Circular 214
April 1961
Using Florida Pineapple
SOUTH FLORIDA produces delicious pineap-
ples for the table. These tropical fruits may be
used in a variety of ways-fresh, cooked, canned,
frozen or in marmalades.
Fresh pineapple is low in calories-one cup diced
pineapple contains only 74. (This is without add-
ed sugar.) Pineapple contains a fair amount of
calcium, vitamin A and thiamine, and is a good
source of vitamin C. Canned or frozen pineapple
averages about 97 calories per serving because of
sugar added in processing. Even so, this is con-
sidered a low calorie dessert.
Pineapple experts say that "thumping" is the
most reliable way to test a pineapple for ripeness.
When thumped, the sound should be that of a firm
"snap." Ripeness is also indicated when the spikes
in the crown pull out easily.
When selecting pineapples, avoid those with
bruised or discolored spots on the skin. The pine-
apple should be heavy in weight compared to its
size. The crown of spikes should be small and
compact in relation to size of the fruit.
Pineapples may ripen after you get them home.
That is, they turn golden in color. But the pine-
apple is as sweet as it will ever be the moment it
is harvested. For best flavor, fruit must be fully
mature when picked.
^^ To peel
SFor Slices And
Sticks, Or Dicing-
1. Wash and slice crosswise into 1-inch-thick
slices. Use a large, sharp knife for this.
2. With paring knife, peel each slice. You may
peel deep enough to remove eyes, or peel thinly
and then remove eyes with tip of vegetable peeler
or apple corer.
3. Cut into desired shapes-into sticks or cu-
bes, or slice again into thinner slices.
I .- -
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1. Wash. Allow 1 pineapple for 4 people.
2. With a large, sharp knife start at center of
ne crown and saw gently down the spikes into
neapple, cutting it in half lengthwise.
3. Cut each half into 2 pieces. Be careful that
bu cut directly in center of core and crown. Cut
ntly through crown, or it may break off.
4. With a paring knife, cut under pineapple
Pout 1/4 inch from skin, loosening the wedge com-
etely. Now cut wedge in 1/4 inch slices.
5. Dust with XXXX sugar and garnish with
lint. Chill before serving.
6. If strawberries, blueberries or other small
uits are available, remove pineapple wedge from
el and chop. Add small fruit and a little sugar.
ir and pile back into shells. Chill and serve.
For Serving Mixed Fruits
Or Main Course Salads
1. Cut pineapple in half lengthwise, as directed
2. With grapefruit or paring knife cut around
entire half, 1/4 inch from outer peel. Then cut
pineapple into chunks and remove, leaving shell.
Chop pineapple, add other fruits and, pile into
shells. Place on small serving plate and garnish.
Let guests help themselves from the shell.
3. For seafood or chicken salads, line shell with
salad greens of your choice. Add some of the
fresh pineapple to your favorite salad recipe and
pile into shell. Garnish with radish roses, carissa
or cherries. Serve each person a half shell.
For A Fruit Tray
1. Wash pineapple. With a sharp paring knife,
cut around each section or "square" of the pine-
apple. Be sure to cut deeply enough to reach core.
2. Leave row of uncut squares or sections at
top of pineapple and at bottom. Guests then pull
out the sections, as they serve themselves.
3. Place on fruit tray and
surround with other fruits and
cheese. Serve as a dessert or as
a party refreshment. You may 0
wish to place a small bowl of
XXXX sugar on tray for dipping :' A
the pineapple.
1 fresh pineapple
(4 to 6 cups)
2 cups sugar
Dash salt
1 stick cinnamon,
2 inches long
2 to 4 whole cloves
2 cups water
1 cup vinegar
Cut pineapple crosswise into 1-inch-thick slice
and peel. Cut into sections about 1 inch widi
Mix sugar and water in saucepan; add pineapp
pieces and boil for about 10 minutes. Remo)
pineapple. To the syrup, add vinegar and spice
Boil until syrup is thickened. Put pineapple.bac
in syrup and boil for about 5 minutes. Pour inI
hot sterilized jars and seal. (Yield 11/ pints.)
Peel and cut into desired shapes. Drop into a
hot medium syrup (equal measures of sugar and
water). Cook 5 minutes. Pack into clean jars,
cover with boiling syrup and seal at once. Process
in a boiling water bath: quarts, 25 minutes; pints,
20 minutes.
Peel and cut into desired shapes. Pack into
freezer cartons. Cover with cold syrup made of
equal measures of sugar and water. (Dissolve
sugar in tap water by stirring.) Then chill. It
is not necessary to heat the syrup.
Seal cartons and freeze at 0F. Will keep 8 to
12 months.
Wash 1 lb. dried apricots and soak overnight in
enough water just to cover. Bring to a boil.
Drain and put apricots through a ricer or food mill.
Mix apricots with 21/2 cups chopped fresh pine-
apple. Put 2 oranges through a grinder. Add to
pineapple. Add juice drained from apricots. Sim-
mer for 15 minutes. Measure. For each cup of
"stock," add 3 tablespoons lime or lemon juice and
%/ cup sugar. Cook rapidly 15 minutes, or until
it thickens. Stir to prevent sticking. Pour into
sterilized jars with self-sealing lids. Seal while
2 cups shredded fresh
pineapple (firm, ripe)
2 cups diced fresh papaya
(firm, ripe)
4 cups sugar
4 teaspoons grated fresh
ginger root
Yield: 4-6 oz. glasses
Peel pineapple; shred by running a fork froi
top to bottom of fruit; discard core. (If you leaJ
top on, it will serve as a hand grip for the shre
ding process.) Peel papaya and dice. Peel a
grate fresh ginger.
Measure equal amounts of pineapple and papaya
For each cup of mixed fruit, add 1 cup of sugar an
about 1 teaspoon grated ginger.
Cook briskly in a large kettle until mixtui
boils, then reduce heat and stir frequently unt
thick. Pour into hot sterilized jars. Seal wit
self-sealing lids.
Good to serve on vanilla ice cream, thin hot toaq
or hot biscuits.
References: USDA Handbook 8, Composition of Food
Fruits of Hawaii, University of Hawa4
Press, 1955.
Prepared by Food and Nutrition Specialists
State Home Demonstration Office
Tallahassee, Florida
(Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914)
Agricultural Extension Service, University of Florida
Florida State University and
United States Department of Agriculture, Cooperating
M. 0. Watkins, Director
The publications in this collection do
not reflect current scientific knowledge
or recommendations. These texts
represent the historic publishing
record of the Institute for Food and
Agricultural Sciences and should be
used only to trace the historic work of
the Institute and its staff. Current IFAS
research may be found on the
Electronic Data Information Source
site maintained by the Florida
Cooperative Extension Service.
Copyright 2005, Board of Trustees, University
of Florida