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(Except Strawberries)
Florida gardeners grow many berries that are
use i to -iPtereig, delicious ways. Chief
aamloe t are t5e BMaberry, huckleberry,
loganberry, berry, dewberry, boysenberry,
blueberry and the tropical raspberry. The Florida
mulberry grows on a tree, rather than a vine or
small shrub, and it is also edible. It makes many
good desserts when sprinkled with lime juice to
add tartness.
Berries furnish us with vitamins and minerals
that are important for good general health. Chief
among theoaitftrients are small amounts of cal-
cium, fro biiit~ A and vitamin C. Berries are
fairly low in calories. The average serving (1
cup) swe~a sed slightly will yield about 100 calo-
ries. When berries are combined with other in-
gredients to make desserts, the calorie value goes
up. For example, % cup serving of a berry cob-
bler has about 280 calories.
All berries should be washed carefully through
several waters to remove dust and any insecticides.
Do not alow them to soak in the washing water.
Drain well before using. Florida's berries may be
frozen or canned for later use.
Make a 40% sugar syrup by adding 3 cups of
sugar to. 4 cups water. Stir until sugar is dis-
solved. (You will not need to heat it.) Chill until
used. This yields about 5 cups of syrup.
Select fim, plump, fully ripe berries with glossy
skins. Green berries may cause off-flavor. Sort,
remove leaves and stems. Wash well and drain.
Pack berries into freezer containers or glass
jars, leaving 1 inch head space. Cover with the
cold syrup. Seal air-tight and freeze at OOF. To
use, thaw in refrigerator overnight or at room
temperature two or three hours. Use as you
would fresh berries.
Make a 40% syrup of 3 cups of sugar 4 cups
of water. Crush 1 cup of berries and through
a sieve into the syrup. Heat to boiling. cold
washed berries into jars or cans, lea Iti inch
head space. Shake jar or can while t to as-
sure a full pack. Cover with hot syru and seal
at once. Process in a water bath, pint jars and
cans 10 minutes, quart jars 15 minutes, diart cans
20 minutes.
Deep Dish Pie
(serves 6)
Line sides of deep 1%-quart casserolewith pas-
try made as follows: Blend 3 cups all purpose flour,
% cup shortening, % teaspoon salt, 2 tlespoons
sugar and 3 teaspoons baking powder. l d 8/ cup
milk and stir to a stiff dough. Roll olt V4 inch
Place 4 cups washed berries in dish. Cover with
IY2 cups sugar and dot with 4 tablespods butter.
Cover with pastry and gash top. Spri fde with
sugar. Bake at 8750F. for 45 minutes., erve hot
with cream or top milk. If using sweetened frozen
or canned berries, reduce sugar to up. Cut
baking time to 35 minutes.
Berries with Drop Dumplings
(serves 4)
Make up dumplings as follows: To 1 cup plain
flour add 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1 ablespoon
sugar, 1/ teaspoon salt. Mix. Melt 2 tablespoons
fat and add to 4 cup milk. Blend into lour mix-
In saucepan place 8 cups fresh berr cup
water, 1 cup sugar and 2 tablespoons butter.
Cover and bring to a gentle boil Drop dumplings
in and cover. Cook 12 minutes. Serve hot with
cream or milk. If using frozen or canned berries,
use % cup syrup from berries in this. recipe and
omit water and sugar.
Berry MarshNaUlow Crham
(serves 6)
Cut into 8 pieces each, marshmallows to make
1 cup9 Whip, 1 cup cre~ uti stiff. (May e
chilled evaporated milk.).in i j te bowl be
egg white with 4 teaspoon salt until stiff., .1d
marshmalows and whipped cream into egg white.
Chill thoroughly. Crush 1 cup of any berry with
%4 cup sugar (% cup sugar for a tart berry). (C1l
this. Just before serving, fold berries into cream
mixture. Serve in chilled dishes, garnished with
whole berries. If using frozen or canned berries
omit sugar.
Berry Pie
(serves 6)
Prepare pastry and line 9-inch pie pan. Use
to 4 cups berries. If using canned or frozen ber
ries, sprinkle 1 tablespoon minute tapioca in
the berries and stir. Pour into crust. Dot
butter or oleo. Cover with top or strips of
Bake at 4000F. until crust is golden brown.
fresh berries are available use 1Vs cups sugar
1 tablespoon of tapioca, Stir to dissolve befo
pouring into crust. Serve hot or cold as desired.
Berry Meringue Pie
(serves 6)
Bake a pie crust in 9-inch pie pan. Cool W
and drain 4 cups of any fresh berry. Crush
cup of berries with a fork. Add 1 cup sugar and
teaspoon lemon juice. Add to 4 cups berries.
on low heat until berries are soft. Stir to prev
sticking. Add 1I/ teaspoons cornstarch dissol
in Y4 cup cold water. Stir. Add 4 teaspoon
and 2 tablespoons butter or oleo. Cook
thickened. Cool. Pour into cool shell and co
with meringue made of 8 egg whites, 4 cup su
and 'Y teaspoon cream of tartar. Beat
meringue stands ,in peapks Spread on pie
brown in 4000F. oven 8-10 m tes.
7Z7 -7 8 0 97
a of crumbs on
Eiob. dews f yviE efa poon. Bake
at 350,?. for 5 to 30 minutes. booA cut in squares
and seve with wbiod creamm'
Berry P; -
(serves 6r
2% cea or frozen 2 .e wiitea
d cream of
% ue iaberies *
% -iant a. MolksE
; 2f pawm 4cuic cook- '& Cisgar
2 g tlapioa. 2 cake flour
Cr.,eep. sina a mixer -- 4w th a potato
.eas ,4. dace ald sug." ir in tapioca.
ti' - t l~ add salt and
: .ot & dry. Beat
1i iindion Add sugar
1^ mtdo nftes and fold
touri eatery x t a 1 j-quart
rp. Ooir with batter. M" at 325OF. 40
Otes oe warm.
a. agruictite -ai No. 8, Compo-
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1 i- ae ,a r ..a No. 8, Home
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