 Main: Opinion
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 Main: Islander Classifieds
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00074389/00102
 Material Information
Title: Islander (Anna Maria, Fla. : 1992)
Uniform Title: Islander (Anna Maria, Fla. : 1992)
Physical Description: Newspaper
Creator: Islander
Publisher: Bonner Joy
Publication Date: December 13, 2006
Genre: newspaper   ( sobekcm )
newspaper   ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Manatee -- Anna Maria
Coordinates: 27.530278 x -82.734444 ( Place of Publication )
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
System ID: UF00074389:00102

Table of Contents
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    Main: Opinion
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    Main continued
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    Main: Islander Classifieds
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Full Text

Skimming the news ... Anna Maria Island map inside, page 18.

F U ^Anna Maria

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Winlerie st winner, page 12.

"The Best News on Anna Maria Island Since 1992"

Volume 15, No. 6 Dec. 13, 2006 FREE

Bradenton Beach

woman's murder trial

to start Dec. 18

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6 m

Santa hugs, wishes, cheer, fun, smiles, hopes, dreams ...
Islander Brandon Kirkley, 5, gives Santa Claus a hug before sharing his Chrism W ,n ish r the Holiday Fun
Day at Coquina Beach Saturday. For more pictures and story, see inside. Islander Photo: Lisa Neff

Florida, Island tourism down

By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
Island accommodation owners who are tired of
seeing occupancy figures of Island hotels and motels
decline steadily the past two years are not alone.
According to a report released by Smith Travel
Research, Florida's tourism industry is -puerinng. par-
ticularly in the Orlando area.
The STR said that among its top 25 destinations,
Orlando was the second worst in year-to-date decline
in hotel occupancy for: September and October with
4.6 percent drop, trailing only Las Vegas.
STR noted that while hotel occupancy is dropping
in Orlando, timeshares are becoming increasingly pop-
ular for the area. STR also said that passenger arrivals at
Orlando International Airport are continuing to climb,
despite the downturn in hotel occupancy.
The study said, however, that it appears more and
more visitors are taking advantage of time shares and other
rental units available, rather than renting a hotel room..
Some industry analysts said the 2006 downturn in
Florida tourism was due to predictions of a dire hur-
ricane season.
According to an Associated Press story, tourism
expert Danielle Saba Courtenay said that the predic-
tions were that 2006 was "going to be a bad hurricane

season." As a result, people planning Florida or Orlando
vacations during the summer changed their plans, even
when forecasters revised their predictions downward.
No hurricanes and only one tropical storm struck Flor-
ida during the 2006 hurricane season.
"Our research has shown the predictions made a
difference" in reservations, she said.
STR said the Tampa Bay area is among the state's
biggest losers in hotel occupancy for 2006, down 2.6
percent from last year's figures.
At the same time, however, STR said the Miami
market was up 4 percent in October and is only down 1
percent in occupancy\ for ihe entire year when compared
with the same period in 2005.
But as Susan Estler of the Bradenton Area Conven-
tion and Visitors Bureau has long maintained, compare,
ing Anna Maria Island tourism to that of Orlando or the
rest of Florida is "apples to oranges.
"We are not a mass tourism destination. We appeal
to families who want a great beach, great natural attrac-
tions and the peace and quiet of Old Florida," she has
While the CVB figures for occupancy on Anna
Maria Island are down again this year compared with
last year, the CVB only surveys 28 percent of the avail-
able accommodations on the Island.

By Lisa Neff
Islander Reporter
Just where Merle Zeigler will start the new year is
an uncertainty.
The 53-year-old Bradenton Beach woman is sched-
uled to stand trail in the slaying of her boyfriend, Frank
Ray Reposh, on Dec. 18. So a jury will likely decide
whether Zeigler will begin 2007 as a free woman or as
a state inmate.
Reposh, 41, died at his home, a duplex at 7818
40th Ave. Drive W., sometime in September or October
2005, but his body was not discovered until June 7,
2006. The remains were found in a shallow grave in a
wooded area on Palma Sola Boulevard.
Zeigler was arrested in connection with the killing
in June. Her address at the time was on Third Street
South in Bradenton Beach. Her residence since her
arrest has been the Manatee County jail, where she
has remained without bond.
Zeigler pleaded not guilty to second-degree murder
with a firearm. If convicted on the capital felony charge
she could be sentenced to life in prison.
Zeigler's attorney, Jeffrey Haynes, declined to com-
ment on the open case.
The state pro.ecutoi, Eduardo Brodsk\, could not
be reached for comment.
Jury selection is scheduled to begin Dec. 18 before
Judge Edward Nicholas in the Manatee County Court-
house. A docket sounding to review the status of
the .case and determine whether the state and prosecu-
tion are ready for trial was set for Tuesday, as The
Islander went to press.
Zeigler's son, Joshua Phillip, also is charged in the

GSR model home auction deadline Friday

By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
Investors, real estate developers and anyone look-
ing for a slice of the good life found on Anna Maria
Island have their chance this week to buy into the Island
dream at a bargain price.
Financially troubled GSR Development LLC is
auctioning off its model home at its Villa Rosa hous-
ing project on South Bay Boulevard in Anna Maria as
a means of raising cash to pay off hopefully at
least the first mortgage on the property.
Attorney.Richard Prosser, representing GSR in
bankruptcy court, has set a minimum bid price on the
iliree-story luxury home at $1.5 million in cash.

But don't expect mortgage holder Fifth Third Bank
to take that bid. The bank's lien against the property is
for $1.8 million, and it's not likely the bank will take
a $300,000 loss on a property that could well be worth
at least $2.5 million.
In fact, it's a wonder the property is even being
auctioned, considering that Theo Ratliff of the Boston
Celtics has a contract to purchase the house and lot for
$2.5 million.
That's if and when the house is completed and
ready for occupancy .
Contractors involved with the model home con-
struction say the house needs about $800,000 more in

Stuart Little, the albino squirrel residing at Wild-
life Inc. in Bradenton Beach, got decked out for the
holidays with the help of some computer expertise.
Stuart and Wildife Inc. 's Ed and Gail Straight sent
out the image as a holiday wish to supporters. The
animal rehab's wish list includes acorns, seed and
other caretaking items. For more information, call
941-778-6324. Islander Image: Wildlife Inc.


2 0 DEC. 13. 2006 TIIE ISLANDER

GSR auction Dec. 15
improvements and construction to get a certificate of
occupancy from the Anna Maria building department.
Ratliff, who has a $175,000 deposit with GSR for
the completed house, has filed a claim in the Manatee
County Circuit Court that he has an interest in the prop-
erty, but his attorney, John Perry of Orlando, has not
filed a claim with the bankruptcy court that Ratliff is
a creditor, or contested the auction sale with that same
Efforts to reach Perry for comment were unsuccess-
The deadline for bid submission is 4 p.m. Friday,
Dec. 15. All bids must be accompanied by a "good
faith" deposit of 5 percent and delivered to Prosser's
office at 110 E. Madison St., No. 200, in Tampa, by the
But if all this sounds too good to be true a $2.5
million luxury Island home at a bargain basement price
- let the buyer beware.
Prosser is advertising the property the house sits
on Lot 14 of the Villa Rosa subdivision "as is,
where is" and "shown on a proposed plat" that is "not
yet recorded."
The city has been waiting for more than two years
for GSR to deliver a final plat of the 17 lots at Villa
Rosa to approve so that the plat can be recorded with
the Manatee County Clerk of the Circuit Court.
The notice of auction sale also claims the property
would be delivered to the successful bidder "free and
clear of all liens, claims and encumbrances."
Fifth Third Bank retains credit bidding rights to the
property and can reject any and all bids that don't meet
its requirements.
Still, a winning bid of $1.8 million to satisfy the
bank is possible.,
"It would be a good buy if you could get it at that
price, or maybe even a little higher," said one local real
estate agent who asked not to be identified. "It could be
a great bargain.
"What I don't understand is why they didn't just
complete the model home and sell it to Ratliff, unless
they ran out of money to finish the job," the agent

Murder trial set to start Monday
slaying with second-degree murder with a firearm. The
26-year-old is scheduled for a docket sounding Feb. 6
and a trial Feb. 12.
In June, when Reposh's remains were found, Joshua
Zeigler was taken into custody in connection with an
unrelated domestic charge. While in custody, he alleg-
edly told Manatee County Sheriff's Office investigators
that his mother killed Reposh and buried the body.
The sheriff's office next arrested Merle Zeigler,
who allegedly confessed to killing Reposh.
A probable cause affidavit states that Merle Zeigler
said Reposh had gotten high on drugs and angered her so
she stabbed him in the ribs with a kitchen knife and then
bound his hands and feet. She said she took $600 from
him, which she used to buy drugs and rent a handgun.
In Merle Zeigler's account, according to authori-
ties, she returned to the duplex she was sharing with
Reposh, got high, shot the man twice, wrapped him in
a shower curtain and borrowed a van to take the body
to the burial site, where she dug "until the ground was
too hard" to continue.
A somewhat different version of events is contained
in court records in the case against Joshua Zeigler.
Documents in that case indicate that in record-
ings of three separate jail visitations Joshua Zeigler
explained his involvement in the killing.
The son was living at Reposh's residence, along

This canalfront model
home at GSR's Villa
Rosa subdivision in Anna
Maria is up for auction
with a minimum bid price
of $1.5 million. Islander
Photo: Rick Catlin

with his mother, his girlfriend and her infant son. The
day of the killing, Reposh allegedly ordered all of them
to move out. An argument followed, in which Joshua
. Zeigler allegedly stabbed Reposh as the older man tried
to flee the home.
Reposh was dragged back into the home, bound at
the wrists and ankles and then robbed of $600, which
was used to buy rock cocaine and to tent a gun.
"Joshua removed five rounds from the gun before
handing it to Merle," court records state. Merle Zeigler
allegedly fired one shot, injuring Reposh, and Joshua
Zeigler "reloaded the gun and shot the fatal round."
The prosecution's list of potential witnesses in the
case against Merle Zeigler includes a number of depu-
ties and investigators with the MCSO, lab technicians,
representatives from the medical examiner's office, and
acquaintances of both the deceased and the Zeiglers.
Potential evidence includes incident, and arrest
reports, a Sprint Nextel cell phone record for the number
941-322-4798, Miranda waivers for Merle and Josh
Zeigler, notes and letters between the mother and son,
crime-scene photographs, and recorded statements and
conversations,-including a recording of Merle Zeigler
in a police car.
Initially the public defender's office was handling
Merle Zeigler's case. But the office was already repre-
senting a potential witness in the Zeigler case on several
unrelated charges. A motion for a new attorney to rep-
-resent Zeigler stated concern about a conflict of interest
and Haynes was assigned the responsibility.

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THE ISLANDElR DEC. 13. 2006 3 3

Rays create buzz, attraction on beach

By Lisa Neff
Islander Reporter
Schools of people gathered on the Island's beaches
this past week to study the school of rays swimming
close to shore.
Many people stood a foot into the Gulf water, point-
ing toward the cownose rays, hundreds of them gliding
in the water and rolling in the waves.
"My gosh, they're beautiful," said Sylvia May, of
Anna Maria, as she stood in the water, watching the
rays swim around her.
"I've never seen anything like it," said Peter Cam-
bridge, visiting from Durham, N.H. "I just don't really
have the words."
Cambridge's wife at first mistook a ray's pectoral
fins for two sharks.
As she ran from the water for a drink at the nearby
Sandbar Restaurant, Cambridge chuckled. "This has
got to be the highlight of my vacation," he said later,
after his wife returned to watch the swim.
The cownose rays are common to area waters,
according-to Dr. Carl Luer, a senior scientist with Mote
Marine Laboratory.
It's also not unusual to see the rays, which have sting-
ers but tend not to be threatening, swimming in large
schools. In fact, in the Gulf of Mexico, schools of as many
as 10,000 rays travel from Florida to the Yucatan.
Luer said the cownose rays their scientific name
is Rhinoptera bonasus were probably swimming
close to the Island to feed. They are bottom feeders
with teeth plates designed for crushing clams and,
oyster shells.

State agents raid

Anna Maria medical

supply business
By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
Agents of the Florida Attorney General's office
early last Thursday swooped down on the office of
Acute Care Inc. in Anna Maria, seizing boxes of records
.for an apparent investigation into medicare fraud.
Spokesperson JoAnn Carrin of the Florida Attorney
General's Office in Tallahassee would neither confirm
nor deny the raid was part of any investigation and
declined comment on whether or not any arrests were
The agents who raided the facility, however, said
they were from the Florida Attorney General's office
in Tampa and referred all inquiries to the FAG office in
Law enforcement officers \\ho assisted in the raid
said they were told the records ere seized as part of anl
investigation into medicare fraud. Camn said she could
neither confirm nor deny that possibility.
Acute Care Team owners Jeanne Ferguson and
Nancy Wood have o%% ned the business since 1996. Acute
Care is located at 9908 Gulf Drive at the plaza that
housed the former U.S. Post Office in Anna Maria.
A spokesperson at the Acute Care office in Anna
Maria said owners Jeanne Ferguson and Nancy Wood
had no comment on the incident.
Acute Care Inc. provides hospital beds, bathroom
accessories, electric wheelchairs, orthopedic equipment
and a host of other personal medical needs, particularly
for handicapped individuals.
The store was accredited by the State of Florida
medical licensing division and also specializes in respi-
ratory therapy.

The story in the Dec. 6 Islander regarding the Anna
Maria City Commission public hearing on the com-
prehensive plan and future land-use map contained an
There was no motion made to change the land-use
designation on the two lots on the west side of the Gulf
Drive-Palmetto Avenue intersection owned by former
Commissioner Linda Cramer to retail-office-residen-
There was discussion among the commission about
the designation of the lots in question, but no motion
was made in that regard.

NO, w-



Cownose rays swim along Anna Maria's Gulf shore. Hundreds of rdys could be seen in the shallow water off
the Island last week. Islander Photo: Connie Wolgast

The rays grow rapidly, with males reaching about
35 inches in width and weighing 25 pounds, and
females reaching about 28 inches in width and weigh-
ing 36 pounds.

Acute drama
The Acute Care Inc. offices at 9908 Gulf Drive in
Anna Maria were raided early on the morning of
Dec: 7 by state agents who seized boxes of records
from the business. The agents said they were from the
Florida Attorney General's office, a claim the FAG's
office in Tallahassee would neither confirm nor deny.

Fire damages

Island home
Tragedy struck a Bradenton Beach family
last week as a fire broke out in their home.
Peggy and David Anderson and their son,
Billy Goldschmidt, 20, were able to escape the
Dec. 5 blaze that started in Billy's bedroom,
but their Rottweiler-mix dog Shanna died in the
West Manatee Fire Rescue Chief Andy;
Price said the cause of the conflagration was
electrical an aquarium apparently) shorted in
their rental house at 2110 Ave. A. He eSiimnied
damage at approximately $5,000 to the struc-
ture and contents.
Smoke damage was extensive, and although
the bed frames were spared, all the imartresses,
linens and pillows were total loss. Billy's
clothes were also lost in the fire.
The family is seeking help this holiday
season to recover from the loss caused by the
fire. Peggy, who has worked at the One-Stop
Shell Shop in Bradenton Beach for years, and;
David, who is a registered nurse, welcome any
assistance Islanders may provide. She may be
reached at 704-0741.

Mote received a number of calls and e-mails from
people seeking details about the animals, Luer said.
"We typically have these types of rays in our touch
tanks if people want to see them up close," he added.

Christmas bird count

organizing on Island
The annual Christmas bird count scheduled in two
sections locally is being set up by the Manatee County
Audubon Society.
The Anna Maria Island birds will be counted Thurs-
day, Dec. 28, with the Bradenton coufit coming up this
week on Saturday, Dec. 16.
David Williamson, who is organizing this 107th
count, said he has not yet completed the programs and
assignments but will do so very soon. He asks that
volunteers call him at 378-9920 to find where they fit
into the Audubon plan.
Last year 57,156 volunteers counted about 62 mil-
lion birds around the country. Anna Maria provided
3,717 and Bradenton 35,659.


Anna Maria City
Dec. 14, 7 p.m., city commission meeting.
Anna Maria City Hall, 10005 Gulf Drive.
708-6130 www.cityofannamaria.com

Bradenton Beach
Dec. 14, 5 p.m., planning and zoning board meeting.
Bradenton Beach City Hall, 107 Gulf Drive N.,
778-1005 www.cityofbradentonbeach.org

Holmes Beach
Dec. 13, 5 p.m., parks and beautification committee
Dec. 19, 10 a.m., code enforcement board meeting.
Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive,
708-5800 www.holmesbeachfl.org

Of Interest
Dec. 13, 7 p.m., Coalition of Barrier Island Elected
Officials meeting, Bradenton Beach City Hall.
Dec. 18, 3:30 p.m., Island Transportation Planning
Organization meeting, Anna Maria City Hall.

City offices in Bradenton Beach, Holmes Beach
and Longboat Key will be closed Dec. 25-26 for the
Christmas holiday. Anna Maria government offices
will be closed Dec. 22 and Dec. 25.
Garbage, trash or recyclable collection regularly sched-
uled for Dec. 25 in Anna Maria, Holmes Beach and
Longboat Key will take place on Saturday, Dec. 23.
There will be no service interruption in Bradenton Beach.


-. .- .,

II- -1



4 M DEC. 13. 2006 M THE ISLANDER

Insurance: Bigger threat than hurricanes

By Molly McCartney
Islander Reporter
Tom and Sabine Buehler have mixed feelings about
last week's decision by state-run Citizens Property
Insurance Corp. to postpone action on a proposed 767
percent increase on wind coverage.
On the one hand, they are glad the ax hasn't
On the other, they are apprehensive about what is
going to happen.
Citizens delayed its decision on rates to allow time
for the state Legislature to address the state's insurance
crisis in a special session beginning Jan. 16.
The Buehlers own Haley's Motel in Holmes
"I am scared," Sabine Buehler said. "If we get a
700 percent increase, we close. There is no way we
could make the payments."
Wind insurance for the Buehlers' motel cost $3,463
this year. An increase of 767 percent would push the
bill for their Citizens coverage to more than $30,000.
Tom Buehler said that the insurance industry,
including Citizens, is more of a threat to him and his
motel than a hurricane. He said that policyholders now
have to pay for future storm risks.
The proposed Citizens increase is based in part on
the cost of reinsurance (what an insurer pays for insur-
ance) to cover a 1-in-70 year storm. "I would rather pay
a surcharge for the damage after there was a storm,"
rather than pay now for something that might or might
not happen in the future, Buehler said.
"I wish I could charge my motel rates based on
future risks," he said.
Before its meeting in Gainesville on Thursday, the
Citizens board had also been considering rate increases
of 8.5 percent to 104.6 percent for Manatee County
homeowners. Citizens insures about 18,500 hom-
eowners in Manatee, including many on Anna Maria
The rate hike recommendations set off a firestorm
of complaints when they were announced last month.
Policyholders and politicians said such big increases
would ruin many small business, hurt consumers and
damage the state's economy.
Among the first to yield to the outcry was Citizens'
board chairman Bruce Douglas, who said he would
oppose the increases because the economic impact
, would be too severe.
In recent days, there has been a kind of political
theater taking place around this issue, with a parade
of leaders declaring their opposition to the rate hikes
and urging Citizens to hold off on any action until the
special legislative session has a chance to pass new
insurance laws.
Gov.-elect Charlie Crist and new state Chief Finan-
cial Officer Alex Sink as well as some lawmakers have
embraced this approach.
The great irony in this is the fact that the Citizens
rate hikes were proposed because of a state law passed

:~ il

Sabine and Tom Buehler, owners of Haley's Motel in Holmes Beach, are worried about the impact of higher
rates for wind insurance on their business. Islander Photo: Molly McCartney

in May. Under that law, known as Senate Bill 1980,
Citizens was supposed to begin including the cost of
reinsurance in its rate-making process, even though
Citizens doesn't have to buy reinsurance.
Now, in a twist worthy of a Shakespearian play,
lawmakers are saying they want to, eliminate the
requirement the mandate for the Citizens proposed
increase that they passed just a few months ago.
In a Dec. 5 letter to the Citizens board, state Sen.
Jeff Atwater, who represents parts of Broward and Palm
Beach counties, said he intended to join several other
senators in filing legislation "to remove from Florida
Statutes those mandates which are driving the actions
of CPIC to propose this increase."
Atwater said Floridians "can not withstand another
hike in property insurance rates. The dream of the young
Florida family wishing to buy a house is rapidly disap-
pearing. Retired Floridians, despite every heroic effort
they are making, now fear the prospects of giving up
their home. If something does not turn around soon, we
will place the economic engine of Florida at risk."
In closing, Atwater said, "Please accept this request
to defer further rate consideration until after the special
session. Let us work together with the confidence that
we can find a better answer."

Lawmakers are already trying to sift through the
various plans and recommendations that have been
made to reform the broken state insurance system.
Near the top of the list of proposed reforms is a
restructuring of Citizens, the state's insurer of last resort
and the largest insurer in the state, with nearly 1.3 mil-
lion policyholders.
State Rep. Bill Galvano, who represents western
Manatee County and has been a leader in the insur-
ance reform effort, has urged that the state eliminate
the controversial and arbitrary wind-pool boundaries.
Working closely with Galvano on this issue is John
Laurie, a Bradenton insurance agent who served as a
technical advisor to the governor's special insurance
reform committee.
In its Nov. 15 report, the committee issued a 115-
page report with specific recommendations. To see that
report in full, go online to www.myfloridainsurance-
form.com and click "Interim Report."
The Buehlers say they are watching to see the final
outcome in this insurance drama, but they are convinced
that they won't be getting any premium reduction.
"The rates are going up. No doubt about that," Tom
Buehler said. The insurers are "just waiting to see what
they can get away with."

Congress passes drilling bill in lame-duck session

By Lisa Neff
Islander Reporter
Islanders opposed to an expansion of drilling in the
Gulf said they hope one of the last.votes in Congress'
lame-duck session doesn't lead to a disaster that kills
birds and other wildlife.
"People think it should be OK because we won't
see oil rigs from the shore," said Pat Riggs, of Anna
Maria. "It's not about.seeing oil rigs. It's about the
disaster that occurs 235 miles west of here that changes
everything we know."
The U.S. House, after fierce debate in the final
hours of the 109th Session Dec. 8, passed legislation
expanding drilling for natural gas and oil in the Gulf
of Mexico.
The Senate followed with its 1:49 a.m. vote on Dec.
9. The Senate had already passed drilling legislation
71 to 25 in August and on Saturday swiftly voted to
send the bill to the president. The 79 to 9 vote was the
Senate's last roll call vote of the session.
The drilling legislation was folded into a tax bill
containing extensions for college tuition deduction, a
research-and-development credit and a deduction for
teachers' out-of-pocket expenses.
The White House-endorsed drilling legislation

would open about 8.3 million acres in the Gulf for
drilling about 125 miles south of the Florida Panhandle
and 234 miles west of Tampa.Bay. The area desig-
nated parts of Lease Sale 181 is estimated to contain
about 1.26 billion barrels of oil and 5.8 trillion cubic
feet of natural gas. Four states Alabama, Louisiana,
Mississippi and Texas would receive royalties esti-
mated in the millions of dollars. Additional royalties
would be used to build parks and preserve green spaces
in all 50 states.
Endorsing the measure earlier this year, U.S. Sen.
Mel Martinez, R-Fla., said, "There's a delicate balance
between developing our nation's natural resources and
respecting the wishes of its individual states; this bill
meets both."
The House had been expected to take up the drill-
ing bill on Dec. 5, but the vote was canceled without
official explanation.
Environmentalists took the postponement as a sign
the measure lacked the two-thirds majority needed for
But supporters continued to work to bring up the
bill before the 109th Congress concluded its work.
"We have precious little time left, but remain
hopeful," U.S. Sen. Mary Landrieu, the co-author of

the Senate bill, said on Dec. 5. "I pledge to use every
resource at my disposal to do everything possible to
see that this vital legislation is passed before Congress
goes home."
Another attempt to move the legislation took place
late Dec. 7, but the House called it a night before reach-
ing the vote.
On Dec. 8, in the last hours of the session, rep-
resentatives took several votes related to the drilling
legislation, including defeating an amendment intended
to require some oil companies to renegotiate contracts
for royalty payments.
As lawmakers readied to vote, they encountered
campaigns from two fronts environmental groups
,opposed to the legislation and industry groups promot-
ing the measure as the best possible compromise.
"This backward looking legislation should never
again see the light of day," said Tiernan Sittenfeld, of
the League of Conservation Voters.
Opening up the Gulfarea "is a positive step forward
to reversing the trend of higher natural gas prices," said
John Engler, president of the National Association of
Landrieu said making the legislation law is "vital

THE ISLANDER U DEC. 13, 2006 M 5

Red.light runners beware,

take time for 'white'
By Diana Bogan at East Bay Drive that need
Islander Reporter Since installing the whit
If you run the red light at East Bay Drive and Mana- to aid in monitoring east/we,
tee Avenue, you'll miss spotting a new tool enabling the number of citations given
law enforcement to crack down on red-light running. A "have gone up substantially.
fixture with a white light bulb posted on the back of the "The white light frees u
traffic light automatically lights up when the signal turns to view the infraction from ar
red, casting no doubt as to whether a vehicle is passing tion," Stephenson explained
through the intersection after the light changes. had to observe the violator i
Holmes Beach Police Lt. Dale Stephenson said the in a position to see the light
department is focused on curbing red-light running in Now that the courts will
the city and has identified issues with the intersection observance of the white light
be able to clearly view the w
Oil drilling approved in Gulf This is a new tool that h
Oil drilling approved in Gulfin the past year and a half, s

for the nation because it\increases energy production
along America's only Energy Coast and restores the
wetlands that protect some ofrur nation's most critical
energy infrastructure." \
Suzi Fox, holder of the Floria Fish and Wildlife
Conservation Commission sea turtle permit on Anna
Maria Island and director of the local Turtle Watch,
said if the drilling legislation becomes law, volunteers
may need to undergo precautionary training for dealing
with oil spills.
"It has not been an issue we have needed training
for so far," Fox said.
"I hope the future sees that the environment should
always take a higher precedence over money," she
Passage of the legislation was the subject of some
discussion among people who visited both the Turtle
Watch and Florida Institute of Saltwater Heritage
Preserve booths at Winterfest, the juried art show in
Holmes Beach over the weekend.
"The Gulf is our most precious resource here and I
can't believe they're going to risk it for royalties for Big
Oil," said Holmes Beach resident Carla MacIntosh.

AcPt.cor-Ulllng Lto tne FlUori
Florida Department of Hig
Vehicles, at the end of 200
traffic accidents in Florida
Traffic deaths have steadi
throughout the recent year
1999 to preliminary figures
in 2004. To blame are factor
number of drivers and an inc

to be addressed.
te light a few months ago
st traffic, Stephenson said
n for running the red light

p the officer, allowing us
anywhere near the intersec-
1. "In the past, an officer
n the intersection and be
turn red."
allow testimony based on
t, the officer only needs to
'hite light.
has just become available
aid Stephenson.
a High %ay Patrol and the
hwayi Safety and Motor
5, 3,432 people died in
s, getting a new record.
ly increased in Florida
rs, rising from 2,920 in
showing 3,200 fatalities
tors including the rising
rease in aggressive driv-

Among the top 10 excuses posted by the Stop Red
Light Running Coalition of Florida is that people say
they run lights when in a hurry, or late for an appoint-
With the height of "season" around the corner,
Stephenson recommends drivers allow themselves a
few more minutes of travel time. "Don't be tempted
to go through a yellow light," he said. "Go ahead and
stop. Due to the problem, the Florida Legislature has
boosted the fine for violations."
A ticket for running a red light in Holmes Beach
will. cost you $183.50, not to mention your time
and the safety of all drivers and passengers on the

Holiday cheer
Making spirits bright at Anna Maria Elementary
School Dec. 1 are Lynda and Robert Hicks. The
parents of Colin, an AME kindergarten student, gave
poinsettia plants to each staff member. The plants are
sold and sold qut as an annual fundraiser by
the Island Boy Scout Troop and Robert is its scout-
master. This year the scouts earned $270. Islander
Photo: Diana Bogan

'Flip Flop Fare' cookbook has
special holiday rate
The "Flip Flop Fare" cookbook published by the
Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce is being
offered at a cut rate for the holidays its $14 price
reduced to $10.
As well as recipes from "local foodies, restaurants
and friends," the Chamber said, it is illustrated with art
from Anna Maria Island. It is available at the chamber
office, 5331 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. ,,

50,000o Matching-Fund Challenge

~ -* At~v


Holmes Beach residents Charles and JoAnn Lester are offering up to $50,000 in
matching funds for contributions made by Dec. 31, 2006, to the Anna Maria Island
Community Center Capital Campaign. And your contribution is tax deductible.
The Center provides a critical human service need on the Island and provided more than
1.5 million hours of service to more than 3,400 Island residents last year.

Please send donations to the L lander Challenge, P.O. Box 253,
Anna Maria FL 34216, p Capital Campaign.

Tile Islander
This advertisement is sponsored as a community service and partnership with the Lesters by The Islander.

--- l ll ll -------------- m



I Address



0 Amount $
Q I would like my gift in honor of:

would like my gift to be in memory of:

ID Please bill me for my pledge amount.
Please make checks payable to the
AMICC Capital Campaign and
mail your matching-fund contribution to
P.O. Box 253, Anna Maria FL 34216.

---I -------- -- ---- Ji

0 I1

6 0 DEC. 13, 2006 0 THE ISLANDER

Make time for life's rewards
There's something you can do this holiday season
to make a difference in the lives of others, many less
fortunate than you.
There are many opportunities to help folks, to be sure,
but let me tell you about something that maybe you didn't
consider before. You can help a lot of people by ringing
a bell for the Salvation Army for two hours or more.
And you can experience one of the best holiday
"socials" ever to be found. The bell-ringing on Anna
Maria Island is organized by our Island Kiwanis Club.
Members, some aging but dedicated to the task, with
help from others that pitch in, including members of the
local Rotary Club and those who have read the club's
plea for ringers in this newspaper, are filling shifts daily
at the Holmes Beach Publix Super Market.
That's where the "social" part comes in. Myself
and several staff of The Islander rang the bell for a few
two-hour shifts last week. I admit coaxing them, but
with good cause.
I had a great time greeting friends and acquain-
tances, many seldom seen over the course of the busy
year, and making new friends, all while ringing the bell
and watching the kettle fill up.
The Publix is, after all, the new social club of Anna
Maria Island. With politics banned from the Anna Maria
Post Office, limited seating at the breakfast roundtable
at Minnie's Caf6 in Holmes Beach, the fishing pier clo-
sure in Bradenton Beach, and lacking any other com-
munity gathering spot that attracts nearly everyone, it's
logical that this market has the "magnet" that draws
friends together. After all, we all "gotta eat."
And how pleasurable it was to stand at the front
entry of this scene of good cheer, to smile and wish all
who come and go through the doors a "Merry Christ-
mas" and a happy holiday.
On one evening, my granddaughter Joselin, 9, sang
Christmas carols while I rang the bell and donors to the
Salvation Army commented how lovely it was to hear.
her young voice. ,
Staff member Lisa.Williams and her daughter
Annie, 13, said their time at Publix was "cool.
:"That bell ringing is great we had a blast! Saw
a lot of people we knew and some put in $5 and $20.
And the little kids -; ere terrific. Yippee!"
Lots of parents encouraged their young ones to put
the money in the kettle, and all the kids greeted me with
either big smiles or wonderment perhaps pondering
what connection I might have with the Big Elf who
brings the presents on Christmas Eve.
Yes, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.
And it's very rewarding.
Thank you one and all for making my holiday special.
Thank you, Kiwanis Club and Salvation Army, for
providing a bell to ring.
Bonner Joy /

Thie Islander
DEC. 13, 2006 Vol. 15, No. 6
V Publisher and Editor
Bonner Joy, bonner@islander.org
V Editorial
Paul Roat, News Editor, paul@islander.org
Diana Bogan, diana@islander.org
S. Rick Catlin, rick@islander.org
Jack Egan
Jack Elka
Jim Hanson
Lisa Neff, lisaneff@islander.org
V Contributors
Kevin Cassidy, kevin@islander.org
'Jesse Brisson
Don Maloney
Edna Tiemann
V Advertising Sales
Nancy Ambrose, nancy@rslander.org
V Accounting Services
Melissa Burkett, melissa@islander.org
V Production Graphics
Kelly McCormick, ads@islander.org
V Classifieds & Subscriptions
Lisa Williams, lisa@islander.org
V Distribution
Urbane Bouchet
Ross Roberts
Lisa Williams
(All others: news@islander.org)
Single copies free. Quantities of five or more: 25 cents each.
1992-2006 Editorial, sales-and production offices:
Island Shopping Center, 5404 Marina Drive
Holmes Beach FL 34217
WEB SITE: islander.org
A 941 77489392 HONE 941 778-978 ,


FOnekT TM,

By Egan

Singled out
I see the city of Anna Maria is picking on (again) a
little World War II combat veteran regarding his house
code. I gave the lady city building inspector addresses
of at least 20 illegal duplexes in Anna Maria. There are
easily over 100 to 300 such illegal structures. Nothing
has been done about them. I wonder why.
John Bacich, Anna Maria

The citizens of Anna Maria are to be congratulated
for electing Mayor Fran Barford into office. Now that
you have elected this energetic and dedicated woman,
you should also get ready to participate in more activi-
ties, to volunteer more willingly for your city, to be
proud of your accomplishments and to wear a big grin
on your face at just the mention of your town. The citi-
zefis of Temple Terrace rejoice in your good fortune.
I Cheri Donohue, executive director, Greater Temple
Terrace Chamber of Commerce

A grateful reader
Thank you very much for your story on George
Pyke. I hope it is read by many and that it helps bring
forward other children who I am certain are also his
victims. From our entire family, thank you.
Jane Jones, Bradenton

Government for the people
In November, I attended a commission meeting to
support "streamlining" the Anna Maria site plan review
process before it totally destroys business services in
our city. I was just in time to hear building official
Kevin Donohue present a number of comp-plan revi-
sions designed to reduce our insurance rates-- cer-
tainly an admirable quest.
He mentioned that if all of his proposed amend-
ments passed, Anna Maria would be one of the only
cities in Florida to have the highest ranking given by
the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
According to his plan, all we would have to do to
I -5 ; a -1 L I **- ** *

get a building.permit issued would be to agree in writ-
ing to follow all the FEMA rules. And in the event of an
alleged violation, we further agree the city can execute
an "administrative search warrant."
The warrant would then enable a "city official" to
gain entrance to our property in search of. any viola-
tion. Then, as a bit of.frosting on the cake, they bandied
about the notion of reducing the FEMA 50 percent limit
for improvements to our property to 37 percent.
Doesn't that sound fabulous?
Fortunately for us, Commissioners .Dale Woodland,
Chris Toilette and Jo Ann Mattick were awake at the
switch and joined a concerned, even stunned audience
to vote "no" and analyze the impact these revisions
would have down the road.
Thanks to the honest comments of Woodland and
the audience members who spoke from their heads and
hearts at that meeting, we should all feel less intimi-
dated by the "jargonauts."
There was silence and electricity in the room and
then there was the 3-2 vote against the proposal.
This was the exact moment when our system of
government finally worked and Anna Maria politics
took a turn to become representative of the people in
ways we have not yet even dreamed.
Janet Aubry, Anna Maria

Have your say
The Islander welcomes and encourages your opin-
ion letters.
The Islander accepts original letters of up to 250 words
and reserves the right to edit for length and grammar. Let-
ters must include the city you reside in for publication and
a phone number (for verification only). Anonymous letters
will not be printed. All letters to the editor remain on file
at The Islander and available to the public.
Letters are published on a space-available basis
with regard to timeliness of the material. Writers are
limited to one published letter per month.
Address letters to Editor, The Islander, 5404 Marina
Drive, Holmes Beach FL 34217, fax to 941-778-9392,
. or e-mail to news@islander.org ..

THE ISLANDER M DEC. 13, 2006 M 7

S slice its.
41 it's aYnlonye!
S B l.:.imer Holmes Beach City
C.:-rrmissoner Don Maloney

Why leave? Even for leaves
If you read my last contribution here, you saw my
threat to head north for the winter. Well, forget that
plan, please, because I have.
That's because since Wife Sarah landed on this
Island many years ago, we have annually agreed that
it was time for us to go somewhere on vacation, but we
have never agreed about where that vacation should be
enjoyed. Turns out this year is no different.
That's because a few days ago, I came across
the published results of a poll that was taken earlier
this year in an effort to find out exactly where people
wanted to vacation. Reading those results didn't offer
us any new ideas.
The largest percentage of those polled almost 40
percent said they preferred going to a beach some-
place. Obviously such a visit was out of the question for
us since we already live on a beach. In fact, because this
Island has the Gulf of Mexico on one side and bay waters
on the other, we live on two beaches. True, neither Wife
Sarah nor I are daily visitors to either beach, but we take
comfort in knowing they're there if needed.
Second poll choice was a trip to the mountains
somewhere. We voted that idea down, too. I guess
that's because, after living here on the flat sea level
that's Florida, I'm not sure we could take any heights
higher than Albertson's parking lot or the stairs at the
front entrance of St. Bernard Church. Besides, if you
have seen one mountain-and we saw plenty of them
where we lived in upstate New York you've seen
them all.
A foreign vacation is a no-no for us, too. When I
was working for a living, my responsibilities took me
- and even Wife Sarah and the kids sometimes to
just about everywhere outside the USA. Even if I had
the dollars necessary to pay to sail or fly us somewhere,
the remaining dollars aren't worth anywhere near what

they used to buy over there in the good old 360-Japa-
nese-Yen-for-a-dollar days.
And how about going to big cities like New York?
Why? Even though January, February, March and April
on this Island train us for driving in the traffic big cities
offer, I don't think we're ready for the subways, the
$199-a-ticket Broadway shows, or the $250-a-night
Manhattan hotels.
I would, however, love to take another round-trip
on the Staten Island ferry, but not for what it costs to
get to the dock.
Even if Wife Sarah and I could settle on a vacation
destination, then would come the "When?"
Go in winter like I planned? No way, because that's
my favorite time here trying to see how many differ-
ent state license plates I can see. I don't have to see
Canadian plates because the fact that their directionals
never work identifies them.
How about spring and summer? I hate to even con-
sider leaving here then. After all, that's when we're
once again getting our Island back from those folks
with those other license plates.
Fall vacations are out, too. I would certainly like
to see the leaves changing once more, but not nearly
as much as I look forward to the fact that I never have
to rakes leaves here.
Another big percentage of those polled say the ideal
vacation is to go visit friends and family. That sounds
like a good idea, but we've already seen most Northern
ones on their visits here. They must be the ones that fill
that big percentage.
Finally, after considering all the wheree" and
"whens" vacation choices, Wife Sarah and I toss away
all those maps and pamphlets and wind up asking, for
the umpteenth year in a row: "Why?"
Caregivers support unit
meets Friday
The family caregivers support group sponsored
by Meals on Wheels Plus will meet from 1 to 2 p.m.
Friday, Dec. 15, at the Island Branch Library, 5701
Marina Drive, Holmes Beach.
The meeting is open to anyone taking-care of a
friend or relative with a problem, including Alzheimer's
disease. Additional information may be obtained by
calling 747-4655.

He's making his list,

checking it twice, gonna find

out who's rotten or nice!

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In the Dec. 12, 1996, issue of
The Islander, headlines announced:
Holmes Beach Mayor Bob Van Wagoner and
Anna Maria Mayor Chuck Shumard exchanged sharp
words at a meeting of the Island Transportation Plan-
ning Organization over Van Wagoner's efforts to replace
Shumard as the chairman.
A Florida Marina Patrol helicopter using an
infrared scope broke up an illegal mullet netting
operation near Tidy Island, confiscating five boats,
1,700 yards of gill net and 2,200 pounds of mullet.
Two of the confiscated boats were owned by Cortez
residents Eugene Miller and Joseph McDonald, the
FMP said.
The Anna Maria Island Community Center Pool
Committee said it planned to ask the Holmes Beach
City Commission to earmark this year's Hagen Family
Foundation grant funds for a community swimming

Date Low High Rainfall
Dec. 3 63 82 0
Dec. 4 66 74 0
Dec. 5 55 77 0
Dec. 6 61 77 0
Dec. 7 61 78 0
Dec. 8 54 60 0
Dec. 9 56 72 0
Average Gulf water temperature 680
24-hour rainfall accumulation with reading at approximately 5 p.m. daily.

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Gulf of

8 I)EC. 13. 2006 TIIE ISLANDER

Santa, pirates "

draw crowd ""
By Lisa Neff

Islander Reporter-
The Island celebrated the holiday season in "yo,
ho, ho" fashion Dec. 9. 1. ,
Santa Claus arrived on a sleigh, shouting "Merry "- "
Christmas" and the privateers arrived aboard a wheeled
ship, shouting "argh" and "ahoy."I
Saturday morning began with the annual Christ-
mas Parade from Anna Maria through Holmes Beach
to Bradenton Beach. There, at Coquina Beach, the cel-
ebration continued with the Lesters' Holiday Fun Day,.....-..M.
with music, games and prizes, and food.----
The Anna Maria Island Privateers, The Islander
newspaper and Chuck and Joey Lester on behalf of the
Anna Maria Island Community Center presented the. 4 ,,
day's events.al
The parade was a relatively fast-moving motorcade
with participants clad mostly in red, white and green and 6W.
tossing beads, toys and candy to the crowds along the A
route. Parade-goers saw representatives from many local
businesses, governments and community organizations. A .
At the corner of Gulf Drive and Spring in Anna
Maria, the Mullen family watched for their friends in The Anna Maria Island Privateers led the annual Christmas Parade, which the nonprofit group organized. The
the parade. parade ran the length of the Island on Saturday morning. Islander Photos: Lisa Neff
"That's something I enjoy," said Josey Mullen, of
Anna Maria. "In a small place like this, you see your "
friends and neighbors out there in the parade. That's
Dylan Mullen, 5, saw some friends in the parade.
But more importantly he saw Santa Claus, he said.
"I thought I already saw him once at the mall,"
Dylan said. "But that looks like the real one." !5
So Dylan, like many others, trailed the piper and the
parade to Coquina Beach, where Santa took requests '- -
aboard the Privateers ship and Privateer helpers handed
out toys.
Brian Scott Greer, 5, of Bradenton, stood first in .
a long line to converse with Santa Claus at Fun Day.".
He asked for a Batman computer for Christmas and
promised he'd been good.A
Fun day participants purchased raffle tickets for a
chance at prizes and feasted on the Privateer's hot dogs
and Duffy's hamburgers.
At picnic tables, children busied themselves with
making Christmas cards, decorating Christmas cookies
and playing with bean bags.
A goal was to drum up support for the commu--
nity center, which is continuing its capital campaign to
pay for a new facility in Anna Maria. The Lesters, in
partnership with The Islander, issued a holiday-timed -
challenge offering to match $50,000 in community
donations made to the Center by Dec. 31. ''
"Well I just want to say it's a wonderful merry
Christmas they've given me," said Agatha Shue, a
vacationer from California, as she stuffed $10 into a
donation jar. ,,_

TO SEE MORE FUNDAY PHOTOS, Elaina Bayard, 2, hugs her Pooh bear, a prize from
S the annual Christmas Parade. The parade, orga- Christina Lewis, of Bradenton, helps her son, Nathan
GO TO WWW.ISLANDER.ORG nized by the Anna Maria Island Privateers, ran the Byrd, 18 months, create his first Christmas card at
length ofAnna Maria Island. the holiday party Saturday.

I. .. ..?" .W -

b 77 ","7



Brian Scott Greer, 5, of Bradenton, stands first in line to see Santa Claus during the Charlotte Pardue, 5, of Holmes Beach, and Sydney Bailey, 4, of Holmes Beach,
holiday party at Coquina Beach. inventory their loot from the annual Christmas Parade.

TIE ISLANDER D DEC. 13. 2006 0 9

Island holiday

concert coming

Bells, stars, singalongs and an angel will bring holi-
day music to Islanders at the annual Christmas concert
Sunday, Dec. 17, by the Anna Maria Island Community
Chorus and Orchestra.
It will begin at 2 p.m. at the Island Baptist Church,
8605 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. Tickets at $15 may be
purchased at the door at concert time, or in advance at
the Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce office,
5313 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. They may be arranged
beforehand by calling 778-1217. A spokesperson said
the Web site is presently not active. There is plenty of
parking at the church.
The concert's title is "Messiah and More," and
the "More" part encourages audience participation
in singalongs of a number of carols presented by the
chorus. Some are well known and others less so, said
an AMICCO. spokesperson.
It will open with Corelli and Mozart festive music,
followed by Christmas songs from around the world,
and that's where the singalong comes in. The Messiah
amount has been reduced this year to make room for
the singalong, the spokesperson said.
The Messiah parts will be rendered by Michelle
Giglio, soprano; Gisella Monclova, mezzo-soprano;
Hary Wileman, tenor; and Richard Storm, bass.
Monclova and Wileman are making their debut with
AMICCO at this concert.
During the concert a "Christmas Angel" will make
her first appearance with the musical aggregation.
Conducting the concert once again, as he has done
since the organization was founded, will be Alfred Ger-
shfeld. He is professor of conducting and director of
the orchestra at the World School of the Arts in Miami,
and regularly makes the long drive here for concerts.
Robert Parrish, director of music at Trinity Meth-
odist Church in Bradenton, and adjunct professor of
voice at Manatee Community College, will be chorus


Guest soloists at the concert Sunday by the Anna
Maria Island Community Chorus and Orchestra will
be, clockwise from left, Gisella Monclova, Harv Wile-
man, Michelle Giglio and Richard Storm.

Roser's Bethlehem Walk Saturday
Solemn and joyous adults, sometimes solemn and
sometimes jubilant children, animals, and Baby Jesus will
be celebrating the "reason for the season" Saturday in the
annual Bethlehem Walk in Anna Maria.
It will start at 6:30 p.m. at Roser Memorial Com-
munity Church, 512 Pine Ave., and circle the block
before climaxing back at the church fellowship hall.
It is open to all, said the church, and it has a number
of biblical costumes to lend participants. Costumes are not
necessary, though, the church stressed come as you are.
"The walk consists of walking to Bethlehem with
Mary, Joseph, llamas, goats and donkeys in search of
shelter," a spokesperson said. At every house, or "inn,"
Joseph will knock on the door and ask for shelter, only
to be turned away as was the original Christian family.
Also at every stop a verse of the carol "Joy to the
World" will greet the householder. The walkers will stroll
Pine and Spring avenues and circle to the sanctuary.
There, the Rev. Gary Batey, Roser's pastor, will
read the Christmas story from the Scriptures to the gath-
ering, including Baby Jesus in the manger.
Then will come hot chocolate, cookies and musi-
cal entertainment in the fellowship hall. Fellowship,
chocolate and cookies will be available during the walk
to people who want to sit out the "exercise."
Additional details may be obtained by calling 778-

Fantasia and fugue
[Ire Alym M~arto I aird C'om-

Pt. r DI I I 1i I I7 (o II c (1 I Ictl
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GSR D... -h..pment, LLC as the Debtor in Chapter 11 Case No. 8:06-bk-03489-KRM, pending in the U.S.
Bankrupic., ( court for th Middle District of Florida, Tampa Division, will auction Lot 14, including the
rc ide n-.c: lx jed thereon "Property"), in the proposed Villa Rosa Subdivision on Anna Maria Island in Anna
SIaria. Fl,.d more spe ifically described below, free and clear of all liens, claims and encumbrances, to
I e -C 4 LI. : I ul bidder. Any party desiring to purchase the Property must submit a signed written agreement
[,: pur h.1 e the Property for cash ("Bid"), together with relevant financial information sufficient to dem-
on :.[rai tile bidder's ability to complete the purchase of the Property, all in a form reasonably satisfactory
t.o l -c Dcbhior and a good faith deposit ("Deposit") in immediately available funds in the amount of five
pei ent I r 1 ..if te Bid price for the Property. The minimum Bid for the Property is $1,500,000 cash, and
Filih Third BLai.k, the h older of mortgages coveting the Property, retains credit bidding rights-pursuant to
.ecrnon 361 ki of the U/S. Bankruptcy Code and other applicable law. The Bid, Deposit and the financial
irbnniajji.n nm.i.t be repi'e ed b\ the Debtor's counsel, Stichter, Riedel, Blain & Prosser, P.A. ("SRBP"),
0 Eat iadihoin Siret. Suite 200. Trampa, Florida 33602, Tel: 813-229-0144; Fax: 813-229-1811, by no
later than 4.00 p m i ET i ,on Fr;da.,, DeI.etnber 15,2006. The Property will be sold "AS IS, WHEREIS."
To inpec opt oer(, pleI'i.c -r .nlaci DEbi'r's counsel. The auction to consider the Bids for the Property
and an) higher Bid.. b Bidder '.-. ho have previously submitted Bids meeting the terms of this notice will
be conducted ait the o re ,r SRB P at 11:00 a.m. (EST) on Monday, December 18,2006. All Bidders must
be pre.'eni at the auction and be prepared to close promptly upon the conclusion of the bidding.
Lot 14 .as shown on a proposed plat of Villa Rosa Subdivision, not yet recorded, same being a
po inr. -iof Section 18, Township 34 South, Range 16 East, Manatee County, Florida.
Commence at the Northwest comer of Lot 88, Wells Bay Harbor Section "A" recorded in Plat Book 7,
PaCe 7S. ot tie Public Records of Manatee County, Florida; thence S 36o27'07" E, along the Southwesterly
Itrie -,I l aild ellsls Bay Harbor Section "A", a distance of 244.99 feet; thence S 61013'30" W, a distance of
4 4.S fecid ., the Point of Curvature of a curve to the right, having a radius of 220.00 feet, a central angle of
11 1:'0"', a chord bearing S 66051'55" W, and a chord distance of 43.24 feet; thence along the arc of said
c u re in M i d i stance of 43.31 feet to the point of reverse curve having a radius of 180.00 feet, a central angle
of .0'-"5 I' 34", a chord bearing S 68004'33" W, and a chord distance of 27.81 feet; thence along the arc of
said curve an arc distance of 27.83 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence S 2804'51" E, a distance of 110.62
leti t L. a pr '- the face of a concrete seawall, same being the mean high water line; thence S 60046'24" W,
doniig id eiawall and mean high water line, a distance of 75.02 feet; thence leaving said seawall and mean
hh ,l'. ;cr ii e, N 28004'51" W, a distance of 112.20 feet; thence N 61055'09" E, a distance of 69.58 feet
I. tI| PiNt i.01 Cu.' atu1re of .; curve to the right having a radius of 180.00 feet, a central angle of0143'36",
a cliod b. -arn N :'-n 5 E, and a chord distance of 5.42 feet; thence along the arc of said curve an arc
diJ [aice o.-I 5, 42 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 835.8 square feet, more or less.

Spr.po.sed non-e'.clusi' e iriires. egres, utility easement more particularly described as follows:
Conunenc e at ithe N.:rtihle:t comer of Lot 88 Wells Bay Harbor Section "A", recorded in Plat Book 7,
Page "-. Publ ic Record. of lN iruaee County, Florida; thence S 3627'07" E, along the Southwesterly line of
aid \\ el I Bay Harbor Section "A", a distance of 244.99 feet for a Point of Beginning; thence S 6113'30"
\\ along the South line of a proposed ingress/egress utility easement, a distance of 4.48 feet to the PC. of a
curn e to the left having a radius of 220.00 feet, through a central angle of 11016'50"; thence along the arc of
said c ur, e. a distance of 43.31 feet to a P.R.C. of a curve to the left, having a radius of 180.00 feet, through
a c entr-al angle of 10035'10"; thence along the arc of said curve; a distance of 33.26 feet to the PT.; thence S
61I "551'9" W, a distance of 69.58 feet to the Northwest comer of proposed Lot 14 and the Southwest comer
of said ingress/egress utility easement; thence N 2804'51" W on a Northerly extension of the West line of
said Lot 14, a distance of 20.00 feet to the Northwest comer of said proposed ingress/egress utility easement;
thence S 6155'09" W, a distance of 69.58 feet to the PC. of a curve to the right, having a radius of 200.00
feet, through a central angel of 10*35'10"; thence along the arc of said curve, a distance of 36.95 feet to the
P.R.C. of a curve to the right, having a radius of 200.00 feet; through a central angle of 1116'50"; thence
along the arc of said curve, a distance of 39.38 feet to a PT.; thence N 6113'30" E, a distance of 102.51 feet
to the Westerly right-of-way of Bay Boulevard; thence S 36012'24" E, along said right-of-way, a distance
of 20.17 feet; thence S 6113'30"' W, a distance of 100.65 feet to the Point of Beginning.

10 M DEC. 13. 2006 U THE ISLANDER


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Placement of boat monitors

delayed, suit pending

By Lisa Neff
Islander Reporter
The federal government pushed back until March a
rule requiring the installation of vessel monitoring sys-
tems on certain commercial Gulf fishing boats, includ-
ing some out of Cortez.
The regulation Amendment 18A in the Fishery
Management Plan for the Reef Resources of the Gulf
of Mexico requires that boats with federal Gulf reef
permits install satellite-based vessel monitoring sys--
tems. The systems must be left on 24/7 to transmit a
vessel's latitude and longitude to the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration's law enforcement
"In managing fisheries, we have a lot of different
techniques available to us," said NOAA fisheries biolo-
gist Peter Hood. He said the satellite system is a newer
tool to help monitor "lines in the water," protecting
certain areas and stocks.
Similar rules have been in effect in the Hawaiian
islands and Alaska for more than 20 years, as well as
areas off the New England and Southeast U.S. coast.
"This technique is used throughout the U.S." Hood
said. "And it's my understanding that about 2,000 ves-
sels in the Pacific Northwest will be required to have
VMS on their gear in January."
Many commercial fishermen and their advocates
have said the Gulf reef regulation, approved by the
U.S. commerce secretary in August, infringes on fish-
ers' rights and could put them out of business.
As a group of fishermen and area residents recently
discussed the regulation over breakfast at the Cortez
Cafe, they got steamed.
"Like clams," said Mac Laney, of West Bradenton.
"You got to know, commercial fishermen are trying to
squeeze out a living here, just trying to hold on to a
way of life, and they're getting regulated right out of
,business." +
"I think it's a violation of civil liberties," said Bra-.
denton Beach resident Tim Rutherford, who has worked,
on commercial fishing teams. "Can you see the day
when licensed drivers are required to have satellite sys-
tems monitoring their speed?"
The regulation had been set to take effect Dec. 7,
but during a November meeting in Galveston, Texas,
the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council
pushed the date back to March 7, 2007.
Government officials saw the postponement as
an opportunity for fishermen to take advantage of the
government's offer to reimburse up to $3,095 for the
least expensive, approved tracking system.
"Word about availability of the reimbursement
spread slowly and fishermen needed time to place
orders," said Julie Morris, a Sarasota-based member
of the. Gulf council. "Fishermen told us that in some
regions,there was an installation bottleneck not
enough installers and not enough time before Dec. 7 for
the qualified installers to complete work on the remain-
ing boats. The 90-day extension was the right thing to
do and passed the council unanimously."
The reimbursement offer is good until a limited pot
of money is emptied. NOAA issued a statement warn-

ing, "Should other VMS programs be implemented in
any other U.S. federal fishery, this grant opportunity
will be available to those participants as well. Therefore,
NOAA Fisheries Service strongly recommends that any
eligible participants comply with the VMS requirements
and apply for reimbursement as soon as possible."
But it remains to be seen how many will seek reim-
bursement. The Gulf Fishermen's Association, which
represents about 1,100 fishing vessels from Texas to
Florida, is suing to overturn the regulation citing vari-
ous grounds, but chiefly that the rule violates privacy
There's a shared concern that by opting into the
reimbursement program, fishermen would diminish
their claims in federal court.
GFA, represented by St. Petersburg attorney Mike
Mastry, filed the suit Oct. 23 in federal district court in
The suit alleges that the government did. not con-
sider the economic impact of the regulation the
monitoring system and installation cost from $2,000-
$4,000, associated annual fees run about $500, plus
repair and insurance expenses.
"Anybody who's ever had anything to do with
a boat knows that there's a lot of additional expense
involved with every additional piece of equipment,"
Rutherford said. "And every expense hurts."
Another complaint pertains to the privacy rights
guaranteed in the Constitution.
"The issue here is Big Brother," Mastry said.
"These guys have a right to privacy, a right to not be
tracked by the federal government. You can't assume
someone is going to commit a crime."
The General Council for NOAA and National
Marine Fisheries Service as of press time and approach-
ing a Dec. 15 deadline had not yet filed a response to
the suit.
But representatives of the Gulf of Mexico Fishery
Management Council have defended the regulation,
saying the reimbursement offer diminishes the claim
of financial burden and. that the regulation does not
infringe on personal privacy rights but rather seeks to
manage public waters and protect public resources.
"VMS is necessary to accomplish our rebuilding
goals for reef fish in the Gulf of Mexico," Morris said.
"Several of our rebuilding management measures -
closed areas, closed seasons, gear boundaries need
VMS in order to be effective and enforceable."
A number of the arguments against the VMS
requirement were also reviewed by NOAA and NMFS
during the consideration of the regulation.
.The final rule. published in the Federal Register
Aug. 9, addressed claims that VMS should only be
placed on larger vessels or vessels with longline fish-
ing gear.
The .government responded, "Because of the sizes
of these areas and the distances from shore, the effec-
tiveness of enforcement through overflights and at-sea
interception is limited. VMS allows a more effective
means to monitor vessels for intrusions into restricted
areas and could be an important component of a pos-
sible future electronic-logbook system."

'No objection' OK'd for seawall removal request

A request made more than two years ago has finally
been granted by officials in BradentonJ3each.
Pete Milazzo, 306 Gulf Drive S., requested a letter
of no objection from the city prior to requesting a Flor-
ida Department of Environmental Protection permit to
remove a landlocked seawall on his Gulffront prop-
At the time, interim building official Bill Saunders
granted the city approval but, when Ed Mc Adam took
SOver the position, he issued a letter of denial, citing
a city code that states in part that "no person shall
remove any ... erosion-control material from the ero-
sion-control area forming a berm line along the beach.
These activities are solely the responsibility of the state

Karyn Erickson, the city's coastal engineering con-
sultant, told board of adjustment members in 2005 that
the seawall, although clearly within Milazzo's property
and landward of the erosion-control line, serves as a
buffer to wind and waves during storms. Mc Adam's

decision to deny the "no objection" letter was sound,
she said.
Milazzo's attorney, Mark Barnebey, said the sea-
wall was not included within the boundaries of the city
code Mc Adam quoted in his denial. "The section you,
cite does not apply here," he said.
The matter went before the city's board of adjust-
ment in Mlarch 2005. Theboard supported the no-objec-
tion matter and sent then matter to the citv commission.
\ which ne\ er took up the question.
Milazzo took his request to court, and Circuit Court
Judge Peter Dubensky ruled earlier this month that Mc
Adam's basis for denial was based on an "impermis-
sible criterion" and ordered the city to write the letter
of "no objection" to the DEP.
Last week, city commissioners discussed the matter
and grudgingly agreed to send the letter, along with
Erickson's findings on the matter. The vote was unani-
mous, with Commissioner Bill Shearon a next-door
neighbor of Milazzo abstaining.

Two fishers charged, one

sought for poaching

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation
Commission officers have charged two men
with a variety of fish poaching charges.
Arrested Dec. 4 was Mark Douglas
Mora, 49, charged with fishing net viola-
tions and possession of undersized fish.
He was also charged with fleeing to elude.
Another man, Chris P. Jones, 21, escaped
officers and is being sought.
According to the report, FWC officers
saw the men in a boat in Bimini Bay and
chased them in boats after they refused to

stop. The suspect's boat crashed and the men
made it to land in the 8300 block of Marina
Drive, where they attempted to flee on foot.
The arrestees have prior convictions
for fish poaching.
Holmes Beach and Bradenton Beach
police, as well as Manatee County Sheriff's
Office deputies and a K-9 unit participated
in the pursuit.

NewsManatee.com Editor Mike Quinn con-
tributed to this report.

Chris O'Kelly earned the Firefighter of the Year
Carlo Valente accepted Rookie of the Year.
Capt. Chris Kiernan and firefighter Daniel Tackett
shared meritorious service awards.
The West Manatee Fire Rescue District on Dec. 3
honored its own during an annual appreciation dinner
at the Bradenton Country Club.
WMFR recognized Chaplin Al Keyser, who is retir-
ing with more than 12 years of service to the district, for
his spiritual guidance, especially in times of crisis.
The district also honored Dr. Joseph Soler with its
Civilian Service Award for his work as the district's
medical director.
Career Service Awards x, ent to Capt. Chris Shepard
and administrative assistant Mary Stephens for 20 years
and Deputy Fire Marshal Kurt Lathrop for 25 years.
Capt. Thomas Sousa, who retired as deputy chief of

New bridge schedule:
By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
Islanders and Longboat Key residents could see
implementation of new bridge opening times for the

Monthly art student features
Each month the Artists Guild Gallery in Holmes
Beach features work created by an advanced art stu-
dentfrom a local high school. Featured in December
is Tyrell Waiters of Bayshore High School. He was
selected by his teacher, Kathy Cocciolone, pictured
here with the gallery's Peg Potter and Waiters and
his painting "Tranquility" at the Gallery. Islander
Photo: Bonner Joy

the Longboat Key Fire Department in June and recently
joined WMFR as a training officer, received honors for
30 years.
Firefighters Paul Hopkins, Daniel Tackett and Greg
Wigeri Van Edema received service awards for five
years. Lt. Darren Vollmer, Commissioner Larry Tyler
and Soler received awards for 10 years and Capt. Chris
Kiernan, and Lts. Jeffrey Lonzo and Thomas Owen for
15 years.
Valente earned the Rookie of the Year title in part
because of his "countless hours" promoting bike-
helmet safety among children and for spearheading
the district's co-ed softball team.
O'Kelly was named Firefighter of the Year in part
because of his involvement with the Muscular Dystro-
phy Association. As the fire district's representative to
MDA, O'Kelly raised $3,160 for the group. He was
also singled out for his leadership and work ethic.

maybe by mid.January
Cortez Bridge and Anna Maria Island Bridge, by mid-
Sarasota Manatee Metropolitan Planning Organi-
zation Executive Director Mike Howe said that public
comment on the proposed rule change ended Dec. 8
and there is, a required 30-day waiting period before
It all depends upon how quickly the U.S. Coast
Guard "can obtain all the necessary signatures and pub-,
lish the final rule, most likely by the end of January,"
noted Howe.
When the Coast Guard does implement the new
rule, it will be posted in its next edition of "Local
Notice to Mariners," Hovw said.
He said that the prop6oal is that from Jan. 15 to
May 15, the two bridges wold open on demand every
30 minutes between 6 a.m. and 7 p.m. From May 16
through Jan. 14, the bridge owning times would be
every 20 minutes, when needed.
The USCG proposal also includes a "curfew" time,
or no bridge openings, between 7:35 a.m. and 8:29 a.m.
daily and 4:35 to 5:29 p.m. daily.
USCG bridge opening specialist Michael Lieberum
said the final ruling might be effective and implemented
as early as Jan. 15, 2007.
Members of the Barrier Island Elected Offi-
cials, particularly those on Longboat Key, have
campaigned for the past five years to have the
drawbridge times changed during the winter tourist
season. Longboat Key Town Commissioner Jeremy
Whatmough and other officials have claimed that
the traffic backup at the Cortez Road-Gulf Drive
intersection when the Cortez Bridge is raised during
the season often extends south along Gulf Drive and
across the Longboat Pass Bridge, making a routine
10-minute drive from Longboat Key to Bradenton
Beach a one-hour crawl.

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Five rescued after boat sinks in Tampa Bay

Five people were rescued from a sinking boat near
the mouth of the Manatee River Saturday night.
According to the U.S. Coast Guard, the people
aboard the 23-foot boat called 911 about 5 p.m. and
said they needed help.
The people attracted the attention of the Coast
Guard vessel as it approached. They were standing on
the boat, which was awash, and taken to Kingfish Boat

Ramp in Holmes Beach.
Rescued were the owner of the vessel, Ricardo
Palomino, 54, and sons Alejandro, 21, and Paul, 15, all
of Sarasota, as well as Bradenton residents Lee Claridy,
38, and Donald Cato, 50.
Cause of the sinking was undetermined, according
to the Coast Guard.
There was also no value placed on the vessel.

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THE ISLANDDER DEC. 13, 2006 11

AmmapfMr w

West Manatee Fire Rescue honors its own

16 -- q. ," w ,-


12 M DEC. 13, 2006 M THE ISLANDER

Winterfest celebrates arts, crafts on Island

By Lisa Neff
-Islander reporter
Jim Taylor caught a glimpse of the ever-so-elusive
ivory-billed woodpecker and he was thrilled.
Taylor wasn't birding on Saturday morning, he was
browsing the booths at the 19th annual Anna Maria
Island Art League's Winterfest a festival of "fine
arts and fine crafts."
"Beautiful markings," Taylor said, reaching his
hand out toward the bird a woodcarving made by
Manatee County artist Bob Lee.
Lee, who with wife Eleanor splits his time between Flor-
ida and New Hampshire, took an interest in carving because
his father made decoys. Lee's tables at the festival featured
songbirds and shorebirds, birds of prey and birds of the sea.
"It's a paying hobby," he said of his carving. "I get
enough to pay for the gas in the car and it takes us out
to dinner once a week."
Lee and other artists said Winterfest provides good
exposure, introducing them to patrons from the Island
and elsewhere.
The two-day juried show free to the public -
took place in the field next to Holmes Beach City Hall
and featured more than 100 artisans displaying textiles,
jewelry, oils and watercolors, woodwork and pottery,
stained glass and sculpture, photographs and metals.
"I allow myself one piece of art a year," said Bra-
denton resident Tammy Bridgeton. "I'm not a collector.
I'm not rich. But I have maybe 11 paintings. They're
my treasures."
The Best in Show award for two-dimensional work
at Winterfest went to Bradenton artist Susanna Spann
for watercolor. Brian Sykes won the three-dimensional
Best in Show award for his 8vood work.
Bradford Kelly received a first-place for his pho-
tography and Andrew Wender for his pottery.
Second-place honors included Cantave Casseus for
oil/acrylics, Terry Denson for watercolor, Jim Roberts
for graphics/pastels, Jay Canterbury for photography,
Tony Krysinsky for mixed media, Josephina Espinosa
for glass, Vasileois Tsentos for pottery, Cork Kallen
for wood, Judith Angulo for fiber/paper, Will Grant for
sculpture and Kim Liu for creative crafts.
The festival also featured Cajun, Spanish guitar and
bluegrass miu_.ical performances.
"It's a nice place to get some sunshine and just
enjoy the cultural offerings of the.Island," said Barb
Kenyon, of Bradenton Beach, as she listened to the
Anna Maria String Band.
Near the entrance visitors found cookies and kettle corn,
fish sandwiches, crab cakes, barbecue and much more.
Nonprofits aso set up tables, dispensing informa-
tion on sea turtles, historical preservation, survival
tents.. \ oluneerisin and conservation.

Festive field
The field next to Holmes Beach City Hall contained Winterfest, presented by the Anna Maria Island Art League,
Saturday and Sunday. The festival featured the work of more than 100 artisans, including the carvings of West
Manatee resident Bob Lee. Islander Photos: Lisa Neff

Matt Howard
toasts buns for
grouper sand-
wiches at the
Banana Cabana
booth at Winter-
fest on Saturday



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Premium space is available in the
street map section of The Islander.
Call advertising specialist Nancy
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for information on how you can
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THE ISLANDER M DEC. 13, 2006 m 13


Island police reports
Anna Maria City
Dec. 2, 5100 block of Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach,
disturbance. Deputies assisted with a disturbance
between a boyfriend and girlfriend. The woman stated
the man had come to her workplace prior to business
hours and they argued. She reported that he grabbed her
address book on his way out and began ripping pages
from it before she retrieved it.
Dec. 6, 300 block of 61st Street, Holmes Beach,
assist other agency. A man reported finding some base-
ball cards scattered in his yard and was-concerned they
may have been stolen from another residence.
Dec. 6, 700 block of Jacaranda Boulevard,
attempted burglary. According to the report, someone
attempting to gain entry into the residence split the front
door jam.

Bradenton Beach
Nov. 29, 1500 Gulf Drive S., Coquina Park, war-
rant arrest. A man found sleeping on a park bench was
arrested on a Manatee County warrant for violation of
Dec. 1, 100 block of Bridge Street, drug arrest.
Wayne Hill, 23, of St. Petersburg, and Joseph Thomas,
19, of Bradenton, were arrested on drug possession
charges. According to the report, a patrol officer wit-
nessed. the two men make an exchange within a parked
vehicle that appeared to be a drug transaction.,When,
the officer approached the vehicle, he reportedly found
cocaine on the passenger seat. Hill admitted he had just
purchased cocaine from Thomas and was arrested for
possession of cocaine. While searching Thomas, the
officer found two plastic bags containing cocaine. A
digital scale and marijuana were also retrieved from
the vehicle. Thomas was charged with possession of
marijuana and sale of cocaine.
Dec. 2, 100 Gulf Drive N., Circle K, trespass warn-
ing. Officers responded to a disturbance. A woman
reportedly had an argument with the clerk and knocked
over a trashcan in front of the store as she left. The clerk
requested the woman receive a trespass warning .

Dec. 3, 1700 Gulf Drive S., Coquina Park, loitering
and prowling. While patrolling the beach, the officer
saw a man and woman at the top of a lifeguard stand.'
The subjects were then seen trying to conceal them-
selves in nearby bushes. Both subjects were arrested.
Dec. 4, 700 Gulf Drive S., Cortez Beach, traffic
arrest. A vehicle was stopped due to the loud volume
of its stereo. The driver was arrested for not having a
driver's license.
Dec. 4, 100 Gulf Drive N., Circle K, trespass warn-
ing. Officers responded to a report of a suspicious
person who had locked himself in the store bathroom
and would not leave. A trespass warning was issued.
Dec. 6, 2600 Gulf Drive S:, Coquina Beach, bur-
glary. An attempt was reportedly made to forcibly gain
entry to a lifeguard stand.

Holmes Beach
Dec. 1, 3900 E. Bay Drive, Publix, theft. A woman
reported the theft of her purse. According to the report,
the purse was in the woman's cart and the store video
tape showed a suspect snatch the purse while the
woman ordered items from the deli counter. According
to the report, the purse was found discarded elsewhere

in the store.
Dec. 2, 500 block of 70th Street, burglary. A woman
reported several items stolen from her home, including
her medication, jewelry and a digital camera.
Dec. 2,700 block of Manatee Avenue West, driver's
license. A man was issued a traffic citation for driving
with an expired license.
Dec. 3, 7700 block of Palm Drive, trespass. A man
requested a trespass warning be issued to a friend with
whom he had been fighting.
Dec. 5, 100 block of 81 st Street, burglary. A woman
reported a checkbook and an extra key for her van
stolen from her home.
Dec. 5, 3200 E. Bay Drive, Shells restaurant, crimi-
nal mischief. A man reported that the windshield of his
parked vehicle had been broken.
Dec. 6, 600 block of Manatee Avenue, traffic arrest.
A driver was cited for not wearing a seatbelt, no proof
of insurance and driving with a suspended license. The
driver was also given a verbal warning for speeding and
not having the vehicle properly registered.
Dec. 6, 5900 block of Marina Drive, Baker Act.
A man was taken into custody under a court-ordered
Baker Act.

Anna Maria's Swiftmud initiative moving forward

By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
Efforts in Anna Maria to resolve a number of long-
standing drainage issues are heading in the right direc-
tion under the Southwest Florida Water Management
District's cooperative funding, initiative.
Commissioner Dale Woodland, who is spearhead-
ing the effort to get projects accepted by Swiftmud, held
a meeting Dec. 4 to bring Mayor Fran Barford, public
works director George McKay and members of the city's
capital improvements advisory committee up to speed on
the status of the projects and the Swiftmud program.
The Swiftmud initiative is a 50 percent matching
grant program, and the city's first phase of projects'has
already been funded by the city, with Swiftmud's match

expected when the phase is completed.
Woodland said the design and permitting of Phase
2 (Tarpon Avenue, Jacaranda Road and South Bay Bou-
levard) should begin in March 2008 with construction
anticipated to start in December 2008.
Anna Maria's $350,000 matching portion of Phase
2 is expected to come from the line of credit the city
currently maintains.
Woodland said the timeliness and milestones" that
need to be met by Swiftmud are being coordinated by
himself, city engineer Tom Wilcox and Swiftmud proj-
ect manager Denise Tenuto.
Woodland said he would keep everyone at the
meeting updated on the progress of the Phase 1 and
Phase 2 projects and status with Swiftmud.

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14 0 DEC. 13, 2006 M THE ISLANDER


Robert A. Armstrong
Robert A. Armstrong, 93, of Bradenton and for-
merly Holmes Beach, died Dec. 6.
Born in Plymouth, Mass., Mr. Armstrong came to
Manatee County from Villanova, Pa., in 1978. He was a
retired chemical engineer for Sharples Pennwalt, Phila-
delphia, Pa. He was a graduate of Tufts University in
Medford, Mass. He served in the U.S. Navy during World
War II. He was a member of the Manatee Masonic Lodge,
Scottish Rite Valley of Tampa, Egypt Shrine Temple in
Tampa, Sahib Shrine Temple in Sarasota, Gulf Shrine
Club and Anna Maria High 12. He was a member of
the Manatee Symphony Association, Anna Maria Island
Historical Society and Friends of the Library.
Memorial services will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday,
Dec. 16, at Roser Memorial Community Church, 512
Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Memorial contributions may
be made to Tidewell Hospice and Palliative Care, 5955
Rand Blvd., Sarasota FL 34238, Roser Memorial Com-
munity Church, P.O. Box 247, Anna Maria FL 34216,
or Freedom Village Scholarship Fund, 6501 21st Ave.
W., Bradenton FL 34209. Toale Brothers Funeral Home,
Bradenton Chapel, is in charge of arrangements.
He is survived by his wife of 60 years Charlotte
R.; daughters Katherine Lind of Belmont, Mass.; sons
Robert A. of Conway, Mass., andAlbert R. of Bethesda,
Md.; and 10 grandchildren.

Frances Eugenia Carnell 'Pudge'
Frances Eugenia Carnell "Pudge" Erickson, 79, of
Holmes Beach, died Dec. 7 in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Mrs. Erickson was bor in Louisville, Ken., and
moved to Manatee County from Wisconsin in 1989.
She was an artist and homemaker. She was a 1945
graduate of Shawnee High School'and attended the
University of Cincinnati where she received a Bachelor
of Applied Arts in 1949. She was the chair of the Mil-
waukee Opera Committee and in many other volunteer
capacities. She was a lifetime member of the Zeta Tau
Alpha fraternity.
Visitation was Dec. 12 and services Dec. 13 in
Ohio. Online memorial condolences may be made at
wwx%.pauly oungfuneralhome.coni ''
She is sur1 ived bN sons Harold "Hal" III and his
wife Joanne of lilu aukee. Wis., William and his wife
Evelyn of Henderson\ ille, N.C., David of Simi Valley,

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Calif., and James of Santa Clara, Calif.; daughter Anne
and her husband David of Cincinnati; grandchildren
'Brian, Peter and Kean, and Miles and Robin Tracy;
nieces Billie Kathleen Carnell Schwartz and Carol Sue
Carnell Walker; and nephew Charles Camell.

Leslie 'Mike' Hancock
Leslie "Mike" Hancock, 59, of Bradenton, died
Dec. 5.
Born in Cincinnati, Ohio, Mr. Hancock moved to
Manatee County in 1974. He was a police officer, work-
ing at the Miamisburg [Ohio] Police Department, the
Longboat Key Police Department, the Manatee. County
Sheriff's Office, and at the Bradenton Beach Police
Department as an auxiliary officer. He was a special
deputy with the sheriff's office and an officer with the
U.S. Customs Service Blue Lightning Task Force. He
taught at the Manatee Area Vo-Tech Police Academy.
He was a Master in Okinawan Budo-Kai and taught
Okinawan karate, Jiu-Jitsu, Kobudo and laido.
"Mike Hancock was a good, solid, dependable offi-
cer," said former Longboat. Key Police Chief Wayne
McCammon. "I never called on him that he didn't
respond immediately. He took a lot of abuse, as traffic
officers do, but he handled it well and did a good job."
Memorial services were Dec. 11 at Trinity United
Methodist Church, Bradenton. A reception followed at
the Fraternal Order of Police Manatee Lodge No. 70.
Memorial contributions may be made to the attention of
Kent Dodd in honor of Mike Hancock, Fraternal Order
of Police Manatee Lodge No. 70, 1825 11th St. W.,
Bradenton FL. Shannon Funeral Home, Town Chapel,
was in charge of arrangements.
He is survived by his wife of 28 years Amy; daughter
Shelly and her husband Dave Patrick of Candler, N.C.;
son Douglas K. of Orlando: granddaughter Claire Mar-
cella Patrick; and friends U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Mat-
thew C. Molineux, Andrew Glenn and Sandy Brown.

Edwina T. Hazzard
Edwina T. Hazzard, 101, of Bradenton and formerly
Anna Maria Island, died on Dec. 9.
Mrs. Hazzard was born Dec. 22, 1904, in New York
City and came to Anna Maria Island in 1970, where she
resided until 1986, when she moved to Freedom Village
in. Bradenton.
She had a long and distinguished career as a social


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worker. She attended New York School of Social Work,
now known as Columbia University School of Social
Work. She joined the staff of Riverside Church in New
York City in 1942 as a social worker and assistant to
the Rev. Harry Emerson Fosdick and she was employed
there until her retirement in 1966.
She was a volunteer at Manatee Memorial Hospital.
Memorial donations may be made to the Salvation
Army, 1204 14th St. W., Bradenton FL 34205.
She was predeceased by her husband of 60 years,
John W., in 1990.
Survivors include daughter Barbara H. Knode and
her husband, Donald, of Holmes Beach; grandson Ste-
phen P. and his wife, Sharon, and great-grandchildren
Eliza and Adam Knode; and granddaughters Karen
Trepte and Kim Knode.

Stephen 'Jack' Koval
Stephen "Jack" Koval, 96, of Bradenton and for-
merly Holmes Beach, died Dec. 2.
Born in Byesville, Ohio, Mr. Koval came to Mana-
tee County from Cteveland, Ohio, in 1977. He was
retired after 48 years as a tool and diemaker with Mid-
land Steel. He attended St. Bernard Catholic Church,
Holmes Beach.
Memorial services will be held at a later date.
Griffith-Cline Funeral Home was in charge of
He is survived by son Ronald and wife, Marilyn,
of Bradenton; two grandchildren; and four great-grand-

Ernest Dean Morris
Ernest Dean Morris, 59, of Bradenton Beach, died
Dec. 6.
Born in Bradenton, he was a sales representative
at Ideal Seafood. He was a veteran of the U.S. Marine
Corps, having served in the Vietnam War. He was a
member of the Moose Lodge, Bradenton Beach. He
was Protestant.
No \ isitation or sern ices are planned. Griffith-Cline
Funeral Home. Bradenton Chapel. \\as in charge of
arrangement. Friends gathered SundaN at D.Coy Ducks
to remember him.
He is sur' i\ed b\ w ife Maureen. sons Ernest D.-Jr.
of Port Orange. and GregorN of Sarasota: sister Brenda
TwV iss of Anna Maria: parents Ernest and Lucille of.
Anna Maria: and one grandchild.

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THE ISLANDER U DEC. 13, 2006 M 15

Holmes Beach resident takes 'volunteer vacation'

By Lisa Neff
Islander Reporter
There was no travel agent to hype any amenities.
In fact, there were no traditional vacation amenities
to hype.
Still, Jacqueline Meaker, of Holmes Beach, booked
the trip.
For 28 days this past fall, from mid-September
to early-October, Meaker
i atwent with Global Volun-
teers on a working vacation
to lpalamwa in the African
nation of Tanzania.
"I'm a traveler more
than a tourist," said Meaker,
who has been to more than
100 countries on seven con-
Some of Meaker's
Meaker adventures involved travel
with family. And some of her adventures involved travel
associated with work she taught school in Alaska
before the territory became a state and she worked as
an importer, dealing mostly in art and jewelry.
Those travels don't compare to the Global Volun-
teers experience.
"I'm still trying to digest it," Meaker said on a
recent Monday afternoon. She sat in a sunny room in
her Holmes Beach home, surrounded by art, collectibles
from around the world and heavy volumes on people
and places.t.
Global Volunteers dispatches teams invited to
localities to promote peace and battle poverty. Global
Volunteers works with the United Nations, but is a pri-
vate, nonprofit group based in St. Paul, Minn..
The projects include teaching English to chil-
dren and adults, renovating buildings and assisting in
health care. Volunteers pay the trip costs, about $650
to $2,595, depending on the destination and excluding
For Meaker, the Global Volunteers journey was a

The dusty road to Ipalamwa is made of red clay.

personal challenge.
"I'm a breast cancer survivor," she said. "I really
wanted to be see if I could still travel.... It's just some-
thing I wanted to do. I have t6 expand my mind. Life
is so short and there is so much to see and do in this
Meaker and one other Global Volunteers traveler
made the trip to Ipalamwa.
The journey involved traveling to Dar es Salaam,
Tanzania, where Meaker spent a couple of days antici-
pating the drive to Ipalamwa.
"I knew it was going to be rustic," she said, paus-
ing, smiling. "In the morning, when we left, we got in
a four-wheel-drive Jeep," Meaker remembered. "The
driver said, 'I need a push to get the Jeep started.'"
They drove for 10 hours and covered 180 miles
the first day, then stopped for a night in Iringa. There,
Meaker purchased some staples and fresh vegetables.
The drive from Iringa to Ipalamwa was about 50.
miles, but took four hours.
At Ipalamwa, Meaker lived in a private room,
sleeping on a foam mattress already molded to some-
one else's body.
In the evening, she visited with villagers. "I felt,"
Meaker said, "that I learned more about people in the
Hehe culture than I gave."
In the day, Meaker taught English in the Lutheran
school in the village. About 320 students attended the

S attend
S class at a
-1 Lutheran
School in


junior high, their ages ranged from about 14 to 40. "They
were really anxious to get an education," Meaker said,
adding that many went into debt to attend school.
Meaker also saw the sobering impact of poverty.
Ipalamwa is a place without running water or means
of transportation villagers walked eight-tenths of a
mile to fill 2.5-gallon buckets at a freshwater spring
and traveled 50 miles for staples they could not grow .
"make. The only electricity came from a generator,
which ran no more than two hours a night.
The villagers, for the most part, earned less than a
dollar a day. And the only farm tool they owned was a
hoe. "There were no beasts of burden," Meaker said.
The scarcity of possessions and money made for
lack of waste, Meaker observed.
She also found wealth in the village of 2,600. "The
people there were extremely poor, but what they do
have is an extended family," Meaker said.
She remembered going out one dark night to meet
the owner of the only cow in the village. She came
across an older, distinguished-looking man and his
grandchildren sitting around a fire. While the children
ate roasted corn-on-the-cob, they listened to the man
reading stories from a book. Meaker sensed something
magical in that moment.
"I need these adventures," Meaker said. "When I'm
old and sitting in a rocking chair, I need these things to
think about."

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16 M DEC. 13, 2006 TIHE ISLANDER

Writers groul

By Lisa Neff
Islander Reporter
The words, styles and subjects are varied
in "As it is written," a new collection of work
from 32 area artists associated with the Gulf .,,.-
Coast Writers.
The title of the 192-page book is bor-
rowed from the Bible, I Corinthians 2:9, which -
reads, "as it is written, Eye hath not seen, no -
ear heard." The contents works in short stor-.
essay, commentary, poetry, biography, travelogue.\
mystery, memoir, photo and illustration form -
are favorites of their creators.
The Peppertree Press of Sarasota published the
book, available for $14.95 at local Borders, Cire le
Books, Persnickety Cat, Village Voice and Sand
Dollar, as well as at www.amazon.com and direcit1
from Peppertree Press at 941-922-2662.
The book, edited by Jack Fones and dedicated
to "those who wrote and walked the sands with us.."
contains the work of professional writers and lirst-
time writers. Fones, who wrote about a fluffy feline
for the book, was a contributing editor for Time mag-
azine and writes a newspaper column. Don Maloney,
of Holmes Beach, writes humor for The Islander and

es 'As it is written'

"As it is written," can be found at local
bookstores and at www.amazon.com.
contributed the piece "Someplace for nothing" to "As
it is written."

GCW president Sylvia Price, the author of five
books, remembered her mother in an essay for the
paperback and North River News columnist Charlie
Winans contributed a piece about love and death, Viet-
nam and fate.
Other contributors include Maureen Baldwin, Jean
Bartoo, Virginia Bedinger, Jolie Bell, Carol Berg, Shir-
ley Boris, Nancy Colcord, Judy Domienik, Marguerite
Dye, Jan Gooderham, Brenda Hill, Maralyn Hill, Brian
Mahon, Vema McCarrick, Phyllis Miller, Carson Min-
shall, Alice Moerk, Myrt Moreton, Donato Natale, Karen
O'Dowd, Barbara Parkman, Jerry Perry, Bob Raisch,
Lavem Raisch, Mildred Roy, Edna Tiemann, Elizabeth
Waterston and Alice Whipple.
Geographically, "As it is written" contains the contribu-
tions of nine Holmes Beach residents, three Anna Maria City
residents, one Bradenton Beach resident, two Longboat Key
residents, two Venice residents, one Palmetto resident and 15
Bradenton residents.
"As it is written" contains two cover images a
sunset over the Gulf photograph taken by Baldwin on
the cover and-a colorful day-at-the-beach cartoon by
Fones on the back.
:An invitation is printed under the cartoon: "Sit
back, relax, and enjoy" a ",shi c:,te of skills."

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THlE ISLANDEI DEC. 13. 2006 17

Editor's notes
Gretchen Edgren pon-
ders a question during
her talk with the Gulf
Coast Writers about her
50 years as an editor
with Playboy magazine.
Speaking at the Island
Branch Library Dec.
4, the Holmes Beach
resident recalled the tri-
umphs and tribulations
of her Playboy work.
She worked for years as
senior editor and now
serves as a contribut-
ing editor, working on
special projects and
features. Edgren talked
about the magazine's
famous founder and
publisher, its Playmates,
its most controversial
subjects and the publish-
ing business. Islander
Photo: Lisa Neff

Santa's stopping over in
Bradenton Beach
The Pines Trailer Park will play host to children from the Bradenton
Head Start program at the park's clubhouse at the end of Bridge Street
from 10 a.m. Dec. 13, when Santa will arrive on a fire truck courtesy of
the West Manatee Fire Rescue District.
Residents of the park provide caroling with the kids, gifts for each
child and cookies and juice and coffee and snacks for the adults. Every-
one is invited to join the party.
And in what could be the final appearance on Anna Maria Island of
Santa Clause before the "big day" on Dec. 25, the Moose Lodge at 110
Gulf Drive in Bradenton Beach will host a children's Christmas party for
youngsters age 10 and under from 1 to 3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 17. Everyone
is welcome at the Moose for this special event.

and children's party and Santa visits
at Belle Haven Saturday
Santa Claus will be at the Belle Haven Historic Cottage to put chil-
dren on his Christmas list from 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 16.
Matty Eisman will be there as her clown character, and there will be
Christmas cookies and music. It is open to all children from everywhere,
said a spokesperson.
The cottage is part of the Anna Maria Island Historical Museum,
402 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Additional information may be obtained by
calling 778-0492.

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18 E DEC. 13, 2006 U THE ISLANDER


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THE ISLANDER E DEC. 13, 2006 M 19

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20 E DEC. 13, 2006 0 THE ISLANDER

Wednesday, Dec. 13
10 a.m. Santa welcomes kids of all ages to a
celebration at the Pines Trailer Park clubhouse at the
bay end of Bridge Street in Bradenton Beach. Informa-
tion: 779-9565.
10:30 a.m. Friends of the Island Branch Library
book club at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina
Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-6341.
Noon Anna Maria Garden Club holiday party at
Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave.,
Anna Maria. Information: 778-2607.
12:30 to 4 p.m. Anna Maria Island Community
Center hosts duplicate bridge at St. Bernard Catholic
Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach. Informa-
tion: 778-1908. Fee applies.
1 to 3 p.m. Anna Maria Island Community
Center-sponsored Sit 'n' Knit class at St. Bernard
Catholic Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach.
Information: 778-1908. Fee applies.
2 to 3 p.m.- Anna Maria Island Community Center-
sponsored stepping-stone craft class at St. Bernard
Catholic Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach.
Information: 778-1908. Fee applies.
Friday, Dec. 15
1 to 2 p.m. Family caregiver support group meet-

ing at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive,
Holmes Beach. Information: 747-4655.
7:30 p.m. "White Christmas" outdoor movie in
the park at G.T. Bray Park, 51 st Street West, Bradenton.
Information: 742-5974.
Saturday, Dec. 16
8:30 a.m. Kiwanis Club breakfast meeting with
guest speaker Don Maloney dishing up "Another Slice
of What?" at Cafe on the Beach, Manatee Public Beach,
4700 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach.
9 a.m. to 2 p.m. "Where's Woody?" local art-
ists' yard sale at The Islander newspaper and on the
sidewalks of the Island Shopping Center, 5404 Marina
Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-7978.
10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Open house at Southeastern
Guide Dogs, 4210 77th St. E., Palmetto. Information:
10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Family origami class at
the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes
Beach. Information: 778-6341.
1 to 3 p.m. Santa visits Belle Haven Cottage,
402 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-0492.
6:30 p.m. Bethlehem Walk at Roser Memorial
Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Infor-
mation: 778-0414.
Sunday, Dec. 17
2 p.m. Anna Maria Island Community Chorus
and Orchestra present "Messiah & More" at Gloria Dei
Lutheran Church, 6608 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach.
Fee applies.

Monday, Dec. 18
8:30 a.m. Internet class for beginners at the
Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes
Beach. Information: 778-6341.
Tuesday, Dec. 19
Noon Anna Maria Island Rotary Club meeting
with guest speaker Helen Arnold from Southeastern
Guide Dogs at the BeachHouse Restaurant, 200 Gulf
Drive N., Bradenton Beach. Information: 350-4326.
"Seussical" at the Manatee Players Riverfront
Theatre, 102 Old Main St., Bradenton, through Dec.
23. Information: 748-5875. Fee applies.
"Fishing in Paradise" exhibit by Harvey Gaunt at
the Arts Council Gallery, 9260 12th St. W., Bradenton,
through Dec. 28. Information: 746-2223.
Photography exhibit of work by Paula Schoen-
wether at the Artists Guild Gallery, 5413 Marina Drive,
Holmes Beach, through Dec. 31. Information: 778-
Old-fashioned holiday display at Belle Haven Cot-
tage and Anna Maria Island Historical Museum, 402
Pine Ave., Anna Maria, through Dec. 31. Information:
Photography exhibit by John Bonser at Island Gal-
lery West, 5368 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, through
Dec. 31. Information: 792-1039.
"The Blue Briny: Mermaids & More" at the Vil-
lage of the Arts, along 12th Avenue West, Bradenton,
through Jan. 6. Information: 747-0823.

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TIE ISLANDER U DEC. 13. 2006 E 21

'Math man' figures he can solve your problems

By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
Carl Kipp was only 12 years old when he became
interested in math and science, particularly how to add
and subtract large groups of numbers.
His lifetime hobby turned into a passion. Now 84,
the Anna Maria resident has taught around the world
while working for the government. For the past 10
years, he's lived in Anna Maria and, most days, sets
up his math and science exhibit at a pavilion at the
historic Anna Maria City Pier.
Think you can get two big curved hooks joined
together unhooked? It's impossible after a few tries, you
might think, but Carl can do it in about two seconds.
Try adding 4,501 plus 64 plus 963 plus 4,386 in your
head. Carl does it in about 3 seconds using his "rule of
nine," that he swears he invented nearly 70 years ago.
"I've taught this to kids all over the world and I've
always taught for free," laughed the octogenarian.
"I've been from California to Maine, from Alaska
to Europe. For me, this is just great fun and a great way
to interest young people in math."
Carl doesn't sell anything or charge anyone for
revealing his secrets. "I do it because I love teaching,"
he said with a smile.

The math
Carl Kipp of
Anna Maria
spends his
days under
a pavilion
near the Anna
Maria City
Pier teach-
ing kids and
adults alike
the easy way
to solve math
and science
Photo: Rick

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22 0 DEC. 13. 2006 0 THE ISLANDER

Burton Store moved to museum

Change of address
The Burton Store traveled about 1/2 mile through the
Cortez fishing village to the grounds of the Florida
Maritime Museum, where a work crew positioned the
building in preparation for Day 2 of the long-awaited
move. Islander Photos: Lisa Neff

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By Lisa Neff
Islander reporter
When Cortezians began anticipating the move of
the Burton Store, the Soviet Union power structure
was crumbling, Diana and Charles were splitting and
"Dallas" was headed off television.
Anticipation for the move began about 15 years
Moving day arrived on Dec. 5, drawing crowds into
the streets to watch the historic structure travel about
1/2 mile from the A.P. Bell Fish Co. through the Cortez
fishing village to the grounds of the Florida Gulf Coast
Maritime Museum.
"It's been a long time coming," said museum boat-
builder and advisor to the director, Harvey Levine.
Levine stood on the museum grounds watching work
crews position the structure near the pressure-treated
wood foundation.
The move began at about 9:45 a.m. at the fish
company. By about noon, Johnson and Sons had suc-
cessfully hauled the structure to the land behind the
renovated 1912 Cortez Schoolhouse.
There, workers positioned the store for Day 2 of
the move, which was made possible by a $66,200 grant
from the Selby Foundation.
Watching the work, Roger Allen, Cortez Historic
Sites manager and project overseer, said he felt "fair
to midland" and predicted he'd feel much better when
the Burton Store was secure on its foundation.
The easy breathing came on Dec. 6.
After a morning of making final preparations, John-
son and Sons placed the store on its foundation.
The activity brought out a much smaller crowd,
visitors in pairs who walked over from the waterfront
or the parks across Cortez Road.
"I think it's wonderful to see them preserving this,"
said Mary Natalini, of Bradenton. "Florida hasn't saved
enough of its past "
"Correz has waited a lon tiime and % worked hard for
this.I said Mary's sister, Sandy Natalini, of Bradenton


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The structure was built in 1890 on the Cortez water-
front and was leased to Jesse Burton for the operation
of a general store.
Over the years, the structure was used for a variety
of purposes, including a fish and ice house, an inn and
for U.S. Coast Guard activity. It was one of the few
structures on the waterfront to survive the 1921 hur-
Allen, looking at photographs of the store on Dec.
6, pointed out its wood. "It's a very rugged structure,"
he said.
About 15 years ago the store was rescued from
demolition. The Selby grant paid for its move and
foundation work. A $55,000 Community Development
Block Grant through Manatee County will help pay for
the restoration.
The museum plans to restore the structure to the
way it looked when it stood on the waterfront more than
a century ago, including adding back the porches that
were demolished in its first move.
The finished project will include a model of the
general store, rest rooms and a classroom on the first
floor. An office, research room and exhibit will be
located on the second floor.

The work on the museum grounds continued at about
9 a.m. Dec. 6, with a crew readying the foundation
for the sturdily built store.

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THE ISLANDER M DEC. 13. 2006 M 23

slad Biz
By Rick Catlin

Body-N-Mind moves
Denise Lehacki of Body-N-Mind Mas-
sage is all smiles over the new loca-
tion of her massage therapy services
to the A Pine Avenue salon at 314 Pine
Ave. in Anna Maria. Islander Photo:
Rick Catlin

Massage moves
Denise Lehacki has been a licensed,
massage therapist for 14 years and in-
Anna Maria for the past three.
She recenil\ moved her Body-N-
Mind Massage from the former post
office plaza on Gulf Drive to the A Pine
Avenue Salon at 314 Pine Ave. in Anna
Denise is well known among Island
residents for her expertise in Swedish
massage, reflexology massage, deep-
tissue massage and energy therapy.
Her new location makes her easily
accessible in Anna Maria, and she's
already written her loyal clientele that

she's relocated, and is anticipating many
of her winter clients will get the word on
her new location.
"I really love it here on the Island. I
wouldn't dream of moving. The people
are great and this new location is won-
derful," said Denise.
She's also studying acupuncture at
East-West College in Sarasota and plans
to add it to her list of services upon grad-
Hours are by appointment Monday
through Saturday, although she occa-
sionally takes a Sunday massage.
New clients can get a 10 percent dis-
count with their initial massage with a
coupon available in The Islander.
For more information, call Denise at

Grand opening
Saturday for Simply
Put in Cortez
Tim Gallagher of Simply Put
antiques in the Surfing World Plaza
on Cortez Road in Cortez wanted to

enlarge his business. Rocky von Hah-
mann of Surfing World in the same
plaza was looking to downsize. The
two found the perfect solution: swap
Now Tim's new store will be called
"Simply Put Artists and Gallery" and
will holds its grand opening from 2 p.m.
to 7 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 16.
"We're going to be much more
than an antique store," said Tim.
There will be a resident jeweler in
the shop, along with visiting artists
to display their latest creations. The
gallery will also have art works from
a number of local artists, hand made
crafts and custom made furniture and,
of course, antiques and practical col-
"We are a bit more than just
antiques," said Tim. "We're really focus-
ing on all aspects of the art world."
Food and entertainment will be
offered at the grand opening.
The Surfing World Plaza is located
-at 11904 Cortez Road W. in Cortez.
For more information on Simply
Put, call Tim at 962-0567.

Simply Put is moving into Surfing World in Cortez. Islander Photo: Rick Catlin

Islander stars in Vegas
Island businessman and condominium
developer David Teitelbaum was a
guest speaker at a recent national
conference in Las Vegas on financ-
ing, developing and operating condo-
minium hotels. More than 750 hotel
owners, developers and service provid-
ers attended the symposium. Islander
Photo: Courtesy D. Teitelbaum

Former golf course
now a community
Palma Sola Trace, formerly known
as the Palma Sola Golf Club on 75th
Street West in Bradenton, recently
opened its clubhouse and recreational
facilities for the 104-acre property being
developed by Taylor Woodrow.
The West Indies-sytle, 3,400-square-
foot clubhouse includes a fitness center
along with meeting and events room, a
catering kitchen and bar area for parties
and gatherings.
The facility also has a swimming
pool with a children's playground.
Palma Sola Trace offers single-
family homes ranging in size from 2,000
to 3,000 square feet 'of living space.
Prices in the 546-unit community start
in the upper $300,000 range.
Palma Sola Trace also includes con-
dominiums, with prices starting in the
low $200,000s.
For more information, call 773-0212
or 730-2282.

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24 M DEC. 13, 2006 M THE ISLANDER

Former Bruin, Islander inducted into Bayshore fame

By Kevin Cassidy
Islander Reporter
Former Island resident Mickey Hooke, 45, and an
employee of Galati Marine in Anna Maria, was recently
inducted into the Bayshore High School Athletic Hall of
Fame. Hooke received'his award on the football field at
halftime of the October Bruins' homecoming football
Hooke, who graduated from Bayshore in 1979,
vwas an all-state track and cross country runner for the
Bruins, earning a seventh overall finish in the 1977 3A
cross country meet with a time of 15:18 over the 3-
mile course. Hooke also earned a fourth-place finish in
the 1978 state 880 run in track and field. Hooke's time
of 1:55.4 in the 880 run remains a record at Bayshore
More recent accomplishments that factored into
his induction include his development of the Grass-
roots Running System that has currently brought him
five Florida Master state championships and the 2003
U.S. Association Track and Field Florida title of long-
distance runner of the year. Hooke has set 71 running
records since November 2000.
Hooke now has an official plaque on display in the
Hall of Fame trophy case outside the entrance to the
school's gymnasium.

Key Royale golf news
The women of Key Royale Club teed it up for nine
holes of golf on Dec. 5. Flight AA winner was Penny
-Williams, who fired a one-over par 33 to finish two
shots ahead of Rosemary Knick and Jean Holmes, who
both shot a 35. Flight A winner was Kathy Geeraerts,
who finished at even par 32, two shots ahead of second-
place finisher Nancy King. Sara Falk, Dorothy McK-
inna, Mary Selby and Tootie Wagner tied for third at
Sally Keyes, Rose Slomba and Jan Turner each
posted a two-over-par 34 to tie for first place in flight
B, with Markie Ksiazek finishing a shot back at 35.
Flight C winner was Frankie Smith-Williams, who
-fired a two-under par 30. Second place went to Cherie
Kinerk, while Sally York came in third with a 34. Erma


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To Porf thhaooteo

,. -

Former Islander Mickey Hooke receives his Bay-
shore High Athletic Hall of Fame award from Bay- -
shore athletic director Chris Brady prior to a Bruin's
football game.
McMullen and Janet Stokes tied for first place in Flight.
D with a 34, one shot better than Theresa Schutt.
In other golf happenings, Jean Tourt and Joyce
Rieth both sank approach shots during their rounds.
Tourt's came on No. 2, while Rieth's shot found the
hole on No. 8. Best poker hands on the course were
won by Marilyn Hayes with a full house, Jeanette
Cashman with five-of-a-kind and Mary Margaret Dick-
inson and Marge Petring with high straights.

Horseshoe news
Three teams ernerged fromm pool pla\ \\i th unde-
feated records during Dec. 2 horseshoe competition

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at the Anna Maria city pits. Hank Huyghe and George
Landritus faced off against Ron Slagh and Karl Thomas,
with the winner set to face the waiting team of Steve
Doyle and Sam Samuels in the finals. Slagh and Thomas
prevailed, defeating Huyghe and Thomas 21-14.
Slagh and Thomas jumped out to a 19-12 lead, only
to see Doyle and Samuels battle $ack to tie the match at
19-19. Doyle won the match with a ringer to complete
the improbable come-from-behind victory for Doyle
and Samuels.
Samuels also found himself in the winner's circle
after the Dec. 6 competition. He "walked" his way
there by defeating the team of Hank Huyghe and Cathy
Stoltzfus 21-11.
Play gets under way at 9 a.m. every Wednesday and
Saturday at the Anna Maria City Hall pits. Warmups
begin at 8:45 a.m. followed by random team selection.
There ig no charge to play and everyone is welcome.

Center football registration ongoing
The Anna Maria Island Community Center is still
accepting registrations for the 2007 season of NFL Flag
Football. Boys and girls in grades one through eight can
register 0-8 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 13-14,
at the Holmes Beach public works building, located
at 5801 Marina Drive between the fire station and the
skateboard park. Players can also register through Sat-
urday, Dec. 15, at the Center's temporary offices in the
trailer behind St. Bernard Catholic Church.
Registration fee for center members is $25 for the
first child and $20 for each additional child in the same
family. Non-members pay $40 for first child and $35
for each additional child. All fees are non-refundable.
Each player will receive an NFL Flag Football jersey
and a flag belt. The season will run from Jan. 6 to Feb.
17. with games being played at the Holmes Beach city
There will be a mandatory mini-skills camp for all
registered players at the Holmes Beach field on Jan. 6.
Players in grades six-eight will run 10-11 a.m.; players
in grades three-five 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; and grades

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THE ISLANDER U DEC. 13. 2006 M 25

Cortez channel finally being dredged

By Jim Hanson
Islander Reporter
Five years in the making, dredging of the channel
along the Cortez waterfront is finally under way.
Allen Garner estimated the work is about one-third
completed "it has reached the old shed on the point
that was used in 'Out of Time,'" he said. That is the
movie made mostly in Cortez with Denzil Washington
starring a few years ago.
Garner is a lifelong Cortezian and president of the
village's civic organization Florida Institute for Saltwa-
ter Heritage. He and others, notably Manatee County
Commissioner Jane von Hahmann, a Cortez resident,
have pressed for the dredging for years.
The channel hugs the shore from Star Fish Co. to
Cortez Bait and Seafood at the east end of the village.
Usage by commercial fishing boats kept it reasonably
clear for decades until 1995, when a statewide refer-
endum banned net fishing and destroyed much of the
Cortez fishing business. Since then it has gradually silted
in and gathered trash, which have partially strangled the
Manatee County undertook to clear it five years ago,
and began the paperwork that wound up with the West Coast

one-two will take the field from 12:30-1:30 p.m.
Potential coaches must confirm their intent by Dec.
15 and their child will play for free. Background check
and ID or driver's license is required to be considered
as a coach.
For more information, call 778-1908.

Not too late for cheerleaders
The Anna Maria Island Community Center is still
registering boys and girls, ages 7-13, for its 2006-07
cheerleading squads. Cost for cheering this season is
$35 for first child that is a center member and $30 for
any additional siblings. Cost for non-members is $50
for the first child and $45 for any additional siblings.
The last day to register for the season is extended
to Thursday, Dec. 14, at the Center's office behind St.
Bernard Catholic Church, or an hour before camp.
The mandatory mini-camp and squad selection will
take place 5:30-6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 13, and 6:30-
7:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 14, at St. Bernard in the fel-
lowship hall, 248 S..Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach.
The Center is also looking for cheerleader squad
leaders. To sign up as a squad leader or to get more
information, call 778-1908.

Playing sports for your high school team?
Calling all Island youth and their parents. Give us
a call or drop us an e-mail and let us know about any
and all youth athletic endeavors. Call me at 807-1105
or e-mail me at ke\ in'-'islander.ore %\ ith information.


Tornle -ait-La i

Anna Maria, Florida

Inland Navigation District agreeing to handle the job.
The long delay is blamed mostly on the layers of
debris which had to be cleared away from the end of
the FISH Preserve to make way for the machinery and
for a spoil site where the results of the dredging are
being pumped. There, the spoil will drain and dry and
eventually, probably, be used to renourish a beach. It

The Pelican Man's Bird Sanctuary won't be
accepting any new patients, its operations sharply
curtailed by lack of funding, its executive director
has announced.
He expressed hope that quick donations will make
up its $200,000 shortfall and the wildlife hospital can
resume full operations: "All it takes is money."
The birds already in the hospital will continue to
receive the care they need, promised Jeffrey Dering.
The move has been in the works for weeks, when an
emergency call went out for $200,000 in donations to keep
it going, and various noncritical functions were cut off.
Beginning in December, birds brought to the hos-
pital on City Island, off the south ramp of the. New
Pass Bridge, will be referred to other local rehabilitation
facilities, just as incoming rescue calls are already being
Veterinary and other staff will continue to care for

is surprisingly clean white sand, Garner said.
When cleared, the channel will be 30 feet wide, 7
feet deep at mean low water, 1,500 feet long and bor-
dering most of the southern waterfront of the village.
When the project was first being organized, WCIND
set aside $325,000 to pay for the job, but whether that
will still cover the skyrocketing costs is not known.

the birds until they can be released into the wild or
relocated to other facilities, Derig said. In November,
15 pelicans were taken to a new home at Lion Country
Safari near West Palm Beach, and several birds were
flown to a zoo in Chicago.
The sanctuary was founded 25 years ago by Dale
Shields, who ran the operation until his death in 2003.
His rescue work among birds earned him the sobri-
quet "the Pelican Man," which became the name of his
legacy hospital.
Nearly 200 birds representing 72 species are there
now, and 50,000 have been saved and returned to the
wild. "What a shame it would be for our community to
regress 25 years to a time when there was no one there
to help" the wildlife, said Derig.
He said donations may be brought to the sanctuary
or mailed to 1707 Ken Thompson Pkwy., Sarasota FL

Docked and dined
Karen Bell, of A.P. Bell Fish House, welcomes Leadership Manatee to the Cortez waterfront. The group, part
of the Manatee County Chamber of Commerce, gathered in Cortez earlier this month to hear more about the
old fihini village and for a "conmiunitv dock" lunch fiom Bell's Star Fish Company.

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No new patients for Pelican Man

26 0 DEC. 13. 2006 TIHE ISLANDER

Cooler weather chills fishing action, but sheepies persevere
By Capt. Mike Heistand -
Cold weather has done more than just chill the fish-
ers, it's also cooled off fishing action..
Backwater action has definitely dropped with the
cooler waters and air, but there are still scattered reports
of good catches of sheepshead, a few redfish and some
Offshore fishing is still good, though, with grou- :
per, snapper and triggerfish being the mainstays. And t ...... ,B-
despite the pretty-much-done kingfish run, there are a -- .
few hardy specimens still lurking in the Gulf of Mexico

Don't forget that snook season closes Dec. 15.
Bill Lowman at Island Discount Tackle at Catch-
ers Marina in Holmes Beach said sheepshead are the
best bet for backwater fishers, although there are a few Go
redfish being caught. Offshore action is pretty much the e-J
best bet, with lots of grouper in the 50-foot depths in the o.
Gulf, as well as lots of triggerfish, lane and mangrove .' "
snapper. Figure to go out at least 18 miles for a good
catch, Bill advised.
Bob Kilb at the Rod & Reel Pier said catches there.--
last week included a few mackerel, bluefish and sheeps- -
head. Z pey .
Jesus Rosario at the Anna Maria City Pier said
cold weather really chilled the fishing action at the pier,
with sheepshead and mackerel about the only catches -._._ ..
coming onto the dock. .'
At Annie's Bait & Tackle in Cortez, Capt. Mark H- i- ----t
Johnson said he caught lots of small redfish and a few Good grouper
keepers last week, plus some snook from the canals. Nick Arendt, 11, from Mundelein, Ill., caught this nice-sized grouper while fishing with Capt. Larry McGuire
Capt. Sam Kimball said his offshore charters have been aboard Show Me The Fish Charters.
producing keeper-size grouper and kingfish up to 25
Capt. Zach Zacharias on the Dee-Jay II out of
Parrot Cove Marina said fishing "was much improved

couple of forays resulted in a mixed bag of redfish to
23 inches, catch-and-release trout to 22 inches, small
snook, black drum to 10 pounds, mangrove snapper,
Spanish mackerel, sheepshead and a few flounder."
Capt. Zach's pretty much given up on whitebait,
instead reverting to the old standbys of shrimp and arti-
ficial bait, which are working well for his charters. Last
weekend's cold front "should pretty much sock us into"
a winter pattern, which is much easier to figure out and
can provide some top-notch action with a wide variety
of species," he added. "The big low tides tend to con-
centrate large numbers of fish in deeper holes and when
they decide to eat it can be a real fire drill."
Dave Johnson at Snead Island Crab House said
there are lots of reports of lots of black drum up to 10 -
pounds being caught, plus a few redfish from the Mana-
tee River near the docks. Sheepshead are also thick near
the Sunshine Skyway Bridge in Tampa Bay. ...
Capt. Rick Gross on Fishy Business out of Catch-7 '
ers Marina in Holmes Beach said he took some time J0 '

and redfish, but snook action is slow as the water tem-] b USCG License i
peratures drop.
On my boat Magic, we caught a few keeper-size
redfish, black drum up to 6 pounds, lots of small sheeps- TV goes offshore
head and a few-snapper to 12 inches in length. Capt. Mike Anderson, left, and Capt. Billy Nobles shot footage for the "Real Animal TV" show while fishing
Good luck and good fishing. with Capt. Larry McGuire on board Show MeThe Fish Charters. They caught grouper about 40 miles out in
the Gulf of Mexico.


*24-hour self-serve car wash 4SPECIALE7Tob
t.* Complete auto detailing +TAX Tues-Fri 7-7:56 am
A C quick Wue winter friends!"
Quick lube 55 8:04-12:52 pm terfriends"
5804 Marina Dr.* Holmes Beach 778-1617 $45 1-1:56 pm Backwater Near Shore Up
MAJOR CREDIT CARDS & DEBIT CARDS ACCEPTED + TAX to 7 miles out in the Gulf T I lan d
S25 after 2 pm Snook Redfish "

$5 OFF-kIa r
es Beach PURE Light Tackle
Gas and S er ato PURE c,,wFishing Reservations a Must!
GSiTackle, bait, ice, fishing
S Cerlifii Full ,.uts.,rr- A r;,'j,3r license provided!
- 53 33i Gulf Dr.e* H m c 7j23-1 107.
779-0487 Capt. Mike Heistand
[at the corner of Gulf and Marina Drive] USCG Licensed #

THE ISLANDER M DEC. 13, 2006 0 27

Red tide smacks down fish in Southwest Florida

Red tide struck Southwest Florida for most of 2005.
The naturally occurring algae bloom cost an estimated
$20 million in lost revenue to waterfront restaurants,
resorts and other businesses that depend on the tourist
dollar to flourish.
It also "significantly impacted the juvenile spotted
sea trout fishery," according to state biologists.
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Com-
mission received a report from biologists with the
agency's Fish and Wildlife Research Institute in St.
Petersburg last week on the environmental impacts of
the red tide bloom. The results were mixed.
Sea trout were hit hard by the algae, which releases
a toxin that can kill fish. The scientists found that "juve-
nile red drum fared better and juvenile snook suffered
little impact from the severe red tide."
The biologists did samplings of the three sport fish
based on an ongoing, long-term juvenile fish monitoring
"Biologists attribute the juvenile snook population's
resiliency to the species' use of low-salinity nursery hab-
itats," according to the report. "The red tide organism
does not thrive in low-salinity areas or brackish water,
so juvenile snook were able to avoid the bloom.
"In Tampa Bay, red tide hit the sea trout popula-
tion at a popular spawning site particularly hard. Biolo-
gists monitoring the site, using ultrasonic transmitters
implanted in fish, consistently heard sounds of spawning
trout -- until red tide hit the area. Although spawning
season continues through September, researchers never
heard the fish with implants after July 12, 2005, some-
thing they attribute to red tide. Preliminary 2006 data
show the spawning fish have not returned to the area.
However juvenile recruitment data for. 2006 show the
species is making a very slow recovery in other areas."
-Remember the "dead zone" that was discovered
off the coast, an area where the bottom dwellers all
appeared to perish when the red tide toxin pushed down
to the bottom? The biologists looked at that problem,'
"The 2005 red tide bloom also affected bottom
communities offshore from Tarpon Springs to Sara-
sota," according to the study. "Bottom-dwelling organ-
isms like sponges, corals, mollusks, crabs and fish died
due to the effects of red tide and hypoxic and anoxic
(oxygen-depleted) conditions resulting from decompo-
sition of dead organ ikms. Survey results from the area
indicated the red tide impacted some reef communities
heavily while other reefs appeared to be unaffected."
The marine impacts of red tide, in other words,.
are similar to what we humans deal with the throat-
scratching, nose-itching, coughing associated with the
bloom can be bad on one stretch of beach and non-
existent at another location, and the same is true with
our finny friends and their reef homes.

Can you hear me now?
In another one of those human-nature similarities,

nna Doar)o

Moon Date AM HIGH AM
Dec 13 5:55 1.4 11:48
Dec 14 7:42 1.2 1:08
Dec 15 9:34 1.2 2:09
Dec 16 10:59 1.3 3:05
Dec 17 8:3.1p* 2.1 3:47
Dec 18 4:30
Dec 19 5:12
NMDec20 5:54

it appears that birds that live in cities are louder and
sing in a different pitch than birds of the same species
that live in the woods.
According to a study published in "Current Biol-
ogy," researchers have found that "birds living in urban
areas sing a faster tune than their slower country coun-
terparts. The changes in birdsong may help their calls
to be heard over the howl of traffic and the wind."
The study included the songs of Parus major, com--
monly known as great tits, living in 10 major European
cities compared with the tunes from those living in
nearby forests. "All of the city slickers were found to
make shorter, faster and more high-pitched sounds.
Quick, repetitious trills pass better through high wind
and the low frequencies of traffic noise, whereas low,
slower sounds transmit better through dense vegeta-
Sound is a big deal to the birds. Male birds use
sound to establish their territorial boundaries and also
to attract females. If they can'tt be heard, they can be
oVerrun by other birds or go around in feathered frus-
tration without a mate.
However, not all birds can n ,tch the adaptability
of the great tits. "Zebra finches, Taeniopygia guttata,
"crystallize their melody in their first months, and so
would not be expected to adapt to a new soundscape
later in life."

Cruising (with) Class starting up again
Here's something you can mark on your new 2007.
calendar: The Sarasota Sailing Squadron "reluctantly"
announces the annual "Cruising I(% ith Class" series
of lectures will begin Jan. 11.:
Instructor Stan Zimmerman i ill again tryto teach
students the rudiments of cruising in a small sailboat
along the finest coastline in the "% orld, which is to say,
South est Florida. The class is free and open to the
Zimmerman will present the rudiments.of local
weather and currents, na' i-a tion and hazards, anchor-
ing and other perils, cooking, cooling, bug-fighting,
self-steering, mal de mer and, most perilous of all,
docking. In his 30 years of sailing this coast, Zimmer-
man'remains a primitive and seeks others in similar
straits, he said.
Hundreds of folks have graduated from this class,
followed the instruction (mixed with their own best
judgment) and successfully explored not only this

> .. ,

0.6 6:38 1.7 -
0.5 7:05 1.8 12:23 0.8
0.2 7:30 1.9 1:01 1.0
0.0 8:02 2.0 1:29 1.2
-0.3 12:08 1.3 2:04 1.2
-0.4 9:06 2.2 -
-0.5 9:45 2.3 -
-0.6 10:27 2.4 -
es later- lows 1:06 later

coast, but many others. Somehow it works.
The course is designed for folks new to sailboat
cruising, or new to this area. It assumes students already
know how to sail. It also assumes students will bring a
pencil and paper to take notes. Zimmerman fancies him-
self a journalist, and knows if you don't write it down,
you'll forget it immediately. He also asks students bring
a short hank of line, because he will attempt teach a
useful knot in each class.
Few finish the eight weeks of instruction. It's an
unheated, seemingly endless two-hour lecture (with a
break) on a porch in the winter, but it does come with
the best view in Sarasota. For those desiring a warmer
shortcut, the lectures are available as a book.
Classes will be held at the Sarasota Sailing Squad-
ron, located in Ken Thompson Park on City Island, just
down the road from Mote Marine Laboratory between
Lido and Longboat Key. Classes start at 7 p.m. sharp
every Thursday. Go to the end of the road, around the
circle and take a right into the squadron.

Siesta Key beach
renourishment update
Environmental regulators have denied hearing a
petition by a Siesta Key Gulffront homeowner who
attempted to block a beach renourishment project on the
southern part of the Sarasota County barrier island.
Beachfront property owner- Nancy Burns Stratton
had argued that an erosion control line had been incor-
rectly drawn and requested an administrative hearing to*
make her case. Florida Department of Environmental
Protection officials denied her petition, issued permits
for the project and sand should start to move onto the
beach later this month.
Ironically, her house was demolished after erosion
sucked all the sand away from the front of her home,
causing waves and water to so damage the house that
it was deemed to be unsafe for occupancy.
The renourishment plan calls for about 900,000
cubic yards of sand to cover more than two miles of
beach in the Midnight Pass area of. Siesta Key.
Still pending is a plan to re-open the pass, closed
more than 20 years ago due to severe erosion. Permits
are still pending on the inlet creation effort.

Sandscript factoid
To quote the immortal words of former Miami
Herald humorist Dave Barry, "I am not making this
Last year, a guy from England caught the world's
heaviest carp in a lake in France. The fish weighed a bit
more than 83 pounds.
For winning the prize for the biggest fish, he got a
vacation back to France this year. As fishers are wont
to do, he went fishing. In the same lake. And caught the
same fish this time, it tipped the scales at better than
87 pounds.

Specializing in docks and decks

Maintenance Painting

(941) 779-1839 docksndecks@verizon.net
Licensed and insured

We'd love to hear your
fish stories, and pictures
Share welcome, too.
Just give us a call at
778-7978 or stop by our
office in the Island Shop-
ping Center, Holmes Beach.

TIfe Islander
v i ,a4f.

,,.,-, _- ... "lV =-- = --

Everything You Need For Florida Fishing
.... -~~....(. (by Holmes Beach boat basin)
T ACKLE I--- (major credit cards accepted.)
Visit us at... IslandDiscountTackle.com

-- ----- ..... ....

-- *

* Cortez High Tides 7 minute

28 0 DEC. 13, 2006 N THE ISLANDER

A D S .4S ,

FRENCH VIOLIN BY "Medio Fino" with bow and
case. Good condition. $300..941-778-5216.
BIKE! THREE-WHEEL adult tricycle. Great Christ-
mas gift. New tires, large basket, excellent condition.
$150 or best offer. 941-778-7999.
G.E. FRIDGE/FREEZER: side-by-side, door water
and ice, eggshell color, new. Cost $1,000, half off
or best offer. 941-778-7209.

NIKI'S BLOW-OUT sale: Below cost for Xmas gifts.
Porcelain dolls, Xmas shirts, porcelain thimbles, all
sterling jewelry 50-75 percent off. Much more. Open
seven days, 9:30am-5pm. 941-779-0729.5351 Gulf
Drive, Holmes Beach.

AERIAL PHOTOS of Anna Maria Island. View and
purchase online: www.jackelka.com.

FREE DELIVERY to your home or condo: Shrimp,
crabs, native fish. Prompt delivery to your door. Call
James Lee, 941-795-1112 or 704-8421.
LONGBOAT KEY HISTORY "From Calusas to Con-
dominiums" by Ralph B. Hunter. Signed copies avail-
able at The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes
Beach. 941-778-7978.

ROSER THRIFT SHOP: Open 9:30am-2pm Tues-
days, Thursdays, 9am-noon Saturdays. Christmas
decorations, half-price clothing. 941-779-2733.511
Pine Ave., Anna Maria.

IN OUR GARAGE: Dollar items! 9am-3pm Satur-
day and Sunday, Dec. 16-17. Artist pottery, clothes,
Toyota Standard MRII, $3,500. 941-778-7314. 233
Gladiolus St., Anna Maria.

GARAGE SALE: 8am-3pm Friday and Saturday,
Dec. 15-16. Clothes, boat equipment, lamps, fish-
ing tackle, Xmas items, table saw, spray painter and
more. 2915 Ave. C, Holmes Beach.
HUGE ART, HOME accessory sale. 9am-4pm Sat-
urday, Dec. 16. Paintings, framed, unframed, origi-
nals, reproductions. Oils, prints, furniture. Very nice.
240 Chilson Ave., Anna Maria.

FLEA MARKET: 9am-4pm Saturday, Dec. 16. Lots
of Xmas gifts, jewelry, furniture, collectibles. Cook-
books $2 each. Art, fun stuff. Niki's parking lot. 5351
Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach.

MOVING SALE: 8am-noon Sunday,,Dec. 17. Home
decor, building materials, clothes, art supplies and
more. 2805 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach.

LOST: BLACK AND white cat. Name is Zeus, he is
5 years old. Please call 941-778-1746. Last seen on
Guava Street between 58th Street and Gulf Drive,
Holmes Beach ...

. LOST DOG: Black-and-white Border collie, wearing
red collar. Information on collar is wrong. Name is
Cocoa. Please call Louise, 941-518-7336.

MISSING DOG! OLD black Labrador wandered
away from yard at 509 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. His
name is Heck, wearing a blue and orange "Life is
Good" collar, very deaf, nearly blind and senile.
Please call Adele at 941-587-6328.

SELL it fast with an ad in The Islander.

KARATE ON THE Island: Ages four through adult.
Call 941-807-1734 or visitwww.islanddojo.cmasdi-

BAYSIDE BANQUET HALL Affordable waterfront
patio and tiki bar -available for events. Bring your
own food, drinks and grill. 941-798-2035. www.bay-
sonalized brick in the Anna Maria Island Butter-
fly Park. Two lines, $40. Three lines, $50. Forms
at The Islander or call 941-518-4431 for more

FREE GUN LOCK. Yes, free. Just for the asking.
Courtesy of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conserva-
tion Commission. Free at The Islander newspaper
office, 5404 Marina. Drive, Holmes Beach. Don't be
sorry, be safe.

GUARDIAN AD LITEM volunteers needed: A guard-
ian ad litem is a trained volunteer appointed by the
court to represent and advocate for the best interest
of children who have been abused, abandoned or
neglected. Make a positive impact! Call 941-744-
9473 or visit www.12circLlitgal.org.

NEED A MEETING place? Try the conference room,
Tingley Memorial Library. Eveann Adams. 941-779-
1208.111 Second St. N., Braclenton Beach.

AKC MALE AND female English Bulldog puppies
available. These puppies are AKC-registered with
champion bloodlines and will come with a pedigree,
microchip, vet check with health certificate, a one-
year guarantee against congenital defects, and all
shots and wormer. The puppies available now are
$500 each. For more information please contact:
FOSTER PARENTS NEEDED for loving homes to
foster puppies and kittens until they are old enough.
for adoption. All food and medical provided. Julie,

ADULT CATS in desperate need of loving homes.
All are current on vaccines. All applicants screened.
Please, call 941-922-0774.

FOR SALE: 992 20-foot pontoon and 1995 boat
trailer, Both can be seen at 108 Sixth St. S., Bra-
denton Beach.

1996 20-FOOT PROLINE Stalker. 150-hp Johnson.
Live well, Garmin fish finder, Cuddy cabin walk-
around, great shape. $10,500. 941-778-7535.

NOW HIRING ALL positions. Rotten hours, rotten
pay. Apply at Rotten Ralph's Waterfront Restau-
rant, 902 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria, or call 941-

church. Part-tirie hourly, three days a week, 15
hours total. Requires professional phone etiquette,
key entry, computer proficiency (Excel, Word, etc.),
Competent oral, written and interpersonal commu-
nication .skills. Send resume to PO. Box 10185,
Longboat Key FL 34228. *

WANTED: PERSONAL TRAINER: physical therapy
assistant and host. Call Beach Fitness Center, 941-

HAIR AND NAIL booths $110/week. Shared booths
$80/week. Private room $145/week. Busy salon on
Cortez Road. Flexible terms. 941-504-4904.

TOP ADVERTISING sales position open at The
Islander newspaper. Great territory, commissions.
Previous outside sales helpful. If you possess a
willingness for strong community involvement,
positive outlook and drive to succeed, fax or e-
mail a letter and/or resume to 941-778-9392,
sales@ islander.org.
---Dlr ]!! a--J.-

$299,000. Buy building alone for $1,600,000or
buy both for $1,690,000. Confidentiality agree-
ment required. Longview Realty, 941-383-6112.
For more great business and realty buys: www.

PAW SPA: PROFITABLE pet-grooming business.
Loyal customer base in great Holmes Beach loca-
tion. $59,000. Longview Realty, 941-383-6112.

MEALS AND MORE: 50-seat restaurant with great
ambience also retails select items. Beer and wine
license. Any menu OK. $120,000. Confidentiality
agreement required for details. Longview Realty,
941-383-6112. For more great business and realty
buys: www.longviewrealty.com.
GIFTS/DECOR FOR patio, home and garden.
Enchanting shop, fun items in good resort area
location. $99,000. Confidentiality agreement
required for details. Longview Realty, 941-383-
6112. For more great business and realty buys:

CHARTER BOAT SERVICE: Eco-tours, sightseeing,
more in Cortez. Assets include 26-foot cat, 150-hp
outboard. $70,000. Longview Realty, 941-383-6112.
For more great business and realty buys: www.

KIDS FOR HIRE ads are FREE for Island youths
-under 16 looking for work. Ads must be placed in
person at The Islander newspaper office, 5404
Marina Drive, Holmes Beach.

MAN WITH SHOVEL: Plantings, natives, patio gar-
dens, trimming, cleanup, edging, maintenance.
Hard-working and responsible. Excellent references.
Edward 941-778-3222.

LET US DRIVE YOU! Shopping, medical appoint-
ments, airports, cruise ports. Flat rates. Sunshine
Car Service. Serving the Islands. 941-778-5476.

puter misbehaving? Certified computer service and
private lessons. Special $40/hour. Free advice. 941-

wash away mildew, dirt, salt. Thorough, reason-
able, reliable. Free estimates, licensed, insured.



f for ads that will appear in the Dec. 27 edition of Tie Islander

Our office will be closed Dec. 23-25 in observance of Christmas.

We wish y'all a very merry and safe holiday.

THE ISLANDER 0 DEC. 13. 2006 M 29


CONNECT-ICON Your local computer specialist.
Experienced certified technician for communica-
tion electronics offers wireless and cable networks,
upgrades, maintenance, repairs, tutoring and train-
ing. Call Robert, 941-778-3620.

ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remod-
eling, repairs, additions, screen rooms, kitchens,
baths. Free estimates. License #CGC061519,
#CCC057977, #PE0020374. Insured. Accepting
MasterCardNisa. 941-720-0794.

CHECK US OUT AT www.islander.org !

puter solutions for business and home. Installation,
repairs, upgrades, networking, Web services, wire-
less services. Richard Ardabell, network engineer,
941-778-5708, or cell 216-509-1945.

CUCCIO TILE: Many Island references. Free esti-
mates. Licensed and insured. 941-730-2137.

interior carpentry, custom mirror and other interior/
exterior general household repairs. Offering quality
services since 1994. Reliable. Call Colin at 941-

office cleaning and window cleaning. Good refer-
ences, reasonable rates. Licensed and insured.
Family owned and operated. 941-812-0499.

sultant. 30 years experience. Certifications: B.A. in
elementary education, M.A. in reading specializa-
tion, M.A. in learning disabilities, Ed.D in education.
Diagnostic, remedial. Call 941-778-0349, 4-6pm.

GUARANTEED A-1 PAINTING service. Island refer-
ence.Licensed. Call Nick, 941-727-1448.


,- Pr(lent ial Palms Realty'
Michelle Musto, PA Reallor.
www michellemusto.aom
,- 301 Highland Ave. #2, Bradenton Beach:
Own a piece of paradise on Anna Maria
Island! 1BR 1BA Ne* heated pool. roof.
Tropical landscape, furnishings. Steps io ...
shops, restaurants, park, marina and
beaches. Great rental properly! S269.000


-.~ ~~ ~ -----. ..- ..... ...- -"--

1207 N. GULF DR. #300 Darling, turnkey furnished top floor 2BR/2BA with den, offers spectacular views
in prime rental location. $879,000.


3BR/4BA plus den/office. Outstanding contemporary home. Vaulted
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2BR/2.5BA turnkey furnished with direct view of Gulf. New
kitchen, tile, heated pool, tennis, garage. $899,900.
2BR/2BA open plan. Vaulted ceiling, wet bar, deck, large lot,
fenced yard, pool and hot tub. $559,000.
2 or 3BR/2BA Cape Cod with charm and warmth, fabulous
trees, terraced patios and more. $529,900.
3BR/2.5BA with fabulous, direct Sarasota bay views. Nature
lovers look only if you plan to buy. $1,124,900..
4BR/2BA open plan, vaulted ceiling, elevator, four-car garage.
Bamboo flooring, turnkey furnished. Near beach. $1,350,000.
2BR/2BA turnkey furnished, tennis, heated pool, water view, near
shopping, library and restaurants. $459,900.
3BR/1.5BA Cracker cottage plus separate studio apartment.
West of Gulf Dr. Just steps to finest beach! $875,000.
IBR/1BA condo. Great rental complex; Heated pool, close to
beach. Barbecue area, heated pool, clubhouse. $349,000.
3BR/2BA plus den, heated pool, new roof and landscaping,
dock and boatlift, direct access to Intracoastal. $859,000.
3BR/2BA home. Tile, pavers, fence, room for pool, new dock,
direct access to Tampa Bay. $759,900.
3BR/2BA turnkey furnished, tennis, heated pool, beautiful
beach, on-site management, excellent rental. $995,000.
1BR/1.5BA turnkey furnished, Sautillo tile, pool, beautiful
beach. Direct Gulf view, manager, excellent rental. $799,900.
3BR/2BA canalfront. Private dock. Direct access to Tampa Bay
and Intracoastal Waterway. $679,000.
* SHOREWALK CONDOS 2BR/2BA turnkey from $175,000.
* TRADEWINDS RESORT \ILLA 1BR/1BA, Pool. $329,900.
* KEY ROYALE BAYFRONT 3BR/2.5BA, Dock. $2,400,000.
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Lovely country club community. $479,000



30 M DEC. 13. 2006 M THE ISLANDER

!IW S, LW m Ai NW-

LEWIS MOBILE CAR wash service at your home,
office, anywhere inside or outside. Wash, vacuum-
ing, detailing. Henry Lewis. Cell (941) 465-6963.

sional service, beautiful results. 941-702-1306.

MUSIC LESSONS! Flute, saxophone, clarinet.
Beginning to advanced. Contact Koko Ray, 941-

BEACH SERVICE air conditioning, heat, refrigera-
tion. Commercial and residential service, repair
and/or replacement., Serving Manatee County and
-the Island since 1987. For dependable, honest and
personalized service, call William Eller, 941-795-
7411. CAC184228.

ANYONE CAN TAKE a picture. A professional cre-
ates a portrait. I want to be at your wedding! www.
jackelka.com. 941-778-2711.

NADIA'S EUROSAGE Relaxing, healing mas-
sage in the comfort of your home. Call today for an
appointment, 941-795-0887. MA#0017550.

TILE AND MOSAIC custom installation, 20 years
experience. References available. For a reasonable
price, call Sebastian, 941-704-6719.

commercial. Full-service lawn maintenance, land-
scaping, cleanup, hauling and more! Insured. 941 -

ISLAND LAWN SPRINKLER service and repair.
Monthly and quarterly accounts available. If it is
broken, we can fix it. Call 941-778-2581.

32 Years of Professional Service
LUXURY WATERFRONT VILLA with boat dock. 3BR/2BA, immaculate
and completely updated. Designer kitchen, glassed lanai, tennis, pools,
covered parking. $689,900.
SUNBOW 2BR/2BA bayfront end unit, turnkey furnished. $449,000.
MARTINIQUE NORTH Direct Gulf, corner, garage/storage. Updated,
shows beautifully. $859,000.
BAYVIEW 4-5BR/4BA includes guest quarters, large master suite. $1,150,000.
BEST BUYS: ADULT COMMUNITY from $60,000, heated pool, near
shopping, dining and transportation.
HARBOUR VILLA CLUB 2BR/2BA, turnkey, boat dock. $794,900.
PINEBROOK AND IRONWOOD $139,000 to $263,900.
DESOTO SQUARE VILLA 2BR/2BA, gated, pool clubhouse. $175,000.
RENTALS: Cottages to luxury villas. Vacation and annual.
5508C MARINA DRIVE 778-0807 800-956-0807
yrealty3@aol.com www.tdollyyoungrealestate.com

Qk Ci.

:..,. --^ "^ ^ ,. ,',

and immaculate 2BR/2BA, fully furnished Anna Maria
cottage is located within steps of the best sandy walking
beach! Features include Mexican tile floors, white bead
board walls and ceilings, Bermuda shutters endearing
shabby chic furnishings, and a cozy, fully lenced back
yard. ANlordablv priced at $689,000, turnkey. Great
rental property or vacation home.

native plants, mulching, trimming, hauling, cleanup.
Island resident 25 years. Call 941-807-1015.

sure washing, landscaping. owner operated by
Island resident. Exceptional value! Licensed and
insured. Call 941-726-7070. www.gulfshoreland-

maintenance accounts at great rates. Mulching, sod
plantings. Insured, references. Please call 941-778-
2335 or 941-284-1568.

SHELL DELIVERED and spread. $42/yard. Hauling:
all kinds of gravel, mulch, top soil with free esti-
mates. Call Larry at 941-795-7775, "shell phone"

KARAZ LANDSCAPE Lawn Service. Mulch, clean-
ups, power washing, tree trimming and more. City
of Anna Maria resident. Cell 941-448-3857.

installation. Tropical landscape specialist. Residen-
tial and commercial. 30-years experience. 941-

ups, installations, native plants, palms, aquascapes,
rock and patios. Shell installed $42/yard. Shark
Mark 941-727-5066.

MORE CLASSIFIEDS equals more readers.

Kathy Geeraerts, Realtor


TURNKEY FURNISHED Runaway Bay is a great place to
live, to vacation or to rent. Top floor 2BR unit has updated
kitchen and baths, ready for you today. Heated pool, tennis,
deeded beach access. $399,600. Call Wendy Kay Foldes,
Broker/Associate for appointment. 941-742-9072.
I,:S- S AN D 6101 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, FL 34217
RE,, ;,' 11 ,,101,.L .


Simyson Schulz...
Y Broker/Associate
Jim Anderson Realty Company
PO Box 1789 401 -B Pine Avenue
SAnna Maria, FL 34216
941.778.4847 toll free 1.800.772.3235
email: gayle511@tampabay.rr.com


Enjoy spectacular Bimini Bay --
waterfront views fram this
private 19,000 sf beautifully
landscaped property, one of the largest lots around. Super Key Royale
location in a very desirable neighborhood. It's a boating paradise with
deep, protected water. Fish from your private dock and swim in the large
solar heated pool. Your cars will even be happy in the three-car garage.
3-4BR/3BA. Please call Gayle Schulz, 941-812-6489. .

sell, rent or just enjoy your home with beautiful curb
appeal. Call Colin at 941-376-0541.

VAN-GO PAINTING residential/commercial, inte-
rior/exterior, pressure cleaning, wallpaper. Island
references. Bill, 941-795-5100.

contractors. In-house plan designs. State licensed
and insured. Many Island references. 941-778-2993.
License #CRC 035261.

mates. 35-year Island resident. Call Jim Bickal at

CHRISTIE'S PLUMBING Island and off-Island ser-
vice since 1975. Repairs and new construction. Free
estimates, no overtime charges. Now certifying back
flow at water meters. FL#RF0038118-941-778-3924
or 778-4461.

TILE -TILE -TILE. All variations of ceramic tile sup-
plied and installed. Quality workmanship, prompt,
reliable, many Island references. Call Neil, 941-

All phases of carpentry, repairs and painting. Thirty
years experience. Insured. Meticulous, clean, sober
and prompt. Paul Beauregard, 941-779-2294.

KEN & TINA DBA Griffin's Home Improvements
Inc. Handyman, fine woodwork, countertops,
cabinets and shutters. Insured and licensed,

SELL it fast with an ad in The Islander.

S.Salv Rentals., Call now...you

Pr ery. ",,
owners- .e "..,,' **'IilB
Call us to A 1Z78-2307. 1-800-306-9666
rent your .wwvw.franmaxonrealestate.com
Unbeatable :
service for r A T '@3? A II I
over 35 F / f]R 1i L A
" years! .. '
'- .... 9701 G r' ve

Choice Gulffront properties for sale. We have
several on pristine natural beach in quiet residential
neighborhood. Call today for further details.

SINCE 1957
Marie Franklin, Lic. Real Estate Broker
941 778-2259 Fax 941 778-2250
E-mail amrealty @verizon.net
Web site www.annamariareal.com

'\", quffeay spaty ofAnna Maria, Inc.

Jesse Brisson (BrokrAssociate, G [
(941)713-4755 (800) 771 6043
149 CRESCENT Great
loor plan, new windows,
kit. hen was redone recently,
prin% ate back yard with many
fruit trees and room for a
pool. Just a short walk to the
bay or beach! Can join HOA
for dockage. $ 569,000.

DRIVE! Home is
located West of Gulf
Drive on 100x100
duplex lot in desirable
Recently renovated,
with new metal roof.

THE ISLANDER DEC. 13, 2006 31 "


TILE, CARPET, LAMINATE supplied and installed.
Why pay retail? Island resident, many references.
Free estimates, prompt service. Steve Allen Floor
Coverings. 941-792-1367, or 726-1802.

JERRY'S HOME REPAIR: Carpentry work, handy-
man, light plumbing, electrical, light hauling, pres-
sure washing and tree trimming. Call 941-778-6170
or 447-2198.
WINDOW SHADES, BLINDS, shutters and more.
Lifetime warranty. Call Keith Barnett for a free in-
home consultation. Island references, 15 years
experience. 941-778-3526 or 730-0516.
HANDYMAN SERVICE: Winton's Home-Buddy
Inc. Retired banker, Island resident, converting
life-long hobby to business. Call 941-705-0275
for free estimates.
IMPACT WINDOWS AND doors. Exclusive dis-
tributor: Weatherside LLC on Holmes Beach. Free,
courteous estimates. Jeld-wen Windows and Doors.
Lic.# CBC1253145.941-730-5045.
THIRTY-SIX YEARS craftsman experience. Interior,
exterior, doors, stairs, windows, trim. Pressure wash.
Driveway paint. Dan Michael, master carpenter. Call

TUB AND TILE refinishing: A division of D.J. Murphy
Painting Inc. Save up to 80 percent over traditional
remodeling costs. Call us with your kitchen and
bath needs. Don't buy new redo! 941-751-1245.
Licensed, certified and insured.

HOME REPAIRS AND improvements: General
repairs and quality renovation, including carpentry,
drywall, tile, paint, even landscaping- Please call
Chris, 941-266-7500.
ture, paint, tile, wall and ceiling repairs, Fred Wein-
gartner, 941-586-3656.
LICENSED AND INSURED building contractor
ready to help you renovate all aspects of your exist-
ing home, add extensions or build a new home on
your lot. We only do high quality work and are very
prompt with our customers. Call Daniel DeBaun at
NEW DOOR SHOP now open. Steel, fiberglass, fire-
rated, commercial, residential, thousands of glass
options. All code-approved, impact available. Retail,
wholesale. Metro Door Shop, 941-758-5828.

E&N PAINTING: INTERIOR, exterior. Island refer-
ences. Quality paint. Call for free estimates. Sched-
ule soon, season is coming! 941-756-9595 or 941-

BONUS! CLASSIFIED ADS are posted early
online at www.islander.org.




Don't leave the Island
without taking time
to subscribe. You'll
get ALL the best
news, delivered by the
mailman every week.
It's almost as good as
a letter from home!
Visit us at 5404
I'.annra Drive, Island
Shopping Center,
Holmes ISeach or call
Online edition:

T'M Islander
SINCE 1992

ISLAND HOME REMODEL Inc.: Kitchen, bath, deck
and complete home remodeling. Call 941-795-1968.
E-mail: islandhomeremodel @ hotmail.com.
ens, bathrooms, tile work, decks, sheetrock, paint-
ing and more. Reliable work start-to-finish. What
does your home need? Free estimates. Call Thomas
P. Lass, 941-782-7313.
CEILING TEXTURE AND blow-in insulation, fix-
tures, backsplashes, light carpentry, etc. Licensed
and insured. Drew Hudson, conscientious handy-
man. 941-812-5073.

RENTALS available weekly, monthly, seasonal.
Wedebrock Real Estate Co., 941-778-6665 or 800-

SEASONAL RENTAL: Holmes Beach, 4BR two master
suites-/3BA, house on canal. Two minutes to beach.
Heated pool, dock, cable TV, washer/dryer, garage,
designer furnished with tropical yard setting. One of the
finest rentals on Island. $1,600/weekly. Call 941-713-
0034 or e-mail: beachdreams@tampabay.rr.com.
1BR/1 BA with breathtaking views. Pools,. Jacuzzi,
walk to shops and restaurants. Available weekly,
monthly, seasonal. 901-301-8299 or e-mailI

WEEKLY RENTALS: Alecassandra villa, 1 BR/1 BA,
$700/week; Island duplex, 2BR, $800/week;
Gulffront cottage, 2BR, $1,000/week; Bradenton
Beach Club, 2BR/2BA, $1,400/week. Please call
Kim Fisher, Wagner Realty, 941-778-2246. www.
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, townhouse: 2BR/2BA with
balcony and view of mountains. Weekly or monthly
rental. Call Paige at 941-798-3448.

WEEKLY/MONTHLY/ANNUAL rentals: wide vari-
ety, changes daily. SunCoast Real Estate, 941-779-
0202, or 1-800-732-6434. www.suncoastinc.com.

1-4BR DIRECT BEACHFRONT, gorgeous views,
designer furnished, cable, DVD/VCR, dishwasher,
phone, quaint village. $975-$2,375/week9 941-713-
0034 or beachdreams@tampabay.rr.com.

fully furnished, all utilities included, washer and
dryer, one block to Gulf. $350/week, $1,200/month.

lar views! Gated, pool, covered parking, security,
fitness center. $1,050/month annual. Call Maria,

SINGLE FAMILY Centrally located, one block to beach. 2BR/2BA
spacious home on corner lot. $620,000. Call Joy Murphy, Realtor,
941-730-2820 evenings.
condowith amazing view. Glass lanai, breakfastbar. Ownermotivated.
$444,900. Call Carlene Weise, Realtor, 941-224-6521 evenings.
AZALEA PARK 4BR/2BA, in Bradenton. Open floor plan, fireplace,
family room, plus Florida room, roof November 2002, steps to
community pool. $384,900. Call Zee Catanese, Realtor, 941-742-
0148 evenings.
WEST BRADENTON Adorable 3BR/2BA home in a great Westside
neighborhood, updated kitchen. Corian countertops, hardwood
floors, freshly painted, new wallpaper, ready to move into.
Spacious backyard with room for pool. Offered at $245,900. Call
Zee Catanese, Realtor, 941-742-0148 evenings.
SAN REMO SHORES REDUCED Situated on deep-water canal,
2-3BR/2BA, den, ceramic tile, new kitchen 2005, two-car garage,
barrel tile roof, privately situated $499,900. Call Marion Ragni,
Realtor, 941-720-7046 evenings.
PERICO BAYCLUB Floridacondo livingatits best, waterfront, security,
pools, spa, tennis courts, 2BR and den. Immediate possession.
$409,900. Call Marion Ragni, Realtor, 941-761-1415 evenings.


5910 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217
Call (94,1) 778-0777 or Rentals 778-0770
1-800-741-3772* info@smithrealtors.com
Web site: www.smithrealtors.com


HERON'S WATCH: 3BR/2BA two-car garage, like
new. Ten minutes to beach. Near shops and medi-
cal. Available Dec. 15. $1,400/month. 941-773-6581
or 941-794-9921.
ANNUAL OR MONTH-to-month: 4BR Island family
home in quiet residential area. Bayfront with direct
water view. Perfect for family with children. Extra
large balcony, covered -parking, laundry room with
washer and dryer. Park setting, two blocks to Gulf
beaches. Fully furnished. $2,500/month annual,
$3,200 month-to-month. Pets considered. Call 941-

WATERFRONT: DOCK WITH davits. Short walk to
beach, washer and dryer, carport, storage Quiet loca-
tion. $1,000/month. 727-784-1 .Bradenton Beach.

$2,000/month. Weekly starting at $625/week. Fran
Maxon Real Estate, 941-778-2307. www.franmax-
ANNUAL 2BR/1BA: AIR conditioning, washer and
dryer, water, large pool, cable. Parking only 200
,steps to beach. First and deposit. $950/month. 941 -

PARADISE IN COMFORT at Palm Breeze rentals
in Holmes Beach. Two beautifully furnished units in
a Key West-style home on a large corner lot. Each
unit has 3BR/2BA, washer, dryer and fully equipped
kitchen. Heated pool, bikes, grill, etc. Just bring your
clothes and a toothbrush and enjoy. www.apalm-
breeze.com. 941-730-5126.
HOLMES BEACH: 2BR/1 BA house. One and a half
blocks from beach. $1,295/month, includes trash.
Available Dec. 15.First, last and security deposit.
downstairs office. Recently renovated, new appli-
ances, granite counters, balcony. Large garage.
Walk to beach. Call owner, 941-545-6118.
HOLMES BEACH: 1 BR/1 BA apartment. 750 sf, 100
feet from bay. Includes washer and dryer, water and
trash and cable/DSL. Available Dec. 15. $850/month.
FOR RENT: 2BR/2BA balcony, Gulf view. $950/
month, $900 deposit, $50 application fee. 2411
Ave. C., Bradenton Beach. Efficiency, $750/month
includes utilities. $700 deposit, $50 application
fee. 112, 52nd St., No.1, Holmes Beach. Season-
ally, 1BR Gulf view, cute and clean, $900/week or
$2,400/month. Call 941-746-8666.
CORTEZ COTTAGE: QUIET area. Fully furnished,
walk.to water. Two people only, no smokers. $1,700/
month includes utilities. 941-794-5980. www.dive-
CHECK US OUT AT www.islander.org !



... _

Expandable office center in two buildings on Pine Avenue and Crescent Drive in
Anna Maria, with attractive landscaping and ample parking. Property includes two
buildable lots; one lot has only a utility shed on it, which could be replaced with
another office building. Current tenants include a real estate firm, a mortgage broker,
a podiatrist, and a beauty parlor. All have been tenants for five or more years.

JiM Anderson' Licensed Broker
Jim Anderson Realty Company
PO Box 1789 401-B Pine Avenue Anna Maria, FL 34216
L -941.778.4847 toll free 1.800.772.3235
www i;mandersorrealty corn email: jim6805@aol.com

~2jiiH Ii

~"-- ";"~~


32 E DEC. 13. 2006 0 THE ISLANDER

Sandy's Lawn Service Inc.
SandyS Established in 1983
Lawn Celebrating 23 Years of
erice Quality & Dependable Service.
rvice Call us for your landscape
7781345and hardscape needs.
77te-13 4-5Licensed & Insured

Paradise Improvements 778-4173
Kitchen and Bath Remodeling Specialist
1111,4 --- Replacement Doors and Windows
-. _3. ^; Steven Kaluza Andrew Chennault
Fully Licensed and Insured Island References

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Lawn care PLUS native plants, .
mulch, trip, hauling and cleanup. : ""'
Call Junior, 807-101.5 r

New Construction |1l1 Charlie Woehle
Remodels 941-761-3363

SP.O. BOX 14070, BRADENTON, FL 34280-4070

Yotur place,

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ANNUAL: CORTEZ 1 BR, storage, carport, boat ramp
nearby. $640/month. 941-778-2710 after 10 am.
ANNUAL LARGE 1BR/1BA. Screened lanai, laun-
dry room, garage. No pets, no smoking. $950/month
plus utilities. 941-778-9710 or 847-530-8833.
beach, clubhouse. Very nice. Turnkey. $1,200/month.

PRIVATE HOME FOR rent annually on water.
2BR/2BA, enclosed garage, beautiful view. One
block to beach. Washer dryer hook ups. Bradenton
Beach. $1,300/month. By owner, 941-778-6170.

WINTER GETAWAY: 1 BR across from beach, newly
remodeled, all appliances, screened porch, internet,
cable. For pictures, look on www.beachesndreams.
net. Call 1-513-236-5091.
3BR/2BA, like new, fresh and clean. Small pet
OK, close to beaches. Available Dec. 1. $2,000/
month. 941-778-5445.

WELCOME TO OUR little slice of paradise! Two
beautiful second-floor condominiums, close to his-
toric old village on north Longboat Key. Beautifully
furnished and fully equipped. Heated pool, tennis
courts and private beach access. Great restaurants
and shops nearby. A perfect location for fun and relax-
ation! 2BR/2BA or 1 BR/1 BA, monthly. 800-431-0278
or 941-778-2333. www.ESPBeachRentals.com.

like new, fresh and clean. Small pet OK, furnished or
unfurnished. Available Dec. 1. $1,500/month. 941-
Maria Island. Large 1 BR/2BA apartments. Internet
available, washer and dryer. Only $350/week. Call

Westbay Point and Moorings. 2BR/2BA, all ameni-
ties, close to beach, shopping and trolley. Sharon,
Old Florida Realty, 941-713-9096.

ANNUAL WATERFRONT: 2BR/2BA ground-floor at
Westbay Cove. Tennis, pool, cable, water included.
Sharon, Old Florida Realty, 941-713-9096.
ANNUAL 2BR/2BA LARGE, enclosed porch. One
block to beach. No pets. $900/month. 941-778-9378.
5611-B Guava, Holmes Beach.

ANNUAL 3BR/2BA: TROPICAL duplex, one block
to beach, washer and dryer, some utilities included.
No Smoking or pets. $950/month and $700 deposit.
941-798-9765. Responsible persons only.

elevated unit, one block to beach. Newly remod-
eled with laundry. $575/weekly, $1,975/monthly.
HOME FOR THE holidays? Attractive 2BR/2BA,
Florida room, washer and dryer hook-up, dish-
washer, close to beach. Duplex, $1,000/month. No
pets. Dolores M. Baker Realty, 941-778-7500.
GULFFRONT: QUAINT 2BR/1 BA, ground level. Enjoy
breathtaking sunsets. Walk to restaurants, shops,
grocery, trolley. Winter-summer, $2,400/month, $650/
week. 352-592-5870 or 813-728-2590.
PALMA SOLA BAY views: 3BR/3BA penthouse, fur-
nished condo, two miles to beach, large boat slip,
pool, tennis, Jacuzzi. $2,050/month, year lease.
OFFICE/RETAIL SPACE: 1,200 sf, available Jan.1,
2007. Former Wicked Candle. 8819 Cortez Road.
condo located south of Bridge Street. The unit has
upstairs and downstairs living area with parking
underneath. Call 813-245-0428.
3BR/1BA, deck and close to all! Washer and dryer
on the premises. $1,400/month, utilities included!
Call 646-842-0096.

DEEP DISCOUNT FOR last-minute travel to beauti-
ful town of Anna Maria. Quaint Island cottage steps
to beach. 203-454-0573.
DUPLEX AVAILABLE: 1BR/1BA, greatroom with
kitchenette. Private yard and patio, short walk to
Gulf. Available Dec. 15 through March 30. $1,350/
month. 516-526-5628.
ACTIVE 55-PLUS 2BR/2BA annual rental.
Heated pool, clubhouse. $850/month plus utili-
ties. Call Ursula Stemm of Century 21 Alliance,
furnished condo, across from beach, heated pool.
$1,200/month. 941-773-1552.
HOLMES BEACH: SIX-month or annual. Roomy,
furnished 1 BR duplex, steps to beach. $800/month
plus utilities. 941-538-8200.

MIRROR LAKE 2BR/2BA condo: Next to IMG
Academy. Sensational lake views form every room,
tasteful furnishings. Available seasonally: January
$1,500, February $2,300, March $2,000. Minimum
two months. 941-587-1456.

ANNUAL RENTALS: 2BR/2BA home, Anna Maria,
$1,350/month. 2BR/2BA home, Holmes Beach,
$1,200/month. 2BR/2BA apartment, Anna Maria,
$875/month. 1 BR/1 BA, new tile and paint, $775/
month. Fran Maxon Real Estate, 941-778-2307.

SMITH REALTORS, 941-778-0770. Seasonal rent-
als: 2BR/1BA condo with pool, three-month mini-
mum, $1,850/month. 1BR/1BA condo with-pool,
$1,950/month. 2BR/2BA condo with pool on bay,
$3,800/month. 3BR/2BA condo on Gulf, $3,700/
month. 2BR/1 BA condo on canal, $2,450/month.
4BR/2BA home with pool, $3,800/month. 3BR/2BA
home on canal, $3,000/month. 2BR/2BA home, close
to beach, $3,100/month. 3BR/2BA home, one block
from beach, $4,400/month. 2BR/2BA home, Jacuzzi,
on golf course, $3,400/month. 3BR/2BA home with
pool on golf course, $3,800/month. 2BR/1 BA duplex,
two blocks from beach, $1,800/month. 2BR/2BA
duplex, $2,900/month. 2BR/1BA duplex, Gulffront,
$2,850/month. Call Smith Realtors, 941-778-0770.

LAKEFRONT, FISHING, ONE bock to beach. Elevated
duplex, enormous 1 BR2BA, two-car garage, laundry
area, Sub-Zero refrigerator, Jennaire stove, extra,
extra nice. $1,595/month, yearly. 941-962-4933.

JErJ Handyman

"Vojob Too Small"
Dependable Northern Laborers

cai 941-773-2805





THE ISLANDER 0 DEC. 13, 2006 M 33

It L N D E & AI ,:E D S

luxury, furnished, air conditioning, washer and
dryer, dishwasher, cable, Internet access available.
One block to Gulf. Available until Jan 2. $750/week.

house. New decor. Enclosed garage. Two blocks to
beach. $1,800/month. Call 941-713-2150.

THE BEACH INN: Gulffront motel. Heated pool,
.rooms and bungalows, daily or weekly. Call 941-
778-9597 for reservations. Bark and Company
Realty Inc.

XMAS WEEK RENTAL: Key Royale home. 3BR/2BA,
pool, boat dock, everything new inside. $990. Also Jan-
uary 2007, $2,900. Perico Bay villa, 2BR/2BA, January
2007, $2,500. Real Estate Mart, 941-756-1090.
SEASONAL OR WEEKLY cottage-style rentals.
1BR/1BA or 2BR/1BA with pool. Walk to beach,
shopping, restaurants. 941-778-3426. Web site

with great views of Tampa Bay. Canalfront, walk-
ing distance to beach and restaurants. $739,000.
FOR SALE BY owner: Best value on the Island!
2BR/ 2BA, one-car garage, gourmet kitchen, new
windows, updated baths and more. Two blocks from
beach. $615,000. 941-778-8677. 406 Bay Palms
Drive, Holmes Beach.
3BR/2BA: One bedroom used as a den/office/
playroom, enclosed lanai, tiled with carpeted bed-
rooms. 1,400 sf, county water/sewer, citrus trees,
near Brentwood school in Sarasota. Reduced to
$274,900. 941-379-4196 or 941-954-7474.
C P R: 941-794.1515. Sales, rentals, property man-
agement. Coastal Properties Realty. www.coastal-

open plan, new kitchen. Totally upgraded. Dock,
three davits. Owner motivated. Not a drive-by, must
see inside! By owner. Call Herb Dolan, 941-705-
4454. 404 21st Place. Bradenton Beach.

LOT FOR SALE: One block to Gulf. 50x100 feet,
cleared. $539,000. 215 71st St., Holmes Beach.
(941) 778-4036.
Brand new furnished, bay windows with water view.
Hurricane Force-3 manufactured home. One mile
from Anna Maria Island and one block.from Intra-
coastal Waterway with new marina and boat ramp.
Land owned. Home owner's association optional.
$159,900. 941-224-6521.

Beautifully updated and maintained, new roof,
turnkey furnished. Beach access just steps away,
bay views, boat dock, ample parking, great income
rental. Room for a pool. Convenient to restaurants
and shopping. $875,000.111 8th St. S., Bradenton
Beach. Bridget Spies, ReMax Properties, 941-308-
6763. MSL# 313022.

WEST BRADENTON: OPEN noon-4pm Sunday.
Six months condo fees paid! Free-standing, pri-
vate three-bedroom upgraded condo with two-car
garage, new lanai. Call for details, 941-792-0763.
$309,900.5605 Whipporwill Ct. off 59th Street West,

OPEN HOUSE: 1-4pm Sunday: New home, 3,746 sf
3-4BR/3BA, granite/cherry kitchen, three screened
verandas. $829,000. Horizon Realty, 941-725-7000.
303 58th St., Holmes Beach.
UPDATED 3BR/2BA: 1,560 sf, tastefully furnished
and decorated, sold turnkey. For sale by owner.
Buyer's agents, 3 percent. Reduced to $585;000.
813-818-8314. 8104 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach.
FOR SALE: ALL new beach house. 1 BR/1 BA, fully
furnished, all appliances. Sandpiper resort #521.
55-plus community on the Intracoastal across the
street from the beach. $175,000. You can't get on
the Island for less than this! 317-873-3307.
condo with longer 35-foot dock and carport.
Must sacrifice or foreclose. Open house anytime.
BY OWNER, PURCHASE or lease: Manatee river-
front condo, 2BR/2BA, beautiful views, pool, gated,
covered parking, fitness. $325,000 or $1,050/month.
DUPLEX ON LARGE lot, 90x108 feet. Second lot
east of Gulf Drive in north Holmes Beach resort
area. Annual tenants in place, includes well-known
Island architect's plans for complete remodel.

WESTBAY POINT CONDO: Beautiful water view.
Immediate occupancy. Turnkey, only bring your
toothbrush. Condo in pristine .condition. Sale by
owner, seller will carry mortgage to qualified buyers.
Low down payment, low fixed interest rate. Huge
price reduction. Phone 315-733-0851.

DIRECT WATERFRONT: Latchkey. 65A Cortez
Park, Avenue D. 941-779-CAIN.
TROPIC ISLES, PALMETTO, Fla. Turnkey furnished,
spacious 2BR/2BA mobile with deep-water slip,
dock and davits, no bridges to Gulf. Share owned.
$203,000. Many amenities. 218-728-3690.
NEW LAKEFRONT CONDOS: Low $300s. Minutes
to beach, no flood, evacuation zone. Hidden Lake
Real Estate, 941-761-0444. www.HiddenLakeCon-

DEADLINE: NOON MONDAY EVERY WEEK for WEDNESDAY'S PAPER: Classified advertising must be paid in advance. We accept ads
by fax with credit card information, 778-9392, at our Web site (secure server) www.Islander.org, and by direct e-mail at classifieds@islander.
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k 34 M DEC. 13, 2006 U THE ISLANDER


ISLAND CANAL LOT: 75x100 feet, new dock, priced
to sell quickly. Below market and appraised value,
$550,000. Call Jake, 941-544-7786.108 Gull Drive,
Anna Maria.

BRADENTON BEACH: 2BR/2BA elevated with
covered parking. View of bay from large covered
porch. Only two blocks to Gulf, great neighborhood.
$350,000. 941-778-3875.

BY OWNER: 2BR/1.5BA condo. Bath and kitchen
need update. $399,999. 863-412-2612. www.
cflrealestateonline.com/condo. 5400 Gulf Drive,
Holmes Beach.

FOR SALE BY owner: Holmes Beach triplex.
Rental income-of $34,000 annually. Reduced
to sell at $575,000. Call 646-842-0096 for more

FOR SALE BY owner: Deep-water canal ranch,
$550,000. Nicely remodeled with granite coun-
tertops, tile flooring, and more. Call Scott
Wheeler at 614-207-7878, or e-mail scott@

LOT: ONE BLOCK from beach. 57.75x114 feet.
$520,000. 941-779-4505 or 941-778-4246. 125
Neptune Lane, Holmes Beach.

Island. Unobstructed waterfront. $1,150,000.
Michael Saunders & Company, 1-800-539-1486,
ext. 209, or 941-918-0010.

FOR SALE BY owner: Holmes Beach 3BR home,
deep-water "grande canal", pool, boat dock, many
upgrades. $815,000. Call 941-778-6474.

50-by-110-FOOT LOT in Anna Maria. Owner will
finance. No streets to cross to the beach! $480,000.
813-837-6224. 117 Willow Ave.

fee, low Insurance, low taxes! Minutes to beaches.
1-2-3-4 BR condos now.available. New in 2005.
Models open daily 2-4pm. Keller Williams Realty,

unit with full Gulf views. Kitchen has stainless-
steel appliances, granite counters, nice turnkey
furnished. Two large balconies. Amenities include
boat docks, tennis court, pool with spa. $649,000.

LOT FOR SALE- 126 50th Street. 100x100 feet.
Zoned R2. $650,000. 941-746-7423.

1 9 Pine Ave. PO Box 2150 Anna Maria FL 34216

Home: 941-778-1820
Cell: 941-713-5321
... .. -' .. ..
"" '+" :" '''+ "$ .+ 4 'L j

I Buyahome forvourhboal 2BR."2BA
oilh a 40,'19-fc1ot dorP 3rnd 19.000
lb boa liht $837.500.

'enBRo3BAd $bayon000 lurmsned
-renovated' $1,895,000 lurnbshed

baths. Rare opportunity at SunBow Bay. Small
boat OK and great fishing out your back door. 150-
yard private pier, lush landscaping, two heated
pools, tennis and a great living experience. Walk
the grounds, walk to beach. Save thousands at
$599,000. Call owner, 941-228-3489.

2BR/2BA, garage, totally renovated. 1,553 sf under
air conditioning. $265,000. Great value. Available,
immediate occupancy. 941-761-1458.

updated, cozy 1BR in the Pines Park. Turnkey
furnished, boat slip available. $45,000. 941-

FOR SALE BY owner: Bradenton Beach, 2BR/2BA
condo. Fully remodeled, furnished with washer and
dryer in unit. View Gulf from balcony, steps to Gulf
and Intracoastal. Living area is upstairs/downstairs
over covered parking. $400,000. Will consider
financing. Call 813-245-0428.

FOR SALE BY owner: Anna Maria north-end canal
home. Totally refurbished both inside and out. Walk
to the beach and also have easy boating access to
Gulf. New appliances and kitchen cabinets. Dock
and boat lift ready to go. Great location. Call 813-

FOR SALE BY owner: 3BR/3BA townhouse. 2.5-
car garage, exercise room, plus loft. Across street,
Gulf views. Two pools and tennis. $580,000. 941-

PALMA SOLA BAY townhouse: Updated 2BR/1.5BA
on canal with boat slip, heated pool. $365,000. Also
available as seasonal rental, $2,800/month. 941-

OPEN HOUSE: 1-3 SUNDAY, Dec. 17. Spec-
tacular views. Beach and seawall. Updated cot-
tage. $1,399,000. Lynn Parker, broker, RoseBay
Real Estate. 941-321-2736. 865 N. Shore Drive,
Anna Maria ...

UNBLOCKABLE GULF-VIEW cottage: Across from
beach. Has permission to rebuild new. Bradenton
Beach. $50,000 down, assume $238,000.941-866-

ONLINE SERVICE: Did you know you can place
classified ads and subscribe online with our secure
server? Check it out at www.islander.org.

. family Busl- _

tor more than


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mountain views. 3.2-acre mountain estate. Heavily
wooded with stream. E-Z financing, $29,900. 800-
230-6380, ext. 620.

ful and colorful fall foliage! Western North Carolina
mountains. Homes, cabins, acreage and invest-
ments. Cherokee Mountain Realty, GMAC Real
Estate, Murphy. cherokeemountainrealty.com. Call
for free brochure, 800-841-5868.

properties. Low property taxes. No state income tax.
Four seasons. Southern hospitality. For more infor-
mation, call Lakeside Realty, 888-291-5253. www.

GULFFRONT LOTS: $595,000. Homes starting mid-
$300s. New master-planned oceanfront community
on beautiful Mustang Island, near Corpus Christi,
Texas. www.cinnamonshore.com, 866-891-5163.

NORTH CAROLINA: COOL mountain air, views
and streams, homes, cabins and acreage. Free
brochure, 800-642-5333. Realty Of Murphy, 317
Peachtree St., Murphy NC 28906. www.realtyofmur-

along very wide trout stream with private elevated
homesite, good access, view, trees, nearby river,
$59,500. 866-789-8535.

COASTAL GEORGIA: NEW, pre-construction golf
community. Large lots and condos with deep water,
marsh, golf, nature views. Gated, golf, fitness center,
tennis, trails, docks. $70s-$300,000. 877-266-7376.

$49,900, 70 acres, $89,900, 110 acres, $1.32,900.
Snow-capped mountain views. Surrounded by gov-
ernment land. Abundant wildlife. Recreational para-
dise. Low taxes. E-Z terms. Call Utah Ranches LLC.

HOW TO ADVERTISE in the Islander Classifieds:
DEADLINE: MONDAY NOON for Wednesday publi-
catioh. CLASSIFIED RATES for business or individ-
ual: Minimum $10 for up 20 words. Each additional
word over 20 words is 500. Box: $3. Ads must be
paid in advance. Classified ads may be submitted
through our secure Web site: www.islander.org or
faxed to (941) 778-9392 or delivered/mailed to 5404
Marina Drive, Holmes Beach FL 34217. We are
located next to Ooh La La! in the Island Shopping
Center. More information:(941) 778-7978.

Pam Dial, PA
~ (941) 704-4962
7-56,.Y ).> <., v ^.- Boat..,
Harou L d-. ,--.. ,S R ... ....

Harbour Landings 5 65' i i 58R/58A.ele Riverview Blvd Newer rome in Riverview
vator, four-car garage, lagoonl pool, waterfall, district. Over 3,400 sf with 4BR/3.5BA and
ine 4ic irajt : je l IIY r X ir-hre ip ii:i,),: and-1j + pi l Almio il riine a.ci:re01 Wjmeri Bvou
,li j13 ii. ,,,-1 a siil r 1ta' i' 'i 1X 1 W il, r A d0,:, dra i d ia 1 5' 500(l' I)

Smuggler's Landing 2BR/2BA water- Smuggler's Landing-2BR/2BA Remod-
front condo with den. Almost 1600 sf with eled unit with glass enclosed lanai over-
40-1:I01ideep ilw31er lb03jIsli Viullei eil- liO I'ig ';I Our 40-100l l dee -waler O0at
irin buill-ir arid el-bar. i649.5i)0 liip $499,000

Mariner's Cove Elegant town home Harbour Landings Estates Approx.
with deeded 24-foot boat slip. 4BR/3BA 1/3 acre on deep-water canal in the
with over 2,700 sf of living space. Just estate section of Harbour Landings.
completed in Dec. 2001 and is like Lot comes with 40-foot boat slip on
brand new. $849,000. protected basin. $879,000.
Over 20 years experience specializing in waterfront & boating properties
www.floridamoves.com/pamela.dialpa pamela.dial@floridamoves.com








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home on ?ailboar waier. Bolini open lr plan reiBr, lydei,,)nerreriovaiedwimlhequieielarue..and 3 IBFi/'BA1 I8.'lriih,,me ll-ewl4,32.ioolp:c.L,di,:l s-eIir 2BP/28A plus flaily room and 2BPR'BA
Iour-.:3r garage. workiur room and 30.lOI screened delll hr)ughoul Spahcitou 1 u 1 io.u2BA uri c:,v,.?red boaill.t arid mj e iJo br lgeS i bayf Anne .;.ijrenily leas.ed. Localed in qu;ei area ol island
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MLS'.34725 %A25.000

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AMUSTSEE!FnrvaieLrepfic~aI-einng ioanhweiBrei-iiwr, BREATHTAKING p~jrcraim. :Palmra Soia Ray veiw! NEWCARPErFORArIEW VOWNEI[-,rt1ER1tIPA BEAUTIFUL AND NEW BUNGALOW-STYLE HOME IRONWOOD GOLF COURSE Be3ulrl goll course
4RTR!I3I~ I8/BA E'e:uuvt? ri.rrTE H1-ia&I ~ kpa EP Aupraij-:iun~jo crowrririrldrnggl ew, P.3 -'ICE0 IllhAja.cpI-1Jija9-(r.u.matJll 1lhr vi;w'Larqpl rcrrier uoi Wallr c; ulbhoju~e, qaII.
ga3r~replive cpermwrrplar immfyjwu. ardrrrouw Clear Ilarroulr ie pall,:, rhr "IieLifI rrl urwu d~cj irrr~ arlcAi~e~~ wi~iiiroi.3 r.3Torr~c..tr;OlIIrnsadpi T~ n6oprg rpai
Choice Janrm lpaa~ar Et~rej1 au ibar %crwcaLt.binrI. i~griLinJ E'cnie &Paul Wnipfeh la.ria, civerrq akeIur4 irnA1 aryWa:1Karen bfiNliri9Elf i Siarea ecSmirn. 941 778 2-4.6
8Y s~b 4L:224&MS 0)!l~i9.~arJ.9~ 74l2~il M~.ll~9I~i~$1)9)~:~Q, ~ .1 Lae5Oi)mlS#"3v l phjmich* oxa,4.71 ltv Wxd I24mr-jd~vQ~i

THE ISLANDER DEC. 13. 2006 35





I-- ~-~----- ---- c

. -m 40


v v

36 N DEC. 13. 2006 U THE ISLANDER


-I C


W isteria Park is a new neighl-_.rh._..1._ n I, t 1i I .-k. i r:L -t
offeredby Neal Communitie- Ti i, .:i.l .t <1.,,I c. ,i
with maintenance-free andt: .diii:' l rti -i,, 1 .l- l.i l
twelve floor plans with two-_: ii, -L' irr. '_,
to 3,341 a/c square feet. Visiit ,-I. '.-'i J 1 :1. .:.:i-. I ,_-di u L. I
four beautiful new models.

A place where m' .

fa.- i,.

and ;

:. .' ,-

',. *- d' ._
., .. .-- .-
r _. ........ : .

., *... .....---. --.. ...
. ," -: .. ,->i --I%

1. Perico Harbor
2. Anna Maria Island & Gulf Beaches
3. Robinson's Preserve
Botanical Garden Park
Rivertown Marina

Stewart Elementary School
. Geraldson Farms Produce
King Middle School
. U.S. Post Office
Urgent Care Medical Center

Building. Home. Life.



CGCA 17845


Ti -il I .--r- : Ir.--o., 1h.-
1 2- 1011 CL 81 1
t.- 41 li"
--.i h F. r