 Main: Opinion
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 Main: Islander Classifieds
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00074389/00097
 Material Information
Title: Islander (Anna Maria, Fla. : 1992)
Uniform Title: Islander (Anna Maria, Fla. : 1992)
Physical Description: Newspaper
Creator: Islander
Publisher: Bonner Joy
Publication Date: November 8, 2006
Genre: newspaper   ( sobekcm )
newspaper   ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Manatee -- Anna Maria
Coordinates: 27.530278 x -82.734444 ( Place of Publication )
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
System ID: UF00074389:00097

Table of Contents
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    Main: Opinion
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    Main continued
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    Main: Islander Classifieds
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Full Text

Skimming the news ... Bob Raisch: Greatest Generation, page 17.

TAnna Maria



"The Best News on Anna Maria Island Since 1992"


Volume 15, No. 1 Nov. 8, 2006 FREE

Season bridge opening time change delayed

By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
Islanders and Longboat Key residents expecting
that the U.S. Coast Guard would implement peak
opening times of every 30 minutes on demand for
.the Cortez Bridge and Anna Maria Island Bridge this
December in time for the winter season may have to
wait a bit longer.
U.S. Coast Guard bridge specialist Michael Liebe-
rum said that because the proposed rule change was
different than the notice of proposed rule change that
led to a public hearing earlier this year, Coast Guard
officials have decided to re-advertise the notice in the

Federal Register. That notice should appear in the Reg-
ister between Nov. 1 and Nov. 10, he said.
Once published in the Register, the public has 30
days to comment on the proposal, which has previously
drawn criticism from a number of area boating and
sailing enthusiasts.
The USCG proposal also includes a "curfew" time
for no bridge openings between 7:35 a.m. and 8:29 a.m.
daily and 4:35 to 5:29 p.m. daily.
Lieberum said the Coast Guard is recommending a
shortened public comment of possibly 15 days because
of the prior public hearing.
If that happens, said Lieberum, the final ruling

Meanwhile, out on the street ... jailbird!
Mlanatee Comunr Sherift's Deputr Beau Griner stopped traffic in
one lane along Marina Drive b\ the Island Shopping Center to
protect a disabled hawk in the road. Griner called WIildlife Inc. of
Bradenton Beach. which happened to be manning a booth just a
few blocks aa\v at the art festival. Gail Straight of Itildlit'e Inc.
said it is a Sharp-shinned hai\ k. and that it was "'tunncd" and
came back to lite. It had no injuries. shie said. and "-the\ 're
cra. birds in captivir', and so they released it a couple of
hours later: Islander Photo: Bonner Joy

Cortez Showboat is no more

By Jim Hanson
Islander Reporter
The paddle%\ heeler "Sho\% boat," a fixture along the
Cortez % aterfront and on Sarasota Bay for many years,
is transferring to the Virginia coast.
Ham Jones, who had the ship built in Louisville,
Ky., in 1983, said unsuspected problems with the hull
forced him to a decision between spending maybe a
quarter of a million dollars and putting the ship out
of commission locally, and he opted for a sale of his
favorite vessel.
She was scheduled for a mandatory five-year U.S.
Coast Guard inspection fora permit that expired at the
end of October, he said. So he had her taken to a yard
in Tarpon Springs for the hauling and checkup.
There, he discovered yet another reason to miss
the late Capt. John Boozer, longtime Showboat skipper
who fell ill many months ago and died.
"He kept her in fine condition all through," Jones
said, "but i hen lie got sick there was nobody with the

kno" ledge he had to keep track of an\ %N eaknesses that
may ha\e been de\ eloping."
A weakness turned up in the Tarpon Spnngs check
-.electroly sis, of course in visible. had damaged the
aluminum hull. It would d cost betm een S0.000 and
$250,000 to put Sho\ boat in shape again.
So ne%\ owners \ ill take her around the Florida
peninsula and north to Norfolk. Va.. % here she \\ill
be berthed and repaired before going into ser\ ice as a
dinner boat out of Roanoke Island.
She's an old lady at 23, Jones said, and "I'll miss
her a lot. She's been a faithful old gal."
Brand new, she came down the Ohio and Missis-
sippi rivers and crossed the Gulf to Cortez in 1983, and
her original engines ran all the way to 2001. They were
replaced by new diesels then.
Rated by the Coast Guard for 324 people, she was
the largest passenger vessel in the area, Jones said.
En route to Norfolk, she spent Saturday night here
and then went on to the Atlantic.

could become effective and implemented by Jan.
15, 2007.
The proposal is that the drawbridges will be raised
every 30 minutes on demand by a boater between cer-
tain hours only from December to March, instead of
the current 20-minute intervals at all times.
Members of the Barrier Island Elected Officials,
particularly those on Longboat Key, have campaigned
for the past five years to have the drawbridge times
changed during the winter tourist season. Longboat
Key Town Commissioner Jeremy Whatmough and
other officials have claimed that the traffic backup at

Thanksgiving dinner

Tuesday at AME
Chef Damon Presswood-of Ooh La La! and his
staff and volunteers will cook and serve Thariksgiv-
inii dinner to guests of the Anna Maria Elementary
School Parent-Teacher Organization family night in
the school cafeteria Nov. 14.
This is the restaurant's fifth year serving-a tra-
ditional menu of fresh-roasted turkey, secret-recipe
stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry relish and
French bread. Every item is made fresh at Ooh La La!
Bistro and, although tickets are available at the door,
presale tickets ensure enough food is prepared for
e %er one who attends the dinner.
Dinner will be served from 5 to 7 p.m. and advance
tickets are $7 for adults and $5 for children under age
12. Tickets at the door are priced $8 for adults and $6
for children under 10.
Chef Presswood announced that the restaurant
will donate its share of the proceeds equally to the
Bndgit Miller Memorial Scholarship fund, which is
administered b\ the Privateers, and to the Officer Pete
Lannon Fund.
T here will be a PTO meeting in the media center
at 6 p.m. and AME third-graders will perform "Poca-
hontas" beginning at 7 p.m. in the auditorium.
Tickets for the PTO dinner are available in advance
in the school administrative office, or at the door (priced
slightly higher) the night of the event. Meals "to go" will
also be available. For more information, call 708-5525.

AME school resource officer-Holmes Beach police-
man Pete Lannon was pretty happy with his turkey
dinner at last year's Ooh La La! Bistro-sponsored
Thanksgiving PTO event.


IL~IC~9~-~ i, J~ I



Kids preschool getting the Christmas boot

By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
A Holmes Beach day care center that has been in
business nearly 15 years is being forced to close its
doors by Dec. 31, sending its owner, 32 students and
their parents scrambling for a viable alternative.
Shelagh (pronounced "Sheila") Riches of the Bizzy
Bees Day Care at 5382 Gulf Drive in Holmes Beach
said she got a letter a year ago that the landlord was not
renewing the lease, which expires on Dec. 31.
The landlord Manatee County Commissioner
Joe McClash told Riches she and her school had to
be out of the building by that date.
Riches said originally she believed it would be easy
to find another location, but has since discovered that
day care schools aren't easy to relocate, particularly on
the Island.
"I looked at a place on the mainland, but nearly all
of our students live on Anna Maria Island. We really
want to stay here," she said.
Riches has discussed relocating with several of the
Island churches, but to date, has not been successful.
"I've been everywhere on the Island looking for a
place. I'm really clutching at straws right now.".
And Bizzy Bees is no ordinary day care operation.
As part of the curriculum, the school operates a feder-
ally designated Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten program
that begins teaching youngsters in language, math and.

Bridge opening schedule delayed
the Cortez-Gulf Drive intersection when the Cortez
Bridge is raised during the season often extends south
along Gulf Drive and across the Longboat Pass Bridge,
making a routine 10-minute drive from Longboat Key
to Bradenton Beach a one-hour crawl.
Lieberum said he was."optimistic" that the new
schedule would begin Jan. 15, or at least some time
during the upcoming season at the latest. He did not
know if the Coast Guard would require another public
hearing, bin the bridge opening times will be adjusted
"as soon as leeall\ possible," lie concluded.


06i ING.

No Santa for Bizzy Bees
The Bizzy Bees Day Care in Holmes Beach will lose its
lease on Dec. 31 and may be forced to close its doors
permanently unless the owners can find other accom-
modations. The school has 32 students, primarily from
Anna Maria Island. Islander Photo: Rick Catlin
social skills before they enter kindergarten.
"We're the only day care on the Island that I know
of that offers the VPK program and I think we're the
only one that takes infants as young as 6-weeks old,"
said Riches.
Parents of students at Bizzy Bees were upset to
learn the school might have to shut down.
Bradenton Beach resident Rick Bisio said it would
be "traumatic" for his two children to have to transfer
to another school.
"They actually get upset on Saturday because they
don't have school. The staff is wonderful and Shelagh
is excellent with handling children and giving good
parenting advice," said Bisio.
He also noted that since his children have been

enrolled in the VPK program, their social and reading
skills have improved dramatically.
"They know their alphabet, understand and read
words, have begun to write and know how to get along
with other kids. The school has been great for us and
the kids are much more confident in their abilities.
It's a shame if the school has to close or move away,"
Bisio added.
Riches said she asked McClash for an extension,
but he said it wasn't possible because the wind insur-
ance premiums on the property were being raised dra-
matically because of the day care. Riches noted that
McClash has made her pay 25 percent of the ad valorem
tax increases since he bought the property several years
ago, although there are also residential rental units at
the rear of the building.
McClash says he was forced to give Riches notice
as his wind insurance policy was going to be canceled
because of the day care center. The property does not
fall within the designated wind zone that would make
it eligible for insurance coverage from Citizens, the
state-run insurance program for wind coverage.
"It's really too bad," said McClash, noting that
the wind insurance coverage problems on Anna Maria
Island and throughout Florida have been well docu-
mented. The only solution has to come from the Florida
Legislature, he believes.
Unfortunately, any help from the Florida Legisla-
ture will come too late for the Riches.
"I really don't know what my husband and I are
going to do," said Riches. "We have everything tied up
in this place. If we lose it, we lose everything, so we
can't just walk away. This is all we've got. It looks like
we'll have to take a look at moving to the mainland."
Riches has spent her life in the business of caring
for kids. She owned a day care center in Great Brit-
ain for 15 years and received numerous professional
certifications and awards before coming to Holmes
Beach five years ago and buying Bizzy Bees. At that
time, the school was called Dolphins and the building
was owned by Anna Maria resident Shirley McNulty,
who'subsequently sold the property to McClash sev-
eral years ago.

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THE ISLANDER NOV. 8. 2006 3 3

Tax collector accepting tax deferral applications

By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
Manatee County Tax Collector Ken Burton Jr. and
his staff are now accepting applications for a work-
ing waterfront tax deferral for county ad valorem
taxes only.
Burton said that anyone interested in a waterfront
tax deferral should first visit the Manatee County Tax
Collector's Web site at www.taxcollector.com where a
"wizard" is available to determine eligibility.
The tax deferral is available through legislation
passed by the state and Manatee County Board of
County Commissioners that allows owners of cer-
tain properties in designated "working waterfront"
districts to defer a portion of their tax bill to a future
date, when either the property is sold or the usage of
the property changes..
Burton said all of Anna Maria Island is con-
sidered a "working waterfront" and all hotels and
motels on the Island can apply for eligibility. A
number of criteria must be met before the defer-
ment is granted, however.
Other working waterfronts are in Cortez Village and
along the navigable waterways of Manatee County.
Burton advised, anyone interested in applying for
the deferment to first visit the Web site before contact-
ing the tax collector's office. The Web site has a six-
step "wizard" that will guide an applicant through the
process, he said.
The deadline for filing a deferment application is
Jan. 31, 2007.
Burton said his staff will answer questions about
the application process, but questions regarding the
ordinance will be referred back to the Manatee County
legal staff. Burton noted that the tax collector's office
is not part of county government,
Ray Williams of the MCTCO emphasized that this
is "only a deferment, not forgiveness" of taxes. Unpaid
taxes will accrue with interest until the property
owner either no longer qualifies, sells the property,

changes the use of the property, or decides to pay the
back taxes.
While the deferment sounds like a good deal to
many financially strapped mom-and-pop motels on
Anna Maria Island, at least for the short-term, there is
a downside.
Applicants must qualify for the deferment every
year. A property owner who qualifies during one year,
but fails to meet the criteria the next year will immedi-
ately owe all the back taxes plus the current taxes,
said Williams.
Burton again stressed that the tax deferral may not
be for everyone.
"We realize this may be the only viable alternative
for someone in desperation mode," he said.
In his opinion, the tax deferral is "only a wet Band-
Aid on a ruptured artery," and there are a "lot of inequi-
ties" in the process.
A solution to the increasing spiral of rising taxes,
particularly along Florida's coastline, can only be found
through the state legislature, he said.
"Everyone is feeling the impact of rising taxes,"
Burton observed. "It's not just here, everywhere in
Florida is hurting."
Williams did note that the tax collector's office is
looking to crack down on people who have been rent-
ing single-family homes for less than three months,
but failing to pay the "bed tax." These homes are being
advertised as short-term rentals on the Internet and in
numerous tourism magazines, but are not registered
with the tax collector's office as rental properties. A
number of these properties have homestead exemptions
and are violating Florida law, he noted.
"We are finding a lot of homes along the 1-75 cor-
ridor that are being rented that should be paying the tax,
but aren't," he said. "When we find a home like tlat,
we're forcing the owner to pay and we're putting them
on the tax rolls."
Burton and his staff held a workshop Nov. 6 at the
Manatee Civic Center for people interested in apply-

ing for a deferment, but said no further workshops
are scheduled.
For more information on applying for a tax defer-
rment, call Sue Profont at the Manatee County Tax
Collector's Office at 741-4800, ext. 4832.

Island gets No. 1 ranking in online survey

B\ Lisa Neff
Isladecr Reporter
An international travelers group recently\ put
Anna Mlaria Island on its map as the top 2007 U.S.
TripAd\ isor. a Web-based toruim for destination
reviews. sur\e\ed 4.000 travelers on trends in the
industry In the sur\eN. Anna Maria Island came out
No. 1 on the list of hot destination_, next \ ear.
"I think it's fabulous.'" said Mar\ Ann Brock-
man, president of the Anna NMaria Island Chamber
-of Commerce. "It's quite an honor, quite a feather
in the cap."
Second place in the sure\ went to Kailua. I-la% aii.
followed b\ Siesta Ke\.
TripAdvisor also surveyed travelers on top inter-
national destinations. The No. 1 spot for 2007 went to
Pamukkale, lurke\, followed b\ Parga, Greece, and.
Ayr, Scotland.
The survey showed increased interest in desti-
nations for hiking and less interest in spa retreats.
The survey alo show ed a spike in the percentage
of travelers planning to drive during a action in

TripAdvisor's Top 10
world destinations in 2007:

TripAdvisor's Top 10
U.S. destinations in 2007:
1. Anna Maria Island
",2. Kailua, Hawaii
S 3. Siesta Key, Fla.
4. Macon, Ga.
5. Breckenridge, Colo.
6. Millinocket, Maine
S :. 7. Vail, Colo.
8. Bishop. Calif.
9. Franklin. Tenn.
10. Eureka, Calif.

2007 and a sllht increase in the number of beach-
destined 'acationers.
.'Nearl\ 4.000 travelers have spoken about their
vacation plans and preferences for 2007 and perhaps
the most intriguing disco\ er\ is that adventures in the
great outdoors has trumped luxuriating at the spa," said
MN ichele Pen-r, spokeswoman for TripAdvisor.
The increased enthusiasm for vacations into the
outdoors found in the TripAd% isor survey matched the
findings of state tourism and conservation officials. One
recent report indicated that in one year, an estimated
3 million birders generated more than $675 million in
travel-related income in Florida.

i. rimauMuKai, lurmiy "I read that Anna Maria is a bird paradise and that
2. Parga. Greece means it's a birder's paradise. That's why I'm here,"
3. Ayr. Scotland
4. Campeche. Mexico said Alan Zigorski, of Milwaukee, who vacationed on
5. Marrakech, Morocco the Island last week.
6. Naxos, Greece "I came for the peace and quaint." said Island \aca-
7. Puno, Peru tioner Lux Medeiros. of Oklahoma City. "It's just a
8. Soller, Spain loe el) place and I hope it ne% er changes."
9. Salvador, Brazil Brockman said the TripAd\isor sure\ served as a
10. Fes, Morocco forecast for a strong season in 2006-07. "It's going to
be a great year," she said:

Rehabbed turtle from Tampa Bay returned to sea

A loggerhead turtle that had been in rehabilitation
at Mote Marine Laboratory has gone home to the sea.
cured of anemia and pneumonia.
The turtle was found stranded off Pinellas Point
near the Sunshine CausewaN in September, and trucked

to Mote's turtle hospital for care. It was released off
Clearwater Beach.
It had not been affected by red tide, said Dr.
Charles Manire, chief veterinarian at Mote and head
of the hospital.

Halloween queen
For Halloween, Jillian Loudermilk, 15-1mohsais -old.
dressed as "Li'l Miss Holmes Beach" bc anin qten.


Anna Maria City
No\. 13, 7 p.m.. code enforcement board meeting.
Nov. 16. 6:15 p.m., swearing-in of mayor and com-
Nov. 16, 6:45 p.m., organizational meeting of city
Nov. 17, 7 p.m., city commission meeting.
Anna Maria City Hqll, 10005 Gulf Drive,
708-6130. -

Bradenton Beach
Nov. 8, 1 p.m., special city commission work meet-
ing on city pier and selection of contractor.
Nov. 9, 5 p.m., planning and zoning commission
public hearing on comprehensive plan.
Nov. 14, 1 p.m:, scenic highway committee meeting.
Nov. 15, 4 p.m., WAVES committee meeting.
Nov. 16, 1 p.m., city commission,meeting.
Bradenton Beach City Hall, 107 Gulf Drive N.,
Holmes Beach
Nov. 8, 5 p.m., parks and beautification committee
Nov. 14, 7 p.m., city commission meeting.
Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive,
Of Interest
Nov. 9, 9 a.m., The Islander's Greatest Generation
celebration, Holmes Beach Butterfly Garden and
Veteran's Memorial.
Nov. 10, Veterans Day observed. Government offices
in Anna Maria, Bradenton Beach, Holmes Beach and
Longboat Key will be closed for the holiday.
Nov. 15, 7 p.m., Coalition of Barrier Island Elected
Officials meeting, Bradenton Beach City Hall
- canceled.

4 0 NOV. 8. 2006 M THE ISLANDER


Vice Mayor Phillips bids
farewell to elected office
Bradenton Beach Vice Mayor Lisa Marie Phillips
is stepping down from the commission dias after three
years in office.
She is a 30-year resident of
.- .i Bradenton Beach and a work-
ing mother with three children.
She is a 1980 Manatee High
School graduate, and has a
bachelor's degree. from the
: University of Florida.
0.- She said that when she was
Phillips first approached for the commis-
sion, she was told "the job was described as a couple
of meetings a month, a few hours here and there. Don't
you believe it. If you want to make a difference, you've
got to pour your heart into it and a lot more than a
few hours a month."
After winning the election with more than 80 per-
cent of the vote, "The first thing I did was set out to
meet my constituents. I never had any contact with
previous representatives and felt that I wanted to truly
represent my ward's interests, so I began a series of
'neighborhood meetings' and produced 'News 2 Use'
informational fliers."
It was a success. "People who would not normally
come to city commission meetings came out to have
coffee and my homebaked goods. I brought ihe issues,
they let me know how they felt and asked really good
questions. I always took volunteer board applications to
the meetings and I think we inspired some really great
folks to get involved. This ward, I was recently told,
has more volunteers on city boards than any other."
She said that "after a rocky start, I got incredible
support from my constituents, which propelled me to
work even harder. My personal issues were mainly
en ironmental and I set out to learn all that I could
to be effective: in that area. One of the fruits of that
labor was our annual Eco Expo, of which I am most
proud. From the \er. beginning, one of my goals was
to reduce the plastic bag liner that is so detrimental to
our seagrass beds, sea life and vistas. It took two years,
but after securing a grant from the Sarasota Bay Estuary
Program, we were able to kick off that campaign to
affect a culture change.
"Serving on the state's environmental quality leg-
islative policy committee, and under the tutelage of
[former project-program manager] Dottie Poindexter,
I became very active in water-quality issues, namely
stormwater runoff."
Phillips was instrumental in bringing the Water-
fronts Florida Partnership Program to Bradenton Beach,
a state-funded two-year program that explores the pos-
sibilities of waterfront communities.
"That process was almost two years in the making,
but came to fruition and birthed the WAVES commit-
tee," she said. "With a mandate to support the \ able.
traditional economy and utilize environmental best-
management-practices, the overall goal is to make both
sustainable. This formula, the forethought to all actions
regarding de\ elopment and livability, will guide Bra-
denton Beach well into the future."

Phillips offered kudos to staff and city volunteers
for their commitment to the city and their assistance to
the commission. "The city is like a family and everyone
cares about each other. I'll miss that, especially."
As to the future of the city?
"My legacy, which I hope will continue through
Michael Pierce and Janie Robertson, is one of legisla-
tive participation, waterborne transportation and turtle-
lighting issues," she said. "A representative of Braden-
ton Beach should always be in attendance for county,
regional and state gatherings. Whether it's community
character and compatibility studies or lobbying during
the legislative session, our city is well served by being
there, getting our name out there, and being in line with
value to add. I want to thank Mayor John Chappie-for
being such a great role model, [city clerk] Nora Idso
for always listening, and my fellow commissioners for
their thoughtful insights and companionship.
"Thanks to Rep. Bill Galvano for truly represent-

ing us, to Mayor SueLynn of Anna Maria for her quiet
strength, Mayor-elect'Rich Bohnenberger of Holmes
Beach for leadership guidance and believing in me, and
former Bradenton Beach Commissioner Anna O'Brien
for her intelligence and wit. Thanks to Ralf Brookes and
Dottie Poindexter for having huge shoulders and helping
me soldier on, to my incredibly loving and supportive
family"for being just as much a part of this as I, and-to
Mike Norman and Katie Pierola, my true mentors."

Commissioner Shearon
looks back, ahead
Bradenton Beach City Commissioner Bill Shearon
was unopposed for a second term in the Ward 4 position
in the city in 2006.
Shearon was elected in 2004
without opposition. He has been
a property owner on the Island
for nine years and, with partner
-- Tjet Martin, owns the Linger
tr Longer in Bradenton Beach.
Linger Longer is their residence
and also .hosts seasonal guests.
Shearon He was born in Chicago and
started a petroleum marketing business that eventu-
ally expanded to 150 employees. At his retirement
after 27 N ears in the industry, he sern ed on an advi-
sory board for Amoco, Marathon and Mobile Oil
companies, as well as posts on two trade association
boards, one as president.
Upon his retirement, he became a self-admitted
"boat bum," cruising between Chicago and Florida and
beyond before settling in Bradenton Beach.
Seven years ago, Shearon began losing his eyesight
and is now legally blind, one of only two municipal
officials in Florida with that claim. However, Shearon
is the only legally blind elected official with a guide.
dog, Levet, a black Labrador.
Shearon said his greatest accoinpli.shment in his
past two years was helping shepherd the pier renova-
tion project to fruition. He also said he was proud of
the city's boundary expansion into the Gulf of Mexico
and Anna Maria Sound, an expansion that will facilitate
the creation of a inoorinLg field south of the city pier.

The city has also made great strides in improving
sidewalks and bike paths, he said.
For the next two years, Shearon said "my first pri-
ority it to be able to eat a grouper sandwich at the res-
taurant at the city pier.
He said the concept of a "pier team"-- department
heads working together to usher a project to completion
- has worked very well and should be continued on
other city projects.
The mooring field in Anna Maria Sound is another
project which would work well with the team approach,
and Shearon said he hoped to have that effort completed
in the next two years.
"And I'm looking forward to walking on a sidewalk
along both sides of Gulf Drive in the next two years,"
Shearon added.

Pierce new Bradenton Beach
city commissioner
Longtime Bradenton Beach resident Michael
Pierce is the new city commissioner representing Ward
2, a seat vacated by Lisa Maria
SPhillips, who did not seek re-
election. He had no opposition
in his candidacy.
Pierce moved to the city
18 years ago from Lansing,
Mich. He is a retired perfor-
mance supervisor with Gen-
eral Motors, where he worked
Pierce for 36 years.
He serves, or served, on a host of committees
and boards: The Bradenton Beach Scenic Highway
Corridor Management Entity, the city's planning and
zoning board, the code enforcement board, the Manatee
County Schools ED/Vantage Program (Core/Group),
Bradenton Beauty and Barber Academy Board, and as
past-president of the Anna Maria Island Elementary
School Advisory Council.
Pierce aiso served as an election deputN and was
on the comprehend i e plan review' committee.
5 He hams been married for42 ears and has t(1 o sons
and one granddaughter.
"I'm proud to serve the city and humble to serve,"
he said.
His goals for the next two years include "working
toward a comprehensive plan that is good for our city,
preserving the community redevelopment district and
the character of the entire city."
Pierce said he intends to "look back at all we have
done and continue to move our city in the right direc-
tion, and work at making our city a walkable commu-
nity. We must preserve our beaches and recreational
areas, also preserve our natural habitats."
He also said he intended to work with city com-
mittees and staff to "promote positive ideas and proj-
ects," as well as to be "a good listener to all citizens
and neighbors."
-Pierce also said he would remain "excited" about
future transportation issues, the city pier, the proposed
water taxi to Bridge Street, our past and future and
the proposed new training facility for lifeguards" at
Coquina Beach.
He will take office later this month.

Holmes Beach invites 'voluntary' annexation

By Lisa Neff
Islander Reporter
As mayor-elect in Holmes Beach, Rich Bohnenberger
invited Manatee County to a volunteer annexation.
But the process of annexing Manatee Avenue from
Westbay Cove east to the Anna Maria Island Bridge
- even a voluntary annexation can:be lengthy and
Bohnenberger may be into his second year as mayor
before a conclusion.
The annexation proposition developed as a result
of discussions about Manatee County's efforts to add
rest rooms and.parking to the Kingfish Boat Ramp off
Manatee Avenue just west of the bridge. In review-
ing jurisdiction at Kingfish, officials learned that the
boat ramp, contrary to longstanding opinion, was not
in Holmes Beach. The finding led to questions about
Holmes Beach's authority to police the area and respon-
sibility for the entryway to Holmes Beach.
Holmes Beach Police Chief Jay Romine said the
department has changed how it handles calls from King-

fish, though local officers still respond to emergencies.
"We continue to patrol," Romine said. "It's alogi-.
cal place to turn around and a good place to monitor
traffic. And, in an emergency, we continue to answer the
call, but if there's an enforcement issue, it gets turned
over to the sheriff. That's a big change."
Annexing the property into the city seems a logi-
cal approach from a law enforcement perspective,
Romine said.
"It just makes sense," he said. "It's in our back
At a Holmes Beach City Commission meeting in
late October, commissioners agreed to pursue a volun-
tary annexation of the area.-
Bohnenberger then acted on that agreement, send-
ing a letter to Joe McClash, chairman of the Manatee
County Commission.
"Holmes Beach City Commission is considering
the possible annexation of the area east of our city..."
Bohnenberger wrote.

"This is an area that was previously thought to
be within the city of Holmes Beach," he continued.
"Should this proposal go forward, the city commission
respectfully requests the support of the county board
of commissioners."
Bohnenberger also informed McClash that an agree-
ment between the city and the county for the Kingfish
Boat Ramp has expired.
"Should this area be annexed and considering that
this is a regional facility, it is the desire of the city com-
mission to enter into a new updated agreement with the
county," Bohnenberger wrote.
'An annexation of the area would require the
approval of the Florida Legislature.
Such a vote may come during the 2007 legislative
session, but probably not until 2008, Bohnenberger said.
"It's a process that doesn't happen too quickly,"
said Bohnenber'ger, who ran unopposed for mayor in the
Nov. 7 general election and succeeds Carol Whitmore
in the post.



Veteran's Memorial


am Continental Breakfast

9:30 am


Presentation of Service
National Anthem

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Thanks to you ...
This edition of The Islander marks the start of our
15th year of publishing. We are the longest-running con-
tinuously owned newspaper in Anna Maria Island's his-
tory and proud of our service to the community.
We like to believe we've been able to offer some
modest assistance to the people of this Island paradise we
all call home.
Our annual Wish Book highlights the service orga-
nizations that touch so many lives on the Island. We ask
Islanders to aid the various groups with gifts that can help
them help others not just good thoughts or best wishes,
but real items the groups need to continue their work.
Desks. Chairs. Computers. Even pocket calculators. And
you have helped, year after year.
We've partnered with Joey and Chuck Lester in offer-
ing the Lester's Family Fun Day to benefit the Anna Maria
Island Community Center. With lots of raffles, games and
entertainment, plus specially priced food, plenty of folks
have had a great holiday and some dollars have been
added to the Center's coffers.'
We've also partnered with the Lesters in a commu-
nity challenge, asking Islanders to donate dollars to the
Community Center's foundation fund, which are matched
dollar for dollar up to $50,000 by our generous
friends, Chuck and Joey.
The Islander has always had a dedication to the news
and views of Anna Maria Island. We have always strived
to provide "the best news on Anna Maria Island," and we
believe we have consistently offered objective reports of
the people, places, businesses and political implications of
elected officials' actions as it pertains to you, our readers.
And we have offered businesses a forum to promote
themselves. Yes, we have to charge for the advertising in The
Islander, but we have kept our rates lower than the other news
outlets in the area and believe we do a better job of getting
our business partners' messages to the readers.
In fact, we've been told that the classified section in
The Islander is the best real estate "salesperson" around.
We've seen a lot of changes take place on Anna Maria
Island in the past 15 years. Some have been great, some
not so good.
We joined with other community leaders to success-
fully block high, fixed-span bridge replacements to our
Island on Cortez Road and Manatee Avenue.
We'Ve watched beach renourishment, starting with
the first grains of sand pumped ashore in 1992, that has
dramatically enhanced the shoreline of our barrier island,
and have reaped the en\ ironmental safety the extra sand
has provided to our homes and businesses as well as
watched a substantial benefit to our local economy and
the tourism "industry."
We're currently in the fight of our lives in the taxa-
tion and insurance crisis that threatens. the quality of life
we all hold. so dear. Skyrocketing tax assessments and
blossoming insurance rates are driving "mom-and-pop"
motels out of business. The situation is driving up rents
for residents and businesses. While steps have been taken

The Islander
NOV. 8, 2006 Vol. 15, No. 1
V Publisher and Editor.
Bonner Joy, bonner@islander.org
V Editorial
Paul Roat, News Editor, paul@islander.org
Diana Bogan, diana@islander.org
Rick Catlin, rick@islander.org
Jack Egan
Jack Elka
Jim Hanson
Lisa Neff, lisaneff@islander.org
V Contributors
Kevin Cassidy, kevin@islander.org
Jesse Brisson
Don Maloney
Edna Tiemann
V Advertising Sales
Nancy Ambrose, nancy@islander.org
V Accounting Services
Melissa Burkett, mielissa@islander.org
V Production Graphics
Kelly McCormick, ads@islander.org
V Classifieds & Subscriptions
Lisa Williams, lisa@islander.org
V Distribution
Urbane Bouchet
Ross Roberts
Lisa Williams
(All others: news@islander.org)
Single copies free. Quanitties of five or more: 25 cents each.
1992-2006 Editorial, sales and production offices:
Island Shopping Center, 5404 Marina Drive
Holmes Beach FL 34217
WEB SITE: islander.org
FAX 941 778-9392 PHONE 941 778-7978


MrcaA*T. AVP)Vo
is *,:R' TkAE
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to improve the situation, more are planned in the weeks
and months ahead and we've been at the heart of the
issues with our reporting.
We've watched the three cities grow, change and
evolve. Governments are more savvy. Some blighted
areas have been revived. Bradenton Beach, once termed
a "honky tonk" by another city's official, is gleaming in
its renaissance. Holmes Beach is a hub of business and the
Publix "super" market has made food shopping a "plea-
sure." Anna Maria is as quaint and eccentric as ever. And
we think everyone will agree that we need a toll. on the
bridges to cut down on traffic in the winter season but
what a boost the trolley has been..
What is probably most important, though, is that Anna
Maria Island has maintained its charm and character as a
beachfront series of three distinct communities that reflect the
old-Florida charm that drew us all to this special part of the
world, or that has kept us here for so many, many years.
We can only hope our newspaper mirrors that feeling

with you.
We are especially proud of a special feature that
Islarider reporter Rick Catlin began several years ago.
"The Greatest Generation" describes the time our men and
women spent in the military service in World War II. The
stories are compelling, always poignant and sometimes
staggering in the depth and feeling that these brave people
devoted to our country in times of great stress.
We are pleased to be able to honor our Greatest Gen-
eration and all military veterans during ceremonies Thurs-
day in Holmes Beach at the Butterfly Garden and Veterans
Memorial adjacent to city hall.
It's a modest means to celebrate our 15th anniversary.
It has been an honor to serve you, our readers, for the
past 15 years. We hope to continue for at least another 15
- or maybe even 150 years, providing the best news on
Anna Maria Island.
We can't say it enough: Thank you for reading
The Islander.


Festival fine cause, too
Our community knows a good cause when we see
one. Our school, for one. Our school's on-campus police
officer, the dedicated Pete Lannon, for another. So when
the Anna Maria Elementary School Fall Festival took
place Oct. 28 and we reached our target goal of $1.1,000
for our school, we also accomplished something else
that is wonderful. The ability to donate an additional
$3,000 to the Peter Lannon Fund.
Thank~you everyone who helped plan the festival
and everybody who joined us for the event. A special
thanks to our homeroom moms, the new committee
chairs and a huge thank you to our returning chairper-
sons. Thank you to the fifth-grade mothers who took
us on a nighttime stroll through a haunted house where
the restless dead haunted the darkened rooms and the
halls of what is once again the school auditorium.
Additionally, we could not have done it without
all of the parent volunteers baking, manning booths
and generously supporting the homeroom game stands.
Thanks are also extended to Coast Bank, Sandbar Res-
taurant, City Pier Restaurant, Sun House Restaurant,

Starbucks and Coca-Cola.
Through the generosity of these and many other
companies, a great day of wholesome family fun
supported the fundraiser. While space does not
allow me to. recognize each individual who was
instrumental in making this event 4 success, I want
to thank everyone who was involved with the event
from the committee members to business sponsors,
teachers and parents.
It was heartening to see so many of our commu-
nity come together to raise the necessary funds for our
school, teachers and, most importantly, our children.
Liza Morrow, chair, Fall Festival
Have your say
The Islander accepts original letters of up to 250 words
and reserves the right to edit for length and grammar.
Letters are published on a space-available basis
with regard to timeliness of the material. Writers are
limited to one published letter per month.
Address letters to The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive,
Holmes Beach FL 34217, fax to 941-778-9392, or e-
mail to news@islander.org.

Fishers sue over proposed

Gulf monitoring devices

THE ISLANDER 0 NOV. 8. 2006 7 7

By Lisa Neff
Islander Reporter
Gulf fishermen, including some in Cortez, are suing
the U.S. government to stop enforcement of a regula-
tion requiring monitoring systems on certain boats.
At the heart of the suit is the allegation that the
requirement violates constitutional rights.
St. Petersburg attorney Mike Mastry drafted the
suit on behalf of the Gulf Fishermen's Association. The
group represents about 40 member boats with an esti-
mated 2-5 crewmembers on each boat.
The suit, filed Oct. 23 in Tampa, is over the National
Marine Fisheries Service requirement Amendment 18A
in the Fishery Management Plan -that boats with federal
Gulf reef permits install vessel monitoring systems. The
systems must be left on to regularly transmit locations.
Permit holders must comply with the amendment by Dec.
7 or risk losing their permits and paying fines.
The GFA suit alleges the National Marine Fisheries
Service is violating federal law and the U.S. Constitution.
A spokesman for the fisheries service declined to
comment on the suit.
One argument in the suit deals with the Magnu-
son-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management
Act, which required the fisheries service to consider
the economic impact of a proposed fishing regulation
before enacting the measure.
The suit alleges that the service did not consider the
economic impact of the regulation the monitoring
systems and installation cost from $2,000-$4,000 and
associated annual fees run about $500.
"You must consider this and they did not," Mastry
The fisheries service did, however, move to miti-
gate the economic burden .of the requirement, offering
in late October to reimburse fishermen for the monitor-
ing systems.
The money $3,095 for an approved system would
come from a federal pool created to help pay for tracking

systems in other parts of the country, according to a spokes-
woman with the National Marine Fisheries Service.
But the offer of reimbursements didn't deter the
Gulf Fishermen's Association in its push to overturn
the regulation.
Mastry emphasized that Amendment 18A fails to
accomplish the fisheries service's intent, which is to
enhance enforcement in protected areas.
"The U.S. Coast Guard still would need to intercept
the vessels," he said. "The vessel monitoring system
would merely send a signal to NOAA that these vessels
are in a closed area. They could be there and not fish.
They made an arbitrary determination that this system
regulation is going to enhance enforcement."
Another complaint pertains to the privacy rights
guaranteed in the Constitution.
"The issue here. is Big Brother," Mastry said.
"These guys have a right to privacy, a right to not be
tracked by the federal government. You can't assume
someone is going to commit a crime."
The attorney compared requiring that fishermen
install the monitoring device to requiring that alltmen
wear ankle bracelets because some are sexual preda-
In Cortez, where commercial fishing is a way of
life, the suit found support from the Florida Institute
for Saltwater Heritage board.
"It's like putting them under house arrest," Allen
Garner, FISH president, said of Amendment 18A.
The board briefly discussed the lawsuit during a
meeting Oct. 26.
"If they are going to put them on commercial boats,
they ought to put them on the sporties, too," said long-
time Cortez resident Mary Fulford Green.
In the suit, the fishermen demand the judge declare
the regulation a violation of federal law and the Con-
stitution and block the government from requiring the
monitoring systems.
A hearing date has not been set.

902 S. Bay Blvd. Anna Maria
ROTTEN Located at Galati Marina 778-3953

"o ulf of M exico

In the Nov. 7,1996, issue of
The Islander, headlines announced:

The official announcement of the results of the
November election was delayed by the Manatee County
Supervisor of Elections Office due to a larger than
expected voter turnout. The Islander newspaper was
unable to obtain the results before its press deadline.
Part-time Island resident Richard Smalley, son of
full-time Holmes Beach resident Frank Smalley, was
awarded a Nobel Prize in chemistry for his work in
discovering additional atoms of carbon.
A renovation plan for the Bradenton Beach City
Pier was approved by the city's citizen's advisory task
force. The work will be funded by a $100,000 grant
under the Florida Recreational Development Assis-
tance Program, with Bradenton Beach chipping in with
$33,000 for the project.

Date Low High Rainfall
Oct. 29 56 82 0 .
Oct. 30 62 85 0
Oct. 31 69 86 0
Nov. 1 68 88 0
Nov. 2 69 81 0
Nov. 3 67 84 0
Nov. 4 69 85 0
Average Gulf water temperature,750
24-hour rainfall accumulation with reading at approximately 5 p.m. daily.

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8 M NOV. 8, 2006 0 THE ISLANDER

Key Royale Bridge deck to be poured this week

By Lisa Neff
Islander Reporter
Workers replacing the Key Royale Bridge planned
to begin pouring a concrete deck this week, probably
on Thursday.
That was the word from the various parties
involved in the $3.4 million bridge project meeting at
Holmes Beach City Hall on Nov. 2 to share updates
and forecasts.
Cemex Inc. trucks will haul the concrete from the
mainland. Construction crews will pour the concrete in
stages using a bucket.
The deck pour will take about seven days, but not
impact the traffic pattern motorists have become famil-
iar with since construction began, according to William
Thomas Jr., spokesperson for the DOT in the District 1
office in Bartow.
The bridge work started more than three months
ago as of Nov. 2 the project was 112 days into the
contracted 283 "allowable" days.
The project involves building a 153-foot, two-lane
low-level bridge a minimum of 10.3 feet above the
waterline and with a horizontal clearance of 32 feet.
The work will occur in three phases, Thomas
Phase 1, which is currently under way, involves
removing and replacing the first section of the old
In Phase 2, traffic will be shifted to the new
bridge section and the rest of the structure will-be
removed and replaced. That traffic shift is expected
in late December.
During Phase 3, expected to begin in mid-April
2007, both lanes of the bridge-will be open. The work
will be taking place.on the shoulders, sidewalks, curbs,
gutters and dressing sod, Thomas said.
During last week's meeting, managers and contrac-

Ilff@ERW*lla .. 1li* *
Work continues on replacing the Key Royale Bridge
in Holmes Beach. This week workers will begin
pouring the deck, a process that will bedone in
stages. The price for the bridge replacement is
$3,438,707.89. Islander Photo: Lisa Neff
tors discussed the deck pour, construction of the barrier
, walls and placement of conduit and navigational lights
on the bridge.
They also briefly discussed a complaint from a
homeowner about the rip-rap large, course rock used
to stabilize the shore and reduce water erosion under
the bridge.

The homeowner felt the material was unsightly and
so a compromise was struck, said Kent A. Duaderman,
associate project administrator for the DOT. The rip-rap
will be covered with smaller, bedding stone.
Motorists crossing the bridge last week encountered
delays about the length of a routine traffic-light stop and
none interviewed by The Islander complained.
"It's not too bad at all," said Jenny Phinney of Bra-
denton. "I drive it regularly to get out here and back,
but to me it's become just another red light."
"I'd mind if I had to sit long, but I've never waited
more than a few minutes I don't think," said Islander
Tramm Petersen. "I don't know that we needed to
spend the money to have it done, but it'll be nice when
it's over."
State and federal transportation officials have
said the project was needed for safety reasons, spe-
cifically the evacuation of the Key Royale commu-
nity as a storm approached. Designed to carry 3,200
vehicles each day when it was completed in 1960; the
bridge was serving nearly 4,700 vehicles per day by
2001, according to a U.S. Department of Transporta-
tion survey.
The bridge project encountered repeated delays
over the years, primarily over funding and permitting
and disagreement over the urgency of the work.
The project was scheduled for funding in the fiscal
2004-05 DOT budget, the 2005-06 DOT budget, the
2006-07 DOT budget and then a DOT work plan in late
April showed funding in the 2007-08 DOT budget.
At the urging of Holmes Beach officials, the city
borrowed funding and will pay interest to- advance
the construction. The city anticipates reimburse-
ment from the state when the project comes up in
the DOT's budget.
The project is scheduled to be completed by the
end of June 2007.

Burtons Store move through Cortez cleared

By Jim Hanson
Islander Reporter
Permits in hand at long last, movers are ready to
shift the historic Burton Store from one side of Cortez
to the other any day (or night) now.
Manatee County has approved the move with the
necessary official permits, the wires across the route are
ready for clearance, and the mover is poised. He will

Family Caregivers support group
schedules meeting
The Family Caregivers support group < ill meet
from 1 to 2 p.m. Friday, Nov. 17, at the Island Branch
LibrarN. 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach.
It is open to anyone caring,for an adult friend or
relative with chronic health or mental problems. Details
are available at 747-4655.

set the date and time himself Brett Johnson'of R.E.
Johnson & Son.
It can be a daytime or night move, said Roger Allen,
manager of Cortez historic sites for the county. The
wires across the route will be raised or lowered, which-
ever is needed, by the companies involved.
Of those, Bright House has said it will donate its
$6,000 worth of work to the cause as a charitable dona-
tion, Florida Power & Light has trimmed its costs to
$1,500, and Verizon has yet to react to Allen's suggestion
that it donate its $7,425 estimated cost to the project.
The historic store will be moved from the 124th
Street lot where it has been %\%ailing for years up on
blocks, east through the historic fishing village and
across 119th Street to the grounds of the 1912-built
schoolhouse, now renovated as the.home of the Florida
Maritime Museum.
There the store will be secured atop a foundation that

has been in place for weeks, courtesy the Marie Selby
Foundation. Selbh ga e the project $68,000 for the job, as
well as "tremendous patience and extensions of the time
for the grant so we could get it all in place," said Allen.
He also credited the county commission and
staff w ith great support for the old store as well as
the school.:
The store is one of the earliest buildings in Cortez, built
by William Bratton in 1896 and leased to Jesse Burton.
He ran a general store and post office arid it became the
center of the community. He later added a few rooms to
rent, and it ended up as the Albion Inn, which ultimately
grew to eclipse the store. The Albion, the attached store
and the school \\ere nearly\ the only surviving buildings
of a hurricane that le\eled the village in 1921.
The Albion was razed to make way for the U.S.
Coast Guard's Station Cortez and the store was rescued
by the Cortez Village Historical Association.

THlE ISLANDER U NOV. 8. 2006 0 9

GSR bewitching

hour next week
Unsecured creditors of bankrupt GSR Development
LLC including a number of Island residents along
with numerous banks and legal firms in the Bradenton
area are likely awaiting Nov. 13 with baited breath.
Although it's not Friday the 13th, it is the date the
company's reorganization plan and financial statements
are due in federal bankruptcy court in Tampa.
The company originally listed approximately $44
million in assets and just $33 million in liabilities when
it filed for bankruptcy July 13. GSR listed approxi-
mately $4 million in unsecured claims, a figure that has
since grown to more than $5 million.
Island residents with unsecured claims include Kent
Davis ($600,000), Mel and Carol Yudofsky of Holmes
Beach ($441,667), Merritt Fineout of Holmes Beach
($46,686), Karen Day of Holmes Beach ($45,000)
and Cynthia Graeff of Bradenton Beach ($27,500).
Graeff has since obtained a Manatee County Circuit
Courtjudgment against the company and its principals,
Robert Byrne and Steve Noriega.
The hearing before Judge Rodney K. May is sched-
uled to start at 9:30 a.m. at the Federal Bankruptcy Court
located at 801 N. Florida Ave., No. 727, in Tampa.

Program-project manager
sought in Bradenton Beach
Bradenton Beach officials are actively seeking a
person to fill the program-project manager position
vacated by Dottie Poindexter last month.
The salary range is $47,000 to $59,000 a year.
The post is described as one in which the manager
will "supervise and manage activities of project engi-
neers, contractors and consultants. Provide direction
during the planning, engineering, design, land acqui-
sition and construction phases of assigned projects to
assure a quality project is produced in a timely and
cost-effective manner. Work directly with local, state
and federal agencies to plan, organize and coordinate
the writing of specific grant applications."
A college degree is preferred but not required. What
is required is a minimum of five years experience in the
"planning, design and/or construction of public and/or pri-
vate infrastructure/building/site-development projects."
Applications are available at city hall, 107 Gulf
Drive N.


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Bye-bye 'clubhouse'
The old bus benches and the roof remain, although damaged, providing a respite near the 77th Street Gulf
beach access in Holmes Beach. But a hole in the roof suggests the "Cabana Club" no longer uses the property.
Owner Hugh Holmes Sr. confirmed last week that he received a letter informing him the club no longer needed
the location. The sandy parking lot behind the "Cabana Club" remains gated and padlocked most of the time.
Holmes said the gate went in about six years ago to close off the area for weddings and other functions. He
said the gate is padlocked, as it was last week, to remind visitors that the lot is private property. "We do that a
couple of times a year," Holmes said. "The attorneys thought it was a good idea." Holmes said he has no plans
for the property, which is zoned for recreational use. Islander Photo: Lisa Neff

Police pension investments strong

By Lisa Neff
Islander Reporter
Financial consultants informed the trustees of the
Holmes Beach police pension fund that investments
this year are strong and showing improvement.
The board of trustees, during a quarterly meeting
Nov. 3 at city hall, heard from representatives with
three companies Dana Investment Advisors Inc. of
Milwaukee, Bogdahn Consulting LLC of Winter Haven
and Foster and Foster Inc. of Fort Myers.
All three advisors said the pension fund is stable
and getting stronger.
"During the past 12 mont-hs, the actuarial experi-
ence has been more favorable than expected on the
basis of the actuarial assumptions," stated the report
from Foster and Foster. The report cited an 8 percent

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investment return that exceeded the 7.5 percent goal
or assumption.
"The numbers are great," said Robert G. Leuty, a
portfolio manager with Dana. "The third quarter was a
little below benchmark, but the numbers are great, very
strong better than,7.5 percent [returns]."
Leuty did suggest the trustees consider increasing
the percentage of international investments in the pen-
sion fund portfolio. Such investments showed the most
improvement the last year, he said, and broadening the
portfolio is protection if "lets say the economy for the
U.S. is going to go sideways.
Bryan, Bakardjiev, a senior performance analyst
with Bogdahn Consulting, told trustees, "We're in line
here and we're on the right path."
Bakaradjiev recommended "staying the course."

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Make a wish: The Islander
seeks holiday wishes
Each year, with the arrival of Thanksgiving and the
season for sharing, The Islander publishes the Holiday
Wish Book containing wish lists from our local com-
munity groups.
The Islander encourages representatives of local
groups to submit wish lists by a Nov. 15 deadline.
And, when we publish the book, The Islander
encourages readers to support these groups that create
community on the Island by adding a needed to item
to his or her holiday shopping list.
Please e-mail wish lists to Lisa Neff at lisaneff@
islander.org, or fax the lists to (941) 778-9392. Include
a contact name and phone number.
For more information, e-mail lisaneff@islander.
org, or call (941) 778-7978.

Deadline near for
Cortez festival art
By Jim Hanson
Islander Reporter
The deadline is Wednesday, Nov. 15, for entry of
art works in the Cortez Commercial Fishing Festival
in February, art chair Linda Molto said.
Photographs of entries must be postmarked Nov.
15, mailed to the festival art committee at the sponsor-
ing Florida Institute for Saltwater Heritage, P.O. Box
606, Cortez FL 34215.
The deadline gives her time to fill slots left empty
by artists who change their minds, Molto said, and for
judging the works.
Artworks may be on any subject, in any medium,
but the work must reflect the Cortez and West Florida
ecosystem and the culture based on commercial fishing.
The artist must be with his or her works during the two
days of festivities, Feb. 17 and 18.
Many of the artists expected at the festival repeat year
after year, she said, and she welcomes them. And there are
always many new exhibitors whom she has encountered
and recruited at other shows she attends around the state
during the year she is a successful artist herself, and
covers a lot of territory in the competitive field.
"A lot of odd and interesting things show up every
year," she said. "One woman last year covered furniture-
with old maps, and it was just fascinating. We appreci-
ate originality in Cortez."
Entry fee is $135 for the two-day event. Artists
entering their works must submit three slides of their
works and one of their proposed display booth. Addi-
tional details may be obtained by calling 794-5919.

Kiwanis Club installs officers
bick Herman was installed as president and Don.
Maloney vice president of the Kiwanis Club of Anna
Maria Island in ceremonies at the annual dinner at the
Key Royale Club.
Herman succeeds Al Guy, who was presented with a
plaque in recognition of his service to the organization.
Mike Snyder was elected secretary and Web master.
Directors are Larry Fowler, Stretch Fretwell, Sandra Haas-
Martens, Bob Raisch, Peter Robinson and Bill Tester. Pres-
ident-elect to take office next October is Bob LoPiccolo.
Outgoing president Guy presented distinguished
service awards at the affair, tops among them "legion
of honor" awards to Fretwell and Herman, for 50
years service; John DeForge, 35 years; Jeff Asbury
and LoPiccolo, 25 years. Leadership awards went to
DeForge and Russ Olson, and plaques were presented
to Rich Bohnenberger and Larry Cory for their years
of service as secretary and treasurer, respectively.
The club meets weekly at 8:30 a.m. Saturday at
the Cafe on the Beach, at the Gulf end of Manatee
Avenue. At the next meeting, Nov. 11, the club will be
addressed by Bob Sweat, Manatee County supervisor
of elections. Additional information may- be obtained
by calling 778-4865.

'Coffee and conversation' due for
widowed persons group
The Anna Maria Island Community Center's
"coffee and conversation" session for its Widowed Per-
sons Support Group will be at 9 a.m. Monday, Nov. 13,
at the St. Bernard Catholic Church activity hall, 248 S.
Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach.
The group is designed to support people who have
lost loved ones, said the Center. Additional information
is available at 778-1908. .... .. .

Artist of the month
Carole A.V. Dougherty has been selected as Artist of
the Month for November by the Island Gallery West
in Holmes Beach. Her works are on display at the
gallery, 5368 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Details are
available at 778-6648. Hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Monday though Saturday.

Holiday parade, fun day
set for Dec. 9
By Lisa Neff
Islander Reporter
The Anna Maria Island Privateers are preparing for the
annual Christmas Parade that runs the length of the Island.
Plans are also under way for a holiday celebration
at Coquina Beach following the parade on Dec. 9.
The Privateers are working with the Anna Maria Island
Community Center on the post-parade celebration.
Each year at the end of the parade, celebrants find
the Privateers' ship, as well as Santa Claus and his
sleigh. This year celebrants will also find the games,
food, music and crafts associated with the Center's
family fun day.
Traditionally the fun day a day of "old fashioned
fun at old-fashioned prices" has been presented by
Chuck and Joey Lester and sponsored by The Islander
to benefit the community center.
Details for this year's event are still being finalized,
primarily because the Lesters are out of the country
until mid-November, said the Center's Sandee Pruett.
One certainty is the celebration will take place at
Coquina Beach and not the Center grounds in Anna
Maria, because the new center is being built.
"We are working together on this," said Privateer
president Greg "Wig" Luzier. "It's going to be a great
day two great entities working together. We were
wholeheartedly in favor of doing it."
Staging for the parade will take place at Bayfront
Park in Anna Maria City. The parade will travel the
length of the Island to Coquina Beach.
The Privateers are collecting applications for floats
and other units. Participation is free, but applications
which are available at local establishments, includ-
ing The Islander office must be filed.
"I really want people to be involved in this parade,"
Luzier said, adding that the parade usually features
about 50-70 entries.
Some rules apply: All floats must be staged by 9:30
a.m. Dec. 9; entries must be decorated in colors and
style "befitting the spirit of the holiday season," units
must have an ID banner or sign, entries must be peddle-
or motor-powered no walkifig.
For more information, call Privateer parade chair
Sue Luzier at 752-5973 or Privateer president Greg
Luzier at 725-0184.

'Art and Attic' sale Saturday
by Island artists guild
The annual "Art and Attic Affair" sale of new art
and old items from the attic is scheduled from 9 a.m. to
1 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 18, in the Island Shopping Center,
Holmes Beach.
'Sponsored by the Artists Guild of Anna Maria Island,
it will help promote the work of local artists and finance
the guild's scholarship fund. Scholarships go to area high
school students planning to study art in college.
Nonmembers who wish to participate may rent
space for $25. Members pay $20. Space may be reserved
at the gallery, 5414 Marina Drive', Holmes Beach, on a
first-come, first-served basis. Those wishing to donate
items may call 778-1738.
Raffle tickets will be sold for chances on lunch
or dinner at local restaurants and a weekend at the
Tiadewinds Resort. Rain date for "Art and Attic Affair"
is the next Saturday, Nov. 25. Additional details are
a\ ailable at 778-6694,or 778;2893.. ..

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Artists Guild demonstrations
scheduled for season
Demonstrations of art techniques will begin the
season Thursday, Nov. 9, at the gallery of the Art-
ists Guild of Anna Maria Island, 5414 Marina Drive,
Holmes Beach.
The season opener will be from 1 to 2:30 p.m. fea-
turing Jacquie Clark, who will demonstrate watercol-
ors. Caroline Whitmore will demonstrate water colors
at 1 p.m. Nov. 25.
The program for the rest of the season:
Dec. 7, 1 to 2:30 p.m., Christmas cards, Bar-
bara Hines; Dec. 12, 1:30 to 3 p.m., watercolors, Sue
Lynn Cotton.
Jan. 11, 1 to 2:30 p.m., mixed media, Roger
Rockefeller; Jan. 19, 1:30 to 2:30 p.m., silk paints,
Snoopy Gates.
Feb. 8, 1 to 2:30 p.m., painting, Peggy Cunning-
ham; Feb. 22, 1 to 2:30 p.m., watercolors, Cheryl
March 8,. 1 to 2:30 p.m., print making, Peggy Per-
kins; March 22, 1 to 2:30 p.m., baskets and gourds,
Pam McMillen.
April 12, 1:30 to 2:30 p.m., pastels, Peggy Potter.
Additional details may 'be obtained by calling

Christmas bazaar on Longboat
The Women's Guild of St. Mary Star of the
'Sea Catholic Church on Longboat Key will hold its
annual Christmas Bazaar from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sat-
urday, Nov. 11.
The bazaar will be at the Stella Maris building,
4280 Gulf of Mexico Drive. Featured this year will be
Thanksgiving and Christmas crafts, wreaths, purses,
jewelry, gourmet chocolates, boutique items, stocking
stuffers, mums and homemade sweaters. There will
also be raffle items, including cash, a designer quilt, a
gourmet dinner for six and a basket of cheer.
For more information, call 383-1930.

St. Bernard holiday bazaar
Mark your calendars for the St. Bernard Holiday
Bazaar to be held Nov. 18-19.
-This year's bazaar will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Saturday, Nov. 18, and from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday,
Nov. 19, in the church activity hall.
Do your holiday shopping early with choices of
jewelry, arts and crafts, boutique items, plants, baked
goods, silent auction and white elephant sale.
Donations for the bazaar may be dropped off at the
church office, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach.,
For more information, call Rickie Arnold at

Small business course
The Longboat-Lido-St. Armands Keys Chamber
of Commerce presents a small business workshop
from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 14, at the
chamber office.
"The Management Course," which will be taught
by Ron Hamilton, focuses on effective strategies to
recruit and hire the best employees, methods to ensure
retaining quality employees and strategies for dealing
with employees who don't meet these standards.
The fee for the course is $25, payable to the LLSA
Chamber of Commerce. Seating is limited. The office is
located at 6960 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key.
For more information, call 383-2466.

Roser hosts pancake brunch,
yard sale set for Nov. 11
Roser Memorial Community Church will serve up
pancakes and deals during its season-opening brunch
and yard sale on Saturday, Nov. 11
The brunch takes place in the fellowship hall, 512
Pine Ave., Anna Maria. The menu includes pancakes,
sausage, applesauce, biscuits and gravy, fresh orange
juice and coffee for $4. Brunch will be served from 8
to 11 a.m.
The yard sale takes place in the thrift shop parking
lot across the street from the church from 9 to 11 a.m.
Brunch tickets are available in advance at the
church office and also at the door.
For more information, call 778-0414.

'Ladies Night Out' set aside
by chambers of commerce
A special "Ladies Night Out" is being arranged
by the chambers of commerce of four barrier
islands, reserved with "no football, no kids, no
stress, no dishes."
It will be a networking party starting at 5:30
p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 14, at the Bridgewalk Resort's
Mira Mar Room, 100 Bridge St., Bradenton Beach.
Hors d'oeuvres will be provided and a cash bar is
RSVPs are to be registered by calling 383-2466.
The event is sponsored jointly by the Anna Maria
Island and Longboat, Lido, St. Armands Keys Cham-
bers of Commerce.

Center stepping-stone course due
The first stained-glass garden stepping-stone classes
of the season are scheduled from 1 to 3 p.m. Monday
and 2 to 3 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 13 and 14, sponsored
by the Anna Maria Island Community Center at the
activities center of St. Bernard Catholic Church, 248
S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach.
Glen LeFevre will teach cutting and grinding the
glass and grouting and polishing the finished product.
Cost is $55 for members, $60 for guests. For registra-
tion and information, call the Center at 778-1908.

Irish 'ceili' dance classes
resume next week
"Ceili" dance classes, an Irish specialty, will
resume at 12:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 13, at the St. Ber-
nard Catholic Church activities center, 248 S. Harbor
Drive, Holmes Beach, under the auspices of the Anna
Maria Island Community Center.
A local Irish consultant explained that the Gaelic
"ceili" means "good time" or "party," and the dances
range from waltzes to more active reels. Fee is $5 for
Center members, $8 for nonmembers. Details are avail-
able at 778-1908.

Anna Maria Garden Club to hear
of holiday design
Birgit Sesterhenn, owner/designer of Island Flo-
rist, will discuss holiday floral design for the Anna
Maria Island Garden Club when it meets at noon
Wednesday, Nov. 15.
The meeting will be at noon at the Roser Memo-
rial Community Church fellowship hall, 512 Pine Ave.,
Anna Maria. Additional information may be obtained
by calling 778-2607.

In Las Vegas
Magic of Manatee
rhorus members Ellen
A Linsley, Jeanette
Roihberg and Judy
McClarren (front row)
'atended the 60th
uaual SweetAdeline
international compe-
itiion in Las Vegas.
Back from Vegas, they
are now working on
tii group's Christmas
show with the Ditch-
field Family Sintgers
Dec. 2. Details are
available at 751-9788.

TIE ISLANDER M NOV. 8, 2006 0 11

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12 3 NOV. 8, 2006 0 THE ISLANDER

Insurance: Gov. Bush calls. Crist.Davis reform plans 'foolish'

By Molly.McCartney
Islander Reporter
Here's what you need to know to keep up with
the continuing public debate over the state insur-
ance crisis:
Neither of the top two candidates in the Florida
gubernatorial race has a workable formula to fix the
state's broken insurance system, according to Gov.
Jeb Bush.
In fact, Bush has taken the position that the insur-
ance plans developed by Charlie Crist and Jim Davis
are downright "foolish."
That's how their proposals were characterized by
the governor a few days ago at an Orlando meeting of
the American Council of Life Insurers. Bush's remarks
were reported by an industry trade publication, the
National Underwriter Life & Health Edition.
Keep in mind that Bush like Crist is a Repub-
lican. Davis is a Democrat.
So what's going on here?
The fact is that Bush has his own ideas for insur-
ance reform, and his own handpicked commission has
been working for months to come up with proposals to
present to the Legislature.
Deadline for the final report by the 15-member
Property and Casualty Insurance Reform Committee
is Nov. 15.
That would provide Bush with enough time to call
a special legislative session in early December to con-
sider the recommendations of the committee, which is
chaired by.Lt. Gov. Toni Jennings. Bush would then be
able to put his stamp on what goes to the Legislature
before leaving office at the end of this year.
Jennings declined to talk to The Islander about
insurance reform. Her spokesperson said she was too
busy working on the committee's final report to talk to
the media.
Some Bush critics have said that the governor's'


Island police reports
Anna Maria City
Oct. 31, 500 block of Bayview Place, informa-
tion. A man reported that a gun was taken from the
center console of his vehicle, apparently while it was
parked at a gas station in southern Georgia. According
to the report, the man did not report the missing gun to
authorities in Georgia.

Bradenton Beach
Oct. 28, 600 Gulf Drive S., Cortez Beach, drug
arrest. Richard Withriw, 25, of Bradenton, was arrested
for. possession of prescription drugs without a proper
prescription, possession of marijuana and a-pipe used
to smoke marijuana.
Oct. 28, 100 block of 24th street, domestic bat-
tery. A woman was given a domestic violence infor-
mation packet after her boyfriend allegedly punched
her in the face. A witness filed a report with police,
although the woman did not wish to file a statement..
According to the report, the couple has a history of
similar incidents.
Nov. 2, 100 block of Gulf Drive N., warrant arrest.
According to the report, officers stopped a man walking
a dog because the dog did not appear to have a rabies
vaccination tag, which is required by city and county
ordinances. According to the report, based on the iden-
tification the man provided, officers arrested him on a
Kentucky warrant. After his arrest, the man claimed
to have given police a fake identification card with his
brother's name and information.

Holmes Beach '
'Oct. 27, 300 block of 56th Street, criminal mis-
chief. According to the report, officers removed a beer
bottle that became embedded in the rear window of a
woman's vehicle, which had been parked in front of
her residence.
Oct. 28, 5424 Marina Drive, Jessie's Island Store,
assault. Aman was arrested for domestic assault after he
followed a woman into the store and acted in a threaten-
ing manner toward her in front of witnesses. Accord-
ing to the report, the woman told police that she had
previous encounters in which the man had brandished
a gun and, fearing he might do it again, stopped her car
and ran into the store, to, call police, when she saw Jhim..
' '. s, ?- .-' .; ** L 3 .'. 1--1.l, g -*- ', 1. -,' ).* .i ** 2 *

close ties to the insurance industry have shaped his
thinking about what insurance reforms might be best for
Florida and which cabinet-level candidates to support
in this last campaign.
In the race for governor, Crist has campaigned for
weeks on plans that would prohibit national insurers
from establishing Florida subsidiaries and to require
insurers that offer other lines, such as auto insurance,
to also offer property coverage.
Bush, according to the National Underwriter, said
the Crist proposals would "do more harm than good"
because insurance companies would be more likely to
abandon the state altogether rather than be forced into
a troubled market.
The governor also criticized the Davis plan, which
calls for Florida to assume more risk for windstorm
damage to homes. Bush said this approach would
either drive insurers away -from Florida or add an
overwhelming burden to the state's finances, accord-
ing to the Underwriter.
The Underwriter quoted the governor as saying
that he intends to call a special legislative session in
December to work on insurance issues even though he
would be a "lame duck" after the Nov. 7 election.
While Bush's term runs through the end of Decem-
ber, newly elected legislators will take office in time to
participate in any special session that the governor may
call in the next few weeks.
The session could come as early as Dec. 4, accord-
ing to some reports.

Look for adjustments in the Cat Fund
When the Legislature does focus on possible ways
to improve and expand the Florida insurance market,
lawmakers-are sure to look at the Florida Hurricane
Catastrophe Fund, also known as the Cat Fund.
This fund was created in November 1993 during a
special legislative session after Hurricane Andrew. The

Two arrested in

Club Bamboo

Bradenton Beach Police arrested two men
Nov. 2 for acts of criminal mischief/felony van-
dalism conducted at the Club Bamboo Resort.
Michael Toole, 20, and Jason Yoder, 23, both
of Bradenton, allegedly threw several items into
the pool of the resort the evening of Oct. 10.
One of the items, a 300-pound concrete planter
with the plant, was dumped into the water and
cracked the bottom of the pool, causing approxi-
mately $3,000 in damage.
Toole reportedly told police he was intoxi-
cated and angry that night, so he began throw-
ing items in the pool and his friend Yoder
assisted him.
The men were apprehended in the 800 block
of 38th Street West in Bradenton.

following her in his car. Upon his arrest, officers report-
edly did find that the man was carrying a concealed
small firearm.
.Oct. 30, 300 block of 64th Street, civil dispute.
A woman reported that a subcontractor working on a
construction site adjacent to her residence was utiliz-
ing her electricity to power the site. According to the
report, the contractor mistook the residence he believed
he was permitted to draw power from and he attempted
to work out a resolution with the homeowner.

purpose is to help the-state maintain insurance capacity
in the state by providing reimbursements to insurers for
a portion of their catastrophic hurricane losses.
But insurance specialists such as Bradenton's John
Laurie say there are ways to restructure the Cat Fund
that would encourage insurers to expand their Florida
business and make wind insurance more available and
more affordable for property owners.
Laurie, chief operating officer of Wyman,
Green & Blalock, is a member of the technical team
working with the Property and Casualty Insurance
Reform Committee.
In a recent interview with The Islander, Laurie
described the idea of Cat Fund expansion as "an
important development that is going to help and that
I really embrace."
Laurie said that the Cat Fund now provides reinsur-
ance to the residential market homes and condos, for
example. But he thinks it would help to have the Cat
Fund also cover commercial property.
Another Cat Fund option that might lure insurers
back to the Florida market, according to an Oct. 18
summary prepared for the reform committee, would be
to lower the amount of hurricane losses that an insurer
must pay before being reimbursed.

The politics of agent fees
One of the most sensitive issues in the insurance
reform discussion has to do with agent fees.
There was talk at the most recent meeting of the
reform committee of eliminating the commissions that
agents are paid when they write policies for the state-
created Citizens Property Insurance Corp. Instead of a
commission, the agent would be paid a flat fee, such as
$25 per policy.
Such an idea is "absurd," according to Laurie.
In a two-page memo that he sent to the reform com-
mittee, Laurie said that Citizens pays an effective rate
of 6.9 percent, the lowest of any other state except one.
"Yet Citizens requires much more of agents in up-front
processing, in servicing and facilitating takeouts, and
in post-catastrophe claims management," he said.
He said that agents are "just as frustrated with this
property market situation as consumers."
Laurie's memo said, "We all want the policy
count of Citizens to dramatically decrease, but we
also all understand that the market is not healthy
at the present time and that Citizens, is a symp-
tom of the problem. Consequently, Citizens is not
growing in size because of agent commissions, it
is growing because people have nowhere else to
turn to obtain coverage."
Jeff Grady, president of the Florida Association of
Insurance Agents, was even more blunt.
"No agent in his right mind would want to do busi-
ness with Citizens if he had a choice to go elsewhere,"
Grady told The Islander, because of the additional
paperwork and procedures that Citizens requires.
He said that agent fees in Florida range from an
average of 5 percent up to 15 percent, depending on
the company, the type of business they are writing and
whether it is a new or renewal policy.
Grady said that Citizens might determine that a
portion of the premium doesn't count as the basis for
an agent commission, thereby reducing the agent's fee.
For example, Citizens might pay 10 percent on a $1,000
homeowner's policy, but then specify that $310 of that
premium is for wind coverage and "non-commission-
able," Grady said. The result is that the agent ends up
earning 10 percent on- the $690 balance, leaving an
effective fee of 6.9 percent, "an abysmal rate of com-
mission," he said.
What some reform committee members apparently
think, Grady said, is that they can reduce the number
of policies going to Citizens by reducing agent com-
"This has everything to do with politics," Grady

Nov. 1, 8300 Marina Court, theft. A man reported said.
the theft of his boat cushion. He said Bush has "targeted" agent commissions
Nov. 2, 5700 block of Carissa Street, theft. A because "the governor doesn't think agents are earning
man reported his cell phone stolen from his unlocked their commissions in this market."
vehicle. Grady said the facts show that agents are over-
Nov. 2, 5346 Gulf Drive, Hurricane Hanks, theft. whelmed with cancellations, reshuffling of business as
Two five-gallon kegs of beer were reportedly stolen by companies like Poe collapse, and calls from angry con-
two men. An employee witnessed the suspects drive sumers looking for help getting insurance and answers
up to the back door and load the kegs in to their car. to the insurance crisis.
According to the report, the men drove off when the "Tinkering with agent commissions," Grady said,
employee attempted to confront them:. "is an avoidance of the real problem."

TIHE ISLANDER 0 NOV. 8. 2006 U 13


Barbara Essley Baker
Barbara Essley Baker, 87, of Holmes Beach, died
May 30 in San Antonio, Texas.
Mrs. Baker was born in Eliza Township, Mercer
County, Ill. She was a secretary for Lederle Laborato-
ries in New York City. She was a graduate of Aledo High
School, attended MacMurray College and received her
bachelor's degree from the University of Iowa. She did
volunteer work at ABC Hospital in Mexico City and
Blake Medical Center in Bradenton. She contributed
more than 8,000 hours of volunteer service at hospitals.
She was active in Alpha Xi Delta Alumni Group, Daugh-
ters of the American Revolution and PEO Sisterhood.
She is survived by son Richard Jr. of New Braun-
fels, Texas; daughter Marienne Clements of San Anto-
nio, Texas; sisters Joan Lawson of Aledo, Ill., and Rose
Marie Burger of New Boston, Ill.; and grandchildren
Craig and Nicole Clements.

William R. 'Bill' Flack
William R. "Bill" Flack, 84; of Hamilton, Ohio,
and formerly Bradenton Beach, died Aug. 22.
Born in Brooksville, Ohio, Mr. Flack owned
Flack's Beach Garage on Bridge Street, Bradenton
Beach. He served on the Bradenton Beach police force
and was a city commissioner. He was active in the
Moose Lodge.
Memorial services were in Ohio.
He is survived by daughter Kathy Drake of Hamil-
ton; sisters Harriet Bradley of Brooksville and Dorothy
Hill of Alquina, Ohio; and brother John of Brooksville.

Dozier Brown Hilliard
Dozier Brown Hilliard, 87, of Bradenton, died Nov. 2.
Born in Chatsworth, Ga., Mr. Hilliard moved to
Bradenton at age 10. He was a graduate of Bradenton
High School. He served in the U.S. Army and the U.S.
Air Corps during World War II. He was a Realtor and
partner in Hilliard Brothers car dealership. He was a
founder of Inter-City National Bank, Trail National
Bank and served on the board of directors of Bank of

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, ELCA
Pastor Rosemary W. Backer
Saturday 5pm Service of Celebration
'Sunday 8 & 10:30am Worship Service
.' Nursery available ai 10:30am
Youth Sunday School 10:30am

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Holmes Beach

Bradenton and First Bradenton Bank. He was a member
of the Jaycees, the Bradenton Chamber of Commerce,
the Bradenton Kiwanis Club and the DeSoto Historical
Society. He was instrumental in the creation of Manatee
Community College. He was on the board of directors
of the Manatee County Safety Council. He was active
with the DeSoto Boy's Club and the South County
Youth and Recreation Center in Oneco. He was also a
member of the Masons and the Manatee Social Club.
He was a member of Christ Episcopal Church.
Visitation was Nov. 5 and services Nov. 6. Burial
will be at Fogartyville Cemetery in Bradenton..
He is survived by wife Marylene; daughters Julie
Ross and Mary Alice; sons Bill and Dozier Lee; and
grandchildren Carrie Price, formerly of Anna Maria,
Hilliard Price, John Gideon Stocks, Julia Hilliard, Olivia
Hilliard, William Turner Hilliard and Becky Rung.

Dave Parker
Dave Parker, 48, of Holmes Beach, died Sept. 27.,
Born in Virginia, Mr. Parker grew up in Bangor,
Maine, and moved to Manatee County in 1991.
He worked at the Waterfront
restaurant, and formerly at
Euphemia Haye, among other
local restaurants. He was a
computer draftsperson.
A .memorial gathering of
Friends will be held at 3p.m.
Thursday, Nov. 9, at the south
I o. end of Manatee Public Beach in
Parker Holmes Beach.
He is survived by daughter Jasmine of Anna Maria
Island and another grown daughter, his mother, one
sister and two brothers.

John William '-Bill' Reichart
John William -'Bill'" Reichart. 90. of Holmes Beach
and Bradenton, died Oct. 31.
Mr. Reichart moved to Holmes Beach from Muncie,
Ind., in 1973. He was a graduate of Purdue University,

3Roser .!UruwriM1 TImniiunuitu TIIpturd
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where he was inducted in the ROTC hall of fame. He
served in the U.S. Army during World War II in Europe,
where he received the Bronze Star before his honorable
discharge at a lieutenant colonel. He was president of
Excel Manufacturing in Muncie. He was a builder and
inventor and known worldwide for his miniature gas
and steam engines. He was a member of the Key Royale
Club. He attended Palma Sola Presbyterian Church.
A celebration of life was held Nov. 3. Memorial
contributions may be made to Tidewell Hospice and
Palliative Care, 5955 Rand Blvd., Sarasota FL 34239.
He is survived by wife of 37 years Phyllis; sons
Tom of Tampa, and Steve Miller and wife Mailyn of
Tulsa, Okla.; daughter Dana Brown and husband Bob
of Winchester, Ind.; four granddaughters; and three

Holly Berry Bazaar

set for Nov. 18 at

Episcopal Church
The women of the Episcopal Church of the
Annunciation are making final plans for their
Holly Berry Bazaar, which takes place from 9
a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 18.
The church is located at 4408 Gulf Drive
in Holmes Beach. The fair will feature holiday
decorations, gift items by local crafters, baked
goods, collectibles, plants, jewelry, Rada cutlery
and books.
The group is well known for its special
homemade sweet pickles and jams, which are
top sellers at the bazaar each year.
Hot dogs, soda and other ready-to-eat lunch
treats will be served along with.a large selection
of baked goods.

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Sun. 8 and 10am
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Anna Maria, Florida

S: NUftel'"N A-all5ble

14 0 NOV. 8. 2006 N THE ISLANDER

Costumed kids track trail o' treats
By Lisa Neff
Islander Reporter
The witch adjusted her pointed black hat and
smiled, her face green in the sunlight.
"I like the costumes, but I like the candy the best,"
witch Darla Gibbs, 8, said, without a cackle. Then she
walked toward Marina Drive to pay a Halloween visit. "
to the businesses participating in the Trail of Treats. -
The event, sponsored by the Anna Maria Island
Chamber of Commerce on Oct. 31, brought out dozens of
children costumed as good and evil for treats and tricks.
The children and their chaperones gathered in the
chamber parking lot at 3:30 p.m. for juice, treats and
a costume contest. Goblins and zombies mingled with
superheroes and magicians. There were tots dressed as
firefighters and there was a teenager dressed as a tiny tot.
There was a dynamite Napoleon Dynamite slouching in
conversation with a menacing-looking teenage witch. '
Anna Maria Island Privateers walked through the
crowd handing out colorful beads. From the speakers .
on their motorized ship came spooky sounds and the "
occasional "yo ho" pirate tune and cannon blast.

Mussorgsky's "Night on Bald Mountain," one of the
haunting classics played on WUSF 89.7 radio's Hal-
loween show.
The contest ended with the awarding of prizes donated
by Island Bazaar, Bridge Street Bazaar, the Whistle Stop, T-
Publix and pumpkin artist Bob Hageman. Sierra Ruby, 15 months old, of Anna Maria, purrs i
Max Moneuse, 10, of Longboat Key, won a prize the parking lot outside the Anna Maria Island Chan
in the 10-and-older category for his "nerd-in-a-kissing- ber of Commerce during the Trail of Treats event o
booth" costume. -- Oct. 31. Islander Photos: Lisa Neff
Moneuse said his mother suggested the idea last
year. He went against it then, but decided it was good
enough to win the contest this year.
After the contest, .the costumed children followed
the Trail of Treats in search of the sweets and surprises
offered at more than 50 shops, offices and restaurants.
"I hope I get lots of chocolate," said Spiderman
AKA Trent Howard, 9, of Holmes Beach. "I like the
chocolate best. So does my mom."

AME Fall Fest nets $14,000
The AnnaMaria Elementary School Parent-Teacher-
Organization Fall Festival, which was held at the
Holmes Beach school Oct. 28, raised $14,000.
Shannon Dell, president of the PTO, said the orga-
nization successfully met its goal to raise $11,000 for The witch, the dragon and the zombie: In the cat-
classroom and educational enhancements. egory of 7- to 9-year-olds, Emma Moneuse, Keaton
At the October PTO meeting, members voted to Hackworth and Danielle Kaperelli won prizes for
donate any proceeds over $11,000 to the AME Pete their costumes in the chamber's Trail of Treats.
Lannon Family Fund. Lannon, who has served as the
school's resource officer for six years, was recently
diagnosed with cancer.
Fall Festival Chair Liza Morrow will present
a check of $3,000 Thursday, Nov. 9, to the Lannon
family at a fall fest volunteer appreciation breakfast in .
the school auditorium. -'

Monday. Nov. 13
Breakfast: Pancake on a Stick, Yogurt, Cereal,
Toast, Fruit
Lunch: Maxx Slicks or Breaded Beef Pattie, Broc-
coli, Mashed Potatoes, Mandarin Oranges
Tuesday, Nov. 14
Breakfast: Chicken Patty on a Biscuit, Cereal.
Toast, Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich, Fruit
Lunch: Chicken Tenders or Hoagie with Chicken
Noodle Soup, Potato Smiles. Mixed Veggies, Fruit
Wednesday, Nov. 15
Breakfast: Cheese Omelet with Hash Browns,
Yogurt, Cereal. Toast. Fruit
Lunch: Hot Dog or Muffin and Yogurt Plate, Green
Beans. Carrot Sticks with Dip, Pineapple Tidbits
Thursday. Nov. 16
Breakfast: Sausage and Egg Patty on a Biscuit,
Cereal. Toast, Bagels. Fruit
Thanksgiving Feast: Sliced Turkey or Baked Ham
Slices, Mashed Potatoes with Gravy, Cornbread
Dressing, Green Beans, Roll, Holiday Dessert .
Friday, Nov. 17
Breakfast: Pancakes, Graham Crackers, Cereal, Patriotic celebration
Toast, Fruit Anna Maria Elementary School fourth-graders we
Lunch: Pizza or Chicken Quesadilla, Corn, Garden Teacher Organization following a PTO benefit dim
Salad, Pears from Joan Sackett and Marcia Brockway's classes
Juice nd.rci ilk arp.s.ervec( with.every. m.eal .... "God Bless America, ." Star Span. l Ba2Uner.". .1
I.- _- _, I- r _' I ..t t +t I *. It -S ; *,.)'. .


Splish splash
Anna Maria Elementary School students in Phyllis
Omilak's class were among those who participated
in an onsite nature study of Tampa Bay. Ten classes
participated in afield study of the bay over a two-day
period in which students collected data, including
specimens from the bay. Islander Photo: Diana Bogan

Students make

splash at AME
By Diana Bogan
Islander Reporter
Anna Maria Elementary School students in grades
three through five spent time last week splashing around
the bayfront and learning about their environment. "
With its unique Island location, students were able
to take advantage of an opportunity to explore science
literally in their backyard. Over the course of two days,
10 classes conducted an on-site Tampa Bay Estuary
study of Anna Maria Sound.
The study was facilitated b-, Karen Frale\ and
funded b\ a crant a\\arded to AME from the Southw est
Florida \\ater NIiInagement District
Students \ ere prom ided inh a field guide to record:
data, such as air, soil and water temperatures, and
descriptions of the watershed and natii e plants.
Students had the opportunity to use dip nets to
search for aquatic critters in the water finding pipe
fish, starfish, snails.and crabs.
In the spring, students will use their field guides
again, recording similar data and making a com-
parative study.



re the first class this school year to perform for the Parent-
ner served at the school by Charlies of the Island. Students
recited patriotic passages and sang patriotic songs including
nd "'Yankee Doodle." ,Islander Photo:.Bonner Joy .... ...

THE ISLANDER NOV. 8. 2006 15

It's a wrap
Students with the most
sales resulting from the
Anna Maria Elemen-
tary School's gift-wrap
fundraiser were awarded
incentive prizes. The
fundraiser exceeded its
goal with net revenues
just over $4,600. Grand
prize winners, from left, ?= "' -
are Danielle Capparelli,
Brianna Connelly, Grant
Bower, Jake Parsons and
Cliff Pascal. Not pic-
tured is Dylan Joseph.
Merchandise purchases
are now being distrib- ri' j
uted. Questions may be
directed to the fundraiser ,u
chair, Stacey Siegal,
at 544-2989. Islander
Photo: Diana Bogan -

Island real
4808 Gulf Drive, Unit B, Island Escape, Holmes
Beach, a 2,200 sfla / 3,100 sfur 3bed/2/2bath/2car pool
home built in 2006 was sold 10/16/06, Island Restora-
tion 5 LLC to Harris for $821,500: list $825,000.
4808 Gulf Drive, Unit A, Island Escape, Holmes
Beach, a 2,200 sfla / 3,100 sfur 3bed/2/2bath/2car pool
home built in 2006 was sold 10/16/06, Island Restora-
tion 5 LLC to Harris for $759,000: list $775,000.

estate sales
642 Key Royale Drive, Holmes Beach, a 1,969 sfla
/ 2,634 sfur 3bed/2bath/2car canalfront home built in
1969 on a 96x130 lot was sold 10/16/06, Baker to Sun
Coast Property Group LLC for $570,000..
Jesse Brisson, broker/associate at Gulf-Bay Realty
of Anna Maria, can be reached at (941) 778-7244.
Current Island real estate transactions may also be
viewed online at www.islander.org. Copyright 2006.

Featured sale:
This home at 642
Key Royale Drive,
Holnmey Beach,
s' Id in .-iiit t 1978
i- S-'6Oj,00 and in
October 2006 ,hr

*. ~ pei sqlat'ir: too .i ,

Piho: Jcss Brisson

Watkins joins Betsy Hills
Melissa Watkins recently
joined the sales staff of Betsy
Hills Real Estate at 419 Pine
Ave. in Anna Maria.
A 10-year veteran of Island
and Longboat Key real estate
sales, Melissa specializes in Gulf
coast residential properties.
To reach Melissa, call 730-
Watkins 5227 or 778-2291.

'Mama Lo' is new 'Gecko'
Island resident Lois Finley is well known to Island-
ers and visitors alike as "Mama Lo" for her ice cream
and sandwich shop of the same name that she ran for a
number of years in Anna Maria.
Now, Lois has started a new business, The Gecko
Lady, to keep an eye on homes for Islanders and main-
landers who are away on vacation, for business or for
the season.
The Gecko Lady offers a number of monthly and
weekly services for absentee owners, including a check
of all major appliances, air conditioners, heating units,
dishwashers and plumbing systems.
As the new "Lady" on the Island, Lois also .waters
plants, checks car batteries and pool water levels, and
offers a grocery shopping service.
She's also a "cat sitter," and will visit a residence
daily to check on the cats, feed them, change the litter
and give them a gentle scratching.
Her motto is "While you roam, I'll watch your
home," and she's available 24/7 for her customers.
For more information on The Gecko Lady, call
730-9553 or 778-3399, or visit the Web site at www.

Business after hours
chairman's reception
The Longboat-Lido-St. Armand Keys Chamber of
Commerce will host a "Business After Hours" chair-
man's reception at the Sarasota Classic Car Museum,
5500 N. Tamiami Trail, Thursday, Nov. 9.
There is no charge for the event, which begins
at 5:30 p.m. with complimentary hours d'oeuvres and
host bar.
This is an event to say "thank. you" to chamber
members and volunteers. For more information, call

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16 M NOV. 8. 2006 M THE ISLANDER


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Bob Kin,,t,

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T ra v e le rs in G e rm a n y ii h I I II 0 b t L C t f t
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African callers
Frai l andt Gcor./ t Balrto'/ l'.Ainh A 11 i. l i i l; ri l I, itn \ t,'EHn En\
oil 1 trip to' S 'ia:ilai It .Afi hi'1. Slih chair the .-\nn l Mm i Ala Citn
PlHamliitl C ,im iioqottyl .

Don Siw irt.
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tHiy i iSaii (i
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China contrast
Di. Diani. Mii- h li s.
W\i,{ Br adelmin
chiiopractor we//ll
known on the Island,
potitrs Iup /th coti-
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her ti ipl Io China:
Thit G ritat /ll ceii-
fit it i'ld. iiit/l I/k
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Islanders in Rome
The Islander went all the way to Italy with Rob and Nancy Bell of Westbay Cove and Rob
ulnd Eniid Lip ct'lt jf .liri 'nrW Ch;tu in fi..A't ofthe :,.ni,an.

Nancy and Jim MacVicar of Holmes Beach traveled Alaska aboard the
MS Veendam, visiting Glacier Bay National Park with their Islander

C ~ -` -"-







by Rick Catin

Navy made
Holmes Beach man
Holmes Beach resident Bob Raisch was only a
freshman in high -school in St. Louis when the Japanese
bombed Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941.
"I was pretty naive. I remember my friends and I
thinking that we'd wipe out the Japanese in nothing
flat. We all thought the war would be over by the time
we were eligible for the service."
But the war dragged on past a few months, and as
Bob and his friends approached the draft age of 18, they
began to consider which branch of the armed forces
they wanted to join.
By the time he was a senior in high school, Bob
was working in a defense plant, but he never considered
applying for a deferment.
"It was just something I never thought of. There
was never any question I was going to go in and do
-my part. I didn't want to miss any thing, but I figured
the Navy sounded like a real adventure. I'd get to see
the world, and it would be real comfortable in a bunk
instead of a foxhole. I'd never been away from Mis-_
souri until I joined in the fall of 1944."
Bob's two best friends tried to talk him into joining
the Merchant Marine, but he stuck with the Navy.
He enlisted in the fall of 1944 and was immediately
sent to boot camp at the Great Lakes Naval Training
Station north of Chicago.
"For someone who had ne' er been away from
home, this was a big ad\ venture chuckled Bob. "but I
got sidetracked."
A scarlet fever epidemic struck the training center
and Bob spent six weeks in the hospital. There, he was
treated with the new wonder drug penicillin, which he
had never heard of until he got sick.
But the scarlet fe' er put him behind in boot camp
and he was forced to start all over again with a new
company, a full eight weeks behind.
As it turned out. those eight weeks would d change
his life.
"God % as being good to me w hen I had to take
basic acain." said Bob. although at the time. he w wasn't
too happ5 about getting retrained as a seaman recruit.

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Bob Raisc h of Hlsnu s Beachlt ts youie tscanai in
the U.S. Navy during World War II.

After boot camp, Bob's entry into the war was
delayed further. Another radio school class was just
starting and the Navy sent him to Indianapolis for that
class, figuring he might do better as a talker and opera-
tor than a, a deck hand.
Radio school was an endless series of classes on
Morse code, typing, the ability to read and translate
coded messages, radio theory, operations and radio
maintenance. Those who couldn't keep up during the
three-month course were washed out and shipped to
general sea duty.
Bob, however, excelled at the school and thor-
oughly enjoyed the dutit especially w hen the class got
to go s imming at an e\clusi\ e country club.
But all good things' come to in end. After gradu-
ation in earl\ summer 1945. Bob and his classmates
,- ,
were assigned to various Na\ al installations around
the world.
"The war seemed to be x\ idh.g do\ n. The Ger-
mans had surrendered, and we had heard about 1io
Jima and Okinawa. But e\ er\ one in the Na\ was now
talking about the big one, the in\ asion of Japan."
Bob \ as sent to Oakland. Calif.. the jumping-
off point for men heading to ward the Pacific for the
"I \as assigned to the attack transport Li.S.S. Fond
du Lac. which \\as scheduled to be part of the main



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THE ISLANDER M NOV. 8, 2006 N 17
invasion force against the Japanese homeland."
When the ship sailed for Japan, it was the first sea
duty for many of the men, including Bob.
"We sailed through the Golden Gate Bridge and
immediately hit rough water in the Pacific. I was lucky
I didn't get seasick, but I had a bottom bunk and the
guys above me were getting pretty sick. I made a quick
exit toward 'topside' after I saw and smelled what was
happening," he remembered with a laugh.
The talk on board ship quickly turned to the inva-
sion of Japan and how many casualties the Navy
might take.
"Some guys said we were going in on the first wave.
Of course, all that was scuttlebutt, but we figured we'd
be right in the middle of the action. There was a lot of
talk about kamikazes and how many ships they'd take
out during the invasion. But we were young and ready
to go, so we didn't worry about that too much. We were
nervous, but wanted to do our part."
Fate, again, intervened on behalf of his future.
Enroute to Pearl Harbor before heading for Japan,
Bob and his crewmates got NN ord that the atomic bomb
had been dropped on Japan.
"We didn't know what an atom bomb was, but we
learned pretty fast. We all figured that the Japanese
would have to give up."
A few days after the bombs were dropped, the Japa-
nese surrendered on Aug. 15, 1945, touching off a wild
celebration at Pearl Harbor.
"It was a terrible blow to the Japanese, but the bomb
saved countless American lives, since the Japanese had
consistently fought to the last man on every island we
had invaded," said Bob.
"All I knew was that the war was over and we
wouldn't be invading. We were prepared to go, but it
just didn't work out that way. It's funny how it turned
out. If I hadn't gotten scarlet fever, I A would have gradu-
ated on time and probably been sent to a ship for the
Iwo Jima or Okinawa invasion. Then,; ith radio school.
I stayed in the States for another three months. Then,
just before the invasion, the war ended."
Bob spent the ne\t \ ear in Honolulu as a radio-tele-
tN pe operator for the Na% al Communications Center.
He returned to the mainland in Jul\ 1946 and was
getting ready for discharge in Bremerton. Wash.
Bob and a few buddies had a few days off before
discharge and went hiking in the nearby Cascade
"We all agreed we loved the outdoors and someone
said, 'Why don' t e use our G.I. Bill and become forest
rangers and get paid to do this?' That sounded pretty
good to me. so we hitchhiked to Montana because we

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18 E NOV. 8, 2006 0 THE ISLANDER

Greatest Generation
heard there was a pretty good forestry school there."
Upon arrival at the school, however, Bob and
his buddies were told to go back to their home states
because there were too many Montana boys ahead of
them on the list to get into the school.
"He said it might be a few years before we could
get in. The other fellows were disappointed, but I liked
the idea of becoming a forest ranger and decided to
check into it when I got home."
Before the war, going to college was totally imprac-
tical for Bob. "My family didn't have enough money
for me to go to college, and I never even considered it.
Without the G.I. Bill, I probably would have ended up
- working in a factory all my life, so I can truthfully say
the Navy changed my life."
Bob originally wanted to go to the University
of Missouri at Colombia, but a buddy talked him
into joining him at Southeast Missouri State in
Cape Girardeau.
"What he really needed was a roommate to share
the bills because he didn't have the G.I. Bill. Eventu-
ally, he convinced me that it was a pretty good school.
It turned out to be great for me."
During orientation week, Bob went to an open
house for students, where freshmen could meet
upper-classmen and other freshmen. There, he met
a pretty sophomore co-ed named Laverne, who was
also from St. Louis.
"She looked at me a little funny at first because I
was just a freshman, but we got past that OK, and she
went out on a date with me. It worked out pretty well.
We've been married 59 years now," said Bob.
After graduation, Bob worked in forestry for the
state of Missouri, then at Kansas State University. In
1962, he joined the Indiana Forestry Service and in
1968, was hired by the U.S. Forest Service as Director
of Cooperative Forest Management for the southeast.
He and Laverne first came to Bradenton in 1977 as
one of their daughters had moved to the area. In 1988,
they purchased a home in Holmes Beach and now live
here permanently.
"It's been a good life. I owe a lot to the Good Lord
and the Navy. The Navy really helped me out with
3232 East Bay Drive
Next to Walgreens
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Island Veterans Day ceremony Thursday

By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
All Island veterans and spouses are invited to a
special Islander ceremony and breakfast at 9 a.m.
Thursday, Nov. 9, at the Holmes Beach City Hall But-
terfly Park and Veterans Memorial to honor all Island
veterans, especially World War II veterans and those
who have been featured in "The Greatest Generation"
columns in The Islander.
Prior to the presentation of the colors by an honor
guard from the American Legion Kirby Stewart Post

Today, Bob and Laverne Raisch enjoy the quiet life
of Holmes Beach in Westbay Pointe & Moorings.
Islander Photo: Rick Catlin
learning how to deal with people and responsibility
and the experiences of life on a ship and overseas. I
enjoyed my Naval service. It really helped me later in
life. Of course, the G.I. Bill really helped and I met a
great gal. It all worked out great. I'd do it all over again
if I had to."
Just another member of the Greatest Generation.

"The Greatest Generation" column is for Island,
Longboat Key, Perico Island and Cortez veterans, man
or woman, who served in the armed forces of any allied
country (U.S., Canada, Britain, Holland, Norway,
France, Poland, Australia, New Zealand, the Philip-
pines, etc.) during World War II. We'd like in hear from,
you. Please call Rick Catlin at 778-7978.

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I 'Thanksforsaying 'Isawit in

SThe Islander
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24, The Islander will have a complimentary buffet
breakfast at the park for all guests.
Several Island veterans will make brief remarks,
followed by the presentation of the colors, the national
anthem and the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Islander will also present a special bound
collection of all the "Greatest Generation" stories
that have appeared in the newspaper to the Island
Branch of the Manatee Public Library and Tingley
Memorial Library.
After presentation of the collection, the honor guard
will fire a 21-gun salute for all veterans and Taps will
be played. The ceremony should conclude by 10 a.m.
All veterans whose stories have been in The
Islander will receive an invitation, but if any such
veteran doesn't receive the invitation, they are
requested to attend. Addresses are occasionally
incorrect or get lost.
Dress will be Island-style casual.
Because of prior commitments, the American
Legion honor guard was not available on Veterans
For more information on The Islander ceremony,
call Rick Catlin at 778-7978.

Mote dolphin/turtle center doubles
Mote Marine Laboratory has doubled the space for
research into dolphins, sea turtles, whales and mana-
tees, with an expanded building dedicated on the City
Island campus.
The 19,000-square-foot building will house
research programs in marine mammals, especially the
bottlenose dolphin study begun in 1970. Two sides of
the first of three floors have floor-to-'ceiling windows
on Sarasota Bay and Mote's dolphin lagoon and its
occupants, Moonshine and Harley. A new ticketing area
is designed to welcome visitors.
Founded in 1955 by the late William Mote, the
laboratory has grown to one of the largest independent
marine research organizations in the world. It is located
at 1600 Ken Thompson Pkwy., off the south ramp of
the New Pass Bridge from Longboat Key.

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Wednesday, Nov. 8
1 to 3 p.m. Anna Maria Island Community Center Sit
'n' Knit with instructor Barbara Hines at St. Bernard Catholic
Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-
1908. Fee applies.
7:45 to 9 a.m. Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce
"Sunrise Breakfast" at the Sun House Restaurant, 100 Bridge
St., Bradenton Beach. Information: 779-9412.
10:30 a.m. Friends of the Island Branch Library book
club meet at the library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach.
Information: 778-6341.

Thursday, Nov. 9
8 p.m. Opening night of 'The Odd Couple," directed by
Preston Boyd, at the Manatee Players Riverfront Theatre, 102
Old Main St., Bradenton. Information: 748-5875. Fee applies.

Friday, Nov. 10
8:45 to 10 a.m. Anna Maria Island Community Center
Kripalu yoga class with Dolce Little at St. Bernard Catholic
Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-
1908. Fee applies.
11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Anna Maria Island Community
Center hosts Food for Life, a cooking class featuring "Immune
Boosting Foods/Healthy Weight Maintenance," at St. Bernard
Catholic Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach. Informa-
tion: 778-1908. Includes lunch.
6:15 to 10 p.m.--The Junior League Holiday Gift Market at
the Manatee County Convention and Civic Center, One Haben
Blvd., Palmetto. Information: 748-0101. Fee applies.
8 p.m. Opening night of "The Odd Couple Female
Version" at the .Manatee Players Riverfront Theatre, 102 Old
Main St., Bradenton. Information: 748-5875. Fee applies.
8 p.m. Florida West Coast Symphony "Masterworks"
concert at the Neel Performing Arts Center of Manatee Com-
munity College, 5840 26th St. W., Bradenton. Information: 953-
3434. Fee applies.

Saturday, Nov. 11
8 to 11 a.m. Pancake brunch at Roser Memorial Com-
munity Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-
0414. Fee applies.
8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Anna Maria Island Privateers Thieves
Market at Coquina Beach in Bradenton Beach. Information: 727-
8:30 a.m. Kiwanis Club meeting with guest speaker
Bob Sweat, Manatee County supervisor of elections, at
Cafe on the Beach, Manatee Public Beach, 4700 Gulf Drive,
Holmes Beach.
9 a.m. to noon -Yard sale at Roser Memorial Community
Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-0414.
9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Holiday bazaar at St. Mary Star of the
Sea Catholic Church, 4280 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key.

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Information: 383-1930.
9 a.m. to 6 p.m. -The Junior League Holiday Gift Market at
the Manatee County Convention and Civic Center, One Haben
Blvd., Palmetto. Information: 748-0101. Fee applies.
10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Family origami class at the Island
Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information:

Sunday, Nov. 1.2
10 a.m. to 5 p.m.--The Junior League Holiday Gift Market
at the Manatee County Convention and Civic Center, One
Haben Blvd., Palmetto. Information: 748-0101. Fee applies.

Monday, Nov. 13
8:30 a.m. Internet class at the Island Branch Library,
5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Registration: 778-6341.
8:45 to 10 a.m. Anna Maria Island Community Center
Kripalu yoga class with Dolce Little at St. Bernard Catholic
Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-
1908. Fee applies.
9 a.m. Anna Maria Island Community Center widowed
persons support group at St. Bernard Catholic Church, 248 S.
Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-1908.
12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Anna Maria Island Community
Center Irish "Ceili" dance class at St. Bernard Catholic Church,
248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-1908.
Fee applies.
1 to 3 p.m. Anna Maria Island Community Center
stepping-stone craft class at St. Bernard Catholic Church,
248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-1908.
Fee applies.
7 to 9 p.m. "The Way of the Heart" class at St. Bernard
Catholic Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach. Informa-
tion: 778-4769.

Tuesday, Nov. 14
8:30 to 11:30 a.m. 'The Management Course" with Ron
Hamilton at the Longboat-Lido-St. Armand Keys Chamber of
Commerce, Gulf of Mexico Drive, 6960 Longboat Key. Informa-
tion: 383-2466. Fee applies.
10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. "Happiness, New Light on Old
Truths" presented by Dr. David Mullen at the Island Branch
Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information:
Noon Anna Maria Island Rotary Club meeting with
speaker Suzi Fox of Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch at the
BeachHouse Restaurant, 200 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton Beach.
Information: 350-4326.
2 to 3 p.m. Anna Maria Island Community Center
stepping-stone craft class at St. Bernard Catholic Church,
248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-1908.
Fee applies.
5 to 7 p.m. Parent-Teacher Organization family dinner
night hosted by Ooh La La! Bistro at Anna Maria Elementary
School, 4700 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 708-
5525. Fee applies.
5:30 p.m. Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce
"Ladies Night Out" at the Sun House Restaurant, 100 Bridge
St., Bradenton Beach. Information: 3838-2466.
7 p.m. "9 to 5 Working Women's Group" of the Demo-
cratic Women's Club viewing of the film "Iraq for Sale" at Foger-

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THE ISLANDER 0 NOV. 8. 2006 0 19
tyville Cafe, 800 17th Ave. W., Bradenton. Information: 778-3444.
Bring your own dinner.
7 p.m. "Pocahontas" performed by Anna Maria Elemen-
tary School third-graders in the school auditorium, 4700 Marina
Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 708-5525.
7 to 9 p.m. Boat Smart course at the Anna Maria Island
Power Squadron, 1200 71st St. N.W., Bradenton. Information:
714-0449. Fee applies.

Wednesday, Nov. 15
Noon Anna Maria Island Garden Club presents "Holiday
Floral Design" with guest speaker Birgit Sesterhem, owner of
Island Florist, at Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine
Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-2607.
1 to 3 p.m. Anna Maria Island Community Center Sit
'n' Knit with instructor Barbara Hines at St. Bernard Catholic
Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-
1908. Fee applies.
5 to 6 p.m. Sand-sculpting clinic at the BeachHouse
Restaurant, 200 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton Beach. Informa-
tion: 795-8272.

"Latin American Art Exposition" at the Longboat Key
Center for the Arts, 6860 Longboat Drive, Longboat Key, through
Nov. 9. Information: 794-0650.
'The Odd Couple" directed by Preston Boyd at the Mana-
tee Players Riverfront Theatre, 102 Old Main St., Bradenton,
through Nov. 25. Information: 748-5875. Fee applies.
'"The Odd Couple female version" at the Manatee Play-
ers Riverfront Theatre, 102 Old Main St., Bradenton, through
Nov. 26. Information: 748-5875. Fee applies.
Sandi Nowicki art exhibit at the Artists Guild Gallery, 5413
Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, through Nov. 30.

Coming up:
Empty Bowls downtown Bradenton Nov. 16.
Anna Maria Island Community Center groundbreaking
Nov. 16.
Audubon Society meeting at First Presbyterian Church,
Bradenton, Nov. 16.
Family caregiver support group at the Island Branch
Library Nov. 17.
Sandblast Nov. 18.
"Celebrate the Arts Community" at the Longboat Key
Center for the Arts Nov. 18.
Holly Berry Bazaar at the Episcopal Church of the Annun-
ciation Nov. 18.
Audubon Society trip to Myakka State Park Nov. 18.
"Art and Attic" sale at the Artists Guild Gallery Nov. 18.
Christmas Bazaar at St. Bernard Catholic Church
Nov. 18-19.
Anna Maria Island Community Orchestra and Choir pres-
ents "Celebration of Autumn" Nov. 19.

Save the Date:
Thanksgiving dinner at Roser Memorial Community
Church Nov. 23.
Festival of Trees at the Crosley Estate' Nov. 29-Dec. 7.
Snowfest holiday celebration at Bradenton Preparatory
Academy Dec. 8.

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20 m NOV. 8, 2006 THE ISLANDER

Awards, all-stars, weekend tourney end season

By Kevin Cassidy
Islander Reporter
The Anna Maria Island Community Center's fall
soccer season held awards ceremonies on Nov. 2 at the
activity hall of St. Bernard Catholic Church. ReMax
Gulfstream Realty in Division I, Division II-champ Sun
and Autoway Ford in Division III received first-place
trophies, while all players in the instructional division
received participation awards.
The top three divisions also handed out individ-
ual awards including the newly named, Officer Pete
Lannon Goalie of the Year Award. The Center decided
to honor Holmes Beach Police Officer Lannon for all
of his work in the community and at Anna Maria Ele-
mentary School as the resource officer. Other awards
handed out include the Kenny Randall Sportsmanship
Award, the Most Outstanding Female Player Award and
the Dennis Granstad Most Valuable Player Award.
Island Family Physicians goalie Kyle Crum won
_ the Officer Pete Lannon Goalie of the Year over
finalists Daniel Janisch of LaPensee Plumbing and
Danziger keeper Peyton Phillips in Division I. The
outstanding female player came down to LaPensee
Plumbing midfielder Sarah Howard, Island Family
Physician striker Martine Miller and Danziger
Destroyer midfielder Ally Titsworth, with Titsworth
earning the award. ReMax Gulfstream teammates
Carlos Rios and Jordan Sebastiano, along with Island
Family Physicians midfielder Brandon Gengler, were
the finalists for the Dennis Granstad MVP award won
by league scoring-leader Rios.
Division II winner of the Lannon Goalie of the
Year was shared by Morgan Stanley keeper Jack
Titsworth and Surf Shop goalie Lee Bergeron. Island
Real Estate keeper Chris Pate was the other finalist for
that award. Pate took home the Kenny Randall Sports-
manship Award over Island Real Estate teammates
_ Daniel Pimental and Max Miller. Surf Shop forward
Stephanie Purnell won the outstanding female player
award over Savannah Schield of Cannons and Morgan
Stanley defender Dayle Hoffman. Morgan Stanley for-
wards Trevor Bystrom and Jacob Titsworth were final-
ists, along with league scoring-leader and winner of the
Dennis Granstad MVP, Joel Hart of the S.un.
Joey Cucci of Division III champion team Autoway
Ford won the Lannon goalie award over Air & Energy
keeper Emma Terry and Mike Norman Realty goalie
Zoe Piccirillo. And Terry captured the, Kenny Randall
Sportsmanship Award over finalists Joe Class of Mike
Norman Realty and Americo Title forward Henrik
Brusso. Mike Norman forward Lexi Moore, Kiley
Alderfer of Ooh La La! Bistro and Maddie Valadie of
SAutoway Ford were the finalists for the Most Outstand-
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Joel Hart
rips a
shot from
30 yards
as Jack
for impact
II soccer
action in

ing Female Player, which went to Moore. Autoway
Ford teammates Neil Carper and Robby Officer joined
Blaine Jenefsky of Mr. Bones BBQ as finalists for the
Dennis Granstad MVP, which went to Autoway Ford
striker Robby Officer.
The Center also announced all-star red and blue
teams for the Nov. 12 all-star games, which follow a
complete day of soccer action on Nov. 11 in the newly
organized Veterans Day Tournament starting at 9 a.m.
with games going all day long.
In addition to non-stop soccer action, everyone's
welcome to enjoy Italian Ice, hot chili and other culi-
nary delights, in addition to a car wash by the Island
Teen Club, all to help support construction of the new
community center building.
Congratulations to all of the players, coaches and

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parents on another great season of soccer.

Division I All-stars
Red Blue
Carlos Rios Zach Evans
Jordan Sebastiano Sarah Howard
Justin Garcia Daniel Janisch
Jenna Duval Joey Hutchinson
Martine Miller Kyle Aritt
Brandon Gengler Alex Burgess
Kyle Crum Matt Baver
Rainia Lardas Blake Rivers
Darren Phillips Ally Titsworth
Peyton Phillips Tommy Price

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THE ISLANDER M NOV. 8, 2006 a 21

Community Center plans groundbreaking ceremony

By Lisa Neff
Islander Reporter
The season to be jolly comes a few weeks early for
supporters of the Anna Maria Island Community Center.


Division II All-stars

Joel Hart
Adam Hart
Josh Schmidt
Connor Field
Hunter Parrish
Savanah Schield
Nick Papazian
Max Moneuse
Danny Krokroskia
Lee Bergeron

Chris Pate
Daniel Pimentel
Julian Butero
Trevor Albers
Trevor Bystrom
Mallory Kosfeld
Jacob Titsworth
Jack Titsworth
Christian Hightower
Stephanie Purnell

Division III All-stars

Neil Carper
Robby Officer
Joey Cucci
Maddy Valadie
Jake Parsons
Henrik Brusso
Austin Marrow
Lexi Moore
Morgan Greig
Joe Class

Emma Terry
Madison Driscoll
Mikey Ellsworth
Kalif Mora
Blaine Jenefsky
Keegan Murphy
Joey Salinas
Zawistoski, Josh
Purnell, Samantha
Alderfer, Kiley

Horseshoe news
Steve Doyle teamed up with Doug Yox to post the
only perfect 3-0 record'and win the Nov. 1 horseshoe com-
petition at the Anna Maria City Hall pits. Sam Samuels
"walked" his way to second place with a bevy of ringers.
Samuels was in the winner's circle on Oct. 27 when
he teamed up with Ron Vickers to defeat Ron Pepka and
George McKay 21-9 in the finals. Pepka and McKay
advanced to the finals by defeating Norm Good 21-5.
Play gets under way at 9 a.m. every Wednesday and
Saturday at the Anna Maria City Hall pits. Warmups
begin at 8:45 a.m. followed by random team selection.
There is no charge to play and everyone is welcome.

A groundbreaking ceremony planned for 8:30 a.m.
Nov. 16 will celebrate the multi-million dollar construc-
tion of a new and expanded center. And that has center
staff smiling.
"It's been a long, long process," said an ebullient
Scott Dell, assistant executive director for the center.
"We started this process back in the year 2000. So we've
had a little over six years of planning this thing out and
now it's reality. This puts a smile on my face."
"This will be a great day for all of us as we see this
long-awaited project move forward and join together
with those who helped make it a reality," Pierrette Kelly,
the center's executive director, said in a news release.
Work began around Labor Day at the Center site,
407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria.
"That's when the demolition started," Dell said.
Last week, workers started forming the foundation.
This week, the plans call for pouring concrete. By mid-

AMICC Soccer League

Veterans Day Tournament
Date Time Team vs. Team
Division I (ages 12-14)
Nov. 11 9 a.m. Physicians vs. Harry's
Nov. 11 9:30 a.m. LaPensee vs. Danziger
Nov. 11 10 a.m. ReMax vs. 9 a.m. winner
Nov. 11 .11:30 a.m. Championship

Division II (ages 10-1
Nov. 11 10:30 a.m.
Nov. 11 11:30 a.m.
Nov. 11 11 a.m.
Nov. 11 1 p.m.
Nov. 1.1 2:30 p.m.

Division Ill (ages 8-9
Nov. 11 Noon
Nov. 11 12:30 p.m.
Nov. 11 1:30 p.m.
Nov. 11 2 p.m.
Nov. 11 3 p.m.

IRE vs. Cannons
Sun vs. Cannons
M. Stanley vs. Surf Shop
10:30 winner vs. Sun

Ooh La La vs& M. Norman
Bones vs Americo
Noon winner vs. A&E
12:30 winner vs. Autoway

Instructional League (ages 6-7) Tournament
Nov. 11 11 a.m. Blue vs. Red
Nov. 11 11 a.m. White vs. Green
Nov. 11 12:30 p.m. Championship game

7-Up All-stars
Nov. 11 2:30 p.m.

All-star schedule
Nov. 12 12:30 p.m.
Nov. 12 1:30 p.m.
Nov. 12 2:30 p.m.
Nov. 12 3:30 p.m.

Blue vs. Red

Div. I Blue vs. Red
Div. 11 Blue vs. Red
Div. 11 Blue vs. Red
Coaches Blue vs. Red

November, the underground utilities should be in place,
Dell said.
Plans for the ceremony, a community-wide event,
include a formal presentation, dignitaries, shovels,
hardhats and light refreshments.
Organizers decided to hold the ceremony in mid-
November so more supporters of the construction proj-
ect could attend.
"What we did was allow some room for our North-
ern friends to get back, people who have been crucial to
this project," Dell said. "That's really the biggest reason
for the delay. It is everybody's community center."
Tamara Belle, a seasonal resident who lives nearby,
said she's pleased about the wait.
"People are just getting in and this event will be
like a homecomingg" said Belle, of Lansing, Mich. "It
means a lot to us snowbirds that they waited. We love
the community too."
Dell said some of the seasonal residents now return-
ing aren't familiar with how the Center has adapted to
operating for months without a permanent building.
"A lot of people that are coming back, we're finding
they don't know where the Center is located and if we
are doing programs," Dell said.
Center services are being coordinated from an
office trailer at St. Bernard's Catholic Church, 248 S.
Harbor Drive, until the new building opens.
The earliest the new center, projected to cost $4.1
milliofi to $4.8 million, might be complete is June 7,
said Dell. The contracted deadline is Sept. 1.
"We're hoping for somewhere in the middle, being
realistic," he said. "We'll be in the building by summer-
time next year."

Membership renewals urged
at Community Center
The Anna Maria Island Community Center is
launching a push to encourage members to renew their
memberships, and for new members to join up.
The annual fees are $20 for seniors 55 and up, $30
for those between 18 and 54, $60 for a family, said a
Center spokesperson.
The Center's programs are being carried out tem-
porarily at St. Bernard Catholic Church, 248 S. Harbor
Drive, Holmes Beach, while the Center's new facility
is constructed.
Additional information may be obtained by call-
ing 778-1908.

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22 K NOV. 8, 2006 THE ISLANDER

Gift ideas for the holidays, plus reflections

Here's a wonderful gift idea for the fisher folk in
your life as the holidays approach.
According to MacDaddy, the manufacturer, "The
Million Dollar Lure is crafted in just over 3 pounds
of glimmering gold and platinum, then encrusted with
100 carats of diamonds and rubies (4,753 stones to be
exact). This extraordinary Big Game Lure is more than
12 inches in length. The $1 million lure is designed to
catch world-class fishermen and fish alike."
Yep, you read that right. A $1 million plug.
Comments from the Web site included the
following: -
"I'm, I'm ...wow ... why? It just seems
pointless. Anyone who buys this should be N'..
whacked over the head ... several times."
"How sweet would it be to bludgeon
Paris Hilton over the head after reeling her in
with this bad boy?"
"What an obscenity. This thing could rebuild
New Orleans."
Don't shoot that gator just yet!
There are an estimated 2 million alligators in Flor-
ida. Once near extinction, the hard-skinned reptiles
have reproduced in a flurry in the past few decades, and
only limited hunting for the skins and meat is allowed
by state officials.
A more widespread "taking" of gators may be
in the offing. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conserva-
ti6n Commission officials are scheduled to discuss
a more relaxed view of alligator hunting when they
meet next month.
However, a widespread misdirection was broadcast
last week about just who can do what to gators.
"The FWC has completed a survey to measure
public attitudes about the FWC's alligator management
efforts," according to the agency. "The survey revealed
that some Floridians would like the agency to consider
reclassifying alligators from 'species of special con-
cern' to game animals, and relax prohibitions against
property owners removing nuisance gators.
"The FWC has taken no action to adopt those sug-
gestions, but will hear a staff report about them during
its Dec. 6-7 meeting at Key Largo. If FWC commis-
sioners direct staff to proceed with those suggestions,
the process likely would take several years and require
a great deal of scientific scrutiny and public input."
Alligators, especially in the spring, tend to get frisky
and have attacked people and pets near their freshwa-
ter habitats. The attacks have apparently prompted the
change in people's minds regarding the big critters.
Don't plan to open fire any time soon, though.
Can you see me now?
Add elephants to what is called an "elite group of
animals" that can recognize themselves in mirrors.
According to the journal Nature, researchers placed
an "elephant-proof, jumbo-sized mirror inside the enclo-
sure of three female Asian elephants at the Bronx Zoo in
.New York City. The team used a still camera on a roof
to observe the animals over a period of five months,
"Upon entering the yard, all three elephants ran
to inspect the mirror. The elephants, named Happy,
Maxine and Pamts. immediately in\ estimated the surface
by sniffing and touching it \ ith their trunks even



(by Holmes Beach boat basin)
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By Paul Roa'.'

attempting to climb the mirror to look behind it and.
kneeling down to look under it.
"They didn't display threatening behavior such as
trumpeting, which might have been expected if they
saw the images as intruder elephants.
"Later, the animals used the mirrors to inspect
their own bodies peering inside their mouths, for
example. At one point, Maxine used her trunk to pull
her ear close to the mirror for inspection.-
"When a white mark was placed on Happy's face,
she knew to investigate herself rather than her reflec-
tion. The concept of mirror self-recognition is defined
by animal behavior specialists by four stages: making
a social response to a reflection, examining the mirror
itself, repetitive behavior around the mirror, and self-
directed behavior.
"The elephants' behavior showed all four stages,
although only Happy passed a definitive test of the fourth
phase, called the 'mark test'. A white cross was surrep-
titiously placed on Happy's face without her noticing.
When she then looked in the mirror, her response was
to touch the mark on her own face, rather than reaching
out to inspect the mark in the reflection."
Apparently human babies "do not recognize a
mirror reflection as being themselves, but typically
learn this by the age of two." Other "critters" who have
figured out about mirrors beside humans include
chimpanzees and orangutans, as well as dolphins. The
researchers believe that only high-intelligent mammals
have the ability, and predict killer whales could also
share the trait.
On a personal note, my not-so-intelligent little dog
has found that a good %\ a to keep track of me while he's
lolling around in the bed is to \ aich me in a mirror. He
doesn't seem to see himself in the glass, though the
first and only dog I've ever had that displays that ability.
Of course, he also has bitten me more than
any other dog I've every had. I wonder what all
that means :...
Going native in Africa
Eco-folks have been touting the "back to native"
approach to growing things in Florida for years. Native,
non-exotic plantings are more hardy, more friendly
to other parts of the ecology'and generally better all
around than exotic vegetation..


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Captain Steven Salgado
Lifetime experience in local waters
Full & Half Day Trips
Custom Trips Available
U.S.C.G. Licensed
Custom-built Privateer
Fishing License, Ice, Bait & Tackle
Anna Maria Island Florida


So with that philosophy, it's not hard to understand
a new study from Africa that touts the natural plants
as a terrific source of food for the hungry.
Again from the journal Nature, scientists have
come up with a host of native vegetables that offer all
sorts of nutritious benefits to help fill the 300 million
hungry bellies in Africa.
"The most popular vegetables in Africa sweet
potato, cassava, peanut and plantain, for example
- have been imported from aboard," according to
the journal. "Such crops are suited to the climate and
help to generate money as well as feeding the local
population. But the authors argue that any
native plant with good potential ought also
to be encouraged."
in"g_^. No. 1 on the veggie hit parade is some-
thing called the moringa tree, which has been
likened as "a sort of supermarket on a trunk.
Without the benefit of any domestication, it provides
extremely nutritious leaves, pods and seeds, and a tasty
horseradish-flavored root. It also produces a fine oil for
lubricating delicate machinery or for lamps, wood, skin
salve, traditional medicines and even a means to purify
water. In the latter, the seeds are thrown into cloudy
water in place of expensive alum to settle the silt."
I wonder where we can get such a tree oh,
no, wait, we aren't supposed to like exotics in
Florida, are we?
Sandscript factoid
I've been in a Randy Wayne White re-reading
frenzy for the past few weeks, and find that his
Southwest Florida-based novels just get better with
each reading.
If you're starting to hunt for something to get that
special person for the holidays, don't forget Capt.
White. In fact, "Twelve Mile Limit" has a number of
pivotal scenes that take place in Bradenton Beach and
on Perico Island. Although the topic is one of those
which scares the bejeezus out of me being lost at
sea it's definitely a compelling read.

Boat Smart classes scheduled
November, December
The Anna Maria Island Power Squadron is
presenting two "Boat Smart" classes.
Tuesday evenings from 7 to 9 p.m., Nov. 14,
21, 28 and Dec. 5, or two Saturdays, Dec. 2 and
9, from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Boat Smart provides an overview of various
aspects of boating safety, Florida boating laws,
weather, types of boats, rules of the road, boat
handling and distress signals.
Three separate free seminars are on GPS,
Monday, Nov. 13, Knots, Monday, Nov. 27, and
Chart Smart, Monday, Nov. 30. Please call for
additional information.
Classes will be held at the Anna Maria Island
Power Squadron Building located at 1200 71st St.
N.W., Bradenton. The Boat Smart fee is $25.
To register contact Steve or JoAnn Vaughn at

THE ISLANDER 0 NOV. 8. 2006 U 23

Mack attacks off Anna Maria Island headline fishing

By Capt. Mike Heistand
Mackerel action is fast and furious off the piers and
near the beach right now, and it should only get better
in the next few weeks.
Redfish and snook are also a good bet in the back-
waters, although many of the reports coming in have
the reds running a little on the small side. Trout are
problematic but are still out there to be caught by the
diligent anglers.
Offshore fishing for grouper and snapper is excel-
lent in the Gulf of Mexico.
Bill Lowman at Island Discount Tackle at Catch-
ers Marina in Holmes Beach said mackerel are thick
off almost every pier on the Island right now. Sheeps-
head are starting to gather by the pilings and other struc-
tures in the bays and passes, and redfish are working
along the seagrass flats in the bays. Offshore fishing for
grouper and snapper remains excellent.
Capt. Thom Smith saidihe's been catching lots of
small but still keeper-size redfish, a few small snook
and some keeper-sized mangrove snapper.
At the Rod & Reel Pier, Tom said fishers are catch-
ing keeper-sized snook using shiners for bait, redfish
and black drum with shrimp on the hook and lots of
mackerel with spoons. There were also lots of sheeps-
head catches, and the catch of the week was a 9 1/2-
foot-long bull shark.
Jesus Rosario at the Anna Maria City Pier said
anglers there are catching lots of mackerel, a few
keeper-sized snook and one 38-inch linesider. Sheeps-
head are starting to hit, with tube worms working well
as bait, and there are a few mangrove snapper being
Capt. Larry McGuire of Show Me The Fish
Charters said fishing "was great this week in between
the windy days. Grouper action stole the show, with
big gag grouper up to 15 pounds and red grouper to
12 pounds. We also caught a large mangrove snapper,
along with scamp, triggerfish, Spanish mackerel and a
kingfish. The grouper were biting so good, it was hard
to fish for the kings, but they were there for us. We had
a surprise on a four-hour trip with Ross Bolton and
party from England with a nice cobia and four big gag
grouper, along with many smaller fish. Currently, we're
fishing out to 120 feet, using live pinfish and Spanish
sardines. The best action going on now is out past 30
miles in the Gulf."
Dave Johnson at Snead Island Crab House said
he's been seeing some really big snook around the dock
in the past week. Boaters are bringing back lots of-big
redfish and mangrove snapper to 16 inches in length
from near the Sunshine Skyway Bridge in Tampa Bay.
Capt. Rick Gross on Fishy Business out of Catch-
ers Marina in Holmes Beach said snook fishing for
him is red-hot right now. Whitebait is still plentiful, and
redfish are a good bet on most days. He's also finding
lots of mackerel and a few mangrove snapper.
At Skyway Bait and Tackle, reports include plenty
of mackerel hookups from the Sunshine Skyway Bridge

Snook Trout Redfish Tarpon Grouper Cobla

Capt Mark Howard UG licnsed/nsured
USCG licensed/Insured

We'd love to hear your
fish stories, and pictures
are welcome, too.
Just give usa call at
778-7978 or stop by our
office in the Island Shop- -
ping Center, Holmes Beach.

TIVe Islander

British grouper
Ross Bolton, left, and John Godden, both from England, caught these gag grouper while fishing with Capt.

Larry McGuire last week..
area, with mornings being the most productive time for
the best catches. There are cobia reports coming in, but
mostly just sightings no catches yet. Redfish are a
good bet from Miguel Bay, though, and some really big
snook were caught in the Manatee River.
Capt. Zach Zacharias on the Dee-Jay II out of
Parrot Cove Marina said he took Rick and Matt Fuchs
from Cincinnati and guests out several times last week
and caught a cornucopia of local species. "Snook and
redfish topped the list, but gag grouper, Goliath grou-
per, sheepshead, mangrove snapper, Spanish mackerel,
trout, jacks, ladyfish, flounder and bluefish all came
aboard," Capt. Zach said. "The only downside was
that the average size of all the aforementioned species
tended to be a bit on the small side. I have not seen as
many under-the-slot redfish in this area for quite some
time and it is a good indication of some great redfishing
in our area for years to come barring any disaster.
Ditto with the snook and trout. The biggies were the
Spanish mackerel, which are big and fat. The kingfish
run is on about 10 miles to the west. Hopefully, the big
kingfish will treat us to some good action close to the
beaches before Turkey Day."
Capt. Tom Chaya on the Dolphin Dreams said
he has been catching kingfish to 15 pounds, redfish and
snook in the shallower seagrass flats in the bays, and
some large Spanish mackerel in the deeper grass beds

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in Anna Maria Sound.
On my boat Magic, we've been targeting redfish,
with the biggest catch being a 28-incher. Good-sized
trout are few and far between, but we've still managed
a few on every trip. We also caught some big snook.
Good luck and good fishing.
Capt. Mike Heistand is a 20-year-plus fishing
guide. Call him at 723-1107 to provide a fishing report.
Prints and digital images of your catch are also wel-
come and may be dropped off at The Islander, 5404
Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, or e-mailed to news@
islander.org. Please include identification for persons
in the picture along with information on the catch and
a name and phone number for more information. Snap-
shots may be retrieved once they appear in the paper.

'Anno 4orin

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Charter Boat

Backwater Near Shore Up to 7 miles out in the Gulf
Snook Redfish Trout Flounder
Mackerel Snapper
Light Tackle Fishing Reservations a Must!
Tackle, bait, ice, fishing license provided!
Capt. Mike Heistand USCG Licensed




SALE: NIKI'S GIFTS, Antiques and Jewelry. All sterling
jewelry 50-80 percent off. Select antiques, dolls, porce-
lains, cups and saucers, salt and pepper sets, vintage
and costume jewelry 50-80 percent off. Sale on art, book-
cases, desks, chest of drawers, coffee and end tables,
lamps. Visit new flea market next door. Open seven days,
9:30am-5pm. 5351 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach.
burner, flat-top grill. Taking best offer starting at
$500. 941-795-1111. Leave message.

ROSER THRIFT SHOP: Giant yard sale. 9am-noon
Saturday, Nov. 11. 941-779-2733. 511 Pine Ave.,
Anna Maria.
BUDGET BOX THRIFT shop: 10am-4pm Monday-
Friday, 10am-2pm Saturday. Plus sizes, furniture, jewelry,
china, kitchenware, more. 401 42nd St.W., Bradenton.
GARAGE SALE: 9am-? Friday and Saturday, Nov.
11-12. 5601 Flotilla Drive, Holmes Beach.
GREAT SALE: 8am-1 pm Saturday, Nov.11. Decorative
items, furniture, kitchen and household accessories,
art, 14-foot Boston Whaler with trailer. 941-778-7218.
607 Ambassador on Key Royale, Holmes Beach.
YARD SALE: 9am-noon, Saturday, Nov. 11. House-
hold items, bamboo chairs, broiler ovens. 2710 Ave.
B, Holmes Beach.
GARAGE SALE: 8am-noon Saturday, Nov. 11.
Household items, furniture, clothing, some tools,
etc. 234 85th St., Holmes

LOST: GOLD, FLEXIBLE wedding ring, near Sand-
bar restaurant, off Pine Avenue beach. Reward if
found. Call 941-778-3423.
LOST DOG: MEDIUM-size, reddish brown female.
Hard of hearing, name is Shelby. Call Monica, 941-

KARATE ON THE Island: Ages four through adult.
Call 941-807-1734 or visitwww.islanddojo.cmasdi-

Kathy Geeraerts, Realtor
-, ...778-0455


ladyShrirm, ORI, 748-000ix 05:i'j7704. #533.317.
Paw 1SfAM ~ 4 !J ths wuiiderful
umiehed 36P '-evofred home dir~cilyavirrs fhrom
-iiGull bia:he~ paciui residero i:t~ih ap~ii (lis
plan fearlifiii- arlii-dral cei~ngi,laige gle-ar room.&
wriapa uunid or~~rhlS849,000 Jody Slirir, 14 86 'ifil)
or 705 5704. v'308 11
1W OM CCP= A". Oe (Inn Iuri i
--'Gulflc.1 Me~im Ouai-r 113BP conge wit, i wod floooI.-
Nwrtie rrviei rishirug~s & ter a cFeficpdin yard with
ornotipom a iol S5599,1100 Judy Shinn, 74a-63100
or 701-.5704 #c-K'49(

FRVI~o Bradenton Superbly cledi-~-
topt'juio.'IBR end unit Enlcy ai, rj ieVo
gla~ss-rulusd larois. Arneriieteinilude dgugy 0,
l ennis;4noted pool e eridspardnld dtoiffi -die
shoppig and iuoni -229,90i
ldShinri 748 6j00or 1051'704 #539934

JODY SHINN -91-.5--5704

-44& ~ aarce kler~~w~e'NTV bc ofiat n l ids.34209is91 -7F.30
N\ c US H X 1~ N D E R S C. C0 IM
1 1! ill

BAYSIDE BANQUET HALL Affordable waterfront
patio and tiki bar available for events. Bring your
own food, drinks and grill. 941-798-2035. www.bay-

sure? House in disrepair? We pay cash, any price
or condition. Close in ten days. 941-448-0963.

FOSTER PARENTS NEEDED for loving homes to
foster puppies and kittens until they are old enough
for adoption. All food and medical provided. Julie,
ADULT CATS in desperate need of loving homes.
All are current on vaccines. All applicants screened.
Please, call 941-922-0774.

SUBURBAN 2500 SERIES: 1994 very clean, out-
standing maintenance records. Heavy-duty pack-
age for trailering. Dual air conditioning, heavy duty
brakes, radiator, tranny cooler, etc. Must see to
appreciate. $6,500 or best offer. 941-730-9622.
2003 JEEP WRANGLER Freedom edition. Six-cylin-
der, automatic, 4x4.45,000 miles. Running boards.
bumper extras, engine transmission warranty, bikini,
shiny clean, $18,500 or best offer. 941-448-8971.

BOAT SLIP FOR rent in Holmes Beach. Monthly or
annually, $175/month. Call for more details. 941-

LET'S GO FISHING! Call Capt. Mike Heistand on
the charter boat "Magic." Full or half day backwater
and near shore fishing. USCG licensed. Ice, bait,
tackle provided. 941-723-1107.

NOW HIRING ALL positions. Rotten hours, rotten
pay. Apply at Rotten Ralph's Waterfront Restau-
rant, 902 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria, or call 941-

M Mike

Realty iNC
Si. 31.01 Gulf. Drive,
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the turquoise waters of the Gulf of Mexico is the
perfect little beach house. 3BR/3BA nicely updated
with tile throughout, Corian kitchen counters and
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directly to the large lanai and solar heated pool!
Just listed at $2,500,000.


941-778-0455 www.greenreal.com
9906 Gulf Drive Anna Maria

HELP WANTED: CLERICAL/administrative assistant.
Experienced in multi-tasks, good customer service
and computer skills. Great benefits. E-mail resume
and salary requirements to: t.jmix@adelphia.net
POSITION AVAILABLE FOR person with minimum
one-year experience using RNS vacation rental soft-
ware. Job consists of training and supporting customers
with our rental management software package. Some
bookkeeping experience required. Salary range based
upon experience, $29,000-plus. Send resume to apply@
rental-network.oom. No phone contact please.
EXPERIENCED COOK AND dishwashers, will train.
Full and part-time needed for small, very busy res-
taurant. Mr. Bones, 941-778-6614.
pastry chef, baker, pantry chef, line chef, servers,
bussers and catering personnel. Call 941-383-0777,
or e-mail info@harryskitchen.com.
GUEST SERVICES: BISY front desk, salon/spa.
Computer skills. 941-778-5400.
WANTED: RESORT MANAGER to help with sev-
eral Island resorts. Must be an organized, detail-ori-
ented, people person with experience in the lodging
business and computer literate. Real estate license
preferred. Fax resume to 941-778-7950. Island
Vacation Properties.
TOP ADVERTISING sales position open at The
Islander newspaper. Great territory, commissions.
Previous outside sales helpful. If you possess a will-
ingness for strong community involvement, positive
outlook and drive to succeed, fax or e-mail a letter and/
or resume to 941-778-9392, sales@islander.org.
SEEKING KITCHEN HELP and servers for fine
dining restaurant. Apply in person to Chef Damon,
Ooh La La! Bistro, 5406 Marina Drive, Holmes
SEEKING PIANO PLAYER evenings for Ooh La La!
Bistro. Music range from classical to jazz. Call Chef
Damon, 941-778-5320.

Buy building alone for $1,600,000or buy both for
$1,690,000. Confidentiality agreement required.
Longview Realty, 941-383-6112. For more great busi-
ness and realty buys: www.longviewrealty.com.

4BR/3BA See at: 500 Bay Drive South
Offered at $2,200,000


32 Years of Professional Service
PERICO BAYFRONT 3BR/2BA 1,866 sf covered parking vaulted
ceilings, turnkey furnished. $585,000.
SUNBOW BAY Direct Bayfront, 2BR/28A end unit. $449,000.
MARTINIQUE N. Direct Gulf, corner, garage/storage. Updated.
Shows beautifully. $859,000.
KEY ROYALE (analfront lot, 9,450 sf. Golf course view. $699,000.
BAYVIEW 4-5BR/4BA includes guest quarters, large master suite. $1,150,000.
IRONWOOD 1-2BR, extra storage. $139,900. Great buy!
HARBOUR VILLA CLUB 2BR/2BA turnkey, boat dock. $794,900.
LINKS PINEBROOK Golf course view, sixth floor, turnkey. $260,000.
DESOTO SQUARE VILLA 2BR/2BA, gated, pool, clubhouse. $175,000.
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THE ISLANDER 0 NOV. 8, 2006 25

4 U A D

PAW SPA: PROFITABLE pet-grooming business.
Loyal customer base in great Holmes Beach loca-
tion. $59,000. Longview Realty, 941-383-6112.
MEALS AND MORE: 50-seat restaurant with great
ambience also retails select items. Beer and wine
license. Any menu OK. $120,000. Confidentiality
agreement required for details. Longview Realty,
941-383-6112. For more great business and realty
buys: www.longviewrealty.com.

SPENCER'S SKIM SCHOOL for beginners and
intermediates. Free skimboard use with lessons. $10
per half-hour lesson, three lessons recommended.
Local teen, team competitor. Call 941-778-0944.

a full kitchen and furniture. Garden view PRESERVE. Turnkey home offers two-car
and steps to the private beach, pools, bay, garage, living/dining room, den and mainte-
and dock. Flexible rental, on-site manage- nance free yard. Plenty of time to enjoy the
ment. $470,000. pool, tennis and golf. $374,900.
Homeowners and illJay
investors take
advantage while rates B M0lvlnoJay.rler
are still lower. 941-315-0908
)New loans or -r .il,, ',l ( n
New loans or

refinance and improve
cash flows.

-^ Realty

BABYSITTER: Responsible 10th-grader, great with
kids, first-aid certified. Charlotte, 941-756 5496.
BABYSITTER, PETSITTER, dog walker: First-aid
certified, 13-year-old, eighth-grader, female, great
with kids and animals. Call Kendall, 941-779-9783.
NEED A BABYSITTER? Call Felicia, 941-761-1569.
Red Cross certified.
ENSURE YOUR CHILD'S safety while you relax.
Call Gemma, 941-447-9657. Responsible, reliable
and experienced, with a love for children. Red Cross
babysitting and first-aid certifications.
DOG WALKER, PET sitter, child sitter and odd jobs.
Tenth-grader, available after school and weekends.
Zach, 941-779-9783.

RED CROSS first-aid certified babysitter certified.
Call Alex, 941-778-5352.
GET YOUR BOAT washed without the hassle,
just give me a call. Regular scheduling available,
perfect for when you're out of town. Call Richard,
941-447 9657.
Cross certified. Experienced with kids and pets of
all ages. Many Island references! Transportation
available. Weekly and monthly rates available. Call
Hilary or Natalie. 941-778-5181.
PAYTON AND DINA'S cleaning service: We do
yard work, dog-sitting, house cleaning and we run
errands. We do not mow grass. Open 3-5pm every
day! 941-524-9350.


3BR/2BA turnkey furnished on beautiful beach. Small pets,
open plan, elevator, carport, shutters. $1,999,000.
2BR/2BA turnkey furnished, tennis, heated pool, water view, near
shopping, library and restaurants. $459,900.
3BR/4BA plus den/office. Outstanding contemporary home. Vaulted
.ceiling, fireplace, 55-foot dockage. Four-car garage. $1,695,000.
2BR/2BA open plan. Vaulted ceiling, wet bar, deck, large lot,
fenced yard, pool and hot tub. $574,500.
4BR/2BA open plan, vaulted ceiling, elevator, four-car garage.
Bamboo flooring, turnkey furnished. Near beach. $1,350,000.
3BR/1.5BA Cracker cottage plus separate studio apartment.
West of Gulf Dr. Just steps to finest beach! $875,000.
1BR/1BA corido. Great rental complex. Heated pool, close to
beach. Barbecue area, heated pool, clubhouse. $349,000.
3BR/2BA plus den, heated pool, new roof and landscaping,
dock and boadift, direct access to Intracoastal. $859,000.
3BR/2BA home. Tile, pavers, fence, room for pool, new dock,
direct access to Tampa Bay. $799,900.
3BR/2BA turnkey furnished, tennis, heated pool, beautiful
beach, on-site minai.: menr. 'excellent rental. $995,000.
4BR/2BA just steps to white-sand beach, turnkey furnished,
deck. Seller financing. $1,299,000.
1BR/1.5BA turnkey furnished, Sautillo tile, pool, beautiful
beach. Direct Gulf view, manager, excellent rental. $799,900.
3BR/2BA canalfront. Private dock. Direct access to Tampa Bay
and Intracoastal Waterway. $679,000.
SHOREWALK CONDOS 2BR/2BA turnkey from $175,000.
KEY ROYALE BAYFRONT -.3BR/2.5BA, Dock. $2,400,000.
PERIWINKLE COTTAGE 2BR, Close to Beach. $649.900.

779-0202 (800) 732-6434

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'Holmes Beach, Florida 34217 www.suncoastinc.com

THE DESOTO GRANDE 200S GULF DRIVE /10RE SAND .LESS DOLLARS Imagine owning a private, luxury
beachfront home for a fraction of the cost. Fractional ownership opportunity.

24071 JENNINGS ROAD 6+acres featuring a lovely home with spectacular views of beautiful 2,400 acre Lake
Manatee. Fully fenced and gated for privacy and horses.

t:94 1/366-8777 www.skysothebys.com
Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated.

26 M NOV. 8, 2006 U THE ISLANDER

I L A N L -S 4F I D S

KIDS FOR HIRE ads are FREE for Island youths
under 16 looking for work. Ads must be placed in
person at The Islander newspaper office, 5404
Marina Drive, Holmes Beach.

MAN WITH SHOVEL: Plantings, natives, patio gar-
dens, trimming, cleanup, edging, maintenance.
Hard-working and responsible. Excellent references.
Edward 941-778-3222.
LET US DRIVE YOU! Shopping, medical appoint-
ments, airports, cruise ports. Flat rates. Sunshine
Car Service. Serving the Islands. 941-778-5476.
puter misbehaving? Certified computer service and
private lessons. Special $40/hour. Free advice. 941 -

ISLAND PRESSURE CLEANING for great results, wash
away mildew, dirt, salt. Thorough, reasonable, reliable.
Free estimates, licensed, insured. 941-778-0944.

CONNECT-ICON Your local computer specialist.
Experienced certified technician for communica-
tion electronics offers wireless and cable networks,
upgrades, maintenance, repairs, tutoring and train-
ing. Call Robert, 941-778-3620.

ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remod-
eling, repairs, additions, screen rooms, kitchens,
baths. Free estimates. License #CGC061519,
#CCC057977, #PE0020374. Insured. Accepting
MasterCard/Visa. 941-720-0794.

ptter solutions for business and home. Installation,
repairs, upgrades, networking, Web services, wire-
less services. Richard Ardabell, network engineer,
941-778-5708, or cell 216-509-1945.

CUCCIO TILE: Marny Island references. Free esti-
mates. Licensed and insured. 941-730-2137.
lutonng in math, science and reading for elementary-
to college-level students. $35/hour. 941-524-4177.

interior carpentry, custom mirror and other inte-
rior/exterior general household repairs. Offering
quality services since 1994. Reliable. Call Colin at

HOUSECLEANING: I am experienced. Reasonable,
reliable. Serving the general Bradenton area. For
more information, call Peter at 941-753-7838.
THE ROYAL MAID Service: Licensed, bonded, insured.
Professional experienced maids, free estimates, gift
certificates available. Call now. 941-727-9337.
PIANO AND VOICE lessons by New York profes-
sional artist/teacher. By appointment. Palmetto.

office cleaning and window cleaning. Good refer-
ences, reasonable rates. Licensed and insured.
Family owned and operated. 941-812-0499.

can do with the pictures on your computer. Private
lessons or make your own group. 941-356-7303, or
e-mail snaparts@aol.com. www.snaparts.com.

CONNIE'S LANDSCAPING INC. Residential and com-
mercial. Full-service lawn maintenance, landscaping,
cleanup, hauling and more! Insured. 941-778-5294.
ISLAND LAWN SPRINKLER service and repair.
Monthly and quarterly accounts available. If it is
broken, we can fix it. Call 941-778-2581.
CLOUD 9 LANDSCAPING' Top quality lawn and land-
scape maintenance. Now accepting new accounts at
great rates. Please call 941-778-2335 or 284-1568.

GULF SHORE LANDSCAPING: Lawn'care, pressure
washing, landscaping. owner operated by Island res-
ident. Exceptional value! Licensed and insured. Call
941-726-7070. www.gulfshorelandscaping.com.

ROEHL'S LAWN MAINTENANCE: cut, edge, trim.
Pool care as well. Call Pat,. 813-748-3202.

SHELL DELIVERED and spread. $42/yard. Hauling:
all kinds of gravel, mulch, top soil with free esti-
mates. Call Larry at 941-795-7775, "shell phone"

KARAZ LANDSCAPE Lawn Service. Mulch, clean-
ups, power washing, tree trimming and more. City
of Anna Maria resident. Cell 941-448-3857.

installation. Tropical landscape specialist. Residential
and commercial. 30-years experience. 941-729-9381.

ups, installations, native plants, palms, aquascapes,
rock and patios. Shell installed $42/yard. Shark
Mark 941-727-5066.
CLOUD 9 LANDSCAPING: Landscape installation,
mulching and shelling. Tree, plant and sod installa-
tion. Insured and references. Please, call 941-778-
2335 or 941-284-1568.

VAN-GO PAINTING residential/commercial, inte-
rior/exterior, pressure cleaning, wallpaper. Island
references. Bill, 941-795-5100.
contractors. In-house plan designs. State licensed
and insured. Many Island references. 941-778-2993.
License #CRC 035261.
mates. 35-year Island resident. Call Jim Bickal at
CHRISTIE'S PLUMBING Island and off-Island ser-
vice since 1975. Repairs and new construction. Free
estimates, no overtime charges. Now certifying back
flow at water meters. FL#RF0038118-941-778-3924
or 778-4461.

TILE -TILE -TILE. All variations of ceramic tile supplied
and installed. Quality workmanship, prompt, reliable,
many Island references. Call Neil, 941-726-3077.

ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remod-
eling, repairs, additions, screen rooms, kitchens,
baths. Free estimates. License #CGC061519,
#CCC057977, #PE0020374. Insured. Accepting
MasterCard/Visa. 941-720-0794.

All phases of carpentry, repairs and painting. Thirty
years experience. Insured. Meticulous, clean, sober
and prompt. Paul Beauregard, 941-779-2294.

KEN &TINA DBA Griffin's Home Improvements Inc.
Handyman, fine woodwork, countertops, cabinets
and shutters. Insured and licensed, 941-748-4711.

TILE, CARPET, LAMINATE supplied and installed.
Why pay retail? Island resident, many references.
Free estimates, prompt service. Steve Allen Floor
Coverings. 941-792-1367, or 726-1802.

FIND GREAT DEALS on wheels and everything
else in The Islander, 778-7978.

9 F'anorr.ari: i,'..s .,t Sk,[,Sk a ,brdIqe rnd
Sl Tamipa b3 ..'.'.h 155-toot .-.' all. heeaie-d p,:.,:.l
S ar deep,.'. a[er d:c':k viLlhi bc.ar lIt. EK; ,'B .
4i .. ... '(J' 3,000 ;t ': r, ris i,, ir, Fpn. a 3i ,i ln .
Enrtirel,. updatrj,: Largq rnas[er suit- added
and kitchen is top th- irre ,rc
short v.alk t.. : le Culf l r -*.:. r,. apF:eci-
ate."Lols ot extras $2,_395,.000. Virtual tour ia
w w\v tlrealltour ):,n!0'08-6236 'realtc.r.
Call john Zirzow, Agent/Owner
(941) 778-9171 Markey Realty

Countrywide Home Loans is close by and ready
to help you get the home of your dreams.
I Competitive races.
B Local experts with the power to say "YES" to
your home loan.
1 Up-front approval* at the time of application.
As little as no-to-low down payment options-
available to make qualifying easier.
l SLoan amounts to $6 million.
I fConstruction financing available.

Home Loan Consultant
401 Manatee Ave.W. Holmes Beach
pam.voorhees@ countrywide.corn
(941) 586-8079
IE,... H,.:.. r: l'N,':. .'" ;: ,,' '. H,,: I..: I W T 0 L ,...1.. ..., ,' r : ,',:,' ;T'OFCouN-
*i.:~,. .~ ,-,- ,-.,, ,F ,,Ir : .. -:.. 'I.: .. ,, ,', .:. ,, ,: ,,, :'.., .SUBJECT

GULFVIEW CONDO 2BR/2BA full Gulf view condo, second floor,
corner unit. Offered at $825,000. Call Michel Cerene, Broker-
Associate, 941-545-9591 evenings..
FRESH PRICE!! Bringthewholefamily. 2,920 sf3BR/3BAcanalfront,
caged pool home can expand to five bedrooms. Enjoy the master
suite getaway equipped with its own kitchenette. Meticulously
maintained. $974,900. Call Lori Guerin, Realtor, 941-773-3415 or
Carmen Pedota, Realtor, 941-284-2598 evenings.
SINGLE FAMILY Centrally located, one block to beach. 2BR/2BA
spacious home on corner lot. $635,000. Call Joy Murphy, Realtor,
941-730-2820 evenings.
waterfront condo with amazing view. Glass lanai, breakfast
bar. Owner motivated. $499,900. Call Carlene Weise, Realtor,-
941-224-6521 evenings.
WEST BRADENTON REDUCED Well-maintained, updated 3BR/2BA
home on spacious lot. Wood flooring in living area. Roof replaced
2003. New air conditioning. Excellent starter or retirement
home. A pleasure to show. $245,900. Call Zee Catanese, Realtor
941-742-0148 evenings.


5910 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217
Call (941) 778-0777 or Rentals 778-0770
1-800-741-3772 info@smithrealtors.com
Web site: www.smithrealtors.com

Beach. 1301 N. Bay L66iha foer the perfect
,; Drive. Dired bayfronl, t ?
2BR/2BA, 1,079 sf, nicely rte furthr
furnished. S489,900. The .lander.

An Island Place Realty
Sue Carlson
BAY AND CANAL! Completely
redone inside and out and
ready to move into! Hardwood
floors, open floor plan, granite
ki4 hen and baths, large deck
overlooking canalside. Must
see! $785,000.

For Expert Advice On Island Property J


'r .

THE ISLANDER U NOV. 8, 2006 27


JERRY'S HOME REPAIR: Carpentry work, handyman,
light plumbing, electrical, light hauling, pressure washing
and tree trimming. Call 941-778-6170 or 447-2198.
WINDOW SHADES, BLINDS, shutters and more.
Lifetime warranty. Call Keith Barnett for a free in-
home consultation. Island references, 15 years
experience. 941-778-3526 or 730-0516.
HANDYMAN SERVICE: Winton's Home-Buddy Inc.
Retired banker, Island resident, converting life-long hobby
to business. Call 941-705-0275 for free estimates.
IMPACT WINDOWS AND doors. Exclusive dis-
tributor: Weatherside LLC on Holmes Beach. Free,
courteous estimates. Jeld-wen Windows and Doors.
Lic.# CBC1253145. 941-730-5045.

- --^^ ^^^-"- -- gl

419 Pine Ave., Anna Maria FL 34216 PO Box 2150
(941) 778-2291 EVENINGS 778-2632
FAX (941) 778-2294 www.betsyhills.com
". This inviting
retreat offers
panoramic views
S.a- ,.. cross tranquil
*' '' '... ..' Lake La Vista
of Tampa Bay.
Other amenities
include a hidden
boat dock,
secluded swim-
ming pool and
Sspa. Priced at
S $1,289,500.

THIRTY-SIXYEARS craftsman experience. Interior,
exterior, doors, stairs, windows, trim. Pressure wash.
Driveway paint. Dan Michael, master carpenter. Call

TUB AND TILE refinishing: A division of D.J. Murphy
Painting Inc. Save up to 80 percent over traditional
remodeling costs. Call us with your kitchen and
bath needs. Don't buy new redo! 941-751-1245.
Licensed, certified and insured.

ture, paint, tile, wall and ceiling repairs, Fred Wein-
gartner, 941-586-3656.

LICENSED AND INSURED building contractor
ready to help you renovate all aspects of your exist-
ing home, add extensions or build a new home on
your lot. We only do high quality work and are very
prompt with our customers. Call Daniel DeBaun at
HOME REPAIRS AND improvements: General
repairs and quality renovation, including carpentry,
drywall, tile, paint, even landscaping. Please call
Chris, 941-266-7500.
NEW DOOR SHOP now open. Steel, fiberglass, fire-
rated, commercial, residential, thousands of glass
options. All code-approved, impact available. Retail,
wholesale. Metro Door Shop, 941-758-5828.

BONUS! CLASSIFIEDS ADS are posted early S i i i r.
online at www.islander.org. SELL t fast wth an ad n The Islander.

Simply the Best

KEY ROYALE Lowest price on Key. Beautifully fur-
nished 2BR/2BA, overlooks boat basin and down canal
with boat slip. Tastefully landscaped. View of Bay:

VILLAf A klith on ertuI li.e.' u)'n the carial INoem
dock, new deck. Only $399,000.

M ike 0 800-367-1617

Ofrecemos servicio de ventas en espan6l

28 0 NOV. 8, 2006 0 THE ISLANDER

Sandy's Lawn Service Inc.
Sandy's Established in 1983
Lawn Celebrating 23 Years of
Law" Quality & Dependable Service.
SCall us for your landscape
778-1345 and hardscape needs.
Licensed & Insured

Paradise Improvements 778-4173
Kitchen and Bath Remodeling Specialist
,:e Replacement Doors and Windows
;" 'i i Steven Kaluza Andrew Chennault
Fully Licensed and Insured Island References

Office: (941) 778-2246* (941) 792- 8628 / J, i"
E-mail: haroldsmall@wagnerrealty.com Y. '

CRC016172 94 1 -750-9300

Removal of all types of trash, debris and junk.
720-221 7

Curtis Clark & Assoc. Inc. Vinyl Siding & Aluminum Specialists
Vinyl Siding Soffit Custom Break Work
i Corrugated \ (941) 713-SIDET'r 1
EjJ Storm Panels (941) 713-74331
inAcrylic 7Js --
Vinyl Room (941)776-9403 .
S Conversions StateLicSC-CO r -
State UJ # SC C .


The Paver Brick Store
8208 Cortez Road W. Bradenton 34210 (941) 794-6504
9:00 AM til Noon, or by Appointment
Pool Deck, Patio and Driveway Renovations
Design Build

Junior's Landscape & Maintenance
Lawn care PLUS native plants. ,.' .
mulch, trip, hauling and cleanup.-'..-
Call Junior, 807-1015 -j

New Construction Charlie Woehle
Remodels 41-761.3363

P.O. BOX 14070, BRADENTON, FL 34280-4070


Yot-plcp ce,
yow co ertieu uce

Massage by Nadia


E&N PAINTING: INTERIOR, exterior. Island references.
Quality paint. Call for free estimates. Schedule soon,
season is coming! 941-756-9595 or 941-518-3054.

ISLAND HOME REMODEL Inc.: Kitchen, bath, deck
and complete home remodeling. Call 941-795-1968.
E-mail: islandhomeremodel @ hotmail.com.
ens, bathrooms, tile work, decks, sheetrock, paint-
ing and more. Reliable work start-to-finish. What
does your home need? Free estimates. Call Thomas
P. Lass, 941-782-7313.
remodeling. Handyman services, all jobs welcome.
26 years experience. 941-915-5796.

RENTALS available weekly, monthly, seasonal. Wede-
brock Real Estate Co., 941-778-6665 or 800-749-6665.

SEASONAL RENTAL: Holmes Beach, 4BR two master
suites-/3BA, house on canal. Two minutes to beach.
Heated pool, dock, cable TV, washer/dryer, garage,
designer furnished with tropical yard setting. One of the
finest rentals on Island. $1,600/weekly. Call 941-713-
0034 or e-mail: beachdreams@tampabay.rr.conT.
with breathtaking views. Pools, Jacuzzi, walk to shops
and restaurants. Available weekly, monthly, seasonal.
901-301-8299 or e-mail captko462@aol.com.
WEEKLY RENTALS: Alecassandra villa, 1BR/1BA,
$700/week; Island duplex, 2BR, $800/week; Gulffront
cottage, 2BR, $1,000/week; Bradenton Beach Club,
2BR/2BA, $1,400/week. Please call Kim Fisher, Wagner
Realty, 941-778-2246. www.wagnerrealty.com.
suite with full kitchen, fully furnished, one block from
Bridge Street, three minute walk to beach. Sleeps
four only. No pets. Now taking reservations for
summer. Available weekly, monthly or seasonal. 941-
776-3696, or e-mail bjustin628@tampabay.rr.com.
2BR/2BA waterfront, unfurnished. Includes water,
sewer, cable. Old Florida Realty, 941-778-3377 or
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, townhouse: 2BR/2BA with
balcony and view of mountains. Weekly or monthly
rental. Call Paige at 941-798-3448.

WEEKLY/MONTHLY/ANNUAL rentals: wide vari-
ety, changes daily. SunCoast Real Estate, 941-779-
0202, or 1-800-732-6434. www.suncoastinc.com.

ANNUAL: ISLAND HOME 2BR/1 BA with garage and
fenced yard. Newly remodeled. $1,000/month plus
utilities. Small pet OK. 941-795-8979. Credit check.
pletely remodeled, furnished, washer and dryer.
$1,000/month plus utilities. 941-778-1819. 2906
Ave. B, Holmes Beach.
ANNUAL RENTAL: ALL remodeled townhouse, 200
steps to beach. Tile floors, granite counters. Washer
and dryer, patio, private backyard. $1,250/month.
1-4BR DIRECT BEACHFRONT, gorgeous views,
designer furnished, cable, DVD/VCR, dishwasher,
phone, quaint village. $975-$2,375/week9 941-713-
0034 or beachdreams@tampabay.rr.com.

HOLMES BEACH: POOL furnished 2BR/2BA. Oct.-
Dec. 31 .Dishwasher, washer and dryer, tile through-
out, cable TV, pool. 1.5 blocks to beach. $1,400/
month or $950/month plus utilities. 941-778-3104.

WATERFRONT: DOCK WITH davits. Short walk to
beach, washer and dryer, carport, storage. Quiet loca-
tion. $1,000/month. 727-784-3679. Bradenton Beach.

washer and dryer, utilities included. One block to
Gulf. $700/week, $1,500/month. 941-721-6090.
lar views! Gated, pool, covered parking, security,
fitness center. $1,050/month annual. Call Maria,
ANNA MARIA ISLAND Club rental available for
December 2006, January and February 2007.
Totally remodeled unit, nonsmoking. Two-week
minimum. 813-781-7562.
CHECK US OUT AT www.islander.org !

STEPS TO BEACH: Seasonal 2BR/2BA ground-
level home in quiet Holmes Beach. Nonsmoking,
no pets. 813-961-6992.

Bay. Move in for security deposit and half rent. Rent
includes all utilities except electric. Studio $680/
month, move in for $1,020. 1 BR/1BA $720/month,
move in for $1,080.2BR/1 BA $950/month, move in
for $1,425. Call Jerry, 9am-6pm at 941-448-8100.

HERON'S WATCH: 3BR/2BA two-car garage, like
new. Ten minutes to beach. Near shops and medi-
cal. Available Dec. 15. $1,400/month. 941-773-6581
or 941-794-9921.
completely remodeled. 150 steps to beach on 52nd
Street. Available Dec. 1, 2006.330-758-3857.
ANNUAL OR MONTH-to-month: 4BR Island family
home in quiet residential area. Bayfront with direct
water view. Perfect for family with children. Extra large
balcony, covered parking, laundry room with washer
and dryer. Park setting, two blocks to Gulf beaches.
Fully furnished. $2,500/month annual, $3,200 month-
to-month. Pets considered. Call 941-704-2993.
$2,000/month. Weekly starting at $625/week. Fran
Maxon Real Estate, 941-778-2307. www.franmax-
ANNUAL 2BR/1 BA: AIR conditioning, washer and
dryer, water, large pool, cable. Parking only 200 steps to
beach. First and deposit. $950/month. 941-779-1586.

HOUSE FOR RENT: Holmes Beach canalfront,
caged pool, 3BR/3BA on large fenced lot. Pets
OK, six-month lease then month-to-month. $1500/
month. 941-538-9328.

PARADISE IN COMFORT at Palm Breeze rentals
in Holmes Beach. Two beautifully furnished units in
a Key West-style home on a large corner lot. Each
unit has 3BR/2BA, washer, dryer and fully equipped
kitchen. Heated pool, bikes, grill, etc. Just bring your
clothes and a toothbrush and enjoy. www.apalm-
breeze.com. 941-730-5126.
HOLMES BEACH: 2BR/1 BA house. One and a half
blocks from beach. $1,050/month. 949-813-4900.
home. 4BR/3BA on best beach and quiet street in
Anna Maria. 941-794-8202.
PALMA SOLA BAY views: 3BR/3BA penthouse, fur-
nished condo, two miles to beach, large boat slip,
pool, tennis, Jacuzzi. $2,050/month, year lease.
starting at $695/month. Fran Maxon Real Estate,
941-778-2307. www.franmaxonrealestate.com.
Beach. 2BR/2BA, boat dock, pool, fully loaded!
$3,900/month. 931-267-5004...-
ANNUAL HOLMES BEACH: Glimpse of Gulf from
large balcony, steps to beach, updated 2BR/2BA, living
room, dining room, eat-in kitchen with granite counters.
All new appliances, large garage, office with separate
entrance and access to patio. 941-545-6118.
room, dishwasher. Washer and dryer, carport. $1,000/
month. 2BR/1BA washer and dryer, carport, $900/
month. Dolores M. Baker Realty, 941-778-7500.


TIHE ISLANDER U NOV. 8. 2006 2 29

4 9 4.. A SS f .E DS

HOLMES BEACH: 1 BR/1BA apartment. 750 sf, 100
feet from bay. Includes water and trash. $800/month.
ANNUAL 3BR/2BA: TROPICAL duplex, one block to
beach, washer and dryer, some utilities included. No
Smoking or pets. $1,100/month and $700 deposit.
941-798-9765. Responsible persons only.
ANNUAL 3BR/3BA TWO-car garage. Tropical Cortez
waterfront home. Boatlift/dock, washer and dryer. No
smoking or pets. Two miles to beach. $1,400month.
$800 deposit. 941-798-9765. Responsible persons.
renovated condo. Pool, tennis, elevator. Available
December. $3,200/month. 301-873-5444 or 410-
257-2214, no voice mail.
condo located south of Bridge Street. The unit has an
upstairs and downstairs living area with underneath
parking. Furnished or unfurnished. Call 813-245-0428.
ANNUAL: CORTEZ 1 BR, storage, carport, boat ramp
nearby. $640/month. 941-778-2710 after 10 am.

LIFE'S A BEACH: 2BR/2BA elevated Holmes Beach
duplex, close to everything. Clean and quiet. $1,100/
month or $1,200/month with garage. 941-704-8591.

Maria. Elevated 3BR/2BA. Available now through
April. One block to beach. 813- 251-9201.
FOR RENT: 2BR/2BA balcony, Gulf view. $950/
month, $900 deposit, $50 application fee. 2411
Ave. C., Bradenton Beach. Efficiency, $750/month
includes utilities. $700 deposit, $50 application
fee. 112, 52nd St., No.1, Holmes Beach. Season-
ally, 1BR Gulf view, cute and clean, $900/week or
$2,400/month. Call 941-746-8666.
screened porch on canal. $1,100/month. 941-778-
7293. St. Jude St. North.

2BR/1 BA condo, second floor, completely furnished,
pool, bay and Gulf views. Three-month minimum
rental. 708-562-1601.

VACATION RENTALS: 2BR apartments across
from beautiful beach. $400-$550/week. Winter and
spring dates available. Almost Beach Apartments.
CORTEZ COTTAGE: QUIET area. Fully fur-
nished, walk to water. Two people only, no smok-
ers. $1,700/month includes utilities. 941-794-5980.

YOUR WATERFRONT OASIS awaits! Exquisitely
furnished 2BR/2BA in Bradenton on Manatee River.
Swimming pool, covered parking, fitness center, riv-:
erfront walking paths. Annual rental $1,200/month.
Utilities included. Seasonal rental $750/week or
$2,500/month. Phone 830-596-0678, or e-mail

DIRECT ON THE BEACH: 2BR condo, elevator,
washer and dryer, heated pool. Available Jan. 1
through March 15. $750/week. 941-778-3231.

rental. 1BR/1BA duplex, $750/month with many
extras. Garage, washer, dryer, icemaker, disposal.
Water and garbage paid. Walk to beach. Credit
check. 941-778-2214.
2BR/1 BA SPACIOUS DUPLEX for mature, respon-
sible woman. $100/week plus half utilities. Short dis-
tance from Island. 941-538-3751.
utility room, cable TV, newly tiled, carport, near
beach. $2,100/month. 941-761-3308.
SEASONAL OR WEEKLY cottage-style rentals.
1 BR/1 BA or 2BR/1 BA with pool. Walk to beach,
shopping, restaurants. 941-778-3426. Web site

with great views of Tampa Bay. Canalfront, walk-
ing distance to beach and restaurants. $739,000.
FOR SALE BY owner: Best value on the Island!
2BR/ 2BA, one-car garage, gourmet kitchen, new
windows, updated baths and more. Two blocks from
beach. $615,000. 941-778-8677. 406 Bay Palms
Drive, Holmes Beach.
3BR/2BA: One bedroom used as a den/office/
playroom, enclosed lanai, tiled with carpeted bed-
rooms. 1,400 sf, county water/sewer, citrus trees,
near Brentwood school in Sarasota. Reduced to
$274,900. 941-379-4196 or 941-954-7474.
C P R: 941-794.1515. Sales, rentals, property man-
agement. Coastal Properties Realty. www.coastal-

open plan, new kitchen. Totally upgraded. Dock,
three davits. Owner motivated. Not a drive-by, must
see inside! By owner. Call Herb Dolan, 941-705-
4454.404 21st Place. Bradenton Beach.

LOT FOR SALE: One block to Gulf. 50x100 feet,
cleared. $539,000. 215 71st St., Holmes Beach.
(941) 778-4036.
Brand new furnished, bay windows with water view.
Hurricane Force-3 manufactured home. One mile
from Anna Maria Island and one block from Intra-
coastal Waterway with new marina and boat ramp.
Land owned. Home owner's association optional.
$159,900. 941-224-6521.
tifully updated and maintained, new roof, turnkey fur-
nished. Beach access just steps away, bay views, boat
dock, ample parking, great income rental. Room for a
pool. Convenient to restaurants and shopping. $875,0.00.
111 8th St. S., Bradenton Beach. Bridget Spies, ReMax
Properties, 941-308-6763. MSL# 313022.

WEST BRADENTON: OPEN noon-4pm Sunday.
Six months condo fees paid! Free-standing, pri-
vate three-bedroom upgraded condo with two-car
garage, new lanai. Call for details, 941-792-0763.
$309,900.5605 Whipporwill Ct. off 59th Street West,

r- ----- -----------------------------------

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30 M NOV. 8, 2006 T THE ISLANDER


OPEN HOUSE: 1-4pm Sunday: New home, 3,746 sf
3-4BR/3BA, granite/cherry kitchen, three screened
verandas. $829,000. Horizon Realty, 941-725-7000.
303 58th St., Holmes Beach.
UPDATED 3BR/2BA: 1,560 sf, tastefully furnished
and decorated, sold turnkey. For sale by owner.
Buyer's agents, 3 percent. $599,900 Appointments
only. 813-818-8314. 8104 Marina Drive, Holmes
Beach. www.bohnenberger.homesindeed.com.
HOLMES BEACH AREA: charming canalfront home,
newly renovated, 3BR/2BA. Granite kitchen. 1.5
miles to beach. Sale, $599,000, rent $1,600/month,
or lease with purchase option. 614-207-7878.
FOR SALE: ALL new beach house. 1 BR/1.BA, fully
furnished, all appliances. Sandpiper resort #521.
55-plus community on the Intracoastal across the
street from the beach. $175,000. You can't get on
the Island for less than this! 317-873-3307.
TRIPLEX FOR SALE: Just steps to the Gulf of
Mexico! This triplex is on beautiful Anna Maria Island,
Fla. Currently a rental property with a yearly income
of $34,800. Rent out two units and live in the other.
Rent annual or seasonal. Walking distance to shop-
ping, restaurants and trolley stop. Asking $599,000.
Easy to rent or create your own Island hideaway!
Call 646-842-0096 for more information.
SWEEPING WATER VIEWS from large 2BR/2BA condo
with deeded 35-foot deep-water dock and carport. Must
sacrifice or foreclose. $499,000. 941-807-5449.
50-by-110-FOOT LOT in Anna Maria. Owner will
finance. No streets to cross to the beach! $480,000.
813-837-6224. 117 Willow Ave.
WESTBAY .POINT & MOORING: Lower, corner,
condo unit with fantastic view of Tampa Bay and Sun-
shine Skyway Bridge. Beautiful island kitchen, turnkey
furnished. Must see. $610,000. Call 401-497-6327.
BY OWNER, PURCHASE or lease: Manatee river-,
front condo, 2BR/2BA, beautiful views, pool, gated,
covered parking, fitness. $325,000 or $1,050/month.
DUPLEX ON LARGE lot, 90x108 feet. Second lot
east of Gulf Drive in north Holmes Beach resort
area. Annual tenants in place, includes well-known
Island architect's plans for complete remodel.
$885,000 941-704-7729.

CONDO FOR SALE: Beautiful water view. Immedi-
ate occupancy. Turnkey, only bring your toothbrush.
Condo in pristine condition. Sale by owner,.seller
will carry mortgage to qualified buyers. Low down,.
payment, low fixed interest rate. Huge price reduc-
tion. Phone 315-733-0851.

WATERFRONT: 65A Cortez Park, Avenue D. 941 -

LUefsf //s Pfieal Gfa te, L ..
419 Pine Ave. PO Box 2150 Anna Maria FL 34216

IHome: 941-778-1820
Cell: 941-713-5321

I2BR 2BA anal home with salt
water pool, north end. Two boat
docks. $849.000

BAYFRONT: 4BR/3BA JUST renovated. Two miles
to Longboat Pass. Stop by and get information. 500
Bay Drive S., Bradenton Beach. 941-778-0300.

2BR/2BA condo with private pool, $325,000. Fur-
nished 2BR/2BA condo on Palma Sola Bay inlet
with boat dock, $349,900. Offering $2,500 buyer's
rebate. 863-852-3391. Owner/agent.
NEW LAKEFRONT CONDOS: Low $300s. Minutes
to beach, no flood, evacuation zone. Hidden Lake
Real Estate, 941-761-0444. www.HiddenLakeCon-
BRADENTON BEACH BY owner: 2BR/2BA end unit
with full Gulf views- Kitchen has stainless-steel appli-
ances, granite counters, nice turnkey furnished. Two
large balconies. Amenities include boat docks, tennis
court, pool with spa. $649,000. 941-388-5238.
ISLAND CANAL LOT: 75x100 feet, new dock, priced to
sell quickly. Below market and appraised value, $550,000.
Call Jake, 941-544-7786.108 Gull Drive, Anna Maria.

Great rental. Only $10,000 and $200/month with
owner financing. Sandpiper Resort, Bradenton
Beach. 941-448-0963.

BRADENTON BEACH: 2BR/2BA elevated with
covered parking. View of bay from large covered
porch. Only two blocks to Gulf, great neighborhood.
$350,000. 941-778-3875.
BEAUTIFUL PERICO ISLAND patio pool home. $363,000.
2BR/2BA with den, fireplace, waterfall, spa seat, pool,
garden tub in master bath, two-car garage, many extras!,
$0 down, 100 percent financing. 11006. Peach Point
Court, Bradenton FL 34209.941-794-1491.
FOR SALE: 1 BR/1 BA beachfront Martinique condo.
Newly renovated. Pool, tennis, elevator. High-impact
glass. $685,000. 301-873-5444 or 410-257-2214,
no voice mail.
SINGLE-WIDE TRAILER: 50-foot 2BR/1 BA. Newly
remodeled. $15,500. 55-plus park. Royal Gardens
Estates. 6904 Cortez Rd., W. 941-447-611.3.
DOUBLE-WIDE ON waterway. Carport, 2BR,
tile, furnished. New central air conditioning. No
pets. 55-plus. 941 -794-5037. Cortez trailer park,
B Street, #17 .
"BY OWNER: 2BR/1.5BA c6ndo. Bath and kitchen
need update. $399,999. 863-412-2612. 5400 Gulf
Dnive, Holmes Beach.
BY OWNER: TWO canal homes, prices reduced.
Two Gulffront condos completely rebuilt. Walk
down one flight of stairs to pristine beach and
sparkling aqua water. Must see to believe. Call

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MURPHY, N.C.: AFFORDABLE homes in the moun-
tains. Affordable homes, mountain cabins and land.
Call for free brochure, 877-837-2288. Exit Realty
Mountain View Properties. www.exitmurphy.com.
GULFFRONT LOTS: $595,000. Homes starting mid-
$300s. New master-planned oceanfront community
on beautiful Mustang Island, near Corpus Christi,
Texas. www.cinnamonshore.com, 866-891-5163.
BEAUTIFUL BLUE RIDGE, N.C.: Mountain views. 8-
plus-acre mountain estate. Heavily wooded with stream.
E-Z financing, $49,900. 800-230-6380, ext.120.
wooded lakefront lot, $66,500. 5.1-acre wooded-
view lot, $28,900 Call Lakeside Realty at 423-626-
5820, or visit www.lakesiderealty-tn.com.
VIEW WESTERN NORTH Carolina, north Georgia,
eastern Tennessee real estate. Excellent retirement
area. Very affordable homes, cabins, land. Low taxes.
Good paying jobs available. www.mtlakesreguide.com.
NORTH CAROLINA GATED lakefront community.
Pleasantly mild climate. 1.5 acres, 90 miles of shoreline.
Never offered before with 20 percent pre-development
discounts, 90 percent financing. Call 800-709-5253.
WYOMING RANCH DISPERSAL: 35 acres, $49,900;
50 acres, $59,900. Snow-capped mountain views.
Surrounded by government land. Abundant wildlife.
Recreational paradise. Low taxes. E-Z terms. Call
Utah Ranches LLC. 888-541-5263.
the beautiful peaceful mountains of western North Car-
olina homes, cabins, acreage and investments. Chero-
kee Mountain GMAC Real Estate. cherokeemountain-
realty.com. Call for free brochure, 800-841-5868.
GEORGIA/FLORIDA: Pre-construction grand open-
ing. 20 acres $99.900. Pay no closing costs. Terrific
opportunity to own 20 acres in Georgia. Coastal
region. New survey, subdivision potential, excellent
financing at the unbelievable price of $99.900. Call
now! 800-898-4409, ext. 1002. CLP-GA Land Ser-
vices LLC. Licensed real estate broker.
VIRGINIA MOUNTAIN LOG cabin unfinished
inside, view, trees, private, large creek and river
nearby, $139,500. Owner, 866-789-8535.
COASTAL GEORGIA: NEW, pre-construction golf
community. Large lots.and condos with deepwater,
marsh, golf, nature views. Gated, golf, fitness center,
tennis, trails, docks. $70s-$300,000. 87.7-266-7376.
" vww;cooperspoint.com.
12 ACRES: LAKEFRONT, $99,900.239 feet.of US Corp
frontage on beautiful lake in Tennessee. Direct lake-access
lois from $12,900! Call 866-950-5263, ext. 1791.
23-PLU.S ACRES: Lake access. $124,900. Direct
access to beautiful lake in Tennessee with beau-
tiful mountain views! Other lake access lots from
$12,900 available! Call 866-950-5263, ext. 1792.

S Choice Gulffront properties for sale. We have
several on pristine natural beach in quiet residential
neighborhood. Call today for further details.

'liv e ,"0--7: "

SWe ARE the Island!"
SINCE 1957
: a.-: Fr.-.i.. L. L R.:al EL lem Broker
941 778-2259 Fa.\ 941 778-2250?
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-\ 'gulf (Bay .,a ofAtnna Mtaria, Inc.
la sse.Brisson- rokArssociate, gaJ
\" 1 (941) 713 -44755. (800)7716043
149 CRESCENT Great
floor plan. nev& % windows ,
kitchen was redone recently,
pritAate back )ard %ith many
fruit trees and room for a
pool. Just a short %,k to the
bay or beach! Can join HOA
for dockage. $ 569.A()0

cash flow as a seasonal
rental, this condo offers it
all Heated pool. storage,
two covered parking
spots, wvasher dryer,
and a new water heater.
Turnkey furnished for your
convenience. $ 339.9)0.
Caa e tol.arabout ttbe56.st 6uysondteIsfad"


THE ISLANDER 0 NOV. 8. 2006 M 31




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'%9r-,verlieds10f die
,34BP>'4.5BAar~dtamily room iovrnn
Dmt?, recently eirrr.road
ih lop of ihe, lriteteaiur,:; hl-rough '
A. Private Lu~ach, baycitPId& Vi
id Spa C,:'r'n'noily ddrei---ri.rxkn
inager. Covert.d parhri tor lowr
isDave Movrihari.941 77*224

1T .eeek,
Enjoy this. luurnou pr:ivale
erclavP ilh the IirneleSS Iropical
selling IhMajl is Annae Maria I land
Each residence has an elevator,
privale pool and summer kitchen
tool Gina and Peler LUhano'
The Royal leam,. 941-761 3100
MLSS#533139. $1.249.000.

SNEADISLAND HOME 3.ABRQ Gmgorc.bay V CASADEL MARE! New Ic-* rrime. 350 Itutlro
vevWith 0f nT r m a.Prxmcm, beach, parrdaIGull view, upgrades, eIv~air, IWO
lrumviujrde.l ,ruldoklltacce:to~ult, grani batcciriii.-sPool ciplional C*.ilyrpljoe Cordrej
ilecourljrnrtrrcpweodllr.-r& u elc.lay Heagertyor Brendan 941-776.3,00) MLS#533262 iA4a 0100
Ricr~ilr 941-7217-26. IML-rA5,24084fIr,LQ5.,00O

3BR12.5BACONTEMPORAR Y HOME aterid oquiel
CUide-saclarge 101wilt 169 fool 'an~uI Ircrila-le. E -Ira
duel.~. Fecenl Pik hen ~par--1ncet' jrortnmr rand yr
conditioning andlrld mre4 n lichen and barn V.3rrpn
Johnrson 'r.Ii741 .&j~t) MLbl154(F17 V'3

viCw-at he GOu01 at Meuco hor-i N:hg round lloor
'BP.2P.Ac.rorjcLame, 'crairiedliat, I ood sea*
Sonal fntI poi crrliaI Tijinl:q ltijrrhed. Curt Bell.
941--761-3106. MLSP400211 $'7P9,001)

WOW 'PRICE RHDUU'C -ED $0.0001' eau~lfuI icwf
homet.Ne* iii20Q5, 39ROS.BA rvo-cargarage, P
elevator, Conan a-ni hie.--Warcfi- he fn~l romn
two bair ariesl Pnred to Fell! r CzgolyrJroe Cvardr
:941 776-A00, .MLMW3579. SADAOD.

ISLAND DUPLEX Broieniorn Bea.: ri c~iireltr bic.:
tduple, 2BRi2B3A. &3A op-cr.implopi~v turnicried.
,~cc~~w*ar~aragm~ch mIde~close Irbearm Jr
Zctr, 94 1-.,8 2246. MLSv52,9883 $69-1 900

cideiennisretClnanrd coiumiurlv Great 1 'ea:,'nal
rental oppoulunity or luil a ,ela',ng weel.nd
getaway coaido! Kelly Belisle 9J1.175 067.0
ML5538853 $479.900.

btialh, and 3ir: (ndIal.crng Pa3lk.l- I ets rr ] ;ieps I g jara3e new l. wildOowr. lioorin lie new* 2,000 I.J0 Hbi-,smci eliJf O len lingariddining, eat-in
btlrcrn lishing pier Pool lren.i wc out rCoom ni. e waler dviE Harold Small. -lJ I. 8. 22.16 ki'rchenr new ro.l 2005. Privale selling. Joan Similh,
COeidebearriac,:es- Be,:l.ySninandElliSiarreln MLS5525623 $349000 94.1-761.3100 MLS#5270C'88 $295,000.
941-778-2246. MLS#5375l0 $389.000

- = a





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1720 8:Th .h ret IiV '. Bradntri..r Fli:.ndi '4-'0'
t.l.:.Jelr ,:,p n dj il, i .1 .1 5 nd IN...:.r 5. p n'

.~a.... 53rd MAtauef

............ t - ip -b z'
VhFr. /*Uti!?p.A bft~~

1. Perico Harbor
,'2. Anna Maria Island & Gulf Beaches
--- Robinson's Preserve
? Botanical Garden Park
: Rivertown Marina

o Stewart Elementary School
7. Geraldson Farms Produce
, King Middle School
U.S. Post Office
1 Urgent Care Medical Center

Building. Home. Life.

CGCA 17845
