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Climate - the Key to Florida | |
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Retirement in Florida | |
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Front Cover
Page 1 List of abbreviations Page 2 Climate - the Key to Florida Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 What you should know about Florida Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Taxes in Florida Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Your vacation in Florida Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 Page 28 Page 29 Page 30 Page 31 Page 32 Page 33 Page 34 Page 35 Page 36 Page 37 Page 38 Fishing in Florida Page 39 Page 40 Page 41 Retirement in Florida Page 42 Page 43 Page 44 Page 45 Page 46 Page 47 Page 48 Page 49 Page 50 Trailer Life in Florida Page 51 Page 52 Business Opportunities Page 53 Page 54 Page 55 Page 56 Page 57 Page 58 A Job in the Sun Page 59 Page 60 Page 61 Page 62 Page 63 Page 64 Page 65 Gardening and Farming Page 66 Page 67 Page 68 Florida Real Estate Page 69 Page 70 Page 71 Page 72 Page 73 Page 74 Page 75 Page 76 Page 77 Page 78 Education and School Directory Page 79 Page 80 Florida's Divorce Laws Page 81 Florida City and Town Directory Page 82 Page 83 Page 84 South Florida Page 85 Page 86 Page 87 Page 88 Page 89 Page 90 Page 91 Page 92 Page 93 Page 94 Page 95 Page 96 Mid-Florida Page 97 Page 98 Page 99 Page 100 Page 101 Page 102 Page 103 Page 104 Page 105 Page 106 West Coast Page 107 Page 108 Page 109 Page 110 Page 111 Page 112 Page 113 Page 114 Page 115 Page 116 Page 117 Page 118 Page 119 Page 120 Page 121 Page 122 Page 123 Northeast Florida Page 124 Page 125 Page 126 Page 127 Page 128 Page 129 Page 130 Page 131 Page 132 Page 133 Page 134 Page 135 Page 136 Page 137 North Central Florida Page 138 Page 139 Page 140 Northwest Florida Page 141 Page 142 |
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Norman Ford's FLORIDA -a complete guide to finding what yon seek in Florida by Norman D. Ford Honorary vice president The Globe Trotters Club Author of Where to Retire on a Small Income, Today's Lands of Opportunity, Where to Vacation on a Shoestring, The Fiesta Lands, etc. I F 3Db Q SN /6 Price $2 56 I [1956 HARIAN PUBLICATIONS, Greenlawn (Long Island) New York TRADE DISTRIBUTOR: CREENBERG, PUBLISHER ,IN /L LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS American Plan (with meals) air conditioned apartments association building bedroom TV channel double dining room E eff furn'd hskpg mo s unf'd vols European Plan (without meals) efficiency furnished housekeeping month single unfurnished volumes WHERE TO WRITE FOR INFORMATION ON - Farming: Department of Agriculture State Capitol Tallahassee, Florida Schools: State Superintendent of Public Instruction State Capitol Tallahassee, Florida Higher Education: State Board of Control Educational Building Florida State University Tallahassee, Florida Recreation State Advertising Commission Caldwell Building Tallahassee, Florida Health: State Board of Health P. O. Box 210 Jacksonville 1, Florida Monuments, Parks and Places of Historic Interest: Florida Park Service Tallahassee Administration Building Tallahassee, Florida Business Opportunities Industrial Development Division State Advertising Commission Tallahassee, Florida Fishing: Game and Freshwater Fish Commission Tallahassee, Florida Retirement: Professor Irving L. Webber. Chairman Council of the Institute of Gerontology University of Florida Gainesville, Florida For information about any city, address the Chamber of Commerce in that city. Norman Ford's Florida is a book of about 140,000 words. Were it reprinted in average sized pages holding from 250 to 300 words per page, it would occupy about 500 pages. With a hard cover a book of this size would normally sell for $5 to $6. As it is, the present large pages, if cut in four into pocket size pages, would run to over 550 pages. The low price of $2 for a book of this size is in keeping with Harian's policy of offering fact-filled books at a low cost. 9 A a/c apts ass'n bldg b.r. ch d DR PART I THE INSIDE STORY A COMPLETE INTRODUCTION TO FLORIDA CHAPTER I CLIMATE- TIlE KEY TO FLORIDA There is a good reason why climate is the first sub- ject to be discussed in this book on Florida. For in one way or another, climate is responsible for every phase of the Florida scene. Annually some $900,- 000,000 is spent by tourists intent on enjoying the Florida sun; drawn by this same sunshine, thousands of older folk continually stream south to buy real estate and so to increase Florida's consumer purchas- ing power; industries looking for new markets and new locations are moving south to Florida where their workers find greater contentment, and absentee- ism due to winter snows is non-existent; and in the field of agriculture the Florida sun has, over recent decades, brought vast profits through new winter vegetable and citrus production and, more recently, inaugurated a new bonanza in cattle raising. Yes, cli- mate is truly the key to Florida. So if you crave an understanding of Florida, it behooves you to look very closely indeed at the Florida climate. Florida's climate and you Naturally, you're most interested in knowing how the climate of Florida may affect you. So let's take a look at the climate of this widely publicized sunshine state; let's see if Florida weather really does fulfill all that the advertising claims it does. ,A good way to begin would be to take the perfect climate and compare it with Florida's to see how the latter measures up. Unfortunately, I know of no ab- solutely perfect climate (although that in the islands of Hawaii, Madeira, and Norfolk Island comes very near to being perfect; see my Bargain Paradises of the World, $1.50 postpaid from this same publisher). Furthermore, the suitability of a climate varies with a person's age. For example, the perfect climate for a growing child might be entirely different from the climate best suited to extend the life and to improve the health of an elderly person. Children seem to do best in a cool, sunny climate which experiences frequent changes in the weather. In such areas at higher altitudes, as in the central Mountain States, respiration and circulation rates increase (most likely to compensate for the rarity of the atmosphere). This leads to an increase in the red blood corpuscles and a gradual increase in body weight, circumstances under which young people seem to thrive. After maturity, the stimulation supplied by a brac- ing climate is no longer necessary for building up the body. Neither is much immediate effect produced whether a mature person under fifty lives in a cold climate or in a warm climate. But before middle age, the stimulating swift weather changes of our central and northeastern states exert a strong influence to- wards producing the go-getter type of individual who earns more money and, with luck, succeeds faster. In doing so, the swift pace of life brings with it much higher chances for contracting early heart troubles, nervous ailments, various stomach disor- ders, rheumatic complaints, and winter diseases like pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, and sinusitis. In year around warmer regions that have fewer changes in the weather, younger, naturally healthy, people tend to lose some of their strength, becomes less am- bitious, and learn to take life easier. Chances for longevity become better while need for money is lessened to some extent by the warmer climate. Op- portunities to cut heating and clothing bills increase, doctor bills tend to become fewer, food bills may drop as less bodily heat is required, and lighter hous- ing construction favors lower rents and home pur- chase costs. Less may also be spent on vacations espe- cially by those in the habit of going to Florida or Arizona for the winter. Thus we see that while cli- mate does not make too much difference to your health before age 50, the climate you live in from age 25 to age 50 does exert some influence on your chances for longevity and good health after you pass middle age. For men and women already past middle age, there is generally only one best climate. That is one which is warm throughout the year and which offers steady, stable weather. The stimulation of storms and cold combined with rapid variations in tempera- ture and air pressure can place an undue strain on older hearts and organs resulting in death at an un- necessarily early age. (For example, over 50% of all deaths in the U.S. occur during the winter months. Many of these lives could have been prolonged had they been spent in a region of warm sunshine with plenty of fresh air and fresh fruits and with corre- sponding freedom from wet feet, heart strain, colds, and chills.) Thus we see that for permanent residence a warm climate like that of Florida may be much more suita- ble for older folk than for children while for the average adult it can mean the difference between ambition and longevity. Of course, you'll know from reading magazine articles about the science of clima- totherapy that the influence of climate upon man's behavior and health is considerable. But we must bear in mind that it is only an influence; climate alone plays only a very small part in directly helping recovery from an illness. But the added bodily com- fort and sense of good cheer which it brings about can work wonders in helping people help themselves towards healthier, more enjoyable living, and a longer life. The climate of Florida With these different "ideal" climates established, we shall in a moment begin to examine the good and bad points of the Florida climate. First, though, be sure you know the proper significance of that word climate. It does not mean weather. For climate is the general pattern produced by weather, which in turn is the hour by hour outdoor show staged by the sun, wind, rain, and temperature. Since we cannot pre- dict what the weather is likely to be on any partic- ular day when you may be in Florida, we shall deal instead with the climate. This will give you a very close approximation to the average weather you will meet in Florida during any period of two weeks or longer in the year. Because Florida is surrounded on three sides by water, the climate is predominantly a marine type. This means that it is subject to'moisture laden winds which have blown across hundreds of miles of open sea. The moisture in these winds helps mitigate day- time heat but at night it causes heat to be lost from the land into the air. Although sea breezes often contain microscopic amounts of salts such as bro- mide and iodine, they are always perfectly free of dust and bacteria. Equally important is the fact that sea breezes are almost always rich in ozone. For ozone means an increased amount of oxygen in the air to which the tissues of the body and the nervous system are surprisingly susceptible. An abundance of ozone brought by sea breezes calms the nervous system, stimulates the body's rate of metabolism, and im- proves the appetite and digestion. Doctors, for in- stance, often recommend a sea voyage to people suffering from a nervous breakdown or with certain rheumatic or chronic catarrhal conditions. Sea breezes are also believed helpful to sufferers from asthma, hay fever, and scrofula. Besides these influences on your well being, the proximity of the sea to Florida keeps the coastal areas warmer in winter and cooler in summer than areas farther from the ocean. A ma- rine climate, therefore, tends to be temperate and equable with few rapid changes of temperature. In Florida, it helps counteract the languid effects of the long, hot summers. Overtones of a continental type climate-swift and severe changes in temperature-begin to ap- pear in Florida as distance from the coast increases and as one moves northwards up the state towards the main continental mass of the U.S. But as one moves in the opposite direction, that is southwards and towards the coast, overtones of a tropical cli- mate become apparent until at ocean-surrounded Key West, the climate is almost truly tropical. Sunshine Modern day climatologists are almost unanimous in voicing their opinions that the chief factor in de- termining the value of a climate lies in the average intensity of its ultra-violet light. Ultra-violet waves are, of course, those light rays having the shortest wave length. Owing to this fact, they are quickly dis- persed by dust and particles held in suspension in the air. When allowed to reach the earth in full meas- ure, their effect is strongly aseptic which may well ac- count for the prevalence of pneumonia and other germs in cities where dust and smog prevent ingress of ultra-violet light. Perfectly free from dust or smog, the wine clear air of Florida allows a maximum of ultra-violet rays to reach its sandy surface. The percentage of possible sunshine in Florida is high and the state receives more winter sunshine than any other in the entire eastern U.S. or the Pacific Northwest. Moreover, the sun is high in the heavens. It is always 12 degrees higher than in New York and 20 degrees higher than in Seattle. This means that the sun's rays do not meet with as great a refraction in the atmosphere as farther north while they strike the earth more directly and with greater intensity. Although they may have a greater depth of atmosphere to pass through than in places at higher altitudes such as Arizona, their intensity is greater at sea level than anywhere else in the coun- try. It was largely this intensity of sunlight and the beneficial effect of ultra-violet light that led in 1885 to the American Medical Association declaring Florida's Pinellas Point the healthiest place in the U.S. PERCENT ] OVER 70 = 60-70 60 E@ 50-60 f 40-50 60 M UNDER 40 70 70 Fig. 1. Percentage of possible sunshine, winter When choosing a place to live in Florida or a place to vacation during the wintertime, it is as well to know that the southern half of the state receives on an average 10% more sunshine than the northern half (see Fig 1.) The Keys receive even more in the winter as they also do in summer (see Fig. 2) when the rest of the state receives 60%-70% of possible sun- shine. (The percentage of possible sunshine is the ratio between the duration of daylight and the pe- riod during which the sun normally shines each day.) In scoring Florida's summer sunshine, we find that the state holds its own with most of the other eastern states and even makes a better showing than most of New England despite the fact that summer days in New England are longer than those in Florida. PERCENT [ OVER 90 E 80-90 8 70-80 f 60-70 UNDER 60 Fig. 2. Percentage of possible sunshine, summer When we come to the question of clear skies we find that Florida compares favorably in this respect with most eastern states and makes out considerably better than the Lakes States and New England. In choosing a place to live in Florida, however, you will want to bear in mind that the Gold Coast and its fringe areas do not compare so well with central Florida and the Gulf Coast. The Gold Coast has an average of 120 cloudy days annually compared with DAYS I UNDER 40 E 40-80 80-120 = 120-160 160 AND OVER Fig. 3. Average annual number of cloudy days from 80-100 in the rest of Florida (see Fig. 3). Simi- larly, in the number of clear days annually, (see Fig. 4), the Gold Coast has only 100 clear days com- pared to 120-140 in the remainder of the state. As sunshine has a beneficial effect in helping cure depression and dyspepsia, you are therefore likely to experience a greater uplift in spirits elsewhere than on the rather expensive Gold Coast. DAYS E 220 AND OVER E3 180-220 Z 140-180 S 10O0-140 o 10oAND UNDER Fig. 4. Average annual number of clear days Temperature In experiments with both rats and humans, both Dr. Mills of the University of Cincinnati and Profes- sor Huntington in Massachusetts found that during hot weather one's powers of judgment, memory, and concentration fall off by as much as 25%. Hunting- ton found that people attained their optimum de- gree of physical activity with an average temperature of 600-650 and a noonday temperature of 700. It was also found that one's top mental peak was attained when the temperature outdoors was 38-that is dur- ing late fall or early spring in the northern and cen- tral states. Further, it was observed that people work better in a moderate temperature subject to consid- erable daily fluctuation rather than in stable, un- changed conditions. Other investigations have proved that the ideal working and living conditions are these: during sum- mer an average temperature of 750 in combination 120 o00 with a relative humidity of 55% (more about this later) and in winter, a combination of 70 and a re- lative humidity of 35%-40%. With a steady tempera- ture of 80 or more, strong people begin to lose their strength. But persons of delicate constitution gain strength and weight, and attain a more vigorous mental and physical state. Too, in temperatures of constant warmth the body's white cells become slug- gish with a marked decrease in their ability to ward off germs. In this same condition of constant warmth, older people are relieved from the constant strain of adapting themselves to continual changes in the weather. If we are to believe these facts then, in a warm state like Florida, strong young people are slowed down and forced to live at a slower tempo with greater chances for longevity. Weak people regain their health and strength. All persons suffer from diminished mental powers (as no doubt this author will be accused of; incidentally, the temperature is now 750 at 3 P.M. on January 25, 1953 at Clear- water, Florida). Everyone experiences a decreased bodily ability to fight off infection. And older folks' hearts have an easier time of it. This is the price you pay to live in Florida. What are the disadvantages? Unless you want to die young, there are only two. The first is this tendency for your mental powers to diminish. After spending as long as four or five months writing at one time in Florida, I have noticed an increased difficulty in concentrat- ing. But it might have been due to the strain of having worked that long in the first place. Anyway, you'll want to know that in spite of meagre library facilities, there is still plenty of cultural activity go- ing on in Florida and that some of the world's great- est novels and paintings have been created in the tropics. Lastly, there is the disadvantage incurred whereby one loses one's ability to fight off infections after living for a prolonged period in a warm cli- mate. This, too, is a very minor worry unless you plan to go north in the middle of winter. For there are few germs in Florida and provided you stay put dur- ing winter, you have virtually nothing to worry about. How about vacationists? Most of them aren't here long enough to lose their powers of warding off infection. But it always pays to be careful when re- turning north again in winter after a week or two spent in the warmth of Florida. While on the subject of vacations and health, it might be opportune to point out at this time that a winter vacation is more advantageous than one in summer. Best time to take it is during January or February because at that time you'll be most tired after having worked steadily through the trials of winter. If you have your vacation in summer, how- ever, you will already have been rejuvenated by the spring weather and your vacation won't do you quite as much good. Nevertheless, one can never com- pletely separate climate from sociology, which means that if you can't afford Florida's high winter rates, you may be better off if you take your Florida vacation during the cheaper summer season and so save worrying about where the money is to come from. Fig. 5. Which all brings us to that devastating question, "Just how hot is Florida during summer?" It's hot. It's hotter than most Chamlers of Commerce would like to have you believe. The entire state lies south of the 800 average July temperature line (see Fig. 5). In fact, most of the state also lies south of the July wet bulb 750 average temperature line. (The wet bulb temperature gives the closest indication to the temperature you actually feel, which is called the sensible temperature.) The average July tempera- ture for New York City is 74.40, for Chicago 73.9. Average July wet bulb temperature for New York City is 68, for Chicago 660. There's no denying it's hotter in Florida during summer than it is farther north. Many Florida residents leave for the North Carolina hills during summer because they find the heat so oppressive. And as Mr. A.N. of St. Petersburg told me recently: "I am retired, 67 years of age, and because of the extreme heat in Florida find it neces- sary each summer to pack up and leave for cooler parts." Now that you've heard the worst, let's take an- other look at this "terrible" summer heat. Fig. 6 shows the average annual maximum temperatures for the entire nation. This means that at least once during the summer, the temperature will normally reach the limits shown. In Florida, the maximums vary from 950 on the Gold Coast to 1000 in north- ern Florida (where the overtones of the continental Fig. 6 type climate become more apparent). But tempera- tures of 1000 or more are likely to be experienced as far north as the Canadian border. In the East, only the mountains, the Lakes States, and New England lie outside the region where a 1000 heat wave is likely to be experienced at least once a year. Yet almost all of Florida lies between the 950 and 1000 limits. < Fig. 7. Talking of heat waves, take a look at Fig. 7 which shows the highest temperatures ever observed be- tween 1899 and 1938 in the entire nation. There is hardly a place in the entire country with as low a maximum as most of Florida. These are the tempera- tures you see screaming in headlines all over the country during summer: 980 IN DOWNTOWN CLEVELAND. HEAT AND HUMIDITY TO CONTINUE-LITTLE RELIEF IN SIGHT. You don't see that sort of headlines in Florida because there are no heatwaves. Cases of heat prostration or sunstroke in Florida are almost unknown. What does it all add up to? These Government maps show that Florida is hot during summer and stays hot with little variation in temperature. Be- cause of this equable temperature, Florida does not experience the trying heat waves of the north. And to cap it all, I am going to add that unless you are considerably overweight, you need not find Florida summers uncomfortable at all. To prove it, a survey taken in the state showed that in southern Florida 80% of older people did not find the summer heat trying. In central Florida al- most 90% found the summer climate quite comforta- ble. In northern Florida, the percentage was 73. These older people stayed in Florida during summer and liked it. They liked it because they had learned -to live properly in hot weather. The people you see fleeing to the mountains of North Carolina are either overweight or have not learned the secret of successful sub-tropical living. To start with, you've got three allies onyour side. First are the frequent summer afternoon thunder- showers which cool things down by 50 or even 100 just at the hottest time of day. Second, there are the constant breezes. The southern half of the Atlantic coast is fanned by the briskly blowing northeast trades. The rest of the coast experiences the sea breeze by day and the land breeze by night as is com- mon along all tropical shores. The reason for this phenomenon is that the land heats up much more quickly under sunlight than does the water. The air over land thus warmed becomes hot and rises while cool air from the sea moves in to take its place. At night, the reverse takes place and the air moves back frtn the sea to the land. These land and sea breezes occur with unfailing regularity whenever no weather disturbance is present. And if there is one present, you get a breeze from that instead. Thirdly, owing to the great area of water surface in and around Florida -the state has over 3,700 miles of coastline and over 30,000 lakes-there is constant evaporation of water into the atmosphere. As you know, when you boil water, heat must be drawn from somewhere to create that steam, or water evaporation. In Florida, that heat is drawn from the land and air surrounding the water thus leaving it cooler than it otherwise would be. Even so, with the average July temperature around 820, some people in Florida still try to live as they did up north. Some even live in Cape Cod houses-Cape Cod homes, mind you, in Florida. Many older women just will not let down their hair and join their sisters who go through summer in two piece suits or loose, porous clothing. Other older folk do not stay out of the sun nor rest after lunch (thus defying the custom of siesta, almost universal among tropical peoples). Still others refuse to eat a balanced diet with plenty of fresh citrus and tropical fruits; they continue to eat the heavy, starchy foods they were used to in the North. Some do not recog- nize the need for salt and experience muscular cramp or dizzy spells which they blame on the summer heat. No, I believe that anyone from the North who rec- ognizes that in summer the Florida climate is truly tropical and who is prepared to live as sensible peo- ple do in the tropics such a person will find little to complain of in the eternal warmth of the Florida summer. Fi. 8. Fig. 8 shows the average July temperatures for the state. The coolest part is just south of Lake Okeecho- bee, warmest is on the eastern Keys. But the differ- ence is very slight. Actually, the coolest places in summer are all coastal locations with as second choice, those places inland at an elevation high enough to catch a breeze. So much for the blistering Florida heat. Now how about those winter cold snaps? Fig. 9 shows the aver- age January temperatures. The farther south you Fig. P. locate, the warmer you will be. During daytime, the temperature often rises markedly above the figures shown on the map; at night, it may fall markedly be- low. In central Florida my oil heating bill totals around $7.50 a year for a 7-room home (I don't heat the bedrooms or the kitchen). I light the space heater on some 21 mornings annually but it's usu- ally turned off by noon. I may also use heat for a few hours on some 21 evenings each winter. But that's all I find necessary. Seldom is the heat on all day. Older folk, however, would probably require more heat than this but you could be fairly safe in assum- ing that $15 a year would cover heating costs for the average home in central Florida. Costs would be higher in northern Florida, lower in southern Florida. While the average temperatures shown in Fig. 9 are fairly stable throughout the winter, on five to seven occasions each winter a cold spell sweeps over Florida. Each spell usually lasts three days. The first day is usually accompanied by fairly strong northerly winds. The second day is calmer but loss of heat into the air by radiation makes this the coldest day of the three. (This is the day when cold air drainage can kill your citrus crop.) The third day things begin to get warmer again and by the fourth day tempera- tures are back to normal and you can go sunbathing or fishing in the lightest of clothing. 25 302 4J0 40 50 0-.50 Fig. 10. Average annual minimum temperature The lowest temperature you're likely to meet dur- ing a cold spell in central Florida is 30 (see Fig. 10). In the northern part of the state the temperature may drop to 200, in the southern part to only 35. There is no doubt that you'll feel a Florida cold spell more than you would feel cold weather in the North. In fact, the only complaint I personally have re- garding Florida weather is directed against its win- ter cold spells. I find the summers delightful. The conclusion to draw from all this is that for a winter vacation, the farther south you go into Florida, the warmer the weather is likely to be. For permanent residence the summer heat is just about the same everywhere but the farther south you lo- cate, the better chance you will have for warmer win- ter weather and freedom from cold spells. FLORIDA AVERAGE JULY TEMPERATURE FLORIDA AVERAGE JANUARY TEMPERATURE Humidity Often enough you hear people say: "It isn't the heat, it's the humidity." So having established how hot is Florida, let's see what effect the humidity has on us there. As I've already mentioned, the actual temperature felt by the human body is known as the sensible temperature. It is the result of the combined effects of temperature, humidity, and wind. For purposes of comparison, climatologists meas- ure humidity in a percentage called relative humid- ity. Relative humidity means the amount of water that is actually contained in the air compared with the maximum amount that that same air could hold under identical conditions of temperature and pres- sure. Thus a relative humidity of 50% means that the air could actually absorb twice as much water as it has. The importance of relative humidity in rating a climate lies in the fact that it is the critical factor which controls the rate of heat loss from the human body. When you get hot and perspire, the perspira- tion evaporates into the air leaving you feeling cooler. The rate of this evaporation is controlled by the vacant capacity left in the air to absorb more moisture. For example, air with a relative humidity of 80% would absorb moisture much more slowly than air with a relative humidity of 20%. Therefore at 90 with a relative humidity of 80% your sensible temperature would be close to the full 90 whereas at 90 with a relative humidity of only 20%, your sensible temperature might be as low as 820. The most comfortable humidity is considered to be in the region of 70%. A lower percentage makes you feel cooler but also irritates the mucous mem- branes of the nose leaving you a prey to colds and respiratory diseases (as we find in the bone-dry in- door heat of un-humidified northern homes). A com- bination of fairly high humidity and temperature causes a loss of strength and general feeling of ennui but also increases chances for longevity. The chief danger of high humidity in such a warm area as Florida lies in sudden drops in temperature that could bring chills to bodies that had lost their resis- tive powers in the prolonged heat. But as we have seen, the cold spells of Florida are far from being ex- treme; so there is little real danger on that score. The average relative humidity in Florida is high. In a state surrounded by. water, dotted with lakes, and subject to moist ocean winds, this is unavoida- ble. As can be seen from the six maps in Fig. 11 the average relative humidity works out to around 75%. This is just about the most comfortable humidity in which to live. In combination with the warm term- PERCENT 0 UNDER 40 E 40-50 e 50-60 S60-70 OVER 70 Fig. 11. Average relative humidity at 8 a.m. (upper) noon (center) and 8 p.m. (lower) peratures it forces you to slow down and lose strength (unless you are already weak, in which case you will gain strength). It does not irritate the mu- cous membranes of the nose. And it provides for a moderate amount of evaporation to help keep you cool. The average humidity in Florida is, therefore, al- most perfect. Of course, there are a few muggy days during summer when most people are.glad to turn on their attic fans and create a draft through the house. (For complete instructions on the most effi- cient methods of attic fan cooling, see Harian's How to Keep Cool, $1 postpaid.) Because warm air contains more moisture than cool air-yes, even with the same relative humidity-clothes and shoes are liable to mildew rapidly in Florida closets unless the doors are left open. And on the score of humidity alone, Florida is not the best of places for sufferers from gout, rheumatism, and other ills which worsen in, or are attributed to, dampness. Nevertheless, the fact is that Florida's dry soil and sunshine more than make up for the effects of its humidity. So it is not surprising to learn that despite Relative humidity for leading Florida cities 7:30 a.m. Noon 7:30 p.m. Apalachicola 84% 67% 76% Jacksonville 83 60 75 Key West 78 70 77 Miann 78 66 74 Pensacola 81 70 78 Tampa 84 58 74 the state's high humidity, thousands of people have lost their arthritis and gout through living in Florida. In choosing a location for permanent residence, you'll want to know that the southern tip of the state including the Gold Coast and the Everglades is slightly less humid than the central mass while the coast of northwest Florida is slightly more humid than the central mass. Rain Florida's rainfall averages between 40-60 inches annually, which is more than that of almost any other part of the U.S. with the exception of the northern Pacific coast. Because most of this rain falls in heavy tropical downpours, the actual dura- tion of a rain storm, however, is quite short. In fact, during the so-called rainy season, it rains only 6.5% of the time. Heaviest rains occur in June, July, and August; a secondary period of rain occurs in mid- winter. Driest months are April and November (something to remember when choosing your vaca- tion date). Most of the summer rain occurs as thun- dershowers lasting from Y2-2 hours and falling on an average of one day out of every two. During the re- mainder of the year, some rain falls on an average of one day in four. DAYS ] UNDER 10 Fo0 i -so3 o 30-50 0 50-70 60 O OVER 70 70 70 60 60 50-50 Fig. 12. Average annual number of days wtth thunderstorms The incidence of thunderstorms is, therefore, higher than anywhere else in the nation. Fig. 12 il- lustrates the average annual number of days with thunderstorms. If you dislike thunder very much you might want to consider locating south of Miami or on the Keys, or perhaps in extreme northwest Florida where thunderstorms are fewer. Thunder- storms are heaviest over the Tampa Bay area. How- ever, it must be borne in mind that thunderstorms are one of nature's best answers to high temperatures and that Florida's afternoon thundershowers often bring your sensible temperature down by 50 or even 100. Therefore their cooling effect is greatest on the west coast around Tampa Bay. Fig. 13. Heaviest downpours occur on the Gulf of Mexico side of Florida where more than 4 inches sometimes falls in an hour. So it is more important on this coast to make sure you do not buy a home or build in a de- pression of land and that your septic tank, if you have one, is not subject to flooding. On the other hand, the actual amount of rainfall received throughout the year (Fig. 13) is heaviest on the Gold Coast and in northwest Florida. The re- mainder of the state receives 5-10 fewer inches of rain each year. Too, gardeners will want to know that sometimes there is no rain for as long as a month at a time. For actual rainfall in Florida varies widely from year to year with sometimes twice as much rain falling one year as the next. Hurricanes Damaging winds are much more rare in Florida than most northerners believe. While it is true that strong winds may occur at all seasons, particularly in connection with thunderstorms, these seldom create even slight damage. And the two tornadoes FLORIDA AVERAGE ANNUAL PRECIPITATIONIINCHES) which occur annually are limited in extent and do still less damage. But how about those Florida hurricanes, you say? Now, let's get something straight. Hurricanes are no more Florida hurricanes than they are New York or North Carolina hurricanes. In fact, four fifths of all reported hurricanes in the Caribbean area do not touch Florida at all. Some of them do, however, strike the coast of other states. For instance, you may re- call the devastating hurricane that back in 1938 killed 600 people in New York and New England. Yet this hurricane skipped Florida altogether. And of all the catastrophic hurricanes of the past fifty years, only three struck the Florida mainland while two others passed over the Keys. There is, therefore, no justification for associating Florida with hurri- canes. A hurricane is a revolving tropical storm with a velocity exceeding 75 m.p.h. Great hurricanes have a velocity of 125-150 m.p.h. These storms are rela- tively narrow in circumference, so that their destruc- tive path is usually not more than 40-75 miles broad. And when you learn that on the average only one hurricane passes over the state of Florida each year, it becomes fairly plain that no widespread damage is likely at any time. Moreover, since the forward mo- tion of a hurricane is seldom more than 10 m.p.h., you can count on receiving warning of any hurricane headed for the Florida coast in plenty of time to make preparations. A meteorological watch is main- tained throughout the Caribbean area from well be- fore the hurricane season (August, September, and October) until it is safely past. Of course, some parts of the state are more liable to hurricanes than others. Here is a table showing the expectancy of hurricanes at principal coastal cit- ies in Florida: Miami, Key West Palm Beach, Pensacola Fort Myers Coasts of Franklin and Wakulla counties Tampa and Pinellas county; East Coast, Vero Beach- Melbourne Daytona Beach Jacksonville 1 in every 7 years 1 in every 10 years 1 in every 12 years 1 in every 15 years every every every 20 years 30 years 50 years Due to enforcement of the State's Hurricane Building Codes, property damage has decreased steadily with every hurricane since 1926. A point to remember, too, when reading of the staggering loss of money due to a hurricane in Florida is that much of the astronomical figure represents unharvested crops. Principal danger to the average resident dur- ing the years before 1926 lay in unsafe roofs which were wont to blow off a house and destroy half a dozen other homes before being splintered to pieces. But with enforcement of Hurricane Building Codes loss of life is now less than 3% of what it was back in 1926. Of course, hurricanes can still be dangerous. But while telephone lines from the north are jammed with frantic calls from relatives, most veteran Florid- ians endure a hurricane safely inside their own homes unconcernedly catching up on their reading or correspondence. The few people who still live in homes that were not built to hurricane code specifi- cations may go to a designated Red Cross shelter (which anyone else may also do). But by and large, hurricanes are less cause for worry in Florida than is even a moderate blizzard in the northern states. While the risk of hurricane damage to you or your home in Florida is so slight as to be negligible, it may be worth pausing to consider for a moment the in- fluence of Florida winds and minor storms upon your health. The number of storms and wind depres- sions met with in Florida is not great but the fact re- mains that Florida lies outside the eternally calm weather belt of the U.S. (California, Arizona, etc.), and is therefore subject to variations in air pressure accompanied by winds. These winds are useful in that they provide a certain amount of stimulation and help to prevent too much weakness or loss of energy due to languor. Yet on the debit side, a falling barometer has been found to place a very definite strain on the human nervous system, to aggravate cases of acute appendi- citis, bring a relapse to patients recovering from an operation, and even to kill persons in a very weak condition. Before a storm, the amount of ozone in the atmosphere increases so stimulating one's men- tal powers but in persons with nothing definite to do (such as retired folk and children) this may lead to irritability and nervousness. Strong winds accom- panied by high humidity and a falling glass (this happens in Florida) may cause stomach ulcers to worsen while after the storm you may suffer more than usual from bouts of asthma, gall bladder at- tacks, orthopedic diseases, a brain abscess, gastric ulcers, migraine headaches, spontaneous hemor- rhages, or eye trouble-if you are already a victim of any of these maladies. Summing it all up we can say that if you are prone to any of these latter ailments or if you are subject to severe nervousness or irritability, you might do bet- ter to think of living permanently in the Southwest instead of Florida. But you will not experience any worse effects from storms in Florida than you do in our northern and central states. Chances are they will be less. So if storms don't bother you in those states, they aren't likely to do so in Florida. Other Factors Much to the dismay of Chambers of Commerce, light snow has on rare occasions fallen in Florida. But generally speaking, the state is snow-free. Frosts occur south of Orlando on an average of only once A-A KLLJNM FtOST UASLE ANMUAUW NO RECORD OF ILLUNS FROST BELOW 0B- VAMABLE 3W0 TO 365 FLORIDA AVERAGE NUMBER OF DAYS WITHOUT KILLING FROST .3-- Pig. 14. every second year while in the Keys, frosts are un- known. Gardeners should examine Fig. 14 for grow- ing seasons. Days with dense fog (see Fig. 15) vary from 20 in northwest Florida to less than five in south Florida. Although fog on even 20 days a year is not cause for concern, this fact may help you select a place in which to live if fogs bother you unduly. Only along the northern border of Florida does hail fall (on an average of one day a year). o 20S 10 10 5 DAYS LI UNDER 5 E 5-10 E~ 10-20 E 20-40 gE OVER 40 Fig. 15. Average number of days with dense fog. One last factor to consider when choosing a place to live or to vacation in Florida should be the influ- ence of the Gulf Stream. This warm water current flows past the Keys and Gold Coast at a rate of some 232 knots with a constant temperature of more than 800. Its effect is to provide an eternally warm sea from Key West as far north as Palm Beach. This eter- nally warm water helps ameliorate all extremes of cold hence the desirability of this highly popular coastal strip. No official medical evidence is available to prove the beneficial effect of Florida's climate on most classes of ailments. But I can report that a large number of older people have told me that the actinic therapy of Florida sunshine combined with warm, moist conditions has had almost magical effects in helping them help themselves recover from a wide variety of ailments. For your interest I will mention those ailments which I have been told over and over again have been held in check or the patients im- proved as the result of living in Florida. They are: heart trouble, hay fever, colds and chills, ulcers, rheumatism, gout, and arthritis, rickets, kid- ney, liver, and stomach complaints, skin ailments, in- fluenza and pneumonia, asthma, neuritis, and ca- tarrh. (Note: the discussion of the effects of Florida's climate upon health in this chapter is too broad to guarantee that it will fit any individual case per- fectly. To be sure whether you should or should not live in Florida, see your doctor.) Normal temperature and rainfall in Florida MONTH Jan. Feb. Mar. April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. NORTHERN FLORIDA Temp. Rain 55.40 3.24" 57.1 3.71 62.7 3.93 68.1 3.22 74.6 3.72 79.6 6.20 81.1 7.47 81.1 6.95 78.5 6.07 70.7 3.44 61.8 2.31 56. 3.58 Annual Ave. 68.9 53.84 SOUTHERN FLORIDA Temp. Rain 62.80 2.31" 63.9 2.46 67.9 2.63 72. 2.65 76.6 4.19 80.1 7.43 81.5 7.37 81.8 7.13 80.4 7.43 75.3 4.80 68.3 1.98 63.7 2.02 72.9 52.4 Hayfever in Florida Since many hayfever producing plants such as timothygrass, goldenrod, pigweeds, and English plantains are rarely found in Florida, a good deal of the state offers satisfying relief to hayfever aller- gies. The extreme southern tip of the state and such cities as Fort Myers, Miami Beach, and Key West promise almost complete relief to pollen suf- ferers. Due to the long period of summer weather in Florida, the ragweed season extends from June through November. But as you will see in the table below, only seven out of Florida's 27 pollen stations reported indexes unfavorable to hayfever sufferers in 1954-55. Significance of indexes: above 10 is not recom- mended; between 5 and 10 is fairly good; below 5 is good; below 1 is excellent. Pollen Trap Station Number City 1 Pensacola (Santa Rosa Island) 2 Panama City (Sunnyside Beach) 3 Tallahassee 5 Jacksonville 6 Daytona Beach 7 Melbourne 8 West Palm Beach (Morrison Field) 9 Miami Beach 10 Miami 11 Key West 12 Fort Myers 14 Sebring 15 Tampa 17 St. Petersburg 18 Ocala 19 Orlando 20 Bradenton 21 Fort Pierce Clearwater -Coral Gables Pollen index 10 0.054 32 2 6 6 3 21 5 31 0.26 2 0.12 0.19 3 5 1 13 3 4 5. 7 2 A2 fal -Everglades National Park - Fort Lauderdale Beach - Gainesville - Live Oak 0 Is 0 19 15 - F 0 14 CHAPTER II WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT FLORIDA -the state in brief Whether you're thinking of Florida for a vacation or as your new home, you'll want to know something of this second largest state east of the Mississippi. So the purpose of this chapter is to give you a brief in- troduction to the state as a whole and the chief char- acteristics of each of its regions. Reaching out like an enormous thumb from the main continental U.S., Florida stretches 400 miles from the Georgia line towards the tropics; beyond, its island chain of keys curves even farther south- to within 70 miles of the Tropic of Cancer. Just how far south Florida actually lies may surprise you. Its northern border is 120 miles south of the southern extremity of California. The parallel of latitude which cuts the city of Miami also cuts the Bahamas, bisects the Sahara Desert, crosses the Nile 300 miles south of Cairo, cuts across the Red Sea and Persian Gulf, passes south of Delhi-capital of India-and spans the Pacific south of Midway and only a couple of hundred miles north of Honolulu. When you are in Miami you will be on the same level as all these tropic-bordering lands. For Florida is so far south that our Deep South lies to the north. Flanking the Gulf of Mexico on the west and the Atlantic on the east, Florida's 3,700 miles of deeply indented coastline frame the state in a glittering border of sparkling beaches, green swamps, and blue, blue water. Behind the chain of resorts which studs this glamourized fringe lies the real Florida- a sandy land of vast pine forests in the north, scrub and palmetto in the centre, and sub-tropical prairie and swamp land in the south. Ranged like a backbone from the Georgia line down the centre of the thumb as far as Sebring is a broad vertebrae of sandy hills- the highest is about 325 feet-from which flow slug- gish, tree-lined rivers. Dotting this Ridge and Lake section are most ot the state's 30,000 shallow lakes; some of these are of noteworthy size but the majority would be classed elsewhere as ponds. It is a land that beyond the towns remains little changed from the frontier stage; probably your first impression when driving through central or southern Florida will be that you are on the edge of the jungle. It is a land of extremes: within a stone's throw of palatial man- sions you'll find deplorable Negro shacks; almost side by side you'll find some of the cheapest and some of the most expensive places to live in America; you'll find old age pensioners contentedly fishing off piers while wealthy executives pay $50 a day to char- ter a boat to fish ten miles farther out; you can eat an expensive meal prepared by a skilled French chef or you can dine at a drive-in for 800. An adolescent state that often has been labelled irresponsible, Florida's entire progress over the past 70 years has been made in a series of tremendous booms inter- spersed with soul-searing depressions. Now Florida is booming as never before. But by the time you read this, she could very well be in the depths of a moder- ate recession. The reason is not far to seek. For that broad, outer fringe of the Florida thumb contains 90% of the state's resorts, which are almost entirely dependent for their income upon tourist dollars brought in from other states. When times are good, Florida's coffers are piled high with tourist dollars; when times are bad, people tend to economize on non- necessities like vacations and Florida's resorts go half empty. One can, of course, make all kinds of excep- tions to this flat, broad statement. More and more senior citizens with federal or fixed incomes from other sources are steadily building up a more econom- ically stable Florida. Industry, too, is moving in. But for a long time to come, Florida's resorts will con- tinue to serve as an economic barometer to the re- mainder of the nation, heralding bad times in the form of lowered tourist revenue as much as two years before the onset of a nationwide depression or recession. You won't be long in Florida before you'll hear someone spoken of as being a "real Cracker." Origi- nally employed to denote a native Floridian, this term has now been stretched so far that folk with as little as seven years residence proudly announce themselves as Crackers too. The name became com- mon years ago when the first settlers were in the habit of driving mule trains through the pine forests of northern Florida to the crack of mighty bull whips. And the true home of the Cracker is still in the pine forest country of northern Florida and, to a slightly less extent, in the central Ridge and Lake section. The Cracker is a southerner. Long before Yankees like Plant and Flagler brought in railroads to open up sun-drenched peninsula Florida as a winter re- sort, southerners had been living in and exploiting the forests of north Florida. In fact, the Spaniards had been active in the same region as far back as the 16th century. But none of these earlier settlers had ever dreamed that Florida's greatest industry would be selling its climate. At least, not until Yankee capi- tal and ingenuity began to exploit both coasts in the latter part of last century. Since then, Yankees have been streaming south in a never-ending procession. And the rather incongru- ous result has been that while northern Florida has retained its Southern population and characteristics, southern Florida has become a sub-tropical exten- sion of New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Illinois. South of a line running roughly from Daytona Beach on the East Coast to Tarpon Springs on the West Coast, the soft Southern drawl becomes in- creasingly rare with every mile you go. This is Northern Territory beyond the Deep South; the people are northern in manner and speech; the cul- ture is northern; it's a northerner's paradise. But the Crackers have not let control of their state pass into northern hands. Owing to an outdated rep- resentative system, the sparsely populated Cracker counties have been able to outvote the rest of the state and run things their way. To say that their way in the past has been corrupt is putting it mildly. A Florida politician has commanded about as much prestige as a Florida realtor during the boom. But in common with the rest of the country, corruption in politics is on the way out, even in Florida. How does modern Florida compare with other states in offering facilities for good living? On the basis of Government and other surveys and on the basis of my own research for my three nationwide guides to retirement, opportunity, and vacationing, I believe I can safely make the following comparisons. Let's take health facilities first. The number of doc- tors per capital in Florida is just average for the na- tion as a whole. The number of hospital beds per capital is below average. Because Florida is an unusu- ally healthful state this might not be too serious de- spite the number of older people in the state likely to need medical care. But during winter, the popu- lation of many towns in the southern part of the state is almost doubled by the influx of visitors. And many of these visitors are sick people seeking a kindlier climate. The result is that southern Flori- da's hospitals are frequently overcrowded during winter and the state's doctors burdened by a double work load. Perhaps you have heard of cases of slow medical response to a sick call in Florida. If you haven't, I have. I have been in Florida hospitals during the peak winter season when beds were jammed one alongside the other only a foot or two apart with other beds lining the corridors and halls. But I have never heard of anyone in real need of medical care being unable to get it. If you are ill during the peak winter season, you'll get swift attention; if you just want sympathy, it may be some hours before a doctor can see you. Meanwhile, Florida's hospitals are be- ing enlarged and new doctors are coming in to set up a practice in the sun. But it will be some time before the state's hospital beds per capital figure can com- pare with those of states like New York or Wiscon- sin. My own biggest gripe about Florida (and about my only one) is that its libraries are way below par. However, the State Extension Library at Gainesville offers a wide selection of books by mail. Not inter- ested in reading? Then how about children, new ones for example. If you plan on having a baby in Florida, you'll want to know that the infant mortal- ity rate is average; Florida's record on this score is better than that of Arkansas but not as good as Cali- fornia's. And when your child grows up, the quality of schooling-based on statistics showing the num- ber of pupils per class and the number of teachers- is likely to be below average. But on this count, we find California and even New York no better al- though such states as Connecticut and New Hamp- shire are infinitely better off. Teachers' pay has also been low in Florida, a good deal lower than in Cali- fornia or New York. But then, wages are lower in the South so this is not such a critical factor in deter- mining the standard of education. However, we also find that in comparison with other states Flor- ida is below average in the amount spent per pupil on school budgets. California, which is growing as fast as Florida, has spent a good deal more on educa- tion while New York's expenditure has been only average. In interpreting these figures in the light of lower wages, segregation, and lower construction costs in Florida, I personally do not believe the school sys- tem in this state is quite as bad as statistics make it appear. But there is certainly room for improvement. Tax-wise, Florida makes out well for state and local taxes are among the lowest in the nation while New York's, for example, are higher than average. You'd find Florida's taxes appreciably lower than those of Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, I1- linois, Indiana, Maryland, New Jersey, Ohio, Rhode Island, Tennessee, and Virginia, to name a few states east of the Mississippi. And statistics showing the cost of a new city home reveal that construction costs are average in Florida and cheaper than in Alabama, Georgia, Maine, Mississippi, North Caro- ina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Vermont. Perhaps you can trace those factors in which Flor- ida is backward to the rude, earlier day Cracker poli- tics. But more likely than not, they are due to the lag between the development of public facilities and the soaring population. At any rate, a lot of people like Florida well enough to leave their home state and come and live here. Indeed, surveys show that over half the people already retired here are unable to find fault with anything about the state. SPerhaps then, lack of public facilities is not so im- portant; what is important is that these folks have selected the right sort of environment. When you consider that the distance between Florida's capital and Miami is 425 miles, which is the same distance as from Cleveland, Ohio to Norfolk, Va., or from the heart of Massachusetts to the heart of Virginia, you will appreciate that life in Tallahassee can differ ap- preciably from life in Miami. Not only is there a virtual Mason-Dixon line in reverse dividing the state into two cultural halves. But there are entire regions quite different in thought and outlook from other regions. And half of one region may be in Crackerland, the other half in Yankee Territory. Ridge and Lake Section This broad central backbone of Florida extends from the Suwannee River at the Georgia line to Sebring and the edge of the Everglades in southern Florida. It is all inland; there is no salt water any- where save perhaps a brackish reach of the St. John's River, a broad waterway separating this central re- gion from the East Coast proper. In the north, this region is entirely blanketed by swaying pines, thou- sands of square miles of them, all tapped for turpen- tine. The towns, often far apart, are islands of moss- draped live oaks in the sea of pines. South of Gainesville, the tourist country starts; the billboards would tell you this in case you didn't know. Pines here give way to scrub oak and palmetto, wastes of sand, broad cattle ranges, citrus groves, verdant ham- mock lands, and lakes, lakes, lakes. As you go south, the tourist industry becomes more and more pro- nounced. In the southern part, tourists and citrus reign supreme. Strongly Cracker in the north, Yankee influence grows steadily towards the south. But Cracker or Yankee, the people of inland Florida share much the same characteristics. Above all, they are conserv- ative and dignified. This is particularly noticeable in the tourist towns such as Bartow, Winter Haven, Lake Wales, and Avon Park. Elegance and dignity are apparent everywhere here from the great man- sions with their servants to the smallest pensioner's cottage. The outcome of all this is that the resort towns in the south include some of Florida's most culture-hungry communities. But the conservatism of this region does not mean that newcomers are not accepted. You have only to stay a week in any single town here to become com- pletely absorbed in the life of the community. Per- haps the attitude of this region can best be described as homey-ness. Here and there you'll find a boom town but the atmosphere of most communities stresses quiet and relaxation. The one concern of these people is to make sure that their part of Flor- ida never, never becomes anything like the lavish Gold Coast. To them, Miami Beach is the anathema; this glamour-glitter city is not Florida, they will has- ten to tell you. So if you want a relaxed, homey, in- land setting with plenty of lake fishing, boating, swimming, and a golf-country club-suburban life, the Ridge and Lake section may be your choice. Atlantic Coast Extending from the Georgia line and petering out in the coastal islands of the keys, this littoral strip is the most publicized part of Florida. Broadly speaking, it may be divided into two halves. South of Fort Pierce lies the Gold Coast; north of Fort Pierce are a chain of coastal resorts and the industrial city of Jacksonville. If you drive south down the coast along U.S.1 (tip: to avoid Jacksonville, take the new bridge via Arlington) you'll see more evidence of booming growth than anywhere else in the state. U.S.1 itself is being constantly widened; and what used to be a chain of communities between Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach now forms an almost continuous city. Subject to booms since Flagler's day, the Gold Coast emphasizes all that is most extreme about Flor- ida. South of Merritt Island the vegetation becomes tropical, often exotic. And within a mile of this greatest tourist route in the land you can find alliga- tors, turtles, and many surprising forms of wild life. Here the jungle and the ocean are ever at your motel or cottage door. The social life of the Gold Coast includes practi- cally all strata of society. Hidden away in Jupiter Island or still sheltered behind secluded walls in Palm Beach are the last remnants of America's "400." This is still international society: a publicity-shy, al- most impregnable circle of party-loving families, traditionally wealthy. Not permitted to share this ex- clusiveness are the next highest stage in the social strata, the Newly Rich. You'll find them in expen- sive homes flanking Fort Lauderdale's canals or hob-nobbing with celebrities at Miami Beach. But these "sets" are as far removed from the average American as is Jupiter or Mars. Gone are the days when the Gold Coast catered only to the wealthy. Now its tourist income depends solidly upon the great lower middle class. Shades of the old days do linger, however. Here you'll find Florida's highest prices-both in resorts and real estate. Unlike the West Coast's, the vacation business does not depend so much upon repeat trade. The winter (and summer) vacationing clientele is younger, has more money, and spends more than do those who return year after year to the West Coast resorts. On the Gold Coast you'll find the guys and dolls of Broadway, the younger social set-from Park Avenue to Macy's. The atmosphere is not quite as hospitable or the welcome so warm as that of the West Coast. One hears complaints of snootiness and the outstretched palm . Farther north, things are slightly cheaper and be- yond Daytona Beach, one meets more and more Southerners. For these resorts-some of Florida's oldest-are enjoying a steady year 'round trade. Par- ticularly in the north around Jacksonville, the coastal resorts cater not to the winter visitor but to the summer vacationist. Above Point Vedra Beach, all the resorts are summer resorts. (If you examine Fig. 9 you'll see why.) The extremes of the Gold Coast run in another di- rection too. Dotted about the coastal lands or barrier beach islands are communities of low priced homes and low living costs. Places like Leisure City and Greater Melbourne (just north of the Gold Coast proper) offer you the chance to share the same Flor- ida sunshine, sports, and scenery with the interna- tional set at Hobe Sound or Palm Beach. You can live in these lower priced communities without ex- periencing any social stigma whatsoever. But always in the background will be the lavish spending and high living of those with more money; the tradi- tional pomp and glitter which is inseparable from Florida's Gold Coast. West Coast Broadly speaking, the West Coast of Florida sweeps in a great arc from Pensacola to the Keys. But for our purposes we will regard the West Coast as that part of Florida bordering the Gulf of Mexico south of Tarpon Springs. Some writers have de- scribed this coast as nothing but sand, water, and cli- mate. On the coast itself, this is not far from the truth. But back of the beaches lie rich agricultural lands: hundreds of square miles of citrus groves, gladiola and tomato fields, tung plantations, and celery farms. This coast can be summed up in a single word- folksy. The towns are folksy, the resorts are folksy, the country is folksy. The exact definition of folksi- ness has nothing to do with the size of your income. There are rich people on the West Coast but most West Coast residents live on very modest in- comes. Yet they're all folks and they all rub shoul- ders and mix freely. There is no Hobe Sound on the West Coast even though there are some rather ritzy restricted residential areas. But it simply does not pay to try and climb above your fellows on the West Coast -it isn't being folksy. And those who do try to create exclusiveness achieve nothing more than to ostracize themselves from the folksy pleasures of West Coast living. The most folksy town is St. Petersburg-retire- ment capital of the nation. On both sides of St. Petersburg lie a galaxy of communities favored by retired folk-together these form the Gulf Coast Re- tirement Kingdom in the centre of which I live. This same folksy atmosphere is strongly evident in the beach resorts along the shore. Patronized by plain, ordinary people with little to spend on nightclubs and gaiety, the West Coast resorts depend for their income on repeat business. You'll find none of the heavy drinking and fashionable living of the Gold Coast. Accent on dress is modesty; Bikini bathing suits are definitely out. And best of all, prices are no- ticeably lower on the West Coast. In spite of the fact that some hotels and motels are trying to charge all that the traffic will bear, you can vacation for less on the West Coast. If you lean towards simple, re- laxed living you'll enjoy your vacation more than you will do on the Gold Coast. And if you want to live cheaply, you'll find more chances for doing so here. Of course, the West Coast has known boom days too. You can still find the overgrown remains of en- tire cities laid out but never built-hangovers from the boom of the 20's. But as I write this, the West Coast is still in the grip of the greatest boom of all times. Here, however, the boom is quieter, less gar- ish, and more dignified than that of the East Coast. There is a strong leaning towards cultural interests. Because many of the towns have twice their normal populations during winter, you'll find huge audi- toriums and civic centres, acres of shuffleboard courts, piers, and parks that many a northern city with six times the population cannot boast. The real attraction of this lies, however, in the white beaches which line the coastal islands from Honeymoon Island off Ozona to Sanibel Island off Fort Myers. Then follows a strip of coast where the beaches stand right on the mainland until south of Collier City are the uninhabited wastes of the Ten Thousand Islands dotting the shore down to the Keys, where the West Coast tails off in the swampy shores of the Everglades. Most of the resorts and the higher priced residential communities stand on the beach islands. Together with the Keys, these beach islands come just about as near to offering South Seas living in the U.S. as it is possible to find. Fortunately, some of the islands are still unin- habited. Here you will find miles of deserted, sub- tropical beach backed by waving cabbage palms and slender, curving coconut trees. Taking the place of a coral reef is a long sandbar offshore, often uncov- ered at low water. Between the sandbar and the beach is a channel, known locally as a swash gully; often, it is teeming with mullet and other fish. It is still possible to live as a beachcomber on these unin- habited islands. You can pick coconuts, catch a va- riety of fish, scoop up multi-hued coquinas from the sands (they make delicious broth), trap stone crabs, and perhaps even find a turtle or two. You could, as others have done, make a tight beachcomber's shack out of driftwood and palmetto thatch. All you would need from civilization would be mosquito screen and some sandals to protect your feet from the prickly sand spurs. Here to my mind, are the last outposts of paradise left in America. Not many readers would perhaps want to live the life of a beachcomber. What most people have done is to build civilized communities on these exotic is- lands and to develop beach resorts for profit. This sounds fine except that John Q. Public has been left out of the planning. For the fact is that with the ex- ception of the public beaches at Clearwater, Braden- ton, and Sarasota, very little of the West Coast's major tourist attraction-its beaches-are open to the public. Certainly there are odd strips here and there between the many segments of private beach but if you expect any large scale public beach with bathhouse and picnicking facilities as you get in the North, you won't find it. On the other hand, one only needs to own a boat to reach some of the finest unspoiled beaches in America. These lie on the uninhabited islands. From where I live in the mainland part of a West Coast city, I can be walking on the 4-mile strand of an uninhabited island in just 20 minutes flat. Be- yond lies another uninhabited island with another stretch of superb, sub-tropical beach. But you can't find this sort of thing everywhere and if you're think- ing of the West Coast in the glowing terms of adver- tisements such as "miles of white sand beaches" bet- ter think again; for the ads don't tell you that you cannot venture above high water mark on most of these beaches without coming face to face with an insulting KEEP OFF sign. The Keys The Florida Keys are as much removed from the Florida mainland as is Florida from the American continent. As the mainland fades out in an am- phibious jungle of wet hammocks and mangrove swamp, your first introduction to the chain of key islands is likely to be the acrid smell of the departing mainland. Then you're on Key Largo, first and largest of the chain of keys which sweep crescent-shaped for 100 miles out into the incomparable blueness of Florida Strait. The islands are narrow, low, often frighteningly small to the mainlander; during hurri- canes some can be positively dangerous, at other times they are ravaged by mosquitoes. And they are quite expensive. But that about describes all the possible draw- backs. Out here, under dramatic, towering skies and on infinitesimally small pieces of land floating be- tween the blues of the sea and the heavens, you might just as well be on a South Sea atoll. At night, the moon and stars seem to be so much bigger and brighter and closer than they do away back in Mi- ami. To sit in a bamboo chair with your favorite drink and watch the moon come up over the palms of the Florida Keys is to live through a truly moving experience for northerners it is perhaps the most romantic sight on American soil the trop- ical night, the murmuring sea, the rustle of the palms in the best traditions of Somerset Maugham. We would expect to find a different outlook here. But the contrast is indeed glaring. Key West, the rather shabby city at the extremity of the Keys is a blend of Cuba, the Bahamas, a seafaring atmos- phere, and naval orderliness. It is the most foreign city in the U.S. But you might just like it more than any other. The rest of the Keys offer a relaxed, care- free life against a background of sports fishing and Conch native life. Probably the happy-go-lucky ele- ment is due to the ever present threat of hurricanes. At any rate, you will find a greater degree of relaxa- tion and informality here than anywhere else in Florida. Right now, the Keys are booming, people are moving in and setting up house; annually there is a vast influx of sports fishermen. But the constant warmth throughout the year absolutely forestalls any attempt at high pressure tactics relaxation is universal and unavoidable. You can easily tour the Keys by driving down the Overseas Highway from Miami to Key West, an un- forgettable experience that literally takes you to sea in your car. The bridges linking the islands were originally built to carry Flagler's railroad to Key West. After the railroad was wrecked by a hurricane, the road was built as a public works project. Even the road has been damaged by another hurricane since, as the monument to the roadbuilders who lost their lives testifies. But via this toll-free road you can drive over all the bridges including the famous Seven Mile Bridge beyond Marathon, and take your car right to the southernmost house in the U.S. at Key West. If you intend exploring all of Florida, as you cer- tainly should before you decide upon a location to settle in, this trip is a must. You'll see evidence of the vast new construction going up on the Keys, the new fishing camps and resorts. And you'll be able perhaps to picture how these near-tropical islands will look in ten years' time. The Florida Panhandle The Panhandle is the name loosely given to that sizable northwest Cracker arm of the state that spans the Gulf of Mexico from peninsula Florida to Pensacola and the Alabama line. For 200 miles north of Tarpon Springs the coast consists of swampy jungle with no sizeable city and very few settlements. Back of the swampy section of the coast -from Yankeetown to Apalachee Bay-is the coun- try of the Swampers; a poor white land of sandy roads and clapboard shacks. But from Apalachee Bay to Pensacola, you'll find some of the finest white sand beaches and sand dunes in the state, if not in the entire nation. Santa Rosa Island is famed throughout the South as the center of this summer resort coast. Inland, the pine forests carpet the state north- wards to the red soil of Georgia. From these lightly populated forest counties an endless succession of logs stream into the giant pulp mills at Port St. Joe, Panama City, and Pensacola. The vast forest lands themselves remain in the hands of paper pulp barons, the Florida duPonts, and the Federal Gov- ernment while other vast acreages of plantation around Tallahassee stay undeveloped in the hands of wealthy Easterners. Local feeling against this paralysis of the land is strongly expressed in the back country towns. Many north Floridians feel that the land should be freed for development and agriculture. There is no such stagnation on the coast. Three large military installations and a rapidly growing summer resort trade have brought the first signs of a boom to the Panhandle beaches. Now, numbers of new motels and restaurants, bars and apartment houses are beginning to dot the shores of this al- most virgin coast. Although no causeways yet link them with the mainland, promoters are already de- veloping St. George and Dog Islands in anticipation of the day when the causeways will come. Cities such as Pensacola, Quincy, Tallahassee, Chattahoochee, and Panama City continue to gain population at a rate which leaves no doubt of the part the Pan- handle is playing in the overall Florida boom. One of the oldest settled parts of Florida, the Pan- handle is distinctly Southern, draws a Southern va- cationing clientele. Set squarely on U.S. 90-the east-west Old Spanish Trail-is Tallahassee, the state capital, as far removed from Miami Beach as if it were in Tennessee. Despite the Southern back- ground and lower winter temperatures, I believe this section has much to offer northerners in vaca- tioning, retirement, and small business possibilities. Drive along U.S. 98 which follows the coast and see if you don't agree. CHAPTER III TAXES IN FLORIDA Let's face it Florida isn't absolutely perfect al- though in many ways it might be more nearly so than most places in the nation. In almost every part of this book your attention will be drawn to some drawback about Florida-with the exception of this particular chapter. Now, if you smoke and drink heavily, gamble, burn up the road with your auto- mobile or work yourself to an early death, you might be able to find fault with even Florida's lenient tax structure. Otherwise, pin your ears back while you learn of the taxpayer's paradise you'll be coming to. For the fact is that between 25%-30% of the reve- nue required to run the state of Florida is contrib- uted directly by tourists. Anywhere from 25%-30% more is contributed by these same tourists through hidden levies. While it is true that Florida's taxes have risen some 250% during the past decade against 148% for the rest of the nation this is primarily due to the heavy increase in the state's tourist traffic. Even so, the amount levied each visitor is so small as to pass almost unnoticed. But in the aggregate, it means enormous savings for the permanent home- owners of the state. Some 26% of all revenue comes from the gasoline tax, which at 70 a gallon is among the highest in the nation; 11% comes from the beverage tax; another 23% from the sales and use tax; 7% from the ciga- rette tax; and 7% from racing taxes. The Federal Government contributes the final 16% or so required to run the state. O.K. you say, but I thought Florida was a taxpayer's paradise. How about all these taxes? Well, take that gas tax for example. Because no place in Florida is more than a few miles from a beach or lake, Florida residents don't normally spend much time driving about. They leave motor- ing to Californians. So the chief payers of this tax are the state's tourists who roam the highways in thousands. Similarly, unless you smoke or drink heavily, you won't be affected much by the beverage or cigarette tax and generally speaking, only tourists contribute much to the racing tax anyway. Tourists also pay a 3% tax on all restaurant meals and a simi- lar tax on all rents of less than six months' duration. Homeowners buy foodstuffs entirely free of tax and pay some of the lowest property taxes in the na-' tion. While there is a general 3% sales and use tax, all foodstuffs and medicines are exempted as are clothing purchases of less than $10 in value. So if you are retiring on a small income, you won't pay out much in sales tax for the simple reason that you won't be buying much beyond necessities. But the best news for new Florida residents is the Homestead Exemption Law. This states that any homestead up to 160 acres in extent is exempt from all taxation by state, county, or municipality up to $5,000 of its assessed value. Only where a munici- pality has a bonded indebtedness can your home be taxed if its assessed valuation is below $5,000. More- over, the assessed valuation of Florida properties is usually very low in comparison to the actual value. Thus you will often find a home worth $10,000 or more assessed at less than $5,000. For municipal taxes in Florida are going down, not up. In part, this is due to the paying off of the great debts incurred during the boom and partly to the fact that in 1949, the state Legislature diverted to each municipality all the cigarette tax collected within its corporate limits. Half or more of this amount had to be used to reduce property taxes. And when a city does author- ize some special assessment, it can be done only through an election at which a majority of the home- and land-owners themselves must vote. Homeowners can obtain tax benefits in Florida from the first day they acquire a home and live in it. You do not have to pay the full taxes for one year first nor do you have to live in the state for one year to qualify. But you do have to meet certain specifica- tions. You must be a permanent resident of Florida. This means that your permanent home must be in Florida although you may leave it for a few months in summer as many people do. You cannot rent out the entire house without losing your exemption but you may rent a room. The most certain way of obtaining homestead ex- emption is to go to the county tax assessor's office as soon as you move into your own Florida home and fill out a declaration of residence form. To do this, you need a Florida car license tag (which you'll need anyway) and you should be a registered voter. Then between January 1 and April 1 each year you must file with the tax assessor your application for homestead exemption. (You may renew it by mail if you prefer.) But through having made a declara- tion of residence you will not experience any trouble should the county tax assessor doubt your eligibility under the law. Filing of homestead application would, in a city like St. Petersburg for example, save you something like $180 a year in property taxes. If you sell a house on which you already have home- stead exemption and buy another right away, you can still obtain the exemption. To take advantage of homestead exemption, how- ever, your deed should be recorded before Decem- ber 31 of the previous year. If it is not and you have say, a half completed house, you may be assessed full taxes for that year on its half-completed value. If you have a house built in the latter part of a year; you will normally pay only the full tax assessed on the value of the lot. Another point to bear in mind when applying for homestead exemption is that you should be living in the house on January 1 of the year for which you claim exemption. If you are not, you may still be able to claim the exemption pro- vided you move in before March 31. For if the for- mer owner is living in the house on January 1 and is eligible for homestead exemption, he can apply for the exemption and then deed the property to you. Florida homeowners serving in the Armed Forces can still obtain homestead exemption even though they may be stationed in other parts of the country or overseas. Note that no real estate taxes are levied by the state; they are payable only to the counties and munic- ipalities of Florida. Likewise, the state levies no tan- gible personal property tax. A small personal prop- erty tax is payable to counties and municipalities, however. Tangible personal property in Florida con- sists of your household goods, personal effects, resi- dence, boats, business and farm properties. It is assessed at full cash value and taxed at a variable rate by each county. As an example, Dade County charges 30.5 mills per $1,000. As a Florida resident, however, you are entitled to an exemption of $500 on this tax. And you can claim this exemption on furni- ture and personal effects even if you are living in an unfurnished rented home. Moreover, if you are a widow, have been disabled in war, or lost a limb by misfortune, you are entitled to a further exemption of $500. In practice, most retired couples in small homes find that the first exemption covers all their Florida's favorable estate tax There are no state "death" taxes in Florida. To take advantage of this protection afforded Florida residents by the State Constitution, all you need to do is to establish residence in Florida. To do this, it is not even necessary to live in Florida the year round. You should, however, file a preliminary report and obtain a non-tax certificate. The following comparison with ten other states will serve to show how much you can save in state taxes on your estate through residing in Florida. NET TAXABLE ESTATE BEFORE $60,000 STATE Florida California Illinois Indiana Kentucky Massachusetts (also has additional taxes) Michigan (if estate is all real estate, tax would be 75% less than shown) New Jersey New York Ohio South Carolina $120,000 State Tax $ 0 $4,250 $2,840 $2,640 $4,996 $3,990 $3,540 $1,890 $990 $2,140 $2,940 $200,000 State Tax $ 0 8,810 $5,600 $4,000 $9,550 $6,950 $5,700 $3,750 $1,250 $3,500 $5,525 $300,000 State Tax $ 0 $15,410 $10,400 $5,600 $15,050 $10,050 $7,800 $6,350 $1,850 $5,100 $8,125 FEDERAL EXEMPTION $400,000 $500,000 State Tax State Tax $ 0 $ 0 $21,210 $27,010 $17,200 $24,000 $7,400 $9,200 $19,850 $24,650 $12,850 $15,650 $9,600 $11,400 $9,150 $2,650 $5,900 $10,850 $11,950 $3,450 $6,700 $13,650 tangible property. And the additional $500 exemption for widows or disabled folk may, if desired, be added to the homestead exemption, making it a total $5,500. No tangible property tax is levied against property you may own outside Florida. In contrast, Florida's intangible property tax does make a small levy on investments held outside the state. Taxes are payable annually as follows: on all monies in savings accounts and bank deposits, in U.S. legal tender notes and building and loan associations, at 5 per $1,000; on stocks, bonds, and certain bene- ficial interests in trusts, at $1 per $1,000; on notes and accounts receivable, out of state mortgages, and any other intangible properties, at $1 per $1,000. No tax is levied on U.S. Government bonds or on bonds of Florida cities and counties. On Florida mortgages you pay a tax of $2 per $1,000 when recorded, after which no further payment is ever required. By com- parison with most other states, Florida's intangible tax rates are extremely favorable. On $10,000 worth of securities you would, for instance, pay $10 a year. In the event you hold out of state stock and there have been no sales within the year to establish its full cash value, tax is levied on the book value. Both tangible and intangible property taxes must be listed on returns between January 1 and April 1 each year. The returns are confidential. All property taxes are due April 1 of the following year, after which they begin to carry an increasing penalty. But- you can actually obtain a discount of 4% on all prop- erty taxes by paying them the previous November. Florida has no bonded debt, income tax, or taxes on wages. The Constitution of the State of Florida prohibits issuance of state bonds for any purpose other than repelling invasion or suppressing insurrection. Often enough, revenue bonds are financed through pledge of the revenues from the projects to be con- structed. Incidentally, there are some real bargains to be had if you want to invest in municipal bonds in Florida. The state has no inheritance or estate taxes. It does, however, take a portion of the inheritance tax deducted by the Federal Government. But your in- heritance tax in Florida is no higher than it would be if the state took no share at all. The state can im- pose no further ad valorem tax of any kind nor can any intangible property tax be levied in excess of two mils on the dollar of assessed valuations. No ad valorem tax can be assessed against any car or truck whether used for business or pleasure. You pay only a moderate auto license fee which averages about $15 a year. A state driver's license costs $1 an- nually. There is no state poll or luxury tax. Because Florida has little natural gas or hydro- electric power for cheap electricity, utility charges are one expense no lower than in most other states. On the other hand, provided you do not use vast quantities of water when living in a city (city water is pumped from deep wells) your utility bills will be no higher than in most other places. Suppose you're a visitor and not one of these fa- vored homeowners. How can you pay least taxes dur- ing your vacation? Best way is to own a cottage and use it year after year, second best way is to rent a housekeeping cottage or apartment thus saving on restaurant meals and service. But the trailerite ac- tually comes off best. By simply paying a Florida registration fee, he can park his trailer under police and fire protection, and send his children to school via free bus for an entire year if he wishes. You might even be able to deduct from your in- come tax the cost of all travel and lodgings incurred during a Florida vacation. One 81 year old Cleve- lander, William B. Watkins, recently did just that. By proving that his four month Florida vacation had been taken on medical advice, Watkins success- fully obtained an Internal Revenue Service ruling permitting him to deduct $1,401-the cost of travel and lodging but not food-from his income tax return. There you have the Florida tax picture in a nut- shell. Conditions are not likely to change because the Florida Supreme Court has taken effective meas- ures to close every loophole against further taxa- tion of homeowners. If you know anything about state and local taxes, you'll agree that taxes are lower in Florida than almost anywhere else in Amer- ica. And unlike other states, you'll find that home ownership in Florida is something you simply cannot afford to do without. CHAPTER IV YOUR VACATION IN FLORIDA There are two ways to vacation. One way is to stay at a resort for your entire holiday. The other way is to tour by car or other means of transportation, moving on from town to town, taking in all the sights en route which appeal to you, and staying overnight at a motel or tourist court. Your vacation in Florida may consist of a resort holiday or a touring holiday. Or more than likely, it will turn out to be a combina- tion of both. This chapter caters to both types of va- cations and, of course, every shade of combination in between. So first of all we'll deal with the static type of resort vacation and later, the mobile tour- ing type of holiday. Resort Vacations Sunshine is a commodity that can command a price just like grain or steel. And just like grain or steel, when it is in short supply, the demand for sun- shine is greater and the price for obtaining it rises. Far to the south in the winter realm of Old King Sol, Florida enjoys an abundant supply of sunshine at a time when most of the nation is experiencing a severe shortage. Demand for Florida's sunshine is heavy. Hundreds of thousands flee from the ice- locked north central states to bask in Florida's winter sunshine. Hotel and apartment owners enjoy a seller's market. Rates in plush hotels along the Gold Coast soar to $150 a week and more. And the takers are plentiful. But Florida enjoys this sunshine monopoly for only three or four months out of the year. As soon as the sun creeps back north in April, the Florida sunshine meets competition. People can enjoy it as far north as Maine. So during the short winter months, the Florida hotel operator has to make enough to pay costs and depreciation on his estab- lishment for the entire twelve months. It's no won- der his winter sunshine season prices are high. In April, Florida loses her monopoly on the sun. Just as with grain or steel, increasing supplies mean lowered prices. That's just what happens in Florida. If the March visitor were to stay until the middle of May, he would find his $100 a week cottage renting for only $35. Prices come tumbling down every- where. Hotels, motels, apartments, and cottage courts compete briskly for what visitors there are. The seller's market becomes a buyer's market in a few short weeks. And the result is the best buy in the whole bargain basement of American vacations. Let's take a look at the product that all this finan- cial talk is about. It's mainly the climate and the col- orful semi-tropical beach settings that go with it. Have they changed between summer and winter? The average Florida temperature increases some 120 between winter and summer, rising into the eighties from June through September. In a moist climate like Florida's, this would normally lower the body's rate of cooling to the stage where it becomes oppressively hot. But that's without taking into con- sideration the constant Gulf and Atlantic breezes. On the beaches and in the coastal towns-and at higher altitude spots inland-you can be sure of keeping cool all of the time with the aid of the breeze. Added to this are the shorter summer days and frequent summer afternoon showers that be- tween them quench every extreme of heat before it can even start. The result is a stable, warm cli- mate with abundant sunshine-in fact, it is almost the same climate that drew thousands down from January to March at prices two to three times as high as those prevailing during Florida's summer off-season. So if you decide to take your Florida vacation in July instead of January, you get practically the same thing at less than half the price. Of course, there are other slight differences. Some of the swankiest hotels still close in summer. Entertainment is less varied and the top notch night club artistes you can see in winter at Miami Beach are absent during the sum- mertime. But to most people these things are not important. The point is that they can enjoy an ex- pensive January vacation in June-free from the January crowds-for half the price that a vacation in a crowded northern resort would cost in June. Of course, the summer season does not end one day and the winter season start the next. In between are a series of rate hikes corresponding with the scarcity of sunshine in the north and the amount of entertainment and culinary skill in the hotels. For many of the larger hotels hire top chefs who come down before the start of the peak winter season- during this period, you can enjoy their cooking for rates below the regular winter levels. The same thing goes for hotel service and entertainment as well as entertainment in night clubs and other fields. Natu- rally, this is a broad principle. You may not find it true in every single hotel. But it does apply to the majority. So here's a general calendar of hotel and apartment seasons in southern Florida showing the corresponding rate reductions: Jan. 15-April 1 Peak winter season rates 100% April 1-May 15 Spring intermediate season rates 50%-75% of winter May 15-Nov. 1 Summer season rates 35% of winter Nov. 1-Dec. 15 Fall intermediate season rates 40%-45% of winter Dec. 15-Jan. 15 Holiday season rates 50%-75% of winter Most of the big hotels open around November 15 and are a good value before the Holiday Season rates go into effect. Even then, they remain a good value, although out of the bargain price range. As explained, these high rates have to be charged to cover annual expenses on the basis of a seasonal income. A hopeful trend goes hand in hand with the growth of interest now being given to Florida as a summer vacation area. For there is a strong tendency that the new summer trade will bring sufficient re- muneration to help offset the high winter costs. Eventually, Florida's winter rates should become appreciably lower. On the West Coast, first fall rates go into effect in October and motels in the $4-$5 a day summer price range add $1 a day to their rates. They generally raise the price by another $1 on December 20, and on January 15 further increases come into effect. The average motel is then charging $8-$12 a day double, with deluxe places having tile baths and cooking facilities charging around $18 a day or $125 a week. Cost of meals rises some 25%-30% during the win- ter season because, like the hotels, the restaurants must make most of their annual income between January and March. But during the rest of the year, dinners can be had from $1.10-$1.35 and up while the smaller restaurants offer luncheons consisting of soup, main dish with two vegetables, coffee and des- sert from 850 and up. Breakfasts can be had from 35#. Hotel meal prices come down 25%-30% in sum- mer also. An examination of the latest travel statistics re- veals some interesting facts which may help you en- joy a better vacation. These figures show a new in- flux of vacationists who are extending the business peak of the winter season by 3-4 weeks. What has happened is that these old hands-they've nearly all visited Florida before-have discovered three sig- nificant facts: the first is that accommodation is eas- ier to obtain after April 1; the second is that after April 1, their Florida vacation is not likely to be dis- turbed by cold spells yet the summer heat has not commenced; the third is that rates are appreciably lower. The spring intermediate season is, therefore, an excellent time to take your winter vacation. And from a physical standpoint it is almost as advanta- geous as taking it in January or February for in April your system is at its weakest ebb after the long north- ern winter. The general drop in food and accommodation prices is reflected in summer recreational costs also. Prices of charter fishing boats come down and rates for rental cars drop as much as 20%. All around, you'll find southern Florida a true bargain hunters' paradise from May through October. That is South Florida only, remember, for the most northerly resorts in the state are not winter re- sorts. Instead, they do a peak summer business and charge the highest prices during midsummer. Chief among the Florida summer resorts is the Jack- sonville Beach area, though at Ponte Vedra Beach, a bare four miles south of Jacksonville Beach itself, a summer rate reduction of 25% is in force. From Ponte Vedra Beach south, you are in the low sum- mer rate section and reductions tend to increase as you go south. On the Gulf Coast, Pensacola and Pan- ama City are peak price summer resorts as are the smaller resorts nearby. However, the summer rates in all of these resorts are quite moderate in compari- son with winter rates on the Gold Coast. Most of the visitors to these true summer resorts consist of va- cationers from the Deep South. Their clientele is Southern as are the residents and flavor of the towns themselves. South Florida is predominantly north- ern on all three counts, however. Among the distinctly winter resorts, Miami Beach, Daytona Beach, St. Petersburg, and Sarasota are the major summer vacation spots. Here-save at Day- tona-you will find the summer rate reductions in full force. Together with many smaller resorts, each has some special attraction for age groups or family groups, fishermen and golf addicts. Generally speak- ing, the bulk of the East Coast caters to the younger set with quieter, restful resorts such as Key West and St. Augustine at either end. Emphasis on the Gulf Coast, especially in the St. Petersburg-Clearwater section, lies in catering to the older folk although Bradenton has become something of a youth center. Yet these are only very broad indications; every- where there are resorts catering to old and young, gay and quiet, restful and active vacationists. Rates on the mainland are generally some 25% lower than those prevailing at the beach islands. So for lowest cost vacationing, summer or winter, you will find that for corresponding accommodation, a mainland location is invariably cheaper. But you will have to add to the cost of your mainland accom- modation, the cost of transportation for getting to and from the beach-about 100 each way by bus. In the summer when rates are low, the savings on a main- land location are not so great but during winter when you can effect savings as high as $50 a week be- tween identical cottages on the beach and on the mainland, it is well worth considering. For that mat- ter, you may find that by taking modest accommoda- tion on the mainland, you can afford a winter vaca- tion in Florida after all. What to wear in Florida Accent on dress differs between the East and West Coast and even between different groups of resorts on the same coast. You can wear al- most anything at Miami Beach, even to sport- ing a fur coat over a swimsuit. Palm Beach is formal, the rest of the Gold Coast mostly in- formal while Daytona and resorts north call for more conservative attire. Simplicity is the keynote on the West Coast and highly sophis- ticated streetwear or Bikinis are not in keeping with its folksy character. Similarly, women's shorts are not so commonly seen in the larger resort towns but are acceptable on golf courses. For Sarasota, St. Petersburg, or Clearwater vacations, women should build their wardrobe around dresses rather than sportswear. Then, too, evening wear is seldom required on the West Coast. Central Florida calls for informal but conservative attire with demand for eve- ning wear slight. For winter, be sure to take a sweater or cardigan, warm socks, and a topcoat for cold snaps. For summer, it is important to wear loosely fitting, porous clothing. But at all sea- sons take plenty of gay, brightly hued sports- wear and beach clothes. Men can take a black or white dinner jacket, or in summer one of light blue or gray cloth: Few women wear hats in Florida; those ladies who go fishing in boats do find a visored cap useful (as are dungarees). Selection of a resort which suits your temperament and pocket is quite important. You don't, for in- stance, want to reserve a hotel or cottage for a month only to find yourself in an oldster's paradise when you expected a gay, lively atmosphere. And if you're looking forward to a month in Florida on $5 a day there are a good few places where you'd have a thin time doing it. So to help you select the most suitable resort, you'll find the descriptions given in the town and city directory section in the second part of this book most useful. In addition, you'll find recom- mendations for where to stay and eat which will prove equally useful if you're on a sightseeing tour, which we shall deal with next. Sightseeing in Florida Highlighting the state's sightseeing spectacles are the enormous springs which boil forth from huge sub- terranean caverns in the limestone strata far below the surface. Because these springs rise from an almost uniform depth, their waters share an almost uniform temperature of around 720. The waters are crystal clear so that you can plainly see the underwater fairyland in the spring pools at depths of 200 feet or more. The following table will serve to illustrate the astronomical water flow of the state's major springs: Springs Homossassa Juniper Ponce de Leon Rainbow Silver Wakulla Weekiwachee White Millions of gallons per day 100 6 30 425 650 350 150 50 Most of the springs have been developed, some to a highly commercialized degree. Picturesque Silver Springs offers photo "sub" rides as does Rainbow Springs, Weekiwachee stages underwater theatricals, Homossassa plugs itself as "Nature's Giant Fish- bowl" and De Funiak Springs forms a mile 'round civic centre for the city. The second biggest feature of Florida sightseeing are the floral and tropical gardens. These are located all over the state and range from purely botanical gardens to commercialized hammocks complete with Seminole Indians and alligators. The third striking feature of Florida sightseeing is the state's many really big roadside zoos, aquariums, theatres, and what not. The variety is endless. Most of the larger scale enterprises are interesting, par- ticularly to children. In addition, there are some good state parks (where the "real" Florida has been preserved in the primitive state) and some outstand- ing historical showplaces such as St. Augustine. By far the most sight-packed highway is U.S. 1, which, with the new auto ferry to Cuba inaugurated, now includes Havana among its sightseeing pos- sibilities. Other highways with worthwhile sight- seeing include U.S. 17, 19, 27, 41, 90, 98 and 319, 301, and 441. By traveling to your destination along one of these routes and returning by another, you can be certain of seeing more sights while motoring in Florida than you would otherwise do. The best auto itinerary? Here's one for nine days, the time which most motorists spend in Florida. 1st day St. Augustine 2nd day Daytona Beach 3rd day Lake Wales for the Singing Tower and Cypress Gardens 4th and 5th days Miami Beach 6th day Via the Tamiami Trail to Naples 7th day Sarasota 8th day Ybor City in Tampa and Weekiwachee Springs; stay overnight in Brooksville 9th day Silver Springs Any additional time should be spent on a visit to Key West. Most tourists will, however, get more out of a visit to Florida by planning their own sightseeing routes to take in those sights which are individually most intriguing. So to assist you, here is a sight by sight description of Florida's most interesting highways. Of course, you'll know whether or not your child en- joys zoos, boats, Indians, etc., but just to help you in determining how well children enjoy some of the less easily definable sights, you'll find comments here and there to tell you. ROUTE U.S. 1 (and A1A the Ocean Trail) From the Georgia line (near Folkston, Ga.) to Key West. Feeder routes are U.S. 17 from Bruns- wick, Ga., and U.S. 90 from northwestern Florida. Paralleling U.S. 1 which carries the bulk of the heavy commercial traffic is Route A1A which follows the more scenic barrier beach islands from Fernan- dina near the Georgia line to Miami Beach. Route A1A is not continuous, however, and you will have to return to U.S. 1 at times in order to continue on your way south. Route A1A is generally more scenic than U.S. 1 but many of the major sights lie on the main U.S. 1 route. The best plan is to follow A1A as far as possible, returning to U.S. 1 only where necessary or where you must do so to visit sights that interest you most. Notwithstanding traffic bottlenecks, U.S. 1 provides by far the swiftest high- way along the East Coast. Fort Clinch Stste Park. Three miles north of Fernandina on A1A. A historic and photogenic old structure in a 1,086-acre park with miles of beaches and sand dunes nearby. Open daily 9-5, guided tours 250, children 104. The park has picnic grounds with fireplaces. Little Talhot Island State Park. On A1A between Nassau Sound and St. John's River. A 2,500-acre beach recreational park; the north side is reserved for whites, the south side for colored visitors. Besides one of Flor- ida's finest beaches you will also find good surf fishing, bathing, and picnick- ing facilities. Open 8 a.m.-sunset daily I free parking. Just south of the park, on Fort George Island, is the old Kings- ley Plantation with slave quarters still standing. Follow the markers near the ferry. Via Route A1A you may by-pass Jacksonville altogether by taking the ferry between Fort George and May- port, fare 50t, sailings every 30 min- utes, road toll 500. Downtown Jack- sonville may also be by-passed via US 1 or 90 by taking the new Mat- thews bridge. JACKSONVILLE. On U.S. 1, U.S. 17, and U.S. 90. Reached from Little Talbot State Park via Florida 105. Children particularly may like to visit the King Edward Cigar Factory. Inquire at the Tourist's and Conven- tion Bureau in Hemming Park for de- tailed information about possible tours of other plants such as the Swisher Cigar Factory, National Container Corporation, and a pulp and paper mill. The chief sight in Jacksonville is: Oriental Gardens. Two miles out via Florida 13. The 18-acre garden fea- tures Oriental arches, bridges, foun- tains, and Chinese architecture, water wheel, Bamboo Compound, etc. Admis- sion 750, tour time one hour. Best season for azaleas is Feb. 25-April 25, for camellias Dec.-April, for hydrangeas May-July. Open daily 8-5:30. Two routes lead from Jacksonville to St. Augustine. A1A, the longer route, follows the coast; U.S. 1 goes direct, passing near the historic village of Mandarin. Mandarin. Lies west of U.S. 1 on the St. John's River. See here the home of Harriet Beecher Stowe who wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin, and Flor- ida's largest live oak. Rihault Monument. Near May- port on A1A east of Jacksonville. Of historic interest is this monument in a grove of oaks just beyond the town marking the spot where Huguenot col- onists first arrived in 1562. Casper's Alligator Jungle. On U.S. 1 three miles north of St. Augustine. Sizeable exhibit of rep- tiles, alligators, and rare tropical birds. Admission $1.25, open 8-6 daily. ST. AUGUSTINE. At the junction of U.S. 1 and A1A. Florida's most his- toric city with a total of 72 sights. You can obtain a printed itinerary from the Junior Chamber of Commerce here which shows you how to follow a well marked tour route of the city. Or guides may be hired instead. It is rec- ommended that you do not drive your own car but hire a horse-drawn surrey. Not all of the 72 sights are of top in- terest. Instead, here is a selection of the most worthwhile given in the order in which you will meet them on the marked tour. Ripley Museum. Admission $1, open 9-9 daily. A collection of Robert L. Ripley's "Believe It Or Not" oddi- ties housed in the Moorish style Castle Warden. The City Gates. These guarded the northern approaches. Oldest Wooden Schoolhouse. Ad- mission 500, open 8-5 daily. A red cedar and cypress schoolhouse built be- fore the Revolution, contains lifelike figures of the schoolmaster and pupils. Old Curiosity Shop. A curio shop in a massive stone house. Old Spanish Treasury. Admission 500, open 9-5 weekdays. Contains pe- riod furnishings, a topflight sight. Zero Milestone. Marking the east- ern extremity of the Old Spanish Trail leading to San Diego, California, is a six foot ball of rock. Castillo de San Marcos. Admission 100, open 8:30-5:30 daily with free conducted tours. This moat-surrounded fort is the highlight of St. Augustine's sights. Be sure to climb the ramps to the roof for the view, and to visit the dungeons. Plaza de La Constituclon. See here the statue of Ponce de Leon made from a bronze cannon, the cathedral, and the Wax Museum, admission to which is $1, open daily 8-9. One block west is narrow Avila Street with pictur- .esque houses. Oldest House. Admission 504, open 9-6 daily. Dates from the 16th century with period furnishings to match. Ponce de Leon Hotel. One of Flagler's, a Moorish Palace. Lightner Museum of Hobbies. Admission 90e, open 9-9 weekdays, 1-9 Sundays. Features collection of unusual hobbies made by the founder of Hobbies magazine, is housed in another Flagler palace. Villa Zorayda. Admission 701, open 8:30-6 daily. A replica of the Spanish Alhambra. Shrine of Nuestra Senora de La Leche. Stands on site of the nation's oldest Catholic Mission; see the pic- tures of the stockade and the recon- structed coffin of the city's founder. Open 9-6, free. Fountain of Youth. Admission 800, open 8-6 daily. Tours of this legendary spring are conducted by girls in Span- ish costumes. Shrimp Docks. Of interest to chil- dren. Bridge of Lions. St. Augustine Lighthouse. Alligator and Ostrich Farm. Ad- mission 804. Houses world's largest collection of living American alligators and crocodiles, also giant tortoises, os- triches, and Florida wildlife. Open 8-6. Oldest Orange grove, Scenic Cruise. 754 plus tax. Highways A1A and U.S. 1 continue south from St. Augustine. Mystery House. Open 8-6, ad- mission 484. On A1A. Fort Matanzas National Monu- ment. A 50 foot square fort on two levels situated on Rattlesnake Island near AIA. Free guide service. Marine Studios. At Marineland on AIA a few miles south of Fort Matanzas. Admission $2.20, children $1.10. Here are two enormous oceanariums with over 200 port- holes through which you can watch hundreds of fish and sea animals in their natural habitat. Jumping por- poises are fed several times daily. Open 8-6. Florida Reptile Gardens. Five miles south of Marineland on AlA. Seminole Indian Village, alligators, wild animals. Bulow Ruins and Plantation. Near Bunnell on U.S. 1. Of interest primarily to students of history, this ruined plantation was one of the larg- est and most important in the Halifax Country before its destruction by the Seminoles in 1836. Tomoka State Park. Between U.S. 1 and A1A north of Ormond. An 860- acre park in process of development; its main feature is a rather unique blockhouse; also picnicking, fishing. Daytona Beach. On AIA and U.S. 1 six miles south of Tomoka State Park. Children, especially, will enjoy a drive on the hard 23-mile long sands. Driving is best at low water; stay away from the water's edge and park only where a sign announces it is safe to do so or where a group of other cars appear safely parked. Sea Zoo. On U.S. 1 between Day- tona Beach and Port Orange. Admis- sion $1.25. Provides acrobatic porpoise acts, performing sea lions, etc. Bongo Land. Lies on U.S. 1 at Port Orange. Admission $1.35, chil- dren 504. Formerly called the Spanish Mission Sugar Mills and Gardens, Bongo Land contains an old sugar mill destroyed by the Seminoles but now restored. Sights include tropical gar- dens, monkeys, dinosaur replica, and an Indian village. Best season for azaleas is Jan.-March. Tour time .re- quired is one hour via three miles of coquina trails. Children enjoy this ex- hibit. Old Spanish Mission Ruins. Sev- eral miles west of New Smyrna Beach, off U.S. 1. Actually, these ruins have been proved those of a Spanish sugar mill, not a mission as was previously thought. Interesting to children. Turtle Mound State Monument. Reached by leaving U.S. 1 at New Smyrna Beach, crossing to Coronado Beach, and heading south down the barrier beach island for nine miles. This is the largest Indian shell heap in Florida; it is primarily of historic interest and now accessible by a new paved road. Titusville. On U.S. 1. Has a 67- acre recreational park with swimpool. Take the scenic drive to Titusville Beach and see Dummitt Orange Grove -planted in 1835-with trees 30 feet high. Back on U.S. 1 again, you will find the drive south of Titusville along the Indian River one of the most scenic in the state. Cocoa. On U.S. 1. Children enjoy seeing the citrus groves in this vicinity and, in February, the Orange Jubilee. McKee Jungle Gardens. Three miles south of Vero Beach on U.S. 1. Admission $2.30, children under 15 $1. The gardens consist of 80 acres of luxuriant hammock planted with exotic palms and plants from equatorial lands throughout the world. Sights in- clude the Jungle House of Giants, world's largest mahogany table, and a compound housing 300 wild ani- mals. Best season for azaleas is March, all year for orchids; open 8-5. Fort Pierce. Instead of driving on U.S. 1 to Jensen Beach, try paralleling Indian River Drive, famed for its beautiful trees, flow- ers, and birds. West Palm Beach. On U.S. 1. In- teresting for its Norton Art Gallery (noted for jade) and sightseeing boat cruises from the Ferry Dock. These include a short cruise on Lake Worth and a 6-hour cruise up the Loxa- hatchee River. During March, the Seminole Indian Sun Dance Festival provides an unusual spectacle for chil- dren. Don't miss Palm Beach; you can cross by a ferry with music on board. Route A1A between Palm Beach and Miami Beach is scenically beautiful. Biancas Birds. Four miles south of Lake Worth on U.S. 1. Admission 754, children 504, open 8:30-5:30 daily. Includes alligator and ostrich farms, children love it. James Melton Autorama. On U.S. 1, adults $1.25, children 504, open 10-6 daily. Antique cars. Boynton Beach. On U.S. 1 at north end of town is the old Waite Bird Farm with rare birds, animals, and flowers; admission 504. A short way south on U.S. 1 is the extensive Garden; admission free. Africa, U.S.A. On U.S. 1, at Bo- ca Raton, open 10-5 daily. Tropical garden zoo. Roaming within its square mile area are many species of African wild animals. There's no charge to see the falls, artificial geyser, and gardens, but the minia- ture train ride and electric boat cruise to see animals cost $1.75 and 350 respectively. Fort Lauderdale. On U.S. 1 and A1A. Drive around this Venetian-like city and see the banyan tree. At the docks, boats offer a 3-hour jungle sightseeing cruise at $3.95 or a Venetian cruise through the canals and lagoons of the city at $2.50. Giay Line city bus tour $1.50. Hugh Taylor Birch State Park. Near Fort Lauderdale. A 180-acre beach park with first class swimming and enclosed cabanas on the beach for rent by the day, week, or month. The park boasts a modernistic soda foun- tain with seats beneath Sea Grape trees and a gift shop selling handmade jew- elry and textiles produced in the park. There is also a museum in the Birch House. For exploration of the park's lagoons where alligators may be seen. canoes rent for 754 an hour and horses for $2. A hundred yards from the beach is a splendid picnic area complete with tables and stoves, another area lies in Five Oak Grove. Charcoal for roasting sells at 250 per bag. Cabin rental for group occupancy by youth or- ganizations may be arranged by writing the Superintendent, Hugh Taylor Birch State Park, Box 98, Fort Lauderdale. Dania. On U.S. 1 just south of Fort Lauderdale. Here is the Chimpanzee Farm, open daily 9- 5:30, admission $1.25. children 754. Nearby is the Seminole Indian Reser- vation Headquarters with majestic royal palms. North of town is the Wyldewood Bird Farm. MIAMI BEACH. South on A1A. Drive along Collins Avenue for the big hotels and see the shops on Lincoln Road. Also of interest is the Astro- nomical Observatory, 22nd and Collins Ave., open each Friday night from 7- 9:30 p.m. Most worthwhile sightseeing tours are those via the famous Gray Line "Nikko" boats. These and other tours are operated as follows: Boat Cruises Gray Line, 24th and Collins Ave. South Bay and Island Cruise includ- ing Miami Beach, 3 hours. Twice daily, fare $3.45 including tax. Tropical Indian Village Cruise, 3% hours. 1:15 p.m. daily, fare $3.45 in- cluding tax. Miami Beach Cruise, 2 hours. 10:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. daily, fare $2.15 includ- ing tax. Vizcaya, an all day cruise including Miami Beach, South Bay, and Florida Keys. 10:30 a.m. daily except Mon- days. Fare $3.45 including tax. Fort Lauderdale including Ever- glades and Jungles with lunch at Hollywood and visit to a chimpanzee farm, 85 hours. 10:30 a.m. daily ex- cept Saturdays, fare $5.60 including tax. Shamrock Line, 13936 Collins Ave. Gold Coast Cruise, 3 hours. 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. daily, fare $2.50 including tax. Flamingo Line. 13936 Collins Ave. Biscayne Bay Circular Cruise, 2Y% hours. 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. daily fare $2.25 including tax. Comrade II Glass Bottomed Boat Cruises, at Chamber of Commerce Docks, 5th and Alton Road. Ocean Reef Tour, 2-22 hours. 9, 10:30, 11:30, 2 and 4 p.m. daily, fare $1.50 including tax. Phantom Yacht Cruises, Chamber of Commerce Docks, 5th and Alton Road. Florida Key Cruise with lunch at Quarterdeck Club, 6-6% hours. 10 a.m. daily except Sundays, also 1 p.m. Wednesday and Fridays, fare $3.45. Bus tours Red Adams, 1627 Collins Ave. Greater Miami (Venetian Swimpool, Floyd's Fruit Farm, Indian Village, Tropical Hobbyland, Wheeler Estate, Hialeah), 4 hours. 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., fare $2.90 including tax but not ad- mission to Tropical Hobbyland. Everglades National Park. All ex- pense tour including Parrot Jungle, Monkey Jungle, and chicken lunch, all day. 9:30 am., Sundays, fare $7.85 including tax, children under 12, $3.95. Dixie Tours, 6422 Collins Ave. Parrot Jungle and Fairchild Tropi- cal Garden Tour, 4 hours. 9:30 a.m., Thursday and Sundays, fare $2.90 in- cluding tax but not admission to Parrot Jungle. Everglades National Park. All ex- pense tour including Monkey Jungle, Black Caesar's Forge, Matheson Ham- mock, and Rare Bird Farm, all day. 9 a.m., Tuesday and Friday, fare $7.85 including tax. Gray Line, 628 Collins Ave. Miami Beach Tour, 2% hours. 9:15 a.m. daily, fare $1.73 including tax. Also other tours: Miami-Coral Gables $2.15, Everglades Nat'l Park $8.15, Parrot Jungle $3.98, and Night Club Tour $9.39, tax included. Keys Tour to Key West, 1 day (or return may be extended at no extra cost). Fare $10.10 plus tax. A similar 2-day all expense tour costs $19.40 plus tax. Wylly's and Davis, 1629 Washington Ave. Greater Miami Tour (Venetian Pool, Sausage Tree, Hialeah, Floyd's Fruit Farm, Tropical Hobbyland, In- dian Village, and Wheeler Estate), 4 hours. 9:30, 10, 1:30, and 2 p.m. daily, fare $2.90 including tax but not ad- mission to Indiar Village and Tropical Hobbyland. Jungle Tour (Parrot Jungle and Fairchild Tropical Gardens), 4 hours. 1:30 p.m. Daily in winter, thrice weekly in summer, fare $2.90 in- cluding tax. Everglades National Park. All ex- pense tour including Monkey Jungle and Rare Bird Farm, all day. Sunday, fare $7.85 including tax. MIAMI. On U.S. 1. A drive along Biscayne Bay is worthwhile but owing to the narrow, congested streets, down- town sightseeing should be done on foot or by bus. Chief sights include: Spanish Monastery. 16711 N.E. Dixie Highway. Admission $1.25, open 10-5:30. Complete medieval monastery brought from Spain and rebuilt. Fish Docks. Visit them about 4 p.m. when the boats are coming in, children are usually enthralled. Hialeah Park. The racing season extends from mid Jan.-March but the flamingo flock at the park is always worth seeing; open daily except Sun- days 10-6, admission free. Musa Isle Indian Village, 1700 N.W. 25th Ave. Reached via Miami City bus #35. Admission 800, open 9:30-6 daily. This is a genuine Semi- nole Village on the Miami River with alligator wrestling performed hourly. Authentic souvenirs are for sale here at the large Indian Trading Post. The exhibit also includes an alligator and crocodile farm, zoo, and tropical gar- dens. Nearby is: Tropical Hobbyland, 1525 N.W. 27th Ave. A garden and zoo with more Indians. Admission 990, open 9-6, bus #15. Biscayne Fronton, 3500 N.W. 37th Ave. Features nightly Jai Alai. Coppinger's Tropical Gardens and Indian Village, N.W. 19th Ave., and 7th St. Admission 900, open 9-6, bus #19. Vizcaya-Dade County Art Mn- seum, 3251 S. Miami Ave. Admis- sion $1.75, children 504. Italian 17th century mansion and estate. Glassblowers, 12717 Biscayne Blvd., N. Miami. Open 2-10 daily ex- cept Monday. Exhibitions of the glass- blowers' arts and crafts. Tropical Panorama. Biscayne Blvd and 185th St. Indians, alliga- tors, and performing porpoises in tropical setting. To wind up your sightseeing in Miami, you could take the drive over Rickenbacher Causeway (toll 254) to Crandon Park which boasts an exten- sive coconut grove and all recreational facilities. Sightseeing tours are: Blimp trips Blimp Base, McArthur Causeway. Twenty minute blimp cruise $5. Daily except Monday. Boat cruises Island Queen Cruises, Pier 5, Miami Yacht Basin. Biscayne Bay Circle Cruise, 2 hours. 10:30, 1:30, 3:30 daily, fare $2 in- cluding tax. Mermaid Glass Bottomed Boat Cruises, Pier 9, Miami Yacht Basin. Florida Keys and Residential Islands Cruise, 2 hours. 10:30, 1:30, 3:30 Jan.- March; 10:30, 2 p.m. April-Dec., fare $2 including tax. Seminole Queen Boats, Pier 6, Miami Yacht Basin. Miami River Cruise via Musa Isle Indian Village, 2% hours. 10:30, 2, and 3 daily, fare $2.30 including tax. Seven Seas Cruises, Pier 8, Miami Yacht Basin. North Bay and Waterfront Estate Cruise, 22 hours. 10:30 and 2, and 3:30 p.m. daily, fare $2 including tax. Southern Cross Cruises, Pier 9%, Miami Yacht Basin. Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood, and New River Jungle, 9 hours. 10 a.m. daily Dec. 25-April 13 and July 1- Aug. 31; Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sunday April 14-June 30 and Sept. 1- Dec. 24, fare $5.30 including tax. Uncle Sam Cruises, Pier 10, Miami Yacht Basin. Residential Island Cruise, 2 hours. 10:30, 1:30, and 3:45 daily, fare $2 including tax. Tropic Bird C wises. City Yacht Docks. Sailing thrills on a 60-foot, twin- hulled catamaran, 3 hours; also pro- vides moonlight cruises. 9:30, and 2 p.m. daily, fare $3 including tax. All day cruise to Pirate Key, $4. Bus tours Red Adams, 3rd Ave., and East Flagler St. Gray Line, 275 N.E. First St. All tours as from Miami Beach with slightly different departure times. CORAL GABLES. On U.S. 1 south of, and adjoining, Miami. See Miracle Mile on which is the famed War Me- morial Youth Center and 907 Coral Way, the original gabled house of coral for which the city was named. Also of sightseeing interest is the University of Miami and Tropical Park Racetrack (season Nov. 30-Jan. 9). A final must is the Venetian Pool on Toledo and Almeria, an enormous pool in a Medi- terranean setting. Sightseeing admis- sion is free but to use it you must pay 354, children 94. Continuing south on U.S. 1 are: Fairchild Tropical Gardens, Cut- ler Road. Can be reached via the South Miami bus line. Admission free. This 85-acre garden is the only true botani- cal garden in the nation; tour time re- quired is one hour or more. Guided motor tour every half hour. Orchid- house 504, museum 254. Matheson Hammock. Adjoins Fairchild Tropical Gardens. This is a tropical county park, admission free. Parrot Jungle. Lies on Red Road just past Matheson Hammock. Ad- mission $1.25. True to its name this is a natural tropical jungle in which a colony of parrots and macaws lives freely in the wild state. Performing macaws give shows throughout the day; other macaws have been trained to pose on visitors for amateur photo- graphic purposes. Kendall Rare Bird Farm. At Ken- dall on U.S. 1. Admission $1.25. Exhibits hundreds of brilliantly- hued tropical birds, flamingos, and peacocks. Serpentarium. Near the Rare Bird Farm. Admission $1.15. Best time to visit this huge snake zoo is around 1 p.m. when venom is being extracted. Here you'll see more than 400 cobras in one of the world's biggest snake farms. Open daily 9-sunset. The Aquarium. On U.S. 1 at Mitchell Drive. Crabtree Museum. On U.S. 1 at Rockdale. Famous collection of minia- ture ships and carvings. Admission 500, children 154, open 9-9 daily, 2-9 Friday. Monkey Jungle. On Hainlin Drive three miles west of Goulds on U.S. 1. Admission $125, children 254. Widely known as the place where the humans are behind bars and the monkeys free. Orchid Jungle. Lies one mile west of Naranjr. on U.S. 1. Contains thou- sands of large, flowering orchids to- gether with many native species on live oak trees. Tour time required is one hour, best season is during winter. Each woman visitor receives a free orchid. Admission $1, open 9-5:30. Coral Castle. At Rock Gate Park on U.S. 1. A fantastic castle of coral built singlehanded by a Latvian recluse. Contains many unique engineering devices. Adults 754, children free. Fruit and Spice Park. At Home- stead on U.S. 1. Worth seeing are these 20 acres of fruit and spice plants. Everglades National Park. Largely undeveloped, this new National Park remains primarily of interest to nat- uralists. Best way to see it is via the National Audubon Society's Wildlife Tours-1 day $15, 2 days $25. Ap- plication should be made to the National Audubon Society, 13 Mc- Allister Arcade, Miami. While you are in the vicinity of Homestead, a brief glimpse of a portion of the park can be obtained by driving down Florida 27 to the former Royal Palm State Park. Rangers on duty here will conduct you through a typical wild hammock. These short walking tours are conducted at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Beyond Royal Palm Ranger Station, Route 27 extends into the park for some 70 miles to Coot Bay near Cape Sable Ranger Station. Here, boats leave for a 1%-hour cruise at 11 a.m., 1 and 3 p.m. daily, fare $3. Park visitors may also rent individual skiffs at Coot Bay. Most facilities operate only from Dec.- Mar. For further information, write: Superintendent. Everglades National Park, P.O. Box 275, Homestead. Redland Hammock. Lies three miles west of Homestead on King's Highway. Admission 604. This too is a typical sub-tropical hammock with or- chids, air plants, strangler figs, and many other bizarre plants. Overseas Highway. The name given to the most southerly section of U.S. 1 which spans the Florida keys by a system of 39 bridges to reach Key West. Children always enjoy the drive. McKee's Museum of Sunken Treasures. At Treasure Harbor, four miles south of Tavernier Creek on U.S. 1. Admission 754, children 354; glass bottom boat trips to coral marine gar- dens $1.50 (operated only in fine weather). This key museum contains many exhibits of pirate lore, Spanish moidores, doubloons, and sea encrusted canon. Theatre of the Sea. On Windley Island three miles east of Islamorada. Admission $1.50. Performing porpoises leap twelve feet from the water to take fish from attendant's hand; also in- cludes many sharks and other marine life. Undersea, Inc., Marathon. Diving exhibition, salvaged items from Florida reefs. Cactus Gardens. On Big Pine Key on U.S. 1. Reputed to be the largest natural cactus garden in the Eastern U.S. Pottery and Weaving School. On Cudjoe Key and U.S. 1. Children enjoy It. Loggerhead Lighthouse. On Log- gerhead Key. A sight of particular in- terest to children. KEY WEST. At the end of U.S. 1. Your child will be particularly inter- ested in seeing the Turtle Crawls, Sponge Pier, Aquarium, and Fish Markets. Chief sights are: Turtle Crawls. Facing Margaret St. Convent of Mary Immaculate, Truman Ave. Also has small mu- seum. Municipal Aqaarium, Whitehead St Admission 304. A rare open air aquarium. Cemetery. Four blocks south of the Turtle Crawls. Contains the dead from the U.S.S. Maine blown up in Havana Harbor. Bahama Houses, Eaton and Wil- liams Streets; also the oldest house in Key West -the Watlington House-on Duval near Eaton. East Martello Tower. Admission 504-a museum. West Martello Tower. Admission 254-a museum and art gallery. Lighthouse, Whitehead and Truman Ave. See the cork and other trees on the grounds. Southernmost House, Whitehead St. Was built by writer Thelma Strable. Hemingway's House, which lies behind a wall, is hardly worth your time. Sightseeing tours by bus cost $1.75 and begin from the La Concha Hotel. Naval Base tours commence 2 p.m. weekdays from Chamber of Com- merce. Fort Jefferson National Monn- ment. On Garden Key, Dry Tortugas. Lying 68 miles off Key West in the Dry Tortugas group is this great six- sided fort, now a National Monument. Also part of the monument are the Dry Tortuga islands; once the haunt of pirates they are now a sanctuary for thousands of seabirds and sea life. There is no public transportation to Garden Key but if you have a boat or can charter one you'll want to know that the island has a large anchorage and a landing wharf. As it is always possible that transportation may come into operation after publication of this book you could write to the Superin- tendent, Fort Jefferson, PO Box 508, Key West, to inquire. Free guide serv- ice is available at the monument. Havana, Cuba. Since the new ferry City of Key West commenced operations in October 1954 you are now virtually able to drive your car down U.S. 1 to Havana and for 500 miles along Cuba's Central Highway. The ferry sails at 8 a.m. Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdays, arriving Travel in the Everglades .is done by either glade- buggies or airboats. Glade bug- gies are old trucks with enor- mous tractor wheels which can plunge across ditches and almost float across deeper water. They can be rented in Everglades communities along with the services of the driver, with whom you must usually make a deal. Airboats are shallow craft propelled by an airplane pro- peller in back of the half dozen passengers which each craft car- ries. Many are owned by Semi- nole Indians but others can be rented in Miami or Everglades centers for around $30 a day. at Cardenas, Cuba, at 3:30 p.m. the same day. Fares are $73.15 r.t. for car and driver, $8.25 o.w. per pas- senger. Air service is also available for $10 each way. For information on touring Cuba see Harian's Is- lands in the Wind, $2.50 postpaid, or for information on shipping your car on to Mexico see The Fiesta Lands. $2. ROUTE U.S. 17 U.S. 17 traverses East-Central Florida before cutting across the state to the West Coast at Punta Gorda. It enters Florida near Kingsland, Ga., and proceeds first to Jacksonville. Sightseeing possibilities as far as Jacksonville are almost identical with those given for U.S. 1. Route U.S. 17 then leaves Jacksonville by the west bank of the St. John's River. Green Cove Springs. At Green Cove Springs on U.S. 17. The springs supply a large patio-type swimpooL Nearby, in the St. John's River, is a large fleet of mothballed ships. Ravine Gardens. Just off U.S. 17 on Florida 20 near Palatka. Admission $1.25, children 654, open from Jan- uary through Spring. Main feature of the 85-acre gardens is the ra- vines planted with 105,000 azaleas and 248,237 other plants. You can tour the gardens in your car; allow about an hour. Children usually enjoy the gardens. Ocala National Forest. Reached by turning off to State 40 at Bar- berville. Excellent fishing, deer herds, and native flora lie within the forest as well as three large warm springs. On entering, Alex- ander Springs lies a few miles south in an exotic tropical setting, Juni- per Springs with its picturesque water mill lies west, and Glen Springs just north of it. All have picnic and bathing facilities. Spring Garden Ranch. Off U.S. 17 nine miles north of De Land. Har- ness racing horse training every morning in winter, free. Ponce de Leon Springs. At De Leon Springs on U.S. 17. A new 54 acre tropical garden with old Spanish sugar mill dating from 1570. Tours are available by rubber tired minia- ture trains and electric boats, also half hour circus show at 11, 2, and 5. Admission $2.25. Here and in neigh- boring De Land are several citrus packing houses open to visitors. Baseball Farm. On U.S. 17 just north of Sanford. During February, March, and April up to 20 teams may be practicing on the nine diamonds at this lakeside farm owned by the New York Giants. Here, U.S. 17 runs be- side Lake Monroe in a particularly scenic setting flanked by cypress for- ests. World's Largest Cypress. Fondly known as The Senator, this giant tree stands four miles northeast of U.S. 17 on a rather uneven, surfaced road. Midget City. On U.S. 17, is an en- tire city in miniature complete with model railroad. Open daily 9-sunset. Sanlando Springs Tropical Park. Three miles west of Longwood between Sanford and Orlando (watch for the signs). Admission 404, children 204. A tour of the park via one mile of trails occupies one hour; best season for azaleas is Jan.-Feb., for gardenias March-April. A swimming and recre- ation area with cottages is also here. Winter Park. On U.S. 17, follow the route markers for a scenic circuit drive through town and Rollins Col- lege with its stepping stone Walk of Fame. Free city tours are also con- ducted by the Chamber of Commerce at 10 and 2 on weekdays. Also worth seeing is Beal Maltbie Shell Museum, admission 304. Mead Botanical Gardens. At Or- lando. Admission 504; usual tour time required for this 55-acre garden is one hour. Best season for azaleas is Dec. 15-May 15, for gardenias March-May, for amaryllis March-April, for cala- diums Feb.-May, for orchids Jan. 1- May 1. Here also are alligators, egrets, and herons. Orlando. On U.S. 17. Children usually appreciate being shown the Brahman bulls and cattle in the coun- tryside south of town. Kiasimmee. On U.S. 17. This is the cowboy capital of Florida and center of the best region for seeing ranch activities. The Partin's Ranch two miles east of Kissimmee has been open to visitors. In July, the Silver Spurs Rodeo is held here. Nearby is a heavy concentration of orange groves. Florida Cypress Gardens. Five miles east of Winter Haven on the Lake Wales road. Admission $1.25, electric boat trips through gardens 304, through canals and round lake 604. Main attraction of Cypress Gardens are the water ski shows given at 10:30 and 2:30 weekdays and at 11, 1, 3, and 4:30 on Sundays. Best season for azal- eas is Jan.-March, for gardenias May- July, for tropical plants-all summer. Tour time required is 45 minutes to one hour. (Winter admission $2.) Winter Haven. On U.S. 17. See Florida Citrus Museum; you may also ride from Winter Haven to Cypress gardens by boat via a chain of five lakes. International Minerals and Chem. leal Corporation. Near Bartow on Florida 60. See the world's largest dragline, the "Bigger Digger," in op- eration at the company's phosphate mine. Guide supplied for visitors. Arcadia. On U.S. 17. Rivals Kis- simmee as a cattle center. On July 4 and November 11 the All Florida Rodeo is staged here. Kissingen Springs. Three miles staged h ... Route U.S. 17 then passes through southeast of Bartow (follow the signs). cattle and farming country to join U.S. A small spring known as a pleasant 41 at Punta Gorda. Mountain Lake picnicking spot. Also see the Wonder Sanctuary on U.S. 27 can also be House. visited while driving U.S. 17. ROUTE U.S. 19 U.S. 19 enters Florida from Thomasville, Ga., and follows the West Coast to St. Petersburg. First place Old Town. At the junction of U.S. 19 and U.S. 127 from Lake City. Site of the largest Indian villages in Florida. Tour the 3-mile Suwannee River Jungle Drive in a horse-drawn surrey. Just past Old Town, U.S. 19 crosses the Suwannee River immortal- ized by Stephen Foster. For a good view of the Suwannee, drive along State route 349. Crystal River. On U.S. 17. Here you'll find a community riverside park with picnic area and swimpool. See Crystal Springs and Hunter Springs. Homossassa Springs. Seven miles south of Crystal River on U.S. 19. Admission $1.25, children 250. Cele- brated for the fact that both fresh water and salt water fish live side by side in the spring. You view them from sub- surface windows. Adjoining the spring are picnic grounds. You may also take a boat cruise down to the Gulf. Weekiwachec Springs. On U.S. 19 and Florida 50. Admission $1.75, jungle cruises $1.50. Here you sit eight feet below the surface of the springs and watch a complete underwater theatre show on the 25-foot deep stage. At these springs are a bath house, a bath- ing beach, and cottages. Tarpon Springs. On U.S. 19. Chief sights here are the Sponge Exchange and the colorful sponge fishing fleet moored at the docks a few blocks west of U.S. 19. Lining the docks are a dozen or so shops selling sea curios and shells. Diving exhibitions given at the pier cost $1 per person. A jungle river cruise with a smorgasbord style lunch costs $3.50, takes six hours. Don't leave Tarpon Springs without visiting the Church of the Good Shepherd on Grand Boulevard (three blocks south of docks) for a free lecture showing of religious paintings by George In- ROUTE FLORIDA 20 A useful East-West link between Sof interest is: ness, Jr. (open 2-5 p.m. daily). And do go inside St. Nicholas Greek Ortho- dox Church (center of town on Alt, U.S. 19; open daily 9-5) to see the Byzantine style dome on pendentives, religious paintings, and other features of a typical Greek church. ST. PETERSBURG. On U.S. 19 The City Pier, and Webb City (a huge drugstore) are worth a visit. Best way to see St. Pete is via a 2y hour sight- seeing bus tour operated by the Gray Line, 110 Central Ave., or a similar one operated by Southern Tours, Inc. Both cost $1.50. From the Central Yacht Basin a variety of boat cruises are available for $1-$3. The Mullet Key cruise is a good one. Principal sight in St. Pete is: Turner's Sunken Gardens, 305 18th Ave., North. Admission $1. The 5-acre garden can be toured along rustic walks in about 45 minutes. Best season for azaleas is Feb.-March, gardenias March-April, camellias Jan.-Feb. Near- by is the Gresh Wood Parade, an English type cottage full of wooden curios and mosaics. It's at 2200 4th St., N., open 9-6, admission 754. Florida Wild Animal and Reptile Ranch, 4th Street and 48th Ave., N. Tropical animals, birds, and reptiles; venom extraction. Shows at 11, 2, and 4 in winter, 4 in summer, admission $1. Sunshine Skyway Bridge. Via this new 15 mile bridge across Tampa Bay, U.S. 19 now links with U.S. 41 near Bradenton. The main bridge 5,621 feet long arches 155 feet above Tampa Bay and is considered one of the West Coast's major sights. Tolls are $1.75 for car and passengers; $2.25 for cars with single axle trailer; $2.75 for cars with double axle trailer; and 504 for pedestrians, motor cyclists, and bi- cyclists. Fishing is allowed. U.S. 231 and Tallahassee in north- west Florida. Two interesting features en route are: Torreya State Park. About 15 miles rare Torreya and Florida yew trees. north of Bristol. A 1,138-acre river- An interesting sight in the park is the bank park providing a sanctuary for restored Gregory Mansion. Recrea- Venetian Gardens. At Leesburg on U.S. 27. A 100-acre garden lying be- side Lake Harris, has picnicking, swim- ming, and bathing facilities. Between Leesburg and Haines City, U.S. 27 traverses miles of rolling hills carpeted with orange groves as far as the eye can see. Mountain Lake Sanctuary and Singing Tower. Near Lake Wales. Admission free, parking 50b. A tour of these garden as takes about an hour, best season for azaleas is Jan.-March. From Dec. 15-April 15 carillon recitals are given on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturday at noon, and on Sundays at 3 p.m. by the 71 bells of Bok Tower. Best place to listen is about 250 yards from the tower; don't get right be- neath it. The gardens also provide a sanctuary for a colony of flamingos. Nearby is the "Great Masterpiece," a mosaic of The Last Supper, plus ex- hibits of Da Vinci's works; open 9-6 daily, admission $1.25. En route from U.S. 27 follow signs to Spook Hill, where your car will run backwards uphill on its own. Also in this area is the Phantom Grove Express miniature railroad. Avon Park. See the city's mile- long mall of flowering trees. ROUTE U.S. 41 Apalichicola National Forest. This forest, Florida's largest, is big, wet, flat, and liberally dotted with swamps and ponds. A pleasant recreation area accommodating 150 campers has been built at Silver Lake ten miles west of Tallahassee while at Dog Lake there Fruit Growers and Packers Plant. At Sebring on U.S. 27. A tour of this Gregg, Maxcy Co., plant has been possible over recent years; children find it unusually interesting. Highlands Hammock State Park. Reached by a side road a few miles west of Sebring. Known as one of America's most outstanding natural parks, this 3,800 acre area provides tourists with a fine opportunity to see a primeval Florida jungle. A 2-hour open trailer tour of the park com- mences at 10 a.m., and 3 p.m., daily, costs 500. Trailer and tent camping costs 254 a night, $1 a week per per- son, charcoal is available at 254 per bag. Admission is free but parking costs 254. Thomas Gaskins Cypress Mu- seum. South of Palmdale on U.S. 27. Admission $1. An exhibition of all the curious things fashioned from cy- press knees. Open daily 8-sunset. Clewiston. It is possible to visit the nation's largest sugar mill here. Free tours hourly from 8:30-4:30. U.S. 27 then passes along the shores of Lake Okeechobee before crossing 75 miles of deserted Everglades to Miami. U.S. 41 enters Florida from Valdosta, Ga., runs down the western edge of central Florida to Tampa, and then becomes the famous Tamiami Trail (TAMpa-mIAMI) leading down the West Coast and across the Everglades to Miami. Fifty miles after crossing the Florida line, U.S. 41 brings you to: White Springs. On U.S. 41. Site recreation and wildlife observation. of the new Stephen Foster Memorial Boats rent at 254 an hour or $1 a day, Park on the Suwannee River. swimming is excellent. Trailer and O'Leno State Park. Near High tent campers are charged 254 a day or Springs on U.S. 41. Once the gambling $1 a week The park has four A style town of Keno, now a well developed cabins holding 5-14 campers each, rent- state park with ample opportunities for ing for $4 a day or $20 a week, plus tional facilities have not yet been com- pleted but there is now a picnic area with tables, fireplaces, water, and wood. Trailer or tent camping costs 254 per night or $1 per week per person, fire- wood $4 a strand, and charcoal 254 per bag. is a picnic and camping area. ROUTE U.S. 27 One of America's major highways, U.S. 27 enters Florida from Bain- bridge, Ga., and leads into Tallahassee (for sightseeing possibilities see Route U.S. 90). It then follows the same route as U.S. 19 as far as Perry, where it branches off into central Florida, crossing the Suwannee River at Branford. At Ocala, U.S. 27 passes close to Silver Springs (see Route U.S. 301 for details) then follows the Ridge and Lake country to Lees- burg where it continues through mid-Florida to Miami. 14 B type cabins holding eight campers each and renting for $2 a day. A dining hall which serves 150 people cafeteria style can be rented by groups for $10 a day. Firewood costs $4 a strand, charcoal 254 a bag. Rainbow Springs. At Dunnellon on U.S. 41. One of the really big Florida springs, its minerals give the water a rainbow radiance. The springs are seen by both glass bottomed boats and underwater "submarine" type craft. Boat trips cost $2.50, children $1.15. A hotel with restaurant is avail- able at the springs. Chinsegut Hill Bird Sanctuary. Beside U.S. 41 near Brooksville. A 2,050-acre U.S. Bird Sanctuary. Lewis Turpentine Still Plantation. On U.S. 41 near Brooksville. Admis- sion 504, children 254. Reputed to be an old turpentine still and plantation; complete with the Negro life that sur- rounded it. Tampa. On U.S. 41. Ybor City, Tampa's Latin Quarter, is the place to see here. Visitors are welcome at the Hav-A-Tampa Cigar factory at 2007 21st St., Cuesta Rey and Co., 2416 N. Howard, Antonio Co., 1316 Spring St. Hours for all these cigar factory tours are 10-11 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. daily ex- cept Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Other worthwhile sights are the turtle pens and shrimp boats at Hooker's Point, Lowry Park tropical gardens, the Jai Alai fronton (nightly games in winter), and the Gasparilla Festival held early in February. Sightseeing cruises leave frequently from Viking's Pier. After leaving Tampa, U.S. 41 is joined by U.S. 19 from St. Petersburg. Madina Bickel Mound State Mon- ument. Turn off U.S. 41 just before reaching Rubonia and go west to Terra Ceia Island (follow the state park signs). This was a temple mound, one of many found among the extensive Indian remains in this part of Florida. De Soto Oak National MemoriaL Five miles west of Bradenton. A 25- acre memorial area marking the place where De Soto first landed on Florida soil. Old Braden Castle. On Florida 64 east of Bradenton. A ruined castle that once was held by early settlers against the Indians. Shell Museum, beside Chamber of Commerce in Bradenton. On U.S. 41. SARASOTA. On U.S. 41. Ringling Art Museum. Three miles north of Sarasota on U.S. 41. Admission $1, guided tour takes 50 minutes. In an arcaded building sur- rounding a sunken garden is this great collection of art once owned by the late John Ringling. Jungle Gardens. At Myrtle Ave., and Bayshore Drive, 2% miles north of Sarasota near U.S. 41. Admission $1, children 304. One of the world's great ornamental tropical gardens with pink flamingos, dancing cranes, black swans, and many rare birds and exotic plants from equatorial countries all over the globe. A tour takes from Y2-2 hours; best season for azaleas is Jan.-May, gardenias April-June, bougainvillea Jan.-March. Open 7:30-6. Circus Winter Quarters. Three miles east of Sarasota on 18th St. Ringling Brother's and Barnum and Bailey's winter quarters; daily per- formances are given Dec.-March, ad- mission 754. Also here is a reptile farm, open daily 9-5, admission $1. Ringling Residence and Museum of tLe American Circus. Admission $1.50. The residence is carried out in the style of the Doge's Palace in Venice. Horn's Cars of Yesterday, 5500 N. Tamiami Trail. Open 9-9 winter, 9-5 summer, admission $1. Rare collec- tion of antique automobiles. Sarasota Lido is also worth a visit. Myakka River State Park. 17 miles east of Sarasota on Florida 72. Florida's largest state park with many beautiful lakes and rivers, seven Indian mounds, nature trails, and good fishing. The picnic grounds are outstanding. Parking costs 254; there is no public transportation to the park. Tent camp- ing costs 254 a day or $1 a week; boats rent for 254 an hour or $1 a day; firewood is available at $4 a strand and charcoal at 254 a bag. The park has five rustic cabins which rent for $5 a day or $30 a week, linen 504 extra. Myakka River State Forest nearby is, as yet, little developed. Florida Marine Museum. One mile north of Fort Myers on U.S. 41. One of the state's finest shell museums. Edison Home. At Fort Myers on U.S. 41. Admission $1, children 504. During February, the annual Festival of Light is held at Fort Myers in honor of Thomas A. Edison. Captiva and Sanibel Islands. Reached from U.S. 41 at Fort Myers via Florida 867 and a ferry charging $1 per car, 504 per passenger. The fa- mous shell beaches on these islands are well worth a visit. Everglades Wonder Gardens. At Bonita Springs on U.S. 41. Admission $1. An exhibition of Everglades wild- life. Nearby is a smaller exhibition of shells. Royal Palm Hammock. On U.S. 41. Florida's largest hammock of wild royal palms. Along the Tamiami Trail through the Everglades are occasional thatched Seminole "villages" at which the usual ROUTE U.S. 90 charge is 254. Most, if not all, of these villages are faked up tourists' traps. If you want to stop along the Tamsami Trail in the Everglades, I suggest you do so beside a canal or hammock; chances are you'll see an amazing variety of wild birds. U.S. 41 enters Miami through the commercial sections and there links with U.S. 1, by which you may proceed to Key West. A cross state route spanning northern Florida from the Alabama line to the East Coast at Jacksonville Beach. The gateway to Florida from New Orleans, Texas, and the Southwest, it crosses southbound routes U.S. 19, 41, 301, 17, 1, and AIA, so providing an opportunity to see something of northern Florida before turning south. The first town is Pensacola (for details see Route U.S. 98) after which it proceeds north- east through the fishing center of Milton. Blackwater River State Forest. Near Milton. Recreational facilities in this forest are still undeveloped but there is a recreation area for swimming and picnicking. De Funiak Springs. On U.S. 90. Drive around the huge circular spring in the centre of town; you'll find a recreation area on the west side. The first Confederate Monument erected in the South is here too. Florida Caverns State Park. A few miles north of Marianna. Guided cave tour 754, children 254. Main features of this 1,187-acre park are the beautiful formations in its limestone caverns, open 7-6 weekdays, 8-6 Sun- days and holidays. There is a picnic area at Blue Springs with outdoor fire- places and a white sand beach. Re- freshments are served in the Adminis- tration Building. Trailer or tent camping is 254 a day, $1 a week, fire- wood $4 a strand, charcoal 254 a bag. A dining hall may be used by groups upon payment of a $10 cleanup deposit. Tallahassee. On U.S. 90, U.S. 27, and Florida 20. The State Geological Survey Museum may interest you, but you should certainly drive through the ROUTE U.S. 98 Commencing at Pensacola, U.S. State Capitol grounds and see one or more of the city's ante-bellum homes. Killearn Gardens. Five and a half miles north of Tallahassee on U.S. 319. A state park best seen Dec.-April. It takes about 90 minutes to tour these charming floral gardens via the grass and brick trails. Best season for azal- eas is March and April, gardenias April, camellias and narcissi Jan.-Feb. Parking 754. Suwannee River State Park. On U.S. 90 at Ellaville. A 1,400-acre park in process of development with relics of early day river life. Falmouth. On U.S. 90. Here is a 40-foot deep ravine with picnic area. Ocean Pond. In Osceola National Forest a few miles north of Olustee on U.S. 90. Offers fishing, boating, and swimming in this great forest which is devoted to experiments in the produc- tion of naval stores. Olustee Battle- field State Monument lies on the left a few miles farther along U.S. 90. U.S. 90 then enters Jacksonville (for sightseeing in this area see Route U.S. 1) and leaves by a parkway to Jackson- ville Beach, where it terminates by linking with Route AIA. 98 follows the entire Panhandle coast after which you proceed via the new cut-off to Perry on U.S. 19, thence southeast to West Palm Beach. For sightseeing beyond Perry consult Route U.S. 19 (between Perry and Homosassa Springs) and Routes U.S. 19 and 27 (Central Florida sections). After sharing U.S. 27 as far as Sebring, U.S. 98 branches east around the north shore of Lake Okeecho- bee and runs beside the Ocean Canal into West Palm Beach. The most beautiful part of U.S. 98 is that along the Panhandle shore, also known as the Gulf Coast Highway. Between Fort Walton and West Bay the color- ing of sea, sand, and sky is particularly inspiring, the beaches and sand dunes among the finest in Florida. Pensacola. On U.S. 98, 29, and 90. See the fishing fleet and, if you care for ruins, old Fort Barrancas and Fort San Carlos (children sometimes get a kick out of the latter). U.S. 98 crosses Pensacola Bay to Santa Rosa Island on the western tip of which is historic Fort Pickens. Pine Log State Forest. A possible sightseeing attraction of the future, when recreational facilities are further developed. It's about twelve miles north of Bahama Beach which lies on U.S. 98. Panama City. On U.S. 98. See the fishing fleet. Children enjoy the free tour of the International Paper Com- pany's plant. Southern Kraft Corpora- tion also offers free 2-3 hour tour of its Kraft paper plant. Gold Head Branch State Park. Twelve miles southeast of Starke which lies on U.S. 301. A 1,318-acre hill and lake park whose central feature is a 65-foot ravine. The park is open 8 a.m. to sunset. Bathhouse use is 254, parking 25, trailer or tent camp- ing 25 a day, $1 a week. Boats rent for 25 an hour or $1 all day, canoes 50 an hour. Firewood sells for $4 a strand, charcoal 250 a bag. At this park are nine family cabins accommo- dating four persons each; rents are $5 a day or $30 a week, linen 500 extra. Anthony Farms. Six miles north of Ocala on U.S. 301. Over recent years tourists have been welcome vis- itors at this Brahman cattle ranch. Silver Springs. A few miles north- .east of Ocala on Florida 40. Glass bottom boat ride $2.50, children $1.25; jungle cruise $1.15, children 604. Florida's largest and most widely ad- vertised spring, Silver Springs is a tremendously deep rock bowl sur- rounded by a landscaped park con- taining deer, alligators, and monkeys. Best season for azaleas is January, for gardenias February. At the springs is a picnic area together with a hotel, restaurant, and cottages. Also at the springs are the Carriage Cavalcade, a museum of rare old horsedrawn ve- hicles and antique cars, admission $1.13, open 9-9; and Tommy Bartlett's International Deer Ranch, admission 41. Port St. Joe. On U.S. 98. Center of the dead lakes region. Apalachicola. On U.S. 98. Of his- toric interest is its monument to Jonn Gorrie, inventor of refrigeration. Wakulla Springs. On U.S. 98. Admission free, glass bottom boat ride over spring $1.65, jungle cruise $1.65. This, Florida's third largest spring, is an amazingly crystal clear pool surrounded by moss-draped cy- press trees. Best season for azaleas is February, for geraniums December. A short distance north of Wakulla Springs is Phillips Picnic Area on State 363, and a few miles beyond, the Battle of Natural Bridge State Monu- ment. From Wakulla Springs, U.S. 98 leads east to Perry and central Florida. Ross Allen's Reptile Institute. At Silver Springs. Admission $1.23, open every day. The Institute houses a wide variety of alligators, crocodiles, turtles, and hundreds of snakes all housed in escape proof concrete pens. Guided tours are conducted every thirty minutes while snakes are milked for venom with an accompanying lec- ture by the celebrated Mr. Allen. Ocala National Forest. East of Ocala on Florida 40. In the forest's Oklawahe River you can see a wide variety of game including alligators. The forest has eleven year 'round camp grounds and several picnic areas, some of which have been mentioned under Route U.S. 17 to which they lie closest. South of Electra is an area devoted to summer and recreational home sites; other lots are available on Shoesole and Tomahawk Lakes. Salt Springs, located on private land within the for- est, makes a scenic rendezvous if you're driving that way. Juniper Springs, an attractive recreational area, lies within the forest 26 miles from Ocala. Dade Massacre State Monument. lies just west of Bushnell near U.S. 301. Hillsborough River State Park. Seven miles south of Zephyrhills on U.S. 301. Open 8-7 weekdays, 8-9 weekends. A 2.637-acre park flanking a stretch of sub-tropical river, this park is interesting for its orchids, rare birds, and nature trails. There are ex- tensive picnic grounds with tables and fireplaces, also good swimming with a bathhouse renting for 250, children 100. Parking is 250, trailer or tent camping 250 a day, $1 a week, boat rental 25 an hour, $1 all day. Char- coal sells for 250 a bag. Gamble Mansion. On U.S. 301. A historic Southern mansion. U.S. 301 then joins U.S. 41 at Pal- metto where it terminates. ROUTE U.S. 441 A central Florida route leading from Fargo, Ga., through the Ridge and Lake heart of Florida to Lake Okeechobee, whence it follows the Ocean Canal to a point about nine miles west of West Palm Beach. There, U.S. 441 turns south and heads straight as an arrow for Miami. For superior sightseeing oppor- tunities, go straight into West Palm Beach and continue south along A1A to Miami. After entering Florida, this route crosses U.S. 90 at Lake City, shares the same highway with U.S. 41 as far as High Springs (see Route U.S. 41 for details of O'Leno State Park) and then branches off for Gaines- ville. Gainesville. On U.S. 441. Free guided tours of the University of Florida are available at the public re- lations bureau in the university ad- ministration building. This half hour tour of 1800 acre floral grounds and 206 buildings is well worth while. Ocala. On U.S. 441. For Silver Springs see under Route U.S. 301. Orange Lake. On U.S. 441 near the town of Orange Lake. Take a boat tour of the floating island bird sanc- tuaries on the lake in one of Don McKay's boats. Rosemere Farm. Two miles south of Ocala on Florida 200. Over recent years visitors have been welcome at this racehorse training farm. Leesburg. The large Minute Maid citrus canning plant here is open to visitors. Plymouth Tower and Rock Springs. Between Leesburg and Apopka on U.S. 441. Has a swimpool with good beach, shelters, and picnic area. ROUTE U.S. 301 U.S. 301 enters Florida from Folkston, Ga., sharing the same highway with U.S. 1. Eighteen miles south of the Florida line it turns off U.S. 1 into central Florida and traverses the Ridge and Lake country to Palmetto where it meets U.S. 41 and terminates. Driving from the Best way to leave New York is via the New Jersey Turnpike (toll $1.75) and the Delaware Bridge (toll 754). Once across the Delaware Bridge you have a choice of three routes: Ocean Highway: follows U.S. 13 down the Del-Mar-Va Peninsula to the Kiptopeke Beach Ferry (cars $3, passen- gers 750) to Little Creek, Va., thence via U.S. 17 along the coast to Jacksonville. Chief drawback to this route is the possibility of delay at the ferry. Compensation is found in sight- seeing opportunities farther south at Charleston, Savannah, and the Sea Islands. Good over- night stops are New Bern and Myrtle Beach, N. C. A novel twist is to take U.S. 1 to Wash- ington, D.C. and embark on the Old Bay Line steamer for Nor- folk, Va. Fares $5 per person, cars $7.50, schedules available from 1422 H Street N.W., Washington 5, D.C. Tobacco Trail: the true Tobacco Trail follows U.S. 40 from the Delaware Bridge to Baltimore, then U.S. 301 to Richmond and Central and East Coast Florida. This route cuts out Washington. It is possible to cut out Baltimore also by leaving U.S. 40 just beyond the Delaware Bridge and following U.S. 13. Maryland 300, U.S. 213, Maryland 18. and U.S. 50 across the new Chesapeake Bay Bridge back on to U.S. 301. Chief draw- Okeechobee. On U.S. 441. Na- tional Audubon Society tours into the Lake Okeechobee area start from here. For details write: National Audubon Society, 13 McAllister Arcade. Miami. The tours are for 2 days, cost $25, and operate from Jan.-April. Brighton. West of Okeechobee on Florida 70. At this community you can arrange to visit the Brighton Seminole Indian Reservation. U.S. 441 follows the eastern shore of Lake Okeechobee for its entire length before turning east towards Palm Beach and Miami. Reaching Florida by publle transportation Air: cheapest way to fly to Florida is by non-scheduled aircoach. These are Northeast to Florida back of this route at present lies in congested traffic at Annapolis. For best sightseeing, however, follow the true Tobacco Trail which takes you past Washing- ton, Mount Vernon, and Fred- ericksburg. U.S. 1: from the Delaware Bridge follow U.S. 40 to Balti- more then U.S. 1 to Washing- ton, Richmond, Raleigh, and past the edge of the Okefenokee Swamp to Jacksonville. There is considerable sightseeing op- portunity and abundant over- night accommodation along this route. To avoid traffic lights and congested streets along the Gold Coast, you can save time by driving east from Palm Beach to U.S. 441 and taking this fast back road direct into Miami. A fourth route to Florida is to use the Lafayette Highway (Alt. U.S. 15 and U.S. 15) be- tween Raleigh, N.C., on U.S. 1 and Walterboro on the Ocean Highway. This permits the maxi- imum amount of sightseeing on both U.S. 1 and the Ocean Highway and also offers a fresh route to the South if you have already driven over the others. Many speed traps still flourish in Florida during winter. Be especially careful when driving through school zones-most are patrolled. Although parking fines are light for visitors, ranging from 25t-$1, parking space is often short in Florida during winter. Highways are crowded, bridges and downtown areas con- gested, and nerves frayed. By far the est time to drive in Florida is from April 13-November 30. equally as comfortable as scheduled coach planes and, in addition, provide free snacks and roundtrip fare reduc- tions. Nowadays they operate to regu- lar timetables like the scheduled flights. For example, the New York to Miami roundtrip fare by Southeast Airlines is only $63; by scheduled night coach it's $88. Other typical one way nonsked fares to Miami are: from Boston $51.15, Chicago or Detroit $46, Los Angeles, San Diego, or San Fran- cisco $99, Philadelphia or Pittsburgh $35. Roundtrip fares rate a 10%b re- duction. Via the regular airlines, nightcoach is cheapest. These are typical one way nightcoach fares to Miami with day- coach fares in brackets for compari- son: from Baltimore $41 (46), Boston $51.40 ($58.80), Cincinnati $44.50 ($47.40), Cleveland $51.70 ($56.50), Detroit $55.90 ($59.20), New York $44 ($50.50), Philadelphia $43.25 ($50.10), Pittsburgh $47.30 ($51), Washington $39.80 ($44.70). Round- trip fares are exactly double. Between May 15 and the end of October, the regular airlines offer a variety of first class excursion fares both from the North to Florida, and from Florida to the North. Typical is the excursion fare of $101.40 round- trip from Pittsburgh to Miami, which is 60 cheaper than flying roundtrip by daycoach. Summer excursion fares are available from most cities in the North and Midwestern states to all principal Florida resorts at similar rates. And for only 700 more than the regular first class roundtrip fare to Miami you can fly on to Nassau or Havana. Be- cause excursions are all via first class plane, a variety of free stopovers are often permitted en route to your des- tination, and at other Florida resorts where your plane is scheduled to stop. Inquire also about family plan reduc- tions and the exceptionally inexpensive package vacations offered by Eastern and National Airlines. During summer these include a week at a hotel in Miami Beach for $19, at Palm Beach for $26.50, Fort Lauderdale $30, Day- tona Beach $22.50, Sarasota $24, or Clearwater $22 per person double oc- cupancy. The airlines also arrange car rentals from $19.95 a week. For details on how to fly to Miami via the West Indies or Mexico, and for a host of gimmicks on milking more miles from your air fare dollar, consult Harian's Air Routes of the World, price $1.50 postpaid. This same book outlines scores of itineraries for island hopping the West Indies and touring Latin America by air at lowest cost from Miami International Air- port. Bust Greyhound Luxury Limited buses operate between New York (also Chicago) and Jacksonville for $20.90 o.w., Miami $27.61 o.w. and St Petersburg $25.74 o.w. plus tax. These are super de luxe, fast buses which cut out all local calls, have a rest room, free pillows, and all seats are re- served. Regular fare from New York to Miami is $25.10, Jacksonville $19, and St. Petersburg $23.40, all o.w. plus tax. Greyhound provides two circle tour Itineraries of Florida. Tour A goes from Jacksonville via St. Augustine, Daytona Beach, and West Palm Beach to Miami, thence across state to Tampa and St. Petersburg either via the Bok Tower route or via Fort Myers, then from St Petersburg to Jacksonville either via Orlando or via Ocala. You may travel in the opposite direction if you prefer. Cost is $16.90 and you can make as many stopovers as you desire. Tour B goes from Jacksonville to Miami via St. Augustine, Daytona Beach, and West Palm Beach, thence via Fort Myers to Tampa and St. Petersburg, thence to Lake Wales in- cluding side trip to Bok Tower, thence to Orlando and Ocala including side trip to Silver Springs, thence to Jack- sonville. Cost is $20.95. Bus tours and excursion trips through Florida are available at discount rates in summer from almost every Florida city. And to encourage travel on lightly loaded schedules during the middle of the week, Florida Grey- hound Lines now offer special re- duced fare roundtrip excursion tickets good for travel on Tues- days, Wednesdays, or Thursdays during the spring and fall seasons. These midweek excursion tickets are available between all points on Florida Greyhound Lines where the regular one way fare is $1 or more and are good for a 14 day period. They provide for a 50% re- duction on the cost of the return ticket. Other services to Florida are operated from the East and Mid- west by National Trailways Inc., 108 N. State St., Chicago. Contact them for their giveaway Florida Tour Package Guide envelope. Rail: from May 1 until November 30, slashed rate coach fares are avail- able to and from all points served'by the railroads in Florida including Miami, Hollywood, Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach, Jacksonville, Tampa, Clearwater, St. Petersburg, and Sara- sota. For example, the normal $70.86 r.t. coach fare from New York to Miami becomes $61.61, a saving of $9.25. In addition, the railroads have inaugurated a wide variety of all ex- pense vacation plans. One offered by the Seaboard Air Line Railroad pro- vides for 7 days and 6 nights at a luxurious ocean-front Miami Beach hotel, roundtrip rail transportation be- tween New York and Miami, a re- served reclining coach seat on one of the line's streamlined trains, and trans- fers between their Miami station and hotel for as little as $81.56 plus tax. In all cases, meals and sightseeing are extra; the railroads can arrange car rentals in Florida from $19.95 a week and you can arrange to rent it in one city and leave it at another. Seaboard also offers popular budget priced meals (one of several innova- tions offered only by that line) with prices beginning at 700 for breakfast, $1.25 for lunch, and $1.35 for dinner. The line also has a "Hospitality Hour" on its streamliners each afternoon when Florida orange juice and coffee are served free. During summer, mini- ature bottles of Suntan lotion are also distributed free. The Florida railroads do not offer family fares; however, their reduced roundtrip coach fares make it possible for rail travel to and from Florida and Washington or points north to be offered on an attractive low cost basis. Sample 1955-56 rail fares from points east of the Rockies to Miami are: Between Miami and Kansas City, Mo. Omaha, Neb. St. Paul, Minn. Chicago, Ill. St. Louis, Mo. Detroit, Mich. Cleveland, O. Cincinatti, O. Buffalo, N. Y. Pittsburgh, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. New York City Boston, Mass. Washington, D. C. Richmond, Va. O.W. $56.60 $62.84 $68.32 $55.02 $48.17 $57.57 $57.57 $46.16 $64.12 $57.87 $50.54 $54.58 $64.93 $44.53 $40.04 First class R.T. $ 98.45 $108.90 $118.00 $ 96.45 $ 84.40 $105.85 $105.85 $ 83.10 $117.95 $106.60 $ 92.22 $100.30 $121.00 $ 80.20 $ 72.10 Lower berth O.W. $15.40 $17.25 $19.50 $14.50 $13.50 $14.80 $14.80 $12.25 $15.70 $14.80 $13.25 $13.80 $16.35 $11.95 $10.95 O.W. $40.48 $44.90 $48.82 $39.51 $34.77 $41.60 $41.67 $33.07 $45.71 $40.99 $35.49 $38.52 $46.27 $30.94 $27.73 Coach R.T. $72.90 $80.85 $87.90 $71.15 $62.60 $76.40 $76.50 $59.55 $81.85 $75.05 $64.80 $70.86 $86.36 $55.70 $49.95 No need to get sunburned in Florida- here's a safe exposure guide for giving yourself a beautiful tan. Complexion Me- Fair dium Dark First day 8 10 12 min. Second day 12 15 18 " Third day 20 25 30 " Fourth day 30 35 40 " Fifth day 40 50 60 " Sixth day 65 75 85 " Seventh day 90 105 120 " Another way to get more out of your railroad trip to Florida is to take advantage of diverse routings to which your ticket entitles you. For little or no extra railroad fare you can travel to Florida via one route and return by an entirely different one. Round trip tickets to south Florida points entitle you to a free trip between either coast of the state. En route, stopovers at points of interest are yours for the asking. For example, after entering Florida en route to Miami you could stop over at Ocala to see Silver Springs, or at Winter Haven for Cy- press Gardens. Homeward bound, you could leave Miami and return via the West Coast with stopovers at St. Petersburg or other points of interest, including the Gulf Beaches, without payment of additional railroad fare. Perhaps the finest example of ad- ding extra miles and extra sight- seeing is a routing from Chicago to Miami. The straight round trip coach fare is $71.15 and the direct round trip mileage is 2,904. This can be extended at no extra cost by riding down to Florida along one route, crossing over free to the opposite coast, and returning by another route. But for an extra $19.43 in fares you can boost your travel by an additional 2,052 miles. You can go down through Philadelphia and Washington to Miami, cross over to Tampa, travel from there to Jacksonville and New Orleans, on to Houston, Texas, and return to Chicago by a choice of three different routes. For your extra $19.43 you circle practically all of the eastern half of the country and for a few dollars more you could even take in Niagara Falls, New York City, and almost any other scenic high spot you cared to name. (The above rates exclusive of the 10% Federal tax.) Ship: Pan Atlantic Steamship Corporation (a Waterman subsidiary) of 19 Rector St., New York, offers freighter trips from Baltimore to Florida ports. Sailings on Fridays go to Miami ($75 o.w.), Tampa ($90 o.w.), and New Orleans ($120 o.w.). The ships return to New York or Boston. Other ports of call may be Georgetown, S.C., Panama City and Jacksonville, Fla., and Mobile, Ala. Automobiles are carried between Gulf ports only. Rental cars: one way to enjoy an auto tour of Florida without having to spend the three or four days required to drive each way between Florida and the north, is to fly down and rent a car on the spot. The National System permits you to rent a car at one Florida city and turn it in at another without being assessed any return charge. Summer rates begin at $5 a day, $25 a week plus 7-80 a mile for Ford, Chevrolet, and Plymouth sedans. Winter rates are slightly higher. Both Hertz and Avis offer a variety of package deals whereby you can rent a car at, say, Miami, drive to Ever- glades National Park, Cypress Gar- Low Cost trips to the West Indies and Latin America To Havana, Cuba. From Miami. By air $20 o.w., $36 r.t. By sea S.S. Florida, P & O Line, $27 o.w., $36 r.t., weekend r.t. cruise $51; fam- ily plan rates by both sea and air. Autos can be taken for $98.85-$119.10 r.t. From Tampa. By air $27.80 o.w., $51.60 r.t., $45.60 r.t. via 30 day excursion. From West Palm Beach. By sea, via West India Fruit & S.S. Co. $22.50 o.w., deluxe cabin $30. From Miami by air: to Nassau $20 o.w., $36 r.t.; to Jamaica $40 o.w., $72 r.t. (via Aeronaves Panama); to Mexico City $55 o.w., $110 r.t.; to San Juan $43 o.w., $86 r.t.; to Port au Prince $60 o.w., $108 r.t. dens, Bok Tower, Silver Springs, St. Augustine, etc., and turn the car in at Palm Beach, Tampa, Orlando, or Jacksonville on your way home. Based on charges for this type rental, a party of four can make a leisurely 500 mile tour of the state in 4 days at a total cost of $78, or $19.50 per person. Car rental offices are located at the follow- ing addresses. Avis Rent-a-Car, Hertz Drive- Ur-Self, and National Car Rental systems are available in practically every Florida city. Look up ad- dresses in the local telephone book. If you wish to reserve your car be- fore you -leave, the travel office book- ing your transportation will ar- range details. Or you can pick up drive-yourself cars at airports and bus or rail stations. Bargain priced winter sojourns: by now you've probably concluded that Florida is a poor man's paradise in spring, summer, and fall, a high priced resort area in winter. Of course, many people do manage to spend the winter in Florida without owning an oil well. They stay at cheaper second rate hotels, room in private homes, or else locate just north of the main winter resort area where rate increases are less yet temperatures only a few de- grees cooler. Others live in trailers or buy cottages or small retirement homes. If you plan to winter in Florida year after year, you'll invariably find it cheaper to buy a small home than to keep on paying steep hotel and restaurant prices. There isn't much you can do to save on a two week winter vacation. But if you're planning a longer Florida vaca- tion between December 15 and April 1, you'd do well to compare the cost of spending winter in Mexico instead. At Acapulco, a tropical sunshine re- sort more beautiful than Miami Beach, rates for comparable hotels are barely half those charged in Florida. And Acapulco is Mexico's most expensive resort. At smaller beach resorts like San Blas and Manzanillo, two can vacation in comfortable resort hotels on less than $10 a day including two enormous six course meals and break- Florida Highway Numbers All north-south highways in Florida bear odd numbers; num- ber one begins in the extreme east. East-west roads bear even numbers beginning with route 2 along the Georgia border. Those roads termed control roads which divide the state into sec- tions are numbered with one or two digits: the last digit is always 0 on east-west roads and 5 on north-south roads. Con- necting routes between major highways carry three digits, the first of which tells its location in the east-west numbering system. fast. You'll enjoy vastly superior sun- shine, riotous colors, glamourous for- eign atmosphere, and a far more lavish scale of living. For $10 you can throw a party for a dozen guests, feed them a princely barbecued banquet, hand out more Scotch and liquor than any- one could possibly consume, and hire a three piece mariachi band to play for dancing. At cheaper resorts like Ajijic on enchanting Lake Chapala, two can vacation at a delightful Amer- ican operated resort inn for $5.75 a day, including all meals and breakfast served in bed. You can fish, go to the opera, hear topflight orchestras, visit four star night clubs, and find every kind of sport or amusement at one fourth the prices you'd pay in Florida during winter. This is probably the only guidebook to Florida that recommends your spending the winter in Mexico instead. But we promised to be candid and this is our unbiased advice. Despite the higher cost of reaching Mexico, on a winter vacation of one month or longer, you can always save money by so- journing there instead of southern Florida. For your guidance south of the border, we also recommend The Fiesta Lands, a similar guidebook to this one, available from Harian Publications at $2 postpaid. MARIANNA FERNANDINA TALLAHASSEE AY POR SJACKSONVI E is ATLANTIC LAK cn- Is o OCEAN PORT ST AUGUSTINE 141 GAINESVILLE ALATKA d RECENT , ORANG ITT LAKE 0 F DAYTONA CALA B EACH CEDAR KES 7 DE LAND NWSMYRN R* BEACH FISHING MAP OF FLORIDA Ri.VE. LSURG A COMPILED BY SASSA f -SANFORD IS Q -iAD T ILLE S THE 1 uman CLERMONT V IN . SOF .* 0o-0 Is KISSIMME Eastern Air Lines RPON SPRINGS ', F LAKELAND ELBOURNE S DUNEDIN L 4 t SCLEARWATE A A ATER e 4 SF R OSTPROERSBU OS PooF 3 CITIES SERVED BY SCHEDULED AIRLINE ER 19 4 OTHER MAJOR FISHING CENTERS. AVON PARK SEBRING BEACH 6 SALT WATER GAMEFISH RADENTON 4 FORT PIERCE SA Ao \JENSON 4 TARPON 9 CHANNEL BASS I SARASOA O BEA 2 BONEFISH 10 WHITE MARLIN TUAR 4 3 SAILFISH II BLUEFIN TUNA T VEN lo 4 BLUE MARLIN 12 WAHOO i E LAxE LE , 5 DOLPHIN 13 POMPANO IPUNTA GORDA CJUPITERIO 6 BARRACUDA 14 GROUPER S I F 14 3 IU 7 KING MACKERAL IS SPOTTED SEA TROUT BOCAA" E WLM 0 SNOOK 16 BLUEFISH GRANDE CLEWISTON BEACH 41 FORT MYERS LAKE WORTH 'i, 7 A16 5 FRESH WATER GAMEFISH CELR A ,1 13,I I RAON it 5 F. THE FOLLOWING SPECIES GENERALLY 7 146 4 4 FOUND IN ALL FRESH WATER LAKES FORT 13 AND RIVERS. NAPLES LA OERDALE 1683 LARGEMOUTH BASS BLACK*SPOTTED SUNFISH IS OO 4 BLACK CRAPPIE RED BREAST ,COLLIER CITY 7 6 3 BLUEGILL SHELLCRACKER EVERGLADES 3 , WARMOUTH PERCH IA M IAMI IS MLAMI 15 'BEACH C B 2 3 444I02 GULF OF ,, I -.s-s ,HOMESTEAD 4 12 MEX*0 14 12 t B0 I 14 =_ n AVERNIER 41 ) 1. Y* 44 GiF OF MEXICO MRILTON Ij 214E.3 PENS OLA FORT PIEY 5 5EI WALTON E 3 GULF OF MEXICO ' .4~ CHAPTER V FISHING IN FLORIDA With all that's been written about Florida fishing, few readers will doubt that the state's seacoast, rivers, and lakes are a fisherman's paradise. Out in the warm blue waters of the Gulf Stream you'll find the acro- batic sails, the lightning swift king mackerel, the graceful wahoo and several hundred other species. In the lakes and rivers, the large-mouthed black bass is king with a long line of relatives extending down to the tenacious gar and the humble crappie. Florida fishing can cost from a few cents to $90 or more a day. Charter boats for offshore sports fish- ing charge $55 a day in most places but go up to $70 or more a day on the Gold Coast with perhaps $40 for half a day. There are two ways to beat these costs. One way is to join a head boat, which means you share the cost of a charter boat with other fisher- men at so much a head, usually $7-$10. A still cheaper way to get out offshore where the big fellows lurk is to pay $5-$6 (in winter) or $3-$4 (in summer) for a day's fishing in an open party boat. In many cases, this price also includes bait and you keep your catch instead of giving all the surplus to the captain as is customary in a charter boat. Because of some unfortunate incidents to party fishing boats over recent years, this type of boat has been viewed warily by many elderly men and espe- cially by their wives. Actually, however, you are safer on a party fishing boat than you are in your own automobile. For instance, Florida's Pinellas County charter fleet have carried over 1l2-million fishermen with only two minor casualties. For utmost safety, choose a boat built after 1940, for these are subject to compliance with regulations of the Motor .Boat Act. Another good rule of thumb to check over- loading is to see that your boat does not carry more than one person for every foot of its length. Be sure you know where your lifejacket is and you can go to sea with perfect confidence. An even cheaper way to fish is to hire a skiff and work in the lagoons and bays behind the barrier beach islands for trout, snook, and other species. Skiffs rent for around $1.50 a day, $3-$4 with out- board. The cheapest way to fish is off a pier or a bridge or the beach, and this is what the majority of people do. You'll see them hauling up grunts by the dozen and a respectable number of trout and other fish too. But, occasionally, the pier fisherman will strike an enormous jewfish or shark and then-oh, brother- sometimes the pier is pulled down. No license is required for saltwater fishing, but if you own a boat whose length and beam added to- gether exceed 20 feet, you need a boat license if you fish from it. A license is necessary for freshwater fishing. An annual out-of-state license costs $10.50 but you can obtain a 14-day permit for $3.25 at any county judge's office. Florida residents pay $2 a year; those residents under 15 and over 65 are exempted. No specialized or expensive tackle is needed for fishing in Florida other than for offshore game fish- ing. The leaders and plugs or hooks required can be purchased inexpensively in Florida after you've had a talk with a local tackle dealer. Your usual bass rod, reel, and line will serve for most fishing in the state; you may also cast or fly fish in both fresh and salt water. Which brings us to the two most important questions about fishing in Florida: when is the best time and where are the best spots? You could hire a guide to show you. In fact, if you're doing any serious fishing, it's not a bad idea to hire a guide for the first day just to find out where you can fish profitably for the ensuing week. Not all guides charge $45 a day like some of the bonefish guides down on the Keys, and you can get reliable counsel and service for a day at less than half this amount. But if you go out in a charter boat, be sure the captain knows the waters. Most do-but more often than you suspect, the captain may be as new to the fishing grounds as you are. Best time to fish is for about 90 minutes after the turn of the tide, preferably on the first of the flood but the first of the ebb is almost as good. Early morning and late evening are the best times of day; if high or low water precedes either time of day, your chances are twice as good. Fish bite best when the glass is falling before the wind pipes up. If the wind blows hard for two or three days, the first calm day following should be especially good. During sunny winter days fish lie out in the shallows between the mainland and the barrier islands; during cold spells they seek the dredged channels and holes; during the hot summer months they remain at medium depths, where it is comfortably warm but not too hot. Besides knowing what time of day to fish, you'll have to find out the best season for any particular fish you have in mind. Summer is the time for tarpon, for example; other fish like king mackerel may be available only for a week or so as they migrate past any one place on the coast. A complete discussion of seasonal trends in Florida fishing is beyond the scope of this book. Knowing when to fish is one thing but knowing where is something else. Of course, it is impossible to pinpoint every reef and hole in Florida, but in the following list you will find what most Florida fisher- men consider the 175 best fishing areas in the state. Chambers of Commerce may disagree with these recommendations, but it never pays to rely on fish- ing information offered by vested interests. Instead, pick one of the areas suggested here, and when you get there, inquire of a local fishing camp, tackle or bait store, or boat livery for the exact, current where- abouts of the fish. That way, you'll get honest advice. Florida's 175 best fishing spots Freshwater Northwest Florida: Escambia, Choctawhatchee, Ochlochonee, and Apalachicola Rivers; Lakes Talquin, Lafayette, lamonia, Miccosukee, and Jackson in the Tallahassee area. Northeast Florida: Orange Lake, and the Suwannee, Santa Fe, and Steinhatchee Rivers. Central Florida: St. John's River (for black bass), Ocklawha, Lake Apopka, the lakes in Lake County, the Lake Kissimmee area, and the lakes and rivers immediately west of Mel- bourne. Gulf Coast: The dam near Inglis on the Withlacoochee River (for bass), Homossassa River; Lakes Butler, Salt, and Tsala Apopka. Southern Florida: Lake Okeecho- bee and Everglades canals, Cross-State Canal from Lake Okeechobee to Fort Myers, Blue Cypress and Trafford Lakes, and the Kissimmee River. Saltwater Atlantic Coast (from north to south) : Jacksonville area-Nassau Sound (for black drum), Fort George River, Sawpit Creek, Sisters Creek, and Mayport. Between Ponte Vedra Beach and St. Augustine the Pablo Creek, Tolomato, Guano, Matanzas, and North Rivers are excellent. South of Marineland, fishing is best at The Rocks and at The Little Rocks, two and four miles respectively south of Marineland. Farther down, the To- moka River Mouth produces excellent catches and at Daytona Beach, the Halifax River fished from above the bridges by boat. Between Port Orange and Ponce de Leon Inlet blues run heavily in spring and there is good surf fishing for pom- pano on the south beach of the Inlet. Next highspot is False Cape, south of Titusville Beach. Canaveral is unbeat- able at times and the Sebastian Inlet beyond is known far and wide. In the Indian River the section between In- drio and Sewells Point yields the big- gest trout in Florida while if you have a small boat available, the channels north of Jack Island are a must. The St. Lucie River coast provides excel- lent sail fishing January-March and is good almost year 'round for a variety of inshore species. Between Jupiter and Riviera you'll find one of the best surf fishing beaches in the state; it's par- ticularly good for pompano. The Rivi- era Bridge itself is also tops at times. The upper end of Lake Worth is a winter paradise for blues and Spanish mackerel. The entire Palm Beach area is excellent and if you want to take a big shark without a boat, try your luck at the Palm Beach Fishing Pier. Fish the beaches each side of Boca Raton Inlet for pompano, and for more excellent surf fishing, you'll find the beach all the way south to Hillsboro Inlet ideal. On the Inlet itself, the south side is a sure spot for big snapper and grouper. At Fort Lauderdale, the New River is probably the best bet. The beach south of Dania provides superb surf fishing for blues and pom- panos and the Sunny Isles Fishing Pier also south of Dania is worth any serious fisherman's Pttention. The next good spot is Baker's Haulover on A1A north of Miami Beach. At Miami Beach you'll find the best offshore fish- ing fleet in Florida. South of Miami Beach night fishing for tarpon is un- usually good in Government Cut and ladyfish are abundant on Bear Cut flats. On the Keys, Little Blackwater, Blackwater Sound, and the Boggies near Jawfish Creek are the finest fish- ing grounds along U.S. 1. At the north end of Key Largo, Caesar Creek and Rhodes Creek are tops while Elliot's Key is a plug caster's paradise. On the mainland opposite Key Largo, Trout Cove, Alligator Bay, and Davis Cove are the highspots. Next place are the keys on the west side of Button wood, and Cowpens Cut over Cross Bank. The best bonefishing flats begin at Tavernier Creek particularly aromd Teatable Key, Shell Key, the inner side of Lignum Vitae Key, and along the east side of Lower Matacombe Key. From here on, fishing camps line the road, but the man without a boat should try the bridges at Teatable and Indian Key (where with a boat you can take enormous grunts just off- shore) and at Carribee. The south side of Indian Key offers excellent tarpon fishing during summer, as does The Fill here. Best places to fish with a charter boat out of Carribee or Indian Key are usually Terrapin Bay, the Madiera Bays, McCormack Creek, Shark River, and Little Shark River. Next for bridge fishermen are Chan- nels $2 and $5, excellent for tarpon. Marathon, the chief community here, is an internationally known fishing H. Q. Boot Key, just off Marathon, is a splendid place for bonefish. If you like to cast a plug for tarpon, your best bet hereabouts is in Key Vaca Cut. Beyond Marathon are Big Pine, No Name, Torch Keys, Summerland, Cudjoe, Sugarloaf, and Saddlebunch Bridges, all excellent fishing spots while the route is lined with flats offer- ing first class fishing. Key West pro- vides fishing of every variety in the highest grades. Beyond Key West, however, lie two fishermen's Edens- the Marquesas Keys and the Dry Tor- tugas-both of which are absolutely tops but hard to reach. Gulf of Mexico Coast (from south to north) : Everglades National Park -top places are: Whitewater Bay, Shark River, and Cape Sable; in the Ten Thousand Islands territory tarpon fishing between April and June is su- perlative, especially at the Fahkatchee River, Sugar Bay, Whitney Channel, Gilrattle Bay, Dinner Key, and Turtle Creek. Out of Everglades City you can fish the unsurpassable waters between Pavilion Key and Cape Romano (guides or charter boat necessary). Inland along the Tamiami Trail, there is good tarpon and snook fishing in the canal between Ochopee and Royal Palm Hammock. Next, at Marco, is a first class char- ter fleet while the coast between Im- perial, River and Estero Island is un- beatable for tarpon between March and August. Best spots are in Clam, Wig- gins, Big and Little Hickory, Big and Little Carlos Passes, and in the mouth of the Caloosahatchee River. This same river between Fort Myers and Punta Rassa is also fine for tarpon. Boca Grande is an excellent fishing center and surf fishing from Captiva, Lacoste, and Gasparilla Islands is very, very good at times. On Pine Island, St. James City and Bokelia are the fishing headquarters while Matlacha Pass usu- ally offers fine sport. Similarly, Placida is your base for some very fine fishing in the Gasparilla Sound Passes. Dry land fishermen will find the Venice piers their best spot in this area. Be- tween Venice aid Sarasota, all the passes offer splendid fishing; other good places are off Longboat Key in what is known as The Pines, at Point of the Rocks off Siesta Key, and around Casey Key. There's excellent tarpon fishing between Chadwick 'Beach and Musketeer's Pass during April and June. From Sarasota north into Tampa Bay, the fishing off Anna Maria and Passage Keys is usually very good as is that along the edge of the Southwest Channel and in the vicinity of Egmont Key. Fishing in Tampa Bay itself seems best just south of the city center. Trout fishing is highly rewarding on the west side of Tampa Bay from Davis Causeway to the Recreation Pier at St. Petersburg. In the St. Peters- burg vicinity also you'll find good fish- ing in Snack's Bayou, Pappy's Bayou, and in Pot Bayou. The flats east of Weedon's Island also yield good catches as do the flats on the east side of Mullet Key off Pinellas Point. Sim- ilarly, there is good fishing on the flats in Boca Ciega Bay and in the channels too. On Florida 699 along the Gulf Beaches the best spots are at Blind Pass and St. John's Pass (both have bridges). Pumping still spoils fish- ing in parts of Clearwater Bay but trout fishing on the flats is usually good. Good catches of blues, ladyfish, tarpon, and even pompano are taken on the south side of Clearwater's Little Pass while large bags of trout continue to be taken on the flats opposite Dunedin. During summer, the tarpon run thick off Honeymoon Island north of Clearwater. Farther north the Anclote River yields astronomical bags of trout when they're running; at Crystal Bay, the fishing is excellent in the channels be- tween the islands. Withlacoochee Bay is also very good. In the swamp coun- try north of Hudson near U.S. 19 the Weekiwachee, Chassahowitska, Homo- ssassa, Suwannee and many smaller rivers are well worth fishing. On the coast itself the shoal water fishing is terrific but it's almost impossible to get at it. The same thing is true of the waters north of Cedar Keys; chief fishing centres along this virgin shore are Bayport, Yankeetown, and Cedar Keys. There is good fishing in season for King and Spanish mackerel in Apa- lachee Bay and westward to Carabelle while beyond, from Apalachicola Bay to St. Joseph's Bay tarpon* fishing in the East and West Passes and in In- dian Pass is worthy of attention. Surf fishing from St. Joseph's Point is also most profitable. Beyond, from Panama City to Pensacola, interest is chiefly centered on inshore fishing; with a little local guidance, this can pay off well too. More about Florida fishing Here's a good tip for surf fishing from the beach. Almost every Flor- ida beach is paralleled by a series of three sandbars. After the waves have broken on the second sand- bar, the piled up waters seek an outlet back to the ocean. These outlets cut through the bars at in- tervals of about 100 yards apart along all Florida beaches. You spot them by watching the water curve and funnel back through them. These run-outs are from 8"-24" deeper than the sandbars them- selves and it is within them that most of the fish prefer to lie. Cast from the beach just short of the breaking waves (the second sand- bar) opposite these run-outs and you'll double your catches while surf fishing anywhere in Florida. Delicious crabs can also be taken from many piers and beaches in Florida. You catch them by fasten- ing a juicy fish head or turkey bone (with the meat on) to a line which you toss out for perhaps twenty feet or so. No hook is used. Instead, the line is slowly drawn in and with it, if you're lucky, comes a crab. Don't take crabs that meas- ure less than six inches from tip to tip of the shell; doing so is for- bidden by the Florida Conserva- tion Department. The red tide From time to time a mysterious reddish-brown discoloration spreads through the ocean waters off Flor- ida's West Coast, killing fish by the tens of thousands. When winds and currents conspire, millions of these decayed fish are washed up on the shores of West Coast re- sort beaches and have to be re- moved swiftly by trucks. Most re- sort communities now have trucks in readiness to haul dead fish away, so there is little fear that your va- cation will be upset by their of- fensive stench. Yet so menacing do the resorts consider the red tide that eight of the largest West Coast Chambers of Commerce re- cently appealed to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for a grant of $200,000 to be allocated annu- ally to investigate its cause. Earlier, the red tide was believed caused by the release of poison gases dumped into the Gulf after World War II. But scientists now report its origin lies in a tiny mi- cro-organism in the sea which tends to appear during and after periods of heavy rain. Commercial fishermen estimate that in tainted areas, up to 75% of all fish under ten pounds are killed. While it is true that invasions of the red tide are sporadic and infrequent, it is difficult to ascer- tain if and where the tide is cur- rently appearing. This is under- standable for resorts are not anx- ious to publicize its occurrence. Chances are you will fish or vaca- tion on the West Coast and never see or hear of the red tide. But it is something to be on guard for during and following the fall rainy season. It can certainly upset your fishing. Yet it certainly need not ruin it. For if the tide does appear you can easily pack up and move on to another part of the coast. Florida is full of good fishing spots. So don't let fear of the red tide put you off. CHAPTER VI RETIREMENT IN FLORIDA In the U.S. as a whole, oldsters aged over 65 num- ber 8.3 out of every hundred in the population. In the heart of Florida's Pinellas County where I am writing this chapter, 19 persons out of every hundred are aged over 65. There are oldsters everywhere; next door, in every house down the street, in the stores, in offices, and in service stations. Twenty miles east is Tampa, which, together with Miami, has the highest concentration of oldsters of any metropolis in the U.S. Twenty miles south is St. Petersburg, retirement capital of the nation. Truly, this section of Florida is a most fitting place in which to write upon retirement. And it's an excellent place in which to debunk many of the myths concerning retirement in the Sunshine State. Since 1900, the over-65 age group in Florida has skyrocketted 1600% as against 300% for the nation as a whole. Thousands have come to Florida to re- tire; hundreds of thousands more will come in over the next few years as America's retired population mushrooms to its highest total ever. That all these people have chosen to retire in Florida is evidence of the state's overwhelming suitability for old age living. But among the retired folk who have already streamed into Florida are a proportion who did not have adequate incomes. With the inflation of recent years, these unfortunate people have become a wel- fare burden upon the state. Now, Chambers of Com- merce and State publicity bureaux are extremely wary of hinting that it might be cheaper to live in Florida than elsewhere. The Citizens Committee on Retirement in Florida are most conservative in their booklet Retirement in Florida. In coached terms they say: "(Florida) will become a nightmare of poverty if thousands come here expecting too much from too little in the way of fixed income. Florida can offer newcomers more than most states but it has no magic wand to wave away the prevailing nationwide problem of inflation or to close the gap between a fixed income based on 1940 levels and today's price tags. We (must) face the grim realities of today's price levels and reject any romantic notions that newcomers can live here for only a few dollars a month The cost of living in Florida averages about the same as in other parts of the country; therefore prospective residents should not expect a given income to go further here. Of course, individual needs differ and living costs are not the same in all parts of the state, just as they vary throughout the nation In general, it costs as much, or almost as much, to live in Florida as elsewhere in the U.S. it is not safe to assume that less income will be required for com- fortable living than in your home city." Now, by themselves, these facts are true enough. But in their eagerness to avoid any reference to cheaper living in Florida, the worthy committee did not qualify their statements further. Here are the real facts. To live exactly as you live in the northern states costs exactly as much in Florida as in New York or Pennsylvania or Ohio. But you do not need to live that way in Florida. Living costs in Florida may be the same as else- where in the nation But the OPPORTUNITIES for cutting these costs are greater in Florida than in all but a handful of the most southern states. Take housing for example. Surveys prove that the cost of constructing a city home in Florida is greater than in Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Michigan, New Jersey, Ohio, Vermont, or Wisconsin. So it may be. But your opportunities for cutting these costs are far more numerous. Because you don't need much in the way of heating in Florida, you can dispense with a basement, furnace, and insulation. Similarly, you can substitute an inexpensive carport for a costly heated garage. But that isn't all. Since you live out- doors so much in Florida, you don't need such a large home as you did in the North and therefore, can cut costs even further. The result is that a brand new one bedroom retirement home of simple frame construc- tion can be bought complete with a modest lot for as little as $5,000, even less outside the cities. Build- ing costs may be the same in Florida as elsewhere- though everyone down here believes they are lower- but through eliminating the basement, insulation, and garage, you can build a two bedroom home in Florida for $10,000 that would cost half as much again with- in commuting distance of New York City. Of course, this statement is based on the fact that you select a home in a reasonably priced area. Cost of land in Florida ranges all the way from $10,000 per foot frontage on the Gold Coast to $50 an acre in suburban and rural sections. Both types of loca- tions receive equal quotas of Florida sunshine. Most people who complain of high costs in Florida have been suckers for a view and a central location-and have paid for it. Provided, however, that you choose to live in an ordinary suburban area well away from waterfront and view property, you will enjoy all possible opportunities for cutting down on the cost of housing. True, you won't have such a large or well equipped home as you had up north. But you will have one perfectly suited for Florida living and you will obtain it at less cost. Back in the chapter on taxes, I said no one could afford not to own his own home in Florida. For suc- cessful retirement living on a small income this fact cannot be overemphasized because rents in Florida do not differ appreciably from those in other parts of the nation. Apartment rents range from as low as $25 a month in rural north Florida communities to $200 or more at oceanfront resorts. Homes can be rented from around $40 a month in these same rural or north Florida communities up to fantastic figures on Gold Coast waterfront locations. The average house rents in Florida work out to $65-$85 per month while the average apartment rent is $50-$75. The only way to cut your rent is to live in those communi- ties where lower priced rentals are more plentiful. Since some 40% of Florida communities still have a shortage of lower priced rentals, you will not al- ways find this too easy. By scanning the city and town directory in the second part of this book, you will probably find communities with rentals at rates even the most modest pensions can meet. But you must not expect to find modern places with electric kitchens at these low, low rates. In fact, sociologists consider some of them far from ideal for American style re- tirement living. But they may solve your housing problem, which is more than the sociologists can do, and for that reason are well worth your consideration. An important note which I must insert here is that all these observations apply strictly to the retirement living of an elderly couple. Nothing in this chapter should be misconstrued as applying to the workday needs of a young family living in Florida or to any- one not retired or not living in Florida permanently. For others, some of the savings due to the mild cli- mate will apply, of course, but most of the savings that can be made by a retired couple cannot be duplicated by anyone employed or with children. Most of the opportunities for saving money in Florida occur as a result of the mild climate. Besides saving up to 25% on housing costs through owning your own home, you can, if you wish, cut down on your northern clothing bills by 50% or more. For one thing, you won't need any heavy winter clothing; women seldom wear stockings, hats, or gloves; your present overcoat will last you the rest of your life; and the informal sportswear universally worn by men in most phases of everyday life helps keep cloth- ing bills to a minimum. As I have already mentioned earlier, your fuel bill will range from about 25% of what you paid in a northern state to a negligible amount. On the average, food costs about the same as elsewhere in the nation. Milk and meat are the more expensive items, citrus and locally grown winter vegetables are cheaper than in the North. But you can reduce the cost of food in Florida by planning a new diet that takes advantage of all lower priced, locally produced foods and omits as much as possible of what is im- ported. Chances are you'll live better if you do this anyway as tropical fruits and vegetables are more suitable to Florida living than the heavier, stodgier foods eaten by northern peoples. In addition, you could save considerable amounts through fishing, by raising vegetables and tropical fruits in your garden, and possibly also by keeping chickens. You can save if you own a car because you will no longer need chains, winterized tires, anti-freeze, or a heated garage. Gasoline costs can be cut because you never need drive very far in Florida to reach swimming or fishing or the type of recreation that you enjoy. Auto liability insurance rates are 40% cheaper than in the North. And if you own your own small home, you will find yourself in a taxpayer's Eden. So with full cognizance of the dangers in misrepre- senting the cost of living in Florida, I respectfully submit this evidence to prove my point: if you will adapt yourself to modest retirement living in Florida and take advantage of the opportunities for cutting costs, you clearly and definitely can keep your living costs in Florida below those prevailing in the nation as a whole. Living costs are lower in Florida In September 1951, the Department of La- bor released its minimum budget costs needed for a family of four. The budget ranged from $3,453 in New Orleans to $3,933 in Milwau- kee. But in St. Petersburg-retirement capital of Florida's Gulf Coast Pension Kingdom- A. R. Dunlap, the "Dean of Florida News- men" wrote in the St. Petersburg Times: "In St. Petersburg, the cost of living is lower than in larger cities in the northern states The Labor Department's estimate of the cost for a family of four is too high." What size income do you need to retire in Florida? More misleading information has probably been written on this subject than on any other phase of retirement living. The reason is that some authorities include rent or mortgage payments in their totals while others assume that you own your own home outright; some assume that you have a car and phone, others do not. Authorities who include hous-' ing payments or car costs in their figures then turn on those who do not and accuse them of misrepresent- ing living costs. As a result, we find minimum esti- mates for the cost of retirement living in Florida, ranging all the way from $100 to $200 for an identical standard of living in exactly the same house. To find out exactly what it costs to retire in Flor- ida, my wife and I purchased a modest 3-bedroom home and set up housekeeping on a scale suited to that of a couple aged 65 or over. The house cost $9,500 complete with landscaped lawn and yard, and lies just outside the Clearwater city limits so that taxes totalled only $22 a year. We had city water, a septic tank, and bus service to town; we did not operate a car. As the house was brand new, no repairs were necessary, but we set up a maintenance fund of $5 a month and also allowed more for taxes in case the area should later be incorporated into the city limits. After meeting settling-in expenses, our monthly budget for a six month test period worked out like this: Food $50 Taxes 6 Utilities 15 Insurance 6 Clothes 3 Home maintenance 5 Miscellaneous (spending, barber, gifts, etc.) 25 Total for month 110 Thus you could if you wished, retire in your own small paid up Florida home on $110 a month. But this presupposes you are never likely to fall sick or need dental care, aren't likely to fall down and break a leg, don't entertain or give presents, and have an income geared to the cost of living. Because life doesn't work out so simply, and because you'll probably want to keep your car and have a phone, to retire on $110 a month would be exceedingly precarious. So to give yourself some leeway with which to meet future infla- tion, the pleasure of added comforts and conveniences, and possible medical bills, I recommend a minimum income of $135 a month plus outright ownership of your own small home. By doing without a car or phone, you can probably cut this figure to $125 (though some couples manage to own both a car and phone on this sum too). You'll probably hear of couples retired on less than these sums. Yet for modest but comfortable retire- ment living with reasonable assurance you will not become a public welfare burden, these amounts should be regarded as rock bottom minimums. And remem- ber I'm talking about bona fide retired couples both aged 65 or over, entitled to social security, doubled income tax exemptions, and with matured life in- surance policies. Couples retiring before reaching age 65 require a minimum of $150 a month. This also pre- supposes good management. Any couple over 65 who are not good price conscious managers should also plan for $150 a month. Too, if you intend to join a country club, entertain widely, drink, buy new cars, go in for large expensive lawns, or patronize pastimes and groups other than the many available at nominal cost, you should add this extra expense to your Flor- ida budget. The same thing goes if you anticipate heavy medical bills or if you plan to rent. With maximum social security benefits for two now at a new high figure, and with industrial and private pensions in addition, most couples retiring in future can look forward to living in Florida on ample means. And through the sale of your own home in the north you can easily afford to buy and furnish a small new Florida home for cash. But if you do not have $125 a month plus enough to pay cash for a home, you should not plan on retiring in Florida. Instead, I recommend the Ozarks (for complete details see Where to Retire on a Small Income, $1 postpaid from Harian Publications). If you have $125-$150 a month you can safely retire in Florida. On $150-$200 a month you can live really well. Naturally, the ideal income to retire on in Florida is $200-$250 a month plus about $5,000 in the bank and outright ownership of a home in the $17,500 class. Most professional people fall into this enviable category but the average American does not. At the other end of the scale, single men or women should be able to retire in a very small cottage or utility apartment in Florida (rent about $35 a month) for something like 66% of the costs I have quoted for a couple. Can a job help you retire in Florida if your pen- sion is inadequate? The answer is obviously yes but here again a word of caution is necessary. Although many oldsters are working in Florida, competition for jobs is quite keen, and you may not be able to obtain a job for some time after you arrive in the state. Too, you will not be able to work at it much after you turn 75 or 80, and where are you going to get the money then to supplement your pension? So although you can expect to add to your income through employment in Florida, it is not safe to count on these wages as a reliable part of your re- tirement income. If you have a minimum guaranteed pension sufficient to retire on in Florida, you can What does it actually cost to live in Florida now? Many writers of magazine articles on retire- ment in Florida get their material and figures from Chambers of Commerce and State Bu- reaux. Figures which they quote as the abso- lute minimum for a couple to retire on in Florida, such as $200-$300 a month income plus $10,000-$15,000 in cash for a home, are, therefore, not based on fact but merely on what public organizations would like people to have. Such propaganda has been helped by a statement in a recent Reader's Digest article that certain social security budgets call for an annual expenditure of from approximately $1,750 in our cheapest city up to more than $2,000 for an elderly couple in order to main- tain a minimum standard of living and pres- tige. An important point that many people- including writers new to the retirement field -overlook, is that these social security budgets include rent. In order to dispense with abstract surveys and wishful thinking, we went to one of the leading low cost retirement communities in Florida, the DeBary community of Plantation Estates. This concern has built over 400 homes for northern couples and had the facts, not on what these people thought they would do when retired, but upon what they actually did. And Plantation Estates have proved that a number of their retired couples are living comfortably and happily on $125 a month in- cluding car expenses. Of course, these people own their own homes and cars outright and under the Florida Homestead Exemption Law enjoy tax free privileges. Like my own investigations and personal experience, this Plantation Estates survey proves that when housing, expenses and added costs due to northern heating and clothing demands are subtracted from any realistic minimum retire- ment budget, the result is not far from the $125 per month figure. feel fairly certain of being able to add to it with extra money from wages. In fact, you can live like a king with pension plus wages. But you should always be in a position to be perfectly independent without a job at all. Nevertheless, it is fairly safe to say that tradesmen like carpenters, plumbers, bricklayers or electricians can usually find ready employment in Florida within a short time while citrus and resort work provides hundreds of older people with a seasonal income. The same thing goes for a business. You may make a million through launching a retirement business in Florida. But to be absolutely safe, you should have a guaranteed income behind you sufficient to meet your basic living costs at all times. There is one way to beat this, of course. And that is to move to Florida while you are still young enough to take a business risk, launch a business, and build it up to provide a steady source of income by the time you are 65. Even then, if it fails or if you have to sell it, you will be able to obtain old age and survivor's insurance bene- fits from the contributions you will have paid while the business was operating successfully. During any month in which the business brought in less than $100 you would be entitled to draw this federal old age pension to supplement your retirement income. But even then, unless you have qualified for the maxi- mum federal old age pension, it would be wise to make some provision for the years when you may become too old or infirm to continue operating your business. For full details about employment and business opportunities in Florida see Chapters VIII and IX. While an adequate income is the primary consid- eration for retirement in Florida, it is not the only one. First arises the question of whether or not you would be better off where you are already. A move to Florida means a break from your family and friends and the familiar surroundings of your every- day life. In case of illness or disability, your friends and relatives will be a thousand miles or more away. Yet through modern, low cost, air coach travel, this drawback has now been largely overcome and you will find extra compensation in the fact that your friends will jump at the chance to stay with you for an inexpensive vacation in Florida. Experience, psychological, and medical testimony reveals that for most people, retirement means "new places, new growth, and longer life." It is almost impossible to attain this admirable state if you try to live on in your workaday surroundings. Where you were once active on a higher working income you would be forced to fall out of many activities. And you would find that you no longer enjoyed your old familiar way of life but that your entire relation- ship to the community was false. The situation is very different in Florida. In com- munities composed largely of retired people such as those of Pinellas County where one man in every five is aged over 65, you will find yourself in perfect harmony with the life of the community. Thousands of others like yourself are living on small but ade- quate fixed incomes and offer constant companion- ship in inexpensive recreations and social life. Florida offers unlimited opportunities for all kinds of hobbies and recreations at minimum cost or often at no cost at all. Everywhere you'll find good fishing, swimming, riding, baseball (with Big League teams training in winter), gardening, a fair amount of hunting, shell collecting, dancing, golf, shuffleboard, diamond ball, and horseshoe pitching. Medical care has already been discussed in Chap- ter II while some mention is made of facilities for medical care in the city and town directory in the second part of this book. And you'll want to know that city crime in Florida is appreciably lower than in New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts. Since the Florida climate and its effects have been fully dealt with in Chapter I no further mention will be made of climate here except to say that for most oldsters it is ideal. A proportion do find the summer heat oppressive, however. But for them, a trailer is the answer to low cost retirement. With a house trailer, you can spend the fall, winter, and spring in Florida and retreat to the north for summer at almost no greater cost than if you owned your own home in Florida. A more complete discussion of trailer retirement in Florida will be found in Chap- ter VII. For further details on other subjects touch- ing on retirement such as gardening, fishing, real estate, choice of region, and taxes, see the respective chapters dealing with these subjects. Random observations concerning retirement in Florida would include the fact that because no place in the state is far from a recreational area, a car is not nearly as essential as in other parts of the coun- try. Excellent bus services exist in almost every city of any size as well as between the mainland and most ocean beaches. Although nothing definite can be said about savings on medical expenses, chances are you'd notice considerable savings over your normal winter doctor bills. Generally speaking, the West Coast offers lower living costs than the East Coast, but there are now a number of low cost community hous- ing projects on the Atlantic side where you can live just as inexpensively. If you don't mind a Southern background, though, you'll find opportunities for cutting costs best in rural north central, and north- western Florida. In these areas well away from the resort sections of the state, you can cut many corners on items in the budget that would be considered essential farther south. Best time to find reasonably priced rentals in Florida is during the month of May. At that time, the winter visitors have left and landlords are ready to jump at the chance of a full summer season or year round rental. You'll find summer season rents-that is through November-appreciably lower than average. Winter season rents are, of course, exorbitant but even at that time of year you may be able to find a reasonably priced year around rental vacant. If you do take a year around rental, it is wise to have a written understanding with the landlord to the effect that your rates will not be raised during the peak winter season. For full enjoyment of retirement in Florida, you'll need a boat of some kind. In fact, the keen fisherman will find a boat more useful-and much cheaper-than a car. A fourteen foot outboard or sailboat can be built in the backyard for $60-$75 less sails and motor while a rowboat can often be picked up secondhand for $30. Little upkeep is required barring the annual cost of paint and overhaul of the motor, which shouldn't exceed $20 combined. Except in the largest cities, there is always some place where you can keep it tied up free and so enjoy Florida's greatest sport at almost nominal cost. How about housekeeping? Is it any different in the sub-tropics? Yes, you'll find Florida homes are small and designed with such easy-to-clean features as con- crete floors and built-in closets. Floridians don't be- lieve in doing much housekeeping. For if you can't spend most of your time outdoors, what's the use of being in Florida? Which all adds up to simple living and lower costs. One thing, though, that may cost you more in Florida is your refrigerator. You'll need a large one because more food must be stored in it than is cus- tomary in the North. Fruit, for example, that would keep sweet several days in the North can rot over- night during the Florida summer. Too, a large re- frigerator is a fine ant-proof receptacle. Oh yes, we have ants in Florida-lots of 'em. They just love sugar and preserves. So many Florida housewives keep these foodstuffs safe in the refrigera- tor. There are other little pests too. The silverfish moth, palmetto bugs, roaches, big spiders, and miscel- laneous little bugs too small to name or to keep out with screens. But don't let the thought of bugs put you off living in Florida. Most likely you won't see any more than you do at home now, probably less. But you do have to be careful. It pays to keep roach poison, ant traps, and DDT around and to store wool- lens and nylons in plastic bags along with powerful mothballs. Another peculiarity of sub-tropical living you'll soon discover is the need for quick washing of dishes and disposal of garbage. Jalousies and Venetian blinds are preferred to cur- tains and shades since they allow a free flow of air. Curtains (and carpets) are beloved of moths and not too popular. On the coast, your chrome will rust if you don't keep it oiled. So will metal coat hangers. And unless you keep closets aired, you'll find the most enchanting multi-hued mold on your clothes and shoes. Once you learn the simple precautions to take, though, you'll think Florida housekeeping a "snap." Moving your furniture If you're moving into a small Florida home, my advice is to sell everything before you move down from the North. With what you get for it plus what you save on moving, you'll be able to furnish a small two bedroom place with locally made Florida furniture much bet- ter suited to conditions in both appearance and utility. Otherwise, get rid of all massive, heavy, dark furniture, carpets, heavily uphol- stered furniture particularly if covered with leather, velvet, or woolly stuff, anything made of metal that might rust, silk drapes, and fur coats. Undoubtedly the best way to move what is left is to use the services of a long distance moving van. This is expensive but worth it. Costs run around $153 per ton from the aver- age northeastern city to St. Petersburg or central Florida; storage before departure or on arrival costs around $20 per ton per month. Railroad transportation is much cheaper, of course, but incurs the added expense of crat- ing everything and shipping it to and from the terminal at both ends. People experienced in buying and selling used trucks have successfully bought a truck, driven it to Florida loaded with furniture, and sold it on arrival for little less than they gave for it. Others who have wisely got rid of all their northern furniture have been able to move the rest of their belongings in the family car with a small trailer towed behind. Florida made furniture is perfectly satisfactory and is available in the lighter, gayer colors which blend so well with Florida living. But do shop around for it and try to buy in the low rent district of the nearest large city. Cost of iden- tical furniture in two different stores in the same town can vary by as much as 100%. And if a little sand does come into the house in your shoes, it's almost cause for rejoicing. For when Flo- ridians say you've got "sand in your shoes" it means you'll have become one of the state's 250,000 retired homeowners who couldn't be persuaded to go back north again for all the gold in Fort Knox. A retirement tour of the state Every single authority on Florida retirement agrees that you should see the entire state before selecting a place to retire. Best way to do this is to vacation in Florida before your retirement. It won't cost any more than a vacation elsewhere, less if you make your tour during summer. After you have chosen a place, spend an entire vacation there, getting to know the people, the real estate values and districts, and all that the community offers. Then if you still like it, you can feel fairly certain that you have found your ideal retirement spot. Of course, you can eliminate a great many places before planning your initial tour of the state. Through reading Chapter II you may be able to decide upon the region that suits you best. Then if you must have a community with TV reception, you can eliminate all those that don't have it. If you like salt water fishing, you'll eliminate inland places. And so on. To help save you time and money in picking a retirement com- munity that fits your temperament and pocket, there are detailed descriptions in the city and town direc- tory in the second part of this book; you'll find it invaluable. But if you have no clear idea as to exactly what you want in a retirement location, then a tour of the state's leading retirement towns is probably your best introduction. Begin at Jacksonville Beach on Route A1A and go down the entire length of U.S. 1 to Key West. Back- track up the Overseas Highway to Homestead and take Florida 27 north up to U.S. 41. Turn left on the Tamiami Trail and stay on U.S. 41 as far as Pal- metto. Here, cross by bridge to St. Petersburg and ex- plore the retirement communities of Pinellas County as far north as New Port Richey. Return down U.S. 19 to Florida 580 and follow the north shore of Tampa Bay into Tampa. Then take U.S. 92 east through Lakeland to the junction of U.S. 17 at Lake Alfred. Turn south on U.S. 17 and go through Bartow to Wauchula then go east via Florida 64 to Avon Park. Take U.S. 27 north from Avon Park to Haines City thence U.S. 17 to Orlando and U.S. 441 from there to Leesburg, Ocala, and Gainesville. This route will take you through all the leading retirement communi- ties on both the East and West Coasts, the keys, and the central Lake and Ridge section. Sponsored Neighborhood Villages Realizing that big industries and the unions are greatly concerned over the retirement problems of their older workers, the Florida State Improvement Commission has encouraged interest in neighborhood villages. These specially planned retirement commu- nities built and operated without speculative profit will, it is hoped, provide the future answer to the gap between pensions and the cost of living. The communities will consist of some 500 family living units grouped around a central community building and auditorium. In the civic centre will be a supermarket, a service station, a drug store, a self service laundry, a barber and beauty shop, a shoe repair shop, a laundry, a dry cleaning shop, a library, a snack bar and cafeteria, lounges, hobby rooms, and, possibly, a clinic and infirmary. Some of the homes will rent for around $30-$40 a month; others will be for sale. Upon the death of the retired owner, the property will be re-purchased by the community. A certain percentage of the homes will be single de- tached dwellings on small lots, a certain percentage single family apartments. There will also be other detached dwellings on Y2-acre lots and dormitory type dwellings for single people. These retirement villages will form entire suburbs of larger communities. They will be semi-self suffi- cient but by no means isolated from the life and cultural attractions of the larger community. Because the children and grand children of older folk will live with them in some of the homes, the villages will contain all ages although the dominant age group will be over 65. The villages will represent folk with a wide variety of tastes and social aptitudes which will help make for pleasant social relations in a quiet and congenial atmosphere. A number of organizations have already indicated great interest in sponsoring such villages for their retired workers. One pilot project now under con- sideration will involve at least 5,000 living units. An- other, planned by the Upholsterer's International AFL, has been authorized to invest $1,500,000. When last reported, this organization had purchased 2,000 acres of land a few miles south of Jupiter and were due to begin construction of 500 homes costing $3,000 apiece. Nursing homes and boarding homes Prior to July 1, 1953, Florida had no law on its statute books to safeguard the health, safety, and comfort of those who had taken up residence in the boarding and nursing homes for elderly people with- in the state. But on July 1 in that year Senate Bill You'll live longer in Floridal Recent statistics prove you can expect to live longer in Florida after reaching middle age. For the principal diseases of old age, death rates per 100,000 population comparing Florida and the U.S. show a marked difference in favor of Florida. They are: for heart dis- ease, Florida 314.6, U.S. 356.6; for cancer, Florida 129.3, U.S. 140.5; for arteriosclerosis, Florida 16.8, U.S. 20.8; for diabetes, Florida 12.9, U.S. 16.3. The following table shows the average future life expectancy for white Amer- icans in Florida and the U.S. for 1950. AGE U.S. FLORIDA DIFFERENCE Males 60 15.2 15.5 .3 70 11.1 11.7 .6 80 8.0 7.8 -.2 Females 60 17.7 18.8 1.1 70 13.0 14.5 1.5 80 9.5 10.2 .7 351 came into effect providing for a revolutionary new nursing home licensing law in accordance with a strict set of rules and regulations. Before 1953 there were many nursing homes and boarding homes all over Florida, and most were do- ing a splendid job in caring for their elderly inmates. Yet a minority of these homes were being operated on a somewhat questionable basis under dirty con- ditions and with evident lack of care. Soon after passage of the new licensing law, teams from the State Board of Health set out to inspect and close all homes which failed to meet the new standards. Most existing homes passed the tests with flying colors. The questionable ones have all been closed or placed under new management. To give you an idea of how bad some of these former rat traps were, the inspectors found in Tampa a group of four homes operated by a woman with a string of convictions for running a house of prostitution and a lottery. Another home was operated by a woman patient on parole from the state mental hospital at Chattahoochee. Two of these homes were described as the worst the inspectors had seen in Florida. All were immediately closed. At the same time, the in- spectors praised several other Tampa homes as be- ing among the finest they had seen. Now that the day of unsatisfactory homes is over, it will be a whole lot easier to choose a good nursing home or boarding home in Florida. Lists of ap- proved and recommended nursing homes may be obtained on request from the Florida State Board of Health, Jacksonville, 1. You can retire in a modest boarding house in Florida for as little as $50 a month. And in some places you can get good value for your money. But others charge more and give less value. Here's what you should look for in selecting a good home. The building should be suitable with proper sani- tary facilities, good quality beds with frequent changes of linen should be provided, and arrange- ments for nursing or medical care if needed should be easily made. As a minimum you should expect the building to have a pleasant sitting room on each floor where patients may receive visitors, and also a games room with radio and TV. The food served should be soft and easy to chew. Try a sample meal yourself to test it. And you should certainly ask to see the qualifi- cations and training records of the staff. The best plan is to stay in the home for a trial week or two in order to test actual living conditions, recreational fa- cilities, and the value you get for your money. The home should be visited by priests, rabbis, and min- isters of the denominations of its guests and religious holidays should be observed to suit them. Complete details of rules and regulations for nursing homes in Florida can be obtained upon request from the Florida State Board of Health, Jacksonville 1. To see what an ideal home is like, visit that of the Loyal Order of Moose at Moosehaven, Orange Park. Local county health departments can give valuable counsel on the homes in their areas, how- ever. But do be particularly careful about investing money in the many life care plans that are springing up all over Florida, especially those that call for a lump sum payment first. Special Report. A complete report on Florida bugs Following publication of earlier editions of this guide, we received hundreds of letters from readers asking for a detailed and objective report about bugs in Florida. Now at last, after consultations with state health authorities and with scores of Florida residents, we are able to present for the first time in any guide, a fairly complete picture of the insect problem which faces the Florida housewife and homeowner. Before you go on to read this report, let us inject a word of caution. The facts will sound much more frightening than they really are. Chances are, if you were to study a similar report on the bugs of your own home state, the results would seem equally for- bidding. We have seen more mosquitoes on a spring night in a Wisconsin backyard twenty miles from Milwaukee than we have ever seen in any yard in Florida. Many household pests common to Florida are found in equal numbers elsewhere. But in Florida the authorities do something about them. Cities and neighborhoods are sprayed frequently in summer by motor trucks and from the air. And Floridians take simple precautions to keep the bugs out of their homes. In the wild state Florida possibly has more bugs in the aggregate than any other state in the U.S. Mosquitoes render the Everglades uninhabitable in summer (but so they do parts of Alaska). You will see bugs of one kind or another in every Florida home at some time. But if you follow the simple precautions taken by every experienced householder in Florida you will not be troubled by insects inside your home. Nevertheless, the insects do present a constant threat during the summer months and you cannot af- ford to lower your guard. Besides the precautions mentioned earlier in this chapter, Floridians make great use of aerosol bombs and hand sprays as well as compressor type oil cans by which insecticides are ad- mitted to inaccessible places. If you think that regular spraying to keep a residual cover of DDT on all household surfaces is going to prove a chore, you might be influenced in choosing a retirement location where insects are less numerous. But with a little trouble and care they can be kept out of any house anywhere. As a guide to where the most unpleasant pests exist, however, we have supplied details further on. If you intend to fish or spend much time in the country during summer or on vacation, this locational knowledge can prove a useful guide as to what parts of Florida to avoid. At the same time, we must point out that most sizeable communities within these areas are well sprayed and the insect problem within their boundaries kept well under control. Pests which enter all Florida homes at some time or another include cockroaches, ants, moths, beetles, and large spiders. Indeed, old time Floridians often permit very large spiders to roam through their houses in order to keep down other insect life. We can add, however, that this measure is far from being es- sential and that spiders can be eliminated as easily as all the other pests. Cockroaches range in size from Y2"-134", run about floors at night, and lay eggs un- der sinks and behind drawers and pictures. Most en- ter homes beneath doors or in groceries. They can be most quickly eliminated with a 10% DDT or a 5% chlordane dusting powder. Numerous varieties of ants enter Florida homes through cracks. These include the crazy ant, the sugar ant, the pyramid ant so commonly found on lawns, the carpenter ant, the ponderous Pharoah ant, and the fire ant, which bites and stings and loves milk and meat. All ants come in search of food in pantries and on shelves; hence the reason why so many Florida house- wives keep so much of their foodstuffs in refrigera- tors. Ants can be readily kept down by dusting a 5% chlordane powder around the house and yard. Moths frequently enter homes at night when doors are opened for a few seconds. Once installed, they quickly spread throughout the house. One variety known as the silverfish moth delights in seeking out books and old papers. Two similar pests are the plas- ter bag worm, which attacks rugs and woolens, and booklice, which are tiny white insects found in old books and cereal boxes. All are easily controlled by regular spraying with DDT if it is allowed to remain as a residual covering on household surfaces. The same thing goes for carpet beetles and flour beetles, both of which rank among the less common forms of household annoyances. Other insects attack the wooden structures of homes. Chief among these are the well known ter- mites, of which 13 varieties exist in Florida. Termite colonies can be successfully destroyed with either benzine hexachloride or chlordane. Although termites sometimes do enter "termite proof" structures, and any frame dwellings should be inspected for termites before purchase, the actual risk of damage to a prop- erly designed Florida home is slight. One variety, however, attacks furniture. The only conspicuous an- noyance caused by these insects occurs when the kings and queens leave a colony in flying hordes. This generally happens during the day or evening and at that time the variety known as dry wood termites will penetrate ordinary 16 mesh household screens. Yet the winged hordes can be exterminated en masse in a few minutes with a hand spray and seldom constitute a menace for long. Several types of powder post beetles attack struc- tural woodwork such as sills, joists, and sub flooring made of pine while long horned beetles may occasion- ally emerge from naturally dried woodwork in new homes. All are easily eliminated by the same remedies for termites and seldom manage to do much damage. Far more annoying to humans in Florida are the mosquitoes, sandflies, and eye gnats which can really snake things uncomfortable if simple precautions are not observed. Florida can boast no less than 62 varie-. ties of mosquito, none of which, however, are able to pass through 18-20 mesh window screen. Residual spraying of household surfaces and painting of screens and door cracks with DDT eliminates them from inside homes entirely. Sandflies are tiny gnats which bite ferociously around the neck, wrists, and ankles, leaving a painful irritation which may persist for hours and sometimes for days. In areas of wet soil where the sandflies breed in hordes, residents suc- cessfully keep them outdoors by painting screens and cracks with insecticide once each 48 hours. This prac- tice, let us add, is seldom necessary for extended peri- ods of time. Eye gnats abound in the rich farming areas of Florida and cause painfully sore bites on the eyes. Insecticide-painted screens successfully keep them outdoors too. Fortunately, houseflies are few in Florida as the summer rains thin their ranks to the point of annihilation. Where will you encounter these pests at their worst ? Along coastal areas the chief insect problem is caused by two species of salt marsh mosquitoes which breed only in the coastal marshes, or in areas flooded at high tide, or else in areas having accumulations of salt. In the Kissimmee Valley and Everglades area residents are plagued by the Glades mosquito. In the Ridge and Lake region residents in the vicinity of Polk, Lake, Marion, Citrus, and Alachua counties are plagued by two species of mosquito that breed on the roots of aquatic plants. By and large, all coastal areas are plagued to a great extent by salt marsh mosqui- toes. Sandflies are at their worst along the East Coast of Florida from Daytona to Miami and are also found in somewhat lesser numbers on the Gulf Coast. Another species known as the dog fly plagues the Gulf Coast from St. Marks to Pensacola, where the flies breed in deposits of marine grass washed ashore. In some sec- tions of West Florida, yellow flies that breed in fresh- water areas are also quite annoying, particularly to fishermen. Too, the common eye gnat is prevalent in all sections of the state where the cultivation of crops is carried on and in some areas is difficult to control. There you have it. But here again we must inject a note of caution. Use of the terms "plagued" and "an- noyed by" is limited only to those homeowners who fail to avail themselves of the efficient protection of- fered by DDT and other insecticides. Take these pre- cautions and chances are you won't see any more bugs inside your Florida home than you see in the average country dwelling in the North. Neglect to take pre- cautions and in a small community or rural setting, you may be in for it. CHAPTER VII TRAILER LIFE IN FLORIDA Often I have heard it said that trailer living is the cheapest way to retire in Florida. It is cheap. But it is not the cheapest. Even if you own a trailer, there is always the park rent to pay. Believe me, nothing, absolutely nothing, offers a cheaper way of life in Florida than outright ownership of a concrete block or asbestos siding home assessed at under $5,000 in a community with no bonded indebtedness. But next to that, a trailer is the cheapest thing. And for vacation- ing, touring, looking for a job, or any other kind of Florida living, a trailer can save you hundreds of dollars a year in rent and hotel and restaurant bills. With more and better trailer parks than almost any other state in the nation, Florida offers the ultimate in good trailer living. Even wealthy people and play- boys are now living in trailers-not only because it's cheaper but because they prefer it. Consequently, Flor- ida trailer parks fall into three distinct categories: sec- ond and third rate parks used by migratory working people, first class parks used mostly by tourists, and superlative parks used by retired people, professional men, intellectuals, and the well-to-do. A new federal code for parks which seems likely to be adopted by many communities will eventually get rid of the third rate eyesores. And one day, soon, all Florida parks may be as clean and bright and attractive as those places which cater to retired folks today. The best thing about these better class trailer parks is that they charge only a dollar or two more than the poorer ones. The average Florida park charges $1 overnight, $5-$7 a week, and $16-$25 a month. For this price, you should get water, sewer, and electric light piped into your trailer, a laundry and shopping centre, paved streets, a community centre, and pos- sibly a swimming pool or private beach. Water and sewage are usually free but you pay the electricity bill. There are some more expensive parks, of course. Some really swanky ones on the Gold Coast charge $40 a month. But for around $20 you should be able to park your rig on one of the best trailer parks in the state. What is trailer life actually like? It's friendly and congenial. But let's face the facts. The friends you make will be mostly among other trailerites. You will never be fully accepted as a resident in the commu- nity. Sociologists regard trailer residents with deep suspicion, say you can never really "belong" or en- joy your rightful place in community life by living in one. Sometimes when I listen to the petty jealousies and neighborhood intrigues of home owners, though, I wonder whether the trailerites aren't better off. One big drawback to trailer living in Florida is that during summer a trailer is just about the hottest type of home you could have. It's a distinct advantage, therefore, to park it under shade trees. But house- keeping is easier than in a house and so trailerites have more time to enjoy Florida living. Too, unless you are one of those who jack their trailer up and remove the wheels, you can escape the summer heat by going north. Young families often find it easy to afford a long winter vacation in their trailer homes in Florida. They work like mad and save hard during the summer up north then come down to Florida around October and stay until May. For the price of a registration tag they can enjoy all the community facilities common to home owners, while seasonal em- ployment and odd jobs help them through the winter in Florida. This way, they practically retire at thirty, work for only a few months of the year, and enjoy the entire winter in Florida, which others cannot afford to do until age 65. Since trailers cost around $250 more in Florida than if bought in the North, you can save an appre- ciable sum by taking delivery of the trailer from the factory and driving it to Florida. Even used trailers cost more in Florida than up north. As a guide to trailer costs, here are the national average prices you'd have to pay for trailers of different lengths: 19 feet, $2,000; 21 feet, $2,500; 25-30 feet, $3,000- $4,000; over 30 feet, $5,000. Without doubt, you'll live better in a larger trailer but the really important thing is to get one in which every inch of space is properly utilized. The average Florida trailer ranges from 27-35 feet. The best now have built-in TV, automatic washing machines, and air conditioning. The largest are actually bigger than the smallest permanent retirement cottages. While touring Florida in your trailer you can usu- ally judge a trailer park from the road by observing the following points. The buildings should be in excellent repair and of first class, substantial con- struction. The park itself should be landscaped with plenty of shade trees, the trailer lots should be large and spotlessly clean, and the roads paved. When you go in look first to see that the bath houses are immac- ulate and then check to see that every trailer gets immediate electricity, water, and sewage connections. If the park appears good on all these counts, you can be fairly sure there is sufficient investment behind it to guarantee that the services you cannot see will be of the same standard and well maintained. A typical example of a first rate trailer park is the Bradenton Trailer Park, owned and operated by the local Kiwanis Club. With 1,100 lots it is also the largest in Florida and one of the cheapest: rates are only $3-$3.50 a week. The park is entirely self con- tained with its own store, 22 shuffleboard courts, 3 laundries, a public address system, and a large staff. Daily entertainment is organized and there are regu- lar meetings of the Grandmothers Club, hobby club, and various lodges and fraternal groups. There are church services, bible classes, and hymn singing on Sunday, card.games, handicraft classes, square danc- ing, and movies on weekdays, and a party for every couple celebrating their golden wedding. Many other Florida parks have patterned themselves on similar lines and, on a smaller scale, offer much the same fa- cilities. In almost every trailer park on the West Coast of Florida nowadays you see a number of trailers jacked up with the wheels removed. A cabana or screened porch has been built over the front to double the floor space. Round the lot is a white picket fence. Roses, poinsetta and hibiscus bloom all around. Inside live a happy retired couple getting by very nicely on their $125 a month-often less-without a care in the world. You may wonder why they don't exchange the trailer for a more roomy cottage costing no more to buy and with no park rent to pay. I just never could figure it out. Perhaps it's because trailer life is even more casual than living in the most casual home. Yet tens of thousands live this way in Florida and like it. And if it appeals to you, you can be sure of finding friends, low costs, sun, and "sand in your shoes" by living in a Florida trailer park, too. Hunting for lost treasure on Florida's island beaches There's one Florida occupational license you don't hear much about. For $100 you can buy a treasure hunting lease from the Land Agent's Office in Tal- lahassee and explore for treasure over hundreds of miles of sub-tropical shoreline. Your chances of striking it rich? The best authorities claim there is still $165,000,000 worth of Spanish gold and silver lying around on beaches, reefs, and sandbars in the Sunshine State. Long before the first tourist headed southward, Florida played host to pirates like Blackbeard, Gas- parilla, and Lafitte. Spanish treasure galleons home- ward bound from Mexico were driven ashore and wrecked on Florida's shifting sands. Slavers, British sloops, and American frigates all went ashore on Florida's reefs bearing fortunes in gold and bullion. The pirates themselves are reputed to have buried cool millions on beaches and islands. Billy Bowleg's $75,000,000 hoard still lies undiscovered on the is- lands of Choctawhatchee Bay. At Cutler, a chest full of Mexican dollars was dug up on the beach. Ed- ward Teach, the pirate, is reported to have buried his loot somewhere near Boca Raton. Spanish doub- loons have been picked up on the shores of several islets in the Keys. Fishermen have found valuable elephant tusks while trolling just offshore. Only re- cently, Arthur McKee of McKee's Museum of Sunken Treasure brought up several silver bars, one of which sold to the Smithsonian Institute for $1,000. Less valuable finds like cannons and grape- shot are everyday discoveries. Many of the larger hoards lie underwater and re- quire expensive diving equipment to reach. But ex- perts say there is always a chance of striking some- thing on the beach islands, particularly if you have a war surplus mine detector. A guide to the location of all the largest treasures believed to exist in Florida can be obtained for $1 from the office of the Assistant Attorney General in Tallahassee. Your $100 treasure hunter's lease allows you to explore on a non-exclusive basis over a wide area wherever you think that treasure may be found. Once you believe you've located some- thing, you may buy an exclusive lease for another $100, which gives you sole claim to whatever you find within an area of one acre or so. While this means that no one else can jump your claim, it doesn't prevent your having to hand over 121/%o of the value of all treasure you find to the State. As a vacation or hobby project, treasure hunting can be lots of fun. In actual practice, few amateurs ever take out the $100 permits and if anything is found, seldom does the State get its 12/%. Several retired men have already turned professional, some having found substantial amounts of valuable coin and, in a few cases, also bullion bars. I ILI -- III II L 1 L1C -- _ CHAPTER VIII BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES To be successful, small businesses must cater to people and to the purchasing power of those people. Without people and payrolls, small business cannot prosper. Florida has plenty of people-around 3,600,000 latest estimates say. And every year over five million visitors come into the state to spend an average of $9.72 a day for 17 days. Moreover, during recent years, the number of tourists visiting Florida has increased by 10% annually. But unless you are in the resort industry, visitors don't mean a great deal to the average small business. Certainly they swell the state's income, which means in turn that your laundry, TV or print shop will benefit through more sales. Yet your steady, year 'round profits will depend primarily upon the payrolls and other income which the permanent population receives. Now it is useless to disguise the fact that wages are, on the whole, lower in Florida than in the North. And some 350,000 of the population are living on pensions which, in most cases, are quite modest. For example, in 1949 Florida's income per capital was $1,210 as against $1,758 for New York, $1,416 for Pennsylvania, and $1,436 for Ohio. In fact, only six- teen states had a lower per capital income. But let's look at what is happening to Florida's population and income. Between 1950 and 1953, the population of Florida increased by 27.1% making the Sunshine State the third fastest growing in the na- tion. Remember-people mean business. People are flocking into Florida today at an estimated rate of 2,000 families per week. How about their income? Between 1940 and 1950, per capital income payments increased 157% in Flor- ida as against 150% for the rest of the nation. More important still is the trend of new industry to locate in Florida. For industry, too, follows people; and in turn, the peoples' income is raised through its pay- rolls. Dozens of magazine articles have been written over recent years telling of American industry's phenom- enal migration southwards and westwards away from the traditional centre of manufacturing in the Great Lakes area. Stimulated by the need for decentraliza- tion as an H-Bomb precaution and lured by new markets and raw materials, industry is steadily ex- panding or even moving bodily away from the Lakes into the "accessible isolation" of our far flung South and West. An added incentive to this migration is the clement climate of the southern and Pacific states, ,the peaceful labor relations, and the savings through avoidance of the heating costs, absenteeism, and em- ployee dissatisfaction due to the northern environ- ment. This migration and expansion gave Florida second place in the nation in percentage increase in manu- facturing firms during 1948-51. So that while Florida cannot yet be thought of as an important manufactur- ing state, she is drawing, proportionately, a great deal of new industry. In fact, between 1946 and 1953, average monthly employment in the Sunshine State increased 35.2% against 20.6% for the nation as a whole. Despite lack of natural gas needed for very heavy industry, new plants are springing up all over Florida. In 1954 Florida ranked second in the nation in construction of chemical plants alone, with new investments totalling $235 millions. Now new plants are moving in at an unprecedented rate. America's third fastest growing state with the na- tion's second fastest growing total of manufacturing firms! That, in a nutshell, is the basis for small busi- ness opportunity in Florida. Other pointers tell a similar story. Florida ranks high among other states as regards new homes under construction. And with the total of people over age 65 throughout the nation growing by leaps and bounds every year, the number retiring in Florida on industrial and other pensions may very well quadruple before 1963. Add to this Florida's steadily growing winter tourist trade, her fast increasing new summer business, the staple in- Shoestring success story Back in 1946, a retired railroad couple, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Williams of St. Petersburg, Florida, decided to launch a business with their capital of $100. Knowing that local prod- uce shippers needed containers for shipping oranges, they made these. Fruit packers soon took all the couple could make, but Mr. Wil- liams was not too busy to add other types of fruit containers to his line. Now the couple have a combined home and factory, and under the name of Pinellas Products, are doing a steady $20,000 worth of business every year. dustries of citrus, forestry, agriculture, cattle raising, phosphates, and commercial fishing, and you have a fairly well rounded view of the economic background in which your new business will be launched. At present, the average individual income in Flor- ida is still quite low. So you aren't likely to make a fortune in Florida overnight, nor in a month, or even a year. But I do believe that any reasonably well planned small business will not only prosper in two to three years but in five or six should expand to bring in a surprisingly large volume of profits, if not real affluence. The reason is this. Florida's suburbs, satellite com- munities, and new towns are growing at a fantastic pace. Where today there is an isolated crossroads on the outskirts of town, in 2-3 years' time-often less- there is a thriving downtown business center for an entirely new community. I can think of at least a dozen locations within a few miles of where I am now writing where the nucleus of a new community is appearing. In 3-4 years' time, these will be incorpo- rated cities with 1,000-3,000 population. Now, to try and set up shop in a mature Florida town and compete with existing businesses is a long tough struggle which may easily end in failure. The easy way to almost certain success is to start a busi- ness in a brand new community and simply allow the expanding tide of prosperity to roll over you. There is nothing new about this formula. It was used with success by real estate investors in the early development of this nation. And because Florida is economically a frontier state, it is used with equal success today. By following this same rule in launch- ing a business, you stand a better chance for succeed- ing than in almost any other part of the U.S. For with Florida the third fastest growing state in the nation, it is axiomatic that virtually every single new community will grow at an almost unbelievable rate. Construction figures help prove it. And everyone who lives in Florida knows it. Of course, not every type of business need be launched in a small new community, suburb, or city. In fact, to launch a bookshop or gift shop in a com- munity of 250 people would be asking for disaster. But any of the staple businesses-grocery, bakery, hardware, or apparel stores-should stand an excel- lent chance for future success. Naturally, to make this scheme work, you're going to need some reserves in the bank to help tide you over the early years. If you want immediate income, you'll do better to buy a going business or open a new place on the outskirts of a well established community. But the biggest, surest, safest gains will be made by those who can afford to wait. Expansion and profits for other busi- Florida State Licensing Boards and Commissions Write to these addresses for further details if you are engaged in a licensed occupation: Accountancy, State Board. Elizabeth Shields, Exec. Sec. 831 DuPont Bldg., Miami. Architects, State Board. Mellen C. Greeley, Sec. 218 W. Church St., Jacksonville. Barbers Sanitary Commission. Miss Mary Lou Perkins, Sec. Tallahassee. Beauty Culture Board. Miss Ethel M. Man- ning, Sec. Tallahassee. Basic Science Examiners, State Board. Dr. M. Wirth Emmel, Sec. 712 E. Boundary St., Gainesville. Chiropody, State Board. Dr. Joy E. Adams, Sec. 403 Florida National Bank Bldg., St. Petersburg. Chiropractic, State Board, Examiners. Daniel K. Kirk, Sec. Florida Theatre Bldg., Jack- sonville. Dental Examiners, State Board. Dr. A.W Kellner, Sec. PO Box 155, Hollywood. Engineer Examiners, State Board. Joseph Weil, Sec. 702 John F. Seagle Bldg., Gaines- ville. Law Examiners, State Board. Guyte P. Mc- Cord, Sec. Supreme Court, Tallahassee. Library Board, State. Miss Dorothy Dodd, State Librarian, Tallahassee. Massage, State Board. Dr. Eric Wickman, Sec. PO Box 2084, West Palm Beach. Medical Examiners, State Board. Dr. Homer L. Pearson, Sec. 702 DuPon Bldg., Miami. Nurses Examiners, State Board. Miss Hazel Peeples, Sec. 230 W. Forsyth, Jacksonville. Naturopathic Examiners, State Board; Opti- cians, Board Dispending. Arthur Ehrman- traut, Sec. 20 S.E. Second St., Miami. Optometry, State Board. Dr. R.R. Bradford, Sec. 420 Lincoln Rd., Miami Beach. Osteopathic Examiners, State Board. J.A. Camara, 209 Masonic Temple Bldg., Jack- sonville. Pharmacy, State Board. Russell J. Davies, Sec. Lake City. Real Estate Commission. M.M. Smith, Jr., Sec. PO Box 1393, Orlando. Veterinary Examiners, State Board. E.L. Matthews, Palatka. nesses will be good, often large. But they can never equal the hundreds of pioneer opportunities awaiting the man who can be satisfied with small returns for the first.year or two. For the contemporary Horatio Alger. I believe (as author of the nationwide guide Today's Lands of Opportunity, $1.00 postpaid from Harian Publi- cations) that besides Florida, only the state of New Mexico offers such a tremendous potential to the operator of a small one man business. Yet even in Florida there is no magic formula to take the place of initiative, hard work, experience, and sufficient capi- tal. To launch the average small business in Florida you need between $6,000 and $10,000. (That's for the average business; some can be started on much less.) In addition, you can obtain from 20%-50% more through a loan from a bank. Florida's bankers realize that new businesses will grow with Florida and are ready to lend money at 6% on any new ven- ture that appears to have promise. The chief criterion upon which these loans are made is the character of the operator. For like the banks of the frontier West, Florida's more progressive banks stand ready to help any business pioneer get started. An important point to observe in making sure you locate in a fast growing community is to choose a fast growing area. The Miami area is the fastest growing with Jacksonville and Tampa next. Due to the rapid growth of the southern part of the state, the popula- tion centre has moved 170 miles southeast since 1880. Formerly it was near Tallahassee. Now it is down near Lakeland. Although the cities and communities of north Florida are growing rapidly, they are not keeping pace with the amazing growth of middle and south Florida. To locate in a growing community south of Orlando is to place yourself fair and square in the path of future expansion. For a complete listing of specific small businesses currently needed by com- munities throughout Florida, see the city and town directory in the second part of this book. What type of business goes over best? I will an- swer that question negatively by saying that most restaurants, roadside catering concerns, and lunch bars are best avoided unless you know your business thoroughly. Then you'll avoid them anyway. But in the positive direction I will add that the greatest need is for businesses of the service type. The best thing about service businesses, of course, is that they cost less to start and you are better able to launch a new business than to buy an existing one with its doubtful goodwill. For most younger men and women will do best by launching an entirely new business of the service type. If you do buy an older business, how- ever, my advice is to patronize a good business broker. For one thing, a proprietor who offers a business for sale other than through a broker is showing signs of indiscretion and is very probably a poor businessman. Also, a broker will not try to sell you a business for much more than it is worth and will help you check over the records and find out exactly how good a buy it is. Many businesses are on the market in Florida, not because they are failing, but because their retired owners are growing too old to carry them on. This means that a younger man with more energy and enthusiasm can often make a success of a business that is not doing too well under an older proprietor. And take it from me, far too many businesses in Flor- ida that are bringing in mediocre returns do so only because of the casual, easy going attitude of their operators. These people, particularly motel operators, have purchased or started a business in Florida in the belief that forty hours' work a week would bring them an income with plenty of spare time to spend at the beach or to go fishing. Yet you can't get started that way in Florida any more than you can elsewhere. So when you weigh up the past records of any going concern you buy, you should remember that you may very well be able to improve profits through a few years of go-getting before you settle down to that easy life in the sun. Retired folk will also find Florida literally bursting with opportunities for part-time or full-time busi- nesses. For example, there is a potential income in almost every Florida garage or backyard for the man or woman prepared to recognize it. As a rule, though, only those who really know Florida are aware of it. Enormous opportunities exist in raising exotic and tropical trees, plants, shrubs, flowers, and fruit. There are excellent opportunities in raising and selling coco- nuts, guavas, and papayas. Every deserted beach, bayou, and mangrove swamp offers business oppor- tunities to the man or woman who knows Florida. And there are hundreds of miles of beach, bayou, and swamp just waiting for you. Again, I am going to say that no retired person is advised to come to Florida and depend upon a new business to bring in a retirement income. But if you have a small, adequate pension there are many ways by which you can launch a small backyard business that may well double or treble your pension. To review every single type of business that might be launched in Florida is impossible within the space of this book. But the following portfolio will give you many ideas for (a) businesses most likely to succeed in Florida, and (b) businesses based on native prod- ucts of the state whose possibilities are known only to a few long time residents. FIFTY BUSINESSES YOU CAN START IN FLORIDA Aloe Vera. A tropical plant in tre- mendous demand by health stores. Enough can be raised on 2-3 acres to provide a good living. Arts and Crafts Centre. Now num- bering around 500, Florida's arts and crafts, and gift shops increased by 43% over the last decade while sales rose 320%. Yet there is still room for more. The most successful are those which provide instruction in arts and crafts, sell raw materials to the pupils, and then sell their products on commission. Through this cooperative operation you stimulate interest and make more money all 'round. To be successful you need to know sea shell costume jew- elry, furniture, candles, silk screens, cloth, driftwood, cypress, clay, painting, weaving, metal and wire, block print- ing, ceramics, and woodworking. The evening divisions of Florida's univer- sities provide instruction in employing these arts on Florida's native products. Bamboo. Sell wild bamboos as fishing poles or make furniture and lampstands from them. Bamboo furni- ture really pays off. Bananas. You can raise and sell such varieties as Cavendish and also sell young trees. Box Lunch Service. In demand by tourists visiting offshore shell islands, state parks, picnic areas, etc. Budgerigars. They're the new rage in Florida. A single pair breeds twelve or more annually. Birds cost $1 a year to feed and sell for $3-$6. Other birds such as canaries and peacocks are also in steady demand. Caretaker Service. Needed in many Florida resorts to look after homes vacated during the summer. Coconuts. These rakish trees are easily grown with plenty of water and fertilizer. You can sell the nuts as is, sell toasted coconut candy or cake, or carve the nuts into grotesque heads for sale to tourists. Demand for coconuts is particularly heavy since hurricanes and disease have ravaged the West Indian groves. Obtain free literature about coconuts from the Florida Power and Light Co., Miami. Collection Agency. All you need to get started are a phone and a car. Local businessmen will gladly turn their bad debts over to you for collection on a percentage basis. Costume Jewelry Manufacture. You don't need a factory; you can start at home with a low priced kit. Little experience is needed, though flair for design is an asset. Because you can change your designs at will, you can compete successfully with mass produced lines. Local Florida dress and department stores will handle your products on a 40% commission. You can also sell by mail. Cypress Knees. These will prob- ably never make you rich but can help supplement a pension. You collect the knees in a swamp, steam, cure, and finish them, and then make vases, deco- rative furniture, and lamp bases which sell for $5-$50. Day Nursery. Look after tourists' children while they go out for the day. Diaper Service. Best operated in the fastest growing East Coast towns. Dolls. Buy left over clippings from Florida's garment factories and use them to clothe dolls which you buy wholesale. Operate a doll's hospital on the side. Driftwood. Used like cypress knees to make expensive table lamps and ornaments. The best driftwood is found in the keys but you can cut your own "driftwood" from any mangrove or buttonwood swamp. Dwarf Trees. These sell for $25 or more to decorate homes in the new Chinese motif. Universal Sales Co., Box 1076, Peoria, Ill., supply in- structions or you can get instructions plus a kit for growing 150 trees from National Nursery Supply, 8463 South Van Ness Ave., Inglewood, Calif., for $10. Fish Delivery. One of the most needed service businesses in Florida. All over the state are fish houses which have no door-to-door delivery service. With a secondhand truck and ice chest you can buy fish wholesale and deliver to customers at retail. It's hard work but very profitable-expect to make $7,000 the first year. Frozen Food Route. Another good bet needing only a truck, refrigerating unit, and stock which can all be bought for around $2,000. This service is needed in many Florida communities located at a distance from shopping centres. Furniture Making, Repairing, and Re-upholstering. With hundreds of new home makers moving into Flor- ida every week, anything in the furni- ture field is a sure fire profit maker. Gift Fruit Packaging and Ship-. ping. This business means stiff compe- tition but there are still many good roadstand locations left. Ship and sell assorted boxes of top quality Florida citrus and tropical fruits. Gnavas. Guavas grow wild in southern Florida (or you can raise them). Sell the jelly. Send to the State Department of Agriculture in Talla- hassee and to the Florida Power and Light Co., Miami, for free literature. Honey. Regular honey is in demand by Florida health stores, but you'll make more if you keep your bees in large groves of special trees. That way, you'll get orange, grapefruit, mangrove, and palmetto flavored honey which commands top prices. Invisible Re-Weaving. In most larger Florida communities you'll be able to obtain sufficient work from dry cleaners and laundries to operate this business at home. The investment is very small, the profits steady. Mail Order. Look in any magazine and see how many mail order firms are located in California. Now, mail order operators are just discovering Florida. Chances are, you can operate any mail order business in Florida that would succeed elsewhere. Of course, all mail order involves risk at the start, but the most successful Florida mail order firms now employ several hundred workers. Regional items that can be sold include Florida sportswear and specialties, fruit and farm products, costume jewelry, seeds, etc. Manufacturer's Representative. Almost three fourths of manufactured items sold in Florida are imported from other states. Many small out-of- state firms would do business in Flor- ida if they could afford a branch office. You offer several of them this service by starting your own branch office. You'll work on commission, often with a nice sized drawing account. Avoid food products and concentrate on hard- ware, drugs, TV, cosmetics, home fur- nishings, and apparel lines. Needlework. Operate a custom dressmaking establishment doing petit point, art needlework, and repair dur- ing the slacker summer season. Old Folks Clothing Exchange. Buy, sell, or trade clothing in the low cost retirement centres. You could also deal in children's clothing. Opening and Closing Winter Homes. A service to Florida's winter residents who can save several days of their winter sojourn by having you pre- pare their home and close it up again in spring. Orchids. This field requires sev- eral preliminary years of patient care and work before it can be profitable- but the profits are amazing. Ask the Department of Agriculture, Washing- ton, D.C., to send their Leaflet 206 on raising orchids. Pandanus. Screens and lampshades made from pandanus leaves bring high prices. You can obtain a supply of leaves from trees in southern Florida gardens until your own grow. Papayas. These tropical fruits con- tain a valuable aid to digestion plus a rich Vitamin A content. From them you can make beauty aids, juice, jellies, and jam. Once you catch on to the art of raising papayas you can live off a 3-acre grove and bank your retire- ment pension untouched. Pest Control Service. Kill termites, rats, bugs, etc. This needed service can be started for a very reasonable invest- ment. Pet Boarding House. A good busi- ness to operate in a country home near a large resort centre. Plants. Raise and sell Easter lilies, monsteras, Philodendron varieties, cro- tons, poinsettias, and roses. The flowers sell in thousands on holidays, the plants are in steady demand by new home owners. Print Shop. At present, only half the printing and photo engraving needs of Florida are met by local industry. Job printing of all types is in steady demand. Roadstand. A fairly competitive business in Florida but plant a sausage tree beside it and watch the crowds come. For full details on how to oper- ate a roadstand successfully, see Har- ian's How to Make a Living in the Country, $1 postpaid. Screen Process Printing. It's done by stenciling through a cloth screen on to paper, cardboard, wood, or al- most any other surface. Operate it in conjunction with a souvenir business. Just print flamingos and coconut trees together with a Florida place name on the souvenirs and watch them sell. Sea Grape Jelly. Gather sea grapes, which grow wild on remote Florida beaches, and make and sell delicious home made jelly. You can also sell by mail. Sea Shells. A great variety of jew- elry and ornaments can be made from Florida shells and sold in Florida ir by mail. Many shells sell as they are. For details on how to make sea shell novelties, send 254 to Southern Shell- craft Supply, Box 1079, Clearwater, Fla. Seaweed. Particularly on the Gulf Coast, Florida seaweed is rich in min- erals needed to fertilize plants. Just gather it, wash and dry it, and chop it up into bags to sell as organic fer- tilizer. Write the Marine Laboratory of the University of Florida at Coral Gables and the Florida Power and Light Co., Miami, for free literature on seaweed. Secondhand Book and Magazine Store. Only the largest centres have them. Yet there are groups of com- munities with populations exceeding 50,000 not served by this easy-to-start business. Seed Plants. Selling seed plants by mail can help out a retirement income. Most in demand are seeds of flowering shrubs and trees. There are no big commercial seed growers in Florida yet. Selling by Phone. An ideal occu- pation for a retired person or a woman of any age. To find out how you can operate this attractive business from your own home, read How to Earn an Income Selling Products and Serv- ices by Phone, $1 postpaid from Harian Publications. Shopping Service. This old favor- ite often goes over well in Florida's resort centres, where tourists in house- keeping cottages and rented winter homes have little spare time for shop- ping in strange stores. Soil-Less Gardening. Hydroponic vegetables are superior to soil grown ones and fetch higher prices. You can start a hydroponics garden anywhere in Florida and add to your retirement income. But don't try to make a full- time business out of it till it's proved itself. Strawberries. Winter strawberries fetch good money in Florida; an acre will bring in $1,500-$4,000 or more at up to $1 a quart. This business is best operated on single acre lots in or near cities, or a rural roadstand. Swap Shop and Trading Post. An old reliable that needs no descrip- tion. Tin Cans. Almost every gardener in Florida uses dozens; commercial growers use thousands. Empty used cans fetch $30-$150 per thousand. You can collect from restaurants and dumps and sell to nurseries. Trees. Hand in hand with the huge demand for new homes in Florida goes the desire for trees to grow in the yards and supply fruit. People don't like waiting several years for trees to grow; they prefer full sized trees from the start. You grow, sell, and trans- plant these larger trees. Highest de- mand is for citrus trees, particularly tangelos. You can raise grafted citrus ready for sale in one year. There is also a considerable mail order demand from northern states for cuttings from tropical trees. Coconut trees are in big demand, sell for $1 each a few feet high, citrus bring $1.50-when bigger they fetch very much more. Banana trees are also a fast moving item. Tropical Fish. This fast growing industry offers greatest rewards in the Tampa area, where decorative aquar- ium fish are flown in from South America. (The Miami area is over- crowded.) This business can be started with a backyard concrete pool of about 200 square feet, well shaded by water lilies. Sell them by mail or in a store. TV Sales and Service. Now that Florida has been awarded 58 TV chan- nels, hundreds of existing sets will need converters for UHF. Here's a breakdown of the potential areas of TV opportunity: Miami, six channels; Jacksonville, five; Orlando, West Palm Beach, Pensacola, Tampa-St. Peters- burg, four channels each; Tallahassee, Panama City, three channels each; Fort Lauderdale, Key West, Lakeland, and Gainesville, two channels each; Belle Glade, Bradenton, Clearwater, Daytona Beach, De Land, Fort Myers, Fort Pierce, Lake City, Lake Wales, Leesburg, Marianna, Ocala, Palatka, Quincy, St. Augustine, Sanford, and Sarasota, one channel each. Typing Services. An excellent set-up for a woman in Florida. For full details of what can be done-you'll be surprised at all the angles-see How to Make a Living in the Country, $1 postpaid from Harian Publications. Worms. Earthworms are used for soil improvement and fishing or as breeding stock. Many successful worm farms are now operating throughout the country. Stoner's Earthworm Farms, 3102 North St., Chattanooga 4, Tenn., will set you up in business with 10,000 worms and thousands of breeding eggs for $50. For further information on business opportunities in Florida write to The Industrial Development Division, State Advertising Commission, Talla- hassee, Fla. For further information on raising plants, trees, fruit, etc., write the Department of Agricul- ture, State Capitol, Tallahassee, Fla. Full details for starting other part-time and full-time businesses suited to oper- ation in Florida can be found in this author's other book How to Earn an Income While Retired, $1.50 post- paid from Harian Publications. A warning about motels Have you ever stayed in a motel, counted the units, and figured up something like this? Ten units at $5 a night, times seven days a week, times 52 weeks a year. Wow! When I retire, I'm going to buy me a motel down in Florida and really take it easy. Then you'd better think again. For the bit- ter truth is that most motels in Florida are barely making expenses. And the proprietors of those that do, find themselves chained to a 24 hour-a-day job for 365 days a year. Motels in Florida have increased by 145% over the past five years until now the state ranks sec- ond in the nation with a total of approximately 4,200 motor courts. Despite an annual 10%o increase in the influx of tourists, Florida has now almost reached saturation point in motels. The Sunshine State has more than the rest of the entire southeastern U.S. Now, only the big, swanky courts are mak- ing money and many of these are operated by syndicates who locate them with fiendish per- fection. The average motel has 19 units and costs $132,000 to build. Few profitable motels can be built in Florida for less than $5,000 per unit and ten units is the minimum required for a couple to live off. However, the larger motels do yield a lower margin of profit while a 12-14 unit court is about the most profitable for man and wife operation. Although most of resort Florida is overbuilt with motels, there are still some good locations left along approach roads. For location is, without exception, the one single factor by which a motel can stand or fall. Along these routes, it is still possible to build or buy for around $25,000 down, a motel that will pro- vide a good living. Perhaps the finest ground floor opportunities for establishing new motels exist in connection with the brand new 40 mile stretch of U.S. 98 between Newport and Perry in northwestern Florida. Opening of a new bridge across the St. Marks River has provided the final link in an unbroken U.S. 98 running all the way from Pensacola to West Palm Beach. The antici- pated result is that tourist traffic will increase considerably over the western part of U.S. 98. Also under construction is a new toll turnpike road between Fort Pierce and the Georgia line. This route will parallel U.S. 1 and 441 and will undoubtedly draw some tourist traffic away from Florida's Motel Row-Route A1A between Hollywood and Miami Beach. No motels will be permitted on the throughway itself, but good opportunities will probably ex- ist adjacent to new feeder routes. It would be wise to investigate well before planning any new motel in connection with this parkway, however, for the toll has been tentatively placed at $2.50. And by the time the parkway is completed in 1957, ambitious plans for con- verting U.S.1 to a four lane highway the length of Florida will also be nearing completion. Far less of a gamble would seem to be motel sites catering to the increased flow of traffic across the new Tampa Bay Bridge between St. Petersburg and Bradenton. Among opportu- nities in individual cities, the greatest need for new motels appears to exist in Gainesville. Florida business opportunities for the re- tired Anyone considering a retirement business in Florida would do well to study a new book en- titled Economic Problems of Retirement which can be obtained from the University of Florida Press at Gainesville. Based on reports made at the fourth annual Southern Conference on Ger- ontology, the book states that there are business opportunities aplenty in Florida. But it goes on to point out that "We would strongly recom- mend that any retired person thinking of going into business reside in the area selected for sev- eral months and spend much of that time ex- amining the business he proposes to enter before doing so." For not only do many newcomers plunge hastily into business risks without being qualified or capable but they incur further risk by ignoring local business patterns and the changing economy of the state as a whole. The reports also conclude that the best chances for augmenting retirement income by business en- terprise in Florida lie in the fields of agricul- ture, retail trade, finance, insurance and real estate, service industries, and limited types of manufacturing. CHAPTER IX A JOB IN THE SUN Employment offices in Florida estimate that two million people would move into the state tomorrow if they could be certain of obtaining a job. The reason they cannot obtain jobs is not that Florida does not have them; the state offers just as many job openings as any other with a similar-sized population-in some fields it offers more due to its rapid growth. These people fail to get jobs in Florida because they do not know the facts of employment in Florida nor how to go about seeking these facts. These are the facts: because its economy differs from that of most other states, you may have to change your occupation to get a job in Florida. This is particularly true for unskilled and semi-skilled workers. The very worst time to look for a job in Florida is from the end of the high school year through August 1 when the labor market is glutted with high school graduates. Florida employers are not interested in young men liable to be drafted. To obtain a job in Florida it is almost essential to make an on-the-spot application and to be present at a personal interview. To obtain a job by correspond- ence alone is virtually impossible. Employers in the state will not hire anyone they consider to be a drifter and, therefore, are not too keen on hiring newcomers, especially those who are not contemplating becoming permanent residents of the community in which the job is available. Only the better type of energetic, re- sponsible, qualified employee is needed; and employ- ers do not consider too favorably in this respect those people who quit their jobs up north to look for employment in the Sunshine State. How, then, can you tailor a plan to fit all these requirements and still obtain a job while your family enjoys security at all times? The first thing to do is to know where you want to live in Florida. This can best be accomplished by touring the state during a vacation. Look over every city where you might find your type of employment and decide which places you'd best like to live in. For an idea of the most fre- quent types of job openings in the principal cities, see the city and town directory in the second part of this book. Your next step is to write to the Florida State Em- ployment Service in those cities you would like to live, outlining your work history and experience com- pletely. Use a typewriter and give brief but full infor- mation on your work qualifications, experience, age, and physical standards. In reply, you will receive real- istic information concerning your chances for securing employment in each town. And if there is an imme- diate vacancy, they will tell you. In any case, however, you will quickly learn which towns offer the best employment prospects for you. Your next move is to write the local Chambers of Commerce in each of these towns for a directory or blue book of local business firms. Write to each firm that offers your type of work, ask if they're likely to have any openings in the near future, and state that you will be coming down for a personal interview dur- ing your next vacation. This you do, making a call upon every single personnel manager (or whoever hires you) at every likely place of business of which you have learned. You point out to the interviewers that although you do not now own a home in Florida, you hold a steady job and intend becoming a perma- nent resident after you obtain employment in the state. Meanwhile, your family enjoys another spring or fall vacation in Florida (avoid July and early Au- gust because of high school grads). Chances are, if you really have anything to offer Florida employers, you'll either obtain a job right away or be told to hold yourself in readiness to move to Florida at the first vacancy. Normally, you can arrange to give your present employer the usual no- tice. And when you do come to Florida, you will begin work at once; your family finances will not be imperilled at any time. While this is the ideal way to get a job in Florida, it is not always possible to obtain every type of job so smoothly and safely. But whatever you do, don't move your family and furniture to Florida with the object of looking for a job unless you have adequate resources behind you. If you must give up your pres- ent job to seek immediate employment in Florida, my advice is to leave your wife and family behind and to come alone. Even this scheme should not be at- tempted unless you have enough money in hand to keep both you and them for at least four months. Then, in case you are unsuccessful in Florida, you can go back home and take up again where you left off. Families who have paid hundreds of dollars to move their furniture to Florida have sometimes been left in an embarrassing position when the head of the house has not been able to find the position he sought. If either of these two schemes sounds like "playing it safe" that's exactly what they are intended to be. Of course, single men and women with a few hun- 3: 'a' I t 0. aa Jo 2 9L's -S -2 'a' 4w 8i .:,+*.*.', * In 1 -C N 0(I) Xx>;oi C, U) ~c: o -r -j A~ US 0 0- LL w 0 0~ w j u:j I. I c co W 0 = _j cc w a U) 0. jr 'A 0, 4 D IL W" CL en 04 LL a w _jg 00. w :-C 0 W 4 wOL ww > 0 .40 cr 0CD Cl M0W 0 in zC 111 ILO w -r (n I- w~ 22 t~I 0I 0 4 wI - 040 4W L CL ~ 0 04I 4-~'c'~`c:: I ~n ~ L E II Liii dred dollars in their pockets can afford to come straight to Florida and begin looking for a job. Usu- ally, they succeed. But no one should expect to find immediate employment in the state. To find the job you really want may take time. If you are pinched for money, you may be forced to take an unsatisfactory job in order to eat. And if you switch jobs many times, you will have a Florida employment history that no employer will want to take a chance on. In deciding where to seek a job you cannot af- ford to overlook the opportunities offered by the many new industries moving into the state. At pres- ent, a considerable amount of Florida's heavy in- dustry is located in the northern part of the state with a concentration of food processing and kin- dred industries located in the central part, and a large amount of lighter industry, which is increasing rapidly, located in the southern part of Florida. Typical of the state's new economic boom are Jack- sonville's two new skyscraper headquarters for the Independent and Prudential life insurance compa- nies. In the same city, General Motors Electro- Motive Division has just tripled its capacity while the St. Regis paper company has completed a new plant of gigantic proportions. In the Panhandle country, eight pulp and paper plants have upped production 50% while a new $18,000,000 Proctor and Gamble cellulose plant is the latest addition to this area's big industry. In the Miami area where the airlines employ 17,000 in their repair shops, Dade and Broward counties can already count 200 garment manufacturing firms, which aid these counties in ranking as the state's fastest growing. Other indus- trial centers offering a variety of employment oppor- tunities are Tampa, Panama City, Pensacola, Port St. Joe, and Orlando. Florida's leading industries to date are food, lum- ber, paper, printing and publishing, apparel, and transportation equipment manufacture. But latest trends show a decided inclination on the part of big electronics, chemical, and plastics firms to move into the state. In fact, the FSES at Tallahassee is anxious to contact workers with technical and engineering ex- perience in these fields in order to staff the new indus- tries as they move in. If you're a skilled worker in one or other of these industries, and would like to move to Florida, here's your chance. One last factor to consider in choosing an em- ployment location in Florida concerns wage scales. Recent statistics show that in the building trades wages are highest in Miami, lowest in Tampa, and range between the two in Jacksonville. Wages in many other occupations follow the same pattern. Formula for success The most successful way to obtain a good, well paid job in Florida is to train-before you come to the state-for an occupation that is in demand. In selecting a skilled occupation to train for, bear in mind the increasing number of retired people who will, for the next twenty years at least, move into the state in ever increasing numbers. Any occupation which caters to the needs of elderly people should ensure your success and security in the Flor- ida of tomorrow. Here, by way of example, are recent union hourly wage scales paid on building jobs. Occupation Miami Jacksonville Tampa Bricklayer $3.10 $3.00 $2.85 Carpenter 2.76 2.50 2.35 Electrician 2.95 3.10 3.00 Painter 2.52 2.25 2.17 Plasterer 3.10 2.75 2.85 Plumber 3.07 3.00 2.75 Laborers 1.35 .90 1.10 Average hourly wages paid during 1955 in Florida were: for all industries $1.35, public utilities $1.98, apparel $1.16, chemical $1.50, transportation equip- ment $1.78, lumber $1.32, mining $1.56, and printing and publishing $2. The average weekly wage was $56.50 for 42 hours. In Miami, workers in food and kindred products averaged $1.08 an hour, in apparel $1.22, in furniture and fixtures $1.46, and in trans- portation equipment $1.92. These, of course, are only average wage levels: those for men are higher, for skilled men appreciably higher. Generally speaking, the energetic, trained, and qualified man will find the welcome mat out in Flor- ida employers' offices while the unskilled man may have a tough time. For example, eighty persons in Miami recently replied to an ad asking for a dish- washer. But not a single man entered the office two doors away which was advertising a skilled job pay- ing $10,000 a year. Union membership, however, is still not a requirement for most jobs. The Florida State Constitution provides that no man may be de- nied the right to work because of membership or nonmembership in any organization. This outlaws the closed shop contract. Many job openings in Florida are never advertised in the newspapers. Yet through studying those that are, you can often obtain a comprehensive employ- ment (and housing) picture of any city or commu- nity. To do this, go to your local library and ask for a copy of Ayer's directory to newspapers and period- icals. In it, you will find the name and address of every local newspaper in Florida. You can then place a short term order for daily copies of any of these papers to be sent to you for a week or month at a time. When you do go to Florida to find a job, first study the newspapers and inquire at the local FSES office. If you draw a blank at either of these, begin calling on the private agencies. In many cases, this is where you will find the job you want. These numerous agencies justify their existence only from the com- missions they make through finding people jobs. The fact that they continue to prosper is sufficient evidence to convince most people that these private concerns have the majority of the better openings. A complete list of both FSES offices and private employment agencies in Florida appears at the end of this chap- ter. Don't hesitate to write to any of them to ascertain your prospects in the community of your choice. (Tip: before taking a job through a private agency do make sure that it is not available free at an FSES office. Many better class jobs are obtainable at FSES offices.) A variety of Florida employee, locally termed the "snowbird" or "tourist worker," arrives in Florida in the fall, works through the tourist season until April, and then goes north again. Most of these people are employed in the citrus or hotel industry. They are frequently old hands who go through this same experience each year. Yet, in spite of their ex- perience, they are not always successful in landing a seasonal job. But if you'd like to try your hand at a winter hotel job write to the Miami FSES of- fice which has a working agreement with the Miami Hotel Association. Two private agencies you might also try are the American Hotel Placement Service, 36 N.E. 1st St., Miami, or Evelyn Nixon Hotel Placement Service, 36 N.E. 1st St., Miami. Training in hotel work can be obtained at the Lindsey Hopkins Hotel Training School, 1410 N.E. 2nd Avenue in Miami. In the last chapter, I mentioned that Florida wages are lower than in the northern states, 10%-20% lower. While this is chiefly true of unskilled jobs, the difference narrows as you climb higher into the semi-skilled and skilled positions. But make no mis- take, Florida wages are fast' catching up. Recently they rose 13% as against 9% for the nation as a whole. Of course, there are still sweat shops in Flor- ida, particularly since the production per man hour is not yet limited by rules and regulations. But broadly speaking, you will find that with the opportunities for cutting down on living costs through the mild climate, your Florida wages will go just as far as elsewhere. And while you can't eat sunshine, you'll discover that the good old Florida sun is just about the finest bonus for better living that you'll find anywhere in the country. Women will discover that a plentiful number of stenographic jobs are usually vacant in most Florida cities. And if you really want something with a future, don't overlook the fast growing fashion industry in the Miami area. Many of these plants now train their own workers and the Miami Fashion Council, Chamber of Commerce Building, Miami, trains new- comers in cooperation with the State Board of Public Instruction. Write to the Council if you're interested in a fashions career; usually you'll start as a sewing machine operator at $35 a week rising with experi- ence to $70. An agreement has also been reached be- tween the needle trades and the Miami FSES office for the recruitment of new workers. Another good source of employment for both men and women in Florida is the Federal Government. Over 30,000 Government employees now work in the state together with many others who are not civil servants but are employed directly by a Government establishment. The best way to get a civil service job is to find out what exams are open and then to file application with the U.S. Civil Service Commission or one of its offices. Florida is administrated by the Fifth Regional Office, 5 Forsythe St., N.W., Atlanta, Ga., to whom you should write for information. You may also write for information about job open- ings and examinations to the Executive Secretary, Board of U.S. Civil Service Examiners, at any of the following federal installations in Florida. Besides civil servants, these establishments hire tradesmen direct. Department of the Army U.S. Engineer Office, Jacksonville. Department of the Air Force MacDill Field, Tampa. Orlando Air Force Base, Orlando. Tyndall Field, Panama City. Eglin Field, Valparaiso. Long Range Proving Ground Division, Patrick Air Force Base, Cocoa. Palm Beach International Airport, West Palm Beach. Other Departments Federal Housing Administration, Miami. Federal Housing Administration, Jacksonville. Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Jacksonville. Seventh U.S. Coast Guard District, 2610 Tigertail Ave., Miami. Federal Housing Administration, Tampa. Veterans Administration Veterans Administration Center, Bay Pines. Veterans Administration Hospital, Lake City. Veterans Administration Hospital, Coral Gables. Veterans Administration, Regional Office, Miami. Veterans Administration, Pass-a-Grille Regional Office, St. Petersburg. Navy Department (Address your communications to the Recorder, Board of U.S. Civil Service Examiners, at the par- ticular Naval installation listed below in which you are interested.) U.S. Naval Air Station, Key West. U.S. Naval Air Station, Jacksonville. U.S. Naval Air Station, Pensacola. U.S.N. Underwater Sound Reference Laboratory, Orlando. U.S.N. Mine Countermeasures Station, Panama City. Permanent nurses are badly needed at almost every institution in Florida. Not needed are "tourist nurses"; i.e., those who come down for the winter only in the hope of finding a private job looking after a wealthy sick person. Needless to say, these "soft" jobs are declining in number each year. Florida's nurses are paid the highest wages in the southeastern states and only slightly less than the highest pay level in the nation. Student nurses and licensed practical nurses-both white and colored-are badly needed in Florida hospitals, particularly in rural areas. The State Board of Education is now sponsoring twelve month educational courses for practical nurses, part of it with pay. Licensed nurses receive reciprocal transfer to a Florida license, but those nurses from the dozen or so states which still do not require nurses' licenses, must take the Florida nurse's exam. For further information, write Florida State Nurses Association, 608 Professional Bldg., 216 N.E. 2nd Ave., Miami 32. (A tip: jobs obtained through a Nurses Registry usually pay more than those offered by private agencies.) Teachers, too, are needed in Florida, particularly for elementary schools. Write to the State Superin- tendent of Public Instruction, Tallahassee, for details regarding your certificate transfer and to the Teacher Placement Bureau, University of Florida, Gainesville, for job applications. See also Chapter XII for a list of Florida educational establishments. How about older folks? Are there jobs for retired people too? Yes, there are, but here I must again repeat the warning that you should not depend solely upon a job to bring in your retirement income. If you have an adequate small pension, then likely enough you'll be able to earn much more through a job. But you should always have the financial security of your pension behind you in case of a lay-off or illness. Now that you can earn up to $100 a month in wages without losing social security benefits, part-time re- tirement jobs are well worth going after. But so many retired men and women in Florida have the same idea that in some places the competition is exceedingly stiff. So here's the rule if you want a part-time job after age 65. Simply avoid all towns with a high pro- portion of retired residents. And, of course, there are more jobs in industrial towns than in resorts. For example, until recently the FSES office in St. Peters- burg had consistently found jobs for oldsters and even men of 85. Yet so many retirees have now settled in St. Petersburg that work is practically unobtain- able. By contrast, in less popular Tampa, hundreds of senior citizens find jobs in the city's more numerous stores, offices, and commercial establishments. Outside Florida's most popular retirement towns, and especially in small communities, you can eventu- ally find suitable part- or full-time work. For Florida industry is learning of the vast reserve of skilled and experienced manpower which exists among the state's senior citizens. During World War II, for instance, retired artisans in Florida produced more war goods per capital than in all other areas but one. Not long ago, the Electro Tech Corporation built their experi- mental laboratory at Ormond Beach simply because they found there an abundance of qualified retired workers willing to resume limited engineering em- ployment. It is expected that Electro Tech's example will be followed by other plants who need an ex- perienced, stable, and highly capable labor force. To give you a broader idea of work opportunities in Florida for young and old alike, here are the high- lights of the Florida State Employment Service recent report. "The population of Florida is growing rapidly. New industries are entering the state and older indus- tries are expanding, particularly those serving the winter tourists. The total number of jobs in the state is increasing along with this expansion. In spite of this favorable situation, there is a moderate amount of unemployment in many areas of the state because of the large numbers of people migrating to Florida seeking work. In many instances, salaries are lower than in the highly industrialized northeastern section of the U.S. "At the present time there are no serious shortages of workers except in a few highly skilled and profes- sional occupations. During the summer months there are few job openings, except in summer resort areas, and considerable unemployment in the central, and southern parts of the state. In the fall, beginning about October and reaching a peak in January, there are many seasonal job openings for hotel, restaurant, and retail sal6s workers, citrus fruit pickers and packers, and vegetable harvest hands. Large numbers of work- ers migrate regularly between these jobs and similar jobs in northern resort and farm areas. Employers strongly prefer experienced workers, but accept some inexperienced workers. For many jobs of a year around nature, permanent residents are given prefer- ence because employers have found that migrants from other states frequently leave them during the summer months. "Hotel, restaurant, and sales work. There are many hotels, restaurants, and retail stores in the tourist areas of central and southern Florida, which either operate only during the winter months or which greatly expand their working forces during that time. They employ large numbers of waitresses, cooks, chambermaids, laundry workers, bartenders, and other service workers, and sales persons for the win- ter months. Many of these jobs are filled year after year by the same workers. There are many job open- ings for experienced workers during the winter sea- son, however. Winter tourist centers include Miami, St. Petersburg, West Palm Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Sarasota, Orlando, and most other cities of central and south Florida. These centers have been enjoying increasingly important summer tourist business in re- cent years, and in addition, Jacksonville Beach and Panama City are important summer resorts. Daytona Beach is important as both summer and winter resort. "Manufacturing. There is very little manufacturing of machinery, electrical goods, or textiles and, conse- quently, jobs for machine operators and machine tool operators are very scarce. The principal products manufactured in Florida are: citrus and vegetables (chiefly in central Florida); cellulose and paper (north Florida); cigars (Jacksonville, Tampa, Quincy); garments (Miami); nylon (Pensacola) ; specialties for the construction industry such as jal- ousies, metal wood and fiberglass awnings, etc., (Mi- ami); fertilizer, lumber, furniture, plastic products, electronics equipment, small boats, and local food products such as bread, ice cream, etc., (all areas). There is considerable phosphate mining in the central section. There is little manufacturing of aircraft or aircraft parts. The major portion of the aircraft in- dustry is in the Miami area where several large air- lines have operations. Canning plants and garment plants are seasonal with greatest activity from Octo- ber to May. "Construction. Construction is fairly active. More construction work is available during the summer months than in winter when it is restricted in many cities by anti-noise ordinances. Most construction work is highly unionized, particularly in the cities. "Agriculture. Most agricultural activities in central and south Florida are carried on during the winter months. Citrus fruits are harvested and processed from October until June. Winter vegetables are grown and harvested during this same period. Most harvesting of vegetables is carried on by crews of col- ored workers who move from place to place following the harvest. A large number of both white and colored crews are used in citrus fruit picking. Picking is done from high ladders and is strenuous work. There are jobs for both white and colored people also in hauling, packing, canning, and shipping agricultural products. These jobs for the most part are filled by the same workers from year to year. Job opportunities in agri- cultural work depend so greatly on weather conditions and market prices that it is extremely difficult to fore- cast what they may be. Much agricultural harvest and processing is piece rate and wages depend to a con- siderable extent on the weather and market condi- tions as well as the person's ability and speed. Citrus centers include Winter Haven, Lakeland, Tampa, Or- lando, Leesburg, and Fort Pierce. "State Employment. Much employment with state agencies is restricted by law to persons having two years residence in the state. There is no central per- sonnel agency for state employment. "Clerical, managerial, and professional positions. The demands for office workers of most types are good, but the supply of persons seeking jobs in these classifications has been more than adequate in most areas. There is a shortage of qualified stenographers and secretaries in most sections. Opportunities for persons seeking positions in executive, managerial, personnel, public relations, and similar fields are poor due to the number of persons already in the state available for this type of work. Although there has been some demand for engineers of various kinds, there has not been the shortage which has been expe- rienced by many other sections of the country." There are, of course, many people constantly look- ing for jobs in these fields. Some land jobs easily; others return north disillusioned. For as one employ- ment manager aptly stated: "Those you see going back think only in terms of 'What does Florida offer me?' But those who get the jobs think 'What can I offer Florida?' And that's the kind of thinking that pays off with a job in the Sunshine State." FSES Offices and Private Employment Agencies in Florida Belle Glade FSES, 109 Main St. Bradenton FSES, 422 9th St. Clearwater Clearwater Employment Agency, 717 Cleveland St. FSES, 411 South Garden Ave. Miss Bridges' Employment Service, 604 Court St. Nurses Registry, Osceola Ave. Cocoa FSES, 103 Brevard Ave. Coral Gables Coconut Grove Employment Agency, 198 S. Dixie Highway. Jobscouts, 2426 Ponce de Leon Blvd. Daytona Beach Bazemore Employment Service, 1082% S. Beach St. Daytona Beach Employment Agency, 206Y S. Beach St. FSES, 146 Orange Ave. Fort Lauderdale Federated Employment Bureau, Inc., 124 S.E. 2nd St. FSES, 201 S.E. 1st St. Sylvia's Employment Service, 301 N.W. 2nd St. Fort Myers FSES, 2134 Jackson St. Fort Pierce FSES, 411 Ave. A. Gainesville FSES, 218 S. E. 1st St. Teachers Placement Bureau, Uni- versity of Florida. Hollywood FSES, 2337 Hollywood Blvd. Hollywood Employment and Reser- vation Agency, 406 N. Ocean Dr. Jacksonville AA Personnel Service, 301 Masonic Temple Bldg. City Employment Agency, 805 Main St. FSES, 40 E. Bay St. Nico Covars Agency, 218 W. Adams. Davis Employment Agency, 1933 Davis. Herbert E. Elphick Personnel Serv- ice, 325 W. Forsythe. Hollon Employment Service, 116 Graham Bldg. Key Employment Agency, 242 N.E. 2nd Ave. Nurses Registry, 8165 Paul Jones Drive. Personnel Clinic, 118 W. Adams. Thomas Agency, 125 W. 2nd St. Key West FSES, 314 Simonton St. Lake City FSES, City Hall. Lakeland FSES, 915 S. Florida Ave. Polk Placement Service, 207% East Main St. Leesburg FSES, 103 W. Main St. Marianna FSES, 208 Lafayette St. Miami AA Southern Employment Service, 141 N.E. 2nd St. Ace Service, 127 N.E. 1st Ave. Acme Employment Agency, 11 N.W. 5th St. Adele Hampton Bureau, 701 Lang- ford Bldg. Aid Employment Service, 127 N.E. 1st Ave. Allen Employment Agency, 5 N.E. 5th St. All State Employment Agency, 218 N.W. 5th St. A-1 Employment Agency, 51 N.E. 5th St. Bell Agency, 130 N.E. 2nd Ave. Burgin Employment Service, 127 N.E. 1st Ave. Eagan Employment Agency, 139 N.E. 1st St. Empire Agency, 736 N.E. 1st Ave. FSES, 501 N.E. 1st Ave. Johnson Employment Service, 139 N.E. 1st St. Miami Employment Agency, 423 N.E. 1st St. Roland Muse's Service, 174 E. Flag- ler. National Employment Agency, 107 N.E. 1st Ave. Personalized Service, Dade Com- monwealth Bldg. Southern Nursing Service, 266 W. Flagler. Miami Beach Allen Agency, 420 Lincoln Rd. Beach Employment Office, 1444A Drexel. Berger Agency, 235 Lincoln Rd. Clark Agency, 540 West Ave. Drexel Agency, 143 Drexel. Elkin's Agency, 612 5th St. Mark's Talent Agency, 600 Lincoln Rd., Bldg. Miami Beach Employment Agency, 1034 5th St. Miami Beach Nursing Service, 605 Lincoln Rd. Sennes Booking Agency, 235 Lincoln Rd. White's Agency, 1613 Alton Rd. Ocala FSES, 409 S. Magnolia Ave. Gulf Teachers Service, 14 S. Mag- nolia St. Orlando FSES, 369 N. Orange Ave. Orlando Employment Agency, 104 E. Jefferson. Palatka FSES, 110 N. 3rd St. Palm Beach Employment Service, 248 Royal Palm Way. Reimer Employment Bureau, 206 Royal Palm Way. Panama City FSES, 443 Oak Ave. Pensacola FSES, 400 S. Palafox. Perry FSES, 112 W. Green St. Sarasota FSES, 1560 State St. Victory Employment Service, 133 S. Pineapple Ave. St. Petersburg Brophy's Physicians' and Nurses' Exchange, 823 Florida Nat'l Bank Bldg. Caruth Employment Bureau, 967 Central Ave. City Employment Agency, 645 lst Ave., N. Employer's Service, 710 Central Ave. Erickson's Ninth Street Bureau, 800 1st Ave., N. FSES, 1004 1st Ave. Physicians', Surgeons', and Nurses' Registry, 807 6th St., N. Summer Placement Service, 927 Baum Ave., N. Tallahassee FSES, 209 E. College Ave. Tampa Capitol Employment Agency, 717 Morgan. FSES, 315 Jackson. Personnel Consultants, 310 Tampa St. Tampa Personnel Service, 412 Tampa St. West Palm Beach Executive Service Bureau, 500-04 Guaranty Bldg. FSES, 907 N. Dixie Highway. Physicians', Surgeons', and Nurses' Exchange, 422 Evernia St. Scott's Agency, 120 S. Poinsettia. Winter Haven FSES, 352 N. W. Third St. CHAPTER X GARDENING and FARMING In no other state does gardening and farming differ so widely from that practiced in most parts of the U.S. This is due to two reasons: Florida's sub- tropical climate and its wide variety of soils. If the soil were as good as the climate, Florida would be a lush garden paradise where anyone might expect to live well on the proverbial five acres. As it is, most of Florida's soils are little more than a base to sup- port the plants that grow in them. The soils of Florida are too numerous to mention here but the majority vary from sandy pinelands along the coasts to darker colored muck and hammock lands farther inland. Most of the land is sandy and lacks humus. Even if your land should be fertile, mak- ing a success of gardening in Florida is more a ques- tion of growing crops suited to that particular soil and region than trying to grow crops for which the big- gest markets exist. Market gardening and fruit grow- ing in Florida are thus very different from market gardening and fruit growing elsewhere. Something can be grown on most of it but not everything can be grown on any one part, with the possible exception of the rich mucklands. The best course for the new- comer to Florida intending to practice agriculture is to send to the Agricultural Extension Service at Gainesville and the State Agricultural Department at Tallahassee for a set of bulletins and reports. They will surprise you with what can be grown in the more unlikely places and what cannot be grown in the more likely places. Some retired people in Florida have managed to cut their grocery bills by 40% through raising gar- dens while fishing can lop off a further 20%. Make no mistake, though, gardening is harder than fishing. If you are retiring on a very modest pension, my ad- vice is not to bother with a lawn at all. Good lawns are notoriously difficult to maintain in Florida and are expensive besides. A far better plan, to my mind, is to plant your yard with citrus and tropical fruit trees. In fact, in the harder limestone country of southern Florida, tropical fruits are actually easier to grow than northern fruits and vegetables. To have a supply of citrus for nine months of the year (be- tween September and June) plant a few early season, a few mid season, and a few late season trees. These will guarantee you an almost year around supply of on-the-tree fruit. For citrus will keep on the tree almost as well as under refrigeration. The best all around grasses for Florida lawns are Bitter Blue Stem and St. Augustine varieties. Both are fast growing but susceptible to cinch and fungus. For ocean front properties Bermuda grass is best, however, since it remains unaffected by salt. Carpet grass requires least care but produces tall seed heads in summer. If you're interested in Florida gardening, send to the Agricultural Extension Service at Gainesville for single copies of these free booklets: Bulletin 131, The Florida Home Garden; 433, Organic matter in Florida soils; 455, Composition of Florida-grown vegetables; 617, Soil testing; 528, Agricultural activi- ties of industrial workers and retirees; Circular 65, Planting charts for home gardens; and the List of Bulletins. With as little as two acres, you can operate a part- time market garden that may bring you in as much as $2,000-$3,000 a year. But out and out commercial farming in Florida is a highly specialized business and farmers used only to northern methods cannot expect to succeed till they have gained experience in Florida's methods. Small capital and insufficient ex- perience with soils and methods have spelled failure for many a northern farmer who has moved to a Florida farm. Florida's agriculture is led by citrus and winter vegetables with grains, tung oil, tobacco, sugar cane, cotton, and tropical fruits making up the balance. Livestock, particularly beef cattle raising, has grown in importance over recent years until Florida now has more than 1,600,000 head of cattle. Dairying, chicken farming, and hog raising are also important. Although only six per cent of Florida is in farmland, the state has something like 5,700 farms averaging 290 acres each and valued at an average worth of $15,080. In a state growing as rapidly as Florida is, oppor- tunities in farming are excellent for those prepared to learn first and then pitch in and practice what they've learned. For a general idea of what you can do, write the State Agricultural Department in Talla- hassee and ask for a free copy of Farm Opportunities in Florida. The overall farming opportunity picture in the state today, however, shows excellent oppor- tunities in several little known fields while large scale commercial enterprises have almost eliminated new- comers from some of the better known forms of agri- culture. Citrus is one example. With 27,000 fresh acres planted in one recent year alone, Florida's citrus growers are now on the verge of overproduction. Too many tourists have visited the state, visualized themselves as living comfortably off a grove of trees, and later returned to become citrus owners. The orig- inal idea was fine; the trouble is that too many people have done it. Nevertheless, America's increasing population will raise future demand for citrus, and if you can pick up some knowledge of the business from friends, neighbors, and Government farming aids, you can in- vest in a grove without losing your shirt. Grove prices are continually fluctuating. Average cost of a young grove ranges between $400 and $900 an acre, bearing groves cost $1,000 an acre up, and mature groves any- thing from $2,000 an acre up. Of course, it is cheaper to cultivate your own grove from scratch. Total costs for buying and bringing raw land into a mature grove might work out at approxi- mately $525 per acre but due to local circumstances, actual costs may vary widely from this figure. Write to the State Advertising Commission at Tallahassee for the free book Citrus Industry of Florida if you are interested in starting a grove. This very complete 256 page book will provide you with a mine of information on where to select a grove and how to get started. Another set of recent costs for planting and de- veloping a new grove over the 1948-53 period was released by the Florida Experiment Station. Per acre costs the first year were $377 comprising $100 for land cost, $100 for clearing, $87.50 for trees, $22.50 for planting, $20.50 for watering, $3.50 for seeding the cover crop, $28.50 for power, equipment, and labor, and $6.50 for taxes, etc. Second year costs totalled $50.75, third year $58.50, fourth year $60.15, and fifth year $75.80. After that the grove should earn a profit. Young orange trees can be purchased from $1.50- $3.50 each and require 4-5 years to mature although commercial production is not attained until the 7th or 8th years. You will need 50-60 orange trees per acre, somewhat fewer if grapefruit are grown. (At present, there is a shortage of young trees.) Before buying a grove have the soil tested, not to see if it is any good (for the sort of pineland citrus grows in probably won't be) but just to get an idea of what it will cost you to feed each tree with fertilizer. Also be sure to get an accurate estimate of how much it will cost to bring irrigation water from the nearest source right up to your trees. Once armed with this informa- tion you can see whether your annual operating costs per acre, which include 4-5 sprayings, pruning, etc., are going to work out anywhere between the average costs of $150-$200 per acre so that you will have some chance of being able to expect the 10% annual return on your investment that Florida growers in general have realized over the past 20,years. Mature groves yield 200-400 boxes of oranges or 600-750 boxes of grapefruit per acre. A box contains 90 pounds of fruit. At the time of writing, on-the-tree fruit in Florida was bringing around $3.60 a box. The cost of picking and hauling is about 330 a box for grapefruit, 430 for oranges, and 700 for tangerines. Costs of grove care and maintenance also eat into citrus gross returns so that, often, the usual net re- turn on a grove may work out to only about $1 a tree annually. Many people do not manage their own groves but have them tended and marketed by a grove care- taking association. Citrus is generally bought "on the tree" by a packing house whose crews pick and ship the fruit. It is therefore possible to own a grove and at the same time be free to engage in other occupa- tions. This type of grove service costs you about $140 per acre per year. In some years, particularly when frosts wreak havoc in Texas and California, citrus returns in Flor- ida are good. But in other years, profits may yield you only a bare subsistence. As a result of new mar- keting regulations, future profits should be more stable than they have been in the past but, even so, you must remember that time plays an important part in citrus raising just as it does in other forms of investment. Quick profits are few but over a period of years, citrus has brought, and in the years to come, will continue to bring, good returns. Perhaps the best opportunities in the citrus field lie in managing your own grove and shipping fresh handpicked fruit in selected cases to your own special ring of customers. There is an unusually high demand for this type of personalized selling at Christmas time. Operating on this basis, you could make a living from as little as ten acres in the country. But no one has yet managed to live well off a 5-acre citrus grove. Modern methods for citrus cultivation are almost foolproof if carefully followed and allow successful raising of early season varieties like Hamlins or late season varieties like Valencias. But you must have a citrus dealer's license and comply with state shipping regu- lations if you want to sell your own fruit. The latest method for creating new sales is to raise citrus in groves shaded by cabbage palms so that you can offer premium "shade ripened" fruit. A somewhat brighter outlook exists for tung or- chards although tung raising calls for knowledge and experience at least equal to that needed for citrus culture. Since America's supply of tung oil formerly came from China, domestic orchards can now supply barely 25% of the total demand. Now, producing tung nuts to make oil for paints and varnishes, etc. is a fast growing industry in north and central Flor- ida. Professional advice is advisable when choosing the location of an orchard. You will need from 100- 500 acres of dry, undulating, and well drained soil. Good stock is also important but once you have planted your 110 trees to the acre, little spraying is required. The trees begin to bear in commercial quantities by the third year and reach maturity in eight years, after which you can depend upon a yield of about two tons per acre. Tung nuts bring around $80 a ton and 200 acres will net you a final profit of around $19,000 a year. Allowance must be made for frost, however, which destroys lowland crops on an average of one year in every five and hill land crops on an average of one year in eight. To get started in this profitable occupation, you need about $75 per acre for purchase, clearing, and stocking your or- chard with trees. Quick returns can be made with two or more acres of papayas (for sale to health stores) provided the drainage is good and the grove is protected from cold. Papaya brings about 10 a pound; each tree bears 50-75 pounds of fruit. Florida strawberries- particularly the Missionary variety-bear from De- cember through April at the rate of more than 1,000 quarts per acre annually. The fruit sells for 700-800 a quart in the country, $1 in cities. Tropical fruit raising is already a $3 million industry in Florida and is growing fast with many ground floor opportunities still available. Avocados, for instance, fetch $150 a ton and are fairly simple to raise. Other popular fruits are mangos, pineapples, and guavas. Likely to become popular in the near future are some fifty others rang- ing from the zapote to the mamey and carissa. Write to the State Agricultural Department at Tallahassee for their free Bulletin 90 on Papaws, and to the State Experiment Station, Gainesville, for Bulletin 156, Miscellaneous Tropical and Sub Tropical Flor- ida Fruits. As for opportunities in livestock, dairying has now caught up with the demand and Florida's dairy farms are expected to grow only in relation to the growing population. The beef cattle industry has also grown to such an extent that Florida bankers are growing wary of encouraging speculation in this field. But there is still plenty of virgin land available at $20-$30 an acre if you care to give it a try. You should know, however, that it can cost you up to a further $150 an acre before you may have the improved pasturage needed. Florida still imports a great number of eggs and How to buy oranges in Florida The very cheapest way to buy oranges is to go into a grove and pick your own. Most grove owners will allow you to do this. Otherwise, you'll find citrus selling at roadstands in Florida for around $1 a bushel. Don't be fooled by any advertising which claims tree-ripened citrus to be superior. All citrus is tree ripened; it will neither ripen nor change color after picking. Because oranges for out of state ship- ment are often bleached a high color by the packing houses, you should know that color does not always mean fruit is ripe. So if you are offered green oranges in Florida, chances are they will be soft and sweet; just pinch them to make sure. The way to choose oranges is by weight. Heavier oranges have more juice in them and are a better buy than lighter ones. And don't be afraid of citrus with skin blemishes; often enough, these are sold cheaper in the North. They are equally as good as fruit with perfect skins. A good way to pick the best grapefruit is to select those with flattened ends. When in Florida, be sure to try a tangelo, a hybrid species not shipped north. And if you want a real treat, try the kind of kumquats which are grown on the outer fringes of citrus groves. Oranges with few- est seeds are Hamlins, Jaffas, Valencias, Lue Gim Gong, and seedless navels which, incidentally, are not one of Florida's best oranges. Among grapefruit, the Marsh variety has few seeds but the Duncans have plenty. Seedy oranges are Parson Brown, Homossassa, and Pineapple. King oranges are like very large tangerines with an excellent taste; Temples are among the finest oranges but have a very short season; the best lemons are Villafrancas, the best limes the Tahitian variety. good opportunities exist for poultry farmers with capital. The state's sizeable broiler industry also of- fers opportunity for expansion as does turkey raising. In view of the scientific preparation and sizeable investment needed for commercial farming, it might be said that the best opportunities for the individual with a smaller amount of cash lie in raising some of the specialty crops previously mentioned. Specialized selling and processing can pay off well enough on smaller acreages despite the fact that independence is none too easy to obtain with five acres. To aid farm- ers in selling their produce, the state operates 24 non- profit farmers' markets that offer a unique marketing service for even small lots of produce. And the state's five home industry markets can sell your home made products on a similar basis. CHAPTER XI FLORIDA REAL ESTATE When thinking of real estate in Florida, many peo- ple are apt to recall the boom of 1923-25. In those days thousands of lots were sold in subdivisions that were never built upon. Values of property doubled overnight. Millions of dollars were borrowed to finance public improvements for the vast new develop- ments. Land values were related to nothing more than the future which their owners envisioned for them. Of course, the boom burst and contracts were dropped like hot potatoes. By 1929 over half a billion dollars was outstanding in community debts for improve- ments alone. It was a long uphill fight to establish sound stand- ards for Florida real estate in a country so under- developed and with such an adolescent economy. But it has been done. And now the director of the Na- tional Association of Real Estate Boards has de- clared: "Throughout the nation, Florida real estate has come to be regarded as a good solid investment." In July 1950 another boom set in which has con- tinued almost without break up to the present day. This time, though, no subdivisions are being opened until clearly needed and the lower percentage of new unsold homes is very reassuring to the home owner or investor. Now, however, the tendency is for builders to build as small a place as possible and to sell it for as much as they can get. The result is that homes on sites having particularly attractive central locations and waterfront views are high priced-you pay for the view and the Florida sun. But even these are not too much out of line with prices prevailing in other parts of the country. Most of the new homes are modern two bedroom places of concrete block stucco (CBS) construction with breezeway (porch open on both sides) and garage or carport. They sell from around $8,500 with about one third down, although they can be obtained for less. Some sell without the garage from $6,500-$7,500. Although no subdivisions are being opened until obviously required, construction has in many places outgrown city sewer systems and for a while many new homes may have to rely on septic tanks. Save in low lying depressions which can be flooded by heavy rains, these are generally satisfactory-even for a life- time. While beach front lots on the Gold Coast sell from $10,000 per foot frontage, much good land which re- ceives exactly the same amount of Florida sunshine is available for $50 an acre. The secret of beating high land costs lies, therefore, in selecting your prop- erty where no charge can be made for the view and central location. The answer is to be found in the fringe areas of most Florida cities, in rural areas, and in the many tract type subdivisions being developed in almost all towns. Even in so called expensive cities like Fort Lauderdale, new retirement homes in sub- divisions can be found at very attractive prices. Generally speaking, the most expensive land and homes lie on the Gold Coast and in south Florida with prices lower on the West Coast and in central Flor- ida, and lowest of all in northern Florida. Neverthe- less, by building on smaller lots to a standardized design, Florida's builders have succeeded in produc- ing a three bedroom home in the Miami area for under $8,000. These have been available at the Guava Grove Estate, have fired walls, tile floors and bath, and jalousied windows. Other large building con- tractors have brought prices down on the East Coast so that at Leisure City near Homestead, 6,000 homes are being built to sell for $5,250 and in many places one bedroom homes can be built for $4,900 on your lot. On the West Coast several firms in and around St. Petersburg are offering FHA backed homes at very attractive prices. A two bedroom home valued at $5,725 can be built on your lot for no downpayment at all. A one bedroom home can be obtained new for as little as $4,700 on your lot-it has a living-dining room 22 feet long. Several attractive two bedroom home plans are available for $500 down and around $50 a month in the Pinellas County area; this price includes the lot, taxes, and insurance. One two bed- room plan provides a living room 19' 8" x 11' 2" and a kitchen 15' x 8' 10". Built .of frame construction with asphalt tile and finish, these represent some of the best low-downpayment retirement homes I have seen. For a slightly higher downpayment (about one third) you can, however, obtain even better values from private builders who are able to cut corners which the FHA do not permit. Yesterday, I looked at several new frame dwellings near St. Petersburg selling for $7,900. They had two bedrooms, tile bath, living room, large kitchen with dining space, breeze- way, 2-car carport, and utility room-all on a spacious lot facing the breeze. While these are about the lowest priced new homes available, the average price ranges from $8,500-$10,- 500, better class upper middle income bracket homes $10,500-$15,500, and rather fashionable ultra modern places $15,500-$17,500 and up. For retirement on a small income, though, the lower cost FHA financed, or privately built homes, for less than $8,000 are per- fectly adequate and quite well suited to Florida living. If you are looking for large older homes, small farms, and rural places from which to operate a business, your best bet is northern Florida. With care, you can buy places that approach-in size of land and house-some of the rural bargains to be found in the Ozarks and New England. At the time of writing, a small two room frame house on 29 acres of fairly fertile soil near Jacksonville was for sale for $3,500, a small cottage for $1,600, a nine room home near Lake City for $4,500, a seven room bungalow for $4,650, a four room bungalow with 50 acres near Ocala for $6,750, another for $3,500, and an old place of five rooms with 40 acres near Starke for $1,350. With a little fixing up or even construction of a new dwelling, some of these places represent an opportunity to own land and a larger home in Florida than is possible on the same money farther south. Of course, none of them are really bargains; you only get what you pay for. But to those who prefer rural or small town environments and are prepared to im- prove a property inexpensively with their own labor, such places are well worth a close examination. Very occasionally, you can find similar places in central and even south Florida, particularly in Lee County. What time of year you come to Florida to buy makes very little difference. Time was when owners tended to reduce prices during the summer but this is no longer true. However, many authorities state that you should rent for a year before buying in any one place. This is sound advice but if you don't want to wait that long, my suggestion is simply to rent during the hot months of July, August, and Septem- ber. If you like a place during those months, you can fairly safely depend upon liking it during the cooler remainder of the year. In this case, there is a definite advantage in coming to Florida during sum- mer when rents are low. As for waiting for real estate prices to come down, the guess of most real estate men is that you'll wait for ever. Real estate prices in Florida have doubled in value approximately every 25 years. Once arrived in the community of your choice and having decided after renting for a summer or a year (or perhaps just having made a most exhaustive in- vestigation) your first step in acquiring property will be to find a reliable real estate agent. Since the sec- ond boom in Florida real estate, hundreds of new dealers have entered the business. Nearly all are honest but a minority are not past putting over a shady deal. You can trust, as a rule, all those dealers who are members of a Florida Realty Board. Only such agents are permitted to call themselves realtors; non-members are not. Of course, there are also thou- sands of perfectly honest agents who are not realty board members. But unless you can have a bank or reliable source recommend one, you cannot be cer- tain with whom you are dealing. Even the most honest can skip lightly over the drawbacks to a place while extolling its virtues. Owing to this tendency, you should not be satisfied with salesmen's opinions but should check on all the facts pertaining to your prospective purchase with city officials. When you buy a lot, for instance, there are many points you'll want to check on regarding zoning, fire- plugs, water and sewerage, and schools. For above all else, location is the one critical factor that will make your lot (or completed home) a good or bad buy. An ideal lot should be in a quiet residential area free from all through traffic, smoke, dust, and smell (which freedom is not usually difficult to find in Florida). Churches and recreations should not lie more than two miles distant and you should be able to walk easily to the nearest grocery store. A shopping centre should be within four miles. The lot itself should be as large as possible, preferably square shaped. Avoid corner lots, key or butt lots which adjoin corner lots, and tag end lots. Assuming your lot is large enough for fruit trees and a garden if you want it, it should also be placed so that neighboring homes do not block off the breeze. Now, after location, provision of a steady breeze is one of the most important points to be observed in choosing any lot or home location in Florida. Get a lot so that you can build your home broadside to the prevailing breeze. On the Gulf Coast you'll want your house to face southwest, on the Atlantic Coast south- east, and in central Florida facing south. If the lot is on the north side of a street you will want the house well back from the street; if on the south side, the house should be nearer the street. Next to the breeze and location, pick the right neighbors. They should be folks in the same income bracket as yourselves; neither people you can't keep up with nor people who can't keep up with you. If any other homes are built in the neighborhood al- ready, they should have neat well kept yards although lack of lawns is really nothing to go by in Florida; the true Floridian has too much sense to struggle with Buying an older Florida home Pay an architect or builder $10-$15 to survey the home for structural defects. Be particularly suspicious if the roof sags or stains show up on ceilings and walls. If the walls are of concrete block, be sure they are firred. Have the property appraised by the FHA or a Building and Loan Company to gauge its resale value. If you are planning to remodel it, get an architect's estimate first. If the house is of frame construction, in- sist that the seller pays for a termite inspection. Homes of cypress wood are almost immune to termites, however. If the house checks O.K. on all these points and lies in a desirable location, offer 10% less than the owner is asking. Chances are it will be overpriced anyway and he'll be glad to take your offer. one. Too, the region should be free of hazards such as gas storage tanks and airports. Although one does not see'curved streets so often now in new Florida subdivisions, they are ideal for slowing traffic past your house; on the other hand being near an intersection with stop signs means listening to crashing gears and squealing brakes (which is one good reason for avoiding corner and key lots). If you have children, you'll want to check up on the location of the nearest school-preferably it should be within half a mile-and you'll also want to check with the school board to see that no new schools will be built near you. You'll want to make sure that your property will have adequate police and fire pro- tection and that there is a fireplug near at hand to help lower your insurance rates. There should also be at least two garbage collections weekly unless you are allowed to burn your own trash at all seasons. The ideal contour on which to select a lot is land with a moderate slope or even on rolling land. Pick the highest and driest lot you can. To be sure it is dry, drive out to it after a heavy rain and see whether water collects on it. This, incidentally, is another fa- vorable point in coming to Florida to buy during summer. Obviously you can't select a good lot unless you see it, yet every year thousands of northerners buy lots in Florida by mail, sight unseen. Rapidly increas- ing, this type of selling is sometimes sponsored by an adjunct of the real estate firm misleadingly called a Chamber of Commerce. Such Chambers of Com- merce have no connection with bona fide Chambers representing local businessmen. They are merely dummy organizations existing in name only with the idea that buyers will think the subdivision a municipal project. For large numbers of subdivisions sold- by mail consist of nothing more than staked- out lots with a few black top roads, at least one completed house but seldom more than ten, and often they are without water supplies or sewage. Frequently the lots are so small that you must buy at least two and in addition you must instal your own well and septic tank. Because much of Florida's best land, or that which can be developed cheaply, has already been built on, low priced lots are often on undesirable land at low elevations. Neither local banks nor the FHA will finance home building on them while local savings and loan associations refuse to advance more than 20% of building costs. All too often, lots of this type are offered for sale by mail, sight unseen. Few Northerners are aware that half of Florida, including almost all the populous coastal resort area, is within 25 feet of sea level, and much of it at an elevation of ten feet or less. A fine sand topsoil underlain by clay hardpan complicates soil penetra- tion so that during summer rains, septic tanks can overflow and toilets and drains back up inside homes. As many as 160,000 bacteria per ounce has been found in filth water overflowing from flooded septic tanks. This situation occurs only in depressed, low lying areas but since this is the cheapest land, the risk of buying cheap lots sight unseen by mail is all too apparent. All subdivisions built with FHA or VA loans are checked by county health departments but cheap pri- vate developments are seldom submitted to the State Board of Health for prior review. The Florida State Board of Health cannot legally prevent creation of a land development nor the actual construction of homes even though it is known that sanitary facilities will prove inadequate. Permits are required before septic tanks can be installed but it is difficult to refuse a septic tank permit after a home has already been constructed. There has, for example, been a good deal of unsanitary overflow from septic tanks in low lying parts of St. Petersburg, a shortcoming now being remedied by a city wide sewage installation This is not to say that all lots sold by mail in Florida are undesirable or will prove unsanitary. Many lots are on high ground and served by sewers and city water supplies. But I would emphasize that you see a lot before you buy it, especially after a heavy summer downpour. And if a septic tank is necessary, don't fail to check with an engineer to ensure that grade levels and water table are safe. On all city and suburban property, you should expect a public water supply with the mains already in place. Or failing this, there should be an adequate community water system. Since much of Florida's water contains an offensive hydrogen sulphide odor and is corrosive, the plant should include some type of aerator, ground storage, and a chlorinator to re- move these undesirable components. Some Florida water also contains iron or/ground color requiring further treatment. You should also expect an elevated water tank. Many cheap natural flow supplies in- stalled in poorly planned subdivisions have proved woefully inadequate during periods of heavy use. In- dividual wells are satisfactory in rural areas but do be sure the well is deep enough or you will never have clear water. Your residential area should be strictly zoned against the intrusion of industry, cemeteries, rail- roads, and the like, and the restrictions should be rigidly enforced. Failing this, the area should be protected from encroachment by some natural barrier such as waterways, parks, or golf courses. Also, the area should be zoned for the price class of the home you intend to erect on it. To be sure, go to the zoning commission's office and find out. Ask also whether zoning restrictions are altered frequently and if they are, regard this as a bad sign. Florida municipalities make their own zoning regulations. For this purpose each community is divided into districts, in each of which zoning regulations are standard. But standards may vary from district to district, even within the same small town. So be certain to inquire exactly what zoning regulations apply to the district in which you plan to buy. The most common zoning classifica- tions are type R-l, the highest residential specifica- tion usually calling for a home with 1,200 square feet or more of floor space; and R-2 calling for 1,000 square feet or more. Provided your section lies adja- cent to one of the city's better residential districts and outside it-that is, on the side away from the down- town section-you should be fairly safe, however. Try to ascertain, too, whether a major thoroughfare is planned to go through your section; if it is, look elsewhere. Youri object in going to all this trouble is, of course, to try and visualize what the area will look like ten years from now. If in the course of a decade, your home is going to be one of fifty others lined up on tiny lots looking directly across to the unkempt yards with a constant stream of traffic passing by, you will never regain its true value. On the other hand, if you have chosen a lot in a tightly zoned area, you can expect to show a profit of 10%o-20% on your original invest- ment (after depreciation) when and if you should sell. And if you must drive to work, or use a bus at any time, try to select an area with a convenient bus stop from which you can reach your place of work within 20 minutes at most. Actually, few Florida lots are located in such ideal surroundings as to fit every single one of these re- quirements perfectly. But you should at least observe the principal rules for lot buying and try to choose a lot which concurs with two thirds of the other requirements. Your problem will then be what to build on it. If you want to see what not to build, just drive around the older sections of any Florida city and take a quick look at all the bizarre, unsuitable places put up during the boom of the 20's. There are Cape Codders, Moorish palaces, Old Southern homes, places with facades like Japanese or Hindu temples, Swiss cha- lets, and California-Spanish d-signs with microscopic patios. None of them were designed for Florida liv- ing. All are hot, dark, and poorly ventilated; they were designed by northern builders with little or no idea how life should be lived in the sub-tropics. Even a contemporary ranch style home so popular else- where in the U.S. is unsuited for Florida. Remember, you'll be deep in the sub-tropics with, from May through September, temperatures and con- ditions identical in every way with those in the real tropics. In your ideal Florida home you'll want light, air, and plenty of access to the outdoors. Northern style homes do not achieve this. But Florida's new functional architecture does with glass, concrete block, and sunshine, gay pastels, and exquisite curves and angles. The modern Florida designed and built home is devoted entirely to the idea of comfortable sub-tropical living. So unless you are buying a stock FHA approved model-many of which have open air Florida rooms or breezeways-your best plan is to hire a progressive minded Florida architect to design your home. Investing in a modern Florida type home is something you will never regret. For in a few years, no other type of house will be salable at all. In return for a fee of approximately 6%, a Florida architect will design and supervise construction of a home tailored to give you the best in Florida living: you'll get ventilation for every room on at least two sides with a southern exposure for the dining and living rooms. The south, or front side, will be wide open to the winter sun and summer breezes while a row of small windows high up in the north wall of your home will provide a lee side escape for hot air. Four foot wide eaves on the east, south, and west sides will prevent the high summer sun from pene- trating your rooms and will help keep rain off painted exterior walls. (Paint is notoriously short- lived in Florida; this is just one example of the many ways in which an architect will save you money in the long run.) Your architect will give you picture windows with louvres and jalousies. He'll ventilate and insulate your roof; probably you'll get a flat one for cheapness. Other savings will enter into the pic- ture: since there is no frost, foundations and water pipe footings can be shallow. Your architect will give you a large garage or utility room because he'll save you 25% over northern costs by omitting a basement; in its place, he'll provide additional storage space. He'll see that your porch faces the yard and not the street; if you have selected a waterfront location, you'll get tile floors and some facility for raising furniture off the floor in case of a hurricane. In fact, your entire ground floor would be higher than usual. In any case, no matter where you are located, you'll be well advised to have a concrete floor covered with ceramic tile. And chances are, you'll get an attractive light grey roof to reflect the sun's rays and to set your house off with a harmonious relief. You'll have two or more places in your home where you can eat and sleep outdoors in summer. Every corner of the house will have cross ventilation. And you'll probably have a solar hot water heater with an auxiliary electric booster which will provide you with hot water at all times for practically no cost at all. (If you do intend having one of these solar water heaters, install it while building to save money.) Because heating is of no very great consequence in Florida, your architect may leave selection of this to you. In southern Florida it is possible to heat by fire- place alone but most people-including myself-find a small circulating oil or gas heater perfectly adequate. Some people, however, prefer built-in electric wall heaters but these are expensive to install. To keep cool, you can, if you wish, air condition one or more rooms with a unit costing about $350. Home air conditioning units have never attained much popularity in Florida though, as most people find portable electric fans do a creditable job at one twentieth of the price. Away from the vicinity of large lakes and the ocean, where the land cools appreciably after dark, attic fans are a useful adjunct for cool living in Florida's sub- tropical climate. For complete instructions on the correct operation of attic fans for night cooling and daytime circulation of cool night air, read Arthur Carson's How to Keep Cool, $1 postpaid from Harian's. A home on the Florida keys Since bays, peninsulas, and other barriers cause water to dam up and flood during a hurricane, the safest places are-on keys sur- rounded by plenty of uninterrupted water area. Reefs and banks to seaward also help break the seas and lessen chances of damage. Best way to picture how safe any particular site may be is to study a Coast and Geodetic Sur- vey chart of the area. Your home should be built at least three feet off the ground. Beware of buying land that needs dredging and filling in with blasted rock if other build- ings are already erected near your site. Dyna- miting would crack them, which means your site could not be levelled or. filled. Another tip to bear in mind is that this blasting costs only half as much in the softer oolite south of Marathon as it does in the harder coral of keys north of that community. Be sure your land has been properly sur- veyed and that the permanent survey markers are still intact. Since many have been de- stroyed, your best plan is to take out title insurance. Also check up on your oil and mineral rights as some 50% of key land has been leased for this purpose. And finally be sure you will get water, for recently no fur- ther connections were being made until the new pipeline to Key West was completed. Although the preceding facts are given to acquaint you with the best features of an ideal Florida home, they will also give you a very good idea of what to look for when purchasing any type of home in Flor- ida. Any home without adequate cross ventilation and lots of light should be regarded with disfavor. Once your home is erected, its value can be in- creased 5%-10% by proper landscaping. For this purpose, FHA loans are available for $100-$2,500. As I have said several time already in this book, lawns are unsuited to the stb-tripicc and. most expert gardeners in Florida prefer to look out '!qlrich green mass of luxuriant tropical verdure. If you wanit' palms-and who doesn't since they're a constant re- minder of sunshine and warmth-send to the State Agricultural Department at Tallahassee for Bulletin #228, Native and Exotic Palms of Florida which tells you all about where the different species grow Public land in Florida For information about sale of lands that have reverted to the state for non payment of taxes, inquire of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in the Florida county in which you are interested. State lands up to 40 acres in extent are subject to homestead entry by Florida citizens who are veterans of World War II. For in- formation, write Secretary and Engineer, Trustees II Fund, Capitol Bldg., Tallahassee. Small 5-acre tracts of public land in Florida may be leased as homesites or for recreational purposes for as little as $1 an acre. For details write to the Regional Ad- ministrator, Bureau of Land Management, Washington 25, D.C. Ask for the pamphlet Small Tracts and inquire about the availability of classified public lands in the part of Florida in which you are interested. and how to raise them. If you plant the right type of decorative trees, shrubs, and hedges, you can have an almost year around supply of delicious fruits and provide excellent landscaping at the same time. De- spite the fact that the breadfruit tree will not grow in mainland Florida, you can, if you wish, pick many of your meals from trees in your garden. You can live in a paradisical house in a sub-tropical Eden. And if you do the landscaping yourself, the whole works- architect, house, lot, furniture, and landscaping-need not cost you more than $8,000 combined. You could do the entire job yourself for much less, of course for something like $5,500 or $6,000. Hundreds of people, young and old, have built their own homes in Florida. Some lived in trailers on the lot while doing it and then, because they bought the trailer in the North, have sold it for as much as they gave for it. Others, especially on the keys, have built small unsealed cabins in which they have lived while building. But many people elsewhere in Florida find it just as convenient to rent while erecting their own homes during~A~e summertime. CosTis r having the average home built work out - ''$7-$10 per square foot, building costs varying by as much as 25% in different parts of Florida. The usual breakdown of the total is to allow 10% for the lot, 6% for the architect, 3% for landscaping, and 12% for legal expenses. Concrete block stucco (CBS) construction costs 5%-10% more than frame but is advisable only if you have your walls firred (that is, to leave a space between the plaster and concrete block to combat dampness). The way homes are built nowadays, either construction is equally satisfactory with frame homes almost 100% termite proof. Whatever you do, though, don't sign any papers without getting professional advice. If you are using an architect, he can probably save you many legal expenses by using standard forms. But otherwise, you should not even make a deposit on a lot without legal advice. Closing costs on a small home in the $7,000 bracket amount to around $160, or $300 with FHA financing. These sums include a survey, documentary stamp tax, appraisal fee, and intangibles tax. Title insurance costs an additional $2.50 per thousand plus a flat $2.50 basic charge. Naturally, you'll want to choose a home you can pay for without straining your resources. Most family economists agree that the value of your home should not exceed 2y times your annual income while monthly payments should not be more than one fourth of your monthly remuneration. Most Florida mortgages are resold within a short time to out of state institutional lenders; on older properties the interest rate is 6%. To be resold, these mortgages have to offer pretty watertight security insofar as the resale value of your Florida home is concerned. So if you experience any trouble getting a mortgage for under 66% of the value of your property, be sus- picious-you are probably buying a lemon. Find out exactly how much your taxes amount to with homestead exemption, add in the cost of insur- ance, and figure out your total monthly payments. Monthly payments on a 10-year loan at 4 % amount to $10.36 per thousand, at 6% to $11.10. Over ten years you will pay $1,218 in interest on a 4/% loan while over a 20-year period you would pay $2,592, or more than twice as much. So if you want to buy your Florida home as cheaply as possible, put down as large a lump sum as you can afford. The monthly load will then be easier to carry and in the long run you'll pay far less. Should you buy an older Florida home? Provided you can find one with good light and ventilation, in good condition, and in a well maintained section, an older home can be an excellent buy. While costs of undeveloped land and new homes have been steadily rising, the cost of older Florida homes has already reached a peak and begun to swing downwards. Naturally, you should not expect to realize any appreciation on your investment; if you resell you will probably lose out. Yet for anyone who is posi- tive they will not move or sell later on, an older home has many advantages. You'll get more floor space for your money, a central location often with view, better construction and quality; usually you'll get a sewer and city water, your taxes will be low, and, most important, you'll get a ready made yard complete with bearing citrus and fruit trees, flowers, and lawn for which you'd otherwise have to wait three or four years. Do be sure that an older home is in good condition, avoid houses that require ex- terior wall paint, and at all costs spurn California type stucco structures not built of solid tile (instead they are actually of frame construction with the stucco hung on wire-these often sell cheaply but are true lemons). For other cautions consult the box in this chapter. How to make money from Florida real estate With few exceptions, all the great real estate for- tunes of America were made during periods of rap- idly growing cities. So it is interesting to dwell for a moment on the advice of John Jacob Astor who revealed the principles behind his operations. His advice was: "Buy on the fringe and wait. Buy land near a grow- ing city. Buy real estate when other people want to sell. Hold what you buy." Florida is now in a stage of growth corresponding closely with that earlier period of the industrial age when the Astor fortune was made. It is a stage of fast growing cities, of quick profits in some cases, and a stage where the big time real estate investor or speculator with his seasoned experience and profes- sional guidance does not have nearly such an advan- tage over the smaller operator as was the case some years ago. The first problem confronting the investor seeking to follow Astor's "buy on the fringe" advice is to find out which cities are growing, or will grow, fastest. To a great extent, the answer can be found in the city and town directory in the second part of this book. Even if some of the actual cities listed seem somewhat on the mature side, there will often be found smaller spring-off communities close by which are just beginning to grow. In some cases, communi- ties have yet to begin their growth and this is where the best opportunities lie provided you are prepared to wait and allow the city's expansion to roll over your property and increase its value. In all cases, one should be prepared to do some waiting. That is the whole secret of successful real' estate investment or speculation. It is virtually im- possible to be certain of buying at the bottom of the market and, in a few weeks' time, being able to realize twice or thrice the original value. Such cases occurred on the Gold Coast during the boom of the 20's-but they didn't last long. Far better is it to buy or make a payment on a piece of land that seems firmly estab- lished in the path of progress and then allow it to "ripen" for a, few years till the profit can be realized. To be able to do this, one should have the necessary means to take care of the mortgage, improvements, and taxes. But even in the light of such wise precau- tions, it is only true to say that in Florida's fastest growing cities, the profit can come much more rap- idly. Yet one should be prepared to sit and wait, just the same. For failure to be able to carry the land for a few years can mean the loss of all your operating capital instead of making a handsome profit. The downpayment needed to handle deals that can bring you $20,000-$30,000 or even $50,000 within a few years or less is often not more than $5,000. But costs of improvements and carrying charges have brought failure to many a shoestring operator. Assuming you have the necessary finance to invest in and hold a likely piece of land, and have chosen a promising community or a location with very strong expectations of new industry or population, where should you buy? It is rather unlikely that you will be able to pur- chase a plant site in advance, so the two types of property remaining are business and residential loca- tions. In a small community that has just commenced a rapid growth, watch carefully for the first indica- tions of where the better class residential district will develop. At the same time, a nucleus of downtown stores will have begun to grow, probably along the main highway that runs through the community. Chances are that the best residential district will be located well back off the main highway on higher ground to one side or the other. As soon as the locations of the two districts, the downtown retail section and the higher priced resi- dential section, have become evident, go quietly about purchasing frontage adjacent to the business district on the most direct route to the new residential district. In nine cases out of ten, this will be the site of the new downtown business district of the future. This is where the chains and department stores will locate and where many small stores will gather to obtain the custom of shoppers drawn by the steady advertising of the department stores. If you have any choice between sites on one side of the street or the other, buy on the shaded or south side, for here will come the women's stores which always bid for the best locations. (Incidentally, this is also the best location if buying your own land on which to start a store.) Be sure, of course, that the town's planners don't intend to have a park or ban business from the prop- erty you are considering. Most small towns at this stage have few such plans, however, although Flor- ida's new zoning laws may have to be looked into. In attempting to forecast what will become the fu- ture 100% business location, be cautious of ex- tremely wide streets or very narrow ones. Wide streets are all right for drive-in business establish- ments but the larger chain and department stores which rely on foot shoppers, shun them. Long, nar- row lots confine their utility to chain stores and smaller shops. While chain stores bring excellent rental income, the biggest profits can be realized from department stores, many of which today are demanding parking space in addition to a building site. In buying other downtown or central property, beware of sites near the railroad depot or close to the tracks. These seldom rise in value. Nor does land around an industrial plant or cemetery. Land front- ing on the main highway at either side of town is invariably a good investment even if you have to pay higher-than-market prices for it. For those opening a roadside business, property bordering the outer side of a curve in the road is an excellent prospect. Buy a 500-foot frontage if possible for drive-in fa- cilities for a roadstand or filling station. If there is a recreational attraction such as a state park or lake close at hand, buy land for a farm produce roadstand on the outside of a curve where you will be on the right hand side of the road facing homeward bound traffic. A filling station seems to do best on the op- posite side of the road where people can fill up as they leave town for their Sunday drive. In buying highway frontage, a good point to remember is that most cities will grow away from their nucleus towards their nearest city neighbor. One way to be certain of buying desirable business property is to arrange a lease-back purchase. Through the real estate departments of Florida banks you may often hear about opportunities to purchase land for lease back to oil companies, drug and chain stores, and sometimes post offices. Few of these concerns wish to tie up their money in real estate and they prefer to lease sites from individuals. For this reason, they are often anxious for an individual to purchase the site they require and lease it back to them. Mort- gages on this type of property are easily obtainable for;75%-90% of value, at 4% interest or less, and returns on your investment are excellent. As a Florida city grows, opportunities for cen- trally located apartment houses occur as the popula- tion increases. Principal housing demands are, of course, for small modern homes on large lots, with a trend in the middle income groups, and definitely so in the upper groups, for a bathroom with each bed- room and a two car garage or carport. But there will always be a demand for year around rental apart- ments in Florida, preferably nowadays of the compact two bedroom types. Built to single or double story plans, such apartments catering to medium and upper income bracket clientele will generally yield a good return as an investment. Buildings of more than two stories, including stores and offices, seldom pay nowa- days. It is a fact, sad but true, that apartments built for lower priced rentals seldom pay off in these times. By pooling their money, however, small groups of friends or individuals are often able to form syndi- cates and buy up an apartment house cheaply in Florida. Those that select a capable manager then frequently obtain returns as high as 15% annually on their investment. Now let's take a look at the fringe lands of our fast growing Florida community. Wherever rough or broken land, swamp or lake or river meets a town's borders, the town will stop growing in that direction. Of course, if a river is bridged, the growth goes on beyond. But few bridges are built in a city's early years. Often, the most profitable fringe lands will be on level to slightly rolling terrain-light woodland is advantageous for future shade tree attractions-ad- jacent to existing improvements and bus routes. This is where allotment companies step in and buy acreage for sub-division. You can purchase this land and sell at a profit when the company scouts come round. Or you can try marketing it yourself. Al- though a highly specialized business, like all other businesses sub-dividing can be learned. There are many books and cooperative real estate agents to advise you. Most sub-dividing nowadays is done on the principle of 4 or 5 to one. That is, a fourth or fifth of the selling price becomes profit, a fourth goes to buy land, a fourth goes for improvements, and a fourth goes for selling and other expenses. But in a fast growing Florida community with a ready made clientele, advertising and selling can be reduced ma- terially leaving a much greater profit margin and something to take care of mistakes if any are made. If an allotment company is already selling vacant lots in a city that you believe is going to grow fast, the smaller investor can often make a nice profit by buying one or more vacant lots and holding them. Buy early, if possible, and do not attempt to sell until the company has sold its last lot. Once their competi- tion is out of the way, the lot can generally be sold for a profit that will yield a return of at least 8%-10% annually on the original investment, including taxes and assessments for improvements. The formula for successful speculation in Florida lots is simply never to buy a vacant lot unless there appears to be an obvious demand for it. In a fast growing city, mis- takes of this kind are harder to make than in a larger, slower growing northern city. But they can befall the incautious. On the outskirts of larger, well established cities will be found many opportunities for profitable in- vestment. Undeveloped cross road sites on main arteries radiating from city centres will almost cer- tainly rise in value. While they may not immediately become the location of new business districts, they can often be leased for five or ten years to a gas station until business begins to group at that spot. If new sub-divisions are to be opened on either side of a cross roads of this nature, such frontage will almost inevitably bring future rich rewards as business sites. Business frontage bordering new highways, or highways due to be widened, is usually a good buy, even if bought above market prices. In fast growing suburban areas, business districts usually spring up at intervals of 2-3 miles apart in each direction. Although prices of older homes, motels, and hotels have reached a peak in Florida, prices of new homes and undeveloped land continue to rise. This is largely because most of the best land near cities has already been used and high, dry, easily drained lands are becoming harder to find. The outlook for future in- vestment? Near cities, land which costs more than average to develop can still be purchased cheaply by the acre. Within a few years, shortage of land will force developers to purchase and open up this land, even at higher cost. And much of this acreage, when sold by the foot, will bring good profits to today's investors. Thus Florida's undeveloped lands continue to sell well and rise steadily in price, espe- cially in southern Florida and in Dade County in particular. Of course, you'll know that it is cheaper to buy and sell Florida land on the installment plan, just as it is elsewhere. In fact, most Florida deals are closed for a 29% downpayment followed by three equal annual installments. This permits the seller to prorate his capital gains tax over four years. Too, as the six months holding rule can lower your taxes, few prop- erties are sold within six months of purchase. Mort- gage payments are also favored on buildings because you can then depreciate the property much more rapidly and with greater deductions from your taxable income. This tax lore has done much to reduce fast buy and sell deals in Florida and to encourage buyers to hold and wait. There are rich rewards for the real estate investor or speculator in present day Florida. The man who can grasp the change that is taking place and has the foresight to make a fairly good estimate of de- velopments in his community over the next 4-8 years, will be the wealthy man of tomorrow. Investing in real estate for profit on the East Coast of Florida -a special report (Reprinted from the Fabulous Gold Coast of Florida, by Percy Brower, leading Gold Coast real estate authority.) With the number of visitors and new residents increasing each year by leaps and bounds, with the surface of industrial development barely scratched, the Florida East Coast is still in its infancy. Hotel, apartment, and industrial properties will continue to be "Blue Chip" real estate investments for larger capital. Smaller investors will necessarily seek new communities along the 375 miles of Florida's Gold Coast where development prices are still low. It is my opinion that anyone who buys wisely in a Gold Coast community being developed along sound lines and where BUILDING CONSTRUCTION IS UNDER WAY, should never regret it. When you buy real estate at current low prices in a new sound growing community you are turning back the calen- dar of Gold Coast history and opening for yourself the same wonderful investment opportunities that the present large East Coast centres, during their early growth, offered to early investors. About twenty-five years ago, Felix Isman, a highly successful real estate operator wrote "Throughout the history of real estate, GROWTH and crowds make values-and always will. The most spectacular enhancement in real estate has been and will be in PLACES WHERE PEOPLE PLAY." He cited Atlantic City, Coney Island, Long Beach, and Miami where this story was being proven and since Isman wrote that, investors in real estate have made hun- dreds of millions of dollars in the very resorts he mentioned. Florida (and particularly its East Coast) is an outstanding example of both the "Growth" theory and "Play" theory. Ocean front is still soaring along the Gold Coast according to Mr. W. R. Overbeck of Lee and Williams, real estate brokers in Miami Beach. He quotes a parcel in South Hollywood sold for $420 a front foot in 1950 with an offer of $700 a front foot turned down by the purchaser a year later in 1951 and a parcel at Sunny Isles sold for $600 a front foot less than a year ago is now being leased on a basis of $1,000 per front foot. More recently, a large tract sold in Dade County at $350 an acre, rose the following year to $850 an acre, and two years after the original purchase was being offered at $2,200 per acre. Another tract near Miami purchased at about the same time for $650 an acre sold three years later at $3,250 per acre. There are numerous instances all along the Gold Coast of people purchasing property and building motels and beach apartments which when rented brought them thirty and forty percent annually on their investment. Many of these investors sold out promptly for double and triple their original cost and the new purchasers at the higher prices are getting attractive returns from their investment. While not as active as Miami, Palm Beach is also a "Blue Chip" zone for big investors in hotel sites and business properties with many profitable trans- actions recorded. The population has almost doubled since 1945 and assessed valuations including a re- valuation in 1947, have risen in five years from $37,935,410 to $83,739,670, an increase of 26% a year. A vast building program since the war has made real estate values soar at Daytona Beach. The Upper Gold Coast, including Daytona Beach and Greater Melbourne, is recognized as a summer resort for Floridians and residents of other southern states. Along this beautiful stretch of ocean front has been developed the "beach apartments" as distinguished from the overnight motor courts or motels of Jack- sonville and along through highways, and from the hotels of Miami and Palm Beach. These beach apartments charge higher rates than the overnight motor courts, lower rates than the better hotels. They are more luxuriously equipped than the motels, usually have a kitchen and are rented by the week, month, or by the season to people who prefer seclusion away from traffic, on the ocean front. They contain from five to fifty units, average about ten, and have the appearance of a large private home or garden apartments. They are considered residen- tial and are often built alongside of and in between private homes. Even in the summertime it is often difficult to find a vacancy in many of these attractive beach apartments. The erection of these profitable income producers, which are a recent innovation along the ocean front, has often doubled, tripled, and quadrupled real estate values in the sections where they have been built. Some beach apartments have been sold and re-sold three and four times in a single year, each time at a substantial profit. There are literally hundreds of beach apartments on the Daytona Peninsula running miles south of the city. Similar development has started on the Greater Melbourne peninsula between Melbourne and Sebastian Inlet. This strip of ocean front, a palm- studded plateau, is particularly adaptable for beach apartments. Beach apartment development and the erection of many private year 'round homes in recent years have created considerable real estate activity in Melbourne. Its population has doubled in the past ten years. Building permits have increased sharply each year for the past three years and real estate is beginning to change hands at higher and higher prices. In Vero Beach, south of Melbourne, building per- mits have increased from $212,805 in 1940 to $2,630,- 993 in 1950. I have not found a single town along the Gold Coast where the valuation has not shown remarkable enhancement over the past ten years. In- vestors from the North will continue to invest huge sums in the central areas of big Florida cities. You cannot stop the ever onward and upward progress and enhancement anywhere along Florida's fabulous Gold Coast. For the smaller investor, however, there are still many opportunities in new Gold Coast com- munities where they can still get in on the ground floor and grow up with the town. CHAPTER XII EDUCATION and SCHOOL DIRECTORY by George Adams, author of How to Afford that College Education...And Where to Study Every year, some 50,000 out-of-state children attend Florida's public schools while their parents vacation in the state. Florida schools have modern buildings and good standards; seldom can a northern child qualify for placement in a higher grade than the one in which he or she was studying in the North. All that is necessary for a visitor to do to qualify his child for entry into a Florida public school is to buy a Florida auto tag. If no car is owned, even this step is unnecessary. There is no minimum time limit for which an out-of-state child must be enrolled in a Florida school; after a physical and mental exam- ination, the child is entered in the grade for which he or she qualifies. Local principals do, however, accept credits from out-of-state schools. For informa- tion about schools in any Florida community, write to the Superintendant of Public Instruction at the local county seat. In the field of higher education, Florida offers courses in almost every branch but dentistry and medicine (and will have those soon at Coral Gables). Standards of courses range from satisfactory to ex- cellent. One of the best things about college in Florida is its lower cost. You can obtain a bachelor's degree in liberal arts, for instance, for around $4,000 instead of the average $5,000 required for the U.S. as a whole. Another point in favor of going to college in Florida is that while doing so, you enjoy year around living in the Sunshine State with all the benefits of Institutions of Higher Education in Florida that good Florida living that go with it. Some colleges even have beach cottages and camps. Each of the principal four year colleges offers a liberal arts course with specialization in a wide num- ber of subjects ranging from bait casting to water skiing. All the colleges save one provide year 'round programs and all are co-educational. Night classes are available in Tallahassee and Miami among other places. To meet the needs of Florida's fast growing popu- lation, 16 new two year community colleges and 3-4 four year colleges have been planned as part of a public higher education project. And to meet the need for new schools, counties have been empowered to borrow state funds against anticipated receipts with which to begin immediate construction of new schools. All Florida schools are organized on a county sys- tem, 51% of funds being supplied by the state (mostly from sales tax) and 49% from ad valorum taxes in the counties. Thus each county has its own superin- tendent of public instruction with responsibility vested in a county school board; there are no separate city schools. Through the state's Minimum Foundation Program all children receive equal minimum oppor- tunities regardless of the wealth of their county and rural schools offer substantially the same program as urban schools. Noteworthy is Florida's standard of teacher training which ranks third in the nation, 96% of all teachers possessing four year college degrees. RATING : *****Senior colleges whose degrees carry highest prestige and earning power. ****Senior colleges with the highest attainable regional accredition. ***Other senior colleges. **Junior colleges with regional ac- credition. *Junior colleges not having regional accredition. *****Florida State University, Tallahassee. Tuition free to Flor- ida residents. Co-ed, State owned, enrollment 6,100. Degrees: A.B., B.S., and wide range of profes- sional degrees. *****University of Florida, Gainsville. Tuition free to Florida residents but fees total about $150 a year. Co-ed, State owned, en- rollment 8,000. Degrees: B.A.- Ph.D., etc., with wide range of courses. ****Barry College, Miami Shores. Women, Catholic, enroll- ment 300. Degrees: A.B., B.S. ****Florida Southern College, Lakeland. Co-ed, Methodist, en- rollment 1,500. Degrees: A.B., B.S., in liberal arts. ****University of Miami, Coral Gables. Co-ed, private, enrollment 7,700. Degrees: A.B., B.S., and professional degrees. ****Rollins College, Winter Park. Uses conference study plan. Co-ed, private, enrollment 600. Degrees: A.B., B.S., B.Mus. ****John B. Stetson University, DeLand. Co-ed, Baptist, enroll- ment 2,075. Degrees: A.B., B.S. ****University of Tampa, Tam- pa. Co-ed, private, enrollment 1,000. Degrees: A.B., B.S. ***Jacksonville College of Music, Jacksonville. Co-ed, private, en- rollment 75. Degrees: bachelor and professional. ***Webber College, Babson Park. General business training. Women, private, enrollment 65. Degrees: B.B.S. **Jacksonville Junior College, Jacksonville. Co-ed, municipal and county enrollment 160. De- grees: A.A. **Palm Beach Junior College, Lake Park. Co-ed, municipal and county, enrollment 400. Degrees: A.A. **St. Petersburg Junior College, St. Petersburg. Provides 13th and 14th grades. Co-ed, munici- pal and county, enrollment 450. *Chipola Junior College, Mari- anna. Tuition free to Florida resi- dents, provides 13th and 14th grades. Co-ed, municipal and county, enrollment 166. *Orlando Junior College, Orlan- do. Co-ed, municipal and county, enrollment 200. Degrees: two year diploma. *Pensacola Junior College, Pen- sacola. Co-ed, municipal and county, enrollment 385. OTHERS Fairmont Junior College, Or- mond Beach. Co-ed, private. Florida Naval Academy Junior College, St. Augustine. Men, private. Florida Christian College, Tam- pa. Provides occupational courses. Co-ed, Church of Christ, enrollment 200. Ringling School of Art, Sarasota. Co-ed, private, enrollment 175. Degrees: B.A., designing. St. Augustine Junior College, St. Augustine. Co-ed, private. University Foundation, St. Au- gustine. Co-ed, private. PRIVATE SCHOOLS Admiral Farragut Academy, St. Petersburg. Junior and senior high. Boys, enrollment 250. Bartram School, South Jackson- ville. Grades 5-12. Girls, pri- vate, enrollment 100. Bolles School, Jacksonville. Jun- ior and senior military high school. Boys, enrollment 345. Cathedral School, Orlando. Ele- mentary and kindergarten. Girls, enrollment 90. Miami Country Day and Resi- dent School, Miami. Elemen- tary grades. Boys, private, en- rollment 250. Miss Harris School, Miami. All grades, takes seasonal out-of- state pupils. Girls, private, en- rollment 200. Pine Crest School, Fort Lauder- dale and Pompano Beach. Spe- cializes in seasonal out-of-state pupils. Ransom School, Miami. Junior and senior high. Boys, enroll- ment 100. Shorecrest Outdoor School, St. Petersburg. Grades 1-7. Co-ed, private, enrollment 250. St. Josephs Academy, Loretta. Elementary. Boys, Catholic, enrollment 200. St. Josephs School, Key West. Elementary. Boys, Catholic, enrollment 250. St. Leo College, St. Leo. Junior and senior high. Co-ed, Catho- lic, enrollment 225. CHAPTER XIII FLORIDA'S DIVORCE LAWS Along with Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Arkansas, Wyoming, and the Virgin Islands, Florida has, since 1935, provided very easy laws for the dissolution of marriage. But the surprising thing about it is that many couples who come to Florida to get divorced find life so attractive here that they decide to stay married instead. Actually, divorce lawyers believe this is due to the state's rapid solution of the housing problem. A sizeable number of divorces develop out of living in cramped quarters or sharing a home with in-laws. When couples find they can buy their own homes in Florida for as little as $500 down, many kiss and make up. Although it is possible to obtain a final decree in as short a period as two weeks from time of filing, certain legal requirements must be met. The most important is that the plaintiff must have resided in the state for at least 90 days prior to filing a Bill of Complaint. Further, the plaintiff must have no pres- ent intention of returning to live in any other state. Proof, such as witnesses, voting registration, or a declaration of residence, is needed to support the 90- day residence requirement. To prove you intend re- maining in Florida, you can buy a home, bring all your possessions here, or get a job. Actual divorce is granted only upon one or more of the following nine grounds: 1. One of the parties was already married when your marriage took place. 2. The parties are close blood relations. 3. The defendant habitually indulges in "violent and ungovernable" temper. 4. The defendant has already obtained a divorce from the plaintiff in another state or another country. 5. The defendant is naturally impotent. 6. The defendant has deserted the plaintiff for one year. 7. The defendant is guilty of adultery. 8. The defendant is guilty of extreme cruelty (in- cluding mental cruelty). 9. The defendant has been continually and habitu- ally drunk. A marriage cannot be dissolved in Florida except upon one or more of these grounds. Most lawyers can, however, use other grounds on the basis that they have contributed to one of the above. For exam- ple, addiction to drugs is not a basis for divorce but can be the cause of extreme cruelty. In fact, the majority of Florida divorces are granted for extreme cruelty. Usually, witnesses, or their sworn statements, are needed to support the complaints of the plaintiff. If the defendant is also in Florida and answers the complaint, a final decree is usually rendered in as short a period as two weeks. If the defendant is in Florida and does not answer the complaint, the final decree usually takes four weeks. If the defendant is not in Florida and service by publication is required, the final decree usually takes six weeks. What does all this cost? The minimum fee is normally $250 for an uncontested divorce and a good deal more if complications are involved. If you must get a divorce, however, you may as well enjoy the Florida sunshine while getting it. And provided it has been obtained without fraud, once you've got it you'll have a sound decree recognized in every other state of the union. Honeymooning in Florida Realizing that the Land of Flowers is one of the most attractive places in which a couple can wed or honeymoon, some Florida hotels offer discount rates or a gift such as cham- pagne or a cabana to honeymooners. For a June marriage, it would be hard to find a more exotic setting in which to enjoy luxurious, uncrowded comfort at cut costs than in a Florida oceanside resort. If you're thinking of getting married in Florida, you'll want to know that the state requires you to wait 72 hours from midnight of the day you apply for a license. And a blood test is obligatory. PART II FLORIDA CITY and TOWN DIRECTORY Since there are over 2,000 communities in Florida, we could not possibly describe all of them and chances are you wouldn't want to know anything about Two Egg or Rattlesnake anyway. So instead, descriptions and facts have been confined to places which are of interest to: (a) vacationers; particularly resorts with low summer rates. (b) retired people; particularly places where you can still retire on a small income. (c) small business opportunists, real estate in- vestors, and job seekers (including retired folk). For easier identification of these cities and towns on the map, we have divided Florida into six regions. These are: 1. South Florida-all of Florida south of Naples and Fort Lauderdale to Key West. 2. Mid-Florida-the middle East Coast and in- land area. 3. The West Coast-from Aripeka to Bonita Springs, including adjacent inland regions. 4. Northeast Florida-the northeast coast and inland sections. 5. North Central Florida. 6. Northwest Florida. A glance at the map preceding each section will serve to illustrate which areas each region covers. Cities in each region are listed in alphabetical order, the number following each city name being the latest estimated population. In order to give an idea of the relation of older folk to younger people, the median age of the population in 1950 is given for all cities of more than 5,000 population. And to illustrate- for the sake of seekers of small business opportuni- ties-the growth of these cities and their consumer purchasing power, I have quoted also the percentage change of population between 1940-50, and the median incomes of families and unrelated individuals for 1950. The remainder of the facts are self-explanatory. Housing availability is slanted principally at retired people. Too, it must be clearly understood that the rentals quoted here are available only on a year around basis or during summer. It is hopeless to expect to find low priced rentals in any southern Florida resort at any time between November and May. Year 'round rentals only are quoted because when we speak of retiring in Florida, we mean stay- ing in Florida all year. A person cannot properly retire in Florida if he spends half the year somewhere else. Maps Although we could have used ordinary highway maps to show the six regions of Florida, we used State Road Dept. maps instead. This was done in order to show more clearly the state's plans for projected new roads. These are shown by dotted lines. It is considered that for opportunity seekers studying development of the state, these less common maps will prove more worthwhile than ordinary high- way maps which can be picked up at any filling sta- tion. Readers will find, however, that the State maps used in this book show the location of communities equally as well as oil company maps and that they may also be used for reference to highways and routes. Recommendations Following descriptions of towns and cities, you will find listings of recommended restaurants, hotels, motels, and trailer parks. To provide state-wide coverage, recommendations have also been given for many towns and cities whose other facilities have not warranted description. These places are listed in alphabetical order along with other cities so that you will find recommendations for almost every com- munity of any importance in Florida. I have been told by several motel and hotel owners that one well known author of a Florida book of recommendations charges $125 to list each single establishment. This is not the case in this book. These recommendations have been carefully selected from the reports of Harian readers, travel clubs, and dozens of other reliable sources. They were then checked in the field by the same professional hotel and restaurant inspectors who had previously worked in Mexico, Cuba, Central America, and all over Europe for other Harian books of recommendations. Only establishments that could meet our standards were finally selected. And not one cent has been charged for any listing in this book nor has any gratuity been accepted. It must be pointed out, however, that new places are constantly being opened and that before we can judge an establishment, it is necessary for it to be in operation for some time. Otherwise a place could open with a flourish and then proceed to drop its standards. For this reason, many recently opened or brand new hotels, motels, and restaurants are not included. Moreover, we do not pretend that this is a complete guide to all the best places in Florida. All we claim is that, at the time of writing, all of these places were operated at the standards we describe and, therefore, should prove reliable. This presupposes that the same management will continue to operate the establishment to the same standards and that the same chef will continue to be employed. Should you not find a high standard of cuisine in a restaurant recommended for its food, be sure first that it is not the chef's day off. If it is not, we should appreciate a postcard telling us about it. Likewise, should you feel that the stand- ards of any of these places are not as described, a postcard to that effect will lead to an immediate check. And if you find a good place which is not in this book and which you'd like to recommend, write us about it and we shall investigate it at once. Please address cards to: Hotel and Restaurant Inspection, Harian Publications, Greenlawn, New York. If you cannot get into a recommended restaurant, your best plan is to eat at hotel dining rooms, par- ticularly those of resort hotels. But whatever you do, don't be misled by advertisements claiming "Southern Cooking": the value of a cuisine has nothing to do with its style of cooking. If choosing a motel, you can fairly safely rely on any which are members of the Superior or Quality Courts groups. While there are several other groups which maintain high standards, membership in others is no guarantee of quality at all. All hotel and motel rates quoted are the minimum rates effective during the peak winter season. For an idea of reductions in effect at other seasons, see the opening of Chapter IV. Catholic Church and Jewish Synagogue facilities in Florida Catholic churches and synagogues of all three denominations-reformed, orthodox, and conservative-can he found in most large Florida cities like Jacksonville or Miami but synagogues, and sometimes Catholic churches, are absent from many smaller Florida towns. Below is a listing, unfortunately incomplete, of Catholic church and synagogue facilities in smaller Florida cities. Letter C denotes Catholic church available, S synagogue avail- able; in other cases the distance in miles is given to the nearest church, i.e. C 6 m. Arcardia. C. Auburndale. Neither. Boca Raton. C in winter. Boynton Beach. C. Bradenton Beach. C. Clearwater. C. Cocoa. C. Coral Gables. C, S. Dade City. C. Dania. Neither, but both nearby. Destin. C 6 m. Eustis. C. Fort Lauderdale. C, S. Fort Meade. Neither. Fort Walton. C. Frostproof. Neither. Groveland. Neither. Haines City. C. Hollywood. C, S. Howey in the Hills. Neither. Key Largo. C. Lake City. C. Lakeland. C, S. Lake Worth. C. Largo. Neither. Leesburg. C, S. Madeira Beach. C 3 m., S 6 m. Marathon. C. Melbourne. C. Miami Beach. C, S. Naples. C. New Port Richey. C. Okeechobee. C. Orlando. C, S. Palatka. C. Palm Beach. C. Palmetto. C 1 m. Plant City. C. St. Petersburg. C, S. Sanford. C, inactive S. Tampa. C, S. Umatilla. Neither. Vero Beach. C. West Palm Beach. C, S. Winter Haven. C. Winter Park. C. Yankeetown. C 15 m. ------------- -~ ---. II_ I IIII C C $> 9.* 0 Q Coral Gables, 27,852. This neat and attractive, quiet and cultural col- lege town with a Mediterranean flavor lies just six miles from Miami. A self- guided city tour map can be obtained free from the Chamber of Commerce, 220 Aragon Ave. You'll find Coral Gables a city of beautiful and expen- sive homes, many located on deep waterways leading out to Biscayne Bay. The University of Miami here stimulates considerable cultural activ- ity and there are numerous active com- munity clubs. But despite a few older homes being available from $11,000, the average house is in the $14,500- $19,000 class with a bath to each b.r. And unless you have an upper bracket pension, you'd do well to consider re- tirement elsewhere. Small furn'd apts begin at $70 a mo., furn'd homes at $120. Gardening is excellent, there are three hospitals, a fine library, and TV 2 ch. Very little part-time work is available. Median age is 32.4, the population has grown by 139.2%, and its median income has been $2,228. Many residents commute to full-time work in Miami, and due to its rapid growth, small business oppor- tunities in Coral Gables remain good. RECOMMENDATIONS Eat: Black Caesar Forge Gourmet Club, Coral Reef Rd. An intriguing, cave-like wine cellar where chicken and grilled steaks are specialties. Well known-and ex- pensive. Coral Way Cafeteria, 147 Miracle Mile (also at 110 N.E. 79th St.). Pleasing and inexpensive DR; closed Sundays. Loffler Bros. Oyster House, 280 Alhambra Circle. Good seafood, beer and wines served in strongly nautical atmosphere, medium prices. Open from noon to 9:30 p.m., a/c. My Brother's Place, 1210 Ponce de Leon Blvd. General menu with good steaks and pastries; liquor available but no bar service. Open 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. (Sept.-April) except Thursdays. Moderate prices. Stay: HOTELS New Antilla Hotel, 1111 Ponce de Leon Blvd. 60 rms, $4-$8 Ed. In at- tractive grounds with swimpool and DR, a/c. Town and Country Studio Apt Hotel, 600 Coral Way. 20 units, $15 Ed. Excellent accommodations, a/c, swimpool, some apts. MOTELS University Court Motel, 1390 S. Dixie Highway. 40 units, $7.50 Ed. Located on water with fishing dock, 1. South Florida swimpool, patio, TV in lobby, some apts. Dania, 8,000. A small, older, and relatively quiet Gold Coast mainland community where tomatoes are the principal crop, Dania is a favorite with retired municipal and industrial work- ers from Illinois and New York. For the metropolitan advantages of Fort Lauderdale and Hollywood are but three miles distant. Dania offers gar- den and music clubs, a 6,500 vols. library, TV 4 ch., golf, shuffleboard, tennis, horse and dog racing, and a recreation center. Gardening and salt water fishing help cut living costs, which rate medium. In summer, sand- flies and mosquitoes can be trouble- some and the drinking water report- edly contains sulphur; a hospital is four miles distant. Rentals are in fair supply: 3-room furn'd apts at $85, 1 b.r. furn'd homes $100, and 2 b.r. furn'd homes $150 a mo. Few older homes are for sale, the average new home running from $8-10,000. Poinciana Park and Spar Rich are residential communities outside the city with homes from $10,000 up; land held to the N.E. and along the waterfront is appreciating in value. Within the city the S.E. and S.W. residential sections have homes from $7,500 up; good real estate invest- ments for profit are business property fronting U.S. 1 or new homes for resale. The chief retirement subdi- visions lie west along Sterling Road where are homes in the $5,000-$9,000 class suited to pensioners with $1,500- $1,650 a year while N.W. along Bro- ward Road there are homes in the $8,000-$i2,000 class suitable for pen- sioners with $1,650-$2,400 a year. The S.W., S.E., and N.E. sections feature homes in the $10,000 and up class suitable for those with retirement in- comes of $2,400 and up. Residents with heart trouble and arthritis highly recommend Dania to newcomers. Seasonal work occurs in hotels, stores, and tomato packing but the outlook for retired folk is not too favorable. The general job outlook is fair with the best opportunities in construction and allied industries. Fastest growing firm is Apex Prod- ucts, Inc., (plastic novelties). Already growing rapidly, the new turnpike is expected to expand Dania's utilities, land, and building developments on a grand scale. Future business opporfuni- ties should prove excellent: recent un- filled needs called for a carpet sales and cleaning service, day nursery, den- tist, and public stenographer. REC- OMMENDATIONS Eat: Le Cordon Bleu. Good French cuisine, seafood, and cellar. Everglades, RECOMMENDA- TIONS Stay: HOTELS Rod and Gun Club. 44 rooms, $24 Ad. Consists of a lodge and several cottages, often frequented by celebrities. DR has ex- cellent cuisine, particularly seafood; unusual cypress bar. Open Sept.-July. Fort Lauderdale, 62,000. An ex- otic, civic conscious, sub tropical Gold Coast city interlaced with 140 miles of palm bordered rivers and canals. With almost 10% of its area in waterways, Fort Lauderdale has justly earned the title of "tropical Venice." This is a popular summer vacation spot with five miles of splendid public ocean beach. The sportsman's capital of the East Coast, Fort Lauderdale offers unpar- alleled fishing, the world's largest and most luxurious yacht basin, baseball, library, a casino with public pool, Little Theatre, concerts, opera, horse and dog racing, children's parties, and almost every sport and pastime com- mon to the Sunshine State. You'll find an excellent choice of hotels here, many with floral, shaded patios. Most now remain open in summer, new ones are constantly under construction. The better beach hotels offer summer rates of $4-$12 a day single, $5-$14 double. There are really big summer reduc- tions here: $22 a day winter rooms go for $5-$6 a day in summer. With early winter reservations, you can have a choice of rooms from $3 to $35 and up double. There are also hundreds of apartments. Many which rent for $110 a week in winter drop to as low as $25 a week in summer; others are avail- able for as little as $40 a month. Two b.r. apartments with two bathrooms renting for $225 a month in winter have come down as low as $45 a month in summer. If driving through, do try to see the New River illuminated by night. Named for the captain of an Army fort built during the Seminole Wars, Fort Lauderdale was first incorpo- rated as a city in 1911. Midwesterners and their wealth built the immaculate homes and floodlit lawns, private docks and well groomed gardens for which the city is nationally renowned. Growth has been most spectacular since 1946 when vast new shopping areas, hotels, and office buildings began to change the skyline. Local experts predict a 100,000 population by 1960. West of the city's spreading suburbs the little known Central and Southern Florida Flood Control Project is undertaking an astronomical construction job to guarantee that never again will a flood on the scale of the 1947 disaster in- undate the city. Look north of Fort Lauderdale and you'll see a fabulous new 'resort community, Coral Ridge, rising outside incorporated limits along the famed Galt Mile. Yet no amount of progress can destroy the city's es- sentially homey Midwestern atmos- phere, its solid community spirit and aura of wealth. (If you doubt this last, visit the sumptuous Bahia Mar Yacht Basin, the nation's largest, a Florida institution complete with ballroom, clubhouse, restaurant, and shopping center.) Every year half a million tourists stream into Fort Lauderdale and in spring the city resounds to a youthful immigration of 20,000 college kids. All this, plus the priority given Lauderdale's 5,000 yachts at road bridges, makes driving interminably congested (though slightly relieved by 4-laning of U.S. 1). But congestion plus need for a new $21,000,000 sewage system-already planned-and over- crowded schools are about the only faults you'll find with this tropical paradise. There's a 25,000 vols. library, good TV reception, and a 150 bed hospital already being enlarged with another of equal capacity under con- struction. Not unnaturally, Fort Lauderdale has become a retirement Mecca for thousands of senior citizens from the Midwest, East, and Canada. And until recently, few managed to retire and lead a full life on much less than $75 a week. The reason? High property prices and taxes, homes began at $15- 27,000. But new developments like Tracy Homes, Broward Estates, and Riley Field Co., have changed all that. Nowadays, Fort Lauderdale has some of the lowest priced tract homes in Florida. For only $8,990 cash or monthly payments of $55 you have been able to buy 3 b.r., 2 bath homes on 85' x 110' corner lots; 2 b.r. homes within the city limits for $6,000; and nice 3 b.r. homes with carport for $9,250. These low prices have brought down the price of older homes so that places can be found from $6-12,500, occasional 2 b.r. waterfront homes even sell for $8,500. Of course, it still costs money to run your own Cadillac and crbin cruiser but the myth that only Midwestern executives could afford to retire in Fort Lauderdale has been pretty thoroughly exploded by now. Year around rentals are fairly numer- ous from $100 a month but with some searching away from waterfront areas, you can usually find a modest 3-room unf'd apt for as low as $55, 2 b.r. places $60-$85 a mo. But count on paying somewhat more till you "dis- cover" one. Median age in the city has been 34.4, median income $2,513. A rapidly growing city, Fort Lau- derdale's population increase has been 101.9%, making for excellent real es- tate investment in fringe property to the west and north, and equally good opportunities for new business. Un- filled needs are everywhere: recent ones called for a topflight beach res- taurant, suburban retail stores, supper club, and medical specialists. Many job openings occur in seasonal service establishments during winter but the work is for 6-7 days a week and the pay not so lucrative as many incoming people assume. The major openings in late 1955 were for wait- resses, bus boys, bellmen, maintenance men, kitchen helpers, cooks and dish- washers, auto mechanics, retail sales- persons, and TV repairmen. The out- look was poor for hotel, apartment, and motel managers, persons with execu- tive and technical backgrounds in industrial activities, retail store mana- gers, skilled construction tradesmen, and bartenders. RECOMMENDATIONS Eat: Beachcomber RestauraLt, 2905 E. Las Olas Blvd. Good cuisine, especially seafood. Open from Oct.-Sept. except Tuesday during summer. Brown's Restaurant, 229 S.W. First Ave. Large DR and terrace with good meals at medium prices. Open from 11 a.m.- 9 p.m. except Sundays. Jack Valen- tines Restaurant and Supper Club, 3901 S. Federal Highway. Open Dec. 15-April 21, 6 p.m.-2 a.m. Excellent seafood, children welcome, floorshow nightly. M & M Cafeteria, 124 S. E. First Ave. Spacious a/c DR, lunch and dinner only; medium prices. Organ music at dinner. Terrace Patio, 2400 E. Las Olas Blvd. Excellent DR offer- ing first class cuisine; prices are me- dium to expensive. Open Jan.-April Pioneer House, 335 S.E. Sixth Ave- nue. Widely acclaimed Southern type menus. Stay: HOTELS Coral Sands Hotel, 1226 E. Las Olas Blvd. 50 rooms, $14 Ed. An Alsonett resort hotel with patio, DR, cocktail lounge, and swimming pool. Open all year. Es- cape Hotel, 2900 Rio Mar St. 120 rooms, some hskpg, $18 Ed. White stucco resort hotel built around a patio. The dining terrace overlooks large swimpool. Has Balinese decor cocktail lounge. Governor's Club Hotel, 236 S.E. First Ave. 103 rooms, $10 Ed. Centrally situated. First class DR, open from 6 p.m. until 10 p.m. daily; good cocktail lounge and sun bathing facility 's. Holi- day Hotel, S. Atlantic Blvd. 60 rooms, $22 Ed. Smart new beach Alsonett hotel with comfortable accommoda- tions, good DR, cocktail lounge, swim- pool, sunroof, and private beach. Lau- derdaie Beach Hotel, Atlantic Ocean Front. 152 rooms, $31 Ad. Large resort hotel, open from Dec.-April. DR has excellent cuisine. Riverside Hotel, 620 E. Las Olas Blvd. 124 rooms, $12 Ed. Bright, attractive rooms overlooking New River. Good cuisine in DR; patio and sundeck facilities. Open Nov.-May. Trade Winds Hotel, 1 N. Atlantic Ave. 84 rooms, many with balconies over the beach, $31 Ad. First class DR and terrace overlooking the sea; has a/c cocktail lounge, patio and swim- pool. Open Nov.-Sept.; advance reser- vation advised. Wynholm Hotel, 321 N. Atlantic Blvd. 45 rooms, $16 Ed. Small attractive resort hotel with quiet, tastefully furn'd rooms, many with sea view. Breakfast and lunch only served in DR. Open Dec.-May. MOTELS Amber Tides Motel, 3040 N. Ocean Blvd. 20 units-6 hskpg, many a/c, $15 Ed. Has a patio, guests lounge; recrea- tional facilities include TV. Anchor Motel, 1400 S. Federal Highway. 14 units-6 hskpg, $10 Ed. Radios and TV available, swimpool, beach. Bennett Manor, 1241 S. Federal Highway. 20 units-5 hskpg, $10 Ed. Restful patio and lounge; beach nearby. Coconut Court, 1851 S. Federal Highway. 14 units, a/c optional, $12 Ed. Pleasant court with large landscaped grounds. No pets. Cynthia Manor Court, 1144 N. Federal Highway. 41 units, some a/c. $12 Ed. Spacious waterfront site with swimpool. Radio available, also TV in guest lounge. Gateway Motel, 1115 N. Federal Highway. 33 units- 4 hskpg, a/c optional, $12 Ed. Com- fortable, up to date units with TV in rooms; close to beach. Santa Rita Hotel Court, 1900 S. Federal High- way. 12 a/c units, $10 Ed. Sonthwinds Court, 1630 S. Federal Highway. 14 units, $12 Ed. Attractive patio. Stans- field Motor Hotel, 1101 Seabreeze Ave. 25 units, a/c optional, $18 Ed, including breakfast. Neat resort type court next to the yacht basin. Private swimpool or ocean bathing available. Sunnyland Motor Court, 1215 S. Fed- eral Highway. 21 units-5 hskpg, $12 Ed. Nicely landscaped patio. Towne and Country Motel, 1135 N. Federal Highway. 52 smart units, some a/c, $12 Ed. Coffee shop service and swim- pool provided. Cassandra Manor, 1 Isle of Venice, Nurmi Isles. 17 units, $25 Ed. Ultra modern, luxury accom- modation with room service; private docking space available. Lafayette Apts, 2221 N. Ocean Blvd. 10 apts, $125 per week. Situated close to beach; private putting green. Open Nov.- April. TRAILER PARKS Broward Trailer Park, Fourteenth Ave., S.W. (6m. S.W., Florida 84) 30 spaces; $2 day, $8 per week. Cherokee Trailer Court, 2575 S.W. Fifteenth Ave., 15 spaces; $1.50 day, $6 per week. Golden Beach. RECOMMENDA- TIONS Stay: Sea Banks Hotel, 2000 Ocean Blvd. 50 rooms, $15 Ed. Quiet, nicely maintained resort hotel facing the sea; has private beach, cocktail lounge, and good DR and terrace. Hallandale. RECOMMENDA- TIONS Eat: Hofbrau House (U.S. 1) Spacious DR decorated in Rathaus- keller style; very good German cui- sine and seafood at fairly expensive prices. Has two large bars. Open noon until 2 a.m. Joe and Agnes Chicago Duck Inn (lm. S., U.S. 1) Pleasant DR with many German dishes avail- able and fine roasts; has cocktail lounge. Old Heidelberg Restaurant. Well known DR for German cuisine; medium prices. Has attractive Bavar- ian decor and bar. Open 4 p.m.-2 a.m. daily. TRAILER PARKS Ander- son's Trailer Haven, 19640 W. Dixie Hiway, 39 spaces; $30 per month. Haller's Villas Trailer Park, 109 N. Federal Hiway, 30 spaces; $25 per month. Palmetto Trailer Park, S. on U.S. 1, 136 spaces; $1.25 day, $8 per week. Second St. Trailer Park, N.E. 2nd St., 39 spaces; $30 per month. Hollywood, 25,000. Joseph W. Young planned and developed Holly- wood back in the boom days of 1921. Using millions of dollars made in Cali- fornia realty, Young hired General Goethals of Panama Canal fame to build Hollywood's yacht harbor and gave the city the widest boulevard and the largest hotel in the state. All re- main to this day, serving as a reminder of the hectic days before the real estate crash. But from the depths of depres- sion, a new Hollywood arose-equally as sparkling and as balmy as the old -but catering now to moderate income family groups instead of the plutocratic clientele of yore. Winter tourists from New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, and Indiana are in the majority at this modern resort that now is almost a northern suburb of Miami. Standing directly on the ocean front and flanking the intracoastal waterway, Hollywood offers a 6%-mile public bathing beach with cabanas and a casino with two public swimpools. Recreation include band concerts, Little Theatre, two good 18-hole golf courses, dog racing Dec.- March, winter horse racing, and just about every other type of Florida sport and pastime. Hotels with facilities for family groups start as low as $25-$50 a week in summer. Holly- wood has a large number of apts. with kitchen facilities and rates as low as $20 a week prevail well into December. A great many people have retired on modest pensions in Hollywood, me- dian age is 38. Food costs are generally considered lower than in Miami 22 miles south. Year 'round rentals are fairly easy to find: 3-room furn'd apts., rent from $50 a month, averaging $75; 2 b.r., furn'd homes start at $60 and larger places, or waterfront rentals, go all the way up to $175 a mo. Older homes are available: 1 b.r., furn'd homes sell from $7,500, 2 b.r. places from $8,000. New homes are plentiful: 2 b.r. places sell from $9,200. Holly- wood has two hospitals and a 18,000 vols. library. Best retirement residential areas lie west, S.E., and N.E. of the city cen- ter. For real estate investment in these sections lots are proving most profitable; the general direction of growth is west from the Florida East Coast line. Lots are also a good in- vestment in the higher priced Lakes section which is growing rapidly be- tween U.S.1 and the Inland Water- way. Due to its rapid 130% population in- crease and median income of $2,641, Hollywood offers excellent prospects for many types of small business. Re- cently needed were a department store, luggage shop, physicians, a boat and accessories manufacturer, needlework plants, and a beach hotel. Part-time jobs are available during winter in hotels, restaurants, and stores. RECOMMENDATIONS Eat: Fowlers Restaurant, 110 S. Young Circle. Open Nov.-May. Well operated with good cuisine. Also recommended are Hickory Foods, Heidelburg, and New Plantation. Stay: HOTELS Hollywood Beach Hotel. 500 rooms, $48 Ad. Built during the boom, this beach hotel was once the world's larg- est. Stands amid 14 acres of nicely maintained grounds; has swimpool, cabana club and very fine DR. MOTELS Adobe Villas Motor Court (2%m. S., U.S. 1) 25 units, some hskpg, $10 Ed. Filson Motel, 1753 Jackson St. 14 units-2 hskpg, some a/c, $10 Ed. Clover Motel, 410 N. Federal Highway. 10 units, $10 Ed. New and most attractive rooms. El Rancho Hotel Court (Y4m. S., U.S. 1) 17 units, some hskpg, a few a/c, $10 Ed. New units; recreation facili- ties available. Enchanted Isle Motel, 1601 S. Surf Rd. 24 hskpg units, a/c optional, $14 Ed. Nice patio, sundeck, TV in guest lounge and private beach facilities. Harris Hotel Motor Court, Eighteenth St. 18 units--8 hskpg, $9 Ed. Advance reservation advised. Sun- ray Lodge, 1747 Washington St. 14 units-6 hskpg, some a/c, $12 Ed. At- tractive modern court with sundeck and TV in guest lounge. Open Sept.-April. Thompson Motel, 1700 N. Federal Highway. 18 units, $12 Ed. Nice patio and grounds. Open Nov.-May. Wagon Wheel Inn, 500 N. Federal Highway. 18 ranch type units, all a/c, $12 Ed including breakfast. Radios available. Beverly Gardens Apts., 1600 S. Ocean Drive. 28 apts., $150 per week. Units have one or two b.r. Holiday Beach, Hallandale Rd. 80 units, all a/c, with service, $10 Ed. Good DR. cocktail lounge and swimpool provided. Lea Mar Apts., 1736 Van Buren St. 18 units, $10 Ed. Nice rooms, TV in patio. Open from Oct.-June. Seacrest Manor, S. Ocean Drive. 83 units, $34 Ad. At- tractive accommodations overlooking the ocean, open Dec.-May. Homestead, 5000. An inland agri- cultural centre for the rich Redlands farming district. Golf, farming, and fishing are the chief recreations; Homestead also has a small library. The cost of living is quite low in this section. At present, apts. rent when available for $75 up, small homes from $85 up per mo. New homes sell from $8,000. A hospital is available. Few opportunities normally exist for part- time employment although this state- ment may no longer apply in view of the booming economy. Of Homestead's residential areas Newport Manor is a popular family section with homes in the $8,000- $10,000 class. Growth here is along N.W. 8th St., and Robert Road (west) and residential lots are the best investments for profit. Much the same applies to the Finrad Homes development while the DeCarlo Homes on 15th St., east of Krome are in the higher $9,000-$12,000 bracket. For retired couples the best bet is Leisure City two miles north where houses are available from $5,580. RECOMMENDATIONS Eat: Bamboo Tavern (U.S. 1) Unusual bamboo interior. Cuisine is good; mod- erate prices. Open noon-1 a.m. daily. Trading Post Restaurant (U.S. 1) Good DR, open 6 a.m.-8:30 p.m., serv- ing seafoods, chicken and lime pie specialties; medium prices. Stay: MOTELS Everglades Motel (U.S. 1) 10 units, $8 Ed. New and attractive. Homestead Motor Court (U.S. 1) 31 units-15 hskpg, $8 Ed. Cottage type accommodation in landscaped trop- ical gardens. TV and a/c. TRAILER PARKS Royal Palm Trailer Park, 447 S.E. Second Ave. 98 spaces; $1 day, $5 per week. Most have sewer connections. Keys (Upper), 4,000. Consisting of the first five keys met along the Overseas Highway, the Upper Keys are amazingly fertile coral islands where papayas, key limes, citrus, and mangoes thrive in gardens brilliant with bougainvillea, flame vine, and scarlet royal poinciana. You'll discover all the comforts of modern living in the three communities of Islamorada, Key Largo, and Tavernier, making them ideal for fishing, vacationing, or retirement. During summer, motels charge $4 Ed or $25 Ed weekly, hskpg apts $30 a week up. Drawn to these narrow islands between ocean and bay have been hun- dreds of retired Midwesterners. Sub- tropical gardening and fishing are unbeatable, there's a fine clinic in Tavernier and a hospital at Home- stead, TV 1-2 ch., excellent water, and numerous social clubs and organ- izations. Real estate prices are above average, however; there arefew jobs, no library, and mosquitoes and sand- flies can be troublesome at times. Year around rentals are scarce but new 2 b.r. homes sell from $12,500. While employment prospects for younger workers are poor, small business op- portunities are excellent, especially for part-time services offered by retired men and women. In this fast growing area any kind of real estate investment is profitable; there is no zoning save in a few instances by deed restriction. Islamorada. RECOMMENDA- TIONS Eat: Toll Gate Inn, Lower Matecumbe. Well known for good dinners. Stay: MOTELS The Is- lander (U.S. 1) 45 units, some a/c, $12 Ed. New, roomy accommodations set in nice grounds. Has a/c DR, and swimpool. La Jolla Resort Apts., Upper Matecumbe Key. 7 units-6 hskpg, $12 Ed. Surrounded by large lawn; radio, outdoor grill available, and private dock and beach facilities. Key Largo. RECOMMENDA- TIONS Stay: MOTELS Rod and Reel Motel. 50 hskpg units, $10 Ed. Beautiful new court in quiet position; has a good DR, cocktail lounge, and patio swimpool. Key West, 30,000. First settled by Bahamans in the 18th century. Key West later saw an exciting career as a pirate lair and as a rum runners' head- quarters. After World War I, with its cigar and sponge industries removed to the West Coast, the Island community plunged headlong into depression. By the early 30's, half the population were on relief. Then in 1935 a hurricane destroyed 40 miles of the railroad from the mainland. It was during this all- time low that someone thought of sell- ing the island to tourists. The Over- seas Highway was built out for 105 miles from the mainland above the bat- tered railroad bridges. And from that day, Key West never looked back. When you drive through Key'West to the Chamber of Commerce office and see the sign "End of U.S. 1" you have come to the southernmost city in the U.S., a unique, almost tropical city on a key one mile broad, five miles long, and only eight feet above sea level, a city with the most equable climate in the U.S., a city where frost is un- known. Your first impressions will be of the old wooden homes which still display a haunting air of the Bahamas among the more modern edifices of plastic, glass, and stainless steel. Like everyone else, you'll be awed by the wealth of tropical vegetation in Key West, the narrow streets bordered by gardens of banyan and bamboo, frangipani and tamarind, breadfruit, avocado, and gumbo limbo. A great deal of Spanish is still spoken in the city and the conch English still bears a delightful Bahaman crispness. Of course, the restaurants specialize in Spanish dishes and seafood and you won't want to miss turtle steak, conch chowder, and key lime pie. Completing the picture of Key West is the big submarine base here with its naval population and the Cuban bars and nightclubs at the western end of Duval Street that go with it. Key West's vacationing tempo em- phasizes leisure, sun, and water; al- though the key does not have extensive beaches, the two here are good with excellent warm water bathing on a wide shelf of shallow sea extending from the key. Unlike others of the keys, Key West is relatively mosquito free. Dress is informal, simple clothing is preferred. Extreme swimsuits are in poor taste. Dressing for dinner is the exception. Until recently, Key West did not have too much accommodation but the horde of new motels that have recently arisen at the Atlantic end of Simonton Street have remedied any shortage. Rates are reasonable, too: for $5-$6 a day in summer you get into the most modern motel with air con- ditioned rooms. During summer, hotel rooms start at $2.50-$3.50. Tourists should see the exotic curios brought home from romantic spots all over the world by U.S. Navy men and now for sale at the Ditty Box Gift Shop; and keep an eye open for the handmade cigars which can still be bought on the key for 104. The Overseas Highway tolls were abolished in 1954. A large percentage of residents are retired lower middle income couples with many ex-Navy families; median age is 25.8. Many writers and artists live here and cultural pursuits are pop- ular; TV is fair with 2 ch. Fishing- which is superb with over 600 varieties obtainable-helps cut costs. Now that over 3,000 new dwelling units have been completed, year 'round rental availability is fair: 1 b.r. unf'd homes rent from $40, 2 b.r. places $50 a mo. and on up to $200. Some older homes are obtainable: 2 b.r., unf'd homes sell from $5,000-$6,000 minimum. New homes sell from $10,000. Key West's drinking water appeared to me a trifle on the hard side despite claims to the contrary by the Chamber of Com- merce; and its pressure sometimes falls off a little. It is pure and tastes pleas- ant, however, and a new pipeline should boost pressure soon. Th- key com- munity has a 56-bed hospital and eight doctors. Although Key West's population in- creased by 104.5% (median income was $1,896) the only sizeable sources of in- come are tourists and the Navy. Small businesses which can cater to these sources should succeed. A bowling alley, deep freeze plant, a drive-in theatre, and recreation facilities were recent unfilled business needs. Em- ployment opportunities arc rather lim- ited but part-time jobs can often be obtained during winter. Unskilled women get 75, unskilled men $1-$1.15, and skilled men $2.25-$3 per hour. Be- cause Negroes are available at $1 an hour, competition for unskilled jobs is high. RECOMMENDATIONS Eat: Logun's Lobster House. Good seafood restaurant; moderate prices. Outdoor dining beside the sea. Caribe Restau- rant, 407 Front St. Moderately priced, closed on Sunday. El Patio Restau- rant, 425 Greene St. Wide variety, general menu DR. Open 5 p.m.-10 p.m. except Sundays; closed May-Nov. Raul's Restaurant, Roosevelt Blvd. Very good a/c DR open 7:30 a.m.-10 p.m. daily during summer except Mon- days. Dine by candlelight. Sun N Sand Beach Club, Simonton St. Good for moderately priced lunches and dinners. Tradewinds Patio Restaurant, 303 Duval St. General menu with seafood prominent; try their turtle steak and lime pie. Open 5 p.m.-10 p.m. Stay: HOTELS Casa Marina Hotel. 200 rooms, $14 Ed. Famous resort hotel- the swankiest on the southern shore- occupying beach front site amid large grounds. Has first class DR, radio in rooms, TV in lobby, solarium, swim- pool and private beach. Open Dec.- May. La Concha Hotel, Duval St. 128 rooms, some a/c, $9 Ed. One of Key West's oldest hotels, and the sec- ond largest; is situated in the heart of the town. Has pleasant, high ceil- inged rooms, good DR, cocktail lounge and entertainment program. The Key Wester Hotel, S. Roosevelt Blvd. 92 rooms, many hskpg, $16 Ed. New a/c rooms and cottages in spacious grounds. Has cocktail lounge, good food in coffee shop, swimpool, caba- nas and private beach. MOTELS Atlantic Shores Motel, 510 South St. 20 units, $8 Ed. Modern, tastefully appointed, a/c motel; has private beach facilities. El Rancho Motel, 830 Truman Ave. 50 rooms, a/c optional, $10 Ed. Lush growth in landscaped grounds. Key Lodge Motel, 1004 Duval St. 24 units, some a/c, $10 Ed. Large, nicely decorated rooms open- ing to exotic tropical patio. Santa Maria Motor Court, 1401 Simonton St. 25 units-11 hskpg, some a/c, $8 Ed. Guests have access to beach club. Southwind Motor Court, 1321 Simonton St. 14 new units--8 hskpg, some a/c, $8 Ed. Private beach facili- ties offered. Advance reservation ad- vised. Marathon, 2,500. A real estate boom has transformed this small island fishing community into a thriving city of luxurious motels, cottages, and homes. At Marathon Shores now stands one of the world's largest mo- tels with 100 units, a new yacht harbor has been completed, and everyone is buying and building like mad. The at- traction? Imagine a low coral-lime- stone islet just seven feet high bathed by multi-hued waters balmy warm the year around; away from the island stretch miles of bonefish flats; every evening the sun sets in breathtaking colors over shimmering tropic seas and against the silhouettes of curving coco- nut palms. Why, indeed, is there a real estate boom in Marathon? Simply because the keys are about the closest approach to a South Sea atoll that it is possible to find within driving dis- tance of New York or Chicago. Biggest thing in Marathon is Phil Sadowski's Key Colony motel at Marathon Shores, a gigantic 100-unit project including a $150,000 swimpool and subterranean restaurant, airstrip, and cabana club. Nearby, developer Sadowski blasted coral canals to pro- vide fill for his unique Marathon Shores waterfront residential project. Here lots sell from $1,000, waterfront lots from $2,000, small 1 b.r. homes from $4,950, and duplexes in two sizes at $6,950 and $9,900 including furni- ture and lot. For folks who prefer to spend only part of each year in Marathon, a Central Renting Office rents the units while you're away, de- ducting 10% for their services plus $1.50 for maid service and $1 for each change of linen. In season these units rent for $100 a week, in summer for $50. Thus you can own a retirement home entirely paid for by other people. Time payments are also available: 50% cash with 5 year mortgages at 6%. For details write Box 305, Mara- thon. Marathon has also been ap- proved for Title II FHA loans. With your own home paid for living cost can be quite inexpensive; fishing definitely helps cut costs. Groceries may be more expensive than on the mainland but this slight increase is more than offset by savings in clothing and the negli- gible heating required in this frost free climate. Marathon has a sizeable re- tired colony of Midwesterners, a Little Theatre, afternoon card club, TV, good tropical gardening, excellent water, and a hospital 50 miles distant. Look over this spick and span village on Key Vaca: you'll find a wealth of seashore life, luxuriant jungle, beautiful sea- shells, rare birds and animals, and colorful fishing docks; an extensive mosquito control project has been in- augurated. Recent unfilled business needs in- cluded a bowling alley, automatic laun- dry, physician, 5 and 10, hardware and drug stores, and a drive-in movie. Marathon's spacious air conditioned motels charge $8-$9 Ed during sum- mer, others are cheaper. Several offer armchair fishing from outside your unit, some have-their own party boats at $5 a day. A new air taxi service links Marathon with Miami. RECOMMENDATIONS Stay: MOTELS Buena Vista (U.S. 1). 21 units-12 hskpg, $10 Ed. Facilities in- clude swimpool, private beach, and boat dock. Casa Manana (U.S. 1). 12 units--8 eff. apts., $10 Ed. A fairly new motel. Jack Tar Key Colony (5 miles out on U.S. 1). 125 rooms, rental units, many a/c, $8 Ed. up. Operated by Jack Tar organization, excellent DR, swimpool, cabana club, recreational and shopping facilities, and doctor available. Davis Marathon Motel. 40 units-30 hskpg, $8 Ed. Cabins have overhead fans, swimpool, recreational facilities provided. Miami, 270,000. The fastest grow- ing city east of the Rocky Mountains with a rapidly increasing industry and the nation's busiest airport. This great sub-tropical metropolis flanks 3-mile wide Biscayne Bay from which five causeways lead over to the serrated, movie set skyline of Miami Beach. Wrecked by a disastrous hurricane in 1926, Miami has never experienced a set-back since. It has already been labelled by a great many different titles but a new one might well be "Los Angeles of the East." For Greater Miami now has almost as many satel- lite communities as its sprawling Cali- fornia rival. North Miami, Miami Shores, Miami Springs, South Miami, Hialeah, and many other neighboring communities all pulsate to the heart- beat of Flagler Street and Biscayne Boulevard. Although it is possible to vacation in Miami-and many people do-the majority spend their time at Miami Beach. Winter vacationists on a budget can, however, find commercial hotels in Miami with rates a good deal lower than those at the Beach while north and west of the city are a large number of motor courts. Whether you vaca- tion or retire here, you'll find lots of free activity. The free beaches at Haulover, Crandon Park, and Mathe- son Hammock are superior to and less crowded than any part of commercial- ized Miami Beach. At the Community Center are free movies, concerts, dances, and vaudeville. Free city sym- phony concerts are given at Bayfront Park. For only $1 you can enjoy a variety of recreations at Lummus Park; the Pier Park at 1st and Ocean Drive offers free activities; and much first class evening entertainment is staged at the Public Library. Be sure to pick up the free entertainment guide and bus routing at the Chamber of Commerce Building. For retirement, Miami offers the only big city and suburban living in the U.S., under near tropic conditions; and gay, glamourous, and costly as it appears to most first time visitors, Miami can also comfortably fit in with modest income or pension require- ments. Living costs need be little higher than in many small Florida communities; in fact, retail foods are often cheaper and the identical infor- mal dress is the rule. Recreations in- clude absolutely everything that does not require mountains or snow. There are opera, Little Theatre, recitals, symphony, concerts, and a new library. No housing shortage exists here now and a recent survey showed there were actually more duplexes in the area than were needed. Three room furn'd apts. rent on a year 'round basis for $65-$85, I b.r. homes $50-$70, 2 b.r. homes $75-$100 a month. For a couple able and prepared to pay higher rates, a much wider selection of homes is available. Furnished homes and apts. for rent are in ample supply but un- furnished homes are harder to find. Building costs average $8 per square foot. Older homes are obtainable: a few 2 b.r. places were recently selling for $10.000-$13.000 but the average purchase price for attractive homes is nearer $16,000. New 3 b.r. homes have been available from $8,000 but most run around $12,500. Retired folk who prefer big city living like Miami for its freedom from smoke, fog, smog, and dust while health records show a remarkably low incidence of the com- mon cold. The median age is 35.8. Miami has 21 hospitals with 3,082 beds, medical services of every kind, churches of 50 different denominations, and TV 3 ch. Drinking water is supplied from artesian wells in the Everglades, is aerated, coagulated, carbonated, and disinfected before delivery, and has no discernible sulphur taste. Investment in real estate for profit is never likely again to see lot salesmen halting traffic on Flagler Street or the Miami Daily News' 504-page real es- tate edition which preceded the crash of the 20's. But with its population in- crease of 242% over the past twenty years and its steady growth outward in all directions, fringe lands over a wide area should prove profitable long term investments in the Greater Miami area. The main residential expansion is towards the southwest in unincor- porated Dade County; this section, incidentally, also offers the best lo- cations for retirement on a small in- come. Elevations in the Maimi area range from sea level to 21 feet and septic tanks are commonly used in suburban areas. A large new sewage system is being constantly enlarged, however. Of interest to prospective residents is the gigantic new suburb of Carol City containing 3,200 acres and slated for 10,000 new homes. Designed by Haar- land Bartholomew Associates, the project has its own sewage and water system, curved streets, and 216 com- binations of house plan, elevations, and color schemes; most new homes have sliding patio doors and are of stucco- cement construction. Sample prices of other Miami real estate are: agri- cultural land $250-$2,000 per acre, groves $300-$1,000 per acre, depending on soil, elevation, and location. Com- mercial sites range from $100-$10,000 per foot front, industrial sites 204- $1,000 per square foot, homesites $600- $40,000. Commercial construction costs $5-$7.50 per square foot, industrial warehouse type construction $3.50- $5.50 per square foot. Most industrial sites are in the N.W. sector. In view of Miami's soaring population-200 new residents arrive daily-any type of intelligent real estate speculation is a sound investment. Since 1945, Miami's industry has doubled in size, fashion and garment manufacturers are turning out $50,- 000,000 worth of goods a year while 3,500,000 vacationers come in annually. So the median income of $2,498 is not surprising, nor is the fact that (with tourists) the Miami area has the greatest per capital purchasing power in the nation. And by 1965, say civic authorities, Miami's population will have passed the million mark with ten million tourists coming in annually. Most small business needs are now filled in Miami and the longer devel- oped areas but literally hundreds of new, unfilled opportunities are opening every month in the fast growing sub- urbs: doctors, dentists, apparel stores, office supplies, and auto sales and serv- ice concerns are just a few typical openings among hundreds of unfilled needs in this area. Indicative of the purchasing power available is the fact that 50% of families make $2-5,000 a year, 12% $5-7,000, and 9% over $7,000, comprising 40% of Florida's total consumer market. Here in Florida's largest city, there are naturally more job openings than elsewhere. But more people are look- ing for jobs, too. During the winter, Miami experiences a large influx of out-of-state workers, a sizeable pro- portion of whom would gladly remain could they obtain year 'round work. Further competition comes from pro- fessional, skilled, and semi-skilled suf- ferers from asthma and kindred ills who also clog the labor market in their search for a job in this haven of health. Moreover, many Miami em- ployers will not hire a permanent worker who has less than six months' residence in the city; few workers over forty land jobs. Yet people do come to Miami and do get jobs. For example, the Florida State Employment Service here fills 2,500-5,000 jobs every month through- out the year. And the more than 75 private employment agencies must fill twice as many more. Chief employers are the hotels, restaurants, tourist serv- ices, garment factories, airlines, and food processing plants. Quite recently, there was an almost desperate need for sewing machine operators, hand sewers, and cutters. Not needed were inexperi- enced workers of any kind and build- ing trade workers. Typical job open- ings advertised in late 1955 were, for women: beauticians, blouse oper- ators, bookkeepers, barmaids, cashiers (hotel), chambermaids, curb and coun- ter girls, cafeteria workers, dress oper- ators, fountain girls, factory hands, hostesses, hand pressers, hand finishers. insurance policy clerks, mothers' helps, nurses and nursemaids, NCR operators, stenographers, retail saleswomen, silk finishers, seafood factory help, and waitresses. Openings for men included: auto mechanics, aircraft mechanics ($1.82 an hour to start), assemblers, bus boys, bakers' deliverymen, office clerks, filling station attendants, foun- tain help, factory help, salesmen, short order cooks, truck loaders, and theatre ushers. Notwithstanding the competi- tion, occasional retired persons with well established residence have found seasonal part-time work while a minor- ity have steady year 'round jobs. RECOMMENDATIONS Eat: Betty's Restaurant, 1440 Biscayne Blvd. One of America's finer restau- rants without the high prices of most showplaces. American cuisine: lunch 754-$1, dinner $1.35-$4.95. Burdines Grill, 22 E. Flagler St. Spacious, pleasing DR in dept. store offering good varied menu, moderately priced; open 11-8 p.m. except Suns. Chesa- peake Inn, 3606 N.W. 36th St. Near Int'l Airport, one of Florida's best seafood restaurants, a/c, rustic nauti- cal decor. Davis Cafeteria, 54 S.E. 1st St. Spacious DR offering good meals at popular prices. Dobbs House, Int'l Airport, N.W. 36th St. Moder- ately priced general menu; open 6 a.m.- 10 p.m. The Garden, 2235 S.W. 8th St. Good Austrian cuisine served to Viennese music, a/c. Lunch $1.25 up, dinner $2 up. Closed Mons. McGinnis Sheepshead Bay, 7725 Biscayne Blvd. Good cuisine, pleasant DR; open from 4 p.m. Old Scandia, 125 Pervis Ave., Opa Locka. Excellent a/c DR fea- turing smorgasbord and other Scandi- navian dishes; tables are candlelit and music supplied by strolling players. Has unique bar shaped like Viking longboat. Red Coach Grille, 1445 Bis- cayne Blvd. A really attractive place fashioned after an Old English coach- ing inn. First class cuisine, medium to expensive. Open 4:30 p.m.-11 p.m. San Juan Restaurant, 2436 S.W. 8th St. Splendid seafood and general menu, dinners from $2, a/c. Open weekdays 5 p.m.-1 a.m., Sundays from noon. Seven Seas, 101 S.E. 2nd Ave. Old established restaurant specializing in native Florida seafoods: lunch from 954, dinner $1.65 up. Closed Suns. (Inexpensive places to eat include: C & C Luncheonette, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Breakfasts from 354, lunches 504, dinner 754 up. Harvey's Food Shops, Inc., 720 W. Flagler St. Lunches 504 up, dinners from $1.10. Mayflower Restaurant, 80 S.E. Bis- cayne Blvd. Lunches from 654, din- ners 854 up. Tylers Restaurants, 1818 N.W. 36th St., and 1257 W. Flagler St. Good American food, a/c, meals from 654.) HOTELS Biscayne Ter- race Hotel, 340 Biscayne Blvd. 200 rooms, $14 Ed. New completely a/c hotel; very nice rooms with balconies and good view. DR has good cuisine and service. Cocktail room, solarium and radio provided. Columbus Hotel, 312 N.E. 1st St. 300 a/c rooms, $14 Ed. Rooftop DR offers good cuisine and service at moderate prices. Rooms have wonderful view over Biscayne Bay. Everglades Hotel, Biscayne Blvd. 500 rooms, some eff. apts., $16 Ed. Pleasant rooms overlook park. First class DR, good cuisine. Has cocktail room and roof garden. Leam- ington Hotel, 302 N.E. 1st St. 100 rooms, most a/c, $10 Ed. Free radio in rooms and free beach facilities. DR is a/c, cocktail lounge, too. McAllister Hotel, Biscayne Blvd. 500 a/c rooms, $10 Ed. Pleasant rooms with radio and TV available, good DR, cocktail room and solarium. Miami Airways Hotel, 5055 N.W. 36th St. 83 a/c rooms, $14. Situated opposite airport. Attractive rooms which may be used by day only at half rates. Cocktail room and coffee shop service. Miami Colonial Hotel, 146 Biscayne Blvd. 200 rooms, many a/c, $10 Ed. Facilities include cocktail room, coffee shop and good rooftop solarium. Robert Clay Hotel, 129 S.E. 4th St. 164 rooms, some a/c, $10 Ed. Commercial hotel with good DR, comfortable lounge and cabanas. Tower Hotel, 332 S.E. 2nd Ave. 108 rooms, $12 Ed. Bay view building with nice rooms; many a/c. Travelers Ho- tel, 4767 N.W. 36th St. 86 a/c rooms, $12 Ed. Smart, nicely furn'd rooms, available at half normal rates for day usage only. Cocktail lounge, coffee shop. MOTELS Arbordale Lodge, 10800 Biscayne Blvd. 28 units, $10 Ed. First class court having beautiful patio and wide lawns. Beck Apt. Mo- tel, 427 N.E. 82nd St. 24 hskpg units, some a/c, $8 Ed. New, double story apt. motel. Crandon Courts, 798 Cran- don Blvd., Key Biscayne. 53 a/c units -42 hskpg, $12 Ed. Good court that offers swimpool and private beach fa- cilities. No pets. Danker's Motel Court, 5878 W. 8th St. 34 units, some hskpg, $9 Ed. Recreational facilities include swimpool, children's play- ground, radio, TV in guests' lounge. Holiday House Motel, 11720 Biscayne Blvd. 44 units-40 hskpg, $8 Ed. Some rooms have a/c. La Posada Motor Court, 5271 S.W. 8th St. 27 units, some a/c, $12 Ed. Spanish style court with coffee shop that serves adequate meals. Miami Shores Lodge, 10500 Biscayne Blvd. 63 units, some hskpg and a few a/c, $8 Ed. Smart new lodge with pleasant rooms and cocktail lounge. Mt. Vernon Motor Lodge, 9221 Biscayne Blvd. 25 units, some a/c, $12 Ed. Has guest lounge, patio and terrace; TV available. Palmer House, 11050 Biscayne Blvd. $5 Ed. Attractive cottages. Rotunda Motel, 12225 Bis- cayne Blvd. 40 units, $10 Ed. Pleasant ranch type lay out. Royal Motel, 7600 S.W. 8th St. 30 a/c units, $10 Ed. Comfortable brick units amid large grounds. Saxon Motel, 301 N.E. 62nd St. 148 units, some hskpg, $7 Ed. Ex- cellent accommodations; cocktail room, coffee shop and swimpool provided. Sea Cove Motel, 5750 Biscayne Blvd. 30 units-13 hskpg, $10 Ed. Conveni- ently situated with a/c available. Shalimar Motel, 6200 Biscayne Blvd. 50 a/c units, $10 Ed. Two story bldg. with guest room. Shangri La Motel, 11190 Biscayne Blvd. 34 units-some hskpg, most a/c, $8 Ed. Enticing ac- commodations in pleasant grounds with swimpool. Trade Winds Hotel Court, 4525 S.W. 8th St. 20 units, some a/c, $12 Ed. Popular, advance reservations advised. Has TV and a/c. TRAILER PARKS Al Ril Trailer Court, 8401 N.W. 14th Ave. (4m. N.) 60 spaces; $1 day, $8 per week. Most have sewer connections. Bell Haven Park, 3200 N.W. 79th St. (6m. N.) 350 spaces; $1.50 day, $6.50 per week. Has snack bar and recreational facilities. Miami Heights Trailer Park, 3450 N.W. 79th St. (6m. N.) 121 spaces; $2 day, $10 per week. Myrich's Trailer Park, 1600 N.W. 119th St. (llm. N.) 60 spaces; $1 day, $7 per week. Northwest Trailer Park, 8151 N.W. 27th Ave. 100 spaces; $1.50 day, $9 per week. Rovell Trailer Park, 939 N.W. 81st St. (Sm. N.) 66 spaces; $1 day, $7 per week. Schmidt's Trailer Court, 2542 N.W. 79th St. 52 spaces; $1 day, $7 per week. 'railercoach Manors, 9674 N.W. 10th Ave. 120 spaces; $1.25 day, $8 week. Trinidad Court, Inc., 61 N.W. 79th St. (5m. N.) 100 spaces; $1.50 day, $7 per week. Tropical Trailer Village, 1398 N.W. 79th St. 93 spaces; $1.75 day, $10 per week. Miami Beach, 54,000. Gay, glit- tering, glamourous, extravagant- Miami Beach is a fabulous legend of flamboyant hotels in a lush tropical Venetian setting. Strung jewel-like along an 8-mile barrier .beach island are 378 hotels and over 2,000 apartment houses; Miami Beach has more hotels per capital than any other place on earth, has one fourth of all the accom- modation in Florida. Yet in 1915, the Beach had but 33 residents and even in 1921 only four hotels had been built. That was before Miamians discovered how the suction pump could build them new, level, cleared sovereign lands. With the aid of the suction dredge, Carl G. Fisher built up Miami Beach with sand from the bottom of Biscayne Bay. And on it was built the world's greatest carnival city in a medley of architecture ranging from Italian villas to Greek colonnades, Spanish missions to ultra modern Floridian styles. The amazing thing about it all is that some- how it seems to "belong"; but then almost anything looks, harmonious when surrounded by Florida's blue sea, brilliant sunshine, and palm-shaded sands. But incongruity has crept in. For the beach which was formerly the big attraction has been so chopped up by private hotel strips that the sun- bathing and swimming frontier has re- treated back to freshwater pools that flank the edge of the sands. Dress is cosmopolitan. Women need almost the same variety of afternoon and spectator sportswear as they would use in New York. Evening dress is usual in many of the better hotels. At the beach, you can wear anything; there is absolutely no set taste or any conformity with standards. Jewelry and furs with bathing suits are com- monly seen in winter. Only nudity is barred. Many of the nightclubs now remain open in summer; dinners run from $2.50-$3 with no cover or mini- mum charge but some clubs set a bev- erage minimum of $2-$3 if you don't dine. In winter, the night clubs come to life with the nation's top entertain- ers such as Frankie Lane, Sophie Tucker, Joe E. Lewis, Mindy Carson, and Danny Thomas. Clubs with a top headliner then charge a $7.50 liquor minimum whereass in New York it would be a $3.50-$5 minimum and in Los Angeles a $2 cover). The cheapest way to do a nightclub then is to go to the late show and try to get away with the minimum. In common with Miami, Miami Beach can provide you with every kind of sport, pastime, or recrea- tion you can think of; the emphasis is on spectator sports such as jai alai, dog and horse racing, football, etc. Most hotels are new, the majority less than 15 years old. Over 85% now remain open in summer including many of the oceanfront palaces. Sev- eral of the largest hotels feature swim- ming and diving shows on winter Sun- days; most larger notels have rhumba instructors and dancing pavilions. Those on the oceanfront have private beaches. The newest hotels are those at the north end of the beach; the cheapest ones those south of Lincoln road. Off-the-ocean hotel rates come down in summer to $1:50 per person per day up, two in a room, while the swank oceanfront hostelries offer rooms as low as $5.50 a day double. The average overall summer rate is about $4-$8 a day double. Top oceanfront rooms run about $15 a day summer rates-they're $45 in winter. Meals in the luxury hotels cost $2.75-$3 and up and include dancing and entertainment. Best winter season news is that some of the medium price bracket hotels are being forced to lower their winter rates in order to meet the competition from the luxury hotels at the upper end of the beach. Instead of trailer courts, Miami Beach has cottage courts and beach courts. Trailers are not permitted to remain overnight in Miami Beach; city ordi- nance forbids trailer courts. A new influence in keeping hotel rates down is the galaxy of swanky motels at the north end of Miami Beach outside the city limits. Some of the more expensive provide door- men and room service but the major- ity charge no more than other Florida resort motels. In common with every other hostelry at Miami Beach they are downright bargains during sum- mer. And speaking of summer rates, a new trend is developing whereby rates are being upped slightly in June, July, and August due to the heavy influx of summer tourists. The very cheapest time of year-and the best -is the entire month of May, and the fall months of September and October. Highly popular at all seasons, pack- age vacations reach their top value during summer. Airlines and railroads offer a week at oceanfront hotels for $19-$37.50 single excluding meals. And for very little more, most deluxe hotels offer a House Party Plan including two meals daily and planned entertain- ment such as evening swimpool parties, bridge-canasta, TV, and movies. Or on your own you could rent a luxury housekeeping apartment for $50 a week, find oceanfront hotels with two meals for $13 double daily, or really swank accommodation for $75 a week double. If you eat out, breakfast costs from 454, lunch from 750, dinner from $1.50. Most people find the new motels less expensive than hotels, however, due to savings on tips, parking, and other extras. For the children of vacationers, Miami Beach has a special school sys- tem. Its courses of instruction are de- signed to merge with the curricula of the largest northern cities so as to per- mit visitors' children to continue their studies with a minimum of lost time. For anyone who cares to retire in Miami Beach-many celebrities have, median age is 43-apts. are available year 'round from $100 a mo., small homes from $200. Homes for sale begin at around $15,000. But the best bargain for senior citizens is the Boulevard Hotel at Dade Blvd., and Meridian Ave. At this unique Lavin hotel, year around rates are just $65, $78, or $86.50 per month per person (depend- ing on room) and including three complete meals daily. Operated chiefly for the benefit of retirees on small so- cial security incomes, the Boulevard is a seven story hotel two blocks from a community center, with 220 outside rooms, a 2 acre garden, and swimpool. Most guests are aged 55-84 and many perform small chores to earn an addi- tional $10 a month. The best thing about retiring in Miami Beach is the tremendous year around city recrea- tion program available free or at nom- inal cost. Two large community centers each provide nightly shows mov- ies, dances, and vaudeville, there are classes in scores of subjects including arts, crafts, and languages, and nu- merous choral, discussion, and other groups with regular meetings. Miami Beach also has a 60,000 vols. library, TV 3 ch., pure drinking water, two hospitals with 450 beds, several recrea- tion parks, and a heart institute. Most retirees are from New York and New Jersey. As for new businesses on the Beach, you'll want to know that land is run- ning short, that the West Indies are drawing off some of the winter trade, and that according to Dr. Reinhold Wolffe, University of Miami econo- mist, Miami Beach is already over- crowded with hotels. The centre of business is steadily moving north but with 1,900 new parking units, the Lin- coln Road shopping centre is likely to remain stable for some years. Since the war, the retail sales season has extended from four months to ten months of the year but this increase has been taken care of by established stores. Personally, unless I had ample capital, I would prefer to look else- where for a small business opportunity than in this crowded, commercialized, highly competitive jungle where only the fittest survive. Although the job outlook is highly competitive, construction still flour- ishes and the new turnpike is expected to increase the boom. Best paid lines of work are in tourist accommodations, purveyors, retail stores, and the serv- ice trades. RECOMMENDATIONS Eat: Bonfire Restaurant, 1700 79th St., Causeway. Good cuisine, game and roasts cooked over hickory bonfires in rustic Western atmosphere. Medium priced; open daily 5 p.m.-4 a.m. Embers, 245 22nd St. A chop house specializing in spit-turned roasts. Also rare game birds. Excellent cuisine; rather expensive. Open daily 5 p.m.- 10 p.m. Fan and Bill's Restaurant, 220 21st St. New and good, enormous meals, excellent seafood; medium prices. Open daily 4 p.m.-11 p.m. Fu Manchu, 325 71st St. Miami's finest Chinese restaurant. Reasonably priced. Open daily 4 p.m.-11 p.m. Gatti Res- taurant, 1427 West Ave. Good Italian and U.S. cuisine, rather expensive; open Nov. 15-May 15, 5:30-10:30 p.m., closed Fris. Hickory House, 2332 Liberty Ave. General menu with broil- ing over hickory logs. Good cuisine. Prices range from reasonable to mod- erately expensive. Open daily 4 p.m.- 11 p.m. for dinner only. Lighthouse Restaurant, Bakers Haulover (Flor- ida A1A) a few miles north of Miami Beach. Has large DR with marine de- cor and is noted for its excellent sea- food. Open daily noon to midnight. Maxim's, 9516 Harding Ave. Plush continental DR with a la carte French cuisine; expensive. Open daily 6 p.m.- 1 a.m. The Old Forge, 432 41st St. A long established gourmet's rendezvous featuring many specialties and fre- quented by VIP's. Open 5:30 p.m.-ll p.m. Park Avenue Restaurant, 2205 Park Ave. Excellent large DR with impeccable service; seafoods are the specialty, also good general menu. Medium prices. Open every day from 5 p.m.-11 p.m. (Tip: the following hotels and motels are also noted for good food: Belmar, Biltmore, Blue Grass Motel, Casablanca Ho- tel, Delano Hotel, Di Lido Hotel, Kimberley Hotel, MacFpdden Deau- ville Hotel, Mount Royal Manor, Nautilus Hotel, North Shore Manor, Poinciana Hotel, Roney Plaza Ho- tel, Sans Souci Hotel, San Marino Hotel, Saxony Hotel, Shoreham-Nor- man Hotel, Sorrento Hotel, Versailles Hotel, and Waikiki Motel.) Stay: HOTELS Arlington Hotel, 455 Ocean Drive. 100 rooms, $15 Ed. Comfortable accommodations with swimpool, sundeck, and private beach facilities. Blue Horizon Hotel, 8933 Collins Ave. 72 a/c rooms, $20 Ed. Attractive rooms, good DR. cocktail lounge and swimpool provided. Coronado Hotel, 8751 Collins Ave 100 rooms, $19 Ed. Pleasant, quiet rooms and good recreational facilities including cabana colony, swimpool, solarium, music for dancing, and pri- vate beach. DR is good and terrace overlooks sea. Delmonico Hotel, 6393 Collins Ave. 151 a/c units, $22 Ed. Smart new hotel with sea view DR, cocktail lounge, patio, swimpool, cabana club and nightly dancing. Hotel Duke, 8233 Harding Ave. 33 rooms, $8 Ed. Small and quiet but only one block from ocean; open Nov.-May. Fla- mingo Hotel, 1500 N. Bay Rd. 203 rooms, some cottage accommodation, $24 As. Sedate resort accommodations in large landscaped grounds. Facilities for tennis, swimming, and dancing. Advance reservation advised. Hotel Gale, Collins Ave. 50 rooms, some a/c, $14 Ed. Attractive rooms; has coffee shop, swimpool, solarium and private beach. Fontainbleau Hotel, 44th St. 815 rooms, 250 cabanas. Fabulous new 14 story luxury palace in French decor with Grand Ballroom, Le Ronde nightclub, and scores of other elaborate features. Probably the finest luxury hotel in the world. Rates are compara- ble with those of similar hotels on Miami Beach. The Kenilworth, 102nd St. 175 a/c rooms, $24 Ed. Super Kirkeby resort hotel overlooking sea; rather exclusive. Has oceanside ter- race, Olympic sized swimpool, cabana colony, cocktail room, beauty salon, private beach, and terrace. Martinique Hotel, 6423 Collins Ave. 140 a/c rooms, $25 Ed. DR faces the sea; cabana colony, swimpool and private beach facilities. New Surf Hotel, 150 89th St. 86 rooms, $20 Ed. Ocean front hotel; has good DR, large patio and swimpool. Hotel New Yorker, 1611 Collins Ave. 72 rooms, $20 Ed. Good sea front hotel with a/c DR, swim- pool and cabanas, solarium and private beach. Ocean Gate Apt. Hotel, 9551 Collins Ave. 48 rooms, $15 Ed. Smart luxury apt. hotel on private beachfront; has solarium and swimpool privileges. Promenade Hotel, 114 a/c rooms, $24 Ed. Radio available in rooms; has good DR, cocktail room, swimpool, solar- ium, cabanas and TV in lobby. Roney Plaza Hotel, Collins Ave. 274 rooms. Celebrated old hotel, probably the best at Miami Beach; stands amid large grounds. There are several DR's, an Olympic sized pool, cocktail lounge, and dancing. Rates from $46 Ad. Hotel Rowe, 6600 Collins Ave. 51 rooms, $12 Ed. Pleasant, neat rooms close to sea. Swimpool and private beach facilities provided. Closed July- Oct. St. Moritz Hotel, 1565 Collins Ave. 135 rooms, some a/c, $20 Ed: New pleasant hotel with good DR, cocktail room, swimpool, cabana club and private beach. Saxony Hotel, 3201 Collins Ave. 214 a/c rooms, $35 Ed. An excellent resort hotel where many rocms have window terraces; has several DR's, smart cocktail room, swimpool and cabana colony, and pri- vate beach. Shoreham-Norman, Col- lins Ave. 50 rooms, $15 Ed. Main bldg. and villa units set in large landscaped grounds; a/c available. Good DR, coffee shop, cocktail lounge, sundeck, swimpool and private beach facilities. Surfside, 2465 Collins Ave. 120 rooms, $20 Ed. Facilities include DR, coffee shop, cocktail room, swimpool, cabana club, solarium, and private beach. Tu- dor Hotel, 1111 Collins Ave. 67 a/c rooms, $13 Ed. Attractive hotel about half a block from ocean; radio avail- able in rooms, TV in lobby. Has coffee shop and solarium. Open Nov.-May. Vanderbilt Hotel, 2009 Collins Ave. 186 rooms, some a/c, $18 Ed. Offers open air dining, dancing, cabana club, cocktail room, solarium gnd swimpool. Versailles Hotel, 3425 Collins Ave. 144 a/c rooms, $24 Ed. Unusual ocean front hotel; a/c DR, cocktail lounge, Olympic sized swimpool and cabana club, card room, solarium and beauty salon services available. DR offers a la carte service; open 7 a.m.-9 p.m. MOTELS Argosy Motor Inn, 17425 Collins Ave. 60 rooms, some a/c, $12 Ed. Sea front court with private beach; has coffee snop and TV. Ball Motel, 16935 Collins Ave. 62 a/c units, $12 Ed. Excellent two story bldg. be- side the sea. Has cocktail room, solar- ium and private beach. Blue Grass Motel, 18325 Collins Ave. 40 units-12 hskpg, $18 Ed. Nice units among pleasant grounds; has a/c coffee shop, sundeck, TV in lobby and private beach. Carib Apt., Motel, 18975 Col- lins Ave. 170 units, $16 Ed. On lawns with a/c coffee shop, cocktail lounge and recreation facilities. The Castaways, 16375 Collins Ave. 170 units and hskpg apts., $18 Ed. Ex- ceptionally attractive accommodation in nice grounds with swimpool and pri- vate beach. Lido Beach Motel, 17301 Collins Ave. 51 a/c units, some hskpg, $14 Ed. Very smart; has solarium, swimpool, and private beach. Monter- rey Motel, 40 Belle Isle. 50 units, some hskpg apts., a/c. $16 Ed. Flanks Bis- cayne Bay on Venetian Causeway, a new resort motel with swimpool and coffee shop. Pan American Motel, 17875 Collins Ave. 100 units, some suites, a/c. $18 Ed. Seafront motel with DR, subterranean parking, swim- pool, and private beach. Daily maid service. The Sahara, 18335 Collins Ave. 150 units, some eff. apts., a/c. $18 Ed. Modernistic double decked motel with private beach, 2 swimpools, DR with terrace, and numerous resort facilities. Sandy Shores Motel, 16251 Collins Ave. 52 a/c units, $14 Ed. Attractive rooms, restful patio, cock- tail lounge, swimpool and cabana club, TV, and private beach. Sea Breeze Motel, 16151 Collins Ave. 60 a/c units, some hskpg, $16 Ed. A/c motel offering private beach, swimpool, cabana club, cocktail lounge, and TV in lobby. Suez Motel, 18215 Collins Ave. 60 units, some hskpg, a/c. $12 Ed. New beachfront motel with patio, swimpool, and private beach. Sunny Isle Motel, 16525 Collins Ave. 85 rooms, some hskpg, a/c. $12 Ed. Offers cocktail lounge, swimpool, pri- vate beach, and children's playground facilities. Tahiti Motel, 16901 Collins Ave. 60 units, some hskpg, a/c. $10 Ed. New two story motel on private beach with swimpool and coffee shop. Tangiers Motel, 187th St., and Col- lins Ave. 80 units, some hskpg, a/c. $14 Ed. New and modern motel on private beach and swimpool and coffee shop. Informal with planned entertain- ment. Waikiki Motel, 18801 Collins Ave. 160 units and eff. apts, a/c. $15 Ed. Modern motel with solarium, swimpool, and private beach. Arch- way Ocean Villas, 6861 Collins Ave. 25 apts., $150 per week. Good accom- modations amid spacious lawn; private beach for guests. Open Nov.-May. Colony Villas, 8230 Abbott Ave. 20 units-10 hskpg, $13 Ed. Nice rooms. Green Heron Hotel, 16801 Collins Ave. Good hotel with apt. and cottage units facing beach. 50 units, some a/c, $18 Ed. Has DR and seaview terrace, shop, and private beach. Heathwood Apts., 18671 Collins Ave. 38 a/c apts., $18 Ed. Two story place on seafront; offers free newspaper, TV, swimming from beach or pool, sundeck and out- door grill use. Templeton Arms, 9457 Collins Ave. 23 a/c rooms, $70 per week. Ed. Has private beach. Golden Gate, 194th St. 650 a/c rooms and units. Enormous new 20 acre self con- tained resort hotel between bay and ocean including a hotel, motel, villas, and apts. Has 3 swimpools, cabana club, shops, extensive sports facilities, large private beach, Children's Village, 2 DR's, and planned entertainment. Every room has a terrace and free parking. Note: we think these rates are just as fantastic as you do. But remember they are the peak winter rates. Go in summer and you will pay half or less thus obtaining luxury accommodation at bargain rates. Naples, 4,500. Years ago, Naples was a small fishing village which drew an exclusively wealthy clientele for a secluded winter vacation. In fact, few people knew of its 8-mile snow white beach or recognized it as the gateway to the fabulous fishing country of the 10,000 islands. It remained a sort of Hobe Sound of the West Coast. Then about ten years ago, the citi- zens got together with plans to develop Naples. In order to avoid any city debt, the money was raised by donation alone-$185,000 all told from among 500 people. But it was enough to build new streets, parks, and services. Now Naples is a pristine, dignified city of homes with eight miles of public, palm- shaded beach and a 1,000 foot fishing pier. There are hotels, motels, cottages, and apartments with a soaring winter trade, and many ultra modern shops. Lazy, restful, coconut tree-lined Na- ples, with its low humidity record, is ideal for summer vacations. Motels charge $5-$7 Ed, $30-$45 Ed weekly, seafront hotels $40-$55 Ed weekly, others $30-$40 Ed, apartments $30- $45, guest houses $15 Es-$25 Ed. Par- ticularly attractive are weekly summer rates of $40-$55 Ed at the smart Beach Club Hotel. Inexpensive meals can be had in town and there are no parking meters. Over the past two years, Naples' building boom reached an all time high; it is now one of the fastest grow- ing cities in Florida. Although recrea- tions are very informally organized, there are golf, tennis, shuffleboard, skeet shooting, and a winter concert series. Life is still very carefree, how- ever, and several artists and writers have retired here on that account. Most retired people are from the Midwest They like Naples because it is a sportsman's paradise, the southernmost residential town on Florida's West Coast, and because its beach is directly on the mainland and not on barrier beaches as in most other West Coast resorts. Also they can find all the facilities of a big city available in Miami only two hours drive distant. Transportation brings retirement costs somewhat above average in Na- ples so that one finds many Army officers and executives with pensions of $5,000 a year, but retirement can be enjoyed on considerably less. A fine new 75 bed hospital has been built, there is an excellent insect control program, extremely pure soft water, TV 4 ch., a small library, garden and art clubs, and recently formed state societies. Occasional part-time jobs can be found in stores, full-time re- tirement jobs are less frequent. Small furn'd apts rent from $65-$75, 2 b.r. furn'd homes $70-$100 a mo. Older homes are rare but new 2 b.r. places sell from $9,500-$11,500. Dedi- cated to quiet home living, Naples is excellently zoned; no commercial oper- ations are permitted on the beach. Beachfront land sells from $150 per foot frontage, one block inland it's $50 up, on inland waterways $35 up, on the Tamiami Trail $85 up, and rural lots sell from $350. More expensive homes lie in the Coquina Sands, Ridgeview Lake, and Port Royal sections; Gulf View Homes is a less costly northside development, Aqualane Shores an in- land waterfront development, and Crayton Cove a business and residen- tial section flanking the bay. Seven miles north is 800 acre Naples Park where 50' x 135' lots sell for $499 (in- vestigate thoroughly before buying here for these are offered by mail and you'd probably require two). All land in the city not privately owned is held by the Naples Co. In rapidly growing Naples, carpen- ters and construction workers of all types normally find jobs; hotels and real estate developments pay the best wages. Unfilled business opportunities are naturally numerous and recently called for more home and commercial building, retail stores of all types, and tourist amusements. RECOMMENDATIONS Eat: The Old Cove, Crayton Cove. Charming atmosphere; music while you eat. Stay: HOTELS Gulf Ho-.l, 415 5th Ave. S. New homey place; American Plan only during season. Beach Club Hotel. 136 units-some a/c, some hskpg. $25 Ad. Good resort hotel right on the Gulf, has DR, bar. Naples Beach Hotel, 12th Ave. S. 118 rooms, $30 Ad. Large resort hotel in spacious grounds. DR has good. cuisine; other facilities include cocktail room, swimpool, solarium, golf, tennis and fishing privileges. MOTELS Naples Motel, 250 9th St. 20 new units, all a/c, $10 Ed. First class motel in beautiful grounds. Swimming avail- able; no pets. Siesta Terrace, 349 9th St. 20 units, $10 Ed. SLndeck facilities. Trail's End Motor Hotel, 309 9th St. S. 28 units, some a/c, $10 Ed. New, ranch style accommodations among nice grounds. Pompano Beach, 15,000. A se- lect but fast growing winter vegetable and resort centre on the Gold Coast midway between Palm Beach and Mi- ami. Formerly two separate towns, Pompano and Pompano Beach were merged in 1947 under a city form of government. In a setting of pines, palms, palmettos, and sea grape, Pom- pano Beach has a four mile ocean front of which half a mile is public beach. A colorful landmark is the lighthouse on Hillsboro Inlet at the north end of the beach. You'll find really big summer reductions here-as much as 80% below winter rates-with motels as low as $1.50-$2 Ed per night. The type of retired folk here might best be described as discriminating people with a decided taste for the better things of life. But Pompano Beach is not necessarily expensive. A city park building features shuffle- board courts, card game shelters, and barbecues. There are also golf, TV 3 ch., a library, and five Catholic churches. Gardening is possible throughout the year and both fresh and salt water fishing can help cut living costs. Retired residents claim the climate is beneficial to heart, sinus, and asthma sufferers. Reasonably priced year around rentals are not abundant but modest 3 room apts. can be rented for $40 a mo., 1 b.r. homes for $60, and 2 b.r. homes for $70 a mo. New homes are for sale from $8,500-$10,500. The Pinecrest Acres, Tod Acres, and Lyons Park districts have homes in Leisure City On a 2,300-acre tract fifteen miles southwest of Miami and between U.S. 1 and Biscayne Bay, Florida Sun Deck Homes Co., of Miami are in process of constructing an entirely new community named Leisure City. Approximately 6,000 modern homes are being built of sturdy poured concretee construction. They sell tst $5,280, or with FHA mortgage insurance finan- cing, for $530 down and $31 a month. Four other models are also available ranging up to a 3 b.r. lake-side home with swim- pool for $19,995. Originally conceived to be solely a retire- ment community, Leisure City has also become home to many younger families. Included in the plans of this unique city is a 8%-acre lake with terraced lawns, boating, and fishing. Curved streets designed to slow motor traffic are another at- tractive feature. Leisure City lies 2% blocks from U.S.1 and is served by 14 daily bus sched- ules operating between Miami and Homestead. Two high schools, t h r e e elementary schools, and the University of Miami are within easy reach. Eventually Leisure City will have its own shopping centre. the $5,000-$9,000 class and are suit- able for retirement on a small income of say $1,500-$1,650 a year. For homes in the $8,000-$12,000 class, the Crestview, Beachway Estates, Caliban Ridge, Santamaria Harbor, and Con- nor Estates are the districts to look. Higher priced homes exist chiefly in the Lighthouse Point, Lighthouse Point Village, Hillsboro Isles, Hillsboro Harbor, Pompano Beach Estates, Pom- pano Shores, Pompano Isles, Santa Barbara Shores, Santa Barbara Estates, and Harbor Village districts. But for sheer value nothing in Florida beats the Mackle Company's homes: including a 75' x 100' lot with sanitary sewer, paved streets, and no city taxes, this company is selling 1 b.r. homes for $4,950, 2 b.r. $6,110, and 3 b.r. places for $6,490, all of masonry construction. Similarly priced homes exist at Collier Manor. Much dredging is also under way here to build waterfront fingers where large homes sell for $20-$25,000. In this vibrant, humming, boom town, now the most modern community in south Florida, almost any real estate in- vestment or new small business should prove profitable. Already there are five business districts and the city is mush- rooming subdivision by subdivision. Part-time employment can be found in shops and service firms. A need for new or unfilled businesses recent- ly existed for an air freight service, attorney, new car dealer, blue print shop, boat rental service, book shop, stock and bond broker, bus service, candy shop, chiropodist, collection agency, credit rating bureau, delica- tessen, dentist, department store, em- ployment agency, farm produce road- stand, five and ten store, hauling serv- ice, hobby shop, hotel, jeweler, lawn mower shop, news dealer, night club, photographer, public stenographer, ra- dio station, restaurant, sewing machine sales and service, shoe repair shop, typewriter service, and a war surplus store. Besides catering to the popu- lation of Pompano Beach, new stores of this type would enjoy a much lar- ger consumer demand buttressed by the populations of several fast grow- ing neighboring communities. RECOMMENDATIONS Eat: Cap's Place, Ocean Drive. Attractive island setting; large DR noted for its seafoods. Open lunchtime until mid- night; rather expensive. McFarlands Dining Room. (U.S. 1). Very good DR with U.S. and French cuisine. Stay: HOTELS Hillsboro Club, 103 rooms, $18 As. Quiet, refined beach resort hotel with pleasant recreation program. Sea Garden Hotel, N. Ocean Blvd. 53 units, $15 Ed. Beach view, a/c DR, swimpool and private beach. MOTELS Hillsboro House, 1504 N. Ocean Blvd. 25 units, $16 Ed. Twin story ocean front motel with swimpool and private beach. Sands Yachtel, 125 N. Riverside Dr. 24 units, $90 Ed weekly. Beside yacht basin with swim- pool. Sea Castle on the Ocean, 700 N. Ocean Blvd. 30 units, some a/c and hskpg. $16 Ed, including breakfast. Has private beach, TV in lounge. Sea Grape, 1500 N. Ocean Blvd. 12 units, some hskpg, $16 Ed. Oceanside ranch type layout in neat grounds; private beach and cabanas. sit (. 0 R A N O E oc " 35 ISSIMMEE 531 15L NOW" Door.Pork MetF urne MlorneBeach r 0 S C E 0 LA 514 tB .Malabo, Frliosmoof INDIAN 51 RIVER r .K OEE EVE BEACH Av;n l oi l 4aHk 0 K E C E G H 0 BE E 1 0 SFt Drum Do SLfols IG a PIERCE ,Cis ae while City 1 66 S AINT LUCIE 5 ali Placid EECHOBEE 3f Vo n.i 1LAK1E Pwf Me t Harrisburg OKEECHOBEE 2 Cnal Point V MOORE HAVEN P A L \M 78 LA BELLE so 717 Bch EH N 0 R Y S Okeelanto 7 LnGJ .I 8 E A C froyB\a 2. MID FLORIDA I II -- a Avon Park, 6,400. Founded in 1886 and named for the park-like valley of England's River Avon, Avon Park's city plans were revised in 1920 to provide a mile-long mall of exotic tropical plants. Despite recent neglect, the small parkways still form a beau- tiful community background. Now- adays, Avon Park is a fast grow- ing, attractive tourist and citrus centre with a fine business section and a flam- boyant display of tropical plants. Avon Park is built around 27 lakes, has TV, 3 ch., and a 4,000 vols. library; the city is also winter training quarters for the Toledo Mudhens. Both fishing and gardening can be relied upon to help cut costs; the growing season is 347 days. Avon Park has become a favorite retirement spot for many businessmen and Army and Navy men who, in the aggregate, feel that living costs are quite low. Year 'round rentals are available: 3-room furn'd apts rent for $45, 2 b.r. homes $55-$75 a mo. Rea- sonably priced older homes are avail- able while new places sell from $5,000- $10,000. Seasonal job opportunities are offered in the citrus industry. Recent unfilled business needs were for a gardening service, handicraft shop, more tourist accommodation and rec- reations, and general repair services. Anxious to supplement its citrus and cattle business with industrial payrolls, Avon Park authorities recently called in specialists of the Florida Power Corporation. Now the outlook is for new industry to move in, bringing with it new job opportunities for younger folk who choose to migrate here. RECOMMENDATIONS Eat: Avalon Grill, 24 E. Main St. General restaurant open 6 a.m. until 8 p.m. Prices are medium. Stay: HOTELS King's Jacaranda Hotel. 125 rooms, $3 Es up. Commercial hotel offering economical rates for long stays. Hotel is open all year, faces mall and has pleasant verandahs. Widely known DR serving fine homecooked meals is open winter only. Pinecrest Lakes Club (3 m. S., U.S. 98) 60 rooms in resort type establishment. $28 Ad. Oc- cupies a waterside setting; has private beach and dock facilities. Reservations advised. MOTELS Isis Shores Court (2m. N., U.S. 27) 11 units overlooking 2. Mid-Florida small lake; private beach. $7 Ed. TRAILER PARKS Southland Trailer Park, North Florida Ave. (U.S. 27) $1 day, $3.50 per week. Belle Glade, 10,000. A very rapidly growing city ringed by farm- lands and pasture in cleared Ever- glades land only two miles from Lake Okeechobee. Gardening, which is truly excellent, and fishing, in Lake Okee- chobee, can both help cut living costs. Due to the community's rapid growth, a housing shortage temporarily exists. When available, however, 3-room apts. rent on a year 'round basis for $50, 1 b.r. unfd homes $45, and 2 b.r. unf'd homes $65 a mo. When available, new homes sell for $8,000-$10,000. While Belle Glade certainly isn't everyone's idea of a charming retire- ment spot, it does offer outstanding opportunities for anyone interested in launching a retirement business cater- ing to a progressive agricultural com- munity. A modern hospital is available. New highways to Chosen and South Bay, Y1 miles from Lake Okeechobee, have opened new territory with virgin opportunities for new motels and fish- ing camps. And further impetus to the city's economy is springing from the huge Central and South Florida Con- trol Project to give almost perfect water control to the rich Glades muck- lands. Already an expansive new rice industry has sprung up, complete with mills and drying facilities. All of which forms a background picture of the mushrooming economy in this pioneer agricultural community. Farm- ing, of course, is big business but if you intend to go in for it, don't buy land until you have become familiar with local problems of agriculture; over en- thusiasm has led many notherners to invest in Glades muckland and then go "broke" due to inexperience. The city's median age is 28, popula- tion increase 89.7%, and median in- come $1,387, which reflects the high number of farm laborers and students among the population. New small busi- nesses needed recently were: apart- ment house, automatic laundry, beauty shop, bookkeeping service, bowling alley, dentist, funeral home, hotel (badly needed), physician, skating rink, and trailer court. Greatest employment opportunity in Belle Glade occurs during the winter season: immediate outlook is fair, fu- ture prospects excellent. Greatest fu- ture demands will be for farm, packing house, and canning plant help. Best prospects for a career would seem to lie in agriculture and ranching while for making big money, the winter vegetable industry holds out the high- est hopes. Belle Glade has two farm labor camps for agricultural workers. Boca Raton, 3,000. Rich in early pirate and Indian lore, Boca Raton was first settled in the late 1800's when mail was delivered by the famous bare- foot mailman during his 66 mile beach hike from Palm Beach to Miami. Came the boom of the 20's and a fabulous Venetian style resort was planned. But the huge development fell through and Boca Raton today is one of the smaller and quieter Gold Coast communities where you can live simply and inexpensively, or where, if you prefer, you may enjoy cosmo- politan club membership, still at very reasonable cost. In fact, Boca Raton probably offers more exclusiveness at lower cost than any other Gold Coast resort. The famous Boca Raton Club remains open during summer and for a $10 social membership fee,, good times are had by all. Sheltered from the ocean by a high protective ridge, Boca Raton spans the beach for' 3Y miles. A few blocks behind, Lake Boca Raton separates the beach island from the mainland, and with canals, provides over ten miles of scenic water frontage. The city stands on a coral ridge running from 16'-36' in height, is all high and dry, debt free, has excellent water and a sewage plan for 30,000 population, and remains serenely unspoiled-a haven for retired professional men, writers, artists, and others. Besides its two clubs, Boca Raton offers two golf courses, all watersports, TV 7 ch., an Art Guild, and considerable art activ- ity, all making for ideal retirement or inexpensive summer vacationing. In summer, motels charge $5 Ed nightly, $30-$35 weekly, on-the-ocean hotels $40 Ed weekly, others $30-$35 Ed, and hskpg apts $40. Here too, is the famous Children's Manor providing complete vacationing facilities for children at $45 weekly in summer. All parking in town is free. Despite its appeal to executive and professional groups, Boca Raton has some of the lowest priced quality homes in Florida. Within the city limits Boca Villas is a large development with 2 b.r. homes at $9,650, 3 b.r., 2 bath at $11,000, or on 3 levels at $12,450. Similar prices hold at Winfield Park and Stratoliner Estates, both near the ocean. Other homes from $8,000 can be found 12 miles inland at Boca Raton Hills. All are suitable for re- tirement on $1,650-$2,400 a year. For higher income retirement, Riviera, Por La Mar, and Boca Raton Estates sec- tions are recommended. Rentals are in fair supply, small furn'd apts at $55, 1 b.r. furn'd homes $65, and 2 b.r. furn'd homes $75 a mo. Rapidly grow- ing Boca Raton needs many new small businesses including an architect, auto paint shop, awning and blind shop, baker, coffee shop, dentist, super- market, office supplies, pet shop, printer, shoe repair, veterinarian, and watch repair service. RECOMMEN- DATIONS Stay: HOTELS Boca Raton Hotel and Club. 450 rooms, $50 Ad. Exclusive luxury resort hotel; one of the Schine group. Large grounds, private beach and golf course available; open Dec.-April. MOTELS Whitehouse Motor Lodge, South 7 St. 11 units-4 hskpg. $8 Ed. Very good accommodations close to shore. Boynton Beach, 4,500. A quiet, friendly resort town rising from a Gulf Stream girt beach to lakefront and high rolling land, Boynton Beach has all the advantages of a small sub- urban community with the conveni- ence of larger cities nearby. Frequent bus service and good roads make jobs, shopping, entertainment, and health facilities in the Palm Beaches prac- tically next door, yet living costs are lower and community cohesiveness stronger. Boynton Inlet, with its park- ing area and clubhouse, draws thou- sands of fishermen and together with various civic groups, garden club, bridge and shuffleboard tournaments, the town provides all around activity for retirement or vacationing. During summer, motels charge $3 Ed or $15 Ed weekly, on-the-ocean hotels $21 Ed, hskpg apts and guest houses $15 a week, trailer parks from $16 a mo. Breakfasts and lunch can be had from 500, fish fry dinners 65 up. All park- ing is free. Boynton Beach draws many retired middle income folk who report garden- ing excellent and TV 6 ch. "Sand- flies are confined to only a few areas," Mr. L.J. told me. "The important thing is to locate your home with a southeast exposure, especially the bed- rooms. Hospital 'facilities exist 14 miles away. Full and part-time work can often be found and the drinking water is excellent." Rentals are in fair supply: small furn'd apts and 2 b.r. furn'd homes at $75 a mo. Older 2 b.r. homes sell from $9,500, new ones $6,500-$12,000. Good opportunities exist for real estate investment, the entire town growing rapidly outwards. Lands N. and S. of town could be held for subdividing, also acreage west of the city, and highway frontage for business lots. Also profitable would be lakefront lots, property in the town center, and westward residential lots. A tourist, sport fishing, dairying, and nursery center, Boynton Beach has a fairly optimistic job opportunity out- look: Rehburg Enterprises (furniture mfg.) and the construction trades pay highest wages. Unfilled small business needs recently included an auto ma- chine shop, baker, boat repair yard, cafeteria, day nursery, dime store, dressmaker, roadstand, gardening serv- ice, paint store, plumber, printer, shoe repairer, and typewriter service. REC- OMMENDATIONS Eat: Scampi Restaurant. Good cuisine, best food here. Banyan Tree (2m S., U.S. 1). Deluxe, continental cuisine. Busch's, Route A1A. Good seafood, closed in summer. The Garden (N. on U.S. 1). In charming 16 acre garden, dinners $1.75 up. Monplaisir (1lm S. on highway). Parisian atmosphere and cuisine. Stay: MOTELS Boynton Lodge (U.S. 1). 16 units-some hskpg; all a/c, $14 Ed. Lee Manor Inn. 16 rooms, $90 As weekly. Charm- ing colonial style inn and cottages in spacious parkland, good food. Sage- N-Sand Motor Hotel Im S. on U.S. 1). 18 units-6 hskpg, $12 Ed. Ex- cellent rooms with radio and TV. Has coffee shop, patio, swimpool, and ponies. Reservations advised. Clewiston. RECOMMENDA- TIONS Stay: HOTELS Clewiston Inn (U.S. 27) 64 rooms-some hskpg apts; all a/c. $8 Ed. Attractive Ever- glades inn with good DR, cocktail lounge. Swimpool adjoining. MO- TELS El Patio (U.S. 27) 8 units, some a/c $8 Ed. Homey atmosphere; attractive grounds. Cocoa-Rockledge, 10,000. These are twin communities on the Indian River mainland 15 miles by causeway and island roads from serene Cocoa Beach. One of Florida's finest and most peaceful beach resorts, Cocoa Beach has some two dozen motels and many cottages with inexpensive sum- mer rates. Guest houses begin at $10- $15 Es weekly, hskpg apts $50-$75 weekly, meals cost from $754-$1.35. Between Cocoa and Cocoa Beach miles of fascinating riverfront drives me- ander beside the Indian and Banana Rivers. Take the 15 mile tree-shaded Indian River Boulevard, or State 3 through the center of Merritt Island's venerable orange groves. Parking in Cocoa is free at the City Dock. There's fine shelling at the beach, 15 miles of wide, firm sand for driving, an 18 hole golf course, Little Theater, tennis, and shuffleboard courts. Said to exert a desirable "moderat- ing influence" on the newly retired, Cocoa lacks the rapid northern tempo yet its climate is not as enervating as that of some other Florida locali- ties. Both fishing and subtropical fruit raising are excellent and help reduce living costs; some retirees also keep poultry and raise hogs. Cocoa has TV 2 ch., a 45 bed hospital, sulphur-free water, and a 10,000 vols. library. Sand- flies and mosquitoes are rather numer- ous in summer but few residents are actually troubled. Rentals are in fair supply: small furn'd apts at $60 a mo., 2 b.r. homes at $75. Older 2 b.r. homes sell from $7,500-$12,000, new homes from $8,000. Rising through gently rolling terrain from the Indian River to heights of 81 feet, Cocoa boasts the highest elevation on the East Coast. Thus location, to a larger extent than usual, governs property prices; riverfront locations are also rather ex- pensive. For retirees with $1,500- $1,650 a year, Rockledge Pines with homes at $8-9,000 is suggested. For retirement on $1,650-$2,400 you'll find homes in Carleton Terrace at $9- 12,000 while higher priced homes exist both here and in Broadview Manor. For profitable real estate investment, ocean front lots at Avon-by-the-Sea, or citrus land and acreage for develop- ment on Merritt Island should both prove sound. Supported by a steadily expanding citrus, cattle, and fishing industry, Cocoa's economy has also received a fillip through recent new develop- ments. Splendid new consumer markets have been created through construc- tion of Canaveral Harbor-only deep water port between Jacksonville and Fort Pierce-and a new short road from Orlando to Cocoa. These in com- bination with Patrick Air Force Base and Guided Missile Test Centre, a heavy auto traffic (4,000 cars a day over the causeway alone), and a build- ing boom, offer excellent potentials for new small business and a trading area embracing 17,000 population. Re- cent unfilled needs called for an an- tique shop, apartment house, awning and blind shop, baker, boat builder, cafeteria, day nursery, delicatessen, and interior decorator. Suggested as part-time businesses for semi-retired folk are opportunities in dry cleaning, plumbing, electrical work, retail food stores, and other lines. The building trades have recently offered good employment prospects but the best long range job opportu- nities exist in the electronics, aircraft, and stenography fields. For younger men anxious to get ahead fast elec- tronics work with the research and guided missile developments should not be overlooked. Retired folk have, in the past, been able to find suitable part-time employment. RECOMMENDATIONS Eat: Surf Cocktail Lounge, Cocoa Beach. Excellent food. Stay: HOTELS Brevard Hotel, Riverside Drive. 58 rooms, $19 Ad. Quiet resort type hotel in the Spanish style set among citrus trees alongside the Indian River. DR, open year around, has good cuisine. MOTELS Coral Sands Court (lm. S., U.S. 1) 14 units, $10 Ed. A new court set in spacious grounds; has a DR. Skelly's Court, south on U.S. 1. 12 units, $8 Ed. In orange grove, a/c rooms, restaurant nearby. Deerfield Beach, 3,000. A Gold Coast community held in check for years by the refusal of some land- owners to sell land for development Now, however, two hundred acres of new land have been cleared with roads, water, and power lines in and Deerfield Beach is headed for growth. Planned additions include a 105-store shopping centre, several new subdivisions, and numerous other mu- nicipal projects. The community stands on high level seashore land among pines, palms and palmetto, is quiet yet near large cit- ies. Military men and industrialists are among those already enjoying the Golden Years here. Tennis, golf, soft- ball, a yacht basin, TV 4 ch., and a new 5,000 vols. library are all avail- able. Gardening is excellent, particu- larly for tropical fruits, and fishing reduces living costs throughout the year. Part-time employment for older folks occurs in light industry, build- ing, maintenance, farming, hotel and apt. help, stores, offices, and clerical help. For younger men employment with local building contractors offers the best paid job prospects in Deer- field Beach. On the whole, the em- ployment outlook is excellent with a concrete ready-mix plant and a con- crete pipe plant scheduled for early opening. Few Florida communities are showing such rapid or healthy growth as this rejuvenated little city. Recent business needs were for fish- ing guides, boat services, gardening services, an apartment house, attor- ney, used car lot, bank, rental cot- tages, day nursery, dentist, dressmaker, furniture store, super market, laundro- mat, loan company, photographer with developing and printing service, and a motel all offering good ground floor opportunities and a chance to grow with a fast growing community. Rentals are not yet available in any number but compare in cost with those of nearby cities. Few older homes are available either but when sold range from $6,000-$8,000. New 2 b.r. homes can be built for $9,500. Best building sites are on high ground near the coast and homes should be orientated to face the prevailing S.E. winds. RECOMMENDATIONS: Eat: Riverview Restaurant, E. Hills- boro Ave. Good American style food, open winter evenings only till 11 p.m. Stay: MOTELS Dudleys Sea Esta Motel, Palma Ave. 18 units-some apts, $75 Ed weekly. Excellent accom- modation. Sundial Motel, (on AIA). 8 units-some apts with TV, $10 Ed. Near beach, free radios, open Nov. 15- May 15. TRAILER PARKS Tropi. cal Paradise Trailer Park, U.S. 1, 32 spaces; $1 day, $7 per week. Vogt Trailer Court, U.S. 1, 12 spaces; $1 day, $6.50 per week. Delray Beach, 6,500. A small, quiet, and rather exclusive Gold Coast resort having special appeal for family groups during the summer season. The citq faces the ocean itself and has a very fine beach. There are some ex- cellent hotels open during winter and a number of motels in the area. The best summer feature are the family group type apartments at specially re- duced rates. For example, the Talbot recommended below drops its fantastic $270 Ed winter rate to just $63 during summer. In few other Florida resorts is there such a landslide in summer rates and so much informal luxury at so reasonable a cost. With a library, shuffleboard, golf, polo, tennis, and beach recreations, Delray Beach offers retired couples apartments or homes in a wide range of prices. The community has a clinic while a hospital is near at hand. Small business needs recently included mo- tels, stores, and new low cost housing. Part-time employment is available during winter in hotels and restau- rants. RECOMMENDATIONS Eat: Le Domaine, 1133 E. Atlantic Ave. Good French cuisine, open Jan-April, 5-10 p.m. Banyan Tree, U.S. 1. splen- did dinners, music, entertainment, open 5:30-12 p.m. Patio Delray, E. Atlan- tic Ave. Good DR with outdoor patio, all meals. HOTELS Arvilla Hotel, 5 Salina Ave. 19 apts., $100 Ed. per week, including breakfast. Small and comfortable, not far from beach. Very good DR, medium to expensive prices. Open Nov.-May; advance reservation advised. Colony Hotel, Atlantic Ave. 119 rooms, $25 Ad. Large resort hotel with private beach, cabana club, swim- pool and cocktail lounge. Sunday eve- ning buffet suppers are very good. The Flagler, S. Ocean Blvd. 33 apts., many with hskpg facilities, $175 Ed. per week. Weekly occupation only. Harbor Hotel, 124 S. Marine Way. 22 eff. apts., $125 per week. Smart new ac- commodations with South Sea furnish- ings. Seacrest Hotel, N. Ocean Blvd. 55 rooms with beach views. Open Dec.- May. MOTELS Wright by the Sea (1Vm. S., Florida AIA) 15 units, $180 per week. Has comfortable ac- commodations amid landscaped grounds and private beach facilities. Casa del Mar, Casuarina Drive. 12 units, $175 Ed weekly. Maid service provided. Open Nov.-May. No pets. The Tal- bot, 125 N. Ocean Blvd. 20 spacious apts., $270 Ed weekly. Swimpool and recreation facilities including radio provided. TRAILER PARKS Briny Breezes Trailer Park (3m N.) 350 spaces; $1.25 day, $8 per week. Eau Gallie, 4,000. A small palm shaded resort recently rejuvenated and popular with summer visitors. It stands on a low ridge overlooking the Indian River, verdant with palms, water oaks, pine, and palmetto. A new causeway gives access to the beach. Summer hotel rates start at around $3 a day single and motel rates from $2.50 per couple. Nearby at Lake Washington is a bird reservation where thousands of tropical birds nest each year. Eau Gallie itself is also a bird sanctuary and has a picturesque landlocked har- bor. Preferred for retirement by Easter- ners and Midwesterners, Eau Gallie has been termed "Nature's Health Centre" by' relieved sufferers from arthritis and asthma. Good recreational facilities are offered senior citizens in- cluding several clubs, shuffleboard and tennis courts, year around concerts, and the beach two miles distant. Many retirees raise gardens, keep chickens, and fish to reduce living costs. There are a small 2,500 vols. library and TV 2 ch. Owing to the close proxim- ity of Patrick Air Force Guided Mis- sile Base, rental availability remains medium: modest 3 room apts. rent for $60 a mo., small 1 b.r. homes for $65, and 2 b.r. homes for $75. Very few older homes are on the market but new 2 b.r. homes sell from $8,000. Part-time employment'can usually be found as store clerks and garden- ers. The best job opportunities for younger men occur for electronics en- gineers and specialists. The Wherry Housing project at Patrick Base is available to these workers. RCA and PAA also offer jobs at the base. Un- filled business needs that retired per- sons might meet were recently for a rooming house, apartments, motel, ra- dio and TV repair, appliance repair, tourist home, and handicraft produc- tion such as pottery or weaving. Other unfilled needs were for an antique shop, auctioneer, new car dealer, bill- iard parlor, chiropodist, rental cot- tages, delicatessen, funeral home, op- tician, physician, sewing machine sales and service, shoe repair shop, and a war surplus store. With almost $3,000,000 paid out monthly in salaries by the Air Force Test Center, the consumer demand for most types of new business is considerable. Re- laning of U.S. 1 scheduled for future completion will also improve oppor- tunities for all types of highway sales, service, and accommodation business. In the back country, new drainage is also opening up good land for small new farms. (Warning: beware of buy- ing homesites in the back country for flooding can still occur.) RECOMMENDATIONS Eat: Frosts Restaurant (3 miles N. on U.S. 1). General menu, seafood a specialty. The prices are very moder- ate indeed. Oleander Hotel (U.S. 1) Good DR and coffee shop Stay: MOTELS Cannon's Motel (5m. N., U.S. 1) 8 a/c units standing off high- way with view of the Indian River. $7 Ed. Michele Lodge (4%m. N., U.S. 1) 8 pleasant units, $5 Ed. Indlanola Court, 2% miles N. on U.S. 1. 8 a/c units on Indian River, all units with patios. $5 Ed; $3 Ed in summer. Fort Pierce, 20,000. A typical Floridian community tucked away be- hind 22 miles of ncn-vehicular beaches and a deep, fish-crammed intracoastal waterway. This is a clean, prosperous city catering to an extensive citrus trade, winter vegetable traffic, and tourists. Sandhill scenery dominates the barrier beach islands while to the west lie hammocks and swamps. Fort Pierce lies at the south end of Indian River; its growing beach development is two miles distant. The several hotels offer winter rates $6-$10 double daily and $25-$60 double weekly; in summer, the most expensive drop to $30 a week with others in proportion. There are a number of good motels; beach cot- tages rent in summer from $25-$50 a week. Fort Pierce is well known as a reasonably priced vacationing resort. Very popular for retirement, Fort Pierce is a friendly, easy going com- munity where it's easy to get to know people; the city itself is well planned and operated specifically for good liv- ing. The median age is 30.2. The city has a 13,000 vols. library, 9-hole golf course, tennis, shuffleboard, and an all year adult recreational program. Gar- dening is not particularly good but fish- ing definitely helps cut costs. Year 'round rental availability is fair during the off season, medium at other times. Three room furn'd apts rent for $55- $75 a mo. and up, 1 b.r. homes $65, and 2 b.r. homes $80 a mo. Older homes are scarce: 1 br., unfd homes sell for $6,000-$8,000, 2 b.r., unfd homes $8,000 up. New homes are ob- tainable: 2 b.r. places sell for $9,000- $10,000, in many cases at more favor- able prices than older homes of similar size. Fort Pierce has a modern 65-bed hospital. Its population increase of 67.9% and median income of $2,035 reveal the opportunity in this East Coast seaport- resort. Outlying sections of the city are developing very fast but except for combination gas and grocery set- ups were recently still unserved by small retail stores. A restaurant, poul- try and egg farms, more resort fa- cilities, and beach and marine develop- ments were among recent unfilled business needs here. At the same time, job openings were good for stenog- raphers, building trade workers, and teachers. RECOMMEND \TIONS Eat: Colonial Restaurant, 1001 S. 4th St. Very popular large general DR with bar; prices are moderate. Open 7 a.m.- 9 p.m. Farmer's Cupboard. (Im. S., on U.S. 1). Serves wholesome chicken and steak dinners, open daily 7 a.m.- 10 p.m. Stay: MOTELS Bamboo Court (3m. S., U.S. 1) 30 units, $8 Ed. Nice court surrounded by large lawn. Offers free radio, swimpool and recreation facilities. Colony Hotel Court (0m. S., U.S. 1) 14 units, $5 Ed. Pleasant accommodations amid spacious tropical grounds. Ludlow Motel (5m. N., U.S. 1) 16 good units, $6 Ed. Palomino Motel (lm. N., U.S. 1) 20 units, some hskpg, many with a/c, $8 Ed. Radio available; restaurant next door. Royal Palm Court (4m. S., U.S. 1) 20 units- 4 hskpg, some a/c, $8 Ed. Spacious grounds. Southernaire Motel (%m. S., U.S. 1) 16 units-2 hskpg, some a/c, $8 Ed. New and comfortable ac- commodations situated next to golf course. Ocean View Apts., 501 S. Ocean Drive. 12 units, $8 Ed. Homey atmosphere where children and pets are welcome; spacious lawns. Sham- rock Village, Fort P:erce Beach. 201 units of various types, $5 Ed. Roomy accommodations, large swimpool, guest lounge and full recreational program provided. Frostproof, 2,800. Once Florida's principal citrus shipping point and still basically a wealthy community, Frostproof today is a casual friendly little town surrounded by lakes and scenic ridges. Inexpensive living costs have drawn a sizeable number of small income pensioners and the genuine friendliness shown strangers makes Frostproof a pleasant and low priced inland vacation spot. In summer, mo- tels charge $20 Ed weekly, guest houses $15. All parking is free. For permanent residence, Frostproof offers an active tourist club, TV 3 ch., excellent fishing and gardening, pure water, a small library, and a hos- pital ten miles distant. Occasional gnats are the only troublesome insects. Unfortunately no job opportunities exist for senior citizens and despite location of a large canning plant, there are few jobs for younger workers either. Needed new businesses include an attorney, fishing camp, restaurant, and shoe store. You'll find plenty of |