 Main: Opinion
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 Main: Islander Classifieds
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00074389/00098
 Material Information
Title: Islander (Anna Maria, Fla. : 1992)
Uniform Title: Islander (Anna Maria, Fla. : 1992)
Physical Description: Newspaper
Creator: Islander
Publisher: Bonner Joy
Publication Date: November 15, 2006
Genre: newspaper   ( sobekcm )
newspaper   ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Manatee -- Anna Maria
Coordinates: 27.530278 x -82.734444 ( Place of Publication )
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
System ID: UF00074389:00098

Table of Contents
        page 1
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    Main: Opinion
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    Main continued
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        page 10
        page 11
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        page 22
    Main: Islander Classifieds
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Full Text

Skimming the news ... Anna Maria Island map inside, page 16.

Anna Maria

Islander age
e r Socce^r finale, pakye 18.

"The Best News on Anna Maria Island Since 1992"

Major development and contractor selection for the
refurbishment of Historic Bridge Street Pier in Braden-
ton Beach has been delayed for a few weeks.
About 25 residents and business owners were told
last week that public notice requirements had not been
met for the major development proposal for the pier,.
which is located at the east end of Bridge Street on
Anna Maria Sound. The plan calls for construction of
a new restaurant as well as a dockmaster office, bath
house, dockage additions and an inforniational kiosk.
Apparently the legally required advertisements had
been placed in the appropriate newspapers, but certi-
fied letters to nearby residents and businesses had not
been mailed.
The pier restaurant, damaged during hurricanes,


Honor in service
Sheila Cassidy, a member of the American Legion honor guard, lands pi oud\ l at hu tcienony honoing
members uf the "Greatest Generation" those veterans who served in I'irhi Ihiar II. fort than 150 people
attended the event last week. For story and more pictures, see pa "c 8. Islander Phot,: Lisa Vciff

Commission snubs SueLynn

By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
When newly elected Anna Maria Mayor Fran B ar-
ford and a new commission gather Thursday night for
the traditional swearing-in ceremony and organizational
meeting, outgoing Mayor SueLynn plans to be con-
spicuously absent.
"No commissioner has asked me to attend, although
I've heard they want me to be there," SueLynn said.
"I really think the evening should belong to Fran
and the new commissioners," she added, noting that
city commissioners at their Oct. 26 meeting the
final commission meeting for SueLynn failed
to even mention her nearly five years of service to
the city.
The mayor's final commission meeting was to have

been Nov. 9 at a workshop session, but at the Oct. 26
meeting, commissioners agreed to move that session's
agenda to Nov. 16, just in time for Barford and newly
elected commissioners Duke Miller and Jo Ann Mattick
to be sworn in and take their seats. .
"We were in a rush," said Commission Chairman
John Quam of the Oct. 26 snub of SueLN nn. "It was
just something we didn't think about as we adjourned."
He said the-commission plans to honor SueLynn after
Barford is sworn in as the city's new mayor.
Very nice, observed SueLynn dryly. .
"I still haven't been invited by Mr. Quam or any
other commissioner. I just think it would have been
nice for someone at the Oct. 26 meeting to mention
that after four years and nine months, that was the last
time I would be meeting with the commission."

has been closed since September 2004. The damage
to the popular restaurant at the pier was.so severe that
the structure was razed earlier this year. Plans were
drawn up to rebuild the structure, as well as ancillary
buildings and an extensive floating dock for boaters to
the south of the 630-foot-long deck, which is mostly\
used by fishers- ....
Three contractors have indicated a willingness to
do the construction on the buildings and docks. The
bidders included:
Kesselring Corp. of Bradenton at $2,362,370.
Hayes Construction of Fort Myers at
Southern Cross Contractors of Sarasota at

Volume 15, No. 2 Nov. 15, 2006 FREE



event Saturday
By Jim Hanson
Islander Reporter
Probably 300 sand sculptors will show their stuff
Saturday, Nov. 18, along the Gulf of Mexico beach at
Bradenton Beach in the annual Sandblast.
It will pit at least 20 teams of up to 15 members
each in a four-hour competition, building sculptures
in designated plots of wet sand at the BeachHouse
Restaurant's volleyball courts, 200 Gulf Drive N.
The contest, whose theme is "Pirates," starts at 9 a.m.
and winds up at 1 p.m., when the judging begins. Two
"pirate" teams, the Anna Maria Island Privateers and the
Pyrates of the Gulf Coast, will participate, and the Pitts-
burg Pirates will have give-aways for all team members,
said the sponsoring Keep Manatee Beautiful.
In the preliminary part of Sandblast, and now as
popular as the Blast itself, the professional sculptors
of Team Sandtastic will be conducting free clinics in
their craft from 5 to 6 p.m. Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday at the BeachHouse.
Sandtastic will be building its own special offering
to the Sandblast, a huge exhibition sand sculpture at the
BeachHouse. -
Schroeder MNanatee Aggregates is donating 90tons
of beach-compatible sand and John Jackson Earth% orks
Land Development is donating whateer it takes to
deliver the sand. All 90 tons ill go into beach renour-
ishment at Palma Sola Cause\\ a after the competition
is finished.-
Saturday, the teams will begin arriving at 7:30 a.m.
to nail do%\ n their selections of 15-by-15-foot plots.
Judges will-include Becky Shannon, general manager
of the BeachHouse, marine master artist David Miller
of Maui Art, and a professional sand sculptor with
Team Sandtastic.
The exhibition is a fundraiser for Keep Manatee
Beautiful, with each sponsor donating $300 to the orga-
nization and there are still a few openings for spon-
sors. Teams that have registered to compete:
Ad-Vance Personnel Services, sponsored by
Brian Senseri; Privateers, sponsored by Teitelbaum
Developers; Bayshore High School National Art
Honor Society, Turner Tree & Landscape; Boys &
Girls Clubs of Manatee County, BrightHouse Net-
work; Crusader Environmental Club of King Middle
School, Corida Commons;
Intrepid Home Health; Lakewood Ranch High
.School-Science Club; Lincoln Middle School Stu-
dent Council, Suncoast Home Team at Wagner
Realty; Manatee Community College Earth Club,
East Tech; Manatee High School Anchor club, John
Moody & Associates;
Manatee High Art Department, The Islander
newspaper; Manatee High Environmental Science
Students, Ingrid McClellan; Manatee High Ocean
Awareness Club; ManaTEENS, Bradenton Lions Club
and Metro Systems;
Reef Rakers and Sarasota Bay Buddies, Sarasota
Bay Estuary Program;
Rotary Club of Anna Maria Island; Braden River
.High School Key Club Team No. 1; Braden River High
Team No 2, Kiwanis Club of East Manatee; Pyrates of
the Gulf Coast; Palmetto High School Key Club.
Additional information may be obtained by tele-
phoning 795-8272.

EVEiTERg U AAY JD --,7 r G

Pier talks stalled until Nov. 29



Barford facing mold problem at city hall

Bright light
Bradenton Beach Public Works Director Tom Wood-
ard was all grins at the proposed new street lights
cinv official-i are considering for the Bridge Street
aI'ea. The lights are from Beacon Lighting in Sara-
v)ta. City commissioners will discuss the lights later
this month. Islander Photo: Paul Rodt

Pier plan discussion now Nov. 29
City officials had estimated the work to cost $1.7
million, which is to come from a variety of funding
sources, including some grants.
City commissioners are now scheduled to discuss
the major development on the pier and, if approved,
select a contractor to do the work during a special city
commission meeting at 1 p.m. Nov. 29.
City officials hope to have the restaurant open for
business by next spring.

By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
Newly elected Anna Maria Mayor Fran Barford
won't have to wait long for her administration to face
its first serious threat to the city. Mold has been dis-
covered at city hall and environmental inspectors have
indicated th.it last summer's water intrusion tlI-,uI-lh
the roof appears to be the cause.
That's a polite way of saying the damage was caused
when Roof USA was installing a new roof on c i(t hall
last summer and covered its work area with materials
that failed during a heavy rainstorm. Thousands of gal-
lons of rainwater coursed through the roof and structure
onto the floor, causing serious water damage.
Roof USA's insurance provider subsequently paid a
claim to have the damage repaired, but Mayor SueLynn
ordered the environmental inspection as a precaution.
The Nov. 3 report by Environmental Safety Con-
sultants found "significant mold contamination" in the
trusses above the ceiling tiles in the c mminii,,ion cham-
bers, in the room air of the locker room and in the west
wall. ESC said there was no serious health threat at this
time, but precautions should be taken.
ESC recommended that a remediation protocol
be prepared and a trained, experienced mold-reme-
diation contractor hired to fix the areas required by
the protocol.
SueLynn said that even though ESC states. that the
level of air quality "does not indicate a need to vacate
the building," she's advising staff members with respi-
ratory problems to consult a physician.
She also contacted Roof USA and its insurance car-
rier, along with Cure Water Damage, the company hired
by Roof USA to clean up city hall following the rain
storm incident. And she asked city attorney Jim Dye
for a legal opinion to ensure the city doesn't get stuck
for any bill to get rid of the mold.\
The cost of the ESC inspection was $2,250, which
the mayor wants either Roof USA or its insurance com-
pany to pay.
SueLynn, who holds office until mayor-elect Fran
Barford is sworn on Nov. 16, said the roof company has
previously guaranteed that it would fix any problems
caused by the roof leak at no cost to the city, and fixing

the mold problem-identified in the report should be part
of that offer.
SueLynn said she advised Barford of the problem
she'll face on her first day as mayor.

Groundbreaking for Center
Thursday morning
Ground will be broken Thursday morning,
Nov. 16, for the new construction at the Anna
Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia
Ave., Anna Maria.
Participating in the public ceremony from 8:30
to 9:30 a.m. will be Stewart and Trudy Moon, who
are co-chairing the capital fundraising campaign;
Andy Price, chairman of the Center's board of
directors; Pierrette Kelly, executive director; the
mayors of the Island's three cities; and, by special
invitation, contributors to the capital campaign.
Additional information may be obtained by
calling the Center at 778-1908.

Fire commission to meet
A pension fund, a fire truck and a referendum
are talking points on the agenda for this week's
meeting of the West Manatee Fire Rescue District
The commissioners are scheduled to meet
Thursday at 6 p.m. at Station 1, 6001 Marina Drive,
Holmes Beach.
The commission agenda includes an update on the
recently approved referendum to raise impact fees on
new construction in the district.
The agenda also includes an update on the WMFR
pension fund, board elections, reports from officers, and
discussions on the training tower, a new ladder truck,
uniforms and a new badge system.
The commission is scheduled for two additional
gatherings this year a district dinner Dec. 3 and a
meeting Dec. 21.

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THE ISLANDER U NOV. 15. 2006 3 3

Island voters beat path to ballot box

By Lisa Neff
Islander Reporter
A steady stream of voters went to the polls on Anna
Maria Island Nov. 7 to cast ballots in a mid-term elec-
tion deciding the balance of Congress and the makeup
of city commissions.
The ballot also contained statewide races, judicial
contests, state legislative seats and a number of initiatives
and referendums, including a question on raising impact
fees for the West Manatee Fire Rescue District.
The turnout in Manatee County was strong, with
50.52 percent of the registered 198,982 registered
voters casting ballots.
The Manatee County Supervisor of Elections
Office reported that 76,771 votes were cast in 137
precincts on election day. Another 15,712 votes were
cast in absentee ballots and 7,029 voted early at two
mainland locations.
Elections Supervisor Bob Sweat said provisional
ballots were to be counted on Nov. 13. Also, the returns
released on election night did not include about 300
ballots from overseas military voters.
In Anna Maria, 1,600 votes were cast for up to
two candidates in the city commission race and 959
votes in the mayoral race. There are 1,495 registered
voters in Anna Maria and a total of 993 people went
to the polls.
Many voters walked to the only polling place in
Anna Maria City, the city hall at 10005 Gulf Drive.
Outside, voters mingled, casually talking about the
campaigns, the candidates and the weather which
produced a short downpour around 3:45 p.m.
One-hundred feet from the polling place, incum-
bent Anna Maria commission candidate Duke Miller
greeted citizens.
"You are going to vote right?" he said to two
women headed for city hall.
"Yes," one woman answered.
"Cool," Miller said, smiling and waving them on.
"And thanks."
Nearby, incumbent commission candidate Linda
Cramer, wearing a "Got issues?" T-shirt, chatted with
a voter.
Along Gulf Drive, mayoral candidate Fran Barford
and her supporters waved signs, encouraging motorists
to honk and passersby to vote. Supporters also turned
out for Miller, Cramer, commission candidate Jo Ann
Mattick and mayoral candidate Tom Turner.
At Holmes Beach's two polling locations Gloria.
Dei Lutheran Church. 6608 Marina Dri\ e, and St. Ber-
nard Catholic Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive many

A national pastime
Fran Barford campaigns for mayor in Anna Maria on election day Nov. 7. Barford and a number of supporters
for the mayoral candidate and other politicians stood along Gulf Drive encouraging people to vote and to

honk their car horns. Islander Photo: Lisa Neff
voters drove to the polls, passing rows of colorful
campaign signs before reaching "vote here" and signs
warning against campaigning within 100 feet of the
polling place.
A slight drizzle early Tuesday seemed not to deter
voters. A downpour around 4 p.m. was short-lived.
"It looks like a good showing," said election
deputy Bob Kral, stationed outside the polling place at
St. Bernard to assist voters. "A lot of people were here
before 7 o'clock."
Kral, who had worked a dozen elections, guessed
the turnout to be "less than in the presidennal, butbetter
than usual."
There were 3,574 otes cast for up to two can-
didates in the Holmes Beach Cit\ Commission race.
according to Sweat's returns. The cirt has 3.,41.8 reg-
istered voters and 2,057 of them cast ballots in the
general election.
"\We alwa\s vote." said Sheldon Hedges after

Barford, Miller, Mattick elected in Anna Maria

By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
Fran Barford is the new mayor of Anna
Maria, handily defeating former planning and zoning
board chairman Tom Turner, 698 to 261, in the Nov.
7 election for the post being vacated by outgoing
Mayor SueLynn. ;-
In the race for the two city commission seats up for.
election, political new corner Jo Ann Mattick, along with
incumbent Duke Niller w ere elected, while incumbent
Linda Cramer lost her seat by just 22 votes.
The final tally showed Mattick with 604 otes.

Day tripper
Anna Maria artist Mark Alonzo and his three-
n heeled campaignmobile alongside some candidate
supporters greeting voters outside city hall Nov. 7.
Islander Photo: Rick Catlin

Miller at 509 and Cramer with 487.
A total of 993 people 'oted in Anna Maria, a cit\
of 1,495 registered others The turnout w\as one of the
largest e er ina non-presidential election \ear.
A number of voters said they waited until the last
minute to make a decision for cit\ commissioner.
particularly\ after Miller and Nlattick engaged in
some verbal sparring during the last fe\\ weeks of
the campaign. .
Mattick accused Miller of supporting the coastal
overlay district and construction of 10.000- square-foot
homes, while Miller claimed lNanick was sponsored b\
commercial interests and \anted to enlarge the cit\ 's
business area. .
Other voters expressed concern over Cramer's
health, as she has polycystic kidney disease, and her
position on the proposed coniprehensi\e plan and
future land-use map concerning property she o\ ns
along Gulf Drive.
Barford was gracious in \ ictor, thanking the otherss
for their generous support.
"I'm just thrilled right no\ ." she said. "I am glad
of all the support and the strong mandate to administer
the city."
Mattick said she had "reached out to the commu-
nity and they opened up. I was willing to take a stand
on issues. I didn't just sa) what people wanted to'hear.
I think I'm the people's choice." She also thanked all
.her supporters.
Miller said his election reflected the "desire of the
voters to keep the city the w'a\ it is."
Cramer could not be reached for comment on

casting his ballot at St. Bernard. The most interesting
races, to him, included the governor's race between
Republican Charlie Crist and Democrat Jim Davis and
the five-way Holmes Beach contest for two city com-
mission seats.
Bradenton Beach, with 969 active voters accord-
ing to the supervisor's office, did not have a munici-
pal contest. A total of 466 voters turned out at city
hall to cast ballots in federal and state races and on
multiple questions.
Many .voters complained about negative cam-
paigning at the state and federal le\el and said
thev\ went to the polls because thev felt obliged.
not inspired.


Anna Maria Cit)
Nov. 16, 6:15 p.nm.. swearing-in of manor and com-'

No\. 16, 6:45 p.m., organizational meeting of city
commission. .
No%. 16; 7 p.m., city commission meeting.
-wam MAlaria City Hall, 10005 Gulf Drive,
70,-6130. : -

Bradenton Beach
No\. 15. I p.m., cit) commission work meeting.
No\. 15. 4 p.m.. WAVES committee meeting.
No\. 16, 1 p.m.. cit\ commission meeting. Agenda:
second reading and public hearing on employee
handbook. presentation of plaque to Wes Stump.
discussion of contributions for fiscal-year 2006-07,
approval of resolution for pier financing, approval of
additional professional ser\ ices for canal dredging
and consent agenda.
Nov. 20, 1 p.m., swearing-in of cit) commissioners.
Bradefon,' Beach 'City Hall. 107 Gulf Drive N.,

Holmes Beach
No%. 20. 9 a.m.,swearing-in of mayor and city com-
missioners, and organizational meeting.
Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive,

Of Interest
Nov. 20, 3:30 p.m., Island Transportation Planning
Organization meeting, Anna Maria City Hall.

Holiday Closures
Government offices in Anna Maria City, Bradenton
Beach. Holmes Beach and Longboat Key will be
closed Thursda), Nov. 23, and Friday, Nov. 24, for
the Thanksgiving holiday.

4 M NOV. 15. 2006 R THE ISLANDER

Anna Maria election
whether or not she intended to challenge the election.
Under Florida law, an election result is automatically
recounted if the difference is 1 percent or less of the
total vote. Cramer lost by 22 votes, or 2.3 percent of
the ballots cast. She would have to bear the cost of any
recount because the margin of defeat was greater than
1 percent.
Barford, Miller and Mattick will be sworn into
office at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 16. SueLynn will remain as
mayor until the swearing-in ceremony.

Fire district impact fee
increase approved
Voters in the West Manatee Fire and Rescue Dis-
trict overwhelmingly approved a measure in the Nov.
7 election allowing the district board to increase the
impact fees that developers pay for new construction.
The measure passed with 9,079 votes (68 per-
cent) in favor of the increase, while 4,206 (32 per-
cent) were opposed.
WMFR Chief Andy Price has said previously, how-
ever, that the measure will likely only increase district
revenues by about $50,000 annually.
Three efforts two years, ago by the WMFR board to
increase revenues through the addition of an ad valorem
tax were defeated by district voters.

Election night confusion
in Anna Maria
Thanks to an error on the BayNews9 Web site elec-
tion eve, Anna Maria City Commissioner Duke Miller
went from winner to loser to winner in the space of a
few hours.
Voting results at the Anna Maria City Hall posted
at 7:20 p.m. had Miller with 390 votes compared with
Cramer's 350, with Jo Ann Mattick leading all candi-
dates in the race for the two commission seats with 435.
Election officials said there were 213 absentee and early
voting ballots yet to be counted.
At that time, Miller said he was confident, but
preferred to wait for the official results before com-
Later that evening around 8:30 p.m., Miller said
he got a call from a supporter who said BayNews9 had
him losing to Cramer, 509. votes to 487. Miller's wife
confirmed the result at the BayNews9 Web site
That put a damper on the evening, said Miller, but
shortly before 9 p.m., Miller said the Web site changed
the vote to show him leading, 505 to 502, then later
that evening corrected its figures to show 509 votes for
Miller and 487 for Cramer.
Miller said it appeared that BayNews9 originally
had the correct number of votes for the wrong candi-
date, then corrected its error.
"It was a roller-coaster ride that didn't need to take
place. I was ahead, then I had lost, then I had won," he
said. "What a night."

Whitmore new county commissioner;

fire district fee hike OK'd

Holmes Beach Mayor Carol Whitmore has a new
title commissioner.
As the Republican candidate for the Manatee
County Board of Commissioners, Whitmore defeated
her Democratic challenger, educator Sarah Meaker, 59
percent to 41 percent in the Nov. 7 general election.
West Manatee Fire Rescue District officials also
saw voters approve an increase in impact fees to help
fund the district's Anna Maria Island, Cortez and north-
west Manatee County firefighting operations. The mea-
sure passed, 68 percent to 32 percent.
On the national and state front, the unofficial state-
wide results include:
For U.S. Senate, incumbent Democrat Bill Nelson
defeated Republican challenger and current Congress-
woman Katherine Harris 61 percent to 38 percent. Other
candidates in the hotly contested race were Floyd Ray Fra-
zier with .4 percent, Belinda Noah with .5 percent, Brian
Moore with .4 percent, and Roy Tanner with .3 percent.
In a congressional representative election that drew
national media attention, Republican Vern Buchanan
defeated Democrat Christine Jennings by 373 votes. A
recount was ongoing at presstime, and a final decision
on the race is expected later this month.
At issue is more than 18,300 "under votes" in
Sarasota County voters who apparently opted out of
voting in that particular race. The total represents about
13 percent of the votes cast. In Manatee County, only
about 2 percent of voters decided to skip that particular
ballot item.
For governor, Republican Charlie Crist defeated
Democratic challenger Jim Davis, 52 percent to 45
percent. Other tallies in the governor's race included
Reform Party candidate Max Linn with 2 percent, and
independent candidates Richard Paul Dembinsky with
.2 percent, John Wayne Smith with .3 percent, and Karl
C.C. Behm with .2 percent.
For Florida attorney general, Republican Bill
McCollum defeated Democrat Walter "Skip" Camp-

bell, 52 percent to 48 percent.
For the state's chief financial officer position,
Democrat Alex Sink defeated Republican Tom Lee 54
percent to 46 percent.
Incumbent Republican Agricultural Commissioner
Charles H. Bronson easily defeated Democratic chal-
lenger Eric Copeland, 57 percent to 43 percent.
On the non-partisan portion of the ballot, all of the
Supreme Court justices were retained in office: R. Fred
Lewis, Barbara Joan Pariente and Peggy A. Quince.
District Court of Appeal judges were also retained:
Darryl C. Casanueva, Charles A. Davis Jr., Edward C.
LaRose, E.J. Salcines and Tomas E. Striger Sr.
Locally, Rochelle Taylor Curley defeated Preston
DeVilbiss Jr. for judgeship, 12th Circuit, Group 21, 55
percent to 45 percent.
The new Manatee County School Board District 4
member is Bob Gause, defeating Joe Miller 53 percent
to 47 percent.
Voters had six constitutional amendments to decide
upon as well. All were approved. The unofficial state-
wide results were:
Amendment 1: state planning and budget process
yes, 60 percent; no, 40 percent.
Amendment 3: create broader public support for
constitutional amendments or revisions yes, 58 per-
cent; no, 42 percent.
Amendment 4: protection of people against health
hazards caused by using tobacco yes, 61 percent;
no, 39 percent.
Amendment 6: increased homestead exemption
yes, 76 percent; no, 24 percent.
Amendment 7: discount on property tax for per-
manently disabled veterans yes, 78 percent; no,
22 percent.
-Amendment 8: eminent domain yes, 70 percent;
no, 31 percent.
Almost 51 percent of Manatee County voters turned
out to cast ballots Tuesday.

Doing your duty
Nov. 7 brought a mid-term
election, with voters head-
ing to the polls across the
country to cast ballots in
federal, state and local
races. Gloria Dei Lutheran
Church in Holmes Beach
served as the polling place
for Precinct 92.1. Citizens
there voted for two city
commissioners, as well as
statewide officers, judges,
a U.S. senator and a U.S.
representative. Islander
Photo: Lisa Neff

THE ISLANDER 0 NOV. 15, 2006 E 5

Holmes Beach voters elect Haas-Martens, Monetti

By Lisa Neff
Islander Reporter
Holmes Beach voters on Nov. 7 elected two
commissioners one incumbent and one newcomer
to the board.
Voters re-elected Sandy Haas-Martens to a fifth term
and elected political newcomer John A. Monetti for a
two-year term to the seat being vacated by Roger Lutz.
The winners were selected from a field of five
candidates that also included two former commission-
ers, Pat Geyer and Don Maloney, and second-time
candidate Sheila Hurst. Hurst is an activist with Save
Anna Maria Inc. Geyer, the owner of Duffy's Tavern,
served as mayor for several terms. Maloney, a frequent
humor columnist with The Islander, served nine years
as commissioner.
The tally, according to election night returns, was:
Haas-Martens with 1,123 votes or 31 percent.
Monetti with 917 votes or 26 percent.
Geyer with 720 votes or 20 percent.
Maloney with 540 votes or 15 percent.
Hurst with 274 votes or 8 percent.
A total of 3,574 votes were cast in the commission
race, according to the Manatee County Supervisor of
Elections Office. There were 364 under votes.
"I was real happy when I got the first batch of
numbers and ecstatic when I got the second batch of
numbers," Haas-Martens said Nov. 8, after spending
the better part of the day collecting campaign signs.
She ran strongest in absentee, early voting and elec-
tion day balloting.
Monetti received the second highest vote totals in
each category.
He learned of his election day victory as he stood
on election night besidehis wife looking at a posting
of early returns outside Gloria Dei Lutheran Church,
one of two polling places in the city.
"We realized that we had made it to the city com-
mission," Monetti said.


V'US favy Retired
4tfor your

I to the
Anna Maria
T Butterfly
Th-e Islander

"It's a great feeling," he added. "It means that the
message that you were offering was received."
The newcomer went on to thank his supporters and
the other candidates in the race. "They were a lot of
help," he said. "I learned a lot from them."
Monetti has served as a member of the city plan-
ning board. He and his family moved to Anna Maria
Island 11 years ago, primarily because they liked the
reputation of Anna Maria Elementary School.
Monetti had taken a job as general manager of the
Columbia Restaurant after years of moving around the
country and working with chain restaurants.
Once he settled on the Island, he said he decided to
get involved in the community. That led him to cam-
paign for city commission.
Monetti consistently campaigned with the pledge,
"Seeking, through a common sense approach, to
maintain the unique beauty and balance of the city of
Holmes Beach."
Haas-Martens, a retired bank manager and officer,
was born in a small town outside Toledo, Ohio. Her
family moved to Manatee County in 1960, and she
attended Manatee High School, graduating in 1964.
Haas-Martens started working on the Island in
1969 and, in addition to working in banking, she's been
involved with numerous community organizations,
including serving as president of the Anna Maria Island
Chamber of Commerce and as elected commissioner
for the local fire district.
Campaigning for re-election, Haas-Martens empha-
sized her experience and her enthusiasm for the com-
mission job. -
"I try to be involved," she said: "I like doing things,
keeping busy."
She cited, as she campaigned, concerns for building
density and height and tax and insurance issues.
Haas-Martens cast her election day ballot at about
7:20 a.m., becoming the 35th voter at St. Bernard.
She spent election night with friends at home

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and said she knew by about 8 p.m. that she'd won
her race.
Holmes Beach also gets a new mayor this month.
Rich Bohnenberger, who ran unopposed in the gen-
eral election, is taking over the post. Carol Whitmore
decided not to seek re-election and ran as a Republican
for the partisan countywide seat on the board of county
commissioners. She won that race last Tuesday.
The newly elected office-holders will be sworn in
on Monday, Nov. 20 at 9 a.m. at city hall.
After the oath of office, the commission will
hold an organizational meeting and appoint someone
to fill Bohnenberger's seat on the commission, the
seat he vacated midway into a two-year term to run
for mayor.
Some commissioners and candidates have said they
think Bohnenberger's replacement should be the third-
place finisher in the election Geyer.
"That seems to make the most sense," said Malo-
ney, who was disappointed with last week's results, but
supports appointing Geyer.
"Of course I'd like to see me," Geyer said. "I think
that's the fair way."

Island Demos ponder
'What's Ahead?'
"Election Results: What's Ahead?"
will be discussed by the Anna Maria Island
Democratic Club when it meets for a lun-
cheon at noon Monday, Nov. 20, at the
BeachHouse Restaurant, 200 Gulf Drive
N., Bradenton Beach.
Speaker will be Henry Raines, host
of "America AM" on WWPR radio,,1490
AM. Additional information is available at

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6 K NOV. 15, 2006 I THE ISLANDER

Geyer for commissioner
The Holmes Beach City Commission will have an
interesting challenge when they meet with newly sworn
members next week for the first time- the appointment
of a new member.
Due to the timing of City Commissioner Rich Boh-
nenberger's resignation effective Nov. 19 from
the board to run unopposed for mayor, his seat did not
go to the voters for deliberation during the recent elec-
tion. Instead, the post-election commission sworn
on Nov. 20 has the task of appointing someone for
the one-year remainder of his term.
Bohnenberger will also be sworn into the mayor's
post on Nov. 20.
Following all the swearing (pun intended), com-
missioners will face their task.
They may legally appoint any qualified person to
join them at the dais, with the requirements pretty much
based on residency in the city and some other elements
outlined in the city charter.
Commissioners, though, should morally respect the
wishes of the voters in their appointment. Pat Geyer,
former mayor and commissioner as well as candidate
for commission in the Nov. 7 election, was the third-
place vote-getter in the race, after Sandy Haas-Martens
and John Monetti.
We believe it's fair and just that Geyer be appointed
to the commission, and we hope the four seated com-
missioners will do the right thing and welcome Geyer
to the dais.

Another fine mess?
The Florida insurance crisis just keeps getting
worse and worse.
Homeowners are denied coverage in the state insur-
ance pool for wind insurance if they are more than
1,000 feet from the Gulf of Mexico, forcing them to
accept extravagantly expensive policies.
Now, the state's "insurer of last resort" is mandated
to drop wind insurance on properties whose owners have
not qualified for a homeowner's exemption.
Gov. Jeb Bush'is expected to call a special ses-
sion of the Florida Legislature in early December to
address the problems of insurance. And lawmakers will
have yet another wrinkle to iron out in the insurance
We have been lucky in 2006 with hurricane season.
Let's hope that luck continues in the halls of Tallahas-
see as some sort of solution to the insurance morass is
sought by lawmakers next month.
We wish them all luck, especially our area's state
representative, Bill Galvano, who continues to fight on
our behalf to include all of Anna Maria Island in the
wind pool.
Give him your support: bill.galvano@myflorida-

The Islander
NOV. 15. 2006 Vol. 15. No. 2
V Publisher and Editor
F',:,rn-, ..:., b .:.r -r, ,., .l -]]-i ri ,', rg
V Editorial
Paul R a: i ... Ei.tr pa.ji'a,.iinder.6rg,
Diana e.':. 3 iar, a.,, i:-l d.r .r .:r
RickC r,.:-4:lirncler .:.r
Jack Elka-
Jim Hanson
Lisa Neff, lisaneff@islander.org
V Contributors
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.- Don Maloney. ,
Edna Tiemann
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(All others: nen ,_~_l rclerg I
SSingle copies free. Quantities of five or more: 25 cents each.
1992-2006 Editorial, sales and production offices.
Island Shopping Center, 5404 Marina Drive
Holmes Beach FL 34217
WEB SITE: islander.org
FAX 941 778-9392 PHONE 941 778-7978



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A class A program
The "greatest generation" program you gave to
Anna Maria Island was wonderful. It was warm and
dignified and showed the best of what we Americans
have. We all owe you and your staff great apprecia-
tion. In particular, I appreciated Rick Catlin's talk
- he hit exactly the right note.
Your plan to make this an annual event is excel-
lent although I would hope for a time that we no
longer grow new war veterans. If we should be fortu-
nate enough t hat happen, I am certain you will
find peacetime endeavors worthy of appreciation.
The entire event was excellent even the
Bill Diamant, Anna Maria

Say'no' to negative ads
The national and state negative campaign ads
are, a disgrace to our political system. I went from
tolerating them to being angry and, finally, muting
the TV when they, Republican or Democrat, came
on this past election season.
If candidates cannot fun on their reputations
and their points of view, then they should not run
for an elected office. When a candidate has to resort
to maligning an opponent to make him/herself look
good, then they do not deserve to be elected.
This is why the recent campaign in Anna Maria
saddens me. The public mudslinging that took place
between two of the candidates running for commis-
sion is an embarrassment to the city. I .do not recall
-any other election in this city where this kind of elec-
tioneering took place. It is one thing to disagree about
issues, it is another to launch personal attacks against
those with an opposing opinion. I do not agree with
comments such as, "That's just politics," and "It goes
with the territory." Not at this grassroots level of gov-
The position of commissioner in the city of Anna


9"' PL cSfI-


By Egan

: ;

Maria is non-partisan. When a candidate attacks an
opponent in a city election, it is not associated with
a political party. It is personal- and, often times, it is
your neighbor, an acquaintance or friend, someone
you will see in the grocery store or sit next to in a
This kind of verbal abuse affects not only the
candidate, but all of his/her supporters. And it reflects
poorly on the city itself.
Personal attacks are not easily forgotten and put
aside. It remains to be seen if the two commission-
ers who won election will be able to rise above their
belittling of each other and do what is best for the
I sincerely hope these shameful election tactics
are a one-time event.
SueLynn, mayor of Anna Maria

I feel I must send a word of congratulation on the
excellent memorial service The Islander presented
Nov. 9 in honor of World War II veterans at the but-
terfly garden. My husband and I attended as I am
an ex-WREN and served in the British Navy during
WWII. I was honored to be included in the service
for American service people.
About three years ago, I was mone of the first of
those to be interviewed at home by Rick Catlin.
The service was extremely well organized, well
conducted, and very touching to all of us there. We
felt proud to be in such a good company of Islanders
and we are grateful to have taken part in the armistice
The American Legion personnel did an excellent
job, and we all were most impressed by the bugler
who played taps.
I hope that you will consider presenting a similar
memorial in the next few years that are left to us.
Marjorie Kendall


THE ISLANDER 0 NOV. 15, 2006 M 7

County declines invite to annexation m

By Lisa Neff
Islander Reporter
Manatee County commissioners last week
declined Holmes Beach's invitation to a voluntary
annexation of the area on Manatee Avenue next to
the Anna Maria Island Bridge, including Kingfish
Boat Ramp.
The issue was added to the board of county commis-
sioners' Nov. 7 meeting agenda and briefly discussed.
By voice vote, the commissioners approved a
motion to have the county attorney send a letter to
Holmes Beach officials.'The letter will state that the
board does not support annexation, but will engage in
discussions about operations in the area, which includes
the Kingfish Boat Ramp.
The idea of annexation developed from discussions
about Manatee County's efforts to add rest rooms and
parking to the Kingfish Boat Ramp on Manatee Avenue
just west of the bridge.
In reviewing Kingfish, officials learned that the
boat ramp is not in Holmes Beach. The finding led to
questions about the city's authority to police the area
and responsibility for the city's entryway.
Rich Bohnenberger, Holmes Beach's new mayor
following last week's election, proposed an annexa-
tion in a letter to Joe McClash, chairman of the county
McClash introduced the topic at last week's com-
mission meeting.
Referring to the proposed annexation, McClash
said, "I have problems with that."
McClash went on to say that county and city offi-
cials should have a "dialogue," perhaps after a council
of governments meeting.
If the county is to continue operating the boat ramp,
McClash and others on the board said it seemed smart
not to give up county authority in the area.
Bohnenberger said on Nov. 10 that he hadn't
received any formal response from the county regarding
annexation. But he had heard from numerous people of
the commission decision.
"It really is a public-safety issue that we're con-
cerned about," Bohnenberger said. "At this point in time,

I'm not sure what happens next."
Meanwhile, McClash has formally endorsed alter-
native plans to a county proposal for changes at the
Kingfish Boat Ramp.
The Kingfish Wetlands Project, a response from
nearby residents to the proposal by the county to
expand Kingfish, is an alternative plan that allows for
improving the boat ramp while creating a safer, more
beautiful environment.
The Holmes Beach Parks and Beautification Com-
mittee, meeting at city hall on Nov. 8, discussed the
Kingfish proposal with KWP co-chair Molly McCart-
ney, who also reports for The Islander.
McClash, in a letter to McCartney, outlined the
county's intentions. "Action Step 1, remove pepper trees;
Action Step 2, meet again on-site to refine design; Action
Step 3, present to BCC and DOT for approval."
"The design was never intended to be anything but
an idea," McCartney told the committee, adding that the
work will probably take place over "a period of a year."
The first activity, removing the pepper trees, may
begin next month, McCartney said. The county will prob-
ably assign jail inmates to the work, which would extend
to a cleanup along Manatee Avenue from 75th Street in
Bradenton to East Bay Drive in Holmes Beach.
Committee members, expressing some relief that
McClash backed the revised boat ramp plans, showed
enthusiasm.for sprucing up the entry to Holmes Beach,
from the ramp to the beach, with a unified theme.
The beautification committee also discussed
requirements for dedicating trees, the style and cost of
plaques for tree memorials, organizing an upcoming
seminar and presenting an outdoor movie on Dec. 2.
The committee is sponsoring a showing of "It's a
Wonderful Life" in the field next to city hall.
"We will have a huge cauldron of hot chocolate,"
said committee chairman Jim Dunne, adding that there
would also be chocolate chip cookies for moviegoers.
The committee plans to open the concession at 5:30
p.m. and to start the movie at 6:30 p.m.
"Everyone, one and all, is welcome," Dunne said.
The committee's next meeting is scheduled for
Dec. 13.

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In the Nov. 14, 1996, issue of
The Islander, headlines announced:
Bradenton Beach resident Bob Cooper was
credited with saving the lives of two visitors after
their car struck an object on Marina Drive in Holmes
Beach and plunged into thecity yacht basin. Cooper
dove into the water and managed to free the husband
and wife from the sinking vehicle, as well as the
man's golf clubs.
Officials of the Federal Emergency Management
Agency scheduled a town meeting in Anna Maria for
all Island residents to come and ask questions about
FEMA's rules and guidelines for new home construc-
tion or repairs of an existing structure.
The old Bayshore Fish Co. in Cortez was bought
by third-generation Cortez resident John Banyas and
renamed the Cortez Bait and Seafood Co. Banyas said
he would operate a wholesale and retail fish company
from the building, vacant for a number of years.

Nov. 5 65 85 0
Nov. 6 66 81 0
Nov. 7 68 76 .20
Nov. 8 70 77' 0
Nov. 9 62 79 0
Nov. 10 58 79 0
Nov. 11 57 78 0
Average Gulf water temperature 780
24-hour rainfall accumulation with r. .rii. ,, ,i ap pr.: ...r rr, .1,

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IrC~~~-~~ae~b~lEIIl~~F~~~Edrd~IIIIII IIII~IIA~lllbl~l~




Veteran Raymond "Mac" McDannold, who served 26 years in the U.S. Navy, waits for the program to start. Later
he addressed the audience, encouraging support for the garden and veterans memorial. Islander Photos: Lisa Neff

3. k4 t U!
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'.- I .- .

The American Legion Kirby Stewart Post 24 honor guard presents the colors during the ceremony sponsored by
The Islander. Later there was a 21-gun salute from the rifle detail and a bugler played Taps.

L "
;.;.._.. :-. : L IIII L,

Mikd Clinesmith, of the American Legion Kirby Stewart Post
24, presents the service flags during the ceremony on Nov. 9.

I -~



K, -..

Veteran Don Maloney pays tribute to "the greatest genera-
tion" and encourages the audience to honor the newest
generation of U.S. heroes.

Patches, medals, uniforms and caps decorated
veterans at "A Celebration Honoring Our Greatest
Generation" last Thursday at the Holmes Beach
City Hall Butterfly Park and Veterans Memorial.

Islander honors



An estimated 150 Island veterans and their
spouses and family members attended a Veterans
Day ceremony Nov. 9 presented by The Islander
newspaper at the Holmes Beach Butterfly Park and
Veterans Memorial.
Many of the World War II veterans whose
stories have appeared in The Islander's Greatest
Generation columns were on hand for a continen-
tal breakfast and some brief remarks by Islander
reporter Rick Catlin and former Holmes Beach City
Commissioner and ex-Marine Don Maloney.
An honor guard from Kirby Stewart Ameri-
can Legion Post 24 presented the colors and
service flags 'and offered a 21-gun salute along
with Taps.
Special bound copies of all the Greatest Gen-
eration stories that have appeared in The Islander
were presented to both the Tingley Memorial
Library in Bradenton Beach and the Island branch
of the Manatee Public Library in Holmes Beach.
Several veterans have asked for a copy of the
speech made by Islander reporter Rick Catlin at the
Nov. 9 veterans ceremony. While most of the brief
speech was done without benefit of any notes, the
following has been reconstructed by Catlin to the
best of his memory:

By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
For those of you who didn't, know, I'm a
U.S. Army veteran. My dad was a World War
II veteran in the Army. He fought at a place
called Bastogne.
I know most of you and have visited and talked
with you in your homes. Sadly, you are members
of a fraternity that is not accepting new members.
Your group will never be bigger than it is today.
When I started writing the column, many of
you were reluctant to talk to me. You said you
didn't do "anything special" in the war. Some
of you even wanted to forget your experiences.
Many of you, however, have told me things that
you never even told your wives.
A common thread among all of you was that
you didn't really think you had much of a story to
tell, that you didn't do anything special and that
you weren't a hero.
On the contrary, everyone has a story, and 18
million people make up the entire story of World
War II.
Every story needs to be told, because one day,
there won't be anyone left to tell the stories.
The Greatest Generation column is our way of
honoring the World War II veterans with every story,
not just on one or two special days of the year.
Each year, we submit the Greatest Genera-
tion column to the Florida Press Association
for a community service award and each year
we're snubbed.
But my reward is when a vet calls me and says
"thanks for telling my story," or when a vet calls
me and gives me the name of another vet. That's
my reward.
Each and every one of you has said you weren't
a hero, but that during the war, you would do any-
thing not to let a buddy down. You all said the
heroes are still over there.
But I submit to you that not all the heroes are
still over there. Some of them are sitting right here
in front of me.
I hope when my time comes and St. Peter
shows me the list of everything good I've done in
my life, I hope it's not a blank page. I hope that at
the top of the list, it will say that I wrote about a
group of ordinary -people who became heroes.
To all of you who have been gracious enough
to invite me into your homes and share your mem-
ories, you are my heroes. I salute you.


THE ISLANDER M NOV. 15, 2006 m 9

Cortez hopes Medusa will fish again

By Jim Hanson
Islander Reporter
.The Medusa will fish again, Cortez is fairly confi-
dent, after spending a week on the bottom of the Gulf.
of Mexico.
Crews have been on the job ever since the 42-foot
commercial fisherman was swamped and sunk by a
rogue wave 60 miles off Sarasota Tuesday, Nov. 7, with
its crew of four and the ship's dog rescued by a U.S.
Coast Guard helicopter.
The salvage operation has been under way virtually
around the clock, first locating the boat with a "bottom
machine" used in commercial fishing, checking tlhe

damage by divers, inserting heavy air bags in the hull
and filling them with air to float the crippled boat, and
towing her home for repairs.
That's if all goes well. The sea is seldom kind
enough to let everything go right, Cortez fishermen
pointed out.
It didn't go right for the Medusa last week, when a
rogue wave piled over the port bow and swamped the
boat, leaving the captain and his crew of three and their
dog in 10-foot seas, with a strong wind blowing.
As the boat filled with water and killed the engine,
Capt. Gary Key, 55, radioed a "mayday" distress call as
he and his three shipmates abandoned'ship. With the Bra-

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Photo: Lisa Neff

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denton captain were his son Brian, 20; Hector Melendez,
38, Bradenton; and Shaun Olschewski, Sarasota.
And Budweiser, the ship's dog, which the younger
Key took with him over the side.
The boat, sinking stern-first, dragged the life raft
with it, but the raft resurfaced and the men climbed
aboard. Melendez said its beacon and flare were loose
in the water, but the men managed to salvage them as
they floated by.
A Coast Guard helicopter followed the Medusa's
radar signal and spotted the red flare, the orange raft
and finally the men. Mike Gerent, an aviation sur-
vival technician, went down at the end of a cable
with a rescue basket attached to fish them one by
one from the Gulf.
He swam to the raft, and the first words Capt. Key
spoke were to make sure the dog would be saved,
Gerent said. He would be, he assured the skipper.
He helped each one of the crew swim from raft
to the rescue basket, hauling them in "a cross-chest
carry." The captain was last, and Gerent let him carry
the dog it is part Labrador and part pit. Key held
onto Budweiser as Gerent v, :im both of them back to
the waiting basket under the hovering helicopter.
By that time the wind had pushed the raft some
75 yards away, but Gerent had no problem with that
long final swim. "We stay in pretty good shape,"
he said.
The Medusa is around 30 years old and is owned
by the FV Medusa Inc. of Cortez, whose principals are,
Calvin Bell and Glenn "Rabbit" Brooks. The boat is
uninsured, as are other commercial fishing craft. They
can't afford the high insurance rates, said Karen Bell, of
A.P. Bell Fish Co., headquarters of the fishing industry
there and owner of several lng-line fishing boats.
The boat was about halt\ a: through a planned t( n-
week long-line trip and had L00 to 1,000 pounds of
grouper aboard.
Pickett Reynolds and his grouper boat "Karen"
were first at the scene from the historic fishing' \ illace.
and found the Medusa's lishing gear on the bottom
about 175 feet down, Gre\ BoN% man, of the Bowman
firm that does much of the :ail a- nLe in the area, is
directing the di% ing and salvaging operation...,
Several air bags, are .-in hand in the village,
Bell said, but they haven't been used or tested for
several years and "\\e will probably\ have to get
some newer ones."

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Organization raised $3,000
.more than it's goal of
$11,000 through the Fall
Festival held last month.
The additional funds will
be placed into a fund for
school resource officer Pete
Lannon, who is battling
cancer. Holding the check
for Lannon are, from left,
AME students Katie Rose
Dell, Emma Peery, Mad-
eline Valadie, Zack Stewart,
Keegan Murphy and Fran-
ceska Akel. Islander Photo:
Diana Bogan

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Put your feet to

the street for Pete
Friends of Holmes Beach Police Officer Pete
Lannon are planning a walk-a-thon in conjunction with
the Holmes Beach Police Department to raise funds for
the family as Lannon battles pancreatic cancer.
The walk is scheduled to begin at 10 a.m., with
participants gathering at 9:30 a.m. at Bayfront Park in
Anna Maria City Saturday, Nov. 18.
The three-mile walk will finish in Holmes Beach at the
Anna Maria Elementary School, where Lannon has served
for more than five years as the school's resource officer.
Pledge sheets for participants are available at AME
and Holmes Beach City Hall. Everyone who raises a
minimum. of $30 in pledges will receive a walk-a-thon
T-shirt. The unique shirt design of "Super Pete" will
include the names of event sponsors on the backside.
There will be water stations available along the walk-
ing route and refreshments will be served at the school.
Funds raised by the walk will be managed by the
Bay of Dreams Inc., a new non-profit organization
started to help people in times of crises, and designated
for use by the Lannon family, said event coordinator
Julie Krokroskia. Donations made by check should be
payable to Bay of Dreams Inc.
For more information call Chris Hanula at HBPD,
708-5804, or Krokroskia at 778-5447.1

Friends plan library

lecture series
The schedule for the Friends of the Island Library's
2006-07 lecture series covers a lot of ground, from inner
peace to Middle East war, from baseball to off-Broadway.
The lecture series was to kick off this week with two
presentations on Tuesday by Dr. David Mullen, a clini-
cal psychologist scheduled to speak on "Happiness: New
Light and Old Truths" at the library, 5701 Marina Drive.
The schedule continues:
Dec. 12, 10:30 a.m. Barbara Knode, a former
chair of the Asolo Guild and Play Readers and an actress

who trained in Ne%\ York and performed in a number
of off-Broadway productions.
Jan. 9, 2007, 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. James
McCartney, a former Washington, D.C., correspondent
and lecturer who plans to talk about "Iraq and Beyond:
Can America Rule the World?"
Feb. 13, 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. Dr. John Mellon,
a literary critic and retired professor who plans to talk
about Philip Roth's "Everyman."
March 13, 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. Jeff LaHurd,
an author and lecturer who plans to talk about his book,
"Spring Training in Sarasota, 1924-1960."
April 10, 10:30 a.m. Suzi Fox, the Anna Maria
Island Turtle Watch director who plans to talk about "16
years of nesting data on Anna Maria Island."
In other news, the library will host a party for
Marian Humphrey, who is retiring after 32 years of
library service. The party takes place from 4 to 6 p.m.
Thursday, Nov. 16, at the library.
Also, the library hosts weekly family story times
at 10 a.m. Tuesday, monthly book club discussions at
10:15 a.m. on the second Wednesdays and an annual
book sale, presented by the Friends. The next sale is
Feb. 3,2007.
For more information about the lecture series or
Friends of the Island Library, call 778-6341..

Cleanup for Lannon
Island teens and members of the Holmes Beach
Police Department teamed up to wash cars "for
Pete" recently at Holmes Beach City Hall. The
money raised went to a fund to help HBPD Officer
Pete Lannon during his leave from the department to
do battle with cancer. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy

'Autumn' concert

to open season
By Jim Hanson
Islander Reporter
The 2006-07 concert season will open on the Island
Sunday, Nov. 19, with a "Celebration of Autumn" at the
Island Baptist Church, 8605 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria.
Alfred Gershfeld will direct, as he has virtually
every concert since the musical aggregation was formed
in 1993. He travels from Miami, where he is professor
of conducting and director of orchestras at the New
World School of the Arts.
He relies on the newly appointed assistant conductor,
Jon Megendanz, to rehearse the orchestra in his absence
and on the chorus director to prepare the chorus James
W. Johnson, music director of the First United Methodist
Church in Bradenton, is guest director for this concert.
The program "will showcase the talents of its mem-
bers recruited from the greater Bradenton and Sarasota
area, some coming from as far away as Tampa and
Nokomis," said a spokesperson.
Organist Robert Winslow will perform Bach's Fan-
tasia and Fugue in G minor and, with the orchestra,
Handels Organ Concerto No. 4.
Tenors Bill Kelley and David Kesler, bass Ber-
nard Hahmke, sopranos Ruth Danielle and Jeanne
Larranaga, and alto Martha Di Palma will be soloists
joining the chorus and orchestra in Bach's Cantata No.
192, and selections from _Mozart's Coronation Mass.
The orchestra will perform Nlozart's Symphony No.
25 in G minor.
Tickets at $15 and season tickets may be
purchased in advance-by calling 778-1217 or next week
at the Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce office,
5313 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach.

EarthBox talk Nov. 16
EarthBoxes will be explained by their creator when
the Island Garden Club meets at 6 p.m. Thursday, Nov.
16, at the Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 6608 Marina
Drive, Holmes Beach.
Blake Whisenant will discuss his EarthBoxes, which
he manufactures and markets in Ellenton and worldwide
on the Internet. A potluck dinner will be served. Further
information may be obtained by calling 778-1063.




Ecumenical thanks,

food for holiday
In the two traditional main Thanksgiving events on
the Island, the annual ecumenical Thanksgiving service
this year will be at St. Bernard Catholic Church, 248
S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach, and Island Baptist
Church will have its annual community meal for every-
one on the Island.
The ecumenical service will be at 7 p.m. Wednes-
day, Nov. 22, sponsored by All Island Denomina-
tions, the organization of nearly all the churches
on Anna Maria. A special choir will provide music
and a special presentation of the offering is on the
program, with refreshments in the parish hall after
the worship service.
Island Baptist's annual all-Island dinner will be at
1 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, Nov. 23, at the
church, 8605 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria.
It is free to everyone and the entire Island is
invited, along with guests of the day, but to make
it easy on everyone the church asks that space be
reserved by calling 778-0719 so the servers kno%%
what to expect.
Two Thanksgiving food drives are planned, one
at St. Bernard in conjunction with the ecumenical ser-
vice, and the other at Island Mail & More, 3230 E. Bay
Drive, Holmes Beach.
For the St. Bernard drive, sponsors ask that those
attending briin,2 nonperishable food item to the church.
Island Mail & IMore \\ill recei% e nonperishable items
all week and beyond, to replenish the shelves of the
Nation's Food Bank Network. Last year the business
collected 50 pounds of food for the cause. Further infor-
mation on that collection may be obtained by calling
Sue Normand at 778-1911.

Island churches to

celebrate open house
After going to houses of worship.on Sunday, Nov.
18, some members of Anna Maria Island congregations
will go to an open house of a different sort.
The open house will take place in the Village of
the Palms, the Manatee County.Habitat for Humanity
neighborhood in Palmetto.
At 2 p.m. Nov. 18, Habitat will celebrate the
dedication of a new four-bedroom home sponsored
by the churches of Anna Maria Island. The churches-
supported the project with money and teams of house-
building volunteers.
The home, located in the 500 block of 11th Street
Drive West in Palmetto. will be owned by Brenda
Posada and her family.
Habitat for Humanity International is a non-
profit, ecumenical, Christian housing ministry. The-
organization's stated mission is to eliminate pov-
erty housing and homelessness from the world, and
to make decent shelter a matter of conscience and
action." ..
For more general information about Habitat, go to
www.habitat.org. For information about local Habitat
projects, go to www.manatee-hfh.org. -

Museum presents handbags and history
Volunteers Penny and Bill "'Web" Webster survey
an antique handbag collection at the Anna Maria
Island Historical Museum, 402 Pine Ave., Anna
Maria. Carol Ballmann loaned the collection for
display through Dec. 31. The museum also features
a "Florida Kitsch" display of tacky tourist collect-
ibles. Museum hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesdays
through Saturdays. For more information, call 778-
0492. Islander Photo: Lisa Neff

Roser's 'season' begins
with brunching, browsing
By Lisa Neff
Islander Reporter
The "high season" officially opened on Saturday
for Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine
Ave., where dozens of diners gathered for a gut-busting
breakfast of pancakes, biscuits, sausage, eggs, orange
juice and coffee.
The gathering included yearlong residents as well
as vacationers and seasonal visitors newly arrived from
up north, out west and across the Atlantic.
The Rev. Gary Batey, Roser pastor, said the
brunch served as a trial for a larger event typically
held in January.
Accents revealed the origins of some waiting in
line for pancakes to brown on the gridle. References
to hotcakes, griddlecakes, flapjacks, girdle cakes, drop
scones, pikelets and pfannkuche revealed the back-
grounds of others.
"Pancakes are dessert in Britain," said Keith Chris-
tie, of London.
"It's tradition to have them on Shrove Tuesday," he
said, referring to Fat Tuesday and the custom of using
up the last of fatty and rich foods before lent. "That's
where our pancake day comes from."
Across the street from the hall, in the church park-
ing lot adjacent to the thrift shop, browsers found an
assortment of curiosities, oddities and necessities.
Rich Miller eyed a golf putter, dimpled and tar-
nished bui straight and nicely weighted.
Daughter Samantha Miller looked with some dis-
pleasure at the music collections. "Who's this?"- she
asked her dad, pointing toward a faded album cover
featuring Blood. Sweat and Tears.
Melinda Thomas, of Holmes Beach, searched for
a heavy coffee mug. "I like to change my mug about
every three months,"' she said. "And I never buy new.
I like a good old-fashioned mug."
She found one, with an image of a pelican flying
intqc an range sun. "You got to love it," she said, reach-
ing into her purse for some change.

THE ISLANDER 0 NOV. 15, 2006 0 11

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Empty bowls
A group of Island gals who get together once a month
for a movie and dinner skipped their October movie to
volunteer glazing bowls for the "Empty Bowls" food
drive to be held Nov. 16 in downtown Bradenton.- The
bowls will be available for purchase and a variety of
soups prepared by local restaurants will be offered to
raise money for Meals on Wheels of Manatee. Pic-
tured are Ilona Kenrick, left, and Nancy Sanders.

season opener
Bill \iillis serves a plate loaded with two pancakes
and two sausages to a diner at the Roser Memorial
Community Church's pancake brunch on Nov. 11. The
event, in the church's fellowship hall, coincided with a
yard sale at the thrift store. Islander Photo: Lisa Neff

12 0 NOV. 15, 2006 E THE ISLANDER


Wednesday, Nov. 15
9 to 11 a.m. Audubon Society tour with master birder
John Ginaven at Emerson Point Preserve in Palmetto. Res-
ervations: 748-4501, ext. 3654.
Noon Anna Maria Island Garden Club presents
"Holiday Floral Design" with guest speaker Birgit Sester-
henn, owner of Island Florist, at Roser Memorial Community
Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-2607.
1 to 3 p.m. Anna Maria Island Community Center Sit
'n' Knit with instructor Barbara Hines at St. Bernard Catholic
Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach. Information:
778-1908. Fee applies.
5 p.m. Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce busi-
ness card exchange at A Paradise Realty, 5201 Gulf Drive,
Holmes Beach. Information: 778-1541.
5 to 6 p.m. Sand-sculpting clinic at the BeachHouse
Restaurant, 200 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton Beach. Information:

Thursday, Nov. 16
8:30 to 9:30 a.m. Anna Maria Island Community
Center groundbreaking ceremony, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna
Maria. Information: 778-1908.
4 to 6 p.m. Marian Humphrey's retirement party at the
Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach.
Information: 778-6341.
5 to 6 p.m. Sand-sculpting clinic at the BeachHouse
Restaurant, 200 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton Beach. Information:
6 p.m. Island Garden Club potluck dinner with guest
speaker Blake Whisenant, Earth Box creator, at Gloria Dei
Lutheran Church, 6608 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Informa-
tion: 778-1063.
7:30 p.m.- Audubon Society meeting with guest speaker
Bob Taylor from the Polk Country Sierra Club at First Presby-
terian Church, 1402 Manatee Ave. W., Bradenton. Information:

Friday, Nov. 17
1 to 2 p.m. Family Caregiver support group at the
Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach.
Information: 747-4655.
5 to 6 p.m. Sand-sculpting clinic at the BeachHouse
Restaurant, 200 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton Beach. Information:

9 a.m. to 1 p.m. "Art and Attic" sale at the Artists Guild Gal-
lery, 5414 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-6694.
9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Keep Manatee Beautiful Sandblast
competition at the BeachHouse Restaurant, 200 Gulf Drive
N., Bradenton Beach. Information: 795-8272.
9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Holiday Bazaar at St. Bernard Catholic
Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach. Information:
Sunday, Nov. 19
9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Holiday Bazaar at St. Bernard Catholic
Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach. Information:
Monday, Nov. 20
11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Basic stained-glass class with
Sandy French at the Anna Maria Island Art League, 5312
Holmes Blvd., Holmes Beach. Information: 778-2099. Fee
Noon Anna Maria Island Democratic Club presents
"Election Results: What's Ahead?" with guest Henry Raines
at the BeachHouse Restaurant, 200 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton
Beach. Information:761-4098.
6 to 8 p.m. Black-and-white photography class with
Chris Galanopoulos at the Anna Maria Island Art League,
5312 Holmes Blvd., Holmes Beach. Information: 778-2099.
Fee applies.
7 to 9 p.m. "The Way of the Heart" class at St. Ber-
nard Catholic Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach.
Information: 778-4769.
Tuesday, Nov. 21
10 a.m. to noon Introduction to oil painting with Bill
Jerdon at the Anna Maria Island Art League, 5312 Holmes
Blvd., Holmes Beach. Information: 778-2099. Fee applies.
Noon Anna Maria Island Rotary Club meeting with
speaker Rotarian Don Thomas at the BeachHouse Restaurant,

Phvllis Locke left. and Peggy Potter of the Episco-

Saturday, Nov. 18 --- GufD
7:15 a.m. Audubon Society field trip to Myakka State pal Church of the Annunciation at 4408 Gulf Drive
Park departing from the Bradenton Main Post Office, 824 in Holmes Beach have been busy in recent weeks
Manatee Ave. W., Bradenton. Bring lunch. Information: 376- stirring and preparing jars of homemade pickles and

0118:30 a.m. Kiwanis Club meeting with guest speaker jams that will be featured at the annual Holly Berry
Josie Lund, Guardian Ad-Litem, at Cafe on the Beach, Mana- Bazaar from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Nov. 18 at the church.
tee Public Beach, 4700 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Other items at the b-a:air will include-hand crafted
9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Holly Berry Bazaar at the Episcopal gifts and ornaments, decorations, jewelry andplants.
Church of the Annunciation, 4408 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. oa ts -
Information: 778-1638. Islander Photo: Courtesy Terry Hussey

King Middle

dedication ceremony


Manatee County School Board members and
Superintendent Roger Dearing will be special guests
at Martha B. King Middle School Wednesday, Nov.
15, when the school holds its official dedication
ceremony. The ceremony will begin at 6 p.m.
The former King building was demolished and
replaced with a new complex of five buildings, cov-
ering 159,184 square feet.
The new school, which was completed on time
and within budget, was built to accommodate 1,154
student stations. King is located at 600 75th St.
N.W., Bradenton. For more information, contact
King Principal Joseph Stokes at 798-6820.

200 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton Beach. Information: 350-4326.
1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Basic drawing with Bill Jerdon at the
Anna Maria Island Art League, 5313 Holmes Blvd-, Holmes.
Beach. Information: 778-2099. Fee applies.
4 to 6 p.m. -Youth creative arts class for ages 5 to 12
at the Anna Maria Island Art League, 5312 Holmes Blvd.,
Holmes Beach. Information: 778-2099. Fee applies.
Wednesday, Nov. 22
7 p.m. All Island Denominations Thanksgiving Eve
Ecumenical Service at St. Bernard Catholic Church, 248 S.
Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-4769.
'The Odd Couple" directed by Preston Boyd at the Man-
atee Players Riverfront Theatre, 102 Old Main St., Bradenton,
through Nov. 25. Information: 748-5875. Fee applies.
'"The Odd Couple" (female version) at the Manatee Play-
ers Riverfront Theatre, 102 Old Main St., Bradenton, through
Nov. 26. Information: 748-5875. Fee applies.
Sandi Nowicki art exhibit at the Artists Guild Gallery,
5413 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, through Nov. 30.

Coming up:
Thanksgiving dinner at Roser Memorial Community
Church Nov. 23.
Thanksgiving dinrier at Island Baptist Church Nov. 23.
Holiday open house at Anna Maria Island Historical
Museum Nov. 24.
Anna Maria City Holiday season kick-off Nov. 24-26.
Festival of,Trees at the Crosley Estate Nov. 29-Dec. 7.

Save the Date:
Island Players "Breaking Legs" Nov. 30-Dec. 10.
Downtown Holmes Beach Holiday open house Dec. 1.
Snowfest holiday celebration at Bradenton Preparatory
Academy Dec. 8.
Anna Maria Island Rotary Club Casino Night Jan. 27.

Business woman of the year
TheFl annual "Buiness Person of the Year" award by
thei Rotary Club f .Anna Maria Island was announced
at the clumilber's NAov. 6 banquet and the winner is
Ba'rbara R,.'dock o"rof BridgeWalk, Sun House Restau-
rant atidI \ iiij agar in Bradenton Beach. Rodocker's
lengthy list ,l'fuisin'es successes, includes opening '
Silver Sands motel in 1972 and the Silver Surf motel
in 1984. Pictured with Rodocker, left, are Mark Davis,
John Litchkowcc of Rotary and Mary Ann Brockman.

And The Islander's
Ambrose again named
chamber 'Ambassador
of the Year'
Nancy Ambrose, The Islander
advertising sales representa-
tive, accepts the Anna Maria
Island Chamber of Commerce's
Ambassador of the Year award
for the third consecutive year
from chamber director Kathleen
Georg and executive director
Mary Ann Brockman.

I i;lcthI st less tc%~arIdc:'.A han it I at 'rathovi'inBank. hist ,,, nt
(71Z. hom lulci, DanidIip 1 ~ic. Ron Iut/t :c.. Fit wk Lee. hidi
Lihc. Rcbu ca Gccn'.Qc. Doric'nit Ru w1. Cnat/v huttlull1. Pat
Hiutm'and Bill Jciia. na, all 'i/i Awk. F/it ouionbo hi' ,i
,u S',1a'd .u.'hcoweis o-i. 'lictdldedtor ',.mju. I N-t-Wa '
15. Lit A PFlladiw cRea/r.i. 2v''1vInt Div,i. Holmint 8w I


THE ISLANDER 0 NOV. 15, 2006 0 13

GSR, Bon Eau negotiate compromise, seek absolution

By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
The controversial bankruptcy of GSR Development LLC
just got a little more controversial and complicated.
In a court-ordered mediation agreement between
GSR and Bon Eau Enterprises LLC that was supposed
to include the unsecured creditors committee of GSR -
but didn't GSR and Bon Eau claim they've patched
up their differences and are asking Federal Bankruptcy
Court Judge K. Rodney May to forgive any possible
wrong-doing and hold them harmless.
The two parties reached the compromise last week
on a "controversy" between them and asked May to find
that "there is no fraud, usury, theft, disguised financ-
ing, fraudulent transfer or other wrongdoing" in the
financial agreement between the two parties signed in
August 2005 regarding GSR's Villa Rosa property in
Anna Maria. The creditors committee refused to go
along with the mediation agreement.
Attorney John Anthony, representing the unsecured
creditors committee, claimed in his objection to the
mediation agreement that the $6.5 million Bon Eau
gave GSR for the Villa Rosa property was a disguised
loan, usurious under Florida law and a "criminal"
action. The deal does nothing more than give Bon Eau
a $12 million property for $6.5 million, he alleged.
The GSR-Bon Eau mediation agreement also asks
May to approve an auction sale of the lots at Villa Rosa
that would reduce the total asking price of all the lots
combined from $11.5 million to $7.6 million, exclusive
of Lot 14, which will be auctioned separately. Villa
Rosa's model home, which is not yet ready for occu-
pancy and needs an additional $500,000 to $800,000
of work to complete, is on Lot 14.
GSR has proposed to auction of Lot 14 at a mini-
mum price of $1.5 million, despite a contract with NBA
player Theo Ratliff of the Boston Celtics to buy the
house and land for $2.5 million.
GSR has claimed that any monies remaining after
all Villa Rosa lots are sold and all liens and mortgages
are satisfied, including Bon Eau, should go. to the com-
pany as operating capital and not be distributed among
the unsecured creditors.
Not so fast, said Anthony. The committee doesn't
agree to the compromise and Bon Eau doesn't deserve
a penny.
In addition, selling all the Villa Rosa lots at the
bargain basement prices in the new mediation agree-

ment will only net $7.68 million, leaving $3.8 million
in uncollected equity, money that could be used for the
benefit of the unsecured creditors. And the $7.68 million
is just about what Bon Eau claims GSR owes in princi-
pal and interest under the August 2005 agreement.
Anthony reiterated the committee's claim that the
"choice of documentation" in the Bon Eau-GSR finan-
cial transaction "is consistent with deliberately conceal-
ing the usurious nature of the loan," and is "criminal"
by its action.
"The committee cannot support the compromise," '
he said.
Doing so would compound the already "improper
conduct" that has already taken place in the Bon Eau-
GSR arrangement by forgiving Bon Eau's usurious
actions and requiring GSR to pay the original terms of
the transaction. Bon Eau should not be excused from
"liability for having received a fraudulent transfer." Bon
Eau is "liable to the estate and should not be released
or paid any money."
The creditors would be far better off if the court
required GSR to sell the properties and retain the pro-
ceeds for distribution under a confirmed plan of reor-
ganization, he claimed.
GSR listed approximately $33 million in debts
when it filed for bankruptcy in July. Of that, about $6

Reader spies stolen gate
Bradenton resident Stuart Erbe was. taking his.
morning walk across the Manatee Avenue Bridge \ hen-
he spied an octopus that didn't belong in the water a
$3,000 steel octopus gate.
Erbe recalled The Islander article in the Nov. 1
issue that featured a photo of an octopus gate that had
been stolen from a location on Bridge Street earlier this
year. Although an arrest \as made Oct. 17, the gate had
not yet been recovered.
Erbe called Bradenton Beach Police Det. Lenard
Diaz, who identified the 250-pound gate lying in the
water near the sea wall as the one stolen. Diaz said the
gate could not have been there \ cery long a month at
most. "There was some rust on the gate, but it clearly
hasn't been there since April when the theft occurred."
Diaz enlisted the help of Bradenton Beach Public
Works to lift the gate out of the water and transport.it
back to the police station. Fred Bartizal, who owns the
gate, was reportedly very happy about the recovery and
the case is officially closed.

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, ELCA
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i Holmes Beach

million is in unsecured claims, primarily owed to pri-
vate individuals, including several Island residents.
Among a host of other objectives, the unsecured credi-
tors committee wants all GSR properties to be sold at auction
to the highest bidder, not just the Villa Rosa properties.
May heard the compromise motion along with the
committee's objections on Nov. 8, but had not made a
ruling by Nov. 12.

Extension requested
Faced with a Nov. 13 deadline to provide the federal
bankruptcy court with a reorganization plan along with
a full financial disclosure statement, GSR filed for an
extension of the deadline last week to Jan. 9, 2007.
GSR attorney Richard Prosser said in his motion
that although newly hired chief restructuring manager
William Maloney has made "significant progress" in
preparing the documents, he needs "additional time to
analyze the facts and circumstances" of this case.
Judge K. Rodney May had not made a ruling in the
motion by press deadline.

Island real estate sales
526 Kumquat Drive, Anna Maria, a 2480 sfla / 3817
sfur 3bed/22bath/4car canalfront pool home built in
2000 on a 79x126 lot was sold 10/27/06,, Valadie to
UNKNOWN for $1,135,000; list $1,299,500.
108 Gull Drive, Anna Maria, a vacant canalfront
75x100 lot was sold 10/23/06, Smoyer to Gryboski for
$460,000; list $475,000.
408 Clark Drive, Holmes Beach, a 1,406 sfla/ 1,686
sfur 2bed/2bath/lcar home with deeded boat slip built
in 1957 on a 90x100 lot was sold 10/27/06, Morgan to
UNKNOWN for $415,000; list $425,000..
6602 Holmes .Blvd, Holmes Beach, a 1,432 sfla /
1,646 sfur 3bed/2bath duplex built in 1970 on a 77x98
lot was sold 10/24/06, Moroney to UNKNOWN for
$375,000; list $475,000.
2601 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton Beach, a 876
sfur 2bed/lbath mobile home built in 1952 was
sold 10/17/06, Sullivan to Gerhart for $145,199; list
Jesse Brisson, broker/associate at Gulf-Bay Realty
of Anna Maria, can be reached at (941) 713-4755
direct, or at Gulf-Bay (941) 778-7244. Current Island
real estate transactions may also be viewed online at
www.islander.org. Copyright 2006.


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14 M NOV. 15, 2006 0 THE ISLANDER

Insurance: New homestead requirement hits Islanders

By Molly McCartney
Islander Reporter
Get ready to learn about another new twist in the
way you might or might not obtain wind insur-
ance from Citizens Property Insurance Corp., the state's
insurer of last resort.
This one breaks down residential property owners
into those who have a homestead exemption and those
who don't.
A homestead exemption amounts to a $25,000
credit toward the property tax on the appraised value
of residential property and to earn the credit, owners
must certify that the residence is their primary residence
- no rentals allowed.
Nearly two-thirds of the residential property owners
on Anna Maria Island may be affected.
Island resident Dale de Haan and others like him
are receiving letters from Citizens telling them that they
are no longer automatically eligible for wind coverage
from Citizens because their properties are not owner
occupied or homesteaded.
What's more, the non-homestead property owner
who is able to obtain Citizens will be subject to higher
premiums than the homesteaded property owner.
"It is outrageous," said de Haan, who owns a one-
bedroom unit at Water's Edge condominium, 5806 Gulf
Drive, and has wind insurance on his contents through
Citizens. That unit does not qualify for the homestead
exemption because he and his wife Ruth reside at West-
bay Cove condominium,. 600 Manatee Ave., Holmes
Beach. Their Water's Edge unit is utilized by other
family members and visitors and is rented seasonally.
The new Citizens homestead requirement is par-
ticularly ominous for Anna Maria Island, where nearly
two-thirds of the residential property are designated as
non-homestead by the county property appraiser.
The non-homestead properties typically include
second homes, vacation homes and investment proper-
ties that are offered for short-term rentals an impor-
tant part of the local tourist economy.
"But in the whole big picture of insurance, this is
goof\ ... and discriminatory," de Haan said. "
Citizens has sent out about 400,000 letters to poli-
cyholders like the de Haans, notifying them that their
properties do not meet the homestead exempt require-
ments and that they may not be eligible for homeowner's
coverage on their contents from Citizens in the future.
A non-homestead property owner may still qualify
for Citizens, but only if his insurance agent can't find
any other authorized insurer for the property. Citizens
is the insurer of "last resort."
But non-homestead property owners who end up
qualifying for Citizens are going to be "subject to addi-
tional policyholder assessments," the letters warn.
The new homestead requirement is the result of a recent
state law aimed at protecting full-time homestead proper.
owners from future surcharges by Citizens, according to
Rep. Donald Brown, a member of Gov. Jeb Bush's Prop-
erty and Casualtx Insurance Reform Committee.
In the minutes of the committee's Sept. 21 meeting.
Brown is quoted as saying that. the philosophy of the
Legislature was to "assess non-homestead risks first
in the e\ ent of a deficit before homestead risks would
be'assessed, in an attempt to help homestead property
owners.absorb fewer assessments."
Citizens, the state's largest insurer;.has 1.3 million
police\ holders and it had a $1.7 billion deficit from 2005
losses, mostly from hurricane damage. To help reduce the
deficit, the Legislature gave Citizens about $750 million
in surplus tax dollars. Citizens then sought to cover the
balance of the deficit by adding a 2.5 percent surcharge
to the insurance premium of all state property owners.
"We have never required a homestead before," said
Citizens spokesman Rock) Scott.
He said Citizens has been struggling to establish
a data base that w\buld make it possible for the agency\
to comply \ ith the ne"\ la%\.
The law requiring Citizens to distinguish between
homestead and non-honiestead properties was approved
earlier this year by the Republican-controlled Legislature
the same officials that defeated the amendment pro-
posed by Rep. Bill Galvano to examine the state-desig-
nated wind pool for Mlanatee County and other areas.
Gal\ano's amendment would-have made-it pos-
sible for man\ of Anna Maria Island's small businesses,
churches and other non-residential property owners to
obtain wind insurance from Citizens at more affordable
prices. It was defeated in the house vote 57-56.:

Island properties by city, homestead



Anna Maria City

Bradenton Beach

Holmes Beach

Single Family

Single Family

Single Family

















Source: Manatee County Property Appraiser, November 2006
This chart shows only about 37 percent slightly more than one-third of the residential property on Anna
Maria Island has homestead status and is eligible to keep its wind coverage from Citizens Property Insurance
Corp. under a newly enacted state law.

Insurance reform report

available online
The governor's insurance reform committee is
scheduled to meet in Tallahassee Wednesda\. Nov.
15. to finalize their recommendations- to mend the
state's broken property\ insurance s\ stem.
In establishing the committee, Gov. Jeb Bush
asked for ideas to "impro \e competition'and
create incentives for private insurance and rein-
surance in the areas'of residential, commercial.
manulfacttred homes, condominiumns.'apartments.
and go\ eminent entities." He also asked for \\ a\ s
to depopulate Citizenr- Property Insurance Corp..
the state's insurer of last resort, and suggestions
on hlo" to encourage horneoi tners and businesses
to strengthen their homes.
The committee has responded with a 115-page
report intended to help the governor and the state
Legislature focus on specific actions. To see the
committee's report, go to www.myfloridainsuran-
cereform.com and click "Interim Report."

Bush signed the state legislation containing the new
homestead provision for Citizens in May to take effect,
March 1, 2007, for new and renewal policies issued by
The letters sent to policyholders like the de Haans
say that if their property does have homestead status,
they must complete and sign a special homestead status
form, and mail it to their agent. The agent is supposed
to keep the form on file in his office.
In addition to the letters to policyholders, Citizens
has sent out thousands of technical bulletins to insur-
ance agents. The bulletins describe the new homestead
law, the timeline for its implementation and a list of
questions and ans\ ers for agents to use in.responding to-
policyholders. Here is one excerpt from that bulletin:
"What will be the effect on eligibility and assessment
through Citizens of having a non-homestead property?,
"Effective March 007, non-homestead property
is not eligible for coverage ,with Citizens and is not eli-
gible for renewal unless the operty owner provides us
with a sworn affidavit stating that the agent has made his
or her best effort to obtain coveragetnd that the property

has been rejected for coverage by at least one authorized,
insurer and at least three surplus-lines insurers.
"If a deficit is incurred, the Citizens' board of gov-
ernors shall levy an immediate assessment against the
premium of each non-homestead property policyholder,
up to 10 percent of the premium. If this assessment is
insufficient to eliminate the deficit, the board of gov-
ernors shall levy an additional assessment against all
policyholders, up to 10 percent of the premium."
In its bulletin, Citizens defines homestead property
as including the following:
Property that has been granted a homestead
exemption in keeping with state law.
Any county, district or municipal hospital.
"Commercial lines residential property," which
insurance experts translate to mean residential condo-
minium buildings.
The eligibility of a residential condo unit owner for
homeowners or content coverage from Citizens would
depend on whether that person has homestead status
for that unit's address.
The new homestead requirement for Citizens insur-
ance places an additional burden on thousands of Anna
Maria Island property owners.
Of the 5,903 residential parcels of condos; duplexes
and single-family homes on the Island, only 2,208, or
about 37 percent, have homestead status, according to
the Manatee County Property Appraiser, based on the
agency's latest statistics.
The county says that 3,695, or nearly two-thirds,
are non-homestead residential properties.
Of the three cities on the Island, Bradenton Beach
has the lowest percentage of residential homesteaded.
properties. Only 19 percent of its 1,3422 residential
properties are homestead, compared to 40 percent for
Holmes Beach and 48 percent for the City of Anna
De Haan argues that the owners of second "or third
homes typically rent them for at least-a portion of the
year and "are, in a sense, small business people who
have invested in the community and should not be
penalized by this homestead requirement."
He said that the non-homestead property owners
are part of the local economy.
The "whole homestead thing is some kind of game,"
he said. "It is very confusing and it is why people are
throwing up their hands."

Dale de Haan, owner of a
unit at Water's Edge condo-
inium, is holding a letter
fiult Citizens Property
Insurance Corp. telling him
that the wind coverage on
his munit's contents won't be
-automatically renewed in
ithe.itfure-becausethe unit
does not have homestead
status. Islander Photo:
Mollyv McCartney


Island police reports
Anna Maria City
Nov. 6, 800 block of North Shore Drive, theft. A
woman reported that a large number of morphine tab-
lets, two credit cards and checks were stolen.
Nov. 8, 200 block of Gladiolus Street, information.
A man reported losing his cell phone.

Bradenton Beach
Nov. 2, 1906 Gulf Drive N., Coquina Beach Club,
information. Officers responded to an abandoned 911
call, arriving at the scene to find a disturbance in prog-
ress. A woman stated she was battered by a man that
she and her boyfriend had both been staying with in
his apartment. An argument started when the resident
asked the guests to find another place to stay.
Nov. 4, 300 block of Gulf Drive N., drug arrest.
Robert Hutchins, 30, of Sarasota, was arrested for
possession of nine grams of marijuana after an officer
stopped him for a traffic violation.
Nov. 6, 300 block of Bay Drive South, warrant
arrest. An Anna Maria resident was arrested on an "ankle
bracelet warrant" when he entered Bradenton Beach.

Holmes Beach
Nov. 4, 100 block of 46th Street, drug arrest. Rich-
ard Benuche, 62, was arrested for possession of mari-
juana by an officer patrolling the beach access. Accord-
ing to the report, the officer saw the man sitting on a
bench smoking a marijuana pipe. Benuche filled out a
voluntary affidavit and was given a notice to appear.
Nov. 6, 3900 E. Bay Drive, Publix, forgery. A
customer used a forged $20 bill to pay for items. The
person stated the bill had been among the cash back
received at another business.
Nov. 6, 5318 Marina Drive, Sportfish Grill, suspi-
cious incident. A man reported that he became "very
ill" the day after he ate at the restaurant.
Nov. 8, 3200 block of Gulf Drive, driver's license. A
man was arrested for driving with a suspended license.
.He was also given a ticket for careless driving.
Nov. 8, 5410 Marina Drive, D.Coy Ducks, domes-
tic disturbance. A woman reportedly backed her vehicle
into the path of her ex-boyfriend, knocking him to the
ground. According to the report, the ex-boyfriend was
in violation of an injunction that states he cannot be
within 500 feet of the woman or 100 feet of her vehicle.
The woman was reportedly trying to leave the bar after
the man arrived, they had an argument and a witness
told police the ex-boyfriend ran behind the car as she
pulled away.
Nov. 9, 5100 block of Gulf Drive, criminal mis-
chief. The tops of two convertible cars were reportedly

Rotary Club defines 'service'
By Lisa Neff
Islander Reporter
The Rotary Club of Anna Maria Island helped third-
graders learn the definition of "service" last week.
Club members Jeff Cappello and David Zaccagnino
helped define "service" when they distributed paper-
back editions of "A Student's Dictionary" in three class-
rooms at the school on Nov. 9.
The club also delivered dictionaries to Jesse P.
Miller and Freedom elementary schools, said Zac-
cagnino, a Holmes Beach city commissioner.
"It's just our way of giving back," said Cappello.
"It's really been a very successful program and
now it's a tradition, a November tradition," said AME's
Cindi Harrison.
The club has handed out dictionaries, paid for with
grant money from the Rotary Foundation, for the past
five years. This year the club distributed 316 diction-
aries at the three schools, including 54 at AME, said
Pamela Schlueter, club vice president.
In AME teacher Deborah Thomas' classroom,
Cappello and Zaccagnino distributed the dictionaries,
including a couple of Spanish-language editions. Then
the Rotarians reviewed with the students the meaning of
several select words, including "loyalty" and "fair."
"There's a ton of great stuff in these dictionaries,"
Cappello told the class.
The club decided to provide the dictionaries to
third-grade students hoping to prepare them for future
FCAT writing and reading exams.
I. + K

Rotarian earns honor
Island resident Patti Bishop, right, has received charter

membership into the Rotary District 6960 Paul Harris
Society. A member ofithe Rotary Club of Anna Maria
Island, Bishop received her recognition plaque from the
club's vice president, Pam Schlueter. Bishop is a director
on the club's board and is its chairpersonfor international
service. To qualify for membership in the society, Bishop
committed to donating $1,000 a year to the Rotary Foun-
dation to advance peace and goodwill. Locally, Rotary
Foundation money has been used to support the Rotary
Reader Patch Club at Anna Maria Elementary School.

THE ISLANDER NOV. 15, 2006 E 15


Edith 'Pearl' DeGarmo
Edith '"Pearl" DeGarmo, 47, of Bradenton Beach,
died Oct. 28.
Ms. DeGarmo was born in
Prince George County, Md.
Private services will be held
- at a later date.
She is survived by son Denis
I Short Jr. of Tampa; sisters Tina
Grooms, Pauline Chesner and
Cheryl of Bradenton Beach and
DeGarmo Liz Barnes of Bradenton; brother
Robert Cockrell of Bradenton; and best friends Erick
Bohn and Rick Stewart.
Ralph Byron Koch
Ralph Byron Koch, 93, of Bradenton, died Nov. 7.
Born in Indiana Harbor, Ind., Mr. Koch moved to
Manatee County from Chicago, Ill., in 1973. He was a
retired printer with R.R. Donnelly's, where he worked for
43 years. He was a member of Island Baptist Church.
Memorial services were Nov. 11 at the church.
Memorial contributions may be made to Tidewell Hos-
pice and Palliative Care, 5955 Rand Blvd., Sarasota FL
34239, or the Alzheimer's Association. Manasota Memo-
rial Funeral Home was in- charge of arrangements.
He is survived by Evangeline "Vangie," his wife of
68 years; daughters Judy Duncan of Anna Maria, Dr.
Sallie Lau of Bradenton; grandchildren Darcie Duncan
of Holmes Beach, Troy Frystak, Chiang Mai, Thailand,
Tanya Frystak, Kaneohe, Hawaii, and Melissa Rack
of Knoxville. Tenn.; and great-grandchildren Kaipo
Kiaaina, Jade Rack, Caleb Rack and Sawyer Frystak.

A Taw MeNU
Monday, Nov. 20
Breakfast: Breakfast Pizza, Yogurt, Cereal,
Toast, Fruit
Lunch: Ravioli or Popcorn Chicken, Tator Tots,
Peas, Peaches
Tuesday, Nov. 21
Breakfast: Egg and Cheese Biscuit. Cereal,
Toast, Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich, Fruit
Lunch: Hamburger Gravy or Grilled Chicken
Patty Sandwich, Mashed Potatoes, Broccoli
with Cheese, Juice Bar
Juice and milk are served with every meal.

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16 0 NOV. 15, 2006 M THE ISLANDER


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THE ISLANDER M NOV. 15, 2006 M 17

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18 0 NOV. 15, 2006 E THE ISLANDER

Veterans Day tourney provides exciting end to season

By Kevin Cassidy
Islander Reporter
The Anna Maria Island Community Center's first
annual Veterans Day soccer tournament held Saturday,
Nov. 11, was a resounding success with a day full of
exciting mini-length (25-minute) soccer games that
included the instructional division's ages 6-7 all-star
game and a 7-up all-star game for players that are grad-
uating next season to the big field.
Spectators enjoyed a day full of soccer and some
good chili donated by Hurricane Hanks and cheeseburg-
ers and hot dogs donated by Rotten Ralph's Waterfront
Restaurant. Monies raised go toward the "new" planned
Community Center.
The 7-up all-star game was a nail-biting game won
by the blue team 1-0. With approximately four minutes
to play, Tyler Yavalar stole the ball in midfield, dribbled
past two defenders and ripped a shot that found the far
comer of the goal to give the "blues" the win.
Before Yavalar's goal, it looked like the red team
was surely going to win. Offensively minded players
like Jake and Andrew Ross, Luke Valadie and Seth.
Walter kept the ball in the blue end of the field for
much of the game, while defenders Anthony Cucci and
Alex Siegel kept the blue team at bay.
Kayla Thiel, Miles Fischer, George Lardas and Bri-
anna Connelly played great defense for the blue team in
front of goalies Jacob Talucci and Hunter Hattaway.
The instructional league's 6-7 all-star tourney was
exciting soccer as well with the "royal" blue team
defeating the green team 6-3. Tyler Yavalar scored five
goals and Miles Fischer added one goal to lead the royal
team to victory. Other members of the champion team
are Jack Heckler, Marlin Ellis, Kayla Thiel, George
Lardas, Brianna Connelly, Angelique Ayeda and Hunter
Seth Walter notched three goals to lead the green
team in defeat. Other team members are Julian Braha,
Abby Fritz, Anthony Cucci, Tyler Dell, Emmie Gal-
lagher, Olivia Glavan, Emma Moneuse and Mickey
The semifinal game between the green team and
the white team ended in a 1-1 tie on goals by Andrew
Ross for the white team and a goal by Seth Walter for
the green team, so the game was decided by a shootout.
Mickey Koczersut was the hero for the green team,


1At L-.tg l

saving the first two shots before coming out of the goal
to take the green team's last kick. Koczersut converted
on his attempt and then made the save to help his team
into the championship game.
The royal team advanced to the finals behind Tyler
Yavalar's two goals in its 2-0 win over LPAC.
The Division III championship game was an upset
special that also came down to a penalty kick shootout
between regular-season champion Autoway Ford and
third-place finisher Ooh La La! Bistro.
The two teams battled it out to a scoreless tie
through 25 minutes, sending the game to the penalty
spot. If you've never experienced the joy or agony of
taking a penalty kick with the game on the line, here's
kind of how they feel: The player taking the penalty
kick should never really "not score" because the physi-
cal act of putting the ball past the keeper and into the
goal isn't difficult. However, factor in the huge lump
in your throat knowing the game is on you and all of
the fans and players are either cheering or jeering you,
and that simple shot becomes a 100-yarder.
Lauren Sapienza for Ooh La La and Sibella Glavan
of Autoway Ford were denied by goalies Josh Zawis-
toski and Joey Cucci, while Ooh La La's Mikayla Kane

Jake Ross
rips a shot
as George
defends in
the 7-up
game at the
Veterans Day
soccer play-
offs. Islander
Photos Kevin

and Ford's Robby Officer both scored on the second
.round of three allowed penalty kicks for a 1-1 tie.
Zawistoski shot just wide for Ooh La La, while Neil
Carper's offering sailed just over the crossbar in the
third round to preserve the tie.
Next up, another round of three players and three
kicks for each team. Kiley Aldefer's shot clanged off
the post for Ooh La La, while Maddy Valadie's for
Ford shot was wide. Joselin Presswood, daughter of
the team sponsor restaurant owner, then stepped up to
the line and tucked her shot neatly into the right comer
of the goal for a 2-1 lead. Jack Walter for Ford and
Samantha Purnell for OohlLa La followed, and both
shot wide left to set off a wild Ooh La La celebration.
Other members of the Division III champs are Alexia
Zawistoski, Alexia Yavalar, Jazmin Rivera and Diana
'Other members of the second-place Autoway Ford
team are Jackie Burgess, Katie Rose Dell, Emma Peery,
Sarah Quatromi and Sarah Wolfe.
Ooh La La! Bistro had advanced to the finals by
defeating Air & Energy 3-0 in the semifinals. Josh
Zawistoski scored two goals for Bistro and Kiley Alde-

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THE ISLANDER U NOV. 15. 2006 M 19

fer notched one goal for Ford. Autoway Ford defeated
Americo Title 3-1 in the other semifinal game behind
two goals from Neil Carper and one goal from Robby
Officer. Jake Parsons scored the lone goal for Americo
Title in the loss. Americo advanced to the semifinal
game by defeating Mr. Bones 1-0 in the quarterfinals.
Henrik Brusso notched the game's lone goal, which
gave Americo its first victory on the season.
There were no surprises in Division II where the
Sun again proved too tough with a 3-1 victory over a
determined Island Real Estate team. Joel Hart led the
way with three goals for the Sun, which also received
one goal from Connor Field. Daniel Pimental notched
the lone goal for Island Real Estate.
Sun advanced to the finals on the strength of its 6-
1 victory over Cannons Marine. Field, Adam Hart and
Josh Schmidt each scored two goals in the victory for
the Sun. Hunter Parrish led Cannons with one goal.in
the loss. Island Real Estate advanced to the finals with a
2-0 win over West Coast Surf Shop. Trevor Albers and
Daniel Pimental each scored one goal to lead IRE.
ReMax held serve in Division I with a 2-1 win
over Danziger Destroyers behind two goals from Jordan
Sebastiano. Ally Titsworth scored the lone goal for Dan-
ziger in the loss. And Titsworth was the spark behind
Danziger advancing to the championships, scoring four
goals as Danziger "Destroyed" any chance of LaPensee
Plumbing advancing with a 4-2 victory. Zach Evans
notched two goals for LaPensee in defeat.
In last week's column, it was reported in error that
Ally Titsworth had won the division most valuable
female player when in fact, it was Martine Miller who
captured the award.
And speaking of Martine Miller, she and her Mana-
tee Magic U14 girls soccer team recently captured the
Halloween Havoc tournament at Braden River. They
opened the tourney by defeating Central Pasco 3-0 on
goals by Islanders Martine Miller, Erin Mulrine and
Ally Titsworth. Next they faced off against the Sara-
sota Storm and came away with anther 3-0 win. Miller,
Mulrihe and Madison Bradley each notched goals for
the Magic in that win.
The Magic girls faced the Storm again in the finals,
but found themselves trailing 2-0. Korie Nolan halved
the score with a goal and Miller tied the effort at 2-2.
Miller came through with the winning goal with less
than three minutes to play to give the Magic the cham-

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Joselin Presswood and her Ooh La La! Bistro team-
mates watch her game-winning shootout kick during
Ooh La La's upset victory over Autoway Ford in
Division III Veterans Day soccer action.
The Magic girls got their regular season off to a
good start on Nov. 4 when they defeated Hillsborough
United 4-0. Erin Mulrine notched a hat trick and Mar-
tine Miller added a goal. Jordan Ponto played great
defense in front of Tina Papazian, who was solid in the
goal for the shutout.

Horseshoe news
Harry Stoltzfus "walked" his way into the winner's
circle during the Nov. 8 horseshoe competition at the
Anna Maria City Hall pits. Stoltzfus was the only "team".
out of seven that posted a 3-0 pool-play record and was
the outright winner. It was his first career victory.
Pour teams out of eight advanced out of pool
play with 3-0 records in the Nov. 4 horseshoe games,
which was eventually won by the team of Sam Samu-
els and Herb Puryear. They defeated George McKay
and Karl Thomas 22-10 in the championship match
to claim bragging rights for the day. McKay and
Thomas advanced to the finals by defeating Ron Pepka
and George Landraitus 21-10. Samuels and Puryear
defeated John Johnson and Frank Pytel 21-7 in the

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other semifinal game.
Play gets under way at 9 a.m. every Wednesday and
Saturday at the Anna Maria City Hall pits. Warmups
begin at 8:45 a.m. followed by random team selection.
There is no charge to play and everyone is welcome.

Key Royale news
The men of the Key Royale Club teed it up for a
best-ball-of-foursome, 18-hole golf tournament Nov. 8.
The team of Don Latorre, Bob Dickinson, Dan Hayes
and Bill Gallagher fired a 13-under-par 51 to defeat the
team of Tom Steele, Jim Krumme, Jim Macvicar and
Pieter Thomasses by one shot.
The teams of Gordon McKenna, Frank Vickingstad,
Mike Selby and Fred Meyers along with Bob Lamp,
Bob Sayles, Tom Lewis and Al Gunn were another shot
back at 11-under and tied for third place.
On Nov. 6, the men played a nine-hole tourney that
was also a better-ball-of-foursome format. The team of
Bob Sayles, Bob Lamp, Tom Lewis and Tom Warda
combined to shoot a nine-under-par 23 to earn the day's
bragging rights.

Register now for AMICC basketball
Boys and girls ages 5-17 (before Dec. 2) are invited
to register for the Anna Maria Island Community Center
2006 basketball league. From 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday and
Thursday, Nov. 14 and 16, players can register at the
Holmes Beach public works building. Then again from
6 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday, Nov. 28 and 30,
players can register at King Middle, School, 600 75th
St. N.W., Bradenton.
Cost for playing basketball is $45 and $40 for any
additional family-member players. Non-members fee
is $60 for first child and $55 for additional children.
Due to construction at the Center, all its league
games this season will be played at King Middle
Every child who registers will be placed on a team,
but in an attempt at league parity, all prospective play-
ers must attend mandatory tryouts at the times and dates
listed below.
Ages 14-17: 6-6:45 p.m.Thursday, Dec. 7.
Ages 12-13: 6-6:45 p.m. Friday, Dec. 8.
Ages 10-11: 6-6:45 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 6.
Ages 8-9: 7-7:45 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 5.
Ages 5-7: 6-6:45 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 5.
Coaches and prospective coaches and volunteers
are asked to check in with league director Andy Jona-
tzke at the Center by Nov. 22.

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20 0 NOV. 15, 2006 M THE ISLANDER

From murder to smuggling to talking' trash: new local books

It's new-book time, of sorts, with three new local
volumes by local authors out in print. Enjoy!

Murder Key
Longboat Key mystery author H. Terrell "Terry"
Griffin has penned a new Matt Royal mystery, "Murder
Key." The body count is high on Longboat Key as a
gang of smugglers start killing people. Retired attorney
Royal starts to investigate when the bullets start flying
toward him.
The whole story revolves around Longboat Key,
Anna Maria Island and Sarasota in this fast-paced mys-
tery that is, in my opinion, as good as anything New
York Times bestseller Randy Wayne White has penned.
-And Terry has a keen grasp of the problems Anna Maria
Islanders face with insurance and taxes and the ambi-
ance we all love. Consider this excerpt:
"When you cross the Longboat Pass Bridge onto
-Anna Maria Island, you leave New Florida and pass
into Old Florida. The state has changed drastically in
the past 20 years, and what's left of the Florida of my
childhood is sequestered into little enclaves like Anna
Maria Island.
"The big condos have not yet invaded, and there
are still places where working people can afford to live.
The bars are not as trendy, they're louder, more real
somehow. Small motels run by the same owners for a
generation cling to the beaches, their guests returning
year after year.
"But taxes keep rising, and the mom and pop places
are beginning to dry up. For some reason, not apparent
to the average person, Florida mandates that property
be taxed at a rate that reflects its highest and best use.
If a 40-year-old motel with 20 rooms could legally be
turned into a high-rise condominium with 20 units, it'll
be taxed at the condo rate.
"This obtuse tax philosophy was driving the mom
and pop beach motels out of business. All along the
coast, the owners were selling their property to condo
developers. Fewer hotel rooms meant fewer tourists,
and the gift shops and restaurants that depended on visi-
tors for their livelihood were being forced to close.
"The reality of the onerous tax structure is that it
signals the imminent death of the Florida of my child-
hood. It's turning the state into Baby Boomer Heaven.
"Reality is not something that Florida politicians
recognize, so Old Florida is slowly dying, its demise
hurried along by developers and the tax man. It'll all
be gone soon, and those of us who love the state will
be poorer in spirit."
Terry, himself a semi-retired attorney, knows from
what he speaks, since he is a multi-generation Florid-
S He'll be signing copies of "Murder Key," his second
novel, from 1-3:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 18, at Whistle
Stop, 3234 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach. Stop in and
say hi and, hopefully, enjoy the read.

Smuggling history
My old buddy Stan Zimmerman has just finished a
new book, his third, "A.History of Smuggling in Flor-
ida: Rumrunners and Cocaine Cowboys."
From Ponce de Leon's trafficking in slaves to the
governor's wife, Columba Bush, forgetting to declare

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$19,000 in clothes and jewelry upon her return from
France much to the embarrassment of Jeb Stan
has pulled together all sorts of not-so-nice facts about
Florida's past.
And west Florida was not unscathed in the smug-
gling realm, as Stan reports of the wild times in the
"The majority of Cortezians were not smugglers.
But they knew what was happening. 'The smuggling
was a silent backdrop to their lives,' wrote Ben Green
in his book 'Finestkind.' 'They heard the boats coming
,in at odd hours, saw the new vans and Lincoln Con-
tinentals parked in front of Junior's house, and gazed
suspiciously at the burned-our derelicts who descended
on Cortez like locusts hoping to get a job on a fishing
boat and get in on a few runs.'
"The new wealth could not be concealed. Old
fishermen's shacks along the west coast sported new
porches and new vans were parked in new garages.
New boats, new motors, new clothes, gold jewelry, all
on a $10,000 fisherman's income. But because many
of these men and women lived in small fishing vil-
lages like Cortez, Steinhatchee and Everglades City,
the sudden wealth was moistl invisible. To the fishing.
families, it seemed a long-overdue bonanza, a payoff
for decades of hard and dangerous toil on the water."
Zimmerman will be signing copies of "A History of
Smuggling" from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 3, at
Circle Books, 478 John Ringling Blvd., St. Armands.

Talking' trash
Longboat Key author Robert Gussin has just
released his new novel, "Trash Talk," an unlikely mix

Author returns home
Gillian Kendall returns to the area to visit
friends and family this month and to sign copies
of her new book, "Mr. Ding's Chicken Feet."
Kendall, who currently works as an editor in the
Australian government in Melbourne, is also a free-
lance writer and book author. "Mr. Ding's Chicken
Feet" is an episodic story of a voyage, across the
Pacific, through the Panama Canal, to Texas.
Kendall is scheduled to appear at Charlie's on
the Island, 5904 Marina Drive in Holmes Beach, at
noon on Nov. 29. She is also scheduled to read at
Sarasota's Books-A-Million at 11 a.m. Nov. 25.
The author's mother, local resident Marjorie
Kendall, said The New York Times Book Review
is considering including "Mr. Ding's Chicken
Feet" in its Christmas issue. "We are keeping our
fingers crossed!" she said.


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of environmentalism and athleticism which takes place
in Sarasota.
The Sarasota Environmentalist Society is sponsor-
ing a national convention on garbage and its impact on
society, he writes. The organizers decide to give the
seminars a catchy phrase, and decide "Trash talk" is a
good title.
Unfortunately for the group but fortunately for
readers a recent dictate by most of the professional
sports organizations has ordered all athletes to partici-
pate in ongoing education programs. Since every sports
figure figures he's an expert in "talking trash" to his
opponents, the pros decide the conference is perfect
for them..
The result is a hilarious mix of the likes of Tim
Dorsey and Carl Hiaasen, all taking place in our part
of the world.

Sandscript factoid
Here' a chance for you to become a writer, although
try to steer clear of the mystery aspects in this effort.
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Com-
mission has completed a draft plan for management of
manatees in Florida.
You can get a copy of the draft plan by going to the
FWC Web site, MyFWC.com, and click on "imperiled
According to Kipp Frohlich, the leader of FWC's
imperiled species management section, "The first draft
incorporated extensive public input. We are looking to
the people of Florida to let us know if it meets their
expectations for manatee recovery and management."
The FWC said that Dr. John E. Reynolds III, Mote
Marine Laboratory manatee research program manager
and chairman of the U.S. Marine Mammal Commission,
said "manatee counts ha\ e increased in recent years.
Since the 1980s, Reynolds has been counting manatees
which congregate around po%% er plants. Mote Marine
staff ha\ e members been conducting aerial surveys
since 1985. FWC, along with several other entities,
also conducts counts and aerial surn e\ s. Those suir e\ s
document habitat-use patterns. seasonal distribution and
relative abundance of manatees, according to NMote.
"Keeping track of the number of Florida manatees
is vital\ important so scientists kno\\ \whether to cl.s-
sify the manatee as endangered or threatened. The fact
that the manatee does not merit classification as endan-
gered is a tribute to the commitment made to manatee
conservation during the past 30 ears, this effort has
few parallels in conservation biolog\-" Frohlich said
The key element that w ill probably\ no. not prob-
ably, has prompted the most contro\ers\ is the sec-
tion of the management plan that states that manatee
populations ha\e reached levels sufficient to allow a 30-
percent population decline and remain sustainable.
FWC points to successes in rehabilitating injured
manatees as part of the reason for the declassification
from "endangered" to "threatened."
Comments on the draft management plan may be
made through Jan. 11. Mail your thoughts to Manatee
Management Plan Comments, DHSC, Florida Fish and
Wildlife Conservation Commission, 620 S. Meridian
St., Mail Station 6A, Tallahassee FL 32399-1600,;or
e-mail to manateeplan@MyFWC.com

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THE ISLANDER N NOV. 15, 2006 0 21

Kings starting run offshore; mackerel hitting, too

By Capt. Mike Heistand
Mackerel and kingfish are starting their run off-
shore, and the action is good and should get better in
the coming weeks.
Farther out in the Gulf of Mexico, grouper and&
snapper continue to be a good catch, but expect the
best action in better than 100 feet of water.
In the backwaters, snook and redfish are still good
catches on the right tides; look for oyster bars or near
the mangroves and cast carefully.
At Corky's Bait and Tackle Shop on Cortez
Road, Vin reports that he has been catching snook, red-
fish and a lot of sheepshead in his "secret" fishing hole.
Other fishers have been catching a lot of sheepshead,
reds, pompano, mackerel and snook. Chuck and his
fishing partner have been catching snook, reds, pom-
pano, kingfish and sheepshead in the bays. By the way,
Corky's is the official drop-off spot for Capt. Thom
Smith's Angler's Repair since he has relocated. Bring
your rods and reels to 10103 Cortez Road W. to get
them to Capt. Thorn, who will call when repairs have
been completed.
Matt Bowers at Island Discount Tackle at Catch-
ers Marina in Holmes Beach said that mackerel are a
huge hit about a mile offshore of the Island. The king-
fish run has definitely started, he said, with catches
upwards of 20 pounds being brought back in the cool-
ers. Grouper and snapper action offshore is also good,
with most of the best catches coming from the 100-foot
depths in the Gulf. For bay fishers, redfish are still con-
gregating near the oyster bars, and snook are a good bet
on the higher tides near the mangrove shores.
Tom Cassetty at the Rod & Reel Pier said anglers

A beauty
Hope Rykman of Palmetto caught this 33-inch-long,
12-pound redfish while fishing with Capt. Mike

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12, from
caught this
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there are catching some nice-size keeper snook, plus
black drum. Snapper action has dropped off at the pier,
but mackerel are hitting, plus some sheepshead. The
big news is the sharks they've had some big catches
of bull and nurse sharks, upwards of 9 feet in length,
caught and brought to the deck, plus a lot of smaller
Jesus Rosario at the Anna Maria City Pier said
one lucky angler had just reeled in ,a 38-inch redfish.
Snook action is good, with the best results coming either
in the early morning or at night. Sheepshead fishing is
starting to pick up, too, he said.
At Perico Island Bait and Tackle, Lee Gause said
that there were some good catches of trout and redfish
coming out of Palma Sola Bay.
Capt. Tom Chaya on the Dolphin Dreams in
Holmes Beach out of Catchers said Spanish mackerel
and kingfish are the best bet for great action. Snook and
reds are still in good numbers on the edges of the bars on
the low tides in the backwater, and he's finding trout fish-
ing on the rise with decent numbers on shallow bars.
Capt. Zach Zacharias on the Dee-Jay II out of
Parrot Cove Marina said he took Rick Fuchs from
Ohio out and had a "big mack attack in the Gulf off
Anna Maria on Friday. Countless king-sized mack-
erel were taken on white bait in 30 feet of water on an
outgoinL tide. After the mackerel onslaught, we plied
the waters of north Sarasota Bay and caught a number
of redfish and sheepshead. Both species fell for live
shrimp on an incoming tide. I believe there is going to
be a big run of kingfish in the next couple of weeks off
the beaches of Anna Maria and Longboat Key. That
all hinges on a break in the windy weather that has
plagued us for the past few weeks. There are plenty of


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good-sized bait available in the bays and no hard arctic
fronts are on the horizon. Live shrimp is becoming the
bait of choice on the inside. Shrimp have out-produced
whitebait for snook, reds and, of course, sheepshead.
Good luck and good fishing.
Capt. Mike Heistand is a 20-year-plus fishing guide.
Call him at 723-1107 to provide a fishing report. Prints
and digital images of your catch are also welcome and
may be dropped off at The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive,
Holmes Beach, or e-mailed to news@islander.org.

Two sea turtles released

with satellite tags
Two rehabilitated male loggerhead turtles were
released over the weekend with satellite transmitters
attached, a first for Mote Marine Laboratory.
Joey II and -Bruno were freed into the Gulf of
Mexico after treatment in the Mote Sea Turtle Reha-
bilitation Hospital. Both were found floating in the Gulf
in September, both affected by red tide toxicosis.
They have been "tagged" with satellite transmit-
ters, giving Mote its first opportunity to document the
recovery of adult male loggerheads that have recovered
from red tide.
The satellite-linked transmitters send a signal every
time the turtle surfaces to breathe, Mote said. This allows
scientists to monitor daily locations, swimming speeds,
preferred water temperatures and water depths.
Mote is located at 1600 Ken Thompson Pkwy., Sara-
sota, on City Island off the south ramp of the New Pass
Bridge that links to Longboat Key. The phone number
is 388-4441.

Snook Trout RedfIsh Tarpon Grouper Cobli.

-* -- 4


Capt Mark Howard

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22 0 NOV. 15, 2006 0 THE ISLANDER
si dBiz

By Rick Catlin

Ready renovator
Tom Lass recently expanded his
home renovations business to include
Anna Maria Island, west Bradenton and
all of Manatee County.
As the owner of Resilient Proper-
ties Renovations, Tom is a specialist
in renovating and repairing bathrooms,
kitchens, tiles, decks, painting and sheet-
"We do a lot more," added Tom,
who has 17 years experience as an elec-
trician and 10 in the home repairs and
renovations business. "We like to think
we can do just'about any repairs, and
we're available for emergencies."
Tom has recently done a number of
renovations in Punta Gorda, Port Char-
lotte, Englewood and Fort Myers, but
believes his talents will be better suited
closer to home.
"Our slogan is 'What does your
home need?" Tom noted. "Whatever
needs to be fixed, we can fix it."
Tom can be reached at 782-3713, or
by e-mail at resilient01 @aol.com

Resilient handyman
Tom Lass has brought his home and
property renovation company, Resil-
ient Properties and Renovations, to
Anna Anaria Island and west MAanatce.
Islander Photo: Rick Catlinh

Realty raves
RE/MAX Gulfstream Realty at 3007
Manatee Ave. W. in Holmes Beach has
named Melissa Prosser as its top listing
agent for October, while Don Schroder was
honored as the company's top sales agent.
For more information, call 758-7777.
Wagner Realty, with offices at 2217
Gulf Drive N. in Bradenton Beach and
5630 Gulf of Mexico Drive on Longboat
Key, has named Becky Smith and Elfi
Starrett of its Anna Maria Island office as
the top listing agents for October. The team
of Cathy Meldahl and Dee Dee Burke won
the honor at the Longboat Key office.
The sales leader at the Island office
was Dave Moynihan, while Bill Greene
garnered the award on Longboat Key.
In the closed volume category,
Harold Small was tops on the Island
with Bill Greene taking Longboat Key

Corkey's got bait
and more
Corkey's Live Bait and Tackle Shop
at 10103 Cortez Rd. W. is under new own-
ership and has become the official "drop
off" location for Capt. Thom's repair service
now that he has moved to Parrish.
Owners Annamae and Jon Linn
have installed new aeration equipment
in the bait tanks, keeping the bait fresher
for a longer time and making them more
attractive to the big fish out in the Gulf
or in inland waters.
Corkey's is a great spot for all bait and
tackle needs and a good place to exchange
fishing stories when you need someone to
talk with, said Annamae and Jon.
Store hours are from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.
daily. For more information on Corkey's,
call 792-7901 or 504-4772.

AMIYP making
business history
The Anna Maria Island Young Pro-
fessional.,' "Busi-Season" is under way
with guest presentations,. most recently,
Sissy Quinn of the Anna Maria Island
Historical Society.
The group's "Busi-Season" .is conm-
prised of monthly discussions with local
professionals offering insight into oper-

I |
New location for
Island Grill
The Island Grill Store has relocated
to 5347 Gulf Drive in the Holmes
Beach Business Center. Shown at
their new location are owners Capt.
Glenn and Charlotte Corder. Islander
Photo: Nancy Ambrose
eating a successful business. Quinn's
presentation to the group Nov. 6 gave
members a brief overview of the first
Island businesses. AMIYP President
William Bouziane stated it's not only
important for those in the beginning
stages of their career to understand how
to be successful, but also important to
know the history of the businesses that
built the Island economy .
In her presentation, Quinn noted that
young professionals are a vital asset not
only to-the business coinununir but also
offer a key component to the longevity.
of organizations such as the historical
society. She made a plea to the group for
its volunteer support and membership.

expressing that the society could use the
help of younger, more able-bodied vol-
unteers at its community events.
The AMIYP members agreed to
building a partnership with the historical
society, and several inquiries were made
by members interested in helping with
upcoming events, such as the historical
museum's holiday open house Nov. 24.
Belle Haven Cottage will be decorated
for the holidays with an antique Christ-
mas tree and antique ornaments. Doll
houses from around the world will also
be on display, said Quinn.
The AMIYP will meet again Dec.
4 at the Sandbar Restaurant where
Patti McKee will offer tips on host-
ing and planning events. Topics for
2007 include business tax planning,
philanthropy, financial planning and
AMIYP membership is free and is
open to business professionals of all
ages. Bouziane said that the group is
just as much for people embarking on a
new career path as it is for those building
their first business. The group also wel-
comes young college grads or retirees
re-entering the job market.
The group has compiled a new busi-
ness starter kit of information, such as
how to establish a fictitious name, apply
for an occupational license or incorpo-
rate one's business in any of the .three
Island cities. The kit also offers resources
for finding business consulting organiza-
tions, census data and a list of AMIYP
group members.
Advertising space within the busi-
ness kit is being-offered to offset the cost
of printing and distributing the booklet.
For more information. visit the Web site
at \ \\.AMIYP.com.

meet ..
Sissy Quint drew Scott
Rudhicille's business card
fiomin those collected by
Dav id Zaccagnino a1t /
a recent meeting of the'
Anna Maria Island Youhg
Pro fessionals. which took
place at Shell/s Restau-
rant./ Islander Photo:
Cotrte-SY .AI P



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We will continue to do our best
to win your trust and confidence!


Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Stain & Odor Control
Tile and Grout Color, Cleaning and Stain Control!
778-2882 or 387-0607 www.FatCatCarpetCleaning.com

THE ISLANDER E NOV. 15. 2006 E 23


SALE: NIKI'S GIFTS, Antiques, Jewelry. All sterling
jewelry, porcelain dolls, collector plates, thimbles
50-80 percent off. Select art, vintage and costume
jewelry, antiques, stemware, prints, books, cups and
saucers 50-90 percent off. Great bargains, office
desks, chests, bookcases, lamps, coffee tables.
Open seven days, 9:30am-5pm. 941-779-0729.
5351 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach.
burner, flat-top grill. Taking best offer starting at
$500. 941-795-1111. Leave message.

ROSER THRIFT SHOP: Open 9:30am-2pm Tuesdays
and Thursdays, 9am-noon Saturdays. Always half-price
sales. 941-779-2733.511 Pine Ave., Anna Maria.
LAST GARAGE SALE until Thanksgiving: 8am-
noon Saturday, Nov. 18. Gorgeous Christmas balls
and ornaments, lead crystal pendants and chains,
European tablecloth, furniture, garden antiques,
bed linens and lots of interesting pieces. 2912 Gulf
Drive, Holmes Beach.
RUMMAGE SALE: 9am-lpm Friday and Saturday,
Nov. 17-18. Great selection, great prices. Call 941-
792-1511. Bradenton Elks Lodge. 2511 75th St. W.
GARAGE SALE: 8:30am-noon Saturday, Nov. 18.
Assortment of household goods and collectibles.
309-B 61st St., Holmes Beach.
MULTI-FAMILY SALE: 9am-3pm Friday and Satur-
day, Nov. 17-18. Stackable washer and dryer, deco-
rative items, furniture, plantation shutters, clothing,-
tools, sofa bed, miscellaneous household items. 623
Emerald Lane on Key Royale, Holmes Beach.
GREAT GARAGE SALE: 8am-1 pm Friday and Sat-
urday, Nov. 17-18. Too much to list. 533 Key Royale
Drive, Holmes Beach.
SALE! 8am-? SATURDAY, Nov.18. Bamboo couch
and chairs, pool chaise lounges. Lots of miscella-
neous. 109 Sixth St. S., Bradenton Beach.
GARAGE SALE: 9am-3pm Saturday and Sunday,
Nov. 18-19. Antiques, clothes, appliances, lots
of things and free stuff, 510 South Drive, Anna

NEED A PLACE to meet? Why not try the confer-
ence room at Tingley Memorial Library. Call for
availability and reservations. Donations accepted.
Eveann Adams 941-779-1208. 111 Second St. N.,
Bradenton Beach.


Here are some "NO COST'
Investments to save you money
on your heating/cooling bills:

1. Replcoe or clean your system's
filter on a monthly basis. Dirty filters,
restrict airflow, forcing your system
_ ._ -to work harder.and less.efficlently.

9 Remiav nb nr)jpt fromin front nf_
ynuru ,2pply and return vented

3. Make sure your windows and doors
,__ arerampltelyo.doed while your....._
) system is operating.



5347 Gulf Drive, No. 4,
-.. llhumes Beach Business Center,
Holmes Beach i?.'4CJ;a


LOST: BLACK AND white cat. Name is Zeus, he is
5 years old. Please call 941-778-1746. Last seen on
Guava Street between 58th Street and Gulf Drive,
Holmes Beach.

KARATE ON THE Island: Ages four through adult. Call
941-807-1734 or visitwww.islanddojo.cmasdirect.com.

BAYSIDE BANQUET HALL Affordable waterfront
patio and tiki bar available for events. Bring your
own food, drinks and grill. 941-798-2035. www.bay-

sure? House in disrepair? We pay cash, any price
or condition. Close in ten days. 941-448-0963.

FOSTER PARENTS NEEDED for loving homes to
foster puppies and kittens until they are old enough
for adoption. All food and medical provided. Julie,
ADULT CATS in desperate need of loving homes.
All are current on vaccines. All applicants screened.,
Please, call 941-922-0774.

SUBURBAN 2500 SERIES: 1994 very clean, out-
standing: maintenance records. Heavy-duty pack-
age for trailering. Dual air conditioning, heavy duty
brakes, radiator, tranny cooler, etc. Must see to
appreciate. $6,500 or best offer. 941-730-9622.

KEY ROYALE: BOAT slip for rent. Electric and water..
1995 SUNFISH: RACING sail. Rudder/tiller stolen.
Trailer, jerry-rigged axle. $120. Anna Maria. 727--

NOW HIRING ALL positions. Rotten hours, rotten
pay. Apply at Rotten Ralph's Waterfront Restau-
rant, 902 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria, or call 941-
HELP WANTED: CLERICAL/administrative assistant.
Experienced in multi-tasks, good customer service
and computer skills. Great benefits. E-mail resume
and salary requirements to: t.jmix@adelphia.net

'Improve the Quality
of Your Life-
Carol, Greer Siemaszko
B.A. Ed., M.A. Psych
", ,' '941-794-1492
---- Perico.Island Bradenton

employee needed. Full-time or part-time, positions
available. Call 941-778-3441.
PACK AND SHIP store: 4-6 hours per day, afternoons.
Must be responsible, dependable, able to bend, lift,
multi-task, work independently, interact with custom-
ers. Packing,.clerical experience helpful. Flexible start
date. Call 941-778-1911 for appointment.
EXPERIENCED COOK AND dishwashers, will train.
Full and part-time needed for small, very busy res-
taurant. Mr. Bones, 941-778-6614.
FULL AND PART-TIME sales position. Retirees wel-
come. Flexible six-hour shifts. Openings in Anna
Maria Island and Holmes Beach gift shops. 727-
244-5906 or 941-778-8607.
NURSES: PRIVATE DUTY. Long-term home care
assisting quadriplegic. Morning, 8am-1 pm and over-
night, .1 Opm-8am, shifts available. Travel opportunity.
FOR HIRE: PART-time housekeeper for local area
motel. Phone, 941-778-2780.
HOME COMPANION NEEDED for elderly couple.
Light cooking, light housekeeping, errands, shop-
ping, appointments, etc. Call Bette, 941-761-2982.
baker, pantry and line chef, servers, bussers, deli
and catering personnel. 941-383-0777, or e-mail
info@ harryskitchen.com.
SEEKING KITCHEN HELP and servers for fine dining
restaurant. Apply in person to Chef Damon, Ooh La
La! Bistro, 5406 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach.
SEEKING PIANO PLAYER evenings for Ooh La La!
Bistro. Music range from classical to jazz. Call Chef
Damon, 941-778-5320.

$299,000. Buy building alone for $1,600,000or
buy both for $1,690,000. Confidentiality agree-
ment required. Longview Realty, 941-383-6112.
For more great business and realty buys: www;
longviewrealty.com. '
PAW SPA: PROFITABLE pet-grooming business.
Loyal customer base in great Holmes Beach loca-
tion. $59,000. Longview Realty, 941-383-6112.
ONLINE SERVICE: Did you know you can place
classified ads and subscribe online with our secure
server? Check it out at www.islander.org.

Episcopal Church of the Annunciation
Holy Eucharists
Sun. 8am and 10am
--Thurs. 9:30 am (Healing)
Call for Holy Days
S 4408 Gulf Dr.
Holmes Beach
All are welcome www.annunciationami.org
A are welco e! or more inf.rmarion


State of the Art:
Treadmills, cross-trainer,
recurmbent bikes, strength
machines and more.

Fitness center supervised
by Registered Physical
i i Therapist, David Rogerson

la* a

778-.0120 i TPIiSL i

77 '0 120 expires 12/31/06.

mor FRI 6:30 aM 7 PM o SlT 9 RM I PM SUn 2.Pr 5 PM

24 E NOV. 15, 2006 U THE ISLANDER

4 9 4E D

MEALS AND MORE: 50-seat restaurant with great
ambience also retails select items. Beer and wine
license. Any menu OK. $120,000. Confidentiality
agreement required for details. Longview Realty,
941 -383-6112. For more great business and realty
buys: www.longviewrealty.com.

SPENCER'S SKIM SCHOOL for beginners and
intermediates. Free skimboard use with lessons. $10
per half-hour lesson, three lessons recommended.
Local teen, team competitor. CajJ 941-778-0944.
BABYSITTER: Responsible 10th-grader, great with
kids, first-aid certified. Charlotte, 941-756 5496.
BABYSITTER, PETSITTER, dog walker: First-aid
certified, 13-year-old, eighth-grader, female, great
with kids and animals. Call Kendall, 941-779-9783.
NEED A BABYSITTER? Call Felicia, 941-761-1569.
Red Cross certified.
ENSURE YOUR CHILD'S safety while you relax.
Call Gemma, 941-447-9657. Responsible, reliable
and experienced, with a love for children. Red Cross
babysitting and first-aid certifications.
DOG WALKER, PET sitter, child sitter and odd jobs.
Tenth-grader, available after school and weekends.
Zach, 941-779-9783.
RED CROSS first-aid certified babysitter certified.
Call Alex,. 941-778-5352.
GET YOUR BOAT washed .without the hassle,
just give me a call. Regular scheduling available,
perfect for when you're out of.town. Call Richard,
941-447 9657.
Cross certified. Experienced with kids and pets of
all ages. Many Island references! Transportation
available. Weekly and monthly rates available. Call
Hilary or Natalie. 941-778-518.1.
PAYTON AND DINA'S cleaning service: We do
yard work, dog-sitting, house cleaning and we run
errands. We do not mow grass. Open 3-5pm every
day! 941-524-9350.

KIDS FOR HIRE ads are FREE for Island youths
under 16 looking for work. Ads must be placed in
person at The Islander newspaper office, 5404
Marina Drive, Holmes Beach.

LICENSED CNA HHA: 10-years experience. Meal
preparation, personal care, housekeeping, bathing,
dressing assistance, respite care. I'll care for your .
loved one like my own. 941-345-6155.

MAN WITH SHOVEL: Plantings, natives, patio gar-
dens, trimming, cleanup, edging, maintenance.
Hard-working and responsible. Excellent references.
Edward 941.-778-3222.
LET US DRIVE YOU! Shopping, medical appoint-
ments, airports, cruise ports: Flat rates. Sunshine
Car Service. Serving the Islands. 941-778-5476.
puter misbehaving? Certified computer service and
private lessons. Special $40/hour. Free advice. 941-

wash away mildew, dirt, salt. Thorough, reason-
able, reliable. Free estimates, licensed. insured.

CONNECT-ICON Your local computer specialist.
Experienced certified technician for communica-
tion electronics offers wireless and cable networks,
upgrades, maintenance, repairs, tutoring and train-
ing. Call Robert, 941-778-3620.

ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remod-
eling, repairs, additions, screen rooms, kitchens,
baths. Free estimates. License #CGC061519,
#CCC057977, #PE0020374. Insured. Accepting
MasterCard/Visa. 941-720-0794.

puter solutions for business and home. Installation,
repairs, upgrades, networking, Web services, wire-
less services. Richard Ardabell, network engineer,
941-778-5708, or cell 216-509-1945.

CUCCIO TILE: Many Island references. Free esti-
mates. Licensed and insured. 941-730-2137.
tutoring in math, science and reading for elementary-
to college-level students. $35/hour. 941-524-4177.

carpentry, custom mirror and other interior/exterior
general household repairs. Offering quality services
since 1994. Reliable. Call Colin at 941-376-0541.

HOUSECLEANING: I am experienced. Reasonable,
reliable. Serving the general Bradenton area. For
more information, call Peter at 941-753-7838.
THE ROYAL MAID Service: Licensed, bonded, insured.
Professional experienced maids, free estimates, gift
certificates available. Call now. 941-727-9337.
PIANO AND VOICE lessons by New York profes-
sional artist/teacher. By appointment. Palmetto.

office cleaning and window cleaning. Good refer-
ences, reasonable rates. Licensed and insured.
Family owned and operated. 941-812-0499.

can do with the pictures, on your computer. Private
lessons or make your own group. 941-356-7303, or
e-mail snaparts@aol.com. www.snaparts.com.
tant. 30 years experience. Certifications: B.A. in
elementary education, M.A. in reading specializa-
tion, M.A. in learning disabilities, Ed.D in education.
Diagnostic, remedial. Call 941-778-0349, 4-6pm.

If you've been looking for a arterfront Florida
community that's centrally located, then you've
found a home here at Terra Ceia Ba)
-Country Club:
Located iii sunnyv Palmetto, Florida on the
shores of 'erra Ceia Bay between Sarasota &
St. Petersburg we provide the perfect starting
.point Itoexplore and experience all the sights
4 and acdiities that the Sun Coast of Florida has
to offer!
Spectacular Waterfront Residences
Gated Communit) On Terra Ceia Bay
Panoramic Views of Terra Ceia Bay,
Tampa Bay & the Gullf of Mexico
18-Hole Golf Course
Tennis Facility
500' Fishing Pier & Nature Boardwalk
30.000 sq/ft Club House with Restaurant
Complete Fitness Facilities & Programs

Located between Sarasota and St. Petersburg in
Palmeno, in the Terra Ceia Bay Countrn Club
Go West on 23rd Street, off of Business -I1
to Terra Ceia Bay Country Club entrance
2802 Terra Ceia Bay Blvd
Sales Center Open Daly)
In The Clubhouse

fc'xeU.kWfe?.ax" ^pftiieftlt

THE ISLANDER M NOV. 15. 2006 E 25


MUSIC LESSONS! Flute, saxophone, clarinet.
Beginning to advanced. Contact Koko Ray, 941-
BEACH SERVICE air conditioning, heat, refrigera-
tion. Commercial and residential service, repair and/or
replacement. Serving Manatee County and the Island
since 1987. For dependable, honest and personalized
service, call William Eller, 941-795-7411. CAC184228.
ANYONE CAN TAKE a picture. A professional cre-
ates a portrait. I want to be at your wedding! www.
jackelka.com. 941-778-2711.
NADIA'S EUROSAG.E Relaxing, healing mas-
sage in the comfort of your home. Call today for an
appointment, 941-795-0887. MA#0017550.

Gayle Simyson Schulz...
Trust a professional with
S. .,more than 22 years experi-
ence to handle your real es-
tate needs. Specializing- on
the Island and Bradenton.

S Property Management
Commercial Leasing
Vacation Rentals

Jim Anderson Realty Company
PO Box 1789 401-B Pine Avenue Anna Maria, FL 34216
941.778.4847 toll free 1.800.772.3235
e-mail: gayle511 @tampabay.rr.com


4BR/2BA open plan, vaulted ceiling, elevator, four-car garage.
Bamboo flooring, turnkey furnished. Near beach. $1,350,000.
2BR/2BA turnkey furnished, tennis, heated pool, water view, near
hu-ppl-, Ibr.uii, d- .- [.UI,,i- $459,900.
3BR/4BA plus den/office. Outstanding contemporary home. Vaulted
ceiling, fireplace, 55-foot dockage. Four-car garage. $1,695,000.
2BR/2BA open plan. Vaulted ceiling, wet bar, deck, large lot,
fenced jard, pool and hot tub. $574,500.
3BR/1.5BA Cracker cottage plus separate studio apartment.-
West of Gulf Dr. Just steps to finest beach! $875,000.
1BR/1BA condo. Great rental complex. Heated pool, close to
beach. Barbecue area, heated pool, -clubhouse. $349,000.
3BR/2BA plus den, heated pool, new roof and landscaping,
dock and boatlift, direct access to Intracoastal. $859,000.
3BR/2BA home. Tile, pavers, fence, room for pool, new dock,
direct access to Tampa Bay. $759,900.
3BR/2BA turnkey furnished, tennis, heated.pool, beautiful
beach, ori-site management, excellent rental. $995,000.
4BR/2BA just steps to white-sand beach, turnkey furnished,
deck. Seller financing. $1,299,000.
1BR/1.5BA turnkey furnished, Sautillo tile, pool, bemiuriul
beach. Direct Gulf view; manager, excellent rental. $799,900.;
3BR2BA caniltrn[ Prc ivre dock. Directaccess toTimpa Ba,
and Intracoastal Waterway. $679,000.
SHOREW4LK CONDOS 2BR/2BA rnurdi from $175,000.
KEY ROYALE BAITRONT 3BRC2.5BA. Dock. $2.400.000.
PERIWINKLE COTTAGE- 2BR. Close o Beach. $6-09.901.

779-0202 (800) 732-6434

Island Shopping Center 5402 Marina Drive
Holmes Beach; Florida 34217 www.suncoastinc.com

TILE AND MOSAIC custom installation, 20 years
experience. References available. For a reasonable
price, call Sebastian, 941-704-6719.

commercial. Full-service lawn maintenance, land-
scaping, cleanup, hauling and more! Insured. 941-
ISLAND LAWN SPRINKLER service and repair.
Monthly and quarterly accounts available. If it is
broken, we can fix it. Call 941-778-2581.
native plants, mulching, trimming, hauling, cleanup.
Island resident 25 years. Call 941-807-1015.

GULF SHORE LANDSCAPING: Lawn care, pressure
washing, landscaping. owner operated by Island res-
ident. Exceptional value! Licensed and insured. Call
941-726-7070. www.gulfshorelandscaping.com.

SHELL DELIVERED and spread. $42/yard. Hauling:
all kinds of gravel, mulch, top soil with free esti-
mates. Call Larry at 941-795-7775, "shell phone"

KARAZ LANDSCAPE Lawn Service. Mulch, clean-
ups, power washing, tree trimming and more. City
of Anna Maria resident. Cell 941-448-3857.

LAKE MANATEE 24071 JENNINGS ROAD -6+acres featuring a lovely home with. spectacular views of
beautiful 2,400 acre Lake Manatee. Fully fenced and'gated for privacy and horses.

BRADENTON 19600 E STATE ROAD 64 Unique home situated on 20 acres ,w/ 2 acres of mature grapes
and spring fed, perennial stream. Directly across from Lake Manatee State park which protects views, provides
additional riding trails, swimming and boat launch. 3BR/2BA.

513 56TH ST..- 3BR/2BA in main house with unbelievable views! Efficiency-with full bath above garage. Separate
Laundryrroom. Great rental! Expansive bay front property with custom protected dock and easy access to full
service marina. Short walk to beach, shopping'and library.

THE DESOTO GRANDE 200 S GULF DRIVE MORE SAND...LESS DOLLARS! Imagine owning a private, luxury
beachfront home for a fraction of the cost. Fractional ownership opportunity.

t:941/308-6494 www.skysothebys.com
Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated.

26 0 NOV. 15, 2006 U THE ISLANDER

.4S ,A D- -DL

installation. Tropical landscape specialist. Residential
and commercial. 30-years experience. 941-729-9381.

ups, installations, native plants, palms, aquascapes,
rock and patios. Shell installed $42/yard. Shark
Mark 941-727-5066.

VAN-GO PAINTING residential/commercial, inte-
rior/exterior, pressure cleaning, wallpaper. Island
references. Bill, 941-795-5100.
contractors. In-house plan designs. State licensed
and insured. Many Island references. 941-778-2993.
License #CRC 035261.
mates. 35-year Island resident. Call Jim Bickal at
CHRISTIE'S PLUMBING Island and off-Island ser-
vice sinde 1975. Repairs and new construction. Free
estimates, no overtime charges. Now certifying back
flow at water meters. FL#RF0038118-941-778-3924
or 778-4461.
TILE -TILE -TILE. All variations of ceramic tile supplied
and installed. Quality workmanship, prompt, reliable,
many Island references. Call Neil, 941-726-3077.

ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remod-
eling, repairs, additions, screen rooms, kitchens,
baths. Free estimates. License #CGC061519,
#CCC057977, #PE0020374. Insured. Accepting
MasterCard/Visa. 941-720-0794.

PERICO BAYFRONT 3BR,,2BA 1,866 sf covered parking vaulled
ceilings, lurnkey furnished. S585.000.
SUNBOW BAY Dired Bayfront ?BR '2BA end unil. S449 000.
MARTINIQUE N. DirectGull, corner, garage, storage. Updaled.
Shows beautifully. S859,000.
KEY ROYALE Canaliront lot, 9,450 sI. Golf course view. S699,000.
BAYVIEW 4-5BR4,'BA includes guest quarters, large master suite. S 1,150.000.
IRONWOOD 1 2BR, extra slorage. S139.900. Great buy!
HARBOUR VILLA CLUB 2BR,,'2BA turnkey, boal dock. S1794.900.
LINKS PINEBROOK Golf course view. sixlh floor, turnkey. S260,000.
DESOTO SQUARE VILLA 2BR/2BA, galed, pool, clubhouse. SIl5,000.
5508C MARINA DRIVE 778-0807 800-956-0807
yrealty3l'iaol.com www.tdollyyoungrealestate.com

etfl A NN (s ,eals('tated, < /.
419 Pine Ave.* POBox2150 Anna Maria FL 34216

Home: 941-778-1820
Cell: 941-713-5321
t. y 'sherrys@betsyhills.com

2BR.2BA canal home with sall- 3BR'2BA bavirorit home.
water pool, north end Two boat $1.589.000
docks. $849,000 -,

V -.

All phases of carpentry, repairs and painting. Thirty
years experience. Insured. Meticulous, clean, sober
and prompt. Paul Beauregard, 941-779-2294.

KEN &TINA DBA Griffin's Home Improvements Inc.
Handyman, fine woodwork, countertops, cabinets
and shutters. Insured and licensed, 941-748-4711.

TILE, CARPET, LAMINATE supplied and installed.
Why pay retail? Island resident, many references.
Free estimates, prompt service. Steve Allen Floor
Coverings. 941-792-1367, or 726-1802.

JERRY'S HOME REPAIR: Carpentry work, handy-
man, light plumbing, electrical, light hauling, pres-
sure washing and tree trimming. Call 941-778-6170
or 447-2198.
WINDOW SHADES, BLINDS, shutters and more.
Lifetime warranty. Call Keith Barnett for a free in-
home consultation. Island references, 15 years
experience. 941-778-3526 or.730-0516.
HANDYMAN SERVICE: Winton's Home-Buddy
Inc. Retired banker, Island resident, converting
life-long hobby to business. Call 941-705-0275
for free estimates.
IMPACT WINDOWS AND doors. Exclusive dis-
tributor: Weatherside LLC on Holmes Beach. Free,
courteous estimates. Jeld-wen Windows and Doors.
Lic.# CBC1253145. 941-730-5045.
THIRTY-SIX YEARS craftsman experience. Interior,
exterior, doors, stairs, windows, trim. Pressure wash.
Driveway paint. Dan Michael, master carpenter. Call

Choice Gulffront properties for sale. We have
several on pristine natural beach in quiet residential
neighborhood. Call today for further details.

,- -

,rYe ARE' he Island?
.SINCE 1957
941 '-225'4 Fa\ c 1 -L .-2250
-mb sitle www.annall 'mariareal.com
Web site www.annamariareal.com .


.A .44

^ W,,-,s,: ,:: *

owners-/ 8-
Call us to 78'
rent yoijr ww
Unbeatable : ." ,
senrvke for
-over 35 i, F

GULFVIEW CONDO 2BR/2BA full Gulf view condo, second floor,
corner unit. Offered at $825,000. Call Michel Cerene, Broker-
Associate, 941-545-9591 evenings. ..
FRESH PRICE!! Bring the wholefamily. 2,920 sf 3BR/3BAcanalfront,
caged pool home can expand to five bedrooms. Enjoy the master
suite getaway equipped with its own kitchenette. Meticulously
maintained. $974,900. Call Lori Guerin, Realtor, 941-773-3415 or
Carmen Pedota, Realtor, 941-284-2598 evenings.
SINGLE FAMILY Centrally located, one block to beach. 2BR/2BA
spacious home on corner lot. $635,000..Call Joy Murphy, Realtor,
941-730-2820 evenings.
waterfront condo with amazing view. Glass lanai, breakfast
bar. Owner motivated. $499,900 Call Carlene Weise, Realtor,
941-224-6521 evenings.
WEST BRADENTON Adorable 3BR/2BA home in a great Westside
neighborhood, updated kitchen. Corian countertops, hardwood
floors, freshly painted, new wallpaper, readyto move into. Spacious
backyard with roomforpool. Offered at$245,900. CaltZeeCatanese,
Realtor, 941-742-0148 evenings.


5910 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217
Call (941) 778-0777 or Rentals 778-0770
1-800-741-3772- info@smithrealtors.com
Web site: www.smithrealtors.com


TUB AND TILE refinishing: A division of D.J. Murphy
Painting Inc. Save up to 80 percent over traditional
remodeling costs. Call us with your kitchen and
bath needs. Don't buy new -. redo! 941-751-1245.
Licensed, certified and insured.

HOME REPAIRS AND improvements: General
repairs and quality renovation, including carpentry,
drywall, tile, paint, even landscaping. Please call
Chris, 941-266-7500.
ture, paint, tile, wall and ceiling repairs, Fred Wein-
gartner, 941-586-3656.
LICENSED AND INSURED building contractor
ready to help you-renovate all aspects of your exist-
ing home, add extensions or build a new home on
your lot. We only do high quality work and are very
prompt with our customers. Call Daniel DeBaun at
NEW DOOR SHOP now open. Steel, fiberglass, fire-
rated, commercial, residential, thousands of glass
options. All code-approved, impact available. Retail,
wholesale. Metro Door Shop, 941-758-5828.

E&N PAINTING: INTERIOR, exterior. Island refer-
ences. Quality paint. Call for free estimates. Sched-
ule soon, season is coming! 941-756-9595 or 941-

ISLAND HOME REMODEL Inc.: Kitchen, bath, deck
and complete home remodeling. Call 941-795-1968.
E-mail: islandhomeremodel@hotmail.com.
ens, bathrooms, tile work, decks, sheetrock, paint-
ing and more. Reliable work start-to-finish. What
does your home need? Free estimates. Call Thomas
P Lass, 941-782-7313.

4BR/3BA See at: 500 Bay Drive South
Offered at $2,200,000




Westbay Point & Moorings

2BR/2BA ground-floor unit overlooking
Tampa Bay and the Manatee Avenue
Bridge. All new appliances, new air
conditioning, mint condition, turnkey
furnished. Priced for quick sale.

Telephone 320-761-9380

or 941-778-3530

G N guff ay &asy of.nna *ara, Inc.
SJesse risson frofrfssociate, gj
^/ .- (941)713-74755 (800)7716043

G unobstruted Gu100xl00f views
duplex lot in desirable
neighboreach. Recently,
renof ate amenwith new metal
S .~ roor. $595,000.

"unobstructed Gulf views.
from this ground floor end
unit in Imperial House.
Deeded beach access, pool,

Caff m tof &arourt 5 &st b ys on the Isfa"

..~ ..


THE ISLANDER U NOV. 15, 2006 m 27


remodeling. Handyman services, all jobs welcome.
26 years experience. 941-915-5796.
HOME REPAIRS AND Improvements. Carpentry,
doors, paint, trim, crown molding, minor remodeling,
drywall, texture, general home repairs. 941-713-1951.

RENTALS available weekly, monthly, seasonal.
Wedebrock Real Estate Co., 941-778-6665 or 800-

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, townhouse: 2BR/2BA with
balcony and view of mountains. Weekly or monthly
rental. Call Paige at 941-798-3448.

"Welcome back,

winter friends!"

The Islander

SEASONAL RENTAL: Holmes Beach, 4BR two master
suites-/3BA, house on canal. Two minutes to beach.
Heated pool, dock, cable TV, washer/dryer, garage,
designer furnished with tropical yard setting. One of the
finest rentals on Island. $1,600/weekly. Call 941-713-
0034 or e-mail: beachdreams@tampabay.rr.com.
with breathtaking views. Pools, Jacuzzi, walk to shops
and restaurants. Available weekly, monthly, seasonal.
901-301-8299 or e-mail captko462 @ aol.com.
WEEKLY RENTALS: Alecassandra villa, 1 BR/1 BA,
$700/week; Island duplex, 2BR, $800/week;
Gulffront cottage, 2BR, $1,000/week; Bradenton
Beach Club, 2BR/2BA, $1,400/week. Please call
Kim Fisher, Wagner Realty, 941-778-2246. www.

1BA suite with full kitchen, fully furnished, one
block from Bridge Street, three minute walk to
beach. Sleeps four only. No pets. Now taking
reservations for.summer. Available weekly,
monthly or seasonal. 941-776-3696, or e-mail
2BR/2BA waterfront, unfurnished. Includes water,
sewer, cable. Old Florida Realty, 941-778-3377 or

WEEKLY/MONTHLY/ANNUAL rentals: wide vari-
ety, changes daily. SunCoast Real Estate, 941-779-
0202, or 1-800-732-6434. www.suncoastinc.com.

Plans available for complete renovation and enlargement
of the existing Florida cracker home or huge lot to build
a new home. $999,999.


7'Uif w

3BR/2BA, heated pool.
Exceptional views, turnkey
furnished. $1,950,000.

OLD BRIUUtL VILLA LU I he view doesn't get any
better from this condo. Overlooks entire bay. 3BR/3BA
turnkey furnished. Elevator and upgrades galore.

CORTEZ FISHING VILLAGE Five minutes to beach
and great restaurants. Hardwood floors, 1BR/1BA,
large workshop and garage $255,000:
Mike 800-367-1617
Norman 941-7786696
yclkH 3101 GULF DRIVE
Ofrecemos servicio de ventas en espan5l


-5110ply the Bes



28 E NOV. 15. 2006 0 THE ISLANDER

Sandy's Lawn Service Inc.
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Junior's Landscape & Maintenance
Lawn care PLUS native plants. .-..
mulch, trip, hauling and cleanup. -:.. -
Call Junior, 807-101o c .


Thfe Islander

New Construction Charlie Woehle
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ANNUAL: ISLAND HOME 2BR/1 BA with garage and
fenced yard. Newly remodeled. $1,000/month plus
utilities. Small pet OK. 941-795-8979. Credit check.
pletely remodeled, furnished, washer and dryer.
$1,000/month plus utilities. 941-778-1819. 2906
Ave. B, Holmes Beach.
1-4BR DIRECT BEACHFRONT, gorgeous views,
designer furnished, cable, DVDNCR, dishwasher,
phone, quaint village. $975-$2,375/week9 941-713-
0034 or beachdreams@tampabay.rr.com.

HOLMES BEACH: POOL furnished 2BR/2BA. Obt.-
Dec. 31. Dishwasher, washer and dryer, tile through-
out, cable TV, pool. 1.5 blocks to beach. $1,400/
month or $950/month plus utilities. 941-778-3104.

WATERFRONT: DOCK WITH davits. Short walk to
beach, washer and dryer, carport, storage. Quiet loca-
tion. $1,000/month. 727-784-3679. Bradenton Beach.

washer and dryer, utilities included. One block to
Gulf. $700/week, $1,500/month. 941-721-6090.
lar views! Gated, pool, covered parking, security,
fitness center. $1,050/month annual. Call Maria,
HERON'S WATCH: 3BR/2BA two-car garage, like
new. Ten minutes to beach. Near shops and medi-
cal. Available Dec. 15. $1,400/month. 941-773-6581
or 941-794-9921.
ANNUAL OR MONTH-to-month: 4BR Island family
home in quiet residential area. Bayfront with direct
water view. Perfect for family with children. Extra large
balcony, covered parking, laundry room with washer
and dryer. Park setting, two blocks to Gulf beaches.,
Fully furnished. $2,500/month annual, $3,200 month-
to-month. Pets considered. Call 941-704-2993.
$2,000/month. Weekly starting at $625/week. Fran
Maxon Real Estate, 941-778-2307. www.franmax-
ANNUAL 2BR/1BA: AIR conditioning, washer and
dryer, water, large pool, cable. Parking only 200 steps to
beach. First and deposit. $950/month. 941-779-1586.
ANNUAL 3BR/3BA TWO-car garage. Tropical Cortez
waterfront home. Boatlift/dock, washer and dryer. No
smoking or pets. Two miles to beach. $1,400month.
$800 deposit. 941-798-9765. Responsible persons.
PARADISE IN COMFORT at Palm Breeze rentals
in Holmes Beach. Two beautifully furnished units in
a Key West-style home.on a large corner lot. Each
unit has 3BR/2BA, washer, dryer and fully equipped
kitchen. Heated pool, bikes, grill, etc. Just bring your
clothes and a toothbrush and enjoy. www.apalm-
breeze.com. 941-730-5126.
HOLMES BEACH: 2BR/1 BA house. One and a half
blocks from beach. $1,050/month. 949-813-4900.
ANNUAL RENTAL: ALL remodeled 2BR townhouse,
200 steps to beach. Tile floors, granite counters.
Washer and dryer, patio, private backyard. $1,250/
month. 941-778-4548.
home. 4BR/3BA on best beach and quiet street in
Anna Maria. 941-794-8202.
PALMA SOLA BAY views: 3BR/3BA penthouse, fur-
nished condo, two miles to beach, large boat slip,
pool, tennis, Jacuzzi. $2,050/month, year lease.
starting at $695/month. Fran Maxon Real Estate,
941-778-2307. www.franmaxonrealestate.com.
ANNUAL HOLMES BEACH: Glimpse of Gulf from
large balcony, steps to beach, updated 2BR/2BA, living
room, dining room, eat-in kitchen with granite counters.
All new appliances, large garage, office with separate
entrance and access to patio. 941-545-6118.
room, dishwasher. Washer and dryer, carport. $1,000/
month. 2BR/1 BA washer and dryer, carport, $900/
month. Dolores M. Baker Realty, 941-778-7500.
HOLMES BEACH: 1 BR/1 BA apartment. 750 sf, 100
feet from bay. Includes water and trash. $800/month.
renovated condo. Pool, tennis, elevator. Available
December. $3,200/month. 301-873-5444 or 410-
257-2214, no voice mail.

ANNUAL 3BR/2BA: TROPICAL duplex, one block to
beach, washer and dryer, some utilities included. No
Smoking or pets. $1,100/month and $700 deposit.
941-798-9765. Responsible persons only.
condo located south of Bridge Street. The unit has
an upstairs and downstairs living area with under-
neath parking. Furnished or unfurnished. Call 813-
Maria. Elevated 3BR/2BA. Available now through
April. One block to beach. 813- 251-9201.
FOR RENT: 2BR/2BA balcony, Gulf view. $950/
month, $900 deposit, $50 application fee. 2411
Ave. C., Bradenton Beach. Efficiency, $750/month
includes utilities. $700 deposit, $50 application
fee. 112, 52nd St., No.1, Holmes Beach. Season-
ally, 1BR Gulf view, cute and clean, $900/week or
$2,400/month. Call 941-746-8666.
screened porch on canal. $1,100/month. 941-778-
7293. St. Jude St. North.
ANNUAL: CORTEZ 1 BR, storage, carport, boat ramp
nearby. $640/month. 941-778-2710 after 10 am.
VACATION RENTALS: 2BR apartments across
from beautiful beach. $400-$550/week. Winter and
spring dates available. Almost Beach Apartments.
CORTEZ COTTAGE: QUIET area. Fully furnished, walk
to water. Two people only, no smokers. $1,700/month
includes utilities. 941-794-5980. www.divefish.com.

YOUR WATERFRONT OASIS awaits! Exquisitely
furnished 2BR/2BA in Bradenton on Manatee River.
Swimming pool, covered parking, fitness center, riv-
erfront walking paths. Annual rental $1,200/month.
Utilities included. Seasonal rental.$750/week or
$2,500/mohth. Phone 830-596-0678, or e-mail
sherowens@ hotmail.com.

utility room, cable TV, newly, tiled, carport, near
.beach. $2,100/month. 941-761-3308.
MUST SEE INSIDE! Beautiful 3BR/2BA in northwest
Bradenton. Stone fireplace, ceramic tile throughout,
except bedrooms. Gorgeous oak kitchen cabinets.
Open greatroom. $1,450/month. Call Judi at 941-
778-8277, 941-962-8347, or 748-5113. 718 83rd
St. N.W.
SEASONAL RENTAL: 2BR/2BA, ground-floor,
updated condo on .wide deep-water canal. Five
minutes to Anna Maria Island Gulf beaches. Avail-
able monthly now through May 2007. $2,400/month.
beach, clubhouse. Very nice. Two people only.
$1,200/month. 941-730-4078.
erties. 401 Clark Lane, 491.5 Gulf Drive, 309-B
63rd St. Other properties available close to Island
beaches. Anna Maria Gulf Coast Properities, 941-

GULFFRONT ANNUAL: 1 BR/1.5BA North Martinique,
unfurnished, new carpet. Rental includes water, cable,
secured building. Pet OK. Washer and dryer available.
Asking $1,290/month. Call 941-737-0915.

KEY ROYALE HOME: 3BR/2BA, pool, spa, dock. $1,000/
week, $3,500/month. Call owner, 941-356-1456.

*- *

* "Copyrighted Material -

Available from Commercial News Providers"

ir I

TIE ISLANDER M NOV. 15, 2006 0 29


PERICO BAY: SEASONAL villa. 2BR/2BA, garage.
December $1,500. January $2,500. Real Estate
Mart, 941-756-1090.
$1,500. January, February, March $2,500/month.
3BR/2BA also available. Call Real Estate Mart, 941-
SEASONAL OR WEEKLY cottage-style rentals.
1 BR/1BA or 2BR/1BA with pool. Walk to beach,
shopping, restaurants. 941-778-3426. Web site

with great views of Tampa Bay. Canalfront, walk-
ing distance to beach and restaurants. $739,000.
FOR SALE BY owner: Best value on the Island!
2BR/ 2BA, one-car garage, gourmet kitchen, new
windows, updated baths and more. Two blocks from
beach. $615,000. 941-778-8677. 406 Bay Palms
Drive, Holmes Beach.
3BR/2BA: One bedroom used as a den/office/
playroom, enclosed lanai, tiled, with carpeted bed-
rooms. 1,400 sf, county water/sewer, citrus trees,
near Brentwood school in Sarasota. Reduced to
$274,900. 941-379-4196 or 941-954-7474.
C P R: 941-794.1515. Sales, rentals, property man-
agement. Coastal Properties Realty. www.coastal-

open plan, new kitchen. Totally upgraded. Dock,
three davits. Owner motivated. Not a drive-by, must
see inside! By owner. Call Herb Dolan, 941-705-
4454.404 21st Place. Bradenton Beach.

LOT FOR SALE: One block to Gulf. 50x100 feet,
cleared. $539,000. 215 71st St., Holmes Beach.
(941) 778-4036.
Brand new furnished, bay windows with water view.
Hurricane Force-3 manufactured home. One mile
from Anna Maria Island and one block from Intra-
coastal Waterway with new marina and boat ramp.
Land-owned. Home owner's association optional.
$159,900. 941-224-6521.
Beautifully updated and maintained, new roof,
turnkey furnished. Beach access just steps away,
bay views, boat dock, ample parking, great income
rental. Room for a pool. Convenient to restaurants
and shopping. $875,000. 111 8th St. S.,,Bradenton
Beach. Bridget Spies, ReMax Properties, 941-308-
6763. MSL# 313022.

WEST BRADENTON: OPEN noon-4pm Sunday. Six
months condo fees paid! Free-standing, private three-
bedroom upgraded condo with two-car garage, new
lanai. Call for details, 941-792-0763. $309,900.5605
Whipporwill Ct. off 59th Street West, Tanglewood..

OPEN HOUSE: 1 -4pm Sunday: New home, 3,746 sf
3-4BR/3BA, granite/cherry kitchen, three screened
verandas. $829,000. Horizon Realty, 941-725-7000.
303 58th St., Holmes Beach.

OPEN HOUSE: 10am-lpm Saturday, Nov. 18.
Updated 3BR/2BA, 1,560 sf, tastefully furnished
and decorated, sold turnkey. For sale by owner.
Buyer's agents, 3 percent. $599,900.813-818-8314.
8104 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. www.bohnen-
HOLMES BEACH AREA: charming canalfront home,
newly renovated, 3BR/2BA. Granite kitchen. 1.5
miles to beach. Sale, $599,000, rent $1,600/month,
or lease with purchase option. 614-207-7878.
FOR SALE: ALL new beach house. 1 BR/1BA, fully
furnished, all appliances. Sandpiper resort #521.
55-plus community on the Intracoastal across the
street from the beach. $175,000. You can't get on
the Island for less than this! 317-873-3307.
condo with deeded 35-foot deep-water dock and
carport. Must sacrifice or foreclose. $499,000. 941 -
50-by-110-FOOT LOT in Anna Maria. Owner will
finance. No streets to cross to the beach! $480,000.
813-837-6224. 117 Willow Ave.
condo unit with fantastic view of Tampa Bay and
Sunshine Skyway Bridge. Beautiful island kitchen,
turnkey furnished. Must see. $610,000. Call 401-
BY OWNER, PURCHASE or lease: Manatee river-
front condo, 2BR/2BA, beautiful views, pool, gated,
covered parking, fitness. $325,000 or $1,050/month.
DUPLEX ON LARGE lot, 90x108 feet. Second lot
east of Gulf Drive in north Holmes Beach resort
area. Annual tenants in place, includes well-known
Island architect's plans for complete remodel.
$885,000. 941-704-7729.

CONDO FOR SALE: Beautiful water view. Immedi-
ate occupancy. Turnkey, only bring your toothbrush.
Condo,in pristine condition. Sale by owner, seller
will carry mortgage to qualified buyers. Low down
payment, low fixed interest rate. Huge price reduc-
tion. Phone 315-733-0851.

DIRECT WATERFRONT: Latchkey. 65A Cortez
Park, Avenue D. 941-779-CAIN.
NEW LAKEFRONT CONDOS: Low $300s. Minutes
to beach, no flood, evacuation zone. Hidden Lake
Real Estate, 941-761-0444. www.HiddenLakeCon-
BRADENTON BEACH BY owner: 2BR/2BA end. unit
with full Gulf views. Kitchen has stainless-steel appli-
ances, granite counters, nice turnkey furnished. Two
large balconies. Amenities include boat docks, tennis
court, pool with spa. $649,000. 941-388-5238.
ISLAND CANAL LOT: 75x100 feet, new dock, priced
to sell quickly. Below market and appraised value,
$550,000. Call Jake, 941-544-7786.108 Gull Drive,
Anna Maria.

in Sandpiper resort, Bradenton Beach. Installment
sale: $15,000 cash plus note for $150/month. Other
opportunities available. 941-448-0963.

DEADLINE: NOON MONDAY EVERY WEEK for WEDNESDAY'S PAPER: Classified advertising must be paid in advance. We accept ads
by fax with credit card information, 778-9392, at our Web site (secure server) www.islander.org, and by direct e-mail at classifieds@islander.
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L-------- ------------------------------------------------- -- -- --- -- -- -- ----

3l Faux painting Cabinet refinishing
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Lawn sprinkler repair/landscaping
And many more services offered


30 M NOV. 15, 2006 M THE ISLANDER

A. DC S S- F- E D

BRADENTON BEACH: 2BR/2BA elevated with
covered parking. View of bay from large covered
porch. Only two blocks to Gulf, great neighborhood.
$350,000. 941-778-3875.
$363,000. 2BR/2BA with den, fireplace, waterfall,
spa seat, pool, garden tub in master bath, two-car
garage, many extras! $0 down, 100 percent financ-
ing. 11006 Peach Point Court, Bradenton FL 34209.
FOR SALE: 1 BR/1 BA beachfront Martinique condo.
Newly renovated. Pool, tennis, elevator. High-impact
glass. $685,000. 301-873-5444 or 410-257-2214,
no voice mail.
BY OWNER: 2BR/1.5BA condo. Bath and kitchen
need update. $399,999. 863-412-2612. www.cflre-
alestateonline.com/condo. 5400 Gulf Drive, Holmes
WISTERIA PARK: NEW construction. Move-in
ready. Northwest Bradenton, blocks from bay and
river. 3BR/2BA corner lot, maintenance-free. Many
upgrades. Community pool. 941-518-6674.
FOR SALE BY owner: Holmes Beach triplex. Rental
income of $34,000 annually. Reduced to sell at
$575,000. Call 646-842-0096 for more information.
ISLAND TOWN HOME: Holmes Beach. Rare
opportunity at Sunbow Bay. Two pools, tennis, lush
grounds, 150-yard private fishing pier or fish out
your back door. Put in your own dock and boat.
$590,000. Private seller. 941-228-3489.
FOR SALE BY owner: Deep-water canal ranch,
$550,000. Nicely remodeled with granite counter-
tops, tile flooring, and more. Call Scott Wheeler at
614-207-7878, or e-mail scott@scottincolumbus.
* NON-EVACUATION/NON-flood area: 3BR/2BA,
two-car garage. Village Green, quiet street, minutes
to beaches, shopping, doctors, hospitals. Tile floors,
bedrooms carpeted, screened lanai. $297,000.941-
ANNA MARIA 4BR/3BA. 2,220 sf living area, 4,380
sf under roof. Reduced to $639,000. All written offers
considered. 941-773-0706.

SPam Dial, PA
(941) 704-4962


Harbour Landings- 5,659 sf, 5BR/5BA, ele- Riverview Blvd- Newer home in Riverview
vator, four-car garage, lagoon pool, waterfall, district. Over 3,400 sf with 4BR/3.5BA and
wine storage closet, three fireplaces, and 40+ pool. Almost one acre lot on Warners Bayou.
Ihoo io i:, x ij, ",eep .jl, r I|i ti '1,, 'u,2 -.111-0U 1 i n,-w r ,:ne i rn] ,ilsji,'i, 1 '0 11) )(11.1I

Smuggler's Landing 2BR 2BA vja r- Smuggler's Landing 21B M BA R, id-,i
front condo with den. Almost 1600 sf with eled unit with glass enclosed lanai over-
40-foot deep-water boat slip. Vaulted ceil- looking your 40-foot deep-water boat
ings, built-ins and wet-bar. $649,500. slip. $499,000..

Mariner's Cove Elegant town home Harbour Landings Estates Approx.
with deeded 24-foot boat slip. 4BR/3BA 1/3 acre on deep-water canal in the
with over 2,700 sf of living space. Just estate section of Harbour Landings.
completed in Dec. 2001 and is like Lot comes with 40-foot boat slip on
brand new. $849,000. protected basin. $879,000.
Over 20 years experience specializing in waterfront & boating properties
www.floridamoves.com/pamela.dialpa pamela.dial@floridamoves.com

LOT: ONE BLOCK from beach. 57.75x114 feet.
$520,000.941-779-4505 or 941-778-4246. Holmes
CLOSE-IN COUNTRY home. 1.25-acre. 3BR/2BA,
two-car garage, no deed restriction. Well-main-
tained home and lot. $299,900. Real Estate Mart,
pool. Boat slip. $280,000. Real Estate Mart, 941-
A-1 REMODELED 4BR/2BA home. Has community
pool and marina. $239,900. Real Estate Mart, 941-
boat dock. Remodeled interiors. Vacant, move-in
ready. $820,000. Owner/Realtor, 941-356-1456.

GULFFRONT LOTS: $595,000. Homes starting mid-
$300s. New master-planned oceanfront community
on beautiful Mustang Island, near Corpus Christi,
Texas. www.cinnamonshore.com. 866-891-5163.
NORTH CAROLINA: GATED lakefront commu-
nity. Pleasantly mild climate 1.5 acres, 90 miles of

shoreline. Never offered before with 20 percent pre-
development discounts, 90 percent financing. Call
50 acres, $59,900. Snow-capped mountain views.
Surrounded by government land. Abundant wildlife.
Recreational paradise. Low taxes. E-Z terms. Call
Utah Ranches LLC. 888-541-5263.
in the beautiful peaceful mountains of western North
Carolina homes, cabins, acreage and investments.
Cherokee Mountain GMAC Real Estate. chero-
keemountainrealty.com. Call for free brochure,
BEAUTIFUL BLUE RIDGE, N.C.: Mountain views. 8-
plus-acre mountain estate., heavily wooded with stream.
E-Z financing. $49,900. 800-230-6380, ext.120.
VIEW WESTERN NORTH Carolina, north Georgia,
eastern Tennessee real estate. Excellent retirement
area. Very affordable homes, cabins, land. Low
taxes. Good paying jobs available., www.mtlakes-

Kathy Geeraerts, Realtor

a reen

cent view of Tampa Bay,
--.i updated and beautiful,
with vaulted ceilings,
entertainment center,
Bonus room, large two-
jcar garage, gourmet
kitchen, 2-3BR/2BA.

CONDO Live on the
beach, stunning and rare
3BR/2.5BA, like new inside
and out. Beautiful pool and
spaarea. Playtennis nearby
or relax on large open bal-
cony, can be a great rental
or full-time living. Spar-
kling water, magnificent
sunsets, enjoy the Florida
lifestyle at its best. Offered
-- at $1,999,000.

MURPHY, N.C.: Aah, affordable homes in the
mountains. Affordable homes, mountain cabins
and land. Call for free brochure, 877-837-2288.
Exit Realty Mountain View Properties. www.exit-
NORTH CAROLINA: COOL mountain air, views
and streams. Homes, cabins and acreage. Free
brochure, 800-642-5333. Realty Of Murphy, 317
Peachtree St., Murphy NC 28906. www.real-
ONE-PLUS-ACRE Tennessee homesite: 1.8
acres, large lot with nice view, level building site
on top. Stone outcroppings for natural landscap-
ing. Pond on the east side. Close to large state
park. Only $89,900! Call 866-292-5769.
on mountain top. View, trees, waterfall and large
public lake nearby, paved private access, gated
comrhunity, $99,500. Owner, 866-789-8535.
COASTAL GEORGIA: NEW, pre-construction
golf community. Large lots and condos with deep
water, marsh, golf, nature views. Gated, golf, fit-
ness center, tennis, trails, docks. $70s-$300,000.
877-266-7376. www.cooperspoint.com.
12 ACRES, LAKEFRONT: $99,900. 239 feet of
US Corp frontage on beautiful lake in Tennes-
see. Direct lake-access lot from $12,900! Call
866-950-5263, ext. 1791.
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access to beautiful lake in Tennessee with beau-
tiful mountain views! Other lake access lots
from $12,900 available! Call 866-950-5263, ext.
Grand opening. 20 acres, $99,900. Pay no clos-
ing costs. Terrific opportunity to own 20 acres in
Georgia coastal region. New survey, subdivision
potential, excellent financing at the unbelievable
price of $99,900. Call now! 800-898-4409, ext.
1002. CLP-GA Land Services LLC. Licensed real
estate broker.
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wanted! Private 500-acre parcel of land ideal
'or hunting offers access to crystal-clear trout
and salmon steam, unbelievable fishing. New to
market! Great owner financing. Call L&S Realty,

r Putdeintial Palms Realty
Michelle Musto, PA Reallor
S''" 920 Waterside Lone:
Lakefronl villa, 2BR/2BA,
S1,132 sf, breathtaking
a l : sunsels, turnkey fur
S .. nished. S349,000.
e-mail: michellemuslo@prudentialpalms[ealty.com

and Carmwwen Pedota to the Betsy Hills Real Estafa&te am&

We are pleased to welcome our newest associates, Lori Geurin
and Carmen Pedota to the Betsy Hills Real Estate team.
Lori, a long time Island resident, brings with her a comprehensive
background in marketing and real estate. Carmen, a 22-year
resident of Anna Maria, has an extensive business and real estate
background. They both have the energy, integrity, dedication
and experience to help their clients successfully accomplish all
of their real estate goals. They can be counted on to provide
exemplary customer service 24/7 to their clients.
419 Pine Ave., Anna Maria FL 34216 PO Box 2150
(941) 778-2291 EVENINGS 778-2632
FAX (941) 778-2294 www.betsyhills.com

THE ISLANDER U NOV. 15, 2006 M 31




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32 E NOV. 15, 2006 U THE ISLANDER

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