Islander (Anna Maria, Fla. : 1992)

Material Information

Islander (Anna Maria, Fla. : 1992)
Uniform Title:
Islander (Anna Maria, Fla. : 1992)
Place of Publication:
Holmes Beach, FL
MacBonner Inc.
Bonner Joy
Publication Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Islander -- Anna Maria Islander -- Anna Maria Island -- Florida Newspaper -- Anna Maria Island -- Florida
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Spatial Coverage:
United States -- Florida -- Manatee -- Anna Maria
27.530278 x -82.734444

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University of Florida
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University of Florida
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Astheworldterns 6Offer on table for Pines Trailer Park. 2 Q&A 051723 3 AM aims to use fed funds for Pine. 4Meetings 4 Cortez area faces growth pressure. 5Opinions 6 Looking back. 7 Seaside Gardens focus of HB-FEMA debate. 8 Save the date. 10 Up and coming. 11 PTO party, plans. 12-13Obituaries 14-15, 17 Market season ends. 18NYT puzzle. 18Cops & Courts 20RoadWatch 21Feds show concern for Skyway birds. 23 Spring soccer winds down. 24 Clear skies, clear water, good shing. 25NESTING NOTES 26Rising and relocating. 27CLASSIFIEDS. 28-28Isl Biz: 30-31 Rising and relocating. 27 S ave the date. 10 The Best News on Anna Maria Island Since 1992 The Best News on Anna Maria Island Since 1992 10-20 YEARS AGO Find The Islander archive dating to 1992 online at ufdc.u .edu. annamaria | | | | | | | Gathering. 14 AMI HappeningsVOLUME 31, NO. 30 MAY 17, 2023 FREE TURN TO PRESERVE FIRE, PAGE 2 Hugh G. Holmes, 96, died May 8. See obituary, page 14. Story page 15.Former Bradenton Beach Mayor John Shaughnessy died May 4. See story, page 14. A West Manatee Fire Rescue crew extinguishes a brush re May 10 at the Florida Institute for Saltwater Heritage Preserve, 11655 Cortez Road W., Cortez. Islander Photo: Courtesy Roque Pastorius By Robert Anderson Islander Reporter Manatee County sheriff’s deputies arrested a 40-year-old Bradenton man May Cortez. Jody D. Young faces a charge of malicious land burning. He’s accused of setting fire to the Florida Institute for Saltwater ida Institute for Saltwater Heritage to protect Lucky or not, sailboat freed from island shorelineAn employee from Nokomisbased Abbotts’ Construction Services operates an excavator into the night May 8 in an attempt to dig Lucky Us 2 out of the sand where it was partially buried after months onshore. More, page 17. Islander Photo: Courtesy Greg Kerchner


Page 2 THE ISLANDER | MAY 17, 2023 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PRESERVE FIRE CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Modern Chop Happy Hour 4-6 Martini Monday: Signature Martinis, $7, plus 1/2 price lite bites -lounge only. Prime Rib Tuesdays, plus $3 Tacos and Margaritas -lounge only. Wine Down Wednesday, 5O% OFF Wines by the Glass, plus Snow Crabs Live Maine Lobster Thursdays, plus Happy Hour all nite in the lounge. Saturday: Roll to Win, call for details! 1830 59th St W, Bradenton 4-10 Mon-Sat, closed Sunday 941.201.6006 Call to book private events. W atch th eir stories at as th ey sh are th eir ex p erien ces o n th e top ics o f n et m ak in g , m iscon cep tio n s, w ater q u ality , fed eral reg u latio n s, an d th eir m em o ries. Ad Sponsor: Funding for the oral histories and digital exhibit was provided through a grant from Florida Humanities to the Friends of the Florida Maritime Museum (FFMM) with funds from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in these programs do not necessarily represent those of Florida Humanities, the National Endowment for the Humanities, or any other funder. SEE PRESERVE FIRE, NEXT PAGE in Palmetto on a charge of third-degree felony maliresult in a sentence of 10 years in prison. Manatee County Judicial Center in Bradenton. were pulling in. getting the hoses and water turned on. So I shot a few Offer to buy Pines Park includes 5-year break for homeowners By Robert Anderson Islander Reporter owns the land on the bayside in the city’s historic district. The notice outlined an offer that includes a purings. The notice also indicated the offer would allow the buyer to pay an initial nonrefundable deposit of $1 deposit another $1 million. option. It also included a two-year option to continue would allow the buyer to retain the use as a mobile refusal. tions between the property owner and the HOA failed the ownership. residential trailers and abuts the Historic Bridge Street there had been no response.The Pines Trailer Park, 103 Church Ave., Bradenton Beach, is on the market. Homeowners received notice of a purchase offer earlier this month. Islander Photo: Robert Anderson


MAY 17, 2023 THE ISLANDER | Page 3 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Q&A 051723 By Lisa NeffThe Islander pollLast week’s question 33%. Below freezing. This week’s question To answer the poll, go online to PRESERVE FIRE CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 natural state. Holmes Beach pedestrian crashPolice vehicles block the intersection May 12 at Marina and Gulf drives, where a truck driven by Michael Ritchie, 43, of Bradenton, collided with two pedestrians crossing Gulf Drive, according to Holmes Beach Police Chief Bill Tokajer. The incident was reported around 1:45 p.m. Of cers from the Holmes Beach Police Department arrived rst to the scene and called the Manatee County Sheriff’s Of ce for an assist. Manatee County Emergency Medical Services transported the injured pedestrians, Miriam and Deborah Trotter of Holmes Beach, to HCA Florida Blake Hospital in Bradenton. Deborah Trotter was treated and released the same day, while Miriam suffered critical injuries and was on life-support as of May 15. Tokajer said the pedestrians had the right of way in the crosswalk. The driver, Ritchie, was cited for “failing to yield right of way to pedestrian at intersection with traf c control device,” according to the HBPD. Tokajer also said he could not recall an injury at the intersection since he became chief 10 years ago. The intersection previously had no crosswalks. They were added in the 2022-23 city center improvement project, which is still ongoing. Islander Photo: Courtesy HBPD directly within the section that we are currently restorect. FISH also is partnering with the Southwest Florida June.


Page 4 THE ISLANDER | MAY 17, 2023 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... WE ROCK Meetings By Lisa Neff ANNA MARIA CITY May 25, 6 p.m., commission. May 29, 10 a.m., Memorial Day ceremony and city centennial celebration. Anna Maria City Hall, 10005 Gulf Drive, 941-708-6130, BEACH May 17, 10 a.m., department heads. CANCELED May 17, 1 p.m., ScenicWAVES. May 18, noon, commission. Bradenton Beach City Hall, 107 Gulf Drive N., 941-778-1005, BEACH May 19, 11:30 a.m., police pension fund. May 23, 5 p.m., commission. May 24, 5 p.m., planning. Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive, 941-708-5800, WEST MANATEE FIRE RESCUE None announced. MANATEE COUNTY May 23, 9 a.m., commission. May 24, 9 a.m., commission (land use). June 6, 9 a.m., commission. ALSO OF INTEREST May 18, 4-7 p.m., community hurricane preparedness expo, Bradenton Area Convention Center, 1 Haben Blvd., Palmetto. May 22, 9:30 a.m., Sarasota/Manatee MPO, Holiday Inn Sarasota-Bradenton Airport, 8009 15th St. E., Sarasota. closed. MONDAY ~ MAY 29 MONDAY ~ MAY 29 MONDAY ~ MAY 29 A MEMORIAL DAY MONDAY ~ MAY 29 MONDAY ~ MAY 29 A MEMORIAL DAY SYMPHONY SALUTE SYMPHONY SALUTE AND THE AND THE CITY OF ANNA MARIA AND THE CITY OF ANNA MARIA CITY OF ANNA MARIA CITY OF ANNA MARIA 1923 1923 1923 100 YEARS!! 100 YEARS!! 2023 2023 1923 1923 1923 2023 2023 2023 CENTENNIAL SYMPHONY CENTENNIAL SYMPHONY ANNA MARIA ISLAND CONCERT CHORUS & ORCHESTRA ANNA MARIA ISLAND CONCERT CHORUS & ORCHESTRA ANNA MARIA ISLAND CONCERT CHORUS & ORCHESTRA ANNA MARIA ISLAND CONCERT CHORUS & ORCHESTRA ANNA MARIA ISLAND CONCERT CHORUS & ORCHESTRA 10:00 AM CITY PIER PARK 10:00 AM CITY PIER PARK AM designates remaining ARPA funds for Pine Ave. lightingBy Ryan Paice Islander Reporter ity. Now what’s left of the money might help light Pine would be handled outside of the Florida Department preferred lighting for the roadway. nizations; issued May 2022 only returned one $2 million bid to attract smaller bids. The city was ready to begin contract negotiations After reaching an interlocal agreement with the The city had not fulfilled an April 27 records May 12. Murphy recommended putting the remaining He said the city had no funds in the annual budget attract more bidders. He added that they should stipulate the lighting Murphy’s recommendation and Sebring seconded the There was no public comment. Anna Maria commissioners listen May 11 as Mayor Dan Murphy, right, tells them about options for spending the city’s remaining federal ARPA funds. Islander Photo: Ryan Paice


MAY 17, 2023 THE ISLANDER | Page 5 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Ready for summer season?Is your business ready for the summer season on AMI? Improve your odds of success with The Islander’s readers — residents, seasonal visitors and vacationers — looking to shop and dine, as well as indoor and outdoor fun. For advertising info, call or text 941-778-7978.Cortez area facing growing development pressureBy Robert Anderson Islander Reporter the west side of Manatee County but a broader area and the bay on the south. struction boom. Peninsula Bay Peninsula Bay is the brainchild of farmer-turnedManatee Fruit Co. and a member of a family that has farmed west Manatee properties for generations. Peninsula Bay. by the county but did not comment on the Peninsula month. submerged land lease. to press. A call for offer is a closed-bid auction process. Hunters Point a Florida-based homebuilder with multiple sustainable area. Hunters Point is building zero-energy homes along The right of way on Cortez Road bordering the Peninsula Bay property May 11, where trees and other vegetation were removed to accommodate a Manatee County wastewater project. Islander Photo: Robert Anderson A span of projects in Cortez — pink highlights show the Peninsula Bay property, green/yellow outlines Hunters Point and red denotes the Seafood Shack parcel. Islander Image: Google Earth screenshot


Page 6 THE ISLANDER | MAY 17, 2023 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Single copies free. Quantities of ve or more: 25 cents each. 315 58th St., Suite J, Holmes Beach FL 34217 WEBSITE: Text or call: 941-778-7978 Opinion Your OpinionOur Single copies free. Quantities of ve or more: 25 cents each. Single copies free. Quantities of ve or more: 25 cents each. Publisher, Co-editor Bonner Joy, Editorial Editor Lisa Neff, Robert Anderson, Joe Bird, editorial cartoonist Kevin Cassidy, Jack Elka, Brook Morrison, Ryan Paice, Contributors Karen Riley-Love Jacob Merri eld Capt. Danny Stasny, Nicole Quigley Advertising Director Toni Lyon, Webmaster Wayne Ansell Of ce Manager, Lisa Williams info@, accounting@, classi eds@, Distribution Urbane Bouchet Ross Roberts Judy Loden Wasco (All others: Skimming online Website: islandernewspaper Twitter: @ami_islander @theislanderami Pinterest: @islandernewspaper News alerts: E-edition: Subscribe at Your opinion The Islander welcomes letters. Email Publisher, Co-editor Publisher, Co-editor Bonner Joy, Bonner Joy, MAY 17, 2023 What went wrong? The intersection and the signaling needs a good Let’s hope any need for addressing safety issues of a bill that passed the Florida Legislature that will now determines the fate of Manatee Public Beach for Beach. From input to our newspaper and on our social at the beach. But it’s about more than home rule. It’s not in anyone’s best interest to shut down the beach and the cafe to build a garage and shut out the sunbathe by day and cherish sunset on the shore. surfers plunge in for a long ride to shore and many a And maybe all of us can turn our thoughts to whether the county board will carry out their threats. issue. Dear governor Editor’s note: The following letter is addressed to Gov. Ron DeSantis. The letter was condensed for print. As mayor of the city presented for your signature. commissioners and I do not support this bill and are concerned about the effects its passage will inclusion of the electorate by way of referendum. on the barrier island of Anna Maria Island. There are ends directly at a Manatee County public beach and facilities and retail and dining establishments. island cities. point in any discussions has the county approached the appreciation for your consideration of this matter. Holmes Beach Mayor Judy Titsworth Contact DeSantis


MAY 17, 2023 THE ISLANDER | Page 7 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... We’d love to mail you the news! The Islander the best way to stay in touch with what’s happening on Anna Maria Island. for yourself or someone else. (Sorry, we do not suspend mail subscriptions — you get The Islander free while you’re here!)BULK MAIL U.S. SUBSCRIPTION (allow 2 weeks for every week’s delivery) 1 year: $54 3-6 Months: $36 1-3 Months: $24U.S. FIRST CLASS AND CANADIAN MAIL SUBSCRIPTION 1 year: $160 3-6 Months: $98 1-3 Months: $54 Single Issue: $5 FIRST CLASS MAIL, U.S. ONLY, maximum four weeksMAIL TO: ______________________________________________________________ ADDRESS _____________________________________________________________ CITY ____________________________ STATE __________ ZIP _________________ Credit card: d u No. ____________________________________________ Name shown on card: _____________________________ Exp. Date ___________ Credit card billing address: ______________________________________________ MAIL START DATE: _____________________________________________________THE BEST NEWS ON ANNA MARIA ISLAND — SINCE 1992CHARGE BY PHONE 941.778.7978 ONLINE (secure server) E-MAIL 10&20 years ago From the May 14, 2003, issue for on-site property management. and securing garbage cans after a resident photogarden. The man had planned to sell some at an thief either had the same idea or would sell them From the May 15, 2013, issue and Visitors Bureau Tourism Partner of the Year for 2012 during a ceremony in Palmetto. — Lisa NeffTaking the plungePeople swim, splash and dive from a platform in the Gulf of Mexico in Bradenton Beach. The photo is dated 1923-26. Islander Photo: Manatee County Public Library System archives BBQ in BBMayor Dick Connick, left, and members of the Bradenton Beach Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department advertise a barbecue chicken dinner at the rehouse on Second Street North, where today’s Bradenton Beach voters cast their election ballots. The cost of the dinner? $1.25 donation. The photo is not dated in the Manatee County Library System archives.


Page 8 THE ISLANDER | MAY 17, 2023 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... i.wedACCOMMODATIONS Bungalow Beach Resort DIRECTLY ON THE BEACH! Classic 1930s island-style resort. 800-779-3601 The Islander Wedding Directory ACCOMMODATIONS ACCOMMODATIONS The Islander Wedding Directory The Islander Wedding Directory The Islander Wedding Directory MUSIC/ENTERTAINMENT Chuck Caudill Entertainment Beach weddings and events. DJ, live guitar and more from an experienced island professional. Gulf Drive Band The Best! Classic Danceable Tunes Musical Entertainment DJ for Weddings, Receptions. Call: 941-778-0173. email: gulfdriveband@gmail.comTO BE INCLUDED IN IWED, CONTACT ISLANDER SALES DIRECTOR TONI LYON 941.928.8735 OR Holmes Beach commissioner named ‘Home Rule Hero’Holmes Beach Commissioner Terry Schaefer, left, holds an award May 11 alongside Mayor Judy Titsworth recognizing Schaefer as a Florida League of Cities’ 2023 “Home Rule Hero” for “being a champion in the defense and protection of municipal home rule.” Islander Photo: Courtesy Holmes Beach The U.S. ag outside Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive, remains at half-staff May 11 after President Joe Biden issued a nationwide order May 8 to lower ags to honor the victims of the May 6 Allen, Texas, mass shooting that left nine people, including the perpetrator, dead. The cities of Anna Maria and Bradenton Beach also lowered their ags in accordance with the order. Islander Photo: Ryan Paice Island ags at half-staff following Texas shooting Seaside Gardens residents hash over FEMA improvementsA Seaside Gar dens stanchion at the corner of 63rd Street and Marina Drive in Holmes Beach welcomes people to the neighborhood. Islander Photo: Ryan Paice By Ryan Paice Islander Reporter Potential changes to Seaside Gardens in Holmes A handful of Seaside Gardens residents attended a tion height. The Seaside Gardens community was established ture. bring them into compliance without the need for other tion. City planning and zoning administrator Chad Property owners otherwise wouldn’t be allowed ing building. Public opinion on the matter appeared to be “Somebody’s got to begin and start the ball rolling owners in the community should not be allowed to neighbors. He said multiple units could be rebuilt at once to be FEMA-compliant if they were damaged in a storm. Calcanis said. said. its residents on the issue. of the long-term concern from a FEMA aspect and the been scheduled as of May 14.


MAY 17, 2023 THE ISLANDER | Page 9 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4307 26th St. W. Bradenton 941.782.8883 Adventures in Shopping Antiques, Art-Tiques and Chic Boutiques! Blessed and Distressed is a tastefully designed Miss us? WE MISS YOU AMI! Tiki & Kitty’s Tiki and Kitty map out their time for spring shopis home to hip and trendy upcyCat’s Meow Wed-Sat 10-5 Palma Sola Square Winn Dixie Plaza 615 59th St. W. Bradenton941-896-8800Dru Love, Owner FUSION MINERAL PAINT Sales & Workshops MULTI-VENDORS & LOCAL ARTISTS And don’t forget, tell people you meet along the way, “The Islander sent me.” Your place for fun, funky quirky!Great work from Local Artisans Upcycled, Repurposed, Vintage Dixie Belle Paint, Fun Gifts & More! 10 to 5 Tues-Sat | 941.227.1936 4229 26th St. W. | Bradenton Duncan Seawall operates a crane barge May 11 for a nger dock addition to the Historic Bridge Street Pier oating dock in Bradenton Beach. The improvement to the pier at the east end of Bridge Street is the result of a $850,000 Manatee County tourist development tax allocation and will allow additional slip space for boats, as well as a kayak launch. The extension, scheduled for completion by June 30, will allow better access to Bradenton Beach by boat. Currently, the nger dock offers seven spaces, while the expansion will allow 26 boats to dock. Islander Photos: Robert Anderson HB receives bids for skimmer, algae removal RFPsBy Ryan Paice Islander Reporter for proposals came in higher than for the city commission and focuses Maria Island. dations was for the city to purchase an a contractor to collect and dispose of odors and the water’s nitrogen load. The recommendation is one of a few mitigation Lyngbya wollei the surfaces of local canals and emit a foul odor. so the city applied for a grant from the Tampa Bay Estuary Program to help fund the purchase. and eliminating foul odors. such a grant and put the ball in the county commission’s court. proposal. per 20 cubic feet per container for disposal. Microbe-Lift. The product contains a naturally occurring bacteria the product to the waterway and then sampling the results. “I don’t see any reason why we wouldn’t try Schaefer KamiyaGiving boaters the slip


Page 10 THE ISLANDER | MAY 17, 2023 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Compiled by Lisa Neff, 2 p.m. — Sunshine Stitchers, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. Saturday, May 20 11 a.m. — Meditation session, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341.ONGOING ON AMI Most Wednesdays, 1 p.m., mahjong club beginners, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-7786341. Most Fridays, 11:30 a.m., mahjong club experienced players, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941778-6341. ing, Bradenton Beach City Hall, 107 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton Beach. Information: 941-778-1383.ONGOING OFF AMI Tuesdays, 11:30 a.m., Rotary Club of Anna Maria Island lunch meeting, Slicker’s Eatery, 12012 Cortez Road W., Cortez. Information: 512-944-4177,, FITNESS & SPORTSON AMIThursday, May 18 serve, 2350 Gulf Drive S., Bradenton Beach. Information: 941-7425923. ARTS & ENTERTAINMENTON AMIThursday, May 18 10:15 a.m. — Island Morning Book Club, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341.ONGOING OFF AMI Throughout May, Island Gallery and Studios, 456 Old Main St., Information: 941-778-6648. Shore Road, Sarasota. Info: 941-360-7390, Florida Maritime Museum, 4415 119th St. W., Cortez. Information: First Fridays, 6-9:30 p.m., Village of the Arts First Fridays Arttion: Second and fourth Saturdays, 2-4 p.m., Music on the Porch jam session, presented by the Florida Maritime Museum and Cortez Cultural Center, outdoors, 4415 119th St. W., Cortez. Information: SAVE THE DATE May 25, The Bishop Laser Light Nights opens, Bradenton. Dec. 1-2, Bradenton Blues Fest, Bradenton.KIDS & FAMILYONGOING OFF AMI Information: 941-388-4441. Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton. Fee applies. Information: 941-746-4131, THE DATE May 27, Anna Maria Island Privateers’ Snooks Adams Kids Day, Holmes Beach.CLUBS & COMMUNITYON AMIWednesday, May 17 11 a.m. — Red tide lecture, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. Thursday, May 18 Friday, May 19 and Natural Resources, Coquina Beach, 2300 block of Gulf Drive, Bradenton Beach. Information: 941-742-5923.ONGOING ON AMI AMI Dragon Boat Team-Paddlers from Paradise practices and meetups, various times and locations. Information: 941-462-2626, ONGOING OFF AMI Through Sept. 3, Bradenton Marauders baseball, LECOM Park, 1611 Ninth St. W., Bradenton. Fee applies. Information: 941-7473031. Preserve NEST, 10299 Ninth Ave. NW., Bradenton. Information: Saturdays, 9 a.m., Mornings at the NEST, Robinson Preserve, 10299 Ninth Ave. NW, Bradenton. Information: 941-742-5923, THE DATE Oct. 7, Florida Maritime Museum Cortez Nautical Flea Market, Cortez.GOOD TO KNOWKEEP THE DATES May 20, Armed Forces Day. May 29, Memorial Day. June 1, Atlantic hurricane season begins. 8208 Cortez Road W., Ste.5, Bradenton Open JAM 1st Wednesdays Used & Consigned Musical Instruments Music Lessons: Guitar, Piano, Ukulele, Saxophone and Drum MOUNT VERNON PLAZA 9516 CORTEZ RD. W., CORTEZ941.795.5227MM34454 | MM87857 MOUNT VERNON PLAZA MOUNT VERNON PLAZA 9516 CORTEZ RD. W., CORTEZ 9516 CORTEZ RD. W., CORTEZ 9516 CORTEZ RD. W., CORTEZ 941.795.5227 MM34454 | MM87857 A Hair Day Salon & Spa Come see Rita from Bayshore. Tired of the same old look? Make a change in the New Year! Call A Hair Day for your new look. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Island happenings need a good laugh? visit the NEW emerson quillin signature store. humor, art, gifts emersonshumor.comCalling kids to Kids Day Day. the end of the school year. tion. orgKids gather for a story at a past Snooks Adams Kids Day on AMI. Islander File Photo: Lisa Neff


MAY 17, 2023 THE ISLANDER | Page 11 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... MONFRI Custom Jewelry Consignments Appraisals 40% OFF ESTATE SALES Watch Repairs Tune-Ups Batteries Service on Site Massage Therapy | Acupuncture | Yoga2219 Gulf Drive N | Bradenton Beach 941.778.8400 | Holistic wellness center and spa Odd Duck Designs ShopWearable T-shirt art by local artist Connie Wolgast. Scan here shop! 941-224-1897to ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Island happeningsAssistance sought on AMI Assistance offered on AMI GoodDeedsBishop selling Laser Light Nights tickets Science and Nature in Bradenton. with music accompaniments. Other nights will feature the music of Lady There is a cost to attend. Center offers dog training June 7. “Each training class will teach two basic comwhat the center described as “reward-based training come. Enrollment costs $100 for members and $120 for nonmembers. Center res up avorsThe Center of Anna Maria Island puts out a craw sh boil with side dishes and refreshments for an annual outdoor party May 6. Islander Photos: Courtesy CofAMI RIGHT: The craw sh boil included a performance by the Stockton Brothers as well as children’s games and a Kentucky Derby hat contest.


Page 12 THE ISLANDER | MAY 17, 2023 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... AME students pose May 5 wearing T-shirts provided by the city of Holmes Beach for the Islanders 4 Clean Water initiative.AME TSA members design, explore underwater roboticsAnna Maria Elementary fth-grade Technology Student Association members test an underwater robot by retrieving rings in a pool April 28. Students built the drone as a tool to explore the waters of Anna Maria Sound. Islander Photos: Courtesy AME/Pidge Barreda AME fth-grader Maggie Niedzwick cuts pipes April 28 to help construct an underwater robot. The TSA members were able to see how and why ROVs are used to explore areas of the ocean that are too difcult for humans to investigate. AME TSA members Jacob Winstead, left, and Luke Willing work together April 28 on building a remotely operated underwater vehicle. AME-PTO puts on the ritz, a night of Hollywood GlamThe ballroom at IMG is transformed into a Hollywood soiree for the AME-PTO gala May 13. Twinkling lights, a checkered dance oor and a ceiling of stars adorned the room for the event. Islander Photos: Brook Morrison ABOVE: Holmes Beach residents Barb Thul, left, and Kristen Coffman pose May 13 with cardboard Elvis during the AME-PTO spring gala at IMG Academy Golf Club in Bradenton. LEFT: Eugene and Jessica Nock toast May 13 to an evening of fun and fundraising at the Anna Maria Elementary’s spring gala, held at IMG Academy Golf Club in Bradenton May 13 with a “vintage Hollywood” theme. Guests at the AMEPTO’s spring gala May 13 mingle before being treated to a dinner sponsored by the Chiles Group, entertainment and auctions featuring items donated by local businesses and school classes.


MAY 17, 2023 THE ISLANDER | Page 13 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Adirondacks, Deep Seating, Outdoor Dining and More. Come tour our large store selection. We also offer design services. Adirondacks, Deep Seating, Outdoor Dining and More. Adirondacks, Deep Seating, Outdoor Dining and More. Adirondacks, Deep Seating, Come tour our large store Outdoor Dining and More. Come tour our large store Outdoor Dining and More. selection. We also offer Come tour our large store selection. We also offer Come tour our large store design services. 6807 14TH ST. W., BRADENTON (ACROSS FROM ALEX KARRAS LINCOLN) 1 O % OFF FREE ... The Islander newspaper is FREE at Publix Holmes Beach. Just stop by the customer service desk, hold out your hand and say, “Islander, please!” And maybe remind staff you’d like the serve-yourself community newsrack returned to the lobby. I n S t o c k F u r n i t u r e a n d A c c e s s o r i e s w w w . c a s t n e r a n d c a s t e r . c o mO u r e x p e r i e n c e d d e s i g n a n d s a l e s t e a m o f f e r s w e l l t h o u g h t o u t a n d p e r s o n a l i z e d d e c o r a t i n g s o l u t i o n s .CASTNER CASTNER A L L Y O U R H O M E N E E D S I N O N E G R E A T L O C A T I O N ! AME Calendar AME is at 4700 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. For more information, call the school at 941-708-5525. Achievements The Islander welcomes notices of school honors. Email AME-PTO board installed Parent-Teacher Organization board were sworn in May year. hard to help more families feel connected to our school May 12. athon led by Holmes Beach Mayor Judy Titsworth Island’s waterways clean. — Brook Morrison Welcome, new PTO boardThe 2023-24 Anna Maria Elementary Parent Teacher Organization board secretary Morgan Blackburn, left, stands with treasurer Jamie Hinckle, vice president Caroline Liebfried and president Jen Serra after their swearing-in May 10. Islander Photo: Courtesy AME AME students and parent Nicole Plummer walk a lap May 5 during a walkathon to bene t Islanders 4 Clean Water. Holmes Beach Mayor Judy Titsworth, left, along with Anne and Ashley Chiles hand out T-shirts May 5 during a walkathon for the Islanders 4 Clean Water awareness campaign.


Page 14 THE ISLANDER | MAY 17, 2023 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... At your service: Obituaries are offered as a free present. Send to PLEASE, SEE SHAUGHNESSY, NEXT PAGE GatheringBy Lisa Neff Tidings Compiled by Lisa Neff Obituaries 512 Pine Ave, Anna Maria ON AMI CrossPointe Fellowship, 8605 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Worship: Sundays, 9 a.m. Ongoing: Wednesdays, 7 a.m., men’s Bible meeting; Fridays, Episcopal Church of the Annunciation, 4408 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Info: 941-778-1638, Worship: Thursdays, 9:30 a.m.; Sundays, 8 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. Ongoing: Wednesdays, 8 a.m., men’s meeting; Mondays, 1 p.m., book group. Gloria Dei Lutheran Church , 6608 Marina Drive. Holmes Beach. Info: 941-778-1813, Worship: Sundays, 9:30 a.m. Harvey Memorial Community Church, 300 Church Ave., Bradenton Beach. Information: 941-779-1912. Worship: Sundays, 9:15 a.m. Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 941-778-0414, Worship: Sundays, 8:30 a.m., 10 a.m. Ongoing: Wednesdays, 2:45 p.m., May 17, June 7, June 21, days, 11:30 a.m., Just Older Youth group. St. Bernard Catholic Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes org. Worship: Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.; Saturdays, 4 p.m.; Sundays, 8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m. Rosary on the Beach at Manatee Public Beach; Saturdays, 3 p.m., confession.OFF AMIChrist Church of Longboat Key Presbyterian USA, 6400 Gathering is the religion page for The Islander. Send notices to Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Info: 941-900-4903, christchurWorship: Sundays, 10 a.m. Ongoing: Wednesdays, 10 a.m., Women’s Bible Study; Mondays, 9 a.m., Men’s Bible Study. Longboat Island Chapel, 6200 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Info: 941-383-6491, Worship: Sundays, 10 a.m. Ongoing: Wednesdays, 10 a.m., Bible study. Temple Beth Israel, 567 Bay Isles Road, Longboat Key. Info: 941-383-3428. Worship: Fridays, Shabbat, 5:30 p.m.; Saturdays, 10 a.m.SPECIAL DATES & EVENTS May 19, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., blood drive, Longboat Island Chapel. May 20, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., blood drive, Longboat Island Chapel. June 5-9, vacation Bible school, Roser Church. June 19-22, vacation Bible school, CrossPointe.GET LISTED, CHANGE LISTINGS Seasons change and so do schedules. Please, send listings sets vacation Bible school dates CrossPointe Fellowship will host “A-maze-ing Beach. Roser to host Bible school Longboat chapel conducts 2-day blood drive The Longboat Island Chapel will conduct a Appointments are not needed. Hugh Grant Holmes Holmes Beach surrounded by family. and Catherine. He graduated from Bradenton High Candidate Program and lina and Howard College. He was honorably disdowntown Bradenton and they were married 74 wonderful years. course with his wife and friends. Anna Maria Island Erosion Control Board. He was a He owned and operated Holmes Construction Co. dominiums and commercial buildings on the island. Arrangements were by Shannon Funeral Homes. Online condolences may be made at Jr. and wife Chris; daughters Deborah and husband great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild. HolmesJohn Shaughnessy, former BB mayor, diesBy Robert Anderson Islander Reporter a history in public transportation. where he contributed to the transition to a co-op. Commissioners held a moment of silence for Shaughnessy during their May 4 meeting. Shaughnessy’s impact. “He was a great friend and was important in my taught me a lot of things. He was a man of grace and Shaughnessy was instrumental in the implemen


MAY 17, 2023 THE ISLANDER | Page 15 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... SHAUGHNESSY FROM PAGE 14 Stephen J. Pere, DMD 941-761-9300 John Shaughnessy, who died earlier this month, of ciates at a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the reopening of Bradenton Beach’s Historic Bridge Street Pier in 2015. Shaughnessy, in speaking to the crowd gathered on the pier, told them that “for 94 years, the spirit of this pier has been here. This day is also the culmination of the spirit of those who dedicated their efforts to make this day possible. A group of people brought together one purpose.” Islander File Photo Hugh and Jean Holmes celebrate their 74th anniversary with family in 2022.Looking back at the life of Hugh HolmesBy Ryan Paice Islander Reporter The city of Holmes Beach and Anna Maria Island Holmes was the second son of Catherine and John failing. young brothers reenrolled at the school. Guard. Hugh Holmes graduated Bradenton High School Holmes became chief of the Anna Maria Volunteer Fire Department and was responsible for bringing the Holmes Construction Company. most of all a family man. She said his health had begun to decline in recent years but she was happy her father could pass away at his wife. “I always found him to be such a down to earth and Anna Maria. the Historic Bridge Street Pier and initiating a milliondollar match from Manatee County to get the pier reHis efforts also resulted in the funds to place benches and lights on the pier. pushing for a lease agreement.


Page 16 THE ISLANDER | MAY 17, 2023 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Ride FREEManatee County Area Transit: Island Trolley Schedule info is a Just in time for a landingAn osprey comes in for a landing April 25 atop the Historic Bridge Street Pier clock tower at the east end of the commercial street in Bradenton Beach. The clock was stopped at 3:18 p.m. but was soon after repaired. Islander Photos: Robert Anderson


MAY 17, 2023 THE ISLANDER | Page 17 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ObituariesMark M. Pastoriusres Pastorius. He grew up in Little Florida. His father was a local caption of many years with the Artists’ Guild of Anna Maria Jody. made at Hatlestad; longtime girlfriend Christine Miller; parents Maynard and Dee Pastorius of Bradenton; sister Jody and husband Tom Tschida; and brothers Todd and wife Jeffrey ‘JT’ Edward Tarr the Bistro at the Concession golf club in Bradenton. He was what his family called a “talented badass walls all across Florida and places far and wide. Pastorius JT Tarr at a sidewalk sale with his artwork. ObituariesStorm-wrecked sailboat freed from island shoresBy Ryan Paice Islander Reporter trip around the Florida peninsula. The pair made it most of the way there without to run into trouble by Feb. 11. ing them to drop anchor and shelter in the hopes the weather would die down. U.S. Coast Guard for rescue. the boat and managed to escort its three passengers to shore without issue. Neither Manatee County nor the city of Holmes free. too damaged to sail. ing. The boat was towed to Tarpon Springs later the pleting the course with his time ashore. off. boom and ropes from the mast but said city staff and cials and staff to discuss the issue while he is still in Florida. in their hearts to return the items or fund their replacement. James Golembiewski stands on the beach April 10 with his sailboat, Lucky Us 2, which crashed on the shores of Holmes Beach after a storm the night of Feb. 11. Islander Photo: Ryan Paice The Lucky Us 2 is back on the water May 9 in the Gulf of Mexico after it was dug out, dragged and oated away from the shore the night before. A pair of Cortez shermen brought their boats to assist and tow the vessel. Islander Photo: Ryan Paice


Page 18 THE ISLANDER | MAY 17, 2023 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... NAME DROPPING BY LEWIS ROTHLEIN AND JEFF CHEN / EDITED BY WILL SHORTZNo. 0507RELEASE DATE: 5/14/2023 ACROSS1 Cuts back7 ID that’s never reused10 Colorful seafood16 Removals of impurities, informally18 2020 film starring a cartoon dog20 Put on a pedestal21 Tony-winning musical with puppets22 ‘‘Anybody home?!’’23 Burst of sonic ecstasy24 Southern California sch.25 Bestow26 Old Testament prophet27 One of cinq in ‘‘Tartuffe’’29 One of 100 in Pooh’s woods31 H.S. safety org.33 Repeated musical phrase36 Eldest of a literary trio37 Pair of glasses?38 Little monster39 Barrier to entry41 Big fat mouth42 ____ blockers (heart rate meds)43 Can you dig it? Yes, you can!45 Angels can be found in it46 Long blade, of a sort47 Curved edges formed by intersecting vaults, in architecture49 Cutting part of The Onion?51 Before, in poetry52 5, 6 or 7, in golf54 Baseball slang for a home run56 Ones getting hit on at parties?58 ‘‘I’m dead serious’’59 Cheering loudly60 Tool that evolved from the sickle61 Microwave62 Attaches with a click64 Hindu god of pleasure65 Does away with67 Climbing Kilimanjaro, e.g.69 Learned71 ‘‘Squawk Box’’ network74 ‘‘True ____’’75 Mother ____76 Shipping option79 Word with rolling or bowling80 Related (to)81 Having a commanding lead83 Verbal equivalent of a thumbs-down84 Singer Marian, the first African American to perform at the Met86 Bathroom powders87 One whose boss laughs a lot88 Car driven by Thelma and Louise, familiarly89 Charged toward91 Lager-head?93 ‘‘Al-l-lmost done’’96 Spanish title: Abbr.97 Grows99 Events of interest, with ‘‘on’’101 Feeling down103 Bit of vocal fanfare105 Home project inits.106 Plays a Halloween prank on, in brief107 Actress Lillian with a 75-year film career108 Pain reliever with an oxymoronic name111 Synonym and rhyme of ‘‘erases’’115 Insulating sleeve for a beverage117 Beezus’s sister, in children’s literature118 String-and-spool toy119 Refined120 Approve121 Dastardly expression122 Subject of many a political scandal DOWN1 Something that may elicit stares, in brief2 Amp (up)3 Pac-12 Conference athlete4 Desirable flight option5 Radiates6 Goes out with7 Improv bits8 What a gavel bang may mean9 ‘‘Oh well, it didn’t matter anyway’’10 Give a lecture, with ‘‘out’’11 Concerns for coders and copy editors12 Has a ‘‘ruff’’ night?13 Org. in ‘‘Argo’’14 Baking meas.15 ‘‘____ Bones’’ (classic spiritual)17 The get-go18 Reeked19 Check out, as a book20 ‘‘Whoa!’’-inducing experiences27 Subway line toward New York’s Kennedy Airport28 Cautious (of)30 New York’s ____ Field32 Two-thirds of 105-Across34 Informants, informally35 Botanists’ specimens36 Very tiny bit40 Homophone of vowels not found in this answer42 Longtime anchor of ‘‘NBC Nightly News’’44 Guarding, as a goal47 Understand, as coined in 1961’s ‘‘Stranger in a Strange Land’’48 Tegan and ____ (indie-pop duo)49 High ____50 Popular singer who has recorded in Elvish53 What ‘‘Nothing for me’’ might mean55 Upside?57 Plastic conveniences62 Calls (for)63 Playfully bite65 Texter’s segue66 When you get it, you may say it68 Oohed and aahed, e.g.70 Penalty boxes, in hockey lingo72 Lead-in to tech73 Atlanta’s ____ Center76 Gets a lift (but not a Lyft)77 Sport whose players wear boots78 The first letter in ‘‘gigantic,’’ but not the third82 Partner of hems85 Prohibition and others89 Commotion90 Title woman who has children at her feet, in a 1968 hit91 Person dealing with casting and lines92 2004 Don Cheadle film set in Africa94 Like England in the late 16th century95 Trig function96 Commotion98 Came up with an invention?100 ____ facto102 Theme park cry104 Call overseas107 It means ‘‘waterless place’’ in Mongolian109 Musical artist who designed Reykjavik’s Imagine Peace Tower110 Accept defeat, in modern slang112 Groupie113 Only prez to receive a patent114 Runner Sebastian with four Olympic medals115 Director of ‘‘The Shining’’ and ‘‘Dr. Strangelove’’116 Hockey great Bobby Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle and more than 4,000 past puzzles, ($39.95 a year). Lewis Rothlein is a yoga instructor and jazz-piano enthusiast in Asheville, N.C. Jeff Chen is a writer and professional crossword constructor in Seattle. This is their third collaboration for The Times. The theme idea was Lewis’s. To find the best examples, Jeff wrote code and sifted the results from the database at, which has about 240,000 answer words from past Times crosswords. — W. S. New York Times Sunday Magazine Crossword Answers: page 28Anna Maria’s outdoor market closes up shop for summer Shoppers peruse fresh fruits and vegetables May 9 at the Fibela Produce stand at the Anna Maria Farmers Market at City Pier Park, 103 N. Bay Blvd., during the last day of the 2022-23 season. Islander Photo: Ryan Paice By Ryan Paice Islander Reporter wrapped up in Anna Maria. from fall to late spring. It began in 2017 as a way to draw people to Pine Dynasty Guacamole employee Jimmy Hernandez one of the best. plants. ous of how well the Anna Maria Island community Fransheska Berrios, the city of Anna Maria’s newest deputy clerk, poses May 11. The city hired Berrios in April to ll a role that had remained empty since Debbie Haynes retired in December 2021. Berrios previously worked as deputy/utility clerk for the town of Magnolia Park. Islander Photo: Ryan Paice Meet AM’s new deputy clerkweathered the 2022 storm. which he praised. 12 email to The Islander. and for what duration.


MAY 17, 2023 THE ISLANDER | Page 19 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ABOVE: Vendors arrive and set up at Holmes Beach’s city eld before noon May 13 for a food truck festival presented by the Anna Maria Island Privateers. Food, refreshments, games, vendor booths and musicians served up fun for all ages at the event. The Privateers will return to the park Saturday, May 27, for the annual Snooks Adams’ Kids Day — a tradition for island youths to celebrate the end of the school year. Islander Photo: Jacob Merrield Privateers put on foodie fest in the eldThe Anna Maria Island Privateers gather May 13 on city eld in Holmes Beach for a food truck and music festival. The event featured food vendors and band per formances. Islander Photo: Courtesy Jennifer Mais/AMIP


Page 20 THE ISLANDER | MAY 17, 2023 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Streetlife Staff reports Cops & CourtsIsland police reportsAnna Maria No new reports. Maria. ing in the roadway who said he had ingested methThe BBPD polices the city. Cortez glary. An MCSO deputy responded to a call concerning The MCSO polices Cortez. Beach Police Department found a man allegedly was closed and issued a citation for open alcohol consubmitted information regarding the theft to the state ISLAND BAKERY, CAFE AND STORE &Ginny’s Jane E’s WWW.BRIDGETENDERINN.ROCKS 135 BRIDGE ST. BRADENTON BEACH 941-778-4849ON THE WATER. LIVE MUSIC NIGHTLY. GREAT FOOD. out issue. HBPD polices Holmes Beach. Streetlife is based on incident reports and narratives from the BBPD, HBPD and MCSO. WE ROCK denton Beach Police Department in a hit-and-run case the incident. nile who said a group of boys she’d been with at the they had left the phone at a gas station in Bradenton. nile and her father did not want to press charges. ambulance. Island watch Manatee Avenue Market Gumbozilla Andre’s Famous Gumbo Made-Fresh Daily Breakfast & Lunch Sandwiches & Salads Pressed Cubans . Chicken Salad . Soup du JourDog food, household items, cold beverages, beer, wine, cigs. FRIENDLY SERVICE!Look for the BLUE market at the light . 51st & Manatee5104 Manatee Ave W . Bradenton . 941.896.6245 Open Monday-Saturday 11-7 5337 Gulf Drive ~ at the corner of Holmes Boulevard and Gulf Drive941-896-9754 LUNCH AND DINNER ~ TAKE-OUT ONLY Bradenton resident arrested for assault in Cortez friend with the man and then punched the man in the face. criminal mischief. in Palmetto and was released the same day on a bond count. — Robert Anderson


MAY 17, 2023 THE ISLANDER | Page 21 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... A L o n g b o a t K e y L a n d m a r k HARRY'S CLOSINGMAY 15TH REOPENING JUNE 15TH Holmes Beach parks and beautication committee members reached consensus May 3 to recommend the addition of a wind sculpture behind the trolley stop at the Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Islander Photo: Ryan Paice RoadWatchEyes on the road County is relocating and replacing sewer lines. The — Lisa Neff ‘Kindness’ congratsHolmes Beach code compliance of cer Nate Brown, right, smiles May 9 alongside Mayor Judy Titsworth, left, who awarded Brown with the Nate Brown Kindness Award. “Nate has a gentle spirit that personies the ethos of the award,” Titsworth said. The mayor said the award was named after Brown, its rst recipient, due to his “positive nature and the good will he brings to work every day.” The award will be presented to a city employee every three months for showing kindness during the course of their duties. Islander Photos: Ryan PaiceHB recognizes Police WeekBELOW: Holmes Beach Mayor Judy Titsworth, left, stands May 9 with Police Chief Bill Tokajer and members of the Holmes Beach Police Department after presenting a proclamation recognizing the week beginning May 15 as National Police Week, which honors law enforcement of cers for their work and sacri ce.Catching a breeze in Holmes Beach


Page 22 THE ISLANDER | MAY 17, 2023 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... LIVE MUSIC! OUTDOOR PATIO SERVICE!CRAFT BEER ON TAP, WINE & COCKTAILS OPEN 11 am-11:30 pm Sun-Thur 11am1 am Friday & Saturday 5337 GULF DRIVE, HOLMES BEACH BEST E’FIN CORNED BEEF ON THE PLANET!!!AN IRISH PUB WITH A BEACH VIBE IRISH PUB, BEACH ATTITUDE! OR CATCH THE BREEZE ON OUR PATIO! 7-11 WED., MAY 17, ROCK & ROLL TRIVIA W/STEVE ARVEY 7:30-11:30 THURS., MAY 18, ERIC VON 7:30-11:30 FRI., MAY 19, ACOUSTIC THUNDER LIVE ENTERTAINMENT @ THE FIN Anna Maria Island CREAMERYFresh Made In-House Gelato, Custard & Sorbet 941.896.5308 Truffles & Cake and Pie by the Slice CREAMERY &BAKERY Anna Maria Island CREAMERYFresh Made In-House Gelato, Custard & Sorbet 941.896.5308 Truly Homemade Ice Cream(yes, we really make it ourselves) Voted Best Ice Cream Open 7 Days a Weekwww.tylersicecream.comSERVING GOURMET ICE CREAM SINCE 1984 Cortez & 119th 941-794-5333 Longboat Center Shops 941-383-6935 SERVING GOURMET ICE CREAM SINCE 1984 State issues draft Clean Water Act permit for Piney PointThe south gypstack at Piney Point in Manatee County. The county is now pumping water from Piney Point into a deep injection well about 1,500 feet below the Florida aquifer. Islander Courtesy Photo By Lisa Neff Islander Editorfor the Piney Point phosphate facility in late April. years ago. The state issued the draft permit following the and Our Children’s Earth Foundation. “It’s good that the facility will get an updated said in a news release. contains the remains of the phosphate mining process water and tons of dredged spoil. dumped into the Tampa Bay estuary in an attempt to The 2021 wastewater release dumped into Tampa year. a deadly red tide. The wastewater also contains sulfate pollution at ing for nutrients to ensure the protection of Tampa permit conditions. Red tide lingers Karenia brevis May 14. mission reported K. brevis to low concentrations in Sarasota County. irritation for Manatee. TideWatchBy Lisa Neff SEAFOOD THE FRESHEST SEAFOOD ON ANNA MARIA ISLAND Live Music Friday & Saturday Cocktails, Beer & Wine121 Bridge St. Bradenton Beach 941-896-9737


MAY 17, 2023 THE ISLANDER | Page 23 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 941.778.6444 | 6600 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach www.BeachBistro.comZAGAT Top Restaurants in America “Best foor on the Gulf Coast” NOW OPEN! TAKE HOME, STEAM & EATSEAFOOD STEAM POTS Feds show concern for bird casualties at Skyway pierBy Lisa Neff Islander Editor “The issue of bird entanglement and the associin St. Petersburg. hearing. deterrents. these impacts on the national wildlife refuges in Tampa Treaty Act to protect pelicans and other Tampa Bay birds. Fishing Pier will continue to contribute to the catastrophic decline of coastal bird populations in Tampa The letter does not state a commitment to applying rescue organization to hire two full-time rescuers and gled; An entangled pelican at the Sunshine Skyway Bridge rock revetment is rescued by a Friends volunteer. Islander Photo: Courtesy Center for Biological Diversity/Capt. Nick Graham Resources for hurricane updates Twitter Center: @NWSNHC, @NHC_Atlantic. Service: @NWS, @NWSTampaBayOn the web org. nhc.noaa.govNews Islander:


Page 24 THE ISLANDER | MAY 17, 2023 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Send your fishing and sports reports to Share the fun. Docked at Bradenton Beach Marina, 402 Church Ave., Bradenton Beach EGMONT EXPRESS ISLAND PEARL EXCURSIONSDolphin Watch Sunset Cruise Family Fun Fishing Express & Private Cruises Book Now! 941-780-8010 SANDBAR EXPRESS Docked at Bradenton Beach Marina, 402 Church Ave., Bradenton Beach 941-780-8010 941-780-8010 Spring soccer winds down, golfers, horseshoers mix it up Cassidy By Kevin P. Cassidy Islander Reporter community center. of the adult soccer league playoffs May 11 at the Center of Anna Maria Island. won only two games in the regular The upsets continued in the second match as No. Hutchinson and a goal each from Danny Free and assists from Daniel Anderson and Silas Banyas in the goal for Gulf View in the tie. The winners will meet in the championship match at of regular season matchups at the center. ton LaPensee scored two goals and had an assist and Cutie in the loss. I Coconuts in the last match of the night behind two SportsShortBy Lisa Neff TJ Hagey scored two goals and Andre Harwood Donald and Theo Aupelle each scored goals and Cyrus Sterling Holiday scored two goals and Braelyn draw. The last match of the night saw Moss Builders and Shady Lady battle to a 2-2 tie. Mason Moss and Callin the tie. KRC golf news third place at plus-2. Leigh Brattain won the low putts contest on 14 Horseshoe news horseshoe action at the Anna Maria City Hall pits. The rights. on a double-ringer to win the day’s championship come. AM City Pier tides; Cortez high tides 7 minutes later — lows 1:06 later Anna Maria Island Tides Date AM HIGH PM HIGH AM LOW PM LOW Moon May 17 10:41a 2.3 — — 4:24a 0.9 5:48p -0.1 May 18 12:37a 1.6 11:03a 2.5 4:44a 1.1 6:32p -0.3 May 19 1:36a 1.5 11:28a 2.7 4:59a 1.2 7:14p -0.4 New May 20 2:37a 1.4 11:54a 2.7 5:08a 1.3 7:55p -0.4 May 21 12:24p 2.8 — — 8:36p -0.4 — — May 22 12:57p 2.7 — — 9:19p -0.4 — — May 23 1:34p 2.6 — — 10:05p -0.3 — — May 24 2:17p 2.5 — — 10:54p -0.2 — —Community center sets summer sports schedule Play ball! The Center of Anna Maria Island is registering and Tuesdays. The cost is $10 for members and $100 for nonmembers. a late fee. The cost for the season is $10 for members and $120 for nonmembers. 210.


MAY 17, 2023 THE ISLANDER | Page 25 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... By Capt. Danny Stasny Islander Reporter the inland areas and in the Gulf of Fishing the artificial reefs and is beginning to gear up as migratory passing through the region. Following those fish are plenty of raise the snapper off the bottom for some great action you can watch the snapper as they frolic through the south through Anna Maria Sound to Sarasota Bay host tail. tarpon gear. Numerous catches are occurring around StasnyClear skies bring clear water, variety to AMI anglers to the pier. A N D R E W W H I T E S A L E S / B R O K E R A G E 9 4 1 2 5 0 1 8 2 9 A N D R E W . W @ B O A T E R S W O R L D . C O M C A L L A N I S L A N D N A T I V E F O R A L L Y O U R B O A T B U Y I N G N E E D S ! for tarpon. inshore anglers. PJ Wharton of Steamboat Springs, Colorado, joins the 36-inch club with this fatty trout he caught May 11 while on a charter shing trip with Capt. Danny Stasny of Just Reel Fishing. Capt. David White wrangles a blue marlin he caught last week on a busman’s holiday to Abaco Island in the Bahamas. Capt. David White holds up a tarpon for a trophy photo April 27 on a guided shing trip in Tampa Bay with 15 boats and captains.


Page 26 THE ISLANDER | MAY 17, 2023 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... W W H H E E R R E E S Y O U R C O M F O R T Z Z O O N N E E ? ? ISLAND LOCATION COMING SOON! BRADENTON / SARASOTA / AMI DAILY/WEEKLY/MONTHLY SERVICE BEN AND KAREN COOPERTAXES & ACCOUNTING 4401 MANATEE A VE. W., BRADENTON NEXT TO REGIONS BANK 941-795-7048 Ofce 941-795-4878 Fax WE’VE GOT YOU COVERED. WE TWEET TOO @ami_islander @ami_islander Nesting notesDo’s and don’ts for sea turtle nesting season The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission recommends people follow these guidelines for sea turtle safety: beachfront to prevent nesting sea turtles from becoming disoriented and moving toward the glow of light on land, instead of natural light re ecting on the surface of the water. Indoor lights should be turned off, with curtains closed after dark, and outdoor lighting should be turtlefriendly bulbs. Use xtures low to the ground and shielded from view at the shoreline. on the beach at night. They can distract nesting sea turtles and cause them to return to the water. Nesting female sea turtles can become trapped, confused or impeded by gear left on the beach at night. Remove items such as boats, tents, rafts and beach furniture and ll in holes or level sand castles before dusk. Holes trap turtles and can injure people. Call code enforcement to report unattended property or large holes on the beach. Anna Maria code enforcement — 941-7086130, ext. 139 or ext. 129. Bradenton Beach code enforcement — 941-778-1005, ext. 280. Holmes Beach code enforcement — 941778-0331, ext. 260. Report sick, injured, entangled or dead sea turtles to the FWC Wildlife Alert Hotline, 1-888404-3922, #FWC or *FWC on a cellphone or text For more, contact AMITW director Kristen Mazzarella at or 941-232-1405. 5608 MARINA DR., HOLMES BEACH, 34217(NEXT TO DOMINOS PIZZA) 401208-1 TAKE CARE OF YOUR CAR AND SAVEGet a $50 Prepaid Visa Card*with Qualifying Brake Purchase of $250** or more!Submit your rebate ONLINE ONLY at by July 15, 2023Terms of Offer: Submit your rebate ONLINE ONLY at Submit with installation receipt, showing the qualifying NAPA part numbers circled. Must claim online by July 15, 2023. Receipt must be dated during promotion period of 5/01/23 through 6/30/23 to be eligible for this offer. Offer may not be combined with any other offer or applied toward warranty service or replacement parts. Group or organization request will not be honored. Dealers, distributors, and other resellers are not eligible for this offer. Use of multiple addresses or PO Boxes to obtain additional reward is fraud and may result in prosecution. Employees of participating stores and dealers, and their immediate families are not eligible for this offer. This offer is only valid to US residents. Limit of one (1) rebate per receipt or two (2) per household/address. *This card is issued by Sunrise Banks N.A., St. Paul, MN 55103, Member FDIC, pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A. Inc. This card may be used everywhere Visa debit cards are accepted. Use of this card constitutes acceptance of the terms and conditions stated in the Cardholder Agreement. Card expires 6 months from issuance, per the “Valid Thru” date printed on hte card. See your Cardholder Agreement and associated materials for details. Void where prohibited. Vendor is not responsible for non-delivered mail due to inaccurate address supplied nor for misprints or typographical errors. By submitting this rebate, you have read and agree to the rebate terms and requirements of this offer. **$250 of qualifying products will be based on the nal price paid, less any discounts, warranty reimbursements, extended warranty, core and resurface charges and excluding taxes, installation/labor, and shipping fees. Offer Valid May 1 June 30, 2023 As of May 13, AMITW had identi ed 20 nests and 12 false crawls.About AMITWAMITW is a nonpro t focused on collecting data on threatened or endangered sea turtles. The organization also collects data on shorebirds. The nesting data is required to meet beach renourishment contracts and AMITW is compensated by the county for its service. endangered sea turtles. The organization also Volunteers called to Lef s Key from the county. AMITW executive director Kristen Mazzarella told The Islander by text May 12 that “nesting activity is strong.” She said they’re getting new nests nearly every day. “Looking to be a good nesting season!” Kathy Caserta, a resident of the area, agreed. She gets up in the morning and looks for nests — with four and counting since the rst nest of the season — April 18 — nearby. Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch executive director Kristen Mazzarella, center yellow shirt, with volunteer Carla Boehme, center blue jacket, and two beach bystanders at a site near 30th Street in Holmes Beach where, as of May 12, AMITW had staked four loggerhead nests. Islander Photos: Kathy Caserta One of four loggerhead nests on the shore at the 30th Street beach access is staked and marked May 12 by AMITW volunteers. The nests will incubate in the sand and, without incident such as waves or standing water inundating the nest or predation by animals, about 100 loggerhead sea turtles will hatch in about 60 days.


MAY 17, 2023 THE ISLANDER | Page 27 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... By Lisa Neff NeffRising and relocating And using different scenarios to predict the impact years. Gulp. 1000 Friends of Florida and the Uniwhere there is no displacement. Gulp. rise. ment patterns will continue and factors in the impacts relocation; Compounding the impact of the population growth will be the loss of land and displacement of estabGulp. We AMIThat’s why we live on AMI That’s why we live on AMI LINDA AND KELLY ERBContact us today to learn more ... PERSONAL SERVICE, GLOBAL REACH. BUYING OR SELLING: Friendly personal service + local experience + the Suncoast’s largest real estate company. LINDA 941-224-1392 KELLY 941-720-9586 AMI SUN COLOR 3X3 164583 06-16-21 EDS ??? INCMike Norman Realty31O1 GULF DR HOLMES BEACH Mike Norman Realty MIKE NORMAN REALTY EST. 19783 BEDROOM POOL HOME. STEPS TO BEACHMove-in ready, elevated 1,745 SF, 3 bedroom home built in 2012 in a friendly, quiet neighborhood just steps from the beach. Home offers NEW A/C, elevator, an open oor plan, 10-foot vaulted ceilings, two balconies, on-demand hot water, 2+car garage, additional space for a studio/den/of ce area, as well as room for a workshop and ample storage. Reliable underground power. Entertain pool side at the covered paver patio and bar. Heated swim-sized pool with a Cobo sun shelf and changing room. Hurricane-resistant windows and doors help to meet FEMA’s requirements for lower home and ood rates. R1 zoning. $1,798,500 Maps for central Florida show two scenarios for the impact of population growth, development and sea level rise in 2040. Islander Images: Courtesy UF/1000 Friends of Florida Shell collectors to stroll shore Calling beachcombers. Beach. Participants also will learn about ethical seashell collecting methods. — Lisa Neffpeople. The researchers estimated the loss of land to sea the estimated number of residents who will relocate according to the report. WE ROCK


Page 28 THE ISLANDER | MAY 17, 2023 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... SERVICES IS YOUR HOME or of ce in need of some cleaning? Well, I’m your girl! Local, reliable, professional! Please, give me a call or text, 941-773 -0461. CLEANING: VACATION, CONSTRUCTION, residential, commercial and windows. Licensed and insured. 941-756-4570. PRESSURE WASHING, PAVER sealing, driveway, roof, fence, pool area. Also, window cleaning. Licensed and insured. 941-5653931. BICYCLE REPAIRS: Just4Fun at 5358 Gulf Drive can do most any bicycle repair at a reasonable cost. Pick-up and delivery available. 941-896-7884. COMPANION/HOMEMAKER: Honest and reliable offering help with running errands, grocery shopping, house sitting, pet and plant care, light cooking/cleaning, transportation. References available and licensed. Call Sherri, 941-592-4969. API’S DRYWALL REPAIR: I look forward to servicing your drywall repair needs. Call 941524-8067 to schedule an appointment. PROFESSIONAL WINDOW CLEANING: Residential, commercial, free estimates. “We want to earn your business!” 207-8526163. AIRPORT RIDES: SARASOTA, St. Pete, Tampa. Call/text, Vita, 941-376-7555. PARADISE PET CARE: Pet specialist. Walking, sitting, vet visits. Training and love. Jason, 908-720-1688. HANGIN’ ON AMI: We hang artwork, mirrors, TVs, etc. Furniture assembly. Local references available. 941-720-3126. ISLAND LIGHTSCAPES & SECURITY: Landscape lighting and home security installation. Quality service by Island residents. 941-7203126. PROFESSIONAL CAR SERVICE to all local airports. 24/7, 365. Eamonn, 941-4477737. EXTRA HELP AT home or on vacation. organization, cleaning, sitting, errands. very competent. Gemma, 805-570-1415. BUSINESS-TO-BUSINESS JD’s Window Cleaning looking for storefront jobs in Holmes Beach. I make dirty windows sparkling clean. 941-920-3840. BEACH SERVICE air conditioning, heat, refrigeration. Commercial and residential service, repair and/or replacement. Serving Manatee County and the Island since 1987. For dependable, honest and personalized service, call Bill Eller, 941-795-7411. CAC184228. CLEAN TECH MOBILE Detailing. At your location. Cars, boats, RVs. Call or text Billie for an appointment. 941-592-3482. FREEBIE ITEMS FOR SALE Individuals may place one free ad with up to three items, each priced $100 or less, 15 words or less. FREE, one week, must be submitted online. Email classi eds@islander. org, fax toll-free 1-866-362-9821. (limited time offer) ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIALIZING IN BACHELORETTE parties. Call Michael Sue Scott. Intuitive reader. 941726-1234. LOST & FOUND LOST: SMALL TWO-year old black, longhaired cat. Last seen 69th Street and Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Katie Mae, 941-7057179. PETS HELP RESCUED PETS! Volunteer, foster, computer help needed! Moonracer Animal Rescue. Email: moonraceranimalrescue@ TRANSPORTATION GOLF CART RENTALS: Fun for residents and tourists! BOATS & BOATING HAVE A BOAT and wanna catch more sh, better bait or learn the water? 50-year local sherman, your boat, my knowledge. Captain Chris, 941-896-2915. SUNCOAST BOTTOM PAINTING: Professional bottom painting. Mobile. Call 941704-9382. FISHING FUN AND FISH: Skiff rental. 24-foot Carolina skiff. Live bait and shing equipment included upon request. Call 941-704-9382. HELP WANTED ACTIVITY PERSON NEEDED for beach resort. Part-time, 20-24 hours/week. For more details, please, call 941-779-2804. NOW HIRING HANDYMAN: Full-time professional services. $18 an hour and up, based on experience. Call JayPros, 941962-2874. REPORTER WANTED: Fullto part-time. Print media, newspaper experience required. Apply via email with letter of interest to KIDS FOR HIRE NEED AN ADULT night out? Call Maty’s Babysitting Services. I’m 16, love kids and have lots of experience. References upon request. 618-977-9630. KIDS FOR HIRE ads are FREE for up to three weeks for Island youths under 16 looking for work. Ads must be placed in person at The Islander of ce, 315 58th St. Suite J, Holmes Beach. ITEMS FOR SALE COMPLETE VERTICAL BLIND system: Draw cord, turn and pull, white and brown slats. 108 inches. Excellent-plus condition. $49 or best offer. 941-778-5542. FAUX FIREPLACE: $49 or best offer. 941778-5542. PANINNI MAKER: CUISINART, stainlesssteel, like new, $45. 941-920-2494. CHAIR: BLACK, SOFT cushion $15/ each and office chair, white, $10. Side tables, brown with glass top. 2/$20. 941920-2494. UNSPLIT MAHOGANY FIREWOOD for sale. Call Bill, 724-986-0314. ANTIQUE PARTNER DESK: All wood, $500. Inquire at The Islander of ce, 315 58th St. Suite J, Holmes Beach. 941-778-7978. Paradise Improvements 941.792.5600Kitchen and Bath Remodeling Specialist Replacement Doors and Windows Andrew ChennaultFULLY LICENSED AND INSURED Island References Lic#CBC056755 I S L A N D E R C L A S S I F I E D S Residential & Condo Renovations vice RDI CONSTRUCTION INC.CBC 1253471 ANSWERS TO MAY 17 PUZZLE Sandy’s Lawn Service Inc.ESTABLISHED IN 1983Residential & Commercial Full-service lawn maintenance. Landscaping ~ Cleanups Hauling ~ Tree Trimming.LICENSED & INSURED AdoptA-Pet Bella is an 8-year-old She’s neutered and has all Oh, those eyes! SPONSORED BY FREE ... The Islander newspaper is FREE at Publix Holmes Beach. Just stop by the customer service desk, hold out your hand and say, “Islander, please!” And maybe remind staff you’d like the serveyourself community newsrack returned to the lobby.


MAY 17, 2023 THE ISLANDER | Page 29 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... LAWN & GARDEN CONNIE’S LANDSCAPING INC. Residential and commercial. Full-service lawn maintenance, landscaping, cleanups, hauling and more! Insured. 941-778-5294. BARNES LAWN AND Landscape LLC. Design and installation, lawn and landscape services, tree trimming, mulch, rock and shell. 941-705-1444. COLLINS LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: Outdoor lighting, landscaping, irrigation services and maintenance. 941-279-9947. MJC24373@ SEARAY SPRINKLER SERVICES. Repairs, additions, drip, sprinkler head/timer adjustments. 941-920-0775. SHELL DELIVERED AND spread. Hauling all kinds of gravel, mulch, topsoil with free estimates. Call Larry at 941-795-7775, “shell phone” 941-720-0770. MP LAWN MAINTENANCE now accepting new clients. Call Dante, 941-730-9199. mp@ HOME IMPROVEMENT VAN-GO PAINTING residential/commercial, interior/exterior, pressure cleaning, wallpaper. Island references. Bill, 941-795-5100. TILE -TILE -TILE. All variations of ceramic tile supplied and installed. Quality workmanship, prompt, reliable, many Island references. Call Neil, 941-726-3077. GRIFFIN’S HOME IMPROVEMENTS Inc. Handyman, fine woodwork, countertops, cabinets and wood flooring. Insured and licensed. 941-722-8792. ISLAND HANDYMAN: I live here, work here, value your referral. Re nish, paint. Just ask. JayPros. Licensed/insured. References. Call Jay, 941-962-2874. HANDYMAN AND PAINTING. No job too small. Most jobs just right. Call Richard Kloss. 941-204-1162. SCREENING SERVICES: Replace your old or ripped window, door or porch screens. Many screen types available. Retired veteran here to serve our community! Free estimates, call Lane, 941-705-5293. CALL HYDRO CLEAN. Full-service pressure washing, sealing. Pavers, travertine and natural stone. Window washing too, up to three stories. Call Jacob, 941-920-2094. SARASOTA INTERIOR PAINTING: We specialize in high-end properties. We love to paint! Owner operated. Fully insured/ licensed. Call or text Don, 941-900-9398. Instagram: SarasotaInteriorPainting. RENTALS ANNA MARIA GULF beachfront vacation rentals. Onetwoand three-bedroom units, all beachfront. 941778-3143. PERICO ISLAND PATIO home for rent. 3BR/2BA. two-car garage, fully renovated. 30-day minimum. Privacy fence/gate, two miles to AMI. Available July 1December 25, 2023. #bluerockingchair instagram/fb. 859-771-6423. ANNUAL 2BR/1BA IN Bradenton Beach. 150 yards to Gulf. $2,650/month includes utilities and appliances. No smoking or pets. First/ last/security. 508-496-8480. williamshomes@ BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED, ANNUAL rental in Beach Harbor Club, Longboat Key. 2BR/2BA with views of the bay, laundry and condo amenities include pool, grill, with both bay and beach access. $200 application required. $3,800 month plus rst and last month’s rent and $1,000 deposit. Call Mike Norman Realty, 941-778-6696. 3101 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, FL 34217. HOLMES BEACH annual rental available now. Fully furnished. 3BR/2BA elevated duplex. $4,000 per month plus utilities. Contact us at 941-778-4410 for more details. ON ANNA MARIA Island: total remodel, ground-level, 2BR/1.5BA in 55-plus community. Beach across street, furnished, pool, library, parking, annual rental, $3,200 per month. Includes WIFI, all utilities, no pets, no smoking, Call Tim, 507-382-8880. BEACH LIFE! 55-PLUS park: 1BR/1BA. Beach just across the street! Furnished, pool, parking, annual rental. $1,695 month, includes all utilities except electricity. Vetting by the of ce. No pets. 831-212-2606. 1BR/1BA GUEST APARTMENT: Holmes Beach. Renovated and furnished available June 1. Pets considered. $2,000/month. 305-793-8980. FOR LEASE: 2BR/2BA condo available yearly. 55-plus community, ground oor, carport, pool clubhouse and golf available. No pets. $2,200 per month plus security. 440-7243126. OFF-SEASON RATE: 90-180 days exible. 2BR/2BA Wildwood Springs. $1,800/month. Turnkey furnished. Real Estate Mart, 941356-1456. RARE COMMERCIAL OFFICE space for lease, 101 S. Bay Blvd., Suite B2, 900 sf. Above AMI post of ce with great visibility, ve exterior sign spaces, newly renovated, can come furnished, rent includes utilities, $4,500 per month, two-year lease minimum. Call Lisa, 941-799-1766. I S L A N D E R C L A S S I F I E D S Rick Turner Personal Driver 941.504.2894 Sand & Se a Cleaning Servic es LLCResidential Cleaning Ser ea ea L LC 94 s an da 315 58TH ST. , HOLMES BEACH WWW.ISLANDER.ORG Island Limousine and Airport Transportation Prompt, Courteous Service New Vehicles941.779.0043 ads online at You can read it all online at REAL ESTATE WINNIE MCHALE, REALTOR, 941-5046146. Rosebay International Realty Inc. You need an aggressive and experienced Realtor in today’s market! Selling island homes, Sarasota and Bradenton areas. Multi-milliondollar producer! “Selling Homes Making Dreams Come True.” CLASSIC FIXER-UPPER home. Private golf course, panoramic views. Half-plus acre. Caged pool, minutes to beaches. $719,000. Real Estate Mart, 941-345-1456. Islander archive 24/7 The Islander is a partner Florida George A. Smathers Libraries. Florida digital newspaper


Page 30 THE ISLANDER | MAY 17, 2023 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Thinking about what is best for your rental property? If so, choose QUALITY over quantity, and get in touch with us!3340 E. Bay Drive, HB Of ce 941 462 4016 BizCal By Lisa Neff SAVE THE DATES May 25, 5-7 p.m., Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce Beach. May 30, 4:30-6:30 p.m., Manatee Chamber of Commerce Politics & Pints, Oscura, 816 Manatee Ave. E., Bradenton. isl WE ROCK INCMike N orman 31o1 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach 800-367-1617 | 941-778-6696 OFFERING THE BEST SELECTION OF SALES & RENTALS ON ANNA MARIA ISLAND SINCE 1978 W E C A R E A B O U T E A C H H O M E A S O U R O W N A N D E A C H G U E S T A S I F T H E Y W E R E F A M I L YONCEUPONABEACHAMI.COM@ O N C E U P O N A B E A C H A M IE X C L U S I V E L U X U R Y V A C A T I O N H O M E S P E R S O N A L I Z E D C A R E & A T T E N T I O N E X C E P T I O N A L S E R V I C E O N E O F A K I N D E X P E R I E N C E L O C A L E X P E R T T E A M & C O N C I E R G EOnce Upon A BeachV A C A T I O N R E N T A L S 9 4 1 . 5 8 4 . 5 8 4 4 Manatee chamber to host ‘Politics & Pints’ The Manatee Chamber of Commerce will recap The chamber ushered in the session with another the news Does your business Danielle Mahon, Topsail Steamer owner, and manager Tiffany Kaminski welcome guests May 9 to the grand opening of their restaurant in the Mainsail Plaza at 5321 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Mahon, founder and CEO, opened her rst brick-and-mortar location in 2017 in Topsail Island, North Carolina. She now has seven locations, including AMI, and they ship steamer pots to all 50 states. Islander Photos: Toni Lyon Cole Klaren focuses on hot seafood and veggies tumbling from a strainer pot onto a steamtable at Topsail Steamer. The restaurant served guests May 9 at a grand opening for the seafood concept, where customers pick their seafood, take it home in a steamer pot, cook and enjoy! Topsail is at 5321 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Winners of an Islander T-shirt at the AMICofC luncheon May 11 at the Porch in Anna Maria are Bob and Amy Verhelst with Liberty Title of the South. Islander Photo: Toni Lyon


MAY 17, 2023 THE ISLANDER | Page 31 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PropertyWatch By Carol Bernard WE TWEET TO0@ami_islander Island real estate sales Compiled by Island Real Estate. IRE professionals can be reached at 941-778-6066, The Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce networking luncheon was a sold-out event at the Porch Restaurant in Anna Maria. Members networked while enjoying cheeseburgers, sh and chips, chicken sandwiches and summer salads. From left are Brianna Co-owner Brianna Foster introduces guests from the Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce May 11 to the Porch Restaurant in Anna Maria. Islander Photo: Toni Lyon Gagnier, Island Real Estate; John Lappin, Concord Home Mortgage; Brian Sharkey, the Sharkey Agency; Amy Verhelst, Liberty Title of the South; Toni Lyon of The Islander; James Berger, Compass Hotel; Bernard Sokolowski of Starwheel Websites; and Tiffany Miles, Island Real Estate. Islander Photo: AMICofC B e c k y S i r i g o t i s P r i n c i p a l A g e n t Comp ass is a lic en s ed r ea l e s t at e br ok er . All m at eria l is in t en ded f or inf orm ation a l purp o s e s only an d is c ompiled f r om s our c e s deem ed r elia ble but is s u bjec t t o err or s, omission s, c h ange s in pric e , c on dition, s a le , or with dr aw a l with out n o tic e. No s t at em en t is m ade as t o th e ac cur acy of an y de s crip tion or m eas ur em en ts (in c luding s quar e f o o t age.) This is n o t in t en ded t o s olicit pr op er t y a lr eady li s t ed. No n an cia l or lega l advic e pr o vided. E qua l Housing Opp or t unit y . Ph o t o s m ay b e vir t ua lly s t aged or digit a lly enh an c ed an d m ay n o t r e ec t ac t ua l pr op er t y c on dition s. C all me t o learn mor e! Boat er s ’ P ar adis e F ound! 3 12 11th A v e. Eas t P alme tt o, FL 34 221 2 BD | 2 B A | 1714 SF | $64 9 , 0 , 000 WE ROCK The Tyler’s Homemade Ice Cream family — Laura, Rob, Dan and Sandy Alderson — tee up in style May 12 at the AMICofC golf tournament at the IMG Academy Golf Club in Bradenton. Islander Photo: Toni Lyon Winners of the AMICofC May 12 golf tournament accepting their awards at the IMG clubhouse restaurant after their round are Brady Chapman, Derek Williams, Steve Monroe and, not pictured, Mike Holmes. The team was sponsored by the Drift Inn. Islander Photo: Courtesy AMICofC


Page 32 THE ISLANDER | MAY 17, 2023 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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