University record [Student handbook 1970-1971]

Material Information

University record [Student handbook 1970-1971]
Uniform Title:
University record (Gainesville, Fla.)
University of the State of Florida
University of Florida
Place of Publication:
Lake city Fla
University of the State of Florida
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
v. : ; 24 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
College publications ( lcsh )
Universities and colleges ( lcsh )
Agricultural education ( lcsh )
University extension ( lcsh )
Teachers colleges ( lcsh )
Law schools ( lcsh )
serial ( sobekcm )


Dates or Sequential Designation:
Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 1906)-
Numbering Peculiarities:
Issue for Vol. 2, no. 1 (Feb. 1907) is misnumbered as Vol. 1, no.1.
General Note:
Title from cover.
General Note:
Imprint varies: <vol.1, no.2-v.4, no.2> Gainesville, Fla. : University of the State of Florida,; <vol.4, no. 4-> Gainesville, Fla. : University of Florida,.
General Note:
Issues also have individual titles.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
000917307 ( ALEPH )
01390268 ( OCLC )
AEM7602 ( NOTIS )
2003229026 ( LCCN )

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Succeeded by:
Catalog and admission bulletin
Succeeded by:
College of Medicine catalog
Succeeded by:
University record of the University of Florida. Graduate catalog
Succeeded by:
University record of the university of Florida. Undergraduate catalog

UFDC Membership

University of Florida
University Archives


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SV (ol. XLV series 1, No. 6, June 1, 1970
Published monthly by the University of Florida,
Gainesville, Florida. Entered in the Post Office in
Gainesville, Florida as second-class matter, under
Act of Congress, August 24, 1912. Office of Publi-
cation, Gainesville, Florida.



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All the faculty, administrators, and staff of
this University, and I, bid you welcome to this
University. We are glad you are here. Our goal is
to make your stay here both rewarding and
The surest measure of the success of an edu-
cational institution is the character and quality of
performance of its students, both inside and out-
side the classroom. Over the years our students
and graduates have demonstrated by their accom-
plishments that this University is an exceedingly
- good one. Each of you now has the opportunity to
make it even better. I urge that you do so in all
S the many ways open to you.
Remember always that the most important
part of the scenery on our beautiful campus is the
people who study, work, play and live on it. Don't
travel so fast that you miss seeing, speaking to,
and getting to know them. Do your part to make
this a friendly campus.
Familiarize yourself with this handbook. It
will answer many of your questions. For other
answers, go to your faculty or to our fine admin-
istrative staff. All will be glad to help.
Good luck.


There are great advantages to be obtained by
attending a large and complex university.
Among these are the many combinations of
academic objectives and the wide variety of social
and educational experiences. But to get the best
out of your college career, you must make many
choices, some of which are hard to decide upon
without some assistance.
The University of Florida attempts in many
ways to give each student the help and guidance
he needs to develop the self-confidence and ability
to perform successfully and to achieve his best
personal growth and development.
This revised Student Handbook includes a
description of the many special services, counsel-
ing opportunities, and guidelines which are avail-
able to you.
Those of us in the various offices of Student
Affairs are dedicated to aiding you in any way pos-
sible, and I encourage you to take advantage of
the various services provided whenever you need
I hope, however, that you will not wait until
a difficulty arises, but will learn early to know
your counselors, advisers, and deans, and to let
us know you.
I am looking forward to meeting you.

Vice President for
Student Affairs

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As an entering student, you will be facing a
great challenge. The challenge is involvement.
Involvement in the classroom, outside the class-
room and within the community. It is up to you
to decide if you will meet this challenge.
There is a great deal to be gained by becoming
involved, but by the same means there is a great
deal you could contribute by becoming a con-
cerned student. Too often in the past, the students
at this University have become apathetic. The
hope is that you will soon find a need and interest
to become involved.
Only by the students working together will
we be able to break through these "walls of
apathy" and make this University just a little
better place.

Steve Uhlfelder
President of the Student Body

University of Florida Campus Map
.. from the President of the Student Body
... from the Vice President for Student Affairs
.. from the President

F/ f 1. C' NU 1\ A /AT11 ................. 1
Introduction to the University of Florida ................... 2
Administrative and Academic Structure ............. 3
Academic Emphasis ............................... 16
Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) .............. 19

Counseling Resources ............................. 22
Academic Advisement .............................. 22
Personal Counseling ................ ............. 23
The Office for Student Development ............... 23
Housing Counselors ............................ 23
The University Counseling Center ................. 23
The Student Mental Health Service ................ 26
The International Center ......................... 27
Ministerial Counselors ........................... 28
Laboratories and Clinics ............................ 28
Reading Laboratory and Clinic .................... 28
Speech and Hearing Clinic ...................... 29
Directory of Helping Services ...................... 30

University Services for Students ....................... 31
Student Health and Medical Services ................ 31
Civil Defense ..................................... 35
University Food Service ...................... .. 35
Library and Study Areas .......................... 36
Student Financial Aid ............................ 37
Career and Placement Center ....................... 41
Campus Police and Security ........................ 42
University of Florida Alumni Association ............ 44
Religious Centers ................................. 45
Ombudsman Service ............................. ...... 46

Residence Facilities and Housing Program ................ 47
University Policies and Regulations .................. 47
Facilities for Married Students ................... ... 47
Off Campus Housing .............................. 48

J. Wayne Reitz Union: Community Center................. 50
Student Activities Center ........................ .. 50
Union Program ................................... 51
Camp W auburg .................................... 52

P. T ......................... 53
Student Self-Governing Systems ....................... 54
Federal Level ...................................... 54
State Level ....................................... 57
Local Level .................. ..................... 58
Student Organizations and Activities ..................... 60
Student Rights and Responsibilities ................ ..... 77

P!- '1T I I A' ) AT 4S 83
Policies Pertaining to Organizations ..................... 84
Recognition of Organizations ....................... 84
Student Publications .......................... 87
Soliciting ...................................... 87
Public Functions and Lectures ...................... 88
Provisions Regulating Freedom of Expression ............. 95
Housing Policies and Regulations ...................... .102
Traffic and Safety Regulations ................... .. ...105
Social Regulations ................. ............... 108
Academic Regulations ....................... ....... 110
Eligibility for Participation in Extracurricular
Activities .......................................110
University Regulations on Student Conduct ...............111

P"i TI I.,. .( .0.ES .................113
The Honor Court ................................ 114
The Student Traffic Court .......................... 115
Residence H alls .................... ..............116
Fraternities and Sororities ........................... 116
Committee on Student Conduct ...................... .117
Office for Student Conduct ........................... 118
President of the University ..........................118
Routes of Appeal ................................ 118

SNS :; ( 5 120
Disruptive Conduct ............................... 120
Student Affairs ................ .................... 120

tI ....... ................. ................. .123

part I general information
-F- Wt




the The University of Florida is the largest and
Oldest university in the state. Within the semi-
university of tropical environment of the campus, one will find
florida an institution which nurtures through its educa-
tional climate the enduring values of dignity, in-
tegrity, orderliness, and industry. Steeped in the
traditions of learning, it values the individual in
his scholarly quests for truth and meaning in life.
It concerns itself with the conviction that ethical
standards are fundamental ingredients of an edu-
cated man, and that a college graduate should not
only be intellectually, but also aesthetically and
socially literate.
The University of Florida is a combined state
university and land-grant college. While its begin-
nings go back prior to Florida's admission to the
Union in 1845, the establishment of the University
of Florida's first college-the College of Arts and
Sciences-did not take place until 1853. A few
years later, the signing of the Morrill Act by Presi-
dent Abraham Lincoln provided lands for state
institutions of higher learning which would pro-
mote agriculture, mechanical arts, and military
science, resulting in the beginnings of the College
of Agriculture, the College of Engineering, and
the Agricultural Experiment Stations.
In 1905, the Florida Legislature took a step
unprecedented in the history of education in any
state by passing the Buckman Act which abol-
ished six state colleges and provided for the estab-
lishment of two new institutions, of which the
University of Florida was one. As the result of this
Act, the University of Florida officially opened on
a new 571-acre Gainesville campus on September
24, 1906, with an enrollment of 102 students, and
with Dr. Andrew Sledd as president.
Following Dr. Sledd, the University of Florida
has had a succession of great presidents: Dr.
Albert A. Murphree (1909-1927); Dr. James Farr,


acting president (1927-1928); Dr. John J. Tigert,
(1928-1947); Dr. H. H. Hume, acting president
(September to October, 1947); Dr. J. Hillis Miller
(1947-1953); Dr. John S. Allen, acting president
(1953-1955); Dr. J. Wayne Reitz (1955-1967); and
currently President Stephen C. O'Connell.
Now in the second century as a land-grant
university providing priceless opportunity for
more than 20,000 students annually, the University
of Florida is moving with vigor and vision in offer-
ing quality education in confident pace with scien-
tific advances of the space age.
Noted as one of the nation's most beautiful
campuses, the University of Florida spreads over
1,800 acres. Its buildings represent an investment
of some 150 million dollars. From its humble be-
ginnings in a single frame building, the University
of Florida has become a giant among universities.

The State Board of Education, at the summit
of the state's educational structure, includes the
Governor, the Lieutenant Governor, the Secretary
of State, the Attorney General, the Commissioner
of Education, the Comptroller, the Commissioner
of Agriculture and the Treasurer. The State Com-
missioner of Education serves as Secretary and
Executive Officer of the Board.
The Board of Education exercises general
supervision over the Board of Regents. It must
approve appointments to the Board of Regents
and it may remove any member for cause. It must
approve all rules and regulations adopted by the
Board of Regents before they are filed with the
Secretary of State. It must concur in the establish-
ment, location and naming of new institutions or
branches in the State University System.
Successor to the Board of Control, the Board
of Regents was created in 1965, and consists of
nine citizens of Florida appointed by the Gover-
nor. A Board member's term of office is nine years
and until his successor is appointed and qualified.

and academic

the state board
of education

the board
of regents


the chancellor

the president

Members of the Board are paid no salaries; they
are reimbursed for actual expenses in connection
with their work as Board members.
The Board of Regents has jurisdiction to gov-
ern, regulate, coordinate and oversee the opera-
tion of the University of Florida, the Florida State
University, the University of South Florida, the
Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University,
Florida Atlantic University, the University of West
Florida, Florida Technological University, the
University of North Florida and Florida Interna-
tional University.
The legal status of the Board of Regents is
described in the Florida Statutes, Chapter 240.

The Chancellor is the chief administrative
officer of the State University System; as such he
is responsible for the administration of the entire
University System under policies prescribed by
the Board of Regents.

The President is the chief executive officer of
the University and has general supervision over
its activities, properties, and expenditures. His
appointment is by the Board of Regents. He is an
ex-officio member of all faculties and committees;
chairman of the Administrative Council, the Uni-
versity Senate, and the General Assembly; liaison
officer between the Board of Regents and all fac-
ulty and student organizations; he presides at
commencements and confers degrees. Subject to
confirmation by the Board of Regents, the Presi-
dent appoints the vice presidents, provosts, deans
and directors, and heads of administrative depart-
ments. He passes upon all appointments to the
academic staff and all changes in rank within the
staff. He has the chief responsibility for preparing
and submitting the biennial budget to the Board
of Regents. He has veto power over the actions of
committees, faculties, councils, Student Govern-
ment, the University Senate, and the General
Assembly. He has, under the Board of Regents,


complete power in all University matters not
otherwise provided for in the Constitution.

The University of Florida has a distinguished
and dedicated faculty which is committed to a goal
of excellence achieved through the three major
objectives of the University-teaching, research,
and service. Faculty are recruited from all over
the United States as well as foreign countries, and
many have established world-wide reputations for
the contributions made in their field.

The University's highest legislative body is
the Faculty Senate. The President is the presiding
officer, and the membership is specified by the
provisions of the Constitution of the University.
The Senate meets regularly to correlate the
official actions of the various college faculties and
the committees of the Senate. Upon request by a
faculty member, the Senate reviews these actions,
suspends those not in harmony with the policies
or regulations of the University, and refers them
with recommendations to the person or group
with whom they originated.
The Senate has jurisdiction over all matters
pertaining to University-wide policies and func-
tions not reserved to the President and his advis-
ory councils, and the authority to legislate con-
cerning such matters and to make rules and
regulations promoting the general welfare of
university students, faculty, and staff.

The Administrative Council, the agency to
which the President of the University conveys
information concerning administrative policies,
acts as a cabinet to advise him in nonacademic
matters. The Council consists of the President; the
Vice President; all staff members of the Univer-
sity who make recommendations directly to the
President concerning policy, budgets, and appoint-
ments; the Dean for Student Development; and
the Registrar.

the faculty

the university

the administrative


vice president
for student

and professional

The various activities of the University are
organized into four areas-Student Affairs, Busi-
ness Affairs, Academic Affairs, and University
Relations and Development. Of direct concern to
the individual student are the offices coordinated
in the area of student affairs.

The Vice President for Student Affairs serves
as a staff officer, advisory to the President, and is
responsible for the administration of all matters
pertaining to students outside of the formal class-
room and curriculum. He serves as a liaison
between the Office of the President and other uni-
versity offices and professional units as they seek
to help students, and with the self-government
processes of student groups.

The University provides many offices and
units whose administrative and professional per-
sonnel are dedicated to promoting the growth and
development of the individual student. They also
work toward providing an academic and cultural
climate and worthy relationships that contribute
favorably to the spirit of serious inquiry.
Many of these units are formalized to function
within the Student Affairs structure. Others are
services or units of institutional departments or
colleges. All are related and designed to help the
student achieve his individual goals and potential-
ity and to adapt the institution more nearly to the
individual needs of the students. Thus it is hoped
that the University may be kept personal and
student oriented.
Personnel in these units observe the concept
that all sponsored student activities, guided and
executed within the confines of good taste, can be
learning experiences which motivate and promote
new cultural and academic interests, and encour-
age the development of personal attributes essen-
tial to successful and enlightened classroom per-


The Office for Student Development provides the office
many services for University students. In addition, for student
a close working relationship is maintained with development
all departments and specialized services such as
the University Counseling Center, the Student
Health Service and the Reading Clinic. The office
also has a parallel relationship with the Division
of Housing and works closely with the residence
hall staffs.
The Office for Student Development is staffed
by professionally trained and experienced person-
nel in student affairs and counseling who assist
students and faculty to put University policies
and expectations in proper perspective.
The deans and their assistants are members .~i ,
of numerous University committees, advisers to
several student organizations, and work closely
with Student Government and its various
branches. Social fraternities and sororities are
under the supervision of the Office for Student
Development, and its staff members assist and
counsel directly with the Interfraternity and the
Panhellenic Councils.
Continuous research in personnel services
and related areas is carried on by these offices,
and the staff actively participates in professional
organizations. In cooperation with the Depart-
ment of Counselor Education, advanced graduate
students are involved in specialized training pro-
grams and individualized internship assignments.
Interviews and consultations are held with
all students withdrawing from the University and
with those applying for short-term loans to meet
unexpected financial obligations. As members of
the University Committee on Student Petitions,
the deans confer with all students seeking re-entry
to the University following suspension for unsat-
isfactory academic achievement.
Assistance is provided in emergency situa-
tions involving either the student or his family in
contacting appropriate persons and in aiding the
completion of any necessary arrangements.


the office
for minority
affairs and

the office
for student


Cumulative personnel records, including in-
formation about the student and his progress at
the University, are maintained for each student in
the Office for Student Development. These records
are confidential and restricted to use by authorized
staff members.

The Office for Minority Affairs and Disadvan-
taged Students provides many services for minor-
ity group students at the University of Florida.
These services include tutoring, referrals for
academic advisement, counseling, financial assis-
tance and general guidance. Students interested
in this service should contact the Director for
Minority Affairs, in room 124, Tigert Hall, or
phone 392-1265.

This office is concerned with all inappropriate
conduct of University of Florida students.
Coordination is maintained between the Office
for Student Conduct, Area and Interhall Councils,
the Division of Housing, the Honor Court, and the
University Police Department.
In the event a student is charged with a
violation of the Code of Student Conduct, the Co-
ordinator for Student Conduct will confer with the
student to explain his rights before the Committee
on Student Conduct or the Student Honor Court.

Approximately one hundred thirteen students
participate in policy formulation at the University
of Florida through their appointment on Consti-
tutional, Senate, and Presidential Committees.
Presidential committees and all other Univer-
sity Committees reporting to the Senate and
Senate Committees, especially those considering
programs affecting students or the faculty gener-
ally, are encouraged to announce in advance the
scope of their work. Chairmen are directed to ask
for advice and suggestions from members of the
administration, students, and the faculty.


Members of these committees are appointed
by the President of the University and serve for
the entire academic year. The Senate Committees
report their findings and recommendations to the
Senate for consideration. The presidential com-
mittees serve as advisory committees on policy
to the President and are ultimately responsible
to him.
recommendations to the University Senate
concerning legislation covering maximum and
minimum academic loads; probation suspen-
sion, and expulsion for academic reasons,
probation because of unsatisfactory academic
achievement; suspension and expulsion; ab-
sences or unsatisfactory work; and classifica-
tion of students.
This committee is a legislative committee-
not an executive one. Student appeals from
academic regulations are made to the Student
Petitions Committee.
Includes two student members.
TEE: insures maximum faculty participation
in academic decisions, which include recom-
mendations for the calendar, examination
schedules, course schedules, and variations
from those schedules.
Includes three student members.
ADMISSIONS COMMITTEE: administers all ad-
missions to the University, recommends un-
dergraduate admissions policy, and reviews
requests from students for exceptions to Uni-
versity admission requirements when such
requests are referred to it by the Admissions
Includes one student member.
BASED ON CONDUCT: hears appeals for all ad-
mission denials based on other than academic
Includes one student member.


dations for improvements in the counseling
and advisement available to students; coor-
dinates counseling and advisement already
available on campus for students.
Includes two student members.
advises the President on all matters of policy
pertaining to the Reitz Union, and assumes
direct responsibility for all programming in
the Union.
Includes eight student members.
TEE: recommends to the President of the
University an order of priority for construc-
tion of new buildings on the campus.
Includes one student member.

plans, on a continuing basis, the physical de-
velopment of the campus. This includes the
location of buildings, parking lots and other
physical facilities and the assurance of the
attractiveness of the campus environment.
Includes two student members.

advises the Director of Housing in matters of
policy and procedure for on-campus housing;
formulates policies for recommendation to
the President and University Senate; reviews
student requests for exceptions to housing
policies; hears appeals from students when
they do not agree with decisions from campus
Includes four student members.

space to members of the University communi-
ty. It also advises the University Civil Defense
Coordinator on shelter supply stocking, com-
munications, and personnel organization in
preparation for natural or man-made disaster.


Questions should be directed to the Univer-
sity Civil Defense Coordinator.
Includes four student members.
mencement procedures and recommends im-
Includes four student members.
the development of the creative and fine arts
on the campus; serves as a consultant to col-
leges, departments, or other university groups
when they have funds available for art; and
recommends policy concerning the acquisition
of art works.
Includes three student members.
CURRICULUM COMMITTEE: considers all re-
quests for changes in the undergraduate cur-
ricula or catalog listings, and for the addition
of new courses of instruction in any of the
colleges, divisions, and schools of the Univer-
sity, except the Graduate School. Should stu-
dents have complaints about the various
curricula, these complaints may be referred to
this committee.
Includes two student members.
the President on problems of disadvantaged
students; presents suggestions for solutions
to these problems and appropriate programs
to assist disadvantaged students. This com-
mittee hears appeals from students concerning
discrimination in any aspect of University life
when special assistance or support is needed
because of past cultural or educational de-
Includes four student members.
CONSTRUCTION COMMITTEE: acts in an advisory
capacity to fraternity and sorority groups
planning the construction of new houses or
extensive modifications. The committee meets
with representatives of the group concerned


and its architect to review and advise with
respect to its architectural and financial plans.
Includes three student members.
to the President a program of study for under-
graduate students who enter the University
with records of superior academic ability and
achievement; recognizes and rewards excellent
academic performance.
Includes two student members.
pervises the conduct of intercollegiate ath-
letics, particularly with reference to eligibility
of students to participate; and supervises the
relationship of the University to the South-
eastern Conference, and the National Colle-
giate Athletic Association. There has been no
occasion to hear student appeals by the com-
mittee. Questions concerning eligibility of
students to participate in intercollegiate ath-
letics are usually settled by rulings of the
S.E.C. or the N.C.A.A.
Includes three student members.
as an advisory body to the Director of Junior
College Relations; recommends steps which
will maintain good relations with junior col-
lege personnel and which will benefit junior
college transfers.
Includes two student members.
the role of the University in relations to off-
campus housing of all types, with focus on
informational and advisory functions to pro-
mote liaison between students and the com-
munity; reviews and recommends policies.
This committee actively solicits student ques-
tions and assistance.
Includes two student members.
recommends rules and regulations governing
the traffic, parking and registration of vehicles,

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bicycles, scooters and motorcycles on the cam-
pus. The committee also makes recommenda-
tions as to ways to meet the long-range needs
for parking and transportation on the campus
and maintains a campus parking and trans-
portation plan. The committee also reviews
appeals from rulings, insofar as they affect
policy made by campus operating agencies,
upon special requests pertaining to campus
parking and traffic regulations, and recom-
mends appropriate disposition.
Includes two student members.
PLACEMENT COMMITTEE: recommends policy
for the overall operation of the University
Career Planning and Placement Center and
serves as an advisory board to the Director for
Placement. The committee is also responsible
for maintaining a consistent cooperating poli-
cy between the various colleges and the central
placement office.
Includes one student member.
MITTEE: accepts responsibility for implement-
ing University policies and procedures for all
public functions not associated with intramu-
ral and/or intercollegiate athletics. These
responsibilities include all types of public
functions and events (including conferences,
conventions, short courses, institutes, musical
events, lectures, and entertainment), lectures,
and the scheduling and use of University
facilities. The contact point for all matters
relating to this committee is the Public Func-
tions Manager's Office in the Reitz Union.
Includes four student members.
SAFETY COMMITTEE: reviews the need for safe-
ty in planning, construction, and in the daily
activities of the campus; makes recommen-
dations as to the improvement of campus
Includes two student members.
space as it becomes available in existing or


new buildings; and considers all requests for
change in space assignment and/or use, and
for alteration or renovation of the structural
characteristics of existing space.
Includes one student member.
lems concerning the welfare of students; pro-
vides broad policy for non-academic activities
relating to student associations with the Uni-
versity. This committee also makes recom-
mendations to the Faculty Senate regarding
student regulations and to the President in
matters of University policy.
Includes six student members.
alleged violation of the Student Code of Con-
duct. The Office for Student Development may
be contacted by students to assist them in
preparing to appear before this committee.
Includes five student members.
encourages and provides supervision of Co-
operative Living Organizations, and assists in
seeking support for cooperative housing.
Includes three student members.
versity-wide policy for the granting and im-
plementation of financial aid to undergraduate
students and for graduate students who utilize
long-term loan programs. This committee
hears appeals from students under the follow-
ing circumstances: 1) to provide a hearing for
those students requesting a waiver of estab-
lished rules governing financial aid awards,
and 2) to provide a hearing for those students
on athletic scholarships who wish to have the
status of their scholarships reviewed.
Includes four student members.
TEE: gives advice and guidance from respon-
sible persons in the administration, faculty,
and student body to the direction of the Stu-


dent Health Service. Grievances or appeals
should be directed to the Director, Student
Health Service, or to the Provost, J. Hillis
Miller Health Center.
Includes three student members.
COMMITTEE: recognizes new organizations;
approves changes in constitutions and/or
name changes of organizations; deactivates
organizations for lack of interest on the part
of members; disciplines for violation of Uni-
versity rules for student organizations; and
reviews and recommends changes in social
rules and regulations.
Includes four student members.
peals from students who have violated aca-
demic regulations.
Includes one student member.
lishes and implements policies for all student
publications, in addition to taking steps to see
that these policies are followed; supervises all
student publications upon the authority of the
Board of Regents and the President of the
University; selects the editors of fee-supported
publications; and ensures that the education-
al objectives in the exercise of freedom of
expression are followed.
Includes four student members.
and recommends ways to improve teaching
through evaluation by students, alumni, facul-
ty, and administration.
Includes four student members.
recommends the proposed budget for the
University; reviews requests for changes in
the operating budget; and evaluates the bud-
geting process, seeking to improve budgeting
Includes one student member.



coordinates University efforts aimed at pre-
senting and interpreting the University. Stu-
dent members include the editor of the Florida
Alligator and the director of the Florida Blue
Key Speakers Bureau.
WAUBURG COMMITTEE: establishes policy con-
cerning the use and operation of Lake Wau-
burg properties; makes recommendations
concerning the maintenance and development
of the recreational areas.
Includes five student members.
tually a presidential committee, the Presi-
dent's Advisory Council was appointed by the
President to make an imaginative and respon-
sible re-examination of the University of
Florida's purpose, its operation and policies,
and to make its recommendations to him. The
council is made up of ten students, ten faculty
members and ten administrators.

The University of Florida exists to allow each
individual the opportunity to learn how to learn
through interaction with trained minds, hard
facts, new disciplines, and old cultures. The learn-
ing process, as a result, opens tremendous doors
from which emerge new challenges and over-
whelming potential.
This learning process does not take place
easily or mechanically. Becoming educated, learn-
ing to learn, is a fermentation which once begun
will never stop. It is an integration of mind and
feeling with external reality so that the individual
can proceed in his life making rational choices,
performing constructive acts.
Failure academically suggests that the indi-
vidual has not been willing to accept the first
steps in his education. Passing grades, on the
other hand, do not mean educational achievement
has been accomplished. But a wise estimate of
time and a proper emphasis on work will allow


the student to acquire the basic rudiments of in-
formation without which he cannot proceed to
the next steps of exploration and understanding.
Students admitted to the University of Flor-
ida on the evidence of past grades and scholastic
aptitude tests have the ability to succeed at the
college level. Academic success, however, involves
far more than making "passing" grades. The
student who overemphasizes the social side of
campus life and studies only enough to get by
may find that he has lost one of the important
opportunities of his life: the privilege of a higher
While almost every student is aware of finan-
cial costs during his time at college, few realize
the value of the time they spend on the campus.
Misuse of time, both immediately and in long-
range terms, is simply cheating oneself. It is sug-
gested that students budget their time. Usually
at least two hours of study are needed for each
hour spent in the classroom.
While a study plan is probably best made to
be adapted rather than rigidly adhered to, there
is no doubt that consistent work, week by week,
punctuated by rest and diversion, is more efficient
than cramming. Many learning experiments have
proved that a little work at a time, frequently
rehearsed, brings both quicker learning and
longer retention.

Attendance in class is optional except for
those classified as 1 UC. Nevertheless, the students
themselves remain fully responsible for satisfying
the entire range of academic objectives as they
are defined by the instructor in any course. (Note
that individual professors may consider class
attendance necessary for satisfaction of the aca-
demic objectives of their courses.)

Information relating to class absences, de-
grees and graduation, averages, maximum loads,
grades, comprehensive examinations, probation,

class absences




prior to
from the

suspension, petitions and appeals, withdrawals,
classification of students, etc., is set forth in the
Student Academic Regulations section of the Un-
dergraduate Catalog.

Withdrawal forms can be obtained from
counselors in the residence halls, physicians in
the Infirmary, the Office for Student Development,
the Office of the Adviser to Foreign Students, and
the Office of the Registrar.
A student living in a University residence hall
should go to the residence counselor in his/her
area to initiate the withdrawal. A foreign student
should start withdrawal with an interview with
the Foreign Student Adviser. If the student lives
in a sorority house, a fraternity house, or off-
campus, he should initiate his withdrawal in the
Office for Student Development. Any person who
has a National Defense Loan, a short-term loan,
or a University long-term loan, should also go to
the Student Depository for an exit interview. If the
student has a scholarship or student employment,
he may wish to seek an interview in the Student
Financial Aid Office before leaving the campus,
particularly if he is planning to return to the Uni-
versity at any future time and will need financial
assistance. Such an interview, however, is not
One of the final steps in the withdrawal proc-
ess is for the student to have a conference with
a staff member in the Office for Student Develop-
ment. The purpose of the conference is to de-
termine whether there is any way in which the
University might be of assistance and to obtain
an understanding of the circumstances under
which the student is withdrawing. During the
interview the student will surrender his current
registration fee card and will be given a copy of
a withdrawal form to be taken to the Registrar's
It is also highly desirable that the student
confer with one of the counselors in the office of


the dean of his college, particularly if his with-
drawal is due to academic difficulties.

The University of Florida offers on-campus
reserve officer education and training programs
for both the Army and the Air Force. The pro-
grams are comparable in contact hours and credit,
and differ primarily in the orientation to the
particular nature and mission of the respective

Both the Army and the Air Force offer the
traditional four-year program. The first two years
consist of six quarters of ROTC curricula aimed
at preparing the student for competitive entry
into the last two years. Cadets who demonstrate
a potential for military leadership are eligible to
apply for the advanced programs, referred to as
The Advanced Course in AROTC, or The Profes-
sional Officer Course in AFROTC. Here the student
studies subject matter directly related to his
future effectiveness as an officer and a leader.
Upon successful completion and attainment of a
baccalaureate degree the cadet is tendered a com-
mission as a reserve officer. Selected outstanding
cadets are designated as Distinguished Graduates
and may be tendered commissions in the Regular
Army or Air Force. Students who are enrolled
in the last two years of the ROTC program are
draft deferred by virtue of their advanced officer
candidate status and are normally required to
complete the program and accept a commission.

The two-year program provides opportunity
for a student who did not take the first two years
of ROTC to attend a six-week summer camp and
compete for entry into the last two years at the
start of his junior year or later, as long as he has
six quarters remaining at the University at the
undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral level. In this
case the six-week summer camp is a substitute
for the first two years of ROTC.

reserve officer
training corps

4-year program

2-year program



cadet activities

pay and

Credits awarded for ROTC courses are valid
as part of the requirements for graduation in
most of the colleges of the University. The Uni-
versity Record and individual counsellors should
be consulted to determine the number of ROTC
credits which can be accredited toward a partic-
ular degree.

The Army and the Air Force jointly partici-
pate in the annual military ball, dining-in, com-
missioning exercises, graduation parade, and
various military and social events and ceremonies.
Other cadet activities and individual service par-
ticipation are as follows:
Gator Guard (Army Precision Drill Team)
Billy Mitchell Drill Team (Air Force Pre-
cision Drill Team)
Gator Sabres (Army Precision Sabre Drill
Scabbard and Blade (National Honorary
Military Fraternity)
Arnold Air Society (National Air Force
Honorary Fraternity)
Gator Scribes (Army Public Information
Wing Tips Staff (Air Force Information Unit)
Gator Raiders (Army Counterguerilla Unit)
Gator Rifles (Army and Varsity Rifle Team)
Coed Sponsors (Army Sweethearts and Air
Force Angels)

Necessary books and uniforms are provided
to students enrolled in ROTC. Both are returned
after use. Cadets in the last two years of the
program receive a stipend of $50 per month for
each month they are enrolled, and the uniform
they receive is donated to them by the University
upon their commissioning.


Students enrolled in the Four-Year programs scholarships
can compete for Army or Air Force ROTC Schol-
arships. Scholarship recipients receive a non-
taxable allowance of $50 each month along with
paid tuition, laboratory fees, incidental expenses,
and an allowance for text books.
On-campus military officer education at the
University of Florida is one of the University's
oldest and finest traditions. More than a propor-
tionate share of the nation's military leaders
have been and are alumni. University of Florida
cadets regularly bring home high honors from
summer encampments and from various com-
petitive events. The voluntary Army and Air Force
ROTC Programs at the University of Florida offer
unmatched opportunity for development and
growth in citizenship and leadership. Satisfactory
completion of one of the ROTC programs paves
the way for students to enter the important,
challenging, rewarding and diversified career of
military leadership in the defense of the nation.
A student may enter active duty immediately
upon graduation; or if he wishes to pursue grad-
uate studies, educational delays for this purpose
are liberally granted.


Counseling resources are available on the
campus to help the student achieve maximum
educational and personal development during his
college experience. These resources include var-
ious university offices and agencies that offer
general counseling with regard to academic, voca-
tional, or personal problems, and other offices
which provide various types of specialized assis-

academic Every college appoints academic advisers to
Assist students in course choice, planning, and
advisement adjustment. Names of these advisers may be
obtained from the dean's office of the student's
These advisers help the student plan his
courses, giving particular attention to his aca-
demic strengths and weaknesses in relation to
vocational intentions. They are responsible for
guiding the student toward fulfillment of aca-
demic requirements within the given college, and
may also be called upon for advice concerning
probation, suspension, fellowships, and graduate
University College advisers are available
Monday through Friday during daytime class
hours in the University College offices on the
third floor of Little Hall for consultation on any
problems relating to educational objectives and
Each instructor is responsible for helping
students master the material of his course and
is available for discussion of study techniques
and course content.
Any student encountering difficulty in spe-
cific courses may obtain tutors by contacting the
head of his department or the dean of his college.
In addition, a student tutor society, Sigma
Tau Sigma, offers tutorial services to any student
in need of academic assistance.


The Office for Student Development, located
on the first floor of Tigert Hall, provides various
types of counseling services for the individual

This office maintains a joint referral relation-
ship with the University Counseling Center, the
Student Mental Health Service, the Division of
Housing and the Reading Clinic in regard to
student counseling services.
Personnel from the office are available to
assist the student or parent when special assis-
tance is needed-such as when major medical
problems or other emergencies arise. The Deans
are also available to assist the student with any
particular difficulties the individual student may
encounter-such as academic regulations, finan-
cial problems, or personal problems.
Any student who withdraws from the Uni-
versity or who is petitioning for readmission
thereto following suspension for poor academic
achievement must be interviewed by personnel
in the Office for Student Development. The pur-
pose of this conference is to assist the student
in securing a successful petition and to explore
alternatives in case a petition is denied.
In addition, this office assists students in
their general adjustment to the University and
in finding appropriate activities and projects out-
side the classroom.

The residence halls at the University of Flor-
ida operate under the leadership of professional
counselors and student personnel administrators.
Within the residential community, these
counselors have unique opportunities for assist-
ing students as they discover their interests,
develop their potentials, and resolve problems
related to their personal and educational growth.
Individual and small group counseling rela-
tionships comprise a substantial portion of the


the office
for student



total housing program. Residence counselors are
acquainted with other helping agencies on cam-
pus and maintain a working relationship with
the University Counseling Center, Student Mental
Health Service, the Reading Laboratory and
Clinic, and other special services that are avail-
able to students.
In addition, the student personnel staff plays
an active role as motivator, initiator, and consul-
tant in planning cultural and educational pro-
grams with students. These activities are designed
to focus attention on the learning process and
thus complement and reinforce the formal cur-
The Division of Housing attempts to enrich
the residential environment with art, music,
books, seminars, and discussions that refine
tastes acquired through intellectual training and
stimulate an interest in learning for its own sake.
A strong student government program assists stu-
dents to develop social and civic problem-solving
skills that are in keeping with the democratic
A group of competent student staff members
assist the professional personnel within each resi-
dential unit. These upperclass and graduate
students are selected for their personal respon-
sibility, academic ability, and a sincere interest
in helping people.

the university The University Counseling Center, located in
counseling 311 Little Hall, provides psychological counseling
services for students, graduate training facilities
for academic departments, consultation services
for faculty and staff, and the implements for ap-
propriate research programs.


The University Counseling Center is staffed
by a group of professional psychologists who
work with individuals and small groups of stu-
dents having problems with educational and


vocational decision-making, personal or social
adjustment, pre- and postmarital relationships,
and emotional conflicts evolving from their ex-
periences at the University.
The student's relationship with a profes-
sional counselor is confidential, and every at-
tempt is made to assist the individual to become
a more effectively functioning person.
In addition to a staff of professionally trained
psychological counselors, the Counseling Center
maintains an up-to-date occupational library for
student and staff use, and provides psychological
testing facilities to assist in the evaluation of an
individual's interests, aptitudes, abilities, and

In fulfilling its consultative role, the profes-
sional staff of the Counseling Center is most
desirous of working with faculty and staff having
intimate and continuing contacts with students
and their problems.
Joint consultations are held with individual
staff members regarding student difficulties.
The staff also works with residence hall ad-
visers, academic advisers, and faculty to develop
more effective techniques for helping students.
Discussion leadership is also provided for com-
munity groups, faculty groups, and other helping

Specialized training facilities are maintained
for advanced graduate students in appropriate
academic areas, and research projects designed
to evaluate and improve the counseling process
are undertaken by the professional staff.

All enrolled students and their spouses are
eligible to use the services of the University


Counseling Center free of charge. Faculty and
staff are encouraged to make referrals of individ-
ual students or to consult with the professional
staff regarding counseling assistance. Appoint-
ments can be made by calling 392-1575 or by
coming to the Center.

the student The Student Mental Health Service, located
mental health in the Student Infirmary, offers professional help
service for students when emotional problems develop,
and consultation services for students, faculty,
and staff concerning all aspects of mental health.
Students enrolled in the University are welcome
to use this service whenever the need arises.


The Mental Health Service has a permanent
staff representing all major mental health profes-
sions: psychiatry; psychology; social work; and
psychiatric nursing.
When seeking assistance from the Mental
Health Service, the student will be seen by a
professional staff member and will receive an
evaluation of his difficulty, often on the day of
application, and certainly within a week. Recom-
mendations regarding ways of resolving the dif-
ficulty will be made during the initial interview
or during some subsequent interview. Many emo-
tional difficulties of University students are re-
solvable within a relatively few visits.


The National Institute of Mental Health sup-
ports a major research program in conjunction
with the Mental Health Service. This program is
directed toward the development and application
of mental health principles and methods which
will not only prevent the development of emo-
tional distress among students but will also facil-
itate healthy growth and maturation.


A study of the special problems and needs of
married students and students preparing for mar-
riage has also been undertaken.
The project staff members are available for
consulting in these areas of study.

A student should seek, or be referred to, the
Mental Health Service when an interpersonal or
emotional problem is developing which may jeop-
ardize his academic, personal, or social effective-
ness. Referral from a physician or from other
members of the faculty or staff is not necessary,
although referral is always welcome.
The student's relationship with a profession-
al staff member is confidential. All full-time
students are eligible to use these services.
A student can obtain assistance from the
Mental Health Service by applying in person
between 8:30 and 3:30 p.m. Monday through
Friday in the south wing of the Infirmary or by
telephoning 392-1171.
The availability of professional staff mem-
bers for emergency situations arising in the
evening and on weekends is provided through
the Student Health Service, 392-1161.

The International Center, located in Building the
AE, serves as the central service and counseling international
agency for every international student enrolled center
in the University as well as other international
students interested in. applying to the University.
In addition this office serves as the central re-
source and contact for any American student
interested in studying abroad.
Any international applicant who desires in-
formation about the University, its admission
requirements, housing arrangements, or financial
assistance, is invited to direct his inquiries to the
Foreign Student Adviser, International Center,
Building AE, University of Florida, Gainesville,
Florida 32601 (U.S.A.).



and clinics

and clinic

This office coordinates closely with the Ad-
missions Office in clearing students for admis-
sion, and arranges for authorizing a United States
visa for the student. After the international stu-
dent is accepted by the University, this office then
assists in arranging the reception, housing, and
orientation of the new student. The promotion
of cultural interchange within the local com-
munity is a function of the Center.
Any interested U.S. citizen is invited to contact
the International Student Adviser about oppor-
tunities available in the Peace Corps, VISTA, and
Fulbright programs. International faculty, staff
members, students, and their dependents are re-
quired to comply with U. S. immigration laws
through the International Center.

Any student interested in pastoral counseling
is invited to refer to any of the various religious
denominational centers on the University campus.
Clergy for students are provided by the
following religious groups: Baptist, Church of
Christ, Episcopal, Jewish, Lutheran, Methodist,
Mormon, Presbyterian, Roman Catholic, and
United Church of Gainesville. These centers, as
well as other denominations most of which
have churches in Gainesville offer special ser-
vices and programs for students.

Any enrolled student is eligible to receive
specialized assistance through the University's
Laboratories and Clinics.

The Reading Laboratory and Clinic offers
help to all interested students in the areas of
reading rate and comprehension, study habits,
spelling, and vocabulary improvement. There are
no fees, outside assignments, grades, or course
credit given.
Attendance is voluntary, arranged at the
convenience of the student, and may be initiated
or discontinued at any time. Tests and interviews


are employed in planning individual programs.
Students then work under a counselor who fol-
lows their progress while they are enrolled.
In addition to services to college students,
the Reading Laboratory and Clinic carries on a
program of research and aids students and fac-
ulty members engaged in such research. Training
programs for teachers and graduate students in
the techniques of reading diagnosis and remedia-
tion are also in operation. In connection with
these training programs some elementary and
secondary school referrals are seen on an occa-
sional basis.
Any enrolled student is eligible to use the
services of the Reading Laboratory and Clinic.
Offices of the Clinic are in S.W. Broward
Hall and are open daily except Saturday and
Sunday from 8:30 to 5:00 p.m. Referral from a
faculty member is not necessary.

The Speech and Hearing Clinic of the De- the speech
apartment of Speech offers its services, without and hearing
charge, to any University student who has an im- clinic
pairment in speech and hearing.
This assistance is available at any time
during the year and appointments are arranged
to avoid conflict with the student's academic
schedule. Arrangements for diagnostic or reha-
bilitative services can be made by the student in
Room 436 Arts & Sciences Building. Referrals
are invited from faculty, administrative person-
nel, and residence hall advisers.
Services include speech and hearing evalua-
tion: speech therapy, articulatory disorders, voice
disorders, cerebral palsied speech, cleft palate
speech, stuttering, foreign accent, hearing ther-
apy, auditory training, speech training, hearing
conservation, hearing aid orientation.
In addition to these services, the Speech and
Hearing Clinic serves as a laboratory center for


directory of
helping services

the professional training of speech and hearing
clinicians, speech pathologists and audiologists.
These specialized training facilities are main-
tained for graduate students under the direction
of the professional staff.
The services of the Speech and Hearing
Clinic are available on a voluntary, non-credit
basis and are continued only as long as the stu-
dent demonstrates the need for assistance.

A Directory of Helping Services, compiled by
the Office of Student Affairs, is available at that
office and at the Tigert Information Desk. It lists
telephone numbers and campus addresses of
personnel and/or offices of helping services avail-
able to students needing assistance.


The University of Florida is dedicated to
helping each student make the most of his educa-
tional opportunities. In addition to the academic
programs, the University provides several ser- -
vices to assist in creating the conditions and
opportunities for reinforcing the intellectual,
cultural, and artistic purposes of the institution.
This program is designed to relate student I
life outside the classroom to the University's
instructional program and to help students derive
greater benefits from their University exper-
For a university community composed of
nearly 20,000 students, there must be a broad
range of services and an extensive physical plant.
At the University of Florida four of the various
student services are now operating in newly re-
modeled or brand new multimillion dollar facil-
ities. These include the University Infirmary, the
J. Wayne Reitz Union, University Food Service,
and the Graduate Research Library.
Because of its many functions as the com-
munity center for university activities, a separate
chapter has been devoted entirely to the new J.
Wayne Reitz Union and its various unique facil-
ities and activities.
Other university service include the various
university library and study areas, the Student
Financial Aid Office, the Graduate Placement
Services, and the University Religious Centers.

The Student Health Service, located in the student health
Infirmary, is maintained to care for the student's and medical
physical well-being. The Service maintains a 65-
bed hospital, including X-ray equipment, a clin- services
ical laboratory, and a pharmacy, and provides 24-
hour general medical and nursing care.


JY -


The major units of the Student Health Ser-
vice are the Medical Service and the Mental
Health Service. Students whose illness is beyond
the scope of these services are referred to an ap-
propriate specialist.
All full-time students are entitled to use the
services and facilities of the Student Health
Service. Members of the student's family are not
Most of the medical services are available to
students without charge, but small additional
charges are necessary for X-rays and drugs, and
there is a modest daily charge to students admit-
ted as in-patients.
Students who have purchased the Student
Accident and Illness Insurance Plan will find that
most of the charges of the Student Health Serv-
ices, except for medications, are covered.
The Student Health Service is staffed by
general practice physicians, specialists in internal
medicine and registered nurses. The out-patient
clinic in the Infirmary is open Monday through
Friday, 8:30-11:30 a.m. and 1:00-4:30 p.m. and
on Saturday, 8:30-11:30 a.m. Students are en-
couraged to make appointments in advance when
Patients coming to the Infirmary outside
the usual clinic hours will be asked to return
during normal hours if the problem is not an
urgent one. A resident physician from the J. Hillis
Miller Health Center is on duty at the Infirmary
until midnight. After midnight a nurse will see
students and refer them to the Health Center if
necessary. If possible, students should not go
directly to the Health Center, but should always
report to the Infirmary for referral.
The University is not responsible for medical
care of students during vacation periods, but in
certain instances it may make special arrange-
ments for continued care of students who are
hospitalized before the vacation period begins.


Although Student Health physicians are health
available only to enrolled students, there are facilities
many fine physicians in the Gainesville area. for the
General practitioners and specialists in all fields families
of medicine are available. The staff of the Stu- of students
dent Health Service will be pleased to assist a
student in locating a physician for his family.
Physicians of the staff of the J. Hillis Miller
Health Center are only available to patients who
are referred to them by physicians whose practice
is outside the hospital. Charges for services of
physicians in the clinics of the teaching hospital
are based on the patient's income.
When a student is referred to the Health
Center clinics by the Student Health Physicians
for consultation, most of the charges are ab-
sorbed by the student's insurance if the student
is covered.
All students with dependents are urged to
contact a community physician soon after enrol-
ling. Should the need for care arise, it is usually
helpful to have a previous arrangement with a

Whereas the University Infirmary is avail-
able only to enrolled students, the Alachua Gen-
eral Hospital is available to any person in the
county who is under the care of one of its staff
members. The Emergency Room of the hospital
is open to all acutely ill patients.
The Teaching Hospital of the University
Medical Center offers hospitalization to patients
only upon referral from practicing physicians of
the state.
In emergency circumstances such as a very
acute illness when a physician cannot be located
and in serious accidents, patients may be cared
for in the Emergency Room and if circumstances
warrant it they may be admitted to the hospital.


The Student Government sponsors an excel-
lent inexpensive health and accident insurance
plan for all students. For a small additional
charge this plan can be extended to cover the
student's dependents. Information can be obtain-
ed in the offices of the Student Government and
in the Infirmary.


A number of dentists in the Gainesville area
offer dental care. The family doctor can help in
the selection of a family dentist.


The University Infirmary Pharmacy dispen-
ses drugs prescribed for regular students of the
University at a modest cost. The Infirmary Phar-
macy cannot fill prescriptions for members of a
student's family.
A prescription made for a student by a phy-
sician not affiliated with the University can be
filled by the Infirmary Pharmacy at usual costs
if the drug is normally stocked by the Pharmacy.
(Prescriptions for drugs not stocked cannot be
filled.) Pharmacy hours are 9:00-12:00 a.m. and
1:00-5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and
9:00-12:00 a.m. on Saturday.
The J. Hillis Miller Health Center Pharmacy
fills prescriptions written for patients of that
Center. There are also a number of pharmacies
close to the University which will establish charge
accounts for students. Some of these are open
24 hours daily and deliver medication to the home.

alachua county The Alachua County Health Department is
health not primarily a provider of medical care. It does,
department however, provide immunization services to all
citizens including dependents of students. Rou-
tine chest X-rays and some laboratory services


are also available. Guidance type family services
are available for families referred by the Public
School System. Maternity services are not avail-
able for student wives since students do not come
under the department's definition of indigent.
Members of the university community are
encouraged to use the medical resources avail-
able to them. It is always wise to plan ahead in
health matters. Gainesville has a very broad spec-
trum of medical facilities and is traditionally
interested in the health requirements of students
and their families and is helpful in meeting these

In the event of a nuclear attack, protection
from radioactive fallout is available for over
70,000 persons in most of the permanent buildings
on campus. Shelter is generally found in the in-
ner hallways and corridors of those buildings.
Detailed surveys and analyses were made of all
main campus buildings by the Office of Civil De-
fense before classifying them as public fallout
Shelter Managers and Radiological Monitors
have been assigned and trained for most of the
shelters on campus. Federal Civil Defense sup-
plies have been received and stored in nearly all
campus shelters. These supplies include food,
water cans, sanitation kits, medical kits, and
radiological monitoring instruments.
Temporary protection during a hurricane is
provided in the J. Wayne Reitz Union for all
Flavet III married students and their families.
Call your Civil Defense Coordinator at 392-
1141 for further information.

Cafeterias and snack bars, operated by the
University Food Service, are located conveniently
in residence hall areas and elsewhere on the
The Reitz Union contains a 650-seat cafeteria
and snack bar, located on the first floor. Banquet

civil defense

university food


library and
study areas

rooms on the second floor are available for pri-
vate parties, luncheons and dinners.
Thrift meal plans, at savings of approximate-
ly 30% for the 7-day plan and 15% for the 5-day
plan, are offered. Meal coupon books are also
available. Meal plans and coupon books may be
purchased at any Food Service Office.
Catering service for such events as banquets,
receptions, teas, socials and coffee breaks is of-
fered. Birthday cakes, fruit baskets, box lunches,
"survival kits" and "goodie boxes" may be order-
ed from any Food Service Office.

The University of Florida's more than one
million volumes are housed primarily in the two
main library buildings, the Graduate Research
Library at the north end of the Plaza of the
Americas and the College Library on Murphree
The libraries offer the student a good place
to study. Advanced students can request desks or
carrels in the stacks where reference material
can be left for continued use.
The area libraries and their locations are:

Agriculture Library
Architecture and Fine
Engineering and
Physical Sciences
Health Center
Physical Education

McCarty Hall
Weaver Hall

Leigh Hall
Norman Hall
Engineering Building

Medical Center
Holland Law Center
Music Building
Florida Gym

Some of the residence halls also have libra-
ries. Although the periodicals and books are
necessarily limited, these libraries offer students
special facilities for studying, and certain books
can be requested through such facilities.


The University of Florida subscribes to the
principle that the purpose of financial aid is to
provide assistance to students who would other-
wise be unable to attend college. Financial aid is
awarded according to each individual's need in
relation to college costs. Awards may include
scholarships, grants, loans and part-time employ-
ment which may be offered to students singly or
in various combinations.
Our financial aid staff is dedicated to the
principle that each student must receive personal
attention with complete confidentiality. Every
effort is made to provide financial counseling by
experienced, considerate personnel.

The application period for financial aid is
November 1 through February 28 for the aca-
demic year beginning the following September.
Applications received after February 28 are ac-
cepted conditionally.
In addition to the application, parents or
guardians must complete a Parent's Confidential
Statement. Upon completion this statement
should be mailed directly to the College Scholar-
ship Service or the American College Testing
Service. The fact that a student is married does
not preclude parental support. Both forms may
be obtained from your high school or junior col-
lege counselor or by writing to this office.
Receipt of an award does not automatically
renew an application for subsequent years. A new
application must be submitted each year.
Consideration for assistance is based on the
student's academic record, availability of funds
and the parents' financial condition. It is not
always known what federal, state and local funds
will be available. Many awards must be extended
initially on a tentative basis. If you receive assis-
tance from sources other than the Student Finan-
cial Aid Office, your award may be adjusted.
Applicants who fail to notify this office of assis-
tance from other sources are subject to complete
withdrawal of aid.

student financial



is available

opportunities in

Loan: Seven basis loan programs are avail-
able: 1) National Defense Student Loan (NDEA
Loan), 2) Florida State Student Loan, 3) Federal-
ly Insured Bank Loan, 4) Pharmacy Loan, 5)
Nursing Loan, 6) University of Florida Long Term
Loan, and 7) the United Student Aid Fund Bank
Loan. All are low-interest and payment is deferred
until the student graduates, withdraws, or
changes his full-time student status.
Grant: Financial assistance in the form of
grants is available to undergraduates, nursing
and pharmacy majors. Such grants require ex-
ceptional financial need and do not have to be
repaid by the student.
Scholarship: Scholarships are awarded to
undergraduate students having an outstanding
academic record and showing a financial need.
The Student Financial Aid Office administers the
Freshman and Sophomore Honors Program, the
Upper Division Achievement Program (Juniors,
Seniors and Transfer Students), as well as the
various private scholarship awards. Funds are
extremely limited for these programs.
Part-time work: The University of Florida
offers part-time employment to approximately
2,000 students each year. In addition, an estimat-
ed 300 students work off-campus in the Gaines-
ville community. Normally a student works 15
hours or less each week and earns between $1.45
and $2.00 per hour, depending upon his personal
skills and his experience.
Student employment at the University of
Florida has a four-fold purpose: to provide labor
for part-time positions, to assist the student fi-
nancially, to provide work experience, and to
afford an opportunity for vocational guidance.

The Student Financial Aid Department-Stu-
dent Affairs provides a student employment ser-
vice which helps to place qualified students in
jobs on campus during the academic year. Stu-
dent government's Secretary of Labor helps


students to find off-campus employment during
vacations and summer months.
In order to be certified for student employ-
ment, students must meet the following require-
1. No full-time student shall work more than
30 hours during any two week period on
the College Work-Study Program during
any weeks in which classes are in session.
2. No full-time student with a "B" average
shall be permitted to work more than a
maximum of 20 hours per week on state
3. Students carrying 9-11 hours may work a
maximum of 27 hours per week on state
4. Students carrying 6-8 hours may work a
maximum of 30 hours per week on state

5. No student shall work unless he
average for both overall and
quarter work on all programs.

has a 2.0

In planning college finances, you should
carefully examine the estimated expenses listed
below. Next, you and your parents should deter-
mine how much help they will be able to give
you, as well as how much you may be able to
save from your summer work. You should add to
this figure anticipated income from any other
sources such as local scholarships, gifts from
relatives, prior savings, etc. After you have added
up all the income you will have from all sources,
subtract the total from the college budget. If
this calculation reflects a deficit, this need should
be shown on your application. Your analysis will
be compared with our analysis of the information
submitted on your Parents' Confidential State-
ment. After reconciling the two, a financial aid
"package" will be designed to fit your individual

your finances



of Student


student need

On Campus

$ 450.00

Single Married
Student Student With
Off Campus One Child

$ 450.00

$ 450.00

Expenses outlined above are to be considered
as very general estimates. It is not unusual to vary
$200 depending on individual circumstances.

The family of the student is expected to make
a maximum effort to assist with college expenses.
Financial assistance from the University is view-
ed as supplementary to the efforts of the family.
All financial aid programs require an assessment
of parental ability to contribute toward educa-
tional expenses of the student. The basic docu-
ment from which this determination is made is
the Parent's Confidential Statement which is
available from your school or college guidance
offices or from this office. This report takes into
account financial support which may be expected
from family income and assets and considers
other educational expenses, retirement needs and
unusual expenses.
The student also has a responsibility to share
a part of his college expenses. His resources may
include savings, summer earnings, government
benefits, etc. Summer earnings are figured at $200
for women students and $300 for men students

*Fees for graduate students are currently $75.00 more per
academic year.
**Housing expense should be adjusted if on-campus housing
is utilized.
1) For Flavet III, use $265.00 instead of $990.00
2) For Corry, Diamond, Schucht, use $540.00 instead of



prior to the freshman year. These earnings are
expected to increase for upperclassmen at the
rate of $50 per year.

SUMMARY: All financial aid is dependent
upon the availability of resources. To be consid-
ered for financial aid, an applicant must: be a
full-time student, be in financial need, make nor-
mal academic progress, and be of good character.
An award cannot be made until the applicant has
been accepted for admission to the University
of Florida. However, applicants should not wait
for notice of acceptance but should apply as soon
as possible after November 1.

This office serves as the central placement
agency for the University. It is located in suite
G-22 of the Reitz Student Union. Its services are
available to all students and alumni of the Uni-
versity without charge.
The primary aim of the Center is to assist
students during the course of their college pro-
gram in identifying and developing realistic
career goals, and obtaining positions in their
chosen fields upon graduation. Similar assistance
is available to Alumni who are making changes
of employment.

Specific student services include:
1. Guidance and counseling in self-evalua-
tion and career planning.
2. Assistance in developing good interview
3. Guidance in the preparation and use of
resumes and letters of application.
4. Arranging campus interviews between
employers and students.
5. Maintaining Qualification Records and
Faculty ratings for students and alumni.
6. Providing recruiting literature and infor-
mation about employers.

career planning
and placement



of the

campus police
and security

7. Preparing and mailing list of job oppor-
tunities to registrants.
8. A Career Information Library with spe-
cific information about various busines-
ses and industries, government agencies,
and educational institutions is main-

Functions of the Center include serving as
liaison between students and business firms, in-
dustrial and educational organizations, and gov-
ernmental agencies seeking college educated
personnel for permanent employment. The center
also establishes and maintains a permanent file
of applicants' qualification records, which may
be updated and used at any time. It publishes
bulletins listing employment opportunities and
interview schedules; conducts studies of employ-
ment outlook, salary trends, and related areas;
provides a listing of career related summer jobs.
Students are urged to use the services of this
office for vocational and career development
planning as early as possible and to establish a
placement file by the end of their junior year.

The University of Florida Police Department
has a total strength of sixty-two employees. This
includes fifty-five full time police officers includ-
ing a Security Director plus a full time investiga-
tion division and training division. All of these
officers are bonded Special Police Officers with
the Gainesville Police Department. Also, many of
the officers carry deputy commissions with the
Alachua County Sheriff's Department. The staff
includes one full-time investigator who is a grad-
uate of the Florida Sheriff's Academy.
To insure the most effective law enforcement
possible, the department recently initiated a con-
tinuous in-service training program.
In general, the University of Florida Police
Department has the responsibilities similar to


departments in a comparably sized city. This
includes the physical protection of the citizenry
and community property, as well as the appre-
hension and referral of law violators to appro-
priate disposition courts. In this respect, the
department considers each offense in light of its
severity. Certain violations of civil law occurring
on campus which may also be violations of the
University of Florida regulations may be referred
for appropriate action to the University Commit-
tee on Student Conduct or to the Student Honor
The procedures used in the apprehension,
detention, and investigation of charges against
an accused person are identical to the accepted
practices used in other communities: the rights
of the accused are respected. He is informed that
he does not have to answer self-incriminating
questions; that he may have counsel in felony
cases if he so requests; that he has the right to
face his accusers; that the burden of proof of
guilt rests with the accuser; and that he will not
be subjected to unlawful entry and search of his
living quarters.
Parking is one of the major concerns of the
University Police Department. At present the Uni-
versity has 1,000 to 1,500 campus visitors every
day, bringing the total daily population on cam-
pus to approximately 32,000. Because this mobile
population is confined to a less than three-mile
area, traffic problems similar to those encount-
ered by any metropolis must be dealt with.
Other responsibilities of the University Police
Department include maintaining the Information
Booth for campus visitors, and controlling traffic
at all major university intersections. The Coordi-
nator for Traffic and Parking is authorized to
issue registrations, decals and permits for stu-
dents, staff, faculty and visitors. This office is
located in the lobby of the Student Service Cen-
ter (HUB).
In addition, this department is responsible


for transporting students who require medical
attention to the Student Infirmary or to the Uni-
versity Medical Center. As a general rule this
transportation is furnished to campus residents;
however, on special occasions this department
will furnish transportation for ill students who
live off-campus. This department also transports
monies from numerous university departments
to local banks.
Constant security is maintained for all uni-
versity buildings and facilities. Department offi-
cers routinely patrol the four married students'
villages, the men and women's residence halls,
and the fraternity and sorority houses on and
near campus. A Security Office is also maintained
at the Medical Center to deal with special prob-
lems which arise there.

university of To many people throughout the state the
lorida alumni Alumni Association is the University of Florida.
iFda alumni or this is the mainstream through which they
association maintain their interests and continue their in-
volvement with the University.
Active membership in the Alumni Associa-
tion is the right of all students who have been
enrolled in the University of Florida, graduates
and non-graduates, as well as friends of the Uni-
versity who make a contribution to the Annual
Giving Program.
The Alumni Association's main purpose is to
bring together the organized efforts of alumni for
participation in the interests and needs of the
University. It strives to encourage continued par-
ticipation by alumni in the life of the University
and provides a means of continued fellowship
i and association for graduates and former stu-

SAmong the benefits to which active members
lJ are entitled are the quarterly UNIVERSITY OF
FLORIDA MAGAZINE and other publications


which provide current information about the
University, former classmates and season ticket
priority to Gator home football games.
The Alumni Service Office is located on the
ground floor of the J. Wayne Reitz Union.
The Association's membership consists of
alumni throughout the world. There are 36 active
alumni clubs. In addition to those in Florida,
there are clubs in New York City; Washington,
D. C.; Huntsville, Alabama; Atlanta, Georgia; New
Orleans, Louisiana; and Savannah, Georgia.
With funds derived from annual alumni con-
tributions, the Association provides non-budgeted
but vital "extras" to the schools and colleges
within the University complex. It supports a year-
round community informational program for
speakers, films, television programs, and publi-
Since the inception of The Gator Loan Fund
the Association has significantly subsidized this
invaluable loan program. Local alumni clubs
award approximately sixty Alumni Scholarships
each year to attract outstanding students to the
These programs, plus full-time attention to a
variety of needs which no other agency can pro-
vide, give Florida alumni reason to be proud of
their significant role in the University's progress.

Religious Centers sponsored by many of the religious centers
major faiths and denominations are located near
the University campus. In addition to worship
services, they offer a variety of cultural, educa-
tional, social, and community service activities.
The programs of the religious centers are in-
tended to provide both students and faculty with
the opportunity for identifying with their reli-
gious heritage and developing a deeper under-
standing for their faith, especially as related to
their academic work, and to campus, national,
and world responsibilities.



Although the religious centers are not con-
nected officially with the University, there are
many areas in which the University and the reli-
gious centers cooperate. An example is participa-
tion in the University Religious Association.
Members of the Department of Religion meet
with the University Pastor's Association, and
representatives of the University Pastor's Asso-
ciation serve as members of the University Reli-
gious Association Cabinet and advisers to the
University Committee on Student Affairs.
The religious centers are staffed by profes-
sional and trained personnel who are available
to University students and staff for personal

The Office of the Vice President for Student
Affairs, in conjunction with the Student Govern-
ment, provides an ombudsman service to the
students of the University. Basically, this service
is designed to assist students who have exhausted
all efforts of their own in seeking redress to a
particular problem through prescribed channels.
Students are directed to contact the following

Student Government-305 Reitz Union,
Student Affairs-124 Tigert Hall, 392-1265



The primary objective of the Division of
Housing is to provide the best possible living-
learning environment for students. The Division,
which is a major component of Student Affairs,
is composed of a director, a residence staff of
full-time professional counselors, and part-time
student staff members.
All requests for information and correspon-
dence concerning University Housing should be
addressed to the Director of Housing, University
of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32601.

The University's residence halls have been
designed and organized to emphasize the im-
portance of the individual student and to enhance
the learning process. Each hall has a self-govern-
ing organization, formal and informal educational
programs, and social and recreational activities.
Although the living situation is quite different
in the apartment villages for married students,
self-government organizations and community
activities provide similar opportunities and edu-
cational experiences.

The purpose of housing regulations is to
outline reasonable standards for developing and
maintaining a living-learning environment favor-
able to the well-being and academic success of each
student. In following the regulations, each stu-
dent shows consideration for his fellow residents,
respects student and University property, and
assumes responsibility for his own conduct as
well as for the conduct of his guests.

The Committee on Student Housing has
adopted the following policy governing apartment
applications and assignments:
1. The married student must meet the re-

opportunities in

policies and
to students

facilities for


quirements for admission to the Univer-
sity of Florida, qualify as a full-time stu-
dent as defined by his college or school,
and continue to make normal progress
toward a degree as determined by the
head of his college or school.
(A minimum of 12 credit hours is re-
quired for a full-time undergraduate
2. The married student must be part of a
family unit, defined as husband and wife
with or without one or more children.
No relatives or housekeepers can be in-
cluded as part of the family unit. In view
of the limited size of on-campus apart-
ments, applications from families having
more than four children cannot be ac-
3. The married student must be part of a
family with a combined annual income
which does not exceed, during the period
of occupancy, (including grants-in-aid,
scholarships, fellowships, and grants)
$5,500 for two persons, $6,400 for three or
four persons, or $7,350 for five or six

Applications should be filed as early as pos-
sible since there is generally a waiting period
between application and assignment.

off campus The Off-Campus Housing Section assists stu-
housing dents, faculty and staff members seeking rentals
in privately owned housing. It maintains a listing,
inspection, advisement, and referral service for
all types of housing.
The Off-Campus Housing Section stresses
prerental advisement, in addition to its listing,
inspection, and referral services, and will also
consult with students on problems which arise
subsequently. However, students are responsible
for making their own rental arrangements, which



involve determining the acceptability of the rental
unit, the financial and contractual terms, the
beginning date of the rental charge, and the
conditions under which a rental may be termi-
Owners or agents who list rental units with
Off-Campus Housing must agree to rent without
discrimination based on race, color, creed, or
nationality, to provide a clear and equitable
rental agreement when renting on other than a
month-to-month basis, to observe established
physical, maintenance, and service standards, and
to accept reasonable, informal review of any
dispute which may arise with a student, faculty,
or staff tenant.
A free handbook for those planning to live
off campus is available at the Off-Campus Housing
Office in the Towers Complex.



The J. Wayne Reitz Union is the community
center of the University for students, faculty,
staff, alumni and visitors. It is designed to serve
the University community through its facilities,
services and programs.

The Student Activities Center is the nucleus
for planning, programming and coordinating
student activities. Private office space as well as
multiple units of desks and filing equipment are
utilized by student groups. Some of the organi-
zations which are presently housed in the Ac-
tivities Center include Student Government,
Inter-Fraternity Council, Women's Commission,
SAMSON, Gator Loan Fund, Interhall Council,
Panhellenic, Florida Blue Key, Accent, Student
Government Productions, Omicron Delta Kappa,
Celebration, Course and Teacher Evaluation, and
the Council of International Organizations. Stu-
dent Traffic Court and the Honor Court also
occupy space on the third floor.
The Activities Desk handles a great deal of
the administrative business for student organi-
zations. Full time personnel at the Activities Desk
provide the following services for student organi-
zations: distribute written materials, applica-
tions, literature; act as a referral agency through
which traffic is screened and directed to student
organizations; offer information about student
organizations such as an organization's purpose,
functions, current activities, membership require-
ments, etc.; operate a telephone answering service
for student organizations seven days a week; and
maintain a centralized area for mail distribution.
In addition to the multiple services of the
Activities Desk, the Student Activities Center is
equipped to handle art work and graphic print-
ing. Individual students as well as members of
student organizations can obtain the assistance



of a professional staff artist for art techniques,
ideas and designs. A printing service includes
equipment and supplies for silk screening, mim-
eographing, ditto, xeroxing and other methods
of graphic reproduction. Also located in this area
are typewriters and telephones for student use.
The Student Activities Center is designed specifi-
cally for the needs and convenience of the many
students it serves.

The Union, through the leadership of the union
Board of Managers and the professional staff, program
provides a cultural, social and recreational pro-
gram open to the entire campus. Specifically, the
Union schedules speakers, fine arts programs,
print sales, receptions, intra-campus and inter-
collegiate bridge, billiard and bowling tourna-
ments, art exhibits, trips within the U.S. and
abroad and special holiday programs. Weekly
bridge, dancing and painting lessons as well as
films and dances are also sponsored by the Union.
The Union lounges, formal and informal,
provide facilities for relaxing, reading and meet-
ing with friends. A wide range of activities in-
cluding sculpturing, ceramics, woodworking, cop-
per tooling and weaving are offered to students
by the Union Arts and Crafts Center. Other recre-
ational facilities include the Music Listening
Room, the Browsing Library and the uniquely
designed H. P. Constans Theater. The Union's
Games Area contains sixteen bowling lanes,
nineteen billiard tables, table tennis, and a games
courtyard. A spacious ballroom can be segmented
into nine separate areas for meetings, banquets
or dancing.
The Reitz Union maintains a barber shop,
Union store, snack bar, cafeteria and dining hall.
For guests, excellent overnight room accommo-
dations are available. A weekend check cashing
service is also offered for the convenience of the
faculty, staff and students of the University.





The Reservations Office schedules all events
taking place in the Union and assists organi-
zations in obtaining the most suitable space in
the Union for all types of occasions, from small
meetings to large social functions.

The Public Functions Office, located in the
Reitz Union, is a service and coordinating office
responsible to the Office of University Relations
and Development. It is a clearing house for the
scheduling and arranging of all non-academic
campus activities for the purpose of avoiding
conflicts and publicizing these activities. For ad-
ditional information, see section titled "Policies
Pertaining to Organizations."

The University Activities Calendar is main-
tained in this office. All non-academic campus
activities, including meetings, must be registered
in advance on this calendar. All events open to
the University community, such as concerts,
lectures, dances, etc., must be submitted for
committee approval before being placed on the
Services offered by the Public Functions
Office include information on booking attractions,
available campus facilities, technical services and
other production requirements. The Reitz Union
Box Office is also operated by this office; all cam-
pus organizations may sell tickets through the
Box Office.

Camp Wauburg, which is administered and
supervised by the Reitz Union within policy ap-
proved by the Wauburg Committee, is a lakeside
recreational area located nine miles south of the
campus on U. S. Highway 441. Picnicking, hiking,
swimming, water skiing, canoeing and various
land and water sports are just some of its at-
tractions. Wauburg exists for the use of members
of the University community upon presentation
of appropriate identification.


part II student life

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Each student at the University of Florida is
a part of one of the great traditions on campus-
student self-government.
This tradition has come to its present status
by the willingness of students to exert real leader-
ship and to assume the responsibility delegated
to them by the University administration. The
tradition has also prevailed because the student
body has respected their student leaders and the
authority of these elected representatives.
Student Government leaders as elected rep-
resentatives of the student body have main-
tained close cooperation with the administration
and faculty. In return the administration and
faculty have shown their support and respect for
Student Government. As a result, the University
of Florida student body has one of the strongest
student governments in the nation.
While student self-governing activities serve
as a learning experience and training ground for
future leaders, the primary purpose of Student
Government is to provide for the necessities of
the campus community. Officials of Student Gov-
ernment serve on many university committees
and provide representation through which all
students may express their needs, suggestions or
grievances to the University administration.
Therefore, Student Government is more than an
organization of students presiding over the entire
student body. It is a series of governments very
similar in relationship to our federal, state, and
local governments.

federal level The first, or federal, level is that which is
student commonly referred to as Student Government
go n ent and is divided into three branches.


The Executive Branch is made up of the
Student Body President, Vice President, Trea-
surer, and the President's Cabinet and staff.
There are 13 Cabinet members with 3 to 5 under-
secretaries for each member. The Cabinet mem-
bers are primarily in charge of special services
and projects sponsored by Student Government.
The Student Body President signs all mea-
sures passed by the Legislative Branch. He has
the power to call special meetings of the Legis-
lative Branch. He has the veto power subject to
legislative review. He can require written inter-
pretation by the Honor Court of any measures
affecting the Student Body.

The Vice President of the Student Body is
the administrative head of the cabinet. He also
carries out the duties and powers of the President
in his absence.
The Treasurer of the Student Body keeps
complete accounts of all Student Body funds on
deposit. He signs all requisitions of funds on
order from the Legislative Branch. The treasury
source of the student body is a portion of the
student activity fee paid by all students when
they register.

The Legislative Branch is comprised of a
unicameral, or one house form of representation.
This is the Student Senate. The Senate is com-
posed of elected representatives from virtually
every segment of campus on a population and
geographical basis. There are representatives
from every school and college on campus. The
remainder are elected on a population basis from
the various living areas, including those off-cam-
pus. Of the 80 representatives, 40 are elected in
the Fall Quarter and 40 in the Spring Quarter.
Within the Student Senate are many com-
mittees and subcommittees. Like the national
legislature, the Student Senate committees in-




vestigate, recommend or kill legislation, appor-
tion funds, and, in general, perform any function
required to conduct a representative government.

judicial Within the Judicial Branch of Student Gov-
branch ernment are two courts. The first of these courts,
the Honor Court, performs the combined func-
tions of a trial court and a supreme court. As a
trial court it tries and passes judgment on all
violations of the Honor Code, a code which places
the responsibility of each student's conduct upon
As a supreme court, the Honor Court is em-
powered to pass judgment on legislation and
contested elections. It is also empowered to in-
terpret the Student Body Constitution, and it has
the added responsibility of informing all students
of the purpose, advantages, and principles of the
Honor System.
The Chancellor or judge and 16 Justices rep-
resenting each of the schools and colleges on
campus are elected by the student body. The Vice
Chancellor, appointed by the Chancellor, is a
senior law student. The Clerk of the Honor Court
is appointed by the Chancellor. Two Justices,
selected at random by the Chancellor, aid the
Chancellor in determining sentences.
The Chancellor appoints the Attorney Gen-
eral, who selects a staff to investigate violations
of the Honor Code. The Chancellor also appoints
a Chief Defense Counsel who in turn selects a
staff of law students to act as defense attorneys
for students on trial. The Honor Court conducts
both summary (no jury) trials for those plead-
ing guilty, and jury trials for those pleading not
guilty. The six-man jury is a random selection
from the Student Body.
The second court in the Judicial Branch is
the Student Traffic Court. The Chief Justice is
elected by the student body and must be a law


The Traffic Court accepts payment of fines
for parking violations, and conducts hearings for
contested tickets.

The second or state level of student govern-
ment organizations operates autonomously from
the first level. Some of these secondary govern-
ments operate directly from funds allocated by
student government and others do not. All have
the right to make special requests for funds to
the Legislative Branch of Student Government.

The Interhall Council is composed of repre-
sentatives from the residence halls on campus.
The president of each hall council serves as the
representative to this council plus one more
elected from each council hall. The council serves
to coordinate activities among all residence halls,
and sponsors the annual Homecoming Dance.

Participation in Women's Commission is
open to all undergraduate and graduate women
students living on and off campus. Among the
many goals of Women's Commission is research-
ing and elevating the status of women on the
University of Florida campus and assisting
women in the transition from a male-oriented
society to one of equal female participation.
Offices for the Commission are located in room
325 of the Reitz Union.

The Interfraternity Council (IFC) is the gov-
erning body for all fraternities on campus. Each
fraternity is represented by its president and
they in turn elect the officers of IFC. The Execu-
tive Council of the Interfraternity Council is
composed of the President, Executive Vice Presi-
dent, Administrative Vice President, Treasurer,
Secretary, Administrative Assistant, two faculty
advisers, a representative of the Dean for Student
Development, and four representatives from the

state level

interhall council






council of



several geographic areas in which the fraternities
are located. The IFC Office is located in room 326
of the J. Wayne Reitz Union.

The Panhellenic Council is the governing
body of the sororities. Its purposes are the pro-
motion of a high plane of sorority life, the fur-
thering of sound scholarship, cooperation with
the University in maintaining high standards,
and the discussion of questions of interest. Each
sorority has two elected representatives and the
chapter president on the Council, and the officers
rotate among the sororities.

The Mayors' Council is the representative
body for the four married student villages on
campus. The Mayors of each of the villages are
responsible for determining married student gov-
ernment policy. The Council also acts as a liaison
between village governments and Student Gov-

The Council of International Organizations
(CIO) is the policy-making body and coordinat-
ing agency for the several international student
organizations on campus.

al level The third or local level of Student Govern-
tudent ment is composed of all the remaining student
Sdent organizations on campus. Many of these are
3rnment subordinate to the second level of Student Gov-
ernment, but others are not. Some get fund
allocations directly from Student Government
and others through the second level governments.


Foreign student clubs which have been char-
tered on campus are the Latin American, India,
Persian, Chinese, European, African, Brazilian-
Portuguese and Arab Clubs. Each of the clubs
plans social and cultural activities independently
of the others, but the Council of International


Organizations concerns itself with overall coor-
dination of the foreign student organizations; its
Chairman is the principal contact with Student
Government in international student affairs. In-
ternational students have organized a Cricket
and a Soccer Club. American students and faculty
are welcome to join. Information may be sought
at International Center on campus.

Each apartment village for married students
elects a mayor and a specified number of repre-
sentatives to the village commission. The village
commissioners represent the residents of their
districts at regularly scheduled commission meet-
ings presided over by the mayor.

Each of the residence halls has an elected
governing body. Several student cooperative
houses off-campus also have elected officers.
Fraternities and sororities each have their gov-
erning organization which is subordinate to the
IFC or Panhellenic Council.

As in any system of composite governments,
there are organizations with partial government
and partial independent characteristics. Finances
are usually the closest ties these organizations
have to Student Government. Some receive an-
nual subsidies of student funds and most may
request special allotments of student fees. Ulti-
mately the Student Senate must approve both
allotted and requested funds.


single student
housing units



Although frequently referred to as "extra
curricular," student organizations and activities
are not considered "extra to the curriculum"
by the University, but instead are regarded as a
part of the total educational program.
Therefore, to warrant existence and recogni-
tion, campus organizations and activities must
contribute to the academic, recreational, or cul-
tural climate of the University. It is for this
reason that the University reserves the right to
charter all organizations and requires that they
function in accordance with their charters.
In order to comply with the University's total
commitment to nondiscrimination, no student
organization constitution or other organizational
document may include discriminatory clauses
pertaining to race, creed, color, or national origin.
To apply for University recognition, a student
spokesman for a group should contact the Assis-
tant Director of the Reitz Union who serves as
adviser to student organizations. Groups of stu-
dents banding together for political purposes
whether on or off campus must register in the
same way to receive temporary recognition for a
requested period of time.
The responsibility for establishing policy
concerning organizations and activities is vested
in the Committee on Student Organizations and
Social Affairs. The Committee must approve all
organizations, as well as disband them if circum-
stances warrant such action. It also has the
authority to establish rules, require reports, or
conduct studies.
There are some 200 student organizations
recognized at the University of Florida in addition
to fraternities and sororities. Among these are
vocational clubs, hobby clubs, and special interest
clubs to benefit or engage the student, and some


dPfi ,I~;


60 honorary and professional groups which re-
quire certain scholarly and professional achieve-
ments for membership. All are intended as an
additional means to broaden education, encour-
age fellowship, extend leadership opportunities,
and provide fulfillment of special interests.

The Student Organizations Directory is an
annual publication which lists names, phone
numbers, and addresses of presidents and faculty
advisers for all recognized campus organizations.
Copies may be obtained at the Student Activities
Desk, J. Wayne Reitz Union.

Sororities and fraternities represent an im-
portant segment of student organizations. There
are 15 sororities and 29 fraternities on the cam-
pus. These organizations exist to promote good
fellowship, scholarship, and character enrich-

The following 15 sororities have chapters on

Alpha Chi Omega
Alpha Delta Pi
Alpha Epsilon Phi
Alpha Omicron Pi
Chi Omega
Delta Delta Delta
Delta Gamma


and fraternities


Delta Phi Epsilpn
Kappa Alpha Theta
Kappa Delta
Phi Mu
Phi Sigma Sigma
Pi Beta Phi
Sigma Kappa
Zeta Tau Alpha

Sorority members are chosen during two
formal "rush" seasons, shortly after the begin-
ning of the fall and winter quarters and during
an informal period following each formal "rush."
Details on "rush" are available in the Panhellenic
Office, room 325 of the J. Wayne Reitz Union, or
in the Office for Student Development in Tigert
Hall. Pledges in a sorority must achieve a 2.0 (C)
grade average in the previous quarter's work
before they are eligible for initiation.


From a financial standpoint typical sorority
membership includes:
Pledge fee $ 30
Initiation fee $ 85
Dues per month $ 12
Quarter room rent for members
in house $130
Food per month for those living
in house $ 65
All sorority chapters have a housemother
who lives in the house and are supervised by a
local house corporation and an alumnae board.
Sorority property is considered part of the cam-
pus and chapter activities are subject to Univer-
sity regulations.
Freshmen and sophomore sorority members
are under contract to live in University housing.
For sophomore students, sorority housing is
considered as University housing.
The University of Florida Panhellenic Coun-
cil does not discriminate as to race, creed, or
national origin. All entering freshmen and trans-
ferring women students are invited to participate
in Fall rush.
SThe sororities are governed by the Panhel-
lenic Council which coordinates all inter-sorority
activities and helps to promote cooperation and
spirit among the women's groups. The Council,
which is composed of sorority presidents and two
delegates from each chapter, is bound by a con-
stitution and bylaws. All groups are members of
the National Panhellenic Conference.
The Panhellenic Council establishes rules
governing rushing, pledging, and the initiation of
women. It also regulates the relationship of
sororities among one another and toward the
Council itself. The purpose of the Council is to
maintain a high plane of sorority life, to further
intellectual accomplishment and sound scholar-
ship, and to cooperate with the university ad-
ministration in the maintenance of high social

The national fraternities at the University of
Florida include:

Alpha Epsilon Pi
Alpha Gamma Rho
Alpha Tau Omega
Beta Theta Pi
Chi Phi
Delta Chi
Delta Sigma Phi
Delta Tau Delta
Delta Upsilon
Kappa Alpha
Kappa Sigma
Lambda Chi Alpha
Phi Delta Theta
Phi Gamma Delta
Phi Kappa Tau


Phi Kappa Theta
Phi Kappa Psi
Pi Kappa Alpha
Pi Kappa Phi
Pi Lambda Phi
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Sigma Alpha Mu
Sigma Chi
Sigma Nu
Sigma Phi Epsilon
Sigma Pi
Tau Epsilon Phi
Tau Kappa Epsilon
Theta Chi

Fraternity pledges are formally chosen dur-
ing a "rush" period in the fall after classes have
begun, and also.during an invitational period at
the beginning of the second quarter. However,
pledging may take place at any time during the
quarter when the student and the fraternity are
ready to make a decision. After completing one
quarter at the University, a student must have
a "C" (2.0) average to pledge a fraternity. A stu-
dent must have a 2.0 average before he is eligible
to be initiated. Details concerning fraternity
pledging are made available to interested students
by the IFC at the end of orientation week. A
central source of information on fraternities is
the Office for Student Development.
The cost of fraternity membership is ap-
proximately as follows:

Pledge fee
Initiation fee
Meals, social fee, and dues
per month
Quarter room rent
for members in house

$ 20

$ 50 to $ 75

$ 90 to $135



"~ ~


Fraternities are bound by the Interfraternity
Council, which works to promote and to maintain
the high purposes of the campus chapters. The
Council is composed of the presidents of all
fraternities. As a governing body it establishes
rules and regulations affecting all fraternities.
It also participates in service and social pro-
Interfraternity Council regulations require
that all rush functions take place either in fra-
ternity houses or on University property. No
alcoholic beverages are allowed at any rush func-
The Interfraternity Council also maintains a
firm position in relation to social behavior, haz-
ing, and pre-initiation activities. It believes that
true fraternalism is nurtured in an atmosphere
of social and moral responsibility, respect for
duly constituted authority, and loyalty to the
principles of high education. The Council states
that a fraternity has a solemn obligation in the
development of its pledges and members. It con-
siders hazing in initiation activities as unproduc-
tive, ridiculous, and hazardous, with no rightful
place in the fraternity system.
Any actions taken or situations created in-
tentionally whether on or off fraternity premises,
to produce mental or physical discomfort, em-
barrassment, harassment, or ridicule are not
condoned by the IFC. Such activities and situa-
tions include paddling in any form; creation of
excessive fatigue; physical and psychological
shocks; quests, treasure hunts; scavenger hunts;
road trips or any other such activities carried on
outside the confines of the house; wearing cloth-
ing in public which is conspicuous and in poor
taste; engaging in public stunts and buffoonery;
morally degrading or humiliating games and
activities; late work sessions which interfere with
scholastic activities; and any other activities which
are not consistent with fraternal law, ritual, or
policy, or the regulations and policies of the
University of Florida.


All Florida fraternities are open to members
of all races, religions, creeds, and national

The University of Florida has four honorary
leadership organizations. They are Florida Blue
Key and Omicron Delta Kappa-both for men
students who have distinguished themselves in
the areas of leadership and service; and Mortar
Board, a national society for women students
distinguished in leadership, scholarship, and ser-
vice; and Savant-UF, which is established to en-
courage outstanding leadership in women.

Florida Blue Key, a men's leadership honor-
ary and service fraternity, represents one of the
highest honors that can be received by a Florida
man. Members are tapped semi-annually follow-
ing selection by active Blue Key members on the
basis of demonstrated leadership in some field
of extra-curricular activity. A minimum 2.0 over-
all honor point average is required for selection,
and completion of eight quarters of college work,
with at least five of them at the University of
Florida. Membership is a lifetime honor.
Florida Blue Key, in an effort to promote
the University, produces many and varied pro-
grams including Homecoming; "Dialogue," an
open-phone radio program on vital campus is-
sues; "Speaker's Bureau," students travelling the
state to speak to local groups about the Univer-
sity; and the "Florida Blue Key Junior College
Awards," presented to the outstanding junior
college students in the state.

Omicron Delta Kappa, a men's national scho-
lastic and leadership society, presents the UF's
most outstanding students with invitations to
membership on the basis of merit, irrespective
of a person's affiliation with other organizations,
and without solicitation or propaganda.


florida blue key



mortar board

Election to active membership is awarded to
undergraduate junior and senior men, and oc-
casionally to students of graduate and profes-
sional schools, as well as to members of the
faculty, administration, staff and alumni. Mem-
bers must have distinguished themselves aca-
demically and in service before entering the
Omicron Delta Kappa operates Course and
Teacher Evaluation and the Spring Arts Festival
CELEBRATION, and sponsors the freshman ser-
vice and honor society, University Squires. Ad-
ditionally, Omicron Delta Kappa sponsors the
Faculty Orientation Program. Several new short-
range service projects are adopted by the Society
each year.
Omicron Delta Kappa was founded December
3, 1914, at Washington and Lee University. There
are more than 120 Circles today at universities
throughout the nation.

One of the highest honors undergraduate
women students can attain at the University of
Florida is to be tapped for Mortar Board, the
honorary leadership, scholarship, and service
organization for senior women. Mortar Board
members, who are chosen at the end of their
junior year, must have a 3.0 overall honor-point
average. They must have proven themselves out-
standing in leadership and service to the Uni-
Although Mortar Board was established on
the University of Florida campus in 1960, it ac-
tually has been on the campus since 1951, when
it originated as the Trianon. It is now known as
the Trianon Chapter of Mortar Board.
Mortar Board members are involved in many
activities. One of the chapter's new goals, eval-
uation of campus life, currently includes trying
to involve women and independents in Home-
coming. Projects also include a Christmas tree
lighting and Graduate School Night.


The Mortar Board office is on the third floor
of the Reitz Union.

The newest honor society to be established
at the University is the SAVANT-UF. Savant is a
French word referring to "persons in the know".
The motto of the organization is TOWER-To-
gether Outstanding Women Encourage Respon-
Starting with eight charter members in Sep-
tember 1967, this organization shows high prom-
ise of being one of the most effective means of
recognizing and encouraging outstanding women
to accept added responsibilities.

Four honorary scholastic fraternities at Flor-
ida formally recognize high scholastic accom-
plishments on a University-wide basis. Two of
them are Phi Eta Sigma, the national men's
freshman honor fraternity which taps freshman
male students who have achieved a 3.5 honor
point average or higher during their first quarter
of the year at the University; and Alpha Lambda
Delta, the national women's honor society which
recognizes women who reach or exceed the 3.5
honor point average in any quarter or combina-
tion of quarters of their freshman year.
The other two fraternities are Phi Kappa Phi,
the national scholastic honorary society which
represents all fields of study and which annually
taps graduating seniors and some juniors who
are in the top 10 percent of their class; and Phi
Beta Kappa, whose membership of outstanding
scholars comes from the fields limited to the arts
and sciences.

An honor society is an association estab-
lished only in a four year or more, degree granting
college or university that is accredited by the
appropriate regional accrediting agency, or by
the appropriate professional accrediting agency,
and which meets these minimal qualifications:

savant uf




-It receives into membership individuals
who achieve high scholarship and who
fulfill such additional requirements of dis-
tinction in general leadership or in some
broad field of education and culture as the
society may establish.
-It elects into membership regardless of
membership in, or affiliation with, other
-It confers membership solely on the basis
of character and specified eligibility.
-It limits selection to those students who
rank among the highest in general scholar-
ship, making whatever additional require-
ments it desires.

The honorary societies at Florida, in addition
to those already mentioned above, are:



Alpha Epsilon Delta
Alpha Kappa Delta
Alpha Phi Gamma
Alpha Phi Mu
Alpha Omega Alpha
Alpha Sigma Mu
Association for
Childhood Education
Beta Gamma Sigma
Delta Sigma Rho
Eta Kappa Nu
Eta Rho Pi

Gamma Sigma Delta
Gargoyle Society
Kappa Delta Pi
Kappa Tau Alpha

Lambda Iota Tau
Lambda Tau
Mortar and Pestle
Omicron Delta Epsilon

Student Publications
Industrial Engineering

Childhood Education
Electrical Engineering
Health Related
Journalism and
Medical Technology


Order of the Coif
Phi Alpha Theta
Phi Sigma
Phi Sigma Alpha
Pi Tau Sigma

Rho Chi Society
Sigma Gamma Epsilon
Sigma Lambda Chi
Sigma Pi Sigma
Sigma Tau
Sigma Theta Tau
Tau Beta Pi
Tau Kappa Alpha
Tau Sigma Delta
Xi Sigma Pi

Political Science
Earth Sciences
Building Construction

A recognition society is one which confers
membership in recognition of a student's interest
and participation in some field of collegiate study
or activity, with more liberal membership re-
quirements than are prescribed for honor so-

At the University of Florida these are:



Alpha Epsilon Rho
Arnold Air Society
Gamma Sigma Epsilon
Kappa Kappa Psi
Psi Chi
Scabbard and Blade
Sigma Delta Psi
Tau Beta Sigma

Air Force
Band: men
Athletics: men
Band: women

A professional fraternity is a specialized body
which confines its membership to a specific field
of professional or vocational education in col-
leges and universities. Some professional frater-
nities include both men and women in their
membership and some are exclusively for men
or women.




The professional fraternities on the Univer-
sity of Florida campus are:




Alpha Chi Sigma Chemistry
Alpha Delta Sigma Advertising
Alpha Kappa Psi Business
Alpha Tau Alpha Agricultural Education
Alpha Zeta Agriculture
Beta Alpha Psi Accounting
Block and Bridle Club Animal Husbandry
Delta Pi Epsilon Business
Delta Sigma Pi Business Administration
Delta Theta Phi Law
Gamma Alpha Chi Advertising: women
Gamma Theta Upsilon Geography
Kappa Epsilon Pharmacy: women
Kappa Psi Pharmacy: men
Lambda Gamma Phi Pre-veterinary
Lambda Tau Medical Technology
Phi Alpha Delta Law
Phi Chi Theta Business: women
Phi Delta Delta Legal: women
Phi Delta Kappa Education: men
Phi Delta Phi Legal: men
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Music: men
Pi Lambda Theta Education: women
Pi Sigma Epsilon Marketing
Rho Pi Phi Pharmacy: men
Sigma Alpha Eta Speech Correction
Sigma Alpha Iota Music: women
Sigma Delta Chi Journalism: men
Theta Sigma Phi Journalism: women
Zeta Phi Eta Speech: women

There are several campus groups and orga-
nizations whose primary goals give the student
an opportunity to be of service to the University
and surrounding community. Although the fol-
lowing represent some avenues through which
the student may direct his efforts, it is by no
means a complete list. Further information may
be obtained at the Student Activities Desk, J.
Wayne Reitz Union.


growing campus concern for degradation of the
environment, EAG goals are threefold: to dis-
seminate general environmental information, to
assist in organizing activities that will contribute
to environmental education, and to provide a
clearing house that will direct individuals to
specific environmental groups where their efforts
and abilities can be efficiently and meaningfully
Membership is open to all persons concerned
about environment.

FLORIDA CICERONES: A permanent, trained campus
student hostess corps that functions as a group
or individually, on request, to hostess special
functions and/or special guests, to conduct tours,
and to extend particular courtesies when and
where the need is indicated. In this way, it helps
promote a favorable image of this university and
the State of Florida.
Any undergraduate woman wishing to serve
in this hostess capacity should contact the Flor-
ida Alumni Office.

GAMMA BETA PHI: The Gamma Beta Phi Society
is the only co-educational honorary service orga-
nization on the University of Florida campus.
Part of a national society which stresses both
academics and service, Gamma Beta Phi is an
extension of high school Beta Clubs. This society
affords the university student with the unique
opportunity of becoming involved in service to
the university and the community while at the
same time encouraging academic achievement.
In addition, members have the experience of
meeting, working with, and attending social
events with students of varied academic interests
and national origins. Membership is open to any
student with good academic standing and a desire
to serve.

SAMSON: The University of Florida's Volunteer
Placement Service. It is a Student Government-




sponsored organization that places university
students in the Gainesville community, as well as
the outlying communities in Alachua County.
Volunteers participate in a variety of programs,
including tutoring, adult education, day care, pat-
terning, assisting neighborhood aides, construc-
tion and recreation. Interested students should
come to Room 315, J. Wayne Reitz Union, or call

Student Government Productions is respon-
sible for the selection, promotion, and production
of a series of cultural and educational concerts.
These concerts range from operas to Broadway
plays and "pop" performers of national renown.
The General Chairman of Student Govern-
ment Productions is selected by the Public Func-
tions Authority. The General Chairman, in turn,
selects with the advice and consent of the other
members of the Public Functions Authority his
staff consisting of twelve students.
Student Government Productions receives
its funds from Student Government and charges
a minimal admission fee.

Another area of interest to many students
is Student Publications, which provides a primary
means of communication on the campus.
This department boasts of one of the finest
college daily newspapers in the South-The Flor-
ida Alligator-published Monday through Friday
during the regular school term. The college year-
book-The Seminole-is published annually in
May and the literary magazine-The Florida
Quarterly-is published in October, January and
May of each year. All these national award-win-
ning publications are edited solely by students
drawn from various academic areas.
These publications are supported in part
from student fees, advertising and sales of the
publications. They are administered by the Board


of Student Publications, a standing presidential
committee of the University composed of four
faculty members and four students.
These publications are produced by the of-
set printing process, with all production, except
printing, being accomplished on campus by the
student staffs. This means students may gain
experience in almost all areas of publishing-
writing and editing, layout and paste-up, com-
position, photography and darkroom techniques,
advertising design and sales, general business
and accounting.

Participation in the University Religious As- university
sociation (U.R.A.) is open to all members of the relig
University community. The Cabinet of the U.R.A., relIOU
the organization's administrative and policy-mak- association
ing body, is composed of student representatives
from participating religious centers, officers of
the U.R.A. and chairmen of its principal commit-
tees, and various faculty representatives.

The U.R.A. was established to encourage and
stimulate discussion of religious issues within
the educational aims of the University, and to
be a channel of cooperation among any and all
religious agencies. The association sponsors a
religious orientation program for incoming stu-
dents at the beginning of each quarter, the
Religion-in-Life program, the annual fund-raising
drive for World University Service, the Christ-
mas-on-Campus program, a bi-weekly Bulletin
announcing forthcoming campus religious ac-
tivities, and various other forums and service

Additional religious organizations recognized
by the university include: Campus Advance,
Campus Crusade for Christ, Christian Science
Organization, Fellowship of Christian Athletes,
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, Muslims, Or-
thodox Christian Fellowship, Society of Friends,
Unitarian Fellowship, Young Adult Fellowship.




The performing arts also all have fine orga-
nizations offering high grade entertainment for
the student body and general public. While these
groups perform with professional quality, par-
ticipation is not limited to students studying or
majoring in the particular art. They are open to
all students having an interest and talent for
artistic expression.
Among such organizations are The Florida
Players, a theatrical organization sponsored by
the Department of Speech; the Gator Band, Uni-
versity Orchestra, Men and Women's Glee Clubs,
University Choir, all under the direction of the
Department of Music; and Orchesis, sponsored
by the College of Physical Education and Health.

The University of Florida boasts of one of
the finest, best conducted and actively supported
campus recreation and sports schedules in the
country. The program is financed and conducted
largely through Student Government by the stu-
dent activity fee.
The Intramural Athletic Program is com-
posed of athletic leagues formed by the residence
hall units, fraternities and sororities, college units
such as Law and Engineering Colleges, and in-
dependent groups. Over 238 campus and off-
campus organizations compete in these leagues.
A second aspect of the Intramural Program
includes the sponsorship of various clubs among
which are: Archery, Barbell, Chess, Cricket,
Handball, Golf, Gymnastics, Judo, Jujitsu, Karate,
Orchesis (Modern Dance), Rugby, Sailing, Sigma
Delta Psi, Soccer, Square Dance, Synchronized
Swim, Tennis, Volleyball, Water Ski, Weight Lift-
ing and Wrestling.


These clubs encourage recreation for leisure,
intraclub competition, and a limited amount of
competition between schools. Facilities and equip-
ment are furnished for the above clubs.
The third feature of the Intramural Program
is that it encourages recreational leisure activity.
The Intramural Department maintains and stocks
four equipment check-out rooms around the cam-
pus for the free use of equipment by students.
These rooms are located in the Florida Gym-
nasium, Graham Hall, Broward Hall and Norman
Gymnasium. Facilities are provided where this
equipment might be used.
The type and location for these facilities are
given below:



Free Play,
Football, Etc.)

Gymnastics 1
Handball 4
Indicates that club activities are
** Indicates that facilities have ligl

Broward Hall *
Norman Gym **
Florida Gym **
Hume Area
Norman Gym **
Perry Field
Florida Union *
Fleming Field *
Florida Gym *

Hume Hall
Norman Hall **
Schnell Field,
Fraternity Row **
Upper Drill Field,
West of Stadium
Florida Gym **
Hume Area
Murphree Area **
Norman Hall
offered in this area.
hts for evening use.

Judo 1
Karate 1
(Modern Dance) 1
Sailing 8 boats
Soccer 1
Square Dance 1
Swimming 1
Swim 1
Table Tennis 1
Tennis 8


Water Ski
Weight Lifting


2 boats



Florida Gym *
Florida Gym *

Women's Gym *
Lake Wauburg *
Fleming Field *
Norman Gym *
Florida Gym Pool **

Florida Gym Pool **
Florida Gym Basement
Jennings Hall **
Murphree Area **
Norman Hall **
Perry Field
Broward Hall
Fleming Field
Perry Field
Lake Wauburg *
Florida Gym
Basement **
Florida Gym *


Room 113, Florida Gymnasium
Graham Hall
Broward Hall
Norman Gymnasium

For further information on facilities, equipment
or competition in any of the above named ac-
tivities, you should contact the Intramural
Department, Rm. 229, Fla. Gym. All students are
encouraged to participate. Phone 392-0581.

* Indicates that club activities are offered in this area.
** Indicates that facilities have lights for evening use.

PART 11 77

Attendance at the University of Florida, the
cost of which is shared by the state, is a privi-
leged opportunity. With this privilege, the student
not only retains all the rights and responsibilities
of citizenship outside the University, but he also
enjoys certain rights and takes on additional
obligations within the University community
Among these opportunities the student enjoys
the right to expect an education of the highest
quality; the right to make the best use of his
time and talents toward the objective which
brought him to the University; the rights of per-
sonal respect and freedom from indignity; the
right to inquire about and to recommend im-
provements in policies, regulations, and proce-
dures affecting the welfare of students; and the
right to a fair hearing and appeal should his
behavior come under review by the University.
While enjoying these rights, the student is
expected to conform at all times to a standard
of conduct both on and off campus which will
reflect credit on himself, the University, and the
student body and to comply with the student
regulations governing campus life.
By registering at the University and thus
becoming a member of the University commu-
nity, the student assumes certain specific obliga-
tions. Among these are the responsibility for being
fully acquainted with the University Catalog,
Student Handbook, and other published regula-
tions relating to students; for assuming full
responsibility for the consequences of his actions
and behavior. When applying for admission he
indicates his willingness to abide by the rules
and regulations of the University.


a charge for In recent years the role and importance of
exceence* higher education has been recognized as a neces-
exelene sary element of the orderly growth of the state
and the nation. The members of university com-
munities have traditionally recognized their
individual responsibilities in the development of
a mature and sophisticated society.

Recognizing that the University of Florida is
a center of academic, mental, and cultural de-
velopment of great importance to the state and
nation, it is imperative that each member of the
University Community understand his role in the
fulfillment of the responsibilities of the Univer-
sity to the society of which it is a part.

Although the primary goal of any university
community is to foster an atmosphere of academic
excellence, the Student Body of the University
of Florida has come to expect from all members
of the University Community a standard of excel-
lence in areas other than, but correlative to,
academic development. The University of Florida
cannot adequately discharge the mandate of the
society which it serves unless high standards of
excellence in academic and personal develop-
ment, civic responsibility, and interpersonal re-
lationships are adhered to by each of its citizens.

To this end the Student Body of the Univer-
sity of Florida charges each and every member
of the University Community to:

1) display the high level of maturity and
good judgment requisite to the mainte-
nance of an orderly academic community;

2) recognize the civic responsibilities incum-
bent upon them in a society which looks
to its universities for leadership;

*Adopted by a resolution of the Legislative Council of the
University of Florida Student Government on December 5,


3) recognize, above all else, the individuality
of every member of society and, in inter-
personal relationships, conduct them-
selves in a manner commensurate with,
and responsive to, such individuality.

The Honor Code of the Student Body encom-
passes the fundamentals of sound character.
The Code pledges the student to refrain from
cheating, stealing, and passing worthless checks.
It makes each student the keeper of his own
conscience during examinations and on the cam-
pus until he shows he does not deserve the trust
placed in him.

During Orientation new students are asked
to take the following oath as administered by
the Chancellor of the Honor Court:

"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully
fulfill the responsibilities of a Florida Student;
that I will live on my honor, and will,
to the best of my ability preserve, protect,
and defend the Constitution of the Student
Body of the University of Florida."

The Honor System has been a time-honored
tradition at the University of Florida since 1914.
It was a respected practice in some campus
quarters even before then, but student initiative
established it as a campus-wide system in that
The success of the system is inherently de-
pendent upon the honor of each member of the
Student Body. The student, alone, must decide
to abide by the principles of the Honor Code.
He is pledged to report to the Honor Court any
violation of honor that he observes. The basic
principles of the honor system are that self-
discipline is the greatest builder of character;
that responsibility is a prerequisite of self-
respect; and that these are essential to the highest
type of education.

honor system

the honor code


To be worthy of the Honor System's advan-
tages, each student must be strong enough to
perform his duty in upholding the Honor System.
The responsibility for each student's conduct is
placed where it must eventually rest-upon him-
Specifically, the Honor Code presently en-
compasses three areas:

information or material with the intent of wrong-
fully aiding yourself or someone else on any
academic work which is considered in any way
in the determination of the final grade.
STEALING: the taking of the property of an-
other without the consent of the owner and with
the intent of depriving the owner of the use of
the property.
BAD CHECKS: knowingly negotiating a worth-
less check of your own or of another, or failure
to make good a returned check within a reason-
able period of time.

ivacy of A student's personnel record on file in the
rd Office for Student Development is considered of
records confidential nature and the contents will not be
disclosed without prior approval of the student
involved to any individual or agency except the
professional staff of Student Affairs. However,
dentiality factual information contained in student files
f records that can normally be obtained from open public
records-such as classification, place of resi-
dence, location and periods of employment-is
not considered confidential.


Action resulting in loss of good standing (ex-
pulsion, suspension, probation) will be transmit-
ted to the Registrar by the Dean for Student
Development with a copy to the student in-
volved, the college dean, and the parents of those
students under 21 years of age. The Registrar




will then place a "Hold" on the permanent record
card indicating the action that has been imposed
and maintain the "Hold" as long as the action is
in force.
If a transcript of the record card is requested
while the "Hold" is in force, a statement will be
superimposed over and photographed along with
the permanent record to the effect: "This tran-
script reflects only the academic record of the
student; this student currently is not in good
standing and further information should be re-
quested from the Office for Student Development."
Requests to the Registrar to place a "Hold"
on a student's record card are the responsibility
of the Dean for Student Development and the
Coordinator for Student Conduct. The responsi-
bility rests with the student who has satisfactorily
completed the terms of his disciplinary punish-
ment to initiate, through the Dean for Student
Development, the clearance of his records.
If the requesting agency desires to know
from the Dean for Student Development why a
"Hold" was placed on the student's record, the
Dean may state the general category of the
"Hold" but will not divulge the details of the
punishment without written permission of the
student to release such information.


part III policies and regulations



recognition of

The University recognizes the value of stu-
dent organizations in campus life and provides
opportunity for new groups to be recognized.
Full-time students interested and willing to
work in the development of a new organization
may petition for its recognition by the Committee
on Student Organizations and Social Affairs pro-
vided scholastic requirements and social conduct
are maintained by the petitioning students; and,
the financial program, constitution, statement of
goals or purposes, and faculty adviser are ap-
proved by the Committee. Applications for official
recognition may be obtained from the Assistant
Director, Student Activities, J. Wayne Reitz Union.
An organization must be recognized as a
local organization before it may request permis-
sion from the Committee on Student Organiza-
tions and Social Affairs to petition a national

In order to comply with the University's total
commitment to nondiscrimination, no student
organization constitution or other organizational
document may include discriminatory clauses
pertaining to race, creed, color, or national

A minimum of 15 full-time students interest-
ed in establishing a new fraternity must first seek
the approval of an Expansion Committee of the
Interfraternity Council. The recommendation of
the Expansion Committee and the Interfraternity
Council is then forwarded to the Office for Stu-
dent Development for consideration. The recom-
mendation of the Office for Student Development
is finally presented to the Committee on Student
Organizations for formal approval.





The organization must be recognized as a
local organization before it may request permis-
sion from the Committee on Student Organiza-
tions and Social Affairs to petition a national
A new fraternity will be classified as an ap-
proved colony of a national fraternity for a
maximum of two years in which time the ap-
proved colony must meet the stated requirements
in the Interfraternity Council Constitution. At any
time within the two years the approved colony
may have its classification changed to that of a
regular member of the Interfraternity Council.

A minimum of 15 full-time students interest-
ed in establishing a new sorority must first seek
the approval of the Panhellenic Council and the
Office of the Dean for Student Development. These
recommendations are then forwarded to the
Committee on Student Organizations for formal
The organization must be recognized as a
local organization before it may request permis-
sion from the Committee on Student Organiza-
tions and Social Affairs to petition a national
A new sorority will be classified as an ap-
proved colony of a national sorority for a maxi-
mum of two years in which time the approved
colony must meet the stated requirements of the
Panhellenic Council Constitution and Bylaws.

All revisions, such as alterations in an orga-
nization's name or constitution, must be submit-
ted to the Student Organizations and Social
Affairs Committee for approval. Accompanying a
constitutional change must be an affidavit stating
there are no changes that are contrary to Univer-
sity regulations.




reports and
financial records

buildings and

All recognized student government organiza-
tions which require initiation fees, or which
collect and disburse monies obtained from stu-
dents, or have monies which are spent by mem-
bers, are subject to audit.
Financial statements must be prepared and
submitted as requested, and as the various presi-
dents of the organizations receive instruction for
such reports. Insofar as it is practical to do so,
University auditors review these financial state-
ments. Where certified public accountants are
retained by an organization, copies of the audi-
tor's report shall be filed along with summary
statements from the organizations.
All recognized student organizations must
also submit to the Assistant Director of the Reitz
Union annual reports of their activities and the
names of their officers for the coming year.
Forms for this report are sent to presidents
of student organizations in advance of this due
Since each organization is held accountable
for the expenses involved in functions under its
sponsorship, the cost of such functions must be
kept within reasonable limits.

Any recognized student organization which
plans to build or to make important additions
to buildings which house its chapter, is required
to submit plans, specifications, approximate costs,
and proposed methods of financing to the Frater-
nity and Sorority House Plans and Construction
Committee. They must be approved by this Com-
mittee before any contracts may be signed.
Plans for rental or purchase of any building
by any recognized University organization must
also receive the approval of the Fraternity and
Sorority House Plans and Construction Commit-
tee before any contracts are made. The Committee
on Organizations and Social Affairs has the au-
thority to require that this be done.


Because the University of Florida is publisher
of all official student publications, the Board of
Student Publications exercises control over gen-
eral interest publications upon the authority of
the Board of Regents and the President of the
Unless specific advanced approval is granted,
no student organization will be permitted to
accept donations or contributions from outside
sources in order to fund the publication of news-
papers or magazines. The circulation of literature
that has been identified will be allowed provided
steps have been taken to preserve the orderliness
of the campus. The distribution of literature and
the circulation of petitions will not be allowed
to captive audiences such as in classrooms, at
registration, in study halls, or in residence halls.
The constitutional right of freedom of the
press is recognized for all student publications.
Consistent with this right is the exercise of jour-
nalistic ethics and responsibility. Within the
realm of this responsibility, the University be-
lieves that the widest degree of latitude should
be allowed student editors for the free discussion
of current issues and problems.

No student organization may sponsor money-
making schemes such as auctions, raffles, etc., on
or off campus except by special permission from
the Assistant Director of the Reitz Union who
serves as adviser to student organizations. Per-
mission will only be granted for those events
from which the proceeds go entirely to charity
or some philanthropy.
No student organization is permitted to
accept donations or contributions from outside
sources in order to fund publications. Resources
must be confined to money received through ad-
vertising, dues or costs of student memberships
or associate memberships of other University
No off-campus individuals or groups will be
permitted to solicit on the campus.




public functions

and lectures

The University of Florida recognizes its re-
sponsibility to supplement the regular academic
programs of the University by sponsoring for the
members of its community as many special pro-
grams of cultural and intellectual value as its
resources will permit. It endeavors to encourage
and assist University agencies and recognized
student and faculty groups to sponsor such
events, as well as speakers and performances for
entertainment. It also recognizes its responsibility
to control and allocate the use of its limited
facilities to insure that their use is consistent
with the purpose for which they are provided
and to see that conflicts in use do not arise, or
are equitably resolved, and that applicable safety
regulations and proper crowd control measures
are observed and practiced.

events must be conducted in compliance with
the procedures established by the Public Func-
tions Committee and with the regulations estab-
lished by the authority controlling the facility
being utilized, as well as any other University
authority concerned with public events.
The Public Functions Committee is the
agency responsible for implementing policy and
establishing procedures with regard to scheduling
and use of University facilities. The contact point
for all matters relating to this committee is the
Public Functions Office in the Reitz Union.

tions Office is a service and coordinating center
for scheduling and arranging non-academic cam-
pus activities. Other purposes of the Office are
to avoid conflicts and disseminate information
about activities. Services of this office are avail-
able to all members of the University community.
This office also maintains the University
Activities Calendar, which is posted four months
prior to scheduled activities in the Student Activ-
ities Center of the Reitz Union. All events except


those which are academic or athletic must be
scheduled on this calendar.
In addition, there are three published calen-
dars: a quarterly University Activities Calendar,
on which are all major public events; a bi-weekly
calendar listing all events open to the public;
and the Orange and Blue Campus Calendar pub-
lished in the Alligator which lists both public
events and private meetings.
Material for the Campus Calendar must reach
the Public Functions Office two business days
before the date of publication. Notices may be
submitted to the Calendar Secretary in the Public
Functions Office. General notices for the Orange
and Blue Bulletin should be sent directly to the
Office of Informational Services.
The Union Box Office, operated by the Public
Functions Office, is located in the Constans
Theatre and sells tickets to most major Univer-
sity events. The Box Office is open from noon until
4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Tickets for
most events may also be purchased at the door.
A booking service for all types of attractions
is also available through the Public Functions
Office. Information and prices on all kinds of
entertainment from bands to symphony or-
chestras are maintained. Public Functions will
initiate and process contracts for any campus
organization upon request.
Organizations sponsoring events on campus
may consult with the Public Functions Office for
information about space, facilities, and other pro-
duction requirements.

The University of Florida takes pride in the freedom of
fact that its campus is open to free discussion expression
and the examination of views and ideas both
popular and unpopular, orthodox and unortho-
dox, with the conditions that discussion be accom-
panied by peaceful conditions consistent with the
scholarly nature of an academic community.


In keeping with this policy, the University
permits and encourages bringing to the campus
a forum of competent speakers for the dissem-
ination, analysis, and evaluation of significant
ideas. These ideas may be academic or part of
the larger cultural, economic, and political life
of the nation and the world.
Any person sponsored by an officially recog-
nized campus organization is free to speak on
campus, but this openness of forum does not
release speakers and sponsors from account-
ability to campus and civil authority under exist-
ing laws and regulations. Nor does it countenance
disruption of the University, injury to person
or property, obscene behavior, or riot.
An officially recognized campus organization
is defined as being one of the following: an of-
ficially approved student organization; officially
constituted colleges, divisions, schools, depart-
ments, and agencies of the University; honor
societies and religious associations officially rec-
ognized by the University; and organizations
comprised entirely of faculty or their wives.
Sponsoring organizations shall be responsi-
ble for informing speakers that the University
campus is not to be used as a platform for the
organization of or the incitement to lawlessness
or violence, and for obtaining the speaker's agree-
ment not to violate this policy, and to the extent
possible, shall prevent the speaker's using the
event for such purpose if he attempts to do so.
Sponsoring organizations are responsible and
accountable for the actions of the speakers they
sponsor. Violations of University policy by a
sponsored speaker may be considered as viola-
tions by the sponsoring organization.
It shall be the responsibility of all organiza-
tions to provide speakers with a copy of this
policy statement at the time of invitation.

Procedure. Any group sponsoring a speaker
must supply information to the Public Functions


Office as to its prior arrangements to meet finan-
cial obligations involved in bringing a speaker to
the University. It must also undertake within
reasonable time the arrangement of meeting facili-
ties, and supply the University with information
concerning scheduled program.

OUTDOOR AREAS, FORMAL USE. Events involving use of
off-campus personnel, events using public address facilities
systems or other electrical amplification, and
events involving a substantial outdoor area of the
campus are defined as formal events. These are
permissible when scheduled in advance with the
Public Functions Office, provided they:
Are sponsored by a recognized campus orga-
Do not interfere with academic processes,
previously scheduled events or other campus
Follow the scheduling and procedural guide
lines established by the Public Functions
Policy and Lectures Committee for particular
areas. These guide lines may be obtained
from the Public Functions Office.
on the campus which are not committed to a
specific use or assigned to a specific University
agency are free to be used for informal, unsched-
uled and unamplified expressions of opinion or
musical events by members of the University
community, participating as individuals without
registration or approval. These impromptu speak-
ers or musical performers will be held responsible
for orderly behavior and for no disruption of
academic routine or scheduled public functions.
Information about scheduled events is available
from the Public Functions Office. Persons who
are not members of the University community
may use the outdoor areas of the University to
speak, perform or for any public event only when
sponsored by a recognized campus organization.
ities suitable for public events are few in number.