university record of the
gainesville 1987/1988
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OFFICERS OF ADMINISTRATION ..................... iv
UNIVERSITY CALENDAR ............................ vi
GENERAL INFORMATION .............. ........ .. 1
THE GRADUATE SCHOOL ........................ 3
Nonthesis Degrees ...... ....................... 3
Thesis Degrees ................................ 4
GENERAL REGULATIONS ......................... 7
REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PH.D. ................... 19
EXPENSES ........... ................... 21
HOUSING .............................. ...... 24
FINANCIAL AID............. ..... ............ 25
Research and Teaching Facilities ....... ............ 29
Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies Programs .. .. ... ; 32
Research Organizations......................... 37
Interdisciplinary Research Centers .................. 39
STUDENT SERVICES .............. .............. 44
FIELDS OF INSTRUCTION ......................... 47
BY COLLEGE ......... ................. ..... .. 49
GRADUATE FACULTY .............................157
INDEX....................................... 187
DEGREES............................ ....... 191
DEGREES ......................................192
Lieutenant Governor
Secretary of State
Attorney General
State Treasurer
Commissioner of Education
Commissioner of Agriculture
Chairman, Tampa
Vice Chairman, Saint Petersburg,
Daytona Beach
Lake Wales
Fort Lauderdale
Commissioner of Education
MARSHALL M. CRISER, L.L.B., President of the University
ROBERT ARMISTEAD BRYAN, Ph.D., Provost and Vice President for
Academic Affairs
ALVIN V. ALSOBROOK, B.S., Vice President for University Relations
T. PETER BENNETT, Ph.D., Director, Florida State'Museum
PATRICK JOSEPH BIRD, Ph.D., Dean, College of Health and Human
BRISBANE H. BROWN, JR., Ph.D., Director, School of Building
DALE CANELAS, M.A., Director of University Libraries
ANTHONY j. CANTANESE, Ph.D., Dean, College of Architecture
DAVID R. CHALLONER, M.D., Vice President for Health Affairs
WAYNE H. CHEN, Ph.D., Dean, College of Engineering, and Director,
Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station
JAMES M. DAVIDSON, Ph.D., Dean for Research, Institute of Food
and Agricultural Sciences
WILLIAM B. DEAL, M.D., Associate Vice President for Clinical Affairs,
and Dean, College of Medicine
WILLIAM EARL ELMORE, B.S., Vice President for Administrative Affairs
KENNETH FRANKLIN FINGER, Ph.D., Associate Vice President for
Health Affairs
KIRK GELATT, V.MJ)., Dean, College of Veterinary Medicine
RICHARD GUTEKUNST, Ph.D., Dean, College of Health Related
GENE WILLARD HEMP, Ph.D., Associate Vice President for Academic
JAMES W. KNIGHT, Ed.D., Dean, Academic Affairs for Continuing
DONALD LEGLER, D.D.S., Ph.D., Dean, College of Dentistry
MADELYN M. LOCKHART, Ph.D., Dean, Graduate School, and Dean,
International Studies and Programs
CATHERINE A. LONGSTRETH, Ed.D., Assistant Vice President for
Academic Affairs
RALPH L. LOWENSTEIN, Ph.D., Dean, College of journalism and
ARNETT C. MACE, JR., Ph.D., Director, School of Forest Resources
and Conservation
LOIS MALASANOS, Ph.D., Dean, College of Nursing
HELEN L. MAMARCHEV, Ph.D., Associate Vice President for Student
TERRY L. MCCOY, Ph.D., Director, Center for Latin American Studies
ALAN G. MERTEN, Ph.D., Dean, College of Business Administration
DONALD R. PRICE, Ph.D., Vice President for Research
FRANK T. READ, J.D., Dean, College of Law
JOSEPH J. SABATELLA, M.F.A., Dean, College of Fine Arts'
C. ARTHUR SANDEEN, Ph.D., Vice President for Student Affairs
HADLEY P. SCHAEFER, Ph.D., Director, Fisher School of Accounting
GERALD SCHAFFER, B.S.B.A:, Associate Vice President for
Administrative Affairs
GEROLD L. SCHIEBLER, M.D., Associate Vice President for Health
MICHAEL A. SCHWARTZ, Ph.D., Dean, College of Pharmacy
CHARLES F. SIDMAN, Ph.D., Dean, College of Liberal Arts and
DAVID C. SMITH, Ph.D., Dean, College of Education
RICHARD T. SMITH, M.D., Vice President for University Advancement
KENNETH RAY TEFERTILLER, Ph.D., Vice President for Agricultural
JOHN T. WOESTE, Ph.D., Dean for Extension, Instituteof Food and
Agricultural Sciences
GERALD L. ZACHARIAH, Ph.D., Dean for Resident Instruction,
Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
MADELYN M. LOCKHART, Ph.D. (Ohio State University), Dean of the
Graduate School, Dean of International Studies and Programs, and
Professor of Economics
LINTON E. GRINTER, Ph.D. (University df Illinois), Dean Emeritus, of
the Graduate School and Professor of Engineering
JOHN J. KORAN, JR., Ph.D. (Stanford University), Associate Dean of
the Graduate School and International Studies and Programs and
Professor of Instruction and Curriculum
RODERICK MCDAVIS, Ph.D. (University of Toledo), Associate Dean
of the Graduate School and Minority Programs and Professor of
Counselor Education
MADELYN M. LOCKHART (Chair), Ph.D. (Ohio State University),
Dean of the Graduate School,, Dean of International Studies and
Programs, and Professor of Economics
CHARLES M. ALLEN, JR., Ph.D. (Brandeis University), Professor of
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
MERLE A. BATTISTE, Ph.D. (Columbia University), Professor of Chemistry
GORDON G. BECHTEL, Ph.D. (University of Michigan), Professor of
RICHARD BRADLEY, SR., Ph.D. (University of Georgia), Professor of
Veterinary Medicine
LINDA M. CROCKER, Ph.D. (Michigan State University), Professor of
Foundations of Education
EILEEN B. FENNELL, Ph.D. (University of Florida), Associate Professor
of Clinical Psychology
JOHN F. HELLING, Ph.D. (Ohio State University), Professor of
PAUL H. HOLLOWAY, Ph.D. (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute),
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
KURT E. M. KENT, Ph.D. (University of Minnesota), Professor of
journalism and Communications
MAX R. LANGHAM, Ph.D. (University of Illinois), Professor of Food
and Resource Economics
JOHN F. SCOTT, Ph.D. (Columbia University), Associate Professor of
CAROLYN M. TUCKER, Ph.D. (State University of New York),
Associate Professor of Psychology
University Dates
Admission Application ........................ June 19
Classes Begin ............... ............ August 24
Registration ...................... .... .. August 18-20.
Degree Application ....................... September 18
Midpoint of Semester .. ................... October 20
Classes End ................... ....... December 11
Commencement.. .................... December 19
Thesis and Dissertation
First Submission of
Dissertation ........................... October 19
Submit Signed Original Thesis
and Final Exam Form .................... November 18
Submit Signed Dissertation
and Final Exam Form .................... December 14
GSFLT and GRE Test Dates
GRE Examination ........................... October *
December *
GSFLT Examination ........................ October 24
University Dates
Admission Application. ... ............. November 2
Classes Begin ................. ............. January 5
Registration ......... ..................... January 4
Degree Application ......................... January 22
M idpoint of Semester ....................... March 1
Classes End .................. ........... April 22
Commencement ............... .............. April 30
Thesis and Dissertation
First Submission of
Dissertation ............. ....... .......... M arch 7
Submit Signed Original Thesis
and Final Exam Form ................... ... April 1.
Submit Signed Dissertation
and Final Exam Form ........................ April 25
GSFLT and GRE Dates
GRE Examination .... ........................ January *
February *
GSFLT Examination ........................ February 13
University Dates
Admission Application ........................ March 1
Classes Begin .................................. May 9
Registration ......... ................... .... .. M ay 6
Classes End .......... ...... .. ............ June 17
University Dates
Admission Application ................. ..... April 25
Classes Begin ................................ June 27
Registration ................................ June 24
Degree Application ........................... June 29
Midpoint of Summer Terms ..................... June 27
Classes End................. ................ August 5
Commencement (A, B & C) ................... August 6
Thesis and Dissertation
First Submission of
Dissertation (A, B & C) ................... .... June 27
Submit Signed Original Thesis
and Final Exam Form (A, B & C) ................. July 18
Submit Signed Dissertation
and Final Exam Form (A, B & C) ............... August 1
GSFLT and GRE Test Dates
GRE Exam nation .............................. June *
GSFLT Exam nation ............. ............... June 18
*GRE dates were not available at printing time. These dates will be available in the Graduate School in mid-summer 1987.
June 19, Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day to file application for admission for Fall Semester.
August 6, Thursday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day to request transfer of credit for fall candidates for degrees.
August 18-20, Tuesday-Thursday
Registration (including payment of fees) according to assigned
appointments. No one permitted to start regular registration after
3:00 p.m., Thursday, August 20.
August 21, Friday
Drop/Add begins. Late registration begins. Students subject to late
registration fee.
August 24, Monday
Classes begin.
August 26, Wednesday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day for dropping a course and for changing sections.
August 27, Thursday
Last day for completing late registration and for adding a course.
August 31, Monday
Last day to pay fees without being subject to late fee.
September 7, Monday
Labor Day. All classes suspended.
September 18, Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day to apply at Registrar's Office for degree to be conferred at
end of Fall Semester.
October 16-17, Friday-Saturday
Homecoming. All classes suspended Friday.
October 19, Monday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day for candidates for doctoral degrees to file dissertation, fee
receipts for library hardbinding and microfilming, and all doctoral
forms with the Graduate School.
October 20, Tuesday
Midpoint of term for completing doctoral qualifying examination.
October 24, Saturday, 9:00 a.m.
Foreign language reading knowledge examinations (GSFLT) in
French, German, and Spanish.
University Dates
Admission Application ........................ June 19
Classes Begin ............... ............ August 24
Registration ...................... .... .. August 18-20.
Degree Application ....................... September 18
Midpoint of Semester .. ................... October 20
Classes End ................... ....... December 11
Commencement.. .................... December 19
Thesis and Dissertation
First Submission of
Dissertation ........................... October 19
Submit Signed Original Thesis
and Final Exam Form .................... November 18
Submit Signed Dissertation
and Final Exam Form .................... December 14
GSFLT and GRE Test Dates
GRE Examination ........................... October *
December *
GSFLT Examination ........................ October 24
University Dates
Admission Application. ... ............. November 2
Classes Begin ................. ............. January 5
Registration ......... ..................... January 4
Degree Application ......................... January 22
M idpoint of Semester ....................... March 1
Classes End .................. ........... April 22
Commencement ............... .............. April 30
Thesis and Dissertation
First Submission of
Dissertation ............. ....... .......... M arch 7
Submit Signed Original Thesis
and Final Exam Form ................... ... April 1.
Submit Signed Dissertation
and Final Exam Form ........................ April 25
GSFLT and GRE Dates
GRE Examination .... ........................ January *
February *
GSFLT Examination ........................ February 13
University Dates
Admission Application ........................ March 1
Classes Begin .................................. May 9
Registration ......... ................... .... .. M ay 6
Classes End .......... ...... .. ............ June 17
University Dates
Admission Application ................. ..... April 25
Classes Begin ................................ June 27
Registration ................................ June 24
Degree Application ........................... June 29
Midpoint of Summer Terms ..................... June 27
Classes End................. ................ August 5
Commencement (A, B & C) ................... August 6
Thesis and Dissertation
First Submission of
Dissertation (A, B & C) ................... .... June 27
Submit Signed Original Thesis
and Final Exam Form (A, B & C) ................. July 18
Submit Signed Dissertation
and Final Exam Form (A, B & C) ............... August 1
GSFLT and GRE Test Dates
GRE Exam nation .............................. June *
GSFLT Exam nation ............. ............... June 18
*GRE dates were not available at printing time. These dates will be available in the Graduate School in mid-summer 1987.
June 19, Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day to file application for admission for Fall Semester.
August 6, Thursday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day to request transfer of credit for fall candidates for degrees.
August 18-20, Tuesday-Thursday
Registration (including payment of fees) according to assigned
appointments. No one permitted to start regular registration after
3:00 p.m., Thursday, August 20.
August 21, Friday
Drop/Add begins. Late registration begins. Students subject to late
registration fee.
August 24, Monday
Classes begin.
August 26, Wednesday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day for dropping a course and for changing sections.
August 27, Thursday
Last day for completing late registration and for adding a course.
August 31, Monday
Last day to pay fees without being subject to late fee.
September 7, Monday
Labor Day. All classes suspended.
September 18, Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day to apply at Registrar's Office for degree to be conferred at
end of Fall Semester.
October 16-17, Friday-Saturday
Homecoming. All classes suspended Friday.
October 19, Monday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day for candidates for doctoral degrees to file dissertation, fee
receipts for library hardbinding and microfilming, and all doctoral
forms with the Graduate School.
October 20, Tuesday
Midpoint of term for completing doctoral qualifying examination.
October 24, Saturday, 9:00 a.m.
Foreign language reading knowledge examinations (GSFLT) in
French, German, and Spanish.
November 11, Wednesday
Veterans Day. All classes suspended.
November 18, Wednesday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day to submit signed original copies of master's theses, Final
Examination Reports, abstracts, and binding fee receipts to
Graduate School.
November 25, Wednesday
Last day to withdraw without receiving failing grades in all
November 26-27, Thursday-Friday
Thanksgiving. Classes suspended 10:00 p.m., November 25.
December 11, Friday
All classes end.
December 12-19, Saturday-Saturday
Final Examinations.
December 14, Monday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day to submit signed original copies of dissertations and Final
Examination Reports to 109 GRI.
Final Examination Reports for nonthesis degree due in 288 GRI.
December 17, Thursday, 10:00 a.m.
Grades for degree candidates due in Registrar's Office.
December 18, Friday, 10:00 a.m.
Report of colleges on candidates for degrees due in Graduate
SSchool Office.
December 19, Saturday
Commencement Convocation
December 21, Monday, 9:00 a.m.
All grades for Fall Semester due in Registrar's Office.
November 2, Monday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day to file application for admission for Spring Semester.
December 11, Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day to request transfer of credit for spring candidates for
January 4, Monday
Registration (including payment of fees) according to assigned
appointments. No one permitted to start regular registration
after 3:00 p.m.
January 5, Tuesday
Drop/Add begins. Late registration begins. Students subject to late
registration fee.
Classes begin.
January 7, Thursday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day for dropping a course and for changing sections.
January 8, Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day for completing late registration and adding a course.
January 11, Monday, 2:30 p.m.
Last day to pay fees without being subject to late fee.,
January 22, Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day to apply at Registrar's Office for degree to be conferred
at end of Spring Semester.
February 13, Saturday, 9:00 a.m.
Foreign language reading knowledge examinations (GSFLT) in
French, German, and Spanish.
February 29-March 4, Monday-Friday
Spring Break. All classes suspended.
March 1, Tuesday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day for currently enrolled students to file application at Regi-
strar's Office for admission to Graduate School for Term A or C.
Midpoint of term for completing doctoral qualifying examinations.
March 7, Monday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day for candidates for doctoral degrees to file dissertations, fee
receipts for library hardbinding and microfilming, and all doctoral
forms with the Graduate School.
April 1, Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day to submit signed original copies of master's theses, Final
Examination Reports, abstracts, and binding fee receipts to
Graduate School.
April 8, Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day to withdraw without receiving failing grades in all
April 22, Friday
All classes end.
April 23-30, Saturday-Saturday
Final Examinations
April 25, Monday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day for currently enrolled students to file application at
Registrar's Office for admission to Graduate School for Term
Last day to submit signed original copies of dissertations and Final
Examination Reports to 109 GRI.
Final Examination Reports for nonthesis degrees due in 288 GRI.
April 28, Thursday, 10:00 a.m.
Grades for degree candidates due in Registrar's Office.
April 29, Friday
Report of colleges on candidates for degrees due in Graduate
School Office by 10:00 a.m.
April 30, Saturday
Commencement Convocation.
May 2, Monday, 9:00 a.m.
All grades for Spring Semester due in Registrar's Office.
March 1, Tuesday
Last day to file application for admission for Summer Term A or C.
April 22, Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day to request transfer of credit for summer candidates for
May 6, Friday
Registration (including payment of fees) according to assigned
appointments. No one permitted to start regular registration
after 3:00 p.m.
May 9, Monday
Drop/Add begins. Late Registration begins. Students subject to late
Registration fee.
Classes begin.
May 11, Wednesday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day for Drop/Add and for changing sections.
Last day for completing late registration.
May 12, Thursday, 2:30 p.m.
Last day to pay fees without being subject to late registration fee.
May 30, Monday
Memorial Day. All classes suspended
June 10, Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day for withdrawing without receiving failing grades in all
June 17, Friday,
Al classes end.
June 18, Saturday, 9:00 a.m.
Foreign language reading knowledge examinations (GSFLT) in
French, German, and Spanish.
June 21, Tuesday, 2:00 p.m.
All grades for Summer Term A due in Registrar's Office.
April 25, Monday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day to file application for admission for Summer Term B.
June 24, Friday
Registration according to assigned appointments. No one permitted
to start regular registration after 3:00 p.m.
June 27, Monday
Midpoint of summer terms for completing doctoral qualifying
examinations '
Drop/Add begins. Late Registration begins. Students subject to
late registration fee.
Classes begin.
Last day for candidates for doctoral degrees to file dissertations,
fee receipts for library hardbinding and microfilming, and all
doctoral forms with the Graduate School.
June 29, Wednesday
Last day for Drop/Add and for changing sections.
Last day for completing late registration.
Last day to apply at Registrar's Office for degree to be conferred
at end of Summer Terms B and C.
June 30, Thursday, 2:30 p.m.
Last day to pay fees without late fee.
July 4, Monday
Independence Day Holiday. All classes suspended.
July 18, Monday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day to submit signed original manuscripts of master's theses
Final Examination Reports, abstracts, and binding fee receipts
to Graduate School.
August 1, Monday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day to submit signed original dissertations and Final Exami-
nation Reports to 109 GRI.
Final Examination Reports for nonthesis degrees due in 288 GRI.
August 4, Thursday, 10:00 a.m.
Degree candidates' grades due in Registrar's Office.
August 5, Friday, 10:00 a.m.
Reports of colleges on degree candidates due in Graduate School,
S288 GRI.
All classes end.
August 6, Saturday
Commencement Convocation.
August 8, Monday, 9:00 a.m.
All grades for Summer Terms B and C due in Registrar's Office
NOTE: For some departments, deadlines for receipt of admission applications may be earlier than those stated in the current University Calendar.
General Information
Rules, policies, fees, and courses described in this
Catalog are subject to change without notice.
The Graduate School consists of the dean, two associate
deans, the Graduate Council, and the graduate faculty.
General policies and standards of the Graduate School
are established by the graduate faculty. Any policy
change must be approved by the graduate deans and the
Graduate Council. The Graduate School is responsible
for the enforcement of minimum general standards of
graduate work in the University and for the coordination
of the graduate programs of the various colleges and divi-
sions of the University. The responsibility for the detailed
operations of graduate programs is vested in the indi-
vidual colleges, schools, divisions, and departments. In
most of the colleges an assistant dean or other official is
directly responsible for graduate study in that college.
The Graduate Council assists the dean in being the agent
of the graduate faculty for execution of policy related to
graduate study and associated research. The Council,
which is chaired by the graduate dean, considers peti-
tions and policy changes. Members of the graduate
faculty, who are appointed by the dean with the approval
of the Graduate Council, fall into two categories in
accordance with their function: the Graduate Studies
Faculty (GSF), who are appointed to teach graduate
courses and to direct master's theses, and the Doctoral
Research Faculty (DRF), who are appointed in addition
to direct doctoral dissertations. No faculty member may
perform any of these functions without having been
appointed to the graduate faculty, though temporary
exceptions may be made in unusual circumstances.
In the beginning the organization of graduate study was
very informal. Control was in the hands of a faculty com-
mittee which reported directly to the President. In 1910,
however, James N. Anderson, Head of the Department of
Ancient Languages, was appointed Dean of the College of
Arts and Sciences and Director of Graduate Work, and in
1930 he became the first Dean of the Graduate School.
He was succeeded upon his retirement in 1938 by T. M.
Simpson, Head of the Department of Mathematics, who
held the position until 1951. C. F. Byers, Head of the
Department of Biological Sciences in the University
College, served as Acting Dean from June 1951 until
August 1952 when he was succeeded by L. E. Grinter,
who came from the Illinois Institute of Technology,
where he had been Vice President, Dean of the Graduate
School, and Research Professor. Upon becoming Acting
Vice President in 1969, Dr. Grinter was named Dean
Emeritus of the Graduate School. He was succeeded by
Harold P. Hanson, who came to Florida from the Univer-
sity of Texas, where he had served as Chairman of the De-
partment of Physics. In 1971, Dr. Hanson was appointed
Vice President for Academic Affairs. Alexander G. Smith
of the Department of Physics and Astronomy and a former
assistant dean of the Graduate School served as Acting
Dean until the appointment of Harry H. Sisler. Dr. Sisler
served as Chairman of the Department of Chemistry, Dean
of the College of Arts and Sciences, and Executive Vice
President of the University of Florida prior to being
named Dean of the Graduate School in March 1973. In
September 1979, Dr. Sisler returned to teaching as
Distinguished Service Professor of Chemistry. F. Michael
Wahl, Associate Dean of the Graduate School, Associate
Director of Sponsored Research, and Professor of
Geology, served as Acting Dean until the appointment of
Francis G. Stehli in June 1980.
SDr. Stehli came to Florida from Case Western Reserve
University where he had served as Samuel St. John
Professor of Geology, Chairman of the Department of
Geology, and Dean of Science and Engineering. In Sep-
tember 1982, Dr. Stehli became Dean of the College of
Geosciences at the University of Oklahoma. Donald R.
Price, Associate Dean for Research and Professor of Agri-
cultural Engineering, served as Acting Dean from January
1983 to January 1985 when Madelyn M. Lockhart
became Dean of the Graduate School. Prior to her
appointment, Dr. Lockhart served as Associate Dean of
the Graduate School and Professor of Economics. She
began a dual appointment as Dean of the Graduate
School and Dean of International Studies and Programs
in June 1985.
Graduate study at the University of Florida existed
while the University was still on its Lake City campus.
However, the first graduate degrees-two Master of Arts
with a major in English and a Master of Science with a
major in entomology-were awarded on the Gainesville
campus in 1906. The first programs leading to the Ph.D.
were initiated in 1930, and the first degrees were
awarded in 1934, one with a major in chemistry and the
other with a major in pharmacy. The first Ed.D. was
awarded in 1948. Graduate study has had a phenomenal
growth at the University of Florida. In 1930, 33 degrees
were awarded in 12 fields. In 1940, 66 degrees were
awarded in 16 fields. In 1985-86 the total number of
graduate degrees awarded was 1,472 in more than 100
fields. The proportion of doctoral degrees has increased
steadily. In 1950, 18 Ph.D.s and 5 Ed.D.s were awarded.
In 1985-86 the total was 276 Ph.D.s and 16 Ed.D.s.
Refer to the section of this Catalog entitled Fields of
Instruction for specializations in the approved pro-
(Asterisk (*) indicates thesis option)
Master of Accounting (M.Acc.)
Master of Agriculture (M.Ag.) with program in one of the
Agricultural and Extension Food Science and Human
Education Nutrition
Agronomy Horticultural Science:
Animal Science Fruit Crops
Botany Ornamental Horticulture
Dairy Science Vegetable Crops
Entomology and Plant Pathology
Nematology Poultry Science
Soil Science
Master of Agricultural Management and Resource
Development (M.A.M.R.D.) with program in Food and
Resource Economics.
Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) with program in
one of the following:
Anthropology German
French History
Geography Latin
The Graduate School consists of the dean, two associate
deans, the Graduate Council, and the graduate faculty.
General policies and standards of the Graduate School
are established by the graduate faculty. Any policy
change must be approved by the graduate deans and the
Graduate Council. The Graduate School is responsible
for the enforcement of minimum general standards of
graduate work in the University and for the coordination
of the graduate programs of the various colleges and divi-
sions of the University. The responsibility for the detailed
operations of graduate programs is vested in the indi-
vidual colleges, schools, divisions, and departments. In
most of the colleges an assistant dean or other official is
directly responsible for graduate study in that college.
The Graduate Council assists the dean in being the agent
of the graduate faculty for execution of policy related to
graduate study and associated research. The Council,
which is chaired by the graduate dean, considers peti-
tions and policy changes. Members of the graduate
faculty, who are appointed by the dean with the approval
of the Graduate Council, fall into two categories in
accordance with their function: the Graduate Studies
Faculty (GSF), who are appointed to teach graduate
courses and to direct master's theses, and the Doctoral
Research Faculty (DRF), who are appointed in addition
to direct doctoral dissertations. No faculty member may
perform any of these functions without having been
appointed to the graduate faculty, though temporary
exceptions may be made in unusual circumstances.
In the beginning the organization of graduate study was
very informal. Control was in the hands of a faculty com-
mittee which reported directly to the President. In 1910,
however, James N. Anderson, Head of the Department of
Ancient Languages, was appointed Dean of the College of
Arts and Sciences and Director of Graduate Work, and in
1930 he became the first Dean of the Graduate School.
He was succeeded upon his retirement in 1938 by T. M.
Simpson, Head of the Department of Mathematics, who
held the position until 1951. C. F. Byers, Head of the
Department of Biological Sciences in the University
College, served as Acting Dean from June 1951 until
August 1952 when he was succeeded by L. E. Grinter,
who came from the Illinois Institute of Technology,
where he had been Vice President, Dean of the Graduate
School, and Research Professor. Upon becoming Acting
Vice President in 1969, Dr. Grinter was named Dean
Emeritus of the Graduate School. He was succeeded by
Harold P. Hanson, who came to Florida from the Univer-
sity of Texas, where he had served as Chairman of the De-
partment of Physics. In 1971, Dr. Hanson was appointed
Vice President for Academic Affairs. Alexander G. Smith
of the Department of Physics and Astronomy and a former
assistant dean of the Graduate School served as Acting
Dean until the appointment of Harry H. Sisler. Dr. Sisler
served as Chairman of the Department of Chemistry, Dean
of the College of Arts and Sciences, and Executive Vice
President of the University of Florida prior to being
named Dean of the Graduate School in March 1973. In
September 1979, Dr. Sisler returned to teaching as
Distinguished Service Professor of Chemistry. F. Michael
Wahl, Associate Dean of the Graduate School, Associate
Director of Sponsored Research, and Professor of
Geology, served as Acting Dean until the appointment of
Francis G. Stehli in June 1980.
SDr. Stehli came to Florida from Case Western Reserve
University where he had served as Samuel St. John
Professor of Geology, Chairman of the Department of
Geology, and Dean of Science and Engineering. In Sep-
tember 1982, Dr. Stehli became Dean of the College of
Geosciences at the University of Oklahoma. Donald R.
Price, Associate Dean for Research and Professor of Agri-
cultural Engineering, served as Acting Dean from January
1983 to January 1985 when Madelyn M. Lockhart
became Dean of the Graduate School. Prior to her
appointment, Dr. Lockhart served as Associate Dean of
the Graduate School and Professor of Economics. She
began a dual appointment as Dean of the Graduate
School and Dean of International Studies and Programs
in June 1985.
Graduate study at the University of Florida existed
while the University was still on its Lake City campus.
However, the first graduate degrees-two Master of Arts
with a major in English and a Master of Science with a
major in entomology-were awarded on the Gainesville
campus in 1906. The first programs leading to the Ph.D.
were initiated in 1930, and the first degrees were
awarded in 1934, one with a major in chemistry and the
other with a major in pharmacy. The first Ed.D. was
awarded in 1948. Graduate study has had a phenomenal
growth at the University of Florida. In 1930, 33 degrees
were awarded in 12 fields. In 1940, 66 degrees were
awarded in 16 fields. In 1985-86 the total number of
graduate degrees awarded was 1,472 in more than 100
fields. The proportion of doctoral degrees has increased
steadily. In 1950, 18 Ph.D.s and 5 Ed.D.s were awarded.
In 1985-86 the total was 276 Ph.D.s and 16 Ed.D.s.
Refer to the section of this Catalog entitled Fields of
Instruction for specializations in the approved pro-
(Asterisk (*) indicates thesis option)
Master of Accounting (M.Acc.)
Master of Agriculture (M.Ag.) with program in one of the
Agricultural and Extension Food Science and Human
Education Nutrition
Agronomy Horticultural Science:
Animal Science Fruit Crops
Botany Ornamental Horticulture
Dairy Science Vegetable Crops
Entomology and Plant Pathology
Nematology Poultry Science
Soil Science
Master of Agricultural Management and Resource
Development (M.A.M.R.D.) with program in Food and
Resource Economics.
Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) with program in
one of the following:
Anthropology German
French History
Geography Latin
Latin American Area Studies Political Science-
Linguistics International Relations
Mathematics Psychology
Philosophy Spanish
Political Science Speech
Master of Building Construction (M.B.C.)
Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) with a
major in business administration and a concentration
in one of the following:
Accounting Insurance
Computer and Management
Information Sciences Management Science
Economics Marketing
Finance Real Estate and
Health and Hospital Urban Analysis
Master of Civil Engineering (M.C.E.)*
Master of Education (M.Ed.) with program in one of the
Agency Correctional and Foundations of Education
Developmental Mathematics Education
Counseling Music Education
Art Education Reading Education
Curriculum and Research and Evaluation
Instruction Methodology
Early Childhood Science Education
Education School Counseling and
Education of the Guidance
Emotionally Disturbed School Psychology
Education of the Mentally Social Studies Education
Retarded Special Education
Educational Specific Learning
Administration Disabilities
Educational Psychology Speech Pathology
Elementary Education Student Personnel in
English Education Higher Education
Foreign Language Vocational, Technical,
Education and Adult Education
Master of Engineering (M.E.) with program in one of the
Aerospace Engineering*
Agricultural Engineering*
Chemical Engineering*
Civil Engineering*
Coastal and Oceanographic
Computer and Information
Electrical Engineering*
Engineering Mechanics*
Engineering Science*
Environmental Engineering
Industrial and Systems
Materials Science and
Mechanical Engineering*
Nuclear Engineering
Master of Exercise and Sport Sciences (M.E.S.S.)
Master of Forest Resources and Conservation (M.F.R.C.)
Master of Health Science (M.H.S.) with program in one
of the following:
Health and Hospital Occupational Therapy
Administration Physical Therapy
(available only with MBA) Rehabilitation Counseling
Master of Health Science Education (M.H.S.E.)
Master of Laws in Taxation (LL.M. in Tax.)
Master of Nursing (M.Nsg.)
Master of Science in Teaching (M.S.T.) with program in
one of the following:
Astronomy Mathematics,
Botany Physics
Chemistry Psychology
Geography Zoology
Master of Statistics (M.Stat.)
Engineer (Engr.)-A special degree requiring one year of
graduate work beyond the master's degree. For a list of
the approved programs, see those listed above for the
Master of Engineering degree. (Thesis optional.)
Specialist in Education (Ed.S.)-A special degree requir-
ing one year of graduate work beyond the master's
degree. For a list of the approved programs, see those
listed below, for the Doctor of Education degree.
(Dagger (t) indicates nonthesis option)
Master of Architecture (M.Arch.)
Master of Arts (M.A.) with program in one of the
Anthropology History
Art History Latin
Business Adminstration: Latin American Area
Finance Studies
Insurance Linguistics
Management Mathematicst
Marketing Philosophyt
Real Estate and Urban' Political Sciencet
Analysis Political Science-
Economicst International Relationst
English Psychologyt
Frencht Sociologyt
Geography Spanisht
German Speech
Master of Arts in Education (M.A.E.) For a list of the
programs, see those listed above for the Master of
Education degree.
Master of Arts in Mass Communication (M.A.M.C.)
Master of Arts in Urban and Regional Planning
Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.) with program in one of the
Art Music Theatre
Master of Landscape Architecture (M.L.A.)
Master of Science (M.S.) with program in one of the
Aerospace Engineeringt Geography
Agricultural Engineeringt Geology
Agricultural and Extension Horticultural Science:
Education Fruit Crops
Agronomy Ornamental Horticulture
Animal Science Vegetable Crops
Astronomyt Industrial and Systems
Biochemistry and Engineeringt
Molecular Biology Materials Science and
Botany Engineeringt
Chemical Engineeringt Mathematicst
Chemistry Mechanical Engineeringt
Civil Engineeringt Medical Sciences:
Coastal and Oceanographic Anatomical Sciencest
Engineering Immunology and Medi-
Computer and Information cal Microbiology
Sciences' Neuroscience
Dairy Science Pathology
Electrical Engineeringt Pharmacology
Engineering Mechanicst Physiology
Engineering Sciencet Microbiology and
Entomology and Cell Sciencet
Nematology Nuclear Engineering
Environmental Engineering Sciencest
Sciencest Physicst
Food and Resource Plant Pathology
Economics Poultry Science
Food Science and Human Psychologyt
Nutrition Soil Science
Forest Resources and Veterinary Medicine
Conservation Zoologyt
Master of Science in Building Construction (M.S.B.C.)
Master of Science in Exercise and Sport Sciences (M.S.E.S.S.)
Master of Science in Health Science Education (M.S.H.S.E.)
Master of Science in Nursing (M.S.Nsg.)
Master of Science in Pharmacy (M.S.P.) with program in
Pharmaceutical Sciences:
Medicinal Chemistry Pharmacy
Master of Science in Recreational Studies (M.S.R.S.)t
Master of Science in Statistics (M.S.Stat.)t
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) with program in one of the
Agency Correctional Higher Education
and Developmental Administration
Counseling Research and Evaluation
Counselor Education** Methodology
Curriculum and School Counseling and
Instruction Guidance
Educational School Psychology
Administration Special Education
Educational Psychology Student Personnel in
Foundations of Education Higher Education
**Not Available for Specialist in Education Degree
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) with program in one of the
Aerospace Engineering Geography
Agency Correctional and Geology
Developmental Higher Education
Counseling Administration
Agricultural Engineering History
Agronomy Horticultural Science:
Animal Science Fruit Crops
Anthropology Ornamental Horticulture
Astronomy Vegetable Crops
Biochemistry and Industrial and Systems
Molecular Biology Engineering
Botany Linguistics
Business Administration: Mass Communication
Accounting Materials Science and
Finance Engineering
Insurance Mathematics
Management Mechanical Engineering
Marketing Medical Sciences:
Real Estate and Anatomical Sciences
Urban Ahalysis Immunology and
Chemical Engineering Medical Microbiology
Chemistry Neuroscience
Civil Engineering Pathology
Coastal and Oceanographic Pharmacology
Engineering Physiology
Computer and Veterinary Medicine
Information Sciences Microbiology and
Counselor Education Cell Science
Counseling Psychology Nuclear Engineering
Curriculum and Sciences
Instruction Nursing Sciences
Economics Pharmaceutical Sciences:
Educational Medicinal Chemistry
Administration Pharmacy
Educational Psychology Philosophy
Electrical Engineering Physics
Engineering Mechanics Plant Pathology
English Political Science
Entomology and Political Science-
Nematology International Relations
Environmental Psychology
Engineering Sciences Research and Evaluation
Food and Resource Methodology
Economics Romance Languages:
Food Science and Human French
'Nutrition Spanish
Forest Resources and
Foundations of Education
School Psychology
Soil Science
Special Education
School Counseling and
Student Personnel in
Higher Education
Application for Admission.-Admission forms and
information concerning admission procedures may be
obtained from the Registrar and Admissions Office, 135
Tigert Hall. Prospective students are urged to apply for
admission as possible. For some departments
deadlines for receipt of admission applications may be
earlier than those stated in the current University
Calendar; prospective students should check with the
appropriate department. Applications which meet mini-
mum standards are referred to the graduate selection
committees of the various colleges and departments for
approval or disapproval.
To be admitted to graduate study in a given depart-
ment, the prospective student must satisfy the re-
quirements of the department as well as those of the
Graduate School. In some departments, available
resources limit the number of students that can be
General Requirements.-The Graduate School,
University of Florida, requires both a minimum grade
average of B for all upper-division undergraduate work
and a minimum Verbal-Quantitative total score of 1000
on the Aptitude Test of the Graduate Record Examin-
ation. For some departments, and in more advanced
levels of graduate study, undergraduate averages or
Graduate Record Examination scores above those stated
for the Graduate School may be required. These criteria
are on file in the Office of the Graduate School. Some
colleges and departments require a reading knowledge
of at least one foreign language. Exceptions to the above
requirements are made only when these and other crite-
ria including letters of recommendation are reviewed by
the department, recommended by the department, and
approved by the Dean of the Graduate School.
Direct admission to the Graduate School is dependent
upon the presentation of a baccalaureate degree from an
accredited college or university. No application will be
considered unless the complete official transcript of all
the applicant's undergraduate and graduate work is in
the possession of the Registrar, and no transcript will be
accepted as official unless it is received directly from the
registrar of the institution in which the work is done.
Official supplementary transcripts are required as soon as
they are available for any work completed after appli-
cation for admission has been made. In general, no
student who is a graduate of a nonaccredited institution
will be considered for graduate study in any unit of the
The Board of Regents has also ruled that in admitting
students for a given academic year, up to 10% may be
admitted as exceptions. Students admitted as exceptions
under the 10% waiver rule must present both an upper-
division grade point average and Graduate Record
Examination Aptitude Test Score with their applications
and meet other criteria required by the University,
including excellent letters of recommendation from
colleagues, satisfactory performance in a specified
number of graduate courses taken as postbaccalaureate
students, and/or practical experience in the discipline for
a specified period of time.
The University encourages applications from qualified
applicants of both sexes from all cultural, racial,
religious,. and ethnic groups. The University does not
discriminate on the basis of handicap or age in admission
or access to its programs and activities.
Graduate Record Examination.-In addition to the
Aptitude Test of the Graduate Record Examination which
is required of all applicants, some departments encour-
age the applicant to submit scores on one or more
advanced subject tests of the Graduate Record Exam-
ination. The scores on all tests taken will be considered
in regard to admission.
Graduate Study in Business Administration.-Students
applying for admission to the Graduate School for study
in the College of Business Administration may substitute
satisfactory scores on the Graduate Management Admis-
sion Test (GMAT) for the Graduate Record Examination.
Students applying for admission to the Master of Business
Administration (MBA) program must submit satisfactory
scores on the GMAT. Applicants should contact the Edu-
cational Testing Service, Princeton, New Jersey, for addi-
tional information.
Graduate Study in Law.-Students applying to the
graduate program leading to the degree Master of Laws
in Taxation must submit satisfactory scores on the Law
School Admissions Test (LSAT).
All foreign students seeking admission to the Graduate
School are required to submit satisfactory scores on the
GRE Aptitude Test and on the TOEFL (Test of English as a
Foreign Language) with the following exceptions:
1. Foreign students whose native tongue is English or
who have studied at a United States college or university
for one year or more need not submit TOEFL scores but
must submit satisfactory scores on the Aptitude Test of
the Graduate Record Examination before their applica-
tions for admission can be considered.
2. Students educated in foreign countries that do not
offer the GRE who apply for admission while residing
outside the United States may be granted, on the basis of
hardship, a one-semester postponement of the GRE but
not the TOEFL. Permission to register for subsequent
semesters will depend upon the submission of scores on
the Graduate Record Examination.
3. All foreign students applying for admission to the
Master of Business Administration program must submit
satisfactory scores from the Graduate Management
Admission Test before their applications for admission
will be considered.
Foreign students whose scores on the TOEFL and
verbal portion of the GRE are not indicative of adequate
writing skills are. required to write a short essay for
examination. If the skills demonstrated in the essay are
not acceptable for pursuing graduate work, the examin-
ation will be used as a diagnostic tool for placement in
appropriate courses which will not count toward a
graduate degree.
Graduate students whose native language is not
English may be asked to submit satisfactory scores on the
Test of Spoken English (TSE) to be eligible for teaching
Applicants should write to the Educational Testing Ser-
vice, Princeton, New Jersey, for registration forms and
other information concerning TOEFL, TSE, GMAT, and
The University of Florida does not discriminate on the
basis of handicap in the recruitment and admission of
students, in the recruitment and employment of faculty
and staff, or in the operation of any of Its programs and
activities, as specified by federal laws and regulations.
The designated coordinator for compliance with Section
504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, is Ms.
Mary Skorheim, Assistant Dean for Student Services, 129
Tigert Hall, 392-1261.
The Office of Student Services provides assistance for
disabled students. Services are varied depending on
individual needs and include, but are not limited to,
special campus orientation, registration assistance, help
in securing auxiliary learning aids, and assistance in
general University activities. Handicapped students are
encouraged to contact this office.
Students who are not eligible for direct admission may
be granted conditional admission to the Graduate
School. Students may be granted conditional admission
to defer final admission decisions until requisite exam-
ination scores or final grade records are available. Stu-
dents may also be granted conditional admission to
ascertain their ability to pursue graduate work at the
University of Florida if previous grade records or
Graduate Record Examination scores are on the border-
line of acceptability-or when specific prerequisite
courses are required.
Students granted conditional admission should be noti-
fied by the department of the conditions under which
they are admitted. When these conditions have been
satisfied, the department must notify the student in
writing, sending a copy to the Graduate School. Eligible
course work taken while a student is in conditional status
is applicable toward a graduate degree.
Students failing to meet any condition of admission
will be barred from further registration.
Students who have received a bachelor's degree but
have not been admitted to the Graduate School are
classified as postbaccalaureate students (6-). Post-
baccalaureate enrollment is offered for the following
reasons: (1) to validate undergraduate records from
nonaccredited and unevaluated colleges; (2) to provide a
means for students.not seeking a graduate degree to
enroll in courses included in this category would be
students who change their professional goals or wish to
expand their academic backgrounds; and (3) to accom-
modate students who do intend to enter a graduate
program at some future date, but need a substantial
number of prerequisite courses.
Postbaccalaureate students may enroll in graduate
courses but the work taken will not normally be trans-
ferred to the graduate record if the student is
subsequently admitted to the Graduate School. By
petition in clearly justified cases and in conformance
with regulations on courses and credit, it is possible to
transfer up to but no more than two courses totaling six
to eight semester hours of course work earned with a
grade of A, B+, or B.
Students in the College of Education who desire
postbaccalaureate classification to obtain teacher certi-
fication must provide the college with a clear statement
of certification goals as a part of the requirements for
admission. Interested students should write to 134
Norman Hall or call 392-0721 for further information.
University of Florida faculty, as designated by the
Florida Administrative Code, may not pursue graduate
degrees from this institution. Exceptions are made for the
Florida Cooperative Extension Service (IFAS) county
personnel and the faculty of the P.K. Yonge Laboratory
Under certain conditions, persons in sub-faculty posi-
tions (i.e., those holding titles of Assistant In or Associate
In) may pursue nonthesis master's degrees at the
University of Florida. Any other exceptions to this policy
must be approved by the Graduate Council.
Traveling Scholar Program.-This program makes the
entire State University System graduate curriculum
available to University of Florida graduate students. A
course or research activity not offered on this campus,
taken under the auspices of the Traveling Scholar
Program at another SUS university, will count as
graduate credit at the University of Florida if approved by
the graduate coordinator or the supervisory committee
chair and the Dean of the Graduate School. Traveling
scholars are normally limited to one term on the campus
of the host university. The deans of graduate schools of
the state universities are the coordinators of the program,
and interested students should contact the Graduate
Student Records Office, 288 Grinter Hall.
Cooperative Degree Programs.-In certain degree
programs, faculty from other universities in the State
University System hold graduate faculty status at the
University of Florida. In those approved areas, the
intellectual resources of these external graduate faculty
members are available to students at the University of
It is the responsibility of the graduate student to
become informed and to observe all.regulations and
procedures required by the program the student is
pursuing. The student must be familiar with those
sections of the Graduate Catalog that outline general
regulations and requirements, specific degree program
requirements, and the offerings and requirements of the
major department. Ignorance of a rule does not con-
stitute a basis for waiving that rule. Any exceptions to
the policies stated in the Graduate Catalog must be
approved by the Dean of the Graduate School.
After admission to the Graduate School, but before the
first registration, the,student should consult the college
and/or the graduate coordinator in the major department
concerning courses and degree requirements, defi-
ciencies if .any, and special regulations of the depart-
ment. The dean of the college in which the degree
program is located or a representative must approve all
The University of Florida assures the confidentiality of
student educational records in accordance with the State
University System rules, state statutes, and the Family
Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (known as
the Buckley Amendment).
Information which may be released to the public on
any student is the name; class, college, and major; dates
of attendance; degrees) earned; awards received; local
and permanent address, and telephone number.
In general, a present or former student has the right to
personally review his or her own educational records for
information and to determine the accuracy of these
records. Parents of dependent students, as defined by the
Internal Revenue Service, have these same rights. A
photo I.D. or other equivalent documentation or
personal recognition by the custodian of record will be
required before access is granted.
Graduate students are subject to the same rules of
behavior that govern undergraduates. The student
conduct code is printed in the Undergraduate Catalog.
The University of Florida operates on a semester
system consisting of two 15-week periods and two
6-week summer terms. A credit under the semester
system is equal to 1.5 quarter credits.
Minimum registration for full-time graduate students,
including trainees and fellows, is 12 credits. The mini-
mum registration is reduced for those students who are
graduate assistants or are otherwise employed. Guide-
lines for minimum registration for students on
appointment are provided in the Graduate Coordinator's
Full-time students, not on appointment, must register
for a minimum of 12 credits. Part-time status may be
approved by the graduate coordinator for students who
are not pursuing a degree on a full-time basis. Such
exceptions must be clearly justified and the approved
registration must be commensurate with the use of
University facilities and faculty time.
The minimum study load for students not on assistant-
ship is three credits during Fall and Spring Semesters and
two for Summer C.:
Undergraduate courses (1000-2999) may not be used
as any part of the graduate degree requirements,
including the requirement for a period of concentrated
study. Undergraduate courses (3000-4999) may be used
for minor credit when taken as part of an approved
graduate program.
Courses numbered 5000 and above are limited to
graduate students, with the exception described under
Undergraduate Registration in Graduate Courses.
Courses numbered 7000 and above are designed
primarily for advanced graduate students.
No more than five hours each of 6910 (Supervised
Research) and 6940 (Supervised Teaching) may be taken
by a graduate student at the University of Florida.
A complete list of approved graduate courses appears
in the section of this Catalog entitled Fields of
Instruction. Departments reserve the right to decide
which of these graduate courses will be offered in a given
semester and the departments should be consulted
concerning available courses.
Correspondence Work.-No courses taken by corres-
pondence may be used for graduate credit.
Professional Work.-No courses taken as a part of a
professional degree (e.g., J.D., D.V.M., or M.D.) may be
used for,graduate credit except as approved in an
authorized joint degree program.
Extension Work.-No extension courses may be used
for graduate credit except in programs for the M.Ag.,
M.Ed., M.A.E., M.A.T., M.S.T., M.E.S.S., M.H.S.E.,. and
Ed.S. degrees. Extension work taken at another institution
may not be transferred to the University of Florida for
graduate credit.
Cooperative Education Program.-At the University of
Florida, the Cooperative Education Program is offered
primarily for undergraduate students. However, the
course 4949, Cooperative Work Experience, one credit,
may be recommended to the Graduate School for minor
credit in master's degree programs provided this course
is above the minimum course' requirements for the
The only passing grades for graduate students are A,
B+, B, C+, C, and S. Grades of C+ and C in courses
below 5000 level are acceptable for credit toward grad-
uate degrees if the total program meets the B average
requirement. In 5000-level courses and above, C+ and
C grades count toward a graduate degree if an equal
number of credit hours in courses numbered 5000 or
higher have been earned with grades of B+ and A,
respectively. Grade points are not designated for S and U
grades; these grades are not used in calculating the
grade-point average.
Grades of S and U are the only grades awarded in
courses numbered 6910 (Supervised Research), 6940
(Supervised Teaching), 6971 (Master's Research), 6973
(Individual Project), 7979 (Advanced Research), and
7980 (Doctoral Research).
Additional courses for which S and U grades apply are
noted in the departmental offerings. With the exception
of those courses listed in the Graduate Catalog, no
course taken for an S/U grade may be used to satisfy the
minimum requirements for a graduate degree.
Deferred Grade H.-The grade of H is not a substitute
for a grade of S, U, or I. Courses for which H grades are
appropriate must be so noted in their catalog descrip-
tions, and must be approved by the Graduate Curriculum
Committee and the Graduate School. This grade may be
used only in special situations where the expected unit of
work may be developed over a period of time greater
than a single term.
Incomplete Grades.-Grades of I (incomplete) re-
ceived during the preceding semester should be
removed as soon as possible. Grades of I carry no quality
points and lower the overall grade-point average.
All grades of H and I must be removed prior to the
award of a graduate degree.
With the permission of the instructor and the college
concerned, an undergraduate student at the University of
Florida may enroll in graduate-level courses (5000 and
6000 level) if the student has senior standing and an
upper-division grade-point average of at least 3.0. After a
student has been accepted in the Graduate School, up to
six hours of graduate-level courses earned with a grade of
A, B+, or B taken under this provision may be applied
toward a graduate degree at the University of Florida
provided credit for the course has not been used for an
undergraduate degree and provided the transfer is made
as soon as the student is admitted to a graduate program.
A graduate student who wishes to pursue degrees in
two programs concurrently must have the written
approval of the chairperson of each department involved
and the Dean of the Graduate School. Any student
interested in pursuing concurrent degrees should discuss
the proposed study with the Graduate School's Student
Records staff prior to applying for the programs. If the
request is approved, the student must be officially
admitted to both programs through regular procedures. If
the student is approved to pursue two master's programs,
no more than six hours of course work from one degree
program may be applied toward meeting the require-
ments for the second master's degree.
The University of Florida is approved for the education
and training of veterans under all public laws in effect;
i.e., Chapter 31, Title 38, U.S. Code (Disabled Veterans);
Chapter 34, Title 38, U.S. Code (Cold-War G.I. Bill); and
Chapter 35, Title 38, U.S. Code (Children of Deceased or
Disabled Veterans).
Students who may be eligible for educational benefits
under any Veterans Administration program are urged to
contact the Veterans Affairs Office, 124 Tigert Hall; as
soon as they are accepted for admission.
Students expecting to receive benefits under one of
these programs must file an application with the Office of',
the Registrar. No certification can be made until the
application is on file. Benefits are determined by the
Veterans Administration, and the University certifies
according to these rules and regulations.
The Registrar's Office maintains students' academic
records. A progress report is sent to each student at the
end of the term indicating grades, cumulative hours,
grade points, etc.
Any graduate student may be denied further
registration in the University or in a graduate program
should scholastic performance or progress toward com-
pletion of the planned program become unsatisfactory to
the department, college, or Dean of the Graduate
School. Failure to maintain a B average in all work
attempted is, by definition, unsatisfactory scholarship.
A graduate student who wishes to change major or
college must make formal application through the Office
of the Registrar and receive approval of the appropriate
department chairperson, college dean, and the Dean of
the Graduate School. Deadline dates for such changes as
specified in the current University Calendar must be met.
A foreign language examination is not required for all
degree programs and the student should contact the
graduate coordinator in the appropriate department for
specific information regarding any requirement of a
foreign language.
If a department requires that a studentmeet the foreign
language requirement by satisfactory performance on the
Graduate School Foreign Language Tests (GSFLT) in
French, Spanish, or German, the student should contact
the Office of Instructional Resources, 1012 Turlington
Hall, for applications and payments of fees. The examin-
ation times and dates are listed in the University
Calendar. Educational Testing Service (ETS) no longer
administers this examination and does not accept appli-
cation fees or issue tickets of admission for these tests.
The student must be registered for an appropriate load
during the semester in which any examination is taken.
The student's supervisory committee is responsible for
the administration of the written and oral qualifying
examinations as well as the final oral examination for the
defense of the thesis, project, or dissertation. All
members of the supervisory committee must sign the
appropriate forms, including the signature pages, in
order for the student to satisfy the requirements of the
Qualifying and final examinations for graduate stu-
dents are to be held on the University of Florida campus.
Exceptions'to this policy are made only for certain
graduate students whose examinations are administered
at the Agricultural Research and Educational Centers or
on the campuses of the universities in the State
University System that are approved for cooperative
graduate degree programs. These exceptions must be
justified by individual petitions to the Dean of the
Graduate School.
It is the student's responsibility to ascertain that all
requirements have been met and that every deadline is
observed. Deadline dates are set forth in the University
Calendar and by the college, school, or department.
Regular issues of Deadline Dates are available each
When the- dissertation or thesis is ready to be put in
final form, the student should obtain the Guide for
Preparing Dissertations and Theses from the Graduate
School Editorial Office and should request a records
check in the Graduate Records Office to make certain
that all requirements for graduation have been fulfilled.
During the term in which the final examination is given
and during the term the degree is received, a student
must be registered for at least three hours that count
toward his/her graduate degree. Thesis students should
be registered for three hours of 6971 and doctoral stu-
dents for three hours of 7980. The student must also
apply for the degree at the beginning of the final term.
The Graduate School will authorize a candidate to be
awarded the degree appropriate to the course of study
under the following conditions (the details of which can
be found under the descriptions of the several degrees):
1. The candidate must have completed all course
requirements, including an internship or practicum if
required, in the major and minor fields, observing time
limits, limitations on transfer credit, on nonresident
work, and on level of course work.
2. The candidate must have a grade average of B or
higher in the major and in all work attempted in the
graduate program. All grades of I, H, and X must be
3. The candidate must have satisfactorily completed
all required examinations, qualifying, comprehensive,
and final, and be recommended for the degree by the
supervisory committee, major department, and college.
4. The dissertation or, if required, thesis or equivalent
project, must have been approved by the supervisory
committee and accepted by the Graduate School.
Recommendations for the awarding of a degree include
meeting all academic and professional qualifications as
judged by the faculty of the appropriate department.
5. All requirements for the degree must be met while
the candidate is a registered graduate student. Students
who have been registered in the Graduate School at least
one semester of each successive calendar year may
graduate according to the curriculum under which they
entered, provided the courses are still offered by the
Graduates who are to receive advanced degrees are
urged to attend Commencement in order to accept per-
sonally the honor indicated by the appropriate hood. The
student may arrange through the University Bookstore
for the proper academic attire to be worn at
The following regulations represent those' of the
Graduate School. Colleges and departments may have
additional regulations beyond those stated below. Unless
otherwise indicated in the following sections concern-
ing master's degrees, these general regulations apply to
all master's degree programs at the University.
Course Requirements.-Graduate credit is awarded for
courses numbered 5000 and above. The work in the
major field must be in courses numbered 5000 or above.
For work outside the major, courses numbered 3000 or
above may be taken provided they are part of an
approved plan of study. The program of course work for
a master's degree must be approved by the student's
adviser, supervisory committee, or faculty representative
of the department. No more than six credits from a
previous master's degree program may be applied
toward a second master's degree.
If a minor is chosen, at least six credits of work are
required in the minor field. Two six-credit minors may be
taken with departmental permission. Minor work must
be in a- department other than the major; in special
cases this requirement may be modified, but only with
the written permission of the Dean of the Graduate
Degree Requirements.-Unless otherwise specified,
for any master's degree, the student must earn a
minimum of 30 credits as a graduate student at the
University of Florida, of which no more than two
courses, totaling six to eight hours, earned with a grade
of A, B+, or B may be transferred from institutions
approved for this purpose by the Dean of the Graduate
School .
Transfer of Credit.-Only graduate (5000-7999) level
work to the extent of two'courses, totaling six to eight
semester hours, earned with a grade of A, B +, or B may
be transferred from an institution approved by the
Graduate School or from postbaccalaureate work at the
University of Florida. Credits transferred from other
universities will be applied toward meeting the degree
requirements but the grades earned will not be
computed in the student's grade-point average.
Acceptance of transfer of credit requires approval of the
student's supervisory committee and the Dean of the
Graduate School.
Petitions for transfer of credit for a master's degree
must be made during the student's first term of en-
rollment in the Graduate School.
Nonresident or extension work taken at another institu-
tion may not be transferred to the University of Florida
for graduate credit. No courses taken by correspondence
or as part of a professional degree may be used toward a
graduate degree.
Supervisory Committee.-The student's supervisory
committee should be appointed as soon as possible after
the student has been admitted to the Graduate School
but in no case later than the second semester of graduate
Supervisory committees for graduate degree programs
are nominated by the representative department chair-
person, approved by the college dean, and appointed by
the Dean of the Graduate School. Only members of the
graduate faculty may be appointed to supervisory
committees. The Dean of the Graduate School is an ex-
officio member of all supervisory committees.
The supervisory committee for a master's degree with a
thesis must consist of at least two members selected from
the graduate faculty. The supervisory committee for a
master's degree without a thesis may consist of one
member of the graduate faculty who advises the student
and oversees the program. If a minor is designated, the
committee must include one graduate faculty member
from the minor department.
Language Requirements.-(1) The requirement of a
reading knowledge of a foreign language is at the
discretion of the department. The foreign language
requirement varies from department to department and
the student should check with the appropriate depart-
ment for specific information. (2) The ability to use the
English language correctly and effectively, as judged by
the supervisory committee, is required of all candidates.
Examination.-A final comprehensive examination,
oral, written or both, must be passed by the candidate.
This examination, held on campus with all participants
present, will cover at least the candidate's field of
concentration, and in no case may it be scheduled earlier
than the term preceding the semester in which the degree
is to be conferred.
Time Limitation.-All work counted toward the
master's degree must be completed during the seven
years immediately preceding the date on which the
degree is to be awarded.
The requirements for the Master of Arts and the Master
of Science degrees also apply to the following degrees,
except as they are individually described hereafter:
'Master of Arts in Education, Master of Arts in Mass
Communication, Master of Science in Building
Construction, Master of Science in Exercise and Sport
Sciences, Master of Science in Health Science Education,
Master of Science in Pharmacy, Master of Science in
Recreational Studies, and Master of Science in Statistics.
Course Requirements.-The minimum course work
required for a master's degree with thesis is 30 credits
including up to six hours of the research course
numbered 6971. All students seeking a master's degree
with thesis must register for an appropriate number of
hours in 6971. The minimum course work requirement
for a Master of Arts or Master of Science taken with the
nonthesis option is 32 credits excluding credits for which
grades of S and U are given. Students pursuing the
nonthesis option may not use the course numbered 6971
to meet the credit requirement.
For both nonthesis option and thesis programs, at least
half the required credits, exclusive of 6971, must be in a
field of study designated the major. One or two minors of
at least six credits each may be taken, but a minor is not
required by the Graduate School. Minor work must be in
a department other than the major. The work in the
major field must be in courses numbered 5000 or above.
For work outside the major, courses numbered 3000 or
above may be taken.
Engineering students, working at off-campus centers,
who are pursuing a nonthesis option Master of Science
degree, must take half the course work from full-time
University of Florida faculty members and are required to
pass a comprehensive written examination administered
on the University of Florida campus by an examining
committee recommended by the Dean of the College of
Engineering and appointed by the Dean of the Graduate
Thesis.-Candidates for the master's degree with thesis
must prepare and present theses (or equivalent in
creative work) acceptable to their supervisory
committees and the Graduate School. The candidate
should consult the Graduate School Editorial Office for
instructions concerning the form of the thesis. The
University Calendar specifies final dates for submitting
three copies of the abstract to the office of the Dean of
the Graduate School and for submitting the original copy
of the thesis bound with an abstract. The college copy
should be submitted to the college or department by the
specified date. After the thesis is accepted, these two
copies will be permanently bound and deposited in the
University Libraries.
Change from Thesis to Nonthesis Option.-A student
who wishes to change from the thesis to the nonthesis
option for the master's degree must obtain the permis-
sion of the supervisory committee to make such a
change. This permission must be forwarded to the
Graduate School at least one full semester prior to the
intended date of graduation. The candidate must meet all
the requirements of the nonthesis option as specified
above. A maximum of three credits earned in 6971
(Master's Research) can be counted toward the degree
requirements only if converted to credit as Individual
Work. The supervisory committee must indicate that the
work was productive in and by itself and warrants credit
as a special problem or special topic course.
Supervisory Committee.-The student's supervisory
committee should be appointed as soon as possible after
the student has been admitted to the Graduate School
but in no case later than the end of the second semester
of study. The duties of the supervisory committee are to
advise the student, to check on the student's qualifica-
tions and progress, to supervise the preparation of the
thesis, and to conduct the final examination.
Comprehensive Examination.-The student who elects
the nonthesis option must pass a comprehensive written
examination on the major field of study and on the minor
if a minor is designated. This comprehensive examin-
ation must be taken within six months of the date the
degree is to be awarded.
Final Examination.-When the student's course work
is substantially completed, and the thesis is in final form,
the supervisory committee is required to examine the
student orally or in writing on (1) the thesis, (2) the major
subjects, (3) the minor or minors, and (4) matters of a
general nature pertaining to the field of study. A written
announcement of the examination must be sent to the
Dean of the Graduate School.
At least three faculty members and the candidate must
be present at the final examination. At the time of the
examination, all committee members should sign the
signature pages and the Final Examination Report. These
may be retained by the supervisory chairman until
acceptable completion of corrections. This examination
may not be scheduled earlier than six months before the
degree is to be conferred.
These degrees are designed for graduate students who
intend to teach in junior or four year colleges.
Requirements for admission are the same as those for the
regular M.A. and M.S. degrees in the various colleges,
and programs leading to the M.A.T. and M.S.T. may,
with proper approval, be incorporated into programs
leading to the Ph.D.
The requirements for the degrees are as follows:
1. A reading knowledge of one foreign language if
required by the student's major department.
2. Satisfactory completion of at least 36 credits while
registered as a graduate student, with work distributed as
a. At least 18 credits in the major (all work in the
major field must be 5000 level or higher) and 6
credits in the minor.
b. Six credits in a departmental internship in teaching
(SED 6943-Internship in College Teaching). Three
years of successful teaching experience may be
substituted for the internship requirement, and
-credits thus made available may be used for further
work in the major, the minor, or in education.
c. At least one course in each of the following: social
foundations of education, psychological founda-
tions of education, and community college curric-
ulum. These courses may be used to comprise a
3. Off-Campus Work: A minimum of 8-16 credits (at
the department's discretion), including registration for at
least six credit hours in a single semester, must be earned
on the Gainesville campus. Beyond that, credits,
including those at the 5000 and 6000 level, earned in
courses offered off-campus by the University of Florida
which have been approved by the Graduate School shall
be accepted, provided they are appropriate to the
student's degree program as determined by the
supervisory committee.
4. At the completion of this degree, the student, for
certification purposes, must present from the under-
graduate and graduate degree programs no fewer than 36
semester credits in the major field.
5. A final comprehensive examination, either written,
oral, or both, must be passed'by the candidate. This
examination, taken on campus, will cover the field oi
concentration and the minor.
The Master of Accounting (M.Acc.) is the professional
degree for students seeking careers in public accounting,
business organizations, and government. The M.Acc.
program offers specializations in each of the four areas of
auditing/financial accounting, management accounting,
accounting systems, and taxation.
The requirements for the degree are 36 semester
credits of course work, of which a minimum of 16
semester credits must be in graduate level accounting
courses. At least 20 of the 36 semester credits must be in
graduate level courses. Courses below the graduate level
must have the approval of the major adviser. A final
comprehensive examination, taken on campus, is re-
quired of all students. Additional requirements are listed
under the General Regulations section for all master's
M.Acc./J.D. Program.-This joint program culminates
in both the Juris Doctor degree awarded by the College
ot Law and the Master of Accounting degree awarded by
the Graduate School. The program is designed for
students who have an undergraduate degree in ac-
counting and who are interested in advanced studies in
both accounting and law. The joint program requires 23
fewer credits than would be required if the two degrees
were earned separately. The two degrees are awarded
after completion of the curriculum requirements for both
degrees. Students must take both the GMAT (or the GRE)
and the LSAT prior to admission, and must meet the
admission requirements for the College of Law (.D.) and
the Fisher School of Accounting (M.Acc.).
The degree of Master of Agriculture is designed for
those students who wish additional training for agri-
business occupations or professions rather than for those
interested primarily in research.
The general requirements are the same as those for the
Master of Science degree without thesis except that 12
credits of graduate courses in a department constitute a
major. Credit toward the degree for courses taken
through the Division of Continuing Education is limited
to 24 credits. The student's supervisory committee must
consist of at least two members of the graduate faculty. A
comprehensive written qualifying examination, given
prior to the midpoint of the term of graduation, and a
final oral examination are required. Both examinations
must be given on campus with all participants present.
The M.A.M.R.D. degree program provides an oppor-
tunity for graduate study for students who plan to enter
management careers in business firms or government
agencies; it is not 'recommended for those who plan
careers in research and university teaching. Areas of
concentration include farm management, agribusiness
management, and natural resources and environmental
The general requirements are the same as those for the
Master of Science degree without thesis except that 12
credits of graduate courses in food and resource
economics constitute a major. The supervisory com-
mittee and examination requirements are the same as
those for the Master of Agriculture degree.
The degree of Master of Architecture is a professional
degree for those students who wish to qualify for
registration as architects.
The general requirements are the same as those for the
Master of Arts degrees with thesis except that the
minimum registration required is 52 credits, including no
more than six credits in ARC 6971. In some areas, with
permission from the departmental graduate faculty, a
terminal project requiring six credits in ARC 6979 may
be elected in lieu of a thesis.
The degree of Master of Arts in Urban and Regional
Planning is a professional degree for students who wish
to practice urban and regional planning and meet the
educational requirements for the American Institute of
Certified Planners. The program is recognized by the
American Planning Association.
The general requirements are the same as those for
other Master of Arts degrees with thesis except that the
minimum registration required is 48 credits including no
more than six credits in URP 6971. In some study areas,
with permission from the departmental graduate faculty,
a terminal project requiring six credits may be elected in
lieu of a thesis.
Law/Urban Planning Joint Degree Program.-A four-
year program leading to a Juris Doctor and a Master of
Arts in Urban and Regional Planning is offered under the
joint auspices of the College of Law and the College of
Architecture, Department of Urban and Regional Plan-
ning. The program provides students interested in the
legal problems of urban and regional planning with an
opportunity to blend law studies with relevant course
work in the planning curriculum. The students receive
both degrees at the end of a four-year course of study
whereas separate programs would require five years.
Students must take the GRE and the LSAT prior to
admission and must complete the first year of law school
course work before comingling law and planning
courses. A thesis is required upon completion of the
course work.
Interested students should apply to both the Holland
Law Center and the Graduate School, noting on the
application the joint nature of their admission requests.
Alternatively, students may apply to the Graduate School
during the first year of Law School. Further information
on the program is available from the Holland Law Center
and from the Department of Urban and Regional
The degree of Master of Building Construction is
designed for those students who wish to pursue advanced -
work in management of construction, construction tech-
niques, and research problems in the construction field.
The general requirements are the same as those for
Master of Science degrees without thesis except that a
minimum of 33 credits is required. At least 24 credits
must be in the School of Building Construction in
graduate level courses of which at least 15 credits must
be earned at the 6000 level. The remaining nine credits
may be earned in other departments at the 3000 level or
above when these courses are included as a part of an
approved program of study. A thesis is not required, but
an independent research study.(BCN 6934) of at least
three credits is required. In exceptional cases with the
approval of the graduate faculty this independent study
can be taken for up to five credits.
When the student's course work is completed, or prac-
tically so, and the independent research report is
complete, the supervisory committee is required to
examine the student orally or in writing on (1) the
independent research report, (2) the major subjects, (3)
the minor or minors, and (4) matters of a general nature
pertaining to the field of study. The examination must be
given on campus with all participants present.
The requirements for the Master of Business
Administration degree are designed to give students (1)
the conceptual knowledge for understanding the func-
tions and behavior common to all organizations, and (2)
the analytical, problem-solving, and decision-making
skills essential for effective management. The emphasis is
upon developing the student's capacities and skills for
business decision making.
The curriculum is structured so that students may extend
their knowledge in a specialized field by selecting an
approved concentration. Included in these concentra-
tions are accounting, computer and information sciences,
economics, finance, health and hospital administration,
management, management science, marketing, and real
estate. Several areas of specialization having different
emphases are offered within some. concentrations.
Students may also expand their knowledge in several
areas instead of specializing and pursue a generalist
option by selecting approved courses from more than
one field of business administration.
Admission.-Applicants for admission must submit
satisfactory scores on the Graduate Management Admis-
sions Test (GMAT) as well as transcripts for all previous
academic work. Significant work experience is consid-
ered favorably. Applicants whose native language is hot
English are required to submit, in addition, scores on the
Test of English as a Foreign Language.
A heterogeneous student body is seen as an important
asset of the program. Accordingly the undergraduate
background of students includes a wide range of disci-
plines. Although the curriculum assumes no previous
academic work in managerial disciplines or business
administration, it is recommended that applicants have a
background in introductory economics, statistics, cal-
culus, and financial accounting.
. Students are admitted in the fall semester only. Appli-
cations should be made as early as possible during the
preceding academic year. Applications received after
April 1 will be considered on the basis of available space.
For more specific information on admission as well as
other aspects of the program, contact the Director of the
Master of.Business Administration Program, College of
Business Administration.
Work Required.-A minimum of 57 credits of course
work is required including 36 credits of required courses
and 21 credits of elective courses. The latter include a
minimum of three concentration electives, a quantitative
elective, a course dealing with the legal environment of
business, and at least one course outside the area of
Concentration.-A minimum of nine credits is
required in the concentration. All courses to be counted
toward satisfying this requirement must be approved by
the concentration adviser. Some concentrations may
require more than the minimum nine credits. Moreover,
students may be required to take additional preparatory
courses if their backgrounds are not sufficient.
MBA/MHS Program in Health and Hospital Adminis-
tration.-A program of concurrent studies leading to a
Master of Business Adminstration and a Master of Health
Science is offered in cooperation with the College of
Health Related Professions. Both degrees are awarded
after a course of study which requires 76 semester hours
of credit. Students apply and are admitted to the Master
of Business Administration program following the usual
procedures. In addition, they are admitted to the Master
of Health Science program following an interview with
members of a class selection committee. Prospective
students are urged to contact the Associate Director of
the Graduate Program in Health and Hospital Adminis-
tration early in the application process.
MBA/jD Program.-A program of concurrent studies
leading to a Master of Business Administration and a uris
Doctor is offered under the joint auspices of the College
of Business Administration and the College of Law. Both
degrees are awarded after a four-year course of study.
Students must take both the LSAT and the GMAT prior to
admission and meet the curriculum requirements of both
The degree of Master of Education is a professional
degree designed to meet the need for professional per-
sonnel to serve a variety of functions required in
established and emerging educational activities of
modern society. A thesis is not required.
A minimum of 36 credits is required in all master's pro-
grams with at least half of these credits in courses at the
5000 level or above. Twenty-one credits in education,
with 15 at the graduate level, and five credits in courses
outside education are included. There are two excep-
tions: (1) only 12 credits in education, all at the graduate
level, are required for students having at least 21 credits
in a baccalaureate program for teacher preparation, and
(2) 15 credits in courses outside education are required
for these same students if their master's programs are in
art, English, foreign language, mathematics, music,
science, and social studies education, or vocational,
technical, and adult education.
At least 16 credits must be earned while the student is
enrolled as a graduate student in courses offered on the
Gainesville campus of the University of Florida, including
registration for at least six credits in a single semester.
A student seeking a master's degree in the field of
engineering may become a candidate for the Master of En-
gineering degree with or without thesis, provided such a
candidate has a bachelor's degree in engineering from an
,ABET-accredited curriculum or has taken sufficient artic-
ulation course work to meet the minimum requirements
specified by ABET. Students who do not meet these re-
quirements may become candidates for the Master of
Science degree, provided they meet departmental re-
quirements for admission. The general intent in making
this distinction is to encourage those who are profession-
ally oriented to seek the Master of Engineering degree,
and those who are more scientifically oriented and those
who have science-based backgrounds to seek the Master
of Science degree.
Also, the Master of Civil Engineering degree has been
approved for a trial period as a variant of the Master of
Engineering degree. The M.C.E. is oriented specifically to
the design and professional practice in civil engineering.
The degree requirements include a minimum number of
hours of design and professional practice instruction at
the graduate level, six months' full-time civil engineering
related experience or its equivalent obtained after the
student has achieved junior status, and completion of the
Engineering Intern Examination. The thesis or report re-
quired for all master's degrees must be design-related.
Further details on this trial degree program may be
obtained from the Chairman, Department of Civil
Work Required.-The minimum course work required
for the master's degree with thesis is 30 credits which
may include up to six credits of the research course num-
bered 6971 in all departments. At least 12 credits, exclud-
ing 6971, must be in the student's major field of study. A
minimum of 32 credits of course work is required, with at
least 16 credits in the student's major field for both of the
above degrees without thesis. At least 50% of the re-
quired 32 credits must be in graduate level courses,
excluding those graded as S/U. Courses in the major must
be graduate level. If a minor is chosen, at least six credits of
work are required: two six-credit minors may be taken. In
addition, a multidisciplinary minor in departments other
than the major may be authorized by the supervisory com-
mittee or program adviser. Courses numbered 3000 and
above may be taken for the minor.
Degree Credit.-In order to qualify for course work
toward the Master of Engineering degree, a student must
first be admitted to the Graduate School at the University
of Florida. The amount of course work toward this degree
that may be taken at an off-campus center will depend
upon the student's individual program and the courses
provided through the center.
Examinations.-A student seeking the Master of En-
gineering degree with or without thesis is required to pass
a comprehensive oral and/or written examination, admin-
istered on campus with all participants present, at the
completion of the course work. An off-campus student
who is a candidate for a nonthesis degree must take half
the course work from full-time University of Florida faculty
members and is required to pass a comprehensive
written examination administered on the University of
Florida campus by an examining committee recom-
mended by the Dean of the College of Engineering and
appointed by the Dean of the Graduate School. At least
one member of the examining committee must be either
the student's program adviser or a member of the super-
visory committee. If a minor is taken, another member
selected from the Graduate Studies Faculty must be
chosen from outside the major department to represent
the student's minor.
The requirement for an on-campus comprehensive writ-
ten examination also applies to the nonthesis option of
the Master of Science degree for students in the College
of Engineering.
Examination requirements for the Master of Science
degree are covered in the section Master of Arts and
Master of Science.
A Certificate Program in Manufacturing Systems
Engineering has been established'as an option in the
Master of Engineering degree of five departments: Com-
puter and Information Sciences, Electrical Engineering,
Industrial and Systems Engineering, Materials Science
and Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering. Qualifi-
cation for the certificate requires specified courses in
manufacturing, 18 credits or more of course work se-
lected from an approved manufacturing systems engi-
neering core, and satisfactory completion of depart-
mental Master of Engineering requirements. Project and
thesis options are available.
Work Required.-A minimum of 34 credits of course
work is required, of which at least 50% must be selected
from graduate level courses offered in the Department of
Exercise and Sport Sciences. Of the remaining 50%, at
least three courses must be taken outside the Department
of Exercise and Sport Sciences. All course work must be
approved by the chairperson of the student's supervisory
committee. If knowledge deficiencies are identified,
additional course work may be required.
Off-Campus Work .-The regulations governing off-
campus work are the same as those for the Master of
Education degree.
Supervisory Committee.-A committee of three faculty
members from the Department of Exercise and Sport
Sciences and the Dean of the Graduate School, as an ex-
officio member, will supervise the work of students
registered in this program.
Final Examination.-The candidate must pass a com-
prehensive written and oral examination that consists of
questions concerning the student's special area of con-
centration as well as concomitant areas of study in
exercise and sport sciences. This exam must be taken on
campus during the fall or spring semester.
The College of Fine Arts offers the Master of Fine Arts
degree with majors in art, music, and theatre. The
requirements for this degree are the same as those for the
Master of Arts with thesis except that a minimum of 48
credits (66 for theatre) is required, including 6 to 10
credits in 6971 (Research for Master's Thesis). Students
may elect to substitute 6973 (Individual Project), creative
work in lieu of the written thesis. Students intending to
pursue this option should follow the general procedures
1. Using the college form, the student must obtain
approval of a proposed project from the supervisory
2. The student should include in the proposal a de-
scription of the nature of the project, the method and
sources of research material, and how the project will be
recorded-e.g., slides, tapes, scripts, program notes, etc.
3. Project must conform to departmental formats. To
insure future accessibility and for record keeping pur-
poses, a copy of the results must be deposited in a desig-
nated library.
Students must fulfill the Graduate School admission re-
quirements. In cases where the undergraduate degree is
not in the area chosen for graduate study, the student
must demonstrate a level of achievement fully equivalent
to the bachelor's degree in the graduate field concerned.
A candidate found deficient in certain undergraduate
areas will be required to remove the deficiencies by suc-
cessful completion of appropriate undergraduate
In addition candidates are required to submit slides
and/or a portfolio of the creative work, or to audition,
prior to being accepted into the program.
Two years of work in residence (three for theatre) are
usually necessary to complete degree requirements. If
deficiencies must be removed, the residency could be
The College reserves the right to retain student work
for purposes of record, exhibition, or instruction.
See additional information listed under Fields of
Instruction section of this catalog for Art, Music, and
- Art.-The MFA degree with a major in art is designed
for those who wish to prepare themselves as teachers of
art in colleges and universities and for those who wish to
attain a professional level of proficiency in studio work.
Specialization is offered in the studio areas of ceramics,
creative photography, drawing, painting, printmaking,
sculpture, and multimedia. The MFA is generally
accepted as the terminal degree in the studio area.
In addition to the general requirements above, students
are required to take a minimum of 48 credit hours. ARH
6897 is required for all students. ARH 5805 is required
for students who select the written thesis. Twenty-one
credits in the area of specialization, ten credits in art
electives (four hours must be in art history), six hours of
outside electives, and six hours of individual project or
thesis complete the course requirements.
Graduate students interested in specialized study in art
conservation and architectural preservation may elect to
take courses through a cooperative arrangement with the
College of Architecture.
Music.-The MFA degree with a major in music is de-
signed primarily for those who wish to prepare for careers
as teachers in colleges and universities, performers,
music historians, music critics, church musicians,
composers, conductors, and accompanists. Recipients of
the MFA degree will be prepared to continue doctoral
study in the various areas of music listed above.
In addition to the general requirements stated above,
three credits in MUS 6716, nine credits in music history
and literature, and six credits in music theory are
Theatre.-The MFA degree with a major in theatre is
designed primarily for those interested in production-
oriented theatrical careers and teaching. Specialization is
offered in the areas of performance and design/
technology. The craft skills encompassed in the program
are given subsequent application in public and studio
In addition to the general requirements stated above,
course work must include TPA 6219-three credits; THE
6521-three credits; a total of 18 credits of theatre
practicum activities; and a total of 12 credits of advanced
study in the student's area of specialization. The balance
of the program, exclusive of six credits in thesis research,
is to be completed with elective theatre courses for a total
of 66 credit hours.
The Master of Forest Resources and Conservation pro-
gram is designed for those students who wish additional
professional preparation, rather than for those interested
primarily in research. This nonthesis degree is offered in
the same specializations as the Master of Science degree.
The basic requirements, including those for admission, su-
pervisory committee, and plan of study, are the same as
those indicated under General Regulations for master's
degrees in this Catalog.
Work Required.-A minimum of 32 credits of course
work is required with at least 16 credits in graduate level
courses. A minimum of 12 credits must be in a selected
area of specialization in graduate level courses. A thesis
is not required, but the student must submit a technical
paper in an appropriate field. A comprehensive written
qualifying examination, given by the supervisory com-
mittee, is required one semester prior to graduation. A
final oral examination, covering the candidate's entire
field of study, is required. Both examinations must be
given on campus.
The Master of Health Science degree is designed to
meet the need for leadership personnel in allied health to
serve a variety of functions required in established and
emerging health care programs. There are graduate pro-
grams in health and hospital administration, occupational
therapy, physical therapy, and rehabilitation counseling.
The health and hospital administration program is avail-
able only as part of a joint MBA/MHS degree program
offered in cooperation with the College of Business
The graduate program in health and hospital adminis-
tration is designed to train qualified individuals for
positions of leadership in health care organizations and
the communities which they serve. The program requires
full-time study for five semesters plus an administrative
residency experience of not less than six months. Stu-
dents are admitted only in the fall semester and must be
simultaneously admitted to the Master of Business Ad-
ministration program by the College of Business Admin-
istration. A total of 76 semester hours of academic credit
is required.
In occupational therapy, applicants must have com-
pleted an accredited basic professional curriculum in
occupational therapy. The program includes satisfactory
completion of a minimum of 36 credits of academic
course work and appropriate practicum and internship
experience. This nonthesis degree requires the candidate
to complete an approved departmental study or research
project and pass an oral examination as part of the
degree requirements. This one-year program is designed
to prepare occupational therapists for leadership roles in
clinical practice, administration, or education.
In physical therapy the program requires satisfactory
completion of 32 semester credits which include a core
curriculum in either the musculoskeletal track or the neu-
rological dysfunction track. These courses involve con-
Scepts of health care and management, research design,
research instrumentation, and applied neurophysiology.
Elective course work and a research project are required
components of the curriculum. A clinical internship with
a recognized clinician is optional. The courses applied
toward the degree must include at least 24 credits of non-
S/U graded courses, and at most a total of 4 hours of HSC
6939 (Special Topics in Physical Therapy) may be
counted toward the requirement of 24 hours of non-S/U
graded courses. The maximum number of research
credits that can be applied toward the degree would be
six. All candidates must pass comprehensive examina-
tion. The one-year, nonthesis curriculum is designed
with flexibility to permit each student to pursue and
develop his or her expertise in either the musculoskeletal
or neurological dysfunction area.
The rehabilitation counseling program is designed to
meet the need for professional personnel to serve in a va-
riety of rehabilitation counseling areas. The department
requires a minimum of 52 academic credits for the
majority of students including 37 credits in the major
area. Some exceptionally well-qualified students may be
required to take a minimum of 43 credits including 31
credits in the major area. Work in the major area includes
three semesters of practicum experiences and a full-time
internship. Elective courses are selected which comple-
ment the major courses and relate to the career plans of
the student. All candidates must pass a comprehensive
Additional requirements are listed under the General
Regulations section for all master's degrees.
The program leading to the degree of Master of Health
Science Education is designed to meet the need for
advanced preparation of health educators to serve in
positions of leadership in community, business, health
care delivery, and community college and school
Work Required.-A minimum of 36 credits of course
work is required, of which at least 50% must be graduate
courses in health science education. Course approval
must be obtained from the student's academic adviser.
Supervisory Committee.-A committee of at least two
members, including a chairperson and at least one
member from the department graduate faculty, will
supervise the work of students registered in this program.
Final Examination.-The candidate must pass a final
written examination covering the course of student and
research knowledge. The examination is taken in the
semester in which the candidate plans to complete the
The degree of Master of Landscape Architecture is the
advanced professional degree for graduates with bacca-
laureate credentials in landscape architecture and is a first
professional degree for the graduate from a non-landscape
architectural background who wishes to qualify for regis-
tration as a landscape architect. This degree program is
affiliated with a Master of Landscape Architecture at Flor-
ida International University.
The general requirements are the same as those for
Master of Arts degrees with thesis except that the
minimum registration required is 48 credits including no
more than six credits in LAA 6971. For some study areas,
with permission from the departmental graduate faculty, a
terminal project requiring six credits may be elected in lieu
of a thesis.
The instructional program leading to the degree Master
in Laws in Taxation offers advanced instruction in taxation,
with emphasis on federal taxation and particularly federal
income taxation, for law graduates who plan to specialize
in such matters in the practice of law.
Work Required.-Degree candidates must complete 24
credit hours, 20 of which must be in graduate level tax
courses, including a research and writing course in
which the candidate is enrolled for an entire academic
The College of Nursing offers the Master of Science in
Nursing and Master of Nursing degrees with clinical spec-
ializations in adult health, child health, critical care,
family and community health, gerontological nursing,
nurse midwifery, nursing service administration, psychiat-
ric and mental health, and women's and infants' nursing.
In addition to the clinical specialization, each student is
expected to acquire the knowledge and skills essential to
one of the functional areas of practice. The functional
roles of clinical specialist, nurse educator, nursing
administrator, and nurse practitioner are offered.
Work Required.-A minimum of 48 semester hours is
required for graduation. Candidates for the Master of
Science in Nursing degree must prepare and present the-
ses acceptable to their supervisory committees and the
Graduate School. These theses will be published by
microfilm. Candidates for the Master of Nursing degree
are required to complete a project.
Final Examination.-During the final semester each
student in the Master of Science in Nursing program must
pass an oral examination in defense of the thesis. A final
comprehensive oral or written examination must be
passed by candidates for the Master of Nursing degree.
These examinations must be taken on campus.
The minimum credits required for the Master of
Statistics degree are 36, including no fewer than 20 grad-
uate credits in the major field. Courses in the degree
program will be selected in consultation with the major
adviser and approved by the student's supervisory com-
mittee. The student will be required to pass two examin-
ations: (1) a comprehensive written examination, given
by a committee designated for the purpose, on material
covered in statistics courses for first year graduate
students and (2) a final oral examination given by the
student's supervisory committee, covering the entire field
of study. Both examinations must be taken on campus.
For those engineers who need additional technical
depth and diversification in their education beyond the
master's degree, the College of Engineering offers the de-
gree of Engineer.
This degree requires a minimum of 30 credit hours of
graduate work beyond the master's degree. It is not to be
considered as a partial requirement toward the Ph.D.
degree. The student's objective after the master's degree
should be the Ph.D. or the Engineer degree.
Admission to the Program.-To be admitted to the pro-
gram, students must have completed a master's degree in
engineering at an accredited institution approved by the
Graduate School, University of Florida, and apply for
admission to the Graduate School of the University of
Florida. The master's degree is regarded as the founda-
tion for the degree of Engineer.
Course and Residence Requirements.-A total registra-
tion in an approved program of at least 30 semester credit
hours beyond the master's degree is required. This
minimum requirement must be eamed through the Uni-
versity of Florida. The last 30 semester credit hours must
be completed within five calendar years.
Supervisory Committee.-Each student admitted to the
program will be advised by a supervisory committee con-
sisting of at least three members of the graduate faculty.
Two members are selected from the major department and
at least one from a supporting department. In addition,
every effort should be made to have a representative
from industry as an external adviser for the student's
This committee should be appointed as soon as possible
after the student has been admitted to the Graduate
School but, in no case, later than the end of the second
semester of study or the completion of 24 semester
This committee will inform the student of all regulations
pertaining to the degree program. The committee is nom-
inated by the department chairperson, approved by the
Dean of the College of Engineering, and appointed by
the Dean of the Graduate School. The Dean of the Grad-
uate School is an ex-officio member of all supervisory
committees and should be notified in writing in advance
of all committee meetings. If a thesis or report is a require-
ment in the plan of study, the committee will approve the
proposed thesis or report and the plans for carrying it out.
The thesis must be submitted to the Graduate School. The
committee will also conduct the final examination on
campus when the plan of study is completed.
Plan of Study.-Each plan of study is developed on an
individual basis for each student. Thus, there are no spe-
cific requirements for the major or minor; each student is
considered as a separate case. If the plan of study in-
cludes a thesis, the student may register for from 6 to 12
semester credit hours of thesis research in a course num-
bered 6971.
Thesis.-The thesis should represent performance at a
level above that ordinarily associated with the master's
degree. It should clearly be an original contribution; this
may take the form of scientific research, a design project,
or an industrial project approved by the supervisory com-
mittee. Work on the thesis may be conducted in an indus-
trial or governmental laboratory under conditions stipu-
lated by the supervisory committee.
Final Examination.-After the student has completed
all work on the plan of study, the supervisory committee
conducts a final comprehensive oral and/or written exam-
ination, which also involves a defense of the thesis if one
is included in the program. This examination must be
taken on campus with all participants present.
I The College of Education offers programs leading to
the degrees Specialist in Education, Doctor of Education,
and Doctor of Philosophy.
The Specialist in Education degree is awarded for a two-
year program of graduate study. The Doctor of Education
degree requires writing a doctoral dissertation. Foreign
languages are not required. The Doctor of Philosophy
degree in the College of Education is described under
Requirements for the Ph.D.
In addition to the clinical specialization, each student is
expected to acquire the knowledge and skills essential to
one of the functional areas of practice. The functional
roles of clinical specialist, nurse educator, nursing
administrator, and nurse practitioner are offered.
Work Required.-A minimum of 48 semester hours is
required for graduation. Candidates for the Master of
Science in Nursing degree must prepare and present the-
ses acceptable to their supervisory committees and the
Graduate School. These theses will be published by
microfilm. Candidates for the Master of Nursing degree
are required to complete a project.
Final Examination.-During the final semester each
student in the Master of Science in Nursing program must
pass an oral examination in defense of the thesis. A final
comprehensive oral or written examination must be
passed by candidates for the Master of Nursing degree.
These examinations must be taken on campus.
The minimum credits required for the Master of
Statistics degree are 36, including no fewer than 20 grad-
uate credits in the major field. Courses in the degree
program will be selected in consultation with the major
adviser and approved by the student's supervisory com-
mittee. The student will be required to pass two examin-
ations: (1) a comprehensive written examination, given
by a committee designated for the purpose, on material
covered in statistics courses for first year graduate
students and (2) a final oral examination given by the
student's supervisory committee, covering the entire field
of study. Both examinations must be taken on campus.
For those engineers who need additional technical
depth and diversification in their education beyond the
master's degree, the College of Engineering offers the de-
gree of Engineer.
This degree requires a minimum of 30 credit hours of
graduate work beyond the master's degree. It is not to be
considered as a partial requirement toward the Ph.D.
degree. The student's objective after the master's degree
should be the Ph.D. or the Engineer degree.
Admission to the Program.-To be admitted to the pro-
gram, students must have completed a master's degree in
engineering at an accredited institution approved by the
Graduate School, University of Florida, and apply for
admission to the Graduate School of the University of
Florida. The master's degree is regarded as the founda-
tion for the degree of Engineer.
Course and Residence Requirements.-A total registra-
tion in an approved program of at least 30 semester credit
hours beyond the master's degree is required. This
minimum requirement must be eamed through the Uni-
versity of Florida. The last 30 semester credit hours must
be completed within five calendar years.
Supervisory Committee.-Each student admitted to the
program will be advised by a supervisory committee con-
sisting of at least three members of the graduate faculty.
Two members are selected from the major department and
at least one from a supporting department. In addition,
every effort should be made to have a representative
from industry as an external adviser for the student's
This committee should be appointed as soon as possible
after the student has been admitted to the Graduate
School but, in no case, later than the end of the second
semester of study or the completion of 24 semester
This committee will inform the student of all regulations
pertaining to the degree program. The committee is nom-
inated by the department chairperson, approved by the
Dean of the College of Engineering, and appointed by
the Dean of the Graduate School. The Dean of the Grad-
uate School is an ex-officio member of all supervisory
committees and should be notified in writing in advance
of all committee meetings. If a thesis or report is a require-
ment in the plan of study, the committee will approve the
proposed thesis or report and the plans for carrying it out.
The thesis must be submitted to the Graduate School. The
committee will also conduct the final examination on
campus when the plan of study is completed.
Plan of Study.-Each plan of study is developed on an
individual basis for each student. Thus, there are no spe-
cific requirements for the major or minor; each student is
considered as a separate case. If the plan of study in-
cludes a thesis, the student may register for from 6 to 12
semester credit hours of thesis research in a course num-
bered 6971.
Thesis.-The thesis should represent performance at a
level above that ordinarily associated with the master's
degree. It should clearly be an original contribution; this
may take the form of scientific research, a design project,
or an industrial project approved by the supervisory com-
mittee. Work on the thesis may be conducted in an indus-
trial or governmental laboratory under conditions stipu-
lated by the supervisory committee.
Final Examination.-After the student has completed
all work on the plan of study, the supervisory committee
conducts a final comprehensive oral and/or written exam-
ination, which also involves a defense of the thesis if one
is included in the program. This examination must be
taken on campus with all participants present.
I The College of Education offers programs leading to
the degrees Specialist in Education, Doctor of Education,
and Doctor of Philosophy.
The Specialist in Education degree is awarded for a two-
year program of graduate study. The Doctor of Education
degree requires writing a doctoral dissertation. Foreign
languages are not required. The Doctor of Philosophy
degree in the College of Education is described under
Requirements for the Ph.D.
In cooperation with the Graduate Studies Office, Col-
lege of Education, programs leading to these degrees are
administered through the individual departments in the
College of Education. It is the responsibility of the depart-
ment's chairperson to carry out the policies of the
Graduate School and the graduate committee of the
,College of Education. More specific information about
the various programs and departmental requirements may
be obtained from the individual departments. General
information or assistance is available through the Office
of Student Services in Education, Room 134, Norman
Admission to the Ed.S., Ed.D., and Ph.D. programs is
open only to persons who have met the following
1. Achieved at least the minimum upper-division
undergraduate grade average and verbal-quantitative
total score on the Aptitude Test of the Graduate Record
Examination necessary for admission to the Graduate
School, University of Florida.
2. Provided evidence of good scholarship for previous
graduate work (a 3.5 grade-point average or above, as
computed by the University of Florida, will be considered
3. Successfully completed 36 credits of professional
course work in education. Applicants for admission to
advanced degree programs in the College of Education
who meet all the requirements except for successfully
completing 36 credits of professional education courses
may be given provisional admission and full admission
when they have completed the required 36 credits.
4. Presented a record of successful professional ex-
perience, the appropriateness of which will be deter-
mined by the instructional department passing on the
applicant's qualifications for admission. In some
instances, departments may admit students with the
understanding that further experience may be required
before the student will be recommended for the degree.
The judgment about admission of an individual is
made by the major department, the College of Education,
and the Graduate School, University of Florida.
Primary emphasis in an Ed.S. program is placed on the
development of the competencies needed for a specific
job. Programs are available in the various areas of con-
centration within the Departments of Counselor Educa-
tion, Educational Leadership, Foundations of Education,
Instruction and Curriculum, and Special Education.
To study for this degree, the student must apply and be
admitted to the Graduate School of the University of
Florida. All work for the degree must be completed with-
in seven years after admission to the Graduate School.
The Ed.S. degree is awarded at the completion of a
planned program with a minimum of 72 credits beyond
the bachelor's degree or a minimum of 36 credits
beyond the master's degree. All credits accepted for the
program must contribute to the unity and the stated
objective of the total program. Students are tested (in no
case earlier than six months prior to receipt of degree) in
both a written and an oral examination, given on cam-
pus, by a committee selected by the department chair-
person. A thesis is not required; however, each program
will include continuing attention to a research component
relevant to the professional role for which the student is
Students who enter the program with an appropriate
master's degree from another accredited institution must
complete a minimum of 36 credits of post-master's study
to satisfy the following requirements.
1. Twenty-one credits in graduate level courses.
2. At least 12 credits in graduate level professional
education courses.
3. Registration on the Gainesville campus of the Uni-
versity of Florida for at least six credits in a single
Twelve credits for appropriate courses offered off-
campus by the University of Florida may be transferred to
the program. Six credits may be transferred from another
institution of the State University System or from any insti-
tution offering a doctoral degree; however, credit trans-
ferred from another institution reduces proportionately
the credit transferred from University of Florida off-
campus courses.
Students who enter the program with a bachelor's de-
gree only must, during the 72-credit program, satisfy
these requirements in addition to the requirements of the
Master of Education degree or its equivalent.
A doctoral candidate is expected to achieve understand-
ing of the broad field of education and competence in an
area of specialization. Programs are available in the
various areas of concentration within the Departments of
Counselor Education, Educational Leadership, Founda-
tions of Education, Instruction and Curriculum, and
Special Education.
Admission to a program of work leading to the degree
of Doctor of Education requires admission to the Grad-
uate School.
A minimum of 90 credits beyond the bachelor's degree
is required for the doctoral degree. All courses beyond
the master's degree taken at another institution, to be
Applied toward the Doctor of Education degree, must be
taken at an institution offering the doctoral degree and
must be approved for graduate credit by the Graduate
School of the University of Florida.
Minors.-Minor work or work in cognate fields is re-
quired. Minor work may be completed in any department,
other than the major departments approved for master's
or doctoral degree programs as listed in the Catalog. If
one minor is selected, at least 15.credits of work therein
will be required; if two minors are chosen, one minor
must include at least 12 credits of course work, the other
at least 5 credits.
Courses in physical education approved by the College
of Health and Human Performance and the Graduate
School as subject matter or content courses may be used
in the cognate work or as a minor.
In lieu of a minor or minors, the candidate may present
a suitable program of no fewer than 15 credits of cognate
work in at least two departments. If two fields are in-
cluded, there shall be no fewer than five credits in each
field. If three or more fields are included, the five credit
requirement for each field does not apply. This program
must have the approval of the student's supervisory com-
mittee. The College of Education faculty will expect the
candidate to be prepared to answer questions, at the time
of the oral examination, in any of the areas chosen.
Admission to Candidacy.-Admission to candidacy for
the degree of Doctor of Education requires successful
completion of the qualifying examinations and approval
of a dissertation topic. Recommendation to the Graduate
School for admission to candidacy is based on the action
of the supervisory committee. Application for admission
to candidacy should be made as soon as the qualifying
examination has been passed and a dissertation topic has
been approved by the student's supervisory committee.
Qualifying Examination.-The applicant is recom-
mended for the qualifying examination by the supervisory
committee after completion of sufficient course work.
The examination, administered on campus by the stu-
dent's major department, consists of (1) a general section,
(2) a field of specialization section, (3) examination in the
minor or minors, where involved, and (4) an oral exam-
ination conducted by the applicant's supervisory
If the student fails the qualifying examination, a re-
examination will not be given unless recommended for
special reasons by the supervisory committee and ap-
proved by the Graduate School. At least one semester of
additional preparation is considered essential before re-
Research Preparation Requirement.-EDF 7486 (Meth-
ods of Educational Research) or its equivalent, for which
a basic course in statistics is a prerequisite, and one other
approved course, are minimum requirements in all pro-
grams. Additional requirements vary with the department
and with the student's plans for doctoral research.
For information relating to Concentrated Period of
Study, the Supervisory Committee, Time Lapse, the
Dissertation, and the Final Examination, the student is
referred to the material presented under the heading Re-
quirements for the Ph.D. These statements are applicable
to both degrees.
Doctoral study consists of the independent mastery of
a field of knowledge and the successful pursuit of re-
search. Consequently, doctoral programs are more flexi-
ble and varied than those leading to other graduate de-
grees. The Graduate Council does not specify what
courses will be required for the Ph.D. degree. The gen-
eral requirement is that the program should be unified in
relation to a clear objective, that it should have the
considered approval of the student's entire supervisory
committee, and that it should include an appropriate
number of credit hours of doctoral research.
The course requirements for doctoral degrees vary
from field to field and from student to student. The
student's supervisory committee has the responsibility for
recommending individual courses of study for each doc-
toral student subject to the approval of the Dean of the
Graduate School. A minimum of 90 credits beyond the
bachelor's degree is required for the doctoral degree.
Major.-The student working for the Ph.D. must elect
to do the major work in a department specifically ap-
proved for the offering of doctoral courses and the super-
vision of dissertations. These departments are listed
under Graduate Programs.
Minor.-With the approval of the supervisory commit-
tee, the student may or more minor fields.
Minor work may be completed in any department, other
than the major department, approved for master's or
doctor's degree programs as listed in this Catalog.
If one minor is chosen, the representative of the minor
department on the supervisory committee shall suggest
from 12 to 24 credits as preparation for a qualifying
examination. A part of this background may have been
acquired in the master's program. If two minors are
chosen, each must include at least eight credits. Compe-
tence in the minor area may be demonstrated through a
written examination conducted by the minor department
or through the oral qualifying examination.
Course work in the minor at the doctoral level need
not be restricted to the courses of one department,
provided that the minor has a clearly stated objective and
that the combination of courses representing the minor
shall be approved by the Graduate School. This proce-
dure is not required for a departmental minor.
Supervisory committees are nominated by the depart-
ment chairperson, approved by the dean of the college
concerned, and appointed by the Dean of the Graduate
School. The committee should be appointed as soon as
possible after the student has begun doctoral work and in
general no later than the end of the second semester of
equivalent full-time study. The Dean of the Graduate
School is an ex-officio member of all supervisory com-
mittees and should be notified in writing well in advance
of all examinations conducted by such committees.
Duties and Responsibilities.-Duties of the supervisory
committee follow:
1. To inform the student of all regulations governing
the degree sought. It should be noted, however, that this
does not absolve the student from the responsibility of
informing himself concerning these regulations. (See
Student Responsibility.)
2. To meet immediately after appointment to review
the qualifications of the student and to discuss and ap-
prove a program ot study.
3. To meet to discuss and approve the proposed dis-
sertation project and the plans for carrying it out.
4. To conduct the qualifying examination or, in those
cases where the examination is administered by the de-
partment, to take part in it. In either event, no fewer than
five faculty members shall be present with the student for
the oral portion of the examination. This examination
must be given on campus.
5. To meet when the work on the dissertation is at
least one-half completed to review procedure, progress,
and expected results and to make suggestions for com-
6. To meet on campus when the dissertation is com-
pleted and conduct the final oral examination to assure
that the dissertation is a piece of original research and a
contribution to knowledge. No fewer than five faculty
members shall be present with the candidate for this
examination, but only the members of the official
supervisory committee may sign the dissertation. The
dissertation must be approved unanimously by the offi-
cial supervisory committee.
Membership.-The supervisory committee for a candi-
date for the doctoral degree shall consist of no fewer than
three members selected from the graduate faculty. At
least two members will be from the department recom-
mending the degree, and at least one member will be
drawn from a different educational discipline. The
chairperson and at least one additional member of the
committee will be members of the Doctoral Research
Faculty of the University of Florida.
If a minor is chosen, the supervisory committee will
include at least one person selected from the graduate
faculty from outside the discipline of the major for the
purpose of representing the student's minor. In the event
that the student elects more than one minor, each minor
area may, at the discretion of the departments con-
cerned, be represented on the supervisory committee.
When a minor is not designated, the supervisory com-
mittee will include at least one member of the graduate
faculty from outside the discipline of the major. The
Graduate Council desires each supervisory committee to
function as a university committee, as contrasted with a
departmental committee, in order to bring university-
wide standards to bear upon the various doctoral
In unusual cases the doctoral research may require the
guidance of a specialist from an area of study other than
that of the chairperson of the supervisory committee. In
such cases the department chair may recommend appoint-
ment of a chairperson and a cochairperson, with the
latter being a member of the graduate faculty but not
necessarily the Doctoral Research Faculty. A cochairper-
son may also be appointed to serve during a planned
absence of the chairperson; in this case both the chair-
person and the cochairperson must be appointed to the
Doctoral Research Faculty.
Any foreign language requirement, or a' substitute.
therefore, for the Ph.D. is established by the major depart-
ment with approval of the college. The student should
check with the graduate coordinator of the appropriate
department for specific information. The foreign lan-
guage departments offer special classes for graduate
students who are beginning the study of a language. See
the current Schedule of Courses for the languages in
which this assistance is available.
The ability to use the English language correctly and
effectively, as judged by the supervisory committee, is
required of all candidates.
Candidates for the doctoral degree must satisfy the
minimum requirements for a period of concentrated study,
beyond the master's degree, by registering for (1) 30
semester hours in one calendar year, or (2) 36 semester
hours in no more than four semesters within a period of
two calendar years on the University of Florida campus.
Courses at the 1000 or 2000 level will not be counted
toward the requirement for concentrated study.
Candidates in the College of Agriculture may do their
research at certain branch stations of the University of
Florida Agricultural Experiment Station where adequate
staff and facilities are available.
The qualifying examination, which is required of all
candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, may be
taken during the third semester of graduate study beyond
the bachelor's degree.
The student must be registered in the term in which the
qualifying examination is given.
The examination, conducted by the supervisory com-
mittee or the major and minor departments, is both writ-
ten and oral and covers the major and minor subjects. At
least five faculty members must be present with the stu-
dent at the oral portion. The supervisory committee has
the responsibility at this time of deciding whether the
student is qualified to continue work toward a Ph.D.
If a student fails the qualifying examination, the Grad-
uate School must be notified. A re-examination may be
requested, but it must be recommended by the supervi-
sory committee and approved by the Graduate School.
At least one semester of additional preparation is con-
sidered essential before re-examination.
Time Lapse.-Between the qualifying examinations
and the date of the degree there must be a minimum of
two semesters. The semester in which the qualifying
examination is passed is counted, provided that the
examination occurs before the midpoint of thelterm.
A graduate student does not become a candidate for
the Ph.D. degree until granted formal admission to candi-
dacy. Such admission requires the approval of the stu-
dent's supervisory committee, the department chair-
person, the college dean, and the Dean of the Graduate
School. The approval must be based on (1) the academic
record of the student, (2) the opinion of the supervisory
committee concerning overall fitness for candidacy, (3) an
approved dissertation topic, and (4) a qualifying exam-
ination as described above. Application for admission to
candidacy should be made as soon as the qualifying
examination has been passed and a dissertation topic has
been approved by the student's supervisory committee. A
student may register for 7980 (Research for Dissertation) in
the term he or she is admitted to candidacy for a doctoral
Every candidate for a doctoral degree is required to
prepare and present a dissertation that shows independent
investigation and is acceptable in form and content to the
supervisory committee and to the Graduate School.
Dissertations must be written in English. The Dean of the
Graduate School may approve exceptions to this rule on
an individual basis for students majoring in Romance
languages and literatures.
Since all doctoral dissertations will be published by
microfilm, it is necessary that the work be of publishable
quality and that it be in a form suitable for publication.
The original copy of the dissertation must be presented
to the Dean of the Graduate School on or before the date
specified in the University Calendar. It must contain an
abstract and be accompanied by four unpaged separate
copies of the abstract, a letter of transmittal from the
supervisory chairperson, and all doctoral forms. After
corrections have been made, and no later than the
specified formal submission date, the fully signed copy of.
the dissertation, together with the signed Final Examina-
tion Report, should be returned to the Graduate School.
The original copy of the dissertation is sent by the
Graduate School to the Library for microfilming and
hardbinding. A second copy, reproduced on required
thesis paper, should be given to the office of the college
dean or the graduate coordinator for subsequent delivery
to the Library for hardbinding. The supervisory chair-
person and the candidate will each need a copy and, if
required, another should also be provided for the
departmental library.
Publication of Dissertation.-All candidates for the.
Ph.D. and Ed.D. degrees are required to pay the sum of
$40 to Student Financial Services, the Hub, for microfilm-
ing their dissertations, and to sign an agreement authoriz-
ing publication by microfilm.
Copyright.-The candidate may choose to copyright the
microfilmed dissertation for a charge of $20 payable by a
certified or cashier's check or money order to University
Microfilms attached to the signed microfilm agreement
form. To assure receipt of the valuable Copyright
Registration Certificate, candidates must give permanent.
addresses through which they can always be reached.
After submission of the dissertation and the completion
of all other prescribed work for the degree, but in no case
earlier than six months before the conferring of the de-
gree, the candidate will be given a final examination,
oral or written or both, by the supervisory committee
meeting on campus. An announcement of the scheduled
examination must be sent to the Dean of the Graduate
School. At least five faculty members must be present
with the candidate at the oral portion of this examination.
At the time of the defense all committee members should
sign the signature pages and all committee and attending
faculty members should sign the Final Examination
Report. These may be retained by the supervisory
chairman until acceptable completion of corrections.
Satisfactory performance on this examination and
adherence to all Graduate School regulations outlined
above complete the requirements for the degree.
Time Limitation.-All work for the doctorate must be
completed within five calendar years after the qualifying
examination, or this examination must be repeated.
Doctoral candidates who have completed all require-
ments for the degree, including satisfactory defense and
final acceptance of the dissertation, may request certifica-
tion to that effect prior to receipt of the degree.
Certification request forms, available in the Graduate
School Editorial Office, should be filled out by the candi-
date, signed by the college dean, and returned to the
Graduate School for verification and processing.
Each application for admission to the University must
be accompanied by an application fee of $15. Appli-
cation fees are nonrefundable. Further instructions will
be found in the Admissions section of this Catalog.
(Section 6C-7.05, Florida Administrative Code)
(1) For the purpose of assessing registration and tuition
fees, a student shall be classified as a resident or a non-
resident. A "resident for tuition purposes" is a person
who qualifies for the in-state tuition rate; a "non-
resident for tuition purposes" is a person who does not
qualify for the in-state tuition rate.
(a) To be classified as a "resident for tuition pur-
poses," a person, or, if a dependent child, the child's
parent or parents, shall have established legal resi-
dence in Florida and shall have maintained legal
residence in Florida for at least twelve (12) months
immediately prior to his or her qualification. A
dependent child is a person who may be claimed by
his or her parent as a dependent under the Federal
Income Tax Code. Every applicant for admission to a
university shall be required to make a statement as to
the length of residence in the state and shall also
establish his or her presence, or, if a dependent
child, the presence of his or her parent or parents, in
the state for the purpose of maintaining a bona fide
domicile in accordance with the provisions of Sec-
tion 240.1201(2)(b), Florida Statutes.
(b) With respect to a dependent child, the legal resi-
dence of such individual's parent or parents shall be
prima facie evidence of the'individual's legal res-
idence in accordance with the provisions of Section
240.1201(4), Florida Statutes. Prima facie evidence
may be reinforced or rebutted by evidence of resi-
dency, age, and the general circumstances of the
individual in accordance with the provisions of Rule
(c) In making domiciliary determinations related to
the classification of persons as residents or non-
residents for tuition purposes, the domicile of a
married person, irrespective of sex, shall be deter-
mined in accordance with the provisions of Section
240.1201(5), Florida Statutes.
(d) Any nonresident person, irrespective of sex, who
marries a legal' resident of this state or marries a
person who later becomes a legal resident, may,
upon becoming a legal resident of this state, accede
to the benefit of the spouse's immediately precedent
duration as a legal resident for purposes of satisfying
the 12-month durational requirement.
(e) No person shall lose his or her resident status for
tuition purposes solely by reason of serving, or, if a
dependent child, by reason of the parent or parents
serving, in the Armed Forces outside this state.
(f) A person who has been properly classified as a
resident for tuition purposes, but who, while en-
rolled in an institution of higher education in this
state, loses resident tuition status because the person,
or, if a dependent child, the parent or parents, estab-
lish domicile or legal residence elsewhere, shall con-
tinue to enjoy the in-state tuition rate for a statutory
grace period. This grace period shall be measured in
accordance with the provisions of Section 240.1201
(8), Florida Statutes.
(g) The legal residence of a dependent child whose
parents are divorced, separated, or otherwise living
apart shall be deemed to be Florida if either parent is
a legal resident of Florida, regardless of which parent
is entitled to claim, and does in fact claim, the minor
as a dependent pursuant to federal individual income
tax provisions.
(h) Any person who ceases to be enrolled at or grad-
uates from an institution of higher education while
classified as a resident for tuition purposes and who
subsequently abandons Florida domicile shall be
permitted to reenroll at an institution of higher
education in this state as a resident for tuition
purposes in accordance with the provisions of Sec-
tion 240.1201(10), Florida Statutes.
(i) A member of the Armed Forces on active duty
stationed in Florida, and the spouse and dependents
of such member, shall be classified as residents for
tuition purposes.
(j) Full-time instructional and administrative person-
nel employed by state public schools, community col-
leges, and institutions of higher education, and the
spouses and dependent children of such individuals,
shall be classified as residents for tuition purposes.
(2) An individual shall not be classified as a resident
for tuition purposes and, thus, not be eligible to receive
the in-state tution rate, until the'individual has
provided satisfactory evidence as to his or her legal
residence and domicile to appropriate university offi-
cials. In determining residency, the university shall re-
quire evidence such as a voter registration, driver's
license, automobile registration, location of bank
account, rent receipts or any other relevant materials as
evidence that the applicant has maintained 12 months
residence immediately prior to qualification. To deter-
mine if the student is a dependent child, the university
shall require evidence such as copies of the aforemen-
tioned documents. In addition, the university may
require a notarized copy of the parent's IRS return. If a
non-resident wishes to qualify for resident tuition status
in accordance with Section (1)(d) above, the applicant
must present evidence of the spouse's legal residence
with certified copies of the aforementioned documents.
"Resident student" classification shall also be con-
strued to include students to whom an Immigration
Parolee card or a Form 1-94 (Parole Edition) was issued
at least one year prior to the first day of classes or
which resident student status is sought, or who have
had their resident alien status approved by the United
States Immigration and Naturalization Service, or who
hold an Immigration and Naturalization Form 1-151,
1-551 or a notice of an approved adjustment of status
application, or Cuban Nationals or Vietnamese Refu-
gees or other refugees or asylees so designated by the
United States Immigration and Naturalization Service
who are considered as Resident Aliens, provided such
students meet the residency requirements stated above
and comply with subsection (4) below. The burden of
establishing facts which justify classification of a
student as a resident and domiciliary entitled to
"resident for tuition purposes" registration rates is on
the applicant for such classification.
(3) In applying this policy:
(a) "Student" shall mean a person admitted to the
institution, or a person allowed to register at the
institution on a space available basis.
(b) "Domicile" shall denote a person's true, fixed,
and permanent home, and to which whenever the
person is absent the person has the intention of re-
(c) "Parent" shall mean an individual's father or
mother, or if there is a court appointed guardian or
legal custodian of the individual, other than the
father or mother, it shall mean the guardian or legal
(d) The term "dependent child," as used in this rule,
is the same as a dependent as defined in the Internal
Revenue Code of 1954.
(4) In all applications for admission or registration at
the institution on a space available basis a "resident for
tuition purposes" applicant, or, if a dependent child,
the parent of the applicant, shall make and file with
such application a written statement, under oath, that
the applicant is a bona fide resident and domiciliary of
the state of Florida, entitled as such to classification as
a "resident for tuition purposes" under the terms and
conditions prescribed for residents and domiciliaries of
the state of Florida. All claims to "resident for tuition
purposes" classification must be supported by evidence
as stated in 6C-7.05(1), (2) if requested by the register-
ing authority.
(5) A "non-resident" or, if a dependent child, the
individual's parent, after maintaining a legal residence
and being a bona fide domiciliary of Florida for twelve
(12) months, immediately prior to enrollment and qual-
ification as a resident, rather than for the purpose of
maintaining a mere temporary residence or abode inci-
dent to enrollment in an institution of higher educa-
tion, may apply for and be granted classification as a
"resident for tuition purposes"; provided, however,
that those students who are non-resident aliens or who
are in the United States on a non-immigration visa will
not be entitled to reclassification. An application for
reclassification as a "resident for tuition purposes"
shall comply with provisions of subsection (4) above.
An applicant who has been classified as a "non-
resident for tuition purposes" at time of original
enrollment shall furnish evidence as stated in
6C-7.05(1) to the satisfaction of the registering
authority that the applicant has maintained residency
in the state for the twelve months immediately prior to
qualification required to establish residence for tuition
purposes. In the absence of such evidence, the appli-
cant shall not be reclassified as a "resident for tuition
purposes." It is recommended that the application for
reclassification be accompanied by a certified copy of
a declaration of intent to establish legal domicile in the
state, which intent must have been filed with the Clerk
of the Circuit Court as provided by Section 222.17,
Florida Statutes. If the request for reclassification and
the necessary documentation is not received by the
registrar prior to the last day of registration for the term
in which the student intends to be reclassified, the
student will not be reclassified for that term.
(6) Appeal from a determination denying "resident for
tuition purposes" status to applicant therefore may be
initiated after appropriate administrative remedies are
exhausted by the filing of a petition for review pursuant
to Section 120.68 F.S.
(7) Any student granted status as a "resident for tuition
purposes," which status is based on a sworn statement
which is false shall, upon determination of such falsity,
be subject to such disciplinary sanctions as may be im-
posed by the president of the university.
Specific Authority 240.209(1), (3)(m) FS. Law Imple-
mented 120.53 (1)(a), 240.209(1), (3)(d), (m), 240.233,
240.235, 240.1201 FS. History-Formerly 6C-2.51,
11-18-70, Amended 8-20-71, 6-5-73, 3-4-74, Renum-
bered 12-16-74, Amended 1-13-76, 12-13-77,
8-11-81, 6-21-83, 12-14-83, 6-10-84.
The University Calendar appearing at the front of this,
Catalog sets forth the beginning and ending dates of each
Fees are payable on the dates listed in that Calendar or
the dates shown on statements sent those participating in
Advance Registration. Payment of fees is an integral part
of the registration process. Registration (including pay-
ment of fees) must be completed on or-before the proper
due date. Student Financial Services, the Hub, must be
provided a properly executed authorization for payment
in cases where fees are to be paid by a previously
approved loan, scholarship, etc., prior to the deadline
published in the Calendar.
Liability is incurred for all credit hours remaining on a
student's schedule at the close of the drop/add period
each semester.
Students must assess and pay their own fees. University
personnel will not be held accountable for proper assess-
ment or mathematical accuracy of calculations.
The fee structure for the academic year 1986-87 is'
based upon the number of credit hours per course, as
Course Level Florida Resident Resident
5000-9999* $58.20** $171.60**'***
*Includes Thesis and dissertation courses.
**These are subject to change for summer terms.
***This figure includes in-state fees.
A student must be registered during the terms of the
qualifying examination and the final examination, and
during the term in which the degree is awarded.
Detailed information on the waiver of registration fees
for permanent full-time employees of the state may be
obtained from the Office of the Registrar.
Those who have been employed on a permanent full-
time basis for at least six months may be permitted to
enroll for six credit hours per term on a space-available
Audit Fee.-Fees for audited courses are the same as
those listed above for Florida students. The audit fee is
the same for Florida and non-Florida students.
Student Health Fee.-In prior semesters, the health fee
was a flat rate assessment determined by hours of enroll-
ment. Since Fall 1986, the health fee has been assessed
on a per credit hour basis and is included in the basic
hourly rate per course level. This health fee is not a part
of any health insurance. Students registered in off-
campus programs may request a waiver of this fee in
combination with the Athletic Fee and the Student
Activity and Service Fee through their department chairs.
Approved waivers must have department approval and
be delivered to Student Financial Services prior to the fee
payment deadline. Final fee waiver approval will be
granted at the discretion of the University Controller,
Scientific Laboratory Fee.--Scientific laboratory fees
are now being assessed for certain courses where labora-
tory sessions are part of the curriculum. A list of courses
and fees is available in each department or students may
contact Student Financial Services at 392-0181. These
fees range from $3.75 to $15.00.
Late Fee Charges.-There are two late charges that can
be assessed against a student. However, only one of
these charges will be assessed for any single term. These
late charges are
1. Late Registration Charge--$25.00-Any student
who registers after the regular registration period is
subject to the late registration charge.
2. Late Payment Charge-$25.00-All fees must be
paid by 2:30 p.m. on the fee payment deadline date
unless the student has established a deferment or a
A student who believes that any of the late charges should
not be assessed can complete a petition for the waiver of
the late charge with the appropriate office as follows:
Late Registration Charge-If due to University error this
charge is assessed, the student may obtain and com-
plete a petition for waiver of this fee in the Office of the
Registrar. The Registrar will make a recommendation
but the final decision will be made by Student
Financial Services, the Hub.
Late Payment Charge-Petition for waiver of this
charge may be obtained and submitted at Student
Financial Services, Room 100, The Hub.
Graduate Record Examination.-The Aptitude Test of
the Graduate Record Examination is required for admis-
sion to the Graduate School. The fee of $29 may increase
before the effective date of this Catalog. Students who
take one of the advanced tests of the GRE in combination
with the Aptitude Test currently are paying $58. These
fees are payable to the Educational Testing Service,
Princeton, New Jersey 08540.
Graduate School Foreign Language Test.-A fee of
$15 is assessed to cover the cost of this examination. Ad-
ministrative arrangements to register for this examination
and the payment of fees must be made through the Office
of Instructional Resources, 1012 Turlington Hall.
Library Permanent Binding Fee.-Each candidate for a
degree with a thesis or dissertation must pay a fee of $14
for the permanent hardbinding of the two copies of the
thesis or dissertation to be deposited in the University
Libraries. This fee is payable at Student Financial
Services, the Hub. A copy of the receipt for this fee must
be presented at the Graduate School Editorial Office.
Microfilm Fee.-A fee of $40 is charged for the publica-
tion of the doctoral dissertation by microfilm. This fee is
payable at Student Finacial Services, the Hub. A copy of
the receipt for this fee must be presented at the Graduate
School Editorial Office.
SNursing students must pay a fee of $30 for the publica-
tion of their theses by microfilm. Again, this fee is
payable at Student Financial Services (the Hub) and a
copy of the fee receipt must be presented to the Graduate
School Editorial Office (109 Grinter).
Fees will be refunded in full for
1. Credit hours dropped during the drop/add period.
2. Courses cancelled by the University.
3. Involuntary call to active duty.
4. Death of the student, or death in the immediate
family (parent, spouse, child, or sibling).
5. Illness of the student of such duration or severity, as
confirmed by a physician, that completion of the
semester is precluded.
6. Exceptional circumstances, upon approval of the
University President.
,A refund of 25% of the total fees paid (less building,
capital improvement, and late fees) is available if written
notice of withdrawal of enrollment is approved prior to
the end of the fourth week of classes for full semesters or
a proportionately shorter period of time for shorter
Refunds may be requested at Student Financial Ser-
vices, Room, 100, the Hub. Proper documentation must
be presented when a refund is requested. A waiting
period for processing may be required. Refunds are not
applied automatically against current or subsequent fee
All students' accounts are due and payable at Student
Financial Services, the Hub, at the time such charges are
University regulations prohibit registration, graduation,
release of grades, transcripts, or diplomas for any student
whose account with the University is delinquent.
The University shall cancel the registration of any stu-
dent who has not paid any portion of his or her fee lia-
bility by the established deadlines published by the Uni-
versity each semester. A student whose registration is
cancelled is not entitled to a refund beyond the circum-
stances covered under the refund policy. A student
whose registration has been cancelled must request a
reinstatement letter at Student Financial Services. To
expedite reinstatement, the student should deliver the
letter to Registrar Records, 34 Tigert Hall-Station 2.
All students must register their automobiles or motor-
cycles at the University Traffic and Parking Department
during their first registration period at the University.
There is a fee for registration and schedule of fines for on-
campus vehicle violations. A complete set of rules gov-
erning traffic, parking and vehicle registration may be
secured at the Traffic and Parking Office, 354 North
South Drive. Each student should become familiar with
these regulations upon registering at the University. In
addition, persons wishing to use the campus bus system
may obtain annual or semester bus passes at the Traffic
and Parking Office.
For Graduate Students with Families.-Apartment
accommodations on the University campus are available
for some family graduate students. Applications should
be made as soon as possible.
For Single Graduate Students.-Schucht Village apart-
ments are available to graduate and upper-division
students. Graduate students are given priority; however,
there is a waiting list for graduate students as well as
upper-division students.
Each student must make personal arrangements for
housing, either by applying to the Division of Housing
Office for assignment to University housing facilities or
by obtaining accommodations in private housing. Inqui-
ries concerning University family housing facilities
should be addressed to the Family Housing Office,
Division of Housing, University of Florida. Inquiries
about single student graduate facilities should be
addressed to the Division of Housing, Assignments
Section, University of Florida. Inquiries about private
housing accommodations should be addressed to the
Off-Campus Housing Office, Division of Housing,
University of Florida.
An application for on-campus housing may be filed at
any time after a student is admitted to the University.
Students are urged to apply as early as possible because
of the demand for housing.
Graduate students living in University housing are re-
quired to qualify as full-time students as defined by the
University, and they must continue to make normal prog-
r,,ss toward a degree as determined by their supervisory
< -mittees.
Some variety in types of accommodations is provided
by the University. The double room for two students is
the most common type. Several of the larger rooms or
suites are designated as triple rooms. Suites for two stu-
dents consist of two connected rooms-a bedroom and a
study room. Suites for four, which are available in Beaty
STowers, include two bedrooms; a private bath, and a
Beaty Towers are carpeted and air-conditioned. Yulee
Scholarship Hall, where student single rooms are not air-
conditioned, has centrally located air-conditioned televi-
sion and recreation rooms. For information on rental
rates, contact the Assignments Section, Division of
Housing, University of Florida.
SThere are five different cooperative living groups at the
University of Florida. Three of these groups are located
on campus.
Among the qualifications for membership are scholas-
tic ability and reference of good character. These cooper-
ative living groups are specifically operated by and for
students with limited financial means for attending the
Inquiries pertaining to cooperative living on campus
are made to the Division of Housing, Assignments Sec-
tion, University of Florida. The cooperative living
organizations on campus currently are the Reid Hall Co-
op, the North Hall Co-op, and the Buckman Co-op. Off-
campus co-ops are the Collegiate Living Organization
(coed), 117 N.W. 15th Street, and Georgia Seagle Hall
(men), 1002 West University Avenue. Inquiries should
be made to these addresses.
The University operates five apartment, villages for
eligible students. To be eligible to apply for apartment
housing on campus, the following are necessary:
A married student or student parent without spouse who
has legal care of minor children must meet the require-
ments for admission to the University of Florida, qualify
as a full-time student as defined by the University, and
continue to make normal progress toward a degree as
determined by the supervisory committee.
The student must be a part of a family unit defined as
(1) husband and wife with or without one or more
children; or (2) single parent who has legal care of one or
more minor children who reside with the parent on an
ongoing basis.
Residents in all villages must furnish their own linens,
dishes, rugs, curtains, or other similar items. Utilities are
an extra expense and are billed with the rent.
Corry Memorial Village (216 units) of brick, concrete,
and wood construction contains almost an equal number
of one- and two-bedroom apartments, with a few three-
bedroom units. Some apartments are furnished.
Diamond Memorial Village consists of 208 apartments
similar in construction to those in Corry Village. All
Diamond apartments are unfurnished. Special features
include a community building with air-conditioned
study-meeting room, and a study cubicle in each two-
bedroom apartment.
Tanglewood Manor Apartments, located approxi-
mately 1 / miles south of the central campus, consist of
208 unfurnished efficiency, one- and two-bedroom
townhouse units. All units are carpeted, centrally heated,
and air-conditioned. All units have disposals and two-
bedroom units have dishwashers. All one- and two-
bedroom units have 1 V2 baths. Community facilities in-
clude a large recreation hall, laundry facilities, and two
swimming pools.
University Village South and Maguire Village consist
of 348 centrally heated and air-conditioned one- and
two-bedroom unfurnished apartments. Community
facilities include a pool, laundry, and meeting room. The
kitchens are equipped with stove and refrigerator.
For Maguire Village Only, the student must be part of a
family with a combined gross annual income (including
grants-in-aid, VA benefits, scholarships, fellowships, and
child support payments) which does not exceed, during
the period of occupancy, the following maximum income
limitations: two persons, $16,650; three persons,
$18,700; four persons, $20,800; five persons, $22,100;
and six persons, $23,400.
The Off-Campus Housing Office is a listing and referral
agency for rental housing of all types. It is not an enforce-
ment agency. It does not make rental reservations.
The purpose of the Off-Campus Housing Office is to as-
sist University of Florida students, faculty, and staff in ob-
taining adequate off-campus housing accommodations.
Persons who desire to use off-campus housing services
should request by mail or pick up in person at the Off-
Campus Office an off-campus housing packet.
This packet contains a list of major apartment housing
developments in the Gainesville area with zone map loca-
tions. Also in the packet is an information brochure on
rental leases, deposits, rates, and insurances; a city bus
route map and schedule; and utility application and
hook-up forms. The Off-Campus Office also maintains
updated vacancy information on share (roommate
wanted), mobile homes, rental houses, and other rental
listings for reference during housing business hours,
Monday-Friday, 8-12 and 12:30-4:30. At other times,
lighted listing boards are available outside the north
entrance of the Housing Office.
Qualified graduate students in every department are
eligible for a number of fellowships, assistantships, and
other awards. In general, such awards are available to
students pursuing either a master's or a doctoral degree.
Unless otherwise specified, applications for financial aid
should be made to the appropriate department chair,
University of Florida,.before February 15 of each year.
Fellows and graduate assistants must pay either in-state
or out-of-state tuition. Fellows and trainees are expected
to devote full time to their studies. Graduate assistants
who have part-time teaching or research duties may reg-
ister for reduced study loads. Stipends received from
their services are subject to withholding taxes.
A graduate student with an assistantship, fellowship, or
traineeship must not accept other employment without
Graduate School permission and must be registered in
accordance with the following schedule.
Minimum Registration
Full-Time Graduate Students
Not On Appointments
Assistants on .01-.24 and/or
Fellows and Trainees
Assistants on .25-:49 and/or
1/4 & 1/3-Time Assistants
Assistants on .50-.74 and/or
1/2-Time Assistants
Assistants on .75-.99 and/or
3/4-Time Assistants
Full-Time Assistants:
1.00 Fall & Spring
1.00 Summer A
1.00 Summer B
1.00 Summer C
Part-Time Graduate Students.
Not On Appointment
Graduate Students not on
Appointment During Final
Fall and Spring A & B or c the procedure for making application. Prospective stu-
dents should write directly to their major departments as
12 4 4 8 well as to the Admissions Office. Early inquiry is essential
in order to be assured of meeting application deadlines.
12 4 4 8 Appointments are made on the recommendation of the
department chairperson, subject to admission to the
9 3 3 6 Graduate School and to the approval of the Dean of the
Graduate School. Clear evidence of superior ability and
8 3 3 6 promise is required. Reappointment to assistantships
requires evidence of continuation of good scholarship.
6 2 2 4
or 2
2 or 2
& 1 or 2
Only students entering graduate programs at the
University of Florida for the first time may apply for the
following fellowships:
Graduate Council Fellowships are available annually
to academically superior students. These awards provide
stipends ranging from $6,000 to $12,000 for 11 months.
A small number of Presidential Graduate Research
Fellowships are available for exceptional graduate
students beginning doctoral work at the University of
Florida. Selection criteria for the three-year fellowship'
include a minimum grade point average of 3.5 (four
point scale) and a GRE verbal-quantitative score of 1400
or a minimum GMAT of 650 for business students.
Stipend for the first year is $14,000. Application deadline
is February 16. Apply to the major department.
Graduate Minority Fellowships are available to Amer-
ican minority students enrolled in all graduate programs,
except those in the Colleges of Medicine and Health
Related Professions. The stipend is $6,000 for nine
months. Application deadline is February 16. These
awards require no service; recipients must De tull-time
students. All fellows must pay the appropriate Florida or
non-Florida tuition unless a non-Florida student is
awarded an out-of-state tuition waiver.
In-State Matriculation Fee Waivers are available to
graduate assistants who meet the eligibility requirements.
SNon-Florida Tuition Waivers are available, at depart-
mential discretion, for non-Florida students who hold fel-
lowships or assistantships, or qualify through special
programs. The in-state fees, which are paid by all
students, are not included in this waiver.
Graduate Assistantships up to one-half time are avail-
able through individual departments. Stipend rates paid
are determined by the employing department or anit. All
assistants pay resident registration fees and those
classified as non-Florida students pay additional non-
Florida tuition.
Interested students should inquire at their department
offices concerning the availability of assistantships and
The BOR Summer Program is state funded. It is a six-
week program designed to prepare black American stu-
dents for graduate education at the University of Florida.
The 1986 stipend is $1,500. Black students admitted to
any master's, doctoral, or professional program for the
first time are eligible. Non-Florida residents will receive
out-of-state tuition waivers. Students who participate in
the Summer Program must enroll as full-time students for
the following academic year. Application deadline is
May 1.
The Board of Regents provides seven $5,000 scholar-
ships annually to beginning graduate students at the nine
Florida public universities in the academic disciplines
represented by the members of the Challenger crew
(electrical engineering, aeronautical/aerospace engineer-
ing, physics, and social studies or science education).
Applicants must have a 3.5 minimum GPA on the last 60
;.-urs of an undergraduate program (or 3.5 on a master's
program) and a minimum GRE score of 1100.
Applications are due in the BOR Office of Academic
Programs by March 1. Applications.are available in 256
Grinter Hall.
Awards of up to $10,000 per year are available to
beginning graduate students in engineering, information
sciences, biomedical technology, materials sciences, and
other areas identified by the Florida High Technology
.and Industry Council. To qualify, students must have
been Florida Academic Scholarship recipients during
their undergraduate years or have a 3.5 GPA and 1200
on the GRE. Applications are available in 112 Anderson
Hall and 256 Grinter Hall. Application deadline is
February 16.
Through the Institute of International Education, grad-
uate students who are American citizens can apply for
one of approximately 700 awards to 70 countries. The
awards, which are for a year of serious study at foreign
universities, are provided by the United States, foreign
governments, universities, corporations, and private do-
nors. There are special categories for the creative and
performing arts and in some cases for teaching assistant-
ships in conversational English. A new program estab-
lishing collaborative research grants for teams of two or
three U.S. graduate students or recent postdoctoral re-
searchers began-in 1986-1987. Applications open for the
following academic year late each May and close late in
September. Local interviews are held in October. Final
selections are made by the host country, notification
being given in Spring. Fluency in the language of the host
country is required in most cases. Most grants cover
transportation, tuition, and living expenses for the
student but not for dependents. Travel grants are
available for students holding other fellowships to
universities in certain specified foreign countries.
Information, applications, and advice are offered by the
Fulbright Program Adviser, Dr. H. J. Doherty, 338 Little
G*POP is a federally funded program designed to
attract American minority students into graduate and pro-
fessional degree programs in which they have been under-
represented. The maximum stipend is $6,250 for 12
months. In addition, all tuition and fees are paid. Appli-
cations should be made to the department by February
This scholarship is awarded by the Florida Federation
of Garden Clubs to a qualified graduate student in
ornamental horticulture. Selection of the recipient is
based on academic record, character, aptitude, Florida
residency, and financial need. The Department of
Ornamental Horticulture, within the horticultural
science program, administers the scholarship which car-
ries an award of $3,700 annually. Applications should be
submitted to the department before May 15.
With these fellowships, the McKnight Foundation is
attempting to increase the number of black students en-
rolled in doctoral degree programs at universities in the
State of Florida. The stipend is $10,000 for 12 months. In
addition,' all tuition and fees are paid. Application
deadline is January 15.
Title VI fellowships are available to graduate students
whose academic programs are either Latin America or
Africa oriented. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or per-
manent residents and must be registered for a full-time
course load including a language relevant to the area of
their choice, specifically, advanced Spanish, Portuguese,
Aymara, or Haitian Creole for recipients through the
Center for Latin American Studies; Shona, Swahili, or
Yoruba for recipients through the Center for African
Applicants may choose to major in any discipline or
department where a Latin American or African emphasis
is possible. Remuneration will consist of a $5,000 stipend
for the academic year and $1,000 for the summer plus
payment of all tuition and fees.
For further information, please contact the Director of
either the Center for Latin American Studies (319 Grinter
Hall) or the Center for African Studies (470 Grinter Hall),
University of Florida.
Many graduate students in education receive financial
aid through assistantships and traineeships made avail-
able by federal and foundation grants for research and
special programs. The number and nature of these awards
vary with each academic year and during the year. Qual-
ified students interested in financial support should main-
tain contact with the chairperson of the major department.
The Bingham Environmental Education Foundation
grants a $500 award annually for a graduate student in-
terested in environmental science or education. Contact
Dr. Paul Becht for additional information.
Financial aid to graduate students in engineering is
available through approximately 450 research and teach-
ing assistantships requiring one-fourth to one-half time
work loads with stipends of at least $150 to $300 every
two weeks. Information regarding application for these
positions may be obtained from the office of the graduate
coordinator of the department of interest or from the
Office of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs,
College of Engineering.
An Air Pollution Control Loan Fund is available for
graduate engineering students in environmental (air) en-
The Dorsey Scholarship is for a graduate student in the
Department of Electrical Engineering. The amount of the
award varies but is typically $750. Financial need is
considered and preference is given to the handicapped.
The DuPont Graduate Fellowship is a $4,000 supple-
ment to a graduate assistantship for a student in chemical
engineering nominated by one of the member institutions
of the DuPont Consortium.
The Eastman Kodak Graduate Fellowship for $8,000 for
one year is awarded to a U.S. citizen in the final year of a
master's degree program in the Department of Chemical
The Federal Construction Company Scholarship for-
$10,000 is for a graduate student pursuing the master's
degree in civil engineering with a major area of
concentration in construction engineering/management.
The Florida Section, Institute of Traffic Engineer Schol-
arships are for minority students who are between
graduating and entering graduate study in traffic and
transportation engineering. They provide support when
other undergraduate aid is not usually available.
The Florida Steel Fabricators and Florida Rock Indus-
tries Fellowship for $5,000 is for students in civil engin-
eering pursuing a Master of Engineering degree.
The Greiner Professional Scholarship for $1,500 is for
a graduate student pursuing the Master of Civil Engineer-
ing degree.
The Kimley-Horn Scholarship for $500 is for a new grad-
uate student in civil engineering with an undergraduate
degree from the University of Florida.
The Manufacturing Systems Engineering Fellowship for
$1,000 is for graduate students enrolled in the manufac-
turing systems engineering program (Computer and
Information Sciences, Electrical Engineering, Industrial
and Systems Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and
Materials Science and Engineering departments) and is
awarded to U.S. citizens or permanent residents based
on scholarship and suitability for the program.
Mechanical Engineering Graduate Teaching Assistant
Grants of various amounts are for graduate students in
mechanical engineering holding a graduate teaching or
research assistantship. Awards are based on competition
and U.S. citizenship.
The Morton Awards of $500 each are for two graduate
students in electrical engineering. Recipients must be
U.S. citizens. Among equal nominees, preference is
given to women.
Institute of Nuclear Power Operation Fellowships are
awarded and administered by the Nuclear Engineering
Sciences Department and the Environmental Engineering
Sciences Department. These fellowships are awarded for
a one-year master's-degree program and provide a
stipend to the student of $6,500 for the academic year,
with an additional $2,500 educational allowance for the
university to defray costs of tuition, fees, etc.
The Shell Company Graduate Grant for $7,500 is for
any graduate student in the Department of Chemical En-
The Southeast Regional Fellowship for $2,000 is for a
graduating senior ih chemical engineering from one of
the institutions located in the Southeast region.
The Dr. James E. Swander Memorial Scholarship Fund
of various amounts is for outstanding graduate students
in nuclear engineering sciences. Awards are based on
scholarship, leadership and character.
Limited financial aid is available. For information con-
tact the Graduate Tax Office, College of Law, Holland
Law Center.
Predoctoral fellowships and part-time teaching and
research assistantships are available for graduate students
in the various basic medical science departments partic-
ipating in the Ph.D. program. In addition, some clinical
and basic science departments offer postdoctoral
fellowships to selected recent recipients of the M.D. or
Ph.D. degree who wish extensive research experience in
these disciplines. For information write the Dean,
College of Medicine, J. Hillis Miller Heath Center.
Limited financial aid is available. For information con-
tact the Assistant Dean for Graduate Studies, College of
Nursing, J. Hillis Miller Health Center.
It is the policy of the College of Pharmacy that each
graduate student receive support from either outside
fellowships or University graduate assistantships. All stu-
dents are required to participate in teaching as a part of
the overall educational component of their studies while
in the college.
American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education
Fellowships.-A number of graduate fellowships are
offered by the American Foundation for Pharmaceutical
Education, which carry stipends of $5,000 per year.
Holders of these fellowships may pursue graduate work
at the University of Florida. Applications should be made
to the Foundation, Radburn Plaza Building, 14-25 Plaza
Road, Fair Lawn, New Jersey 07410.
Financial support is available to assist students in pur-
suing graduate work leading to the doctoral degree. In
addition to University-wide awards, current financial
assistance includes National Science Foundation Fellow-
ships, American Psychological Association Fellowships,
graduate teaching and research assistantships, and the
Center for Neurobiological Sciences Fellowships. For
information write the Graduate Secretary, Department of
Graduate assistantships are available through
departmental resources along with traineeships and
fellowships from facilities, such as the VA Medical Cen-
ter and the J. Hillis Miller Health Center. These assistant-
ships are awarded on the basis of academic qualifications
and are competitive.
Additional information may be obtained from the De-
partment of Speech.
The Student Employment Office in 20 Anderson Hall
coordinates three employment programs: the College
Work-Study Program (CWSP), Other Personnel Services
(OPS), and Off-Campus Jobs. College Work-Study jobs
are awarded based on need and any student may apply
for these jobs.
Student Employment maintains job bulletin boards for
all three programs at the following locations: Anderson
Hall, the J. Wayne Reitz Union, Tigert Hall, McCarty
Hall, Norman Hall, and the Medical Sciences Building.
The job board in Anderson Hall is updated daily. Job
boards at the other locations are updated weekly.
The Office for Student Financial Affairs has prepared a
series of brief tapes for the NEXUS telephone tape series
to provide current information on financial aid programs.
To use this service, students should dial (904) 392-1683
and request the tape they wish to hear: 404-A Applying
for Financial Aid; 402-B Loans; 402-C Guaranteed
Student Loans; 402-D Student Budgets; 402-E Aid
for Graduate Students; 402-F Part-Time Employment;
402-K How to Pick Up Your Financial Aid; 402-L -
Registration Period Update.
At the University of Florida, graduate students can
apply for the following student loans: Guaranteed
Student Loans (GSL), University of Florida Institutional
Loans, National Direct Loans (NDL), and Parents
Auxiliary Loans (PLUS). These programs offer long-term,
low-interest loans that must be repaid when the borrower
graduates, withdraws, or drops to less than half-time
enrollment (students must be enrolled full-time to receive
a PLUS loan).
Loans range from $100 to $5,000 an academic year at
interest rates from 5% to 12% annually. The actual
amount of each loan, except for PLUS, is based on
financial need as determined from information- the
borrower provides on the College Scholarship Service
Financial Aid Form (FAF).
Application packets are available at 111 Anderson
Hall. Students who wish to be considered for an
Institutional Loan or National Direct Loan should apply
as soon as possible after January 1, since funds are
limited. Students can apply for Guaranteed Student
Loans and Parents' Auxiliary Loans throughout the year
but should apply early if they need their loan funds in
time to pay beginning of semester expenses (see the
following application dates).
To be considered on-time when applying for a GSL,
students must apply by the following dates: Fall
1987-May 15, 1987; Spring 1988-October 7, 1987;
Summer 1988-February 5, 1988. GSL processing can
take up to four months.
The University also has a short-term loan program to
help students meet temporary financial needs related to
educational expenses. Graduate students may borrow up
to $200 or the amount of in-state tuition if they have an
acceptable repayment source. Interest is 1% per month
and these loans must be repaid by the first day of the last
month in the semester in which the money is borrowed.
Processing time is approximately 48 hours. Applications
are available in 8 Anderson Hall.
The Division of Sponsored Research (DRS) provides a
compendium of funding sources for graduate study.
This booklet displays information on hundreds of
fellowship, scholarship, loan, and grant opportunities for
graduate and recent postdoctoral students. The
information is continually up-dated and expanded by the
Program Information Office.
At the beginning of each fall semester copies are sent
to all graduate coordinators and campus libraries. Stu-
dents may make an appointment to consult the files at the
Program Information Office (392-4804), 256 Grinter
The University Gallery is an integral part of the Fine
Arts complex. The Gallery is located on the campus facing.
S.W. 13th'Street (U.S. 441). An atrium and sculptural
fountain are two pleasing features of the Gallery's dis-
tinctive architectural style. The Gallery, with 3000
square feet of display space, is completely modern, air-
conditioned, and maintains a varied exhibition schedule
of the visual arts during the year. The contents of exhibi-
tions displayed in the University Gallery range from the
creations of traditional masters to the latest and most
experimental works by the modern avant garde. The ma-
jor arts of yesterday and today, along with the creations
of oriental and primitive cultures, form topics for sched-
uled exhibitions. Each exhibition shows for approximately,
a month, and the Gallery's hours are from 9 a.m. to 5
p.m. daily except Sunday, when they are from 1 p.m. to 5
p.m. The Gallery is closed Saturdays, holidays, and the
last two weeks in July and the first two weeks in August.,
The Department of Art's gallery is located adjacent to
the department's office area, on the third floor of the
classroom building in the Fine Arts complex. As a direct
and physical adjunct to the Art Department's teaching
program, this gallery displays smaller traveling exhibi-
tions of merit, as well as student exhibitions and one-man
shows by faculty artists. The gallery is open Monday
through Friday from 9 a.m. to noon and from 1:30 p.m.
to 4:30 p.m. It is closed Saturdays and Sundays.
The Grinter Galleries are located within the lobby of
Grinter Hall. Supported by the Graduate School, the
Center for Latin American Studies, and the Center for
African Studies, the Grinter Galleries display changing
exhibitions of art and cultural materials on Latin
American, African, and other international topics. The
Galleries are open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to
3 p.m. and Sunday from 1 to 4 p.m.
Northeast Regional Data Center (NERDC)
The University of Florida is the host campus for the
Northeast Regional Data Center (NERDC) of the State
University System of Florida. NERDC's facilities are used
for instructional, administrative, and research computing
for the University of Florida and for other state educa-
tional institutions and agencies in northern Florida. The
organizations directly responsible for supporting com-
puting activities at the University of Florida are the Cen-
ter for Instructional and Research Computing Activities
(CIRCA), the Faculty Support Center for Computing, Uni-
versity of Florida Administrative Computing Services,
Shands Teaching Hospital & Clinics, Inc., Data Pro-
cessing Division, the J. Hillis Miller Health Center, and
the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS).
Access through NERDC to four other Regional Data
Centers in the state is available through the State Uhi-
versity System (SUS) Computer Network. The network
also provides access to the Florida Information Resource
Network (FIRN) and to BITNET. FIRN is a Florida
Department of Education network and BITNET is an
international university network.
Facilities available to students, faculty, and staff through
NERDC include two central-site computers: an IBM
3081D with 32 megabytes of main memory (running
under VM/SP HPO and VM/SF/XA), an IBM 3090 Model
200 with 128 megabytes with a vector facility (running
under MVS/XA and JES2). These are supported by a
combination of IBM 3350 and 3380 disk drives; 9-track,
7-track and cartridge tape drives; two 4245 Model 5
high-speed printers; one IBM 3820 laser printer; three
3705 communications controllers, and one 3725
communications controller. An IBM 7171 supports pro-
tocol conversion for selected ASCII CRT terminals for
emulating full-screen 3270-type terminals.
NERDC provides facilities for input and output in the
form of punched cards, magnetic tape, disks, line
printers, graphics, and ComputerOutput Microfiche
(COM). NERDC supports job submission/retrieval and
interactive processing through more than 2,000
interactive terminals and microcomputers which emulate
terminals. These terminals support interactive language
processors (e.g., ASSEMBLER, BASIC, COBOL, COGO,
WATFIV) and interactive facilities (e.g., CICSNS,
PANVALET, TSO, and VM/CMS). Graphics output is
available through a Versatec electrostatic color Plotter
operated at the NERDC's central site.
Extensive software is provided for batch processing,
including the major high-level languages ALGOL,
PL/I; the INQUIRE data base management system; MARK
;IV and EASYTRIEVE file handlers and report generators;
student-oriented compilers and interpreters including
WATFIV; most major statistical packages including
BMDP, SAS, SPSSX, and TROLL; text-editing programs
such as DCF and Waterloo SCRIPT, both with spell-
checking capabilities; a local SCRIPT-based formatter for
producing theses and dissertations according to
Graduate School requirements; libraries of scientific and
mathematical routines including IMSL, ESSL, and the
HARWELL library; graphics programs such as GDDM,
Versatec plotting software, PLOT79, SAS/GRAPH, and
SURFACE II; financial spreadsheets and modellers such
as FSCALC, Megacalc, and IFPS; vector facility software;
mini- and microcomputer support with file-transfer capa-
bilities; the Phoenix computer-based training system; and
many other program packages, local and IBM utilities,
and special-purpose languages.
More information is available through NERDC's
Guidebook, NERDC's monthly newsletter (/Update),
NERDC manuals, and NERDC Information Services at
107 SSRB, University of Florida, (904) 392-2061,
SUNCOM 622-2061.
Center for Instructional and Research Computing
Activities (CIRCA)
The Center for Instructional and Research Computing
Activities (CIRCA) provide a variety of computing ser-
vices for University of Florida students and faculty.
CIRCA provides consulting, documentation, program-
ming and analysis, data-base design and implementation,
statistical analysis, equipment repair, data entry services,
open-shop unit-record equipment, interactive terminals,
microcomputer laboratories, rand remote-batch
operations which are available at several locations across
the campus.
For instructional purposes, CIRCA operates a Digital
Equipment VAX Cluster consisting of an 8600 CPU and
two 780 CPUs. Two standalone VAX 11/750 computers
are also available. The machines communicate via
DECNET and run the VMS operating system. Terminals
are connected through a Gandalf port selector providing
local and remote terminal access to both NERDC and
CIRCA computers. Dial-up facilities are also provided.
Software includes APL, BASIC, BMDP, CERRITOS
SNOBOL, SPICE,SPI TSP, and support for Imlac and GIGI
graphics terminals.
Students may request free accounts on the CIRCA VAX
cluster by applying at the CIRCA offices, E520 Computer
Sciences and Engineering Building. Additional informa-
tion is available from the CIRCA Consultant in room
E520 Computer Sciences and Engineering Building, Uni-
versity of Florida, (904) 335-8211.
The Library system consists of two central units, Library
West and Library East, a new Central Science Library,
and various branch libraries. The Central Science Library
includes the former Agriculture Library, Chemistry
Library, Engineering Library, and the Physics and Astron-
omy Reading Room. The Education Library, the Architec-
ture and Fine Arts Library, the Music Library, and the
Journalism Reading Room continue to serve their appro-
priate colleges. The Law School and the Medical School
both have major libraries and there are reading rooms in
the dormitory areas.
The Libraries' holdings exceed 2.4 million cataloged
volumes, more than 2.7 million microform units, and ex-
tensive collections of ephemera and uncataloged
newspaper runs. The Documents Department is a
regional depository for United States government
publications, and a depository for the European Com-
munities and the State of Florida. The Map Library con-
tains over 334,000 maps and 170,000 aerial photo-
graphs, the largest collection in the Southeast.
Research resources of national significance are held by
subject and special collections: the'lIsser and Rae Price
Library of Judaica, the Baldwin Library, which empha-
sizes children's books printed in English before 1900,
The Belknap Collection for the Performing Arts, the -'
University Archives, and the Latin American Collection,
which contains the most comprehensive Caribbean col-
lection held by an American university library.
The Department of Rare Books and Manuscripts con-
serves a heterogeneous collection of books with particu-
lar strength in the early English eighteenth century, New
England literature before 1900, Sir Walter Scott, contem-
porary British and American poetry, and the history of
printing. The papers of Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, John
D. MacDonald, Margaret Dreier Robins, and a partial
collection of the papers of Zora Neal Hurston are pre-
served together with important Caribbean research
materials such as the "Rochambeau Papers," the "Jeremie
Papers," and the Medina Latin American Bibliographical
The P.K. Yonge Library of Florida History, consisting of
manuscripts, maps, books, ephemera, prints, photographs,
and microfilm, forms the most complete research
collection of Floridiana available. Its Spanish Florida
Borderlands Collection of more than 1% million docu-
ments in microform is the largest United States Border-
lands collection for any geographical area in the nation.
The main reference and bibliographic collection,
through which access is provided to computerized data-
bases, basic bibliographies, abstracting and indexing ser-
vices, and catalogs of other libraries, is located on the
'first floor of Library West.
The Major Analytical Instrumentation Center (MAIC)
was established in 1982 to help make available complex
modern analytical instrumentation and to promote its
efficient usage on the campus and in the state. This is
accomplished by coordinating campuswide usage, help-
ing to provide resources for. maintenance, upgrading
existing instruments and developing new techniques,
planning purchases of major new instruments, training'
and supervising users, and providing professional scien-
tists to supervise the solution of individual problems.
Center personnel also direct users to other campus
facilities, if necessary. For example, the Institute of Food
and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) and the Department of
Chemistry both have a number of analytical facilities that
are available to some users.
The. instruments involved include several electron
microscopes (TEM, SEM, AEM) with full analytical and
imaging capabilities, instruments directed toward surface
analysis (i.e., AES, ISS, SIMS and XPS, RBS, PIXE and
NRA), and several mass spectrometers.
Education and training are achieved by a variety of
means. The MAIC offers short courses annually in several
specialized areas, e.g., scanning electron microscopy,
transmission electron microscopy, vacuum technology,
surface science, and optical microscopy. These are open
both for graduate credit and to those outside the univer-
sity community. (The Chemistry Department, IFAS, and
the Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station also
regularly offer several short courses of a complementary
nature.) Some individually supervised training directed
by Center personnel is available to graduate students.
The overall aim of the MAIC is thus to make possible
the solution of any scientific or technological problem
that requires state-of-the-art analytical instrumentation
and to make these capabilities accessible to all university
and state personnel. Cooperation with state industries is
also encouraged where this is legal and appropriate.
The administration and professional staff of the MAIC
are located in 217 Materials Science and Engineering
Building where further information may be obtained
upon request.
The Graduate School sponsors two monograph series
devoted to the publication of research primarily by
present and former members of the scholarly community
of the University. The Social Sciences Monographs are
published each year with subjects drawn from anthro-
pology, economics, history, political science, sociology,
education, geography, law, and psychology. The Humani-
ties Monographs are published each year with subjects
drawn from art, language and literature, music,
philosophy, and religion.
The Florida State Museum was created by an act of the
Legislature in 1917 as a department of the University of
Florida. Through its affiliation with the University, it
carried dual responsibility as the State Museum of Florida
and the University Museum.
The Museum is located at the corner of Museum Road
and Newell Drive in a modern facility completed in
1970. The public halls are open from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m.
Monday through Saturday, and 1 to 5 p.m. on Sundays.
The Museum is closed on Christmas Day. There is no
admission charge.
The Museum operates as a center of research in anthro-
pology and natural history. Its accessory functions as an
educational arm of the University are carried forward
through interpretive displays and scientific publications.
Under the administrative control of the director are the
three departments of the Museum: Natural Sciences,
staffed by scientists and technicians concerned with the
study and expansion of the research collections of
animals; Anthropology, whose staff members are con-
cerned with the study of historic and prehistoric people
and their cultures; Interpretation, staffed by specialists in
the interpretation of knowledge through museum exhibit
techniques and education programs. Members of the
scientific and educational staff of the Museum hold dual
appointments in appropriate teaching departments.
Through these appointments, they participate in both
undergraduate and graduate teaching programs.
The Allyn Museum of Entomology, Sarasota, is part of
the Department of Natural Sciences of the Florida State
Museum. The combined Sarasota and Gainesville hold-
ings in Lepidoptera rank the Allyn Museum of Ento-
mology as the largest in the western hemisphere and the
premier Lepidoptera research center in the world. The
Allyn Museum publishes the Bulletin of the Allyn
Museum of Entomology and sponsors the Karl Jordan
Medal. The Allyn Collection serves as a major source for
taxonomic and biogeographic research by a number of
Florida State Museum and Department of Zoology
faculty and students, as well as a great many visiting
entomologists from around the world.
.The Swisher Memorial Tract and the Ordway Preserve
are adjacent pieces of land totalling some 9,300 acres.
The land includes an array of habitats'including marsh,
lakes, sandhills and mesic hammocks. Jointly adminis-
tered by the School of Forest Resources and Conser-
vation and the Florida State Museum, this area supports
several research activities centering on the ecology of
threatened species and the restoration of the native
longleaf pine growth in the sandhills. Thesis and
dissertation research projects consistent with the aims of
the preserve are actively encouraged.
The herbarium of the University of Florida is also a part
of the Florida State Museum. It contains over 150,000
specimens of vascular plants and 170,000 specimens of
nonvascular plants. In addition, the herbarium operates a
modern gas chromatographic/mass spectrometer labora-
tory for the study and identification of natural plant
The research collections are under the care of curators
who encourage the scientific study of the Museum's
holdings. Materials are constantly being added to the col-
lections both through gifts from friends and as a result of
research activities of the Museum staff. The archae-
ological and ethnological collections are noteworthy,
particularly in the aboriginal and Spanish colonial
material remains from the Southeastern United States and
the Caribbean. There are extensive study collections of
birds, mammals, mollusks, reptiles, amphibians, fish,
invertebrate and vertebrate fossils, and a bioacoustic
archive consisting of original recordings of animal
sounds. Opportunities are provided for students, staff,
and visiting scientists to use the collections. Research
and field work are presently sponsored in the archae-
ological, paleontological, and zoological fields. Students
interested in these specialties should make application to
the appropriate teaching department. Graduate assistant-
ships are available in the Museum in areas emphasized
in its research programs.
The University of Florida is host to the State University
System's scholarly publishing facility, University Presses
of Florida. The goals of the systemwide publishing pro-
gram implemented by University Presses of Florida are
expressed in Board of Regents' policy:
... to publish books, monographs, journals, and other
types of scholarly or creative works. The Press shall
publish original works by state university faculty
members but it may also publish meritorious works
originating elsewhere and may republish out-of-print
Each university's faculty publishing committee is inde-
pendently responsible for selecting works for publication
through the facilities of University Presses of Florida. At
the University of Florida, the University Press Board of
Managers oversees the locally determined publishing
The purpose of the University of Florida Press is to en-
courage, seek out, and publish original and scholarly
manuscripts appropriate to a university recognized for
the quality of its research and scholarship. In addition to
its broad range of state, regional, and Latin American
titles, the Press publishes books of general interest.
The University of Florida Press Board of Managers, 15
scholars appointed by the President of the University,
determines policies of publication relating to the accep-
tance or rejection of manuscripts and the issuance of
author contracts. Each year the board examines nu-
merous manuscripts submitted not only by University
faculty members but by authors from throughout the
University Presses of Florida is a member of the Associa-
tion of American University Presses and of the Association
of American Publishers, Inc.
Students and members of the faculty and staff are cor-
dially invited to visit the Press offices at 15 N.W. 15th
Street, adjacent to the campus.
As the leading institution of higher education in the
State, the University of Florida has long been aware of
Florida's unique international position. By the beginning
of the century, the University had begun to focus its at-
tention on the Latin American nations. Advanced degrees
were given in Latin American studies as early as 1927,
and by the midcentury a School of Inter-American
Studies had been formed.
During the last two decades, the University of Florida's
commitment to international studies has expanded ra-
pidly. This expansion has resulted in the creation of a
Center for Latin American Studies, a Center for African
Studies, a Center for Tropical Agriculture, a Center for In-
ternational Student and Faculty Exchanges, a prograrp in
international relations, and an English Language Institute
for speakers of other languages. Programs in Asian
Studies, Soviet and East European Studies, and West
European Studies have been added to the undergraduate
curriculum. The University of Florida has participated in
programs of assistance and development in many major
areas of the world: Africa, South America, Middle
America, and Southeast Asia. There has also been a cor-
responding increase in the number of faculty members
involved in teaching and in research within the field of
international studies.
In January 1971, the University opened the $1.6 mil-
lion federally funded Graduate School and International
Studies Building, dedicated and named Linton E. Grinter
Hall. The modern four story building contains faculty
offices, study cubicles, and seminar rooms, as well as the
offices of the Graduate School, the Division of Sponsored
Research, the Center for African Studies, the Center for
International Studies and Programs, and the Center for
Latin American Studies.
The expansion of efforts in these directions represents a
conviction on the part of the University that today's
students must be aware, in more than a superficial way,
of developments and trends outside our national boun-
daries if they are to live in a world of peace and harmony.
International education is essential for the citizenry and
leaders of the twenty-first century-the students of today.
As an indication of the University's continuing com-
mitment to international studies and its importance to all
areas of graduate education, in June 1985, the Provost
asked the Dean of the Graduate School to accept the ad-
ditional assignment of Dean of International Studies and
Programs. In this capacity, the Dean will coordinate the
activities of the University's Council on International
Studies and Programs and represent the University at var-
ious meetings and on councils and committees relating
to international academic activities, projects, and
The Center for International Student and Faculty Ex-
changes is a service organization to facilitate administra-
tion of international student and faculty exchanges and
coordination and enrichment of exchange and research
programs which have an interdisciplinary relationship. It
provides the vehicle for application for and receipt of
federally funded institutional area studies programs,
assists administratively in functions involving inter-
disciplinary technical assistance programs abroad,
counsels students interested in study abroad, and assists
faculty in seeking funds for support of international
education and research.
, The English Language Institute offers a noncredit,
nondegree program in English as a second language for
persons with some knowledge of the language who wish
to increase their competence. Courses at all levels are
offered in the fall and spring semesters and, in the
summer term, instruction is split into two separate
sessions. A student may begin studies in any of the four
sessions. The program emphasizes oral and written skills
needed by persons who wish to attend a university in the
'U.S. providing short courses in a variety of subjects,
including TOEFL preparation. In addition to regular
English Language Institute testing, an institutional admin-
istration of TOEFL is given near the end of fall spring and
summer terms. Further information is available from the
Director, English Language Institute, 313 Norman Hall.
The Center for African Studies, established with finan-
cial assistance under Title VI of the Higher Education Act,
is responsible for the direction and coordination of inter-
disciplinary instructional and research activities related
to Africa. It cooperates with departments in administering
and staffing a coordinated Certificate Program in African
Studies. This program provides a broad foundation for
students preparing for teaching or other professional
careers in which a knowledge of Africa is essential.
Graduate Fellowships and Assistantships.-Students
admitted to the Graduate School in pursuit of a degree
through a specific department are eligible to compete for
graduate assistantships and Title VI FLAS fellowships
through the Center for African Studies.
Extracurricular Activities.-The Center regularly spon-
sors conferences on African topics, and a colloquium
series-BARAZA-with invited lecturers. The Center has
a fairly wide ranging set of outreach activities addressed
to public school teachers as well as community colleges
and other universities. The Center is responsible for
editing the African Studies Review, which is the journal
of the African Studies Association.
Library Resources.-The Center supports directly as
well as through various departments selective library
acquisitions to meet the instructional and research needs
of the faculty and students. The Office of Instructional
Resources holds a number of educational films on
African topics, and the audiovisual library of the Depart-
ment of Art holds approximately 5,000 African art slides.
African Art.-The University Gallery holds an exten-
sive collection of African sculpture and cloth. The
Rosenbloom Collection, 37 pieces of African sculpture,
is housed at the Florida State Museum.
Graduate Degree Programs.-The African Studies
Center does not offer interdisciplinary graduate degrees.
With the cooperation of its participating departments, it
offers the Certificate in African Studies in conjunction
with the master's and doctoral degrees.
Requirements for the Certificate in African Studies with
a master's degree are (a) at least 18 credits of course work
in a departmental major, 15 of which should relate to
Africa; (b) 9 credits of course work related to Africa and
distributed in at least two other departments; and (c) a
thesis on an African topic.
Requirements for the Certificate in African Studies with
the doctoral degree are (a) the doctoral requirements of
the major department; (b) 18 credits of course work
related to Africa in two or more other departments; (c) a
dissertation on an African topic based on field work in
Africa; (d) knowledge of a language appropriate to the
area of specialization.
Inquiries about the various programs and activities of
the Center should be addressed to the Director, Center
for African Studies, 470 Grinter Hall.
International Relations, a field of specialization leading
to the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees, is offered through the
Department of Political Science. In addition to the M.A.
and Ph.D. with a major in political science which may
include a field in international relations, the University
offers an M.A. and Ph.D. with a major in political
science-international relations. The political science-
international relations program is designed to provide
professional education to those whose primary interest is
a career in foreign relations, whether in the public or
private sector. Requirements for the M.A. are an interdis-
ciplinary core of 16 credits, and 24-26 credits in three
discipline-based tracks. Two of the three tracks must be
in political science, while the third may be chosen from a
wide range of other disciplines, including economics,
journalism, agriculture, statistics, and computer sciences.
For the Ph.D., the student must complete the require-
ments for the M.A. and then has the option of taking (1)
either three fields in political science or (2) two fields in
political science and a third in another discipline.
The Center for Latin American Studies is responsible
for directing and coordinating graduate training, re-
search, and other academic activities related to the Latin
American area.
SMaster of Arts Degree in Latin American Studies.-The
interdisciplinary area degree offered through the Center
can be pursued in two options. The first is a traditional
program which emphasizes training and research focused
on developing a greater appreciation and understanding
of Latin America's cultures, traditions, and languages.
Requirements for the major concentration are 14 credits
consisting primarily of Latin American language or area
courses in one department which may be Anthropology,
Economics, Food and Resource Economics, Geography,
History, Political Science, Romance languages (Spanish
and Portuguese), or Sociology.
The second alternative clusters course work and re-
search along a selected topical field, with the emphasis
on interdisciplinary problem-solving training applied to
contemporary Latin American problems. Under this
option, an individualized program of instruction is
developed to build on prior professional or administra-
tive experiences and prepare the individual for technical
and professional work in Latin America. Requirements
for the major are 14 credits in an interdisciplinary,
applied course of study focused on Latin America which
may include such fields as rural or urban development,
regional analysis, demography, social change, tropical.
agriculture, migration, natural resource management,
health delivery, mass communications, or museum
studies and conservation.
Other requirements, common to both options, are (a)
12 credits of Latin American language and/or area
courses in at least two other departments, (included in
this requirement is at least one semester of LAS 6938); (b)
a thesis on a Latin American topic for which up to six
credits are given through registration in LAS 6971; and
(c) a reading, writing, and speaking knowledge of a Latin
American language.
The M.A. with a program in Latin American area studies
is intended primarily as a degree for persons who are not
aiming at a teaching career in traditional academic
departments but who require either a broad knowledge
of Latin American cultures and appropriate language
competence or interdisciplinary, problem-related, area-
focused training for their professional career objectives.
This program is so structured, however, that students
may move directly from it into departmental Ph.D. pro-
Minimum requirements for admission to the program
are (1) a grade average of B (3.00) for all upperdivision
undergraduate work; (2) a combined verbal-quantitative
score of at least 1000 on the Graduate Record Examina-
tion; (3) an adequate proficiency in reading, writing,
aural comprehension, and speaking of either Spanish or
Portuguese. Students not meeting the required profi-
ciency will be required to take an appropriate remedial
Exceptions to the above requirements are made only
when these and other criteria, such as letters of recom-
mendation, are reviewed by the Center, recommended
by the Center, and approved by the Dean of the
Graduate School.
Graduate Certificates in Latin American Studies.-
Through agreement with departments of participating
colleges (Liberal Arts and Sciences, Business Administra-
tion, Education, Journalism and Communications, Agri-
culture, Architecture, and Fine Arts) students in master's
programs requiring theses may earn a Graduate Certif-
icate in Latin American Studies. The requirements are (a)
at least 20 credits of work in the major department with a
Latin American concentration, (b) a six-credit minor with
Latin American content in another department, including
one semester of LAS 6938, (c) a thesis on a Latin
American topic, and (d) a reading knowledge of a Latin
American language.
Graduate Certificates in Latin American Studies may be
awarded to students in nonthesis programs who (a)
satisfy department requirements for the major and minor,
(b) include in their courses of study at least 12 hours of
Latin American content courses divided between at least
two disciplines other than the major and including one
semester of LAS 6938, (c) complete at least 36 credit
hours of graduate course work, and (d) have a reading
knowledge of a Latin American language. In choosing
Latin American courses, the student taking this option
should work closely with the graduate coordinator of the
Center for Latin American Studies.
Advanced Graduate Certificate in Latin American
Studies.-The Center offers a Certificate in Latin
American Studies in conjunction with doctoral degrees
in the following areas: agriculture, anthropology,
business administration, economics, education, food and
resource economics, geography, history, political
science, sociology, and Spanish. Requirements are (a)
Latin American concentration within the major
department; (b) an area minor of at least 20 credits
consisting of Latin American language and area courses
in two or more departments outside the major and
including at least three credits of LAS 6938, Latin
American Area Seminar; (c) a dissertation on a Latin
American subject; (d) a reading, speaking, and writing
knowledge of one Latin American language and a
reading knowledge of another; (e) residence in Latin
America normally of at least six months' duration and
devoted primarily to dissertation research.
Graduate Fellowships and Assistantships.-In addition
to University fellowships and assistantships available to
students on a competitive basis in the programs de-
scribed above, the Center for Latin American Studies
administers financial assistance from outside sources,
including Title VI fellowships.
Research.-The Center supports or participates in a
number of interdisciplinary research programs which,
frequently provide opportunities for training and
financial support of graduate students.
Library Resources.-The several libraries on the cam-
pus of the University of Florida, including the Latin
American Collection of the main library, have Latin
American holdings totaling over 200,000 volumes as
well as important manuscript materials in the original, in
transcription, and on microfilm. In terms of subject mat-
ter, holdings are strongest in history and the social
sciences, but increasing attention is being given to the
environmental sciences and to literature. In terms of
region, they are strongest in the Caribbean and circum-
Caribbean, but Brazilian materials are being augmented
Other Activities.-The Center sponsors conferences
'and colloquia on Latin American topics, supports publi-
cation of scholarly books, monographs, and papers, and
cooperates with other University units in conducting
developmental programs in Latin America.
Inquiries about the various programs and activities of
the Center should be addressed to the Director, Center
for Latin American Studies, 319 Grinter Hall.
The Center for International Economics and Business
Studies conducts basic and applied research on topics
relating to the global economic and business environ-
ment and how corporations, governments, supranational
institutions such as the World Bank, and individuals
interact in an international context. The major emphasis
of the research conducted by the Center is on inter-
national capital markets, foreign exchange rates, and
international trade, but other related areas are also
The Center sponsors research studies by faculty and
graduate students, sponsors master's theses and doctoral
dissertations, coordinates College contributions to inter-
disciplinary programs and studies with other units of the
University, and serves as the principal contact point
within the College of Business Administration for
international matters. For additional information, contact
the Director, Center for International Economics and
Business Studies, 315 Business Building.
i I
The Organization for Tropical Studies (OTS) is a
consortium of major educational and research institu-
tions in the United States and abroad, created to promote
understanding of tropical environments and their intel-
ligent use by man. The University of Florida is a charter
member. Graduate field courses in Central America are
coordinated with the regional office in Costa Rica.
Courses with varying content are offered in the agri-
cultural sciences, earth sciences, forestry, geography,
marine science, meteorology, and terrestrial biology dur-
ing the spring and summer terms.
Additional courses are being planned: Students are
selected 'on a competitive basis from universities
throughout the country. A University of Florida graduate
student may register for eight credits in an appropriate
departmental course cross-listed with OTS, e.g., PCB
6357C or GEA 6109. The University of Florida does not
require tuition for OTS courses. OTS offers pilot-study
research grants to junior faculty and graduate students
who have had limited tropical experience. Further in-
formation can be obtained from the OTS campus office,
223 Bartram Hall.
The Center for Tropical Agriculture, within the Insti-
tute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, seeks to stimulate
interest in research and curriculum related to the tropical
environment and its development.
Minor in Tropical Agriculture.-An interdisciplinary
minor in tropical agriculture may be planned at both the
master's and doctoral levels by students majoring in agri-
culture, forestry, and other fields where knowledge of the
tropics is relevant. The minor may include courses
treating characteristics of the tropics: its soils, water,
vegetation, climate, agricultural production, and the
language and culture of tropical countries.
Certificate Program.-The Cerfiticate in Tropical
Agriculture (CTA) is available for any student enrolled at
the University of Florida. The CTA requires a minimum
of 27 hours of appropriately selected courses with some,
and possibly all, of these hours in addition to the re-
quirements for the current degree sought by the student.
Up to seven hours of research credit, or its equivalent,
may be applied toward CTA requirements when this re-
search and experience have a clear relationship to
agriculture in developing countries. In addition, candi-
dates must show a level of competence in an appropriate
foreign language, although language hours will not be
counted in the CTA.
The 27. hours of requirements are divided between
social sciences and agricultural sciences. Nine hours are
needed in social sciences, five of which must be area-
specific and four non-area-specific. The agricultural
sciences require 18 hours, consisting of 13 hours in
natural sciences and 5 in other agricultural sciences.
Each student will be assigned to an interdisciplinary
committee of three faculty members, one member being
replaced each year. This committee is responsible for
selecting the appropriate courses commensurate with the
individual student's background. Students interested in
this program should consult the Dean for Resident In-
struction in the College of Agriculture.
Research.-The Center provides research grants to
faculty members and their graduate students and assists
in the coordination of interdisciplinary research funded
elsewhere. Development assistance contracts in agricul-
ture and related fields frequently have research com-
Student Support.-Students within the College of
Agriculture and the School of Forest Resources and Con-
servation pursuing a minor in tropical agriculture are
eligible for research grants awarded by the Center
through academic departments.
Other Activities.-The Center seeks a broad dissemina-
tion of knowledge about tropical agriculture through the
sponsoring of conferences, short courses, and seminars
featuring leading authorities on the tropics; publication
'of books, monographs and proceedings; and through
acquisition of materials for the library and the data bank.
The University of Florida Marine Laboratory at Sea-
horse Key is located 57 miles west of Gainesville on the
Gulf Coast, 3 miles offshore, opposite Cedar Key. Fa-
cilities include a 20x40-foot research and teaching build-
ing, and a 10-room residence, with two kitchens and a
dining-lounge, which provides dormitory accommoda-
tions for 24 persons. The laboratory, which owns a 32-
foot research vessel equipped for offshore work and
several smaller outboard-powered boats for shallow
water and inshore work, is used for research by graduate
students from the various departments of the university.
The Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney Laboratory of Exper-
imental Marine Biology and Medicine is in the city of
Marineland, 15 miles south of St. Augustine and 80 miles
east of Gainesville. It is a research center dedicated to
using marine organisms for solving basic problems in
experimental marine biology and medicine. The Labora-
tory's research scope comprises three areas-neuro-
biology; membrane transport and xenobiotic toxicity;
cell biology and biochemistry. The facility is particularly
well equipped and situated for carrying out its mission.
The members of the Whitney Laboratory are full-time
resident scientists; their faculty appointments are in
biological science departments of the Colleges of Liberal
Arts and Sciences and Medicine. Qualified graduate
students in those departments may carry out their
research at the Laboratory; fellowships are available.
Visiting investigators from Florida's State University
System and elsewhere are encouraged. the Laboratory's
program is coordinated with similar ones in the region
through the North Florida Association for Experimental
Marine Biology.
For further information contact the Scientific Director,
C. V. Whitney Laboratory, Route 1, Box 121, St. Augus-
tine 32084.
Biophysics and bioengineering are interdisciplinary
areas which bring the concepts and methods of the basic
and applied physical sciences to bear upon biological
problems. Students may elect one or another of these,
programs depending upon their backgrounds, the extent
of their interest and abilities in physical sciences, and
their concern with and competence in development of
new physics or engineering for use in biology.
One program is conducted under the supervision of
the Biophysics Council, which includes representatives
from the College of Agriculture, Liberal Arts and
Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Several depart-
ments offer biophysics options at the graduate level. A
student interested in such an option must qualify for
graduate study in a department and satisfy the advanced
degree requirements established by the departmental
faculty. The Biophysics Council may then provide in-
dividual guidance in curricular matters. For information
on this program, write to the representative of the
Biophysics Council in one of the following departments:
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Chemical Engi-
neering, Chemistry, Electrical Engineering, Entomology
and Nematology, Materials Science and Engineering,
Microbiology and Cell Science, and Zoology. The Coun-
cil representative in Physics should be consulted for
advice on courses and seminars in biological physics.
The Departments of Chemical and Electrical Engineer-
ing offer master's and doctoral study concentrations in
biochemical and biomedical engineering, respectively;
and advanced study and research in biomaterials are
available in the Department of Materials Science and
Engineering. Write to the department concerned for fur-
ther information.
A specialization in biological physics is available
within the Department of Physics. Students in this option
must qualify for admission to graduate studies in physics
and satisfy all of the requirements for a regular advanced
degree in the department. In addition these students must
prepare themselves in organic and physical chemistry
and general biology, to the extent that they can study and
demonstrate knowledgeability in molecular biology;
cytology, and physiology. Research studies are generally
conducted in collaboration with scientists in biological
or medical fields on this campus or elsewhere. Doctoral
candidates must contribute to new knowledge in both
physics and biology, and demonstrate ability to select for
themselves significant new problems in biology. This
program is monitored by the graduate faculty in physics
and by two interdisciplinary advisory committees; of the
latter two, one is comprised of members from pertinent
physical and biological disciplines on this campus, and
the other of bioscientists from outside the University. For
further information write to the Biological Physics Pro-
gram, Department of Physics.
Attention should also be given to the specializations of
the Center for Sensory Studies, as described in the sec-
tion on Interdisciplinary Research Centers, since that
Center includes other biophysical programs.
The Center is an interdisciplinary effort of the Colleges
of Health and Human Performance, Health Related Pro-
fessions, and Education for the promotion of graduate
education offered at this University for the allied health
professional. It provides referral for potential students
seeking information about degree programs that would
best fulfill their goals in the allied health professions,
keeps abreast of changes affecting graduate study in
allied health education, and facilitates interdiciplinary
communication for faculty, graduate students, and pro-
fessionals in allied health.
Persons who desire to enroll in graduate programs for
the master's or doctoral degree as preparation for careers
in teaching or administration in allied health may seek
advisement through the Center regarding degree pro-
gram options available at the University of Florida. Such
applicants should minimally possess a baccalaureate
degree in a health-related field and credentials accept-
able for admission to the Graduate School at the Univer-
sity of Florida. Individual departments to which the stu-
dent may apply may have additional admissions require-
ments. Examples of fields from which students will be
considered include (but are not limited to) dental
hygiene, health science education, medical technology,
nursing, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and
physician's assistants.
Requests for further information should be sent to
Director, Center for Allied Health Education, College of
Health and Human Performance.
,Jhe Center, with the participation of the faculty of the
Departments of Chemistry, Physics, and Chemical Engi-
neering, is concerned with graduate education and
research in the theoretical, experimental, and computa-
tional aspects of problems in the borderline between
chemistry and physics. Graduate students join one of the
above departments and follow a special curriculum. The
student receives, in addition to the Ph.D. degree, a Cer-
tificate in Chemical Physics issued by the Graduate
School. For information, contact the Director, William-
son Hall.
The College of Engineering has established an off-
campus graduate engineering education center at Eglin
Air Force Base where qualified personnel may enroll in
courses leading to the master's degree. For admission to
the graduate program, the prospective student must file
an application with the Graduate School as outlined in
the Admissions section of this Catalog.
For additional information, visit the Eglin Air Force
Base, or write the Dean, College of Engineering, Univer-
sity of Florida.
The Florida Engineering Education Delivery System
(FEEDS) is a cooperative effort to delivery graduate engin-
eering courses and degree programs to engineers
throughout Florida, by the University of Florida and four
other State University System colleges of engineering:
Florida Atlantic University, Florida International Uni-
versity, University of Central Florida, and the University
of South Florida. Graduate students associated with any
of these five universities have access to the graduate
engineering courses offered via the FEEDS throughout
the state during the school term. Students may register for
courses in a credit or audit status; some courses may be
transferred to a student's degree program in accordance
with procedures approved by the student's department,
the College of Engineering, and the Graduate School.
Contact the FEEDS Coordinator, 311 Weil Hall, for fur-
ther information.
Two allied interdisciplinary options, health physics
and medical physics, are offered as a cooperative effort
of the Departments of Environmental Engineering
Sciences and Nuclear Engineering Sciences, College of
Engineering, the Department of Radiology, College of
Medicine, and other units of the University. Degrees are
granted by the College of Engineering and include Mas-
ter of Science, Master of Engineering, Engineer, and Doc-
tor of Philosophy.
Health Physics is the science devoted to protecting
man and the environment from the harmful effects of
radiation while permitting its beneficial use. Students
may seek admission to either the Department of En-
vironmental Engineering Sciences or the Department of
Nuclear Engineering Sciences. The study program
includes departmental requirements, common health
physics courses and electives to meet a particular em-
phasis. Opportunities for research and practical training
are available through cooperation with departments in
the health sciences, with the University's Division of
Environmental Health and Safety, and with industry. The
University of Florida is one of twelve in the nation
approved.for participation in the Department of Energy
Health Physics Fellowship Program. Prospective students
are eligible for Institute of Nuclear Power Operations
fellowships, Health Physics Society fellowships and
numerous research supported assistantships. For addi-
tional information contact either the Department of
Environmental Engineering Sciences or the Department
of Nuclear Engineering Sciences.
Medical Physics is concerned with the applications of
physical energy concepts and methods to the diagnosis
and treatment of human disease. Students enroll in the
Department of Nuclear Engineering Sciences. Formal
courses include department core requirements, a radia-
tion biology course, a block of medical physics courses
taught by Nuclear Engineering Sciences and Department
of Radiology faculty and one or more health physics
courses. In addition, the program includes a clinical
internship in the, Department of Radiology. Research
opportunities and financial support exist in the form of
faculty research and projects related to patient care. Con-
tact the Nuclear Engineering Sciences Department for
further information.
The University of Florida is a member of Oak Ridge
Associated Universities (ORAU), a nonprofit education
and research management corporation of 50 colleges
and universities. ORAU, Which was established in 1946,
conducts programs of research, education, information,
and human resource development for a variety of
government and private organizations. It makes exten-
sive use of the facilities and resources of the Oak Ridge
National Laboratory and is particularly interested in three
areas: energy, health, and the environment.
Among ORAU's activities are competitive programs to
enable undergraduate, graduate students, and faculty
members to work on research problems at the research
facilities of the United States Department of Energy.
Participants are selected by ORAU and the staffs of the
facilities participating in the ORAU programs. These in-
clude the Oak Ridge National Laboratory; the Oak Ridge
Y-12 Plant; the Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant; the
Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion Laboratory in
Oak Ridge; the Savannah River Laboratory and Savannah
River Ecology Laboratory in Aiken, South Carolina; the
Comparative Animal Research Laboratory in Oak Ridge;
the Puerto Rico Nuclear Research Center; and the Energy
Research Centers at Bartlesville, Oklahoma, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, and Morgantown, West Virginia. The
ORAU Institute for Energy Analysis, the Special Training
Division, and the Medical and Health Sciences Division
are also open to qualified students and faculty members.
Undergraduate.-The ORAU Undergraduate Research
Training Program offers juniors majoring in the sciences,
engineering, and mathematics an opportunity to spend
10 weeks during the summer working in directed re-
search programs at these sites.
Graduate.-The ORAU Laboratory Graduate Participa-
tion Program enables a candidate for an advanced de-
gree, upon completion of all requirements for work-in-
residence except research, to work toward completion of
a research problem and preparation of the thesis at one
of the participating sites.
Faculty.-University of Florida faculty members under
the ORAU Faculty Research Participation Program may
go to a Department of Energy facility for varying periods
up to three months for advanced study and research. It is
also possible to combine a University of Florida faculty
development grant with a longer ORAU Faculty Research
Participation appointment.
Stipends are available. The student stipends are at fixed
rates that change from time to time. Faculty stipends are
individually negotiated, based upon the current Univer-
sity salary.
Information and announcements concerning the ORAU-
DOE university-laboratory programs are available in the
offices of the Graduate School. Bulletins also may be
obtained by writing to the University Programs Office,
Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Inc., P. O. Box 117,
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830. Final arrangements for
research programs must be jointly approved by the Dean
of the Graduate School and Oak Ridge Associated
Interested persons should ask for assistance from Dr. F.
E. Dunnam (2014 Turlington Hall; 392-2263), who
serves as the ORAU counselor at the University of
A complete description of the curriculum in public ad-
ministration and judicial administration is included in the
departmental listing for Political Science.
The Florida Agricultural Experiment Station is responsi-
ble for research dealing with all phases of Florida's
agricultural production, processing,,and marketing. This
statewide research program includes activities by depart-
ments located on the Gainesville campus as well as on
the campuses of Research and Education Centers and
Agricultural Research and Education Centers throughout
the state. Close cooperation with numerous Florida
agriculturally related agencies and organizations is main-
tained to provide research support for Florida's broad
variety of crops and commodities.
The Land-Grant philosophy of research, extension, and
teaching is strongly supported and administered by the
Vice President for Agricultural Affairs. The Institute of
Food and Agricultural Sciences, under his leadership,
comprises the Florida Agricultural Experiment Station,
the Cooperative Extension Service, and the College of
Agriculture, each functioning under a dean. Many of the
IFAS faculty have joint appointments between areas.
Funds for graduate assistants are made available to en-
courage graduate training and professional scientific
Research at the main station is conducted within 21
areas-Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural and Exten-
sion Education, Agronomy, Animal Science, Botany,
Dairy Science, Entomology and Nematology, Food and
Resource Economics, Food Science and Human Nutri-
tion, Forest Resources and Conservation, 4-H and Other
Youth Programs, Fruit Crops, Home Economics, Micro-
biology and Cell Science, Ornamental Horticulture,
Plant Pathology, Poultry Science, Soil Science, Statistics,
Vegetable Crops, and Veterinary Medicine. In addition to
the above, there are additional units vital to research
programs, namely,- Editorial, Facilities Operations,
Planning and Business Affairs, Sponsored Programs,
Personnel, and Federal Affairs.
The locations of the major Research and Education
Centers are Belle Glade, Bradenton, Fort Lauderdale,
Homestead, Lake Alfred, Quincy, and Sanford. The Agri-
cultural Research and Education Centers are located at
Monticello, Brooksville, Fort Pierce, Immokalee, Dover,
Hastings, Ona, Apopka, Marianna, Live Oak, Leesburg,
and Jay. A Center for Cooperative Agricultural Programs
(CCAP) in Tallahassee is jointly supported with Florida
A&M University.
The Florida Agricultural Experiment Station is cooper-
ating with the Brooksville Beef Cattle Research Station,
Brooksville, a USDA field laboratory, in its beef cattle
and pasture production and management programs and
with the National Weather Service, Ruskin, in the
agricultural weather service for Florida.
In addition to the above, research is conducted
through the IFAS International Programs Office, the
Centers for Natural Resources Programs and for Biomass
Energy Systems, the Florida Medical Entomological Lab-
oratory at Vero Beach, and the Center for Aquatic
The Division has two general functions: (1) the ad-
ministration and promotion of the sponsored research
program and (2) the support of the total research program
of the University in a manner which produces maximum
benefit to the University and the greatest service to the
State of Florida. All proposals for the sponsorship of
research, grants-in-aid, training grants, or educational ser-
vice agreements must receive the approval of the Vice
President for Research. Subsequent negotiations with
potential contracting agencies or sponsors of research
projects are carried on under the Vice President's super-
The activities of the Division of Sponsored Research
are intended to stimulate growth and to assist in expanding
a balanced research program throughout the University.
These activities are intimately related to the support of
the graduate program. They are also intended to relieve
principal investigators and departments of many of the
detailed administrative and reporting duties connected
with some sponsored research. The duties and respon-
sibilities of the Division are designed to assist principal
investigators in seeking sponsors for their projects. In
direct contacts between a principal investigator and a
potential sponsor, however, prior clearance should be
obtained from the Division to insure a uniformity in con-
tract requirements and to avoid duplication of nego-
tiations with the same sponsor.
Policies and procedures.for the operation of the Divi-
sion are developed by a Board of Directors working with
the Vice President within the general framework of the
administrative policies and procedures of the University.
The Graduate Council serves as adviser on scientific mat-
ters and on matters relating to the graduate program.
The law establishing the Division of Sponsored Re-
search enables the utilization of some recovered indirect
cost funds in the support of innovative research. The
Board of Directors of the Division has the responsibility
for the award of these funds. For information write the
Vice President for Research, Division of Sponsored
Research, 223 Grinter Hall.
The Florida Engineering and Industrial Experiment Sta-
tion (EIES) developed from early research activities of the
engineering faculty and was officially established in
1941 by the Legislature as an integral part of the College
of Engineering. Its mandate is "to organize and promote
the prosecution of research projects of engineering and
related sciences, with special reference to such of these
problems as are important to the industries of Florida."
The College and the Station form an interlocking rela-
tionship, with the EIES serving as the research arm of the
College. In this capacity the EIES fulfills its function of
conducting research on many of Florida's most signifi-
cant problems ranging from energy to water resources,
environmental issues to health-related activities. Of
course many of these problems transcend the State and
are also of national concern. The Station has developed a
national and international reputation in many areas and
the faculty are at the forefront of their fields. This has a
major positive impact on the College since it makes good
teaching possible, exposes students to many important
engineering problems normally not encountered in a col-
lege program, and helps the faculty better instill students
with the qualifications necessary for the successful prac-
tice of their profession. Moreover, both undergraduate
and graduate students frequently find employment on
research projects.
The Station receives a small but important portion of its
operating funds from the State; this funding base results
in a better than 10 to 1 return from contracts and grants
with governmental agencies, foundations and industrial
organizations. EIES has excellent facilities and faculty in
many diverse fields such as computer-aided engineering,
automation sciences and manufacturing engineering,
electronic devices, optical communication and related
microfabrication techniques, a variety of solar and other
alternative energy technologies, biomaterials and other
new materials, biomedical engineering, computer appli-
cations, information processing systems, and a broad
spectrum of activities related to public works, environ-
mental and coastal engineering.
The Institute for Advanced Study of the Communica-
tion Processes (IASCP) provides opportunities for Univer-
sity faculty and advanced students to carry out research
in the communication processes. The Institute is inter-
disciplinary, with membership drawn from the Colleges
of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Engineering, Medicine,
Dentistry and Fine Arts. The University of Florida in
Gainesville is its headquarters, but it is structured to serve
the entire State University System. Currently there are ac-
tive participants from Florida State University, the
University of South Florida, and Florida International
University. The IASCP faculty also includes members
located at other universities and research laboratories
both within the continental United States and abroad.
The overall objective of IASCP is the maintenance of a
scientific center of excellence focused on human com-
municative behavior. The Institute's program includes
(but is not confined to) three broad areas: 1) the com-
municator(s), i.e., the physiological/physical/psychologi-
cal processes by which individuals generate and transmit
communicative signals (speech), 2) the respondentss,
and how receptive (hearing) and neural mechanisms
function to process signals within a variety of en-
vironments, and 3) the message, i.e., the codes and signs
(language) that constitute the sum total of these com-
municative messages. The IASCP faculty includes
students and scientists with a variety of interests and
training. Expertise is represented by the phonetic,
sciences, speech pathology and audiology, psychology,
psycholinguistics, linguistics, psychoacoustics, auditory
neurophysiology, electrical engineering, computer
sciences, physics, communication studies, biocommun-
ication, dentistry, and medicine.
As stated, IASCP's overall research effort is basically an
interdisciplinary one, but the focus of each investigator's
interests is the advancement of knowledge about human
communication. For information, write the Director, In-
stitute for Advanced Study of the Communication Pro-
cesses, 63 Arts and Sciences Building.
Established in 1976, the ARC is an integral part of the
Fisher School of Accounting and of the College of
Business Administration. It serves to develop and pro-
mote a scholarly environment for research in accounting
with a special interest in interdisciplinary research. ARC
holds frequent research seminars, organizes a biennial
national research symposium on accounting and
auditing standards, and publishes the Journal of Accoun-
ting Literature. For information, contact Director, Ac-
counting Research Center, 255 Business Building.
The Center (ICAAS) is a community of scholars drawn
from many disciplines represented at the University of
Florida. Each scholar has an established professional
knowledge and research capability in the atmospheric
sciences or in physical, biological or societal disciplines
that relate closely to our atmospheric environment. As an
interdisciplinary center, ICAAS promotes pure and ap-
plied research in the atmospheric sciences and provides
machinery for translating research into forms relevant to
societal needs. Activities include a diverse range of
tropospheric and micrometeorological research as well
as biological, ecological, and technological research
related to the quality of the air we breathe. These ac-
tivities are dispersed widely in the Colleges of Engineer-
ing, Liberal Arts and Sciences, Agriculture, Medicine,
Law, and Business Administration.
Interdisciplinary projects of ICAAS encompass 1)
studies of sources, atmospheric transformation and
transport of acidic substances for a Florida acid rain
assessment, initially coordinated through an interdisci-
plinary Acid Deposition Science Workshop, Causes and
Effects, and leading to a monograph on the workshop
proceedings; 2) studies of radiation levels reaching the
grounds and the possible influences of anthropogenic
perturbations; 3) evaluation of environmental impact for
locating Florida electric generating plants, including de-
velopment of interpolated analytic wind roses and pollu-
tant concentration contours for Florida; 4) interplay of
energy production needs relative to air quality standards
including the technical, scientific, medical, agricultural,
psychological, economic and legal aspects of the energy/
air quality problems; and 5) economic and environ-
mental benefits of burning coal and natural gas mixtures
in oil-designed boilers detailed in a published
The primary function of ICAAS is to provide coordina-
tion, direction, and focus to strengthen existing programs
and to expand them in directions that will help mitigate
the socio-technical problems arising from the degrada-
tion of our atmospheric environment. The Center will
also help the training of able students at the under-
graduate, graduate, and postdoctoral levels in various
pure and applied aspects of the atmospheric sciences.
For information, write the Director, ICAAS, Space
Sciences Research Building.
The Center consists of faculty from the Departments of
Engineering Science and Mathematics. These faculty are
interested in the application of mathematics to research
problems in the physical, engineering, social, and
biological sciences. Codirectors are Professors A.R.
Bednarek and K.T. Millsaps.
The Center for Aquatic Plant Research is a multidis-
ciplinary unit of the Institute of Food and Agricultural
Sciences (IFAS). Established in 1978 by the Florida Legis-
lature, the Center is the lead agency for coordinating
research and educational programs on aquatic plant
management in Florida. The Center is also involved in
national and international research and education pro-
grams. The Center encourages interdisciplinary research
focused on biological, chemical, mechanical, and inte-
grated aquatic plant management techniques and their
impact on aquatic ecosystems. Scientists associated
with the Center specialize in aquatic plant ecology, plant
pathology, entomology, phycology, physiology, fish-
eries, weed science, and limnology. Faculty and graduate
students are associated with their respective departments
in IFAS. Interested persons should contact the Director,
Center for Aquatic Plant Research, 7922 NW 71st Street,
Gainesville, Florida 32606.
The Center, part of the Shands Teaching Hospital, pro-
vides a carefully controlled medical research environ-
ment in which scientists can define and attempt to
conquer unsolved disease problems affecting humans.
'A discrete unit, funded entirely through a grant by the
National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Center is
administered through the College of Medicine of the
University of Florida. The grant provides for a metabolic
kitchen and its staff, a laboratory and staff, nursing and
administrative personnel. The NIH provide coverage of
all research charges for patient care and also support an
out-patient function for the Center.
For information write Clinical Research Center, Box
J-322, J. Hillis Miller Health Center.
The Center conducts research in a variety of fields of
mass communication. It serves as a resource for college
faculty and students, assists the media and other
organizations in their research pursuits, and sponsors
other programs related to the mass communication
needs of the many communities served by the University.
For information, write the Director, Communication
Research Center, 2000 Weimer Hall.
The Center conducts basic and applied research on
factors influencing consumer decision making and be-
havior. It provides an organization through which faculty
members from a number of disciplines may effectively
work together to study the interface between consumers,
various institutions, activities of governmental and
private organizations, and policy alternatives. The Center
sponsors a colloquium series involving both University
of Florida faculty and students and scholars from around
the country as well as a working paper and reprint series.
The Center also serves as the budgetary unit for graduate
studies of consumer psychology. For information, write
the Director, Center for Consumer Research, 116 Bryan
The Center conducts research and educational pro-
grams and disseminates information on the behavior of
materials at high rates of deformation. In addition to
structural materials (such as metals, polymers, and com-
posites), the Center is concerned with biological materials
(bones and soft tissues) and with dynamic soil mechan-
ics. The Center has established a cooperative arrange-
ment with the University of Bucharest to enhance
international cooperation and exchange of information
and personnel. For information, address the Director,
Center for Dynamic Plasticity, 231 Aero Building.
The Center conducts theoretical and applied research
in the areas of econometrics and decision sciences. It
provides an organization to bring together faculty and
students from a number of disciplines working in these
areas through seminars and a discussion paper series.
The Center serves as an avenue to attract to the Univer-
sity of Florida on a permanent or visiting basis, or for
seminars, researchers with an international reputation in
the areas of econometrics and decision sciences. The
Center also acts as a budgetary unit for faculty and
graduate student research in these areas. For information
write to the Director, Center for Econometrics and Deci-
sion Sciences, 301 Business Building.
The Bureau is a service and research center within the
College of Business Administration. Its activities are or-
ganized under three research programs: population, fore-
casting, and sample survey research. Graduate students
are involved as research assistants in these programs.
The Bureau disseminates the results of its research
through a publication program. Bureau publications in-
clude Florida Statistical Abstract, BEBR Monographs,
The Florida Outlook, Populations Studies, Florida Esti-
mates of Population, Economic Leaflets, and Building
Permit Activity in Florida. For information, write the
Director, Bureau of Economic and Business Research,
221 Matherly Hall.
This interdisciplinary Center conducts research related
to 1) the immediate and lasting effects of physical
activity, 2) the acquisition, control, and efficiency of
human movement, and 3) the effects of aging and dis-
orders, such as cardiovascular disease, stress, and weight
control, on human performance. Center researchers
study various groups and individuals from the handi-
capped to the gifted athlete.
The Center is a research unit of the College of Health
and Human Performance with affiliated faculty from the
Colleges of Medicine, Nursing, and Health Related Pro-
fessions. It occupies 7000 square feet of space in Florida
Gymnasium. For further information contact the Direc-
tor, Center for'Exercise Science, Florida Gymnasium,
phone (904) 392-0584.
The Financial Institutions and Monetary Policy Center
conducts research on management and public policy is-
sues regarding financial intermediaries. Major emphasis
is placed on analysis of the impact of the economic and
regulatory environment on the financial sector and on
the ability of the Federal Reserve to conduct effective
monetary policy.
The Center sponsors research studies by faculty and
graduate students, sponsors doctoral dissertations, and
conducts frequent seminars on these and related issues.
For additional information, contact Director, Financial
Institutions and Monetary Policy Center; 321 Business
As the research arm of the College of Architecture, the
Center promotes, encourages, and coordinates research
activities among the college's five academic disciplines:
architecture, building construction, urban and regional
planning, landscape architecture, and interior design.
Principal current research interests of the Center include
architectural acoustical modeling, codes for energy-
efficient development, roofing, computer resource map-
ping, central city redevelopment, architectural pres-
ervation, and, construction management. The Center
maintains cooperative contacts with other departments
on campus and with institutions within the United States,
Latin America, and the Caribbean Basin. For information
write to the Director, Florida Architecture and Building
Research Center, 360 Architecture Building.
The Florida Insurance Research Center (FIRC) focuses
on the effects of economic and regulatory issues on both
the Florida and the national insurance market. In this
regard, scholarly research is conducted on insurance
company operations as well as the needs of insurance
consumers. The Center also supports students through
annual scholarships.
Management of the Center is by its Director, and facul-
ty from other colleges in the University are utilized as the
need arises.
The Center, funded by the Department of the Interior,
was established in 1964 as a result of the passage of
Public Law 88-379-The Water Resources Research Act
of 1964-"to stimulate, sponsor, provide for, and supple-
ment present programs for conduct of research, investi-
gation, experiments, and the training of scientists in the
fields of water and of resources which affect water."
Under the administration of the Center current water
research projects pertaining to the achievement of ade-
quate statewide water resource management and water
quality and quantity are being conducted by faculty at
the University of Florida and at other universities in the
state. For information, write the Director, Florida Water
Resources Research Center, 424 A. P. Black Hall.
Through the Center for Gerontological Studies,
students and faculty from diverse disciplines may study
or conduct research in gerontology.
Programs are developed both within and outside the
University to benefit older persons and to develop
career-related experiences for graduate and professional
students. The Center for Gerontological Studies offers the
Graduate Certificate in Gerontology for master's,
specialist, and doctoral students in conjunction with
graduate programs in a variety of disciplines and
professions. Certificate requirements include a minimum
of 12 hours in approved gerontology courses and an
approved interdisciplinary research project in
gerontology or a topic related to geriatrics. A limited
number of graduate assistantships for student accepted
into the Graduate Certificate in Gerontology program are
available from the Center.
The Center disseminates information derived from
research on gerontology-related aspects of anthropology,
architecture, biology, economics, education, geography,
health administration, humanities, law, medicine,
nursing, nutrition, occupational therapy, psychology,
recreation, sociology, and other fields. Courses in
gerontology are available in many of the above areas.
The Center sponsors special conferences on
gerontology and several in-service training workshops
and seminars for academic and continuing education
credit. Through the University Presses of Florida, the
Center publishes conference proceedings, statistical
reports, and scholarly books on gerontological subjects.
For information about the Center's Graduate
Certificate Program, write to the Director, Center
Gerontological Studies, 3357 Turlington Hall.
The Center conducts and facilitates collaborative inter-
disciplinary studies focusing on issues relating to laws,
rules and regulations, or other policies generated at the
state or federal level which affect the manner in which
health care services are delivered, funded, administered,
or regulated. Faculty and students from a broad spectrum
of disciplines are encouraged through the Center to par-
ticipate in organized research activities funded through
state or federal sources or to provide short-term technical
assistance on specific policy concerns.
A goal of the Center is to develop and maintain data
bases and models which can be utilized to assist in the
analysis of existing and proposed policy alternatives
under a variety of potential future scenarios. Research
and analyses are guided by the principle that better
health care legislation and more effective and efficient
health services delivery will result by anticipating the
legal, administrative, economic, social and ethical conse-
quences of health policy changes. For information, write
to Director, Center for Health Policy Research, Box
J-177, J. Hillis Miller Health Center.
The Institute of Higher Education is an agency within
the College of Education, responsible at the same time to
the Vice President for Academic Affairs, and is defined as
a research and service agency of the University focused
upon higher education. Operating under the Institute are
several organizational structures: The Florida Commun-
ity College Interinstitutional Research Council, a con-
sortium of community colleges in Florida with focus
upon institutional and system-wide research; the Com-
munity College Leadership Program with a focus on
developing and improving administrative leadership in
community colleges; the State Leadership Program in
Higher Education, a partnership program with Florida
State University, for preparing and improving state
agency staff personnel; and special projects of both re-
search and service orientation which are assigned from
time to time, often on a contract basis.
Many advanced graduate students find research proj-
ects of their own interests among the many activities of
the IHE. For information, write the Director, Institute of
Higher Education.
The Center (CIR) is responsible for directing, coor-
dinating, and conducting advanced studies and research
activities in computer and information system sciences as
they apply to multiple disciplines. The Center is staffed
by scholars and scientists drawn from many academic
disciplines represented at the University. The interdisci-
plinary nature of the CIR creates a stimulating
environment for basic and applied research to seek new
insights into and optimal solutions to engineering, phys-
ical, biological, medical, management, environmental,
and social problems. The Center staff is concerned with
solving timely and relevant problems by using modern
computer technology and the latest developments in
information science. The Center's recent emphasis has
been on computer-based advanced automation, knowl-
edge engineering, and machine intelligence.
The primary functions of CIR are (1) to conduct re-
search in developing the theory and techniques for the
design of computer systems and software to solve con-
temporary problems created by knowledge explosion;
(2) to develop advanced technology for the design of
computer-based automation for factory and office oper-
ations; (3) to assist industry, as well as state and federal
governments, in augmenting productivity via innovative
applications of computer technology and intelligent
machines; (4) to initiate and coordinate interdisciplinary
attacks on complex technological, socioeconomic, and
health problems; and (5) to provide internship oppor-
tunities for graduate students in information science,
computer technology, production automation, knowl-
edge engineering, and related areas.
The research laboratories are equipped with a PDP
11/40 computer system, a VAX 11/750 computer system,
an Optronics P-1000 precision microdensitometer, a
video camera, a DeAnza IP 5000 image array processor
and high resolution color display, the Graphic I
interactive graphics system, a pictorial data acquisition
computer (PIDAC), a CDC mass storage system, and a
Trilog Color Printer/Plotter. In addition, the Center main-
tains a large software library representing many years of
research and applications in the areas of pattern, recogni-
tion, image processing, database management, know-
ledge transfer, robotics, and CAD/CAM.
Center-development knowledge-based systems in-
clude the intelligent information retrieval system,
Telebrowsing, the Medical Knowledge System (MEDIKS),
the Universal Image Processing System (UNIPS), the
Agricultural Productivity Improvement Knowledge
System (APRIKS), the Computer-Aided Document Ex-
aminer (CADE), the CIR Knowledge Utilization System
(CIRKUS), the Automated Reading of Drawings System
(AUTORED), and the Visual Recognition System (VIREC).
The significant software resources of the Center allow
researchers to develop new applications with the
minimum software development effort.
The Center sponsors the International Symposia on
Computer and Information Science (COINS Symposia);
cooperates with other University units in organizing and
conducting conferences, seminars, short courses; and
developmental programs in information science, ma-
chine intelligence, advanced automation; supports publi-
cation of scholarly books, monograph series, and an in-
ternational journal on computer and information
Graduate student support is provided through research
assistantships at all levels of graduate study. Inquiries
about the various programs and activities of the CIR
should be addressed to the Director, Dr. Julius Tou,
Center for Information Research, 339 Larsen Hall.
The Center is developing a unified research and teach-
ing faculty, drawing its members from the fields of
chemistry, materials science and engineering, chemical
engineering, biochemistry, and physics. Current research
includes synthetic polymer chemistry, mechanistic and
structure studies, solution and solid state properties of
polymers, biological applications of polymers, and
limited studies on industrial applications of polymers.
For information, write the Director, Center for Macro-
molecular Science and Engineering, 420 Space Sciences
Research Building.
Established in 1977, The Management Center provides
advanced and continuing management education. Semi-
nars and programs sponsored by The Management
Center are geared toward a range of institutions in-
cluding private, public, and nonprofit organizations in
the United States. In addition to offering general manage-
ment courses that are attended by participants from a
variety of businesses and corporations, The Management
Center also works directly with private firms and state
agencies providing training that is specifically designed
to meet the needs of the contracting organization.
The Center was established in 1972 to advance re-
search in all areas of system theory dependent on
mathematical methodology. Both pure and applied prob-
lems are emphasized. The Center is operated on an inter-
disciplinary basis in cooperation with the Departments of
Mathematics, Electrical Engineering, Industrial and
Systems Engineering, Statistics, and Engineering
The permanent faculty of the Center presently includes
Professors R. E. Kalman (Director), G. Basile, V. M.
Popov, and T. E. Bullock. There are numerous affiliated
faculty members and many visitors of international
stature. An active research seminar is conducted
throughout the year on recent developments in system
theory, as well as certain aspects of computer science
and econometrics.
One of the principal areas of current interest is the
identification of linear relations and systems from noisy
data using the concept of positivity. Applications of this
work include model building in such areas a econo-
metrics, biometrics, psychometrics, etc. Another prin-
cipal area of activity is the control of linear discrete-time
and continuous-time systems using algebraic methods
and techniques from the theory of functions of several
complex variables. A portion of this work centers on the
development of a control theory for linear systems whose
coefficients belong to a commutative ring or algebra,
with applications to systems with time delays, systems
depending on parameters, and spatially distributed
systems. Recent work has also been directed toward the
control of linear systems with time-varying coefficients
and the control of linear systems with parameter or
modelling uncertainty (e.g., robust stabilization).
To meet the future demand for mineral resources
which is critically dependent on the availability of low
grade complex ores, both the federal and the state
governments have committed themselves to developing
the necessary technology for processing of such ores. As
a result, an interdisciplinary Mineral Resources Research
Center was established in the College of Engineering
under the jurisdiction of the Department of Materials
Science and Engineering. Recently, the research activities
of the Center have been augmented with an educational
program in mineral processing. The major objective of
these twin activities is to investigate specific problems
through application of basic scientific principles and to
provide the skilled personnel needed by the mineral in-
dustries. The current emphasis in research is on process-
ing of low grade phosphate ores, waste disposal pro-
blems in the phosphate industry, processing of energy
minerals such as coal and oil shale, fine particle process-
ing, applied surface and colloid chemistry and
hydrometallurgy. These programs are truly inter-
disciplinary and involve scientists and engineers from
such additional departments as Chemical Engineering,
Environmental Engineering Sciences, Soil Science,
Geology, and Chemistry. For further information contact
Dr. Brij. M. Moudgil, Director, Mineral Resources
Research Center, 161 Rhines Hall.
The purpose of the Center is to promote intellectual in-
terchange and scientific collaboration among faculty and
students interested in the nervous system. A training
grant supports students specifically involved in the in-
vestigation 'of brain-behavior relationships. The training
program is conducted through formal courses, seminars,
symposia and' participation in laboratory research.
Trainees are affiliated with the Center through a basic
science or clinical department. For information, write the
Director, Center for Neurobiological Sciences, Box
J-224, J. Hillis Miller Health Center.
The Clearing Service is a research and service adjunct
of the Department of Political Science in the College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences. It carries on a continuous pro-
gram of research in public administration,, political
behavior, and public policy in Florida; publishes re-
search studies and surveys of administrative and political
problems in both scientific and popular monograph
form; and publishes annually a Civic Information Series
for assistance to citizen groups in their study of current
issues in the state. For information, write the Director,
Public Administration Clearing Service, 3326 Turlington
The, Public Policy Research Center (PPRC) at the
University of Florida was established in 1975 to support
scholarly research on government involvement in the
private sector of the market. PPRC has focused on alter-
native ways policymakers might approach looming eco-
nomic problems and on a search for solutions that
recognize the fundamentals of decision-making with
respect to economic structure at both micro and macro
PPRC is an interdisciplinary research center in the Col-
lege of Business Administration at the University of
.Florida. For information write Dr. Robert F. Lanzillotti,
Public Policy Research Center, 206 Bryan Hall.
Florida's Public Utility Research Center (PURC) was
organized in the Spring of 1972. Its sponsors include
public utility company executives; university professors
and administrators, and the Fldrida Public Service Com-
mission. PURC's primary goals and objectives are
1. to increase student and faculty awareness of the utility
industry and its problems.
2. to undertake research designed to help solve
problems faced by the energy and communication
industries, and
3. to train students for employment by utility companies
and regulatory authorities.
PURC seeks to accomplish these goals by providing
student fellowships and assistantships, by supporting
faculty research, by holding conferences and seminars to
discuss both major policy issues and current faculty
research, and by serving as a contact point between
business, government, and the academic community.
The research conducted is disseminated in working
papers, journals, and books, as well as in professional
meetings and governmental hearings. Major areas of in-
terest include measurement of the cost of capital, financ-
ing utility construction programs, the restructuring of the
telecommunications industry, telephone measured ser-
vice pricing, optimal electric rate structures, and other
timely issues which are important to utility companies,
consumers, and regulators.
Contact the Executive Director, Public Utility Research
Center, 355 Business, for information.
The Real Estate Research Center was established in
1973 to facilitate the study of business and economic
problems related to real estate. Faculty members in the
field of real estate serve as the core staff members of the
Center, with research' assistance provided by several
graduate students. Faculty members in other departments
and colleges participate in projects requiring multi-
disciplinary inputs. Graduate students also conduct their
own research for theses and dissertations in the Center.
The Center also sponsors or cosponsors a number of
continuing education programs in real estate each year.
Courses and seminars typically are presented in the areas
of mortgage banking, financial institutions, real estate ap-
praisal, and real estate investment analysis. Most of these
courses and seminars are open to full-time under-
graduate and graduate students in real estate at the
University of Florida.
Many types of research projects are conducted in the
Center. They range from economic and social issues in
land use planning to analysis of the managerial process
and rates of, return in various types of real estate
businesses and properties The Center has developed tex-
tual materials for organizations such as the Florida Real
Estate Commission and the American Institute of Real
Estate Appraisers.
Contract research projects in the Center have been
sponsored and funded by various agencies of the Florida
state government, city governments, the Florida Real
Estate Commission, and the Society of Real Estate Ap-
praisers Foundation.
Sensory studies deal with those systems which provide
an organism with information about its environment.
Traditionally, these topics range from vision and hearing
to biological clocks and homing activity. Sensory studies
at the University of Florida provide a special opportunity
to the talented student because of the unusual conver-
gence of a strong faculty and a set of unique facilities
available within the University and peculiar to the State
of Florida and its regional location in the United States.
The graduate studies envisioned by the faculty call for
broad training in an established academic discipline,
which may be a specialized area within one of the bio-
logical, medical, or physical sciences, and an introduc-
tory survey of the senses, in-depth training in one or
more sense modalities (vision, hearing, chemical, etc.)
and special advanced studies in basic or applied techni-
ques. The intent is to develop a broad perspective as well
as necessary skills within an established academic dis-
cipline. This provides the foundation upon which sen-
sory studies will be developed. Affiliation with an
academic degree granting program will also provide an
additional basis for future professional affiliation. Since
students will enter the sensory program with differing
backgrounds, the program of studies will be tailored to
the perceived needs of the student.
Correspondence should be addressed to the Director,
Center for Sensory Studies, Physics Department, 278
Williamson Hall.
The Center stimulates and coordinates inter-
disciplinary research on urban and regional affairs and
works closely with faculty and graduate students in any
discipline concerned with local, state, regional, national,
or international human settlements. Since the major
thrust of URRC is research, no formal courses or degree
programs are offered. However, URRC seeks the partici-
pation of faculty and graduate students who are in-
terested in research on urban and regional topics. The
Center maintains an updated listing of grant announce-
ments and is ready to assist in the development of
research proposals. Further inquiries should be made to
the Director, Urban and Regional Research Center, 2326
Turlington' Hall.
The Center for Wetlands is an intercollege research
division dedicated to understanding wetlands and their
role in the partnership of humanity and nature. The
Center encourages interdisciplinary research on ecology
problems, management, reclamation, and effective use
of wetlands. The Center advances knowledge through
special research approaches such as systems ecology
modeling and simulation, energy analysis and planning,
field experiments on vegetation response to water con-
trol, reclamation of wetlands and surrounding water-
sheds, and regional planning.
The Center fosters campus and statewide communica-
tion through a central workshop activity, organized
research projects of county and state concern, wetlands
publications, conferences and short courses, research
data collections, and proposals for curricula. Support of
faculty and graduate students is provided by active pro-
jects. The Center has projects with several state and
federal agencies (the Environmental Protection Agency,
the National Science Foundation, the Florida Depart-
ment of Environmental Regulation, the Florida Institute of
Phosphate Research, and others).
Students with graduate majors in related departments
may arrange degree programs with emphases on
wetlands using Center facilities and activities. For addi-
tional information, contact the Director or Associate
Director, Center for Wetlands, Phelps Laboratory..
The Career Resource Center, Suite G-1, J. Wayne Reitz
Union, is the central agency for career planning, job
placement, and cooperative education on the University
of Florida campus. The Center coordinates these ac-
tivities for all graduate students and alumni seeking
employment opportunities.
Graduate students seeking to explore career interests,
organize their job search campaign,or gain skills in
resume and interview techniques are invited to visit the
Center and utilize its services. The Center has an exten-
sive career library with directories of employers and
receives over 800 job openings on the average each
For those graduate students seeking individual
assistance in resolving career and academic problems,
the Center has a number of career and job placement
counselors available for personal appointments.
A significant on-campus job interview program with
representatives from business, industry, government, and
education is conducted by the Center. These major
employers come to campus seeking graduating students
in most career fields. Graduate students are encouraged
to register early and to participate in the on-campus inter-
view program. The Center also sponsors a number of
Career Days and EXPOs during the academic year which
bring employers to campus to talk to 'students about
careers and jobs. These sessions are open to all major
and are an ideal way for graduate students to make con-
tact with potential employers.
Other functions of the Center include (1) serving as
liaison between students and employers; (2) conducting
studies on the employment outlook, salary trends, and
progress of graduates; (3) helping identify speakers from
business and industry who can visit campus to discuss in-
novations that are taking place in industry.
The Center also provides reproduction and distribution
services of professional placement files (qualifications
records, vitae, resumes, and personal references). A
modest charge is assessed to cover labor and materials
for copy services and mailing of these credential
packages to employers.
The University Counseling Center offers a variety of
counseling and student development services to students
and their spouses. The Center is staffed by psychologists
to aid in the growth and development of each student
and to assist students in getting the most out of their col-
lege experience. Services offered at the Center include
the following:
Counseling.-Individual, couple, and group counsel-
ing is available to help students with personal, career,
and academic concerns. Appointments to see a coun-
selor may be made by calling the Center at 392-1575 or
in person at 311 Little Hall. Students initially have an in-
terview in which the student and the counselor make
decisions about the type of help needed. Students requir-
ing immediate help are seen on a non-appointment
emergency basis. Counseling interviews are confidential.
Consulting.-Center psychologists are available for
consulting with students, staff, professionals, and faculty.
These consultations focus on working with individual
students, special programs, organizational problems,
ways of improving student environments, and other
issues that may have important psychological dimen-
Career Development.-In addition to career counsel-
ing, the Center offers vocational interest testing, career
workshops, and a career library. The Center also pro-
vides referral information to students seeking specific
career information.
Group and Workshop Program.-The Center offers a
wide variety of groups and workshops. A number of
them, such as the women's support group and the black
women's enrichment group, are designed for special
populations. Others such as the math confidence groups,
assertiveness workshops, and counseling groups are
formed to help participants deal with common problems
and learn specific skills. A list of available groups and
workshops is published at the beginning of each term.
Teaching/Training.-The Center provides a variety of
practicum and internship training experience for students
in counseling psychology, counselor education, and re-
habilitation counseling. Center psychologists also teach
undergraduate and graduate courses in some of these
CounseLine.-A self-help tape program designed to
provide information on how to cope with the problems
of daily living is sponsored by the Center. Students may
call 392-1683 and ask for any of the 34 tapes that are
available. A list of tapes is published periodically in the
student newspaper and is also available at the Center.
The Graduate School Editorial Office provides a Guide
for Preparing Theses and Dissertations to assist the stu-
dent in the preparation of the manuscript and offers sug-
gestions and advice on such matters as the preparation
and reproduction of illustrative materials, the treatment
of special problems, the use of copyrighted material, and
how to secure a copyright for a dissertation. The follow-
ing procedures apply to the Graduate School's editorial
services to students.
1. The responsibility for acceptable English in a thesis
or dissertation, as well as the originality and acceptable
quality of the content, lies with the student and the super-
visory committee.
2. The Graduate School editorial staff act only in an
advisory capacity but will answer questions regarding
correct grammar, sentence structure, and acceptable
forms of presentation.
3. The editorial staff will examine a limited portion of
the final rough draft and make recommendations concern-
ing the form of the thesis or dissertation before the final
4. After the initial submission of the dissertation in
final form, the Editorial Office staff checks the format,
paper stock, and pagination and reads portions of the text
for general usage, references, and bibliographical form.
Master's theses are checked for paper stock, format,
reference style, pagination, and signatures.
It is the responsibility of the student and the super-
visory chairman to notify the Graduate School in
writing of any changes which have been made in the
structure of the supervisory committee.
5. The Editorial Office maintains a file of experienced
thesis typists, manuscript editors, and draftsmen which
the student may examine to find assistance in the
mechanical preparation of the manuscript.
The Office of International Student Services is the
center for services performed on behalf of foreign students
from their arrival on campus until their departure for
home. The office coordinates with other University agen-
cies and is charged with responsibilities involving
evaluation of financial statements; issuance of certificates
of eligibility (Forms 1-20 and IAP-66) for visa application;
reception; orientation; off-campus housing; finances;
health; immigration matters; practical training; employ-
ment; liaison with embassies, consulates, foundations,
and United States government agencies; correspon-
dence; legal problems; life counseling; referrals; and
community relations. The Office of International Student
Services also assists foreign faculty members. The Office
is located at 1504 West University Avenue. Mail can be
addressed to the Director, International Student Services.
The University of Florida Speech-Language and Hear-
ing Clinic located on the fourth floor of the Arts and
Sciences Building offers therapeutic and diagnostic ser-
vices to the community. These services are available to
any University student without charge. The Clinic offers
assistance at any time during the year and therapy ses-
sions are adjusted to individual schedules. Students are
encouraged to visit the Clinic office, roon 442 and use
this service.
The Student Health Service provides a spectrum of
medical services which includes primary medical care,
health education, specialty services, and mental health
consultation and counseling.
The Service consists of an out-patient clinic staffed by
physicians, physician's assistants, nurse practitioners,
registered nurses, psychologists, pharmacists, laboratory
and x-ray technologists, and support personnel. It is
housed in the Infirmary building which is centrally
located on campus.
Student Health Service is a unit of the J. Hillis Miller
Health Center with its Colleges of Medicine, Nursing,
and Health Related Professions. The clinics of the Health
Center are available for consultation by referral through
Student Health Services. Specialty clinics are available in
the Infirmary for allergy injections, orthopedics, der-
matology, and women's health care.
The Health Fee is part of the tuition fee paid by all
students. The Health Fee covers ordinary out-patient
visits, and fees-for-services are assessed for pharmacy,
laboratory, and x-ray services as well as special
treatments and consultations with medical specialists.
The supplemental student government sponsored in-
surance plan is highly recommended to help defray these
A personal health history questionnaire completed by
the student is required before registration at the Univer-
sity of Florida as well as documentation of immunity to
measles and rubella.
Fields of Instruction
i 54
Agricultural and Extension Education
Agricultural Engineering
Animal Science
Dairy Science
Entomology and Nematology
Food and Resource Economics
Food Science and Human Nutrition
Forest Resources and Conservation,
School of
Horticultural Science
Fruit Crops
Ornamental Horticulture
Vegetable Crops
Microbiology and Cell Science
Plant Pathology
Poultry Science
Soil Science
Veterinary Medicine-IFAS
Building Construction, School of
Landscape Architecture
Urban and Regional Planning
Accounting, Fisher School of
Computer and Information Sciences
Finance and Insurance
.Health Services Administration
Management and Administrative Sciences
Real Estate and Urban Analysis
Counselor Education
Educational Leadership
Foundations of Education
Instruction and Curriculum
Special Education
Agricultural Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering
Computer and Information Sciences
Electrical Engineering
Engineering Sciences
Aerospace Engineering
Engineering Science and Mechanics
Environmental Engineering Sciences
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Nuclear Engineering Sciences
Exercise and Sport Sciences
Health Science Education
Recreation, Parks, and Tourism
Clinical Psychology
Communicative Disorders
Health Services Administration
Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy
Rehabilitation Counseling
Mass Communication
African Studies, Center for
Communicative Disorders
Computer and Information Sciences
Germanic and Slavic Languages and
Gerontological Studies, Center for
Latin America Studies, Center for
Political Science
Romance Languages and Literatures
Anatomy and Cell Biology
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Immunology and Medical Microbiology
Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Veterinary Medicine
Medicinal Chemistry
Pharmacy Health Care
Pharmacy Practice
College of Business Administration
Director: H. P. Schaefer. Graduate Coordinator: J. L.
Kramer (for Ph.D.). Graduate Research Professor: A. R.
Abdel-khalik. Professors: B. B. Ajinkya; I. N. Gleim; J. L.
Kramer; J. Simmons; E. D. Smith; D. Snowball; S. C. Yu.
Associate Professors: J. V. Boyles; S. S. Kramer; C. L.
McDonald; W. F. Messier, Jr. Assistant Professor: E. M.
The Fisher School of Accounting offers graduate work
leading to the Master of Accounting (M.Acc,) degree and
the Ph.D. degree with a major in business administration
and an accounting concentration. The M.Acc degree pro-
gram offers specialization in each of the four areas of
auditing/financial accounting, management accounting,
accounting systems, and taxation. The Ph.D. accounting
concentration is designed to prepare students for careers
in research and teaching at major universities or for
research-oriented careers. A joint program leading to the
Juris Doctor and Master of Accounting degrees also is of-
fered by the Fisher School of Accounting and College of
Law. Specific details for the M.Acc., M.AccJJ.D., and
Ph.D. programs will be supplied by the Fisher School of
Accounting upon request. The degree Master of Business
Administration with an accounting concentration is of-
fered by the College of Business Administration. Re-
quirements for the MBA are included in the front section
of the Catalog.
The M.Acc. and the Ph.D. accounting programs re-
quire admission standards of at least the following: For
the M.Acc. program, a combined verbal and quantitative
score of 1100 on the Graduate Record Examination, a
combined GRE score of 1250 for the Ph.D. program; or a
score of 500 for the M.Acc. and 550 for the Ph.D. pro-
gram on the Graduate Management Admission Test. Ad-
mission to the M.Acc. or Ph.D. accounting graduate pro-
grams cannot be granted until scores are received.
Information on minimum GPA standards for admission
to the M.Acc. program may be obtained from the office
of the Assistant Director. Foreign students must submit a
TOEFL test score of at least 550 and a satisfactory GMAT
or GRE score.
Admission to the graduate courses in accounting re-
quires that students have, or complete without graduate
credit, approximately the courses required of an
undergraduate accounting major. With this background
the M.Acc. degree can normally be earned in three
The M.Acc. degree requires 36 credits of course work..
A minimum of 20 credits must be in graduate level
courses; a minimum of 16 credits must be in graduate
level accounting courses. The remaining credits are
selected from recommended elective courses that vary
by area of specialization.
Requirements for the Ph.D. degree include a core of
courses in mathematical methods, statistics, and
economic theory; one or two supporting fields selected
by the student; and a major field of accounting. Students
are expected to acquire teaching experience as part of
the Ph.D. degree program. Grants-in-aid will be awarded
for this teaching. Foreign students must submit a Test of
Spoken English (TSE) test score of at least 220 along with
satisfactory GMAT/GRE and TOEFL scores in order to ob-
tain a teaching appointment. Students are expected to
enroll in ACG 6940 for a minimum of three credits. Pro-
gram requirements include fulfillment of a research skill
area and a dissertation on an accounting-related topic.
ACG 5005-Financial Accounting (3) Designed primarily for
MBA candidates and other graduate students. Not open to
accounting majors. Functions and underlying principles of ac-
counting stressed. Emphasis on analysis of financial conditions
and business operations through an understanding of account-
ing statements.
ACG 5205-Advanced Financial Accounting for Complex
Organizations (4) Analysis of accounting procedures for con-
signment and installment sales, partnerships, branches, con-
solidations, foreign operations, governmental accounting and
other advanced topics.
ACG 5356-Advanced Cost and Management Accounting (3)
Prereq: ACG 3352, QMB 3700. Interpretive accounting for
management purposes.
ACG 5385-Advanced Accounting Analysis for the Controller-
ship Function (3) A study of planning and control as they relate
to management of organizations. Draws from cases and jour-
nals to integrate managerial accounting concepts.
ACG 5405-Analysis and Design of Business Systems (3)
Examination of systems theory in relation to the accountant's
function of providing information for management.
ACG 5506-Public Administration Accounting (3)
ACG 5655-Auditing Theory and Internal Controll II (3) A con-
tinuation of ACG 4652 with detailed coverage of field work pro-
cedures for internal control and substantive audit testing,
statistical sampling, operational auditing, and audit software
ACG 6135-Accounting Theory and Financial Reporting Stan-
dards (4) Current developments in accounting concepts and
principles and their relevance to the status of current account-
ing practices. Special topics in financial accounting and current
reporting problems facing the accounting profession. Review of
current authoritative pronouncements.
ACG 6367-Managerial Accounting (3) Prereq: ACG 5005,
GEB 5756. Designed for MBA candidates. For graduate/profes-
sional students who wish to use, rather than prepare, account-
ing data in different decision contexts. Topics include manage-
ment accounting fundamentals, management control systems,
cost allocation, performance evaluation in decentralized
organizations, and product costing.
ACG 6495-Management Information Systems Seminar (3)
ACG 6696-Auditing and Financial Accounting Issues and
Cases (3) A study of recent and projected developments in
financial reporting and auditing emphasizing cases, journal ar-
ticles, and pronouncements.
ACG 6835-Interdisciplinary Considerations in Accounting
Theory Development (3) Developments in related disciplines,
such as economics, law, and behavioral sciences, analyzed for
their contribution to accounting thought.
ACG 6845-Accounting and Analytical Methods (3) Utilization
of logic, including mathematics, in formulation of alternative
accounting valuation models and in clarification of accounting
ACG 6905-Individual Work in Accounting (1-4; max: 7)
Prereq: approval of Graduate Coordinator. Reading and
research in areas of accounting.
ACG 6910-Supervised Research (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
ACG 6940-Supervised Teaching (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
ACG 7299-Financial Accounting Research (3) Prereq: com-
pletion of Ph.D. core. Intensive study of research in financial ac-
counting, including production of, properties of, and use of ac-
counting information.
ACG 7399-Managerial Accounting Research (3) Prereq: com-
pletion of Ph.D. core. Intensive study of research on planning
and control within organizations, including relevant behavioral
theories and human information processing.
ACG 7699-Auditing Research (3) Prereq: completion of Ph.D.
core. An intensive study of such topics as the role of auditing,
quantitative modeling and behavioral implications of the audit
process, statistical sampling and other current topics.
ACG 7925-Accounting Research Workshop (1-4; max: 8)
Prereq: completion of Ph.D. core. Analysis of current research
topics in accounting by visiting scholars, faculty, and doctoral
students. S/U.
ACG 7939-Theoretical Constructs in Accounting (3) Prereq:
completion of Ph.D. core. Emerging theoretical issues that
directly impact research and development of thought in
accounting. Theory construction and verification, information
economics, and agency theory constitute subsets of this course.
ACG 7979-Advanced Research (1-9) Research for doctoral
students before admission to candidacy. Designed for students
with a master's degree in the field of study or for students who
have been accepted for a doctoral program. Not open to
students who have been admitted to candidacy. S/U.
ACG 7980-Research for Doctoral Dissertation (1-15) S/U.
TAX 5025-Federal Income Tax Accounting II (3) Prereq: TAX
4002. Not open to persons in the tax concentration. Covers
basic tax research, taxation of corporations, partnerships, and
fiduciaries, as well as the excise taxes levied upon transfers of
property at death and as gifts.
TAX 5065- Federal Income Tax Research (3) Prereq: TAX
4002. Basic techniques for researching federal income tax
questions. Use and application of traditional and computerized
tax research to examine IRS tax documentation.
TAX 5105-Transactions Involving Shareholders and Corpora-
tions (3) Prereq: TAX 5065. Examination of the fundamental
legal concepts, the statutory provisions, and the computational
procedures applicable to economic transactions and events
involving the formation, operation, and liquidation of the cor-
porate entity. Consideration is also given to acquisitive and
divisive changes to the corporate structure.
TAX 5205-Transactions Involving Partners and Partnerships
(3) Prereq: TAX 5065. Examines the tax aspects of the partner-
ship as a business entity. Topics include the acquisition of a
partnership interest; the reporting of partnership profits, losses,
and distributions; transactions between partners and the part-
nership; transfers of a partnership interest; and retirement or
death of a partner.
TAX 5405-Federal Estate and Gift Taxation (3) Prereq: TAX
5065. Examination of the federal excise tax levied on transfers
of property via gift or from decedents' estates.
TAX 5505-Taxation of Foreign Related Transactions (3)
Prereq: TAX 5065. Topics include the foreign tax credit, taxa-
tion of U.S. citizens abroad, taxation of nonresident aliens
doing business in the U.S., tax treaties, taxation of income from
investments abroad, taxation of export operations, foreign
currency translation, intercompany pricing, and boycott and
bribe related income.
TAX 5725-Tax Factors in Management Decisions (3) Open to
MBA and other graduate students who have not previously,
completed TAX 4002 or its equivalent. Examines the income
and deduction concepts, the taxation of property transactions,
the taxation of business entities, the selection of a business form
and its capital structure, employee compensation, formation
and liquidation of a corporation, changes in the corporate struc-
ture, and the use of tax shelters.
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Director: R. H. Davis. Graduate Research Professor: M.
Harris. Professors: W. G. Blue; R. A. Blume; M. J.
Burridge; G. Carter; R. Cohen; J. H. Conrad; R. Craven;
C. G. Davis; R. H. Davis; H. Der-Houssikian; B. M. du
Toit; E. P. Gibbs;.M. Langham; R. Lemarchand; M.
Lockhart; P. Magnarella; D. McCloud; D. Niddrie; H.
Popenoe; R. Renner; J. Simpson; N. Smith; J. S. Vandiver.
Associate Professors: H. Armstrong; B. A. Cailler; T. L
Crisman; J. K. Dow; C. F. Gladwin; A. Hansen; L. D.
Harris; M. A. Hill-Lubin; L. Jackson; C. F. Kiker; P. A.
Kotey; E. L. Matheny; R. E. Poynor; E. M. Scott; A. Spring;
P. J. van Blokland.
The Center for African Studies offers the Certificate in
African Studies for master's and doctoral students in con-
junction with disciplinary degrees. Graduate courses on
Africa or with African content are available in the Col-
leges or Departments of African and Asian Languages
and Literatures, Agriculture, Anthropology, Art, Botany,
Economics, Education, English, Food and Resource Eco-
nomics, Forest Resources arid Conservation, Geography,
History, Journalism and Communications, Law, Linguis-
tics, Music, Political Science, and Sociology.
A description of the certificate program in African
Studies may be found in the section Special Programs.
Listings of courses may be found in individual depart-
mental descriptions or may be obtained from the Direc-
tor, 470 Grinter Hall.
AFS 6060- Research Problems in African Studies (3) Research
designs for work on African-based problems. Interdisciplinary
in scope.
AFS 6905-Individual Work (1-3; max: 9).
College of Agriculture
Chairman & Graduate iCoordinator: C. E. Beeman.
Professors: C. E. Beeman; J. G. Cheek; M. F. Cole; M. B.
McGhee; A. A. Straughn; D. A. Tichenor; J. T. Woeste.
Associate Professors: L. R. Arrington; W. R. Summerhill;
B. E. Taylor; C. L. Taylor. Assistant Professor: E. B.
The Department of Agricultural and Extension Educa-
tion offers major work for the degrees of Master of
Science (thesis) and Master of Agriculture (nonthesis) (see
Requirements for Master's Degrees).
Two curriculum options for graduate study toward
either degree are offered. The extension option is for
those persons currently employed or preparing to be
employed in the cooperative extension service, in-
cluding home economics, agriculture, 4-H, and other
related areas. The teaching option is for persons who are
teaching vocational agriculture in the public schools and
those who wish to enter the profession and require basic
A prospective graduate student need not have majored
in agricultural and extension education as an under-
graduate. ,However, students with an insufficient
background in either agricultural and extension educa-
tion or technical agriculture will need to include some
basic courses in these areas in their program.
The Department of Home Economics offers graduate
students with home economics related interests the
opportunity for field experience and research activity in
the areas of family and consumer economics, housing,
and foods and nutrition.
AEE 6206-Advanced Instructional Techniques in Agricultural
and Extension Education (3) Prereq: approval of department
chairman. Effective use of instructional materials and methods
with emphasis on application of visual and nonvisual tech-
AEE 6300-Methodology of Planned Change (3) Processes by
which professional change agents influence the introduction,
adoption, and diffusion of technological changes. Applicable to
those who are responsible for bringing about change.
AEE 6325-History and Philosophy of Agricultural Education
(2) Historical and philosophical antecedents to current voca-
tional agriculture and extension education programs, social in-
fluences which support programs and current trends.
AEE 6417-Administration and Supervision of Agricultural
Education (2) Principles and practices related to the effective
administration and supervision of agricultural education at the
national, state and local levels.
ACG 7939-Theoretical Constructs in Accounting (3) Prereq:
completion of Ph.D. core. Emerging theoretical issues that
directly impact research and development of thought in
accounting. Theory construction and verification, information
economics, and agency theory constitute subsets of this course.
ACG 7979-Advanced Research (1-9) Research for doctoral
students before admission to candidacy. Designed for students
with a master's degree in the field of study or for students who
have been accepted for a doctoral program. Not open to
students who have been admitted to candidacy. S/U.
ACG 7980-Research for Doctoral Dissertation (1-15) S/U.
TAX 5025-Federal Income Tax Accounting II (3) Prereq: TAX
4002. Not open to persons in the tax concentration. Covers
basic tax research, taxation of corporations, partnerships, and
fiduciaries, as well as the excise taxes levied upon transfers of
property at death and as gifts.
TAX 5065- Federal Income Tax Research (3) Prereq: TAX
4002. Basic techniques for researching federal income tax
questions. Use and application of traditional and computerized
tax research to examine IRS tax documentation.
TAX 5105-Transactions Involving Shareholders and Corpora-
tions (3) Prereq: TAX 5065. Examination of the fundamental
legal concepts, the statutory provisions, and the computational
procedures applicable to economic transactions and events
involving the formation, operation, and liquidation of the cor-
porate entity. Consideration is also given to acquisitive and
divisive changes to the corporate structure.
TAX 5205-Transactions Involving Partners and Partnerships
(3) Prereq: TAX 5065. Examines the tax aspects of the partner-
ship as a business entity. Topics include the acquisition of a
partnership interest; the reporting of partnership profits, losses,
and distributions; transactions between partners and the part-
nership; transfers of a partnership interest; and retirement or
death of a partner.
TAX 5405-Federal Estate and Gift Taxation (3) Prereq: TAX
5065. Examination of the federal excise tax levied on transfers
of property via gift or from decedents' estates.
TAX 5505-Taxation of Foreign Related Transactions (3)
Prereq: TAX 5065. Topics include the foreign tax credit, taxa-
tion of U.S. citizens abroad, taxation of nonresident aliens
doing business in the U.S., tax treaties, taxation of income from
investments abroad, taxation of export operations, foreign
currency translation, intercompany pricing, and boycott and
bribe related income.
TAX 5725-Tax Factors in Management Decisions (3) Open to
MBA and other graduate students who have not previously,
completed TAX 4002 or its equivalent. Examines the income
and deduction concepts, the taxation of property transactions,
the taxation of business entities, the selection of a business form
and its capital structure, employee compensation, formation
and liquidation of a corporation, changes in the corporate struc-
ture, and the use of tax shelters.
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Director: R. H. Davis. Graduate Research Professor: M.
Harris. Professors: W. G. Blue; R. A. Blume; M. J.
Burridge; G. Carter; R. Cohen; J. H. Conrad; R. Craven;
C. G. Davis; R. H. Davis; H. Der-Houssikian; B. M. du
Toit; E. P. Gibbs;.M. Langham; R. Lemarchand; M.
Lockhart; P. Magnarella; D. McCloud; D. Niddrie; H.
Popenoe; R. Renner; J. Simpson; N. Smith; J. S. Vandiver.
Associate Professors: H. Armstrong; B. A. Cailler; T. L
Crisman; J. K. Dow; C. F. Gladwin; A. Hansen; L. D.
Harris; M. A. Hill-Lubin; L. Jackson; C. F. Kiker; P. A.
Kotey; E. L. Matheny; R. E. Poynor; E. M. Scott; A. Spring;
P. J. van Blokland.
The Center for African Studies offers the Certificate in
African Studies for master's and doctoral students in con-
junction with disciplinary degrees. Graduate courses on
Africa or with African content are available in the Col-
leges or Departments of African and Asian Languages
and Literatures, Agriculture, Anthropology, Art, Botany,
Economics, Education, English, Food and Resource Eco-
nomics, Forest Resources arid Conservation, Geography,
History, Journalism and Communications, Law, Linguis-
tics, Music, Political Science, and Sociology.
A description of the certificate program in African
Studies may be found in the section Special Programs.
Listings of courses may be found in individual depart-
mental descriptions or may be obtained from the Direc-
tor, 470 Grinter Hall.
AFS 6060- Research Problems in African Studies (3) Research
designs for work on African-based problems. Interdisciplinary
in scope.
AFS 6905-Individual Work (1-3; max: 9).
College of Agriculture
Chairman & Graduate iCoordinator: C. E. Beeman.
Professors: C. E. Beeman; J. G. Cheek; M. F. Cole; M. B.
McGhee; A. A. Straughn; D. A. Tichenor; J. T. Woeste.
Associate Professors: L. R. Arrington; W. R. Summerhill;
B. E. Taylor; C. L. Taylor. Assistant Professor: E. B.
The Department of Agricultural and Extension Educa-
tion offers major work for the degrees of Master of
Science (thesis) and Master of Agriculture (nonthesis) (see
Requirements for Master's Degrees).
Two curriculum options for graduate study toward
either degree are offered. The extension option is for
those persons currently employed or preparing to be
employed in the cooperative extension service, in-
cluding home economics, agriculture, 4-H, and other
related areas. The teaching option is for persons who are
teaching vocational agriculture in the public schools and
those who wish to enter the profession and require basic
A prospective graduate student need not have majored
in agricultural and extension education as an under-
graduate. ,However, students with an insufficient
background in either agricultural and extension educa-
tion or technical agriculture will need to include some
basic courses in these areas in their program.
The Department of Home Economics offers graduate
students with home economics related interests the
opportunity for field experience and research activity in
the areas of family and consumer economics, housing,
and foods and nutrition.
AEE 6206-Advanced Instructional Techniques in Agricultural
and Extension Education (3) Prereq: approval of department
chairman. Effective use of instructional materials and methods
with emphasis on application of visual and nonvisual tech-
AEE 6300-Methodology of Planned Change (3) Processes by
which professional change agents influence the introduction,
adoption, and diffusion of technological changes. Applicable to
those who are responsible for bringing about change.
AEE 6325-History and Philosophy of Agricultural Education
(2) Historical and philosophical antecedents to current voca-
tional agriculture and extension education programs, social in-
fluences which support programs and current trends.
AEE 6417-Administration and Supervision of Agricultural
Education (2) Principles and practices related to the effective
administration and supervision of agricultural education at the
national, state and local levels.
AEE 6426-Development of a Volunteer Leadership Program
(3) Emphasizes identification, recruitment, training, retention,
and supervision of volunteer leaders.
AEE 6512-Program Development in Extension Education (3)
Concepts and processes drawn from the social sciences that are
relevant to the development of extension education programs.
AEE 6521-Group Dynamics in Agricultural and Extension
Education (3) Techniques and approaches used in dealing and
working with groups and individuals within groups.
AEE 6523-Planning Community and Rural Development Pro-
grams (3) Principles and practices utilized in community and
rural development efforts. Determining community needs and
goals. Students will be involved in a community development
AEE 6524-Citizen Participation in Decision-Making (2) A
theoretical and practical study with particular emphasis on ad-
visory councils.
AEE 6541-Developing Instructional Materials in Agricultural
and Extension Education (3) Planning and production of written
and visual instructional materials for programs in agricultural
education and extension education. Students are required to
develop a major instructional project.
AEE 6552-Evaluating Programs in Extension Education (3)
Concepts and research drawn from the social sciences relevant
to evaluating youth and adult extension programs.
AEE 6611-Agricultural and Extension Adult Education (2)
Basic theories and concepts. Students required to develop a
major adult program.
AEE 6704-Extension Administration and Supervision (3) Prin-
ciples and practices for effective administration and supervision
of the cooperative extension service program at the county and
state levels.
AEE 6767-Research Strategies in Agricultural and Extension
Education (3) Overview of significant research. Principles, prac-
tices and strategies for conducting research.
AEE 6905-Problems in Agricultural and Extension Education
(1-3; max: 8) Prereq: approval of department chairman. For ad-
vanced students to select and study a problem related to
agricultural and/or extension education.
AEE 6910-Supervised Research (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
AEE 6912-Nonthesis Research in Agricultural and Extension
Education (1-3; max: 6) Library and workshop related to
methods in agricultural and extension education, including
study of research work, review of publications, and develop-
ment of written reports.
AEE 6933-Seminar in Agricultural and Extension Education
(1; max: 3) Exploration of current topics and trends.
AEE 6935-Topics in Agricultural and Extension Education
AEE 6940-Supervised Teaching (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
AEE 6946-Supervised Occupational Experiences in Agricul-
tural Education (2) Basic problems in planning and supervising
programs of occupational experiences in view of changes
occurring in agricultural occupations.
AEE 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-15) S/U.
HEE 5656-Contemporary Perspectives in Home Economics
(3) Intensive analysis of current definitions of home economics,
organizational perspectives, budget/legislative decisions affect-
ing home economics programs, accountability issues, and
future perspectives for extension and secondary school systems.
Colleges of Engineering and Agriculture
Chairman: G.W. Isaacs. Assistant Chairman: R. C. Fluck.
Graduate Coordinator: J. W. Mishoe. Graduate Research
Professor: R. M. Peart. Professors: L. O. Bagnall; C: D.
Baird; R. C. Fluck; G. W. Isaacs; J. W. Jones; J. W.
Mishoe; A. R. Overman; D. R. Price; L. N. Shaw; S. F.
Shih; J. D. Whitney; G. L. Zachariah. Associate Profes-
sors: L. B. Baldwin; W. J: Becker; A. B. Bottcher; K. L.
Campbell; K. V. Chau; D. P. Chynoweth; C. F. Kiker;
E. P. Lincoln; W. M. Miller; R. A. Nordstedt; W. D.
Shoup; A. G. Smajstrla; G. H. Smerage; A. A. Teixeira.
Assistant Professors: R. A. Bucklin; B. J. Bowman; D. G.
Haile; D. Z. Haman; R. C. Harrell; F. T. Izuno; P. H.
Jones; J. C. Webb.
The degrees of Master of Science, Master of Engineer-
ing, Doctor of Philosophy, and Engineer are offered with
graduate programs in agricultural engineering through
the College of Engineering. The Master of Science degree
is offered in the area of agricultural operations manage-
ment through the College of Agriculture.
The Master of Science, Master of Engineering and Doc-
tor of Philosophy degrees are offered in the following
areas of research: soil and water conservation engineer-
ing, waste management, power and machinery, struc-
tures and environment, agricultural robotics, crop pro-
cessing, remote sensing decision support systems, food
and process engineering, biomass production, and
energy conversion systems. Students can pursue a
graduate specialization in food engineering through a
cooperative program jointly administered with the
Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition.
Similar programs may be developed with other depart-
ments within the University.
The Master of Science in the agricultural operations
management area of specialization provides for scientific
training and research in technical agricultural manage-
Typical plans of study focus on advanced training in
field production management) process and manufactur-
ing management, or technical sales and product support.
Requirements for admission, into the Master of
Engineering and Doctor of Philosophy degree programs
are the completion of an approved undergraduate pro-
gram in agricultural engineering or related engineering
discipline. Admission into the Master of Science program
in the College of Engineering requires completion of
mathematics sequence through differential equations,
eight credits of general chemistry and eight credits of
general physics with calculus and laboratory or equiv-
alent. Admission into the Master of Science concentra-
tion in agricultural operations management requires
completion of an approved undergraduate agricultural
operations management program or equivalent and a
working knowledge of a computer language. Any student
not meeting the stated admissions requirements may be
accepted into a degree program providing sufficient ar-
ticulation courses are included in the program of study.
Students interested in enrolling in a graduate program
should contact the Graduate Coordinator.
Candidates for advanced degrees in engineering are re-
quired to take at least nine credits of AGE courses at the
5000 level or higher, with at least six credits of AGE
courses at the 6000 level, exclusive of seminar and thesis
research credits. Other courses are taken in applicable
basic sciences and engineering to meet educational ob-
jectives and to comprise an integrated program as ap-
proved by the department's Graduate Committee. Mas-
ter's students are required to complete at least three
credits of mathematics at the 5000 level or higher, and
doctoral students are required to complete at least 12
Candidates for the Master of Science concentration in
agricultural operations management are required to com-
plete AOM 6312, at least three credits of statistics at the
6000 level, and at least two credits of applied systems or
computer programming at the 5000 level or higher.
Prerequisite for admission to any graduate course is
generally an undergraduate degree in agricultural
engineering or related engineering discipline.
In addition to graduate courses offered in the
Agricultural Engineering Department, the following
courses in related areas are acceptable for graduate credit
as part of the student's major: CES 6106-Advanced
Structural Analysis; ECH 5708-Disinfection, Steriliza-
tion, and Preservation; ECH 6147-Statistical Ther-
modynamics; ECH 6261-Introduction to Transport
Phenomena; ECH 6263-Advanced Transport
Phenomena; ECI 5235-Open Channel Hydraulics; ECI
5575-Remote Sensing Methods and Engineering Ap-
plications; ECI 5625-Groundwater Flow I; ECI
6233-Sediment Transport II; ECI 6237-Sediment
Transport I; ECI 6616-Groundwater Flow II; ECI 6636
-Surface Hydrology; ECI 6637-Operational Hydrol-
ogy; EES 5007-Ecological and General Systems; EES
5105-Environmental Biology; EES 5245-Water and
Wastewater Analysis; EES 5306-Energy Analysis; EES
6036-Environmental Instrumentation; EES 6106-En-
vironmental Microbiology; EES 6246-Advanced Water
Analysis; EML 5104-Classical Thermodynamics; EML
5105-Statistical Thermodynamics; EML 5223-Design
Synthesis in Vibrations; EML 5311-Control System
Theory; EML 5465-Energy Management for Mechanical
Engineers; EML 5605-Advanced Refrigeration; EML
6103-Advanced Thermodynamics; EML 6154-Conduc-
tion Heat Transfer; EML 6155-Convective Heat Trans-
fer; EML 6157-Radiative Heat Transfer; EML 6417-
Solar Energy Utilization; EML 6452-Energy Conversion;
EML 6606-Advanced Air-Conditioning; EML 6716-
Thermodynamics of Fluid Flow; EML 6717-Thermody-
namics of Fluid Flow II; EML 6718-Thermodynamics of
Fluid Flow III; ENV 5517-Cqncepts of Water and
Wastewater Treatment; ENV 6050-Pollutant Transport;
ENV '6117-Environmental Meterology; FOS 5561-
Citrus Processing Technology; FOS 6226-Advanced
Food Microbiology; FOS 6235-Food Toxicology and
Food-Borne Infections; FOS 6455-Industrial Food
Fermentations; HOS 5616-Agricultural Meterology.
For students in a Master of Science program in the Col-
lege of Agriculture, the following courses are accept
able: ACG 5005-Financial Accounting; ACG 6367-
Managerial Accounting; AEB 6553-Elements of
Econometrics; CAP 5009-Computer Concepts in
Business; CAP 5021-Computer-Based Business
AGE 5643C-Biological and Agricultural Systems Analysis (3)
Prereq: MAC 3312. Conceptual and mathematical modeling;
concepts and and alysis of system behavior; physiological,
populational, and agricultural applications.
AGE 5646C-Biological and Agricultural Systems Simulation
(3) Prereq: MAC 3312, COP 3110 or 3212. Digital computer
simulation of mathematical models of biological and agricul-
tural systems; continuous and discrete systems; FORTRAN and
SLAM II languages.
AGE 6031-Instrumentation in Agricultural Engineering Re-
search (3) Principles and application of measuring instruments
and devices for obtaining experimental data in agricultural
engineering research. I
AGE 6152-Advanced Farm Machinery (3) Machines and
mechanized systems used in agriculture and related fields, with
emphasis on functional design requirements, design pro-
cedures, and performance evaluation.
AGE 6252-Advanced Soil and Water Management Engineer-
ing (3) Physical and mathematical analysis of problems infil-
tration, drainage, and groundwater hydraulics.
AGE,6254-Simulation of Agricultural Watershed Systems (3)
Prereq: ECI 4630C and working knowledge of FORTRAN.
Characterization and simulation of agricultural watershed
systems including land and channel phase hydrologic processes
and pollutant transport processes. Investigation of the structure
and capabilities of current agricultural watershed computer
AGE 6262-Remote Sensing in Hydrology (3) Applications of
satellites, shuttle imaging radar, ground-penetrating radar,
multispectral scanner, thermal IR, and geographic information
system to study rainfall, evapotranspiration, groundwater, water
extent, water quality, soil moisture, and runoff.
AGE 6332-Advanced Agricultural Structures (3) Design
criteria for agricultural structures including structural strength,
steady and unsteady heat transfer analysis, environmental
modification, plant and animal environment physiology, and
structural systems analysis.
AGE 6442-Advanced Agricultural Process Engineering (3)
Engineering problems in handling and processing agricultural
AGE 6615-Advanced Heat and Mass Transfer in Biological
Systems (3) Prereq: CNM 3100, EML 5152. Analytical and
numerical technique solutions to problems of heat and mass
transfer in biological systems. Emphasis on nonhomogenous, ir-
regularly shaped products with respiration and transpiration.
AGE 6905-Individual Work in Agricultural Engineering (1-4;
max: 6) Special problems in agricultural engineering.
AGE 6910-Supervised Research (1-5; max 5) S/U.
AGE 6931-Seminar (1) Discussions of research, current trends,
and practices in agriculture engineering. S/U.
AGE 6933-Special Topics in Agricultural engineering (1-4;
max: 6) Lectures, laboratory, and/or special projects covering
special topics in agricultural engineering.
AGE 6940-Supervised Teaching (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
AGE 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-15) S/U.
AGE 6986-Applied Mathematics in Agricultural Engineering
(3) Mathematical methods, including regression analysis,
graphical techniques, and analytical and numerical solution of
ordinary and partial differential equations, relevant to
agricultural engineering.
AGE 7979-Advanced Research (1-9) Research for doctoral
students before admission to candidacy. Designed for students
with a master's degree in the field of study or for students who
have been accepted for a doctoral program. Not open to
students who have been admitted to candidacy. S/U.
AGE 7980-Research for Doctoral Dissertation (1-15) S/U.
AOM 5045-Appropriate Technology for Agricultural
Mechanization (3) Prereq: baccalaureate degree in agriculture
or equivalent. Selection, evaluation, and transfer of appropriate
mechanization technology for agricultural development.
Agricultural power sources; field, processing, transportation,
water pumping, and other farmstead equipment and structures.
AOM 6312C-Advanced Farm Machinery Management (3)
Prereq: AOM 3312; COP 3110 or consent' of instructor. The
functional and economic applications of machine monitoring
and robotics. Analysis of farm machinery systems reliability per-
formance. Queueing theory, linear programming and er-
gonomic considerations for machine systems optimization.
College of Agriculture
Dean: G. L. Zachariah. Assistant Dean: Jack L. Fry.
The College of Agriculture offers academic programs
and grants advanced degrees in 16 departments, the
School of Forest Resources and Conservation, and the
College of Veterinary Medicine. These academic units
are all a part of the Institute of Food and Agricultural
Sciences (IFAS). Additional components of IFAS include
22 research centers located throughout the state and
cooperative extension offices in each of the 67 counties
of the state.
The following courses are offered under the supervision
of the office of the dean by an interdisciplinary faculty and
deal with material of concern to two or more IFAS aca-
demic units. The courses are also open to students of other
colleges, with the permission of the course instructor.
AGG 5505-Plant Protection in Tropical Ecosystems (4) Con-
cepts of farming systems, integrated pest management and the
design of viable plant protection strategies in human and
agricultural systems of the worldwide tropics. Comparison of
acceptable methods of managing pest organisms.
AGG 5813-Farming Systems Research and Extension
Methods (3) Multidisciplinary team approach to technology
generation and promotion with emphasis on small farms. Adap-
tations of anthropological, agronomic, and economic methods.
Field work required.
AGG 5905-Individual Study (1-4; max: 6) Supervised study or
research not covered by other courses.
AGG 5932-Special Topics (1-4; max: 6)
College of Agriculture
Chairman: C. E. Dean. Graduate Coordinator: K. H.
Quesenberry. Professors: R. D. Barnett; K. J. Boote; L. V.
Crowder; C. E. Dean; W. G. Duncan; J. R. Edwardson;
W. B. Ennis, Jr.; R. N. Gallaher; F. P. Gardner; D. W.
Gorbet; V. E. Green, Jr.; W. T. Haller; K. Hinson; E. S.
Homer; R. S. Kalmbacher; A. E. Kretschmer, Jr.; D. E.
McCloud; P. Mislevy III; A. J. Norden; P. L. Pfahler;
H. L. Popenoe; G. M. Prine; K. H. Quesenberry; O. C.
Ruelke; S. C. Schank; T. R. Sinclair; R. L. Smith; I. D.
Teare; S. H. West; E. B. Whitty; M. Wilcox. Associate
Professors: S. L. Albrecht; L. H. Allen, Jr.; D. D.
Baltensperger; J. M. Bennett; B. J. Brecke; J. B. Brolman;
P. S. Chourey; W. L. Currey; A. E. Dudeck; L. S. Dunavin;
E. C. French; G. J. Fritz; L. A. Garrard; C. K. Hiebsch; J. C.
Joyce; D. A. Knauft; F. le Grand; W. D. Pitman; V. N.
Schroder; D. L. Sutton; D. L. Wright. Assistant Professors:
D. L. Anderson; K. L. Buhr; D. Jones; D. G. Shilling.
The Department of Agronomy offers the Doctor of
Philosophy and the Master of Science degrees with
specialization in crop ecology, crop nutrition and
physiology, crop production, weed science, genetics,
cytogenetics, or plant breeding. A nonthesis degree,
Master of Agriculture, is offered with a major in
Graduate programs emphasize the development and
subsequent application of basic principles in each
specialization to agronomic plants in Florida and
throughout the tropics. The continuing need for increased
food supplies is reflected in departmental research
efforts. When compatible with a student's program and
permitted by prevailing circumstances, some thesis and
dissertation research may be conducted wholly or in part
in one or more of several tropical countries.
A science background with basic courses in mathe-
matics, chemistry, botany, microbiology, and physics is
required of new graduate students. In addition to
graduate courses in agonomy, the following courses in
related areas are acceptable for graduate credit as part of
the student's major: AGE 5643-Biological and Agri-
cultural Systems Analysis; AGE 5646-Biological and
Agricultural Systems Simulation; ANS 6368-Quant-
itative Genetics; ANS 6388-Genetics of Animal Im-
provement; ANS 6715-The Rumen and Its Microbes;
ANS 6452-Principles of Forage Quality Evaluation;
BOT 5225-Plant Anatomy; BOT 6516-Plant
Metabolism; BOT 6526-Plant Nutrition; BOT
6566-Plant Growth and Development; BOT 6646
-Ecology of Aquatic Plants; HOS 6201-Breeding
Perennial Cultivars; HOS 6231-Biochemical Genetics
of Higher Plants; HOS 6242-Genetics and Breeding of
Vegetable Crops; HOS 6343-Plant Stress Physiology;
PCB 5307-Limnology; PCB 6356-Ecosystems of the
Tropics; PLS 5652-Herbicide Technology; PLS 6623
-Weed Ecology; SOS 6136-Soil Fertility.
AGR 5266-Field Plot Techniques (2) Prereq: STA 3023.
Techniques and procedures employed in the design and analy-
sis of field plot, greenhouse and laboratory research ex-
periments. Application of research methodology, the analysis
and interpretation of research results.
AGR 6233-Tropical Pasture and Forage Science (4) Prereq:
AGR 4231 and ANS 5446, or consent of instructor. Potential of
natural grasslands of tropical and subtropical regions. Develop-
ment of improved pastures and forages and their utilization in
livestock production.
AGR 6237-Agronomic Methods of Forage Evaluation (3) Pre-
req or coreq: STA 6167. Experimental techniques for field
evaluation of forage plants. Design of grazing trails and pro-
cedures for estimating yield and botanical composition in the
grazed and ungrazed pasture.
AGR 6307-Advanced Genetics (2) Prereq: ACR 3303, 4321,
or ASG 3313. Advanced genetic concepts and modern genetic
AGR 6311-Population Genetics (2) Prereq: AGR 3303, STA
6166. Application of statistical principles to biological popula-
tions in relation to gene frequency, zygotic frequency, mating
systems, and the effects of selection, mutation and migration on
equilibrium populations.
AGR 6323-Advanced Plant Breeding (3) Prereq: AGR 3210,
4321, 6311, and STA 6167. Genetic basis for plant breeding
AGR 6325-Plant Breeding Techniques (1; max: 2) Prereq:
ACR 4321 or equivalent. Coreq: AGR 6323 or equivalent. Ex-
amination of various breeding techniques used by agronomic
and horticultural crop breeders in Florida. Field and lab visits to
active plant breeding programs, with discussion led by a
specific breeder each week. Hands-on experience in breeding
AGR 6353-Cytogenetics (3) Prereq: basic courses in genetics
and cytology. Genetic variability with emphasis on interrela-
tionships of cytologic and genetic concepts. Chromosome
structure and number, chromosomal aberrations, apomixis, and
application of cytogenetic principles.
AGR 6422-Crop Nutrition (2) Prereq: BOT3503C. Nutritional
influences on differentation, composition, growth, and yield of
agronomic plants.
AGR 6442C-Physiology of Agronomic Plants (4) Prereq: BOT
5505C. Yield potentials of crops as influenced by photosynthe-
tic efficiencies, respiration, translocation, drought and canopy
AGR 6511-Crop Ecology (4) Prereq: AGR 3210, BOT 3503C,
PCB 3043C, or equivalent. Relationships of ecological factors
and climatic classifications to agroecosystems, and crop mod-
eling of the major crops.
AGR 6661C-Sugarcane Processing Technology (2) Prereq:
CHM 3200, 3200L. Chemical and physical processes required
for crystallization and refining of sugar.
AGR 6751-Biochemistry of Herbicides (2) Prereq: CHM
5235. Metabolism, mechanism of action, and structure-activity
relationships of herbicides.
AGR 6905-Agronomic Problems (1-5; max: 8) Prereq:
minimum of one undergraduate course in agronomy or plant
science. Special topics for classroom, library, laboratory, or
Field studies of agronomic plants. H.
AGR 6910-Supervised Research (1-5) S/U.
AGR 6932-Topics in Agronomy (2-3; max: 8) Critical review
of selected topics in specific agronomic areas.
AGR 6933-Graduate Agronomy Seminar (1; max: 3) Required
of all graduate students in agronomy. Current literature and
Sagronomic developments.
AGR 6940-Supervised Teaching (1-5) S/U.
AGR 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-15) S/U.
AGR 7979-Advanced Research (1-9) Research for doctoral
students before admission to candidacy. Designed for students
with a master's degree in the field of study or for students who
have been accepted for a doctoral program. Not open to
students who have been admitted to candidacy. S/U.
AGR 7980-Research for Doctoral Dissertation (1-15) S/U.
PLS 5652-Herbicide Technology (3) Prereq: CHM 3200, PLS
4601, or consent of the instructor. Classification, mode of ac-
tion, principles of selectivity, and plant responses to herbicides.
Weed, crop, environmental, and pest management associations
in developing herbicide programs.
PLS 6623-Weed Ecology (2) Prereq: PCB 3033C and PLS
4601, or equivalent. Environmental influences on behavior and
control of weeds; influences of common methods of weed con-
trol on the environment.
PLS 6655-Plant/Herbicide Interaction (3) Prereq: introductory
plant physiology and biochemistry; introductory weed control
and knowledge of herbicide families. Herbicide activity on
plants: edaphic and environmental influences, absorption and
translocation, response of specific physiological and bio-
chemical processes as related to herbicide mode of action.
College of Medicine
Chairman: M. H. Ross. Graduate Coordinator: K. E.
Selman. Professors: M. A. Clendenin; C. M. Feldherr;
E. Kallenbach; L. H. Larkin; M. H. Ross; R. A. Wallace.
Associate Professors: T. G. Hollinger; L. J. Romrell; K. E.
Selman; C. M. West. Assistant Professor: P. J. Linser.
The Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology offers
two graduate training specializations: cell and
developmental biology and general anatomy.
The general anatomy concentration emphasizes the
full range of traditional anatomy offerings while cell and
developmental biology concentrates on the subject mat-
ter of that field and gives the student the option to de-
emphasize other areas of training. Both programs
prepare the student for the Doctor of Philosophy degree
in medical sciences. Research interests in the department
include several different areas of cell biology, devel-
opmental biology, reproductive biology, and verbebrate
Applicants should have a strong background in bio-
logy, chemistry, or physics and have taken undergrad-
uate courses in organic chemistry, calculus, physics, cell
biology, and biochemistry. Deficiencies may be made up
during the first year of graduate study.
BMS 5100C-Gross Anatomy (6) The basic structure and
mechanics qf the human body are taught primarily in the
laboratory but supplemented with lectures, conferences, and
demonstrations as needed.
BMS 5101-Cell Biology (1) An introduction to current con-
cepts about the molecular organization of cells, with selected
examples of how cell function is disrupted by disorders at the
molecular level.
BMS 5110C-Microscopic Anatomy (4) The microscopic struc-
ture of the cells, tissues, and organs of the human body is taught.
Correlation of stucture to function is emphasized.
BMS 5121-Human Systems Development (2) Normal human
development, organogenesis, and tissue morphogenesis. Some
abnormal development included.
BMS 5168C-Applied Gross Anatomy (4)
BMS 5180-Cell and Tissue Biology (4) Prereq: cell biology, ap-
proval of staff. Cell specializations and interactions that account
for the organization and functions of the basic tissues
(epithelium, connective tissue, muscle, and nerve).
BMS 5181-Cell Differentiation, Morphogenesis, and Onco-
genesis (4) Prereq: comprehensive courses in developmental
biology (or embryology), cell biology, and biochemistry; coreq:
molecular biology or consent of instructor. Examination of
evidence for current models of cell differentiation, proliferation,
shape change, and motility, especially as the models relate to
morphogenesis, pattern formation, and oncogenesis.
BMS 6105-Advanced Gross Anatomy (2-4; max: 6) Regional
and specialized anatomy of the human body taught by labora-
tory dissection, conferences, and demonstrations.
BMS 6150-Cell Biology and Anatomy Seminar (1-2) Faculty-
student discussions of research papers and topics.
BMS 6166C-Advanced Microscopic Anatomy (2-4; max: 6)
Prereq: BMS 5180 or equivalent; approval of staff. Microscopic
anatomy of mammalian (mainly human) cells, tissues, and
organs. Structure-function relationships and experimental ap-
proaches stressed. Opportunity for work in histology laboratory.
BMS 6175L-Research Methods in Cell Biology and Anatomy
(1-4; max: 6) Research under supervision of staff member; stu-
dent exposed to various research techniques available within
the department.
BMS 6176-Topics in Cell Biology and Anatomy (1-4; max: 10)
Readings in recent research literature of anatomy and/or allied
disciplines including cell, developmental, and reproductive
BMS 6182C-Techniques in Electron Microscopy (2-4) Prereq:
courses and/or experience in microscopic anatomy and cell
biology. Theory and practice of electron microscopic tech-
niques including tissue preparation, sectioning, use of the elec-
tron microscope, and photography.
BMS 6183C-Histochemical and Cytochemical Techniques (2)
Prereq: microscopic anatomy and staff approval. The theory
and use of histochemical and cytochemical techniques will be
presented with lecture and laboratory exercises.
BMS 6185-Fertilization and Gametogenesis (3) Prereq: BCH
4313 and 4203 or equivalent. A general course in developmen-
tal biology or embryology. Supervised study of publications in
specific areas of reproductive biology, including oogenesis,
spermatogenesis, and fertilization. Weekly conferences,
reports, and lectures.
BMS 6905-Individual Study (1-3; max: 8) Supervised study in
areas not covered by other graduate courses.
GMS 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-15) S/U.
GMS 7979-Advanced Research (1-9) Research for doctoral
students before admission to candidacy. Designed for students
with a master's degree in the field of study or for students who
have been accepted for a doctoral program. Not open to
students who have been admitted to candidacy. S/U.
GMS 7980-Research for Doctoral Dissertation (1-15) S/U.
College of Agriculture
Chairman: R. L. West. Graduate Coordinator: G. E.
Combs, Jr. Professors: C. B. Ammerman; F. S. Baker; F.
W. Bazer; J. E. Bertrand; E. L. Besch; R. E. Bradley, Sr.; M.
J. Burridge; D. D. Buss; W. T. Butts; P. T. Cardeilhac; J.
W. Carpenter; C. D. Chen; G. E. Combs, Jr.; J. H. Conrad;
B. L. Damron; C. R. Douglas; M. Drost; D. J. Forrester; J.
L. Fry; K. N. Gelatt; E. P. Gibbs; R. R. Gronwall; R. H.
Harms; H. H. Head; J.' A. Himes; D. M. Janky; P. E.
Loggins; L. R. McDowell; A. M. Merritt; R. D. Miles; J. E.
Moore; R. P. Natzke; J. T. Neilson; E. A. Ott; A. Z.
Palmer; F. M. Pate; D. C. Sharp, III; W. W. Thatcher; H.
H. Van Horn, Jr.; D. L. Wakeman; A. C. Warnick; R. L.
West; C. J. Wilcox; H. R. Wilson. Associate Professors: R.
L. Asquith; D. K. Beede; C. H. Courtney; M. J. Fields; A.
C. Hammond; D. D. Hargrove; E. L. Johnson; P. C.
Kosch; W. E. Kunkle; S. Lieb; F. B. Mather; R. O. Myer;
W. P. Palmore; R. S. Sand; V. M. Shille; C. E. White.
Assistant Professors: S. C. Denham; D. D. Johnson; T. A.
Olson; W. R. Walker.
The Department of Animal Science offers the degrees
of Master of Agriculture, Master of Science and Doctor of
Philosophy in the following concentrations: (1) animal
nutrition, (2) meats, (3) animal breeding and genetics,
and (4) animal physiology. A student may work on a
problem covering more than one area of study. Large ani-
mals (beef cattle, dairy cattle, swine, poultry, and sheep)
and laboratory animals are available for various research
problems. Adequate nutrition and meats laboratories are
available for detailed chemical and carcass quality
evaluations. Special arrangements may be made to con-
duct research problems at the various branch agricultural
experiment stations throughout Florida. A Ph.D. degree
may be obtained in animal science, with dissertation
research under the direction of members of the Depart-
ments of Dairy Science, Poultry Science, or Animal
control of weeds; influences of common methods of weed con-
trol on the environment.
PLS 6655-Plant/Herbicide Interaction (3) Prereq: introductory
plant physiology and biochemistry; introductory weed control
and knowledge of herbicide families. Herbicide activity on
plants: edaphic and environmental influences, absorption and
translocation, response of specific physiological and bio-
chemical processes as related to herbicide mode of action.
College of Medicine
Chairman: M. H. Ross. Graduate Coordinator: K. E.
Selman. Professors: M. A. Clendenin; C. M. Feldherr;
E. Kallenbach; L. H. Larkin; M. H. Ross; R. A. Wallace.
Associate Professors: T. G. Hollinger; L. J. Romrell; K. E.
Selman; C. M. West. Assistant Professor: P. J. Linser.
The Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology offers
two graduate training specializations: cell and
developmental biology and general anatomy.
The general anatomy concentration emphasizes the
full range of traditional anatomy offerings while cell and
developmental biology concentrates on the subject mat-
ter of that field and gives the student the option to de-
emphasize other areas of training. Both programs
prepare the student for the Doctor of Philosophy degree
in medical sciences. Research interests in the department
include several different areas of cell biology, devel-
opmental biology, reproductive biology, and verbebrate
Applicants should have a strong background in bio-
logy, chemistry, or physics and have taken undergrad-
uate courses in organic chemistry, calculus, physics, cell
biology, and biochemistry. Deficiencies may be made up
during the first year of graduate study.
BMS 5100C-Gross Anatomy (6) The basic structure and
mechanics qf the human body are taught primarily in the
laboratory but supplemented with lectures, conferences, and
demonstrations as needed.
BMS 5101-Cell Biology (1) An introduction to current con-
cepts about the molecular organization of cells, with selected
examples of how cell function is disrupted by disorders at the
molecular level.
BMS 5110C-Microscopic Anatomy (4) The microscopic struc-
ture of the cells, tissues, and organs of the human body is taught.
Correlation of stucture to function is emphasized.
BMS 5121-Human Systems Development (2) Normal human
development, organogenesis, and tissue morphogenesis. Some
abnormal development included.
BMS 5168C-Applied Gross Anatomy (4)
BMS 5180-Cell and Tissue Biology (4) Prereq: cell biology, ap-
proval of staff. Cell specializations and interactions that account
for the organization and functions of the basic tissues
(epithelium, connective tissue, muscle, and nerve).
BMS 5181-Cell Differentiation, Morphogenesis, and Onco-
genesis (4) Prereq: comprehensive courses in developmental
biology (or embryology), cell biology, and biochemistry; coreq:
molecular biology or consent of instructor. Examination of
evidence for current models of cell differentiation, proliferation,
shape change, and motility, especially as the models relate to
morphogenesis, pattern formation, and oncogenesis.
BMS 6105-Advanced Gross Anatomy (2-4; max: 6) Regional
and specialized anatomy of the human body taught by labora-
tory dissection, conferences, and demonstrations.
BMS 6150-Cell Biology and Anatomy Seminar (1-2) Faculty-
student discussions of research papers and topics.
BMS 6166C-Advanced Microscopic Anatomy (2-4; max: 6)
Prereq: BMS 5180 or equivalent; approval of staff. Microscopic
anatomy of mammalian (mainly human) cells, tissues, and
organs. Structure-function relationships and experimental ap-
proaches stressed. Opportunity for work in histology laboratory.
BMS 6175L-Research Methods in Cell Biology and Anatomy
(1-4; max: 6) Research under supervision of staff member; stu-
dent exposed to various research techniques available within
the department.
BMS 6176-Topics in Cell Biology and Anatomy (1-4; max: 10)
Readings in recent research literature of anatomy and/or allied
disciplines including cell, developmental, and reproductive
BMS 6182C-Techniques in Electron Microscopy (2-4) Prereq:
courses and/or experience in microscopic anatomy and cell
biology. Theory and practice of electron microscopic tech-
niques including tissue preparation, sectioning, use of the elec-
tron microscope, and photography.
BMS 6183C-Histochemical and Cytochemical Techniques (2)
Prereq: microscopic anatomy and staff approval. The theory
and use of histochemical and cytochemical techniques will be
presented with lecture and laboratory exercises.
BMS 6185-Fertilization and Gametogenesis (3) Prereq: BCH
4313 and 4203 or equivalent. A general course in developmen-
tal biology or embryology. Supervised study of publications in
specific areas of reproductive biology, including oogenesis,
spermatogenesis, and fertilization. Weekly conferences,
reports, and lectures.
BMS 6905-Individual Study (1-3; max: 8) Supervised study in
areas not covered by other graduate courses.
GMS 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-15) S/U.
GMS 7979-Advanced Research (1-9) Research for doctoral
students before admission to candidacy. Designed for students
with a master's degree in the field of study or for students who
have been accepted for a doctoral program. Not open to
students who have been admitted to candidacy. S/U.
GMS 7980-Research for Doctoral Dissertation (1-15) S/U.
College of Agriculture
Chairman: R. L. West. Graduate Coordinator: G. E.
Combs, Jr. Professors: C. B. Ammerman; F. S. Baker; F.
W. Bazer; J. E. Bertrand; E. L. Besch; R. E. Bradley, Sr.; M.
J. Burridge; D. D. Buss; W. T. Butts; P. T. Cardeilhac; J.
W. Carpenter; C. D. Chen; G. E. Combs, Jr.; J. H. Conrad;
B. L. Damron; C. R. Douglas; M. Drost; D. J. Forrester; J.
L. Fry; K. N. Gelatt; E. P. Gibbs; R. R. Gronwall; R. H.
Harms; H. H. Head; J.' A. Himes; D. M. Janky; P. E.
Loggins; L. R. McDowell; A. M. Merritt; R. D. Miles; J. E.
Moore; R. P. Natzke; J. T. Neilson; E. A. Ott; A. Z.
Palmer; F. M. Pate; D. C. Sharp, III; W. W. Thatcher; H.
H. Van Horn, Jr.; D. L. Wakeman; A. C. Warnick; R. L.
West; C. J. Wilcox; H. R. Wilson. Associate Professors: R.
L. Asquith; D. K. Beede; C. H. Courtney; M. J. Fields; A.
C. Hammond; D. D. Hargrove; E. L. Johnson; P. C.
Kosch; W. E. Kunkle; S. Lieb; F. B. Mather; R. O. Myer;
W. P. Palmore; R. S. Sand; V. M. Shille; C. E. White.
Assistant Professors: S. C. Denham; D. D. Johnson; T. A.
Olson; W. R. Walker.
The Department of Animal Science offers the degrees
of Master of Agriculture, Master of Science and Doctor of
Philosophy in the following concentrations: (1) animal
nutrition, (2) meats, (3) animal breeding and genetics,
and (4) animal physiology. A student may work on a
problem covering more than one area of study. Large ani-
mals (beef cattle, dairy cattle, swine, poultry, and sheep)
and laboratory animals are available for various research
problems. Adequate nutrition and meats laboratories are
available for detailed chemical and carcass quality
evaluations. Special arrangements may be made to con-
duct research problems at the various branch agricultural
experiment stations throughout Florida. A Ph.D. degree
may be obtained in animal science, with dissertation
research under the direction of members of the Depart-
ments of Dairy Science, Poultry Science, or Animal
Science, or the College of Veterinary Medicine who have
been appointed to the animal science doctoral research
Departmental prerequisites for admission to graduate
study include a sound science background, with basic
courses in bacteriology, biology, mathematics, botany,
and chemistry.
The following courses in related areas will be accepi-
able for graduate credit as part of the candidate's major:
AGR 6233-Tropical Pastures and Forage Science; AGR
6307-Advanced Genetics; AGR 6311-Population
Genetics; AGR 6353-Cytogenetics; AGR 6380-Gene-
tics Seminar; DAS 6212-Advanced Dairy Cattle Man-
agement; DAS 6281-Dairy Science Research Tech-
niques; DAS 6322-Introduction to Statistical Genetics;
DAS 6512-Advanced Physiology of Lactation; DAS
6531-Endocrinology; DAS 6541-Energy Metabolism;
FOS 6226-Advanced Food Microbiology; FOS
6315-Food Chemistry; PCB 5545-Physiological Gene-
tics; PSE 6415-Advanced Poultry Nutrition; PSE 6522-
Avian Physiology; VES 6242C-Veterinary Physiology I.
ANS 5446-Animal Nutrition (3) Prereq: ASG 3402C, BCH
3023 or permission of instructor. Carbohydrates, fats, proteins,
riinerals, and vitamins and their functions in the animal body.
ANS 6288-Experimental Technics and Analtyical Procedures
in Meat Research (3) Experimental design, analytical pro-
cedures; technics; carcass measurements and analyses as
related to livestock production and meats studies.
ANS 6368-Quantitative Genetics (3) Prereq: STA 6166. Ge-
netics and biometric principles underlying genetic characters
that exhibit continuous variation.
ANS 6388-Genetics of Animal Improvement (3) Prereq: ANS
6368. Application of statistical techniques and design in animal
breeding research.
'ANS 6448-Nitrogen and Energy in Animal Nutrition (3) Pre-
req: CHM 3210. Utilization of dietary nitrogen and energy
sources by ruminants with comparative information on other
ANS 6452-Principles of Forage Quality Evaluation (2) Prereq:
ANS 5446, AGR 423 IC. Definition of forage quality in terms of
animal performance, methodology used in forage evaluation,
and proper interpretation of forage evaluation data.
ANS 6458-Advanced Methods in Nutrition Technology (3)
Prereq: CHM 2043. For graduate students but open to seniors
by special permission. Demonstrations and limited perfor-
mance of procedures used in nutrition research.
ANS 6472-Vitamins (3) Prereq: organic chemistry. Historical
development, properties, assays, and physiological effects.
ANS 6636-Meat Technology (3) Chemistry, physics, histology,
bacteriology, and engineering involved in the handling, pro-
cessing, manufacturing, preservation, storage, distribution, and
utilization of meat.
ANS 6711-Equine Nutrition and Physiology (3) Prereq: ANS
5446. Principles affecting absorption and assimilation of
nutrients and basic physiology of growth, reproduction, and
exercise of the horse.
ANS(6715-The Rumen and Its Microbes (3) Prereq: BCH
4003, ANS 5446. Review and correlation of the fundamental
biochemical, physiological, and bacteriological research upon
which the feeding of ruminants is based. Experimental method-
ology of rumen physiology and metabolism.
ANS 6721-Swine Nutrition (2) Prereq: ANS 5446. Basic prin-
ciples affecting absorption and assimilation of nutrients required
for growth, reproduction, and lactation of swine.
ANS 6723-Mineral Nutrition and Metabolism (3)
Physiological effect of macro- and micro-elements, mineral in-
ANS 6751-Physiology of Reproduction (3) Prereq: VES 6242,
ASG 4334. The interactions between the hypothalamus,
pituitary gland, and reproductive organs during the estrous
cycle and pregnancy in the female and sperm production in the
male. Embryonic and placental development from fertilization
through parturition and factors affecting reproductive effi-
ANS 6905-Problems in Animal Science (1-4; max: 8) H.
ANS 6910-Supervised Research (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
ANS 6932-Topics in Animal Science (3) New developments in
animal nutrition and livestock feeding, animal genetics, animal
physiology, and livestock management.
ANS 6933-Graduate Seminar in Animal Science (1)
ANS 6940-Supervised Teaching (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
ANS 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-15) S/U.
ANS 7979-Advanced Research (1-9) Research for doctoral
students before admission to candidacy. Designed for students
with a master's degree in the field of study or for students who
have been accepted for a doctoral program. Not open to
students who have been admitted to candidacy. S/U.
ANS 7980-Research for Doctoral Dissertation (1-15) S/U.
College of Agriculture
The Departments of Animal, Poultry, and Dairy
Science have combined their curricula into an animal
science curriculum. ASG 5221 is a cross-departmental
course taught by the faculty of the three departments.
ASG 5221-Animal Production in the Tropics (3) Prereq: ANS
4242C, 4264C, DAS 3211, or permission of the instructor.
Management and environment factors which affect animal pro-
duction in the tropics.
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Chairperson: H. R. Bernard. Graduate Coordinator:
A. Hansen. Graduate Research Professors: M. Harris,
C. Wagley (Emeritus). Professors: H. R. Bernard;
R. Cohen; K. Deagan; M. C. Dougherty; P.L. Doughty;
B .M. du Toit; J. D. Early;t E. M. Eddy (Emeritus);
B. T. Grindal;* M. J. Hardman-de-Bautista; M. Y. Iscan;t
P. J. Magnarella; W. R. Maples; M. L. Margolis; J. T.
Milanich; M. Moseley; J. A. Paredes;* B. A. Purdy; H. I.
Safa; 0. von Mering; G. Weiss;t E. S. Wing. Associate
Professors: A. F. Burns; C. Gladwin; A. Hansen; T. Ho;*
W. J. Kennedy;t R. D. Lawless; L. S. Lieberman; G. F.
Murray; A. R. Oliver-Smith; M. E. Pohl;* P. M. Rice; A.
Spring. Assistant Professors: M. Schmink; B. Sigler-
Eisenberg; L. Wolfe.
These members of the faculty of the Florida State University (*) and
Florida Atlantic University (t) are also members of the graduate faculty of
the University of Florida and participate in the doctoral degree program
in the University of Florida Department of Anthropology.
The Department of Anthropology offers graduate work
leading to the Master of Arts (thesis or nonthesis option),
Master of Arts in Teaching, and Doctor of Philosophy
degrees. Graduate training is offered in applied anthro-
pology, social and cultural anthropology, archeology,
anthropological linguistics, and physical/biological an-
There is a general option and an interdisciplinary one.
The general option allows students to concentrate at the
M.A. level on, the integration'of the four subfields of an-
thropology and to specialize at the Ph.D. level. The inter-
disciplinary alternative allows students to 1) concentrate
on one or two subfields of anthropology along with one
or more areas outside of anthropology and 2) begin early
specialization and integration of a subfield of anthro-
pology and an outside field. More information about
these two options is found in the departmental publica-
tion on graduate programs and policies that may be ob-
tained by writing directly to the department.
The Department of Anthropology generally requires a
minimum score of 1100 on the Graduate Record Ex-
Science, or the College of Veterinary Medicine who have
been appointed to the animal science doctoral research
Departmental prerequisites for admission to graduate
study include a sound science background, with basic
courses in bacteriology, biology, mathematics, botany,
and chemistry.
The following courses in related areas will be accepi-
able for graduate credit as part of the candidate's major:
AGR 6233-Tropical Pastures and Forage Science; AGR
6307-Advanced Genetics; AGR 6311-Population
Genetics; AGR 6353-Cytogenetics; AGR 6380-Gene-
tics Seminar; DAS 6212-Advanced Dairy Cattle Man-
agement; DAS 6281-Dairy Science Research Tech-
niques; DAS 6322-Introduction to Statistical Genetics;
DAS 6512-Advanced Physiology of Lactation; DAS
6531-Endocrinology; DAS 6541-Energy Metabolism;
FOS 6226-Advanced Food Microbiology; FOS
6315-Food Chemistry; PCB 5545-Physiological Gene-
tics; PSE 6415-Advanced Poultry Nutrition; PSE 6522-
Avian Physiology; VES 6242C-Veterinary Physiology I.
ANS 5446-Animal Nutrition (3) Prereq: ASG 3402C, BCH
3023 or permission of instructor. Carbohydrates, fats, proteins,
riinerals, and vitamins and their functions in the animal body.
ANS 6288-Experimental Technics and Analtyical Procedures
in Meat Research (3) Experimental design, analytical pro-
cedures; technics; carcass measurements and analyses as
related to livestock production and meats studies.
ANS 6368-Quantitative Genetics (3) Prereq: STA 6166. Ge-
netics and biometric principles underlying genetic characters
that exhibit continuous variation.
ANS 6388-Genetics of Animal Improvement (3) Prereq: ANS
6368. Application of statistical techniques and design in animal
breeding research.
'ANS 6448-Nitrogen and Energy in Animal Nutrition (3) Pre-
req: CHM 3210. Utilization of dietary nitrogen and energy
sources by ruminants with comparative information on other
ANS 6452-Principles of Forage Quality Evaluation (2) Prereq:
ANS 5446, AGR 423 IC. Definition of forage quality in terms of
animal performance, methodology used in forage evaluation,
and proper interpretation of forage evaluation data.
ANS 6458-Advanced Methods in Nutrition Technology (3)
Prereq: CHM 2043. For graduate students but open to seniors
by special permission. Demonstrations and limited perfor-
mance of procedures used in nutrition research.
ANS 6472-Vitamins (3) Prereq: organic chemistry. Historical
development, properties, assays, and physiological effects.
ANS 6636-Meat Technology (3) Chemistry, physics, histology,
bacteriology, and engineering involved in the handling, pro-
cessing, manufacturing, preservation, storage, distribution, and
utilization of meat.
ANS 6711-Equine Nutrition and Physiology (3) Prereq: ANS
5446. Principles affecting absorption and assimilation of
nutrients and basic physiology of growth, reproduction, and
exercise of the horse.
ANS(6715-The Rumen and Its Microbes (3) Prereq: BCH
4003, ANS 5446. Review and correlation of the fundamental
biochemical, physiological, and bacteriological research upon
which the feeding of ruminants is based. Experimental method-
ology of rumen physiology and metabolism.
ANS 6721-Swine Nutrition (2) Prereq: ANS 5446. Basic prin-
ciples affecting absorption and assimilation of nutrients required
for growth, reproduction, and lactation of swine.
ANS 6723-Mineral Nutrition and Metabolism (3)
Physiological effect of macro- and micro-elements, mineral in-
ANS 6751-Physiology of Reproduction (3) Prereq: VES 6242,
ASG 4334. The interactions between the hypothalamus,
pituitary gland, and reproductive organs during the estrous
cycle and pregnancy in the female and sperm production in the
male. Embryonic and placental development from fertilization
through parturition and factors affecting reproductive effi-
ANS 6905-Problems in Animal Science (1-4; max: 8) H.
ANS 6910-Supervised Research (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
ANS 6932-Topics in Animal Science (3) New developments in
animal nutrition and livestock feeding, animal genetics, animal
physiology, and livestock management.
ANS 6933-Graduate Seminar in Animal Science (1)
ANS 6940-Supervised Teaching (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
ANS 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-15) S/U.
ANS 7979-Advanced Research (1-9) Research for doctoral
students before admission to candidacy. Designed for students
with a master's degree in the field of study or for students who
have been accepted for a doctoral program. Not open to
students who have been admitted to candidacy. S/U.
ANS 7980-Research for Doctoral Dissertation (1-15) S/U.
College of Agriculture
The Departments of Animal, Poultry, and Dairy
Science have combined their curricula into an animal
science curriculum. ASG 5221 is a cross-departmental
course taught by the faculty of the three departments.
ASG 5221-Animal Production in the Tropics (3) Prereq: ANS
4242C, 4264C, DAS 3211, or permission of the instructor.
Management and environment factors which affect animal pro-
duction in the tropics.
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Chairperson: H. R. Bernard. Graduate Coordinator:
A. Hansen. Graduate Research Professors: M. Harris,
C. Wagley (Emeritus). Professors: H. R. Bernard;
R. Cohen; K. Deagan; M. C. Dougherty; P.L. Doughty;
B .M. du Toit; J. D. Early;t E. M. Eddy (Emeritus);
B. T. Grindal;* M. J. Hardman-de-Bautista; M. Y. Iscan;t
P. J. Magnarella; W. R. Maples; M. L. Margolis; J. T.
Milanich; M. Moseley; J. A. Paredes;* B. A. Purdy; H. I.
Safa; 0. von Mering; G. Weiss;t E. S. Wing. Associate
Professors: A. F. Burns; C. Gladwin; A. Hansen; T. Ho;*
W. J. Kennedy;t R. D. Lawless; L. S. Lieberman; G. F.
Murray; A. R. Oliver-Smith; M. E. Pohl;* P. M. Rice; A.
Spring. Assistant Professors: M. Schmink; B. Sigler-
Eisenberg; L. Wolfe.
These members of the faculty of the Florida State University (*) and
Florida Atlantic University (t) are also members of the graduate faculty of
the University of Florida and participate in the doctoral degree program
in the University of Florida Department of Anthropology.
The Department of Anthropology offers graduate work
leading to the Master of Arts (thesis or nonthesis option),
Master of Arts in Teaching, and Doctor of Philosophy
degrees. Graduate training is offered in applied anthro-
pology, social and cultural anthropology, archeology,
anthropological linguistics, and physical/biological an-
There is a general option and an interdisciplinary one.
The general option allows students to concentrate at the
M.A. level on, the integration'of the four subfields of an-
thropology and to specialize at the Ph.D. level. The inter-
disciplinary alternative allows students to 1) concentrate
on one or two subfields of anthropology along with one
or more areas outside of anthropology and 2) begin early
specialization and integration of a subfield of anthro-
pology and an outside field. More information about
these two options is found in the departmental publica-
tion on graduate programs and policies that may be ob-
tained by writing directly to the department.
The Department of Anthropology generally requires a
minimum score of 1100 on the Graduate Record Ex-
amination and a 3.2 overall grade point average based
on a 4.0 system.
Candidates for the M.A. and M.A.T. are required to
take ANT 6038 and 6917. No more than six hours of
ANT 6971 will be counted toward the minimum require-
ments for the M.A. with thesis. Knowledge of a foreign
language may be required by the student's supervisory
committee. Other requirements for the program are listed
in this Catalog under the Requirements for Master's
Students enrolled in the M.A. program who wish to
continue their studies for a Ph.D. must apply to the
department for certification. Minimum requirements will
normally include 1) a minimum grade point'average of
3.5 in all graduate anthropology courses and a minimum
of 3.2 in other courses, 2) a grade of pass on either the In-
tegrative Basic Knowledge Examination or the compre-
hensive examination, and 3) a thesis, report, or paper
judged to be of excellent quality by the student's super-
visory committee. In most cases, candidates for the Ph.D.
must achieve competency in a language other than Eng-
lish. Entering students who already have earned a
master's degree may apply for direct admission to the
doctoral program.
Study tor the Ph.D. degree in anthropology at the
University of Florida by qualified master's degree reci-
pients' at Florida Atlantic University and Florida State
University is facilitated by a cooperative arrangement in
which appropriate faculty members of these universities
are members of the graduate faculty of the University of
We have two deadlines for receiving completed ap-
plications for admission into our graduate program.
November 15 (for spring semester admissions) and April
15 (for fall and summer semester admissions).
ANT 5115-Archeological Theory (3) Prereq: one course in
archeology; and/or anthropology or permission of the instruc-
tor. Survey of the theoretical and methodological tenets of an-
thropological archeology; critical review of archeological
theories, past and present; relation of archeology to anthro-
pology. Not open to students who have taken ANT 4110.
ANT 5126-Field Sessions in Archeology (6) Prereq: 6 hours of
anthropology or permission of instructor. Excavation and ar-
cheological sites, recording of data, laboratory handling and
analysis of specimens and study of the theoretical principles
which underlie field methods and artifact analysis. Not open to
students who have taken ANT 4124 or equivalent.
ANT 5128-Laboratory Training in Archeology (3) Preteq: an
introductory level archeology course. Processing of data
recovered in field excavations; cleaning, identification, catalog-
ing, classification, drawing, analysis, responsibilities of data
reporting. Not open to students who have taken ANT 4123 or
ANT 5154-North American Archeology (3) The existing ar-
cheological materials relating to prehistoric North American
cultures. The origins of the North American Indian. Historic In-
dian and colonial materials. Not open to students who have
taken ANT 3153.
ANT 5156-Southeastern United States Archeology (3) Survey
of archeological materials relating to aboriginal occupation of
the Southeastern United States from the Paleo-lndian period to
the historic horizon. Sites, artifacts, and cultural adaptations in
the Southeast.
ANT 5159-Florida Archeology (3) Survey of 12,000 years of
human occupation of Florida, including early hunters and
foragers, regional cultural developments, external relationships
with the Southeast and Caribbean regions, peoples of historic
period and effects of European conquest.
ANT 5175-Historical Archeology (3) Prereq: ANT 2141 or
3142 or 3144, or consent of instructor. Methods and theoretical
foundations of historical archeology as it relates to the
disciplines of anthropology, history, historic preservation, and
conservation. Introduction to pertinent aspects of material
culture during the historic period.
ANT 5181-Conservation and Archaeometry (3) Prereq: ANT
4185 or equivalent. Treatment of artifacts from the time of ex-
cavation until permanent storage including field preservation,
precaution processing storage, and preparation for inclusion in
exhibits. Course will include actual experience in treatment of
fragile artifacts.
ANT 5195-Zooarcheology (3) Prereq: consent of instructor.
Human use of animal resources, with emphasis on prehistoric
hunting and fishing practices. Origins of animal domestication.
ANT 5256-Rural Peoples in the Modern World (3) Historical
background and comparative contemporary study of peasant
and other rural societies. Unique characteristics, institutions,
and problems of rural life stressing agriculture and rural-urban
relationships in cross-cultural perspective. Not open to students
who have taken ANT 4255.
ANT 5266-Economic Anthropology (3) Anthropological per-
spectives on economic philosophies and their behavioral bases.
Studies of production, distribution, and consumption and
money, savings, credit, peasant markets, and development in
cross-cultural context from perspectives of cultural ecology,
Marxism, formalism, and substantivism.
ANT 5267-Anthropology and Development (3) An examina-
tion of theories and development and their relevance to the
.Third World, particularly Africa or Latin America. After this
microanalysis, microlevel development will be examined with
special reference to rural areas.
ANT 5303-Women and Development (3) Influence of
development on women in rural and urban areas. Women's
participation in the new opportunities of modernization.
ANT 5317-The North American Indian (3) The peopling of
North America. The culture areas of North America. Unique
characteristics, institutions, and problems. Not open to students
who have taken ANT 4312.
ANT 5326-Peoples of Mexico and Central America (3) The
settlement and early cultures of the area with an emphasis on
the rise of the major culture centers. The impact of European,
civilization on surviving Indians.
ANT 5327-Maya and Aztec Civilizations (3) Civilizations in
Mesoamerica from the beginnings of argiculture to the time of
the coming of Europeans. Maya and Aztec civilizations as well
as the Olmec, Zapotec and Teotihuacan cultures. Not open to
students who have taken ANT 3325.
ANT 5336-The Peoples of Brazil (3) Ethnology of Brazil.
Historical, geographic, and socioeconomic materials and
representative monographs from the various regions of Brazil
are studied as is the contribution of the Indian, Portuguese, and
African to modern Brazilian culture.
ANT 5337-Peoples of the Andes (3) The area-cotradition. The
Spanish Conquest and shaping and persistence of colonial
culture. Twentieth-century communities-their social, land
tenure, religious, and value systems. Modernization, cultural
pluralism, and problems of integration.
ANT 5338-The Tribal Peoples of Lowland South America (3)
Survey of marginal and tropical forest hunters and gatherers and
horticulturalists of the Amazon Basin, Central Brazil, Paraguay,
Argentina, and other areas of South America. Social organiza-
tion, subsistence activities, ecological adaptations, and other
aspects of tribal life.
ANT 5339-The Inca and Their Ancestors (3) The evolution of
the Inca empire is traced back archeologically through earlier
Andean states and societies to the beginning of native civiliza-
tion. Not open to students who have taken ANT 3164.
ANT 5346-Caribbean Cultural Patterns (3) Investigation into
cultural contact in the Caribbean and results of that contact in
terms of peoples and sociocultural units produced and pro-
cesses of culture change involved.
ANT 5352-Peoples of Africa (3) Survey of the culture history
and ethnographic background of the peoples of Africa. A basis
for appreciation of current problems of acculturation, na-
tionalism, and cultural survival and change among African
ANT 5354-The Anthropology of Modern Africa (3) Continuity
and change in contemporary African societies, with special
reference to cultural and ethnic factors in modern nations.
ANT 5395-Visual Anthropology (3) Prereq: basic knowledge
of photography or permission of instructor. Photography and
film as tools and products of social science. Ways of describing,
analyzing, and presenting behavior and cultural ideas through
visual means, student projects and laboratory work with visual
anthropology. Not open to students who have taken ANT 3390.
ANT 5426-Kinship and Social Organization (3) Prereq: ANT
2402 or 2410. Property concepts, forms, and complexes. Tribal
patterns of government and social control. Not open to students
who have taken ANT 4426.
ANT 5465-Culture and Aging (3) Prereq: two of following:
ANT 2410, SOC 2000 or introductory psychology course.
Cross-cultural perspectives of adult development and aging in
traditional and industrial society. Comparative assessment of
culturally mediated, life-cycle transformations into old age and
health related and human service policy issues.
ANT 5467-Culture and Nutrition (3) Prereq: HUN 3221. The
theory, methodology, and substantive material of nutritional an-
thropology. Emphasis on cross-cultural bio-behavioral patterns.
ANT 5477-Human Organization and Change (3) Theory and
practice in applied anthropology. A case study approach to
innovation and change in social institutions and cultural prac-
tices, with emphasis upon problems of planning and ad-
ANT 5479-Theories of Cultural Change (3) Background, con-
ditions, and nature of cultural change and stability; cultural
change theories and processes such as diffusion, acculturation,
modernization, and revitalization.
ANT 5485-Research Design in Anthropology (3) Examination
of empirical and logical basis of anthropological inquiry;
analysis of theory construction, research design, problems of
data collection, processing, and evaluation.
ANT 5486-Quantitative Methods for Anthropology (3) Pre-
req: ANT 5485 or consent of instructor. Introductory survey of
relevant quantitative procedures for collecting, analyzing, and
interpreting anthropological data.
ANT 5527-Human Osteology and Osteometry (3) Prereq:
ANT 3511 and consent of instructor. Human skeletal identifica-
tion for the physical anthropologist and archeologist. Tech-
niques for estimating age at death, race, and sex from human
skeletal remains. Measurement of human skeleton for com-
parative purposes. Not open to students who have taken ANT
ANT 5546-Seminar: Human Biology and Behavior (3) Prereq:
consent of instructor. Social behavior among animals from the
ethological-biological viewpoint; the evolution of animal
societies; the relevance of the ethological approach for the
study of human development.
ANT 5615-Language and Culture (3) Principles and problems
of anthropological linguistics. The cross-cultural and com-
parative study of language. Primarily concerned with the study
of non-Indo-European linguistic problems.
ANT 5624-Introduction to Anthropological Linguistic Field
Methods (6) Field procedures, collections, and processing of
language data.
ANT 5625-Anthropological Linguistics (3) Prereq: ANT 2610.
Descriptive linguistics. Language structure and process
especially related to describing, understanding, and analyzing
non-Western languages. Not open to students who have taken
ANT 4620.
ANT 5675-Laboratory Work in Anthropological Linguistics
(1-3; max: 10)
ANT 5728-Anthropology and Education (3) Comparative
study of teaching and learning processes in societies of differing
complexity and cultural variability. Empirical data examined
from an anthropological perspective and in the context of
theories about culture and perception, world view, rites of
passage, culture ard personality, and change.
ANT 6038-Seminar int Anthropological History and Theory
(3) Theoretical principles and background of anthropology and
its subfields.
ANT 6128-Lithic Technology (3) Flintworking techniques and
uses of stone implements for two millions years. Emphasis on
stoneworking technology in prehistoric Florida.
ANT 6129-Ceramic Analysis (3) Prereq: permission of instruc-
tor. Properties and methods of analysis of clays and pottery.
Ethnographic pottery making and problems of archeological
ceramics. Laboratory exercises.
ANT 6186-Seminar in Archeology (3; max: 10) Selected topic.
ANT 6276-Principles of Political Anthropology (3) Problems
of identifying political behavior. Natural leadership in tribal
societies. Acephalous societies and republican structures.
Kingship and early despotic states. Theories of bureaucracy.
ANT 6286-Seminar in Contemporary Theory (3; max: 10)
Areas treated are North America, Central America, South
American, Africa, Oceania.
ANT 6356-Peoples and Culture in Southern Africa (3) Prehis-
toric times through first contacts by explorers to settlers; the
contact situation between European, Khoisan, and Bantu-
speaking; empirical data dealing with present political,
economic, social, and religious conditions.
ANT 6387-Seminar on the Anthropology of Latin America (3;
max: 10) Prereq: reading knowledge of Spanish or Portuguese
and consent of instructional staff. Major branches of an-
ANT 6388-Ethnographic Field Methods (3) Methods of collect-
ing ethnographic data. Entry into the field; role and image con-
flict. Participant observation, interviewing, content analysis,
photography and documents, data retrieval, analysis of data.
ANT 6428-Culture and Community (3) Prereq: 15 to 20
credits in social sciences. Examination of the method and
theory of the empirical, inductive, natural history approach in
the study of communities. Existing community studies are utilized
to provide comparative analyses of social structure, culture pat-
terns, and process of change.
ANT 6434-Transcultural Psychiatry (3) Recent and contem-
porary theoretical and methodological developments in the
cultural aspects of cognitive and perceptual socio- and psycho-
linguistic interactional and transactional processes. Ordinary
and abnormal developmental experiences in different cultural
contexts related to personal character and social identity forma-
ANT 6445-Seminar in African Studies (3) Current conditions
and problems flowing from detribalization, acculturation, and
urbanization. Changes in values, attitudes, and institutions, as
well as the reaction among the peoples of Africa in the form of
traditional survivals, cultural revivals and innovations.
ANT 6447-Seminar in Urban Anthropology (3) Prereq: con-
sent of instructor. Anthropological view of the city through in-
teraction of spatial and temporal behavior, ecology, culture in-
stitutions, and urban morphology.
ANT 6478-Small Groups in Cross-Cultural Perspective (3)
Prereq: 15 to 20 credits in social sciences. Comparative analysis
of structure and process of natural groups in animal and human
societies based on empirical studies of nonhuman primates,
hunting bands, simple agriculturists, and natural groups in com-
plex societies.
ANT 6487-Evolution of Culture (3) Prereq: ANT 3141.
Theories of culture growth and evolution from cultural begin-
nings to dawn of history. Major inventions of man and their
ANT 6547-Human Adaptation (3) Prereq: ANT 3511 or permis-
sion of instructor. An examination of adaptive processes
-cultural, physiological, genetic-in past and contemporary
ANT 6557-Primate Behavior (3) Prereq: one course in either
physical anthropology or biology. Taxonomy, distribution, and
ecology of primates. Range of primate behavior for each major
taxonomic group explored.
ANT 6588-Seminar in Physical Anthropology (3; max: 10)
Selected topic.
ANT 6619-Seminar in Language and Culture (3; max: 10)
Selected topic.
ANT 6627-Seminar in Anthropological Linguistic Field
Methods (3; max: 10) Prereq: ANT 5624. Analysis of a par-
ticular language through an informant.
ANT 6707-Seminar on Applied Anthropology (3) Prereq: ANT
5477 or instructor's permission. Consideration of planned
socio-cultural and technological change and development in
the United States and abroad; special and cultural problems in
the transferral of technologies; community development and
aid programs. Comparative program evaluation.
ANT 6708-Anthropology and Public Policy (3) Prereq: ANT
5467, 5479, or 5717 or consent of instructor. Intercultural
aspects of national and international social policy formulation,
implementation, and modification.
ANT 6719-Anthropology and Evaluation Research (3) Prereq:
ANT 5485; and ANT 5477 or 6707. Contemporary approaches
to the evaluation of social programs.
ANT 6737-Medical Anthropology (3) Prereq: consent of in-
structor. Theory of anthropology as applied to nursing,
medicine, hospital organization, and the therapeutic environ-
ment. Instrument design and techniques of material collection.
ANT 6905-Individual Work (1-3; max: 10) Guided readings
on research in anthropology based on library, laboratory, or
field work.
ANT 6910-Supervised Research (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
ANT 6915-Research Projects in Social, Cultural, and Applied
Anthropology (1-3; max: 10) Prereq: consent of instructor. For
students undertaking directed research in supplement to regular
course work.
ANT 6917-The Profession of Anthropology (1) Required of all
graduate students. Organizations of the anthropological profes-
sion in teaching and research. Relationship between subfields
and related disciplines; the anthropological experience; ethics.
ANT 6933-Special Topics in Anthropology (1-3; max: 9) Pre-
req: consent of instructor.
ANT 6940-Supervised Teaching (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
ANT 6945-Internship in Applied Anthropology (1-8; max: 8)
Prereq: permission of graduate coordinator. Required of all
students registered in programs of nonacademic anthropology
and/or nonthesis M.A. program. Students are expected to com-
plete 4-8 hours.
ANT 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-15) S/U.
ANT 7979-Advanced Research (1-9) Research for doctoral
students before admission to candidacy. Designed for students
with a master's degree in the field of study or for students who
have been accepted for a doctoral program. Not open to
students who have been admitted to candidacy. S/U.
ANT 7980-Research for Doctoral Dissertation (1-15) S/U.
College of Architecture
Chairman: J. M. McRae. Graduate Coordinator: G. D.
Ridgdill. Professors: A. F. Butt (Emeritus); A. J. Catanese;
E. E. Crain; A. J. Dasta; R. W. Haase; M. T. Jaroszewicz;
H. W. Kemp; B. Y. Kinzey, Jr.; J. M. McRae; H. C. Merritt,
Jr.; F. B. Reeves; G. D. Ridgdill; G. Scheffer; L. G. Shaw;
B. F. Voichysonk; W. G. Wagner; I. H. Winarsky.
Associate Professors: P. Burgess; M. T. Foster; F. F. Lisle,
Jr.; C. F. Morgan; P. E. Prugh; P. L. Rumpel; G. W. Sie-
bein; M. M. Solis; S. D. Tate; W. L. Tilson; K. S. Thorne;
O. F. Wetterqvist; T. R. White.
The Department of Architecture offers graduate work
leading to the first professional degree, Master of Ar-
chitecture. Two years in residence are normally required
for completion. In addition to satisfying University re-
quirements for admission, applicants are required to sub-
mit to the Department of Architecture, 231 ARCH, Uni-
versity of Florida, the following: a portfolio of their work
in architecture and related fields; a statement of intent
and their objectives; and three letters of recommendation
from teachers or employers. This material must be re-
ceived by January 15 for consideration for admission in
the following fall. Applications for graduate admission,
including transcripts and GRE scores, must be received
in the Office of the Registrar by January 15.
The graduate Professional Core I is taught only in the
fall semester, is required of all graduate students, and is
prerequisite to the remaining course work. After comple-
tion of Professional Core I, the student is expected to pur-
sue studies related to a special field of interest-architec-
tural design, architectural structures, environmental
technology, or architectural preservation. Concentration
in this special field of interest should prepare the student
for architectural practice with an emphasis upon profes-
sional team membership. Additional information con-
cerning programs for each of these areas is available from
the department. The student's overall college experi-
ence, including undergraduate programs in architecture
and the two-year graduate program, is intended to be a
complete unit of professional education leading toward
practice in architecture or related professions. Field trips
are required of all students; students should plan to have
adequate funds available. It may be necessary to assess
studio fees to defray costs of base maps and other
generally used materials.
The graduate faculty of the department may elect to ad-
mit students who have a Bachelor of Architecture degree
from an accredited five-year professional degree program
for a one-year graduate program leading to the Master of
Architecture degree. In these cases, the minimum regis-
tration required is 30 credits, including six credits in ARC
The department reserves the right to retain student
work for purposes of record, exhibition, or instruction.
ARC 5535-Architectural Structures (4) Advanced theory of ar-
chitectural structures using computer application in analyzing
structural behavior.
ARC 5791-Problems in Architectural History (3) Prereq: ARC
ARC 5800-Survey of Architectural Preservation, Restoration,
and Reconstruction (3)
ARC 5810-Techniques of Architectural Documentation (3)
ARC 5890-Historic Preservation and Restoration (3)
ARC 6241-Professional Core I (9) Required for all graduate
students. Architectural theory emphasizing cultural and
technological factors with application to architectural solutions,
including urban scale architecture and development.
ARC 6242-Professional Core II (2) Prereq: ARC 6241. Envi-
ronment-behavior research methodology. Studies in environ-
ment-behavior and investigation into methods of architectural
ARC 6275-Professional Core III (2) Prereq: sixth-year stand-
ing. Required for all graduate students.
ARC 6347C-Architectural Design I (9) Design of buildings
within an urban complex and within an architectural complex
of established character. Influence of physical and social plan-
ning on design.
ARC 6355C-Architectural Design II (9) An in-depth analysis
of building design to integrate the structural, mechanical, and
detail systems. H.
ARC 6391C-Architecture, Energy, and Ecology (3) Integration
of energetic and environmental influences on architectural
ARC 6393C-Advanced Architectural Connections (3) Prereq:
sixth year standing. An analysis of architectural connections
and details relative to selected space, form, and structural
ARC 6521-Advanced Architectural Structures VII (4) Study of
various soil properties and their application in solving architec-
tural design problems. Behavior of masonry bearing walls in
high-rise construction.
ARC 6541-Advanded Architectural Structures I (3) Principles
and application of timber construction to architectural design
ARC 6552-Advanced Architectural Structures II (3) Coreq:
ARC 6555. Theory and behavior of structural steel systems and
their responses to the solution of architectural problems.
ARC 6555-Advanced Architectural Structures III (4) Coreq:
.ARC 6552. Applications of structural steel systems to selected
architectural problems. '
ARC 6565-Advanced Architectural Structures IV (3) Coreq:
ARC 6566. Theory and behavior of reinforced concrete systems
and their responses to the solution of architectural problems.
ARC 6566-Advanced Architectural Structures V (4) Coreq:
ARC 6565. Applications of reinforced concrete systems to
selected architectural problems.
ARC 6571-Advanced Architectural Structures VI (3) Design
and applications of precast and/or prestressed concrete
elements in architecture.
ARC 6632L-Thermal Systems Design Laboratory (4) Coreq:
ARC 6633. Integrating thermal comfort, passive and active ther-
mal control systems, and energy usage in the solution of archi-
tectural design problems.
ARC 6633-Thermal Systems (4) Thermal issues in architecture
including thermal comfort, passive and active thermal control
systems, and energy efficiency.
ARC 6642L-Architectural Acoustics Design Laboratory (4)
Coreq: ARC 6643. Theory and practice of architectural acous-
tics in the solution to design problems.
ARC 6643-Architectural Acoustics (4) Theory, practice, and
application of acoustics in architecture.
ARC 6684-Lighting, Daylighting, and Electrical Power Sys-
tems (4) Design problems investigating the theory, practice, and
applications of electric lighting, daylighting, and electrical
power systems in architecture..
ARC 6685-Life Safety, Sanitation, and Plumbing Systems (4)
Design problems investigating the theory, practice, and applica-
tions of fire safety, movement, sanitation, and plumbing systems
in architecture.
ARC 6750-Architectural History: American (3) Development
of American architecture and the determinants affecting its
function, form, and expression.
ARC 6771-Architectural History: Literature and Criticism
(3-9; max: 9) Individual research with concentration on writing
and architectural criticism.
ARC 6793-Architectural History: Regional (3) Prereq: ARC
6750. Group and individual studies of architecture unique to
specific geographic regions.
ARC 6805-Architectural Conservation I(3-6; max: 6) A multi-
disciplinary study, supervised by an architectural professor and
another professor from an appropriate second discipline, in the
science of preserving historic architecture, utilizing individual
ARC 6851-Technology of Preservation: Materials and Meth-
ods I (3) Materials, elements, tools, and personnel of traditional
ARC 6852-Technology of Preservation: Materials and Meth-
ods II (3) Prereq: ARC 6851.
ARC 6853-Technology of Preservation:"Problems and Pro-
cesses (3)
ARC 6854C-Technology of Preservation: Programming and
Design (3) Prereq: ARC 6851.
ARC 6860-Techniques of Preservation: Legal and Economic
Processes (3)
ARC 6910-Supervised Research (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
ARC 6911-Architectural Research (1-6) Special studies ad-
justed to individual needs. H.
ARC 6912- Architectural Research II (1-6) Special studies ad-
justed to individual needs. H.
ARC 6913-Architectural Research III (1-6) Special studies ad-
justed to individual needs. H.
ARC 6940-Supervised Teaching (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
ARC 6971-Research for'Master's Thesis (1-15) S/U.
ARC 6979-Terminal Project (1-10) This project, in lieu of
thesis, accommodates an individual or team project which,
because of graphic content, does not fit within the thesis format.
It is subject to approval of the department graduate faculty. H.
College of Fine Arts
Chairman: R. H. Westin. Graduate Coordinator: D. J.
Stanley. Graduate Research Professor: J. N. Uelsmann.
Professors: R. C. Craven, Jr.; E. E. Grissom; K. A. Kerslake;
N. G. Naylor; J. C. Nichelson; J. A. O'Connor; J. J.
Sabatella; J. L. Ward; P. A. Ward; R. H. Westin. Associate
Professors: R. C. Heipp; M. J. Isaacson; R. E. Poynor; J. F.
Scott; N. S. Smith. Assistant Professors: B. A. Barletta; J. L.
Cutler; D. J. Stanley.
Master of Fine Arts Degree: The Department of Art of-
fers the MFA degree with concentrations in ceramics,
creative photography, drawing, painting, printmaking,
sculpture, and multi-media. Enrollment is competitive
and limited. Candidates for admission should have ade-
quate undergraduate training in art. Deficiences may be
corrected before beginning graduate study. Applicants
for admission must submit a portfolio by March 1 for fall
admission. Minimum two years residency is normally re-
quired for completion of the requirements for this degree
which for studio majors culminates with an MFA exhibi-
tion. The department reserves the right to retain student
work for purposes of record, exhibition, or instruction.
The MFA requires 48 credit hours. ARH 6897 is re-
quired for all MFA majors. ARH 5805 is required for all
students who select the written thesis. Students electing
the creative project in lieu of written thesis should see the
Graduate Coordinator for department requirements.
Twenty-one hours are required in the area of specializa-
tion for studio majors which will be taken in the follow-
ing sequence: ART 6926C, ART 6927C, ART 6928C,
ART 6929C. Based on the student's academic needs, one
of the sequence classes will be repeated for credit. Ten
credits of art electives (four hours must be in art history),
six hours of outside electives, and six hours of individual
project or thesis complete the course requirements.
Normally, the Candidacy Review Committee will
review the student's progress at the end of the first year of
graduate study to determine the student's fitness for
candidacy. Failure to pass the review will require adjust-
ments to the student's program or, if warranted, dismissal
from the program.
Master of Arts Degree in Art History: The department
offers the Master of Arts with emphasis in areas of An-
cient, Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Modern, and
Non-Western, including African, American Indian, In-
dian,' Latin American, and Oceanic.
A minimum of 37 credit hours is required: ARH 5805
(three credits), 28 hours with at least one course in four
areas of emphasis, and ARH 6971 (six credits). Nine
credits may be taken in related areas with the Graduate
Coordinator's approval.
Students must pass a comprehensive art history exam-
ination at the beginning of the second year for admission
to candidacy. Failure to pass the examination will result
in adjustments to the student's program or, if warranted,
dismissal from the program. Reading proficiency in a
foreign language appropriate to the major area of study
must be demonstrated before thesis research is begun.
Language courses are not applicable toward degree
Art history students may also participate in courses of-
fered by the State University System's programs in Lon-
don and Florence.
The department also offers classes in art conservation/
architectural preservation in cooperation with the Col-
lege of Architecture.
All graduate art courses may be repeated for credit
with change of content. Some of the courses listed are of-
fered regularly; others are offered only as needed.
ARH 5805-Methods of Research and Bibliography (3)
ARH 5905-Individual Study (3-4; max: 12 including ART
ARH 6791-Research in Methods and Materials of the Artist
ARH 6897-Seminar: Problems in the History, Theory, and
Criticism of Art (5)
ARH 6910-Supervised Research (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
ARH 6911-Advanced Study (3-4; max: 16) Prereq: major in
ARH 6914-Independent Study in Ancient Art History (4; max:
12) Prereq: major in art and permission of graduate coor-
dinator. Egyptian, Near Eastern, Aegean, Greek, Etruscan,
ARH 6915-Independent Study in Medieval Art History (4;
max: 12) Prereq: major in art and permission of graduate coor-'
dinator. Early Christian, Byzantine, Early Medieval, Roman-
esque, Gothic. '
ARH 6916-Independent Study in Renaissance and Baroque
Art History (4; max: 12) Prereq: major in art and permission of
graduate coordinator. Renaissance, High Renaissance, Manner-
ism, Baroque, Eighteenth Century art.
ARH 6917-Independent Study in Modern Art History (4; max:
12) Prereq: major in art and permission of graduate coor-
dinator. Major art movements of the nineteenth and twentieth
ARH 6918-Independent Study in Non-Western Art History
(4; max: 12) Prereq: major in art and permission of graduate
coordinator. African, Latin American, American Indian, Indian,
and Oceanic.
ARH 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-15) S/U.
ART 5905C-Individual Study (3-4; max: 12 including ARH
ART 6835-Research in Methods and Materials of the Artist
(3-4; max: 8)
ART 6910C-Supervised Research (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
ART 6926C-Advanced Study 1 (4-5; max: 12) Prereq: major in
art and permission of graduate coordinator. Application of basic
principles of studio art in one of the following areas: ceramics,
creative photography, drawing, painting, printmaking, sculp-
ture, and multi-media.
ART 6927C-Advanced Study II (4-5; max: 12) Prereq: major in
art and permission of graduate coordinator. Investigation of
selected problems in one of the following areas: ceramics,
creative photography, drawing, painting, printmaking, sculp-
ture, and multi-media.
ART 6928C-Advanced Study III (4-5; max: 12) Prereq: major
in art and permission of graduate coordinator. Experimentation
in nontraditional approaches to studio art in one of the follow-
ing areas: ceramics, creative photography, drawing, painting,
printmaking, sculpture, and multi-media.
ART 6929C-Advanced Study IV (4-5; max: 12) Prereq: major
in art and permission of,graduate coordinator.. Advances
stylistic and technical analysis of contemporary studio practices
in one of the following areas: ceramics, creative photography,
drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, and multi-media.
ART 6940-Supervised Teaching (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
ART 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-15) S/U.
ART 6973C-Individual Project (1-10; max: 10) Creative pro-
ject in lieu of written thesis. S/U.
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Chairman: T. D. Carr. Graduate Coordinator: S. T.
Gottesman. Graduate Research Professor: A. E. S. Green.
Distinguished Service Professor: A. G. Smith. Professors:
J. R. Buchler; T. D. Carr; K-Y Chen; F. E. Dunnam; H. K.
Eichhorn; S. T. Gottesman; J. H. Hunter; J. R. Ipser; R. E.
Wilson; F. B. Wood. Research Scientist: J. L. Weinberg.
Associate Professors: H. L. Cohen; S. L. Detweiler; R. J.
Leacock; G. R. Lebo; J. P. Oliver; H. C. Smith; C. A.
Williams.* Associate Research Scientists: F. Giovane;
N. Y. Misconi; A. C. Rester.
*This member of the faculty of the University of South Florida is also a
member of the graduate faculty of the University of Florida Department
of Astronomy.
The Department of Astronomy offers graduate work in
astronomy and astrophysics leading to the degrees of
Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy. Current
research fields include radio astronomy, astrometry and
data adjustment theory; cosmology; photometry of close
binaries and intrinsic variables; photometry of quasars
and galaxies; dynamical astronomy; structure, kinemat-
ics, and dynamics of galaxies; planetary magnetospheres;
lunar occultation observations; radio and optical in-
strumentation; and certain topics of theoretical stellar
astrophysics. Additional theoretical and laboratory
research directed toward conducting and interpreting
space experiments occurs 'in the department's Space
Astronomy Laboratory (Dr. J. L. Weinberg, Director). The
department is active in Voyager radioastronomical in-
vestigations of the magnetospheres of Jupiter, Saturn, and
Major Department Facilities.-Rosemary Hill Observa-
tory, about 30 miles from Gainesville, houses a 76-cm
reflector (cameras, spectrograph, several microprocessor-
based photometers, spectrum scanner), a 46-cm reflector
(camera, microprocessor-based photometer), and one
terminus of a 30-mile-baseline-radio interferometer. The
Radio Observatory, 50 miles from campus, is equipped
with low frequency (below 40 MHz) instrumentation
consisting of a 7-acre filled-aperature array, a number of
smaller antennas, advanced terminal equipment in-
cluding wide-band radio spectrographs, and the other
terminus of the 30-mile-baseline interferometer. Southern
Hemisphere observing facilities include the Mt. John
Observatory in New Zealand (operated jointly with the
Universities of Canterbury and Pennsylvania) and the
Maipu Radio Astronomical Observatory in Chile (in co-
operation with the University of Chile). Facilities on
campus include numerous mini- and microcomputers
(including a PDP1134), audio- and videotape processing
equipment, iris photometer, microdensitometer, blink
comparator and measuring engines. Off-campus facilities
of the Space Astronomy Laboratory include a microwave
analog scattering facility, a night sky observing facility
(Mt. Haleakala, Hawaii), a large coronagraph (vacuum)
test chamber, a space experiment assembly, a VAX 11/
750, and a test facility including a laminar-flow clean
For direct admission to the program, a student should
have a degree in astronomy, physics or mathematics
from an accredited program. Students with degrees in
related fields, such as engineering, may be admitted with
the understanding that certain foundation courses will
have to be taken. If it seems desirable, an individual with
a strong background in physics may perform the grad-
uate research work in astronomy but take the qualifying
examination and degree in physics rather than
astronomy. All degree candidates are required as part of
their training to assist in the department's teaching pro-
gram. Complete details of the program and research
facilities may be obtained by writing the Chairman, 211
Space Sciences Building.
AST 5045-History of Astronomy (2) Prereq: AST 1002 or
3019C. General survey of the history of astronomy from the
earliest times down to the present day.
AST 5113-Solar System Astrophysics 1 (3) Prereq: two years of
college physics. Survey of the solar system, including its origin
and laws of planetary motion. The earth as a planet: geophysics,
aeronomy, geomagnetism, and the radiation belts. Solar physics
and the influence of the sun on the earth.
AST 5114-Solar System Astrophysics,11 (3) Prereq: AST 5113.
The moon and planets; exploration by ground-based and space-
craft techniques. The lesser bodies of the solar system,
including satellites, asteroids, meteoroids, comets; the inter-
planetary medium.
AST 5205-Stellar Spectra (2) Prereq: AST 3019C. Review of
stellar spectroscopy and an introduction to the classification of
stellar spectra at low dispersion.
AST 5210-Introduction to Astrophysics (3) Prereq: AST
3019C. Particular emphasis upon the fundamentals of radiative
transfer and detailed development of Planck's expression for the
specific intensity of blackbody radiation. The basic equations of
stellar structure are derived, and particular solutions of these
equations are considered along with their astronomical implica-
AST 5270-Introduction to Binary Stars (4) Prereq: AST 3019C.
Suitable for the nonspecialist who needs some familiarity with
the field and for the student who requires a basic foundation for
further, more specialized study of binary stars. Includes an in-
troduction to the fundamental data, philosophy of orbital ele-
ment analysis, morphology and classification, mass exchange
and other dynamical effects. Concludes with the structure and
evolution of binary stars.
AST 5273-Interacting Binary Stars (2) Prereq: AST 3019C.
Description of the various aspects of interacting binary stars
designed chiefly for students who plan to complete their disser-
stations in other branches, of astronomy. Also suitable for
undergraduate majors in the department.
AST 5600-Computational Astronomy (4) Prereq: MAS 4106.
Designed to familiarize the student with the statistical tools of
astronomical data reduction and the empirical establishment of
the positional and kinematical parameters of the bodies in the
universe, and the physical and geometric significance of these
parameters. The laboratory consists of the numerical (and
theoretical) solution of relevant problems.
AST 6165-Radiopropagation and Ionospheric Physics I (2)
Prereq: PHY 4322. Propagation of electromagnetic waves in
magnetoionic media, with emphasis on the terrestrial iono-
sphere, and cosmic conditions such as solar corona and in-
terstellar media.
AST 6166-Radioprogation and Ionospheric Physics II (2)
Prereq: AST 6165. Ionospheric electron density and ion com-
position profiles; diurnal, seasonal, and global variations; pre-
sunrise effects; electron and ion temperatures; solar flare and
magnetic storm effects.
AST 6167-Atomic Physics of Planetary Atmospheres (2)
Prereq: basic physics and mathematics through integral cal-
culus. Atomic and quantum theory, quantum mechanics and
the central field problem, atomic and molecular spectroscopy,
collisional cross sections for aeronomy.
AST 6168-Physics of the Earth's Upper Atmosphere (2)
Prereq: AST 6167. Solar-terrestrial relations, aurora, airglow,
and ionospheric phenomena. Remote sensing of atmospheric
emissions and scattered solar radiation.
AST 6169-Physics of Planetary Atmospheres (2) Prereq: AST
6168. Radiative transfer in planetary atmospheres, from x-ray to
radio regions. Discussions of recent studies of the atmospheres
of Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and other planets.
AST 6214-Stellar Astrophysics I: Atmosphere (3) Prereq: AST
5210 or equivalent. Theoretical approach to the study of stellar
AST 6215-Stellar Astrophysics II: Interior (3) Prereq: AST
6214. Theoretical approach to the study of stellar structure.
AST 6216-Stellar Astrophysics IIl: Evolution (2) Prereq: AST
6215. Theoretical approach tothe study of stellar evolution.
AST 6265-Variable Stars (2) Prereq: AST 3019C. Classifica-
tion, light and spectral changes, population distribution,
physical processes causing variability, the place of variables in
stellar evolution. Use of variable stars in galactic and extra-
galactic studies.
AST 6274-Analysis of Binary Star Observations (4) Prereq:
AST 5270. Analytical study and theoretical interpretation of
observational data for eclipsing, spectroscopic, and visual
binary systems.
AST 6305-Electromagnetism in Space (2) Prereq: introductory
electromagnetic theory. Derivation and application of electro-
dynamic relationships in magnetospheric, interplanetary, inter-
stellar, and other astrophysical plasmas. Excitation and propaga-
tion of hydromagnetic and electromagnetic waves in such
AST 6309-Galactic and Extragalactic Astronomy (4) Prereq:
AST 3019C. Observations and interpretations of the kinematics,
dynamics, and structure of the Milky Way Galaxy, extragalactic
objects, and galaxy clusters.
AST 6316-Stellar Dynamics (3) Prereq: partial differential
equations, complex variables. Introduction to dynamics of
stellar systems, with emphasis on cluster dynamics. Three main
approaches are treated: analytic, statistical-mechanical, and
experimental (computer simulations). Basic techniques are
presented, and dynamical evolution of clusters is described.
AST 6336-Interstellar Matter (3) Prereq: AST 5210. Complex
interplay of physical processes that determine the structure of
the interstellar medium in our galaxy; emphasis is placed upon
a comparison of observational data with theoretical prediction.
AST 6416--Cosmology (3) Prereq: PHS 6606. Introduction to
the observational background and to the theory of cosmology.
AST 6506-Celestial Mechanics 1 (2) Prereq: AST 3019C, PHY
4222. Analytical and numerical computation of orbits.
AST 6507-Celestial Mechanics 11 (2) Prereq: AST 6506.
AST 6607-Positional Astronomy (4) Prereq: AST 5600. Nu-
merical methods (interpolation, errors, least squares) used in
astronomy, especially positional astronomy, coordinate systems
and their conversion, reduction of observations (especially
reduction to apparent place), time systems, and the determina-
tion of proper motion and parallax.
AST 6705C-Techniques of Optical Astronomy I (2) Prereq:
AST 3019. Fundamental principles of optical imaging in
astronomical instruments. Principles of photographic and
photoelectric instruments. Principles of photographic and
photoelectric detectors. Includes laboratory exercises.
AST 6706-Techniques of Optical Astronomy II (2) Prereq:
AST 6705C. Design of instrumentation for optical astronomy;
telescopes, photometers, spectrographs. Observational tech-
niques and data reduction. Includes laboratory exercises.
AST 6711-Basic Principles of Radio Astronomy (3) Prereq:
AST 3019. Coreq: PHY 4322. Introduction to radio astronomy,
including early history, measurement parameters, applicable
radio physics, relevant mathematical techniques, properties of
band-limited gaussian noise, and limitations on radio telescope
sensitivity and resolution.
AST 6712-Radio Astrophysics (2) Prereq: AST 6711.
Astrophysical plasmas, radio source emission mechanisms and
spectra, principal types of results obtained in radio astronomy
and their astrophysical implications.
AST 6715-Radio Astronomy Instrumentation (2) Prereq: AST
6711. Survey of radio astronomy instrumentation, including
basic principles and methods of operation. Includes study of
antennas and arrays, interferometers, polarimeters, receivers,
recorders, and calibration devices.
AST 6715L-Radio Astronomy Laboratory (1) Coreq: AST
6715. Laboratory experiments and observatory sessions design-
ed to accompany AST 6715.
AST 6905-Individual Work (1-3; max: 6) Supervised study or
research in areas not covered by other courses.
AST 6910-Supervised Research (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
AST 6935-Seminar in Modern Astronomy (1; max: 6) Recent
developments in theoretical and observational astronomy and
astrophysics. S/U.
AST 6940-Supervised Teaching (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
AST 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-15) S/U.
AST 7157-The Giant Planets (2) Prereq: AST 5114 or AST
6712. Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus; their origins and
evolution, interiors, gravitational and magnetic fields, at-
mospheres, ionospheres, magnetospheres, electromagnetic
emissions, and satellites. Emphasis is on Jupiter.
AST 7279-Close Binary Stars (2) Prereq: AST 6274. Role of
close binaries in stellar evolution. Nonperiodic phenomena,
mass loss and exchange, novae and nova-like variables, period
AST 7939-Special Topics (2; max: 12) Assigned reading, pro-
grams, seminar, or lecture series in a new field of advanced
AST 7979-Advanced Research (1-9) Research for doctoral
students before admission to candidacy. Designed for students
with a master's degree in the 'field of study or for students who
have been accepted for a doctoral program. Not open to
students who have been admitted to candidacy. S/U.
AST 7980-Research for Doctoral Dissertation (1-15) S/U.
PHS 6606-Special and General Relativity (4) Prereq: PHY
6246, tensor analysis, invariance. Einstein's special and general
theories of relativity; relativistic cosmology.
College of Medicine
Chairman: D. L. Purich. Graduate Coordinator: R. P.
Boyce. Professors: C. M. Allen, Jr.; R. P. Boyce; P. W.
Chun; B. M. Dunn; A. F. Esser; W. R. Fisher; P. J. Laipis;
R. J. Mans; T. W. O'Brien; D. L. Purich; G. S. Stein; M.
Young. Associate Professors: R. J. Cohen; M. S. Kilberg.
Assistant Professors: V. Chau; S. C. Frost; P. M. McGuire;
H. S. Nick.
The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular
Biology offers the Master of Science and Doctor of
Philosophy degrees in biochemistry with specialization
in physical biochemistry, molecular biology, cell
biology, and medical biochemistry.
Specific areas of study include structure and function
of cellular and nuclear membranes in mammalian cells;
transport of molecules into the cell; regulation of cell
division and gene expression; assembly and regulation of
the cytoskeleton; biochemistry of differentiation; bio-
chemical genetics; molecular biology of nucleic acids;
replication and repair in bacterial and eukaryotic cells;
biosynthesis and structure of nucleic acids, proteins,
polysaccharides, lipids, lipoproteins, sensory biochem-
istry; isoprenoid metabolism; physical biochemistry of
nucleic acids and proteins; mechanism of enzyme ac-
tion; and molecular evolution.
New graduate students should have adequate training
in general, organic, quantitative, and physical chemistry
as well as in physics, biology, and calculus. Minor defi-
ciences may be made up immediately after entering
Graduate School.
Doctoral candidates are required to take several bio-
chemistry courses which include BCH 6065, 6156,
6206, 6415, 6876 and 6936. Depending upon interests
and background of the student, additional courses are
recommended from the following list: BCH 6296, 6746,
7077, and 7257. The curriculum for doctoral candidates
may also include advanced chemistry,, physiology,
microbiology, and genetics courses.
BCH 6065-Advanced Physical Biochemistry (3) Prereq: gen-
eral biochemistry and physical chemistry or consent of instruc-
tor. Physical chemistry of biological molecules and the
techniques for their study. Constitutes one of the three core
biochemistry courses.
BCH 6156C-Research Methods in Biochemistry (1-4; max: 8)
Coreq: BCH 6065, 6206, 6415. Only by special arrangement.
Biochemical research in which the student refines research
techniques in physical biochemistry, intermediary metabolism,
molecular biology, and cell biology under supervision of a staff
BCH 6206-Advanced Metabolism (3) Prereq: general bio-
chemistry or consent of instructor. The reactions of intermedi-
ary metabolism with emphasis upon their integration,
mechanism, and control. Constitutes one of the three core bio-
chemi tr courses.
BCH 69-Advanced Topics in Metabolic Control (1) Prereq:
BCH 4j06, 6206, 6415, or consent of instructor. Study of the
thermedynarmjc, allosteric, hormonal, and genetic control of
metalolic, reactions.
BCH 6415-Advanced Molecular and Cell Biology (3) Prereq:
general biochemistry or consent of instructor. An advanced
course in the molecular biology of pro- and eukaryotes. Topics
will include DNA replication, chromosome organization, RNA
and protein systhesis, and molecular aspects of gene regulation.
Constitutes one of the three core biochemistry courses.
BCH 6746-Advanced Topics in Physical Biochemistry (1)
Prereq: BCH 6065, 6206, 6415, or consent of instructor. Study
of physical chemistry of proteins, nucleic acids, lipids,
enzymes, as well as their modes of interaction.
BCH 6876-Recent Advances in Biochemistry (1) Prereq: BCH
6065 or equivalent. Areas of biochemistry and molecular
biology, selected by the faculty, discussed critically and in
depth. Emphasis on current controversy and theory, data inter-
pretations, and scientific writing. Classes held informally in
small groups during each semester, involving all biochemistry
faculty on a rotating basis. S/U.
BCH 6910-Supervised Research (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
BCH 6936-Biochemistry Seminar (1) Required of graduate
students in biochemistry; open to others by special arrange-
ment. Research reports and discussions of current research
literature given by the departmental staff, invited speakers, and
graduate students.
BCH 6940-Supervised Teaching (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
BCH 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-15) S/U.
BCH 7077-Advanced Topics in Molecular Biology (1) Prereq:
BCH 6065, 6206, 6415, or consent of instructor. The biochem-
ical basis of molecular biology and genetics with emphasis on
the mode of control surrounding the replication and expression
of the pro- and eukaryotic genome.
BCH 7257-Advanced Topics in Cell Biology (1) Prereq: BCH
6415 or equivalent. Biochemistry of selected cell organelles
with emphasis on compartmentation and integrated cellular
BCH 7515-Enzyme Kinetics and Mechanisms (2) Prereq: ad-
vanced general course in biochemistry such as BCH 6056,
6206, or consent of instructor. The study of enzyme reaction
mechamisms using kinetics, spectroscopy, protein crystal-
lography and new emerging techniques. Alternates with BMS
6203, spring semester.
BCH 7515-Enzyme Kinetics and Mechanisms (2) Prereq: ad-
vanced general course in'biochemistry such as BCH 6056,
6206, or consent of instructor. The study of enzyme reaction
mechanisms using kinetics, spectroscopy, protein crystalla-
graphy and new emerging techniques. Alternates with BMS
6203, spring semester.
BMS 5190-Cell and Tissue Biology (4) Prereq: cell biology
course and consent of instructor. Cell specializations and
interactions that account for the organization and functions of
the basic tissues (epithelium, connective tissue, muscle, and
BMS 6203-Cell Membranes: Molecular Biology and Function
(2) Prereq: BCH 4203, 4313 and MCB 3020 or equivalents and
consent of instructor. Composition, molecular organization,
and assembly of biological membranes in both eukaryotes and
prokaryotes. Alternates with BCH 7515, spring semester.
Colleges of Liberal Arts and Sciences
and Agriculture
Acting Chairman: R. J. Ferl. Graduate Coordinator: F. E.
Putz. Graduate Research Professors: E. S. Deevey;
I. K. Vasil. Professors: H. C. Aldrich; G. E. Bowes; J. S.
Davis; J. J. Ewel; D. G. Griffin, III; T. E. Humphreys; J. W.
Kimbrough; J. T. Mullins; H. L. Popenoe; R. C. Smith;
W. L. Stern; D. B. Ward; N. H. Williams. Associate
Professors: R. J. Ferl; W. S. Judd; T. W. Lucansky.
Assistant Professor: F. E. Putz.
The Department of Botany offers graduate work
leading to the degrees of Master of Science, Master of
Agriculture, Master of Science in Teaching, and Doctor
of Philosophy.
Specific areas of specialization in botany include
anatomy/morphology with emphasis on tropical ferns,
aquatic and woody plants, and orchids; bryology;
development of seed plants, protoplast, cell and tissue
culture; ecology and environmental studies; cellular and
molecular genetics; mycology with emphasis on mor-
phology, systematics, and development; algology with
emphasis on algae of brine ponds; physiology and
biochemistry with emphasis on ion uptake, photosyn-
thesis and photorespiration, sugar metabolism and
transport, hormonal control of fungal reproduction and
cell wall synthesis; systematics with emphasis on
monographic and floristic studies; tropical botany.
For admission to graduate standing a student should
present credits equivalent to those required for under-
graduate majors in the department, namely 24 credits in
botany, a course in genetics with laboratory, mathe-
.matics through differential calculus; one year of college
physics, and chemistry through organic. Those admitted
without full equivalents of an undergraduate major will
be required to make up the deficiencies by passing
appropriate courses early in their graduate programs. A
reading knowledge of a foreign language and credit for
basic courses in zoology and bacteriology are desirable.
The program of graduate study for each student will be
determined by a supervisory committee. No more than
nine credits of BOT 6905 may be used to satisy the credit
requirements for a master's degree. Each student
pursuing the Ph.D. degree will be required to pass a
written departmental examination on designated major
areas of botany prior to the oral portion of the qualifying
There are, in addition to the facilities of the department
for graduate work,the following special resources that
may be utilized in support of graduate student training
and research: (1) the .Florida Agricultural Experiment
Stations, (2) the Marine Sciences Center on the Gulf of
Mexico for studies in estuarine and marine habitats, (3)
the resources of the Welaka Conservation Reserve, (4)
the Center for Tropical Agriculture, which can support
studies in tropical and subtropical areas, and (5) the
Fairchild Tropical Garden for research in the systematics,
morphology and anatomy, and economic botany of trop-
ical plants.
To provide additional educational opportunities for
our graduate students in the form of a botanical garden
research and training internship program, the Depart-
ment of Botany has entered into an arrangement with the
Marie Selby Botanical Gardens of Sarasota. Under this ar-
rangement students spend a semester in Sarasota as part
of a regular degree program; the academic portions of
which are under the control of faculty members in the
Department of Botany. The course of study is specifically
designed by agreement among the student, the student's
graduate adviser, and the Selby Gardens' Director of Re-
search. Students register for the Selby course under BOT
6905 for nine credit hours. Interns are provided with
housing on the garden grounds and a per diem to help
with expenses. Interested students should communicate
with the Department Chairman or Graduate Coordinator
for further details.
BOT 5225C-Plant Anatomy (4) Prereq: BOT 2011C or 3303C
or consent of instructor. Origin, structure, and function of
principal tissues and organs of seed plants.
BOT 5285C-Plant Microtechnique (3) Prereq: one year of
college biology. Practice in methods of preparing, recording,
and illustrating plant materials for microscopic studies.
BOT 5405C-Algology (4) Prereq: BOT 2011C or 3303C or
consent of instructor. Algae, especially their structure, repro-
duction, growth, classification, and evolution. Emphasis on
Florida marine and fresh water species.
BOT 5435C-Introductory Mycology (4) Prereq: BOT 2011C
or 3303C. Fungi, with emphasis on comparative morphology.
BOT 5485C-Mosses and Liverworts (3) Prereq: BOT 2011C or
3303C. Morphology of the major groups of bryophytes, with
emphasis on collection, identification, and ecology of these,
plants in Florida.
BOT 5505C-Intermediate Plant Physiology (3) Prereq: BOT
3503, 3503L, and CHM 3200, 3200L, or equivalent. Funda-
mental physical and chemical processes underlying the water
relations, nutrition, metabolism, growth, and reproduction of
higher plants.
BOT 5625-Plant Geography (2) Prereq: BOT 3153 or 5725C.
Geography of the floras and types of vegetation throughout the
world, with emphasis on problems in the distribution of taxa,
and the main factors influencing types of vegetation.
BOT 5685-Tropical Botany (7) Prereq: elementary biology/
botany; beginning course in plant systematics; anatomy and
morphology; consent of instructor. Study of tropical plants
utilizing the diverse habitats of South Florida with emphasis on
uses, anatomy and morphology, physiology and ecology, and
systematics of these plants. Field trips and the Fairchild Tropical
Garden will supplement laboratory experiences.
BOT 5695-Ecosystems of Florida (3) Prereq: PCB 3043 or
equivalent and consent of instructor. Major ecosystems of
Florida in relation to environmental factors and man's relation-
ship to them. Emphasis of all day Saturday field trips is on field
problems, techniques, and research.
BOT 5725C-Taxonomy of Vascular Plants (4) Prereq: BOT
201 IC and 3303C or equivalent. Vascular plants, their classifi-
cation, gross morphology, and evolutionary relationships.
BOT 5755C-Biology of Ferns and Their Allies (3) Prereq: BOT
3303C and 3153C or 5725C or consentof instructor. Living and
fossil representatives of ferns and other vascular cryptogams,
with emphasis on their structure, evolution and classification.
BOT 6256C-Plant Cytology (3),Prereq: MCB 4403 or equiva-
lent. Fundamental structures of plant cells, their functions,
reproduction, and relation to inheritance; recent research and
BOT 6316C-Developmental Morphology of Flowering Plants
(3) Prereq: BOT 3303C. Developmental morphology of the
vegetative and reproductive organs of flowering plants with
particular emphasis on form and function as revealed by recent
experimental techniques.
BOT 6326C-Methods and Applications of Plant Cell and Tis-
sue Culture (3) Prereq: BOT 6316C. Laboratory techniques for
the culture of plant protoplasts, cells, tissues, and organs, and
their applications in the study of cellular differentiation,
development, genetics, and agriculture.
BOT 6346C-Biology and Taxonomy of Myxomycetes and
Phycomycetes (3) Prereq: BOT 5435C. Morphology, develop-
ment, and taxonomy of slime molds, water molds, and allied
taxa emphasized.
BOT 6446C-Biology and Taxonomy of the Basidiomycetes (3)
Prereq: BOT 5435C. Isolation, collection, and identification of
field material required.
BOT 6467C-Biology and Taxonomy of Ascomycetes, Their
Imperfect Stages, and Lichens (4) Prereq: BOT 5435C. Mor-
phology, development, and taxonomy of the ascomycetes,
fungi imperfecti, and lichens with emphasis on their identifica-
tion. Field work required.
BOT 6496C-Fungal Physiology (3) Comparative physiology of
growth, development, metabolism, and reproduction of selected
BOT 6516-Plant Metabolism (3) Prereq: BOT 5505C, BCH
4203. Metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and nitrogen com-
pounds in higher plants; cell structure as related to metabolism;
metabolic control mechanisms.
BOT 6526-Plant Nutrition (2) Prereq: BOT 5505C. Plant
nutrition including essentiality of elements, absorption'of ions,
utilization of minerals in plants, and water metabolism.
BOT 6566-Plant Growth and Development (2) Prereq: BOT
5505C. Fundamental concepts of plant growth and develop-
ment with emphasis on the molecular biological approach.
BOT 6576-Photophysiology of Plant Growth (3) Prereq: BOT
5505C. Effects of light on the physiology and biochemistry of
plants. Photosynthesis and photorespiration emphasized. Prop-
erties of light sources, photochemistry, phytochrome action,
photomorphogenesis, photoperiodism, and phototropism
BOT 6646C-Ecology of Aquatic Plants (3) Prereq: PCB
3043C. Aquatic plants, their morphology, physiology, anatomy,
and role in aquatic ecosystems. Field trips emphasize the flow
of energy and system structure.
BOT 6716C-Advanced Plant Taxonomy (2) Prereq: BOT
5725C. Problems in the classification of vascular plants. Pub-
lished taxonomic studies reviewed as demonstration of tech-
niques and principles involved in classification; intensive indi-
vidual work required in field and herbarium application of
BOT 6905-Individual Studies in Botany (1-9; max: 9) Prereq:
all credits in excess of 3 must be approved by department
chairman or graduate coordinator. Individual nonthesis, re-
search problem in one of the following areas of botany: ecol-
ogy, physiology and biochemistry, cryptogamic botany, mor-
phology and anatomy of vascular plants, systematics, cytology,
genetics, and ultrastructure. Topics selected to meet the
interests and needs of students.
BOT 6910-Supervised Research (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
BOT 6927-Advances in Botany (1-3) Supervised study in
specific areas.
BOT 6936-Graduate Student Seminar (1) Readings and oral
presentation on general topics in botany. S/U.
BOT 6940-Supervised Teaching (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
BOT 6951-Tropical Biology: An Ecological Approach (8) In-
tensive field study of ecological concepts in tropical environ-
ments. Eight weeks in different principal kinds of tropical
environments. Offered summer term in Costa Rica as part of the
program of the Organization for Tropical Studies.
BOT 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-15) S/U.
BOT 7979-Advanced Research (1-9) Research for doctoral stu-
dents before admission to candidacy. Designed for students with
master's degree in the field of study or for students who have
been accepted for a doctoral program. Not open to students
who have been admitted to candidacy. S/U.
BOT 7980-Research for Doctoral Dissertation (1-15) S/U.
HOS 6231-Biochemical Genetics of Higher Plants (3) Prereq:
AGR 3303 or PCB 3063 and BCH 4313 or equivalent. Discus-
sion of current evidence bearing on gene function and regula-
tion, examples of the use of plant mutants in the elucidation of
,biochemical pathways, and examination of somatic cell
genetics in higher plants.
PCB 5046C-Advanced Ecology (4) Prereq: PCB 3043C or
equivalent: physics, chemistry, statistics, and physiology are
desirable. Plant ecology and plant-animal interactions with
emphasis on design of field studies and data analysis. Students
conduct a series of one-day research projects in various eco-
PCB 6176-Electron Microscopy of Biological Materials (2)
Prereq: PCB 5115C or 3136 or equivalent. Use of electron mi-
croscopes, including fixation, embedding, sectioning, freeze-
etching,.negative staining, and use of the vacuum evaporator.
PCB 6176L-Laboratory in Electron Microscopy (2) Coreq:
PCB 6176 and consent of instructor. Laboratory training in use
of electron microscopes, ultramicrotomes, vacuum evaporators,
and freeze-etch machines.
PCB 6216-Cytochemistry (3) Prereq: PCB 6176L or consent of
instructor. Cellular organization, cell function, and cyto-
chemical technique.
PCB 6336C-Principles of Systematic Biology (4) Theory of
biological classification and taxonomic practice. Laboratory
experience in taxonomic procedures and techniques, including
computer methods.
PCB 6356C-Ecosystems of the Tropics (3) Prereq: PCB 3043C.
Natural and man-dominated tropical ecosystems, their structure,
function, and relation to man.
PCB 6626C-Fungal Genetics (3) Comparative genetics of
mating type and sexual development, chromosome mapping,
polyploidy, gene structure and function, and pathogenicity of
selected fungi.
PCB 6691-Topics in Plant Genetics (2).
PLP 6622-Biology, Ecology and Taxonomy of Mycorrhizae (3)
Prereq: basic course in botany and plant pathology or their
equivalent. Coreq: BOT 5435C or equivalent. A survey of the
taxonomy, morphology, and ecology of organisms forming my-
corrhizae, and the biological and physiological effects and
economic aspects of mycorrhizae on plants.
ZOO 6126-Historical Ecology of the Pleistocene (3)
Pleistocene environments and ecosystems with emphasis on
worldwide chronology and correlation and intermediate term
historical processes that required 1,000 to 10,000 years for
significant expression.
College of Architecture
Director: B. H. Brown. Graduate Coordinator: R. E. Cox.
Professors: B. H. Brown; R. E. Cox; R. E. Crosland; B. G.
Eppes; D. A. Halperin; H. F. Holland; J. M. Trimmer.
Courses are offered leading to the degrees of Master of
Science in Building Construction (thesis) and Master of
Building Construction (nonthesis). An individual plan of
study is prepared for each student to insure that the
student's goals are achieved within the broad policy
guidelines of the school. Specialization may be in areas
Such as the construction manager concept, planning and
scheduling, cost control, high rise construction,
materials, techniques, and structural concepts.
There is no foreign language requirement. All BCN
graduate students are required to take an examination on
their ability to communicate in the English language.
Failure to make a satisfactory score on this examination
will result in the addition of a prerequisite course or
courses in English to the student's plan of study. The
examination must be taken during the first registration
period that the student is enrolled.
Holders of a four-year undergraduate degree in build-
ing construction or its equivalent in related fields may
normally complete the requirement for the master's
degree in one academic year (two semesters) as full-time
students. "Equivalent in related fields" should include
studies in construction materials and methods, structures,
and management. Students with deficiencies in these
related fields may need longer residence for the master's
degree, as they will be required to take specified basic
courses to provide a foundation for advanced courses.
No more than five credits of BCN 6934 or 6971 may
be used to satisfy the credit requirements for a master's
degree without written permission of the Director.
Candidates are required to take BCN 5463, 5625, and
5715. Foreign students, at the discretion of the Graduate
Coordinator, may substitute another course for BCN
The school reserves the right to retain student work for
purposes of record, exhibition, or instruction.
BCN 5226-Advanced Construction Techniques (3) Prereq:
BCN 3224.
BCN 5463-Advanced Construction Structures (4) Prereq:
BCN 3461. Study of soils, dewatering and the temporary struc-
tures that contractors have to build in order to build the primary
BCN 5463L-Laboratory in Advanced Construction Structures
(1) Laboratory training in the testing of construction materials.
BCN 5470-Constructon Methods Improvements (3) Methods
of analyzing and evaluating construction techniques to improve
project time and cost control. Includes work sampling, produc-
tivity ratings, crew balance studies, time lapse photography,
and time management.
BCN 5528-Survey of Construction Techniques (4) Designed
for students from allied disciplines such as architecture and en-
gineering who want to learn the work methods, materials and
equipment employed on residential, commercial and industrial
construction projects.
BCN 5625-Construction Cost Analysis (3) Prereq: BCN 4612.
Study of cost engineering and cost distribution and comparative
analysis of actual and estimated cost as used for project control.
BCN 5715-Advanced Construction Labor Problems (3) Pre-
req: graduate status. Labor problems in the construction indus-
try and associated legislation. How to work effectively with
unionized labor on construction projects.
BCN 5722-Advanced Construction Planning and Control (3)
Prereq: COP 3210, BCN 4612. Time-cost relationships for
various construction operations.
BCN 5905-Special Studies in Construction (1-5; max: 12) Pre-
req: graduate status or special permission of the 'instructor.
Special studies provide opportunities for students requiring sup-
plemental work in the building construction area.
BCN 6228-High-Rise Construction (3)
BCN 6621-Bidding Strategy (3) Strategy of contracting to
maximize profit through overhead distribution, breakeven
analysis, probability and statistical technique, a realistic risk and
uncertainty objective, and bid analysis both in theory and in
BCN 6641-Construction Management and Value Engineering
(3) The various systems of contracting for construction with
special emphasis on the construction manager concept and
phased construction. Computerized construction management
control systems and value engineering.
BCN 6748-Construction Law (4) Formation of a company,
licensing, the bid process, general contracts, subcontracts,
plans and specifications, performance, mechanics liens,
insurance bonds, and remedies as they relate to the building
constructor. Case studies.
BCN 6910-Supervised Research (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
BCN 6931-Construction Management (1-5; max: 13) Con-
struction management or specialized areas of the construction
BCN 6932-Building Construction Management (1-5; max: 12)
Building technology and management or specialized areas of
the building construction field.
BCN 6933-Advanced Construction Management (1-5; max:
12) Financial and technological changes affecting construction
and the management of construction projects. H.
BCN 6934-Construction Research (1-6; max: 12) Independent
studies. H.
BCN 6940-Supervised Teaching (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
BCN 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-15) S/U.
College of Business Administration
Graduate programs offered by the College of Business
Administration are the Doctor of Philosophy in econom-
ics; the Doctor of Philosophy in business administration;
the Master of Arts in economics; the Master of Arts in
business administration with tracks in finance, insurance,
management, marketing, or real estate and urban
analysis; the Master of Business Administration; and the
Master of Science in computer and information sciences.
The Master of Accounting degree (M.Acc.) is offered
through the School of Accounting. Fields of concentration
and requirements for the MBA are given under
Requirements for Master's Degrees in the front section of
the Catalog. Requirements for the Ph.D. in economics
and for all M.A. degrees may be found under the
description for the respective department.
The Ph.D. in business administration requires a princi-
pal or major field in one of the following: accounting,
finance, insurance, management, marketing, or real
estate and urban analysis. Requirements for the specific
departments and specialties within the departments are
stated in the departmental descriptions in this Catalog.
All candidates for the Ph.D. in business administration
must satisfy the following core requirements.
GEB 5805-Mathematical Methods and Their Application to
Business and Economic Analysis (4)
STA 4321-Mathematical Statistics I (3)
STA 4322-Mathematical Statistics 11 (3)
MAN 6108*-Concepts and Methods in the Behavioral Sci-
ences (3)
ECO 6116-Price Theory (3)
ECO 6206-Macroeconomic Theory (3)
*Students may substitute one of a list of approved courses for MAN
6108. Procedures for waiving these core requirements have been estab-
lished. More detailed information may be obtained from the Associate
Dean, College of Business Administration, Business Building.
Admission Requirements: Applicants for all,graduate
programs in the College of Business Administration must
meet the Graduate School's admission standards. These
applicants may, however, use the Graduate Management
Admission Test rather than the Graduate Record Examin-
ation Aptitude Test. Candidates for admission to the MBA
program are required to take the GMAT.
ACG 5005-Financial Accounting (3) Designed primarily for
MBA candidates and other graduate students. Not open to
accounting majors. Functions and underlying principles of ac-
counting stressed. Emphasis on analysis of financial conditions
and business operations through an understanding of account-
ing statements.
ACG 6367-Managerial Accounting (3) Prereq: ACG 5005,
GEB 5756. Designed for MBA candidates. For graduate/profes-
sional students who wish to use, rather than prepare,
accounting data in different decision contexts. Topics include
management accounting fundamentals, management control
systems, cost allocation, performance evaluation in decen-
tralized organizations, and product costing.
CAP 5009-Computer Concepts in Business (2) Designed for
MBA candidates who lack adequate preparation for utilizing
computer hardware and software systems in managerial
problem solving. Mechanics and functioning of computer sys-
tems emphasizing applications of software packages in mana-
gerial decision making and problem solving.
CAP 5021-Computer-Based Business Management (3) Prereq:
COP 3110 or consent of instructor. Principles of data-processing
management and the application of computers in solving
business problems.
ECP 6705-Economics of Business Decisions (3) Designed
primarily for MBA candidates. Synthesis and application of mi-
croeconomic theory and related business administration
principles to managerial decision making through a problem-
solving orientation.
FIN 5405-Business Financial Management (3) Prereq: ACG
5005, GEB 5756. Required for MBA degree candidates who
have had no basic business finance course. Analysis of business
financing and investing decisions.
FIN 6937-Advanced Finance Topics (3) Prereq: ACG 5005,
FIN 5405. Analysis of organizational problems from a'financial
perspective integrating concepts from various organizational
functions such as production, marketing, and personnel.
GEB 5215-Problem Analysis and Presentation in Business I
(1) Designed for MBA candidates. Designed to improve written
and oral communications in a business environment. H.
GEB 5216-Problem Analysis and Presentation in Business II
(1) Prereq: GEB 5215. Designed for MBA candidates. Designed
to improve written and oral communications in a business
GEB 5405-Legal Environment of Business (3) The American
legal system; sources of law; adjudication; the legal nature of
the corporation; major areas of state and federal corporate law;
state and federal regulation of business; legal aspects of ethical
and social responsibility.
GEB 5756-Introduction to Managerial Statistics (4) Prereq:
,basic statistics, calculus. Designed for MBA candidates. Basic
concepts and methods of probability and statistics stressing
applications in analyzing and solving business problems.
GEB 5795-International Business (3) Designed for MBA
candidates. The major characteristics, motivations, interactions,
and structural realities of the international environment are
explored via the functional areas of business. A multinational
framework is developed within which the firm can operate
effectively and efficiently.
GEB 5805-Mathematical Methods and Their Applications to
Business and Economic Analysis (4) Matrix algebra and cal-
culus applied to business and economic analysis.
GEB 6757-Managerial Quantitative Analysis (4) Prereq: CAP
5001, GEB 5756. Mathematical approaches and techniques
applicable to the analysis and solution of managerial problems,
with careful attention to problem formulation, mathematical
analysis, and solution procedures. Involves substantial case
GEB 6905-Individual Work (1-4; max: 8) Prereq: consent of
Associate Dean or MBA Director. Reading and/or research in
business administration.
MAN 5505-Operations Management (3) Prereq: GEB 5756.
Designed for MBA candidates. Purpose of course is to introduce
the student to the general class of problems associated with
managing production facilities.
MAN 6156-Organizational Behavior I (3) Designed for MBA
candidates. Relationship between the individual administrator
and supervisors, the employees supervised, and associates at a
comparable level in the organization.
MAN 6721-Business Policy (4) Prereq: all MBA required
courses. Designed for MBA candidates and taken last semester
before graduation. Integrating and applying the various
functional and support areas of business administration; the
course approaches business policy making and administration
from the perspective of general manager.
MAR 6716-Problems and Methods of Marketing
Management (3) Prereq: ACC 5005, CEB 5756. Designed for
MBA candidates. Concepts and techniques for resolving
marketing management problems with students gaining
experience in making application.
STA 6358-Statistical Analysis for Managerial Decisions (3)
Prereq: CAP 5009, GEB 5756, MAN 5505. Designed for MBA
candidates. Data analysis techniques which have broad appli-
cation to managerial problems. Emphasis is placed upon diffi-
culties which can arise in the application of the techniques and
in the interpretation of results. Includes experience in the use of
computerized procedures and may require a substantial amount
of case analysis.
College of Engineering
Chairman: A. L. Fricke. Graduate Coordinator: H. H.
Lee. Professors: S. S. Block (Emeritus); R. W. Fahien
(Emeritus); A. L. Fricke; G. B. Hoflund; L. E. Johns, Jr.; H.
H. Lee; F. P. May (Emeritus); J. P. O'Connell; D. O. Shah;
R. D. Walker, Jr. (Emeritus). Associate Professors: T. J.
Anderson; D. W. Kirmse; R. Narayanan; G. B.
Westermann-Clark. Assistant Professors: G. Lyberatos; S.
Graduate work for the Ph.D., M.E., and M.S. degrees in
chemical engineering emphasizes these areas: (1) chem-
ical engineering science-transport phenomena, fluid
dynamics, thermodynamics, kinetics, statistical mechan-
ics, microstructure of matter, and materials science; (2)
chemical engineering systems-chemical reaction engi-
neering, process control, process dynamics, optimi-
zation, separation processes; and (3) interdisciplinary
chemical engineering-energy conversion and fuel cells,
polymer science, microelectronics, process economics,
biofluid mechanics, and bioengineering.
Beyond the Graduate School requirements, admission
to graduate work in chemical engineering depends upon
the qualifications of the student, whose record and
recommendations are carefully and individually studied.
During registration week each graduate student register-
ing for the first time is counseled to develop an initial
study program. The results of a brief examination cover-
ing the field of chemical engineering are also utilized by
the graduate committee to guide the student. As a conse-
quence, a program may include some undergraduate
courses, if needed, to prepare for graduate course work.
Theprogram of all students will involve research ex-
perience through the courses ECH 6905, 6971, or 7980.
All new graduate students are expected to become pro-
ficient in computer programming during their first
semester on campus.
CHM 5272-The Organic Chemistry of Polymers (2) Classifica-
tion of polymerization types and mechanisms from a mechan-
istic, organic point of view. Structure of synthetic and natural
polymers and polyelectrolytes. Reactions of polymers. Practical
synthetic methods of polymer preparation.
CHM 5511--The Physics and Physical Chemistry of Polymers
ECH 5344L-Process Systems Laboratory (2) Prereq: ECH
4323. Measuring instruments, analog data manipulation and
signal transmission in chemical process systems.
ECH 5708-Disinfection, Sterilization, and Preservation (2)
Description of problems and need for these treatments;
causative agents and their nature; nature and use of chemical
and physical antimicrobial agents; specific problems and
ECH 5746-Biochemical Engineering Principles (2) Microbial
and enzyme processes, with applications to industrial fermenta-
tions, enzyme utilization, and wastewater treatment.
ECH 6126-Thermodynamics of Reaction and Phase Equilibria
(3) Methods of treating chemical and phase equilibria in multi-
component systems through the application of thermodynamics
and molecular theory.
ECH 6146-Applied Statistical Mechanics (2) Methods of wave
mechanics and statistical mechanics in engineering problems.
ECH 6147-Statistical Thermodynamics (2) Use of statistical
mechanics to describe, predict, and correlate thermodynamic
properties of compounds and mixtures.
ECH 6159-Advanced Seminar in Thermodynamics (2; max: 8)
Prereq: consent of instructor. Research and current literature.
ECH 6206-Turbulent Transport Phenomena (2) Prereq: ECH
6285. Statistical theory of turbulence; correlation coefficients,
energy spectra, isotropy and homogeneity, eddy diffusivity, and
viscosity tensors. Boundary layer theory.
ECH 6207-Rheology (2) Analysis and characterization of
theological systems.
ECH 6208-Non-Newtonian Fluid Dynamics (2) Constitutive
equations for non-Newtonian fluids (including viscoelastic sub-
stances) such as polymers, plastics, paints, and slurries.
ECH 6226-Heat Transfer Operations (2) Process design of
equipment for heat transfer operations based on performance
and economic optima.
ECH 6261-Introduction to Transport Phenomena (3) Prereq:
MAC 3202. Basic equations of change for heat, mass, and
momentum. Applications of conservation and flux equations for
laminar and turbulent flow. Transfer coefficients, macroscopic
ECH 6263-Advanced Transport Phenomena (2-3) Prereq:
ECH 6261. Multicomponent equations of change, coupling of
fluxes, angular momentum equation, differential macroscopic
balances, population balances, transport in porous media,
electrochemical systems, interfaces and the atmosphere,
statistical theory of turbulence.
ECH 6269-Advanced Seminar in Transport Phenomena (2;
max: 8) Prereq: ECH 6285. Research and current literature.
ECH 6285-Transport Phenomena (1-3) Prereq: ECH 6261.
Continuation of ECH 6261.
ECH 6286-interfacial Transport Phenomena (2) Prereq: ECH
6285. Transport of heat, mass and momentum at interfaces.
Heat and mass transfer coefficients, drag coefficient, and fric-
tion factor. Boundary layer theory.
ECH 6296-Transport Properties and Irreversible Thermody-
namics (2) Prereq: ECH 6126. Molecular models and statistical
mechanical methods useful in the prediction and correlation of
viscosity, diffusivity, and thermal conductivity of fluids.
Boltzmann equation, radial distribution function, cell models,
absolute rate theory, corresponding states principle.
ECH 6306-Process Dynamics I (2) Dynamics and control of
chemical processing systems, with emphasis on the dynamics
of the unit operations and chemical reactions. Analog simu-
lation of chemical processing systems.
ECH 6307-Process Dynamics II (2)
ECH 6326-Computer Control of Processes (2) Introduction to
digital computers, sampled data systems and Z-transforms,
control of multiple input-multiple output systems, optimal con-
trol, state estimation and filtering, self-tuning regulators.
ECH 6328-Advanced Seminar in Process Control (2; max: 8)
Prereq: ECH 6306, 6307. Research and current problems.
ECH 6406-Mass Transfer Operations (2) Process design of
equipment for mass transfer operations based on performance
and economic optima.
ECH 6413-Stagewise Separations Processes (2) Theory, de-
sign, and evaluation of separation processes such as distillation
columns, extractors, and absorbers. Multicomponent-multistage
distributions using rigorous digital computer computational
methods. Real-time modeling for process automation.
ECH 6428-Advances in Separations Processes (2) Prereq: ECH
6413. Separations processes such as thermal diffusion,
molecular distillation, fractional crystallization, absorption
fractionation, and zone refining.
ECH 6506-Chemical Engineering Kinetics (3) Fundamental
aspects of chemical reactors, including collision theory,
transition rate theory, unimolecular rate theory, homogeneous
gas and liquid phase kinetics, and heterogeneous kinetics.
ECH 6526-Reactor Design and Optimization (3) Funda-
mentals of heterogeneous reactor design including the charac-
terization of catalytic reactions and support, the development of
global rate of the intrinsic reaction affected by chemical and
physical deactivation of catalyst, intra- and interphase mass and
heat transfer, and the design and optimization of various types
of heterogeneous reactors.
ECH 6606-Process Economy Analysis (2) Economics in design
and operation of chemical engineering equipment. Analysis for
decision under conditions of certainty and uncertainty with
applications of queuing, Monte Carlo, Markov Processes, and
geometric and dynamic programming.
ECH 6626-Optimization Techniques (2) Prereq: ECH 4842 or
6845. Introduction to optimization techniques used in chemical
process operations, process control, and systems engineering.
ECH 6627-Process Systems Optimization (2) Optimization of
chemical process and systems, with particular emphasis on dy-
namic programming and the maximum principle.
ECH 6646-Process Equipment Design (2) Unit operations,
with emphasis on design of equipment to perform the service
required, considering capacity, materials, equipment and
ECH 6647-Process and Plant Design (2) Techniques in the
design of various complex chemical processes and plants.
ECH 6666-Design Techniques for Process Systems (2)
Computer-aided process simulation and design. Decomposition
techniques for system synthesis, analysis, and optimization.
ECH 6688-Advances in Process Systems Engineering (2)
Prereq: ECH 6666.
ECH 6706-Chemical Energy Conversion (2) Prereq: ECH 4264
or 6261. Principles of thermodynamics and transport phenom-
ena applied to the analysis and design of chemical energy con-
version devices.
ECH 6707-Process Engineering (2) Application of chemical
engineering operations and processing to industrial operations,
such as petroleum refinery, manufacture of phosphates and
fertilizers, and paper pulp processing.
ECH 6709-Electrochemical Engineering Fundamentals and
Design (3) Fundamentals of electronics and ionics applied to
systems of interest in electrochemical engineering.
ECH 6726-Interfacial Phenomena I (2) Prereq: CHM 2043C,
PHY 2052. Air-liquid and liquid-liquid interfaces; surface-active
molecules, adsorption at interfaces, foams, micro- and macro-
emulsions, retardation of evaporation and damping of waves by
films, surface chemistry of biological systems.
ECH 6727-Interfacial Pheonomena II (2) Prereq: CHM
2043C, PHY 2052. Solid-gas, solid-liquid, solid-solid interfaces.
Adsorption of gases and surface-active molecules on metal sur-
faces, contact angle and spreading of liquids, wetting and
dewetting, lubrication, biolubrication, flotation, adhesion,
biological applications of surfaces.
ECH 6766-Particulate Systems (2) Dynamics of fluid-solid,
fluid-fluid, and biological systems; generalized population
balances, macroscopic particle balance, kinetics of particle
growth, birth and death functions, particle size determination.
Crystallization, filtration, aerosols, entrainment, free molecule
flow, and fluidized reactors.
ECH 6826-Engineering Properties of Organic Materials (2)
Theoretical studies in molecular science. Correlation of com-
,position, microstructure, and morphology of organic materials
with macroscopic engineering properties.
ECH 6827-Macromolecular Materials (2) Formation, struc-
ture, and physical and chemical properties of macromolecules.
Polymerization and processing methods. Commercial tech-
niques in forming. Applications.
ECH 6844-Chemical Engineering Calculations (2) Calculation
techniques used in advanced engineering problems.
ECH 6845-Models and Methods (3) Prereq: ECH 6844. Mathe-
matical modeling and application to engineering problems of
differential equations, operational calculus, computation tech-
niques, complex variables, integral .equations, and matrix
ECH 6846-Methods of Multidimensional Systems (3) Green's
functions for partial differential equations, regular and singular
perturbation methods in transport phenomena. Special topics of
related interest. H
ECH 6847-Applied Field Theory (2) Field equations of heat,
mass, and momentum transport, and electromagnetic theory in
orthogonal and nonorthogonal Euclidean and non-Euclidean
geometries. Covariant and convective differentiation of tensors.
Surface geometries. Applications of Laplace, Helmholtz,
diffusion, and wave equation.
ECH 6848-Applied Statistics and Probabilistic Systems (2)
Prereq: ECH 6845. Applications of random variables and prob-
ability distributions; stochastic models, Monte Carlo
techniques, statistical inference, sampling distributions, tests of
significance, and experimental design..
ECH 6849-Advances in Numerical and Analytical Computa-
tion (2) Prereq: ECH 6845, 6846. Numerical and analytical
techniques such as iterative matrix methods, hybrid computa-
tion, direct vector methods, functional analysis and adaptive
ECH 6905-Individual Work (1-6; max: 12) Individual engi-
neering projects suitable for a nonthesis Master of Engineering
ECH 6910-Supervised Research (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
ECH 6926-Graduate Seminar (1; max: 10)
,ECH 6936-Advanced Seminar in Chemical Engineering (1-2;
max: 8) Research and current literature.
ECH 6937-Topics in Chemical Engineering I (1-4; max: 9)
Separations processes, reactor design, applied molecular and
kinetic theory, thermodynamics, particulate systems. Properties
of chemical substances, transport phenomena, non-Newtonian
fluid dynamics, turbulence, applied mathematics, computer
science, biochemical and electrochemical engineering.
ECH 6939-Topics in Chemical Engineering III (1-4; max: 9)
ECH.6940-Supervised Teaching (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
ECH 6969-Research Proposal Preparation (1-2; max: 4) H.
ECH 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-15) S/U.
ECH 7938-Advanced Special Chemical Engineering Topics
for Doctoral Candidates (1-4; max: 8)
ECH 7979-Advanced Research (1-9) Research for doctoral stu-
dents before admission to candidacy. Designed .for students
with a master's degree in the field of study or for students who
have been accepted for a doctoral program. Not open to
students who have been admitted to candidacy. S/U.
ECH 7980-Research for Doctoral Dissertation (1-15) S/U.
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Chairman: W. R. Dolbier, Jr. Graduate Coordinator: J. F.
Helling. Graduate Research Professors: R. S. Drago;
H. A. Laitinen; P. O. Lowdin; J. D. Winefordner. Kenan
Professor of Organic Chemistry; A. R. Katritzky. Distin-
guished Service Professor: H. H. Sisler (Emeritus). Profes-
sors: E. W. Baker;* R. A. Bartlett; M. A. Battiste; T.
Bieber;* W. S. Brey, Jr.; G. B. Butler (Emeritus); J. A.
Deyrup; W. R. Dolbier, Jr.; J. R. Eyler; R. J. Hanrahan;
J. F. Helling; T. E. Hogen Esch; W. M. Jones; D. A. Micha;
M. L. Muga; E. E. Muschlitz, Jr. (Emeritus); N. Y. Ohm;
G. A. Palenik; W. B. Person; J. R. Perumareddi;* C. E.
Reid (Emeritus); G. E. Ryschkewitsch; M. T. Vala, Jr.; C.
A. VanderWerf; W. Weitner, Jr.; M. C. Zerner; J. A. Zolte-
wicz. Associate Professors: S. O. Colgate; J. G. Dorsey;
A. Lombardo;* G. H. Myers; G. M. Schmid; P. A.
Snyder;* R. C. Stoufer; K. Wagener; R. A. Yost. Assistant
Professors: A. Brajter-Toth; D. Richardson; D. W. Sieg-
mann; V. Young.
*These members of the faculty of Florida Atlantic University are also
members of the graduate faculty of the University of Florida and
participate in the doctoral program in the University of Florida
Department of Chemistry.
The Department of Chemistry offers the Master of
Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees with speciali-
zation in analytical, organic, inorganic, or physical
chemistry. The nonthesis degree Master of Science in
Teaching is also offered with a major in chemistry.
New graduate students should have adequate under-
graduate training in inorganic, analytical, organic, and
physical chemistry. Normally this will include as a mini-
mum a year of general chemistry which may include
qualitative analysis, one semester of quantitative analy-
sis, one year of organic chemistry, one year of physical
chemistry, and one semester of advanced inorganic
chemistry. Additional courses in instrumental analysis,
advanced physical and organic chemistry are desirable.
Deficiencies in any of these areas may be corrected dur-
ing the first year of graduate study. Such deficiencies are
determined by a series of placement tests given prior to
registration, and the results of these tests are used in
planning the student's program.
Doctoral candidates are required to complete a series
of courses specified by the division of the Chemistry
Department in which they choose to major, CHM 6470,
and two out-of-major-division courses or equivalent
examinations. Additional courses may be required by the
student's supervisory committee or major professor.
Candidates must serve not less than one year as teach-
ing assistants. This requirement will be waived only
when, in the opinion of the department, unusual
circumstances justify such action.
A chemical-physics option is offered for students who
will be doing research in areas of physical chemistry
which require a strong background in physics. For this
option, a student meets the departmental requirements
for concentration in physical chemistry, except that only
one out-of-major division course is required. In addition,
a minimum of 15 credits in 4000 level or higher physics
courses or a minimum of eight such credits in physics
and eight in 4000 level or higher mathematics courses is
Candidates for the master's degree are required to
complete any two core courses. The Master of Science
degree in chemistry requires a thesis. The nonthesis
degree Masterof Science in Teaching is offered with a
major in chemistry and requires a written paper of sub-
stantial length (30-50 pages) on an approved topic per-
taining to some phase of chemistry, under the course
CHM 6905.
CHM 5224-Basic Principles for Organic Chemistry (3) Pre-
req: one year of undergraduate organic chemistry. A review for
those students intending to enroll in the Advanced Organic
Sequence CHM 6225, 6226.
CHM 5235-Organic Spectroscopy (3) Prereq: CHM 3211. Ad-
vanced study of characterization and structure proof of organic
compounds by spectral methods, including IR, UV, NMR, and
mass spectrometry.'
CHM 5272-The Organic Chemistry of Polymers (2) Prereq:
CHM 3210, 3200, or equivalent. Classification of polymeriza-
tion types and mechanisms from a mechanistic organic point of
view. The structure of synthetic and natural polymers and poly-
electrolytes. Reaction of polymers. Practical synthetic methods
of polymer preparation..
CHM 5300-Chemistry of Biological Molecules (3) Prereq:
CHM 3211 or 3216 and 4412 or 3401 or consent of instructor.
Mechanistic organic biochemistry. Emphasis on model systems,
enzyme active sites, and physical and organic chemistry of bio-
CHM 5413L-Advanced Physical Chemistry Laboratory (2)
Prereq: CHM 4412L. Laboratory techniques used in experi-
mental research; techniques of design and fabrication of
scientific apparatus. Advanced experiments involving optical,
electronic, and high vacuum equipment.
CHM 5511-Physical Chemistry of Polymers (2) Prereq: CHM
4411 or equivalent. Structure, configuration, confirmation, and
thermodynamics of polymer solutions,. gels, and solids.
Thermal, mechanical, optical, and theological properties of
plastics and rubbers.
CHM 5511L-Polymer Chemistry Laboratory (1) Prereq or co-
req: CHM 5511. Laboratory experiments designed to accom-
pany CHM 5511.
CHM 5514-Chemical Computations (2) Prereq: CHM 4412
and knowledge of FORTRAN programming. Solution of
difficult chemical problems in equilibrium, kinetics, and
spectroscopy. Applications of computers to chemical research
-control of experimental procedures and data reduction.
CHM 5626-Modern Inorganic Chemistry (3) Prereq: CHM
3610 and 4410. Topics of current interest in inorganic
chemistry, e.g., coordination chemistry, organometallic
chemistry, inorganic polymers, nonclassical polyhedral
CHM 5631L-Inorganic Synthesis (2) Prereq: CHM 3610.
Synthesis and characterization of inorganic compounds.
CHM 6153-Electrochemical Processes (2) Principles of elec-
trochemical methods, ionic solutions, and electrochemical
CHM 6154-Chemical Separations (2) Theory and practice of
modern separation methods with emphasis on gas and liquid
chromatographic techniques.
CHM 6155-Spectrochemical Methods (2) Principles of atomic
and molecular spectrometric methods; discussion of instrumen-
tation, methodology, applications.
CHM 6157-Chemical Analysis and Instrumental Methods (3)
Prereq: CHM 3120C and CHM 4411. For non-analytical chem-
ists, basics of analytical data, chemical equilibria, electro-
analytical measurement methods, spectroscopic methods, and
separation methods.
CHM 6158C-Electronics and Instrumentation (1-4; max: 6)
Principles of operation of instruments, optimization of instru-
mental conditions, and interpretation of instrumental data for
qualitative and quantitative analysis.
CHM 6165-Chemometrics (2) Prereq: graduate standing. Ana-
lytical method, information theory, and chemometrics, includ-
ing statistical data analysis, heuristic and non-heuristic data
analysis (pattern recognition and artificial intelligence), and
experimental design and optimization.
CHM 6180-Special Topics in Analytical Chemistry (1-3; max:
9) Prereq: two courses of graduate level analytical chemistry.
Lectures or conferences covering selected topics of current
interest in analytical chemistry.
CHM 6190-Analytical Chemistry Seminar (1) Attendance re-
quired of graduate majors in the analytical area. Prereq:
graduate course in analytical chemistry. Presentation of one
seminar. May be repeated for credit. S/U option.
CHM 6225-Advanced Principles of Organic Chemistry (4)
Prereq: CHM 3211, 5224, 5235. Principles of organic
chemistry and their application to reaction mechanisms.
CHM 6226-Advanced Synthetic Organic Chemistry (3)
Prereq: CHM 6225. Discussion and application of synthetic
CHM 6227-Topics in Synthetic Organic Chemisfry (2) Prereq:
CHM 6226. Synthesis of complex organic molecules, with
emphasis on recent developments in approaches and methods.
CHM 6251-Organometallic Compounds (3) Properties of
organometallic compounds, the nature of the carbon-metal
bond, compounds of metals in groups 1, 2, 3, and 4, and tran-
sition metals.
CHM 6260-Physical-Organic Chemistry (2) Theory and appli-
cation of physical methods in the study of the behavior of
organic compounds.
CHM 6270-The Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds (2)
Prereq: CHM 6225, 6226, 6227.
CHM 6271-The Chemistry of High Polymers (2) Fundamental
approach, with emphasis on the mechanisms of polymerization
reactions and the relationship of physical properties to chemical
CHM 6271 L-High Polymer Chemistry Laboratory (1) Prereq
or coreq: CHM 6271. Two three-hour laboratories per week or
their equivalent. Preparation of representative members of the
high polymer family and determination of their physical proper-
ties, methods of polymerization, and determination of funda-
mental polymer properties.
CHM 6381-Special Topics in Organic Chemistry (1-3; max: 9)
Prereq: CHM 6225, 6226. Chemistry of selected types of organic
compounds, such as alkaloids, carbohydrates, natural products,
CHM 6390-Organic Chemistry Seminar (1) Attendance re-
quired of graduate majors in the organic area. Presentation of
one seminar. May be repeated for credit. S/U option.
CHM 6430-Chemical Thermodynamics (3) Energetics, prop-
erties of ideal and nonideal systems primarily from the stand-
point of classical thermodynamics.
CHM 6440-Advanced Chemical Kinetics (3) Prereq: CHM
6720 or equivalent. Rates and mechanisms of chemical reaction.
CHM 6449-Photochemistry (2) Prereq: CHM 6440 or 6720.
Experimental and theoretical aspects of chemical reactions
induced by visible and ultraviolet radiation. Fluorescence and
CHM 6461-Statistical Thermodynamics (3) Prereq: CHM
6430. Fundamental principles with applications to systems of
chemical interest.
CHM 6470-Chemical Bonding and Spectra I (3) Basic meth-
ods and applications of quantum chemistry; atomic structure;
chemical bonding in diatomic and polyatomic molecules. Brief
introduction to molecular spectroscopy.
CHM 6471-Chemical Bonding and Spectra II (3) Prereq: CHM
6470. Theory of symmetry and its chemical applications; semi-
empirical molecular orbital treatment of simple inorganic and
organic molecules; further applications to inorganic and
organic chemistry.
CHM 6480-Elements of Quantum Chemistry (3) Prereq: CHM
6471. Brief treatment of the Schrodinger equation, followed by
a survey of applications to chemical problems.
CHM 6481-Quantum Theory of Matter I (3) Prereq: CHM
6470 or PHY 5624. Identical to PHS 6225. Quantum mechan-
ics of atoms; Hartree-Fock theory; interaction of radiation and
matter; relativistic theory.
CHM 6482-Quantum Theory of Matter II (3) Prereq: CHM
6481. Identical to PHS 7226. Diatomic and polyatomic mole-
cules; symmetry properties and group theory.
CHM 6490-Theory of Molecular Spectroscopy (3) Coreq:
CHM 6471. Molecular energy levels, spectroscopic selection
rules; rotational, vibrational, electronic and magnetic reso-
nance spectra of diatomic and polyatomic molecules.
CHM 6510-Physical Chemistry of Surfaces and Colloids (3)
Liquid-gas and solid-gas interface; adsorption and heteroge-
neous catalysis; properties of colloidal and macromolecular
,CHM 6512-The Physical Chemistry of Polymers (2) Prereq:
CHM 3211, 4411, and calculus through differential equations.
Configuration of polymer chains; solution properties of
polymers and polyelectrolytes; solid state properties of
CHM 6515-Radiation Chemistry (2) Prereq: CHM 6440 or
6720. Chemical and physical effects caused by ionizing
radiations. Kinetics and mechanism of radiation-induced reac-
CHM 6520-Chemical Physics (3) Prereq: CHM 6470 or per-
mission of instructor. Identical to PHS 6247. Topics from the
following: intermolecular forces; molecular dynamics; electro-i
magnetic properties of molecular systems; solid surfaces;
theoretical and computational methods.
CHM 6580-Special Topics in Physical Chemistry (1-3; max:,
12) Lecture or conferences covering selected topics of current
interest in physical chemistry.
CHM 6590-Physical Chemistry Seminar (1) Attendance re-
quired of graduate majors in physical chemistry. Prereq:
graduate course in physical chemistry. Presentation of one
seminar. S/U option.
CHM 6620-Advanced Inorganic Chemistry I (3) The crystal-
line state; covalent bonding; acids, bases, and solvents,
nonmetallic compounds of Groups III through VII with em-
phasis on structure and reactivity.
CHM 6621-Advanced Inorganic Chemistry II (3) Prereq:
CHM 6620. Electronic structure of metals and transition metal
complexes; solution chemistry and reaction mechanisms at
metal centers; redox reactions; introduction to organometallic
and bioinorganic chemistry.
CHM 6622C-Inorganic Preparations (4) Lectures and labora-
tory experiments showing the reactions and techniques used in
the synthesis of inorganic compounds.
CHM 6623-Chemistry of the Metals (3) Prereq: CHM 6471,
6730. Relation of properties to atomic, molecular, and crystal
CHM 6624-Chemistry of Nonmetals (3) Prereq: CHM 6730.
Relations of properties to atomic, molecular, and crystal
CHM 6626-Applications of Physical Methods in Inorganic
Chemistry (3) Prereq: graduate standing or consent of instruc-
tor. Principles and applications of spectroscopic methods to the
solution of inorganic problems. Those techniques used most ex-
tensively in current inorganic research are treated.
CHM 6680-Special Topics in Inorganic Chemistry (1-3; max:
12) Lectures or conferences on selected topics of current re-
search interest in inorganic chemistry.
CHM 6690-Inorganic Chemistry Seminar (1) Attendance re-
quired of graduate majors in inorganic chemistry. Prereq:
graduate course in inorganic chemistry. Presentation of one
seminar. May be repeated for credit. S/U option.
CHM 6710-Applied Molecular Spectroscopy (3) Applications
and comparison of methods in analysis and molecular structure
CHM 6720-Chemical Dynamics (3) Basic concepts of rate
laws, collision theory, and transition state theory; an intro-
duction to reaction dynamics, structural dynamics, and quanti-
tative structure-reactivity correlations.
CHM 6905-Individual Problems, Advanced (3-5; max: 10)
Prereq: consent of faculty member supervising the work.
Double registration permitted. 'Assigned reading program or
development of assigned experimental problem. S/U option.
CHM 6910-Supervised Research (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
CHM 6935-Chemistry Colloquium (1; max: 7) Topics pre-
sented by visiting scientists and local staff members. S/U option.
CHM 6940-Supervised Teaching (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
CHM 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-15) S/U.
CHM 7485-Special Topics in Theory of Atomicand Molecular
Structure (1-3; max: 9) Prereq: CHM 6482 or PHS 6226, or
equivalent. Mathematical techniques used in atomic, molec-
ular, and solid-state theory. The one-electron approximation
and the general quantum-mechanical anybody problems.
Selected advanced topics.
CHM 7979-Advanced Research (1-9) Research for doctoral
students before admission to candidacy. Designed for students
with a master's degree in the field of study or for students who
have been accepted for a doctoral program. Not open to stu-
dents who have been admitted to candidacy. S/U.
CHM 7980-Research for Doctoral Dissertation (1-15) S/U.
CHS 5110--Radiochemistry (2) Prereq: CHM 3401 or 4412'or
consent of instructor. Properties of radioactive nuclei, nature of
radioactivity, nuclear structure, nuclear reactions, interaction of
radiation with matter, chemical aspects of radioactivity, and
applications of nucleonics to chemistry.
CHS 5110L-Radiochemistry Laboratory (2) Prereq: CHM
3120C and 3401 or 4412, or consent of instructor. Radio-
activity detection, radiochemical separations and analyses,
radiochemistry laboratory techniques, the practice of radio-
logical safety, and tracer applications of radioisotopes in chem-
istry and other fields.
CHS 6120-Nuclear Chemistry (3) Prereq: CHS 5110. Radio-
activity, nuclear structure, decay processes, nuclear reactions.
SED 6943-Internship in College Teaching (2,4 or multiples of
2, up to the required total of 6) Prereq: permission of Chemis-
try Department. Required of all candidates for the Master of
Science in Teaching degree. Recommended for all graduate
students in chemistry.
College of Engineering
Chairman & Graduate Coordinator: J. H. Schaub. Grad-
uate Research Professor: R. G. Dean. Distinguished Ser-
vice Professor: J. H. Schaub. Professors: B. A. Christen-
sen; D. U. Deere; W. C. Huber; A. J. Mehta; B. E. Ruth;
M. W. Self; B. D. Spangler; F. C. Townsend; J. A. Wattle-
worth; J. Zoltek. Associate Professors: C. A. Collier; K. G.
Courage; J. L. Davidson; J. L. Eades; C. O. Hays; Z.
Herbsman; G. Long; W. G. Shafer; W. H. Zimpfer. Assis-
tant Professors: T. G. Curtis; F. E. Fagundo; J. M. Lybas;
M. C. McVay; M. Tia. Associate Engineer: C. E. Wallace.
Assistant Engineer: D. G. Bloomquist.
The following graduate degrees are offered to prepare
qualified students for the professional practice of civil
engineering: Master of Civil Engineering, Master of Engi-
neering, Master of Science, Engineer, and Doctor of
Philosophy. All degree programs include areas of con-
centration in the specialties of construction, geotechnical
engineering, hydraulics, structures, and transportation
engineering. All degrees except the Ph.D. are available in
a thesis or nonthesis program.
Nonthesis degree students must successfully complete
a report of substantial engineering content for a minimum
of two hours credit in ECI 6974. Minor or supporting
work is encouraged from a variety of related or allied
fields of study.
Subject to approval by the supervisory committee,
graduate level courses taken throughthe Departments of
Engineering Sciences, Coastal and Oceanographic Engi-
neering, Environmental Engineering Sciences, and
Geology are considered as major credit.
CES 5116-Finite Elements in Civil Engineering (3) Prereq: CES
3103. Introductions to finite elements, use of finite element
concepts for structural analysis. Application of 1-, 2-, and 3-D
elements to structural problems.
CES 5305-Design of Structural Systems (2) Prereq: CES 4705,
4605. Fundamental characteristics of structural systems. Eco-
nomic and architectural considerations. Building frames and
connections. Plate girders. Special structures.
CES 5325-Design of Highway Bridges (3) Prereq: CES 4605,
4705. Analysis by influence lines, slab and girder bridges, com-
posite design, prestressed concrete, continuity, arch bridges,
design details, highway specifications.
CES 5607-Behavior of Steel Structures (3) Prereq: CES 4605.
Plastic analysis and design of beams and frames. Buckling and
stability problems. Connections.
CES 5715-Prestressed Concrete (3) Prereq: CES 4705.
Analysis and design of prestressed concrete flexural members;
pre- and post-tensioned construction, allowable stress, strength
evaluation; design for bending moments and shear; evaluation
of serviceability requirements; design of simple bridges.
CES 5726-Design of Concrete Systems (3) Prereq: CES 4705.
Strength design of members and frames, torsion, two-way slabs,
design of building systems, prestressed concrete.
CES 5801-Design and Construction in Timber (2) Prereq: con-
sent of instructor. Analysis and design in timber. Beams,
columns and connections. Timber structure. Plywood beams,
panels, diaphragms. Laminated beams and frames. Formwork.
CES 6106-Advanced Structural Analysis I (4) Prereq: CES
4605, 4705. Traditional methods of analyses for forces and de-
formations; modern matrix methods including direct stiffness
CES 6108-Advanced Structural Analysis II (3) Prereq: EGM
3400, CES 6106. Evaluation of structural response to the effect
of dynamic loads for single and multidegree of freedom
systems. Consideration of seismic and wind effects, modal
analysis, numerical methods, structural idealization, response
spectra, and design codes.
CES 6136-Advanced Structural Laboratory (2) Prereq: CES
4605, 4705. Model studies and analysis. Mechanics of simili-
tude and dimensional analysis applied to static and dynamic
structural problems. Research topics. Experimental stress
analysis. Instrumentation.
CES 6165-Computer Methods in Structural Engineering (3)
Prereq: COP 3212, CES 6106. Modern program development
techniques for structural analysis. Efficiency, databases, modu-
larity, equation solving, and substructure programming
CES 6526-Nonlinear Structural Analysis and Design (2) Pre-
req: CES 6108. Sources of nonlinearity. Tangent stiffness
method. Beam-columns on elastic foundations. Discrete'rneth-
ods for soil-structure interaction.
CES 6551-Design of Folded Plates and Shells (3) Prereq: CES
4605, 4705. Analysis for membrane stresses; pressure vessels,
secondary bending stresses. Design of shell systems and folded
plates. Design details.
CES 6706-Advanced Reinforced Concrete (3) Prereq: CES
4704, 5726. Torsion in structural members. Ultimate load
theories and application to design. Yield-line theory for slabs.
Shear walls, combined shear walls and frames. Research topics.
CES 6716-Advanced Prestressed Concrete (2) Prereq: CES
4704, 5726. Continuity in prestressed concrete; design of
connections, post-tensioning applications, segmental construc-
tion. Circular prestressing. Research topics.
ECI 5055-Civil Engineering Design (3) Practical problems in
civil engineering design taught by practicing engineers.
ECI 5124-Civil Engineering Systems (3) Civil engineering
applications of operations research techniques, models of
scheduling, linear programming, queueing theory, and
ECI 5125-Construction Equipment and Procedures (2) Prereq:
ECI 4145 or consent of instructor. Design and optimization of
equipment systems for heavy construction:
ECI 5147-Construction Planning and Scheduling (2) Prereq:
ECI 4145. Planning, scheduling, organizing, and control of civil
engineering projects with CPM and PERT. Application of opti-
mization techniques.
ECI 5156-Value Engineering Theory (3) Value engineering
concepts, function analysis system techniques (FAST), diagram-
ming, creativity, matrix evaluation, design-to-cost, life cycle
costing, human relations and strategies for organizing, perform-
ing, and implementing value engineering work.
ECI 5157-Civil Engineering Feasibility Analysis (3) Prereq: ECI
4137 or equivalent studies in time-value of money. Theory and
practice of feasibility studies for proposed civil engineering
projects and other related areas of interest.
ECI 5166-Legal Aspects of Civil Engineering (3) Engineer's
view of contracts for design and construction. Legislation and
policy affecting labor-management relationships in construc-
ECI 5186-Public Works Planning (3) Functional approach to
planning and implementing public works for urban areas.
Examines public works needs of residential, commercial, indus-
trial, and other land uses.
ECI 5235-Open Channel Hydraulics (3) Prereq: ECI 4214 or
consent of instructor. Classification of flow. Normal depth.
Specific energy and critical depth. Gradually varied flow. Tran-
ECI 5265-Hydraulics Machinery (2) Prereq: ECI 4214 or
consent of instructor. Selection and operation of hydraulic mo-
*tors, pumps and transmissions. Specific speed. Cavitation.
Surge tanks.
ECI 5325-Foundation Design (3) Prereq: CES 4705, ECI 4305
or consent of instructor. Investigations, bearing capacity, and
the analysis and design of shallow footings, walls, and deep
piled foundations.
ECI 5335--nsitu Measurement of Soil Properties (3) Prereq:
.ECI 4305, 4314 or consent of instructor. Methods of soil ex-
ploration; techniques of soil sampling and insitu testing.
ECI 5335L-Lab for Insitu Measurement of Soil Properties (1)
Prereq: ECI 4314, 4305. Field performance of insitu soil testing
and sampling.
ECI 5355-Earth and Rockfill Dams (2) Prereq: ECI 4305. De-
sign requirements, construction techniques, compaction con-
trol, soil testing and sampling, foundation preparation, and field
ECI 5575-Remote Sensing Methods and Engineering Applica-
tions (3) Prereq: TTE 4104. Introduction into remote sensing
and imaging systems including photographic and digital pro-
cessing methods for image analysis. Emphasis on use of
LANDSAT imagery and aerial photography for engineering
ECI 5625-Groundwater Flow I (3) Prereq: ECI 4214 or con-
sent of instructor. Porous media flow. Darcy's law. Conserva-
tion of mass. LaPlace equation. Flownets. Well hydraulics.
ECI 6045-Computer Applications in Geotechnical Engineer-
ing (2) Prereq: ECI 4041, 6316 or consent of instructor. Appli-
cation of computer solutions to geotechnical engineering
ECI 6046-Computer Applications in Construction Engineering
and Management (3) Prereq: COP 3212, ECI 5147, or consent
of instructor. Application of computer solutions to construction
engineering/civil engineering management problems; includes
the use of micro-computers.
ECI 6153-Civil Engineering Practice 1 (2) Prereq: graduate
status. Advanced civil engineering management skills and pro-
cedures in support of design and construction practices above
the project level.
ECI 6154-Civil Engineering Operations I (2) Prereq: graduate
status. Advanced construction engineering and management
procedures at the project level to support quantitative decision
ECI 6155-Civil Engineering Practice II (2) Prereq: ECI 4145 or
consent of instructor. Advanced construction engineering man-
agement and productivity topics above the project level.
ECI 6158-Civil Engineering Operations II (2) Prereq: ECI 4145
or consent of instructor. Advanced construction engineering
techniques and management coordination procedures for civil
engineering projects.
ECI 6223-Numerical Models in Hydraulics (3) Prereq: ECI
4214 or consent of instructor. Application of numerical
methods to hydraulic engineering problems; dispersion, porous
media flow, river and estuarine mechanics, thermal diffusion.
ECI 6227-Diffusive and Dispersive Transport (2) Prereq: ECI
4214 or consent of instructor. Introduction to diffusive and
dispersive transport processes in flowing water. Fick's law.
ECI 6228-Hydraulic Laboratory and Field Practice (3) Prereq:
ECI 4214 or consent of instructor. Hydraulic model laws and
their use in undistorted and distorted models with movable or
fixed beds. Instrumentation. Data acquisition system.
ECI 6233-Sediment Transport II (2) Prereq: ECI 6237 or
consent of instructor. Review of fundamental laws of scour initi-
ation and sediment transport. River morphology. Movable bed
hydraulic models.
ECI 6234-Hydraulics of Stratfied Flow (2) Prereq: ECI 5235 or
consent of instructor. Uniform and nonuniform flow in multi-
layered systems. Oscillatory motion and interfacial mixing.
ECI 6237-Sediment Transport I (3) Prereq: ECI 5234 or con-
sent of instructor. Introduction to movable bed models. Sedi-
ment properties. Scour initiation. Influence of slope. Stable
channels. Bed forms. Transport as bed load and suspended
ECI 6238-Transient Flow in Channels and Pipes (3) Prereq:
ECI 5235 or consent of instructor. Water hammers in singular
pipes and systems. Governing differential equations. Numerical
methods. Unsteady open channel flow equations.
ECI 6245-Transient Flows in Open Channel (3) Prereq: ECI
5235 or consent of instructor. Basic equations for unsteady
flows in opera channels; method of characteristics; finite dif-
ference approximations; flood routing.
ECI 6316-Advanced Soil Mechanics (3) Prereq: ECI 4305,
4314, or consent of instructor. Nature and origin of soil.
Stresses within a soil body. Stress-strain behavior and shear
strength of dry, saturated no flow, and saturated transient flow
ECI 6317-Theoretical Soil Mechanics (2) Prereq: consent of
instructor.. Nature of soil-water systems; analysis of stress,
strains, equations of states; theological behavior of soils, failure
in soil media.
ECI 6346-Soil Dynamics (2) Dynamic principles; lumped sys-
tems; elastic half-space theory; soil behavior under dynamic
loading; foundation design problems; earthquakes.
ECI 6416-Properties, Design and Control of Concrete (3)
Prereq: ECI 3403. Portland cement and aggregate properties re-
lating to design, control, and performance of concrete. Con-
crete forming and construction methods. Laboratory testing and
ECI 6426-Bituminous Materials (3) Prereq: TTE 4104. Analysis
of strength and deformation mechanism for asphalt concrete,
properties, and their effect on flexible pavement performance.
Pavement construction and quality assurance methods, testing
and evaluation of asphalts and mixture.
ECI 6436-Experimental Determination of Soil Properties (3)
Prereq: ECI 4305 or consent of instructor. Advanced laboratory
tests, constant rate of strain consolidation, factors influencing
stress-deformation response, elastic-plastic constitutive relation-
ships, failure criteria. H.
ECI 6576-Air Photo Interpretation: Terrain Analysis (3) Pre-
req: ECI 4314 or consent of instructor. Interpretive techniques
used to identify landforms, soils, rock, and potential engineer-
ing problems from aerial photography. Analysis for site selec-
tion and planning of soil exploration programs.
ECI 6605-Rock Mechanics and Engineering Geology (2) Pre-
req: ECI 4305. Behavior of rock subject to stress. Application of
rock mechanics and geology to the planning, design, and con-
struction of engineering structures.
ECI 6610-Groundwater Problems in Geotechnical Engineer-
ing (2) Prereq: ECI 4305, 4314 or consent of instructor. Darcy's
law, coefficient of permeability, flow nets; seepage forces.
Engineering applications-dewatering systems, slope stability,
filter design, earth dams, drainage.
ECI 6616-Groundwater Flow II (3) Prereq: ECI 5625 or
consent of instructor. Analytical.and computer modeling of
groundwater flow problems by means of finite difference, finite
element, and boundary element methods..
ECI 6633-Evaluation of Groundwater Quality (2) Prereq: ECI
5625 or 6616, or consent of instructor. Characteristics of flow
in saturated and unsaturated zones; solute convection and
dispersion; effects of chemical reactions 'and adsorption;
management of groundwater quality.
ECI 6645-Advanced Geotechnical Engineering I (4) Prereq:
ECI 6316 or consent of instructor. Application of soil mechanics
to the design and analysis of settlement, slope stability, and
bearing capacity problems.
ECI 6646-Advanced Geotechnical Engineering II (4) Prereq:
ECI 6316 or consent of instructor. Application of soil mechanics
to the design and analysis of bearing capacity and earth pres-
sure problems.
ECI 6905-Special Problems in Civil Engineering (1-6; max: 10)
Studies in areas not covered by other graduate courses.
ECI 6910-Supervised Research (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
ECI 6940-Supervised Teaching (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
ECI 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-15) S/U.
ECI 6974-Master of Engineering or Engineer Degree Report
(1-6) Individual work culminating in a professional practice-
oriented report suitable for the requirements of the Master of
Engineering or Engineer degree. Two credits only are applicable
toward the requirements of each degree. S/U.
ECI 7979-Advanced Research (1-9) Research for doctoral stu-
dents before admission to candidacy. Designed for students
with a master's degree in the field of study or for students who
have been accepted for a doctoral program. Not open to stu-
dents who have been admitted to candidacy. S/U.
ECI 7980-Research for Doctoral Dissertation (1-15) S/U.
TTE 5006-Transportation Systems Planning (4) Prereq: grad-
uate standing or consent of instructor. Analytical techniques for
estimating future travel demands, planning, transportation
facilities and locations. Review of transportation technology
and future systems.
'TTE 5105-Pavement Design (2) Prereq: TTE 4104 or consent
of instructor. Design of flexible and concrete pavements.
TTE 5256-Traffic Engineering (4) Prereq: TTE 4104 or equiva-
lent. Traffic studies, operations, flow, signals, signs and mark-
ings; regulation of traffic, pedestrian and bicycle operation,
parking lot operations, highway lighting.
TTE 5701-Geometric Design of Transportation Facilities (3)
Prereq: TTE 4104 or consent of instructor. Geometric design cri-
teria and controls of highways and intersections.
TTE 6106-Soil Stabilization (2) Prereq: graduate standing or
consent of instructor. Highway soil stabilization, methods of
stabilization, and behavior of materials.
TTE 6107-Highway Safety Analysis (2) Statistics and character-
istics of accidents, accident reconstruction, accident causation
and reduction.
TTE 6257-Traffic Control Systems (4) Prereq: TTE 5256. Traf-
fic controller operation, computer controlled signal systems,
modeling and optimization of traffic control systems, system
selection implementation and management.
TTE 6267-Traffic Flow Theory (3) Prereq: TTE 5256. Opera-
tional techniques used to optimize traffic flow including control
systems. Maintenance operations. Freeway operations and
control. Intersection channelization.
TTE 6307-Freeway Design and Operations (3) Prereq: TTE
5256. Operations of freeway systems, effects of design, ad-
vanced analysis techniques, freeway optimization techniques.
TTE 6516-Transportation Planning Decisions (3) Prereq: ECI
4137 or equivalent. Decisions on public investment analysis
methods, cost-benefit and delphi techniques, identification and
assessment of physical, social, and economic impacts of trans-
portation alternatives, costs of vehicle operations, accidents,
value of time, safety, other factors.
TTE 6526-Airport Planning and Operations (2) Prereq: TTE
6257. Location, configuration, air connections; ground, bag-
gage, and freight movements; passenger transfers; aircraft delay
analysis; airport access; parking needs; simulation of
operations; flight scheduling and control.
TTE 6606-Urban Transportation Models (4) Prereq: TTE 5006,
ECI 4041 or consent of instructor. Calibration and application
of UTPS computer models for urban transportation planning;
land use and urban activity models for forecasting and
allocation. H.
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Chairman & Graduate Coordinator: G. L. Schmeling.
Professors: J. P. Anton;* A. L. Motto;* G. L. Schmeling.
Associate Professors: S. K. Dickison; K. V. Hartigan;
D. G. Miller; L. A. Sussman.
These members of the faculty of the University of South Florida are
also members of the graduate faculty of the University of Florida and
participate in the master's program in the University of Florida
Department of Classics.
The department offers a program leading to the Master
of Arts with a major in Latin, which may be combined
with a minor in Greek, history, or philosophy.
LAT 6425-Latin Prose Composition (3) Translating English
into Latin and imitation of various Latin prose styles.
LAT 6840-History of the Latin Language (3)
LNW 5325-Roman Elegiac Poetry (3; max: 6) Readings from
the elegies of Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius, and Ovid. Elegy as
a genre.
LNW 5335-Roman Orators (3; max: 6) Theory and practice of
Roman oratory through Latin readings in Cicero, Seneca, and
LNW 5385-Roman Historians of the Empire (3; max: 6)
Readings from major historians of the period. Tacitus,
LNW 5655-Roman Poets: Horace (3; max: 6) Horace's lyric
poetry (the Odes). ,
LNW 5665-Roman Poets: Vergil (3; max: 6) The poetic art of
Vergil and its literary, historical, and political background.
LNW 5675-Roman Poets: Ovid (3; max: 6) Ovid's poetic art
against its literary, historical, and political background.
LNW 5931-Comparative Study of Latin and Greek Literature
(3; max: 6) Study by genre types, variable.
LNW 6015-History of Latin Literature (3) A comprehensive
survey of the development of Latin literature from Plautus to
LNW 6216-The Ancient Roman Novel (3; max: 6) Readings
from Petronius and/or Apuleius.
LNW 6355-Roman Epistolography (3; max: 6) Letters from
Cicero, Pliny, Seneca, Ovid, and Horace. Emphasis on appreci-
ation of Latin prose style.
LNW 6365-Studies in Roman Satire (3; max: 6) Readings from
Horace, Persius, Petronius, Juvenal, Martial.
LNW 6495-Late Latin Literature (3) Readings from one or
more of the following: Vulgate, Christian Church Fathers,
Historia Apollonii, Peregrinatio Aetheriae, Harrington's Medi-
eval Latin.
LNW 6905-Individual Work (2-4; max: 10) Readings and re-
ports in language and literature.
LNW 6910-Supervised Research (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
LNW 6930-Proseminar in Classics (3) Introduction to the
study of classical literature, history of scholarship,, bibliog-
raphies, areas of the discipline.
LNW 6940-Supervised Teaching (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
LNW 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-15) S/U.
College of Health Related Professions
Chairman: N. W. Perry. Graduate Coordinator: H. Davis.
Graduate Research Professor: P. J. Lang. Professors: B.
Barger; R. K. Blashfield; E. Cohen; L. D. Cohen
(Emeritus); H. Davis; S. M. Eyberg; J. R. Goldman; M.
Harrower (Emeritus); -K. Heilman; F. D. McGlynn; W. L.
Mealiea; B. G. Melamed; N. W. Perry; A. S. Schumacher
(Emeritus). Associate Professors: R. Bauer; D. Bowers; E.
B. Fennell; A. G. Glaros; M. Heft; R. K. Hornberger; J. H.
Johnson; S. B. Johnson; W. J. Rice; J. Silverstein. Assistant
Professors: N. Norvell; R. L. West.
The Department of Clinical Psychology is a unit of the
College of Health Related Professions. The department's
programs are its predoctoral clinical psychology studies
leading to the Ph.D. degree in psychology; the Psy-
chology Clinic, a teaching and service unit of the Shands
Hospital; an American Psychological Association
accredited predoctoral internship program, and post-
doctoral studies and research. The Master of Science
degree is offered as part of the doctoral program studies.
The clinical psychology program has academic ties
with other colleges and departments within the Univer-
sity and with the training and service programs of the
Veterans Administration Medical Center.
Progress in the program is determined by departmental
policies which are consistent with American Psychologi-
cal Association accreditation standards. The program has
been continuously accredited by the American Psycho-
logical Association since 1953.
Admission to the department is through appropriate
application to the department's admission committee. A
bachelor's degree is generally adequate preparation for
graduate admission. It should include an undergraduate
course in both experimental psychology and statistics,
along with at least three courses from the following
psychology areas: developmental, learning, perception,
personality, physiological, and social.
CLP 6375-Introduction to Clinical Psychology (1-3; max: 3)
Prereq: admission to CLP program. Seminar on issues and con-
cepts concurrent with field observation and participation.
CLP 6407-Psychological Treatment 1 (3) Prereq: admission to
CLP program or consent of instructor. Current dynamic and per-
sonality theories, practices, and related research in psycho-
CLP 6417-Psychological Treatment 11 (3) Prereq: admission to
CLP program or consent of instructor. Current behavioral
theories, practices, and related research.
CLP 6437-Behavioral Assessment (3) Prereq: admission to
CLP program or consent of instructor. Research, theory, and
basic procedures including observational and interview tech-
CLP 6441-Intellectual Assessment (3) Prereq: admission to
CLP program or consent of instructor. Research, theory, and
basic procedures in assessing intellectual function.
CLP 6446-Psychological Assessment of Children (3) Prereq:
admission to CLP program or consent of instructor. Develop-
mental, intellectual, visual-motor, achievement, and personality
assessment of children.
CLP 6447-Psychological Assessment of Adults (3) Prereq:
admission to CLP program or consent of instructor. Basic
theories, procedures and administration experience in assess-
ment of adult intellect and personality factors.
CLP 6448-Personality Assessment (3) Prereq: admission to
CLP program or consent of instructor. Research, theory, and
basic procedures including objective and projective techniques.
CLP 6449-Life History Research in Psychopathology (3) Pre-
req: CLP 6497 or consent of instructor. Recent and longitudinal
developments in life history approaches to psychopathology
and related behavioral disorders.
CLP 6497-Psychopathological Disturbances (3) Prereq:
admission to CLP or PSY program or consent of instructor.
Theories and related research to etiology, clinical description,
and diagnosis with implications for treatment.
CLP 6526-Introduction to Clinical Research and Design (2)
Prereq: admission to CLP or PSY program or consent of in-
structor. Survey emphasizing both laboratory and clinical
experiment methodology; computer data analysis techniques
CLP 6905-Individual Work (1-4; max: 12) Reading or research
in areas in clinical psychology.
CLP 6910-Supervised Research (1-4; max: 4) S/U.
CLP 6943-Practicum in Clinical Psychology (4; max: 8) Pre-
req: CLP 6375, 6437, 6441, 6448, 6497. Supervised training in
appropriate work settings. S/U.
CLP 6946-Advanced Practicum in Applied Medical Psychol-
ogy (1-3) Prereq: consent of instructor. Supervised clinical
experience in inpatient and outpatient consultation, assessment
and intervention with psychosomatic, stress-related and
somatopsychic disorders.
CLP 6947-Advanced Practicum in Clinical Psychology (1-4;
max: 8) Prereq: consent of clinical director. Designed for
individual with special interests and needs. S/U.
CLP 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-15) S/U.
CLP 7404-Special Issues, Methods, and Techniques in Psy-
chological Treatment (3; max: 12) Prereq: CLP 6375, 6407,
6417, or consent of instructor.
CLP 7406-Psychodynamic Theory (3; max: 6) Prereq: CLP
6375, 6407, 6417, or consent of instructor. Emphasis on dis-
turbed adolescents and young adults.
CLP 7409-Marital Dysfunction (3) Prereq: CLP 6375, 6407,
6417. Issues, problems and techniques of psychotherapy with
CLP 7427-Neuropsychological Assessment (3) Prereq: CLP
6441, 6448, PSB 6067. Research, theory and basic procedures.
CLP 7438-Selected Methods in Clinical Assessment (3; max:
12) Prereq: CLP 6437, 6441, 6448.
CLP 7468-Clinical Treatment with Groups (3) Current
theories and practices of group therapy as a form of psychologi-
cal treatment. Exploration of group therapy intervention tech-
CLP 7488-Clinical Treatment of Adolescents (3) Prereq: CLP
6375, 6407, 6417. Application of a variety of treatment tech-
CLP 7936-Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine (3)
Prereq: admission to CLP program or consent of instructor.
Seminar on the relevance of psychological research and clinical
practice for medical patient population.
CLP 7942-Practicum in Behavior Therapy (3) Prereq: CLP
6375, 6407, 6417. Application of behavioral treatment tech-
niques to actual patient and client needs.
CLP 7949-Internship (3) Prereq: admission to candidacy for
the doctorate, successful completion of the qualifying examina-
tion and consent of the clinical director. Reading assignments
and conferences. Must include 1500 work hours; designed as a
two semester sequence.
CLP 7979-Advanced Research (1-9) Research for doctoral stu-
dents before admission to candidacy. Designed for students
with a master's degree in the field of study or for students who
have been accepted for a doctoral program. Not open to stu-
dents who have been admitted to candidacy. S/U.
CLP 7980-Research for Doctoral Dissertation (1-15) S/U.
DEP 6216-Psychological Disturbances of Children (3) Prereq:
admission to CLP or PSY program or consent of instructor.
Stresses both affective and cognitive.
DEP 7408-Clinical Psychology of Aging (3) Prereq: consent of
instructor. A developmental sequence that focuses on the
psychopathology,. neuropsychology, and treatment issues con-
fronting the clinician dealing with an aged population.
College of Engineering
Chairman: H. Wang. Graduate Coordinator: D. M.
Sheppard. Graduate Research Professor: R. G. Dean.
Professors: M. K. Ochi; D. M. Sheppard; H. Wang.
Associate Professor: A. J. Mehta. Assistant Professor: J. T.
The Department of Coastal and Oceanographic Engi-
neering offers the Master of Engineering, Master of
Science, Engineer and Doctor of Philosophy degrees.
Areas of specialization include coastal processes,
ocean processes, coastal structures, ocean structures, and
coastal and ocean measurements. Courses taught by the
faculty of coastal and oceanographic Engineering are
listed below. A number of other courses on related
subjects, within and outside of the College of Engineer-
ing, are available for graduate credit in this department.
EGM 5816-Intermediate Fluid Dynamics (4) Prereq: ECN
3353, MAP 3302. Basic laws of fluid dynamics, introduction to
potential flow, viscous flow, boundary layer theory, and tur-
EOC 5052-Ocean Engineering (3) Prereq: EGN 3353, MAP
3302. Linear wave theory, wave forces on fixed structures;
static stability of floating bodies; response of floating bodies to
simple waves; moored and towed bodies.
EOC 5310-Acoustics in Liquid (3) Prereq: MAP 3302. Propa-
gation of acoustics in liquids; electroacoustic transducers;
acoustic characterization of targets.
EOC 5860-Port and Harbor Engineering (3) Prereq: OCE
3016. Principles of port design; wave penetration; harbor oscil-
lations; sediment movement and pollutant mixing; port struc-
tures; port operations; case studies.
EOC 6196-Littoral Processes (3) Prereq: OCP 6165. Shoreline
developments; nearshore hydrodynamics; sediment transport
phenomena by waves and wind; methods of determining lit-
toral transport quantities; effects of groins, jetties, and other
coastal structures on littoral processes.
EOC 6415-Hydrodynamics of Coastal and Ocean Structures
(3) Prereq: EQC 5052, STA 5855. Wave loads on fixed struc-
tures; forces on a pile due to regular and irregular waves, forces
on marine structures. Wave loads on floating structures; inertia,
' damping and hydrostatic forces, equation of motions in regular
waves, evaluation of loads in random seas.
EOC 6430-Coastal and Offshore Structures 1 (3) Prereq: OCP
6165. Design principles for breakwaters, jetties, seawalls, shore
protection; fixed, floating, submerged, and semi-submerged off-
shore structures.
EOC 6431-Coastal and Offshore Structures II (3) Prereq: EOC
6430. Individual or group design of coastal and offshore struc-
EOC 6850-Simulation Techniques (3) Prereq: OCP 6165.
Mechanics of similitude, similitude laws; similarity by
dimensional analysis; models of coastal problems; storm surge,
littoral drift, wave generation, estuary flushing, inlet improve-
ments, beach-dune erosion, wave runup, etc.
EOC 6905-Individual Study in Coastal and Oceanographic
Engineering (1-4; max: 8)
EOC 6932-Selected Field and Laboratory Problems (1-4) Field
and/or laboratory investigations employing modern research
techniques and instrumentation.
EOC 6934-Advanced Topics in Coastal and Oceanographic
Engineering (1-6) Waves; wave-structure interaction; coastal
structures; ocean structures; sediment transport; instrumenta-
tion; advanced data analysis techniques.
EOC 6939-Graduate Seminar (1; max: 6) Guest lecturers; lec-
tures by COE faculty and students. S/U.
EOC 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-15) S/U.
OCP 5290 Coastal Processes (3) Prereq: working knowledge of
basic fluid mechanics. Coastal wave and water. level fluc-
tuations; littoral transport; tidal inlet dynamics, estuarine hydro-
dynamics and sediment transport; techniques of measurements.
OCP 6056-Physical Oceanography (3) Prereq: MAP 3302,
EGN 3353. Structure of ocean basins; physical and chemical
properties of sea water; basic physical laws used in ocean-
ography; ocean current; thermohaline effects; numerical
models; heat budget.
OCP 6165-Ocean Waves I: Linear Theory (3) Prereq: MAP
3302, ECN 3353;' Ocean wave classification, solution of the
linearized boundary value problem; simple harmonic waves;
shoaling effects; internal waves.
OCP 6167-Ocean Waves II: Nonlinear Theory (3) Prereq:
OCP 6165. Perturbation development of nonlinear water wave
theories; regions of validity of various theories; dynamics and
kinematics of nonlinear wave trains composed of single and
multiple fundamental components.
OCP 6169-Random Sea Analysis (3) Prereq: STA 5855, OCP
6165. Mathematical presentation of random seas; wave spectral
analysis, spectral formulations; joint prediction of wave height
and period, directionality of random seas, bispectral analysis;
principle of hindcasting and forecasting seas.
OCP 6295-Estuarial Hydromechanics and Engineering I (3)
Prereq: OCP 6165. Tidal theory, analytical and numerical
methods for computation of one- and two-dimensional propa-
gation of tides and storm surges in estuaries and bays; method
of characteristics; hydraulic bore; seiches; solitary wave.
OCP 6296-Estuarial Hydromechanics and Engineering 11(3)
Prereq: OCP 6295. Salinity intrusion in tidal estuaries;
diffusion, dispersion, entrainment, and mixing; analytical and
numerical methods for predicting salinity intrusion and distribu-
tion of pollutants; laboratory exercises.
OCP 6297-Estuarial Hydromechanics and Engineering III (3)
Prereq: OCP 6296. Estuary shoaling and dredging practices;
tidal energy; model investigations and study of selected case
OCP 6555-Air-Sea Interaction (3) Prereq: OCP 6165. Equa-
tions of motion and stresses at the air-sea interface; the classical
instability theory; air-sea fluxes and energy transfer, thermo-
dynamic considerations; the growth of waves; wave forecasting.
STA 5855-Stochastic Process for Coastal and Ocean Engineers
(3) Prereq: undergraduate calculus. Principles of spectral
analysis; cross-spectral analysis; linear-system; threshold
crossing and prediction of period; prediction of random ampli-
tudes; prediction of extreme values and its application to
:coastal and ocean engineering problems.
Colleges of Health Related Professions
and Liberal Arts and Sciences
Chairman & Graduate Coordinator: K. R. Bzoch. Profes-
sors: K. R. Bzoch; L. C. Hammer. Associate Professors: F..
J. Kemker; W. N. Williams.
The Department-of Communicative Disorders is
primarily responsible for interdisciplinary clinical
teaching and research for the Colleges of Health Related
Professions, Medicine, Dentistry, and Nursing in aspects
of speech pathology and audiology related to the
professional degree programs of these colleges.
Courses and degrees with concentrations in speech
pathology and audiology are offered by the Department
of Speech in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
The descriptive 'listings of courses in speech pathology
and audiology may be found under Department of
Speech in the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs.
The following courses are customarily taught by faculty
of the College of Health Related Professions who also
hold appointments in the Department of Speech.
BMS 7143C-Central Auditory Function and Dysfunction (3-5)
Prereq: BMS 7142 or consent of instructor. Overview of normal
brainstem and cortical function provides background for
discussion of physiological, audiometric, and neuro-
physiological studies of central auditory impairments.
HSC 6905-Individual Study in Health Related Professions (4;
max: 12)
SPA 5242-Communicative Disorders Related to Cleft Lip and
Palate (3) Prereq: SPA 5202, 5211, 5403. Lectures, discussions
and laboratory study of the "team approach" and interdisciplin-
ary aspects of correcting communicative disorders in the cleft
palate individual.
SPA 6208-Seminar in Cerebral Palsy and Neurogenic Articu-
lation Disorders (3)
SPA 6245L--Lab: Cleft Palate (1)
SPA 6313-Peripheral Disorders of Hearing (4) Prereq: SPA
5304. Techniques for the assessment of peripheral auditory dis-
orders. Medical contributions to hearing loss and test inter-
SPA 6345-Seminar in Audiology: Hearing Aids (3) Prereq:
SPA 6313. Coreq: SPA 6133.
SPA 6410-Seminar in Neurogenic Comnunication Disorders
SPA 7523-Practicum in Speech Pathology in a Medical-
Dental Setting (1-6; max: 6)
SPA 7536-Practicum in Audiology in a Medical Setting (1-6;
max: 6)
Colleges of Business Administration,
Engineering, and Liberal Arts and
Acting Chairman: Y. C. Chow. Graduate Coordinator: M.
E. Bermudez. Graduate Research Professor: J. T. Tou.
Professors: D. G. Childers; K. L. Doty; R. W. Elliott; A. G.
Merten; S. B. Navathe; G. X. Ritter; R. G. Selfridge; J.
Staudhammer; S. Y. W. Su; F. J. Taylor. Associate Pro-
fessor: Y. C. Chow. Assistant Professors: M. E. Bermudez;
D. D. Dankel; H. Lam; G. Logothetis; M. Shrader-
Frechette; S. M. Thebaut.
The Department of Computer and Information Sciences
offersthe Master of Engineering, Engineer, and Ph.D.
degrees through the College of Engineering, and a Master
of Science degree through any one of three colleges-
Business Administration, Engineering, and Liberal Arts
and Sciences.
Areas of specialization include computer organization,
information systems, and software systems. These
specializations permit study in a wide range of areas in-
cluding programming languages, database management,
software engineering, graphics, pattern recognition,
business information systems, operating systems, com-
pilers, performance measurement, artificial intelligence,
architecture, etc.
Applications for admission must be approved by both
the department and the college in which the student
wishes to enroll. Students without undergraduate
degrees in computer and information sciences may be
admitted to the program but will be required to take a
program of specified courses for which they will not
receive graduate credit. These remedial programs will
typically involve 13 hours of course work. Students who
wish to obtain a degree from a college other than the one
from which they received their undergraduate degrees
and students with inadequate backgrounds in mathe-
matics and statistics will be required to do additional
remedial work specified by the department's Graduate
Coordinator and approved by the new college. The
remedial work will generally include core requirements
for the new college.
All master's students must satisfy a core requirement by
completing four specified graduate level courses (12
credits) or their approved equivalents. The core require-
ment for Ph.D. students is seven specified graduate level
courses (21 credits) or their approved equivalents. Stu-
dents must maintain an average of at least 3.0 on the core
courses, and no more than one course may have a grade
below B.
Students can select a thesis or nonthesis option for the
master's degree. The thesis option requires a minimum of
30 credit hours and the nonthesis option a minimum of
33 credit hours. The thesis degree requires an additional
12 credits of course work beyond the core (six graduate
level credits in CIS and six credits in some other depart-
ment in the student's college), a one-hour seminar, and a
written thesis. A minimum of five credit hours must be
taken in CIS 6971. The nonthesis option requires an
additional 12-15 credits of course work in CIS beyond
the core, and 6-9 credits in some other department in the
student's college. Each nonthesis master's student is
required to pass a written comprehensive examination
administered twice a year by the department.
In addition to the Ph.D. core requirement, Ph.D.
OCP 6296-Estuarial Hydromechanics and Engineering 11(3)
Prereq: OCP 6295. Salinity intrusion in tidal estuaries;
diffusion, dispersion, entrainment, and mixing; analytical and
numerical methods for predicting salinity intrusion and distribu-
tion of pollutants; laboratory exercises.
OCP 6297-Estuarial Hydromechanics and Engineering III (3)
Prereq: OCP 6296. Estuary shoaling and dredging practices;
tidal energy; model investigations and study of selected case
OCP 6555-Air-Sea Interaction (3) Prereq: OCP 6165. Equa-
tions of motion and stresses at the air-sea interface; the classical
instability theory; air-sea fluxes and energy transfer, thermo-
dynamic considerations; the growth of waves; wave forecasting.
STA 5855-Stochastic Process for Coastal and Ocean Engineers
(3) Prereq: undergraduate calculus. Principles of spectral
analysis; cross-spectral analysis; linear-system; threshold
crossing and prediction of period; prediction of random ampli-
tudes; prediction of extreme values and its application to
:coastal and ocean engineering problems.
Colleges of Health Related Professions
and Liberal Arts and Sciences
Chairman & Graduate Coordinator: K. R. Bzoch. Profes-
sors: K. R. Bzoch; L. C. Hammer. Associate Professors: F..
J. Kemker; W. N. Williams.
The Department-of Communicative Disorders is
primarily responsible for interdisciplinary clinical
teaching and research for the Colleges of Health Related
Professions, Medicine, Dentistry, and Nursing in aspects
of speech pathology and audiology related to the
professional degree programs of these colleges.
Courses and degrees with concentrations in speech
pathology and audiology are offered by the Department
of Speech in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
The descriptive 'listings of courses in speech pathology
and audiology may be found under Department of
Speech in the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs.
The following courses are customarily taught by faculty
of the College of Health Related Professions who also
hold appointments in the Department of Speech.
BMS 7143C-Central Auditory Function and Dysfunction (3-5)
Prereq: BMS 7142 or consent of instructor. Overview of normal
brainstem and cortical function provides background for
discussion of physiological, audiometric, and neuro-
physiological studies of central auditory impairments.
HSC 6905-Individual Study in Health Related Professions (4;
max: 12)
SPA 5242-Communicative Disorders Related to Cleft Lip and
Palate (3) Prereq: SPA 5202, 5211, 5403. Lectures, discussions
and laboratory study of the "team approach" and interdisciplin-
ary aspects of correcting communicative disorders in the cleft
palate individual.
SPA 6208-Seminar in Cerebral Palsy and Neurogenic Articu-
lation Disorders (3)
SPA 6245L--Lab: Cleft Palate (1)
SPA 6313-Peripheral Disorders of Hearing (4) Prereq: SPA
5304. Techniques for the assessment of peripheral auditory dis-
orders. Medical contributions to hearing loss and test inter-
SPA 6345-Seminar in Audiology: Hearing Aids (3) Prereq:
SPA 6313. Coreq: SPA 6133.
SPA 6410-Seminar in Neurogenic Comnunication Disorders
SPA 7523-Practicum in Speech Pathology in a Medical-
Dental Setting (1-6; max: 6)
SPA 7536-Practicum in Audiology in a Medical Setting (1-6;
max: 6)
Colleges of Business Administration,
Engineering, and Liberal Arts and
Acting Chairman: Y. C. Chow. Graduate Coordinator: M.
E. Bermudez. Graduate Research Professor: J. T. Tou.
Professors: D. G. Childers; K. L. Doty; R. W. Elliott; A. G.
Merten; S. B. Navathe; G. X. Ritter; R. G. Selfridge; J.
Staudhammer; S. Y. W. Su; F. J. Taylor. Associate Pro-
fessor: Y. C. Chow. Assistant Professors: M. E. Bermudez;
D. D. Dankel; H. Lam; G. Logothetis; M. Shrader-
Frechette; S. M. Thebaut.
The Department of Computer and Information Sciences
offersthe Master of Engineering, Engineer, and Ph.D.
degrees through the College of Engineering, and a Master
of Science degree through any one of three colleges-
Business Administration, Engineering, and Liberal Arts
and Sciences.
Areas of specialization include computer organization,
information systems, and software systems. These
specializations permit study in a wide range of areas in-
cluding programming languages, database management,
software engineering, graphics, pattern recognition,
business information systems, operating systems, com-
pilers, performance measurement, artificial intelligence,
architecture, etc.
Applications for admission must be approved by both
the department and the college in which the student
wishes to enroll. Students without undergraduate
degrees in computer and information sciences may be
admitted to the program but will be required to take a
program of specified courses for which they will not
receive graduate credit. These remedial programs will
typically involve 13 hours of course work. Students who
wish to obtain a degree from a college other than the one
from which they received their undergraduate degrees
and students with inadequate backgrounds in mathe-
matics and statistics will be required to do additional
remedial work specified by the department's Graduate
Coordinator and approved by the new college. The
remedial work will generally include core requirements
for the new college.
All master's students must satisfy a core requirement by
completing four specified graduate level courses (12
credits) or their approved equivalents. The core require-
ment for Ph.D. students is seven specified graduate level
courses (21 credits) or their approved equivalents. Stu-
dents must maintain an average of at least 3.0 on the core
courses, and no more than one course may have a grade
below B.
Students can select a thesis or nonthesis option for the
master's degree. The thesis option requires a minimum of
30 credit hours and the nonthesis option a minimum of
33 credit hours. The thesis degree requires an additional
12 credits of course work beyond the core (six graduate
level credits in CIS and six credits in some other depart-
ment in the student's college), a one-hour seminar, and a
written thesis. A minimum of five credit hours must be
taken in CIS 6971. The nonthesis option requires an
additional 12-15 credits of course work in CIS beyond
the core, and 6-9 credits in some other department in the
student's college. Each nonthesis master's student is
required to pass a written comprehensive examination
administered twice a year by the department.
In addition to the Ph.D. core requirement, Ph.D.
students are required to take 36 hours of CIS course
work, 18 hours of course work in some other depart-
ment, and to complete a dissertation. A minimum of 15
credits must be taken in CIS 7980. A maximum of 30
credits can be awarded toward the Ph.D. degree for an
appropriate prior master's degree. All Ph.D. students are
required to pass a written Ph.D. comprehensive exami-
The Dean of the Graduate School, acting on the
recommendation of the Chairman of the CIS Department
and the dean of the college in which the student is'
enrolled, will appoint a supervisory committee for each
student consisting of two members of the CIS graduate
faculty and one member of the graduate faculty of some
other department from the college.
The Center for Information Research, the Database
Systems Research and Development Center, and a
number of other campus research centers provide
opportunities for students enrolled in the program.
In addition to graduate courses in CIS, the following
courses in related areas are acceptable for graduate credit
as part of the student's major: CDA 6108-Advanced
Computer Architecture; EEL 5745C-Microcomputer
Hardware and Software; EEL 5167-Engineering of Very
Large Scale Integrated Circuits; EEL 5768-Computer
Interfacing; EEL 5840-Elements of Machine Intelligence;
EEL 6562-Image Processing and Computer Vision; EEL
6716-Automatic Speech Processing; EEL 6825-Pattern
Recognition and Intelligent Systems; EEL.6827--Topics
in Computer Engineering.
CAP 5722-Computer Graphics (3) Prereq: COP 3530.
Displays, storage, and generation. Interactive vs. passive
graphics. Analog vs. digital graphic storage. Pattern recognition.
Projections and the hidden line problem.
CAP 6627-Expert Systems (3) Prereq: CAP 6652. Production.
systems, meta-knowledge, heuristic discovery, indepth exami-
nation of several expert systems including TEIRESIAS, AM,
CAP 6631-Software Project Management (3) Prereq: graduate
level software engineering course or equivalent. Management
issues in team programming, tools and techniques for large-
scale programming projects, project involvement.
CAP 6652-Artificial Intelligence. Concepts (3) Prereq: COC
3110, COP 3530 or equivalent. State-of-the-art computer
applications including natural language processing, computer
vision systems, image processing, robotics, modeling and repre-
sentation of knowledge, office automation, decision support
systems, and intelligent machines.
CAP 6655-Knowledge Representation (3) Prereq: under-
standing of basic artificial intelligence concepts. Techniques
used within the field of artificial intelligence. Various forms of
logic 'including predicate, first order, and non-monotonic;'
procedural representations; semantic networks; production
systems; direct representations; frames; and scripts.
CAP 6656-Machine Learning (3) Prereq: understanding of
basic artificial intelligence concepts. Review of attempts, within
the artificial intelligence community, to construct computer
programs that learn. Statistical pattern recognition with its
applications to such areas as optical character recognition.
CAP 6657-Computers and Vision (3) Prereq: understanding of
basic artificial intelligence concepts. Examination of attempts to
replicate human visual abilities with computer programs. Some
attention given to industrial applications of vision systems.
CAP 6658-Natural Language Processing (3) Prereq: CAP
6652. Transformational grammars, syntactic and semantic
parsing; context, context recognition, conceptual analyzers;
metaphors, reminding and memory organization, procedural
semantics; natural language access to databases.
CDA 6125-Microprogramming (3) Prereq: CDA 3101, EEL
3701 or equivalent. The function and design of micro-
programmable control units. Typical instruction sets and their
microcode implementation. "High level" micro-programming
CDA 6160-Comparative Computer Architecture (3) Prereq:
COP 4620, EEL 3701. Computer architecture in terms of classic
concepts, single and multiprocessors, networks, fault tolerance,
and technology.
CDA 6168-Distributed Processing and Computer Communi-
cation Networks (3) Prereq: COP 5622. A study of networks of
interacting computers. Topics in multiprocessors and dis-
tributed multiprocessing, concurrency control, network topol-
ogies, switching and routing control, communication software
and protocols, and case studies.
CIS 5041-Information Retrieval (3) Prereq: COP 3530. The
structure and operation of information retrieval systems.
CIS 6120-Database Management Systems (3) Prereq: COP
3530, 4620, or equivalent. An introduction to systems and
procedures for managing large computerized databases.
CIS 6123-Database Design and Implementation (3) Prereq:
CIS 61'20; a Working knowledge of database system architec-
ture, data models, sublanguages, storage structures and access
techniques, file organizations, and access methods. Systematic,
integrated database design and implementation including
corporate requirement analysis, semantic modeling, view
integration, data mapping to DBMS schema and subschema,
physical database design and evaluation, and database
restructuring and conversion. Term project.
CIS 6124-Database Theory (3) Prereq: CIS 6120, COT 6325.
Database theory including the underlying mathematical tools
and the connection between theory and practice.
CIS 6125-Distributed Database Systems (3) Prereq: CIS 6120,
COP 5622, and a course in computer networks. Distributed
database systems including the areas of distributed database
design, resource allocation, access plan selection, and trans-
action management.
CIS 6905-Individual Study (1-3; max: 12) Prereq: consent of
faculty member supervising the study. May be taken up to a
maximum of 3 hours in the master's program. S/U option.
CIS 6910-Supervised Research (1-5; max: 5) Prereq: graduate
status in CIS, must be on a graduate research assistantship. S/U.
CIS 6934-Special Topics in CIS (1-3) Prereq: vary depending
on topics.
CIS 6935-Graduate Seminar (1) Prereq: graduate status in CIS.
Presentations by graduate students, faculty members, and
visiting researchers. Preparation of research papers.
CIS 6940-Supervised Teaching (1-5; max: 5) Prereq: graduate
status in CIS, must be on graduate teaching assistantship. S/U.
CIS 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-15) S/U.
CIS 7979-Advanced Research (1-9) Research for doctoral
students before admission to candidacy. Designed for students
with a master's degree in the field of study or for students who
have been accepted for a doctoral program. Not open to
students who have been admitted to candidacy. S/U.
CIS 7980-Research for Doctoral Dissertation (1-15) S/U.
COP 5506-Programming Language Principles (3) Prereq:
COP 3530. An introduction to programming language
principles investigating language constructs, design goals, run-
time structures, and implementation techniques. Current trends
in programming language research.
COP 5622-Operating Systems (3) Prereq: COP 4620. The
concepts and techniques of efficient management of computer
system resources.
COP 5630-Software Engineering (3) Prereq: COC 3110 or EIN
3114. Topics in project organization, specification techniques,
reliability measurement, documentation.
COP 5641-Programming Language Translators I (3) Prereq:
COP 3530. Project-oriented. Anatomy of translators for high-
level programming languages.
COP 6505-Survey of Programming Languages (3) Prereq:
CDA 3101, COP 3530, or equivalent. Higher-level program-
ming languages; language features and implementation
COP 6509-Advanced Topics in Programming Languaget (3;
max: 6) Prereq: COP 5641 or consent of instructor.
COP 6639-Advanced Topics in Software Engineering (3)
Prereq: COP 5630 or'equivalent.
COP 6642-Programming Language Translator II (3) Prereq:
essential understanding of operation and structure of trans-
lators. State-of-the-art issues in construction of translators for
high-level programming languages.
COT 5305-Analysis of Algorithms (3) Prereq: COP 3530 or
equivalent. Introduction and illustration of basic techniques for
designing efficient algorithms and analyzing algorithm
COT 6325-Formal Languages and Computation'Theory (3)
Prereq: COP 3530 and familiarity with discrete mathematics
and data structures. Introduction' to theoretical computer
science including formal languages, automata theory, turning
machines and computability.
CRM 6201-Computer System Measurement and Evaluation
(3) Prereq: COP 5622 and basic course in probability and
statistics. Computer measurement tools and techniques,
analytical techniques for computer system modeling and
evaluation, simulation techniques, performance measurement
and evaluation in performance improvement problems, and
performance evaluation in computer comparison and selection
College of Education
Chairperson: P. J. Wittmer. Graduate Coordinator: L. C.
Loesch. Distinguished Service Professor: R. O. Stripling
(Emeritus). Professors: D. Avila; P. W. Fitzgerald; J. J.
Larsen; L. C. Loesch; R. J. McDavis; R. D. Myrick; W. M.
Parker; J. L. Resnick; H. C. Riker; P. G. Schauble; B. L.
Sharp; B. Soldwedel;* E. L. Tolbert; P. J. Wittmer. Asso-
ciate Professors: E. S. Amatea; R. M. Bollet;t M. K.
Dykes; M. Fong-Beyette; G. M. Gonzalez; R. Jester; J.
Joiner;,J. H. Lombana;* M. R. McMillin; P. M. Meek; J. P.
Saxon. Assistant Professors: J. Braden; M. Fukuyama;
J. H. Pitts; J. Scott.
These members of the faculty of the University of North Florida (*) and
the University of Central Florida (t) are also members of the graduate
faculty of the University of Florida and participate in the doctoral program
in the University of Florida Department of Counselor Education.
Programs leading to the Master of Education, Specialist
in Education, Doctor of. Education, and Doctor of
Philosophy degrees are offered through this department.
In some programs, the Master of Education degree
(identified below by an asterisk) is'awarded only upon
completion of'the Specialist in Education degree.
Program areas include (1) school counseling and
guidance (M.Ed.;* Ed.S., Ed.D., or Ph.D.) and (2) school
psychology (M.Ed.,* Ed.S., Ed.D., or Ph.D.) for positions
in elementary, middle, and secondary schools; (3)
student personnel in higher education (M.Ed., Ed.S.,
Ed.D., or Ph.D.) for positions in community colleges,
vocational-technical schools, colleges, universities, and
other post-secondary school settings; (4) agency,
correctional, and developmental counseling (M.Ed.,*
Ed.S., Ed.D., or Ph.D.); (5) counselor education (Ed.D or
The school counseling and guidance, student person-
nel in higher education, agency, correctional, and devel-
opmental counseling, and counselor education programs
are fully accredited by the Council for the Accreditation
of Counseling and Related Educational Programs.
Marital, family, health, multicultural, or substance
abuse, and counseling of older persons, minorities, and
women are possible emphases in various program areas
listed above. A subspecialization in rehabilitation coun-
seling is offered in the agency, correctional, and develop-
mental counseling doctoral program. Vocational devel-
opment and research are integral parts of preparation in
all programs.
Candidates for admission are urged to complete, a
course in basic statistics before entering the program.
Otherwise, this requirement must be met during the first
semester of graduate work.
EGC 6005-Introduction to Counseling (3) Prereq or coreq:
EDF 6355 or PPE 5055.
EGC 6045-Counseling with Children (3) Prereq: EGC 6416,
6447, EDF 6113, or equivalent.
EGC 6054-Problems in Personnel Work (2-7) Seminar in
special problems in personnel work arranged by department.
EGC 6055-Student Personnel Services in Higher Education
(3) Prereq: ECC 6005, 6057.
EGC 6057-The College Community and the Student (3)
Prereq or coreq: EGCC 6005.
EGC 6225-Personnel Testing (3) Prereq: a course in basic
EGC 6317-Vocational Development (3)
EGC 6416-Theories and Techniques of Counseling (4) Prereq:
EGC 6005. Coreq: ECC 6447.
EGC 6419-Professional, Ethical, and Legal issues in Marriage
and Family Counseling (3)
EGC 6426-Counseling in' Community Settings (3) Prereq: EGC
7446. Coreq: current enrollment in a community agency prac-
ticum or internship.
EGC 6438-Play Counseling and Play Process with Children
(3) Prereq: ECC 6416, 6447, EDF 6113 or equivalent.
EGC 6447-Laboratory in Counseling (1) Coreq: EGC 6416.
EGC 6461-Counseling with Drug Abuse Cases (3)
EGC 6463-Counseling Ethnic Minorities (3) Prereq: ECC
6416, 6447.
EGC 6465-Counseling for Mid-Life and Pre-Retirement (3)
EGC 6466-Counseling Needs of Older Persons (3)
EGC 6467-Counseling Older Persons: Theories and Tech-
niques (3) Prereq: EGC 6416, 6447.
EGC 6469-The Counselor in a Multicultural World (3)
EGC 6505-Group Procedures in Guidance and Personnel
Work (3) Prereq: ECC 6416, 6447.
EGC 6545-Group Counseling (3) Prereq or coreq: EGC 6416..
EGC 6606-Organization and Administration of Guidance and
Personnel Programs (3) Prereq: ECC 6416.
EGC 6726-Sensitivity Exploration Laboratory (1) Coreq: ECC
EGC 6905-Individual Work (2-4; max: 12) Prereq: consent of
staff members and graduate coordinator; approval of proposed
EGC 6910-Supervised Research (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
EGC 6933-Seminar in Professional Development (1)
EGC 6938-Special Topics (1-4; max: 12) Prereq: consent of
department chairperson.
EGC 6940-Supervised Teaching (1-5; max: 5) S/U~,
EGC 7056-Seminar in Higher Education Student Personnel
(1-2; max: 4) Prereq: ECC 6055, 6057.
EGC 7318-Laboratory in Career Development (4)
EGC 7329-Seminar in Career Development (3)
EGC 7446-Practicum in Counseling-150 Hours (4; max: 12)
Prereq: EGC 6416, 6447, and written application to the practi-
cum coordinator at least six weeks in advance of registration.
EGC 7485-Seminar in Counseling Research (2) Prereq: admis-
sion to candidacy for the doctorate in counselor education.
EGC 7585-Practicum in Group Counseling-150 Hours (4;
max: 12) Prereq: ECC 6545, 4 credits in EGC 7446, and written
application to the practicum coordinator at least six weeks in
advance of registration.
EGC 7616-Evaluative Research in Guidance, Counseling, and
Personnel Work (4) Prereq: EGC 6225.
EGC 7706-Consultation Procedures (3) Prereq: 8 credits of
EGC 7446.
EGC 7825C-Practicum in Counseling Supervision (4) Prereq:
ECC 6416, 6447, and written application to practicum coor-
dinator at least six weeks in advance of registration. Open only
to advanced doctoral students. S/U.
EGC 7840-Practicum in Student Personnel Work (4; max: 12)
Prereq: 4 credits in EGC 7446 and written application to the
practicum coordinator at least six weeks in advance of registra-
EGC 7852-Practicum in Counseling Older Persons-150
Hours (4; max: 8) Prereq: EGC 6416, 6447, and written applica-
tion to the practicum coordinator at least six weeks in advance
of registration.
EGC 7890-Internship in Personnel Work-600 Hours (6;
max: 12) Prereq: completion of all practice required for the
Ed.S., Ph.D., or Ed.D. degree and written application to the in-
ternship coordinator at least six weeks in advance of regis-
tration. S/U.
EGC 7894C-Internship in Counselor Education (6) Prereq:
EGC 6416, 6447, and written application to internship coordi-
nator at least six weeks in advance of registration. Open only to
advanced doctoral students. S/U.
EGC 7897-Internship in Agency Program Management (6)
Prereq: ECC 6416, 6447, and written application to internship
coordinator at least six weeks in advance of registration. Open
only to advanced doctoral students. S/U.
EGC 7937-Seminar in Personnel Work (4) Limited to students
who are near completion of course work for a degree.
EGC 7979-Advanced Research (1-9) Research for doctoral
students before admission to candidacy. Designed for students
with a master's degree in the field of study or for students who
have been admitted for a doctoral program. Not open to
students who have been admitted to candidacy.'S/U.
EGC 7980-Research for Doctoral Dissertation (1-15) S/U.
PCO 6216-Personal Counseling (2-3)
PCO 6256-Marriage Counseling (3)
PCO 6258-Introduction to Family Counseling (3) Prereq: EGC
6416 and 4 credits of EGC 7446.
PCO 6316C-Evaluation in Intelligence (3)
PCO 6317C-Evaluation in Personality (3)
PCO 6717-Sexual Identity in the Counseling Process (3)
PCO 6939-Seminar: Current Topics in Counseling Psychol-
ogy (1-4)
PCO 7217-Counseling Psychology (3)
PCO 7247-Group Counseling (3)
PCO 7259-Advanced Seminar in Family Counseling (3)
Prereq: PCO 6258.
PCO 7537-Vocational Counseling (3)
PCO 7948-Practicum in Counseling Psychology (4; max: 16)
Prereq: EGC 6416, 6447, or equivalents: written application to
the practicum coordinator at least six weeks in advance of
registration. Open only to students officially enrolled in the
counseling psychology program. S/U.
PCO 7949-Internship in Counseling Psychology (6; max: 18)
Prereq: 12 credits of PCO 7948 and written application to
internship coordinator at least six weeks in advance of registra-
tion. Open only to students officially enrolled in the counseling
psychology program.
SPS 7949-Internship in School Psychology (6; max: 18)
Prereg: 4 credits of EGC 7446 and written application to intern-
ship coordinator at least six weeks in advance of registration.
Open only to students officially enrolled in the school
psychology program.
College of Agriculture
Chairman: R. P. Natzke. Graduate Coordinator: H. H.
Head. Professors: B. Harris, Jr.; H. H. Head; R. P. Natzke;
W. W. Thatcher; H. H. Van Horn, Jr.; D. W. Webb; C. J.
Wilcox. Associate Professors: K. C. Bachman; D. K.
Beede. Assistant Professors: M. A. DeLorenzo; C. R.
The Dairy Science Department offers the Master of
Science and Master of Agriculture degrees (specialization
in dairy production). The Doctor of Philosophy degree
(specialization in animal physiology, nutrition, genetics,
and food science) is available through the Depart-
ments of Animal Science and Food Science and Human
Areas of interest include quantitative genetics, nutri-
tion, reproductive, environmental, and lactational phys-
iology, endocrinology, biochemistry, mastitis, manage-
ment, and milk chemistry.
A departmental prerequisite for admission to graduate
study in dairy science is a strong undergraduate back-
ground in the physical or biological sciences. A prospec-
tive graduate student need not have majored in dairy
science as an undergraduate.
The following courses in related areas will be accept-
able for graduate credit as part of the candidate's major:
ANS 5446-Animal Nutrition; ANS 6368-Quantititati
Genetics; ANS 6448-Nitrogen and Energy in Animal
Nutrition; ANS 6715-Ruminant Nutrition and Digestive
Physiology; ANS 6723-Mineral Nutrition and Metab-
olism; ANS 6751-Physiology of Reproduction.
DAS 5212C-Dairy Management Systems (4) Prereq: DAS
3211, AEB 3133, AEB 3133L, and permission of instructor.
Quantitative approach to management decisions and evalu-
ation of performance. Record and information systems, model-
ing, and simulation.
DAS 6281-Dairy Science Research Techniques (3) Prereq:
STA 6167. Methods employed in research in specialized dairy
fields; genetics, nutrition, and physiology.
DAS 6322-Introduction to Statistical Genetics (2) Prereq:
ANS 6368, STA 6167. Development and application of statisti-
cal and quantitative genetics theory to selection and estimation
of genetic parameters.
DAS 6512-Advanced Physiology of Lactation (2) Prereq: VES
DAS 6531-Endocrinology (4) Prereq: BCH 4024; VES 6242C.
DAS 6541-Energy Metabolism (3) Prereq: ANS 5446; BCH
4024; HUN 3246, or permission of instructor.
DAS 6555-Environmental Physiology of Domestic Animals
(3) Prereq: VES 6242C.
DAS 6617-Advanced Dairy Technology (1-4; max: 4) Theories
and analytical techniques associated with chemical, physical,
and microbiological changes of milk constituents during secre-
tion, processing, and storage of dairy products.
DAS 6905-Problems in Dairy Science (1-3; max: 4) H.
DAS 6910-Supervised Research (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
DAS 6931-Graduate Seminar in Dairy Science (1)
DAS 6940-Supervised Teaching (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
DAS 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-15) S/U.
College of Business Administration
Chairman: D. A. Denslow. Graduate Coordinator: L. W.
Kenny. Graduate Research Professors: G. S. Maddala; W.
Woodruff. American Economic Institutions Free Enter-
prise Professor: R. F. Lanzillotti. McKethan-Matherly Pro-
fessor of Econometrics and Decision Sciences: H. Theil.
Professors: R. D. Blair; D. Denslow; W. J. Frazer; M. R.
Langham; M. M. Lockhart; J. W. Milliman; J. R. Vernon;
E. Zabel. Associate Professors: J. D. Adams; S. V. Berg;
W. A. Bomberger; L. K. Cheng; S. R. Cosslett; L. F. Dunn;
F. O. Goddard; A. R. Horowitz; L. W. Kenny; M. Rush; S.
M. Slutsky; S. K. Smith; Y. Toda. Assistant Professors: T.
Fries; W. S. McManus; R. E. Romano; K. R. Sawyer; D. G.
Waldo; V. L. Wilcox-Gok.
The Department of Economics offers the Master of Arts
(thesis and nonthesis option) and Doctor of Philosophy
degrees with specializations in econometrics, economic
development, economic history, economic theory,
human resource economics (including labor and health
care economics), industrial organization and social con-
trol, international economics, monetary economics,
public finance, and urban-regional economics. The
Master of Business Administration degree is also offered
with a concentration in economics.
tion to the practicum coordinator at least six weeks in advance
of registration.
EGC 7890-Internship in Personnel Work-600 Hours (6;
max: 12) Prereq: completion of all practice required for the
Ed.S., Ph.D., or Ed.D. degree and written application to the in-
ternship coordinator at least six weeks in advance of regis-
tration. S/U.
EGC 7894C-Internship in Counselor Education (6) Prereq:
EGC 6416, 6447, and written application to internship coordi-
nator at least six weeks in advance of registration. Open only to
advanced doctoral students. S/U.
EGC 7897-Internship in Agency Program Management (6)
Prereq: ECC 6416, 6447, and written application to internship
coordinator at least six weeks in advance of registration. Open
only to advanced doctoral students. S/U.
EGC 7937-Seminar in Personnel Work (4) Limited to students
who are near completion of course work for a degree.
EGC 7979-Advanced Research (1-9) Research for doctoral
students before admission to candidacy. Designed for students
with a master's degree in the field of study or for students who
have been admitted for a doctoral program. Not open to
students who have been admitted to candidacy.'S/U.
EGC 7980-Research for Doctoral Dissertation (1-15) S/U.
PCO 6216-Personal Counseling (2-3)
PCO 6256-Marriage Counseling (3)
PCO 6258-Introduction to Family Counseling (3) Prereq: EGC
6416 and 4 credits of EGC 7446.
PCO 6316C-Evaluation in Intelligence (3)
PCO 6317C-Evaluation in Personality (3)
PCO 6717-Sexual Identity in the Counseling Process (3)
PCO 6939-Seminar: Current Topics in Counseling Psychol-
ogy (1-4)
PCO 7217-Counseling Psychology (3)
PCO 7247-Group Counseling (3)
PCO 7259-Advanced Seminar in Family Counseling (3)
Prereq: PCO 6258.
PCO 7537-Vocational Counseling (3)
PCO 7948-Practicum in Counseling Psychology (4; max: 16)
Prereq: EGC 6416, 6447, or equivalents: written application to
the practicum coordinator at least six weeks in advance of
registration. Open only to students officially enrolled in the
counseling psychology program. S/U.
PCO 7949-Internship in Counseling Psychology (6; max: 18)
Prereq: 12 credits of PCO 7948 and written application to
internship coordinator at least six weeks in advance of registra-
tion. Open only to students officially enrolled in the counseling
psychology program.
SPS 7949-Internship in School Psychology (6; max: 18)
Prereg: 4 credits of EGC 7446 and written application to intern-
ship coordinator at least six weeks in advance of registration.
Open only to students officially enrolled in the school
psychology program.
College of Agriculture
Chairman: R. P. Natzke. Graduate Coordinator: H. H.
Head. Professors: B. Harris, Jr.; H. H. Head; R. P. Natzke;
W. W. Thatcher; H. H. Van Horn, Jr.; D. W. Webb; C. J.
Wilcox. Associate Professors: K. C. Bachman; D. K.
Beede. Assistant Professors: M. A. DeLorenzo; C. R.
The Dairy Science Department offers the Master of
Science and Master of Agriculture degrees (specialization
in dairy production). The Doctor of Philosophy degree
(specialization in animal physiology, nutrition, genetics,
and food science) is available through the Depart-
ments of Animal Science and Food Science and Human
Areas of interest include quantitative genetics, nutri-
tion, reproductive, environmental, and lactational phys-
iology, endocrinology, biochemistry, mastitis, manage-
ment, and milk chemistry.
A departmental prerequisite for admission to graduate
study in dairy science is a strong undergraduate back-
ground in the physical or biological sciences. A prospec-
tive graduate student need not have majored in dairy
science as an undergraduate.
The following courses in related areas will be accept-
able for graduate credit as part of the candidate's major:
ANS 5446-Animal Nutrition; ANS 6368-Quantititati
Genetics; ANS 6448-Nitrogen and Energy in Animal
Nutrition; ANS 6715-Ruminant Nutrition and Digestive
Physiology; ANS 6723-Mineral Nutrition and Metab-
olism; ANS 6751-Physiology of Reproduction.
DAS 5212C-Dairy Management Systems (4) Prereq: DAS
3211, AEB 3133, AEB 3133L, and permission of instructor.
Quantitative approach to management decisions and evalu-
ation of performance. Record and information systems, model-
ing, and simulation.
DAS 6281-Dairy Science Research Techniques (3) Prereq:
STA 6167. Methods employed in research in specialized dairy
fields; genetics, nutrition, and physiology.
DAS 6322-Introduction to Statistical Genetics (2) Prereq:
ANS 6368, STA 6167. Development and application of statisti-
cal and quantitative genetics theory to selection and estimation
of genetic parameters.
DAS 6512-Advanced Physiology of Lactation (2) Prereq: VES
DAS 6531-Endocrinology (4) Prereq: BCH 4024; VES 6242C.
DAS 6541-Energy Metabolism (3) Prereq: ANS 5446; BCH
4024; HUN 3246, or permission of instructor.
DAS 6555-Environmental Physiology of Domestic Animals
(3) Prereq: VES 6242C.
DAS 6617-Advanced Dairy Technology (1-4; max: 4) Theories
and analytical techniques associated with chemical, physical,
and microbiological changes of milk constituents during secre-
tion, processing, and storage of dairy products.
DAS 6905-Problems in Dairy Science (1-3; max: 4) H.
DAS 6910-Supervised Research (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
DAS 6931-Graduate Seminar in Dairy Science (1)
DAS 6940-Supervised Teaching (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
DAS 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-15) S/U.
College of Business Administration
Chairman: D. A. Denslow. Graduate Coordinator: L. W.
Kenny. Graduate Research Professors: G. S. Maddala; W.
Woodruff. American Economic Institutions Free Enter-
prise Professor: R. F. Lanzillotti. McKethan-Matherly Pro-
fessor of Econometrics and Decision Sciences: H. Theil.
Professors: R. D. Blair; D. Denslow; W. J. Frazer; M. R.
Langham; M. M. Lockhart; J. W. Milliman; J. R. Vernon;
E. Zabel. Associate Professors: J. D. Adams; S. V. Berg;
W. A. Bomberger; L. K. Cheng; S. R. Cosslett; L. F. Dunn;
F. O. Goddard; A. R. Horowitz; L. W. Kenny; M. Rush; S.
M. Slutsky; S. K. Smith; Y. Toda. Assistant Professors: T.
Fries; W. S. McManus; R. E. Romano; K. R. Sawyer; D. G.
Waldo; V. L. Wilcox-Gok.
The Department of Economics offers the Master of Arts
(thesis and nonthesis option) and Doctor of Philosophy
degrees with specializations in econometrics, economic
development, economic history, economic theory,
human resource economics (including labor and health
care economics), industrial organization and social con-
trol, international economics, monetary economics,
public finance, and urban-regional economics. The
Master of Business Administration degree is also offered
with a concentration in economics.
M.A. Requirements-A minimum of 36 credits of
course work is required for both the M.A. with and the,
M.A. without thesis. A maximum of six credits of re-
search course ECO 6971 may be included for a master's
degree with thesis. The following core courses are re-
quired: GEB 5805 or equivalent, ECO 5415 or equiva-
lent, ECO 6115, ECO 6206.
Ph.D. Requirements.-Students in the Ph.D. program
must complete the following core courses: GEB 5805 or
equivalent, ECO 5415, ECO 5424, ECO 6115, ECO
6116, ECO 6206, and ECO 6207. All except ECO 5415
and ECO 5424 must be completed in the first year. ECO
5415 and ECO 5424 must be completed by the end of
the second year.
ECO 5415-Statistical Methods in Economics (4) Prereq: STA
3024. Introduction to fundamental statistical concepts: estima-
tion, hypothesis testing, linear regression, and analysis of
ECO 5424-Econometric Models and Methods (4) Prereq: ECO
ECO 5716-Foreign Exchange and International Financial
Institutions (2)
ECO 6115-Microeconomic Theory I (3) Coreq: GEB 5805 or
equivalent. Analysis, criticism, and restatement of neoclassical,
price and production theories. Demand, supply, cost of produc-
tion, and price determination under various conditions of the
ECO 6116-Microeconomic Theory 11 (4) Prereq: ECO 6115
and permission of the department. Imperfect competition, gen-
eral equilibrium, welfare, and optimization over time.
ECO 6206-Macroeconomic Theory.I (3) Classical, Keynesian,
and post-Keynesian aggregate income and employment
analysis. Determination of price level and interest rate.
ECO 6207-Macroeconomic Theory II (4) Prereq: ECO 6206
and permission of the department. Dynamic macroeconomic
models. Inflation, unemployment and expectations. The role of
capital accumulation.
ECO 6216-Monetary Economics I (4) Contemporary monetary
theory. The demand for money. Monetary policy and inflation,
interest rates, and employment. The role of inflationary finance.
ECO 6217-Monetary Economics II (4) Economic instabilities
in capitalistic society. Emphasis on forces operating to bring
about changes in the general level of prices, including prices of
productive agents, employment and income.
ECO 6236-Seminar in Monetary Economics (4)
ECO 6405-Mathematical Economics I (4) Prereq: CEB 5805
or equivalent. Mathematical approach to microeconomic
theory, including theory of the firm, theory of consumer be-
havior, and selected topics in market conditions.
ECO 6406-Mathematical Economics II (4) Prereq: ECO 6405.
Probability and simulation models of economic behavior,
mathematical models from monetary economics.
ECO 6407-Nonstochastic Models (4) Prereq: MAS 3113 or ESI
4567. Classical optimization models with emphasis on math-
ematical programming and applications. Introduction to
dynamic optimization models.
ECO 6426-Econometric Methods 1 (4) Prereq: ECO 5415 or
equivalent and MAS 3113 or equivalent. Stochastic models.
The general linear model and problems associated with its use
in econometric research. Theory of the simultaneous equation
approach, model construction, and estimation techniques.
ECO 6427-Econometric Methods II (4) Prereq: ECO 6426 or
AEB 6571. Advanced econometric theory with applications to
topics such as nonlinear estimation, limited dependent variable
models, time-series analysis, and specification testing.
ECO 6428-Research Seminar in Econometrics (1-4) Prereq:
ECO 6426. Empirical measurement in applied economics.
Empirical problem requiring the construction, estimation, and
defense of a quantitative economic model.
ECO 6433-Macroeconomic Models and the Firm (4) Prereq:
ECO 5204, 5111, STA 6606, 6358. Synthesis and application of
macroeconomic theory and economic forecasting models to
managerial decision making, with emphasis on understanding
effects on the firm of economic actions taken by foreign and
domestic governments.
ECO 6435-Applied Time-Series Analysis and Dynamic
Models (4) Prereq: ECO 5424. Applications in accounting, eco-
nomics, finance and marketing.
ECO 6516-Public Revenue and Distribution (4) Prereq: ECO
6115. Topics include the incidence of taxation, the excess
burden of taxation, and the design of optimal tax system.
ECO 6526-Welfare Economics (4) Technical.welfare formula-
tion related to organic concepts of welfare and to political
action in a democracy. Possibilities of normative economics
ECO 6536-Public Expenditures and Collective Decisions (4)
Prereq: ECO 6206, 6115. Topics include the theory of goods
and externalities, the evaluation of public expenditures, the
nature of collective choice, and voting behavior.
ECO 6617-The United States in the World Economy
(1783-1970) (4)
ECO 6626-The American Economy to 1860 (4) A functional
approach. World economic conditions that led to the settle-
ment of America; the colonial period; the period of economic
transition; the westward movement and the rise of a national
economy; economic causes of the Civil War.
ECO 6627-The American Economy Since 1860 (4) The clos-
ing of the economic frontier. The development of a capitalistic
economy and the trend toward economic and financial im-
perialism. Economic problems of the wars of 1914-18 and
1939-45, and postwar economic adjustments, domestic and
ECO 6706-Theory of International Trade (4) Historical and
economic background of foreign trade; theory of international
trade; fundamentals of international exchange; international
commercial policies and international trade; exchange fluctu-
ations and their control; international monetary institutions.
ECO 6716-International Economic Relations (4) Capital
formation in the underdeveloped countries, economic integra-
tion, balance of payments and international monetary reform,
the economic consequences of population pressures and eco-
nomic relations between the advanced and other nations.
ECO 6906-Individual Work in Economics (1-4; max 8
ECO 6910-Supervised Research (1-5; max 5) S/U.
ECO 6940-Supervised Teaching (1-5; max 5) S/U.
ECO 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-15) S/U.
ECO 7118-Advanced Microeconomic Theory (4) Prereq: ECO
6116. Axiomatic development of utility functions, stochastic
and nonstochastic utility models. Static and dynamic produc-
tion functions and investment criteria. General equilibrium and
stability conditions.
ECO 7128-Economics of Uncertainty (4) Multi-period prob-
lems in inventory theory, portfolio analysis, search, and firm
behavior. Analysis of market behavior under uncertainty.
ECO 7208-Advanced Macroeconomic Theory (4) Prereq:
ECO 6207. Topics including wealth effects and money illusion,
the homogeneity postulate and exceptions to classical doctrine.
The role of expectations and stability analysis.
ECO 7429-Econometrics and Statistics Seminar (1-4; max: 8)
ECO 7938-Advanced Economics Seminar (1-4; max: 8) For
advanced graduate students in economics. Prereq: student must
have completed graduate core program and have preliminary
dissertation topic.
ECO 7979-Advanced Research (1-9) Research for doctoral
students before admission to candidacy. Designed for students
with a master's degree in the field of study or for students who
have been accepted for a doctoral program. Not open to stu-
dents who have been admitted to candidacy. S/U.
ECO 7980-Research for Doctoral Dissertation (1-15) S/U.
ECP 5606-Special Problems in Urban and Regional Eco-
nomics (4) Prereq: ECP 5624, 5614. Topical coverage varies
among such areas as housing, land use, metropolitan financing,
and forecasting.
ECP 5614-Urban Economics (4) Prereq: ECO 2013, 2023 and
permission of department. Economic analysis of urbanization
and regional interdependence. Applicability of location theory
and other economic analysis. Criteria for determining public
expenditures and allocating costs in urban areas.
ECP 5624-Regional Economics (4) Prereq: ECO 2013, 2023 or
permission of instructor. Regional economic phenomena
and the spatial distribution of economic activities. Analytical
tools are developed and applied to urban and regional prob-
lems such as growth and decay, housing, land use, and
ECP 6207-Labor Demand and Market Equilibrium (4) The
derived demand for labor, and other inputs with applications to
discrimination and the minimum wage. Topics in labor market
equilibrium; compensating wage differentials, migration,
monopsony, unemployment.
ECP 6208-Labor Supply and Household Behavior (4) Labor
supply of men and women; household production; marriage
and divorce; fertility; the transmission of human and nonhuman
wealth from generation to generation; the demand for educa-
tion; the determination of earnings.
ECP 6405-Industrial Organization and Social Control (4)
Economic and other characteristics of modern industrial struc-
tures. Relationships between industrial structure, business.
conduct, and economic performance. Measurement of concen-
tration and evaluation of performance. Public policies toward
monopoly, conspiracy, and competition.
ECP 6407-Public Policy and Social Control (3) Designed for
MBA candidates. Problems in developing and applying con-
cepts of public interest in a market economy. Relationships
among industrial structure, business conduct, and economic
performance. Measurement of concentration and evaluation of
ECP 6426-Economics of Regulated Industries (4) Types and
techniques of public control. Economic analysis and evaluation
of regulatory and promotional policies. Administrative and
legal aspects of the regulatory process. Special problems in par-
ticular industries.
ECP 6536-Health Care Economics I (3) Prereq: ECO 6115.
Fundamental economic relations governing the production,
consumption and financing of health care services. Character-
istics of demand and production relationships; response of
supply, "shortages," and possibilities for factor substitution;
insurance and organizational alternatives.
ECP 6537-Health Care Economics II (4) Prereq: ECO 6115.
Theoretical and empirical evaluations relating to the economic
performance of the health care sector. Optimal price and output
policy including distributional considerations; cost-benefit
analysis, public production, research and centralized vs.
decentralized control.
ECP 6615-Urban Economics (4) Prereq: ECO 4203, 4101 or
equivalent. Salient aspects of urban phenomena including
theoretical explanations of the process of urbanization; city
structures and models. Urban problems including poverty and
race, housing, transportation and environment. The urban
public economy, and urban public services.
ECP 6625-Regional Economics (4) Prereq: ECO 4203, 4101 or
equivalent. Definition of regions and elements of regional
economic analysis. Location theory, regional interdependence
and spatial equilibrium. Regional economic change, including
economic accounts and other measures of activity; cycles,
growth, and planned development.
ECP 6705-Economics and Business Decisions (3) Designed
primarily for MBA candidates. Synthesis and application of
microeconomic theory and related business administration
principles to managerial decision making through a problem-
solving orientation.
EC_ 6015-Theory of Economic Development (4) Broad
analytical, nonhistorical framework for examining economic
underdevelopment and possible escape therefrom. Transition to
secular economic growth and principles by which an under-
developed country can achieve development objectives.
ECS 6025-Economic Development Seminar (4) Theory and
problems of economic development pertinent to market and
nonmarket economies. Emphasis on the relationship between
economic system development and economic growth.
College of Education
Chairman: J. E. Heald. Graduate Coordinator: J. W.
Longstreth. Professors: P. A. Clark; T. W. Cole, Sr.; W. H.
Drummond (Emeritus); P. S. George; J. E. Heald; W. D.
Hedges; J. W. Hensel; D. A. Jacobsen;* R. B. Kimbrough
(Emeritus); G. D. Lawrence; A. J. Lewis (Emeritus); M. K.
Morgan (Emeritus); M. Y. Nunnery; S. A. Sandeen; A. B.
Smith, III; D. C. Smith; J. L. Wattenbarger; E. L. Williams.
'Associate Professors: G. W. Corrick;* T. C. Healy;* J. W.
* Longstreth; F. W. Parkay; E. A. Scheirer;* E. H. St. Jac-
ques. Assistant Professors: C. A. Fountain;* W. A.
Hodge;* K. Wilburn.*
These members of the faculty of the University of North Florida (*) are
also members of the graduate faculty of the University of Florida and
participate in the specialist and doctoral programs of the University of
Florida, Department of Educational Leadership.
The department offers programs leading to the Master
of Education (nonthesis) and Master of Arts in Education
(thesis) in curriculum and instruction with course con-
centrations in curriculum and instructional leadership; in
educational administration with specializations in
elementary and secondary administration, school busi-
ness management, and vocational-technical administra-
tion; and in vocational, technical, and adult education
with specializations in adult education, health occupa-
tions education, and technical education. The depart-
ment also offers the Specialist in Education, Doctor of
Education, and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in curric-
ulum and instruction with specializations, in curriculum
and instruction theory and research, postsecondary
education, supervision and curriculum development,
and vocational, technical, and adult education; in educa-
tional administration with specialization in elementary
and secondary administration; and in higher education
administration with specializations in community col-
lege leadership, university leadership, and vocational-
technical administration.
A candidate for admission to the department will be
judged not only on the basis of quantitative criteria (listed
elsewhere in this Catalog) but also in relation to prior ex-
perience, especially as it relates to future career goals.
The Center for Community Education, the Institute for
Educational Finance, and the Institute of Higher Educa-
tion provide advanced graduate students with oppor-
tunities for research and study in their respective areas.
Study for the Specialist in Education and Doctor of
Education degrees at the University of Florida by qual-
ified master's degree recipients at the University of North
Florida is facilitated by a cooperative arrangement in
which appropriate faculty members of the UNF faculty
are members of the graduate faculty of the University of
General Courses
EDA 6905-Individual Work (1-6; max: 12 including EDG
6905 and EVT 6905)
EDA 6931-Special Topics (1-5)
EDA 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-15) S/U.
EDA 7979-Advanced Research (1-9) Research for doctoral
students before admission to candidacy. Designed for students
with a master's degree in the field of study or students who have
been accepted for a doctoral program. Not open to students
who have been admitted to candidacy. S/U.
EDA 7980-Research for Doctoral Dissertation (1-15) S/U.
EDG 6905-Individual Work (1-6; max: 12 including EDA
6905 and EVT 6905) Student must have approval of proposed
project prior to registration in course. For advanced students
who wish to study individual problems under faculty guidance.
EDG 6910-Supervised Research (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
EDG 6931-Special Topics (1-4; max: 12 including EDA 6905)
Prereq: consent of department chairman.
EDG 6940-Supervised Teaching (1-5; max: 5) S/U:
EDG 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-15) S/U.
EDG 7979-Advanced Research (1-9) Research for doctoral stu-
dents before admission to candidacy. Designed for students
with a master's degree in the field of study or students who have
been accepted for a doctoral program. Not open to students
who have been admitted to candidacy. S/U.
EDG 7980-Research for Doctoral Dissertation (1-15) S/U.
EVT 6933-Special Topics (1-4; max: 10) Prereq: consent of
department chairman.
Curriculum and Instructional Leadership
EDG 6250-The School Curriculum (3) Required in all gradu-
ate programs in curriculum and instruction. Theoretical and
research bases underlying the development of the total school
program from kindergarten through community college. Basic
curriculum course for graduate students.
EDG 6285-Evaluation in the School Program (3) Procedures
and techniques of evaluation in school programs, with par-
ticular emphasis on needs assessment, school self-study, and
course evaluation.
EDG 6691-Problems in Curriculum and Instruction (2-10;
max: 10) Covers topics not available in regularly listed courses.
To be used'for credit institutes, workshops, and short credit
EDG 7222-Curriculum: Theory and Research (3) Prereq: EDG
6250. Theories of curriculum organization and a survey of cur-
riculum research and patterns of curriculum.
EDG 7362-Instruction: Theory and Research (3) Prereq: EDG
6250 or equivalent. Theories of instructional design and im-
provement, modes of teaching,, and a survey of the main
streams of research on teaching.
EDG 7391-Seminars on Instructional Leadership (3) Prereq:
EDS 6140, EDG 6285. Review of theories of change applicable
to education. Discussion of roles of instructional leaders using
alternative models of change.
EDG 7665-Bases of Curriculum and Instruction Theory (3)
Prerep: EDG 6250 or equivalent. Application of theory and
research in the behavioral sciences to the development of cur-
riculum and instruction theory. Topics include social forces,
human development, learning theories.
EDG 7941-Field Experience in Curriculum and Instruction
(1-4; max: 10) Admission limited to advanced graduate stu-
dents. Supervised experiences appropriate to the student's
professional goals.
EDS 6140-Clinical Supervision (3) Systematic approaches to
supervision of instructional personnel including observation
and programs of continuing professional development.
Educational Administration
EDA 6061-Educational Organization and Administration (3)
Basic concepts and practices in local, state, and federal organi-
zations and administration.
EDA 6105-Operations Research in Education Administration
(3) Application of quantitative systems techniques from
management and operations research to educational adminis-
tration; utilities, queuing theory, graph theory, decision theory,
game theory, simulation, and modeling.
EDA 6192-Educational Leadership 1 (3) Basic course on the
nature of educational leadership. Emphasis on the role of
official leadership in group development, improving group
structure, and program improvements.
EDA 6195-Educational Leadership II (3) Contemporary re-
search on diffusion of innovations, planning of change, organi-
zational theory, and political power in policy decision making.
Role of administrators and instructional leaders in establishing
educational policies.
EDA 6201-Business Affairs in Education (3) Role and
functions of the business office.
EDA 6203-Educational Budgeting and Accounting Systems
(3) Fiscal budgeting and accounting processes in schools.
EDA 6222-Administration of School Personnel (3) Problems
of the professional school staff and administration of staff
personnel in public schools.
EDA 6225-Labor Relations in Public Education (3) Various
aspects of employee, union, and management relationships in
public education.
EDA 6232-Public School Law (3) The law as'it affects the
public school operation in America. Emphasis is placed on
religion; desegregation; compulsory attendance; torts;
curriculum; student control and discipline; and teacher
freedoms, employment, and dismissal.
EDA 6242-Public School Finance (3) State, local, and federal
financing of education.
EDA 6271-Utilization of Computers in Educational Administra-
tion (3) Man-machine systems in educational administration.
Electronic data processing and the school administrator,
educational information systems, and other computer
EDA 6300-Principles of Community Education Administration
(3) The developing concepts and application of the basic
principles to administration of educational institutions and
community agencies.
EDA 6306-Theories and Practices of Community Education
Administration (3) Prereq: EDA 6300. Emphasis on interagency
coordination and cooperation, programming for lifelong
learning and community member involvement in educational
decision making.
EDA 6503-The Principalship (3) Organization and adminis-
tration of the school; emphasis on competencies necessary for
leadership and management of the school center, both
elementary and secondary.
EDA 6935-Problems in School Administration and Supervision
(1-15) In-service training course through regularly scheduled
Son-campus work conferences open only to superintendents and
supervisors; or a problems course, offered through extension or
on campus, for superintendents, supervisors, principals, junior
college administrators, and trainees for such positions. S/U.
EDA 6948-Supervised Practice in School Administration
(1-15) Only advanced graduate students are permitted to enroll.
Students are given an opportunity to perform administrative
duties under supervision. S/U.
EDA 7103-Theories of Educational Administration (3) Prereq:
one year of graduate study. Theoretical constructs relative to
the organization and administration of educational institutions.
EDA 7205-Educational Planning (3) Cooperative planning of
educational programs. Skills and methodologies associated
with developing annual and long-range comprehensive plans
for meeting educational needs of schools districts, colleges, and
EDA 7260-Planning Educational Facilities (3) School plant
survey methods are included. Field experience available.
EDA 7945-Practicum in Supervision and Administration
(1-15) A seminar and an internship in administration and super-
vision. S/U.
EDA 7990-Research Design in Educational Administration (3)
Open only to advanced students. Prereq: EDF 7486 or the
equivalent. Problems in administration conceptualized and
appropriate research procedures determined.
EEX 6511-Administration in Special Education (3) Prereq: EEX
3010 or 6051 or permission of the instructor. Local, state, and
federal organization and administration, with emphasis on the
administration of services to handicapped children.
EEX 7535-Seminar in Administration and Supervision of
Special Education (3; max: 6) Prereq: EDA 6061, EEX 6511.
Current problems in the provision of special education services
in local, state, and federal programs.
EEX 7945-Practicum: Special Education Administration (3-9;
m,ix: 12) Prereq: EEX 7535, six credits of special education, six
cr, dits of educational administration, and written request to
en oll six weeks prior to registration.
Higher Education
EDA 7236-The Law and Higher Education (3) A basic course for
higher education majors in educational administration. Analyzes
the legal structure of higher education, religion, academic
freedom of faculty, employment, due process, students' rights of
speech and expression, search and seizure, desegregation and
tort liability.
EDA 7244-The Financing of Higher Education (3) Financing
of higher education, junior college through university. Theo-
retical basis for use of tax funds for education, student fees and
tuition, state methods for financing, planning, cost benefit,
budgeting, federal role, and capital outlay.
EDA 7550-Higher Education Administration (3) Educational
policies, functions, and practices.
EDA 7565-Coordination of State Systems of Higher Education
(3) Organizational structure and the basic principles of coor-
dination and control of higher education at state and regional
levels. Principles of leadership expressed through controlling
and coordinating boards: role of boards and staff in planning
development and operation; state, regional, and national
accrediting agencies.
EDG 7699-Seminar: Curriculum and Instruction Leadership
in Postsecondary Education (1-2; max: 6) An investigation of
solutions to current curriculum and instruction problems and
issues in postsecondary education.
EDH 6053-The Community junior College in America (3)
.Programs, issues, and problems.
EDH 6066-American Higher Education (3) History, philos-
ophy, and policies, with emphasis on current practices and
EDH 6067-Seminar: International Higher Education (3)
Characteristics of selected foreign higher education systems
with emphasis on history and philosophy, access, curriculum
and instruction, student and faculty characteristics, governance,
management, and finance.
EDH 6305-College and University Teaching (3) Contemporary
issues, problems, and research related to the role of the college
faculty member and the teaching-learning process.
EDH 6946-Practicum in College Teaching 1 (3) Prior arrange-
ments must be made with the coordinating professor of the
College of Education. Provision made for the student to teach
under the supervision of a professor at either the community
college, four-year college, or university level. Seminars cover
topics related to improvement of college teaching.
EDH 6947-Practicum in College Teaching II (3) Prior arrange-
ments must be made with the coordinating professor of the
College of Education. Provision made for the student to teach
under the supervision of a professor at either the community
college, four-year college, or university level. Seminars cover
topics related to improvement of college teaching.
EDH 7937-Seminar: Curriculum in Higher Education (3)
Issues and problems in college and university curricula. Empha-
sis on curriculum planning, implementation, and evaluation.
Vocational, Technical, and Adult Education
ADE 6260-Organization and Administration of Adult Educa-
tion (3) Adult education in the United States: the role of
administration; the job of the local director related to Florida
law and regulations.
ADE 6671-Adult Education: Progress and Prospects (3) An
overview of the historical development and current status of
adult education in America; characteristics of the adult learner;
ADE 7672-Contemporary Issues in Adult Education (3)
Problems, emerging trends, legislation, funding, and other
contemporary issues.
EVT 6167-Program Development in Health Occupations and
Adult Education (4) Emphasis on curriculum planning and
revision, factors influencing the curriculum, organization of the
curriculum, and means of evaluating the program.
EVT 6170-Technical Education in Post-High School Programs
(4) Analysis of technical education in modern society, with
emphasis on college and other post-high school programs
leading to the Associate of Science or similar degrees or
certificates of competency in technical and semi-professional
EVT 6264-Administration of Vocational Education (3) Basic
principles of administering a program on national, state, and
local levels.
EVT 6265-Supervision of Vocational and Adult Education (3)
Concepts and procedures pertaining to supervision of different
facets of local, state, and national programs.
EVT 6315-Special Methods in Technical and Health Occupa-
tions Education (3) Prereq: EVT 6381 or permission of
instructor. Planning learning experiences; identifying teaching
strategies; measuring progress, including clinical evaluation
and performance testing.
EVT, 6381-Teaching Technical Education (3) Prereq:
bachelor's degree in a technical area. Objectives, content,
resource materials, evaluation, and methods of teaching
technical subjects at the post-high school level.
EVT 6664-Vocational Education and Community Interaction
(3) Socioeconomic forces; school-community relations;
employee-employer relations; principles, concepts, and prac-
tices affecting policy and program planning.
EVT 6905-Individual Work in Vocational, Technical, and
Adult Education (1-4; max: 12 including EDA 6905 and EDG
6905) For advanced students wishing to study under faculty
guidance. Before registering, a student must have approval of
the proposed study.
EVT 7930-Seminar in Vocational and Technical Education (3)
Prereq: post-master's standing. Current research and an
overview of the total program.
College of Engineering
Chairman: R. L. Sullivan. Associate Chairman: P. Z.
Peebles, Jr. Graduate Coordinator: Vacant. Graduate
Research Professors: R. E. Kalman; P. Landsberg; J. T. Tou;
A. van der Ziel. Professors: G. Basile; T. E. Bullock; D. P.
Carroll; W. H. Chen; E. R. Chenette; D. G. Childers; L. W.
SCouch; K. L. Doty; O. 1. Elgerd (Emeritus); J. G. Fossum; R.
C. Johnson (Emeritus); S. S. Li; F. A. Lindholm; A. Neugro-
schel; J. R. O'Malley; P. Z. Peebles, Jr.; V. Ramaswamy; C.
V. Shaffer (Emeritus); J. R. Smith; J. Staudhammer; S. Y. W.
Su; R. L. Sullivan; F. J. Taylor; M. A. Uman; C. M. Van
Vliet; J. K. Watson. Associate Professors: A. Arroyo; G.
Bosman; D. Burk; L. Figueroa; H. Lam; M. H. Latour
(Emeritus); E. Thomson. Assistant Professors: W.
Eisenstadt; S. Y. Oh. Eglin AFB Extension Service: R. Yii.
The Department of Electrical Engineering offers the
Master of Engineering, Master of Science, Engineer, and
Doctor of Philosophy degrees. The department offers grad-
uate study and research in biomedical engineering, com-
puter engineering, digital signal processing, communica-
tions, electronic circuits, device and physical electronics,
electric energy, electromagnetics, systems and circuits,
and photonics.
Graduate students in the Department of Electrical
Engineering have bachelor's degrees from many areas-
electrical engineering, other engineering disciplines,
mathematics, physics, chemistry, and other technical
fields. The Department of Electrical Engineering offers
both thesis and nonthesis options for the master's degree.
In the thesis option a student shall complete 33 semester
credit hours with a maximum of six semester credit hours
of EEL 6971 (Research for Master's Thesis).
While the Graduate School sets the minimum re-
quirements, the supervisory committee determines the ap-
propriate number of thesis hours a student shall be re-
quired to take for the thesis. The course requirements in-
clude a minimum of 12 hours of 6000-level course credit
in all fields and a minimum of 12 hours at the 5000 or
6000 level in electrical engineering. Excluded from satisfy-
ing these course requirements are 5905 and 6905 (In-
dividual Work), 6910 (Supervised Research), 6932
(Graduate Seminar), 6940 (Supervised Teaching), and
6971 (Research for Master's Thesis). No more than eight
hours of Individual Work (5905 or 6905) may be counted
toward the degree. Students who accept research assistant-
ships will normally take the thesis option.
In the nonthesis option a student shall complete
33 semester credit hours with a maximum of 4 semester
credit hours of Individual Work (5905 or 6905). The
course requirements include a minimum of 24 semester
credit hours of 6000-level course credit in all fields and a
minimum of 18 semester credit hours at the 5000 or
6000 level in electrical engineering. Excluded from satis-
fying these course requirements are 5905 and 6905 (In-
dividual Work), 6910 (Supervised Research), 6932
(Graduate Seminar), 6940 (Supervised Teaching) and
6971 (Research for Master's Thesis).
All prospective doctoral students must take the Ph.D.
entrance examination at the earliest opportunity. The
examination, which may include both written and oral
portions, can be administered at any time during the year.
Other requirements for the doctoral degree, as well as re-
quirements for master's degrees, are,given in the Electrical
Engineering Department's Graduate Guidelines and in the
front section of this Catalog.
The following course listing indicates the major areas
of faculty interest. Special Topics courses EEL 5934 and
EEL 6935 cover a wide variety of subjects for which there
Share no present courses.
CAP 5722-Computer Graphics (3) Prereq: COP 3530.
Displays, storage, and generation. Interactive vs. passive
graphics. Analog vs. digital graphic storage. Pattern recognition.
Projections and the hidden line problem.
CDA 6108-Advanced Computer Architecture (3) Prereq: EEL
5761 or COP 5622. Evaluation, study, and comparison of
computer systems. Development of formal and informal models
of computer architecture.
COP 5630-Software Engineering (3) Prereq: COP 3110 or
3212. Topics in project organization, specification techniques,
reliability measurement, documentation.
EEL 5134-Analysis of Nonlinear Systems (2) Prereq: EEL 5182.
Liapunov theory, perturbation, and describing functions.
EEL 5167-Engineering of Very Large.Scale Integrated Circuits
(3) Prereq: digital logic course or equivalent. Introduction to
VLSI methodology, design rules, and'building blocks. VLSI
integration, floorplans, spatial and temporal parameters.
Application of VLSI to computer design and dedicated systems.
EEL 5182-State Variable Methods in Linear Systems (3)
Prereq: EEL 3135. Linear algebra and state variable methods for
design and analysis of discrete and continuous linear systems.
EEL 5218-High Voltage DC Transmission Systems (3) Prereq:
introductory course in electric power. Topics include line-
commutated converter analysis, rectifier and inverter controls,
system protection, harmonics, supplementary controls, and
multiterminal operation.
EEL 5268-Control of Electric Energy Systems (3) Prereq: EEL
4213 or equivalent. Voltage, frequency, and power control in
normal and emergency system states. Effects of channel
crosscoupling. Dynamic modeling with emphasis on simplified
model versions.
EEL 5317C-Introduction to Power Electronics (4) Prereq: EEL
3304, 3396. Coreq: EEL 3135. Components and circuits for
power applications. Switched-mode power supplies.
EEL 5352-Electron Device Fundamentals II (3) Prereq: EEL
3396 and a working knowledge of discrete circuit elements
through the physics of how devices work. Physical principles of
solid-state devices, from the old'quantum theory. to band
structure of solids including quasi-classical electron and hole
EEL 5370C-Applied Electronics (4) Modern communication
circuits. Laboratory.
EEL 5447-Laser Electronics (3) Prereq: EEL 3473 and EEL
3396. Physical principles of laser devices, from introduction to
quantum mechanics. Interaction of radiation with atomic and
semiconductor systems, laser oscillations, special laser types,
and laser applications.
EEL 5485-Applied Magnetics (3) Introduction to the design
and use of magnetic components. Piecewise linear modeling.
Examples include inductors, dc to dc converters, tape
recording, and magnetic bubble technology.
EEL 5490-Lightning (3) Prereq: EEL 3472. Introduction to
lightning discharge processes. Electromagnetics relevant to
lightning measurements. Applications for determining lightning
charge, current, location, and characteristics. Lightning
EEL 5544-Noise in Linear Systems (3) Passage of electrical
noise and signals through linear systems. Statistical
representation of random signals, electrical noise, and spectra.
EEL 5547-Introduction to Radar (3) Prereq: EEL 4516 or 5544.
Basic principles of cw and pulsed radar; angle, range, and dop-
pler tracking; accuracy and resolution; signal design.
EEL 5631-Digital Control Systems (3) PRereq: EEL 3701, EEL
4657..A study of the digital computer as a control element,
classical sampled data control theory, and application with
EEL 5718C-Computer Communications (3) Prereq: EEL 4514.
Design of data communication networks: modems, terminals,
error control, multiplexing, message switching, and data
-concentration. Laboratory.
EEL 5719-Digital Filtering (3) Analysis and design of digital
filters for discrete signal processing; spectral analysis; fast
Fourier transform,
EEL 5745C-Microcomputer Hardware and Software (4)
Prereq: EEL 3701 and either EEL 3304 or 3003. Functional
behavior or microprocessors, memory, peripheral support
integrated circuit hardware; microcomputer system and
development software; applications. Laboratory.
EEL 5761-Hardware-Software Interactions: Time Sharing
System (3) Prereq: EEL 4713C. Input-output control and
interface, resource sharing and allocation. Software (hardware)
extensions of hardware (software) functions. Digital system
ELt 5768-Computer Interfacing (3) Prereq: EEL 4713C. Func-
tiioal, logical, and timing requirements in the control of
peripheral equipment. Peripheral-processor communication
anl protocol.
EEl 5830-Human-Computer Interaction (3) Prereq: EEL 3701.
Designing human/computer interfacing; cognition, perception,
sensing, displays, speech, dialogs, and graphics.
EEL 5840-Elements of Machine Intelligence (3) An introduc-
tion to design and control. Elements of self-organization, learn-
ing, and unmanned decision-making are considered within
structures of control for industrial automated lines, robots, and
autonomous vehicles.
EEL 5905-Individual Work (1-4; max: 6) Prereq: consent of
adviser. Selected problems or projects.
EEL 5934-Special Topics in Electrical Engineering (1-3; max:
EEL 6156-Advanced Circuit Analysis (3) Design objectives,
performance functions, optimization techniques applied to
circuit design.
EEL 6171-Advanced System Theory (4) Structural analysis of
linear dynamical systems. Invariance, F and G invariance,
constrained reachability, pole assignment and stability,
advanced topics in linear algebra useful in mathematical system
EEL 6264-Advanced Electric Energy Systems I (3) Prereq: EEL
5268 or consent of instructor. Energy systems planning and
operation with emphasis on advanced analysis methodologies
and computer simulation.
EEL 6265-Advanced Electric Energy Systems II (3) Prereq: EEL
6264. Continuation of EEL 6264 with additional emphasis given
to the new electric energy technologies.
EEL 6311-Electronic Circuits I (3) Prereq: required under-
graduate electronics and control sequences. Analysis and
design of operational amplifier circuits, other topics in
electronic circuit design.
EEL 6312-Electronic Circuits II (3) Prereq: EEL 6311. Design
of active circuits, analysis and design of phase-locked loops and
frequency synthesizers.
EEL 6315-Solid-State Circuits I (3) Prereq: EEL 3396 and one
of the following: EEL 4310C, 4374C, 4331C, or 4351.
Integrated circuits design study and design practice.
EEL 6316-Solid-State Circuits II (3) Prereq: EEL 6315. MOS
integrated circuits. Transitor structures and modeling and
analog circuit applications.
EEL 6335-Electrical Transport Mechanisms in Semiconduc-
tors (3) Transport processes in degenerate and non-degenerate
semiconductors: Boltzmann transport equations, formal solu-
tions, impurity scattering. Discussion of transport mechanisms
in the most widely used semiconductors.
EEL 6354-Device-Related Solid State Physics (3) Prereq:
consent of instructor. Recombination mechanisms and recom-
bination statistics; tunneling and thermionic emission in various
semiconductor contexts; effective-mass theory and the
dynamics of electrons in crystals. Efficiencies of energy
EEL 6381-Network Representation of Solid-State Devices (3)
Prereq: graduate standing. Relationship between dynamic large-
and small-signal equivalent circuit models and the physical
mechanisms governing device operation. Special attention
given to approximations and methods of reasoning. Emphasis
on large-signal, dynamic models for MOS bipolar transistors
and related devices.
EEL 6382-Semiconductor Physical Electronics I (3) Crystal
structures; imperfections; statistics; lattice dynamics; energy
band theory. Equilibrium properties of electrons and holes in
semiconductors. Electronic transport phenomena. Boltzmann's
equation and transport coefficients in semiconductors.
EEL 6383-Semiconductor Physical Electronics II (3) Prereq:
EEL 6382. Scattering mechanisms. Recombination-generation
and trapping processes; optical properties. Excess carrier
phenomena. Photoelectric effects in semiconductors. Metal-
semiconductor contacts. Opto-electronic devices. Junction and
.MOS devices. Superconductors and Josephson Junction devices.
EEL 6388-Fluctuation Phenomena 1 (3) Prereq: EEL 5544.
Noise theory with applications to electrical engineering.
Sources of noise in electronic devices; statistical and spectral
representation. Influence of noise upon the performance of
circuits and systems. Limitation of detectors and instruments
due to noise.
EEL 6391-Fluctuation Phenomena II (3) Prereq: EEL 6388.
Principles of stochastic processes, generating and characteristic
functions, spectral density theorems, applied to noise in
physical and electrical systems. Generation-recombination
noise, Brownian noise, transport noise.
EEL 6392-Fluctuation Phenomena III (3) Prereq: graduate
standing. Noise in solid state devices and circuits.
EEL 6397-Semiconductor Device Theory I (3) Prereq: EEL
3396. Semiconductor material properties, equilibrium and
nonequilibrium processes, quasi-Fermi levels, pn junctions;
charge-control modeling; high level injection, heavy doping
EEL 6398--Semiconductor Device Theory II (3) Prereq: EEL
6397. Basic mechanisms in bipolar junction transitors, low- and
high-current effects; fundamentalprinciples of the MOS system,
surface effects on pn junctions, MOS field-effect transitors.
EEL 6443-Optical Fibers I (3) Prereq: EEL 3473. Review of
electromagnetic theory. Theory of dielectric waveguides,
modes of planar waveguides, strip waveguides, coupled-mode
formalism, directional couplers, modulation and switching of
light, wavelength tunable filters, polarization independent
devices and fiber-integrated optical circuit couplers.
EEL 6444-Optical Fibers II (3) Prereq: EEL 6443. Review of
electromagnetic theory. Basic waveguide equations, wave and
ray optics, dielectric slab waveguide, step and graded index
fibers, fiber measurements, fiber splices, polarization
properties, and fiber systems.
EEL 6448-Semiconductor Opto-Electrohic Devices (3)'Prereq:
EEL 5447. Physical principles, including optical properties,
optical gain and absorption, optical waveguides, laser
oscillations; types of semiconductor lasers, LED's, optical
detectors and applications.
EEL 6486-Electromagnetic Field Theory and Applications I (3)
Prereq: undergraduate course in fields and waves. Advanced
electrostatics, magnetostatics, time-varying electromagnetic
fields, wave propagation, waveguides.
EEL 6487-Electromagnetic Field Theory and Applications II
(3) Prereq: EEL 6486. Electromagnetic radiation, antennas, wave
propagation in anisotropic media.
EEL 6489-Current Topics in Applied Magnetics (3) Physical
principles of technical magnetism with emphasis on magnetic
EEL 6503-Signal Representation and Spread Spectrum
Systems (3) Prereq: EEL 5544. Representation of signals and
noise by orthogonal function series and by use of complex
envelopes. Introduction to spread spectrum systems and syn-
chronization of spread spectrum codes. Signal design for radar
EEL 6505-Digital Signal Processing (3) Prereq: EEL 5544, EEL
5719. Measurement and analysis of signals and noise. Digital
filtering and spectral analysis; fast Fourier transform.
EEL 6509-Space Communications (3) Prereq: EEL 5544. Tele-
metering systems, space communication links, satellite
communication systems; space tracking, and navigation
EEL 6524-Statistical Decision Theory (3) Prereq: EEL 5544.
Hypothesis testing of signals in the presence of noise by Bayes,
Neyman-Pearson, minimax criteria; estimation of signal
EEL 6535-Theory of Communication (3) Prereq: EEL 5544.
Optimum receiver principles; analysis of digital and analog
communication systems in the presence of noise; modeling of
communication channels.
EEL 6562-Image Processing and Computer Vision (3) Pictorial
data representation; feature encoding; spatial filtering; image
enhancement; image segmentation; cluster seeking; two-dimen-
sional z-transforms; scene analysis; picture description lan-
guage; object recognition; pictorial database; interactive
graphics; picture understanding machine.
EEL 6585-Computer Speech Systems (3) Prereq: EEL 6586.
Design and analysis of speech synthesizers; speech recognizers;
speaker recognition, verification, and identification; intelli-
gence interface systems; speech understanding.
EEL 6586-Automatic Speech Processing (3) Prereq: EEL 5719.
Various models of speech production and perception.
Operation of speech synthesizers. Discussion of speech
recognition. Mathematical models of speech signals.
EEL 6614-Modern Control Theory I (3) Prereq: EEL 5182.
Optimization of systems using the calculus of variations,
dynamic programming, and the maximum principle. Extensive
study of the linear plant with a quadratic performance index.
Observers and dynamic compensators.
EEL 6615-Modern Control Theory 11 (3) Prereq: EEL 6614 or
consent of instructor. Kalman Bucy filters. Discrete and con-
tinuous filtering. Computational techniques. Smoothing and
system identification techniques.
SEEL 6667-Kinematics and Dynamics of Robot Manipulators
(3) Algebraic formulation of robot manipulator motion.
Homogeneous matrices. Methods for computing forward and
reverse kinematic solutions of robot manipulators. Robot
differential displacements and Jacobians. Newton-Euler and
Lagrangian derivations of manipulator dynamics.
EEL 6668-Intelligent Robot Manipulator Systems (3) Prereq:
EEL 6667. Trajectory planning and computation for robot man-
ipulators. Splines. Force compliance and hybrid control.
Machine perception and intelligence: touch, vision, collision
avoidance, automatic task planning. Modeling a robotic manu-
facturing work cell. Robot computer languages.
EEL 6702-Advanced Topics in Digital Signal Processing (3)
Prereq: analysis and design of digital filters. Introduction to
number transforms, complexity of algorithms, and finite fields.
Development of transforms and digital filter using algebraic
operators and finite fields plus the technological consideration
of DSP system and system integration.
EEL 6733-Abstract Machines and Languages (3) Logic, set
theory, modern algebra, finite and infinite .state machines,
grammars, language oriented machines.
EEL 6767-Database Engineering (3) Prereq: EEL 4713C. Archi-
tecture of database management system, data models and
languages, design, integrity, security, concurrency control,
distributed database management.
EEL 5769-Hardware-Software Interactions: Nonnumeric
Processing (3) Prereq: EEL 6767- or consent of instructor.
Information representations; content and context search
methods; associative memories, retrieval language mapping;
parallel processing; hardware and software garbage collections.
EEL 6799-Topics in Computer Engineering (3) Research topics
relevant to computer engineering, including, but not limited to,
robotics, graphics, database management, algorithm design,
languages, machine intelligence.
EEL 6824-Algorithm Design and Analysis (3) Methods and
techniques for developing and evaluating algorithms.
Functional complexity, computational bounds, program verifi-
cation and proof methods.
EEL 6825-Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems (3)
Decision functions; optimum decision criteria; training algo-
rithms; unsupervised learning; feature extraction, data reduc-
tion; potential functions; syntactic pattern description; recogni-
tion grammars; machine intelligence.
EEL 6841-Machine Intelligence and Synthesis of Electro-
mechanical Systems (3) Prereq: -EEL 5840. Theory of machine
intelligence is presented in application to the problems of
control and synthesis of contemporary electromechanical
systems including multiactuator flexible manufacturing sys-
tems, industrial robots, mobile autonomous vehicles, etc.
EEL 6905-Individual Work (1-4; max: 6) Prereq: consent of
adviser. Selected problems or projects.
EEL'6910-Supervised Research (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
EEL 6932-Graduate Seminar (1) Discussion of topics in fields
of graduate study and research. S/U.
EEL 6935-Special Topics in Electrical Engineering (1-4; max:
12, including EEL 5905 and 6905)
EEL 6940-Supervised Teaching (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
EEL 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-15) S/U.
EEL 7979-Advanced Research (1-9) Research for doctoral
students before admission to candidacy. Designed for students
with a master's degree in the field of study or for students who
have been accepted for a doctoral program. Not open to
students who have been admitted to candidacy. S/U.
EEL 7980-Research for Doctoral Dissertation (1-15) S/U.