sup-
port, yet recent years have witnessed a pro-
nounced broadening and democratization of
the power base reflecting the many elements
that make up the student body, and an aggres-
sive commitment to those interests. Appoin-
tive cabinet and committee positions are
increasingly awarded on an impartial com-
petitive basis, personal qualifications being
paramount to political affiliations. If you're
willing to invest your talents and energies,
Student Government offers literally unlimited
opportunities to satiate your cravings for
political participation, altruistic endeavor,
and public service announcements for all
available appointive positions periodically
appear in the Campus Crier section of The
A dramatic reinterpretation
of Student Government's role coincides with
the rapidly transforming character of per-
sonal leadership. Student services, such as
draft counseling, Student Book Exchange,
and Birth Control Hotline, have supplanted
cultural productions and campus physical
improvements as the principal focus of Stu-
dent Government activity. This expansion in
the role of Student Government will make
student self-government at the University of
Florida a relevant outlet for student involve-
Executive Branch. The
Executive Branch is made up of the Student
Body President, Vice President, Treasurer,
and Cabinet staff.
The Student Body President
signs all measures passed by the Student
Senate and convenes special meetings of the
Legislative Branch. He has veto power sub-
ject to legislative review, and can require
written interpretation by the Honor Court
of any measures affecting the Student Body.
The Vice President is the ad-
ministrative head of the cabinet. He also
carries out the duties and powers of the
President in his absence.
The Treasurer of the Student
Body keeps complete accounts of all Student
Body funds on deposit, and signs all requisi-
tions from the Legislative Branch. Student
Government funds are provided by an alloca-
tion of the student activity fee.
The Cabinet consists of 16
departments, each staffed by a secretary and
3 to 5 undersecretaries, with functions rang-
ing from arranging bloc football seating to
formulation of parking regulations, imple-
mentation of academic reforms, pursuing stu-
dent economic interests on campus and in
the community, and coordination of minority
group programs.
Legislative Branch. The
Legislative Branch is comprised of a unicam-
eral assembly, the Student Senate. The Senate
is composed of elected representatives from
virtually every segment of campus on a popu-
lation and geographical basis. There are rep-
resentatives from every school and college
on campus. The remainder are elected on a
population basis from the various living areas,
including those off-campus. Of the 80 repre-
sentatives, 40 are elected in the Fall Quarter
and 40 in the Spring Quarter. Student Senate
committees, like their national counterparts,
apportion funds, investigate, recommend or
kill legislation, and, in general, perform any
function required to conduct a representa-
tive government.
Judicial Branch. Within
the Judicial Branch of SG are two courts.
The first of these courts, the Honor Court,
performs the combined functions of a trial
court and a supreme court. As a trial court
it tries and passes judgment on all violations
of the Honor Code. As a supreme court, it
passes judgment on legislation and contested
elections. It has the power to interpret the
Student Body Constitution, as well as the
responsibility to familiarize students with the
Honor System.
The second court in the Judi-
cial Branch is the Student Traffic Court,
which collects payments of fines for parking
violations and conducts hearings for con-
tested tickets.
For further information on
the judicial system, refer to the section on
judicial and legal affairs in this publication
or to the Student Rights, Responsibilities,
and Regulations manual.
Below the three major branches of SG are
the organizations which operate autonomous-
ly but often with the funds allocated by the
Legislative Branch of Student Government.
These large representative organization in-
Interhall Council. The Inter-
hall Council is composed of representatives
from the residence halls on campus. The
president of each hall council serves as the
representative to this council plus one more
elected from each council hall. The council
serves to coordinate activities among all resi-
dence halls, and sponsors the annual Home-
coming Dance. The Interhall Council office
is located in 324 J. Wayne Reitz Union.
Married Students. Each mar-
ried student village elects a mayor and speci-
fic number of resident representatives to
form the village commission. The village com-
missioners represent the residents or their
district or buildings at regularly scheduled
commission meetings presided over by the
mayor. The village mayors relate and repre-
sent village residents' interest, opinion, and
intent through mayor's council and secretary
of married student affairs to the general de-
cision making body of student government.
Interfraternity Council. The
Interfraternity Council (IFC) is the govern-
ing body for all fraternities on campus. Each
fraternity is represented by its president and
they in turn elect the officers of IFC. The
Executive Council of the Interfraternity
Council is composed of the President, Exec-
utive Vice President, Administrative Vice
President, Treasurer, Secretary, Administra-
tive Assistant, two faculty advisers, a repre-
sentative of the Dean for Student Develop-
ment, and four representatives from the
several geographic areas in which the fra-
ternities are located. The IFC Office is located
in 326 and 327 J. Wayne Reitz Union.
Panhellenic Council. The Pan-
hellenic Council is the governing body of the
sororities. Its purposes are the promotion
of a high plane of sorority life, the further-
ing of sound scholarship, cooperation with
the University in maintaining high standards,
and the discussion of questions of interest.
Each sorority has two elected representatives
and the chapter president on the Council, and
th officers rotate among the sororities. The
Panhellenic Office is located in 322 J. Wayne
Reitz Union.
Council of International Or-
ganizations. The Council of International
Organizations (CIO) is the policy-making
body and coordinating agency for the several
international student organizations on cam-
pus. The CIO Office is located in 301 J. Wayne
Reitz Union.
Aside from serving on Stu-
dent Government committees, members of
the Student Body participate in the govern-
ing of the University through University
Standing Committees, which assist in devel-
oping policy recommendations for the Uni-
versity. All interested students are encour-
aged to submit their name, qualifications, and
specific areas of interest to either the Student
Government Office (on the 3rd floor of the
Reitz Union) or the President's Office, 226
Among services offered by
Student Government agencies are:
Ombudsman. The Ombuds-
man Service is designed to help students with
problems or grievances. All questions are
kept confidential. Ombudsman volunteers try
to find the answer and contact the student.
Student Book Exchange. The
Book Exchange operates in Room 306 of the
Reitz Union at the beginning and end of each
quarter to eliminate the "middle man" in
book resales. Each student sets the price of
his books, so that both buyer and seller profit 43
over exchanging with the bookstores. When
a book is sold, the owner is mailed a check.
Unsold books maye be claimed at the end of
the sale.
Draft Counseling. "If we get
one guy out then its worth it." This is the
basic premise underlying Student Govern-
ment's Draft Counseling program. Counselors
don't give formal advice, but present alter-
natives, recommend referrals, and assist stu-
dents to "articulate what they feel" when
applying for conscientious objector status.
Hotline. The Hotline acts as
a referral service. Students using the Hotline
are not required to identify themselves. The
number to call is Student Government at
392-1665. Ask for the Hotline extension.
President's Advisory Council.
The President's Advisory Council, open to all
members of the student body, provides a
medium for direct expression of student ideas
and opinions to the Student Body President.
i. wayne reitz union
Need a place to watch TV,
entertain yourself and a date without jeopar-
dizing your budget, pick up a special occasion
gift, dine in inexpensive luxury, or grab a cup
of coffee? Need a place to stash a visiting girl-
friend, boyfriend, or parent? Or just need
a comfortable chair for meditating? The
J. Wayne Reitz Union has been called the
University living room, the University com-
munity center, and less complimentary
names. But you can count on its usefulness
for an unbelievable range of needs. Case it
carefully and frequently during your career
as a Gator.
Student Activities Cen-
ter. The Student Activities Center is the
nucleus for planning, programming, and co-
ordinating student activities. Many student
groups, including Student Government and
Student Publications, have private office space
and office equipment.
The Activities Desk handles
a large amount of the administrative busi-
ness for student organizations. Its person-
nel provide many services for organizations,
including distribution of material, referral
information, distribution of organizational in-
formation to interested students, operation
of a seven day answering service and central
mail distribution for student organizations.
The Activities Desk is also
equipped to handle art work and graphic
printing. Individual students as well as
members of student organizations can get
assistance from a professional staff artist
for art techniques, ideas, and designs. Print-
ing service includes equipment and supplies
for silk screen, mimeograph, ditto, xerox and
other methods of graphic reproduction.
Typewriters and telephones for student use
are also located in this area.
Campus Activity Agenda.
Want to know what's going
on when at UF?
The Public Functions Office
is a clearing house for scheduling and ar-
ranging non-academic campus activities. It
maintains the University Activities Calendar,
which registers in advance non-academic
campus activities, including meetings. All
events open to the University community,
such as concerts, lectures, dances, and pop-
ular entertainers are placed on this calen-
dar after having being approved for sched-
Services offered by the Public
Functions Office include information on
booking attractions, available campus facil-
ities, technical services and other produc-
tion requirements. It also operates the Union
Box Office, through which campus organi-
zations may sell tickets.
Copies of the University Ac-
tivities Calendar are distributed to residence
halls. Off-campus and village students may
pick up copies at the Union Information
Desk or the Tigert Information Desk.
Other Facilities and Ser-
vices. The Union schedules speakers, fine
arts programs, print sales, receptions, intra-
campus and intercollegiate bridge, billiard
and bowling tournaments, art exhibits, spe-
cial holiday programs, weekly bridge and
painting lessons, films and musical groups.
Formal and informal lounges
in the Union provide areas for relaxing,
meeting with friends, and just plain groov-
ing. Activities and instruction sponsored by
the Union Arts and Crafts Center include
sculpting, ceramics, leather work, copper
tooling and weaving. Other recreational facil-
ities include the Music Listening Room, the
Browsing Library, and the Constans Thea-
ter, which presents Florida Player produc-
tions. The Union's Game Area contains 16
bowling lanes, 21 billiard tables, table tennis,
and a games courtyard. A spacious ballroom
can be segmented into 9 areas for meetings,
banquets, or dancing.
A barber shop, miscellany
store, snack bar, cafeteria and dining hall are
also housed in the Union. Overnight accom-
modations are available for student guests.
Also, a weekend check cashing service is
offered for the convenience of University
faculty, staff, and students. Checks up to
and including $20 can be cashed between
5:00 and 11:30 p.m. Friday and between
8:00 a.m. and 11:30 p.m. Saturday.
The Reservations Office
schedules all events taking place in the Union
and assists organizations in obtaining suit-
able space in the Union for activities rang-
ing from small meetings to large social func-
local diversions
Flicks. On the average week-
end the on-campus movie goer has a choice
of at least two kinds of movies-old and very
old. That may sound like a complete drag,
but the situation is not nearly as bad as it
The Union movie theater is
run entirely with the student in mind, par-
ticularly where the choice of flicks and ad-
mission price is concerned. As a general rule
the movies are of the you-missed-but-wanted-
to-see variety, and are usually one to two
years old. Best of all, the usual admission
is 50 cents, with the superspecial (2001,
etc.) price going to $1. Advance tickets (and
these come in mighty handy if you want to
avoid the long lines) can be bought at the box
office on the second floor of the Union every
Friday about noon-check the Alligator for
the feature times.
Residence areas provide oc-
casional movie entertainment for their own
residents and anyone else who feels the urge
to attend. Because of the smaller audiences
and much more limited budgets, these flicks
are always older than the Union showings,
but they will always do in a pinch. Admis-
sion is ordinarily 25 cents or possession of
that area's activity card.
The Gainesville area, despite
its size, has a flourishing cinema industry
with seven different walk-in and drive-in
locations showing a total of 12 features at
any one time. The movie houses include the
Center Twin, Cinema Twin, Plaza Twin (all
of which show two features simultaneously),
Florida, Dragon Art Theater, Gainesville
Drive-In, and the Suburbia Drive-In with
Penthouses I and II.
The rates are reasonable,
never exceeding $2.00 at the Plaza, Center,
and Cinema, generally under $1.50 at the
others; the Plaza and Center Twins also have
discounts in the afternoons. The entertain-
ment varies widely as ratings spread from
G to X.
Camping, Hiking & Pic-
nicking. Alachua County has ten parks
which can provide an afternoon of boating
and picnicking. A map of these parks may
be obtained at the County Building in the
County Commission Office. These parks, how-
ever, do not include camping grounds and
hiking trails. The following parks are within
an hour's drive: Oleno State Park, on 441 six
miles north of High Springs; Gold Branch
State Park, about 20 miles northeast of
Gainesville; Juniper Springs, about 10 miles
south of Ocala, which is a good place for
swimming; and Ocala National Forest, one
of the more scenic spots in the state. All of
these larger parks are very well marked and
can be found with nominal effort.
This 'n That. The area has
four 18-hole golf courses from which to
choose. Check with the individual course for
times and fees horses are nothing new to
the Gainesville area, but nonetheless there are
only a few places where horses are available
for rent. If you're anxious to get four feet
under you, and can afford the fees (usually
$2 an hour) check the yellow pages under
stables for you drag-racing nuts, the
Gainesville Dragway will host anyone who
thinks he has something that wins. If you
don't fall in that category but would like to
watch, the admission is $2 for the blos-
soming easy riders, organized cycle enduros
are scheduled about six times a year. Prizes
are usually trophies. For information on these
events, check at any of the cycle showrooms.
On Campus. Despite the
good intentions, efforts, proposals, and dis-
pleasure of just about everybody associated
with the University of Florida, one obstacle
seems virtually impossible to overcome: the
transportation problem. Because of the
unique size and arrangement of UF's campus,
no single feasible mode of transportation
for travel within the University perimeter
exists. The campus is much too large for
walking. Yet, with the limited amount of
parking space and access roads, the auto-
mobile is not the answer either. Nearly
everyone who has tried to drive to class
usually finds that when he finally does se-
cure an empty parking spot, he is too far
away from his destination to walk. Realiz-
ing that neither walking nor driving is the
answer, the University community has re-
sorted to other means of transportation,
but these have met with only limited suc-
cess. To prevent increased congestion on
campus, parking and traffic controls have
been established. A shuttle bus system has
been inaugurated and more and more bi-
cycles are appearing on campus. Although
these changes have partially eased the
transportation problem, the hassle still ex-
ists and is felt by all connected with the
University. Until the difficulty can be further
resolved, the best possible solution is for
students to be aware of the existing means
of transportation on campus and the pol-
icies regarding their use. With this knowl-
edge, it is hoped that students can better
utilize existing transportation to meet indi-
vidual needs.
Campus Traffic and
Safety Regulations. A copy of the com-
plete rules and regulations may be obtained
from Vehicle Registration, located in the
An important, and often mis-
interpreted, aspect of these regulations con-
cerns student use of automobiles. Freshmen
and sophomores can have cars while they
are enrolled in the University if they have
a valid operator's license, are not under Uni-
versity suspension, and do not park or op-
erate their car on campus during restricted
hours. It is advised that any student who is
not eligible to purchase a decal, but wishes
to keep a car at school, consult more exper-
ienced advisers in order to obtain valuable
information concerning parking.
Shuttle Buses. The Uni-
versity operates several shuttle bus routes
from commuter parking lots to different
areas of campus. There are also buses that
cover the married housing villages and fra-
ternity and sorority rows. The buses are
color coded according to their routes and
run approximately every fifteen minutes. To
utilize the shuttle buses, a student must pur-
chase a bus pass from the Vehicle Registra-
tion Office in the HUB. Annual bus passes
may be purchased for $8.00 or a semi-annual
bus pass may be purchased for $4.00. All
persons registering their cars are eligible to
use the buses.
In addition to campus buses,
a bus to the Gainesville Mall leaves the
Terminal Lot (behind Hume Hall) every 30
minutes during the afternoon. Bus passes are
not honored on the Mall Bus, and a one-way
fare of $.25 is charged.
For further information con-
cerning exact schedules and routes, consult
the Shuttle Bus Brochure which may be
obtained at the Vehicle Registration Office or
at the Information Desk in Tigert Hall.
Bicycles. The use of bicycles
by students and faculty on campus is en-
couraged. Because the campus covers a large
area and buildings are spread out, the use
of bicycles facilitates movement from area
to area. Furthermore, bicycles are not re-
stricted on campus as are cars.
On campus there are appro-
priate parking spaces for bicycles at build-
ings and dormitories. In addition to the use-
fulness and enjoyment of bicycle riding on
campus the City of Gainesville has bikeways
through scenic areas which may be used by
In the City of Gainesville
there is a $1.00 license fee per year for bi-
cycles. It can be paid at any fire station. Bi-
cycles are permitted on city sidewalks ex-
cept in the downtown area.
The biggest problem facing
the campus bicycle rider is loss of his bike
to the cunning, ever-present bike thieves. In
a typical 3-month period the University Police
Department reported 91 bikes stolen. This
figure represents only those thefts reported
-the total number stolen during one quarter
may be twice the UPD's official count.
The most obvious thing you
can do to prevent your bike from being
stolen is to lock it up the bigger the lock
and chain, the better. Those aluminum
chains look nice, but any halfwit with a pair
of wire cutters can be off with your bike in
less time than it took to lock it up. Chain
that valuable piece of transportation to
something not easily carted off like a bike
rack or a stone wall. If possible, park your
bike in a well-lighted area.
Register your bike with the
Gainesville Fire Department and you have
foolproof identification if it is stolen.
In Gainesville. Luckily
most of "student oriented" Gainesville is
within walking distance, often on the two
major "drags" in town University Avenue
and 13th Street. It is usually easy to find
someone heading in one of these directions
or, if that fails, hitching is both acceptable
and productive on either of these streets.
If you have a more ambitious destination in
mind, Gainesville does have several cab
companies and a bus system which covers
the major routes through town. However,
on a student's budget, it is often more de-
sirable to ask around about possible rides
before resorting to these expensive means.
Many students have cars and are willing to
drive them.
Hitchhiking. Thumbing out
of Gainesville for weekends and holidays is
a popular pastime among multitudes of re-
sourceful students without alternative means
of transportation. Travel time is normally
slightly longer, a small price to pay for those
whose limited means combine with a lust
for adventure. To avoid exasperating exper-
iences, keep the following points in mind:
1. Dress presentably. Most
rides out of Gainesville will be with stu-
dents, but outside the University enclave
success depends upon the generosity of
farmworkers, blue-collar laborers, and occa-
sional businessmen who sympathize with your
plight, so don't alienate them by dressing
like a refugee from Woodstock. Shave be-
fore you take off.
2. Carry a sign for destina-
tion, identifying yourself as a U of F student.
Pack light (one suitcase). Take along enough
change for refreshments, toll costs, and the
contingency of a desperation phone call.
3. Plot out your route in ad-
vance. Exploit interstate highways and turn-
pikes for longer and faster rides. Exercise
selectivity: while rides are plentiful at Gaines-
ville ramps backwater exits can mean un-
mitigated trauma. If your destination is Or-
lando, politely refuse rides for Tampa. The
70 or so miles gained by accepting the ride
as far as the Florida Turnpike will be more
than offset by hours of languishing in Wild-
wood. If through some oversight you be-
come stranded, locate the nearest state high-
way and hitchhike from there-your chances
will be immeasurably improved. Optimum
time for departure is between 9 a.m. and
2 p.m. If you leave later you run the risk of
night hitchhiking on unknown terrain.
4. State laws prohibiting
hitchhiking on interstates and turnpikes are
vigorously enforced, by the Highway Patrol.
State Troopers normally permit hitchhikers
to stand on the shoulder to the foot of en-
trance ramps, although boundaries will be
clearly posted.
Out of Gainesville. The
City of Gainesville is centrally located 67
miles southwest of Jacksonville, 112 miles
northwest of Orlando, 147 miles southwest
of Tallahassee and 130 miles north of Tam-
pa. Although situated amid some of Florida's
most prosperous and rapidly expanding
cities, Gainesville is not a major junction
for air and rail routes. Due to this inade-
quacy, a greater emphasis has been placed
Son the automobile as an important means
of long distance transportation. More and
More students are driving, or being driven
to school. With Interstate-75 only 5 miles
west of town, there is easy access to both
mc. -northern and southern destinations.
e t For the student who is will-
Sing to investigate, there are a multitude of
""."-,possibilities for long distance transporta-
tion, some much more expensive than oth-
ers. Because of the large number of student
cars in the area, it is almost always possible
to find a ride to most points in Florida. Re-
sults may range from fantastic to poor, de-
pending on your destination. The J. Wayne
Reitz Union maintains two separate bulletin
boards, Florida and nation-wide, with in-
50 formation on persons who either want a
ride or a rider for a given locality on a cer-
tain date. With a few telephone calls, this
service usually produces satisfactory results.
Public transportation to and
from Gainesville includes an intricate net-
work of air, rail, and bus routes. One com-
mercial airline and three air taxi systems
serve the community out of the Gainesville
Municipal Airport on the Waldo Road. East-
ern Air Lines presently has one plane op-
erating from Jacksonville and stopping in
Gainesville, Ocala, Vero Beach, and Miami
with a return flight once per day. As an ex-
ample of the average cost, the charge for a
flight to Jacksonville is $15.00, or $11.00
Youth Fare. In the future, Eastern hopes to
extend service to Atlanta. Transfer may be
made at one of the larger cities to a flight
on almost any big airline to virtually any
place in the world. A direct connection to
New York, for instance, may be made
through the reservations desk in Jackson-
More expensive but much
more frequent flights may be found on one
of the taxi-shuttle systems, which have sev-
eral regular flights per day to cities such
as Jacksonville, Tampa, West Palm Beach,
Tallahassee, Atlanta, Nassau, and dozens of
smaller intermediate communities. Because
of the added convenience, prices are pre-
dictably higher. For example, Florida Air-
lines, Shawnee Airlines, and Executive Air-
lines may provide three or four flights per
day to Atlanta at about $38.00, or $28.00
Youth Fare. All of these companies provide
charter service to various places of your
choice. For the licensed pilot, rental planes
are available at two airports at costs ranging
from $13.00 to $25.00 per flight hour, fuel
included. The addresses and phone numbers
for any of these firms may be found in the
Yellow Pages of the telephone book.
Besides the Gainesville Tran-
sit Company, which provides bus routes in
our community, there are two national bus
lines serving Gainesville. The Trailways Bus
System provides buses every 3 hours to
Jacksonville ($2.55) and Miami ($11.45), plus
3 buses per day to Tampa at $4.80. As nearly
everyone with experience will testify, the 11-
hour ride to Miami is long and tiring.
Greyhound Bus Lines pro-
vides one express bus per day to Orlando
and Miami, with no intermediate stops. For
the same price, Miami may be reached in 8
hours. Greyhound, like Trailways, also pro-
vides slower buses through just about every
little town in the state, as well as buses to
northern localities. Both have terminals in
downtown Gainesville, and offer charter
buses as well as the regular runs. Bus rent-
als generally cost about $300 per day.
Other means of transporta-
tion may include taxicabs or rental cars for
reaching various places. The Safety Cab
company and the Yellow Cab company each
provide about a dozen radio-dispatched taxis
to ostensibly any place in the United States
at a rate of 504 per mile. Naturally, most of
their business is within Gainesville; the trip
to Jacksonville, for instance, would cost
$32.50! Their addresses and phone numbers
may be found in the Yellow Pages, along
with those for the several automobile rental
firms serving Gainesville. These include Hertz
Rent-A-Car, Avis Rent-A-Car, National Car
Rental System, King Car-Truck Rental, and
a myriad of other local systems. The average
cost would be $10 to $15 per day plus 104 to
154 per mile, gas included. Special deals may
be arranged on a weekly basis for a set price
approaching $100, regardless of mileage. Keep
in mind that you have to be 21 years of age
to rent from any of these agencies.
living accommodations
dormitory living
The University requires all
unmarried freshmen and sophomores (up to
the limit of accommodations) to live in uni-
versity housing. The reason they do this is
simple economics. The university built X
number of buildings with X number of dorm
rooms that have to be filled in order to pay
for them. It's not correct to assume that the
University requires students to live in the
dorms in order to keep tabs on them, because
it doesn't. And as much as some students may
complain when they try to get out of their
housing contracts, living in a dorm can be
a great experience.
Needless to say, when you put
a couple hundred people in a small area there
is bound to be noise and a certain amount of
inconvenience for everyone. One of the first
things you'll find out about dormitory life
is that it is noisy. Water fights and a panty
raid now and then keep dorm life spirited.
And some jerk is always playing his stereo
too loud when you want to study. But that
is all a part of dormitory living. Despite its
disadvantages, living with a mass of people
is a lot of fun, not to mention instructive.
Learning to adjust to these inconveniences
is one of the things you just have to do.
Resident Assistant. Hous-
ing provides for each floor or section a per-
son called an RA or resident assistant. These
people are paid to act as advisors to resi-
dents, to keep some order in the dorm, and
to help residents adjust to university living.
The position of RA gives students a chance
to help students. Most RA's aren't bad. Hous-
ing screens its applicants well, and RA's are
usually good people and do their job well.
RA's normally play the role of big brother
or sister. They listen to problems, give ad-
vice, loan and borrow all kinds of things,
and share the joys and sorrows of the resi-
dents while living like sardines in little
cubby-hole rooms.
RA's don't function as police-
men despite rumors to the contrary that
circulate from time to time. They can usually
be trusted, although RA's viewpoints will
vary from person to person. Resident Assis-
tants are primarily paid to help you survive
at the University, and this they usually do.
Living and Learning.
Housing has come up with an idea they call
living-learning. People who live in the same
dorm area are assigned to the same class,
usually logic, and have a teacher who also
acts as counselor. The concept has been suc-
cessful as often as it has been attempted.
The idea is a good one. It was evolved to
make living and learning at the University a
lot more personal. If you have an option, try
to get into one of these sections. Usually the
living-learning class sections meet in dorm
areas where students live.
Arrival. As soon as you ar-
rive on campus, find your dorm area office. It
should be plainly marked and easy to find.
It's to your advantage to get to know the
people in the area office. Get to know, too,
the functions the area office offers, because
this is the grass roots level of University
bureaucracy. The people in your area office
are there to help you, as trite as that sounds.
They are the ones who will listen to your
complaints and can usually straighten out
whatever problems arise in your area. And
you'll get a lot less of the traditional bureau-
cratic runaround in your area office than you
will anywhere else on campus.
In or near your area office is
your mail room, a place you will visit every
day, maybe a couple times a day, while you
live in the dorm. Also in the area office are
counselors Housing pays to listen to your
problems. Go to these people when you have
a difficulty. At least give them a chance to
help you. The area office also has an infor-
mation center manned by someone most of
your waking hours. Get to know the people
at the desk. If they befriend you, there are
all sorts of little advantages.
A physical description.
The dorms of course vary greatly. They range
from the almost medieval structures of Mur-
phree to the plush halls of Yon (athletes
only). Murphree has the distinction of being
both the oldest and largest dorm area on
campus; it houses 1,200 men. Aside from the
obvious disadvantage of Murphree's age, the
area has several distinct advantages and as a
result has the highest yearly return rate
among its residents. Not the least of the
area's benefits is its closeness to the academic
center of campus (Hume and Graham resi-
dents can appreciate this after a few treks
to Little Hall); and in addition Murphree is
the only dorm on campus to offer two-room
suites for two students, lavatories in the
rooms, and maid service for rooms.
With some slight variations,
the rest of the residence areas are similar
to Murphree. Broward and Rawlings are the
only all-women dorms on campus; all of the
rest are coed (meaning that there is a men's
wing and a women's wing connected by a
lobby so co-ed is not quite as exciting as
it sounds).
Graham, Hume, Tolbert, Jen-
nings, and Yulee are the co-ed areas. The first
three are air-conditioned and newer than
some other dorms on campus, but are also
the farthest from class. Yulee is somewhat
older and not air-conditioned, but similar in
architecture to the others, and closer to the
academic areas. Jennings is not air-condition-
ed either, but is newer and still closer to class
than Graham, Hume or Tolbert.
All dorm areas except Buck-
man Hall are equipped with telephones in
each room. Towers is limited to juniors, sen-
iors, and graduate students.
In addition to the University
pool, two swimming pools, each accommo-
dating 200 water sprites, are open to any UF
student. One is adjacent to the Yulee and
Broward areas, the other is located behind
sorority and fraternity living
Sororities and Frater-
nities. There are 15 sororities and 29 frater-
nities on the UF campus. Each is open to
members of all races, religions, creeds, and
national origins.
Sorority members are chosen
during "rush" sessions held each quarter.
Details on rush are available in the Panhel-
lenic Office, Room 322 in the Union, or in the
Office for Student Development in 129 Tigert
Hall. Pledges in a sorority must achieve a
2.0 grade average in the previous quarter's
work before they are eligible for initiation.
Typical sorority membership
includes the following estimated financial
Pledge Fee $15 to $35
Initiation Fee $85 to $100
Dues per month $8 to $12
Quarter room rent for members
living in the house $115 to $135
Food per month for those living
in the house $55 to $65
These figures are only a guide to what you
might expect. Specific costs of each sorority
can be obtained from the Panhellenic Rush
Chairman. You should ask specific questions
concerning financial and other commitments
before pledging a sorority.
Freshman and sophomore
members are under contract to live in Uni-
versity housing, and sorority housing is
considered as University housing.
Sororities are governed by the
Panhellenic Council, which coordinates inter-
sorority activities and service projects. The
Panhellenic Council establishes rules govern-
ing rushing, pledging, and the initiation of
members. Panhellenic also encourages high
Thirteen sororities have chap-
ter houses and two live in apartments.
Fraternity pledges are formal-
ly chosen during a fall "rush" period and
anytime thereafter throughout the school
year. If you've already completed one quarter
at the University, you must have a 2.0 aver-
age to pledge a fraternity. Pledges also must
have a 2.0 average before they can be initiat-
ed. Pledging details and other information
about fraternities can be obtained at the
Interfraternity Office in the Union or in the
Office of Student Development, 129 Tigert.
Cost of fraternity member-
ship is approximately as follows:
Pledge fee $ 20
Initiation fee $120
Meals, social fee, and
dues per month $ 50 to $ 75
Quarter room rent for
members in house $ 90 to $135
Fraternities are regulated by
the Interfraternity Council, which works to
promote and maintain the goals of the chap-
ters by establishing rules and by participating
in social service programs. IFC regulations
prohibit hazing; plegdes don't have to submit
to activities such as paddling, physical and
mental shocks, road trips, and other tricks
of a by-gone era. Specific policies may be
seen in the IFC office or in the Office for
Student Development.
off- campus housing
Contrary to prevailing myths,
University policy does not categorically re-
quire on-campus dormitory residence for all
single freshman and sophomores. Exemp-
tions from general policy are sometimes
available in the event of overcrowding or ex-
tenuating personal circumstances. Glutting
of dormitory facilities during the first week
of the Fall Quarter is sometimes alleviated
by permitting a limited number of students
(usually sophomores) to move off-campus.
Those freshmen who have a good enough
reason and want to give it a try, and inter-
ested sophomore, should consult with a
Resident Assistant and submit a written pe-
tition (with parental consent) to the Direc-
tor of Housing.
The Off-Campus Housing Of-
fice is an excellent place to obtain informa-
tion about University approved facilities. This
section is located on the corner of S. W. 13th
Street and Museum Road, next to Beaty Tow-
ers. Advisement and information on local
rental offerings, rental rates, and financial,
and social aspects of apartment living can
be obtained in this office.
Before signing a contract or
committing yourself for a reservation fee,
it is recommended that you consult the Off-
Campus Housing Office's counseling service
for elaboration and translation of lease pro-
visions. An advance security deposit of $25
to $50 per person is usually required. This
is retained by the landlord until the lease
expires. The deposit is subject to partial or
complete forfeiture if you cancel your res-
ervation, violate the terms of the lease, or
create unnecessary cleaning or repair ex-
penses. You can protect yourself from un-
fair confiscation of security deposits by mak-
ing and keeping a detailed inventory and
condition record of your unit and its supplied
furnishings and deficiencies upon your occu-
pancy. Also, if necessary, you can apply for
Off-Campus Housing's free inspection service.
Lease agreements stipulate
either periodic (weekly, monthly, quarterly,
or yearly) tenancy or, more commonly in
apartment complexes, fixed period tenancy
for either nine or twelve month periods. Li-
ability is normally dispersed among all oc-
cupants. Tenants under 21 years of age are
often required to submit a notarized pa-
rental guarantee of payment, which is in-
corporated into the contract. Pre-payment
of the last month's rent along with a pro-
rated figure for the first month is typically
due when you sign the formal lease. Rental
payments are not billed and should be auto-
matically paid by the deadline designated
in the lease. Penalty for delay ranges from
delinquent fees to eviction. Typical lease
agreements harbor a multitude of terms and
provisions including maintenance policy, pet
exclusions, noise prohibitions, house regula-
tions and sub-leasing stipulations.
Winter, Spring, and Summer
vacancies should be sought about 45 days in
advance of intended occupancy. Summer
apartment offerings are particularly plenti-
ful, appreciably reducing rental rates for
leased and sub-leased units. The Off-Campus
Housing Office displays current vacancy list-
ings, and classified advertisements in the
Gainesville Sun, Gainesville Independent, and
Alligator provide supplementary offerings.
Emergency apartment locating services in-
formally staffed by students periodically
materialize during crisis situations to secure
off-campus housing for a nominal fee.
The obligatory 12-month lease
displaces financial liability for summer
months from landlord to tenant and de-
mands an understanding of subleasing pol-
icies. Subleasing is almost always permis-
sible, although rent and security deposit
liability may be retained by the original
tenant unless complete substitution is speci-
fied. Arrangements for maintenance and re-
pair (aside from compliance with building
standards) may be the responsibility of the
tenant unless explicitly incorporated into the
lease agreement.
The Off-Campus Housing Of-
fice offers an effective arbitration service
when disputes with your landlord arise. The
landlord's participation in such arbitration
is a pre-condition for approved University
listing. The Tenant Association, recently in-
augurated in an effort to improve landlord-
tenant relations in Gainesville, provides a
means for resolution of conflicts over se-
curity deposits, subletting arrangements, de-
fault of maintenance commitments, viola-
tion of health and safety ordinances, and
the like. It also has recourse to more drastic
measures at its disposal.
Over 75 University-approved
apartment complexes exist with the following
estimated rental ranges:
Dwelling Units
0-BR or 1-BR
Furn. $ 75-$200 $115-$145
2-BR Unfurn.
or Kitch.
Equip. $ 90-$285 $155-$210
2-BR Furn. $100-$350 $170-$235
3-BR Unfurn.
or Kitch.
Equip. $150-$285 $200-$260
3-BR Furn. $180-$360 $230-$285
Rooming Units
Single $40-$75 $45-$50
Double or
Suite $50-$70 each $55-$60 each
Somewhat under medians for 1-BR and
2-BR furnished apts. Supply comparatively
Utility costs are incorporat-
ed into rental charges in several different
ways: water, sewage, and garbage collection
services are normally included, heat occas-
ionally, and electrical expenses rarely (the
typical monthly electric bill is $15-$35 with
air-conditioning). Telephone installation and
service charges and electrical hookups are
normally the renter's responsibility and
should be arranged in advance, particularly
in the Fall Quarter when there is an un-
believeable run on such commodities. Appli-
cation forms for telephone, gas, electric, and
the off-campus request for assistance form
will be included as tear-out sheets in the
General Information Bulletin of the Off-Cam-
pus Housing Office. Bulletins are free on
request by mail, phone, or in person. To
avoid standing in long lines to get your util-
ities turned on in the Fall Quarter, mail these
forms to the appropriate company, plus de-
posit if required. (SEE ESSENTIAL SER-
Standard accommodations in-
clude water heater and heating unit in un-
furnished facilities, stove and refrigerator
additionally in kitchen-equipped. These stand-
ard appliances plus beds, mattresses, mat-
tress pads, chairs, tables, chests, sofas, and
venetian blinds or draperies are provided in
furnished units. Cost typically varies with
distance from campus: discounts as high as
30% are available for comparable accommo-
dations on the peripheries of Gainesville.
Spartan furnishings normally embellish the
least expensive dwellings, while such ameni-
ties as carpeting, air-conditioning, swimming
pools, laundry rooms, barbecue grills, rec-
reation and study lounges, dishwashers, and
cable television accompany costlier digs.
Rooming units offer limited
quarters for sleeping and studying, with in-
dividual or shared bath facilities. Trailer
park living, experiencing a recent surge in
popularity, typically entails trailer purchase
or rental ($100-$150 per month), a monthly
fee of $30-$45 per lot (which includes water,
sewage, and garbage collection charges),
fuel oil and electrical costs, and telephone
installation and service charges. Numerous
trailer parks are scattered throughout Gaines-
ville, but are concentrated on Archer Road.
The best time for making
preliminary arrangements for Fall Quarter
housing is between April and June. After-
wards offerings become drastically depleted
(with the exception of certain 12-month
leased apartments and rooming units). Pro-
crastination until September is decidedly
inadvisable. Vacancies in apartments, trailer
lots, and motels are non-existent, and op-
portunities for other dwellings sporadic.
Spirited competition with resort to despera-
tion tactics ensues, as several hundred com-
batants lunge for subsistence ghetto accom-
modations or exorbitantly priced apartments.
essential services
Telephone Service. Al-
most everyone living in Gainesville has trans-
actions with the Southern Bell Telephone and
Telegraph Company. For all users, a month-
ly charge for local service is assessed -
usually $5 or $6 plus individual charges
for long distance calls and special services.
In the past, the local service charge to dormi-
tory residents has been included in the reg-
ular housing rent. Long distance charges, if
any, are to be paid through the main office
at 530 West University Avenue; mailing ad-
dress, P.O. Box 550, Gainesville, Florida. If
you have any questions, call 904-372-9001,
being sure to give them your name and tele-
phone number.
58 -A deposit of $50 is required
of new Gainesville residents unless previous
transactions have been maintained, which
may reduce the deposit to about $30. How-
ever, if you are a minor, you may get your
parents to sign a form taking responsibilities
for non-payment, and thereby avoid any
deposit. Dormitory residents are required to
complete a similar form (an orange card) to
pre-empt a deposit charge. Payment of all
bills is due by the 10th of the month, and the
company reserves the right to discontinue
service for non-payment by that time. How-
ever, the company is usually quite coopera-
tive, and a simple telephone call to the busi-
ness office indicating that you may be late
in remittance is ordinarily enough to prevent
being cut off for a few weeks.
Local calls may be made from
Gainesville to any of nine surrounding cities
without any additional charges. Gainesville
'itself has five different exchanges: 372-;
373-; 376-; 378-; 392-;. All numbers for the
University of Florida and its facilities begin
with 392- and constitute a special exchange.
From any phone on campus, any other phone
on campus may be called by dialing the last
five digits of that number (2-XXXX), but
NOT the entire number (392-XXXX). To dial
an off campus phone, you must first dial
9, then the regular number (e.g. 9-376-XXXX).
From any phone off campus, you must dial
all seven or at least the last six digits of the
phone you wish to ring. For long distance off
campus just dial 0. For long distance on
campus, you have to dial 9, then 0. Gaines-
ville Directory Assistance is 411, if you need
a number not listed or incorrectly listed in
the phone book. The corresponding number
for on campus residents is 392-1374 (Regis-
trar Information) or after 5:00 p.m., 392-3261
(University of Florida).
Gas and Fuel Utilities.
Service for natural gas may be arranged
through the Gainesville Gas Company, whose
office is at 530 West University Avenue; mail-
ing address, P.O. Box 1128, Gainesville, Flor-
ida; telephone number 904-372-6391. There is
a deposit of $10, and arrangements for con-
nection should be made ahead of time. Liquid
petroleum gas for house trailers and other
uses may be obtained from any of several
distributors in the city, as well as kerosene
and fuel oil. Payment is usually due on de-
Mail Service. The United
States Post Office handles all mail to and
from the University, as well as other Gaines-
ville mail. The main post office is at 401 S.E.
1st Avenue, with the small University Station
at 1630 N.W. 1st Avenue (just north of the
University Plaza on University Avenue). Mail
is picked up several times daily from the
boxes in Gainesville and on campus, and is
moderately fast. For instance, if a letter is
put in a mailbox before 5:00 p.m., it wilr
usually reach the central Florida area the
next morning. Mail may be received at your
residence (in the lobby mailboxes for dormi-
tory residents) or at either post office. There
is a campus mail system which students may
use for any official correspondence with uni-
versity organizations or personnel, with boxes
in most of the academic and living areas. You
aren't allowed to use it for private mail.
Student Voter Registra-
tion. We fought for it for years, and now
we have it. Eighteen year olds can finally
register to vote. Of course, the right to reg-
ister doesn't do us a whole lot of good since
we can't vote until the Presidential election
in 1972. But if you are over 18 and want to
register to vote in Alachua County, you can
and it's recommended that you take the
time to do so.
Registering to vote is a rather
painless experience. All you do is go to the
Supervisor of Elections' office on the ground
floor of the Alachua County Court House.
You merely present yourself (drivers license
in hand), answer a few questions, sign on a
few dotted lines, and swear an oath that
states everything you've said is true. Momen-
tarily suspending any moral reservations
against loyalty oaths, you affirm (in blood,
if available) your intent to protect and de-
fend the Constitution of the United States
and the State of Florida. The voter identifi-
cation card is irrelevant to voter eligibility
but a worthwhile expedient to have in your
possession should complications arise.
To register to vote, you must
be at least 18 years old by the day preced-
ing the election, an American citizen, and
a county resident for 30 days, excluding con-
victed felons and mental incompetents
(which should be evident by the end of
If you are new to Alachua
County and want to vote, the Supervisor of
Elections recommends that you immediate-
ly file a domiciliary affidavit with the Clerk
of Court, although this is not absolutely
necessary. Out-of-state students over 21
years of age will find the process financially
attractive: filing of the affidavit plus posses-
sion of a voter identification card qualifies
one for in-state tuition rates after 12 months
of consecutive residency.
Absentee ballots may be ob-
tained by mail from the Supervisor of Elec-
tions of the county in which you are reg-
istered to vote, to be submitted within 45
days prior to election and the close of na-
tional polling.
helping services
Corner Drug Store. Let's
all face it, drugs have become a part of the
daily life for many in our society. Sometimes
people get strung out and need help. When
they do, they can turn to the Corner Drug
Store for help with no strings attached.
The Corner Drug Store is lo-
cated at 1128 S.W. 1st Avenue. It's a 24-hour
crisis service staffed by a team of screened
trained volunteers who are always ready to
handle bad trips. A supplementary "emer-
gency volunteer unit" of qualified personnel
is also on stand-by.
Crisis therapy consists of a
3-10 hour talking-down period of individual
attention designed to minimize adverse ef-
fects, with a long range objective of help-
ing the drug user deal with the problem
he may have with drugs.
The Corner Drug Store can
be trusted. It's run by people who won't
give you any trouble if you need their help.
They have a cooperative arrangement with
the Gainesville Police Department which
enables them to help people with no hassle.
They are allowed to provide a legitimate in-
spection and disposal service for those wish-
ing to dispose of illicit drugs without legal
repercussions. Everything said at the Cor-
ner Drug Store is held in strictest of confi-
Volunteer coordinated pro-
grams ranging from arts and crafts, guitar,
drama, and yoga lessons, to encounter
groups and community campaigns are avail-
able for those who want to use them.
About the only restriction at
the Drug Store is that no drugs are permit-
ted on the premises.
The Corner Drug Store can
be reached at anytime by dialing 392-2338.
If you ever have a bad trip, DON'T hesitate
to call immediately. The Corner Drug Store
has helped a lot of people.
Suicide & Crisis Inter-
vention Service. It's unfortunate that
our society places such unreasonable pres-
sures on people that for some the only
alternative they feel they have is the ulti-
mate cop-out suicide. But, like the Cor-
ner Drug Store, the Suicide and Crisis In-
tervention Service tries to help people in
times of crisis.
The service operates around
the clock seven days a week. They have a
hotline at 376-4444 that's continually staffed
by trained volunteers. The thought of suicide
may seem a long way from you now. But
wait until the pressures build up. A lot of
very sane college students end their lives
every year. Sometimes you really feel wrack-
ed out and just need someone to talk to be-
fore you fall off the deep end. And it's the
Suicide and Crisis Intervention Service that
can help you when you need immediate at-
The service has all sorts of
professional community volunteers ready to
help people in time of trouble. That's all
fine and good. But the main thing to remem-
ber is that the service is there when you
need it, and need it the most. You can trust
these people, too. And nowadays, that's
pretty important.
student emergency and
personal services directory
The Student Emergency and
Personal Services Directory is a meticulous-
ly assembled, quick reference guide to Uni-
versity and community agencies offering criti-
cal services to students in distress. Services
are normally free, or occasionally computed
on a sliding scale according to need. For
further details, refer to the agency itself.
1. Al-Anon
2. Alcoholics Anonymous
3. Alcoholic Rehabilitation Center
4. Alcothon House 376-2081
5. County Mental Health Services 372-3621
Birth & Pregnancy Related Problems.
1. Student Health Services 392-1161
2. County Health Dept. 378-5321
3. Crisis Intervention 376-4444
4. Family Planning Service 392-2757
5. Salvation Army 376-1743
6. University Counseling Center 392-1575
Draft Counseling
1. Friends Draft Counseling 392-0215
2. Student Government 392-1665
1. Corner Drug Store 392-2338
2. County Mental Health Services 372-3621
fellowship of families of alcoholics
informal alcoholic rehabilitation
professional long-term treatment (Jackson-
voluntary half-way house for alcoholics
anti-abuse treatment (80% effective)
student medical exams, pregnancy tests, etc.
maternity care (pre- and post-natal)
for referral to Medical Center
professional referral service
free clinic: medical exams,
pregnancy tests, etc.
maternity care (pre- and post-natal)
psychological counseling
guidance, assistance, & referral (must be re-
ferred by personal doctor)
24 hr. telephone or walk-in crisis clinic, drug
counseling & inspection
methadone treatment for heroin addicts
(no legal liability)
Emergency Clothing
1. Church of Christ
2. First Presbyterian Church
First Christian Church
Grace Presbyterian
Salvation Army
Emergency & Free Food
1. Food Stamp Program
2. Salvation Army
3. Krishna House -
1915 NW 2nd Ave. -
Emergency Lodging Needs
1. Salvation Army
Immediate Financial Supplements
1. Intercoastal Biologicals
2. Student Financial Aid Office
Legal Advice and Referral
2. Legal Aid & Defender Clinic
3. Public Defenders
4. State Attorney
5. Tenants Association
free clothing for disaster victims
same (by referral only, e.g., SCIS
or Corner Drug Store)
clothing sold at cost
372-8446 subsidizes food cost for self-sufficient in-
dividuals & families whose monthly incomes
do not exceed $115 for a family of one, $160
for a family of two, $220 for three, or $250
for four (excludes cigarettes, liquor, im-
ported meats, etc.)
376-1743 free emergency food orders (1 week limit)
free daily love feasts at 7 a.m., and 7 p.m.
376-1743 facilities for 24 people (limit: one
night every six months)
378-9431 $5 per plasma donation (limit twice a week)
392-1275 short-term loans
378-1828 civil liberties legal services in civil matters
392-0413 legal counsel in civil matters & referral service
for indigents
376-2597 free attorneys for indigent felony suspects
372-3663 prosecution advice
392-1665 landlord dispute arbitration &
lease inspection
Personal & Psychological Counseling
1. Alachua County Mental
Health Clinic
2. Counseling Associates
3. Florida State Division
of Vocational Rehabilitation
4. J. Hillis Miller Medical Center
Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic
5. Student Mental Health Clinic
6. University Counseling Center
7. Veterans Administration
1. Suicide and Crisis
Intervention Service
372-3621 short-term outpatient treatment,
diagnostic services & consultation;
"sliding fee scale" based on financial status
378-0900 individual, marriage, and family counseling;
personality evaluation: vocational, educa-
tional, and psychological; group care
376-4604 diagnosis & psychotherapy, vocational coun-
seling & training, job placement, tuition and
living allowance for students with emotional
and physical disabilities
evaluation and treatment on referral by
licensed physician
professional psychological and psychiatric
counseling for students experiencing emo-
tional difficulties
professional psychological counseling service
aimed at student educational, vocational,
personal, social, and emotional problems
376-1611 psychological testing, diagnosis, and psycho-
therapy for eligible veterans; vocational test-
ing and counseling
376-4444 24 hour crisis line, short-term counseling and
appeal routes
For specific information on appeals pro-
cedure refer to the following sections of the
Florida Handbook and pages 14-16, 21, and 63
of the Student Rights, Responsibilities, and
Regulations manual.
academic grievances
conduct suspension
disciplinary action
discontinue Meal Plan
financial aid
Honor Court
late fee waiver
release from Housing contract
Traffic Court
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A radical departure from tra-
ditional style, form, and content is represent-
ed by this edition of the student handbook.
Its preparation by University Squires under
University auspices is an experiment in stu-
dent-to-student communication-an attempt
to write an instantly accessible fingertip re-
source attuned to entering freshmen and
transfer students. As such, it is a pioneering
effort subject to imperfections of commis-
sion and omission.
If you have any suggestions
or recommendations for improving forth-
coming editions, please take a minute to
forward them to the President of University
Squires through the Office for Student Affairs.
Only through assessment of student reflec-
tions and feedback will a truly responsive
manual be assembled.
University Squires would like
to take this opportunity to express its pro-
found appreciation to Professor Frank H. G.
Taylor, whose urbane counsel and selfless
expenditure of energy in editing the final
manuscript spared us the pitfalls which fall
to the lot of the inexperienced. Special thanks
are also extended to Jonathan R. Toppe and
Richard F. O'Brien III of Omicron Delta Kap-
pa for their tireless efforts on behalf of the
undertaking, and to Dean Donald Mott in
the Office for Student Development for his
frequent free advice along the way. And of
course to our ubiquitous graduate assistant,
Sally Bowers, whose consummate organiza-
tional and diplomatic talents cemented the
coalition between Squires and the Office for
Student Affairs. Finally, to the secretaries in
Student Affairs who typed the manuscript.
University Squires
Coordinator: Brent Cox
Executive Committee:
Brent Cox, Bruce Flynn, Marc Kaye, Richard
O'Brien, Tom Stewart, Steve Strang, and
John Toppe.
Subcommittee Coordi-
nators: Mark Barrett, Bob Berrin, Jeff
Berry, Jib Black, Steve Colby, Brent Cox,
David Dobson, Steven Draud, Bob Estes,
Larry Freedman, Bruce Flynn, Mark Karas,
Marc Kaye, Clarence Martin, Bob McCormick,
Bill Reeves, Tom Stewart, Steve Strang.
Subcommittee Contribu-
tors: Brett Anderson, Scott Baker, Steve
Barnes, William Collins, David Haltiwanger,
Richard Henry, Howell Melton, Paul Rosen-
thal, Mark Sherry.
Design and Composi-
tion: Richard O'Brien, Tom Stewart, and
Jonathan R. Toppe.
Absentee ballots 59
Advisement Card 11
adviser 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 28
appeals 5, 6, 7, 14
bureaucracy 14
colleges 14
counseling 12, 28
departments 14
honoraries 4, 35
probation 4, 6, 12
regulations 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 20
reforms 41
suspension 4, 6, 12, 48
transcripts 13
Activities 34, 46, 60
Calendar 45
Center 44
Desk 35-36
Scheduling 35, 45
appeals 6
Committee 6
denial 6
readmission 6
Upper Division 13
Airlines 50, 51
Alcoholism 61
Alligator, The Florida 8, 19, 37, 40, 46, 56
Alpha Lambda Delta 35
Alumni Services 25
Ambulance 21
American Civil Liberties Union 62
Amplification policy 35
Apartments (see Off-Campus Housing)
Appeals 64
academic grievances 14
admissions 6
conduct suspension 32
disciplinary action 30, 32
discontinue Meal Plan 23
financial aid 26
grade 5, 7
Honor Court 30
late fee waiver 11
Ombudsman 43
readmission 6
release from Housing contract 55
Traffic Court 31, 41
Arrest 33
Arts and Crafts Center 45
Assistantships 26
Athletic equipment 39
Attorneys 62
campus regulations 48
rental 51
Banking 25
Bicycles 48
Birth control information 61
Black Sisters for Progress 28
Black students 28
Black Student Union 28
Blood banks 62
Blue Key, Florida 35, 40
Board of Student Publications 37, 44
Board of University Examiners 8
Book Exchange, Student 40, 43
Book exchanges and refunds 24
Bookstore, Campus Shop and 8, 24, 45
Broward Hall 19, 53
Browsing Library, JWRU 45
Buckman Hall 53
campus 48
City 49
long-distance 51
Cafeterias 23, 45
University Activities 45
Camping 45
activity agenda 45
bus 48
mail 25, 59
police 21, 31, 32, 48
Shop and Bookstore 8, 24, 45
Career Planning and Placement Center
graduate 4, 10, 11
undergraduate 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13
Catering 23
Check cashing 24, 25, 45
Child care 29
Churches 36,62
Class schedules 11, 12
Classification codes 9
Clothing, emergency 62
deans 5, 9, 12,14
departments 5. 9, 12, 14, 26
department chairman 5, 9, 12, 14
Colloquia 16
Admissions Committee 6
Committee on Student Organizations 34
Committee on Student Petitions 6
Committee on Student Conduct 32
Constitutional, Senate, and
Presidential 14.37
Married Student Advisory Committee 29
Student Financial Aid Committee 26
University College Executive Committee 14
University Standing Committees 42
Comprehensive courses 8, 12, 14, 15, 16
Conduct Code 32
Constans Theatre 45
Corner Drug Store 21, 33, 60,61
Council of International Organizations 42
academic 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 28, 62
Associates 62
career 20, 22, 28,62
Center 20.22.33 61.63
crisis 20, 21, 22. 60-63
draft 40.43.61
drug 21.33.60,61
legal 33, 62
marital 21, 22,62
minority group 28
off-campus 55
pregnancy 61
psychological 20, 21. 22, 62-63
Student Development, Office of 20, 28, 33
Student Mental Health 20. 21, 33, 61, 63
vocational 20,22.28, 62
Health Department 61
Mental Health Services 61, 62
and Teacher Evaluation 10
codes 9
comprehensive 8, 9, 12
listings 10, 11
outline 8
schedule 11, 12
sections 11
Criminal arrest 33
Crisis Intervention Service 21, 60, 61, 63
Cultural and recreational activities 34, 46
Curriculum 10
Cycle enduros 45
Deans, college 5, 9. 12, 14
Departments, college 5, 9, 12, 14, 26
Departmental Honors 15
Depository. Student 25
Deposits 55, 58-59
Disciplinary action 30, 32
Dormitory living (see also Housing) 16, 33,52-53
draft counseling 40, 43, 61
Drag racing 45
Drop-add period 5, 6, 11
Corner Drug Store 21, 33, 60, 61
counseling 21, 33, 60, 61
methadone treatment 61
rehabilitation 60, 61
University policy 33
Electives, academic 5
Electricity 56-57
clothing 62
crisis counseling 20, 21, 22, 60-63
drug counseling 21, 33, 60, 61
financial aid 62
food 62
health care 21
lodging 62
transportation 21, 31
Emergency and Personal Services
Directory 61-63
Emotional disabilities (see also Counseling) 62
full-time 22, 29
interviews 22
part-time 27
placement 22, 62
summer 22, 27
Encounter groups 22, 60, 62
Enduros 45
Entertainment 44-46, 37
Environmental Action Group 36
comprehensive 8
conflicts 11
departmental 8
final 7,8
make-up 8
midterms 8
preparation 19
progress ("progs") 8
Expanded Educational Opportunities
Program 28
Expulsion 30
Expenses, estimated University 26
Experimental College. Florida 16
child care 29
counseling 21,22,62
Planning Service 61
registration 11,26
late 11
Fellowships 12, 26
examinations 7, 8
exam conflicts 11
exam schedule 11
Financial aid 5, 6, 7, 12, 25, 26-27, 62
Financial problems 20, 28, 62
Alligator 8, 19, 37, 40, 46, 56
Blue Key 35, 40
Cicerones 36
Experimental College 16
Players 37,45
Quarterly 37
State Division of Vocational
Rehabilitation 62
F State Museum 19
emergency 62
Service 23
stamps 62
Foreign Student Adviser 7
Foreign students 7, 28, 42
Fraternities 8, 23, 34, 48, 54
Friends Draft Counseling 61
Freshman 3, 4, 8, 11, 12, 28, 48, 55
Games Area, Union 45
Gamma Beta Phi 36
Gator Band 37
Glee clubs 37
Golf 45
appeals 5
point average 4, 5, 6, 13, 15, 17, 29, 35
point deficit 4, 6
Grades 4, 78
incomplete 4, 7, 11
pass-fail 5
satisfactory-unsatisfactory 4, 5
catalog 4, 10, 11
students 4, 12, 26, 53
Graham Area 19, 25, 53
Graphic reproductions 44
Grants 27
Guest rooms, Union 45
Guide for the Married Students, A 29
Department, County 61
emergency care 21
Service, University 21
Help sessions 8
Hiking 46
Hitchhiking 49
Code 30, 41
Court 30,41
System 30,41
leadership societies 35
scholastic societies 4, 35
Honors courses
Departmental Honors 15
Invitational Honors, UC 15
Senior Seminar 15
Horseback riding 45
Student Government 40, 43
Suicide and Crisis Intervention
Area Office 8, 53
Division of 20, 29
Contract 32,52
dorm living 16, 33, 52-53
Greek 54
Living and Learning Program
married 29, 48
off-campus 29, 55-57
regulations 29, 32, 33, 52
Resident Counselors 7, 12, 33
Resident Assistants 52, 55
Student Volunteers 16
Human Relations Advisory Board 3
Hume Hall 53
Incompletes 4, 7, 11
Infirmary 7,21
ambulance 21
emergency care 21
insurance 21
Mental Health Service 20, 21, 63
pharmacy 21
Student Health Service 21, 61
Insurance, health 21
International students 7, 28, 42
Center 28
Interfraternity Council 42, 54
Intramurals 38-39
Intramurals department 39
Interhall Council 42
Invitational Honors, UC 15
Jobs (see Employment)
Jennings Hall 53
J. Wayne Reitz Union 17, 44-45
Arts and Crafts Center 45
Barber shop 45
Box Office 45
Browsing Library 45
check cashing 45
Constans Theater 45
J. Wayne Reitz Union (continued)
Games Area 45
meeting rooms 45
Music Listening Room 45
movie theatre 46
overnight accommodations 45
printing service 44
rides bulletin board 50
Student Activities Center 44
typewriters 44
Judicial Affairs 30-33, 41
Kitchens 23
Krishna House 62
Landlord dispute arbitration 56
Language requirement 5
Late fee 11
Lawyers 62
Leadership societies, honorary 35
agreements 55-56
inspection 55
subleasing 56
Legal advice 33, 62
Browsing Library, JWRU 45
career 22
Library East 18
Library West 18
listening rooms 18
occupational 22
Rare Book Collection 18
reading rooms 18
Living and Learning Program 16. 53
Loans (see also Financial Aid) 25, 26, 27, 62
Logic Department 12, 16, 53
Lower Division 13
Mail 25, 59
Marital and pre-marital counseling
Married students 29, 42, 48
Married Student Advisory Committee
Maternity care 61
Meal Plan 23
Meetings scheduling 45
Mental Health Service (see also
Counseling) 20, 21, 33, 61, 63
Methadone treatment 61
Minority Affairs 28, 41
Movies 46
Mortar Board 35
Motorcycle enduros 45
Murphree Area 19, 53
Music Listening Room 18, 45
Notary Publics 24
counseling 20, 22, 28, 62
library 22
Off-campus Housing 55-57
apartments 55-57
Counseling service 55
dispute arbitration 56
electrical service 56-57
fuel oil 56-57, 59
information and advisement 55
inspection 55
lease agreements 55-56
natural gas 56-57, 59
on-campus resident requirements
rental ranges 26, 56-57
rooming units 57
security deposits 55, 58-59
subleasing 56
telephone service 44, 53, 56, 58
Tenants Association 56, 62
trailer parks 56-57
utility costs 56, 57, 58-59
vacancy listings 56-57
Ombudsman 43
Omicron Delta Kappa 10, 35, 66
Orchesis 37
Page of Record 8
Panhellenic Council 42, 54
Parents' Confidential Statement 27
Pass-Fail 4, 5
Parking 31, 41, 48
Peace Corps 17
Performing Arts 37
Personal problems (see Counseling)
Petitions (see also Appeals) 6
Pharmacy 21
Phi Eta Sigma 35
Phi Kappa Phi 35
Photocopying 33, 44
Physical disabilities 62
Picknicking 45
Police 21,31,32,48.60
Postal Service 25, 59
counseling 12
office 12
Pregnancy 61
President's Advisory Council 43
Printing service 44
Probation 4, 6, 12
Professional societies 36
Prog files 8
Progress test 8
Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic 63
Psychological and Vocational Counseling
Center 20, 22, 33, 61, 63
Psychotherapy 63
Public Defenders 62
Public Functions Office 35, 45
Rawlings Hall 19, 53
Reading Laboratory and Clinic
Readmission 6
Recognition societies 36
Recreational and cultural activities
Registrar's Office 10, 13
Registration 6, 12, 13
appointment 6, 10, 11, 13
bicycle 48
deadline 11
early 6
fees, late fees 11
vehicle 36
voter 59
Religious activities 36
Rent, housing 26, 54, 56-57
Required course reading 8
Residence (see also Housing)
Area Office 53
Assistants 52, 53
counselor 7, 12, 33
kitchens 23
living 16, 33, 52-53
movies 46
requirements 29, 32, 33, 5
Review sessions 8
Rooms, off-campus 57
Rush, Greek 54
Salvation Army 61, 62
Samson 36
"Satisfactory Academic progress"
Satisfactory-unsatisfactory grades
Savant-UF 35
Schedule of Courses 11
Scholarships 4. 25, 27
Scholastic societies, honorary
Security deposits 55, 58-59
Seminars 16
Seminole, The 37
Senior Seminar 16
Sensitivity groups 22
Service organizations 36
Servomation 23
Shuttle buses 48
34-46, 60
Sigma Tau Sigma 19
leadership 35
professional 36
recognition 36
service 36
Sororities 8, 23, 34, 48, 54
Speech and Hearing Clinic 20, 21
Speed reading 19
Squires, University 1, 3, 35
Stables 45
Student Accounts, Office of 25
Student Activities Center 35
Student Book Exchange 40, 43
Student Conduct Code 32
Student Conduct Committee 32
Student's Confidential Statement 27
Student Depository 25
Student Development,
Office of 6, 7, 13, 17, 20, 28, 29, 33, 54
Student Financial Aid Committee 26
Student Government 14, 19, 27, 34, 40-43, 44
Constitution 30,41
Council of International Organizations 42
draft counseling 40, 43, 61
Executive Branch 41
Hotline 40, 43
lnterfraterity Council 42
Interhall Council 42
Judicial Branch 41
Legal referral 62
Legislative Branch 41, 42
Married students 42
Ombudsman 43
Panhellenic Council 42
President's Advisory Council 43
Productions 37
Student Book Exchange 40, 43
Tenants Association 56, 62
Student Health Service (see also
Infirmary) 21, 61
Student insurance policy 21
Student Mental Health
Service 20,21,33,61.63
Student organizations 25. 34-43, 45
Student Organizations Directory 35
Student Rights, Responsibilities and
Regulations 30, 32, 34, 35, 41, 64
Student Senate 41
Student Traffic Court 31, 41
Student Tutoring Society 19
Student Volunteer Program 16
Study aids
helping sessions 8
libraries 18, 19
photocopying services 18
prog files 8
Reading Laboratory and Clinic
review sessions 8
study lounges 19
tutors 12, 19, 28
Subleasing 56
Suicide and Crisis Intervention
Service 21,60,61,63
Supervisor of Elections 59
Suspension 4, 6, 12, 30, 32, 48
Swimming 39, 53
Syllabus 8
Synagogues 36
Taxicabs 49, 51
Teacher-Counselors 7, 12, 33
Teacher Evaluation 10
Telephones 44, 53, 56, 58
Tenants Association 56, 62
Test Anxiety 19
Testing (see examinations) 8
Testing, occupational and personality
entertainment 45
parking 31,45
Tolbert Hall 53
Towers 53
Traffic and safety
Court 31,41
regulations 41, 48, 49
violations 31, 41, 48
Trailer parks 56-57
Transcripts 13
Transfers 3,13
Transportation 47-51
airlines 50-51
automobile ownership 48
bicycles 49
bus lines 51
19, 20
Transportation (continued)
car rentals 51
city 49
emergency 21, 31
hitchhiking 49
on-campus 47-48
parking 48
rides 49, 50
shuttle buses 48
taxicabs 49, 51
traffic and safety regulations 41, 48
Tuition 11,26,59
Tutoring 12, 19, 28
Typewriters 44
Undergraduate catalog 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13
University Activities Calendar 45
University Choir 37
University College 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 29
advisory councils 14
Council 14
Executive Committee 14
Invitational Honors 15
University Counseling Center 20, 22, 33, 61, 63
University Examiners, Board of 8
University Food Services 23
University Housing (see Housing)
University Orchestra 37
University Police Department 21, 31, 32, 48
University Religious Association 36
University services 20-29
University standing committees 42
University Squires 1, 3, 35, 64
Upper Division 13, 14
Utilities 56-57, 58-59
Vehicle registration 48
Venereal disease information 61
educational benefits 29
Office of Veteran Affairs 29
Veterans Administration Hospital 63
Vocabulary improvement 19
Vocational counseling 20, 22, 28, 62
Vocational rehabilitation 62
Voter registration 59
Withdrawal 6, 7, 11,20
Yon Hall 53
Yulee Area 53
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