Comprehensive Catalog
The University Record
The University Record (USPS 652-760) published five times a year in March, April, September, September and
November by the University of Florida, Office of the University Registrar, Academic Publications, Gainesville, FL 32611-4000.
Periodical postage paid at Gainesville, Florida 32601.
The Independent Study Comprehensive Catalog has been adopted as a rule of the university pursuant to the provision of Chapter
120 of the Florida Statutes. Addenda to the University Record Series, if any, are available from the Division of Continuing
Education, 2209 NW 13 Street, Suite D, Gainesville, FL 32609-3498.
The University of Florida Division of Continuing Education encourages participation by qualified persons of both sexes from all cultural,
racial, religious, and ethnic groups.
DOCE Program Funded by Participants.
Prices current as of September 1998.
If you received this catalog as a result of an automatic mailing and now wish to be removed from our mailing list, please notify us at,
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Department of Independent Study by Correspondence
2209 NW 13 Street Suite D
Gainesville, Florida 32609-3498
352-392-6950 fax
800-327-4218 outside Florida
To Our Students (past, present, and future) and Friends:
Sometimes the solution to a problem is closer than we realize. For nearly eight decades the University
of Florida, in conjunction with the other universities in our state system, has provided educational
opportunities for those countless thousands for whom traditional "on-campus" classes were impracti-
Volumes of research results over the years have assured us that the quality and efficacy of learning via
correspondence study shows no significant differences when compared to learning in the traditional
classroom setting. In fact studying through a correspondence course is much like having an individual
tutor. All the communication and interaction takes place between the faculty member and the student on
a one-to-one basis.
We are pleased to announce our courses for the coming year through this catalog. We invite you to
consider independent study via correspondence as an alternative method of achieving part or all of your
educational goals. Whether you are a college student, a high school student, or a professional practitio-
ner in a wide variety of occupational areas, we can assist you in meeting your educational needs.
We will be happy to talk with you in person, by telephone, through traditional correspondence, or e-
mail in order to answer your questions and guide your decisions. We look forward to hearing from you!
James W. Knight -J
Dean, Continuing Education
Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Institution
General Information ................................ 7
College Courses ......................................... 7
Gordon Requirements ................................ 7
Enrollm ent .................................. ........... 7
M materials ................................... ............ 7
A ssignm ents .................................. ......... 8
Exam nations ............................................ 8
Time Constraints ........................................ 8
Course Completion .................................... 8
Time Limit and Meeting Deadlines ............. 8
G rades ...................................... ............. 9
Confidentiality ........................................... 9
Tuition ...................................... ............ 9
Course Fees ............................................. 9
Financial Aid ........................................... 9
Veterans Benefits ....................................... 10
Refunds ..................................... ........... 10
College Course Descriptions ................. 11
A advertising .................................. .......... 11
Anthropology .......................................... 11
A stronom y .................................. ........... 11
Criminology and Criminal
Justice ..................................... .......... .. 12
Econom ics .................................. ........... 13
Education................................... ........... 13
English ...................................... ........... 14
Family and Child Sciences ...................... 17
Food Science and Human Nutrition ........... 17
G geography ................................... ........... 17
G eology .................................... ........... 18
G erm an .................................... ........... 18
Health Related Professions ...................... 19
H history ..................................... .......... .. 20
Interdisciplinary Studies .......................... 22
Journalism ................................... ........... 22
Linguistics ................................... ........... 22
Management ............................................ 23
M marketing .................................. ............ 24
Mass Media Communication ................... 24
M them atics ............................................. 24
Philosophy ................................... ........... 25
of Contents
Political Science ........................................ 25
Psychology ................................. ........... 25
Public Administration and Policy ................ 26
Public Relations ........................................ 26
Religion ................................. .............. 26
Risk Management/Insurance.................... 27
Sociology ................................. ............. 27
Spanish .................................. ............. 27
Statistics ................................... ............. 28
Textiles and Consumer Sciences ............... 28
Telecourse Rental Form ........................ 29
College Enrollment Form........................ 31
Textbook Order Form ........................... 33
Continuing Professional
Education Course Descriptions ............... 37
Business Leadership and Management ....... 37
Environmental Management Systems......... 39
Water Environment Federation Courses ..... 40
Forestry ...................................................... 42
G enealogy ................................. ............. 43
Pest Control ................................. ........... 44
Dietary Manager..................................... 44
High School Courses.................................. 45
Legal Assistant ..................................... .. 45
Insurance Pre-Licensing............................. 45
Information Technology Courses .............. 45
continuing Professional Education
Enrollment Form...................................... 47
Textbook Order Form ............................. 49
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Services For Persons with Disabilities
For individuals with hearing or speech impairments, when trying to contact an office that does not list a TDD
number, contact the Florida Relay Service at 1-800-955-8771.
Upon request, this publication is available in alternate format for persons with print-related disabilities. For
more information, contact the Director's office at (352) 392-1711.
General Information
College Courses
These courses provide the opportunity to earn college credit hours (semester hours or sem hrs). The university of
Florida's Department of Independent Study is a cooperative service providing needed courses in a non-traditional
medium. The content of the college level courses is the same as the equivalent course on campus. University courses
are numbered using Florida's common course numbering system and are translated into degree program requirements
at Florida's 10 state universities or 28 public community colleges. Every institution sets its own rules for the number
of transferable credits, as well as which courses may be applied toward undergraduate degrees. It is the student's
responsibility to obtain academic advising from the university where credit is to be applied.
Gordon Rule Requirements
To graduate, from a state university or community college in Florida, students must complete with grades of C or higher
12 hours in designated courses that involve substantial writing (a total of 24,000 words). These are known as "Gordon
Rule" courses. Courses fulfilling the requirement may also count for general education (if approved for one or more
general education category). College Level Examination Program (CLEP) credit may not be used to satisfy the writing
requirement. Many of these Independent Study courses meet the writing requirement defined by the Gordon Rule.
Check with a college advisor prior to enrolling in Independent Study courses for specific requirements.
Students may enroll for a course, Monday through Friday, year-round, by mail, fax, or in person at the contact numbers
listed on the back cover of this catalog. This process does not require transcripts of previous academic work, nor does it
require a formal application for admission to the University of Florida. There is no official starting date for classes nor
a drop/add period. Registration is valid for one year. To enroll, follow these steps.
1. Complete the appropriate enrollment form found in this catalog.
2. Secure applicable approval of the enrollment. Note: If a student is enrolled in a college program, prior
approval from a dean or academic advisor is required before the student may submit the enrollment form to
the Department of Independent Study.
3. Pay tuition. Enrollment begins the date tuition is paid.
Study Guides: Each course is accompanied by a Study Guide which is the key to understanding what is expected in the
course. The introduction gives an overview, explains procedures, and provides grading criteria. The study guide is
divided into a series of lessons. Each lesson contains a reading assignment, lesson objectives, discussion of the topic,
self-help suggestions, vocabulary review and written assignments.
Books: Most of the course listings that follow include the titles of books and other materials that are required for the
course. These may be purchased from the Department of Independent Study's Bookstore or at other bookstores.
Ordering books from Independent Study: Fill in the Textbook Order Form adjacent to the college and continuing profes-
sional education enrollment forms and mail as directed.
Telecourse Rentals: See separate page about Telecourse Rentals on page 29.
Delivery: Orders for course materials are shipped UPS Ground, Second Day Air, Airmail, and Express courier, as
appropriate to the student's destination.
Most assignments call for a series of short answers or brief essays. A typical assignment requires 6-10 hours to complete.
To do a thorough job on a three semester hour college course, the student needs to invest about 140-180 hours, roughly
the same as on campus.
Submission of assignments: The study guide cites the number of assignments permitted for submission per week. Most
courses allow up to 6 assignments a week, to be submitted. Some of the college courses allow for the submission of
assignments via e-mail. These courses are listed in this catalog with the designation of (e-mail) next to their correspond-
ing description. Specific directions regarding e-mail submission are located in the respective study guide for the course.
The Department of Independent Study offers a variety of courses in many different subject areas; each area has its
own testing requirements. Consult your study guide for the testing procedures required for your course. The following
information describes the process and type of test you may need to take. The student should allow a minimum of two
weeks for the receipt of exams by their proctor.
Closed-Book Examinations: Closed-book examinations involve locating a testing site and an acceptable proctor.* The
examination process requires time and planning. Before taking a mid-term or final examination, submittal of all
previous written assignments is required. If a mid-term examination falls after Lesson 7, all seven previous assign-
ments are required to be submitted for grading before taking the mid-term examination. The same applies to final
Open-Book Examinations: Open-book examinations follow the same guidelines stipulated above for closed-book
exams. If the course you are enrolled in allows for an open-book exam, you will be able to use your textbook and
other materials involved in the course during the test. A proctor* is required.
*A proctor is someone who facilitates and watches over the examination to insure that no impropriety occurs.
Time Constraints
A minimum of two weeks should be allowed for processing written assignments and exam requests. A minimum of two
weeks is required to receive official course credit upon course completion. The Department of Independent Study should
receive the final exam request form a minimum of two weeks before the final course grade is required. Delays may
occur between terms or during holiday seasons. If working against a deadline, make allowances for these possible
delays. It is the student's responsibility to know and meet their institution's or association's deadlines for course
Course Completion
An Independent Study course may not be completed in less than 30 days. You are allowed a maximum of one year to
complete your coursess.
Time Limit and Meeting Deadlines
Timely feedback is always important in an educational/learning endeavor, our goal is to provide response and feedback to
students in a timely manner. We cannot guarantee a minimum response time. We do however, guarantee our best effort to
make response time as brief as possible. If the student has a firm deadline for completion such as a graduation date, a
specific date to start a job, etc., notify Independent Study as far in advance as possible. Independent Study will make
every effort to help students achieve their goals.
The student is issued a grade by the instructor. Grades are not issued if any written assignments or exams are missing.
Letter grades of A, B, C, D, and E (Failure) are used. The lowest passing grade is a "D." Upon completion of college
courses, a grade report is mailed to the student, the University of Florida registrar, and to the third party institution
designated on the enrollment form. College courses require the student to earn a passing grade on the final exam in order
to receive credit for the course. In the event that you drop or do not complete a course, records are not forwarded to any
other party.
The grade report is not an official transcript. The student must request a transcript from the University Registrar. All
credit earned is automatically entered on a UF transcript. The student does not need to be admitted to UF for this to
The University of Florida assures the confidentiality of educational records. This is done in accordance with the State
University System's rules and state statutes, as well as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
Tuition (for college courses)
Remember that enrollment begins when tuition is paid.
In-state college tuition: per semester hour is: $68.40
Out-of-state college tuition: per semester hour is: $290.26.
Proof of Florida Residency: in determining residency, the Department of Independent Study shall require evidence
such as:
voter registration,
driver's license,
automobile registration,
location of bank account,
rent receipts,
or other relevant materials proving that the applicant has maintained 12 months residence immediately
prior to qualification as a bona fide domicile, rather than for the purpose of maintaining a mere tempo-
rary residence or abode incident to enrollment in an institution of higher learning.
Fees: Each college course has an administrative fee of $75 per course. This applies to college credit courses only.
Course fees (for continuing professional education courses)
An out-of-state fee is not charged for continuing professional education courses. The course fee varies, and is listed
with the course description, textbooks are additional.
Book prices: as per current prices. Prior to registering, review our web page for updates on textbook prices and course
opening information,
Tuition, course fees, and book prices are subject to change without prior notification.
Financial Aid
The Department of Independent Study does not offer financial aid. In order for correspondence course work to apply
toward Financial Aid requirements certain conditions must be met. If utilizing a private or alternative lending institu-
tion, these conditions may or may not apply. To determine conditions and deadlines, contact your school's financial aid
office or your private lending institution.
Veterans Benefits
The college and high school courses are approved for veteran's benefits if the enrolled course meets requirements for a
college degree or a high school diploma. For further information regarding VA educational benefits, contact the VA
A tuition (or course fee) refund may be granted by written request for withdrawal from a course within 60 days of
enrollment. Send refund requests by certified mail. All requests will receive a written response. Refunds will be com-
puted at the rate of tuition, (or course fee) less $25.00 per course and $5.00 per written assignment submitted for grading.
Allow 6-8 weeks for refund checks. A student will receive a 100% refund on books that are returned within 60 days
provided they are in their original condition. No refunds are issued after 60 days. All other materials are non-refundable.
Upon course completion, contact the Independent Study Bookstore to determine their book buy- back policy.
College Course Descriptions
men by
ADV 3000-Elements of Advertising
3 sem hrs University of Origin: UF
The role of advertising in a free economy, and its
place in the media of mass communications. A study
of advertising appeals, product and market research,
selection of media, testing of advertising effective-
ness and organization of the advertising profession.
J. Russell & W. Lane, Kleppner's, Advertising
Procedure, 12th ed., $52.80
ANT 2410-Cultural Anthropology
3 sem hrs University of Origin: UF
The nature of culture. The content of cultures; lan-
guages, subsistence, economic structures, art and re-
ligion in human societies. The integration of cul-
ture. (17 written assignments, 1 exam).
Serena Nanda, Cultural Anthropology, 5th ed.,
1994. $55.00
nature, desire to know.
ANT 3514-Biological Anthropology: Human
Evolution and Adaptation, Primate Behavior
3 sem hrs (e-mail) University of Origin: UF
Human evolution and contemporary variation. Re-
lationship with other primates. Human genetics;
Anthropometry. Population differences, distribution,
and history. Course does not incorporate a labora-
tory. (18 written assignments, 2 exams).
Robert Jurmain and Henry Nelson, Introduction to
Physical Anthropology, 6th ed., 1994. $43.95
AST 1002-Discovering the Universe
3 sem hrs (e-mail) University of Origin: UF
An elementary, largely nonmathematical survey of our
universe of stars, planets, and galaxies. Acquaints the
student with the development of astronomy as a human
activity-with how we know as well as what we know.
Primarily for those not majoring in physical science or
mathematics. (18 written assignments, 3 exams).
William J. Kaufmann, III, Discovering the Universe,
3rd ed., 1993. $43.70
Materials Key
Book Audiocassette Videocassette Disk Map Kit
r I
Criminology & Criminal Justice
CCJ 2020-Introduction to Criminal Justice
3 sem hrs (e-mail) University of Origin: FSU
This course is designed to provide freshman and sopho-
more students with knowledge of terminology, classifi-
cation systems, trends, and theories of criminal justice.
Not open to FSU criminology majors beyond their first
term as a junior. (12 written assignments, 2 exams).
Frank Schmalleger, Criminal Justice Today, 4th ed.,
CCJ 3011-Criminology
3 sem hrs University of Origin: FSU
An examination of the field of criminology, including
its theories, basic assumptions and definitions. (10 writ-
ten assignments, 2 exams).
Larry J. Siegel, Criminology,6th ed., 1998. $69.70
Robert M. Bohm, A Primer on Crime and Delin-
quency, 1997. $27.70
CCJ 3101-Law Enforcement
3 sem hrs (e-mail) University of Origin: FSU
An advanced survey of law enforcement concentrating
on the police, with emphasis on functions (law enforce-
ment, order maintenance, public service) and responsi-
bilities (e.g., preservation of constitutional rights, com-
munity relations), including organizational and manage-
ment aspects. (13 written assignments, 2 exams).
William G. Doerner, Introduction to Law
Enforcement: An Insider's View, 1992. $57.30
In-state tuition: $68.40 per semester hour.
Out-of-state tuition: $290.26 per semester hour.
Administrative fee: $75.00
CCJ 3200-The Courts
3 sem hrs (e-mail) University of Origin: FSU
Jurisdiction, policies, and procedures of courts in the ad-
ministration of criminal justice. (10 written assignments,
2 exams).
David W. Neubauer, America's Courts and
the Criminal Justice System, 5th ed.,1996. $57.70
CCJ 3301-Corrections
3 sem hrs University of Origin: FSU
An overview of correctional philosophies, practices, and
procedures. (11 written assignments, 2 exams).
Todd R. Clear and George F. Cole, American Correc-
tions, 4rd ed., 1997. $74.35
John Irwin and James Austin, It's About Time:
America's Imprisonment Binge, 1994. $30.00
CCJ 3664-Victimology
3 sem hrs University of Origin: FSU
The role of victims in crimes, their treatment by the
criminal justice system, their decisions to report crimes
and help prosecute offenders, victim assistance, and
victim compensation. Special focus on sexual battery
and domestic violence. (10 assignments, 2 exams)
William G. Doerner & Steven P. Lab, Victimology 2nd
ed., 1998. $36.25
ECO 2013-Principles of Macroeconomics
3 sem hrs University of Origin: UF
The nature of economics, economic concepts and insti-
tutions; growth, unemployment, inflation; money and
banking; economic policies; the international economy.
(22 written assignments, 1 exam).
James Kearl, Principles of Macroeconomics, 1st ed.
1993. $52.00
Mark Rush, Using Macroeconomics: A Problem-
Solving Workbook, 1st ed.,1993. $24.00
ECO 2023-Principles of Microeconomics
3 sem hrs University of Origin: UF
Theories of production, determination of prices and dis-
tribution of income in regulated and unregulated indus-
tries. Attention is also given to industrial relations, mo-
nopolies, and comparative economic systems. (22 writ-
ten assignments, 1 exam).
James Kearl, Principles of Microeconomics, 1st ed.
1993. $48.00
Mark Rush, Using Microeconomics: A Problem-
Solving Workbook, 1st ed. 1993. $24.80
EDF 3210-Educational Psychology
3 sem hrs University of Origin: UF
An introduction to the application of psychology to the
problems of education in a variety of educational set-
tings. It examines the theoretical and applied aspects of
learning, motivation, human development, and person-
ality, as well as measurement and evaluation. (17 writ-
ten assignments, 2 exams).
Materials Key
Book Audiocassette Videocassette Disk
Map Kit
N. L. Gage and D. C. Berliner, Educational Psychol-
ogy, 5th ed., 1992. $67.60
G. E. Greenwood and F. Parkay, Case Studies
for Teacher Decision Making 1989. $34.70
EDF 3604-Social Foundations of Education
3 sem hrs (e-mail) University of Origin: UF
Examination of the current educational system in the
United States. The analysis draws on the disciplines of
philosophy, sociology, history, anthropology, political
science, and psychology in order to foster critical think-
ing about prevailing practices and beliefs. Satisfies the
general education requirement for the College of Edu-
cation, the College of Health and Human Performance,
and the College of Fine Arts. (15 written assignments, 1
A. Ornstein & D. Levine, Foundations of Education,
6th ed., 1999. $66.40
EDF 4430-Measurement and Evaluation
in Education
3 sem hrs (e-mail) University of Origin: UF
Study is made of the basic principles and methods of
measurement, evaluation and methods of test construc-
tion. (13 written assignments, 1 exam).
N. Gronlund, Measurement and Evaluations, 6th ed.,
1990. $29.00
EEX 3312-Exceptional People
3 sem hrs University of Origin: UF
This course was designed to provide students with a ba-
sic awareness of persons who have disabilities, as well
as people from diverse groups. Students will have the
opportunity to explore issues that are related to other
Tuition and book prices are subject to change
without prior notification.
For up-to-date information on textbook prices
and course openings visit our website.
groups within our diverse society. Service learning and
reaction papers will help students experience and reflect
on the possible effects of being a member of a diverse
group within our society. This course is offered for both
college credit and CEU points. (14 written assignments,
2 exams).
S. Schwartz and B. Karge, Human Diversity: A Guide
for Understanding 3rd ed., 1997. $47.35
S. Schwartz, C. Conley, and L. Eaton, Human Diver-
sity: A Visual Resource, 1997. $10.70
EVI 4211-Braille Reading and Writing
3 sem hrs University of Origin: FSU
Co-req.: EVI4011. In this course students will develop
skills in the preparation of materials for blind students in
the literary Braille code using a Braille writer and the
slate and stylus. Interlining and proofreading are also
emphasized. (12 written assignments, 2 exams).
S. C. Ashcroft and F. Henderson, Programmed
Instruction in Braille, 1963. $25.00
M. Olson, Guidelines and Games for Teaching Effi-
cient Braille Reading, 2nd ed., 1982. $22.60
Braille Kit $5.60
AML 3124-American Fiction: 1900 to World
War II
3 sem hrs University of Origin: UF
Includes works by Crane, Dreiser, Hemingway,
Fitzgerald, Faulkner, Steinbeck, Wright, and Hurston.
(17 written assignments, No exam).
Stephen Crane, Maggie: A Girl of the Streets and
Selected Stories, 1991.$3.45
Theodore Dreiser, Sister Carrie, 1982. $6.60
F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby, 1992. $7.10
Ernest Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises, 1954. $8.70
William Faulkner, Light in August, 1985. $10.40
John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath; Text and
Criticism, Peter Lisca, ed., 1972. $18.10
Richard Wright, Native Son, 1993. $6.10
Zora Neal Hurston, Their Eyes Were Watching God
1990. $11.75
James T. Farrell, Some Observations on Naturalism
(Columbia, MO: American AudioProse Library).
It will be helpful to purchase a literary handbook. You
may purchase one through our Department:
M. H. Abrams, A Glossary of Literary
Terms,5th or 6th ed., 1993. $27.35
CRW 1101-Beginning Fiction Writing
3 sem hrs University of Origin: UF
If you want to write fiction, this is a beginning work-
shop. We start with the basics, and you'll read a lot of
fiction. Fulfills the Gordon Rule. (11 written assign-
ments, No exam).
Janet Burroway, Writing Fiction, 3rd ed., 1992. $27.35
William Strunk, Jr., and E. B. White, The Elements of
Style, 3rd ed., 1979. $5.95
ENC 1101-Expository and Argumentative
3 sem hrs University of Origin: UF
This course prepares students to write expository-argu-
mentative prose and to analyze their roles in contempo-
rary culture. Designed to help students improve their
grasp of standard written English, library research, criti-
cal analysis, and creative thinking. Fulfills the Gordon
Rule. (15 written assignments, No exam).
In-state tuition: $68.40 per semester hour.
Out-of-state tuition: $290.26 per semester hour.
Administrative fee: $75.00
Sheridan Baker, The Practical Stylist with Readings,
7th ed., 1991. $49.55
Optional Textbooks
A college dictionary and spelling dictionary. (Not
issued by Independent Study.)
ENC 1102-Writing About Literature
3 sem hrs University of Origin: UF
A course offering instruction in writing about fiction,
drama, and poetry. Fulfills the Gordon Rule. (20 written
assignments, No exam).
Laurence Perrine and Thomas R. Arp, Story and
Structure,8th ed., 1993. $32.02
Sylvan Barnet, Morton Berman, and William Burto,
Types of Drama: Plays and Essays, 6th ed., 1993.
Laurence Perrine and Thomas R. Arp, Sound and
Sense, 8th ed., $27.35
Laurie G. Kirszner and Stephen R. Mandell, The Holt
Handbook. Any edition of The Holt Handbook may be
used. $35.35
ENC 2210-Technical Writing and Business
3 sem hrs University of Origin: UF
Prereq.: 3 hours of composition must be completed prior
to this course. A survey of the forms and methods of
communication used in business, industry, and govern-
ment, including non-formal and formal reports, letters
and resumes, and proposals. Fulfills the Gordon Rule.
(12 written assignments, 1 exam).
John M. Lannon, Technical Writing, 6th ed., 1994.
ENC 3250-Professional Communication
3 sem hrs University of Origin: UF
Prereq.: Junior or senior standing + 2 lower-division
English courses. A professional communication course
relevant in business, industry, government, and other in-
stitutional settings. Covers major elements of organiza-
tional communication with emphasis on composition of
letters and memos, reports, proposals, manuals, and pre-
sentations. (20 written assignments, 1 exam).
Theodore A. Sherman and Simon S. Johnson, Modem
Technical Writing, 5th ed., 1990. $47.00
Norman B. Sigband and Arthur H. Bell, Communica-
tion for Management and Business, 5th ed., 1989.
ENC 3310-Advanced Exposition
3 sem hrs University of Origin: UF
An advanced composition course in the methods of ex-
position: the writing of definition, classification, com-
parison and contrast, analysis, illustration, and identifi-
cation. (10 written assignments, No exam).
John McPhee, Giving Good Weight, 4th ed.,1979.
Jean Wyrick, Steps to Writing Well, 6th ed., 1996.
William Zinsser, On Writing Well, 5th ed., 1995.
ENL 2011-British Authors: Beginnings to 1790
3 sem hrs (e-mail) University of Origin: FSU
Survey of English masterworks intended for students in
liberal studies and those exploring a literature major.
Among the authors typically considered are Chaucer,
Shakespeare, and Milton. (15 written assignments, 1
M. H. Abrams, ed., The Norton Anthology of English
Literature, Vol. 1, 5th ed., 1986.$16.00
Materials Key
Book Audiocassette Videocassette bisk
Map Kit
ENL 2020-British Authors: Early Romantics
to the Present
3 sem hrs (e-mail) University of Origin: FSU
Survey of English masterworks intended for students in
liberal studies and those exploring a literature major.
Among the authors typically considered are Wordsworth,
Dickens, and Conrad. (15 written assignments, 1 exam).
M. H. Abrams, ed., The Norton Anthology of English
Literature, Vol. 2, 5th ed., 1986.$16.00
ENL 3122-The English Novel: 19th Century
3 sem hrs University of Origin: UF
Includes works by such writers as Scott, Austen, Dickens,
Thackeray, Eliot, and Hardy. (20 written assignments,
No exam).
Jane Austen, Emma, 1964. $6.60
Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights, 1981. $7.45
Charles Dickens, Bleak House, Riverside ed., 1956.
Anthony Trollope, Barchester Towers, 1st ed., 1963.
Thomas Hardy, Tess of the D' Urbervilles, Norton
Critical ed., 3rd ed., 1991. $15.35
Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness, Norton Critical ed.,
3rd ed., 1988. $10.00
Mary Shelley, Frankenstein, 1983. $2.65
Madox Ford, The Good Soldier, 1989. $12.00
James Joyce, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man,
1964. $7.20
D. H. Lawrence, Women in Love, 1989. $4.30
E. M. Forster, A Passage to India, 1952. $11.75
Virginia Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway, 1981. $8.55
Iris Murdoch, Under the Net, 1954. $9.60
Kingsley Amis, Lucky Jim, 1953. $8.80
John Fowles, The French Lieutenant's Woman, 1969.
Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness, 1995. $5.60
LIN 2670-English Grammar
3 sem hrs University of Origin: UF
A course in the basics of traditional English grammar
designed as a complement to our composition and cre-
ative writing courses, as a review for those students who
will take pre-professional exams, and as a basic course
for students interested in improving their knowledge of
English. Does not satisfy the three-hour general educa-
tion requirement in English. (20 written assignments, 1
Kevin M. McCarthy, Grammar and Usage, 1980.
Bram Stoker, Dracula, 1992. $6.60
Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland, Norton Criti-
cal ed., 2nd ed., 1992. $13.35
H. G. Wells, The First Men in the Moon, 1965. $2.60
ENL 3132-The English Novel: 20th Century
3 sem hrs (e-mail) University of Origin: UF
Includes works by such writers as Conrad, Lawrence,
Joyce, Forster, Woolf, Greene, and Waugh. (18 written
assignments, No exam).
In-state tuition: $68.40 per semester hour.
Out-of-state tuition: $290.26 per semester hour.
Administrative fee: $75.00
family & Child Sciences
CHD 3220-Child Growth and Development:
The Foundation Years
3 sem hrs University of Origin: FSU
The scientific study of the child from birth through middle
childhood. (16 written assignments, 2 exams).
Murray Krantz, Child Development: Risk and Oppor-
tunity, 1994. $74.70
Victoria Jean Dimidjian, Study Guide for Child
Development: Risk and Opportunity, 1994. $24.00
food Science & tuman Nutrition
FOS 2001-Man's Food
2 sem hrs University of Origin: FSU
This course is designed for both science and nonscience
majors, who are interested in the field of nutrition. It
will help you, as a consumer, interpret the vast amount
of nutrition-related information that is available to the
public. It will cover such topics as food choices, nutri-
tion guidelines, how the body utilizes nutrients, vitamins
and minerals, energy balance, physical activity, and
weight control. (15 written assignments, 1 exam).
Frances S. Sizer and Eleanor N. Whitney, Hamilton's
and Whitney's Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies,
6th ed., 1994. $25.20
Frances Sizer and Eleanor Whitney, Study Guide to
Accompany Hamilton, Whitney, and Sizer's Nutrition:
Concepts & Controversies 6th ed., 1994. $9.35
Food Diary and Activity Manual (to accompany text).
HUN 2201-Fundamentals of Human Nutrition
3 sem hrs University of Origin: FSU
Prereq.: course work in chemistry and biology or
permission offaculty. Open to majors and non-ma-
jors. The study of fundamental principles of nor-
mal nutrition as they relate to human life and growth
from conception through adolescence, interpretation
of current nutrition information, and application of
nutrition knowledge in the establishment of good
eating habits. (15 written assignments, 2 exams)
E. N. Whitney, C. B. Cataldo, and S. R. Rolfes,
Understanding Normal and Clinical Nutrition,4th ed.,
1994. $68.00
GEA 3271-The Face of Florida
3 sem hrs University of Origin: UF
A study of the physical landscape of Florida; includes
location, physiology, shorelines, soils, vegetation, cli-
mate, water problems, and environmental degradation.
(15 written assignments, 2 exams).
Clarence M. Head and Robert B. Marcus, The Face of
Florida, 2nd ed., 1987. $30.20
This kit consists of two 17 x 22 inch blank maps of
Florida with counties outlined. $2.20
Materials Key
Book Audiocassette Videocassette bisk
Map Kit
Tuition and book prices are subject to change
without prior notification.
For up-to-date information on textbook prices
and course openings visit our website.
GEO 2201-Physical Landscapes
3 sem hrs University of Origin: UF
A study of physical landscapes with emphasis on the
physical landscapes of the U.S. Considers the materials
composing landscapes, processes fashioning landscapes,
resources, and influences of physical landscapes on so-
ciety. (15 written assignments, 2 exams).
E. C. Pirkle, W. H. Yoho, and J. A. Henry, Natural
Landscapes of the United States, 4th ed., 1985. $34.95
In addition to the text you should have the following
two maps: Maps packaged together. $8.25
Erwin Raisz's Landforms of the United States.
Nevin Fenneman's Physical Divisions of the United
GEO 3370-Conservation of Resources
3 sem hrs University of Origin: UF
Prereq: Sophomore standing or permission of instruc-
tor. A survey of natural resources followed by study of
wise and wasteful practices of utilization of these re-
sources. Course satisfies resource certification for
social studies teachers. (15 written assignments, 2 ex-
S. E Cutter., H. L. Renwick, and W. H. Renwick,
Exploitation, Conservation, Preservation: A Geo-
graphical Perspective on Natural Resource Use, 2nd
ed., 1991. $65.35
GLY 1000-Exploring the Geological Sciences
3 sem hrs (e-mail) University of Origin: UF
Selected topics in the geological sciences. Designed for
the student not majoring in science. May not be counted
for credit toward a major in geology. (20 written assign-
ments, 1 exam).
Frank Press and Raymond Siever, Understanding
Earth, 1994. $53.35
GLY 2010-Physical Geology
3 sem hrs (e-mail) University of Origin: UF
Materials, structures, surface features of the earth and
processes which have produced them. Related labora-
tory demonstrations and experiences. (20 written as-
signments, 1 exam).
Graham R. Thompson and Jonathon Turk, Modem
Physical Geology, 1993. $51.70
James H. Zumberge and Robert H. Rutford, Labora-
tory Manual for Physical Geology, 8th ed., 1991.
Ohio State University Rock and Mineral Set. Ward's
Natural Science Establishment, $46.00
GER 1120-Beginning German 1
4 sem hrs University of Origin: UF
This first-semester course aims to develop the student's
skills in reading, writing, understanding, and speaking
German. (18 written assignments, 2 exams).
Werner Haas and Gustave Bording Mathieu, Deutsch
fiir alle, 4th ed., 1993. $68.00
Werner Haas and Gustave Bording Mathieu,
Arbeitsbuch zu Deutschfiir alle, 4th ed., 1993. $29.35
Chapters 1-6 and the pronunciation cassette tape of
Werner Haas and Gustave Bording Mathieu, Deutsch
fir alle, 4th ed., 1993. $14.45
In-state tuition: $68.40 per semester hour.
Out-of-state tuition: $290.26 per semester hour.
Administrative fee: $75.00
GER 1121-Beginning German 2
3 sem hrs University of Origin: UF
Prereq.: Beginning German 1 (grade of C or better, or
S). A continuation of GER 1120. Proof that prerequi-
site has been met must be submitted with application.
(18 written assignments, 2 exams).
Werner Haas and Gustave Bording Mathieu, Deutsch
fir alle, 3rd ed., 1987. $48.70
Werner Haas and Gustave Bording Mathieu,
Arbeitsbuch zu Deutschfiir alle, 3rd ed., 1987. $22.00
Chapters 8-13 and cassette tape 24 of Werner Haas
and Gustave Bording Mathieu, Deutsch fiir alle, 3rd
ed., 1987. $11.65
GER 1122-Beginning German 3
3 sem hrs University of Origin: UF
Prereq.: Beginning German 2 (grade of C or better, or
S). A continuation of GER 1121. Proof that prerequi-
site has been met must be submitted with application.
(15 written assignments, 2 exams).
Werner Haas and Gustave Bording Mathieu, Deutsch
fir alle, 2nd ed., 1983. $30.95
Werner Haas and Gustave Bording Mathieu,
Arbeitsbuch zu Deutsch fiir alle, 2nd ed., 1983. $13.95
Chapters 14-18 and cassette tape 23 of Werner Haas,
and Gustave Bording Mathieu, Deutschfiir alle, 2nd
ed., 1983. $12.00
tfealth Related Professions
HSC 2100-Contemporary Health Science
3 sem hrs (e-mail) University of Origin: USF
A comprehensive approach to health concerns and prob-
lems in contemporary society, including methods of as-
sessing individual health needs. (16 written assignments,
2 exams).
Kathleen D. Mullen, Robert S. Gold, Phillip A.
Belcastro, and Robert J. McDermott, Connections for
Health, 4th ed., 1996. $53.35
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Nutritive Value of
Foods (Home and Garden Bulletin, No. 72,
Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office,
Revised April 1991). $3.75
MLS 3034-Medical Terminology for the Health
3 sem hrs University of Origin: UF
A study of prefixes, suffixes, and root-words which are
combined to constitute the language used in medicine
and the health related professions. Terms related to dis-
ease states, diagnostic procedures, and equipment are
emphasized. This course is accompanied by eight audio
cassette tapes to aid the student in building listening and
speaking skills. UF students majoring in classic languages
or health education are required to submit the permis-
sion of their Dean prior to registering. (13 written as-
signments, 2 exams).
Davi-Ellen Chabner, The Language of Medicine, 4th
ed., 1992. $46.00
Cassette Tapes, 1992. $16.00
Materials Key
Book Audiocassette Videocassette isk Map Kit
AMH 1000-American Civilization
3 sem hrs University of Origin: FSU
This course is a broad survey covering the scope of
American history from its early colonial beginnings to
the present. The emphasis is upon placing the American
experience in a broad setting. As such, movements and
interpretations are stressed. Not intended for those con-
sidering history as a major. May not be taken by stu-
dents with A+ credit in American History. (13 written
assignments, 2 exams).
John H. Cary and Julius Weinberg, The Social Fabric,
Vol. I 6th ed., 1991. $26.00
John H. Cary and Julius Weinberg, The Social Fabric,
Vol. II 6th ed., 1991. $26.00
AMH 2010-United States to 1877
3 sem hrs University of Origin: UF
A survey of the development of the U.S. from its colo-
nial origins to the end of Reconstruction. (19 written
assignments, 2 exams).
Bernard Bailyn, David Brion Davis, David Herbert
Donald, John L. Thomas, Robert Dallek, and Gordon
S. Wood, The Great Republic: A History of the
American People,Vol. I, 4th ed., 1992. $24.80
Oscar Handlin and Lillian Handlin, Abraham Lincoln
and the Union, 1980. $20.36
AMH 2020-United States Since 1877
3 sem hrs University of Origin: UF
A survey of the emergence of modem America as an
industrial and world power; the Progressive Era, WW I;
Great Depression and New Deal; WW II; and the Cold
War Era. (18 written assignments, 2 exams).
George Brown Tindall and David Shi, America: A
Narrative History, Vol. 2, 3rd ed., 1992. $27.70
Livesay, Harold C., Andrew Carnegie and the Rise of
Big Business, 1975. $16.00
AMH 3370-Economic History
of the United States
3 sem hrs University of Origin: FSU
A survey of American economic history from the early
colonial beginnings to the present. This course analyzes
the role of economic issues and events in American his-
tory. It proceeds chronologically through 12 time peri-
ods, and major attention is directed to the 20th century.
(14 written assignments, 2 exams).
John O'Sullivan and Edward F. Keuchel, American
Economic History: From Abundance to Constraint,
1989. $18.10
Edwin J. Perkins and Gary M. Walton, A Prosperous
People: The Growth of the American Economy, 1985.
AMH 3373-U.S. Business History
3 sem hrs University of Origin: FSU
This historical survey of American business from colo-
nial times to the present includes manufacturing, indus-
trial development, agribusiness, organized labor, finance,
management approaches and the evolution of business
ethics. (13 written assignments, 2 exams).
Mansel G. Blackford and K. Austin Kerr, Business
Enterprise in American History,2nd ed.,1990. $37.60
AMH 3421-Florida to 1845
3 sem hrs University of Origin: UF
Prereq.: 3 hours ofhistory. Exploration and settlement,
colonial history of Spanish and British Florida, U.S. ter-
ritorial days to statehood. (15 written assignments, 2
Charlton W. Tebeau, A History of Florida, 7th Print-
ing, 1991. $20.10
Gloria Jahoda, Florida: A History, 1984. $18.50
In-state tuition: $68.40 per semester hour.
Out-of-state tuition: $290.26 per semester hour.
Administrative Fee: $75.00
AMH 3423-Florida Since 1845
3 sem hrs University of Origin: UF
Prereq.: 3 hours of history. Statehood and secession,
Civil War, Reconstruction, reform and reaction, Progres-
sive Era, boom and bust, diversification and growth of
Florida since WW II. (18 written assignments, 2 ex-
Charlton W. Tebeau, A History of Florida, 7th Print-
ing, 1991. $20.10
Gloria Jahoda, Florida: A History, 1984. $18.50
EUH 2033-History of the Holocaust
3 sem hrs University of Origin: FSU
A survey of the origins of anti-Semitism in central Eu-
rope, and the execution of the Holocaust by Nazi Ger-
many. Examines not only the ideology of the Nazi lead-
ers, but the role of the SS, Army, Police and ordinary
citizens in perpetrating genocide. (12 written assign-
ments, 3 exams).
Raul Hilberg, Perpetrators, Victims, Bystanders, 1992.
Nora Levin, The Holocaust Years, 1990. $20.80
EUH 2100-Ancient and Medieval Civiliza-
3 sem hrs (e-mail) University of Origin: FSU
This course provides a survey of Western traditions from
the beginnings through the end of the Middle Ages. Em-
phasis is on patterns of thinking and on those institu-
tions most distinctive to the Western tradition. (12 writ-
ten assignments, 3 exams).
Edward McNall Burns, Robert E. Lerner, and
Standish Meacham, Western Civilizations, Vol. 1, 11th
ed., 1988. $31.95
Materials Key
Book Audiocassette Videocassette Disk
Philip L. Ralph, Study Guide, Western Civilization,
Vol. 1, 1lth ed., 1988. $14.90
Apuleius, (Translated by Jack Lindsay),Golden Ass
1960. $13.30
M. Renault, The Last of the Wine, 1956. $9.00
EUH 3004-Nineteenth Century Europe:
A Survey
3 sem hrs (e-mail) University of Origin: FSU
European history from the close of the Napoleonic Wars
to the turn of the century, a period in which Europe was
at the height of its wealth and power. Particular atten-
tion is paid to the major powers. (14 written assign-
ments, 2 exams).
Charles Breunig, The Age of Revolution and Reaction,
1789-1850, 2nd ed., 1977. $13.35
Norman Rich, The Age of Nationalism and Reform,
1850-1890, 2nd ed., 1977. $13.35
Honor de Balzac, Old Goriot, 1951. $11.70
WOH 1030-The Modern World Since 1815
3 sem hrs (e-mail) University of Origin: FSU
This liberal studies course deals with the origins and de-
velopment of political, economic, social, and intellec-
tual developments in the modern world since 1815. (18
written assignments, 3 exams).
Peter N. Stears, ed. The Other Side of Western
Civilization, Volume II: The Sixteenth Century to the
Present, 3rd ed., 1984. $16.70
John P. McKay, Bennett D. Hill, and John Buckler. A
History of World Societies, Volume C: From The
French Revolution to the Present, 2nd ed., 1988.
WOH 4244-World War II
3 sem hrs University of Origin: FSU
Avoiding the common Eurocentric approach, this course
deals with World War II on a global basis. It analyzes
the character of the Pacific theater as well as that of the
European War, presenting the student with insights into,
and contrasts between the various belligerents. (14 writ-
ten assignments, 2 exams).
Peter Calvocoressi, Guy Wint, and John Pritchard,
Total War: Causes and Courses of the Second World
War. Volume 1: The Western Hemisphere, Rev. 2nd
ed., 1989. $16.95
Peter Calvocoressi, Guy Wint, and John Pritchard,
Total War: Causes and Courses of the Second World
War. Volume 2: The Greater East Asia and Pacific
Conflict, Rev. 2nd ed., 1989. $16.95
A. J. P. Taylor, The War Lords, 1976. $12.75
Interdisciplinary Studies
IDS 4900-Law and Society
3 sem hrs University of Origin: USF
Explores the language of the law, legal issues, and the
citizen's rights and obligations under the law. Students
will learn to prepare simple legal instruments. They will
also learn to look for and use available legal remedies
for offenses against them. (20 written assignments, No
Melvin Belli and Allen P. Wilkinson, Everybody's Guide
to the Law, 1987. $13.95
JOU 4300-Magazine and Feature Writing
3 sem hrs University of Origin: UF
Prereq.: Course in reporting and ability to type. Open
to UFjournalism students majoring in advertising or tele-
communication only with departmental approval before
enrolling. Preparation of features and articles for publi-
cation in newspapers and magazines coordinated with
study of magazine editing problems. Supervised mar-
keting of pieces produced in the course. (21 written as-
signments, No exam).
Tuition and book prices are subject to change
without prior notification.
For up-to-date information on textbook prices
and course openings visit our website.
Betsy P. Graham, Magazine Article Writing:
Substance and Style, 1980. $28.35
William L. Rivers and Alison R. Work, Freelancer
and Staff Writer: Newspaper Features and Magazine
Articles, 4th ed., 1986. $34.35
LIN 2000-Language: Humanities Perspective
3 sem hrs (e-mail) University of Origin: UF
A basic level introduction to word formation, sentence
structure, basic sound systems, language acquisition, lan-
guage varieties, and the use of language in social inter-
actions. Emphasis on individual topics will vary from
instructor to instructor. (15 written assignments, 1 exam).
Paul Eschholz, Alfred Rosa, and Virginia Clark, eds.,
Language Awareness, 5th ed., 1990. $10.50
TSL 6371-Materials and Techniques for
3 sem hrs University of Origin: UF
Theories of TESL teaching methods and materials.
Instruction in classroom materials. Observation of
classroom procedures. The tuition for this graduate
level course is: In-state: $137.75 per semester hr
Out-of-state: $481.31
H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles: An
Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy, 1994.
John. W. Oiler, Jr., editor, Methods That Work: Ideas
for Literacy and Language Teachers, 2nd ed., 1993.
In-state tuition: $68.40 per semester hour.
Out-of-state tuition: $290.26 per semester hour.
Administrative fee: $75.00
Suzanne F. Peregoy and Owen F. Boyle, Reading,
Writing, & Learning in ESL: A Resource Book for K-
12 Teachers, 1997. $38.25
Don Snow, More Than a Native Speaker: An Introduc-
tion for Volunteers Teaching Abroad, 1996. $31.95
GEB 2011-Introduction to Business
3 sem hrs University of Origin: FIU
Introduction to the business world, including functions
of business and management. Examination of the free
enterprise system, forms of business ownership and the
role of business in society. (12 written assignments, 2
Louis E. Boone & David L. Kurtz, Contemporary
Business, 1997. $48.00
MAN 3010-Concepts of Management
3 sem hrs (e-mail) University of Origin: FSU
Prereq.: MAC 1141; ACG 2021; ECO 2023; and a be-
havioral science course. Introduction to the nature and
process of management, with emphasis upon manage-
ment of physical and human resources. (Not required
for management or human resource management ma-
jors.) (20 written assignments, 2 exams).
A. F. James Stoner, R. Edward Freeman, and Daniel
R. Gilbert, Management, 1995. $66.00
MAN 3602-International Business
3 sem hrs (e-mail) University of Origin: FIU
Prereq.: Applied Macroeconomics. Introductory analy-
sis of the business system and management
decision-making in the international operation of enter-
prise. Special emphasis given to international trade and
investment; foreign exchange; financial markets; politi-
cal and cultural interactions between host societies and
multinational enterprise. (12 written assignments, 2 ex-
Materials Key
Book Audiocassette Videocassette Disk Map Kit
Alan M. Rugman and Richard M. Hodgetts, Interna-
tional Business, 1st ed., 1995. $78.00
MAN 4301-Personnel/Human Resource Man-
3 sem hrs University of Origin: FSU
Prereq. or coreq.: Organizational Behavior. Survey of
the human resource management function in organiza-
tions. Topics include: selection, recruiting, training, com-
pensation, and performance appraisal. (15 written assign-
ments, 2 exams).
Wayne F. Cascio, Managing Human Resources, 3rd
ed., 1992. $70.00
MAN 4600-International Management
3 sem hrs (e-mail) University of Origin: FIU
Prereq.: International Business. Introductory survey
of management issues that confront the multinational en-
terprise. At least one class session is devoted to each of
the following topics: review of basic trade theory; tar-
iffs and trade barriers; organizational transfer, foreign
exchange, institutions affecting the multinational man-
ager (such as IMF, IDB, Ex-in Bank, EEC, IBRD), in-
ternational financial management issues in multinational
accounting; personnel management, comparative busi-
ness customs and behavioral issues; import-export pro-
cedures conflicts with national interests. (10 written as-
signments, 2 exams).
Richard M. Hodgetts and Fred Luthans, International
Management, 2nd ed, 1994. $51.35
MAR 3023-Basic Marketing Concepts
3 sem hrs University of Origin: FSU
Prereq: ECO 2023. One Behavioral Science Course. A
required prerequisite for all marketing courses. Gives
the student an understanding of the decision areas and
the ability to utilize marketing concepts to make busi-
ness decisions. (20 written assignments, 1 exam).
Louis E. Boone and David L. Kurtz, Contemporary
Marketing, 9th ed, 1999. $52.00
Mass Media Communication
MMC 1000-Survey of Mass Communication
2 sem hrs (e-mail) University of Origin: UF
Introduction to the various mass communication media,
with special emphasis on the roles and responsibilities
to society and the public. (15 written assignments, 1
Warren Agee, Phillip Ault, and Edwin Emery, Intro-
duction to Mass Communications, 10th ed., 1991.
MMC 2100-Writing for Mass Communication
3 sem hrs (e-mail) University of Origin: UF
Prereqs: 6 hours of English; Sophomore standing or
above; ability to type 20 wpm. A preprofessional course
designed to provide fundamental instruction and prac-
tice in writing as a basis for upper division courses in
advertising, journalism, and public relations. Stresses
the basic similarities in writing for all mass media. (19
written assignments, no exam).
Edward D. Yates, The Writing Craft, 2nd ed., 1985.
Berner Thomas, Language Skills for Journalists, 2nd
ed., 1984. $29.20
Powell, Associated Press Stylebook, 1996. $11.75
MAC 1102-Basic College Algebra
3 sem hrs University of Origin: FSU
Recommended background: Two years of high school
algebra. Covers techniques of algebra; linear, polyno-
mial, exponential and logarithmic functions, equations,
and graphs; systems of equations and inequalities; count-
ing; and applications. (15 written assignments, 3 ex-
Margaret L. Lial, Charles D. Miller, and E. John
Hornsby, Jr., College Algebra, 6th ed., 1993. $92.25
MAC 1142-Precalculus: Algebra and
4 sem hrs University of Origin: UF
College algebra, functions, coordinate geometry, expo-
nential and logarithmic functions, and trigonometry. This
fast-paced course is designed as a review of algebra and
trigonometry to prepare the student for calculus. This
course assumes prior knowledge of high school inter-
mediate algebra (Algebra II). Note: A student can re-
ceive at most four hours credit for both MAC 1142 and
MAC 1140 and at most four credits for MAC 1142 and
MAC 1114. At most five credit hours can be received
for MAC 1142, MAC 1140, and MAC 1114. Credit
means credit toward graduation, general education, ba-
sic distribution, or Gordon Rule. (20 written assignments,
3 exams).
Roland E. Larson and Robert P. Hostetler, Algebra
and Trigonometry, 4th ed., 1997. $86.25
MAC 2311-Analytic Geometry and Calculus 1
4 sem hrs University of Origin: UF
Prereq: Passing score on SAT II C. Introduction to
analytic geometry; limits; continuity; differentiation of
algebraic and trigonometric functions, differentials; in-
troduction to integration and the fundamental theorem
of calculus. (20 written assignments, 3 exams).
In-state tuition: $68.40 per semester hour.
Out-of-state tuition: $290.26 per semester hour.
Administrative fee: $75.00
Robert Ellis and Denny Gulick, Calculus with Analytic
Geometry, 5th ed., 1994. (with solutions manual)
MAC 2312-Analytic Geometry and
Calculus 2
4 sem hrs University of Origin: UF
Prereq: MAC 2311 or MAC 3472. Techniques of inte-
gration; applications of integration; differentiation and
integration of inverse trigonometric, exponential and
logarithmic functions; sequences and series. (20 written
assignments, 3 exams).
Robert Ellis and Denny Gulick, Calculus with Analytic
Geometry, 4th ed., 1990. $76.70
Robert Ellis and Denny Gulick, Calculus with Analytic
Geometry, Student's Odd Solution Manual, 4th ed.,
1990. $18.70
PHI 2010-Introduction to Philosophy
3 sem hrs University of Origin: FSU
A systematic introduction designed to show not only the
range of problems philosophy deals with but the variety
of methods and styles with which they can be attacked.
(15 written assignments, No exam).
Immanuel Kant, Grounding for the Metaphysics of
Morals, 3rd ed., 1993. $6.35
David Hume, Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion,
1980. $7.95
John Stuart Mill, On Liberty, 1978. $5.30
Richard Taylor, Metaphysics, 4th ed., 1992. $19.80
Tuition and book prices are subject to change
without prior notification.
For up-to-date information on textbook prices
and course openings visit our uebsite.
Political Science
POS 2112-American State and Local Govern-
3 sem hrs (e-mail) University of Origin: UF
State constitutions, political parties; and politics. State
legislatures, courts and chief executives. The functions
of state governments. City and county government. (14
written assignments, 1 exam).
David C. Saffell, State and Local Government: Politics
and Public Policies, 5th ed., 1993. $13.25
DEP 3004-Developmental Psychology
3 sem hrs (e-mail) University of Origin: UCF
Prereq.: General Psychology. The effects of genetic,
psychological, maturational, and social factors on be-
havior throughout the life cycle. (14 written assignments,
2 exams).
James W. Vander Zanden, Human Development, 5th
ed., 1993. $27.80
INP 4004-Industrial Psychology
3 sem hrs University of Origin: USF
Prereq: Research Methods in Psychology. Applications
of psychological principles to industry. Topics include:
selection, training, motivation, job satisfaction, supervi-
sion, and decision-making. (19 written assignments, 1
E. Levine, Everything you Always Wanted to Know
About Job Analysis, 1983. $14.95
P. Spector, Industrial and Organizational Psychology,
1996. $66.70
Materials Key
Book Audiocassette Videocassette 'isk Map Kit
PPE 4004-Personality
3 sem hrs University of Origin: USF
Prereq: Research Methods in Psychology (grade C or
better or instructor consent). Methods and findings of
personality theories and an evaluation of constitutional,
biosocial, and psychological determinants of personal-
ity. (17 written assignments, 2 exams).
Jerry M. Burger, Personality, 3rd ed., 1993. $63.70
PSY 2013-General Psychology
3 sem hrs (e-mail) University of Origin: USF
Introductory survey of the basic principles, theories, and
methods of contemporary psychology. (18 written as-
signments, 1 exam).
C. G. Morris, Psychology, An Introduction, 1996.
J. Bishop, Study Guide For Psychology, An Introduc-
tion, 1996. $21.00
SOP 4004-Social Psychology
3 sem hrs University of Origin: USF
Prereq.: Research Methods in Psychology. Survey of
methods, empirical findings, and theoretical interpreta-
tions in the study of an individual's behavior as it is af-
fected by others. (13 written assignments, 1 exam).
E. Aronson, T. D. Wilson, and R. M. Akert, Social
Psychology, 1994. $60.00
Public Administration & Policy
PAD 3003-Public Administration in
American Society
3 sem hrs (e-mail) University of Origin: FSU
A general introductory course in public administration.
Management of large-scale government bureaucracies,
including organization, career systems, and financing.
The role of bureaucracies in modern society in the for-
mulation and implementation of public policy. (11 writ-
ten assignments, 2 exams).
Robert B. Denhardt, Public Administration: An Action
Orientation, 1st ed., 1991. $42.70
David Osborne and Ted Gaebler, Reinventing Govern-
ment, 1992. $24.00
Public Relations
PUR 3000-Introduction to Public Relations
3 sem hrs (e-mail) University of Origin: UF
Prereq.: Sophomore standing. The nature and role of
public relations, activities of public relations profession-
als, major influences which affect organizational behav-
ior, the ethics and professional development of public
relations professionals. Students who have not been ad-
mitted to the College of Journalism and Communica-
tions must have a 2.5 overall grade point average to en-
roll in other than the following courses: MMC 1000,
MMC 2100, RTV 3000, ADV 3000 and PUR 3000. (21
written assignments, 1 exam).
Scott M. Cutlip, Allen H. Center, and Glen M. Broom,
Effective Public Relations, 6th ed., 1985. $59.00
REL 2120-Religion in America
3 sem hrs (e-mail) University of Origin: FSU
An examination of the scope and nature of religious
movements and institutions in America. (20 written as-
signments, 1 exam).
Sidney E. Ahlstrom, A Religious History of the
American People, 1972. $36.00
George C. Bedell, Leo Sandon, Jr. and Charles T.
Wellborn, Religion in America, 2nd ed., 1982. $61.00
In-state tuition: $68.40 per semester hour.
Out-of-state tuition: $290.26 per semester hour.
Administrative fee: $75.00
REL 2210-Introduction to the Old Testament
3 sem hrs University of Origin: FSU
The history, religious thought, and social institutions of
ancient Israel as reflected primarily in its literature. (20
written assignments, 1 exam).
Henry Jackson Flanders, Jr., Robert Wilson Crapps,
and David Anthony Smith, People of the Covenant:
An Introduction to the Old Testament, 3rd ed., 1988.
Herbert G. May and Bruce M. Metzger, eds., The New
Oxford Annotated Bible with the Apocrypha, Expanded
Edition, Revised Standard Version, 1977. $39.95
Risk Management/Insurance
RMI 3011-Risk Management Insurance
3 sem hrs (e-mail) University of Origin: FSU
Prereq.: Fundamental Business Statistics. An intro-
duction to the principles of risk management and insur-
ance and their application to personal and business pure
risk problems. (22 written assignments, 1 exam).
George E. Rejda, Principles of Risk Management and
Insurance, 5th ed., 1995. $93.00
SYG 2000-Principles of Sociology
3 sem hrs University of Origin: UF
Introduction to sociology as a social science, and an
analysis of American society. Culture, socialization, de-
viance, bureaucracy, population, urbanization, social
stratification, minorities and other topics. (14 written
assignments, 1 exam).
John J. Macionis, Sociology, 5th ed., 1995. $66.00
John J. Macionis, Sociology, 5th ed., 1995. $66.00
SYG 2430-Marriage and Family
3 sem hrs University of Origin: UF
Development of masculine and feminine roles. Recent
changes in premarital interaction: Dating, sexual
involvement, coed dorm living, living together. Mutual
adjustment and parenthood. Alternative family
structures. (17 written assignments, 2 exams). Not
Available Until October.
Constance Shehan & Kenneth Kammeyer, Marriages
and Families: Reflection of a Gendered Society, with
study guide,1997. $48.00
Constance Shehan, Contemporary Family Issues,
1998. $31.70
SPN 1120 Beginning Spanish I
4 sem hrs University of Origin: USF
Development of basic skills in listening and reading com-
prehension, speaking, and writing of Spanish. Not open
to native or near-native speakers of Spanish.
SPN 1120L Beginning Spanish I Laboratory
1 sem hr Co-req.: SPN 1120.
A laboratory designed to offer additional practice using
various instructional technologies and media. Concur-
rent enrollment with SPN 1120 Beginning Spanish I is
required, and, if dropped, then dropped simultaneously.
Not open to native or near-native speakers of Spanish.
(S/U only.)
Van Patten, Marks and Teschner, Destinos, An Intro-
duction to Spanish, 1992 (To be used in both Spanish I
& II) $62.00
Van Patten, Marks and Teschner, Destinos, Workbook/
Study Guide I: Lecciones 1-26, 1997. $25.35
Materials Key
Book Audiocassette Videocassette Disk
Map Kit
Audio tapes to accompany Van Patten, Marks and
Teschner, Destinos, Workbook/Study Guide I:
Lecciones 1-26, 1997. (To be used in Spanish I
only.) $48.70
Van Patten, Marks and Teschner, Destinos, An Intro-
duction to Spanish. (Boston: WGBH and The Corpo-
ration for Public Broadcasting, 1992). The entire
video set for the course can be rented by calling RMI
Media Productions at 1-800-745-5480. This video
set is the only item that cannot be obtained from
Independent Study, see page 29for ordering
MHELT for Destinos for MAC or DOS. These are text
exercises to drill the grammar portions of the program.
(To be used in both Spanish I & II)
Kendris, 501 Spanish Verbs. (3rd ed. Barron's Educa-
tional Series, 1990). Arranges verbs alphabetically
and conjugates them in all tenses. Includes proverbs
and idiomatic expressions. (To be used in both Spanish
QMB 3200-Quantitative Methods for Business
3 sem hrs University of Origin: FSU
Prereq.: An introductory course in undergraduate sta-
tistics. Designed specifically for business majors. Cov-
ers topics such as statistical description, probability, ran-
dom variables and their distributions, and sampling dis-
tributions. (15 written assignments, 2 exams).
Morris Hamburg, Statistical Analysis for Decision
Making, 5th ed., 1991. $57.70
STA 2122-Introduction to Applied
4 sem hrs University of Origin: FSU
Prereq.: MAC 1105. Subsequent credit for STA
5126 is not permitted. Subsequent credit for STA
3014 is not permitted if 2122 grade is "C-" or bet-
ter. Only two (2) hours credit given for STA 2122
if "C-" or better previously earned in STA 3014.
No credit given for STA 2122 if "C-" or better earned
in QMB 3200. Data collection, sample variation,
basic probability, confidence intervals, hypothesis
testing, analysis of variance, contingency tables,
correlation, regression. (20 written assignments, 2
James T. McClave and Frank H. Dietrich II, Statistics,
6th ed., 1994. $51.80
Textiles & Consumer Sciences
CTE 1401-Basic Textiles
3 sem hrs University of Origin: FSU
Introduction to fibers, fabric structure, and finishes re-
lated to selection and care. Interrelationship between
textile characteristics, properties, and end use. (12 writ-
ten assignments, 2 exams).
Phyllis G. Tortora, Understanding Textiles, 4th ed.,
1992. $71.00
Fabric Sample Kit $7.35
Telecourse Rentals
General Information
What will it cost?
Telecourse Video Cassette rentals are $55.00 per course plus
postage and handling, these fees are non-refundable, even
if the student should decide to drop the course.
What's on the tapes?
All of the program segments in the entire Telecourse are re-
corded on extended play videotapes. Students will receive
two, three, or four tapes depending on the number of seg-
ments in the Telecourse.
How long do I keep the tapes?
Use of the tapes is for the duration of the correspondence
course. Students will have thirty (30) days from the conclu-
sion of the course to return the video cassettes. If the tapes
are not returned by the end of the 30 day grace period, an
additional $55.00 will be charged to the student's account
after notification.
How do I return them?
Please return all materials in the original bag or box. The
tapes along with the shipping copy listing your name should
be returned by certified mail or courier service.
It's really very simple...
The following information must be provided to place
your Telecourse Order from RMI:
A. The course name and title of the Tele-
course. For example: Psychology 101/Psy-
chology: The Study of Human Behavior.
B. The name of the college or university
where you are enrolled.
C. Current billing and shipping address. UPS
will not deliver to a P.O. Box.
D. Daytime Phone Number.
RMI accepts MasterCard, VISA, Discover, American
Express or money orders. To pay by credit card, call
RMI at 1-800-745-5480. On the Internet, order a Tele-
course on-line:
Money Orders should be sent to:
RMI Media Productions, Inc.
1365 North Winchester Street
Olathe, KS 66061
Sorry No Personal Checks Will Be Accepted!
Please expect a 10-15 day delivery period for
ground shipping.
Please Print
City State Zip Code
Alternate Shipping Address: (Use only if delivery
destination is different from above.)
Method of Payment:
EL Money Order
L American Express
L Discover
LI MasterCard
Credit Card Number
Expiration Date (Month/Year)
School Name:
City State Zip Code
Internet Information (Optional)
URL http://
Daytime Phone
Course Name Telecourse Title Price
Course Fees
Shipping Charges
UPS Ground UPS 2nd Day Air UPS Next Day
1 course: $5.25 1 course: $12.80 1 course: $25.05 Total
2 courses: $10.50 2 courses: $18.05 2 courses: $30.30
3 courses: $15.75 3 courses: $23.30 3 courses: $35.55
4 courses: $21.00 4 courses: $28.55 4 courses: $40.80
5 courses: $26.25 5 courses: $34.00 5 courses: $46.05
CtonrP fees and nostage rates are subject to change at any time.
Coursefees ad ostae rate are sbject o chane at av time
Department of Independent Study at the University of Florida
Mail to: Questions or problems? Contact Independent Study:
Division of Continuing Education 800-327-4218 (outside Florida); 352-392-1711
Department of Independent Study Fax: 352-392-6950; Email:
2209 NW 13 Street, Suite D Internet:
Gainesville, Florida 32609
I nrolmen Information : Pl e sas n r p t e olment Iform
Legal name
Last First Middle
Mailing address Daytime telephone number
Street Apt #
__________________________ ((__.()____
City State Zip
Permanent address
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Social Security Number
Permanent telephone number
( )______
Male Female College student (circle level) 1 2 3 4
Military (Active) Overseas Teacher Other (please explain)
I have access to email. Yes No Email address
Purpose of enrollment University of Florida degree credit Teacher certification
College entrance requirement Degree credit for other institution Job requirement
Personal satisfaction
How did you hear about Independent Study?
How many Independent Study courses have you taken? Where?
SPlease check if you need special accommodations; the Independent Study Student Services will contact
Are you an UF student? Yes No Are you currently enrolled? Yes No
Circle the UF school in which you are currently enrolled: Liberal Arts Health Sciences Architecture
Business Education Engineering Fine Arts Journalism Graduate Other (please specify)
SList other institution, if not UF, where you are enrolled
If you are enrolled in a state university or community college in Florida, approval must be obtained from your dean or
academic advisor. If you are not presently enrolled in a state university or community college in Florida, but are anticipating
enrollment, you are encouraged to seek academic advisement.
Approved by Printed Name
Phone (- ) Position
SI have received the necessary approval from my school, dean and/or advisor to enroll in Independent Study.
SI understand enrollment begins the date tuition is paid, and my time allowance for course completion is one year.
SI understand and accept other regulations as stated in the Information section of the Comprehensive Catalog.
SI authorize Independent Study to release information concerning my course work to my school or certifying
Student signature Date
I need this courses) for Graduation Teacher certification Salary increment.
If other reason, please explain
If you need to complete your course by a certain date, please list that date / /
Cuse Dsi
Course Number Credit Hours Tuition Admn Fee Total
For shipments outside the U.S. and Canada, add an additional $30.00 handling fee for each course.
1. All fees must be paid in full at the time of enrollment.
2. Make checks to the University of Florida payable in US dollars.
3. College courses may not be charged to a credit card.
4. Attach a photocopy of Florida Residency. (Such as driver's license, voter's registration card,
vehicle registration, etc., dated at least 12 months prior to your registration.)
Office Use Only
Textbook Order Form
Mail or Fax to:
Division of Continuing Education
Department of Independent Study
2209 NW 13 Street, Suite D
Gainesville, Florida 32609
Fax: 352-392-6950
Tuition and book prices are subject to change
without prior notification. For up-to-date informa-
tion on textbook prices and course openings visit
our website.
I General Information:Pleasprin or type.
Last First Middle
Shipping address
Current telephone number
Current telephone number
Consult the course description for textbook information. Be sure to include Florida sales tax.
Please order all of the required textbooks for my coursess.
Please order only the texts I have listed.
I wish to purchase a new book if available.
I wish to purchase a used book if available. (A refund will be made for the difference in price.)
Course Number
Textbook Title
(List additional texts on the back of this form if necessary.)
Handling Fee: For shipments outside of the U.S. and
Canada, add an additional $30.00 handling fee for each course.
Sales Tax: State and County sales tax are listed below.
6% : For all other FL counties not listed.
6.5%: Bay, Dade, Duval, Gulf, St. Lucie.
6.75%: Hillsborough.
7%: Baker, Bradford, Calhoun, Charlotte, Clay,
Columbia, DeSoto, Dixie, Flagler, Gadsden, Gilchrist, Glades,
Hamilton, Hardee, Hendry, Highlands, Holmes,
Indian River, Jefferson, Lafayette, Lake, Leon, Levy,
Liberty, Madison, Manatee, Nassau, Okaloosa,
Okechobee, Osceola, Pinellas, Santa Rosa, Sarasosta,
Seminole, Sumter, Suwannee, Taylor, Union, Wakulla,
Walton, & Washington.
7.5%: Escambia, Jackson, Monroe.
Total book amount
Florida tax, if applicable
Students may call the Independent Study book-
store for cost assistance,
352-392-1711, 800-327-4218 (outside Florida)
(List additional texts if necessary.)
Course Number
Textbook Title
Paying by credit card will expedite processing of your textbook(s) and eliminate delays caused by
underpayment. NOTE: C.O.D. is not accepted on orders. If paying by check, make payable to Univer-
sity of Florida in US dollars.
Credit Card Authorization
If you are paying by VISA or MasterCard please provide the
following information.
D MasterCard 0 VISA
Card Number
Expiration Date
Name as shown on card
Authorized Signature
Daytime phone (
ma gine
a o wis O even
gum stuck underneath, the desks.
Many Independent Study courses by correspondence, offered at the Division of Continuing Education
can be applied toward recertification and initial teacher certification. Teachers outside Florida
wishing to work in the state of Florida may take these courses and apply them toward initial teacher
Each state has specific certification requirements. Contact your state's Department of Education or
Bureau of Teacher Certification to determine the applicability of Independent Study correspondence
courses for your area of speciality.
For additional information contact the Division of Continuing Education
Call: 352-392-1711
Outside FL: 800-327-4218 internet e-mail
Interested individuals are encouraged to contact the
superintendent of their county school system or phone
the Bureau of Teacher Certification.
Florida Department of Education,
Bureau of Teacher Certification
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400
(904) 488-2317 278-2317* (Suncom)*
1-800-445-6739 (Inside Florida)
Web-site Address:
Continuing Professional Education
Course Descriptions
Whether you think you can or think you can't...
either way, you're right..
Henry Ford
Business Leadership &
Approved by Florida Division of Forestry, Florida
Bureau of Condominiums, and the Dietary Manag-
ers Association.
EXP 1-Exceptional People
4.5 CEUs 45 Contact Hours
This course is designed to provide a basic awareness of
persons with disabilities and people from diverse groups.
Service learning and reaction papers assist students to
experience and reflect on the possible effects of being a
member of a diverse group within society. This course
is offered for both college credit and CEUs. (13 written
assignments, 2 open-book exams).
Course Fee: $150.00
S. Schwartz and B. Karge, Human Diversity: A Guide
for Understanding, 1996. $42.00
S. Schwartz, C. Conley, and L. Eaton, Human Diver-
sity: A Visual Resource, 1997. $9.00 % A
Materials Key
Book Audiocassette Videocassete isk
Book Audiocassette Videocassette bisk
Map Kit
MGT 1-Management Ethics
2.2 CEUs 22 Contact Hours (e-mail)
This is a beginning course for business or government
managers designed to provide a basic understanding of
conceptual, individual, and organizational issues that sur-
round business ethics. Although generally exploratory
in nature, this class provides managers (and future man-
agers) with background information and basic tools, as
well as critical standards for approaching and evaluat-
ing ethical questions in the work place. (4 written as-
signments, 1 exam).
Course Fee: $125.00
William D. Hitt, Ethics and Leadership: Putting
Theory into Practice, 1990. $24.95
In Conversation: Art Levine with Michael Josephson,
Joseph Institute of Ethics. $17.00
Moral Development, CRM Films. $40.00
Course Fees and book prices are subject to
change without prior notification.
For up-to-date information on textbook prices
and course openings visit our website.
MGT 2-Quality Management: The What, How
and Why of Teamwork
2.2 CEUs 22 Contact Hours
This is a course for current and future managers who
want to know more about how organizations can em-
power their workforce to improve products and services
in order to increase customer satisfaction. (4 written as-
signments, 1 exam).
Course Fee: $125.00
Arthur R. Tenner and Irving J. DeToro, Total Quality
Management: Three Steps to Continuous Improve-
ment, 1992. $44.35
MGT 3-Personnel/Human Resource
4.4 CEUs 44 Contact Hours
Attention is focused on the theory and practice of mod-
em personnel management and its relation to other man-
agement functions. Topics include: selection, training,
job and performance evaluation, and incentive programs.
Special attention is given to human resource manage-
ment and development at various organizational levels.
(15 written assignments, 2 exams).
Course Fee: $150.00
Wayne F. Cascio, Managing Human Resources,3rd
ed., 1992. $70.00
SUP 2-Supervisory Communications
1.5 CEUs 15 Contact Hours
Improves the supervisor's communication skills. Top-
ics include interpersonal communications, motivation,
group communications and barriers, written communi-
cations, and speaking. (10 written assignments, 1 exam).
Course Fee: $125.00
Ronald Adler, Communicating at Work, 1992. $23.45
SUP 3-Supervisory Leadership
1.5 CEUs 15 Contact Hours (e-mail)
Course includes study of the leadership role and the need
to develop power and influence within that role. Differ-
ent leadership approaches, skills, and styles are consid-
ered from the standpoint of understanding motivation
and communication with subordinates. Relationship be-
tween effective leadership and organizational change is
explored. (10 written assignments, 1 exam).
Course Fee: $125.00
Richard L. Hughes, Robert C. Gennett, and Gordon J.
Curphy, Leadership: Enhancing the Lessons of
Experience, 1st ed., 1993. $32.00
SUP 4-Managing the Problem Employee
1.5 CEUs 15 Contact Hours (e-mail)
The focus of this course is on the theory and practical
skills required for effective supervision of problem em-
ployees. Contributes to supervisor's ability to maintain
a productive working environment. Teaches how to rec-
ognize the problem employee, as well as provide strate-
gies for managing and dealing with the problem em-
ployee. (10 written assignments, 1 exam).
Course Fee: $125.00
Peter Wylie and Mardy Grothe, Problem Employees:
How to Improve Their Performance, 2nd ed., 1991.
SUP 5-Working Better with Your Boss
1.5 CEUs 15 Contact Hours (e-mail)
Deals with an important yet often very difficult relation-
ship experienced by just about everyone who works in
an organization: getting along with the boss. (10 writ-
ten assignments, 1 exam).
Course Fee: $125.00
William P. Anthony, Managing Your Boss, 1983.
SUP 6-Job Productivity
1.5 CEUs 15 Contact Hours
Facilitates efficiency and effectiveness in human devel-
opment. Focuses on practical skills to enrich the quality
of life professionally and personally by enhancing pro-
ductivity and performance on and off the job. Topics
include the value of self-awareness and goal setting; skill
development; determining growth opportunities; devel-
oping a plan to modify nonproductive behaviors; in-
creased performance ability through speaking and lis-
tening skills; and enhancement of significant job-pro-
ductivity skills. (9 written assignments, 1 exam).
Course Fee: $125.00
A. Lakein, How to Get Control of Your Time and Your
Life, 1973. $5.00
M. Boeuf, Working Smart, 1979. $4.95
R. Moskowitz, How to Organize Your Work and Your
Life, 1981. $7.20
SUP 7-Reports & Letters: Written Communi-
cation for Supervisors
1.5 CEUs 15 Contact Hours
Builds skills in the daily writing tasks required at work;
includes grammar, mechanics, and organization. Re-
ports, proposals, and business letters are emphasized.
Beneficial to anyone required to do on-the-job writing.
(10 written assignments, 2 exams).
Course Fee: $125.00
Robert L. Shurter and Donald J. Leonard, Effective
Letters in Business, 3rd ed., 1984. $32.00
William D. Conway, Essentials of Technical Writing,
1987. $44.00
SUP 8-Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
2.2 CEUs 22 Contact Hours (e-mail)
This is a beginning course for current and future manag-
ers that provides a basic understanding of the many con-
ceptual, individual, and institutional issues that surround
the subject of sexual harassment in the workplace. The
course deals with such issues as changing cultural atti-
tudes at work; the evolution of the subject; its personal,
corporate, and societal ramification; profiles of typical
victims and perpetrators; the changing legal definitions
of harassment; and preventive measures to be taken by
both individuals and organizations. (4 written assign-
ments, 1 exam).
Course Fee: $125.00
Ellen J. Wagner, Sexual Harassment in the Workplace,
1992. $17.95
"Sex, Power, and the Workplace," KCET. $32.00
"Sexual Harassment in the Workplace," Florida
Department of Corrections. $6.70
Environmental Management
Students who do not work at a wastewater treat-
ment plant site, or for a wastewater utility, must
obtain permission to visit a wastewater treatment
plant periodically to make observations, talk to op-
erators, and request data.
C-WW-Wastewater Treatment Plant
Operation, Class C
15 CEUs 150 Contact Hours
Florida's Department of Business and Professional Regu-
lation recognizes this course for 12 months of construc-
tive credit. Also approved by the states of Alabama,
Alaska, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland,
North Dakota, Texas, West Virginia, and Wyoming.
Also recommended by the Manitoba Water and Waste
Materials Key
Book Audiocassette Videocassette 'isk Map Kit
Association in Canada. Contact your local approving
agency to obtain current information. Teaches skills and
knowledge needed for operation, maintenance, and su-
pervision of "C" level wastewater treatment plants. (13
written assignments, 3 exams).
Course Fee: $200.00
James Clifton, Wastewater Treatment Plant Operation,
1988. $27.00
D-WW-Wastewater Treatment Plant Opera-
tion, Class D
3 CEUs 30 Contact Hours
This course is a basic introduction to wastewater treat-
ment. It provides basic principles pertaining to the op-
eration of a "package wastewater treatment plant." Ap-
proved by the states of Alabama, Alaska, Georgia (2.5
CEHs), Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, North Dakota, Texas,
and Wyoming. Call your local approving agency to ob-
tain current information. Emphasis is on extended
aeration-type activated sludge plants. After completing
the course, students should be able to adjust and control
various parts of a treatment plant in order to produce an
excellent effluent. This course prepares students for the
Florida Department of Business and Professional Regu-
lation Class D operator certification exam. (4 written
assignments, 1 exam).
Course Fee: $125.00 No required text.
WT-C-Water Treatment Class C
14.4 CEUs 144 Contact Hours
Florida's Department of Business and Professional Regu-
lation recognizes this course for 12 months of construc-
tive credit. Also approved by the states of Georgia, Ken-
tucky, Indiana, North Dakota, and Texas. This course is
designed to train water treatment plant operators in the
basic requirements of plant operation, as well as to help
prepare them to take the water treatment state certifica-
tion exam at the "C" level. After completing the course,
the student will understand the responsibilities of water
treatment plant operation and control, as well as develop
skill in safe operational procedures sampling and labo-
ratory testing techniques. Teaches basic biology, bacte-
riology, mathematics, and chemistry associated with wa-
ter treatment. (15 written assignments, 2 exams).
Course Fee: $200.00
American Water Works Association, Water Quality
and Treatment: A Handbook of Community Water
Supplies, 4th ed., 1990. $88.00
Water Environment
federation Courses
A joint project of the Water Environment Federation (for-
merly Water Pollution Control Federation) and the Uni-
versity of Florida Independent Study Program. These
courses are administered by the University of Florida,
Division of Continuing Education, Department of Inde-
pendent Study, and developed in cooperation with the
Center for Training, Research, and Education for Envi-
ronmental Occupations (TREEO). Enrollments for these
correspondence courses should be sent to the Depart-
ment of Independent Study and checks made payable to
the University of Florida.
Students should have completed a basic wastewater treat-
ment training program prior to enrolling in these ad-
vanced courses. If the student does not work at a waste-
water treatment plant site, or for a wastewater
utility, he must obtain permission to visit a wastewater
treatment plant periodically to make observations, talk
to operators, and request data.
Water Environment Federation courses are offered in
cooperation with the TREEO Center of the University of
Florida, which also offers a range of environmental short
courses on-site and at the Center.
Course Fees and book prices are subject to
change without prior notification.
For up-to-date information on textbook prices
and course openings visit our website.
WEF 1-Activated Sludge Skills Training Pack-
age (WPCF 1)
12 CEUs 120 Contact Hours
This course assumes you have completed basic and in-
termediate operator's training. Florida's Department of
Business and Professional Regulation recognizes this
course for 3 months constructive credit experience. Also
approved by the Water Environment Federation and the
states of Alabama, Alaska, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana,
Kentucky, North Dakota, Texas, West Virginia, and
Wyoming. Designed to develop operator skills, the
course not only deals with the equipment used in acti-
vated sludge wastewater treatment, but with the control
and troubleshooting of the biological processes that oc-
cur in the system as well. Developed on the basis of
"need to know" principles, this course stresses those op-
erator activities needed to manage activated sludge sys-
tems and to keep them running efficiently. The basic
functions and processes of the modern activated sludge
operation are covered. (12 written assignments, 2 ex-
Course Fee: $200.00
Activated Sludge, Manual of Practice OM-9, 1987.
WPCF Wastewater Treatment Skill Training Package:
Activated Sludge Process Equipment, 1980. $46.70
WEF 3-Florida Level "A" Wastewater-
Wastewater Facility Management Skill Training
Package (WPCF 3)
7 CEUs 70 Contact Hours
Approved by the Water Environment Federation and the
states of Alabama, Florida and Georgia. Florida De-
partment of Environmental Protection approved train-
ing-correspondence course for Level "A" Wastewater.
Basic management concepts are presented for individu-
als working in the wastewater field and other utility work
places. Targeted at supervisors or managers of small to
medium-sized systems. Covers theory and application
of planning, organization, budgeting, personnel manage-
ment, public relations, emergency planning, safety, op-
erations and maintenance, preparing and presenting re-
Materials Key
Book Audiocassette Videocassette Disk Map Kit
ports, and selection of new equipment. This course is
based on the WPCF Management Facility Management
Skills Package Volumes I and II. It is assumed that the
student already has prior knowledge of wastewater plant
processes. The student will already have completed ba-
sic and intermediate instruction in the area of wastewa-
ter treatment. (9 written assignments, 1 exam).
Course Fee: $125.00
Wastewater Facility Management Training Package,
Volume I, 1985. $106.25
Wastewater Facility Management Training Package,
Volume II, 1985. $106.25
WEF 4-Anaerobic Digestion Skills Training
Package (WPCF 4)
3 CEUs 30 Contact Hours
The Florida Department of Business and Professional
Regulation recognizes the course for 2 months credit at
the Class B level for wastewater only. Also approved
by the Water Environment Federation and the states of
Alabama, Alaska, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky,
North Dakota, Texas, West Virginia and Wyoming. Con-
tact this department or your local approving agency to
obtain information. This course assumes you have com-
pleted basic and intermediate operator's training. The
University of Florida's course for Class C Wastewater
Operators or equivalent courses) will adequately pre-
pare you for this study. Designed to develop operator
skills, this course deals with both the equipment used in
anaerobic digestion wastewater sludges and the control
of the biological processes involved. Developed on the
basis of "need to know" principles, it describes those
activities performed in the operation and management
of anaerobic digestion systems. The general objective
is to increase your ability to recognize and understand
the basic functions and processes of anaerobic diges-
tion. (4 written assignments, 1 exam).
Course Fee: $125.00
WPCF Wastewater Treatment Skill Training Package,
1981. $42.70
Anaerobic Sludge Digestion, Manual of Practice No.
16, 2nd ed., 1987. $53.35
WEF 5-Wastewater Treatment: Sludge Con-
ditioning, Thickening, and Dewatering Skills
Training Package (WPCF 5)
4 CEUs 40 Contact Hours
Florida's Department of Business and Professional Regu-
lation recognizes this course for 5 months constructive
credit experience. Also approved by the Water Envi-
ronment Federation and the states of Alabama, Alaska,
Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, North Dakota,
Texas, West Virginia, and Wyoming. The course is
based on the WPCF manual Wastewater Treatment
Sludge Conditioning, Thickening and Dewatering, Vol-
umes A and B. It begins with a discussion of the quality
and quantity of sludge produced by different treatment
processes; performs a detailed solids balance to show
how connected one treatment process is to others within
a plant; explores methods used to chemically condition
various types of sludges; explains the operation and con-
trol of dissolved air flotation thickeners; describes de-
watering methods such as drying beds, centrifuges, belt
filter presses, and pressure filters. (5 written assignments,
1 exam).
Course Fee: $150.00
Wastewater Treatment: Sludge
Conditioning, Thickening and Dewatering, Volumes A
and B, 1985.$47.50
WEF 6-Wastewater Stabilization Ponds Skills
Training Package (WPCF 6)
3 CEUs 30 Contact Hours
Florida's Department of Business and Professional Regu-
lation recognizes this course for 4 months constructive
credit experience. Also approved by the Water Envi-
ronment Federation and the states of Alabama, Alaska,
Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, North Dakota,
Texas, and West Virginia. This course provides "need
to know" information required to properly operate and
maintain wastewater stabilization ponds (lagoons). Con-
tinuous flow-through and retention ponds are covered in
the course materials. The study guide provides addi-
tional discussion and extensive troubleshooting guides.
The course consists of four graded lessons: Ponds: Types
and Processes; Pond Operation and Performance; Pond
Maintenance and Laboratory Control; and Retention
Pond Operation. No prior knowledge of wastewater treat-
ment technologies is assumed. (4 written assignments,
1 exam).
Course Fee: $125.00
Wastewater Stabilization Ponds, WPCF Wastewater
Treatment Skill Training Package, 1981. $24.00
Florida Division of Forestry Approved
Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer
Services Approved.
FOR 1-Introduction to Forestry
1.5 CEUs 15 Contact Hours
This entry-level course describes important aspects of
the science of forestry. Focuses on the forest as a his-
torically valued resource, both aesthetically and com-
mercially; identification of distinct forest communities;
managing forest stands for specific purposes; and forest
policy and planning. (10 written assignments, 1 exam).
Course Fee: $150.00
G. W. Sharpe, C. W. Hendee, and W. E. Sharpe, Intro-
duction to Forestry, 5th ed., 1986. $63.85
FOR 2-Principles of Silviculture
5 CEUs 50 Contact Hours
Designed to provide an understanding of the biological
management of forests. Focuses on the theory and prac-
tical skills required to establish and manage a forest in
terms of the landowner's goals and management objec-
tives. (10 written assignments, 1 exam).
Course Fee: $150.00
David M. Smith, The Practice of Silviculture, 8th ed.,
1986. $37.95
FOR 6-Basic Forest and Wildland
Fire Behavior
4 CEUs 40 Contact Hours
Forest and wildland fire behavior is defined as the way
fire reacts to fuel, weather, and topography. Students
study ways that fuels ignite, flames develop, and fire
spreads and exhibits other defining characteristics. De-
signed for entry-level personnel, this course concentrates
on the fire environment, fuels, critical weather situations,
suppression techniques, and the cautious firefighter. (6
written assignments, 1 exam).
Course Fee: $150.00
Fire Fighter's Guide (Tallahassee, FL: Florida Depart-
ment of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division
of Forestry, 1983). $7.22
Mark J. Schroeder and Charles C. Buck, Fire Weather,
A Guide for Application of Meteorological Informa-
tion to Forest Fire Control Operations, (USDA Forest
Service, Agriculture Handbook 360, 1970). $4.50
Materials Key
Book Audiocassette Videocassette isk
Map Kit
FOR 7-Introduction to Urban and
Community Forestry
4.5 CEUs 45 Contact Hours
Planning, establishment, and management of urban trees
on community streets, in parks, and in forested greenbelts
is the focus of this course in urban forestry. Topics in-
clude: the use and value of community trees; ordinances
to manage and protect urban trees and forests; street tree
management; greenbelt silviculture; basic tree care; and
tree protection. (10 written assignments, 2 exams).
Course Fee: $150.00
R.W. Miller. Urban Forestry: Planning and Manag-
ing Urban Greenspaces, 1988. $80.00
GEN 1-Introduction to American Genealogi-
cal Research
5 CEUs 50 Contact Hours
This course provides the tools to conduct genealogical
research. It will help you locate the records needed to
study your ancestry. This course is designed to take you
step-by-step through the process of filling in your fam-
ily tree. Topics include the value of family records, per-
sonal knowledge of family members, and the numerous
types of public and private records that must be used to
compile a family history correctly. (10 written assign-
ments, 1 open-book exam).
Course Fee: $150.00 No required text
Course Fees and book prices are subject to
change without prior notification.
For up-to-date information on textbook prices
and course openings visit our website.
Pest Control
National Pest Control Association Approved
PC 1-Guidelines for Structural Fumigation
4 CEUs 40 Contact Hours
Provides basic, sound guidelines for performing struc-
tural fumigation. (6 written assignments, I exam).
Course Fee: $150.00
Philip G. Koehler and the Florida Pest Control
Association's Continuing Education Committee,
Structural Fumigation Manual (Gainesville, FL:
Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University
of Florida). $12.50
PC 2-Guidelines for the Control of Subterra-
nean Termites
4 CEUs 40 Contact Hours
Covers topics essential for effective subterranean ter-
mite control. (6 written assignments, 1 exam).
Course Fee: $150.00
Philip G. Koehler and Fred Diehl, Subterranean
Termite Control Manual (Gainesville, FL: Institute of
Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of
Florida). $5.35
PC 3-Guidelines for Bird Management
4 CEUs 40 Contact Hours
Approved by the Florida Bureau of Condominiums. Pro-
vides basic sound guidelines for bird management and
control. (5 written assignments, 1 exam).
Course Fee: $150.00
Vertebrate Control Committee, NPCA, Bird Manage-
ment Manual (Dunn Loring, VA: National Pest
Control Association, 1982). $40.00
The following course listings are detailed in
separate publications, contact the Division of
Continuing Education to receive the appropriate
Division of Continuing Education
Department of Independent Study
2209 NW 13 Street, Suite D
Gainesville, Florida 32609
352-392-6950 fax
Dietary Manager Training Course
The Dietary Manager Training Course is designed to train
supervisors in all areas of foodservice operations and
nutrition care. The course materials have been carefully
prepared to meet the needs of hospitals, extended-care
facilities, and a variety of other foodservice operations.
The Dietary Manager Training course is a completely
self-contained pre-certification course. The course is de-
signed to qualify the student to take national boards and/
or certification exams. Enrollment in this course does
not automatically determine eligibility to sit for the na-
tional board and/or pre-certification exams. Determina-
tion of eligibility is the sole responsibility of the student.
SSS 1 Safety, Sanitation, & Security
3 CEUs 30 Contact Hours
This course covers such topics as OSHA requirements,
fire safety, lifting, ergonomics, disaster planning, aid for
choking, external and internal security, all aspects of sani-
tation and a complete module on Hazard Analysis Criti-
cal Control Point (HACCP). Includes safety, sanitary
and security checklists, sample policies and procedures,
a sample in-service training program and much more.
fligh School Courses
High school courses are produced in cooperation with
the P.K. Younge Laboratory School of the University
of Florida. Students have an opportunity to select from
different high school courses. Each course is designed
to be the equivalent of its classroom counterpart. The
successful completion of a course will earn the student
1/2 credit.
Legal Assistant Program
This noncredit certificate program was developed by a
licensed practicing attorney. This course prepares you
to become knowledgeable in the field of legal assist-
ing. It emphasizes developing the legal competence
and high ethical standards that are essential for a career
as a paralegal.
After you complete this program, you will be prepared
to take the National Association of Legal Assistants
(NALA) exam. Completion of this course does not
automatically determine eligibility to sit for the CLA
certifying examination. You can contact the NALA at
(918) 587-6828 or write 1516 South Boston Avenue,
Suite 200, Tulsa, OK 74119-4013 for further informa-
tion. Determination of eligibility is the sole responsi-
bility of the student.
Insurance Pre-Licensing
A full range of insurance licensing courses are offered
through Independent Study. Pre-licensing courses in
life, health, annuity, property and liability are offered,
as well as, bail and bail bond insurance. These courses
qualify you to take the state exams to become a general
lines agent, customer representative, limited surety
agent, ordinary life (and health) agent, and/or a health-
only agent.
Information Technology Courses
The Division of Continuing Education, Information Tech-
nology Department offers Novell CNA-CNE and
Microsoft MCPS-MCSE courses. These hands-on courses
are taught at the TREEO Center in Gainesville, utilizing
their state of the art computer lab. These courses are of-
fered at a 40% discount from the standard list price. Ar-
rangements can be made to meet your scheduling needs,
most courses are offered nights and weekends. These
courses provide students opportunities to learn valuable
technical skills and industry recognized certification.
These certifications can lead to future career opportuni-
ties or enhance current careers.
Contact the Division of Continuing Education's Informa-
tion Technology Department for further information: 352-
392-2137, Ext. 231 or
For up-to-date information on textbook prices and course openings visit our website.
Department of Independent Study at the University of Florida
Mail or Fax to: Questions or problems? Contact Independent Study:
Division of Continuing Education 800-327-4218 (outside Florida); 352-392-1711
Department of Independent Study Fax: 352-392-6950; Email:
2209 NW 13 Street, Suite D Internet:
Gainesville, Florida 32609
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For shipments outside the U.S. and Canada, add an additional $30.00 handling fee for each course.
0 MethdoPamen
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Textbook Order Form
Mail or Fax to:
Division of Continuing Education
Department of Independent Study
2209 NW 13 Street, Suite D
Gainesville, Florida 32609
Fax: 352-392-6950
Tuition and book prices are subject to change
without prior notification. For up-to-date informa-
tion on textbook prices and course openings visit
our website.
I General Information: Pleaseprintor t y.
Shipping address
Current telephone number
Consult the course description for textbook information. Be sure to include Florida sales tax.
Please order all of the required textbooks for my coursess.
Please order only the texts I have listed.
I wish to purchase a new book if available.
I wish to purchase a used book if available. (A refund will be made for the difference in price.)
Course Number
Textbook Title
(List additional texts on the back of this form if necessary.)
Handling Fee: For shipments outside of the U.S. and
Canada, add an additional $30.00 handling fee for each course.
Sales Tax: State and County sales tax are listed below.
6% : For all other FL counties not listed.
6.5%: Bay, Dade, Duval, Gulf, St. Lucie.
6.75%: Hillsborough.
7%: Baker, Bradford, Calhoun, Charlotte, Clay,
Columbia, DeSoto, Dixie, Flagler, Gadsden, Gilchrist, Glades,
Hamilton, Hardee, Hendry, Highlands, Holmes,
Indian River, Jefferson, Lafayette, Lake, Leon, Levy,
Liberty, Madison, Manatee, Nassau, Okaloosa,
Okechobee, Osceola, Pinellas, Santa Rosa, Sarasosta,
Seminole, Sumter, Suwannee, Taylor, Union, Wakulla,
Walton, & Washington.
7.5%: Escambia, Jackson, Monroe.
Total book amount
Florida tax, if applicable
Students may call the Independent Study book-
store for cost assistance, 352-392-1711,
800-327-4218 (outside Florida)
(List additional texts if necessary.)
Course Number
Textbook Title
Paying by credit card will expedite processing of your textbook(s) and eliminate delays caused by
underpayment. NOTE: C.O.D. is not accepted on orders. If paying by check, make payable to Univer-
sity of Florida in US dollars.
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Division of Continuing Education
Department of Independent Study
2209 NW 13 Street, Suite D
Gainesville, Florida 32609-3498
(352) 392-1711
1-800-327-4218 (Outside Florida) internet e-mail
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