 Main: Opinion
 Main continued
 Main: Islander Classifieds
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00074389/00101
 Material Information
Title: Islander (Anna Maria, Fla. : 1992)
Uniform Title: Islander (Anna Maria, Fla. : 1992)
Physical Description: Newspaper
Creator: Islander
Publisher: Bonner Joy
Publication Date: December 6, 2006
Genre: newspaper   ( sobekcm )
newspaper   ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Manatee -- Anna Maria
Coordinates: 27.530278 x -82.734444 ( Place of Publication )
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
System ID: UF00074389:00101

Table of Contents
        page 1
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    Main: Opinion
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    Main continued
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    Main: Islander Classifieds
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Full Text

Skimming the news ... Dan Williams: Greatest Generation, page 22.

T Anna Maria

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"The Best News on AnnaTlaria nm

Lawyer cfn
By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
Attorney Joe Fritz of Tampa, who represents Island
residents Mel and Carole Yudofsky as unsecured credi-
tors in the GSR bankruptcy case, is hopping mad and
he thinks he's got some good reasons.
The GSR bankruptcy is a fraud that should be
investigated by federal authorities, and GSR prin-
cipals Robert Byrne- and Steve Noriega are nothing
more than "confidence men" who have preyed upon
Islanders and area residents, he said, befriending
people in order to take their money for develop-

New Year, new

principal at AME
By Diana Bogan
Islander Reporter
Anna Maria Elementary School Principal Kathy
Hayes has announced she will be leaving her posi-
tion at the Island school Feb. 1 to become the prin-
cipal at B.D. Gullet Elementary School at Lake-
wood Ranch. .
SHa\ es notified parents No%. 28 of her new position
with a computer-generated,
recorded phone call, a ingin
she has always hoped to
open a ne\\ school.
Gullet Elementary is
one of two new elementary
schools slated to open in
east Manatee County next
The principal's job at
AME will be advertised by
Hayes the Manatee Counp t School
District for 10 days, starting Monday, Dec. 4, bringing
the process to fill the position up to the. start of the
school district's winter break.
District director of elementary schools and former
AME principal Tim Kolbe said that the selection pro-
cess would begin after the holidays. -
Kolbe explained that the inter Je" process is normal\
conducted by a committee that will include a teacher,
one representative from the school's support staff and an
AME parent representative, in addition to dimect human
resources director Darcy Hopko, coordinator of school
leadership development Anthony DiBell and himself.
Once the committee has narrowed the field to three
applicants, a community forum will be scheduled.
Kolbe stated that Cchool staff and parents and com-
munity members usually gather in separate rooms and
each applicant is given 30 minutes to meet with both
groups. Participant_ arc then able to provide input using
a rating- card.
Kolbe noted that if all \\ ent smoothly, AME could
have a-new principal selected by Jan. 22. He did add
that Manatee County Siuperintendent Roger Dearing
retains the right to administratively appoint a replace-
ment or transfer a principal from another school.
Dearing told The Islander that this occurs when
only one of the applicants is an existing district princi-
pal in good standing, as is the case with Hayes' appoint-
ment to Gullet.
Dearing said that Hayes was the only principal to
apply for the position at Gullet. Other applicants were
either assistant principals or teachers. In this case, Dear-
ing has the right to conduct the interview and present
the candidate as his nominee for the position.
The job posting is open to principals in other school
districts, and the process depends on how many quali-
fied candidates apply.

992" www.islander.org Volume 15, No. 5 Dec. 6, 2006 FREE

1GSR principals are con men

ment projects that never materialized or were never
And Fritz should know something about bank-
ruptcy laws and fraud.
He was one of the original U.S. Bankruptcy Court
trustees when the system was introduced in the 1980s
and he trained a number of trustees before entering
private practice.
Fritz can't understand why the Federal Bureau
of Investigation isn't looking into the GSR case for
U.S. Bankruptcy Court trustee Theresa Boatner is

assigned to the GSR case and said in the initial bank-
ruptcy hearing that she couldn't account for about $4
million of GSR money after examining the company's
financial statements. Byrne-and Noriega at that time
said they would account for all the money.
"They're full of crap," said Fritz, who said Boatner
should have had the FBI looking into bankruptcy fraud
from the beginning.
"This is clearly fraud, and as far as I know, there is
no FBI investigation and there damn well should be."
Fritz explained that part of the fraudulent meth-

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The Downtrown Holmes Beach Holida\ Open House stirred up a blih:.ad oni Dec. I wit'i s~iw atllini oitsaI'e
The Ilander ttic-" and o flur 1ry ol'activinr at shops and restaurants. As children played in lih "-s ,'" adults
sampled other delights. For more pictures, see inside page 16. Islander Photo: Lisa Neff

Busiest pre-Christmas day coming

By Jim Hanson
Islander Reporter
The biggest single day until Christmas itself is just
around the corner, and an Islander known to many as
Santa will be lucky to work in half of the programs
Saturday, Dec. 9, -will be jammed full of activities
and entertainment and Christmas, with a parade, Fun Day,
toys, holiday lighting, and much more cheer and joy.
A main focus will be on the annual Privateers
parade, transporting Santa Claus and his sleigh the
length of the Island from Anna Maria City Pier to
Coquina Beach. That begins at 10 a.m. and winds up
about noon.
Santa and his traditional transport a beautiful
red sleigh with glistening reindeers will be shipped
down the Island behind the Privateers' big ship-float,
the landborne ship that is so high in Island tradition.
Some 30 floats and other units are expected to follow
the ship down-Island in the big parade, said the Priva-
At Coquina, Santa will have a gift for every child

who shows up, apd there will be hot dogs, hamburgers
and sodas as well, all free for kids, of course.
Along with the Privateers' Santa visits, Chuck and
Joey Lester will again host families to a terrific time
with games and activities on their Fun Day this year
in tandem with the Privateers' party. Tony Rizzo will
provide music throughout the afternoon and the Duffy's
Tavern crew will cook up burgers for donations to the
event. Community organizations, including the Kiwanis
and Rotary clubs, help with activities, including a kids'
"fishing pond" for prizes, cookie decorating, ornament
crafts.and more. All fun, all for families.
Chances for 40 turkeys will be offered, along with
a drawing for special prizes donated to the cause by the
co-sponsor, The Islander newspaper.
The Lesters are Island and Wisconsin residents who
figure so large in Island life, including their offer to
match dollars from the community's givers into the
capital fund of the Anna Maria Island Community
Center. The Lesters will match all donations made by
Dec. 31 up to $50,000.

Fishing action, page 26.


GSR principals slammed
ods of operation perpetrated by Byrne and Noriega
involved befriending affluent Island residents such as
the Yudofskys and Kent Davis. They would borrow as
much money as they could from their "friends," then
purchase properties for development, promising huge
returns on the investments.
Instead of developing the properties, however, the
"fraud" was that the two would get loans against the
property, then claim they didn't owe the money because
the loan was usurious and violated Florida statutes.
Where the money went from these loans is supposedly
found in GSR's financial statements, but a large por-
tion apparently never went back to the investors. GSR
has approximately $6 million in claims from unsecured
Usury is exactly the complaint filed by attorney
John Anthony on behalf of the unsecured creditors com-
mittee in the GSR-Bon Eau Enterprises "mortgage" of
$6.65 million for GSR's Villa Rosa property in Anna
Anthony has claimed the "mortgage" is actually a
disguised loan and that makes it usurious under Florida
law. But he's gone one step further with the bankruptcy
court, claiming that because of usury, Bon Eau isn't
entitled to either the property or any money and neither
is GSR.
Anthon,\ and tie committee want the propertysold
T indil idual iTo-i to-the highest bidder with any pro-
ceeds remaining after paying off the mortgages going to
the unsecured creditors, which includes the Yudofskys
and Davis. : -
The unsecured creditors of GSR, however, are not
confined to the rich and famous of Anna Mlaria Island.
It \ would appear Byrne and Noriega found it difficult to
resist any offer of money, no matter how small.
Island resident Cynthia Graeff worked on the Island
as a food server and house cleaner for more than 10
years, carefully and diligently saving $25,000 during
that time for her son's college education.
She invested that money with Byrne and Noriega
after receiving personal guarantees her money would
be safe.
Unfortunately, the moneN wasn't safe and the per-

sonal guarantees of Byrne and Noriega proved worth-
less, despite a claim by Byrne that he has a net worth
of $33 million, while Noriega has shown lenders docu-
ments alleging he is worth $22 million.
While these self-proclaimed millionaires were driv-
ing around Anna Maria Island in late-model luxury cars,
buying their girlfriends $60,000 jewelry items and rent-
ing apartments for them, along with flying their Piper
Cheyenne II eight-seat airplane to such exotic locations
as the Bahamas, Fort Lauderdale and the Dominican
Republic, the two men told Graeff they were broke and
unable to repay her $25,000.
After repeated demands for money, Byme finally
gave her $2,000, but claimed he couldn't afford the
Graeff eventually won a court order for the $25,000
plus interest and expenses, but to date has not been
able to file that judgment against any Byrne or Noriega
In addition to Graeff's money, GSR owes the
Yudofskys $441,000, while Davis has a $600,000 unse-
cured claim against the company. The total amount of
claims by unsecured creditors is approximately $6 mil-
Fritz alleges, however, that there appears to be
more to many GSR loans than just usury.
He noted that Noriega had a condominium he
owned valued at $1 million, then got a loan from a
bank against the property for $980,000. No bank in
America has.a loan-to-value ratio of 98 percent on a
,condominium. Fritz contended.
"1 smell a rat" on the inside, he added. "I've seen
hundreds of these type loans and never ever seen one
where these guys didn't have an insider at the bank."
Despite his experience with bankruptcy fraud,
however, no one at the state attorney's office or with
the U.S. Department of Justice has contacted Fritz and
asked him "What do you know?"
What he does know, he said, is that Byrne claimed
the Yudofsky property had no liens on.it when he got
a loan from a California bank, despite the Yudofskv's
first mortgage.
"That's fraud and a crime against the elderly,"
alleged Fritz, but still, no one seems to be investigat-
"I'd like to know if Boatner ever contacted the FBI

Family ties
Bernice Meyer, who has lived at her North Shore Drive
address in Anna Maria since 1956, marked her 89th
birthday on Nov. 19. And she celebrated recently with
family, a gathering of four generations on the Island.
Bernice's son, left, Dr. Robert Meyer is a Twin Falls,
Idaho, resident who was once a student at the Island
elementary school, Walker Junior High and Manatee
High. He recently attended his 35th reunion at the Uni-
versity of Florida College of Medicine in Gainesville.
Bernice's grandson, Fletcher Meyer, of Rapid City, S.D.,
holds her 1-year-old.great-grandson, Ethan Meyer.

with her information. I can't get an answer," he said..
Both Boatner and the FBI work for the Department of
Justice, Fritz observed. '
The Yudofskys have filed a civil suit in the Manatee
County Circuit Court against Byrne and his estranged
wife, Arlene, for "unjust enrichment," but Fritz said
that's small potatoes compared to what the FBI could
bring to the court.
Several creditors claim to have talked to justice
department lawyers about their financial transactions
with Byrne and Noriega, but the U.S. Middle District
of Florida Federal Court has declined to comment on
whether or not there is any on-going criminal investiga-
tion into the activities of GSR and its principals.

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I II I--I r--- -- --~-

'rilEA 1SLXNDEiM'U DEC. 6. 206661k

Pier restaurant plans approved in Bradenton Beach

By Paul Roat
The refrain was nearly the same from residents,
business owners and even the city commission: bring
back our restaurant at the city pier. Soon.
But about that parking ....
Bradenton Beach city commissioners unanimously
approved a major development plan as presented by
building official Ed Mc Adam to construct a new 92-
seat restaurant at the city pier, at the east end of Bridge
Street over Anna Maria Sound. The former restaurant
was damaged during Hurricane Frances in 2004 and
later demolished.
Commissioners also approved, pending Florida
Department of Environmental Protection permits, con-
struction of a dockmaster's office, a bait-tackle-tourist
kiosk and rest rooms to the south of the pier parking
area, as well as floating docks alongside the pier, also
on the south side of the structure.
But it was parking that was on the minds of most
of the 60-plus people attending the three-hour public
hearing Nov. 29.
Mc Adam said that working out the numbers based
on the historic-overlay zoning category in which the
pier lies, 19 parking spaces would be needed for the
patrons and employees of the pier restaurant. There are
22 parking spaces provided in the plans as offered by
architect Tom O'Brien, so the parking needs are met
pursuant to the code, he said.
The codes requirements may be met, said business-
man Ed Chiles, but the parking needs are still, unad-
dressed in the city.
Chiles, owner of the BeachHouse Restaurant on
Gulf Drive in the city, said the "No. 1 problem in
Bradenton Beach is parking. I think your sequence is
wrong. You need to address the parking before you
address the pier.
"I support the work being done and I commend the
pier team," he added. "Pier revitalization is necessary and
needed, and I support the restaurant coming back to the
location. But many property owners are concerned that
parking is the biggest problem in Bradenton Beach."
Businessman David Teitelbaum, in a prepared letter
read by assistant Dawn Betts, said he also supports
plans to replace the restaurant, but questioned a number
of elements within the plan.
He said that "concurrency is required for any major
development project in order to confirm that the pro-
posed project will be in harmony with the neighbor-
hood. Substantial injury could be incurred to the neigh-
borhood in terms of increased traffic.
"The project doesn't seem to provide adequate ingres
and,egress," Teitelbaum continued. "The project doesn't
seem to provide adequate off-street parking nmd oIadiig
areas. Without adequate parking, the project doesn't seem
to be compatible with adjoining development, and could
harm the existing, neighboring businesses.
"Should this project be appro% ed. the result could
be substantial economic damage, noise, glare and/or
odor impacts on adjoining properties," he added.,
Teitelbaum developed Old Bridge Village in the
historic district and redeveloped Tortuga Inn and the
Tradewinds Resort in Bradenton'Beach.
Alan Garrett, a land-use planner who said he was
retained by a number of citizens, commended the archi-
tectural plans for the pier and out-buildings. However,
he said, parking needed to be addressed in the area, and
suggested a public-private partnership similar to one he
worked on in Siesta Village between merchants there
and Sarasota County.
"I'd like to see a parking committee established,"
he said.
Residents %\ho spoke to the matter urged speed
in getting the restaurant and pier again open to the
"I urge the city commission to move forward as
soon as possible to open the pier," said resident Carl

Zaccagnino to outline

year for civic association
Holmes Beach City Commissioner David Zac-
cagnino will speak about his first year in office when
the Holmes Beach Civic Association meets at 10:15
a.m. Saturday, Dec. 9.
The meeting will be at the Island Branch Library,
5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Additional infor-
mation is available at 778-9315.

Parks. "There has been a restaurant there since at least
the 1970s, when some guy named Bob would cook you
a hot dog on a hot plate."
Resident Eileen Suhre said she assisted in getting
the first economic development grants for the city for
Bridge Street more than 10 years ago and was proud of
the way the city had improved. Things look a little dif-
ferent today, though with the fencing to keep people
off the pier, "it looks like London during World War II,"
she said. "Can't you open the pier for the fishermen?"
"I've talked to people who have driven here from the
center of the state and have been devastated that the pier
isn't open," said resident Pat Gentry. "Can't we get the
fishing pier open while the restaurant work is going on?"
David Russell, operator of Rotten Ralph's Restau-
rant in Anna Maria and soon-to-be-operator of the pier
restaurant in Bradenton Beach, agreed that there is a
parking problem in the city, but did not think it was
entirely pier-related. "The pier parking has met all the
city requirements," he said.
Former Mayor Connie Drescher said she hoped

the city would pursue a "park-and-ride" lot at Coquina
Beach, where people could park their cars and then
take the Manatee Trolley to Bridge Street and beyond.
"Our Island will never have enough parking," she said.
"That's just the way it is."
Drift In owner Joe Cuervo concurred with the park-
ing committee concept, as did Sun House Restaurant
owner Angela Rodocker.
Mayor John Chappie said he would set up an advi-
sory committee of concerned citizens to address park-
ing. He said he would like to see a six-month time
frame for the group to bring conclusions to the city
commission, which should address both short-term and
long-term solutions.
City commissioners also unanimously approved
Southern Cross Contractors of Sarasota to do the pier
construction work at a cost of $1,664,710..That bid was
the lowest of the three the city received.
Work is expected to begin at the pier by the end of
the year, and plans call for the restaurant to be open by
next spring.

A crowd settles in lawn chairs and on beach blankets for the 1946 holiday classic, "It's a Wonderful Life." The
Holmes Beach Parks and Beautification Committee sponsored the screening in the field next to city hall on
Saturday iigIla. Thi committee's chairman, Jim Dunne, said he hopes the event becomes a Jholidai tradition on
the Island. Isltindt PPhri: Lisa Neff

Homeless man threatens bartender, arrested

The Manatee County Sheriff's Office reports depu-
ties arrested a homeless man after they say he pulled a
knife on a bartender at Cortez Kitchen on 119th Street
West in the village.
R Robert Goodman, 46, had been previously banned
from ie outdoor restaurant. On Sunday after ion. when
he walked into the "Kitchen," according to the report,
bartender William Lipke told Goodman to leave.

Holiday fun starts in earnest
The annual Winterfest, fundraising festival of the
Island Art league, will be Saturday and Sunday from 10
a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Holmes Beach City Hall park,
5801 Marina Drive. More than 100 artists and artisans
from around the country will be there with their creations
for show and for sale. The "festival of fine arts and fine
crafts" will have live music, all those booths, .a food
court, and artworks by the artisans donated to a raffle.
Bridge Street in Bradenton Beach will host its
annual holiday event to welcome Christmas from 9
a.m. to 7 p.m., with merchants welcoming their guests
and raffles, music and music.
A few days later Ed Chiles will host the annual
Lawton Chiles Christmas for Kids party, begun by
the late Gov. Lawton Chiles and continued through
the Christmas years by his family. About 100 invited
youngsters from needy families are expected at the
Sandbar Restaurant for the party, from 10:30 a.m. to
12:30 p.m. Dec. 12.
And the next day, Dec. 13, the Pines Trailer Park
will play host to children from the Bradenton Head Start
program at the park's clubhouse at the end of Bridge
Street from 10 a.m., when Santa will arrive on a fire truck
courtesy of the West Manatee Fire Rescue District.
And in what could be the final appearance on Anna
Maria Island of Santa Clause before the "big day" on Dec.
25, the Moose Lodge at 110 Gulf Drive in Bradenton
Beach will host a children's Christmas party for youngsters
from 1 to 3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 17. All are welcome.

At that point, Goodman allegedlI pulled a knife
out and told Lipke to "come outside." Lipke refused
and Goodman apparently then left the re'tatlrant
An arriving deputy found Goodman sitting out-
doors and although he denied the knife incident, but
the deputy located the knife and Lipke identified it.
Goodman-was arrested and charged with aggra-
vated assault and aggravated battery.


Anna Maria City
Dec. 7, 6 p.m., x workshop on 519 Pine Ave.
Dec. 11, 7 p.m., code enforcement board meeting.
Dec. ,14, 7 p.m., city commission meeting.
Anna Maria City Hall, 10005 Gulf Drive,
708-6130. www.cityofannamaria.com
Bradenton Beach
Dec. 7, 7 p.m., city commission meeting. Agenda:
approval of visitor's guide as produced by WAVES
committee, approval of Commissioner John Shaugh-
nessy as vice mayor, consulting contractor services for
city pier, planning and zoning board appointment and
approval of attorney invoices.
Dec. 14, 5 p.m., planning and zoning board meeting.
Bradenton Beach City Hall, 107 Gulf Drive N.,
778-1005. www.cityofbradentonbeach.org
Holmes Beach
Dec. 12, 7 p.m., city commission meeting.
Dec. 13, 5 p.m., parks and beautification committee
Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive,
708-5800. www.holmebeachfl.org
Of Interest
Dec. 11, 9:30 a.m., tourist development council meet-
ing, Holmes Beach City Hall.
Dec. 13, 7 p.m., Coalition of Barrier Island Elected
Officials meeting, Bradenton Beach City Hall.

4 0 DEC. 6, 2006 M THE ISLANDER

Anna Maria finally

OKs comp plan

after nearly 4 years
By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
It may have taken just under four years from start
to finish, but Anna Maria now has a revised comprehen-
sive plan and accompanying evaluation and appraisal
report and future land use map, all approved by the city
Commissioners voted unanimously at the Nov. 30
public hearing to approve the plan, EAR and FLUM
and forward them to the Florida Department of Com-
munity Affairs for review and approval.
The vote followed more -than two hours of some-
times contentious debate on the expected controversial
element of the plan: the areas of the future land-use
map that are to be designated retail-office-residential
and those that remain commercial or residential.
Robin Wall of Palmetto Avenue led a plethora of
Palmetto and Palm Avenue residents against allowing
two lots at the corner of Palmetto Avenue and Gulf
Drive owned by former City Commissioner Linda
Cramer to be designated ROR on the FLUM. The pro-
posed map has Cramer's lots designated residential, but
the remainder of Gulf Drive on both the east and west
sides, north to Pine Avenue, is classified either ROR or
commercial on the map. Cramer has long contended
that her lots are supposed to be commercial.
Attorney Mike Connolly, representing Cramer,
argued that the two lots stick out like a "sore thumb"
and produced documentation that the city commission
in 1991 intended the property to be commercial.
Unfortunately, the commission never followed the
proper legal procedures to make the properties commer-
cial, and the ad hoc committee that prepared the initial
comprehensive plan declined to change that land-use
designation from anything other than residential.
Other outcries against the plan came from attorney
Matt Taylor, representing the property owners at the
east end of Pine Avenue on the north side facing Tampa
Bay. Taylor argued for an ROR designation for this
vacant land, claiming this would "right a wrong" that
was done more than 25 -years ago.
The proposed FLUM designates the land as com-
mercial, but Taylor claimed that in 1982, the then-
owners the Kilpatrick family had sued the city
successfully to get the land rezoned from residential to
commercial. Changing the five lots in question from
commercial to ROR would be in keeping with the "resi-
dential character" of the city as emphasized in the comp
plan, he said.
That request fell on deaf ears, as did a plea from
Tara O'Brien of Magnolia Avenue to keep the city's R-2
(residential duplex) zone. She believes that changing
the zoning on her property could "adversely effect" the
future value of her property and might violate Florida
"We're a vacation destination with a variety of

In fire engine red

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P-h. -w.:Lisa,\ ri



20 years of service
Bradenton Beach sanitation employee Wes
Stump, right, received a plaque Thursday
commemorating his 20 years of service
with the, city by public works director Tom
Woodard to a standing ovation by city
commissioners and fellow workers. Actu-
ally, he's been with the city for almost 21
years he started work in 1985, making
him the longest-serving employee in the
city. Islander Photo: Paul Roat

homes," she said.
Other objections to the plan came from business
owners such as Ed Chiles of the Sandbar Restaurant
and Mike Eifert of Galati Marine.
The two men were against the section in the com-
prehensive plan that limits the height of new construc-
tion in a commercial area to 27 feetbbut allows a 37-
fooftheight in residential areas and the ROR zone. Eifert
said Galati has an upcoming construction project at its
site that would be adversely affected by the 27-foot
Faced with a wealth of "new information," Com-
missioner Christine Tollette was concerned about the
legal aspects of voting for the plan as it was written and
questioned city attorney Jim Dye.
"Legally," said Dye, "you are just adopting a report.
You are not changing ordinances. Tonight, everything
is about people trying to persuade you to see their point
of view."
"But there's a lot of new information," responded
"If that makes you nervous, then you don't have

comprehensive argument
Attorney Mike Connolly, representing former Anna Maria City Commissioner Linda Cramer, right, argued
unsuccessfully at the city commission's Nov. 30 public hearing on the comprehensive plan that two tots Cramer
owns on Gulf Drive should be designated retail-office-residential on the new future land-use map. Islander
Photo: Rick Catlin

to do anything," Dye replied, "but these are not legal
issues. This is a policy document, not a legal docu-
The commission will only write legislation when
the plan is returned to the city by the DCA with com-
ments and required revisions.
And there's nothing really new tonight, added pro-
fessional planner Tony Arrant, who has facilitated the
comprehensive-plan process since he first appeared
before the commission in January 2003 to discuss how
a comprehensive plan is changed.
"All these issues have been heard before," Arrant
observed, after attending nearly four years of meetings
on the plan.
Arrant echoed what Dye said to the commission.
"There is no. right or wrong here tonight," he
Commissioner Jo Ann Mattick made three motions
for changes to the plan, including one that would have
placed Cramer's property as ROR, but all three were
defeated by a 4-1 vote.
The other two failed motions concerned the height
of new construction in a commercial zone and a motion
to change the Pine Avenue property noted by Taylor
from commercial to ROR.
After discussion of the other elements of the plan
and public comment, including an appearance by attor-
ney Craig Colburn representing the Olesens of South
Bay Boulevard, who are suing the city over who owns
a beach access, the commission and public were done
with comments.
Commissioner Dale Woodland made a motion to
adopt by resolution the comprehensive-plan evalua-
tion appraisal report and accompanying future land-
use map. The motion passed' 5-0, and three years, nine
months and 25 days of comprehensive planning were
But the commission's work with the plan isn't.
As noted by Dye and Arrant, the next phase begins
when the EAR and plan are returned by the DCA to the
city. That's when accompanying legislation must be
adopted by the commission.
Woodland praised Arrant for his hard work in guid-
ing the city through the process and thanked the ad hoc
comp-plan committee and the planning and zoning board
for all their work in preparing and revising the plan. {
The meeting adjourned to a round of well-deserved
applause, although most attendees had long since
left city hall, particularly after the FLUM discussion

TIE ISLANDER M DEC. 6. 2006 0 5

New Mayor Barford 'comfortable' in old job

By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
Anna Maria Mayor Fran Barford said she feels
"comfortable" sitting in the chair that had been occu-
pied by former Mayor SueLynn for nearly five years.
"Thankfully, SueLynn briefed me before I was
sworn in on a number of issues, so I think I was up to
speed when I got here," said the new mayor.
She was also familiar with the city staff, having
spent the past year as chair of the city's planning and
zoning board.
And her six years experience as mayor of Temple
Terrace has helped as she settles in to the task of mayor
of a barrier island city. Fact is, she is running the city.
"In Temple Terrace, we had 400 people on staff and
a town manager. Here, we've got a smaller staff and
I'm the town manager," she said with a laugh.
"It's different than Temple Terrace, but comfort-
able to be with staff that I know. I'm very happy to be
Barford plans to make customer service to city resi-
dents her No. 1 priority, even though she realizes that
you can't please all the people all the time. There will
always be a few people who complain about every-
thing, no matter the issue or the city.
She's also encouraging city commissioners to di-
cuss issues with her outside of a commission meet-"
ing. .
As a non-voting member of the commission, Bar-
ford is not bound by all the open meeting regulation-
of Florida's Sunshine Laws. She can talk to commis-
sioners one-on-one, although she's not allowed to act
as a conduit among them.
"I'm encouraging commissioners to brinm their-
issues and complaints to me. We can talk before meet-
ing and I can get answers," she said.
She did note that the current city commission has
been very cooperative in keeping her posted on their
particular issues and concerns, including what com-
plaints they hear from the residents.
"I don't see communication with the commission-
ers as a problem," Barford observed, but she does plan
to bring issues to the commission when necessary.

Settling in
,Vi !.I- elected Anna Maria Mayor Fran Barford has
quietly settled in at city hall, tackling the various
problems facing the city and learning the "ins and
outs" of the city's computer and telephone systems.
Slain ., Photo: Rick Catlin
The commission, she noted, is the legislative bodN
and it has to be aware of problems in the cit\. although
Barford anticipates a smooth-i'iinning city operation.
That's not to sa\ there \% on't be problems,, and for
a Florida barrier i-land. the biggest concern could well
be during an emergency\ Auch as a hurricane. .
HoIl she deals \ ith a liurric.ine is one oft the major
diffteiences bemteen Tiemple Terrace and Anna Maria.
In Temple Terrace. Bartord \.i a more concerned
w ith security\ and didn't ha\e the e\ acuation issues or
the potential for major loss of beach and property .I.,
Anna MNariia might face.
"We are much more vulnerable to the weather, so
emergency situations here will be greater than they
were in Temple Terrace," she noted.
While everyone knows Anna Maria is different
than Temple Terrace, Barford's experience in that city

should be invaluable to her when dealing with area and
state officials.
"It helps that I have contacts in Tallahassee, the
Florida League of Cities and around Tampa Bay," she
said. "I've already had several phone calls'congratulating
me and people have said they're glad I'm back in public
office and looking forward to working with me again."
And Barford says she's glad to be back.

Orlando area cops

seek more victims of

Anna Maria retiree
By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
When Dr. George Pyke was. arrested in June at his
Anna Maria residence by the Manatee County Sheriff's
Office on charges of capital sexual battery on a child
under 12, law enforcement authorities in both Mana-
tee and Seminole counties began searching for victims
Pyke might have abused.
That search has uncovered other victims and a pat-
tern of sexual abuse in Florida dating back more than
30 years, according to Carrie Hoeppner of the Semi-
nole County Sheriff's Office. Pyke is awaiting trial in
Seminole County on the sexual battery charges.
An adult male now living in Miami has come
forward with allegations against Pyke and the SCSO
believes other victims may still be living in Florida.
Pyke retired to Anna Maria in 2001 after a 30-year
career as a medical doctor in the Orlando area, where
he often volunteered his services to perform physical
examinations for high school sports teams. However, he
had his vacation home in Anna Maria for 20 years and
authorities believe there might be other victims living
in the Manatee County area.
Pyke has been released on bail pending his court case.
The SCSO is asking anyone who may have been
sexually abused by Pyke to contact investigator Dana
Ortiz at 407-665-6600.

sO,000 Matching.Fund Challenge


Holmes Beach residents Charles and JoAnn Lester are offering up to $50,000 in
matching funds for contributions made by Dec. 31, 2006, to the Anna Maria Island
Community Center Capital Campaign. And your contribution is tax deductible.
The Center provides a critical human service need on the Island and provided more than
1.5 million hours of service to more than 3,400 Island residents last year.

Please send donations to the
Anna Maria FL 34216, dA

Challenge, P.O. Box 253,
tCapital Campaign.

IName I
I Address



u Amount $
SI would like my gift in honor ol:

Q I would like my gift to be in memory of:

UAan, I
The Islander
This advertisement is sponsored as a community service and partnership with the Lesters by The Islander.

S i Please bill me for my pledge amount.
I Please make checks payable to the I
I AMICC Capital Campaign and I
mail your matching-fund contribution to
P.O. Box 253, Anna Maria FL 34216.
L- --,-- --- wJ ml


If wishes were fishes
Indeed, if wishes were fishes on Anna Maria Island,
we would have abundant gifts.
An estimated 50 percent of charitable giving by
individuals in the United States and, hopefully, on
AMI takes place between Thanksgiving and Christ-
For its 14th annual Wishbook, The Islander col-
lected wishes from local community groups, some of
them large, many of them small, all of them in need of
assistance as staff and volunteers prepare to begin a
new year of service.
We encourage readers to sit down with the Wish-
book copies are available at The Islander newspa-
per office at 5404 Marina Drive in Holmes Beach and
online at www.islander.org and look for something
special for a special organization or institution. Make
a list, check it twice.
Here's a sampling of wishes:
Earthboxes for the garden project at Anna Maria
Elementary School (941-708-5525).
Canned goods for All Island Denominations'
pantry (941-778-4579).
Art supplies for the Anna Maria Island Art League
Wednesday night dinners for the All Island Youth
= club (941-778-7430).
A new laptop for the Anna Maria Island Historical
Society (941-778-0492).
More singing voices for the Harvey Community
Church Choir (941-779-1912).
An electronic scoreboard for the Anna Maria
Island Community Center (941-778-1908).
Toys for the Anna Maria Island Privateers' Christ-
mas Parade (941-778-8519).
Storage space for the Anna Maria Island Chamber
of Commerce (941-778-1541).
Pressure-treated pine for the Anna Maria Island
Butterfly Garden (941-518-4431).
A chain saw for the Florida Gulf Coast Maritime
Museum/FISH (941-708-6121).
Historic pictures for the Cortez Village Historical
Society (941-795-7121) .
Courtyard lighting for the Longboat Key Center
for the Arts (941-383-2345).
Painters for the Holy Name Society (941-778-
4769). I
Metal flashlights for the Island Players (941-778-
Ceiling fans for ihe Longboat Key, Lido Key,
St. Armands Key Chamber of Commerce (941-383-
Plastic or paper table%% are for the Off Stage Ladies
Bird seed for Wildlife Inc. (941-778-6324).
Anew front door for the Annie Silver Community

The Islander
DEC. 6, 2006 Vol. 15, No. 5
.._V Publisher and Editor
Bonner i:., I:, r,.r Z _i ,r, :,.r ,
V Editorial
Paul Roat, News Editor, iuli.',-iar-.1 r .g
SDiana Bbgan, diana@islander.org. .
Rick Catlin, rick@islander.org
Jack Egan
Jack Elka
Jim Hanson
Lisa Neff, lisaneff@islander.org
V Contributors
Kevin Cassidy, kevin@islander.org
Jesse Brisson
Don Maloney -
*- EdnaTiemann
V Advertising Sales
Nancy Ambrose, rlancy@islander.org
V Accounting Services
Melissa Burkett, melissa@islander.org
V Production Graphics
Kelly McCormick, ads@islander.org-
V Classifieds & Subscriptions
Li VV am .. lisa@islander.org
., V Distribution
.. UrbaneBouchet .
Ross Roberts -..
Lisa Williams
(All others! news@islander.rg)
Single copies free. Quantities of five or more: 25 cents each.
@ 1992-2006 Editorial, sales and production offices:
Island Shopping Center, 5404 Marina Drive
Holmes Beach FL 34217
WEB SITE: islander.org
FAX. 941 778-9392 PHONE 941 778-7978


Center (941-794-1414).
Reference books for the Tingley Memorial Library
Book donations for the Friends of the Island
Branch Library book sale (941-778-6341).
Last but not least, we wish for donors to meet the
challenge made by Chuck and Joey Lester to give to


Greatest Generation
We of the Bradenton Beach Library Board for the
Tingley Memorial Library would like to thank The
Islander and reporter Rick Catlin for the donation of
;the two bound volumes of the "Greatest Generation"
series that appeared in your newspaper.
We commend you for your concept and tremendous
effort in bringing together these wonderful stories from
local and area residents. The stories are of such valuable
historic significance and are of great interest to our patrons,
the majority of whom are from that great generation.
Ceil Fellers, chair of the board, Tingley Memorial
Cat is missing
Our 14-year-old twin girls adopted an adorable little
black-and-white kitten when they were 9 years old. He
became the joy of our house, a great cat and companion.
Sadly, he"s been missing for several weeks and
doesn't have his collar. Our only hope is that someone
found him (hurt?) and took him in. Zeus is a 5-year-old
neutered male with short, silky, black fur, white feet,
--chin and chest.
There is a $100 reward. Please let us know if you
have him or have seen him. The holidays will lose a lot
of their joy for our family without him.
Michael, Cindy, Kayla and Ariel Jennis, Holmes
Have your say
The Islander welcomes and encourages your opin-
ion letters.
The Islander accepts original letters of up to 250 words

By Egan

the Anna Maria Island Community Center capital cam-
paign its ongoing building fund for a new Center.
Amounts large and small will help with our goal to fund
the new facility and every "red cent" donated between
now and Dec. 31 up to $50,000 will be matched by the
Make your gift count.

and reserves the right to edit for length and grammar.-Let-
rers must include the city you reside in for ublicationand
a phone number (for verification only). Anonymous letters
will not be printed. All letters to the editor remain on file
at The Islander and a\ ailable to the public.
Letters are published on a space-available basis
with regard to timeliness of the material. Writers are
limited to one published letter per month.
Address letters to Editor, The Islander, 5404 Marina
Drive, Holmes Beach FL 34217, fax to 941-778-9392,
or e-mail to news@islander.org.

PTO thanks
The Anna Maria Elementary PTO would like to
sincerely thank many, including The Islander, for their
support in making our 2006 Fall Festival a great suc-
cess. Thanks to individuals and businesses, we have,
successfully exceeded our goal of $11,000. Your dona-
tion allows us to provide the teachers and staff depart-
ments of AME with quality educational enhancements
in the classroom and around campus.
Each year, our fall festival brings food, games,
entertainment and fun to the students, parents and com-
munity of Anna Maria Island, while also raising funds
to meet the needs of our students. We could not have
done so without The Islander's generous donation.
We want to thank you for demonstrating such
responsibility and generous support for our students
and staff. Such support does make a different for those
who teach and for those who learn.
We value your support and are so grateful for your
Shannon Dell, AME PTO president, Holmes Beach

THE ISLANDERi DEC. 6. 2006 : 7

Cortez Road DOT work rated

By Lisa Neff
Islander Reporter
The widening of Cortez Road took longer and cost
more to complete than first forecast, but a survey shows
public satisfaction with the once contentious project.
The Florida Department of Transportation oversaw
the $2.5 million project in the fishing village between
119th Street West and the Cortez drawbridge.
The project began in August 2005 and involved
widening Cortez Road and adding a left-turn lane, bike
paths, sidewalks, a pedestrian oasis, and improved traf-
fic control devices and signals.
The road work drove some motorists to skirt Cortez
to avoid delays.
"I come out here most days to fish," said Mac
Turner, of Bradenton. "But it got to be that I'd either
go up to a pier in Anna Maria or drive south to Sarasota
to come around up on the Island. I just didn't want to
deal with the traffic.-
"I know the construction had to hurt businesses
here because I usually stop in for dinner on the way
home and, for a while, I just went somewhere else,"
he continued.
The bulk of the construction ended by April 1.
"I think it's a real nice job," said Paul Hudson, of
Cortez. "It was real difficult to get in and out of here
for awhile, but it came out real nice."
Hudson's opinion is similar to the many assess-
ments collected by Dave Parks, of Global-5 Inc., a
public relations firm hired by the DOT to conduct

public surveys during and following the construction
Parks distributed 80 questionnaires among resi-
dents and business operators in Cortez asking them to
rate the construction project. He went door tod door in
the community, as well as handed out surveys at several
public forums.
The survey asked the public to rate. the effec-
tiveness of DOT's public information effort, the
construction work and the completed project. Ques-
tions included: Did the state provide ample notifica-
tion of the project? Could people walk or bicycle
safely along the road during construction? Was
access to property marked and visible? Was dust
from the project reasonably controlled? Are you
satisfied with the smoothness of the pavements and
the marking and signs?
"For the most part people seemed to be pleased
with the project," Parks said. "I would say about 90
percent of the people I spoke with were pleased."
"The road's fast and clear," said Turner. "I'd say
it's a good project and people ought to be pleased with
Parks said one repeated complaint he received was
about the brick paving.
"There were a handful of negatives," Parks said.
"The biggest complaint was the brick pavers that were
installed and the noise they generate. People said they
would lay there in bed and hear the cars go zipping
Slow going
For months the traffic
r' i, moved slowly along
S this stretch of Cortez
Road. Now, with a
major construction
project completed,
......... vehicles move along
at the speed limit.
of 35 mph -during
Sthe evening. Islander
S Photo: Lisa Neff

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In the Dec. 5, 1996, issue of
The Islander, headlines announced:
The Holmes Beach City Commission agreed
to move forward with an ordinance that would
make loud noises within 50 feet of a residence a
violation of the city code. Some commissioners
objected that the ordinance was aimed solely at
the Anchor Inn, which had recently begun having
live music.
The Florida Department of Transportation
announced it would hold a public hearing Dec. 1 in
Holmes Beach for the proposed new Key Royale
Bridge. The DOT estimated the cost of a new bridge
at $800,000, but had not yet funded the project.
A maintenance dredging project for Longboat
Pass scheduled to begin in May 1997 was expected to
bring about 125,000 cubic yards of sand to the beaches
of Anna Maria Island and Longboat Key, according
to Manatee County Environmental Management chief
Jack Gorzeman.

Date Low V'High Rainfall
Nov.26 61 81 0
Nov. 27 63 77 0
Nov. 28 67. 76 0
Nov. 29 68 79 0
Nov. 30 68 85 0
Dec. 1 72 84 0
Dec. 2 69 81 0
Average Gulf water temperature 720
24-hour rainfall accumulation with reading at approximately 5 p.m. daily.

SWe'd love to mail

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CHARGE. IT BY PHONE: (941) 778-7978
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Weekend art show draws Island favorites

By Lisa Neff
Islander Reporter
Artist Jay Canterbury hit the road this past year,
showing his work in Minnesota, Michigan, Missouri
and other northern states.
Now he's back home, ready to exhibit again in the
first juried show he ever entered the Anna Maria
Island Art League's Winterfest Festival of Fine Arts
and Fine Crafts.
Canterbury took first place ii the show in 1989 and
he's been a regular exhibitor since.
The 19th annual Winterfest takes place Dec. 9-10
in the field next to Holmes Beach City Hall. More than
100 artistans plan to show off their work from 10 a.m.
to 4:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.
The juried show, free to the public, also features
musical performances Cajun, Spanish guitar and blue-
grass; dining specialties especially seafood and barbe-
cue; nonprofit information booths groups encouraging
preservation, conservation and imagination.
The event also features a raffle of many of the
exhibitor's donated artwork to benefit the league's
scholarship fund. Tickets will go for $1 each or $5 for
"The festival this year is going to be bigger and
better, lively and fun," said Joyce Karp, director of the
art league, which operates a studio and gallery at 5312
Holmes Blvd., Holmes Beach. "We have a bunch of
new artists and a lot of the old favorites."
Among those favorites is Canterbury, who grew up
in Morgantown, W.Va., but often visited Anna Maria
Island to see his grandmother. As a child, Canterbury

said, he excelled only inart class.
He moved to the Island in 1978. Like many artists,
he's needed day jobs to pay the bills and he described
himself as a "miscellaneous man," a handyman.
"l1do a great number of things," Canterbury said.
"If you need something done, chances are I can do it.
...But I've mostly been a carpenter."
The art league was founded the same year Canter-
bury won his first first-place award and early photographs
show his involvement in establishing the organization.
Canterbury had developed an enthusiasm for pho-
tography in his 20s his earliest work, in black and
white, was considered surreal and dark.
For his current work, he employs a 35-mm camera
and approaches found objects from a forced perspective
that captures vivid colors and textures. The result can
look more like an abstract painting than a photograph.
"It's like found art, like coaxing art out of nature,"
Canterbury said. "Like coaxing art out of a junkyard. I
love junkyard work."
Gesturing toward one of his new works, an image
of a boat, Canterbury said, "People have a hard time
accepting that that is something real."
"It doesn't tell a story," he continued. "That's
completely left to the individual, to make up their own
Over the past two years, Canterbury has collected
18 awards and 30 of his pieces are on the walls of
Manatee Community College in Bradenton.
The artist said he's looking forward to Winter-

r- '- 5' :.-- "-:'.

Local artist Jay Canterbury will show his work at
Winterfest, scheduled by the Anna Maria Island Art
League for Saturday and Sunday, on the field next
to Holmes Beach City Hall. Canterbury first exhib-
ited at Winterfest in 1989, the year the league was
founded. Islander Photo: Lisa Neff
Known to many Islanders, Canterbury said the
event provides him an opportunity to show people "I'm
doing OK, that Jay is still alive and well."
It also provides an opportunity to show people that
his work "is coming together."

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* ,J**.--, :-. -

-JA: ,~

By Molly McCartney
Islander Reporter
Thursday promises to be the first showdown over the
prices that Anna Maria Island property owners will have
to pay for wind coverage next year from Citizens Prop-
erty Insurance Corp., the state's insurer of last resort.
Thousands of dollars are at stake for policyholders
in this ongoing drama.
A commercial wind policy that now costs $1,276
for an Island business owner would jump to $11,073
under the proposed rate schedule. An Island residential
property owner now paying $1,000 for wind coverage
would pay $1,085 to $2,275, depending on how close
the property is to water.
Citizens now provides wind insurance for more than
18,000 homeowners in Manatee County, many of them
in or near the high-risk areas of Holmes Beach, Braden-
ton Beach and Anna Maria City. Citizens also insures
163 commercial properties located inside the state-des-
ignated wind pool on Anna Maria Island and the Manatee
County portion of Longboat Key, and five commercial-
residential properties outside the wind pool.
The actuarial and underwriting committee at Citi-
zens has recommended increases ranging from 8.5 per-
cent to 767.6 percent to take effect in March, in keeping
with a state law passed earlier this year.
But those recommendations have to be approved
by the Citizens board of governors, which convenes
at 9 a.m. Thursday in Gainesville. And the heat on the
board to tone down or eliminate the proposed rate hikes
has been growing in recent days after a firestorm of
complaints from policyholders and politicians.
Citizens board chairman Bruce Douglas has already
announced his opposition to the recommended increase
because of the impacts on the state economy and con-
sumer pocketbooks.
"Senate Bill 1980, passed in May, requires the
higher, rates that have been proposed," said Citizens
spokesman Rocky Scott. But chairman Douglas will
have an opportunity at the board meeting to argue
against them, Scott said. And Douglas has made it very
clear in his comments about the proposals that he wants
to be on the policyholder's side in this fight.
If the board majority wants to go forward with the
recommended rate increases over Douglas' objections,
there are two more checkpoints where the increases
could be eliminated or reduced.
One would be at the Florida Office of Insurance
Regulation, which must approve the Citizens rate

Citizens Property Insurance Corp. now has
18,531 residential and commercial policyholders
in Manatee County.
Below is a summary of the 2007 rate plan for
Citizens customers, including a January increase
that has been approved by state regulators and the
recommended March increase that is under fire and
subject to review Thursday by the Citizens board.
This breakdown, provided by Citizens, begins with
the biggest rate proposals:
A premium increase amounting to more than
760 percent is recommended for 163 commercial
policyholders inside the wind pool, beginning in
March. The average policy for this group of non-
residential customers is now $1,276 annually;
it would climb to $11,073 for new and renewal
Premiums for five commercial-residential cus-
tomers, including residential condominiums, are
scheduled to increase in March, but Citizens spokes-
man Rocky Scott said the amount of the increase is
not yet available.
A 104.6 percent increase for 2,757 high-risk

increases before they can be implemented.
The other checkpoint would be the Florida Leg-
islature, which assembles Jan. 16 in Tallahassee for a
special session to try and find solutions for the state's
insurance crisis.
State Rep. Bill Galvano, who represents western Man-
atee County, said that he hopes the special session will "do
something" about the proposed Citizens rate hikes if they
still pose a problem at the point the session convenes.
"Whatever we do should be retroactive in appli-
cation so we have the most timely effect for people,"
Galvano said.
Some legislative leaders are saying the problem
with the Citizens rate proposal is that its actuaries mis-
interpreted Senate Bill 1980, the controversial state
insurance law approved in May.
That law requires Citizens to include the cost of rein-
surance (insurance for the insurers) in its rates even though
Citizens does not have to buy reinsurance. The require-
ment was to help Citizens build up a surplus and create
'an insurance market environment that would encourage
standard insurers to write more policies in Florida.

homeowners inside the wind pool includes an
already approved 31.3 percent increase effective in
January, and a proposed March increase of 73.3 per-
cent. A homeowner who has been paying $1,000 for
insurance would be increased to $1,313 on the first
renewal after January. If the proposed increase for
March is approved, the $1,313 policy would increase
to $2,275.
There are increases of 8.5 to 26.3 percent for the
15,606 homeowners in the personal-lines category,
most of whom are outside the wind pool.
The 26.3 percent increase plan for homeowners
qualifying for the wind pool includes an approved
rate hike of 16.4 percent effective in January and an
additional 9.9 percent recommended rate increase
for March. A $1,000 policy would increase to $1,164
in January and then jump to $1,279, if the March
proposal is approved.
Homeowners outside the wind pool are not
scheduled for a January increase from Citizens. How-
ever, the state insuror is recommending that rates for
this group go up 8.5 percent in March. If approved,
a $1,000 policy would increase to $1,085.

But state Rep. Don Brown, a Defuniak Springs
insurance agent, is quoted in a recent Tallahassee Dem-
ocrat story as saying that Citizens based its rate hikes
on the reinsurance market for 2006, when reinsurance
costs were at their highest, rather than using a lower,
five-year average or "blended" cost.
Another important component in the Citizens com-
mercial rate-setting, according to spokesman Scott, was
the effort Citizens had to make to match the higher
rates charged by the Florida Property and Casualty Joint
Underwriting Association (FPCJUA).
The state established the PCJUA in August to sell
wind coverage to small businesses that are unable to
find coverage in the regular insurance market and are
not eligible for Citizens.
Policyholders who have suggestions for Citizens
can now submit their comments electronically to a new
Web site at www.CitizensForABetterCitizens.com.
The new site was launched Nov. 27 by the Florida
Office of Insurance Regulation as a way to collect
public comment on how Citizens can improve customer
service and operate in a more efficient manner.


7 -. \ :

citizen~ !--~s summary


10 N DEC. (. 2006 M THE ISL.ANDEIR

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By Lisa Neff
Islander Reporter
Save Anna Maria Inc. members took action Dec. 2
to oppose a possible registration fee for non-motorized
water crafts.
SAM, meeting at the Island Branch Library, 5701
Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, approved a letter to the Flor-
ida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission opposing
a potential $10-per-craft fee for several reasons.
SAM member Diane Canniff of Anna Maria drafted
the letter, which suggests such a fee is a mechanism to
increase the number of registered crafts in Florida to
receive increased federal maritime funds.
The state has explored requiring registration of
canoes, kayaks, rowboats, sailboats and paddlecraft.
While legislation isn't yet pending to create a registration
system and fee, the state hasn't abandoned the idea.
SAM's concerns are that the fee would pose an
undue burden on small craft owners and small business:
owners who rent or sell kayaks and other non-motor-
ized crafts.
In addition, in the letter, SAM argues that registration
numbers would mar the aesthetics of antique small crafts,
that the fees wouldn't cover the cost of processing the
registrations and that enforcement would be difficult.
"I think you could say it would be a nightmare to
try to enforce it," said Molly McCartney.
The group on Saturday explored several other
topics, including the annexation of the area around
Kingfish Boat Ramp, the creation of the Grassy Point
preserve in Holmes Beach and coping with the state
insurance crisis.
Joe Duennes, public works director for Holmes
Beach, briefed SAM on the annexation question and
the Grassy Point Project.
Duennes said a representative from the county is
expected to attend the Holmes Beach City Commission
meeting Dec. 12 to discuss the Kingfish Boat Ramp
project and a voluntary annexation of the area into
Holmes Beach.
Holmes Beach commissioners and Mayor Rich
Bohnenberger want to annex the area around Kingfish,
not to run the boat ramp but to have some authority in
'the entryway to the city and the policing of the area.
"The police jurisdiction out there is in question,"
Duennes said.
It was believed until a survey this year that although
Manatee County managed the boat ramp, the area was
within Holmes Beach city limits.,
When the survey showed otherwise, city officials
began discussing a possible annexation. But county
commissioners recently said no to that option, instead
expressing a willingness to discuss other arrange-
Duennes said it seems the city limits were the shore-
line, and that land added for the bridge construction and
causeway was placed in Manatee County. "That's my
best guess as to how this happened," he said, adding

The Anna Maria Elementary School Parent-
Teacher Organization is planning a Dolphin Dash
5k Fun Run in January and is seeking sponsors for
a T-shirt that will be given to all runners'.
AME students are busily preparing contest
entries for the shirt's design, and the deadline for
sponsorship is Friday, Dec. 8. Event co-chair Becky
Walter adds that there are other sponsor opportu-
nities available, such as a water station and door
The run will be Saturday, Jan. 20, with proceeds
generated by entry fees of $20 per adtilt and $ 10 for
. participants under age 16.
The run will start at the school, 4700 Gulf
Drive, Holmes Beach, and will loop around town
to end at the school. Walter said the route is still

that "the fight is long from over."
At nearby Grassy Point, Duennes said no permits
have yet been issued for the restoration and preserva-
tion work.
In late October, the Holmes Beach City Commis-
sion backed an agreement with the Sarasota Bay Estu-
ary Program for restoration and preservation at Grassy
"If you've got a bad day and want to lose your
troubles, get in a boat and float down those flats," said
SAM's Billie Martini.
The city used state funds in 2000 to purchase large
portions of Grassy Point, located off East Bay Drive
north of Mike Norman Real Estate and south of Sandy
Point Condos.
SBEP, one of 28 national estuary programs in
the United States, has a design for Grassy Point that
includes exotic plant removal, re-vegetation and habitat
restoration. The preserve could become a sanctuary for
herons, osprey, pelicans, mangrove crabs, snails, fish at
high tide, raccoons and squirrels, as well as a mangrove
Eventually there may be a nature trail and board-
SBEP came up with 50 percent of the $80,000
needed for the first phase of the project, including
$10,000 in funding from the U.S. Interior Department's
Fish and Wildlife Service. Holmes Beach included the
remaining $40,000 in its fiscal 2006-07 budget.
About $30,000 of the funds will be used for per-
mitting and planning and $50,000 for exotic removal,
habitat restoration and maintenance.
Duennes told SAM that the SBEP is handling
much of the project work. "We've told them they're
the experts, please handle this," he said, adding that
the plans are for a "passive park" Without recreational
activity, or even a picnic area.
Responding to a concern about craft with propellers
venturing into the preservation area, Duennes commit-
ted to placing "No props" signs at two entryways from
the bay.
SAM also agreed on Saturday to form a commit-
tee to work with other groups to encourage Manatee
County to look into the possibility of purchasing the
St. Joe's Perico development property.'
The property isn't on the market and sales continue,
but in September St. Joe's announced plans to leave the
state's homebuilding market and that has opponents of
its Perico project hoping for a change of course.
"There's nothing that's absolutely impossible,"
Martini said.
SAM members said maybe St. Joe's would want to
sell the property, which with government grants'could
.. be purchased for recreational purposes.
"We still need an awful lot of information," Martini
SAM's next regular meeting will take place in

being finalized with the help of the Holmes Beach
Police Department. There will also be a one-mile
fun run.
"The event is more than just a school fund-
raiser," said Walter. "It's a fitness promoter. Maybe
some of the kids will get excited about running."
Parents and community members are invited
to participate. Walter said students will be given a
"training sheet" to log practice runs. Students who
run 12 practice miles before race day will earn a
pair of AME Dolphin Dash shoelaces to wear the
day of the event.
The 5k run will start at 8 a.m. The one-mile run
will begin an hour later.
For more information, call Walter at 383-

Sponsors sought for

AME Dolphin Dash

----- -----------

THIE ISLANDER M DEC. 6. 2006 0 11

Inspired actress Knode shares

talents with youngsters

By Lisa Neff
Islander Reporter
Barbara Knode knows personally that witnessing
live theater can be a life-changing experience for a
child, so she's dedicated to an Asolo Repertory program
that helps bring students into the house.
Knode was in elementary school when she saw her
first professional theatrical performance, the Tony-win-
ning Broadway production of "The King and I," star-
ring Yul Brynner and Gertrude Lawrence.
"That turned me on to theater," said the Holmes
Beach resident.
The experience thrilled Knode, who pursued a
career in theater, studying at the American Theater
Wing in New York City and acting in off-Broadway
productions. She and her husband, Don, then moved
to Japan, where they lived for three decades. There,
Knode dubbed movies and provided English narrations
to programs. She also starred in a weekly TV series
speaking Japanese for the role.
Knode continues to work in theater on the Gulfcoast.
As a volunteer with the Asolo Repertory Theatre Guild
Play Readers, she performs and directs. She also works,
through Play Readers, to make sure young people expe-
rience live theater, as she first did when she watched
Anna and the King dance in the Royal Palace.
"You reach a stage in your life when giving is more
important than receiving," Knode said. "I think it's a
natural progression for me, having been in professional
theater and wanting to give back."
Knode and the Play Readers will appear at 10:30
a.m. Dec. 12 at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina
Drive, as part of the Friends of the Island Library lec-
-ture program.
Instead of lecturing, the group will present "Radio
Memories," with Knode making the introduction. Com-
piled by Play Readers member Paul Stoddard, the work
recreates moments from the golden years of radio.
The Play Readers, at 30-years-old, is a group of
former professional, semi-professional and commu-
nity actors and some "hams" who gather on
the second Mondays October through May, to read
The readers also go out to perform select, abbre-
viated plays before audiences, such as the one that
will assemble at the Island library. The readers arrive
with reading stands and some scene-setting costume
items and props and they-perform for 30 minutes to an
"We enjoy doing what we are doing," said Knode.
"And I find it very rewarding."
Donations the Play Readers collect help fund the
Asolo's educational outreach project, Access to the
Arts. Access provides teacher training, study materi-,
als and subsidizes tickets for thousands of middle- and
high-school age students in the area to attend Asolo Rep
mainstage productions.
"Many of these children have never seen live
theater," Knode said. "They are exposed to the best
The students experience the thrill that comes when
"the lights go down and the curtain goes up," Knode

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Barbara Knode, former chair of the Asolo Reper-
tory Theatre Guild Play Readers and an actress who
trained in New York, will join the Friends of the
Island Library on Dec. 12 at the Island Branch, 5701
Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Knode will introduce a
performance, "Radio Memories, "by the Play Read-
ers. Islander Photo: Lisa Neff

added. "It's very exciting to see them come in and
watch. I always get a sort of lump in my throat to see
their transformation."
Knode, who appeared in the Island Players' staging
of "Sylvia," became involved with the Play Readers in
Since then, Knode has directed and appeared in
many of the Asolo Play Readers' productions, helped
select plays to perform, and also served as the group's.
"It's been quite an involvement," she said during
an interview in her Key Royale Drive home.
The Play Readers program is the last of the Friends
lecture series of events in 2006. The series continues:
Jan. 9, 1.0:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. James McCart-
ney, a former Washington, D.C., correspondent and lec-
turer who plans to talk about "Iraq and Beyond: Can
America Rule the World?"
*Feb. 13, 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. Dr. John Mellon,
a literary critic and retiredLprofessor who plans to talk
about Philip Roth's "Everyman."
March 13, 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. Jeff LaHurd,
an author and lecturer who plans to talk about his book,
"Spring Training in Sarasota, 1924-1960."
April 10, 10:30 a.m. Suzi Fox, the Anna Maria
Island Turtle Watch director who plans to talk about "16
years of nesting data on Anna Maria Island."
Also, the library hosts weekly family story times
at 10 a.m. Tuesday, monthly book club discussions at
10:15 a.m. on the second Wednesdays and an annual
book sale, presented by the Friends. The next sale is
Feb. 3 and book donations are being collected now.

... Friends lecture
series begins
.. .. Dr. David Mullen talks
about "positive psychol-
ogy" during a lecture
Nov. 14 at the Island
Branch Library, 5701
Marina Drive, Holmes
Beach. Mullen saidposi-
tive psychology focuses on
"not fixing what's wrong
but on amplifying what's
S I right. The lecture was the
SI I first in a series sponsored
lI ~by the Friends of the
S Island Library. The next
lecture takes place Dec.
12 and features former
actress Barbara Knode, a
resident of Holmes Beach.
Islander Photo: Lisa Neff

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12 M DEC. 6, 2006 T THE ISLANDER

'Breaking Legs' tickles audience funny bone

By Lisa Neff
Special Commentary
There's some bada bing, bada boom in "Breaking
And there's a lot of zing in the comedy being per-
formed by the Island Players in their second of five
productions this season.
"Breaking Legs," dated to 1989 by its un-PC char-
acterizations of Italian-Americans and curious refer-
ences to Connie Chung, is a comedy involving the
intersection of two different worlds live theater and
organized crime.
The action revolves around a mild-mannered play-
writing professor, Terence O'Keefe, seeking investors
to produce his off-off-Broadway play about a murder.
His search for funding brings him to the back room
of an Italian restaurant operated by Lou Graziano, the
father of one of Terence's former students, Angie Gra-
The Grazianos have "family" connections -
"Uncle" Mike Francisco and "Uncle" Tino De Felice
and soon Terence has some goodfellas seriously
interested in investing in his play.
Only they're not so interested in "off-off-Broad-
way" and a piddly $100,000 production. They're think-
ing "on Broadway" and $900,000 and maybe some
song and dance.
Terence becomes suspicious about his new asso-
ciates when "Uncle" Frankie Salvucci, who's got a
debt he can't pay and a bad habit at the track, turns up
"Breaking Legs" opened in. San Francisco in 1989
and got its New York premier in 1991, with Philip
Bosco and Vincent Gardenia starring in the off-Broad-
way production at the Promenade Theater.
The Island Players performed the play 10 years ago
and brought it back, directed again by Phyllis Elfen-
bein, because of its popularity.

Cortez potluck dinner Friday
Two prime Cortez entities are combining func-
tions this week and ending up with a community-wide
potluck dinner Friday, Dec. 8, at the Bayside Banquet
The Florida Institute for Saltwater Heritage, which
normally would be meeting Thursday, will instead con-
fine itself to a board meeting just before Friday's dinner.
And Cortez Trailer Park is joining in as part of its holi-
day program.
Open to anybody from anywhere, as one Cortezian
put it, the joint affair is expected to attract 150 or more
people. It will begin at 6:30 p.m. at Bayside, on the
Cortez waterfront at the bay end of 119th Street.

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It looks like the Players might be encouraged to
bring "Breaking Legs" back in another 10 years. On the
second night of the current production, actors Robert
Lamb, Melanie Marquez, Stephen Ivester, Joe Kerata,
Robert Becchetti and Anthony Busciglio stepped into
the light to take their bows and earned a standing ova-
tion. Elfenbein heard her congratulations from the back
of the house.
Marquez, getting her first stage credit, was believ-
able as Angie Graziano, the lusty mafia princess with
a thing for the button-downed professor. She earned
some of the night's biggest laughs with her sarcastic
She and Ivester, deftly portraying the professor,
were responsible for bringing Act One to a climax that
was guaranteed to generate post-theater conversation.
Lamb was loveable as Lou Graziano, the restaurant
owner interested in seeing his daughter married off.
Busciglio's appearance on stage as Frankie the
"jammed up" weasel was brief, but memorable as he
expressed his fear of the mobsters in the details of his
Kerata, as the mob boss, and Becchetti, as the
muscle, stole audience hearts with their first words on.
The soft lighting, the gangster suits, the props and
the set- the red and white tabletops, "Italia" maps, ivy

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p s ad Stephen
S Ivester and
star in
the Island
of "Break-
ing Legs
now on
stage at
the Island
Dec. 30.
I a Bonner Joy

plants and wrapped wine bottles firmly placed the
audience with "family" in the backroom of an Italian
Credit for the set and props includes Elfenbein
and crew chief Jack Abene. Light design was by Chris
McVicker, sound design by Bob Grant and costume
design by Don Bailey assisted by Pat Russell. Bobbie
Beriger was light technician, while Barb Gusie was
sound technician. Rita Lamoreux took charge of hair
and makeup design.
Joanne Romans served as stage manager and Carol
Cozan and Lorraine Marshall as assistant stage manag-
One suggestion for those planning to attend "Break-
ing Legs" eat before the show. There's so much
discussing, ordering and dining in this play one might
even imagine the smell of garlic in the house.
"Breaking Legs" runs through Dec. 10, with per-
formances at 8 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday and at 2
p.m. Sunday at the playhouse, 10009 Gulf Drive, Anna
Maria. Tickets are $15.
The season continues with "Smell of the Kill" by
Michael Lowe, Jan. 18-Feb. 4, "Drinking Alone" by
Norm Foster, March 15-April 1, and "Guest in the
House" by Hager Wilde and Dale Eunson from May
For tickets, call 941-778-5755.


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THE ISLANDER M DEC. 6, 2006 m 13

Beach lures missing,

adventurous kids

from home
Two children ages 5 and 7 were reported missing
early Sunday morning, Nov. 26, after they apparently
attempted to take a stroll on the beach alone.
According to the report, the father of the 5-year-old
woke up at approximately 6 a.m. to take a walk on the
beach. Before leaving, he woke his son, and his son's
cousin, to inquire if they wanted to join him as they had
almost every other morning. The kids chose to sleep
in and the father left leaving them and the cousin's
mother sleeping.
When the father returned approximately three hours
later, he noticed the kids were not in bed and asked the
mother of the 7-year-old where they were. She said she
thought they had gone on the walk with him.
When police arrived, the woman told them the boys
had been sleeping on a pull-out couch near the door which
was locked, but either child could have unlocked it.
Police began searching the area and a trolley driver
reported seeing one of the missing boys in the 2300
block of Gulf Drive. Moments later, the mother of the
7-year-old boy received a call on her cell phone from
a gentleman advising that he had found her son at the
Circle K store.
At this same time, Bradenton Beach Police
responded to the scene of an accident involving a
vehicle and a child who was identified as the missing
5-year-old boy.
According to the report, the boy was running across
Gulf Drive North and ran into the path of a vehicle that
was stopped, or slowed to almost a complete stop. The
boy was taken to Blake Medical Center, although he had
suffered only a minor abrasion to his forehead.
According to the report, it wasn't clear if his injury
was from the car, or from falling down.
The boys had. apparently changed their minds about
taking a morning stroll on the beach and left the house
to join the younger boy's father. The 7-year-old admit-
ted to unlocking the door so that they could sneak out
while his mother was still asleep.
Holmes Beach Police Lt. Dale Stephenson said
parents who are concerned their young children might
be equally adventurous. should install a double lock,
or eyehole screw with a hook at a height their children,
can't easily reach.

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A 5-year-

v-thome was
s injured by
.sni a car while
Sn i attempt-
Dv i ing to
cross Gulf
S' Drive in
E c l Bradenton
Beach Nov.
26. He
... r s received a
minor head
A Paul Roat

-- .-Z.

HBPD seeks volunteers for missing.children program
By Lisa Neff 2005, in one of the first CART activations, state and
Islander Reporter federal authorities found a 12-year-old girl who went
Holmes Beach Police Detective Sgt. Terri Davis is missing from Manatee County at an Easley, S.C., Wal-
recruiting volunteers she hopes she never needs to call Mart.
upon. Last November, the U.S. Justice Department
Davis is writing the department's master guide for announced that the Florida program would serve as
responding to missing or abducted children and key to a model for the country, complementing the AMBER
the plan is a roster of volunteers. Alert program already in place.
"If a child goes missing it really is a community "One of the greatest challenges law enforce-
effort," Davis said of the response. meant faces is responding to the report of a missing
One of the highest profile abduction cases in recent child," said Joe Estey, past president of the Inter-
years was the kidnapping, rape and murder of 11-year- nationa'IAssociation of Chiefs of Police. "But the
old Carlie Brucia in Sarasota. Videotape captured activation of available officers, coordination across
Carlie's abduction from a Sarasota car wash on Feb. 1, multiple jurisdictions and securing the necessary
2004. Her body was discovered five days later. expertise, can often eclipse the assets of any one
The crime led Florida law enforcement personnel department."
to create regional Child Abduction Response Teams Davis has been involved with the CART program
(CARTs) to train and organize investigators, analysts, since the start. Her training led-her to work with Holmes
forensic experts, counselors and volunteers to respond Beach Police Chief Jay Romine on an action plan that
to reports of kidnapped children. details how to respond to a report of a missing or
In Florida, CARTs have been credited with rescuing abducted child.
12 children, said Kristen Perezluha, spokeswoman for Davis' plan already details the roles of the police
the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. In April PLEASE SEE MISSING, NEXT PAGE


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14 0 DEC. 6. 2006 E THE ISLANDER
Flu shots offered by Center
all day Dec. 18
Flu shots will be given on Dec. 18 at St. Bernard
Catholic Church under the sponsorship of the Anna
Maria Island Community Center.
Hours for the shots will be 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Cost
is $25, and identification and Medicare Part-B cards
must be shown. Most Center activities have moved
from Anna Maria to the church at 248 S. Harbor Drive,
Holmes Beach, during ongoing construction of the
Center. Details may be obtained by calling 778-1908.
Kiwanis Club to hear
program on .medical care
Sue Lamasdro will deliver a presentation on "Medi-
cal Care" to the Kiwanis Club of Anna Maria Island
at its breakfast meeting at 7:30 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 9,
at the Cafe on the Beach, 4000 Gulf Drive, Holmes
Additional details may be obtained by phoning

Garden club holiday meeting
is next Wednesday
The holiday meeting for the Anna Maria Garden Club
will be at noon Wednesday, Dec. 13, at Roser Memorial
Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria.
A musical program will b presented by Marilyn and
Jim Shirley to include a "singalong" with the audience.
Details may be obtained by calling 778-2607.

Our fast claims service
is "No Problem."
Sur agency is well known for providing fast,
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Ask us about our great: ..-.. .
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(941) 778-2253

Here are some "NO COST'
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1. Replace or clean your system's
filter on a monthly basis, Dirty filters
restrict airflow. forcing your system
to work hard an dlessefficint

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your supply and return vents

3. MIvake sure your windows and doors
areompetelyAdod~whilour -
Q systemi op.peratine,



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5347 Gulf Drive, No. 4,
tHolmes Beach Business Center,-
191Holmes 1 ch Q0 '44,,


Longboat chamber schedules Leadership program
A seven-session leadership program over four sor, and is designed to "expose future leaders to the
months will begin in January under the sponsorship opportunities and challenges of the community."
of the Longboat-Lido-St. Armands Keys Chamber Cost of the total program is $150 and the
of Commerce. deadline for application is Dec. 15. First session
Called L3SAK, the program is based on leadership will be Jan. 9.
programs conducted across the country, said the spon- Full information is available at 383-2466.

Missing children helpers sought
department's personnel, from dispatchers to responding
officers to detectives.
Still needed for the plan is a roster of volunteers and
theToles they might play. Bilingual volunteers might
be needed as interpreters. Volunteers, possibly Island
businesses, might be needed to bring'food and bever-
ages for law enforcement officers and other volunteers.
Volunteers might be needed to distribute flyers. And
volunteers might be needed for search parties.
"God forbid that this happens here, but I want us to

Episcopal Church of the Annunciation

,-^ -. ::. .-- _
l i *;lt-A11p *


All are welcome!

Holy Eucharists
Sun. 8am and 10am
Thurs. 9:30 am (Healing)
Call for Holy Days
4408 Gulf Dr.
Holmes Beach
for more information

3 1 44

Bonser art at Island
SGallery West
Island Gallery West has selected
v eJohn C. Bonser as the "artist of
the month" for December with a
display of his photographs there,
5368 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach.
Following careers in the min-
istry and financial planning, he
a devotes his time to photographing
local scenery in black and white,
infrared and color. The gallery's
Saturday demonstration Dec. 9
will feature Nancy Law "Paint-
ing on Wood With Acrylics" from
10 a.m. until noon. The gallery is
open from 10 a.m. to 5p.m. except
Sunday. Details may be obtained
by calling 77&-6648.
have everything together," Davis said of the prepara-
tions. "We might have a core group of volunteers with
volunteers underneath-them.... It really depends on the
response I get from the community."
The police department would conduct, a check of
a potential volunteer to make sure his or her record is
.'"You do hae to be careful about the volunteers
that you have," Da is said. "'Ve'd do a simple back-
ground check."
Da i s encouraged people interested in \olunteerinQ
to call the Holmes Beach Police Departmnent at 7(-5804.
emt. 243. and lea\ e a name and contact information.

{a s r m. rm ial Mnu nitu G turrly
A Non-Denominational. ChristianChurch
Rev. Gary A. Batey* Serving the Community Since 1913
Come Celebrate Christ
Worship Service: 10am
Children's Church School: 10am
Youth Church School: 10am
7 7 Transportation & Nursery Available
i 512 Pine Ave, Anna Maria 778-0414
: a www.roserchurch.com

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church. ELCA
Pastor Rosemary W. Backer
Saturday 5pm Service of Celebration
Sunday 8 6. 10 :30arri Worship Service
Nursery available at 10.30am
Youth Sunday School 10:.30am
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THE ISLANDER M DEC. 6, 2006 M 15

Every o e vted!
All three Island cities' residents, officials, kids,
parents, grandparents Everyone!
Absolutely everyone's invited to Holiday Fun Day.
10-3 Saturday Dec. 9
A Thle Islander


Join the parade or watch -from the streets from Anna Maria to Coquina
Beach, where Santa will visit with young-uns aboard ship. At Coquina, Chuck
aiad Joey Lester, on behalf of the Anna Maria Island Community Center,
welcome young and old alike to their traditional Holiday Fun Day. Prize raffle
courtesy The Islander. Loads of turkey chances. Old-fashioned prices and fun.
Isie old times
Parade:.Anna Maria to Coquina 10-noon
Santa Visits: Coquina Beach noon to ?
Holiday Fun Day: Coquina Beach noon-3
Information: AMICC 778-1908, Privateers 778-8519
Presented by the Privateers, the Lesters, the Anna Maria Island
Community Center and The Islander newspaper.



16 M DEC. 6. 2006 U THE ISLANDER

Four years for

Island Mail and More
Island Mail and More at 3230 E. Bay Drive in
Holmes Beach had its fourth anniversary last week and
owner Sue Normand is celebrating with some new
features at the store.
Island Mail now has passport photograph and pro-
cessing service, in addition to its package service for
United Parcel Service, U.S. Postal Service, Federal
Express and DHL.
But there's much more. Sue provides computer
Internet service and customers can use either the store's
computers or their own laptop. Sue also has computer
instruction lessons for beginners and assistance with
e-mail and Internet.
Island Mail and More is also a copy and fax center,
has mail box rentals, provides packaging and crating
along with a number of business services, including
typing, Web-page design and a notary public.
Sue also has a conference center available for meet-
ings, presentations, consultations, real estate closings
and a host of other services.
With the Christmas season now in full swing, Sue
is advising her patrons to ship early to avoid the late
rush and ensure packages and gifts arrive on time.
For more information on Island Mail and More,
-call_ gt778-1911.

Dancing the
night away in
Holmes Beach
K.C. and the Sunshine
Dancers perform in
the parking lot of
the Island Shopping
Center alongside
their sponsor's office,
The Islander news-
paper, for an early
evening crowd Dec. 1.
Working with coach
Kristina Castner
and assistant Julia
Virgilio, the dancers
are preparing for a
state contest. Islander
Photos: Lisa Neff

Brandon, 1, and Tabatha Kramer visit with Santa in
the Island Shopping Center during the Downtown
Holmes Beach Holiday Open House on Dec. 1. The
Kramers are visiting from Columbus, Ohio.

Island mail perks
Sue Normand of Island Mail and More at 3230 E. .
Bay Drive in Holmes Beach with some of her happy.
faces. Islander Photo: Nancy Ambrose

Monday, Dec. 11
Breakfast: Pancake on a Stick. Yogurt, Cereal,
Toast, Fruit
Lunch: Maxx Sticks or Breaded Beef Pattie, Broc-
coli. Mashed Potatoes, Mandarin Oranges
Tuesday, Dec. 12
Breakfast: Chicken Patty on a Biscuit, Cereal,
Toast, Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich, Fruit
Lunch: Chicken Tenders or Hoagie with Chicken
Noodle Soup. Potato Smiles, Mixed Veggies, Fruit
Wednesday, Dec. 13
Breakfast: Cheese Omelet with Hash Browns,
Yogurt, Cereal. Toast, Fruit
Lunch: Hot Dog or Muffin and Yogurt Plate, Green
Beans, Carrot Sticks with Dip, Pineapple Tidbits
Thursday, Dec. 14
Breakfast: Sausage and Egg Patty on a Biscuit,
Cereal, Toast. Bagels, Fruit
Holiday Lunch: Sliced Turkey or Baked Ham
Slices, Mashed Potatoes with Gravy, Stuffing,
Green Beans. Roll. Dessert
Friday, Dec. 15
Breakfast: Pancakes, Graham Crackers, Cereal,
Toast, Fruit
Lunch: Pizza or Chicken Quesadilla, Corn, Garden
Salad, Pears
Juice and milk are served with every meal.

Reindeers Nick Cooney, 5, and Aidan Cooney, 3, of
Bradenton Beach, work at the Anna Maria Island
Chamber-of Commerce tree-lighting celebration.
Their job is to hand out candy after sampling

Stone crabs

on menu at AME
Moore's Stone Crab Restaurant will cater, the An na'
Maria Elementary School Parent-Teacher Organization
dinner before a holiday performance by the fifth-grade
class Tuesday, Dec. 12.
Dinner will be served from 5 to 7 p.m. in the caf-
eteria. The evening's menu consists of stone crab claws
or a chicken pasta grill, accompanied by clam cho"\ der
and tossed salad.
Dinner costs $8 for adults and $5 for children if
pre-purchased, and $1 more if purchased at the door.
There will be a PTO 'meeting in the media center at
6 p.m. and the student presentation of''Santi's Rockin'
Christmas Eve," will begin at 7 p.m. in the auditorium
Advance tickets for the PTO dinner are available
in the school administrative office. Meals-to-go will
also be available. For more information, call 708-
5525. -" .

Winter break for public schools
Winter break for public school .student< in Manatee
County will begin Monday, Dec. 18.
Classes will resume Friday, Jan. 5, although
administration offices will reopen prior to the students'
For more information, call your school administra-
- tion office. Lf I i. i .

English tiiaiaioiiner Guitii Sttcphni and hier tricl
titpiu ti's TuIinnet. 3. anid SI'piise;, look at wtci Cilr il-
HLt hit iOl' iidt; i ilt A i,-\ i li a it IS hld ChuIibti 1I'14
C ,'iunt icc. The clamber intutned on tiu lite lQlghs
on Flridtliy night. tilthe opening_ toh du n:totou n <'pcnI

Card exchange Wednesday
at Harrington House
A business card exchange and holiday gathering
sponsored by the Anna Maria Island Chamber of Com-
merce will be from 5 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 6, at
Harrington House, 5626 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach.
Details may be obtained by telephoning 778-1541.

The Griffith- Cli Funeral Home at 6000 Marina :,:
Drive in Holmnes Beach was sold last week to John
;Agnelli of.Agmneli Construction Co. in Holmes Beach
r' $51.1 million. The new owner is already advertis-
ing Otr tenants. Isiadcr Photo: Rick Catlin

Sales associate named to board
Pat-Watkins of Coldwell Banker residential real
estate's Holmes Beach office-at. 36 14 E. Ba) Dri' e
was recently named to the Manatee County Citizens
Re% ie'% Board to review cases of abused, neglected or
abandoned children."
Watkins completed 30 hours of training to be eli-
gible for the board, which reviews cases and makes
recommendations to the courts.
"She is a caring woman and an active member
of our community," said Deeana Atkinson, Coldwell
Banker's branch manager for the Island office.
To reach Pat, call 778-226 ,
.. .. . ... . .. . . . .

THE ISLANDER U DEC. 6. 2006 N 17


Myron Allen Brown
Myron Allen Brown, 95, of Anna Maria, died Nov.
Mr. Brown moved to Anna Maria from Bradenton
four years ago upon marrying Esther Cromer.
He was an avid ham radio operator and a challenge
square dancer. He had lived in Hawaii for 27 years and
was there during the attack on Pearl Harbor. He was a
member of the Hawaiian Masonic Lodge.
A memorial service will be held following regular
.Sunday service on Dec. 10 at the Westminster Presby-
terian Church, 3011 19th Ave. W., Bradenton.
Mr. Brown is survived by wife Esther; niece Anne
Soulee; nephews Orville and Wesley Neely; Esther's
sons Bart, Phil and John Cromer and her daughter Paula
Bryant; and many more family members.

Col. Henry Weinhold Cogley
Col. Henry Weinhold.Cogley, USAR (Ret.), 66. of Bra-
denton, died Nov. 27.
Born in Lancaster, Pa., Col. Cogle\ %a ", lifelong
resident of Manatee County. He was a graduate of Majna-
tee County High School and University of Florida College
of Pharmacy. He was a pharmacist for 38 years, having
worked at Webbs Island Pharmacy and Rich's Beach Drugs'
in Holmes Beach and Dick Touchton Drugs in Bradenton. as

well as pharmacy manager at Kmart at Beachway Plaza. He
was a member of the Sertoma Club of Bradenton for more
than 30 years and the DeSoto Historical Society, where he
served on the crew for two years. He was a member of the
Bradenton Yacht Club and was a member of the original
faculty of the Florida Fishing College. He attended Oneco
United Methodist Church.
Memorial services were Dec. 1. Memorial contributions
may be made to the Sertoma Club of Bradenton Speech and
Hearing Fund, P.O. Box 152, Bradenton FL 34206. Griffith-
Cline Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.
He is survived by wife Ellen Cantrell; daughter Sarah
Frost Humphrey and her husband Matthew Joseph; and
grandson Ethan Henry Humphrey.
James Allen 'Skully' Hungerford
James Allen "Skully" Hungerford, 67, of Palmetto, died
Nov. 22.
S" Born in Akron, Ohio, Mr. Hun-
gerford came to Manatee County
from there in 1971. He was a fiber-

H fW

glass master. He was a. member ot
the Anna Maria Island Privateers,
Palmetto Moose Lodge 2117 and
Palma Sola Bay Baptist Church.
No visitation is planned. People
are asked to attend the worship ser-
vice at 10:30 a.m. Dec. 17 at the.

church. A celebration of life will be held from 2 to 4 p.m.
Dec. 17 at the Bradenton Beach Volunteer Fire Station,
Second Street and Highland Avenue. Memorial contributions
may be made to the church, 4000 75th St. W., Bradenton FL
34209. Covell Cremation and Funeral Center in Bradenton
is in charge of arrangements.
He is survived by fiancee Patti Lamoreux; daughter
Heidi Adams, Heather Webb, Cindy Lynn Lloyd and Tammy
McFall; son Jimmy Dobbins; sister Alice Ferguson; brother
George; and four grandchildren.

Neena M. Robinson
Neena M. Robinson, 55, of Crest Hill, Ill., and formerly
Anna Maria Island, died Nov. 26.
Mrs. Robinson was born in Lancaster, Ohio, and lived
on the Island for 16 years before moving to Crest Hill three
months ago to be closer to her grandchildren. She was a
longtime bartender on the Island, and worked at the Moose
Lodge in Bradenton Beach. In Crest Hill, she worked at
Gippers Bar and Grill as a cook.
Memorial services and visitation were Dec. 1 in Illinois.
Tezak Funeral Home, Joliet, Ill., was in charge of arrange-
She is survived by husband Richard W.; sons Tony
Thompson and his wife Alissa and Andrew White and his
wife Stacey; sister Kathy Strait and her husband Fred; and
grandchildren Andrew Nickolas White and Taylor and
Wesley Conrad.

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New patients seen
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All toys will be given to Anna Maria Elementary
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18 a DEC. 6, 2006 0 THE ISLANDER

Wednesday, Dec. 6
7 to 8 a.m. Pier Regulars meeting at the Anna Maria
City Pier, 100 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria. Information: 778-
12:30 to 4 p.m. Anna Maria Island Community Center
hosts duplicate bridge at St. Bernard Catholic Church, 248
S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-1908. Fee
1 to 3 p.m. Anna Maria Island Community Center-
sponsored Sit 'n' Knit class at St. Bernard Catholic Church,
248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-1908.
Fee applies.
5 to 7 p.m. Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce
Business Card Exchange at the Harrington House Bed and
Breakfast, 5626 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-

Thursday, Dec. 7
1 to 2:30 p.m. Barbara Hines demonstrates crafting
holiday cards at the Artists Guild Gallery, 5413 Marina Drive,
Holmes Beach. Information: 778-6694.
8 p.m. Opening night of "Seussical" at the Manatee
Players Riverfront Theatre, 102 Old Main St., Bradenton.
Information: 748-5875. Fee applies.

Friday, Dec. 8
8:45 to 10 a.m.- Anna Maria Island Community Center-
sponsored Kripalu Yoga class with Dolce Little at St. Bernard
Catholic Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach. Infor-




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mation: 778-1908. Fee applies.
11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Anna Maria Island Community
Center hosts the "Food for Life" cooking class "Fueling Up on
Low-fat Foods" at St. Bernard Catholic Church, 248 S. Harbor
Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-1908.
5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Bradenton Preparatory Academy
"Holiday Snowfest Celebration" at the school, 7900 40th Ave.
W., Bradenton. Information: 792-7838.
8 p.m. Florida West Coast Symphony "Masterworks"
at Neel Performing Arts Center, 5840 26th St.W., Bradenton.
Information: 953-3434. Fee applies.

Saturday, Dec. 9
8:30 a.m. Kiwanis Club breakfast meeting with guest
speaker Sue Lamasdro on medical care at Cafe on the Beach,
Manatee Public Beach, 4700 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach.
9 to 11 a.m. "Sea Monsters" family program at Mote
Marine Education Resource Center, 1600 Ken Thompson
Pkwy., Sarasota. Information: 388-4441. Fee applies.
9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Historic Bridge Street Merchants Holi-
day Celebration along Bridge Street, Bradenton Beach.
10 a.m. to noon Painting on wood with acrylics dem-
onstration by artist Nancy Law at Island Gallery West, 5368
Gulf Drive, Holmes'Beach. Information: 792-1039.
10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Anna Maria Island Art League
"Winterfest" fine arts and crafts show at Holmes Beach City
Hall field, 5801 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information:
10:15 a.m. Holmes Beach Civic Association meet-
ing with guest speaker Holmes Beach Commissioner David
Zaccagnino at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive,
Holmes Beach.
1 to 6 p.m. "Parents Day Out" hosted by Island Bap-
tist Church, providing supervision of toilet-trained children
through fifth-grade, at 8605 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. Informa-
tion: 778-2979.
2 p.m. Leon Merian's Big Band Extravaganza at the

Riverfront Theatre, 102 Old Main St., Bradenton. Information:
748-5875. Fee applies.
7 p.m. Center for Education Montessori School Holi-
day Concert at Neel Performing Arts Center, 5840 26th St.
W., Bradenton. Information: 753-4987.

Sunday, Dec. 10
10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Anna Maria Island Art League
"Winterfest" fine arts and crafts show at Holmes Beach City
Hall field, 5801 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information:

Monday, Dec. 11
8:45 to 10 a.m.- Anna Maria Island Community Center-
sponsored Kripalu Yoga class with Dolce Little at St. Bernard
Catholic Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach. Infor-
mation: 778-1908. Fee applies.
1 to 3 p.m. Anna Maria Island Community Center-
sponsored stepping-stone craft class at St. Bernard Catholic
Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach. Information:
778-1908. Fee applies.
7 to 9 p.m.- '"The Way of the Heart" with Kenneth Alonso
at St. Bernard Catholic Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes

Tuesday, Dec. 12
10:30 a.m.--Actress Barbara Knode and the Asolo The-
atre Guild Playreaders at the Island Branch Library, 5701
Marina Drive,. Holmes Beach. Information: 778-6341.
Noon Anna Maria Island Rotary Club meeting and
election of the board of directors at the BeachHouse Res-
taurant, 200 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton Beach. Information:
6 p.m. Sarasota Shell Club meeting at Mote Marine
Laboratory, 1600 Ken Thompson Pkwy., Sarasota. Informa-

THE ISLANDER M DEC. 6, 2006 0 19

tion: 739-0908.
6 p.m. Democratic Women's Club "9 to 5 Working
Women's Group" meeting at Stacey's Buffet, 4848 14th St.
W., Bradenton. Information: 778-3444.
7:30 p.m. The Bay Chorale presents "Christmas
Remembered" at the Kirkwood Presbyterian Church, 6101
Cortez Road W., Bradenton. Information: 761-1221. Fee

Wednesday, Dec. 13
10 a.m. Santa welcomes kids of all ages to a cele-
bration at the Pines Trailer Park clubhouse at the bay end of
Bridge Street in Bradenton Beach. Information: 779-9565.
10:30 a.m. Friends of the Island Branch Library book
club at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes
Beach. Information: 778-6341.
Noon Anna Maria Garden Club holiday party at Roser
Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria,
Information: 778-2607.
12:30 to 4 p.m.- Anna Maria Island Community Center hosts
duplicate bridge at St. Bernard Catholic Church, 248 S. Harbor
Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies.
1 to'3 p.m. Anna Maria Island Community Center-
sponsored Sit 'n' Knit class at St. Bernard Catholic Church,
248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-1908.
Fee applies.
2 to 3 p.m. Anna Maria Island Community Center-
sponsored stepping-stone craft class at St. Bernard Catholic
Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach. Information:
778-1908. Fee applies.

"Breaking Legs" at the Island Players, 10009 Gulf Drive,

Anna Maria, through Dec. 10. Information: 778-5755. Fee
Holidays at the Crosley Festival of Trees, One Seagate
Drive off North Tamiami Trail and U.S. 41, Sarasota, through
Dec. 7. Information: 722-3244. Fee applies.
"Seussical" at the Manatee Players Riverfront Theatre,
102 Old Main St., Bradenton, through Dec. 23. Information:
748-5875. Fee applies.
"Fishing in Paradise" exhibit by Harvey Gaunt at the
Arts Council Gallery, 926012th St. W., Bradenton, through
Dec. 28. Information: 746-2223.
Photography exhibit of work by Paula Schoenwether at
the Artists Guild Gallery, 5413 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach,
through Dec. 31. Information: 778-6694.
Old-fashioned holiday display at Belle Haven Cot-
tage and Anna Maria Island Historical Museum, 402 Pine
Ave., Anna Maria, through Dec. 31. Information: 778-
Photograph exhibit by John Bonser at Island Gallery
West, 5368 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, through Dec. 31 .Infor-
mation: 792-1039.
"The Blue Briny: Mermaids & More" at the Village of
the Arts, along 12th Avenue West, Bradenton, through Jan.
6. Information: 747-0823.
Coming up:
Open House at Southeastern Guide Dogs, Palmetto,
Dec. 16.
Family origami at the Island Branch Library Dec. 16.
Bethlehem Walk at Roser Memorial Community Church
"Messiah & More" Anna Maria Island Community
Orchestra and Choir concert Dec. 17.
Flu shots at St. Bernard Catholic Church Dec. 18.
Save the Date: -
Anna Maria Island Rotary Club Casino Night Jan. 27.

'Carnegie' star of Off Stage luncheon
Members of the Off Stage Ladies auxiliary of the Island
Players gathered at the Bradenton Country Club on
Nov. 8 to see Donald H. Thompson, pictured, perform
"The Life of Andrew Carnegie: Rags to Riches to
Philanthropy." The auxiliary supports the Island Play-
ers theater, 10009 Gulf Drive in Anna Maria. The Off
Stage Ladies next program, including a holiday-themed
skit staring members of the group, takes place Dec.
13 at Freedom Village in Bradenton. "They always
decorate so beautifully for us," said Carol Heckman,
Off Stage Ladies president. For more inf rmation, call
Heckman at 761-7374.
'\ ,

"Fresh Catch"

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Fashion Jewelry
Hanging Glass



20 M DEC. 6, 2006 M THE ISLANDER

Show and tell: Islander seeks details about artifact

By Lisa Neff
Islander reporter
Larry Matzen's strolls on the sand in Bradenton
Beach frequently involve finds of some kind.
On Nov. 25, Matzen came across a small item he
believes an Indian made thousands of years ago.
"My eyes picked up the color," said Matzen, who
splits his year between Bradenton Beach and New
The amateur fossil hunter said the point measur-
ing about 1 1/4 inches in length is made of fossilized,
agatized coral, or "Tampa Bay coral."
He also said he's probably the first human to touch
the point since someone used it perhaps some 15,000
years ago.
"When the sunlight hits, look at that," Matzen said,
holding the point between his fingers to show its sparkle
on a recent morning at The Islander office.
"It was cut this way," Matzen added, running his
index finger along the edge from the base to the tip.
Matzen said he's certain he found an Indian artifact
the fourth he's come across in Bradenton Beach.
However, he wants to know more. He already
conducted research at the Manatee County Public
Library and the South Florida Museum that yielded
few clues.

Larry Matzen, of Bradenton Beach, found an Indian
point on the beach Nov. 25.. He's seeking additional
information about the item, which he dates back as
much as 15,000 years.
Matzen has now invited other fossil enthusiasts and
historians to take a look at his find.
"I just would like to really know what it is," said
Matzen, inviting people with ideas to call him at 941-
778-8446 or e-mail him at ZMATZEN@aol.com.

Cleaned up capsule
Joe Jackson cleaned and reassembled the time capsule
that was uncovered at the Anna Maria Island Commu-
nity Center property. It was unearthed to make way for
construction of the new facility and, during the effort,
it was broken, exposing the waterlogged contents.
Many items were destroyed by the water contamina-
tion, but what remains will either be displayed at the
Anna Maria Island Historical Society or buried in a
new time capsule once construction is completed. The
Center board will make a decision on where to place
the restored items at its meeting in January. Until then,
all items remain under wraps at the West Manatee Fire
Rescue Station No. 1. Islander Photo: Diana Bogan

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THE ISLANDER 0 DEC. 6. 2006 M 21

Euphemia Haye chef

bJishes cookbook

By Lisa Neff
Islander Reporter
The cover for Chef Raymond Arpke's
first cookbook suggests his "recipes and
ratings" are not of the Betty Crocker vari-
Arpke, the chef at Euphemia Haye on
Longboat Key, is smiling, in his chef's hat.
barefoot and confined in a straightjacket.
In the background is the mental institu- S
tion where Arpke grew up and, to some degree.
learned to cook. In the foreground is the title.
"You don't have to be crazy, but it helps."
The title, Arpke explained while seated at a
table in Euphemia Haye, is the response his parents
sometimes gave when asked about their work and
their place of residence. They oversaw the opei.it ion
of the Sheboygan County Hospital, a government-run
mental institution in Wisconsin. The famih I I ed in
an apartment on the second floor of the hospital and
little Ray had the run of the-place.
"It was called many names: nut house, loon\ _hin.
funny farm, bug house, and booby hatch, just to name a
few. I called it home," Arpke writes in his cookbook
Since 1980, Arpke and his wife D'Arc'N ha\ec
run Euphemia Haye, hidden in the palms at 5540(4
Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key..The restau-
rant has a reputation for warmth because of the
quaint atmosphere and the proprietoi s' attitude and
for winning awards because of the, imaginative yet
classical cuisine.
Arpke took a break from preparing the restaurant's
Thanksgiving dinner roasted goose, giblet gravy,
prune stuffing and honey-glazed carrots to talk about
"You don't have to be crazy, but it helps."
"A cookbook is a collection of recipes, but it is
also a collection of a chef's feelings and philosophy
- that's more important than recipes," Arpke said.
The chef spent about four years working on the
"I just sat down in my easy chair, with my foot stool
in front of me, and started writing," he said.
He wrote longhand, using a pencil and yellowlegal
pads four legal pads, by his estimation.
"I'm just learning to use a computer." Arpke
acknowledged, explaining that he needs the tech know l-
edge more for bookselling than cooking..
Arpke wrote, and re\ rote. then called his sister
Fritzie Willadsen to verify his recollection of their da s
"'in the hospital."
Arpke was introduced to the kitchen, at the hospi-
tal and the nearby elderly home that his grandmother
operated. In the cookbook, illustrated with photographs
by Herb Booth and a jacket design by Maggie Taylor,
Arpke wrote about relatives, hospital patients and
emnplo\ ees. especially a cook affectionately called "The
Big Swede.".
"I spent a lot of time with him," Arpke said, adding
that The Big Swede helped him land his first restaurant

Lu A M',k.-

title of Chej
Raymond Arpke's new
cookbook, "You don't have to be
crazy, but it helps!" comes from the reply his parents
used to give people commenting on the difficulties they
faced as they ran a county nmrcmil lispital. savi..
"You must be crazy to do that job."
Arpke also learned from his relafi\ es. His grand-
mother did not train in a kitchen, but m as an excellent
cook. His grandfather trained as a chef in Europe. "And
my mother considered herself a bit of a gourmet," he
"I came from a long l-nc of food -t\ pe people. \\e
loved to eat," Arpke said, recalling breakfasts. lurche.
and dinners at the institution.
The building: still stands,. but the hospital is no
longer operating.
S "It's pretty dilapidated.'"said Arpke. \\ ho returned
to Shebo.\gan \\ith his sister and a photographer to
explore the'building-and grounds and rex isit old memo-
Writing the book, especially the editing process.
proved "five times harder" than Arpke expected.
However, coming up i\ ith the stories for the book

pros ed easy there are 18 tales, as well as tributes to
iispirauions and teachers, including those in the Mil-
\.;.aukee \rea Technical College hotel and restaurant
prio',ram and Norbert Goldner and Titus Letschert at
Cafe L Europe in Sarasota.
Corning up with the recipes also came easy.
I have enough recipes to do two more books,
Shi ch I intend on doing," Arpke said.
"'You don't have to be crazy, but it helps" contains
recipes for Chef Ray's Caesar salad, pumpkin rum
bisque. sauerbraten and strawberry shortcake. The
cookbook also contains a recipe for roasted duckling.
"If I have any culinary claim to fame at all, it's
becau se of roast duckling," Arpke wrote, requesting,
Siih some humor, that readers not share-the recipe
but rather encourage others to "buy the book."
His hope for the $30 cookbook is that it sells
nationally, but Arpke said he's pleased with the
local enthusiasm for the project.
--The response I've been getting is terrific," said
Arpke, who has several Sarasota book signing
scheduled, including one Dec. 9 at Main Book-
shop, 1962 Main St. "I've had people who
said they couldn't put it down. I've also had
.people who don't believe I've grown up in
a mental institution."

Chef Raymoid Arpke, of Lo'ngboat Kev's Euphemia
Haye restiuriiatnt along with ni itt D 'Arcy, has .just
released hii first cookbook titled "" ou don"i have to
be cra:y. but it helps'"

The Cincinnati Wiley family had a reunion with parents Qranidparenti Ken and Sherry Wiley, who formerly
Chef Raymond Arpke's new book co im-ains a number owned and operated the Wiley Motel, now named the White House, on Eighth Street South in Bradenton
of recipes, including one for his claim to fame Beach. The reunited, from left: Stewart Pennison, Franny Kroner, Sibley Willig, Ollie Kroner, the Wileys, and
- lasted ducklii. Dan o Kroner. .
D1nP Ine :

22 M DEC. 6, 2006 0 THE ISLANDER

-' ..A -:


by Rick Catlin

War, golf led Holmes Beach

man to Florida, Island
Dan Williams of Holmes Beach was in prep school
in New Jersey trying to. get his grades up for admission
to Rutgers University when the Japanese bombed Pearl
Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941.
"I remember most of my buddies were already in
college and a lot of them joined up right away. I figured
I'd try and finish prep school first," he said.
By mid-1943, Dan figured it was time to get into
the fight. "I was going to be drafted, so I decided to pick
my spot. I'd always liked communications, so I joined
the Army for communications school."
While that sounded like a good deal at first, Dan
soon learned that being a commono man" in the signal
corps meant climbing telephone poles and stringing
out communication lines to other units. He didn't like
climbing those tall poles, particularly after he almost
fell from one.
Eventually, Dan got transferred to the message
center unit, where he learned radio signals and other
aspects of communications.
Throughout 1944, his unit trained for combat in
Europe and everybody expected to be sent to the ground
war there any day. But the orders never came, and Dan
and his buddies continued their training stateside. .
"We were starting to get a little bored. Nobody-
was looking to go off to war, but we didn't want to
sit around and do nothing in the States for the entire
Finally, in the spring of 1945, Dan and his signal
battalion got orders for the Pacific. They left Seattle on
a 60-ship troop convoy headed for the south Pacific.
While headed for the war, Dan learned he had
become a father. He had gotten married in 1944 while
on leave in his hometown of Westfield, N.J.
"That was kind of exciting, to learn I had a daugh-
ter," he remembered. At the same time, Dan and his
buddies speculated on where they'd be going. They
had all heard of the horrors of Okinawa, which had just
been invaded, and guessed correctly that's where they
were headed.
But life on a troopship especially one going at
a snail's pace can be anything but exciting.
There was a tremendous amount of gambling on
board ship during the voyage, mostly to relieve the
boredom, but also to take one's mind off Okinawa.
Dan played pinochle, while others including
officers engaged in the daily and nightly crap and
poker games available. By the end of the trip, the hus-
tlers had all the money, said Dan with a laugh.
"It didn't matter. We didn't have a lot of money to
begin with."
Normally, a ship could reach Okinawa from Seat-

Dan and Penny il-
liams are members ttofhe
Key Royale Golf Club
in Holmes Beach. \ here
Dan also teaches golt.

"The Greatest Gen-
eration" column is for
Island, Longboar Key.
Perico Island and Cortez:
veterans, man or womann,
who served in the armed
forces of any allied coun-
try (U.S., Canada. Brit-
ain, Holland, Nonray,
France, Poland. Aus-
tralia, New Zealand. the
Philippines, etc.) during |
World War II. We 'd like -.
to hear from you. Please I.
call Rick Cariin at I
77S- 79.8. i'

Dan Williams as a U.S. Army private during World
War II attempting to shave while training in North

tle in less than two weeks, but the con o\ stopped at
numerous islands along the route, discharging troops
and supplies and occasionally letting the men off for
some short freedom. The convoy took 60 days to reach
Okinawa, and b-y then most of the major fighting on the
island had ended. .
"We were just luck\ to ha\e missed the heavy
action. We w0ou1d have been right in the heart of the
fighting if the con ov' hadn't stopped e\ ern \here. By
the time we got there, the Marines had really\ taken a
beating but had secured most of the areas."
Still, the Japanese would send over an occasional
plane to bomb the troops, or a lone kamikaze would
target one of the big ships anchored in the harbor.
There were still plenty of "mopping up" operations
on Okinawa, however, with Marine Corps flamethrower
units burning the Japanese out of the caves because they
refused to surrender.
Dan and his buddies would go on a few of these
forays into enemy territory, but it was mostly to collect
souvenirs from the caves.
"We were crazy to go into these caves, because
we were told that maybe not all the Japanese soldiers
in the caves were dead, but we went anyway." A few
guys found out the hard way and never came out of the
As the campaign in Okinawa wound down, the talk
was about the "big one," the invasion of Japan.
Okinawa was being readied as a major takeoff
point for the invasion. "The place was almost one big
airfield," said Dan. "Cargo planes were bringing in
mountains of supplies, as were the ships. Everyone
knew where we were going next," he remembered.
Indeed, Dan and his unit figured they would be in

one of the first few waves to hit the Japanese beaches.
Communications are an essential element of infantry
and armored units during an invasion.
"Everyone was a little scared, but we all felt it would
be OK, knowing that we would be going together, going
with the guys you knew. You would do anything not to
let a buddy down."
Then came the atomic bombs dropped on Hiro-
shima and Nagasaki in early August 1945. The Japa-
nese surrendered on Aug. 15, 1945, sparking a wild
celebration on Okinawa.
"Everyone started firing their guns. It got so bad,
the brass had to put a stop to it before someone got
hurt. I heard later a few guys got killed by our own
Dan and his signal corps buddies were immediately
ordered to Korea for occupation duty in Seoul. The
-accommodations were pretty good, considering it was
the coldest Dan had ever been in his life.
"It was 20 degrees below zero every day that
winter," he said, "and we were just 20 miles from the
The Russian Army had occupied North Korea at
the 38th parallel and was making threatening gestures
toward the American forces facing them.
"We didn't trust the Russians one bit, but luckily,
no one fired any shots."
But Dan's ticket out of freezing Korea wasn't an
injury or worse, it was his golfing ability. He had been
a pretty decent player before entering the Army, and he
signed up to play golf in the Army Pacific Olympics.
Because you couldn't play golf in three feet of snow
and minus-20 degree weather, the Army flew Dan to
Enroute, the pilot flew over Nagasaki. "I remember
that there was nothing down there but blackness. Every-
thing had been destroyed. That's when I knew how
powerful the atom bomb was. It was quite an impres-
In Tokyo, however, the Army discovered it didn't
have any equipment for the men. Luckily, the golfers
found the Takarasuka Golf Club was still intact, includ-
ing the club house and locker rooms.
"We went into the lockers and.got clubs, bags and
golf balls. We didn't find any shoes, so we had to play
in our G.I. dress shoes, but that didn't matter too much.
It was a lot warmer than Korea, and we had Japanese
girls as caddies."
After not playing golf for three years, Dan shot a
respectable 84, but failed to win a medal. He remem-
bered that a guy named Bert Stamp was the gold medal-
By that time, however, Dan had enough points for
a discharge. Instead of returning to frozen Korea, he
headed for Seattle, then back to Ft. Dix in New Jersey
where he discharged from active duty.
"At that time, I had a wife and daughter to support,
so I didn't think I could go to college. I needed a job
and the only thing I really knew was golf."
Luckily, Dan's father was the head pro at Knoll
Golf Club in Boonton, N.J. He eagerly took a job as his
dad's assistant pro and began a career as a golf profes-
sional and PGA member that has spanned nearly 60
During the northern winters, Dan and his family
would head south to Florida. He'd heard about Anna
Maria Island and finally visited in 1988.
"I fell in love immediately. I was looking for a
place that had a beach and a golf course and the Island
had both."
Dan retired to Holmes Beach and, eventually, he
and ne%\ wife Penny joined the Key Royale Club, where
he is now a teaching professional.
One of his few regrets about his Army service is
forgetting to bring back a Ray Mills wooden-shaft
putter with a Japanese pro's name on it that he found
in Takarasuka. He forgot it on the jeep that took him to
the docks for his return voyage.
."Today, that putter would be a priceless antique. I
knew it even then when I got it," he said.
Dan is proud of his wartime service, but says he
.didn't do anything spectacular, just got lucky to get
through the war.
"I was just lucky all the way through the Army. I
could have gone to Europe, but I didn't. Then, we got
to Okinawa too late for any major action. Then, the
Japanese surrendered just before the invasion. I didn't
do anything special in the war, just glad to do my duty.
I got off lucky. The guys who didn't, the heroes of the
war, are still over there."
Just another member of the Greatest Generation.



Island police reports
Anna Maria City
Nov. 26, 700 block of Holly Avenue, theft. A man
reported the theft of a loveseat kept on his deck.
Nov'. 27, 100 block of Crescent Drive, criminal
mischief. Graffiti was reportedly written on the side of
a utility trailer.
Nov. 28, 2400 block of Avenue B, Bradenton
Beach, grand theft auto. A deputy observed a moped
traveling north emitting a trail of exhaust smoke
that clouded the entire street. While the vehicle
was stopped at a stop sign, the deputy gained sight
of the license plate and a routine check revealed
the vehicle had been reported stolen in Mana-
tee County. According to the report, the driver
attempted to elude the deputy but was apprehended

UK organization

looking for WWII


Islander newspaper reader and occasional
Island visitor Don Adams has written from Eng-
land that an organization based in the United King-
dom is looking for World War II veterans.
Adams, who is an avid reader of The Island-
er's "The Greatest Generation" column, said the
organization is known as "The Second World
War Experience" and has established a center and
archives in Leeds in England to collect oral histo-
ries of the individuals who served during WWII.
The center is looking for any WWII veteran,
friend or foe, man or woman, to pass on their expe-
Adams said the center expects that a great deal
of material will be lost within the next five to 10
years if it's not recorded now.
Anyone interested in contributing can contact
Don at bebadams@btinternet.c6m,, or The Centre
at enquiries@war-experience.org. The Web site
is www.warexperience.org

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while attempting to drive toward some large brush
near the water's edge.

Bradenton Beach
Nov. 22, 100 Gulf Drive N., Circle K, domestic battery.
Officers responded to a domestic battery call. According to
the report, a witness told police he saw a male hit a female in
the head. The couple admitted to having a heated argument
while seated in their vehicle and, once separated from the
male suspect, the woman admitted that she had been struck
in the head. The man was arrested.
Nov. 22, 700 block of Gulf Drive North, traffic
arrest. A driver was cited fo r driving with an imnprop-
erly registered tag. According to the report, the
driver had attached the tag from her former vehicle
onto her new vehicle without properly transferring
the registration.

In the service
PFC Robin S. Speidel II was inducted into the U.S.
Marine Corps on Nov. 22 at Parris Island. The
Marine Corps Recruit Depot at Parris Island is
an 8,095-acre military installation near Beaufort,
S.C., tasked with training male recruits from east of
the Mississippi and female recruits from across the
nation. PFC Speidel's proud parents are Michelle
and Dennis Lochrie of Bradenton Beach and Robin
and Terri Speidel of Sarasota.

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Holmes Beach
Nov. 24, 3300 block of East Bay Drive, drug
arrest. Lee Mizack, 20, of Bradenton, was arrested
for possession of marijuana during a routine traffic
stop. According to the report, Mizack and the driver
of the vehicle were also both cited for not wearing
their safety belt.
Nov. 25, 100 block of 30th Street, warrant. A man
was arrested on a Charlotte County warrant.
Nov. 27, 4400 block of Gulf Drive, criminal mis-
chief. A woman reported finding a number of bolts
and washers in the yard near the corner of Gulf and
South Harbor drives. The police investigation con-
firmed that someone had been disassembling the trol-
ley structure at this location, as well as in front of
the Island Branch Library, apparently one nut and
bolt at a time. The hardware was given to Holmes
Beach Public Works employees, who reportedly plan
to reinstall it.

Police swoop in on
unattended baggage
An empty suitcase left on the sidewalk the morning
of Friday, Dec. 1, at Keyway RV Park at 12316 44th
Ave. W. in Cortez raised enough suspicions that the
sheriff's office was alerted.
Martha Baxter,-a manager of the business where
the suitcase was found, reported that she received
a phone call from an unknown male stating that
she should "check out the suitcase in front of the
Baxter said she looked out and observed a small
black roll-around suitcase on the sidewalk. Concerned
over some recent evictions, according to the report, she
dialed 911.
Manatee County Sheriff's Office secured the scene
and canvassed the area. MCSO bomb techs arrived and
X-rayed the suitcase.
According to the report, while waiting for the X-ray
film to be developed, a resident came to the office and
stated that he had placed the empty suitcase there for
whomever could use it, to take it.
The X-ray film confirmed the suitcase was empty
and it was removed from the sidewalk. No charges have
been filed.


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24 0 DEC. 6, 2006 0 THE ISLANDER

Islanders provide spark for Manatee Magic girls

By Kevin Cassidy
Islander Reporter
The U 14 Manatee Magic all-girl's soccer team tied
the Pinellas Raiders 1-1 on Saturday, Dec. 2, at.the
G.T. Bray Park's soccer field in Bradenton. The Magic,
playing in Division I, includes Islanders Ally Titsworth,
Martine Miller and Erin Mulrine and Longboat Key's
Christina Papazian all regular starters.
Papazian anchors the defense in goal, while
Titsworth and Mulrine start in the midfield and Miller
is one of the team's forwards.
The girls are probably a bit frustrated after Satur-
day's result given the fact that they controlled the ball
for most of the game and the Raiders were content to
play more of a long-ball game.
The Magic jumped to a 1-0 lead in the 25th minute
when Mulrine took a pass inside from Cori Nolan and
after withstanding a strong challenging tackle from
Pinellas sweeper Sonia Jacob, dribbled forward and
hit a strong shot that found the far corner of the net to
give the Magic the lead that they took into halftime.
Early in the second half, it looked like the Magic
would extend its lead when Mulrine hit a beautiful
comer kick, but teammate Miller headed it just over
the crossbar.
It was at this point that the Raiders started applying
pressure to the Magic defense, but defenders Ashley
Nelson, Catherine Byrne, Nichole Dixon and Jordan
Ponto were equal to the task. When they managed to
get past the Magic back line, Papazian was able to come
through with saves. She made a good save after the
Magic failed to clear the ball and a Raider player got
off a rocket from the 18-yard line in the 55th minute and
came through five minutes later when she went high to
snag a curling comer kick that had goal written all over
The Magic defense had to be strong in the 66th
minute when they surrendered a free kick that they
cleared down field for a Magic counter attack. Miller
ran onto the through ball from Mulrine,. just beating
the hard-charging Raider goalie, but with a Raider
defender on her back, her left-footed shot went just

wide of the goal.
Pinellas countered and on its fifth comer kick of
the half, they finally broke through. Angela Tayagui
served the ball near post where Emily Debito headed
it just over Papazian's hand to tie the score at 1-1 with
three minutes to play.
The ]\ lagic launched a desperate attack that almost
bore fruit. Cori Nolan got loose up the left side, cut
back and passed inside to-Mulrine. Mulrine settled and
ripped a rocket that clanged off the crossbar, ending any
hope of a dramatic Magic victory.
The tie leaves the Magic girls with a 3-0-1 record.
Other members of the U14 Manatee Magic team
are Alexa Body, Madison Bradley, Carlye Carson,
Mary Isminger, Shelby Raye, Leland Van Alstyne

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and Ashley Wiggins.

Key Royale golf news
The women of Key Royale Club teed up for nine
holes of golf on Nov. 28. The individual low-net com-
petition was paired with low putts per team.
Marilyn Thorton posted a one-over-par 33 to finish
two shots, ahead of Sue Hookem and Cindy Miller
in flight AA. Flight A winners were Diane Miller and
Mary Selby, who tied ith anii even-par 32 to finish one
shot ahead of Gloria DoOudera. Sara Falk and Nancy
King. Flight B produced another tie, with winners Rose


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TIE ISLANDER U DEC. 6. 2006 0 25


Slomba and Markie Ksiazek both firing an even-par 32
to finish one shot ahead of Joy Nelles and two shots
ahead of Barb Mason and Jan Turner. Shirley Cessna
posted a one-over 33 to claim top honors in Flight C,
one shot better than Cherri Kinerk and Frankie Smith-
Williams, who tied for second. Marilyn Hayes and Ruth
Williamson both fired a four-over-36 to capture top
honors in Flight D, one shot ahead of Theresa Schutt.
The team of Joyce Rieth, Phyllis Lamp, Diane
Miller and Joanne Osdych won the low-putt competi-
tion, while Nell Bergstrom on No. 3 and Ruth William-
son on hole No. 5 each won prizes for chip-ins.

Horseshoe news
Six teams posted 2-1 records and advanced to the
playoffs during Nov. 25 horseshoe action at the Anna
Maria City Hall pits. In the first playoff match, Hank
Huyghe and Ron Slagh edged the team of John Craw-
ford and Fritz Erdrich by a 21-18 score. Match No.
2 saw Bill Starrett and Norm Good roll past George
Landritus and Ron Pepka 21-12, while the third playoff
had George McKay and Dave Leising defeating Carole
Watson and Sam Samuels 21-8.

Manatee Magic goalie Christina Papazian takes a
goal kick during Manatee Magic girl's soccer action
at G.T. Bray Park.

Good and Starrett earned a bye to the finals as
Huyghe and Slagh were defeating McKay and Leising
22-13. The break did wonders for Good and Starrett,
who edged Huyghe and Slagh by a 21-16 score to earn
the day's bragging rights.
The Nov. 29 horseshoe games saw nine teams
whittled down to two that posted perfect 3-0 pool-play
records and, as such, they battled it out for the cham-
pionship. Battle they did, as walker Tom Rhodes edged
the team of Ron Pepka and Sam Samuels 21-19.
Play gets under way at 9 a.m. every Wednesday and
Saturday at the Anna Maria City Hall pits. Warmups
begin at 8:45 a.m. followed by random team selection.
There is no charge to play and everyone is welcome.

Register now for NFL Flag Football
The Anna Maria Island Community Center is now
accepting registration for the 2007 season of NFL Flag
Football. Boys and girls in grades one to eight can reg-
ister on Tuesday and T Ihu sdai. Dec. 12 and 14, from 6
to 8 p.m. at the Holmes Beach Public Works Building,
located at 5801 Marina Drive between the fire station
and the skateboard park.
Players can also register between now and Saturday,
Dec. 15, at the Center's temporary offices located in the
"office" trailer behind St. Bernard Catholic Church.
Registration fee for Center members is $25 for the
first child in a family and $20 for each additional child.
Non-members pay $40 for first child and $35 for each
additional child.
Each player will receive an NFL Flag Football
jersey and flag belt. The season will run from Jan. 6 to
Feb. 17 with games being played at the Holmes Beach
City Hall fields.
There will be a.mandatory mini-skills camp at the
Holmes Beach fields on Jan. 6. Players in grades six-
eight will run from 10 to 11 a.m., grades three-five
from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., and grades one-two from
12:30-1:30 p.m.
Coaches are needed for the NFL Flag Football
season and all prospective coaches must confirm their
intent to the Center by Dec. 15 and their child will be
allowed to play for free. A background check is required
to be considered for any coaching position.
For more' information, call the Center at 778-

Signups ongoing for
cheerleading, basketball
The Anna Maria Island Community Center is now

Magic's Martine Miller eludes the Pinellas goalie as
she tries to clear the ball.

registering boys and girls for its 2006-07 basketball
league and cheerleading squads.
Two days remain to register for cheerleading so
don't delay: 7-8 p.m.Thursday, Dec. 7, and 6-7 p.m.
Friday, Dec. 8.
The Center is also looking for cheerleader squad
Center basketball league registration for boys and
girls is also ongoing.
Every child who registers is placed on a team, but
all players must attend tryouts at the times and dates
listed below.
Ages 10-11: 6-6:45 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 6.
Ages 14-17: 6-6:45 .p.m. Thursday, Dec. 7.
Ages 12-13: 6-6:45 p.m. Friday, Dec. 8.
(Ages 5-7, 8-9: registration ended.)
Due to construction at the Center, registration
for cheerleading and basketball as well as games this
season are at King Middle School, 600 75th St. N.W.
in Bradenton.

Playing sports?
Calling all Island student athletes and parents. Give
us a call or drop an e-mail and let us know about any
and all athletic endeavors for your individual effort or
high school team.
Call me at 807-1105 or e-mail kevin@islander.org
with information.

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. .. 1

26 M DEC. 6. 2006 M THE ISLANDER

Sheepies strong backwater catch; grouper good offshore

By Capt. Mike Heistand
Fishing has slowed a bit in the past week, but there
is still a good "bite" out there for the diligent.
Backwater action for redfish, sheepshead and black
drum is very good right now. There are also some snook
catches coming from the canals and near the seagrass
flats in the bays.
Don't forget that trout season is closed until
Jan. 1.
Offshore fishing for kingfish, mackerel and grouper
is also good, as are the snapper catches.
At Corky's Live Bait, Tackle & Snack Shop
on Cortez Road, Annamae Lahay said that Chris and
Tammy and their three young children reported great
fishing for redfish, bluefish, sheepshead and mackerel.
Other reports include pompano, both king and Spanish
mackerel, black drum, grouper and snook. She added
that the "Paradise Bay Estates Boat Club Fishing Con-
test" in November brought in a lot of entrants and a
lot of fun. Winners were Ed Smedley with an 18-inch-
long red, which netted him $15, and a full sweep in the
sheepshead category for Jim Huston, who took first,
second and third.
At Annie's Bait and Tackle in Cortez, Capt. Marco
said he's catching lots of redfish and a few snook in
the canals on his inshore charters. Capt. Sam Kimball
reports his offshore catch included snapper and a few
Bill Lowman at Island Discount Tackle at Catch-
ers Marina in Holmes Beach said the best reports for
backwater fishers right now seems to be sheepshead,
plus some black drum, redfish on the seagrass flats and
mangrove snapper along the Intracoastal Waterway.
Offshore bottom fishing for grouper has been running
up to the "excellent" category.
Tom at the Rod & Reel Pier said fishers are find-
ing the action to be a bit slow the past few days, but
there have been some good catches of sheepshead and
stingrays and one cobia came to the dock.
Jesus Rosario at the Anna Maria City Pier said
anglers there are reeling in sheepshead, snook, a few

Sailing the
Deryll Gross,
right, and wife
Alice visited
New York City
Oct. 13-21 and
shared The
Islander news
with First Officer
Scott Howard,
left, aboard the :
American Cruise
Lines Spirit. The -
Grosses cruised l l
up the Hudson
River to take in
the fall colors.


Good catch
Wes Brush of Anna Maria caught this nice-sized
grouper while fishing with Capt. Ric Ehlis near the
Sunshine Skyway Bridge.
mackerel and some small black drum.
Dave Johnson at Snead Island Crab House said
he's hearing of lots of black drum catches in the Mana-

-~ -


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Backwater Near Shore Up
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tee River, a few redfish being caught around the docks
in Terra Ceia Bay, and lots of snook coming onto a hook
on the warmer-water days in the bays.
Capt. Rick Gross on Fishy Business out of Catch-
ers Marina in Holmes Beach said his offshore charters
included mackerel, snapper and tons of small grouper
catches. Backwater fishing action included redfish, a
few snook and sheepshead.
At Skyway Bait and Tackle, reports include lots
of sheepshead from the fishing piers near the Sunshine
Skyway Bridge, a few redfish coming out of Miguel
Bay and near Joe's Island, and there are still some
mackerel catches.
Capt. Tom Chaya on the Dolphin Dreams
in Holmes Beach, also out of Catchers, said he's
.hooking up Spanish mackerel and bluefish, which
are hitting on shiners from the near-shore reefs and
sandbars. Juvenile redfish in extremely shallow
water on the mangrove shoreline are also a good
bet, as are large catch-and-release trout in the deep
holes throughout Palma Sola Bay. There is also good
snook action at night under lighted docks anywhere
in the bays.
Capt. Larry McGuire of Show Me The Fish
Charters said he's finding fishing to be very good.
He's catching lots of gag grouper, red grouper, scamp,
mangrove snapper, amberjack, kingfish, Spanish mack-
erel, sharks to 7 feet in length, triggerfish, porgys and
margates. He also got into a special surprise a school
of giant bull redfish offshore. "We were fishing out to
150 feet; using live pinfish and sardines as bait," he
Capt. Zach Zacharias on the Dee-Jay II out of
Parrot Cove Marina in Cortez said his fishing action
remained pretty steady, with a lot of redfish, sheeps-
head, black drum and a few snook, trout and flounder
on the inside. "Shrimp was the most productive bait
inshore," he said. "Off the beaches of Longboat Key
and Anna Maria Island, there was still some good Span-
ish mackerel, bluefish and kingfish hookups, along with
an occasional cobia. White bait was the ticket in the
Gulf if you could get some. The bait is spotty and on
its way out for the winter."
Capt. Terry Frankford aboard the Reelin &
Chillin said his charters had to work for their catch at
the beginning of the Thanksgiving holiday, "but things
did start picking up towards the end. The cold weather
along with 30-knot winds for a couple days didn't help
with the bite. Fishing started to heat up after the weather
cooperated, and anglers managed to catch many spe-
cies including snook, redfish, black drum, pompano and
On my boat Magic, we caught lots of black drum
up to 24 inches in length. One or two keeper-size red-
fish were caught on every trip out, too, as well as lots
of sheepshead and snapper.
Good luck and good'fishing.
Capt. Mike Heistand is a 20-year-plus fishing guide.
Call him at 723-1107-to provide fishing report. Images
of your catch are also welcome and may be dropped off
at The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach,.or
e-mailed to news@islander.org. Please include identifi-
cation for persons in the picture along with information
on the catch and a name and phone number for more


TIE ISLANDER U DEC. 6. 2006 U 27

Yet another rash of exotic Florida tales

Yet another species of exotic wildlife has been
found in Florida, this time just to our north.
A fisher caught a lionfish in the Gulf of Mexico off
Treasure Island not too long ago. The fish is usually
found in the Pacific Ocean. It's a weird looking crit-
ter, reddish in color with lots of spikes that apparently
resemble a lion's mane. It's also extremely poisonous.
Biologists at the Florida Fish and Wildlife Con-
servation Commission's Fish and Wildlife Research
Institute ID'd the fish and determined it's the first such
lionfish caught in Florida's Gulf waters.
The red lionfish, Pterois volitans, "is a member of
the family Scorpaenidae or scorpionfishes," according
to FMRI reports. "The fish measured slightly more than
a foot long and weighed almost 2 1/2 pounds. Test-
ing indicates the fish was a mature male. A red tide
bloom has been present in the area where the fish was
retrieved. Toxin testing indicated the red lionfish was
exposed to a minimal amount of brevetoxin, which is
the toxin produced by the red tide organism, Karenia
brevis. This suggests the lionfish was not in Gulf Coast
waters for a long period of time."
Good news is that the male fish won't be pumping
lots of little lionfish into the Gulf. Bad news is that "the
red lionfish.is venomous and can inject venom with
the dorsal, anal and pelvic fin spines, which may cause
severe local pain, numbness, paralysis, respiratory ill-
ness and, in rare cases, death. Serious wounds have also
resulted from the careless handling of recently dead
specimens. Lionfish should be treated with care at all
times," according to the biologists.
The fish are usually found in the Pacific from south-
ern Japan and Korea to the east coast of Australia, and
throughout the south Pacific. There have also been
reports of the fish being spotted off Bermuda and along
the eastern seaboard from Rhode Island south to as far
as Boca Raton.
Those wacky orientals do eat the fish as. some sort
of a dangerous-food kick, but the preparation is a very
careful part of the process and there are occasional
"mishaps" when diners partake of a poorly cleaned fish.
Mishap means they die, in most cases.
So how did one of these nasty little guys make it
halfway across the world?
"Lionfish are a popular choice for marine aquar-
ists," FMRI biologists said. "Unfortunately, when some
people decide they no longer want to care for a fish
like this, they may consider releasing it into Florida
waters. lan\ people do not understand the difference
between native and non-native species; others believe
releasing unwanted pets into Florida's environment is
harmless. However, releasing a non-native species is
illegal in Florida, as well as'unethical and ecologically
It's like Australian pine trees, or walking catfish,
or Asian green mussels, or any of the other exotics
that we have in the Sunshine State without any
real predators,.they flourish, take over the natural
surroundings and crowd out natural species. Most


Speat* A

Captain Steven Salgado
-Lifetime experience in local waters

We'd love to hearyour
fish stories, and pictures
are welcome, too.
Justgiveus a call at
778-7975 or stopby our
office in the Island Shop-
ping Center, Holmes Beach.

TIYe Islander

Full & Half Day Trips.
Custom Trips Available
U.S.C.G. Licensed
Custom-built Privateer -
Fishing License, Ice, Bait &
Tackle Furnished
Anna Maria Island

of them are harmless to humans, but lionfish could
prove a bit different to anybody who comes in con-
tact with them.
As the FMRI folks put it regarding non-native,
exotic species, "Invasive species are often considered
pests, and can do millions of dollars of damage to
agricultural crops, pose health threats to humans, or
become a nuisance to homeowners. Responsible pet

owners can take unwanted pets to their local humane
society or animal shelter, take them to FWC-sponsored
Exotic Pet Amnesty Days, check out adoption oppor-
tunities with local interest groups that specialize in
the specific type of pet, or donate the pet to a local pet

... and then there's this approach
Residents of the tony community of Boca Grande
have a lizard problem.
Mexican spiny-tail ig.aanas made an appearance
on the small island several years ago. The critters had
a population of about 2,000 in 10 now, they've
grown in numbers to better than 10,000.
The iguanas were apparently yet another of those
critters that just got too big to be a houseguest. They.
get to be better than 2 feet long, they aren't one of the
more cuddly of creatures that you would want to invite
into your bed on a cold winter night, and apparently
some were set free, probably back in the 1970s.
As with all wild things, they did the wild breed-
ing thing, and the population exploded. Without any
natural predators, the supersized lizards started taking
over sand dunes, houses, seawalls and any.other place
they could find.
The iguanas pretty much eat anything they can
get their mouths around. A popular munch is gopher
tortoise eggs. a species of turtle that is far too rare in
Florida to be rendered a snack.
There is also a lizard erosion problem as their bur-
rows undermine the sand dunes.
The folks at Boca Grinde %\ent % ild "\ ith the wild'
lizards and demanded action earlier this sear. The
action has taken a turn to ard the bizarre, and Trapper
Wildlife Sert ice of Sarasota %\as retained to start the.
eradication program. "Stunning, freezing and shooting
the lizards x% ith pellets would d be appropriate killing-
methods," according to the Sarasota Herald-Tribune.
and the trapper gets $20 a head literally for the

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iguanas, $15 for those under a foot in length, and $2 for
What is being called the "feral-lizard eradication
program" is expected to last for several years.
It'll be interesting to see what the restaurants on
Boca Grande call the new version of white meat.

Climate concerns
Regular Sandscript readers may have noted that
mention of global warming, once a popular subject,
has fallen by the wayside of late. The reason is simple:
There has been so much mainstream attention given to
fossil-fuel emissions entering our atmosphere and the
resulting rise in temperature that you can't help but read
about the concern in almost any publication.
But the following is a little different.
According to some new data collected by the
California Institute of Technology, and reported in the
journal Nature, "From around 1200 until 1850, during
which average temperatures across the Northern Hemi-
sphere dipped by around 1-degree Celsius, the strength
of the Gulf Stream also slackened by up to 10 percent.
The Gulf Stream, which is part of a.vast pattern of cur-
rents nicknamed the ocean conveyor belt, carries warm
surface waters from the tropical Atlantic northeastward
toward Europe. The reduced flow that occurred during
medieval times would have transported less heat, con-
tributing to the icy conditions that persisted until Vic-
torian times."
Apparently the Gulf Stream's weakening "was
caused by a southward shift of the zone of tropical rains
that usually feed freshwater into the Atlantic Ocean off
the coast of Florida," the Nature article continued. "This
rain provides a less-dense top layer of water that bol-
sters the surface current flowing north. The measure-
ments show that, during times when the current was
weakest, the waters were saltier, suggesting that they
contained less freshwater from rain.
However, there isn't much of a concern that we're
entering another Ice Age due to the Gulf Stream having
a cold flash, or slowing down, although the researchers
admit that they don't have all the data needed to -quite
figure out what's happening.
The lead researchers put it this way: "Now, with
the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, we're
in a 'no analogue' situation. With the world-warming
arid the poles melting, it's impossible to say what might
happen to the currents. We just don't know."

Sandscript factoid
On a somewhat lighter note. there appears to be a
big problem in California. Nut-nabbing.
According to published reports. thie\ es have been
stealing nuts from the Sacramento area. Two people
were arrested after apparently stealing about $400,000
worth of almonds, and in\ estigators are looking into the
nuts behind the rash of nut thefts in the region.
Now that's a lot ofcarind bars:


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X-MAS TREE, NINE-foot, pre-lit balsam fir, 1,200 clear
lights, $100; Five, two-inch faux wood blinds, new in
boxes, $10 each. 941-778-2059.
KENMORE FRIDGE/FREEZER: white, side-by-side, door
dispenser ice and water, $349 or best offer. Sharp over
range microwave convection oven, white, $199 or best
offer, 941-779-0193.
SALE: NIKI'S, ANTIQUES, Jewelry. New, large, execu-
tive office desk and matching wall unit. Were $295, now
$75 each. Beautiful three-foot porcelain doll, was $139.98,
now $50. X-mas shirts were $19.98, now $3. All sterling
jewelry 50-70 percent off, select antiques, cups and sau-
cers, paintings, Orientals, glassware, vintage and costume
jewelry 30-90 percent off. Open seven days, 9:30am-5pm.
941-779-0729. 5351 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach.
AERIAL PHOTOS of Anna Maria Island. View and pur-
chase online: www.jackelka.com.
FREE DELIVERY to your home or condo: Shrimp, crabs,
native fish. Prompt delivery to your door. Call James Lee,
941-795-1112 or 704-8421.
LONGBOAT KEY HISTORY "From Calusas to Condo-
miniums" by Ralph B. Hunter. Signed copies available at
The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. 941-

GARAGE SALE: 8am-1pm Saturday, Dec 9. Household
items, antique wrought iron patio furniture. Jet ski, $2,000.
201 S. Bay and Spring Ave., Anna Maria.
ROSER THRIFT SHOP: Open 9:30am-2pm Tuesdays,
Thursday, 9am-noon Saturdays. Christmas decorations,
half-price clothing. 941-779-2733. 511 Pine Ave., Anna
GARAGE SALE: 8am-2pm Saturday,, Dec. 9. Lots of
fishing tackle, rods, reels and household items. 513 71st
Street, Holmes Beach.
YARD SALE: 9am-noon Saturday, Dec. 9. Household
items, good condition, old Rolling Stone magazines, rock-,
ing chair, knick-knacks. 426 Spring Ave., Anna Maria.
BUDGET BOX THRIFT Shop: 8am-2pm Saturday, Dec
9. Sell at free flea market. Call 941-746-4906. 401 42nd
St W., Bradenton.

Kathy Geeraerts, Realtor

-Y._. C 5 -.

H- '-- .... -^ re e n

419 Pine Ave.* PO Box 2150 Anna Maria FL 34216

Build your dream home on very 2BR.2BA canal home with salt-
large lot 100x223 sf. Panoramic water pool, north end. Two boat
bay view! docks. $849,000.
(a6letJ' Jmomtw m I

BIG SALE: 8am-noon Friday and Saturday, Dec.8-9. Many
household and decorating items, furniture, plants. Rain
dates, Dec. 15-16. 505 69th St., Holmes Beach.

LOST: BLACK AND white cat. Name is Zeus, he is 5 years
old. Please call 941-778-1746. Last seen on Guava Street
between 58th Street and Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach.
LOST DOG: Black-and-white Border collie, wearing red
collar. Information on collar is wrong. Name is Cocoa.
Please call Louise, 941-518-7336.
MISSING DOG! OLD black Labrador wandered away
from yard at 509 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. His name is
Heck, wearing a blue and orange "Life is Good" collar,
very deaf, nearly blind and senile. Please call Adele at

KARATE ON THE Island: Ages four through adult. Call
941-807-1734 or visitwww.islanddojo.cmasdirect.com.

BAYSIDE BANQUET HALL Affordable waterfront patio
and tiki bar available for events. Bring your-own food,
drinks and grill. 941-798-2035. www.baysidebanque-
BUTTERFLY PARK BENEFIT: Purchase a personalized
brick in the Anna Maria Island Burterily Park. Two lines,
$40. Three lines $50. Forms at The Islander or call 941-
518-4431 for more information.
FREE GUN LOCK. res, liee. Just ior the asking. Courtesy
of the Florida Fish and Wild; Conservation Commis-
sion. Free at The Islande newspaper office. 5404 Marina
Drive, Holmes Beach. Don't be sorry, be sale.
GUARDIAN AD LITEM volunteers needed: A guardian
ad litem is a trained volunteer appointed by the court
to represent and advocate for the best interest of chil-
dren who have been abused, abandoned or neglected.
Make a positive impact! Call 941-744-9473 or visit
NEED A MEETING place? Try the conference room, Tin-
gley Memorial Library. Eveann Adams, 941-779-1208.
111 Second St. N., Bradenton Beach.
SELL it fast with an ad in The Islander.

SiPrudeiintial Palms Realty
I Michelle Musto, PA Reoalor

k. M 203 70th Streel:
SDuplex, IBR/1BA
ea. side, steps to
Beach $675,000
email: michellemusto@piudentialpaolmsrealty.com


AKC MALE AND female English Bulldog puppies avail-
able. These puppies are AKC-registered with champion
bloodlines and will come with a pedigree, microchip,
vet check with health certificate, a one-year guarantee
against congenital defects, and all shots and wormer.The
puppies available now are $500 each. For more informa-
tion please contact: evanswalter_ 110@yahoo.com.
FOSTER PARENTS NEEDED for loving homes to foster
puppies and kittens until they are old enough for adoption.
All food and medical provided. Julie, 941-720-1411.
ADULT CATS in desperate need of loving homes. All are
current on vaccines. All applicants screened. Please, call

1992 VOLKSWAGON CABRIOLET: Green with white top
in excellent condition in and out. Like hew tires, mileage
90,000. Book value $3,400. Asking $3,000, firm. Must
see. 941-792-3092.
WANTED TO BUY: Adult tricycle in good condition. Anna
Maria Island or Bradenton area please. 941-778-4108.

2004 STARCRAFT DECK boat: 18-foot, 140-hp Suzuki
four-stroke in warranty. Showroom new, always in dry stor-
age. No time to use. $15,000 or best offer.941-592-9270.
FOR SALE: 1992 20-foot pontoon and 1995 boat trailer.
Both can be seen at 108 Sixth St. S., Bradenton Beach.

NOW HIRING ALL positions. Rotten hours, rotten pay.
Apply at Rotten Ralph's Waterfront Restaurant, 902 S.
Bay Blvd., Anna Maria, or call 941-778-3953.
NURSES: PRIVATE DUTY. Long-term home care assist-
ing quadriplegic. Morning, 8am-1 pm and overnight, 10pm-
8am, shifts available. Travel opportunity. 941-383-6953. -
Part-time hourly; three days a week, 15 hours total.
Requires professional phone etiquette, key entry, com-
puter proficiency (Excel; Word, etc.), Competent oral, writ-
ten and interpersonal communication skills. Send resume
to PO. Box 10185, Longboat Key FL 34228.
'CHECK US OUT AT www.islander.org!

Melanie JohnsoneBrokeo/R ,
941 704-7394
MEADOWCROFT LAKEFRONT CONDO 2BR/2BA, beautifully renovated. A must
see. Great location in west Bradenton, great water views, great 55-plus complex with
great amenities. Pet friendly, too. Just move right in. $223,000. MIS#541763.
WEST BRADENTON HOME 2BR/1BA, old Florida-style. Large fenced yard,
quiet neighborhood in convenient location. Home warranty included. Ideal for
investment or first-time buyer. Great value at. $159,900. MLS #532534.


SINGLE FAMILY Cenlrdlly located, one block to beach. 2BR/2BA
spacious horne on corner lot. $635.000. Call Joy Murphy, Realtor,
941-730-2820 evenings.
condo with amazing view. Glass lanai, breakfast bar. Owner motivated.
$444,900. Call Carlene Weise, Realtor, 941-224-6521 evenings.
AZALEA PARK 4BR/2BA, in Bradenton. Open floor plan, fireplace,
family room, plus Florida room, roof November 2002, steps to
community pool $384,900. Call Zee Calanese, Realtor, 941-742-
0148 evenings.
iWEST BRADENTON Adorable 3BR/2BA home in a great Westside
neighborhood, updated kitchen. Corian countertops, hardwood
Iloors, freshly painted, new wallpaper ready to move into.
Spacious backyard with room for pool Offered at $245,900. Call
Zee Caranese. Realtor, 941-742-0148 evenings.
SAN REMO SHORES REDUCED Situated on deep-waier.canal,
2-3BR/2BA, den. ceramic. tile, new kitchen 2005, iwo-car garage,
barrel tile roof, privately situated $499.900. Call Marion Ragni,
Realtor, 941-720-7046 evenings.
PERICO BAY CLUB Floridacondo living at its best, waterfront, security,
pools, spa, tennis courts, 2BR and den. Immediate possession.
$409,900. Call Marion Ragni, Realtor, 941-761-1415 evenings.


.5910 Marina Drive* Holmes Beach FL 34217
Call (941) 778-0777 or Rentals 778-0770
1-800-741-3772 info@smithrealtors.com
Web site: www.smithrealtors.com


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So, whatever your mortgage
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THE ISLANDER M DEC. 6. 2006 M 29


AGENTS WANTED: ACTIVE Island real estate office.
Floor time and generous split. 941-720-0288.
TWO SIDES OF Nature Bayview Plaza, .101 S. Bay
Blvd., Anna Maria Island. Now hiring part-time associ-
ates. Varied shifts available, including nights and week-
ends. Great pay and a great place to work and have
a little fun ... great clothes, gifts and a great place to
shop. Apply today, Two Sides of Nature. 101 S. Bay
Blvd., Unit 1.
TOP ADVERTISING sales position open at The Islander
newspaper. Great territory, commissions. Previous out-
side sales helpful. If you possess a willingness for strong
community involvement, positive outlook and drive to
succeed, fax or e-mail a letter and/or resume to 941-
778-9392, sales@islander.org.

Cindy M. Jones

G CRS, Sales Associate


.W : :,.: ,773-9770
:..,, -.*...... ,, !. ^ Avenu:.. Ai.a Aria.:__


2BR/2.5BA turnkey furnished.with direct view of Gulf. New
kitchen, tile, heated pool, tennis, garage. $899,900.
2BR/2BA open plan. Vaulted ceiling, wet bar, deck, large lot,
fenced yard, pool and hot tub. $559,000.
2 or 3BR/2BA Cape Cod with charm and warmth, fabulous
trees, terraced patios and more. $529,900.
3BR/2.5BA with fabulous, direct Sarasota bay views. Nature
lovers look only if you plan to buy. $1,124,900.
3BR/4BAplus den/office. Outstanding-contemporary home. Vaulted
ceiling, fireplace, 55-foot dockage. Four-car garage. $1,695,000.
4BR/2BA open plan, vaulted ceiling, elevator, four-car garage.
Bamboo flooring, turnkey furnished. Near beach. $1,350,000.
2BR/2BA turnkey furnished, tennis, heated pool, water view, near
shopping, library and restaurants. $459,900.
3BR/1.5BA Cracker cottage plus separate studio apartment.
West of Gulf Dr. Just steps to finest beach! $875,000.
1BR/1BA condo. Great rental complex. Heated pool, close to
beach. Barbecue area, heated pool, clubhouse. $349,000.
3BR/2BA plus den, heated pool, new roof and landscaping,
dock and boatlift, direct access to Intracoastal. $859,000.
3BR/2BA home. Tile, pavers, fence, room for pool, new dock,
direct access to Tampa Bay. $759,900.
3BR/2BA turnkey furnished, tennis, heated pool, beautiful
beach, on-site management, excellent rental. $995,000.
1BR/1.5BA turnkey furnished, Sautillo tile, pool, beautiful
beach. Direct Gulf view, 'manager, excellent rental. $799,900.
3BR/2BA canalfront. Private dock. Direct access to Tampa Bay
and Intracoastal Waterway. $679,000.
SHOREWALK CONDOS 2BR/2BA turnkey from $175,000.
KEY ROYALE BAYFRONT 3BR/2.5BA, Dock. $2,400,000.
PERIWINKLE COTTAGE 2BR, Close to Beach. $649.900.

779-0202 (800) 732-6434

Island Shopping Center 5402 Marina Drive
Holmes Beach, Florida 34217 www.suncoastinc.com

Buy building alone for $1,600,000or buy both for
$1,690,000. Confidentiality agreement required. Longview
Realty, 941-383-6112. For more great business and realty
buys: www.longviewrealty.com.
PAW SPA: PROFITABLE pet-grooming business. Loyal
customer base in great Holmes Beach location. $59,000.
Longview Realty, 941-383-6112.
MEALS AND-MORE: 50-seat restaurant with great ambi-
ence also retails select items. Beer and wine license. Any
menu OK. $120,000. Confidentiality agreement required
for details. Longview Realty, 941-383-6112. For more great
business and realty buys: www.longviewrealty.com.
BONUS! CLASSIFIEDS ADS are posted early online at

GIFTS/DECOR FOR patio, home and garden. Enchant-
ing shop, fun items in good resort area location. $99,000.
Confidentiality agreement required for details. Longview
Realty, 941-383-6112. For more great business and realty
buys: www.longviewrealty.com.
CHARTER BOAT SERVICE: Eco-tours, sightseeing, more
in Cortez. Assets include 26-foot cat, 150-hp outboard.
$70,000. Longview Realty, 941-383-6112. For more great
business and realty buys: www.longviewrealty.com.

KIDS FOR HIRE ads are FREE for Island youths under
16 looking for work. Ads must be placed in person at The
Islander newspaper office, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes

: -_-, : .:

6200 FLOTILLA, # 268. WESTBAY POINT MOORINGS. All new carpet and paint, 2nd floor end unit with
warmr view C.re.ar deal leastr expensive unit offered! $390.000

k "- .. I --

COUNTRY LAKES TRAIL Palm Aire. Bring the
golf clubs, all new kitchen, tile, paint and carpet.
Lovely country club community. $479,000


7516 MARSH ORCHID Adorable turnkey
furnished 2BR/2BA in prestigious Tara
Preserve. Bring the golf clubs and enjoy
your lake view from this ground floor condo.

2716 PALMA SOLA Exquisite full bay views
from every, room of this 5,000. sq. ft, custom on
over half an acre. Features SBR,4 car garage, library,
great room, pool and multilevel terrace. Lots of
Space for family and entertaining. $2,999,900.

I I -~_ I


52:s5 RJI ER\IE\\ RBLD I 93 a,:re: on
Manatee River w,i-, 250 linear feet or, the rner.
Two buildable lots or one magnificent estate.
Dock in place, bring the boat. $3,300,000

1207 N. GULF DR. #300 Darling, turnkey
furnished top floor 2BR/2BA with den, offers
spectacular views in prime rental location.

t:94 1/308-6494 www.skysothebys.com
Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated.

MORE SAND...LESS DOLLARS! Imagine owning a
private, luxury beachfront home for a fraction
of the cost. Fractional ownership opportunity.
Starting at $195,000 for one fraction.

--us -s ~llr~------- ----r --I~--~~---

30 0 DEC. 6. 20066, THE ISLANDER


MAN WITH SHOVEL: Plantings, natives, patio gardens,
trimming, cleanup, edging, maintenance. Hard-work-
ing and responsible. Excellent references. Edward 941-
LET US DRIVE YOU! Shopping, medical appointments,
airports, cruise ports. Flat rates. Sunshine Car Service.
Serving the Islands. 941-778-5476.
misbehaving? Certified computer service and private les-
sons. Special $40/hour. Free advice. 941-545-7508.

ISLAND PRESSURE CLEANING for great results, wash
away mildew, dirt, salt. Thorough, reasonable, reliable.
Free estimates, licensed, insured. 941-778-0944.

CONNECT-ICON Your local computer specialist. Experi-
enced certified technician for communication electronics
offers wireless and cable networks, upgrades, mainte-
nance, repairs, tutoring and training. Call Robert, 941-

ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remodel-
ing, repairs, additions,. screen rooms, kitchens, baths.
Free estimates. License #CGC061519, #CCC057977,
#PE0020374. Insured. Accepting MasterCard/Visa. 941-

solutions for business and home. Installation, repairs,
upgrades, networking, Web services, wireless services.
Richard Ardabell, network engineer, 941-778-5708, or
cell 216-509-1945.

CUCCIO TILE: Many Island references. Free estimates.
Licensed and insured. 941-730-2137.
tutoring in math, science and reading-for elemenlary-lo
college-level students. $35/hour. 941-524-4177.

carpentry, custom mirror and other interior/exterior gen-
eral household repairs. Offering quality services since
1994. Reliable. Call Colin at 941-376-0541.


PIANO AND VOICE lessons by New York professional
artist/teacher. By appointment. Palmetto. 941-729-2244.

AAA CONFIDENCE CLEANING. Housecleaning, office
cleaning and window cleaning. Good references, reason-
able rates. Licensed and insured. Family owned and oper-
ated. 941-812-0499.

SANDY'S CLEANING SERVICE: Exceptional cleaning
and decorating island references available. For unbeat-
able service, call 798-9484.
CLEANING BY HELENE: Thirty-year Island resident.
Weekly, bi-weekly, detail oriented, honest, reliable, excel-
lent references. Free estimates. Call 941-778-5717.
30 years experience. Certifications: B.A. in elementary
education, M.A. in reading specialization, M.A. in learning
disabilities, Ed.D in education. Diagnostic, remedial. Call
941-778-0349, 4-6pm.
MUSIC LESSONS! Flute, saxophone, clarinet. Beginning
to advanced. Contact Koko Ray, 941-758-0395.
BEACH SERVICE air conditioning, heat, refrigeration.
Commercial and residential service, repair and/or replace-
ment. Serving Manatee County and the Island since 1987.
For dependable, honest and personalized service, call
William Eller,.941-795-7411. CAC.184228:.
ANYONE CAN TAKE a picture. A professional creates a
portrait. I want to be at your wedding! www.jackelka.com.
NADIA'S EUROSAGE Relaxing, healing massage in the
comfort of your home. Call today for an appointment,. 941-
795-0887. MA#0017550.
TILE AND MOSAIC custom installation, 20 years experi-
ence. References available. For a reasonable price, call
Sebastian, 941-704-6719.

CONNIE'S LANDSCAPING INC. Residential and com-
mercial. Full-service lawn maintenance, landscaping,
cleanup, hauling and more! Insured. 941-778-5294.
ISLAND LAWN SPRINKLER service and repair. Monthly
and quarterly accounts available. If it is broken, we can
fix it. Call 941-778-2581.

native plants, mulching, trimming, hauling, cleanup.
Island resident 25 years. Call 941-807-1015.

Looking for a piece of paradise on Anna
Maria at a bargain price? Consider a
private residence at The Blue Dolphin Inn.

N estled in the prestigious Bean Point neighborhood in Anna Maria.
Each of the four uniquely decorated suites shares the lush native
gardens and a heated pool area with its own Tiki bar' Other great
features that makes this opportunity special:
* Spacious, turnkey furnished two and three bedroom suites.
* Only two houses away from the gorgeous Gulf beach.
* All suites have private patios or porches.
* Three suites have covered parking spaces.
* Walk two blocks to the Rod & Reel Pier.
* Outstanding resort rental income when you are away.
* Complete management in place for carefree living.
* Incredible financing options for qualified buyers.
* Low down payment opportunity and seller pays closing costs.
* The average asking price per square foot in Anna Maria is S720.
These suites are priced at an amazing $408 to $453 per square foot.
With interest rates-at historic lows and the appeal of Anna Maria Island
at an all time high (named # 1 in U.S. by TripAdvisor.com), the time is
right to make your move and you will not likely find a better deal than
a suite at The Blue Dolphin Inn.
CALL BARRY GOULD, 941-448-5500 OR TED SCHLEGEL, 941-518-6117.

PROPERTIE6, .LL 1-4 pm Dec. 10
30oo1 GULFDRIVE HOLMES BEACH, FL 34217 404 Alamanda Rd
,,t a', i fylS, _____________________,_____'_

Don't miss out on your opportunity to market to our Island ,
snowbirds, seasonal visitors and Islanders. We offer more .
circulation weekly than the dailies do Sunday to Saturday,
greater readership than any publication circulating on AMI, 1
and a reputation for success! 15 years of service to the
Island community and the readers are still flocking to The Islander.
Call Nancy for marketing tips, special deals
and the "best news on Anna Maria Island"
... 941 778 7978, or e-mail nancy@islander.org '

GULF SHORE LANDSCAPING: Lawn care, pressure
washing, landscaping. owner operated by Island resident.
Exceptional value! Licensed and insured. Call 941-726-
7070. www.gulfshorelandscaping.com.

SHELL DELIVERED and spread. $42/yard. Hauling: all
kinds of gravel, mulch, top soil with free estimates. Call
Larry at 941-795-7775, "shell phone" 941-720-0770.

KARAZ LANDSCAPE Lawn Service. Mulch, clean-ups,
power washing, tree trimming and more. City of Anna
Maria resident. Cell 941-448-3857.

lation. Tropical landscape specialist. Residential and com-
mercial. 30-years experience. 941-729-9381.

installations, native plants, palms, aquascapes, rock
and patios. Shell installed $42/yard. Shark Mark 941-
CLOUD NINE LANDSCAPING: Now accepting lawn and
landscape maintenance accounts at great rates. Fully-
insured, references. Please call 941-778-2335 or 941-

VAN-GO PAINTING residential/commercial, interior/exte-
rior, pressure cleaning, wallpaper. Island references. Bill,
-tors. In-house plan designs. State licensed and insured. Many
Island references. 941-778-2993. License #CRC 035261.
35-year Island resident. Call Jim Bickal at 941-778-1730.
CHRISTIE'S PLUMBING Island and off-Island service
since 1975. Repairs and new construction. Free estimates,
no overtime charges. Now certifying back flow at water
meters. FL#RF0038118-941-778-3924 or 778-4461.

THE ISLANDER M DEC. 6, 2006 31 .


TILE -TILE -TILE. All variations of ceramic tile supplied
and installed. Quality workmanship, prompt, reliable,
many Island references. Call Neil, 941-726-3077.

ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remodel-
ing, repairs, additions, screen rooms, kitchens, baths.
Free estimates. License #CGC061519, #CCC057977,
#PE0020374. Insured. Accepting MasterCard/Visa. 941-

phases of carpentry, repairs and painting. Thirty years
experience. Insured. Meticulous, clean, sober and prompt.
Paul Beauregard, 941-779-2294.

KEN & TINA DBA Griffin's Home Improvements Inc.
Handyman, fine woodwork, countertops, cabinets and
shutters. Insured and licensed, 941-748-4711.

TILE, CARPET, LAMINATE supplied and installed. Why
pay retail? Island resident, many references. Free esti-
mates, prompt service. Steve Allen Floor Coverings. 941 -
792-1367, or 726-1802.

JERRY'S HOME REPAIR: Carpentry work, handyman,
light plumbing, electrical, light hauling, pressure washing
and tree trimming. Call 941-778-6170 or 447-2198.
WINDOW SHADES, BLINDS, shutters and more. Lifetime
warranty. Call Keith Barnett for a free in-home consulta-
tion. Island references, 15 years experience. 941-778-
3526 or 730-0516.



Realty Ie
3101 Gulf Drive,
Holmes Beach, FL 34217
(941) 778-6696 Office
Kathy Caserta (941) 778-4364 Fax
Realtor, GRI, CRS 1-800-367-1617 Toll-Free
(941) 778-6943 Home
(941) 704-2023 Cell


a full kitchen and furniture. Garden view PRESERVE. Turnkey home offers 2 car
.rd .i,;,- i.:r ii ;.i..i i i,:h pi li; t,., garage, living/dining room, den and main-
)r.r,10 f,- .,rrien l i,,,-,- r ,T,.-.ge- tenance free yard. Plenty of time to enjoy
ment. $450,000. the pool, tennis and golf. $374,900.
Homeowners and *
investors take Bill Jay
advantage while rates Molr Brl
tge Montgagp Brop k
are still lower. 941-315-0908
New loans or 'ii -" i amepy.,irj oi i eo
refinance and improve Horizon
cash flows. -- Realty

l IT 1T" **"""""".. 87- ---- ,

Immaculate 2BR.2BA, conveniently located ground level condo
completely furnisnd and ready for immediate occupancy. Jusit
in time for winter Amenities include spacious living and dining
room, and a sunny adjoining family room. featuring buill-in
bookcases and cabinets Also included is one covered parking
space Overlooking the manicured putting green and steps 1lo
nhe swimming pool Ibis adorable, blue ribbon hideaway is the
perfect stocking smuder Hurry won I last long.

HANDYMAN SERVICE:-Winton's Home-Buddy Inc.
Retired banker, Island resident, converting life-long hobby
to business. Call 941-705-0275 for free estimates.
IMPACT WINDOWS AND doors. Exclusive distributor:
Weatherside LLC on Holmes Beach. Free, courteous esti-
mates. Jeld-wen Windows and Doors. Lic.# CBC1253145.
THIRTY-SIX YEARS craftsman experience. Interior, exte-
rior, doors, stairs, windows, trim. Pressure wash. Driveway
paint. Dan Michael, master carpenter. Call 941-518-3316.

TUB AND TILE refinishing: A division of D.J. Murphy Paint-
ing Inc. Save up to 80 percent over traditional remodeling
costs. Call us with your kitchen and bath needs. Don't
buy new redo! 941-751-1245. Licensed, certified, and

HOME REPAIRS AND improvements: General repairs and
quality renovation, including carpentry, drywall, tile, paint,
even landscaping. Please call Chris, 941-266-7500.
paint, tile, wall and ceiling repairs, Fred Weingartner, 941-
LICENSED AND INSURED building contractor ready to
help you renovate all aspects of your existing home, add
extensions or build a new home on your lot. We only do
high quality work and are very prompt with our customers.
Call Daniel DeBaun at 941-518-3916.
NEW DOOR SHOP now open. Steel, fiberglass, fire-rated,
commercial, residential, thousands of glass options. All
code-approved, impact available. Retail, wholesale. Metro
Door Shop, 941-758-5828.

Countrywide Home Loans is close by.and ready
to help you get the home of your dreams.
of Competitive rates.
f Local experts with the power to say "YES" to
your home loan.
fUp-front approval* at the time of application.
fAs little as no-to-low down payment options
available to make qualifying easier.
If Loan amounts to $6 million.
If Construction financing available.

Pam Voorhees
Home Loan Consultant
401. Manatee Ave. W. Holmes Beach
pam.voorhees @ countrywide.com
G Countrywide
(941) 586-8079

Simply the Best

GULFFRONT Easily converted to 4BR/5BA with
decks and den upstairs. Three-car garage and workshop
downstairs. Heated pool and separate guest cottage with
1BR/1BA and kitchen. $2,999,000.

The finest condo Anna
S* Maria' has to offer.
S' ~' -" A L furnished. High ceil-
ings, Windows on all four
sides. Enclosed secure
garage, pool and spa.
-- $1,925,000.

M ike 800-367-1617-
n ^941-778-6696
Norman 3101 GULF DRIVE
Ofrecemos servicio de ventas en espan6l

E&N PAINTING: INTERIOR, exterior. Island references.
Quality paint. Call for free estimates. Schedule soon,
season is coming! 941-756-9595 or 941-518-3054.

ISLAND HOME REMODEL Inc.: Kitchen, bath, deck and
complete home remodeling. Call 941-795-1968. E-mail:
islandhomeremodel @ hotmail.com.
RESILIENT PROPERTIES AND renovations: Kitchens,
bathrooms, tile work, decks, sheetrock, painting and more.
Reliable work start-to-finish. What does your home need?
Free estimates. Call Thomas P. Lass, 941-782-7313.
HOME REPAIRS AND Improvements. Carpentry, doors,
paint, trim, crown molding, minor remodeling, drywall,
texture, general home repairs. 941-713-1951.
CEILING TEXTURE AND blow-in insulation, fixtures,
backsplashes, light carpentry, etc. Licensed and insured.
Drew Hudson, conscientious handyman. 941-812-5073.

RENTALS available weekly, monthly, seasonal Wede-
brock Real Estate Co., 941-778-6665 or 800-749-6665.

SEASONAL RENTAL: Holmes Beach, 4BR two master
suites-/3BA, house on canal. Two minutes to beach.
Heated pool, dock, cable TV, washer/dryer, garage,
designer furnished with tropical yard setting. One of the
finest rentals on Island. $1,600/weekly. Call 941-713-0034
or e-mail: beachdreams@tampabay.rr.com.
with breathtaking views. Pools, Jacuzzi, walk to shops
and restaurants. Available weekly, monthly, seasonal.
901-301-8299 or. e-mail captko462@aol.com.

Michael Saunders
& Company
Licensed Real Estate Broker
Kimberly Roehl, P.A.
Investing in Property Leads to Opportunities
r N MIWM Isaa1SiiiSS

Two master suites, updated tile floors turnkey furnished, 2BR/2BA, updated,
and Berber carpet, four porches, heatedpool, tenniscourts, fishing pier on
two-car garage with bonus room and the bay, deeded beach access and weekly
sundeck. $520,000.; rentals permitted. $379,000-$429,000.,

condo that is comfortably. decorated and
turnkey furnished encouraging relaxing
Island lifestyle. Attractive rental policy or
ideal for your own beach.oasis. $374,900.

wA.lr viewS irom Iirn. updijlTd, lI.rg- J, 1
duplex with an open floor plan, bamboo
floors and multiple decks including a roof
deck with endless possibilities. $709,900..

BEACHTREASURE: Enchanting and meticu-
lous describes this beachfront complex and
the location-of this 2BR turkey furnished
:,f1j0 Ihat hii Ifrom-n eai viwv oi Irie p1oI
,,-ip3 $:00,000

BOATER SDREAM:An e.I:.eiLona.llm,in-
,ainr.j 3r] uparjdd nf i wt 'air, ana)l vSew:.
from most rooms that is ideal for waterfront
lMng. Newdock,.10,0001b lift. $559,000.

GREENFIELD PLANTATION 2-3BR main- BEACH COTTAGE 1 BR condos with terrific
tenance-free home in'move-in'condition. location in Holmes Beach located just six
Features include all appliances, ceramic homesfrombeachaccess.Tumkeyfumished,
tile, home warranty provided and com- completely updated including new roof, new
munity pool and recreation facilities with heated pooland newtropicallandscape.Great
close proximity to 1-75. $243,900. rental or beach get-away. $375,000.

3BR mellculousjly
maintjinpd lur.
nshed, wood deck
ol lamily room,
rwo-rar graule with
9 I workshop ler-iced
I l backyard wilh Ie-
new spgii shunorl
d.di.jrice i nea,:rih
. 4400 Manatee Ave. W. E

centrally located in Bradenton Beach.
Updated interior and exterior-renova-
tions including new heated pool, new
roof, new tropical landscape and turnkey
furnished. Ideal investment opportunity.

3radenton 941.748.6300

32 N DEC. 6. 2006 E THE ISLANDER

Sandy's Lawn Service Inc.
Sandy's Established in 1983
Lawn Celebrating 23 Years of
SQuality & Dependable Service.
SService Call us for your landscape
778-1345 and hardscape needs.
I Licensed & Insured

Paradise Improvements 778-4173
Kitchen and Bath Remodeling Specialist
i- :' -Replacement Doors and Windows
"*'- Steven Kaluza Andrew Chennault
JJ '[ i: Fully Licensed and Insured Island References

Office: (941) 778-2246 (941) 792- 8628 / *
E-mail: haroldsmall@wagnerrealty.com

CRC016172 941 -750-9300 0

Removal of all types of trash, debris and junk.

A V:^l )6 1 [ T: 41H 10MUMJ


Junior's Landscape & Maintenance
Lawn care PLUS native plants. .,
mulch. trip, hauling and cleanup.. --. .
Call Junior. 807-1015 .

The Paver Brick Store
8208.Cortez Road W. Bradenton 34210 (941) 794-6504
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WEEKLY RENTALS: Alecassandra villa, 1 BR/1BA, $700/
week; Island duplex, 2BR, $800/week; Gulffront cottage,
2BR, $1,000/week; Bradenton Beach Club, 2BR/2BA,
$1,400/week. Please call Kim Fisher, Wagner Realty,
941-778-2246. www.wagnerrealty.com.
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, townhouse: 2BR/2BA with bal-
cony and view of mountains. Weekly or monthly rental.
Call Paige at 941-798-3448.
WEEKLY/MONTHLY/ANNUAL rentals: wide variety,
changes daily. SunCoast Real Estate, 941-779-0202, or
1-800-732-6434. www.suncoastinc.com.

1-4BR DIRECT BEACHFRONT, gorgeous views, designer
furnished, cable, DVD/VCR, dishwasher, phone, quaint
village. $975-$2,375/week9 941-713-0034 or beach-
HOLMES BEACH: POOL furnished 2BR/2BA. Oct.-Dec.
31. Dishwasher, washer and dryer, tile throughout, cable
TV, pool. 1.5 blocks to beach. $1,400/month or $950/
month plus utilities. 941-778-3104.

SEASONAL HOLMES BEACH: 1 BR/1 BA fully furnished,
all utilities included, washer and dryer, one block to Gulf.
$650/week, $1,300/month. 941-721-6090.

MANATEE RIVERFRONT: 2BR/2BA, spectacular views!
Gated, pool, covered parking, security, fitness center.
$1,050/month annual. Call Maria, 941-720-1712.
HERON'S WATCH: 3BR/2BA two-car garage, like new.
Ten minutes tobeach. Near shops and medical. Available
Dec. 15. $1,400/month. 941-773-6581 or 941-794-9921.
ANNUAL OR MONTH-to-month: 4BR Island family home
in quiet residential area. Bayfront with direct water view.
Perfect for family with children. Extra large balcony, cov-
ered parking, laundry room with washer and dryer. Park
setting, 'two blocks to Gulf beaches. Fully furnished.
$2,500/month annual, $3,200 month-to-month. Pets
considered. Call 941-704-2993.
WATERFRONT: DOCK WITH davits. Short walk to beach,
washer and dryer, carport, storage. Quiet location. $1,000/
month. 727-784-3679. Bradenton Beach.

$2,000/month. Weekly starting at $625/week. Fran
Maxon Real Estate, 941-778-2307. www.franmaxonre-
ANNUAL 2BR/1 BA: AIR conditioning, washer and dryer,
water, large pool, cable. Parking only 200 steps to beach.
First and deposit. $950/month. 941-779-1586.
PARADISE IN COMFORT at Palm Breeze rentals in
Holmes Beach. Two beautifully furnished units in a Key
West-style home on a large corner lot. Each unit has
3BR/2BA, washer, dryer and fully equipped kitchen.
Heated pool, bikes, grill, etc. Just bring your clothes
and a toothbrush and enjoy. www.apalmbreeze.com.
HOLMES BEACH: 2BR/1 BA house. One and a half blocks
from beach. $1,295/month, includes trash. Available Dec.
15.First, last and security deposit. 949-813-4900.
ANNUAL HOLMES BEACH: Large 2BR/2BA, with down-
stairs office. Recently renovated, new appliances, gran-
ite counters, balcony. Large garage. Walk to beach. Call
owner, 941-545-6118.
HOLMES BEACH: 1BR/1BA apartment. 750 sf, 100
feet from bay. Includes washer and dryer, water and
trash and cable/DSL. Available Dec. 15. $850/month.
FOR RENT: 2BR/2BA balcony, Gulf view. $950/month,
$900 deposit, $50 application fee. 2411 Ave. C., Braden-
ton Beach. Efficiency, $750/month includes utilities. $700
deposit, $50 application fee. 112, 52nd St., No.1, Holmes
Beach. Seasonally, 1 BR Gulf view, cute and clean, $900/
week or $2,400QQ/month. Call 941-746-8666.
CORTEZ COTTAGE: QUIET area. Fully furnished, walk
to water. Two people only, no smokers. $1,700/month
includes utilities. 941-794-5980. www.divefish.com.
ANNUAL: CORTEZ 1BR, storage, carport, boat ramp
nearby. $640/month. 941-778-2710 after 10 am.
ANNUAL LARGE 1BR/1BA. Screened lanai, laundry
room, garage. No pets, no smoking. $950/month plus
utilities. 941-778-9710 or 847-530-8833.
beach, clubhouse. Very nice. Turnkey. $1,200/month.
1 or 2BR, ACROSS FROM beach, newly remodeled,
all appliances, screened porch, internet, cable. For
pictures, look on www.beachesndreams.net. Call 1-

ANNUAL RENTALS: 2BR/2BA home, $1,200/month.
2BR/2BA apartment, Anna Maria $875/month. 1 BR/1 BA,
new tile and paint, $775/month. Fran Maxon Real Estate,
941-778-2307. www.franmaxonrealestate.com.
new, fresh and clean. Small pet OK, close to beaches.
Available Dec. 1. $2,000/month. 941-778-5445.
WELCOME TO OUR little slice of paradise! Two beautiful
second-floor condominiums, close to historic old village
on north Longboat Key. Beautifully furnished and fully
equipped. Heated pool, tennis courts and private beach
access. Great restaurants and shops nearby. A perfect
location for fun and relaxation! 2BR/2BA or 1BR/1BA,
monthly. 800-431-0278 or 941-778-2333. www.ESP-

ANNUAL RENTAL: PALMA Sola Park. 3BR/2BA, like new,
fresh and clean. Small pet OK, furnished or unfurnished.
Available Dec. 1. $1,500/month. 941-778-5445.
Island. Large 1BR/2BA apartments: Internet available,
washer and dryer. Only $350/week. Call 941-778-1098.
PRIVATE HOME FOR rent annually on water. 2BR/2BA,
enclosed garage, beautiful view. One block to beach.
Washer dryer hook ups. Bradenton Beach. $1,300/month.
By owner, 941-778-6170.

HOLMES BEACH: ANNUAL 2BR/1 BA, steps to Gulf. Lanai,
laundry remodeled. First, last, security, no smokers. $895/
month plus electric. 941-778-5412 or 585-473-9361.
bay Point and Moorings. 2BR/2BA, all amenities, close to
beach, shopping and trolley. Sharon, Old Florida Realty,
ANNUAL WATERFRONT: 2BR/2BA ground-floor at West-
bay Cove. Tennis, pool, cable, water included. Sharon, Old
Florida Realty, 941-713-9096.
ANNUAL 2BR/2BA LARGE, enclosed porch. One block
to beach. No pets. $900/month. 941-778-9378. 5611-B
Guava, Holmes Beach.
ANNUAL 3BR/2BA: TROPICAL duplex, one block to
beach, washer and dryer, some utilities included. No
Smoking or pets. $950/month and $700 deposit. 94'1-
798-9765. Responsible persons only.

unit, one block to beach. Newly remodeled with laundry.
$575/weekly, $1,975/monthly. 941-807-5449.
LOVELY 3BR/2BA HOME: Quiet canal, large screened
porch, fenced yard, dock, garage, walk to beach. Non-
smoking. Call 941-779-2005.

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Dependable Northern Laborers

ca 941-773-2805

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THE ISLANDER DEC. 6, 2006 M 33


ANNUAL BAY VIEW: 1BR/2BA, Remodeled, everything is
brand new. Poolside with huge covered patio. Must see!
201 S. Bay and Spring Ave., Anna Maria. $1,200/month.
941-779-9357 or 720-235-9025.

HOME FOR THE holidays? Attractive 2BR/2BA, Florida
room, washer and dryer hook-up, dishwasher, close to
beach. Duplex, $1,000/month. No pets. Dolores M. Baker
Realty, 941-778-7500.
Elevated 3BR/2BA. Available now through April. One
block to beach. 813- 251-9201.
ANNUAL RENTAL: 2BR/1BA. $850/month plus one
month's security. Nonsmoker. 941-284-2598 or 941-524-
6874. 7106 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach.
GULFFRONT: QUAINT 2BR/1 BA, ground level. Enjoy
breathtaking sunsets. Walk to restaurants, shops, gro-
cery, trolley. Winter-summer, $2,400/month, $650/week.
352-592-5870 or 813-728-2590.
OFFICE/RETAIL SPACE: 1,200 sf, available Jan.1,
2007. Former Wicked Candle. 8819 Cortez Road. 1-
located south of Bridge Street. The unit has upstairs and
downstairs living area with parking underneath. Call 813-
deck and close to all! Washer and dryer on the premises.
$1,400/month, utilities included! Call 646-842-0096.
on canal. Newly renovated. Village Green 3BR pool home.
Call 941.-778-0770. Web site: www.smithrealtors.com.
ANNUAL RENTAL: STUDIO apartment in Holmes Beach.
Call 941-778-7039.
DEEP DISCOUNT FOR last-minute travel to beautiful
town of Anna Maria. Quaint Island cottage steps to beach.
DUPLEX AVAILABLE: 1 BR/1 BA, greatroom with kitch-
enette. Private yard and patio, short walk to Gulf. Avail-
able Dec. 15 through March 30. $1,350/month. 516-
SEASONAL RENTAL: ANNA Maria Key Royale canal
home. 3BR/2BA, pool, spa, boat dock. $1,000/week,
$3,500/month. Real Estate Mart, 941-756-1090.
BEAUTIFUL 1BR CONDO: fully furnished with porch,
pool, clubhouse. $850/month, utilities included, year
, lease. First, last and security. 75th Street West, Sabel
BAYFRONT COTTAGES: STEPS to beach. Great views.
1 and 2 bedrooms, utilities included. Starting at $1,300/
month, long or short term. Call 941-747-3321.
1BR/1BA, boat moorage, water, garbage and yard ser-
vice included. $950/month. Information at http://goff-club.
ANNUAL 2BR/1 BA, HOLMES Beach: freshly painted, big
yard, pets considered. $920/month, garbage and yard
service included. 941-224-4091.
SEASONAL OR WEEKLY cottage-style rentals. 1BR/1 BA
or 2BR/1BA with pool. Walk to beach, shopping, restau-
rants. 941-778-3426. Web site 2spinnakers.com ..

great views of Tampa Bay. Canalfront, walking distance
to beach and restaurants. $739,000. 941-779-1512.
FOR SALE BY owner: Best value on the Island! 2BR/ 2BA,
one-car garage, gourmet kitchen, new windows, updated
baths and more. Two blocks from beach. $615,000. 941-
778-8677. 406 Bay Palms Drive, Holmes Beach.
3BR/2BA: One bedroom used as a den/office/playroom,
enclosed lanai, tiled with carpeted bedrooms. 1,400 sf,
county water/sewer, citrus trees, near Brentwood school
in Sarasota. Reduced to $274,900.941-379-4196 or 941-
C P R: 941-794.1515. Sales, rentals, property manage-
ment. Coastal Properties Realty. www.coastalproperties-
plan, new kitchen. Totally upgraded. Dock, three davits.
Owner motivated. Not a drive-by, must see inside! By
owner. Call Herb Dolan, 941-705-4454. 404 21st Place.
Bradenton Beach.

LOT FOR SALE: One block to Gulf. 50x100 feet, cleared.
$539,000. 215 71st St., Holmes Beach. (941) 778-4036.
new furnished, bay windows with water view. Hurricane
Force-3 manufactured home. One mile from Ahna Maria
Island and one block from Intracoastal Waterway with
new marina and boat ramp. Land owned. Home owner's
association optional. $159,900. 941-224-6521.
tifully updated and maintained, new roof, turnkey fur-
nished. Beach access just steps away, bay views, boat
dock, ample parking, great income rental. Room for a
pool. Convenient to restaurants and shopping. $875,000.
111 8th St. S., Bradenton Beach. Bridget Spies, ReMax
Properties, 941-308-6763. MSL# 313022.
WEST BRADENTON: OPEN noon-4pm Sunday. Six
months condo fees paid! Free-standing, private three-
bedroom upgraded condo with two-car garage, new lanai..
Call for details, 941-792-0763. $309,900.5605 Whippor-
will Ct. off 59th Street West, Tanglewood.

OPEN HOUSE: 1-4pm Sunday: New home, 3,746 sf 3-
4BR/3BA, granite/cherry kitchen, three screened veran-
das. $829,000. Horizon Realty, 941-725-7000. 303 58th
St., Holmes Beach.
UPDATED 3BR/2BA: 1,560 sf, tastefully furnished and
decorated, sold turnkey. For sale by owner. Buyer's
agents, 3 percent. Reduced to $585,000. 813-818-8314.
8104 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. www.bohnenberger.
FOR SALE: ALL new beach house. 1BR/1BA, fully fur-
nished, all appliances. Sandpiper resort #521. 55-plus-
community on the Intracoastal across the street from the
beach. $175,000.You can't get on the Island forless than
-this! 317-873-3307.
SWEEPING WATER VIEWS from large 2BR/2BA condo.
with longer 35-foot dock and carport. Must sacrifice or fore-
close. Open house anytime. $475,000.941-807-5449.
WESTBAY POINT & MOORING: Lower, corner, condo unit
with fantastic view of Tampa Bay and Sunshine Skyway
Bridge. Beautiful island kitchen, turnkey furnished. Must
see. $610,000. Call 401-497-6327.

r ------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- ---

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34 l DEC.. 6. 2006'W THE ISLANDER


BY OWNER, PURCHASE or lease: Manatee riverfront
condo, 2BR/2BA, beautiful views, pool, gated, covered park-
ing, fitness. $325,000 or $1,050/month. 941-720-0092.
DUPLEX ON LARGE lot, 90x108 feet. Second lot east
of Gulf Drive in north Holmes Beach resort area. Annual
tenants in place, includes well-known Island architect's
plans for complete remodel. $885,000. 941-704-7729.

WESTBAY POINT CONDO: Beautiful water view. Immedi-
ate occupancy. Turnkey, only bring your toothbrush. Condo
in pristine condition. Sale by owner, seller will carry mort-
gage to qualified buyers. Low down payment, low fixed
interest rate. Huge price reduction. Phone 315-733-0851.

DIRECT WATERFRONT: Latchkey. 65A Cortez Park,
Avenue D. 941-779-CAIN.
TROPIC ISLES, PALMETTO, Fla. Turnkey furnished, spa-
cious 2BR/2BA mobile with deep-water slip, dock and
davits, no bridges to Gulf. Share owned. $203,000. Many
amenities. 218-728-3690.
NEW LAKEFRONT CONDOS: Low $300s. Minutes to
beach, no flood, evacuation zone. Hidden Lake Real Estate,
941-761-0444. www.HiddenLakeCondominiums.com.
ISLAND CANAL LOT: 75x100 feet, new dock, priced to
sell quickly. Below market and appraised value, $550,000.
Call Jake, 941-544-7786. 108 Gull Drive, Anna Maria.
BRADENTON BEACH: 2BR/2BA elevated with covered
parking. View of bay from large covered porch. Only
two blocks to Gulf, great neighborhood. $350,000. 941-
778-3875. .
BY OWNER: 2BR/1.5BA condo. Bath and kitchen need
update. $399,999. 863-412-2612. www.cflrealestateon-
line.com/condo. 5400 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach.
,FOR SALE BY owner: Holmes Beach triplex. Rental
income of $34,000 annually. Reduced to sell at $575,000.
Call 646-842-0096 for more information. -
FOR SALE BY owner: Deep-water canal ranch, $550,000.
Nicely remodeled with' granite countertops, tile flooring,
and more. Call Scott Wheeler at 614-207-7878, or e-mail
ANNA MARIA 4BR/3BA. 2,220 sf living area, 4,380 sf
under roof. Reduced to $639,000. All written offers con-
sidered. 941-773-0706.

With .our all new Online Open House Search, you can
search by area, price range, property type or number of
bedrooms and baths. Then you can map out the open
houses to plan your Sunday open house tour.
A Complete List Of Open Houses Is Also Available At Your
Bradenton Michael Saunders & Company Sales Office.

poraryhome-open,light,artistic, upgrades+. large yard, fireplace & pool. Wonderful
A favorite northwest neighborhood; no two wood floors, great kitchen. $649,900.
homesalike.$1,088,000.BarbaraJennings, 748-6300, Kathy Marcinko, 713-1100 or
748-6300 or 941-773-0180. 541404 Sandy Drapala, 725-0781. 542554.
MANATEERIVERESTATEon 1.29acesmainhousewith4800sq.ft.&1BRguesthouse. Updated
baths& kitchen with custom cabinets and granitetogetherwith some hardwood flooring. Newer
dock with 2 boat lifts. $2,999,000. Kathy Valente, 748-6300 or 685-6767.542412.
OVER 250' ofwaterfronton Blmlnl Bay. 6BR, 5,200sq.ft. home. Fantasticwaterviewsfrom every
room. Enjoythe pool, spa and private dockwith davitsand deepwateraccess. Closeto Gulf beach.
A Christie's Great Estates listing. $2,349,000. Jody Shinn, 748 6300 or 705-5704.527474
RARE BOATERS' DREAM CONDO! Deep water dock/protected Marina; 2.5 car garage;
elevator direct to 3/2 unit; top floor 2750 sq ft; pool & tennis. $1,050,000. Barbara
Jennings, 748-6300 or 773-0180. 542179
BEAUTIFULLYRESTOREDAND RENOVATED homewith 5BR and a den. Customupgrades
throughout and hardwood floors, fireplace and wrap around porch with views of the River.
Spectacular property. $890,000. Kathy Valente, 748-6300 or 685-6767. 541627.
DIRECT GULF-FRONT, top floor, 2BRTKFcondo overlooking the beach. Recently remod-
eled with Tommy Bahama style furnishings, tile, & hurricane shutters. Small complex with
elevator, pool, spa & tennis. $859,000. Jody Shinn, 748-6300 or 705-5704.542614.
PANORAMIC FULL GULF OF MEXICO VIEWS, white sandy beach and heated pool. 2BR
completely furnished. $749,900.748-6300. KathyMarcinko, 713-1100 or Sandy Drapala,
725-0781. 542526
BOATER'S DREAM HOME. Deep water canal, with direct access to the Gulf of Mexico,
private dock & 16,000 lb. boat lift. Exceptional kitchen, coral fireplace, heated pool.
$649,000. Peter Salefsky, 308-777 or 724-5107. 538827.
SOLDJTURNKEY FURNISHED, this 2BR has updated tile in living room, dining room and
kitchen anditcomeswithalltheamenitiesRunawayBay offers. Greatinvestmentwith seasonal
. rents already in place. $429,000. Kimberly Roehi, 748-6300 or 447-9988. 54260.0:

LOT: ONE BLOCK from beach. 57.75x11.4 feet. $520,000.
941-779-4505 or 941-778-4246. 125 Neptune Lane,
Holmes Beach.

LARGE DIRECT BAYFRONT lot on Anna Maria Island.
Unobstructed waterfront. $1,150,000. Michael Saunders &
Company, 1-800-539-1486, ext. 209, or 941-918-0010.

FOR SALE BY owner: Holmes Beach 3BR home, deep-
water "grande canal", pool, boat dock, many upgrades.
$815,000. Call 941-778-6474.
50-by-110-FOOT LOT in Anna Maria. Owner will finance.
No streets to cross to the beach! $480,000. 813-837-
6224.117 Willow Ave.

BAY POINTE CONDOMINIUMS: Low maintenance fee,
low Insurance, low taxes! Minutes to beaches. 1-2-3-4 BR
condos now available. New in 2005. Models open daily
2-4pm. Keller Williams Realty, 941-932-1288.

BRADENTON BEACH BY owner: 2BR/2BA end unit with
full Gulf views. Kitchen has stainless-steel appliances,
granite counters, nice turnkey furnished. Two large, bal-
conies. Amenities include boat docks, tennis court, pool
with spa. $649,000. 941-388-5238.
LOT FOR SALE: 126 50th Street. 100x100 feet. Zoned
R2. $650,000. 941-746-7423.
TOWNHOUSE ON PALMA Sola Bay: 2BR/1.5BA with boat
slip and canal view. Only $379,000. Also available as seasonal
rental, January-April at $2,800/month. Call 941-794-1976.
Rare opportunity at SunBow Bay. Small boat OK and
great fishing out.your back door. 150-yard private pier,,
lush landscaping, two heated pools, tennis and a great
living experience. Walk the grounds, walk to beach. Save
thousands at $599,000. Call owner, 941-228-3489.

garage, totally renovated. 1,553 sf under air conditioning.
$265,000. Great value. Available, immediate occupancy.

BRADENTON BEACH MOBILE home: Cozy, updated
bay view 1 BR in the Pines Park. Turnkey furnished, boat
slip available. $45,000. 941-962-8220.,

HOLMES BEACH -ISANO.cotfage: Updated 3BR/2BA,
garage,.janai with hot tub. 1ile floors, full canal view,
-boat slip. Private-landscaping. Three blocks from beach.
$555,000. 941-778-4111.

FOR SALE BY owner: Bradenton Beach, 2BR/2BA condo.
Fully remodeled, furnished with washer and dryer in unit..
View Gulf from balcony, steps to Gulf and Intracoastal.
Living area is upstairs/downstairs'over covered parking.
$400,000. Will consider financing: Call 813-245-0428.

Choice Guilffront properties for sale. We have
several on pristine nltural beach in quiet residential
neighborhood. Call today for further details.

& _,.?.

32 Years ofProfessional Service
LUXURY WATERFRONT VILLA with boat dock. 3BR/2BA, immaculate
and completely updated. Designer kitchen, glassed lanai, tennis, pools,
covered parking. $689,900.
SUNBOW 2BR/2BA boyfront end unit, turnkey furnished. $449,000.
MARTINIQUE NORTH Direct'Gulf, corner, garage/storage. Updated,
shows beautifully. $859,000.
BAYVIEW 4-5BR/4BA includes guest quarters, large master suite. $1,150,000.
BEST BUYS: ADULT COMMUNITY from $60,000, heated pool, near.
shopping, dining and transportation.
HARBOUR VILLA CLUB 2BR/2BA, turnkey, boat dock. $794,900.
PINEBROOK AND IRONWOOD $139,000 to $263,900.
DESOTO SQUARE VILLA 2BR/2BA, gated, pool clubhouse. $175,000.
RENTALS: Cottages to luxury villas. Vacation and annual.
5508C MARINA DRIVE 778-0807 800-956-0807
yrealty3@aol.com www.tdollyyoungrealestate.com

FOR SALE BY owner: Anna Maria north-end canal home.
Totally refurbished both inside and out. Walk to the beach
and also have easy boating access to Gulf. New appli-
ances and kitchen cabinets. Dock and boat lift ready to
go. Great location. Call 813-245-0428.

FOR SALE BY owner: 3BR/3BA townhouse. 2.5-car
garage, exercise room, plus loft. Across street, Gulf views.
Two pools and tennis. $580,000. 941-779-2008.

WATERFRONT TOWNHOUSE: 2BR, boat slip, heated
pool, low fees. Way below appraisal at $289,000. Real
Estate Mart, 941-756-1090.
BY OWNER:. BAYSHORE 4BR/2BA, all recently remod-
eled. Community pool, clubhouse and boat docks. $20,000
below bank appraisal. Now, $229,900. Call Fred, Realtor,
BY OWNER: KEY Royale. Waterfront, all new interiors,
boat dock, spa, pool. 3BR/2BA. $120,000 below appraisal.
Now $799,900. Call Fred, Realtor, 941-356-1456.
KATHY SELLS WEST Bradenton: 2BR/2BA, two-car
garage with pool, 3BR/2BA, two-car garage, corner lot.-
3BR/2BA, one-car garage, corner lot. Details at 941-730-
3251. Remax Gulfstream Realty.
KATHY SELLS CONDOS: 2BR/2BA, two-car garage
Perico Bay villa. 2BR/2BA, one-car garage, Perico Bay
villa. 2BR/2BA, two-car garage furnished, Gulf Watch. Call
for details, 941-730-3251. Remax Gulfstream.

views. 3.2-acre mountain estate. Heavily wooded with
stream. E-Z financing, $29,900. 800-230-6380, ext.620.
BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA: Must see beautiful and
-colorful fall foliage! Western North Carolina mountains,
homes, cabins, acreage and investments. Cherokee Moun-
tain Realty, GMAC Real Estate, Murphy. cherokeemoun-
tainrealty.com. Call for free brochure, 800-841-5868.
erties. Low property taxes. No state income tax. Four sea-
sons, southern hospitality. For more information, call Lake-
side Realty, 888-291-5253. www.lakesiderealty-tn.com.
WYOMING RANCH DISPERSAL: 35 acres, 49,900,
70 acres, $89,900,. 107 acres, $129,900. Snow-capped
mountain views. Surrounded by government land. Abun- .
dant wiidlile. Recreational paradise. Low taxes. E-Z terms.
Call Utah Ranches LLC. 888-541-5263.
FOR .SALE BY owner: 29 single-family rental homes in
Florida. Package deal OK or just one. Large income. Call
Scott Lubik, 727-214-7442. E-mail: slubik4040@aol.com.
GULFFRONT LOTS: $595,000. Homes starting mid-
$300s. New master-planned oceanfront community on
beautiful Mustang Island,-near Corpus Christi, Texas.
www.cinnamonshore.com. 866-891-5163.
VIRGINIA MOUNTAINS:.Large five-acre tract along
very large trout stream with private elevated homesite,
: good access, view, trees, nearby river. $59,500. 866-

40-foot dockbon sailboat canal; Spacious 3BR/2BA,
designer kitchen, water views from every window.
Smuggler's Landing #204-4109 129th St., Cortez.

CHAR HANSFORD 941-745-0407
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.. SANDY POINTE: Impeccably maintained
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Beach within walking distance to shops,
-' restaurants, and the beach! No rental
restrictions make this condo an instant
income producer. Heated pool, covered
parking, storage, washer dryer, and new
water heater! Don't wait come see this
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THE ISLANDER DEC. 6, 2006 M 35 ,


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JEWFISH KEY A privia lnd paradkw Ei3esdle
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DIRECT BAYFRONT Faoullijs %ie*4 Ir'a rpm r MARINERS COVE it vr jvrar, i.)pilloor.lBR/2I8A EXCELLENT WATER VIEW! A4s*': 22B'P2A r,r FABULOUS GULF VIEWS Prime eno turni-sh.id
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Ing] 1 363 1.1OultinlFidiC)d i"uttIc. bay .ampIleo wi~i ,pr,:ieit it.~dp *aieri 15 t.-TLii P'Jpl'er PAr3ij4 inaSll -941 MS#S'81. Iii9,iX' rr- .lac i byrwatk-in iI f, irepiace acid
prnvat. bech bay-zid,? porci/mp ipdenit rnlilan.aqpr 11 -45 .893 i j.Dav y Mlrinar l1t* tdiS wo.batcijnip Dave Moynihkan, 941 *7*216
anid 5Oieciu rie~a iorbbv DavE Mcqniihan NMLSN,25552. 1.69.90jo MLS#5'7333. $497 50')
94?1-. 78-224t6 ML9#5347"4:. s'.$ on'oj0

WINDWARD BAY 2 vv~ wri hwaler iith EN4D UNIT Liril brigm nem' iRAHiddeni BREATHTAKING pan-iri'..:ncPairia~Si'1.3 Bay v~iev RjVERFROUT CONJDO Trirr: ip ul:..r.,rdu srr3Mjria SHOREWALK Fasi i llcr iurril ey iurf-i-ed erid uni
ti3yiC-u~l Updated i ;l:en jdrne ceilin,ri-, eramnic Lalyc condo mrnruiec Kmm be3Ch, v,3ujle~d Ciihj-i'. BJ L.a~~c~~.. rjrrcdr.]il~~~ ie FA& iv*lCarp(1. realirnp:.J1n,: inic11iU'rinl'~oy UrList 10Cr riefltapool' Close to10Shopprig. rC5LUlj*
IoorS. kvasler and dryef. b,acfl arce~ssboat dooks. -snreered lanai one-rar 3nachea garage lake vipev arioi. ourzdepawo. b-irich uye grafiiicoufllers, treat* neaiManrriatk rq ad urmd HomewarranlV Pnci~iby ranis Two healed pQoYS 1*0 tabled tenns courts,
Omrilea e.se bacl: Doram ot ok0~, 341-383 5577. pool. spa. 8rnets. NorievauabOn zone Peniny Bray tsbarti, wdr~ines,Iighting DcjmeardP3ulVicienior ppa~sat TniLV-. erpcia ,%de icce 8E63ySmitrior a(Uve C~ulurhou:.pPete Feuerstein, 941 -,8-2246
MILS#4294176 $399.000. 941.7,82246. MLS#112375 $359.900(1 9417,4l2500 MLSa539i02. $339.000 &lfSiarren.941*7784?46 MLS5#52035 M M500 MLS#541535 $186.000



36 M DEC. 6, 2006 U THE ISLANDER

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