Using Florida fruits

Material Information

Using Florida fruits
Florida Cooperative Extension Service
University of Florida -- Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
Place of Publication:
Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida.
Physical Description:
v. : ill. ; 28 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Fruit -- Florida ( lcsh )
Fruit -- Preservation -- Florida ( lcsh )
Recipes ( lcsh )
serial ( sobekcm )


General Note:
Description based on: HFS 801; title from caption.
General Note:
Latest issue consulted: HFS 802.
General Note:
Each issue also has a distinctive subtitle for a different fruit or fruits.
General Note:
"This public document was promulgated ... to provide the public with information on using Florida [fruits]" - back page.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
020383634 ( ALEPH )
AKJ5239 ( NOTIS )
62859788 ( OCLC )
2006229000 ( LCCN )


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Circular 161


AlVAI ra

(Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914)
Agricultural Extension Service, University of Florida
Florida State University and
United States Department of Agriculture, Cooperating
M. O. Watkins. Director


May 1957

Assistant Economist in Food Conservation

In Florida the mango grows only in the sub-
tropical area. It is most desirable served fresh.
It can be frozen or canned.
The mango is versatile. To this unique fruit
belongs the distinction of being good at any stage
of growth. In the green or immature stage, the
mango is most excellent for cooking, as it is a
splendid substitute for green apples for pie and for
sauce, and is much spicier and richer in flavor. It
is rich in pectin at this stage and makes a fine
jelly, as well as choice pickles, relishes, and pre-
The famous chutney of India, a sweet-hot
relish, has the mango for the principal ingredient.

Mangos have a high sugar content. Because of
the yellow pigment, they rate good to excellent as
sources of vitamin A. Some varieties are ex-
cellent sources of vitamin C. Green and half-ripe
mangos rate higher in vitamin C than does the
fully-ripe fruit.


3 pints green mangos,
peeled and sliced
1 cup water

1% cups sugar, or
Y/ sugar and
VY corn syrup

Steam or cook green mangos in water until
tender. The green mango is very acid and gives the
best product. Many varieties cook quickly to a
mush. Add sweetening according to acidity and
family preferences and cook 5 minutes longer.
Serve, like applesauce as a dessert, or use for
mango sauce cake, in sherbet, mousse, or in ice
To Can.-Pack the boiling hot sauce in hot jars,
seal and immediately process in water bath-10
minutes at boiling. The fruit may be canned
sweetened or not, as preferred. If the mangos are
stringy, press through a sieve to remove fibre.

in a loaf pan at 3750F. for 1 hour. Do not
until the second day.


Mangos should be frozen with sugar or sug.
syrup, or the very ripe, juicy mangos may
frozen without sugar or syrup.
Mango Slices.-Wash and peel mangos. Cut
slices. Do not slice off flesh near the seed, as
is usually fibrous. Scrape flesh from the seed
combine with small odd-shaped pieces to ma
For Sugar Pack: Use 1 part sugar to 8-10 pac
fruit by weight. Seal in moisture-proof contain(
and freeze.
For Syrup Pack: Cover with cold syrup.
make syrup, boil 1% cups sugar to 2 cups water.
For Dry Pack: Pack into containers and seal.
Lime juice may be added to syrup if desired


Select firm-ripe mangos that are not fibro
Peel and slice. Prepare a medium syrup by bril
ing to a boil, 1 cup sugar to 1 cup water. Add m.
go slices and heat through. Pack in hot, sterili;
jars and cover with boiling syrup to within % ii
of top. Seal and process 10 minutes in boili
water bath.
Mangos may be packed cold in containers, c
ered with syrup, sealed and processed.

The writer wishes to acknowledge the assistance of M
Olga Kent, Dade County Home Demonstration Agent, v
contributed recipes and reviewed the material. Much
this material was taken from "The Luxurious Mang
written by Miss Isabelle Thursby.

.iner and freeze, using 8 parts of ice to 1 part of
cream salt. The mixture may curdle but this
es not affect the finished product.


3 cups puree ripe mango
1 cup sugar
2 tablespoons lemon or
lime juice

1 tablespoon unflavored
/4 cup cold water

Mix gelatin with cold water, stir well, then melt
rer hot water. Add sugar and lemon juice to the
iree mango pulp. Stir to mix. Add dissolved
flatin and mix well. Pour into 4-quart ice cream
,ntainer and churn as for ice cream. It will freeze
About 15 minutes. Pack until ready to serve.
his may be churned, packed into freezer cartons
id stored in a freezer or locker from 2 to 4



Wash and peel fibreless ripe mangos. Cut fruit
in small pieces, enough to make 2 quarts.

1 No. 2 can crushed pine- 1% cup lime juice
apple 4 cups sugar

Put all ingredients in broad heavy-weight pan.
Place on heat. Stir until sugar is dissolved. Allow
to cook rapidly, stirring occasionally until the pre-
serves are thickened.
Have sterilized jars ready. Fill with the pre-
serves and seal. To insure good keeping, place in a
pan of hot water deep enough to cover tops of jars.
Allow to boil 5 minutes. Remove from bath. Cool
and store.
Variation: You may use 2 cups of fresh pine-
apple which has been run through a grinder, plus
1 cup sugar, in place of canned pineapple.

2 cups sliced ripe mangos
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 tablespoon margarine
3 cup brown sugar
4 cup fat
% cup sugar

1 egg
% cup milk
1% cups flour
2 teaspoons baking
1/ teaspoon salt

6 cups half-ripe or ripe
mango, cut fine
2 tablespoons lime juice,
if desired

2%-3 cups sugar
2 cups water

Pour lemon juice over mangos and let stand 15
minutes. Melt margarine in 8-inch cake pan or
.sserole. (Do not use iron skillet as mangos will
trken.) Add brown sugar and cover with mango

To prepare cake batter, cream fat; add sugar
id cream; add beaten egg. Sift dry ingredients
id add alternately with milk. Pour over mangos
id bake 50 to 60 minutes at 3750F. When cake
done, turn upside down and serve while warm.

Cook mango slices with water until tender. Put
through sieve or fruit press if mangos are stringy.
Add sugar and cook until consistency of a butter.
Pour into hot, sterile jars, seal and process pints at
boiling for 10 minutes.
If you like them you may add spices with the
sugar--% teaspoon each ground clove and allspice
and % teaspoon each ground cinnamon and nut-


% cup of butter or vege-
table shortening
% cup sugar
2 eggs
% cup of raw mango, cut

2 cups of sifted flour
1 teaspoon of soda
1 tablespoon of lime juice
% teaspoon salt

Cream shortening and Sugar. Add eggs. Stir
dry ingredients, mango and lime juice. Mix
I together. Add 1/ cup of chopped nuts. Bake

8 lbs. ripe mangos,
peeled and cut in
4 lbs. sugar
1 pt. vinegar

1 cup water
2 tablespoons whole
2 sticks cinnamon

Wash and peel the ripe fruit and slice it from
the seed. Weigh it. Make a syrup of the vinegar,
water and sugar, with spices tied loosely in a
cheesecloth bag and slightly pounded. Add the
prepared fruit and boil until the fruit just begins



to look clear. Allow to stand until next morning.
Heat to boiling and seal in sterilized jars.


Peel green mangos, cut from seed, chop or put
through coarse blade of food chopper enough to
make one quart. Chop or grind two large onions,
six sweet red peppers and two large hot peppers.
Add 1 tablespoonful of salt, 1 tablespoonful each
white mustard seed and celery seed, 4 cupfuls
sugar and 1 cupful vinegar. Two cupfuls raisins
also may be added if desired.

Combine all ingredients. Bring to boil and boil
10 minutes. Let stand overnight. Next morning
cook until slightly thickened. Pack boiling hot
and seal.


10 large firm ripe mangos
" pint raisins, seeded
pint vinegar
" pint lime juice
1% cups brown sugar
2 chili peppers (or
% tsp. dried)

2 garlic buttons, grated
1 onion, chopped fine
1 tbsp. mustard seed
1 tbsp. celery seed
1 tbsp. ground ginger
1% tbsp. salt

Pare and cut the mangos in small pieces. Put
all ingredients together in a crock or bowl. Cover
and let stand overnight. Cook next morning for
three hours. Seal in sterilized jars. Fresh ginger
root, chopped fine, is better than the ground
ginger. Yield: 4 pts.


1 cup milk
1 cup puree mangoes
(sweetened to taste)

1 cup finely crushed ice
Dash of salt
1 tablespoon lime juice,
if desired

Have all ingredients thoroughly chilled. Put
mangos through a sieve. Combine all ingredients
in a jar with a tight sealing cover. Shake vigor-
ously until ice is almost dissolved. Serve immedi-
ately with ginger wafers or cookies.


Make a rich pie crust. Peel mangos that are half
ripe. Slice very thin. Line pie plate with crust, add

1 layer sliced mangos, sprinkle with sugar, lem
or lime juice and a very little cinnamon or nutmeg
Add rest of sliced mangos, top with sugar, spi
and lemon or lime juice and bits of butter. Cov
or crisscross with pie crust. Bake about
minutes at 3500F.


Wash, pare and cut off the seed in thin slic
enough green mangos to make about a quart. P
these in a saucepan with a small amount of wat
and steam just enough to make the slices limb(
Have a 9-inch pie plate lined with pastry. Put in
it the partly cooked mango slices, sprinkle with 11
cups or more of sugar (depending on the acidii
of the mango). Sprinkle generously with grate
nutmeg and dot with two tablespoons butter. Pi
on top crust and seal well around edges. Mal
vents for steam. Bake 45 to 50 minutes in a 3X
degree oven.


2 tablespoons gelatin
2 eggs
1 cup milk
1 cup sweetened mango
sauce (chilled) ripe or
% teaspoon vanilla

% cup cold water
% cup sugar
- teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons lime juice
1 cup cream or evapo
rated milk (whipped

Soak gelatin in cold water. Separate eggs ai
beat yolks; combine yolks with sugar and mil
Add salt. Cook in double boiler until of custal
consistency. Add gelatin and stir until dissolve
Add chilled mango sauce and lime juice. Coo
When mixture begins to thicken, fold in stiff
beaten egg whites, whipped cream and vanill
Pour into wet mold, chill. When firm, empty (
platter and serve with cookies. Serves 4 to 6.


S 2 cups thick unsweetened 2 cups sugar
green mango sauce % cup water
S 1/ to 1 cup lime juice 1 egg white
3 cups milk

Dissolve sugar in water by bringing to the boi
ing point, cool, and add to milk and fruit. Ad
slightly beaten egg white, pour into freezing cor


The publications in this collection do
not reflect current scientific knowledge
or recommendations. These texts
represent the historic publishing
record of the Institute for Food and
Agricultural Sciences and should be
used only to trace the historic work of
the Institute and its staff. Current IFAS
research may be found on the
Electronic Data Information Source

site maintained by the Florida
Cooperative Extension Service.

Copyright 2005, Board of Trustees, University
of Florida