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The Record
The Graduate Catalog, the Under-
graduate Catalog, the Schedule of
Courses and various bulletins on regu-
lations, policies and information.
These documents will be sent gratu-
itously to all persons who apply for
them. The applicant should specifi-
cally state which document or what
information is desired.
- .4
The University of Florida Century Tower was built to commemorate the University's war dead.
It was constructed in 1953, thus marking the University's centennial anniversary. The tower
contains a carillion that sends music throughout the campus at regular intervals during
the day and plays appropriate melodies for festive and holiday occasions.
University Calendar ............................................................................ 5
Board of Education ............................................................................ 10
Adm inistrative Council of the U university ...................................... 11
Staff and Faculty .................................................................................. 14
General Inform ation ............................................................................ 88
Adm missions ............................................................................................ 100
Expenses ................................................................................................ 108
Student Affairs ...................................................................................... 113
Student Life-Services, Facilities, Activities .................................... 120
Student Regulations ............................................................................ 125
Colleges, Schools, and Curricula
U university College ........................................................................ 133
College of Agriculture ................................................................ 153
College of Architecture and Fine Arts .................................. 169
College of Arts and Sciences ................................................... 179
College of Business Adm inistration ........................................ 192
College of Education .................................................................. 202
College of Engineering .............................................................. 221
School of Forestry ........................................................................ 256
College of H health Related Professions .................................. 260
School of Journalism and Communications .......................... 267
Center of Latin-Am erican Studies ............................................ 272
College of Law ............................................................................ 273
College of M medicine .................................................................... 274
College of N ursing ...................................................................... 275
College of Pharm acy .................................................................. 280
College of Physical Education and Health .......................... 284
M military Departm ents ................................................................. 292
Instructional Departments and Description of Courses .............. 295
September 18-23................................. Orientation and Registration.
Septem ber 25..................................................................... Classes begin.
O ctober 28......................................................................... H om ecom ing.
Novem ber 23......................................................................Thanksgiving Recess.
December 11..................................................................... Final examinations begin.
December 18......................................Grades to the Registrar.
December 19.........................................................Commencement.
January 2-3.................................... .... ................ Registration.
January 4............................................................................ Classes begin.
March 11.................... ............................ ..Final examinations begin.
March 18........................... ........ Grades to the Registrar.
March 19.....................................................................Commencement.
March 21-23............................... .......Registration.
March 25.......................................... .................. ..Classes begin.
June 3...................................... .... .. Final examinations begin.
June 10......................................... ......................... Grades to the Registrar.
June 9.................................................................................. University Com m encem ent.
June 7-8.............................................................................. R registration.
June 10............................................................ .............Classes begin.
August 19............................................................................ Final exam nations begin.
August 26............................................................................ Grades to the Registrar.
August 27................................................................Commencement.
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10 11 12 13 14 1 16 1 7 I1 18 9 20 21 12 13 14 1 H 15 17 1 1 1 2 111 1 1 15
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 22 23 24 26 26 27 19 20 21 22 2 22 26 17 1 1 20 21 22 21
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1 14 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 1 17 1 10 112 113 1 1 15 14 16 17 11 19 20
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1 2 4 1 1 2 3 4 6 1 2 3
6 10711 2213 34667 78810111213 4567917 9
S13 14 15 16 12 1 113 12 1 13 14 16 16 17 18 9 20 11 12 13 14 15 19 11
19 20 2 31 22 23 16 1 18 19 20 21 2 1 21 22 24 2 26 25 12 19 20 21 22 29 24
26 27 2 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 28 29 30 31 26 27 27 28 29 30 81
March 1, Wednesday..................... Last day for beginning freshmen students to
file application for admission for the Fall
July 21, Friday................. .................Last day for those not previously in atten-
dance at the University of Florida (except
beginning freshmen) to file application for
admission for the Fall Quarter.
September 8, Friday, 5:00 p.m.................Last day for those previously in attendance
at the University of Florida to apply for
registration appointments in the regular reg-
istration period.
September 8, Friday, 5:00 p.m...................Last day for clearing admissions (including
credentials and college change approval) for
the Fall Quarter. Those who clear after this
date will be assigned late registration ap-
September 18-23..................................... Orientation and registration (including pay-
Monday-Saturday ment of fees) according to appointments as-
signed. No one permitted to start registration
on Saturday, September 23, after 10:00 a.m.
September 25, Monday................................Classes begin. Last day for completing reg-
istration for Fall Quarter (including payment
of fees). All registration fees increased $25.00.
No one permitted to start registration on
Monday, September 25, after 3:00 p.m.
September 29, Friday, 5:00 p.m.................Last day for adding courses and for changing
October 6, Friday, 5:00 p.m.......................Last day for dropping courses without receiv-
ing a grade of E.
October 20, Friday.......................... .............Last day for paying degree application fee at
the Student Depository for a degree to be
conferred at the end of the Fall Quarter.
October 27, Friday, 5:00 p.m......................Last day for removing grades of I or X re-
ceived in the preceding term of attendance.
October 27, Friday, 5:00 p.m.................Last day for filing application at the Office
of the Registrar to change college or division
for the next quarter.
October 28, Saturday...................................Homecoming.
November 23-25..............................................Thanksgiving. Classes suspended.
November 27, Monday, 5:00 p.m..............Last day for withdrawing without receiving
failing grades in all courses.
December 9, Saturday........................... All classes end.
*December 11, Monday.............................. Final examinations begin.
December 18, Monday, noon.....................All grades for Fall Quarter due in the Office
of the Registrar.
December 19, Tuesday, noon......................Report of colleges on candidates for degrees
due in the Office of the Registrar.
December 19, Tuesday.................................College Commencement Exercises.
*Selected comprehensive and assembly examinations begin Saturday, August 17,
1:00 p.m.
December 1, Friday........................ Last day for those not previously in atten-
dance at the University of Florida to file
application for admission for the Winter
December 15, Friday, 5:00 p.m..................Last day for those previously in attendance
at the University of Florida to apply for
registration appointments in the regular reg-
istration period.
December 22, Friday, 5:00 p.m..............Last day for clearing admissions (including
credentials and college change approval) for
the Winter Quarter. Those who clear after
this date will be assigned late registration
January 2-3, Tuesday-Wednesday..............Registration according to appointments as-
signed (including payment of fees). No one
permitted to start registration on Wednesday,
January 3, after 3:00 p.m.
January 4, Thursday................................Classes begin. Last day for completing reg-
istration for Winter Quarter (including pay-
ment of fees). All registration fees increased
$25.00. No one permitted to start registration
on Thursday, January 4, after 3:00 p.m.
January 10, Wednesday, 5:00 p.m.............Last day for adding courses and for changing
January 17, Wednesday, 5:00 p.m.............Last day for dropping courses without receiv-
ing a grade of E.
January 26, Friday........................... Last day for paying degree application fee at
the Student Depository for a degree to be
conferred at the end of the Winter Quarter.
February 2, Friday, 5:00 p.m......................Last day for removing grades of I or X re-
ceived in the preceding term of attendance.
February 2, Friday, 5:00 p.m......................Last day for filing application at the Office
of the Registrar to change college or division
for the next quarter.
February 23, Friday, 5:00 p.m....................Last day for withdrawing without receiving
failing grades in all courses.
March 9, Saturday.......................................All classes end.
*March 11, Monday................................. Final examinations begin.
March 18, Monday, noon...........................All grades for Winter Quarter due in the
Office of the Registrar.
March 19, Tuesday, noon............................Report of colleges on candidates for degrees
due in the Office of the Registrar.
March 19, Tuesday......................................College Commencement Exercises.
*Selected comprehensive and assembly examinations begin Saturday, March 9, 1:00 p.m.
February 23, Friday.....................................Last day for those not previously in atten-
dance at the University of Florida to file
application for admission for the Spring
March 8, Friday, 5:00 p.m........................ Last day for those previously in attendance
at the University of Florida to apply for
registration appointments in the regular reg-
istration period.
March 8, Friday, 5:00 p.m........................Last day for clearing admissions (including
credentials and college change approval) for
the Spring Quarter. Those who clear after
this date will be assigned late registration
March 21-23, Thursday-Saturday .............Registration according to appointments as-
signed (including payment of fees). No one
permitted to start registration on Saturday,
March 23, after 10:00 a.m.
March 25, Monday.......................................Classes begin. Last day for completing reg-
istration for Spring Quarter (including pay-
ment of fees). All registration fees increased
$25.00. No one permitted to start registration
on Monday, March 25, after 3:00 p.m.
March 29, Friday, 5:00 p.m........................ Last day for adding courses and for changing
April 5, Friday, 5:00 p.m............................ Last day for dropping courses without receiv-
ing a grade of E.
April 19, Friday...........................................Last day for paying degree application fee at
the Student Depository for a degree to be
conferred at the end of the Spring Quarter.
April 19, Friday, 5:00 p.m.........................Last day for filing application at the Office
of the Registrar to change college or division
for the next quarter.
April 19, Friday, 5:00 p.m.........................Last day for students to remove grades of I or
X received in preceding term of attendance.
May 17, Friday, 5:00 p.m........................... Last day for withdrawing without receiving
failing grades in all courses.
June 1, Saturday...............................All classes end.
*June 3, Monday.........................................Final examinations begin.
June 3, Monday...............................................Preliminary report of colleges on candidates
for degrees due in the Office of the Registrar.
June 9, Sunday............................................ Commencement Convocation.
June 10, Monday, noon..............................All grades for Spring Quarter due in the
Office of the Registrar.
June 11, Tuesday, noon..............................Final report of colleges on candidates for
degrees in the Office of the Registrar.
*Selected comprehensive and assembly examinations begin Saturday, June 1, 1:00 p.m.
March 1, Friday.........................................Last day for beginning freshmen students to
file application for admission for Summer
May 3, Friday..................................................Last day for those not previously in atten-
dance at the University of Florida (except
beginning freshmen) to file application for
admission for the Summer Quarter.
May 24, Friday, 5:00 p.m.........................Last day for those previously in attendance
at the University of Florida to apply for
registration appointments in the regular reg-
istration period.
May 24, Friday, 5:00 p.m............................Last day for clearing admissions (including
credentials and college change approval) for
the Summer Quarter. Those who dear after
this date will be assigned late registration
June 7-8, Friday-Saturday......................... Registration according to appointments as-
signed (including payment of fees). No one
permitted to start registration on Saturday,
June 8, after 10:00 a.m.
June 10, Monday........... ............. Classes begin. Last day for completing reg-
istration for Summer Quarter (including pay-
ment of fees). All registration fees increased
$25.00. No one permitted to start registration
on Monday, June 10, after 3:00 p.m.
June 14, Friday, 5:00 p.m............................Last day for adding courses and for changing
June 21, Friday, 5:00 p.m....................... Last day for dropping courses without receiv-
ing a grade of E.
July 8, Monday...............................................Last day for paying degree application fee at
the Student Depository for a degree to be
conferred at the end of the Summer Quarter.
July 8, Monday, 5:00 p.m..................... Last day for filing application at the Office
of the Registrar to change college or division
for the next quarter.
July 8, Monday, 5:00 p.m......................... Last day for students to remove grades of I or
X received in preceding term of attendance.
August 2, Friday, 5:00 p.m...................... Last day for withdrawing without receiving
failing grades in all courses.
August 17, Saturday...............................All classes end.
*August 19, Monday.................. .... Final examinations begin.
August 26, Monday, noon........................... All grades for Summer Quarter due in the
Office of the Registrar,
August 27, Tuesday, noon.......................Report of colleges on candidates for degrees
due in the Office of the Registrar.
August 27, Tuesday..............-..................-- College Commencement Exercises.
*Selected comprehensive and assembly examinations begin Saturday, August 17,
1:00 p.m.
Secretary of State
Attorney General
State Treasurer
State Superintendent of Public Instruction
WAYNE C. McCALL, D.D.S., Vice Chairman
Fort Lauderdale
Vero Beach
Coral Gables
Vice-President for Academic Afairs
Dean of the College of Dentistry
Dean of Men
Director of the Agricultural Experiment Stations
WILLIAM NELSON BOAZ, JR., M.B.A., Colonel, Air Force
Professor of Aerospace Studies and Coordinator
of Military Departments
Dean of the College of Architecture and Fine Arts
Dean of the College of Agriculture
Director of Development Services
Dean of Women
Director of Biological Sciences
Director of the Florida State Museum
Dean of the University College
Business Manager
Dean of the College of Pharmacy
Director of the Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station
Athletic Director and Head Football Coach
Director of the School of Forestry
Dean of the Graduate School
Director of the University Press
Dean of Student Affairs
Dean of the College of Business Administration
Director of Graduate Engineering Education System
Director of Planning
Director of Research
Director of the Division of Informational Services
Dean of the College of Law
Provost for the Health Center
Dean of the College of Health Related Professions
Director of the Center for Latin American Studies
ARLO W. MITCHELL, B.A., Colonel, Army
Professor of Military Science
Acting Dean of the College of Engineering
Director of University Hospital and Clinics
Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences
Director of the Veterans Administration Hospital
Dean of University Relations and Development
Director of Radio Station WRUF
Dean of the College of Nursing
Dean of the College of Physical Education and Health
Dean of the College of Medicine
Dean of Continuing Education
Director of the Agricultural Extension Service
Director of Alumni Services
Director of the School of Journalism and Communications
Director of the University Libraries
Director of Admissions and Registrar
Dean of the College of Education
E. T. YORK, JR., Ph.D.
Provost, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
(The first date indicates the first year of academic employment; the last date, the year
of present rank; the asterisk represents interruption in service or leave of absence.)
Abbott, Thomas Benjamin, Ph.D. (Florida), Associate Professor of Speech, Director,
Speech and Hearing Clinic (1963-1966).*
Abbott, Wesley Wendell, M.Ed., Instructor, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1958-1962).
Abraham, Claude Kurt, Ph.D. (Indiana), Associate Professor of French (1964-1964).
Ackell, Edmund F., D.M.D. (Tufts University), M.D. (Western Reserve), Dean, College
of Dentistry, and Professor of Oral Surgery, Department of Surgery, College of
Medicine (1966-1966).
Acree, Fred, Jr., B.A.; Professor of Entomology (1964-1964).
Adams, Earnest Dwight, Ph.D. (Duke), Assistant Professor of Physics (1962-1962).
Adams, Frank Thompson, Ed.D. (Florida), Dean of Men (1946-1960).*
Adams, Katherine Beall, M.S.L.S., Assistant Law Librarian (1966-1966).
Adams, Paul L., M.D. (Columbia), Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics,
Director, Children's Mental Health Unit (1960-1966).
Adler, Charlotte Harner, M.Ed. (Boston), Special Education Teacher (1966-1966).
Adlerz, Warren Clifford, Ph.D. (Oregon State), Associate Entomologist, Watermelon
and Grape Investigations Laboratory (1958-1966).
Agee, O. Frank, M.D. (Louisiana State), Associate Professor of Radiology (1962-1966).
Agnew Harman W., Jr., M.A., Research Associate in Psychiatry and Psychology (1962-
Ahmed, Esam Mahmoud, Ph.D. (Maryland), Interim Assistant Biochemist, Agricultural
Experiment Stations (1964-1964).
Ahrens, Maurice Russell, Ed.D. (Denver), Professor of Education and Chairman, Divi-
sion of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education (1954-1966).
Aiken, Linda Harman, M.N., Instructor, College of Nursing (1966-1966).
Albertson, Rachel, B.A., Editor, College of Engineering (1948-1948).
Albrecht, Ruth E., Ph.D. (Chicago), Professor of Sociology (1957-1960).
Aldrich, Henry Carl, Ph.D. (University of Texas), Assistant Professor. Biological Sci-
ences (Botany) (1966-1966).
Alexander, Alice Elizabeth, B.S. in L.S., Assistant Librarian in charge of P. K. Yonge
Library Florida History (1951-1962).*
Alexander, William Marvin, Ph.D. (Columbia), Professor of Education (1963-1963).
Algeo, John Thomas, Ph.D. (Florida), Associate Professor of English (1961-1966).
Alleger, Daniel Eugene, M.S., Associate Agricultural Economist, Agricultural Experi-
ment Stations (1945-1945).
Allen, Barna Titus, Jr., M.D. (Duke), Intern in Medicine (1966-1966).
Allen, Billy Jay, M.A., Assistant State 4-H Club Agent, Agricultural Extension Service
Allen, John Jay, Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Associate Professor of Spanish (1960-1966).
Allen, Robert John, Jr., Ph.D. (Maryland), Assistant Agronomist, Everglades Experi-
ment Station (1950-1950).
Allen, Virginia Frick, M.Ed., Instructor, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1958-1962).
Allen, William C., M.D. (Chicago), Instructor in Orthopedic Surgery (1966-1966).
Alley, John Edward, J.D. (Florida), Assistant Professor of Social Sciences, Adviser (1965-
Alper, Arthur Eugene, Ph.D. (Florida), Associate Professor of Education (1965-1965).
Alston, Clifford, M.S.A., Economist, Farm Management, Agricultural Extension Service
Altieri, Donald Paul, M.Ed., Instructor, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1962-1966).
Altman, Howard B., M.A., Interim Instructor of German (1966-1966).
Ambrose, Edna Virginia, Ed.D. (Columbia), Associate Professor of Education (1958-
Ammerman, Clarence Bailey, Ph.D. (Illinois), Associate Professor and Associate Animal
Nutritionist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1958-1965).
Andersen, Nikaan, M.D. (Copenhagen), Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology (1962-
Andersen, Thorkild Wain, M.D. (Copenhagen), Associate Professor of Anesthesiology
Anderson, Arvid A., M.B.A., Assistant Professor of Marketing (1965-1965).
Anderson, Augustus E., M.D. (Tulane), Clinical Associate in Medicine (1966-1966).
Anderson, Carl Andrew, Ph.D. (Iowa State), Assistant Soils Chemist, Citrus Experiment
Station (1962-1962).
Anderson, Carl Arthur, M.B.A., Assistant Professor of Accounting and Director, Place-
ment Service, College of Business Administration (1947-1964).
Anderson, Charles Lamar, B.S.A., Interim Assistant in Farm Management, Agricultural
Extension Service (1960-1965).
Anderson, James Richard, Ph.D. (Maryland), Professor of Geography and Chairman of
Department (1960-1960).
Anderson, John Francis, M.S., Interim Instructor in Biological Sciences (1966-1966).
Anderson, Leslie Benjamin, Jr., B.S.A., Research Assistant, Citrus Experiment Station
Anderson, Montgomery Drummond, Ph.D. (Brookings), Professor of Business Statistics
and Economics (1927-1927).
Anderson, Richard James, Ph.D. (Michigan), Professor of Psychology; Associate, Uni-
versity Counseling Center (1943-1956).
Anderson, Richard McLemore, M.D. (Emory), Clinical Associate in Medicine (1959-
Anderson, Roland Carl, Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Professor of Aerospace Engineering
Anderson, Roland Lewis, Research Associate in Electrical Engineering (1957-1957).
Anderson, Thomas Aubrey, M.A., Assistant Professor of Education (1963-1963).
Andrews, Betty Bishop, B.A., Resident Counselor, Women's Residence Halls (1966-1966).
Andrews, John W., M.D. (Emory), Clinical Associate in Medicine (1959-1962).
Andriola, Michael J., M.D. (Duke), Resident in Pediatrics (1966-1966).
Anson, Dennis R., M.A., Interim Instructor in Mathematics (1965-1965).
Antenen, Wayne Wallace, Ph.D. (Illinois State Normal), Assistant Professor of Educa-
tion (1963-1963).
Anthony, David Salisbury, Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Associate Professor of Botany and Asso-
ciate Biochemist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1955-1955).
Anton, Aaron H., Ph.D. (Yale), Associate Professor of Surgery and Pharmacology (1964-
Apperson, Frances Eugenia, B.A. in L.S., Assistant Librarian and Chairman of Docu-
ments Department (1943-1948).
Aratowsky, Bernard, Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins), Associate Professor of Classical Languages
and History (1950-1955).
Araujo, Oscar Eduardo, Ph.D. (Purdue), Assistant Professor of Pharmacy (1962-1962).
Archambault, George Francis, Ph.C. (Massachusetts College of Pharmacy), Sc.D. (Phil-
adelphia College of Pharmacy and Science), Pharm.D. (Massachusetts College of
Pharmacy), LL.D. (Temple), Dean of the College of Pharmacy and Professor of
Pharmacy Administration (1967-1967).
Arean, Victor M., M.D. (Madrid), Professor of Pathology (1957-1962).
Arizzi, Lynn Mikell, M.Ed., Interim Teacher, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1966-
Armenakas, Anthony Emmanuel, Ph.D. (Columbia), Professor of Engineering Science
and Mechanics (1965-1965).
Arnett, William Tobias, M.A. Arch., Professor of Architecture; Dean Emeritus, College
of Architecture and Fine Arts (1933-1945).
Arnette, Johnny L., Ed.D. (Florida), Assistant Dean of Men (1966-1966).
Arnold, Luther A., Ed.D. (Florida), Associate Professor of Education (1958-1958).
Arrington, Lewis Roberts, Ph.D. (Florida), Associate Professor of Animal Science and
Associate Animal Nutritionist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1946-1957).*
Arrowsmith, Ronald G., B.S.B.A., Supervising Accountant (1966-1966).
Arthur, Paul David, Ph.D. (California Institute of Technology), Professor of Aerospace
Engineering and Engineering Science and Mechanics, GENESYS-Port Canaveral
Asano, Haruyoshi, M.D. (Univ. of Nagoya), Research Fellow in Medicine (1966-1966).
Ash, Willard Osborne, Ph.D. (Virginia Polytechnic Institute), Professor of Statistics and
Statistician, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1957-1962).
Aspy, David Nathaniel, Ed.D. (Kentucky), Interim Assistant Professor of Education
Aspy, Virginia Haynes, B.S., Research Associate, College of Education (1966-1966).
Atkins, Cedrick Donald, B.S., Chemist, FCC, Citrus Experiment Station (1951-1951).
Attaway, John Allen, Ph.D. (Duke), Associate Chemist, FCC, Citrus Experiment Station
Auffenberg, Walter, Ph.D. (Florida), Associate Curator of Herpetology and Chairman of
Department of Natural Sciences, Florida State Museum; Associate Professor Zoology
Austin, Oliver Luther, Jr., Ph.D. (Harvard), Curator of Ornithology, Florida State Mu-
seum; Associate Professor Zoology (1957-1962).
Avila, Donald Lee, Ed.D. (Nebraska), Assistant Professor of Education (1963-1963).
Avner, Lillian Lee, M.A., Assistant Professor of Physical Education (1965-1965).
Baali, Fuad A. G., Ph.D. (Louisiana State), Assistant Professor of Sociology (1964-1964).
Babers, Henry J., Jr., M.D. (Cornell), Clinical Associate in Surgery (1959-1959).
Backus, Ronald M., M.D. (Ohio State University), Clinical Associate in Psychiatry
Bacon, Philip, Ph.D. (Tennessee), Assistant Professor of Mathematics (1965-1965).
Baggarly, Nathaniel Perry, M.Ed., Instructor, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1957-
Baggett, Rosa Lavada, M.Ed., Instructor, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1965-1965).
Baggs, Andrew H., M.A., Interim Instructor in Social Sciences; Adviser (1964-1964).
Bailey, Robert Leo, M.S.E., Research Associate in Electrical Engineering (1960-1960).*
Bailey, Thomas Lee, III, Ph.D. (Chicago), Professor of Electrical Engineering, Professor
of Physics (1953-1963).*
Baker, Frank Sloan, Jr., M.S.A., Animal Husbandman, North Florida Experiment Sta-
tion (1945-1963).
Baker, Melvin Charles, Ed.D. (Illinois), Professor of Education and Assistant Dean,
College of Education (1952-1963).
Baker,Thomas Glenn, M.A., Associate Curator of Interpretation and Chairman of De-
partment of Interpretation, Florida State Museum (1962-1962).
Baldwin, David Hale, Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Professor of Metallurgical and Mate-
rials Engineering (1966-1966).
Baldwin, Fletcher Nathaniel, Jr., LL.M., Associate Professor of Law (1962-1965).
Balerdi, Carlos Francisco, Ph.D. (Louisiana State), Assistant Horticulturist, Watermelon
and Grape Investigations Laboratory (1966-1966).
Ball, J. T., M.S., Assistant Professor of Accounting (1963-1963).*
Ballard, Stanley Sumner, Ph.D. (California), Professor of Physics; Chairman of Depart-
ment of Physics and Astronomy (1958-1958).
Ballin, Norman, M.D. (Chicago), Assistant Professor of Opthalmology (1966-1966).
Banks, Samuel Alston, B.D., Chaplain of the Health Center and Assistant Professor of
Psychiatry and Religion (1962-1962).
Baranowski, Richard Matthew, Ph.D. (Connecticut), Associate Entomologist, Sub-Trop-
ical Experiment Station (1956-1963).
Barbati, Johanna Miller, M.A., Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy (1967-1967).
Bardalaye, Promode C., M.S., Research Assistant in Medicine (1966-1966).
Barger, Benjamin, Ph.D. (Duke), Co-Director of Mental Health Program, Clinical Psy-
chologist in Student Health, Lecturer in Psychology (1959-1960).
Baringer, William Eldon, Ph.D. (Illinois), Professor of Social Sciences (1947-1949).
Barker, Virginia Martin, M.S., Research Assistant, Agricultural Experiment Stations
Barlow, Anthony Duckworth, Dip. in Arch., Interim Instructor of Architecture (1965-
Barnard, George W., M.D. (North Carolina), Assistant Professor of Psychiatry (1963-
Barnett, Frederic Charles, Ph.D. (Virginia Polytechnic Institute), Assistant Professor of
Statistics and Assistant Statistician, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1964-1964).
Barrett, Albert Michael, Ph.D. (Pennsylvania State), Associate Professor of Rehabilita-
tion Counseling (1953-1962).
Barron, Rodger William, B.A., Assistant in Chemistry, FCC, Citrus Experiment Stations
Barrow, Mark, M.D. (Florida), Research Fellow in Cardiology (1961-1964).
Bartlett, George Robert, Ph.D. (Chicago), Professor of Philosophy (1947-1947).
Bartlett, Thomas George, B.S., Head Basketball Coach (1966-1966).
Bartley, Ernest R., Ph.D. (California), Professor of Political Science (1949-1955).*
Bartley, Thomas D., M.D. (Colorado), Assistant Professor of Surgery and Assistant Dean
for Postgraduate Education (1961-1965).
Barton, Pauline Hinton, Ed.D., Associate Professor, College of Nursing (1959-1965).*
Basdekian, Edward Albert, B.S., B.S.P., Assistant Director, Pharmaceutical Services,
Shands Teaching Hospital and Clinics (1966-1966).
Baskin, Alma Dean, B.A., Interim Instructor in Medical Technology (courtesy), Chief
Technologist, Clinical Chemistry Laboratories (1965-1966).
Bastida, Julio R., Ph.D. (Georgia), Assistant Professor of Mathematics (1966-1966).
Bates, James Wesley, M.S.L.S., Assistant in Library, Reference and Bibliography (1965-
Batey, Robert Lee, M.D. (Florida), Intern in Medicine (1966-1966).
Battiste, Merle Andrew, Ph.D. (Columbia), Associate Professor of Chemistry (1961-
Baughan, Denver Ewing, Ph.D. (Yale), Professor of English (1946-1957).
Baumer, G. Harry, III, B.S.B.A., Director of Purchasing (1965-1966).
Baxter, Ivy Ellen Allen, M.A., Interim Research Assistant (1966-1966).
Baxter, John Franklin, Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins); D.Sc. (Honorary) (Bethany); Professor
of Chemistry (1952-1952).*
Beach, Robert O., Director and Assistant Professor of Medical Illustrations (1956-1962).
Beard, Mark Franklin, M.R.C., Instructor, Rehabilitation Counseling (1965-1965).
Beard, Percy Morris, M.S., Associate Professor of Professional Physical Education; Gen-
eral Manager; Assistant Athletic Director, Division of Intercollegiate Athletics
Beardsley, Daniel Waldo, Ph.D. (Illinois), Animal Nutritionist, Everglades Experiment
Station (1949-1965).*
Beaver, Robert John, M.S., Instructor of Statistics (1966-1966).
Beckenbach, Joseph Riley, Ph.D. (Rutgers), Director, Agricultural Experiment Stations
Becker, Charles Henry, Ph.D. (Florida), Professor of Pharmacy and Chairman of De-
partment (1947-1961).
Beckner, John, B.Sa. (Florida), Interim Research Associate, Agricultural Experiment
Stations (1965-1965).
Beckwith, Stephen Lyon, Ph.D. (Michigan), Associate Professor of Wildlife Management
and Associate Forester, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1948-1955).
Bednarek, Alexander Robert, Ph.D. (Buffalo), Associate Professor of Mathematics (1963-
Beer, Hermann, M.D. (Basle), Director of Clinical Microbiology Laboratories and As-
sistant Professor of Microbiology (1966-1966).
Beggs, John H., M.D. (Minnesota), Instructor in Surgery (1963-1965).
Beirne, Raymond Michael, M.A., Assistant Professor of English (1954-1963).
Beistle, Gerald Michael, M.A., Instructor in Humanities and English (1964-1966).*
Beistle, Margaret Ruth, M.A., Resident Counselor, Women's Residence Halls (1964-
Belkin, Daniel A., Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Professor of Physiology (1961-1966).
Bell, E. N., Assistant Director of Physical Plant (1943-1965).
Bell, Robert E., M.D. (Bowman-Gray), Trainee, Resident and Assistant in Psychiatry
Beller, Ronald E., M.B.A., Research Associate, Bureau of Economic and Business Re-
search (1966-1966).
Bender, Charles E., M.D. (Syracuse), Assistant Professor of Radiology (1964-1966).
Benedict, Richard Foster, M.S. in L.S., Assistant Librarian, Catalog (1962-1965).
Bennett, Larry Everett, Ph.D. (Stanford), Assistant Professor of Chemistry (1966-1966).
Bennett, Robert Broadhurst, Ph.D. (Purdue), Professor of Chemical Engineering (1953-
Bennett, Silas Fleming, B.S., Librarian, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1964-1964).
Benninger, Lawrence J., Ph.D. (Missouri), Professor of Accounting (1956-1959).
Benson, Lester Leon, B.S., Assistant Meteorologist, USWB, Weather Forecasting Service
Bentley, Ernest Lynnwood, Jr., M.A., Interim Instructor, College of Education (1966-
Bentley, G. R., Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Professor of Social Sciences and Effective Think-
ing; Assistant Dean, University College (1938-1965).
Benton, John Robert, M.R.C., Counselor, Men's Residence Halls (1966-1966).
Benz, William Patrick, M.P.H., Assistant Professor of Physical Education (1951-1955).
Berghorn, Forrest Jay, Ph.D. (Pennsylvania), Assistant Professor of Social Sciences
Berner, Lewis, Ph.D. (Florida). Professor of Biological Sciences and Chairman of
Department; Professor of Zoology; Curator of Natural Sciences, Florida State
Museum (1946-1959).
Bernstein, Jerald J., Ph.D. (Michigan), Assistant Professor of Anatomy (1965-1965).
Berry, Robert Craven, LL.B., Associate Professor of Law (1964-1965).
Bertrand, Joseph E., Ph.D. (Louisiana State), Associate Animal Scientist, West Florida
Experiment Station (1966-1966).
Bessette, Leo, B.B.A., Loan Service Officer (1953-1961).
Bethea, Sally Brook, M.L.S., Assistant Librarian, Catalog (1959-1966).
Bevis, Herbert Anderson, Ph.D. (Florida), Associate Professor of Environmental Engi-
neering (1961-1964).
Biber, David, M.D. (Cincinnati Medical College), Clinical Associate in Medicine
Bigelow, Gordon Ellsworth, Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins), Associate Professor of English
Biggs, Robert Hilton, Ph.D. (Purdue), Associate Professor and Associate Biochemist,
Agricultural Experiment Stations (1957-1964).
Bilker, Larry Michael, M.A., Research Associate, College of Education (1966-1966).
Billen, Daniel, Ph.D. (University of Tennessee), Research Professor of Radiation
Biology (1966-1966).
Bingham, N. Eldred, Ph.D. (Columbia), Professor of Education (1950-1950).*
Bird, Clayton Arthur, B.S., Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army, Assistant Professor of
Military Science (1966-1966).
Bird, Edward D., M.D. (London), Assistant Professor of Medicine (1960-1964).*
Birr, Ann B., M.A., Interim Instructor of French (1966-1966).
Bishop, Bernays, M.P.H., Instructor in Physical Education and Golf Coach (1962-
Bittman, Loran Rice, Ph.D. (N.Y. University), Professor of Electrical Engineering,
Resident Director GENESYS-Orlando (1964-1964).
Bitzer, Emory West, M.D. (Virginia), Clinical Associate in Surgery (1966-1966).
Black, Kenneth Leroy, LL.B., Professor of Law (1949-1952).
Blackburn, Robert -D., M.S., Assistant Agronomist, Everglades Experiment Station,
USDA (1960-1960).
Blair, James Glen, B.S., Associate Mechanical Engineer, FCC, Citrus Experiment
Station (1962-1962).
Blake, Robert George, Ph.D. (Florida), Associate Professor of Mathematics (1943-
Blakey, Robert E., M.D. (Florida), Resident, Trainee and Assistant in Psychiatry (1965-
Blanchard, Frank Nelson, Jr., Ph.D. (Michigan), Assistant Professor of Geology
Blanton, Franklin S., Ph.D. (Cornell), Professor of Entomology (1956-1956).
Blaylock, Barbara Ann, Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins University), Interim Assistant Pro-
fessor, Biological Sciences (Bacteriology) (1966-1966).
Blazquez, Carlos H., Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Plant Pathologist, Gulf Coast Experi-
ment Station (1966-1966).
Blechner, Jack Norman, M.D. (Yale University School of Medicine), Assistant Pro-
fessor of Obstetrics and Gynecology (1965-1965).
Block, Albert C., M.A., Assistant Professor of Education (1967-1967).
Block, Seymour Stanton, Ph.D. (Pennsylvania State), Professor of Chemical Engineering
Blodgett, Ralph Hamilton, Ph.D. (Pennsylvania), Professor of Economics (1950-1950).
Bloodworth, Bertha Ernestine, Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Professor of English (1961-
Bloodworth, Thomas H., M.A., Assistant Director of Personnel (1963-1965).
Blue, Richard Arthur, Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Assistant Professor of Physics (1966-1966).
Blue, William Guard, Ph.D. (Missouri), Biochemist, Agricultural Experiment Stations
Boals, Bruce R., M.A., Interim Instructor of Economics (1966-1966).
Boaz, William Nelson, Jr., M.B.A., Colonel, Professor of Aerospace Studies (1963-
Bock, E. Wilbur, Ph.D. (Iowa State), Assistant Professor of Sociology (1963-1964).
Bodine, Willis Ramsey, Jr., M.M., Assistant Professor of Music (1959-1962).
Bolch, William Emmett, Ph.D. (California), Assistant Professor of Environmental
Engineering (1966-1966).
Bolich, W. Bryan, M.A. (Oxford University), Visiting Professor of Law (1966-1966).
Bolles, Robert Stephen, Ed.D. (Columbia), Dean, College of Architecture and Fine
Arts; Professor of Music (1948-1966).
Bonneville, Douglas A., Ph.D. (Ohio State), Assistant Professor of French (1963-1963).
Booher, James Alexander, Jr., M.D. (University of Florida School of Medicine),
Resident in Obstetrics and Gynecology (1964-1964).
Borchardt, Donald A., Ph.D. (Utah), Assistant Professor of Speech and Theatre,
Borders, Huey Ingles, Ph.D. (Minnesota), Associate Plant Pathologist, Everglades
Experiment Station (1944-1944).*
Borresen, Ann Marie, Ed.D. (Missouri), Counseling Psychologist, University Coun-
seling Center (1963-1963).
Bostick, C. Dent, LL.B., Assistant Professor of Law (1966-1966).
Bowers, Robert Hood, Jr., Ph.D. (Yale), Professor of English and Curator of Rare
Books (1946-1955).
Bowles, Richard William, M.S., Associate Professor of Music (1958-1962).
Bowman, Earl K., B.S., Associate Industrial Engineer, USDA, Agricultural Experiment
Stations (1957-1957).
Boyd, Clifford Allen, Ed.D. (Boston), Professor of Professional Physical Education
Boyd, Frederick Tilghman, Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Agronomist, Everglades Experiment
Station (1938-1959).*
Boyle, John J., M.D. (Florida), Trainee, Resident and Assistant in Psychiatry (1964-
Bradbury, Robert Wesley, Ph.D. (Michigan), Professor of Economics (1950-1952).
Bradley, Kent Palmer, M.D. (Emory), University Physician (1965-1965).
Bradley, Richard Eugene, Ph.D. (Georgia), Assistant Professor and Assistant Parasi-
tologist, Agricultural Experiment Station (1965-1965).
Bradley, Stuart G., M.A., Interim Instructor of Russian (1965-1965).
Bradshaw, James Philip, M.A., M.S. in L.S., Associate Professor of English (1946-1959).
Brady, Louis P., M.D. (Emory), Clinical Associate in Surgery (1961-1961).
Brady, Mama Venable, Ed.D. (Columbia), Associate Professor of Effective Thinking;
Adviser (1948-1966).
Branch, Dan Paulk, M.S., Assistant Professor of Architecture (1961-1961).*
Branch, Sandra Lee, M.S., Interim Assistant in Library, Catalog (1966-1966).
Brandon, Bertha Mimms, M.Ed., Interim Assistant Professor of Education (1964-1966).
Brandt, John Frederick, Ph.D. (Iowa), Research Assistant Professor of Speech (1965-
Brannan, Betty Jean, Ed.D. (Oklahoma State), Assistant Director, Home Economics
Programs (1965-1965).
Brantly, Milton L., B.A., Major, Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies (1966-1966).
Brask, Willard John Gustave, M.M., Assistant Professor of Music (1963-1964).
Braswell, Robert Horace, M.Ed., Interim Instructor, College of Education (1966-1966).
Braswell, Robert Neil, Ph.D. (Oklahoma State), Professor of Industrial and Systems
Engineering and Chairman of the Department (1964-1966).
Brawley, B. Watson, M.D. (North Carolina), Assistant Professor in Neurosurgery
Breivogel, William Francis, M.Ed., Assistant Professor, College of Education (1966-
Breland, Herman Leroy, Ph.D. (Illinois), Associate Soils Chemist, Agricultural Experi-
ment Stations (1952-1966).
Brey, Wallace Siegfried, Jr., Ph.D. (Pennsylvania), Professor of Chemistry (1952-1964).
Brezonik, Patrick Lee, Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Assistant Professor of Water Chemistry
Bridges, Charles Martin, Jr., Ed.D. (Tennessee), Associate Professor, College of Edu-
cation (1966-1966).
Brill, Thomas M., M.D., Clinical Associate in Pediatrics (1965-1965).
Bristol, Loris Rood, M.A., Assistant Professor of Education (1943-1950).*
Bristor, John D., M.S., Assistant Professor of Building Construction (1963-1965).
Britt, Floy Lenora, M.S., Home Economic Specialist, Agricultural Extension Service,
Tallahassee (1932-1943).
Broderson, Arthur James, Ph.D. (California), Assistant Professor of Electrical Engi-
neering (1966-1966).
Brodkorb, Pierce, Ph.D. (Michigan), Professor of Biological Sciences and Professor
of Zoology (1946-1955).
Brodnax, Henry Doss, Jr., M.S., Assistant in Agricultural Economics, USDA, Agricul-
tural Experiment Stations (1966-1966).
Brogdon, James Edison, M.Agr., Entomologist, Agricultural Extension Service (1955-
Brohamer, Richard F., M.D. (Florida), Resident, Trainee and Assistant in Psychiatry
Brook, Judith Lynn, Ph.D. (Florida), Interim Research Associate, Agricultural Ex-
periment Stations (1966-1966).
Brookbank, John Warren, Ph.D. (California Institute of Technology), Associate Pro-
fessor of Zoology (1955-1960).
Brooke, Donald Lloyd, Ph.D. (Illinois), Agricultural Economist, Agricultural Experi-
ment Stations (1946-1962).
Brooker, Marvin Adel, Ph.D. (Cornell), Dean, College of Agriculture and Professor
of Agricultural Economics (1927-1956).*
Brooks, Harold Kelly, Ph.D. (Harvard), Associate Professor of Geology (1956-1962).
Brooks, Robert Franklin, Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Associate Entomologist, Citrus Experi-
ment Station (1960-1966).
Brooks, Thurston L., Jr., B.S., Interim Assistant in Agricultural Economics, Agricul-
tural Experiment Stations (1963-1963).
Brown, Bob Burton, Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Associate Professor of Education (1965-1965).
Brown, Donald Edward, B.S., M.Ed., Assistant Coach (1962-1962).
Brown, Edna Earle, B.S. in L.S., Assistant Librarian and Chairman of Acquisitions
Department (1964-1964).
Brown, George Eldon, Ph.D. (Minnesota), Assistant Plant Pathologist, Citrus Experi-
ment Station, FCC (1965-1965).
Brown, Henry Clay, Ph.D. (Florida), Professor of Chemical Engineering and Professor
of Chemistry (1952-1956).
Brown, Sharon Lee, M.Ed., Interim Teacher, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1966-
Brown, Woodrow Wilson, M.Ag., State 4-H Club Leader, Agricultural Extension
Service (1943-1950).
Browne, Eleanor Bode, Ph.D. (Ohio State), Professor of Education (1948-1949).*
Browne, Kennedy W., M.D. (Virginia), Resident in Medicine (1966-1966).
Browning, Charles Benton, Ph.D. (Kansas State), Professor and Chairman, Department
of Dairy Science, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (1966-1966).
Broyles, Arthur Augustus, Ph.D. (Yale), Professor of Physics and Physical Sciences
Brunet, Joseph, Ph.D. (Stanford), Professor of Classical Languages (1927-1945).
Brunn, Stanley D., Ph.D. (Ohio State University), Assistant Professor of Geography
Bruno, Frederick P., M.S., Instructor in Radiation Physics (1965-1965).
Bryan, Herbert Harris, Ph.D. (Cornell), Assistant Horticulturist, Agricultural Experi-
ment Stations (1964-1964).
Bryan, Robert Armistead, Ph.D. (Kentucky), Associate Professor of English and Assist-
ant Dean of the Graduate School (1957-1963).
Bryant, David Raymond, Jr., A.B., Administrative Manager, Agricultural Experiment
Stations and Agricultural Extension Service (1958-1958).
Buck, Douglas Lloyd, B.S., Assistant Communications Specialist, Agricultural Exten-
sion Service (1965-1965).
Bullen, Ripley Pierce, M.E., Curator of Anthropology and Chairman of Department
of Social Sciences, Florida State Museum (1952-1952).
Bullock, Robert Crossly, Ph.D. (Connecticut), Associate Entomologist, Citrus Experi-
ment Station (1961-1961).
Bullock, Thomas Edward, Jr., Ph.D. (Stanford), Assistant Professor of Electrical Engi-
neering (1966-1966).
Bunge, Carlos Frederico, Ph.D. (Florida), Interim Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Bunnell, Bradford Noble, Ph.D. (Carnegie), Associate Professor of Psychology (1958-
Bunting, Donald Charles, M.S., Assistant Professor of Physical Sciences (1948-1948).
Burdine, Howard William, Ph.D. (Cornell), Associate Soils Chemist, Everglades Ex-
periment Station (1955-1962).
Burck, Aloysius W., M.D. (Wisconsin), University Physician (1963-1963).
Burgess, James Arthur, B.E.E., Research Assistant in Nuclear Engineering (1965-1965).
Burgis, Donald Stafford, M.S.A., Assistant Horticulturist, Gulf Coast Experiment
Station (1946-1946).
Burklow, Sammy L., M.D. (Tennessee), Resident in Medicine (1966-1966).
Burns, James Franklin, Ph.D. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Assistant Pro-
fessor of Industrial and Systems Engineering (1966-1966).
Burns, William Calvin, M.S., Assistant Animal Husbandman and Head, USDA, Brooks-
ville Beef Cattle Research Station (1957-1957).
Burress, Nona Belle, Ed.D. (Florida), Assistant Professor of Education (1963-1963).
Burroughs, Paul L., Jr., M.D. (North Carolina), Intern in Medicine (1966-1966).
Burt, Evert Oakley, Ph.D. (Ohio State), Associate Turf Technologist, Everglades Exper-
iment Station (1962-1965).
Burton, Claude C., M.D. (Maryland), Clinical Associate in Surgery (1964-1964).
Busby, Joe Neil, Ph.D. (Florida), Associate Director, Agricultural Extension Service
Bushnell, David, Ph.D. (Harvard), Associate Professor of History (1963-1963).
Busot, Jesus Carlos, M.S., Research Associate in Chemical Engineering (1967-1967).
Butcher, W. C., M.D., Clinical Associate in Pediatrics (1965-1965).
Butler, George Bergen, Ph.D. (North Carolina), Professor of Chemistry and Research
Professor (1946-1957).
Butler, Glenn A., Ed.D. (Oklahoma State), Assistant Professor of Journalism and Com-
munications (1966-1966).
Butterworth, James Donald, Ph.D. (Northwestern), Professor of Marketing and Chair-
man of Department of Marketing (1955-1958).
Button, Robert Adams, M.Litt., Director of Personnel (1963-1965).
Buxton, Donald F., D.V.M. (Auburn), Postdoctoral Fellow in Anatomy (1963-1963).
Byrd, Thomas Luther, Jr., M.A., Interim Instructor in Humanities and English (1961-
Byrne, Edward G., M.D. (Louisville), Clinical Associate in Medicine (1958-1958).
Byron, Kenneth Hugh, Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Professor of English (1961-1962).
Byvoet, Paul, M.D. (University of Leyden, The Netherlands), Assistant Professor of
Pharmacology and Therapeutics (1961-1961).
Bzoch, Kenneth Rudolph, Ph.D. (Northwestern), Professor of Speech, Speech Patholo-
gist and Chairman Department of Communicative Disorders, College of Health
Related Professions (1960-1965).
Cade, James Robert, M.D. (Southwestern), Associate Professor of Medicine (1961-1965).
Cain, Jeanette Thomas, B.S.N., Instructor, College of Nursing (1966-1966).
Cake, Edwin Wood, Ph.D. (Cornell), Economist, Farm Management, Agricultural Ex-
tension Service (1952-1952).
Calaway, Wilson Thayer, M.S., Assistant Professor of Entomology (1946-1963).
Caldwell, Robert Edward, Ph.D. (Purdue), Associate Professor of Soils and Associate
Chemist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1941-1956).
Caldwell, Wofford T., M.S.Ed., Associate Professor of Building Construction (1957-1965).
Calhoun, Eunice Zipperer, M.A.E., Instructor, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1944-
Callahan, William P., Ph.D. (Texas), Assistant Professor of Anatomy (1961-1961).
Calvert, David Victor, Ph.D. (Iowa State), Assistant Soils Chemist, Citrus Experiment
Station (1961-1961).
Camp, Susan Christian, M.S., Associate Nutritionist, Agricultural Extension Service,
Tallahassee (1955-1964).
Campbell, Carl Walter, Ph.D. (Purdue), Associate Horticulturist, Sub-Tropical Exper-
iment Station (1960-1966).
Canepa, Paul Charles, M.S., Research Associate, Physics (1964-1964).
Carey, Madelaine Marie, B.A., Interim Assistant Professor (1965-1965).
Carlisle, Victor Walter, Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Professor of Soils and Assistant Soils
Chemist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1947-1962).*
Carlson, Norman Gilbert, B.S., Head, Sports Publicity (1963-1963).
Carlton, Sarah Helen, M.N., Instructor, College of Nursing (1966-1966).
Carnell, Corbin Scott, Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Professor of English, Adviser (1958-
Carnes, James Jerome, A.B., Head Track Coach (1964-1964).
Carpenter, James Woodford, Ph.D. (Florida), Associate Professor and Associate Meat
Scientist, Agricultural Experiment Station (1957-1965).
Carr, Archie Fairly, Ph.D. (Florida), Graduate Research Professor of Zoology and Cu-
rator of Zoological Sciences, Florida State Museum (1937-1959).
Carr, Glenna Dodson, Ed.D. (Florida), Assistant Professor of Education (1952-1959).
Carr, John Edward, Purchasing Officer (1966-1966).
Carr, Thomas Deaderick, Ph.D. (Florida), Professor of Physics and Astronomy (1958-
Carr, William E. S., Ph.D. (Duke), Assistant Professor of Zoology (1965-1966).
Carrera, Frank, M.D. (Emory), Assistant Professor in Psychiatry (1960-1966).
Carroll, Edward Elmer, Ph.D. (Harvard), Associate Professor of Nuclear Engineering
Carron, Harold, M.D. (Wayne U.), Clinical Associate (1965-1965).
Carson, Marion, M.B.A., Assistant Professor of Accounting (1955-1961).
Carson, Robert Emmett, Ph.D. (Michigan), Professor of Humanities (1946-1946).
Carter, Travis Ardus, Ed.D. (Florida), Interim Assistant Professor of Education (1965-
Carter, William E., Ph.D. (Columbia), Assistant Professor of Anthropology (1962-1963).
Cassaro, Michael Angelo, M.S., Teaching Associate in Civil Engineering (1961-1961).
Casselman, Theron W., M.S., Assistant Agricultural Engineer, Everglades Experiment
Station (1960-1960).
Cassin, Sidney, Ph.D. (Texas), Associate Professor of Physiology (1957-1966).*
Cate, Charles Allen, Ed.D. (Texas), Associate Professor of Education (1953-1953).*
Centifanto, Ysolina M., Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Professor of Opthalmology (1964-
Chafin, Moses Benton, M.P.H., Instructor in Physical Education (1964-1964).
Chalker, Paul, M.A., Assistant Editor, University of Florida Press (1957-1957).
Chalmers, David Mark, Ph.D. (Rochester), Associate Professor of History (1955-1962).
Chambers, William N., M.D. (Bowman Gray School of Medicine), Clinical Associate in
Psychiatry (1961-1961).
Chamings, Patricia A., M.N., Instructor, College of Nursing (1965-1966).
Champion, John Mills, Ph.D. (Purdue), Associate Professor of Management, College of
Business Administration; Associate Professor and Chairman, Health and Hospital
Administration, College of Health Related Professions (1964-1966).
Chanda, Kamal Chandra, Ph.D. (Manchester, England), Associate Professor of Statistics
Chang, Richard Taiwon, Ph.D. (Michigan), Assistant Professor of History (1966-1966).
Chang, Tsun-Tao, M.D. (Taipei), Instructor in Radiology (1965-1966).
Chapman, Herbert Lee, Jr., Ph.D. (Iowa State), Animal Nutritionist and Head, Range
Cattle Experiment Station (1951-1965).*
Chapman, Willis Harleston, M.S., Agronomist and Head, North Florida Experiment
Station (1942-1959).
Chavez, Florencio, M.D. (Univ. of the Philippines), Research Fellow in Medicine (1966-
Chawla, Lal Muhammad, Ph.D. (Oxford), Visiting Professor of Mathematics (1966-
Chayes, Dorothy J., M.D. (Women's Medical College of Pa.), Instructor in Anesthesiol-
ogy (1966-1966).
Cheatham, Ben H., M.Ed., Interim Instructor, College of Education (1966-1966).
Chen, Kwan-Yu, Ph.D. (Pennsylvania), Assistant Professor of Astronomy (1963-1963).
Chen, Wayne H., Ph.D. (Washington), Professor of Electrical Engineering and Chair-
man of the Department (1952-1965).
Chen, Yung Ming, Ph.D. (New York University), Associate Professor of Engineering
Science and Mechanics (1965-1965).
Chenette, Eugene R., Ph.D. (Minnesota), Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering
Chern, Bernard, Ph.D. (North Carolina), Assistant Professor of Physics (1963-1963).
Chernetski, Kent Eugene, Ph.D. (California), Assistant Professor of Zoology (1964-1964).
Cherry, Henry Spurgeon, M.S., Assistant Dean of the College of Physical Education and
Health, Professor of Professional Physical Education, Chairman of the Department
of Intramural Athletics and Recreation (1942-1964).
Chessman, Reba Williams, B.S., Interim Teacher, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1966-
Cheves, Forest A., M.S., Manager of Chemical Laboratories (1961-1961).
Childers, Donald Gene, Ph.D. (Southern California), Associate Professor of Electrical
Engineering (1965-1965).
Childers, Perry Robert, Ed.D. (Georgia), Associate Professor of Education (1966-1966).
Childers, William Cole, Ph.D. (Florida), Associate Professor of English and Effective
Thinking, Adviser (1950-1964).*
Chiu, Tsao-Yi, M.S.E., Senior Assistant in Engineering in Coastal and Oceanographic
Engineering (1959-1961).
Cho, Sang-Jean, Ph.D. (Kentucky), Research Associate, Physics (1964-1964).
Choate, Rush Edgar, M.S.A., Professor of Agricultural Engineering and Agricultural
Engineer, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1947-1959).
Chotas, Georgia A., Health Sciences Editor, Health Center Relations (1959-1964).
Christensen, Bent Aksel, Ph.D. (Minnesota), Professor of Civil Engineering (1963-1965).
Christiansen, James Edward, Ph.D. (Ohio State University), Interim Assistant Professor
of Education (1966-1966).
Christiansen, Kenneth A., Ed.D. (Missouri), Professor of Journalism and Communica-
tions and Director of Educational Television (1959-1959).*
Chun, Paul W., Ph.D. (Missouri), Research Associate in Biochemistry (1966-1966).
Cimino, L. E., M.D., Clinical Associate in Pediatrics (1965-1965).
Clark, Alan P., J.D. (Florida), Assistant Professor of Business Law (1966-1966).
Clark, Edward Bowie, Jr., M.A., Interim Instructor of Education (1966-1966).
Clark, Fred, M.S.A., Agronomist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1940-1963).
Clark, Harold Brown, Ph.D. (Kentucky), Professor of Agricultural Economics and Ag-
ricultural Economist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1958-1958).*
Clark, Jack Lewis, B.Arch., Assistant Professor of Architecture (1955-1955).
Clark, Ronald G., B.S.E.E. (University of Miami), Research Associate in Medicine (1965-
Clark, Vernon Wilmot LL.B., Professor of Law (1946-1946).
Clark, William Edwin, Ph.D. (Tulane), Assistant Professor of Mathematics (1965-1965).
Clarkson, Mark Hall, Ph.D. (Texas), Professor of Aerospace Engineering and Chairman
of Department (1961-1961).
Clayton, Joe Edward, M.S., Associate Agricultural Engineer, USDA, Everglades Exper-
iment Station (1965-1965).
Clem, Lester William, Ph.D. (University of Miami), Interim Assistant Professor of Mi-
crobiology (1966-1966).
Clemmons, Roy S., M.D. (Duke), Assistant Professor in Psychiatry (1963-1965).
Cline, Ellis Wallace, M.A., Assistant in Administration, College of Education (1966-
Clive, Geoffrey, Ph.D. (Harvard), Associate Professor of Philosophy (1966-1966).
Clubok, Alfred B., Ph.D. (Michigan), Associate Professor of Political Science (1958-1964).
Cluff, Leighton E., M.D. (George Washington), Professor and Chairman of the Depart-
ment of Medicine (1966-1966).
Cochis, Thomas, Ph.D. (Louisiana), Interim Assistant Ornamental Horticulturist, Agri-
cultural Experiment Stations (1966-1966).
Coddington, R. Dean, M.D. (University of Rochester), Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
and Pediatrics (1963-1963).
Coggins, Deborah R., M.D. (Duke), Assistant Professor of Psychiatry (1959-1965).
Coggins, Wilmer J., M.D. (Duke), Assistant Professor of Medicine (1962-1963).
Cohen, Eckford, Ph.D. (Duke), Visiting Professor of Mathematics (1966-1966).
Cohen, Louis David, Ph.D. (Duke), Professor of Psychology and Chairman, Department
of Clinical Psychology, College of Health Related Professions (1962-1962).
Cohen, Mortimer, Ph.D. (Minnesota), Associate Plant Pathologist, Citrus Experiment
Station (1956-1959).
Coker, John L., D.D.S. (Pennsylvania), Clinical Associate in Surgery (1961-1961).
Coleman, Robert Finley, Ph.D. (Minnesota), Research Assistant Professor in Speech
Colgate, Samuel Oran, Ph.D. (M.I.T.), Associate Professor of Chemistry (1959-1966).
Collier, Courtland A., M.E., Teaching Associate in Civil Engineering (1961-1965).
Collins, Dorothy Ellen, M.S.W., Psychiatric Social Worker II (1964-1966).
Collins, George H., M.D. (Vermont), Associate Professor of Pathology and Medicine
Collins, Richard James, M.S., Assistant Horticulturist, Citrus Experiment Station (1960-
Combrink, Carolyn Jean, M.S., Housing and Equipment Specialist, Agricultural Exten-
sion Service Tallahassee (1966-1966).
Combs, Arthur Wright, Ph.D. (Ohio State), Professor of Education (1954-1954).
Combs, George Ernest, Ph.D. (Iowa State), Associate Professor of Animal Science and
Associate Animal Nutritionist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1951-1962).*
Compton, Mary Frances, MA., Interim Instructor of Education (1965-1966).
Conklin, James Byron, Jr., Sc.D. (M.I.T.), Assistant Professor of Physics (1964-1964).
Conner, Frederick William, Ph.D. (Pennsylvania), Vice-President of the University and
Professor of English (1935-1966).*
Conner, H. Henry, B.A., Interim Instructor in Journalism and Communications and
Producer-Director, Television Station WUFT (1966-1966).
Conner, J. Wayne, Ph.D. (Princeton), Professor of Romance Languages and Chairman
of Department of Foreign Languages (1962-1962).
Conner, Kathryn B., B.S.N., Instructor, College of Nursing (1966-1966).
Conover, Charles Albert, M.S.A., Assistant Ornamental Horticulturist, Agricultural Ex-
tension Service (1963-1963).
Conover, Robert Armine, Ph.D. (Illinois), Plant Pathologist and Head, Sub-Tropical
Experiment Station (1947-1962).
Conroy, Stephen S., Ph.D. (Iowa State), Assistant Professor of Social Sciences, Adviser
Cook, Allyn Austin, Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Associate Plant Pathologist, Agricultural Ex-
periment Stations (1954-1962).
Cook, John Jerome, B.S., Major, U.S. Army, Assistant Professor of Military Science
Cooks, Marian C., M.N., Instructor, College of Nursing (1966-1966).
Cooper, Alice Joyce, Ed.D. (Columbia), Professor of Education (1957-1957).*
Coppock, Glenn Edgar, M.S., Associate Agricultural Engineer, FCC, Citrus Experiment
Station (1958-1958).
Corrick, George W., B.S., Director, Division of Development Services (1959-1964).*
Cortazzo, Arnold David, Ed.D. (Yeshiva University), Interim Associate Professor of Ed-
ucation (1966-1966).
Cosby, Betty Wallace, Ph.D. (Syracuse), Dean of Women and Assistant Professor of Ed-
ucation (1966-1966).
Couch, Leon Worthington, III, M.E., Research Associate in Electrical Engineering
Cotter, Julian Ray, M.D. (Johns Hopkins School of Medicine), Assistant Professor of
Obstetrics and Gynecology (1959-1964).*
Cowen, Patricia McGuire, B.A., Interim Teacher, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1965-
Cowles, Charles Hearing, A.B., Personnel Officer (1962-1962).
Cox, David Walter, M.Ed., Head Resident Counselor, Men's Residence Halls (1965-
Cox, Ernest Hayes, Ph.D. (North Carolina), Assistant Dean of the College of Arts and
Sciences and Professor of English (1947-1964).
Cox, Merlin G., Ph.D. (Florida), Interim Associate Professor of Social Sciences; Adviser
Coyle, John M., M.D. (Yale), Resident in Medicine (1965-1966).
Crago, John A., M.D. (Cornell), Clinical Associate in Medicine (1959-1959).
Crall, James Monroe, Ph.D. (Missouri), Plant Pathologist and Head, Watermelon and
Grape Investigations Laboratory (1952-1954).
Cram, Stuart Proud, Ph.D. (Illinois), Assistant Professor of Chemistry (1966-1966).
Crandall, Catherine Ann, Ph.D. (Purdue), Research Associate and Instructor in Pa-
thology (1960-1960).
Crandall, Richard B., Ph.D. (Purdue), Assistant Professor in Microbiology (1960-1964).
Cranney, A. Garr, Ph.D. (Minnesota), Interim Assistant Professor of English and Ed-
ucation (1966-1966).
Craps, John Ellis, Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins), Assistant Professor of German (1939-1952).*
Crass, Maurice F., Ph.D. (Vanderbilt), Research Fellow in Medicine (1966-1966).
Craven, Roy C., Jr., M.F.A., Director, University Gallery; Associate Professor of Art
Creason, Donald Peter, M.A., Instructor of Speech (1965-1965).
Creel, Austin Bowman, Ph.D. (Yale), Associate Professor of Religion (1957-1964).*
Creighton, John Thomas, Ph.D. (Ohio State), Professor of Entomology (1929-1937).
Crevasse, Lamar Earle, Jr., M.D. (Duke), Associate Professor of Medicine (1959-1963).
Crews, James William, Ed.D. (Indiana), Associate Professor of Education (1948-1963).*
Crews, Ruthellen, Ed.D. (Columbia), Assistant Professor of Education (1966-1966).
Cribbett, Albert F., M.S.A., Assistant to Provost, Institute of Food and Agricultural
Sciences (1954-1962).
Cripe, Jerry L., B.A., Interim Assistant Professor of Social Sciences (1965-1965).
Crist, Earl Richard, B.A., Instructor of Medical Technology (courtesy); Chief Technol-
ogist, Clinical Hematology, Teaching Hospital (1963-1966).
Crist, Raymond E., Docteur 6s Lettres (Grenoble, France), Research Professor of Geog-
raphy (1951-1951).
Crist, Robert Louis, M.A., Interim Instructor in English (1953-1953).*
Crockett, Joe Richard, Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Professor of Animal Science and As-
sistant Animal Geneticist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1956-1962).
Cromroy, Harvey Leonard, Ph.D. (North Carolina State), Associate Professor of Radia-
tion Biology and Entomology; Radiation Biology Safety Officer (1964-1964).
Crone, Ernest George, M.Ed., Assistant Professor of Physical Education (1957-1963).
Crosby, Floyd R., Manager, Data Processing (1966-1966).
Cross, Clark Irwin, Ph.D. (Washington), Associate Professor of Geography and Physical
Sciences (1949-1954).
Cross, William Gail, M.E., Assistant Director, Florida Union (1960-1966).
Crouch, Helen Johnson, M.A., Assistant Professor, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1957-
Cruickshanks, Alexander, III, B.S.B.A., Interim Instructor of Economics (1960-1960).
Crum, Larry Lee, Ph.D. (Texas), Associate Professor of Finance (1959-1964).*
Cullen, Stanley I., M.D. (Univ. of Miami), Clinical Associate in Medicine (1966-1966).
Cumbee, Carroll Fleming, M.A.E., Associate Professor of Education (1936-1946).
Cummings, Robert C., Director of Printing (1963-1963).
Cunha, Tony Joseph, Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Professor and Chairman, Department of An-
imal Science, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (1948-1950).
Cunningham, Hugh W., M.A., Professor of Journalism and Communications (1955-
Cunningham, Myron Arthur, Ed.D. (Northwestern), Professor of Education (1953-1958).
Cunningham, Richard Wayne, M.D. (Florida), Clinical Associate in Medicine (1962-
Cuppy, Diana L., B.S. (Kansas State), Research Assistant in Medicine (1960-1962).
Curran, Robert Lynn, Ed.D. (Harvard), Associate Professor of Education (1952-1956).
Curren, Charles Howard, D.Sc. (Montreal), Entomologist, Watermelon and Grape In-
vestigations Laboratory (1961-1961).
Curtis, Clayton C., Ph.D. (Indiana), Associate Professor of Real Estate and Urban Land
Studies (1958-1961).
Cusimano, Anthony Gaspare, M.S.P., Teaching Associate in Pharmacy (1966-1966).
Cutler, Ronald John, Ed.D. (Columbia), Associate Professor of English, Adviser (1946-
Dace, Melvin C., M.D. (Washington University School of Medicine), Resident in Med-
icine (1962-1965).*
Dalsheimer, Barbara Corinne, M.P.H., Instructor, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1955-
Dalton, George Ronald, Ph.D. (Michigan), Associate Professor of Nuclear Engineering
and Acting Chairman of Department (1959-1967).*
Damen, Mark, B.S., Instructor in Journalism and Communications and TV Program
Director, Television Station WUFT (1963-1963).
Damron, Bobby L., M.S.A., Interim Assistant in Research and Interim Instructor, Ag-
ricultural Experiment Stations (1966-1966).
Dana, Alvin Herk, M.E.D., Admissions Officer (1966-1966).
Danburg, Russell LaVeme, M.M., Professor of Music (1948-1966).
Daneman, E. Adams, M.D. (University of Cincinnati), Clinical Associate in Psychiatry
Danielson, Harry Alfred, M.Ed., Interim Instructor of Education (1966-1966).
Danis, Anthony Leo, M.S., Professor of Environmental Engineering (1953-1953).
Dantzman, Charles Leonard, Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Soils Chemist, Range Cattle Ex-
periment Station (1959-1960).
Darby, John F., Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Plant Pathologist and Head, Central Florida Ex-
periment Station (1951-1966).
Dasta, Anthony Joseph, M.S., Interim Assistant Professor of Architecture (1966-1966).
Dauer, Manning Julian, Ph.D. (Illinois), Professor of Political Science and Chairman
of Department; Director of Division of Social Sciences (1933-1950).*
Daurer, Rosemary B., M.P.E.H., Interim Teacher, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1966-
Daurelle, George P., M.D. (Hahnemann), Clinical Associate (1965-1965).
Davenport, Warren William, M.A., Interim Instructor in Humanities (1966-1966).
DeVault, James W., Ph.D. (Columbia), Professor of Accounting (1947-1947).
David, J. K., M.D., Clinical Associate in Pediatrics (1965-1965).
Davis, Brian, M.D. (Florida), Trainee, Resident and Assistant in Psychiatry (1966-1966).
Davis, Denzil Robert, A.B., Assistant Meteorologist, USWB, North Florida Experiment
Station (1963-1963).
Davis, Edward Arnold, Ed.D. (Florida), Assistant Professor of Education (1951-1951).
Davis, George Kelso, Ph.D. (Cornell) Director, Division of Biological Sciences; Profes-
sor of Animal Science and Animal Nutritionist; Director of Division of Biological
Sciences in the College of Arts and Sciences (1942-1965).
Davis, Gerald Rogers, B.S., Assistant Meteorologist, USWB, Weather Forecasting Service
Davis, Horance Gibbs, Jr., M.A., Professor of Journalism and Communications (1954-
Davis, Hugh Chester, Jr., Ph.D. (Tennessee), Associate Professor of Psychology and
Clinical Psychologist, College of Health Related Professions (1960-1965).
Davis, John Henry, Ph.D. (Chicago), Professor of Botany (1946-1946).*
Davis, John Wesley, B.S.A., Research Assistant in Entomology-Pathology, Citrus Exper-
iment Station (1951-1966).
Davis, Joseph Steven, Ph.D. (Iowa), Assistant Professor of Botany (1966-1966).
Davis, Josh D., M.D. (Alabama), Clinical Associate in Psychiatry (1963-1963).
Davis, Marian Victoria, M.A., Instructor, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1954-1954).
Davis, Mary Elizabeth, M.A., Instructor of Speech (1966-1966).
Davis, Richard Elwood, M.S., Assistant Basketball Coach (1966-1966).
Davis, Robert Marion, M.Ag., Acting Assistant Horticulturist, Agricultural Extension
Service (1960-1963).
Davis, Robert Stanley, B. Arch., Assistant Professor of Architecture (1958-1958).
Davis, William M., M.D. (South Carolina), Third Year Resident in Pathology (1965-
Dawson, William W., Ph.D. (Florida State), Associate Professor of Opthalmology and
Psychology (1965-1965).
Deakin, Motley Fremont, Ph.D. (California), Assistant Professor of English (1962-1962).
Deal, William B., M.D. (North Carolina), Resident in Medicine (1964-1966).*
Dean, Charles Edgar, Ph.D. (North Carolina State), Associate Agronomist, North Flor-
ida Experiment Station (1959-1965).
Dean, Robert George, Sc.D. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Professor of
Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering and Chairman of Department; Professor
of Civil Engineering (1966-1966).
Dean, Rollo Hiram, Assistant Meteorologist, USWB, Weather Forecasting Service (1942-
DeBusk, Franklin, M.D. (Johns Hopkins), Director of Pediatric Outpatient Clinic, As-
sistant Professor in Pediatrics (1966-1966).
Decker, Phares, Ph.D. (Cornell), Professor and Chairman, Department of Plant Path-
ology, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (1942-1956).
Deen, William W., Jr., B.Ag.E., Assistant in Agricultural Engineering, Everglades Ex-
periment Station (1965-1965).
Deepak, Adarsh, M.Sc., Interim Instructor in Physical Sciences (1965-1965).
DeFuniak, H. R., M.S.Lib.Sc., Assistant Law Librarian (1966-1966).
deGroot, Johannes, Ph.D. (Groningen), Visiting Graduate Research Professor of Math-
ematics (1966-1966).
DeHoff, Robert Thomas, Ph.D. (Carnegie Tech.), Associate Professor of Metallurgical
and Materials Engineering (1959-1964).
Deinzer, Harvey, T., LL.B., Ph.D. (Michigan), Professor of Accounting (1947-1949).
DeLaTorre, Angel, M.D. (Univ. of Havana), Research Fellow in Medicine (1965-1965).
Dell, George A., M.D., Clinical Associate in Pediatrics (1965-1965).
Delony, Dexter, LL.M., Professor of Law (1948-1951).
DeMinico, Charles P., M.D. (Tufts College of Medicine), Assistant Professor of Psychi-
atry (1966-1966).
Dempsey, Walter B., Ph.D. (University of Michigan), Assistant Professor of Biochem-
istry (1962-1963).
Denman, Sidney B., Ph.D. (Duke University), Associate Professor of Psychiatry and
Sociology (1966-1966).
Denmark, Harold Anderson, M.S., Associate Professor of Entomology (1966-1966).
Denney, Floyd Clay, B.A., Captain, Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies (1964-1964).
Dennison, Raymond Alexander, Ph.D. (Iowa), Professor and Chairman, Department
of Food Science, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (1945-1956).
de Quesada, Alex, M.D. (Univ. of Havana), Research Fellow in Medicine (1965-1965).
Der, Don Wing, M.A., Instructor in Effective Thinking (1960-1960).*
Der-Houssikian, Haig, M.A., Interim Assistant Professor of Foreign Languages (1967-
Derrick, Clarence, Ph.D. (Chicago), Professor of Humanities; Chairman, Department of
Humanities (1953-1962).
Deshpande, Janardin V., Ph.D. (Wayne State), Assistant Professor of Mathematics (1965-
Detweiler, John S., M.S.J., Interim Instructor in Journalism and Communications (1965-
Deurloo, Henry William, M.D. (Michigan), University Physician (1951-1951).
Deutsch, Donna Marion, M.P.E.H., Interim Instructor of Physical Education (1966-
Dew, Donald, Ph.D. (Iowa), Research Assistant Professor of Speech (1963-1963).
DeWitt, Robert M., Ph.D. (Michigan), Associate Professor of Zoology (1954-1959).
Dewsbury, Donald Allen, Ph.D. (Michigan), Assistant Professor of Psychology (1966-
Deyrup, James Alden, Ph.D. (Illinois), Assistant Professor of Chemistry (1965-1965).
Diaz, de Arce Gabriel H., M.S., Research Associate in Medicine (1961-1961).
Dick, Harvey Merrill, B.A., Major, U.S. Army, Assistant Professor of Military Science
Dickenson, Carrie Elizabeth, M.A., Clothing and Textile Specialist, Agricultural Exten-
sion Service, Tallahassee (1941-1954).*
Dickey, Ralph Davis, M.S.A., Professor of Ornamental Horticulture and Horticulturist
Dickinson, Joshua Clifton, Jr., Ph.D. (Florida), Director and Curator of Ornithology,
Florida State Museum; Associate Professor Zoology (1946-1961).
Dickinson, Noel A., Ph.D. (Manchester), Visiting Research Professor (1966-1966).
Dillinger, Harold Hull, B.S.B.A., Interim Assistant Director, Alumni Services (1965-
Dimsdale, Parks B., Jr., M.B.A., Interim Instructor in Marketing (1965-1965).
Disney, Eunice M., M.Ln., Assistant Librarian, Health Center Library (1956-1962).
Dixon, James Cannon, Ph.D. (North Carolina), Professor of Psychology (1949-1956).
Doherty, Herbert Joseph, Ph.D. (North Carolina), Professor of History and Social Sci-
ences and Chairman of Social Sciences (1949-1964).*
Dblbier, William Read, Jr., Ph.D. (Cornell), Assistant Professor of Chemistry (1966-
Donovan, Clement Harold, Ph.D. (North Carolina), Professor of Economics and Chair-
man of Department of Economics (1940-1952).
Doty, Franklin Ahasuerus, Ph.D. (Iowa), Professor of History and Social Sciences and
Dean of University College (1946-1966).
Dougherty,-Marshall Harding, B.S., Assistant Chemical Engineer, FCC, Citrus Experi-
ment Station (1953-1953).
Dovell, Junius Elmore, Ph.D. (North Carolina), Professor of Social Sciences (1946-1955).*
Dover, Hill James, B.S., Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army, Assistant Professor of Military
Science (1965-1965).
Dowling, John, Ph.D. (Arizona State), Postdoctoral Research Associate, Physics (1964-
Dragstedt, Lester R., Ph.D. (Chicago), M.D. (Rush), Research Professor of Surgery
Drake, Mayo, M.S., Assistant Librarian, Health Center Library (1957-1963).
Dresdner, Richard David, Ph.D. (Pennsylvania State), Professor of Chemistry (1953-
Drylie, David, M.D. (Bowman Gray), Assistant Professor in Surgery (1959-1965).
Ducassi, Henry R., M.D. (University of Havana), Trainee, Resident and Assistant in
Psychiatry (1966-1966).
DuCharme, Ernest Peter, Ph.D. (Minnesota), Plant Pathologist, Citrus Experiment Sta-
tion (1946-1956).
Duer, Margaret Dickinson, B.S. in L.S., Assistant Librarian and Chairman of Circulation
Department (1941-1943).
Dunavant, Billy Glenn, Ph.D. (Purdue), Director of Nuclear Sciences; Associate Pro-
fessor of Radiation Biology and Bioenvironmental Engineering; Radiation Control
Officer (1960-1966).
Dunavin, Leonard Sypret, Jr., Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Agronomist, West Florida Ex-
periment Station (1959-1959).
Dunkle, John Robert, Ph.D. (Clark), Professor of Physical Sciences and Geography;
Assistant Dean University College (1949-1965).
Dunnam, Francis Eugene, Ph.D. (Louisiana State), Assistant Professor of Physics (1958-
Dunteman, George Henry, Ph.D. (Louisiana State), Assistant Professor and Research
Associate, College of Health Related Professions (1964-1964).
Durling, Allen Edgar, Ph.D. (Syracuse), Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering
Durrance, Charles Livingston, Ed.D. (Columbia), Professor of Education and Chairman,
Secondary Education Department (1940-1960).
Durrance, Kenneth Leroy, M.Ag., Associate Animal Husbandman, Agricultural Exten-
sion Service (1954-1966).
Dusenbury, Winifred Loesch, Ph.D. (Florida), Associate Professor of English, Adviser
Dutcher, Clinton H., M.S., Interim Instructor of Physics (1963-1963).
Du Toit, Brian Murray, Ph.D. (Oregon), Assistant Professor of Anthropology (1966-
Dutta, Sudhindra Kumar, Ph.D. (Calcutta), Postdoctoral Research Associate in Physics
Dwyer, James J., M.A., Interim Instructor in Social Sciences (1963-1966).
Dwyer, Richard Anthony, Ph.D. (University of California at Los Angeles), Assistant
Professor of English (1966-1966).
Dykes, Elma Ethel, M.A., Assistant Professor in Nursing (1962-1966).
Easley, Caroline M., M.S., Research Associate in Biochemistry (1962-1962).
Easley, John Forest, M.S., Assistant Animal Nutritionist, Agricultural Experiment Sta-
tions (1962-1964).
Eastwood, Ralph Allen, Ph.D. (Cornell), Economist, Marketing, Agricultural Extension
Service (1957-1957).
Eaton, Elizabeth S., M.A., Assistant Librarian, Health Center Library (1962-1962).
Ebcioglu, Ibrahim K., Ph.D. (Minnesota), Professor of Engineering Science and Me-
chanics (1961-1966).
Echevarria, Rene, M.D. (University of Habana), Assistant Professor in Pathology (1960-
Eckdahl, Jack Polk, M.Ed., Assistant Professor of Physical Education (1951-1955).
Eddleman, Bobby Ross, Ph.D. (North Carolina State), Assistant Professor and Assistant
Agricultural Economist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1966-1966).
Edds, George Tyson, Ph.D. (Minnesota), Professor and Chairman, Department of Vet-
erinary Science, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (1962-1962).
Edelson, Irving, B.J., News and Feature Editor, Division of Informational Services
Eden, William Gibbs, Ph.D. (Illinois), Professor and Chairman, Department of Ento-
mology, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (1965-1965).
Edmondson, Cornelia, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Physical Education (1948-1952).*
Edson, Charles Grant, M.S.E., Associate Professor of Engineering Science and Mechanics
Edson, Seton Norman, M.S., Associate Professor of Soils (1950-1958).
Edwards, Charles G., M.D. (Medical College of Georgia), Trainee, Resident and As-
sistant in Psychiatry (1966-1966).
Edwards, George John, B.A., Research Associate in Chemistry, Citrus Experiment Sta-
tion (1953-1966).
Edwards, Richard Archer, Ph.D. (North Carolina), Professor of Geology and Acting
Chairman of the Department of Geology (1940-1966).
Edwards, Thomas S., M.D. (Tulane), Clinical Associate in Surgery (1962-1962).
Edwards, William Franklin, M.B.A., Instructor and Assistant in Agricultural Economics
Edwardson, John Richard, Ph.D. (Harvard), Professor of Agronomy and Agronomist,
Agricultural Experiment Stations (1953-1966).
Eggert, Chester Lee, Ed.D. (Indiana), Professor of Education (1948-1954).
Ehly, Jay Hugh, M.D. (Florida), Assistant Resident, Trainee and Assistant in Psychiatry
Ehrbar, Elizabeth K., Interim Artist, Florida State Museum (1957-1966).
Ehrenfeld, David William, M.D. (Harvard), Ph.D. (Florida), Interim Assistant Profes-
sor of Biological Sciences (1967-1967).
Eibner, John R., B.S., Director Public Relations, Division of Intercollegiate Athletics
Eilbeck, Carol H., B.S., Interim Assistant in Agricultural Economics and Interim In-
structor, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1966-1966).
Eisenberg, Martin Allan, D. Eng. (Yale), Assistant Professor of Engineering Science and
Mechanics (1966-1966).
Eisenberg, M. Michael, M.D. (Harvard), Assistant Professor in Surgery (1962-1964).
Eitzman, Donald Vern, M.D. (University of Iowa), Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Ekwall, Merton L., M.D. (University of Nebraska), Clinical Associate in Psychiatry
Elgerd, Olle Ingemar, D.Sc. (Washington, Mo.), Professor of Electrical Engineering
Elkins, Virgil Lynn, M.S.A., Area Program Specialist Agricultural Extension Service,
Tallahassee (1949-1961).
Ellenson, Eugene, B.A., Assistant Head Coach (1960-1960).
Elliott, Herschel Hugh, Ph.D. (Yale), Associate Professor of Philosophy (1955-1964).
Elliott, Jacqueline Edith H., Ph.D. (Miami), Assistant Professor of Mathematics (1965-
Elliott, Paul Russell, Ph.D. (Michigan), Assistant Professor of Zoology (1963-1963).
Elliotte, Donald Myers, B.S.B.A., Interim Lecturer and Director, Business Associates,
College of Business Administration (1966-1966).
Ellis, Donald Edwin, Ph.D. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Assistant Professor
of Physics (1966-1966).
Ellis, William Hobart, Ph.D. (Florida State), Associate Professor of Nuclear Engineering
Ellison, Claude, Jr., A.A.B., Internal Auditor (1962-1966).
Ellison, Emily D., B.S., Research Associate in Opthalmology (1962-1962).
Elmore, William Earl, B.S., Business Manager (1950-1965).
Elson, George Y., M.D., Clinical Associate in Pediatrics (1965-1965).
Emerson, Richard P., M.D. (Harvard), Clinical Associate in Psychiatry (1965-1965).
Emmel, Leonard G., M.D. (Pennsylvania), Clinical Associate in Medicine (1959-1959).
Engelhard, Arthur W., Ph.D. (Iowa State), Associate Plant Pathologist, Gulf Coast Ex-
periment Station (1966-1966).
Enneking, William F., M.D. (Wisconsin), Professor of Surgery and Pathology and Chief
of Division of Orthopedics (1959-1962).
Eno, Charles Franklin, Ph.D. (Purdue), Professor and Chairman, Department of Soils,
Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (1950-1965).
Entner, Marvin Lee, Ph.D. (Minnesota), Assistant Professor of History (1961-1963).
Enwall, Hayford Octavius, LL.B., Professor of Law (1956-1956).
Eoff, Kay Marvin, Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Professor of Physical Sciences (1962-1964).
Eoff, Sara P., B.A., Assistant in Research in Biochemistry (1966-1966).
Erb, Mary Beth, B.A.E., Interim Teacher, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1966-1966).
Erlich, Lawrence B., M.D. (Pennsylvania), University Physician (1965-1965).
Ervin, Helen C., M.S.W., Psychiatric Social Worker 1 (1965-1966).
Erwin, John R., M.D. (University of Illinois), Clinical Associate in Psychiatry (1965-
Escarraz, Donald Ray, Ph.D. (Oklahoma State), Assistant Professor of Economics (1964-
Estner, Carolyn Jane, M.A., Interim Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy (1966-
Eutsler, Roland Byerly, Ph.D. (Pennsylvania), Professor of Economics (1935-1935).*
Evans, John H., M.D. (Duke), Chief Resident, Clinical Pathology (1963-1964).
Evans, II, Ralph M., B.S.B.A., Personnel Officer (1965-1965).
Everett, Gordon Dale, B.Des., Assistant Professor of Architecture (1958-1965).
Everett, Paul Harrison, Ph.D. (Purdue), Associate Soils Chemist, South Florida Field
Laboratory (1958-1964).
Fabrick, Arthur L., M.S.W., Assistant Psychiatric Social Worker (1959-1966).
Fagen, William Frederick, M.S., Professor of Electrical Engineering (1947-1957).
Fahien, Raymond W., Ph.D. (Purdue), Professor of Chemical Engineering and Chair-
man of the Department (1964-1964).
Fain, John Tyree, Ph.D. (Vanderbilt), Professor of English (1947-1951).
Fairbanks, Charles H., Ph.D. (Michigan), Professor of Anthropology and Chairman
Fajardo, Salvador J., M.A., Assistant Professor of Romance Languages (1966-1966).
Faloona, Gerald R., Ph.D. (Florida), Research Associate in Biochemistry (1966-1966).
Farber, Erich Alexander, Ph.D. (Iowa), Professor of Mechanical Engineering (1954-1954).
Farhadieh, Bahran, B.S., Research Associate (1965-1965).
Faricy, John Hartnett, M.S., Assistant Professor of Marketing (1966-1966).
Farler, Carl, B.S., Interim Assistant in Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Extension
Service (1966-1966).
Farley, Robert Joseph, J.S.D. (Yale), Professor of Law (1963-1964).
Farnworth, Edward G., B.S., Teaching Assistant (1966-1966).
Farris, Charles Detyens, Ph.D. (Chicago), Professor of Political Science (1958-1964).
Farris, Glenn Aloysius, M.A.T., Adviser to Foreign Students (1962-1963).
Fearn, Richard Lee, Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Professor of Aerospace Engineering
Fearney, Edward Maurice, B.Arch., Associate Professor of Architecture (1946-1958).*
Feaster, John Pipkin, Ph.D. (North Carolina), Associate Professor and Associate Bio-
chemist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1951-1958).
Feldherr, Carl M., Ph.D. (University of Pennsylvania), Assistant Professor of Anatomy
Feldman, Albert William, Ph.D. (Minnesota), Plant Pathologist, Citrus Experiment
Station (1958-1958).
Fellers, John D., M.S., Assistant Director, Shands Teaching Hospital and Clinics; In-
structor (courtesy) Health and Hospital Administration, College of Health Related
Professions (1958-1966).
Fellers, Paul Joseph, Ph.D. (Michigan), Assistant Food Technologist, FCC, Citrus Ex-
periment Station (1965-1965).
Fenn, Henry Anderson, LL.B., Professor of Law and Dean Emeritus, College of Law
Ferguson, Raymond Carl, M.Ed., Assistant Professor of Education (1962-1962).
Ferguson, Sarah Caroline, M.S. in L.S., Instructor-Librarian, P. K. Yonge Laboratory
School (1951-1962).*
Fisher, Earl, M.D. (North Carolina), Resident in Pediatrics (1964-1964).
Fisher, Edward P., M.Ed., Assistant Editor, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1965-
Fisher, Francine E., M.S., Assistant Plant Pathologist, Citrus Experiment Station (1946-
Fisher, Norma Paige, B.S., Instructor of Physical Therapy (1964-1964).
Fisher, Waldo R., M.D. (University of Pennsylvania), Assistant Professor of Medicine
Fiskell, John Garth Austin, Ph.D. (McGill), Professor of Soils and Biochemist, Agricul-
tural Experiment Stations (1951-1961).
Fitzgerald, Lawrence T., M.S., Instructor in Radiation Physics (1964-1965).
Flackett, John Michael, LL.M. (Pennsylvania), Assistant Professor of Law (1966-1966).
Flam, Jack Donald, A.M., Visiting Assistant Professor of Art (1966-1966).
Flanigan, Frank McChesney, M.S., M.E., Professor of Mechanical Engineering (1947-
Flannery, Merle Elizabeth, M.Ed., Assistant Professor of Education (1966-1966).
Flemion, Philip Frederick, M.A., Assistant Director, Center for Latin American Studies
Flesher, Carol K., Ph.D. (Florida), Interim Associate Counseling Psychologist (1965-1965).
Flowers, John Wilson, Ph.D. (Virginia), Professor of Physics (1947-1953).
Floyd, James Baily, M.A., Interim Instructor of Economics (1966-1966).
Floyd, Samuel Wayne, B.S., Interim Teacher, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1966-1966).
Fluck, Richard Conard, Ph.D. (North Carolina State), Assistant Professor and Assistant
Agricultural Engineer, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1965-1965).
Flynn, John Michael, M.Ed., Interim Instructor of Education (1966-1966).
Foote, Perry Albert, Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Dean of the College of Pharmacy and Professor
of Pharmaceutical Chemistry; Director, Bureau of Professional Relations (1928-
Foraker, Alvan G., M.D. (University of Pittsburgh), Clinical Associate in Pathology
Forbes, Richard B., Ph.D. (Pennsylvania State), Assistant Soils Chemist, Central Florida
Experiment Station (1948-1948).*
Ford, Ernest Sidney, Ph.D. (Chicago), Professor of Botany (1947-1949).
Ford, Harry W., Ph.D. (Ohio State), Horticulturist, Citrus Experiment Station (1950-
Ford, James A., Ph.D. (Columbia), Curator of Anthropology, Florida State Museum;
Professor of Anthropology (1964-1964).
Forizs, Lorant, M.D. (Ferencz Jozsef, Hungary), Clinical Associate in Psychiatry (1965-
Forsee, William Thomas, Jr., Ph.D. (Florida), Chemist and Head, Everglades Exper-
iment Station (1937-1952).
Forsman, Marion Edwin, Ph.D. (Iowa State), Professor of Electrical Engineering; Direc-
tor, Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station (1955-1965).
Forsythe, Roy Louis, B.S.P.T., Interim Instructor of Physical Therapy (1966-1966).
Foster, Barbara Marcia, M.L.S., Assistant Librarian, Acquisitions (1966-1966).
Foster, Louis A., Ph.D. (Illinois), Visiting Professor of Accounting (1965-1965).
Foster, Malcolm, T., Jr., M.D. (Bowman-Gray), Research Fellow in Medicine (1963-
Foster, Robert Estill, M.Ed., Assistant Professor of Music (1964-1965).
Fouts, Everett Lincoln, Ph.D. (Iowa State), Professor of Dairy Science and Dairy Tech-
nologist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1940-1949).
Fouts, Joe C., B.S.B.A., Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies (1966-1966).
Fowler, H. Bruce, B.A., Interim Instructor in Journalism and Communications and
Producer-Director, Television Station WUFT (1966-1966).
Fox, Lauretta Ewing, Ph.D. (Illinois), Associate Professor of Pharmacology (1949-1955).
Fox, William McNair, Ph.D. (Ohio State), Professor of Industrial Relations and Man-
agement (1954-1963).
Francis, Virginia Gladys, M.A. in L.S., Assistant in Library, Reference and Bibliography
Frazer, Percy Warner, M.F., Associate Professor of Forest Management and Associate
Forester, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1936-1949).*
Frazer, William Johnson, M.A., Associate Professor of Finance (1957-1965).*
Frederick, William, B.E.E., Senior Research Assistant in Electrical Engineering (1953-
Freeland, James Jackson, LL.B., Professor of Law (1957-1963).
Freeman, George Roland, M.S.A., Superintendent of Field Services, Agricultural Exper-
iment Stations (1950-1950).
Freeman, John R., Ph.D. (Georgia Tech.), Assistant Professor of Industrial and Systems
Engineering (1966-1966).
Freeman, Thomas Edward, Ph.D. (Louisiana State), Associate Plant Pathologist, Agri-
cultural Experiment Stations (1956-1963).
Freeman, Watson Louis, M.S.E., Instructor in Mechanical Engineering (1953-1957).
Freemon, Frank R., M.D. (Florida), Resident in Medicine (1966-1966).
Fregly, Melvin J., Ph.D. (Rochester), Professor of Physiology (1956-1965).
Frei, Rudolph John, M.D. (Basel Univ., Switzerland), Fellow in Child Psychiatry (1962-
Freiman, Adele Epstein, B.A., Interim Teacher, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1966-
French, Rowland Barnes, Ph.D. (Iowa), Biochemist, Agricultural Experiment Stations
Freund, Gerhard, M.D. (Goethe University, Germany), Assistant Professor of Medicine
Fried, Melvin, Ph.D. (Yale University), Acting Chairman and Associate Professor of
Biochemistry (1956-1966).
Friel, Janette, M.S., Research Assistant in Psychiatry (1966-1966).
Fristoe, Charles Wesley, Ph.D. (Illinois), Associate Professor of Economics (1950-1955).
Fritz, George J., Ph.D. (Purdue), Associate Professor of Botany and Associate Plant
Physiologist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1960-1964).
Fry, Jack Leroy, Ph.D. (Purdue), Associate Professor of Poultry Science and Associate
Poultry Products Technologist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1964-1964).
Fry, Richard M., M.D. (Temple), Assistant Professor of Surgery (1960-1962).
Fuller, David Dowd, M.Ed., Baseball Coach and Assistant Football Coach (1946-1946).
Funk, Arthur Layton, Ph.D. (University of Chicago), Professor of Humanities (1946-
Funkhouser, Jack Sherrick, M.M., Assistant Director of Library, Teaching Resources
and Assistant Professor of Humanities (1961-1965).
Furlong, Robert E., LL.M. (Yale), Associate Professor of Law (1966-1966).
Furlow, Leonard T., M.D. (Washington U.), Instructor in Surgery (1965-1965).
Furman, Thomas deSaussure, M.S.C.E., Professor of Environmental Engineering and
Professor of Civil Engineering (1951-1964).
Gable, Bertram D., D.M.A. (Missouri), Associate Professor of Music (1966-1966).
Gaddum, Maxine S., M.S., Assistant Professor of Mathematics (1965-1966).
Gaffney, Jerome Joseph, M.S., Assistant in Agricultural Engineering, USDA, Agricul-
tural Experiment Stations (1966-1966).
Gager, William Atkins, Ph.D. (Peabody), Professor of Mathematics (1942-1949).
Gagliano, Theodore E., M.D. (Columbia), Clinical Associate in Psychiatry (1965-1965).
Gahan, James B., M.S., Professor of Entomology and Administrative Officer, USDA,
Entomology Research Laboratory (1963-1963).
Gaines, Carolyn Jane, M.S., Assistant in Library, Catalog (1965-1965).
Gaitanis, Louis Andrew, LL.B., M.A., Associate Professor of Business Law (1946-1951).
Gaither, Robert Barker, Ph.D. (University of Illinois), Professor of Mechanical Engi-
neering and Chairman of Department (1962-1966).
Gallagher, William B., M.D. (St. Louis Univ.), Resident in Psychiatry (1965-1965).
Gammage, Richard Bertram, Ph.D. (Exeter), Research Associate of Chemistry (1964-
Gammon, Nathan, Jr., Ph.D. (Ohio State), Soils Chemist, Agricultural Experiment
Stations (1946-1946).
Gandhi, Om Parkash, Ph.D. (Michigan), Visiting Associate Professor in Electrical En-
gineering (1967-1967).
Gano, Ovid Raymond, B.E.E., Head, Bioelectronics and Instrument Shop (1944-1963).*
Garcia-Bengochea, Francisco, M.D. (Havana and Tulane), Associate Professor of
Surgery (1962-1962).
Garcia-Menocal, Narciso, B.Arch., Instructor of Architecture (1966-1966).
Gardner, Jane Lockwood, M.Ed., Assistant Professor of Physical Education and Chair-
man of Department of Required Physical Education for Women (1961-1962).
Garlington, James C., M.D. (Yale University), Clinical Associate in Surgery (1965-
Garrard, Leon A., Ph.D. (Florida), Research Associate, Agricultural Experiment
Stations (1963-1963).
Garrett, Edward Robert, Ph.D. (Michigan State), Graduate Research Professor of
Pharmacy (1961-1961).
Garrett, Richard Edward, Ph.D. (Virginia), Associate Professor of Physics (1963-1963).
Garrett, Richard Emil, M.M.E., Assistant Professor of Engineering Graphics (1959-
Garvin, Jewel, B.S. in L.S., B.A., Assistant Librarian, Health Center Library (1960-
Gehan, Frederick Edward, M.A.E., Associate Professor of English (1946-1955).
Geiger, Anita Otto, M.A., Assistant in Library, Catalog (1965-1965).
Genung, William Gordon, M.S., Associate Entomologist, Everglades Experiment Station
Georg, James Gonder, B.S., Assistant Meteorologist, USWB, Weather Forecasting
Service (1952-1952).
George, Theodore Samuel, Ph.D. (Duke), Professor of Electrical Engineering (1938-
Geraldson, Carroll Morton, Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Associate Soils Chemist, Gulf Coast
Experiment Station (1951-1956).
Gerber, John Francis, Ph.D. (Missouri), Associate Professor and Associate Climatolo-
gist, Agricultural Experiment Station (1960-1966).
Gervais, Robert H., M.D. (State Univ. of New York), Trainee and Assistant in Psy-
chiatry (1964-1965).
Gessner, Ira, M.D. (Vermont), Assistant Professor in Pediatrics (1960-1965).
Getzen, Samuel Pace, Director of Campus Shop and Bookstore (1960-1960).
Giannini, Richard, B.S., Assistant Sports Publicity Director (1966-1966).
Gifford, George Edwin, Ph.D. (Minnesota), Associate Professor of Microbiology
Gilbert, Carter Rowell, Ph.D. (Michigan), Assistant Curator of Ichthyology, Florida
State Museum; Assistant Professor of Zoology (1961-1963).
Gilbert, Irwin H., Ph.D. (Ohio State), Professor of Entomology and Assistant Director,
USDA, Entomology Research Laboratory (1963-1963).
Gilbert, Joel Sterling, Ph.D. (Oklahoma), Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engi-
neering (1965-1965).
Gilbraith, Kenneth Marshburn, M.S.A., Vegetable Marketing Specialist, Agricultural
Extension Service (1957-1959).
Gilkes, Kendra McAllister, M.Ed., Interim Teacher, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School
Gilman, Steven H., M.D. (Florida), Clinical Associate in Surgery (1966-1966).
Glafcke, W. Robert, M.A., Assistant Professor of Journalism and Communications
Gleim, James Kilmer, Ph.D. (Pennsylvania), Assistant Professor of Astronomy (1966-
Glenn, John K., B.S., Systems Analyst, Shands Teaching Hospital and Clinics (1966-
Glicksberg, Mandell, LL.M., Professor of Law (1953-1959).*
Goddard, Frederick Owen, B.S.B.A., Assistant Professor of Economics (1966-1966).
Goddard, Ray Everett, Ph.D. (Texas A. & M.), Associate Professor of Forestry and
Agronomy, and Associate Geneticist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1959-1964).
Godwin, Dwight S., Manager, Photographic Services Department (1964-1964).
Godwin, Grant Murray, M.Ag., Associate State 4-H Club Agent, Agricultural Exten-
sion Service (1952-1959).
Goffman, Irving Jay, Ph.D. (Duke), Associate Professor of Economics (1959-1963).
Goggin, Margaret Knox, Ph.D. (Illinois), Assistant Director of Libraries and Professor
of Library Science (1949-1966).
Goin, Coleman Jett, Ph.D. (Florida), Professor of Biological Sciences and Professor
of Zoology; Adviser (1942-1956).*
Goldhurst, William, Ph.D. (Tulane), Assistant Professor of Humanities (1964-1964).
Goldman, Jacquelin Roberta, Ph.D. (Illinois), Assistant Professor of Psychology and
Clinical Psychologist, College of Health Related Professions (1961-1961).
Gonzalez-Crussi, Francisco, M.D. (Mexico), Chief Resident in Pathology (1961-1966).
Gonzalez, Jose Luis, B.E.E., Research Assistant in Nuclear Engineering (1965-1965).
Goodman, Donald C., Ph.D. (Illinois), Professor of Anatomy and Neurology and Chair-
man of the Department of Anatomy (1956-1966).
Goodrich, Dana Clement, Jr., Ph.D. (Cornell), Interim Agricultural Economist, Agri-
cultural Experiment Stations (1965-1965).
Goodyear, Charles Patrick, B.A., Assistant to General Manager, Division Intercollegiate
Athletics (1965-1965).
Gordon, Ira Jay, Ed.D. (Columbia), Professor of Education and Chairman, Foundations
of Education Department (1956-1964).
Gothilf, Shmuel Y., Ph.D. (Hebrew University Jerusalem), Research Associate, Agricul-
tural Experiment Stations (1966-1966).
Gould, Robert William, Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Professor of Metallurgical and
Materials Engineering (1964-1964).
Grady, Paul F., D.C.S., Visiting Professor of Accounting (1965-1965).
Graeffe, Arnold Didier, Ph.D. (Berlin), Professor of Humanities (1948-1963).
Graeffe, Lotte B., Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Professor of English (1965-1966).
Graham, Henry H., M.D. (Cornell), Clinical Associate in Medicine (1959-1959).
Graham, Mary Elizabeth, M.A.E., Assistant Professor of Physical Education (1964-1964).
Graham, Raymond Wilfred, B.Arch., Assistant Professor of Architecture (1957-1957).
Graham, Thomas Aloysius, Jr., B.S., Assistant Registrar (1959-1963).
Gramling, Lea Gene, Ph.D. (Florida), Professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and
Chairman of the Department (1946-1959).
Grand, John Louis Rochon, M.A., Professor of Architecture (1937-1947).
Grant, Carl Wayne, B.S., Lieutenant Colonel, Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies
Grant, Louis Gerard, B.S., Senior Research Assistant in Engineering in Nuclear Engi-
neering (1960-1965).
Grantham, William J., Jr., M.S.E., Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering (1959-1963).*
Grasty, William Joseph, M.A., Teaching Associate, Department of Accounting (1966-
Grater, Harry Allen, Ph.D. (Penn. State), Director, Senior Counseling Psychologist,
University Counseling Center; Associate Professor of Psychology (1965-1965).
Gravely, Lucius Brockenborough, III, M.S.B., University Cashier (1951-1951).
Gravenstein, Joachim S., M.D. (Harvard), Professor of Anesthesiology and Chief of
Division (1958-1963).
Graves, Howard Bradley, Jr., Ph.D. (Washington), Interim Assistant Chemist, Citrus
Experiment Station (1962-1962).
Graves, Samuel Ray, B.A., Head Football Coach and Director of Athletics (1960-1960).
Gray, John Lewis, M.S.F., Associate Professor and Chairman of Forestry Department
and Director of School of Forestry, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
Greathouse, Brady, M.Agr., Trainer, Division of Intercollegiate Athletics (1964-1966).
Green, Alex Edward Samuel, Ph.D. (Cincinnati), Graduate Research Professor of
Physics (1963-1963).
Green, James Russell, M.D. (Virginia), Assistant Professor of Medicine (1960-1963).
Green, Victor Eugene, Jr., Ph.D. (Purdue), Agronomist, Everglades Experiment Station
Greenawalt, Thomas Charles, M.Ag., Assistant State 4-H Club Agent, Agricultural
Extension Service (1962-1966).
Greene, Calvin Clay, M.S.M.E., Director of Physical Plant (1950-1950).
Greene, Gerald Lee, Ph.D. (Oregon State), Assistant Entomologist, Central Florida
Experiment Station (1966-1966).
Greene, Robert Edward Lee, Ph.D. (Cornell), Professor of Agricultural Economics
and Agricultural Economist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1948-1948).
Greene, Robert Lee, M.A., Interim Instructor of Economics (1966-1966).
Greenlee, Theodore, M.D. (Northwestern), Instructor in Orthopedic Surgery, (1966-
Greenman, John Roosevelt, LL.B., Professor of Agricultural Economics and Agricul-
tural Economist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1939-1945).*
Greer, Melvin, M.D. (New York), Associate Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics,
Chief, Division of Neurology (1961-1964).
Gregg, James Henderson, Ph.D. (Princeton), Professor of Zoology (1951-1963).*
Grierson William, Ph.D. (Cornell), Horticulturist, Citrus Experiment Station (1952-
Griffis, Carolyn S., M.A., Interim Instructor in Social Sciences (1965-1965).
Griffith, Mildred Mason, Ph.D. (California) Professor of Biological Sciences and
Professor of Botany (1950-1963).
Griggs, Harry Hubert, Ph.D. (Iowa), Associate Professor of Journalism and Com-
munications, (1958-1962).
Grigsby, Mac G., B.A., National Defense Loan Officer (1936-1961).*
Grigsby, Shaw Earl, Ph.D. (Cornell), Training Specialist, Agricultural Extension
Service; Associate Professor of Agricultural Extension, College of Agriculture
Grillett, Pierre-Antoine, Ph.D. (Paris), Assistant Professor of Mathematics (1965-1966).
Grinter, Linton E., Ph.D. (Illinois), LL.D. (Arizona State University at Tempe),
Dean of the Graduate School and Research Professor (1952-1952).
Grissom, Eugene Edward, M.F.A., Professor of Art and Chairman of Department of Art
Grobe, William C., M.A.Arch., Assistant Professor of Architecture (1961-1964).*
Grodsky, May Roman, B.A., Assistant in Library, Documents (1951-1951).
Grooms, Donald A., M.A., Assistant Professor of Journalism and Communications
Gubbins, Keith Edmund, Ph.D. (London), Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering
Guerro, Manuel, M.D. (Univ. of Santa Domingo), Clinical Associate in Psychiatry
Guertin, Wilson H., Ph. D. (Michigan State), Associate Professor of Education (1960-
Gull, Dwain D., Ph.D. (Cornell), Assistant Horticulturist, Agricultural Experiment
Stations (1958-1958).
Gupta, Rajendra Prasad, M.S., Interim Research Associate in Statistics (1966-1966).
Gurley, Mary Y., B.S., Interim Assistant Director of Academic Services (1966-1966).
Guy, Albert Glasgow, Ph.D. (Carnegie Tech.), Professor of Metallurgical and Materials
Engineering (1960-1960).
Guy, Charles Eugene, M.S., Interim Instructor of Economics (1966-1966).
Guy, Mary Myberg, Ph.D. (Purdue), Assistant Professor of Physical Sciences (1962-
Guyatt, Andrew R., Ph.D. (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine), Post-
doctoral Fellow in Physiology (1966-1966).
Guynn, Cyrus H., M.D. (Duke), Resident in Medicine (Neurology) (1965-1966).
Guyon, Barbara Ann, B.A., Research Assistant in Psychiatry (1966-1966).
Guzman, Victor L., Ph.D. (Cornell), Horticulturist, Everglades Experiment Station
Habeck Dale Herbert, Ph.D. (North Carolina State), Assistant Entomologist, Agri-
cultural Experiment Stations (1963-1963).
Habip, Lui Moris, Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Professor of Engineering Science and
Mechanics (1961-1964).
Hackett, Raymond L., M.D. (Vermont), Assistant Professor of Pathology (1962-1963).
Hadjis, John, B.S., Major, U.S. Army, Assistant Professor of Military Science (1964-
Hadley, Rufus Tilmon, B.S., Assistant Director of Finance and Accounting (1960-
Hadlock, Edwin Harold, Ph.D. (Cornell), Professor of Mathematics (1948-1953).
Haines, Lewis F., Ph.D. (University of Michigan), Professor of Humanities (1941-1950).
Hale, James Pierce, M.S., Associate Professor of Music (1957-1965).
Hale, Lester Leonard, Ph.D. (Louisiana State), Dean of Student Affairs and Pro-
fessor of Speech (1935-1960).*
Hall, Chesley Barker, Ph.D. (Cornell), Horticulturist, Agricultural Experiment Sta-
tions (1950-1964).
Hall, Everette E., Jr., Ph.D. (Florida), Research Associate in Student Health (1962-
Hall, Roberta Halcomb, M.S., Home Improvement Specialist, Agricultural Extension
Service, Tallahassee (1959-1959).
Hall, William A., M.D. (Harvard), Director of Department of Student Health, Associate
Professor of Medicine, J. Hillis Miller Health Center (1964-1964).
Hallam, Thomas Bancroft, B.S., Research Assistant (in Entomology-Pathology), Citrus
Experiment Station (1954-1966).
Halperin, Don Akiba, Ph.D. (Virginia Polytechnic Institute), Professor of Building
Construction (1953-1965).
Halsey, Lawrence Henry, M.S.A., Assistant Horticulturist, Agricultural Experiment
Stations (1948-1948).
Hamacher, Howard Brockman, M.Arch., Assistant Professor of Architecture (1956-
Hamer, Myron Philip, M.A.T., Assistant in Administration, College of Health Related
Professions (1966-1966).
Hammer, Lowell Clarke, Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Professor, Department of Com-
municative Disorders, College of Health Related Professions (1963-1965).
Hammer, Richard Hartman, Ph.D. (Arizona), Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical
Chemistry (1963-1963).
Hammond, Donald Frederick, B.A. (Florida), Interim Instructor in Effective Thinking
Hammond, Eugene Ashby, Ph.D. (North Carolina), Professor of History and Social
Sciences (1946-1955).
Hammond, Luther Carlisle, Ph.D. (Iowa State), Professor of Soils and Soils Physicist,
Agricultural Experiment Stations (1950-1964).
Hampton, Ray, M.D. (Tennessee), Instructor in Surgery (1965-1965).
Hancock, John Alan, M.N.E., Research Assistant in Nuclear Engineering (1966-1966).
Hanks, Robert William, Ph.D. (Chicago), Assistant Plant Physiologist, Citrus Experi-
ment Station (1955-1955).
Hanna, Paul Lamont, Ph.D. (Stanford), Professor of History and Social Sciences
Hanna, Thomas Louis, Ph.D. (Chicago), Professor and Chairman of Department of
Philosophy (1965-1965).
Hannum, John Ballard, M.Ed., Instructor, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1958-1962).
Hanrahan, Robert Joseph, Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Associate Professor of Chemistry (1958-
Hardcastle, Brian, M.D. (Leeds, England), Assistant Professor of Otolaryngology,
Hardee, Addison Guy, Jr., M.S.A.E., Research Associate in Aerospace Engineering
Harder, Jayne Crane, Ph.D. (Florida), Associate Professor of English and Speech
Harding, Charles Irvin, Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Professor of Environmental Engi-
neering (1962-1964).
Hardman, Alvin Abrams, M.D. (Florida), Resident in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Hardy, Alton Dudley, B.G.E., Major, Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies (1964-
Harkness, Roy Wendell, Ph.D. (California), Associate Chemist, Sub-Tropical Experi-
ment Station (1945-1955).
Harlan, William Edward, M.A.E., Assistant Professor of Physical Education and
Swimming Coach (1949-1954).
Harms, Robert Henry, Ph.D. (Texas A. & M.), Professor and Chairman, Department
of Poultry Science, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (1957-1963).
Harper, Aylene Sharp, M.S., Assistant Program Director, Florida Union (1966-1966).
Harper, George Mills, Ph.D. (North Carolina), Professor of English and Chairman
of the Department (1966-1966).
Harper, Julia M., M.Ed., Interim Teacher, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1966-1966).
Harper, Verne Lester, Ph.D. (Duke), Professor of Forestry (1966-1966).
Harris, Barney, Jr., Ph.D. (Oklahoma State), Assistant Extension Dairyman, Agri-
cultural Extension Service (1963-1963).
Harris, Donald E., M.D. (University of North Carolina), Resident in Medicine (1965-
Harris, Henry Clayton, Ph.D. (Cornell), Agronomist, Agricultural Experiment Stations
Harris, James O., M.D. (University of Mississippi), Resident in Medicine (1965-1966).
Harris, James R., B.B.A., Interim Instructor in Marketing (1964-1964).
Harris, Jane Reynolds, LL.B., Assistant Law Librarian (1963-1963).
Harris, Ruth Elisabeth, M.S.H.E., Family Life Specialist, Agricultural Extension
Service, Tallahassee (1958-1958).
Harrison, Dalton Sidney, M.S.A., Associate Agricultural Engineer, Agricultural Ex-
tension Service (1953-1961).
Hart, Donald John, Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Dean of the College of Business Adminis-
tration and Professor of Management (1956-1956).
Hart, Thomas Alonzo Edward, Ph.D. (Michigan), Professor of Humanities (1946-
Hartley, Craig Sheridan, Ph.D. (Ohio State), Assistant Professor of Engineering Science
and Mechanics and Assistant Professor of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Hartman, Robert F., M.B.A., Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting (1965-
Harvey, William B., A.B., Director, University Press (1967-1967).
Hass, Charles Glen, E.D. (Columbia), Professor of Education (1958-1958).
Hasterok, Gerald Scott, Ph.D. (Illinois), Assistant Professor of Education (1963-1963).
Hastings, Peter E., B.I.E., Assistant in Administration (1965-1965).
Hatcher, Keith Allen, M.F.A., Instructor in Art (1964-1966).
Haupt, Charles S., B.S.P., Associate Director, Bureau of Professional Relations,
College of Pharmacy (1950-1950).
Hayes, Carol Virginia, M.Ed., Assistant Professor of Nursing (1957-1964).*
Hayes, Francis Clement, Ph.D. (North Carolina), Associate Professor of Spanish
Haygood, Nancy A., B.S., Assistant Director of Finance and Accounting (1958-1958).
Haynes, Margaret C., M.A., Interim Instructor of Education (1965-1965).
Haynie, John Dale, B.S.A., Apiculturist, Agricultural Extension Service (1947-1947).
Hayslip, Norman Calvin, B.S.A., Entomologist, Everglades Experiment Station (1943-
Hayward, Frederick Warren, Ph.D. (Cornell), Associate Biochemist, Citrus Experiment
Station (1956-1956).
Head, Henry Herbert, Ph.D. (Maryland), Assistant Professor of Dairy Husbandry and
Assistant Physiologist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1963-1963).
Hearon, Pamela Kunsman, B.S., Research Assistant in Library, Citrus Experiment
Station (1966-1966).
Heath, Harry E., Jr., Ph.D. (Iowa), Professor of Journalism and Communications
Hedden, Scott Logan, M.S., Assistant Agricultural Engineer, USDA, Citrus Experi-
ment Station (1963-1963).
Hegen, Edmund E., Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Professor of Geography (1962-1962).*
Heidenheimer, Arnold J., Ph.D. (London School of Economics and Political Science),
Professor of Political Science (1960-1966).
Hcidingsfield, Myron S., Ph.D. (New York) Food Fair Stores Foundation Professor of
Marketing and Director, International Marketing Resource Center (1963-1964).
Heine, Melvin Wayne, M.D. (Duke), Assistant Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Helling, John Frederic, Ph.D. (Ohio State), Assistant Professor of Physical Sciences
and Chemistry (1962-1966).
Hellstrom, Ward, Ph.D. (Illinois), Assistant Professor of English (1961-1961).
Hench, Larry Leroy, Ph.D. (Ohio State), Assistant Professor of Metallurgical and
Materials Engineering (1964-1964).
Hendershott, Charles H., Jr., Ph.D. (North Carolina State), Associate Professor of Fruit
Crops and Associate Horticulturist, Agricultural Experiment Station (1964-1964).
Henderson, Charles Alfred, M.A., Instructor of Education, P. K. Yonge Laboratory
School (1964-1964).*
Henderson, Frank William, M.D. (Jefferson), Clinical Associate in Medicine (1959-
Henderson, Joseph Russell, M.S.A., Agronomist, Agricultural Extension Service (1935-
Henderson, Ruby Marie, M.S., Instructor of Music (1963-1966).
Henderson, Thomas Arthur, A.B. (Haverford), Interim Assistant Professor of Political
Science (1965-1965).
Hendrickson, Ellwood Robert, Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Professor of Environmental Engi-
neering (1950-1957).
Hendrickson, Rudolph, B.S., Associate Chemist, Citrus Experiment Station (1947-1958).
Henry, Frederick Earl, B.I.E., Assistant Industrial Engineer, USDA, Agricultural Ex-
periment Stations (1966-1966).
Henry, George Selden, Ph.D. (Yale), Assistant Professor of History and Social Sciences
Henry, John Crowell, III, M.S., Research Associate in Electrical Engineering (1967-
Hensel, Dale Robert, Ph.D. (Rutgers), Associate Soils Chemist and Head, Potato
Investigations Laboratory (1960-1964).
Hentges, James Franklin, Jr., Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Professor of Animal Science and
Animal Nutritionist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1952-1966).
Herbert, John Henry, M.S.A., Assistant Soil Conservationist, Agricultural Extension
Service (1954-1954).
Herbert, Thomas Walter, Ph.D. (Princeton), Professor of English (1946-1951).
Herndon, Thomas Glenn, M.S.F., Associate Farm Forester, Agricultural Extension
Service (1949-1957).
Herrlich, Horst, Ph.D. (Freie University, Berlin), Visiting Assistant Professor of
Mathematics (1966-1966).
Herzberg, Mendel, Ph.D. (California), Professor of Bacteriology (1954-1966).
Herzberg, Shirley Claire, M.R.C., Research Associate, Bureau of Economic and Business
Research (1966-1966).
Hess, Nancy Rose, Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Associate Professor of Real Estate and Urban
Land Studies (1963-1966).
Hester, John Donald, M.P.H., Assistant Professor of Physical Education (1957-1963).
Hester, Janice Parham, B.S. in L.S., Assistant Librarian, Catalog (1927-1961).*
Hester, Marvin Thomas, M.A., Interim Instructor in English (1965-1966).
Hetrick, Lawrence Andrew, Ph.D. (Ohio State), Professor of Entomology (1947-1959).
Hetrick, Lawrence Andrew III, M.A., Instructor in English (1966-1966).
Hibbs, Samuel G., M.D. (University of Pittsburgh), Clinical Associate in Psychiatry
Hicks, Dora Adeline, Ed.D. (Texas), Professor of Health Education (1948-1955).
Hicks, Haydn W., M.A., Interim Instructor of Spanish (1966-1966).
Hicks, Philip Edward, Ph.D. (Georgia Tech), Assistant Professor of Industrial and
Systems Engineering (1966-1966).
Hiers, Richard Hyde, Ph.D. (Yale), Assistant Professor of Religion (1961-1961).
Highsmith, James Milton, Ph.D. (North Carolina), Assistant Professor of English
Hildebrandt, Richard John, M.D. (Duke), Assistant Professor in Obstetrics and
Gynecology (1960-1966).*
Hill, Clifton Carr, M.S., Associate Professor of Engineering Science and Mechanics
Hill, Elmer Carl, B.S.A., Associate Bacteriologist, FCC, Citrus Experiment Station
Hill, Hugh Meighan, M.D. (Johns Hopkins), Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology
(1959-1966); Assistant Dean of Student Affairs (1963).
Hill, Jeraldine A., M.Ed., Instructor, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1959-1964).
Hill, Roger Post, M.S.A.E., Assistant Economist, Agricultural Extension Service
Hilliard, Frances Pauline, Ed.D. (Columbia), Professor of Education and Chairman,
Elementary Education Department (1950-1960).
Hilliard, Mary Elizabeth, M.S.N., Assistant Professor of Nursing (1961-1961).
Himes, James Albert, Ph.D. (Cornell), Assistant Pharmacologist, Agricultural Experi-
ment Stations (1965-1965).
Hinckley, Elmer Dumond, Ph.D. (Chicago), Professor Emeritus of Psychology; As-
sociate, University Counseling Center (1925-1963).
Hines, Vynce Albert, Ed.D. (Illinois), Professor of Education (1947-1953).
Hinkley, Henry Robert, Assistant Director of Physical Plant, Health Center (1955-
Hinson, Kuell, Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Associate Agronomist, USDA, Agricultural Experi-
ment Stations (1955-1966).
Hinson, Ray M., B.S., Assistant Meteorologist, USDA Agricultural Experiment Stations
Hipp, Jacob Edward, LL.B., Assistant Professor of Insurance (1955-1957).
Hixson, Imogene, B.S. in L.S., Assistant Librarian and Chairman of Catalog Depart-
ment (1949-1962).
Hoagland, Merton Bloom. B.S., Major, U.S. Army, Assistant Professor of Military Sci-
ence (1966-1966).
Hodes, Richard S., M.D. (Tulane), Clinical Associate in Surgery (1965-1965).
Hodges, Elver Myron, Ph.D. (Rutgers), Agronomist, Range Cattle Experiment Station
Hodges, Julius Barney, Ed.D. (New York University), Professor of Education and Direc-
tor, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1962-1962).
Hodges, James Roland, Ph.D. (North Carolina), Chairman of Comprehensive English
and Professor of English (1950-1964).*
Hodges, Paul C., M.D. (Washington University), Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Visiting Professor
of Radiology (1964-1964).*
Hodgson, Jean, M.N., Instructor, College of Nursing (1966-1966).
Hoffman, Carlton Ellsworth, M.L.S., Assistant Professor of Library Science and Assistant
Librarian (1965-1965).
Hoffman, Glenn John, Ph.D. (Michigan), Associate Professor of Social Sciences; Adviser
Hoffman, L. E., M.D. (Florida), Resident in Pediatrics (1964-1964).
Hogshead, Howard P., M.D. (Iowa), Assistant Professor of Surgery (1964-1965).
Holbrook, Hollis Howard, B.F.A., Professor of Art (1938-1948).
Holden, Edmund Stanley, Ph.D. (Northwestern), Associate Professor of English (1957-
Holder, Larry Bensen, M.D. (Florida), Resident in Obstetrics and Gynecology (1966-
Hollien, Harry Francis, Ph.D. (Iowa), Associate Director of Communications Sciences
Laboratory and Research Associate Professor of Speech (1962-1962).
Hollinshead, Byron S., M.A., LL.D. (Grinnell), L.H.D. (Miami University), Professor
of Humanities (1961-1966).
Hollis, Gilbert R., Ph.D. (Purdue), Interim Assistant Animal Nutritionist, Suwannee
Valley Experiment Station (1966-1966).
Hollis, Robert Parker, B.S., Assistant Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Holmes, Earl Drayton, B.S.P., Instructor in Pharmacy (1964-1964).
Holmes, Thelma Mary, M.P.H., Assistant Professor, Physical Therapy (1965-1965).
Holstein, Helen Davis, M.A., District Home Economics Agent, Agricultural Extension
Service (1952-1955).
Holtan, Boyd DeVere, Ed.D. (Illinois), Associate Professor of Education (1962-1966).
Holtsberg, Harold Isidor, B.S.A., Research Assistant in (Entomology-Pathology), Citrus
Experiment Station (1950-1966).
Holyoak, Owen Joseph, Ph.D. (University of Iowa), Assistant Professor of Professional
Physical Education (1966-1966).
Hood, C. Ian, M.B., Ch.B. (Liverpool), Assistant Professor of Pathology (1956-1957).
Hoogerbeets, Jacob D., M.D. (University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands), Instructor in
Psychiatry (1964-1966).
Hooper, Charles Frederick, Jr., Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins), Assistant Professor of Physics
Hooper, Leonard J., Ph.D. (Southern Illinois), Assistant Professor of Journalism and
Communications (1964-1964).
Hooser, Hobart, M.A., Administrative Assistant, Division of Intercollegiate Athletics
Hoover, John Wesley, M.S.A.E., Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering and Cam-
pus Coordinator, State Technical Services (1951-1966).
Horel, James A., Ph.D. (Ohio State), Assistant Professor of Anatomy (1962-1964).
Horn, Granville Clide, Ph.D. (Florida), Associate Professor of Turf Technology and
Associate Turf Technologist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1956-1957).
Horn, John K., M.Ed., Teacher, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1964-1964).
Home, Edward Porter, Ph.D. (Iowa), Associate Professor of Psychology (1949-1949).
Horner, Earl Stewart, Ph.D. (Cornell), Professor of Agronomy and Agronomist, Agricul-
tural Experiment Stations (1950-1964).
Hortenstine, Charles C., Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Soils Chemist, Agricultural Exper-
iment Stations (1959-1959).
Hosford, Robert Morgan, Jr., Ph.D. (Arizona), Assistant Plant Pathologist, Potato In-
vestigations Laboratory (1965-1965).
Hoskins, Wilbur Joliffe, M.S., Instructor, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1958-1962).
Hough, Joseph Potter, B.S., Assistant Director of Finance and Accounting (1964-1966).
Howard, William M., Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Professor of Insurance (1955-1957).
Howe, Jeanne H., M.N.Ed., Instructor, College of Nursing (1966-1966).
Howell, William Bruce, M.Ag., Interim Instructor of Education (1965-1965).
Hower, Alfred, Ph.D. (Harvard), Professor of Portuguese and Spanish (1962-1962).
Howes, Bradford Bowne, M.E., Assistant Professor of Building Construction (1964-1964).
Hren, John Joseph, Ph.D. (Stanford), Assistant Professor of Metallurgical and Materials
Engineering (1964-1964).
Hsiao, Mu-Yue, M.S., Teaching Associate in Electrical Engineering (1965-1965).
Huber, Joseph Richard, M.Ed., Instructor, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1958-1962).
Huckert, Jesse William, Ph.D. (Cornell), Professor of Mechanical Engineering (1961-
Hudson, Andrea Dorr, M.Ed., Off-Campus Counselor (1966-1966).
Hudson, Peter A., M.A., Interim Assistant Professor of Romance Languages (1966-1966).
Huffman, Jacob Brainard, D.F. (Duke), Associate Professor of Forest Product Technol-
ogy and Associate Forester, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1952-1957).
Huggart, Richard Leigh, B.S., Associate Chemist, FCC, Citrus Experiment Station (1951-
Hummel, Rolf Erich, D.Sc. (Stuttgart, Germany), Assistant Professor of Metallurgical
and Materials Engineering (1964-1964).
Hummer, John L., Ph.D. (Stanford), Professor of Electrical Engineering; Director,
GENESYS Program-Port Canaveral (1964-1964).
Humphreys, Thomas Elder, Ph.D. (Pennsylvania), Associate Professor of Botany and
Associate Biochemist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1955-1959).
Hunt, Elmer LeRoy, LL.M., Associate Professor and Assistant Dean (1962-1965).
Hunter, George William, III, Ph.D. (Illinois), Lecturer in Microbiology and Biological
Sciences (1956-1957).
Hurff, George Brian, Ph.D. (Pennsylvania), Professor of Economics (1948-1948).
Huseman, Howard William, M.S. in L.S., Assistant in Library, Circulation (1962-1962).
Hussey, Roland Fountain, D.Sc. (Harvard), Professor of Biological Sciences and Pro-
fessor of Zoology (1953-1960).
Hutcherson, William Robert, Ph.D. (Cornell), Professor of Mathematics (1949-1949).
Hutton, Curtis Evan, Ph.D. (Iowa State), Soils Chemist and Head, West Florida Exper-
iment Station (1949-1949).
Infante, Gelindo, B.S.P.E., Assistant Coach (1967-1967).
Ingle, Kelsey Hudleson, M.A., Instructor, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1945-1952).
Ingman, Hal Maury, M.S.M.E., Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering (1961-
Ingram, William, M.D. (University of Georgia), Clinical Associate in Psychiatry (1959-
Irey, Richard Kenneth, Ph.D. (Purdue), Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Irving, Jo Analie, B.S.N., Research Assistant, College of Nursing (1965-1965).
Isler, Ralph Charles, Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins), Assistant Professor of Physics (1966-1966).
lutaka, Sugiyama, Ph.D. (Escola de Sociologia and Politica, Rio de Janeiro), Assistant
Professor of Sociology (1967-1967).
Jackson, Elmo Louis, Ph.D. (Harvard), Professor of Economics (1946-1956).
Jacobs, Arthur J., Ed.D. (Columbia), Assistant Professor of Journalism and Commu-
nications and Producer-Director, Television Station WUFT (1964-1964).
Jacunski, Edward Walter, M.A.E., Associate Professor of Engineering Graphics; Assis-
tant Dean, College of Engineering (1947-1967).
Jain, Sampat Roy, Ph.D. (Indian Institute of Science), Interim Assistant Professor of
Chemistry (1966-1966).
James, John H., D.B.A. (Indiana), Associate Professor of Management (1961-1964).
James, John M., M.D. (Louisville), Third Year Resident in Radiology (1964-1966).
Jamison, Frank Stover, Ph.D. (Cornell), Professor and Chairman, Department of Veg-
etable Crops, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (1934-1956).
Janos, Ludvik,, Ph.D. (Charl's University, Prague), Visiting Associate Professor of Math-
ematics (1966-1966).
Jantzen, Alice Catherine, M.S., Associate Professor and Chairman, Department of Oc-
cupational Therapy (1958-1958).
Jarrett, Paul S., M.D. (Indiana University), Clinical Associate in Psychiatry (1965-1965).
Jayor, Petar, M.A., Interim Instructor of Mathematics (1966-1966).
Jefferies, Mildred B., M.P.H., Assistant Professor of Bacteriology (1953-1953).
Jennings, Robert Benjamin, LL.B. (Florida), Director of Academic Services (1957-1963).
Jensen, Anthony Svend, M.S.F., Assistant Farm Forester, Agricultural Extension Service
Jensen, Geraldine Afton, Ph.D. (Purdue), Assistant Professor of Mathematics (1964-
Jensen, Paul J., Ph.D. (Iowa), Research Assistant Professor of Speech (1963-1963).
Jessen, Eldon, B.A., Interim Instructor in Physical Sciences (1964-1964).
Jester, Robert E., Ph.D. (Utah), Assistant Professor of Education (1966-1966).
John, Phillip Merrill, B.S., Instructor in Pharmacy (1966-1966).
Johns, Lewis E., Jr., Ph.D. (Carnegie), Interim Assistant Professor of Chemical Engi-
neering (1967-1967).
Johns, Roe Lyell, Ph.D. (Columbia), Professor of Education (1946-1946).
Johnson, Arnold Waldemar, M.B.A., Visiting Professor of Accounting (1966-1966).
Johnson, Carl Henry, Ph.D. (Washington), Professor of Pharmacognosy, Director, Me-
dicinal Plant Gardens (1939-1954).
Johnson, Charles G., Jr., B.S.B.A., Controller Shands Teaching Hospital and Clinics
Johnson, E. Marshall, Ph.D. (California), Associate Professor of Anatomy (1960-1965).
Johnson, Irmgard, Ph.D. (Denver), Associate Professor of Humanities (1955-1959).
Johnson, John Hal, Ph.D. (Ohio State), Assistant Biochemist, Agricultural Experiment
Stations (1964-1964).
Johnson, Joseph E., III, M.D. (Vanderbilt), Associate Professor of Medicine (1966-1966).
Johnson, Keith Huber, Ph.D. (Temple), Postdoctoral Fellow, Physics (1965-1965).
Johnson, Loys Almon, M.S.C.E., Professor of Building Construction and Chairman of
Department of Building Construction (1960-1964).
Johnson, Ludi Willey, M.S., Assistant Librarian, Assistant Professor of Library Science
Johnson, Marvin W., M.D. (Alabama), Assistant in Pathology (1960-1965).
Johnson, McMillan Houston, M.A.Arch., Professor of Architecture (1946-1956).
Johnson, Raymond Clarence, M.S.E., Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering
Johnson, Roger Burr, Ph.D. (Cornell), Entomologist, Citrus Experiment Station (1952-
Johnson, Steve, Vending Manager (1964-1964).
Johnson, Warren Oswald, B.A., Meteorologist and Head, USWB, Weather Forecasting
Service (1935-1938).
Johnston, David Ware, Ph.D. (California), Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences and
Assistant Professor of Zoology (1963-1964).
Joiner, Jasper Newton, Ph.D. (Ohio State), Professor of Ornamental Horticulture and
Ornamental Horticulturist (1950-1966).
Jones, Anne Harrison, B.S., Assistant Registrar (1941-1952).
Jones, Catesby T., Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins), Associate Professor of Social Sciences (1966-
Jones, David Wilson, M.S.A., Associate Agronomist, Agricultural Extension Service
Jones, Edmund Ruffin, Ph.D. (Virginia), Assistant Dean of the College of Arts and
Sciences and Professor of Zoology (1946-1961).
Jones, Elise Cecile, B.A., Assistant in Research, Bureau of Economic and Business Re-
search (1953-1953).
Jones, Ernest McClain, J.S.D. (Yale), Professor of Law (1954-1957).
Jones, Frederick George, Jr., B.A., Interim Instructor in English (1966-1966).
Jones, Gary C., M.S., Assistant in Agricultural Economics (Instructor), Agricultural
Experiment Stations (1966-1966).
Jones, Jesse Ray, Jr., M.A. in L.S., Assistant Librarian, Reference and Bibliography
Jones, John Paul, Ph.D. (Ohio State), Assistant Plant Pathologist, Gulf Coast Exper-
iment Station (1958-1958).
Jones, John Paul, M.A., Professor of Journalism and Communications (1948-1951).
Jones, Marshall B., Ph.D. (California), Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology
Jones, Oscar Frederick, Ph.D. (Stanford), Professor of German (1937-1959).
Jones, Roy Carl, Jr., Ph.D. (Western Reserve), Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Jones, Sally Moore, B.S.N., Instructor, College of Nursing (1966-1966).
Jones, William Ellis, B.S.B.A., Director of Planning (1948-1965).
Jones, William Hugh, Jr., M.A., Assistant Superintendent of Field Services, Agricultural
Experiment Stations (1953-1953).
Jones, William Maurice, Ph.D. (Southern California), Professor of Chemistry (1956-
Jordan, Willis P., M.D. (Emory), Assistant Professor of Surgery (1964-1965).
Jourard, Sidney M., Ph.D. (Buffalo), Professor of Psychology (1958-1964).*
Jung, Calvin F. K., Ph.D. (Wayne State), Interim Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Jurkiewicz, Maurice J., M.D. (Harvard), D.D.S. (Maryland), Associate Professor of Sur-
gery and Chief of the Division of Plastic Surgery (1959-1964).
Kafoglis, Madelyn Lockhart, Ph.D. (Ohio State), Interim Associate Professor of Finance
Kafoglis, Milton Z., Ph.D. (Ohio State), Associate Professor of Economics (1958-1963).
Kalch Lester Wilcox, M.Ag., Assistant Poultry Husbandman, Agricultural Extension
Service (1951-1960).
Kallenbach, Ernst A., Ph.D. (McGill), Assistant Professor of Anatomy (1963-1964).
Kammerer, Gladys M., Ph.D. (Chicago), Professor of Political Science and Director of
Public Administration Clearing Service (1958-1958).
Kandzie, George J., M.D. (Tufts), Clinical Associate in Pathology (1955-1964).
Kantor, Harry, Ph.D. (California), Professor of Political Science (1952-1963).*
Kao, Diana, Ph.D. (Columbia), Assistant Professor of Chinese (1966-1966).
Kaplan, Stanley, Ph.D. (University of Miami), Interim Instructor of Anatomy (1966-
Karacan, Ismet, M.D. (University of Istanbul), Associate Professor of Psychiatry (1966-
Karns, Charles Franklin, Ph.D. (Pittsburgh), Assistant Professor of Speech (1964-1964).
Kassel, Stephen H., M.D. (Illinois), Second Year Resident in Pathology (1964-1966).*
Katz, Joan R., M.S.W., Instructor in Psychiatry (1962-1965).
Katz, Sanford Noah, J.D., Professor of Law (1964-1966).
Kaufman, Clemens Marcus, Ph.D. (Minnesota), Professor of Forestry and Forester,
Agricultural Experiment Stations (1951-1962).
Kaufman, Herbert E., M.D. (Harvard), Professor of Opthalmology, Chairman of the
Department of Opthalmology (1962-1966).
Kaufmann, John Henry, Ph.D. (California), Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences
and Assistant Professor of Zoology (1963-1963).
Keefer, Dennis Ralph, M.S.A.E., Research Associate in Aerospace Engineering (1963-
Keenen, Charles B., M.Ed., Assistant Dean of Men (1963-1966).
Keig, Norman Guthrie, Ph.D. (Ohio State), Associate Professor of Economics (1963-
Keister, Elwood J., Ed.D. (Columbia), Professor of Music (1957-1963).
Kele, Max Herschel, M.A., Interim Assistant Professor of History (1965-1965).
Kelly, Daniel Leo, Ed.D. (Florida), Interim Assistant Professor of English and Educa-
tion (1965-1966).
Kelsey, Elizabeth B., M.A., Research Assistant in Surgery (1961-1961).
Kelsheimer, Eugene Gillespie, Ph.D. (Ohio State), Entomologist, Gulf Coast Exper-
iment Station (1942-1942).
Kemp, Harold Warren, M.S., Assistant Professor of Architecture (1966-1966).
Kendall, Kenneth Everett, Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Professor of English (1965-1965).
Kendzior, Anne Horton, M.A., Assistant Professor of Art (1962-1966).
Kendzior, Richard Anthony, B.S.B.A., Assistant to the Director, Campus Shop and Book-
store (1966-1966).
Kensler, Edsel Byard, B.S., Assistant Coach (1964-1964).
Keppel, Reuben Arthur, M.S.E., Research Associate in Chemical Engineering (1955-
Kerr, Stratton Horsburg, Ph.D. (Cornell), Associate Entomologist, Agricultural Exper-
iment Stations (1953-1962).
Kerslake, Kenneth Alvin, M.F.A., Assistant Professor of Art (1956-1961).
Kesterson, James Walter, M.S., Chemist, Citrus Experiment Station (1947-1956).
Kidd, Kenneth Paul, Ph.D. (Peabody), Professor of Education (1938-1955).
Kidder, Ralph Wyman, M.S., Animal Husbandman, Everglades Experiment Station
Kiker, John Ewing, Jr., M.C.E., Professor of Environmental Engineering and Civil
Engineering, and Chairman of Bioenvironmental Engineering Department (1947-
Kilby, John Davis, Ph.D. (Florida), Associate Professor of Biological Sciences and As-
sociate Professor of Zoology; Adviser (1947-1956).
Killinger, Gordon Beverly, Ph.D. (Iowa State), Agronomist, Agricultural Experiment
Stations (1941-1943).
Kimball, Solon T., Ph.D. (Harvard), Graduate Research Professor of Anthropology
Kimbrough, James William, Ph.D. (Cornell), Assistant Professor of Mycology and As-
sistant Mycologist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1964-1964).
Kimbrough, Ralph Bradley, Ed.D. (Tennessee), Professor of Education and Chairman,
Educational Administration Department, College of Education (1958-1966).
Kinard, Drayton Tucker, Ph.D. (Michigan State), Professor and Chairman, Department
of Agricultural Engineering Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (1958-1958).
Kincaid, Randall Rich, Ph.D. (Missouri), Plant Pathologist, North Florida Experiment
Station (1929-1943).
King, Andrew J., B.A., Captain, Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies (1965-1965).
King, Emily Elizabeth, Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Home Economist, Training, Agricultural Ex-
tension Service, Tallahassee (1946-1964).
King, Frederick Elijah M.S., Assistant Director of Housing (1951-1957).
King, Frederick Alexander, Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins), Associate Research Professor of
Surgery and Psychology (1959-1963).
King, Howard E., B.A., Assistant to Provost, Health Center (1962-1963).
King, Robert Lee, Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins), Assistant Professor of Physiology (1961-1964).
King, Wayne F., Ph.D. (Miami), Postdoctoral Research Associate, Florida State Museum
Kinney, Ralph A., M.S.E., Teaching Associate in Electrical Engineering (1964-1964).
Kinzey, Bertram York, Jr., M.S.A.E., Professor of Architecture (1959-1965).
Kinzy, Christa Margarete, B.S., Interim Teacher, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1963-
Kirk, Thomas E., M.D. (Missouri), Second Year Resident in Radiology (1965-1966).
Kirk, William Gordon, Ph.D. (Iowa State), Animal Scientist, Range Cattle Experiment
Station (1936-1941).
Kirkham, Wayne Wolpert, Ph.D. (Iowa State), Associate Virologist, Agricultural Ex-
periment Stations (1963-1963).
Kirkland, Edwin Capers, Ph.D. (Northwestern), Professor of English (1946-1951).*
Kirkpatrick, Martin Smith, M.A., Assistant Professor of English (1956-1963).*
Kirmse, Dale William, Ph.D. (Iowa State), Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering
Kiser, Lora Antoinette, B.S.H.E., District Home Economics Agent, Agricultural Exten-
sion Service (1946-1963).
Kissam, Edward Bernard, M.D. (Bowman Gray), Clinical Associate in Surgery (1961-
Kitchen, Hyram, D.V.M., Ph.D. iFlorida), Assistant Professor of Medicine and Bio-
chemistry (1960-1966).
Kitts, John Stewart, M.M., Assistant Professor of Music (1966-1966).
Klement, Frank William, M.A., Assistant Professor of Engineering Graphics (1958-1958).
Kline, William E., Ed.D. (Denver), Associate Professor of Effective Thinking and Asso-
ciate Counseling Psychologist (1965-1965).
Kling, James Malcolm, M.S., Research Associate, Agricultural Experiment Stations
Kluge, Ralph Wendel, M.S., Professor of Civil Engineering and Chairman of the De-
partment (1951-1951).
Knapp, Frederick W., Ph.D. (University of California), Assistant Professor of Food
Science and Assistant Biochemist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1960-1960).
Kniffen, Jared C., M.D. (New York Medical College), Assistant Professor of Medicine
Knight, Conrad Wallace, M.A.E., Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering (1950-
Kniseley, Sherman Philip, Ph.D. (North Carolina), Assistant Professor of Humanities;
Adviser (1964-1964).
Knorr, Louis Carl, Ph.D. (Cornell), Plant Pathologist, Citrus Experiment Station (1948-
Knowles, Harold Loraine, Ph.D. (Kansas), Professor of Physical Sciences and Physics
and Chairman of Department of Physical Sciences (1931-1954).
Knowles, Lois Nina, M.A., Professor, Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Program, Col-
lege of Nursing (1956-1966).
Koch, Arthur L., Ph.D. (University of Chicago), Professor of Biochemistry and Micro-
biology (1956-1963).
Kochlar, Devendra M., Ph.D. (Florida), Postdoctoral Fellow in Anatomy (Instructor)
Koefod, Paul E., Ph.D. (Institute of International Studies, Geneva), Professor of Eco-
nomics (1956-1965).
Koenig, Alfred D., M.D. (University of Lausanne), Clinical Associate in Psychiatry
Koger, Marvin, Ph.D. (Missouri), Professor of Animal Science and Animal Geneticist,
Agricultural Experiment Stations (1951-1951).
Kohut, Robert, M.D. (Univ. of Chicago), Assistant Professor of Otolaryngology (1966-
Kolarik, J. Milan, Ph.D. (Pittsburgh), Senior Counseling Psychologist, University Coun-
seling Center; Associate Professor of Psychology (1956-1963).
Konishi, Teruzo, Ph.D. (Kyoto, Japan), M.D. (Kyoto), Associate Research Professor of
Surgery (1963-1964).
Koo, Robert Chung Jen, Ph.D. (Florida), Associate Horticulturist, Citrus Experiment
Station (1953-1964).
Koonce, George Philip, M.M., Instructor of Music (1965-1965).
Kordana, Jane Helen, M.A., Associate Professor of Nursing (1957-1966).
Kornhaber, Arthur, M.D. (University of Paris), Trainee, Resident and Assistant in
Psychiatry (1966-1966).
Koru, Sadi Sabit, M.A.Arch., Associate Professor of Architecture (1947-1956).
Kramer, Dean C., M.D. (Missouri), Intern in Medicine (1966-1966).
Kramer, Harvey Leonard, Ph.D. (Illinois), Professor of Psychiatry and Biology; Profes-
sor of Entomology (1964-1964).
Kramer, Sol, Ph.D. (Illinois), Professor of Psychiatry and Biology (1964-1964).
Kraus, Richard Frederic, M.S.Ed., Head Resident Counselor, Men's Residence Halls
Kress, Jacob Himi, M.D. (Virginia), University Physician, Department of Student Health
Kretschmer, Albert Emil, Jr., Ph.D. (Rutgers), Agronomist, Everglades Experiment Sta-
tion (1952-1966).
Krezdorn, Alfred Herman, Ph.D. (Texas A & M), Professor and Chairman, Department
of Fruit Crops, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (1957-1960).
Krienke, Walter Albert, M.S., Associate Professor of Dairy Manufacturing and Associate
Dairy Technologist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1946-1946).
Kronsbein, John, Ph.D. (Leipzig, Germany), Dr. rer Nat. (Jena, Germany), Professor
of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, and Professor of Physics (1958-1958).
Krovetz, L. Jerome, M.D., Ph.D. (State University of New York), Associate Professor of
Pediatrics and Physiology (1961-1964).
Krumm, Roger Vincent, M.A., Assistant Librarian in charge of Engineering and Physics
Library (1951-1961).
Kubat, Daniel, Ph.D. (Munich), Interim Associate Professor of Sociology (1966-1966).
Kuhn, Gerald Darwin, Ph.D. (Purdue), Assistant Professor of Food Technology and
Nutrition and Assistant Food Microbiologist, Agricultural Experiment Stations
Kuitert, Louis Cornelius, Ph.D. (Kansas), Entomologist, Agricultural Experiment Sta-
tions (1948-1965).
Kundel, Tewes, M.S., Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering (1957-1957).
Kurth, Edwin Louis, Ed.D. (Florida), Associate Professor of Education (1964-1964).
Kurtzman, David R., Ph.D. (Maryland), Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Phi-
losophy (1966-1966).
Kurtzrock, George Henry, Ph.D. (Illinois), Associate Professor of Speech (1965-1965).
LaBrecque, Germain C., Ph.D. (Ohio State), Associate Professor of Entomology and
Supervisor of Premises Treatment Project-U.S.D.A. Entomology Research Lab-
oratory (1963-1963).
Laessle, Albert Middleton, Ph.D. (Florida), Associate Professor of Zoology (1942-1956).
Lafferty, Ann-Lise, Ph.D. (Florida), Interim Professor of Clinical Psychology (1966-
LaGodna, Gretchen Elsa, M.Ed., Instructor in Nursing (1963-1963).
Lake, Noel Reese, B.S.A., Superintendent of Grounds (1955-1955).
LaLance, Linda Lou, B.S., Interim Teacher, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1965-1965).
Lally, John Ronald, M.Ed., Research Associate, College of Education (1966-1966).
Lambert, C. Wesley, M.A., Interim Instructor of Education (1962-1966).
Lambert Reginald M., Ph.D. (Buffalo), Director Blood Bank, Shands Teaching Hospital
and Clinics; Assistant Professor in Pathology (1964-1966).
Lambert, Roy E., Ph.D. (Illinois), Associate Professor of Humanities (1959-1963).
Lamborn, LeRoy L., LL.M., Assistant Professor of Law (1965-1965).
Landsman, Theodore, Ph.D. (Syracuse), Professor of Education; Associate, University
Counseling Center (1958-1959).
Lane, David, Ph.D. (Columbia), Associate Professor of Education (1954-1954).
Lane, Esther Porter, M.A., Interim Assistant Librarian, Reference and Bibliography
Lane, Sara Lee, M.Ln., Assistant in Library, Reference and Bibliography (1966-1966).
Langdon, Kenneth R., Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Professor of Nematology (1966-1966).
Langer, William Jeffrey, B.A., Assistant Director of Admissions (1964-1964).
Langford, Allie Gerald, Ed.D. (Columbia), Associate Professor of English, Adviser
Langham, M. R., Ph.D. (Illinois), Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics (1962-
Langston, Clarence Ambers, B.E.E., Research Associate in Electrical Engineering (1956-
Lantos, Robert L., M.S., Director, Pharmaceutical Services and Central Supply Services,
Shands Teaching Hospital and Clinics; Assistant Professor, College of Pharmacy
Larche, Thelma B., M.A. in L.S., Teacher-Librarian, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School
Large, John Runyon, M.S., Associate Plant Pathologist, Big Bend Horticultural Lab-
oratory (1949-1949).
Larrick, Thomas, M.Arch., Professor of Architecture (1946-1946).
Larson, Edwin Arthur, M.D. (Northwestern), Chief of Mental Health Program, Student
Health Service, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry (1964-1964).
Lasley, Marion Murray, Ph.D. (Columbia), Associate Professor of Spanish (1956-1956).
Lassiter, Roy Leland, Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs (1955-1966).
Latour, Jose, Ph.D. (Havana), Visiting Lecturer in Accounting (1966-1966).
Latour, Marinus Henry, M.S.E., Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering (1946-
Laughlin, Stanley Keller, Jr., J.D., Associate Professor of Law (1963-1965).
Laurencelle, Patricia, M.A., Associate Professor and Acting Chairman, Department of
Occupational Therapy (1966-1966).
Lauter, Werner, Ph.D. (Griefswald), Professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry (1950-
LaVire, Willis Alvin, Ed.D. (Florida), Associate Professor of Education (1961-1965).
Lawrence, Fred Parker, M.Ag., Citriculturist, Agricultural Extension Service (1947-1947).
Lazier, Gilbert Neill, Ph.D. (Southern Illinois), Assistant Professor of Speech and The-
atre (1966-1966).
Leacock, Robert Jay, M.S., Assistant in Research, Astronomy (1965-1965).
Leadon, Bernard Mathew, Ph.D. (Minnesota), Professor of Aerospace Engineering
Learned, Vincent Roy, Ph.D. (Stanford University), Director of Research (1966-1966).
Leavenworth, Richard Stewart Ph.D. (Stanford), Associate Professor of Industrial and
Systems Engineering, GENESYS, Port Canaveral (1966-1966).
Leavitt, Benjamin Burton, Ph.D. (Harvard), Associate Professor of Biological Sciences
and Associate Professor of Zoology (1946-1954).
Leavitt, Norma Muriel, Ed.D. (Columbia), Professor of Professional Physical Education
Leber, Gail W., Assistant Meteorologist, USWB, Weather Forecasting Service (1963-
Lebo, George Robert, Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Professor of Astronomy (1964-1965).
Lee, David Jennings, M.L.S., Assistant Librarian (1966-1966).
Lee, Permillas Arten, Jr., M.A., Assistant Professor of Physical Education (1948-1951).
Lee, Robert Charles, Ph.D. (Peabody), Associate Professor of English (1947-1956).
Lee, Robert Matthews, Ed.S., Assistant to the Dean, College of Law (1963-1963).
Lee, Yu-Lee, Ph.D. (Oregon), Assistant Professor of Mathematics (1965-1965).
Leffert, Robert L., M.D. (Indiana), Assistant in Pathology (1963-1965).
Legg, Keith R., M.A., Interim Assistant Professor of Political Science (1966-1966).
LeGrand, Ferdinand, M.S., Assistant Agronomist, Everglades Experiment Station (1958-
Leibman, Kenneth C., Ph.D. (New York University), Associate Professor of Pharma-
cology (1956-1962).
Leighty, Ralph George, B.S., Associate Soils Surveyor, Agricultural Experiment Stations
Leilich, Roy Edgar, Re.D. (Indiana), Associate Professor of Professional Physical Ed-
ucation and Recreation (1952-1957).
Leland, Stanley E., Jr., Ph.D. (Michigan State), Associate Parasitologist, Agricultural
Experiment Stations (1963-1963).
Lemarchand, Rene, Ph.D. (U.C.L.A.), Assistant Professor of Political Science (1962-
LeMoyne, McPherson, M.A., Interim Instructor of Economics (1963-1963).
Lendrum, James Thoburn, M.E.Arch., Professor of Architecture and Chairman of
Department of Architecture (1957-1957).
Lenker, Don Howard, M.S., Assistant Agricultural Engineer, USDA, Citrus Experiment
Station (1963-1963).
Leonard, Chester D., Ph.D. (Rutgers), Horticulturist, Citrus Experiment Station (1950-
Leps, Joseph McElroy, Ed.D. (Columbia), Professor of Education (1943-1945).*
Lessard, Elizabeth, M.A., Assistant Professor of Physical Education (1965-1965).
LeVan, Marijo O'Connor, Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Professor of Mathematics (1962-
Levinson, L. Harold, LL.M. (NYU), Assistant Professor of Law (1966-1966).
Levy, C. Michael, Jr., Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Assistant Professor of Psychology (1964-1964).
Levy, Herman Mittle, Jr., Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Professor of English (1960-1966).*
Lewis, A. L., Jr., Ph.D. (Duke), Associate Professor of Humanities (1957-1966).
Lewis, Anne M., B.S. (Florida State), Research Assistant in Medicine (1960-1960).
Lewis, Edward Haskell, M.A., Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering (1951-
Lewis, Hal Graham, Ph.D. (Columbia), Professor of Education (1936-1947).*
Lewis, Lawrence J., M.D. (Bowman Gray School of Medicine), Clinical Associate in
Psychiatry (1965-1965).
Liles, Annette Lucille, M.A., B.S. in L.S., Assistant Librarian and Chairman of Ref-
erence and Bibliography Department; Assistant Professor of Library Science (1947-
Lindberg, Wilma Jean, M.Ed., Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy (1961-1964).
Linden, Leonard Louis, M.A., Interim Instructor of Sociology (1960-1966).*
Lindgren, Erik Rune, Tekn. Dr. (Royal Institute of Technology Sweden), Professor of
Engineering Science and Mechanics (1965-1965).
Lindholm, Fred Arthur, Ph.D. (Arizona), Professor of Electrical Engineering (1966-
Lindquist, Robert Carl, M.S., Assistant Professor of Physical Sciences (1959-1965).
Linebarger, Sandra LaGrande, M.Ed., Instructor in Nursing (1964-1964).
Linger, Evelyn Smith, B.A., Interim Teacher, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1966-
Lipscomb, Ralph Waldo, M.S., Associate Agronomist, North Florida Experiment Station
Lisca, Peter, Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Associate Professor of English (1958-1966).*
Lisle, Forrest Fletcher, Jr., B.Arch., Assistant Professor of Architecture (1966-1966).
Lister, James L., Ed.D. (Illinois), Associate Professor of Education (1962-1966).
Litkenhous, Edward Earl, Jr., Ph.D. (University of Minnesota), Professor of Chemical
Engineering and Resident Academic Supervisor-Palm Beach County (1964-1964).
Lloyd, James Edward, Ph.D. (Cornell), Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences and
Entomology (1966-1966).
Locascio, Salvadore Joseph, Ph.D. (Purdue), Associate Professor of Vegetable Crops and
Associate Horticulturist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1959-1965).
Lockie, Carolyn R., M.S., Interim Teacher, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1966-1966).
Locklin, D. Philip, Ph.D. (Illinois), Visiting Professor of Economics (1965-1965).
Loften, William Travis, M.A.E., Associate Professor of Agricultural Education and
Chairman of Agricultural Education Department (1937-1962).
Loggins, Phillip Edwards, M.S., Associate Professor of Animal Science and Associate
Animal Husbandman, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1953-1966).
Long, Stephen Gano, M.A., Assistant Professor of English, Adviser (1958-1958).*
Long, Sterling K., Ph.D. (University of Texas), Assistant Industrial Bacteriologist, Citrus
Experiment Station (1958-1958).
Lopez, Celia Amalia, M.S. in L.S., Assistant in Library, Acquisitions (1966-1966).
Lopez, Raul I., M.D. (Florida), Resident in Medicine (Neurology) (1963-1965).
Lorenzetti, Dario W. C., M.D. (McGill University, Montreal, Canada), Instructor in
Opthalmology (1965-1966).
Lorincz, Andrew Endre, M.D. (University of Chicago), Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Lorz, Albert Protus, Ph.D. (Virginia), Professor of Vegetable-Crops and Horticulturist,
Agricultural Experiment Stations (1948-1948).
Love, John N., Jr., M.S., Assistant in Pharmacology, Agricultural Experiment Stations
Lowdin, Per-Olov, Ph.D. (Uppsala), Graduate Research Professor of Chemistry and
Physics (1960-1960).
Lowe, Charles Upton, M.D. (Yale), Professor of Pediatrics, Director, Human Develop-
ment Center (1965-1966).
Lowndes, Charles Lucien Baker, S.J.D. (Harvard), Visiting Professor of Law (1964-1964).
Lu, Sung Yun, Ph.D. (Carnegie), Associate Professor of Engineering Science and Me-
chanics (1959-1963).
Luckhaupt, Amos Edward, B.A., Instructor of Chemistry (1962-1962).
Luke, Herbert Hodges, Ph.D. (Louisiana State), Plant Pathologist, USDA, Agricultural
Experiment Stations (1955-1955).
Lundy, Hosea Willia, B.S.A., Associate Agronomist and Head, Suwannee Valley Exper-
iment Station (1946-1955).
Luther, Dorothy Carolyn, M.A., Assistant Professor of Nursing (1957-1962).
Lutrick, Monroe Cornealous, Ph.D. (Ohio State), Assistant Agronomist, West Florida
Experiment Station (1956-1956).
Lynch, Robert R., B.S.J., Director, Division of Informational Services (1964-1966).
Lynn, Arthur S., M.D. (University of North Carolina), Resident in Medicine (1965-1965).
Lyons, Calvin Goodrich, Ph.D. (Oregon), Assistant Citriculturist, Agricultural Extension
Service (1966-1966).
Lyons, Henry R., M.D. (Georgetown Medical School), Clinical Associate in Psychiatry
Mable, Phyllis Louise, M.S., Senior Resident Counselor, Women's Residence Halls
Macaulay, Neill Webster Ph.D. (Texas), Assistant Professor of History (1966-1966).
MacCullough, Douglas Bruce, M.A., Assistant Registrar (1966-1966).
MacDonald, Scott Messinger, M.A., Interim Instructor in English (1966-1966).
Macdonald, William Dickson, S.J.D. (Michigan), Professor of Law (1948-1951).
MacKenzie, Marjorie Prince, B.S., Teacher-Dietician, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School
Maclachlan, Emily Stevens, M.A., Assistant Professor of Social Sciences (1961-1965).
Maduro, Lois Anne, M.Design, Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy (1966-1966).
Magie, Robert Ogden, Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Plant Pathologist, Gulf Coast Experiment
Station (1945-1945).
Mahon, John Keith, Ph.D. (U.C.L.A.), Professor of History and Chairman of Depart-
ment (1954-1966).
Mahoney, John Friend, Ph.D. (Lehigh), Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering;
Resident Academic Supervisor-Pensacola (1964-1966).
Maingot, Anthony Peter, Specialist in Social Sciences, Interim Research Assistant, Center
for Latin American Studies (1964-1964).
Majewski, Wojciech, D.Sc. (Wroclaw), Research Associate of Speech (1966-1966).
Mallon, Arthur H., M.S.C.E., Associate Professor of Engineering Graphics (1967-1967).
Malo, Simon Edward, Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Horticulturist, Sub-Tropical Exper-
iment Station (1964-1964).
Maloney, Frank Edward, LL.B., Professor of Law and Dean of the College of Law
Manders, Arnfinn Moe, Ph.D. (Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn), Associate Professor
of Electrical Engineering, GENESYS-Port Canaveral (1964-1964).
Mandy, Stephen H., M.D. (George Washington Univ.), Intern in Medicine (1966-1966).
Manis, Robert, M.D. (University of Wisconsin), Senior Assistant Resident, Trainee and
Assistant in Psychiatry (1964-1965).
Manjakunnel, Chandy Michael, Ph.D. (Dukuesne), Post-Doctoral Fellow in Chemical
Engineering (1966-1966).
Manley, William Tanner, Ph.D. (Florida), Associate Agricultural Economist, USDA,
Agricultural Experiment Stations (1958-1963).*
Manne, Rolf Edvard, Ph.D., Visiting Assistant Research Professor of Chemistry (1965-
Maraulja, Matthew Daniel, B.S., Assistant in Chemistry, FCC, Citrus Experiment Sta-
tion (1960-1960).
Marcus, Robert Brown, Ed.D. (Florida), Associate Professor of Physical Sciences and
Geography, Adviser (1955-1964).
Maren, Thomas H., M.D. (Johns Hopkins University), Professor and Chairman of De-
partment of Pharmacology (1955-1955).
Margulis, Stephen T., M.A., Assistant Professor of Psychology (1965-1965).
Marinetti, Walter Tullio, M.A., Assistant Professor of Humanities (1964-1965).
Markel, Norman N., Ph.D. (Chicago), Assistant Professor of Speech and Anthropology
Marlatt, Robert Bruce Ph.D. (Arizona), Associate Plant Pathologist, Sub-Tropical Ex-
periment Station (1964-1964).
Marlowe, Carl H., M.D. (Florida), Resident, Trainee and Assistant in Psychiatry
Marshall, Sidney Paul, Ph.D. (Minnesota), Professor of Dairy Science and Dairy Nutri-
tionist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1942-1958).*
Martin, Frank Garland, Ph.D. (North Carolina State), Associate Professor of Statistics
and Associate Statistician, Agricultural Experiment Station (1964-1964).
Martin, Guenn S., B.A., Mental Health Professional I (1966-1966).
Martin, Samuel P., M.D. (Washington, Missouri), Provost of the Health Center and
Professor of Medicine (1956-1962).
Martin, Thomas E., M.S.C.E., Instructor in Building Construction (1964-1964).
Martinez, Jesus E., A.E. (Univ. of Havana), Research Assistant in Medicine (1966-1966).
Marvel, Mason Edwin, M.S., Associate Vegetable Crops Specialist, Agricultural Exten-
sion Service (1957-1963).
Mase, Darrel Jay, Ph.D. (Columbia), Dean of the College of Health Related Professions
and Professor of Speech (1950-1958).
Mathews, Bruce Eugene, Ph.D. (Florida), Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering
Mathews, Thomas C., B.S.A., Assistant Soils Surveyor, Agricultural Experiment Stations
Matthews, Charles Arnold, Ph.D. (Virginia), Professor of Finance and Chairman, De-
partment of Finance and Insurance (1948-1957).
Matthews, Richard Finis, Ph.D. (Cornell), Associate Food Technologist, Agricultural
Extension Service (1965-1965).
Maturo, Frank J. S., Jr., Ph.D. (Duke), Associate Professor of Biological Sciences and
Associate Professor of Zoology (1958-1964).*
Mauderli, Max Otto, Ph.D. (Pennsylvania), Associate Professor of German (1948-1954).
Mauderli, Walter, D.Sc. (Zurich), Professor of Radiology (1960-1965).
Mautz, Robert Barbeau, LL.B. (Yale), Vice-President for Academic Affairs and Profes-
sor of Law (1950-1963).
Maxfield, John Edward, Ph.D. (Oregon), Professor and Chairman of Mathematics (1960-
May, Frank Pierce, Ph.D. (Florida), Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering (1955-
Mayberry, Maurice E., B.S.B.A., Director, University Placement Office (1953-1953).
Mayer, Wilhelm Karl, Ed.D. (Florida), Interim Assistant Professor of Education (1965-
Mayo, Marianne K., M.A., Interim Instructor of German (1966-1966).
McAlister, Lyle Nelson, Ph.D. (California), Professor of History and Director, Center
for Latin-American Studies (1950-1963).*
McCachren, James Roland, M.A., Assistant Professor of Physical Education, Assistant
Basketball Coach (1946-1964).
McCaldin, Roy Oeland, Ph.D. (Florida), Professor of Environmental Engineering (1966-
McCaleb, John Earl, Ph.D. (Texas A & M), Associate Agronomist, Range Cattle Exper-
iment Station (1955-1963).
McCall, James Clayton, M.S.A., Rural Areas Development Specialist (1961-1961).
McCallan, Marion Jeanette, B.S.N., Assistant in Research, College of Nursing (1965-
McCarthy, Jeanne S., M.S., Research Assistant in Physiology (1966-1966).
McCaskill, Emmett S., Jr., M.A., Research Fellow in Medicine (1965-1965).
McCaulley, Mary Hawley, Ph.D. (Temple), Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology,
College of Health Related Professions (1964-1965).
McClamroch, James M., M.D. (Emory), Clinical Associate in Medicine (1959-1959).
McCloskey, Owen T., M.S., Assistant in Library, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1966-
McCloud, Darell Edison, Ph.D. (Purdue), Professor and Chairman, Department of
Agronomy, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (1948-1965).*
McCornack, Andrew Adam, M.S., Assistant Horticulturist, FCC, Citrus Experiment Sta-
tion (1953-1953).
McCoy, Francis Tyrone, LL.B., Associate Professor of Law (1955-1965).
McCracken, Janet May, Ph.D. (Ohio State), Professor of Education (1947-1965).
McCracken, Mary Ruth, M.A., Interim Teacher, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1965-
McCrone, John D., Ph.D. (Florida), Interim Associate Professor of Zoology (1966-1966).
McCullough, Patricia Ann, B.A., Resident Counselor, Women's Residence Halls (1963-
McCurdy, Charles Milton, M.D. (Florida), Resident in Obstetrics and Gynecology (1965-
McDonald, Ellen Marie, M.A., Instructor, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1957-1962).
McDonald, Frances M., B.S. in L.S., Assistant Librarian, Catalog (1954-1962).*
McDonald, Nancy F., M.S.W., Assistant Professor of Psychiatry (Social Work) (1960-
McDowell, Donald L., B.S., Director of Finance and Accounting (1962-1965).
McElwee, Edgar Warren, Ph.D. (Ohio State), Professor and Chairman, Department of
Ornamental Horticulture, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (1953-1956).
McFadden, Samuel Edgar, Jr., Ph.D. (Virginia), Assistant Horticulturist, Agricultural
Experiment Stations (1950-1950).*
McFadyen, Donald Carl, B.A., Interim Teacher, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1966-
McFarlane, James, B.Des., Assistant Professor of Architecture (1958-1966).
McFerrin, John Berry, Ph.D. (North Carolina), Professor of Finance and Director of
Graduate Studies in College of Business Administration (1937-1956).
McGarrity, Sarah Evelyn, M.M., Assistant Professor of Music (1965-1965).
McGee, Richard Keith, Ph.D. (Vanderbilt), Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology,
College of Health Related Professions (1964-1965).
McGinnis, Nancy H., BA., Research Assistant (1965-1966).
McGowan, William Albert, B.S., Assistant Football Coach (1965-1965).
McGraw, Frank William, Sr., M.A.E., Instructor, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1960-
McGuire, Vincent, Ed.D. (Florida), Professor of Education (1947-1960).*
McIntosh, Pleasant Ray, M.F.A., Professor of Art (1949-1955).
McKerns, Kenneth Wilshire, Ph.D. (McGill University), Professor of Obstetrics and
Gynecology (1960-1965).
McKinney, John Merrill, M.S., Interim Instructor in Mathematics (1964-1964).
McLean, Frederick W., M.D. (Marquette), Research Fellow in Medicine (1964-1966).
McLean, James P., M.B.A., Assistant in Administration (1965-1965).
McLendon, Ethel M., MA. in L.S., Interim Assistant Professor, Library Science (1965-
McLendon, Ida Ruth, Ph.D. (Ohio State), Associate Professor of Education (1936-1956).
McLeod, Alexander R., M.D. (Alabama), Intern in Medicine (1966-1966).
McLoughlin, Thomas George, M.D. (National University of Ireland), Instuctor and
Special Trainee, Pediatrics (1963-1964).
McMillan, Paul Clifford, B.A., Buildings Superintendent (1958-1961).
McMullen Kenneth Smith, M.Ag., District Agent, Agricultural Extension Service (1935-
McNab, Brian Keith, Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Associate Professor of Zoology (1961-1965).
McNairy, Alice Hall, M.Ln., Assistant Librarian, Acquisitions (1953-1961).
McNeely, Arthur M., M.Ag., Purchasing Officer, Health Center (1952-1963).
McPherson, William Kenneth, M.S., Professor of Agricultural Economics and Agricul-
tural Economist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1951-1951).
McPherson, Woodrow Wilson, Ph.D. (Harvard), Research Professor in Agricultural
Economics (1962-1962).
McQuown, O. Ruth, Ph.D. (Florida), Associate Professor of Political Science (1961-
McQuitty, John V., Ph.D. (Kentucky), University Examiner and Professor of Psychol-
ogy (1929-1935).
McWilliams, Marie, B.A., Teaching Assistant, Department of Psychiatry (1966-1966).
Mead, Charles A., M.D. (George Washington), Clinical Associate (1961-1961).
Mead, Frank Waldreth, M.S., Assistant Professor of Entomology (1966-1966).
Meadows, Richard L., M.D. (University of Pennsylvania), Clinical Associate in Psychi-
atry (1965-1965).
Meek, Phyllis M., M.A., Assistant Dean of Women and Instructor in Education (1966-
Megill, Kenneth Alden, Ph.D. (Yale), Assistant Professor of Philosophy (1966-1966).
Meigs, Joseph Avery, B.A., Interim Instructor in English (1966-1966).
Meleney, Henry Edmund, M.D. (Columbia), Emeritus Professor of Medicine (1960-
Melvin, James H., M.D. (Mississippi), First Year Resident in Radiology (1966-1966).
Mendelsohn, Melvin, M.D. (McGill), Instructor in Surgery (1966-1966).
Mendenhall, Hiram W., M.D. (University of California), Assistant Professor in Obstet-
rics and Gynecology (1966-1966).
Mendenhall, William, III, Ph.D. (North Carolina State), Professor and Chairman, De-
partment of Statistics, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (1963-1963).
Menke, Charlotte Nadine, B.S.B.A., Research Associate, Bureau of Economic and Busi-
ness Research (1966-1966).
Menzies, Donald Stuart, Jr., M.D. (University of North Carolina School of Medicine),
Assistant Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology (1963-1966).
Mercadante, Lucille Theresa, M.A., Director of Nursing Services, Shands Teaching Hos-
pital and Clinics; Assistant Dean and Assistant Professor of Nursing, College of
Nursing (1958-1959).
Mering, John Vollmer, Ph.D. (Missouri), Assistant Professor of Social Sciences (1960-
Merkley, Margaret Sosebee, M.S., Interim Assistant in Food Science, Agricultural Ex-
periment Stations (1963-1963).
Merritt, Harry C., Jr., M.S., Assistant Professor of Architecture (1960-1960).
Mesa, Rosa Quintero, M.S.L.S., Assistant in Library Documents (1961-1961).
Meurlott, Kay Barry, M.A., Assistant Editor, Agricultural Experiment Stations; Assist-
ant Communications Specialist, Agricultural Extension Service (1963-1963).
Meyer, Carol Elaine, M.L.S., Interim Assistant Law Librarian (1965-1965).
Meyers, Harry George, M.S.A., Assistant Ornamental Horticulturist, Agricultural Exten-
sion Service (1966-1966).
Michael, Max, M.D. (Harvard), Clinical Professor of Medicine (1959-1959).
Michael, Warren T., B.S.A., Assistant Director of Physical Plant (1966-1966).
Middleton, Lennie Small, Jr., M.Ed., Interim Teacher, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School
Mifflin, Betty Sue, M.S., Assistant State 4-H Club Agent, Agricultural Extension Service
Milam, James Riley, B.S.A., Manager of Laboratories, Bacteriology (1963-1963).
Miles, Guy Simpson, Ph.D. (Vanderbilt), Associate Professor of English (1957-1957).
Millar, Jane Carree, M.A., Assistant Professor of Physical Education (1948-1952).
Miller, Carol Raymond, Ph.D. (South Carolina), Assistant Plant Pathologist, Agricul-
tural Experiment Stations (1964-1964).
Miller, Ernest C., III, M.D. (Tulane University), Clinical Associate in Psychiatry (1965-
Miller, George H., Jr., M.D. (Pennsylvania), Professor of Surgery and Chief of the Divi-
sion of Urology (1958-1964).
Miller, Howard Nile, Ph.D. (California), Plant Pathologist, Agricultural Experiment
Stations (1948-1955).
Miller, James W., Jr., M.S.F., Professor of Logging and Lumbering and Forester, Agri-
cultural Experiment Stations (1936-1951).
Miller, Robert, M.D. (Florida), Fellow in Pediatrics (1963-1966).
Million, Rodney R., M.D. (Indiana), Associate Professor, Radiotherapy (1964-1964).
Millsaps, Knox T., Ph.D. (California Institute of Technology), Research Professor of
Aerospace Engineering (1963-1963).
Milton, James Edmund, Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Professor of Aerospace Engineering
Milton, Ruth Louise, M.S., Associate State 4-H Club Agent, Agricultural Extension
Service (1952-1966).*
Mincey, Wilbur Franklin, Assistant Meteorologist, USWB, Weather Forecasting Service
Minden, Arlo J., Ph.D. (Iowa State University), Agricultural Economist, Agricultural
Experiment Stations (1965-1965).
Mitchell, Arlo Willis, B.A., Colonel, U.S. Army, Professor of Military Science (1965-
Mitchell, Rodger David, Ph.D. (Michigan), Associate Professor of Zoology (1957-1961).*
Mitchell, Vervil Louene, M.S., Home Management and Family Economics Specialist,
Agricultural Extension Service (1965-1965).
Mitnik, Mario Savoransky, M.D. (University of Chile), Instructor and Special Trainee
in Pediatrics (1965-1965).
Mockel, Andre Jacques, Ph.D. (Universite Libre de Bruxelles), Interim Assistant Pro-
fessor of Nuclear Engineering (1966-1966).
Moffat, Robert C. L., LL.M. (University of Sydney), Assistant Professor of Law (1966-
Moffett, Thomas James, Ed.D. (Florida), Interim Assistant Professor of Education
Mokler, Corwin Morris, Ph.D. (Illinois), Assistant Professor of Pharmacology (1961-
Montelaro, James, Ph.D. (Florida), Vegetable Crops Specialist, Agricultural Extension
Service (1952-1965).*
Montgomery, Hoyle Fleming, Jr., MA. in L.S., Assistant Librarian, Reference and Bib-
liography (1962-1966).
Monti, Laura Virginia, M.S.L.S., Assistant Librarian and Chairman of Special Collections
Department (1957-1962).*
Moon, Ben Lane, B.S.B.A., Statistical Editor, Bureau of Economic and Business Research
Mooney, Ernest Gordon, M.P.E., Assistant Professor of Physical Education (1945-1956).
Moore, Alan Coningsby, M.Ed., Assistant Professor of Physical Education (1953-1957).
Moore, Edwin Lewis, Ph.D. (Massachusetts State), Chemist, FCC, Citrus Experiment
Station (1951-1951).
Moore, George Paul, Ph.D. (Northwestern), Professor of Speech; Chairman, Depart-
ment of Speech, and Director, Communication Sciences Laboratory (1961-1961).
Moore, Henry McIntosh, Jr., Ph.D. (Florida), Interim Assistant Professor of Education
Moore, John Edward, Ph.D. (Ohio), Associate Professor of Animal Science and Associate
Animal Nutritionist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1961-1966).
Moore, John Thomas, Ph.D. (Chicago), Associate Professor of Mathematics (1953-1953).*
Moore, Julian Stephens, M.S.A., Poultry Husbandman, Agricultural Extension Service
Moore, Lucius Lee A., Jr., Ph.D. (Lniversity of North Carolina), Postdoctoral Fellow
in Microbiology (1966-1966).
Moore, Marlin C., M.D. (Hahnemann Medical College), Clinical Associate in Psychiatry
Moore, Perry Clay, B.S., Assistant to Athletic Director (1960-1964).
Moore, Theral Orvis, Ph.D. (Missouri), Associate Professor of Mathematics (1955-1966).
Moore, William, M.D. (Emory), Assistant Professor of Surgery (1964-1965).
Moore, William Edgar, Ph.D. (Peabody), Professor of Effective Thinking and Chairman
of Department, Director of Counseling, University College (1930-1962).*
Moorman, John Haynes, Ph.D. (Iowa), Professor of Education (1940-1951).
Morada, Angustia, M.D. (Manila), Research Fellow in Medicine (1964-1966).
Moreau, David Humphreys, Ph.D. (Harvard), Assistant Professor of Environmental
Engineering; Assistant Professor of Systems Engineering (1966-1966).
Morehouse, Theresa Jane, M.Ed., Interim Teacher, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School
Moreland, Alvin F., D.V.M. (Georgia), Assistant Professor of Experimental Medicine
and Director of Animal Department (1963-1963).
Morgan, Alice Esther, M.Ed., Interim Instructor of Education (1963-1963).
Morgan, James L., B.S., Director of Data Processing, Office of the Registrar (1956-1963).
Morgan, Michael Neville, B.A., Teaching Associate in English (1966-1966).
Morgan, Philip Bone, Ph.D. (Kansas State), Professor of Entomology and Entomologist,
USDA Entomology Research Laboratory (1965-1965).
Morgan, William Herman, Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Professor of Environmental En-
gineering (1957-1965).
Morris, Alton Chester, Ph.D. (North Carolina), Professor of English (1927-1946).
Morris, Charles William, Ph.D. (Chicago), Graduate Research Professor of Philosophy
Morris, Jacqueline Ray, M.P.E.H., Interim Instructor of Physical Education (1966-1966).
Morris, Kenneth D., B.S.B.A., Assistant in Administration (1964-1964).
Morrison, Clayton Allison, M.S.E., Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering (1962-
Morrison, James F., M.A., Interim Assistant Professor of Political Science (1966-1966).
Morrison, Sidney Emmett, Jr., M.D. (Duke University School of Medicine), Chief
Resident and Instructor in Obstetrics and Gynecology (1963-1965).
Morrow, Matthew E., M.D. (Temple), Clinical Associate in Medicine (1963-1963).
Morse, Walter Priest, Ph.D. (Florida), Associate Professor of Mathematics (1952-1957).
Mortensen, John Alan, Ph.D. (Cornell), Assistant Geneticist, Watermelon and Grape
Investigations Laboratory (1960-1960).
Mosco, James P., M.D. (St. Louis University), Clinical Associate in Psychiatry (1961-
Mott, Donald Dean, M.S., Head Resident Counselor, Men's Residence Halls (1962-1963).
Moxley, Clisby Carey, Ph.D. (Kentucky), Economist, Agricultural Extension Service
Moye, Hugh Anson, Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Chemist, Agricultural Experiment
Stations (1965-1965).
Mrkvicka, Gail Jane, M.S., Resident Counselor, Women's Residence Halls (1966-1966).
Muehlner, Felix, U.J.D. (Frederick William, Germany), Associate Professor of Man-
agement (1950-1950).*
Muga, Marvin Luis, Ph.D. (Texas), Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Physics
Mukherjee, Asish Ranjan, D.Phil. (Sc.) (Calcutta), Post Doctoral Fellow in Chemical
Engineering (1966-1966).
Mull, Leon Edmund, Ph.D. (Iowa State), Professor of Dairy Manufacturing and
Microbiologist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1940-1956).
Mullee, Robert Gerard, M.D. (State University of New York Medical School), Chief
Resident and Instructor in Obstetrics and Gynecology (1963-1966).
Mullin, Joe Edward, B.S., Statistician, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1962-1962).
Mullin, Robert Spencer, Ph.D. (Minnesota), Plant Pathologist, Agricultural Extension
Service (1958-1958).
Mullins, John Thomas, Ph.D. (North Carolina), Associate Professor of Biological
Sciences and Associate Professor of Botany (1959-1965).*
Muma, Martin Hammond, Ph.D. (Maryland), Entomologist, Citrus Experiment Sta-
tion (1951-1958).
Mundy, Belvey Washington, Ph.D. (Indiana), Associate Professor of Physical Sciences
and Chemistry (1955-1956).
Munn, Harry Eugene, Jr., M.A., Instructor of Speech (1966-1966).
Munroe, John F., M.D. (Univ. of North Carolina), Chief Resident and Instructor
In Medicine (1960-1966).*
Murphey, Milledge, Ph.D. (Oklahoma A &e M), Professor of Entomology (1947-1965).
Murphree, Alice, M.A., Assistant in Psychiatry (Anthropology) (1965-1966).
Murphree, Albert Alexander, B.A. (Oxford), Associate Professor of English (1934-
Murphree, Clyde Elwyn, D.P.A. (Harvard), Associate Professor of Agricultural Eco-
nomics and Associate Agricultural Economist, Agricultural Experiment Stations
Murthy, V. Krishna, Ph.D. (University of Bombay), Research Fellow in Medicine
Muschlitz, Earle Eugene, Jr., Ph.D (Pennsylvania State), Professor of Chemistry (1951-
Muth, Thure J., M.D. (Lund), Visiting Assistant Professor, Radiology (1966-1966).
Muther, Thomas F., Ph.D. (University of Leeds), Assistant Professor in Pharmacology
and Therapeutics (1963-1965).
Muwafi, Amin, Ph.D. (Florida), Visiting Professor of Mathematics (1966-1966).
Myers, Forrest Earl, M.Ag., Assistant Director, Agricultural Extension Service (1948-
Myers, Francis Colville, M.A., Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Adviser (1956-1956).
Myers, Gardiner, Ph.D. (Berkeley), Assistant Professor of Chemistry (1965-1965).
Myers, Julian Mostella, M.S.A., Professor of Agricultural Engineering and Agricul-
tural Engineer, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1947-1960).
Myers, Morris, M.D. (Johns Hopkins), Clinical Associate in Psychiatry (1961-1961).
Myers, Orlo E., Ph.D. (Washington), Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering
Myers, Penelope Diehl, M.A.T., Head Resident Counselor, Women's Residence Halls
Myers, Robert Brown, Ed.D. (Florida), Associate Professor of Education (1953-1963).*
Myler, Charles Edward, Jr., M.B.A., Interim Instructor of Real Estate and Urban
Land Studies (1966-1966).
Nash, William Arthur, Ph.D. (Michigan), Professor of Engineering Science and
Mechanics and Chairman of Department (1954-1964).
Nathan, Habibolah, M.D. (University of Tehran), University Psychiatrist, Department
of Student Health (1965-1965).
Nation, James Lamar, Ph.D. (Cornell), Associate Professor of Biological Sciences and
Entomology, and Associate Professor of Zoology (1960-1965).
Nation, M. Angela, M.Ed., Interim Instructor of Economics (1966-1966).
Nattress, John Andrew, M.S.I.E., Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering; Act-
ing Dean, College of Engineering (1957-1965).
Navarro, Waltraud, M.A., Interim Instructor of German (1966-1966).
Naylor, John Geoffry, M.F.A., Assistant Professor of Art (1959-1959).
Neal, Fred Carlton, D.V.M. (Texas A & M), Associate Professor of Veterinary Science
and Associate Veterinarian, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1962-1966).
Neale, James Ralph, Jr., Ed.D. (Columbia), Associate Professor of English, Adviser
Neff, Thomas O'Neil, M.S.E., Associate Professor of Engineering Graphics (1946-1952).
Nelson, Charles Warren, Ph.D. (Maryland), Associate Professor of Mathematics and
Education (1966-1966).
Nelson, John Franklin, M.D. (Florida), Assistant Resident, Trainee and Assistant in
Psychiatry (1965-1965).
NeSmith, James, PhD. (North Carolina State), Soils Specialist, Agricultural Extension
Service (1950-1958).*
Nettles, Victor Fleetwood, Ph.D. (Cornell), Professor of Vegetable Crops and Horticul-
turist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1938-1959).
Nevill, Gale Erwin, Jr., Ph.D. (Stanford), Associate Professor of Engineering Science
and Mechanics (1964-1964).
Nevis, Arnold H., Ph.D., M.D. (Harvard), Assistant Professor of Medicine (1960-1960).
New, Melvyn, Ph.D. (Vanderbilt), Assistant Professor of English (1966-1966).
Newbill, Mickie, Ph.D. (Michigan State), Associate Professor of Journalism and Com-
munications, TV Producer-Director and Director, Radio Center (1956-1966).*
Newbury, George, B.S., Research Assistant in Anatomy (1962-1962).
Newby, Floyd L., M.S., Research Associate, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1966-
Newcomb, Arthur Perry, Jr., Ph.D. (Stanford), Associate Professor of Education (1963-
Newcomb, Thomas F., M.D. (Pittsburgh), Associate Professor of Medicine (1959-1964).
Newhall, William Freeman, Ph.D. (Bryn Mawr), Associate Biochemist, Citrus Experi-
ment Station (1952-1960).
Newman, E. Gustave, M.D. (Duke), Assistant Professor of Psychiatry (1961-1961).
Newman, Leo S., M.D. (Cincinnati), First Year Resident in Radiology (1965-1965).
Neylans, William Elfe, B.A., Assistant Director of Housing (1962-1964).
Nichelson, Jack C., M.F.A., Assistant Professor of Art (1961-1965).
Nickelson, William Richard David, B.S.E., Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering
Nicol, David, Ph.D. (Stanford), Associate Professor of Geology (1965-1965).
Niddrie, David Lawrence, Ph.D. (University of Manchester, England), Professor of
Geography (1966-1966).
Niddrie, Mary K., Ph.D. (London), Interim Assistant Professor of French (1966-1966).
Niemela, Roy Waldemar, M.S., Assistant Professor of Management (1957-1957).
Nininger, John Henry, Jr., B.S.B.A., Assistant in Administration, Agricultural Extension
Service (1962-1962).
Nolan, William John, Ph.D. (Michigan), Professor of Chemical Engineering (1946-1949).
Nolting, John Paul, M.S., Assistant Professor of Physical Sciences (1955-1956).
Norden, Allen James, Ph.D. (Iowa State), Associate Professor of Agronomy and Associate
Agronomist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1958-1966).
Nordlie, Frank Gerald, Ph.D. (Minnesota), Associate Professor of Zoology (1961-1966).
Nordstrand, Egon Janis, Research Associate in Obstetrics and Gynecology (1962-1965).
Norman, Oscar Newton, B.S., Assistant Meteorologist, USWB, Weather Forecasting
Service (1941-1941).
Noyes, Ward D., M.D. (Rochester), Associate Professor of Medicine (1961-1965).
Nucrnberger, Louis G., M.D. (Oklahoma), Assistant Professor in Psychiatry (1966-1966).
Nuetzel, William Andrew, M.S., Assistant Professor of Professional Physical Education
Nulton, Lucy, M.A., Instructor, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1950-1954).
Nunez, Theron A., Jr., Ph.D. (California), Assistant Professor of Anthropology (1963-
Nutter, Hazen Edward, M.A., Associate Professor of Education and Chairman, Materials
of Instruction Department (1938-1950).
Ober, Richard L., Ph.D. (Ohio State University), Assistant Professor of Education (1966-
Oberbacher, Marion Francis, Ph.D. (Purdue), Associate Plant Physiologist, Citrus Ex-
periment Station (1952-1963).*
O'Brien, Joan May, Ed.D. (Columbia), Professor of Nursing and Assistant Dean for
Graduate Programs, College of Nursing (1962-1966).
O'Brien, Thomas William, Ph.D. (Marquette University), Assistant Professor, Biological
Sciences (Biochemistry) (1966-1966).
O'Connell, John Paul, Ph.D. (University of California), Assistant Professor of Chemical
Engineering (1966-1966).
Offord, David R., M.D. (Queen's University), Assistant Professor of Psychiatry (1962-
Ogden, Marvin I., M.Ed., Instructor in Journalism and Communications and TV
Producer-Director, Television Station WUFT (1965-1965).
Ohanian, Mihran Jacob, Ph.D. (Rensselaer), Assistant Professor of Nuclear Engineering
O'Hara, Susan Mary, M.Ed., Senior Resident Counselor, Women's Residence Halls
Ohlwiler, David, M.D. (Rochester), Clinical Associate in Surgery (1961-1961).
Ohrn, Yngve Nils, Ph.D. (Uppsala), Associate Professor of Chemistry (1966-1966).
Oikawa Hiroshi, D.E. (Tohoku University), Post-Doctoral Fellow in Metallurgical and
Materials Engineering (1966-1966).
Oliva, Peter Frank, Ed.D. (Columbia), Professor of Education (1957-1963).*
Oliveira Marques, Antonio Henrique Rodrigo de., Ph.D. (Lisbon), Visiting Professor of
History (1966-1966).
Oliver, Clifton, Jr., M.A., Associate Professor of Management and Director of Manage-
ment Center in College of Business Administration (1946-1959).
Olsen, Gerald N., M.D. (Missouri), Intern in Medicine (1966-1966).
Olsen, Herluf V., Jr., M.H.A., Director, Shands Teaching Hospital and Clinics; Asso-
ciate Professor and Associate Chairman, Health and Hospital Administration, Col-
lege of Health Related Professions (1965-1966).
Olsen, Robert Winthrop, B.S., Biochemist, Citrus Experiment Station (1947-1947).
Olson, Waldemar, Ed.D. (Texas), Associate Professor of Education (1957-1957).
Olsson, Carl Niels, M.S., Assistant Professor of Physical Sciences and Astronomy (1958-
O'Malley, John Richard, Ph.D. (Florida), Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering
Omer, Guy Clifton, Jr., Ph.D. (California Institute of Technology), Professor of Physical
Sciences and Physics and Astronomy (1955-1955).*
Opp, Carl Braden, B.A., Head, Off-Campus Housing (1940-1955).
Oppelt, W. Walter, M.D. (Harvard), Assistant Professor of Pharmacology and Medicine
Oras, Ants, B. Litt. (Oxford), Professor of English (1949-1949).*
Ormond, William Newman, M.A., Associate Professor of English, Adviser (1948-1966).
Orsenigo, Joseph R., Ph.D. (Cornell), Associate Horticulturist, Everglades Experiment
Station (1957-1961).
Orth, Paul Gerhardt, Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Assistant Soils Chemist, Sub-Tropical Exper-
iment Station (1959-1959).
Osborn, George Coleman, Ph.D. (Indiana), Professor of Social Sciences (1947-1955).
Osborne, William J., M.Ed., Assistant Director Operations, Florida Union (1965-1965).
O'Steen, Alva Woodrow, B.S.A., Supervisor, Florida National Egg Laying Test, Agricul-
tural Extension Service, Chipley (1941-1945).
Osterbind, Carter Clarke, Ph.D. (American), Research Professor and Director of Bureau
of Economic and Business Research (1950-1961).
Otis, Arthur B., Ph.D. (Brown), Professor of Physiology and Chairman of Department
Otis, Eileen, Ph.D. (University of Rochester), Interim Assistant Professor of Zoology
Outler, Jason Curry, M.S., Interim Research Associate, Agricultural Experiment Sta-
tions (1964-1964).
Overman, Amegda Jack, M.S., Assistant Soils Microbiologist, Gulf Coast Experiment
Station (1951-1956).
Ozaki, Henry Yoshio, Ph.D. (Cornell), Associate Horticulturist, Everglades Experiment
Station (1954-1966).
Pace, James Edward, M.S.A., Animal Husbandman, Agricultural Extension Service
Paden, William Lee, Jr., M.A., Instructor, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1958-1962).
Pafford, Virgie Melton, M.P.H., Assistant Professor of Nursing (1959-1965).*
Page, Ralph Emerson, Ph.D. (Syracuse), Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and
Professor of Political Science (1948-1948).
Page, Thomas L., M.A., Interim Assistant Professor of Political Science (1966-1966).
Paige, Arnold, Ph.D. (University of California), Associate Professor of Speech and Elec-
trical Engineering (1966-1966).
Palmer, Arno Zane, Ph.D. (Missouri), Professor of Animal Science and Meat Scientist,
Agricultural Experiment Stations (1955-1964).
Palmer, Roger F., M.D. (Florida), Assistant Professor of Pharmacology and Medicine
Pancoast, Fred Paul, B.S., Assistant Coach (1964-1964).
Parikh, Naresh K., M.D. (University of Bombay, India), Fellow in Opthalmology (1966-
Parker, Frances Mae, M.S. in L.S., Assistant in Library, Circulation (1964-1964).
Parker, James C., B.S., Research Associate (1962-1962).
Parker, Richard Lee, M.D. (Florida), Resident in Medicine (Neurology) (1966-1966).
Parker, Roscoe Edward, Ph.D. (California), Visiting Professor of English (1965-1965).
Parkinson, Thomas Franklin, Ph.D. (Virginia), Professor of Nuclear Engineering (1960-
Parrish, James Bryan, B.S.B.A., Associate Director of Admissions (1963-1966).
Pastore, Philip Edward, M.A., Interim Instructor in Effective Thinking (1961-1961).
Patray, JoAnn Howard, M.N., Instructor, College of Nursing (1966-1966).
Patrick, Roger, Ph.D. (Iowa State), Bacteriologist, Citrus Experiment Station (1952-
Patterson, Carole, B.S.N., Instructor in Nursing (1965-1965).
Patterson, Elam Pusey, M.A.E., Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering (1952-
Patterson, Richard Lee, Ph.D. (University of Michigan), Associate Professor of Indus-
trial and Systems Engineering (1963-1965).
Patton, Thomas H., Ph.D. (Texas), Assistant Curator, Florida State Museum and As-
sistant Professor, Zoology (1965-1965).
Paul, Harry W., Ph.D. (Columbia), Associate Professor of History (1966-1966).
Paul, Robert Dale, M.Ed., Elementary Counselor, Research Investigator, P. K. Yonge
Laboratory School (1965-1965).
Payne, Ancil Newton, Ph.D. (Illinois), Associate Professor of History (1929-1945).
Peacock, Fentress McCoughan, M.S., Associate Animal Husbandman, Range Cattle Ex-
periment Station (1952-1963).
Pearce, James Martine, Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Professor of Chemistry (1946-1953).
Pearlman, Eileen Ruth, M.N., Instructor, College of Nursing (1966-1966).
Pearson, Howard Allen, M.D. (Harvard Medical School), Professor of Pediatrics (1962-
Pearson, James L., M.S., Assistant Agricultural Economist, Agricultural Experiment
Stations (1964-1964).
Peek, Ralph L., Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Professor of Social Sciences; Adviser (1963-
Peeler, Ruth Beatrice, M.A., Instructor, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1934-1952).
Pell, Kynric M., M.S.A.E., Research Associate in Aerospace Engineering (1964-1964).
Pennington, Clark William, C.E., Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering (1954-
Pennypacker, Henry Sutton, Ph.D. (Duke), Associate Professor of Psychology (1962-
Penrod, John Arthur, Ph.D. (Pennsylvania), Associate Professor of English (1950-1961).
Peraza, Elena Verez de, M.S.L.S., Assistant Librarian, Catalog (1962-1962).
Perez, Ellen Doty, M.A., Resident Counselor, Women's Residence Halls (1965-1965).
Perez, Rafael Belles, Ph.D. (Madrid), Associate Professor of Nuclear Engineering (1961-
Perkins, Haven M., M.D. (Louisville), Assistant Professor in Anesthesiology (1959-1963).
Perkins, Margaret S., M.S., Research Associate in Physiology (1964-1965).
Perkins, Raymond Price, Ph.D. (Texas), Assistant Professor of Education (1966-1966).
Perry, Franklyn Stanton, M.Ag., District Agent, Agricultural Extension Service (1946-
Perry, Joseph M., Ph.D. (Northwestern), Assistant Professor of Economics (1964-1964).
Perry, Nathan Warren, Ph.D. (Florida State), Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology,
College of Health Related Professions (1963-1963).
Perry, Vernon G., Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Professor of Nematology and Nematologist, Ag-
ricultural Experiment Stations (1959-1959).
Person, Willis Bagley, Ph.D. (California), Professor of Chemistry (1966-1966).
Peterson, Erhart Gustaf, LL.B., M.B.A., Associate Professor of Accounting (1947-1949).
Peterson, Gerald W., Ph.D. (Illinois), Assistant Professor of Spanish (1966-1966).
Petrakis, Byron, M.A., Interim Instructor in Humanities (1965-1966).
Pettis, Aubrey Marshall, M.S.A., Associate Agricultural Engineer, Agricultural Extension
Service (1947-1957).
Pfaff, William W., M.D. (Buffalo), Assistant Professor of Surgery (1965-1965).
Pfahler, Paul Leighton, Ph.D. (Purdue), Associate Agronomist, Agricultural Experiment
Stations (1958-1965).
Phaneuf, Victor S., B.S.E., Associate Professor of Building Construction (1958-1960).
Phillips, Richard Lee, Ph.D. (Michigan State), Assistant Horticulturist, Citrus Experi-
ment Station (1964-1964).
Picallo, Albert Maseda, B.S., Interim Instructor of Architecture (1966-1966).
Pickard, John Benedict, Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Associate Professor of English (1963-1963).
Pickering, Michael J., M.D. (Florida), Resident in Medicine (1961-1967).*
Pickhardt, Robert Charles, M.B.A., Assistant Professor of Management (1964-1964).
Pierce, Emory Lowe, Ph.D. (Florida), Professor of Zoology and Supervisor of Marine
Laboratory (1945-1955).
Pierce, Marnell L., M.Ed., Special Education Teacher (1966-1966).
Pierce, Zaida H., A.B. (Cornell), Research Assistant in Medicine (1959-1962).
Pieringer, Arthur Paul, Ph.D. (Cornell), Assistant Horticulturist, Citrus Experiment
Station (1956-1956).
Pirenian, Zareh Meguerditch, M.S., Associate Professor of Mathematics (1931-1937).
Pirkle, Earl C., Jr., Ph.D. (Cincinnati), Professor of Physical Sciences (1950-1963).*
Platt, William J., Jr., M.S.A., District Agent, Agricultural Extension Service (1936-1953).
Plummer, Charles Benjamin, D.V.M. (Auburn), Associate Veterinarian, Agricultural
Extension Service (1960-1960).
Pohl, Carole Marie, B.S.N., Instructor, College of Nursing (1966-1966).
Pollock, James Walter, B.S., Instructor in Landscape Architecture (1966-1966).
Pollock, Kenneth Charles, Ph.D. (Northwestern), Assistant Professor of Audiology, Col-
lege of Health Related Professions (1964-1966).
Polly, Judith Gillis, B.S., Interim Instructor of Medical Technology (1965-1965).
Polopolus, Leonidas, Ph.D. (California), Associate Professor and Associate Agricultural
Economist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1965-1965).
Poole, Reid, M.A., Professor of Music and Chairman of Department of Music (1949-
Popenoe, Hugh Llywelyn, Ph.D. (Florida), Director of International Programs in Agri-
culture; Director of Center for Tropical Agriculture; Associate Professor of Soils,
Botany, and Geography (1957-1966).
Pop-Stojanovic, Zoran, Ph.D. (Belgrade), Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Statis-
tics (1965-1966).
Post, Don McKenzie, M.S.F., Assistant Professor of Logging Practices and Assistant For-
ester, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1951-1955).
Potter, William Melville, M.A., Assistant Professor of Physical Education and Tennis
Coach (1946-1946).
Poucher, Donald Walton, M.A.. Assistant Communications Specialist, Agricultural Ex-
tension Service (1965-1965).
Pourciau, Lester John, M.S., Assistant in Library, Reference and Bibliography (1966-
Powers, Leonard Stewart, LL.M., Professor of Law and Associate Dean (1957-1966).
Prasad, Vadlamani Kali, Ph.D. (Minnesota), Research Assistant (1966-1966).
Preston, Thomas Ronald, Ph.D. (Rice), Assistant Professor of English (1963-1963).
Preto-Rodas, Richard A., Ph.D. (Michigan), Assistant Professor of Romance Languages
Previc, Edward Paul, Ph.D. (Illinois), Assistant Professor of Microbiology (1965-1966).
Price, Donald Grabee, M.P.H., Assistant Radiation Control Officer (1962-1963).
Price, Joseph Edwin, B.A.E., Professor of Social Sciences; Adviser (1931-1956).
Price, John Wilbur, Ph.D. (Michigan), Assistant Professor of Humanities (1961-1965).
Price, William Conway, Ph.D. (Columbia), Virologist, Agricultural Experiment Stations
Price, William H., M.A., Interim Instructor in Social Sciences (1966-1966).
Priem, Ervin Samuel, B.S.E.E., Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering (1952-1952).
Primack, Robert B., M.Ed., Interim Assistant Professor of Education (1966-1966).
Primo, Fred Anthony, B.S., Research Associate in Nuclear Engineering (1963-1963).
Prine, Gordon Madison, Ph.D. (Ohio State), Associate Agronomist, Agricultural Ex-
periment Stations (1958-1965).
Pritchett, William Lawrence, Ph.D. (Iowa State), Soils Technologist, Agricultural Ex-
periment Stations (1948-1953).*
Probert, Walter, S.J.D. (Yale), Professor of Law (1959-1960).
Proctor, Charles Lafayette, Ph.D. (Oklahoma State University), Professor of Industrial
and Systems Engineering; Resident Director of GENESYS, Daytona Beach (1966-
Proctor, Samuel, Ph.D. (Florida), Professor of History and Social Sciences (1946-1963).
Prosser, Judith Margaret, M.S.L.S., Assistant in Library, Special Collections (1963-1963).
Prugh, Byron Jonathan, B.S.C.E., Assistant Professor of Building Construction (1963-
Prystowsky, Harry, M.D. (Medical College of South Carolina), Professor and Chairman
of Obstetrics and Gynecology (1959-1959).
Pullan, Veronica Agnes, M.A., Instructor, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1958-1962).
Purcifull, Don Elwood, Ph.D. (California), Assistant Virologist, Agricultural Experi-
ment Stations (1964-1964).
Purkey, William Watson, Sr., Ed.D. (Virginia), Assistant Professor of Education (1964-
Purpura, James Arthur, M.S.E., Associate Professor of Coastal and Oceanographic En-
gineering (1958-1964).
Purser, Mary May, M.F.A., Instructor of Education (1959-1960).
Purser, Stuart Robert, M.F.A., Professor of Art (1951-1951).*
Putnam, Hugh Dyer, Ph.D. (Minnesota), Associate Professor of Sanitary Science in Civil
Engineering (1963-1966).
Pyatt, Edwin Eugene, Dr.Eng. (Johns Hopkins), Professor of Environmental Engineer-
ing (1965-1965).
Pye, Ruby Lee, M.A., Assistant Professor of Physical Education (1949-1954).
Quessenberry, Mary J., M.Ed., Instructor in Humanities (1959-1959).
Quick, Donald Thomas, M.D. (Western Reserve), Instructor in Medicine (1964-1966).
Quintero, A. M., M.D. (Univ. del Valle, Colombia), Research Fellow in Medicine (1966-
Quirarte, Cesar, M.D. (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico), Research Associate
in Surgery (1964-1964).
Rabell, Rosa B., M.Ed., Interim Teacher, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1966-1966).
Rabinovitz, Francine F., Ph.D. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Assistant Pro-
fessor of Political Science (1966-1966).
Rabinovitz, Joel, LL.B., Assistant Professor of Law (1966-1966).
Ramey, Robert Ancel, Jr., D.Sc. (Cincinnati), Professor of Electrical Engineering (1966-
Ramirez, Adolfo, Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Assistant Professor of Spanish (1948-1956).
Ramsey, Howard W., M.D. (Florida), Research Fellow in Medicine (1961-1966).*
Ramsey, Russell Wilcox, M.A., Major, U.S. Army, Assistant Professor of Military Science
Randall, J. Malcom, M.H.A., Associate Professor, Health and Hospital Administration,
College of Health Related Professions (1966-1966).
Randolph, Alan Dean, Ph.D. (Iowa State), Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering
Rao, Pejayer Vishwamber, Ph.D. (Georgia), Assistant Professor of Statistics (1964-1964).
Rapisardi, John J., M.S.W., Instructor in Psychiatry (1965-1965).
Rapp, Galina Goldammer, Lic. en Droit, Lic. es Lettres, Assistant Professor of Russian
Rappenecker, Caspar, Ph.D. (Cornell), Professor of Geology and Arts and Sciences Co-
ordinator of Continuing Education (1949-1966).
Ray, Delmas Dennis, Ph.D. (Florida), Professor of Accounting (1948-1962).
Ray, Jordan Boon, Jr., LL.B., Assistant Professor of Business Law (1962-1964).
Rayl, John E., M.D. (Louisville), Associate Professor of Surgery (1962-1965).
Raymond, Walter, B.Arch., Professor of Architecture (1956-1958).
Reaves, Clarence William, M.S.A., Extension Dairyman, Agricultural Extension Service
Reddish, Robert Lee, Ph.D. (Texas A. & M.), Associate Meats Specialist, Agricultural
Extension Service (1955-1957).
Reed, John Clifford, M.E., Professor of Mechanical Engineering; Assistant Dean, College
of Engineering (1950-1965).
Reed, John M., M.D. (Louisville), First Year Resident in Radiology (1966-1966).
Reed, Thomas McKennan, Ph.D. (Pennsylvania State), Professor of Chemical Engineer-
ing (1952-1965).
Reed, X. B., Jr., Ph.D. (Minnesota), Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering (1966-
Reed-Hill, Robert Ellis, D.Sc. (Yale), Professor of Metallurgical and Materials Engi-
neering (1960-1964).*
Reese, Edwin Charles, M.P.H., Interim Instructor of Physical Education (1966-1966).
Reese, Robert Lewis, Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Horticulturist, Citrus Experiment Sta-
tion (1963-1966).
Reeves, Frank Blair, M.A.Arch., Associate Professor of Architecture (1949-1961).
Regna, Joseph Louis, M.A., Assistant Professor of Physical Education (1961-1965).
Rehling, Conrad Henry, M.Ed., Assistant Professor of Physical Education (1949-1952).
Reid, Charles Edward, Ph.D. (Louisiana State), Associate Professor of Chemistry (1948-
Reisinger, Richard Henry, M.P.H., Assistant Professor of Physical Education (1952-
Reitz, Herman J., Ph.D. (Ohio State), Horticulturist and Head, Citrus Experiment
Station (1946-1957).
Reitz, Julius Wayne, Ph.D. (Wisconsin), LL.D. (Tusculum), LL.D. (University of
Miami), D.Sc. (Jacksonville University), LL.D. (Colorado State), President of the
University (1934-1955).*
Remillet, June Gordon, M.P.H., Associate Professor of Nursing (1959-1965).
Renner, Richard Roy, Ph.D. (Texas), Associate Professor of Education (1965-1965).
Rethlingshafer, Dorothy Adelaide, Ph.D. (North Carolina), Associate Professor of Psy-
chology (1947-1947).
Reynolds, John Everett, Ph.D. (Iowa State), Assistant Agricultural Economist, Agricul-
tural Experiment Stations (1966-1966).
Reynolds, Mable Marie, M.A., B.S. in L.S., Assistant Librarian, Catalog (1949-1955).
Reynolds, Robert Charles, M.A., Interim Instructor of English (1964-1964).
Rhines, Frederick Nims, Ph.D. (Yale), Professor of Metallurgical and Materials Engi-
neering and Chairman of the Department (1959-1960).
Rhoades, Harlan L., Ph.D. (Illinois), Assistant Nematologist, Central Florida Experi-
ment Station (1959-1959).
Rhoades, Winfred Carl, M.S., Entomologist, North Florida Experiment Station (1949-
Rhoads, Frederick Milton, Ph.D. (Mississippi State), Assistant Soils Chemist, North
Florida Experiment Station (1966-1966).
Rice, Robert J., M.A., Assistant Professor of Journalism and Communications (1966-
Richards, Gloria Benson, M.A., Research Associate, Bureau of Economic and Business
Research (1966-1966).
Richardson, James Gilbert, M.A., Associate Professor of Finance (1946-1957).
Richey, Thomas Craig, M.B.A., Interim Assistant Professor of Finance (1963-1963).
Ridenour, Frank H., Jr., B.A., Interim Associate University Examiner (1963-1965).
Rife, David Cecil, Ph.D. (Ohio State), Interim Associate Professor, Biological Sciences
Riker, Harold Clark, Ed.D. (Columbia), Professor of Education and Director of Hous-
ing (1938-1966).*
Riley, Paul E., Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Professor of English (1962-1966).
Ring, Alfred A., Ph.D. (New York), Professor of Real Estate and Chairman of Depart-
ment of Real Estate and Urban Land Studies (1947-1960).
Ring, Wade, M.Ed., Instructor, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1958-1962).
Rion, William E., M.A., Director of Florida Union (1945-1948).*
Rippy, Wilson C., Jr., M.D. (Emory University), Clinical Associate in Psychiatry (1964-
Rising, Clara Lucille, M.A., Interim Instructor in Humanities (1965-1966).
Ritchie, John A., M.D. (Duke University), Clinical Associate in Psychiatry (1959-1959).
Roan, Vernon Parker, Ph.D. (Illinois), Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
-West Palm Beach (1966-1966).
Robbins, Charles Lewis, M.S., Interim Instructor in Sociology (1956-1960).
Robbins, John Bennett, M.D. (New York University), Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
and Microbiology (1961-1964).
Robbins, Ralph Compton, Ph.D. (Illinois), Associate Professor of Food Science and
Associate Biochemist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1959-1966).
Roberts, Daniel Altman, Ph.D. (Cornell), Professor of Plant Pathology and Plant Pa-
thologist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1959-1964).
Roberts, Eleanor F., M.F.A., Public Functions Manager, Florida Union (1965-1965).
Roberts, Henry Lamar, M.D. (Duke), Ph.D. (McGill), Professor of Surgery and Chief
of the Division of Neurosurgery (1958-1961).
Roberts, Leonidas Howard, Ph.D. (Florida), Associate Professor of Physical Sciences and
Astronomy; Adviser (1949-1961).*
Robertson, Alan J., M.A., Dean, University Relations and Development (1949-1964).
Robertson, Douglas R., Ph.D. (State University of New York), Assistant Professor of
Anatomy (1966-1966).
Robertson, Mary Frances, M.A., Mental Health Professional I, Psychiatry (1966-1966).
Robertson, William Kitchener, Ph.D. (Purdue), Chemist, Agricultural Experiment Sta-
tions (1950-1965).
Robey, Cora, Ph.D. (Tennessee), Assistant Professor of English and Speech (1966-1966).
Robinson, Frank Albert, M.S., Associate Apiculturist, Agricultural Experiment Stations
Robinson, Jack Richard, B.A., Personnel Officer (1965-1965).
Robinson, Sarah A., Ph.D. (Chicago), Interim Assistant Professor of Anthropology
Rochleder, Eric, Ph.D. (Vienna), Postdoctoral Fellow, Physics (1965-1965).
Rodeheaver, Janet Little, B.S., Instructor of Medical Technology (1961-1961).
Rodgers, Earl Gilbert, Ph.D. (Iowa State), Professor of Agronomy and Agronomist,
Agricultural Experiment Stations (1946-1959).
Rogers, Clarence J., M.Ag., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Engineering (1953-1954).
Ronai, Paulo, Ph.D. (Budapest), Visiting Associate Professor of Romance Languages
Ropicki, James Steven, B.A., Assistant Director of Data Processing (1966-1966).
Roscelli, William John, Ph.D. (Ohio State), Assistant Professor of English (1966-1966).
Rose, Gillis Norman, B.S., Associate Agricultural Economist, Agricultural Experiment
Stations (1943-1945).
Rosenbaum, Walter A., Ph.D. (Princeton), Assistant Professor of Political Science (1962-
Rosenberger, Stanley Eugene, Ph.D. (Florida), Marketing Specialist in Vegetable Crops,
Agricultural Extension Service (1947-1965).*
Rosenfelt, Marlene Emma, B.S., Research Assistant in Nuclear Engineering (1965-1965).
Rosenshein, Joseph Stanley, Ph.D. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Assistant
Professor of Physics (1966-1966).
Rosier, Nelson Eugene, M.S.E., Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering (1955-1966).
Ross, Claudius Allen, M.S.A.E., Teaching Associate in Aerospace Engineering (1958-
Ross, Ira Joseph, Ph.D. (Purdue), Associate Professor of Agricultural Engineering and
Associate Agricultural Engineer, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1959-1965).
Ross, John J., M.D. (Harvard), Assistant Professor of Pediatrics (1965-1965).
Rothwell, Donald Frederick, Ph.D. (Purdue), Associate Professor of Soils and Associate
Soils Microbiologist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1948-1958).
Rotstein, Jack, M.D. (Toronto), Assistant Professor of Psychiatry (1966-1966).
Rouse, Alvin Hamilton, M.S., Pectin Chemist, Citrus Experiment Station (1949-1958).
Row, Andrew William, M.A., Instructor in Mathematics (1958-1958).
Royer, Daniel King, Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Professor in Building Construction (1960-
Rubin, Melvin L., M.D. (California), Associate Professor of Opthalmology (1963-1966).
Ruder, Charlotte Collins, M.S., Interim Instructor of Speech (1966-1966).
Rudser, Donald K., B.S. (Florida), Interim Assistant in Agricultural Economics, Agricul-
tural Experiment Stations (1965-1965).
Ruelke, Otto Charles, Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Associate Professor of Agronomy and Associate
Agronomist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1955-1964).
Ruff, William, Ph.D. (Yale), Professor of English (1946-1955).
Ruffin, William Cain, Jr., M.D. (North Carolina), Associate Professor of Psychiatry
Rummel, Raymond Alfred, B.S., Senior Research Assistant in Metallurgical and Mate-
rials Engineering (1959-1965).
Ruskin, Byron, M.D. (University of Illinois), Instructor of Pathology (1955-1965).
Rutan, Fred Murray, M.S., Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy (1961-1964).
Rutledge, Austin M., A.B., Director of Service Activities (1963-1966).
Ryan, George Frisbie, Ph.D (California), Assistant Horticulturist, Citrus Experiment
Station (1961-1961).
Ryschkewitsch, George Eugene, Ph.D. (Ohio State), Professor of Chemistry (1956-1965).
Sabatella, Joseph J., M.F.A., Assistant Dean of the College of Architecture and Fine Arts
and Assistant Professor of Architecture (1959-1966).
Sadler, Frank Orin, M.Ed., Interim Instructor in English (1966-1966).
Sadler, Samuel Gould, Ed.D. (Florida), Associate Professor of Mathematics (1954-1954).
Sage, Andrew Patrick, Ph.D. (Purdue), Professor of Electrical Engineering (1964-1964).
Sah, Chih-Tang, Ph.D. (Illinois), Lecturer of Electrical Engineering (1966-1966).
Sajovic, James W., M.F.A., Interim Instructor of Architecture (1966-1966).
Salt, Ellis Benton, Ed.D. (New York), Professor of Professional Physical Education
Samson, Marie Evelyn, M.Ed., Resident Counselor, Women's Residence Halls (1965-
Samuel, John Alton, M.S.E., Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering (1954-1954).
Sanchez, Pedro Pablo, M.A., Interim Instructor in Mathematics (1965-1965).
Sanchez-Salazar, Anibal A., M.D. (San Marcus), Clinical Associate (1965-1965).
Sandefur, Wayne Thomas, H.S.D. (Indiana), Professor, Professional Physical Education,
Chairman of Department of Professional Curriculum (1953-1963).
Sanders, Dorsey Addren, D.V.M. (Kansas State), Veterinarian, Agricultural Experiment
Stations (1925-1932).
Sanders, S. K., M.D. (Florida), Resident in Pediatrics (1964-1964).
Sanders, W. Eugene, M.D. (Cornell), Assistant Professor of Medicine and Microbiology
Saporito, Charles, M.D. (L.S.U.), Trainee, Resident and Assistant in Psychiatry (1966-
Sashoff, Stephen Pencheff, M.S., Professor of Electrical Engineering (1932-1946).
Satz, Paul, Ph.D. (Kentucky), Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology, College of
Health Related Professions (1964-1964).
Sauer, E. G. Franz, Dr. rer. nat. (Freiburg, Germany), Associate Professor of Zoology
Saunders, John Van Dyke, Ph.D. (Florida), Associate Professor of Sociology and Direc-
tor, Latin American Language and Area Program (1961-1961).
Savage, Zach, M.S.A., Agricultural Economist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1931-
Savory, John, Ph.D. (Univ. Durham, England), Instructor in Pathology (1965-1966).
Saw, John Grenville, Ph.D. (London), Associate Professor of Statistics (1965-1965).
Sawada, Tatsuro, Ph.D. (California, Los Angeles), Assistant Professor of Physics (1965-
Sawyer, Earl Morrow, Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Professor of Physics (1947-1953).
Sawyer, Herbert A., Jr., M.E., C.E., Professor of Civil Engineering (1962-1962).
Sawyer, Thomas G., M.D. (Indiana), Post-Doctoral Fellow in Radiotherapy (1966-1966).
Scales, David F., Jr., M.D. (Florida), Resident in Medicine (Neurology) (1966-1966).
Scarvey, Frank, M.D. (Tennessee). Second Year Resident in Radiology (1965-1966).
Scates, Douglas Edgar, Ph.D. (Chicago), Professor of Education (1953-1953).*
Schaake, John Christian, Jr., Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins), Assistant Professor of Environ-
mental Engineering; Assistant Professor of Systems Engineering (1966-1966).
Schaffer, Nile Clarett, Preparator, Florida State Museum (1942-1942).
Schank, Stanley C., Ph.D. (Califoinia), Associate Professor of Agronomy and Associate
Agronomist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1961-1966).
Schenck, Norman Carl, Ph.D. (Illinois), Associate Plant Pathologist, Watermelon and
Grape Investigations Laboratory (1956-1963).
Scheuer, Cynthia, M.A., Assistant Professor of Psychology (1966-1966).
Schieber, Robert Ward, M.A., Assistant Professor of Music (1963-1963).
Schiebler, Gerold Ludwig, M.D. (Harvard Medical School), Professor in Pediatrics
Schiffli, Richard J., B.S.B.A., Supervising Accountant (1966-1966).
Schmertmann, John Henry, Ph.D. (Northwestern), Professor of Civil Engineering (1956-
Schmid, Gerhard Martin, Ph.D. (Innsbruck), Assistant Professor of Chemistry (1964-
Schmidt, Richard P., M.D. (Louisville), Associate Dean, College of Medicine; Chief of
Staff, Shands Teaching Hospital and Clinics; Professor of Medicine (1958-1967).
Schneider, Nathan J., Ph.D. (Pittsburgh), Assistant Professor of Bacteriology (1954-
Schneider, Richard Theodor, Dr. rer. nat. (Technical University Stuttgart, Germany),
Associate Professor of Nuclear Engineering (1965-1965).
Schoenau, Ronald Helmuth, B.S., Assistant Director of Data Processing (1962-1966).
Schoessow, Glen John, M.S.M.E., Professor of Nuclear Engineering (1958-1958).
Scholes, Robert James, Ph.D. (Indiana), Assistant Research Professor of Speech (1966-
Schrader, Hans William, M.S., Assistant Research, Physicist (1945-1966).
Schroder, Vincent Nils, Ph.D. (Duke), Assistant Professor of Agronomy and Assistant
Agronomist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1955-1955).
Schulkind, Martin Lewis, M.D. (Chicago Medical School), Instructor and Special
Trainee in Pediatrics (1965-1965).
Schulman, Ivan A., Ph.D. (U.C.L.A.), Visiting Professor of Spanish (1965-1965).
Schumacher, Audrey Sims, Ph.D. (Western Reserve), Professor of Psychology (1958-
Schumacher, Henry Cyril, M.D. (St. Louis), LL.D. (Honorary St. Benedict's College),
Clinical Associate in Psychiatry; Clinical Research Professor in Student Health
Schwab, John J., M.D. (Louisville), Associate Professor of Psychiatry (1959-1965).
Schwartz, Frank Leroy, Ph.D. (Michigan), Professor of Mechanical Engineering (1962-
Schwartz, Michael R., M.H.A., Assistant in Administration, Shands Teaching Hospital
and Clinics (1966-1966).
Schweyer, Herbert English, Ph.D. (Columbia), Professor of Chemical Engineering (1946-
Sciadini, Frank, M.A., Assistant Professor of Effective Thinking, Adviser (1960-1965).
Sciammarella, Caesar August, Ph.D. (Illinois Institute of Technology), Professor of En-
gineering Science and Mechanics (1961-1965).
Scott, Malcolm Fraser, B.A., Assistant Director of Admissions (1962-1962).
Scott, Thomas A., Ph.D. (Harvard), Professor of Physcis (1958-1966).
Scott, Thomas E., Jr., M.D. (Tennessee), Visiting Lecturer in Neuroanatomy (1958-
Scott, Thomas McDonald, M.A.E., Assistant Professor of Physical Education (1949-1952).
Scrafford, Ralph A., Ed.D. (Pennsylvania State), Associate Professor of Education (1957-
Scroggie, Everett, Jr., M.A., Interim Instructor, Communicative Disorders, College of
Health Related Professions (1966-1966).
Scudder, Delton Lewis, Ph.D. (Yale), Professor of Religion and Chairman of Depart-
ment (1946-1946).
Scudder, Walter T., Ph.D. (Cornell), Associate Horticulturist, Central Florida Experi-
ment Station (1955-1955).
Seaberg, Lillian Marie, M.A., B.S. in L.S., Assistant Librarian, Reference and Bibliog-
raphy (1949-1955).
Sechler, Dale Truman, Ph.D. (Missouri), Associate Agronomist, North Florida Experi-
ment Station (1960-1966).
Segedy, Harry J., B.A., Assistant Curator, Florida State Museum (1965-1965).
Self, Morris Waldt, Ph.D. (Minnesota), Professor of Civil Engineering (1966-1966).
Selfridge, Ralph G., Ph.D. (Oregon), Professor of Mathematics and Director of the
Computing Center (1961-1966).
Shaffer, Charles Vernon, Ph.D. (Stanford), Professor of Electrical Engineering (1946-
Shands, Joseph W., Jr., M.D. (Duke), Assistant Professor of Microbiology and Medicine
Shanklin, Douglas R., M.D. (Syracuse), Associate Professor of Pathology and Pediatrics
Shannon, John Joseph, B.B.A., Major, U.S. Army, Assistant Professor of Military Science
Shanor, Leland, Ph.D. (North Carolina), D.Sc. (Illinois Wesleyan), Professor and Chair-
man, Department of Botany, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (1965-
Sharp, Bert Lavon, Ed.D. (Florida), Associate Professor of Education and Assistant
Dean, College of Education (1956-1966)*
Sharpe, Melvin L., M.S., Assistant to the President (1962-1964).
Sharpe, Hervey Miles, Ph.D. (Pennsylvania State), Editor and Chairman of Editorial
Department, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (1955-1961).
Sharpe, Ralph Harold, M.S., Horticulturist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1948-
Sharron, Walter Harvey, Jr., B.A.E., Adviser for Fraternities (1965-1966).
Shaw, Leland George, M.Arch., Instructor in Architecture (1964-1964).
Shaw, Marvin Evert, Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Professor of Psychology (1959-1962).
Sheble, Arthur Mitchell, III, B.S., Research Associate in Metallurgical and Materials
Engineering (1966-1966).
Sheckles, Mary Elmyra, Ed.D. (Columbia), Associate Professor of Education (1958-1964).
Sheehan, Thomas John, Ph.D. (Cornell), Associate Professor of Ornamental Horticul-
ture, and Associate Ornamental Horticulturist, Agricultural Experiment Stations
Sheppard, James C., M.D. (Alabama), Trainee, Resident and Assistant in Psychiatry
Sherman, Wayne Bush, Ph.D. (Purdue), Assistant Horticulturist, Agricultural Exper-
iment Stations (1966-1966).
Sherouse, Lewis E., B.B.A., Captain, Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies (1966-
Sherouse, Ray Truman, Assistant Meteorologist, USWB, Weather Forecasting Service
Sherrard, Robert G., B.S., Coordinator of Civil Defense (1962-1962).
Sherry, Denver William, B.A.E., Interim Instructor in Effective Thinking (1966-1966).
Shields, Dorothy Ann, M.Ed., Assistant Professor of Physical Education (1962-1962).
Shields, Murray William, Ph.D. (Washington), Professor of Economics (1946-1949).
Shiffman, Joan Sue, M.A., Interim Assistant in Library, Special Collections (1966-1966).
Shipp, Joseph Calvin, M.D. (Columbia), Associate Professor of Medicine (1960-1963).
Shippen, E. Rodman, M.D. (Hahnemann Medical College), Clinical Associate in Psy-
chiatry (1962-1962).
Shires, Dana L., Jr., M.D. (Florida), Instructor in Medicine (1961-1966).
Shirley, Ray Louis, Ph.D. (Michigan State), Professor of Animal Science and Animal
Nutritionist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1949-1949).*
Shoemaker, Madelyn Owen, B.S., Interim Teacher, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School
Shoemyen, Margaret Clare, M.A.O.T., Instructor of Occupational Therapy (courtesy);
Chief Occupational Therapist, Teaching Hospital (1964-1966).
Sholtes, Robert Stephen, Ph.D. (Florida), Associate Professor of Environmental Engi-
neering (1964-1964).
Showalter, Robert Kenneth, M.S., Professor of Food Science and Horticulturist, Agricul-
tural Experiment Stations (1945-1956).
Shuler, Audie Irwin, B.A., Chief of Campus Police (1962-1962).
Shumate, Warren Caudill, B.A., Assistant in Engineering in Environmental Engineering
Sieg, Peter K., B.S., Assistant Editor, Health Center Relations (1965-1965).
Siekmann, Julius, Dr. Ing. (Technische Hochschule, Karlsruhe, Germany), Professor of
Engineering Science and Mechanics (1961-1961).
Sievers, Allen Morris, Ph.D. (Columbia), Professor of Economics (1954-1956).
Sievers, Anita Ress, M.A., Interim Assistant Professor of Education (1966-1966).
Sigmon, Kermit N., Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Professor of Mathematics (1966-1966).
Silk, Ernest Samuel, M.S., Assistant Professor of Physical Sciences; Adviser (1957-1957).*
Silver, Warren Seymour, Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins), Associate Professor of Bacteriology
Silverstein, Barry, LL.B., Associate Professor of Law (1964-1966).
Simanton, William Aldrich, Ph.D. (Iowa State), Entomologist, Citrus Experiment Sta-
tion (1950-1950).
Simons, Fred Oliver, Jr., Ph.D. (University of Florida), Assistant Professor of Electrical
Engineering, GENESYS-Orlando (1965-1965).
Simons, Joseph H., Ph.D. (California), Professor of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry
and Coordinator of Fluorine Research (1950-1950).
Simpson, Charles Floyd, D.V.M. (Cornell), Ph.D. (Minnesota), Professor of Veterinary
Science and Pathologist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1948-1957).
Sims, George Rudd, M.B.A., Assistant Professor of Marketing and Assistant Dean, Col-
lege of Business Administration (1957-1964).
Singh, Rishi Muni, Ph.D. (Florida), Interim Research Associate, Biological Sciences
(Agronomy) (1966-1966).
Singleton, George T., M.D. (Baylor), Associate Professor of Surgery and Chief of the
Division of Otolaryngology (1961-1961).
Single, John Edward, Ph.D. (Florida), Associate Professor of Water Chemistry (1967-
Sisler, Harry Hall, Ph.D. (Illinois), Professor of Chemistry and Chairman of Depart-
ment; Director of Division of Physical Sciences (1956-1956).
Sites, John Wilbur, Ph.D. (Ohio State), Associate Director and Horticulturist, Agricul-
tural Experiment Stations (1942-1960).
Sivazlian, Boghos, D., Ph.D. (Case Institute of Technology), Assistant Professor of In-
dustrial and Systems Engineering (1966-1966).
Skaja, Norbert W., M.D. (Illinois), Postdoctoral Fellow in Pathology (1966-1966).
Skellett, Albert Melvin, Ph.D. (Princeton), Professor of Electrical Engineering (1965-
Skelley, Robert Charles, M.A., Instructor in Art (1962-1962).
Skinner, Thomas Cobb, M.Ag., Agricultural Engineer, Agricultural Extension Service
Slater, John Clarke, Ph.D. (Harvard), Graduate Research Professor of Physics and
Chemistry (1964-1964).
Slater, Rose C. L. Mooney, Ph.D. (Chicago), Visiting Professor of Chemistry (1964-1964).
Slaughter, John Eidell, M.A., Assistant Professor of Social Sciences; Adviser (1959-1964).
Slusher, Donald H., M.D. (Cincinnati), First Year Resident in Radiology (1966-1966).
Small, Dwain Emerson, Ed.D. (Indiana), Associate Professor of Education (1964-1964).
Small, Kenneth Frederick, Director, Radio Station WRUF (1956-1956).
Small, Parker Adams, Jr., M.D. (University of Cincinnati), Professor and Chairman of
Microbiology (1966-1966).
Small, Terence Samuel, M.A.Mus.Ed., Assistant Professor of Music (1964-1964).
Smallwood, D. C., M.D. (Indiana), Resident in Pediatrics (1963-1963).
Smallwood, Mark Harrison, M.S.E., Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering (1958-
Smart, Grover C., Jr., Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Assistant Nematologist, Agricultural Experi-
ment Stations (1964-1964).
Smith, Albert B., Ph.D. (North Carolina), Assistant Professor of Romance Languages
Smith, Alexander Goudy, Ph.D. (Duke), Professor of Physics and Astronomy; Chairman
for Astronomy; Assistant Dean of the Graduate School (1948-1961).
Smith, Blair Joseph, M.S., Assistant Agricultural Economist, Agricultural Experiment
Stations (1962-1962).
Smith, Carolyn Herbert, Ph.D. (Duke), Interim Assistant Professor of Humanities
Smith, Charles Bassel, Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Professor of Mathematics (1946-1951).
Smith, Charles Marlin, B.S., Assistant Coach (1964-1964).
Smith, Carroll N. Ph.D. (George Washington), Professor of Entomology and Director
USDA Entomology Research Laboratory (1963-1963).
Smith, Cecil Nuckols, Ph.D. (California), Professor of Agricultural Economics and Ag-
ricultural Economist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1952-1963).*
Smith, Darwin W., Ph.D. (California Institute of Technology), Associate Professor of
Chemistry (1960-1966).
Smith, Donald Earl, M.S., Interim Instructor of Speech (1966-1966).
Smith, Dorothy Mary, M.Ed., Dean, College of Nursing; Chief of Nursing Practice,
University Hospital and Clinics, and Professor of Nursing (1956-1956).
Smith, Darwin W., Ph.D. (California Institute of Technology), Assistant Professor of
Chemistry (1960-1960).
Smith, Edward Frank, E.E., Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering (1928-1937).
Smith, Frank A., Ph.D. (Purdue), Assistant Professor of Mathematics (1966-1966).
Smith, Frederick Burean, Ph.D. (Iowa State), Professor of Soils, Microbiologist, Agricul-
tural Experiment Stations (1937-1937).
Smith, Herrick Hayner, M.S., M.L.A., Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture
Smith, Jack Reginald, Ph.D. (Southern California), Associate Professor of Electrical
Engineering (1964-1966).
Smith, James Hunn, M.S.M.E., Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering (1947-
Smith, Jo Anne, M.A., Assistant Professor of Journalism and Communications (1959-
Smith, Kenneth L., Ph.D. (Missouri), Associate Professor of Dairy Science and Associate
Microbiologist, Agricultural Experiment Station (1960-1966).
Smith, Paul Howard, Ph.D. (California), Associate Professor of Bacteriology (1959-
Smith, Paul Hubert, Ph.D. (Michigan), Associate Professor of History (1966-1966).
Smith, Richard Clark, Ph.D. (Duke), Assistant Professor of Botany (1964-1964).
Smith, Ralph Leslie, M.S., Associate Agronomist, West, Florida Experiment Station
Smith, Richard T., M.D. (Tulane University), Professor and Chairman of Pediatrics
Smith, Roberts Coles, B.A., Assistant Communications Specialist, Agricultural Extension
Service (1961-1961).
Smith, Ronald Ellis, M.S., Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering (1966-1966).
Smith, Samuel W., M.D. (Florida), Instructor in Radiology (1966-1966).
Smith, Stanley Louis, Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering
Smith, Steven Patrick, M.S.E., Research Assistant in Nuclear Engineering (1966-1966).
Smith, T. Lynn, Ph.D. (Minnesota), Graduate Research Professor of Sociology (1949-
Smith, Thomas Wardley, Ph.D. (University of Durham, England), Post-Doctoral Fel-
low in Chemical Engineering (1966-1966).
Smith, Wayne H., Ph.D. (Mississippi State), Assistant Professor of Forestry and Assistant
Forester, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1964-1964).
Smith, William Howard, M.Ag., Rural Areas Development Specialist (1958-1958).
Smith, William Ward, Ph.D. (Tulane), Associate Research Professor of Entomology
Smith, Winston Oliver, Ph.D. (Purdue), Professor of Mechanical Engineering (1955-
Smithson, Raymond Earl, Ph.D. (Oregon), Assistant Professor of Mathematics (1964-
Smittle, Burrell Joe, Ph.D. (Rutgers), Professor of Entomology and Medical Entomol-
ogist, USDA Entomology Research Laboratory (1965-1965).
Smylie, Robert Frank, M.A., Interim Instructor of Social Sciences (1964-1964).
Snider, Martha J., M.N., Instructor in Nursing (1965-1965).
Snow, Jacquelyn Gregory, M.Ed., Interim Teacher, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School
Snyder, Kenneth E., M.D. (Albany Medical College), University Physician (1963-1963).
Soar, Robert Stephen, Ph.D. (Minnesota), Professor of Education (1966-1966).
Sommer, Ronald Rudolf, M.S., Assistant in Library, Engineering and Physics Library
Somodi, Adalbarto, Doctor in Chemistry (LaPlata), Visiting Research Associate (1966-
Sotelo-Avila, Cirilo, M.D. (Mexico), Postdoctoral Fellow (1964-1965).
Soule, James, Ph.D. (Florida), Associate Professor of Fruit Crops and Associate Horti-
culturist, Agricultural Experiment Station (1956-1956).
Sowers, William Dean, M.Ed., Instructor, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1960-1964).*
Spache, George Daniel, Ph.D. (New York), Head of Reading Laboratory and Clinic and
Professor of English and Education (1950-1950).
Spangler, Byron Dement, M.S.E., Associate Professor of Civil Engineering (1949-1956).
Spanier, John Winston, Ph.D. (Yale), Associate Professor of Political Science (1957-
Sparks, Linda Frances, M.S. in L.S., Assistant Librarian, Education Library (1961-1966).
Spear, R. Jenelle, M.A., Assistant Dean of Women and Instructor in Education (1966-
Speir, William H., Assistant Hydraulic Engineer, USDA, Everglades Experiment Station
Spencer, Ernest Leavitt, Ph.D. (Rutgers), Soils Chemist and Head, Gulf Coast Experi-
ment Station (1943-1950).
Spinks, Daniel Owen, Ph.D. (North Carolina State), Professor of Soils and Soils Chemist,
Agricultural Experiment Stations (1947-1961).
Spurlock, Alvin Harold, M.S.A., Agricultural Economist, Agricultural Experiment Sta-
tions (1934-1953).
Squillace Anthony E., Ph.D. (Florida), Professor of Forestry and Forester, USDA, Agri-
cultural Experiment Stations (1965-1965).
Srygley, Ted Filo, B.S., Medical Librarian, Health Center Library (1966-1966).
Stadtlander, David P., Ph.D. (Pennsylvania State), Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Stage, John T., M.D. (Ohio State), Clinical Associate (1965-1965).
Stainsby, Wendell N., Sc.D. (Johns Hopkins), Associate Professor of Physiology (1957-
Stakely, James Owen, B.S.Arch., Associate Professor of Building Construction (1955-
Stall, Robert Eugene, Ph.D. (Ohio State), Associate Professor of Plant Pathology and
Associate Plant Pathologist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1957-1963).
Standley, Gerald Brent, Ph.D. (Buffalo), Associate Professor of Effective Thinking and
Humanities, Adviser (1960-1960).
Stanfel, Larry Eugene, Ph.D. (Northwestern), Assistant Professor of Industrial and
Systems Engineering (1966-1966).
Stanley, Dennis Keith, M.A.E., Dean of the College of Physical Education and Health,
and Professor of Physical Education (1931-1946).*
Stanley, Robert Greenblatt, Ph.D. (University of California), Professor of Forestry and
Botany, and Forest Physiologist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1965-1965).
Staples, Suzanne, M.S., Research Assistant (1964-1964).
Stearns, Thomas Wesley, Ph.D. (Minnesota), Professor of Chemistry and Assistant Chair-
man of Department of Chemistry (1946-1955).
Steere, Geoffrey Hazard, Ph.D. (Pennsylvania), Assistant Professor of Social Sciences
Stein, Gerald, M.D. (Pennsylvania), Resident in Medicine (1966-1966).
Stein, Joel M., M.D. (Florida), Trainee, Resident and Assistant in Psychiatry (1966-
Steinfeld, Lowell A., M.D. (Florida), Resident in Medicine (1966-1966).
Stenger, Vincent G., M.D. (Johns Hopkins School of Medicine), Assistant Professor of
Obstetrics and Gynecology (1959-1963).
Stensgaard, William H., M.A., Assistant Director of Physical Plant (1964-1964).
Stephens, Foy Woodrow, M.P.H., Assistant Professor of Physical Education (1952-1956).
Stephens, James Morris, M.S.A., Assistant Vegetable Crops Specialist, Agricultural
Extension Service (1962-1962).
Stephens, Richard Badenoch, LL.B., Professor of Law (1949-1954).*
Sterba, Richard Ludwick Anton, M.A., Assistant Professor of Economics (1956-1956).
Sterling, Leroy Farwell, Ph.D. (Illinois), Associate Professor of Professional Physical
Education (1965-1965).
Sterrett, Delbert Ellingsworth, Ed.D. (Peabody), Program Director, Florida Union,
and Assistant Professor of Music (1948-1963).*
Stevens, Billie Knapp, M.A., Professor of Professional Physical Education (1936-1954).
Stewart, Ernest Harold, M.S., Associate Soils Physicist, USDA, Everglades Experiment
Station (1960-1960).
Stewart, Ivan, Ph.D. (Rutgers), Biochemist, Citrus Experiment Station (1951-1961).
Stewart, Robert Earl, Ph.D. (University of Waterloo), Assistant Professor of Environ-
mental Engineering (1966-1966).
Stewart, Ruth F., M.S., Instructor, College of Nursing (1965-1965).
Stewart, William Kirby, M.P.H., Instructor, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1966-1966).
Stirling, B. Kyle, M.A., Interim Instructor in Journalism and Communications (1965-
Stockstill, Roy Edward, B.S., Assistant Professor of Engineering Graphics (1955-1957).
Stokes, Charlotte Fowler, M.A., Interim Instructor in English (1966-1966).
Stone, John Truman, Ph.D. (Pittsburgh), Assistant Professor of Rehabilitation Coun-
seling (1963-1963).
Stone, Karl Johnson, M.S., Interim Research Associate, Agricultural Experiment Station
Stone, Willard E., Ph.D. (Pennsylvania), Professor of Accounting and Chairman of
Department of Accounting (1960-1960).
Storer, Morris Brewster, Ph.D. (Harvard), Professor of Humanities (1947-1947).
Stormer, Jane Elizabeth, M.Ed., Resident Counselor, Women's Residence Halls (1965-
Stormer, Jay Rockey, M.Ed., Head Resident Counselor, Men's Residence Halls (1965-
Stoufer, Robert Carl, Ph.D. (Ohio State), Assistant Professor of Chemistry (1958-1958).
Stratton, Cedric, Ph.D. (Birbeck College), Research Associate of Chemistry (1963-1963).
Straughn, Alto Alfred, Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Assistant Program Specialist, Agricultural
Extension Service (1959-1963).*
Strayer, John Robert, M.Ag., Assistant Entomologist, Agricultural Extension Service
Strickland, Albert Carsen, M.S., Assistant Librarian, Agricultural Experiment Stations
Strickland, Ray Kenneth, M.S.F., Interim Research Associate, Agricultural Experiment
Stations (1960-1964).
Stringfellow, Thomas Leslie, Ph.D. (Texas A & M), Interim Assistant Entomologist,
Everglades Experiment Station (1966-1966).
Stripling, Robert Olin, Ed.D. (Columbia), Professor of Education and Chairman, Per-
sonnel Services Department. College of Education (1941-1956).
Strobel, James Walter, Ph.D. (Washington State), Associate Plant Pathologist, Sub-
Tropical Experiment Station (1959-1966).
Strozier, Virginia Ragland, M.A., Assistant Professor of Nursing (1957-1958).*
Strum, Williamson B., M.D. (University of North Carolina), Resident in Medicine
Stryker, Philip David, Ph.D. (Northwestern), Professor of English, Adviser (1947-1964).
Stuiver, Minze, M.S.E., Research Associate in Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering
Suarez, Andres, D.C.L. (Havana), Professor of History, Political Science, and Latin
American Studies (1965-1965).
Subbana, Somanahalli Naranappa, M.S., Research Assistant in Chemical Engineering
Suereth, Edward C., B.S.B.A., Supervising Accountant (1961-1962).
Suit, Ross Frisbie, Ph.D. (Iowa State), Plant Pathologist, Citrus Experiment Station
Sullivan, Edward Thomas, D.F. (Duke), Associate Professor of Forest Economics and
Associate Forester, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1959-1959).
Sullivan, John Joseph, M.S.M.E., Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army, Assistant Professor
of Military Science (1966-1966).
Sullivan, Sandra Smith, M.S., Resident Counselor, Women's Residence Halls (1964-
Summers, Thomas Eugene, Ph.D. (Iowa), Associate Professor of Entomology (1966-
Sunderman, F. William, Jr., M.D. (Jefferson Medical College), Director of Clinical
Laboratories, Shands Teaching Hospital and Clinics; Associate Professor of Path-
ology, College of Medicine (1964-1964).
Sunwall, James Raymond, Ph.D. (Iowa), Associate Professor of Humanities, Adviser
Suri, Surindar Singh, Ph.D. (Northwestern), Visiting Associate Professor of Political
Science (1965-1965).
Suter, Emanuel, M.D. (Basle), Dean of the College of Medicine (1965); Professor of
Microbiology (1956-1965).
Sutherland, Alan Duryea, Ph.D. (Illinois), Professor of Electrical Engineering (1958-
Sutterer, William F., B.S., Research Fellow in Pediatrics (1962-1962).
Sutton, Paul, Ph.D. (Iowa State), Assistant Horticulturist, Strawberry and Vegetable
Field Laboratory (1961-1961).
Svarlien, Oscar, Ph.D. (North Carolina), Professor of Political Science (1946-1955).*
Swanson, Daniel Cramer, Ph.D. (Cornell), Professor of Physics (1929-1949).
Swanson, Leonard Erwin, D.V.M. (Ohio State), Professor of Parasitology and Para-
sitologist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1941-1941).
Sweat, Charles J., M.H.A., Coordinator for Continuing Education, J. Hillis Miller
Health Center; Assistant Professor and Assistant Chairman (Courtesy), Graduate
Program in Health and Hospital Administration (1966-1966).
Swenson, Edward W., M.D. (Nebraska), Associate Professor of Medicine (1964-1964).
Swett, Manette, M.A., Instructor, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1948-1953).
Swinford, Kenneth Roberts, Ph.D. (Michigan), Professor of Forest Management and
Forester, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1937-1960).*
Swint, Cynthia Lyle, M.A., Interim Instructor in English (1966-1966).
Takano, Kiichi, M.D. (Niigata, Japan), Interim Assistant Professor in Anatomy (1965-
Tams, Madge Penton, B.A. in L.S., Assistant Librarian, Reference and Bibliography
Tappan, William Burgess, M.S.A., Assistant Entomologist, North Florida Experiment
Station (1955-1955).
Tarjan, Arman Charles, Ph.D. (Maryland), Nematologist, Citrus Experiment Station
Tarrant, Paul, Ph.D. (Duke), Professor of Chemistry (1946-1957).
Taylor, Carolyn Dickinson, A.B., Research Associate, College of Nursing and Associate
Professor of Anthropology (1959-1961).
Taylor, Frank H. G., Assistant Professor of Humanities (1964-1966).
Taylor, Grace Woodall, LL.B., Law Librarian (1956-1963).
Taylor, Helen Louisa, B.A., Interim Teacher, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1966-
Taylor, Howard Edgar, B.E.E., Assistant in Research of Chemistry (1962-1962).
Taylor, Rollin Harmon, M.L.S., Interim Assistant in Library, Acquisitions (1966-1966).
Taylor, William Jape, M.D. (Harvard), Professor of Medicine (1958-1964).
Teas, D. C., Ph.D. (Texas), Associate Professor in Speech (1967-1967).
Teeters, Samuel Boyd, M.A., Assistant Professor of Music (1959-1963).
Tefertiller, Kenneth Ray, Ph.D. (Illinois), Professor and Chairman, Department of
Agricultural Economics, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (1965-1965).
Teller, Morton Herman, M.A.E., Curator of Physics (1943-1949).*
Terry, Robert M., Ph.D. (Duke), Assistant Professor of Romance Languages (1966-1966).
Tesar, Delbert, Ph.D. (Georgia Institute of Technology), Associate Professor of Me-
chanical Engineering (1964-1964).*
Teske, Richard Henry, M.S., Interim Assistant Professor, Agricultural Experiment Sta-
tions (1967-1967).
Tetlow, Alan G., D.A. (Manchester, England), Instructor in Anesthesiology (1963-1963).
Tew, Roy Edward, Ph.D. (Ohio State), Professor of Speech (1937-1966).
Thomas, Billy Seay, Ph.D. (Vanderbilt), Assistant Professor of Physics (1960-1960).
Thomas, Donovan Des Sauges, Ph.D. (Florida), Research Associate, Agricultural Experi-
ment Stations (1966-1966).
Thomas, Evelyn Sue, M.N., Instructor, College of Nursing (1966-1966).
Thomas, Michael E., Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins University), Assistant Professor of Industrial
and Systems Engineering (1965-1965).
Thomas, William Clark, Jr., M.D. (Cornell), Professor of Medicine, Director of Clinical
Research Center (1957-1963).
Thomason, Oliver Bruce, Ph.D. (Pennsylvania State), Assistant Dean of the College of
Health Related Professions, Professor and Chairman, Department of Rehabilitation
Counseling (1942-1964).*
Thompson, Buford Dale, Ph.D. (Florida), Professor of Vegetable Crops and Horti-
culturist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1948-1966).*
Thompson, Carl Louis, Ph.D. (Florida), Research Associate in Speech (1965-1965).*
Thompson, Fred G., Ph.D. (Miami), Interim Assistant Curator, Florida State Museum
Thompson, Irene S., M.A., Interim Assistant Professor of English (1966-1966).
Thompson, John B., III, M.P.H., Assistant Football Coach (1966-1966).
Thompson, Leonard Garnett, Jr., Ph.D. (Iowa State), Soils Chemist, Agricultural Experi-
ment Stations (1945-1945).
Thompson, Neal Philip, Ph.D. (Princeton), Assistant Biochemist, Agricultural Experi-
ment Stations (1965-1965).
Thompson, Ralph Burnham, Ph.D. (Texas), Professor of Marketing (1955-1960).*
Thomsen, Erling Sonnich, Ph.D. (Royal Danish School of Pharmacy), Post-Doctoral
Fellow in Chemical Engineering (1966-1966).
Thomsen, John G., M.A., Major, Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies (1965-1965).
Thornby, John Ingram, Ph.D. (Minnesota), Assistant Professor of Statistics (1966-1966).
Thornton, Edward Bennett, M.S., Research Associate in Coastal and Oceanographic
Engineering (1965-1965).
Thornton, George Daniel, Ph.D. (Iowa State), Assistant Dean, College of Agriculture
and Professor of Soils (1941-1956).
Thurston, Paul Thayer, Ph.D. (Florida), Associate Professor of Effective Thinking and
English, Adviser (1957-1965).
Tiffin, William Truitt, M.S.M.E., Professor of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Tillman, Wiley James, Jr., M.Arch., Assistant Professor of Architecture (1952-1954).*
Timmerman, Eugene Melvin, Ph.D. (South Carolina), Assistant Professor of Education
Ting, Sik Vung, Ph.D. (Ohio State), Associate Biochemist, FCC, Citrus Experiment
Station (1953-1960).
Tingle, David, M.D. (University of Sheffield, England), Trainee and Assistant in Psy-
chiatry (1964-1964).
Tison, Jean Pieper, M.A.E., Instructor in Education (1936-1948).
Todd, Eugene Allan, Ed.D. (Houston), Associate Professor of Education (1966-1966).
Todd, Harry Innes, M.S.Ed., Interim Instructor of Education (1966-1966).
Todd, Peggy Smith, B.S., Interim Teacher, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1965-1965).
Toner, Raymond J., M.A., Assistant Director, Center for Latin American Studies
Townsend, Kenneth Graham, B.S.A., Research Assistant (in Entomology-Pathology),
Citrus Experiment Station (1950-1966).
Townsend, Ruth Overstreet, R.N., Senior Research Assistant (in Nutrition), Agricul-
tural Experiment Stations (1938-1966).*
Trammel, Kenneth, Ph.D., Assistant Entomologist, Citrus Experiment Station (1963-
Travis, David M., M.D. (Vanderbilt University), Associate Professor of Pharmacology
and Medicine (1958-1966).
Trimmer, John Morris, M.B.A., Teaching Associate in Building Construction (1958-
Troupin, Edward Charles, M.M., Associate Professor of Music (1960-1964).
Troyer, Thompson Layman, M.A.T., Interim Instructor in Effective Thinking; Adviser
Trueblood, Felicity M., M.A., Instructor in Social Sciences and English (1964-1964).
Trunnelle, Charles D., B.S., Captain, Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies (1966-
Tubbs, Frederick Eugene, M.D. (Emory), Resident in Medicine (1961-1965).*
Tucker, David Patrick, Ph.D. (California), Assistant Horticulturist, Agricultural Ex-
tension Service, Citrus Experiment Station (1966-1966).
Tucker, William Burns, M.S., Assistant Professor of Mathematics; Adviser (1958-1964).
Tunison, Paul Bliss, M.Ed., Assistant Professor of Physical Sciences; Adviser (1954-1959).
Turner, Ira Douglas, B.S., Personnel Officer (1965-1965).
Turner, Leonidas Martin, M.D. (Miami), Resident in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Turner, Ralph B., Ph.D. (Texas), Associate Professor of Entomology and Biochemist,
USDA, Entomology Research Laboratory (1964-1964).
Turvaville, Lester Jackson, Ph.D. (Georgia Tech), Assistant Professor of Industrial and
Systems Engineering (1966-1966).
Tuttle, Frank Waldo, Ph.D. (Iowa), Professor of Economics (1935-1960).
Tyler, Max Ezra, Ph.D. (Ohio State), Professor and Chairman, Department of Bac-
teriology, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (1953-1953).
Tyner, Mack, Ph.D. (Cincinnati), Professor of Chemical Engineering (1944-1956).
Tyson, Janie Lee, Senior Research Assistant (in Library), Agricultural Experiment
Stations (1956-1966).
Tyvand, Nils Per, M.Sc., Research Associate in Aerospace Engineering (1966-1966).
Uden, Virginia L., B.S. (McGill), Research Assistant in Medicine (1966-1966).
Uelsmann, Jerry Norman, M.S., M.F.A., Associate Professor of Art (1960-1966).
Uhrig, Robert Eugene, Ph.D. (Iowa State), Professor of Nuclear Engineering and
Chairman of the Department (1960-1961).*
Underwood, James R., Jr., Ph.D. (Texas), Assistant Professor of Geology (1965-1965).
Upgren, Arthur R., Ph.D. (Minnesota), Visiting Professor of Finance (1965-1965).
Utvary, Kurt, Ph.D. (University of Vienna), Visiting Associate Professor of Chemistry
Valisalo, Paavo Emil, M.S.M.E., Assistant Professor of Industrial and Systems Engi-
neering (1961-1962).
Vakili, Nader Gholi, Ph.D. (Purdue), Assistant Plant Pathologist, Everglades Experi-
ment Station (1965-1965).
Valk, Melvin Ehrman, Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Associate Professor of German (1947-1947).
Van Bussum, Frances, B.A., Editor, Division of Informational Services (1962-1967).
Van De Kreeke, Jacobus, M.S.E., Interim Research Associate in Coastal and Ocean-
ographic Engineering (1965-1966).
Van De Riet, Hani Kamp, Ph.D. (Florida State), Assistant Professor Psychology (1963-
Van De Riet, Vernon Dwayne, Ph.D. (Florida State), Assistant Professor of Psychology
and Clinical Psychologist, College of Health Related Professions (1962-1962).
Vandiver, Joseph S., Ph.D. (Louisiana State), Professor and Chairman of Sociology
Van Gelder, Eduard, MA., Assistant Director of Admissions (1966-1966).
Van Middelem, Charles Henry, Ph.D. (Cornell), Biochemist, Agricultural Experiment
Stations (1951-1962).
Van Mierop, Lodewyk H. S., M.D. (Leiden, Netherlands), Associate Professor in Pedi-
atrics (1966-1966).
Varlet, Jules C., Ph.D. (Liege), Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics (1966-
Vastano, Andrew Charles, M.S., Associate Professor of Coastal and Oceanographic
Engineering; Associate Professor of Civil Engineering (1966-1966).
Vaughn, Justine L., M.D. (Temple), Instructor in Surgery (1963-1964).
Vaughn, Marie R., M.A., Instructor and Chief Social Worker in Pediatrics (1964-
Vaughn, Rufus M., M.D. (Alabama), Associate Professor of Psychiatry (1961-1966).
Veenstra, John Gerald, A.M.L.S., Assistant Director of Libraries and Associate Professor
of Library Science (1966-1966).
Veiner, Martin I., M.B.A., Interim Instructor of Finance (1966-1966).
Velonis, Nicholas, J.D., Assistant Professor of Law (1965-1965).
Verink, Ellis Daniel, Jr., Ph.D. (Ohio State), Associate Professor of Metallurgical and
Materials Engineering (1965-1965).
Vernon, Charles R., M.D. (Duke), Trainee, Resident and Assistant in Psychiatry (1966-
Vestal, Anne Julian, Executive Housekeeper, Shands Teaching Hospital and Clinics
Vickers, Frank Dow, Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Professor of Industrial and Systems
Engineering (1963-1964).
Vickery, Sandra Stone, B.A., Interim Teacher, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1966-
Victoria, B. E., M.D. (Argentina), Post-Doctoral Fellow in Pediatrics (1964-1966).
Vierck, Charles J., Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Professor in Surgery (1965-1965).
Vigilante, Nicholas James, Ph.D. (Ohio State), Assistant Professor of Education (1965-
Vines, Herbert Max, Ph.D. (California), Associate Biochemist, Citrus Experiment
Station (1960-1960).
Vogel, Joseph F., Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Professor of English (1965-1965).
Vogel, Phyllis Palmer, M.A., Interim Instructor of Education (1966-1966).
Vogh, Betty Pohl, Ph.D. (Florida), Research Associate in Physiology (1964-1964).
Voichysonk, Bernard Francis, M.F.A., Assistant Professor of Architecture (1959-1963).
Volk, Gaylord Monroe, Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Soils Chemist, Agricultural Experiment
Station (1939-1939).
Vonalt, Larry Paul, B.A., Interim Instructor in English (1965-1966).
Voss, Elbert, Ph.D. (Florida), Professor of Pharmacology (1948-1948).
Voyles, Louis Vernon, B.A., Director of Records and Registration (1948-1965).
Waglow, Irving Frederick, Ed.D. (New York), Professor of Physical Education and
Chairman, Department of Required Physical Education for Men (1946-1965).
Wagner, William Grant, M.Arch., Associate Professor of Architecture (1964-1964).
Waites, Robert Ellsworth, Ph.D. (Ohio State), Assistant Entomologist, Agricultural
Experiment Stations (1951-1951).
Wakeman, Donald Lee, M.S.A., Assistant Professor of Animal Science and Assistant
Animal Husbandman, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1957-1957).
Waldo, Tommy Ruth, Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Professor of English (1955-1961).*
Walek, Bruce Peter, M.S., Interim Instructor in Mathematics (1965-1965).
Walker, Biron Helton, M.A., Associate Professor of English (1942-1962).
Walker, Charles G., M.D. (Florida), Trainee, Resident and Assistant in Psychiatry
Walker, John Elliott, M.Ed., Instructor in Social Sciences (1964-1964).
Walker, Robert Dixon, Jr., M.S., Professor of Chemical Engineering (1944-1944).
Walker, Robert Lynn, Ph.D. (Stanford), Professor of Electrical Engineering, Resident
Director GENESYS-Port Canaveral (1965-1965).
Walker, Sue Roberts, B.S., Assistant in Library, Acquisitions (1947-1947).
Walker, Thomas Jefferson, Ph.D. (Ohio State), Associate Professor of Biological Sciences
and Associate Professor of Entomology (1957-1962).
Wallace, Alexander Doniphan, Ph.D. (Virginia), Professor of Mathematics (1963-1963).*
Wallace, Alvin Thomas, Ph.D. (North Carolina State), Geneticist in Charge Plant
Science Unit, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1950-1958).
Wallace, Harold Dean, Ph.D. (Cornell), Professor of Animal Science and Animal
Nutritionist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1950-1961).
Wallace, Howard Keefer, Ph.D. (Florida), Professor of Zoology and Chairman of
Department (1932-1955).
Wallace, Maxwell Joseph, Ph.D. (Cornell), Associate Professor of French (1936-1962).*
Wallace, Paul F., M.D. (Chicago), Clinical Associate in Surgery (1961-1961).
Wallbrunn, Henry Maurice, Ph.D. (Chicago), Associate Professor of Zoology (1951-
Wallis, Warren Reuben, B.S., Assistant Meteorologist, USWB, Weather Forecasting
Service (1960-1960).
Walsh, Helen Evelyn, A.B., Research Associate in Obstetrics and Gynecology (1962-
Walter, James Munday, Ph.D. (Minnesota), Plant Pathologist, Gulf Coast Experiment
Station (1947-1947).
Walter, William Austin, Ph.D. (University of Florida), Assistant Professor of Electrical
Engineering, GENESYS-Daytona Beach (1965-1965).
Walters, Yancy Bailey, M.S., District Home Economics Agent, Agricultural Extension
Service (1965-1965).
Walton, Bruce E., M.D. (Western Reserve), Clinical Associate in Surgery (1965-1965).
Ward, Daniel Bertram, Ph.D. (Cornell), Assistant Professor of Botany and Assistant
Botanist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1958-1958).
Ward, John Lawrence, M.A., M.F.A., Instructor of Art (1966-1966).
Ward, Phillip A., M.F.A., Assistant Professor of Art (1959-1959).
Ward, Walter J., Ph.D. (Iowa), Assistant Professor of Journalism and Communications
Warfel, Harry Redcay, Ph.D. (Yale), Professor of English (1948-1948).*
Warmke, Harry E., Ph.D. (Stanford), Professor of Plant Pathology and Plant Patholo-
gist, USDA, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1964-1964).
Warnick, Alvin Cropper, Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Professor of Animal Science and Animal
Physiologist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1953-1962).
Warren, Jessie Alma, M.A. in L.S., Assistant Communications Specialist, Agricultural
Extension Service, Tallahassee (1951-1951).
Warson, Samuel R., M.D. (McGill University), Clinical Associate in Psychiatry (1964-
Wass de Czege, Albert, M.A., Assistant Professor of Foreign Languages (1957-1960).
Wassom, John Clark, M.A., Interim Assistant Professor of Finance (1966-1966).
Waters, Willie Estel, Ph.D. (Florida), Associate Horticulturist, Gulf Coast Experiment
Station (1960-1966).
Watkins, Maud Coward, M.A.E., Assistant Professor of Education (1946-1966).*
Watkins, Marshall Owen, D.P.A. (Harvard), Dean of Continuing Education and
Director, Agricultural Extension Service (1941-1966).
Watson, Charles Edward, Ph.D. (Florida State), Postdoctoral Research Associate in
Physics (1964-1964).
Watson, James Kenneth, Ph.D. (Rice), Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering
Watson, Mary Caldwell, B.S. in L.S., Assistant Librarian, Reference and Bibliography
Watson, S. C., M.A., Interim Instructor in English (1966-1966).
Watson, William J., Jr., B.S.P.E., Director of Alumni Services (1966-1966).
Watterson, James Walter, M.S.E., Research Associate in Electrical Engineering (1965-
Watts, Earle Hunt, B.S., Assistant Professor of Engineering Graphics (1957-1957).
Waugh, Butler Huggins, Ph.D. (Indiana), Assistant Professor of English; Editor,
Division of Sponsored Research (1961-1961).
Waugh, Joan Meredith, M.N., Instructor, College of Nursing (1966-1966).
Weaver, Anna Louise, B.S. in L.S., Assistant Librarian in charge of Architecture and
Fine Arts Library (1959-1962).*
Weaver, William Bancroft, M.S. in L.S., Assistant in Library, Circulation (1964-1964).
Weaver, William Glen, Jr., M.S., Interim Instructor in Biological Sciences (1967-1967).
Webb, John V., MA., Associate Professor of Journalism and Communications (1958-
Webb, Sawney David, Ph.D. (California), Assistant Curator of Vertebrate Paleontology,
Florida State Museum; Assistant Professor of Zoology (1964-1964).
Webb, Thomas Elliott, M.S., Assistant Agronomist and Manager of Foundation Seed
Program, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1950-1954).
Webb, Wilse Bernard, Ph.D. (State University of Iowa), Professor of Psychology and
Chairman of Department (1958-1958).*
Webber, Irving L., Ph.D. (Louisiana State), Professor of Sociology (1947-1963).*
Weeks, John Wesley, M.D. (Duke), Resident in Obstetrics and Gynecology (1966-1966).
Weems, Howard Vincent, Jr., Ph.D. (Ohio), Associate Professor of Entomology (1966-
Wehlburg, Albert Frederich Cornelius, M.A., Interim Instructor of Speech (1966-1966).
Weidenmier, Carl, M.D. (Western Reserve), Second Year Resident in Radiology (1965-
Weidner, James Paul, B.S., Research Associate in Chemical Engineering (1961-1965).
Weigel, Walter W., M.D. (Emory), Clinical Associate in Medicine (1959-1959).
Weil, William Bachrach, Jr., M.D. (University of Minnesota), Professor and Acting
Chairman of Pediatrics (1963-1965).
Weimer, Rae O., Director of the School of Journalism and Communications, and
Professor of Journalism (1949-1953).
Weiss, Joseph Franklin, Ph.D. (Arizona), Research Associate of Chemistry (1964-1964).
Welch, A. Philip, Ph.D. (Ohio State), Associate Professor of Metallurgical and Mate-
rials Engineering, GENESYS-Port Canaveral (1950-1964).*
Welch, Alma E., B.S.N., Instructor in Nursing (1965-1965).
Weldon, Lyle, Ph.D. (Wyoming), Assistant Agronomist, USDA, Everglades Experiment
Station (1960-1960).
Wellborn, Charles G., Jr., M.A., Interim Assistant Professor of Journalism and Com-
munications (1966-1966).
Wellborn, Walter H., Jr., M.D. (Emory University), Clinical Associate in Psychiatry
Wells, Thomas Nathan, B.S.E.E., Assistant Business Manager (1950-1966).
Welsch, Walter Roland, M.Ed., Assistant Professor of Physical Education and Assistant
Track Coach (1954-1959).
Weltner, William, Jr., Ph.D. (California), Professor of Chemistry (1966-1966).
Wenzel, Evelyn Louise, Ed.D. (Columbia), Associate Professor of Education (1958-
Wenzel, Frederick William, Jr., Ph.D. (Massachusetts), Chemist, Citrus Experiment
Station (1948-1948).
Wershow, Irving Robert, Ph.D. (Yale), Professor of Spanish (1946-1964).*
Wesbury, Stuart A., Jr., M.H.A., Associate Director, Shands Teaching Hospital and
Clinics; Assistant Professor (courtesy), Health & Hospital Administration, College
of Health Related Professions (1966-1966).
West, Frederick Richard, Ph.D. (Indiana), Assistant Professor of Astronomy (1967-
West, Stanley LeRoy, LL.B., B.S. in L.S., Director of Libraries and Chairman of De-
partment of Library Science (1938-1946).*
West, Sherlie Hill, Ph.D. (Illinois), Associate Agronomist, USDA, Agricultural Experi-
ment Station (1958-1966).
West, Thomas F., M.B.A., Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies (1966-1966).
Westfall, Minter Jackson, Jr., Ph.D. (Cornell), Associate Professor of Biological Sciences;
Associate Professor of Zoology; Associate Professor of Entomology; Associate Curator
of Biological Sciences, Florida State Museum (1947-1955).
Westgate, Philip John, Ph.D. (Cornell), Horticulturist, Central Florida Experiment
Station (1943-1960).*
Wethington, John Abner, Jr., Ph.D. (Northwestern), Professor of Nuclear Engineering
Weyrauch, Walter Otto, J.U.D. (Frankfurt), J.S.D. (Yale), Professor of Law (1957-
Wharton, William Howard, Ph.D. (Florida), Clinical Associate in Clinical Psychology,
College of Health Related Professions (1963-1963).
Wheat, Myron W., Jr., M.D. (Washington, Mo.), Professor of Surgery and Chief of
Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Division (1959-1965).
Wheaton, Thomas Adair, Ph.D. (California), Assistant Horticulturist, Citrus Experi-
ment Station (1963-1963).
Wheeler, Willis Boly, Ph.D. (Pennsylvania State), Assistant Professor and Assistant
Biochemist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1966-1966).
White, Barbara Crittenden, M.E., Associate Professor and Chairman, Department of
Physical Therapy (1958-1958).
White, Clementine Bertha, M.M., Assistant Professor of Music (1966-1966).
Whitty, Elmo Benjamin, Ph.D. (North Carolina State), Assistant Agronomist, Agri-
cultural Extension Service (1966-1966).
White, Franklin Henry, Ph.D. (Illinois), Associate Bacteriologist, Agricultural Experi-
ment Stations (1955-1961).
White, Jake B., B.S.A., Associate Dairy Husbandman, West Florida Dairy Unit (1941-
White, Joseph Benton, Ph.D. (Peabody), Dean Emeritus, College of Education and
Professor of Education (1948-1964).*
Whitehead, Richard Holmes, B.A., Director of Admissions and Registrar (1938-1965).
Whitehurst, W. Laney, M.D. (University of Tennessee), Clinical Associate in Psychiatry
Whitis, Peter R., M.D. (Florida), Assistant Resident, Trainee and Assistant in Psy-
chiatry (1965-1965).
Whitley, Esstoya Willis, M.A., Instructor, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1958-1962).
Whitner, Benjamin Franklin, Jr., B.S.A., Assistant Horticulturist, Central Florida
Experiment Station (1922-1945).*
Whitner, Willamay, Ed.D. (Columbia), Associate Professor of Nursing Research (1963-
Whitney, Jodie Doyle, Ph.D. (Oklahoma), Assistant Agricultural Engineer, Citrus
Experiment Station (1965-1965).
Whittemore, Hiram D., B.S.A.E., Associate Agricultural Engineer, USDA, Everglades
Experiment Station (1958-1958).
Wiegman, Robert Raymond, Ed.D. (Oregon), Assistant Dean, College of Education,
and Professor of Education (1960-1965).
Wiggins, Joe W., M.D. (Johns Hopkins), Fourth Year Resident in Pathology (1964-1966).
Wilcox, Charles Julian, Ph.D. (Rutgers), Associate Professor of Dairy Science and
Associate Dairy Geneticist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1959-1965).
Wilcox, Donald Brooks, LL.B., M.S.M.E., Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineer-
ing (1952-1952).
Wilcox, Merrill, Ph.D. (North Carolina State College), Assistant Professor of Agronomy
and Assistant Agronomist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1960-1960).
Wilder, Buna Joe, M.D. (Duke), Assistant Professor of Medicine (1962-1966).*
Wilder, Daniel B., M.S.E.E., Student Financial Aid Officer (1965-1965).
Wilensky, Norman Marvin, Ph.D. (Yale), Assistant Professor of Social Sciences and
History (1962-1965).
Wiles, Kimball, Ph.D. (Ohio State), Dean of the College of Education and Professor
of Education (1950-1964).
Wilgus, Alva Curtis, Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Professor of History and Director, Caribbean
Conferences (1951-1963).
Wilhelm, Horst Ernst, Dr.rer.nat. (Technical University, Stuttgart, Germany), Assistant
Professor of Nuclear Engineering (1965-1965).
Wilkerson, Mary Elizabeth, MA., Interim Instructor in English (1965-1965).
Wilkinson, Clyde Winfield, Ph.D. (Illinois), Professor of English (1959-1959).
Wilkinson, Robert Cleveland, Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Associate Entomologist, Agricultural
Experiment Stations (1960-1965).
Wilkowske, Howard Hugo, Ph.D. (Iowa State), Assistant Director and Dairy Tech-
nologist, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1950-1957).
Willard, Del, M.S., Instructor in Mathematics (1960-1960).
Williams, Aubrey Lake, Ph.D. (Yale), Graduate Research Professor of English; Director
of Division of Humanities (1958-1961).
Williams, Clyde M., M.D. (Baylor), Ph.D. (Oxford), Professor and Chairman, Radiology
Williams, David Tyndale, Ph.D. (New York), Professor of Aerospace Engineering;
Professor of Physics (1957-1957).
Williams, Donald Edward, Ph.D. (Northwestern), Associate Professor of Speech (1959-
Williams, Emmett Louis, Ph.D. (Peabody), Associate Professor of Education (1964-
Williams, Floyd Wendell, Ph.D. (Florida), Associate Agricultural Economist, Agricul-
tural Experiment Stations (1963-1963).
Williams, George J., M.A., Interim Instructor in Social Sciences (1965-1965).
Williams, Herman Barnes, B.M.E., Associate Professor of Engineering Graphics (1946-
Williams, Hiram D., M.Ed., Associate Professor of Art (1960-1964).
Williams, Izola Forrester, M.S., Specialist in Nutrition, Agricultural Extension Service,
Tallahassee (1963-1963).
Williams, Marjorie Lay, M.Ed., Interim Instructor of Education (1966-1966).
Williams, Mary Cilley, B.A., Assistant Editor, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1961-
Williams, Margaret Ruth, M.A., Associate Professor and Chairman, Department of
Medical Technology (1961-1961).
Williams, Robert L., M.D. (Albany), Professor of Psychiatry and Chairman of Depart-
ment (1958-1964).
Williamson, Herbert Duff, M.C.E., Associate Professor of Building Construction (1965-
Wilmot, David L., M.A., Associate Professor of Music (1962-1962).
Wilmot, William V., Jr., Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Professor of Management and Chairman
of Department of Management and Business Law (1957-1964).
Wilson, F. D., Ph.D. (State College of Washington), Assistant Plant Geneticist, USDA,
Everglades Experiment Station (1958-1958).
Wilson, Harold A., Ph.D. (Iowa), Assistant Professor of Social Sciences and History;
Adviser (1958-1965).
Wilson, Henry Russell, Ph.D. (Maryland), Assistant Professor of Animal Science; Assist-
ant Professor of Poultry Science and Assistant Poultry Geneticist, Agricultural
Experiment Stations (1962-1962).
Wilson, Jennet Mae, M.A., Assistant Professor of Nursing (1957-1957).
Wilson, William Curtis, Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Plant Pathologist, FCC, Citrus
Experiment Station (1966-1966).
Winchester, James Alwyn, Ph.D. (Florida), Assistant Nematologist, Everglades Experi-
ment Station (1959-1962).
Winefordner, James Dudley, Ph.D. (Illinois), Associate Professor of Chemistry (1959-
Wing, Alexander Holbrook, Ph.D. (Columbia), Professor of Electrical Engineering
Wing, Elizabeth S., Ph.D. (Florida), Research Associate, Florida State Museum (1961-
Wing, James Marvin, Ph.D. (Iowa State), Professor of Dairy Science and Dairy Hus-
bandman, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1951-1966).
Winius, George Davison, Ph.D. (Columbia), Assistant Professor of History (1965-1965).
Winsor, Herbert Williams, B.S.A., Assistant Chemist, Agricultural Experiment Stations
Winstead, Walter Gerald, M.A., Assistant Director of Purchasing (1965-1966).
Wisan, Richard Norman, Ph.D. (Columbia), Assistant Professor of Philosophy and
Humanities (1963-1963).
Wise, Harry, M.S., Counselor of Foreign Agricultural Students (1963-1963).
Wisler, Patricia Margaret, M.A., Research Assistant in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Wolf, Emil Andrew, M.S., Horticulturist, Everglades Experiment Station (1948-1966).
Wolfenbarger, Daniel Otis, Ph.D. (Cornell), Entomologist, Sub-Tropical Experiment
Station (1945-1946).
Wolford, Richard Wilson, M.A., Associate Chemist, FCC, Citrus Experiment Station
Wolfson, Morton, B.A.E., Instructor in Effective Thinking, Adviser (1965-1966).
Wolfson, S. L., M.D., Clinical Associate in Pediatrics (1965-1965).
Wolking, William David, Ph.D. (Minnesota), Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology,
College of Health Related Professions; Associate Professor of Psychology, College
of Arts and Sciences (1962-1966).
Woltz, Shreve Simpson, Ph.D. (Rutgers), Associate Plant Physiologist, Gulf Coast
Experiment Station (1953-1962).
Wood, Charles George, Jr., Ph.D. (Florida State University), Assistant Professor of
Education (1966-1966).
Woodard, James C., D.V.M. (Illinois), Assistant Professor in Pathology (1965-1966).
Woodruff, William, Ph.D. (Nottingham, England), Graduate Research Professor (1966-
Woods, Charles Truman, M.A., Interim Assistant Chemical Communications Specialist,
Agricultural Extension Service (1966-1966).
Woodward, Edward R., M.D. (Chicago), Professor of Surgery and Chairman of Depart-
ment (1957-1957).
Woodward, James C., D.V.M. (Auburn), Postdoctoral Fellow (1958-1965).
Workman, Ralph B., Jr., Ph.D. (Oregon State), Assistant Entomologist, Potato In-
vestigations Laboratory (1958-1958).
Wray, Robert Hobson, M.D. (Tennessee), University Physician (1965-1965).
Wright, Ernest B., Ph.D. (California Institute of Technology), Professor of Physiology
Wright, Jack Mason, Ph.D. (Colorado), Associate Professor of Psychology (1960-1966).
Wroe, Martha Catherine, M.A., Assistant Professor (courtesy) of Physical Therapy;
Chief Physical Therapist, Teaching Hospital (1959-1966).
Wyatt, John Walton, S.J.D. (George Washington), Professor of Business Law (1948-
Yamazaki, Keijiro, Ph.D. (Tokyo), Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics (1966-
Yates, Edward D., M.A., Instructor in Journalism and Communications (1965-1965).
Yates, Harry Edgar, Assistant Meteorologist, USWB, Weather Forecasting Service
Yeatts, Pearline Peters, M.Ed., Instructor, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1958-1962).*
Yee, Kane S., Ph.D. (Berkeley), Associate Professor of Mathematics (1966-1966).
Yen, Alice Bing, M.S.L.S., Assistant in Library, Catalog (1966-1966).
Yoder, Lowell Curtis, M.A., Associate Professor of Marketing (1949-1949).
Yoho, William Herbert, M.S., Assistant Professor of Physical Sciences and Geology
York, E. T., Jr., Ph.D. (Cornell), Provost of Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
Young, Canning K. M., M.A.F.A., Associate Professor of Architecture (1955-1955).
Young, Fred Olan, M.A., Interim Instructor of Education (1966-1966).
Young, Gertrude Marian, Ed.D. (Columbia), Associate Professor of Education (1957-
Young, Howard Bacon, M.S.A., Assistant Extension Dairy Technologist, Agricultural
Extension Service (1957-1957).
Young, Harold William, Ph.D. (Ohio State), Associate Horticulturist and Head, Big
Bend Horticultural Laboratory (1958-1963).
Young, Thomas Wilbur, Ph.D. (Cornell), Horticulturist, Sub-Tropical Experiment
Station (1942-1958).*
Youngs, Marian Amelia, M.A. in L.S., Assistant Librarian, Catalog, and Assistant Pro-
fessor of Library Science (1934-1949).*
Yozgatlioglu, A. Cuneyt, M.D. (Istanbul), University Psychiatrist in Student Health,
Yuan, Tzu Liang, Ph.D. (Ohio State), Associate Chemist, Agricultural Experiment
Stations (1955-1964).
Zam, Stephen G. III, Ph.D. (University of Southern California, Los Angeles), Assistant
Professor, Biological Sciences (Zoology) (1966-1966).
Zauner, Christian Walter, Ph.D. (Southern Illinois), Associate Professor of Professional
Physical Education (1965-1965).
Zeigler, Claude Dawson, Jr., M.S.B.C., Assistant Professor of Building Construction
Zeman, Joseph Jay, Ph.D. (Chicago), Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Philosophy
Zetrouer, Wallace Feaster, M.S.E., Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering (1943-
Zettler, Francis William, Ph.D. (Cornell), Assistant Plant Virologist, Agricultural
Experiment Stations (1966-1966).
Ziegler, Louis William, Ph.D. (Florida), Professor of Fruit Crops (1930-1958).*
Zimmerman, Irene, Ph.D. (Michigan), Associate Librarian, Reference and Bibliography
Zimmerman, Leland L., Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Associate Professor of Speech and Director
of Theatre (1955-1960).
Zimpfer, Walter Henry, M.S., Associate Professor of Civil Engineering (1950-1956).*
Zoltewicz, John Andrew, Ph.D. (Princeton), Assistant Professor of Chemistry (1963-
Zweig, Marilyn B., Ph.D. (University of Rochester), Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Ahrano, Elizabeth Cermak, B.S.H.E., Assistant Alachua County Extension Home
Economics Agent (1957-1957).
Allen, Edward, M.S., Associate Duval County Agent (1960-1960).
Allen, William Albert, M.S.A., Assistant Pinellas County Agent (1964-1964).
Anderson, Mae Millar, B.S., Madison County Extension Home Economics Agent
Anderson, Sarah Elizabeth, B.S.H.E., Assistant Duval County Extension Home Eco-
nomics Agent (1961-1961).
Andrews, Adam Tucker, M.Ag., Associate Alachua County Agent (1954-1954).
Andrews, Rance Adam, B.S.A., Hamilton County Agent (1953-1955).
Barmby, Bruce Alan, M.S., Associate Orange County Agent (1958-1961).*
Bass, Bernice Odell, M.S.A., Glades County Agent (1956-1959).
Bass, Jack Wesley, B.S.A., Acting Assistant Lee County Agent (1965-1965).
Bassett, Mamie Goins, B.S.H.E., Hillsborough County Extension Home Economics
Agent (1955-1963).*
Beem, Jean, M.S.A., Hillsborough County Agent (1948-1960).
Bennett, Mary Haynie, B.S.H.E., Jackson County Extension Home Economics Agent
Bentley, Dicki Dresbach, B.S., Assistant Gadsden County Extension Home Economics
Agent (1966-1966).
Bevis, Mary Elizabeth, M.S., Wakulla County Extension Home Economics Agent
Bezona, Norman C., B.S.A., Assistant Palm Beach County Agent (1962-1962).
Bizette, Justine Lambert, B.S.H.E., Assistant Dade County Extension Home Economics
Agent (1961-1961).
Boulware, Deborah Ricketts, B.S., Lake County Extension Home Economics Agent
Boyles, Clifford Raymond, Okeechobee County Agent (1944-1944).
Braddock, Thomas Hansen, M.S.A., Associate Duval County Agent (1957-1957).
Bradley, Richard Leonard, B.S.A., Assistant Sumter County Agent (1945-1963).
Brock, Marguerite Rish, B.S.H.E., St. Lucie County Extension Home Economics
Agent (1946-1962).*
Brown, Nettie Ruth, B.S.H.E., St. Johns County Extension Home Economics Agent
Burgess, Edward Eugene, B.S., Assistant Manatee County Agent (1966-1966).
Burgess, Jane Randal, B.S.H.E., Associate Jackson County Extension Home Eco-
nomics Agent (1954-1954).
Burgess, Raymond Hunter, M.S.A., Associate Hendry County Agent (1962-1962).
Cameron, Josephine Moore, B.S.H.E., Associate Polk County Extension Home Eco-
nomics Agent (1953-1959).*
Campbell, John Douglas, B.S.A., Dade County Agent (1947-1955).
Canty, Bessie Jackson, B.S., Assistant Duval County Extension Home Economics
Agent (1963-1963).
Carr, Horace Mixon, B.S.A., Bay County Agent (1951-1951).
Castello, Mary Jones, B.S.H.E., Assistant Escambia County Extension Home Economics
Agent (1963-1963).
Causey, John Hjalmar, B.S.A., Associate Palm Beach County Agent (1948-1948).
Champagne, Roy Jean, M.S., Assistant Dade County Agent (1953-1953).
Chandler, Isaac, Jr., B.S., Assistant Hamilton County Agent (1952-1963).
Childers, Sallie Russell, B.S., Holmes County Extension Home Economics Agent
Christmas, Robert Bruce, M.S.A., Associate Orange County Agent (1959-1960).
Clark, Bernard Hentz, B.S.A., Associate Gadsden County Agent (1948-1948).
Clark, Elizabeth Davis, B.S., Assistant Dade County Extension Home Economics
Agent (1965-1965).
Clark, Kenneth Ames, B.S.A., Sarasota County Agent (1942-1942).
Clark, Virginia Carr, B.S.H.E., Walton County Extension Home Economics Agent
Classon, Dorthy, Jacobson, B.S., Lee County Extension Home Economics Agent
Clay, Ralph Thomas, B.SA., Putnam County Agent (1949-1964).
Cobb, Leonard Clarence, M.Ag., Levy County Agent (1951-1953).
Collins, Leala Reaves, B.S., Assistant Orange County Extension Home Economics
Agent (1953-1963).
Collins, William Earl, B.SA., Assistant Jackson County Agent (1951-1963).
Coombs, Virginia Hill, B.S., Associate Hillsborough County Extension Home Eco-
nomics Agent (1954-1954).
Cowen, Edward James, M.Ag., Dixie County Agent (1955-1959).
Cowen, Ernest Henry, B.S., Assistant Orange County Agent (1966-1966).
Cowen, William Joshua, B.S.A., Union County Agent (1946-1948).
Crews, Julius Paul, B.S.A., Suwannee County Agent (1953-1954).
Cummings, James Frederick, B.S.A., Assistant Broward County Agent (1961-1961).
Cunningham, Dorothy C,. B.S.H.E., Assistant Escambia County Home Economics Agent
Curtis, James Albert, B.S., Acting Assistant Collier County Agent (1966-1966).
Curtis, Robert George, B.S.A., Lee County Agent (1952-1963).
Daigle, Louis John, MAg., Assistant Dade County Agent (1960-1960).
Dalton, Joseph David, Ph.D. (University of Massachusetts), Assistant Dade County
Agent (1961-1961).
Daughtry, Mamie Case, B.S.H.E., Leon County Extension Home Economics Agent
Davis, Henry Pittman, B.S.A., Taylor County Agent (1950-1954).
Davis, Johnnie Everette, M.Ag., Washington County Agent (1948-1951).
Dawsey, Postelle Gilpin, B.S.H.E., DeSoto County Extension Home Economics Agent
Dawson, Albert Douglas, B.S.A., Assistant County Agent, Sarasota County (1966-
DeVane, Joe Fred, B.S., Assistant Suwannee County Agent (1963-1963).
Dinkins, Paul LeRoy, M.Ag., St. Johns County Agent (1956-1962).
Dixon, Barmell Bledsoe, B.S.H.E., Hernando County Extension Home Economics
Agent (1963-1963).
Dorminey, Claude Lavern, B.S.A., Assistant Holmes County Agent (1963-1963).
Downs, Robert Donald, B.S.A., Associate Hillsborough County Agent (1957-1957).
Draves, Dorothy Engle, B.S.H.E., Assistant Pinellas County Extension Home Economics
Agent (1962-1962).
Druell, Donna LeMaster, A.B.H.E., Assistant Clay County Extension Home Economics
Agent (1965-1965).
Dukes, Neal Matthew, B.S., Columbia County Agent (1952-1952).
Durden, Bobby Ray, B.S.A., Assistant Leon County Agent (1961-1961).
Durre, Nolan Loyd, M.S., Associate Dade County Agent (1952-1952).
Eby, Edna Sims, B.S.H.E., Volusia County Extension Home Economics Agent (1943-
Echols, Dorthy Barnes, M.E., Assistant Volusia County Extension Home Economics
Agent (1962-1963).
Elkins, Ruth McKeown, B.S.H.E., Polk County Extension Home Economics Agent
Ellis, Gordon Brooks, Nassau County Agent (1944-1946).
Elmore, Annie Sue, B.S., Washington County Extension Home Economics Agent
Estes, James Barry, M.Ag., Franklin County Agent (1958-1965).
Farrell, Wilburn Carlos, M.A., Alachua County Agent (1951-1955).
Flint, Robert Jerome, B.S.A., Assistant Hendry County Agent (1963-1963).
Flynt Jacquelyn Ruth, B.S.H.E., Assistant Suwannee County Extension Home Eco-
nomics Agent (1966-1966).
Ford, Sudella Juanita, B. S., Assistant Hillsborough County Extension Home Economics
Agent (1942-1963).
Fulmer, Judson Todd, M.Ed., Liberty County Agent (1957-1966).
Fulton, May Ola, B.S.H.E., Extension Agent-Indian Work (1954-1960).
Furr, Elisabeth Brown, A. B., Assistant Pasco County Extension Home Economics Agent
Gallo, Theodore, M.Ag., Hendry County Agent (1956-1963).
Gardner, Virginia Dickens, B.S.H.E., Assistant Pinellas County Extension Home Eco-
nomics Agent (1951-1963).
Garrett, Elsie Margaret, B.S., Marion County Extension Home Economics Agent (1957-
George, Donald Atkinson, B.S.A., Sumter County Agent (1954-1960).
Glasscock, Paul Edwin, B. S., Associate Hillsborough County Agent (1957-1957).
Glenn, Woodrow Wilson, M. Ag., Jackson County Agent (1944-1944).
Glisson, James Milton, B.S.A., Assistant Marion County Agent (1966-1966).
Godbold, Thomas Jesse, B.S.A., Assistant Columbia County Agent (1963-1963).
Goldweber, Seymour, B.S., Assistant Dade County Agent (1960-1960).
Greene, English Major, B.S.A., Assistant Alachua County Agent (1945-1963).
Gregory, Marjorie Butler, B.S.H.E., Gadsden County Extension Home Economics Agent
Griffis, Raleigh Sidney, M.Ag., Assistant Palm Beach County Agent (1949-1949).*
Haddox, Jackson Alexander, M.Ag., Associate Polk County Agent (1951-1951).
Hammond, Lucy Taylor, B.S., Assistant Leon County Extension Home Economics Agent
Hamrick, Oliver Rudolph, M.Ag., Madison County Agent (1950-1951).
Hankinson, Heloise Pennington, A.B., Assistant Lake County Extension Home Eco-
nomics Agent (1966-1966).
Hanson, Ethel Weeks, B.S.H.E., Manatee County Extension Home Economics Agent
Harper, Emily Garmany, B.S., Columbia County Extension Home Economics Agent
Harrell, Aubrey Luther, M.Ag., Baker County Agent (1950-1952).
Harris, Bert Jerome, B.S.A., Highlands County Agent (1948-1953).
Harrison, Ida Jo, M.S., Calhoun County Extension Home Economics Agent (1965-
Harrison, Mary Nall, M.S., Nassau County Extension Home Economics Agent (1963-
Hartsfield, Richard Allen, B.S.A., Assistant Leon County Agent (1946-1963).
Hatcher, William Lester, B.S.A., Charlotte County Agent (1954-1957).
Hawley, Irene Hurd, B.S.H.E., Assistant Santa Rosa County Extension Home Economics
Agent (1964-1964).
Hayman, Jack Carlton, M.Ag., Hardee County Agent (1953-1958).
Helms, Patricia Ann, B.S.H.E., Assistant Dade County Extension Home Economics
Agent (1963-1963).
Hicks, Roberta Cherry, A.B., Baker County Extension Home Economics Agent (1960-
Holmes, Mary Alice, M.S., Assistant Dade County Extension Home Economics Agent
Howard, Miriam Rose, B.S., Assistant Marion County Extension Home Economics Agent
Hunt, Richard Michael, B.S.A., Assistant Dade County Agent (1964-1964).
Huggins, George Thomas, B.S.A., Bradford County Agent (1941-1950).
Hurner, George Timothy, Jr., B.S.A., Assistant Highlands County Agent (1965-1965).
Jackson, Eliza Moxley, B.S.H.E., Bay County Extension Home Economics Agent (1962-
Jackson, Larry Keith, Sr., M.S.A., Assistant Polk County Agent (1964-1964).
Jasa, Frank Joseph, B.S.A., Assistant Broward County Agent (1957-1957).
Jeter, Ann Pierce, B.S., Okaloosa County Extension Home Economics Agent (1956-1957).
Jones, Arlen Cunningham, B.S.H.E., Assistant Brevard County Extension Home Eco-
nomics Agent (1963-1963).
Jones, Deloris Mae, B.S., Assistant Madison County Extension Home Economics Agent
Johnson, Frank Wilton, B.S.A., Assistant Polk County Agent (1965-1965).
Johnson, Levi Mott, B.S.A., Martin County Agent (1944-1944).
Jordan, Donald Feagin, B.S.A., Flagler County Agent (1961-1965).
Jorgensen, Milford Christen, M.Ag., Associate Hillsborough County Agent (1954-1954).
Kelly, Earl McNeil, M.Ag., Lake County Agent (1949-1966).
Kendrick, Wilson Harper, B.S.A., Manatee County Agent (1946-1952).
Kirkland, JoAnn Newton, B.S., Suwannee County Extension Home Economics Agent
Laird, Cubie Revonie, B.S.A., Gulf County Agent (1945-1945).
Lander, Donald Wilson, M.A., Collier County Agent (1950-1952).
LaRoe, Earl Eugene, B.S.A., Assistant Polk County Agent (1963-1965).*
Lattimer, Charlotte Mangan, B.S.H.E., Pinellas County Extension Home Economics
Agent (1950-1950).
Lester, John Carson, M.S., Acting Assistant Orange County Agent (1966-1966).
Little, Edna Smart, B.S., Assistant Hillsborough County Extension Home Economics
Agent (1963-1963).
Llewellyn, William Robert, M.S.A., Assistant Seminole County Agent (1954-1965).*
Loadholtz, Joseph Lowell, B. S., Associate Escambia County Agent (1961-1961).
Loadholtz, Larry Lewis, B.S.A., Assistant Volusia County Agent (1961-1961).
Loeppert, Richard Henry, B.S., Assistant Jackson County Agent (1966-1966).
Long, Pearl Gardner, B.S.H.E., Assistant Jackson County Extension Home Economics
Agent (1960-1963).
Love, Catherine Haynes, M.A., Sarasota County Extension Home Economics Agent
Loveless, Glenn Lewis, B.S., Extension Agent, Indian Work (1961-1967).
MacTavish, Helen Bone, B.S.A., Dade County Extension Home Economics Agent (1953-
Martin, Gerald Grey, M.S., Assistant Volusia County Agent (1966-1966).
McCall, Emmett Dehyri, B.S.A.E., Clay County Agent (1942-1942).
McCain, Martha Sue, B.S., Bradford County Extension Home Economics Agent (1965-
McCord, Patricia Denmark, B.S.H.E., Assistant Manatee County Extension Home Eco-
nomics Agent (1964-1964).
McCown, Jack Thomas, M.Ag., Polk County Agent (1951-1963).
McCullars, Forrest Noble, B.S.A., Indian River County Agent (1953-1955).
McGuire, John Francis, B.S.A., Assistant Brevard County Agent (1964-1964).
McNutt, Rollin Harris, Jr., B.S.A., Assistant Manatee County Agent (1961-1961).
McSwine, Josephine Hemphill, B.S.H.E., Alachua County Extension Home Economics
Agent (1945-1945).
Meares, Cora Hargrave, B.S., Assistant Pinellas County Extension Home Economics
Agent (1964-1964).
Medlin, Quentin, B.S.A., Citrus Agent (1947-1950).
Miller, James Charles, B.S., Assistant Madison County Agent (1944-1963).
Mills, Nellie Daughtry, B.S., Duval County Extension Home Economics Agent (1948-
Moore, Mary Allen, M.S., Associate Orange County Extension Home Economics Agent
Nelson, Margaret Rusher, B.S.H.E., Clay County Extension Home Economics Agent
Nix, Fern Sulphin, B.S.H.E., Santa Rosa County Extension Home Economics Agent
Nixon, William Merle, M.S.A., Associate Lake County Agent (1960-1960).
Norton, Martha Burdine, M.S.H.E., Martin County Extension Home Economics Agent
Odom, Albert Hill, M.S.A., Jefferson County Agent (1947-1951).
O'Quinn, Clarence Fentress, B.S.A., Assistant Hillsborough County Agent (1954-1954).
Oswalt, Thomas William, M.S.A., Assistant Hillsborough County Agent (1963-1963).
Owens, George Maxwell, M.Ag., Hernando County Agent (1956-1965).
Oxford, James Thomas, B.S.A., Brevard County Agent (1942-1942).
Pastorius, Edwin Stanton, B.S., Associate Sarasota County Agent (1958-1958).
Patten, Jack Dowdell, B.S.A., County Agent, Okaloosa County (1955-1959).
Paulk, Harvey Timothy, M.Ag., Calhoun County Agent (1956-1962).
Perkins, Karen Ingrid, B.S.H.E., Assistant Palm Beach County Home Economics
Agent (1966-1966).
Phillips, James Milton, B.S., Taylor County Assistant Agent (1965-1965).
Pitts, Jerry, B.S., Assistant Holmes County Agent (1966-1966).
Price, Rayburn Kenneth, M.Ag., Associate Palm Beach County Agent (1952-1952).
Pryor, Robert Shepherd, B.S., Palm Beach County Agent (1946-1955).
Rankin, John Timothy, B.S., Assistant Marion County Agent (1964-1964).
Reese, Mary Fullilove, B.S.H.E., Assistant Putnam County Extension Home Economics
Agent (1966-1966).
Rhoden, James Lloyd, M.Ag., Leon County Agent (1946-1946).
Ritenburgh, Imogene Dallas, B.S.H.E., Highlands County Extension Home Economics
Agent (1964-1964).
Robertson, Edwena Jeanette, B.S.H.E., Escambia County Extension Home Economics
Agent (1954-1961).
Rose, Sylvester Alexander, M.S., Associate Brevard County Agent (1956-1961).*
Rowan, Charles Edison, M.Ag., Assistant Pinellas County Agent (1954-1954).*
Rowan, Edsel Wright, B.S.A., Marion County Agent (1950-1954).
Rozar, Luther Lynson, B.SA., Pasco County Agent (1958-1966).
Russell, Edward Edgecomb, B.S., DeSoto County Agent (1962-1966).
Russell, John Coleman, M.Ag., DeSoto County Agent (1952-1966).
Russell, Susan Mae, B.S., Assistant Volusia County Extension Home Economics Agent
St. Amant, Ann Mary, B.S., Assistant Polk County Extension Home Economics Agent
Satcher, Joy Wren, B.S., Assistant Brevard County Extension Home Economics Agent
Scott, Lenzy Maurice, M.Ag., Associate Washington County Agent (1955-1955).
Shirar, Marylou Waymire, B.S., Assistant Palm Beach County Extension Home Eco-
nomics Agent (1959-1964).*
Simmons, Lillian Blondin, B.S.H.E., Levy County Home Economics Agent (1965-1965).
Simpson, Victoria Magaline, B.S., Assistant Dade County Extension Home Economics
Agent (1949-1963).
Smith, Clara Ann, B.S., Pasco County Extension Home Economics Agent (1963-1963).
Smith, Eugene Patrick, B.S.A., Assistant Marion County Agent (1940-1963).
Smith, James Blanchard, B.S.A., Osceola County Agent (1950-1954).
Smith, William Carlton, M.Ag., Lafayette County Agent (1957-1965).
Solger, David Merritt, B.S.A., Assistant Polk County Agent (1962-1962).
Spears, Jack James, B.S.A., Interim Assistant Santa Rosa County Agent (1965-1965).
Stanley, Paula Paris, B.S., Citrus County Extension Home Economics Agent (1964-1964).
Stephens, Eugene Norbert, B.S.A., Escambia County Agent (1941-1941).
Stephens, Russell Hampton, B.S., Assistant Gadsden County Agent (1940-1963).
Sullivan, Pat Houston, B.S., Assistant Madison County Agent (1964-1964).
Sumner, Sidney Lanier, M.S., Assistant Polk County Agent (1965-1965).
Swanson, Henry Frederick, M.S.A., Orange County Agent (1948-1957).
Tamburo Jr., Salvatore Ammual, Ph.D. (West Virginia), Assistant Orange County
Agent (1966-1966).
Taranto, Antoinette Fichtner, B.S., Franklin County Home Economics Agent (1965-
Taylor, Bobby Lee, M.Ag., Assistant Bradford County Agent (1963-1963).
Taylor, Eula Louise, B.S., Broward County Extension Home Economics Agent (1937-
Taylor, Harold Allen, B.S.A., Assistant Escambia County Agent (1963-1963).
Taylor, Lawrence Dennis, M.Ag., Holmes County Agent (1954-1958).
Taylor, Sandra Kaye, B.S., Assistant Broward County Home Economics Agent (1966-
Thomas, Sarah Kyler, B.S., Assistant Marion County Extension Home Economics Agent
Thomaston, James Edsel, M.Ag., Walton County Agent (1954-1959).
Thompson, Essie Hogan, B.S.H.E., Putnam County Extension Home Economics Agent
Thompson, Ethel Paschall, B.S., Taylor County Extension Home Economics Agent
Tileston, Marilyn Dietrich, B.S., Osceola County Home Economics Agent (1956-1956).*
Todd, Mary Leah, B.S.H.E., Palm Beach County Extension Home Economics Agent
Townsend, Dallas Barton, B.SA., Assistant Collier County Agent (1965-1965).
Townsend, Thomas Ralph, M.Ag., Volusia County Agent (1948-1954).
Tucker, Cecil Argule, M.S., Seminole County Agent (1954-1956).
Valentine, Marian Bullard, B.S.H.E., Lake County Extension Home Economics Agent
Wade, Wayne Theodore, B.S.A., Assistant Hillsborough County Agent (1961-1961).
Walker, James Henry, M.S.A., Associate Escambia County Agent (1949-1955).
Wamble, Carla Janette, B.S., Assistant Okaloosa County Extension Home Economics
Agent (1966-1966).
Watson, James Nichols, B.S.A., Duval County Agent (1946-1949).
Watson, Lewis Elbyrne, M.Ag., Broward County Agent (1955-1965).*
Webb, Helen Parke, B.S.H.E., Assistant Hillsborough County Extension Home Eco-
nomics Agent (1963-1963).
Wells, Billy Hugh, M.S., Assistant Pasco County Agent (1966-1966).
Wheaton, Ernest Richard, B.S.A., Wakulla County Agent (1960-1965).
Whelchel, Hugh Calvin, B.A., St. Lucie County Agent (1956-1960).
Whigham, Nancy Brightman, B.S.H.E., Hardee County Extension Home Economics
Agent (1962-1962).
Wilkins, Deloris Haynes, B.S., Assistant Orange County Extension Home Economics
Agent (1964-1964).
White, Wylma Blodgett, M.S.H.E., Hamilton County Extension Home Economics
Agent (1955-1955).
Whitesell, Joseph Henry, B.S., Assistant Collier County Agent (1961-1961).
Whitton, Golbert Marshall, M.Ag., Pinellas County Agent (1957-1964).
Whitty, Robert Bezelle, B.S.A., Assistant Suwannee County Agent (1965-1965).
Williams, Marjorie Ludeman, B.S.H.E., Orange County Extension Home Economics
Agent (1952-1952).
Williams, Royce Cecil, B.S.A., Assistant Citrus County Agent (1961-1961).
Williams, Ursula Hicks, B.S., Assistant Gadsden County Extension Home Economics
Agent (1951-1963).
Womble, William Robert, B.S.A., Assistant Levy County Agent (1966-1966).
Wood, Virginia Rosetta, B.S.H.E., Assistant Duval County Extension Home Economics
Agent (1962-1962).
Yelvington, James Russell, M.Ag., Gilchrist County Agent (1952-1961).
Young, Sue Bettersworth, B.S., Brevard County Extension Home Economics Agent
Zorn, William Carlton, M.Ag., Santa Rosa County Agent (1949-1953).
Abbott, Ouida Davis, Ph.D. (Missouri), Home Economist Emeritus, Food Technology
and Nutrition, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1958).
Allison, Robert Verrill, Ph.D. (Rutgers), Fiber Technologist Emeritus, Everglades
Experiment Station (1965).
Arnold, Lillian E., M.S., Associate Botanist Emeritus, Plant Pathology, Agricultural
Experiment Stations (1958).
Arnold, P. T. Dix, M.S.A., Associate Professor Emeritus of Dairy Husbandry and
Associate Dairy Husbandman, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1959).
Atchley, Helen B., B.S., Teacher-Dietitian, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School (1966).
Bachman, Harold Burton, B.S., Professor Emeritus of Music (1961).
Bannister, Turpin Chambers, Ph.D. (Harvard), D.F.A. (Denison), Professor of Archi-
tecture and Dean of the College of Architecture and Fine Arts (1966).
Bault, Roger Quincy, M.A., Assistant Professor Emeritus of Physical Sciences (1966).
Becker, Raymond Brown, Ph.D., Minnesota, Professor Emeritus of Dairy Science; Dairy
Husbandman Emeritus, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1963).
Beisler, Walter Herman, D.Sc. (Princeton), Professor Emeritus of Chemical Engineering
Black, Alvin Percy, Ph.D. (Iowa), Research Professor Emeritus of Chemistry; Professor
Emeritus of Environmental Science (1966).
Blackmon, Gulie Hargrove, M.S.A., Horticulturist Emeritus, Agricultural Experiment
Stations (1954).
Blalock, Lewis Florence, M.A., Associate Registrar (1966).
Bless, Arthur Aaron, Ph.D. (Cornell), Professor Emeritus of Physics and Director of
Bioelectric Potentials Project (1951).
Block, Herman Henry, C.E., Professor Emeritus of Building Construction and Chairman
of Department (1963).
Bourke, Norman, M. E., Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering (1960).
Brothers, Shelby Lee, B.S.A., Assistant Agronomist, Agricultural Extension Service
Camp, Arthur Forrest, Ph.D. (Washington), Vice Director Emeritus, Citrus Experiment
Station (1956).
Carleton, William Graves, J.D., M.A., Professor Emeritus of History and Political
Science (1961).
Carroll, William Richard, Ph.D. (Minnesota), Professor Emeritus of Bacteriology
Carver, William Angus, Ph.D. (Iowa State), Agronomist Emeritus, Agricultural Experi-
ment Stations (1964).
Chace, James Edward, LL.B., Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Real Estate (1945-1965).
Christie, Jesse Roy, Ph.D. (George Washington), Nematologist Emeritus, Agricultural
Experiment Stations (1960).
Constans, Henry Philip, LL.B., M.A. (University of Iowa), Professor Emeritus of Speech
Cooper, John Francis, M.S.A., Editor and Head of Editorial Department, Agricultural
Experiment Stations and Agricultural Extension Service; Professor Emeritus (1961).
Cresap, Ida Keeling, Librarian Emeritus, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1963).
Davidson, Robert Franklin, Ph.D. (Yale), Emeritus Professor of Humanities (1962).
Eddins, Auther Hanmer, Ph.D. (Iowa State), Plant Pathologist Emeritus in charge
Potato Investigation Laboratory (1963).
Emmel, Mark Wirth, D.V.M. (Iowa State), Professor of Veterinary Science and Vet-
erinarian; Professor Emeritus (1961).
Fernandez, Pedro Villa, M.A., Professor Emeritus of Spanish (1966).
Fifield, Willard Merwin, M.S., Provost Emeritus for Agriculture (1962).
Fogle, Stephen Francis, Ph.D. (Illinois), Professor Emeritus of English (1964).
Foster, Charles Richard, Ed.D. (Harvard) Professor of Education (1966).
Fox, George Gillespie, Ph.D. (Princeton), Professor Emeritus of English (1963)
Geltz, Charles Gottlieb, M.S.F., Professor of Silviculture Emeritus (1966).
Goodwin, Frank, Ph.D. (Pennsylvania), Professor Emeritus of Marketing (1965).
Graham, Klein H., LL.D. (Tampa), Business Manager Emeritus (1948).
Gratz, Levi Otto, Ph.D. (Cornell), Assistant Director, Agricultural Experiment Stations;
Plant Pathologist Emeritus (1954).
Groth, John Henry, Ph.D. (Washington), Professor Emeritus of Humanities (1963).
Hamilton, Henry Glenn, Ph.D. (Cornell), Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Economics
and Agricultural Economist Emeritus, Agricultural Experiment Stations and Agri-
cultural Extension Service (1965).
Hardiman, Helen Roberson, Columbia County Extension Home Economics Agent
Harrell, George Thomas, Jr., M.D. (Duke), Dean and Professor of Medicine Emeritus
Hinckley, Elmer Dumond, Ph.D. (Chicago), Head Professor of Psychology Emeritus
Husa, William John, Ph.D. (Iowa), Professor of Pharmacy and Head of Department;
Head Professor Emeritus of Pharmacy (1961).
Kelbert, David Gustaf Alfred, Associate Horticulturist Emeritus, Gulf Coast Experiment
Station (1965).
Kokomoor, Franklin Wesley, Ph.D. (Michigan), Professor Emeritus of Mathematics and
Astronomy and Head of Department (1960).
Lackey, James Bridges, Ph.D. (Columbia), Professor Emeritus of Environmental Science
Martinson, Earl Pehr, M.A., Professor Emeritus of Industrial and Systems Engineering
McCubbin, Earl Noel, Ph.D. (Cornell), Horticulturist Emeritus, Potato Investigations
Laboratory (1966).
McQueen, Nathaniel Holderby, B.S.A.E., Charlotte County Agent (1966).
Mead, Arthur Raymond, Ph.D. (Columbia), Ed.D. (Miami), Director, Bureau of Edu-
cational Research and Professor Emeritus of Education (1950).
Mehrhof, Norman Ripley, M.Ag., Professor Emeritus of Poultry Science; Poultry
Husbandman Emeritus, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1963).
Neller, Joseph Robert, Ph.D. (Rutgers), Soils Chemist Emeritus, Agricultural Experi-
ment Stations (1962).
Norman, James William, Ph.D. (Columbia), Dean Emeritus of the College of Education
Norris, Robert Elfred, B.S.A., Lake County Agent (1966).
Patrick, Rembert Wallace, Ph.D. (North Carolina), Julian C. Yonge Graduate Research
Professor Emeritus of History (1966).
Phillips, Arthur M., B.S., Associate Entomologist, Big Bend Horticultural Laboratory
Philpott, Frank Excell, Ed.D. (New York), Assistant Professor of Physical Education
Prescott, Ford Lewis, M.E., Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering (1963).
Price, Thomas James, Assistant to the Business Manager (1966).
Pritz, Stephen John, B.A., Lieutenant Colonel, Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies
Richardson, Joe Byron, M.S., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Engineering and
Assistant Agricultural Engineer (1966).
Robertson, Charles Archibald, Litt. D. (University of the South), Professor Emeritus
of English (1965).
Ruprecht, Rudolph William, Ph.D. (Massachusetts State), Chemist and Vice Director
Emeritus, Central Florida Experiment Station (1959).
Saville, Thorndike, M.S., D.Eng. (Clarkson and Syracuse);' Sc.D. (New York), Professor
Emeritus of Environmental Engineering (1966).
Schmidt, Doris Theodotia, M.A., Professor of Music (1966).
Schoonmaker, Lucas Elmendorf, B.S.E.E., Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering
Sebold, Howard Robinson, M.L.A., Professor of Landscape Architecture (1966).
Shealy, Arthur Liston, D.V.M. (McKillip), Head Professor Emeritus of Animal Hus-
bandry and Animal Husbandman and Head of Department, Agricultural Experi-
ment Stations and Agricultural Extension Service (1949).
Shoemaker, James Sheldon, Ph.D. (Minnesota), Professor of Food Science Emeritus and
Horticulturist Emeritus, Agricultural Experiment Stations (1966).
Starbird, Elizabeth Williams, B.S.H.E., Sumter County Home Economics Agent (1966).
Starr, Nathan Comfort, Ph.D. (Harvard), Emeritus Professor of English and Humanities
Stover, Loren Haight, Assistant in Horticulture Emeritus, Watermelon and Grape
Investigations Laboratory (1965).
Thompson, William Louden, B.S., Entomologist Emeritus, Citrus Station (1962).
Tissot, Archie Newton, Ph.D. (Ohio State), Entomologist Emeritus, Agricultural Experi-
ment Stations (1964).
Torraca, Pasquale Mario, Professor Emeritus, Department of Architecture (1964).
Waldrop, Ramon Allen, B.A., Lieutenant Colonel, Assistant Professor of Aerospace
Studies (1966).
Wallace, Russell Willis, B.S., Associate Agronomist, North Florida Experiment Station
Waters, Rolland H., Ph.D. (Chicago), Professor Emeritus of Psychology (1964).
Watkins, John Vertrees, M.S.A., Professor Emeritus of Ornamental Horticulture (1963).
Weber, George Frederick, Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Professor Emeritus of Plant Pathology
Weil, Joseph, D.Sc. (Jacksonville University), Dean Emeritus, College of Engineering
Williamson, Robert Crozier, Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Professor Emeritus of Physics (1962).
Wilson, John Wallace, Sc.D. (Harvard), Entomologist Emeritus, Central Florida Experi-
ment Station (1966).
Wilson, Myrtie Clara, B.S.H.E., Seminole County Extension Home Economics Agent
Wilson, William Harold, Ph.D. (Illinois), Professor Emeritus of Mathematics and Logic;
Counselor (1959).
Wise, Jacob Hooper, Ph.D. (Peabody), Chairman Emeritus of Comprehensive Course;
Reading, Speaking, and Writing and Professor Emeritus of English (1964).
Wolfe, Herbert Snow, Ph.D. (Chicago), Professor Emeritus of Fruit Crops (1964).
Ziegler, Edwin Allen, M.A., D.Sc. (Franklin and Marshall), Professor Emeritus of Forest
Economics and Management (1951).
Zipperer, Almon Smith, B.S.H.E., Madison County Home Economics Agent (1966).
Atchley, Mell H., M.A., Associate Professor of Sociology (1947-1958). (Deceased April 3,
Brooks, Albert Nelson, Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Plant Pathologist Emeritus, Gulf Coast
Experiment Station (1926-1966). (Deceased 1966).
Hume, H. Harold, D.Sc. (Clemson), D. Litt. (Florida), Provost Emeritus for Agri-
culture; Dean Emeritus of the College of Agriculture (1899-1949). (Deceased
October 10, 1965).
Kephart, Ralph Claude, Ed.D. (Florida), Assistant Professor of Engineering Graphics
(1953-1953). (Deceased February, 1966).
Kilpatrick, Wylie, Ph.D. (Brookings), Professor Emeritus, Bureau of Economic and
Business Research (1948-1965). (Deceased 1965).
Meagher, William Richard, Ph.D. (California), Associate Chemist, Citrus Experiment
Station (1962-1962). (Deceased December 5, 1966).
Ray, Francis Earl, D.Sc. (Oxford), Research Professor, Pharmaceutical Chemistry
(1949-1949). (Deceased November 25, 1966).
Sawyer, William Lincoln, M.S., Professor of Engineering Science and Mechanics;
Assistant Dean, College of Engineering (1929-1964). (Deceased November 1966).
Sellers, Frances Evelyn, M.A., Assistant Dean of Women (1949-1951). (Deceased January
23, 1966).
Willoughby, Claude Houston, M.A., Professor Emeritus of Animal Husbandry (1912-
1947). (Deceased October 18, 1966).
Yon, Everett Marion, B.S., Director, Public Relations Division of Intercollegiate Athletics
(1950-1960). (Deceased November 25, 1965).
General Information
The University of Florida is a combined state University and land-grant college
located in the northern center of the State. While its beginnings go back to the days
previous to Florida's admission to the Union in 1845, its first college--the College
of Arts and Sciences-did not open until 1853. A few years later the passage of
the Morrill Act provided lands for state institutions of higher learning which would
promote agriculture, mechanical arts and military science, resulting in the beginnings
of the College of Agriculture, the College of Engineering, and the Agricultural Ex-
periment Station.
By 1905 there were a half-dozen state-supported institutions of higher learning
in Florida, located in various parts of the State and struggling for existence. At
that time the Florida Legislature took a step unprecedented in the history of edu-
cation in any state by passing the Buckman Act, which abolished the six State Colleges
and provided for the establishment of two new institutions, of which the University
of Florida was one. It was established for men, at Gainesville and placed under the
direction of the Board of Control, a body created by the Buckman Act. The seven
members of the board represented the seven geographical sections of the State, and
served without compensation, except for travel and incidental expense incurred in
the performance of duty. In 1947 the University was made co-educational. The
nine-member Board of Regents replaced the Board of Control in 1965.
The University of Florida is located in Gainesville, a city of approximately
60,000, excluding University of Florida students. Situated in north central Florida,
midway between the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico, the city is known as
an agricultural and small industrial center.
In addition to a moderate climate, Gainesville offers many other advantages to
students of the University. A golf course is within easy reach of the campus, and
swimming and boating accommodations are available at nearby springs and rivers.
The lakes in the vicinity abound in fresh water fish, while the Atlantic Ocean and
the Gulf of Mexico are within a two hours' drive. As the seat of Alachua County,
the city is the focal point of diversified industrial and farming activities.
Practically every religious denomination is represented in the Gainesville area.
Churches that are active include the Presbyterian, Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist,
Catholic, Episcopal, Christian, Seventh Day Adventist, Church of Christ Scientist,
Church of Christ, Christian and Missionary Alliance, Advent Christian, B'nai Israel,
Church of Latter Day Saints, Church of the Nazarene, Assembly of God, Apostolic
Church of Jesus Christ, Church of God, Disciples of Christ, Pentecostal Holiness,
United Church of Christ, Unitarian-Universalist, and several of these denominations
maintain chapels adjacent to the campus. These include St. Augustine Chapel (Cath-
olic Student Center), The Baptist Student Union, Wesley Foundation (Methodist
Student Center), Chapel of the Incarnation (Episcopal Student Center), Westminster
Fellowship (Presbyterian Student Center), The Church of Christ, B'nai B'rith Hillel
Foundation (Jewish), the Lutheran Student Association, The Latter Day Saints (Mor-
mon) and the Society of Friends (Quaker). All of the chapels carry on extensive
programs of vital interest to University students.
The city is served by the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad and the Seaboard Air-
line Railway. A schedule of daily bus service, with connections to all points of the
United States, is maintained by Southeastern Greyhound Lines and Trailways Bus
System. Eastern Airlines serves Gainesville with daily flights with connections to all
parts of the U.S.
Direct supervision over the University of Florida, its policies and affairs, is vested
in the Board of Regents, a body composed of nine citizens from different regions of
the state who are appointed by the Governor for a nine-year term. All actions of
the Board of Regents are subject to the final approval by the State Board of Educa-
tion, composed of the Governor, who is chairman, the Secretary of State, the Treasurer,
the Attorney General and the Superintendent of Public Instruction, secretary.
University affairs are administered by the president with the advice and assist-
ance of the Administrative Council. The legislative body of the University is the
University Senate.
The University of Florida operates on a quarter system. In a twelve-month
year there are four quarters running from September through August, each con-
taining ten weeks of class instruction. Courses are scheduled in such a way that a
student may enter the University at any quarter and proceed normally through an
appropriate sequence of courses. The summer quarter is no different in length or
scope of class offerings than the other three quarters. Quarters begin in September,
January, March and June.
THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE administers all of the work for the freshman
and sophomore years, offering a program which includes the basic comprehensive
courses in the major areas of knowledge and the courses prerequisite to the advanced
work in the colleges and schools in the Upper Division. Upon the successful com-
pletion of the University College program, a student is eligible for the Certificate of
Associate of Arts.
THE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, a unit of the Institute of Food and
Agricultural Sciences, offers curricula in all of the major fields of agriculture and
grants the degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture.
in architecture, interior design, landscape architecture, building construction, fine
arts, history of arts, crafts, advertising design, art education and music, and confers
the degrees of Bachelor of Architecture, Bachelor of Design, Bachelor of Landscape
Architecture, Bachelor of Building Construction, Bachelor of Fine Arts, and Bachelor
of Design in Art Education.
THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES offers curricula leading to degrees
of Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, Bachelor
of Science in Mathematics, Bachelor of Science in Biology and Bachelor of Science in
Geology with opportunities for specializing in all science and liberal arts fields. It
gives the courses in mathematics, science, social sciences and humanities required in
the curricula of the professional colleges.
grams leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. It
also offers a specialized program leading to the degree of Bachelor of Advanced
THE COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY is being planned as an integral part of the
J. Hillis Miller Health Center. The College expects to accept 48 students per year
beginning in September, 1971. Since part of the proposed curriculum will be presented
jointly with the College of Medicine, the admission requirements will be the same
for both schools.
THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION has curricula in elementary and secondary
school instruction leading to the degrees of Bachelor of Science in Education or
Bachelor of Arts in Education. It also provides an in-service program for the teachers
of the state. The P. K. Yonge Laboratory School, a unit of the College of Education,
enrolls pupils from the kindergarten through the secondary school.
THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING offers curricula leading to the degrees of
Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Agricultural
Engineering, Bachelor of Chemical Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Chemical
Engineering, Bachelor of Civil Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering,
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Sciences, Bachelor of Industrial Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical
Engineering, Bachelor of Metallurgical Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Metal-
lurgical Engineering, Bachelor of Nuclear Engineering/Sciences, Bachelor of Science
in Nuclear Engineering/Sciences, and Bachelor of Science in Systems Engineering.
THE SCHOOL OF FORESTRY is a unit of the Institute of Food and Agri-
cultural Sciences. The school offers professional majors in Forestry, Wildlife and
Forest Products Technology leading to the degree Bachelor of Science in Forestry.
J. Hillis Miller Health Center, offers curricula leading to a Bachelor of Science in
Medical Technology, a Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy, and a Bachelor
of Science in Physical Therapy.
leading to the degrees of Bachelor of Science in Journalism, Bachelor of Science in
Advertising, and Bachelor of Science in Broadcasting.
THE COLLEGE OF LAW offers a curriculum leading to the degree of Juris
THE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE, a unit of the J. Hillis Miller Health Cen-
ter, offers a curriculum leading to the professional degree of Doctor of Medicine.
Ph.D. degrees in basic medical sciences are offered through the Graduate School.
THE COLLEGE OF NURSING, a unit of the J. Hillis Miller Health Center,
offers a curriculum leading to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree.
THE COLLEGE OF PHARMACY, a unit of the J. Hillis Miller Health Center,
offers a curriculum leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy.
and training through the Department of Student Health, the Departments of Re-
quired Physical Education for Men and Women, the Department of Intramural
Athletics and Recreation, and the Department of the Professional Curriculum. The
degrees offered in this department are: Bachelor of Science in Physical Education,
Bachelor of Science in Health Education, and Bachelor of Science in Recreation.
THE DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC has the responsibility for such musical or-
ganizations as the University Bands, Orchestras, Choruses, and Glee Clubs, and offers
courses in the following areas: (1) Theory of Music, (2) History, Literature and
Appreciation, (3) Applied Music, (4) Music Education, and (5) Ensemble Music.
THE DIVISION OF MILITARY SCIENCE offers the four year program and
the two year program of Army ROTC. Completion of either of these programs by a
student leads to his being commissioned in one of the branches of the United States
Army Reserve or the Regular Army. Flight (pilot) training is available for selected
Senior Cadets.
THE DIVISION OF AEROSPACE STUDIES offers the four year program and
two year program of Air Force ROTC. Completion of either of these programs by a
student leads to his being commissioned in the Air Force. Flight (pilot) training
is given to the selected, qualified Senior Cadets electing a pilot career in the Air Force.
The Army Basic Course and the Air Force General Military Course include six
quarters of instruction.
the programs in physical fitness and sports, required of all students.
THE GRADUATE SCHOOL offers programs leading to the degrees of Doctor
of Philosophy in more than forty-seven fields: Doctor of Education, Specialist in Educa-
tion, Master of Agriculture, Master of Business Administration, Master of Education,
Master of Physical Education and Health, Master of Rehabilitation Counseling, Mas-
ter of Engineering, Master of Arts in Teaching, Master of Science in Agriculture,
Master of Science in Building Construction, Master of Science in Engineering, Master
of Science in Forestry, Master of Science in Pharmacy, Master of Science, Master of
Fine Arts, Master of Arts in Architecture, Master of Arts in Education, Master of
Arts in Journalism and Communications, Master of Arts in Physical Education and
Health, Master of Arts, Master of Nursing, Master of Statistics, and Master of Science
in Statistics. All instruction is carried on by the faculties of the colleges and schools
listed above.
Description of the various services, facilities and activities concerned with student
life will be found elsewhere in the catalog and in the Student Handbook. The Office
of the Dean of Student Affairs has responsibility of coordinating a majority of these
factors affecting non-instructional aspects of student life.
advisor to the President, and on orders from the President, or in the absence of the
President and the Vice President of the University, performs the duties of the Presi-
dent. He assists in the improvement of instruction, the correlating of instructional
activities, and in establishing policy with respect to selection and promotion of the
academic staff. The Vice President of Academic Affairs normally is the first point
of contact between all instructional units and the Office of the President.
THE BOARD OF UNIVERSITY EXAMINERS is responsible for admission
and placement testing and for the measurement of achievement in the comprehensive
courses in the University College.
THE BUSINESS MANAGER is responsible for all business activities and finan-
cial operations. His responsibilities include the collection and disbursement of funds,
purchasing, management of the auxiliary services, control of property, non-academic
personnel, auditing and maintenance of the physical plant and grounds of the
THE OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR has charge of the admission and regis-
tration of students, the maintenance of academic records, and the issuance of tran-
scripts of student records.
students to integrate their American education more completely with actual conditions
in their homelands; also, the office gives information to all students interested
in foreign agricultural problems and careers in the tropics. The Counselor is located in
McCarty Hall.
The Center for Latin American Studies is the University unit responsible for
directing or coordinating interdisciplinary instructional and research programs related
to the Latin American area. It is a budgeted unit within the University and is
administered by a Director immediately responsible to the President.
The Division of Biological Sciences is organized on a cross college basis to
provide stimulation and coordination in the Biological Sciences. The Division
has organized faculties, with staff from many disciplines in the several colleges, in
Cellular and Molecular Biology, Genetics, Developmental Biology, Parasitology,
Marine Biology and Radiation Biology. Each faculty is responsible for developing
and supervising a core program in its special area. In addition to the cross college
programs, the Division serves to coordinate biological sciences wherever it exists
in the University. The departments of Zoology and Marine Science in Arts and
Sciences, Botany and Bacteriology in Agriculture and Biological Science in the
University College are specifically designated as administratively responsible to the
Division of Biological Sciences.
The library system consists of two central units, the College Library and the
new Research Library, and libraries serving the Colleges of Architecture and Fine
Arts, Education, Engineering, and Law, and the Institute of Food and Agricultural
Sciences, the units comprising the J. Hillis Miller Health Center and the Department
of Chemistry, and the P. K. Yonge Laboratory School. In addition, reading room
facilities have been provided in Journalism and Communications, for Health and
Physical Education and in the dormitory areas.
The College Library is designed to meet the needs of the undergraduate. The
resources of the Research Library are also available to the undergraduate for spe-
cialized needs.
The holdings of the libraries number over 1,160,000 cataloged volumes and
a large number of uncataloged documents and newspapers. Many of the materials
are in the form of phonograph records, microfilm and microcards. Among the
special collections in the library system are the Rare Book Collection, the Dance-
Music-Theatre Archives, the P. K. Yonge Library of Florida History, the Marjorie
Kinnan Rawlings Collection, which consists of manuscripts, typescripts, and me-
morabilia of one of America's distinguished novelists, and the Collection of Creative
Writing, which includes work sheets, manuscripts, and other literary papers of
significant contemporary American and British authors. In recent years, special
emphasis has been placed upon strengthening the holdings for the Latin American
Area Studies Program, especially for the West Indies and the Caribbean areas.
There are centers for Reference Service in both the College and Research
Libraries. The major collection of bibliographies and reference books is located
on the first floor of the Research Library, with librarians available to give assistance
to students and faculty.
The Teaching Resources Center, a new library-related service available to students
and faculty, is located in the southeast area of the College Library.
Photoduplication services are available.
The regular schedule for the College Library is Monday through Saturday,
8:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M.; Sunday, 2:00 P.M. to 11:00 P.M. The libraries serving
the various academic colleges and schools observe a similar schedule, with variations.
The Library Handbook for Students provides helpful information on hours, loan
periods, and special services.
The Florida State Museum was created by an act of the Legislature in 1917 as a
Department of the University of Florida.
The Museum resembles other university-affiliated museums in that it operates as
a research center as well as a center for the diffusion of knowledge through exhibits
and publications. In addition to the general administrative section of the Museum,
headed by the director, there are three departments within the organization: A
Department of Natural Sciences, staffed by scientists who are concerned with study-
ing and expanding the research collections in natural science; a Department of
Social Science, staffed by anthropologists who study historic and prehistoric cultures;
a Department of Interpretation staffed by specialists in the interpretation of knowledge
through museum exhibit techniques. Members of the professional staff participate
in teaching through the appropriate department.
The Museum exhibition halls occupy the first two floors of the Seagle Building,
a ten-story office building located in downtown Gainesville about a mile from the
campus. These halls are open to the public from nine-thirty until five o'clock every
day except Sundays and major holidays when they are open from one to five o'clock.
There is no admission charge. The Museum is frequently used by University and
public school classes and is visited by over 75,000 persons annually.
The basement, the third and ninth floors, and some space in Flint and Floyd
Halls are used for offices and for the housing of the research collections. These col-
lections are under the care of curators who participate in and encourage the scientific
study of the Museum's holdings. Materials are constantly being added to the collec-
tions both through gifts from friends and collecting by staff members. The archaeo-
logical collections are excellent and in 1963 the L. M. Pearsall Collection of North
American Indian artifacts gave the Museum a major collection of ethnological material.
There are also outstanding study collections of birds, mammals, insects, mollusks,
reptiles, amphibians, fish and vertebrate fossils. The latter seven collections are co-
operatively maintained by the Museum and Department of Biology. Opportunities
are provided for students, staff, and visiting scientists to use the collections. Faculty
members with strong interests in the research collections, holding dual appointment
in the Museum, help to promote the proper utilization of Museum materials. Field
work is presently sponsored in the archaeological, paleontological and zoological fields.
The Department of Interpretation has been constructing site museums for State
parks in Florida. The department also operates a traveling museum and audiovisual
center. The Museum lends scientific specimens to other investigators, exchanges with
other institutions, and carries on other functions normally associated with a public
and university museum.
THE AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERVICE is the field arm of the Univer-
sity of Florida and the United States Department of Agriculture in educational work
relating to agriculture and home economics. It is one of four major divisions of the
Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences at the University of Florida. It works
with both adults and youth, the latter primarily through 4-H Clubs.
In cooperation with Boards of County Commissioners, the Agricultural Extension
Service jointly employs agricultural agents in 66 counties. County extension home
economics agents are employed in 55 counties. These agents work with local people
to determine their educational needs. Programs are developed based on these needs
and are designed to teach practical application of agricultural and home economics
research information. The agents are academic staff members of the University of
Florida, appointees of the United States Department of Agriculture and employees
of their respective counties.
Educational assistance is given the people of Florida on many agricultural prob-
lems such as commercial crop and livestock production and marketing. Home eco-
nomics programs focus on helping families solve their problems in such areas as
clothing and textiles, food and nutrition, housing, home furnishings, family life, home
management, family economics, health and safety, household equipment and con-
sumer education. Efforts are also directed to many other areas such as farm and home
business management, community development, leadership development and public
A staff of specialists in agriculture and home economics provides technical support
for programs throughout the state. These specialists keep in touch with the latest
observations and findings by the Florida Agricultural Experiment Stations, the United
States Department of Agriculture, other Land-Grant Universities, and other current,
reliable sources of subject-matter information. They analyze and interpret this in-
formation in terms of its application to given areas and problems, and keep the agents
in each county informed on research of concern to the people in that county. Co-
operative efforts with organizations and other agencies are vital parts of the programs
over the state.
Information is disseminated by the Agricultural Extension Service through a va-
riety of teaching methods such as demonstrations, meetings, tours, visits to farms and
homes where individual attention is given to problems, and personal contacts in offices
or by telephone. Extensive use is made of radio, television, news articles, and pub-
lications. Short courses, institutes and conferences are held throughout the state and
on the campus in cooperation with agricultural and home economics groups.
The Agricultural Extension Service represents the total University in community-
oriented programs of continuing education. In effect, it serves as the pipeline between
the community, its people and their problems, and the University in its resources
which might help with these problems.
programs, policies and objectives through all mass communications media, such as
newspapers, magazines, radio, television, motion pictures, special brochures and pub-
lications, photographs, displays and exhibits. In fulfilling such responsibilities, the
Division of Informational Services operates as an administrative coordinating unit to
help create a climate for better public understanding of higher education and the
University of Florida.
THE DIVISION OF ALUMNI SERVICES maintains contact with alumni of the
University of Florida and coordinates the activities of the various alumni clubs. It
is also the headquarters office of the University of Florida Alumni Association, work-
ing closely with that organization in fund raising, promotion of alumni reunions,
publication of the Florida Alumnus, a quarterly magazine, and University, a quarterly
newspaper. It aids in the promotion of the University of Florida Foundation and many
other activities for the benefit of the University of Florida and its student body.
THE DIVISION OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES is responsible for the coordina-
tion and supervision of all development and fund raising activities at the University.
It also serves as the headquarters of the University of Florida Foundation, Inc., a
non-profit corporation established to aid the University in seeking private financial
THE UNIVERSITY CENTER OF THE ARTS serves students, faculty, and the
general public by presenting exhibitions and performances of the best works in the
visual and performing arts.
THE UNIVERSITY GALLERY is an integral part of the new million and three-
quarter dollar Architecture and Fine Arts complex which opened in January 1965.
The Gallery is located on the campus facing south 13th Street (or U. S. 441). An
atrium and a reflecting pool are two pleasing features of the Gallery's distinctive
architecture style. The Gallery, with 3000 square feet of display space, is completely
modern, air-conditioned and maintains a varied exhibition schedule of the visual arts
during the year. The content of exhibitions displayed in the University Gallery range
from the creations by traditional masters through to the latest and most experimental
works by the modern avant garden. The minor arts of yesterday and today along with
the creations of oriental and primitive cultures form topics for exhibitions scheduled.
The Gallery originates one or two of the major exhibitions during the year. Each
exhibition shows for approximately a month and the Gallery's hours are from 10
A.M. to 5 P.M. daily except Sunday when they are 1 P.M. to 5 P.M. The Gallery is
closed on Mondays and holidays and during the month of August.
THE TEACHING GALLERY of the Department of Art is located adjacent to
the Department's office area, on the third floor of the new Classroom Building, in
the College of Architecture and Fine Arts complex. As a direct and physical adjunct
to the Art Department's teaching program this Gallery displays smaller traveling
exhibitions of merit as well as one man shows by the faculty artists and student
exhibitions. The Gallery is open Monday through Friday from 9 A.M. to noon and
from 1:30 P.M. to 5 P.M. It is closed Saturdays and Sundays.
on 850 kilocycles with a power of 5,000 watts. WRUF-FM operates on 103.7 megacy-
cles on a radiated power of 27,000 watts. They are both affiliated with the National
Broadcasting Company and originate the University of Florida Football and Basket-
ball Networks. WRUF has one of the largest recorded libraries of any radio station
in the country, and has UPI news service.
One of WRUF's more important functions is that of furnishing practical expe-
rience to students enrolled in the radio programs of the University. The extent to
which this policy is applied is demonstrated by the fact that the operating personnel
of WRUF consists almost entirely of University students specializing in radio work,
and the effectiveness of this training is demonstrated by the nationwide reputation
which WRUF has achieved for the developing of some of this country's leading an-
nouncers and radio executives. The various radio curricula in addition to providing
this practical operating experience requires a selection of courses from many of the
departments of instruction of the University. The student is taught an awareness of
the social obligations placed on any medium whose purposes include public enter-
tainment, information, education, and cultural advancement. He is given the broad-
est possible background, to the end that the social implications of radio as a medium
for influencing the public may be recognized and acted upon. These are important
aspects of the program and should be the beginning of the building of a breadth of
viewpoint on the part of the student which he will continue to cultivate by reading
and study after he has completed the training program.
WRUF and WRUF-FM employ approximately twenty to thirty students in their
operations which give these students commercial operation experience as WRUF is
a commercial non-tax supported auxiliary of the University of Florida.
All student personnel used by Stations WRUF and WRUF-FM are selected and
hired on the basis of necessity on the part of the Stations, and talent, attitude, schol-
arship requirements (2.0), fitness for job and future college program on the part of
the students as determined by personal interviews and/or open auditions with and
for the Station's executive personnel. Open auditions are announced publicly; how-
ever, preference is given those applying who plan future activity in broadcasting.
operates on Channel 5. It is affiliated with National Educational Television (NET),
the National Association of Educational Broadcasters, and it is a unit of the Florida
Educational Television Network.
WUFT'S function is four-fold: (1) to provide an educational and cultural service
to the community so that as many persons as possible may share in higher education
and its attendant cultural environment; (2) to assist in the instructional role of the
University through broadcast of curricular offerings; (3) to help advance the tech-
niques of teaching through television; (4) to provide University students with prac-
tical training in television broadcasting to supplement their broad academic back-
With the exception of those persons in executive positions, WUFT is operated
entirely by students.
WUFT's modern studios are located in the School of Journalism and Communi-
cations. The transmitter is located north of Gainesville.
RADIO CENTER is a unit for teaching broadcast majors in the School of Jour-
nalism and Communications and for broadcasting credit course material. Broadcast
majors prepare and appear on informational programs broadcast in Gainesville and
on commercial radio stations throughout Florida.
THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA PRESS. The purpose of the University Press
is to encourage, promote, and publish original and scholarly manuscripts which will
aid in developing the University as a recognized center of research and scholarship.
The Press is a member of the Association of American University Presses.
The Press Board of Managers, including the director and nine faculty experts
appointed by the President of the University, determines policies relating to the issu-
ance of author contracts and the acceptance or rejection of the numerous manuscripts
submitted by the University faculty and by authors throughout the United States,
Europe and Latin America.
In addition to its broad range of state, regional, and inter-American titles, the
Press publishes books of general interest and ten series (biological sciences, Caribbean
conferences, dance literature, Floridiana facsimile and reprint, Latin American gateway,
gerontology, humanities, Latin American, medical sciences, and social sciences). It is
also the publisher of the Handbook of Latin American Studies, sponsored by the
Library of Congress, and is the distributor throughout the United States and Canada
of the publications of the Caribbean Commission and of the Inter-American Biblio-
graphical and Library Association.
Students and members of the faculty and staff are cordially invited to visit the
press offices at 15 N.W. 15th Street, adjacent to the campus. An annual Catalog of
Books is available upon request.
THE DIVISION OF CONTINUING EDUCATION provides University-wide lead-
ership and coordination for continuing education courses and programs. Its staff works
with and assists individual colleges in developing and conducting continuing educa-
tion programs in their respective areas as well as those which are inter-disciplinary
in nature. The Division also administers the State Center for Continuing Education
located in Jacksonville, the inter-university Correspondence Study Department and
designated federally funded programs such as those provided under: The State Tech-
nical and Vocational Services Act (P.L. 89-182); The Higher Education Act of 1965
(P.L. 89-329); The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (P.L. 89-10). Cooperative
Extension Service personnel are utilized in community oriented programs under Title
I of P.L. 89-329.
The state University System affords, under the Traveling Scholar Program, an
opportunity for graduate students to take course work or conduct research activities
at any of the universities in the State System. The course work taken under the
auspices of the Traveling Scholar Program at another university in the System will
apply for graduate degree credit at the student's home campus. The deans of the
graduate schools of the State universities are the coordinators of the Program. For
details regarding the Program and for approval to participate in it, students must
apply to the dean of the graduate school on their home campus.
THE DIVISION OF SPONSORED RESEARCH has two general functions: (1)
the administration and promotion of the Sponsored Research program and (2) the
support of the total research program of the University in a manner which produces
maximum benefit to the University and the greatest service to the state of Florida.
All proposals for the sponsorship of research, grants-in-aid, or training grants must
receive the approval of the Director of Research. Subsequent negotiations with po-
tential contracting agencies or sponsors of research projects are carried on under the
Director's supervision.
The activities of the Division of Sponsored Research are intended to stimulate
growth and to assist in expanding a balanced research program throughout the
University. These activities are intimately related to the support of the graduate
program. They are also intended to relieve principal investigators and departments
of many of the detailed administrative and reporting duties connected with some
sponsored research. The duties and responsibilities of the Division, of course, do
not infringe upon the prerogative of the principal investigator to seek sponsors for
his own projects nor upon the responsibility of the researcher for the scientific in-
tegrity of a project. In direct contacts between a principal investigator and a poten-
tial sponsor, however, prior clearance should be obtained from the Division to insure
a uniformity in contract requirements and to avoid duplication of negotiations with
the same sponsor.
The Division of Sponsored Research is administratively responsible to the Vice
President for Academic Affairs. Policies and procedures for the operation of the Divi-
sion are developed by a Board of Directors working with the Director of Research
within the general framework of the administration, policies, and procedures of the
University. The Research Council serves as adviser on scientific matters. The Dean
of the Graduate School and the Graduate Council serve as advisers on matters relat-
ing to the graduate program.
of Food and Agricultural Sciences, are responsible for extensive organized research
leading to the improvement of all phases of Florida's widely varied agricultural pro-
duction, processing and marketing. The Stations are administered by the Director
located on the University of Florida campus and include main station departments
as well as branch stations and field laboratories operating as an integral administra-
tive unit.
Many members of the research staff of the Agricultural Experiment Stations are
also members of the faculty of the College of Agriculture as are some in the Agri-
cultural Extension Service. These three agricultural divisions of the University work
cooperatively in many areas under the administration of the Provost for Agriculture.
While agricultural research is the primary objective of the Agricultural Experiment
Stations, funds for Research Assistants are made available to encourage graduate train-
ing and professional scientific improvement.
Results of the research of the Agricultural Experiment Stations are published in
scientific journals, bulletins, circulars, mimeographed reports and the Sunshine State
Agricultural Research Report and are available to Florida residents without charge
upon request to the Editorial Department of the Agricultural Experiment Station at
Gainesville. The Agricultural Experiment Station cooperates closely with the Agricul-
tural Extension Service in providing research findings for prompt dissemination.
Research at the Main Station is conducted within 17 departments-agricultural
economics, agricultural engineering, agronomy, animal science and nutrition, botany,
dairy science, entomology, food technology and nutrition, forestry, fruit crops, orna-
mental horticulture, plant pathology, poultry science, soils, statistics, vegetable crops
and veterinary science. In addition to the above the Main Station has five units vital
to its research programs, namely: editorial, library, field operations, plant science sec-
tion and business service.
In order to best serve the varied needs of Florida's diversified agriculture, branch
stations and field laboratories are located at numerous locations having different cli-
matic conditions, soil types and crops. Intensive research is conducted in all fields of
agriculture such as citrus, vegetable, field crops, livestock, pastures, and many others.
The branch stations and field laboratories, and their locations, are as follows:
Central Florida Station, Sanford; Citrus Station, Lake Alfred; Everglades Station,
Belle Glade; Gulf Coast Station, Bradenton; North Florida Station, Quincy; Range
Cattle Station, Ona; Sub-Tropical Station, Homestead; Suwannee Valley Station, Live
Oak; West Florida Station, Jay; Brooksville Beef Cattle Research Unit, Brooksville;
Indian River Field Laboratory, Fort Pierce; Plantation Field Laboratory, Fort Laud-
erdale; South Florida Field Laboratory, Immokalee; Potato Investigations Laboratory,
Hastings; Big Bend Horticultural Laboratory, Monticello; Strawberry and Vegetable
Investigations Laboratory, Plant City; Watermelon and Grape Investigations Labora-
tory, Leesburg; and the Federal-State Frost Warning Service, Lakeland.
Certain phases of the research program are cooperative with the United States
Department of Agriculture and other Federal departments as well as cooperative with
numerous Florida agricultural agencies and organizations.
is not only the research division of the College of Engineering but it is also the
developmental laboratory for the industries of the state. It was officially established
in 1941 by the Legislature as an integral part of the College of Engineering "to or-
ganize and promote the prosecution of research projects of engineering and related
sciences, with special reference to such of these problems as are important to the in-
dustries of Florida."
The facilities of the Station include all the equipment of the College of Engi-
neering, now valued at more than $4.5 million, not including government-owned
equipment. The Station also has available for its use the laboratories, staff, and facil-
ities of other divisions of the University. Because of the close relationship between
teaching and research activities, students secure much information about engineering
and industrial problems normally not encompassed in a collegiate program.
The Station receives only a small portion of its operating revenue from the state.
The remainder is derived from contracts with governmental agencies, foundations, and
industrial organizations. Large and small manufacturers avail themselves of the finest
research laboratories in the Southeast. Among the outstanding laboratories, in addi-
tion to well-equipped shop, are those in aerospace engineering, chemical engineer-
ing, public health engineering, systems engineering, electronics, ionics, metallurgy,
ceramics, air conditioning, soil mechanics, solar energy, electrical machinery, paper,
pulp and wood products utilization, farm mechanization, corrosion, aircraft model
wind tunnel, reinforced and prestressed concrete, coastal engineering laboratory, and
nuclear engineering facilities including reactor, sub-critical assembly, pulse neutron
source, linear accelerator and cobalt source.
one of the activities of the College of Architecture and Fine Arts. It was established
to conduct and coordinate research in the design, construction, and maintenance of
buildings particularly under conditions existing in Florida, and the design and devel-
opment of Florida communities. It also fosters and encourages research in all areas
of the Building Arts and the Fine Arts including sociological and psychological as-
pects as well as physical evaluations.
Division of the College of Business Administration. A part of the work of the Bureau
is to provide economic and business information about Florida. By published reports
of special research and through the monthly Economic Leaflets (sent free to any
resident of Florida upon request), the monthly Business and Economic Dimensions,
and special reports, the results of research work are available to all residents of Flor-
ida. Consultant Services are rendered the business community, civic groups, and gov-
ernment. The Bureau makes it possible for teaching professors to engage in organized
research and provides research training for graduate students.
lication, and service adjunct of the Department of Political Science in the College of
Arts and Sciences. It carries on a continuous program of research on public admin-
istration and public policy in Florida; it publishes research and surveys of govern-
mental and administrative problems in both scientific and popular monograph form.
In broad areas of public policy and public service training, it works in cooperation
with other units of the University.
MUNICATIONS conducts research in the news media, in broadcasting, advertising,
and public opinion.
The Computing Center of the University provides the services of IBM System/
360 Model 50 and 1401 electronic computers, 563 Calcomp Plotter and other sub-
sidiary equipment.
The principal functions of the center are:
1. To aid research by furnishing consulting services for the faculty, staff,
graduate students, and others.
2. To provide computing support for undergraduate and graduate classes.
3. To maintain a library of computer programs for the benefit of users.
4. To carry on investigations in the theory and application of numerical
5. To conduct research under contract or other arrangements for university,
federal, state, and other government agencies, as well as for foundations
and individuals.
6. To assist in coordinating and developing University research programs in
which the computer may be involved.
7. To provide machine computation and tabulating facilities for other ed-
ucational and research units of the University.
The Computing Center is primarily a research unit, though members of the staff
may teach courses in other departments. Thesis work may be carried on in the Center.
THE J. HILLIS MILLER HEALTH CENTER at the University of Florida in
Gainesville is a modern complex of institutions which advance human health and
train tomorrow's leaders in the health professions.
It is housed in a $25 million facility which includes the College of Medicine,
the College of Nursing, the College of Health Related Professions, the College of
Pharmacy and the Shands Teaching Hospital and Clinics, which is its center for
modern patient care and clinical training of new physicians and others in the health
fields. A College of Dentistry is in the active planning stages.
The academic programs of the Health Center prepare students to understand
that tomorrow's health care must focus on the community in order to achieve the
long range health of man. The programs help them to understand that health care
involves the health team: the physician; the nurse; the dentist; the pharmacist; per-
sons in health related professions; the community; the researcher; the educator; the
counselor; the body of men and women who by training together-and later by work-
ing together-contribute more effectively to a person's well being.
The health-oriented professions exchange information within the Health Center,
and draw upon the other resources of the University to further man's understanding
of health and illness.
The faculty of the colleges includes many noted teachers, researchers, adminis-
trators and physicians. Since the opening of its first unit-the College of Medicine-
in 1956, the Health Center has become one of the most advanced centers for health
care, education and research in the nation.
Located on the southern edge of the University of Florida campus, the Health
Center was named for Dr. J. Hillis Miller, late president of the University whose
vision and determination helped formulate the early planning of the health complex
as an integral part of the University.
The Health Center building complex includes the Medical Sciences Building,
the Teaching Hospital and Clinics, activated in 1958, the Pharmacy Research Wing,
opened in 1961, and Phase I of the Human Development Center opened in 1967.
This newest facility includes a Children's Mental Health Unit and research labora-
tories which are concerned with the time-linked processes of human development from
the perinatal stages of life to senility and death.
The programs within the structure cross traditional lines between medical spe-
cialties and the other scientific disciplines, and serve as educational resources for
students of these disciplines as they observe the principals and abnormalities of hu-
man development.
A newly constructed Veterans Administration Hospital across from the Health
Center is engaged in a program of teaching and research which is affiliated with the
programs in the Health Center's Colleges.
The Institute was organized early in 1964 and approved by the Board of Regents.
It includes all of the University's agricultural programs-the College of Agriculture,
the Agricultural Experiment Stations, the Agricultural Extension Service, and the
School of Forestry.
The provost of the Institute coordinates the function of the vast, state-wide ag-
ricultural education complex that serves the state's $3.8 billion agribusiness industry.
The College of Agriculture and the office of the provost is located near the center
of the campus in McCarty Hall. Administrative offices of the Experiment Stations,
the Extension Service and the School of Forestry are located in Rolfs Hall.
On-campus teaching and research are carried out on 1,110 acres of farm land
adjacent to the main campus; 1,170 acres in the dairy research unit at Hague; 640
acres in the Beef Research Unit north of the Gainesville airport; 520 acres in the
Horticultural Research Unit beyond the Devil's Millhopper, and the 2,083-acre Austin
Cary Memorial Forest near Waldo. In addition, there are some 21 other research
units located from Pensacola to Homestead.
County and home economics agents located in 66 counties are members of the
faculty of the University of Florida and are leaders in both young and adult educa-
tional programs in practically every community in the state.
The Institute provides opportunities for more efficient operation of the agricul-
tural activities within the University system and provides for a greater flexibility in
meeting the state's ever-increasing needs for food and fiber.
Application for admission to any College, School or Division of the University
must be made to the Admissions Section of the Office of the Registrar on the forms
prescribed and by the dates indicated below. It is quite proper to correspond with
Deans, Directors or Department Chairmen but such contact with University officers does
not in any way eliminate the necessity for filing a formal application in the Office of
the Registrar by the dates specified.
How to Apply: An applicant should address a request to the Admissions Section,
Office of the Registrar, University of Florida asking for application forms. Forms and
directions for completing applications vary with the level of entry at the University
and the applicant should indicate that forms are being requested for admission as a
Freshman, Undergraduate Transfer, Graduate, Law, Medical, or Special student, as the
case might be.
A brief summary of the general requirements for admission to any college or
division of the University is given below:
1. A satisfactory academic record
2. Satisfactory scores on achievement tests or examinations
3. A satisfactory conduct record
The specific requirements for admission as a Freshman, Undergraduate Transfer,
Graduate, Law, Medical, or Special student may be found in the appropriate sections
which follow. It should be understood, however, that minimum requirements
are given and that admission to the University is a selective process. The sat-
isfaction of minimum requirements does not automatically guarantee admission.
The admission requirements have been arrived at after a very careful study of
the experiences of thousands of students over a long period of years. In every case
minimum requirements have evolved from studies of student performance at the
University of Florida. These studies have had as a primary objective the identifica-
tion of factors that would indicate reasonable chance for successful completion of
University of Florida work.
The University Admissions Committee is the agency responsible for administer-
ing all admissions to the University and its various components.
Students who are planning to enter the University of Florida for the first time
will be considered for admission as follows:
1. Beginning Freshmen -students who have never attended college. (See fol-
lowing section, ADMISSION AS A FRESHMAN)
2. Undergraduate Transfers-students who have previously attended any college
or university, regardless of amount of time spent in
attendance or credit earned, but who have not re-
ceived a bachelor's degree. (See following section,
3. Graduate Students -candidate for Master's or Doctor's degrees. (See
following section, ADMISSION TO GRADUATE
4. GENESYS Students -candidates for admission to the Graduate Engineer-
ing Education System program of the College of
Engineering. (See following section, ADMISSION