University record [Undergraduate catalog 1985-1986]

Material Information

University record [Undergraduate catalog 1985-1986]
Uniform Title:
University record (Gainesville, Fla.)
University of the State of Florida
University of Florida
Place of Publication:
Lake city Fla
University of the State of Florida
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
v. : ; 24 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
College publications ( lcsh )
Universities and colleges ( lcsh )
Agricultural education ( lcsh )
University extension ( lcsh )
Teachers colleges ( lcsh )
Law schools ( lcsh )
serial ( sobekcm )


Dates or Sequential Designation:
Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 1906)-
Numbering Peculiarities:
Issue for Vol. 2, no. 1 (Feb. 1907) is misnumbered as Vol. 1, no.1.
General Note:
Title from cover.
General Note:
Imprint varies: <vol.1, no.2-v.4, no.2> Gainesville, Fla. : University of the State of Florida,; <vol.4, no. 4-> Gainesville, Fla. : University of Florida,.
General Note:
Issues also have individual titles.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
000917307 ( ALEPH )
01390268 ( OCLC )
AEM7602 ( NOTIS )
2003229026 ( LCCN )

Related Items

Succeeded by:
Catalog and admission bulletin
Succeeded by:
College of Medicine catalog
Succeeded by:
University record of the University of Florida. Graduate catalog
Succeeded by:
University record of the university of Florida. Undergraduate catalog

UFDC Membership

University of Florida
University Archives


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Full Text


i I A

Now that you have the University of Florida's undergraduate catalog, you might like help in using
it. According to Webster, a catalog is a complete enumeration of things arranged systematically with
descriptive detail. But to find exactly what you want to know it helps to know the system.

This undergraduate catalog is organized into three main sections. The first explains the University
administration as it relates to the student; the second presents a description of the academic units, and
the third section lists the course descriptions. Other information is provided including a calendar of
critical dates at the front and a listing of faculty and administrators in the back. An index is placed at the
end of the catalog.

In addition to general information about the University as a whole, the first section has specific
details about admission, e>

A student at the L
section of the catalog ex
degrees offered, require,
are located here.

The second sectic
degree. Here you learn aE
which the curriculum is b.

The third section
by departments of instru
semesters. This section is
course number and the L

For example, ZO(
title are the letters F, S, !
course carries four credit
CHM 2042 and CHM 20
registration for ZOO 21
conjunction with the cat

"Could I be admitted?"

"How much does it cost
"Where can I live?"
"When do classes start?
What about vacations?"

"What programs are available?
What courses can I take?"
"Where can I find out about
grades, probation and sus-
"What could I major in and
what degrees are offered?"
"What about financial aid?"
"What is special about the
University of Florida?"


r schools. The second
Major fields of study,
pertinent information

gram for a bachelor's
g of the philosophy on
lining is aimed.

s set up alphabetically
taught in each of the
identifies the statewide

Biology. Following the
wring and Summer. The
:oology Laboratory) and
ted satisfactorily before
semester and used in

s, refer to Admission
and to your specific

action .

See University calendar and critical dates in front
Look at descriptions of colleges in second
section. Check requirements for specific courses.
See Academic Regulations, general section.

See college descriptions.

See Student Affairs in general section.
See A Complete University.




The Undergraduate Catalog
has been adopted as a rule of
the University pursuant to the
provisions of Chapter 120 of the
Florida Statute. Addenda to the
University Record Series, if any,
are available upon request to the
Office of the Registrar.


* I'
iF :e

University Calendar ........................... ............. ............... v
A Complete University ..................... ............................x
Board of Education ............................. .................... .........xii
Administrative Council of the University........................xiii
General Information................................................1
Adm missions ...... ........ ................. ...................11
Expenses .................................... .............................................. 20
Student Affairs ............................................................ ...........24
H housing ............................ ........ ...........................................24
Student Life- Services, Facilities, Activities.......................30
Student Academic Regulations................... ............ 35
Time Shortened Degree Opportunities.............................41
Colleges, Schools, and Curricula
School of Accounting ........................................... ..... ......... 43
College of Agriculture ................ ................................46
College of Architecture ......................................... .............60
School of Building Construction.....................................65
College of Business Administration................................68
College of Dentistry.................... ..............................72
College of Education .............................. ...... ............. 73
College of Engineering .......................,..............................80
College of Fine Arts ........................................... ............. 99
School of Forest Resources and Conservation..........109
College of Health Related Professions ........................113
College of Journalism and Communications..............120
Center of Latin American Studies................................127
College of Law ........................... ...............................128
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences..........................29
College of M medicine ............................................ .......... 146
College of Nursing ...........................................................147
College of Pharm acy ................................................... 150
College of Physical Education, Health, and
Recreation............................... ........... .... ...............154
College of Veterinary Medicine....................................161
Division of Military Science.............................................163
Departments of Instruction (Index)...................................166
Table of Statewide Course Prefixes....................................169
Description of Courses .............................................. .......173
Staff and Faculty ..:.. .................... ..................................307
Index ............................ .. ............... ...................367

This public document was promulgated at a total cost of $47,282 or
$1.05 per copy to inform students, parents, University faculty, and other
interested persons of degree programs and-curricula offerings at the
University of Florida.



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CALENDAR, 1985-86

The application deadlines indicated below apply to former University of Florida students, currently enrolled University of Florida students, or
new students seeking admission to the University of Florida for the first time.
The application deadlines refer to completion of all application procedures including receipt of all required credentials and the completion
of departmental requirements, if any. Applications for admission to limited access programs received after the deadline may be returned
unprocessed. Applications for admission to other programs received after the deadline will be processed only on a space available basis.
Applications for admission to certain programs will be considered only for the terms) indicated below.

Beginning Freshmen
Freshman & Sophomore
Juniors, Seniors & Postbaccalaureate
Building Construction
Clinical & Community
Interior Design
Graphic Design
Medical Technology
; Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy
All Other Programs
Clinical Psychology
Master of Law in Taxation
*All Other Graduate Programs,
if available:

1985 FALL

March 1

June 21

February 1
March 1

February 15
May 10
April 1

May 10
February 15
February 15
March 1
February 15

June 21

February 15
May 31


November 1

November 1

November 1
October 3

November 1

November 1

November 1



February 28

February 28

February 28

February 28

February 28
January 31

February 28



April 25

April 25

April 25

April 25

April 25

December 16
April 25


lune 21 November 1 February 28 Anril 25

*NOTE: Some departments have found it necessary to establish deadlines for receipt of applications and all supporting records that
are earlier than the deadline established by the Graduate School. All graduate applicants are advised to check with the
appropriate department regarding application deadlines.
Applicants for admission to the professional schools of Law, Dentistry, Medicine or Veterinary Medicine are advised to check directly
with the school regarding application deadlines.


Classes Begin
Classes End
Final Examinations
Grades Due (Graduating Seniors)
Grades Due (All)

1985 FALL

August 19-22
August 26
December 12
December 12-21
December 21
December 19
December 23


January 3
January 6
April 24
April 24-May 3
May 3
May 1
May 5

May 7
May 8
June 18
In Class
June 20

June 24-25
June 26
August 6
In Class
August 9
August 7
August 8

May 7
May 8
August 6
In Class
August 9
August 7
August 8


CALENDAR 1985-86



February 1, Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Deadline for receipt of application and completion of all
application procedures, including departmental require-
ments, and receipt of official transcripts for Architecture.

February 15, Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Deadline for receipt of application and completion of all
application procedures, including departmental require-
ments, and receipt of official transcripts for Clinical and
Community Dietetics, Medical Technology, Occupatio-
nal Therapy, Physical Therapy and graduate program in
Clinical Psychology.

March 1, Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Deadline for receipt of application and completion of all
application procedures, including receipt of official
transcripts for Beginning Freshmen. Applications receiv-
ed after this date may be considered on a space
available basis.
Deadline for receipt of application and completion of all
application procedures, including departmental require-
ments, and receipt of official transcripts for Building
Construction and Pharmacy.
March 9, Saturday
College Level Academic Skills Test date.
March 29, Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Deadline for receipt of application and completion of all
application procedures, including departmental require-
ments, and receipt of official transcripts for Graphic

University Calendar

May 10, Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Deadline for receipt of application and completion of all
application procedures, including departmental require-
ments, and receipt of official transcripts for Interior
Design and Landscape Architecture.

June 1, Saturday
College Level Academic Skills Test date.
June 21, Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Deadline for receipt of application and completion of all
application procedures, including departmental require-
ments, and receipt of official transcripts for all under-
graduate and graduate programs except those listed
with an earlier deadline date under the preceding
Last day for students who have previously attended the
University of Florida to apply for a registration appoint-
ment for the Fall term.
Last day to apply to change classification for the Fall term,
except for programs with an earlier deadline as listed
under the preceding section APPLICATION DEADLINES.

August 19-22, Monday-Thursday
Orientation and registration according to appointments
assigned. No one permitted to start registration on
Thursday, August 22, after 3:00 p.m.
August 23, Friday
Drop/Add begins. Late registration begins. All students
registering late subject to $25 late fee.
August 26, Monday-Classes begin.
August 30, Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day for completing late registration for Fall Semester.
No one permitted to start registration on Friday, August-
30 after 3:00 p.m.
Last day for Drop/Add and for changing sections. Students
liable for fees for all hours for which registered. Any
change after this date will be according to individual
.college petition procedures until date WF's are assigned.
A W symbol will be assigned for courses dropped after
this date and prior to the date WF's are assigned.
Last day student may withdraw from the University and
receive full refund of fees unless withdrawal is for
medical or military reasons. Students who withdraw
from the University after this date for medical or
military reasons may apply for a refund of fees less
mandatory fees. Students who withdraw from the
University after this date and until Sept. 20.may receive
a 25% refund of course fees less mandatory fees.
Last day for filing S-U option card in Registrar's Office.

September 2, Monday-Labor Day
Classes suspended.
September 3, Tuesday, 2:30 p.m.
All undeferred fee payments are due in full. All waivers
must be established. Anyone who has not paid fees or
arranged to pay fees with Student Financial Services by
this date will be subject to a $25 late payment charge.
Last day. for filing address change in Registrar's Office, if
not living in residence halls, in order to receive fee
statement, if applicable, at new address.
September 20, Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day for changing any grade assigned in the preceding
term, except in a modular course.
Last day student may withdraw from the University and
receive 25% refund of course fees, less mandatory fees,
unless withdrawal is for medical or military reasons.
Last day for filing degree application at the Registrar's
Office for a degree to be conferred at the end of the
Fall Semester.
Last day to apply with the Registrar for an Associate of
Arts certificate to be awarded at the end of the

October 5, Saturday
College Level Academic Skills Test date.

October 18-19, Friday-Saturday-Homecomirig
All classes suspended Friday.
November 1, Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day for dropping a course by college petition. No
drop permitted after this day without receiving WF
November 11, Monday-Veterans Day
Classes suspended.
November 27, Wednesday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day for withdrawing from University without receiving
failing grades in all courses.
November 28-29, Thursday-Friday-Thanksgiving
Classes suspended 10:10 p.m. November 27.
December 2, Monday, 7:25 a.m.
Classes resume.
December 6, Friday, 10:10 p.m.
No examinations, class quizzes or progress tests may be
given after this date and prior to the final examination
December 12-13, Thursday-Friday
Discretionary review days.
December 13, Friday
All classes end.
December 14, Saturday, 7:30 a.m.
Final examinations begin.
December 19, Thursday, 10:00 a.m.
Degree candidates' grades due.
December 20, Friday, 3:00 p.m.
Report of colleges on degree candidates due in the Office
of the Registrar.
December 21, Saturday
Commencement Convocation.
December 23, Monday, 9:00 a.m.
Last day for submitting grades for Fall Semester including
those given extension by Department Chairman.


CALENDAR, 1985-86
October 3, Thursday, 4:00 p.m.
Deadline for receipt of application and completion of all
application procedures, including departmental require-
ments, and receipt of official transcripts for Building
November 1, Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Deadline for receipt of application and completion of all
application procedures including receipt of official
transcripts for Beginning Freshmen. Applications receiv-
ed after this date may be considered on a space
available basis.
Deadline for receipt of application and completion of all
application procedures, including departmental require-
ments, and receipt of official transcripts for Architecture,
Interior Design, and Landscape Architecture.
Deadline for receipt of application and completion of all
application procedures, including departmental require-
ments, and receipt of official transcripts for all under-
graduate and graduate programs except those listed
with an earlier deadline date under the preceding
Last day for students who have previously attended the
University of Florida to apply for a registration appoint-
ment for the Spring term.

university Lalendar

Last day to apply to change classification for the Spring
term, except for programs with an earlier deadline as
listed under the preceding section APPLICATION DEAD-

January 3, Friday
Registration according to appointments assigned. No one
permitted to start registration on Friday, January 4, after
3:00 p.m.
January 6, Monday
Drop/Add begins. Late registration begins. All students
registering late subject to $25 late fee.
January 6, Monday-Classes Begin.

January 10, Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day for completing late registration for Spring Semes-
ter. No one permitted to start registration on Friday,
January 10, after 3:00 p.m.
Last day for Drop/Add and for changing sections. Students
liable for fees for all hours for which registered. Any
change after this date will be according to individual
college petition procedures until date WF's are assigned.
A W symbol will be assigned for courses dropped after
this date and prior to the date WF's are assigned.
Last day students may withdraw from the University and
receive full refund of fees unless withdrawal is for
medical or military reasons. Students who withdraw
from the University after this day for medical or military
reasons.may apply for a refund of fees less mandatory
fees. Students who withdraw from the University after
this day and until January 31 may receive a 25% refund
of course fees less mandatory fees.
Last day for filing S-U option card in Registrar's Office.
January 13, Monday, 2:30 p.m.
All undeferred fee payments are due in full. All waivers
must be established. Anyone who has not paid fees or
arranged to pay fees with Student Financial Services by
this date will be subject to a $25 late payment charge.
Last day, for filing address change in the Registrar's Office,
if not living in residence halls, in order to receive fee
statement, if applicable, at new address.
January 24, Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day for filing degree application at the Registrar's
Office for a degree to be conferred at the end of the
Spring Semester.
Last day to apply with the Registrar for an Associate of
Arts certificate to be awarded at the end of the
January 31, Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day student may withdraw from the University and
receive 25% refund of course fees, less mandatory fees,
unless withdrawal is for medical or military reasons.
February 7, Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day for changing any grade assigned in the preceding
term, except in a modular course.
March 8, Saturday
College Level Academic Skills Test date.
March 14, Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day for dropping a course by a college petition. No
drops permitted after this date without receiving WF
March 24-28, Monday-Friday-Spring break.
All classes suspended Monday thru Friday.
April 11, Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day for withdrawing from the University without
receiving failing grades in all courses.
April 18, Friday, 10:10 p.m.
No examinations, class quizzes or progress tests may be
given after this date and prior to the final examination

April 24-25, Thursday-Friday
Discretionary review days..
April 25, Friday
All classes end.
April 26,'Saturday, 7:30 a.m.
Final examinations begin.
May 1, Thursday, 10:00 a.m.
Degree candidates' grades due.
May 2, Friday, 3:00 p.m.
Report from colleges on degree candidates due in the
Office of the Registrar.
May 3, Saturday
Commencement Convocation.
May 5, Monday, 9:00 a.m.
Last day for submitting grades for Spring Semester
including those given extension by Department Chair-


CALENDAR, 1985-86
February 28, Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Deadline for receipt of application and completion of all
application procedures including receipt of official
transcripts for Beginning Freshmen. Applications receiv-
ed after this date may be considered on a space
available basis.
Deadline for receipt of application and completion of all
application procedures, including departmental require-
ments, and receipt of official transcripts for all under-
graduate and graduate programs except those listed
with an earlier deadline date under the preceding
Last day for students who have previously attended the
University of Florida to apply for a registration appoint-
ment for the Summer A term.
Last date to apply to change classification for the Summer
A term, except for programs with an earlier deadline as
listed under the preceding section APPLICATION DEAD-
February 28, Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Deadline for receipt of application and completion of all
application procedures, including departmental require-
ments, and receipt of official transcripts for Architecture.
Interior Design, and Landscape Architecture.
May 7, Wednesday
Registration according to appointments assigned. No one
permitted to start registration on Wednesday, May 7,
after 3:00 p.m.
May 8, Thursday
Drop/Add begins. Late" registration begins. All students
registering late subject to $25 late fee.
May 8, Thursday-Classes begin.,

May 12, Monday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day for completing late registration for Summer Term
A. No one permitted to start registration on Monday,
May 12 after 3:00 p.m.
Last day for Drop/Add and.for changing sections. Students
liable for fees for all hours for which registered. Any
change after this date will be according to individual
college petition procedures until date WF's are assigned.
A W symbol will be assigned for courses dropped after
this date and prior to the date WF's are assigned.

University Calendar

Last day student may withdraw from the University and
receive full refund of fees unless withdrawal is for
medical or military reasons. Students who withdraw
after this date for medical or military reasons may apply
for a refund of fees less mandatory fees. Students who
withdraw from the University after this date and until
May 19 may receive a 25% refund of course fees less
mandatory fees.
Last day for filing S-U option card in Registrar's Office.
Last day for filing degree application at the Registrar's'
Office for a degree to be conferred at the end of
Summer Term A, June 21, 1986.
Last day to apply with the Registrar for an Associate of
Arts certificate to be awarded at the end of Summer
Term A, June 21, 1986.
May 13, Tuesday, 2:30 p.m.
All undeferred fee payments are due in full. All waivers
must be established. Anyone who has not paid fees or
arranged to pay fees with Student Financial Services by
this date will be subject to a $25 late payment charge.
Last day for filing address change in the Registrar's Office,
if not living in residence halls, in order to receive fee
statement, if applicable, at new address.
May 19, Monday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day student may withdraw from the University and
receive 25% refund of course fees, less mandatory fees,
unless withdrawal is for medical or military reasons..
May 26, Monday-Memorial Day
Classes suspended.
May 30, Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day for changing any grade assigned in the preceding
term except in a modular course.
June 4, Wednesday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day for dropping a course by a college petition. No
drops permitted after this date'without receiving WF
June 7, Saturday
College Level Academic Skills Test Date.
June 11, Wednesday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day for withdrawing from the University without
receiving failing grades in all courses.
June 18, Wednesday-All classes end.
Final examinations will be held in regular class periods.
June 20, Friday, 9:00 a.m.
Last day for submitting grades for Summer Term A.
June 21, Saturday-Graduation date.
No commencement ceremony.
June 23, Monday, 2:00 p.m.
Report of colleges on degree candidates due in the Office
of the Registrar.

CALENDAR, 1985-86
December 16, 1985, Monday, 4:00 p.m.
Deadline for receipt of application and completion of all
application procedures, including departmental require-
ments, and receipt of official transcripts for Physician
Assistant Program.
April 25, Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Deadline for receipt of application and completion of all
application procedures including receipt of official
transcripts for Beginning Freshmen. Applications receiv-
ed after this date may be considered on a space
available basis.

Deadline for receipt of application and completion of all
application procedures, including departmental require-
ments, and receipt of official transcripts for Architecture,
Interior Design, and Landscape Architecture.
Deadline for receipt of application and completion of all
application procedures, including departmental require-
ments, and receipt of official transcripts for all under-
graduate and graduate programs except those listed
with an earlier deadline date under the preceding
Last day for students who have previously attended the
University of Florida to apply for a registration appoint-
ment for the Summer B term.
Last day to apply to change classification for the Summer
B term, except for programs with earlier deadlines listed
under the preceding section APPLICATION DEADLINES.
June 24-25, Tuesday-Wednesday
Registration according to appointments assigned. No one
permitted to start registration on Wednesday, June 25,
after 3:00 p.m.
June 26, Thursday
Drop/Add begins. Late registration begins. All students
registering late subject to $25 late fee.
June 26, Thursday-Classes Begin.

June 30, Monday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day for completing late registration for Summer Term
B. No one permitted to start registration on Monday,
June 30, after 3:00 p.m.
Last day for Drop/Add and for changing sections. Students
liable for fees for all hours for which registered. Any
change after this date will be according to individual
college petition procedures until date WF's are assigned.
A W symbol will be assigned for courses dropped after
this date and prior to the date WF's are assigned.
Last day student may withdraw from the University and
receive full refund of fees unless withdrawal is for
medical or military reasons. Students who withdraw
after this date for medical or military reasons may apply
for a refund of fees less mandatory fees. Students who
withdraw from the University after this date and until
July 7 may receive a 25% refund of course fees less
mandatory fees.
Last day for filing S-U option card in Registrar's Office.
Last day for filing degree application at the Registrar's
Office for a degree to be conferred at the end of
Summer Term B, August 9, 1986.
Last day to apply with the Registrar for an Associate of
Arts certificate to be awarded at the end of Summer
STerm B, August 9, 1986.
July 1, Tuesday, 2:30 p.m.
-All undeferred fee payments are due in full. All waivers
must be established. Anyone who has not paid or
arranged to pay fees with Student Financial Services by
this date will be subject to a $25 late payment charge.
Last day for filing address change in Registrar's Office, if
not living in residence halls, in order to receive fee
statement, if applicable, at new address.
July 4, Friday-Independence Day Holiday
Classes suspended.
July 7, Monday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day student may withdraw from the University and
receive 25% refund of course fees, less mandatory fees,
unless withdrawal is for medical or military reasons.
July 18, Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day for changing any grade assigned in the preceding
term except in a modular course.

July 23, Wednesday, 4-00 p.m.
Last day for dropping a course by a college petition. No
drops permitted after this date without receiving WF
July 30, Wednesday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day for withdrawing from University without receiving
failing grades in all courses.

University Calendar

August 6, Wednesday-All classes end.
Final examinations will be held in regular class periods.
August 7, Thursday, 10:00 a.m.
Degree candidates' grades due.
August 8, Friday, 9:00 a.m.
Last day for submitting grades for Summer Term B.
August 8, Friday, 3:00 p.m.
Report of colleges on degree candidates due in the Office
of the Registrar.
August 9, Saturday-Commencement

CALENDAR, 1985-86

January 31, Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Deadline for receipt of application and completion of all
application procedures including departmental require-
ments and receipt of official transcripts for Nursing.
February 28, Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Deadline for receipt of application and completion of all
application procedures including receipt of official
transcripts for Beginning Freshmen. Applications receiv-
ed after this date may be considered on a space
available basis.
Deadline for receipt of application and completion of all
application procedures, including departmental require-
ments, and receipt of official transcripts for Architecture,
Interior Design, and Landscape Architecture.
Deadline for receipt of application and completion of all
application procedures, including departmental require-
ments, and receipt of official transcripts for all under-
graduate and graduate programs except those listed
with an earlier deadline date under the preceding
Last day for students who have previously attended the
University of Florida to apply for a registration appoint-
ment for the Summer C term.
Last day to apply to change classification for the Summer
C term, except for programs with an earlier deadline as
listed under the preceding section APPLICATION DEAD-
May 7, WedneSday
Registration according to appointments assigned. No one
permitted to start registration on Wednesday, May 7,
after 3:00 p.m.
May 8, Thursday
Drop/Add begins. Late registration begins. All students
registering late subject to $25 late fee.
May 8, Thursday-Classes begin.

May 12, Monday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day for completing late registration for Summer Term
C. No one permitted to start registration on Monday,
May 12 after 3:00 p.m.
Last day for Drop/Add and for changing sections. Students
liable for fees for all hours for which registered. Any
change after this date will be according to individual
college petition procedures until date WF's are assigned.
A W symbol will be assigned for courses dropped after
this date and prior to the date WF's are assigned.

Last day'"student may withdraw from the University and
recerme lull refund of fees unless withdrawal is for
medical or military reasons. Students who withdraw
after this date for medical or military reasons may apply
for a refund of fees less mandatory fees. Students who
withdraw from the University after this date and until
May 30 may receive a 25%/ refund of course fees less
mandatory fees.
Last day for filing S-U option card in Registrar's Office.
May 13, Tuesday, 2:30 p.m.
All undeferred fee payments are due in full. All waivers
must be established. Anyone who has not paid fees or
arranged to pay fees with Student Financial Services by
this date will be subject to a $25 late payment charge.
Last day for filing address change in the Registrar's Office,
if not living in residence halls, in order to receive fee
statement, if applicable, at new address.
May 26, Monday-Memorial Day
Classes suspended.
May 30, Friday, 4-00 p.m.
Last day student may withdraw from the University and
receive 25% refund of course fees, less mandatory fees,
unless withdrawal is for medical or military reasons.
May 30, Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day for changing any grade assigned in the preceding
term except in a modular course.
June 18, Wednesday-All term C classes end for summer break.

June 19-27, Thursday-Wednesday.
Summer break-classes suspended.
June 26, Thursday-Term C classes resume.
June 30, Wednesday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day for filing degree application at the Registrar's
Office for a degree to be conferred at the end of
\ Summer Term C, August 9, 1986.
Last day to apply with the Registrar for an Associate of
Arts certificate to be awarded at the end of Summer
Term C, August 9, 1986.

July 4, Friday-Independence Day Holiday
Classes suspended.

July 23, Wednesday, 4-00 p.m.
Last day for dropping a course by a college petition. No
drops permitted after this date without receiving WF

July 30, Wednesday, 4:00 p.m.
Last day for withdrawing from University without receiving
failing grades in all courses.

August 6, Wednesday-All classes end.
Final examinations will be held in regular class periods.
August 7, Thursday, 10:00 a.m.
Degree candidates' grades due.
August 7, Thursday, 3:00 p.m.
Report of colleges on degree candidates due in the Office
of the Registrar.
August 8, Friday, 9:00 a.rh.
Last day for submitting grades for Summer Term C.
August 9, Saturday-Commencement



THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA is one of America's truly
distinctive universities. Along with Ohio State and the
University' of Minnesota, the University of Florida offers
more academic programs on a single campus than any of
the nation's other universities, private and public. It is also
among the nation's 10 largest universities; yet its division
into 20 colleges and schools, with their 140 departments,
gives students the opportunity to know and work closely
with their classmates and teachers. Its location in Gaines-
ville, dedicated from its founding to serve as a home away
from home for college students, adds immeasurably to the
educational and social opportunities for students. $
THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA is a residential campus,
with rich resources available because of its size, that
provides a learning and living environment for the whole
person: Daily contacts in class, in clubs, between
classes and in campus residence halls or apartments -
with other students from every spectrum of society and
with virtually every career goal Daily opportunities to
attend concerts, theater productions, art shows, seminars,
athletic contests, lectures, and a myriad of other events
featuring nationally and internationally known talents ..
Daily communications with a faculty that is comprised of
some of the nation's leading scholars Working in

laboratories and libraries among the best in the nation.
More than 1,500 faculty members and graduate students
are awarded research and training grants annually, ranking
the University of Florida among the nation's top 40
research universities.
Because it is a complete university freshmen through
professional and postdoctoral the University of Florida
offers more for its undergraduate students.
Undergraduates aspiring for graduate or professional
degrees can study in libraries and laboratories equipped
for almost every advanced degree offered anywhere in the
world. They study alongside advanced graduate and
professional students. They can begin their research as
early as they desire, even as freshmen. They can receive
counseling from a faculty that has been assembled from
major universities in the nation and the world. The
University of Florida ranks among the nation's top 25
universities whose bachelor's degree holders move into
graduate programs. Its preparatory programs for admission
to graduate and professional schools are recognized by
the world's leading universities.
Students desiring only bachelor's degrees can choose
from 114 majors, almost all of them strengthened by

correlative graduate degree programs. This means students
can enrich their bachelor's degree programs with ad-
vanced courses designed for both undergraduates and
graduates. It also means a wider selection of course
opportunities outside a student's major field of study.
Above all, it means an undergraduate student pursues
studies in a complete academic atmosphere.

Students attending the University of Florida come from
every county in -the state, every state in the nation, and
last year from 102 foreign countries. Eighty-five per cent of
the university's entering freshmen earned admission test
scores above the national mean. Thirty-eight per cent of
the undergraduates are transfers from community and
other colleges. They experience no difficulty competing
academically with students who begin their work at the
University of Florida. The University of Florida ranks 5th
among state universities and 13th among all universities in
the nation in the number of national merit and merit
achievement scholars in attendance. But the University of
Florida is not an elitist university. And it does not want to
be. Students who do not qualify academically for admis-
sion to a Florida state univerCity may be admitted under
special programs. These students, and any others who
desire, are offered special instructional programs to help
them progress scholastically. These programs have the
central goal of equipping students with the ability to
complete their degrees.

Perhaps above all else, the University of Florida offers its
students leadership training and experience. Its results are
proven. Half of Florida's Cabinet members, in addition to
the Governor, are UF graduates, as are approximately one-
third of the state senators, members of the state House of
Representatives, Floridians in the U.S. Congress and state

Supreme Court justices. Half of ten persons named in 1978
as Florida's most influential governmental, professional and
business persons had attended the University of Florida.
Thousands of other Florida graduates occupy key positions
in every known professional endeavor throughout the
state, in the nation, and in many parts of the world.
There are reasons behind the University of Florida's
leadership training success. The contained campus in a
larger community whose principal focus is on the Universi-
ty -provides thousands of leadership opportunities.
Student Government at the University of Florida is one of
the nation's most independent and influential. Every
college has its own student council. Almost every commit-
tee for governance of the university as a whole and
there are dozens of them -has student members. The
University turns many of its activities over to students to
implement. Students serve on advisory boards and coun-
cils in city and county government. Hundreds of students
are employed in career-developing positions and serve
internships in Gainesville area institutions. More than 300
students organizations, including fraternities and sororities,
require full slates of officers. Virtually every academic
offering provides opportunity for membership in chapters
of national student organizations. Churches and civic
groups in the community provide special programs and
opportunities just for University of Florida students. More
than 500 participate in a student volunteer action organi-
zation, providing companionship and assistance to chil-
dren, the elderly, the handicapped, the incarcerated, the
underprivileged, and the lonely in 14 separate programs. It
is the largest student volunteer action group in the nation.
A nationally-recognized Student Services Office offers
counseling programs for dozens of special student prob-
lems both academic and personal as well as
leadership training programs.
The University of Florida sees every student as a whole
person. It has planned its programs and activities accord-

State of Florida
Lieutenant Governor
State of Florida
Secretary of State
State of Florida
Attorney General
State of Florida
State of Florida
State Treasurer
State of Florida
Commissioner of Agriculture
State of Florida
Commissioner of Education
State of Florida


Lake Wales, Florida
Vice Chairman
Tampa, Florida
Student Regent
Sarasota, Florida
Tallahassee, Florida
Ormond Beach, Florida
Jacksonville, Florida

St. Petersburg, Florida
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Pensacola, Florida
Miami, Florida

Orlando, Florida
Miami, Florida
Tallahassee, Florida

State University System

Executive Vice President
Vice President for University Relations
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Vice President for Health Affairs
Vice President for Administrative Affairs
Vice President for Research
Vice President of Student Affairs
Acting Vice President for University Advancement
Vice President for Agricultural Affairs
Associate Vice President for Health Affairs
Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
Associate Vice President for Administrative Affairs
Dean of the College of Physical Education,
Health and Recreation
Dean of the College of Engineering
Dean of College of Medicine
Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine
Dean of the College of Health Related Professions
Dean of the College of Architecture
Dean of Academic Affairs for Continuing Education
Dean of the College of Business Administration
Dean of the College of Dentistry
Director for University Development
Dean of the College of Journalism and Communications
Director of the School of Forest Resources
and Conservation
Dean of the College of Nursing
Acting Dean of Graduate Studies and Research
Dean of the College of Law
Dean of the College of Fine Arts
Dean of Pharmacy
Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Dean of the College of Education
Dean fdr Extension,
Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
SDean of Research
Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
Dean for Resident Instruction,
Institute for Food and Agricultural Sciences

Associate Professor of Psychology
Professor of Nursing
Assistant Professor of Theater
Associate Professor of Surgery
Professor of University Counseling Center
Assistant Professor of Forestry

President of the Student Body
President of the Student Senate
Vice President of the Student Body

Director, University Relations
Director, Intercollegiate Athletics
Dean, Academic Affairs
Director of University Libraries
Director, Budget and Analysis
Affirmative Action Coordinator
Director of the Florida State Museum
Director, Facilities Planning
Special Assistant to the President
Director of Alumni Affairs
Coordinator, ROTC
Dean for Student Services
University Registrar
University Attorney

Director, Shands Teaching Hospital
President of the University of Florida Alumni Association
Director of the Veterans Administration Hospital

General Information

1. We believe the University of Florida stands for the
primacy of truth, and for the integrity of the individual,
the state, and the nation.
2. We believe the University of Florida exists to serve the
social, cultural, industrial, and political institutions of the
3.. We believe the University of Florida exists to improve
the quality of life of the people of Florida.
4. We believe the University of Florida must continue the
two-fold task of institutions of higher learning: to wit,
the task of preserving existing knowledge through
teaching, and the task of developing new knowledge
through research.
5. We believe that research must include pure research to
advance knowledge, and applied research to seek
solutions for the problems of society.
6. We believe the University must consist of a community
of scholars in which emphasis is placed on intellect, on
learning and discipline, and on the sharing of knowl-
7. We believe the University of Florida serves well its
purposes for existence because of its inclusive, and
mutually supportive, programs in the arts, the humani-
ties, the sciences, and the professions.
8. We believe the University of Florida, in order to fulfill its
functions, must have talented students, distinguished
faculty, a comprehensive library, adequate support
personnel for its programs, and sufficient and well-
maintained equipment and physical plant.
9. We believe the University of Florida has an obligation
to make its programs and services known to the people
and to the government of the state, in order to best
serve the purposes for which the University exists.
10. We believe that, by fulfilling its proper functions, the
University of Florida upholds and enhances the values
of society and the nation.
The University of Florida is accredited by the Southern
Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on

Florida's oldest, the University of Florida traces its
beginnings to the takeover of the private Kingsbury
Academy in Ocala by the state-funded East Florida
Seminary in 1853. The Seminary was moved to Gainesville
following the Civil War. It was consolidated with the
state's land-grant Florida Agricultural College, then in Lake
City, to become the University of Florida in Gainesville in
1906, with an initial enrollment of 102. Until 1947, UF was
the men's school and one of only three state colleges.
Others were Florida State College for Women (now FSU)
and Florida A&M. Since 1947, when the student body
numbered 8,177 men and 601 women, UF has grown to
more than 35,000, largest in the south and 10th largest in
the nation.

The University of Florida is located in Gainesville, a city
of approximately 85,000 situated in north central Florida,
midway between the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico.
The city is known as an agricultural and small industrial
In addition to a moderate climate, Gainesville offers
many other advantages to students of the University. A
golf course'is within easy reach of the campus, and
swimming and boating accommodations are available at
nearby springs and rivers. The lakes in the vicinity abound
in fresh water fish, while the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf
of Mexico are within a two hours' drive. As the seat of

Alachua County, the city is the focal point of diversified
industrial and farming activities.
Practically every religious denomination is represented
in the Gainesville area including: Presbyterian, Baptist,
Lutheran, Methodist, Catholic, Episcopal, Christian, Seventh
Day Adventist; Church of Christ Scientist, Church of
Christ, Christian and Missionary Alliance, Advent Christian,
Jewish, Church of Latter Day Saints, Church of the
Nazarene, Assembly of God, Apostolic Church of Christ,
Church of God, Disciples of Christ, Pentecostal Holiness,
United Church of Christ, and Unitarian-Universalists. Sever-
al of these denominations maintain chapels adjacent to
the campus. These include St. Augustine Chapel (Catholic
Student Center), the Baptist Student Union, Wesley Foun-
dation (Methodist Student Center), Chapel of the Incarna-
tion (Episcopal Student Center), Church of Christ, B'nai
B'rith Hillel Foundation (Jewish), the Lutheran Student
Association, the Latter Day Saints (Mormon), Disciples-
Presbyterian Student Center, and the Society of Friends
(Quaker). All the chapels carry on extensive programs of
vital interest to University students.

A schedule of daily bus service, with connections to all
points of the United States, is maintained by Southeastern
Greyhound Lines and Trailways Bus System. The Regional
Transit system serves the City of Gainesville. Eastern
Airlines has daily flights with connections to all parts of
the U.S. Commuter airlines serve major areas of the state.

Direct supervision over the University of Florida, its
policies and affairs, is vested in the Board of Regents, a
body composed of eleven citizens who are appointed by
the Governor for six-year terms, one student appointed for
one year, and the State Commissioner of Education.
University affairs are administered by the President with
the advice and assistance of the University Senate and
various committees elected by the Senate and appointed
by the President.

the chief business officer of the University. He is responsi-
ble for establishing policy relating to university business
matters; coordinating the preparation and control of the
operating budget; collecting and disbursing funds in
accordance with state statutes; managing campus security,
auxiliary services and the maintenance of the physical
plant and grounds; directing purchasing, the administrative
computer, staff personnel property control, and environ-
mental health and safety.

chief academic officer of the University. In this capacity he
supervises the allocation of resources in the academic
areas, the improvement of instruction, the correlation of
instructional activities, the development and improvement
of research activities, the evaluation of university academ-
ic activity, and the establishment of policy with respect to
employment, promotion, and tenure of the academic staff.
In the absence of the President and Executive Vice
President he acts with the authority and responsibility of
the President.




student affairs officer for the University. The office is
responsible for administering the various programs and
departments which deliver out-of-class services to stu-
dents. It is also responsible for establishing policy relating
to student affairs matters. Activities in this area include
orientation, career and cooperative education, placement,
health services, recreation, financial aid, housing, individual
and group counseling, student organizations, the Reitz
Union, judicial programs and leadership training. A com-
plete section on Student Affairs follows in this catalog.

acting as Executive Director, directs all operations asso-
ciated with the receipt, management, and administration
of resources generated for and by the University of Florida
Foundation and the National Alumni Association. This
office further coordinates with the Foundation and Alumni
organizations the activities of development operations
headed by the Director of University Development and
with the Vice President for Research in operations of the
Research Park.

chief officer of units responsible for the University's
relations and activities with governmental agencies and
groups (including the state legislature and the U.S. Con-
gress), the news media and the various publics, including
the Gainesville and University communities and other
citizen groups and individuals. The offices of Governmental
Relations, University Information (including the Division of
Information and Publications Services),. and Internal Rela-
tions report to the Vice President.

The University of Florida operates on a semester system.
The academic year begins in August and ends the
following August. During this period there are two
semesters averaging 15 weeks of instruction plus a week of
final examinations and two six weeks summer terms.
Semesters begin in August and January with the first
summer term beginning in May and the second beginning
in June. In most colleges of the University, courses are
scheduled in such a way that a student may enter in any
term and proceed normally through an appropriate
sequence of courses. Consult the individual college sec-
tions of the catalog to determine programs that begin only
in designated terms.

THE SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING offers curricula leading
to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Accounting. The
bachelor's degree may be completed as part of the five-
year program leading to the degree Master of Accounting.
See School of Accounting, page 43.
THE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, a unit of the Institute
of Food and Agriculture Sciences, offers curricula in all of
the major fields of agriculture and grants the degree of
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture. See page 46.
THE' COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE offers curricula in
architecture, interior design, landscape architecture, urban
and regional planning, and building construction. It confers
the degrees of Bachelor of Design, Bachelor of Landscape
Architecture, and Bachelor of Building Construction; Mas-
ter of Arts in Architecture, Master of Arts in Urban and
Regional Planning, Master of Science in Building Construc-
tion, and Master of Building Construction. See page 60.

curricula leading to the degrees Bachelor of Building
Construction, Master of Building Construction, and Master
of Science in Building Construction. Also, a Ph.D. program
is offered in conjunction with the College of Education.
See page 65.
curricular programs leading to the degree of Bachelor of
Science in Business Administration (see page 68) and a
Bachelor of Science in Accounting degree (see School of
Accounting, page 43). The College also offers the Master of
Business Administration (M.B.A.) degree, the Master of Arts
(M.A.), the Master of Science (M.S.), and the Doctor of
Philosophy (Ph.D.).
THE COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY, an integral part of the J.
Hillis Miller Health Center, graduated its first students in
June 1976. The College offers an innovative modular
curriculum leading to the degree of Doctor of Dental
Medicine and has initiated postgraduate programs in'
various dental specialities. See page 72.
THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION, a professional college,
has undergraduate programs in Elementary Education,
Special Education, and Art Education leading to the degree
of Bachelor of Arts in Education. In Elementary Education
and Special Education, students must complete a Master
of Education degree prior to recommendation for teacher
certification. In the various areas of secondary education,
a student must complete an undergraduate degree
through the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and a
Master of Education degree prior to recommendation for
teacher certification. Teacher education programs at the
University of Florida are NCATE approved and lead to.
certification in Florida and 30 other states where NCATE
standards provide the basis for reciprocal agreements. See
page 73.
THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING offers curricula leading
to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engi-
neering, in Civil Engineering, in Electrical Engineering, in
Industrial and Systems Engineering, and in Mechanical
Engineering. The Bachelor of Science in Engineering is
awarded with majors in Aerospace Engineering, Agricultu-
ral Engineering, Computer and Information Sciences,
Engineering Science, Environmental Engineering, Materials
Science and Engineering, and Nuclear Engineering. The
Bachelor of Science degree is awarded with majors in
Chemical Engineering, Nuclear Engineering Sciences, and
Interdisciplinary Engineering Studies. The college also offers
the Bachelor of Land Surveying degree. See page 80.
THE COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS offers curricula in the
studio arts, history of art, ceramics, graphic design, art
education, music, music education, theatre, and dance
and confers the degrees Bachelor of Design, Bachelor of
Fine Arts, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Music Education,
and Master of Fine Arts. Also, several graduate degrees
including the Ph.D. in college music teaching are offered in
conjunction with the College of Education. See page 99.
VATION is a unit of the Institute of Food and Agricultural
Sciences. The School offers the Bachelor of Science in
Forest Resources and Conservation with majors in Forestry,
Wildlife and Range Sciences, and Resource Conservation.
See page 109.
THE GRADUATE SCHOOL offers programs leading to
the degrees of Doctor of Philosophy in 75 fields, Doctor of
Education, Specialist in Education, Engineer, Master of
Accounting, Master of Agriculture, Master of Agricultural
Management and Resource Development, Master of Ar-
chitecture, Master of Arts, Master of Arts in Health
Education, Master of.Arts in Mass Communication, Master
of Arts in Physical Education, Master of Arts in Teaching,
Master of Arts in Urban and Regional Planning, Master of
Building Construction, Master of Business Administration,
Master of Education, Master of Engineering, Master of Fine



Arts, Master of Forest Resources and Conservation, Master
of Health Education, Master of Health Sciences, Master of
Laws in Taxation, Master of Nursing, Master of Physical
Education, Master of Science, Master of Science in Building
Construction, Master of Science in Nursing, Master of
Science in Pharmacy, Master of Science in Recreational
Studies, Master of Science in Statistics, Master of Science
in Teaching, and Master of Statistics. All instruction is
carried on by the faculties of the colleges and schools
listed here.
unit of the J. Hillis Miller Health Center, offers programs
leading to a Bachelor of Health Science degree in the fields
of Clinical and Community Dietetics, Medical Technology,
Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Physician Assis-
tant, and Rehabilitative Services. The College also offers
programs leading to the degree of Master of Health
Science in Health and Hospital Administration, Occupa-
tional Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Rehabilitation Coun-
seling. The Health and Hospital Administration Program is
available only as part of a joint MBA/MHS degree program
offered in cooperation with the College of Business
Administration. In addition, a Ph.D. degree in Clinical
Psychology is offered, and clinical and research opportuni-
ties for graduate students in 'speech pathology and
audiology in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is
offered through the Department of Communicative Disor-
ders. See page 113.
TIONS offers curricula leading to the degree of Bachelor of
Science in Journalism, Bachelor of Science in Advertising,
Bachelor of Science in Public Relations, and Bachelor of
Science in Telecommunication. It offers sequences in
magazines, technical communications, and public relations
in criminal justice.
There are areas of specialization in reporting, editing,
photojournalism, journalism education, broadcast news
and public affairs, broadcast production, and broadcast
management. See page 120.
Campus Page, Gainesville Sun, is produced up to four
times a week by advanced reporting, editing, and photo-
journalism students of the College. It appears in the city
edition of the Gainesville Sun.
Magazine Majors in the College produce two issues of a
campus-oriented magazine each year.
Gainesville Cable Press is a pioneer "electronic newspa-
per." It appears on Channel 13 of the Cox Cablevision
system in Gainesville 24 hours a day, and is produced by
students from all departments of the College.
THE COLLEGE OF LAW offers a curriculum leading to
the degree of Juris Doctor and a graduate program in
taxation leading to the degree Master of Laws. See page
curricula leading to the degrees of Bachelor of Arts and
Bachelor of Science in 33 disciplines which encompass the
physical sciences, the biological sciences, the mathemati-
cal sciences, the humanities, and the social sciences. In
addition, the College is the academic home for Freshmen
and Sophomores at the University and provides 95 percent
of all general education coursework required for the
fulfillment of graduation requirements. Enrollments in the
College at the Junior and Senior classification surpass
those of any other College on campus. Thirty-three
undergraduate and twenty-five graduate degrees are
offered through the twenty-three departments and eight
teaching programs in the College of Liberal Arts and
Sciences. See page 129.
THE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE, a unit of J. Hillis Miller
Health Center,, offers a curriculum leading to the profes-
sional degree of Doctor of Medicine. Master's and Ph.D.
degrees in basic medical sciences are offered through the

Graduate School. A special medical scientist training
program leading to the combined degree of Doctor of
Medicine-Doctor of Philosophy is available jointly through
the College of Medicine.and the Graduate School. See
page 146.
THE COLLEGE OF NURSING, a unit of the J. Hillis Miller
Health Center, offers a curriculum leading to the Bachelor
of Science in Nursing degree. The College also offers a
curriculum leading to the Master of Nursing degree or a
Master of Science in Nursing degree. See page 147.
THE COLLEGE OF PHARMACY, a unit of the J. Hillis
Miller Health Center, offers a curriculum leading to the
Doctor of Pharmacy degree. A Bachelor of Science in the
pharmacological sciences program is also offered. In
addition the Ph.D. and M.S. degrees are offered in
pharmaceutical sciences through the Graduate School. See
page 150.
AND RECREATION offers services and programs through
the departments of General Physical Education, Profession-
al Physical Education, Health Education and Safety, and
Recreation. The Department of General Physical Education
provides programs for University students other than
majors. The departments of Professional Physical Educa-
tion, Health Education and Safety, and Recreation offer
professional preparation programs leading to undergrad-
uate degrees in physical education, health education, and
recreation. Professional areas of preparation include:
teachers of physical education or health education, health
educators for public or voluntary agencies, and recreation
directors. See page 154.
of the J. Hillis Miller Health Center, offers a curriculum
leading to the professional degree of Doctor of Veterinary
Medicine. See page 161.

During the last year more than 32,000 people took
advantage of the many University-sponsored opportunities
made available through the Division of Continuing Educa-
tion. More than 25,000 people participated in noncredit
conferences, workshops, institutes and seminars.! More
than 5,000 students enrolled in Independent Study by
Correspondence courses (both credit and noncredit). Over
1,700 students studied in credit extension classes through-
out the State. Additionally, numerous international pro-
grams were offered through this Division last year. Backed
by the resources of the ,University, the Division of
Continuing Education sees the State as its campus and the
people as its student body.

INFORMATION SCIENCES. During the last three decades
electronic information processing machines with capabili-
ties many orders of magnitude beyond their predecessors
have come into being. Though still in their infancy they
are already extending man's capability to solve problems
in every field of human activity. Toward this end the
Intercollege Department of Computer and Information
Sciences was created in 1971. The department currently
offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs in the
Colleges of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Business Administra-
tion, Engineering, and an area of specialization in the
technical communications degree program in the College
of Journalism and Communications. Degree programs
within other colleges are under study.



Subject areas found within the CIS curricula include
programming, systems analysis, software development
techniques, information representation and transformation,
language translators, operating systems, computer organi-
zation, and applications.
This background prepares the student for a wide range
of careers in the business, industrial, scientific, civic, and
academic worlds wherein information flow and analysis is
of critical importance to decision making.
In addition to the degree programs, several service
courses are available for those who need experience in
computer applications for proper career preparation. For
further information, contact the CIS department office in
512 Weil Hall.
University unit responsible for directing or coordinating
interdisciplinary instructional and research programs re-
lated to the Latin American and Caribbean area. It is a
budgeted unit within the University and is administered by
a Director immediately responsible to the Vice President
for Academic Affairs.
The Center sponsors conferences, publishes the results
of scholarly research related to Latin America, and
cooperates with other University units in overseas devel-
opment and training programs. It administers summer
language and culture programs in Bogota, Colombia, and
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for the State University System and
offers undergraduate, graduate, and advanced graduate
Certificates in Latin American Studies and an interdiscipli-
nary Master of Arts in Latin American Studies.
The Center also administers specialized research and
training programs in Caribbean migration and the Am-
GRAMS functions as a conduit for all international pro-
grams and studies, excluding those operating in the
Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, on the campus.
It is primarily a service organization to facilitate administra-
tive functions involved with international student and
faculty exchanges: coordination and enrichment of ex-
change and research programs which have an interdiscipli-
nary relationship; provide the vehicle for application for
and receipt of federally funded institutional area studies
programs; assist administratively in functions involving
interdisciplinary technical assistance programs abroad;
counsel students interested in study abroad; assist faculty
in seeking funds for support of international education and
research of whatever nature; and develop proposals for
such funds. The Center is a source of faculty resource
capabilities available at the University for coordination of
multiuniversity or consortia interdisciplinary international
research efforts, as well as source of material for study
abroad programs.
A number of opportunities are available to students
who wish to broaden their education with studies in
another country. Fifteen semester credit hours may be
earned each semester on any academic year program
abroad, and all UF summer programs abroad satisfy UF
summer residency requirements. Financial aid may be used
on all UF programs. Students must have completed their
freshman year and have a 2.5 GPA to participate in
overseas programs. For detailed information contact the
Center for International Studies and Programs, 168 Grinter
Hall, 392-4904.
Study abroad programs at the University of Florida are
open to students of other universities also and include the

Beijing, China
Bogota, Colombia
Bonn-Tubingen, Germany
Copenhagen, Denmark

Haifa-Jerusalem-Tel Aviv,
Innsbruck, Austria
London-Cambridge, England

Osaka, Japan
Paris-Montpellier, France
Poros, Greece
Poznan, Poland
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Salamanca, Spain
Rome, Italy
The Netherlands

year program and the two-year program of Army ROTC.
Completion of either of these programs by a student leads
to a commission in one of the branches of the United
States Army, U. S. Army Reserve, or the Army National
Guard. Freshman/Sophomore AROTC carries no service
obligation. Two, three, and four year scholarships are
available to interested students who can qualify.
year and a four-year program of Navy-Marine ROTC. Upon
successful completion of this officer training program, the
graduate receives a commission in the U.S. Navy or U.S.
Marine Corps and is immediately assigned to active duty.
Scholarships covering two, three, or four full years of study
are available to male and female students who can qualify.
and female students both two-year and four-year pro-
grams in Air Force ROTC. Completion of either of these
officer education programs-leads to a commission in the
United States Air Force. Two, three, and four year
scholarships are available on a competitive basis to
students enrolled in the program. Qualified individuals
may compete for Pilot Training assignments and begin
learning to fly during their Junior year.
THE DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC has the responsibility for
such musical organizations as the University Bands, Or-
chestras, Choruses, and Glee Clubs, and offers courses in
the following areas: (1) Theory of Music, (2) Composition,
(3) History and Literature," (4) Music Performance, (5)
Church Music, (6) Music Education, (7) Opera Workshop,
and (8) Ensembles.
offers a wide variety of physical activity .courses to all
students enrolled at the University. The Department
operates on the premise that although all people need
physical activity, all do not need or care for the same
kind. Consequently, the department offers many avenues
for the student to enhance physical health and understand
its relation to total health.
It is hoped that by developing competency in physical
activity, students will be able to make self-determining
decisions concerning the role that exercise will play in
their personal lives.
Students may elect to take any course under the
satisfactory-unsatisfactory option. For further information
see course offerings and descriptions under the General
Physical Education heading in this catalog.

ages experimentation in teaching and individualized serv-
ices to students. Reporting directly to the Office of
Academic Affairs, it provides support for the innovation of
alternative approaches to instruction in the colleges and
departments of the University; assists faculty members in
the development of instructional modules or systems for
specific courses; and furnishes technical assistance in the
development and use of teaching materials and media,
analysis and improvement of teaching, and the evaluation
of student performance. Three units include media pro-
duction, testing and evaluation services, and an instruc-
tional improvement section.
Other units emphasizing individualized instruction in-
clude the Reading and Writing Center, the OIR Teaching
Center, Mathematics Laboratory, and the Language Labo-


ratory. Selected self-paced noncredit courses are available
in reading, writing, study habits, and language skills.
Research consultation, course enrichment, and evaluation
services are also offered to interested faculty..
admission and registration of students, the maintenance of
academic records, the scheduling of courses, and the
issuance of transcripts of student records.
DENTS. Foreign students in Agriculture are requested to
contact the Office of International Programs in McCarty
Hall. This office aids foreign students to integrate their
American education more completely with actual condi-
tions in their homelands and also gives information to all
students interested in foreign agricultural problems and
careers in the tropics.

The Library consists of two central units, Library East
and Library West, and branch libraries in the areas of
Architecture and Fine Arts, Music, Education, Engineering,
Law, the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, the J.
Hillis Miller Health Center, Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy,
and the P.K. Yonge Laboratory School. In addition, reading
room facilities have been provided for Business Administra-
tion, Journalism and Communications, Physical Education,
Health and Recreation, and the residence hall areas.
The holdings of the libraries number over 2,400,000
cataloged volumes and a large number of uncataloged
international; federal, and state documents and newspa-
pers. Many of the materials are in micromaterial format.
(microfilm, microcard, and microfiche). The University of
Florida is a member of the Association .of Research
Libraries, and its collection is one of the largest in the
A number of nationally significant research collections
are maintained as part of the library system. Since 1977,
the Libraries have opened the Isser and Rae Price Library
of Judaica, the largest collection of its kind in the
Southeast, the Baldwin Library, among the world's greatest
collections of literature for children, and housed in the
Department of Rare Books and Manuscripts, the Parkman
D. Howe Collection of American Literature, which contains
important first editions and manuscripts of every New
England author writing before 1900. In the rare books and
manuscript area, the researcher will also find the papers of
many well-known authors, such as Marjorie Kinnan
Rawlings and John D. McDonald, and the Margaret Dreier
Robins papers, which are vital to the history of the
Women's Trade Union League in America.
The P.K. Yonge Library of Florida History is the State's
preeminent Floridiana collection, and its holdings of
Spanish Colonial documents concerning the southeastern
United States is the largest of its kind in North America.
The Map Library is an extensive repository of maps,
atlases, aerial photographs, and remote sensing imagery
with particular collection strengths for the southeastern
U.S., Florida, Latin America, and Africa south of the Sahara.
Florida's interest and heritage is reflected in the Latin
American Collection. The department maintains the most
comprehensive collection of Caribbean materials found in
a United States university library.
A rich collection of serials, ephemera, and reference
materials dealing with the performing arts has been
gathered into the Belknap Collection.
Reference service is provided in Library West and in the
various branch libraries and reading rooms. The Reference
Department, located on the first floor of Library West, is a
comprehensive collection including' indexes, abstracts,

bibliographies, handbooks, statistical sources, etc. Other
services include the searching of computerized bibliogra-
phic data bases and numeric, nonbibliographic databases
such as the U.S. Census.
The main union catalog is also located within Library
West on the first floor. In 1983, the UF library system
introduced a new computerized catalog system, FOCUS
(Florida Online Computerized User System). It enables
library users to have expanded and rapid access to a large
segment of library materials in all campus libraries.
The regular schedule for the central libraries is Monday
through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m.; Saturday, 10:00 a.m.
to 6:00 p.m.; Sunday, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. The libraries
serving the various academic colleges and schools observe
a similar schedule with variations. Photoduplication and
reserve material services are available.

The Florida State Museum was created by an act of the
Legislature in 1917 as a department of the University of
Florida. Through its affiliation with the University it carries
the dual responsibility of the State Museum of Florida and
the University Museum.
The Museum operates as a center of research in natural
history. Its functions as an educational arm of the
University are carried forward through interpretive displays
and scientific and popular publications. Utder the adminis-
trative control of the Director are the three departments
of the Museum: Natural Sciences is concerned with the
study and expansion of the research collections as well as
research in a variety of areas in functional and evolution-
ary biology, sociobiology and ecology; Anthropology is
concerned with the study of human variation and cultures,
both historic and prehistoric; Interpretation is concerned
with the interpretation of knowledge through museum
education and exhibit techniques. Members of the scientif-
ic and educational staff of the Museum hold dual
appointments in appropriate teaching departments.
Through these appointments they participate in both the
undergraduate and graduate teaching programs and
supervision of graduate students.
Scientific reports are published in the Bulletin of the
Florida State Museum, Biological Sciences, the Ripley P.
Bullen Monographs in Anthropology and History, and in
the Contributions of the Florida State Museum, Anthropol-
ogy and History.
The research collections are under the care of curators
who encourage the scientific study of the Museum's
holdings, Materials are constantly being added to the
collections both through gifts from friends and as the
result of research activities of the Museum staff. There are
extensive study collections of birds, mammals, mollusks,
reptiles, amphibians, fish, invertebrate and vertebrate
Fossils, as well as archives of animals' sounds associated
with the bioacoustics laboratory. The archaeological and
ethnological collections are noteworthy.
The Allyn Museum of Entomology, Sarasota, Florida, is a
unit of the Department of Natural Sciences, Florida State
Museum. The combined Sarasota and Gainesville holdings
in Lepidoptera rank the Allyn Museum of Entomology as
the largest in the western hemisphere and the premier
Lepidoptera research center in the world. The Allyn
Museum of Entomology publishes the Bulletin of the Allyn
Museum of Entomology and sponsors the Karl Jordan
Medal. The Allyn Collection serves as a major source for
taxonomic and biogeographic research by a number of
Florida State Museum and Department of Zoology faculty
and students, as well a a great many visiting entomolog-
ists from around the world.
The Florida State Herbarium is a unit of the Department
of Natural Sciences, Florida State Museum. It is an


important scientific resource in which some 250,000
specimens are curated. Largest in the state and one of the
largest in the Southeast, the herbarium contains the most
complete collections in existence of Florida vascular plants
and fungi. It also contains important collections of tropical
American bryophytes and Florida lichens. In addition, there
is a particularly complete collection of seeds. The portfolio
of botanical illustrations and the growing botanical library
complement the ever-expanding collections of plant speci-
Opportunities are provided for students, staff, and
visiting scientists to use the collections. Research and
fieldwork are presently sponsored in all natural history
fields. Students interested in these specialties should make
application to the appropriate teaching department.
Graduate assistantships are available in the Museum in
areas of specialization emphasized in its research pro-
grams. Facilities are available for graduate students.
The Museum is located at the corner of Museum Road
and Newell Drive in a modern facility completed in 1970.
The public halls are open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. each
weekday, including Saturday, and from 1.00-5:00 p.m. on
Sunday and holidays (closed Christmas Day). There is no
admission charge. The Museum is frequently used by
University and public school classes. Classes for children
and special public programs are. also offered for members
of the University community and the general public.

transfer and application of knowledge through nonresident
educational programs is the primary purpose of the Florida
Cooperative Extension Service, a. component of the
Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. The education-
al programs are tailored to fit the needs of many audi-
ences in areas of agricultural production including energy,
management, marketing, and utilization; home economics;
community resource development; natural resource man-
agement; 4-H youth development; energy; and marine
sciences. Audiences include adults and youth, rural and
urban citizens, minorities, and people from all economic
levels. The Cooperative Extension Service is administered
by the University of Florida under a memorandum of
understanding with USDA. There is also a cooperative
program funded through federal grants with Florida A&M
University. The basic legislative authority makes provision
for cooperation with local government. In Florida, county
programs are carried out jointly between the University
and respective county governments in the 67 counties.
The Extension Service along with Resident Instruction and
Research in IFAS form a functional model typifying the
tripartite organizational structure envisioned in the Morrill
Act for the Land-Grant College System.
SERVICES serves University central administration and
University Educational and General budgeted academic
units, departments, service offices, and other campus-
related organizations by distributing information through
mass media outlets and providing communication services
for the campus community. It interprets the University's
programs, policies, and objectives through newspapers and
magazines, radio and television broadcasts, publications,
photographs, audiovisual presentations, special displays
and exhibits, and community relations projects. The
Division produces the University Digest printed in the
Independent Florida Alligator and has complete video tape
production facilities used to develop television program-
ming for both commercial and public broadcasting sta-
tions. It assists other units by coordinating copy content,
design, and preliminary production for booklets, folders,

brochures, and other printed material and assists in
preparing bid specifications for printing.
is the campus headquarters for the University of Florida
National Alumni Association, Inc. and the University of
Florida Foundation, Inc.
The University of Florida National Alumni Association,
Inc. brings together the organized efforts of alumni and
the promotion of the interests and needs of the University
and strives to encourage continuous participation by
alumni in the life of the University.
The University of Florida Foundation exists to encourage
support from the private sector to the University for both
operating and capital purposes. It is a private corporation
organized to hold funds for the benefit of the University,
to invest them, and to insure the maximum value of the
, University's private support.
THE UNIVERSITY GALLERY is an integral part of the
College of Fine Arts. The Gallery is located on the. campus
facing Southwest 13th Street (or U.S. 441). An atrium and a
contemporary sculptural fountain are two pleasing features
of the Gallery's distinctive architectural-style. The Gallery,
with 3000 square feet of display space, is completely
modern, air-conditioned, and maintains a varied exhibition
schedule of the visual arts during the year. The content of
exhibitions displayed in the University Gallery range from
the creations by traditional masters through to the latest
and most experimental works by the modern avant garde.
The minor arts of yesterday and today along with the
creations of oriental and primitive cultures form topics for
scheduled exhibitions. Besides its regularly scheduled
exhibitions, which show for approximately four to six
weeks, the Gallery originates several unique exhibitions
from its own and other museums' collections each year.
The Gallery's hours are from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily except
Sunday when they are 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. The Gallery is
closed on Saturdays and holidays.
ART DEPARTMENT GALLERY, the teaching gallery, is
located adjacent to the Department's Office area on the
third floor of the classroom building (FAC) in the Architec-
ture and Fine Arts complex. As a direct and physical
adjunct to the Art Department's teaching program, this
Gallery displays smaller traveling exhibitions of merit as
well as one man shows by faculty artists and student
exhibitions. The Gallery is open Monday through Friday
from 8 a.m. to noon and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. It is closed
Saturday, Sundays, and holidays.
ARTS is an interdisciplinary Center that provides coordina-
tion, direction, and focus to strengthen existing programs
related to the Fine Arts within the College of Fine Arts. The
Center's faculty is bound together by a desire to relate
their research and teaching activities to the broader
concepts concerned with the fine arts of various world
cultures. The Center broadens and strengthens existing
interdepartmental relations and provides additional stimuli
and mechanisms for translating results of research into
ways of addressing societal needs. It also establishes more
effective lines for training students at the undergraduate,
graduate, and adult education levels in various aspects of
the fine arts.
the College of Journalism and Communications. It includes
WUFT, Channel 5, a public broadcasting television station
(PBS); WUFT-FM, a noncommercial radio station (NPR) 89.1
MHz; WRUF-AM, a commercial radio station (CBS) 850
KHz; and WRUF-FM, a commercial FM station, (CBS) stereo,
103.7 MHz.
Approximately 100 students are employed in these
broadcasting operations. Thus, in addition to the broad
academic background provided in the University's class-
rooms and laboratories, these work opportunities provide


a valuable experience in day-to-day operations typical of
the industry. Students perform such functions as reporter,
anchor-person, news producer, recording engineer, direc-
tor, cameraman, and announcer, all under the guidance of
professional broadcasters. The college has earned a
nationwide reputation for the demonstrated effectiveness
of this academic and work experience training.
WUFT-TV operates at the maximum power authorized
for a television station of its classification: 100,000 watts
visual and 20,000 watts aural. The over-air broadcast signal
encompasses a 65-mile radius from the station's transmit-
ter site northwest of Gainesville and reaches 16 counties in
North Central Florida. WUFT-TV's signal is carried by more
than 20 cable companies in the state, expanding the
coverage area even beyond these broadcast boundaries.,
The station's programming is a mixture of programs
acquired through the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS),
Florida Public Broadcasting, Inc. (FPB), various public
broadcasting consortium, independent distributors, and
locally produced programs. Of the latter category WUFT-
TV produces an evening newscast and a television
magazine program, both aired on weeknights, in addition
to specially produced features and documentaries. The
station has won numerous local, regional, and national
awards for outstanding promotion and advertising cam-
paigns it has conducted in support of programs and
activities, and WUFT-TV consistently ranks at or near the
top in percentage of viewership compared to other pubic
TV stations in the nation.
WUFT-FM, with 100,000 watts of power, reaches 16
North Central Florida counties. The only public radio
station in that area, WUFT-FM broadcasts on a 24-hour a
day schedule, year round. The station presents classical,
jazz, and folk music, in addition to news and public affairs
information. The station provides a variety of on-air,
production, and reporting experience for broadcast majors
of the College of Journalism and Communications. These
students are under the direct guidance of professional
public radio broadcasters. With a strong emphasis on local
production and programming, WUFT-FM is a satellite
member station of the National Public Radio and Florida
Public Radio Networks and aims to service and reflect the
diverse needs of the communities of North Central Florida.
WRUF-FM serves the contemporary music audience
with album rock, while WRUF-AM's music is of a more
adult nature, featuring adult middle-of-the-road music
from the 40s, 50s, and 60s. Student communicators
produce and broadcast regular news programs over both
stations under faculty supervision.
The student's proximity to and participation in this
diverse broadcast operation brings a greater understanding
of the opportunities and obligations that exist in the field
of broadcasting.
Florida is host to the State University System's scholarly
publishing facility, University Presses of Florida. The goals
of the systemwide publishing program implemented by
University Presses of Florida are expressed in Board of
Regents' policy:
... to publish books, monographs, journals, and other
types of scholarly or creative works. The Press shall give
special attention to works of distinguished scholarship in
academic areas of particular interest and usefulness to
the citizens of Florida. The Press shall publish original
works by state university faculty members, but it may
also publish meritorious works originating elsewhere and
may republish out-of-print works.
Each university's faculty publishing committee is inde-
pendently responsible for selecting works for publication
through the facilities of University Presses of Florida. At the
University of Florida, the University Press Board of Man-
agers oversees the locally determined publishing program.

The purpose of the University of Florida Press is to
encourage, seek out, and publish original and scholarly
manuscripts which will aid in developing the University as
a recognized center of research and scholarship.
The Press Board of Managers, including the director and
15 faculty experts appointed by the President of the
University, determines policies of publication relating to
the acceptance or rejection of manuscripts and the
issuance of author contracts. Each year the board exam-
ines numerous manuscripts submitted not only by the
University faculty but by authors from all over the United
States; Europe, and Latin America.
University Presses of Florida is a member of the,
Association of American University Presses and of the
Association of American Publishers, Inc.

lished by an act of the legislature to support and to foster
sponsored research and training as a resource essential to
excellence in education and to provide maximum service
to the State. The Division is a development arm of the
University, directed by the Vice President for Research.
All proposals for sponsorship of research, grants-in-aid,
and training grants are approved by the Director. Negotia-
tions on administrative matters with potential contracting
agencies or sponsors of research and training projects are
carried out by the Division.
The activities of the Division of Sponsored Research are
intended to stimulate growth and to assist in expanding a
balanced research and training program throughout the
University. These activities are intimately related to the
support of the graduate and professional program. The
services provided are designed to relieve the principal
investigators in many departments of detailed administra-
,tive and reporting duties connected with some sponsored
programs. The duties and responsibilities of the Division, of
course, do not supplant the prerogative of the principal
investigator who seeks sponsors for his own project nor
the responsibility of the investigator for the scientific
integrity of the project. In direct contacts between a
principal investigator and a potential sponsor, however,
coordination with the Division is necessary to ensure
uniformity in contract requirements and to avoid duplica-
tion of negotiations with the same sponsor.
function unit of the Institute of Food and Agricultural
Sciences (IFAS), has the responsibility of developing new
knowledge and technology toward solution of agricultural
problems in the State. Research is administered through
the office of the Dean for Research located on the
University of Florida campus. IFAS research is conducted
throughout the State. Departments located on campus
include Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural and Exten-
sion Education, Agronomy, Animal Science, Botany, Dairy
Science, Entomology and Nematology, Food and Resource
Economics, Food Science and Human Nutrition, 4-H and
Other Youth Programs, Fruit Crops, Home Economics,
Microbiology and Cell Science, Soil Science, Statistics,
Vegetable Crops, and Preventive Medicine (College of
Veterinary Medicine). In addition, five units vital to its
research programs,' namely: Editorial, Library, Business
Service, and. Centers for Environmental Programs and
Biomass, are located on campus. The School of Forest
Resources and Conservation includes Departments of
Forestry, Wildlife and Range Sciences, and Fisheries and
In order to best serve the' varied needs of Florida's
diversified agriculture, Agricultural Research and Educa-
tional Centers are located at numerous locations having
different climatic conditions, soil types and crops. Intensive


research is conducted in all fields of agriculture such as
citrus, vegetable, field crops, livestock, pastures, and many
others. Agriculture Research and Education Centers are
located in Homestead, Belle Glade, Bradenton, Lake Alfred,
Quincy, Sanford, and Tallahassee (Florida A & M Universi-
ty). A Research and Education Center is also located at
Welaka, Florida, and is concerned largely with biological
research programs and youth programs. Agricultural Re-
search Centers are located in Monticello, Ft. Pierce,
Immokalee, Dover, Ft. Lauderdale, Hastings, Ona, Apopka,
Marianna, Live Oak, Leesburg, and Jay. Cooperative
research is conducted with the Brooksville Beef Cattle
Research Station, Brooksville, a USDA field laboratory, in
its beef cattle and pasture production and management
programs, with the National Weather Service, Ruskin, in
the Federal Frost Warning Service for fruit and vegetable
producers and shippers, and with numerous Florida
agricultural agencies and organizations.
Results of IFAS Research are published in scientific
journals, bulletins, monographs, circulars, and mimeograph
reports which are available to Florida residents usually
without charge upon request to the Editorial Department
of the Agricultural Experiment Station in Gainesville. The
Agricultural Experiment Station cooperates closely with the
Cooperative Extension Service in providing research find-
ings for prompt dissemination.
MENT STATION (EIES) developed from early research
activities of the engineering faculty and was officially
established in 1941 by the Legislature as an integral part of
the College of Engineering. Its mandate is "to organize and
promote the prosecution of research projects of engi-
neering and related sciences, with special reference to
such of these problems as are important to the industries
of Florida."
The College and the Station form,a close interlocking
relationship with the EIES serving as the research arm of
the College. In this capacity the EIES fulfills its function of
conducting research on many of Florida's most significant
problems ranging from energy to water resources, environ-
mental issues to health-related activities. Of course many
of these problems transcend the State and are also of
national concern. The Station has developed a national
and international reputation in many areas, and the
faculty are at the forefront of their fields. This has a major
positive impact on the College since it makes good
teaching possible, exposes students to many important
engineering problems normally not encountered in a
college program, and helps the faculty better instill
students with the qualifications necessary for the success-
ful practice of their profession. Moreover, both undergrad-
uate and graduate students frequently find employment
and research projects.
The Station receives a small but important portion of its
operating funds from the State; this funding base results in
a near 10 to 1 return from contracts and grants with
government agencies, foundations, and industrial organiza-
tions. The Station has excellent facilities and faculty in
many diverse fields; a few such examples are: solar energy,
bioengineering, manufacturing and automation sciences,
energy conservation and conversion, ceramics, new
materials development, device physics, robotics, geotech-
nics, transportation research, coastal and oceanographic
engineering, microelectronics, air and water pollution
control, nuclear pumped lasers, systems analysis, fluid
dynamics and hydrology, technology for enhanced oil
recovery, lightning research, and hazardous wastes man-
SEARCH CENTER, the research arm of the College of
Architecture, promotes, encourages, and coordinates re-
search activities among the college's five academic disci-
plines: Architecture, Building Construction, Urban and

Regional Planning, Landscape Architecture, and Interior
Design. Principal, current research interests of the Center
include architectural acoustical modeling, energy efficiency
development codes, roofing, computer resource mapping,
central city redevelopment, architectural preservation, and
construction management. The Center maintains cooper-
ative contacts with other departments on campus and
with institutions within the United States, Latin .America,
and the Caribbean Basin. For information write: The
Director, Florida Architecture and Building Research Cen-
ter, 360 ARCH Building.
is a service and research center .within the College of
Business Administration. Its activities are organized under
three research programs: population, forecasting, and
sample survey. Students are involved as research assistants
in these programs.
The Bureau disseminates the results of its research
through a publication program. Bureau publications in-
clude Florida Statistical Abstract, BEBR Monographs, The
Florida Outlook, Population Studies, Florida Estimates of
Population, Economic Leaflets, and Building Permit Activity
in Florida. For information, write the Director, Bureau of
Economic and Business Research, 221 Matherly Hall.
research, publication, and service adjunct of the Depart-
ment of Political Science in the College of Liberal Arts and
Sciences. It carries on a continuous.program of research
on public administration and public policy in Florida; it
publishes research and surveys of governmental and
administrative problems in both scientific and popular
monograph form. In addition, the Public Administration
Clearing Service coordinates the programs of instruction
and public service training in cooperation with other units
of the University.
search arm of the College of journalism and Communica-
tions, conducts pure and applied research in a variety of
fields of mass communication, including advertising,
broadcasting, journalism, and public relations. It also
serves as a resource for college faculty and students in
their own research, assists the media and other organiza-
tions in their research pursuits, and sponsors programs
related to the mass communication needs of the many
communities served by the University.
primary unit responsible for financial and budgetary
planning and control for the University. The Division is
instrumental in seeking the resources necessary to achieve
the goals of the University and works with the Vice
Presidents to achieve the most effective allocation of these
resources. Data Administration for the University is coordi-
nated by the staff, who also conduct extensive institutional
FACILITIES PLANNING performs the analysis and plan-
ning required to ensure that available fixed capital outlay
resources are used in providing adequate facilities for the
many and diverse programs of the University of Florida at
,minimum long-range cost. Work is carried out by the
professional staff and related committees in the areas of
campus planning, space assignment, coordination of
architectural design, and construction of facilities.
HOUSE is supported by a permanent endowment contrib-
uted by media throughout the state and nation. It keeps
extensive files on all freedom of information problems in
the State of Florida and produces the Florida Freedom of
Information Clearing House Newsletter 10 times a year.
which is funded by the Department of the-Interior, was
established in 1964 at the University of Florida as the result
of the passage of P.L. 88-379 The Water Resources


Research Act of 1964 "to stimulate, sponsor, provide
for, and supplement present programs for conduct of
research, investigation, experiments, and the training of
scientists in the fields of water and of resources which
affect water." The Center's Director operates under the
general policy guidance of an advisory committee appoint-
ed by the President of the University. Research projects
administered by the Center and pertaining to the achieve-
ment of adequate statewide water resource management,
water quality, and water quantity are being conducted by
professors in various departments at the University of
Florida and other colleges and universities in the State.
Graduate assistants may be employed on these projects or
other activities of the Center.

University of Florida is the host campus for the Northeast
Regional Data Center (NERDC) of the State University
System of Florida. The NERDC's facilities are used for
instructional, administrative, and research computing for
the University of Florida and for other state educational
institutions and agencies in northern Florida. The organiza-
tions directly responsible for supporting computing activ-
ities at the University of Florida are the Center for
Instructional and Research Computing Activities (CIRCA-
UF), University of Florida Administrative Computing Serv-
ices, Shands Teaching Hospital and Clinics, Inc. Data
Processing Division, the J. Hillis Miller Health Center, and
the Institute for Food and Agricultural Sciences. Access
through NERDC to four other Regional Data Centers in the
State is available through the State University System (SUS)
Computer Network. The SUS network links the Northeast
Regional Data Center, the Northwest Regional Data Center
(in Tallahassee), the Florida State University Computing
Center (at Florida State University in Tallahassee), the
Central Florida Regional Data Center (at the University of
South Florida in Tampa), and the Southeast Regional Data
Center (at Florida International University in Miami). Access
is also available the Florida Information Resource
Network (FIRN) and to BITNET.
Facilities available to students, faculty, and staff through
the NERDC include three central-site computers: IBM
3081D with 32 megabytes of main memory (running under
MVS/XA), and IBM 3033 Model N-16 with 16 megabytes
'(running under OS MVS/SP-JES2), and an IBM 4341 Model
Group 2 with 8 megabytes (running under VM/SP). These
are supported by a combination of IBM 3330, 3350, 3370,
and 3380 disk drives, 9-track and 7-track tape drives, two
"3203 Model 5 high-speed printers, three 3705 Communica-
tion controllers, and one 3725 communications controller.
An IBM 4955 Series/1 supports protocol conversion for
selected ASCII CRT terminals for emulating full-screen
3270-type terminals.
The NERDC provides facilities for input and output in
the form of punched cards, magnetic tape, disks, graphics,
and Computer Output Mirofiche (COM). The NERDC
supports job submission/retrieval and interactive pro-
cessing through more than 2,000 interactive terminals.
These terminals support interactive language processors
SCRIPT, VS APL, and WATFIV) and interactive facilities
Graphics output is available through a Gould 5100
Electrostatic Plotter operated at the NERDC's central site.
Extensive software is provided for batch processing
supporting the major high-level languages including AL-
PL/I; the INQUIRE data base management system; MARK IV
and EASYTRIEVE file handlers and report generators;
student-oriented compilers and interpreters including AS-

major statistical packages including BMDP, SAS, SPSS, and
TROLL; test-editing programs such as ATMS, DCF, and
SCRIPT with spell-checking capabilities; a local SCRIPT-
based formatter for producing theses and dissertations
according to UF Graduate School requirements; libraries of
scientific and mathematical routines including IMSL and
the HARWELL library; graphics programs such as GDDM,
Gould plotting software, PLOT79, SAS/GRAPH, and SUR-
FACE II; financial spreadsheets and modellers such as
FSCALC and IFPS; mini- and micro-computer support; and
many other program packages, local and IBM utilities, and
special-purpose languages.
More information is available through the NERDC's
Guidebook for New Users, the NERDC's monthly newslet-
ter (/Update), volumes of the NERDC User's Manual, and
NERDC User Services at 107 SSRB, University of Florida,
(904) 392-2061, SUNCOM 622-2061.
ING ACTIVITIES (CIRCA). The Center for Instructional and
Research Computing Activities (CIRCA) provides a variety
of computing services for University of Florida students
and faculty. CIRCA provides consulting, programming and
analysis, data base design and implementation, statistical
analysis, equipment repair,,data entry services, open-shop
unit-record equipment, interactive terminals, and remote-
batch operations which are available at several locations
across the UF campus.
CIRCA operates two VAX 11/780 computers for instruc-
tional use, each with eight megabytes of real memory, an
RM80 124-megabyte system drive, an RPO7 516-megabyte
user drive, and a TU78 tape, drive. In addition, CIRCA
operates a VAX 11/750 computer with 5 megabytes of real
memory and two RAGO disk drives wth 205 megabytes of
real memory. The machines communicate via DECNET and
run the VMS operating system. Terminals are connected
through a Gandalf port selector providing local and
remote terminal access to both NERDC and CIRCA
computers. Dial-up facilities are also provided. Software
includes APL, BASIC, BMDP, CERRITOS graphics, COBOL,
and support for IMLAC and GIGI graphics terminals.
Additional information is available from the CIRCA
Consultant on Duty in 411 Weil Hall, University of Florida,
(904) 392-0906, SUNCOM 622-0906.

ENCES is the University of Florida's statewide agricultural
research and educational organization. IFAS programs
extend into every county and reach people in virtually
every community in Florida.
In April, 1964, the creation of IFAS was approved by the
Florida Board of Control. This action consolidated into one
overall budgetary unit four previously separate budgetary
units the College of Agriculture, the Florida Agricultural
Experiment Stations, the Florida Cooperative Extension
Service, and the School of Forestry. Today IFAS also
includes the College of Veterinary Medicine as well as the
Florida, Seagrant Extension Program and the Energy Exten-
sion Service. IFAS, through its unique organization, not
only transmits the benefits of the land grant system to all
Floridians alike but also is known worldwide for excellence
in teaching, research, and extension activities.
The primary mission of IFAS is to help Florida realize its
maximum potential for agricultural development and to
contribute to the solution of many social, economic,
environmental, and cultural problems of concern to the
people of the state. This vital developmental mission is
carried out through the three functions of resident


instruction, research, .and extension. These are carefully
interrelated to provide a highly coordinated effort for the
benefits of Florida its citizens and its industry. This
effort is guided by the Vice President for Agricultural
The offices of the Vice President as well as the Deans
for Resident Instruction, Research, and Extension are
located near the center of campus in McCarty Hall.
Administrative offices of the School of Forest Resources
and Conservation are located in Newins-Ziegler Hall. The
Hume Agricultural Library is located in the. McCarty Hall
The resident instruction programs conducted through.
the College of Agriculture and the School of Forest
Resources and Conservation are concerned with educating
young men and women for the nation's growing and
increasingly complex agricultural industry. The curricula for
the different fields of study are structured to provide the
business, technological, and science education necessary
for graduates to meet the ever changing needs of a
diverse and highly specialized agriculture as well as related
business and industry. All academic departments offer an
undergraduate program leading to a Bachelor of Science in
Agriculture. The School of Forest Resources and Conserva-
tion offers an undergraduate program which leads to the
Bachelor of Science in Forest Resources and Conservation.
Graduate'programs at the master's level are offered by all
academic units. The Doctor of Philosophy degree is offered
in 12 specialties.
The mission of the IFAS research programs is one of
development as well as improving existing technology to
enable Florida's agricultural industry to become more
efficient, particularly in reducing dependence on consump-
tion of fossil fuels; to improve consumer health and
nutrition; and to improve the social and economic well-
being of producers and consumers of agricultural commo-
dities and resources. Through the network of 22 research
and education centers, located in various areas of the
state, applied as well as basic research efforts develop new
and improved technology to meet the agricultural needs
of Florida. Additional IFAS research information is con-
the Organized Research section.
The Florida Cooperative Extension Service is adminis-
tered by IFAS in cooperation with the several Boards of
County Commissioners in the State and the U.S. Depart-
ment of Agriculture. Extension offices in all 67 counties are
responsible for the transfer and application 'of knowledge
through nonresident educational programs. These pro-
grams are tailored to fit the needs of the many audiences
in agricultural production, marketing, and utilization; home
economics; community resource development; marine
sciences; and energy. Audiences include adults and youth,
rural and urban citizens, minorities, and people from all
economic levels.
The Center for Natural Resources was created in
October 1973 to provide statewide coordination for the
IFAS research and education programs concerned with
solving some of the serious environmental and natural
resources problems related to agriculture throughout
Florida. The Center is involved in developing ways to
protect managed agriculture ecosystems from environ-
mental damage, integrating environmental practices into
agricultural production technology, and protecting and
enhancing the quality of all of Florida's environment.
In 1980, IFAS received approval for the establishment of
the Center for Biomass Energy Systems. The Center
coordinates planning, development, and implementation of
research related to production of various types of plant
biomass, methods of converting biomass to practical forms

of fuel, and systems for utilizing bio-fuels and their co- and
The creation of an Office of International Programs in
1966 formalized the international commitment of IFAS. The
Office of International Programs is responsible for adminis-
tration, coordination, and development of all activities
which build or strengthen the international dimension of
IFAS. This includes participation in the determination of
contract and grant policy, development of outside funding
sources for international research and training projects,
and assistance in the initiation of new education programs.
Integration of international programs into each department
is a specific objective. This provides a unique opportunity
for focusing maximum resources available on the project.
Both faculty in the State and those overseas benefit by the
interchange of ideas. Education and research is handled
under the same office by the Center for Tropical Agricul-
ture established in 1965.

Outreach to people through patient care, education,
research, and community service has been the guiding
rule of the University of Florida's J. Hillis Miller Health
Center since its founding in 1956.
Today these -services emanate from a modern institution
that encompasses six colleges Medicine, Nursing,
Pharmacy, Health Related Professions, Dentistry, and
Veterinary Medicine and two teaching hospitals -
Shands for human patients and the Veterinary Medical
Teaching Hospital for animals.
Shands Hospital, under private corporate management
since 1980, serves as a major referral center for modern
patient care and clinical training of students in the health
professions. The Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital
serves the State's practicing veterinarians by providing a
modern, well-equipped facility for referring animal patients
with rare or complicated diseases.
The State's first College of Dentistry became operational
at the Health Center in 1975, followed by the first College
of Veterinary Medicine in late 1977.
The care of patients and the education of health
practitioners are strengthened by the Health Center's
affiliations with the nearby Veterans Administration Medi-
cal Center, plus a cooperative education program with 11
urban hosptials, 3 colleges in Jacksonville, and educational
affiliations with hospitals in Pensacola and Orlando.
Presently some 3,600 students are receiving training at
the Health Center through 44 different health professions
programs. These academic programs help the students to
understand that health care involves the health team: the
physician; the nurse; the dentist; the pharmacist; persons
in health related professions; the researcher; the educator;
and the counselor. Students learn that by training togeth-
er, and later by working together, they will contribute
more effectively to the patient's well-being.
In addition, the Health Center's extensive involvement in
research (a multimillion dollar enterprise of its own) brings
the students and health care practitioners in touch with
some of the latest information regarding diagnosis, treat-
ment, and prevention of illness.
Since the opening of its first units the Colleges of
Medicine and Nursing the Health Center has become a
leading center for health care, education, and research in
the Southeast. The institution is located on the southern
edge of the University of Florida campus and is named for
the late president of the university, Dr. J. Hillis Miller. Dr.
Miller's vision and determination helped formulate the
early planning of the health complex as an integral part of
the university.



Application for admission to any undergraduate College,
School, or Division of the University must be made to the
Admissions Section of the Office of the Registrar on the
forms prescribed and by the dates indicated below. It is
quite proper to correspond with Deans, Directors, or
Department Chairpersons, but such contact with Universi-
ty Officers does not in any way eliminate the necessity for
-filing a formal application in the Office of the Registrar by
the dates specified.
How To Apply: An applicant should address a request
to the Admissions Section, Office of the Registrar, Universi-
ty of Florida, asking for application forms. Forms and
directions for completion of applications vary with the
level of entry at the University and the applicant should
indicate that forms are being requested for admission as a
Freshman, Undergraduate Transfer, Postbaccalaureate,
Graduate, Dental, Law, Medical, Veterinary Medicine, or
Special student, as the case might be.
IMPORTANT NOTE: An application for admission must
be filed for the specific term that the student wishes to
enter the University and will be considered for entrance in
that term ONLY. Applicants wishing to change their
planned entry date should contact the Admissions Office
for application instructions. An approval for admission is.
valid ONLY for entrance in the term specified in the
admission notice and does not in any way imply that
approval would also be given for entrance in any other

The University encourages applications from qualified
applicants of both sexes from all cultural, racial, religious,
and ethnic groups. The University does not discriminate on
the basis of handicap or age in admission or access to its
programs and activities. Both the Educational Testing
Service (SAT) and the American College Testing Program
(ACT) have brochures describing special testing arrange-
ments for handicapped applicants, and there are alternate
admissions procedures for handicapped applicants who
are unable to take the required tests.
A brief summary of the general requirements for
admission or readmission to any college or division of the
University is given below:
1. A satisfactory academic record. Each applicant must
furnish a complete chronological record of educational
institutions previously attended. Official transcripts must
be submitted in accordance with instructions which
Accompany the application form.
2. Satisfactory scores on achievement tests or aptitude
tests as noted in the application instructions.'
3. A satisfactory conduct record.

NOTE: Board of Regents regulations provide that furnish-
ing false or fraudulent statements or information in
connection with an application for admission or residence
affidavit may result in disciplinary action, denial of
admission, and invalidation of credits or degrees earned.
The specific requirements for readmission (at the same
or a different level) of a student previously enrolled at the
University of Florida are given in the STUDENT REGULA-
TIONS section of this catalog.
The specific requirements for admission to the Universi-
ty of Florida for the first time as a Freshman, Undergrad-
uate Transfer, Postbaccalaureate, Graduate, Dental, Law,
Medical, Veterinary Medicine, or Special student may be
found in the appropriate sections which follow. It should
be understood, however, that minimum requirements are

given and that admission to the University is a selective
process. The satisfaction of minimum requirements does
not automatically guarantee admission. Under Board of
Regents policy up to ten percent of the students admitted
during the academic year at any level may be admitted as
exceptions to the minimum requirements. The University
Admissions Committee is the agency at the University of
Florida that is responsible for the admission of undergrad-
uate students under' this exception policy. For additional
information regarding this policy, contact the Minority and
Disadvantaged Admissions Officer, Office of the Registrar.
The admission requirements have been arrived at after a
very careful study of the experiences of thousands of
students over a long period of years. In every case
minimum requirements have evolved from studies of
student performance at the University of Florida. These
studies have had as a primary objective the identification
of factors that would indicate a reasonable chance for
successful completion of academic work at the University
of Florida.
The University Admissions Committee is responsible for
administering all admissions to the University and its
various components including applicants approved as
exceptions to the minimum admission requirements set
forth in this catalog.
Students who are planning to enter the University of
Florida for the first time will be considered for admission as
1. Beginning Freshmen: students who have never at-
tended college. (See following section, ADMISSION AS A
2. Undergraduate Transfers: students who have previous-
ly attended any college or university, regardless of
amount of time spent in attendance or credit earned,
but who have not received a Bachelor's degree. (See
3. Postbaccalaureate Students: students who .have re-
ceived a Bachelor's degree but do not wish to be
admitted to graduate study. (See following section,
4. Graduate Students: candidates for Master's or Doc-
tor's degrees. (See following section, ADMISSION TO
5. Dental Students: candidates for admission to the
College of Dentistry. (See following section, ADMISSION
6. Law Students: candidates for admission to the College
of Law. (See following section, ADMISSION TO THE
7. Medical Students: candidates for admission to the
College of Medicine. (See following section, ADMISSION
8. Veterinary Medicine Students: candidates for admis-
sion to the College of Veterinary Medicine. (See follow-
9. Special Students: applicants who do not fall in one of
the above categories. (See following section, ADMISSION
10. Transient Students: applicants who wish to enroll for
one term only in order to complete work for transfer
back to parent institution. (See following section, AD-

The Traveling Scholar Program affords graduate students
at State University System institutions an opportunity to
take coursework or conduct research activities at any of
the other institutions in the System. Coursework taken


under the auspices of the Traveling Scholar Program at
another university in the System will apply for graduate
credit at the student's home institution. The deans of the
graduate schools of the State universities are the coordina-
tors of the program. For details regarding the Traveling
Scholar Program and approval to participate in it, a
student must apply to the dean of the graduate school on
his home campus.

The Undergraduate Interinstitutional Registration Pro-
gram enables students at State University System institu-
tions to take advantage of special resources and programs
available, on another campus in the System but not
available at their home institution, e.g., special course
offerings, research opportunities, unique laboratories, over-
seas study programs, and library collections. Coursework
taken under the Undergraduate Interinstitutional Registra-
tion Program will be accepted for credit at the student's
home institution. A student must be recommended to
participate in the program by his own academic dean,
who will initiate a visiting arrangement with the appropri-
ate dean at the host institution.

A personal health history completed by you and
reported on forms supplied by the University Physician are
required prior to initial enrollment at the University of
Florida. If your application for admission is approved, the
health history form will be forwarded to you for you to
complete and return to the University Physician. Your
form should be received by the University Physician at
least two weeks prior to your planned date of entrance.

When to Apply: No application will be considered for
the Freshman Class more than one year in advance of the
term for which entrance is sought. The best time to apply
is the early part of the Senior year in secondary school.
Priority in admission to the Fall class will be given to
qualified applicants whose applications and supporting
records are received in the Admissions Office prior to
March 1st. Applications for the Fall class received after
March 1st will be considered on a "space available" basis
only. The deadlines for receipt of applications for other
terms are listed in the University Calendar.
Admission of students is on a selective basis. The
availability of community junior colleges and other state
universities in Florida has caused the Board of Regents to
assign to the University of Florida a role in the total state
system of higher education which demands that the
entering Freshman Class be limited in number. Such
limitation does not prevent students from subsequently
applying for admission to upper division and professional
schools of the University since they may attend junior
colleges or other universities and if qualified, then transfer
to the University's upper division colleges in accordance
with rules printed elsewhere in this catalog.
The requirements for admission set forth below are
designated to give priority to those applicants whose
potential on the basis of their record indicates the greatest
likelihood of success and the obtaining of maximum
benefits from the Lower Division program at the University
of Florida.

A. Requirements for admission--Florida students
For consideration a student must meet the following
1. Graduation from an accredited secondary school or
the equivalent (G.E.D., etc.).
2. Nineteen (19) academic units in college preparatory
courses. The following distribution of the 19 academic
units is required.
English (3 of which include substantial writing
requirements.)................................. ... ......... ....4
Math (at the Algebra I and above levels)......................3
Natural Science (2 of which include
substantial laboratory requirements)............................. 3
Social Science ........... .................. .. ........... .................. 3
Electives............................................... ......... ............. ..... 6
(From the areas of English, Mathematics,
Foreign Languages, Natural Sciences,
Social Sciences.)
*Effective August 1, 1987, two (2) units in a Foreign
Language will be required.
3. An overall C average as computed by the University
of Florida in academic courses.
4. A total score of at least 840 on the Scholastic
Aptitude Test (SAT) or a composite score of 17 or above
on the American College Testing Program (ACT).
5. A record of good conduct. Major or continuing
difficulty with school or other officials may make an
applicant ineligible regardless of academic qualifications.
Please note: Applicants who present scores on the
G.E.D. (General Equivalency Diploma) for satisfaction of the
high school graduation requirement must also present
records from secondary schools attended and test scores
in order to be considered for admission. The applicant's
overall academic background as manifested in these
records will be considered in the decison-making process.
Any Florida student who meets the above minimum
admission requirements and is interested in attending the
University of Florida is urged to submit an application. The
University will do everything possible to accept all qual-
ified applicants who apply before the application deadline
date. If the number of qualified applicants exceeds the
number that the University is permitted to enroll, admis-
sion will be on a selective basis. An applicant's total high
school record including grades, test scores, educational
objective and pattern of courses completed, rank in class,
school recommendation, and personal record will be
considered in the selection process.

Composite pictures of the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)
results of recent Freshman classes at the University of
Florida indicate that more than 50 percent score 500 or
above on the Verbal section and more than 75 percent
score 500 or above on the Math section. In addition, more
than 50 percent of each entering class has earned a B or
better average in high school academic subjects. While
there is no minimum grade average or test score which in
itself assures a student of admission or success in college,
prospective applicants are urged to discuss the meaning
and implication of these data with their school counselors
when considering the University of Florida.

B. Requirements for admission Non-Florida Students.
Because of a limited entering Freshman class each Fall,
only a small number of highly qualified students from
states other than Florida may be admitted. The minimum
requirements for consideration are essentially the same as
for Florida students except that priority in consideration
for admission will be given to those applicants who
present scores of at least 600 on each section of the
Scholastic Aptitude Test of the College Entrance Examina-
tion Board and an academic average of B or better.


C. Admission by examination alone
All Freshman applicants must submit a transcript of
their high school record and scores on either the Scholas-
tic Aptitude Test (SAT) or the American College Test (ACT)
as indicated in the application instructions. Applicants who
believe their preparation for college is not accurately
reflected by their high school grades and/or aptitude test
scores are encouraged to also submit their scores on the
College Board Achievement Tests.
A student can qualify for admission as an entering
Freshman on the basis of College Board Achievement Tests
alone. Scores must be submitted on at least three tests
including: (1) English Composition, (2) Mathematics, and (3)
one test from among the sciences or social studies. A
Florida student must present a total score on the three
tests of at least 1500 with a minimum score of at least 500
on each test. A non-Florida student must present a total
score of at least 1600 with minimum score of at least 500
on each test. This option is not available to students who
take college courses in the above subject areas prior to
completing the College Board Achievement Tests.
A student can also qualify for admission as an entering
Freshman on the basis of College Board Advanced
Placement Tests alone. Scores must be submitted on at
least three tests including: (1) English-Language Composi-
tion, (2) Calculus AB or Calculus BC, and (3) one test from
among the sciences or social sciences. A Florida student
must present a total score on the three tests of at least 9
with a minimum score of at least 3 on each test. A non-
Florida student must present a total score of at least 10 on
the three tests with a minimum score of at least 3 on each
test. Advanced placement credit will be awarded for each
test in which the student achieves a score of 3 or higher.
This option is not available to students who take college
courses in the above subject areas prior to completing the
College Board Advanced Placement Tests.

Early Admission
Applications for Early Admission (i.e. admission following
completion of the Junior year in high school) from superior
students are encouraged and will be considered on an
individual basis by the University's Admissions Committee.
Applications should be submitted in accordance with
deadlines published in the University Calendar.
In addition to the application, the following items are
needed for processing Early Admission applicants.
1. A written statement by the student setting forth
reasons for requesting early admission.
2. An official transcript of the applicant's secondary
school record covering the 9th, 10th, and 11th years.
Generally,. an overall academic average of B+ is
3. Results of either the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or
the American College Testing Program (ACT). Generally,
a score of approximately 600 on each section of the SAT
or a composite score of 28 on the ACT is expected.
4. A letter of recommendation from the student's high
school principal or guidance counselor. The letter should
give specific reasons as to why the applicant would
profit more from Early Admission than by completion of
the Senior year in high school.
An applicant for Early Admission may be required to
come to the campus for interviews by members of the
Admissions Committee before a decision is made on the
application. The Admissions Office will advise the appli-
cant if interviews will be required after all of the above
items have been received and evaluated. IMPORTANT:

Please note that an applicant should NOT report for
interviews until advised by the Admissions Office.
The University of Florida provides numerous opportuni-
ties other than Early Admission by which a student may
accelerate graduation. For additional information, please
refer to the section of this catalog entitled Time Shortened
Degree Opportunities.
Candidates' Reply Date. Applicants accepted for admis-
sion to the Fall Freshman class must indicate their
enrollment plans within 30 days after acceptance.
Advance Housing Payment. Entering freshmen are
required to make a housing deposit within 30 days after
acceptance if they desire to live in University housing. The
housing deposit, less a $15.00 service charge, is refundable
until May 1st for applicants accepted for admission to the
Fall Freshman class.
Admission with Advanced Standing. The University of
Florida is a participant in the Advanced Placement'
Program (APP) and in the College Level Examination
Program (CLEP) of the College,Entrance Examination Board.
Under the Advanced Placement Program a student enter-
ing the University offers a nationally graded examination
as evidence of completion of a college-level course taken
in high school. Depending on the results of the examina-
tion, the student may receive University credit for courses
covering similar material or exemption from such courses
without credit. Under the College Level Examination
Program, the University grants credits for satisfactory
scores in each of the five areas of the CLEP General
Examinations. For further information, please refer to the
section of the catalog entitled Time Shortened Degree
Early Decision for Superior Students. Students with
superior secondary school records (academic average at
least 3.5) and Junior year high school SAT test scores
(approximately 600 each on the Verbal and Mathematic
sections) may apply for early decision. The student must
certify that this is his only application and this statement
must be supported by the signatures of his parents and
appropriate school official. The completed application
must be received by November 1, and, if admitted, the
student must make his commitment to attend the
University of Florida, accompanied by his housing pay-
ment, by December 1.

When to Apply: Applications may be submitted not
more than one year in advance, and applicants are
strongly urged to apply at least six months prior to the
date they plan to enter. Applicants should refer to the
DEADLINES .FOR APPLYING section of the University
Calendar published in this catalog as well as consult the
portion of this catalog pertaining to the individual college
to which they intend to apply for specific information
regarding application deadlines. (NOTE: In a number of
undergraduate programs, the sequence of professional
courses begins ONLY in the Fall Term of the Junior year).
An applicant who waits until the last possible date to file
an application may find that it is impossible to furnish the
necessary supporting records in time to permit a decision
for the term that admission is desired.
In this section are listed the general requirements for
admission of undergraduate transfer students. It should be
observed, however, that ADMISSION TO THE UNIVERSITY



Attention is also directed to the fact that Upper Division
colleges of the University have established enrollment
quotas because of limitations of space and facilities.
Transfer applicants who meet the minimum admission
requirements will be referred to the selection committee of
the appropriate college for consideration of their enroll-
ment within the college's established quotas.
A transfer applicant should refer to the General Informa-
tion and Colleges sections of this catalog for an explana-
tion of the academic organization of the University.
If an applicant is accepted for admission, courses which
reasonably parallel the curriculum of the University of
Florida that were completed with grades of D or higher at
other accredited institutions are acceptable for transfer
credit. It is the prerogative of the college (within the
University) that administers the work for the degree being
sought to determine how transfer credit may be used in
satisfying that degree's specific course requirements. Not
more than 64 semester hours (or 96 quarter hours) of
credit transferred from or through a junior college may be
applied toward the total credit hours requirement for a
University of Florida degree. Courses completed at a junior
college in excess of a total of 64 semester hours may serve
to meet specific course requirements for a University of
Florida degree but the credit hours represented by those
courses will not reduce the number of credit hours to be
completed at the University.

This section applies ONLY to students seeking to
transfer directly' from a Florida public junior college with
the Associate of Arts degree in a university parallel
program. All other junior college applicants and under-
graduate transfer applicants from four-year or upper
division colleges and universities should consult Section B
which follows.
The University of Florida subscribes to,the Articulation
Agreement between the State Universities and Public
Junior Colleges of Florida. Under this agreement, any
graduate of a State approved, Florida public junior college
is eligible for admission to nonljmited access programs at
the University if the student has completed the university
parallel program and received the Associate of Arts
degree, provided the degree has been awarded on the
basis of the following:
1. At least 60 semester hours of academic work
exclusive of occupational courses;
2. An approved general education program of at least 36
semester hours;
S3. A grade point average of at least 2.0 on a 4.0 system
on all college level academic courses attempted.
By law, all applicants seeking admission to a program in
teacher education must submit scores on the Scholastic
Aptitude Test (SAT) or the American College Test (ACT).
These scores should be forwarded to the Admissions
Office as soon as possible after an application for
admission has been -submitted. Some colleges with enroll-
ment quotas may require applicants to submit test scores
as a part of their selection process. When test scores are
required by an Upper Division college, the applicant will
be advised directly by that college.
An undergraduate transfer applicant who will enter the
University of Florida with junior class standing (AA degree
from a Florida public community college or 60 semester
hours of acceptable transfer credit)-must have satisfactorily
completed the College Level Academic Skills Test (CLAST)
in order to be admitted in a degree-seeking status.
Within space and fiscal limitations, applicants who have
satisfied the above minimum requirements will be consid-
ered for admission at the Junior level to an Upper Division

college. Such students may be required to take additional
preprofessional courses -not completed at the junior
college. However, such courses, will not reduce the
number of credits required in the Upper Division for a
This section applies to students seeking to transfer from
a Florida public junior college without an Associate of Arts
degree in a university parallel program and to all under-
graduate transfer applicants from other colleges or univer-
I. Requirements for Admission to the Lower Division
1. Eligible for admission as a beginning Freshman: An
applicant must have been eligible for admission to the
University of Florida as a beginning Freshman in order to
Sbe considered for admission to the Lower Division as a
transfer student. (See section, ADMISSION AS A FRESH-
2. Good standing: An applicant must be in good
standing and eligible to return to any institution pre-
viously attended. A student who for any reason will not
be allowed to return to an institution previously at-
tended cannot be considered for admission to the
University of Florida.
3. Satisfactory record: An applicant must have an
average of C or higher (as computed by the University
of Florida) on all work attempted at each institution
previously attended. No application can be considered
until complete official transcripts of all the applicant's
undergraduate work are in the possession of the
Admissions Office. An official transcript must be fur-
nished from each institution attended regardless of
length of attendance or credit earned. Official supple-
mentary transcripts are required, as soon as they are
available, for any work completed after making applica-
tion. Since an average of C or higher is required for
/ graduation from the University of Florida, one who has
failed to maintain this average at another institution is
not eligible for admission. Regardless of the average
earned, courses completed at other institutions must
reasonably parallel the curriculum at the University of
4. Satisfactory test, scores: An applicant who will present
less than 60 semester hours (or 90 quarter hours) of
acceptable college courses (including not more than 4
semester hours in Military Science and/or basic required
Physical Education) as credit for advanced standing must
present satisfactory scores on an acceptable general
ability test. Any of the following tests may satisfy this
requirement if taken prior to first enrollment in college:
the Florida Twelfth Grade Placement Test, the Scholastic
Aptitude Test (SAT) of the College Entrance Examination
Board, or the American College Testing Program (ACT).
Otherwise, the applicant should furnish scores on the
School and College Ability Test, College Level (SCAT).
The minimum acceptable score on these tests will vary
with the amount and quality of academic study the
applicant will have completed prior to transfer.
5. Satisfactory conduct record: An applicant must
present a satisfactory conduct record. Regardless of
other qualifications, an applicant who has experienced
serious or continuing difficulty with school or other
authorities because of improper conduct may find his
application disapproved.

II. Requirements for Admission to an Upper Division
With the exception of items 1 and 4, an applicant for
admission to an Upper Division College must satisfy the
requirements listed above for admission to the Lower


Division. By law, all applicants seeking admission to a
program in teacher education must submit scores on the
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or the American College
Test (ACT). These scores should be forwarded to the-
Admissions Office as soon as possible after an application
for admission has been submitted. Some colleges with
enrollment quotas may require applicants to submit test
scores as a part of their selection process. When test
scores are required by an Upper Division College, the
applicant will be advised directly by that college. In
addition, the following requirements must also be satisfied.
1. Advanced standing credit. An applicant must present
a minimum of 60 semester hours (or 90 quarter hours) of
acceptable college courses, not more than four semester
hours of which are in Military Science and/or basic
required Physical Education as credit for advanced
2. Specific course requirements. An applicant must
present the courses listed as required for admission by
the Upper Division College of his choice, or acceptable
substitutes, as part of the courses offered for advanced
standing credit. (See appropriate college section of this
catalog.) Upon recommendation by the Upper Division
College, an applicant lacking some of the specific course
requirements may be permitted to enroll in that college
and complete them if he meets all other requirements
for admission; however, such Lower Division courses will
not reduce the number of credits required in the Upper
Division for a degree.
3. College Level Academic Skills Test. By law, all
applicants admitted in a degree-seeking status to an
Upper Division College at an institution in the State
University System of Florida must have satisfactorily
completed the College Level Academic Skills Test
If an applicant is accepted for undergraduate transfer
admission, courses completed at other regionally accred-
ited institutions of higher education with grades of D or
higher which reasonably parallel the curriculum at the
University of Florida will be accepted for transfer credit.
The determination of how transfer credit may be used to
satisfy the specific course requirements for a degree is the
prerogative of the College within the University that
administers the work for the degree sought.
Substantially equivalent courses applicable to the stu-
dent's degree program at the University of Florida com-
pleted at nonregionally accredited institutions of higher
education may be accepted for transfer credit on an
individual basis subject to validation by the student's
subsequent performance at the University of Florida.
Credit hours for work completed at a community or
junior college after the student has earned a total of 64
semester hours (or 96 quarter hours) of acceptable transfer
credit at all institutions attended will not be accepted for
transfer credit at the University of Florida. The courses
represented by such credit hours will be recorded on the
student's University of Florida record and may be used to
satisfy experience requirements but such courses will not
reduce the number of credit hours to be completed in the
Upper Division at the University of Florida in order to earn
a degree.

When to Apply: Applications may be submitted up to
one year in advance and applicants are urged to apply as
early as possible. Applications MUST BE SUBMITTED by the
deadline established for the term. Some departments have
found it necessary to establish deadlines for the receipt of

applications and their supporting records that are earlier
than the deadlines established for the University and
published in the catalog. All applicants are advised to refer
to the DEADLINES FOR APPLYING section of the University
Calendar published in this catalog and to check with the
appropriate department regarding departmental deadlines.
Postbaccalaureate students may wish to enroll in
courses for any of the following reasons:
1. To validate undergraduate records from nonaccre-
dited or unevaluated institutions;
2. To expand their academic background;
3. To earn a second bachelor's degree; or
4. To complete prerequisite courses for admission to
graduate study at some future date.
Application for admission as a postbaccalaureate stu-
dent must be made to the Admissions Section, Office of
the Registrar, on forms supplied by that office. Applica-
tions are referred to the appropriate department for
approval or disapproval. No application will be considered
unless .complete official transcripts) of all the applicant's
prior collegiate work are in the possession of the Admis-
sions Office, and no transcript will be considered official
unless it is received directly from the Registrar of the
institution at which the work was performed. Official
supplementary transcripts) are required, as soon as they
are available, for any work completed after the application
was filed.
Students who desire, postbaccalaureate status in the
College of Education to obtain teacher certification must
provide the college with a clear statement of certification
goals as a part of the requirements for admission.
Interested students should contact the College of Educa-
tion for further information.
All students whose native tongue is not English applying
for admission as a Postbaccalaureate Student must submit
acceptable scores on Test of English as a Foreign Language
(TOEFL). A minimum TOEFL score of 550 is required for
admission to all colleges.

Application for Admission. Admission forms and
information concerning admission procedures may be
obtained from the Admissions Section, Office of the
Registrar, 135 Tigert Hall. Prospective students are urged to
apply for admission as early as possible. For some
departments, deadlines for receipt of admission applica-
tions may be earlier than those stated in the current
University Calendar; prospective students should check
with the appropriate department. Applications which meet
minimum standards are referred to the graduate selection
committees of the various colleges and departments for
approval or disapproval.
To be admitted to graduate study in a given depart-
-ment, the prospective student must satisfy the require-
ments of the college and department as well as those of
the Graduate School. In some departments, available
resources limit the number of students that can be
General Requirements. The Graduate School, Univer-
sity of Florida, requires both a minimum grade average of
B for all upper-division undergraduate work and a mini-
mum Verbal-Quantitative total score of 1000 on the
Aptitude Test of the Graduate Record Examination. For
some colleges and departments, and in more advanced
levels of graduate study, an undergraduate average or
Graduate Record Examination score above those stated for
the Graduate School may be required. These criteria are
on file in the Office of the Graduate School. Some colleges
and departments require a reading knowledge of at least




one foreign language. Exceptions to the above require-
ments are made only when these .and other criteria
including letters of recommendation are reviewed and
recommended by the department and approved by the
college and the Dean for Graduate Studies and Research.
SUnqualified admission to the Graduate School is depen-
dent upon -the presentation of a baccalaureate degree
from an accredited college or university. No application
will be considered unless the complete official transcript,of
all the applicant's undergraduate and graduate work is in
the possession of the Registrar, and no transcript will be
accepted as official unless it is received directly from the
Registrar of the institution in which the work was done.
Official supplementary transcripts are required as soon as
they are available for any work completed after applica-
tion for admission has been made. In general, no student
who is a graduate of a nonaccredited institution will be
considered for graduate study in any college or depart-
ment of the University.
The Board of Regents has also ruled that in admitting
students for a given academic year, up to ten percent may
be admitted as exceptions. Students admitted as excep-
tions under the ten percent waiver rule must present both
an upper-division grade point average and Graduate
Record Examination Aptitude Test Score with their applica-
tion and meet other criteria required by the University,
including excellent letters of recommendation from col-
leagues, satisfactory performance in a specified number of
graduate courses taken as postbaccalaureate students, or
practical experience in the discipline for .a specified period
of time.
The University encourages applications from qualified
applicants of both sexes from all cultural, racial, religious,
and ethnic groups. The University does not discriminate on
the basis of handicap or age in admission or access to its
programs and activities.
Graduate Record Examination. In addition to the
Aptitude Test of the Graduate Record Examination which
is required of all applicants, some departments encourage
the applicant to submit scores on one br more advanced
subject tests of the Graduate Record Examination. The
scores on all tests taken will be considered in regard to
Graduate Study in Business Administration. Students
applying for admission to the Graduate School for study in
the College of Business Administration may substitute
satisfactory scores on the Graduate Management Admis-
sion Test (GMAT) for the Graduate Record Examination.
Students applying for admission to the Master of Business
Administration (MBA) program must submit satisfactory
scores on the GMAT. Applicants are requested to contact
the Educational Testing Service, Princeton, New Jersey, for
additional information. .
Graduate Study in Law. Students applying to the
graduate program leading to the degree Master of Laws in
Taxation must submit satisfactory scores on the Law
School Admissions Test (LSAT).

All foreign students seeking admission to the Graduate
SSchool are required to submit satisfactory scores on the
GRE Aptitude Test and on the TOEFL (Test of English as a
Foreign Language) with the following exceptions:
1. Foreign students whose native tongue is English or
who have studied at a United States college or university
for one year or more need not submit TOEFL scores but
must submit satisfactory scores on the Aptitude Test of
the Graduate Record Examination before their applications
for admission can be considered.
2. Students educated in foreign countries where the GRE

is not available who apply for admission while residing
outside the United States may be granted, on the basis of
hardship, a one semester postponement of the GRE but
not the TOEFL. Permission to register for subsequent
semesters will depend upon the submission of scores on
the Graduate Record Examination.
3. All foreign students applying for admission to the
Master of Business Administration program must submit
satisfactory scores from the Graduate Management Admis-
sion Test before their application for admission will be
Foreign students, whose scores on the TOEFL and verbal
portion of the GRE are not indicative of adequate writing
skills are required to write a short essay for examination. If
the skills demonstrated in the essay are not acceptable for
pursuing graduate work the examination will be used as a
diagnostic tool for placement in appropriate courses which
will not count toward a graduate degree.
Graduate students whose native language is not English
may be asked to submit satisfactory scores on the Test of
Spoken English (TSE) to be eligible for teaching assistant-
Applicants are requested to write the Educational
Testing Service, Princeton, New jersey, for registration
forms and other information concerning" TOEFL, TSE,
GMAT, and GRE.

Students who are not eligible for direct admission may
be granted conditional admission to the Graduate School.
Students may be granted conditional admission to defer
final admission decisions until requisite examination scores
or final grade records are available. Students may also be
granted conditional admission to ascertain their ability to
pursue graduate work at the University of Florida if
previous grade records or Graduate Record Examination
scores are on the borderline of acceptability or when
specific prerequisite courses are required.
Students granted conditional admission should be
notified by the department of the conditions under which
they are admitted. When these conditions have been
satisfied, the department must notify the student in
writing, sending a copy to the Graduate School. Eligible
coursework taken while a student is in conditional status is
applicable toward a graduate degree.
Students failing to meet any condition of admission will
be barred from further registration.

When to Apply: The Application Request Card for the
American Association of Dental Schools Application Serv-
ice (AADSAS) may be obtained after May 15 from the
Office of Admissions, College of Dentistry. The request
card should be sent directly to the AADSAS, P.O. Box
1003, Iowa City, Iowa 52240. Upon receiving the applica-
tion materials from the AADSAS, the completed forms and
supporting documents must be returned directly to the
AADSAS no later than October 15 of the year prior to
anticipated enrollment in dental school. Failure to meet
this deadline will prevent the Dental Admissions Commit-
tee from evaluating your record.
The data compiled by the AADSAS will be carefully
evaluated by the Dental Admissions Committee and
promising applicants will be sent formal application forms
which request additional information. The submission of a
preprofessional committee evaluation or letters of recom-
mendation from people in academics will not be necessary
until the formal application forms are filed. The formal


application forms and supporting materials should be
submitted as early as possible, but no later than November
15 of each application year.
The College of Dentistry aspires to attract students of
the highest caliber into its various programs. High stan-
dards of scholastic achievement, moral character, and
motivation are expected of the applicant. The student of
Dentistry must possess a high basic aptitude supple-
mented by an academic preparation of the highest order
because of the vast area of science which must be
mastered by the dentist. The highly personal relationship
between patient and dentist places the latter in a position
of trust, which demands maturity, integrity, intellectual
honesty, and a sense of responsibility. A broad representa-
tion of the ethnic mixture of the State is sought in the
student body through an active recruitment program. The
College strictly adheres to the principle of ethnic, racial,
religious, and social equality among its student body and
Generally, students applying for admission should plan
to complete the requirements for a .Bachelor's degree.
However, qualified students may be accepted without
fulfilling the degree requirements, provided they show
evidence of sufficient preparation for the study of Dentist-
ry. Applicants with an overall B average as a minimum will
receive strongest consideration for admission to the
College of Dentistry.
Every applicant must take the Dental Admission Test,
preferably in the Spring preceding the submission of his
initial application or, at the latest, the Fall testing period.
The test is given twice a year at many college and
university testing centers. Following a review of all applica-
tion materials and Dental Admission Test scores by the
Dental Admissions Committee, interviews with members
of this Committee will be arranged for competitive
(See also more detailed description in the College of
Dentistry bulletin.)

When to Apply: Applications can be accepted as
indicated in the College of Law catalog.
Beginning Students: All applicants for admission to the
College of Law must have received a baccalaureate degree
from a regionally accredited college or university and
achieved a satisfactory score on the Law School Admission
The minimum acceptable score on the Law School
Admission Test required for admission varies with the total
grade point average achieved by the applicant on all
college work attempted by the applicant prior to receipt
of the first Bachelor's degree. The lower the grade point
average, the higher the Law School Admission Test Score
must be to quality for admission. All applicants (including
present and former University of Florida students) must
register with the Law School Data Assembly Service
(LSDAS) in lieu of requesting transcripts from each institu-
tion of higher education attended. For more detailed
information on admission to the College of Law, please see
the College of Law catalog.
Advanced Standing Students: For information on admis-
sion to the College of Law with advanced standing see the
College of Law catalog.

When to Apply: Because the number of places in the
first year class of the College of Medicine is limited, it is

important that a candidate make application as early as
possible during the Summer or Fall of the year preceding
his intended date of entry.
Personal qualities of high order character, responsibil-
ity, and maturity are the primary requirements for
admission. The student must have demonstrated superior
intellectual achievement. A Bachelor's degree is strongly
recommended. The quality of the academic background as
well as the performance of the student in relation to the
load attempted will be weighed. A genuine interest in
human welfare is important. Efficient methods of study
and effective powers of reasoning are essential.
The College admits both men and women. A limited
number of out-of-state students, in proportion to the
number in the University as a whole, may be admitted.
Students who have failed academically or are ineligible to
continue in another medical school will not be admitted.
Applications from students who are presently enrolled in
another medical school will be considered provided (1) the
student is eligible to continue in his present medical
school, (2) the school he is now attending is a member of
the Association of American Medical Colleges, and (3)
space is available.
Prospective applicants must take the Medical College
Admissions Test, preferably by the Spring preceding the
submission of the application. A personal interview will be
required for final acceptance.
Graduate students who are candidates for the Ph.D.
degree in medical sciences should apply through the
Graduate School.
(See also more detailed description in the College of
Medicine catalog.)

When to Apply: Application forms are available be-
tween September 1 and December 1 .from the Office of
the Dean for Student Services, College of Veterinary
Medicine. The application package (residency status,
application forms, fees, letters of recommendation, GRE
scores, etc.) must be received by the Admissions Office by
4:30 P.M., December 15, for the applicant to be considered
for admission.
Candidates seeking admission to programs leading to
the Master of Science or Doctor of Philosophy degree with
emphasis on animal disease problems should apply
through the Graduate School.
(See also the College of Veterinary Medicine in the
Colleges section of this catalog.)

When to Apply: Each application for admission as a
special student must be reviewed by the University
Admissions Committee. Applications cannot be considered
if they are received after the dates specified in the
University Calendar; and it would be desirable for a person
considering application as a special student to initiate such
an application at least three months in advance of the
term he/she wishes to enter, in order to allow time for
additional evidence to be presented if it should be
requested by the Admissions Committee.
Special students may be admitted to the various schools
and colleges of the Upper Division only by approval.of the
University Admissions Committee. Each case will be
considered on an individual basis. Applications for admis-
sion as a special student must include: (1) records of
previous educational experience (high school or college


transcripts); (2) a statement as to the type of studies to be
pursued; (3) a brief statement of the reasons for selecting a
special program in place of a regular one; (4) satisfactory
evidence of ability to pursue these studies; (5) satisfactory
scores on such ability or achievement tests as may be
prescribed in individual cases by the University Admissions

Subject to availability of faculty, space, and facilities, a
regular undergraduate student in good standing at another
accredited collegiate institution may be permitted to enroll
at the University of Florida as a transient student in order
to complete work to transfer back to the parent institu-
tion. No evaluation will be made of work previously
completed, and it is the student's responsibility to secure
such approval as the parent institution may require.
Transient students are registered as NON-DEGREE stu-
dents and no application for admission is required. The
appropriate forms for enrolling as a NON-DEGREE student
should be requested from the Admissions Section, Office
of the Registrar. Since registration is subject to the
, availability of space, approval to enroll as a nondegree
student cannot be given prior to the first day of classes in
the term for which the student wishes to enroll.
Credit earned in a NON-DEGREE status is not automat-
ically applicable to a University of Florida degree should
the student later be admitted in a regular status. Admis-
sion as a NON-DEGREE student in no way implies future
admission as a regular student to the University of Florida.

The University of Florida is approved for the education
and training of veterans under all public laws now in
effect, i.e., Chapter 31, Title 38, U.S. Code (Disabled
Veterans), Chapter 32, Title 38, U.S. Code (Veterans
Educational Assistance Program), Chapter 34, Title 38, U.S.
Code (Cold War G.I. Bill), and Chapter 35, Title 38, U.S.
Code (Children of Deceased or Disabled Veterans). Stu-
dents who may be eligible for educational benefits under
any Veterans Administration program are urged to contact
the local Veterans Administration representative as soon
as accepted by the University. Students expecting to
receive benefits under one of these programs must file an
application for benefits. No certification can be made until
the application is on file. Benefits are determined by the
Veterans Administration and the University certifies
according to their rules and regulations.
Inquiries relating to Social Security benefits should be
directed to the student's local Social Security Office. The
Office of the Registrar will submit enrollment certificates
issued by the Social Security Administration for students
eligible to receive educational benefits under the Social
Security Act, providing the undergraduate student registers
for 12 semester hours or more.
A full-time load for VA or Social Security benefits is 12
hours per semester for undergraduates.

The University receives a large number of applications
from international students each year. Because of the time

required to complete processing of the application and for
the student to make visa and financial arrangements,
deadlines have been established after which applications
cannot be processed. The following schedule should be
carefully noted in submitting an application for admission:

Desired Date
of Entrance

Application Must Be Received
Prior to this Date
March 1
July 1.
November 1
January 1

International students seeking to enter the University of
Florida are considered for admission as follows:
UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT: An applicant who has not
earned a university degree equivalent to a U.S. Bachelor's
earned a university degree equivalent to a U.S. Bachelor's
degree but who is not seeking admission to graduate
GRADUATE STUDENT: An applicant who has earned a
university degree equivalent to a U.S. Bachelor's degree
and is seeking admission to graduate study.
The following items must be submitted by an interna-
tional student seeking admission to the University of
(Applicant who has not earned a university-level degree)
1. International Student Application for Admission form
completely and accurately filled out.
2. Nonrefundable application fee of $15 (U.S. currency).
An application will not be considered without the
required application fee.
3. Proper transcripts (or certificates) of all academic
records or examination results for each year of study
from the first year of secondary school and for all
postsecondary or university-level work attempted. All
documents must be accompanied by certified English
4. Test Scores. (See section on TEST SCORE REQUIRE-
5. Confidential Financial Statement completely and
accurately filled out. This document will be kept strictly
1. Same as No. 1 above.
2. Same as No. 2 above.
3. Proper transcripts of academic records covering all
university-level work. These documents must be accom-
panied by certified English translations.
4. Test Scores. (See section on TEST SCORE REQUIRE-
5. Same as No. 5 above.
1. Same as No. 1 above.
2. Same as No. 2 above.
3. Proper transcripts of academic records covering all
university-level work. These documents must be accom-
panied by certified English translations.
4. Test Scores. (See section on TEST SCORE REQUIRE-
5. Same as No. 5 above.

. Excepted as noted below, all international students
seeking admission to the University of Florida are required


to submit satisfactory scores on the Test of English as a
Foreign Language (TOEFL).
1. Foreign students whose native tongue is English or
who have studied at a United States college or universi-
ty for one year or more are not required to submit
TOEFL scores but must submit satisfactory scores on an
appropriate admissions test. Undergraduate applicants
may submit scores on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)
or the American College Test (ACT). Graduate applicants
must submit scores on the Graduate Record Examina-
tions (GRE).
2. In some cases, students educated in foreign countries
where the GRE is not available who apply for admission
to graduate study while residing outside the United
States may be granted, on the basis of hardship, a one
term postponement of the GRE but NOT the TOEFL.
Permission to register for subsequent terms will depend
upon the submission of scores on the Graduate Record
3. All foreign students applying for admission to the
Master of Business Administration (MBA) program must
submit satisfactory scores on the Graduate Management
Admission Test (GMAT) before their application for
admission can be considered.
TOEFL information and registration forms are available
in many.locations outside the United States; usually at U.S.
embassies and consulates, at offices of the United States
Information Agency, from U.S. educational commissions
and foundations, at Binational Centers, and from many
private organizations such as the Institute of International
Education (HE), the American Friends of the Middle East
(AFME), African American Institute (AAI), and the Ameri-
can-Korean Foundation. Candidates who cannot obtain
information locally on TOEFL, GRE, GMAT, or SAT should
write: Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ 08540,
Each application for admission must be accompanied by

a nonrefundable application fee of $15 (U.S. currency). An
application will not be processed without the application
fee. If you find it difficult to submit the application fee
because of currency restrictions in your country, we
suggest that you request a friend or relative in the United
States to submit the fee in your behalf.
Consideration of an application for admission cannot be
given until ALL required credentials as indicated in the
section APPLYING FOR ADMISSION are received by the
Admissions Office. All documents must be accompanied
by certified English translations and become the property
of the University. Credentials of applicants who do not
enroll will be destroyed and cannot be returned or
forwarded elsewhere.
IMPORTANT: Send all applications and credentials to
the Admissions Office, University of Florida, Gainesville,
Florida 32611, U.S.A.

If a student's application for admission to the University
of Florida is approved, an official notice of acceptance will
be sent by the University. Admission is for a SPECIFIC
term. If the student is unable to enroll for the term
indicated in the notice of acceptance, the Admissions
Office should be informed immediately. If the student
wishes to be considered for entrance to a different term,
the Admissions Office must be advised. Under no circum-
stances should an applicant make definite plans to depart
for Gainesville until officially notified by the University that
approval has been given to the application for admission.
A student who comes to the campus without first
receiving an official notice of acceptance does so entirely
at his own risk. The student's presence on campus will not
influence the decision on an application for admission.
Because of the limited resources available in terms of
faculty, staff, and physical facilities, only those internation-
al students who submit superior academic records can be
approved for admission.


Each application for admission to the University must be
accompanied by an application fee of $15.00. Application
fees are nonrefundable. Further instructions will be found
in the Admissions section of this catalog.

NEEDS. Personal checks will be accepted for the exact
amount of fees.

(Section 6C-7.05, Florida Administrative Code
(1) For the purpose of assessing registration and tuition
fees, a student shall be classified as a "Florida" or "non-
Florida" student.
(a) A "Florida student" is a person who has domicile
in and who shall have resided in the state of Florida
for at least twelve (12) consecutive months immedi-
ately preceding the first day of classes of the
academic term in which the student enrolls. In
determining residency, the university may require
evidence such as voter registration, driver's license,
automobile registration, location of bank account,
rent receipts or any other relevant materials as
evidence that the applicant has maintained contin-
uous residency. Physical presence for the entire
twelve-month period need not be required, so long as
the conduct of the student, taken in total, manifests
an intention to make Florida his or her permanent
dwelling place. If such a student is a minor, it shall
mean that the parent or parents, or legal guardian of
the student shall have domicile in and have resided in
the state of Florida for the period stated above.
"Florida student" classification shall also be construed
to include students to whom an Immigration Parolee
card or a Form 1-94 (Parole Edition) was issued at least
one year prior to the first day of classes for which
Florida student status is sought; or who have had
their resident alien status approved by the United
States Immigration and Naturalization Service; or who
hold an Immigration and Naturalization Form 1-151, 1-
551 or a notice of an approved adjustment of status
application, Cuban Nationals, Vietnamese Refugees,
other refugees or asylees so designated by the United
States Immigration Service who are considered as
Resident Aliens, provided such students meet the
residency requirements stated above and comply
with subsection (2) below. The burden of of establish-
ing facts which justify classification of a student as a
resident and'domiciliary entitled to "Florida student"
registration rates is on the applicant for such classifi-
(b) In applying this policy:
1. "Student" shall mean a person admitted to the
institution or a person allowed to register at the
institution on a space available basis.
2. "Minor" shall mean a person who has not
attained the age of 18 years, and whose disabilities
of minority have not been removed by reason of
marriage or by a court of competent jurisdiction.
3. "Domicile" for fee paying purposes shall denote
a person's true, fixed, and permanent home and
place of habitation. It is the place where the

applicant lives and remains and to which he
expects to return when he leaves, without intent
to establish domicile elsewhere.
4. "Parent" shall mean a minor's father or mother,
or if there is a court appointed guardian or legal
custodian of the minor applicant, it shall mean the
guardian or legal custodian.
5. The term "dependent student" as used in this
rule is the same as a dependent as defined in
sections 151(e) (1) (2) (3) and (4) of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1954. A copy of these provisions
in the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 is incorpo-
rated in this rule by reference.
6. A "non-Florida" student is a person not meeting
the requirements of subsection (a) above.
(2) In all applications for admission or registration at the
institution on a space available basis, a Florida applicant,
or if a minor, the parent or legal guardian of the minor
applicant, shall make and file with such application a
written statement, under oath, that the applicant is a
bonafide citizen, resident, and domiciliary of the State of
Florida, entitled as such to classification as a "Florida
student" under the terms and conditions prescribed for
citizens, residents, and domiciliaries of the state of
Florida. All claims to "Florida student" classification must
be supported by evidence as stated in 6C-7.05(1) if
requested by the registering authority.
(3) A "non-Florida student" or, if a minor, his parent or
guardian, after having been a resident and domiciliary of
Florida for twelve (12) consecutive, months, may apply
for and be granted reclassification prior to the first day
of classes of any subsequent term, provided, however,
that those students who are non-resident aliens or who
are in the United States on a non-immigration visa will
not be entitled to reclassification. Provided also that,
effective Fall, 1984, any period of time in which the
student resides in the state primarily for educational
purposes shall not be counted towards residency status.
An application for reclassification as a "Florida student"
shall comply with provisions of subsection (2) above. An
applicant who has been classified as a "non-Florida"
student at time of original enrollment shall furnish
evidence as stated in 6C-7.05 (1) to the satisfaction of
the registering authority that the applicant has main-
tained continuous residency in the state for the twelve
months required to establish residence for tuition
purposes. In the absence of such evidence, the applicant
shall not be reclassified as a "Florida student.". It is
recommended that the application for reclassification be
accompanied by a certified copy of a declaration of
intent to establish legal domicile in the state, which
intent must have been filed with the Clerk of the Circuit
Court, as provided by Section 222.17, Florida Statutes. If
the request for reclassification and the necessary docu-
mentation is not received by the registrar prior to the
last day of registration for the term in which the student
intends to be reclassified, the student will not be
reclassified for that term.
(4) Unless evidence to the contrary appears, it shall be
presumed by the registering authority of the institution
at which a student is registering that:
(a) The spouse of any person who is classified or is
eligible for classification as a "Florida student" is
likewise entitled to classification as a "Florida stu-
dent." This provision will not apply in the case of
students who are non-resident aliens or who are in
the United States on a non-immigration visa.
(b) If ah applicant's eligibility for classification as a
"Florida student" is based on the residency of the
spouse, the spouse shall make and file with the
application a written statement under oath, that said
person is the spouse of the applicant and a bonafide


citizen, resident and domiciliary of the state of
Florida, entitled as such to classification as a "Florida
(c). No person over the. age of 18 years shall be
deemed to have gained residence while attending any
educational institution in this state as a full-time
student, as such status is defined by the Board of
Regents, in the absence of a clear demonstration that
he has established domicile and residency in the
state, as provided under subsection (3) above.
(d) Any "Florida student" who remains in the state,
after his parent previously domiciled in Florida or
stationed in Florida on military orders removes from
this state, shall be entitled to remain classified as a
"Florida student" so long as his or her attendance at
a school or schools in Florida shall be deemed
"continuous." However, such student claiming contin-
uous attendance must have been enrolled at a
school, college or university for a normal academic
year in each calendar year, or the appropriate portion
or portions thereof, from the beginning of the period
for which continuous attendance is claimed. Such a
student need not attend summer sessions or other
such intersession beyond the normal academic year
in order to render his attendance "continuous."
(5) Appeal from a determination denying Florida student
status to any applicant therefore may be initiated after
appropriate administrative remedies are exhausted by
the filing of a petition for review pursuant to Section
120.68 F.S. in the District Court of Appeal in the
appellate district in which the institution maintains its
headquarters or where a party resides.
(6) Any student granted status as a "Florida student,"
which status is based on a sworn statement which is
false shall, upon determination of such falsity, be subject
to such disciplinary sanctions as may be imposed by the
president of the university.
(7) Special Categories-The following categories shall be
treated as Florida residents for tuition purposes if
adequate'documentation is provided:
(a) A member of the Armed Services of the United
States who is stationed in Florida on active duty
pursuant to military orders, the spouse and depen-
dent students.
(b) A veteran of the Armed Forces.of the United
States of America with twenty (20) or more years of
active military service, including the spouse and
dependent students of such veteran's immediate
family, provided that the veteran is in Florida at time
of retirement or moves to Florida within one year
following retirement and files a declaration of Florida
(c) Full-time elementary, secondary, and community
college faculty members under current teaching
contracts in the State.of Florida and their spouses
and dependent students.
(d) Full-time faculty, administrative and professional
and career service employees of the University
System and their spouses and dependent students.
(e) A student certified by his :respective state for
participation in the Academic Common Market
Program of the Southern Regional Education Board
who is enrolled in a program approved by the Florida
Board of Regents.
(f) Florida domiciliaries living in the Panama Canal
Zone who have not established domicile elsewhere,
including the spouse and dependent students.
(g) Florida residents who had their residency in Florida
interrupted by service in the U.S. armed forces, the
Peace Corps or other similar volunteer organizations
fostered by the United States government shall be
deemed to have had residency in Florida during times
of service in the aforementioned organizations.
(8) Reciprocal Agreements. The Board of Regents may

enter into agreements with appropriate agencies and
institutions of higher education in other states and
foreign countries providing for the reciprocal exchange
of students enrolled and prospective in higher educatio-
nal institutions to facilitate utilization of public higher
educational institutions in this State and other states or
countries. Such agreements may include provisions for
waiver or reduction of non-resident tuition for desig-
nated categories of students and may include contrac-
tual payments to such other state or country, subject to
the availablility of appropriations. Such agreements shall
have as their purpose the mutual improvement of
educational advantages for residents of this State and
such other states or countries with whom agreements
may be made.
To claim Florida residence a student applying for
admission should complete the residence affidavit on the
application form. To claim the military exception (7a), the
student must furnish the Registrar's Office a copy of the
military orders showing assignment to Florida. A public
school teacher must submit a written statement from his
or her employer as to his or her unemployment status. A
University employee must submit a statement from the
personnel office as to his or her employment status.

The University Calendar appearing at the front of this
catalog sets forth the beginning and ending dates of each
semester. Registration, which includes the payment of fees,
must be completed on or before the proper due date as
specified in the calendar. Students are not authorized to
attend class unless they are on the class roll or have been
approved to audit and have paid the audit fees.
Payment of fees is an integral part of the registration
procedure. Fees are payable on the dates listed in the
University Calendar appearing at the front of the catalog,
or the dates shown on statements sent those participating
in advance registration, and are processed by the Universi-
ty Cashier at Student Financial Services, the Hub. Checks,
cashier's checks, and money orders written in excess of
the assessed fees will be processed .and the difference
refunded according to University policy. Checks from
foreign countries must be payable through a United States
-bank in United States dollars. The University reserves the
right to refuse three-party checks, altered checks, and
checks that will not photocopy.
Students must assess and pay their own fees. UNIVERSITY
Detailed information on the waiver of registration fees for
permanent full-time employees of the state may be
obtained from the Office of the Registrar. Those who have
been employed on a permanent full-time basis for at least
six months may be permitted to enroll for six credit hours
per term on a space-available basis only.



The Infirmary charge is mandatory if you are taking 7
hours or more. This charge is NOT part of any health
insurance you may have purchased. This charge is payable
at Student Financial Services in the Hub by the fee
payment deadline.
The Infirmary Charge is Optional for students registered for
6 hours or less. The payment of the optional health charge
allows students the privilege of receiving Infirmary services
on the same basis as full-time students. The Optional
Health Charge must be paid at the Student Health
Infirmary. Checks are to be made payable to Student
Health Services. Payment may also be mailed to:
University of Florida
Student Health Services
Infirmary Building
Gainesville, Florida 32611
Health Fees are due by the regular fee payment deadline.
The University Controller may waive the Student Health
Fee and the Service and Activity Fee for students
participating in such off-campus credit programs as the
Mexican Law Summer Program and the Utrecht Program.
These fees may also be waived at the discretion of the
Controller for those whose studies require them to be off-
campus for an entire semester or for such a duration as to
preclude their use of university facilities funded from these
A request for approval of such a waiver should be
originated by the dean or department chairman in charge
of the program upon request from the student enrolled in
the program.
Approved waivers must be delivered to Student Financial
Services, the HUB, prior to the deadline for fee payments
shown in the front of this catalog for the semesters
requested. Waivers of this type will not be processed after
this date nor shall refunds be issued.
1. The University shall cancel the registration of any
student who has not paid any portion of his/her fee
liability by the published deadlines.
2. The University shall temporarily suspend further
academic progress of any student who has not paid the
entire balance of his/her fee liability by the published
deadlines. This will be accomplished by flagging the
student's record which will prevent the student from
receiving grades, transcripts, or a diploma, and his/her
registration will be denied for future terms until his/her
account has been settled in full.
3. Reinstatement shall require the approval of the
University and payment of all delinquent liabilities
including the late registration or late payment fees as
applicable by cash, cashier's check, or money order.
Students are reminded that deadlines are enforced strictly.
The University does not have the authority to waive late
registration fees unless it has been determined that the
University is primarily responsible for delinquency in a
student account or that extraordinary circumstances
warrant such waiver.
forms may be obtained from the Registrar's Office.

ID's can be obtained from Equipment Distribution, 1215
Students may cash checks at the Reitz Union and the
Campus Bookstore. There are separate check cashing
policies for each area. Generally, students must have a
current validated fee card and a picture ID.
SAUDIT FEE. Fees for audited courses are the same as those
listed above for Florida students. The audit fee is the same
for Florida and non-Florida students.
LATE PAYMENT FEE. A fee of $25 maybe assessed if a
student fails to establish a fee deferment or pay full
registration and tuition fees for an academic term on or
before the published fee payment deadline. If a student's
registration records have been flagged or cancelled for
nonpayment of fees in full, the student, in person, must
request that his/her records be cleared or reinstated at
Customer Service, Room 100 HUB.
are administered on campus on the third Saturday of
every month. Applications should be completed in the
Office of Instructional Resources, 1012 GPA, 15 working
days before the day a test is to be given. The fee for the
first examination is $28.00 and $28.00 for each additional
test. Check should be payable to College Level Examina-
tion Program.
the Graduate Record Examination is required for admission
to the Graduate School. A fee of $27.00 covers the cost of
this examination. These fees are payable to the Educatio-
nal Testing Service, Princeton, New jersey 08540.
students wishing to be certified as proficient in a reading
knowledge of French, German, or Spanish, must take the
Educational Testing Service (ETS) Graduate School Foreign
Language Tests. A fee of $5.00 covers the cost of each
examination. Administrative arrangements to register and
pay for this examination will be made through the Office
of Instructional Resources, 1012 GPA.
LIBRARY BINDING CHARGE. Candidates for a graduate
degree with a thesis or dissertation pay, a $14.00 charge for
the permanent binding of the two copies deposited in the
University of Florida Library. This charge is payable at
Student Financial Services, The Hub, by the date specified
in the Graduate Catalog. A copy of the receipt must be
presented at the Graduate School Editorial Office, 109
MICROFILM FEE. A fee of $35 is charged for the publica-
tion of the doctoral dissertation by microfilm. This fee is
payable at Student Financial Services, the HUB. A copy of
the receipt for this fee must be presented at the Graduate
School Editorial Office, 109 Grinter Hall.
Nursing students must pay a fee of $25 for publication of
their thesis. Again, this fee is payable at Student Financial
Services, the HUB, and a copy of the fee receipt must be
presented to the Graduate School Editorial Office, 109
Grinter Hall.
The above charges may be subject to change without

1. Fees will be refunded in full for:
a. Credit hours dropped during the drop/add period.


b. Courses cancelled by the University.
2. With the exception of amounts required for collection
under bond and trust obligations, fees may be refunded in
instances of:
a. Involuntary call to active duty.
b. Death of a' student.
c. Illness of the student of such duration or severity, as
confirmed by a physician, that completion of the
semester is precluded, or
d. Exceptional circumstances, upon approval of the
University President.
Refunds may be requested at Student Financial Services,
Room 100, the HUB. Proper documentation must be
presented when a refund is requested. A waiting period for
processing rnay be required. REFUNDS ARE NOT APPLIED


All students' accounts are due and payable at Student
Financial Services, The Hub, at the time such charges are
University regulations prohibit registration, graduation,
granting of credit or release of transcript for any student
whose account with the University is delinquent. Delin-
quent accounts, which include those debts for which the
students' records are flagged, must be paid by cash,
cashier's check or money order.

Student Affairs
The following information describes the responsibilities
of the various offices charged with assistance to students
at the University of Florida. Additional information may be

The goals of the Division of Student Affairs include:
developing effective and efficient services and programs
for students through the various departments within
Student Affairs; integrating student affairs and academic
affairs; directly involving students in the affairs of the
institution; encouraging a sense of community among
students, faculty, and administration; and increasing acces-
sibility to and attractiveness of the University of Florida to
a wide variety of persons.
The Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs is
located in 123 Tigert Hall and is open to assist individual
students and groups in matters concerning them. All
students are encouraged to share in the responsibility for
enabling the various divisions of the University of Florida
community to meet the needs of the students.
The Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs has
administrative responsibility for the following offices and
programs at the University of Florida: Office for Student
Services, Student Housing Office, Office for Student
Financial Affairs, Career Resource Center, J. Wayne Reitz
Union, and University Counseling Center.

The Office for Student Services,at the University of
Florida is committed to the total development of students.
The major purpose of this department's programs, services,
and activities is to facilitate and enhance the intellectual,
psychological, personal, and social development of stu-
dents. The staff of the Office for Student Services, which
includes deans and directors, are responsible for planning,
coordinating, and implementing a variety of programs and
services which are designed to.provide students with the
opportunity to reach their full potential, academically as
well as in their personal lives.
Other major objectives of the Office for Student
Services include making students aware of and encourag-
ing the use of the resources of the University; interpreting
the goals, objectives, and actions of the University to
students; and encouraging a sense of community among
students, faculty, and staff.
A number of program functions emerge from these
overall purposes and are carried out by the Office for
Student Services. These programs include:
1. individual and group advising
2. planning and carrying out programs and services for
new students including orientation to the University
3. assisting and advising minority students
4. student conduct and discipline
5. assisting veteran students and coordinating VA
benefits with the Veterans Administration
6. coordinating services and programs for disabled
7. programs and services for older students
8. programs and services for women students
9. student leadership development and recognition

10. child care services (Baby Gator Nursery)
11. alcohol education programs
12. committee responsibility for student petitions and
13. providing exit interviews for students withdrawing
from the university
14. fraternity and sorority advising and coordination
15. liaison and advising Student Government and other
student organizations.
The International Student Center and the Institute of
Black Culture are also operational units of the Office for
Student Services.
SThe International Student Services Center assists inter-
national students in adjusting to the changing lifestyle and
study habits in a new and sometimes perplexing environ-
ment. Special services are provided related to foreign
educational and cultural backgrounds; language, legal,
employment, academic, and personal matters; U.S. immi-
gration and other government agency responsibilities as
aliens; and currency exchange. The focus is on helping
international students achieve their educational goals,
while providing an insight into the culture of the United
States through a program of social activities, orientation
seminars, and community visits.
The Institute of Black Culture is an educational tool for
students at the University of Florida. It is a facility for
enlightenment and Black awareness where Afro-Americans
can focus on their history, literature, art, culture, and
lifestyle. It is also a place where all ethnic groups can
develop a better understanding of Blacks and an apprecia-
tion of Black contributors to American society. The center
sponsors programs, exhibits and related activities.
The Office for Student Services provides assistance for
disabled students. Services are varied dependent on
individual needs, and include but are not limited to:
special campus orientation, registration assistance, secur-
ing auxiliary learning aids, and assistance in general
University activities. Students with disabilities are encour-
aged to contact this office to obtain any needed assis-

The University of Florida offers its resident students a
unique and exciting residence hall program. It is our belief
that living on campus is a profitable educational experi-
ence that the students will long remember. Our desire is
to provide accommodations and programs to meet the
needs of our students while promoting the overall educa-
tional goals and objectives of the University.
The University of Florida has a large resident population
composed of both in-state and out-of-state students, as
well as students from 100 different foreign countries. Since
our students come from differing environmental back-
grounds and social experiences, they bring with them
varying needs and expectations. Because of this diversity
in our student body, we feel it would be a disservice to
our students to take a unilateral approach in developing
our residence hall program. Therefore, we have developed
a program based upon alternatives and choices. Our
students may select from various housing accommoda-
tions and environments that best fit their needs.

All freshmen who apply for admission to the University


will receive a Housing Application Card with their formal
letter of admission from the Admissions Office.
The University of Florida has no residency requirement
for freshmen attending the University for the first time
during the Fall Semester. Freshmen entering the University
during the Summer Term(s) must live on campus to be
eligible for Fall Semester on-campus housing. Entering
students are free to choose either on-campus or off-
campus accommodations. Students who voluntarily con-
tract for on-campus housing normally must do so for the
entire academic year (August to May) if enrolled. However,
residents must be full-time students to be eligible to reside
in the residence halls. Full-time enrollment for residence is
defined as being enrolled in 12 credit hours if an
undergraduate and 9 credit hours if a graduate student.
All students other than beginning freshmen must initiate
their own arrangements for housing either by (1) applying
to the Division of Housing, Assignments Office, for
assignment to University housing facilities, or (2) obtaining
accommodations in private housing (see Off-Campus
All correspondence concerning application for Universi-
ty housing should be addressed to the Division of Housing,
Assignments Office, University of Florida, Gainesville,
Florida, 32611. An application for residence hall space for
students other than freshmen may be filed at any time
after an application for admission to the University has
been approved. Prospective students are urged to apply as
early as possible because of the demand for housing..
For all students other than beginning freshmen, applica-
tion requests are considered first-come, first-served, on a
space-available basis.
Roommate requests shall be considered if the individu-
als wishing to room together submit their Housing
Agreements on the same date, clearly indicate their desire
to room together on their respective Agreements, elect
the same visitation choice and assignment option, and are
within similar academic classification.
Disabled students are also offered housing on a first-
come, first-served, space-available basis. Accessible hous-
ing is available for handicapped students once they are
offered housing. Students with special needs should
indicate these needs on their Housing Agreement.

There are several room styles to fit the individual
student's preference. The most prevalent is the double
room, accommodating two students, with central floor
bath facilities. Doubles are found in every area except
Beaty Towers and range from air-conditioned units with
phones in Hume Hall, to rooms with bay windows in
All rooms have an individual closet, storage space,
dresser, bed and mattress, study desk, and chairs.
Room rates vary, depending on such features as air
conditioning, phone service, and floor space. See rental
rate chart for specific charges.
Beaty Towers provide apartment living on campus.
These two-bedroom apartments are fully contained with
their own bathroom, study, kitchen, and two separate
bedrooms for four students. Each apartment is fully
carpeted, air-conditioned, and has a telephone.
The Murphree Residential Area offers many suites for
two students. Each suite is made up of two rooms one
designed as a study and living area, the other as a
bedroom with a lavatory. The majority of rooms in this
area are non-air-conditioned. However, Sledd and Fletcher
Halls, which comprise approximately one-third of the area,
are newly renovated, air-conditioned facilities.

A full complement of professional and paraprofessional
staff members is available to assist students in becoming a
part of campus life. The staff in residence act as referral
agents in acquainting students with the many resources of
the University. Our staff are also involved in a range of
activities, from initiating social and intramural athletic
programs to supplementing the various academic and
developmental programs. In addition, staff members super-
vise and enforce policies designed to create an atmo-
sphere conducive to learning and growth.
Each floor or section is supervised by an undergraduate
.Resident Assistant, the RA. Working in close conjunction
with the RA is a graduate student Hall Director who
coordinates the area activities and ensures, through the
RAs, an environment for learning. The Assistant Director of
Housing for Residence Life is a professional staff member
and is responsible for the overall administrative and
educational functions within the residence area. The entire
housing staff is committed to servicing our students in the
most effective and responsible way possible. The student is
why the staff exists, and his/her development is our
primary goal.

All students in the residence halls are encouraged to
participate in organizational activities which can play a
significant part in their educational, cultural, social, and
recreational life. The Inter Residence Hall Association was
established to help stimulate this participation. IRHA
represents the collective interests of all resident students.
The organization also serves as a channel of communica-
tion between residence area government councils, the
University community, and other outside interests. This
self-government program at both the hall and area levels
offers residents the opportunity to help establish guidelines
for group living and to assist in the planning of social and
educational activities for their fellow students.

TELEPHONES. Currently, a telephone jack is convenient-
ly located in each student room except in Buckman Co-
op. Students have the option of providing their own
phone instrument or renting phone instruments from the
Division of Housing. Each room telephone jack provides
24-hour service on campus and within the Gainesville area;
cost of local service is included in the rental rate.
INFONET, the university approved discount long distance
service, is available on a voluntary basis to students and
can operate from any 395- phone. Long distance operator
assisted calls can also be made by students who possess
an AT&T Calling Card or wish to call collect. Only
INFONET will bill the students directly each month for long
distance charges.
FOOD SERVICE. Gator Dining Service, a private food
service operation, maintains cafeterias and snackbars on
campus and offers meal plans. Hume Hall and Broward
Hall have cafeterias. Snackbars are located in Tolbert Hall
and Graham Hall. Cafeterias are also located in Johnson
Hall, the Reitz Student Union, and the Medical Center. It is
the policy of the University to provide well-prepared food
at the lowest possible price.
REFRIGERATOR RENTAL. The cost of refrigerators is not
included in the room rent (except Beaty Towers, apart-
ments, and selected suites for four). In most cases, it is
best to make arrangements for a refrigerator after arriving
on campus when roommates can share the cost and
decide on available space in the room. Upon check-in, the
* resident may opt to rent a refrigerator for the room by
contracting for a refrigerator at the Area Office. Presently,
EMD Services, a privately owned rental company, and



authorized University service (Phone: 373-3985) provides
refrigerators to students. If students bring their own
refrigerators, they must make arrangements for installation
and removal. No refund will be granted if a student brings
a refrigerator to a hall already furnishing such units.
CUSTODIAL SERVICE. Each residence hall (except co-
ops) has a staff of experienced custodians assigned to do
general cleaning of public areas, bathrooms, lounges, and
hallways. Other specific tasks are done in order to
maintain good housekeeping throughout the halls. Student
room cleaning is the responsibility of each resident.
INTERNAL SECURITY. Residence hall security is mon-
itored by the residence hall staff; external building security
generally is the responsibility of the University Police
Department. Trained Housing Division Security Assistants
patrol the areas immediately adjacent to the residence
VENDING. Various vending machines are conveniently
located in all residence halls for the comfort and pleasure
of students desiring such services.
LAUNDRY FACILITIES. Coin-operated washers and dryers
are provided in each residence area. Most students
provide their own irons; however, some area governments
provide irons on a checkout basis.
Recognizing the diversity of students' needs, the Divi-
sion of Housing offers several different living environments.
New students are assigned primarily to double or
permanent triple rooms when first applying to the Univer-
sity, but once on campus they may qualify for specialized
Qualifying freshmen may be invited to live in the
"Honors Hall" (East Hall) with other selected freshmen and
participate in an accelerated academic program. For more
information as to your eligibility to qualify for the Honors
Program and East Hall, contact the Admissions Officer for
Superior Students, (904) 392-1365.
Family housing apartments are reserved for married
students and their children (if any), and student parents
without spouses who have dependent minor children
under their legal care or who qualify under the provisions
of Federal Regulations, Title IX.
A student must have applied for admission to the
University of Florida prior to applying for on-campus family
student housing. He/she must be registered as a full-time
student as defined by his/her college or school during the
semester in which housing is desired in order to qualify for
a family housing apartment assignment. In order to
maintain occupancy, the student must make normal
progress toward a degree as determined by his/her college
or school as well as abide by the conditions of the rental
agreement. As applicable, proof of marriage will be
required or the necessary documents to support that a
minor children) is in the legal care of a student parent
without a spouse.
Family housing facilities consist of one- and two-bed-
room apartments, a few townhouses, and efficiencies.
These units come furnished, unfurnished, air-conditioned
and non-air-conditioned. Almost all family housing villages
are located on campus or within a mile and a half of the
University's main campus.
Family income limits are set by the Department of
Housing and Urban Development for Maguire Village only.
There are no income limits for Corry, Diamond, Tangle-
wood, or University Village South.
For additional information, write or call Division of
Housing, Family Housing Office, University of Florida,
Gainesville, 32611, telephone (904) 392-2176.
The Housing Office functions as a listing and referral

agency for privately owned rental housing of all types
listed with the University for referral to students, faculty,
and staff.
This office maintains extensive listings of apartments,
houses, and rooming units offered for rent to students,
faculty, and staff. Each spring, the office compiles a
comprehensive list of major apartment and rooming unit
developments. This list is available to anyone who requests
it in person or by mail from the Off-Campus Housing
It is recommended that the student make a personal
inspection of the rental facility and have a conference
with the owner (or agent) prior to making a deposit or
signing a lease agreement. Persons seeking off-campus
housing should plan to arrive in Gainesville well in
advance of the semester in which housing is needed. For
example, Fall Semester arrangements are possible as early
as April, Spring Semester after mid-November, etc. For
best results, visit during the week not week-ends -
after preliminary information on available rentals has been
Landlord/tenant problems are handled by Student
Government's attorney, Room 302, Reitz Union, telephone
(904) 392-1623.
Inquiries about off-campus housing should be directed
to the Division of Housing, Off-Campus Housing Office,
University of Florida, Gainesville, 32611, telephone (904)
Off-campus cooperative' living opportunities are also
available. Qualifications for membership are scholastic
ability and reference of good character. Inquiries should be
addressed to: Collegiate Living Organization (co-ed), 117
NW 15th St., and Georgia Seagle Hall (men), 1002 W.
University Avenue.

The Office for Student Financial Affairs (SFA) coordinates
and administers more than 100 federal, state, and institu-
tional student aid programs and provides financial assis-
tance and counseling to University of Florida students.
SFA awards aid to students according to financial need
- the difference between current educational costs and
what individual students can pay toward these costs. A
national needs analysis service, the College Scholarship
Service in Princeton, New Jersey, evaluates financial need
for UF students from information they and their families
supply on the Financial Aid Form.
When To Apply
Applications are available January 1 each year, and
students need to send their forms to the appropriate
processor as soon as possible after that date. Although
there is no application "deadline," students are considered
for aid according to the date their aid file becomes
complete (all required application data received) at Stu-
dent Financial Affairs. Most campus-based money is
awarded by April, so to be considered for this assistance
students should apply as early as possible after January 1.
A few programs'such as the Pell Grant program, Guar-
anteed Student Loans, and OPS employrrent are open for
application throughout the year (see Important Deadlines).
SFA cannot award financial aid to students until they
have been officially admitted to the University of Florida.
However, students should not wait to be admitted to
apply for aid but should- apply as soon as possible after
January 1.
How To Apply
Students must complete and submit a University of
Florida Application for Financial Aid to Student Financial
Affairs and a College Scholarship Service (CSS) Financial


Aid Form to the CSS office in Princeton, NJ. Transfer
students are also responsible for a Financial Aid Transcript.
For applications and detailed procedures for applying,
write to Student Financial Affairs, 111 Anderson Hall,
University of Florida, Cainesville, FL 32611. Applications
also are available from most Florida community colleges
and high school guidance offices.
Important Deadlines
Financial aid applications should be completed and sent
to the appropriate processor as soon as possible after
January 1. Students can apply for a Florida Student
Assistance Grant until April 1 each year and for a Pell
Grant through March 15 of the following year. Guaranteed
Student Loan deadlines are set by semester. For instance,
the deadline for applying for an insured loan for Summer
1984 is February 8, 1984. Individual colleges and private
organizations have their own deadlines for applying for
What Is Financial Aid?
Financial aid is money provided to students and their
families as either "gift aid" or "self-help" to help pay
college costs. "Gift aid," as the name implies, is free
money such as scholarships and grants. Students do not
have to repay these awards. "Self-help" programs include
loans and employment and are so-named because stu-
dents must repay loans and must work for money.
awarded through employment programs. Awards to stu-
dents consist of scholarships, grants, loans and work, singly
or as a package.
Graduate Aid
Graduate students at the University of Florida may be
eligible for part-time employment and loans through SFA
and/or for assistantships and fellowships through their
colleges. To apply for College Work Study and loans,
graduate students must follow the procedures in HOW TO
APPLY, including applying as early as possible. Off-campus
jobs and state-funded OPS job programs are not based on
need and are available through the Student Employment
Office in 20 Anderson Hall. For other graduate aid such as
fellowships and assistantships, students should apply
through the Dean of the Graduate School and the Dean's
office of their colleges.

Types of Aid
SCHOLARSHIPS are awarded based on academic per-
formance and financial need. Each year SFA awards about
300 scholarships, ranging from $200 to $800, to academi-
cally outstanding undergraduates with documented need.
Some scholarships are available to incoming freshmen
through the Office of Admissions. Individual colleges
within the university also offer scholarships to undergrad-
uates. For information on these, students should contact
the dean of their college. Many private donors also offer
scholarships, selecting the recipients) directly; students
should check with civic clubs, service organizations,
private corporations, and other resources in their home
GRANTS are awarded to undergraduate students with
financial need. The three largest grant programs available
at UF are the federally-funded Pell Grant and Supplemental
Educational Opportunity Grant programs and the state-
funded Florida Student Assistance Grant. Awards range
from $200 to $2,000.
LOANS for UF students are long-term or short-term.
Long-term loans are low-interest (5-12 percent) with
payment deferred until the borrower graduates, withdraws
or drops to less than half-time status (six hours). Short-
term loans are emergency loans for temporary needs and
must be repaid by the first day of the last month of the

semester in which the money is borrowed, Through this
program, students can borrow up to $200 or the amount
of in-state fees.
PART-TIME EMPLOYMENT through the University is
offered to about 6,000 students each year. In addition,
many students work off-campus in the Gainesville commu-
nity. Students normally work 15-20 hours a week, 3 or 4
days a week, and earn at least minimum wage. Most hiring
departments help students arrange their working hours
around their academic schedule.
Student Employment Office
The SFA Student Employment Office in Room 20
Anderson Hall is a clearinghouse for part-time employ-
ment and keeps a current list of jobs available on and off
campus. The jobs list is updated weekly and copies are
posted on bulletin boards in Anderson Hall, the Reitz
Union, Weil Hall, Norman Hall, McCarty Hall, and Tigert
Hall. Currently, Student Employment administers two
employment programs: the federal College Work Study
Program (awarded to students as a part of their overall
financial aid package based on financial need) and the
state-funded Other Personnel Services Program which is
not based on need.
Financial Aid Mini-Course
Each year during January and February, SFA conducts
mini-courses on how to apply for aid. These workshops,
held on the University campus several times a week, are
open to all students. A financial aid counselor conducts
the sessions, presenting a slide show and helping students
fill out forms.'
Another resource for financial aid information is the
NEXUS telephone tape series. Tapes 402-A through 402-L
contain current information on financial aid programs at
the University of Florida. The telephone number for the
NEXUS system is 392-1683.
Student Financial Affairs is open for student service from
12:00-4:00, Monday through 'Friday. For financial aid
information, applications and counseling, students can go
to the Anderson Hall offices or call 392-1275.

The Career Resource Center provides career devel-
opment, job placement, and cooperative education pro-
grams for all University of Florida students and alumni.
The objective of the Center is to assist students in
developing 1) viable career plans compatible with academ-
ic interests, and 2) strategies that ensure marketability and
employment opportunity upon graduation. Thus, the entire
program focuses upon the student '- during early
undergraduate years, approaching graduation, and may be
extended after graduation for alumni. The program is
designed to permit students to enter at any point in their
college careers. Program resources include:
Individual advisement for students seeking personal
career development and job search assistance.
A career mini-school offering many different career
investigations and job search preparation short courses
weekly (50-minutes each). Subjects include career plan-
ning, career information for minorities, job market projec-
tions for various career fields, job search planning, resume
and letter writing, interview techniques, part-time and
summer jobs, tips on using the Center, and other
specialized information for business, industry, and educa-
tion job seekers.
A cooperative education program by which students
may through supervised practical work experiences -
add relevance to their classroom education, gain profes-
sional experience in chosen fields, provide a source of
funds to help defray college expenses, and in many cases,



become more competitive when entering the job market
upon graduation.
An extensive placement service for students and alumni
comprises the largest on-campus job interviewing program
in the state representing all career fields, and Gator Match,
a computer program matching students and alumni with
potential, employers. The Center also publishes current
employer job listings representing 'hundreds of positions -
full-time, part-time, and summer for students, new
graduates, and experienced alumni.
A career resources library containing information on
several thousand employees and related occupations;
employer contact lists; directories for business, industry,
education, and government; lists of American firms operat-
ing overseas; reference and informational material on
graduate and special studies programs including fellow-
ships and assistantships; and many other materials and
resource data such as, research data on job trends,
outlook and economic forecasts, labor market statistics,
manpower bulletins for various career fields, special
directories and publications giving reports and ratings on
most employers.
An audiovisual department with study carrels and a
library of over 150 slide/tape, video, and audio programs
covering career choices, employer information, selection of
academic programs, and job search and interview tech-
A qualification record repository and referral service is
available to students and alumni. Copies of credentials are
sent upor request of the students and alumni to potential
employers:l In addition, the Center refers qualified persons
on file and seeking employment to interested employers
requesting candidates to fill job vacancies.
An "outreach program" in which professional staff
members are available to hold seminars for student
organizations, for lecture presentations to classes on all
phases of career planning and job search preparation, and
to develop "Career Day" programs in conjunction with
For additional information, students, alumni, and faculty
are invited to visit the Center located on the ground floor
of the Reitz Union. Staff members will be happy to discuss
ideas, concerns, and needs for individuals or groups.

The J. Wayne Reitz Union is the center of campus
activities for the University, providing a wide variety of
facilities, services, and programs for all members of the
University community, but with primary emphasis on
serving the out-of-class needs of students. Policy for the
Reitz Union is established by the Board of Managers, which
consists of eight students and six faculty members, with a
student chairperson.
The Reitz Union was opened May 1, 1967, and named
after Dr. J. Wayne Reitz, President of the University of
Florida from 1955 to 1967. Among the facilities and
services offered are music listening. rooms, art gallery
areas, an arts and crafts center, photographic darkrooms,
a games area with bowling, billiards, table tennis, and table
soccer, a video game room, a browsing library, the
University Box Office, a branch of the Campus Shop and
Bookstore, a barbershop, automatic bank tellers, a check
cashing service, a duplicating and poster service, a travel
agency, information desks, a lost and found service,
display cases, a free Notary Public, passenger and ride-
wanted bulletin boards, and a voter registration service. A
large ballroom, an auditorium, lounges, and conference
and meeting rooms are available for use by University
organizations, and the Union has 36 guest rooms available
for use by official guests of the University, students, and
guests of students, faculty and staff.

The Union offers a wide range of dining and food
service facilities, with a cafeteria, a snack bar, the
Arredondo dining room, the Sugar Cone, ice cream and
bake shop, the Orange and Brew beverage ahd sandwich
shop with an outdoor terrace, and a complete catering
service for receptions and small or large banquets.
The Student Activities Center, located on the third floor,
is of particular significance to the educational program of
the University. A distinctive arrangement of offices and
work space for Student Government, the Student Honor
Court, Student Legal Services, and many other student
organizations enhances the effectiveness of the total
student activities program of the University.
The Reitz Union sponsors a continuing program of
activities for the campus community, including a perform-
ing arts series, dinner theatres, speakers, bands, a leisure
course program, art exhibits, movies, an outdoor recre-
ation program, arts and crafts sales, and campus and
intercollegiate tournaments in bowling, billiards, table
tennis, video games, bridge, chess, table soccer, and
College Bowl.
A distinctive area of the Reitz Union is the H. P.
Constans Theatre, a 464-seat facility for the dramatic arts
which provides excellence in design, equipment for staging
and lighting, and acoustics.

The University Counseling Center offers a variety of
counseling and student development services to students
and their spouses. The Center is staffed by psychologists
whose primary interests are to facilitate the growth and
development of each student and to assist students in
getting the most out of their college experience. Services
offered at the Center include the following:
Counseling Individual, couples, and group counseling
is available to help students with personal, career, and
academic concerns. Appointments to see a Counselor can
be made by calling the Center at 392-1575 or in person at
311 Little Hall. Students initially have an intake interview in
which the student and the counselor make decisions
about the type of help needed. Students requiring immedi-
ate help are seen on a nonappointment emergency basis.
Information concerning counseling interviews is confiden-
Consulting Center psychologists are available for
consulting with students, staff, professionals, and faculty.
These consultations often focus on working with individual
students, special programs, organizational problems, ways
of improving student environments, or other issues that
may have important psychological dimensions.
Career Development In addition to career counsel-
ing, the Center offers vocational interest testing, career
workshops, and a career library. The Center also provides
referral information to students seeking specific career
Group and Workshop Program The Center offers a
wide variety of groups and workshops. A number of them,
such as the women's support group and the Black
women's enrichment group are designed for special
populations. Others such as the math confidence groups,
assertiveness workshops, and counseling groups are
formed to help participants deal with common problems
and learn specific skills. A list of available groups and
workshops is published at the beginning of each term.
Teaching/Training The Center provides a variety of
practicum and internship training experience for students
in Counseling Psychology, Counselor Education, and Reha-
bilitation Counseling. Center psychologists also teach
undergraduate and graduate courses in some of these


CounseLine A self-help tape program designed to
provide information on how to cope with the problems of
daily living is sponsored by the Center. Students may call
392-1683 and ask for any of the 34 tapes that are
available. A list of the tapes is published periodically in the
student newspaper and is also available at the Center.

Gator Dining Service offers food service in 13 conve-
nient on-campus locations. You can enjoy the endless
variety of popular foods from soup and salad bars, deli
bars, made-to-order sandwiches, "made on campus"
baked goods, delicious hot entrees and nutritious vegeta-
bles, or let us tempt you with our "Gator Burger" or a late-
nite pizza delivered to your resident hall room.
Gator Dining Service offers you a new food service
program "The Gator Club." An account in "The Gator
Club" provides you, the student, convenience, flexibility,
and numerous advantages that are exclusively yours. For
further information on becoming a "Gator Club" member,
call us at (904) 392-2491, or come by our office at 110
'Johnson Hall.

Student Health Service provides a spectrum of medical
services that includes primary medical care, health educa-
tion, health screening programs, sexual assault recovery
service, and mental health consultation and counseling..
The service consists of an out-patient care and a nine-
bed in-patient unit staffed by physicians, physician assis-
tants, nurses, psychologists, pharmacists, laboratory and
xray technologists, and support personnel. Specialty clinics
are available for allergy, minor surgery, orthopedics,
mental health, and women's health care.

The health fee is part of the tuition fee paid by all
students registered for seven credit hours or more for Fall
or Spring Semesters or five credit hours or more for
Summer terms; it is optional for part-time students.
Because not all services are covered by the health fee, the
supplemental student government health insurance plan is
highly recommended. There is also a fee for some services.
A personal health history questionnaire completed by
the student is required before registration at the Universi-

The Program in Speech-Language Pathology and Audio-
logy, Department of Speech, offers services to persons
who have speech, hearing, or language disorders.
The clinic operates when the University is in session.
The clinic is a donation-based service. Those interested are
encouraged to call the clinic (392-2041) or stop by the Arts
& Sciences Building, Room 442, for information and to
schedule an appointment for services.

The University Reading and Writing Center, located in
2109 GPA, is a free service offered to staff and students at
all levels. The Center can be contacted between 8-5
Monday through Friday.
Both the reading and writing programs offer credit
classes as well as noncredit, individual instruction based
on a diagnosis of each student's needs. The reading
program is designed to improve comprehension, rate,
vocabulary, and study skills. The writing program is
designed to aid students with the organization and
development of papers and with spelling, punctuation, and
grammar skills.

Student Life

Student Government: Student Government at the Uni-
versity, of Florida is a cooperative organization for advanc-
ing student interests and is based on mutual confidence
among and between the student body, the faculty, and
the administration. Considerable authority has been grant-
ed the student body for the regulation and conduct of
student affairs. The criterion in granting authority to the
Student Government has been the disposition of UF
students to accept responsibility commensurate with the
authority granted them. Student Government has several
resources at its disposal to fulfill its mission, including the
allocation of approximately three million dollars per year in
student activity and service fees, substantial authority in
the regulation of co-curricular activities, and administra-
tion of the Student Court. The University of Florida faculty
and staff feel that training in acceptance of responsibility
for the conduct of student affairs at the University is a
valuable part of the educational growth and development
of the individual student.
Student Government is a body politic, occupying its
franchise under grant from the Board of Regents and
subject to its continued approval. Student Government is
patterned on the state and national form of government
but adapted to the local needs of the Student Body.
Powers are distributed into the three branches: (1) legis-
lative, which is embodied in the Student Senate; (2)
judicial, which is embodied in the Student Honor Court
and the Traffic Court; (3) executive, embodied in the
President and the Treasurer of the Student Body. Members
of all three branches are elected directly by the Student
Body, of which all UF students are members. In addition to
elected offices, many appointed positions have been
established in Student Government, including Cabinet and
sub-Cabinet, Student Court, and the Traffic Court posts.
Student Government, recognizing its limitations as a
true "government," attempts to exercise influence on
governments at all levels through conferences, lobbying,
research, and the advancement of proposals for change.
Students may apply for various positions within the
student government structure by contacting the Student
Government offices on the third floor of the J. Wayne
Reitz Union.
Student Senate: The Student Senate is composed of
representatives elected from the colleges and living areas
on the campus and, in general, acts as the Legislative
Branch of Student Government.
Religious Activities: The University oft Florida welcomes
the contributions of religious traditions to the campus
community. The churches, centers, and organizations
.associated -with the University offer a rich variety of
programs and ministries. There are also interdenominatio-
nal and non-denominational activities fostered by the
Department of Religion and the Campus Ministries Coop-
Social Fraternities: Thirty-one national social fraternities
have established chapters at the University in addition to
one national colony. The general work of the fraternities is
supervised by the Interfraternity Council, composed of the
President of each fraternity. The national fraternities at the
University of Florida are Alpha Epsilon Pi, Alpha Gamma
Rho, Alpha Phi Alpha, Alpha Tau Omega, Beta Theta Pi,
Chi Phi, Delta Chi, Delta Sigma Phi, Delta Tau Delta, Delta
Sigma Phi, Delta Upsilon, Kappa Alpha, Kappa Alpha Psi,
Kappa Sigma, Lambda Chi Alpha, Omega Psi Phi, Phi Beta
Sigma, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Kappa Psi,
Phi Kappa Tau, Pi Kappa Alpha, Pi Kappa Phi, Pi Lambda

Phi, Sigma Alpa Epsilon, Sigma Chi, Sigma Nu, Sigma Phi
Epsilon, Tau Epsilon Phi, Theta Chi, and Zeta Beta Tau. The
national colony is Sigma Pi.
Nineteen women's sororities have established chapters
at the University. Fifteen have built chapter houses and
three live in other housing arrangements. These living
quarters serve as the center of the activities of the
individual sororities. Primary jurisdiction in sorority matters
is vested in the Panhellenic Council. The chapters at the
University of Florida are Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Delta Pi,
Alpha Xi Delta, Alpha Epsilon Phi, Alpha Kappa Alpha,
Alpha Omicron Pi, Chi Omega, Delta Delta Delta, Delta
Gamma, Delta Phi Epsilon, Delta Sigma Theta, Kappa
Alpha Theta, Kappa Delta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Phi Mu,
Pi Beta Phi, Sigma Kappa, Zeta Phi Beta, and Zeta Tau
Professional and Honorary Fraternities:
ALPHA EPSILON, Agricultural Engineering
ALPHA NU SIGMA, Nuclear Science
ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA, Honorary Freshman Scholastics
ALPHA PI MU, Industrial Engineering
ALPHA ZETA, Agriculture
BETA ALPHA PSI, Accounting
BETA ETA SIGMA, Honorary Scholastics
DELTA PSI KAPPA, Physical Education, Health,
EPSILON LAMBDA CHI, Engineering Leadership
ETA KAPPA NU, Electrical Engineering


KAPPA PSI, Pharmacy
LAMBDA GAMMA PHI, Veterinary Medicine
OMICRON DELTA KAPPA, Leadership and Scholastics
ORDER OF OMEGA, Fraternity/Sorority Leadership
PI TAU'SIGMA, Mechanical Engineering
PSI CHI, Psychology
RHO CHI, Pharmacy
RHO EPSILON, Real Estate
RHO PI PHI, Pharmacy
SAVANT-UF, Leadership and Service
SIGMA LAMBDA ALPHA, Landscape Architect
SIGMA LAMBDA CHI, Building Construction
Regional Planning
TAU BETA PI, Engineering

TAU SIGMA DELTA, Architecture
UPSILON PI EPSILON, Computer Science
In addition to the above-mentioned professional and
honorary fraternities there are over 150 additional organi-
zations rangingfrom service to political to religious groups.
There are also a number of intramural organizations.

The University of Florida expects students to be honest
in all of their University classwork. Therefore, students are
required to commit themselves to academic honesty by
signing the following statement as part of the admissions
"I understand that the University of Florida expects its
students to be honest in all of their academic work. I
agree to adhere to this commitment to academic honesty,
and understand that my failure to comply with this
commitment may result in disciplinary action, up to and
including expulsion from the University."
This statement serves to remind students of the obliga-
tion they assume as students at the University of Florida.
Matters of violations of academic honesty are adjudicated
by the Student Honor Court.

CHEATING: The giving or taking of any information or
material of academic work considered in the determin-
ation of a course grade. Taking of information includes,
but is not limited to, copying graded homework assign-
ments from another student; working together with
another individuals) on a take-home test or homework
when not specifically permitted by the teacher; looking or
attempting to look at another student's paper during an
examination; looking or attempting to look at text or notes
during an examination when not permitted. Tendering of
information includes, but is not limited to, giving your
work to another student to be used or copied; giving
someone answers to exam questions either when the
exam is being given or after having taken an exam;
informing another person of questions that appear or have
appeared on an exam in the same academic term; giving
or selling a term paper or other written materials to
airother student.
PLAGIARISM: When an individual attempts to pass off
the work of another as the product of his or her own
thought, whether the other's work is published or unpub-
lished, or simply the work of a fellow student. Plagiarism
includes but is not limited to, copying homework answers
from your text to hand in for grade; quoting text or other
written materials without citation thereto on an exam,
term paper, homework, or other written materials sub-
mitted to a teacher when requested by the teacher to
present your own work; handing in a paper as your own
work which was purchased from a term' paper service;
retyping a friend's.paper and handing it in as your own
work; taking a paper from fraternity/sorority files and
handing it in as your own work.
BRIBERY: The offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of
anything of value to influence a grade. Bribery includes,
but is not limited to, offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting
money or any item or service to a teacher or any other
person so as to gain academic advantage for yourself or
CONSPIRACY: Planning with one or more persons to
commit any form of academic dishonesty, including but
not limited to, giving your term paper to another student
whom you know will plagiarize it.

I.Jci ra[dl

MISREPRESENTATION: Having another student do your
computer program and handing it in as your work; lying to
a teacher to increase your grade; or any other act or
omission with intent to deceive a teacher as to the
authorship of oral or written materials submitted or
presented to a teacher which would affect your grade.

I. Introduction: Students enjoy the rights and privileges
that accrue to membership in a university community and
are subject to the responsibilities which accompany that
membership. In order to have a system of effective
campus governance, it is incumbent upon all members of
the campus community to notify appropriate officials of
any violations of regulations and to assist in their enforce-
ment. All conduct regulations of the University are printed
and made available to all students and are applicable
upon publication in the Independent Florida Alligator, the
University Catalog, the UF Student Guide, or other
reasonable means of notification.
II. Authority: The President is charged with the responsi-
blity for establishing and enforcing regulations governing
student life. Regulations are designed to enable the
University to protect against the conduct of those who, by
their actions, impair or infringe on the rights of others or
interfere with the orderly operations of the University.
Discipline may be imposed for offenses against the Code
occurring at any of the following locations or activities:
A. University campus;
B. University owned or controlled property;
C. Property or housing units assigned for responsibility
to the University, including, but not limited to, fraternity
and sorority property;
D. Activities sponsored by the University;
E. Activities officially approved by the University which
are conducted by University chartered organizations;
F. Activities occurring off campus as provided in
paragraph VI.
III. Rules of Procedure: The primary judicial bodies
authorized by the President and charged with the adminis-
tration and enforcement of this code shall formulate and
furnish to students charged with an offense, rules of
procedure which shall insure basic procedural fairness
including, but not limited to:
A. The right to be notified in writing of the charges
against him/her with sufficient detail and time to
prepare for the hearing;'
B. The right to a prompt hearing before an appropriate
official, committee, or court;
C. The right to know the nature and source of the
evidence which will be used against him/her;
D. The right to present evidence in his/her own behalf;
E. The right to freedom against compulsory self-incrimi-
nation; and
F. The right to appear with an advisor at the hearing;
IV. Suspension of Student Pending Hearing: Violations of
the Student Conduct Code, Sections V.A. 12 and V.A. 18,
may result in immediate suspension. If in the determin-
ation of the Director of Student Judicial Affairs, the
student poses a significant danger of imminent and serious
physical harm to himself/herself or others at the University,
or immediate suspension is necessary to protect the
health, safety or welfare of the student or others at the
University, the Director of Student judicial Affairs, with
approval of the Vice President for Student Affairs, may
suspend the student pending a hearing before the appro-
priate hearing body. The hearing will take place within a
reasonable time after notification of the suspension.
V. Violations of the Code of Conduct:
A. The following are violations of the Student Conduct

Code and may result in expulsion or any lesser sanction;
1. Furnishing false information to the University with
intent to deceive.
2. Forgery, alteration, or misuse of University docu-
ments, records, or identification cards.
3. Unauthorized use, taking or destruction of public
or private property on campus, or acts committed
with disregard of possible harm to such property.
4. Actions or statements which amount to intimida-
tion, harassment, or hazing.
5. Participation in or continued attendance at, after
warning to disperse by a University official or any law
enforcement officer, a raid on a University living unit.
6. Disorderly conduct.
7. Disrupting the orderly operation of the University
as defined in Florida Statutes and the Demonstration
Policy of the University.
8. Failure to comply with any University rule or
regulation, including, but not limited to, the Academ-
ic Honesty Guidelines.
9. Violations of Housing, Inter-Residence Hall Associa-
tion, and Area Government regulations.
10. Violation of conduct probation.
11. Possession, use, or delivery of controlled sub-
stances as defined in Florida Statutes.
12. Possession or use of a firearm on the University
campus except as specifically authorized in writing by
the University.
13. Action(s) or conduct which hinders, obstructs or
otherwise interferes with the implementation or
enforcement of the Student Conduct Code.
14. Failure to appear before any of the disciplinary
authorities and to testify as a witness when reasonab-
ly notified to do so. Nothing in this subsection shall
be construed to compel self-incrimination.
15. Violation of any municipal ordinance, law of the
State of Florida, law of the United States, or rule
promulgated by the Florida Board of Regents.
16. Ticket scalping, i.e., selling tickets to any Universi-
ty of Florida function or event, or any event being
held or to be held on the University of Florida
campus, for more than $1 over the original price.
17. Possession or use of fireworks, explosives, danger-
ous chemicals, ammunition or weapons (including,
but not limited to, bows and arrows or switch-blade
18. Actions which are committed with disregard of
the possible harm to an individual or group, or which
result in injury to an individual or group.
B. The Student Honor Court may recommend expulsion
or any lesser penalty for academic dishonesty as defined
by the Student Conduct Code and Academic Honesty
Guidelines. Conflicts in jurisdiction will be resolved by
the Director of Student judicial Affairs.
C. Residence Hall Conduct Boards may recommend
penalties as set forth by the Office for Student Services
for violation of the Student Conduct Code, Inter-Resi-
dence Hall Association, and/or Area Government regula-
D. Student Traffic Court may impose authorized penal-
ties for violation of University traffic, parking, and
vehicle registration regulations.
E. The Health Center Student Conduct Standards Com-
mittee hears cases of alleged academic dishonesty by
student of the Health Center colleges. The committee is
comprised of faculty and students from the Health
Center, appointed by the President. Recommendations
of guilt or innocence and sanctions, if appropriate, are
made to the Dean for Student Services for final action.
F. Other judicial bodies'may be established and vested
with jurisdiction by appropriate authority.
VI. Off-Campus Conduct: When a student violates


Section V-A-15 of this Student Conduct Code by an
offense committed off the campus and which is not
associated with a University-connected activity, the disci-
plinary authority of the University will not be used merely
to duplicate the penalty awarded for such an act under
applicable ordinances and laws. The University will take
disciplinary action against a student for such an off-
campus offense only when it is required by law to do so
or when the nature of the offense is such that in the
judgement of the Director of Student Judicial Affairs, the
continued presence of the student on campus is likely to
endanger the health, safety, or welfare of the University
community or its property; or the offense committed by
the student is of such a serious nature as to adversely
affect the student's suitability as a member of the
University community.
VII. Postponement of Hearing Due to Pending or
Possible Criminal or Civil Charges: If the student charged
with a violation of the Student Conduct Code, regardless
of which primary judicial body may hear the matter,
wishes to have the hearing postponed because there is
pending or possible civil or criminal litigation which he/she
feels might be prejudiced by the findings of the hearing,
such postponement may be granted provided the student
agrees to accept conduct probation br suspension, de-
pending upon the gravity of the offense. Such probation
or suspension will be determined and activated by the
Director of Student Judicial Affairs and will remain in force
until such time as the student requests a hearing before
the appropriate primary judicial body and the hearing is
held. The student shall be informed whether he/she would
be placed on probation or suspended prior to making a
decision to postpone the hearing.
VIII. Student Waiver of Right to Hearing: In the event a
student charged with a violation of the Student Conduct
Code desires to waive the right to a hearing by the
appropriate official or hearing body, and the student so
indicates in writing, the Director of Student Judicial Affairs,
provided he/she agrees to accept jurisdiction, may make a
determination of fact ard take appropriate action con-
cerning the alleged violation.
IX. Summary Hearing: In the event a student charged
with a violation of the Student Conduct Code, which in
the opinion of the Director of Student Judicial Affairs, if
proven, would not warrant a penalty in excess of two
semesters probation, and the student does not waive his
or her right to a hearing before the appropriate official or
hearing body, the Director of Student Judicial Affairs may
require a hearing to be held before the chairperson of the
Committee on Student Conduct or the chairperson's
designated representative rather than before the full
X. Conflict'of Jurisdiction: In the event that the offense
is within the jurisdiction of more than one primary judicial
body, the Director of Student Judicial Affairs shall deter-
mine which judicial body shall hear the charge.
XI. Penalties: A student adjudicated guilty of violations
of the Student Conduct Code shall be subject to sanctions
commensurate with the offense and any aggravating and
mitigating circumstances, which may include one or more
of the following penalties, unless otherwise expressly
A. Reprimand The student is given formal written
notice and official recognition is taken of the offense
B. Conduct Probation The student is deemed not in
good standing and cannot represent the University on
any athletic team other than intramurals or hold an
office in any student organization registered with the
University. In the event a student on conduct probation
is found in violation of the terms of such probation or of
the Student Conduct Code which includes the Academ-

ic Honesty Guidelines prior to the completion of the
probation period, he/she may receive expulsion or any
other lesser penalty. The duration of any probation
period or any conditions or penalty(ies) imposed for the
violation shall be in proportion to the seriousness of the
C. Suspension The student is required to leave the
University for a given or indefinite period of time, the
termination of which shall depend upon specified acts of
the student's own volition related to mitigation of the
offense committed.
D. Expulsion The student is deprived of his/her
opportunity to continue at the University in any status,
E. Payment of Damages The student is required to
pay for damages to University property, provided that
such payment shall be limited to the actual cost of
repair or replacement of such property.
F. Reduced or Failing Grade The student is given a
reduced or failing grade for the class in which the
offense occurred for violations of the Academic Honesty
Guidelines, but only by the faculty member involved
and upon recommendation thereto.
XII. Appeal: Decisions regarding student conduct sanc-
tions recommended by the Student Honor Court and the
Residence Hall Conduct Board can be appealed to the
Director of Student Judicial Affairs. Decisions regarding
student conduct sanctions recommended by the Student
Conduct Committee and the Health Center Student
Conduct Standards Committee or imposed by the Director
of Student Judicial Affairs can be appealed to the Dean for
Student Services. Appeals to the Director of Student
Judicial Affairs and the Dean for Student Services must be
made in writing within two working days after notice of
last action taken, unless otherwise,agreed upon in writing
by the appellant and the person to whom the appeal is
directed. Appeal of the disciplinary adjudication including
any personal conferences between the appellant and the
reviewing authority must be completed within ten cal-
endar days of notice of last action taken, unless otherwise
agreed upon in writing by the appellant and the person to
whom the appeal is directed. Disciplinary sanctions which
may result in limits being placed on extracurricular
activities and/or registration, do not result in loss of those
privileges until any appeal requested has been completed.
If no appeal is requested, the final action with respect to
the above will take effect two business days after notice of
thd last action taken, unless otherwise agreed upon in
writing by the student and the authority taking the last

University of Florida athletic teams compete in 16 sports
in men's and women's programs which make a compre-
hensive, high-caliber level of competition on a regional
and national basis.
Men's teams compete in the Southeastern Conference
and the National Collegiate Athletic Association in football,
basketball, baseball, cross country, swimming, track, golf,
and tennis. Women's teams compete in the Southern
Conference and the National Collegiate Athletic Associa-
tion, fielding teams in gymnastics, swimming, golf, tennis,
track, cross country, basketball, and volleyball.
Physical facilities include Florida Field stadium (capacity
72,000) a baseball diamond, varsity tennis stadium, golf
course, running track, two football practice fields, and an
exciting facility, Stephen C. O'Connell Center, which
houses a 12,000-seat basketball arena, an indoor track, an
indoor swimming pool and diving tank, and various other
student activity segments.



Intramural-Recreational Sports
Intramural-Recreational Sports is a significant part of the
total educational community at the University of Florida.
All students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to partici-
pate voluntarily in the program which has become an
important phase of extracurricular activities on the cam-
pus and offers opportunity for exercise, recreation, social
contacts, and friendly competition.
Student administration is a tradition in the Intramural
Program at the University. Students officiate the games,
manage the leagues, and act as Student Directors in the
Intramural Office.
The checkout of equipment and the use of all facilities
are free to students, and competition between groups and
clubs is encouraged. Friendship, new games, skills, and
good times are guaranteed. For more information contact
the Intramurals Office, room 214 Florida Gym at 392-0581.

Intramural Leagues
For structured competitive play, the department orga-
nizes tournaments in the following leagues: All-University
Special Events, Women's Independent, Co-Recreational,
Engineering, Fraternity, Law, Little Sisters, Men's Indepen-
dent, Men's and Women's Dormitory, Married Students,
Sorority and Student Wives. These leagues participate in
sports that range from flag football to such activities as
inner tube water polo.

Sports Clubs
The Sports Club program provides structured,' compet-
itive athletic opportunities between different institutions in
nonvarsity sports. The program offers instruction, recre-
ation, and competition in approximately 38 different clubs.
Individual sports clubs who represent the University of
Florida will be assisted by the Sports Club Council in
becoming organized, utilizing facilities, checking out equip-
ment, and general resources for participation purposes.

Lake Wauburg
The Lake Wauburg Recreational Center is located eight
miles south of the University on US 441 and is available for

use by students, faculty, staff, and their guests. The
specific activities and facilities available at Lake Wauburg
include sailing, canoeing, volleyball, sunbathing, rowboats,
fishing boats, and picnic facilities.
The newly opened south end of the lake offers over 60
acres of land in its natural state. There are nature trails,
jogging paths, and also playing fields that can accommo-
date every field sport imaginable. For your relaxation, there
are sunbathing decks overlooking the lake and also three
large barbeque pits and numerous small ones for your
In addition, four large buildings are available for reserva-
tion to university groups of 50 or more. The lodge and
pavilions can house approximately 100 persons. All activ-
ities are free and are open year-round from noon to 6 p.m.
Tuesday through Friday, and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on
Saturday and Sundays; facilities are closed on Mondays.

Any student of the University of Florida is eligible to
register and operate a vehicle on campus. Parking eligibili-
ty is determined by the student's local address and
academic classification.
Students desiring to register a vehicle on campus must
present their current fee card, reflecting their current
status, and their vehicle registration to the Traffic &
Parking Department. Rules and Regulations are distributed
at the time of the vehicle registration and all registrants
should thoroughly familiarize themselves with the Rules
and Regulations before operating or parking a motorized
vehicle on campus.
Illegally operated or parked vehicles will be issued a
citation. Failure to respond to a citation within the
prescribed time will result in additional costs, failure to
receive transcripts, failure to register for classes, and the
towing of the vehicle.
Any questions regarding the use of vehicles on campus
.should be directed to the Traffic & Parking Department

Student Academic

Additional information relative to graduation, social
activities, failure in studies, conduct, etc., may be found in
the Student Guide and the sections of the catalog
containing regulations of the separate colleges and
schools. Each student should become familiar with rules
and regulations of the University and is responsible for
applying them as appropriate.

The information contained in this section applies only to
students who have been previously admitted at any level
to the University of Florida. Requirements for admission for
a student seeking to enroll in the University of Florida for
the first time will be found in the Admissions section of
this catalog. Please consult the INDEX for page numbers.
How to Apply for Readmission: An applicant should
address a request to the Office of the Registrar for
application forms. Forms and directions vary with the level
of readmission. The applicant should indicate in the
request the college and the level of last enrollment at the
University of Florida as well as the college and level for
which he or she wishes to apply. Applications must be
received in the Office of the Registrar by the deadline date
for the term, as published in the University Calendar.
1. Satisfactory Academic Record.
a. An applicant must be eligible to return to the
University of Florida on the basis of one's previous
academic record at this institution. If the applicant has
attended any college or university subsequent to
enrollment at the University of Florida, he or she must
also have an average of C or higher (as computed by
the University of Florida) on all work attempted at
each institution. A .student must list and furnish
transcripts of every institution attended when seeking
readmission to the University of Florida. The applicant
must also be in good standing and eligible to return to
each institution previously attended.
b. An applicant for readmission must meet the
admission requirements of the college or school he or
she expects to enter. (Consult the appropriate college
section of the catalog for specific admission require-
2. Satisfactory Conduct Record
a. An applicant must present a satisfactory record of
conduct. Regardless of other qualifications, an appli-
cant who has experienced major or continuing
difficulties with school or other authorities since the
last enrollment at the University of Florida may find
his or her application for readmission disapproved.
3. Submission of Request
a. An applicant for readmission should indicate the
'name under which he or she was registered when last
enrolled and the social security number.

The word credit as used in this catalog refers to one
semester hour.

The University of Florida will confer the degree appropri-

ate to the course pursued under the following conditions:
1. Curriculum requirements: Certification by the dean of
the college concerned that all requirements of the course
of study as outlined in the college announcement, or its
equivalent, as determined by the faculty of the college
offering the course, have been completed.
2. Recommendation of the faculty of the college awarding
the degree.
3. Residence requirements: (a) The minimum residence
requirement for the. baccalaureate degree is two semes-
ters. (b) Students are required to complete the last 30
credits applied toward the baccalaureate degree during
regular residence in the college from which the student is
to be graduated. Exception to this regulation may be made
only upon written petition approved by the faculty of the
college concerned. (c) For residence requirements for
degrees in the Colleges of Law, Medicine, Dentistry, or
Veterinary Medicine, see the catalog of each college. (d)
For residence requirements of the various graduate de-
grees, see the Graduate School catalog.
4. Average Required: In order to secure a degree, a
student must have a C average or better in all credits
required toward that degree.
5. Two Degrees: Two degrees of the same rank, e.g., B.A.
and B.S. may be conferred upon the same individual
provided that the second degree represents at least 30
credits of additional work, with the necessary qualitative
and residence requirements.
6. Continuous Attendance: When a student's attendance
is continuous, graduation according to the curriculum
under which he or she entered is permitted, provided the
courses required are offered by the University. If some or
all of the required courses are no longer offered, the
faculty of the college concerned will make such adjust-
ments for the individual students as are'appropriate for
the curriculum involved. As long as a student attends the
University as much as one semester during any calendar
year, his or her residence is continuous.
7. Summer Term Enrollment: All students entering a
university in the State University System with less than 60
hours credit shall be required to earn at least 9 credit
hours prior to graduation by attendance at one or more
summer .terms. University presidents may waive the
application of this rule in cases of unusual hardship to the
8. Application For Degree: Students expecting to graduate
must file an application for the degree in the Registrar's
Office on or before the date indicated in the current
University Calendar. Students must apply in the semester
in which they expect to graduate, regardless of previous
applications in previous semesters.
9. Time Limit: To receive a degree a candidate must have
completed: (a) all residence work required for graduation
at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting of the
College Faculty voting on the candidates for degrees; (b)
all extension work at least two weeks prior to the
scheduled meeting of the College Faculty voting on the
candidates for degrees.
10. Time-Shortened Degree Opportunities: A variety of
programs is offered by the University of Florida which may
enable students to shorten the length of the time
necessary for them to complete their degree requirements.
These opportunities include several credit by examination
programs, and other-options. For specific information, refer
to the section Time Shortened Degree Opportunities. Also
refer to the college sections for additional information.
11. Extension Work Permitted: (Note: Extension work as
used below refers to both extension classes and corre-
spondence study.)
a. Students may take a maximum of 12 credits of
extension work during any academic year.
b. Students may not take more than 9 credits of
extension work during a semester.

j'L llterdlc


c. The amount of extension work which a student may
apply toward degree requirements may not exceed one-
fourth of the amount required foL the degree. For
additional or unique restrictions on extension work
allowed toward a degree, students should refer to the
appropriate section of this catalog or consult with the
dean of the college concerned.
d. Students may not take, by extension work, more than
12 of the last 36 credits necessary for a baccalaureate
e. Simultaneous registration in on-campus and extension
work is permitted provided that approval has been
obtained from the dean of the college in which the
student is registered.
12. Registration of Graduate Students: A student must be
registered in the University for the term in which the
candidate's final examination is given and at the time he
or she receives a degree.
13. Repeat Course Work: Credit will not be allowed on
repeated coursework if the course that is repeated
contains essentially the same course content as it did
when the student initially enrolled for the course. In
addition, a student who has taken work at an advanced
level cannot receive credit for work taken subsequently at
a lower level.
14. Pending Charge of Academic Dishonesty or Code of
Student Conduct Violation: No degree will be conferred
upon a student against whom there is pending an
unresolved charge of either Academic Dishonesty or Code
of Student Conduct violation where the penalty for such
violation would likely be:
a. Suspension
b. Expulsion
c. Failing Grade
d. Any combination of the above until such time as the
charge is resolved and degree requirements are met.
15. College Level Academic Skills Test: Effective with the
1984 Fall Term, students seeking admission to the upper
division must satisfactorily complete the College Level
Academic Skills Test.
16. Communication-Computation Requirement: Beginning
with the 1983 Spring Term all students who enter college
for the first time must complete, with a grade of C or
higher, 12 hours in designated courses that involve
substantial writing. This requirement can be met by
selecting at least 12 hours from among those English,
Humanities, and Social Sciences General Education courses
which are listed under Authorized Courses for General
Education and which are marked with an asterisk. CLEP
credit can not be used to satisfy the writing requirement.
In addition, each student must satisfactorily complete, with
a grade of C or higher, 6 hours of coursework that involve
numerical analyses, 3 hours of which must be in a course
that goes under the general title of mathematics, at the
level of college algebra or above. The other 3 hours may
be in mathematics, statistics, or appropriate courses in
computer information sciences. This requirement can be
met by completing the General Education requirement in
mathematical sciences.

Some colleges have a maximum load which is stated in
the catalog. In the absence of such a statement, the
general University regulation applies. This regulation allows
a maximum load of 15 credits for a student who earned
an average below a C the preceding semester of atten-
dance. The minimum load for all undergraduate students is
12 hours. The minimum load for a six-week summer term
is 6, and for the twelve-week term 12.
Simultaneous correspondence courses or
extension work at another college or university is counted
in computing the maximum but not the minimum load.

At the time of registration, a student, upon the approval
of his or her dean, may register for less than the minimum
or more than the maximum load. After the late registra-
tion period closes, no student attending under the above
conditions will be permitted to drop below the minimum
load, unless the student successfully petitions the college
in which he or she is enrolled. The minimum load for
fulltime benefits from the VA or Social Security is 12 hours
per semester for undergraduate students.

1. Definition: Dual Enrollment, as used in this regulation,
refers .to a student taking on-campus courses simulta-.
neously at BOTH the University of Florida and another
2. Dual Enrollment will be permitted ONLY under the
following conditions:
a. Approval in writing for the dual enrollment must have
been secured by the student from the appropriate
official at EACH institution. A copy of such approval
must be furnished at the time of registration to the
Registrar at the University of Florida.
b. A student will not be permitted to register at the
University of Florida for a course which is a part of the
curriculum at the student's parent institution. This
requirement also applies if courses are available at the
parent institution which might be evaluated as equiva-
lent or acceptable substitutes for the University of
Florida course. The converse of these statements also
applies to University of Florida students registering for
courses at another institution.
c. Priority in assignment to classes at the University of
Florida will be given to regularly enrolled students.
d. A student taking courses at the University of Florida
will be required to register and attend classes under the
University of Florida calendar.
e. The student will pay appropriate fees at the University
of Florida based on the number of credit hours for
which he or she is registered at this institution.
It is the student's responsibility to ensure that an official
transcript of work completed under a dual registration is
forwarded to the parent institution. Certification to Social
Security and Veterans Administration programs is also the
responsibility of the individual student who must request
each individual institution to furnish records as might be

A student not previously registered at the University of
Florida may, with college approval, register for one
semester only as a nondegree student. Members of the
faculty and staff and those with special permission from
their college may be permitted to register as nondegree
students for more than one semester. Registration will be
on a space available basis. Procedures for registering are
available from the Registrar's Office.

Results of student's work are recorded in the Registrar's
Office as follows:
1. Undergraduate Students: Passing grades are A, B+, B,
C+, C, D+, D, in order of excellence, and S Satis-
factory. Failing grades are E Failure, I Incomplete,
U Unsatisfactory, X Absent from examination, EW
Dropped for nonattendance or unsatisfactory work,
and WF Withdrew failing. The grade of EW is not a
valid grade after 1979-80.
Grades of I and X are considered as failing grades.
They must be changed to passing grades in accordance


with the dates set in the University Calendar, or be
converted to grades of E.
In special situations where it is not possible to assign
regular grades at the end of the term, a deferred grade
may be assigned. The symbol for a deferred grade is a
grade of H. This grade may be assigned only in special
cases, such as modular courses, confined to infirmary,
and similar circumstances. A grade of H will not be
computed in a student's grade point average.
A symbol of W will be assigned for any course
dropped through the college after the end of the official
drop/add period and prior to the date for assigning a
WF grade. The W symbol is an official notation of an
action taken in a course and will appear on the
student's transcript.
The degree-granting college may require a minimum
grade of C in a particular course or courses.
2. Graduate Students: Passing grades for graduate
students are A, B+, B, C+, C and S. Grades of C+,
and C in courses below 5000-level are acceptable for
credit toward graduate degrees only if the total program
meets the B-average requirement. C+ and C grades in
5000-level courses and above count toward a graduate
degree only if an equal number of credit hours in
courses numbered 5000 or above have been earned
with grades of B + and A, respectively.
It is the University's desire to allow students to receive
as broad an education as possible. Therefore, students are
encouraged to take courses in disciplines in which they
may not, have the proper background. They may take
such coursework as electives and receive a grade of S -
Satisfactory or U Unsatisfactory. These grades become
a part of a student's record but do not count in the grade
point average as computed by the University of Florida.
NOTE: Other agencies or institutions might count the
grade of U as a failing grade in their grade point average
To be eligible to enroll under the S-U option, a student
must 1) be in good standing may not be on any type of
probation, or warning, 2) be classified as an undergraduate
student, and 3) have approval from proper university
Only one course will ordinarily be approved in any one
term. Approvals for exception to this policy must be
obtained from the dean of the college in which the
student is registered.
The deadline for electing the S-U option is the last day
for dropping or adding a course as published' in the
calendar. In addition, students who elect the S-U option
may subsequently request that their instructors assign a
standard grade, but the converse is not permitted.

1. Definitions: The term "average," as used in any
university regulations concerning probation or suspen-
sion, always refers to the average on work attempted at
the University of Florida. Grades received at other
institutions are not averaged with grades received at the
University of Florida for the purpose of meeting any
University average requirement. Most honorary societies
take into consideration the quality of the work done at
other institutions in meeting any average requirements
they may have.
2. How computed: Averages are determined by comput-
ing the ratio of grade points to semester hours recorded
as attempted. Grade points are established by equating
each semester hour as follows: A with 4.0, B+ with 3.5,
B with 3.0, C+ with 2.5, C with 2.0, D+ with 1.5, D
with 1.0, and E, WF, EW, I; and X with 0.0. The grade of

EW is not a valid grade after 1979-80. In computing
averages, a course repeated is counted as many times
as grades for it are recorded. Hours for grades of S, U,
and H are not computed in the University of Florida
grade point average.
3. Grade Point Averages: Students' grade point averages
will be based on their overall work at the University of
Florida. That is, when students are admitted to the
University of Florida their grade point averages begin
and their academic averages will be based upon work
taken at the University of Florida. While work transferred
from other institutions toward a degree program at the
University of Florida will count in total hours earned,
such hours will not be a part of the University of Florida
grade point average.

The University of Florida is responsible for providing the
best possible education in an economical and efficient
manner. In order to discharge this responsibility, the.
University expects and requires reasonable academic
progress from its students. Continuation of students who
have demonstrated a lack of the necessary ability,
preparation, industry, or maturity to benefit reasonably
from a program of university study is inconsistent with the
University's responsibility as a tax supported institution.
The University of Florida Senate has enacted regulations
covering probation, suspension, and exclusion.' These
regulations are directed toward enforcing the academic
standards of the University. The academic standards of the
university require both the maintenance of grade point
averages consistent with a reasonable chance of satisfac-
tory completion of the University programs and reasonable
conformance to the catalog description of the program of
study in which the student is engaged. Any college of the
University may specify additional academic standards and
students are responsible for observing the regulations
pertaining to such standards.

The purpose of academic probation is to recognize
formally the fact that a student may not be making
satisfactory progress.
The conditions of academic probation are intended to:
(1) relate to quality of achievement below standards
required ultimately to graduate; (2) recognize unsatisfacto-
ry work at an early date; (3) be sufficiently significant to
make clear to the student, and the administration, the
shortcomings of the student's performance; (4) provide
occasion for counseling; (5) give students whose ultimate
success is doubtful further opportunity to demonstrate
adequate performance.
All Undergraduate Students:
A student with less than a 2.0 grade point average
overall for University of Florida work shall be placed on
scholarship warning if he or she has a grade point deficit
, which is less than 10.

A student with less than a 2.0 grade point average
overall for University of Florida work shall be placed on
scholarship probation if he or she has a grade point deficit
of 10 or more, but less than 20.
Any student who is eligible to return to the University
after a suspension because of academic reasons will be




placed on final scholarship probation for his or her next
In addition to University probation, students may be
placed on probation by the colleges in which they are
registered if they do not maintain normal 'academic
progress in the program of study in which they are

All Undergraduate Students:
A student's scholarship warning shall-be continued as
long as he or she has a grade point deficit of less than 10.
A student's scholarship probation shall be continued as
long as he or she has a grade point deficit of 10 but less
than 20. If the grade point deficit places him or her in
another probation category, the student shall be subject
to the provisions of that category.

All Undergraduate Students:
Scholarship probation or scholarship warning will be
removed when a student's grade point deficit has been
reduced to zero.
Removal of college probation:
A student will be removed from college probation when
it is deemed by his or her college that the student is
making satisfactory academic progress in the program of
study in which he or she is engaged.

The purpose of suspension from the University for
academic reasons is to remove from the University
community any student who would not ultimately meet
requirements for graduation if he or.she continued at his
or her current level of progress.
The conditions of academic suspensions are intended to
(1) select any student whose performance indicates that he
or she will not fulfill the requirements for graduation; (2)
encourage a student to leave the University as soon as a
high probability of failure is evident.
All Undergraduate Students:
A student with a grade point deficit of 20 or more in his
or her University of Florida work shall be suspended from
the University for one semester.
A student re-enrolling after a one semester suspension
will be on final scholarship probation. If the .grade point
deficit is 20 or more at the end of the term the student re-
enrolls, he or she will be suspended without the possibility
of reregistering except by committee action.

A student under any kind of suspension (academic or
conduct) at the University of Florida may not earn credit
toward a degree at the University of Florida by taking
work in residence at another institution or through
extension or correspondence courses.
However, a student who was suspended for academic
reasons and who has not yet earned the Associate of Arts
Certificate who subsequently graduates from an accredited
Florida community college may appeal to the Petitions
Committee for reinstatement. The Petitions Committee
may then, upon the recommendation of the college in
which the student wishes to enter, admit the student on

academic probation to that college or school. Credits
earned by such students while under suspension from the
University of Florida may be transferred in accordance
with other rules and regulations of the University of

The State of Florida has developed a test of college-level
communication and computation skills. The test is called
the College Level Academic Skills Test (CLAST).
The CLAST is designed to test the communication and
computation skills that are judged by state university and
community college faculty to be generally associated with
successful performance and progression through the
baccalaureate level. "The test is required by Florida statutes
and rules of the State Board of Education.
The CLAST is administered toward the end of the
sophomore year to university students as well as to
community college students who are completing Associate
of Arts degree programs and to community college
students who are completing Associate of Science degree
programs and are seeking admission to upper division
programs in state universities in Florida. Students who do
not satisfactorily complete the test will not be awarded
the Associate of Arts nor will they be admitted to upper
division status in state universities in Florida. The CLAST
requirements also apply to students transferring to state
universities in Florida from private colleges in Florida and
from out-of-state colleges.
The Office of Instructional Resources located at 1012
GPA, phone 392-1715, can tell you how and when to
apply to take the CLAST.
The Academic Advisemt ent Center located at 358 Little
Hall, phone 392-1521, can provide you with a list of CLAST
skills and can tell you where the communication and
computation skills are taught in the curriculum.
In addition to the CLAST the State Board of Education
requires completion of coursework in English and Math-
ematics. This Communication-Computation requirement
includes 12 semester hours of coursework in which the
student is required to demonstrate writing skills and 6
hours of mathematics coursework at the level of college
algebra or higher. Three (3) hours of the mathematics
requirement may be fulfilled by approved courses in
Statistics or Computer and Information Sciences. Specific
courses to meet the Communication-Computation re-
quirement can be found in the listing of Authorized
Courses for General Education.

Freshman and Sophomore Students:
A student classified UF who has attempted 80 semester
hours (this includes all work accepted by transfer and all
work attempted at the University of Florida) shall be
ineligible for further registration at the University unless he
or she applies for a change of classification and is formally
admitted to a degree program. In addition, a student who
does not take CLAST or fulfill the Communication-Compu-
tation Requirement. by the completion of 60 semester
hours is not eligible to be admitted to the upper division.
All Undergraduate Students:
A student may be excluded from a program of study by
the College responsible for the program if the student fails
to maintain normal academic progress. Such exclusion
does not prohibit the student from enrolling in other
programs or colleges if he or she meets the requirements.


Graduate Students:
A graduate student may be denied further registration
in the University or in his or her graduate major when the
student's progress toward completion of his or her
planned graduate program becomes unsatisfactory. Unsat-
isfactory progress has been defined by the Graduate
Council to include failure to maintain an accumulative
grade average of all work attempted in the Graduate

No student will be allowed to drop a course during the
last two weeks of regularly scheduled classes without
receiving failing grades. A proportionate date will be
established for shortened terms. Any student seeking an
exception to this policy must petition the University
Petitions Committee.

All Undergraduate Students:
It is the responsibility of each student to make every
effort to complete the full semester at the University. If
any student withdraws after the date published in the
calendar, he or she shall be assigned grades of WF
(withdrew failing) in all courses and will be subject to the
suspension and exclusion regulations.
A student on scholarship probation who withdraws from
the University prior to the final date published in the
calendar will be continued on scholarship probation for
the next semester.
A student on University Senate Committee probation
must meet the terms of probation specified by the

Students are responsible for satisfying the entire range
of academic objectives as they are defined by the
instructor in any course. For students whose names appear
on the initial class roll, absences count from the first
meeting of the class.
Any student who has not attended at least one of the
first two class meetings of a course or laboratory in which
he or she is registered and has not contacted the
department which offers the course to indicate intent to
remain in the course may be dropped by the chairman of
the department which offers the course if the chairman
deems this action necessary to provide space for other
students who wish to add the course. Students dropped
from courses or laboratories through this procedure will be
notified by notice posted in the department office. Such
students may be reinstated in the course or laboratory on
a space available basis if documented evidence excusing
the absences is presented to the department chairman.
NOTE: Students must not assume that they are auto-
matically dropped if they fail to attend the first few days
of class since these actions may not necessarily be taken
in all courses and laboratories.
TWELVE-DAY RULE: No student shall absent himself or
herself from the University for more than 12 scholastic
days per semester in order to participate in athletic. or in
extracurricular activities. (A scholastic day is any day on
which regular classwork is scheduled.)
The 12-day rule applies to individual members of the
group rather than to the group as a whole. Consequently,
a schedule of more than 12 days for any group should be
rotated so that no student is absent from the campus for
more than 12 scholastic days.

A student who has been warned for absences or
unsatisfactory work in any class should not incur addition-
al absences in that course, even though he or she has not
been absent from the University for 12 scholastic days. It is
the responsibility of the student to see that his or her
classwork and attendance are satisfactory.
Student Responsibility: Students, themselves, remain
fully responsible for satisfying the entire range of academic
objectives as they are defined by the instructor in any
Under University policy, students are not authorized to
attend class unless they are on the class roll or have been
approved to audit and have paid the audit fees.

Board of Regents policy regarding observance of reli-
gious holidays follows.
1. Each student shall, upon notifying his/her instructor,
be excused from class to observe a religious holy day of
his/her faith.
2. While the student'will be held responsible for the
material covered in his/her absence, each student shall
be permitted a reasonable amount of time to make up
any work missed.
3. No major test, major class event, or major University
activity will be scheduled on a major religious holiday.
4. Professors and University administrators shall in no
way penalize students who are absent from academic or
social activities because of religious observance.
In regard to this Board of Regents' policy statement, the
University of Florida urges faculty and administrators not
to schedule exams or major events on evenings or days
that will be observed as holy days by a significant number
of students. Students who ask to be absent because of
religious reasons will not be required to provide second-
party certification that they are observant.

The probation, suspension, and exclusion regulations
that apply to undergraduate students also apply to post-
baccalaureate students.

Students will be classified by the Registrar each semes-
ter as follows:
0. Special transient or other nondegree students who have
been permitted to register at the University of Florida will
be classified as 0.
1. A student with less than 30 hours credit will be
classified as 1.
2. A student who has earned 30 semester hours or more,
but less than 60, will be classified as 2.
3. A student who has earned 60 semester hours or more,
but less than 90, will be classified as 3.
4. A student who has earned 90 semester hours or more
will be classified as 4.
5. A student who is a candidate for a degree in a program
which normally requires 10 semesters and has earned 120
semester hours or more will be classified as 5.
6. Postbaccalaureate students: Degree-holding students
who have been admitted to postbaccalaureate status will
be classified as 6.
7. A graduate student who is seeking a Master's degree
will be classified as 7.
8. A graduate student who has earned a Master's degree,



or has earned 36 or more hours while seeking a degree
beyond the Master's degree (but has not been admitted to
doctoral candidacy), will be classified as 8.
9. A graduate student who has been admitted to doctoral
candidacy will be classified as 9.

In case the operation of a student academic regulation
appears to result in an undue hardship on an individual
student, he or she may petition for waiver of the
Petitions requesting permission to drop/add should be
presented to the school or college in which the student is
enrolled until the date specified in the calendar. After that
date all drop/add petitions must be presented to the
committee on Student Petitions. Exceptions to the mini-
mum-maximum load regulation are presented to the
school or college for a decision. Petitions approved by the
school or college must be reported to the Registrar's
Office before the action becomes official.
All other petitions should be presented to the Registrar
who will refer them to the University Senate Committee
on Student Petitions. No petition for readmission may be
filed after regular registration has started for the term.
The student seeking waiver of regulation through
petition must remember that no committee on petitions
can direct an instructor to change a student's grade, nor
can the Senate Committee require any college or school
to grant a degree by waiving any of these regulations.

All actions taken under these regulations shall be
reflected by appropriate notations on the student's record.

The Registrar's Office maintains students' academic
records. A progress report is sent to each student at the
end of the term indicating his or her grades, cumulative
hours and grade points, probationary status, if any, and
degrees awarded, if any.

The University of Florida assures the confidentiality of
student educational records in accordance with State
University System rules, state statutes, and the Family
Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, known as the
Buckley Amendment.
In general, a present or former student has the right to
personally review his or her own educational records for
information and to determine the accuracy of these
records. Parents of dependent students, as defined by the
Internal Revenue Service, have these same rights. A photo
I.D. or other equivalent documentation or personal recog-
nition by custodian of record will be required before
access is granted.

.Auditing may be approved on a space-available basis.
The approval of the instructor and dean is required, in
addition to payment of course fees. Florida residents who
are sixty years of age or older may apply for a waiver of
payment of auditor's course fees. Procedures for auditing
courses are available at the Registrar's Office.


Time Shortened

Degree Opportunities
The University of Florida provides numerous opportuni-
ties by which students may accelerate their academic
careers and reduce the overall length of time spent in
completing degree requirements. These opportunities are
explained below:
1. Early Admission: The Early Admission program allows
superior students to be admitted to the University
following completion of the Junior year in high school.
Applications are'encouraged and will be considered on
an individual basis by the Admissions Committee. For
additional information, refer to the Admissions section of
the catalog.
2. Dual Enrollment: Dual Enrollment refers to a student
taking on-campus courses simultaneously at both the
University of Florida and another institution. For example
a high school student could register at the University as
a nondegree student. The credits earned prior to high
school graduation could then be accepted for advanced
standing placement and degree-credit when the student
is admitted to the University. For more information, high
school students may refer to the description of nonde-
gree registration within the Student Academic Regula-
tions section.
University of Florida students may also earn additional
credit through the dual enrollment program. For more
information, refer to the discussion of dual enrollment
within the Student Academic Regulations section.
3. Increased Course Load: Capable students who register
for more than the normal 15 hours per semester may
complete the traditional four-year span within three
4. Year-Round Attendance: Students attending the
University every semester, including Summer sessions,
may advance their graduation date by as much as two
5. Credit by Examination: A student may participate in a
variety of credit by examination programs in order to
earn credit toward a degree awarded by the University
of Florida. Credit received from one examination pro-
gram may not be duplicated by another. The various
credit by examination programs are explained below.
Advanced Placement Program: This credit by examina-
tion opportunity is sponsored by the College Entrance
Examination Board. Under this program, a student entering
the University offers a nationally graded examination as
evidence of completion of a college level course taken in
high school. If the results of the examination meet the
minimum requirements listed below, the student may
receive University credit for courses covering similar

American History

Art History

Art, Studio


Computer & Infor-
mation Science
English Language-
English Composition-
European History

French Language

for Credit
3, 4, or 5

3, 4, or 5

3, 4, or 5
3,4, or 5

3, 4, or 5

3, 4, or 5

Course Semester
Title Hours
US History: Colonial
to Present 6
Introduction to
Western Art 6
Beginning Art 6
Introduction to
Biology 6
Introduction to
Chemistry 6
Introduction to
Data Processing' 6

3, 4, or 5 Introductory English

3, 4, or 5
3, 4, or 5

3, 4, or 5

Introductory English
Introduction to
European History
French Composition

French Literature

German Language
German Literature
Latin (Vergil)
Calculus AB"
Calculus BC"
Calculus BC"
Music, Listening &
Music Theory

Physics B"'
Physics C
Physics C (Electricity
& Magnetism)"*
Spanish Language

Spanish Literature

3, 4, or 5 Introduction to French
3, 4, or 5 German Language
3, 4, or 5 German Literature
3, 4, or S5 Latin (Vergil)
3, 4, or 5 (Catullus-Horace)
3, 4, or 5 Calculus
3 Calculus
4, or 5 Calculus
Music, Listening &
3, 4, or 5 Literature
3, 4, or 5 Introductory Music
3, 4, or 5 General Physics
Introductory Physics
3, 4, or 5 w/Calculus
Introductory Physics
3, 4, or 5 w/Calculus
3, 4, or 5 Spanish Composition
& Conversation
3, 4, or 5 Introduction to
Spanish Literature

'Credit allowed-for only 1 English exam
"Credit allowed for only 1 Calculus exam
*"Credit allowed for Physics B or Physics C ejams only
College Level Examination Program (CLEP): The College
Level Examination Program is another type of credit by
examination opportunity sponsored by the College En-
trance Examination Board. By presenting appropriate
scores, students may receive as many as 30 semester
hours credit toward completion of general education
requirements. Their scores on the CLEP general examina-
tions must meet the minimums established by the State
University System. In addition, students who plan to apply
for credit must do so before enrolling or, at the latest,
prior to the end of their first term at the University. CLEP
testing is periodically available on the campus and is
administered by the Office of Instructional Resources.
In accordance with the Articulation Agreement
(agreement between public community colleges and public
state universities on the acceptance of credit by transfer),
the University of Florida awards credit for CLEP examina-
tions based on the following scaled scores:



CLEP Score Semester
General Required for Hours
Examination Credit Credit
#English Comp. with Essay Scale Score 610 6
Social Sciences Scale Score 488 6
Biology Sub Score 50 3
Physical Sciences Sub Score 49 3
Humanities Scale Score 489 6
Mathematics Scale Score 497 6
#Students should seriously consider their decision about
taking the CLEP general examination in English. Experience
has shown that those who score below the 75th percentile
are often handicapped because they have not had college
courses in composition. However, those students who do
decide to take the CLEP English examination are required
to take the option that includes an essay examination so
that their scores will be at least partially based on a
writing sample.

Additional credit may be awarded for satisfactory scores
on certain CLEP subject area examinations. The maximum
amount of credit that may be earned or transferred under
the CLEP program, both general and subject examinations
combined, is 45 semester hours or 67.5 quarter hours. If
English Subject Examinations (Freshman English or English
Composition) are taken, it is imperative that the essay
option be taken if credit is to be'received for English. A
minimum score ensures that the essay portion of the exam
is eligible for review by UF staff evaluators. This score in
itself does not guarantee that credit will be received for
English. A favorable review must be received on the essay
portion of the exam. A minimum score of 47 is required
for College Composition and a minimum score of 47 is


required for Freshman English. The maximum credit
allowed for English credit, if the minimum score is
achieved and the essay is acceptable, equals 6 semester

Departmental Examinations: Departments may, at their
option, permit a student to receive credit through the
challenge of departmental course examinations. For specif-
ic information, contact the relevant department.


The School of


The School of Accounting of the University of Florida
was established July 1, 1977. The objective of the School
of Accounting is to provide the technical ard general
education for graduates to assimilate the proficiency
necessary to enter the accounting profession and progress
rapidly through levels of increasing responsibility. The field
of accounting offers outstanding opportunities in such
areas as public accounting, industrial accounting, nonprofit
accounting, and tax accounting.
The accountant deals with complex problems in the
business world. This requires a thorough knowledge of
business operations and the environment of business as
well as accounting knowledge. In addition to the demand-
ing technical skills, an ability .to communicate clearly in
both verbal and written form is essential. Interpersonal
skills and professional judgement are important elements
in the practice of accounting. Although accounting is
unusually demanding and requires a high achievement
motivation in order to succeed, the rewards are high.

Information about general financial aid can be obtained
from the Director of Student Financial Aid, University of
Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611. To be considered for
scholarships awarded to fourth and fifth year accounting
students, application forms (available at the School of
Accounting offices) should be completed early in the
Spring Term.

Beta Alpha Psi
This honorary accounting fraternity has 115 chapters
nationally. Upsilon Chapter was the 18th chapter to be
founded (in 1938) and is recognized as one of the best
chapters in the country. An active professional program is
conducted, each year including guest speakers, panel
discussions, field trips, and other activities designed to
promote professional awareness. Beta Alpha Psi cosponsors
the Graduate Accounting Conference which annually
attracts more than 100 accounting practitioners. Mem-
bership requirements include high ethical standards and a
minimum grade point average. Additional information
concerning these requirements may be obtained from the
School of Accounting.
Beta Gamma Sigma
Election to this national business honorary society is
based on scholarship and character. For additional infor-
mation, apply to the Office of the Dean, College of
Business Administration.
Florida Accounting Association
The FAA is a professional/social organization that is
open to all accounting students. Its aims are to facilitate
communication between .accounting students and the
accounting profession and to encourage greater interac-
tion between students and faculty.
School of Accounting Student Council
Members of the School of Accounting Student Council
are elected by the students of the School. The Council
performs a leadership role in a variety of school activities
(student newsletter, Business Day, Teacher of the Year

Award, orientation sessions) and provides student rep-
resentation on faculty committees.

The Accounting Research Center was organized in 1976
to sponsor and encourage both frontier-seeking research
and research that has immediate benefit to the profession.
The Center provides an opportunity for graduate students
to become involved in specific research projects on a
regular basis. Research projects occasionally provide a
similar opportunity for undergraduate students. The Center
publishes research results in a working paper series. For
information contact the Director of the Accounting
Research Center, School of Accounting, University of
Florida, Gainesyille, Florida 32611.

The recommended curriculum to prepare for a profes-
sional career in accounting is the five-year program
leading to the Master of Accounting degree. The five-year
program allows the student to concentrate in an account-
ing specialty in addition to providing knowledge of both
the basic accounting framework and the underlying
business and related disciplines. Details concerning the
five-year program including the specialization areas of
financial/auditing, managerial/cost, systems, and tax are
included in the Graduate School catalog which can be
obtained by writing the Director of Admissions, University
of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611. Additional information
can also be obtained by contacting the School of
Accounting, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611.
Students who successfully complete the first four years
of the five-year program will receive the Bachelor of
Science in Accounting degree. Graduates will have the
requisite accounting, business, and general education to
pursue a variety of career opportunities in accounting and
business and to apply to graduate and professional degree
programs in accounting, business, or law. Students wishing
to specialize in professional accounting should plan to
complete the final year of the five-year program.
,Prospective students are cautioned to become familiar
with the five-year requirement to sit for the Certified
Public Accountants Examination in the State of Florida.

The University of Florida and the School of Accounting
encourages applications from qualified students of both
sexes from all cultural, racial, religious, and ethnic groups.
Listed below are the specific minimum requirements for
admission to this School. It should be understood however
that these are minimum requirements and that admission
to this School is subject to enrollment capacity and is a
selective process. The satisfaction of minimum require-
ments does not automatically guarantee admission. A
student's total record including educational objective,
pattern of courses previously completed, quality of pre-
vious academic record, and test data will all be considered
in evaluating an application for admission. Priority in
admission will be given to those applicants whose total
record indicates the greatest likelihood of success in the
program requested.
Students Classified UF: To be eligible for admission to
the School of Accounting, a student classified UF must
have: (a) completed at least 60 semester hours of course-
work (current coursework is included in the 60 hours); (b)
completed at least 12 semester hours of preprofessional
coursework, including MAC 3223, MAC 3224, and ACC
2001, or equivalent courses (current coursework is not
counted toward these requirements); (c) earned a grade of


The School of


The School of Accounting of the University of Florida
was established July 1, 1977. The objective of the School
of Accounting is to provide the technical ard general
education for graduates to assimilate the proficiency
necessary to enter the accounting profession and progress
rapidly through levels of increasing responsibility. The field
of accounting offers outstanding opportunities in such
areas as public accounting, industrial accounting, nonprofit
accounting, and tax accounting.
The accountant deals with complex problems in the
business world. This requires a thorough knowledge of
business operations and the environment of business as
well as accounting knowledge. In addition to the demand-
ing technical skills, an ability .to communicate clearly in
both verbal and written form is essential. Interpersonal
skills and professional judgement are important elements
in the practice of accounting. Although accounting is
unusually demanding and requires a high achievement
motivation in order to succeed, the rewards are high.

Information about general financial aid can be obtained
from the Director of Student Financial Aid, University of
Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611. To be considered for
scholarships awarded to fourth and fifth year accounting
students, application forms (available at the School of
Accounting offices) should be completed early in the
Spring Term.

Beta Alpha Psi
This honorary accounting fraternity has 115 chapters
nationally. Upsilon Chapter was the 18th chapter to be
founded (in 1938) and is recognized as one of the best
chapters in the country. An active professional program is
conducted, each year including guest speakers, panel
discussions, field trips, and other activities designed to
promote professional awareness. Beta Alpha Psi cosponsors
the Graduate Accounting Conference which annually
attracts more than 100 accounting practitioners. Mem-
bership requirements include high ethical standards and a
minimum grade point average. Additional information
concerning these requirements may be obtained from the
School of Accounting.
Beta Gamma Sigma
Election to this national business honorary society is
based on scholarship and character. For additional infor-
mation, apply to the Office of the Dean, College of
Business Administration.
Florida Accounting Association
The FAA is a professional/social organization that is
open to all accounting students. Its aims are to facilitate
communication between .accounting students and the
accounting profession and to encourage greater interac-
tion between students and faculty.
School of Accounting Student Council
Members of the School of Accounting Student Council
are elected by the students of the School. The Council
performs a leadership role in a variety of school activities
(student newsletter, Business Day, Teacher of the Year

Award, orientation sessions) and provides student rep-
resentation on faculty committees.

The Accounting Research Center was organized in 1976
to sponsor and encourage both frontier-seeking research
and research that has immediate benefit to the profession.
The Center provides an opportunity for graduate students
to become involved in specific research projects on a
regular basis. Research projects occasionally provide a
similar opportunity for undergraduate students. The Center
publishes research results in a working paper series. For
information contact the Director of the Accounting
Research Center, School of Accounting, University of
Florida, Gainesyille, Florida 32611.

The recommended curriculum to prepare for a profes-
sional career in accounting is the five-year program
leading to the Master of Accounting degree. The five-year
program allows the student to concentrate in an account-
ing specialty in addition to providing knowledge of both
the basic accounting framework and the underlying
business and related disciplines. Details concerning the
five-year program including the specialization areas of
financial/auditing, managerial/cost, systems, and tax are
included in the Graduate School catalog which can be
obtained by writing the Director of Admissions, University
of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611. Additional information
can also be obtained by contacting the School of
Accounting, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611.
Students who successfully complete the first four years
of the five-year program will receive the Bachelor of
Science in Accounting degree. Graduates will have the
requisite accounting, business, and general education to
pursue a variety of career opportunities in accounting and
business and to apply to graduate and professional degree
programs in accounting, business, or law. Students wishing
to specialize in professional accounting should plan to
complete the final year of the five-year program.
,Prospective students are cautioned to become familiar
with the five-year requirement to sit for the Certified
Public Accountants Examination in the State of Florida.

The University of Florida and the School of Accounting
encourages applications from qualified students of both
sexes from all cultural, racial, religious, and ethnic groups.
Listed below are the specific minimum requirements for
admission to this School. It should be understood however
that these are minimum requirements and that admission
to this School is subject to enrollment capacity and is a
selective process. The satisfaction of minimum require-
ments does not automatically guarantee admission. A
student's total record including educational objective,
pattern of courses previously completed, quality of pre-
vious academic record, and test data will all be considered
in evaluating an application for admission. Priority in
admission will be given to those applicants whose total
record indicates the greatest likelihood of success in the
program requested.
Students Classified UF: To be eligible for admission to
the School of Accounting, a student classified UF must
have: (a) completed at least 60 semester hours of course-
work (current coursework is included in the 60 hours); (b)
completed at least 12 semester hours of preprofessional
coursework, including MAC 3223, MAC 3224, and ACC
2001, or equivalent courses (current coursework is not
counted toward these requirements); (c) earned a grade of



B or better in ACG 2001 or equivalent coursess; (d) earned
a grade point average that meets minimum standards for
the amount of preprofessional work completed; and (e)
taken the College Level Academic Skills Test (see page
132). Information on current minimum standards may be
obtained from the School of Accounting Office.
Transfer Students: The applicant should complete, as far
as possible, the courses required for the desired curric-
ulum. Completion of these courses and receipt of the AA
degree does not guarantee acceptance to the School of
Accounting. The eligibility standards for admission for
students classified UF (see above) apply equally to transfer
A. Students attending four year colleges who wish to
transfer after two years should follow a program of
general education and preprofessional courses similar to
the Basic Curriculum for the Freshman and Sophomore
years for students desiring to enter the School of
Accounting. Courses should not be taken during the first
two years which are offered only at the upper division
level at the University- of Florida.
B. Junior College and Community College students
1. Complete the general education requirements
established for the junior college.
2. Complete, insofar as possible, all of the preprofes-
sional courses.
3. Avoid professional coursework that is available at
the'University of Florida only as 3rd and 4th year
four semester credits may be allowed for courses
taken during the first two years which are available
only as third and fourth year professional courses in
the College of Business Administration at the Univer-
sity of Florida. Any credit granted for such work will
be granted only in the form of undistributed elective
ACCOUNTING. In the case where a student wishes to
waive an upper division core course and substitute a
community college course, waivers may be granted
on an individual basis but the student will be required
to take another course in the area being waived. The
substitute course will be specified by the Department
Chairman of the area.

STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY: The student must assume full
responsibility for registering for the proper courses and for
fulfilling all requirements for the degree. The student is also
responsible for completing all courses for which he or she
is registered.
Seniors must file formal application for a degree in the
Office of the Registrar early in the semester in which they
expect to receive the degree. The official calendar shows
the latest date by which this can be done.
Seniors should make an appointment for a graduation
check with the School of Accounting at the beginning of
their senior year.
NORMAL LOADS: The normal course load in the School
of Accounting is 15 credit hours per semester. A student
may be permitted to register for additional hours if in the
opinion of the academic adviser his or her academic
record justifies it. Students who wish to take a lower
course load should be aware that certain university
privileges and benefits require a minimum registration. It is

the student's responsibility to verify the minimum registra-
tion necessary for these benefits.
RESIDENCE: The last 30 semester hours to be applied
toward the degree must be completed in residence in the
School of Accounting. At least 20 semester. hours of
upper-division accounting coursework required for the
B.S.A.C. degree must be completed at the University of
Florida. Once a student enters the School of Accounting,
no courses may be taken by correspondence nor may
required courses (in preprofessional, accounting, and
supporting fields) be taken outside the University of
Florida. No exceptions to this policy are permitted.
Students in the School of Accounting may take elective
and general education courses at other four-year colleges
but only if (1) the student will have more than 30 hours
left to graduation upon completion of such courses, and
(2) advance approval is obtained from the Associate
undergraduate student in the School of Accounting may
take on the S-U basis only those courses which will be
counted as free electives in fulfilling degree requirements.
Courses taken to satisfy communication requirements for
the five-year program may not be taken on an S-U basis.
make satisfactory academic progress will not be allowed to
remain in the-Accounting program. More than one grade
below C in upper division accounting coursework is
considered unsatisfactory progress.
DROP POLICY: Courses may be dropped during the
drop/add period without penalty. After the drop/add
period, a course may be. dropped up to the date
established as the School deadline. All such drops are
subject to the following restrictions:
(1) No more than two drops after the University drop/
add period will be permitted in a student's upper-
division academic career for any reason.
(2) After the deadline, students may petition the Univer-
sity's Committee on Student Petitions to drop a course.
(3) Students dropping their full course load must contact
the Office of the Registrar as this constitutes withdrawal
from the University. Withdrawal in any term (Fall, Spring,
or any Summer term) is counted as one drop for the
purpose of applying the drop policies.
(4) Students dropping an Accounting course for which
there was a waiting list at the end of the drop/add
period may be assigned the lowest priority for enrolling
Sin that course during the next academic term.
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS: To receive the degree
Bachelor of Science in Accounting a student must satisfac-
torily complete the following:
1. 64 semester credit hours of lower division require-
2. An approved program in accounting.
3. Upper division core courses.
4. Elective requirements.
A minimum of 124 semester credit hours is required for
graduation including 60 semester hours in upper division
courses. The waiving of any required course does not
reduce the hours required for graduation. A student must
maintain an overall average of 2.0 and a 2.0 average on all
courses which count toward his or her upper-division
degree requirements. A 2.0 average must also be main-
tained for all upper-division accounting courses. Courses
that have been repeated are included in these averages
but do not carry degree credit.

A student who carries 14 hours per semester with a


grade point average of 3.50 will be placed on the Dean's
List for that semester.
The grade point average required for graduation with
Honors or High Honors is based only on required upper
division accounting and business courses taken at the
University of Florida. To graduate with High Honors the
average must be at least 3.60; to graduate with Honors the
average must be at least 3.20. At least 40 semester hours
of upper division credit must have been earned at the
University of Florida.

Courses are offered in the School of Accounting leading
to the degree of Master of Accounting. For requirements
for this degree and for admission to Graduate School,
consult the Graduate Catalog.

Students who expect to receive a Bachelor of Science
degree in Accounting must satisfactorily complete (1) the
General Education Requirements, the Preprofessional Re-
quirements (see below), and elective courses for a total of
least 64 hours; and (2) the upper division requirements for
a total of at least 60 hours.
General Education Requirements
ENC English, including ENC 1101 ..................................................6
*MAC 3223 Survey of Calculus I.................................................
Social and Behavioral Sciences.... ................................................9
The Hum anities .............................................................. 9
Physical Sciences ............................. .................. .......... .......... 3-6
Biological Sciences.....................................................................6-3
For specific courses to complete these requirements, see
pages 132 through 136 in this catalog.
Preprofessional Requirements
**ACG 2001 Introduction to Accounting ....................................3 )
ACG 3342 Cost and Managerial Accounting I......................2
COP 3120 Introduction to COBOL Programming...................3
***ECO 2013-2023 Basic Economics...................................................6
*MAC 3224 Survey of Calculus 2............................ ........ .... ..3 3
STA 3023 Introduction to Statistics .......................................... 3
Electives to make a total of 64 hours. 9 .
*Both MAC 3223 (which is also considered a preprofessionaloJ
course) and MAC 3224 must be completed to be eligible
for admission "to the School of Accounting.

*A grade of B or better is required in ACG 2001 (or
equivalent) to register for required upper division account-
ing courses and to be eligible for admission to the School
of Accounting.
***May not be used for General Education Social Science

The upper division curriculum in Accounting requires 60
semester credits.
Required Nonaccounting Courses:
QMB 3700 Operations Research and Management...............3
MAN 3010 Principles of Management ................................
MAR 3023 Principles of Marketing...........................................3
FIN 3408 Principles of Finance.................. ....... .............
ECO 3411 Economics and Business Statistics...........................3 /
ECO 3100 Prices and M arkets.......................................................3
BUL 4112 Business Law .................... ......... ...........................4. -
MAN 4720 Business Policy............................................ ............... 3

Total 26
Required Accounting Courses:
ACG 3132 Financial Accounting I............................................. 4
ACG 3142 Financial Accounting II ............................................... 4
ACG 3352 Cost and Managerial Accounting II....................4
TAX 4002 Federal Income Tax Accounting I.........................4
ACG 4652 Auditing I............................... .....................4
ACG 4451 Information Systems for Management
Planning and Control..................................... .... .................. 4

Total 24
Electives: No accounting courses (except ACG 4941) may
be counted for elective credit. A maximum of 6 credits of
advanced military science may be counted for elective
credit. A minimum of 4 elective hours must be taken
outside the School of Accounting and College of Business
Administration. CLEP credits and APE credits not used to
meet lower division electives may not be used as electives
in the upper division. Students are advised to include a
Speech course among their electives; those intending to
complete the M.Acc. degree are advised to consult a
SSchool of Accounting advisor about upper division elec-
................................................................................... ..................10

Total 60

,: Loaw

+ q

Aqud '4
bus ol 3

6yis I
tle- 3


College of Agriculture
The aim of the College of Agriculture is to provide
students'with the best education possible for service in
agricultural business, technology, and science.
The departments in the College are: Agricultural and
Extension Education, Agricultural Engineering, Agronomy,
Animal Science, Dairy Science, Entomology and Nematolo-
gy, Food and Resource Economics, Food Science and
Human Nutrition, Fruit Crops, Microbiology and Cell
Science, Ornamental Horticulture, Plant Pathology, Poultry
Science, Soil Science, and Vegetable Crops. Degree
programs are available through the College of Agriculture
in the Botany and Statistics departments administered in
the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. The School of
Forest Resources and Conservation is a specialized faculty
within the College of Agriculture.

The University of Florida and the College of Agriculture
encourage applications from qualified students of both
sexes from all cultural, racial, religious, and ethnic groups.
Listed below are the specific requirements for admission to
this college. In the event enrollment quotas become
necessary because of limited space or'teaching resources,
selection of those admitted will be on the basis of past
academic performance.
Lower Division Students
Any student with a UF classification who has finalized
his or her decision to study in the College of Agriculture
may apply for admission to the College.
Upper Division Students
To be eligible for admission to the College of Agriculture
upper division students must have demonstrated by
selection of preprofessional courses an intent to pursue a
program in agriculture.
Transfer Students. To be eligible for admission to the
College of Agriculture, a transfer student must satisfy the
minimum requirements set forth in the ADMISSIONS
section of this catalog. Additionally, the applicant should
satisfy the following specific requirements for consideration
by the College of Agriculture:
(1) Complete the General Education requirements of the
University of Florida as described in the College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences section of this catalog; or, complete an
Associate of Arts degree.
(2) Complete the preprofessional requirements of the
College of Agriculture for the major field.
The following recommendations will serve as a guide in
expediting transfer to the College of Agriculture in
compliance with the above requirements:
A. Students attending four-year colleges who wish to
transfer after two years should follow a program of
general education and preprofessional courses similar to
the Suggested Course Sequence on the next page of this
B. Junior College students should consult with an adviser
and the Transfer Advisement Manual ,published by the
University of Florida to develop a program of study that
will satisfy the, above requirements. Some general
guidelines to be followed include:
1. Complete the two-year college parallel program at
the junior college.
2. Satisfy the General Education requirements estab-
lished for the junior college.
3. Complete a program of general chemistry through
qualitative analysis and mathematics through college
algebra and trigonometry.
4. Complete basic courses in biology or botany and

5. Complete a course in general economics.
6. Complete a course in general physics.
7. Choose elective courses in fulfilling the required
total hours in the college-parallel program from the
areas of speech, journalism, English, and the basic
8. Avoid specialized professional courses. Professional
courses can be taken to much better advantage after
the student has acquired the appropriate background
in general education and basic science courses.
Special postbaccalaureate students. A student who has
received a baccalaureate degree who is not seeking
admission to Graduate School may be admitted under
certain circumstances as a special postbaccalaureate

student (6AG). Students may enroll as 6AG in order to:
a) receive a second baccalaureate degree;
b) satisfy requirements for a second major;
c) take basic requirements for admission to Graduate or
Professional School; or,
d) complete courses for information only.
Admission requirements for postbaccalaureate students
are the same as for transfer students. In addition, postbac-
calaureate students must comply with College and Univer-
sity rules and regulations and meet all deadlines as printed
in the catalog for undergraduate students.

STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY: The student must assume full
responsibility for registering for the proper courses and for
fulfilling all requirements for the degree. Each semester the
student should consult' with his or her departmental
adviser to plan a program of studies. The adviser will
complete a Course Approval Form (Form 1) which must be
approved by the Dean's office prior to submitting the
course request form to the Registrar. Seniors must file a
formal application for a degree in the Office of the
Registrar early in the semester in which they expect to
receive the degree. The official calendar shows the latest
date on which this can be done. Seniors should request
that a graduation check be conducted by the Dean's
Office of the College of Agriculture at the beginning of
their senior year.
. NORMAL LOADS: The suggested average course load in
the College of Agriculture is 15 credit hours. A student
may be permitted to register for additional hours if, in the
opinion of the academic adviser and the Dean, the
student's academic record justifies this. Students may
register for less than 12 hours, but should be aware that
certain university privileges and benefits require the
minimum of 12 hours. It is the students' responsibility to
verify the minimum course load for these benefits.
SRESIDENCE: The last 30 semester hours to be applied
toward a degree must be completed in residence in the
College of Agriculture. In special cases this requirement
may be waived by the Dean's office. Students may
complete 12 semester credit hours by extension or
correspondence among the 30 semester credits of resi-
dence work required for the baccalaureate degree; and
such work must have prior approval by the major
department and the College Dean for each course taken.
Credit for work by correspondence will not be accepted
by the College unless a student has an upper division
grade point average of 2.0 or higher in all work attempted
in residence.
undergraduate student in the College of Agriculture may
take on the S-U basis only those courses which will be
counted as electives in fulfilling the requirements for the
make satisfactory academic progress and drop 20 honor


points below a 2.0 average will be suspended for one term
and then may return for a term but must lower their
deficit below 20 points or face final suspension.
DROP POLICY: Courses may be dropped during the
add/drop period without penalty. Thereafter, courses may
be dropped only by College of Agriculture petition until a
deadline for college petitions is reached. Drops requiring
College of Agriculture petitions are subject to the follow-
ing rules:
(1) One free drop after the University drop/add period
will be permitted for a student classified as 1AG or 2AG.
Students classified as 3AG, 4AG, 6AG, and OAG are
allowed one free drop. These drops will be processed
according to his/her classification. Records of free drops
will be maintained in the Dean's office; therefore all
drops must be processed through that office.
(2) After the College deadline, students may petition the
University Committee on Student Petitions to drop a
course provided they can document sufficient reasons
to drop, usually hardship or medical.
(3) Students dropping their full course load must contact
the Office of the Registrar as this constitutes withdrawal
from the University.

Students planning to enter the College of Agriculture
should take, while in lower division, the following program
of study. The sequence in which courses are to be taken
will depend upon the department in which a student takes
his upper division major and will be determined by
departmental advisers in the College of Agriculture.
English .... ....................................................................... 6
Social and Behavioral Sciences........................ ............... 9
The Hum anities ............................. .............................. ...... 9
M them atical Sciences .......................................... ................. 6
'Must take MAC 1132 Algebra and Trigonometry. An
additional course in Statistics or Computer and Informa-
tion Sciences will complete this requirement.
For specific courses to complete the General Education
requirements see GENERAL EDUCATION in the College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences section of this catalog.
CHM 2040, 2041, 2042L & 2043C or CHM 2042, 2042L &
2043C Introductory Chemistry and Qualitative
Analysis .................. ................ ................... ......8-11
PHY 2004 & 2004L Applied Physics.....................................4
BSC 2010C Integrated Principles of Biology I.:......................4
BSC 2011C Integrated Principles of Biology 2 or BOT 2011C
Plant D iversity................................... ..................................3-4
AEB 3103 Principles of Food & Resource Economics .............4
Com m unications......................................................................... 6
Selected from SPC 3601, ENC 3213, AGG 4603
ENC 3312, ENC 3310, MMC 2100 and SPC 3605
Electives ....................................... ......................................... 5-8
"Prospective majors in Animal Science, Dairy Science,
Entomology, Nematology, Food Science and Human Nutri-
tion, Poultry Science, pre-Veterinary Medicine, and Micro-
biology and Cell Science should take courses listed above
plus BSC 2011C. Microbiology and Cell Science majors
may substitute BOT 2011C for BSC 2011C.
"Prospective majors in Mechanized Agriculture, Dairy and
Poultry Management may satisfy the Chemistry require-
ments by completing CHM 2040, 2041, and 2042L.
"Prospective majors in Agronomy, Fruit Crops, Ornamental
Horticulture, Plant Pathology, Plant Sciences, Soil Science,
and Vegetable Crops must take BOT 2011C.
*Prospective majors in Food and Resource Economics
should take the courses listed above but may substitute

MAC 3311 or MAC 3223 for PHY 2004 and 2004L and may
fulfill Chemistry requirements by completing CHM 2040,
2041, and 2d42L or CHM 1020 and 1021.
*Prospective majors in Agricultural & Extension Education,
Mechanized Agriculture, Food and Resource Economics
may satisfy Biology requirements by completing APB 2150,
APB 2151, APB 2152L.
"Prospective majors in Microbiology and Cell Science must
satisfy Mathematics and Physics requirements by complet-
ing MAC 3311 and PHY 3053, 3054 with laboratories.
*Prospective majors in the Nutrition & Dietetics Curriculum
in Food Science and Human Nutrition must take PSY 2013
to satisfy the BES requirement,
Suitable electives in Agriculture: ACR 3005, 3300, 3503,
MAG 3220 and 3312, ASG 3003, ENY 3005, FOR 2003, FOS
2001 and 2002, PLP 3002, SOS 3022, PLS 2031, ORH 3513C,
FRC 3212, and others according. to prerequisites com-

Suggested Course Sequence
English. : .................................. 3
En g lish ......:................. ................................ 3
Social/Behavioral Sciences.............................................................3
Math including MAC 1132 Algebra and Trigonometry.........6
CHM 2040 General Chemistry..... ..................................3.
English ............................................................................... 3
Social/Behavioral Sciences.......................... ... ................ 6
CHM 2041, 2042L Chemistry.................................... ............. 4
PHY 2004 and 2004L............................... ......................... 4
Electives .............................................................................. ......2
H um anities................................................... ...................... 3
CHM 2043C Chemistry .............................. ..... ................. 4
BSC 2010C Integrated Principles of Biology I............................4
Com munications........................... ................................. 3
Electives ........................... ............................................. ... ........2
H um anities ....................................................... ..................... 3
AEB 3103 Food and Resource Economics.................................4
BSC 2011 Integrated Principles of Biology II....................... ....4
Hum anities...................................................................... 3
Com m unications................................... ........ 3

At least 128 credits must be earned to receive the
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture degree. In addition,
students must have at least a 2.0 grade point average both
in Upper Division and in all credits attempted at the
University of Florida. Finally, students must complete the
General Education, Preprofessional, and Departmental
requirements. Departmental requirements must include a
minimum of 13 credits in the department. Students
completing above 27 hours in a major must complete an
equal number of hours above the 128 required for
A student who carries 15 hours per semester (or 12 in
summer) with a grade point average of 3.3 or better and
no grade less than C in any course will have his/her name
placed on the Dean's List for that semester.
Students completing the requirements for the B.S. in
Agriculture degree are eligible to be considered for
graduation with Honors or High Honors.
To graduate with Honors a student must have a
University of Florida Upper Division grade point average of
3.5 or above. (For purposes of honors the University of



Florida Upper Division courses are defined as all courses
taken at this University after the student has earned 64
credits, wherever taken.)
To graduate with High Honors the same requirements
apply as for Honors except that the grade point average
must be 3.75 or above.
By prior arrangement with individual Department advis-
ers and approval of the Dean, students may, during their
Upper Division course of study, receive credit for practical
work under competent supervision in any recognized and
approved agricultural or related pursuit relevant to their
college program. Credit is normally earned at the rate of
one credit per month of full-time work and may not
exceed a total of three in any combination of experiences.
A formal written report must be submitted before a grade
,(S-U) will be issued.
Departments offering this option have listed the course
number 4941 in the catalog listing of courses. Guidelines
are available from the College and individual departments
establishing minimum criteria for credit eligibility and
The College of Agriculture offers four advanced degrees:
Master of Agriculture, Master of Science, Master of
Agricultural Management and Resource Development, and
Doctor of Philosophy.
Students contemplating graduate study should consult
with their advisers as early as possible to ensure proper
program planning.

Students in agriculture may specialize in one of three
broad areas of knowledge Agricultural Science, Agricul-
tural Technology, and Agricultural Business, all within the
framework of 128 credits for the degree Bachelor of
Science in Agriculture.
For a specialization in Agricultural Science at least 12
credits of the 128 total are required in one or more of the
areas of the Physical (CHM, GPY, PHY) and Biological
Sciences (BSC, BOT, ENY, PLP, AGR) and Mathematics
(MAC), in addition to those required in the Lower Division.
For a program in Agricultural Technology a choice of
courses in applied agriculture is planned by the separate
departments of the College ofAgriculture in areas of the
student's special interest.
For Agricultural Business Specialization at least 13
credits of the 128 total required must be completed from
the areas of Food and Resource Economics (AEB) and
Business Administration (ACG, ECO, FIN, MAN, MAR), in
addition to those required in Lower Division plus a
department major.
The academic adviser of the department in which the
student majors will assist the student in'arranging his/her
course of study and make necessary recommendations to
the Dean. The student's courses for each semester are
subject to the approval of the Dean and the Department
A program for a specialization (with certificate) in
Tropical Agriculture for undergraduate and graduate
students is available through the College of Agriculture.
The program provides course selection to broaden the
normal degree requirements for those interested in special-
izing in Tropical Agriculture. Students enrolled in any one
of the existing major programs in the College of Agricul-

ture may pursue' this program. The program is also
available to nonagriculture students with the approval of
their college.
The Certificate in Tropical Agriculture (CTA) requires a
minimum of 27 hoursof appropriately selected courses.
Some and possibly all of these hours will be in addition to
the requirements for the current degree sought by the
student. Up to seven hours of research credit, or its
equivalent, may be applied towards CTA requirements
when this research and experience has a clear relationship
to agriculture in developing countries. All candidates must
show a level of competence in an appropriate foreign
language, though no language hours will be counted in
the CTA.
The 27 hours of requirements are divided into Social
Studies and Agricultural Sciences. Nine hours are needed
in Social Studies, five of which must be area specific
courses. The Agricultural Sciences require 18 hours, made
up with 13 hours from natural sciences and five from
other agricultural sciences.
It would be desirable for candidates to have some
farming experience, preferably in the tropics. Candidates
without this experience will be encouraged to spend 3 to 4
months in institutions such as Escuela Agricola Pan
Americana (Honduras), CIAT (Colombia) or CATIE (Costa
Rica). They will receive up to seven nonfee credits for their
work there.
Students will work with their adviser and interdiscipli-
nary faculty committee of three members to select
appropriate courses to fulfill the objectives of the program.
Students interested in this program should contact the
Dean for Resident Instruction, College of Agriculture.
Students in the Pest Management and Plant Protection
Specialization will receive instruction in the principles of
Entomology, Nematology, Plant Pathology, and Weed
Science. An understanding of the component parts of the
crop-plant ecosystem as related to management of all
groups of pests through the application of biological,
chemical, and integrated systems compatible with a
quality environment will be provided.
Students who select the Pest Management and Plant
Protection Specialization will major in one of the following
programs in the College of Agriculture: Agronomy, Ento-
mology and Nematology, Fruit Crops, Ornamental Horti-
culture, Plant Pathology, Plant Sciences, or Vegetable
Crops. Students who complete the requirements for the
Bachelor of Science degree with this specialization should
find many employment opportunities in agri-business
enterprises or government agencies concerned with plant
pest management, crop production, and environmental
protection. Moreover, the successful completion of this
undergraduate program will place the student in an
excellent competitive position as a candidate for graduate
studies in any one of the departments cooperating in the
undergraduate major program at the University of Florida
or any other university.
An interested student should contact an academic
adviser in his/her department and must indicate (register)
with the chairman of the interdisciplinary committee on
systems of Pest Management and Plant Protection. The
following required courses should be completed in addi-
tion to the major program requirements. The requirements
of this specialization can usually be met through the
course requirements of the major program and a wise
choice of electives within the 128 credits required for the
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture.
PMA 3010 Fundamentals of Pest Management....................2
PMA 3323C Pesticide Application...............................................2
PMA 3931 Seminar in Basic Pest Management........................1


PMA 3941 Internship in Pest Management ............................1.
PMA 4401C Understanding & Implementing Pest
Management Strategies in Agricultural Systems ................3
PLS 2031 Fundamentals of Crop Production ............................3
ENY 3005 Principles of Entomology........................ .............2
ENY 30061 Principles of Entomology Laboratory......................1
NEM 3002 Principles of Nematology...........................................3
PLS 4601 W eed Science ................... ................ ............. 3
PLP 3002 Fundamentals of Plant Pathology ............................4
PCB 3043 Introduction to Ecology ............. .................................5
BOT 3503 Introductory Plant Physiology ...............................
BOT 3503L Introductory Plant Physiology Laboratory ...........2
BCH 3023 Elementary Organic and Biological
C hem istry ................................................ ............ ..... 4
SOS 3022C General Soils .................................................4..
A C R 3303 G genetics .................................. ................................3

A program for a minor (with certificate) in environmen-
tal studies is available in the College of Agriculture. The
program provides course selection to obtain a broad
knowledge of the environment, especially in the inter-
relationships between the activities of man and environ-
mental quality. Students enrolled in one of the existing
major programs in the College of Agriculture and this
minor will learn to apply their major discipline to the
solution of environmental problems.
The environmental studies minor will include environ-
mental courses in three basic groups as follows: biological
sciences, physical sciences, and social sciences. At least
one course from each of these three groups is required. A
minimum of 12 semester hours credit is required for the
minor. Courses required for the major cannot be counted'
toward the minor requirement. A minimum of three hours
outside the College of Agriculture is required.
The courses required for this minor will be determined
by the student in consultation with his/her departmental
adviser from an approved list of courses prepared by the
department, the College of Agriculture, and the University.
In most cases these requirements may be met through a
wise choice of electives. Students interested in this minor
should consult their departmental adviser.

A program for specialization (with certificate)'in comput-
er sciences is available for those students who wish to
enhance their College of Agriculture degree program with
a coordinated set of courses in computer sciences.
Students enrolled in any existing major program in the
College of Agriculture may pursue this certificate program.
To obtain a Certificate in Computer Sciences, the
student must complete a minimum of 13 credits in specific
courses offered by the Department of Computer and
Information Sciences. Each candidate must complete COC
3110, COP 3530 and CDA 3101. In addition, at least one of
the following courses must be completed: COP 3603, COT
4125, CIS 4321, COP 4540, COP 4620, or COP 4640.
Because of the.prerequisite structure for the courses in the
program, a minimum of three semesters beyond the
completion of calculus will be necessary to fulfill the
requirements of this certificate program. A student inter-
ested in this program should consult with his/her depart-
mental adviser early in order to determine specific
requirements and to develop a program of study.

The College of Veterinary Medicine, University of
Florida, admits a limited number of students each fall for
the pursuit of a degree Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. The
following courses must be completed with no grade less
than C and a minimum grade point average of 2.75.

Semester Credits
BSC 2010C and BSC 2011C Integrated Principles
of Biology I and II.............................................................. .. 8
M icrobiology (M CB 3020C) .............................................. 4
Genetics (AGR 3303 or PCB 3063)...........................................3-4
Chem istry..................... ...... .. ........................19-22
Chemistry (General and Qual.);
lecture and laboratory (CHM 2040, 2041,
CHM 2042L and CHM 2043C; or CHM 2042,
CHM 2042L, CHM,2043C)...................................... 8-11
Organic Chemistry; lecture and laboratory
(CHM 3210; CHM 3211-3211L).............................................
Introduction to Physical Biochemistry.
and Molecular Biology (BCH 4313).......................................3
Physics (PHY 3053, 3055L, 3054, 3056L)....................................10
Mathematics: Calculus* (MAC 3311)........................................... 4
Animal Science:
Introduction to Animal Science (ASG 3003)......................4
Principles of Animal Nutrition
and Feeding (ASG 3402C)............................... ..............4
H um anities................................................ .. ........................ .9
Social/Behavioral Sciences.......................... ........ ................ 9
En g lish ...................................................... .. ..................................6
For specific courses to complete these requirements, see
page 132 through page 136 in this catalog.
Electives ..................................................... ..................................9-12
(e.g., Agriculture, Computer Science,
Economics, Humanities, Journalism,
Political Science, Psychology, Social
Sciences, Statistics, etc.)................................................ Total 90
*Trigonometry and Algebra at the high school or college
level are required for admission to courses in Calculus.
**Six semester credits will be accepted if taken as a
requirement for an Associate of Arts degree.
Because of the rigid course requirements, most students
require somewhat more than two years to complete this
curriculum. Also, since admission to Veterinary School is
competitive, students usually need to make considerably
more than the minimum grade point average of 2.75.
Pre-veterinary students should consult the Dean of the
College of Agriculture before registering for the pre-veteri-
nary curriculum.
.Students who will have completed the pre-veterinary
requirements in June can be considered for admission in
the Fall of the same year. The Office of Admissions at the
College of Veterinary Medicine.should be contacted early
in the Fall term of the year preceding anticipated

(Agricultural Engineering)
The Agricultural Engineering curriculum is offered coop-
eratively by the College of Agriculture and the College of
Engineering. Students in this major receive basic training in
engineering and agriculture so that they are prepared to
solve the specialized and unique engineering problems of
agricultural production and processing systems and the
management and conservation of agricultural land and
water resources. Since engineering problems in agriculture
relate to biological production and processing of biological
products, training in agricultural and biological courses is
obtained. Students desiring careers in Agricultural Engi-
neering will register in the College of Engineering. See
College of Engineering for curriculum.

The Agricultural and Extension Education curriculum is



designed to prepare students for careers in agricultural
education and the cooperative extension service. Students
majoring in this department have a common core
curriculum which combines courses in technical agricul-
ture, professional education, and/or extension methodolo-
gy. The department chairperson or one of the
departmental advisers will advise the student majoring in
this department in the selection of electives and require-
ments to meet the student's career goals.
The agricultural education (teaching) program provides
the student with the basic courses forteacher certification
in Florida. In addition to these courses, a graduate must
still apply to the State Department of Education for
certification. Each applicant who applies for a full-time
Florida teaching certificate shall be required to present a
passing score on each subtest of the Florida Teacher
Certification Examination as. part of the requirements to
establish eligibility for certification.
Students wishing to enroll in AEE 4942 "Agricultural and
Extension Education Practicum" (teaching internship) must
meet the following criteria:
1. Advanced senior standing.
2. Completion of EDF 4210 or equivalent, speech, and 16
hours of professional education in agricultural education.
3. C average (2.0) or better.
4. C average (2.0) or better in all professional education
courses required in the area of specialization.
5. Grades of less than C in Agricultural Education
courses will not be accepted.
6. Score a total of at least 835 on the Scholastic
Aptitude Test (SAT) or a composite score of 17 or above
on the American College Testing Program (ACT).
Students wishing to enroll in AEE 4943 "Agricultural
Extension Practicum" (extension internship) must meet the
following criteria:
1. Advanced senior standing.
2. C average (2.0) or better.
3. C average (2.0) or better in all professional education
courses required in the area of specialization.
4. Completion of the following courses:
a. AEE 3313
b. AEE 4424
c. AEE 3200
(b and c may be modified with approval of depart-
mental chairperson)
Assignment to an internship center is an involved
process and is not taken lightly. Every consideration is
given to student requests. However, applicants are specif-
ically NOT guaranteed assignment to their home county,
to the immediate or general vicinity of the campus, or to a
given center on request. Assignments will be made only to
those centers indicated at time of application. Submission
of an application by a candidate constitutes an agreement
to accept assignment in the center where it is determined
that the objectives of the internship program can best be
achieved. Failure to accept an assignment negotiated by
Department personnel relieves the Department of any
further responsibility to provide internship experiences and
courses for the candidate.
The student completing this program will be required to
satisfy the College of Agriculture core curriculum require-
All students will take a basic skills assessment examina-
tion while enrolled in AEE 3323. This examination includes
sections on mathematics, reading, and writing. A student
must have a successful score on all sections of the basic
skills assessment examination prior to admission to the
teaching internship experience.
Departmental Requirements 28 credits Crets
*AEE 3323 Development & Philosophy of Agricultural
Education........................... ... ..... ........ ... 3

*AEE 3200 Instructional Techniques in Agricultural
Education................................... .. ............... ....
*AEE 4504 Organization of Agricultural Education
Program s....................................... ...... ........ 3
*AEE 4224 Special Methods in Teaching Vocational
Agriculture........ ............3................... ..
*AEE 4227 Laboratory Practices in Teaching Agricultural Ed
.......................... ................ ............. ....... ... 2
*AEE 4424 Agricultural Youth programs ...................................3
*EDF 3135 The Adolescent (or equivalent) ..................................3
*AEE 4942 Agricultural and Extension Practicum ................. 4-8
AEE 4943 Agricultural Extension Practicum .......................4-8
AEE 4624 Career and Prevocational Education in
Agriculture ..................................................
AEE 3313 Development'and Role of Extension Education....3
AEE 4905 Individual Work in-Agricultural & Extension
Education........................................ ................. 1-5
Other Requirements and Electives-- 36 credits"
M AC 3220 Agricultural Mechanics I............................................3
MAC 4225 Agricultural Mechanics II................................ ..3
AEB 3133 Farm Firm Management................. .............. 3
AEB 3133L Farm Firm Management Lab..............................1
ASG 3003 Introduction to Animal Science....................
AGR 3005 Fundamentals of Agronomy..................................3
AGR 4210 Field Crop Science...................... ................ ........3
AGR 4231 Forage Science and Range Management..............4
SO S 3022C General Soils.......................... ...................... 4
ENY 3005 Principles of Entomology.................................... 2
ENY 3006 Principles of Entomology Lab.....................................1
ORH 3008 Introduction to Residential Horticulture...............3
***Electives in Agriculture...................... .........9-10
*The student planning to qualify to teach in the public
schools will complete a minimum of 28 semester hours
from the above list of professional courses. The'courses
indicated by an asterisk () are required. The curriculum for
students interested in extension education will be planned
by a departmental counselor.
*Substitutions must be approved by the chairperson of
Agricultural and Extension Education.
**To be planned by department advisers.

Agronomy students receive scientific and technical
instruction in the various aspects of field and forage crop
production and utilization as well as in genetics and plant
breeding. A minimum of 64 total credits is required. A
specialization in Pest Management and Plant Protection is
available. Students interested in an Agronomy major
should contact the Department of Agronomy for informa-
tion early in their academic career.
Departmental Requirements 40-43 Credits
AGR 3005 Introduction to Agronomy............................... 3
AGR 3303 Genetics.........................................3
AGR 4931 Agronomy Seminar .............................................
BCH 3023 Elementary Organic and
Biological Chemistry.................................... ..... ........... 4
BOT 3503C Introductory Plant Physiology.............................3
BOT 3503L Introductory Plant Physiology Laboratory...........2
PLS 4601 W eed Science.................................... ..............3
SOS 3022C General Soils....................... ......... ......... 4
One course in Computer Science.......................... ........ 2-3
Two of the following 3 courses
ENY 3005 and 3006L Principles of Entomology
and Laboratory........... ....................... ..3
NEM 3002 Principles of Nematology............. ............. 3
PLP 3002 Fundamentals of Plant Pathology............................. 4
Minimum of 9 credits from the following
AGR 4001C Man, Food, and Environment............2..


AGR 4210 Field Crop Science..............................................3
AGR 4231 Forage Science and Range Management.............4
A G R 4242 Rice ... ..................................... ............................. 3
AGR 4244 Sugarcane ................................................................ 2
AGR 4246 Oilseed Crops......................... ................. 2
AGR 4321 Plant Breeding ....................... ......... .............. 3
AGR 4624C Seed Technology........................................... 3
*AGR 4905 Problems in Agronomy....................................1-3
*AGR 4941 Work Experience in Agronomy ............................1-3
Approved Electives 22-24 Credits
*A combined maximum of 4 credits from these courses can
be counted towards the departmental requirement.

The curriculum in Animal Science meets the education-
al requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree. Animal
Science is designed to give students a foundation in the
basic sciences and fundamental training in the various
phases of the beef cattle, swine, horse, sheep, and meat
industries and provides a background for entry into the
College of Veterinary Medicine.
Early in their college planning, students should discuss
the programs and their implications with the Department-
Chairman or his counseling representatives.
Departmental Requirements....................................... ..........20
Other Requirements and Electives.......................................44

Total 64
Departmental Requirements
ANS 3934 Junior Sem inar................................... .... ................. 1
ASC 3003C Introduction to Animal Science.........................4.
ASG 3402C Principles of Animal Nutrition and Feeding.......4
ASG 4931 Seminar.................................... .... ......1
Minimum of 10 additional departmental credits selected
from the following courses in groups A and B. A minimum
of 3 credits required from each group.
Group A
ASG 3313 Principles of Animal Breeding............................ 3
ASG 4334C Reproduction in Farm Animals ..........................3....
ANS 3613 Livestock and Meat Evaluation ................................. 2
A N S 3634 M eats.......................................................... ..... .. ....3
Group B
ANS 4234C Horse Enterprise Management........................ 3
ANS 4242C Beef Cattle Science
and Range Management....................................... ............... 4
ANS 4264C Swine Production...................................................2
ANS 4274C Sheep Production........................................ ....... 2
Other Requirements and Electives
AEB 3133 Farm Firm Management............... ............. 3
AEB 3133L Farm Firm Management Laboratory...................1.
AG R 3303 G enetics .................................... ............. ............. ..... 3
AGR 4231 Forage Science and Range Management ..............4
BCH 3023 Elementary Organic and
Biological Chem istry........................................ ................. 4
MCB 3020C Basic Biology of Microorganisms .......................4.
Free Electives ................................................................ ............25
Students are encouraged to elect additional courses in
Science, Technology, Economics, and Business relating to a
career interest.

A major in botany is offered through the College of
Agriculture. Students should consult with the Undergrad-
uate Coordinator for curriculum. (See Botany, College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences for course listing.)

The two curricula give broad foundations in science and
technology of the dairy industry. Students should consult
with the chairman or departmental adviser for assistance
in choosing the curriculum and selecting electives.

This is designed primarily for students interested in dairy
production or graduate study and provides a background
for entry into the College of Veterinary Medicine.
Departmental Requirements 18 Credits
DAS 3211 Dairy Cattle Management........................................2
ASG 3402C Principles of Animal Nutrition
and Feeding ......................................... .......................... 4
DAS 4411 Dairy Cattle Nutrition............................ ............... 3
DAS 4510 Physiology of Lactation or ASG 4334
Reproduction in Farm Animals........................... .............3
Minimum of 6 additional departmental credits
selected from the following courses:
DAS 3214 Dairy Cattle Evaluation............................................. 1
DAS 4213 Dairy Management Techniques.........................1-4
DAS 4510 Physiology of Lactation ............................................... 3
DAS 4614 Dairy Technology......................................................4
DAS 4905 Problems in Dairy Science.................................1-4
DAS 4941 Practical Work Experience in Dairy
Science ......................................................................................... 1-3
ASG 4334 Reproduction in Farm Animals..............................3
ASG 4992 Dairy Judging............................... .............. ............... 1
DAS 5212C Dairy Management Systems..............................4
Other Requirements and Electives 46 Credits
AEB 3133 Farm Firm Management................................ ....3
AEB 3133L Farm Firm Management Laboratory.......................1
AGR 3303 Genetics .................................... .. ... ..... 3
AGR 4231 Forage Science and Range Management..............4
ASG 3003 Introduction to Animal Sciences........................ ....4
BCH 3023 Elementary Organic & Biological
C hem istry ..................................................................... 4
MCB 3020C Basic Biology of Microorganisms ..........................4
VES 3202C Anatomy & Physiology of Domestic
Animals ...... ......................................4
Electives ................. ...............19

This is designed primarily for students interested in
managing dairies or dairy enterprises or careers in allied
Departmental Requirements 18 Credits
DAS 3211 Dairy Cattle Management.......................................... 2
ASG 3402C Principles of Animal Nutrition
and Feeding ................................ .......... ................. ..........4
DAS 4411 Dairy Cattle Nutrition .............. ........................ 3
DAS 4510 Physiology of Lactation or ASG 4334
Reproduction in Farm Anim als................................................3

Minimum of 6 additional departmental credits
selected from the following courses:
S Credits
DAS 3214 Dairy Cattle Evaluation ............................................... 1
DAS 4213 Dairy Management Techniques............................1-4
DAS 4510 Physiology of Lactation............................................... 3
DAS 4614 Dairy Technology...................... ... ................ 4
DAS 4905 Problems in Dairy Science........................................1-3
DAS 4941 Practical Work Experience in Dairy
Science ............................................................................. ... 1-3
ASG 4334 Reproduction in Farm Animals..............................3
ASG 4992 Dairy Judging............................... ......................... 1
DAS 5212C Dairy Management Systems................................... 4


Other Requirements and Electives 46 Credits
ACG 2001 Introduction to Accounting......................................3
AEB 3111 Linear Programming for Agriculture.........................2
AEB 3133 Farm Firm Management................................ ....3
AEB 3133L Farm Firm Management Laboratory.......................1
ACR 4231 Forage Science and Range Management..............4
ASG 3003 Introduction to Animal Sciences.............................4
BCH 3023 Elementary Organic & Biological
C hem istry ................................................................ ................4
MAC 3311 Analytic Geometry & Calculus I ...........................4
VES 3202C Anatomy & Physiology of Domestic
A n im als ......................... ............................................................ 4
Ele ctiv e s .................................................... ..................................17

Entomology and nematology are biological sciences
dealing with two principal groups of invertebrate animals.
The curriculum is designed to give basic training in
entomQlogy and nematology and specialized programs in
various areas of these two sciences.
Within the pest management program, specialized
emphasis may be given to areas like crop protection,
animal protection, or urban entomology and pest control.
In the-latter, students are trained in insects, plant disease,
and weed control with special reference to problems in
and around residential and other buildings. Emphasis is
also given to business management so that students are
prepared for administrative duties as well. Students will be
prepared to take the Florida Board of Health certification
examination. Specific requirements for these programs can
be obtained by contacting the Department of Entomology
and Nematology.

Entomology and
Pest Management Requirements 21 credits
ENY 3005 Principles of Entomology............................................ 2
ENY 3006 Principles of Entomology Laboratory....................1
ENY 3931 Undergraduate Sem inar...............................................1
ENY 4353 Insect Physiology and Morphology.......................3
ENY 4161 Insect Identification ................................. ........ ..... 3
PMA 3010 Fundamentals of Pest Management....................2.
PMA 4401 Understanding and Implementing Pest
Management Strategies in Agricultural Systems ................3
6 credits from among the following:
ENY 3511 Fruit Insects......................... ..... .................. 1
ENY 3513 Vegetable Insects.... .......... .......................1.
ENY 3515 Ornamental and Turf Insects.................... ....... .1
ENY 3521 Field Crop Insects ................................ ............ 2
ENY 4660 Medical and Veterinary Entomology.....................3.
ENY 4905 Problems in Entomology.......................................... 1-5
PMA 3931 Seminar in Basic Pest Management ........................1
PMA 3941 Internship in Pest Management............................1.
PMA 3323 Pesticide Application ............................. ............. 2

AGR 3303 Genetics.............................. ......................... 3
SOS 3022 General Soils ............................ .................. .... 4
BCH 3023 Elementary Organic and Biological
Chemistry or equivalent ......................................... ............... 4
PCB 3043 Introduction to Ecology ...........................................3
PCB 4044 General Ecology..................... .................................4
12 credits from among the following:
PLS 2031 Fundamentals of Crop Production ..........................3.

NEM 3701 Principles of Nematology............................... ...3
PLS 4601 W eed Science............................................ ............... 3
PLP 3002 Fundamentals of Basic Plant Pathology ..............4
BOT 3503 Introductory Plant Physiology ................................3
BOT 3503L Introductory Plant Physiology Laboratory ...........2
APB 2170 M icrobiology..................................................... 4
ASG 3003 Introduction to Animal Science...............................4
ASG 3402 Principles of Animal Nutrition and Feeding..........4
AEB 3133 Farm Firm Management.................................... ....3
ACR 4210 Field Crop Science.............................. .......... ....3
FRC 3212 Introduction to Citrus Culture...................................3
PLS 4701 Field Plot Techniques.................................................. 2
VEC 3221 Commercial Vegetable Production, I.....................4
ZOO 3203 Invertebrate Zoology............................ .............. 4
ZOO 3513 Animal Behavior........................... ................ 4
CHM 3210 Organic Chemistry................ ....... 3
CHM 3211 Organic Chemistry................ ....... 3
GLY 4610 Invertebrate Paleontology...........................................3
Other Approved Electives
Free and Approved Electives................................................. 16-17


Six curricula are offered by the Department of Food and
Resource Economics. The curriculum selected by the
student will depend upon the nature of his or her interest
in the field. Students should consult a departmental
adviser for guidance in making their choice of a curric-
ulum and for approval of electives.
In addition to completing all of the requirements of a
curriculum, a student must earn at least a 2.5 grade point
average in all AEB courses attempted.

This curriculum is designed for those students interested
primarily in training as professional agricultural economists
or in preparing for graduate study.
Departmental Requirements 26 Credits
AEB 3103 Principles of Food and Resource Economics.........4
AEB 3133 Farm Firm Management...............................................3
AEB 31331 Farm Firm Management Laboratory....................1
AEB 3300 Agricultural M arketing.................................................. 3
AEB 3503 Computers and Data Analysis for Agriculture......2
AEB 4224 Public Policy in Agriculture ............................ .... .3
AEB 4324 Production Decisions of Agricultural Firms............3
AEB 4334 Agricultural Price Analysis and Consumer
Behavior ................................................................ ................... 3
AEB 4511 Quantitative Analysis in Food and Resource
Eco no m ics ......................................................................................3
AEB 3935 Food and Resource Economics Seminar.................1
Other Requirements and Electives 38 Credits
ACG 2001 Introduction to Accounting......................................3
ACG 2301 Elementary Managerial Accounting........................2
MAC 3223 and 3224 Survey of Calculus 1 and 2 ..............6
ECO 4101 Microeconomic Theory.................................. ...4
ECO 4205 Macroeconomic Theory............. ...................... 4
STA 3023 Introduction to Statistics............................................. 3
Free and Approved Electives...............................................16
This curriculum is designed for those students interested
in administrative and service aspects of agricultural or
related businesses.


Departmental Requirements 28-29 Credits
AEB 3103 Principles of Food and Resource Economics........4
AEB 3133 Farm Firm Management..............................................3
AEB 3133L Farm Firm Management Laboratory.......................1
AEB 3300 Agricultural Marketing......................................3
AEB 3503 Computers and Data Analysis for Agriculture.....2
AEB 4224 Public Policy in Agriculture....................................3
At least 3 credits from the following......................................3
AEB 4324 Production Decisions of Agricultural Firms
AEB 4334 Agricultural Price Analysis and Consumer
AEB 4511 Quantitative Analysis in Food and Resource
Eco nom ics .....................................................................................3
AEB 3935 Food and Resource Economics Seminar.................1
Electives in Food and Resource Economics..........................4-6
Other Requirements and Electives 36 Credits
ACG 2001 Introduction to Accounting...................... ........3
ACG 2301 Elementary Managerial Accounting.......................2.
MAC 3223 Survey of Calculus 1............... .................. ........... 3
ECO 3100 or ECO 4101 Microeconomic Theory.................3-4
ECO 3251 or ECO 4205 Macroeconomic Theory ...............3-4
STA 3023 Introduction to Statistics ............................................. 3
Free and Approved Electives........................................16-18

Students majoring in other departments or colleges who
feel the need for a better understanding of the economics
of agriculture and the relationship of agriculture to the
general economy can also take a co-major in Food and
Resource Economics.
Departmental Requirements 21 Credits
AEB 3103 Principles of Food and Resource Economics........4
AEB 3133 Farm Firm Management............... .............. 3
AEB 3300 Agricultural M arketing.............................................. 3
At least 2 credits from the following......................... 2
AEB 3111 Linear Programming for Agriculture
AEB 3503 Computers and Data Analysis for Agriculture
AEB 4224 Public Policy in Agriculture......... ...............................3
At least 3 credits from the following................................... 3
AEB 4324 Production Decisions of Agricultural Firms
AEB 4334 Agricultural Price Analysis and Consumer
Behavior r....................................... .................................
AEB 4511 Quantitative Analysis in Food and Resource
Economy ics .................................... .. ... ............................ 3
Other Requirements and Electives 43 Credits
MAC 3223 Survey of Calculus 1....................................... ............ 3
Free and Approved Electives........................ .........................40
This curriculum is designed to train professionals to
work on problems affecting people and their communities.
Departmental Requirements 23 Credits
AEB 3103 Principles of Food and Resource Economics.........4
AEB 3503 Computers and Data Analysis for Agriculture......2
AEB 4224 Public Policy in Agriculture....................................3
AEB 4511 Quantitative Analysis in Food and Resource
Eco n o m ics .......................................................................................3
AEB 3935 Food and Resource Economics
Sem in ar .................................................................................. ...1
At least 3 credits from the following.............................. ...3
AEB 4324 Production Decisions of Agricultural Firms
AEB 4334 Agricultural Price Analysis and Consumer
At least 5 credits from the following..........................................5
ECO 4504 Public Finance
AEB 4421 Agricultural Labor Economics

AEB 4444 Regional Economics and Policy Analysis
Electives in Food and Resource Economics..:........................2-3
Other Requirements and Electives 40-41
ACG 2001 Introduction to Accounting ..................................3
ACG 2301 Elementary Managerial Accounting.......................2
MAC 3223 Survey of Calculus 1................................................ 3
ECO 3100 or ECO 4101 Microeconomic Theory................3-4
ECO 3251 or ECO 4205 Macroeconomic Theory ...:...........3-4
STA 3023 Introduction to Statistics............................................. 3
Free and Approved Electives....................................... .......21-23

This curriculum is designed for students interested in
employment at the managerial level in the food industry.
Departmental Requirements 25 Credits
AEB 3103 Principles of Food and Resource Economics.........4
AEB 3300 Agricultural Marketing................................ ............... 3
AEB 3503 Computers and Data Analysis for Agriculture......2
AEB 4314 Terminal Markets and Commodity Exchanges.....1
AEB 3111 Linear Programming for Agriculture.........................2
AEB 4224 Public Policy in Agriculture.........................................3
AEB 4334 Agricultural Price Analysis and Consumer
Behavior r .................................................................................. .3
AEB 4342 Food Distribution Management............................3
AEB 4511 Quantitative Analysis in Food and Resource
Economy ics ............................................ ........................... 3
AEB 3935 Food and Resource Economics
Sem inar ............................................................. ....................
Other Requirements and Electives 44 Credits
ACG 2001 Introduction to Accounting ......................................3
ACG 2301 Elementary Managerial Accounting.................. 2
M AC 3223 Survey of Calculus 1 ...................................................3
ECO 3100 or ECO 4101 Microeconomic Theory................3-4
ECO 3251 or ECO 4205 Macroeconomic Theory ...............3-4
STA 3023 Introduction to Statistics ............................................. 3
Free and Approved Electives................................. ............25-27

This curriculum is designed for students interested in
natural resources and environmental quality.
Departmental Requirements 24-25 credits
AEB 3103 Principles of Food and Resource Economics.........4
AEB 3413 Economics of Environmental Quality...................3
AEB 3503 Computers and Data Analysis for Agriculture......2
AEB 4224 Public Policy in Agriculture............................... ....3
At least 3 credits from the following............. ..........................3
AEB 4324 Production Decisions of Agricultural Firms
AEB 4334 Agricultural Price Analysis and Consumer
AEB 4434 Land and Water Economics...........................3
AEB 4511 Quantitative Analysis in Food and Resource
Econom ics ............................................... ........................ 3
AEB 3935 Food and Resource Economics
Se m in a r...........................................................................................1
Electives in Food' and Resource Economics...........................2-3
Other Requirements and Electives 39-40 credits
ACG 2001 Introduction to Accounting......................................3
ACG 2301 Elementary Managerial Accounting........................ 2
MAC 3223 Survey of Calculus 1......................................3
ECO 3100 or ECO 4101 Microeconomic Theory.................3-4
ECO 3251 or ECO 4205 Macroeconomic Theory ...............3-4
STA 3023 Introduction to Statistics ............................................3
Free and Approved Electives ................. .......................20-22


The Food Science and Human Nutrition Department
offers three curricula, Food Science, Nutrition and Dietetics
and Nutrition Sciences. Students in these curricula take a
common core of courses, required courses for their area of
concentration, and electives. Students should consult the
departmental advisers for guidance and approval of
The Food Science curriculum is designed to utilize the
principles of chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, engi-
neering, other basic sciences, and management in applica-
tions related to the manufacturing, processing, preserving,
distribution, and packaging of food and food products for
immediate or future utilization. General areas of study
include: chemical, microbiological, and nutritional prop-
erties of raw and processed foods; role of processing and
engineering in modifying food properties; food deteriora-
tion and spoilage; role of additives and other ingredients;
food safety; 'food fermentation and new food product
innovations. An opportunity is offered for students to
intensify in areas of specialization such as general food
processing, citrus processing, seafood processing, food
chemistry, food engineering, food microbiology, manage-
ment, food marketing, nutrition, public health, and con-
sumer protection. Cooperative programs are available with
the appropriate commodity departments for students
desiring to specialize in dairy, meat, poultry or fruit, and
vegetable processing. An excellent foundation for graduate
study and research in Food Science or related fields is also
The Nutrition and Dietetics curriculum is designed to
give students a foundation in nutrition and, if desired, for
dietetic internship upon graduation. The Nutrition and
Dietetics curriculum provides an excellent undergraduate
education for students planning to enter a graduate
program in human nutrition. Students preparing for.the
professions of medicine, dentistry, or veterinary medicine
normally complete the minimum program and additional
courses chosen with the help of their advisers; See
Curriculum III.

Department Core Requirements 33 Credits
HUN 2201 Fundamentals of Human Nutrition........................3.
HUN 3246 Agricultural and Nutritional Biochemistry ...........3
FOS 3042 Introductory Food Science.................................3.
FO S 4311C Food Chem istry............................................... 4
FOS 4222C Food Microbiology ................................. ............ 4
FOS 4321C Food Analysis................................ ... .... 4
FOS 4931 Food Science and Human Nutrition Seminar.......1
CHM 3200 O rganic Chem istry.......................................... ....
MCB 3020C Basic Biology of Microorganisms
w ith Laborato ry ... ......................................... .........................4
STA 3023 Introduction to Statistics .....................................3.
Additional requirements and electives 31 Credits
FOS 4427C Principles of Food Processing...............................4
FOS 4722C Statistical Quality Control and Sensory
Evaluation of Foods ..................................... ............... 2
FOS 4731 Government Regulations and
the Food Industry ......................................... .......................1
MAC 3311 Analytic Geometry & Calculus I..........................4.
MAG 4062C Principles of Food Engineering............................4
In addition, students will be required to complete any two
of the following:
FOS 4522C Seafood Technology .........................................3
FOS 4551C Fruit, Vegetable and Citrus Processing................3
ANS 4635C M eat Processing...................................................... 3
DAS 4614 Dairy Technology............................................... ..... 4

PSE 4611 Poultry Products Technology ...................................3
Electives*............................................................... .................9-10
Additional requirements and electives 31 Credits
DIE 4125 Food Systems Management.............................. ..3
DIE 4244 Nutrition and Disease........... ................ ........................3
HUN 3221 Nutrition and Metabolism.................................. 3
HUN 3246 Agricultural and Nutritional Biochemistry ............3
PET 3350 Applied Human Physiology..........................................2
PET 3350L Applied Human Physiology........................................1
EDF 4210 Educational Psychology................................. ....3
MAN 3010 Principles of Management........................................3
Electives* ..................... ................................ 10

SAdditional Requirements and Electives............................... 31
HUN 3221 Nutrition and Metabolism................................ ..3
DIE 4244 Nutrition and Disease................................................. 3
BCH 4313 Introduction to Physical Biochemistry and
M olecular Biology ....................................... ................ 3
BCH 4203 Introduction to Intermediary Metabolism.............3
ZOO 3703 Functional Vertebrate Anatomy.............................4
PCB 4745 Animal Physiology....................... ................... 4
Electives* ......................................................................................... 11
*Suggested Electives: Analytical Chemistry, Computer Sci-
ence, Physical Chemistry.

(For Bachelor of Science Degree Requirements, see listings
under School of Forest Resources and Conservation)

The Department of Fruit Crops at the University of
Florida in Gainesville offers an outstanding undergraduate
program for students planning to enter the citrus and
other fruit industries in the state. Job opportunities in
production management, agricultural sales and technical
representation, extension, and many other areas are
available to our graduates.
Students receive a broad foundation in the science and
technology of fruit production, handling, and marketing.
Core lecture and laboratory courses in Entomology,
Biochemistry, Plant Pathology, Soils, Plant Physiology, and
Plant Propagation are taken.
For graduation, the student completes certain core
courses, a group of required departmental courses, speci-
fied curriculum electives (chosen to meet the requirements
of a specialization within Fruit Crops), and other electives
chosen in consultation with the departmental counselor.
Programs of study can be designed to allow specialization
in one of two areas:
1. Production Management
2. Business
Core courses required of all Fruit Crops students in
either specialization include the following:
BCH 3023 Elementary Organic and Biological
C hem istry ................................................ ............ ..... 4
BOT 3503 Introductory Plant Physiology ................................3
ENY 3004 Principles of Entomology.............................................2
ENY 3006L Principles of Entomology Laboratory.................1
PLP 3002 Fundamentals of Plant Pathology .............................4
PLS 3221 Plant Propagation............................................. 2
PLS 3221L Plant Propagation Laboratory..................... ........ 1
SOS 3022C Ceneral Soils .................. ......... ............... 4



Departmental Requirements 15 Credits
FRC 3212 Introduction to Citrus Culture...................................3
FRC 4223 Citrus Production............................. .............. 3
FRC 4224L Field Production Practices in Fruit Crops .............2
FRC 4411 Physiology of Fruit Production............................. .3
FRC 4612C Citrus Maturity and Packinghouse
Procedures ...........................:................................................ ....... 4
FRC 4933 Citrus Production Managers' Seminar..................1.
Students specializing in Production Management take
the core courses, the required departmental courses and
four curriculum electives.
SCurriculum Electives
Two electives from each group below (Business, Agricul-
ture) must be taken to graduate in Fruit Crops with the
Production Management Specialization:
Business Credits
AEB 3133 Farm Firm Management............... .............. 3
AEB 3111 Computers and Linear Programming...................4.
AEB 3300 Agricultural M arketing.................................................3
AEB 3006 Agricultural Commodity Marketing..........................2
MAN 3010 Principles of Management......................................3
AEB 3123 Law Applied to Agriculture.........................................3
AEB 4421 Agricultural Labor Economics.....................................2
ACG 2001 Introduction to Accounting................................... 3
AEB 4141 Agricultural and Rural Appraisal................................3
AEB 4152 Farm Business Analysis................................................. 3
Agriculture Credits
PLS 4601 W eed Science .......................................... ...............3
MAG 3732 Water Management..................... ............... 3
SOS 4115 Fertilizers & Soil Fertility..........................................3
FRC 4424 Citrus Production, Harvesting
and Research in Florida ...................................................... ... 4
.FRC 4251 Tropical and Temperate Zone Fruit
Crops in Florida ......... ......... ............................................ 4
PMA 3010 Fundamentals of Pest Management...................2
.M AG 3312 Farm M achinery ........................................ .....3
PLP 4102 Principles of Plant Disease Control.......................3.
MAG 3503 Agricultural & Environmental Quality.........:.........3
FOS 4451 Fruit & Vegetable Processing.....................................3
MAG 3220 Agricultural Mechanics..................................... 3
PMA 3323 Pesticide Application............................................... 2
The Business specialization affords interested students
an opportunity to pursue in-depth studies into the
business aspects of fruit production and marketing. This
specialization consists of the core and departmental
requirements plus four curriculum business electives se-
lected from the list of :courses suggested under the
Production Management curriculum. The requirement of
two Agricultural electives is waived for the two extra
Business courses.
The curricula for the various specializations leave some
room for otherelectives for students without deficiencies.
Many fine elective courses are available in Fruit Crops as
well as in other departments. Faculty advisers will be able
to assist students with selection of the best electives to
suit career interests.

The Mechanized Agriculture curriculum is designed to
provide expertise in the application of principles and
management of physical systems for improving production
agriculture and the handling, processing, and storage of
agricultural products. Emphasis is also placed on efficient
resource utilization and environmental quality protection
in agriculture practices. The technology of mechanized
agriculture is complemented with emphasis on agricultural
sciences and business management.

Students graduating with a degree in Mechanized
Agriculture are prepared for careers in one of four general
areas (1) operations manager in production agriculture; (2)
sales and service representative for agribusiness firms; (3)
agricultural extension; and (4) specialists with governmental
agencies, agricultural. organizations, insurance companies,
banks, etc. The curriculum is structured to encourage
concentration in one of the career areas. Concentration is
achieved through selection of electives in consultation
with the faculty academic adviser.
**ENC 4260 Advanced Professional Writing.................................3
Mechanized Agriculture Requirements 61 Credits
*MAC 3223 Survey of Calculus I................................................... 4
*STA 3023 Introduction to Statistics ............................................. 3
*PHY 2005 Applied Physics .................................... .............. 3
ACC 2001 Elementary Financial Accounting...........................5
or five credits from the following:
AEB 4131 Agricultural Finance.......................... ................ 3
AEB 3503 Computer and Data Anal.
for A griculture.................................. ........ ..... .......... .... 2
COP 3210 Computer Programming using FORTRAN........2
COP 3120 Introduction to COBOL.........................................3
AEB 3111 Linear Programming for Agriculture.................2
AEB 3133 Farm Firm M anagement..............................................3
SOS 3022C General Soils ................ ........... ............... 4
ENY 3005 Principles of Entomology.......................................... 2
ENY 3006L Principles of Entomology Lab..................................1
Animal Science Requirement (ASG 3003**).............:.................4
Plant Science Requirement (PLS 2031.......................................3
MAN 3010 Principles of Management........................................3
MAG 4342 Sales and Service of Agricultural Systems........:..3
MAG 4225 Management of Agricultural Power...................3
MAG 3732 Water Management............................. ............... 3
MAG 3220 Agricultural Construction and Maintenance......3
M AG 3312 Farm M achinery ................................... ................. 3
MAC 4642 Environmental Systems for Agricultural
Structures ...................................................... ...... .......... .....3
MAC 4062 Principles. of Food Engineering............................. 4
MAC 3503 Agricultural and Environmental Quality...............3
Approved Electives ..............................................................15-16
Approved electives should place strong emphasis in
Business, Management, Computer Production, or Extension.
*Should be taken within first 64 hours.
*Or approved alternatives.

The curriculum is designed to develop fundamental
knowledge of bacteria, plant and animal cells, and viruses.
It provides a background for pursuing graduate work in
microbiology, cell biology, or biochemistry as well as other
areas of agricultural sciences. It also provides a back-
ground necessary for work in research or diagnostic
laboratories, both governmental and industrial. The curric-
ulum also provides a background for entry into the
professions of dentistry, medicine and veterinary medicine.
Departmental Requirements 24 Credits
BCH 4313 General Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.......3
MCB 3020C Basic Biology of Microorganisms with
La b o rato ry ................................................... ..................... ...........4
PCB 3136 Eukaryotic Cell Structure and Function................3
MCB, APB, and PCB Electives..................................................14
(BCH 4203 may count toward the 14 credits)
(One laboratory course beyond MCB 3020C is required)
Other Requirements and Electives 40 credits
CHM 3120 Analytical Chemistry .............................. ............3
CHM 3120L Analytical Chemistry Laboratory.......................1
CHM 3210 Organic Chemistry....................... ............... 3


CHM 3211 O rganic Chem istry ................................... ........... 3
CHM 3211L Organic Chemistry Laboratory........................ 2
PH Y 3053 Physics 1 .................................. ............... ................. .4
PHY 3055L Laboratory for PHY 3053.........................................1
PHY 3054 Physics 2.............................................................4
PHY 3056L Laboratory for PHY 3054................... ........ ..1
MAC 3311 Analytical Geometry and Calculus 1....................4
Electives............:............... ... ............................................. 14

Students majoring in Ornamental Horticulture may
specialize in general ornamental horticulture, ornamental
horticultural science, nursery and landscape horticulture,
floriculture, foliage, or turfgrass production and mainte-
nance. According to your specialization, you will be.
assigned an academic adviser to assist in developing a
program of coursework. Students majoring in ornamental
horticulture should complete the following requirements:
Plant Sciences Core Requirements 26 Credits*
AGR 3303 Genetics ........................................................... ................. 3
BCH 3023 Elementary Organic and Biological
Chem istry..................................................... ............... 4
BOT 3503 Introductory Plant Physiology .................................3
BOT 3503L Introductory Plant Physiology
Labo ratory .................................................................. .......... .2
ENY 3005 Principles of Entomology........................................2
ENY 3006L Principles of Entomology
Laboratory.............. ..... ........ ............................................. ...... 1
PLP 3002 Fundamentals of Plant Pathology ...........................4.
PLS 3221 Plant Propagation........................................ .............. 2
PLS 3221L Plant Propagation Laboratory............................. 1
SOS 3022C General Soils ....................... ......... .............. 4
Departmental Requirements 22-27 credits
ORH 3513 Fundamentals of Ornamental Plant
Identification 1 ................ ............ .......... ......... ............ .. 3
ORH 3292 Cultural Factors in Ornamental Plant
Production....................................... .......................... .......... 3
ORH 3422 Environmental Factors in Ornamental Crop
Production.................................................. .......................... 3
ORH 4931 Ornamental Horticulture Seminar......................1
All students will be required to enroll in at least two (2) of
the following five (5) courses for a total of 6-7 credits.
ORH 3222C Turfgrass Science.............................................3
ORH 3514 Ornamental Plant Identification II........................3
ORH 4224 Turfgrass Science.....................................................3
ORH 4263 Production of Floricultural Crops............................4
ORH 4275 Commercial Production of Foliage Plants ............3
To complete the remaining elective credits students may
enroll in any of the available Ornamental Horticulture
classes depending on their area of specialization with the
exception of ORH 3008 (a nonmajor course).
*An average grade of 2.0 in ORH courses is required for
SPECIALIZATIONS: Students should declare an area of
specialization and complete 5-7 hours from the list of
suggested courses.
A. General Ornamental Horticulture. This option is
designed for those students who do not declare a
specific, commodity interest area and wish to complete
a more generalized program in Ornamental Horticulture.
Select from ORH couses except ORH 3008.
B. Ornamental Horticultural Science. Students desiring to
complete advanced degrees (M.S., Ph.D.) should select
this specialization. Accordingly, students will select
courses to' strengthen and prepare them for graduate

BCH 4203 Introduction to Intermediary
M etabolism ............. .............................................................4
BCH 4313 General Biochemistry & Molecular
Biology ........................................................... ...............3
BOT 2710 Practical Plant Taxonomy............................. .3
BOT 3153C Local Flora.............................. .... .............2
BOT 3303 Introductory Vascular Plant Morphology.....4
BOT 4283 Plant Microtechnique........................................2
CHM 3120C Analytical Chemistry I........................ ......4
CHM 3210 Organic Chemistry ...........................................3
STA 3023 Introduction to Statistics I.......................... .......3
CHM 3211 Organic Chemistry.........................................3
CHM 3211L Organic Chemistry Lab .............................2
MAC 3311 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I................4
MAC 3312 Analytic Geometry and Calculus II...............4
MCB 3020C Basic Biology of Microorganisms
with Laboratory....................... ..... ...........4
PCB 3043 Introduction to Ecology.........:............................5
PHY 2005 Applied Physics 2.................................... ..... .3
SO S 4115.Fertilizers and Soil..............................................3

C. Nursery and Landscape Horticulture. Nursery Man-
agement' includes the production, storage, and market-
ing of ornamental trees, shrubs, and vines. Landscape
horticulture deals with the location, care, and mainte-
nance of ornamental trees, shrubs, and vines for the
improvement and beautification of man's environment.
S- Credits
ORH 3731 Biological Illustrations....................................3
ORH 3231 Grounds Maintenance.......................................3
ORH 3815 Introduction to Landscape Horticulture......3
ORH 4276 Foliage and Nursery Production
Laboratory ................................................ .... .............2
ORH 4941 Full Time Practical Work Experience........1-3
ORH 4905 Independent Study of Ornamental
H orticulture .......... .... ..................... ................................1-5
ORH 4932 Special Topics in Ornamental
Horticulture ..................................... .....................1-4
AGE 4932 Irrigation Principles ................. .......... ... .3
PLS 4601 Weed Science................ ............... 3
PMA 3010 Fundamentals of Pest Management....:.........3
SO S 4115 Fertilizers and Soil...........................................3

D. Floriculture and Foliage. The growing of cut flowers,
potted plants, foliage plants and transplants in the
greenhouse or field, and the sale of these crops through
wholesale commission florists, flower shops and other
retail outlets.
AGE 4932 Irrigation Principles...........................................3
ORH 3611 Retail Florist and Garden Center
Management ...................................................3
ORH 4276L Nursery and Foliage Production Lab..........2
ORH 4280 Orchidology ......................................... ...... 3
ORH 4905 Independent Study of Ornamental
Horticulture ......................................... ............................ 1-5
ORH 4932 Special Topics in Ornamental
ORH 4941 Practical Work Experience in Ornamental
Horticulture................................... ... .............1-3
PLS 4601 Weed Science................................... ...... ...3
PMA 3010 Fundamentals of Pest Management........... ..3
SOS 4115 Fertilizers and Soil............................................. 3

E. Foliage. The production of foliage plants for indoor
use, transplanting, and maintenance in the interior
plantscaping and sale of these crops through wholesale
commission brokers and retail outlets.
AGE 4932 Irrigation Principles..............................................3
ORH 4235 Landscape Practices and Arboriculture.......3
ORH 4276L Nursery and Container Production Lab.....2


ORH 3611 Retail Florist Shop and Garden Center
'Management .................................... .......... .... 3
ORH 3815 Introduction to Landscape Horticulture......3
ORH 4905 Independent Study of Ornamental
H orticulture .................................................................... 1-5
ORH 4932 Special Topics in Ornamental
H orticulture ......................................... ..........................1-4
ORH 4941 Practical Work Experience in Ornamental
Horticulture ............................. ........ ............... 1-3
PLS 4601 Weed Science............ ....................... 3
PMA 3010 Fundamentals of Pest Management..............3
SOS 4115 Fertilizers and Soil..............................................3
F. Turfgrass Production and Maintenance. The produc-
tion of turfgrass for sod and maintenance of grasses for
lawns, golf courses, and recreational areas.
AGE 4932 Irrigation Principles............................................3
NEM 3002 Principles of Nematology..................................3
ORH 4235 Landscape Practices and Arboriculture.......3
ORH 4905 Independent Study of Ornamental
H orticulture ...................................... ........................1-5
ORH 4941 Full Time Practical Work Experience in
Ornamental Horticulture..............................................1-3
PLS 4601 Weed Science.........................................................3
PMA 3010 Fundamentals of Pest Management..............3
SOS 4115 Fertilizers and Soil..............................................3
Electives: Eleven to sixteen (11-16) hours of electives may
be selected to complete your degree program. Sug-
gested areas of coursework can be taken in accounting,
economics, fruit crops, and vegetable crops.

The curriculum in Plant Pathology permits students to
learn the principles of Plant Pathology and their applica-
tions to scientific agriculture. The following program is
offered for a major in Plant Pathology with specialization
in either Agricultural Science or Agricultural Technology.
Students must consult the catalog statement for courses
approved for the specialization in Pest Management and
Plant Protection.
Departmental Requirements 14-16 Credits
PLP 3002 Fundamentals of Plant Pathology .............................4
PLP 4102 Principles of Plant Disease Control....................... .....3
PLP 4931 Seminar in Plant Pathology......................................1
*BOT 5435 Introductory Mycology..............................................4
*NEM 3701 Principles of Nematology.................... ............ 3
*MCB 3020 Basic Biology of Microorganisms with
Laboratory7 ........................ .. ........................4
*MCB 4503 General Virology ............ ...........................3
**PLP 4905 Problems in Intermediate
Plant Pathology ............................................. ...............1 to 4
Other Requirements 23 Credits
AG R 3303 Genetics................................. .................
BO T 2011 Plant D diversity ............................................. .................. 3
BOT 3503 Introductory Plant Physiology ..................................3
BCH 3023 Elementary Organic and Biological
C hem istry .............................................................. ................4
ENY 3005 Principles of Entomology.....................................2
ENY 3006L Principles of Entomology
Labo rato ry ........................................................ ...........................1
PLS 3221 Plant Propagation................................... .....2
PLS 3221L Plant Propagation Laboratory...................................1
SOS 3022C General Soils .......................................... ...............
Approved Electives 25-27 Credits
*Two of these four couses required.
*Departmental elective

Students in the General Plant Science curriculum.must
complete a minimum of 64 credits of coursework in the
basic and applied plant sciences as indicated below.
Electives including courses for the optional specialization
in Pest Management and Plant Protection should be
selected with the advice and approval of the assigned
Plant Science adviser. Interested students initially should
consult the Department of Agronomy.
Plant Sciences Core Requirements 29 Credits*
AGR 3303 Genetics ........................................... .............. ................. 3
BCH 3023 Elementary Organic and Biological
C hem istry ........................................................................................4
BOT 3503 Introductory Plant Physiology ................................3
BOT 3503L Introductory Plant Physiology Laboratory...........2
ENY 3005 Principles of Entomology............................................. 2
ENY 3006L Principles of Entomology Laboratory.................1
PLP 3002C Fundamentals of Plant Pathology ........................4
PLS 3221 Plant Propagation.................................. ............ .....2
PLS 3221L Plant Propagation Laboratory...................................1
SOS 3022C General Soils ....................... ......... .............. 4
PLS 4601 W eed Science............................................ ............... 3
Other Requirements 35 Credits
Approved electives in AGR, FRC, ORH, VEC
(with a minimum of 3 credits in each
of the four departments)......................................................13
Other approved electives...... ............... ................................22

Two curricula are offered by the Department of Poultry
Science. Students should consult the chairman or the
departmental adviser for guidance in making their curric-
ulum choice and for approval of electives.
CURRICULUM I General or Science
This curriculum is designed for those students interested
in training in poultry production and graduate study and
provides a background for entry into the College of
Veterinary Medicine.

Science Core Requirements 28 Credits


AEB 3133 Farm Firm Management................................ ....3
AGR 3303 Genetics ............................... .................... 3
ASG 3003 Introduction to Animal Sciences............................4
ASG 3403 Principles of Animal Nutrition............................ ......4
ASG 4931 Sem inar ......................... ................... ................. 1
BCH 3023 Elementary Organic and Biological Chemistry
or CHM 3210 Organic Chemistry............................... ...4
MCB 3020 Basic Biology of Microorganisms or
APB 2170 Applied Microbiology..........................................4
VES 3202 Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic
Animals or CHM 3120 Quantitative Analysis .................4

Departmental Requirements 12 Credits
Students selecting this curriculum are required to take the
following Poultry Science courses:
PSE 3211C Incubation, Brooding and Rearing.....................3
PSE 4223 Poultry Management.............................. .......3
PSE 4411C Poultry Nutrition................................ ................. 3
PSE 4611 Poultry Products Technology ......................................3
Electives (free and approved)..................................................24

CURRICULUM II Management or Business
This curriculum is designed for those students who plan
a career in any of various phases of the poultry or allied
industries with major emphasis on the management or
business aspect.


Management Core Requirements 30 Credits
ACG 2001 Introduction to Accounting..............................3
AEB 3111 Linear Programming for Agriculture................2.
AEB 3133 Farm Firm Management.............. ......... .. .. 3
AEB 3133L Farm Firm Management Laboratory......................1
AGR 3303 Genetics ............................................ ........................... 3
ASG 3003 Introduction to Animal Sciences.........................4
ASG 3403 Principles of Animal Nutrition..................................4
BCH 3023 Elementary Organic and Biological
C hem istry ................................................. ........... ..... 4
VES 3202 Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic
A nim als .................................................. ............. ..... 4
Departmental Requirements 12 Credits
Students are required to take the following Poultry Science
PSE 3211 Incubation, Brooding and Rearing ............................3
PSE 4223 Poultry Management................................. ............... 3
PSE 4411 Poultry Nutrition......................................... .............. 3
PSE 4611 Poultry Products Technology ......................................3
Electives (free and approved)................................ ...............24

The Department of Soil Science offers three curricula
(Soil Science, Soil Technology, and Soils and Land-Use)
each of which is designed to meet the specific needs of
the individual. Students should consult the chairman of
the department or the departmental adviser for approval
of electives in their field of specialization.

This program of study emphasizes the fundamental
sciences. Students following this curriculum can qualify for
graduate study and research in Soil Fertility, Soil Chemis-
try, Soil Microbiology, Soil Physics, or Soil Genesis and
Classification by a careful selection of elective courses.
Departmental Requirements 19 Credits
SOS 3022 General Soils ...................... ........... ............... 4
SOS 4404 Soil Chemistry ..................................... .... .. 3
SO S 4303 Soil M icrobiology ...........................................................3
SO S 4715 Soil Genesis & Classification ......................................3
SOS 4602 Soil Physics........................... ......... ................. 3
Electives in Soil Science............................. ..... ................. 3
Other Requirements and Electives 45 Credits*
APB 2170 M icrobiology.............................. ....................
BOT 3503,3503L Introductory Plant Physiology.................. 5
G LY 2015 Physical Geology ............................................................3
MAC 331'1 Analytic Geometry and Calculus 1 .................... 4
PHY 3053, 3055L Physics 1 ................... .......... .............. 5
PHY 3054, 3056L Physics 2 ............................. ................ 5
CHM 3120, 3120L Analytical Chemistry 1 ..............................4
Free and Approved Electives......................... ............................15

This program of study is designed primarily for the
student who desires employment in one of the many
applied fields of agriculture after obtaining the bachelor's
degree. By a careful selection of electives one may prepare
for a career according to his or her specific interests.
Departmental Requirements 21 Credits
SOS 3022C General Soils ........................................................ ..... 4
SOS 4404C Soil Chemistry ..........................................................3
SO S 4303 Soil M icrobiology....................................................... 3
SOS 4115 Fertilizers & Soil Fertility ..........................................3
SOS 4602 Soil Physics............................... ...................... 3
SOS 4715 Soil Genesis and Classification ..............................3
SO S 4718 Soils of Florida...................................... ............... 2

Other Requirements and Electives 43 Credits
AGR 3005 Introduction to Agronomy...................................... 3
APB 2170 M icrobiology............................................. .............4
ENY 3005, 3006L Principles of Entomology................................3
FRC 3212 Introduction to Citrus Culture...................................3
MAC 3732 Agricultural Water Management............................3
PLP 3002 Basic Plant Pathology................................................... 4
VEC 3221 Commercial Vegetable Production 1 ....................4
Free and Approved Electives.....................................................19
This curriculum is recommended for students desiring a
fundamental knowledge of soils requisite to their conserva-
tion and the formulation of sound land-use decisions for a
wide variety of purposes to meet the needs of our rapidly
expanding population. These include agricultural, industrial,
urban, and recreational developments.
Departmental Requirements 24 Credits
SOS 3022C General Soils ....................................... ....... .4
SOS 3215 Agricultural and Environmental Quality................3
SOS 4231 Soils and Land Use........................................ ............ ...3
SOS 4404 Soil Chemistry...................................... .............. 3
SO S 4602 Soil Physics ......................................................... ...
SOS 4715 Soil Genesis and Classification...............................3
SO S 4732 Soil Survey ........................... .. .......... ............... 3
SOS 4718 Soils of Florida ........................... ............. ............... 2
Other Requirements and Electives 40 Credits
AEB 3111 Linear Programming for'Agriculture.......................2
AGR 3005 Introduction to Agronomy.........................................3
GLY 2015 Physical Geology ..................................... ............... 3
MAG 3732 Agricultural Water Management............................3
PCB 3043 Introduction to Ecology ...............................................3
REE 3043 Real Estate Analysis.................................... ...............4
URP 4000 Preview of Urban and
Regional Planning........................... ........... ................. 2
Free and Approved Electives......................................................20

A major in Statistics is offered through the College of
Agriculture. Students should consult with the Undergrad-
uate Coordinator for curriculum. (See College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences for requirements)

The major in Vegetable Crops is designed to give
students a foundation of basic plant science and the
principles of production and marketing of vegetables. The
curriculum will prepare them for primary employment in
any phase of the specialized vegetable industry.
Students may select a specialization within vegetable
crops to prepare them for long term career goals. The
areas of specialization are production technology, busi-
ness, and science.
All students will complete the vegetable crop require-
ments as listed. A specialization may be completed by
electing the appropriate number of hours from the
suggested listing of courses described for each. These
hours are included in the 23 elective hours.

Vegetable Crops Requirements
AGR 3303 Genetics .......................................... ....................... 3
BCH 3023 Elementary Organic and Biological
C he m istry ...................................................................................... 4
BOT 3503 Introductory Plant Physiology ...................................3
BOT 3503L Introductory Plant Physiology Laboratory...........2
ENY 3005 Principles of Entomology.............................................2
ENY 3006L Principles of Entomology Laboratory....................1
ENY 3513 Vegetable Insects................................... ...............1


PLP 3002C Fundamentals of Plant Pathology .......................4
SOS 3022C General Soils .............................................................4
PLS 4601 W eed Science.......................................... ............... 3
VEC 3221 Commercial Vegetable Production I ....................4.
VEC 3222 Commercial Vegetable Production II...................3.
VEC 4410 Vegetable Crops Nutrition...................................... 2
VEC 4432 Growth and Development of Vegetable
C rops .......................................... ................................... 3
VEC 4452 Principles of Postharvest Horticulture..................3.
Approved Electives ........................... ................................23


Production Technology
This option is designed for those students interested in
the actual growing and management of vegetables in the
broadest sense. Students must select two courses from
each section below (Group 1, Group 2).
Croup 1
NEM 3002 Principles of Nematology..................................3
ENY 4571C Apiculture:..... ...... ..............................3
MAG 3220 Agricultural Mechanics ......................... ...........3
MAG 4225 Agricultural Mechanics II...................................3
MAG 3312 Farm Machinery ............................. ..................3
MAG 3503 Agricultural and Environmental Quality...............3
MAG 3732 Water Management............................... ......3
PMA 3010 Fundamentals of Pest Management.....................2
PMA 4401C Understanding and Implementing Pest
Management 'Strategies in Agricultural Systems ................3
PMA 3323C Pesticide Application ........................ .............2
PLP 4102 Principles of Plant Disease Control............................3
SOS 4115 Fertilizers and Soil Fertility ......................................3
SOS 4404C Soil Chemistry .................................................3
Group 2
ACG 2001 Introduction to Accounting....................... ..... 3
ACG 2301 Elementary Managerial Accounting.......................2
FIN 3105 Investm ents for Individuals............................. ...........3
RM I 3015 Risk and Insurance...................................................
AEB 3123 Law Applied to Agriculture............. .... ...........3
AEB 3133 Farm Firm Management.... .........................3.
AEB 3300 Agricultural Marketing............................. .............3

AEB 4152 Farm Business Analysis....................................... 3.
AEB 4164 Management of Farms in Tropical Areas................3
FOS 2002 Food and Consumer Protection......................... 2
FOS 4551C Fruit, Vegetable and Citrus Processing.....3..........3
MAN 3010 Principles of Management ........................................3
The business specialization offers students an opportuni-
ty to take selected courses in the area of business. Four
courses must be selected from the Group 2 list under the
Production Technology option.

The science curriculum is designed for those students
who. intend to pursue advanced studies in vegetable
production. The courses are intended to strengthen and
prepare students for M.S. and Ph.D. programs. Four
courses must be taken from the following list to complete
the requirements.

AGR 4321 Plant Breeding .................................. ..............3
BCH 4203 Introduction to Intermediary Metabolism .............3
BCH 4313 Introduction to Physical Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology .....:.........................................................3
BOT 3153C Local Flora .......................... ...................2.
BOT 3173C Weed Identification...................................... .2
BOT 4283C Plant Microtechnique............................
PCB 3043C Introduction to Ecology ............................................ 3
CHM 3200 Organic Chemistry ....................................................3
CHM 3200L Organic Chemistry Laboratory..............................1
HUN 2201 Fundamentals of Human Nutrition......................3
GLY 2015C Physical Geology..........................................
GLY 4155 Geology of Florida.................................... ................
MAC 3311 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I........................4
MAC 3312 Analytic Geometry and Calculus II...................4
PLS 4701 Field Plot Techniques ............................................ .2
SOS 4602C Soil Physics .......................................................
SOS 4715 Soil Genesis and Classification..................................3
STA 3023 Introduction to Statistics I........................................... 3
STA 3024 Introduction to Statistics II...................................3
STA 4202 Applied Statistics I.................................................. 3
STA 4203 Applied Statistics II .................................. ..... ..3
SOS 4303C Soil Microbiology.................... ..........3


College of Architecture

The College of Architecture, which was established as a
school in 1925, has grown to be one of the largest design
and construction institutions in the country. A unique
aspect of the college is the scope of its professional
disciplines which at the undergraduate level include:
Architecture, Building Construction, Interior Design, and
Landscape Architecture. Graduate programs are available
through the Department of Urban and Regional Planning,
the School of Building Construction, and the Department
of Architecture. The architecture graduate program includ-
es options in Architectural Design, Preservation, Structures,
and Environmental Technologies.
SThe College's teaching, research, and community service
philosophy stresses interdisciplinary work. A growing
number of required and elective courses are open, on a
space available basis, to all majors (e.g. ARC 1211, 1701,
3783, 4801; BCN 4012, 4227, 4471, 5528; IND 2100, 2130;
LAA 1920, 2710, 2711, 3713, 4935; URP 4000). In addition,
the first 2 years of design coursework are common to all
three undergraduate design disciplines (architecture, land-
scape architecture, and interior design). The College's
internal research award competition requires multidiscipli-
nary faculty teamwork and, in turn, involves students from
units throughout the College. Other research and service
projects conducted through the research centers and
institutes (described below) often entail multidisciplinary,
cross-campus student input and effort.'
The Architecture and Fine Arts Library and the Visual
Resources Center are the largest collections of their kind
in the Southeast. Together they provide books, govern-
ment documents, American and foreign periodicals, sub-
ject files, microtext, slides, photographs, reproductions,
and other materials for undergraduate and graduate
studies. The AFA Library also maintains its own Rare Book
Collection for scholarly research. Services include a
professional reference service ready to assist in guidance
and searches for information. Students may use additional
resources in the University Libraries system.

Students interested in part-time employment, assistant-
ships, fellowships, loans, prizes, and awards are referred to
individual departments and information provided by the
University Office of Student Financial Affairs.

The College contributes to community, state, regional,
and national efforts to conserve and improve the quality
of the natural and built environments through research
projects directed by the Florida Architecture and Building
Research Center (FABRIC), the Research and Education
Center for Architectural Preservation (RECAP), and the
Center for Tropical and Subtropical Architecture, Planning
and Construction (TROPARC). The college has established
research and training programs of national prominence
through the Preservation Institute: Nantucket and the
Preservation Institute: Caribbean. The .latter program,
directed by RECAP and TROPARC, is part of the College of
Architecture's drive to develop new links with institutions
in the Caribbean Basin and Latin America.

Student organizations take an active part in the
educational program of the College. Membership in the
professional organizations of each discipline is available to

the student chapters. Student chapters of the American
Institute of Architects and the American Society of Interior
Designers, Institute of Business Designers, the UF Chapter
of the American Society of Landscape Architects, the
Student Planning Association, the UF' Chapter of the
American Institute of Constructors, and the Student
Contractors and Builders Association are all represented.
Honorary societies of Tau Sigma Delta, Sigma Lambda
Alpha, Sigma Lambda Chi, and the Gargoyle Society are
also represented in addition to the Society for Black
Student Architects. The College recognizes the importance
of student involvement and encourages and assists partici-
pation with professional groups and societies.

The University of Florida and the College of Architecture
encourage applications from qualified students of all
cultural, racial, religious, and ethnic groups. Listed herein
are the specific requirements for admission to this College.
It.should be understood that only minimum requirements
are given and that admission to the College is a selective
process. Having satisfied minimum requirements does not
automatically guarantee admission. Limitations in faculty,
staff, and facilities make it necessary that the College
establish a selective process for the admission of students.
Priority in admission shall be given to those applicants
who, in the judgement of the admissions committee, have
the greatest apparent potential for successful completion
of the program.
To be eligible for consideration for admission to the
College, the student must have reached junior status,
earned a minimum C average in all courses attempted
regardless of the type of coursework completed, and taken
the College Level Academic Skills Test (see page 132). If
preprofessional courses are a part of the total credits, a
minimum C average is required in these courses also.
Students admitted to the University at less than junior
status are in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences,
Lower Division, not the College of Architecture, and
admission in this manner does not in itself guarantee
space in the preprofessional architecture courses nor
eventual admission to the College. Students admitted as
juniors to Colleges other than the College of Architecture
have no priority for preprofessional or professional courses
and may be considered for enrollment on a space
available basis, after priority College of Architecture
students have been served.
Admission of students having junior status falls into two
categories: 1) those having completed all Lower Division
requirements and prepared to study at the third year
professional coursework levels and 2) those needing to
complete freshman/sophomore preprofessional courses.
Generally, transfer students from universities or community
colleges which do not offer approved preprofessional
programs find themselves in the latter category. These
students may require up to four semesters at the Universi-
ty of Florida to complete this work due to the sequential
nature of the courses.
An admissions review process is employed for all
applicants at this point. Criteria used in review may
include any or all of the following:
Quality of work completed
Achievement in preprofessional courses or courses
related to disciplines of study
Pattern of courses completed
Personal interview
Portfolio review
Work experience
Recommendations by teachers and/or employers
1. Curriculum in Architecture: Through an Admissions


Committee the Department of Architecture annually
selects students to enter third year professional
studies. All students who satisfactorily complete the
two-year preprofessional programs at Miami-Dade,
Broward, and St. Petersburg (Clearwater) Community
Colleges are eligible for consideration for third year
admission. Applications for transfer from one of the
approved preprofessional programs or from the Lower
Division of 'the UF College of Liberal Arts and
Sciences must be filed by the deadline listed in the
front of the catalog (approximately February 1).
Transfer students with provisional admission status,
(3AR, 4AR, 5AR, or 6AR) must notify the Department
office of their wish to be considered for third year
admission by the same date. :
2. Curriculum in Interior Design. Transfer students
must consult with the program adviser. Students
needing to complete Lower Division preprofessional
requirements are urged to apply for the Summer term
for the sequence of architectural design, building arts,
and architectural history. The remaining preprofessio-
nal courses may be completed during the next
academic year. Students accepted for the sequence
shall be admitted as provisional and shall be reviewed
during the Spring of the next year for approval to
enter the professional courses in the junior year.
Notification of the decision of the admissions com-
mittee shall be made prior to the close of the Spring
Semester for the junior class which begins the
following Fall.
3. Curriculum in Landscape Architecture: Transfer
students contemplating the professional degree pro-
gram must contact the Department Adviser to
determine admission timing and eligibility. Students
completing the predesign programs at Miami-Dade,
Broward, and St. Petersburg (Clearwater) Community
Colleges must complete LAA 2710 and LAA 2711
during the Summer term proceeding admission to
professional studies; these students must also have
the equivalent botany and physical science courses.
Transfer students from community colleges not offer-
ing an equivalent predesign program are urged to
begin their preprofessional course work in the Sum-
mer term in order to complete required classes 'in
three semesters. Calculus, botany, and physical sci-
ence requirements, in addition to general education
requirements,,can normally be fulfilled at the commu-
nity college. Students with Associate of Science
degrees must complete all required general education
and preprofessional coursework prior to admission to
professional studies.
4. Curriculum in Building Construction: See the
School of Building Construction section of this cata-

The programs in Architecture, Interior Design, and
Landscape Architecture will admit students for third year
professional coursework in the Fall Semester only, Students
needing to complete some or all of the Lower Division
requirements shall be reviewed for the Fall, Spring, or
Summer semesters. Applications for Fall, including all
required credentials, must be received by the Registrar's
Office (for transfer students) or the Dean's Office' for UF
students, as follows: Architecture February 1; Interior
Design and Landscape Architecture May 11. The
application deadline for these Departments for Spring and
Summer is as stated in the front of the catalog. Applicants
unable to meet these deadlines may apply. on a space
available basis.
The School of Building Construction will admit students
for third year professional coursework in the Fall and

Spring semesters only. Deadlines for completion of all
application procedures, including School requirements and
receipt of official credentials is March 1 for Fall and
October 1 for Spring admission. Applicants unable to meet
these deadlines may apply on a space available basis.
Building Construction applicants needing to complete
some or all of the Lower Division requirements may be
admitted to the College of Architecture on a provisional
basis not to exceed two semesters. Those in this category
must meet the requirements 6f the Dean's Office and
have the recommendation of the Director of the School.
Deadlines for students in this category are as stated in the
front of this catalog under "All Other Programs."

Students planning to major in any program of study in
the College of Architecture should see the Director of
Student Services'or the proper Upper Division departmen-
tal chairman, program director, or adviser as soon as

Fifteen to eighteen semester hours -in any regular
semester shall be considered a normal load. A student
may be permitted to register for more than eighteen hours
when, in the opinion of the adviser, the quality of the
student's record justifies this. Twelve credit hours is the
minimum to be considered a full-time student; students
who wish to take less than this should be aware that
certain University privileges and benefits require full-time
status. It is the student's responsibility to verify the
minimum academic load necessary for these benefits.
Students who wish to ask for adjustments in their
academic loads may petition the Dean through the
Director of Student Services.
The student will have maintained normal academic
progress when he earns a minimum grade point of 2.0 (C)
average for all work attempted in the Upper Division. In
addition, he is required to take courses in a sequence as
specified by his departmental chairman or adviser. The
student may be excluded from a program of study in the
College of Architecture through failure or refusal to
maintain normal academic progress.
Undergraduate students who demonstrate excellence in
their academic work by completing a minimum of 15
semester hours credit in a semester and achieving a grade
point average of 3.5 or better will earn a position on the
Dean's Honor List. Students whose term averages are
below 3.5 due to grades of I or X are not eligible.
To be eligible for graduation, the student must earn a
minimum grade point average of 2.0 (C) for all work
attempted in the appropriate curriculum while classified in
the College. Courses taken while enrolled in another
Upper Division College may not apply toward the calcula-
tion of the College of Architecture average. Specific grade
requirements for the.various curricula may be obtained
from the departmental or Dean's Offices.
Students planning to enter the Graduate School must
maintain a 3.0 (B) average in Upper Division work.
The faculty will consider recommending students for



graduation with HONORS or HIGH HONORS on the
following criteria: (a) grade point average, (b) distribution
and quality of subject matter studied, (c) evaluation of the
students by the faculty, and (d) other pertinent qualities of
the student and his or her work.
The student will be considered for HONORS or HIGH
HONORS upon his earning a minimum academic average
established by the department or program. The average
will be calculated on all work attempted while the student
is classified in the Upper Division. Transfer credits will be
excluded from the average; HONORS or HIGH HONORS
may be awarded upon a minimum of 48 semester hour
credits taken at the University qf Florida. Students should
check with their department or program director for
minimum average required.
The College reserves the right to retain student work for
the purpose of record, exhibition, or instruction.
eStudents are urged to obtain before graduation some
experience in the employ of practicing professionals in
their particular field or in some allied work which will give
an insight into the problems of professional practice. Such
employment provides an introduction to the methods of
actual practice and enables the student to derive in-
creased benefit from advanced work in school. Students
should seek the counsel of their faculty adviser as to the
type of practical experience best suited to their individual
Each year a number of field trips are arranged to give
students an opportunity to broaden and extend their
educational experience through study of planning, .design,
and construction projects of unusual interest. Students
frequently combine such studies with attendance'at state
and national meetings of the professional organizations in
their respective fields.
The College offers the degrees of Master of Architecture,
Master of Arts in Urban and Regional Planning, Master of
Science in Building Construction, and Master-of Building
Construction. To meet the needs and goals of. each
student, graduate programs are prepared in consultation
with a designated member of the Graduate Faculty of the
College of Architecture. For further information, see the
Graduate School Catalog.

Leading to the degree Bachelor of Design (Architecture).
McRae, J.M., Chairman; Shaw, L. G., Undergraduate Pro-
gram Director.
The professional program in architecture, which is
accredited by the National Architectural Accrediting
Board, consists of both the undergraduate and graduate
curricula. The undergraduate curriculum leads to the
degree Bachelor of Design (Architecture). Although this is
not a professional degree, it is excellent preparation for
careers in the architectural field where registration is not a
Completion of the two-year graduate curriculum leads
to the professional degree Master of Architecture, which
meets the educational requirements of Florida statutes for
architectural registration.
In the graduate program, optional courses of study are
in Architectural Design, Architectural Structures, Environ-
mental Technologies, and Architectural Preservation. These
options permit the student to study in an area of

particular interest; however, all options lead to the same
professional degree and each prepares the graduate for a
career in professional practice. For detailed information see
the Graduate School Catalog.
The program of study is included below to show a
typical sequence in which courses are taken. Some
courses in the first two years are offered in semesters in
addition to those shown. Consult the course description
section in the back of the catalog for precise information
on offerings.
Semester 1
ARC 1312 Architectural Design 1.............................................. 4
ARC 1211 The Building Arts........................................ ............... 2
Physical Sciences ............................. ........................... 3
MAC 3223 Survey of Calculus 1..................:.............................3
H u m an ities........................................... ......... ..........................3
*Social/Behavioral Science.................................... ............3

Semester 2
ARC 1314 Architectural Design 2............................................ 4
*ARC 1701 Survey of Arch. History 1 ................ .................3
*Social/Behavioral Science.................. .....................3
*English ......................... ............................. ....... 3
PHY 2004 Applied Physics 1..................................................3

**Satisfies 3 hours of General Education requirement for
Semester 1
ARC 2311 Architectural Design 3...................................... 4
ARC 2461 Materials & Methods of Construction 1................3
ARC 2201 Theory of Architecture.. .................................. .......2.
*English ..................... ......................................................................... 3
Biological Science ................ ...... ............................................. 3

Semester 2
ARC 2313 Architectural Design 4.................................................4.
ARC 2580 Architectural Structures 1 ...................................4.
ARC 2681 Environmental Technology 1 ....................... ..2
COC 3111 Introduction to Computers....................................3
*Hum anities........................................................................ 3

*Students are advised to check with the College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences as to the specific courses satisfying the
requirements of State Board of Education Rule 6A-10.30.
Semester 1
ARC 3381 Architectural Design 5................................................5
ARC 3682 Environmental Technology 2...................................4'
ARC 3783 Survey of Architectural History 2 ........................3
Social/Behavioral Science.......................................................... 3
Elective ......................................................................................... 3

Semester 2
ARC 3382 Architectural Design 6............................................ 5
ARC 3551 Architectural Structures 2..........................................4
ARC 3463 Materials & Methods of Construction 2................3
Electives ....... .......................................................................................

Semester 1
ARC 4384 Architectural Design 7..............................................6
ARC 4561 Architectural Structures 3........................................4


ARC 4464 Materials & Methods of Construction 3................3
ARC 4274 Professional Administration............ ............ 3

Semester 2
ARC 4385 Architectural Design 8.............................................6
ARC 4784 Survey of Architectural History 3 .......:....................3
ARC 4683 Environmental Technology 3................................ .....4
ARC 4801 Survey of Architectural Preservation.................2.
Ele ctives ........................................................... ............................. 3

A week-long field trip is required of all Junior and Senior
level students; students should plan to have adequate
funds available. It may be necessary to assess studio fees
to defray increasing costs of base maps and other
generally used materials.

Leading to the degree of Bachelor of Design. McRae, J.M.,
Acting Chairman.
The four-year program in Interior Design is accredited
by the Foundation for Interior Design Education and
Research. The course of study has been developed for
those students who plan a career in the profession of
Interior Design. The curriculum is structured to provide a
knowledge of the principles of the humanities, social and
physical sciences, and the manner in which they are
integrated and applied in the design process to creatively
resolve problems of the interior environment. The interior
design faculty seeks to equip the student with a knowl-
edge of design techniques, materials, resources, and an
awareness of the interrelated professional responsibility of
environmental problems. Interior Design career opportuni-
ties are numerous due to the demand for professional
design services by businesses, corporations, community
organizations; and governmental agencies. Graduates of
this program often assume positions in interior design
offices, architectural firms, or generate their own practices.
All entering students must consult with the program
coordinator for course scheduling and sequencing. Interior
Design is a limited entry program; therefore, it is prudent
to consult the program coordinator.
Semester 1
ARC 1312 Architectural Design 1..................................... ............
ARC 1211, The Building Arts ............................. .....................2
Physical Science.................................................... ............. 3
MAC 3223 Algebra and Trig. or Survey of Calculus 1..........4
*En g lish ........................ .............. .......... ..... ...................3
Semester 2
ARC 1314 Architectural Design 2..............................................4
*ARC 1701 Survey of'Architectural History ............................3
PHY 2004 Applied Physics ........................ .................. ..............3
En g lish ........................................................... ................................3
*Social Science ....................................................... ...... ..... 3

*Satisfies 3 hours of General Education requirement for
Semester 1
ARC 2311 Architectural Design 3......................................... ....4
ARC 2461 Materials & Methods of Construction 1 ................3
ARC 2201 Theory of Architecture..........:...............................
IND 2100 History of Interiors 1................................... ...3
*Hum anities ........................................................... .....................3
(Theatre Appreciation Recommended)

Biological Science ........................................ ............................. ....3

Semester 2
ARC 2313 Architectural Design 4..............................................4
ARC 2681 Environmental Technology 1...................................2
IND 2130 History of Interiors 2.:...... .... ..... ........... 3
*H u m an ities............................................................. ...........3
COC 3111 Iniroduction to Computers......................................3

*Students are advised to check the College of Liberal Arts
and Sciences section as to the specific courses satisfying
the requirements of State Board of Education (Commu-
nication/Computation) Rule 6A-10.30.
Semester 1
IND 3430 Light & Graphics 1 ....................................................3
IND 3215 Architectural Interiors 1 .............................................5
Behavioral Science ............................... ....................... 3
Social Science. ................................ ..................... 3
* Elective ....................................... ........................ .............
(Stagecraft and Design Recommended)

Semester 2
IND 3431 Light & Graphics 2 ....................... ....... ............. 3
IND 3421 Furniture Design ............................ ........................3
IND 3216 Architectural Interiors 2........................................5
IND 3424 Technologies of Interior Materials............................3
Elective ........................................................... ...................... 3

Semester 1
IND 4500 Professional Practice.................. ....................... 3
IND 4450 Interior Detailing & Design.......................................4
IND 4225 Advanced Architectural Interiors 1 ........................6
Ele active s ................................................................ ........................ 3

Semester 2
IND 4422 Materials and Estimating...................................... 3
IND 4226 Advanced Architectural Interiors 2.....................8
Ele ctiv e s ....................................................... ..... ......................6


H.H. Smith, Chairman and Adviser.
This curriculum leads to the first professional degree,
Bachelor of Landscape Architecture. The program is
accredited by the Landscape Architectural Accreditation
Board and is an essential first step toward legal identity in
Florida and other states which regulate the practice of
landscape architects. 'Students become familiar with the
art of design, planning or management, and the arrange-
ment of natural and man-made elements on the land
through application of cultural and scientific knowledge.
There is concern for resource conservation and steward-
ship and that the built environment serves useful and
enjoyable purposes. Graduates are employed by profes-
sional offices, municipal, state or federal recreation,
landscape architectural or planning agencies, and the
construction or horticultural industries. Graduates may
also continue in graduate programs at other institutions
throughout the country.
Since Landscape Architecture is a selective program,



please see Requirements for Admission, College of Ar-
chitecture. All entering students must consult with the
Department Adviser for course scheduling and sequencing.
Semester 1
***English 1101 Exp. and
Argumentative Writing............................ ......... ........... ...3
GLY 2015 Phys. Geology......................................... ........... 4
*BO T 1010 Botany.......................................... ........... ..... 3
ARC 1211 The Building Arts...........................................2..
ARC 1312 Architectural Design 1............................................ 4

Semester 2
***English 1102 Writing About Literature................................. 3
BOT 2011 Pit. Div ........................ ....... .....
MAC 3223 Survey of Calculus 1................................. ............ 3
**ARC 1701 Survey of Arch. History 1...........................................3
ARC 1314 Architectural Design 2..............................................4
LAA 1920 Land. Arch. Colloguium............................................ ...1

*Students with general biology background should take
BOT 2710.
*Satisfies 3 hours of General Education requirement for
Semester 1
***Hum anities............................................... ............................. 3
COC 3111 Introduction to Computers......................................3
LAA 2710 Landscape Architecture 1.........................................4
ARC 2311 Architectural Design 3............................................ 4
O RH 3513 O rn. Pit. Ident. 1 .........................................................3

Semester 2
** H um anities........................................... ......................... .
***SOC 2000 Intro. to Soc., or PSY 2013.......................................3
LAA 2711 Landscape Architecture 2.........................................4
ARC 2313 Architectural Design 4...................... ........................4
BO T 3153................................... ......................................................2

***Students are advised to check the College of Liberal.Arts
and Sciences section as to the specific courses satisfying
the requirements of State Board of Education (Commu-
nication-Computation) Rule 6A-10.30.
The first two years of coursework must be completed prior
to admission to professional studies. Minimum hours 66.
Semester 1
LAA 3330 Site Analysis ............................. ... ......5
LAA 3350 Landscape Architecture Studio 1 ......................5

LAA 3420 Landscape Architecture Construction 1................5
Social/Behavioral Science (Group I)............................................ 3

Semester 2
LAA 3351 Landscape Architecture Studio 2.............. ..............5
LAA 3421 Landscape Architecture Construction 2................5
LAA 3510 Planting Design:...................... ......... ................ 5
LAA 3530 Land.' Management or Management Elective.......3

Semester 1
LAA 4355 Landscape Architecture Studio 3............................8
LAA 4410 Design Implementation ............................................. ..3
LAA 4930 Sem inar.............................. .......................... 2
Social/Behavioral Science (Group II)........................................... 3

Semester 2
LAA 4356 Landscape Architecture Studio 4..........................8
LAA 4210 Professional Administration......................................3
Elective ................................... ........................ ............................. 3
Elective .................................................................................. 3


69 hours (minimum) of professional coursework is required
for the degree, Bachelor of Landscape Architecture.
A week-long field trip is required of all Junior level
students; students should plan to have adequate funds
available. It may be necessary to assess studio fees to
defray increasing costs of:base maps and other generally
used materials. Students may elect certain minor certifi-
cate programs to fulfill elective requirements. Landscape
Architectural Internship is also available for elective credit.
A studies abroad program is offered.

(See the School of Building Construction)

The Department of Urban and Regional Planning does
not yet offer a complete undergraduate program. Howev-
er, two undergraduate courses are available and described
under Urban and Regional Planning in the section entitled
Descriptions. ,


The School of Building


The School of Building Construction was established in
1976 but a curriculum in Building Construction in the
College of Architecture has been offered continuously
since 1935. While a few programs were begun before that,
none of them are still in operation today.
The UF program in 1977 was recognized by the
Associated General Contractors Education and Research
Foundation as outstanding in the United States. In 1981,
the School was the first to receive its five-year reaccredita-
tion from the American Council for Construction Educa-
Graduates of the UF School of Building Construction
begin work immediately as project managers, field engi-
neers, project schedulers, cost engineers, assistant superin-
tendents, quality controllers and estimators.
The School has a normal Upper Division enrollment of
260, plus 40 graduate students. Also, a Ph.D. program is
offered in conjunction with the College of Education.

Information about general financial aid can be obtained
from the Office of Student Financial Affairs, University of
Florida, Gainesville, Florida. Information concerning schol-
arships available specifically for third and fourth year
Building Construction students can be obtained from the


The purpose of Sigma Lambda Chi is to recognize
outstanding students in Building Construction for scholas-
tic achievement and extracurricular activities. Semester
membership averages 30 active members. Sigma Lambda
Chi provides services to BCN students through academic
scholarships, plans for construction coursework, guest
lecturers, a job reference file, tutoring, and extracurricular
skill development courses. Sigma Lambda Chi provides a
channel of communication between students and out-
standing alumni in the construction industry.

The Student Chapter of the American Institute of
Constructors is a professional organization which serves as
a bridge between students and professional constructors.
Membership is open to all Building Construction majors
- both undergraduate and graduate students.

The Associated General Contractors of America (AGC)
actively supports the Student Contractors and Builders
Association whose purposes are to better the student's
awareness of the construction industry and to promote
he School of Building Construction to both the industry

and the community. Any Building Construction student
can and is encouraged to become a member.
The activities of this organization include inviting guest
speakers, organizing the Homecoming festivities, operating
the Building Construction test bank, carrying out commu-
nity service projects, and having semester social gather-

This four-year program for a Bachelor of Building
Construction degree is for students who are interested in
preparing for professional careers in construction, manage-
ment, techniques, operations, and related areas in the
construction industry, to include the arts of communica-
tions and interpersonal relations, rather than in architectu-
ral and engineering design.
Graduate programs leading to the degrees of Master of
Science in Building Construction and Master of Building
Construction are offered, as well as a Ph.D. program in
conjunction with the College of Education.
The Freshman and Sophomore programs of study are
designed to provide easy transfer for junior and 'commu-
nity college graduates. With proper course planning,
transfer students with A.A. degrees may complete the
four-year degree program in four remaining semesters at
the University. Prospective junior and community college
transfer students should consult their advisers or write to
the School of Building Construction for a pre-Building
Construction program of local study.
Opportunities for advancement and increasing responsi-
bilities exist in all areas of the construction industry, a few
of which include land development; home building; public
building; industrialized building systems; commercial, in-
dustrial, marine, and heavy construction; underwater and
space age facilities, materials and equipment sales and
installations; and construction product research, devel-
opment, sales, and applications.

1. The School will admit students for third year profes-
sional coursework only in the Fall and Spring semesters.
All application procedures, receipt of official transcripts,
and School requirements for admission should be
completed by the deadlines stated below. Applicants
unable to meet these deadlines may apply on a space
available basis.
B. FALL SEMESTER March 1, 1985
C. SPRING SEMESTER October 1, 1985

The University of Florida and the School of Building
Construction encourage applications from qualified stu-
dents of both sexes from all cultural, racial, religious, and
ethnic groups. Listed below are the specific requirements
for admission to this school. It should be understood,
however, that minimum requirements are given and that
admission to the school is a selective process.
A. LIMITED ADMISSIONS: The satisfaction of minimum
requirements does not automatically guarantee admis-
sion. Limitations in staff, faculty, and facilities permit the
School to admit only a limited number of new students
each Fall and Spring term. Selection will be based on
best academic record. A letter of intent must be sent to
the Director of the School of Building Construction
indicating the student's career objectives in construc-
tion. The letter must contain a resume of all construc-
tion experience to include name, address, and phone
number of employers and be received with the applica-



tion by the deadline date listed in the University
B. Students must attain at least a 2.0 (C) average in
preprofessional coursework and have an overall 2.0
average for all Lower Division work.
C. Students will not be accepted if there is a grade point
deficit for courses taken at the University of Florida.
D. Students must have taken the College Level Academ-
ic Skills Test.
E. Extra credits above the 64 semester hours required for
admission to the school will not reduce the number of
credit hours to be completed in the Upper Division to
earn a degree and may not be accepted for equivalent
credit in Upper Division.
Students must have completed all preprofessional and
general education courses (or equivalents) as outlined
further in this section.
TRANSFER STUDENTS: To be eligible for admission to the
School of Building Construction, a transfer student must
satisfy the following minimum requirements:
A. Students attending four-year colleges should follow a
program of general education and preprofessional
courses equivalent to the basic curriculum for students
desiring to enter the School of Building Construction,
which is outlined further in this section.
B. Junior College and Community College students
1. Complete the university transfer program at the
junior college.
2. Complete the general education requirements
established for the junior college.
3. Complete all of the prerequisite general education
and preprofessional courses, or acceptable substi-
tutes, which are listed further in this section.
C. Students lacking some' of the prerequisite courses
may apply for admission to the College of Liberal Arts
and Sciences or the College of Architecture.
PROVISIONAL ADMISSION: Within space limitations,
students who do not meet precisely the admission
requirements indicated may be granted provisional admis-
sion to the School of Building Construction. The Director
of the School of Building Construction will specify the
courses to be completed and minimum grade points to be
earned by the student during the term of his provisional
admission. Provisional status will be removed and the
student may compete for a space in Upper Division
coursework along with other eligible candidates provided
the student fulfills the conditions set forth in his provision-
al admission. The student will be excluded from further
enrollment in the School of Building Construction if the
student fails to satisfy, the conditions of his provisional

STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY: The student must assume full
responsibility for registering for the proper courses and for
fulfilling all requirements for the degree. The student is also
responsible for completing all courses for which the
student registered.
Courses may be dropped with adviser approval until the
end of the first week of the semester without petitioning.
After the first week, courses may be dropped or changed
without penalty only through the adMinistrative office of
the School (by petition) and the Registrar.
Seniors must file formal application for a degree in the
Office of the Registrar early in the semester in which they
expect to receive the degree. The official calendar shows
the latest date on which this can be done.
NORMAL LOADS: The average course load in the
School of Building Construction is 16 credit hours. A
student may be permitted to register for additional hours if

in the opinion of his academic adviser, his academic
record justifies this. Students who wish to take less than
12 hours should be aware that certain university privileges
and benefits require a minimum registration. It is the
student's responsibility to verify the minimum registration
necessary for these students.
EXTENSION WORK: Students may take a maximum of 6
credits by extension work or correspondence courses
among the 64 semester credits of Upper Division work
required for the baccalaureate degree.
STUDENT WORK: The School reserves the right to retain
all student work for the purpose of record, exhibition, or
make satisfactory academic progress may be excluded
from further registration.
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS: To receive the degree
Bachelor of Building Construction a student must satisfac-
torily complete all of the following:
A. 64 semester hours of Lower Division requirements.
B. The approved program in Building Construction.
C. Elective requirements.:
D. Attain at least a 2.0 overall average.
E. Attain at least a 2.0 average on all courses which
count toward his or her Upper Division degree require-
F. Subsequent to being admitted to Upper Division, on
all courses which count toward Upper Division degree
requirements, attain at least a 2.00 grade point average.
A minimum of 128 semester hours is required for
graduation. The waiving of any required course does not
reduce the hours required for graduation.
GRADUATE SCHOOL: Students planning to enter the
Graduate School should maintain a 3.0 (B) average in
Upper Division work.
The student will have; maintained normal academic
progress when the student earns a minimum grade point
of 2.0 (C) average for all work attempted in the Upper
Division. In addition, the student is required to take
courses in sequence as specified by the School Director or
adviser. The student may be excluded from a program of
study in the School of Building Construction if the student
fails or refuses to maintain normal academic progress.
A student who carried a minimum of 15 hours per
semester with a grade point average of at least 3.5 will be
placed on the Director's List for that semester.
To graduate WITH HONORS, a student must make at
least a 3.2 average on all coursework accepted as Upper
Division credit and all coursework (except as noted below)
attempted while registered in the Upper Division. To
graduate WITH HIGH HONORS, a student must make at
least a 3.5 average on all work accepted as Upper Division
credit and all coursework (except as noted below) at-
tempted while registered in the Upper Division. In calculat-
ing requirements for graduating WITH HONORS or WITH
HIGH HONORS, the following policies are followed: the
student must have completed at the University of Florida
at least 48 semester hours of Upper Division credit toward
a degree in Building Construction, transfer credits and S-U
grade credits being excluded; and credits for Lower
Division courses taken while registered in Upper Division
will also be excluded.

Courses are offered in the School of Building Construc-


tion leading to the degree Master of Building Construction
or Master of Science in Building Construction. Also, a Ph.D.
degree is offered in conjunction with the College of
Education. For requirements for these degrees and for
admission to Graduate School, consult the Graduate
School catalog.


Math and Computer
Physical Sciences
Biological Science
Social and
Behavioral Sciences
Other Preprofessional





Totals 21

Preprofessional Total
3 9

6" 6

BCN 1210 Construction Materials..............................................3
Social/Behavioral Sciences..................................... ..............3

Semester 2
ENC 1102 Writing About Literature................. ............ 3
PHY 2004 Physics I .................................... ....................... 3
PHY 2004L Phjsics Laboratory:................ ........... ............1
BCN 1252 Construction Drawing I..................................... ..3
Hum anities...... ................... .. .... ........................ ...3
Social/Behavioral Sciences............................ ................... .......3


8" 8 Semester 1 Credits
3" 3 ENC 3213 Technical Writing and Business Comm...............3
PHY 2005 Physics II........................ ...... ................... ........3
3" 9 PHY 2005L Physics Laboratory ........................ .....................1
0 9 ECO 2013 Basic Economics I......................................... ............. 3
1 1 Principles of Accounting ......................... ............ .............. 3
Hum anities........................ ........ ........................... 3
19 19

43 64

'Select one Humanities course which satisfies at least 3
credits of the 12-credit English requirement.
"Specific courses that may be used to satisfy General
Education requirements.

General Education Requirements
English ENC 1101 Expos. & Arg. Writing: ENC 1102
Writing About Literature............................................6
Social and Behavioral Sciences (b)..............................................6
H um anities ........................................ .............................. ............9
NOTE: For other specific courses to complete these
requirements, see pages 132 through 136 in this catalog.
Preprofessional Requirements
*BCN 1210 Construction Materials...............................................3
"*GLY 2026 Geology for Engineers .................. ....... ....3
BCN 1252 Construction Drawing I............................................3
ECO 2013 Basic Economics I (b)....................................... ............3
Business Law .................................. ...... ....................3
Principles of Accounting .............................................. ............... 3
*ENC 3213 Technical Writing & Business Comm (a) ................3
Biological Science I APB 2150 (a)..................................................3
"MAC 3223 Survey of Calculus I (a)............................................3
*PHY 2004 Applied Physics I and PHY 2004L (a) ..................4.
*PHY 2005 Applied Physics II and PHY 2005L (a).....................4
*BCN 2405 Construction Mechanics...........................................4
""COC 3111 Introduction to CIS for nonmajors (a)...............3
Elective ............................................... ...................................... 1
*Minimum C grades are required in BCN 1210; ENC 3213,
BCN 2405 and in either PHY 2004 or PHY 2005, but not
"Students who do not have background for calculus should
take MAC 1142 before MAC 3223. Credits may be used for
the elective.
**GLY 2015 may be substituted for GLY 2026.
**"COC 3111 may be used to satisfy the mathematical
science requirement.
NOTES: (a) Specific courses that may be used to satisfy
General Education requirements.
(b) ECO 2013 satifies 3 credits of the 9 credits
required for Social/Behavioral Sciences.
Suggested Course Sequence
Semester 1 Credits
ENC 1101 Expository and Argumentative Writing................3.
MAC 3223 Survey of Calculus I........................................3
APB 2150 Biological Sciences I ...............................................3

Semester 2
GLY 2026 Geology for Engineers............................................... .3
BCN 2405. Construction Mechanics............................... ....4
*Business Law ........................................................ ..................3
"COC 3111 Introduction to CIS for nonmajors.........................3
H um anities .................... ............................. 3
Ele active ................................................................ .........1
Lower Division Subtotal 64
*If taken at UF, BUL 4112 is required.
"Special sections for BCN majors.
Semester 1 Credits
BCN 3223 Construction Techniques I .........................................5
BCN 3256 Construction Drawing II.............................................2
BCN 3281 Construction Methods Lab (Surveying) .............2
BCN 3431 Structures I (Steel and Timber)..................................4
BCN 3500 Environmental Technology I ..................................3
Semester 2
BCN 3224 Construction Techniques II .......................................5
BCN 3461 Structures II (Formwork and Concrete)................4
BCN 3611 Construction Estimating I..........................................4
BCN 4521 Environmental Technology II...................................3

Semester 1 Credits
BCN 4510 Environmental Technology III .............................3
BCN 4612 Construction Estimating II.........................................4
BCN 4700 Construction Management I.....................................4
BCN 4720 Construction Planning & Control.......................3
BCN 4901L Construction Seminar I..............................................1

Semester 2
BCN 4012 History of Construction...................... .............. 3
BCN 4750 Construction Management II.................................4
BCN 4751 Construction Entrepreneurship............................3
BCN 4902L Construction Seminar II...........................................1
Elective (BCN or Approved) ...........................................................3
Approved Elective .................................. .......................3

Upper Division Subtotal 64


The College of Business

The College of Business Administration of the University
of Florida was organized in 1926-1927 and includes
programs of study in accounting, economics, finance,
insurance, real estate and urban analysis, management
and administrative sciences, marketing, and computer and
information sciences.
The College's educational objectives are (a) to provide a
broad formal instructional foundation for responsible
participation in business, the professions, and government;
(b) to stimulate interest in social, economic, and civic
responsibilities; (c) to develop competence in making
business decisions and in evaluating policy; and (d) to offer
fields of specialization in business or economics and,
especially, to encourage intellectual inquiry.
The guiding principle of this College is a broad founda-
tion of study outside the college, which prepares the
student for specialization through limited concentration in
certain fields of business administration and economics. To
this end, each program of study is constructed around a
core of courses in economics and the major functional
areas of business.
Graduate programs in business administration and
economics are provided under the Graduate School of
Business Administration for advanced students with inter-
est in careers in teaching, research, or business. The
College participates in programs of adult and executive
development education.
In addition to the University computer center, the
College maintains a college computer center for instructio-
nal and research purposes.

Information about scholarships and other financial aid
for students in the College may be obtained from the
Director of Student Financial Aid, University of Florida,
Gainesville, Florida.
Information on graduate student financial support may.
be obtained from the Director of Graduate Studies,
Graduate School of Business Administration, University of
Florida, Gainesville, Florida.

The College of Business Administration is an accredited
member of the American Assembly of.Collegiate Schools
of Business, the Southern Economic Association, the
Southern Business Administrative Association, and the
National Retail Merchants' Association. The baccalaureate
and MBA programs in both business and accounting are
accredited by the American Assembly of Collegiate
Schools of Business.

Election to this national honorary society is based on
scholarship and character. It fills the place in education for
business that Phi Beta Kappa holds in the field of classical
education. For further information, apply to the Office of
the Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Programs.

Six professional fraternities are represented in the
College of Business Administration: Alpha Kappa Psi, Delta

Sigma Pi, and Phi Chi Theta in Business, Omicron Delta
Epsilon in economics, Alpha Mu Alpha in marketing, and
Rho Epsilon in real estate.

The College of Business Administration encourages
applications from qualified students of both sexes from all
cultural, racial, religious, and ethnic groups. Admission to
the College is a selective process and fulfilling minimum
requirements does not automatically guarantee admission.
A student's total record, including educational objectives,
courses completed, quality of academic record, and test
data all are considered in evaluating applications for
admission. Priority in admission is given to applicants
whose academic potential indicates the highest likelihood
of success.
To be eligible for admission to the College of Business
Administration, a student must have taken with satisfacto-
ry performance the College Level Academic Skills Test and
have accomplished the following:
(a) earned a 2.5 grade point average (2.75 for Computer
& Information Science majors) on all work attempted at
the University of Florida and
(b) completed the preprofessional courses: Introduction
to Accounting, Elementary Managerial Accounting, Basic
Economics I and II, Survey of Calculus I and II, and
Introduction to Statistics I.
(a) earned 2.5 cumulative grade point average (2.75 for
Computer and Information Science majors) on all
college work attempted and
(b) completed the preprofessional courses at the com-
munity/junior college
(c) satisfied the general education requirements estab-
lished at the community/junior college.
Community/Junior college transfer students should
avoid taking upper division professional courses such as
business law, principles of marketing, principles of manage-
ment, principles of insurance, principles of real estate,
personnel management, and principles of finance. These
courses must be taken in upper division at the University
of Florida. A maximum of 4 semester credits in the form of
undistributed elective credit may be allowed for such
courses taken prior to enrolling in the University of Florida.
In no case may such courses be allowed to satisfy major
(a) earned 2.5 cumulative grade point average (2.75 for
Computer and Information Science majors) on all
college work attempted
(b) completed the preprofessional courses or their
A student who has received a baccalaureate degree
who is not seeking admission to Graduate School may be
admitted under the following circumstances:
(a) to receive second baccalaureate degree,
(b) to satisfy requirements for second major,
(c) to complete courses for information, and
(d) to take basic requirement for admission to graduate
Admission requirements for a, b, and c above are the
same as for undergraduate transfer students. Admission
requirements for d will depend on the graduate program
desired. In addition, postbaccalaureate students must
comply with College and University rules and regulations
and meet all deadlines as printed in the catalog for
undergraduate students.
Requests for waivers in core course are considered on
an individual basis. When approved, students will be


required to substitute another course in the same area.

STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY: Students admitted to the
College are expected to assume full responsibility for
registering for the proper courses, for fulfilling all require-
ments for degrees, and for completing all courses. Aca-
demic counseling is available in individual departments.
Seniors must file formal application for a degree in the
Office of the Registrar early in the semester in which they
expect to receive the degree.
NORMAL LOADS: The average course load in the.
College is 15 credit hours per semester. The minimum and
maximum course loads as stated in the student academic
regulations are enforced in the College. Students may be
permitted to register for fewer than 12 hours with prior
approval of petition committee or more than 18 hours if
approved by the academic adviser and the Assistant Dean.
NORMAL PROGRESS: The College of Business Admistra-
tion degree programs are full-time programs. Students are
expected to carry a minimum of 12 hours per semester (6
in a six-week session) and to complete the requirements
for graduation in five registrations.
A student who falls below 2.0 overall GPA, 2.0 GPA in
business core, and/or 2.0 GPA in major and specified
coursework will be placed on college probation.
Students who do not make satisfactory academic
progress may be excluded from further registration in the
College of Business Administration. A student may be
deemed as not making satisfactory academic progress
under the following conditions:
(1) If student withdraws from the University three times.
A student who withdraws from the University twice will
automatically be placed on College probation until
(2) If student fails to satisfactorily complete the terms of
College probation.
RESIDENCE: The last 30 semester hours to be applied
toward a degree must be completed in residence in the
College. This requirement may be waived only in special
cases and must be approved in advance by the College. In
any case, no student may take more than 6 semester
credit hours by extension or correspondence among the
60 semester credits of upper division work required for the
baccalaureate degree; such work must have prior approval
for each individual student by the Petitions Committee of
the College. Courses in a student's major field may not be
taken by extension, by correspondence, or at another
university for transfer. Students enrolled in the University
whose grade point average falls below 2.0 may not take
courses by extension or correspondence.
undergraduate student in the College may take on the S-U
basis only free electives in fulfilling the requirements for
the BSBA degree.

A student must satisfactorily complete the following for
graduation from the College of Business Administration.
1. Coursework requirements:
a. The University general education requirements and
preprofessional requirements
b. A College approved program in the major field of
c. Elective requirements outside the student's major
field (a maximum of 7 semester hours may be
specified by the major department).
2. Credit requirements: A minimum of 124 semester
hours is required for graduation. The waiving of any
required course does not reduce the total hours
required for graduation.

3. Grade point requirements:
a. 2.0 grade point average for all coursework taken at
University of Florida
b. 2.0 grade point average on all courses attempted in
business core
c. 2.0 grade point average on all courses attempted in
major and specified courses.

Dean's List: Students must achieve a 3.5 or better
average for a minimum of 14 credit hours taken for letter
Graduation with Honors or High Honors: Honors or High
Honors requires completion of at least 40 semester hours
including all courses in the major at the University of
Honors: A student must achieve 3.2 GPA on all UF
coursework, 3.2 GPA on business core, and 3.2 GPA on
major coursework.
High Honors: A student must achieve.3.6 GPA on all UF
coursework, 3.6 GPA on business core, and 3.6 CPA on
major coursework.

Courses are offered in the Graduate School of Business
Administration leading to the degree of Master of Business
Administration, Master of Arts, and Doctor of Philosophy.
For requirements of these degrees and for admission to
Graduate School, consult the Graduate School catalog.

The College offers degrees in seven major fields.
Students attempting a degree in the College must com-
plete: (1) the General Education courses and the Preprofes-
sional requirements listed below and elective courses for a
total of at least 64 hours; and (2) satisfactorily complete
the upper division requirements.
Students planning to major in Accounting should
consult the section headed "School of Accounting."
General Education Requirements
(All majors in Business Administration)
English ............ :......................................... .................. .. 6..
*MAC 3223 Survey of Calculus I.............................. ............. 3
Social Sciences and Behavioral Sciences ........................... -
H um anities............................................... .......................... 9
**Physical Sciences ............................... ....................................3
**Biological Sciences................................... 3--
For specific courses to complete these requirements, see
the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences section in this
catalog. The College of Business Administration requires
students to follow the general education requirements for
the Associate of Arts degree. Students should follow the
appropriate groupings within each general education
Preprofessional Requirements
(All majors in Business Administration)
ACG 2001 Elementary Financial Accounting......................3
ACC 2302 Cost & Managerial Accounting................................
ECO 2013, 2023 Basic Economics................... .............. 6
MAC 3224 Survey of Calculus II.................................... .............. 3
STA 3023 Introduction to Statistics ............................................. 3


*"COP 3210 Computer Programming Using Fortran .................2
Electives to make a total of 64 hours
*MAC 3223 is also considered a preprofessional course.
"Students are expected to complete 9 hours of the
"*CIS majors are not required to take COP 3210
Choose elective courses needed to complete the total 64
semester hours from such areas as mathematics, natural
sciences, social science, foreign language, and humanities.

The upper division curriculum in Business Administration
requires 60 semester credits. The program centers around
a core which is required of all students. In addition, each
student is required to select one of seven major fields as
an area of concentration. The pattern of the upper division
requirements is as follows:
Courses Credits
QMB 3700 Quantitative Methods for Business and
Econom ic Analysis.......... ................ ............................... 3
*GEB 3121 Advanced Business Statistics...................................3.
*ECO 3251 National Income Determinants and Policy...........3
*ECO 3100 Prices and M arkets.....................................................3
FIN 3408 Business Finance........................................... ....... .......... 4
MAN 3010 Principles'of Management ........................................ 3
MAR 3023 Principles of Marketing ....................................... ...3
BUL 4100 Business Law or
BUL 4112 Business Law or
ECP 4403 Government Regulation of Business....................3-4
MAN 4720 Business Policy ................................. ............. .. 3
"STA 4033 Mathematical Statistics with
Com puter Applications.................................. ..................2

Total Core Requirements 27-29
*Students majoring in Economics are required to register for
ECO 4205 and ECO 4101 instead of ECO 3251 and ECO
"FIN, ECO, MKT, MGT, INS, REE are required to take GEP
3121; CIS majors are required to take STA 4033.
The College of Business Administration requires a mini-
mum of 27 hours of upper division business core course-
work for all majors. If a student takes a lower division
course (1000-2000) which automatically substitutes for an
upper division business core course, the student must take
an additional upper division course within the College to
substitute for the upper division hours.
In addition to the upper division core, each student must
follow the curriculum pattern indicated below.
Required courses are listed under the appropriate "major"
headings, beginning in the next section. Minimum require-
ments range from 12 to 19 hours depending upon major.
Electives may be within or outside the College of Business
Administration, but must be outside the major field. A
maximum of 7 hours may be specified by major depart-
ment. A maximum of 6 credits in Advanced Military
Science may be counted toward free elective credit. CLEP
credits and APE credits not used to meet lower division
requirements or lower division electives may not be used
as electives in the upper division.

(For Bachelor of Science in Accounting degree require-
ments, see listing under School of Accounting).

This curriculum is designed to prepare students for
technical and managerial positions in computer science in
public and private organizations. The curriculum em-
phasizes three aspects pertinent to the student's profes-
sional career: the functions to which computers are
applied in organizations, the professional skills for the
design of computing applications, and the decision-making
techniques for the efficient and effective utilization of
computing resources.
Required Courses Credits
COC 3100 Introduction to Computer
Inform ation Science................................... ..............................3
CDA 3101 Introduction to Computer Organization ..............3
COP 3121 Data Processing Languages.................................... 3
COP 3530 Data and Program Structures........:........................4
CIS 4300 Information Resources....................................... ............ 3
CIS 4321 Introduction MGT Systems...........................................3
Balance of 5 to 6 credits in courses from
approved list....................................... .... .......................5-6

Total .24-25
Students majoring in CIS are required to take the following
QMB 4703 Managerial Operations Analysis III
or ESI 4523 Discrete System Simulation................................3

Total 3

This curriculum is designed to provide students with a
basic core of courses in Economics, plus electives from a
variety of courses.
Economics majors are required to substitute ECO 4205
and ECO 4101 for ECO 3251 and ECO 3100 in the College
of Business core program. In .addition, majors must
complete 12-18 credit hours of economic courses that
require ECO 2013 and ECO 2023 as prerequisites.

The curriculum core provides a broad academic back-
ground in Finance. The electives permit the student to
study specific topics or areas in Finance in greater detail.
Students desiring a major in Finance must achieve a grade
of C or better in FIN 3408 and maintain a 2.0 GPA for the
courses in the major.
Required Courses Credits
FIN 4244 Money and Capital Markets....... ...................................3
FIN 4414 Business Finance Topics...................... ............ 4
FIN 4504 Investm ents ............................................. ................. 3
At least one but no more than two courses:
FIN 4313 Financial Management of Financial
Institutions............ ............................ ........ ............ ........3
FIN 4514 Investm ent Analysis.................................... .............. 3
FIN 4604 International Finance....................................................3


This interdisciplinary program is jointly sponsored by the
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and by the College of
Business Administration at the University of Florida. The
program is designed for students interested in quantitative
techniques who wish to apply their skills in a business or
'government setting. Upon 'completion, of the program,
students will receive a Certificate in Actuarial Science
which will attest to their interest in actuarial science and
to the completion of coursework expected to enhance the


skills needed to pass the first three exams leading to an
Associateship or Fellowship in the major national actuarial
Students may complete the program while earning a
Business Administration degree or a Liberal Arts and
Science degree. The requirements for the particular major
must be met, and in addition a number of courses must
be taken in business, statistics, mathematics, and opera-
tions research. Students plan their certificate program in
such a way that some of these courses also count toward
the departmental major and degree requirements. Thus,
mathematics or statistics students would take three or four
additional courses to earn their certificate while business
students would take four or five additional courses.
Inquiries on the program should be directed to Dr.
Bruce Edwards (Mathematics), Dr. David Nye (Finance and
Insurance), Dr. John Saw (Statistics), or to Dr. Ronald Akers

The primary objective of the curriculum in risk and
insurance is an understanding of risk its varied forms,
sources, and methods of treatment. The curriculum
stresses decision making necessary in the management of
personal, commercial, and social risks.
The courses provide useful background for business and
nonbusiness majors alike with interests in the nature of
risk. Students majoring in this program are prepared for
positions in the administration of risk management pro-
grams of business, government, and the insurance indus-
Required Courses Credits
RM I 3015 Risk and Insurance ..........................3............................. 3
RMI 4305 Risk Management....,........................3
RMI 4135 Group Insurance and Pension Plans..................3..
One of the following courses:
FIN 4313 Financial Management of Financial
Institutions................................................................... 3
FIN 4414 Business Finance Topics................................................4
FIN 4504 Investm ents ......................................... ............... 3
RMI 4805 Estates, Trusts, and Insurance......:..............................3

Total 12

This curriculum is designed for students interested in
general management, industrial management, industrial
relations, or personnel management. Appropriate courses
include quantitative analysis of business and organizational
Required Courses Credits
MAN 3151 Organization Behavior.................. .............. 3
One of the following courses:
QMB 4701 Managerial Operations Analysis 1..........................3
QMB 4702 Managerial Operations Analysis 2.......................3.
QMB 4703 Managerial Operations Analysis 3..........................3
Three of the following courses:
MAN 4052 Management Philosophy and Practice .............3
MAN 4053 Managerial Planning................................... 3
MAN 4109 Applications in Organization Behavior ................3
MAN 4110 Applications in Personnel Management..............3
MAN 4201 Organization Theory and Design ........................3.

MAN 4203 Organization Development............................. 3
MAN 4310 Problems in Personnel Management.................4..
MAN 4410 Collective Bargaining.......................... ............... 4
MAN 4504 Operations Management.........................................4
*QMB 4701 Managerial Operations Analysis 1 .........................3
*QMB 4702 Managerial Operations Analysis 2.......................3
*QMB 4703 Managerial Operations Analysis 3.. ................:......3

Total 15
*Required for all quantitative management majors.

This curriculum is designed to develop an understanding
of the marketing and distribution system for goods and
services, the social and economic forces which act on the
system; and on the determinants of consumer choice
behavior. The program emphasizes analytical and behav-
ioral science approaches to marketing management and
consumer behavior. Students desiring a major in marketing
must achieve a grade of C or better in MAR 3023 and
maintain a 2.0 CPA for the courses in the major.
Required Courses Credits
MAR 3503 Consumer Behavior;..........................:........................4
MAR 4613 Marketing Research.....................................................4
MAR 4713 Marketing Management.........................................4
One or two of the following courses:
MAR 3203 Management of Channel Systems and
Institutions...... ............................. ... .................................. 4
MAR 4243 International Marketing......... ..................... ...4
MAR 4303 Promotional Strategy and Management..............4
MAR 4403 Sales Management............................... .....................4
MAR 4614 Research in Marketing and
Consum er Behavior.................. .................................
MAR 4933 Special Topics in Marketing ..................................4....

Total 16-20

This curriculum is designed to prepare analysts in real
estate generally, real estate departments of regional or
national firms, financial institutions, or state or federal
agencies. The program stresses the use of modern con-
cepts and technology in the solution of real estate
requiredd Courses Credits
REE 3043 Real Estate Analysis...................................... ............. 4
REE 4100 Real Estate Valuation.............................................. ...3
REE 4204 Real Estate Financial Analysis......................................3
REE 4311 Real Estate Feasibility Analysis.................................5
REE 4430 Real Estate Law.................. ..................................3

Total 18
One of the following courses:
BCN 1210 Construction Materials............................... ........ 3
ECP 5614 Urban Economics (prereq. 2013-2023 and
perm ission)................................................... ............... 3
MAR 3503 Consumer Behavior (prereq. MAR 3023) ...............4
MAR 4613 Marketing Research (prereq. MAR 3023,
Q M B 3700) ......................................... ........................................4
An advanced computer programming course,
as approved by student's adviser................................... to 4

Total 2-4


College of Dentistry

The College of Dentistry is one of the six colleges which
constitute the J. Hillis Miller Health Center. The College of
Dentistry, as well as the other units of the Health Center,
is an integral component, both geographically and func-
tionally, of the University of Florida. Many conjoint
projects between the College and other units of the
Health Center and University have been formulated and
In 1957 the Florida Legislature authorized the devel-
opment of a College of Dentistry in Gainesville, but it was
not until the late 1960's that faculty members were
recruited and program development initiated.
The twelve departments which make up the College of
Dentistry are Basic Dental Sciences, Community Dentistry,
Dental Biomaterials, Dental Education, Endodontics, Oper-
ative Dentistry, Oral Medicine, Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery, Orthodontics, Pediatric Dentistry, Periodontics,
and Prosthodontics. A modular curriculum has been
developed based on multidisciplinary teaching by these
departments. The curriculum is designed to permit stu-
dents flexibility and individualization in their program. It is
a competency-based curriculum in which behavioral
objectives, rather than time, serve as the primary
guidelines for student advancement. The curriculum is
flexible, but students must complete an appropriate
portion of the total curriculum each semester. Self-instruc-
tion constitutes a significant part of the teaching method-
The goals of this College are to prepare the graduate to
enter private dental practice, to enter graduate programs
of any of the dental specialties, to enter into research
activities, and to be prepared for a lifetime of continuing
The Dental Sciences Building was first occupied in
August, 1975, and was officially dedicated March 6, 1976.
The first class of students was graduated in 1976. The
College offers the Doctor of Dental Medicine (D.M.D.)

degree. (The D.M.D. and D.D.S. degrees are synonymous.)
The College presently offers Advanced Educational pro-
grams in Dental Public Health, Orthodontics, Pediatric
Dentistry, and Periodontics. In addition, a one-year General
Practice Residency program and a three-year Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery Residency program are available.
The College of Dentistry aspires to attract students of
the highest caliber into its various programs. High stan-
dards of scholastic achievement, moral character, and
motivation are expected of the applicant. The student of
dentistry must possess a high basic aptitude supplemented
by an academic preparation of the highest order because
of the vast area of science which must be mastered by the
dentist. The highly personal relationship between patient
and dentist places the latter in a position of trust, which
demands maturity, integrity, intellectual honesty, and a
sense of responsibility. A broad representation of the
ethnic mixture of the state is sought in the student body
through an active recruitment program. The College
strictly adheres to the principle of ethnic, racial, sexual,
religious, and social equality among its student body and
Generally, students applying for admission should plan
to complete the requirements for a bachelor's degree.
However, outstanding students may be accepted without
fulfilling the degree requirements, provided they show
evidence of sufficient preprofessional preparation for the
study of dentistry. Applicants with an overall B average as
a minimum will receive strongest consideration for admis-
sion to the College of Dentistry. A limited number of out-
of-state students, in proportion to the number in the
University as a whole, may be admitted. Applicants should
initiate the application process approximately 15 months
prior to anticipated enrollment by submitting an applica-
tion through the centralized American Association of
Dental Schools Application Service .(AADSAS), P.O. Box
4000, Iowa City, Iowa 52240.
Further detailed information will be found in the College
of Dentistry Bulletin. Copies may be obtained by writing to
the Office of Admissions, College of Dentistry, University
of Florida, Box J-445, JHMHC. Gainesville, Florida 32610.


College of Education

The College of Education is the officially designated unit
of the University of Florida that's responsible for teacher
education. University teacher education programs are
approved by the State Department of Education and the
National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education.
The University of Florida has undergraduate programs
leading toward the preparation of teachers in Agricultural
and Extension Education through the College of Agricul-
ture; Art Education through the College of Fine Arts or the
College of Education; Health. Education and Physical
Education through the College of Physical Education,
Health and Recreation; Music Education through the
College of Fine Arts; the various areas of Secondary
Education through the College of Liberal Arts and Sci-
ences; and Elementary and Special Education through the
College of Education.
In the program areas of Agricultural and Extension
Education, 'Art Education, Health Education, Music Educa-
tion and Physical Education, students will be recommend-
ed for initial teacher certification upon the completion of
their undergraduate degrees. In the program areas of
elementary education, special education, and various areas
of secondary education, students must complete an
additional year of academic study in the College of
Education leading to the Master of Education degree prior
to recommendation for initial teacher certification.

(A program for the Preparation of Professional Teachers)
Teaching is a more difficult and demanding profession,
today than ever before. Conditions teachers face in the
classroom are more complex and stressful than those in
the past. At the same time, parents, other adults, and
young people are increasingly aware that a sound educa-
tional background is essential to success in later life. The
bottom line is that more is expected of teachers than ever
In response to this challenge, the faculty of the College
of Education has developed a new, experimental program
for the preparation of professional teachers in elementary
education, special education, and the various areas of
secondary education. PROTEACH (from PROfessional
TEACHer) is a strong, rigorous program consisting of five
years of intensive work in general background knowledge,
professional studies, and academic specialization designed
to culminate in a Master of Education degree.
The curriculum of PROTEACH incorporates the best
available information about effective teachers' knowledge,
skills, and personal attributes. The latest developments in
instructional approaches and new technologies are used. *
PROTEACH is not built upon the previous program but
upon a reconceptualization of what a beginning teacher
should know, should be able to do, and should be as a
model for youth. Distinguishing characteristics of PRO-
TEACH include an increase in coursework outside the
College of Education and expanded foundational studies
and clinical experiences.
Within the five-year teacher education program, El-
ementary Education majors are required to have 81-93
semester hours outside the College of Education, including
12-24 hours of specialized study in one or two academic
disciplines. Majors in Special Education are required to
have 70 hours outside the College of Education, including
18 hours in one academic discipline. Students in the
various subject areas of secondary education are required
to have an undergraduate major in the subject they are

planning to teach and will receive their Bachelor's degree
from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. They will
take 9 additional hours in their teaching field as a part of
their Master's degree from the College of Education.
All students in PROTEACH, regardless of their chosen
teaching field, take the expanded foundational studies in
education. These foundational studies include the social,
philosophical,- and historical foundations of education;
human growth and development; ethical principles gov-
erning teachers; legal provisions affecting education; the
nature of handicapped children in regular classrooms;
educational diagnosis and evaluation; interpersonal rela-
tions; learning and cognitive process in education; instruc-
tional design and implementation, and the use of
computers in the classroom.
The extensive clinical component of PROTEACH begins
in the third year and continues through the fifth year.
Students engage in early observation, supervised practice,
and a concluding internship in the public schools as well
as campus-based clinical experiences including micro-
teaching, simulation, and other controlled situations.
Methods of instruction and clinical experiences are con-
current and coordinated; academic and clinical aspects of
course objectives are planned together; and methods
instructors are also clinical supervisors.
Academically able students who are committed to
teaching are encouraged to become a part of this
challenging new professional program.

The University of Florida and the College of Education
encourage applications from qualified students of both
sexes from all cultural, racial, religious and ethnic groups.
The College offers undergraduate programs in Art Educa-
tion, Elementary Education, and Special Education. In
Elementary Education and Special Education, a student
must complete an additional academic year of study
leading to the Master of Education degree prior to
recommendation for initial teacher certification. In the
various areas of secondary education, a student must
complete 'n undergraduate degree from the College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences and complete an additional
academic year of study in the College of Education leading
to the Master of Education degree prior to recommenda-
tion for initial teacher certification.
-Listed below are the specific requirements for admission
to the undergraduate programs in the College of Educa-
tion. It should be understood, however, that minimum
requirements are given and that admission to the College
is a selective process. The satisfaction of minimum
requirements does not automatically guarantee admission.
A student's total record, including educational objectives,
pattern of courses previously completed, quality of pre-
vious academic record, and test data will be considered in
evaluating an application for admission. Priority for admis-
sion will be given to those applicants whose potential on
the basis of their 'total record indicates the greatest
likelihood of success in the program requested.
A student who does not meet all of the requirements
for admission may petition to the College of Education for
admission. A limited number of students will be admitted
through this procedure. A petition for admission can not
be considered unless a student has an American College
Test score or a Scholastic Aptitude Test score.
Students Classified UF:
Students classified UF should apply for admission to the
College of Education during the semester in which they
are completing 64 semester hours of work. Applications
should be filed in both the Registrar's Office and the
College of Education Office of Student Services, Room 134,
Norman Hall. To be considered for admission to the
College, students will be required to:


1. Have a University of Florida GPA of at least 2.6 and
an overall GPA of at least 2.6.
2. Have a composite score of eighteen (18) on the
American College Test (ACT) or a composite score of
eight hundred fifty (850) on the Scholastic Aptitude Test
3. Meet minimum standards of physical and mental
4. Have the approval of the Committee on Admissions
of the College of Education. The Committee will review
the application of each candidate with respect to
qualities considered to be essential for effective
teaching. The student is expected to speak and to write
the English language effectively.
5. Take the College Level Academic Skills Test (see page
6. In addition to the requirement stated above, students
who are seeking admission to a program in Special
Education will be asked to provide tangible evidence of
commitment to special education.
Transfer Students
1. From other upper division colleges, University of
SFlorida. University of Florida students desiring to transfer
from an upper division college to the College of
Education must file applications with both the Registrar's
Office and the College of Education Office of Student
Services. To be considered for admission, applicants will
be expected to meet the requirements for admission
outlined for students classified UF.
2. From other four-year institutions. To be eligible for
admission to the College of Education, a transfer student
from a four-year institution must satisfy the minimum
requirements for admission to an Upper Division College
that are set forth in the ADMISSIONS section of the
catalog. Additionally, the applicant will be expected to
meet the requirements for admission outlined for
students classified UF.
3. From junior and community colleges. To be eligible
for admission to the College of Education, a transfer
student from a junior or community college must
complete the Associate of Arts degree and the general
education requirements of the junior or community
college. Additionally, the applicant will be expected to
meet the 'requirements for admission outlined for
students classified UF.

All College of Education students will take a basic skills
assessment examination during their first semester in the
college. This examination includes sections on English,
mathematics, reading, and writing. A student in Art
Education must have a successful score on all sections of
the basic skills assessment examination prior to admission
to the internship experience. A student in Elementary
Education or Special Education must have a successful
score on all sections of the basic skills assessment
examination prior to receiving the Bachelor's degree.

(For students in Art Education, Health Education, Music
Education and Physical Education)
Students in Art Education, Health Education, Music
Education and Physical Education must be admitted to the
Advanced Professional Sequence prior to enrollment in
EDG 4203.
Admission to the Advanced Professional Sequence
1. A special application submitted to the College of
Education Office of Student Services, Room 134 Norman

Hall, no later than one month prior to the proposed
registration for EDG 4203.
2. Enrollment in the appropriate upper division college.
3. Completion of the general preparation requirements.
The general preparation requirements include the gener-
al education requirements plus additional general educa-
tion electives to total 45-semester hours.
4. Completion of the speech requirement.
5. Art Education students in the College of Education
must have a planned program and a picture on file in
Room 134, Norman Hall.
6. A C average or better.
7. A C average or better in professional education
courses and on courses in the area of specialization.

(For student in Art Education, Health Education, Music
Education, and Physical Education)
Assignments to student teaching for each semester are
made by the College of Education Office of Student
Services. Students in Art Education in the College of
Education are assigned a semester for student teaching
when they are admitted to the College. Students in other
colleges should see the Coordinator of Undergraduate
Studies, Room 134 Norman Hall, for a student teaching
assignment as early in their junior year as possible.
Prior to acceptance to student teaching, a student must
have fulfilled the following requirements:
1. Have completed all general preparation requirement.
2. Have satisfied the speech requirement.
3. Have at least a C average in all coursework at the
University of Florida, the area of specialization courses,
and professional education courses.
4. Students in Art Education and Music Education must
have completed successfully all sections of the Basic
Skills Test.
5..Have been admitted to the Advanced Professional
Sequence and have completed the following work:
(a) Art Education: EDF 3110 or EDF 3135 or EDF 3210,
EDG 4023, ARE 4242, ARE 4243, ARE 4244, and at
least two-thirds of the coursework in the teaching
(b) Health Education: EDF 3110, EDG 4023, HES 2000,
2001, 3301, 4302, PET 3320, APB 2170, and two-thirds
of the coursework in the teaching area.
(c) Music Education: EDF 3110, EDG 4023, MUE 3113,
3320, 3030, 4412, 4411 or 4404, and two-thirds of the
coursework in the teaching field.
(d) Physical Educationi EDF 3110, EDG 4203, PET 3461,
4442, and two-thirds of the coursework in the
teaching field.
Students must make special application to the Director
of Student Teaching, Room 100, Norman Hall. Applications
for the Fall Semester may be picked up after February 1
and must be received no, later than April 1. Applications
for the Spring Semester may be picked up after April 15
and must be received no later than September 15.
Students have the responsibility for making arrange-
ments to live in the community where student teaching is
to be done and to assume living expenses in addition to
regular on-campus expenses.

To receive an undergraduate degree from the College of
Education in Art Education, a student must satisfactorily
complete the following:
1. 45 semester hours of general preparation.
2. A College-approved program in Art Education.
3. The speech requirement.
4. All sections of the Basic Skills Examination.
5. A minimum of 125 semester hours of credit.


6. At least a 2.00 overall grade point average, at least
2.00 in professional education courses and at least a
2.00 in the area of specialization. Grades below C will
not fulfill requirements in either professional education
or in the area of specialization.
To receive an undergraduate degree from the College of
Education in Elementary Education or Special Education, a
student must satisfactorily complete the following:
1. A College approved undergraduate program in
Elementary Education or Special Education.
2. The speech requirement.
3. All sections of the Basic Skills Examination.
4. A minimum of 125 semester hours of credit.
5. At least a 2.00 overall grade point average, at least a
2.00 in professional courses, and at least a 2.00 in the
area of specialization. Grades below C will not fulfill-
requirements in either professional education or in the
area of specialization.

A student who completes an undergraduate degree
program in the College of Education is awarded the
Bachelor of Arts in Education degree.

For students admitted to undergraduate programs in the
College of Education prior to the Fall Semester 1985,
requirements for honors or high honors are as follows: To
graduate from the College of Education with honors, the
student will be required to earn on all college work an
academic average of 3.2 for honors and an average of 3.5
for high honors. He must have earned at least 60 credits,
with the appropriate average, at the University of Florida.
For students admitted to undergraduate programs in the
College of Education in the Fall Semester 1985 and
thereafter, requirements for honors and high honors are as
follows: To graduate from the College of Education with
honors, the student will be required to earn on all college
work taken while in the upper division at the University of
Florida an academic average of 3.5 for honors and an
average of 3.75 for high honors. Additionally, for high
honors, a student must be recommended for this honor by
the students' department.

An applicant for initial teacher certification in Florida
must receive a passing score on a teacher certification
examination administered by the State Department of
Education prior to regular certification. Also, an applicant
for initial teacher certification in Florida must complete a
beginning teacher program prior to regular certification.
Applications for Florida teacher certification are avail-
able in the College of Education Office of Student
Services, 134 Norman Hall.

Before the end of the first term of enrollment in the
College of Education, the student should plan a program
for the remainder of work required for the degree. All
planned programs must have the approval of the student's
counselor and the Coordinator of Undergraduate Studies.
Each student is responsible for registering for the proper
courses and fulfilling all requirements for the degree.
Courses can be dropped or changed without penalty only
upon approval of the counselor, the College of Education
Office of Student Services, and the Registrar.

Sixteen semester hours is considered a normal load. A
student may be permitted to register for additional hours
if, in the opinion of a counselor, the quality of the record
justifies this. At the time of registration, a student with the
approval of a counselor, may register for less than sixteen
semester hours if conditions warrant this.

Graduating Seniors must file an application for a degree
in the Office of the Registrar early in the semester in
which they expect to receive the degree. The University
Calendar shows the latest date on which this can be done.
For admission to student teaching, students applying to
enter the Advanced Professional Sequence must file an
application in the College of Education Office of Student
Services 30 days prior to registration in these courses.
Students must make special application to the Director
of Student Teaching, Room 100, Norman Hall. Applications
for the Fall Semester may be picked up after February 1
and must be received no later than April 1. Applications
for the Spring Semester may be picked up after April 15
and must be received no later than September 15.

The last 30 semester hours to be applied toward a
degree must be completed in residence in the College of
Education. In special cases this requirement may be
waived by petition when a student has completed most of
his previous work in upper division of the College of
No part of the teacher preparation program can be
taken by correspondence, home study, or extension unless
such courses have been planned with the student's upper
division counselor and approved by the College of
Education Office of Student Services. In addition to these
requirements University regulations pertaining to corre-
spondence and extension work apply to College of
Education students.

If a student feels that the College regulations cause a
peculiar hardship or injustice in his case, he may petition
for waiver of the particular regulation. The student should
contact his adviser or the College of Education Office of
Student Services regarding this procedure.

With the permission of the instructor, an undergraduate
student in the College of Education may enroll in 5000 or
6000 level courses if he has Senior standing and an upper
division grade point average of at least 2.8. His registration
during any term for which he is enrolled in a graduate
course may not exceed 17 hours. Graduate fees are
charged for 5000 and 6000 level courses. After a student
has been accepted in the Graduate School, up to 6 hours
of graduate-level courses earned with a grade of A, B+, or
B taken under this provision may be applied toward a
graduate degree at the University of Florida provided
credit for the course has not been used for an undergrad-
uate degree.

Undergraduate majors in education may count 4 hours
of music ensemble credit toward graduation.


The College of Education Office of Student Services, 134
Norman Hall, has information about the Florida Teacher
Scholarship Loan Program. Additionally, the Office has
information about other very limited scholarships and loan
funds available in the College of Education. Information
regarding other financial aid for undergraduate students
may be obtained from the Office of Student Financial Aid.

The College of Education offers undergraduate programs
in Art Education, Elementary Education,' and Special
Education. Students in Art Education will be recommended
for initial teacher certification upon completion of their
undergraduate degree programs. Students in Elementary
Education and Special Education must complete an
additional year of academic study in the College of
Education leading to the Master of Education degree prior
to recommendation for initial teacher certification. Stu-
dents who plan to become teachers in the various areas of
secondary education must complete a Bachelor's degree in
the appropriate area in the College of Liberal Arts and
Sciences and an additional year of academic study in the
College of Education leading to the Master of Education
degree prior to recommendation for initial teacher certifi-
Students who expect to receive the undergraduate
degree from the College of Education must (1) complete
the general education and other general requirements
listed below and (2) complete the preprofessional and
program requirements for one of the programs on the
following pages.

General Education Requirements
*En g lish .......................................................... ....................... 6
*Physical Sciences .................... ................................................... 6
"Biological Sciences .................................................................... 6
"* Social and Behavioral Sciences ....................................................9
H u m an ities......................................................... ..........................9
M them atical Sciences............................................ ................ 6
For specific courses to complete these requirements, see
page 132 through page 136 in this catalog. Please note
the restrictions for College of Education students revealed
by the astericks that follow. Also, please note the
professional requirements for each program on the follow-
ing pages.
*Acceptable courses to meet the English requirement are
limited to ENC 1101, ENC 1102, ENC 3213, ENC 3310, ENC
3312, ENC 4260, CRW 2100, CRW 2300, CRW 3110, CRW
3311, ENG 2131, ENG 2935, LIN 3370, LIN 4100 and LIT
"One semester of Physical Science or of Biological Science
may either be omitted or taken as an elective. Students
may, not use AGG 2501, ECH 3783, FOR 2010, FOS 2001,
HUN 2201 or SOS 3215 to meet the biological science
**Six of the nine semester hours of Social and Behavioral
Sciences must be from the areas of History, Anthropology,
Sociology, Political Science, Economics and Geography.
""Students may not use history courses to meet the
Humanities requirements.
Other General Requirements
1. At least 64 semester hours of credit are required for
admission to the College of Education.
2. A speech requirement may be completed in the
Sophomore year or delayed until the Junior year.
3. In addition to the general education requirements
listed .above, a student in Art Education must take
additional general education electives to a total of 45
semester hours of general education coursework.

(Grades one through six)
Preprofessional requirements
*MAE 3811, Mathematics for Elementary Teachers 2
"HUM 2510 Design for Understanding the Visual and
Performing Arts (Students who complete their first two
years of study at another institution may substitute a
comparable Fine Arts course from that institution.)
*A literature course
"A history course
**A statistics course
*A sociology course or a cultural anthropology course or a
cultural Geography course:
"An economics course of a political science course
"A biological science course with a laboratory
"A physical science course with a laboratory
Courses in a foreign language are recommended but not
*The requirement for MAE 3811 will be waived for students
who have completed two college courses in algebra,
geometry and/or calculus with grades of B or better.
"These courses may be used to meet General Education
The Elementary Education Program is a six-semester
course of study leading to a Master's degree. The
components of the program include professional methods
classes, -clinical experience in classes and in the public
school, and two areas of specialization, one of 12 semester
hours in classes outside the College and the other of 12
semester hours either within or outside the College. In
addition, an assortment of content and teaching methods
classes taught in departments outside the College are
'Specialization I consists of 12 semester hours of a
discipline, such as Mathematics, Biology or other science,
English,. Spanish, History, or other Social Science, Physical
Education, Health, and Fine Arts. Since students may take
three hours of the specialization before admission to this
program, counseling is available at anytime in Room 2215
Norman Hall to assist students in their selections.
Specialization II consists of an additional 12 semester
hours taken in a discipline as mentioned in the paragraph
above describing Specialization I, or the student may
choose a specialty in the College such as Early Childhood,
Middle School, Bilingual, Reading, or Special Education.
The six-semester program for elementary education
Semester 1 Credits
EDE 3801 Preprofessional Seminar............................................... 2
EDF 3115 Child Development and Education.......................3
EME 3402 Introduction to Instructional Computing...............2
EDF 3609 Social and Historical Foundations of Ed..................4
PET 3462 Elementary School Physical Education..................2
or HES 3301 Elementary School Program
Specialization I..................... ..... ......................... 3
(outside college)........... ........ ............................................ 3
Semester II
EDE 3481 Research in Elementary Education............................3
EDF 3214 Learning and Cognition in Education................2
EDF 3433 Introduction to Educational Measurement
& Evaluation .......................................... ..... ................... 2
MUE 3401 M usic for Elementary Child.......................................4
Specialization I (outside college).............................................. 6
Semester I
EDE 4930 Clinical Seminar in Elementary & Early
Childhood............. ............... .. ........................... 2


EEX 3040 The exceptional Child in the Mainstream of
Ed ucatio n .........................................................................................2
EDE 3804 Professional Studies (language Arts)......................3.
EDE 3804 Professional Studies (Reading).............................3
EDE 3804 Professional Studies (Mathematics)...........................3
EDE 4943 Student Teaching in the Elementary School .........2
Specialization II (in or outside college)...................................3

Semester II
EDE 4930 Clinical Seminar in Elementary & Early
EDE 3804 Professional Studies (Social Studies) ........................ 3
EDE 3804 Professional Studies (Science)..................................3.
EDE 3804 Professional Studies (Art)........................................... 3
EDE 4943 Student Teaching in the Elementary School .........2
Specialization II (in or outside college)..................................3

Upon the completion of a minimum of 125 semester
hours and the program shown above, a Bachelor of Arts in
Education degree will be awarded. The third year is
necessary to complete requirements for initial elementary
education teacher certification. Those students who are
admitted to the Graduate School will earn a Master of
Education degree upon completion of the three-year
Semester I Credits
EDE 4930 Clinical Seminar in Elementary & Early
Childhood..................................................... ................
,EDE 6225 Professional Studies (Curriculum) ............................. 3
EDE 6948 Practicum in Elementary Education.........................9

Semester II
EDE 6934 Master's Seminar in Elementary & Early
Childhood...................................... ................................ 3
EDG 6427 Parent Education for Educators ............................3....
LAE 6407 Early Children's Literature............................................3
or LAE 6714 Children's Literature in the Childhood
curriculum ............................................... ............ ...... 3
Reading course Electives ....................................... .......... ... 3
Specialization II (in or outside college)................................3


Preprofessional Requirements
'Principles of Sociology
*Cultural Anthropology
'General Psychology
'May be used to satisfy General Education Requirements.
The Special Education Program is a six-semester course
of study beyond the first two years leading to a Master's
degree and recommendation for initial teacher certification
in no less than two of the following exceptionalities: (1)
Mental Retardation, (2) Learning Disabilities, (3) Emotionally
Handicapped, and (4) Motor Disabilities. The program is
divided into two tracks. The first track emphasizes severe
handicapping conditions whereas the second tract em-
phasizes mild handicapping conditions. At the end of the
first semester of study in the Department of Special
Education, each student must select either Track 1 or
Track 2.
Within the Special Education Program, students will
complete at least 18 semester hours in one of the
following areas: Health Related Services, Fine Arts, Adapt-
ive Physical Education, Sociology, Psychology, Computer
Science, Foreign Language, Mathematics, Science, Social

SScience, English, Speech and Language, Geography, Agri-
culture, Recreation, Health Education. Students may take
as many as 9 of these 18 semester hours during their first
two years of college and are encouraged to do so.
Counseling is available in Room G 315, Norman Hall, to
assist students in their selections.
Students having successfully fulfilled the minimum
requirements-for a Bachelor's degree at the end of their
fourth semester of studies will receive the Bachelor's
degree without teacher certification. At the completion of
the sixth semester,of studies, students will receive recom-
mendation for initial certification in no less than two of
the areas of exceptionalities listed above. Students having
met the admission requirements for the master's program
and who have successfully completed the sixth semester
of studies will receive a Master's degree and recommenda-
tion for initial teacher certification in no less than two of
the areas of exceptionalities listed above.
The six-semester program for Special Education includes:

Semester 1: Credits
EDF 3115 Child Development and Education.......................3
EDF 3214 Learning and Cognition in Education.................2
EME3402 Introduction to Instructional Computing............... 2
EEX 3040 The Exceptional Child in the Mainstream of
EDF 3433 Introduction to Educational Measurement ............2
SPA 3001 Survey of Communication Disorders...................3
EEX 4224L Direct Observation and Recording for Special
Educators .......................................... ............................... 2

Semester 2:
Required courses
EEX 3220 Evaluation and Assessment of Special
Education Students .................................... .. ...... .... 2
EEX 3220L Laboratory ......................... ............ 2
RED 4147 Techniques of Teaching Reading.............................3
EEX 3243 Precision Teaching: Managing Instructional
Decisions ......................................... ............................. .2
EEX 3243L Laboratory................................ .... ...............2
Select two from the following courses
(4 credits)
EMR 3011 The Mentally Retarded Child. (2)
EPH 4033 The Severely Multi Handicapped Child (2)
fED 4011 Introduction to Behavior Disorders (2)
ELD 6112 Foundations in the Field of Specific Learning
Disabilities (2)................................................ 4

Semester 1: Select from one of the following blocks
of courses (4 credits)
EMR 4330 Methods and Materials for the Trainable
Mentally Handicapped (2)
EMR 4330L Laboratory (2)
EED 6241 Educational Programming for Children and
Youth with Behavioral Problems (2)
EED 6241L Laboratory (2)
EEX 6905 Independent Study (1)
EEX 4241 Teaching Academic Skills to Exceptional
Children (2)
EEX 4241L Laboratory (2)
EPH 6305 Educational Management of the Physically
Impaired/Multiply Handicapped (2)
EPH 6185 Laboratory of Severely Handicapped
Children (2).............................................................................. 4
EDG 4930 Methods of Teaching Mathematics......................4
EDF 3609 Sociological and Historical Foundations
of Education ........................................ .......................... 4
EEX 3601 Management of Special Education Students..........2
EEX 3601L Laboratory .......................... ......... ................ 2


ELECTIV ES............................................... .. ............................ 2
Semester 2:
Required courses
EEX 4280 Career/Vocational Education for the
Handicapped Student.... ...... ..........................................2
EEX 4280 Laboratory ................................................. ................ 1
EGC 4033 Interpersonal Communication Skills.....................3.
Select from the following blocks of courses
(4 credits)
EMR 4330 Methods and Materials for the Trainable
Mentally Handicapped (2)
EMR 4330L Laboratory (2)
EED 6241 Educational Programming for Children and
Youth with Behavioral Problems (2)
EED 6241L Laboratory (2)
EEX 6905 Independent Study (1)
EEX 4241 Teaching Academic Skills to Exceptional
Children (2)
EEX 4241L Laboratory (2)
EPH 6305 Educational Management of the Physically
Impaired/Multiply Handicapped (2)
EPH 6185 Laboratory in Special Education Assessments
of Severely Handicapped Children (2)...................................4
ELEC TIV ES ........................................................... ..........................6
Upon completion of a minimum of 125 semester hours
and the program shown above, a Bachelor of Arts in
Education Degree will be awarded. The third year is
necessary to complete requirements for initial special
education teacher certification. Those students who are
admitted to the Graduate School will earn a Master of
Education degree upon completion of the three-year
Semester 1:
EEX 6863 Student Teaching ..................................... .......... ... 12
Course in Consultation..................................................... 6
Semester 2:
EEX 6521 Organization and Program Planning in Special
Education..................3.........I..... ................................ ....3
Course in Educational Research ................................................3
Thesis/Project............................................... ............................... 3
APPROVED ELECTIVES (to include 6 hours taken
outside of the College of Education)..................................... 9

The Department of Subject Specialization Teacher
Education is composed of the following specializations: Art
Education, Business Education, English Education, Foreign
Language Education, Mathematics Education, Music Educa-
tion, Science Education, and Social Studies Education. A
degree program in Art Education -is available at the
undergraduate level (BAE). Degree programs for all speciali-
zations are available at the graduate level (MAE, MED, EDS,
EdD, PhD) except Business Education which is available at
the advanced degree level only.

Florida teachers are certified to teach art in kindergarten
through the twelfth grade. Students may enroll in either
the College of Education or the College of Fine Arts.

ART: Credits
*Preprofessional (ART 1201-1203, ART 1300, 1301,
ART 2050, 2051)..........................................................................20
Required (ART 3110, ART 3400, ART 3701).........................12
" Electives................ .............. ...................... ............................ 12
EDF 3110 or 3135 or 3210........................................ .......... 3
EDF 3514 or 3604 or 4542 or 4710............................................. 3
EM E 340 2 .................................................. ....................................3
ED G 3501 and ESE 4905..............................................:.............3.
ESE 494 3 ............................... ......... ............ ............................. 11
ARE 4242, ARE 4243, ARE 4244....................................:.............10
*Students must complete ART 1201, 1203, 1300, 1301 prior
to enrolling in ARE 4242.
*Art electives must include a minimum of three closely
related studies courses in a single advanced area (Studio
Art or Crafts). Studio Art includes Painting, Sculpture,
Printmaking, Drawing, and Creative Photography. Crafts
include Ceramics, Woodworking, Metalcraft, and Crafts.

(Biology, Chemistry, English, French, Language Arts,
Mathematics, Physics, Social Studies, Spanish)
The teacher education program in the various areas of
secondary education is a five-year program culminating in
a Master's degree from the College of Education. Students
who plan to complete a program in one of the areas of
secondary education must complete their undergraduate
degree in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences in the
appropriate subject area field. Students who plan to'
complete teacher education programs in Chemistry, En-
glish, French, Mathematics, Physics, or Spanish will major
as undergraduates in those departments in the College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences. Students who plan to complete
teacher education programs in Biology will major as
undergraduates in Botany or Zoology. Students who plan
to complete teacher education programs in Language Arts
will major as undergraduates in English or Speech..Stu-
dents who plan to complete teacher education programs
in Social Studies will major as undergraduates in Anthro-
pology, Economics, Geography, History, Political Science,
or Sociology. For more information about undergraduate
degree requirements, a student should check the College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences section of this catalog.
A student who plans to complete a teacher education
program in one of the various subject areas of secondary
education should take the following courses as an under-
EDF 3609 Sociological and Historical Foundations of
Education........................................ .............................
EDF 3115 Child Development and Education ......................3....
EDF 3214 Learning and Cognition in Education.......... ...........2
EDF 3433 Introduction to Educational Measurement
and Evaluation .............. .:....... .................. ................... 2
EEX 3040 The Exceptional Child in the Mainstream of
Ed ucatio n .................... :................................................... ..............2
ESE 3034 Current Problems and Issues in Secondary
Education..... ................................... ........................... 2
Additionally, the following courses are suggested as
appropriate general education or elective courses for
prospective teachers; they are not required:
ANT 2410 Cultural Anthropology......................... .............. 3
HUM 2510 Design for Understanding the Visual and
Perform ing A rts.................................... ........................3
PSY 2013 General Psychology ...................... ........................ ..3
SO C 2000 Principles of Sociology................................................ 3
For more information about this program, please come
to Room 134 Norman Hall.


The Middle School Education Program is an 11 semester
hour block composed of EDM 6005, 3 semester hours, and
EDM 6945, 8 semester hours. Upon successful completion
of the Middle Education program and a teacher education
program in Elementary Education or Secondary Education,
students will be eligible for middle school certification in
one or more of the following areas: Language Arts,
Mathematics, Science, or Social Studies.
Students interested in Middle School Education should
be aware of the extensive requirements in this program.
These requirements include:
1. A course in Reading.
2. The successful completion of a teacher education
program in Elementary or Secondary Education.
3. At least 10 semester hours beyond general prepara-
tion requirements in Language Arts, Mathematics, Sci-
ence, or Social Studies.
Specific subject area requirements include:
At least one course in grammar or linguistics.
At least one course in composition.
At least one course in American literature, world
literature, speech, drama, or journalism.
At least two courses in the area of mathematics for the
elementary, middle, or junior high school; or the
equivalent of such courses. Other courses from algebra,
geometry, calculus, statistics, or computer science.
At least one course in either chemistry or physics.
At least one course in biology.
At least one course in geology.
Others from agronomy, astronomy, anthropology, ento-
mology, food science and human nutrition, forest
resources and conservation, health.

At least one survey course in American History.
At least one survey course in the history of the following
world areas: Western Europe, Russia, Africa, Latin
America, Asia.
At least one course from each of two of the following
areas: Anthropology, Political Science, Geography, Socio-
logy, Economics, Social Psychology.
Additional information about the Middle School Pro-
gram can be obtained in Room 134, Norman Hall.

For the Agricultural and Extension Program, see the
College of Agriculture section of this catalog.

For the Health Education/Driver Education and Safety
Program, see the College of Physical Education, Health and
Recreation section of the catalog.

For the Music Education Program, see the College of
Fine Arts section of the catalog.

For the Physical Education Program, see the College of
Physical Education, Health and Recreation section of the


College of Engineering

The engineer engages in creative design and construc-
tion and in research and development serving to bridge
between human needs and the storehouse of theoretical
knowledge. In applying science to the common purpose of
life, the engineer couples science with the management of
people, money, machines, and materials. Engineering
challenges the individual, stimulating ingenuity and re-
sourcefulness, and yielding a rewarding sense of creative
The engineer deals with real problems in the real world.
This requires a thorough working knowledge of mathemat-
ics and the sciences as well as an understanding of the
legal, economic, and social restrictions of contemporary
society. Clear and precise communications, whether oral
or written, are required of the engineer when delivering
judgments, plans, and decisions. A sound knowledge of
the engineering field and of related disciplines is required
so that the engineer can work effectively with others -
other engineers, scientists, and technicians in fulfilling
engineering assignments. Above all, the engineer is ex-
pected to be a responsible citizen.
The various undergraduate programs in the College of
Engineering are founded on mathematics and the physical
sciences. Additional emphasis is placed upon the humani-
ties and social sciences to develop judgment, perspective,
and curiosity. Although many graduates continue their
formal education beyond the bachelor's degree, the
education of an engineer should not stop upon comple-
tion of a degree program: education, formal or otherwise,
is a lifelong process for the successful engineer.
The curricula of the College of Engineering are planned
to achieve these objectives and to provide a wide range of
choices to the student selecting a degree objective. The
department is the basic organizational unit within the
College of Engineering and has both academic and
administrative responsibilities for programs leading to the
bachelor's degree. Departments with baccalaureate degree
responsibilities and the bachelor's degrees they offer are:
Agricultural Engineering Department
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
(Agricultural Engineering)
Chemical Engineering Department
Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering
Bachelor of Science (Chemical Engineering)
Civil Engineering Department
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
Bachelor of Land Surveying
Computer and Information Sciences Department
Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Computer and
Information Sciences)
Electrical Engineering Department
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
Engineering Sciences Department
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
(Aerospace Engineering)
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
(Engineering Science)
Environmental Engineering Sciences Department
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
(Environmental Engineering)
Industrial and Systems Engineering Department
Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Systems
Materials Science and Engineering Department
Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Materials Science
and Engineering)
Mechanical Engineering Department
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering-

Nuclear Engineering Sciences Department
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
(Nuclear Engineering)
Bachelor of Science (Nuclear Engineering Sciences)
In addition the College of Engineering offers a program
in Interdisciplinary Engineering Studies, administered by
the Dean's Office, and leading to the Bachelor of Science
(Interdisciplinary Engineering Studies) degree.
For information relative to graduate degrees in engi-
neering refer to the various curricula sections or the
Graduate School catalog.
The Engineering Accreditation Commission of the Ac-
creditation Board for Engineering and Technology (for-
merly, the Engineers' Council for Professional Develop-
ment) has accredited programs in the College of Engi-
neering leading to the.following degrees:
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
(Aerospace Engineering)
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
(Agricultural Engineering)
Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
(Computer and Information Sciences)
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
(Engineering Science)
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
(Environmental Engineering)
Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Systems
Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Materials Science
and Engineering), for the Specialty areas of Ceramic
Engineering and Metallurgical Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
(Nuclear Engineering)
Master of Engineering with a major in Coastal and
Oceanographic Engineering
Essential Preparation
Modern engineering education demands much in the
way of specific high school preparation not required in
other college programs. The beginning engineering student
should have a good understanding of the basic physical
sciences, a highly developed ability in mathematics, and
the competence to read rapidly and with comprehension.
The College of Engineering considers that a minimum
adequate preparation follows:
In high school, the student should include the following
Essentials Year
Elementary algebra.............................. ....... ................... 1
Intermediate and advanced algebra........................................ 1
Plane geom etry .......................................... .. ............. ..............1
Trigonom etry ........................................................... /2
Chem istry..................................................... 1
Physics........................................................ ........................ 1
Additional Mathematics............................. .................
Deficiencies in the above subjects may be overcome by
registering in certain foundation courses before proceeding
with parts of the regular engineering program.
The General Plan of Study
The study programs leading to the bachelors' degrees in
engineering, described under the separate headings on the
following pages, are carefully planned into an organized
sequence. The aggressive, strongly motivated student with
proper high school preparation can complete one of these
programs in about 4'/2 years, including a summer term, by
carrying course loads of 16 credit hours. Many students
will require more than this length of time.


Some students, for different reasons, are not prepared
to enter directly into one of the curricula described below.
For example, a student may have attended a high school
which did not offer all the preparatory courses necessary
for entry into an engineering program. Or possibly the
student's objectives changed late in the high school
program, resulting in a preparation deficient in areas
required of potential engineering students. In all such cases,
the time required to complete the degree requirements
can be expected to increase.
As a general rule, subjects basic to all fields of
engineering are studied while the student is enrolled in the
first two years of the University or in a pre-engineering
program of a community or junior college. Then, when
specialized study is taken in the third and later years in
the College of Engineering, the program of coursework can
be tailored to the student's interests and abilities.

Information about general financial aid can be obtained
from the Director of Student Financial Aid, University of
Florida, Gainesville, Florida. The College of Engineering
does not offer financial aid for students at the freshman or
sophomore level since students are not normally admitted
into the College until their junior year. The only exceptions
involve students who plan to major in -Agricultural
Engineering or Chemical Engineering and minority stu-
dents. The Agricultural Engineering Department and
Chemical Engineering Department have a few small
industry-supported scholarships for students at the fresh-
man level, and the Chemical Engineering Department also
has a few awards for students transferring at the junior
level. Minority students planning to major in Engineering
should contact the Director of Minority Affairs in the
College of Engineering for information about financial aid.
After a student is enrolled in the College, he or she may
apply for a scholarship. The awards, which are limited in
number, are made each.spring for the following academic
year. Most are based on financial need, as well as
scholastic performance. Applications are available from the
department counselors.
An emergency short-term loan fund is available through
the Dean's Office to assist students through emergency

Students in the-College of Engineering are encouraged
to participate in extracurricular activities including active
membership in honorary, professional, and technical
organizations both at the college and the departmental
level. Almost all of the nationally recognized engineering
organizations having student chapters are represented
Alpha Epsilon (Agricultural Engineering Honor Society)
Alpha Nu Sigma (Nuclear Engineering Honor Society)
Alpha Pi Mu (Industrial & Systems Engineering Honor i
Alpha Sigma Mu (Metallurgical Engineering Honor
American Ceramic Society
American Congress on Surveying and Mapping
American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics
American Institute of Chemical Engineers
American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and
Petroleum Engineers
American Nuclear Society
American Society of Agricultural Engineers
American Society of Civil Engineers
American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Association for Computing Machinery
Benton Engineering Council (Engineering College
Epsilon Lambda Chi (Engineering Leadership Society)
Eta Kappa Nu (Electrical Engineering Honor Society)
Florida Engineering Society
Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers
Institute of Industrial Engineers
Keramos (Ceramic Engineering Honor Society)
National Association of Corrosion Engineers
Pi Tau Sigma (Mechanical Engineering Honor Society)
Society of Black Student Engineers
Society of Engineering Sciences
Society of Environmental Engineers
Society of Plastics Engineers
Society of Women Engineers
Tau Beta Pi (Engineering Honor Society)
Upsilon Pi Ipsilon (Computer and Information Sciences
Honor Society)

The College of Engineering encourages applications from
all persons regardless of their sex, race, religion, or cultural
Because of the limitations on space, facilities, and
number of faculty, the College of Engineering has had to
become a selective admission college. The two major
criteria for admission are grade point average and comple-
tion of prerequisite courses. In addition, students must
have taken the College Level Academic Skills Test (see
page 132). All applicants are referred to the College for
selection, with GPA being most important. In future terms
the minimum GPA will vary with number of applicants,
availability of space, and numbers of faculty in a given
program. Florida residents are given priority. Nonresidents
are admitted only after qualified resident applicants have
been admitted.
Specific requirements for admission to the College are
listed below.
Direct Admission: Requirements for direct admission to
the College are given in the Admissions section of this
Students Classified UF: A student in a lower division
college can request transfer to the College of Engineering
any time after completion of the freshman year.
Many departments require substantial completion of the
mathematics, physics, chemistry, and English course se-
quences of the pre-engineering program, described under
Freshman and Sophomore Requirements below, for a
student to be considered for admission.
Transfer from Community and Junior Colleges: A stu-
dent in a community or junior college who has, completed
the associate degree or 60 semester hours of credit is
eligible to transfer directly into the College of Engineering.
Students who do not meet either of these criteria must
enroll in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences for at
least one semester before transferring into the College of
Students wishing to transfer into the College of Engi-
neering after completing the associate degree in a com-
munity or junior college should tailor their associate
degree program as follows:
1. Satisfy the general education requirements of the
community or junior college.
2. Take the following recommended coursework:
a. mathematics through analytic geometry, and
calculus of several variables 12 semester hours
b. chemistry including general chemistry and qual-
itative analysis 8 semester hours
c. general physics with calculus and laboratory 8
semester hours


d. engineering graphics, if required in the proposed
major department.- 2 semester hours
e. biological sciences 3 semester hours
'3. Avoid taking technical education courses. Such
courses are not normally creditable towards an engi-
neering degree.
Departments with Restricted Admission: Because they
receive applications from many more students than they
can accommodate, several departments have established
admission standards above the minimum requirements for
the College of Engineering. These departments are:
Aerospace Engineering (see Engineering Sciences)
Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Computer and Information Sciences
Engineering Sciences
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Mechanical Engineering

The program below is described for students whose high
school preparation meets the criteria previously described.
The minimum course load for full-time students is 12
credit hours each semester, but most students take 14 to
16 credit hours. At this rate, it takes at least 41/2 years
including a summer term to earn a B.S. degree. It will take
somewhat longer for students who need preparation
courses before entering the program below.
In planning the physical science and mathematics
portion of the academic program, a freshman should talk
with a College of Engineering faculty adviser.
The requirements in Social Sciences, English, Humanities,
and (in most departments) Biological Sciences can be met
only by (a) appropriate College Level Examination Program
(CLEP) credits or (b) courses selected from the listing in the
Authorized Courses for General Education section of this
catalog. In a few cases as noted below, the College of
Engineering requires specific courses in fulfilling the Gener-
al Education requirements for these subject areas.
Courses Credits
Social and Behavioral Sciences (see note 1 below) ................6
ENC 1101 Expository and Argumentative Writing.................3
ENC 1102 W writing about Literature.............................................
Biological Sciences (see note 2)...................................... .............. 3
Hum anities (see note 3)..................................... ............ .9
CHM 2042, 2042L, 2043C, General Chemistry
(see note 4) ........................................ ................... .................. 8
MAC 3311, 3312, 3313, Analytical Geometry
and C alculus.................................... .........................................12
MAP 3302 Elementary Differential Equations or
EGM 3311
Introduction to Engineering Analysis (see note 5)..............3
PHY 3048, 3055L, 3049, 3056L Physics with
C alculus ................................................................... ................ 8
COP 3212 Computer Programming for Engineers
(see note 6)........................................ ................. .................. 2
EGN 1111C Engineering Graphics (see Note 7)......................2.
Departmental courses and Electives (see note 8)
Total Hours 55-63*
*Total hours required varies depending on department
Note 1: Three credits must come from Group 1, and 3
credits must'come from Group II.
Note 2: Environmental Engineering Sciences requires BSC
2010 to meet this requirement.
Note 3: Part or all of the humanities requirement may be
deferred td the junior and senior years. Courses

relating humanities to engineering and the sci-
ences, as listed in Group III of the humanities
subsection of the General Education section of
this catalog, are especially recommended.
Note 4: All students are required to take the Chemistry
Placement Examination, given each term by the
Chemistry Department, prior to initial registra-
tion in CHM 2040 or CHM 2042. Students who
achieve an acceptably high score on the Exami-
nation may proceed with the CHM 2042, 2042L,
2043C sequence. Students achieving a lower
score should take the CHM 2040, 2041, 2042L,
2043 course sequence.
Note 5: Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Science
students must take EGM 3311.
Note 6: Not required for students in Computer and
Information Sciences. Chemical Engineering re-
quires CAP 3210 (4 credit hours) instead of COP
3212. Industrial and Systems Engineering stu-
dents take COP 3212L if available.
- Note 7: Not required for students entering Chemical,
Electrical, Environmental, and Nuclear Engi-
neering Programs.
Note 8: Students should consult the Departmental Cur-
riculum or faculty adviser in the department
they intend to enter when selecting these

English Requirement: Responsibility for the correct and
effective use of his or her spoken and written English rests
primarily upon the student. Any instructor in the College
of Engineering may at any time, with the approval of the
Chairman of the Department and the Dean of the College
of Engineering, require a student who shows a deficiency
in English to complete additional courses over and above
the curriculum requirements for the degree.
Each student in the College is required to complete the
course ENC 3213, Technical Writing, with a grade of C or
better, after being classified as a 3EG Student.
Thesis: A thesis is not required of candidates for the
baccalaureate degree in the College of Engineering.
However, exceptional students may be granted permission
by the Dean of the College, upon recommendation of the
Chairman of the Department, to undertake a thesis in lieu
of required or elective work in the department in which
the student is enrolled. Not more than four semester hours
will be allowed for such thesis work.
Credit for Special Work.
1. Upon the recommendation of the Chairman of the
Department and the approval by the Dean, a student
during the course of study may do practical work under
approved supervision in industry. By submitting a
satisfactory report, based upon a previously approved
outline, and by passing an examination, college credit
may be received not to exceed three semester hours.
Students will register for the proper departmental course
to receive such credit.
2. Where it is determined by the department con-
cerned that an exceptional student may profit by
supplementing the regular program of coursework in a
particular area, the student may register for special
problems in the chosen field. Credit for such work
should not exceed six semester hours. To receive such
credit, the student must register for the departmental
course number 4905.
A student may not have more than eight semester
hours total for work industry, special problems, and High
Honors project.
Elective Credit: It is the policy of the College that
students classified 3EG and higher are not normally
allowed to use freshman level courses for technical and


nontechnical elective credit. Foreign language credits at
the freshman level may, within the discretion of the.
department, be credited as nontechnical electives, pro-
vided that the student presents at least two semesters of
work with a grade of C or better in the same language.
Grade Average Required for Graduation: The require-
ment for graduation with a Bachelor's degree is a grade
average of C or higher in all work taken after being
classified as a junior, as well as for all UF work, and
successful completion of all required courses.
Maintenance of Academic Standards: If at anytime after.
admission to the College of Engineering a student's college
grade point average falls below 2.00, the student will be
placed on college probation. A student may also be
placed on probation if normal academic progress is not
maintained in the program of study. The section of this
catalog on Student Academic Regulations authorizes any
college to set its own standards for exclusion of a student
who fails or refuses to maintain normal academic progress.
It is the policy of the College of Engineering that any
undergraduate student who withdraws from the University
for the second, time will be automatically placed upon
college probation which will continue until graduation.
Any student on college probation for this reason who
withdraws for a third time from the University may be
ineligible for further registration in the College of Engi-
neering. Failure to satisfactorily complete the terms of
probation will result in the ineligibility of the student for
further registration in the College of Engineering.
Advanced ROTC: Some engineering students may elect
to enroll in the advanced ROTC programs offered by the
Army, Navy, and the Air Force. Graduates of these
programs are commissioned as second lieutenants or
ensigns as described elsewhere in this catalog.
It is the policy of the Accreditation Board for Engi-
neering and Technology, which accredits engineering
curricula, that student enrollment in advanced ROTC
programs represents a second career objective quite apart
from that of professional engineering. Accordingly, ad-
vanced courses in Military Science are only acceptable on
a limited basis, with departmental approval, for credit as
technical or nontechnical electives toward a degree in
Correspondence Courses: (See Student Academic Regu-
lations-"Degrees and Graduation.")
A student in the College will not be permitted to
register for and work on correspondence courses while
enrolled in the College unless special permission is
obtained from the Dean of the College and the Registrar.
A student on probation must have permission of the Dean
to register for correspondence courses when not enrolled
in the College. A student who has been suspended will not
be permitted to take correspondence courses for credit
until the suspension is removed. A grade of C or better is
required to receive credit for a correspondence course.
Dean's List:
Each semester there is compiled a Dean's List of those
students whose work for the preceding semester has been
of a high order. This recognition is accorded to students in
the College of Engineering who:
a. earn a minimum of 14 hours of credit during the
b. received a 3.2 average during the semester; and
c. have no grade below C for the semester.
Drop Policy: Students classified 1 and 2EC are allowed a
total of two drops after the published drop date. Similarly,
students classified 3, 4, 5, and 6EC are allowed a total of
two unrestricted drops. A student with an initial course
load of 15 credits or more will be permitted to drop a
course without penalty or use one of the free drops,
provided this is done by the end of the seventh week of

class and the total credits remaining are 12 or more. There
is no petition appeal from this policy.

Honors: Students in the College of Engineering are
designated as Honor Students when they have met all the
following conditions:
1. have achieved a college grade point average of 3.30
or higher (college GPA is defined as all work taken after
being classified as a junior);
2. have been registered in the College for at least one
3. have completed at least 16 credit hours at the
University of Florida after being classified as 3EG or
4. have been recommended by the major department
after the departmental faculty have reviewed the
student's record for satisfactory conduct and academic
For honor students, the grade point average referred to
in condition 1 above is termed the honor point average.
Special consideration is given honor students who wish
to substitute courses, provided that they have maintained
the conditions for honor student designation. The student
petitions the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs for such
Graduation with honors requires, in addition to the
normal requirements for graduation,
1. completion of all work required by the major
department and a college grade point average of 3.30 or
2. recommendation of the major department.
High Honors: Certain honor students may be invited by
the faculty of the major department to participate in a
special program leading to graduation with high honors.
Eligibility for the high honors program requires:
1. a college honor point average of 3:50 or higher;
2. recommendation by the faculty of the major depart-
Participation in the high honors program requires that
the student:
1. accept in writing the invitation to participate in the
program no later than the end of the term before
2. carry out a high honors project and submit a thesis
based on the project.
If the student accepts the invitation to participate in the
program, the Dean appoints a committee to oversee and
approve all stages of the thesis project. The committee,
recommended to the Dean by the Department Chairman,
is composed of two faculty members from the student's
major department and one faculty member from another
department of the University.
The thesis project is normally not waived unless the
student has an honor point average of 3.80 or higher, but
this is discretionary with the committee in exceptional
cases. In planning the student's program, the committee
takes into account the academic goals of the student. The
committee supervises the high honors project and/or the
oral examination; upon satisfactory completion of all
requirements, the committee recommends the candidate
to the faculty of the major department.
Graduation with High Honors requires (a) completion of
all required work of the major department and a college
honor point average of at last 3.50 and (b) recommenda-
tion of the major department.
When a high honors project is a part of the program,
credit may be obtained by registration in courses carrying
the prefix of the appropriate department. Not more than a
total of eight credit hours will be allowed for high honors