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Skimming the news ... Candidate profiles in this issue, page 3. AnnaMaria Thie Islanders Dog blessing, inside. "The Best News on Anna Maria Island Since 1992" www.islander.org Panel addresses Cortez on drug problems,, solutions The panelists at the Oct. 12 community forum on drugs and crime in Cortez includes, left to right, Judge Janette Dunnig'an, Manatee County Commissioner Jane von Hahmann, Manatee County Sheriff Charlie Wells and prosecutor Ed Brodsky of the 12th Judicial Circuit State Attorney's Office. The event took place at the renovated 1912 schoolhouse. Islander Photo: Lisa Neff Cortezians get advice dealing with drug crimes By Lisa Neff. Islander Reporter More than 170 people gathered Oct. 12 in Cortez's newly renovated 1912-schoolhouse got an education in the justice system and instruction in taking back their community from 'criminals. A gathering of such size in the village typically has something to do with fishing and involves a potluck dinner with mullet and grits, but the Thursday night crowd went to hear about two recent drug raids and discuss illegal drug activity in the community. Manatee County Commissioner Jane von Hahmann, a 32-year resident of the village and a business owner, organized the forum. "Cortez has gone through its ups and downs and this is not the first time we've had to deal with this. We just aren't going to tolerate it any more as a community." The estimated 170 attendees at the forum heard from von Hahmann, Manatee County Sheriff Charlie Wells, prosecutor Ed Brodsky and Circuit Court Judge Janette Dunnigan. They also heard from top deputies in the sheriff's office, a code enforcement supervisor and a repetitive crime specialist. Sarah Meaker, the Demo- cratic candidate for an at-large seat on the Manatee County Commission, also attended. The panelists repeated an overriding message it takes a village to stamp out crime. "You can change the atmosphere in your neighbor- hood if everyone works together," said county crime specialist Ann Marie Harper. One Cortez resident, characterizing .the crime in his neighborhood, described illegal drug activity, public intoxication, heavy traffic and loud noise. The situation, he said, was "like living across from vampires." Many people at the forum expressed fear of.retalia- tion and wanted to know how they could rid their com- munity of crime while remaining anonymous. "If you get tag numbers off these cars are they going to give the name out publicly?" Cortez resident Plum Taylor asked. referring to citizens reporting license plates connected to suspected illegal activity. "We're a commu- nity of older people and you don't want people to know who you are, but you want to report what's happening." Criminal intelligence is privileged and not pub-- licized, said Wells,. who received repeated rounds of applause from the audience. Criminal intelligence, the sheriff said, helped in the recent arrest of two men John Robin Kight, 51, and Steven Fine, 50, in connection with raids on two alleged "crack houses" in Cortez. The raids took place at 12116 45th Ave. W. and 4408 123rd St. Ct. W. PLEASE SEE DRUGS, NEXT PAGE Volume 14, No. 50 Oct. 18, 2006 FREE Holmes Beach board supports Kingfish Ramp 'preserve' By Diana Bogan Islander Reporter Members of the Holmes Beach Parks and Beauti- fication Committee agreed to urge the mayor to sup- port proposal by Westbay Cove residents to preserve the strip of land between the Rotary welcome sign and Westbay Cove's property on Manatee Avenue. The committee received a status report from West- bay Cove resident Molly McCartney on Manatee Coun- ty's plans to improve Kingfish Boat Ramp at its Oct. 11 meeting. Earlier the same day McCartney said she met with County Commissioner Joe McClash and Manatee County's Ecosystem Administrator Charlie Hunsicker. She said, "nothing is set in stone, but the group came to a happy medium." Previously the Manatee County Commission had proposed expanding parking into the area beyond the dolphin/manatee welcome sign. McCartney said both McClash and Hunsicker indicated to one of the most important aspects of the Westbay Cove proposal. "They are not touching the Rotary sign," she said, meaning that they will not move it from its location. In addition, they agreed to prohibit parking behind the sign. McCartney said there are plans to remove the Brazilian pepper trees and replace them with native plants. The Australian pine trees should remain in the picnic areas. McCartney said an agreement was also reached to relocate the palm tree clusters in the PLEASE SEE KINGFISH, NEXT PAGE I a, ",. Candidates, public welcome at forums Oct. 23 The Islander ne\\ paper and the League of Women directed by a panel from The Islander and League of Voters are pleased to welcome candidates and the public Women Voters. Questions from the public will also be in Anna Maria, Holmes Beach and District 6 of the welcome. Manatee County Board of County Commissioners to Everyone is invited to attend. Candidates may dis- two candidate forums on Monday, Oct. 23. tribute literature and "meet. and greet" voters prior to In Anna Maria, the doors to city hall will open at the start of each forum. 5:45 p.m. and the forum will start at 6 p.m. The forum The candidates are: is scheduled to end no later than 6:45 p.m. Anna Maria City Commission (two vacancies): The Holmes Beach candidate forum will begin at Linda Cramer, Joann Mattick, Duke Miller. 7 p.m. Oct. 23 and city hall will open to-"meet and Anna Maria mayor: Fran Barford, Tom Turner. greet" candidates at 6:45 p.m. The city candidates will Holmes Beach City Commission (two vacan- preceed the two candidates for the District 6 vacancy cies): Pat Geyer, Sandy Haas-Martens, Sheila Hurst on the Manatee Count) Board of Commissioners. Don Maloney and John Monetti. Candidates will each be allowed two minutes for Manatee County Board of County Commissioners opening and closing remarks and questions will be District 6: Sarah Meaker and Carol Whitmore. Plans for boaters, preserve area Manatee County Commission Chairman Joe McClash, center, met Oct. 11 with Westbay Cove residents at the Kingfish Boat Ramp to discuss future plans for the ramp area. Pictured around the table are, from left, Dale de Haan with grandson Taro de Haan, McClash, Dick Kowal and Rosanna Strauss. McClash brought along an aerial photograph of the area and rolled it out onto a picnic table for the dis- cussion. Islander Photo: Molly McCartney --L --- ,,71 i ~ '' I r 2 0 OCT. 18, 2006 E THE ISLANDER Drugs rock Cortez, spur meeting CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Kight was charged with sale of cocaine, a second- degree felony. Fine was charged with possession of drug paraphernalia, a first-degree misdemeanor, and possession of rock cocaine, a third-degree felony. Kight and Fine are scheduled to be arraigned Nov. 17, accord- ing to the Manatee County Clerk of the Circuit Court. Wells said nearly 20 years ago the crack cocaine epidemic caught the county off-guard. Today, he said, substance use factors in most crimes in the county, from vandalism to homicides. "I know that it hits you, some of you here in Cortez, because I've heard from you," Wells said. Wells and several of his top officers explained what the sheriff's office needs before an arrest gets made - officers either must witness the crime or have infor- mation indicating that a crime was committed. That's where the community plays a role in law enforcement. "We'll take out the garbage but somebody else has to take responsibility ... to be a watchful eye," said MCSO Capt. Pat Bartholomew. Even after a citizen shares details of a crime, the sheriff's office needs time to investigate and act. "I don't have fear of these people, but at the same time I don't want to act emotionally," said Wells. Patience, he added, "is critical in conducting these investigations." Law enforcement needs to make a good arrest so prosecutors can present a solid case, said Brodsky, the felony division chief who represented State Attorney Earl Moreland at the forum. The arrest, said Brodsky, "is only the beginning of the journey" and, while police. only need probable cause, prosecutors must prove a crime beyond a reasonable doubt. "Reasonable doubt that's a little harder [to prove] than what you see on TV," said Dunnigan. The judge emphasized the difference between drug possession and drug dealing, and the harsher penalty handed down for the latter. Dunnigan detailed for the audience the problems of overcrowded judicial systems and jails and under- funded drug treatment efforts. "You don't fix this problem by throwing people in jail and locking them up," she said.: Rotary donation Robert Taylor accepts a $500 check from John Luch- kowec, president of the Rotary Club of Anna Maria Island, as a donation to the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill of Manatee County. Taylor is treasurer of the alliance and a resident of Anna Maria Island. "It's not just crack cocaine," Dunnigan added. "It is heroin addiction. It is crystal meth. It is unhealthy what goes on in your community.... It is truly an epidemic." From code enforcement supervisor Joe Fenton and crime specialist Harper, the audience heard about how securing vacant buildings, cleaning up property and keeping watch over renters can help curb crime in a community. During the public comment portion of the forum, one resident praised the sheriff's office for stepped-up patrols of Cortez and asked whether the heightened presence would continue. Wells answered "yes," and added that he and his top deputies would join some of the patrols. Steube encouraged residents to request patrols. "We will come out for a number of reasons," he said. ."Just call and ask." Von Hahmann, who has witnessed and reported ille- gal drug activity in Cortez, called the forum a success. "I think the No. 1 thing people got out of this is that they can respond to situations and not fear reprisal," the commissioner said. "The community knows it has to take responsibility. for itself." Church festival announced, pumpkin patch opens Christ United Methodist Church located at 5512 26th St. W., Bradenton, has opened its pumpkin patch. The patch is open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Saturday and noon to 9 p.m. Sunday through Oct. 31. The church will also host a fall festival Saturday, Oct. 21. From 1 to 4 p.m., festivalgoers can enjoy free hayrides, roast marshmallows over a campfire and play games. For more information, call 755-2722. Kingfish Boat Ramp plans CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 parking area of the ramp, in order to provide more parking spaces. There is also talk of establishing a clear entrance and exit route for vehicles utilizing the parking area. In her meeting McCartney learned that the county -would like to prohibit parking across the street from the ramp due to the safety issues in crossing Manatee Avenue. McCartney said there are also talks of putting in a bike path that would not trespass on Westbay Cove property. McCartney said her next step is to put into writing the results of her meeting and forward it to McClash for approval. Following that there will likely be another work session scheduled with McClash and Hunsicker. McCartney noted that engineers have not yet evaluated the proposed plan. She said that Islanders would likely see things progress smoothly over the course of the next year, but should not expect changes overnight. "The agreement satisfies our concerns in terms of safety and aesthetics," McCartney said. "Kingfish should be a beautiful space in welcoming visitors as they come across the bridge." The committee will meet again at 5 p.m. Nov. 8 and members have invited McCartn6y back to provide a status report. ceptional Cuisine Wor( ass Wine Uniqtgers & Ales Happy Ho ru onday Friday 4:30pm to 6:30pm Compliment Hors D'oeuvres DikSpecials v ry other Thursday D' t ss he funi Cost $10.00 Call for details. 2 ,. -; "4 . RE-DISCOVER . ::~~~~~~~~~ I- ."",.--- /. V 4 (4.4 4IK~ .a449 --.- -. AVOW ...W : It's our way of DINNER nightiv from 6 p m SUNDAY BRUNCH 8 o m. to 1 30 p.m LIVE JAZZ freaturing the Hero Harri, Tric Tlurdoi nights Island Shopping Center 5406 Marina Drive Holmes Beach Hurry, half-price offer expires Oct. 28 Please, present coupon or artivaol or call after 5 p.m. and ask for "special reservations' 941 778 5320 V/TI-l R E, ST A,-U RA N T 111 South Bay Boulevard Anna Maria Island : 941-778-1515 Northern Tip Of Anna Maria Island : Acrq s From The City Pier Lunch: Every Day 11:30am-4:30pm Dinner: Sun-Thurs 4:30pm-9pm : Fri & Sat 4:30pm-10pm www.thewaterfrontrestaurant.net CONTINENTAL BISTRO T44* :i THE ISLANDER 0 OCT. 18. 2006 W 3 CANDIDATE PROFILES 2006 Anna Maria mayor Anna Maria has two candidates seeking election to the post of mayor on Nov. 7 as Mayor SueLynn chose not to run for another term. While both candidates agree adoption of the comprehensive plan is a major issue facing the city, the two have somewhat divergent views on its composition. FRAN BARFORD Fran Barford and husband Tom moved from Tampa to Anna Maria in 2004 and have been property owners since 1987. She holds a degree in occupational ther- apy from the University of Illinois and worked in that field for 30 years in Tampa. Barford was the mayor of Temple Terrace for six years and a city commissioner there for eight years. Barford believes that the major issue for the mayor is to be a solid town administrator. The city has to run efficiently and provide Barford good customer service. The taxpayers of Anna Maria are the city's customers and they must feel welcome at city hall. The "customers" must always be treated right, even if they don't always get the answer they want. People should not be afraid to go into city hall. She does not believe the city needs to hire an administrative assistant, although there.is a provision in the city charter for such a post. Barford praised the proposed comprehensive plan and believes it is very workable. It preserves the mixed- use component of Anna Maria while maintaining the resi- dential quality of the city. She does believe, however, that the plan needs to get approved as quickly as possible by the city commission for Anna Maria to move forward., There is a need for "pro-active" planning in the city, and she would create a mayor's advisory council of citizens to provide input on planning and other issues. She favors the current line of credit adopted b\ the city commission to implement the capital impro\ enent projects list. Two major issues for Anna Maria are taxes and wind insurance rates. While the city cannot do much about rising taxes from Manatee County or the state's wind insurance program. Barford believes she has a number of contacts in Tallahassee that she can lobby to effect some change for Anna Maria. Her experience as a city commissioner and nhia. or in a small Florida community will only help her as mayor, she said, as she works to preser\ e the character of Anna Maria. TOM TURNER Tom Turner bought property in Anna M aria in 1968 and settled here permanent\ in 1984. He is retired from the U.S. Air Force and spent 20 years in claims insur- ance and management before retiring from that industry. He is a former chairman of the Anna Maria planning and zoning board and the code enforcement board. He does not believe that the position of mayor in Anna Maria is full time. The city staff is competent Se enough to handle a number of issues and assume more responsibility. S As nma or, hlie would Like to look at tightening Turner the budget. including an examination of the amount of money the city spends on consultants, attorne.\s and experts. While he generally'agrees with much of the pro- posed comprehensive plan, Turner does believe there are some problems with the housing element of the plan, particularly the retail-office-residential area on Pine Averiue. He said he will present specific objections to the comprehensive plan at The Islander candidate forum on Oct. 23. Turner objects to the line of credit fori capital improvement projects as passed by the current city commission, calling it a "waste of money." If the city manages its money properly and sets aside a certain sum every year for capital improvements, there would be no need for a line of credit. He does not believe the current capital improvements project list is a five-year plan. The city's land development codes need to be updated. Turner said he wrote the draft for a number of codes and had suggested then, without success, that the city have a schedule to review all its codes. As mayor, he would institute a regular schedule of code review. His believes his vast experience in management in both the Air Force and in the private sector gives him the ability to manage Anna Maria and maintain .the essential character of the city. " Anna Maria commission Anna Maria has three candidates vying for the two seats up for election Nov. 7. All the candidates agree adoption of the proposed comprehensive plan is the major issue facing the new commission and are in general agreement with the draft plan, with some possible minor revisions during the plan's upcoming public hearing. LINDA CRAMER Linda Cramer is a current city commissioner and has served three consecutive terms on the commission. An Anna Maria resident for 26 years, she has been a self-employed businesswoman for 23 years. .. Cramer is seeking a fourth term, she says, ., because she's received a S-"considerable amount of support from residents and S the business community to continue the direction of the The present commis- sion has adopted a parking ordinance and established Cram : a capital works projects list and funding for those projects; two issues that had long stood as unsol] ed in the city. While Cramer is plea. ed that those issues were- finallk addressed. she believes the major issue confront- ing the ne%\ commission \ ill be adoption of the pro- posed comnprehensi\ e land-use plan and accompanying future land-use map. She supports the work of the com- mission and planning and zoning board in preparing the comprehensive plan for adoption and wants to continue the work in progress. She believes her experience as -a commissioner \\ ill ser e her well in overseeing adop- tion of the plan. The -commission has worked well together and with the ma) or to ha\ e established a smooth-running city, she said, but there are some difficulties ahead, particularIl. with establishing land development codes that. comply with the comprehensive plan when it's adopted. This. will be a major challenge for the next commission. Cramer is also concerned about the proposed coastal overlay district to control development seaward of the coastal construction control line. The commis- sion has a moratorium on construction within this area until next year and the next commission must address the proposal and reach a conclusion that will be legally defensible and preserve the character and quality of Anna Maria. If elected for another term, a major goal will be establishment of a "walkable community" program that will preserx e the village character of Anna Maria and enhance walkways, bicycle paths, parking and other transportation-related issues. She also believes future budgets need to be tight- ened to prevent taxes from increasing. She supports any effort by officials to control rising property taxes and insurance rates on Anna Maria Island. JOANN MATTICK Joann Mattick was out of town last week and unavailable for an in-depth interview. The following is taken from her candidate profile of 2005, when she unsuccessfully sought a seat on the commission. Mattick moved to Anna Maria from Ohio five years ago and first bought property here in 1999. She and her family own the Pine Avenue General Store on Pine Avenue. She spent a number of years in hospital manage- ment in Ohio, and moved to Anna Maria with some of her children and grandchildren because of its family atmosphere and quiet lifestyle. S -,- Mattick believes the major issue before the new -: commission will be the revised comprehensive plan the city will have to approve. She's concerned the com- : mission might approve a -. plan that takes away prop- S. erty owners' rights. S- .The city should not .' take awvay a property own- Mattick her's legal right to develop a property unless that development has a negative impact on the city, she said. She's also concerned that the city lacks any long- range planning for capital improvement projects and other issues. Mattick favors the line of credit adopted by the current commission to finance implementation of capi- tal improvement projects now while the costs are still low, rather than waiting to fund just a few projects every year. As a property owner, she'd like the city to look into lessening the tax burden on residents by generating more revenue from tourism. Tourists are not going to stop coming to Anna Maria, but the city is not reaping any benefit from its tourism economy. She wants to keep the residential character of the community, but not at the expense of excluding businesses. Mattick believes in compromise on issues to reach a decision, rather than continued debate that leads nowhere. She praised the current commission for its stance on the parking issue, noting it's a good example that compromise can produce a solution. DUKE MILLER Duke Miller was first elected in 2002 and unop- posed in the 2004 election. He is now seeking his third term in office. Miller has been an Anna Maria property owner since 1957. A native of St. Petersburg, he and wife Cindy moved to Anna Maria in 2000. He decided to seek re-election because he wants to ensure that the city stays on the right track to solving PLEASE SEE CANDIDATES, NEXT PAGE Meetings Anna Maria City Oct. 19, 1 p.m., city commission meeting. Agenda: storm\ after issue at 115 Sixth St. N., pier update, various board appointments, special event applica- tion for Drift In, capital improvement request for police vehicle, software maintenance contract report,- approval of public,works remodeling, consent agenda and commission reports. Anna Maria City Hall, 10005 Gulf Drive, 708-6130. Bradenton Beach Oct. 19, 1 p.m., city commission meeting. Oct. 20, 3 p.m., city commission work meeting. Oct. 23, 4 p.m., WAVES committee meeting. Bradenton Beach City Hall, 107 Gulf Drive N., 778-1005. Holmes Beach Oct. 19, 10 a.m., code enforcement board meeting. Oct. 24, 7 p.m., city commission meeting. Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive, 708-5800. Of Interest Oct. 18, 7 p.m., Coalition of Barrier Island Elected Officials meeting, Anna Maria City Hall. Oct. 23, 9:30 a.m., Sarasota-Manatee Metropolitan Planning Organization meeting, Sudakoff Hall, USF- New College campus, Sarasota. 4 0 OCT. 18, 2006 T THE ISLANDER Candidates speak out CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 a number of issues, including adoption of the proposed comprehensive plan. While Miller favors the proposed plan and accom- panying future land-use map, he's worried that some people will try to change a number of elements during the upcoming public hearing on the plan. He also wants to serve .- another term because the com- mission must adopt a number of land-development codes to match the comprehensive plan. He noted that a number of Anna Maria ordinances are at odds with the current comprehensive plan and the next commission will have to Mie- resolve those conflicts. The Miller previous commission has addressed and corrected a number of those problems and Miller wants to continue that work. His experience with those problems will serve him well, he said. Miller also believes the proposed comprehensive plan will help maintain the quality of life in Anna Maria. The proposed plan is a good mixture of the residential and business aspects of the city. Another major issue for the next commission will be adoption of the coastal overlay district ordinance to limit development seaward of the coastal construction control line. The commission has spent a considerable amount of time studying the issue and the ordinance has to be legally correct. Adoption of this ordinance is critical to keeping Anna Maria's residential character, he maintained. Miller is very pleased with the direction of the current commission. He and the commission have been involved in solving a number of long-standing issues, including parking and a capital improvements plan, and he wants to continue to find solutions to other problems, he said. His major goal as a commissioner would be to work to maintain Anna Maria's quality of life and uniqueness, while keeping taxes to a minimum. Islander Reporter Rick Catlin compiled the profiles for the Anna Maria election. Holmes Beach mayor RICH BOHNENBERGER In his bid to become Holmes Beach mayor, Rich Bohnenberger doesn't need a campaign slogan. He doesn't need a campaign fund. And he doesn't need a truckload'of campaign signs. Bohnenberger faces no opposition for mayor in -the Nov. 7 general election. And, experienced with the uncertainties that come with oilud an election day, the current chairman of the Holmes. Beach City Commission ...... doesn't mind. "Ithinkof it as a vote of confidence," Bohnen- berger said of his lack of Bohnenberger opposition. Bohnenberger's resume includes director of the Florida League of Cities, vice president of the Manasota League of Cities and Island rep to the Manatee County Joint Planning Committee. He has 11 years experience as ari officeholder in Holmes Beach -- nine years as a city commissioner and two years as mayor. "I enjoy working with our staff. I enjoy meeting with people on the Island. I enjoy heading off problems," Bohnenberger said during an interview Oct. 9 at Mana- tee Public Beach. Bohnenberger, a retired firefighter from Philadel- phia and U.S. Air Force veteran, came to the Island 17 years ago. "I came in 1990 on an open-ended g action and I'm still here," said Bohnenberger, a father and grandfather \%ho owns a home in Holmes Beach with his wife, Phyllis. But it's been something of a working vacation for Bohnenberger, a real estate agent who's involved with the Island Kiwanis, Moose and historical society groups, as well as Anna Maria Elementary, Mote Marine Labora- tory and the local American Legion post. Bohnenberger first took a seat on the Holmes Beach City Commission in 1993. He cites his work on creating a system of dedicated funding for stormwater projects and creating a drug-free workplace policy for city hall as top achievements. Looking ahead, Bohnenberger sees Holmes Beach dealing with growth and development matters, support- ing property owners caught in the insurance crisis, and opposing a push for a county charter government. "I think the biggest threat to our quality of life comes from outside the city, off the Island," Bohnenberger said, referring to a concept of a county charter government that he believes would interfere with Holmes Beach's "self- control and self-determination." "City government is like a corporation and the citi- zens are the shareholders," he said. Bohnenberger's decision to seek the mayoral job cre- ates a vacancy on the city commission a one-year seat that is the balance of his term as city commissioner. The seat will be filled by the new commission after election day and the swearing in of two newly elected commissioners. Holmes Beach city commission PAT GEYER Pat Geyer's held a number of titles over the years, including city commissioner and mayor. She's also answered to a second name Miss Duffy, as the owner of Duffy's Tavern, the Holmes Beach insti- *tution known for cold beer and hamburgers. Geyer, 75, is running in a somewhat crowded race for the Holmes Beach City Commission in the Nov. 7 election. "Five people for two seats has me a little con- cerned," said Geyer, seated at a table after a lunch rush at Duffy's. Geyer Geyer is neither a new- comer to Holmes Beach nor politics. In the early 1950s, Pat and Edward Geyer were living in Cincinnati. They had friends who vacationed on Anna Maria Island and returned to Ohio to spread the word about their discovery. By the early 1960s, the Geyers had settled in Holmes Beach, where they raised five daughters. "When we moved here, in the summer time, there was hardly anyone on the Island," Geyer recalled. "The kids could play a baseball game in the middle of Gulf Drive." The Geyers purchased Duffy's Tavern in 1971 - Island lore holds that Pat Geyer wanted to keep her daughters out of trouble.. By 1978, she was holding elected office in Holmes Beach. She served repeated terms on the city commission and was elected mayor from 1990-94. She said she learned as mayor that it's essential to run a government like a business: "You know what your budget is and that's what you stick to." She learned as commissioner that it's important to look for the greater good. "You hear from your con- stituents and they tell you what they like and \\hat the\ wouldn't like. And then you have to sort it all out arid see what's good for everybody," Geyer said. "Common sense needs to figure in whatever you do." For the November election, Geyer is campaigning under the slogan, "Put Pat back to work for you." Her agenda includes revisiting area disaster plans to accommodate for new development, specifically Perico's SevenShores project, working with the county to keep the beaches open to the public and "pristine," keeping watch over growth and density, and working to bring recycling to beach access points. "People are complaining that we don't have recy- cling bins at the beach," she said. "That is something we have to think about." Ge_ er also supports changing the designation for the city's Grass\ Pointe property from lo" -densitN residen- tial to conservation.. "'We need green space on the Island," she said., Her agenda includes supporting initiatives to help small businesses in Holmes Beach, such as deferments for motels struggling %\ ith a controversial spike in prop- erty taxes and allowing for mixed use commercial and residential of a building. "In commercial areas, people can't live above their businesses," said Geyer. "That will have to be looked at for change ... so people can own one piece of property and live and work there." Geyer glanced around her restaurant. She doesn't live at Duffy's, but she spends a lot of time there. "I do a lot of campaigning from here," she added. SANDY HAAS-MARTENS "Running again?" the man asked Sandy Haas-Mar- tens as she walked across the parking lot at Manatee Public Beach. She smiled and said, "Yes, running again." She's held elected office on the Island since 1992 and she's run a lot of campaigns. The man offered his support. Another vote for Haas-Martens to count on in her bid for a fifth consecutive s term on the Holmes Beach City Commission. Haas-Martens, a retired bank manager and officer, was born in a small town out- side Toledo, Ohio. Holmes sHaas-Martens Beach reminds her of that small town, the kind of place where people really get to know one another and help one another. Her family moved to Manatee County in 1960, and Haas-Martens attended Manatee High School, graduat- ing in 1964. She started working on the Island in 1969 and, in addition to working in Island banking, she's been .involved with numerous community organizations, including serving as president of the Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce and as elected commissioner for the local fire district. "I try to be involved," said Haas-Martens. "I like doing things, keeping busy." So she studies her interests, taking classes and going through training whether the interest is law enforcement, gardening, mutual funds or civic leadership. "Whatever I'm working in, I like to take classes," Haas-Martens said. "No one can ever take away what you learn." She described her first campaign, for fire district commissioner, as "fantastic." Held during the 1992 presi- dential election, she found the race thrilling. She caught the political bug, though she doesn't think of herself as a politician. "I never thought of myself as a politician to be honest," she said. "I like to help people. I like giving back to the community. The Island community is like my family." She recognized that the Island is changing, with growth in development and population. But she's con- fident the Island won't lose it's small-town appeal. "It's going to keep the Island character," Haas-Martens said. Given that, Haas-Martens has said she wants to ensure that building density and height are not increased and that the plight of business owners struggling with tax and insurance issues must be addressed. One specific concern is helping mom-and-pop motels burdened by the constitutional amendment requiring them to be taxed at the highest and best use of property. "We really need to get that amendment changed," Haas-Martens said. On another small business issue, she said she sup- ports a proposal to create a mixed-use provision in the commercial land- use category. The proposal would allow residential units above the ground floor. "I think it's great," she said, comparing the concept to Main Street-style commercial districts with street- level shops and upper-level residences. "I don't have a problem with mixed use and I think it's a great idea." Hans-Niartens said she's proud of her work on Holmes Beach's infrastructure -i canal dredging, street paving and drainage. And she's most proud of the construction of the skateboard park near city hall. 'It % as just great for the kids," she said. SHEILA HURST -Sheila Hurst paused, trying to come up with the words to describe what she considers a permissive atmosphere allowing the overdevelopment ofAnna Maria Island. "I'm afraid they are going to be like Michael Jackson and his face 'Oh my God, what have we done,'" said Hurst, 44, one of five candidates running in the Nov. 7 election for two vacancies on the Holmes Beach City Commission. "The crisis that we're facing has to do with over- development and a lot of county intrusion," Hurst said. "All the development that's going on is scary." PLEASE SEE CANDIDATES, NEXT PAGE Candidates speak out CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 Hurst, who grew up in Highland, N.Y., about 90 miles from New York City, earns her living as a therapist at Manatee Glens in Bradenton. She works with adults recov- -ering from substance abuse. t- M "The clients are the most honest people and they're survivors," she said. "They're people who had a little bit of a problem and they survived and those survival skills are what make them unique." Hurst, who moved to Hurst Manatee in 1989, is married to Michael Hurst, and is the mother of two daughters, a 20-year-old attending Manatee Community College and a 14-year-old at Manatee High School. She credits her husband, who works at the Holmes Beach Publix supermarket, with introducing her to the Island. The family rents in Holmes Beach, playing ,what Hurst called the "Island monopoly game," moving from one annual rental to another as their landlords sell the property for new construction or convert to seasonal rentals. Hurst's political work on the Island dates to the early 1990s, when she worked on an Anna Maria may- oral campaign. Hurst later ran for office herself, losing a race for Holmes Beach commissioner by 14 votes. Today she's president of the watchdog group Save Anna Maria Inc. and takes pleasure at once being called a "squeaky wheel" in a newspaper endorsement. "I'm kind of the odd-person out," Hurst said. "Some- people kind of cringe when they see me. "I'm always for the underdog," she continued: "I'm always for the minority. I'm always for a person trying hard. And I'm an environmentalist. I'm for people who don't have a lot of say." Hurst's environmental interests led her to volunteer at Mote Marine Laboratory on Sundays, where she helps care for sick and injured dolphins, whales and turtles. Her environmental interests also led her to oppose a county effort to extend parking and add rest rooms at the Kingfish Boat Ramp. She supports creating a nature trail there instead and said the issue is a key campaign concern. - -'rt1, ..:\ Holmes Beach City Hall Veteran's Memoiffl-&. E Program: 9 am Continental Breakfast 9:30 am Presentation of Colors Presentation of Service Flags National Anthem "The parking does not need to be extended," Hurst said. "It just needs to be reconfigured.... Kingfish needs to be protected and preserved. That is such a wonderful ecosystem there. We used to see manatees there we don't anymore." Hurst's campaign for commissioner is a low budget one. Her husband made her 25 hand painted signs from recycled wood for a total of $32.28. "Money needs to be out of politics," she said. "I have a real good chance of winning," she 'contin- ued, "but if I don't win, I won't be disappointed." DON MALONEY Don Maloney made his career in sales and rharket- ing and he applies the lessons he learned to politics and government. The No. 1 principle in sales and marketing? "Give the people what they what," said Maloney. The same principle must be applied to governing, said Maloney, one of five candidates running for Holmes Beach City Commission in the.Nov. 7 general election. Take for example the question of whether Holmes Beach needs to expand its recreational facilities. "If you look behind city hall, you'll see that whole expanse of land," Maloney said. "I recently saw kids playing soccer there and was just thrilled. But what should that land be for? We need to talk to the people. What do they want to do there? Give the people what they want." There are two commission seats to be filled one is the seat now held by Roger Lutz, who is not seeking re-election, and the other is the seat held by Sandy Haas- Martens, who is running for a fifth term. Maloney, 78, has held the commission job before, having served nine years, and he'd like it again. "I'm not a newcomer," he said. "I bring experience and I've made it clear where I stand."' Maloney came to Anna Maria Island 17 years ago. In many cases children follow their retiring parents to Florida. In Maloney's case. he and wife Sarah followed their daughter and her family. Maloney quickly took an interest in Island politics and government. "The first thing that moved me is I could not believe that there was an island seven miles long, a half mile wide at the largest, with three cities," he said. "We have three mayors, 14 commissioners, three of everything. I' !- *. X~. I THE ISLANDER E OCT. 18, 2006 0 5 That might have been OK in the old days, but the world is changing too fast." Maloney has been an advocate of exploring consoli- dation on the Island and he said he's bothered that there's been little action since Holmes Beach voters endorsed a '-. consolidation study in a non- S binding referendum last fall. -- "The government .'-isn't paying attention to \ the people," Maloney said, I adding that citizens feel disenfranchised and thus, too few attend meetings and go to the polls. .J ,. "We need to get Maloney people involved. When I get elected this time, every month I want to get five citizens together and just talk, right here, in my office," he said, gesturing toward the expanse of chairs at Cafe on the Beach. Given his business background, Maloney would like to see more efficiency and accountability in gov- ernment. So along with seeking to study consolidation, he advocates evaluating a "professional management" form of government. "Florida is growing too fast and this Island is grow- ing just as fast," Maloney said. "I don't believe there's. anything we can do about growth...but we have to effectively address growth management. So I continue to shove for a look into professional management." JOHN MONETTI After years of moving from state to state, the Monetti family decided to plant some roots 11 years ago. They chose Anna Maria Island, largely because of the reputa- tion of Anna Maria Elementary School. John A. Monetti has now lived longer in Holmes Beach than anywhere else in his 45 years. Monetti is one of five candidates running for two seats on the Holmes Beach City Commission. He's served on the planning commission but this is his first run for elected office. Monetti's campaign team includes his wife, Rejane, who helped put together his ads and mailer, and his three children. Monetti's 2-year-old son went door-to door PLEASE SEE CANDIDATES, PAGE 8 Tile Islander welcomes voters and the public to two political forums on Monday, Oct. 23. V 6 p.m. Anna Maria candidates for com mission and mayor., Anna Maria City Hall. / 7 p.m. Holmes Beach candidates for commission, Manatee County Commission District 6 candidates. Holmes Beach City Hall. MEET AND GREET 15 miniltes prior Ato forum. The Islander For information, 778- 7978. 6 E OCT. 18. 2006 THE ISLANDER Do your part The clock is ticking down to election day, Nov. 7. Voters on Anna Maria Island have a lot of choices on their ballots. Anna Maria and Holmes Beach have may- oral and/or city commissioners from which to choose. There are also candidates on all the ballots attempting to fill federal, state, regional and other offices, plus a slew of constitutional amendments to mull. Now is the time to do some homework. It's not easy to live in a democracy it takes some research and thought to study the issues, meet the candidates, review their stands on what matters to you, and vote. We've started the process for you in this week's Islander with profiles of candidates with special impact to the Island. We're also hosting forums Oct. 23 where you can meet the candidates, and will be running arti- cles on the amendments in upcoming weeks. Do your part do your homework, and be sure to vote Nov. 7. Welcome back With the fall season comes the return of you guessed it Snowbirds! And they are certainly welcome. It will be a great boost to the Island economy at a time when it is sorely needed. We can't recall a summer season so "quiet" in a long time. Even the winter after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks was good for us on Anna Maria Island. Where safer, assume, folks were thinking as they streamed back from "up north." But taxes, insurance and increased rents for busi- nesses and residential tenants-on Anna Maria Island made for a long summer. It's time we "bust out" of the dulldrums and hit the tourist season running. We can turn it around. Good news, bad news- The bad news we learned about Holmes Beach .Police Officer Pete Lannon took us all by surprise - none the least of whom are Pete and his family. Cancer often strikes without warning. But a positive attitude and determination both high points in Lannon's character ,- will help carry him through. And the community is dedicated to helping him, too. A pasta dinner, car wash and other events are rais- ing funds for the Lannon family's mounting bills. Folks, are pitching in from the school, where Lannornexcelled in teaching, mentoring and protecting children. And others.are coming forward, parents of past students and many members of the community who know the gentle' Pete and his big heart. It takes an island. And Pete so deserves our good thoughts and our help. The Islander. OCT. 18, 2006 Vol. 14, No. 50 SV' Publisher and Editor Bonner Joy, bonner@islander.org V Editorial . Paul Roat, News Editor, paul@islander.org Diana Bogan, diana@islander.org , Rick Catlin, rick@islander.org Jack Egan Jack Elka Jim Hansbri Lisa Neff V Contributors Kevin Cassidy, kevin@islander.org Jesse Brisson Don Maloney S .,Edna Tiemann . V Advertising Sales Nancy Ambrose, nancy@islander.org V. Accounting-Services Melissa Burkett, melissa@islahder.org V Production Graphics Kelly McCormick, ads@islander.org S V Classifieds & Subscriptions .Lisa Williams, lisa@islander.org . V Distribution v . Urbane Bouchet - Ross Roberts - Lisa Williams ... : (All others: news@islander.org) Single copies free. Quantities of fiveor mor oe: 25 cents each. 1992-2006- Editorial, sales and production offices: Island Shopping Centter, 5404 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 S WEB SITE: islander.org FAX 941 778-9392 PHONE 941 778-7978 SLICK 'Welcome back winter friends' By Egan 0 0 Where's the tea party?, I spent some time driving around Anna Maria Island last week to see what is-new, what is gone, what is added to etc., since my summer up north. It occurred to me that over the 45 years. I have been visiting and/or living here, a lot has changed,, but in some ways nothing has changed. It is still the ,best place I can imagine living. I wake up every morning to sunshine, good weather and tropical foliage. I hear the early morn- ing walkers and bike riders passing by in front of my house on Spring Avenue in Anna Maria. I live in a bird sanctuary and can listen to an osprey's calls and parrots shrieking all da\. So many wonderful and interesting people live here. I can eat Duffy burgers and drink pina coladas at the Sandbar. Walk on the beach. I feel a real sense of community. It is great to see some of the young- sters who went to school with my kids, like Jason Sato, Scott Rudacille, Justin Moore and Derek Pet- tigrew to name a few, coming back here as adults to live and work. Yes, our way of life is in peril right now. Hor- rible insurance issues,.oil companies wanting to drill offshore, a county tax assessor run amock, city gov- ernments micromanaging and focusing on things that don't matter while the larger issues seem to float by them unnoticed. But you know what? I know a lot of people here' who are very savvy, very aware and very much dedicated to preserving this great place and lifestyle that we enjoy. Together we will fight the threats and we will prevail. It is what we have always done here and we have the next generation helping us now. With their help,)youth, energy and education, combined'with our old age and treachery as the saying goes, we will remove the obstacles to our greatness we kriow- who and what they are. Now if you will excuse me, I have to go to the Boston Tea Party. Janet Aubry, Anna Maria Good show Last evening, my husband and I had the privilege of seeing the present production of the Island Players "Quartet." It was smashing.- We have supported the Island Players since we arrived on the Island four years ago. This playhouse and its performers are truly a jewel to the Island community. The performance of "Quartet" was exceptional. Bravo to the'play's director, Gareth Gibbs, and the perfectly casted performers, Ms. Gibbs, Lamoueus and Fleming, and Mr. McDowell and Schubel. Run, do -not walk, to get your tickets for this out- standing production. Ann and Donald Rully, Holmes Beach Scratch and sniff I live here on Anna Maria Island and I just love your Rotten Ralph ads. They're always fun and inter- esting. However, last week I scratched and sniffed Ralph's "Ad-aroma" ad until there was a hole in the paper and I could not smell a thing. So I decided to go to the restaurant and smell things out for myself. I have to admit, when I arrived at Rotten Ralph's Waterfront Restaurant in Anna Maria, the smell of the fish and chips made me smile just like the lady pictured in the ad with the plate of fish. . Thank you to the folks at Rotten Ralph's and The Islander for the entertaining ads. From a resident with a good nose. Melissa Burkett, Anna Maria THE ISLANDER U OCT. 18. 2006 7 7 Tidemark moving forward, Easterling out of management By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter The man who guided the Tidemark hotel/marina/ condominium site plan through the Holmes Beach City Commission in 2001 and a subsequent company bankruptcy is no longer involved in the daily man- agement of the project, the new owners have said. While Nick Easterling continues to be part of the new ownership Tidemark Reliance LLC Lance McNeill of Tidemark Reliance said Easterling is not involved in construction management. "He's still an interested party," said McNeill, "but no longer in management." Easterling said, however, that he will co-manage operations of the complex under the contract he has with Reliance Tidemark. At the same time, McNeill said work on the 5-year- old project has been steadily going forward. The foun- dations for the buildings are in and bids on the "vertical construction" have been received and construction on that portion should begin in the near future. Construction crews are now finishing up the under- ground sewer and water connections along with the elec- trical hookups. That took a bit longer than anticipated, McNeill indicated, but that phase of the project "should be finished in about three to four weeks," he said, adding that construction of the marina and docks won't begin until the vertical construction phase is complete. McNeill is also getting the documents for the condo- minium association ready for state of Florida approval. He anticipated that approval should be received within a few weeks. Once the state signs off on the documents, Tidemark can begin marketing the planned 40'units. "We'll then begin offering them for sale," he said. Potential buyers who had "reservations" on a unit before Tidemark went into bankruptcy will be given first opportunity for a condominium. McNeill said he did not have a firm price range for the units, which will include one-bedroom, two- bedroom and at least .one luxury unit. "We'll be announcing the price range in the near future," he said. "Obviously, the market is not what it used to be." He downplayed any perceived delays in completion of the project after Tidemark was reorganized following bankruptcy. "This is being done step by step. We're going for- ward steadily. We're very close to having everything organized," he predicted confidently. The Holmes Beach City Commission approved the Tidemark site plan in August 2001 a plan organized and headed by Easterling. Following financial difficulties in getting the proj- ect off the ground, Easterling placed Tidemark into voluntary bankruptcy in January 2004. Tidemark came out of federal bankruptcy court in August 2005 as a new company Tidemark Reliance LLC along with a financial savior in Ken Dardis and Reliance Property Group of Connecticut, and a new plan that originally called for construction on the marina phase of Tidemark to begin by January 2006. That didn't happen, but Easterling was all smiles with much of the project's debt dismissed as the reor- ganized and refinanced company emerged from bank- ruptcy court as a viable operation. Construction of a new seawall began shortly there- after and Easterling at that time confidently predicted the marina phase of construction would begin soon. In December 2005, Easterling said he expected to open the marina and resort about 12 to 18 months after construction began. Prices for the 40 units of Tidemark would range from about $500,000 to just over $1 million, Easterling said then. The marina phase will add 65 boat slips including public spaces and an accommodation for police boats and emergency services. The marina is needed to provide dock space for the large number of visitors by boat the city's business district receives. Tidemark leased the city's boat basin for about $10,000 a year, and promised to provide some slips to the public. Go listen to the bands and visit ISL a 13BaYFesT Oct 21 10- 7, on Pine Avenue in Anna Maria and then come and enjoy lunch or dinner with us. It's a party every day at Rotten Ralph's! Pitchers of Bud & Miller Lite Only $7- Mimosa Bloody Mary Tequila Sunrise Screwdriver S2for $6 ROTTEN RALPH'S WATERFRONT DINING LUNCH & DINNER 7 DAYS FULL BAR SERVICE 902 S. Bay Blvd. Anna Maria Located at Galati Marina 778-3953 ~J** Gulf of Mexico I 0 *OU C N A F S CIPS A L A E E Y A $ 8 9* In the Oct. 17, 1996, issue of The Islander, headlines announced: Florida Gov. Lawton Chiles requested that the Federal Emergency Management Agency declare Anna Maria Island and all of Manatee County a federal disas- ter area after Tropical Storm Josephine inundated the Island with more than 10 inches of rain and caused considerable damage to structures and beaches. Some Island residents questioned why the Island Emergency Operations Center was not activated during Tropical Storm Josephine, when the purpose of the IEOC is to handle emergencies such as hurricanes, trop- ical storms and other natural disasters. IEOC officials responded that the National Weather Service in Ruskin had advised against opening the IEOC, but later admit- ted it never expected that much rain from the storm. Preliminary estimates from Manatee County offi- cials put the damage from Tropical Storm Josephine at $4.9 million, while Anna Maria Island alone suffered an estimated $375,000 in damages. Date Low High Rainfall Oct. 8 73 82 0 Oct. 9 68 84 0 Oct. 10 68 86 0 Oct. 11 72 86 0 Oct. 12 76 88 0 Oct. 13 76 85 0 Oct. 14 74 -86 0 Average Gulf water temperature 820 24-hour rainfall accumulation with reading at approximately 5 p.m. daily. 'We'd love to mail i you the news! I .We mail The Islander weekly for a nominal $36 per year. It's the per- I fect w av to sia\ in touch %\ ith what's happening on Anna Maria Island. More i than 1,400 happ\, eager-for-Island-news paid subscribers-are already receiving I The Islander where they live ... from Alaska to Germany and California to i SCanada. . I We bring you all the news about three city governments, community hap- | openings, people features and special events.... even the latest real estate trans- I actions ... e er\thing 'ou need if \our "heart is on the Island." We're the onh\ Snew paper that gi, es )ou all the news of Anna Maria Island. 5 The Islander is distributed free locally. But if you don't lbI e here year-round. Sor if you want to mail the paper to a friend or relative, please use this form or .A log on to islander.org for secure e-mail transmission. BULK MAIL U.S. SUBSCRIPTIONS (allow 2 weeks for delivery) J One'Year: $36 -C 6 Months: $28. 3 Months: $18 I U.S. FIRST CLASS AND CANADIAN SUBSCRIPTIONS | L One Year: $140 L 6 Months: $87.50 Q 3 Months: $52 J Single Issue: $3.50 FIRST CLASS MAIL, U.S. ONLY, Maximum Four Weeks _ I Call for mail rates to Europe or other countries. ' MAILTO: I ADDRESS CITY STATE Z ZIP I Credit card payment Qi- L)V No. 1 Exp. Date Name shown on card: MAIL START DATE: Ia Tle Islander- Island Shopping Center 5404 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 CHARGE IT BY PHONE: (941) 778-7978 I OR ONLINE AT islander.org . liI il~I~lItlIIl~l~IiiI~l wmgwftwtmL,,- ~SbCo~C~x~ 8 0 OCT. 18. 2006 N THE ISLANDER Candidates speak out CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 recently. His 7-year-old son helped take pictures for the campaign. His 15-year-old daughter lobbies her friends for votes. Monetti, who spent his "formative years" in Pitts- burgh and is a graduate of Notre Dame, moved to Manatee County for a job at the Columbia Restaurant, where he's general manager. The job came after years of working in the corporate restaurant business. "I moved 12 times in 11 years prior to taking the job," said Monetti. "I real- ized it was time to settle down." Settling down for Monetti didn't simply involve setting up a house, enrolling the kids in school and meet- Monettiing the neighbors. He also wanted to get involved in his community and when he read an ad in The Islander seeking citizens for a storm- water abatement team in Holmes Beach, he volunteered. "I wanted to do something for the city," Monetti said. And he went on to the planning commission and currently serves as that board's vice chair. In the restaurant, Monetti is used to making deci- sions quickly and on his own. Government, he observed, "is very process driven.... The wheels of progress seem to churn slowly." But there's good reason for the pace, he added. The time allows for study and consideration and all sides on an issue get to make a case. "It's been interesting listening to people, learning to step back and listen and in many instances see the other side," Monetti said. "I have learned to be open-minded." He considered this when he came up with his campaign pledge: "Seeking, through a common sense approach, to maintain the unique beauty and balance of the city of Holmes Beach." Monetti's concerns include protecting the beaches and the downtown district, maintaining Holmes Beach home rule, getting a fair share of collected taxes, watching density and balancing residential and tourism needs. One issue likely to come before a new commission is whether to restrict resort rentals in R- 1, low-density residential zones, to no less than 30 days. "The, idea behind it was to protect the character of residential neighborhoods," said Monetti, estimating that about 900 homes are in R-1 zones. "The thought was that people should have some protections." The recommendation came from the planning com- mission that Monetti serves on, but he's not certain how he'd vote on the city commission. "As I speak to people out there I find a lot of folks who disagree and it's made me pause," he said. "I will look at all the angles, reflect on the issue. I do believe in the merits of the arguments for it. But I will represent the citizens of Holmes Beach the best I see fit." Islander Reporter Lisa Neff compiled the profiles for the Holmes Beach election. Manatee County Commission, District 6 SARAH MEAKER Sarah Meaker is the Democratic candidate in the partisan race for the District 6 at-large seat on the Man- atee County Commission. She is the former president of Trade Routes Ltd., developing United States retail markets for artisans living in Asia, Africa and Latin America. She started a soup kitchen, school and clinic for Guatemalan street children. She currently works for the Manatee County School District, managing a program that certifies professionals who want a second career as a teacher. Meaker has a bachelor's degree in political sci- ence and a doctorate in leadership and education. She has a 6-year-old daughter and attends Christ Episco- pal Church. She said she believes the need for "slow, sustain- able, strong growth equals smart growth" sets her apart from her opponent. "I have a strong desire to help small businesses through S tax relief." Meaker said her plat- e .e form includes slow, sustain- able growth, growing the tax base of the county, and revitalization of the quality of life in the county. "The Maker quality of life has changed in Manatee County," she said. "I want to maintain the beauty of the area so my daughter can grow up and enjoy it." Question: How can you as a commissioner ensure that Anna Maria Island, touted in tourism promotions, can maintain its facilities with the continued growth and development in the eastern section of the county? "The bigger problem is that there are pockets of Manatee County that are not being addressed by the county," she said. "There are community centers in Myakka, Palmetto, Anna Maria that are in need. The problem is like an onion, with a variety of different layers. We. have to address new development, yet we also have to have the infrastructure in place for it. In the old days, we were told to go west. Now, everyone seems to be going east, and the east is going away. We need to look at what other counties, what other com- munities, are doing to handle growth and try to figure out what we need to do here." CAROL WHITMORE Carol Whitmore is the Republican candidate in the partisan race for the District 6 at-large seat on the Manatee County Commission. Whitmore was elected to the Holmes Beach City Commission in 1991, and elected mayor in 1998, a position she holds today. She was a nurse at Mana- tee Memorial Hospital and is currently administrator at Parkway Plastic Surgeons, where her husband, Dr. Andre Renard, practices. She is a graduate of Manatee High School and Manatee Community College. Whit- more has periodically served on the Sarasota-Mana- I 8 tee Metropolitan Planning S '.Organization, Manatee Opportunity Council, and as a board member on the Anna Maria Island Commu- l r To Avoid Red Tide. She has .a grown daughter. Whitmore said her governmental experience Whitmore sets her apart from her opponent. "I believe my experience and contacts with state agencies, local agen- cies and local elected officials sets me apart," she said, "and my history of governmental service." She said her platform includes the need for better roads and transportation, control of taxes, maintaining social ser- vices and emergency services in the county, and protecting the water and environment in Manatee County. Question: Manatee County appears to be in a mode of simply buying property as a means of preservation of green and open space. Is that a good approach, or should some other means or set of incentives be put in place to protect the environment? "The county is buying land and turning it into an educational experience, like at the Robinson Pre- serve. The goal is to buy up waterfront property, and it's important. The county's land development codes are becoming more strict about having developers pro- vide open space for environmental purposes, and I'm seeing that developers and businesses are becoming more attuned to that. I believe developers are beginning to realize that they have to offer more incentives or they won't get their projects approved." Paul Roat compiled the profiles for the Manatee County Commission election. Pier plan moves forward Approval of a major development plan for the His- toric Bridge Street Pier is recommended now by the Bradenton Beach Planning and Zoning Board and will soon come before the city commission. Planners last week unanimously recommended the city commission approve the plans, which include a 92-seat restaurant, dockmaster offices, a tackle shop, rest-room facilities and an enhanced day-docking facil- ity. Fire officials, engineers and other experts said the proposal met all professional qualifications, and board members agreed the project met the requirements of the city's codes and comprehensive plan. City officials have been working for more than a year on plans for the new construction at the pier, which was severely damaged during Hurricane Frances in 2004. City commissioners are expected to address the major development plan in November. The pier is expected to be open to the public by spring 2007. Bids for construction on the project are scheduled to be opened this week. ITfI OW LIJ WOULD X.f 7E(/e The New Benchmark for a Senior Living Rental Community * 2 bedroom, I 1/2 bath villa with oversized Cable TV, water, pest control and home garage and private screened lanais maintenance all included * Sturdy block construction in a Quaint 33-acre campus with walking paths non-evacuation zone and scenic ponds * Spacious closets and beautifully appointed 20,000 square foot Town Center with kitchen and bath sparkling pool. entertainment, arts. * No property taxes wellness and fitness programs or expensive homeowners , insurance .; " TIHE ISLANDER M OCT. 18. 2006 0 9 Expect more barks than boos from the participants in the Halloween contest planned for Oct. 28 in Holmes Beach. The event a parade, cos- tume contest and party will feature Island dogs, other inter- ested pets and their human com- panions. The Islander and Holmes Beach resident Olivia Willis, a loan officer at-Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, are co-spon- soring the event. Willis proposed the cel- ebration for her 9-year-old daughter, Emma Terry, a stu- dent at Anna Maria Elemen- tary School. "They always used to have one and my daughter asked why they don't anymore," Willis said. Then her 19-year-old daughter, Lauren Dipolito, sug- gested organizing the event. " . Emma Terry, 9, of Holmes Beach, prepares for the dog costume event that she helped initiate with The Islander and the mort- gage company where her mother Olivia Willis works, Wells Fargo Home Mort- gage. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy "So, I said, well, let's get one going," Willis said. "We don't even have a dog." Willis noted that Emma so loved the contest that one year she bor- rowed a neighbor's dog to par- ticipate. Last week fliers were drawn up and the effort to collect prizes and organize judges began. Registration for the con- test is from 3-3:30 p.m. at The Islander office, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, fol- lowing the Fall Festival at the school. The parade participants will then assemble at "the corral" under the big tree at the Anna Maria Island Art League, 5312 Holmes Beach Blvd., and parade to The Islander. There, as the pups and other pets circle, judges will decide the prize- winners. But, Willis added, every dog will get a bone. Compound crashes, bridge delays Sunday night Two crashes in a short span of time on the Anna Maria Island Bridge resulted in injuries and long delays for folks hoping to cross to the other side on Manatee .Avenue Sunday evening. According to Florida Highway Patrol Trooper Ken- neth Piegari, a stalled vehicle belonging to Alex Wage- naar, 51, of Anna Maria, the result of an earlier crash, caused Kathleen Kramer, 68, of Key Royale, to attempt to pass Wagenaar's Toyota and her Nissan hit head-on a Cadillac driven by Frank Moravec, 87, of Bradenton. His wife Grace, 87, was also in the Cadillac. The Moravecs sustained serious injuries and were taken to Blake Medical Center. Kramer had minor inju- ries and was also transported to Blake. A third vehicle in the crash driven by Douglas Hall, 39, of Bradenton, was hit by Wagenaar's car before it came to a rest on the bridge. Kramer was charged with passing in a no-passing zone. Traffic was halted on the bridge from approxi- mately 7. p.m. until after 9 p.m. KAY THII5AUT MASTER STYLIST AND COLORIST is excited to announce her new location The Hideaway O 510 Manatee Avenue W. (In rairwa9 Center) 9+1-715-7223 WILLS TRUSTS ESTATES JAY HILL Attorney-at-Law 778-4745 Anna Maria, Florida Oct 21 ,10- Dog costume contest Oct. 28 ENTeRTaiNMe ...Join us for musicaIllda A Main STAqE ORos Jimi Gee's "Swinging Cat's of Rhythm"' DaPve M Almost Famous Presct KoKo Ray and the Soul Providers Scoi? Ach Dr Dave. Band t/ Holly ar NEW :Gntur ---.--.-.Erie- This YEAR " Crabcake Cook Off Chas'e Wine Garden at the D Dnr, Historicl.a-Society - ~ Featuring Cuirine of Area, esta Beer, Wine, Margaritas, Bottled Wat and ARTS & CRaFT Marine touch tank and children's play Classic car show with trophy present spinning oldies. Local artisans, crafters-and'retail. a-kind items..- .. Raffle tickers for.sale at t. amber I raffle prizes drawn-y! *. Locarnot-for- organization display Proce amber Scholarship Fund, Office?,P and he AMI Community Cnritaf Vendor spe6 available, contact CLIs Anna Maria Island Chamber of CcG Calling all Islander vets to ceremony By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter All World War II veterans whose stories have appeared in The Islander newspaper's "Greatest Generation" column are invited to a special cer- emony to honor veterans starting at 9 a.m., Thurs- day, Nov. 9, at the Holmes Beach City Hall But- terfly Park and Veterans Memorial. The public and all veterans are welcome to attend and honor the "Greatest Generation." Prior to the presentation of the colors by an honor guard from the Kirby Stewart American Legion Post, The Islander will have a complimen- tary buffet breakfast at the park for all the veterans and their spouses. Several Island veterans will make brief remarks, followed by the presentation of the colors, the national anthem and the Pledge of Allegiance. The Islander will also present a special bound col- lection of all the "Greatest Generation" stories that have appeared in the newspaper to the Island Branch of the Manatee Public Library and Tingley Memorial Library. After presentation of the collection, the honor guard will fire a 21-gun salute for all veterans and Taps will be played. The ceremony should con- clude by 10 a.m. All veterans whose stories have been in The Islander will receive a mailed invitation, but if any such veteran doesn't receive the invitation, they are, of course, welcomed. Addresses are occasionally incor- rect or get lost. Dress will be Island-style casual. Because of prior commitments, the American Legion honor guard was not available on Veter- ans Day. For more information on The Islander cer- emony, call Rick Catlin at 778-7978. sixth Annual 7, on Pine Avenue in Anna Maria 10 M OCT. 18, 2006 M THE ISLANDER a ai INT-ING Invitations Postcards Stationary 795-5131 Fax 795-5134 sales@baileyprint.com Mon-Thurs 8:30-5:00 Friday by appointment --.-.- -- -------- --- Island Florist You Know Why! 941-778-4751 800-771-7163 5312 Marina Dr, Holmes Beach www.island-florist.com Pawsitively Pets & Property Services Inc. P.O. Box 265, Bradenton Beach, FL 34217 Quality Pet Sitting Bonded Insured 761-7 5 11 et sitters INTERNATIONAL ,51? CPUT -__ HOME FURNISHINGS INC. Come see our 10% OFF unique style or let us customize or rejuvenate Refinishing/Painting ut r rue Your furniture or ours your furniture! with this ad Shop 941-795-4788 Cell 941-962-0567 Surfing World Plaza (next to Tyler's Ice Cream) 11804 Cortez Rd. W., Cortez, FL Closed Sun. and Mon. SOUTH FLORIDA MUSEUM Bishop Planetarium Parker Manatee Aquarium GSR auction sale stalled Brochures Newsletters Business Cards Forms Flyers Menus Programs Labels B/W to Full Color By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Anna Maria to GSR: No sale. While financially strapped GSR Development LLC partners Robert Byrne and Steve Noriega might have thought that a proposed auction sale of each of GSR's 17 lots at its Villa Rosa property in Anna Maria would bring a desperately needed infusion of cash to the beleaguered company, Anna Maria City Attorney Jim Dye dashed those hopes last week with a dose of reality. Villa Rosa is still one big piece of property, not individual lots, he said. . In response to the auction sale motion filed in fed- eral bankruptcy court by GSR attorney Richard Prosser, Dye said there's a slight problem. The city has never signed off on the final plat of the property. "It poses a problem" for GSR, said Dye. Technically, said Dye, GSR can "sell off chunks of Villa Rosa," but the individual buyers would be unable to get a building permit until each lot is platted. To get the final plat including individual lots - recorded, GSR needs to comply with several "minor" stipulations that the city placed on Villa Rosa when it gave approval on June 9, 2005. Those stipulations are still pending, noted Dye in a letter to Prosser last week, and until those problems are satisfied with the city, no building permits can be issued. In addition, added Dye, Villa Rosa has been sitting vacant for more than a year. Any improvements done by GSR since site plan approval in 2002 may need "repairs or maintenance" and a city inspection. Dye told Prosser it would be in everyone's best interest for GSR to complete the plat process, rather than attempt to split the property through an auction, forcing the individual owners to plat the property. Mayor SueLynn said she would meet with Prosser, Dye and Building Official Kevin Donovan this week-to dis- SOUTH FLORIDA MUSEUM Downtown Bradenton 201 10th Street West 941-746-4131 www. southfloridamuseum.org Plntru anded-aionl arer ante Blazing trails The deadline for GSR to clean up its Villa Rosa property or face code enforcement action by Anna Maria expired on Oct. 9, but city officials said GSR asked for an extension. By Monday, Oct. 16/ the debris had been cleared, according to code enforcement officer Gerry Rathvon. This photo shows rubble left by GSR before clean up, along with the $2.5 million model home that NBA player Theo Ratliff of the Portland Trailblazers has a contract to purchase. Islander Photo: Rick Catlin GSR compromise motion hearing Oct. 24 By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter A motion by GSR Development LLC to "compro- mise controversy" with Bon Eau Enterprises LLC will be heard in federal bankruptcy court at 2:30 p.m. Tues- day, Oct. 24. In its emergency motion, GSR asks Judge K. Rodney May to grant the company until Dec. 15, to exercise its $100,000 repurchase option with Bon Eau on GSR's Villa Rosa property in Anna Maria. GSR also asked for the same deadline to close a sale on the Villa Rosa property. Both would take place on or before Dec. 15, GSR attorney Richard Prosser said. Prosser said that if the $100,000 isn't paid by the Dec. 15 deadline, or if paid, but not all of the Villa Rosa property is purchased by that day, then all of GSR's interest and claims to any "unsold lots" in Villa Rosa "would be terminated and deemed null and void." In plain English, it means if GSR can't come up with the $100,000 and close on a sale of Villa Rosa by the due date, the company no longer has any claims on the property. But if May denies the emergency motion, GSR said it would reserve all of its "claims, rights and remedies" on Villa Rosa. The unsecured creditors committee for the GSR bankruptcy has subrfitted its own opinion on the motion to Judge May, claiming that Bon Eau's deal with GSR was "criminally usurious" and was a "disguised loan." The committee also claimed that the Bon Eau deal is unenforceable because GSR was insolvent at the time PLEASE SEE GSR, NEXT PAGE cuss what the city requires from GSR for the final plat. Bankruptcy Judge Rodney May held an emergency meeting Oct. 12 to hear the auction sale motion, but has not yet rendered a decision. A number of major GSR creditors lodged objections to the proposed auction. GSR received site-plan approval for Villa Rosa - its multi-million dollar gated community of luxury homes on South Bay Boulevard in August 2002. At that time, Byrne and Noriega indicated a final plat would be ready within 12 months and construction on the project would begin soon after. During the past four years, however, the only con- struction has been a model home, and National Bas- ketball Association player Theo Ratliff of the Portland Trailblazers claims he has a contract to purchase that house and accompanying lot for $2.5 million. Sources involved with the construction of the model home say anywhere from $700,000 to $1 million in further improvements are needed before the city can issue a certificate of occupancy. GSR's glorified Island empire crashed in July when the company filed for voluntary bankruptcy protection. At the time, GSR claimed it had $47 million in assets and just $33 million in liabilities, but was prevented from completing its various projects because of law- suits and liens that have stalled financing. The company also has a Bradenton Beach Gulffront condominium project Rosa del Mar and held a grand opening party in 2003 to announce the project, but no construction ever began at the site. Included in the $33 million in liabilities against GSR are approximately $6 million in unsecured claims, many from Island residents who apparently have invested savings, retirement plans and other liquid assets with GSR. GSR's reorganization plan and full financial state- ments are due in federal court by Nov. 13. .4, .. 2', A 'a"' r~ ~4. "E~. '~ * *,. ~ .~ Get your mail the old-fashioned way. Call 778-7978 for FREE home delivery on Anna Maria Island, Perico Island and Flamingo Cay. The Islander I I "I. -e I THE ISLANDER U OCT. 18. 2006 11 Cancer 4 aive effects reness can have ,our whole boil* Bringin proo-ofa The week of October 16th only, Curves is mammogram waiving the service fee when you bring in a and oin current mammogram. 4228 60th St. W., Bradenton 5366 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach 794-2878 779-2878 New & Custom Jewelry Remounts Appraisals Repairs Estate Jewelry C1.AYAWAY NOW FOR CHRISTMA - S 40%o0FF CITIZEN WATCHES ) and Watch Repair 7358 Cortez Rd. W. (941) 798-9585 Tues.-Fri. 10-6, Sat. 10-4 Accepting major credit cards & ATM Card Dean Brown, Master Jeweler and Watchmaker for 24 years Artist Richard Thomas donated original paintings for auction at this week's pasta dinner that will benefit HBPD Officer Pete Lannon and other area artists are joining him in helping the Lannon family. Islander .Photo: Bonner Joy Dining out 'for Pete's sake' Profess55ioal Nail Care & Spa SS~- 5HOPPES OF PARADISE BAY 7342 Cortez Rd. W., Bradenton 794-8888 Members of the Island community have planned several events to raise funds for Holmes Beach Police Officer Pete Lannon and his family since learning the community resource officer is battling pancreatic cancer. The first event will be a pasta dinner from 5 to 8 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 19, at St. Bernard Catholic Church. Lannon said he hopes to attend the dinner, but if he is not feeling well due to medical treatment, his family will still come in his place. Lannon said he is overwhelmed by the communi- t\ 's response after learning of his illness. "I feel like Jimmy Stewart in the movie 'It's A Wonderful Life.' I feel like I just did my job. every day and I wouldn't have thought I had so much of an impact. I feel really blessed.", Lan non has been on medical leave for1 wo months, from the Holmes Beach Police Department as well as his duties at Anna T laria Elementar School as the Drug Awareness Resistance Education teacher. Lannon said he has a good health plan through the city and that his coworkers have "been fantastic.'" Soon he will begin chemotherapy treatments to shrink the golf-ball-sized tunior that has been pressing against his spine. causing lo\% back pain. "My wife has been my rock. I don't know what I would d have done without her," Lannon said. "She is an incredible woman and I would have given up if it weren't for her." His .wife is a nurse and Lannon said she has been a great strength to lean upon, espe- cially during the months spent seeking a diagnosis for his back pain and then upon the shock of learning the cause. Lannon said his children are also taking the situ- ation in stride. His son Pete Jr. is maintaining the two properties the family is trying to sell, and daughter Jesse keeps dad stocked with Starbucks coffee and pumpkin. cake. , "Jesse has my sense of humor," said Lannon, "so, we're able to crack jokes no one else might find funny." Lannon also has a 10-year-old son, Mathew. Doctors have not given Lannon the "all clear" to return to work, but have not ruled it out as a possibil- ity. Lannon said his biggest worry is providing for his famiNh . "I hate to be in a position to ask for financial assis- tance, but what my family needs now is help with our bills," Lannon admitted. "It's the last thing I'd ever GSR compromise coming up -CONTINUED FROM PAGE 10 of the loan and Bon Eau was aware of GSR's financial situation. The federal bankruptcy court is located at 801 N. Florida Ave., Suite 727, in Tampa. want to ask for, but just not knowing what the future holds and if I'll be able to help is worrisome." Lannon said although he has a good health plan, insurance only covers so much. In addition Lannon is not yet entitled to full benefits through the police retire- ment plan. According to Holmes Beach Lt. Dale Stephenson. Lannon has only been N ith the department six years and therefore is only partially vested. Officers beconmi fully vested after 10 years. The pasta dinner is the first of several events planned to raise money on Lannoin'ns behalf. The dinner is sponsored bh the Chiles Group, Island Gour- met. Beach Bistro. Publi\. Girl Scouts. Cub Scouts, St. Bernard Catholic Church. J&J Graphics. Pyrates of the Gulf Coast. The Ilsaei r new paper and man\ friends. The e\ ening menu include.- Caesar or tossed salad with fresh mozzarella: alfredo sauce, marinara sauce. and meatballs over your choice of bo\\ tie. angel hair o01 'penne pasta; and bread. Tickets for adults are $10 and $5 for children. Organizers hae asked that e'eryone0 bring a favorite dessert to share for an old-fashioned bake sale. Jimi Gee and the Edison Rhythm Cats will be pro- siding music. volunteerss are welcome to help.set up the church activity hall anm time after noon on Thursday. Auction items are being collected for that evening. Advance tickets \ ill be sold until Wednesda\ at St. Bernard, Holmes Beach Police Department, Time Saver and Anna Maria .Elementary. Take out is, available and remaining tickets will be sold at the door. Also coming up is a spa fundraiser at Danielle's Day Spa, 103 Seventh St. N-, Bradenton Beach from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 22. Dina Stewart and Danielle Sewall will host a day of massage, manicures, pedicures and facials at discounted prices and all pro- ceeds will go to the Lannon family. At Holmes Beach City Hall on Oct. 22 there will also be a car wash by members of Southeast and Mana- tee high's service.clubs. The wash will be running from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and donations of extra towels and sponges are appreciated. The group has a collection box at the School for Constructive Play on Pine Avenue in Anna Maria. . In the meantime, Lannon is determined to get through this hurdle. "I believe in the power of prayer and I believe in miracles." Name correction. The story in the Oct. 4 issue of The Islander on the motion to appoint William Maloney as GSR Devel- opment's restructuring manager should have said that one of GSR's principals is Robert Byrne, not Richard Byrne, as reported. Just ask for me - I- 'll t I,, Ii behind S...'.._.. . _.. _,. No need to go street S -. hopping in New York City... L .--' ve all the famous designer names! S iiLeAttieJ etallie -, 0 itt u dijJ~lu Iiii. l. i Accessoaies ereme Mention this ad, get 10% off 412.10th Ave. W. Palmetto 722-9916 6605 Manatee Ave. W. Bradenton Outlet Mall 773-1204 7 HANDCRAFTED Q LINK BRACELET Sterling -$34* . L 14k Gold -$138* Lf *prices subject to change the CE*19 ,Sterling anvil. 5341 Gilf Drive Holmes Beach, FL 34217 778-3636 ORECKVACUUM' ALL 3 PIECES E139Value I FOR2 .1 i FULL 3-YEAR WARRANTY! I S$199 VALUE FREE Fiacn o * 8 Attachments I Weighs 8 bs. Strong enough to pick i Hotel Strength up a 16 lb. bowling ball. REPAIRS 7 DAYS A WEEK Ui 482S anan rii h andng P az 1 12mos., - - - - - a . a A i 12 0 OCT. 18. 2006 T THE ISLANDER Anna Maria nixes daylight plane ordinance By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter After spending more than $3,000 with professional planner Alan Garrett to develop a daylight-plane ordi- nance not to mention a plethora of meetings on the issue Anna Maria city commissioners at their Oct. 12 meeting quashed the proposed ordinance that would have required new construction in the city to conform to increased setback requirements as the construction became vertical. The commission had even prepared a draft ordi- nance that passed its first reading several weeks ago, but commissioners backed away from continuing any further research or discussion of the ordinance, citing public opposition. Commissioner Christine Tollette said she couldn't support the ordinance as she was opposed to anything that might take away property rights from owners. Commissioner Duke Miller said that without a consensus to continue further discussion and collecting more information, "We might be wasting our time." Agreed, chimed in Commissioner Dale Woodland. "I can't make a decision on this now, but it's obvious there is not enough support. So, in the best interests of everybody, just drop this." Commission Chairman John Quam noted that the commission was originally concerned with the appear- ance of three recently constructed houses on Pine Avenue on the former Island Marine property. Mayor SueLynn, who had spearheaded devel- opment of the ordinance the past six months at the commission's direction, responded to the rejection, saying that while the commission should not ignore any person's rights, it appears commissioners are now supporting the developers by not enacting this legisla- tion. Without a daylight plane ordinance, the character of the-city will gradually change in the coming years, much to the detriment of future residents. "You or your descendants will regret this decision," she told the commission. WMI Waste Management Inc., the city's contracted trash .and yard-waste hauling service, made a presentation of the new containers the company will introduce under a proposed new contract with the city. The current con- tract expires March 3J, 2007. WMI said the new "automated" service will require one less person on the pickup trucks, but customers will. be obligated to utilize either a 35- or 64-gallon con- tainer. The service is already. in use in Holmes Beach and Palmetto, said Dave Smith of WMI. The automated service will also increase the price of basic service under the new contract, Smith tild commissioners. Commissioners were concerned that orome of the city's winter visitors and elderly residents might not be able to handle such a large container, but Smith assured the commission that rear-door pickup setn ice w%%ould still be available. The new service is only for trash. Yard waste \ would continue to be picked up under the current sN stem of placing the waste in plastic bags beside the curb. Resident Margaret Jenkins objected to the pro- posed $1 increase in service, while others. objected to the fact that WMI charges a duplex owner for two pickups, even if the entire duplex is occupied by one fa min i \ Smith said the company might entertain some exceptionss" to this police but it would be up to the A waste of space? Waste Management Inc., Anna Maria's contracted trash arid yard-waste hauling service, introduced new 35- and 64-gallon bins at the city commission's Oct. 12 meeting for .use by residents with WMI's auto- mated service under a proposed new contract with the city. The automated service is already in use in Holmes Beach. Islander Photo: Rick Catlin commission to'decide who gets an exception and bring the proposal to WMI. The commission directed Smith to return to a future commission worksession with a draft contract and pro- posed rates. Setbacks Commissioners agreed to have planner Garrett look. into e;stablishini ne- setback standards in the retail- office-residential area that would correspond to the same setbacks in a residential zone. Garrett said he did not know why the front and sideyard setbacks were different in the ROR than the residential zone. The commission directed Garrett to return with rec- ommendations and a draft ordinance, prompting Sue- Lynn to note somewhat sarcastically that Garrett doesn't work for free. "Don't have him go around in circles like you did with the daylight-plane ordinance," she suggested. Condominium conversion Woodland wanted the commission to look at the "reality" of motel operations in Anna Maria, particu- larly if they were meeting all other ordinance require- ments. He was concerned that a number of such proper- ties had been converted to condominiums the past two years, although the use remains as a motel. He wondered if increased occupancy would create an impact on surrounding residential areas. But other commissioners were not impressed. Miller and Tollette said they didn't see an issue and no one has been complaining that motels are causing more of an impact.' "I don't see a need to spend money" on having Garrett prepare a study unless the city starts getting complaints about motels, said Miller. Further discussion of the issue was dropped by the commission. BDI contract The city engineering firm of Baskerville-Donovan Inc. proposed an increase in its fees when the company and the city meet in the near future to discuss renewal of the contract, which expires this year. Unfortunately, BDI lost its copy of the current con- tract with Anna Maria and asked the city to provide one of its copies for the company. BDI also said it would retain the services of engi- neer Tom Wilcox for Anna Maria's stormwater drainage projects, even though he's no longer with BDI. The commission consensus was to extend BDI's contract with an accompanying increase in hourly rates to $150 per hour. The commission will have to vote on the extension at a regular meeting. blessed. pets The Rev. Robert Mongiello held a spe- cial ser- vice at St. Bernard Catholic Church Oct. 4 at which he blessed 16 dogs, two cats and one skunk. Islander -Photo: ..Nancy .. Ambrose S Welcome Valerie Fortunato, ARNP to r Island Family Physicans Now accepting new patients 778-1007 3909 East Bay Drive Holmes Beach 'Join us for the World's Largest Cruise Night October 19th Join Fantasy Travel as we celebrate S-CLIA's World's Largest Cruise Night Thursday, October 19th, -I' 4:30 pm-7:30 pm C Incredible Cruise Deals Group Specials Refreshments Door Prizes | Best Island Shirt Contest & more I.. J W :ge" IK' E.j r -- THE ISLANDER 0 OCT. 18. 2006 M 13 Streetlife Island police reports Anna Maria Oct. 11, 800 block of North Shore Drive, suspi- cious circumstances. Someone was observed pulling crab traps in the water surrounding the Rod & Reel Pier. The theft from the traps was reported by the deputy to Florida marine enforcement officers. Bradenton Beach Oct. 1, 2200 Gulf Drive S., south boat ramp at Coquina Beach, theft. A woman reported that her Papa John's magnetic sign was stolen from the side of her vehicle. Oct. 8, 200 block of Bay Drive North, burglary. A woman reportedly left the windows of her vehicle down and her satellite radio was stolen from the front window. The car had been parked in front of her apart- ment for approximately one liour. Oct. 8, 100 Gulf Drive N., Circle K store, disorderly intoxication. Officers received a report of an intoxicated Obituaries Mildred E. Becker Mildred E. Becker, 92, of Longboat Key, died Oct. 12. Born in New York City, Mrs. Becker was a winter resident from the Chicago area on Longboat Key for 35 years, and became a fulltime resident 10 years ago. She was a homemaker and was formerly employed by the American Chicle Company in Long Island City and Seaboard World Airlines in New York. No services wer& held. Memorial contributions may be made to ManaSota-88, PO. Box 1728, Nokomis FL 34274. She is survived by daughter Joan Dunn of Bradenton; stepdaughter Lizabeth Vecchiolla and husband Donald of New York; stepson William and wife Cheryl of Califor- nia; eight grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. Jeremy K. Marlar Jeremy K. Marlar, 24, of Bradenton, died Oct. 11. Born in Bradenton, Mr. Marlar was a 2001 graduate person causing a problem and refusing to leave. The woman was found slumped down on the sidewalk yelling at no one. Due to her belligerent nature she was arrested. Oct. 9, 120 Bridge St., Drift Inn, disorderly intoxi- cation. A customer reportedly refused to pay his tab. He was arrested. Oct. 11, 300 block of Gulf Drive N., Holmes Beach, driver's license. A man was arrested for driving with a suspended license and using a tag given to him by a friend. Holmes Beach Oct. 6, 3304 E. Bay Drive, Island Bazaar, fraud. A man reported a fraudulent charge by the store to his credit card, which had been stolen. Oct. 7, 6000 block of Flotilla, criminal mischief. A soccer coach of a winning team reported that while parked at a game his truck was vandalized with a sharp object, like a key. Oct. 8, 5600 Marina Drive, drug arrest. A juvenile, 16, from Holmes Beach, was arrested for possession of 2.9 grams of marijuana. Oct. 8, 3248 E.'Bay Drive, Walgreens, armed bur- glary. Officers were alerted to a burglary in progress. According to the report, a store manager witnessed of Manatee High School, where he played varsity foot- ball. He attended the M.E. Rinker School of Construc- tion, Design and Planning at the University of Florida, Gainesville. He was a member of Phi Theta fraternity. Memorial services were Oct. 14 at Trinity United Methodist Church. Memorial contributions may be made to Young Life of Manatee County, P.O. Box 14876, Bradenton FL.34280. Griffith-Cline Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. He is survived by sister Kelli Walker of Gainesville; parents Jerry and Martha of Bradenton; maternal grand- parents Nancy Heffner of Holmes Beach. and Ralph Wild of Lancaster, N.Y.; paternal grandmother Virginia of Washington, N.C.; and aunts and uncles Don and Jackie Maneval, Daniel and Linda Wild, Robert Hef- fner, Tom Heffner, Robin Polder and Brenda Heffner. a man attempting to pry open the metal, roll-down, pharmacy window. The suspect was using a hammer and screwdriver that he stole from a tool kit sold at the store. Further, the suspect reportedly opened a package of razor blades to cut open the tool kit. When check- ing the suspects personal items an officer found a note in his wallet stating, "You will be shot if you don't fill ..." three types of prescription drugs. The suspect reportedly had been terminated from his position as a Clearwater firefighter.a month ago.. Oct. 9, 3008 Ave. C, Air America, theft. A company vehicle was reported stolen after an employee did not return to work with it. Oct. 9, 5626 Gulf Drive, Harrington House, theft. A bike was stolen from the property. Oct. 10, 4000 Gulf Drive, driver's license. An offi- cer stopped a vehicle that had no tag. The driver was arrested for driving with a suspended license. Oct. 12, 2800 block of Gulf Drive, driver's license. A motorcyclist was stopped for speeding. He was given a citation because he did not have the proper endorse- ment on his license to operate a motorcycle. Oct. 12, 29th Street and Gulf Drive, driver's license. A driver was issued a citation for driving with a suspended license, for not having insurance and expired registration. Philip T. Spaziani Philip T. Spaziani, 51, of Bradenton, died Oct. 9. Born in Brooklyn, N.Y., Mr. Spaziani came to Manatee County from Chincoteague, Va., in 2003. He was a member of Knights of Columbus. He attended Saints Peter & Paul the Apostles Catholic Church, Bra- denton. Memorial visitation was Oct. 12 and Memorial Mass was held Oct. 13 at the church. Memorial contri- butions may be made to Tidewell Hospice and Pallia- tive Care, 5955 Rand Blvd., Sarasota FL 34238. Brown and Sons Funeral Home, 43rd Street Chapel, was in charge of arrangements. He is survived by parents Philip and Julia of Bradenton. CASH INCENTIVES ON GRADY-WHITES AT CANNONS MARINA! Only Thru November 5! Great Grady Days cash incentives of $500-$3,500 on a limited availability of 18ft-33ft new Gradys. The Best Grady-White Factory-Sponsored Sales Event Ever! Yamaha Makes It Better... Choo-L a r,..-- V-:i1a ha ar j, I pt. ? ,earz .TEr.,,ld var ranr Lip t ,-.$2.60. allue or., 5-250 hp ('Ou, -t. r r!c, m.:,.-d -.: - -*Offer good until November 21. Visit Cannons Marina for more details. FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1955 FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1955 CANNONS M4 MARI NA COMPETITIVE QUALITY COMMITMENT 6040 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key (2 miles from north end) Open 7 days a week, 8 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Cannons.com 383-1311 We're worth the triple SALES SERVICE RENTALS OYAMAHA When you want the best Advertise here and reach more than 20,000 people weekly with your ad -for as little as $20!- Isla der The Islal 778-79der Call 778-7978 All proceeds to benefit HBPD School Resource officer Pete Lannon 14 M OCT. 18. 2006 T THE ISLANDER Gloria Dei welcomes Backer as new pastor By Lisa Neff Islander Reporter Like many people who come to Anna Maria Island, the splendor of the sunrises and sunsets hasn't escaped the Rev. Rosemary Backer. "Look at every sunrise and sunset," said Backer, the new pastor at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 6608 Marina Drive in Holmes Beach. "I think we do, on the Island, see God's hand in a different way." Backer arrived to the Island about two weeks ago and began settling into a routine at the church, where she was welcomed by members of the congregation, representatives of other churches, and her neighbors. She also began settling into the pastor's home on 74th Street in Holmes Beach. "It's on a canal," she said. Backer grew up in a family of five children in New Carrollton, Md., not far from Washington, D.C., where she came to appreciate the city's politics and cultural amenities. Wednesday, Oct. 18 10 a.m. to noon Watercolor class at the'Anna Maria Island Art League, 5312 Holmes Blvd., Holmes Beach. Infor- mation: 778-2099. Fee applies. 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Networking lunch with the Long- boat-Lido-St. Armand Keys Chamber of Commerce at the Sun House Restaurant, 111 Gulf Drive S., Bradenton Beach. Information: 383-8217. Fee applies. Noon Anna Maria Garden Club presents container gardening at Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-2809. 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Basket-weaving class at the Anna Maria Island Art League, 5312 Holmes Blvd., Holmes Beach. Information: 778-2099. Fee applies. Thursday, Oct. 19 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Tri-Chamber business after-hours table top displays at the Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall, 777 N. Tam'iami Trail, Sarasota. Fee applies. Until 9 p.m. Family activities at the South Florida Museum, 201 10th St., Bradenton. Information: 746-4131. Fee applies. Friday, Oct. 20 5 to 7 p.m. Reception for women contemporary art- ists exhibiting at the South Florida Museum, 201 10th St., Bradenton. Information: 746-4131. Fee applies. Saturday, Oct. 21 8:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. ABC Boating class at the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, 5801 33rd Ave. W., Bradenton. Information: 795-6189. Fee applies. 8:30 a.m. Kiwanis Club presents Jay Wittner of AG Edwards who will speak about the "Space Program" at Cafe on the Beach, Manatee Public Beach, 4700 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. She graduated from Lutheran Theological Seminary in Gettys- burg, Pa., the oldest Lutheran seminary in the United States. In 1997, she went to work at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Lynchburg, Va., Leaving Bethlehem Lutheran was difficult, but the Gloria Dei congregation called . Backer to serve their Island church and she sensed a good match. "I was interested in the community of people and their hopes and desires," said Backer, Gloria Dei's first fulltime pastor in about three years. The last was the Rev. Danith Kilts, who was installed as pastor in 1993. She also appreciated the partnership the Island churches share. "It was unexpected, that there was such great communal spirit," Backer said. "I like the fact that the churches work together." 10 a.m. to noon Beginning drawing for ages 8-12 at the Anna Maria Art League, 5312 Holmes Blvd., Holmes Beach. Information: 778-2099. Fee applies. 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Island Bayfest sponsored by the Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce on Pine Avenue in Anna Maria. Information: 779-9412. .10:30 a.m. -Save Anna Maria, Inc. meetingwith guest Joe Duennes of Holmes Beach Public Works at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Informa- tion: 778-4255. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. "Nurse Shark" Halloween fun at Mote Marine Aquarium, 1600 Ken Thompson Pkwy., Sara- sota. Information: 388-4441. Fee applies. 1 to 4 p.m. Fall festival at Christ United Methodist Church, 5512 26th St. W., Bradenton. Information: 755- 2722. Monday, Oct. 23 7 to 9 p.m. "The Way of the Heart" class at St. Ber- nard Catholic Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-4769. Tuesday, Oct. 24 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Home school festival at Mote Marine Laboratory, 1600 Ken Thompson Pkwy., Sarasota. Informa- tion: 388-4441. Fee applies. Noon Anna Maria Island Rotary Club meeting with past Rotary District Gov. Jim Henry speaking about the Island club's clean well project in Nigeria at the BeachHouse Res- taurant, 200 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton Beach. Information: 350-4326. Ongoing: "Quartet" at the Island Players, 10009 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria, through Oct. 22. Information: 778-5755. Fee applies. "Sweeney Todd" at Manatee Players Riverfront Theatre, 102 Old Main St., Bradenton, through Oct. 29. Information: 748-5875. Fee applies. Watercolor exhibit by Paul Acre at Island Gallery West, 5368 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, through Oct. 31. Information: 792-1039. Faculty exhibit at the Anna Maria Island Art League, Fulfflling Dreams * Free Checking ) o Free Online Bonriiig * Free Online Bill Poy * Over 2,000 ATMs -877- I, I . OAST 3ANK F FLORIDA COAST FL co.iiam Mature drivers, it's our policy to save you money. Shen you insure your car with us, through Auto-Owners Insurance Company, we'll save you money! Statistics show that mature drivers experience fewer, less-costly accidents, allowing usfto pass the savings on to you. Contact us today, and let us earn your loyalty through our quality service and products at Q - "No Problem" prices. .Auto-Owners Insurance Jim Mixon Insurance Inc. 5412 Marina Dr.* Island Shopping Center, Holmes Beach (941) 778-2253 jim.mixon2@verizon.net OUR OFFICE IS CLOSED FOR LUNCH NOON-1 DAILY. Gloria Dei, which will mark its 50th anniversary in 2009, is a member congregation of the Evan- gelical Lutheran Church in America. The church has about 200 active members and about as many associate members who mostly attend from January through April. Backer conducted her first worship services in the church on Saturday and Sunday and focused on new beginnings. "Jesus always invites us to start over," she said. "This is a new beginning for me and a new beginning for Gloria Dei." Backer's foremost goals at Gloria Dei involve bring- ing people to the church and bringing people together. "It's important for people to know that everyone's wel- come here. That this is a place to feel connected, to hear the good news of Jesus," she said. "All are welcome here. Just come and see." An installation service for Backer is scheduled for Nov. 12 at the church. Island chamber dinner The Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce will hold its annual awards dinner and installation of new officers at.6 p.m. at the Sun House Restaurant Monday, 'Nov. 6. The menu includes a choice of Three-Cheese Chicken, Drunken Shrimp or Denver Prime Rib. Dinner includes salad and dessert. Reservations are $35 per person. For more informa- tion, call 779-9412. 5312 Holmes Blvd., Holmes Beach, through Nov. 3. Informa- tion: 778-2099. "Latin American Art Exposition" at the Longboat Key Center for the Arts, 6860 Longboat- Drive, Longboat Key, through Nov. 9. Information: 794-0650. Coming up: Family Halloween night at South Florida Museum Oct. 26. Fall festival fun house at G.T. Bray Oct. 26-17. Goblin Gathering at G.T. Bray Oct. 27. Fall Festival at AME Oct. 28. Oktoberfest at Church of the Annunciation Oct. 28. ABC'Boating class at U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Oct. 28. Sidewalk astronomy at South Florida Museum Oct. 28. Sierra Club Energy Film Festival Oct. 28. Italian Harvest Party at Palma Sola Botanical Park Oct. 29. Trail of Treats Oct. 31. Save the Date: Taste of Manatee Nov. 4-5. Suncoast Winefest Nov. 11. Empty Bowls downtown Bradenton Nov. 16. Sandblast Nov. 18. Anna Maria Island Community Orchestra and Choir presents "Celebration of Autumn" Nov. 19. Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Stain & Odor Control Tile and Grout Color, Cleaning and Stain Control! 778-2882 or 387-0607 www.FatCatCarpetCleaning.com LARRY & NANCY HOUSE, OWNERS Gloria Dei Lutheran Church. ELCA Pastor Rosemary W. Backer Saturday 5 pm Service of Celebration Sunday 9:30 am Worship Service iNursery available ai 9:30am '- 1*' ^ Youth Sunday School 9:30am S& i w.gloradelurieran com 6608 Marina Drive S Holmes Beac-n 778-1813 AN INTERDENOMINATIONAL COMMUNITY CHURCH HARVEY MEMORIAL PASTOR STEPHEN KING Sunday 9:30am 779-1912 www.harveymemorial.org 300 CHURCH AVE. BRADENTON BEACH 2 BLOCKS NORTH OF BRIDGE ST. CLOCK TOWER 0.-~ x1r, 0 O-Ge THE ISLANDER U OCT. 18, 2006 0 15 Red tide panelists agree much known, more data needed By Paul Roat Is the Florida red tide exacerbated by nutrients flowing into the Gulf of Mexico from shore? A panel of experts wholeheartedly answered "yes" to that question during a forum on red tide held in Sara- sota last week before a group of about 80 citizens. "Yes, nutrients like nitrogen from coastal areas near- shore help exacerbate red tide," said Dr. JoAnn Burkholder, an algae expert from North Carolina State University. "But you can't point a finger at it and say that is the cause of red tide," warned Dr. Cynthia Heil, who stud- ies red tide at the Fish and Wildlife Research Institute in St. Petersburg. Red tide in Florida is called Karenia brevis,. It is a naturally occurring algae that is always found in the water at some level of concentration. For reasons as yet unknown to scientists, it occasionally "blooms" and can emit a toxic substance that kills fish and marine mam- mals and can cause respiratory distress in humans. Burkholder knows first-hand about impacts of algae on humans. During research on red tide in North Carolina 15 years ago, she discovered a new strain of an algae, Pfiesteria piscicida, that was deadly to fish and harmful to humans to the level that she and her fellow researchers became seriously ill. The algae was later tracked back to its "trigger" sewage and the sewage source was the state's extensive hog industry. The panel, including Island restaurateur Ed Chiles, also the chair of the group Solutions To Avoid Red Center groundbreaking Nov. 16 Anna Maria Island Community Center Executive Director Pierrette Kelly announced the date of the Center groundbreaking at this month's board meeting. The ceremony, which is still in the planning stages, will be held Nov. 16. Kelly also gave board members an update on the status of the time capsule retrieved from the ground last month for safe keeping until construction of the new center facility is completed. When the time capsule was unearthed it broke, revealing water had seeped into into the capsule causing extensive water damage to the items inside. Kelly told board members many of the items are too fragile to go back into the ground and efforts are being made to conserve them. These-items may go to the Anna Maria Island Historical Museum instead. Board members also considered a slate of member nominations: Carol and Robert Carter, David Zac- cagnino, Derek Pettigrew and John Monetti. The- board-voted to accept the Carters and Pettigrew as new members and wait until after the November election to decide upon accepting Zaccagnino and Monetti's request to join the board. Center board members were concerned of a perceived conflict of interest if two com- missioners from the same city were .to become voting members of the Center board. Zaccagnino is a Holmes Beach Commissioner and Monetti is running for a seat in the November election. OPEN MVon.-Fri. 7aoam-7pm Sat., Sun., Holidays 73oam-5pm WALK-INS WELCOME We're available to tend to your urgent care needs ) Fever/Infections Minor Lacerations 4i le F L 00 LSJ il4 (~) PINNACLE MEDICAL CENTER 315 75th Street West Bradenton 941-761-1616 .GT YOUR BONeS CHeCKIeD! All new patients seen between Oct. 23 31 only $10.31 -' .4 This "special treat" includes: Exam X-Rays Report of Findings SEMG (retail value $168) No Trick!Call to Schedule Appointment Island Chiropractic Center 3612 East Bay Drive Holmes Beach 778-0722. 1sits Pm anothaB pep nrfmed sales foropaym e h da nghl tore asemtyB orthed c olunfeWdfit oateprmeAe o, ott - ment tU tIsperfoned as areidtofa witdhMU a72 rs freiiof dingWntoheaettid i scounlftede,ouoreducedfee ervict ion, totretRML Tide, and Mote Marine Laboratory Senior Scientist Dr. Richard Pierce, agreed that red tide blooms both world- wide and in Florida's waters have been increasing in frequency and distribution in recent years. -But all said that serious studies on the algae blooms were in their infancy, especially in Florida. "Ten years ago, there was only $250,000 from the state for red tide research," Chiles said. "Today, there's about $4 million. We are starting to see some urgency from policy makers to study the cause and effect of red tide." The effect of the throat-scratching, coughing ele- ment of red tide is more than just discomfort to beach- goers,. Chiles said that a particularly strong and lengthy outbreak in 1995-96 nearly put his chain of three res- taurants on Anna Maria Island and Longboat Key out of business during its nearly year-long tenure. He added that he estimated a red tide bloom cost $20-$30 million to the economy through lost sales at restaurants, lost bookings at resorts and lost revenue from other coastal businesses. "I know of two people who moved from this area because of the red tide blooms," Burkholder said. And the group all agreed that much more data was needed in the study of red tide. Heil said that her. agency collects water sampling information from 70 different agencies in Florida to track red tide outbreaks. She is just now preparing to release findings from a four-year, $5 million study that looked at red tide booms, their possible causes, and methods to control the outbreaks. "We know a lot more than you know what we know," Pierce said, and the findings will be published in various journals and publications within the next year. The "trigger" of what causes red tide to suddenly bloom is still a mystery, although there are about 24 stated theories on the cause. Excessive nitrogen seems to feed the algae, but land-based nitrogen doesn't coin- cide with the usual bloom's start far out in the Gulf. Recent reports of a bloom being spurred by under- ground springs and rivers transporting excessive levels of nitrogen into the far Gulf after the spate of hurricanes in 2604 is being studied, Heil said. However, historic analysis of hurricanes and red tide blooms don't appear to back up the theory, she said. Chiles cut to the chase on the issue when he said that regardless of what starts red tide, coastal pollution- is doing no good to anything in the marine environment and should be cut back or eliminated.' And how can red tide be controlled once it bursts. into bloom? Pierce said there are a number of chemicals and S mpTove the Quality *P of Your Life S Carol Greer Siemaszko SB.A. Ed., M.A. Psych / CERTIFIED COUNSELOR S.:, AND LIFE COACH 941-794-1492 *---- Perico Island Bradenton agents that will kill red tide. Bleach works. So does ozone. Clay has been successful in other parts of the world to reduce the intensity of red tide. There are also biological elements that can be used to kill the algae. "What's important, though, is to assess if it's eco- logically sound, economically attainable, and logisti- cally possible," Pierce said. Several years ago, during a 500-square-mile out- break of red tide off Tampa Bay, he estimated that if a ship were to make a 100-foot-wide swath through the bloom and spray something in the water to kill it, it would take about one year to cover the area. "And one month later, the bloom was 5,000 square miles in size," he said. Pierce suggested that red tide blooms be tracked, and warnings posted, similar to the way hurricanes are stud- ied. "We need a strategic response strategy," he said. "Red tide is a quality of life issue," Chiles said. "The beaches are the linchpin of our economy here." $4.7 million earmarked for red tide research Data gaps may start to be filled on red tide thanks to a five-year-long, $4.73 million federal grant. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute in St. Petersburg is the recipient of the grant from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. "This grant will enable FWRI to assemble a diverse team of scientists focused on identifying nutrient sources, measuring the significance of those sources and identi- fying regulatory alternatives. With more than 125 com- bined years of Florida red tide experience, this unique team is. the first of its kind to focus on red tide nutrient questions in Florida," said Gil McRae, FWRI director. "Studies will focus on the causes of red tide and determine how different nutrients sources affect all stages of blooms. The NOAA grant will supplement funds committed by the state of Florida for red tide research and monitoring, and will enable the purchase of cutting-edge technologies such as remote water-qual- ity detectors with 24-hour-a-day Web reporting capa- bilities," according to the institute. "The Florida red tide organism, Karenia brevis, is a naturally occurring microscopic alga that produces a toxin that can kill marine life and affect people," the institute added. "Red tide has been documented along the coast of Florida since the 1840s. Fish kills around Tampa Bay, mentioned in the logs of Spanish explorers, were likely due to red tides." Here are some "NO COST ' 0 Investments to save you money on your heating/cooling bills: .. Replace or clean yoursystem's filter on a monthly basis. Dirty filters restrict airflow, forcing your system ... -to. wocrkiarder. anleSeffLiciently, ..R movem-aioectfrsomin.front of your jpply anAi return ventsa 3. Make sure your windows and doors ,- t c ..... ar mptely-cQLoedwhile your S i, system is operating. FOR MORE INFO PLEASE CALL OR CHECK OUR WE5BITE AT WWWMESTCOASTAC.COM AIR CONDITIONING - & HEATING IN- 5347 Gulf Drive, No. 4, SI- lioies Beach BusinessCenter, O )Holmes Beach CAC044365 FFL PARTICIPATING CONTRACTOR "Tropical Bugs Need A Tropical Service" CALL US FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Beaches Bradenton Sarasota. Parrish ,778-1337 794-1005 365-2893 776-0779 Full Service Exterior and Interior Now Accepting Visa _'______ and Mastercard .J Island Pest Control Inc. SERVING THE ISLANDS MORE THAN 20 YEARS State Certified/Licensed and Insured Locally owned and operated 16 0 OCT. 18, 2006 0 THE ISLANDER Il3 hiefW^E h MTMC~fw %mimG r^*1a itM 4 4i iB HBH^^IJS~~a~uI^ ^^^^Cl Real Coffee& Realty COTTAGE OR CAPPUCCINO BEACHFRONT OR BREAKFAST... LET US HELP YOU 9906 Gulf Drive Anna Maria [EA] (941) 779-0034 -D ATTENTION! INVESTMENT - PROrniiY E OWNERS " Contact Judy Karkhoff for Professional Property Management Services 401 Manatee Avenue Holmes Beach 941-778-7777 or B] 866-266-9911 www.gulfstreamfirst.com cm CJ q . -IJ 0 n IL IIL. z a, U C) ~ 0~1 a- -J A T7 li Ire W Iz .41" II. (J) J) < w T CL Lu LT- wu .1*~ 2 -C6 410 'v I ow w U Iol P S0J1,21 go I-q Li ~B~achoouJT ;o mvwA N ay loo NA ZOO amcatDt Bncmrtin Ihicad, lR "ft Ave..AnuMW M0 a lnd FBil941.383,231 B8-1941.779,2222 IA291 Vl.778,0444 V1S1I www.Grouper~nndwkch corn Or Menu IOTeMs. G~remat Giffts miWfSpecalW Event Plannirdqg Restaurant &Bar Join us for Sunday brunch KAYAK:RE-N- I $. day, keek'..?- l . -- (, -. : _*.' f .. 5418 A l II iii Drve H l e;R cI i 5I NU !tII-11CI [) 1,-Aa o-I I h I 778-2169 ElI For Reservations.call 782-1122 -' www.thesunhouserestaurant.com ... at the traffic circle in Bradenton Beach 0 E ' WGulfstri-&mn re -, -- -- I-r 4 4T < THE ISLANDER U OCT. 18, 2006 N 17 T AXANA CA \A7A C ^ PE>T i E ^,FCd,<:::> HOME OFTHE MANGO-MACADAMIA ENCRUSTED GROUPER FREE 2 GLASSES OF WINE or a piece of Key Lime Pie with any two regular priced dinners, with this ad. Dinner Daily 4pm Live Music Fri & Sat EARLY BIRD SPECIAL Ever da. 4--6 pm Buy onp nlree. i g L '.Ot -r ii er ert, HALF-OFF Where the locals and the stars love to dine! Denzel W1ashingtlon said: "Great food! S103 Gulf Drive Bradenton Beach .779-1930 Rod & Reel Pier Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner 7 Days Fresh Fish Specials Dail, Ice-Cold Beer & Wine "The best hamburgers and the coldest mugs of beer this side of Heaven." -Miis sD uffu Paft Geyer, Proprietress OPEN 11-8 12-8 SUNDAY B4 vwww DuffyiTA-vernAML corn I I 7- CL) CC' <0 ,.u 00L 00 .144 A 'j, --a's ~~'IEa ,jE - 'N N i-w C,,a- m' *: ( >: <' LT20 LC 4: > 0 Z4: L-J m U0 Cc CL 0 ~'uiwOJ 0zzzz 20cm-) :z m Z <0O0 W W M 4::4:w:::4~ :> .0i.j0 00c> 000000c.'<< 0 Nco >CO U> ,'J 02 4: 4 -.t. 'In a)Z --" 0n < 02 -I C.0-.02 4 :- mn4: ,,. >crho _ <4:44:WWWL 000D020. 0.OJ cq ,Cl 'N ', -0T ~E >4: cn>T 4:i~r: o~ 4: ',- 'nC'",Cl C- C- i C', C'.i C'J 'M1 0n-Y .CQ Z 4:wwWWIZ0D3: LTJi-~ cJ L) i L u l /U)C! I l)C)C)flr -i- C'r, C.j com "< LL L^ m M, U M:::m cr.)J z > cr) in : ,-,- r :-. S...... .. ....... ... .... ... A 0.- - IsPIZZA. , -. ---- ,.,es POOL "TtibLe 1 jOpe'1 DaLi'* 4pm Midnigra Eat In or Take Out 7 TVH s Bh- 1 BIGeSceenE 778-8118 3244 E, Bay Dr..-Holnmes Beach (nextotWalgreens) , w ,wwwwwww1_5. Tres ,f)J2A4A/41 T Check out our newchic dining area and wine bar! Happy Hour, 2 for 1 drinks, 5-6:30. LI 45406 Marina Drive Holmes Beach 778-5320 0 D m00 >- M: 0 _ j _j -J- ~a Alm-S& - ,. ,- .. ,., o.. 18 M OCT. 18, 2006 0 THE ISLANDER Insurance: New state wind program little help By Molly McCartney Islander Reporter The wind insurance program that the state hastily established this summer has offered only minimal help so far to the dozens of commercial property owners on Anna Maria Island, and in other high-risk areas in Florida who are struggling to find available and affordable wind coverage. The Florida Property and Casualty Joint Underwrit- ing Association (PCJUA) opened its doors for business in mid-September with the declared intention of provid- ing wind insurance to small businesses that are unable to find coverage. But after four weeks of operation, the PCJUA has insured only two Manatee County structures and issued only 42 policies in the entire state, according to an agency spokesperson. This disclosure comes just as headlines announce record billion-dollar profits for insurance companies across the nation, thanks to strong investment profits and the absence of a major hurricane this year. With the approach of the Nov. 7 election, insur- ance has become a hot issue on the campaign trail with candidates debating the problem and proposing various solutions. The level of activity has also increased in state gov- ernment as regulators issue tough decisions on-behalf of policyholders and state reformers go forward with meetings and recommendations aimed at bringing relief to policyholders. But the pain of sky-high premiums and hard-to-find -wind insurance continues for many property owners. One explanation for the small number of PCJUA policies issued so far by the state is the high cost of coverage. "From what I hear about the premiums, I don't think we will be able to afford the coverage," said Dr. Paul Barrese, president of the Holmes Beach condo- nminium office building at 3909 E. Bay Drive where his practice is located. He said a PCJUA wind policy could cost the condo as much as $39,500. The PCJUA application process, which requires a 10-day search for coverage from a standard insurer, also appears to have slowed down state efforts to help property owners. "The agent said he had to fill out a lot of forms," Dr. Barrese said, "so now we are waiting to hear back from him and to get a quote." PCJUA wind coverage is limited to commercial and non-residential properties valued at $1 million or less. That disqualifies property like the Roser MIemorial - Community Church, because its buildings are \alued at more than $2 million. Roser has been without wind co% erage since its policy expired in June. The Island Shopping Center. \ alued at $2 million. isn't eligible for the PCJUA either. Center manager Hugh Holmes Jr. was able to obtain wind co% erage from Lloyd's of London, but the police cost $125.000 andhas a $100,000 deductible. - According to the tenants lease terms, insurance costs are passed on to the small businesses that lease space there and rents there ha'e increased appro\i- mately 30 percent since May. One Island business that \_ would appear to meet the PCJUA rules, based on the value of the property, is the Pine Avenue General Store in Anna Maria. Owner Sandy Mattick said her agent applied for PCJUA coverage for her frame building as soon as it became available last month. But Mattick said the PCJUA rejected her application because she lives in the back part of the store. The PCJUA will not insure a building used for both commercial and residential purposes, she said. Holmes Beach insurance agent Mark Mixon said deductible built into the PCJUA policy make it unaf- fordable. Combine PCJUA, Citizens? While the PCJUA has issued only a few policies, the bureaucracy behind the program itself is. growing as employees are hired, attorneys retained and rules developed. But questions are now being raised about the need for a second state-created property insurance program. "My common sense is why? Why are we building two separate entities the PCJUA and the Citizens?" asked Bradenton insurance executive John C. Laurie, a technical advisor to the state insurance reform com- mission now working to find solutions to the insurance crisis. In an interview with The Islander, Laurie said he believes that the PCJUA should be collapsed and folded into Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, the state's insurer of last resort. Laurie, who has also been working with state Rep. Bill Galvano to develop ideas for insurance reform, is hopeful that his proposal will be adopted by the com- mission in the final report it issues in mid-November. "My recommendation is that we are coming into a special legislative session in December, presumably, so you could take care of this there," he said:. The key to making the merger work, Laurie said, : wouldd be to reconcile the difference-. in the rates charged b\ Citizens and the PCJUA. Citizens' charges for commercial ind insurance are much lower than the rates charged b\ the PCJUA, he said. One reason for the difference is that Citizens' rates hae not been raised in more than 10 years and need to be adjusted upward to reflect the market, he said. The PCJUA commercial rates were set more recently\ and more accurately he said. Laurie belie% es that merging the PCJUA with Citi-. zens and reconciling their commercial rates wouldd have Sthe effect of eliminating the controversial wind pool issue. He described the state-designated wind-pool bound- aries as arbitrary lines that have "everything to do with. availability and affordability and whether your business is covered or not, and that is not right." Laurie said the boundaries were set many years ago and no longer make sense. "What is clear is that this is supposed to be safety-net coverage. And yet not everyone is eligible to access that safety net. And that is a matter of unfairness that needs to be corrected." A scientific study to set wind-pool boundaries won't solve the basic problem, he said, "because the boundary he has recei\ ed inquiries from some businesses hoping is going to change the very next day after you establish the\ might quality for the PCJUAcoverage. But so far, it, so eliminate it and allow that safety net to be there _he said. lie hasn't sold anm policies. for everyone." Mixon said he doubts that the average small busi- Laurie, a principal with Wyman, Green & Blalock ness is in a position to pay the PCJUA premium rate, Inc., said that his proposal would have the effect of which is set at $1.49 per $100 of coverage, although it letting the market rather than the state dictate the wind can be adjusted to reflect the building's age, material pool boundary. and distance from the shoreline. Other steps that he recommends to produce long- - ,Because of the adjustments, the rate "is always term solutions include: going to be higher than what the JUA set," Mixon Increase the state's re-insurance capacity by modi- said. In his view, the premium price anId the 5 percent fying and expanding the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe S *.; Insurance execu- S. tive John C. Laurie, a techni- cal adviser to the state insurance reform commis- S '' sion, recommends eliminating the 4 ,state wind pool SZ boundaries that -" ., 'y'; 2.^ make wind insur- ance available to some small busi- nesses but deny policies to others. Islander Photo: Molly McCartney Fund. Encourage property owners to fortify their homes against wind damage. Create a more consistent approach to regulation that would bring more insurance companies to Florida while providing consumers with the benefit of addi- tional competition. Transform and restructure Citizens to hold down future growth while eliminating unnecessary .bureau- cracy. Citizens takes back policyholders Florida residents who were "taken out" of Citizens and charged higher rates for insurance may now be able to return to Citizens and its lower rates under an order issued Oct. 11 by the state insurance commissioner. This action has the potential to'reduce insurance bills for some homeowners, although it isn't clear yet how the new arrangement is going to work or how it will.help policyholders who have already paid the annual premium to their takeout company. According to a release from Florida Insurance Commissioner Kevin McCarty's office, thousands of policyholders have had their policies "taken out of Citi- zens only to see their premiums increase dramatically beyond what they were previously paying." Citizens' takeout provisions were intended to help reduce Citizens' exposure to risks, but .because of "unintended consequences these people have been hit with a financial nightmare," the statement said. Will community center find wind insurance? By Molly McCartney Islander Reporter The new $4.1 million Anna Maria Island Commu- nity Center building complex now under construction has adequate wind insurance coverage at least for the moment. But that coverage is only good during.the construc- tion phase, according to board chair Andy Price. When the building is completed next year, it will be up to the center's board to find new insurance. "Whether it will be available, I don't know," Price said in an interview with The Islander. The Center will have to go to the open insurance market for coverage because it is a non-residential property at 407 Magnolia Ave., about two blocks out- side the state-designated "wind pool." That means the Center is not eligible for coverage through Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, the state's insurer of last resort. Price said he is optimistic that the board will be able to find insurance for the new building because it is being constructed to tough new federal standards that make it more secure against wind and flood damage. And, as he noted, "we could have kept the old building and we would still be struggling with insur- ance." Walbridge Aldinger Construction Company is ....,., P LEASESEE INSURANCE,, NEXT PAGE THE ISLANDER M OCT. 18, 2006 M 19 Manatee Players opened 'Sweeney Todd' Oct. 12 "Sweeney Todd," a musical thriller by Ste- phen Sondheim, opened Thursday, Oct. 12, and run through Oct. 29 at the Manatee Players Riv- erfront Theater, 102 Old Main St., Bradenton. Rick Kerby is directing the musical, which stars Steve and Dianne Dawson and a large cast of Manatee County players. Performances begin at 8 p.m. Tuesday through Saturdays, with Sunday matinees at 2 p.m. Tickets at $20 may be reserved by calling 748-5875. Andy Price, board chair of the Anna Maria Island Community Center, stands at the construction site for the new $4.1 million building at the intersection of Magnolia and Crescent, Anna Maria. Finding wind insurance for the structure when it is completed next year, "is an issue for us," Price said. Islander Photo: Molly McCartney Insurance question for Center CONTINUED FROM PAGE 18 building the new two-story community center. The old center was demolished several weeks ago. Price said the Center is paying about $50,000 for the wind and property insurance needed during the con- struction phase. That policy was purchased by Wal- bridge Aldinger.for the project and charged back to the Center as part of the construction cost. Pierrette Kelly, the center's executive director, said that the board is in the process of appointing a task force to study-the insurance issue and find coverage for the building when it is finished. The task force "will be a group that has, worked with insurance before," she said, "and they will have several months before they actually have to make a decision." Kelly said the insurance problems "really chal- lenging because every penny we raise we want to put back into programs, not insurance. We want to make sure the people we ser\ e get the benefits, not the insur- ance company." The center now has about $2.5 million in cash and pledges, according to Price. He said the center also has a $2 million loan that will have to be repaid at some point. "Now that we have the building going into the ground, we expect to see a large influx of donations," he said. "So we are hoping in the next couple of years to pay off that loan and be free and clear." Island Players season.opener: Sympathy for the diva By Lisa Neff Commentary The Island Players "Quartet" is a bittersweet comedy not an opera, but when the show comes to a close audience members shout "bravo!" And they leave the theater, after several curtain calls, whistling Verdi.' "Quartet," the Island Players' 58th season opener, continues through Oct. 22 in the community playhouse at Pine Avenue and Gulf Drive. Ronald Harwood, known for "The Dresser" and "The Pianist," wrote "Quartet," a hit in London's West End. The co-producer is Jan Olson and the director is Gareth Gibbs, the founder of the Players Theatre of Glamorgan, Wales. Gibbs first came. to the Island 30 years ago and stayed with the late Helen Peter is. at the time the direc- tor of Island Players. He's returned repeatedly to work with the theater group while continuing to find suc- cess in the United Kingdom, where, two years ago, he directed "Quartet" to critical acclaim. Here's the play's premise: Cecily Robson (Mavis Gibbs), Reginald Paget (Sam McDowell) and Wilfred Bond (Richard Schubel) are opera singers whose stars have dimmed. They live together in a retirement home for musicians and singers in some sense of comfort and companionship, but still longing for the old curtain calls. Then comes the arrival of a new resident, Jean Horton (Barbara Fleming). She was briefly married to Reggie and she's a grand diva, though she hasn't per- formed since an abrupt exit from the opera scene 30 years earlier. Life gets complicated when the four get asked to recreate the quartet from "Rigoletto" for the home's annual gala celebrating Giuseppe Verdi's birthday. They had starred together in the opera in much younger days, with much stronger voices. Will a reprise make them feel young again or even older? Act One brings sincere drama and lots of laughs, some of the laughs for easy Viagra jokes and some of them for clever witticisms. But the actors seem to really click in Act Two, when their characters share their secrets and lies, dreams and desires. Mavis Gibbs' endearing Cecily, flighty and consid- erate, is irresistible. So when Cecily, late in the play, comes close to coming undone and getting sent to a nurs- ing home, the audience shares a profound anguish. Fleming delivers some delicious "Sunset Boule- vard" moments, but she succeeds in creating a com- plete, sympathetic character rather than a one-dimen- sional diva. Bond's sex-starved Wilfred curiously provides the play with some of its deepest insights, and McDowell presents a portrait of a kind but sad man who cloaks his regrets. Reggie's nemesis is Angelique (Rita Lamoreux), an employee of the home whose brief appearances send the seemingly sensible man into a fantastically funny rage. Reggie only wants the marmalade that she denies him day after day at breakfast. "Quartet," set in a music room with the lighting suggesting sunlight and a pleasant garden just beyond, is a charming play about existence and the human spirit. Following "Quartet," the Players will stage: "Breaking Legs," by Tom Dulack, Nov. 3-Dec. 10. "Smell of the Kill," by Michael Lowe, Jan. 18- Feb. 4, 2007. "Drinking Alone," by Norm Foster, March 15- April 1, 2007. "Guest in the House," by Hager Wilde.and Dale Eunson, May 10-20, 2007. The box office is open daily 9 a.m.-l p.m. and one hour before performances with tickets $15 per show. Season tickets are available/ Show times are 8 p.m., Sunday matinees at 2 p.m. The theater is closed Mon- days. For information, call the box office at 778-5755. ,'- 'Quartet'hits high note for Island Players opener "Quartet, directed by the Welsh Play- ers'Gareth Gibbs and featuring, left to right, Barbara Flem- ing, Sam McDowell (seated), Mavis Gibbs and Richard Schubel, continues through Oct.. 22 at the Island Play- ers theater in Anna Maria. Islander Photo" Bonner Joy OPEN FOR LUNCH ALL WEEK. 9, Est 1967 0 Swatervf ALASKAN KING CRAB LEGS. STONE CRAB SEASON SNOW OPEN cD,. St SIN ME HISTORIC VILLAGE ON THE l /kI SE So NORTHERN END OF LONGBOAT KEY. COl 11:30AM-9:30PM DAILY PHONE 383-1748 800 BROADWAY ST. [^i'ai^^M^Mtftela^MWV7t^ Te~iTfit I -~ 20 0 OCT. 18. 2006 M THE ISLANDER AMICC Division II soccer action showcases Hart By Kevin Cassidy Islander Reporter Any question as to what team rules Division II in the Anna Maria Island Community Center's fall soccer league was emphatically answered by Joel Hart in the first five minutes of Saturday's game between the Sun and Morgan Stanley. Hart scored three goals in the opening minutes of a game that was billed as a battle for first place between the un6tefated Sun and once-beaten Morgan Stanley. That he scored three quick goals to essen- tially put the game away early wasn't the story here, but how he scored those three goals certainly was. Each goal was scored in almost identical fashion. Hart would set up shop on the Morgan Stanley side of the midfield stripe, gather in the goal kick or attempted clearing pass, take a couple of touches and rip a 25- to 30-yard rocket that seemed to be pre-programed for the corner of the goal. After giving the Sun a comfortable lead, Hart was content to hang back on the defensive side of the ball and let forwards Connor Field and Josh Schmidt work on adding to their lead. Field and Schmidt worked a give-and-go to perfection in the 14th minute with Field easily finishing to put the Sun up 4-0. Hart got back into the Sun offense five minutes later when he again AMICC 2006 Soccer League standings Team Win Loss Tie Points Division I (ages 12-14) Physicians 4 2 0 12 ReMax 4 2 0 12 LaPensee 4 2 0 12 Harry's 2 4 0 6 Danziger 1 4 0 3 Division II (ages 10-11) Sun 5 0 0 15 M. Stanley 4 2 0 12 IRE 3 2 0 9 Cannons 1 4 0 3 Surf Shop 0 5 0 0 Division III (ages 8-9) Ford 5 f0 0 15 Mr. Bones 4 1 0 12 A&E 3 2 1 13 Ooh La La! 2 3 0 6 M. Norman 0 4 2 2 Americo 0 4 1 1 3 points for a win, 1 point for tie, 0 points for a loss SWFENOTSTNOUR GRANDDADDYS HFSHING PiERL.. The Cit.Py Pier' Restaurant WE'RE WHERE YOU'LL FIND..... THE FRESHEST SEAFOOD AND THE BEST VIEW FOR ISLAND DINING ^-T-.,,-- .^j^,^ tu.E.^;;lii a Division II Morgan Stanley goalie Jack Titsworth, punts the ball during soccer action in Holmes Beach. Islander Photo: Kevin Cassidy picked off a clearing pass and rocketed in a shot from 35 yards for his fourth goal and a 5-0 score. Field and Schmidt again worked a give-and-go, but new Morgan Stanley goalie Jack Titsworth-was up to the challenge with a nice save. The save seemed to give Morgan Stanley some life as they came right down the field to score and cut into the Sun lead. Jacob Titsworth carried the ball up the right side before switching the point of attack by crossing it all the way to the left side to cousin Trevor Bystrom. Bystrom beat one defender before lofting a shot over the head of the Sun keeper to pull to within 5-1. The Sun attempted to get the goal back as the half came to a close, but Jack Titsworth was again up to the challenge as he made a great save on Hart, who had beaten three defenders. Jacob Titsworth and Bystrom hooked up early in the second half to give the Morgan Stanley faithful some hope. Bystrom found Jacob at the 18-yard line and fed -him the ball, which he finished to pull to within 5-2. Five minutes later, Jacob Titsworth ran onto a long punt from goalie Jack Titsworth and dribbled past two defenders to score and pull Morgan Stanley to within two goals. Hart had seen enough. He gathered in a punt from Jack Titsworth, dribbled up the middle through several defenders and ripped a rocket just inside the far post. 232 East Bay Drive Next to Walgreens 778-7878 -i- -i------- ---*- --i Caf n ~r b. ee 'BUFFET ---" C k-8pm Thurs Oct. 19th Music by Bratwurst Draft Beer Rick Boyd Knockwurst $1.75 SHomemade German Potato Salad Homemade Potato Pancakes Carved Roast Pork Sauerkraut, Salads & Desserts Open 7am Daily. Beer and Wine Casual Inside Dining or Outdoor Patio Plenty of Parking Fishing/Observation Pier LIVE ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY REGULAR MENU ALWAYS AVAILABLE 4000ulfDiveHolmesBeach-941 Field, Schmidt and Hart worked the ball methodically down the field with Field laying the ball off to Hart for his sixth goal on the afternoon. Field ended the scoring when he picked off a short goal kick afnd dribbled in for the score to end the game with the Sun on top by an 8-3 score. Field finished with two goals and an assist, while Schmidt added one assist. Ariana Collins, Adam Hart and Claudia Hynds were cited for their outstanding play on defense for the Sun. Morgan Stanley was led by Jacob Titsworth, who scored two goals and assisted on one, and Bys- trom, who notched one goal. Defensively, Morgan Stanley was led by goalie Jack Titsworth with seven saves. Mallory Kosfeld, Dayle Hoffman and Henry Fradley also played well on defense for Morgan Stanley in the loss. In other Saturday soccer action, Island Real Estate rode a hat trick from Daniel Pimental to record a 3-1 Divi- sion II victory over West Coast Surf Shop. Stephanie Pur- nell scored the lone goal for the Surf Shop in the loss. Danziger Destroyers shocked Division I leader Island Family Physicians 2-0 for its first victory on the season. Tommy Price led the way for the Destroyers with a pair of goals. LaPensee Plumbing received one goal apiece from Jordan Hinton and Daniel Janisch to defeat Harry's Continental Kitchens by a 2-1 score in Division I soccer action. Kyle Aritt scored the lone goal for Harry's when he converted a penalty kick. Friday the 13th of October was unlucky for Divi- sion III Mr. Bones as it dropped a 2-0 game to Air & PLEASE SEE SPORTS, NEXT PAGE Soccer League schedule Date Division Oct. 21 Oct. 21 Division Oct. 19 Oct. 21 Oct. 21 Oct. 24 Division Oct. 20 Oct. 21 .Oct. 21 Oct. 21 Oct. 23 Time Team vs. Team I (ages 12-14) 9 a.m. LaPensee vs. Physicians 10 a.m. Danziger vs. ReMax II (ages 10-11) 5:45 p.m. Surf Shop vs. Sun 11 a.m. Sun vs. IRE Noon M. Stanley vs. Cannons 5:30 p.m. Surf Shop vs. IRE III (ages 8-9) 5:45 p.m. M. Norman vs. Ooh La La! 1 p.m. Mr. Bones vs Ooh La La! 2 p.m. A&E vs. M. Norman 3 p.m. Americo vs. Ford 5:30 p.m. Ooh La La! vs. Ford Instructional League (ages 5-7) Oct. 18 5:45 p.m. Ralph's vs. Duncan Oct. 19 5:45 p.m. Bistro vs. Bank America Oct. 24 5:30 p.m. Bistro vs. Duncan Enjoy Island Life SHarrys Way! 4-Course ^ Prix Fixe $29.95 (941) 383-0777 *- ,t hairrv.ktichn.cum Capal bop's House of Pizza I Buy regular price buffet , I and get second for I $ 99 with the purchase of a soft drink 792-5300 10519 Cortez Road W. 1 Mon-Sat 11 am-10 Opm Sunday Noon-9pm PLEASE PRESENT COUPON EXPIRES OCT. 31 2006 annm -m -04 m m--- m iv THE ISLANDER 0OCT. 18. 2006 U 21 Sports CONTINUED FROM PAGE 20 Energy behind two goals from Madison Driscoll. Island Real Estate received goals from Chris Pate and Daniel Pimental as it earned a 2-0 victory over Cannons Marina in Division III soccer on Oct. 12. Mike Norman Realty and Americo Title battled to a 2-2 tie in Division III action on Oct. 11. Lexi Moore scored a pair of goals to lead Mike Norman, while Jake Parsons and Eliza Scott each notched a goal for Americo Title in the tie. Morgan Stanley received two goals from Trevor Bystrom and one goal from Reina Glavan to defeat West Coast Surf Shop 3-0 in Oct. 11 Division II action. Island Family Physicians made an emphatic state- ment as to who rules Division I when it shut out second- place ReMax Gulfstream Realty 4-0 on Oct. 9. Martine Miller led the Physicians with a pair of goals, while teammates Wyatt Hoffman and Kyle Parsons chipped in with one goal each in the victory. Horseshoe news A ringer by Jay Disbrow powered the team of Dis- brow and Tom Rhodes past Roy Vickers and Ron Pepka by a 21-17 score to win the Duck trophy during Oct. 11 horseshoe action at the Anna Maria City Hall pits. Two teams emerged from the Oct. 7 horseshoe competition with 3-0 pool-play records and battled it out for bragging rights. George McKay and Doug Yox went up against Hank Huyghe and Jesse Brisson with Huyghe and Brisson coming out on top by a 22-9 score. Play gets under way at 9 a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday at the Anna Maria City Hall pits. Warmups begin at 8:45 a.m. followed by random team selection. There is no charge to play and everyone is welcome. Downtown tourney on horizon Bradenton Downtown Progress and the Florida Gulf Coast Sports Commission have gotten together for the second, semi-annual Downtown Hoops, 3-on-3 basketball tournament Oct. 21 on Main Street in Bra- denton. Once again, Main Street will be blocked off and 12 basketball hoops will await more than 200 teams com- FaIitastic'Fih & Chips *Seafood TMW lg~ Fish & Chips Special 79 ligW~ P"Foker 7 and 10 pm "Fl KW(IM aLW1-~ Karaoke 8 pm 6"m- Texas Hold 'em 4 & 7 pm Tues Sun 4-til late Closed Mort 12012 Cortez Rd. W. 792-4&22I Church of the Annunciation Oktoberfest Oct. 28 The fourth annual Oktoberfest will be held at the Church of the Annunciation at 5:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 28. Bratwurst, knockwurst, hot dogs, sauerkraut, draft beer, German-style potato salad and special desserts will all be on the menu. Tickets cost $12 and are available in advance at the church office, 4408 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. For more information, call 778-1638. peting in five age groups in the one-day tournament. In addition to tournament play, Downtown Hoops will also offer a three-point shooting contest and a slam-dunk contest. Cost to enter a team is $40, plus $12 per person for a mandatory Amateur Athletic Union card, which sanctions the event. Area businesses are encouraged to sponsor a team. For more information, go to www.downt6wnhoops.net or 6-mail the sports commission at fgcsc@aol.com. The Best German Restaurant on Florida's West Coast OLD IAPMBURQ- SCHINITZELHAUS CELEBRATING OKTOBERFEST Specials, Munic Oktoberfest Menus and Oktoberfest Beer on Draft Every Friday Bavarian Haxen Pork Knuckle with dumpling and sauerkraut Please phone ahead 24 hours Serving dinner: Monday Saturday 5-9:30pm 3246 E. Bay Drive Holmes Beach 778-1320 a.p. BeLL fiSH compaNy ice. Fresh Seafood Since 1910 Great selection of locally caught ) ~Grouper, Snapper, Shrimp, Panfish and much more. Planning a fishing trip? Call about our big elect : tir frc zeii bait' DISCOUNT PRICES EVERYDAY See you at our docks! 941-794-1249 4600 124th St. W. Cortez, Florida : Ae .;R L :... -.-- -... Cleanup clears debris from coast Students with Sugg Middle School Builder's Club try to free a tire planted in the mud near the Kingfish Boat Ramp on Oct. 7. The students were among the 65 volunteers who removed 1,267 pounds of gar- bage and debris from the shores in Holmes Beach during the 21st annual Coastal Cleanup, which was organized locally by Keep Manatee Beautiful. Some 25 volunteers removed 302 pounds of trash in Anna Maria City and 202 volunteers removed 885 pounds of trash in Bradenton Beach, said Ingrid McClellan, Keep Manatee Beautiful's executive director. McClel- lan said 115 volunteers collected pounds of trash along the Palma Sola CauseWl,5 divers in the area gathered up 103 pounds of debris and 108 volunteers on the Manatee County side of Longboat key collected 687 pounds of waste. When all the numbers are recorded, McClellan expects the 2006 cleanup effort to match or exceed the 2005 campaign in Manatee County. With statistics from nine groups still out, McClellan said a total of 905 volunteers in this year's event removed 17,153 pourids of debris in Manatee County. Islander Photo: Lisa Neff Caregivers meeting set at library The family caregivers support group sponsored by Meals on Wheels Plus will meet from 1 to 2 p.m. Friday, Oct. 20, at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. The meeting is open to anyone taking care of a friend or relative with a mental problem, including Alzheimer's disease. Additional information may be obtained by calling 747-4655. Trail of treats Oct. 31 The Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce will be sponsoring the annual Trail of Treats Oct. 31. The fun starts at 3:30 p.m. in front of the chamber office at 5313 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. There will be a costume contest by age group for the youngsters. Prizes and treats will be given at the chamber and trick or treating begins after the contest. Local businesses will be handing out candy and treats for youngsters. Children of all ages are welcome to participate. Maps will be given the day of the event announcing the "trail" of participants. PLAN TO JOIN US FOR OCTOBERFEST OCT 19 All-you-can-eat Pancakes & Sausage $5 95 Mon-Fri 7am-noon J P Sat-Sun 7am-lpm Evening entertainment! 4-8pm Monday Italian Night S All-you- $795 --> can-eat 4-8pm TUESDAY 4-8pmn SUNSET SPECIALS TACo a &VAJTrA T Every Wednesday 4-8pm All-You- 95 Can-Eat7 9 5331!SEAFOOD COMBO F- FRY 2-8 pm 4. 1 4" *,"' with fries and slaw S' ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT OPEN 7 AM 7 DAYS A WEEK BEER & WINE 4000 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach 778-0784 22 0 OCT. 18, 2006 U THE ISLANDER Red tide thoughts, environmental successes ... of sorts? Sometimes, acceptance of an idea can take an unconventional form of communication. The Economic Development Corp. of Sarasota County hosted a discussion of economic impacts of red tide to the area last week. The panel of experts included scientists from Mote Marine Laboratory, the Florida Marine Research Institute and North Carolina State University. But it was Islander Ed Chiles who got the round of applause from the 80 or so business types in the audience. Besides running three waterfront restaurants, he is also chair of the local group Solutions To Avoid Red Tide. After the scientists all agreed that, yes, nutrients like excessive fertilizer and other chemicals flowing from the land into the bays and Gulf of Mexico did appear to exacerbate red tide, and that, yes, red tide did appear to be of greater intensity and frequency in the last few years, Chiles offered a thought. Since nobody seems to think that stormwater runoff and all its accompanying chemicals is any good for the water or the environment, why don't We start to pressure the policy makers to reduce the flow of stormwater? His question was greeted with a round of applause from the business people in attendance. Is anybody listening? Clean is not such a good thing? Remember that familiar proverb that goes some- thing like be careful of what you wish for because you just might get it? Seems that the folks in New York City are having their wish come true with some unusual results. The New York Harbor has basically been a cesspool for hundreds of years. Everything from the city ended up in the harbor sewage, chemicals from plants, the works. Everything percolated to the bottom, causing methane gas to rise. The harbor has at times caught fire because of all the toxic and combustible muck. After the hue and cry from environmentalists finally reached someone's ears, the harbor and rivers abutting it became the focus of a massive cleanup effort. The flow of yuck was lessened, the toxic stew of the bottom dug up, and things started to improve in the 30 or so, years since the cleanup began. Now, with the waters cleaner than they have been in almost forever, there'-. another problem that has arisen: stuff is starting to grow in,the water. Specifically, wood- eating critters called gribbles. Historicall, gribbles were found in the harbor and' rivers, but the pollutants killed them off. No% the' 're back, and they're hungry. Very hungry, and looking for wood in the form of boat hulls, docks and pilings. Ship- worms are also present and chowing down on whatever' wood the\ can find. Piers are collapsing as these underwater wood- pecker-like crustaceans happily munch their way through the pilings. It's good ne%% s for the environment'that marine life is- starting to flourish again, and good news for pier builders. \\ho have a burgeoning new business of replacing the old wood with new concrete and steel. Back many years ago, a.buddy lived in a modest house on the shores of Whitaker Bayou in Sarasota. The cinr of Sarasota used the ba\ ou as its ouitfall for its. treated effluent treated sewage and millions of. gallons of the mostly fresh water entered the waterway and then Sarasota Bay every day. My buddy rented out three or four slips on his waterfront property to boaters,, at extraordinary prices, because all the fresh water kept marine life from grow- ing on the bottom of the boats. Boaters could go years without having to have their boats hauled and scraped if they could rent one of -his boat slips. In fact, his boat slip rental pretty much paid for his house expenses and let him pretty much live there free. He was probably the only person in Sarasota who objected to the discontinuation of Whitaker Bayou as the treated effluent outfall site and, for him at least, a huge loss of revenue. Winterize thoughts Although we don't have to worry too much about the ravages of ice and snow for our Florida boats, there are some good tips offered by the Boat Owners Association of the United States for the upcoming winter months when trips out on the water are few and far between. In fact, some of the most common problems associ- ated with boats in winter arise in the South. "Surprisingly, it's the balmy states of California, Florida, Texas, Alabama and Georgia where boat- ers are most likely to have freeze-related damage to engine blocks and it routinely occurs to boats stored ashore," BOAT/U.S. reports. Because water retains heat longer than air, boats left in the slip are less susceptible. Put the white pages in the blue bin .ew '007'telephone books are arriving at Island businesses and on residential doorsteps. So, what to do with the old books? Put the old white and yellow pages in the blue recycling bins, said Holmes Beach City Commissioner Pat Morton. Morton-said Waste Management will collect the books from the bins from Oct. 16 to Nov. 6. Also, at a date not yet announced, a reci lin bin will be placed on the Holmes Beach City Hall grounds for anyone who does not have curbside recycling. Later this fall, Holmes Beach City Hall grounds will serve as a collection point for electronics and other hard-to-dispose of products. Islander Photo: Lisa Neff 3 SRsT -iiae*v ML - to sudden freezing. Another problem is failure to drain'water from the sea strainer. "Like an engine, the seawater strainer must be winterized or residual water could freeze and rupture the watertight seal," according to the organiza- tion. "Sometimes you don't know it's damaged until spring launching and water begins to trickle in. "For boats left in the water, leaving seacocks open during the winter is like going on extended vacation without locking the house. If a thru-hull cannot be closed, the vessel must be stored ashore the sole exception is cockpit drains. "Engine cooling system petcocks clogged by rust or other debris can prevent water from fully draining. If it's plugged, try using a coat hanger to clear the blockage or use the engine's intake hose to flush anti- freeze through the system." It's hard to think about winter when the tempera- tures are in the 80s, but plan ahead. It could get chilly out there. Techno Sarasota Here's another bit of technological wonderment that I've been envious of for a while now. Seems the city of Sarasota has come up a nifty computer program that lets you go to a meeting agenda, find the item or items which interest you, click on the topic, and not only get a view of all the backup mate- rial available to the commissioners, but you can "go to the video" of whatever action took place through the cameras in the meeting room. Audio tapes of meetings are generally available for people to listen to, and in some of the bigger venues you can even get a copy of a video tape of the meet- ing. Now, Sarasota's gone one step further and lets you scroll to the topic you want and then watch the action on your computer. Free, of course. OK, so only some computer nerd or a real political wonk would want to do this, but it's been surprising how many people I run into who mention something about watching the county commission meetings on TV. And don't forget the popularity of what's usually one of the most mundane of all events, the weather, via the Weather Channel. And OK, so call me lazy, but it sure would be nice to be able to sit at home and 'tarch the antics of- the various Island. city commission meetings without having to sit through the whole meeting; but just scroll through to the "good parts." Maybe some day soon ... Sandscript factoid One of the worst red tide outbreaks in Southwest Florida occurred from 1995-96. The dead fish kept .piling up, airborne toxins caused coughing and sneez- ing, and manatees and dolphins died from the tide. "It lasted 11 months and 21 days," Island restau- rateur Ed Chiles-pointed.out. Approximately, ofcourse., not that he v% would ha% e tracked something that he said almost put him out ofbusiness. Is there any kind of insurance businesses can get to offset the impacts of red tide? he was asked last week. No, he said with some emotion, or at least as much emotion as you can get in a one-word answer. ... .- ..... WAVES *.4 Sarasota/Bradentnon's s premier boat club offering'- the use of ne~' boats;, , friefidly:staff. g reat lbcations and good pricing. We are expanding into South Sarasota as early as January 2007. Get aboard our pre-opening special .... and join before December 31, 2006 and you can geta Lifetime Ale mbe' hip for, $9,900 a $J3001) savings!! !! Shorter term membership- ; t also available v ith end of the year special pricing 941.795.1600 WWW.WAVESBOATCLUB.COM S_ to&ck" Mrin3a 4110 2l hStr West*CD rtz (west Braderli n) Cay AublMaria *7150 Nord Tanem irai StE 100* Sarasoita (near Braeiton/Sarsi Arpt) SA An.' ; sa /iti.Ear2006 Sutrai (nB rarkRoadl" ;-- *. -- HJi Beach PURE Gas and Service Station Certified Full ,4,utornm.:t.e Repoir 5333 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach 779-0487 a r irne c.rrner r n.jlt ior, r. ri.,r ,o [.e UNCLE PETE WANTS YOU TO DRIVE A CLEAN CAR! e 24-hour self-serve car wash Complete auto detailing Quick lube AMERICAN CAR WASH 5804 Marina Dr. Holmes Beach 778-1617 - -- MAJOR CREDIT CARDS & DEBIT CARDS ACCEPTED ....-.. GREENS FEE AND CART $39 Until +TAX 12:00 Noon GREENS FEE AND CART O 12:00 Noon $30 Until- +TAX 2:30 pmr GREENS FEE AND CART $25 After $25 2:30 pm BIG SUMMER CARD 26+TAx Until 12 Noon 20+TAx After 12 Noon Charter Boat "MAGIC" Backwater Near Shore Up to 7 miles outin the Gulf Snook Redfish Trout Flounder Mackerel Snapper - .Light Tackle Fishing Reservations a Must! Tackle, bait, ice, fishing license provided! 723-1107 Capt. Mike Heistand USCG Licensed I TIE ISLANDER M OCT. 18. 2006 U 23 Dolphin, wahoo offshore, snook, reds in backwater By Capt. Mike Heistand Fishing action is picking up as the water tempera- ture drops. Offshore action for dolphin, wahoo, grouper and snapper is excellent right now. Backwater fishing for redfish, snook and trout is also good, with lots of good catches of big reds being reported. The second annual fishing tournament sponsored by the Home Builders Association of Manatee County is scheduled for Oct. 27-28. Prizes include a week-long vacation at the RonJon resort of Cape Caribe, as well as cash prizes for inshore and offshore divisions. Cost is $400 per boat. The captain's meeting/party will begin at 5:30 p.m. Oct. 27 at Hooters. Weigh-in will take place at the Bra- denton Yacht Club from 2 to 5 p.m. Oct. 28, with the award banquet to follow. Proceeds from the tournament will go to help the Habitat for Humanity, Future Builders of America and the Manatee County Home Builders Association. For more information, call Beverly Smock at the HBA of Manatee County at 749-7035, ext. 1'. Capt. Zach Zacharias on the Dee-Jay II out of Parrot Cove Marina said fishing has been fair, "but nothing to write home about. Bait is absolutely thick and big, with some luck the big pilchards will still be around when the kingfish show up." He said snook and redfish were the bulk of the catch for the week and ranged in size from dinks to specimens in the 30-35 inch range. "One of the more unusual catches has been juvenile Goliath grouper being encountered all over the inshore area," he said. "The average mini-Goliath has been about 18 inches. My clients have landed and released more of the potential giants in the past couple of weeks than I have seen in an entire career of fish- ing the inshore waters of Manatee/Sarasota counties." Snook are also a good bet in the backwaters, he said, although redfish haven't been schooling as much as usual for this time of year. "Sheepshead are absolutely thick and if they don't pull a disappearing act between now and Thanksgiving, it should be a banner winter season for the convict fish," he added. Capt. Thom Smith at Angler's Repair on Cortez Road said he did well last week on redfish to 25 inches, a few trout, mackerel and some small snook. Bill Lowman at Island Discount Tackle at Catch- ers Marina in Holmes Beach said fishing is good right now. Offshore action for dolphin, wahoo and tuna is excellent, as well as good catches of grouper and, snapper in more than 100 feet of water in the Gulf of Mexico. Inshore fishing is comprised of snook, redfish and mangrove snapper. Bob Kilb at the Rod & Reel Pier said anglers there are catching lots of small redfish, some mangrove snap- per, pompano, a few mackerel and some black drum. Jesus Rosario at the Anna Maria City Pier said he's seeing some mackerel come onto the deck, plus some small snapper, flounder, some big jacks and a couple small sharks. DOCKS-N-DECKS Specializing in docks and decks Maintenance Painting Cleaning Repair (941) 779-1839 docksndecks@verizon.net Licensed and insured FISH TALES WELCOME We'd loveto hear your fish stories, and pictures are welcome, too. Just give us a call at 778-7978 or stop Iby our office in the Island Shop- ping Center, Holmes Beach. Ttie Islander /~L .. .:t / . [ISLAND DISCOUNT TACILEKI v Ar ~ '5 .1.. - I Dave Johnson at Snead Island Crab House said he's seeing lots of big redfish coming out of the Mana- tee River, with the best hookups coming from near the docks. Big snapper are being caught by the Sunshine Skyway Bridge, and a few snook are coming out of Terra Ceia Bay. Capt. Rick Gross on Fishy Business out of Catch- ers Marina in Holmes Beach said snook fishing is still fairly good, and redfish action is getting better as the Red tide abating off coast? Water samples taken last week indicate that the red tide bloom off Southwest Floridais slow- Sing. According to the Florida Marine Research Institute in St. Petersburg, "Patchy conditions of Karenia brevis exist in Manatee, Charlotte and Lee counties with concentrations ranging from not present to medium. Highest concentrations were detected along the Sarasota County coast. Offshore sampling conducted this week also found medium concentrations of K. brevis 3.5 to 18 miles offshore between southern Manatee .and southern Lee County." Red tide is a naturally occurring algae that at times "blooms." It can cause fish kills and respiratory distress to humans and marine mam- mals. CAPT M~fE'* 5503 MARINA DRIVE at CATCHER'S MARINA (by Holmes Beach boat basin) 779-2838 OPEN DAILY (major credit cards) -I I Big keeper Talucci caught this nice-sized -a- dolphin while fish- ing in the Florida Keys. Dolphin S- and wahoo are running offshore of the Island right now as well. water temperatures chill. At Skyway Bait and Tackle, reports include mackerel catches in the morning, snapper throughout the night and day, plus small grouper and flounder are starting to hit with some frequency. On my boat Magic, we've been-catching lots of redfish, with most catches within the slot limit, although we did catch two 29-inch reds last week. We're also catching a few flounder to 22 inches and mangrove snapper to 16 inches. Good luck and good fishing. Capt, Mike Heistand is a 20-year-plus fishing guide. Call him at 723-1107 to provide a fishing report. Prints and digital images of your catch are also wel- come and may be dropped off at The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, or e-mailed to news@ islander.org. Please include identification for persons in the picture along with information on the catch and a name and phone number for more information. Snap- shots may be retrieved once they appear in the paper. Anno &orio LsonJTi7es D \! Moon Date AM HIGH AM LOW PM HIGH PM LOW .' -C IQ I1 2 4 1 1 S I I I 1:1 4 . :) L 1'1 I 2 2 1-3 I 1 I i 2 5 0 I 'I S NM '':r 2 1 I I 2 ? 5, '' i ? 12: Su V :I Oct 22 1I 'I 24 2 : 0 I i 9 _1 5 4 13 I ,U 2_ -'I .1 1 I I S '6(.h I 4s Oct 4 1 1 2 '5 411 n1, It1 1 6 2i i ct 25 1 41 62 S ',i 4 l4 I1o 3 [S 5 :,:,n.; H,0r, i- ;I: TiiuI.. ljhli -- 1,..: I up. 1 .=. i ' Snook Trout Redfish Tarpon Grouper CoWblp 941-704-6763 sumotimefishing.com Inshore/Nearstio Capt Mark Hnwardslnured- USCO licensedlinsured- *FISHING LICENSE LIVEE & FROZEN B;AT TERMINAL TACKLE SUNGLASSES & HATS S PENN SHIMANO* ST CROIX CEveryhing You Need for Florida Fishing' CHARTER BOATJAN MARIE siaSWi Sa atsiirf - 24 3 OCT. 18. 2006 TIHE ISLANDER Plans shaping up for AME Fall Fest Oct. 28 By Diana Bogan Islander Reporter Anna Maria Elementary School's Fall Fest is fast approaching. The Parent Teacher Organization-sponsored fundrais- ing event will be held on school grounds for the first time in three years. The student parade, which kicks off the event at 10 a.m., departs from its pre-construction starting point, Holmes Beach City Hall. Students will proceed on foot to the school where there will be a costume contest. This year, look for special parade guests, including Spiderman. All festival activities will take place on the grounds at the school. The festival will feature some new rules and new activities. New rules apply for the annual bake sale. This year, the committee voted to opt out of any sort of "competition." Bake sale chair Tricia Hackworth said she wanted to eliminate the stress associated with the bake sale and make it something more enjoyable something parents - could take time to do with their kids. "I'd rather people be creative and take 30 minutes with their kids to come up with something fun," she said. "The only downside is that maybe we won't get as many baked items this year." Hackworth urged homeroom moms to encourage parents. to bake something, and suggested that some Viva Italia Ato Kelly, Chef Giovanelli Tocco and Michael McGowan of the Via Italia restaurant at 6777 Manatee Ave. W., Bradenton, share a toast of wine in honor of the restaurant's two-for-one wine special with dinner and an accompanying advertisement in the Oct. 18 issue of The Islander. For more information on Via Italia, call 792-5332. Islander Photo: Nancy Ambrose parents, like herself, who love to bake, might be willing to do extra. Competition remains an incentive in selling prize tickets. Students selling the most prize tickets will receive a reward party. Committee members felt the competition driven by ticket sales was less stress and found that students actually are spurred on by watching the sales "ghosts" (showing which classes are in the lead) fill up each week. The ghost standings are posted in the cafeteria. Tickets are on sale for $1, and each ticket will be redeemable for a free cookie after the festival. The costume contest won't be the only challenge this year. Students are casting votes for which staff AMICCO season tickets on sale The Anna Maria Island Community Chorus and Orchestra is selling concert tickets and series subscrip- tions this year to ensure its supporters and other music lovers that they will not be turned away from popular concerts. Advance ticket purchase of $15 per ticket will assure admittance to that concert and discounts are offered for multiple concerts, including a four-concert series subscription. There are several ways to bu) ticket: : " Obtain an order form by calling 7i-1217 or by downloading it from www.amicco.org. Mail the com- pleted form and check to AMICCO, P.O. Box 1213, Holmes Beach FL 34212. Tickets will be mailed or may be held at the door on request. A week prior to each concert, tickets will be on sale at the Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce, located at 5313 Gulf Drive in Holmes Beach. One hour prior to each concert, remaining tickets will go on sale at the door. All concerts will be held at the Island Baptist Church, 8605 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. A "Celebration of Autumn" wil open the concert season on Nov. 19 with organ, choral and orchestral music by Bach, Handel and Mozart, followed on Dec. 17 by AMICCO's annual presentation of "Messiah and More." On Feb. 18 AMICCO will showcase "An Opera Sampler" with musical favorites by Rossini, Massenet, Bizet, Verdi, Puccini and Offenbach. March 25 the "uadience % ill be treated to "ATaste of France," featuring music by Faure, Offenbach. Gounod, Ravel and Honegger. - For more information, call-778-1716. member they would like to see kiss a pig. Candidates for the "Kiss a Pig" contest include AME Principal Kathy Hayes, Coach Barry Borell, art teacher Gary Wooten, PTO President Shannon Dell and maintenance worker Shirley Beard. And this year numerous attractions will line the walkways. Of particular interest, Stacie Siegel has promised to help the fifth-grade students create a "spooky" haunted house. There will also be a storyteller sharing "spooky" stories outside the haunted house. There will be a roaming magician, and in addi- tion to the class carnival booths there will be a "Moon Walk" and climbing wall. Food will be served in the cafeteria. Volunteers will be needed to help decorate and serve food. Morrow said this year's committee is striving to create an old-fashioned carnival atmosphere with enter- tainment and picnics on the lawn all starting off with an old-fashioned American parade. The event will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 28. Monday, Oct. 23 Breakfast: Breakfast Pizza, Yogurt, Cereal. Toast, Fruit Lunch: Ravioli or Popcorn Chicken, Breadstick, Peas, Peaches Tuesday. Oct. 24 ,Breakfast: Egg and Cheese Biscuit. Cereal. Toast, Peanut Butler and Jelly Sandwich. Fruit Lunch: Hamburger Gravy or Grilled Chicken Patty Sandwich. Mashed Potaloes, Broccoli with Cheese, Juice Bar Wednesday. Oct. 25 Breaklasl: Breakfast Burnto, Yogurt, Cereal. Toast. Fruit Lunch: Corn Dog or Nachos. Steamed Carrots. Fruit Cup. Applesauce Thursday. Oct. 26 Breakfast: Toast with Cheese Omelet. Cereal, Toast, Bagels, Fruit Lunch: Rotini with Meat Sauce or Maxx Sticks, SGreen Beans. Veggie Cup, Strawberries and Bananas. Birthday Cupcakes Friday, Oct. 27 Breakfast: Waffle Sticks, Graham Crackers, Cereal, Toast, Fruit Breakfast for Lunch: French Toast Sticks or Omelet, Tator Triangle, Pears, Fruit Cocktail a C Juice and milk are served with every meal. - e; s- 9 e( 1. .Iao a 4:. FA LST '.A PPRO I -A --SAJIIBAYll ATER1,I v1'"A i vutw loF : Ii, bp u h I ri rI j r I .'1.919 Ifi) lady Shiny GRI 148tACmij r /i.IS ?II4 5j4. IPu tl blonJ lng rh jial l: iffifi y' Iry~ i foliu j~ ri i N uFod $~~t'i lij l,bnr Gh 1 -If 1oir O. dlu A I le p ier I IeIVulur 1 nuOiue ~luvi] 11.11 pl. telir shnr I S I rP I (.-, I II L. y 3 u0 u0 1) eb111 Lu EOY HNNOY IL941-705-5704rti MihtSa olrfihtd .P&lv Cdh:iri otm panyrwil (l fuls~ IRa~TEt Viui1ll~n11.1Frjlf Ltid ~l ipajig, urtii-I 1 I 41 ltullfl irdvlf wound NIL HiEL .\Lr'tfnir' Crl ? We tuuu uiPOAHin rur LOWEST: -APR S tClosing Co::r Luif,&fR F ilrralc oHoni, S Auij ln urjriit.a Simply the Best AFFORDABLE COTTAGE Located in the historic Cortez fishing village. Hardwood floors, large garage/ workshop. Walk to great restaurants and the beach. Only $255,000. Mike Of 800367-1617 N 941-778-6696 Normanl 3101 GULF DRIVE RealtyINC HOLMES BEACH Ofrecemos servicio de ventas en espanSI www.mikenormanrealty.com CallToa 1-88-23.1464*. LoOkiT(i for thie erfe-! Outir49? L e Iafudrther... The Lander "Welcome back, winter friends!" Tlie Islander N i. I . I /o THE ISLANDER U OCT. 18, 2006 25 AF I E D S FOR SALE: RATTAN table plus six chairs. Dining room table 58x40 inches, white-washed rattan with glass top, six upholstered chairs, good condition. $250. Phone 941-794-2323. HURRICANE SHUTTERS, CORREGATED aluminum in lengths of 40, 57, 72 and 93 inches. Twenty pieces total. Will separate. $1 per linear foot. Call 941-779-9101. COMMERCIAL GARLAND COMBO: Two-oven Six burner, flat-top grill. Taking best offer starting at $500. 941-795-1111. Leave message. ROSER THRIFT SHOP: Open Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:30am-2pm, Saturdays 9am-noon. Half-price porch sale. 941-779-2733.511 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. GARAGE SALE: 8am Saturday, Oct. 21. Bedroom fur- niture, computer desk with hutch, wall hangings, linens, dolls, miscellaneous. 229 Gladiolus, Anna Maria. SALE; NIKI'S GIFTS and Antiques. All ruby glass by Viking Glass 50 percent off. All sterling jewelry 50- 80 percent off. All Hamilton collection dalmatians 65 percent off, all collector dolls and plates 50-65 percent off, select gifts, at, antiques, furniture, cups and saucers, crystal, books 30-90 percent off. Open seven days, 9:30am-5pm. 941-779-0729. 5351 Gulf Dr., Holmes Beach. GARAGE SALE! 8am Saturday, Oct. 21. Massive clean-outs! Quality items and collectibles for everyone. Neighbors at 245 and 246 Willow, Anna Maria. SELL it fast with an ad in The Islander. FOUND: GLASSES. THURSDAY evening, Sept. 28. Palmetto Avenue in Anna Maria, at end of boardwalk where it crosses sea oats over to the beach. They appear to be prescription (progressive bi-focals) plum- colored women's frame. Call Dave, 941-778-7126. KARATE ON THE Island: Ages four through adult. Call 941-807-1734 or visitwww.islanddojo.cmasdirect.com. KEY WEST FANTASY Fest: One cabin left. 6 days/5 nights aboard 65-foot sailing vessel, Lex-Sea. $1,895 per couple, inclusive, B.Y.O.B. Depart from Cortez Oct. 25.941-713-5958. DIVORCE? RELOCATING? ESTATE sale? Foreclo- sure? House in disrepair? We pay cash, any price or condition. Close in ten days. 941-448-0963. THE DESOTO GRANDE 200 S GULF DRIVE Imagine owning a private, luxury beachfront home for a fraction of the cost. Fractional ownership opportunity. $195,000. ., 7516 MARSH ORCHID) CIRCLE Absolutely charming condo beautifully turn-key furnished in a"cottage style" decor. Best location in the Preserve Golf Club atTara.The living/dining room and screened lanai overlook a lovely pond and preserve with privacy. $289,000 BRADENTON-19600 E STATE ROAD 64 Unique home situated on 20 acres w/ 2 acres of mature grapes and spring fed, perennial stream. Directly across from Lake Manatee State park which protects views, provides additional riding trails, swimming and boat launch. 3BR/ 2BA $1,500,000 PALM AIKEC (CUUNIKY LLUB 523 COUNTRY LAKES TRAIL Best home in the area atthis price!Totally remodeled,private backyard, caged pool.4BR, beautifully landscaped,great location between Sarasotaand Bradenton.PalmAire Country Club offers golf and tennis. $499,000 .1II Ur 1_1______ 513 56th St. 3BR/2BA in main house with unbelievable views! Efficiency with full bath above garage. Separate Laundry room. Great rental! Expansive bay front property with custom protected dock and easy access to full service marina. Short walk to beach, shopping and library. ANNA MARIA SumCoast REAL ESTATE LLC HOLMES BEACH POOL HOME 2BR/2BA open plan. Vaulted ceiling, wet bar, deck, large lot, fenced yard, pool and hot tub. $574,500. ANNA MARIA CONTEMPORARY 4BR/2BA open plan, vaulted ceiling, elevator, four-car garage. Bamboo flooring, turnkey furnished. Near beach. $1,350,000. OLD FLORIDA ANNA MARIA NEAR BEACH 3BR/1.5BA Cracker cottage plus separate studio apartment. West of Gulf Dr. Just steps to finest beach! $875,000. KEY ROYALE WATERFRONT POOL HOME 3BR/4BA plus den/office. Outstanding contemporaryhome. Vaulted ceiling, fireplace, 55-foot dockage. Four-car garage. $1,695,000. RUNAWAY BAY CONDO 1BR/1BA condo. Great rental complex. Heated pool, close to beach. Barbecue area, heated pool, clubhouse. $349,000. FABULOUS GULFFRONT OCEANA CONDO 3BR/2BA turnkey furnished on beautiful beach. Small pets, open plan, elevator, carport, shutters. $1,999,000. FLAMINGO CAYWATERFRONT POOL HOME 3BR/2BA plus den, heated pool, new roof and landscaping, dock and boadift, direct access to Intracoastal. $859,000. HOLMES BEACH WATERFRONT 3BR/2BA home. Tile, pavers, fence, room for pool, new dock, direct access to Tampa Bay. $799,900. GULF PLACE CONDO 3BR/2BA turnkey furnished, tennis, heated pool, beautiful beach, on-site management, excellent rental. $995,000. BEACH HOUSE LARGE LOT 4BR/2BA just steps to white-sand beach, turnkey furnished, deck. Seller financing. $1,299,000. SEASIDE BEACH HOUSE CONDO 1BR/1.5BA turnkey-furnished, Sautillo tile, pool, beautiful beach. Direct Gulf view, manager, excellent rental. $799,900. BAY PALMS WATERFRONT HOME 3BR/2BA canalfront. Private dock. Direct access to Tampa Bay and Intracoastal Waterway. $679,000. * TRADEWINDS RESORT VILLA- 1BR/1BA, Pool. $325,900: * KEY ROYALE BAYFRONT 3BR/2.5BA, Dock. $2,400,000. * WILDEWOOD SPRINGS CONDO 2BR/2BA, Patio. $399,900. * SUN PLAZA WEST CONDOS 2BR/2BA. From $675,000. * PERIWINKLE COTTAGE 2BR, Close to Beach. $649.900. ANNUAL and SEASONAL RENTALS 779-0202 (800) 732-6434 ANNA MARIA /\ ,ISLAND SMLS REAL ESTATE LLC Island Shopping Center 5402 Marina Drive Holmes Beach, Florida 34217 www.suncoastinc.com BRADENTON BEACH CLUB Million dollar Gulf and bay views available. Wonderful location, heated pools, spa, fitness center and much more. Luxurious two and three bedroom condos. Priced from $599,000. CORTEZ-12917 W 42ND Direct Bayfront lot with incredible sunsets. Small gated enclave of custom homes. Lot has deeded boat slip. Enjoy Anna Maria without the island traffic, the sugar sand beaches of Cortez beach are just five minutes away. $974,000 PALMETTO 4607 ARLINGTON ROAD l 5304 BAY STATE RD Custom home at ground Full Bay views are unbelievable! 100' seawall, level, 12 feet above sea level built to meet Miami total remodel includes Maple cabinets, Corian Dade Code for 140 mph wind load. Protected counters, new appliances, new tile and carpet, newly painted, new A/C and oversized garage. mooring on 200 feet of sailboat water, 45-foot Amazing sunsets! Only 17 minutes from St. dock, 12,000 lb boatlift. 4,000 sf open floor Pete. 2BR/2BA $949,000 plan. Three miles from 1-275. $1,500,000. t:941/366-8777 www.skysothebys.com Each Office Is Independendy Owned And Operated. 24U71 JENNINGS ROAD 6+acres featuring a lovely home with spectacular views of beautiful 2400 acre Lake Manatee. Fully fenced and gated for privacy and horses. $899,000. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 26 0 OCT. 18. 2006 T THE ISLANDER S- L A? BAYSIDE BANQUET HALL Affordable waterfront patio and tiki bar available for events. Bring your own food, drinks and grill. 941-798-2035. www.baysidebanquethall.com. BILLIE JOE: I'm a 2-year old male cat, very handsome, black and white. Need a special person to adopt me, my family was evicted. Neutered and microchipped. 941-920-1411. FOSTER PARENTS NEEDED for loving homes to foster puppies and kittens until they are old enough for adoption. All food and medical provided. Julie, 941-720-1411. ADULT CATS in desperate need of loving homes. All are current on vaccines. All applicants screened. Please, call 941-922-0774. HARLEY DAVIDSON CUSTOM Softtail, 2001. Custom paint, wheels, pipes, etc. Must see! $16,500. Harley Davidson 1988 Sportster also for sale. 941-737-7652. SUBURBAN 2500 SERIES: 1994 very clean, out- standing maintenance records. Heavy-duty package for trailering. Dual air conditioning, heavy duty brakes, radiator, tranny cooler, etc. Must see to appreciate. $6,500 or best offer. 941-730-9622. BOAT SLIP FOR rent in Holmes Beach. Monthly or annu- ally, $175/month. Call for more details. 941-778-2581. FOR RENT: DEEP-water boat slip, north end of Anna Maria, easy Gulf access. 941-794-8877. HURRICANE DECK BOAT: 19-foot, newer 90-hp Mer- cury. Less than 40 hours. Trailer, full canvas cover. Good condition. $7,000. 810-516-5613. 1999 27-FOOT PRO-LINE walk around. 225EFI Mer- cury. 360 hours. Full canvas cover. GPS, VHS, fish finder, new bottom paint. $29,700. 941-779-9731. NOW HIRING ALL positions. Rotten hours, rotten pay. Apply at Rotten Ralph's Waterfront Restaurant, 902 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria, or call 941-778-3953. LOOKING FOR A nanny to care for 13-month old in my home. Flexible work schedule including weekdays and weekends. Light housekeeping a plus! Please contact Haley, 727-641-0240. HELP WANTED: CLERICAL/administrative assistant. Experienced in multi-tasks, good customer service and computer skills. Great benefits. E-mail resume and salary requirements to: t.jmix@adelphia.net FOR HIRE: PART-time housekeeper for area motel. - Phone, 941-778-2780. WANTED: EXPERIENCED LICENSED sales persons for real estate sales opportunity of a lifetime. Please call Betsy Hills, licensed real estate broker, at 941- 778-2291 or 941-720-0178. CHECK US OUT AT www.islander.org.! BAN3KOR 0 RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE INC. PamE Dial, PA (941) 704-4962 7 /n7'fl /~4- Harbour Landings 5.659 1. 5BR/BA. el Riverview Blvd Newer rr.,me in Riverviv valor ic'iur, iajgarage I igoo p,,r l ad lr1 a il ifrin.t iOver : 4ij A l ir 4BR. 3 5.B A pni wine storage closet, three fireplaces, and 40+ pool. Almostone acre lot on Warners Bayou. foot dock on deep water to bay. $2,795,000. With newer dock and davit. $1,350,000. Smuggler's Landing ?2R.28A waier- Smuggler's Landing 2BR'2BA Reirind. front condo with den. Almost 1600 sf with eled unit with glass enclosed lanai over- 40-foot deep-water boat slip. Vaulted ceil- looking your 40-foot deep-water boat ingi buill-ri ana wel-tar $649.500 slip. $499,000. Mariner's Cove Elegant town home Smuggler's Landing This 3BR/3BA with deeded 24-foot boat slip. 4BR/3BA unit has been completely renovated and with over 2,700 sf of living space. Just everything inside is practically brand completed in Dec. 2001 and is like new. Includes 40ft boat slip. $799,000 brand new. $849,000. Over 20 years experience specializing in waterfront & boating properties www.floridamoves.com/pamela.dialpa pamela.dial@floridamoves.com WANTED: LICENSED COMPUTER savvy real estate rental manager for busy Island real estate office. Sala- ried position with profit sharing incentives. Please call Betsy Hills, licensed real estate broker, at 941-778- 2291 or 941-720-0178. WANTED: FRIENDLY EXPERIENCED receptionist for busy Anna Maria real estate office. Salaried position with profit sharing incentives. Please call Betsy Hills, licensed real estate broker, at 941-778-2291 or 941-720-0178. ELECTRICIAN: MINIMUM FIVE-years experience in remodeling and service calls. Benefits, steady work. Journeyman card a plus. Call 941-778-4454. TOP ADVERTISING sales position open at The Islander newspaper. Great territory, commissions. Previous outside sales helpful. If you possess a will- ingness for strong community involvement, positive outlook and drive to succeed, fax or e-mail a letter and/ or resume to 941-778-9392, sales@islander.org. SEEKING KITCHEN HELP and servers for fine dining restaurant. Apply in person to Chef Damon, Ooh La La! Bistro, 5406 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. SEEKING PIANO PLAYER evenings for Ooh La La! Bistro. Music range from classical to jazz. Call Chef Damon, 941-778-5320. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Tingley Memorial Library. Duties include checking books in/out, reshelving, and generally assisting library patrons. Call Eveann Adams, (941) 779-1208. BEACHFRONT RESTAURANT: THRIVING business, building with additional income, beer/wine. $1,690,000. Confidentiality agreement required. Longview Realty, 941-383-6112. PAW SPA: PROFITABLE pet-grooming business. Loyal customer base in great Holmes Beach location. $59,000. Longview Realty, 941-383-6112. MEALS AND MORE: 50-seat restaurant with great ambience also retails select items. Beer and wine license. Any menu OK. $120,000. Confidentiality agreement required for details. Longview Realty, 941 - 383-6112. For more great business and realty buys: www.longviewrealty.com. SPENCER'S SKIM SCHOOL for beginners and inter- mediates. Free skimboard use with lessons. $10 per half-hour lesson, three lessons recommended. Local teen, team competitor. Call 941-778-0944. BABYSITTER: Responsible 10th-grader, great with kids, first-aid certified. Charlotte, 941-756 5496. BABYSITTER, PETSITTER, dog walker: First-aid cer- tified, 13-year-old, eighth-grader, female, great with kids and animals. Call Kendall, 941-779-9783.: NEED A BABYSITTER? Call Felicia, 941-761-1569. Red Cross certified. ,t., Prudential Palms Realty Michelle Musto, PA Reo.io, 941-809-3714 www.michellemuslo.com a I ,,. -' 514 North Bay Blvd.. Anna Maria: ',J Fabulous Bay views! 4BR/3BA, 2,205 NOW- sf, Brazalian leak floors. New kitchen, Sbaths, roof, siding, doos and windoWs. Sleps to park and beach! S1,150.000. email: michellemuslo@ptudentialpalmsreally.com Gayle Simyson Schulz... Broker/Associate Jim Anderson Realty Company PO Box 1789 401-B Pine Avenue Anna Maria, FL 34216 941.778.4847 toll free 1.800.772.3235 www.iimandersonrealty.com email: gayle511@tampabay.rr.com L. I4 f.ESO"E l1E11S!1 Enjoy spectacular Bimini Bay - walerfronl views from this private 19,000 sf beautifully B . landscaped property, one of the largest lois around. Super Key Royale location in a very desirable neighborhood. It's a boating paradise with deep, protected water. Fish from your private dock and swim in the large solar heated pool. Your cars will even be happy in the three-car garage. 3-4BR/3BA. Please call Gayle Schulz, 941-812-6489. ENSURE YOUR CHILD'S safety while you relax. Call Gemma, 941-447-9657. Responsible, reliable and experienced, with a love for children. Red Cross baby- sitting and first-aid certifications. DOG WALKER, PET sitter, child sitter and odd jobs. Tenth-grader, available after school and weekends. Zach, 941-779-9783. RED CROSS first-aid certified babysitter certified. Call Alex, 941-778-5352. GETYOUR BOAT washed without the hassle, just give me a call. Regular scheduling available, perfect for when you're out of town. Call Richard, 941-447 9657. BABYSITTER/PETSITTER: RESPONSIBLE, Red Cross certified. Experienced with kids and pets of all ages. Many Island references! Transportation avail- able. Weekly and monthly rates available. Call Hilary or Natalie. 941-778-5181. PAYTON AND DINA'S cleaning service: We do yard work, dog-sitting, house cleaning and we run errands. We do not mow grass. Open 3-5pm every day! 941-524-9350. KIDS FOR HIRE ads are FREE for Island youths under 16 looking for work. Ads must be placed in person at The Islander newspaper office, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. CNA CAREGIVER AVAILABLE for home care. Flex- ible hours, have references. Call 941-753-8345 or 941- 730-3984. MAN WITH SHOVEL: Plantings, natives, patio gar- dens, trimming, cleanup, edging, maintenance. Hard- working and responsible. Excellent references. Edward 941-778-3222. LET US DRIVE YOU! Shopping, medical appoint- ments, airports, cruise ports. Flat rates. Sunshine Car Service. Serving the Islands. 941-778-5476. COMPUTER OBEDIENCE TRAINING. Is your com- puter misbehaving? Certified computer service and private lessons. Special $40/hour. Free advice. 941- 545-7508. ISLAND PRESSURE CLEANING for great results, wash away mildew, dirt, salt. Thorough, reasonable, reliable. Free estimates, licensed, insured. 941-778-0944. CONNECT-ICON Your local computer specialist. Experienced certified technician for communica- tion electronics offers wireless and cable networks, .upgrades, maintenance, repairs, tutoring and training. Call Robert, 941-778-3620. EXPERIENCED CERTIFIED TEACHER available for tutoring in math, science and reading for elementary-to college-level students. $35/hour. 941-524-4177. owners-, 7-.W . Call us to ? 78-2307 -4o800-306-9666 rent your : ranmno9.XnrealesIote.com properties! .? " Unbeatable 4 service for over 35 FAM " years "" 7 1-.- - S. 9701 ve Ai SERVING THE AREA SINCE 1970 MLS Anna Maria i. S (941) 713-4755 (800)771 6043 Anna Maria Island 149 Crescent (Dr. A 26ed/2.5 ath home $569,000 789 x. Spanish (Dr. LK a 55+ condo $395,900 611 uff DOr. guffview 55+ condo $451,000 1003 S. uCfDOr. guCfview 26edfcondo $485,000 6250 Ytomnes Blvd #39 Spacious condo $569,000 302 60th St. Vacant 101.(112 Lot,V2 $589,000 129 49th St. West of guf (Drivel $595,000 (Bradenton 2102 W 32ndSt. 26ed/26ath, 6ig ot $230,000 4007 ~Rverview Blvd Sweeping views $989,000 Came to feara6out tie 5 best buys on tie Island It A d d- THE ISLANDER OCT. 18, 2006 E 27 L A D RaC L A S I I D .ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remodel- ing, repairs, additions, screen rooms, kitchens, baths. Free estimates. License #CGC061519, #CCC057977, #PE0020374. Insured. Accepting MasterCard/Visa. 941-720-0794. PROFESSIONAL I.T. SERVICES: Complete computer solutions for business and home. Installation, repairs, upgrades, networking, Web services, wireless ser- vices. Richard Ardabell, network engineer, 941-778- 5708, or cell 216-509-1945. CUCCIO TILE: Many Island references. Free esti- mates. Licensed and insured. 941-730-2137. HANDYMAN SERVICES: PAINTING caulking, interior carpentry, custom mirror and other interior/exterior general household repairs. Offering quality services since 1994. Reliable. Call Colin at 941-376-0541. PIANO AND VOICE lessons by New York professional artist/teacher. By appointment. Palmetto. 941-729-2244. I CLEAN HOUSES, garages and sheds. Please call 941-773-8821. THE ROYAL MAID Service: Licensed, bonded, insured. Professional experienced maids, free estimates, gift certificates available. Call now. 941-727-9337. NEED YOUR HOUSE cleaned? Palaces, castles, cot- tages, homes, condos and apartments in the general Bradenton area. For more information, call Peter at 941-753-7838. Kathy Geeraerts, Realtor 778-0455 S. n.reenw AAA CONFIDENCE CLEANING. Housecleaning, office cleaning and window cleaning. Good references, reasonable rates. Licensed and insured. Family owned and operated. 941-812-0499. CONNIE'S LANDSCAPING INC. Residential and com- mercial. Full-service lawn maintenance, landscaping, cleanup, hauling and more! Insured. 941-778-5294. ISLAND LAWN SPRINKLER service and repair. Monthly and quarterly accounts available. If it is broken, we can fix it. Call 941-778-2581. CLOUD 9 LANDSCAPING: Top quality lawn and land- scape maintenance. Now accepting new accounts at great rates. Please call 941-778-2335 or 284-1568. GULF SHORE LANDSCAPING: Lawn care, pressure washing, landscaping. owner operated by Island resi- dent. Exceptional value! Licensed and insured. Call 941-726-7070; www.gulfshorelandscaping.com. TREES BY BREEZE Inc.: Tree trimming, landscapes, property maintenance. Insured, Island resident since 1988. Chris, 941-778-2837. SHELL DELIVERED and spread. $42/yard. Hauling: all kinds of gravel, mulch, top soil with free estimates. Call Larry at 941-795-7775, "shell phone" 941-720-0770. KARAZ LANDSCAPE Lawn Service. Mulch, clean- ups, power washing, tree trimming and more. City of Anna Maria resident. Cell 941-448-3857. FIND IT! BUY ITI SELL IT FAST! In The Islander. NATURE'S DESIGN LANDSCAPING. Design and installation. Tropical landscape specialist. Residential and commercial. 30-years experience. 941-729-9381. STRAIGHT SHOT LANDSCAPE: Complete cleanup, installations, native plants, palms, aquascapes, rock and patios. Shell installed $42/yard. Shark Mark 941- 727-5066. SCOTT FOLEY & CO.: Commercial and residential lawn care. Hauling, tree trimming, deck refinishing, free estimates. Call Scott, 941-730-3077. VAN-GO PAINTING residential/commercial, interior/ exterior, pressure cleaning, wallpaper. Island refer- ences. Bill, 941-795-5100. JOE UNGVARSKY CONSTRUCTION Remodeling contractors. In-house plan designs. State licensed and insured. Many Island references. 941-778-2993. License #CRC 035261. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING free estimates. 35-year Island resident. Call Jim Bickal at 941-778-1730. CHRISTIE'S PLUMBING Isl ad and off-Island service since 1975. Repairs and new construction. Free estimates, no overtime charges. Now certifying back flow at water meters. FL#RF0038118-941-778-3924 or 778-4461. TILE -TILE -TILE.All variations of ceramic tile supplied and installed. Quality workmanship, prompt,, reliable, many Island references. Call Neil, 941-726-3077. BONUS! .CLASSIFIEDS ADS are posted early online at www.islander.org. * LatitucdeI . 6842 Gulf of Me.,Mco Drie Long boat Key 94.3*...9004 info,'Lahtude27.comgwww. L atitude2 corn.. 0. -a -Vt s -.ZcRtw 64te, i. SALES 419 Pine Ave. PO Box 2150 *Anna Maria FL 34216 Home: 941-778-1820 Cell: 941-713-5321 sherrys@betsyhills.com 12BR/2BA canal nome with salt- 3BR/2BA bayfron nome water pool, north end. Two boat $1,589,000 docks. $849.000 . 3BR/3BA yron home north end of Anna Maria, compleiely renovated' $1,895.000 tumisheil. i,4," -." j *20 feetea':r i.nortrend of Build your dream home on very AnnaMaria.$125.000 large lot, 1'00x223 sf. Panoramic bay view!' U.a aa.,..~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U 1'1 ~ ..~ ~ ~ ,afl .a.',a~, ~. ~! 5a,~Ia ~(. a, 28 M OCT. 18, 2006 0 THE ISLANDER Sandy's Lawn Service Inc. Sandy' Established in 1983 Lawn Celebrating 23 Years of S vic Quality & Dependable Service. Vice Call us for your landscape 778.1345 and hardscape needs. 77U4Licensed & Insured Paradise Improvements 778-4173 ; Kitchen and Bath Remodeling Specialist S "--- Replacement Doors and Windows "--. ,.- Steven Kaluza Andrew Chennault Fully Licensed and Insured Island References Lic#CBC056755 WAGNER REALTY , S 2217 ULF D IVE NO TI BDADEN'ION IMACII. Li IHADOLD (SMALL REALTOR Office: (941) 778-2246 (941) 792- 8628 , E-mail: haroldsmall@wagnerrealty.com EU AuELPEm ALL U S FENE KINDS Specializing WHITE VINYL FENCE CRC016172 94 1 -175O-9300 HAUL-AWAY Removal of all types of trash, debris and junk. 720-2217 Curtis Clark & Assoc. Inc. Vinyl Siding & Aluminum Specialists L Vinyl Siding Soffit Custom Break Work Corrugated (941) 713-SIDE-T ' ?l.:,rmParnl- ( 4 u | -_ .-.,,941 71. -43 V.rvl Room 1Tfd" (9411 776-9401 .-.- Conve-r.ion. :,ii L.,: :;c' .e " Jimior's Landscape & Maintenance Lawn care PLUS native plants. --,- -mulch, trip, hauling and cleanup-, Yo- Call Jmunior, 807-1015Oi c4 WASH FAMILY INC Since 1988 LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED 941.725.0073 DARRIN J. WASH WE OFFER LIFE TIME PAINTS. New Construdion Charlie Woehle S Remodels 941-761-3363 WOEHLE CONSTRUCTION, INC. P.O. BOX 14070, BRADENTON, FL 34280-4070 OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE SHOW TO RELAX , ON AN ISLAND... Massage by Nadia i ^| 941.795.0887 ". 4 9 4 C ASS FIE HOE IMROEMETonine ROOFING REPAIRS anrd replacements. Remodel- ing, repairs, additions, screen rooms, kitchens, baths. Free estimates. License #CGCO61519, #CCC057977, #PE0020374. Insured. Accepting MasterCard/Visa. 941-720-0794. CUSTOM RENOVATION/RESTORATION expert. All phases of carpentry, repairs and painting. Thirty years experience. Insured. Meticulous, clean, sober and prompt. Paul Beauregard, 941-779-2294. KEN & TINA DBA Griffin's Home Improvements Inc. Handyman, fine woodwork, countertops, cabinets and shutters. Insured and licensed, 941-748-4711. TILE, CARPET, LAMINATE supplied and installed. Why pay retail? Island resident, many references. Free estimates, prompt service. Steve Allen Floor Cover- ings. 941-792-1367, or 726-1802. JERRY'S HOME REPAIR: Carpentry work, handyman, light plumbing, electrical, light hauling, pressure washing and tree trimming. Call 941 -778-6170 or 447-2198. WINDOW SHADES, BLINDS, shutters and more. Life- time warranty. Call Keith Barnett for a free in-home consultation. Island references, 15 years experience. 941-778-3526 or 730-0516. HANDYMAN SERVICE: Winton's Home-Buddy Inc.. Retired banker, Island resident, converting life-long hobby to business. Call 941-705-0275 for free estimates. IMPACT WINDOWS AND doors. Exclusive distribu- tor: Weatherside LLC on Holmes Beach. Free, cour- teous estimates. Jeld-wen Windows and Doors. Lic.# CBC1253145. 941-730-5045. THIRTY-SIX YEARS craftsman experience. Interior, exterior, doors, stairs, windows, trim. Pressure wash. Driveway paint. Dan Michael, master carpenter. Call 941-518-3316 . TUB AND TILE refinishing: A division of D.J. Murphy Painting Inc. Save up to 80 percent over-traditional remodeling costs. Call us with your kitchen and bath, needs. Don't buy new redo! 941-751-1245.Licensed, certified and insured. LICENSED AND INSURED Building contractor ready to help you renovate all aspects of your existing home, add extensions or build a new home on your lot. We only do high quality workand a re very prompt with our customers. Call Daniel DeBaun at 941-518-3916. HOME REPAIRS ANDimprovements: General repairs and Quality renovation, including carpentry, drywall, tile, paint, even-landscaping. Please call Chris, 941-266-7500. RENTALS available weekly, monthly, seasonal. Wede- brock Real Estate Co., 941-778-6665 or 800-749-6665. SEASONAL RENTAL: Holmes Beach, 4BR two master suites-/3BA, house on canal. Two minutes to beach. S- Heated pool, dock, cable TV, washer/dryer, garage, .designer furnished with tropical yardsetting: One of the finest rentals on Island. $1,600/weekly. Call 941-713- 0034 or e-mail: beachdreams@tampabay.rr.com. GULFFRONT CONDOS: 3BR/2BA, 2BR/2BA,1 BR/1BA with breathtaking views. Pools, Jacuzzi, walk to shops and restaurants. Available weekly, monthly, seasonal. 901-301-8299 or e-mail captko462@aol.com. WEEKLY RENTALS: Alecassandra villa, 1 BR/1 BA, $700/week; Island duplex. 2BR, $800/week; Gulffront cottage, 2BR, $1,000/week; Bradenton Beach Club,- S2BR/2BA, $1,400/week. Please call Kim Fisher, Wagner Realty, 941-778-2246. www.wagnerrealty.com. BRADENTON BEACH: NEWLY remodeled BR/1BA suite with full kitchen, fully furnished, one block from Bridge Street, three minute walk to beach. Sleeps four only. No pets. Now taking reservations for summer. * Available weekly, monthly or seasonal. 941-776-3696, or e-mail bjustin628@tampabay.rr.com. ANNUAL RENTAL WESTBAY Cove: Lower unit, - 2BR/2BA waterfront, unfurnished. Includes water, sewer, cable. Old Florida-Realty, 941-778-3377 or 941-713-9096: SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, townhouse: 2BR/2BA with balcony and view of mountains. Weekly or monthly rental. Call Paige at 941-798-3448. WEEKLY/MONTHLY/ANNUAL rentals: wide variety,' changes daily. SunCoast Real Estate, 941-779-0202, or 1-800-732-6434. www.suncoastinc.com. ANNUAL: ISLAND HOME 2BR/1BA with garage and fenced yard; Newly remodeled. $1,200/month plus utili- ties. Small pet OK. 941-795-8979. Credit check. ANNUAL HOLMES BEACH duplex: 2BR/2BA com- pletely remodeled, furnished, washer and dryer. $1,000/month plus utilities. 941-778-1819.-2906 Ave. B, Holmes Beach. FURNISHED MOTHER-IN-LAW apartment, canal view with a large deck, dock and saltwater pool to share. Apartment has private entrance, bath and kitchenette. All utilities except telephone included. $350/week or $850/month. Perfect for a clean and quiet individual[ Please e-mail tlyonsrq@verizon.net or call 941-928- 8735. Leave message for information and availability. ANNUAL RENTAL: BEAUTIFUL, immaculate 2BR townhouse, 500 feet from Gulf. Granite, tile in kitchen and baths. Patio, private yard, washer and dryer. $1,300/month. 941-778-4548. SEASONAL FURNISHED NEW home in Anna Maria. Elevated 3BR/2BA. Available now through April. One block to beach. 813- 251-9201. LUXURY! BEACH HOUSE: Gulf views, 200 feet to beach, 3BR/3.5BA, sleeps nine, pool-spa, elevator, gourmet kitchen, granite tops, five TVs, golf cart. Check pictures, prices, availability at www.costalotta.net or call 863-581-3252. 3600 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. ANNUAL DUPLEX: CHARMING 2BR/2BA, Florida room, washer and dryer hookups, tile floors, carport, $1,000/month; 2BR/1BA washer and dryer hookups, carport, $900/month; 1BR/1BA nice, clean, $700/ month. Dolores M. Baker Realty, 941-778-7500. 1-4BR DIRECT BEACHFRONT, gorgeous views, designer furnished, cable, DVD/VCR, dishwasher, phone, quaint village. $975-$2,375/week9 941-713- 0034 or beachdreams@tampabay.rr.com. ANNUAL 1 BR/1 BA FURNISHED, washer and dryer, bay view. Quiet neighborhood. $850/month. 941-545-7109. SEASONAL BRADENTON BEACH condo: Decem- ber through April, luxury beachfront efficiency sleeps 2-4. Breathtaking views and sunsets from your own private balcony, turnkey furnished, full kitchen, gran- ite counters, cable TV, internet .access, heated pool, second-floor unit, elevator access, maid service. No pets/smoking. New construction, completed at the end of 2005. $1,100/weekly, $4,000/monthly. View pictures/ slideshow at http://photos.yahoo.com/mlmswartz2 @ sbcglobal.net. Call 330-933-7174, or e-mail mlm- swartz2@sbcglobal.net for questions/reservations. ANNUAL 2BR/1BA DUPLEX: Completely remodeled, yard service, pets accepted. Large back yard, close to -shopping, trolley and beach. $925/month plus utilities. First, last and security required. 941-730-8339. HOLMES-BEACH: POOL;furnished 2BR/2BA. Oct.- Dec 1Dishwasher, washer and dryer, tile through- out, cable TV, pool: 1.5 blocks to beach. $1,400/month or $950/month plus utilities. 941-778-3104. PRIVATE HOME FOR rent annually on water. 2BR/2BA,' enclosed garage, beautiful view. One block to beach. Washer dryer hook ups. Bradenton Beach. $1,300/month. By owner, 1941-778-6170. NEAR BRADENTON BEACH: month-to-month fur- nished 1 BR/1 BA condo. $750/m6nth includes utilities. References. Call Jackie, 941-929-7165. - CLEAN TURNKEY 2BR/1BA doublewide mobile home. 55-plus community.-Sandpiper Resort #200. $800/month through December. Negotiable January through April. 941-538-6505. SEASONAL-: ANNA MARIA City. 2BR/1BA ground- level duplex, walk to beach. Telephone, cable and utilities provided. $1,600/month. 94-11-704-4646. FOR RENT:WATERFRONTduplex. Dock with davits.Walk to beach, washer and dryer, carport, storage. Quiet loca- tion. $1,000/month. 727-784-3679. Bradenton Beach. PALMA SOLA BAY views: 3BR/3BA penthouse, furnished condo, two miles to: beach; large boat slip, pool, tennis, Jacuzzi. $2,050/month, year lease. 941-358-7560.' ANNUAL HOLMES BEACH townhouse: 2BB/2BA completely remodeled. 150 steps to. beach on 52nd Street. Available Dec. 1, 2006. 330-758-3857. LARGE-DUPLEX: 2,000 sf with garage in Sunny Shores. Quiet, close to everything, beaches. Available now. $850/month. 941-749-1238. WEEKLY/MONTHLY: LOVELY 3BR/2BA, quiet canal, large cage, boat dock, washer and dryer, tile floors, garage, no smoking. 941-779-2005. ANNUAL OR SEASONAL: 2BR/1 BA Holmes Beach. Steps to beach, great neighborhood. Nicely updated. Annual $900/month, seasonal $1,800/month. 941- 778-5482. SEASONAL ISLAND RENTAL: 1BR/1BA turnkey, washer and dryer, utilities included. One block to Gulf. S$700/week, $1,500/month. 941-721-6090. fr: *7 THE ISLANDER M OCT. 18. 2006 M 29 JS ANDE C- S IFID9 ANNUAL RENTALS: 2BR/2BA, 1BR/1BA and studio apartment. Starting at $695/month. Fran Maxon Real Estate, 941-778-2307. www.franmaxonrealestate.com. PARADISE IN COMFORT at Palm Breeze rentals in Holmes Beach. Two beautifully furnished units in a Key West-style home on a large corner lot. Each unit has 3BR/2BA, washer, dryer and fully equipped kitchen. Heated pool, bikes, grill, etc. Just bring your clothes and a tooth- brush and enjoy. www.apalmbreeze.com. 941-730-5126. GULFFRONT ANNUAL: 1BR/1.5BA spacious condo. Fifth floor, north Martinique. Fantastic view of Gulf and Intracoastal. Rental includes water, cable, secure building. Pet OK, washer and dryer available. Asking $1,290/month. Call 941-737-0915. ANNA MARIA ISLAND Club rental available for December 2006, January and February 2007. Totally remodeled unit, nonsmoking. Two-week minimum. 813-781-7562. FOR RENT: 2BR/2BA balcony, Gulf view. $950/month, $900 deposit, $50 application fee. 2411 Ave. C., Bra- denton Beach. Efficiency, $750/month includes utilities. $700 deposit, $50 application fee. 112, 52nd St., No.1, Holmes Beach. Call 941 -746-8666. ANNUAL RENTAL: HOLMES Beach. 2BR/1BA, close to stores and trolley. $1,100/ month/utilities included. Washer and dryer on'premises. Call 646-842-0096. WATERFRONT: BIMINI BAY, Anna Maria. Annual, 1 BR/1 BA boat moorage, water, garbage and yard *service included. Available December. $950/month. Information at http://goff-club.com/510B/ PERICO ISLAND PATIO pool home for six-month or annual rental, $1,500/month, or for sale $360,000. 941-224-8466.11006 Peach Point Ct., Bradenton. CORTEZ: SUNNY SHORES.1 BR, storage, carport, marina and boat ramp nearby. $640/month. Phone, 941-778-2710. STEPS TO BEACH: Seasonal 2BR/2BA ground-level home in quiet Holmes Beach. 813-961-6992. ANNUAL: ATTRACTIVE 2BR/2BA, Florida room, dish- washer, washer and dryer.hookup, carport, $1,000/ month. 2BR/1 BA carport, washer and dryer hookup, $900/month. 1BR1BA, $700/month. No pets. Dolores M. Baker Realty, 941-778-7500. ANNUAL RENTAL: DIRECTLY on the beach condo. $1,650/month. 717-392-4048. UNFURNISHED YEARLY RENTALS on Palma Sola Bay. Move in for security deposit and half rent. Rent includes all utilities except electric. Studio $680/month, move in for $1,020. 1 BR/1 BA $720/month, move ih for $1,080.2BR/1 BA $950/month, move in for $1,425. Call Jerry, 9am-6pm at 941-448-8100. HERON'S WATCH: 3BR/2BA two-car garage, like new. Ten minutes to beach. Near shops and medical. Avail-, able Dec. 15. $1,400/month. 941-773-6581 or 941- 794-9921. ANNUAL: 2BR/1BA Holmes Beach. Must see inside, freshly painted, reduced to $920/month. Garbage and yard service included. 941-224-4091. SEASONAL OR WEEKLY cottage-style rentals. 1 BR/1 BA or 2BR/1 BA with pool. Walk to beach, shop- ping, restaurants. 941-778-3426. Web site 2spinna- kers.com. WATERFRONT PROPERTY 2BR/2BA open-plan with great views of Tampa Bay. Canalfront, walking distance to beach and restaurants. $779,000. 941-779-1512. FOR SALE BY owner: Best value on the Island! 2BR/ 2BA, one-car garage, gourmet kitchen, new windows, updated baths and more. Two blocks from beach. $615,000.941- 778-8677.406 Bay Palms Drive, Holmes Beach. 3BR/2BA: One bedroom used as a den/office/play- room, enclosed lanai, tiled with carpeted bedrooms. 1,400 sf, county water/sewer, citrus trees, near Brent- wood school in Sarasota. Reduced to $274,900. 941- 379-4196 or 941-954-7474. C P R: 941-794.1515. Sales, rentals, property man- agement. Coastal Properties Realty. www.coastal- propertiesrealty.com. BAYVIEW AND CANALFRONT with pool. 2BR/2BA open plan, new kitchen. Totally upgraded. Dock, three davits. Owner motivated. Not a drive-by, must see inside! By owner. Call Herb Dolan, 941-705-4454.404 21st Place. Bradenton Beach. ENJOY SPECTACULAR VIEWS of Passage Key and Tampa Bay from this updated beachfront cot- tage. Deep property with room to expand. Seawall and beach. MLS#534612. $1,399,000. Lynn Parker, RoseBay Real Estate, 941-321-2736. LOT FOR SALE: One block to Gulf. 50x100 feet, cleared. $539,000.215 71st St., Holmes Beach. (941) 778-4036. ALMOST ISLAND -IOME: Adorable 1BR/1BA. Brand new furnished, bay windows with water view. Hurricane Force-3 manufactured home. One mile from Anna Maria Island and one block from Intracoastal Waterway with new marina and boat ramp. Land owned. Home owner's association optional. $159,900. 941-224-6521. TRIPLEX: IDEAL LOCATION WITH great appeal. Beau- tifully updated and maintained, new roof, turnkey fur- nished. Beach access just steps away, bay views, boat dock, ample parking, great income rental. Room for a pool. Convenient to restaurants and shopping. $875,000. 111 8th St. S., Bradenton Beach. Bridget Spies, ReMax Properties, 941-308-6763. MSL# 313022. WEST BRADENTON: OPEN noon-4pm Sunday. Six months condo fees paid! Free-standing, private three- bedroom upgraded condo with two-car garage, new lanai. Call for details, 941-792-0763. $309,900. 5605 Whipporwill Ct. off 59th Street West, Tanglewood. OPEN HOUSE: 1-4pm Sunday: New home, 3,746 sf 3-4BR/3BA, granite/cherry kitchen, three screened verandas. $829,000. Horizon Realty, 941-725-7000. 303 58th St., Holmes Beach. UPDATED 3BR/2BA: 1,560 sf, tastefully furnished and decorated, sold turnkey. For sale by owner.. Buyer's agents, 3.percent. $599,900 Appointments only. 813- 818-8314. 8104 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. www. bohnenberger.homesindeed.com. HOLMES BEACH AREA: charming canalfront home, newly renovated, 3BR/2BA. Granite kitchen. 1.5 miles to beach. Sale, $599,000, rent $1,600/month, or lease with-purchase option. 614-207-7878. PERICO ISLAND PATIO home: 1.5 years new, 3BR/2BA split plan, shabby chic, master bath, vanity, wood-look floors. $435,000. Rhonda, 941-761-8135. r----------------------------------------- -- -- -- -- -- -- - HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE: NOON MONDAY EVERY WEEK for WEDNESDAY'S PAPER: Classified advertising must be paid in advance. We accept ads by fax with credit card information, 778-9392, at our Web site (secure server) www.islander.org, and by direct e-mail at classifieds@islander. org. Office hours: 9 to 5, Monday-Friday, (Saturday 10 to 2 as needed). CLASSIFIED RATES BUSINESS OR INDIVIDUAL: Minimum rate is $10 for up to 20 WORDS. Additional words: Each additional word over 20 is 50 cents, Box: $3, One- or two-line headlines, line rate plus 25 cents per word. - WE ACCEPT MASTERCARD AND VISA! You can charge your classified advertising in person or by phone. We are sorry, but due to the high volume of calls we can not take classified ad copy over the telephone. To place an ad by phone, please be prepared to FAX or e-mail your copy with your credit card information. (see below) USE THIS FORM FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE: One word per blank space for minimum charge 20 words. ------ -- -- -- -- --- -- --- -- -- ---- -- - I. i. 2 I 23 Run issue dates) _ Amt.pd Date Please indicate: Ck. No. or Cash _ For credit card payment: J- E J = No. | Exp. Date Name shown on card: Billing address zip code: House no. or post office box no. on bill I /I E-Mail address: [for renewal purposes only] I | The Islander Fax: 941 778-9392 5404 Marina Drive I i ir Phone: 941 778-7978 Holmes Beach FL 34217 E-mail" lassifieds@islander.org L --- ----=----------- --------------------------- - ---- LONGBOAT KEY PAINTING & DESIGN, INC. | Faux painting -Cabinet refinishing Furniture restoration Custom painting Jackson Holmes, owner (941) 812-3809 HANNA PAVEMENT SERVICES INC. J941-761-8546 BOAT, RV & TRAILER STORAGE Wash Down Easy Access Clean* Security Cameras 941-232-9208 Rates starting at $40 Centrally located off Cortez.Road 4523 30th St. W. Warehouse/Workshops also available WASH FAMILY INC Since 1988 COMPLETING OVER 2,000 JOBS ON ANNA MARIA 941.725.0073 DARRIN J. WASH SCreative Vistas Landscape Services \A-Specializing in landscape design & installation Cell 941.807.1035 Office 94f,721.9655 www.CreativeVistas.corn ....U. JELIWEN. WINDOWS DOORS Impact Hurricane Windows & Doors ^: : .'* Are you storm ready? -... : FREE COURTEOUs ESTIMATES 941-730-5045 4-:. ~*I' ,'*.I. K 1 .~i ..,:: : ,,, ,: :.: .. l-,l 4 I EI .t$~~sa~h,ML- .flU IJ When's the last time you tasted coffee in an old-fashioned "diner" mug? The Islander lLri, Shoppn., Center 540-4 Mrinln Dr e Phone. 94 1 779-79.S I* *. : : " 'Copyrighted Material - !' *4Syndicated Content V Available from Commercial Nws Providers" i~jn 30 M OCT. 18. 2006 0 THE ISLANDER ISA -DR4AS SIF IE 9 FOR SALE: ALL new beach house. 1BR/1BA, fully furnished, all appliances. Sandpiper resort #521. 55- plus community on the Intracoastal across the street from the beach. $175,000. You can't get on the Island for less than this! 317-873-3307. TRIPLEX FOR SALE: Just steps to the Gulf of Mexico! This triplex is on beautiful Anna Maria Island, Fla. Currently a rental property with a yearly income of $34,800. Rent out two units and live in the other. Rent annual or seasonal. Walking distance to shopping, restaurants and trolley stop. Asking $599,000. Easy to rent or create your own Island hideaway! Call 646-842-0096 for more information. 50-by-110-FOOT LOT in Anna Maria. Owner will finance. No streets to cross to the beach! $480,000. 813-837-6224.117 Willow Ave. FOR SALE BY owner: Holmes Beach, Sandy Pointe condo. 2BR/2BA, turnkey furnished, covered parking for two cars, washer and dryer, two blocks from beach. $335,000.813- 486-9535. sidat@hotmail.com. 3607 East Bay Drive. BEST BUY IN PERICO BAY CLUB: 3BR/2BA with full bay views! Granite countertops, glazed porcelain tile, carpet, custom closets, updated baths, plantation shutters, designer furnishings and more. $584,500.859-264-8644. WESTBAY POINT & MOORING: Lower, corner, condo unit with fantastic view of Tampa Bay and Sunshine Skyway Bridge. Beautiful island kitchen, turnkey furnished. Must see. $610,000. Call 941-778-1766 or 401-497-6327. WATERFRONT LOT WITH 40-foot dock in gated com- munity. Filled and ready to build. $650,000. Call 617- 803-2393, or e-mail nancyl2151 @aol.com. BEAUTIFUL NEW 4BR/4BA Anna Maria home. Waterfront with dock, walk to Gulf and bay beaches. 941-778-5181. BY OWNER, PURCHASE or lease: Manatee riverfront condo, 2BR/2BA, beautiful views, pool, gated, covered park- ing, fitness. $325,000 or $1,100/month. 941-720-0092. SWEEPING WATER VIEWS from large 2BR/2BA condo with deeded 35-foot deep-water dock and carport. Must sacrifice or foreclose. $499,000. 941-807-5449. $459,900. CANALFRONT 3BR/2BA one-car garage, boatlift, caged pool, fireplace, 1,449 sf. Two miles to Island beaches. 941-447-9844.4308 Bamboo Terrace, Bradenton. SELL it fast with an ad in The Islander. SEARCH OPEN HOUSES ONLINE With our all new Online Open House Search, you can search by area, price range, property type or number of bedrooms and baths. Then you can map out the open houses to plan your Sunday open house tour. WWW.MICHAELSAUNDERS.COM A Complete List Of Open Houses Is Also Available At Your Bradenton Michael Saunders & Company Sales Office. EXQUISITECUSrOMCONTEMPORARYr..i, SPACIOUS 4 BR & DEN POOL HOME ,n i:r. ,,':,n, n :.,,r 4 j'i: i iy,. r I,,:r, ..u- .a lushly landscaped yard. Model perfect de-sac. Soaring ceilings and open design. condition, custom kitchen, crown molding, Gated community in NW area. $1,150,000. trayceiling,fireplace;,extensivetile;,hurricane' I"',r'. ".i Fii r" M ,ir, :- i 1 .11 tt) ,;,r 'il-un a)rio inTmui, Ti-re '15, '14 1 tY. ,1. , RIVIERA DUNES W ATERFRONT j, Wl ir, ;r u 'r,-i,:,,- Mi rb.lT ,r, .. .i ri- P', ,i.ni uli Breathtaking views ofthe Manatee River, remarkable upgrades, private pool and deep water, boat slip. $1,74 000 Hijurr, Li..l-r ,.' r o r.13r ,'L ri la r l 7 1-6300 or 587-46.2 -. 5i8i7: SPECTACULAR.ip.,' Ir iTII- i: 3IT rerr-n: lI ..rr,',,illriu,T, e j. :.ii j.;i ,,.o rM:|ux 'l t:, ,.lull i',ilir; I.lnl ulr r i v lJ~ lld W,,ll d ,la.'(,' rn, l, r li,',: ,:,',.Iri rTild,1..li]'.. i ,C,,j.' iT i';.lr Sij l inii. rm.:1T, 2100:il0:1 h iri Vjal l. 4le *t .;lu.0 r ,.r :. 6 i TWO BEAUTIFUL HOMES r, nrjrl, ? 4 ,re 1h, ,-, R,..cr.uiew BI. a il o 1,, Ii rnm,,, ..',ir '03 w/1BR. $899,900. Kathy Marcinko 713-1100 or Sandy Drapala, 725-0781. 538518 RIVERVIEWBLVD. This beautyboastsexquisiteremodelingthroughout,hardwoodfloors, 3000 SF and 3-4BR's. Separate quest quarters, sparkling caged, heated pool & room for" your RV. $775,000. Ruth'Lawler or Maryann Lawler, 748-6300 or 587-4623. 525433 PLAYA ENCANTADA. Superbly maintained Gulf-front complexthat is complete with all the extras. 2BR, turnkey furnished, built-ins, partial Gulf views, updated kitchen, ru,:iur: ari r r 'runr.. *t,,0) 00 ii lrrmii,,' R, .- ril 48.-3. ori ', ,r 4 -- 8 9 i.3i.64;' DELIGHTFUL ISLAND COTTAGE 2 tl:,. 1ii: Ti,,, D-Ti,, [, io.viramr Il cio,aijn icuri I e n o s ;. T r i, i,: ivlr inj m,I 't i f ,:H.i ij ,i-i :e r u rn i uj ri i-]u. 1 r ne,1 |ph I:.V z e l 1 ru.-I r n li, tl(-;ii:-( Ari Uarw $5i 0i 0i Fii.) Mirl r 18-6'1,111:.r *.i:]: la I ^ Hj4 ?l SAN REMO SHORES. Buy canal front and restore/remodel for great return. This "1'p. r, : ,-i, '.,- rlIrnl lO ,lc,,, ri l 1 Ir ,.lr', 4,I l ).:d i l '., fr i n'njl A uriiQnu ,.,[i,'rlnr-r . o(h i.oiinunir',~,S19i 000 Vicloria H-.:ro injnn 4a-E. f:"'l ,.r 1 iS- 1 1,-8 1 1 TIME& PRIDE shows inthis adorable BR home. Newerwindows, F'rg,, ioour';. Icrriener. enclosed porches, garage,workshed. Extralarge lovelylandscaped corner lot.Nearbeaches, shops & restaurants. $239,000. Colette Gerrish,748-6300 or 71t-6557. 539132 THIS 2 BR HOME in popular Village Green has been priced to sell. All new windows throughout plus a glass enclosed air conditioned Florida room: Private' backyard - setting. $229,000. Kathy Valente, 748-6300 or 685-6767. 538573 DUPLEX ON LARGE lot, 90x108 feet. Second lot east of Gulf Drive in north Holmes Beach resort area. Annual tenants in place, includes well-known Island architect's plans for complete remodel. $885,000. 941-704-7729. THE CROWN JEWEL of Coral Shores! The only two- story canal home in Coral Shores. Beautiful 4BR/2BA home, 2,420 sf, 36-foot dock, boat lift, stunning caged pool. Two month window for sale before going off market for seasonal rentals. Photos and tour at man- grovehideaway.com. $749,000. 815-351-5052. 5008 Mangrove Point Road, Bradenton. BAYFRONT: 4BR/3BA JUST renovated. Two miles to Longboat Pass. Stop by and get information. 500 Bay Drive S., Bradenton Beach. 941-778-0300. CANAL HOME FOR sale: $750,000. 717-392-4048. WATERFRONT LOT FOR sale. Holmes Beach large deep-water canalfront 90x121 feet. Great street. First .time on the market. Must see! 941-362-9585. OPEN HOUSE: 1-4pm Sunday, Oct. 21. Spectacular views from this home. Updated 2BR with ample room to expand. Beach and seawall $1,399,000. 865 N. Shore Drive, Anna Maria. Lynn Parker, broker, 941- 321-2736. Rosebay Real Estate. -BRAND NEW MAINTENANCE-free villas just west of Intra- coastal in west Bradenton. No age restrictions. 3BR/2Bth plus den and two-car garage. Low $300s. 2BR/2Bth plus den and two-car garage, high $200s. High quality con- struction, not in a flood zone and only a few miles from the beach. Gorgeous clubhouse with full.gym and pool. Finally, everything you always wanted at an affordable price! Free washer and dryer with purchase when you mention this ad. Call Phil Paxton, Remax Gulfstream, 941-920-1363. NORTHWEST BRADENTON: 2BR/2BA, garage. Totally remodeled, new roof, air conditioning. Like new, great location. $279,900. 941-761-1458. BEACH CONDO FOR sale. 717-392-4048. MORE FOR YOUR money:.6BA/4BA, 3,400 sf, 75x100-foot lot. Single-family residential, zoned duplex. One block to beach. $230 per sf or $769,000. 941-448-5249. We have two annual rentals and a few Winter rentals available too. Call us today! Maria 4 "We ARE he Island!" SINCE, 1957 . Marie Franklin, Lic.-.eal Estate Broker 941 778-2259 Fax 941 778-2250 E-mail amrealty@verizon.ne , Web site www.annarnariareal.com- et'i S, i //s 4ifea (6&tffe, A t SALES & RENTALS 419 Pine Ave., Anna-Maria FL 34216 PO Box 2150 (941) 778-2291 EVENINGS 778-2632 FAX (941) 778-2294 www.betsyhills.com NORTH POINT HARBOR SHOWPLACE Thi i u:rl.Ai.: 4BR 5BA waitNlrront DO]uty Irr, dei:p 3j5e wlieA d D0B f31 )rl ) .g',n ,hJ lrveil wterwjy plui ,J sparkling swimming pool with beautiful brick deck. Amenities include a comfy great room floor plan featuring a gourmet kitchen with expansive breakfast bar and stainless-steel appliances, pretty ceramic tile floors, airy vaulted ceilings with fans, recessed lighting and a handsome tile fireplace. - There isan invitingformal dining room, screened lanai and spacious master suite with Jacuzzi tub for two and additional fireplace. Columns, Palladian windows and a gorgeous hardwood staircase with distinctive banister add- a decorative flair. This is the perfect family retreat! Priced at $1,679,000. ATTENTION BUILDERS! HANDYMAN SPECIAL! Village of Anna Maria. Buyone ortwo lots.Thisolder2BR/1BAground-level home is located withinashortstroll of the best Gulf beach! Maturetrees, including a Canary Island Palm and Royal Poincianna lend character and charm to the generous 85x63-foot high and dry lot. Unlimited potential for remodeling and renovation. Adjoining 85x60-foot lot is also available for $425,000. Priced to sell at only $475,000. KEY ROYALE: $90,000 below appraisal. Act now for your place in the sun. Tastefully remodeled 3BR/2BA pool, spa, boat dock. Call owner direct, 941-356-1456. Real Estate Mart, 941-756-1090. LONGBOAT KEY: NORTH-end village. 3BR/2BA, two- car garage unique. $729,900. Direct cell, 941-356- 1456. Real Estate Mart, 941-756-1090. ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY: Includes real estate, two homes on a lake and business. $200,000. Real Estate Mart, 941-756-1090. TOTALLY REMODELED 4BR/2BA vacant, move-in ready. Community pool and marina. $10,000 below appraisal at $239,900. Call owner direct, cell, 941- 356-1456.100 percent financing available. Real Estate Mart, 941-756-1090. CAPTAIN'S SPECIAL: STEAL this one! 2BR town- house, boat slip and pool. Way below market for quick sale. $279,900. Real Estate Mart, 941-756-1090. MURPHY, N.C.: Affordable homes in the mountains. affordable homes, mountain cabins and land. Call for free brochure, 877-837-2288. Exit Realty Mountain View Properties. www.exitmurphy.com. MOUNTAIN WATERFRONT SALE: Lakefront home- .sites and condos with boat slips on beautiful Lake Chatuge in Western North Car6lina. Call now for Nov. 4 reservation. 877-234-8850, ext.102. GULFFRONT LOTS: $595,000. Homes starting mid- $300s. New master-planned oceanfront community on beautiful Mustang Island, near Corpus Christi, Texas. www.cinnamonshore.com. 866-891-5163. NORTH CAROLINA: COOL mountain air, views and streams, homes, cabins and acreage. Free brochure, 800-642-5333. Realty Of Murphy. 317 Peachtree St., Murphy NC 28906. www.realtyofmurphy.com. BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA: Escape the heat in the beautiful peaceful mountains of western North Car- olina. Homes, cabins, acreage and investments. Cher- okee Mountain GMAC Real Estate. cherokeemoun- tainrealty.com. Call for free brochure,.800-841-5868. WITH TENNESSEE'S BEAUTIFUL lakes and moun- tains, you are sure to find the perfect spot to call home. Call Nancy Gaines, Gables & Gates, 865-388-7703 or 865-777-9191. www.nancygaines.com. EXPERIENCE REPUTATION- RESULTS PERICO BAYFRONT 3BR/ 2BA 1.866 sf covered parking vaulted ceilings, lurnkey furnished. S585,000 SUNBOW BAY Direct Bayfronl. 2BR/2BA end unit. S449,000. MARTINIOUE N. Direct Gulf, corner, garage,.'slorage. Updaled. Shows beautifully. S859,000. KEY ROYALE Conalfronl lol. 9.450 sf. Golf course view. S699,000. BAYVIEW 4-5BR,!4BA includes guest quarters, large master suite. S1,150,000. IRONWOOD 1.2BR. extra storage. S139.900. Greal buy! HARBOUR VILLA CLUB 2BR/2BA lurnkey, boal dock. S794,900. LINKS PINEBROOK Golf course view, sixlh floor, turnkey. S260,000. DESOTO SOUARE VILLA 2BR/2BA, galed, pool, clubhouse. SI/5,000. VACATION, SEASONAL AND ANNUAL RENTALS LUXURY GULFFRONT VILLAS, CONDOS, HOMES 5508C MARINA DRIVE 778-0807 800-956-0807 yreally3'i'aol.com www.ldollyyoungrealeslate.com K REALTORS GULFVIEW CONDO 2BR/2BA full-Gulf view condo, second floor, corner unit. Offered at $825,000 Call Michel Cerene, Broker- Associate, 941-545-9591 evenings.: FRESH PRICE!! Bring thewholefamily. 2,920 sf3BR/3BAcanalfront, caged pool home can expand to five bedrooms. Enjoy the master suite getaway equipped with its own kitchenette. Meticulously maintained. $974,900. Call Lori Guerin, Realtor, 941-773-3415 or Carmen Pedota, Realtor 941-284-2598 evenings. SINGLE FAMILY Centrally located, one block to beach. 2BR/2BA spacious home on corner lot. $635,000 Call Joy Murphy, Realtor, -941-730-2820 evenings. BAYFRONT CONDO NEW LISTING 2BR/2BA updated waterfront condo with amazing view. Glass lanai, breakfast bar. Ownermotivated. $499,000. Call Carlene Weise, Realtor, 941-224-6521 evenings. WEST BRADENTON REDUCED Well-maintained, updated 3BR/2BA home on spacious lot. Wood flooring in living area. Roof replaced 2003. Newairconditioning. Excellent starter orretirement home. A pleasure to show. $245,900. Call Zee Catanese, Realtor, 941-742-0148 evenings. K 5910 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 Call (941) 778-0777 or Rentals 778-0770 1-800-741-3772* info@smithrealtors.com Web site: www.smithrealtors.com J THE ISLANDER O OCT. 18. 2006 0 31 w a so "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content _ Available from CommercialiNews Providers" 0 MO 0 a Want to keep in touch? Subscribe to the "best news!" Call 941778-7978 and charge itto Visa or MasterCard. WAGNER. REALTY -Bv-iaupu Pnge P Name Siace 1939 2217 GULF DR. N. BRADENTON BEACH (941) 778-2246 (800) 211-2323 e-mail: ami@wagnerrealty.com www.wagnerrealty.com LEADING RFAL.FSTATE COMPANIESv THFf WOR11- Featured Popert} of tdi Week HISTORIC WATERFRONT custom 3,000 sf, 3BR/1.5BA stone home available in River District. Arguably the most memo- rable home in our community. Granite countertops, original wood Karen floors upstairs. Stone floors throughout the downstairs. Soscia, 941-741-2500. MLS#536299. $869,000. CORAL SHORES Sun,. swim or go boaling from ihis WATERFRONT DUPLEX Island duple., in walerroni WOWl Price Reduied $90 000' Beaulilul iown ON THE BEACH! 2BR wrn direct .Gull view. 3BI12BA 1.890 si home New 14,32 lootlpool, dcl., sening 2BR1'2BA plus lamily room and 2BR!IBA home New in 2005 3BP2 S5BA two.car garage. Superbreilalhislory,parlolbeachlrrintholel Wide covered boalarl Id and morie No bridges 0o bay. Arne currenrly leaded LocatEd in quiel area of Island pool, elevator, Cooari and lle Walch the sjrnsel wonrderlul area c, Ihe beach' Bec,'y Smith & Eli MIller.,41.7782246.MLS535474. 789,.000 Canalwilhdoc.age. OaveMovnihan, 941.-7,' 22.16 rom two balconesi Prrced to ,ell! Carolyn'Joe Slarrell. 941-78 2246 ML#S530016 1699.000 MLSlI532305 L 49,500. Cordrey, 941.726.3300. MLSc.537579 $709.900 UANALI'-UNI HOUML upportuniy to own in desirable walertron community of Coral Shore; Easi Frehenwaer canal, new dock and :eawall in the work's Peter Feuerslein, 941-78.-2246 MLS#519417. $425.000 BREATHTAKING raricrami Paim- io SoaB~y diiew' mir ui uduiapdii). 1t i ,rilhbk-graniecouni-r.. br~ai 3itor tarwood'. birieis lighlriiJll n ~Fu in~ '411 -.41-6:00 OMLSE'3102iri ciCIQ RUNAWAY BAY CONJDOSfl~m oaable :Ive:roa ENJOY THE GOOD LIFE!! Seanirul dE-Qi~nj I H R omd.: ravrroni p. r.1 cd- .j.jn ihwr view* villa n*i ir n ciry;ovf ,-. vnfim ure Im i ;tII SOM uiiTje upd .lj h,,.ip ,r ,l ikiru -I i F:11& i,niI l i all jimirwilEh .31llF.rL lvi L' rin ~r il all. m ~ II.~j~'ir.,Pry~ 3 i' jIrii) Wifl ~ lr i r 78. ', 45 .MLS M.; I "Iii -4 WESTBRADENTON TOWNHOUSE iSPF't' 84puiu fIiv row ro Ell~inS jiri E.ivd Morninian -,-,A "~46 MLS453`39'iCb'uW.600 TROPICAL GETAWAY siam Gaiden, 'Coull liind iouNiain: arid j3il.3i o 3:,l Il 93jaidenr p 1ihc Pricrn lni, Bic.e ic Guill beach pier. Quanii hop -s 8eto y Smilh E lla S iell 9i 11-7-4:' MLA5:161.27 l.10.000 p rp Br ___ ICLI '- ---~L Lc-c~-L ----- ---------------------- ~ `~~~~---~-~~- ~~~~ `~~~~~~- T- I B P 32 K OCT. 18. 2006 U THE ISLANDER *P""4 -~rt"V ., .:VO..' t ri -" / - ( -A- Wisteria Park is a new neighboo..:d in Not 1ii hes. Bird.J'rtuon offered by Neal Communities Therc i. -_.mctlilin c, ,_r'- ne with maintenance-free and tr .-ditLr,1i I -fnl-tii, I-!. -I. nd twelve floor plans with two-s:', *:. I': rIln tI, r -' 01 - to 3,341 a/c square feet. Visit \\'ji['i ku Fa 1-: tdav, ,nd tour '1'-,, four beautiful new models. A Jcace w ..C e .. ., ... Sand. r .. .i a in . , l..-l j. li T .: .rtii. .;;H ._" "'l Li; .-36,, I-| ." 7.i 2 ; n.:_ 4 1 TI iILt:-. 'C ?2.. 7 *7.2' rtl', "ir,,. V\ Br.,.J-ni.".i F lildi '4 ':' I l.:,,:l, : .!-,:, i -,, d j l, 1i -', \,:' '.n', -,.,r,,j ,, [I l .:. r i:".'[F' ,, "9w-I r9 9, 99 >z~ f' 'I VS 1. Perico Harbor 2. Anna Maria Island & Gulf Beaches 3. Robinson's Preserve 4. Botanical Garden Park 5. Rivertown Marina . Stewart Elementary School . Geraldson Farms Produce King Middle School .U.S. Post Office Urgent Care Medical Center NEALCOMMUNITIES Building. Home. Life. www. nealcommunities.com CGCA 17845 |