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Skimming the news ... Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 7 ..'. Vote! First Mass, inside page 11. "The Best News on Anna Maria Island Since 1992" www.islander.org Volume 14, No. 52 Nov. 1, 2006 FREE GSR math: $1.5 million better than $2.5 million? By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter In the convuluted world of bankrupt GSR Develop- ment LLC's mathematics, selling a property for $1.5 mil- lion appears to be much more advantageous to the finan- cially strapped company than-selling it for $2.5 million. The bizarre financial arrangement appears possible after U.S. Federal Bankruptcy Court Judge Rodney May last week gave the company partial approval to proceed with a proposed auction sale of its Villa Rosa property in Anna Maria by allowing the sale of just one parcel,.Lot 14. In granting the partial auction sale motion, May set the minimum bid for Lot 14 at $1.5 million, while at the same time noting that Fifth Third Bank has a lien against the property for $1.87 million. A model home has been constructed on Lot 14. But wait. All may not be as it appears. This little doggie takes the prize! Frank Almeda, left, shares a winning moment with finance Nilda Llanes and her "Frannie," a d-monih-old Chiifahua-Daschwid mix whose costume. complete ". ith flint ring eYelashet. red lip -. baimgle's amt a handbaun. was judim d fiur phict ai'mti about 20 canines at The Islander Dii Costiiu Contesi and Pet Parade Saturday. Llanes and Frannie and the runners up received "IHallow'ee" baskets wiith oodics. anU donario's frwomIsland Animal Clinic. All the participants eiteived Iteat.%. The event was organized by Olivia Willis of the local office' of Wells Fargo Home Mortgage. Islander Photo: Bonmnr Joy Grassy Point agreement gets OK National Basketball Association player Theo Ratliff - late of the Portland Trailblazers and traded this past summer to the Boston Celtics has a $2.5 million purchase contract on Lot 14 dated April 20, 2004, for the land and accompanying house. That means the minimum bid price is $1 million less than what Ratliff is willing to pay. Ratliff has claimed in court documents he has a PLEASE SEE GSR, NEXT PAGE Three bidders vie to build pier restaurant Three contractors have offered bids to build the new restaurant-dockmaster office-bathhouse-dock- age facilities at the City of Bradenton Beach Historic Bridge Street Pier. The pier restaurant, damaged during hurricanes, has been closed since September 2004. The damage to the popular restaurant at the east end of Bridge Street was so severe that'the structure was razed earlier this year. Plans were drawn up to rebuild the structure, as well as ancillary buildings and an extensive floating dock to the south of the 630-foot-long deck that juts into Anna Maria Sound. A bid opening last Friday produced three contrac- tiir ,,. illini to do the construction on the buildiing-. and docks. The bidder.s inchlhded: Kesselring Corp. of Bradenton at $2,362,370. Ha'es Construction .of Fort NIMers at $1,676,000. Southern Cross Contractors of Sarasota at $1,664,710. City officials had estimated the work to cost $1.7 million, which is to come from a-variety-of funding sources, including grants. City commissioners are scheduled to discuss the matter and approve a contractor to do the \\ ork during a special city commission meeting, at 1 p.m, Nov. 8. L- IIIIIIIII By Lisa Neff Islander Reporter An agreement backed by the Holmes Beach City Coinmission lasiweek should seed restoration and pres- erxation at Giassy Point. The agreement between the city and the Sarasota : Ba\ Estuai\ Program sets forth ho,\ the project shall proceed. including funding. Commissioner Sands Haas-Martens, during a meeting Oct. 24, moved to appro\ ethe agreement and authorize Nla) or Carol Whitmore to execute the contract. Commissioner Da\id Zaccagnino seconded the motion. A 4-0 vote followed, with Haas-Mar- tens, Zaccagnino, Rich Bohnenberger and Roger Lutz voting "yes." Commissioner Pat Morton did not attend the meeting.. "Let's get moving on it," Haas-Martens said after the vote. Earlier Haas-Martens had suggested the Grassy Point project could be similar to the larger Leffis Key/ Coquina Baywalk preserve in Bradenton Beach. Intending the acreage for preservation, Holmes Beach in 2000 used-state funds to purchase large por- tions of Grassy Point, located. north of Mike Norman Real Estate off East Bay Drive. Some private parcels remain in the area but conm- 'missioners last week said it seemed doubtful the\ could be developed. SBEP, one of 28 national estuiar programs in the United States,. has drafted a design for Grass\ Point that includes e\otic plant remo\al. re-\egetation and habitat restoration. -"EssentillI righi rnow our plans are to remove the exotics and do earthwork," said Gary E. Raulerson, a senior environmental scientist with SBEP. "There's some huge Australian pines out there." Eventually there may be a nature trail and board- walk. "That's not set in stone," Raulerson said.- "But I think the city and the Sarasota Bay Estuary Program, we're interested in having a recreational component, the right kind of recreational component." The Grassy Point project is part of the comprehen- sive five-year habitat restoration plan SBEP created in 2003 to restore intertidal and submerged aquatic habi- tats and create artificial fishery habitat. PLEASE SEE GRASSY POINT, PAGE 3 Spiderman meets Superman! Spiderman (Dr. Roger Danziger) has been a regular at Anna Maria Fall Festivals and parades, but new this year was the unveiling of Holmes Beach Police Officer Pete Lannon's alter-ego! Lannon's battle against cancer has brought him to be known as "Super Pete," and his attitude is super, too. He led the parade of classrooms of costumed kids to the school grounds, where the festival commenced. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy IIIIl II I ~_ ~r~ ~pl~3s~s~ersl~l"~L~" -- 'I I_ _C ) I I IlIC ~t~aC~a~Bf~ I I -r -- 'Illr -11offimEr", s L W la n, Anna Maria 2 E NOV. 1. 2006 TIIE ISLANDER GSR dispute continues CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 $100,000 deposit to purchase the model home and property. According to several contractors familiar with the Villa Rosa model home, the structure needs an estimated $800,000 in further construction and improvements before the city can issue a certificate of occupancy, In the world of GSR accounting and business practices, however, $1.5 million might be better than $2.5 million. This is the same company whose principals, Robert Byrne and Steve Noriega, have both presented financial statements for $33 million and $22 million respectively, yet the company filed for bankruptcy in July. While both men are millionaires on paper, neither were able to repay a mere $25,000 invested in GSR two years ago by Cynthia Graeff, an Island food server who had taken 10 years to save the money for her son's college education, often working two and three jobs at the same time. Graeff, after numerous unsuccessful attempts to recover her investment under the personal guarantee given her by Byrne, sued Byrne, Noriega and GSR in the Manatee County Circuit Court and was awarded a judgment in September 2005. In addition to Graeff's life savings, several Island residents have reportedly invested their retirement funds and financial portfolios in the company. When contacted, most declined comment on the status of their investments or their relationships with GSR, Byrne and Noriega. One Holmes Beach resident, who asked not to be identified, did say, however, that "Robert Byrne is my friend and I trust him with our money. I'm sure this will all work out." GSR is also the company that paid just $3.4 million for the Villa Rosa property in 2002 and sat on the project for three years a time when other Island develop- ers and investors cashed in heavily on their real estate investments and housing developments. Island real estate values more than doubled between 2002 and 2005, yet GSR was apparently unable to turn a profit on any of its major projects and filed for bankruptcy in July 2006. At one of the company's early bankruptcy hear- ings, Theresa Boatner of the Office of the U.S. Trustee indicated to the principals that she could not account for approximately $4 million of company funds. And, according to a former employee of GSR, Byrne and Noriega turned down an offer in 2005 by Tampa investor Hamilton Jones to purchase Villa Rosa in its entirety for about $12 million. Yet just a few months later, in September 2006 after GSR filed for bankruptcy, the company offered Jones virtually the same deal for all of Villa Rosa, but for just $11.5 million. Jones apparently found it was an offer he could refuse and rejected the proposition. "That's GSR," said the former employee. "Turn down the $12 million, but offer the property for $11.5 million." To further complicate matters, attorney John Anthony, representing the unsecured creditors com- mittee of GSR, has alleged in court documents that GSR's $6.5 million financial deal with Bon Eau Enter- prises LLC of Sarasota on Villa Rosa is "usurious" and "criminal" under Florida law. May last week also ordered that a "compromise controversy motion" between GSR and Bon Eau Enter-' prises of Sarasota over the $6.5 million debt be sent to mediator C. Timothy Corcoran III of Tampa. The initial mediation hearing was Oct. 27. The unsecured creditors committee has claimed that Bon Eau's deal with GSR allowed it to purchase the $12.5 million Villa Rosa property for' a mere $6.5 million and has vowed legal action, if necessary, to prevent Bon Eau from gaining control of Villa Rosa. All bids on Lot 14 must be received by GSR .restructuring manager William Maloney by Dec. 1. A "good faith" deposit of 5 percent of the purchase price must accompany the bid. The deposit is refundable, according to GSR attorney Richard Prosser. The attorney also said in the motion that the prop- erty would be sold without any representation or war- ranties, or "as is" and "where is." Any objection to a proposed sale must be filed with the court by Dec. 4, and a final hearing before Judge May on the sale is scheduled for Dec. 8. The unsecured creditors have objected to the pro- posed auction sale on the grounds that all monies left over after paying the liens and mortgages should be ditributed to the unsecured creditors on a proportion- ate basis, not handed over to GSR as operating capital. The committee did not object to the sale of Lot 14. Efforts to reach Maloney and Anthony for comment Were unsuccessful. Bayfront waterworks A break in an underground line sends water gush- ing 30 feet over North Shore Drive and Genevieve Alban's yard in Anna Maria City on Oct. 23. Alban, who lives in the 900 block of North Shore, was lying down for an afternoon break when a couple rang her doorbell. When Alban answered, she heard, "Do you know there's water going all over the street? Alban, an artist and longtime resident, looked out, saw the geyser and called for assistance. A sheriff's deputy arrived to check on her safety and a two-person crew with the water department arrived to repair the pipe. Alban watched as the team worked and said she. hoped she wouldn't be charged for the water on her next bill. An onlooker commented, too bad it is -water and not oil. Islander Photo: Lisa Neff Exceptional Cuisine World lass Wine Unique ers n& Ales Sapp Hour monday Friday 4:30pm to 6:30pm Complimentary Hors D'oeuvres Drink Specials "WineTEvery other Thursday w aisthe fun! Cost $t 10.00 Call for details. R E STAU RAN T 111 South Bay Boulevard Anna Maria Island : 941-778-1515 Northern Tip Of Anna Maria Island: Across From The City Pier Lunch: Every Day 1 l:30am-4:30pm Dinner: Sun-Thurs 4:30pm-9pm: Fri & Sat 4:30pm-10pm www.thewaterfrontrestaurant.net THE ISLANDER NOV. 1. 2006 3 Chief Anna Maria election issues: comp plan, spending By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Candidates for the two vacant Anna Maria City Commission seats and the post of mayor discussed their positions on a number of issues at the Oct. 23 Islander candidate forum and generally agreed that adoption of the comprehensive plan and future land-use map after the Nov. 7 election and spending are the main issues facing the city. Some candidates, however, appeared ready to throw outgoing Mayor SueLynn under the bus, blam- ing her for a number of city ills, inchiding spending :an inordinate amount of money on consultants and legal experts, particularly for the coastal overlay district and daylight plane ordinances. Comprehensive plan Incumbent City Commissioner Duke Miller, who is seeking his third consecutive term in office, said his main reason for seeking re-election was to guide the proposed comprehensive plan through the upcoming public hearings and eventual adoption. He said he was "100 percent" in favor of the plan as proposed because it "supports all the reasons you and I mo% ed to Annai Maria." The plan protects both the residential character of the city and the business community. Adopting the plan will ensure that Anna Maria won't change for the next 20 years, he said. Miller cautioned, however, that there were some people who wanted to make changes to the plan that would add more retail-office-residential areas.. "I'm against that," he said emphatically. Commission candidate Jo Ann Mattick also endorsed the plan, saying it equalized the residential and ROR districts. She said there is a need in the city to support the business district, which the plan does. Current City Commissioner Linda Cramer, seeking her fourth consecutive term, said she-has supported the comprehensive plan "to this point," but does have one issue with the future land-use map. "Unfortunately," she said, it concerns her property at the corner of Palmetto Avenue and Gulf Drive. The proposed FLUM has her property designated as residential. Cramer claims the property is zoned commercial and the 1991 FLUM contained an error. She maintained, however, that the problem should "not be a personal issue, just a property issue." She pledged to protect her property as much as she has pro- tected other residents' property in the past. Mayoral candidate Tom Turner said he supported much of the comp plan, but had an issue with the part that states that any lot less than 5,000 square feet is not a buildable lot. "That's wrong," he said. He also expressed concerned about the setbacks on Pine Avenue. Candidate for mayor Fran Barford, who is also chairman of the planning and zoning board, defended the plan, which took nearly four years to prepare. "We got the plan moving forward. There was give' and take" on a number of issues on the planning and zoning board, she said. Not everyone got everything they wanted in the plan, she noted, but there was a lot of compromise. The proposed plan works for Anna Maria, she said. Line of credit Barford supports the recent city commission deci- sion to establish a $1 million line of credit to begin many *,; ,, .; ... .... .... ': ,,_ : .. . ." : ... ; .. -'- ---' -... -- I Voting fever in Anna Maria The five candidates up for election in Anna1, Ma ia Niiov. 7 Fran Barford and Tom Turne! for ma' or and Linda Cramer, Jo Ann Mattick and Duikt Mllle'c for c irv coi'nmniision met. Oct. 23 at city hall for The Islander politi- cal candidate forum. Islander Photo: Rick Carlin Grassy Point plans presented CONTINUED FRONr PAGE 1 "Restoration activities %]ill ... improve tidal cir- culation and re-e.trablish natural h. droperiods." read :a project outline from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Senr ice. "Restoration will eliminate non-nati e plant species, thus contributing to the recovery of natural mangro\ e, salt marsh and seagrass communities. It is believed that the loss of these vital habitats and associated declines in water quality has resulted in reduced fisheries in Sara- sota Bay. It is estimated that Sarasota Bay is approxi- mately 50 percent as productive as historically docu- mented. The future of the bay's fisheries depends on the community's ability to restore and enhance wetlands and seagrass habitats and restore water quality." GrassN Point could become a sanctuary for herons, ospre., pelicans, mangrove crabs, snails, fish at high tide, raccoons and squirrels. Raulerson said. "And over the next 20 years mangroves will prob- ably colonize," he said. SBEP came up with 50 percent of the $80,000 needed for the first phase of the project, including $ 10,000 in funding from the U.S. Interior Department's Fish and Wildlife Service. Holmes Beach included the remaining $40,000 in its fiscal 2006-07 budget, accord- ing to a memo from City Treasurer Rick Ashley. SAbout $30,000 of the funds will be used for permit- ting and planning and $50,000 for exotic removal and habitat restoration and maintenance. In other business at the Oct. 24 meeting, the commission: Approved using Brisson Planning Solutions, Inc. on an as-needed basis. The firm, which was hired to work on the land development code, would be paid a rate of $95 per hour. Approved and authorized the mia or to sign a fiscal 2006-07 contract for canal dredging The con- tract- uith NMillmac Corporation is for %347.876.56 and includes %work 'it 72nd and 74th streets canal number HB-7), 68th and 09th streets IHB-11 I. 28th Street and Bayview Drive (HB-22), Dundee and Emerald lanes (KR-6) and Concord and Dundee lanes (KR-71. *Appointed Lutz and Zaccag nno to the canm asing board to work with CitN Clerk Brooke Bennett to can\ as returns and absentee ballots. Lutz and Zaccagmno v% ere chosen because they are not up for re-election. Approved the lineup of local poll % workerss for the, Nov. 7 election. During a work session follow% ing ihe regular meet-- ing, the commission discussed definitions and regula-. tions in a draft of the land development code. The document won't be considered by the current commission and ma not be acted upon b. a ne"\ l\ elected commission before Januar\ 2007. . The commission and mayor also discussed annex- ing Manatee Avenue from the city line east to the Anna Maria Bridge. Bohnenberger plans to send a letter to Manatee County Commission Chairman Joe McClash suggest- ing the parties explore "a voluntary annexation" of the area. City officials don't want to maintain the Kingfish Boat Ramp or pay the associated costs, but they do want their police officers to have the jurisdiction to handle emergencies in the area. " "A lot of stuff happens out there," Zaccagnino said. The next commission meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. Nov. 14. -- --------- --.- long-needed capital improvements, but said the city needs to ensure there is "heavy oversight" of the con- struction. As mayor, she promised that would happen. Turner, however, is opposed to the line of credit, claiming the city could have done all that work without borrowing or paying interest. The city was supposed to have set aside money in the budget each year for capital improvements, but didn't. The city is wasting money by paying interest, he said. Cramer was supportive of the LOC, although she said she had some reservations. She claimed she had "encouraged" Mayor SueLynn to establish the capital improvements advisory committee several years ago, to prepare a project list. She hopes the $1 million draw will be successful, but the city still needs to be fiscally responsible as it has to pay back $200,000 per year for the loan. Mattick said it was a "shame" that infrastructure was allowed to deteriorate to the point where the city had no choice but to borrow money. She also noted it took more than a year for the commission to approve the line of credit. With inflation, the city is now getting less for its $1 million, she said. Miller is "100 percent supportive" of the draw. He was the commission liaison to the CIAC as it prepared the project list. He said the line of credit was the only way to complete the capital improvements without raising taxes. He also defended the commission's use of outside consultants, noting that when the city had Tarpon Street and Oak Avenue repaved two years ago, it had tried to oversee the project itself, rather than pay an engineer. As a result, the job was botched and the city ended up paying quite a bit more for the project without a totally successful result. Administrative assistant Mattick said the mayor can handle a lot of prob- lems. PLEASE SEE ANNA MARIA, NEXT PAGE Meetings Anna Maria City No%. 2, 1 p.m., capital improvements advisory committee meeting. Nox 4, 8 a.m.-3 p.m., fall cleanup. Anha l.Miam City Hall, 10005 Gulf Drive, 708- 6130. - Bradenton Beach No. 2. 7 p.m., city commission meeting. Agenda. First reading on employ ee handbook ordinance, appro\ al of upgrades to cii. commission chambers. Christmas Prelude special event application request. daN beacon replacement appro\ al. request for pro- posals for landscape maintenance, approval of job description for project-program manager and approve al to advertise for position, special e'ent and banner request for Winterfest festival and consent agenda. SNo\. 8,1 p.m., special city commission v ork meeting on city.pier and selection of contractor. Bradenon Beach City Hall., 10 GitlfDrive N.,, -' S *' , Holmes Beach " No\. 3. 1.30 p.m.. police retirement board meeting. No\. 8. 5 p.m., parks and beautification commit- tee meeting. Holines Beach Cirt Hall, 5.301 Marina Drive, 708-5800. Of Interest -No. 7, Election Day, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Polling locations: Anna Maria City, city hall, 10005 Gulf Drive e: Bradenton Beach, city hall, 107 Gulf Drive N.; Holmes Beach, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 6608 Marina Drive, and St. Bernard Catholic Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive. (Check voter I.D. for polling location.) Nov. 9, 9 a.m., The Islander 's Greatest Genera- tion celebration, Holmes Beach Butterfly Garden and Veteran's Memorial. Nov. 10, Veterans Day observed. Government offices in Anna Maria, Bradenton Beach, Holmes Beach and Longboat Key-will be closed for the . holiday.....--------..---. .-.. 4 M NOV. 1. 2006 E THE ISLANDER Office.seekers court Holmes Beach voters at forum By Lisa Neff Islander Reporter Five candidates for Holmes Beach City Commis- sion echoed a common theme at The Islander election forum Oct. 23 growth is inevitable, so it must be tempered to fit the Island's character. Candidates Pat Geyer, Sandy Haas-Martens, Sheila Hurst, Don Maloney and John Monetti are running for two commission seats in the Nov. 7 election. The elec- tion also includes contestsat the county, state and fed- eral level, as well as several ballot questions. During the forum at city hall, the commission candidates mostly agreed that a new board must preserve the city's character and charm as Holmes Beach grows. "I know things have to change, but there's a history of why they were," Geyer, a former mayor and com- missioner, said as she introduced herself to voters. "I think this is a paradise. I want to keep it that way." Haas-Martens, the lone incumbent, emphasized her longstanding community involvement and said she looked forward to a term of cooperation with other governments. Hurst, a community activist, said she's eager to listen to the people and her most critical concern is protecting the environment on the Island. Maloney, a former commissioner and member of the code enforcement board, touted his service in business, the Army and the government as "one of my major talents" and said he hoped as commis- sioner to encourage more people to get involved and serve the city. Monetti, a restaurant manager and planning com- missioner, said he wanted to dedicate himself to his community and promised a common-sense approach as a commissioner. The candidates fielded a variety of questions from The Islander publisher Bonner Joy about regulating resort housing in residential districts, supporting recre- ational amenities, creating mixed-use commercial/resi- dential opportunities, promoting conservation, enhanc- ing code enforcement and studying consolidation. On the subject of consolidation, the candidates delivered some of their most impassioned remarks. Anna Maria candidates speak out CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 Current Mayor SueLynn got herself "involved in a lot of outside issues" that apparently were a lot of work for her. Mattick was not in favor of hiring an adminis- trative assistant to aid the mayor. Both Barford and Turner see the mayor's post as "part-time" and said the city staff is competent enough to handle many problems. . Miller agreed, noting that this past summer lie had prepared a list of duties that could be delineated to the staff rather than the mayor. Cramer didn't support the position of administra- tixe assistant. but believed the Island as a \\hole should look at sharinge" an Island manager. She did note, how- e\ er. that each ear the work involI\ ed at city hall seems to growi more complex\ and involved. Coastal overlay district, daylight plane ordinances Mattick said adoption of the coastal overlay district to limit development seaward of the coastal construc- tion control line would "be a disaster" and is "totally unnecessary." The COD "doesn't make sense," she said, and leaves the city open to lawsuits. She is also opposed to the daN light plane ordinance, saying that if the ordinance had passed it would have reduced property values in the city. Both issues were "knee-jerk" reactions.by Mayor SueLynn, she claimed. The daylight plane ordinance was not adopted by the city commission. The overlay ordinance is pending before the next commission. Miller said it was not prudent to make a snap decision about the COD. He said he wanted to reserve judgment on the ordinance because it hasn't been finalized.- "I'm not in a position yet. I need to deal with the facts," he said. He observed, however, that the city is charged by the state with the safety of residents living too near the coast. The COD is a safety issue to protect residents. Maloney said last November Holmes Beach voters decided they wanted to study consolidation and their will must be respected. "Almost a year ago, 63 percent of the voters asked that our present commission provide the where-with-all necessary to study the advantages, if any, in our Island's three-city consolidation ques- tion," Maloney said. "Eleven months have gone by and nothing has happened." "It needs to be studied," Hurst said firmly. Monetti too said a study must be conducted. "I think we should listen to our constituents who wanted it studied," he said. "I think there should be every effort made to get back on track and have it looked at." But there were other thoughts. "I really think it's too late to consolidate the three Island cities," Geyer said. "It's been tried.... I think we should push for consolidation of some services and leave it at that." Haas-Martens expressed reservations about going forward without support from all three Island cities. "Anytime that we have tried to do something it's like Holmes Beach is taking over," she said. "I just think it's a dead point, a moot point, at this point." About 45 people attended the forum, which fol- lowed a similar event in Anna Maria and proceeded a question-and-answer session with the two candidates seeking an at-large county commission seat, Democrat Sarah Meaker and Republican Carol Whitmore. Holmes Beach will also get a new mayor this month, but voters won't decide who gets the job now held by Whitmore. Rich Bohnenberger, currently chair- man of the commission, is unopposed. Polls on Nov. 7 are open from 7a.m. to 7 p.m. Florida statute requires that voters present photo and signature identification cards. The victors in Holmes Beach will be sworn in at city hall at 9 a.m. Nov. 20. Afterward, the newly orga- nized city commission will have the task of appoint- ing someone to fill a commission vacancy created by Bohnenberger's move to mayor. Candidates for Holrhes Beach City Commission gather at city hall on Oct. 23 for The Islanfer election forum. Islander publisher Bonner Joy, left, questions the candidates Pat Geyer, Sandy Haas-Martens, Sheila Hurst, Don Maloney and John Monetti about city services and civic goals. Islander Photo: Lisa Neff Barford said that the P& Zboard looked extensi el) at both ordinances. The daylight plane ordinance was examined for the height of a structure and the light angle, but it turned into an architectural issue when it reached the commission. Turner said it was a waste of city money to have the COD reviewed by an attorney\ from the east coast of Florida with no knowledge of Anna Maria. He \\as also opposed to the da\ light plane ordinance as proposed by the commission. Budget Turner said the city spends too much mone\ on consultants and attorney) s, claiming the cit\ doesn't always need a consulting planner or engineer. Barford said the current budget is "on target" and building a reserve fund for the city, at the same time keeping the millage rate at 2.0 mils. Cramer said she supports tighter budgets in the future. but defended the: use of a city planner. The city planner has helped -, ith many legal aspects of ordi- nances as has the city engineer. She noted that the com- mission has dealt with a number of major issues the past two years, issues that had been ignored in the past. Miller agreed with the current budget and said the millage rate is "right where it needs to be. ' 'Mattick said it's possible to reduce the village rate along with planning and legal fees. The city spent $179,000 last year for consultants, attorneys and plan- ners. "We can do a better job," she said. Miller said Anna Maria is in much better shape now than four years ago. "We've worked hard and compromised" and passed a number of ordinances, he said. Legal fees have increased because the commission had to rewrite many ordinances passed by previous commissions that con- tained errors. The city is also facing an ever-increasing assault by outside attorneys over a number of issues. Proper legal advice is needed to fight back. Mattick, however, disagreed. "The present pro- cess is flawed." She said the mayor should present issues in a public forum before bringing them to the . co m.is.sion. .. . And "too man. commissioners seem to ha\ e already) made up their minds" on issues., she claimed, adding that it seems public comment at commission meetings is bare \ tolerated by commissioners. Cramer also defended the work of the commission the past few years. A number of major decisions have been reached and she's always voted "according to the desires" of her fellow citizens. Summation Barford said the mayor is the town manager and she pledged an increase in customer service. "The citizens are our customers, our stock holders." She said she would look at getting more grants for the city. With her contacts from her prior public service, she would lobby for lower taxes and insurance rates. Barford was mayor of Temple Terrace, near Tampa, for six years and before that, a city commissioner there for eight years. She's also been a member of the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council and a Florida League of Cities member for 16 years. "I have the experience to make a difference and preserN e the charm and uniqueness of Anna Maria. I have the energy," she said. Barford and her husband moved to Anna Maria permanently in 2002. Turner said his management experience will pay off as mayor. As mayor, he would have P&Z review all ordinances on a regular basis, not the city attorney, building official or city planner. He added that if elected, he would donate his salary as mayor to charity. Turner also said all can- didates should declare who made their campaign contributions. "I can fulfill all aspects of the job," he promised. Turner is a former chairman of the P&Z board and the code enforcement board and served on a number of city boards and committees since moving to Anna Maria in 1984. He retired from the U.S. Air Force after 22 years and spent another 20 years in the insurance claims business. All candidates urged the electorate to vote on Nov. 7. THE ISLANDER 0 NOV. 1, 2006 9 5 Mayor SueLynn refutes candidate attacks By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter After some of the candidates at the Islander politi- cal forum Oct. 23 appeared to blame Mayor SueLynn for a host of city ills perceived or otherwise the outgoing mayor fired back at her detractors. "It's typical of the way candidates choose to build themselves up by tearing someone else down," said the mayor, who was not at the forum and is not seeking re-election. Statements by a few of the candidates indicating she. was responsible for "pushing" the daylight plane and coastal overlay district ordinances through the com- mission are nonsense. "That was the commission's choice," she said. "I only present issues to the commission. That's part of a mayor's job. It's up to them to respond and I go forward only when they agree. I proceed at the com- mission's direction." On several issues she has brought to the commis- sion during her administration, commissioners did not agree to proceed further, she obser\ ed.. She also said it's ludicrous to blame her for a declining infrastructure. "The infriattructlure had been deterioratng for \ ears when I came into office. It took me three-and-a-half years to convince the commission to do something." She added thai the idea that she A% a- responsible for spending the money for a second opinion on the coastal overlay district ordinance was also laughable. "It was the commission's choice to move forward and spend the money. The commission made the deci- sion to get a second opinion. I only agreed with the suggestion." A reference by one candidate that the COD and daylight plane ordinances were "knee-jerk reactions" by her to a situation was also dismissed by the mayor. "Again, both issues were only brought forward after commission direction. It was the commission's prerogative to actand it's totally inaccurate to say those were 'knee-jerk' reactions on my part." She also noted that any decision to spend money outside of the budgeted line-item amounts for out- side consultants, city planners and city engineers - are made by the commission. "I can't spend any more money than what the commission permits. "It's amusing that all of a sudden I have this power to act independently. It's just not the case for me or anyone who is mayor," she emphasized. Another statement by a candidate that the city spent $179,000 last year on consultants, planners and attorneys is misleading, she noted, because that figure includes the $28,000 budgeted., by the city commission for profes- sional planner Tony Arrant to guide the city through the required comprehensive-plan revisions mandated by the Florida Department of Community Affairs. She also noted that the candidates who seem to delight in blaming her for some of the city's problems never attended many of the meetings where those issues were discussed, at least not until political campaigning began in earnest. The mayor also observed dryly that the idea of the mayor holding public meetings to discuss issues before presenting them to the commission is not new. She held a number of town hall meetings during her first two years in office, but public attendance was extremely poor and the forums were discontinued. SueLynn defended her record the past four years and nine months, noting that a number of previously unresolved issues, such as parking, drainage and capital improvements, that had festered in the city through a number of administrations, have now been addressed and resolved by her administration and the commis- sion. Amendment questions on Nov. 7 ballot answered By Paul Roat There are more decisions to make on the Nov. 7 ... and West Manatee ballot than just choosing candidates Florida voters prOposes impact fee hike hate iK amendments to the state Constitution to mull.Voters in the West Manatee Fire Rescue Dis- mull. "There original i\ ere eight proposals, but one was pulled b\ the Florida Legislature and the other ruled unconstitutional by the Florida Supreme Court. The nonpartisan group orteSmartFlorida.org. and its accompany ing \Veb sue. offer a purported unbiased \ie\\ of the si\ amendments. Go6to the site for more detailed information than what is provided below: Amendment 1: state planning and budget process. Ballot summary: Limits non-recurring general fund appropriation increases to 3 percent per year unless approved by three-fifths vote of the Florida Legisla- ture. It would also create a Joint Legislative Budget Commission to deal withflong-range budget financial issues and a Government Efficiencs Task Force. Propo- nents state the amendment would place both budget and revenue estimates together in one document, and the committees formed would create a long-term financial outlook. Opponents state current general law provides trict will be asked to vote on a ballot measure Nov. 7 to allow the district to increase the impact fees it charges on new construction. The measure reads: "Shall West Manatee Fire Rescue District be allowed to increase impact fees on new construc- tion only, to pay for new equipment and facilities as necessary to accommodate growth?" all the necessary measures and additional commissions are not needed. Amendment 3: create broader public support for Constitutional amendments or revisions. Ballot sum- mary: Provides for any changes to the constitution to be approved by 60 percent of the voters, rather than the current simple majority approval process. Propo- nents say Florida has one of the easiest constitutions to PLEASE SEE AMENDMENTS, PAGE 7 6 N NOV. 1, 2006 E THE ISLANDER Election 2006 For a small island of three cities, with residents and governmental bodies that all resist change yet yearn for progress the political winds swirl like the tides change. Not so long ago, a distinction of the three cities was erased when the once-revolving election cycle spread over three months changed to all elections falling within the general election calendar. Cost savings, of course, was the reasoning. But still, it lacks distinction for each city's campaign- ing and election and another unique quality of Anna Maria Island was lost. That said, there's no lack of enthusiasm in Anna Maria and Holmes Beach this year for city elections. Lacking an incumbent for mayor of Anna Maria along with two com- mission seats there, and two seats for commission in Holmes Beach, the result has been a lively exchange on the issues. Nov. 7 is election day. And all voters have a vast array of choices to make in what is called an "off-year" election. There are federal, state and local candidates, plus a host of constitutional amendments. We offer the following suggestions to voters: Anna Maria City For mayor, Fran Barford and Tom Turner have both offered their services to the city. Both-provide a wealth of background experience that would benefit the city Bar- ford with her experience as mayor of Temple Terrace and Turner with his many years on various city boards. However, with the changing pace of government and the greater interaction with other agencies, we believe that Fran Barford has the energy and vigor to better lead the city. For commission, incumbents Linda Cramer and Duke Miller are being challenged by Jo Ann Mattick. Voters will select two to sit at the dias. Although we have at times differed, we've seen strides in compromise from Miller and we believe the seasoned experience of incumbents will provide the citizens of the city with the necessary knowledge for the next few years. We've also seen strides from Mattick in relating to issues and voters and encour- age her to continue her quest. The Islander endorses Barford, Cramer and Miller. Holmes Beach Incumbent Sandy Haas-Martens is seeking another term in office. Also running for two seats on the city com- mission are former commissioner and mayor Pat Geyer, SAM president Sheila Hurst; former city commissioner Don Maloney and planning board member John Monetti. Haas-Martens has provided the drive and business savvy in her past few years in office to warrant her re-election. Geyer brings years of experience as a long-time city resident, businesswoman and elected official to the table. Hurst is offering a platform of "people opinion-t firs-i" and environmental issues good traits to bnng to office Maloney has spent countless hours learning 16ader-' ship skills and the duties of a commissioner at various seminars and would bring [hat valuedlexperience back to the commission. Monetti, though, has a business-like approach to gov- ernment and could be a refreshing addition to the com- mission, and a deep undei standing of the cir 's long-range plan the comprehensive plan that ma\ proxe useful The Islander NOV. 1, 2006 Vol. 14, No. 52 V Publisher and-Editor Bonner Joy, bonner@islander.org V Editorial Paul Hoat, News Editor, paul@islander.org Diana Bogan, diana@islander.org Rick Catlin, rick@islander.org Jack Egan Jack Elka Jim Hanson Lisa Neff V Contributors Kevin Cassidy, kevin@islander.org Jesse Brisson Don Maloney Edna Tiemann V Advertising Sales Nandy Ambrose, nancy@islander.org V, Accounting Services Melissa Burri n, melissa@islander.org V Production Graphics Kelly McCormick, ads@islander.org V Classifieds & Subscriptions Lisa Williams, lisa@islander.org V L' rr, 'uit,'rn Urbane Bouchet Ross Roberts Usa Williams (A1 ,, ,eri^ ,; IL- *i-s;', i 3, ,-,,. . Single copies free. Quantities of five or more: 25 cents each. 1992-2006 Editorial, sales and production offices: Island Shopping Center, 5404 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 WEB SITE: islander.org FAX 941 778-9392 PHONE 941 778-7978 SLICK By Egan in the years ahead. , We endorse Haas-Martens and Monetti for the Holmes Beach City Commission. Manatee County Commission . Democrat Sarah Meaker and Republican Carol Whit- more are seeking the partisan, at-large seat on the Manatee County Commission. Meaker is a former businesswoman who is now help- ing professionals change careers to become teachers in the Manatee County School District. Whitmore, former Holmes Beach city commissioner and current mayor, has a wealth of contacts and connec- tions in various state and local offices and agencies in Florida and be\ ond. -Meaker has offered some interesting thoughts on growth inanagenment and small-business development, while Whitmore appears to have a better grasp on local issues. It will be a big step for either candidate, from admin- istrator to legislator, with big issues at hand for the county and for future growth. We believe either candidate would do a good job - N leaker %t ith an intellectual perspective and Whitmore with governmental contacts to guide the growth of Manatee County. WMFR referendum West Manatee Fire Rescue, the fire district that includes Anna Maria Island, Cortez and northwest Bra- denton, is seeking an increase in impact fees on new con- struction to help fund the department. West Manatee has the lowest impact fee rate in the county, and has not adjusted the fees in almost 20 years. Although no one likes to pay more to government, we believe this increase is justified and deserves voter approval. .,Please, vote Tuesday, Nov. 7 ----.....1 Thank you, mayor It's a sad state of affairs when not one Anna Maria City commissioner took the opportunity to thank Mayor SueLynn during the last commission meeting she attended, on Oct. 19. It just seems like common courtesy and respect for an individual would have stirred one of the commis- sioners, or all of the commissioners, to express their appreciation for all of SueLynn's hard work for the city of Anna Maria. Charlie Daniel, Anna Maria Help Pelican Man's Bird Sanctuary There has been a great deal of concern recently over the financial condition of Pelican Man's Bird Sanctuary. It is-true that the sanctuary is experiencing a significant -financial crisis. Revenues have not.kept pace with costs and unless something changes, we will have to curtail the animal rescue and rehabilitation services we have provided for more than 25 years in Manatee and Sarasota counties. .We have taken steps to streamline costs and have put plans in place to increase and stabilize revenues in the future. We have developed new processes, programs and attractions. Our hope is to raise $200,000 within the-next several weeks. That amount will cover the immediate cash short- fall and allow us to begin our new programs. Consider these facts: The sanctuary is one of the largest non-profit, wild bird rescue, rehabilitation, release, relocation and public education centers in the United States. Thousands of birds are rescued each year, returning most back to their home in the wild.-- - Feeding and care of the birds costs about $1.2 million per year. I believe that our community will suffer if this institu- tion cuts back, or possibly stops, providing care to sick and injured birds, even if it is for a month or two. Let us all remember how it started 25 years ago when Dale Shields rescued a bird, and had no place to take it for care. Losing the services we provide would be a step backward: Instead, let's move forward. We are asking our community to please help us. Together we can continue our services to the people, to the birds, and to the environ- ment of Manatee and Sarasota counties. Judith Ragona, president and chairman of the board, Pelican Man's Bird Sanctuary THE ISLANDER 0 NOV. 1, 2006 0 7 County candidates Meaker, Whitmore face off on issues By Paul Roat Candidates for the District 6 at-large seat on the Manatee County Commission faced each other at an Islander candidates forum last week. Democrat Sarah Meaker is the former president of Trade Routes Ltd., developing United States retail markets for artisans living in Asia, Africa and Latin America, and moved to Manatee County in 2000. She started a soup kitchen, school and clinic for Guatemalan street children. She currently works for the Manatee County School District, managing a program that certifies professionals who want a second career as a teacher. Meaker has a bachelor's degree in political sci- ence and a doctorate in leadership and education. She has a 6-year-old daughter, and attends Christ Episcopal Church. Republican Carol Whitmore was elected to the Holmes Beach City Commission in 1991, and elected mayor in 1998, a position she holds today. She was a nurse, at Manatee Memorial Hospital and is currently administrator at Parkway Plastic Surgeons, where her husband, Dr. Andre Renard, practices. She is a graduate of Manatee High School and Manatee Community College. Whitmore has periodi- cally served on the Sarasota-Manatee Metropolitan Amendments to Constitution CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 amend in the country and, by having more people approve any changes, it would mean a greater consen- sus of the voters would issue such mandates. Opponents state that a voter-initiated constitutional change requir- ing a higher percentage of voters would diminish the chance of such a change.taking place. Amendment 4: protection of people against health hazards caused by using tobacco. Ballot summary: Forces the Florida Legislature to use some tobacco settlement funds for statewide tobacco education and prevention programs. Proponents state that Florida receives $360 million annually from the tobacco settle- ment, yet spends $1 million in educational programs. The change would earmark $57 million for such pro- Planning Organization, Manatee Opportunity Coun- cil, and as a board member on the Anna Maria Island Community Center and Solutions To Avoid Red Tide. She is married and has a grown daughter. "The position of a county commissioner is to rep- resent the entire county," Meaker said to the question of impacts to Anna Maria Island. She stressed the need of revising the county's comprehensive plan to improve the quality- of life for all residents. "We need to make sure that Holmes Beach is not turned into a parking lot," Whitmore said. She said the entrances to the Island are the entrances to the county's top tourist locations the beaches and they have to be protected. As to the annexation of county property by the cities of Bradenton and Palmetto, Meaker said, "It's important that the county manage what it has. The county turned over management to Bradenton [with Perico Island]. I think annexation should be used as a last resort. I want to work together with the cities and work through issues." PLEASE SEE COUNTY, NEXT PAGE Bonner Joy, of The Islander, hosts Democrat Sarah Meaker and Republican Carol Whitmore, the two candidates for an at-large seat on the Manatee County Commission at a forum Oct. 23 at Holmes Beach City Hall. Islander Photo: Lisa Neff grams. Opponents state the tobacco education funds would come out of other programs, such as education and transportation, and the changes would be better served coming from the legislature. Amendment 6: increased homestead exemption. Ballot summary: The amendment would increase homestead exemption for low-income seniors from $25,000 to $50,000 per year. Proponents state older, poorer residents are subject to increased property tax values and the change would offer tax relief. Opponents state tax revenue is an important funding source for government and that the amendment would shift the tax burden to other taxpayers. Amendment 7: discount on property tax for per- manently disabled veterans. Ballot summary: Provides, a formula for perinanently disabled veterans aged 65 or older. Proponents state the amendment would give thanks to veterans who were injured in a foreign war and would keep the exemptions in line with their level of disability. Opponents state exemptions are already in place and the amendment would create exemptions of varying degrees for each veteran. Amendment 8: eminent domain. Ballot summary: Prohibits the transfer of private property taken by emi- nent domain to people or private groups, but allowing the Florida Legislature by a three-fifths vote to permit such transfers. Proponents state the amendment is needed because current law allows the courts to deter- mine the eminent domain fate of property, and without the change the question of whether or not a govern- ment may take property for economic development will remain unanswered. Opponents state the amendment is not needed and would place limits on the use of prop- erty taken by eminent domain. "I'M ROTTEN RALPH AND I APPROVE THIS AD. DON'T BELIEVE MY COMPETITION- WE HAVE THE BEST FISH AND CHIPS!!!" ROTTEN RALPH'S WATERFRONT DINING LUNCH & DINNER 7 DAYS FULL BAR SERVICE 902 S. Bay Blvd. Anna-Maria ROTTEN Located at Galati Marina 778-3953 \RALPH'S/. ATPTPH., --- ^ iGulf of Mexico. ALLY -AN-AT IH&CISALL AY EER DY!$89 an m m. m ma -n.0m m n i..a a m Om n- m ,_n -m a-m m- m i-:m a -iu .-n m ..-nm-m i-a m We'd love to mail I I you the news! I We mail The Islander weekly for a nominal $36 per year. It's the per- B fect way to stay in touch %a ith what's happening on Anna Maria Island. More I than 1,400 happy, eager-for-Island-new s paid subscribers are already receiving a 5 The Islander where they live ... from Alaska to Germany and California to B 5 Canada. . 5 We bring you all the news about three city governments, community hap- B 5 openings. people features and special events ... even the latest real estate trans- , I actions ... e\ ern thing e ou need if \ our "heart is on the Island." We're the only I I newpaper that gi\es \ou all the news of Anna Maria Island. The Islander is distributed free local. But if you don't live here N ear-round. I or if you want to mail the paper to a friend or relative, please use this form or 5 log on to islander.org for secure e-mail transmission. U i BULK MAIL U.S. SUBSCRIPTIONS (allow 2 weeks for delivery) . Q One Year: $36 'LQ 6 Months: $28- 1 3 Months: $18 U.S. FIRST CLASS AND CANADIAN SUBSCRIPTIONS J One Year: $140 L 6 Months: $87.50 3 Months: $52 I Single Issue: $3.50 FIRST CLASS MAIL, U.S. ONLY, Maximum Four Weeks Call for mail rates to Europe or other countries. V MAILTO: , ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP Credit card payment: L0.--11 No. Exp. Date Name shown on card: MAIL START DATE: Th Islander Island Shopping Center 5404 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 CHARGE IT BY PHONE: (941) 778-7978 OR ONLINE AT islander.org am- An -0n n-i.TuIs a .amu u uum ..ia M AMmai.'9aiN. *NE .E n mm l'sa'-m -,1UE.n 8 M NOV. 1. 2006 M THE ISLANDER Whitmore marks last meeting as Holmes Beach mayor By Lisa Neff Islander Reporter Carol Whitmore arrived at her last Holmes Beach City Commission meeting as mayor to find a gift on her desk a box of tissues. She knew to open the box, because she knew there were more gifts, fond farewells, hugs and tears to come at the Oct. 24 meeting. - Whitmore has served as mayor since 1998 and she served as a city commissioner from 1991 to 1998. Whitmore decided not to run for another may- oral term and said she would seek a city commission seat. In late June, she instead entered the race for an open, at-large seat on the Manatee County Com- - mission. But the talk last Tuesday night was of appreciation, dedication and friendship, not politics.' A crew of 10 skateboarders and their parents - presented Whitmore with a plant and thanked her for supporting them, their sport and the con- struction of the micro-skateboard park just north of city hall.- Skateboarders Cory Wash, Jake and Andrew County commission candidates CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7, "Annexation is usually used by developers find- ing they can get a better deal with a city than with the county," Whitmore said. "It all deals with relationships, and I hope to see annexations decrease." Regarding a merger of the county's myriad fire departments, Meaker said she favored looking into the matter. "In the northern part of the county, there are only two emergency medical workers on duty," she said. Whitmore said "it's a waste of money to not have emergency medical workers and firefighters together. It's a lot more cost-effective to share. Consolidation would be more streamlined." Both Meaker and Whitmore agreed-that county impact fees should be increased, although Whitmore questioned the formula used to determine some of the increases. As to the increases in taxes and insurance rates in Carol Whitmore and a crew of young skateboard- ers show mutual appreciation and affection during Whitmore's last Holmes Beach City Commission meeting as mayor. Islander Photo: Lisa Neff the county, Whitmore said she believed recent "market- driven" property prices should correct themselves in the next few years. "Until the market .starts to flatten, we won't see a change in taxes." Meaker said she believed the county can maintain taxes at a flat level, plus inflation, and said she favored small-business tax relief. "We need to find a way to offer some tax relief, because people are becoming bound to their homes." Both candidates said they favored a zero-budget approach. And what is the most critical issue in Manatee County? Whitmore said she hoped to see a greater respect given to individuals by the county. She also said the No. 1 issue is how the county deals with growth. Meaker said quality of life was her No. 1 prior- ity. High-paying jobs are important to attract and maintain, she said, as is the need of green space and open spaces. Ross, Travis, Gigi and Sophia Belsito, Luke Shakel- ford, William and Henrick Brusso and Carson Wooten gathered around Whitmore. They listened as the mayor, who knew them all by name, reminded them to wear their helmets. "This is good and healthy for the kids," Whitmore said of the interest in skateboarding. "And I'm so glad that we could do something for them that we all loved when we were kids." Andrew Ross said, "I think Mayor Carol is really nice and I am thankful that she wanted to do something fun for kids." His brother Jake added, "I'm glad that she made the skatepark because kids are loving it." Also at-the.meeting, Commissioners Rich Bohnen- berger, Sandy Haas-Martens, David Zaccagnino and Roger Lutz presented Whitmore with a plaque. Com- missioner Pat Morton did not attend due to illness. "Thank you everybody, I appreciate it," Whit," Whit- more said. Bradenton Beach Mayor John Chappie and Anna Maria Mayor SueLynn, who decided not to seek re- election this fall, also attended the meeting. Whitmore welcomed them with flower bouquets. "This is my last meeting as mayor," she said. "I wanted to show my appreciation for Mayor Chappie and Mayor SueLynn." The mayors praised each other for a spirit of coop- eration even when they disagreed. Also last Tuesday, Whitmore issued her last proclamations as mayor, declaring Nov. 12-18 Farm-City Week and endorsing Amendment 4 on the Nov. 7 election ballot. Amendment 4 would mandate restoring funding to the state's compre- hensive tobacco education and smoking preven- tion program. Correction The guest speaker for the Oct. 28 Island Kiwanis Club meeting was incorrectly identified in the Oct. 25 edition of the Islander. The executive director of the Arts Council of Manatee County, Robin Kaercher, was the featured guest. FRAN BARFORD FOR ANNA MARIA MAYOR "PREPARED TO LEAD" ... ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE: Former Mayor of Temple Terrace, FL (Tampa area). 6 years Former City Council Member, Temple Terrace, FL, 8 years Metropolitan Planning Organization, Hillsborough County, 6 years Council of Governments, Hillsborough County, 12 years Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council, Member 3 years Florida League of Cities: 16 years Chairman, Criminal Justice, Ethics & Personnel Committee - Chairman, Collective Bargaining Committee Chairman, Planning & Zoning Board, City of Anna Maria Board of Directors,Anna Maria Community Center Chairman, Roser Community Church, Long Range Planning Committee Anna Maria Historical Society, Member Friends ofAnna Maria Island Library, Member Mote Marine Aquarium, Member Dear Fellow Anna Maria Citizens, As a candidate for mayor of Anna Maria, this is my plan: I will use my expertise and prior experiences as a mayor, a leader and an elected official to preserve Anna Maria's unique character and charm. I will increase the spiritand importance of custorner service, understanding that our citizens are our customers and our shareholders. I will work hard to ensure that the city of Anna Maria has a dedicated, accountable staff that is responsive in serving our citizens. I will be a team player who will work closely with our elected commissioners and our citizens to identify future opportunities for the city, to see that more effective lines of communication are established, and to resolve problems that may occur. I pledge to prepare a lean, no-frills, fiscally sound budget for needed city services and I will be proactive in identifying and pursuing alternative funding sources. I will use my governmental contacts and experience to work with our legislative delegation to lower our homeowners' insurance rates and with the Manatee County Commission to lower county property taxes and improve county services to the Island. I have the time and energy to represent the city to outside agencies and the public. Please vote on Tuesday, November 7,2006. PD. POL ADV. PAID FOR AND APPROVED BY FRAN BARFORD FOR MAYOR,ANNA MARIA (NON-PARTISAN) TIlE ISLANDER 0 NOV. 1, 2006 E 9 Insurance: Holmes Beach taxpayers hardest hit By Molly McCartney Islander Reporter Here is yet another insurance horror story on Anna Maria Island this one for taxpayers in Holmes Beach. Figure this: Holmes Beach taxpayers are paying more than five times as much for wind insurance to protect city property as taxpayers in the other two Island cities. The wind insurance bill for the Holmes Beach City Hall complex is now $49,773 a record. That is more than double what it was last year. Neither Bradenton Beach nor Anna Maria City have been hit like that. The disparity is the result of the controversial state-designated wind pool boundaries that divide businesses and non-residential property owners into two groups: those who are eligible for the state's lower-priced Citizens Property Insurance Corp. cov- erage and those who are not. Holmes Beach City Hall is outside the wind pool. The city buildings for Bradenton Beach and Anna Maria City are within the measured distance from the Gulf of Mexico that constitutes the wind pool. "To me, it's just ridiculous that they wouldn't be treated the same," said state Rep. Bill Galvano, a Republican who represents western Manatee County and who has been a leader of the effort to find solutions to the state insurance crisis. "You are talking about three cities clustered Young with new ideas to protect the old ideals of Island life. Pd. Pol. Adv. Paid for and approved by Sheila Hurst, n.p.a. for Holmes Beach city commission. Three Anna Maria Island cities wind insurance rates City Insurer Insured value Current rate Prior year Bradenton Beach Citizens $1.22 million $4,573 $4,108 Anna Maria City Citizens $1.4 million $4,595 $4,239 Holmes Beach Fl League of Cities $2.5 million $49,773 $22,121 together on a barrier island," he said, "and because of an arbitrary line, Holmes Beach taxpayers have to pay all that extra money." The wind pool is an area of specific boundaries in coastal counties. On Anna Maria Island, it begins, on the shore of the Gulf of Mexico and extends east for 1,000 feet. Under state rules, the owner of any property inside the wind-zone boundary can go to Citizens for wind insurance if it isn't available from a standard carrier. Residential property outside the wind pool also can qualify for Citizens if no standard insurance can be found. But the owners of commercial and non-residential property, such as churches and municipal buildings, are not eligible for Citizens if the property is outside the wind zone. State rules also say that Citizens is supposed to charge rates equal to or greater than insurance offered by regular insurers. But because of the turmoil in today's insurance market, Citizens wind prices are typically a bargain compared to the premiums available from other insurers, such as the unregulated carriers or special groups, including the Florida League of Cities, an organization that sells insurance and other products and services to member cities. Here is the tale of our three cities when it comes to wind insurance: Bradenton Beach city properties, including city hall, the police department's building, garage and the nearby Tingley Memorial Library, are valued at $1.22 million. The city paid a wind premium of $4,573 to Citizens an amount that works out to $3,748 per $1 million of coverage. Anna Maria City paid $4,595 for a Citizens wind policy covering $1.4 million in city property, including city hall and the adjacent Island Players playhouse. That works out to $3,282 per $1 million in coverage. Holmes Beach paid $49,773 for wind insurance to protect its $2.5 million in properties, which includes city hall, police and administrative offices and con- tents. That works out to $19,909 per $1 million of coverage, or more than five times the rate paid by the other two cities. If Holmes Beach had access to Citizens and was PLEASE SEE INSURANCE, NEXT PAGE MI BANK Home Financing Made Easy Call me today to find out why! Marilyn DeSpirito Mortgage Banker Bradenton Ph 941-761-2124 Cell 941-713-9483 LENDBE Products and services subject to credit/bank approval. 02006 Marshall & Ilsley Corporation 06-301-083 Twilight Wine and Cheese Reception Come and meet and greet Commissioner Linda Cramer. This special evening event hosted by Betsy Hills (Betsy Hills Real Estate, P.A.) Location: The Shady Mango, 417 Pine Ave., Anna Maria, FL K! Date & Time: 5-7:30pm -d Friday, Nov. 3 Information: Contact Betsy at 941-778-2291 Everyone welcome Don't miss it! POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT PAID FOR AND APPROVED BY LINDA CRAMER FOR ANNA MARIA COMMISSIONER * Mayor, City of Holmes Beach, 1998 to present * City Commissioner, Holmes Beach, 1991-98 * Never increased tax rates in 8 years as _Ma)r . * Reduced tax rates 3 times * Board Member, Metropolitan Planning Organization * Board of Directors, START (Solutions To Avoid Red Tide) * Spearheaded Island Trolley System for beach transit to reduce traffic * Coordinated Med-Vet program at Manatee Memorial Hospital * Extensive knowledge of health care delivery system * Active in causes that improve our quality of life, including wetlands preservation, beautification projects and community organizations that benefit children * Implemented policy & procedures for emergency preparedness Fiscally Conservative . A Resume Of Public Service Prepared To Make Manatee Better Endorsed By: The Bradenton Herald The Sarasota Herald Tribune CAROL*t Wh1it'or Paid Political Advertiement. Paid for and approved by Carol Whitmore, Republican for Manatee County Commission District 6. Paid Political Advertisement. Paid for and approved by Carol Whitmore, Republican for Manatee County Commission District 6. 10 0 NOV. 1. 2006 U THE ISLANDER A KAYTHIBACIT J MASTER STYLIST AND COLORIST is excited to announce her new location The Hideaway 9109 Manatee Avenue W. (In Vairwa Center) S s +1-713-7225 Island Florist- You Know Why! N 941-778-4751 800-771-7163 5312 Marina Dr, Holmes Beach www.island-florist.com Invitations Postcards Stationary 795-5131 Brochures Newsletters Fax 795-5134 Business Cards Forms Flyers sales@ba eyprint.com Menus Programs Labels Mon-Thurs 8:30-5-00 B/W to Full Color Fridays by appointment Profe55soyial Nail Care & Spa 5HOPPE5 OF PARADISE BAY 7342 Cortez Rd. W., Bradenton 794-8888 S HOME FURNISHINGS INC. Come seeour 10% OFF unique sty oret us 10inishing/Painting customize. or rejuvenate Refinishing/Painting u s ro it o urent Your furniture or ours yourfurniture! with this ad Shop 941-795-4788 Cell 941-962-0567 Surfing World Plaza (next to Tyler's Ice Cream) 11804 Cortez Rd. W., Cortez, FL Closed .S.un. and Mon. .. ." ....\. J Just ask for me - I'll be the bag behind .-. "* .. ": ....the counter '- -. No need to go street .hopping in New York City... SI r,.ve all the famous designer names! :r.LeatWie* Metallic -idtihi iLrJ hdaitJbd Accessoies Jeuielpn Mention this ad, get 10% off 412 10th Ave. W. Palmetto 722-9916 inate Av a AW f-radrentnn l itflt tMall e 773-10 4i The Islander newspaper is hosting a special ceremony and breakfast at 9 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 9, at the Holmes Beach City Hall Butterfly Park and Veterans Memorial to honor all Island veterans, especially World War II veterans and those who have been featured in "The Greatest Generation" columns in The Islander. All Island veterans and spouses are invited to attend. Prior to the presentation of the colors by an honor guard from the Kirby Stewart American Legion Post, The Islander will have a compli- mentary buffet breakfast at the park for veterans and spouses. Several Island veterans will make brief remarks, followed by the presentation of the colors, the national anthem and the Pledge of Allegiance. The Islander will also present a special bound collection of all the "Greatest Generation" stories that have appeared in the newspaper to the Island Branch of the Manatee Public Library and Tingley Memorial Library. After presentation of the collection, the honor guard will fire a 21-gun salute for all veterans and Taps will be played. The ceremony should con- Insurance crisis hits city hall, too CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 able to get the same rate as Bradenton Beach and Anna Maria City, Holmes Beach would be spending $8,200 to $9,400 for wind insurance, rather than $49,773. The irony is that Holmes Beach should be getting a break on the wind insurance for its buildings based on the construction and age. That is because underwriters typically charge higher rates for older buildings such. as city halls in Bradenton Beach and Anna Maria. The Holmes Beach City Hall is nearly new and was con- structed to tougher building codes. Holmes Beach Mayor Carol Whitmore says she will work with Galvano and other legislators "to get things changed as fast as we can, to get some relief" for Holmes Beach, Anna Maria Island and Manatee County. Whitmore, who is running for an at-large seat on the Manatee County Commission, said she will "do whatever it takes" to encourage insurance reforms, including going to Tallahassee, if necessary, to push for legislative action. The mayor pointed out that the Legislature had a chance earlier this year to expand the wind pool by approving the amendment proposed by Galvano to expand the pool boundaries for five counties, includ- ing Manatee. The measure was defeated by a vote of 57-56. . "That one vote was cast by Rep. Ron Reagan," Whitmore said. Reagan, a Republican who represents the east- ern half of Manatee County, said at the time that he voted against the Galvano amendment because it was opposed by the Republican leadership in the Legis- lature. Reagan has since taken the position that the amendment "was not the right thing to do at the time because it would have dumped several thousand more policies into Citizens." He now says he would support expansion of the wind pool for Manatee County If it can be done with "proper" legislation. . Whitmore said she thinks Reagan, a Bradenton insurance agent \, ho is unopposed for re-election, "has. been educated" and will be working with new legisla- tors elected this November as well as many veteran lawmakers to correct the insurance crisis. Owners of commercial and non-residential property outside the wind zone are especially eager for insurance reform as they continue to struggle to find affordable Sind coverage. : .:Some of them would be thrilled to get the per-mil- lion rate that Holmes Beach is paying even if it is five times as much as the other cities. The annual wind premium from Lloyd's of London for the Island Shopping Center, valued at $2 million, is more than three times that of the city of Holmes Beach. The shopping center is outside the wind pool anddoesn't qualify for Citizens. clude by 10 a.m. All veterans whose stories have been in The Islander will receive an invitation, but if any such veteran doesn't receive the invitation, they are, of course, welcome. Addresses are occasionally incorrect or get lost. Dress will be Islandstyle casual. Some of the telephone numbers and addresses of the WWII veterans whose stories have appeared in The Islander have been mis- placed. If you know the address or phone number of any of the following veterans, or if you are the veteran, please call us at 778-7978, or e-mail us at news@islander.org. The veterans we need are: Ray McDannold, Bob Shafer, Peter and Cedella Duke, Joe Frattura, Bob Seipel, Paul Kaemmerlen, George Wilson, Walter Stewart, Leo Ostiguy and Anne Kurtz. Because of prior commitments, the American Legion honor guard was not available on Veterans Day. For more information on The Islander cer- .emony, call Rick Catlin at 778-7978. Neither does Roser Memorial Community Church, which has no wind insurance. The church lost its coverage in June and has been unable to find affordable insurance. The only insurer willing to write a wind policy for Roser wanted $225,000. The church and the Island Shopping Center are each valued at about $2 million. If they could obtain wind coverage similar to the Island cities, the premium would be: $39,818 based on the Holmes Beach rate from the Florida League. $7,496 based on the Bradenton Beach rate from Citizens. $6,564 based on the Anna Maria City rate from Citizens. Homeowner saves $1,300 Anna Maria homeowner Dorothy Perricone is a retired school principal and district administrator who reads The Islander and kno\ s how to follow up on a news tip that can save her money. .Perricone figures she is about $1,300 richer as a result of what she read in the Oct. 18 edition of The Islander about wind insurance. The article reported that Florida residents who were "taken out" of Citizens and charged higher rates for wind insurance might be able to return to Citizens and its lower rates under an order issued Oct. 11 by the state insurance commissioner. Perricone was notified this summer that her wind policy was being "taken out" of Citizens and put into Florida Peninsula Insurance Company. But the bill for her wind renewal policy didn't arrive until a'few weeks ago. She was focused on that bill which was about two and a half times what she knew Citizens would have charged at about the time she read The Islander. Perricone knew she had a limited amount of time to act because the new, higher premium was due Nov. 3. Last week she started making phone calls. The first one was to her agent, who told her she couldn't go back to Citizens, ' "But I have learned in my life that you can't always take no for an answer," she said. Next she called Citizens and found a representa- tive there named Judy, who assured her that she could- get back into Citizens. Judy said the agent probably hadn't had time to learn about the change ordered by the insurance commission earlier this month. She sug- gested that Perricone go back to the agent.to enlist his help in making the switch. Sure enough, when Perricone called the agent back to report her conversation With Citizens, he agreed to pursue the matter. As of Thursday, Oct. 26, the agent assured Perricone he was doing the necessary paper- work to get her back into Citizens at the lower rate. "This is going to save me about $1,300," Per- ricone said. Calling all Island vets for Veterans Day ceremony Islander ordained into priesthood By Lisa Neff Islander Reporter An Island parish celebrated a favorite son's ordina- tion into the Catholic priesthood on Oct. 26. Gordon M. Zanetti Jr., the son of Cornelia R. and. the late Gordon M. Zanetti Sr., celebrated the First Mass of Thanksgiving last Thursday at St. Bernard Catholic Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive in Holmes Beach. The day before, in Venice, Bishop John J. Nevins ordained Zanetti, a resident of Holmes Beach since 1993. Coadjutor Bishop Frank J. Dewane joined in that service. Zanetti's mother, who moved to the Island in 1995, attended both events. "Humbled," she said with a break in her voice when asked how she felt Thursday morning before her son's mass. "But very happy for him because he's so happy. He loves his ministry, all his ministries. "My only wish for my seven children was that they be happy in their lives." Zanetti grew up in New York with five older siblings and a younger brother. He attended St. Leo College, worked for the U.S. Mint and served in the U.S. Navy. Zanetti was stationed at a NATO base in Iceland when he met the Rev. Robert L. Keane, a Jesuit priest and Navy chaplain who encouraged Zanetti to consider the priesthood. "Gordon was in the Navy, a sailor," said Keane. "He would come to the chapel. We would talk. I sensed that Gordon had a strong calling to serve." The service at St. Bernard began with a procession of clergy. Then, from the altar, Zanetti addressed the con- gregation. "Good morning, everyone," he said. "Good morning, father," the congregation sang back. Zanetti paused to smile, then welcomed his "brother priests, family and friends." He congratulated the parish, saying, "You gave up one of your sons or your brothers to be a worker in the vineyard. What a great day for this church. What a great day for the people of Anna Maria Island." The message on Thursday, in the readings and the homily, was about service. 7 T Bayfest's youth games The Bay of Dreams Foundation recently received a check in the amount of $2,154 from the Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce. According to Mary Ann Brockman, president of the Chamber, and Cindy Thompson, chairperson of the Island Ba\ fest event, the monies represent the net pro- ceeds from the assorted games in the children's area at Bayfest, as well as donations made for Holmes Beach Police Officer Pete Lannon in tip jars located throughout the event on Pine Avenue. "While the chamber was the organizing host for the games and Bayfest, these funds represent the deep feeling the whole community has for Officer Lannon," Community fish fry Saturday The Cortez Yacht Club will host a community fish fry on the \aterfroni in Cortez from 6 to 8 p.m. Sat- urday, Nov. 4, at the Bayside Banquet Hall (next to Cortez Kitchen), 4528 119th St. W. Fish, chips and slaw will be served and the cost is $10 per person. The Tiki Bar will open to serve a cash bar at 4:30 p.m. All are welcome to attend. For information, call Diane Crockett 792-4535. The Rev. Gordon M. Zanetti Jr., center, prays before celebrating his first mass of priesthood on Oct. 26 at St. Bernard Catholic Church in Holmes Beach. Many joined in the celebration, including Auxiliary Bishop John J. Kaising of the Archdiocese for Military Ser- vices, left, and the Rev. Robb Mongiello of St. Ber- nard. Islander Photo: Lisa Neff "I am now your humble servant," Zanetti said, expressing his commitment to love and serve with "compassion and mercy." In the program for the mass, Zanetti thanked those who shared in the celebration, especially "mom, Father Robb Mongiello and staff, the Holy Name Society, the Council of Catholic Women and the Community of St. Bernard." After the service, friends, family and parishioners gathered for a luncheon in the church's banquet room, elegantly decorated with subdued lighting, flowers and white linens. The Diocese of Venice has assigned Zanetti to the Church of Sts. Peter and Paul in Bradenton. Zanetti, who also holds the rank of lieutenant in the Navy, will serve at Sts. Peter and Paul for about three years and then likely be assigned as a military chaplain." "Gordon will make a great priest and a great chap- lain," Keane said. Bay of Dreams Chuck Webb accepts ic/ nifi contribution made i, ilit Ba\ .'I Dreams organization in bcw half of Holmes Beach Ormi Pte: P Lannon. Presenting ilict-he. I k i Cindy Thompson, ci ii per sii _ft the Island Bayfest, ,-, an nn i, ,'iU exceeding $2,000. The Biti o' Dreams is a newly stabiliihtd -non-profit organizatuni pon- sored by the Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce that will help raise funds for families in need. Pictured, from left, are Karen LaPensee, Mary Ann Brockman, Webb, Thompson and Don Schroder. Islander Photo: Diana Bogan winner for 'Officer Pete' said Brockman. The check was presented to Chuck Webb, president of Bay of Dreams Inc. Webb is a local attorney who donated his time to set up the foundation's non-profit corporation. The foundation was formed with the intent to have.a suitable organization already in place to assist the community in raising funds for a person or family in need. The foundation's first goal is assist- ing Lannon, who recently made public his battle with pancreatic cancer. "Bayfest is in its sixth year as a community fair, and certainly our ability to donate these funds to Bay of Dreams is in the truest sense of the cham- ber's and Bayfest's commitment to the Island com- munity," said Thompson. "We couldn't be happier- that we had this opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to Bay of Dreams and hope that these funds will help the foundation grow and achieve its long-term goals." Donations may be sent to Bay of Dreams for Pete Lannon by mail to P.O. Box 1849, Anna Maria, FL 34216. Please note on the check "Bay of Dreams Inc./ Pete Lannon." THE ISLANDER N NOV. 1. 2006 11 Fan+a sy Trave( is off on its annual customer appre- ciation cruise. Fantasy Travel's office will be open with lim- ited hours and staffing Monday, Nov. 6 Friday, Nov. 10. We will be closed Saturday, Nov. 11 while we cruise with many of our customers. If you are not sailing with us this year we hope you will join us for next year's cruise. | 7T1ank&, Mf Tanita,%Tnweltcai?. ^ 5347 Gulf Dr. #6 ,(j4 Holmes Beach Holmes Business Center G ILL STORE (across.from the Island Animal Clinic) 779-9594 VISIT US FOR ALL YOUR GRILLING NEEDS New & Custom Jewelry Remounts Appraisals Repairs Estate Jewelry (5% OFF SELECTED WATCHES and Watch Repair 7358 Cortez Rd. W.* (941) 798-9585 Tues.-Fri. 10-6, Sat. 10-4 Accepting major credit cards & ATM Card Dean Brown, Master Jeweler and Watchmaker for 24 years j Pawsitively Pets & Property Services Inc. P.O. Box 265., Bradenton Beach, FL 34217 Quality Pet Sitting Bonded Insured 76 1 75 1 i eRAONA INTERNATIONAL 5341 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach, FL 34217 On Anna Maria Island 941 778-3636 941 778-3636 thanks all of its sponsors, ",a the Bayfest committee, volunteers, vendors and :: participants, the City of Anna o Maria and the residents and \ : businesses of Pine Avenue. ., , -- 9 ., * 12 0 NOV. 1, 2006 T THE ISLANDER Dredge work under way in Cortez channel By Lisa Neff Islander Reporter Dredge work is under way to clear out the Cortez fishing channel, the Florida Institute for Saltwater Heri- tage reported last week. "Dredging has commenced," Allen Garner, FISH president, told the board during a meeting Oct. 26 in Cortez. "They're making progress. That's kind of exciting." The work, coordinated by the West Coast Inland Navigation District and urged by FISH, began in early October. "It's all good stuff," Garner said of the material being removed from the channel. There had been concern there might be pol- lution stirred up by the project, explained FISH's Roger Allen. "That channel very badly needed dredging," Allen said. "The thing that finally brought the whole project around is they tested the bottom and they found it is not polluted. It's clean. But that was the big concern. Everybody was concerned about that." To assist with the dredge project, FISH allowed the operators to use about seven acres of the FISH Preserve for retention of the dredged materials. "The material comes out as very, very wet with a lot of sediment," Allen said. "It needs a place where it can settle out.... So they've cleared an area, burned it off, lined it with a membrane and pumped it into this retention area." FISH also benefited from that arrangement - before the property could be used it had to be cleared of invasive, non-native Brazilian pepper and Australian pine trees. "When they're done, they'll bring in a fresh layer of topsoil and ... we'll plant native species," Allen said. "It's a great project for us.... They spent a lot of money taking out the non-natives." The board also discussed a grant request with the Sarasota Bay Estuary Program to nurture the local scal- lop population and the continued interest in purchasing the Seafood Shack property for a maritime museum and educational center. Allen attended a recent conference that involved discussions on legislation that might help fund the pres- ervation of traditional "working waterfronts" and boost efforts like FISH's purchase of the Seafood Shack. "People are out there doing astonishing preserva- tion in the state," Allen told the board. On the restoration front, Florida Sea Grant marine extension agent John Stevely told the board he sub- mitted a request for $2,000 for a small-scale scallop enhancement project. Stevely said the plan calls for spawning scallops in tanks and he has a local hatchery producer interested in the effort to restore the scallop population adjacent to the FISH Preserve. "We'll find out about the proposal in January," he said. "I think it is unique ... and we really want to do. LOWEST PRICE OF THE YEAR A DURING OUR 4TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Come celebrate! SDJ's Deli & Cafe 4-228 60th Si. W. Bradenton 5366 Gull Drie. Holmes Beah , 794-2878 779-2878 1 Vote WHO... .wiII ntnue o bring INTEGRITY I HONESTY COMMITMENT to Holmes Beach . city government? Please re-elect Sandy Haas-Martens as your commissioner on Nov. 7. On H[olmes Beach since 1969 Pd. Pol. Adv." Paid for and approved by Sandy Haas-Martens, n.p.a for Holmes Beach City Commission something for the Village of Cortez." In other FISH-related business on Oct. 26: Allen reported that the 1890 Burton Store might be moved in the next several weeks. The historic building will be moved to the grounds of the 1912-built school that now houses the Florida Maritime Museum. Garner reported that stone crab season has started andd'I haven't heard any complaints." Linda Molto said plans for the annual fishing fes- tival, scheduled for next Feb. 17-18, were going well. "Everything is falling into place," she said, adding that organizers expect to see a number of returning art- ists. Mary Fulford Green announced the Cortez Village Historical Society is producing a new "What's Cooking in Cortez" cookbook under a hard, padded cover. Green said recipes should be sent to P.O. Box 963, Cortez FL 34215. The next FISH meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. Nov. 30 at the Cortez Community Center, 4523 123rd St. Ct. W. Exhibit showcases faculty talent Pam McMillen displays her basket weaving work during a reception Oct. 13for the artists in the annual Faculty Exhibit of the Anna Maria Island Art League. OThe exhibit is at the league's gal- lery, 5312 Holmes Blvd., Holmes Beach. The show features the work of Bill Jerdon, Diana Grover, Chris Galanopoulos, Cheryl Jorgensen, Sandra French, Doug ILanding and Preston Whaley Jr. The exhibit is open Tuesdays through Fridays from 9 a.m. to 2:30p.m. until closing Nov. 3. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy Assisted Living S Quality Accommodations ," for Seniors Sunny Bower Bradenton Marella House Bradenton Our Island Home AP' ,s.._ * FamilyOwned (941) 219-2106-'-." - & Operated Assisted Living Facility A* .trd:hble ,.nthl, Ren l1 ,1, * I ll Ran _eI of r' ,anrirl e: )IT i-a s(n On November 7, You Have A Choice. One That Can Help Preserve The Future of Anna Maria. When I first ran for your City Commission four years ago, I pledged to maintain the resi- dential character of our unique city. There are many ways in which I fulfilled this commitment. None, however, has been more important . than my record on growth, land use, and de- velopment issues. In taking to heart the com- mitment I made to you, I always favored the - interest of Anna Maria residents over all oth- ers. I will hold fast to this ideal as we com- plete our state-mandated Comprehensive Plan, which goes to public hearings November 21st. There are some Who would act otherwise, some who would benefit if unbridled growth and development were allowed. I do not represent them...I represent you. I am.the only candidate not backed by development-minded interests.* My campaign is 100 % financed by Anna Maria residents and homeowners. You have a choice November 7th to protect and preserve Anna Maria City. Your vote to re-elect Duke Miller is a vote for Anna Maria, as it is today, Anna Maria as you and I want it to remain for the future. *www.votemanatee.com/ContribSearch.asp Political advertisement paid for and approved by Duke NIler I.:.; [iru r.Iji. City Commissioner THE ISLANDER 0 NOV. 1, 2006 0 13 Brrrr! Cold front visits Anna Maria Island By Lisa Neff Islander Reporter Elizabeth Keller hunched her shoulders and braced herself against the wind as she walked the length of the Historic Anna Maria City Pier early Oct. 24. "Feels like winter," Keller said, before she remem- bered what winter is like in her native Cleveland and that she'd spent the first half of October seeking to escape the heat here. A cold front came to Anna Maria Island last week, bringing cool, dry air and low temperatures in the 50s. Air conditioners were turned off and wrinkles smoothed from sweaters and jackets. A meteorologist with the National Weather Service predicted a series of cold fronts the next several weeks - and no tropical storms in sight as the end of the hur- ricane season approaches. "You won't hear me complaining about cold," said David Turner, a seasonal visitor from Philadelphia on the Island for two weeks to prepare his Holmes Beach home. "Have you seen the weather reports from up north? "The coldest here is still warmer than up there," Turner continued, adding that he hears almost daily from envious friends. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis- tration's climate prediction center has forecast an El At"-. Nifio winter. The winter is likely to be warmer than the 30-year norm for much of the nation, but still cooler than last year. In other words, the early frosty weather in the north doesn't necessarily signal a wicked winter ahead. . In Florida, the prediction is for wetter-than-average, cloudier conditions and "an increase in severe weather activity during the winter and spring," according to A chilly morn- ing wind means long sleeves, long pants and caps for a work team on the city pier in Anna Maria on Oct. 24. Islander Photo: Lisa Neff NOAA's most recent seasonal forecast. Current conditions and various forecasts imply that El Niflo conditions may strengthen during the next few months. However, this event is not expected to reach the magnitude of the very strong 1997-98 El Nifio episode, said Vernon Kousky, research meteorologist at the cli- mate prediction center. Golf club seeks to resolve Dumpster dispute By Lisa Neff Islander Reporter Time will tell whether oleander bushes can solve the Dumpster dispute between several property owners and the Key Royale Club. Tommy and Sharon Smith and Paul and Dorothy Swanberg are property owners adjacent to the Key Royale Club. Represented by attorney N lark BarnebeN, they recently appealed to the Holmes Beach Cit) Com- mission a building official's decision about the club's location of a Dumpster near their property. "When the approval originally occurred for the golf course, the Dumpster was approximately 100 yards from the nearest home," Barnebey said during a commission meeting Oct. 24. "Now it's- directly across the street from a number of residences, potential residences." Bamebey said his clients wanted relief fromthe sight and smell of trash so they appealed to the city, assert- ing that "if the club is determined to have the Dumpster remain in its current location.. .they must go through the site plan approval process... in order to ensure that the proposed location is in compliance" with city code. Club officials did not accept any of the three options offered by Barnebey on behalf of the complainants. However, the club recently repositioned the trash bin and planted oleander bushes for screening. "I was asked to thicken up the bushes," said John Seclor, superintendent of the Key Royale Club. Barnebey didn't formally accept that compromise, but city commissioners last week voted 4-0 to take no action on his clients' appeal. They had numerous concerns about the appeal, including the fact that the Dumpster was in place for 14 years and that the club had already repositioned the bin and planted screening. Commissioners suggested letting the bushes -fast growing evergreen shrubs that can reach 20 feet mature. Commissioner Pat Morton did not attend the meeting. JOHN A. I-ONETT. For Holmes Beach City Commissioner SEEKING, THROUGH A COMMON SENSE APPROACH, TO MAINTAIN THE UNIQUE BEAUTY AND BALANCE OF THE CITY OF HOLMES BEACH. > \ice-Chairman ot the Holmes. Beach Planning Commission. > Married, three children. \\ife Rejane. Children: Ka\ leigh 15, loe\ 7 and Anthon- 2. > B.A. from the University ot Notre Dame in Management. > General Manager of the Columbia Restaurant on St. Armands Circle for the past 12 years. > Director of Government Relations of the Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association Sarasota Chapter > Resident of Homes Beach for 11 years SF',lin:, ai :,hvrtir:e, iTii, pid for and approved by John Monetti, no party affiliation for Holmes Beach City Commission SOUND JUDGMENT TOM TURNER - MAYOR CITY OF ANNA MARIA Resident for 23 years Active in City Affairs * Maintain present single-family zoning , Thank you for your vote. Political advertisement paid lor and approved ny Torn Turner. no party affiliatilon for Mayor CIly of Anna Maria I SOLID 14 0 NOV. 1. 2006 T THE ISLANDER .*. .. --- A CELEBRATION Holmes Beach City Hall Veteran's Memorial & Butterfly Park Program: 9 am Continental 9:30 am Presentati Breakfast ion of Colors Presentation of Service Flags National A nt hemm TIE ISLANDER E NOV. 1, 2006 0 15 Art executives address Island artists Monday The Artists Guild of Anna Maria Island will hear two area art executives when it meets at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 6, at the Episcopal Church of the Annun- ciation, 4408 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Diane Shelty, director of the Manatee Art Center, and Joyce Karp, of the Anna Maria Island Art League, will help the guild conclude plans for its Art and Attic Affair, scheduled from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Nov. 18 in the Island Shopping Center. Additional details may be obtained by calling 778-6694. Art League opens fall exhibit The Anna Maria Island Art League will hold its annual "Fall Open Exhibit" with an opening reception from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Nov. 10. The exhibit is open to all artists, with submissions accepted Tuesday, Nov. 7, and Wednesday, Nov. 8, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Call the league at 778-2099 for entry fee and prize information. Prizes will be awarded at the opening reception. Melinda's Cafe (formerly Fit to Eat Deli) in Holmes Beach will sponsor the event. The exhibit will be on view through Nov. 30 at the Art League, 5312 Holmes Blvd., Holmes Beach, 9 a.m. to 2:30 pm, Tuesday through Friday. Gulf Coast Writers meeting The Gulf Coast Writers will meet at 10:15 a.m. Monday, Nov. 6, at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Canadian writer Elizabeth Waterston will be the guest speaker. She has co-written the authorized biog- raphy of L.M. Montgomery, author of the famed Anne of Green Gables book series. Visitors and potential members are welcome to attend. For more information, call 761-9036 or 778-3209. Council of Catholic Women meet Nov. 9 The Council of Catholic Women of St. Ber- nard Catholic Church will hold its first lunch meeting of.the season Nov. 9. The luncheon will begin at 12:30 p.m. and topics of discussion include finalizing arrange- ments for the Nov. 18-19 holiday bazaar. All women of the parish are invited to join the organization. Dues are $10, to be collected at the first meeting. Art league seeks non-profits for Winterfest Organizers of Winterfest Fine Arts and Crafts Fes- tival are seeking non-profit groups to set up booths at the annual event. The festival, presented by the Anna Maria Island Art League, takes place Dec. 9-10 on the soccer field at Holmes Beach City Hall. In addition to arts and crafts, the festival features educational displays for non-profit organizations. So organizers have reserved a number of booth spaces for community groups. For more information, call the art league at 778- 2099. The application deadline is Nov. 10. Island Baptist yard sale Saturday On Saturday, Nov. 4, the Island Baptist Church's Revolution! Student Ministry will host a yard sale. The event will take place in the Island Baptist Church park- ing lot at 8605 Gulf Drive in Anna Maria. It will begin at 8 a.m. and end at approximately noon. Proceeds will benefit the Island Baptist Church Student Ministry. Obituary Edwin Doerr Edwin Doerr, 84, of Holmes Beach, died Oct. 21. Born in Chicago, Ill., Mr. Doerr came to Manatee County from Park Forrest, 111., in 1995. He was a computer programmer with General Electric. He served in the U.S. Navy during World War II. He was a member of American Legion Post 24. He attended St. Bernard Catholic Church. Visitation was Oct. 26 and funeral Mass Oct. 27 at the church. Memorial contributions may be made to St. Bernard Catholic Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach FL 34217. Griffith-Cline Funeral Home, Island Chapel, was in charge of arrangements. He is survived by wife Burdette; sons Michael and wife Valera, Ed and wife Joanne, Nick and wife Carolyn, Bill and.wife Sally, and Richard and wife Sheila; daugh- ters Diana Cruz, Jan and husband Ken Martch, Mary Jane, Kathy and husband David Fares; Joanne, Eileen and hus- band Mike Johnson, Laura and husband Sam Guzzino, and Renee and husband Dennie Kuta; sister Dorothy Ammer Pohl; 30 grandchildren; and 16 great-grandchildren. Roser schedules community Thanksgiving dinner Tickets will be available soon for the annual free community Thanksgiving dinner at Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave.,.Anna Maria. The dinner with turkey and trimmings will be at 2 p.m. Nov. 23 at the church's fellowship hall. It is open to anyone and everyone seeking to share the holiday traditions, a spokesperson said, but tickets are needed to give the cooks and their helpers an idea of how many people to expect, how much food to prepare. The tickets may be obtained following Sunday worship services Nov. 5, 12 and 19, from the church business office during regular business hours, or may be reserved by calling the church office at 778-0414. Pat- Geyer is the ONE vote that will work for you Pat's ability to bring positive and successful leadership to our city's government was proven during times of her prior service * Pat pledges to support businesses in the city of Holmes Beach * Pat will insure the interests of commerce and the residential community will complement one.another * Pat will work towards supporting the recycling initiative at all beach access points in Holmes Beach * Pat will work towards the city revisiting the disaster and hurricane evacuation plans due to Perico's Seven Shores development Pat will watch beach erosion and will getactively-involved at the county level to keep our beaches pristine i-and 6n eto thepublic S.Pat wvill keep a respectful eye on theciy's growt and density'mandgemnt ;-" "'' i- .. -"."' 'Po'tl wor -: ....-"ke-:epihe -:' y-- Hl--' m--e:s"-*''B.* a:-i--:'ch.< ::h-:e-' B.prde~rif'A-nnd.rMarica n stnTa K .-.- Pait will w .Vif. al.otber.-sl a dc.fftrid snd- Mlnatee-'un Witn;3-&' As new residents of Anna Maria, we were confronted with an ordinance change that had .enormous impact on our vision. Our family moved here to enjoy the small town and worry- free lifestyle this city had always offered. This new ordinance compromised the safety of all residents especially my children. We approached.Commissioner Cramer with our concerns, she immediately expedited this issue to the Commission and.Mayor. Resulting in the reversal of an ordinance that restored the quality of life we've come to expect. Our issues were answered. Thank you, Commissioner Cramer. The Fischer family GOT ISSUES? GET ANSWERS! RE-ELECT COMMISSIONER LINDA CRAMER POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT PAID Fi:ih mil, U RPH .A- E. LINDA : -. i:, FR i i i r l I..il(.1 l:.1 1,l . I I I I 16 0 NOV. 1. 2006 T THE ISLANDER he. s- .. ..de In the Oct. 31,1996, issue of The Islander, headlines announced: The Holmes Beach Board of Adjustment approved the addition of a canopy on the patio of the Manatee Public Beach Cafe pavilion, although the present struc- ture does not conform to the city's comprehensive plan. The recommendation will go to the city commission for its approval. Small businesses on Anna Maria Island that suf- fered damage from Tropical Storm Josephine may now apply for a small business loan under a Small Business Administration program. *, Mike Norman charged Bradenton Beach Board of Adjustment member Charlie Grace with violating the public trust by voting on a variance request for a property that Grace is interested in purchasing. Grace voted against on the variance for the property, located at 2306 Canasta, but the measure passed by a 3-2 vote. Save Anna Maria roundtable discussion Saturday Save Anna Maria Inc. will meet at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 4, at the West Manatee Fire and Rescue District's Station No. 1, 6001 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. There v ill be no guest speaker, but a round- table discussion will include recent develop-. ments at Grassy Point and Kingfish Boat Ramp in Holmes Beach. All interested parties are invited to attend and share their ideas about issues that concern Island communities. Rotary Club member presentation Tuesday The Rotary Club of Anna Maria Island hosts a- weekly lunch meeting every Tuesday at noon at the BeachHouse Restaurant, 200 Gulf Drive N., Bra- denton Beach. The guest presentation for Tuesday, Nov. 7, will be from club member and Holmes Beach City Commis- sibner David Zaccagnino on the Rotary Foundation. For more infoi. riiti1n.'call 350-4326. IORECK VACUUM' ALL 3 PIECES FREE 13 FOR 2999 , FULL 3-YEAR WARRANTY! S199.VALUE FREE ' 8 Attachments 1 lm i i Weighs 8 lbs. Strong enough to pick app rov crd I Hotel Strength up a 16 lb. bowling ball. REPAIRS 7 DAYS A WEEK AERIAL PHOTOS OF ANNA MARIA ISLAND & T <~ CtM _'T^ AT V23v SELKA / PHOTOGRAPHIC /941-778-2711 www.jackelka.com 16th Annual , Rnnat Mitria FtLFest 1rts & Crdft Show 10am-4:30pm Sat. & Sun.* Nov. 4 & 5 14... .. . Located in the Holmes Beach City Hall Field Artists and Crafters from 12 different states! Admission and parking are FREE. *-On site lectures provided by the Wildlife Education Rehabilitation Center. Stop bM the booth and visit the birds! PUBLIC NOTICE FROM THE CITY OF ANNA MARIA l((CLEANUP 8 a.m. 3 p.m. Saturday Nov. 4 at the Anna Maria City Pier parking lot FLEASF Yard waste must be separated from other refuse. , CS iF- Sorry no refrigerators, A/C units, batteries, tires or paint will be accepted at this cleanup. (RAIN DATE Dec 2) Remember ... Monday is recycle pickup day in Anna Maria. Please set your blue bin at the curb. For questions about recycling, call Anna Maria City Hall, 708-6132, ext. 25. Paving under way in Anna Maria Construction crews have begun the first steps in the current road resurfacing capital improvement project in Anna Maria. Materials and equip- I I. ment are being stored at the public parking lot along the east side eof South Bay Boule- v yard and motorists are advised to use caution in the area. Islander Photo: Rick Catlin Kiwanis Club Arthritis Foundation presentation Saturday The Anna Maria Island Kiwanis Club meets every Saturday at 8:30 a.m. at Cafe on the Beach, Manatee Public Beach, 4700 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. The guest speaker for Saturday, Nov. 4, is Jay Burnell, executive director of the Arthritis Foun- dation. Jay is also a member of the Bradenton Kiwanis Club. New Anna Maria Web site The City of Anna Maria recently introduced a new Web site for city news and events. The site provides up-to-date information on city commission and planning and zoning agendas, minutes and scheduled meetings. In addition, the site features an online calen- dar and news blog to inform readers of department operations, special events, news and weather-related emergencies. The city will continue to improve the Web site as technology becomes available, said City Clerk Alice Baird. The site is on the Web at www,cityofan- namaria.com qRSDIRWIECK vacuums of Sarasota 4892 S. Turniarni Trail, in the Landings Plaza] Hours: Mon.-Fri., 10-6, Sat, 10-5, Sun.,, 12-5 1 941-924-1841 AM[ - - - - - - J TIIE ISLANDER U NOV. 1. 2006 M 17 Pelican Man Bird Sanctuary pushes emergency button The prospect of significant cuts in services unless $200,000 is forthcoming has been raised by the head of the Pelican Man's Bird Sanctuary. In a letter mailed to 7,500 supporters, executive director Jeffrey Dering said the operation must reach "that level of support by the beginning of November" or face further reductions in services. The sanctuary already has suspended "on-call res- cues," he noted. "Sick or injured birds are still being admitted to the hospital if someone brings them in or drops them off. And even with a limited rescue opera- tion, the hospital remains full." Operating costs, meanwhile, have increased, he said. All of this, plus the effects of red tide putting more birds in need of hospital care, has put the Sanctuary "in Here are some "NO COST' 0 Investments to cave you money on your heating/cooling bills: 1, Replace or clean your system's filter on a onnthly basis. Dirty filters restrict airflow. forcing your system S...... work harder and less efficiently. ... 2..Rmove objects.from.in front.of--- your supply And turn vnnt' 5. Make sure your windows and doors are completely closed-while your eG system is operating. FOR MORE INFO LEASE CALL. OR CHECK OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.WESTCOASTAC.COM -WESTACOT- AIR CONDITIONING - & HEATING IN - 778-962 -2 5347 Gulf Drive, No. 4, Holmes Beach Business Center, 0 Holmes Beach cACO4436 FPL PARTICIPATING CONTRACTOR F / a desperate plight, a critical stage in our existence." Dering called upon the people of Manatee and Sarasota counties to increase their support for the facility by donating in person or by mail at 1708 Ken Thompson Pkwy., Sarasota FL 34236, or doing so by telephone at 388-4444. Privateers' 'Thieves Market' will be first of five The Anna Maria Island Privateers will have to art to soda to trash and treasures, including the its first "Thieves Market" of the season on Sat- Privateers own roasted corn on the cob for "a urday, Nov. 11, at Coquina Beach at the southern buck-an-ear." end of the Island. Proceeds will go to the civic organization's It will run from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m. with vary- scholarship and youth programs. ing vendors selling everything from food to crafts Details may be obtained by calling 778-0181. "'A ..i I I I U,11 .i V DRAWINGS: 1/2 BUSHEL FRUIT SHIPPED TO MOST OF USA. FAMILY 4 PACK 4 LUNCH SPECIALS, 4 TOURS AND 4 ICE CREAM CONES TWO NIGHTS IN ORLANDO Nov. 10th & 11th at the Luxurious Cypress Palms, STwo Bedrooms, Sleeps 8 * Free wine sampling with Mixon select wines from Aspiration V -. -a Winery, Lakeridge Winery & Keel and Curley Winery,' .ta: * Entertainment Saturday 1 :-3pm Tom Mobley. fI * Store specials and fresh fruit. SHomemade fudge -... Buy lib. Get 1/4lb. Fiee. * $4.00 Tram rides through grove and see the gardens and animals 11am, 1pm and 3pm (reg. $7.00). SNew t Mixon S 50-foot Garden Maze. S* Butterfly & Bird Habitats Wetlands Area Gazebo Pond with Fountain and Waterfall / /e Tram Tours through the Grove S"Animal and Garden Tours Home of Matthews Animal Rescue WWW.MIXON.COM 941-748-5829 2712 26THAVE. E.BRADENTON -.MON-SAT. OAM-5PM-* CLOSED SUN Bradenton Fl --n-.zFic A, 18 E NOV. 1, 2006 U THE ISLANDER 'Wo- ... S* cfl G%1 AI INVESNTION i INVESTMENT -- Real C &Real 4--f -i . COTTAGE OR CAPPUCCINO BEACHFRONT OR BREAKFAST... LET US HELP YOU 9906 Gulf Drive Anna Maria A2 (941) 779-0034 PRWur ImY OWNERS Contact Judy Karkhoff for Professional Property Management Services 401 Manatee Avenue Holmes Beach 941-778-7777 or Bs] 866.266-9911 www.gulfstreamfirst.com RSA 4 vE~_T,.. FRQ0t' Across from Manatee Public Beach 3901 Gulf Dr., Holmes Beach 941 -778-7769 www.floridasecrets cornm ~t~~x p.nv ~~4WUWWb!1uA2Jrf a_ T&74S Ho4 Restaurant & Bar I I Join us for Sunday brunch For Reservations call 782-1122 www.thesunhouserestaurant.com u _- bt the traffic circle in Bradenton Beach :. ".:.:;..1...'::.'I 1.' ::,::,I.. :'."'' :.':':i",: ".. I::-'"i'i:.",;.:. .J :.:.: 1: .: SGulfstrla 4"L- I CARIBBEAN SEAFOOD RIBS CHICKEN STEAKS HOME OF THE MANGO-MACADAMIA ENCRUSTED GROUPER FREE 2 GLASSES OF WINE, PIECE OF KEYLIME PIE OR MACADAMIA BANANA with any two regular priced dinners, willth this ad. A EARLY BIRD SPECIAL EBerNda. .*4-6 pm Buy 'rw eniree qg- ,.cc indenlrpe HALF-OFF Where the locals and the stars love to dine! Denzel Washington said: "Great food! | e] 103 Gulf Drive Bradenton Beach *779-1930 Rod & Reel Pier Breakfast. Lunch & Dinner 7 Days Fresh Fish Specials Daily ice-C.Id Beer & Wine 7I1. .'' ... .--.-?^"_ W ? '".^-'-. -_.. _. - -in in THE ISLANDER M NOV. 1, 2006 M 19 1 ionimi In. -- : 1 Mt rLi.2 C Pai c~tV-et j- AW c- z -2: = i U 0 CitV) lC\. 1C' .. C'.. C, <(C.)<'C nc1Jifl I * z F,- FMD Z-Z-Z < 0 U ., ZCJI z 'I-I Zomirc, F- ,uiO- Z-1 zzc ,,I .T 7j C4 ,' r 1 '7 co: o m ci dE : > ~ az < ~ Lu~WWWW~ U) in .)- c ) Cj i C l C', CJ 4 C--. 0 *j rL()L Ccra < I m.r < Ir L, 0 LL2 z O :_D0..Nl~n oa.:0 in TO 0- Licr cc~ m w0 110 z u aWL cr >C2 O> g C) LLO CC 0 US 4-r- < a 1 )ci l A.4 ID..1 2 Th;-~ Check out our new, chic dining area and wine bar! SHappy Hour, 2 for 1 drinks, 5-6:30. il 5406 Marina Drive Holmes Beach 778-5320 LIn 0C- E0o >- 0 zn LL C L L j- o '-0 zI- 00 a-Z' ErM LLWD i- Mt. Vernon Office 9819 Cortez Road West l BAN K Bradenton, FL 34210 OF FLORIDA Direct: 941 345-1496 Tel: 941-795-3885 Ellen P. Aquilina Fax: 941-795-3882 Vice President 1-877-COASTFL Branch Manager www.coastfl.com eaquilina@coastfl.com NASDAQ: CFHI ..:,:.; :.:.::;..~:..::..::..:1...:...: .... .......:......:...::::.. 20 M NOV. 1, 2006 M THE ISLANDER Streetlife Island police reports Anna Maria City Oct. 22, 800 block of North Bay Boulevard, lost property. A man reported that he was unable to find his wallet. Bradenton Beach Oct. 19, 100 block of 24th Street North, Baker Act. A man was taken into custody under the Baker Act after attempting to harm himself. Oct. 20, 2400 block of Avenue C, drug arrest. Based on probable cause, officers executed a search warrant of -a residence. Various items of drug paraphernalia were reportedly found and Robert Ligon, 31, of Bradenton Beach, was arrested. Oct. 22, 2500 block of Avenue B, battery. A woman filed a report against another woman alleging she was pushed during an argument. -Holmes Beach Oct. 20, 6800 block of Palm Drive, theft. A man Reported the theft of his auto tag decal. Oct. 21, 3600 block of Fourth Avenue, leaving the scene. A palm tree was uprooted and a stop sign dam- aged in a vehicle crash. According to the report, officers followed the breadcrumbb" trail of vehicle parts to a residence in the 500 block of 77th Street, where the owner of the vehicle was given a criminal citation for leaving the scene of an accident. Oct. 21, 600 block of Manatee Avenue, drugs. James Martin, 22, of Bradenton Beach, was arrested for possession of drug paraphernalia and marijuana after a routine traffic stop.- Oct. 21, 200 block of 78th Street, lost property. A man reported the loss-of his vehicle tag. Oct. 22,.3200 block of Sixth Avenue, battery. According to the report, some friends were gathered at the residence to have a few drinks and watch a foot- ball game. One of the men stated that he reportedly Cool travelers Kathy and David Ferguson of Holmes Beach take their hot news to the ,old,. - of All. ,lc Ki/nle in .Alaska it while on a month-long trip mostly devoted to fishun.gJifor salmon, halibut and -iLt rlic ram ling. OPEN Mon.-Fri 73am-7pm ,,J Sat., Sun., Holidays 730'am-5pm WALK-INS WELCOME We're available to tend to your urgent care needs Fever Infecu.orns Minor Lacerati,.nrLs Sunple Fractures Sprat-is PINNACLE MEDICAL CENTER 315 75th Street West Bradenton 941-761-1616 , ,q'.' ~ ~-Jk Witnesses lead Bradenton Beach Police to arrest An arrest has finally been made in the grand theft of a custom-crafted steel gate resembling an octopus owned by Fred Bartizal that had been installed at 100 Bridge St., Bradenton Beach. The f.e theft occurred April 28 and without the proper affidavits from witnesses, the investigation .: quickly stalled. Bradenton Beach Detective Lenard Diaz said that shortly after the incident he obtained the name of a man believed to have witnessed the theft. The man is a part-time Florida resident and Diaz said it took a couple of months to locate the witness and that the man was then unable to positively identify the suspect. Diaz said that in mid-September several wit- nesses contacted him at BBPD, offering informa- tion that finally resulted in the arrest of Jonathon Welch, who at the time of the theft owned a video rental shop on Bridge Street. Welch, a Bradenton resident, no longer owns a business on Bridge Street. He was arrested within. Bradenton Beach city limits on Oct. 17, while Steel gone operating the taxi service he currently owns. This steel gate on Bridge Street owned by Fred According to Diaz, Welch denies taking the Bartizal was stolen in April. Although the $3,000 gate and, by Oct. 24, Bartizal had signed a waiver, functional artpiece has not been found, Braden- dropping the charges against Welch. ton Beach police made an arrest last week after The gate, valued at $3,000, has not been several witnesses stepped forward. Islander Photo: recovered. Courtesy Bradenton Beach Police Department wanted to fight someone. Another of the men report- edly offered to let the guy hit him, which he did. The victim was transported to a hospital and required 19 stitches under his eye. Oct. 23, 5300 Marina Drive, driver's license. A woman stopped for a traffic-violation was reportedly driving without her corrective lenses. She was cited for Inmprove the Quality S.' of Your Life Carol Greer Siemaszko SB.A.;Ed.MA P;3ch CERTIFIED COUNSELOR : ..AND LIFE COACH . 941-794-1492 | Perico Island Bradenton P I 3A' A IRS violation of her driver's license restriction. Oct. 24, 2700 block of Gulf Drive, domestic vio- lence. A woman reported that her boyfriend woke her up by allegedly burning her chest with a cigarette. The woman stated that she was in the process of moving out and that they had an argument the previous night. The man accused told police the mark was a spider bite. The woman was given a domestic violence packet. Oct. 24, 3224 E. Bay Drive, Wedebrock Real Estate, bad check. An employee reported receipt of a worthless check. Oct. 24, 3324 E. Bay Drive, West Marine, theft. An employee reported a GPS unit missing from the displa\ shelf. - Oct 25, 2710 Gulf Drive, Cedar Cove, warrant. A man was arrested on a Pinellas County warrant. He was also charged \ ith pro\ hiding false identification to the arresting officer. Oct. 26, 3200 block of Gulf Drive, burglary. Sev- eral tools, including nail guns and a saw,-were stolen from a secured construction trailer. Oct. 26, 600 block of Dundee Lane. theft. A resi- dent reported a Waste NManagement trash can stolen.' Oct. 26, 5424 Nlarina Drive, Jessie's Store, prop- erkt found. A bike was found-and was taken to the police department. 2005 SNALL BUSINESS PERSON OF THE YEAR Island Chi ropractic our We Dr. Kathleen Goerg Now Offering Thai Massage! Lic# MA33390 778-0722 3612 East Bay Drive Holmes Beach, FL 34217 Visit our Web site: www.Islandchiro.com WILLS TRUSTS ESTATES JAY HILL Attorney-at-La w 778-4745 Anna Maria, Florida Welcome Valerie. Fortunate, ARNP to Island-Family Physicans Now accepting new patients 778-1007 3909 East Bay Drive Holmes Beach j THE ISLANDER 0 NOV. 1, 2006 U 21 .- . Wednesday, Nov. 1 7 to 8 a.m. Pier Regulars meeting at the Anna Maria Pier, 100 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria.. Information: 778-7062. Thursday, Nov. 2 1 to 2 p.m. -The Anna Maria Island Community Center's six-week Tai Chi class with Sherry Fideler begins at St. Ber- nard Catholic Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies. 2 to 6 p.m. Flu shots at the Anna Maria Island Cham- ber of Commerce, 5313 Gulf Drive N., Holmes Beach. Infor- mation: 779-9412. Friday, Nov. 3 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Anna Maria Island Commu- nity Center will host a Food for Life cooking class featuring "healthy menus and antioxidants" at St. Bernard Catholic Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach. Information:, 778-1908. Includes lunch. 6 to 8 p.m. Artists reception for Sandi Nowicki at the Artists Guild Gallery, 5413 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Saturday, Nov. 4 7:30 a.m. to noon Guided nature walk at the Felts Audubon Nature Preserve, 4600 24th Ave. E., Palmetto. Infor- mation: 737-3169. 8 a.m. to noon Island Baptist Church Revolution! stu- dent ministry yard sale at the Island Baptist Church, 8605 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. Information: 778-0719. 8:30 a.m. Kiwanis Club meeting with guest speaker Jay Burnell, executive director of the Arthritis Foundation, at Cafe on the Beach, Manatee Public Beach, 4700 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Fall bazaar at Kirkwood Presbyte- rian Church, 6101 Cortez Road W., Bradenton. Information: 794-6229. 10:30 a.m. Save Anna Maria roundtable discussion at the West Manatee Fire Rescue Station No. 1, 6001 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. 5 to 9 p.m. Taste of Manatee along Barcarrota Bou- levard and the riverfront in downtown Bradenton. Informa- tion: 747-4655. Proceeds benefit Meals on Wheels PLUS of Manatee. 6 to 8 p.m.- Cortez Yacht Club Community Fish Fry on the waterfront at the Bayside Banquet Hall, 4528 119th St. W., Cortez. Information: 792-4535. Fee applies. Sunday, Nov. 5 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. -Taste of Manatee along Barcarrota Boulevard and the riverfront in downtown Bradenton. Infor- mation: 747-4655. Proceeds benefit Meals on Wheels PLUS of Manatee. Monday, Nov. 6 - 8:30 a.m. Internet class at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-6341. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Flu shots available at St. Bernard Catholic Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach. Infor- mation: 778-1908. Fee applies. 10:15 a.m.- Gulf CoastWriters meet with guest author Elizabeth Waterston at the Island Branch Library, 570"1 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-3209. 6 p.m. Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce awards and officer installation dinner at the Sun House Res- taurant, 100 Bridge St., Bradenton Beach. Information: 779- 9412. Fee applies. , Our fast claims service is "No Problem." ' ur agency is well known for providing fast, efficient and fair claims service. That's because we represent Auto-Owners Insurance, which, according to a national consumer's magazine, ranks consistently as one of the top insurers .... in the country. That's why we are known as the - "No Problem" People - Ask us about our'great service today! ,Auto-Owners Insurance Life Home Car Business Jim Mixon Insurance Inc. 5412 Marina Dr.* Island Shopping Center Holmes Beach (941) 778-2253 OUR OFFICE IS CLOSED FOR LUNCH NOON-1 DAILY. jim.mixon2@verizon.net, Reading fest draws authors from near, far Another book in author/illustrator Jolie Bell's "Poor Tugger" series is available. And so is Bell, who plans to make an appearance at the Sarasota Reading Festival on Nov. 4. Local authors Lyn and Sharon Clarke of Bradenton Beach also plan to appear at the festival in the Pepper- tree Press tent. The festival lineup includes best-selling fiction writers John Jakes, Michael Connelly and Sena Jeter Naslund, celebrated cookbook authors George Stella and Nathalie Dupree, award-winning environmental writers Michael Grunwald and Richard Louv and 25 more nationally renowned authors. The free event scheduled for 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in Five Points Park in downtown Sarasota also includes children's activities, performances, seminars, author readings and appearances by local writers such as Bell and the Clarkes, who are husband and wife. Bell's latest is "Poor Tuggerisms: A Book of Canine Comments, Quips, Thoughts, Tips and Other Fun Stuff About Dogs" from Peppertree Press in Sarasota. An Ohio native, Bell lives on Anna Maria Island with her husband, Steve, and her inspirational pup, Doogie Schnauzer. Lyn Clarke is the author of "Memoirs of a Welsh- man," a collection of stories about his travels to inter- esting locations and his encounters with interesting people. Sharon Clarke, a Michigan native, is the author of 7 p.m: Island Young Professionals present "Island Business History" at Duffy's. Tavern, Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 779-9108. 7 to 9 p.m. "The Way of the Heart" class at St. Ber- nard Catholic Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-4769. Tuesday, Nov. 7 Noon Anna Maria Island Rotary Club meeting with Rotary Foundation presentation by David Zaccagnino at the BeachHouse Restaurant, 200 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton Beach. Information: 350-4326. Wednesday, Nov. 8 7:45 to 9 a.m. Anna Maria Island Chamber of Com- merce "Sunrise Breakfast" at the Sun House Restaurant, 100 Bridge St., Bradenton Beach. Information: 779-9412. 10:30 a.m. Friends of the Island Branch Library book club at the library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Infor- mation: 778-6341. - Ongoing: Faculty exhibit at the Anna Maria Island Art League, 5312 Holmes Blvd., Holmes Beach, through Nov. 3. Informa- tion: 778-2099. "Latin American Art Exposition" at the Longboat Key Center for the Aris, 6860 Longboat Drive. Longboat Key, ihro'ugli Nr.:v. 9 Informatilon- 794-0650. Sandi Nowicki art exhibit at the Ariist Guild Gallery. 5413 Marina Drive Holmes Beach, through Nov. 30 AN INTERDENOMINATIONAL COMMUNITY CHURCH HARVEY MEMORIAL S.. ^ *PASTOR ~ e, STEPHEN KING Sunday 9:30am 779-1912 www.harveymemorial.org 300 CHURCH AVE. BRADENTON BEACH 2 BLOCKS NORTH OF BRIDGE ST. CLOCK TOWER We are thankful to have such great clients. We will continue to do our best to win your trust and confidence! Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Stain & Odor Control Tile and Grout Color, Cleaning and Stain Controll 778-2882 or 387-0607 www.FatCatCarpetCleaning.com LARRY & NANCY HOUSE, OWNERS Authors and spouses Sharon and Lyn Clarke will appear at the Sarasota Reading Festival on Nov. 4. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy "Mourning Redemption," a story set in the early 1900s about a young family settling in America. In addition to appearing at the reading festival, the Clarkes plan several book signing in the area, including a signing from 6-8 p.m. Nov. 10 at Bridge Street Inte- riors, 100 Bridge St. in Bradenton Beach and another signing Dec. 18 at Circle Books, 478 John Ringling Blvd. For more information about the Clarkes' work, e- mail sharkeyclarke@ aol.com. For more information about Bell or "Poor Tugger," go to www.poortuggerpress.com, or call 778-5397. For more information about the reading festival, visit the festival's Web site at www.sarasotareading- festival.com. Coming up: Council of Catholic Women at St. Bernard Catholic Church Nov. 9. "The Odd Couple" at Manatee Players Nov. 9-25. Florida West Coast Symphony at Neel Performing Arts Center Nov. 10. Artists reception at Anna Maria Island Art League Nov. 10. Suncoast Winefest Nov. 11. Anna Maria Island- Privateers' Thieves Market at Coquina Beach Nov. 11. Holiday bazaar at St. Mary Star of the Sea Catholic Church, Longboat Key, Nov. 11. Family origami at the Island Branch Library Nov. 11. Widowed persons support group at St. Bernard Catholic Church Nov. 13. "The Management Course" at the Longboat-Lido-St. Armands Keys Chamber of Commerce Nov. 14. David Mullen at the Island Branch Library Nov. 14. Ooh La La! Bistro hosts Thanksgiving dinner at Anna Maria Elementary School Nov. 14. Save the Date: Empty Bowls downtown Bradenton Nov. 16. Sandblast Nov. 18. Anna' Maria Island Community Orchestra and Choir presents "Celebration of Autumn" Nov. 19. Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, ELCA Pastor Rosemary W. Backer .. Saiurrday 5pm Service of Celebration Sunday 8 & 10:30am Worship Service Nursery available at 10:30am S Youth Sunday School 10:30am S .". .I* .. ;, .._ - Ho6608 Marina Drive ... -m- "f Holmes Beach k 778-1813 Beaches Bradenton Sarasota Parrish 778-1337 794-1005 365-2893 776-0779 Full Service Exterior and Interior Now Accepting Visa '_ -, and Mastercard Island Pest Control Inc. SERVING THE ISLANDS MORE THAN 20 YEARS State Certified/Licensed and Insured Locally owned and operated .......... ..; *'., rr.1 -.1 -v.I 3* ..., :-----. a I I1iF O -9. . ... .i: -: :- ;- :1:1 22 0 NOV. 1, 2006 U THE ISLANDER AME cont Anna Maria Elementary School media specialist Lynn McDonough is continuing her "Birthday Book Club" to expand the school's library collection and honor students' birthdays. The "Birthday Book Club," is open to all AME stu- dents at a one-time cost of $15. Students who join the f. MMQNU Monday, Nov. 6 Breakfast: Waffle Sticks, Yogurt, Cereal, Toast, Fruit Lunch: Pepperoni Pizza or Chicken Nuggets; Peas, Chips, Peaches Tuesday, Nov. 7 Breakfast: Breakfast Burrito, Cereal, Toast, Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich, Fruit Lunch: Cheeseburger or Burrito, Spanish Rice, Mixed Veggies, Pineapple Tidbits Wednesday, Nov. 8 - Breakfast: Breakfast Pizza, Yogurt, Cereal, Toast, Fruit ., Lunch: Tacos or Breaded Chicken Patty on Bun,.- White Rice, Oranges and Pineapple Thursday, Nov. 9 Breakfast: Egg and Cheese Biscuit, Cereal, Toast, Bagels, Fruit Lunch: Turkey Gravy or Hot Ham and Cheese Sandwich, Green Beans, Mashed Potatoes, Straw- berries and Banana Friday, Nov. 10 o Breakfast: Blueberry Muffin, Oatmeal, Cereal,. Toast. Yogurl * Lunch: Barbecue Rib Sandwich or Pizza, Corn, Tator Triangles. Fruit Cocktail o Juice and milk are served with every meal. U .. : 2 inues 'Birthday B club will be invited to a bimonthly birthday party in the media center. At their birthday party, students are able to choose a brand new book for the library's collection. Students sign the bookplate with their name and birth date. Birth- day book selections are then marked on the binding with a star sticker so students know which books have ook Club' been dedicated to the library by club members. McDonough said she asked students about their reading interests before purchasing the books for the club donations. She said the new additions are books published within the past year. To learn more about the program, call McDonough at 708-5525. Happy birthday Members of Anna Maria Elementary School's "Birthday Book Club" -i celebrate their August and September birthdays and sponsor a new book for the media center. Club members are the first to check out their new book selection before it's entered into the library system. Islander Photo: Courtesy AME Be a business partner with AME Anna Maria Elementary School is currently of the business, speaking in classrooms, providing accepting business partners. financial assistance and in-kind services. There are many aspects to serving as a business Businesses interested in forming partnership should partner. Opportunitiesexist for hosting student tours- call the school administrative office at 708-5525. C.UGAR ORDER AND PRE-PAY /;;;15HGA? NOW THROUGH NOV. 19 1 k m ,rj PICK UP NOV. 22 RestauranP 8AM NOON AvailIAblethrough cafe on the beach With all the$ 95 trimmings 1 9 Monday Italian Night "^ .-i All-you- $795 can-eat 4-8pm TACO & FAJITA l T Every Wednesday 4-8pm r All-You- $ 95 Can-Eat 7 FR FRY 2-8 pm with fries and slaw 03 ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT COD 5 _0 $895 Evening entertainment! 4-8pm OPEN 7 AM 7 DAYS A WEEK *RAIN IR SHINE Breakfast Lunch Dinner Beer & Wine Casual Inside Dining or Outdoor Patio Dining Pleanty of Parking Fishing/Observation Pier On beautiful Manatee Beach where Manatee Ave. ends and the Gulf begins! 4000 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach 778-0784 ntatic Fish & Chips* Seafo00 r 'W ^- Fish & Chips Special *799 NIASf~~FPoker 7pm I T GL IP British Night- Bangers & Mash, Shhepherd's ie iFM f-DAlRMN- Karaoke 8 prn ' UNW Te6xas Hold 'em 4 & 7 pm rn Tues ~ Sun 4-til late Closed Mon 12012 Cortez Rd. W.. 792-4822 v- wwwbarryskiatchen.com Capalbo's Buy regular price buffet / and get second for with the purchase 2 1of a soft drink 792-5300 10519 Cortez Road W. Mon-Sat 11 am-10 Opm Sunday Noon-9pm - S LEASE PRESENT COUPON EXPIRES NOV. 30, 2006 Continental Bistro on(qReg e~ ur t~le wine 6o'r, anJa /huejazz f)eanes~aqg 5406 Marina Dr. Holmes Beach .778-5320 a.p. BeLL fiSH company miNc. Fresh Seafood Since 1910 Great selection of locally caught Grouper. SnappFer, Shrimp, Panfish and much more. Plan,-,inir, fishing ,i ip, Call .ab:c'i.t our big selection of frozen Laill DISCOUNT PRICES EVERYDAY See you at our docks! 941-794-1249 4600 124th St. W. Cortez, Florida tres : .* -. :'- : '. ?-. .. : *.. cIc r TIHE ISLANI)DER NOV. 1. 2006 0 23 OLD ""ABURQ 0, SCHNITZELHAUS The Best German. Restaurant on Florida's West Coast Every Friday Bavarian Haxen (Pork knuckle with dumpling and sauerkraut) Please phone ahead 24 hours Closed due to family emergency Nov. 3 Dec. 1 HOURS: TUES-SAT 5-9:30PM 778-1320 Anna Maria Island Centre 3246 E. Bay Drive Holmes Beach DISCOUNT LIQUOR COCKTAIL LOUNGE COUPON GOOD NOV. 1-7, 2006 Smirnoff Vodka MANATEE COUNTY'S I Captain Morgan Rum $1-9 175 #1 #1IM AT $2299 17 OPEN FOR LUNCH ALL WEEK. ooyes Stone Est 1967 tile Waterfy CHILDREN Er LARGE PARTIES WELCOME STONE CRABS ARE HERE IN THE HISTORIC VILLAGE ON THE NORTHERN END OF LONGBOAT KEY. 11:30AM-9:30PM DAILY PHONE 383-1748 800 BROADWAY STi. ^W ~ F' Z3 W7-^ ^^^ irm _L I Am I I a--. i I I I I ID NV .. ^l !T7ApP) 14 24 E NOV. 1, 2006 TIIE ISLANDER By Diana Bogan Lander Reporter Spooky goblins and.sparkly princesses traversed the lawns of Anna Maria Elementary School Saturday. Oct. 28. aut he Pairefit-Teacher Organization's Fall Festival, This year the festivalreturnied to the island school campus after being hosted on the grounds of St. Bernard Catholic.Church during construction of the new school. The event- began with a costume parade from Holmes Befich City Hall to the school on Gulf Dri; e. S The wvalkways in front of the school were lined _with class-sporinsored booths. Some hew features this year included "Guess that Goo,'" a touchv-feely game conjured up. byKaithy Granstad's class, Halloween Limbo-and a pumpkin ring toss.. The auditorium was transformed into a haunted house.wvith the help of AME fifth-graders and their. parents and provided a good scare for exen the older students. The line to get in on the haunt stretched down the walkway. keeping the ghosts and goblins inside busy throughout the entire event. Another new event that drew a large crowd was the- Kis.-A-Pig contest. Students had an opportunity to vote throughout the month of October for the person they most wanted to see kiss a pig- In the running fo- thie falffest smooch were PTO president Shannon Dell, custodian Shitr le Beard, ar teacher Gar,' Wooten,.coach Barry Borell and principal Kath\ Hayes. Wooten trailed ilh second place with 88 votes, leaving Haves the -winner with 126 notes. Behind the-school. inflatable games, such as a isaa^ ^K-A-1- bounce house for toddlers and a second one for older kids, kept kids in motori. There was also a rock-cliib- - ing wall and a dunk tank. . In addition to having lunch available in the cafeteria parents provided baked goods for sale .Aniothernewy fea- rure this year %'as a silent auctioaofreadytio-heatimeals prepared by AMIE teachers. Gathering sorne comipetitiye bids were.Maureen Lo\'elad's-gourmet meatloaf Tbani - Lashway's stuffed shells, Marcia Brock,-ay's-craTmbeat- stuffed tilapia overrice, andaBetsy Kern's round chicken lasagna with marinara sauce Kathbyflanslad also offered dessert and wine with her lasagni tak&e-bu - The annual festival is a PTO fundraiser and pro- ceeds-will benefit school resource ofticr Pete anno, who is fighting cancer, - P4 ei li 3. pedl P 1 -:i : : -.::.:- -:_ I',- . Smoacht' - Wis 126 sudeni votes, AM-E Prhipild Karthy ifa yes was the big liviIliler -o ir i W F s i all Fes.tial kiss--dPig orines. TTrilinghe as- :- aa-teac Gaiy Woore, n irk 8&8 voies. Iae :i: stepped up to the chai- ,le-ge, kissing. /.. pig nbt once, but ticet. " : 'i. AE first, ,'c der Brndein fills eft and y :""-Lar...oley ..-...-*..... -_ .. ... - - f- -*ft -% vak S -Spooky toSS: Lauren Bart take's aim at some spQkyfumpkints SFestival Phoros: Diana Bogdti, -Parade Pliotos: BonnerJo o'-:- : r.. 'Pa ,rv "NK 'I. Boat race Kindergarten cop Dylan Mclntosh and little hippie Abby Achor: bot/ih AAE kindergarten students, shoot for the finish line in a mini-boat race. ": = 44.r THE ISLANDER U NOV. 1, 2006 M 25 Autoway Ford remains undefeated with 5-0 win By Kevin Cassidy Islander Reporter There were no major changes in any of the divi- sion standings during the last week of regular-season action for the Anna Maria Island Community Center Soccer League. ReMax Gulfstream Realty held onto its slim lead in Division I over LaPensee Plumbing, while the Sun maintained its lead and an unblemished record in Division II. Autoway Ford's bid for a per- fect season in Division III ended with a tie, but it still holds an insurmountable 10-point lead on second- place Air & Energy. In other matters, the Center is hosting a Veterans Day weekend soccer tournament to close out the season Nov. 11-12. Teams will be seeded according to how they finished the regular season. In addition, all-star games will also be played over the weekend, includ- ing a 6-7 age group and a 7- year-old all-star game for instructional leaguers. Look for the complete schedule in next week's Islander. Autoway Ford defeated second-place Air & Energy .2-1 on Oct. 27 behind one goal apiece from Neil Carper and Robby Officer. Kalif Mora notched the lone goal for Air & Energy in the close loss. Division II Cannons earned its second win on the season when it defeated West Coast Surf Shop 1-0 on Oct. 26. Hunter Parrish scored the lone goal of the game to lead Cannons to victory. Ooh La La! Bistro continued its strong play as of late, earning a 2-0 victory over Americo Title on Oct. 25 in Division III action. Kiley Aldefer and Diana Pimen- tal each notched goals for Ooh La La! in the victory. Island Real Estate received one goal apiece from Chris Pate and Daniel Pimental during its 2-0 vic- tory over West Coast Surf Shop in Division II action on Oct. 24. . Division III leader Autoway Ford avoided its first loss on the season when the auto-team edged Ooh La La! 2-1 on Oct. 23. Neil Carper notched both goals for Auto\\ a. Ford in the victory. Josh Zawistoski scored the lone goal for Ooh La La! in the loss. Anna Maria Island Little League news A community\ organizational meeting for the Anna Maria Island Little League \\ill be held at 6 p.m. Friday, Nov. 3, at the West Mlanatee Fire Rescue Station No. 1. -The-meeting is open to all adult Little League enthu- siasts residing on Anna Maria Island and the Manatee County portion of Longboat Key. The primary agenda of this meeting is to vote in the new Little League board of directors. Mark your calendars and plan on attending this important formation meeting. For more informa- tion, contact Center athletic director Andy Jonatzke at 778-1908. Horseshoe news Tom Rhodes and Herb Heesch were the outright winners of the Oct. 25 horseshoe competition at the Anna Maria City Hall pits as they posted the only 3-0 pool-play record. Herb Puryear teamed up with Sam Samuels to earn second place with a thrilling 22-20 victory over Cathy Stoltzfus and Steve Doyle. Only two of eight teams advanced from pool play during the Oct. 21 horseshoe competition. Doug Yox and Jessie Brisson defeated George McKay and Ron Pepka 23-19 to capture the duck-shaped trophy and bragging rights for the day. Play gets under way at 9 a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday at the Anna Maria City Hall pits. Warmups begin at 8:45 a.m. followed by random team selection. There is no charge to play and everyone is welcome. Key Royale golf news The Key Royale Club held its "stag day" nine-hole golf tournament on Wednesday, Oct. 25, with two shot- AMICC Soccer League final standings Team Win Loss Tie Points Division I (ages 12-14) ReMax 6 2 O 18 Family Physicians 5 3 0 15 LaPensee Plumbing 5 3 0 15 Harry's 2 6 0 .6 Danziger 2 6 0 6 Division II (ages 10-11) Island Sun , Morgan Stanley Island Real Estate Cannons Surf Shop Division III (ages 8-9) Auloway Ford Air & Energy Ooh La La Mr. Bones Mike Norman Americo Title 3 points for a win, 1 p 24 15 13 7 *0 9 -0 1' 28 7 3. 0 18 5 5 0 15 4 4 1 13 2 5 3 9 0 9 1 1 'oint for tie, 0 points for a loss gun starts in a two-best-balls-of-partners game. The team of Ernie Hauser and Vince Fanton fin- ished in a tie for first place with the team of Web Cut- ting and Ed Havlik after both teams shot a combined 54. Three shots back in a tie for second place were Quent Talbert and Bob Sayles and Gordon McKinna and Lew Winegarden. Winegarden also captured clos- est-to-the-pin on No. 8, while Larry Fowler earned that distinction on hole No. 3. A record seven golfers chipped in, including Chris Collins, Don Ledford, Chuck Reed, Talbert, Sayles, Winegarden and Havlik. John Atkinson captured the individual low net with a score of 29. The second shotgun start was similar to the first, in- that there was a crowd at the top. Merritt Fineout and Russ Olson fired a combined 62 to tie George Hieber and Bob King for first place. Art and Bob Reppenhagen finished in a four-way tie for second place with Bob Dickinson and Ormer Trolard, Gordy Lindstrom and Ralph Bassett, and last, but not least, Hugh Holmes Sr. and Adam Ksiazek with identical 65s. Bassett won the closest-to-the-pin on No. 3, while Bob King got closest on No. 8. Bill Melvin and Jim Finn each had chip-ins, while Melvin also captured the individual low net with a score of 30. Tai chi for arthritis class starts Thursday A six-week class of beginners' tai chi for arthritis will begin at 1 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 2, at the St. Bernard Catholic Church activities center, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach. Sponsored by the Anna Maria Island Community Center. it % ill be taught b Sherr Fideler, the Center's - fitness instructor. Costis $25 for members, $40 for non- members. Details are available at 778-1908. Center's 'friendly yoga' starts Monday .The season's "friendly Kripalu yoga" schedule at the Anna Maria Island Community Center will begin 1 ith a class at 8:45 a.m. Monday, Nov. 6. Taught by Dolce Little, it will be in the activities hall of St. Bernard Catholic Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach. It will meet Mondays and Fri- days through April. Full information is available at 778-1908. CASH INCENTIVES ON GRADY-WHITES AT CANNONS MARINA! Only Thru November 5! Great Grad\ Days cash incentives oF$500-$3,500 :on a limited a ailabilirt of 18ft-33rt nes Gradys.. The Best Grady-White Factory-Sponsored Sales Event Ever! .VaII, around 3nd cabn%-r rnjdekf.l: r.rr ? Yamaha Makes It Better... Chc..,.e a r.e,x Yarraha and giet \'ear.i: 'r,ended ,r arr3nt Up ro $2.600 .alue on 5-250 hp t'Cur-.[roke models * CANNONS ' M A R INA COMPETITIVE QUALITY COMMITMENT 6040 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key (2 miles from north end) Open 7 days a week, 8 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Cannons.cornm 383s-1311 *Offer good until November 21. Visit Cannons Marina for more details. We're worth the trip! FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1955 SALES SERVICE RENTALS OYAMAHA When you want the best ....::.. ...;..;..:.1. ..].....~1....:... :.:::: : : ...::1 n.l,..l.. I .. 26 M NOV. 1, 2006 M THE ISLANDER Good inshore fishing for snook, reds, grouper hot By Capt. Mike Heistand Finally, cold fronts moved through and really turned up the heat on fishing. Snook and redfish are snapping at the-hooks in the backwaters, as well as flounder and some big early season sheepshead. Offshore action for grouper and snapper is also good in the Gulf of Mexico. Remember, however, that red snapper season closes Nov. 1. Capt. Thorn Smith at Angler's Repair on Cortez Road said he has closed his shop, a victim of higher rent due to increased taxes and insurance, but he's still fishing. Corky's Bait and Tackle on Cortez Road is a new reporting station for The Islander. Reports include good catches of snook, redfish, snapper and a few mackerel, plus some pompano. Bill Lowman at Island Discount Tackle at Catchers Marina in Holmes Beach said offshore fishing is excellent and getting better each day the water cools off a little more. Grouper and snapper fishing is the best bet in the Gulf. Backwater fishing for snook is something of a moveable feast, as the fish start to migrate toward their winter habitats in the bays. There are lots of redfish being boated, Bill said, and sheepshead are starting to make a good showing as the cold fronts thunder past us. Capt. Tom Chaya on the Dolphin Dreams said he's finding kingfish starting to make a good showing. "The shipping channel in Tampa Bay is holding good kings in the 10- to 20-pound range. They should stick Red snapper season closes in Gulf The recreational red snapper fishing season in all Gulf of Mexico waters closed Nov. 1. According to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, "This closure occurs each year to help rebuild overfished red snapper stocks in the Gulf. "In Gulf state waters, the recreational har- vest and possession of red snapper is prohibited Nov. 1 through April 14," according to the FWC. "However, while the recreational red snapper fishery in Gulf federal waters also closes on Nov. 1, the Gulf federal waters fishery does not reopen to recreational harvest until April 21." Florida state waters extend 9 nautical miles offshore in the Gulf, and federal waters extend beyond state waters, according to-, the FWC: -. -. - .KT Moon Dale N... I N.. 2 N... 4 FI. N... 5^ N.-. n N... - N'..,* AM 11, 34P - -' -I - ' '1 PM LOW WAVE S prc mir-r ho tt club -li krin the Li ;e c1I n b a andr i ptdit re v"e are t pandin.7 Lnto. South Sarai ota a. akt our pir o penin- pc,,iaI bc~orc De. e-mber 3.-I. MI and %,u *-an --et Lilcrtjme Mernkem-h p ifor a,. a i a I I en d l Lhorer _Vcar zpec.lI pricn- 941.795.1600 0 WWW.WAVESBOATCLUB.COM Li.'. Club M1 liri,3* I- i !.J,,rn Tlarn,'1,3rm r *:Tn'i iIB..J'Ii'i' AArid 1nmi. rqEirt, 2oi)r soutm %d sou ir L.l I I~ L-jJlJI Good catch Caleb Screus, 10, caught a mess of red grouper, gag grouper and mackerel while fishing offshore with Capt. Larry McGuire of Show Me The Fish Charters. around right through November. Snook and reds are the main target in the bay with best action around the docks and bridges at night. Excellent numbers of bluefish in the 2-6 pound class are also providing good action." Bob Kilb at the Rod & Reel Pier said the best catch of last week was a 35-pound black drum. Other action includes a few pompano and mackerel, as well as some flounder and a 33-inch-long snook. Jesus Rosario at the Anna Maria City Pier said big snook 28 inches and 34 inches in length were caught by pier fishers. There are good reports there of mangrove snapper and lots of really big sheepshead. Whitebait is also thick around the pilings. Capt. Larry McGuire of Show Me The Fish Charters said that he's finding fishing to be "red hot right now with the fall weather rolling in and grouper action as good as it gets. We are fishing out to 120 feet off Anna Maria Island and Longboat Key, using live pinfish and Spanish sardines. We are getting limit catches of red grouper to 13 pounds, big gags to 15 pounds, monster mangrove snapper, cobia, kingfish, big Spanish mackerel and blacklip shark,. to 4 feet." He said he took Cordell Green of Lakeland and friends out to catch 16 big grouper, but 10-year-old Caleb Screus out-fished the four men in the party, catching six of the largest grouper. Capt. Larry said he's also got a new boat, a 31-foot Morgan, which allows charter to have a little more room to catch more fish. Dave Johnson at Snead Island Crab House said snook are thick in Terra Ceia Bay, with some of the linesiders reaching monster size. Mangrove snapper are coming on strong near the Sunshine Skyway Bridge, with some catches at better than 4 pounds. Sheepshead are also starting to show up around the docks in the Manatee River. Capt. Rick Gross on Fishn Business out of Catch- ers said now is definitely the time to go on the hunt UN E PETE WANTS YOU TO DRIVE A CLEAN CAR! 24-hour self-serve car wash Complete auto detailing Quicklube AMERICAN CAR WASH 5804 Marina Dr. Holmes Beach 778-1617 a MAJOR CREDIT CARDS & DEBIT CARDS ACCEPTED for those big snook, which he's been doing with great success in the past week: He's also putting his charters onto mackerel, snapper and flounder. At Skyway Bait and Tackle, reports include a few cobia near the Sunshine Skyway Bridge, some sheepshead, and Miguel Bay produced redfish up to 27 inches. Capt. Zach Zacharias on the Dee-Jay II out of Parrot Cove Marina said he took Kyle and Susan Korabek from Palm Harbor and AnneMary Schram from San Francisco out last week and "did well on redfish to 28 inches. After the front and high winds, the angling came back real strong. Bait was still very plentiful and shrimp also took a number of species including some sheepshead, the first of the season for my clients." He said Hans and Lars Dietermiek, visit- ing from Germany, boated '"around 30 reds, most of them under the slot and a number of snook topped by a 29-inch keeper, and a few sheepshead at the end of the week. The small reds are a pretty common catch all across the area and is indicative of a really strong spawn about two years ago. These same rat reds should bring on some top notch redfishing in the area another year.or so down the line." On my boat Magic, we caught lots of small snook, a few sheepshead, redfish and big mangrove snapper to 18 inches. Good luck and good fishing. Capt. Mike Heistand is a 20-year-plus fishing guide. Call him at 723-1107 to provide fishing report. Prints and digital images of your catch are also wel- come and may be dropped off at The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, or e-mailed to news@ islander.org. Please include identification for persons in the picture along with information on the catch and a name and phone number for more information. Snap- shots may be retrieved once they appear in the paper. OVERSEED SPECIAL 2 5 GREENS FEE AND + TAX CART 18 HOLES BIG SUMMER CARD $ 0 GREENS $2 FEE AND TAX CART 18 HOLES RATES VALID OCT. 25-NOV. 5 Sign up for e-links on The Links website Charter Boat "MAGIC" Backwater Near Shore Up to 7 miles out in the Gulf Snook Redfish Trout Flounder Mackerel Snapper Light Tackle Fishing Reservations a Must! Tackle, bait, ice, fishing license provided! 723-1107 Capt. Mike Heistand USCG Licensed 1-,)IT rn'j1- w i TIE ISLANDER U NOV. 1. 2006 27 Whaling resurfaces in northern Atlantic waters Could whale steaks from Iceland be coming to a grocery store near you soon? Could be. Iceland has resumed commercial whaling for fin and minke whales. A total of 39 of the marine mammals will be killed through August of next year, according to the journal Nature. The commercial harvest is in violation of the International Whaling Commission, which has had a moratorium on such killings since 1986. The frosty country has had a longstanding cool relationship with the whaling commission, and, in fact, dropped out of the international body for 10 years due to a dispute over how many whales could be taken for "scientific" purposes and then failure to provide data on sustainability of the two targeted species. Iceland rejoined the group in 2002. Why kill the big marine mammals? "The whaling issue has always been under dis- cussion here in Iceland," said one Iceland whale expert. "The people are very much dependent upon the fisheries." What's especially ironic is that fin whales are classed as "endangered" by international stan- dards; minke whales are in the category of "near threatened.". However, Iceland officials apparently believe that. the international standards don't quite apply to waters near their country, which has indeed seen a resurgence of the populations in recent years. To their credit, taking 39 whales out of a population of more than 25,000 isn't a huge "taking," especially considering that whalers were killing upwards of 10,000 a year during the "high season" from 1940-60. * Marine researchers figure that total populations of the two species of whales could withstand an annual hunt of 150 fin whales and 400 minke whales, without harm to the overall population. Environmentalists, specifically Greenpeace of London, England, have argued that the whales are more valuable to the lucrative whale-watching eco-tourism industry than on someone's dinner table. Other "takings" include upwards of 600 minke whales per year by Norway, limited killings by Inuit in Greenland and Canada, and some questionable sci- entific killings by Japan. Regardless of the numbers, do we really need another form of white meat on our tables? Tennessee manatee Another wayward manatee has moved far to the north from its usual Florida haunts, this time to the chilly waters of the Mississippi River in Tennessee. As of this writing, biologists had bailed on attempt- ing to capture the 1,000-pound marine mammal. Mana- tees don't like cold water, and with water temps hov- ering around 60 degrees there, the sea cow may. die if it's not captured. If it is .netted, it will be transported to SeaWorld for a checkup before being released in warmer Florida waters. *8AP ZW' Another manatee took another unprecedented trip up the eastern seaboard of the United States last summer, making it as far north as Cape Cod. That way- ward critter has dropped out of site, apparently, and hopefully is hot-finning its way back south before the water gets too cold. Now THAT'S a big barnacle Researchers have discovered a rare-to-Florida barnacle that is about as big as your fis.t near St. Augustine. The big barnacle, Megabalanus coccopoma, is usually found from Mexico to Ecuador in the Pacific Ocean, but in the last few years has been reported in Brazil, Texas and Louisiana waters, according to scientists with the University of Florida in Gaines- ville. It probably tagged along on a ship and ended up in the Atlantic. It was first spotted in Savannah, Ga., last summer. Anyone who's scraped a boat bottom free of the nasty critters knows that barnacles are a pain. Barnacles as big as tangerines are a royal pain. As one.Florida Sea Grant extension agent put it rather mildly, too "I think it's fair to say it will have an impact. Especially for boating, they're a fouling hazard. They tend to have sharp openings and they're a pain to get rid of." According to UF researchers, "Barnacles, arthro- pods that are related to crabs and lobsters, fix them- selves to objects or other animals and wait for food to come to them. The creatures can hitch a ride to their new destinations by attaching themselves to ship or boat hulls, or their larvae get sucked up in ballast water used to balance large vessels, such as cruise ships. "When ships unload cargo in ports, they take on millions of gallons of sea water to keep them steady as the load lightens. Ballast-water transport is believed responsible for many invasive species around the globe, such as zebra mussels in the Great Lakes area, and officials estimate ballast-water transport causes an esti- mated $10 billion in damages a year." Locally, Asian green mussels have plagued the water inflow pipes for Tampa Bay Water's 25 million- gallon-per-day desalination plant. The whole ship-ballast issue is being addressed by federal officials through something called the National Ballast Information Clearinghouse, The group was , formed in 1999, and penalties on ships went into effect in 2004. Basically, ships must unload ballast in non-coastal Snook Trout Redfish Tarpon Grouper Cobla 941-704-6763 sumoti mefishing.com Howard Inshore/Nearsllore CaptMark Howard USCGI es ~r :&3y-,.~~_ roC.ties d ',n^ areas to flush out whatever has piggybacked in them. And, apparently, it's not just stuff from there ending up here that's the problems. A U.S. ship car- ried some kind of jellyfish to the Black Sea in the late 1980s, where it flourished and killed off the anchovy industry. As to the big barnacle, it seems to like relatively warm waters and experts predict it will indeed become a sticky problem for years to come. A true exotic Not all exotic species are bad, though. A California company has genetically engineered non-allergenic cats. Apparently, the kitties replace shots and pills for allergy sufferers, as well as purr and do all the other things that cats do. At $4,000 per cat, it's not a feline to sneeze at, but the company, Allerca, apparently has a steady stream of customers willing to go through an arduous interview process before they can take delivery of such a critter. As the St. Petersburg Times put it, "People who go to the trouble and expense of buying one of Allerca's cats obviously don't view their cuddly purr machine as medicine, except maybe for the soul." Before you get going about genetic manipula- tion and all its philosophical and ethical questions, there's anaddition to this cat tale. Allerca has discov- ered that about one in 50,000 cats has some form of mutation that makes it allergy-free for humans, and they're actively breeding those cats for their soon-to- be-sneeze-free customers. Sandscript factoid Here are some whale facts from the American Cetacean Society: "The fin whale is one of the rorquals, a family that includes the humpback whale, blue whale, Bryde's whale, sei whale and minke whale. The fin, or finback whale, is second only to the blue whale in size and weight. Among the fastest of the great whales, it is capable of bursts of speed of up to 23 mph; leading to its description as the 'greyhound of the sea.' Its most unusual characteristic is the asymmetrical coloring of the lower jaw, which is white or creamy yellow on the right side and mottled black on the left side. Fin whales are found in all oceans of the world, though they seem to prefer temperate and polar waters to tropical seas." "The minke whale is also known as the Little Piked Whale. Like all the rorquals, the minke is a fast swim- mer, capable of reaching speeds of up to 21 mph. The minke can be curious, and has been known to approach ships, even at times keeping up with moving vessels. Often, however, minkes spend relatively little time at the surface. It may be hard to see a minke at sea because its blow is rarely visible and it tends to disappear quickly after exhaling. Since it is relatively small, it may be hidden in a choppy sea. Minke distribution is wide- spread, ranging from sub-tropical to polar waters." DOCKS-N-DECKS Specializing in docks and decks Maintenance Cleaning, Painting Repair (941) 779-1839 docksndecks@verizon.net Licensed and insured FISH TALES WELCOME We'd love to hear your fish stories, and pictures are welcome, too. Just give us a call at 778-7978 or stop by our office in the Island Shop- ping Center, Holmes Deach. TM Islander CHARTER BOATJAN MARIE ( FISHING LICENSE LIVE& FROZEN BAIT I TERMINAL TACKLE SUNGLASSES & HATS S *PENN*SHIMANO*ST CROIX AEverything You Need for Florida Fishinge 5503 MARINA DRIVE .S -' at CATCHER'S MARINA -". -'., (by Holmes Beach boat basin) sAD-Di"co5/T i 779-2838 -i TACKLE OPEN DAILY V (major credit cards) 28 M NOV. 1, 2006 T THE ISLANDER FURNITURE SALE: ALMOST-new king bedroom set, leather living room set, end tables, coffee table and rug. Make offer. 941-778-7202. COMMERCIAL GARLAND COMBO: Two-oven six burner, flat-top grill. Taking best offer starting at $500. 941-795-1111. Leave message. AERIAL PHOTOS of Anna Maria Island. View and purchase online: www.jackelka.com. FREE DELIVERY to your home or condo: Shrimp, crabs, native fish. Prompt delivery to your door. Call James Lee, 941-795-1112 or 704-8421. LONGBOAT KEY HISTORY "From Calusas to Con- dominiums" by Ralph B. Hunter. Signed copies avail- able at The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. 941-778-7978. ROSER THRIFT SHOP: Open 9:30am-2pm Tues- days and Thursdays, 9am-noon Saturdays. Always half-price sales. 941-779-2733.511 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. HUGE SALE: 8am-1 pm Saturday, Nov. 4. Proceeds to benefit needy family, Bethel Mission, Parrish. 524 56th St., Holmes Beach. BUDGET BOX THRIFT shop: 10am-4pm Monday- Friday, 10am-2pm Saturday. Plus sizes, furniture, jewelry, china, kitchenware, more. 401 42nd St. W., Bradenton. RENOVATION SALE: 8:30am-12:30pm Saturday, Nov. 4. New and gently used plumbing, electrical fixtures, furniture and other household items. Holi- day decorations, toys and clothes. 611 Gladstone Lane, Holmes Beach. Key Royale. HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE: 1-5pm .Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 4-5. Handcrafted treasures, including jewelry. Refreshments. 941-779-1199. 3803-9A E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach. SALE: NIKI'S GIFTS Antiques and Jewelry. All ster- ling jewelry 50-60 percent off. Select glassware, salt and pepper sets, cups and saucers, collector dolls and plates; furniture, art, books, lamps, vintage and costume jewelry, Orientals 50-90 percent off. Open seven.-days, 9:30am-5pm. Visit new Island Flea Market next door. 941-779-0729. 5351 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. ATTIC STUFFED? CRAFTS to sell? Rent a space at The Artists Guild's sale for $25. Saturday, Nov. 18. Holmes Beach. Call 941-778-6694. GARAGE SALE: 8am-noon Saturday, Nov. 4. LOTS of great stuff. Antique desk, household and outdoor stuff. 114 White Ave., Holmes Beach.. ; BABY YARD SALE-plus. 8am-1 pm Saturday, Nov.. 4. Changining table, car seat, baby clothes, etc. 420 Alamanda Road, Anna Maria. HUGE MOVING-IN sale: Furniture, decorative items, wicker collectibles, miscellaneous household. 9am-1 pm Saturday, Nov. 4.890 N. Shore Drive, Anna Maria. SALE: 9AM-2PM FRIDAY, Nov. 3. Beautiful furnishings: four sofas, three love seats, six Queen Anne end tables and sofa table, two queen-size beds, night stands, 13 assorted arm chairs, five very nice etageres, wing chairs, 13 lamps, easy chairs, nice desks and creden- zas, office chairs, pictures, files, linens, accessories and more. Pictures and details at www.appraisals4u. biz. Sales by Julie McClure. 6000 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Across from fire station. NEED A PLACE to meet? Why not try the conference room at Tingley Memorial Library. Call for availability and reservations. Donations accepted. Eveann Adams- 941-779-1208. 111 Second St. N., Bradenton Beach. LOST: GOLD, FLEXIBLE wedding ring, near Sand- bar restaurant, off Pine Avenue beach. Reward if found. Call 941-778-3423. LOST DOG: MEDIUM-size, reddish brown female. Hard of hearing, name is Shelby. Call Monica, 941- 545-4980. KARATE ON THE Island: Ages four through adult. Call 941-807-1734 or visitwww.islanddojo.cmasdirect.com. BAYSIDE BANQUET HALL Affordable waterfront patio and tiki bar- available for events. Bring your own food, drinks and grill. 941-798-2035. www.bay- sidebanquethall.com. DIVORCE? RELOCATING? ESTATE sale? Foreclo- sure? House in disrepair? We pay cash, any price or condition. Close in ten days. 941-448-0963. HOLIDAY PET PHOTO: 10am-5pm Nov. 1, 4 and 5. Call 941-356-7303 for appointment and prices. Manatee causeway dog beach. www.snaparts.com. Snaparts@aol.com. BUTTERFLY PARK BENEFIT: Purchase a per- sonalized brick in the Anna Maria Island Butterfly Park. Two lines, $40. Three lines, $50. Forms at The Islander or call 941-518-4431 for more information. FREE GUN LOCK.Yes, free. Just for the asking. Cour- tesy of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Com- mission. Free at The Islander newspaper office, 5404 Marina. Drive, Holmes Beach. Don't be sorry, be safe. GUARDIAN AD LITEM volunteers needed: A guard-. ian ad litem is a trained volunteer appointed by the court to represent and advocate for the best interest of children who have been abused, abandoned or neglected. Make a positive impact! Call 941-744- 9473 or visil www.12circuitgal.org. BILLIE JOE: I'm a 2-year old male cat, very hand- some, black and white. Need a special person to adopt me, my family was evicted. Neutered and microchipped. 941-920-1411. FOSTER PARENTS NEEDED for loving homes to foster puppies and kittens until they are old enough for adoption. All food and medical provided. Julie, 941-720-1411. ADULT CATS in desperate need of loving homes. All are current on vaccines. All applicants screened. Please, call 941-922-0774. FREE KITTENS: 11 weeks old. Three male, beau- tiful tiger markings. First kitten shots, kitty-litter trained. Call Carrie, 941-779-1046. 2006 CHRYSLER PT Cruiser Touring Convertible. Turbo, alloy wheels, all power options, 12,000 miles. Factory warranty, silver metallic, black top. Shop this price! $16,500. Jim, 941-920-9227. 2006 CHRYSLER SEBRING Touring Convertible. 9,000 miles. All power options, factory warranty. Gold and black top. V-6 motor. $16,500. Jim, 941-920-9227. 1997 CHRYSLER SEBRING convertible, excellent condition. Dark red, tan top, leather. 52,400 miles. $5,500: 941-778-4036. SUBURBAN 2500 SERIES: 1994 very clean, out- standing maintenance records. Heavy-duty pack- age for trailering. Dual air conditioning, heavy duty brakes, radiator, tranny cooler, etc. Must see to appreciate. $6,500 or best offer..941-730-9622. BOAT SLIP FOR rent in Holmes Beach. Monthly or annually, $175/month. Call for more details. 941- 778-2581. LET'S GO FISHING! Call Capt. Mike Heistand on the charter boat "Magic." Full or half day backwater and near shore fishing. USCG licensed. Ice, bait, tackle provided. 941-723-1107. NOW HIRING ALL positions. Rotten hours, rotten pay. Apply at Rotten Ralph's Waterfront Restau- rant, 902 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria, or call 941- 778-3953. HELP WANTED: CLERICAL/administrative assistant. Experienced in multi-tasks, good customer service and 'computer skills. Great benefits. E-mail resume and salary requirements to: t.jmix@adelphia.net SEEKING A RELIABLE and pleasant person for the wash-and-fold position at a local laundromat. 8am- 2pm Monday through Friday. Call 941-526-7500. 1 I'"t' L ,,, ,Z THE ISLANDER 0 NOV. 1. 2006 K 29 IS L9N DR CA SI9ES POSITION AVAILABLE FOR person with minimum one-year experience using RNS vacation rental software. Job consists of training and supporting customers with our rental management software package. Some bookkeeping experience required. Salary range based upon experience, $29,000-plus. Send resume to apply@rental-network.com. No phone contact please. SEEKING PART-TIME property manager for small resort in Anna Maria. Please, fax your resume to 813-969-2347. ISLAND CPA FIRM needs part-time receptionist, part-time bookkeeper, part-time tax preparers. Flex- ible hours. Fax resume to 941-778-6230. Gayle Simyson Schulz... Broker/Associate Trust a professional with '' more than 22 years experi- .'* ~ence to handle your real es- tate needs. Specializing on the Island and Bradenton. Home Sales. Property Management Commercial Leasing S'*Vacation Rentals Jim Anderson Realty Company PO Box 1789 401-B Pine Avenue Anna Maria, FL 34216 941.778.4847 toll free 1.800.772.3235 www.jimandersonrealty.com email: gayle51 l@tampabay.rr.com ANNA MARIA . SunCoast REAL ESTATE LLC WESTBAY POINT & MOORINGS CONDO 2BR/2BA turnkey furnished, tennis, heated pool, water view, near shopping, library and restaurants. $459,900. KEY ROYALE WATERFRONT POOL HOME 3BR/4BA plus den/office. Outstanding contemporary home. Vaulted ceiling, fireplace, 55-foot dockage. Four-car garage. $1,695,000. HOLMES BEACH POOL HOME 2BR/2BA open plan. Vaulted ceiling, wet bar, deck, large lot, 'fenced yard, pool and hot tub. $574,500. ANNA MARIA CONTEMPORARY 4BR/2BA open plan, vaulted .ceiling, elevator, four-car garage. Bamboo flooring, turnkey furnished. Near beach. $1,350,000. OLD FLORIDA ANNA MARIA NEAR BEACH 3BR/1.5BA Cracker cottage plus separate studio apartment. West of Gulf Dr. Just steps to finest beach! $875,000. RUNAWAY BAY CONDO 1BR/1BA condo. Great rental complex. Heated pool, close to beach. Barbecue area, heated pool, clubhouse. $349,000. FABULOUS GULFFRONT OCEANA CONDO 3BR/2BA turnkey furnished on beautiful beach. Small pets,' open plan, elevator, carport, shutters. $1,999,000. FLAMINGO CAYWATERFRONT POOL HOME 3BR/2BA plus den, heated pool, new roof and lhnd.cajping. dock and boatlift, direct access to Intracoastal. $859,000. HOLMES BEACH WATERFRONT BR 2-A b ,.me. ilk, pavers, fence, room f,.r p;:..l nc duJ., direct access to Tampa Bay. $799,900. GULF PLACE CONDO 3BR/2BA turnkey furnished, tennis, heated pool, beautiful beach, on-site management, excellent rental. $995,000. BEACH HOUSE LARGE LOT 4BR/2BA just steps towhite-sand beach, turnkey furnished, deck. Seller financing. $1,299,000. SEASIDE BEACH HOUSE CONDO 1BR/1.5BA turnkey furnished, Sautillo tile, pool, beautiful beach. Direct Gulf view, manager, excellent rental. $799,900. BAY PALMS WATERFRONT HOME 3BR/2BA canalfront. Private dock. Direct access to Tampa Bay and Intracoastal Waterway. $679,000. SHOREWALK CONDOS 2BR/2BA-turnkey from $175,000. TRXDEWINDS RESORT \ILLA- IBR/iBA, Pool. $325,900. KEY ROYALE BAYFRONT 3BR/2.5BA, Dock. $2,400,000. WILDEWOOD SPRINGS CONDO 2BR/2BA, Patio. V'' I. SUN PLAZAWEST CONDOS 2BR/2BA. From $675,000. PERIWINKLE COTTAGE 2BR, Close to Beach. $649.900. ANNUAL and SEASONAL RENTALS 779-0202 (800) 732-6434 [ r ANNAMARIA . MLSSuhZoast REAL ESTATE LLC Island Shopping Center 5402 Marina Drive Holmes Beach, Florida 34217 www.suncoastinc.com TOP ADVERTISING sales position open at The Islander newspaper. Great territory, commissions. Previous outside sales helpful. If you possess a willingness for strong community involvement, positive outlook and drive to succeed, fax or e- mail a letter and/or resume to 941-778-9392, sales @ islander.org. SEEKING KITCHEN HELP and servers for fine dining restaurant. Apply in person to Chef Damon, Ooh La La! Bistro, 5406 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. SEEKING PIANO PLAYER evenings for Ooh La La! Bistro. Music range from classical to jazz. Call Chef Damon, 941-778-5320. SELL it fast with an ad in The Islander. BEACHFRONT RESTAURANT: THRIVING busi- ness, building with additional income, beer/wine. $1,690,000. Confidentiality agreement required. Longview Realty, 941-383-6112. PAW SPA: PROFITABLE pet-grooming business. Loyal customer base in great Holmes Beach loca- tion. $59,000. Longview Realty, 941-383-6112. MEALS AND MORE: 50-seat restaurant with great ambience also retails select items. Beer and wine license. Any menu OK. $120,000. Confidentiality agreement required for details. Longview Realty, 941-383-6112. For more great business and realty buys: www.longviewrealty.com. BONUS! CLASSIFIED ADS are posted early online at www.islander.org. ;. .- THE DESOTO GRANDE 200 S GULF DRIVE MORE SAND...LESS DOLLARS! Imagine owning a private, luxury beachfront home for a fraction of the cost. Fractional ownership opportunity. 513 56th St. 3BR/2BA in main house with BRADENTON BEACH CLUB.Millionr dollar CORTEZ-12917 W 42ND Direct Bayfront lot unbelievable views! Efficiency with full bath Gulf and bay views available. Wonderful -with incredible sunsets. Small gated enclave above garage. Separate Laundry room. Great location, heated pools, spa, fitness center of custom homes. Lot has deeded boat slip. rental Expansive bay front property with and much more. Luxurious two and three Enjoy Anna Maria without the island traffic, custom protected dock and easy access to bedroom condos. the sugar sand beaches of'Cortez beach,are full.service marina. Short walk to beach. just five minutes away. shopping and library:. ' m 3777 www.skysothebys.com Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated. I I I t:94 1/366-8 30 0 NOV. 1, 2006 T THE ISLANDER IS L- A~U N D E R C ML ASS IF I E N SPENCER'S SKIM SCHOOL for beginners and intermediates. Free skimboard use with lessons. $10 per half-hour lesson, three lessons recommended. Local teen, team competitor. Call 941-778-0944. BABYSITTER: Responsible 10th-grader, great with kids, first-aid certified. Charlotte, 941-756 5496. BABYSITTER, PETSITTER, dog walker: First-aid certified, 13-year-old, eighth-grader, female, great with kids and animals. Call Kendall, 941-779-9783. NEED A BABYSITTER? Call Felicia, 941-761-1569. Red Cross certified. ENSURE YOUR CHILD'S safety while you relax. Call Gemma, 941-447-9657. Responsible, reliable and experienced, with a love for children. Red Cross babysitting and first-aid certifications. DOG WALKER, PET sitter, child sitter and odd jobs.. Tenth-grader, available after school and weekends. Zach, 941-779-9783. RED CROSS first-aid certified babysitter certified.,- Call Alex, 941-778-5352. GETYOUR BOAT washed without the hassle, just give me a call. Regular scheduling available, perfect for when you're out of town. Call Richard, 941-447 9657. BABYSITTER/PETSITTER: RESPONSIBLE, Red Cross certified. Experienced with kids and pets of all ages. Many Island references! Transportation available. Weekly and monthly rates available. Call Hilary or Natalie. 941-778-5181. PAYTON AND DINA'S cleaning service: We do yard work, dog-sitting, house cleaning and we run errands. We do not mow grass. Open 3-5pm every day! 941-524-9350. KIDS FOR HIRE ads are FREE for Island youths under 16 looking for work. Ads must be placed in person at The Islander newspaper office, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. MAN WITH SHOVEL: Plantings, natives, patio gar- dens, trimming, cleanup, edging, maintenance. Hard-working and responsible. Excellent references. Edward 941-778-3222, LET US DRIVE YOU! Shopping, medical appoint- ments, airports, cruise ports. Flat rates. Sunshine Car Service. Serving the Islands. 941-778-5476. COMPUTER OBEDIENCE TRAINING. Is your com- puter misbehaving? Certified computer service and private lessons. Special.$40/hour. Free advice. 941- 545-7508. ISLAND PRESSURE CLEANING for great results, wash away mildew, dirt, salt. Thorough, reason- able, reliable. Free estimates, licensed, insured. ~-- 941-778-0944. SALES 419 Pine Ave. PO Box 2150 Anna Maria FL 34216 Home: 941-778-1820 Cell: 941-713-5321 sherrys@betsyhills.com 2BR!2BA canal home with salt- 3BR'2BA bayironi home water pool, north end. Two boat $1,589,000 docks $849,000 CONNECT-ICON Your local computer specialist. Experienced certified technician for communica- tion electronics offers wireless and cable networks, upgrades, maintenance, repairs, tutoring and train- ing. Call Robert, 941-778-3620. ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remod- eling, repairs, additions, screen rooms, kitchens, baths. Free estimates. License #CGC061519, #CCC057977, #PE0020374. Insured. Accepting MasterCard/Visa. 941-720-0794. PROFESSIONAL I.T. SERVICES: Complete com- puter solutions for business and home. Installation, repairs, upgrades, networking, Web services, wire- less services. Richard Ardabell, network engineer, 941-778-5708, or cell 216-509-1945. CUCCIO TILE: Many Island references. Free esti- mates. Licensed and insured. 941-730-2137. EXPERIENCED CERTIFIED TEACHER available for tutoring in math, science and reading for elementary- to college-level students. $35/hour. 941-524-4177. HANDYMAN SERVICES: PAINTING caulking, interior carpentry, custom mirror and other interior/exterior general household repairs. Offering quality services since 1994. Reliable. Call Colin at 941-376-0541. HOUSECLEANING: I am experienced. Reasonable, reliable. Serving the general Bradenton area. For more information, call Pete at 941-753-7838. PIANO AND VOICE lessons by New York profes- sional artist/teacher. By appointment. Palmetto, 941-729-2244. THE ROYAL MAID Service: Licensed, bonded, insured. Professional experienced maids, free estimates, gift certificates available. Call now. 941-727-9337. AAA CONFIDENCE CLEANING. Housecleaning, office cleaning and window cleaning. Good refer- ences, reasonable rates. Licensed and insured. Family.owned and operated. 941-812-0499. CHILD CARE: HOLMES Beach. Clean, safe, nur- turing environment. Experienced home-schooling- mom will work with your schedule and needs. Next to school bus stop. Call Judy, 941-580-5242. ,MUSIC LESSONS! Flute, saxophone, clarinet. Beginning to advanced. Contact Koko Ray, 941- 758-0395. ANYONE CAN TAKE a picture. A professional cre- ates a portrait. I want to be at your wedding! www. jackelka.com.941 -778-2711. Kathy Geeraerts, Realtor 778-0455 4 Screen I REAL ESTATE OF ANNA MARIA. www.greenreal.com ( t%711111 i REALTORS ISLAND CANAL HOME REDUCED 3BR/2.5BA with fireplace. Corner lot on canal with new dock and caged pool. New kitchen cabinets and granite countertops. New metal roof. $580,000. Call Carleen Weise, Realtor, 941-224-6521 evenings. KEY ROYALE-3BR/2BA single-family on deep large canal. Kitchen updated. Large caged pool, great dock, boatlift. Turnkey furnished. $1,100:000. Call Michel Cerene, Brol'er 941-545-9591 evenings. KEY ROYALE This outstanding 3BR/3BA canalfront home has been renovated, updated, and added on. Extensive pavers, brick walk and patios, new barrel roof 2004,75-foot seawall, 50-foot dock with 13,000 lb. boatlift. This home is lovely inside and out. A 27-foot Sport Craft with twin 150s will stay with full price offer. .Offered at $1,650,000. Call Zee Catanese, Realtor, 9.41-742-0148 evenings. SAN REMO SHORES REDUCED Situated on deep-water canal, 2-3BR/2BA, den, ceramic tile, new kitchen 2005, two-car garage, barrel tile roof, privately situated $499,900. Call Marion Ragni, Realtor, 941-720-7046 evenings. 5910 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 Call (941) 778-0777 or Rentals 778-0770 1-800-741-3772 info@smithrealtors.com Web site: www.smithrealtors.com 2 BEACH SERVICE air conditioning, heat, refrigera- tion. Commercial and residential service, repair and/or replacement. Serving Manatee County and the Island since 1987. For dependable, honest and personalized service, call William Eller, 941-795-7411. CAC184228. NADIA'S EUROSAGE Relaxing, healing mas- sage in the comfort of your home. Call today for an appointment, 941-795-0887. MA#0017550. TILE AND MOSAIC custom installation, 20 years experience. References available. For a reasonable price, call Sebastian, 941-704-6719. CONNIE'S LANDSCAPING INC. Residential and com- mercial. Full-service lawn maintenance, landscaping, cleanup, hauling and more! Insured. 941-778-5294. ISLAND LAWN SPRINKLER service and repair. Monthly and quarterly accounts available. If it is broken, we can fix it. Call 941-778-2581. CLOUD 9 LANDSCAPING:Top quality lawn and land- scape maintenance. Now accepting new accounts at great rates. Please call 941-778-2335 or 284-1568. JR'S LANDSCAPING AND MAINTENANCE Lawns, native plants, mulching, trimming, hauling, cleanup. Island resident 25 years. Call 941-807-1015. GULF SHORE LANDSCAPING: Lawn care, pressure washing, landscaping. owner operated by Island res- ident. Exceptional value! Licensed and insured. Call 941-726-7070. www.gulfshorelandscaping.com. SHELL DELIVERED and spread. $42/yard. Hauling: all kinds of gravel, mulch, top soil with free estimates. Call Larry at 941-795-7775, "shell phone" 941-720-0770. KARAZ LANDSCAPE Lawn Service. Mulch, clean- ups, power washing, tree trimming and more. City of Anna Maria resident. Cell 941-448-3857. NATURE'S DESIGN LANDSCAPING. Design and installation.Tropical landscape specialist. Residential and commercial. 30-years experience. 941-729-9381. STRAIGHT SHOT LANDSCAPE: Complete clean- ups, installations, native plants, palms, aquascapes, rock and patios. Shell installed $42/yard. Shark Mark 941-727-5066. SCOTT FOLEY & CO.: Commercial and residential lawn care. Hauling, tree trimming, deck refinishing, free estimates. Call Scott, 941-730-3077. CLOUD 9 LANDSCAPING: Landscape installation, mulching and shelling. Tree, plant and sod installa- tion. Insured and references. Please, call 941-778- 2335 or 941-284-1568. 'Soles'teiiMv, ,Ca fl #a~tt owners- 8-'0 "- l,966 Call us to #. 78-2307 .-800-306-9666 rent your I .%ww tranmxbtnrealesate.com properties! .., , Unbeatable ' eryke for over 35 FRAi XA -. years! i - y9701 iifrive AI SERVING THE ARE-A SINCE 1970 MLS Anna Marie \'"k gu qf fty aiy of,9nna Mar4,Inc= Jesse Brisson BrofrAssociate, q(J (941)713-4755 (800) 7716043 Anna 9Maria Island SandyPomite-Trn furnished2(BRI2(BA. $339,900. 149 Crescent (Dr. A 26be/2.5 bath home $569,000 789 %N Spanish Dr. LB. a 55+ condo $395,900 611 N. guffDr. Gufrview 55+ condo $451,000 1003 S. Guf Dr. Qufview 26edcondo $485,000 302 60th St. Vacant 101,112 Lot,02 $589,000 129 49th St. West of Guff Drivel $595,000 6250 Holmes BCvd#39 Spacious condo $569,000 OPE.HOUSVE 1- 4pm Nov. 5 149 Crescent AnnaMaria. AffordfableIsfandibeauty. New windows, new fjtchen, access to dockage, low maintenance yard, room for a pool, turnfey furnished. Charm, Charm, Charm. $569,000. Came to hearabout the 56est buys on the Isand TIHE ISLANDER 0 NOV. 1, 2006 M 31 A "!EES AS VAN-GO PAINTING residential/commercial, inte- rior/exterior, pressure cleaning, wallpaper. Island references. Bill, 941-795-5100. JOE UNGVARSKY CONSTRUCTION Remodeling contractors. In-house plan designs. State licensed and insured. Many Island references. 941-778-2993. License #CRC 035261. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING free esti- mates. 35-year Island resident-Call Jim Bickal at 941-778-1730. CHRISTIE'S PLUMBING Island and off-Island ser- vice since 1975. Repairs and new construction. Free estimates, no overtime charges. Now certifying back flow at water meters. FL#RF0038118-941-778-3924 or 778-4461. TILE -TILE -TILE. All variations of ceramic tile supplied and installed. Quality workmanship, prompt, reliable, many Island references. Call Neil, 941-726-3077. ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remod- eling, repairs, additions, screen rooms, kitchens, baths. Free estimates. License #CGC061519, #CCC057977, #PE0020374. Insured. Accepting MasterCard/Visa. 941-720-0794. CUSTOM RENOVATION/RESTORATION expert. All phases of carpentry, repairs and painting. Thirty .years experience. Insured. Meticulous, clean,.sober and prompt. Paul Beauregard, 941-779-2294. CHECK US OUT AT www.islander.org ! KEN &TINA DBA Griffin's Home Improvements Inc. Handyman, fine woodwork, countertops, cabinets and shutters. Insured and licensed, 941-748-4711. TILE, CARPET, LAMINATE supplied and installed. Why pay retail? Island resident, many references. Free estimates, prompt service. Steve Allen Floor Coverings. 941-792-1367, or 726-1802. JERRY'S HOME REPAIR: Carpentry work, handy- man, light plumbing, electrical, light hauling, pres- sure washing and tree trimming. Call 941-778-6170 or 447-2198. WINDOW SHADES, BLINDS, shutters and more. Lifetime warranty. Call Keith Barnett for a free in- home consultation. Island references, 15 years "experience. 941-778-3526 or 730-0516. HANDYMAN SERVICE: Winton's Home-Buddy Inc. Retired banker, Island resident, converting life-long hobby to business. Call 941-705-0275 for free estimates.. IMPACT WINDOWS AND doors. Exclusive dis- tributor: Weatherside LLC on Holmes Beach. Free, courteous estimates. Jeld-wen Windows and Doors. Lic.# CBC1253145. 941-730-5045. THIRTY-SIXYEARS craftsman experience. Interior, exterior, doors, stairs, windows, trim. Pressure wash. Driveway paint. Dan Michael, master carpenter. Call 941-518-3316. RENTALS RENT fast when you advertise in The Islander. SALES & RENTALS 419 Pine Ave., Anna Maria FL 34216 PO Box 2150 (941) 778-2291 EVENINGS 778-2632 FAX (941) 778-2294 www.betsyhills.com TUB AND TILE refinishing: A division of D.J. Murphy Painting Inc. Save up to 80 percent-over traditional remodeling costs. Call us with your kitchen and bath needs. Don't buy new redo! 941-751-1245. Licensed, certified and insured. INTERIOR SURFACE RENOVATION: Drywall, tex- ture, paint, tile, wall and ceiling repairs, Fred Wein- gartner, 941-586-3656. LICENSED AND INSURED building contractor ready to help you renovate all aspects of your existing home, add extensions or build a new home on your lot. We only do high quality work and are very prompt with our customers. Call Daniel DeBaun at 941-518-3916. HOME REPAIRS AND improvements: General repairs and quality renovation, including carpentry, drywall, tile, paint, even landscaping. Please call Chris, 941-266-7500. NEW DOOR SHOP now open. Steel, fiberglass, fire- rated, commercial, residential, thousands of glass options. All code-approved, impact available. Retail, wholesale. Metro Door Shop, 941-758-5828. E&N PAINTING: INTERIOR, exterior. Island references. Quality paint. Call for free estimates. Schedule soon, season is coming! 941-756-9595 or 941-518-3054. ISLAND HOME REMODEL Inc.: Kitchen, bath, deck and complete home remodeling. Call 941-795-1968. E-mail: islandhomeremodel@hotmail.com. ONLINE SERVICE: Did you know you can place classified ads and subscribe online with our secure server? Check it out at www.islander.org. Michael Saunders I & Company A A Licensed Real Estate Broker S Kimberly Roehl, P.A. 941-447-9988 Investing in Property Leads to Opportunities 2203 88th St. Ct. NW NEW 3BR/2.5BA. lots ol upgrades. Large lot in quiet northwest Bradenton Marina within walking distance. $584,900. u a I sCustom Design I1II New Homes I I Builders! .Remodeling For quality building, quality renovations and a quality reputation, calL.. 778-7127 5500 Marina Dr. Holmes Beach "Welcome back, winter friends!" Check out all the latest news on real estate in Thle Islander ANNA MARIA DUPLEX Price slashed on this Anna Maria duplex, steps to the Gulf. Needs some TLC with 2BR/1 BA on each side. $575,000. "As is" Don't miss it! RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE INC. Pam Dial, PA (941) 704-4962 - ULU FLUOIUA LIF-aSYLt an0 Key west feel. Newerelevated home in quaint Cortez Village. Full wrap-around porch, French doors, huge down- stairs bonus room, wood cabinets, and newertile. Keepyourboat hereand beatthe publicboatramp and Intracoastal Waterway in minutes. $829,000. 03S^ J ADORABLE 2BR/2BA condo in established complex right off of 75th St. W. Walk to shopping and great restaurants. Extra-large screened lanai for outdoor Florida living at it's best. Neutral colors make this unit ready for vunr to monv rinht inI lQ0Q qnn PULL UBM ViewS, ntotaly renovated ana snows like a model. Turnkey furnished with La-Z-Boy furniture. Bright ceramic tile throughout, laun- dry room, open kitchen with breakfast bar, covered parking, heated pool and a gorgeous stretch of deeded beach access. $547,700. VIEWS OF SARASOTA BAY with 2,775 sf of TRADITIONAL ELEGANCE 3,241 sf home on living space. Great layout. Amenities include Sarasota Bay. Solid glass wall of water views, elevator, fireplace, granite countertops, plan- totally renovated. Hardwood floors, vaulted station shutters, parking for up to six cars, ceilings, custom cabinetry and built-ins, granite garden entrance and more! $1,023,000. countertops, private elevator, plantation shut- ters, and fireplace. $1,195,000. OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE SPECIALIZING IN WATERFRONT & BOATING PROPERTIES WWW.FLORIDAMOVES.COM/PAMEIA.DIALPA PAMEIA.DIAL@FLORIDAMOVES.COM ISLANDER'S RETREAT: 2BR Gulfwatch condo that is comfortably decorated and turnkey furnished encouraging relaxing Island lifestyle. Attractive rental policy or ideal for your own beach oasis. $399,000. SOOTHING GULF BREEZES: Surprising water views from this updated, large 4BR duplex with an open floor plan, bamboo floors and multiple decks including a roof deck with endless possibilities. $709,900. GREENFIELD PLANTATION 2-3BR main- tenance-free home in'move-in'condition. Features include all appliances, ceramic tile, home warranty provided and com- munity pool and recreation facilities with close proximity to 1-75. $250,000.. INTEREST RATE BUY DOWN AND HOME WARRANTY lr:, rrne, '., d[ii ,: on m-i.9 t'iJflIo r_ cA r ,cargara e /lie t I ii,. re hp te r3h g .hl.: UUI. www.michaels KimberlyRoehl@mic 4400 Manatee Ave. W. B NEW TAMIPAa .i.i-: .nirirrinv r,)aioe wi many upgrades and custom details. Features include built-in entertainment, vaulted ceilings, large kitchen with adjoin- ing breakfast room, extended screened patio with brick pavers. $310,000. BEACHTREASURE: Enchanting and meticu- lous describes this beachfront complex and the location of this 2BR turnkey furnished condo that has front-seat views of the pool and spa. .$700,000. BOATER'S DREAM:An exceptional,well main- tained and upgraded home with canal views from most rooms that is ideal for waterfront living. New dock, 10,0001b lift. $629,900. BEACH COTTAGE 1.BR condos with terrific location in Holmes Beach located just six homesfrom beachaccess.Tumkeyfumished, completely updated including new roof, new heated pooland newtropicallandscape.Great rental or beach get-away. $375,000. centrally located in Bradenton Beach. .Updated interior and exterior renova- tions including new heated pool, new roof, new tropical landscape and turnkey furnished. Ideal investment opportunity. $299,000-319,000. saunders.com haelsaunders.com radenton 941.748.6300 m 32 0 NOV. 1, 2006 U THE ISLANDER Sandy's Lawn Service Inc. Sandy's Established in 1983 La n Celebrating 23 Years of S rvie Quality & Dependable Service. Cce all us for your landscape 778.1345 and hardscape needs. 77 34Licensed & Insured Paradise Improvements 778-4173 Kitchen and Bath Remodeling Specialist --. Replacement Doors and Windows Steven Kaluza Andrew Chennault Fully Licensed and Insured Island References Lic#CBC056755 WAGNED REALTY , SINCE 1939 2217 coUI DDIVE: NORT1I BDADENION BEACII. 'L . HADOLD -MALL REALTORo . Office: (941) 778-2246 (941) 792- 8628 ' E-mail: haroldsmall@wagnerrealty.com USA FENCEKINDS Specializing WHITE VINYL FENCE CRC016172 9 4 1 -750-9300 HAUL-AWAY Removal of all types of trash, debris and junk. 720-2217 Curtis Clark & Assoc. Inc. Vinyl Siding & Aluminum SpetaIllsis Vinyl Siding SoHit Custom Break Work So ,,:... \\q (941) 713-SIDE i r P,,*O, ,. -i'r-V .... - "- ,r,L,,.:.,:.... -" l9 ], 7 .6 .940 3 - WASH FAMILY INC Since 1988 LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED 941.725.0073 DARRIN J. WASH WE OFFER LIFE TIME PAINTS Junior's Landscape & Maintenance La\\ n care PLUS nati\ e plants. ' mulch. trip. hauling arid cleanup. (n'all.Juiiiuor. 0 )7-lO) New Construction Charlie Woehle S Remodels 941-761-3363 WOEHLE CONSTRUCTION, INC. P.O. BOX 14070, BRADENTON, FL 34280-4070 OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE "h" i, Li,. ;; HOW TO RELAX ON AN ISLAND... Yotw place, yow- Massage by Nadia 941.795.0887 Anyone can take t picture. A professional creates a portrait. Z4ELKA PHOTOGRAPHICS -~ 11 941--78-2-11 www.jackclke'a. colfi'- RESILIENT PROPERTIES AND renovations: Kitch- ens, bathrooms, tile work, decks, sheetrock, paint- ing and more. Reliable work start-to-finish. What does your home need? Free estimates. Call Thomas P. Lass, 941-782-7313. RENTALS available weekly, monthly, seasonal. Wedebrock Real Estate Co., 941-778-6665 or 800- 749-6665. SEASONAL RENTAL: Holmes Beach, 4BR two master suites-/3BA, house on canal. Two minutes to beach. Heated pool, dock, cable TV, washer/dryer, garage, designer furnished with tropical yard setting. One of the finest rentals on Island. $1,600/weekly. Call 941- 713-0034 or e-mail: beachdreams@tampabay.rr.com. GULFFRONT CONDOS: 3BR/2BA, 2BR/2BA, 1 BR/1 BA with breathtaking views. Pools, Jacuzzi, walk to shops and restaurants. Available weekly, monthly, seasonal. 901-301-8299 or e-mail captko462@aol.com. WEEKLY RENTALS: Alecassandra villa, 1 BR/1BA, $700/week; Island duplex, 2BR, $800/week; Gulffront cottage, 2BR, $1,000/week; Bradenton Beach Club, 2BR/2BA, $1,400/week. Please call Kim Fisher, Wagner Realty, 941-778-2246. www.wagnerrealty.com. BRADENTON BEACH: NEWLY remodeled BR/1 BA suite with full kitchen, fully furnished, one block from Bridge Street, three minute walk to beach. Sleeps four only. No pets. Now taking reservations for summer. Available weekly, monthly or seasonal. 941 - 776-3696, or e-mail bjustin628@tampabay.rr.com. - ANNUAL RENTAL WESTBAY Cove: Lower unit, 2BR/2BA waterfront, unfurnished. Includes water, sewer, cable. Old Florida Realty, 941-778-3377 or 941-713-9096. SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, townhouse: 2BR/2BA with balcony and view of mountains. Weekly or monthly rental. Call Paige at 941-798-3448. WEEKLY/MONTHLY/ANNUAL rentals: wide vari- ety, changes daily. SunCoast Real Estate, 941-779- 0202, or 1-800-732-6434. www.suncoastinc.com. ANNUAL: ISLAND HOME 2BR/1 BA with garage and fenced yard. Newly remodeled. $1,200/month plus, utilities. Small pet OK. 941-795-8979. Credit check. ANNUAL HOLMES BEACH duplex: 2BR/2BA com- pletely remodeled, furnished, washer and dryer. $1,000/month plus utilities. 941-778-1819. 2906 Ave. B, Holmes Beach. ANNUAL RENTAL: ALL remodeled townhouse, 200 steps to beach. Tile floors, granite counters. Washer and dryer, patio, private backyard. $1,250/month. 941-778-4548. 1-4BR DIRECT BEACHFRONT, gorgeous views, designer furnished, cable, DVDNCR, dishwasher, phone, quaintvillage. $975-$2,375/week9 941-713- 0034 or beachdreams@tampabay.rr.com. HOLMES BEACH: POOL furnished 2BR/2BA. Oct.- Dec.31. Dishwasher, washer and dryer, tile through- out, cable TV, pool. 1.5 blocks to beach. $1,400/ month or $9501month plus utilities. 941-778-3104. NEAR BRADENTON BEACH: month-to-month fur- nished 1 BR/1 BA condo. $750/month includes utili- ties. References. Call Jackie, 941-929-7165. FOR RENT: WATERFRONT duplex. Dock with davits. Walk to beach, washer and dryer, carport, storage. Quiet location. $1,000/month. 727-784- 3679. Bradenton Beach. ANNUAL OR SEASONAL: 2BR/1 BA Holmes Beach. Steps to beach, great neighborhood. Nicely updated. Annual $900/month, seasonal $1,800/month. 941- 778-5482. SEASONAL ISLAND RENTAL: 1BR/1BA turnkey, washer and dryer, utilities included. One block to Gulf. $700/week, $1,500/month. 941-721-6090. MANATEE RIVERFRONT: 2BR/2BA, spectacu- lar views! Gated, pool, covered parking, security, fitness center. $1,050/month annual. Call Maria, 941-720-1712. PALMA SOLA BAY views: 3BR/3BA penthouse, fur- nished condo, two miles.to beach, large boat slip, pool; tennis, Jacuzzi. $2,050/month, year lease. 941-358-7560. ANNA MARIA ISLAND Club rental available for December 2006, January and February 2007. Totally remodeled unit, nonsmoking. Two-week minimum.-813-781-7562. .. .. STEPS TO BEACH: Seasonal 2BR/2BA ground- level home in quiet Holmes Beach. Nonsmoking, no pets. 813-961-6992. UNFURNISHED YEARLY RENTALS on Palma Sola Bay. Move in for security deposit and half rent. Rent includes all utilities except electric. Studio $680/ month, move in for $1,020. 1BR/1BA $720/month, move in for $1,080.2BR/1 BA $950/month, move in for $1,425. Call Jerry, 9am-6pm at 941-448-8100. HERON'S WATCH: 3BR/2BA two-car garage, like new. Ten minutes to beach. Near shops and medi- cal. Available Dec. 15. $1,400/month. 941-773-6581 or 941-794-9921. ANNUAL HOLMES BEACH townhouse: 2BR/2BA completely remodeled. 150 steps to beach on 52nd Street. Available Dec. 1, 2006. 330-758-3857. ANNUAL OR MONTH-to-month: 4BR Island family home in quiet residential area. Bayfront with direct water view. Perfect for family with children. Extra large balcony, covered parking, laundry room with washer and dryer. Park setting, two blocks to Gulf beaches. Fully furnished. $2,500/month annual, $3,200 month- to-month. Pets considered. Call 941-704-2993. WINTER RENTALS AVAILABLE: Monthly starting at $2,000/month. Weekly starting at $625/week. Fran Maxon Real Estate, 941-778-2307. www.franmax- onrealestate.com. BRADENTON TROPICAL PALMS: 55-plus park, 2BR, furnished, gated, pool, hot tub. Cable, air con- ditioning, washer and dryer, on creek. $695/month, yearly lease. Winter, $1,000/month. E-mail chicken- plucker@webtv.net. 863-688-3524. ANNUAL 2BR/1 BA: AIR conditioning, washer and dryer, water, large pool, cable. Parking only 200 steps to beach. First and deposit. $950/month. 941-779-1586. SEASONAL: WEST BRADENTON. 2BR/1 BA house, completely furnished. Washer and dryer. Garage and patio. Large yard. Electric, water and yard ser- vice included. Available Nov. 1. Three-month mini- mum. No smoking and no pets. 941-794-6507. HOLMES BEACH: 1 BR/1 BA apartment. 750 sf, 100 feet from bay. Includes water and trash. Available Nov. 1. $775/month. 941-587-1456. HOUSE FOR RENT: Holmes Beach canalfront, caged pool, 3BR/3BA on large fenced lot. Pets OK, six-month lease then month-to-month. $1500/ month. 941-538-9328. 'ANNUAL HOLMES BEACH elevated 2BR/1BA spa- cious duplex. Laminate floor, carport, deck, laundry. Great beach neighborhood. $900/month plus utili- ties. 941-779-9470. PARADISE IN COMFORT at Palm Breeze rentals in Holmes Beach.Two beautifully furnished units in a Key West-style home on a large corner lot. Each unit has 3BR/2BA, washer, dryer and fully equipped kitchen. Heated pool, bikes, grill, etc. Just bring your clothes and a toothbrush and enjoy. www.apalm- breeze.com. 941-730-5126. RENTTO OWN: Large 3BR/2BA home. Fireplace, hot tub, fenced yard, $1,295/month, west Bradenton. Also, clean, quiet, nice 55-plus modular home, 1 BR/1 BA, premiere retirement park $795/month. West Braden- ton. 941-447-6278. www.44Smart.com. HOLMES BEACH: 2BR/1 BA house. One and a half blocks from beach. Available Nov. $1,100/month. 1. 949-813-4900. ' * *' * e * L."Copyrighted Material... Syndicated Content Available from Commercial Nes ProvideTs" t, .. , Ii JISLANDER CLASSIFIED THE ISLANDER 0 NOV. 1, 2006 M 33 IISLA N-DERC ASS .F DS ISLAND CASTLE: FABULOUS French Normandy home. 4BR/3BA on best beach and quiet street in Anna Maria. 941-794-8202. ANNUAL RENTALS: 2BR/2BA, 1BR/1BA units starting at $695/month. Fran Maxon Real Estate, 941-778-2307. www.franmaxonrealestate.com. 3BR/2BA CLOSE TO Island. Bay Lake Estates. Large yard. $1,395/month. Available Dec. 1. First, last and security. Call 941-779-6753. 2BR/1BA DUPLEX in Bradenton Beach. Walk to beach. Call 941-779-6753. Available now. First, last and security. $1,100/month. VACATION CONDO: ACROSS from Coquina Beach. 2BR/2BA, boat dock, pool, fully loaded! $3,900/month. 931-267-5004. ANNUAL DUPLEX: ATTRACTIVE 2BR/2BA, Florida room, dishwasher. Washer and dryer, carport. $1,000/ month. 2BR/1 BA washer and dryer, carport, $900/ month. Dolores M. Baker Realty, 941-778-7500. ANNUAL 3BR/2BA: TROPICAL duplex, one block to beach, washer and dryer, some utilities included. No Smoking or pets. $1,100/month and $700 deposit. 941-798-9765. Responsible persons only. ANN UAL 3BR/3BA TWO-car garage. Tropical Cortez waterfront home. Boatlift/dock, washer and dryer. No smoking or pets. Two miles to beach. $1,400month. $800 deposit. 941-798-9765. Responsible persons. ANNUAL: 2BR/1 BA: Must see inside, large yard. $920/month. Garbage and yard service included, pets OK. 941-224-4091. 54th Street, Holmes Beach. ANNUAL RENTAL: BEAUTIFUL 4BR home, vaulted ceilings, chef's kitchen, master suite with large sit- ting area. 408 Poinsettia, Anna Maria. Anna Maria Gulf Coast Properties, 941-782-5609. DIRECT GULFFRONT: SEASONAL rental. Available monthly, December through May. $3,500-$3,950/month. Martinique condo. 2BR/2BA, pool, tennis. Call Carla Price, Bark & Company Realty Inc., 941-720-8746. SEASONAL: HOLMES BEACH. 1BR/1BA newly renovated condo. Pool, tennis, elevator. Available December. $3,200/month. 301-873-5444 or 410- 257-2214, no voice mail. NOVEMBER SPECIAL: ACROSS beach, Anna Maria Island. Large 1 BR/2BA apartments. Internet available, washer and dryer, cable. Only $350/week. Call 941-778-1098. SEASONAL RENTALS: KEY Royale 3BR/2BA boat dock, pool, spa. $650/week. Available now, November and December. Real Estate Mart, 941-756-1090. \ COLLEGE-EL CONQUISTADOR-IMG area. Large 3BR/2Ba two-car garage, family room. $1,200/ month. Real Estate Mart, 941-756-1090. SEASONAL OR WEEKLY cottage-style rentals. 1BR/1BA or 2BR/1BA with pool. Walk to beach, shopping, restaurants. 941-778-3426. Web site 2spinnakers.com. WATERFRONT PROPERTY 2BR/2BA open-plan with great views of Tampa-Bay. Canalfront, walk- ing distance to beach and restaurants. $779,000. 941-779-1512. FOR SALE BY owner: Best value on the Island! 2BR/2BA, one-car garage, gourmet kitchen, new windows, updated baths and more. Two blocks from beach. $615,000.941- 778-8677.406 Bay Palms Drive, Holmes Beach. 3BR/2BA: One bedroom used as-a den/office/ playroom, enclosed lanai, tiled with carpeted bed- rooms. 1,400 sf, county water/sewer, citrus trees, near Brentwood school in Sarasota. Reduced to $274,900. 941-379-4196 or 941-954-7474. C P R: 941-794.1515. Sales, rentals, property man- agement. Coastal Properties Realty. www.coastal- propertiesrealty.com. BAYVIEW AND CANALFRONT with pool. 2BR/2BA open plan, new kitchen. Totally upgraded. Dock, three davits. Owner motivated. Not a drive-by, must see inside! By owner. Call Herb Dolan, 941-705- 4454. 404 21st Place. Bradenton Beach. ENJOY SPECTACULAR VIEWS of Passage Key and Tampa Bay from this updated beachfront cot- tage. Deep property with room to expand. Seawall and beach. MLS#534612. $1,399,000. Lynn Parker, RoseBay Real Estate, 941-321-2736. LOT FOR SALE: One block to Gulf. 50x100 feet, cleared. $539,000. 215 71st St., Holmes Beach. (941) 778-4036. ALMOST ISLAND HOME: Adorable 1 BR/1 BA. Brand new furnished, bay windows with water view. Hurricane Force-3 manufactured home. One mile from Anna Maria Island and one block from Intracoastal Waterway with new marina and boat ramp. Land owned. Home owner's - association optional. $159,900. 941-224-6521. TRIPLEX: IDEAL LOCATION WITH great appeal. Beau- tifully updated and maintained, new roof, turnkey fur- nished. Beach access just steps away, bay views, boat dock, ample parking, great income rental. Room for a pool. Convenient to restaurants and shopping. $875,000. 111 8th St. S., Bradenton Beach. Bridget Spies, ReMax Properties, 941-308-6763. MSL# 313022. WEST BRADENTON: OPEN noon-4pm Sunday. Six months condo fees paid! Free-standing, private three- bedroom upgraded condo with two-car garage, new lanai. Call for details, 941-792-0763. $309,900. 5605 Whipporwill Ct. off 59th Street West, Tanglewood. OPEN HOUSE: 1 -4pm Sunday: New home, 3,746 sf 3-4BR/3BA, granite/cherry kitchen, three screened verandas. $829,000. Horizon Realty, 941-725-7000. 303 58th St., Holmes Beach. UPDATED 3BR/2BA: 1,560 sf, tastefully furnished and decorated, sold turnkey. For sale by owner. Buyer's agents, 3 percent. $599,900 Appointments only. 813-818-8314. 8104 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. www.bohnenberger.homesindeed.com. HOLMES BEACH AREA: charming canalfront home, newly renovated, 3BR/2BA. Granite kitchen. 1.5 miles to beach. Sale, $599,000, rent $1,600/month,- or lease with purchase option. 614-207-7878. FOR SALE: ALL new beach house. 1 BR/1 BA, fully furnished, all appliances. Sandpiper resort #521. 55-plus community on the Intracoastal across the street from the beach. $175,000. You can't get on the Island for less than this! 317-873-3307. r ----I--------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE: NOON MONDAY EVERY WEEK for WEDNESDAY'S PAPER: Classified advertising must be paid in advance. We accept ads by fax with credit card information, 778-9392, at our Web site-(secure server) www.islander.org, and by direct e-mail at classifieds@islander. org. Office hours: 9 to 5, Monday-Friday, (Saturday 10 to 2 as needed). SCLASSIFIED RATES BUSINESS OR INDIVIDUAL: Minimum rate is $10 for up to 20 WORDS. Additional words: Each additional word over I- 20 i. 50: erls,: Box: $3, One- or two-line headlines, line rate plus 25 cents per word. I WE ACCEPT MASTERCARD AND VISA! You can charge your classified advertising in person or by phone. We are sorry, but due to the high volume of calls we can not take classified ad copy over the telephone. To place an ad by phone, please be prepared to FAX or e-mail your copy with your credit card information. (see below) USE THIS FORM FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE: One word per blank space for minimum charge 20 words. ---------------------------------------- -------------- --------- --I 2j 31 Run issue dates) __ Amt. pd Date Please indicate: Ck. No. or Cash For credit card payment: .. [ No. - Exp. Date Name shown on card: Billing address zip code: House no. or post office box no. on bill I E-Mail address: [for renewal purposes only] I i The Islander ... I se Fax: 941 778-9392 5404 Marina Drive 1 e s Phone: 941 778-7978 Holmes Beach FL 34217 E-mail classifieds@islander.org , L .- - 1.17- 7- i LONGBOAT KEY PAINTING & DESIGN, INC. "B Faux painting Cabinet refinishing Furniture restoration Custom painting Jackson Holmes, owner (941) 812-3809 HANNA PAVEMENT SERVICES INC. 0 941-761-8546 ,., Asphalt* Seal Coating* Repair* Striping BOAT, RV & TRAILER STORAGE Wash Down Easy Access Clean Security Cameras 941-232-9208 Rates starting at $40 Centrally located off Cortez Road 4523 30th St. W. Warehouse/Workshops also available WASH FAMILY INC* since 1988 COMPLETING OVER 2,000 JOBS ON ANNA MARIA 941.725.0073 DARRIN J. WASH Thanksforsaying I saw it in The Islander f .Creative Vistas Landscape Services N4^ Specializing in landscape design & installation Cell 941.807.1035 Office 941.721,9655 www.CreativeVistas.com Bob Heffner Construction Inc. Remodeling Additions New Construction ISLAND RESIDENT, PROPERTY OWNER INSURED 941.71 3.4947 License# CBC34351 JELDIWEN. WINDOWS & DOORS Impact Hurricane -" ". U Uw dUmni c os V Are you storm ready? "'* FREE COURTEOUS ESTIMATES t 941-730-5045 .. ', .. .:E.: i : 4 5 GET RID OF THAT HONEY DO LIST Professional courteous service Free estimates Windows and doors- Trim and crown molding : Paint work Kitchens and baths Concrete work Tile and wood flooring Replace rotted-wood Pressure cleaning Drywall repair Lawn sprinkler repair/landscaping And many more services offered i 5224-2677 b 34 M NOV. 1. 2006 M THE ISLANDER A D E D TRIPLEX FOR SALE: Just steps to the Gulf of Mexico! This triplex is on beautiful Anna Maria Island, Fla. Currently a rental property with a yearly income of $34,800. Rent out two units and live in the other. Rent annual or seasonal. Walking distance to shop- ping, restaurants and trolley stop. Asking $599,000. Easy to rent or create your own Island hideaway! Call 646-842-0096 for more information. SWEEPING WATER VIEWS from large 2BR/2BA condo with deeded 35-foot deep-water dock and carport. Must sacrifice or foreclose. $499,000. 941-807-5449. 50-by-110-FOOT LOT in Anna Maria. Owner will finance. No streets to cross to the beach! $480,000. 813-837-6224. 117 Willow Ave. WESTBAY POINT & MOORING: Lower, corner, condo unit with fantastic view of Tampa Bay and Sun- shine Skyway Bridge. Beautiful island kitchen, turnkey furnished. Must see. $610,000. Call 401-497-6327. BEAUTIFUL NEW 4BR/4BA Anna Maria home. Waterfront with dock, walk to Gulf and bay beaches. 941-778-5181. BY OWNER, PURCHASE or lease: Manatee river- front condo, 2BR/2BA, beautiful views, pool, gated, covered parking, fitness. $325,000 or $1,050/month. 941-720-0092. DUPLEX ON LARGE lot, 90x108 feet. Second lot east of Gulf Drive in north Holmes Beach resort area. Annual tenants in place, includes well-known Island architect's plans for complete remodel. $885,000. 941-704-7729. CONDO FOR SALE: Beautiful water view. Immedi- ate occupancy. Turnkey, only bring your toothbrush. Condo in pristine condition. Sale by owner, seller will carry mortgage to qualified buyers. Low down payment, low fixed interest rate. Huge price reduc- tion. Phone 315-733-0851. THE.CROWN JEWEL of Coral Shores! The only two- story canal home in Coral Shores. Beautiful 4BR/2BA home, 2,420 sf, 36-foot dock, boat lift, stunning caged pool. Two month window for sale before going off market for seasonal rentals. Photos at mangrove- hideaway.com. Priced right, $749,000. 815-351- 5052. 5008 Mangrove Point Road, Bradenton. BAYFRONT: 4BR/3BA JUST renovated. Two miles to Longboat Pass. Stop by and get information. 500 Bay Drive S., Bradenton Beach. 941-778-0300. 2BR/2BA condo with private pool, $325,000. Fur- nished 2BR/2BA condo on Palma Sola Bay inlet with boat dock, $349,900. Offering $2,500 buyer's rebate. 863-852-3391. Owner/agent. WATERFRONT; 65A Cortez Park, Avenue D. 941- 779-CAIN. amily Busine for more than e 28 YEARS Sally Norman-Greig Mike Norman 15 Years Barbara Gentiluomo 27 Years Ron Chovan Ch 15 Years Kathy Caserta 4 Years Mike Norman Realty pride in serving t community wit honesty and integrity. They pledge to continue t Coleman serving Let Coleman yOU withL 20 Years consistent iand reliable results on which you can Vic Caserta 2 Years Marianne Norman-Ellis 8 Years takes this h Rochelle Bowers 7 Years Lisa Collier Carla'Beddow 14 Years 5 Years 3e depend. Claire Lasota Rolando Rubi Secretary 2 Years NEW LAKEFRONT CONDOS: Low $300s. Minutes to beach, no flood, evacuation zone. Hidden Lake Real Estate, 941-761-0444. www.HiddenLakeCon- dominiums.com. BRADENTON BEACH BY owner: 2BR/2BA end unit with full Gulf views. Kitchen has stainless-steel appli- ances, granite counters, nice turnkey furnished.Two large balconies. Amenities include boat docks, tennis court, pool with spa. $649,000. 941-388-5238. ISLAND CANAL LOT: 75x1 00 feet, new dock, priced to sell quickly. Below market and appraised value, $550,000. Call Jake, 941-544-7786. 108 Gull Drive, Anna Maria. BEACH BUNGALOW; MANUFACTURED home. Great rental. Only $10,000 and $200/month with owner financing. Sandpiper Resort, Bradenton Beach. 941-448-0963. BRADENTON BEACH: 2BR/2BA elevated with covered parking. View of bay from large covered porch. Only two blocks to Gulf, great neighborhood. $350,000. 941-778-3875. BEAUTIFUL PERICO ISLAND patio pool home. $363,000. 2BR/2BA with den, fireplace, waterfall, spa seat, pool, garden tub in master bath, two-car garage, many extras! $0 down, 100 percent financ- ing. 11006 Peach Point Court, Bradenton FL 34209. 941-794-1491. LARGE CORNER LOT: 2BR/2BA home. $489,000. West of Gulf Drive, 2BR/1 BA cottage. Lots of possi- bilities. $795,000. Call Carla Price, Bark & Company Realty Inc., 941-720-8746. FOR SALE: 1 BR/1 BA beachfront Martinique condo. Newly renovated. Pool, tennis, elevator. High-impact glass. $685,000. 301-873-5444 or 410-257-2214, no voice mail. LEASE OPTION: CANALFRONT, Key Royale. Con- sidered 3BR/2BA. All new interiors. Pool, spa, boat dock. $829,900. Call Fred direct, 941-356-1456. Real Estate Mart, 941-756-1090. BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA: Escape the heat in the beautiful peaceful mountains of western North Car- olina homes, cabins, acreage and investments. Chero- kee Mountain GMAC Real Estate. Cherokeemountain- realty.com. Call for.free brochure, 800-841-5868. .DOCKABLE WATERFRONT AND deeded boat slip water-access homesites. Below appraisal! Lake Chatuge, Georgia/North Carolina mountains! Excel- lent financing! Two-day sale Nov. 4-5! Appointment.- only! 877-234-8850, ext.102. BEAUTIFUL BLUE RIDGE, N.C.: Mountain views. 8-plus acre mountain estate. Heavily wooded with stream. E-Z financing. $49,900. 800-230-6380, ext. 120. . Latituce 27--- 6842Gur of M-i oDrive Longboat Key 94 i.38 90041 info''Latit ude2 7.,:o rr L jtitde2 7 om , SALES & RENTALS 419 Pine Ave., Anna Maria FL 34216 PO Box 2150 (941) 778-2291 EVENINGS 778-2632 I FAX (941) 778-2294 www.betsyhills.com Thanks for 28 years! 800-367-1617 941-778-6696 ww.mikenormanreally.com 3101 GULF DRIVE HOLMESBEACH WEST BRADENTON HIDEAWAY Beautifully remodeled 3 and 4BR/2BA home on secluded cul-de-sac in northwest Braden- ton! New kitchen with maple cabinetry, granite countertops, stainless-steel appliances, tile floors, French doors and a new heated pool with waterfall and hot tub. $449,000. EAST TENNESSEE: NORRIS Lake. 5.6-acre wooded lakefront lot, $66,500. 5.1-acre wooded- view lot, $28,900. Call Lakeside Realty at 423-626- 5820, or visit www.lakesiderealty-tn.com. VIEW WESTERN NORTH Carolina, north Georgia, eastern Tennessee real estate. Excellent retirement area. Very affordable homes, cabins, land. Low taxes. Good paying jobs available. www.mtlakesreguide.com. MURPHY, N.C.: Affordable homes in the mountains. Affordable homes, mountain cabins and land. Call for free brochure, 877-837-2288. Exit Realty Moun- tain View Properties. www.exitmurphy.com. TENNESSEE LAKE PROPERTY: From $49,900 with boat slip. Call it, 877-293-5253, or click it, www.Grande- VistaBay.com. Waters-Edge Properties Inc./Broker. NORTH CAROLINA: GATED lakefront commu- nity. Pleasantly mild climate, 1.5 acres, 90 miles of shoreline. Never offered before with 20 percent pre-development discounts, 90 percent financing. Call 800-709-5253. GULFFRONT LOTS $595,000. Homes starting mid- $300s. New master-planned oceanfront community on beautiful Mustang Island, near Corpus Christi, Texas. www.cinnamonshore.com, 866-891-5163. WYOMING RANCH DISPERSAL: 35 acres, 49,900. 50 acres, $59,900. Snow-capped mountain views. Surrounded by government land. Abundant wildlife. Recreational paradise. Low taxes. E-Z terms. Call Utah Ranches LLC. 888-541-5263. NORTH GEORGIA MOUNTAINS: Secluded seven- acre retreat, located within 50 miles of metro Atlanta. Has 600-foot trout stream frontage in rear of 5BR/4BA rustic home, pool, hot tub, pasture and woodlands. $575,000 list price, motivated seller. Ron Zalkind, Metro Brokers/GMAC, 404-843-2500. NORTH CAROLINA: COOL mountain air, views and streams, homes, cabins and acreage. Free brochure, 800-642-5333. Realty Of Murphy, 31.7 Peachtree St., Murphy, N.C. 28906. www.real- tyofmurphy.com. NORTH CAROLINA MOUNTAIN: Seven acres on mountaintop, view, trees, waterfall and large public lake nearby, paved private access, gated commu- nity, $99,500. Owner, 866-789-8535. NEW, PRE-CONSTRUCTION golf community. Coastal Georgia. Large lots with deepwater, marsh, golf. nalure views. Gated, golf, fitness center, tennis, trails. Oak park, docks. $70s-$300,000. 877-266- 7376. www.cooperspoint.com. MAINE SPORTING PARADISE! 500 acres only $299,900. Hunters and fishing enthusiasts wanted! Private 500-acre parcel of land ideal for hunting offers access to crystal clear trout and salmon stream, unbelievable fishing. New to market! Great owner financing. Call L&S RIty, 207-781-3343. DIRECT GULFFRONT! Choice Gulffront properties for sale. We have several on pristine natural beach in quiet residential neighborhood. Call today for further details. "We ARE the Island!" SINCE 1957 Marie Franklin, Lic. Real Estate Broker 941 778-2259 Fax 941 778-2250 E-mail amrealty@verizon.net We6b site www.annamariareal.com T nREALTOR. 32 Years of Professional Service EXPERIENCE REPUTATION RESULTS PERICO BAYFRONT 3BR/2BA 1,866 sf covered parking vaulted ceilings, turnkey furnished. $585,000. SUNBOW BAY Direct Bayfront, 2BR/2BA end unit. $449,000. MARTINIQUE N. Direct Gulf, corner, garage/storage. Updated. Shows beautifully. $859,000. KEY ROYALE Canalfront lot, 9,450 sf. Golf course view. $699,000. BAYVIEW 4-5BR/4BA includes guest quarters, large master suite. $1,150,000. IRONWOOD 1-2BR, extra storage. $139,900. Great buy! HARBOUR VILLA CLUB 2BR/2BA turnkey, boat dock. $794,900. LINKS PINEBROOK Golf course view, sixth floor, turnkey. $260,000. DESOTO SQUARE VILLA-2BR/2BA, gated, pool, clubhouse. $175,000. VACATION, SEASONAL AND ANNUAL RENTALS LUXURY GULFFRONT VILLAS, CONDOS, HOMES 5508C MARINA DRIVE 778-0807- 800-956-0807 yrealty3@aol.com www.tdollyyoungrealestate.com Mike Norman -F RealtyI C r - THE ISLANDER U NOV. 1. 2006 M 35 I -lr "Copyrighted Mater Syndicated Conteni le from Commercial News. S0 ial t I ders" I Want to keep intouch? Subscribe to the "best news!" Call 941778-7978 and charge it to Visa or MasterCard. WAGNER vgaiang People UOaw Since 939 wifr va 'rRALTY 0k11- ? r*% N iFL -"I i If: WO it I f 2217 GULF DR. N. BRADENTON BEACH (941) 778-2246 (800) 211-2323 e-mail: ami@wagnerrealty.com www.wagnerrealty.com -p FIwI of tie DESIRABLE RUNAWAY BAY Condos nowavailableseveral 1 or 2BR unils, some updated. Bayfront, poolside, pond, ... . fountain and greenbell views all available. Park-like selling, baytront fishing pier. Active clubhouse with pool, tennis ' I court, and workout room. Liberal use and rental policy, on- site rental management. Phone for details, 941-778-2246. -'- Priced from $314,000 to $499,900. I t, t ... ':.- JEWFISH KEY A pri-jip;aI lriii rradd-e EI,-valE' :ypr.'.~ an be~rr'h~ron 'l TE rinvCacwiil WaI'ervvay 0 'XA'cd W.-; by bcal 'ry Anne 2l~ 41J'.246 NILS435.34 si190,00I RESORT INl PARADISE Tfrlpv:I laroc'aprin CASA DEL MARE! llvvi ofhoit:jc.i i '-niturn 4 urround 7 i riarmirij uim. e irhI -iC(i tvar:b bo3oI'patilalGull .'E-Jiaca'. i'd leIvalcr, Ivuu ITmm.-cul~il i ml~nyumie1 atIEndl4ir tI'orecominrg L'aiccr''-z Pi'vI poiral 3roIyrilJrlwC'rdiey .911. DIRECT GULFFRONT!!! Eriojy -sur',-l view lrom .: ,r.Pr,.d laia, ir ai also ovpilool. pool Liri harnever been iE.ried Turn! ny lijrriri.td 2BF.7.,BA plu laundry KarnrDay 941 '.-82 EXCELLENT WATER VIEWI 2P"LBRZA in Holm,!, I~C3r n ad~e~anl ta,~ Iahebay Th p.'ro.p,-ny i" :'r' iJ as it- Haiold Siall, 941 I F PRIVATE BOAT DOCK CONDO. e av H-ieLv R ABSOLUTE DOLLIHOUSE!Thuil fdi, plu d jr,-r ff1 Flroa rooT L ji::P dr tLti i %w'~ ih :Iod i: riiI a .r ar i-i lard ronliy ria, o- i qro~ivew: FirL'pIriace vaulleddoilrq rpric -lewlC -i v,3eri~iemri Elw&J,d b ).:h fiching plei "-m b~y p ,,j c, tIC' Lea ~Ali~icrrn., '-I I47.l *?ror p')ai8- 1v $Tiih ca El .larMflQ4 I75 2N6 ML'Eomo PH MC23 I~r. MLSER$4'109 $59 9011o BREATHTIAKIN lJoi afrniT. Hjl-r .j ulaj hy 'hN lari.a Ci'uI d ''I, Ljq r)16 r ih itQ(3.4f ua iLi-& 911. '41 I W'-3L#5:'(41621: 34901i:0 PERICO BAY CLUB F.,:I PF ,, '.,,ir 3C,,ba ,,?%,: iIC:rrrvi~~ '~'h~A, por:r..:a-, jI 7rdwL~IN d fi : o NORTH TIP OF LONGBOAT KEY rTh, 36bP''BA Ire I ri3nd.in,.::-:, 'fl ,en, vn:al d C WH ,i,:hen tiarh wini : ,lo i':o:r; :ele:.i,: pilumn ing 3ji ,:ond iiro ing roc'lainil,,ir3,,]: o ,r ,o01i t l [w\C'J eM,:.yn,h3,, '?i].77A.2246 M L 5 Jlil. "619 000 -l 'S=; .--=-=. --= =-== =--- --- -. . =.. . . . --&- I A . *... * Availab 'Ie a tired IV 'e z 'PI -01-9 C 7-tcli w 36 E NOV. 1. 2006 M THE ISLANDER i.Trr7 - . . - C - .2'1 - .4 Wisteria Park is a new neighborhood in North.-, 1i .: i, -.:,-. offered by Neal Communities. There is somethin-, t:.- ,-- ,-. with maintenance-free and traditional single-fain 1i-rim.: n- . twelve floor plans with two-story options, rangirc ti...' i.1 to 3,341 a/c square feet. Visit Wisteria Park tod:,' .-ii:dl I1_ :.,', four beautiful new models. TA reeories i ... SfaTily wiL _-' jf" I 'wII .' Iwelcohr .and private lmomt)ents v.-, c 1. Perico Harbor 2 Anna Maria Island & Gulf Beaches, 3, Robinson's Preserve Botanical Garden Park 5. Rivertown Marina 6., Stewart Elementary School 7. Geraldson Farms Produce . King Middle School U.S. Post Office S. Urgent Care Medical Center NEALCOMMUNITIES Building. Home. Life. www. nealcommunities.comrn I I... I- I H I -, I .1F.,1J1 ii p n i i I.F. i CGCA 17845 .-:~--- Ir.-wil ch; P- I-i I I |